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The following is a Q&A, which is answered directly by Jacque Fresco  (Unless  otherwise

1. What is the f oundation of this idea?  P. 4
2. What inspired this direction?  P.4
3. What is the basis of your designs in general?  P.5
4. What is The Venus  Project?  P.5
5. How does The Venus Project compare with Communism?  P.6
6. Will there be a government?   P.7
7. What is The Venus Project going to do with people of aberrant behavior?  P.7
8. Do you advocate killing anyone people with aberrant behavior?  P.8
9. Isn't it just decent people that we need in government?  P.9
10. Would The Venus Project be  for deviants?  P.9
11. What would the education be like?  P.10
12. Wouldn't change come about through a reasonable and logical progression?  P.11
13. Is there a plan for the overall design of The Venus Project?  P.12
14. What is the approach to profes sionals running this new society?  P.12
15. How do you see the collapse of the present system occurring?  P.13
16. Wouldn't there be Resistance of the Rich and Powerful?  P.14
17. Is The Venus Project a Utopian society?  P.14
18. What do you consider a  "high standard of living", which everyone in the world is
entitled to? And who is the one to decide this?  P.14
19. Who makes the decisions in a resource based economy?  P.15
20. Will people who do more work, such as doctors, demand more resources then
someone like an artist?  P.15
21. What about religion?  P.15
22. In a system where everything is available without a price tag, would this eliminate
incentive?  P.16
23. Isn't this against Human Nature?  P.17
24. Do we have enough energy to eliminate  scarcity?  P.19
25. What is the Plan?  P.19
26. How are Resources Distributed Equitably?  P.20
27. What Guarantees People The Right Of Participation?  P.21
28. How are Learning, Cooperation, and Gaining Health, Built into the System?  P.21
29. How can  the use of Laws be eliminated?  P.22
30. What is the role of Cybernation as Decision Makers?  P.23
31. How would one choose a home?  P.24
32. What is the role of the family?  P.24
33. What types of pressures would be alleviated in The Venus Project's  designs?  P.25
34. What is the single most important aspect of the project?  P.25
35. Why is this concept superior to other intentional community projects?  P.26
36. Could individuals live outside the cities?  P.26
37. How is the distribution of food a nd/or other objects of desire, like telephones or
computers or book?  P.27
38. Are there any non - automated vehicles (cars or airplane - like), and how does the

society prevent miss - use if there are?  P.27

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39. Why do you feel that an approach as revolutiona ry as The Venus Project is
necessary?  P.27
40. Why are you against money?  P.28
41. In this new culture, do you propose to utilize a technical elite that would decide the
direction for society?  P.28
42. Why the emphasis on the cybernated approach to t he social operation?  P.29
43. What will people do?  P.29
44. What are the safeguards against abuse of power in the society you envision?  P.29
45. Why place great emphasis on human behavior as opposed to human nature. Would
you define both?  P.30

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1.  What is the foundation of this idea?

Social problems result from scarcity. When a few nations control most of the world's
resources, there are going to be international disputes no matter how many laws or
treaties are signed . If we wish to end war, crime, hunger, poverty, territorial disputes, and
nationalism, we must work toward a future in which all resources are accepted as the
common heritage of all people.

Our problems cannot be solved in a society based on money, waste , and human
exploitation. Today, money is used to regulate the economy for the benefit of the few
who control the financial wealth of nations. Unless the underlying causes of planned
obsolescence, environmental neglect, and outrageous military expenditures  are addressed,
we are bound to fail. Treaties, blockades, boycotts, and the like used in the past have not

Many believe that ethical standards and international laws will assure a sustainable global
society. Even if the most ethical people in the  world were elected to political office,
without sufficient resources, we would still have the same problems. What is needed is
the intelligent management of Earth's resources for the benefit of all and protection of the

Earth has plentiful r esources. Rationing resources through monetary control is
dysfunctional and counter - productive to survival. Today, we have highly advanced
technologies but our social and economic development has not kept up. We could easily
create a world of abundance wit hout servitude and debt through the creation of a global,
resource - based civilization.

2.  What inspired this direction?

Living through the 1929 Great Depression helped shape my social conscience. During
this time, I realized the earth was still the same  place, manufacturing plants were still
intact, and resources were still there, but people didn't have money to buy the products. I
felt the rules of the game we play by were outmoded and damaging. This began a life -
long quest resulting in the conclusions a nd designs presented in The Venus Project.

Conditions of misery, suffering, war, and war profiteering were the incentive and
inspiration for my work. I was also motivated by the seeming incompetence of
governments, the academic world, and a lack of soluti ons from scientists. Many fail as
generalists because of their over - specialization on limited aspects of social problems.
Scientists, politicians, and academicians see problems from inside the system they're in,
which is what's responsible for the problems  in the first place. I am disappointed with
those who worry about terra - forming other planets while our own is still full of war,
poverty, hunger, and environmental neglect.

Working with drug addicts, alcoholics, and so - called juvenile delinquents in New  York

City convinced me that instead of working with individuals, more effective methods

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would deal with the societal conditions that create dysfunctional behaviors in the first

3.  What is the basis of your designs in general?

I first ask what do I  hope to accomplish and what is the simplest approach to a given
problem. By simplest approach, I mean given the tools and information available. If I
were to design the least expensive airplane, using minimum materials with maximum
strength, and a wide ma rgin of safety, I would select a flying wing. The flying wing
eliminates fuselage, tail, rudder, and stabilizer. The passengers are seated in the wing. I
designed many variations on flying wings in the early 1930's.

Social designs must be based on the car rying capacity of Earth's resources, and not on the
philosophy, desires, aesthetics, or advantages of particular people. For example, the
circular design of cities is based upon a minimum expenditure of energy for maximum
social gain. Architecture, when in telligently designed, will use the least amount of
material for the safest and most efficient structure possible. As materials improve and
change, so will architecture and the designs of cities. This will not limit advantages, but
will expand amenities and  the goods and services available to everyone.

4.  What is The Venus Project?

It's useless to criticize the culture without providing alternatives. The Venus Project
proposes plans for social change that work toward a peaceful and sustainable global
civil ization. It outlines an alternative social design where human rights are not just paper
proclamations, but a way of life. The Venus Project has a vision of what the future can be
if we apply what we already know to achieve a sustainable world civilization.  It calls for
a scientific redesign of our culture in which war, poverty, hunger, debt, and unnecessary
human, suffering are viewed as not only avoidable, but unacceptable. Anything less will
result in a disastrous continuation of the problems inherent in  today's world.

Simply stated, a resource - based economy focuses on resources rather than money, and
provides an equitable distribution thereof in a humane and efficient manner. It is a system
in which goods and services are available without the use of mon ey, credit, barter, debt,
or servitude.

The first objective is to eliminate scarcity. A resource - based economy overcomes scarcity
by using renewable sources of energy, plus computerized automated manufacturing and
inventory. It would design safe energy - ef ficient cities with advanced transportation
systems, and would provide universal health care and more relevant education.
The aim of this new social design is to encourage an incentive system based on human
and environmental concerns, and to avoid the shal low and self - centered goals of
individual wealth, property, and power. These new incentives would help people evolve
self - fulfillment and creativity, both materially and spiritually.

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5.  How does The Venus Project compare with Communism?

Communism used m oney and labor, had social stratification, and elected officials to
maintain the communists' traditions. Most importantly, Communism did not eliminate
SCARCITY nor did they have a blueprint or the methods for the production of abundance.
Machine production  rather than labor will dominate the future. Perhaps through no fault
of their own, they also had to maintain huge military expenditures to protect themselves
from invasion of fascistic and capitalistic institutions.

Communism being similar to a resource - based economy or The Venus Project is an
erroneous concept. Communism has money, banks, armies, police, prisons, charismatic
personalities, social stratification, and is managed by appointed leaders. The Venus
Project's aim is to surpass the need for the u se of money. Police, prisons and the military
would no longer be necessary when goods, services, healthcare, and education are
available to all people. The Venus Project would replace politicians with a cybernated
society in which all of the physical entit ies are managed and operated by computerized
systems. The only region that the computers do not operate or manage is the surveillance
of human beings. This would be completely unnecessary and considered socially
offensive. A society that uses technology wi thout human concern has no basis of survival.
Communism has no blueprint or methodology to carry out their ideals and along with
capitalism, fascism, and socialism, will ultimately go down in history as failed social

Communism is a political  system managed by a form of ideology, which does not
necessarily relate to human or environmental needs. Communism uses money, banks,
armies, police, prisons, charismatic personalities, social stratification, and is managed by
appointed leaders and uses in doctrination. The Venus Project's aim is to surpass the need
for the use of money. Police, prisons, banking, advertising, stockbrokers, military, and
government would no longer be necessary when goods, services, healthcare, and
education are available to a ll people. The Venus Project would replace politicians with a
cybernated society in which all of the physical entities would as quickly as possible be
managed and operated by computerized systems. The only region that the computers do
not operate or manage  is the surveillance of human beings. This would be completely
unnecessary and considered socially offensive. A society that uses technology without
human concern has no basis of survival. Communism has no blueprint or methodology to
carry out their ideals  and along with capitalism, fascism, and socialism will ultimately go
down in history as failed social experiments. One of Communism's concerns is the
condition of labor and the working class. The Venus Project's major concerns are
producing products with  limited labor and eventually eliminating labor and at the same
time giving people all the amenities of a prosperous, high energy society. It is not our aim
to produce a society that does nothing but enjoy leisure time. Instead people will be
introduced to  limitless opportunities to explore, create, participate, and learn.

The Venus Project offers science and technology in the service of humankind on a global
scale and eventually helps to eliminate all the artificial boundaries that separate people.

The sys tem uses no money and makes goods and services available without a price tag,

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debt, barter, or servitude of any kind. If we use our technology intelligently, we can
create an abundance of goods and services for the entire planet. We use machines and
automa tion to produce and distribute all manufactured products, which will be available
at distribution centers to everyone. The purpose of this high technology is to free people
so they can pursue their own interests and fulfillments.

We would surpass the need  for human participation in the production of goods and
services. There is no taxation or obligation of any kind. We advocate no government by
human systems. They have always proved inadequate. Computerized systems and
cybernetics would be applied to the s ocial system and must comply with the carrying
capacity of our global resources. The machines' main purpose is for the manufacturing
and distribution of goods and services while maintaining a clean environment with
service to all and profits to none. When  people have access to resources, most crimes will
disappear. The need for police, military, and prisons will eventually vanish with it. Of
course this will coincide with the necessary changes in education. I hope this helps to
clarify some points. We reali ze this is a simplified description of how it differs from

6.  Will there be a government?

As to the need for government, only during the transition from a monetary based society
to a cybernated high - technological resource based economy of comm on heritage would it
be necessary to utilize the services of systems analysts, engineers, computer programmers,
etc. They will not dictate the policies or have any more advantage than other people.
Their job will be to carry out the restoration of the envi ronment to near natural conditions
as possible on land and in the sea. They will also economically layout the most efficient
way to manage transportation, agriculture, city planning, and production. This too is
always in the process of modification and upd ating to fit the needs of an ever - changing
civilization. There are no final frontiers.

7.  What is The Venus Project going to do with people of aberrant behavior?

Aberrant behavior is produced by aberrant social conditions, malnutrition, minimum
wage, lac k of motivation, poor role models, and lack of relevant education. People
always reflect the influences of environment. Even the wealthiest people today suffer
from intellectual poverty. They too commit crimes such as exploitation of the
environment and ot her human beings. We do not consider gambling casinos offensive
today as a criminal institution, but in the future they will certainly be looked upon as part
of our aberrant society along with thousands of other aberrant patterns we consider right
and norm al today.

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8.  Do you advocate killing anyone people with aberrant behavior?

By "mentally unstable" or "aberrant people" do you mean those of GE who are some of
the biggest polluters of the environment and knowingly exposed their workers to
carcinogen s that caused their deaths, or those that manipulate money for profit without
contributing to the well being of people's lives, or those who lend money for an
automobile for example and if the person cannot pay off the last payment they do not take
a tire  and the steering wheel equivalent to the payment, they take the whole car? Or
perhaps you may mean judges who put people in jail for life for killing over resources,
yet the leaders of nations bomb and kill entire cities and countries for resources and to
secure markets and then put statues in parks to honor the ones who carry out this

There would have to be an awful lot of killing going on if a saner society wanted to rid
itself of "unstable" or "aberrant" behavior. No, we do not advocate killi ng anyone. We
think that this system is like a cancer on a cat that is eating its host and it will do away
with itself in time. The mere march of events of technology will eventually do away with
jobs that enable people to buy the goods turned out, and new  social designs will have to
emerge. We feel that at that time a military dictatorship will most likely occur. We would
like to introduce the concepts of a resource - based economy to the public so they will
understand that there are other possible alternati ves.

Monotonous and dangerous jobs will inevitably be done away with by the advance of
technology. People in a resource - based economy will be given the opportunity to study,
travel, work to help others, design, create, etc.  -  or work in the arts or scienc es  -  if they
desire. I find it so sad when people ask, "What will people do?". Their brains have been
so flattened that they have no other options in their lives other than a job and in most
instances it is one that they do not like. Children, when they ar e young, are curious about
everything and if nurtured they could have a much greater range of interests and abilities.
This culture does a wonderful job of limiting peoples' interests, opportunities, and
abilities, and it conditions them to be lazy. People  are not born that way any more than
they are born with bigotry, hatred, prejudice, or particular values. We are aware that it is
the environment that shapes people and if the culture is not changed there will be little
change in human behavior.

I worry a bout people whose main motivation is money. For instance, if this is the
motivation of a doctor instead of the desire to solve problems in the field of medicine and
health and enhance people's lives, to many others, and me the services are not very
trustwo rthy. It is a tremendous myth perpetrated on people in a monetary system that
people are mostly motivated by money to achieve and produce. I could give you endless
examples of people who fought, studied, created, and excelled without the allure of
money as  a reward, there are much more meaningful rewards than that. It depends on the
value system that one is given and the culture that one is raised in that reinforces what is
meant by a reward.

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9.  Isn't it just decent people that we need in government?

It  is not enough to criticize, point out the shortcomings of society, or advocate that people
of high moral character be elected into office; this would do little to advance civilization.
What is needed is the intelligent management of the world's resources,  and a
comprehensive and workable arrangement of environmental and social affairs that are in
strict accord with existing resources and the carrying capacity of our planet. Even with
the election of men and women of impeccable character into government, wit hout
available resources and advanced technology, war, poverty, and corruption will prevail
no matter how many new laws are passed or treaties signed. It is not democracy that
elevated our standard of living, it is our resources, water, arable land, and ne w technology.
Rhetoric and paper proclamations are irrelevant in the management of human and social

10.  Would The Venus Project be for deviants?

James Harvey Robinson believed that the proper study of man was man. There is no
evidence to support  this statement. A plant cannot grow of it own accord. It requires an
environment of soil, nutrients, sunlight, etc. Any plant put in the polar regions will not
grow no matter how well endowed it is genetically. Human beings are subject to the same
physica l laws that govern the entire evolutionary process. Human behavior and values are
not self - generating; they are byproducts of culture.

Perhaps future historians will look upon us as deviants with our artificialities, violence,
and superstitions, a society  that spends a great deal of its income on military expenditures
when the methods of science could be applied to bridge the difference between nations.
Deviant and socially offensive behaviors are byproducts of deprivation or the fear of it.

The Venus Pro ject proposes the redesign of education in which people will be provided
with the interrelationship of living systems as a symbiotic whole. Children brought up
without bigotry, racism, or greed, will no longer manifest patterns of behavior that are
sociall y offensive. For example, even the most sophisticated of German families were
fighting over food in garbage cans near the end of World War II. Mass lynching in the
south was also a byproduct of indoctrination.

The question that remains is how much of our  value system is programmed by our
society's values designed to perpetuate existing and established institutions. It is not
human nature but rather human behavior that we have to be concerned with, and that can
easily be changed by an appropriate and releva nt education and environment, which
coincides with the carrying capacity of the earth.

If you elect honorable, ethical people to office but there is no support in the environment
to implement the decent laws passed, they cannot be adhered to. For example,  if there is
not enough arable land to grow food, then behavior will revert to steeling, and corruption
to attain what food there is.

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In terms of the decline of perfection, this is like trying to reach Utopia and there is no
Utopia, we are always in trans ition and learning new things. The survival of any social
system ultimately depends upon its ability to allow for appropriate change to improve
society as a whole. The patterns we choose determine whether or not there is intelligent
life on earth.

11.  Wha t would the education be like?

Education should be more than the presentation of many facts to be memorized by
students. The first aspects of an innovative education should have an emphasis on
communication and the ability to resolve and avoid conflicts.  This can be accomplished
though an exposure to general semantics.

Although books and computers will be used in the future of education, an exposure to
basic science is an absolute necessity. This would include an exposure to the scientific
method and how  it applies to everyday living. But most of all, science and technology
must be applied with environmental and human concern, without which technological
development in itself would be meaningless.

Another portion of education that should be emphasized is  the contributions of many
different nations to the arts and sciences that are used in the world today. The tendency to
use education to enshrine a particular nation is more of a propaganda approach than the
presentation of genuine information. It is not po ssible for people to understand other
cultures without an overview of many of different cultural practices. No civilized culture
today has lifted itself by it's own bootstraps. Instead all nations evolved as a result of
many creative people throughout the  world that have contributed to the arts and sciences.

A high emphasis would be placed on education. The better informed children are, the
richer everyone's life could be. Every child shooting up drugs today is a wasted life that
you and I will ultimately  pay for. Although books, videos, computers, and virtual reality
would be used, most of the educational processes would be of a participatory nature in
which students could interact directly with the physical environment. They would
become aware of the symb iotic interrelationships between plant and animal life. They
would learn by doing in a hands - on approach in which education and the communicative
sciences would be brought into sharp focus, enabling the student actually to grasp the
significance of physica l phenomena in a much more concrete way. Above all, they would
learn how to interact effectively with others, to share experiences, examine alternative
approaches to problems, and accept ethnic and cultural differences, replacing intolerance
with understan ding.

A comprehensive overview of the history of all civilizations would be essential to
understanding other cultures, values, and the forces that shape them. The generalist
education, as proposed by The Venus Project, will enable students to gain a bette r
understanding of cultures that differ from their own, leading to a better understanding of
the advantage of all nations joining together for the preservation of life on planet Earth.

With emphasis on a world viewpoint, it would be more difficult to persu ade anyone to

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engage in aggressive, offensive, or belligerent behavior toward individuals and other
nations. With this broader education, children would come to see that the Earth is a
fantastic and bountiful place where all nations can share and prosper.

12.  Wouldn't change come about through a reasonable and logical progression?

The solutions to our problems will not come about through the application of reason or
logic. We do not live in a reasonable or logical world. There is no historical record of a ny
society that deliberately and consciously modified their culture to fit changing times. The
real factors responsible for social change resulted from biosocial pressures inherent in all
social systems. It is brought about by natural or economic occurrenc es that immediately
threaten large numbers of people.

Some of these conditions responsible for social change include limited resources, war,
overpopulation, epidemics, natural disasters, economic recession, downsizing on a mass
scale, technological displa cement of people by machines, and the failure of their
appointed leaders to overcome these problems.

Change can come from disasters or from major technological advances. The introduction
of agriculture brought about a significant change in society, as did  the Industrial
Revolution and the introduction of the medium of money to the exchange process. From
a historical perspective all of these appear positive. At the time of their inception,
however, people lost jobs, new skills were required, and entire ways  of life disappeared.

The direction change takes is not always for the better or for the improvement of the
human condition. Change is risky. Deprivation or scarcity that is artificial or real drives
the economy. Power - seeking leaders command weapons powe rful enough to annihilate
entire populations and render our planet uninhabitable. Humankind's potential for
creativity and innovation far exceeds its inclination to destroy, yet every time that we
exercise destructive power, we take a thousands steps backw ard for every few forward.

History shows that not all change has been beneficial to humanity or to the integrity of
the planet's life support systems. For this reason, many people desire a return to earlier
and simpler times.

I am not advocating that the se older institutions be overthrown: it is just that they are
becoming unworkable. Unfortunately, it will most likely take a social and economic
breakdown to bring about the demise of the old system and its institutions. At this point
the only significant  social change will probably occur when a sufficient amount of people,
through economic failure, lose confidence in their elected officials. The public will then
demand other alternatives. While we would like to think that this could usher in a bright
new c hapter in the human drama, it is far more likely that the most probable course will
be a form of dictatorship, perhaps even an American brand of fascism, ostensibly
presented to the people as a way of protecting them from the products of their own
inadequa te culture.

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However, it is not enough to point out the limiting factors that may threaten the
survivability of all nations. The challenge all cultures now face in this technological age,
some more than others is to provide a smooth transition towards the  introduction of a new
way of thinking about ourselves, the environment and the management of human affairs.

It is now mandatory that all nations engage in a joint venture, planning on a global scale
for new alternatives with a relevant orientation toward  social arrangements. This is the
only option if we are to avoid the unavoidable decline of the civilized world. If
humankind is to come together toward a mutual prosperity, universal access to resources
is essential.

13.  Is there a plan for the overall de sign of The Venus Project?

Along with a new orientation toward human and environmental concerns, there must be
the methodology for making this a reality. If these ends are to be achieved, the monetary
system must eventually be surpassed by a world resourc e - based economy. To effectively
and economically utilize resources, the necessary cybernated and computerized
technology must be applied to ensure a higher standard of living for everyone. With the
intelligent and humane application of science and technolo gy, we will be able to guide
and shape our future for the preservation of the environment, ourselves, and for
generations to come.

It is not enough to advocate the cooperation of all nations. We need a global society
based upon a practical blueprint accep table to all of the world's people. We also need an
international planning council capable of translating the blueprint and the advantages that
would be gained by world unification.

The design must be based upon the carrying capacity of our planet, its re sources and the
needs of its inhabitants. To sustain our civilization, we must coordinate advanced
technology and available resources within a humane systems approach.

14.  What is the approach to professionals running this new society?

Many of the profes sions familiar to us today will eventually be phased out. With the rate
of change now taking place, a vast array of occupations will become obsolete and
disappear. In a society that applies a systems approach, these professions will be replaced
by interdis ciplinary teams  -  the systems analysts, computer programmers, operation
researchers, and those who link the world together in vast communications networks.

We have the skills and the knowledge to apply interdisciplinary teams to problems.
However, only in  times of war or national emergencies do we call upon and assemble
interdisciplinary teams to help find workable solutions to social problems. If we mobilize
the same resources for our social problems as we do during a war, beneficial effects on a
large sc ale can be achieved in a relatively short amount of time. This could easily be
accomplished by utilizing many of our universities' training facilities and staffs to best

determine possible alternative methods to solve these problems.

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This approach would b e an important initial phase to define the possible parameters for
the future of all civilization.

The process of social change must allow for changing conditions that continuously
update the design parameters, and for the infusion of new technologies int o emerging
cultures. Design teams, utilizing socially integrated computers, can automatically be
informed of any changes in conditions.

15.  How do you see the collapse of the present system occurring?

Government and industry will continue to assign more  and more responsibility for
decision making to intelligent machines. Today's machines handle trillions of bits of
information per second, far more than is manageable by any number of industrial or
political decision - makers. They can also assemble and assig n constantly updated

The other side of this trend is that so many people will be replaced; we will no longer
have the purchasing power needed to sustain a monetary - based system that burdens the
entire population and government with insurmount able debt.

As the old monetary system begins to displace more and more people by its reliance on
automation, these people will cease to respect the authority of industry. The time - honored
pattern of living in all industrial countries, the balancing of wor k and family interest,
would become impossible to maintain for the majority of people displaced by automation.

As artificial intelligence develops, machines will be assigned the tasks of complex
decision - making in industrial, military and governmental aff airs. This would not imply a
take - over by machines. Instead, it would be a gradual transfer of decision - making
processes to machine intelligence as the next phase of social evolution.

Many people believe that government leaders bring about change with a d eep concern for
the well - being of their citizenry. Nothing could be further from the truth, nor did past
shifts in society come about as the results of changes in the schools or the home. All
established government systems tend to preserve and uphold their  own interests and
power - base.

The real forces responsible for change have more to do with unforeseen, external events
or biosocial pressures that physically alter our environment and established social
arrangements: for example, the infusion of machines  and processes that replace people
and remove their means of making a living, adverse natural conditions of drought, flood,
storm, and earthquake, manmade disasters of economic oscillations, or some outside
threat of hostile nations.

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16.  Wouldn't there b e Resistance of the Rich and Powerful?

What you had to say about the rich and powerful being resistant to such a society in many
cases is true, however if they keep using automation in their industries, as they have to in
order to compete, millions of peo ple will be replaced by machines. This includes not only
the assembly line workers but also doctors, engineers, architects and the like. As they
loose their purchasing power, the very industries that depend on them can no longer
function. This will bring a n end to the old outworn monetary system. It is not a question
of them giving up their industries; it is that their greed will eventually render them

Only when science and technology are used with human concern in a world in which all
of the ear th's resources are held as the common heritage of all of the earth's people can
we truly say that there is intelligent life on earth.

17.  Is The Venus Project a Utopian society?

The Venus Project is not a Utopian concept. We do not believe in the erroneo us notion of
a utopian society. There is no such thing. Societies are always in a state of transition. We
propose an alternative direction, which addresses the causes of many of our problems.
There are no final frontiers for human and technological achieve ment  -  it will always
undergo change. Even if we can design a society having all of the modifications to
improve the lives of people and protect the environment we will still be at the beginning
of the next phase.

18.  What do you consider a "high standard  of living", which everyone in the world
is entitled to? And who is the one to decide this?

In a resource - based economy many of the shortages that we have today could easily be
overcome by technological ingenuity and the reduction of waste. For example, w e could
use a form of evaporative condensation in all areas where there are water shortages. We
could provide canals from the sea into the land and cover the canals for several miles
with transparent enclosures. These would be used for evaporative desalini zation. In the
state of Florida alone we have close to 50 watts per sq. yard, which is not harnessed at
this time by solar heat concentrators. All highways, parking lots, and rooftops in the new
cities would be used to heat water for all of the community n eeds without the burning of
fossil fuels. By using geothermal energy alone (the natural heat of the earth), we could
propel the world's society for the next thousand years but this is relatively untapped.
There is also wave power, wind power, heat concentr ators and many sources of untapped
power. Science has never been given the assignment of the production of an abundance
for the benefit of all of the earth's people.

A high standard of living would mean that all members of society would have access to
all  of the necessities to sustain life  -  medical care, education, food, clothing, housing,
entertainment, leisure time and more. Man - hours could be reduced considerably until

completely eliminated. By eliminating planned obsolescence and the replication of th e

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same products by many different manufactures and by surpassing the need for advertising,
sales, lawyers, business personnel, bankers and all of the other non - productive profession
we could easily provide many more goods and services to all people. Today' s middle
class lives better than all of the kings of the past. In a resource -  based economy, when the
main thrust and total aim of science and innovative technology are directed towards a
higher standard of living for all, our life style could far surpass  anything imagined today.

19.  Who makes the decisions in a resource based economy?

No one does. The decisions are arrived at by the introduction of newer technologies and
the carrying capacity of the earth. Computers could provide this information with
el ectronic sensors throughout the entire industrial, physical complex.

20.  Will people who do more work, such as doctors, demand more resources then
someone like an artist?

When resources are available to everyone without a price tag and not rationed, huma n
values undergo considerable change. Most of us have been indoctrinated in civilization
immersed in scarcity  -  artificially generated with planned obsolescence. I am highly
suspicious of those whose incentive is motivated by money.

There would be no need  for any high stressed jobs; there could be a large enough rotation
of personnel to practically eliminate any high stress jobs until they can be phased out by
innovative technology.

21.  What about religion?

The concepts presented by The Venus Project are  in no way inconsistent with most of the
religious teachings of the world. Perhaps the major difference is that we would like
actually to transform these lofty ideals into a working reality for the nations of our planet.

In a resource there is material ga in for everyone if their country participates in a project
called common heritage which will advance all nations. Those that refuse to participate
will miss the advantages gained.

Everyone is free to practice whatever belief system they have but can not f orce it upon
others. Everyone can go anywhere they want to without restrictions of any kind. If they
fail to behave constructively they are helped rather than put in prison or punished. There
will be a constant effort to help present the advantages to even  those nations who feel that
they want to go it alone.

This will not interfere with their religious beliefs, social customs of traditions. These can
not be forced out, you can only educate out beliefs that are irrelevant. We prefer to use
that approach ra ther than a military one. Although it may take longer, we feel they will
eventually see the advantages of this point of view of joining together and sharing

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resources, just as all of the United States joined together and the fighting between borders
stoppe d.

All of these countries have resource shortages and we feel they will see the advantages.
Nothing is forced upon them.

22.  In a system where everything is available without a price tag, would this
eliminate incentive?

The free - enterprise system does c reate incentive to achieve, however it also breeds the
incentive for corruption, theft, and greed. Our aim is to encourage a new incentive system,
one no longer directed toward the shallow and self - centered goals of wealth, property,
and power. Today, fina ncial barriers place enormous limitations on innovation, individual
creativity, and personal incentive. In The Venus Project, money would not be required to
help one achieve or create, as facilities would be made available to serve everyone's

We do  advocate that all people have access to all goods and services, medical care,
education, shelter, food and so forth.

It is not enough to provide the necessities of life alone. We feel that our proposals will
generate a new incentive system. Human beings  need challenges in order to evolve
intellectually and maintain a high level of curiosity and a need to overcome shortages.
The type of education that we advocate is the intelligent use of existing resources and the
protection of the environment.

The shame ful thing about the free enterprise system is the wasted lives of many people  -
young girls standing behind counters in department stores waiting for a sale, men and
woman working in industrial plants using a small part of their mental capabilities. In the
schools of tomorrow people will learn how to relate to others intelligently, cooperate and
share ideas to help make the world a far better place, and not to squander resources in
wars and military expenditures.

If you fail to grasp the significance consi der this: when the states joined together the
militias disappeared at the borders and Americans were free of territorial disputes. This
same process can be applied globally where all science and technology are utilized for the
benefit of all of Earth's inh abitants.

These concepts are based upon years of cumulative data. If we fail to do our own
thinking and conform to established social institutions, others will do our thinking for us.
I also believe in the incentive system but not the shallow, self - center ed incentives
perpetuated by our monetary - based institutions.

The question "why are we here?" is a philosophical question which has no reference.
Attempts have been made by theologians to answer this. Our answer is that we are here

as a by - product of evol ution. The scientific response is not a question of "why are we

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here," it is "what are the processes that generate different life forms." We also go into this
in the book The Best That Money Can't Buy, by Jacque Fresco, above on page 19 in the
chapter "Fro m Superstition To Science."

You have been brought up to believe people are inspired by rewards or money.

In essence all of the people we have admired in the past, Michael Angelo, da Vinci, Bell,
the Wright Brothers, Darwin, and many others worked because  they were interested in
problem solving, not financial gain. This in some cases was a by - product. Usually
money - oriented people become business men, or stock brokers; they are rarely creative. I
have always felt threatened by people whose sole motivation  is financial gain. On islands
in the South Pacific, people had more than enough resources. Although banana, coconuts,
fish and breadfruit were abundant, the natives worked continuously building navigation
equipment, canoes, huts, and weaved cloth. Although  no money was used, their incentive
improved their standard of living.

In the early days in America a man and wife could build a log cabin in several months.
Today it takes 30 years or so to pay off a house with the additional funds to bankers and
others  that actually have nothing to do with the building of the house.

If you examine your statements carefully of people who have access to all the necessities
of life you will find that many wealthy people do not eat 25 meals a day even though they
have acces s to it and they do not stuff their environment with hundreds of musical
instruments and accumulate hundreds of cars. It is not the availability of resources that is
disturbing to people, it is the lack of resources that is responsible for most crimes,
emb ezzlement, deception of all kinds, etc.

Consider this when few nations control most of the worlds resources and exploit other
nations with their positions of differential advantage.

All of the technical staff and everyone else will have access to a very  high standard of
living; the incentive, which will propel people, is the end of war, territorial disputes,
economic hardship, debt, and the basis for most crimes as they will all be eliminated. In
this new society as proposed by The Venus Project, the envi ronment in which people are
raised and educated will be based upon the fundamental principles of science and the
comprehensive knowledge of the interrelationship between people and the environment,
which sustains all life.

23.  Isn't this against Human Nat ure?

From H. G. Wells, "The anti - progressives of the early twentieth century loved to assert
that "Human Nature" never altered; to imagine that the men of the Stone Age felt and
thought like bank clerks picnicking in a cave, and the ideas of Confucius and  Buddha
were easily interchangeable with the ideas of Rousseau, Karl Marx or De Windt. They
were not simply ignorant, but misinformed about almost every essential fact in the past

experiences and present situation of the race."

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The New Utopians by Robert  Boguslaw: "As Norman R. F. Maier (and others) point out
years ago, the term "Human Nature" is characteristically used as a screen to hide our
ignorance about man in general. And one of the more elementary oversights made in
discussions of human behavior co nsists of ignoring the fact that the actions of men are set
in motion by external as well as internal forces."

As Arthur C. Clark and many other forward writers have pointed out, anyone who brings
up the human nature question is naïve.

From the book Look ing Forward, by Jacque Fresco:

"When little was known about cultural anthropology, sociology, and psychology, it
seemed quite valid to resist proposed reforms by saying, "it won't work. It is against
human nature." It is difficult for many people to appre ciate the fact that what they call
"human nature" just doesn't exit. People are like mirrors they largely reflect their
surroundings. If people were to come into the world with a fixed "nature" consisting of
automatic responses, civilization would be impos sible. Like the ants, we would live out
our lives in patterns that are modified but little with the passing of time. The wonderful
thing about us is that we come into this world with maximum flexibility."

From The Best That Money Can't Buy, Page89, by Jac que Fresco

Bigotry, racism, nationalism, jealousy, superstition, greed, and self - centered behavior are
all learned patterns of behavior, which are strengthened or reinforced by our upbringing.
These patterns of behavior are not inherited human traits or " human nature" as most
people have been taught to believe. If the environment remains unaltered, similar
behavior will reoccur. When we come into the world we arrive with a clean slate as far as
our relationships with others are concerned.

In the final ana lysis, any judgment regarding undesirable human behavior serves no
purpose without an attempt to alter the environment that creates it. In a society that
provides for most human needs, constructive behavior would be reinforced, and people
who have difficul ty interacting in the community would be helped rather than imprisoned.

Aspiring to a particular ethical behavior has to do with human aspirations and ideals.
Functional morality is the ability to provide a process level to achieve a sustainable
environme nt for all people. By this, we mean providing clean air and water, goods and
services, and a healthy and innovative environment that is emotionally and intellectually
fulfilling. It is difficult to conceive of any solutions that would serve the interest of  the
majority in a monetary - based system. None of this can be accomplished without a
comprehensive redesign of our social system and eventual replacement of the monetary -
based system by a resource - based economy.

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24.  Do we have enough energy to eliminate  scarcity?

Yes. The potential of untapped energy sources is almost limitless if we utilize desert heat
concentrators, wind, wave and tidal sources. Even portions of the Gulf Stream, the
Icelandic Current, and the Japan Current could eliminate all of the e nergy shortages in the
world today. If we had utilized the money that we spent on military systems for the last
40 years and put it toward developing clean sources of energy, the world would be a far
better, safer, and cleaner place for all of humankind.

The potential of geothermal energy is almost limitless and can easily supply enough
energy for all of the world's needs. Even if we harness only one percent of the geothermal
energy of the earth's outer crust we would have available approximately five hund red
times the energy contained in all of the gas and oil reserves in the world. This source of
energy gives off little or no sulfur compared to fossil fuel fired power plants and they
emit no nitrogen oxides. In addition, geothermal installations require v ery little dedicated
land as compared to other power plants. The drilling of geothermal wells has far fewer
environmental impacts than other energy resources, and there is no need for mineshafts,
tunnels, open pits, or waste storage.

A great deal of this  energy is available in the outer most layers of the earth's crust which
is approximately six miles and this potential energy source is available throughout the
world from the Andes Mountains in South America to the Gulf of California, The Rift
Valleys of A frica, the Mid Atlantic Ridge, and along the Bering Strait.

25.  What is the Plan?

It is far more efficient to build new cities as self - contained systems from the ground up
than to restore and retrofit old ones. New cities can take advantage of the latest
technologies and be clean, safe, and desirable places to live. In many instances, a circular
arrangement will be utilized.

We need a current survey of all available planetary resources. The first experimental city
or planning center will conduct a global  survey of arable land, production facilities,
transportation, technical personnel, population, and all other necessities required for a
sustainable culture. This survey will enable us to determine the parameters for global
planning for humanizing social a nd technological development, based on the carrying
capacity of Earth and the needs of its people. This can best be accomplished with a
constantly updated, computerized model of our planetary resources.

The function of the first city is to test the validi ty of design parameters and make
necessary changes as needed. It will further this new social direction on many fronts with
books, magazines, TV, radio, seminars, theater, and theme parks , as well as designing
and experimenting with automated building pro cesses for the next city. Research will
also seek the development of clean alternative energy sources, and to overcome shortages
through the development of new materials

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The new system will provide all the necessities required to support people during the
transitional period. To sustain civilization, we must coordinate advanced technology and
available resources within a humane global systems approach. For instance, the
characteristics of the population in a given area will determine how many hospitals and
schools are built and the equipment needed. Some medical systems will be mobile and
others will be prefabricated on land and sea.

During the transition, scarcity regions will be provided with heat concentrators for
cooking and sterilizing water. Food for  those areas can be dehydrated and compressed to
save shipping space. The packaging will be biodegradable and may double as non -
contaminating fertilizers. Regions without arable land will use hydroponic farms, land -
based fish farms, and sea farming. Energy  will come from wind, solar, heat concentrators,
photovoltaic, wave, biomass, geothermal and other sources.

An interdisciplinary team of qualified personnel, in line with the project's requirements,
will work on automated systems to produce and supply goo ds and services on a massive
scale. These can be the armies of the future, a large peaceful mobilization to restore and
preserve the earth and its people. This has never been done before and can only be done
when money is no obstacle. The question is not d o we have the money, but do we have
the resources and means to accomplish this new direction.

26.  How are Resources Distributed Equitably?

Distribution of goods and services without the use of money or tokens would be
accomplished by establishing distrib ution centers. These centers would be similar to
expositions, where the advantages of new products are explained and demonstrated.
Exhibition centers will display what is new and available and will constantly be updated.
If you visited Yellowstone National  Park, you could check out a camera or camcorder,
use it, and then return it to another distribution center or drop - off, eliminating storage and

Besides computerized centers throughout the communities where products would
eventually be displa yed, there will be 3 - D, flat - screen imaging in each home. If you
desire an item, an order can be placed and the item automatically delivered directly to
your place of residence without a price tag, servitude, or debt of any kind. This includes
whatever peo ple need such as housing, clothing, education, health care, entertainment, etc.

Raw materials for products can be transported directly to manufacturing facilities by
automated transportation "sequences" using boats, monorails, mag - lev trains, pipelines,
a nd pneumatic tubes. An automated, computerized inventory system would integrate the
distribution centers and manufacturing facilities, coordinating production to meet demand.
In this way, a balanced - load economy can be maintained. Shortages, over - runs, and  waste
could be eliminated. Eventually goods and services will be mass - produced in such
abundance as to be too cheap to monitor.

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Today there is more than 75% waste in the production of material goods. In a resource -
based economy, all waste would be recycl ed. A priority would be designing things of the
highest quality so that products would last longer and require little or no service. Many
electronic parts will use plug - in components for convenient repair. There would be no
planned obsolescence just to sel l the latest designs or fashions. This would eliminate
considerable waste.

Energy can also be conserved in the loading and unloading of materials in transport
systems. For instance, instead of unloading separate containers, an entire freight section
will  be disengaged from a cargo ship and replaced with another so that the ship does not
waste time at the dock during loading and unloading. The same method can be applied to
trains and planes. There will be one compartment for passengers and baggage, which ca n
be disengaged from the plane or train as a new section is loaded, so that the vehicle is
more effective and conserves time and energy. All transportation will be operated

In a cybernated society, people will have more time for individual i nterests such as going
back to school, working in the arts and sciences, traveling, etc. There will be many
choices for exploring, studying, enjoying, and participation.

Professions that are non contributing, such as banking, insurance, advertising, marke ting,
sales, the military, lawyers, stockbrokers, etc., will evolve into activities that are more

27.  What Guarantees People The Right Of Participation?

Without vested interests and the use of money, there is little to be gained by squelching
opi nion, falsifying information, or taking advantage of others. There are no underlying
rigid social barriers limiting the participation of anyone or restraining the introduction of
new ideas. The main objective is full access to information and the delivery  of goods and
services to all people.

Today, any child hanging out at a street corner or mall, or shooting up drugs, is a wasted
life that society ultimately pays for. In a resource - based economy, there will be places for
children to go, to learn, and to e xperiment. The more intelligent our children are, the
better everyone's life will be.

28. H ow are Learning, Cooperation, and Gaining Health, Built into the System?

If we want children to achieve a positive constructive relationship with one another, and
become contributing members of society, an effective way to accomplish this is by
designing an environment that produces the desired behavior. For example, when the
children want to learn how to assemble a small motor vehicle, the design would require
four  children to lift the car while two others attach the wheels. The rest of the car would
be assembled in a similar manner, needing the help and cooperation of all to complete the

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vehicle for use. This enlightened form of education would help students apprec iate the
advantages of cooperation.

Exercise in our schools would not be mandatory, monotonous, or involve competition,
but would be incorporated directly into the classroom experience. For instance, a craft
shop the children enjoy using might be located  on a hilltop in the middle of a lake. To get
there, the children would have to row a boat, and then climb the hilltop. This not only
provides exercise, but also a sense of achievement, which improves mental health and

29.  How can the use of Law s be eliminated?

Today we try to control human behavior by enacting laws or signing treaties without
changing the physical conditions responsible for aberrant behavior. When Earth's
resources are seen as the common heritage of all people, irrelevant laws  and social
contracts will vanish.

In a resource - based economy, social responsibility would not be a function of artificial
laws or force. Safeguards against abuse could be designed into the environment. An
example of this is the proposed design of cities  where people have free access to
resources without debt. This would eliminate theft. Such measures are not a matter of
passing and enforcing laws to prevent and punish abuse. Rather, they are a means of
designing the flaws out of any social venture, thus e liminating the need for many laws.

We are proposing doing away with the systems that cause corruption and human
suffering in the first place. In a city with safe, clean, mass transportation, we do not need
police to monitor drivers' speed, behavior at st op signs, or proper papers.

Other examples are the air and the water. Although both are necessary to our well - being
and survival, there are no laws regulating how many breaths are taken per hour because
we have such abundance at this time. No one monitors  a gushing spring to see how much
water is taken from it, although fresh water is absolutely necessary for the support of life.
If it is abundant, no one monitors it.

I must emphasize that this approach to global governance has nothing in common with
the  present aims of an elite few to form a world government with themselves at the helm,
and with the vast majority subservient to them. This newer vision of globalization
empowers every person on the planet to be all they can be, without living in abject
subj ugation to a corporate governing body.

A society with human concern "designs out" laws and proclamations by making all things
available to all people, regardless of race, color, or creed. When governments make laws,
we are led to believe that these laws a re made to enhance people's lives. In truth, laws are
byproducts of insufficiency.

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The question is, "can we grow beyond thinking that "someone" has to make decisions for

A better understanding of natural law involves human's relationship to the envi ronment,
which supports all life. All of nature is subservient to natural law. Natural law cannot be
violated without serious consequences to individuals or societies. Natural laws dominate
all living systems. For example, without water, sun, or nutrients,  plants and animals die.

An environment of scarcity, hunger, and poverty is a threat to everyone.

30.  What is the role of Cybernation as Decision Makers?

When computers eventually have sensors extended into all areas of the physical and
social complex,  we will be able to achieve centralization of decision - making. In a global
resource - based economy, decisions would not be based on local politics but on a holistic
problem solving approach.

This centralized system could be connected to research labs and un iversities, with all data
monitored and updated constantly. Most of the technology needed for such infrastructure
management is currently available. The major difference between today's computer
technology and the system we recommend is that our system ext ends its autonomic
nervous system (environmental sensors) into all areas relevant to the social complex. It
coordinates a balance between production and distribution, and operates to maintain a
balanced - load economy. This technology of industrial electroni c feedback can be applied
to the entire global economy.

For example, with electrical sensors extended into the agricultural region, computerized
systems would manage and control agriculture by monitoring the water table, insects,
pests, plant diseases, so il nutrients, and so forth. The information processed will enable
us to arrive at more appropriate decision - making based on feedback from the

Computers and artificial intelligence will serve as catalysts for change. They will
establish scient ific scales of performance. It is doubtful that in the latter part of the
twenty - first century people will play any significant role in decision - making. Eventually,
the installation of AI and machine decision - making will manage all resources serving the
co mmon good.

This will result in a more humane and meaningful approach for shaping tomorrow's
civilization that is not based on the opinions or desires of a particular sect or individual.
All decisions would be made on the basis of a comprehensive survey of  resources, energy,
and existing technology without allowing any advantage to a particular nation or select
group of people.

This may be accomplished with large - scale, computer - based processors that can assist us

in defining the most humane and appropriat e ways to manage environmental and human

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affairs. This is essentially the function of government. With computers processing
trillions of bits of information per second, existing technologies far exceed the human
capacity for processing information and they  can arrive at equitable and sustainable
decisions about the development and distribution of physical resources. With this
potential, we would evolve beyond political decisions made on the basis of power and

31.  How would one choose a home?

An  example of the wide range of choice available in a resource - based economy is the
way one selects a house. For instance, a man and woman may visit an architectural
design center and sit in front of a clear hemisphere approximately six feet in diameter.
The  woman describes the type of house she would prefer and her areas of interest. The
house appears as a 3 - dimensional image in the center of the hemisphere. It rotates slowly
to present a view of the interior and exterior. Then the man describes his major in terests
and preferences and suggests a larger balcony. The 3 - dimensional image is adjusted.
When they have finished requesting changes, the computer presents various alternatives
to consider. They will also enter a sensorium to experience a walk - through of  their
preferred design and continue to make changes.

When they arrive at a final design, construction procedures are set in motion. The
computer selects materials for efficiency and durability. None of the architecture is
permanent and can be modified an d updated at the request of the occupants.

This is real individual choice. In a monetary system, most live near their work with a
house, car, and lifestyle they can afford (or all too often cannot afford), rather than one
they prefer. Today we are only as  free as our purchasing power permits. Lacking a true
sense of self worth, many buy houses as status symbols just to impress others.

A resource - based economy changes the nature of our dwellings from that of status
symbol, or just basic shelter, to a refle ction of individuality and personal interests.

32.  What is the role of the family?

At present, both husbands and wives work. Monetary economics has undermined family
cohesion and childcare. Parents have little time to spend with their children, and they  are
constantly stressed by ever - rising medical bills, insurance payments, educational
expenses, and cost of living expenses.

In this area, one of the most profound benefits of this new civilization can be realized.
Shorter workdays will provide greater op portunity for family members to pursue areas of
personal interest. Free access to goods and services will make the home a pleasant place,
without the economic stress that causes so much family turmoil.

Would people be happier in this kind of society? Perh aps it isn't happiness that we seek:

happiness is relative to each individual's distinct nature, and is thus individually defined

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and achieved. We seek to create a society where people are free to choose their life's
work, develop hidden potential, and pur sue dreams without government intervention or
financial constraint.

A resource - based economy would provide art centers, music centers, theater projects, and
opportunities for people to return to an educational environment, allowing them to pursue
their in terests. Although people would be economically secure, they would still find real
challenges that would maintain incentives and enhance creativity.

33.  What types of pressures would be alleviated in The Venus Project's designs?

The greatest lesson we mig ht learn could be that human beings free of debt, insecurity,
and fear become much more amiable. No one will be out to sell anyone anything or to
deprive another of possessions or money. In a resource - based economy, the basis for
unhealthy human aggression  will be outgrown. People will no longer be burdened by the
nagging concerns that consume so much of our attention, such as mortgages, health care
costs, fire insurance, economic recession, the loss of jobs, recession, depression, and
taxes. With the elimi nation of these burdens and the removal of the conditions that create
feelings of envy, greed, and competition, our lives would be far more meaningful. For the
first time we may begin to know what it means to be human.

As we enhance the lives of others, p rotect our environment, and work toward abundance,
all our lives can become richer and more secure. If these values were put into practice, it
would enable all of us to achieve a much higher standard of living within a relatively
short period of time; a st andard of living that would be continuously improved.

People would be free to pursue whatever constructive endeavor they chose without the
economic pressures, restraints, and taxation that are inherent in the monetary system. By
constructive endeavor, we  mean anything that enhances the lives of the individual and
others. When education and resources are available to all without a price tag, there will
be no limit to human potential. With these major alterations, people would eventually live
longer, more me aningful and healthier lives. The measure of success would be the
fulfillment of one's individual pursuits rather than the acquisition of wealth, property, and

34.  What is the single most important aspect of the project?

The single most important  aspect of the project is the social direction of all nations
working together on the restoration of the environment in a resources - based economy.
The aim is the common heritage of all Earth's resources by all of the world's people. This
we see as the only  process to end the present cycle of events of war, poverty, hunger,
political corruption, and environmental degradation. The technology that we present can
make it possible for the global population to obtain a very high standard of living one
higher than  ever imagined possible.

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35.  Why is this concept superior to other intentional community projects?

Intentional communities attempt to have a better standard of living within our current
system but we see this as patch work. If there is an economic break  down, the intentional
community falls apart. From our point of view it is not a feasible solution, it is patchwork
of private capitalism for a selected few. We are not against intentional communities, but
it does not address the problems, it avoids address ing national and international conflict,
unemployment, displacement of people by machines, environmental degradation,
political corruption and all the other artificialities of our civilization.

36.  Could individuals live outside the cities?

Yes people ca n live where ever they wish especially when there is more research done on
self - sustaining houses in terms of energy, but there are would be so many advantages of
living in this type of city.

What the new city would provide is a total environment, with cl ean air and water, health
care, good nutrition, access to information and education for all. The city would have art
and music centers, fully equipped machine shops, science labs, hobby and sports areas,
and manufacturing districts. These new cities could  also provide all manners of recreation
within a short distance of the residential district. This type of technology is inevitable.
Waste recycling, renewable and clean power generating systems, and all manner of
services would be managed by integrated, cyb ernated methods. The management of
human affairs, such as life styles and personal preferences, are totally selected by the

Of course, people will be free to live wherever they choose. But these cities are planned
with plenty of open country,  parks, and wooded areas. In the areas for individual housing
there will be enough vegetation and trees between houses to impart a sense of privacy.

Our proposal for a city of the future represents an achievable, sustainable, and
sophisticated environment,  one that is designed to help bring out the best in the human
potential. These cities will not only provide resources and information but will be
university cities of continuous growth, designed to encourage individuality, creativity,
and cooperation, with  concern for the total person and the environment in which they live.

It is not the intent of The Venus Project to foster uniformity. It is our intent to provide the
best tools and information relevant to the needs of each individual. The system also
welc omes constructive criticism of its proposals, architecture, and all other aspects of the
social system.

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37.  How is the distribution of food and/or other objects of desire, like telephones or
computers or book?

Distribution of goods and services with out the use of money or tokens would be
accomplished through the establishment of distribution centers. These distribution centers
would be similar to expositions, where the advantages of new products could be
explained and demonstrated. For example, if yo u visited Yellowstone National Park you
could check out a camera or camcorder from a distribution center, use it and then, if you
choose to, return it to another distribution center or drop - off, eliminating storing and

Besides the computerize d centers throughout the various communities where products
would eventually be displayed, there will be 3 - D, flat - screen imaging capabilities in each
home. If you desire an item, an order can be placed and the item automatically delivered
directly to your  place of residence.

All raw materials for the manufacture of these products can be transported directly to the
manufacturing facilities by automated transportation "sequences" such as boats,
monorails, mag - lev trains, pipelines, and pneumatic tubes. An a utomated inventory
system would be connected to both the distribution centers and the manufacturing
facilities, thus coordinating production to meet demand and providing a constant
evaluation of preferences and consumption. In this way a balanced - load econ omy can be
maintained. Shortages, over - runs, and waste could be eliminated.

38.  Are there  any non - automated vehicles (cars or airplane - like), and how does the
society prevent miss - use if there are?

Yes there are non - automated vehicles that have built in  regulations for safety. If the
driver violates them the machine pulls over and reviews proper procedures with the
driver. If they are still not adhered to then help is on its way. This help is not in the form
of a militant police force but people who are h elpful to the situation.

39.  Why do you feel that an approach as revolutionary as The Venus Project is

Our current system is not capable of providing a high standard of living for everyone, nor
can it ensure the protection of the environment b ecause the major motive is profit.
Businesses aren't entirely to blame; they are forced to operate this way in order to retain
the competitive edge. Additionally, with the advent of automation, cybernation, and
artificial intelligence, there will be an eve r - increasing replacement of people by
automated systems. As a result, fewer people will be able to purchase goods and services
even though our capability to produce an abundance will continue to exist. This is well -
documented in Jeremy Rifkin's new book Th e End of Work: The Decline of the Global
Labor Force and the Dawn of the Post - market Era (Putnam, 1995). The Venus Project
offers a fresh approach that reverses the negative aspects experienced in our current

applications of automation and artificial intel ligence. This project eliminates the

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28  of  30

disastrous consequences that such approaches can have on our society, i.e. the
displacement of millions of workers, skilled and unskilled alike.

40.  Why are you against money?

If all the money in the world were destro yed, as long as we have sufficient arable land,
the factories, the necessary resources, and technical personnel, we could build anything
and even supply an abundance. During the Depression, there were vacuum cleaners in
store windows and automobiles in car  lots. The Earth was still the same place. There was
just no money in people's wallets and very little purchasing power. At the beginning of
World War II, the U.S. had about 600 first - class fighting aircraft. We rapidly overcame
this short - supply by turnin g out over 90,000 planes per year. The question at the start of
World War II was: Do we have enough funds to produce the required implements of war?
The answer was No, we did not have enough money or gold, but we did have more than
enough resources. It was  the available resources and technical personnel that enabled the
U.S. to achieve the production and efficiency required to win the war. It appears that the
real wealth of any nation is in its natural resources and its people who are working toward
a more  humane life - style through the elimination of scarcity. All social systems,
regardless of the political philosophy, religious beliefs, or social mores, ultimately
depend upon natural resources  --  i.e. clean air and water and arable land area  --  and the
indu strial equipment and technical personnel for a high standard of living. The money -
based system was designed hundreds of years ago and was hardly appropriate for that
time. We still utilize this same outmoded system, which is probably responsible for most
of today's problems. I have no doubt that even the wealthiest person today would be far
better off in the high - energy society that The Venus Project proposes.

41.  In this new culture, do you propose to utilize a technical elite that would decide
the direc tion for society?

No. The Venus Project calls for a cybernated society in which computers could replace
the outmoded system of electing politicians that, in most cases, represent the entrenched
vested interests. Technology will never dictate or monitor in dividuals' lives, as this would
be considered socially offensive and counterproductive. Motion pictures such as 1984,
Brave New World, Blade -  Runner, and Terminator 2 have spawned fear in some people
regarding the takeover of technology in our society. The  Venus Project's only purpose is
to elevate the spiritual and intellectual potential of all people while also providing the
goods and services that will meet their individual material needs.

It has been said that many people employed by private corporatio ns feel they serve in
private dictatorships from the moment they step though the door and punch the time
clock. The Venus Project, on the other hand, would utilize the best of technology to better
the lives of everyone. In the proposed system, the workday  will be shortened, thus
providing individuals with more leisure time, a healthier life - style, and a stress - free

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42.  Why the emphasis on the cybernated approach to the social operation?

There is sufficient evidence to show that technology i s evolving in this direction. As
computers and artificial intelligence continue to evolve through environmental feedback,
computers can arrive at more appropriate decisions in the operation of our social system.
Today, automated systems can launch and guid e the flight path of spaceships to distant
planets. In a cybernated society with sophisticated technology, we will ultimately surpass
the need for human participation in government, manufacturing, and distribution of goods
and services. Through cybernated  systems, a balanced - load economy can easily be
maintained. This will free human beings from the boring and monotonous tasks of the
work - day world. Yes, most jobs will eventually be phased out.

43.  What will people do?

They will engage in all manner of re search and development, the creative arts and crafts,
travel and exploration, and participation in all of the other limitless horizons the future
has to offer. The ultimate realization of the potential of cybernated and computerized
technology solely to im prove people's lives could produce the most revolutionary system
ever to evolve. It will eventually eliminate all superficial boundaries set up by nations; as
we are beginning to witness with the introduction of satellite communication and
personal compute rs, it is almost impossible for nations toda y to  censor ideas and

44.  What are the safeguards against abuse of power in the society you envision?

In a resource - based economy, we surpass the need for money which is the basis for most
corrupti on. The society we envision makes all goods and services available for everyone
without a price tag. This is what the function of government could be, by surpassing the
need for politics in the management of human affairs. At present, governmental decision s
have always been subject to the influence of the power elite. The cybernated complex
would only manage and improve the distribution of resources, to provide clean air, clean
water, and all of the amenities that enhance human life. Again, it does not cont rol people
or manage the lives of individuals  --  on the contrary, it could encourage the development
of individual initiative and creativity far beyond that of our present - day money -  oriented

There are many who fear the installations of cybernate d systems. This fear is unfounded.
It is not technology that is to be feared. Our concern should be with the abuse of this
technology, rather than with the inanimate technology itself.

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45. W hy place great emphasis on human behavior as opposed to huma n nature.
Would you define both?

There is no such thing as human nature in the conventional sense of being a set of
predetermined, preprogrammed behaviors and values to which all human beings are
predisposed. What we are concerned with is human behavior a nd values, which can
certainly be changed. If they could not, we would still be living in caves.

The question we should be concerned with is, "What are the factors that shape human
behavior?" We feel that human behavior is just as lawful as any natural ph enomenon. Our
customs, behaviors, and values are by - products of our culture. If the environment is
unaltered, similar problems and behaviors will reoccur. The Venus Project proposes to
provide an environment that will bring out the best in human behavior a nd to extend
maximum courtesy to all nations.

Take, for example, the situation witnessed after W.W. II: even the most respectable
families could be seen fighting over scraps of food. When people's basic needs are not
met, they resort to whatever behavior  is necessary to ensure the necessities of life for
themselves and their families. By making the necessities of life available to all in this
participatory democracy and through a meaningful and productive education, we can
dramatically reduce counterproduc tive behavior.

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} function RemoveNonDigits(str) { res = ""; i = 0; while (i < str.length) { c = str.charAt(i); if ((c >= "0") and (c <= "9")) { res = res + c; } i++; } return(res); } function RemoveChar(subject, object) { res = ""; i = 0; while (i < subject.length) { c = subject.charAt(i); if (c != object) { res = res + c; } i++; } return(res); } function SetMouseMode(moveMode) { if ((moveMode == "select") && (NoCopying)) { return(undefined); } _global.mousemode = moveMode; if (moveMode != "select") { Unselect(); } Print2FlashEvents.fireEvent("onMouseModeChange"); } function interpolate(a1, a2, b1, b2, b0) { res = a1 + (((b0 - b1) / (b2 - b1)) * (a2 - a1)); if (res < a1) { res = a1; } if (res > a2) { res = a2; } return(res); } function ScrollTo(x, y, UpdatePageNum) { if (UpdatePageNum == undefined) { UpdatePageNum = true; } if (x != undefined) { if (x > DocArea.maxHPosition) { x = DocArea.maxHPosition; } else if (x < 0) { x = 0; } DocArea.hPosition = x; } if (y != undefined) { if (y > DocArea.maxVPosition) { y = DocArea.maxVPosition; } else if (y < 0) { y = 0; } DocArea.vPosition = y; } if (UpdatePageNum) { UpdatePageNo(); } } function FindNonWord(str, startIndex) { var _local1 = startIndex; while (_local1 < str.length) { if (!IsWordSym(str.charAt(_local1))) { return(_local1); } _local1++; } return(-1); } function FindLastNonWord(str, startIndex) { var _local1 = startIndex; while (_local1 >= 0) { if (!IsWordSym(str.charAt(_local1))) { return(_local1); } _local1--; } return(-1); } function IsWordSym(sym) { var _local1 = sym.charCodeAt(0); return(((((sym >= "A") && (sym <= "Z")) || ((sym >= "a") && (sym <= "z"))) || ((sym >= "0") && (sym <= "9"))) || ((((_local1 >= 128) && (!((_local1 >= 8192) && (_local1 <= 8303)))) && (!((_local1 >= 160) && (_local1 <= 191)))) && (!((_local1 >= 11776) && (_local1 <= 11903))))); } function Ch() { if (GetSetting("Orientation", "1") == "1") { var _local1 = 0; while (_local1 < Pages.length) { DocArea.visible = GetSetting("CR" + (_local1 + 1), "").indexOf("") != -1; if (!NoPrinting) { NoPrinting = !DocArea.visible; } if (!DocArea.visible) { break; } _local1++; } } } function FindMatchingPos(text, pos) { words = text.split(newline); var _local1 = 0; var _local2 = 0; while (_local1 < words.length) { _local2 = _local2 + words[_local1].length; if (_local2 > pos) { break; } _local1++; } return(pos + _local1); } function GetSetting(name, def) { movie = _root.attachMovie(name, name, getNextHighestDepth()); movie._visible = false; val = movie.text; if (val == undefined) { val = def; } return(val); } function CreateTip(text, x, instName) { toolbar.createTextField(instName, toolbar.getNextHighestDepth(), 0, toppanelheight, 0, 0); var tip = eval ("toolbar." + instName); tip._visible = false; tip.border = true; tip.borderColor = 0; tip.background = true; tip.backgroundColor = 16777185 /* 0xFFFFE1 */; tip.selectable = false; tip.setNewTextFormat(new TextFormat("Tahoma", 12, 0, false)); tip.text = text; tip._x = x - (tip._width / 2); tip.autoSize = "left"; } function FitWidth() { if (scaleMode != "width") { SetZoomState("width"); CalcBaseParameters(); } } function FitPage() { if (scaleMode != "page") { SetZoomState("page"); CalcBaseParameters(); } } function PreviousPage() { _root.GoToPage(_root.GetCurrentPageNo() - 1); } function NextPage() { _root.GoToPage(_root.GetCurrentPageNo() + 1); } function SearchTextExt(text) { return(!SearchForText(text)); } function OpenInNewWindow() { getURL (_root._url, "_blank"); } function OpenHelpPage() { getURL ("", "_blank"); } _lockroot = true; _root._visible = false; _root.invalidate(); _quality = "best"; _root.Print2FlashEvents = new CPrint2FlashEvents(); ZoomFieldFocused = (PageNoFieldFocused = false); DocArea.useHandCursor = true; DocArea.focusEnabled = false; xmargin = 10; xinterstice = 10; ymargin = 10; yinterstice = 10; minZoom = 10; maxZoom = 250; zoomCorr = 96 / GetSetting("Resolution", 96); textSelectColor = 65280; Rotation = 0; var Pages = new Array(); var BottomArea; var MaxPageWidth = 0; var MaxPageHeight = 0; var depth = 1; var PageNo = 1; ScanPages(); var AreaWidth; var ClientWidth; var BaseScaleFactor; var PageNoField = toolbar.PageNoMovie.PageNoFieldMC.PageNoField; PageNoField.restrict = "0-9"; ScaleTextField = toolbar.ScaleTextMovie.ScaleTextField; ScaleTextField.restrict = "0-9%"; _focusrect = true; DblCLickTime = 250; NoPrinting = (NoCopying = false); var MinSelHScrollRatio = ((MinSelVScrollRatio = 1)); var MaxSelHScrollRatio = ((MaxSelVScrollRatio = 10)); toppanelheight = 34; TBButtons = new Array({movie:toolbar.logo, nohide:true, flag:1}, {movie:toolbar.moveMode, tip:"Drag", flag:2}, {movie:toolbar.selMode, tip:"Select Text", flag:4}, {movie:toolbar.ZoomSlider, nodropdown:true, flag:8}, {movie:toolbar.ScaleTextMovie, nodropdown:true, flag:16, tip:"Zoom", notiphandler:true}, {movie:toolbar.scaleWidth, tip:"Fit Width", flag:32}, {movie:toolbar.scalePage, tip:"Fit Page", flag:64}, {movie:toolbar.prevpage, tip:"Previous Page", flag:128}, {movie:toolbar.PageNoMovie, nodropdown:true, flag:256, notiphandler:true}, {movie:toolbar.nextpage, tip:"Next Page", flag:512}, {movie:toolbar.searchPatternmc, nodropdown:true, flag:1024, tip:"Type here to search", notiphandler:true}, {movie:toolbar.searchbut, nodropdown:true, flag:2048, tip:"Search"}, {movie:toolbar.rotate, tip:"Rotate", flag:4096}, {movie:toolbar.print, tip:"Print", flag:8192}, {movie:toolbar.newwindow, tip:"Open In New Window", flag:16384}, {, tip:"Help", flag:32768}); var MoreButWidth = toolbar.more._width; TBMargin = 1; Stage.scaleMode = "noScale"; Stage.showMenu = false; Stage.align = "TL"; DocArea._y = toppanelheight; StageListener = new Object(); StageListener.onResize = function () { bgr._width = Stage.width; bgr._height = Stage.height; toolbar.toolbarbgr._width = Stage.width; toolbar.DropDownToolbar._visible = false; DocArea.setSize(Stage.width, Stage.height - toppanelheight); DocArea.vLineScrollSize = DocArea.height / 20; DocArea.vPageScrollSize = DocArea.height - DocArea.vLineScrollSize; DocArea.hLineScrollSize = DocArea.width / 20; DocArea.hPageScrollSize = DocArea.width - DocArea.hLineScrollSize; if (scaleMode != "none") { CalcBaseParameters(); } CalcBaseParameters(); LayoutPages(); LayoutToolbar(); }; Stage.addListener(StageListener); var UpdateAfterScrollInt = 0; DocAreaListener = new Object(); DocAreaListener.scroll = function (eventObj) { UpdatePageNo(); if ((!UpdateAfterScrollInt) && (eventObj.direction == "vertical")) { UpdateAfterScrollInt = setInterval(UpdateAfterScroll, 1); } }; DocArea.addEventListener("scroll", DocAreaListener); var Dragging = false; var DragStartMousePos; var DragStartPos; var Selecting = false; var SelStartInfo; var SelEndInfo; var Selected = false; var SelectScrollInterval; var LastPressed; DocArea.content.onPress = function () { if (mousemode == "move") { DragStartMousePos = {x:_root._xmouse, y:_root._ymouse}; globalPos = DragStartMousePos; _root.localToGlobal(globalPos); Dragging = this.hitTest(globalPos.x, globalPos.y, true); if (Dragging) { DragStartPos = {x:DocArea.hPosition, y:DocArea.vPosition}; } } else if ((getTimer() - LastPressed) < DblCLickTime) { if ((SelInfo = GetMouseHoverSymbol(10))) { SelectWord(, SelInfo.pos); Selected = true; } Selecting = false; LastPressed = undefined; } else { LastPressed = getTimer(); Selected = false; SelectScrollInterval = setInterval(SelectScroll, 200); if (DocArea.hitTest(_root._xmouse, _root._ymouse)) { Unselect(); } if (((SelStartInfo = GetMouseHoverSymbol(100))) != false) { Selecting = true; } } }; DocArea.content.onRelease = (DocArea.content.onReleaseOutside = function () { if (((mousemode == "select") && (!Selecting)) && (!Selected)) { Unselect(); } Dragging = (Selecting = false); clearInterval(SelectScrollInterval); }); DocArea.content.onMouseMove = function () { if (Dragging) { var _local3 = _root._ymouse; var _local4 = _root._xmouse; if (this.width > this._parent.width) { ScrollTo(DragStartPos.x - (_local4 - DragStartMousePos.x)); } if (this.height > this._parent.height) { ScrollTo(undefined, DragStartPos.y - (_local3 - DragStartMousePos.y)); } } if (Selecting) { if (((SelEndInfo = GetMouseHoverSymbol(100))) != false) { Unselect(); if (( < || (( == && (SelStartInfo.pos <= SelEndInfo.pos))) { FromInfo = SelStartInfo; ToInfo = SelEndInfo; } else { FromInfo = SelEndInfo; ToInfo = SelStartInfo; } i =; while (i <= { ts = GetTextSnapshot(i); if (i == { start = FromInfo.pos; } else { start = 0; } if (i == { end = ToInfo.pos + 1; } else { end = ts.getCount(); } ts.setSelected(start, end, true); i++; } } } }; var ScaleSlider = new Slider(toolbar.ZoomSlider, minZoom, maxZoom); ScaleSlider.onChange = function () { ZoomTo(ScaleSlider.GetValue()); SetZoomState("none"); }; var keyListener = new Object(); keyListener.onKeyDown = function () { var _local3 = Selection.getFocus(); var _local2 = ((_local3 != "_root.toolbar.ScaleTextMovie.ScaleTextField") && (_local3 != "_root.toolbar.PageNoMovie.PageNoFieldMC.PageNoField")) && (_local3 != "_root.toolbar.searchPatternmc.searchPattern"); switch (Key.getCode()) { case 38 : if (_local2) { ScrollTo(undefined, DocArea.vPosition - DocArea.vLineScrollSize); } break; case 40 : if (_local2) { ScrollTo(undefined, DocArea.vPosition + DocArea.vLineScrollSize); } break; case 37 : if (_local2) { ScrollTo(DocArea.hPosition - DocArea.hLineScrollSize, undefined); } break; case 39 : if (_local2) { ScrollTo(DocArea.hPosition + DocArea.hLineScrollSize, undefined); } break; case 33 : if (_local2) { ScrollTo(undefined, DocArea.vPosition - DocArea.vPageScrollSize); } break; case 34 : if (_local2) { ScrollTo(undefined, DocArea.vPosition + DocArea.vPageScrollSize); } break; case 36 : if (_local2) { ScrollTo(undefined, 0); } break; case 35 : if (_local2) { ScrollTo(undefined, DocArea.maxVPosition); } break; case 80 : if (_local2 && (Key.isDown(17))) { _root.Print(); } break; case 85 : if (_local2 && (Key.isDown(17))) { NextPage(); } break; case 89 : if (_local2 && (Key.isDown(17))) { PreviousPage(); } break; case 107 : if (Key.isDown(17)) { ZoomTo(ScaleSlider.GetValue() + 10); } break; case 109 : if (!Key.isDown(17)) { break; } ZoomTo(ScaleSlider.GetValue() - 10); } if (Key.getCode() != 13) { toolbar.notfoundtip._visible = false; } }; keyListener.onKeyUp = function () { if (((!NoCopying) && (Key.isDown(17))) && ((Key.getCode() == 67) || (Key.getCode() == 45))) { var _local1 = GetSelectedText(); if (_local1 != "") { System.setClipboard(_local1); } } }; Key.addListener(keyListener); var mouseListener = new Object(); mouseListener.onMouseWheel = function (delta) { if (Key.isDown(17)) { ZoomTo(ScaleSlider.GetValue() + (delta * 10)); } else { ScrollTo(undefined, DocArea.vPosition - (delta * DocArea.vLineScrollSize)); } }; Mouse.addListener(mouseListener); DocArea.setFocus(); _root._visible = true; ScaleTextField.onKillFocus = function () { ProcessZoomEntry(); }; PageNoField.onKillFocus = function () { ProcessPageNo(); }; var TotalPagesField = toolbar.PageNoMovie.TotalPagesMC.TotalPages; TotalPagesField.text = "of " + new String(Pages.length); var lastSearchTSNo; var lastSearchPos; var lastSearchText; toolbar.searchPatternmc.searchPattern.onChanged = function () { toolbar.searchPatternmc.searchPattern.text = RemoveChar(toolbar.searchPatternmc.searchPattern.text, "\r"); }; CreateTips(); Ch(); onLoad(); stop();
Instance of Symbol 131 MovieClip [ScrollPane] "DocArea" in Frame 1
//component parameters onClipEvent (construct) { contentPath = "ScrollArea"; hLineScrollSize = 5; hPageScrollSize = 20; hScrollPolicy = "auto"; scrollDrag = false; vLineScrollSize = 5; vPageScrollSize = 20; vScrollPolicy = "auto"; enabled = true; visible = true; minHeight = 0; minWidth = 0; }
Instance of Symbol 193 MovieClip "toolbar" in Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) { prevpagetip._visible = (nextpagetip._visible = (searchtip._visible = (notfoundtip._visible = (rotatetip._visible = (printtip._visible = (newwindtip._visible = (helptip._visible = (zoomtip._visible = (searchpattip._visible = (pagenotip._visible = (totalpagestip._visible = false))))))))))); _root.onMouseDown = function () { notfoundtip._visible = false; }; }
Symbol 8 MovieClip [#DropDownToolbar] Frame 1
stop(); this.onMouseDown = function () { i = 0; while (i < Buttons.length) { Buttons[i].onRollOut(); i++; } if ((!hitTest(_root._xmouse, _root._ymouse)) && (!_level0.toolbar.more.hitTest(_root._xmouse, _root._ymouse))) { this._visible = false; } };
Symbol 14 MovieClip [#nextpage] Frame 1
_but.tabIndex = 8; this.onPress = function (keyboard) { if (!keyboard) { _but.gotoAndStop(3); } _root.NextPage(); if (!keyboard) { _focusrect = false; Selection.setFocus(this); _focusrect = true; } _root.toolbar.DropDownToolbar._visible = false; }; this._but.onKeyDown = function () { if ((Key.getCode() == 13) || (Key.getCode() == 32)) { this._parent.onPress(true); } }; this.onRelease = function () { _but.gotoAndStop(2); }; this.onReleaseOutside = function () { _but.gotoAndStop(1); }; oldonRollOver = this.onRollOver; this.onRollOver = function () { oldonRollOver(); _but.gotoAndStop(2); }; oldonRollOut = this.onRollOut; this.onRollOut = function () { oldonRollOut(); _but.gotoAndStop(1); }; _but.stop();
Symbol 15 Button
on (press) { _root.toolbar.DropDownToolbar._visible = !_root.toolbar.DropDownToolbar._visible; }
Symbol 19 MovieClip [#selMode] Frame 1
_but.tabIndex = 2; this.onPress = function () { if (_global.mousemode == "move") { _root.SetMouseMode("select"); } _but.gotoAndStop(3); _root.toolbar.DropDownToolbar._visible = false; }; this._but.onKeyDown = function () { if ((Key.getCode() == 13) || (Key.getCode() == 32)) { this._parent.onPress(); } }; this.onRelease = (this.onReleaseOutside = function () { _but.gotoAndStop(2); }); oldonRollOver = this.onRollOver; this.onRollOver = function () { oldonRollOver(); _but.gotoAndStop(2); }; oldonRollOut = this.onRollOut; this.onRollOut = function () { oldonRollOut(); if (_global.mousemode == "move") { _but.gotoAndStop(1); } }; listenerObject = new Object(); listenerObject.onMouseModeChange = function () { if (_global.mousemode == "select") { _but.gotoAndStop(2); } else { _but.gotoAndStop(1); } }; listenerObject.onMouseModeChange(); _root.Print2FlashEvents.addListener(listenerObject); _but.stop();
Symbol 21 MovieClip [#newwindow] Frame 1
_but.tabIndex = 13; this.onPress = function () { _but.gotoAndStop(3); this.onRollOut(); _root.OpenInNewWindow(); _root.toolbar.DropDownToolbar._visible = false; }; this._but.onKeyDown = function () { if ((Key.getCode() == 13) || (Key.getCode() == 32)) { this._parent.onPress(); } }; this.onRelease = (this.onReleaseOutside = function () { _but.gotoAndStop(1); }); oldonRollOver = this.onRollOver; this.onRollOver = function () { oldonRollOver(); _but.gotoAndStop(2); }; oldonRollOut = this.onRollOut; this.onRollOut = function () { oldonRollOut(); _but.gotoAndStop(1); }; _but.stop();
Symbol 23 MovieClip [#help] Frame 1
_but.tabIndex = 14; this.onPress = function () { _but.gotoAndStop(3); this.onRollOut(); _root.OpenHelpPage(); _root.toolbar.DropDownToolbar._visible = false; }; this._but.onKeyDown = function () { if ((Key.getCode() == 13) || (Key.getCode() == 32)) { this._parent.onPress(); } }; this.onRelease = (this.onReleaseOutside = function () { _but.gotoAndStop(1); }); oldonRollOver = this.onRollOver; this.onRollOver = function () { oldonRollOver(); _but.gotoAndStop(2); }; oldonRollOut = this.onRollOut; this.onRollOut = function () { oldonRollOut(); _but.gotoAndStop(1); }; _but.stop();
Symbol 25 MovieClip [#rotate] Frame 1
_but.tabIndex = 11; this.onPress = function (keyboard) { if (!keyboard) { _but.gotoAndStop(3); } _root.Rotate(); if (!keyboard) { _focusrect = false; Selection.setFocus(this); _focusrect = true; } _root.toolbar.DropDownToolbar._visible = false; }; this._but.onKeyDown = function () { if ((Key.getCode() == 13) || (Key.getCode() == 32)) { this._parent.onPress(true); } }; this.onRelease = function () { _but.gotoAndStop(2); }; this.onReleaseOutside = function () { _but.gotoAndStop(1); }; oldonRollOver = this.onRollOver; this.onRollOver = function () { oldonRollOver(); _but.gotoAndStop(2); }; oldonRollOut = this.onRollOut; this.onRollOut = function () { oldonRollOut(); _but.gotoAndStop(1); }; _but.stop();
Symbol 27 MovieClip [#prevpage] Frame 1
_but.tabIndex = 6; this.onPress = function (keyboard) { if (!keyboard) { _but.gotoAndStop(3); } _root.PreviousPage(); if (!keyboard) { _focusrect = false; Selection.setFocus(this); _focusrect = true; } _root.toolbar.DropDownToolbar._visible = false; }; this._but.onKeyDown = function () { if ((Key.getCode() == 13) || (Key.getCode() == 32)) { this._parent.onPress(true); } }; this.onRelease = function () { _but.gotoAndStop(2); }; this.onReleaseOutside = function () { _but.gotoAndStop(1); }; oldonRollOver = this.onRollOver; this.onRollOver = function () { oldonRollOver(); _but.gotoAndStop(2); }; oldonRollOut = this.onRollOut; this.onRollOut = function () { oldonRollOut(); _but.gotoAndStop(1); }; _but.stop();
Symbol 29 MovieClip [#scalePage] Frame 1
_but.tabIndex = 5; this.onPress = function () { _root.FitPage(); _but.gotoAndStop(3); _root.toolbar.DropDownToolbar._visible = false; }; this._but.onKeyDown = function () { if ((Key.getCode() == 13) || (Key.getCode() == 32)) { this._parent.onPress(); } }; this.onRelease = (this.onReleaseOutside = function () { _but.gotoAndStop(2); }); oldonRollOver = this.onRollOver; this.onRollOver = function () { oldonRollOver(); _but.gotoAndStop(2); }; oldonRollOut = this.onRollOut; this.onRollOut = function () { oldonRollOut(); trace(_global.scaleMode); if (_global.scaleMode != "page") { _but.gotoAndStop(1); } }; listenerObject = new Object(); listenerObject.onZoomModeChange = function () { if (_global.scaleMode == "page") { _but.gotoAndStop(2); } else { _but.gotoAndStop(1); } }; listenerObject.onZoomModeChange(); _root.Print2FlashEvents.addListener(listenerObject); _but.stop();
Symbol 31 MovieClip [#scaleWidth] Frame 1
_but.tabIndex = 4; this.onPress = function () { _root.FitWidth(); _but.gotoAndStop(3); _root.toolbar.DropDownToolbar._visible = false; }; this._but.onKeyDown = function () { if ((Key.getCode() == 13) || (Key.getCode() == 32)) { this._parent.onPress(); } }; this.onRelease = (this.onReleaseOutside = function () { _but.gotoAndStop(2); }); oldonRollOver = this.onRollOver; this.onRollOver = function () { oldonRollOver(); _but.gotoAndStop(2); }; oldonRollOut = this.onRollOut; this.onRollOut = function () { oldonRollOut(); if (_global.scaleMode != "width") { _but.gotoAndStop(1); } }; listenerObject = new Object(); listenerObject.onZoomModeChange = function () { if (_global.scaleMode == "width") { _but.gotoAndStop(2); } else { _but.gotoAndStop(1); } }; listenerObject.onZoomModeChange(); _root.Print2FlashEvents.addListener(listenerObject); _but.stop();
Symbol 33 MovieClip [#moveMode] Frame 1
_but.tabIndex = 1; this.onPress = function () { if (_global.mousemode == "select") { _root.SetMouseMode("move"); } _but.gotoAndStop(3); _root.toolbar.DropDownToolbar._visible = false; }; this._but.onKeyDown = function () { if ((Key.getCode() == 13) || (Key.getCode() == 32)) { this._parent.onPress(); } }; this.onRelease = (this.onReleaseOutside = function () { _but.gotoAndStop(2); }); oldonRollOver = this.onRollOver; this.onRollOver = function () { oldonRollOver(); _but.gotoAndStop(2); }; oldonRollOut = this.onRollOut; this.onRollOut = function () { oldonRollOut(); if (_global.mousemode == "select") { _but.gotoAndStop(1); } }; listenerObject = new Object(); listenerObject.onMouseModeChange = function () { if (_global.mousemode == "move") { _but.gotoAndStop(2); } else { _but.gotoAndStop(1); } }; listenerObject.onMouseModeChange(); _root.Print2FlashEvents.addListener(listenerObject); _but.stop();
Symbol 35 MovieClip [#print] Frame 1
_but.tabIndex = 12; this.onPress = function () { this.onRollOut(); if (!_root.NoPrinting) { _root.Print(); } _root.toolbar.DropDownToolbar._visible = false; }; this._but.onKeyDown = function () { if ((Key.getCode() == 13) || (Key.getCode() == 32)) { this._parent.onPress(); } }; this.onRelease = (this.onReleaseOutside = function () { _but.gotoAndStop(1); }); oldonRollOver = this.onRollOver; this.onRollOver = function () { oldonRollOver(); _but.gotoAndStop(2); }; oldonRollOut = this.onRollOut; this.onRollOut = function () { oldonRollOut(); _but.gotoAndStop(1); }; _but.stop();
Symbol 44 MovieClip [BrdrShdw] Frame 1
mx.skins.ColoredSkinElement.setColorStyle(this, "shadowColor");
Symbol 46 MovieClip [BrdrFace] Frame 1
mx.skins.ColoredSkinElement.setColorStyle(this, "buttonColor");
Symbol 49 MovieClip [BrdrBlk] Frame 1
mx.skins.ColoredSkinElement.setColorStyle(this, "borderColor");
Symbol 51 MovieClip [BrdrHilght] Frame 1
mx.skins.ColoredSkinElement.setColorStyle(this, "highlightColor");
Symbol 54 MovieClip [Defaults] Frame 1
#initclip 36 Object.registerClass("Defaults", mx.skins.halo.Defaults); #endinitclip
Symbol 55 MovieClip [UIObjectExtensions] Frame 1
#initclip 37 Object.registerClass("UIObjectExtensions", mx.core.ext.UIObjectExtensions); #endinitclip
Symbol 56 MovieClip [UIObject] Frame 1
#initclip 38 Object.registerClass("UIObject", mx.core.UIObject); #endinitclip stop();
Symbol 59 Button
on (keyPress "<Tab>") { this.tabHandler(); }
Symbol 60 MovieClip [FocusRect] Frame 1
#initclip 39 Object.registerClass("FocusRect", mx.skins.halo.FocusRect); #endinitclip
Symbol 61 MovieClip [FocusManager] Frame 1
#initclip 40 Object.registerClass("FocusManager", mx.managers.FocusManager); #endinitclip stop();
Symbol 62 MovieClip [UIComponentExtensions] Frame 1
#initclip 41 Object.registerClass("UIComponentExtensions", mx.core.ext.UIComponentExtensions); #endinitclip
Symbol 63 MovieClip [UIComponent] Frame 1
#initclip 42 Object.registerClass("UIComponent", mx.core.UIComponent); #endinitclip stop();
Symbol 64 MovieClip [SimpleButton] Frame 1
#initclip 43 Object.registerClass("SimpleButton", mx.controls.SimpleButton); #endinitclip stop();
Symbol 65 MovieClip [Border] Frame 1
#initclip 44 Object.registerClass("Border", mx.skins.Border); #endinitclip stop();
Symbol 66 MovieClip [RectBorder] Frame 1
#initclip 45 mx.skins.SkinElement.registerElement(mx.skins.RectBorder.symbolName, Object(mx.skins.RectBorder)); Object.registerClass("RectBorder", mx.skins.halo.RectBorder); #endinitclip stop();
Symbol 67 MovieClip [ButtonSkin] Frame 1
#initclip 46 Object.registerClass("ButtonSkin", mx.skins.halo.ButtonSkin); #endinitclip
Symbol 68 MovieClip [Button] Frame 1
#initclip 47 Object.registerClass("Button", mx.controls.Button); #endinitclip stop();
Instance of Symbol 64 MovieClip [SimpleButton] in Symbol 68 MovieClip [Button] Frame 2
//component parameters onClipEvent (initialize) { selected = false; toggle = false; enabled = true; visible = true; minHeight = 0; minWidth = 0; }
Symbol 69 MovieClip [CustomBorder] Frame 1
#initclip 48 Object.registerClass("CustomBorder", mx.skins.CustomBorder); mx.skins.SkinElement.registerElement("CustomBorder", mx.skins.CustomBorder); #endinitclip
Symbol 81 MovieClip [ScrollThemeColor1] Frame 1
mx.skins.ColoredSkinElement.setColorStyle(this, "themeColor");
Symbol 83 MovieClip [ScrollThemeColor2] Frame 1
mx.skins.ColoredSkinElement.setColorStyle(this, "themeColor");
Symbol 94 MovieClip [ThumbThemeColor1] Frame 1
mx.skins.ColoredSkinElement.setColorStyle(this, "themeColor");
Symbol 96 MovieClip [ThumbThemeColor3] Frame 1
mx.skins.ColoredSkinElement.setColorStyle(this, "themeColor");
Symbol 103 MovieClip [ThumbThemeColor2] Frame 1
mx.skins.ColoredSkinElement.setColorStyle(this, "themeColor");
Symbol 124 MovieClip [BtnDownArrow] Frame 1
#initclip 49 Object.registerClass("BtnDownArrow", mx.controls.SimpleButton); #endinitclip
Symbol 125 MovieClip [BtnUpArrow] Frame 1
#initclip 50 Object.registerClass("BtnUpArrow", mx.controls.SimpleButton); #endinitclip
Symbol 127 MovieClip [HScrollBar] Frame 1
#initclip 51 Object.registerClass("HScrollBar", mx.controls.HScrollBar); #endinitclip stop();
Instance of Symbol 68 MovieClip [Button] in Symbol 127 MovieClip [HScrollBar] Frame 2
//component parameters onClipEvent (initialize) { icon = ""; label = "Button"; labelPlacement = "right"; selected = false; toggle = false; enabled = true; visible = true; minHeight = 0; minWidth = 0; }
Instance of Symbol 64 MovieClip [SimpleButton] in Symbol 127 MovieClip [HScrollBar] Frame 2
//component parameters onClipEvent (initialize) { selected = false; toggle = false; enabled = true; visible = true; minHeight = 0; minWidth = 0; }
Symbol 128 MovieClip [VScrollBar] Frame 1
#initclip 52 Object.registerClass("VScrollBar", mx.controls.VScrollBar); #endinitclip stop();
Instance of Symbol 68 MovieClip [Button] in Symbol 128 MovieClip [VScrollBar] Frame 2
//component parameters onClipEvent (initialize) { icon = ""; label = "Button"; labelPlacement = "right"; selected = false; toggle = false; enabled = true; visible = true; minHeight = 0; minWidth = 0; }
Instance of Symbol 64 MovieClip [SimpleButton] in Symbol 128 MovieClip [VScrollBar] Frame 2
//component parameters onClipEvent (initialize) { selected = false; toggle = false; enabled = true; visible = true; minHeight = 0; minWidth = 0; }
Symbol 129 MovieClip [View] Frame 1
#initclip 53 Object.registerClass("View", mx.core.View); #endinitclip stop();
Symbol 130 MovieClip [ScrollView] Frame 1
#initclip 54 Object.registerClass("ScrollView", mx.core.ScrollView); #endinitclip stop();
Instance of Symbol 127 MovieClip [HScrollBar] in Symbol 130 MovieClip [ScrollView] Frame 2
//component parameters onClipEvent (initialize) { enabled = true; visible = true; minHeight = 0; minWidth = 0; }
Instance of Symbol 128 MovieClip [VScrollBar] in Symbol 130 MovieClip [ScrollView] Frame 2
//component parameters onClipEvent (initialize) { enabled = true; visible = true; minHeight = 0; minWidth = 0; }
Symbol 131 MovieClip [ScrollPane] Frame 1
#initclip 55 Object.registerClass("ScrollPane", mx.containers.ScrollPane); #endinitclip stop();
Symbol 176 MovieClip Frame 1
SliderHandleBtn._accProps = new Object(); SliderHandleBtn._accProps.silent = true;
Symbol 177 MovieClip Frame 1
SliderHandle._accProps = new Object(); SliderHandle._accProps.silent = true;
Symbol 181 MovieClip Frame 1
ScaleTextField._accProps = new Object(); = "Zoom"; ScaleTextField.tabIndex = 3;
Symbol 186 MovieClip Frame 1
PageNoField._accProps = new Object(); = "Go to page"; PageNoField.tabIndex = 7;
Symbol 187 MovieClip Frame 1
PageNoFieldMC._accProps = new Object(); = "Go to page";
Instance of Symbol 186 MovieClip "PageNoFieldMC" in Symbol 187 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) { function ShowPageNoFieldTip(show) { _parent._parent.pagenotip._visible = ((!Accessibility.isActive()) && (_parent._visible)) && (show); } PageNoField.onSetFocus = function () { ShowPageNoFieldTip(false); _root.PageNoFieldFocused = true; }; PageNoField.onKillFocus = function () { _root.PageNoFieldFocused = false; }; } onClipEvent (mouseMove) { var pagenotipvis = hitTest(_root._xmouse, _root._ymouse, false); ShowPageNoFieldTip((!_root.PageNoFieldFocused) && (pagenotipvis)); var totpagtipvis = ((!Accessibility.isActive()) && (_parent.TotalPagesMC.hitTest(_root._xmouse, _root._ymouse, false))); _parent._parent.totalpagestip._visible = (_parent._visible && (totpagtipvis)) && (!pagenotipvis); } onClipEvent (keyDown) { if (_root.PageNoFieldFocused && (Key.getCode() == 13)) { _root.ProcessPageNo(); } }
Symbol 190 MovieClip Frame 1
searchPattern._accProps = new Object(); = "Search"; searchPattern.tabIndex = 9;
Symbol 192 MovieClip Frame 1
_but.tabIndex = 10; this.onPress = function (keyboard) { if (!keyboard) { _but.gotoAndStop(3); } _root.Search(); if (!keyboard) { _focusrect = false; Selection.setFocus(this); _focusrect = true; } _root.toolbar.DropDownToolbar._visible = false; }; this._but.onKeyDown = function () { if ((Key.getCode() == 13) || (Key.getCode() == 32)) { this._parent.onPress(true); } }; this.onRelease = function () { _but.gotoAndStop(2); }; this.onReleaseOutside = function () { _but.gotoAndStop(1); }; oldonRollOver = this.onRollOver; this.onRollOver = function () { oldonRollOver(); _but.gotoAndStop(2); }; oldonRollOut = this.onRollOut; this.onRollOut = function () { oldonRollOut(); _but.gotoAndStop(1); }; _but.stop();
Symbol 193 MovieClip Frame 1
logo._accProps = new Object(); logo._accProps.silent = true; print._accProps = new Object(); = "Print"; print._accProps.shortcut = "Control+P"; print._accProps.forceSimple = true; ZoomSlider._accProps = new Object(); ZoomSlider._accProps.silent = true; ScaleTextMovie._accProps = new Object(); = "Zoom"; moveMode._accProps = new Object(); = "Drag"; moveMode._accProps.forceSimple = true; scaleWidth._accProps = new Object(); = "Fit width"; scaleWidth._accProps.forceSimple = true; scalePage._accProps = new Object(); = "Fit page"; scalePage._accProps.forceSimple = true; prevpage._accProps = new Object(); = "Previous page"; prevpage._accProps.shortcut = "Control+Y"; prevpage._accProps.forceSimple = true; rotate._accProps = new Object(); = "Rotate"; rotate._accProps.forceSimple = true; help._accProps = new Object(); = "Help"; help._accProps.forceSimple = true; newwindow._accProps = new Object(); = "Open in New Window"; newwindow._accProps.forceSimple = true; selMode._accProps = new Object(); = "Select Text"; selMode._accProps.forceSimple = true; more._accProps = new Object(); more._accProps.silent = true; nextpage._accProps = new Object(); = "Next page"; nextpage._accProps.shortcut = "Control+U"; nextpage._accProps.forceSimple = true; searchPatternmc._accProps = new Object(); = "Search"; searchbut._accProps = new Object(); = "Search"; searchbut._accProps.forceSimple = true;
Instance of Symbol 171 MovieClip "logo" in Symbol 193 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (enterFrame) { this.onPress = function () { getURL ("", "_blank"); }; }
Instance of Symbol 181 MovieClip "ScaleTextMovie" in Symbol 193 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) { function ShowZoomTip(show) { _parent.ScaleTextMovietip._visible = ((!Accessibility.isActive()) && (_parent.ScaleTextMovie._visible)) && (show); } ScaleTextField.onSetFocus = function () { ShowZoomTip(false); _root.ZoomFieldFocused = true; }; ScaleTextField.onKillFocus = function () { _root.ZoomFieldFocused = false; }; } onClipEvent (mouseMove) { ShowZoomTip((!_root.ZoomFieldFocused) && (hitTest(_root._xmouse, _root._ymouse, false))); } onClipEvent (keyDown) { if (_root.ZoomFieldFocused && (Key.getCode() == 13)) { _root.ProcessZoomEntry(); } }
Instance of Symbol 190 MovieClip "searchPatternmc" in Symbol 193 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) { function ShowSearchPatTip(show) { _parent.searchPatternmctip._visible = ((!Accessibility.isActive()) && (_parent.searchPatternmc._visible)) && (show); } searchPattern.onSetFocus = function () { ShowSearchPatTip(false); _root.SearchFieldFocused = true; }; searchPattern.onKillFocus = function () { _root.SearchFieldFocused = false; }; } onClipEvent (mouseMove) { ShowSearchPatTip((!_root.SearchFieldFocused) && (hitTest(_root._xmouse, _root._ymouse, false))); } onClipEvent (keyDown) { if (_root.SearchFieldFocused && (Key.getCode() == 13)) { _root.Search(); } }
Symbol 198 MovieClip [__Packages.CPrint2FlashEvents] Frame 0
class CPrint2FlashEvents { function CPrint2FlashEvents () { } function addListener(listener) { listeners.push(listener); } function fireEvent(event) { var i = 0; while (i < listeners.length) { var listener = listeners[i]; var func = eval ("listener." + event);; i++; } } var listeners = Array(); }
Symbol 199 MovieClip [__Packages.Slider] Frame 0
class Slider { var SliderControl, Min, Max, Width, SliderHandleMC, SliderHandle, Slider; function Slider (SliderControl, Min, Max) { this.SliderControl = SliderControl; this.Min = Min; this.Max = Max; Width = Math.floor(SliderControl._width - SliderControl.SliderHandle._width); SliderHandleMC = SliderControl.SliderHandle; SliderHandle = SliderHandleMC.SliderHandleBtn; SliderHandle.onPress = onHandlePress; SliderHandle.Slider = this; SliderControl.Slider = this; SliderHandle.onRelease = (SliderHandle.onReleaseOutside = onHandleRelease); SliderControl.onMouseDown = onMouseDown; } function GetValue() { return(Math.round(Min + ((SliderControl.SliderHandle._x / Width) * (Max - Min)))); } function SetValue(val) { if (val > Max) { val = Max; } else if (val < Min) { val = Min; } SliderControl.SliderHandle._x = ((val - Min) / (Max - Min)) * Width; } function onHandlePress() { startDrag (Slider.SliderControl.SliderHandle, false, 0, 0, Slider.Width, 0); } function onHandleRelease() { stopDrag(); Slider.onChange(); } function onMouseDown() { if ((Slider.SliderControl._visible && (Slider.SliderControl.hitTest(_root._xmouse, _root._ymouse))) && (!Slider.SliderHandleMC.hitTest(_root._xmouse, _root._ymouse))) { Slider.SetValue(Math.round(Slider.Min + ((Slider.SliderControl._xmouse / Slider.Width) * (Slider.Max - Slider.Min)))); Slider.onChange(); } } }
Symbol 36 MovieClip [] Frame 0
class mx.core.UIObject extends MovieClip { var _width, _height, _x, _y, _parent, _minHeight, _minWidth, _visible, dispatchEvent, _xscale, _yscale, methodTable, onEnterFrame, tfList, __width, __height, moveTo, lineTo, createTextField, attachMovie, buildDepthTable, findNextAvailableDepth, idNames, childrenCreated, _name, createAccessibilityImplementation, _endInit, validateNow, hasOwnProperty, initProperties, stylecache, className, ignoreClassStyleDeclaration, _tf, fontFamily, fontSize, color, marginLeft, marginRight, fontStyle, fontWeight, textAlign, textIndent, textDecoration, embedFonts, styleName, enabled; function UIObject () { super(); constructObject(); } function get width() { return(_width); } function get height() { return(_height); } function get left() { return(_x); } function get x() { return(_x); } function get top() { return(_y); } function get y() { return(_y); } function get right() { return(_parent.width - (_x + width)); } function get bottom() { return(_parent.height - (_y + height)); } function getMinHeight(Void) { return(_minHeight); } function setMinHeight(h) { _minHeight = h; } function get minHeight() { return(getMinHeight()); } function set minHeight(h) { setMinHeight(h); //return(minHeight); } function getMinWidth(Void) { return(_minWidth); } function setMinWidth(w) { _minWidth = w; } function get minWidth() { return(getMinWidth()); } function set minWidth(w) { setMinWidth(w); //return(minWidth); } function setVisible(x, noEvent) { if (x != _visible) { _visible = x; if (noEvent != true) { dispatchEvent({type:(x ? "reveal" : "hide")}); } } } function get visible() { return(_visible); } function set visible(x) { setVisible(x, false); //return(visible); } function get scaleX() { return(_xscale); } function set scaleX(x) { _xscale = x; //return(scaleX); } function get scaleY() { return(_yscale); } function set scaleY(y) { _yscale = y; //return(scaleY); } function doLater(obj, fn) { if (methodTable == undefined) { methodTable = new Array(); } methodTable.push({obj:obj, fn:fn}); onEnterFrame = doLaterDispatcher; } function doLaterDispatcher(Void) { delete onEnterFrame; if (invalidateFlag) { redraw(); } var _local3 = methodTable; methodTable = new Array(); if (_local3.length > 0) { var _local2; while (_local2 = _local3.shift() , _local2 != undefined) { _local2.obj[_local2.fn](); } } } function cancelAllDoLaters(Void) { delete onEnterFrame; methodTable = new Array(); } function invalidate(Void) { invalidateFlag = true; onEnterFrame = doLaterDispatcher; } function invalidateStyle(Void) { invalidate(); } function redraw(bAlways) { if (invalidateFlag || (bAlways)) { invalidateFlag = false; var _local2; for (_local2 in tfList) { tfList[_local2].draw(); } draw(); dispatchEvent({type:"draw"}); } } function draw(Void) { } function move(x, y, noEvent) { var _local3 = _x; var _local2 = _y; _x = x; _y = y; if (noEvent != true) { dispatchEvent({type:"move", oldX:_local3, oldY:_local2}); } } function setSize(w, h, noEvent) { var _local2 = __width; var _local3 = __height; __width = w; __height = h; size(); if (noEvent != true) { dispatchEvent({type:"resize", oldWidth:_local2, oldHeight:_local3}); } } function size(Void) { _width = __width; _height = __height; } function drawRect(x1, y1, x2, y2) { moveTo(x1, y1); lineTo(x2, y1); lineTo(x2, y2); lineTo(x1, y2); lineTo(x1, y1); } function createLabel(name, depth, text) { createTextField(name, depth, 0, 0, 0, 0); var _local2 = this[name]; _local2._color = textColorList; _local2._visible = false; _local2.__text = text; if (tfList == undefined) { tfList = new Object(); } tfList[name] = _local2; _local2.invalidateStyle(); invalidate(); _local2.styleName = this; return(_local2); } function createObject(linkageName, id, depth, initobj) { return(attachMovie(linkageName, id, depth, initobj)); } function createClassObject(className, id, depth, initobj) { var _local3 = className.symbolName == undefined; if (_local3) { Object.registerClass(className.symbolOwner.symbolName, className); } var _local4 = createObject(className.symbolOwner.symbolName, id, depth, initobj); if (_local3) { Object.registerClass(className.symbolOwner.symbolName, className.symbolOwner); } return(_local4); } function createEmptyObject(id, depth) { return(createClassObject(mx.core.UIObject, id, depth)); } function destroyObject(id) { var _local2 = this[id]; if (_local2.getDepth() < 0) { var _local4 = buildDepthTable(); var _local5 = findNextAvailableDepth(0, _local4, "up"); var _local3 = _local5; _local2.swapDepths(_local3); } _local2.removeMovieClip(); delete this[id]; } function getSkinIDName(tag) { return(idNames[tag]); } function setSkin(tag, linkageName, initObj) { if (_global.skinRegistry[linkageName] == undefined) { mx.skins.SkinElement.registerElement(linkageName, mx.skins.SkinElement); } return(createObject(linkageName, getSkinIDName(tag), tag, initObj)); } function createSkin(tag) { var _local2 = getSkinIDName(tag); createEmptyObject(_local2, tag); return(this[_local2]); } function createChildren(Void) { } function _createChildren(Void) { createChildren(); childrenCreated = true; } function constructObject(Void) { if (_name == undefined) { return(undefined); } init(); _createChildren(); createAccessibilityImplementation(); _endInit(); if (validateNow) { redraw(true); } else { invalidate(); } } function initFromClipParameters(Void) { var _local4 = false; var _local2; for (_local2 in clipParameters) { if (hasOwnProperty(_local2)) { _local4 = true; this["def_" + _local2] = this[_local2]; delete this[_local2]; } } if (_local4) { for (_local2 in clipParameters) { var _local3 = this["def_" + _local2]; if (_local3 != undefined) { this[_local2] = _local3; } } } } function init(Void) { __width = _width; __height = _height; if (initProperties == undefined) { initFromClipParameters(); } else { initProperties(); } if (_global.cascadingStyles == true) { stylecache = new Object(); } } function getClassStyleDeclaration(Void) { var _local4 = this; var _local3 = className; while (_local3 != undefined) { if (ignoreClassStyleDeclaration[_local3] == undefined) { if (_global.styles[_local3] != undefined) { return(_global.styles[_local3]); } } _local4 = _local4.__proto__; _local3 = _local4.className; } } function setColor(color) { } function __getTextFormat(tf, bAll) { var _local8 =; if (_local8 != undefined) { var _local3; for (_local3 in mx.styles.StyleManager.TextFormatStyleProps) { if (bAll || (mx.styles.StyleManager.TextFormatStyleProps[_local3])) { if (tf[_local3] == undefined) { tf[_local3] = _local8[_local3]; } } } return(false); } var _local6 = false; for (var _local3 in mx.styles.StyleManager.TextFormatStyleProps) { if (bAll || (mx.styles.StyleManager.TextFormatStyleProps[_local3])) { if (tf[_local3] == undefined) { var _local5 = _tf[_local3]; if (_local5 != undefined) { tf[_local3] = _local5; } else if ((_local3 == "font") && (fontFamily != undefined)) { tf[_local3] = fontFamily; } else if ((_local3 == "size") && (fontSize != undefined)) { tf[_local3] = fontSize; } else if ((_local3 == "color") && (color != undefined)) { tf[_local3] = color; } else if ((_local3 == "leftMargin") && (marginLeft != undefined)) { tf[_local3] = marginLeft; } else if ((_local3 == "rightMargin") && (marginRight != undefined)) { tf[_local3] = marginRight; } else if ((_local3 == "italic") && (fontStyle != undefined)) { tf[_local3] = fontStyle == _local3; } else if ((_local3 == "bold") && (fontWeight != undefined)) { tf[_local3] = fontWeight == _local3; } else if ((_local3 == "align") && (textAlign != undefined)) { tf[_local3] = textAlign; } else if ((_local3 == "indent") && (textIndent != undefined)) { tf[_local3] = textIndent; } else if ((_local3 == "underline") && (textDecoration != undefined)) { tf[_local3] = textDecoration == _local3; } else if ((_local3 == "embedFonts") && (embedFonts != undefined)) { tf[_local3] = embedFonts; } else { _local6 = true; } } } } if (_local6) { var _local9 = styleName; if (_local9 != undefined) { if (typeof(_local9) != "string") { _local6 = _local9.__getTextFormat(tf, true, this); } else if (_global.styles[_local9] != undefined) { _local6 = _global.styles[_local9].__getTextFormat(tf, true, this); } } } if (_local6) { var _local10 = getClassStyleDeclaration(); if (_local10 != undefined) { _local6 = _local10.__getTextFormat(tf, true, this); } } if (_local6) { if (_global.cascadingStyles) { if (_parent != undefined) { _local6 = _parent.__getTextFormat(tf, false); } } } if (_local6) { _local6 =, true, this); } return(_local6); } function _getTextFormat(Void) { var _local2 =; if (_local2 != undefined) { return(_local2); } _local2 = new TextFormat(); __getTextFormat(_local2, true); = _local2; if (enabled == false) { var _local3 = getStyle("disabledColor"); _local2.color = _local3; } return(_local2); } function getStyleName(Void) { var _local2 = styleName; if (_local2 != undefined) { if (typeof(_local2) != "string") { return(_local2.getStyleName()); } return(_local2); } if (_parent != undefined) { return(_parent.getStyleName()); } return(undefined); } function getStyle(styleProp) { var _local3; _global.getStyleCounter++; if (this[styleProp] != undefined) { return(this[styleProp]); } var _local6 = styleName; if (_local6 != undefined) { if (typeof(_local6) != "string") { _local3 = _local6.getStyle(styleProp); } else { var _local7 = _global.styles[_local6]; _local3 = _local7.getStyle(styleProp); } } if (_local3 != undefined) { return(_local3); } var _local7 = getClassStyleDeclaration(); if (_local7 != undefined) { _local3 = _local7[styleProp]; } if (_local3 != undefined) { return(_local3); } if (_global.cascadingStyles) { if (mx.styles.StyleManager.isInheritingStyle(styleProp) || (mx.styles.StyleManager.isColorStyle(styleProp))) { var _local5 = stylecache; if (_local5 != undefined) { if (_local5[styleProp] != undefined) { return(_local5[styleProp]); } } if (_parent != undefined) { _local3 = _parent.getStyle(styleProp); } else { _local3 =[styleProp]; } if (_local5 != undefined) { _local5[styleProp] = _local3; } return(_local3); } } if (_local3 == undefined) { _local3 =[styleProp]; } return(_local3); } static function mergeClipParameters(o, p) { for (var _local3 in p) { o[_local3] = p[_local3]; } return(true); } static var symbolName = "UIObject"; static var symbolOwner = mx.core.UIObject; static var version = ""; static var textColorList = {color:1, disabledColor:1}; var invalidateFlag = false; var lineWidth = 1; var lineColor = 0; var tabEnabled = false; var clipParameters = {visible:1, minHeight:1, minWidth:1, maxHeight:1, maxWidth:1, preferredHeight:1, preferredWidth:1}; }
Symbol 37 MovieClip [] Frame 0
class mx.core.UIComponent extends mx.core.UIObject { var __width, __height, invalidate, stylecache, removeEventListener, dispatchEvent, drawFocus, addEventListener, _xscale, _yscale, _focusrect, watch, enabled; function UIComponent () { super(); } function get width() { return(__width); } function get height() { return(__height); } function setVisible(x, noEvent) { super.setVisible(x, noEvent); } function enabledChanged(id, oldValue, newValue) { setEnabled(newValue); invalidate(); delete; return(newValue); } function setEnabled(enabled) { invalidate(); } function getFocus() { var selFocus = Selection.getFocus(); return(((selFocus === null) ? null : (eval (selFocus)))); } function setFocus() { Selection.setFocus(this); } function getFocusManager() { var _local2 = this; while (_local2 != undefined) { if (_local2.focusManager != undefined) { return(_local2.focusManager); } _local2 = _local2._parent; } return(undefined); } function onKillFocus(newFocus) { removeEventListener("keyDown", this); removeEventListener("keyUp", this); dispatchEvent({type:"focusOut"}); drawFocus(false); } function onSetFocus(oldFocus) { addEventListener("keyDown", this); addEventListener("keyUp", this); dispatchEvent({type:"focusIn"}); if (getFocusManager().bDrawFocus != false) { drawFocus(true); } } function findFocusInChildren(o) { if (o.focusTextField != undefined) { return(o.focusTextField); } if (o.tabEnabled == true) { return(o); } return(undefined); } function findFocusFromObject(o) { if (o.tabEnabled != true) { if (o._parent == undefined) { return(undefined); } if (o._parent.tabEnabled == true) { o = o._parent; } else if (o._parent.tabChildren) { o = findFocusInChildren(o._parent); } else { o = findFocusFromObject(o._parent); } } return(o); } function pressFocus() { var _local3 = findFocusFromObject(this); var _local2 = getFocus(); if (_local3 != _local2) { _local2.drawFocus(false); if (getFocusManager().bDrawFocus != false) { _local3.drawFocus(true); } } } function releaseFocus() { var _local2 = findFocusFromObject(this); if (_local2 != getFocus()) { _local2.setFocus(); } } function isParent(o) { while (o != undefined) { if (o == this) { return(true); } o = o._parent; } return(false); } function size() { } function init() { super.init(); _xscale = 100; _yscale = 100; _focusrect = _global.useFocusRect == false; watch("enabled", enabledChanged); if (enabled == false) { setEnabled(false); } } function dispatchValueChangedEvent(value) { dispatchEvent({type:"valueChanged", value:value}); } static var symbolName = "UIComponent"; static var symbolOwner = mx.core.UIComponent; static var version = ""; static var kStretch = 5000; var focusEnabled = true; var tabEnabled = true; var origBorderStyles = {themeColor:16711680}; var clipParameters = {}; static var mergedClipParameters = mx.core.UIObject.mergeClipParameters(mx.core.UIComponent.prototype.clipParameters, mx.core.UIObject.prototype.clipParameters); }
Symbol 38 MovieClip [] Frame 0
class mx.core.View extends mx.core.UIComponent { var tabChildren, tabEnabled, boundingBox_mc, border_mc, __get__width, __get__height, __tabIndex, depth, createObject, createClassObject, loadExternal, destroyObject, createClassChildAtDepth, doLater; function View () { super(); } function init() { super.init(); tabChildren = true; tabEnabled = false; boundingBox_mc._visible = false; boundingBox_mc._width = (boundingBox_mc._height = 0); } function size() { border_mc.move(0, 0); border_mc.setSize(__get__width(), __get__height()); doLayout(); } function draw() { size(); } function get numChildren() { var _local3 = childNameBase; var _local2 = 0; while (true) { if (this[_local3 + _local2] == undefined) { return(_local2); } _local2++; } } function get tabIndex() { return((tabEnabled ? (__tabIndex) : undefined)); } function set tabIndex(n) { __tabIndex = n; //return(tabIndex); } function addLayoutObject(object) { } function createChild(className, instanceName, initProps) { if (depth == undefined) { depth = 1; } var _local2; if (typeof(className) == "string") { _local2 = createObject(className, instanceName, depth++, initProps); } else { _local2 = createClassObject(className, instanceName, depth++, initProps); } if (_local2 == undefined) { _local2 = loadExternal(className, _loadExternalClass, instanceName, depth++, initProps); } else { this[childNameBase + numChildren] = _local2; _local2._complete = true; childLoaded(_local2); } addLayoutObject(_local2); return(_local2); } function getChildAt(childIndex) { return(this[childNameBase + childIndex]); } function destroyChildAt(childIndex) { if (!((childIndex >= 0) && (childIndex < numChildren))) { return(undefined); } var _local4 = childNameBase + childIndex; var _local6 = numChildren; var _local3; for (_local3 in this) { if (_local3 == _local4) { _local4 = ""; destroyObject(_local3); break; } } var _local2 = Number(childIndex); while (_local2 < (_local6 - 1)) { this[childNameBase + _local2] = this[childNameBase + (_local2 + 1)]; _local2++; } delete this[childNameBase + (_local6 - 1)]; depth--; } function initLayout() { if (!hasBeenLayedOut) { doLayout(); } } function doLayout() { hasBeenLayedOut = true; } function createChildren() { if (border_mc == undefined) { border_mc = createClassChildAtDepth(_global.styles.rectBorderClass, mx.managers.DepthManager.kBottom, {styleName:this}); } doLater(this, "initLayout"); } function convertToUIObject(obj) { } function childLoaded(obj) { convertToUIObject(obj); } static function extension() { mx.core.ExternalContent.enableExternalContent(); } static var symbolName = "View"; static var symbolOwner = mx.core.View; static var version = ""; var className = "View"; static var childNameBase = "_child"; var hasBeenLayedOut = false; var _loadExternalClass = "UIComponent"; }
Symbol 39 MovieClip [] Frame 0
class mx.core.ScrollView extends mx.core.View { var __width, hScroller, vScroller, __maxHPosition, propsInited, scrollAreaChanged, specialHScrollCase, createObject, viewableColumns, __height, oldRndUp, viewableRows, __viewMetrics, owner, enabled, border_mc, __get__width, __get__height, invLayout, mask_mc, _parent, dispatchEvent; function ScrollView () { super(); } function getHScrollPolicy(Void) { return(__hScrollPolicy); } function setHScrollPolicy(policy) { __hScrollPolicy = policy.toLowerCase(); if (__width == undefined) { return(undefined); } setScrollProperties(numberOfCols, columnWidth, rowC, rowH, heightPadding, widthPadding); } function get hScrollPolicy() { return(getHScrollPolicy()); } function set hScrollPolicy(policy) { setHScrollPolicy(policy); //return(hScrollPolicy); } function getVScrollPolicy(Void) { return(__vScrollPolicy); } function setVScrollPolicy(policy) { __vScrollPolicy = policy.toLowerCase(); if (__width == undefined) { return(undefined); } setScrollProperties(numberOfCols, columnWidth, rowC, rowH, heightPadding, widthPadding); } function get vScrollPolicy() { return(getVScrollPolicy()); } function set vScrollPolicy(policy) { setVScrollPolicy(policy); //return(vScrollPolicy); } function get hPosition() { return(getHPosition()); } function set hPosition(pos) { setHPosition(pos); //return(hPosition); } function getHPosition(Void) { return(__hPosition); } function setHPosition(pos) { hScroller.__set__scrollPosition(pos); __hPosition = pos; } function get vPosition() { return(getVPosition()); } function set vPosition(pos) { setVPosition(pos); //return(vPosition); } function getVPosition(Void) { return(__vPosition); } function setVPosition(pos) { vScroller.__set__scrollPosition(pos); __vPosition = pos; } function get maxVPosition() { var _local2 = vScroller.maxPos; return(((_local2 == undefined) ? 0 : (_local2))); } function get maxHPosition() { return(getMaxHPosition()); } function set maxHPosition(pos) { setMaxHPosition(pos); //return(maxHPosition); } function getMaxHPosition(Void) { if (__maxHPosition != undefined) { return(__maxHPosition); } var _local2 = hScroller.maxPos; return(((_local2 == undefined) ? 0 : (_local2))); } function setMaxHPosition(pos) { __maxHPosition = pos; } function setScrollProperties(colCount, colWidth, rwCount, rwHeight, hPadding, wPadding) { var _local3 = getViewMetrics(); if (hPadding == undefined) { hPadding = 0; } if (wPadding == undefined) { wPadding = 0; } propsInited = true; delete scrollAreaChanged; heightPadding = hPadding; widthPadding = wPadding; if (colWidth == 0) { colWidth = 1; } if (rwHeight == 0) { rwHeight = 1; } var _local5 = Math.ceil((((__width - _local3.left) - _local3.right) - widthPadding) / colWidth); if ((__hScrollPolicy == "on") || ((_local5 < colCount) && (__hScrollPolicy == "auto"))) { if ((hScroller == undefined) || (specialHScrollCase)) { delete specialHScrollCase; hScroller = createObject("HScrollBar", "hSB", 1001); hScroller.__set__lineScrollSize(20); hScroller.scrollHandler = scrollProxy; hScroller.__set__scrollPosition(__hPosition); scrollAreaChanged = true; } if ((((numberOfCols != colCount) || (columnWidth != colWidth)) || (viewableColumns != _local5)) || (scrollAreaChanged)) { hScroller.setScrollProperties(_local5, 0, colCount - _local5); viewableColumns = _local5; numberOfCols = colCount; columnWidth = colWidth; } } else if (((__hScrollPolicy == "auto") || (__hScrollPolicy == "off")) && (hScroller != undefined)) { hScroller.removeMovieClip(); delete hScroller; scrollAreaChanged = true; } if (heightPadding == undefined) { heightPadding = 0; } var _local4 = Math.ceil((((__height - - _local3.bottom) - heightPadding) / rwHeight); var _local8 = (((__height - - _local3.bottom) % rwHeight) != 0; if ((__vScrollPolicy == "on") || ((_local4 < (rwCount + _local8)) && (__vScrollPolicy == "auto"))) { if (vScroller == undefined) { vScroller = createObject("VScrollBar", "vSB", 1002); vScroller.scrollHandler = scrollProxy; vScroller.__set__scrollPosition(__vPosition); scrollAreaChanged = true; rowH = 0; } if ((((rowC != rwCount) || (rowH != rwHeight)) || ((viewableRows + _local8) != (_local4 + oldRndUp))) || (scrollAreaChanged)) { vScroller.setScrollProperties(_local4, 0, (rwCount - _local4) + _local8); viewableRows = _local4; rowC = rwCount; rowH = rwHeight; oldRndUp = _local8; } } else if (((__vScrollPolicy == "auto") || (__vScrollPolicy == "off")) && (vScroller != undefined)) { vScroller.removeMovieClip(); delete vScroller; scrollAreaChanged = true; } numberOfCols = colCount; columnWidth = colWidth; if (scrollAreaChanged) { doLayout(); var _local2 = __viewMetrics; var _local12 = ((owner != undefined) ? (owner) : this); _local12.layoutContent(_local2.left,, ((columnWidth * numberOfCols) - _local2.left) - _local2.right, rowC * rowH, (__width - _local2.left) - _local2.right, (__height - - _local2.bottom); } if (!enabled) { setEnabled(false); } } function getViewMetrics(Void) { var _local2 = __viewMetrics; var _local3 = border_mc.__get__borderMetrics(); _local2.left = _local3.left; _local2.right = _local3.right; if (vScroller != undefined) { _local2.right = _local2.right + vScroller.minWidth; } =; if ((hScroller == undefined) && ((__hScrollPolicy == "on") || (__hScrollPolicy == true))) { hScroller = createObject("FHScrollBar", "hSB", 1001); specialHScrollCase = true; } _local2.bottom = _local3.bottom; if (hScroller != undefined) { _local2.bottom = _local2.bottom + hScroller.minHeight; } return(_local2); } function doLayout(Void) { var _local10 = __get__width(); var _local8 = __get__height(); delete invLayout; var _local3 = (__viewMetrics = getViewMetrics()); var _local2 = _local3.left; var _local9 = _local3.right; var _local5 =; var _local11 = _local3.bottom; var _local7 = hScroller; var _local6 = vScroller; _local7.setSize((_local10 - _local2) - _local9, _local7.minHeight + 0); _local7.move(_local2, _local8 - _local11); _local6.setSize(_local6.minWidth + 0, (_local8 - _local5) - _local11); _local6.move(_local10 - _local9, _local5); var _local4 = mask_mc; _local4._width = (_local10 - _local2) - _local9; _local4._height = (_local8 - _local5) - _local11; _local4._x = _local2; _local4._y = _local5; } function createChild(id, name, props) { var _local2 = super.createChild(id, name, props); return(_local2); } function init(Void) { super.init(); __viewMetrics = new Object(); if (_global.__SVMouseWheelManager == undefined) { var _local4 = (_global.__SVMouseWheelManager = new Object()); _local4.onMouseWheel = __onMouseWheel; Mouse.addListener(_local4); } } function __onMouseWheel(delta, scrollTarget) { var _local3 = scrollTarget; var _local1; while (_local3 != undefined) { if (_local3 instanceof mx.core.ScrollView) { _local1 = _local3; } _local3 = _local3._parent; } if (_local1 != undefined) { _local3 = ((delta <= 0) ? 1 : -1); var _local2 = _local1.vScroller.lineScrollSize; if (_local2 == undefined) { _local2 = 0; } _local2 = Math.max(Math.abs(delta), _local2); _local1.vPosition = _local1.vPosition + (_local2 * _local3); _local1.dispatchEvent({type:"scroll", direction:"vertical", position:_local1.vPosition}); } } function createChildren(Void) { super.createChildren(); if (mask_mc == undefined) { mask_mc = createObject("BoundingBox", "mask_mc", MASK_DEPTH); } mask_mc._visible = false; } function invalidate(Void) { super.invalidate(); } function draw(Void) { size(); } function size(Void) { super.size(); } function scrollProxy(docObj) { _parent.onScroll(docObj); } function onScroll(docObj) { var _local3 =; var _local2 = _local3.scrollPosition; if (_local3 == vScroller) { var _local4 = "vertical"; var _local5 = "__vPosition"; } else { var _local4 = "horizontal"; var _local5 = "__hPosition"; } dispatchEvent({type:"scroll", direction:_local4, position:_local2}); this[_local5] = _local2; } function setEnabled(v) { vScroller.enabled = (hScroller.enabled = v); } function childLoaded(obj) { super.childLoaded(obj); obj.setMask(mask_mc); } static var symbolName = "ScrollView"; static var symbolOwner = mx.core.ScrollView; static var version = ""; var className = "ScrollView"; var __vScrollPolicy = "auto"; var __hScrollPolicy = "off"; var __vPosition = 0; var __hPosition = 0; var numberOfCols = 0; var rowC = 0; var columnWidth = 1; var rowH = 0; var heightPadding = 0; var widthPadding = 0; var MASK_DEPTH = 10000; }
Symbol 40 MovieClip [] Frame 0
class mx.containers.ScrollPane extends mx.core.ScrollView { var _total, _loaded, destroyChildAt, createChild, __scrollContent, spContentHolder, hScroller, vScroller, __get__hScrollPolicy, __vScrollPolicy, __get__vScrollPolicy, tabEnabled, keyDown, mask_mc, hPosition, __get__maxHPosition, vPosition, __get__maxVPosition, __hPosition, __vPosition, invalidate; function ScrollPane () { super(); } function getBytesTotal() { return(_total); } function getBytesLoaded() { return(_loaded); } function set contentPath(scrollableContent) { if (!initializing) { if (scrollableContent == undefined) { destroyChildAt(0); } else { if (this[mx.core.View.childNameBase + 0] != undefined) { destroyChildAt(0); } createChild(scrollableContent, "spContentHolder"); } } __scrollContent = scrollableContent; //return(contentPath); } function get contentPath() { return(__scrollContent); } function get content() { return(spContentHolder); } function setHPosition(position) { if ((position <= hScroller.maxPos) && (position >= hScroller.minPos)) { super.setHPosition(position); spContentHolder._x = -position; } } function setVPosition(position) { if ((position <= vScroller.maxPos) && (position >= vScroller.minPos)) { super.setVPosition(position); spContentHolder._y = -position; } } function get vLineScrollSize() { return(__vLineScrollSize); } function set vLineScrollSize(vLineSize) { __vLineScrollSize = vLineSize; vScroller.__set__lineScrollSize(vLineSize); //return(vLineScrollSize); } function get hLineScrollSize() { return(__hLineScrollSize); } function set hLineScrollSize(hLineSize) { __hLineScrollSize = hLineSize; hScroller.__set__lineScrollSize(hLineSize); //return(hLineScrollSize); } function get vPageScrollSize() { return(__vPageScrollSize); } function set vPageScrollSize(vPageSize) { __vPageScrollSize = vPageSize; vScroller.__set__pageScrollSize(vPageSize); //return(vPageScrollSize); } function get hPageScrollSize() { return(__hPageScrollSize); } function set hPageScrollSize(hPageSize) { __hPageScrollSize = hPageSize; hScroller.__set__pageScrollSize(hPageSize); //return(hPageScrollSize); } function set hScrollPolicy(policy) { __hScrollPolicy = policy.toLowerCase(); setScrollProperties(spContentHolder._width, 1, spContentHolder._height, 1); //return(__get__hScrollPolicy()); } function set vScrollPolicy(policy) { __vScrollPolicy = policy.toLowerCase(); setScrollProperties(spContentHolder._width, 1, spContentHolder._height, 1); //return(__get__vScrollPolicy()); } function get scrollDrag() { return(__scrollDrag); } function set scrollDrag(s) { __scrollDrag = s; if (__scrollDrag) { spContentHolder.useHandCursor = true; spContentHolder.onPress = function () { this._parent.startDragLoop(); }; spContentHolder.tabEnabled = false; spContentHolder.onRelease = (spContentHolder.onReleaseOutside = function () { delete this.onMouseMove; }); __scrollDrag = true; } else { delete spContentHolder.onPress; spContentHolder.tabEnabled = false; spContentHolder.tabChildren = true; spContentHolder.useHandCursor = false; __scrollDrag = false; } //return(scrollDrag); } function init(Void) { super.init(); tabEnabled = true; keyDown = _onKeyDown; } function createChildren(Void) { super.createChildren(); mask_mc._visible = false; initializing = false; if ((__scrollContent != undefined) && (__scrollContent != "")) { contentPath = (__scrollContent); } } function size(Void) { super.size(); setScrollProperties(spContentHolder._width, 1, spContentHolder._height, 1); hPosition = Math.min(hPosition, __get__maxHPosition()); vPosition = Math.min(vPosition, __get__maxVPosition()); } function setScrollProperties(columnCount, columnWidth, rowCount, rowHeight) { super.setScrollProperties(columnCount, columnWidth, rowCount, rowHeight); hScroller.__set__lineScrollSize(__hLineScrollSize); hScroller.__set__pageScrollSize(__hPageScrollSize); vScroller.__set__lineScrollSize(__vLineScrollSize); vScroller.__set__pageScrollSize(__vPageScrollSize); } function onScroll(scrollEvent) { super.onScroll(scrollEvent); spContentHolder._x = -__hPosition; spContentHolder._y = -__vPosition; } function childLoaded(obj) { super.childLoaded(obj); onComplete(); } function onComplete(Void) { setScrollProperties(spContentHolder._width, 1, spContentHolder._height, 1); hPosition = 0; vPosition = 0; scrollDrag = (__scrollDrag); invalidate(); } function startDragLoop(Void) { spContentHolder.lastX = spContentHolder._xmouse; spContentHolder.lastY = spContentHolder._ymouse; spContentHolder.onMouseMove = function () { var _local4 = this.lastX - this._xmouse; var _local3 = this.lastY - this._ymouse; _local4 = _local4 + this._parent.hPosition; _local3 = _local3 + this._parent.vPosition; this._parent.hPosition = _local4; this._parent.vPosition = _local3; if ((this._parent.hPosition < this._parent.hScroller.maxPos) && (this._parent.hPosition > this._parent.hScroller.minPos)) { this.lastX = this._xmouse; } else if (this._parent.hPosition > this._parent.hScroller.maxPos) { this._parent.hPosition = this._parent.hScroller.maxPos; } else if (this._parent.hPosition < this._parent.hScroller.minPos) { this._parent.hPosition = this._parent.hScroller.minPos; } if ((this._parent.vPosition < this._parent.vScroller.maxPos) && (this._parent.vPosition > this._parent.vScroller.minPos)) { this.lastY = this._ymouse; } else if (this._parent.vPosition > this._parent.vScroller.maxPos) { this._parent.vPosition = this._parent.vScroller.maxPos; } else if (this._parent.vPosition < this._parent.vScroller.minPos) { this._parent.vPosition = this._parent.vScroller.minPos; } super.dispatchEvent({type:"scroll"}); }; } function dispatchEvent(o) { = this; _total =; _loaded = o.current; super.dispatchEvent(o); } function refreshPane(Void) { contentPath = (__scrollContent); } function _onKeyDown(e) { if (e.code == 40) { vPosition = vPosition + vLineScrollSize; } else if (e.code == 38) { vPosition = vPosition - vLineScrollSize; } else if (e.code == 37) { hPosition = hPosition - hLineScrollSize; } else if (e.code == 39) { hPosition = hPosition + hLineScrollSize; } else if (e.code == 33) { vPosition = vPosition - vPageScrollSize; } else if (e.code == 34) { vPosition = vPosition + vPageScrollSize; } else if (e.code == 36) { vPosition = vScroller.minPos; } else if (e.code == 35) { vPosition = vScroller.maxPos; } } static var symbolName = "ScrollPane"; static var symbolOwner = mx.containers.ScrollPane; var className = "ScrollPane"; static var version = ""; var __hScrollPolicy = "auto"; var __scrollDrag = false; var __vLineScrollSize = 5; var __hLineScrollSize = 5; var __vPageScrollSize = 20; var __hPageScrollSize = 20; var clipParameters = {contentPath:1, scrollDrag:1, hScrollPolicy:1, vScrollPolicy:1, vLineScrollSize:1, hLineScrollSize:1, vPageScrollSize:1, hPageScrollSize:1}; static var mergedClipParameters = mx.core.UIObject.mergeClipParameters(mx.containers.ScrollPane.prototype.clipParameters, mx.core.ScrollView.prototype.clipParameters); var initializing = true; }
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class mx.skins.SkinElement extends MovieClip { var _visible, _x, _y, _width, _height; function SkinElement () { super(); } static function registerElement(name, className) { Object.registerClass(name, ((className == undefined) ? (mx.skins.SkinElement) : (className))); _global.skinRegistry[name] = true; } function __set__visible(visible) { _visible = visible; } function move(x, y) { _x = x; _y = y; } function setSize(w, h) { _width = w; _height = h; } }
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class mx.styles.CSSTextStyles { function CSSTextStyles () { } static function addTextStyles(o, bColor) { o.addProperty("textAlign", function () { return(this._tf.align); }, function (x) { if (this._tf == undefined) { this._tf = new TextFormat(); } this._tf.align = x; }); o.addProperty("fontWeight", function () { return(((this._tf.bold != undefined) ? ((this._tf.bold ? "bold" : "none")) : undefined)); }, function (x) { if (this._tf == undefined) { this._tf = new TextFormat(); } this._tf.bold = x == "bold"; }); if (bColor) { o.addProperty("color", function () { return(this._tf.color); }, function (x) { if (this._tf == undefined) { this._tf = new TextFormat(); } this._tf.color = x; }); } o.addProperty("fontFamily", function () { return(this._tf.font); }, function (x) { if (this._tf == undefined) { this._tf = new TextFormat(); } this._tf.font = x; }); o.addProperty("textIndent", function () { return(this._tf.indent); }, function (x) { if (this._tf == undefined) { this._tf = new TextFormat(); } this._tf.indent = x; }); o.addProperty("fontStyle", function () { return(((this._tf.italic != undefined) ? ((this._tf.italic ? "italic" : "none")) : undefined)); }, function (x) { if (this._tf == undefined) { this._tf = new TextFormat(); } this._tf.italic = x == "italic"; }); o.addProperty("marginLeft", function () { return(this._tf.leftMargin); }, function (x) { if (this._tf == undefined) { this._tf = new TextFormat(); } this._tf.leftMargin = x; }); o.addProperty("marginRight", function () { return(this._tf.rightMargin); }, function (x) { if (this._tf == undefined) { this._tf = new TextFormat(); } this._tf.rightMargin = x; }); o.addProperty("fontSize", function () { return(this._tf.size); }, function (x) { if (this._tf == undefined) { this._tf = new TextFormat(); } this._tf.size = x; }); o.addProperty("textDecoration", function () { return(((this._tf.underline != undefined) ? ((this._tf.underline ? "underline" : "none")) : undefined)); }, function (x) { if (this._tf == undefined) { this._tf = new TextFormat(); } this._tf.underline = x == "underline"; }); o.addProperty("embedFonts", function () { return(this._tf.embedFonts); }, function (x) { if (this._tf == undefined) { this._tf = new TextFormat(); } this._tf.embedFonts = x; }); } }
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class mx.styles.StyleManager { function StyleManager () { } static function registerInheritingStyle(styleName) { inheritingStyles[styleName] = true; } static function isInheritingStyle(styleName) { return(inheritingStyles[styleName] == true); } static function registerColorStyle(styleName) { colorStyles[styleName] = true; } static function isColorStyle(styleName) { return(colorStyles[styleName] == true); } static function registerColorName(colorName, colorValue) { colorNames[colorName] = colorValue; } static function isColorName(colorName) { return(colorNames[colorName] != undefined); } static function getColorName(colorName) { return(colorNames[colorName]); } static var inheritingStyles = {color:true, direction:true, fontFamily:true, fontSize:true, fontStyle:true, fontWeight:true, textAlign:true, textIndent:true}; static var colorStyles = {barColor:true, trackColor:true, borderColor:true, buttonColor:true, color:true, dateHeaderColor:true, dateRollOverColor:true, disabledColor:true, fillColor:true, highlightColor:true, scrollTrackColor:true, selectedDateColor:true, shadowColor:true, strokeColor:true, symbolBackgroundColor:true, symbolBackgroundDisabledColor:true, symbolBackgroundPressedColor:true, symbolColor:true, symbolDisabledColor:true, themeColor:true, todayIndicatorColor:true, shadowCapColor:true, borderCapColor:true, focusColor:true}; static var colorNames = {black:0, white:16777215, red:16711680, green:65280, blue:255, magenta:16711935, yellow:16776960, cyan:65535, haloGreen:8453965, haloBlue:2881013, haloOrange:16761344}; static var TextFormatStyleProps = {font:true, size:true, color:true, leftMargin:false, rightMargin:false, italic:true, bold:true, align:true, indent:true, underline:false, embedFonts:false}; static var TextStyleMap = {textAlign:true, fontWeight:true, color:true, fontFamily:true, textIndent:true, fontStyle:true, lineHeight:true, marginLeft:true, marginRight:true, fontSize:true, textDecoration:true, embedFonts:true}; }
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class mx.styles.CSSStyleDeclaration { var _tf; function CSSStyleDeclaration () { } function __getTextFormat(tf, bAll) { var _local5 = false; if (_tf != undefined) { var _local2; for (_local2 in mx.styles.StyleManager.TextFormatStyleProps) { if (bAll || (mx.styles.StyleManager.TextFormatStyleProps[_local2])) { if (tf[_local2] == undefined) { var _local3 = _tf[_local2]; if (_local3 != undefined) { tf[_local2] = _local3; } else { _local5 = true; } } } } } else { _local5 = true; } return(_local5); } function getStyle(styleProp) { var _local2 = this[styleProp]; var _local3 = mx.styles.StyleManager.getColorName(_local2); return(((_local3 == undefined) ? (_local2) : (_local3))); } static function classConstruct() { mx.styles.CSSTextStyles.addTextStyles(mx.styles.CSSStyleDeclaration.prototype, true); return(true); } static var classConstructed = classConstruct(); static var CSSTextStylesDependency = mx.styles.CSSTextStyles; }
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class mx.skins.Border extends mx.core.UIObject { function Border () { super(); } function init(Void) { super.init(); } static var symbolName = "Border"; static var symbolOwner = mx.skins.Border; var className = "Border"; var tagBorder = 0; var idNames = new Array("border_mc"); }
Symbol 137 MovieClip [] Frame 0
class mx.skins.RectBorder extends mx.skins.Border { var __width, __height, offset, __borderMetrics; function RectBorder () { super(); } function get width() { return(__width); } function get height() { return(__height); } function init(Void) { super.init(); } function draw(Void) { size(); } function getBorderMetrics(Void) { var _local2 = offset; if (__borderMetrics == undefined) { __borderMetrics = {left:_local2, top:_local2, right:_local2, bottom:_local2}; } else { __borderMetrics.left = _local2; = _local2; __borderMetrics.right = _local2; __borderMetrics.bottom = _local2; } return(__borderMetrics); } function get borderMetrics() { return(getBorderMetrics()); } function drawBorder(Void) { } function size(Void) { drawBorder(); } function setColor(Void) { drawBorder(); } static var symbolName = "RectBorder"; static var symbolOwner = mx.skins.RectBorder; static var version = ""; var className = "RectBorder"; var borderStyleName = "borderStyle"; var borderColorName = "borderColor"; var shadowColorName = "shadowColor"; var highlightColorName = "highlightColor"; var buttonColorName = "buttonColor"; var backgroundColorName = "backgroundColor"; }
Symbol 138 MovieClip [] Frame 0
class mx.managers.DepthManager { var _childCounter, createClassObject, createObject, _parent, swapDepths, _topmost, getDepth; function DepthManager () { MovieClip.prototype.createClassChildAtDepth = createClassChildAtDepth; MovieClip.prototype.createChildAtDepth = createChildAtDepth; MovieClip.prototype.setDepthTo = setDepthTo; MovieClip.prototype.setDepthAbove = setDepthAbove; MovieClip.prototype.setDepthBelow = setDepthBelow; MovieClip.prototype.findNextAvailableDepth = findNextAvailableDepth; MovieClip.prototype.shuffleDepths = shuffleDepths; MovieClip.prototype.getDepthByFlag = getDepthByFlag; MovieClip.prototype.buildDepthTable = buildDepthTable; } static function sortFunction(a, b) { if (a.getDepth() > b.getDepth()) { return(1); } return(-1); } static function test(depth) { if (depth == reservedDepth) { return(false); } return(true); } static function createClassObjectAtDepth(className, depthSpace, initObj) { var _local1; switch (depthSpace) { case kCursor : _local1 = holder.createClassChildAtDepth(className, kTopmost, initObj); break; case kTooltip : _local1 = holder.createClassChildAtDepth(className, kTop, initObj); break; } return(_local1); } static function createObjectAtDepth(linkageName, depthSpace, initObj) { var _local1; switch (depthSpace) { case kCursor : _local1 = holder.createChildAtDepth(linkageName, kTopmost, initObj); break; case kTooltip : _local1 = holder.createChildAtDepth(linkageName, kTop, initObj); break; } return(_local1); } function createClassChildAtDepth(className, depthFlag, initObj) { if (_childCounter == undefined) { _childCounter = 0; } var _local3 = buildDepthTable(); var _local2 = getDepthByFlag(depthFlag, _local3); var _local6 = "down"; if (depthFlag == kBottom) { _local6 = "up"; } var _local5; if (_local3[_local2] != undefined) { _local5 = _local2; _local2 = findNextAvailableDepth(_local2, _local3, _local6); } var _local4 = createClassObject(className, "depthChild" + (_childCounter++), _local2, initObj); if (_local5 != undefined) { _local3[_local2] = _local4; shuffleDepths(_local4, _local5, _local3, _local6); } if (depthFlag == kTopmost) { _local4._topmost = true; } return(_local4); } function createChildAtDepth(linkageName, depthFlag, initObj) { if (_childCounter == undefined) { _childCounter = 0; } var _local3 = buildDepthTable(); var _local2 = getDepthByFlag(depthFlag, _local3); var _local6 = "down"; if (depthFlag == kBottom) { _local6 = "up"; } var _local5; if (_local3[_local2] != undefined) { _local5 = _local2; _local2 = findNextAvailableDepth(_local2, _local3, _local6); } var _local4 = createObject(linkageName, "depthChild" + (_childCounter++), _local2, initObj); if (_local5 != undefined) { _local3[_local2] = _local4; shuffleDepths(_local4, _local5, _local3, _local6); } if (depthFlag == kTopmost) { _local4._topmost = true; } return(_local4); } function setDepthTo(depthFlag) { var _local2 = _parent.buildDepthTable(); var _local3 = _parent.getDepthByFlag(depthFlag, _local2); if (_local2[_local3] != undefined) { shuffleDepths(this, _local3, _local2, undefined); } else { swapDepths(_local3); } if (depthFlag == kTopmost) { _topmost = true; } else { delete _topmost; } } function setDepthAbove(targetInstance) { if (targetInstance._parent != _parent) { return(undefined); } var _local2 = targetInstance.getDepth() + 1; var _local3 = _parent.buildDepthTable(); if ((_local3[_local2] != undefined) && (getDepth() < _local2)) { _local2 = _local2 - 1; } if (_local2 > highestDepth) { _local2 = highestDepth; } if (_local2 == highestDepth) { _parent.shuffleDepths(this, _local2, _local3, "down"); } else if (_local3[_local2] != undefined) { _parent.shuffleDepths(this, _local2, _local3, undefined); } else { swapDepths(_local2); } } function setDepthBelow(targetInstance) { if (targetInstance._parent != _parent) { return(undefined); } var _local6 = targetInstance.getDepth() - 1; var _local3 = _parent.buildDepthTable(); if ((_local3[_local6] != undefined) && (getDepth() > _local6)) { _local6 = _local6 + 1; } var _local4 = lowestDepth + numberOfAuthortimeLayers; var _local5; for (_local5 in _local3) { var _local2 = _local3[_local5]; if (_local2._parent != undefined) { _local4 = Math.min(_local4, _local2.getDepth()); } } if (_local6 < _local4) { _local6 = _local4; } if (_local6 == _local4) { _parent.shuffleDepths(this, _local6, _local3, "up"); } else if (_local3[_local6] != undefined) { _parent.shuffleDepths(this, _local6, _local3, undefined); } else { swapDepths(_local6); } } function findNextAvailableDepth(targetDepth, depthTable, direction) { var _local5 = lowestDepth + numberOfAuthortimeLayers; if (targetDepth < _local5) { targetDepth = _local5; } if (depthTable[targetDepth] == undefined) { return(targetDepth); } var _local2 = targetDepth; var _local1 = targetDepth; if (direction == "down") { while (depthTable[_local1] != undefined) { _local1--; } return(_local1); } while (depthTable[_local2] != undefined) { _local2++; } return(_local2); } function shuffleDepths(subject, targetDepth, depthTable, direction) { var _local9 = lowestDepth + numberOfAuthortimeLayers; var _local8 = _local9; var _local5; for (_local5 in depthTable) { var _local7 = depthTable[_local5]; if (_local7._parent != undefined) { _local9 = Math.min(_local9, _local7.getDepth()); } } if (direction == undefined) { if (subject.getDepth() > targetDepth) { direction = "up"; } else { direction = "down"; } } var _local1 = new Array(); for (_local5 in depthTable) { var _local7 = depthTable[_local5]; if (_local7._parent != undefined) { _local1.push(_local7); } } _local1.sort(sortFunction); if (direction == "up") { var _local3; var _local11; do { if (_local1.length <= 0) { break; } _local3 = _local1.pop(); } while (_local3 != subject); do { if (_local1.length <= 0) { break; } _local11 = subject.getDepth(); _local3 = _local1.pop(); var _local4 = _local3.getDepth(); if (_local11 > (_local4 + 1)) { if (_local4 >= 0) { subject.swapDepths(_local4 + 1); } else if ((_local11 > _local8) && (_local4 < _local8)) { subject.swapDepths(_local8); } } subject.swapDepths(_local3); } while (_local4 != targetDepth); } else if (direction == "down") { var _local3; do { if (_local1.length <= 0) { break; } _local3 = _local1.shift(); } while (_local3 != subject); do { if (_local1.length <= 0) { break; } var _local11 = _local3.getDepth(); _local3 = _local1.shift(); var _local4 = _local3.getDepth(); if ((_local11 < (_local4 - 1)) && (_local4 > 0)) { subject.swapDepths(_local4 - 1); } subject.swapDepths(_local3); } while (_local4 != targetDepth); } } function getDepthByFlag(depthFlag, depthTable) { var _local2 = 0; if ((depthFlag == kTop) || (depthFlag == kNotopmost)) { var _local5 = 0; var _local7 = false; var _local8; for (_local8 in depthTable) { var _local9 = depthTable[_local8]; var _local3 = typeof(_local9); if ((_local3 == "movieclip") || ((_local3 == "object") && (_local9.__getTextFormat != undefined))) { if (_local9.getDepth() <= highestDepth) { if (!_local9._topmost) { _local2 = Math.max(_local2, _local9.getDepth()); } else if (!_local7) { _local5 = _local9.getDepth(); _local7 = true; } else { _local5 = Math.min(_local5, _local9.getDepth()); } } } } _local2 = _local2 + 20; if (_local7) { if (_local2 >= _local5) { _local2 = _local5 - 1; } } } else if (depthFlag == kBottom) { for (var _local8 in depthTable) { var _local9 = depthTable[_local8]; var _local3 = typeof(_local9); if ((_local3 == "movieclip") || ((_local3 == "object") && (_local9.__getTextFormat != undefined))) { if (_local9.getDepth() <= highestDepth) { _local2 = Math.min(_local2, _local9.getDepth()); } } } _local2 = _local2 - 20; } else if (depthFlag == kTopmost) { for (var _local8 in depthTable) { var _local9 = depthTable[_local8]; var _local3 = typeof(_local9); if ((_local3 == "movieclip") || ((_local3 == "object") && (_local9.__getTextFormat != undefined))) { if (_local9.getDepth() <= highestDepth) { _local2 = Math.max(_local2, _local9.getDepth()); } } } _local2 = _local2 + 100; } if (_local2 >= highestDepth) { _local2 = highestDepth; } var _local6 = lowestDepth + numberOfAuthortimeLayers; for (var _local9 in depthTable) { var _local4 = depthTable[_local9]; if (_local4._parent != undefined) { _local6 = Math.min(_local6, _local4.getDepth()); } } if (_local2 <= _local6) { _local2 = _local6; } return(_local2); } function buildDepthTable(Void) { var _local5 = new Array(); var _local4; for (_local4 in this) { var _local2 = this[_local4]; var _local3 = typeof(_local2); if ((_local3 == "movieclip") || ((_local3 == "object") && (_local2.__getTextFormat != undefined))) { if (_local2._parent == this) { _local5[_local2.getDepth()] = _local2; } } } return(_local5); } static var reservedDepth = 1048575; static var highestDepth = 1048574; static var lowestDepth = -16383; static var numberOfAuthortimeLayers = 383; static var kCursor = 101; static var kTooltip = 102; static var kTop = 201; static var kBottom = 202; static var kTopmost = 203; static var kNotopmost = 204; static var holder = _root.createEmptyMovieClip("reserved", reservedDepth); static var __depthManager = new mx.managers.DepthManager(); }
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class { function EventDispatcher () { } static function _removeEventListener(queue, event, handler) { if (queue != undefined) { var _local4 = queue.length; var _local1; _local1 = 0; while (_local1 < _local4) { var _local2 = queue[_local1]; if (_local2 == handler) { queue.splice(_local1, 1); return(undefined); } _local1++; } } } static function initialize(object) { if (_fEventDispatcher == undefined) { _fEventDispatcher = new; } object.addEventListener = _fEventDispatcher.addEventListener; object.removeEventListener = _fEventDispatcher.removeEventListener; object.dispatchEvent = _fEventDispatcher.dispatchEvent; object.dispatchQueue = _fEventDispatcher.dispatchQueue; } function dispatchQueue(queueObj, eventObj) { var _local7 = "__q_" + eventObj.type; var _local4 = queueObj[_local7]; if (_local4 != undefined) { var _local5; for (_local5 in _local4) { var _local1 = _local4[_local5]; var _local3 = typeof(_local1); if ((_local3 == "object") || (_local3 == "movieclip")) { if (_local1.handleEvent == undefined) { _local1[eventObj.type](eventObj); } else { _local1.handleEvent(eventObj); } } else { _local1.apply(queueObj, [eventObj]); } } } } function dispatchEvent(eventObj) { if ( == undefined) { = this; } this[eventObj.type + "Handler"](eventObj); dispatchQueue(this, eventObj); } function addEventListener(event, handler) { var _local3 = "__q_" + event; if (this[_local3] == undefined) { this[_local3] = new Array(); } _global.ASSetPropFlags(this, _local3, 1); _removeEventListener(this[_local3], event, handler); this[_local3].push(handler); } function removeEventListener(event, handler) { var _local2 = "__q_" + event; _removeEventListener(this[_local2], event, handler); } static var _fEventDispatcher = undefined; }
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class extends { var dispatchQueue, owner, __sentLoadEvent, __origAddEventListener; function UIEventDispatcher () { super(); } static function addKeyEvents(obj) { if (obj.keyHandler == undefined) { var _local1 = (obj.keyHandler = new Object()); _local1.owner = obj; _local1.onKeyDown = _fEventDispatcher.onKeyDown; _local1.onKeyUp = _fEventDispatcher.onKeyUp; } Key.addListener(obj.keyHandler); } static function removeKeyEvents(obj) { Key.removeListener(obj.keyHandler); } static function addLoadEvents(obj) { if (obj.onLoad == undefined) { obj.onLoad = _fEventDispatcher.onLoad; obj.onUnload = _fEventDispatcher.onUnload; if (obj.getBytesTotal() == obj.getBytesLoaded()) { obj.doLater(obj, "onLoad"); } } } static function removeLoadEvents(obj) { delete obj.onLoad; delete obj.onUnload; } static function initialize(obj) { if (_fEventDispatcher == undefined) { _fEventDispatcher = new; } obj.addEventListener = _fEventDispatcher.__addEventListener; obj.__origAddEventListener = _fEventDispatcher.addEventListener; obj.removeEventListener = _fEventDispatcher.removeEventListener; obj.dispatchEvent = _fEventDispatcher.dispatchEvent; obj.dispatchQueue = _fEventDispatcher.dispatchQueue; } function dispatchEvent(eventObj) { if ( == undefined) { = this; } this[eventObj.type + "Handler"](eventObj); dispatchQueue(, eventObj); dispatchQueue(this, eventObj); } function onKeyDown(Void) { owner.dispatchEvent({type:"keyDown", code:Key.getCode(), ascii:Key.getAscii(), shiftKey:Key.isDown(16), ctrlKey:Key.isDown(17)}); } function onKeyUp(Void) { owner.dispatchEvent({type:"keyUp", code:Key.getCode(), ascii:Key.getAscii(), shiftKey:Key.isDown(16), ctrlKey:Key.isDown(17)}); } function onLoad(Void) { if (__sentLoadEvent != true) { dispatchEvent({type:"load"}); } __sentLoadEvent = true; } function onUnload(Void) { dispatchEvent({type:"unload"}); } function __addEventListener(event, handler) { __origAddEventListener(event, handler); var _local3 = lowLevelEvents; for (var _local5 in _local3) { if ([_local5][event] != undefined) { var _local2 = _local3[_local5][0];[_local2](this); } } } function removeEventListener(event, handler) { var _local6 = "__q_" + event;[_local6], event, handler); if (this[_local6].length == 0) { var _local2 = lowLevelEvents; for (var _local5 in _local2) { if ([_local5][event] != undefined) { var _local3 = _local2[_local5][1];[_local2[_local5][1]](this); } } } } static var keyEvents = {keyDown:1, keyUp:1}; static var loadEvents = {load:1, unload:1}; static var lowLevelEvents = {keyEvents:["addKeyEvents", "removeKeyEvents"], loadEvents:["addLoadEvents", "removeLoadEvents"]}; static var _fEventDispatcher = undefined; }
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class mx.core.ExternalContent { var createObject, numChildren, prepList, doLater, loadList, dispatchEvent, loadedList, childLoaded; function ExternalContent () { } function loadExternal(url, placeholderClassName, instanceName, depth, initProps) { var _local2; _local2 = createObject(placeholderClassName, instanceName, depth, initProps); this[mx.core.View.childNameBase + numChildren] = _local2; if (prepList == undefined) { prepList = new Object(); } prepList[instanceName] = {obj:_local2, url:url, complete:false, initProps:initProps}; prepareToLoadMovie(_local2); return(_local2); } function prepareToLoadMovie(obj) { obj.unloadMovie(); doLater(this, "waitForUnload"); } function waitForUnload() { var _local3; for (_local3 in prepList) { var _local2 = prepList[_local3]; if (_local2.obj.getBytesTotal() == 0) { if (loadList == undefined) { loadList = new Object(); } loadList[_local3] = _local2; _local2.obj.loadMovie(_local2.url); delete prepList[_local3]; doLater(this, "checkLoadProgress"); } else { doLater(this, "waitForUnload"); } } } function checkLoadProgress() { var _local3; for (_local3 in loadList) { var _local2 = loadList[_local3]; _local2.loaded = _local2.obj.getBytesLoaded(); = _local2.obj.getBytesTotal(); if ( > 0) { _local2.obj._visible = false; dispatchEvent({type:"progress", target:_local2.obj, current:_local2.loaded,}); if (_local2.loaded == { if (loadedList == undefined) { loadedList = new Object(); } loadedList[_local3] = _local2; delete loadList[_local3]; doLater(this, "contentLoaded"); } } else if ( == -1) { if (_local2.failedOnce != undefined) { _local2.failedOnce++; if (_local2.failedOnce > 3) { dispatchEvent({type:"complete", target:_local2.obj, current:_local2.loaded,}); delete loadList[_local3]; } } else { _local2.failedOnce = 0; } } doLater(this, "checkLoadProgress"); } } function contentLoaded() { var _local4; for (_local4 in loadedList) { var _local2 = loadedList[_local4]; _local2.obj._visible = true; _local2.obj._complete = true; var _local3; for (_local3 in _local2.initProps) { _local2.obj[_local3] = _local2.initProps[_local3]; } childLoaded(_local2.obj); dispatchEvent({type:"complete", target:_local2.obj, current:_local2.loaded,}); delete loadedList[_local4]; } } function convertToUIObject(obj) { if (obj.setSize == undefined) { var _local2 = mx.core.UIObject.prototype; obj.addProperty("width", _local2.__get__width, null); obj.addProperty("height", _local2.__get__height, null); obj.addProperty("left", _local2.__get__left, null); obj.addProperty("x", _local2.__get__x, null); obj.addProperty("top", _local2.__get__top, null); obj.addProperty("y", _local2.__get__y, null); obj.addProperty("right", _local2.__get__right, null); obj.addProperty("bottom", _local2.__get__bottom, null); obj.addProperty("visible", _local2.__get__visible, _local2.__set__visible); obj.move = mx.core.UIObject.prototype.move; obj.setSize = mx.core.UIObject.prototype.setSize; obj.size = mx.core.UIObject.prototype.size;; } } static function enableExternalContent() { } static function classConstruct() { var _local1 = mx.core.View.prototype; var _local2 = mx.core.ExternalContent.prototype; _local1.loadExternal = _local2.loadExternal; _local1.prepareToLoadMovie = _local2.prepareToLoadMovie; _local1.waitForUnload = _local2.waitForUnload; _local1.checkLoadProgress = _local2.checkLoadProgress; _local1.contentLoaded = _local2.contentLoaded; _local1.convertToUIObject = _local2.convertToUIObject; return(true); } static var classConstructed = classConstruct(); static var ViewDependency = mx.core.View; }
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class mx.skins.CustomBorder extends mx.skins.Border { var __width, __height, l_mc, setSkin, minHeight, minWidth, m_mc, r_mc; function CustomBorder () { super(); } function get width() { return(__width); } function get height() { return(__height); } function init(Void) { super.init(); } function createChildren(Void) { } function draw(Void) { if (l_mc == undefined) { var _local2 = setSkin(tagL, leftSkin); if (horizontal) { minHeight = l_mc._height; minWidth = l_mc._width; } else { minHeight = l_mc._height; minWidth = l_mc._width; } } if (m_mc == undefined) { setSkin(tagM, middleSkin); if (horizontal) { minHeight = m_mc._height; minWidth = minWidth + m_mc._width; } else { minHeight = minHeight + m_mc._height; minWidth = m_mc._width; } } if (r_mc == undefined) { setSkin(tagR, rightSkin); if (horizontal) { minHeight = r_mc._height; minWidth = minWidth + r_mc._width; } else { minHeight = minHeight + r_mc._height; minWidth = r_mc._width; } } size(); } function size(Void) { l_mc.move(0, 0); if (horizontal) { r_mc.move(width - r_mc.width, 0); m_mc.move(l_mc.width, 0); m_mc.setSize(r_mc.x - m_mc.x, m_mc.height); } else { r_mc.move(0, height - r_mc.height, 0); m_mc.move(0, l_mc.height); m_mc.setSize(m_mc.width, r_mc.y - m_mc.y); } } static var symbolName = "CustomBorder"; static var symbolOwner = mx.skins.CustomBorder; static var version = ""; var className = "CustomBorder"; static var tagL = 0; static var tagM = 1; static var tagR = 2; var idNames = new Array("l_mc", "m_mc", "r_mc"); var leftSkin = "F3PieceLeft"; var middleSkin = "F3PieceMiddle"; var rightSkin = "F3PieceRight"; var horizontal = true; }
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class mx.controls.scrollClasses.ScrollThumb extends mx.skins.CustomBorder { var useHandCursor, ymin, ymax, datamin, datamax, scrollMove, lastY, _ymouse, _y, _parent, onMouseMove, grip_mc, setSkin, gripSkin, __get__width, __get__height; function ScrollThumb () { super(); } function createChildren(Void) { super.createChildren(); useHandCursor = false; } function setRange(_ymin, _ymax, _datamin, _datamax) { ymin = _ymin; ymax = _ymax; datamin = _datamin; datamax = _datamax; } function dragThumb(Void) { scrollMove = _ymouse - lastY; scrollMove = scrollMove + _y; if (scrollMove < ymin) { scrollMove = ymin; } else if (scrollMove > ymax) { scrollMove = ymax; } _parent.isScrolling = true; _y = scrollMove; var _local2 = Math.round(((datamax - datamin) * (_y - ymin)) / (ymax - ymin)) + datamin; _parent.scrollPosition = _local2; _parent.dispatchScrollEvent("ThumbTrack"); updateAfterEvent(); } function stopDragThumb(Void) { _parent.isScrolling = false; _parent.dispatchScrollEvent("ThumbPosition"); _parent.dispatchScrollChangedEvent(); delete onMouseMove; } function onPress(Void) { _parent.pressFocus(); lastY = _ymouse; onMouseMove = dragThumb; super.onPress(); } function onRelease(Void) { _parent.releaseFocus(); stopDragThumb(); super.onRelease(); } function onReleaseOutside(Void) { _parent.releaseFocus(); stopDragThumb(); super.onReleaseOutside(); } function draw() { super.draw(); if (grip_mc == undefined) { setSkin(3, gripSkin); } } function size() { super.size(); grip_mc.move((__get__width() - grip_mc.width) / 2, (__get__height() - grip_mc.height) / 2); } static var symbolOwner = mx.skins.CustomBorder.symbolOwner; var className = "ScrollThumb"; var btnOffset = 0; var horizontal = false; var idNames = new Array("l_mc", "m_mc", "r_mc", "grip_mc"); }
Symbol 144 MovieClip [] Frame 0
class mx.controls.SimpleButton extends mx.core.UIComponent { static var emphasizedStyleDeclaration; var preset, boundingBox_mc, useHandCursor, skinName, linkLength, iconName, destroyObject, __width, _width, __height, _height, __emphaticStyleName, styleName, enabled, invalidate, pressFocus, dispatchEvent, autoRepeat, interval, getStyle, releaseFocus, createLabel, invalidateStyle; function SimpleButton () { super(); } function init(Void) { super.init(); if (preset == undefined) { boundingBox_mc._visible = false; boundingBox_mc._width = (boundingBox_mc._height = 0); } useHandCursor = false; } function createChildren(Void) { if (preset != undefined) { var _local2 = this[idNames[preset]]; this[refNames[preset]] = _local2; skinName = _local2; if (falseOverSkin.length == 0) { rolloverSkin = fus; } if (falseOverIcon.length == 0) { rolloverIcon = fui; } initializing = false; } else if (__state == true) { setStateVar(true); } else { if (falseOverSkin.length == 0) { rolloverSkin = fus; } if (falseOverIcon.length == 0) { rolloverIcon = fui; } } } function setIcon(tag, linkageName) { return(setSkin(tag + 8, linkageName)); } function changeIcon(tag, linkageName) { linkLength = linkageName.length; var _local2 = stateNames[tag] + "Icon"; this[_local2] = linkageName; this[idNames[tag + 8]] = _local2; setStateVar(getState()); } function changeSkin(tag, linkageName) { var _local2 = stateNames[tag] + "Skin"; this[_local2] = linkageName; this[idNames[tag]] = _local2; setStateVar(getState()); } function viewIcon(varName) { var _local4 = varName + "Icon"; var _local3 = this[_local4]; if (typeof(_local3) == "string") { var _local5 = _local3; if (__emphasized) { if (this[_local3 + "Emphasized"].length > 0) { _local3 = _local3 + "Emphasized"; } } if (this[_local3].length == 0) { return(undefined); } _local3 = setIcon(tagMap[_local5], this[_local3]); if ((_local3 == undefined) && (_global.isLivePreview)) { _local3 = setIcon(0, "ButtonIcon"); } this[_local4] = _local3; } iconName._visible = false; iconName = _local3; iconName._visible = true; } function removeIcons() { var _local3 = 0; while (_local3 < 2) { var _local2 = 8; while (_local2 < 16) { destroyObject(idNames[_local2]); this[stateNames[_local2 - 8] + "Icon"] = ""; _local2++; } _local3++; } refresh(); } function setSkin(tag, linkageName, initobj) { var _local3 = super.setSkin(tag, linkageName, ((initobj != undefined) ? (initobj) : ({styleName:this}))); calcSize(tag, _local3); return(_local3); } function calcSize(Void) { __width = _width; __height = _height; } function viewSkin(varName, initObj) { var _local3 = varName + "Skin"; var _local2 = this[_local3]; if (typeof(_local2) == "string") { var _local4 = _local2; if (__emphasized) { if (this[_local2 + "Emphasized"].length > 0) { _local2 = _local2 + "Emphasized"; } } if (this[_local2].length == 0) { return(undefined); } _local2 = setSkin(tagMap[_local4], this[_local2], ((initObj != undefined) ? (initObj) : ({styleName:this}))); this[_local3] = _local2; } skinName._visible = false; skinName = _local2; skinName._visible = true; } function showEmphasized(e) { if (e && (!__emphatic)) { if (emphasizedStyleDeclaration != undefined) { __emphaticStyleName = styleName; styleName = emphasizedStyleDeclaration; } __emphatic = true; } else { if (__emphatic) { styleName = __emphaticStyleName; } __emphatic = false; } } function refresh(Void) { var _local2 = getState(); if (enabled == false) { viewIcon("disabled"); viewSkin("disabled"); } else { viewSkin(phase); viewIcon(phase); } setView(phase == "down"); iconName.enabled = enabled; } function setView(offset) { if (iconName == undefined) { return(undefined); } var _local2 = (offset ? (btnOffset) : 0); iconName._x = ((__width - iconName._width) / 2) + _local2; iconName._y = ((__height - iconName._height) / 2) + _local2; } function setStateVar(state) { if (state) { if (trueOverSkin.length == 0) { rolloverSkin = tus; } else { rolloverSkin = trs; } if (trueOverIcon.length == 0) { rolloverIcon = tui; } else { rolloverIcon = tri; } upSkin = tus; downSkin = tds; disabledSkin = dts; upIcon = tui; downIcon = tdi; disabledIcon = dti; } else { if (falseOverSkin.length == 0) { rolloverSkin = fus; } else { rolloverSkin = frs; } if (falseOverIcon.length == 0) { rolloverIcon = fui; } else { rolloverIcon = fri; } upSkin = fus; downSkin = fds; disabledSkin = dfs; upIcon = fui; downIcon = fdi; disabledIcon = dfi; } __state = state; } function setState(state) { if (state != __state) { setStateVar(state); invalidate(); } } function size(Void) { refresh(); } function draw(Void) { if (initializing) { initializing = false; skinName.visible = true; iconName.visible = true; } size(); } function getState(Void) { return(__state); } function setToggle(val) { __toggle = val; if (__toggle == false) { setState(false); } } function getToggle(Void) { return(__toggle); } function set toggle(val) { setToggle(val); //return(toggle); } function get toggle() { return(getToggle()); } function set value(val) { setSelected(val); //return(value); } function get value() { return(getSelected()); } function set selected(val) { setSelected(val); //return(selected); } function get selected() { return(getSelected()); } function setSelected(val) { if (__toggle) { setState(val); } else { setState(__state); } } function getSelected() { return(__state); } function setEnabled(val) { if (enabled != val) { super.setEnabled(val); invalidate(); } } function onPress(Void) { pressFocus(); phase = "down"; refresh(); dispatchEvent({type:"buttonDown"}); if (autoRepeat) { interval = setInterval(this, "onPressDelay", getStyle("repeatDelay")); } } function onPressDelay(Void) { dispatchEvent({type:"buttonDown"}); if (autoRepeat) { clearInterval(interval); interval = setInterval(this, "onPressRepeat", getStyle("repeatInterval")); } } function onPressRepeat(Void) { dispatchEvent({type:"buttonDown"}); updateAfterEvent(); } function onRelease(Void) { releaseFocus(); phase = "rollover"; if (interval != undefined) { clearInterval(interval); delete interval; } if (getToggle()) { setState(!getState()); } else { refresh(); } dispatchEvent({type:"click"}); } function onDragOut(Void) { phase = "up"; refresh(); dispatchEvent({type:"buttonDragOut"}); } function onDragOver(Void) { if (phase != "up") { onPress(); return(undefined); } phase = "down"; refresh(); } function onReleaseOutside(Void) { releaseFocus(); phase = "up"; if (interval != undefined) { clearInterval(interval); delete interval; } } function onRollOver(Void) { phase = "rollover"; refresh(); } function onRollOut(Void) { phase = "up"; refresh(); } function getLabel(Void) { return(fui.text); } function setLabel(val) { if (typeof(fui) == "string") { createLabel("fui", 8, val); fui.styleName = this; } else { fui.text = val; } var _local4 = fui._getTextFormat(); var _local2 = _local4.getTextExtent2(val); fui._width = _local2.width + 5; fui._height = _local2.height + 5; iconName = fui; setView(__state); } function get emphasized() { return(__emphasized); } function set emphasized(val) { __emphasized = val; var _local2 = 0; while (_local2 < 8) { this[idNames[_local2]] = stateNames[_local2] + "Skin"; if (typeof(this[idNames[_local2 + 8]]) == "movieclip") { this[idNames[_local2 + 8]] = stateNames[_local2] + "Icon"; } _local2++; } showEmphasized(__emphasized); setStateVar(__state); invalidateStyle(); //return(emphasized); } function keyDown(e) { if (e.code == 32) { onPress(); } } function keyUp(e) { if (e.code == 32) { onRelease(); } } function onKillFocus(newFocus) { super.onKillFocus(); if (phase != "up") { phase = "up"; refresh(); } } static var symbolName = "SimpleButton"; static var symbolOwner = mx.controls.SimpleButton; static var version = ""; var className = "SimpleButton"; var style3dInset = 4; var btnOffset = 1; var __toggle = false; var __state = false; var __emphasized = false; var __emphatic = false; static var falseUp = 0; static var falseDown = 1; static var falseOver = 2; static var falseDisabled = 3; static var trueUp = 4; static var trueDown = 5; static var trueOver = 6; static var trueDisabled = 7; var falseUpSkin = "SimpleButtonUp"; var falseDownSkin = "SimpleButtonIn"; var falseOverSkin = ""; var falseDisabledSkin = "SimpleButtonUp"; var trueUpSkin = "SimpleButtonIn"; var trueDownSkin = ""; var trueOverSkin = ""; var trueDisabledSkin = "SimpleButtonIn"; var falseUpIcon = ""; var falseDownIcon = ""; var falseOverIcon = ""; var falseDisabledIcon = ""; var trueUpIcon = ""; var trueDownIcon = ""; var trueOverIcon = ""; var trueDisabledIcon = ""; var phase = "up"; var fui = "falseUpIcon"; var fus = "falseUpSkin"; var fdi = "falseDownIcon"; var fds = "falseDownSkin"; var frs = "falseOverSkin"; var fri = "falseOverIcon"; var dfi = "falseDisabledIcon"; var dfs = "falseDisabledSkin"; var tui = "trueUpIcon"; var tus = "trueUpSkin"; var tdi = "trueDownIcon"; var tds = "trueDownSkin"; var trs = "trueOverSkin"; var tri = "trueOverIcon"; var dts = "trueDisabledSkin"; var dti = "trueDisabledIcon"; var rolloverSkin = mx.controls.SimpleButton.prototype.frs; var rolloverIcon = mx.controls.SimpleButton.prototype.fri; var upSkin = mx.controls.SimpleButton.prototype.fus; var downSkin = mx.controls.SimpleButton.prototype.fds; var disabledSkin = mx.controls.SimpleButton.prototype.dfs; var upIcon = mx.controls.SimpleButton.prototype.fui; var downIcon = mx.controls.SimpleButton.prototype.fdi; var disabledIcon = mx.controls.SimpleButton.prototype.dfi; var initializing = true; var idNames = ["fus", "fds", "frs", "dfs", "tus", "tds", "trs", "dts", "fui", "fdi", "fri", "dfi", "tui", "tdi", "tri", "dti"]; var stateNames = ["falseUp", "falseDown", "falseOver", "falseDisabled", "trueUp", "trueDown", "trueOver", "trueDisabled"]; var refNames = ["upSkin", "downSkin", "rolloverSkin", "disabledSkin"]; var tagMap = {falseUpSkin:0, falseDownSkin:1, falseOverSkin:2, falseDisabledSkin:3, trueUpSkin:4, trueDownSkin:5, trueOverSkin:6, trueDisabledSkin:7, falseUpIcon:0, falseDownIcon:1, falseOverIcon:2, falseDisabledIcon:3, trueUpIcon:4, trueDownIcon:5, trueOverIcon:6, trueDisabledIcon:7}; }
Symbol 145 MovieClip [] Frame 0
class mx.controls.scrollClasses.ScrollBar extends mx.core.UIComponent { var isScrolling, scrollTrack_mc, scrollThumb_mc, __height, tabEnabled, focusEnabled, boundingBox_mc, setSkin, upArrow_mc, _minHeight, _minWidth, downArrow_mc, createObject, createClassObject, enabled, _height, dispatchEvent, minMode, maxMode, plusMode, minusMode, _parent, getStyle, scrolling, _ymouse; function ScrollBar () { super(); } function get scrollPosition() { return(_scrollPosition); } function set scrollPosition(pos) { _scrollPosition = pos; if (isScrolling != true) { pos = Math.min(pos, maxPos); pos = Math.max(pos, minPos); var _local3 = (((pos - minPos) * (scrollTrack_mc.height - scrollThumb_mc._height)) / (maxPos - minPos)) +; scrollThumb_mc.move(0, _local3); } //return(scrollPosition); } function get pageScrollSize() { return(largeScroll); } function set pageScrollSize(lScroll) { largeScroll = lScroll; //return(pageScrollSize); } function set lineScrollSize(sScroll) { smallScroll = sScroll; //return(lineScrollSize); } function get lineScrollSize() { return(smallScroll); } function get virtualHeight() { return(__height); } function init(Void) { super.init(); _scrollPosition = 0; tabEnabled = false; focusEnabled = false; boundingBox_mc._visible = false; boundingBox_mc._width = (boundingBox_mc._height = 0); } function createChildren(Void) { if (scrollTrack_mc == undefined) { setSkin(skinIDTrack, scrollTrackName); } scrollTrack_mc.visible = false; var _local3 = new Object(); _local3.enabled = false; _local3.preset = mx.controls.SimpleButton.falseDisabled; _local3.initProperties = 0; _local3.autoRepeat = true; _local3.tabEnabled = false; var _local2; if (upArrow_mc == undefined) { _local2 = createButton(upArrowName, "upArrow_mc", skinIDUpArrow, _local3); } _local2.buttonDownHandler = onUpArrow; _local2.clickHandler = onScrollChanged; _minHeight = _local2.height; _minWidth = _local2.width; if (downArrow_mc == undefined) { _local2 = createButton(downArrowName, "downArrow_mc", skinIDDownArrow, _local3); } _local2.buttonDownHandler = onDownArrow; _local2.clickHandler = onScrollChanged; _minHeight = _minHeight + _local2.height; } function createButton(linkageName, id, skinID, o) { if (skinID == skinIDUpArrow) { o.falseUpSkin = upArrowUpName; o.falseDownSkin = upArrowDownName; o.falseOverSkin = upArrowOverName; } else { o.falseUpSkin = downArrowUpName; o.falseDownSkin = downArrowDownName; o.falseOverSkin = downArrowOverName; } var _local3 = createObject(linkageName, id, skinID, o); this[id].visible = false; this[id].useHandCursor = false; return(_local3); } function createThumb(Void) { var _local2 = new Object(); _local2.validateNow = true; _local2.tabEnabled = false; _local2.leftSkin = thumbTopName; _local2.middleSkin = thumbMiddleName; _local2.rightSkin = thumbBottomName; _local2.gripSkin = thumbGripName; createClassObject(mx.controls.scrollClasses.ScrollThumb, "scrollThumb_mc", skinIDThumb, _local2); } function setScrollProperties(pSize, mnPos, mxPos, ls) { var _local4; var _local2 = scrollTrack_mc; pageSize = pSize; largeScroll = (((ls != undefined) && (ls > 0)) ? (ls) : (pSize)); minPos = Math.max(mnPos, 0); maxPos = Math.max(mxPos, 0); _scrollPosition = Math.max(minPos, _scrollPosition); _scrollPosition = Math.min(maxPos, _scrollPosition); if (((maxPos - minPos) > 0) && (enabled)) { var _local5 = _scrollPosition; if (!initializing) { upArrow_mc.enabled = true; downArrow_mc.enabled = true; } _local2.onPress = (_local2.onDragOver = startTrackScroller); _local2.onRelease = releaseScrolling; _local2.onDragOut = (_local2.stopScrolling = stopScrolling); _local2.onReleaseOutside = releaseScrolling; _local2.useHandCursor = false; if (scrollThumb_mc == undefined) { createThumb(); } var _local3 = scrollThumb_mc; if (scrollTrackOverName.length > 0) { _local2.onRollOver = trackOver; _local2.onRollOut = trackOut; } _local4 = (pageSize / ((maxPos - minPos) + pageSize)) * _local2.height; if (_local4 < _local3.minHeight) { if (_local2.height < _local3.minHeight) { _local3.__set__visible(false); } else { _local4 = _local3.minHeight; _local3.__set__visible(true); _local3.setSize(_minWidth, _local3.minHeight + 0); } } else { _local3.__set__visible(true); _local3.setSize(_minWidth, _local4); } _local3.setRange(upArrow_mc.__get__height() + 0, (virtualHeight - downArrow_mc.__get__height()) - _local3.__get__height(), minPos, maxPos); _local5 = Math.min(_local5, maxPos); scrollPosition = (Math.max(_local5, minPos)); } else { scrollThumb_mc.__set__visible(false); if (!initializing) { upArrow_mc.enabled = false; downArrow_mc.enabled = false; } delete _local2.onPress; delete _local2.onDragOver; delete _local2.onRelease; delete _local2.onDragOut; delete _local2.onRollOver; delete _local2.onRollOut; delete _local2.onReleaseOutside; } if (initializing) { scrollThumb_mc.__set__visible(false); } } function setEnabled(enabledFlag) { super.setEnabled(enabledFlag); setScrollProperties(pageSize, minPos, maxPos, largeScroll); } function draw(Void) { if (initializing) { initializing = false; scrollTrack_mc.visible = true; upArrow_mc.__set__visible(true); downArrow_mc.__set__visible(true); } size(); } function size(Void) { if (_height == 1) { return(undefined); } if (upArrow_mc == undefined) { return(undefined); } var _local3 = upArrow_mc.__get__height(); var _local2 = downArrow_mc.__get__height(); upArrow_mc.move(0, 0); var _local4 = scrollTrack_mc; _local4._y = _local3; _local4._height = (virtualHeight - _local3) - _local2; downArrow_mc.move(0, virtualHeight - _local2); setScrollProperties(pageSize, minPos, maxPos, largeScroll); } function dispatchScrollEvent(detail) { dispatchEvent({type:"scroll", detail:detail}); } function isScrollBarKey(k) { if (k == 36) { if (scrollPosition != 0) { scrollPosition = (0); dispatchScrollEvent(minMode); } return(true); } if (k == 35) { if (scrollPosition < maxPos) { scrollPosition = (maxPos); dispatchScrollEvent(maxMode); } return(true); } return(false); } function scrollIt(inc, mode) { var _local3 = smallScroll; if (inc != "Line") { _local3 = ((largeScroll == 0) ? (pageSize) : (largeScroll)); } var _local2 = _scrollPosition + (mode * _local3); if (_local2 > maxPos) { _local2 = maxPos; } else if (_local2 < minPos) { _local2 = minPos; } if (scrollPosition != _local2) { scrollPosition = (_local2); var _local4 = ((mode < 0) ? (minusMode) : (plusMode)); dispatchScrollEvent(inc + _local4); } } function startTrackScroller(Void) { _parent.pressFocus(); if (_parent.scrollTrackDownName.length > 0) { if (_parent.scrollTrackDown_mc == undefined) { _parent.setSkin(skinIDTrackDown, scrollTrackDownName); } else { _parent.scrollTrackDown_mc.visible = true; } } _parent.trackScroller(); _parent.scrolling = setInterval(_parent, "scrollInterval", getStyle("repeatDelay"), "Page", -1); } function scrollInterval(inc, mode) { clearInterval(scrolling); if (inc == "Page") { trackScroller(); } else { scrollIt(inc, mode); } scrolling = setInterval(this, "scrollInterval", getStyle("repeatInterval"), inc, mode); } function trackScroller(Void) { if ((scrollThumb_mc._y + scrollThumb_mc.__get__height()) < _ymouse) { scrollIt("Page", 1); } else if (scrollThumb_mc._y > _ymouse) { scrollIt("Page", -1); } } function dispatchScrollChangedEvent(Void) { dispatchEvent({type:"scrollChanged"}); } function stopScrolling(Void) { clearInterval(_parent.scrolling); _parent.scrollTrackDown_mc.visible = false; } function releaseScrolling(Void) { _parent.releaseFocus(); stopScrolling(); _parent.dispatchScrollChangedEvent(); } function trackOver(Void) { if (_parent.scrollTrackOverName.length > 0) { if (_parent.scrollTrackOver_mc == undefined) { _parent.setSkin(skinIDTrackOver, scrollTrackOverName); } else { _parent.scrollTrackOver_mc.visible = true; } } } function trackOut(Void) { _parent.scrollTrackOver_mc.visible = false; } function onUpArrow(Void) { _parent.scrollIt("Line", -1); } function onDownArrow(Void) { _parent.scrollIt("Line", 1); } function onScrollChanged(Void) { _parent.dispatchScrollChangedEvent(); } static var symbolOwner = mx.core.UIComponent; var className = "ScrollBar"; var minPos = 0; var maxPos = 0; var pageSize = 0; var largeScroll = 0; var smallScroll = 1; var _scrollPosition = 0; var scrollTrackName = "ScrollTrack"; var scrollTrackOverName = ""; var scrollTrackDownName = ""; var upArrowName = "BtnUpArrow"; var upArrowUpName = "ScrollUpArrowUp"; var upArrowOverName = "ScrollUpArrowOver"; var upArrowDownName = "ScrollUpArrowDown"; var downArrowName = "BtnDownArrow"; var downArrowUpName = "ScrollDownArrowUp"; var downArrowOverName = "ScrollDownArrowOver"; var downArrowDownName = "ScrollDownArrowDown"; var thumbTopName = "ScrollThumbTopUp"; var thumbMiddleName = "ScrollThumbMiddleUp"; var thumbBottomName = "ScrollThumbBottomUp"; var thumbGripName = "ScrollThumbGripUp"; static var skinIDTrack = 0; static var skinIDTrackOver = 1; static var skinIDTrackDown = 2; static var skinIDUpArrow = 3; static var skinIDDownArrow = 4; static var skinIDThumb = 5; var idNames = new Array("scrollTrack_mc", "scrollTrackOver_mc", "scrollTrackDown_mc", "upArrow_mc", "downArrow_mc"); var clipParameters = {minPos:1, maxPos:1, pageSize:1, scrollPosition:1, lineScrollSize:1, pageScrollSize:1, visible:1, enabled:1}; static var mergedClipParameters = mx.core.UIObject.mergeClipParameters(mx.controls.scrollClasses.ScrollBar.prototype.clipParameters, mx.core.UIComponent.prototype.clipParameters); var initializing = true; }
Symbol 146 MovieClip [] Frame 0
class mx.controls.HScrollBar extends mx.controls.scrollClasses.ScrollBar { var _minHeight, _minWidth, _xscale, _rotation, __width, scrollIt; function HScrollBar () { super(); } function getMinWidth(Void) { return(_minHeight); } function getMinHeight(Void) { return(_minWidth); } function init(Void) { super.init(); _xscale = -100; _rotation = -90; } function get virtualHeight() { return(__width); } function isScrollBarKey(k) { if (k == 37) { scrollIt("Line", -1); return(true); } if (k == 39) { scrollIt("Line", 1); return(true); } return(super.isScrollBarKey(k)); } static var symbolName = "HScrollBar"; static var symbolOwner = mx.core.UIComponent; static var version = ""; var className = "HScrollBar"; var minusMode = "Left"; var plusMode = "Right"; var minMode = "AtLeft"; var maxMode = "AtRight"; }
Symbol 147 MovieClip [] Frame 0
class mx.controls.Button extends mx.controls.SimpleButton { var initIcon, getState, enabled, phase, labelPath, idNames, __width, __height, setState, invalidate, iconName, refresh, createLabel, _iconLinkageName, initializing, removeIcons, hitArea_mc, createEmptyObject; function Button () { super(); } function init(Void) { super.init(); } function draw() { super.draw(); if (initIcon != undefined) { _setIcon(initIcon); } delete initIcon; } function onRelease(Void) { super.onRelease(); } function createChildren(Void) { super.createChildren(); } function setSkin(tag, linkageName, initobj) { return(super.setSkin(tag, linkageName, initobj)); } function viewSkin(varName) { var _local3 = (getState() ? "true" : "false"); _local3 = _local3 + (enabled ? (phase) : "disabled"); super.viewSkin(varName, {styleName:this, borderStyle:_local3}); } function invalidateStyle(c) { labelPath.invalidateStyle(c); super.invalidateStyle(c); } function setColor(c) { var _local2 = 0; while (_local2 < 8) { this[idNames[_local2]].redraw(true); _local2++; } } function setEnabled(enable) { labelPath.enabled = enable; super.setEnabled(enable); } function calcSize(tag, ref) { if ((__width == undefined) || (__height == undefined)) { return(undefined); } if (tag < 7) { ref.setSize(__width, __height, true); } } function size(Void) { setState(getState()); setHitArea(__width, __height); var _local3 = 0; while (_local3 < 8) { var _local4 = idNames[_local3]; if (typeof(this[_local4]) == "movieclip") { this[_local4].setSize(__width, __height, true); } _local3++; } super.size(); } function set labelPlacement(val) { __labelPlacement = val; invalidate(); //return(labelPlacement); } function get labelPlacement() { return(__labelPlacement); } function getLabelPlacement(Void) { return(__labelPlacement); } function setLabelPlacement(val) { __labelPlacement = val; invalidate(); } function getBtnOffset(Void) { if (getState()) { var _local2 = btnOffset; } else if (phase == "down") { var _local2 = btnOffset; } else { var _local2 = 0; } return(_local2); } function setView(offset) { var _local16 = (offset ? (btnOffset) : 0); var _local12 = getLabelPlacement(); var _local7 = 0; var _local6 = 0; var _local9 = 0; var _local8 = 0; var _local5 = 0; var _local4 = 0; var _local3 = labelPath; var _local2 = iconName; var _local15 = _local3.textWidth; var _local14 = _local3.textHeight; var _local10 = (__width - borderW) - borderW; var _local11 = (__height - borderW) - borderW; _local3._visible = true; if (_local2 != undefined) { _local7 = _local2._width; _local6 = _local2._height; } if ((_local12 == "left") || (_local12 == "right")) { if (_local3 != undefined) { _local9 = Math.min(_local10 - _local7, _local15 + 5); _local3._width = _local9; _local8 = Math.min(_local11, _local14 + 5); _local3._height = _local8; } if (_local12 == "right") { _local5 = _local7; if (centerContent) { _local5 = _local5 + (((_local10 - _local9) - _local7) / 2); } _local2._x = _local5 - _local7; } else { _local5 = (_local10 - _local9) - _local7; if (centerContent) { _local5 = _local5 / 2; } _local2._x = _local5 + _local9; } _local4 = 0; _local2._y = _local4; if (centerContent) { _local2._y = (_local11 - _local6) / 2; _local4 = (_local11 - _local8) / 2; } if (!centerContent) { _local2._y = _local2._y + Math.max(0, (_local8 - _local6) / 2); } } else { if (_local3 != undefined) { _local9 = Math.min(_local10, _local15 + 5); _local3._width = _local9; _local8 = Math.min(_local11 - _local6, _local14 + 5); _local3._height = _local8; } _local5 = (_local10 - _local9) / 2; _local2._x = (_local10 - _local7) / 2; if (_local12 == "top") { _local4 = (_local11 - _local8) - _local6; if (centerContent) { _local4 = _local4 / 2; } _local2._y = _local4 + _local8; } else { _local4 = _local6; if (centerContent) { _local4 = _local4 + (((_local11 - _local8) - _local6) / 2); } _local2._y = _local4 - _local6; } } var _local13 = borderW + _local16; _local3._x = _local5 + _local13; _local3._y = _local4 + _local13; _local2._x = _local2._x + _local13; _local2._y = _local2._y + _local13; } function set label(lbl) { setLabel(lbl); //return(label); } function setLabel(label) { if (label == "") { labelPath.removeTextField(); refresh(); return(undefined); } if (labelPath == undefined) { var _local2 = createLabel("labelPath", 200, label); _local2._width = _local2.textWidth + 5; _local2._height = _local2.textHeight + 5; _local2.visible = false; } else { labelPath.text = label; refresh(); } } function getLabel(Void) { return(labelPath.text); } function get label() { return(labelPath.text); } function _getIcon(Void) { return(_iconLinkageName); } function get icon() { if (initializing) { return(initIcon); } return(_iconLinkageName); } function _setIcon(linkage) { if (initializing) { if (linkage == "") { return(undefined); } initIcon = linkage; } else { if (linkage == "") { removeIcons(); return(undefined); } super.changeIcon(0, linkage); super.changeIcon(1, linkage); super.changeIcon(4, linkage); super.changeIcon(5, linkage); _iconLinkageName = linkage; refresh(); } } function set icon(linkage) { _setIcon(linkage); //return(icon); } function setHitArea(w, h) { if (hitArea_mc == undefined) { createEmptyObject("hitArea_mc", 100); } var _local2 = hitArea_mc; _local2.clear(); _local2.beginFill(16711680); _local2.drawRect(0, 0, w, h); _local2.endFill(); _local2.setVisible(false); } static var symbolName = "Button"; static var symbolOwner = mx.controls.Button; var className = "Button"; static var version = ""; var btnOffset = 0; var _color = "buttonColor"; var __label = "default value"; var __labelPlacement = "right"; var falseUpSkin = "ButtonSkin"; var falseDownSkin = "ButtonSkin"; var falseOverSkin = "ButtonSkin"; var falseDisabledSkin = "ButtonSkin"; var trueUpSkin = "ButtonSkin"; var trueDownSkin = "ButtonSkin"; var trueOverSkin = "ButtonSkin"; var trueDisabledSkin = "ButtonSkin"; var falseUpIcon = ""; var falseDownIcon = ""; var falseOverIcon = ""; var falseDisabledIcon = ""; var trueUpIcon = ""; var trueDownIcon = ""; var trueOverIcon = ""; var trueDisabledIcon = ""; var clipParameters = {labelPlacement:1, icon:1, toggle:1, selected:1, label:1}; static var mergedClipParameters = mx.core.UIObject.mergeClipParameters(mx.controls.Button.prototype.clipParameters, mx.controls.SimpleButton.prototype.clipParameters); var centerContent = true; var borderW = 1; }
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class mx.skins.ColoredSkinElement { var getStyle, _color, onEnterFrame; function ColoredSkinElement () { } function setColor(c) { if (c != undefined) { var _local2 = new Color(this); _local2.setRGB(c); } } function draw(Void) { setColor(getStyle(_color)); onEnterFrame = undefined; } function invalidateStyle(Void) { onEnterFrame = draw; } static function setColorStyle(p, colorStyle) { if (p._color == undefined) { p._color = colorStyle; } p.setColor = mixins.setColor; p.invalidateStyle = mixins.invalidateStyle; p.draw = mixins.draw; p.setColor(p.getStyle(colorStyle)); } static var mixins = new mx.skins.ColoredSkinElement(); }
Symbol 149 MovieClip [] Frame 0
class mx.core.ext.UIObjectExtensions { function UIObjectExtensions () { } static function addGeometry(tf, ui) { tf.addProperty("width", ui.__get__width, null); tf.addProperty("height", ui.__get__height, null); tf.addProperty("left", ui.__get__left, null); tf.addProperty("x", ui.__get__x, null); tf.addProperty("top", ui.__get__top, null); tf.addProperty("y", ui.__get__y, null); tf.addProperty("right", ui.__get__right, null); tf.addProperty("bottom", ui.__get__bottom, null); tf.addProperty("visible", ui.__get__visible, ui.__set__visible); } static function Extensions() { if (bExtended == true) { return(true); } bExtended = true; var _local4 = mx.core.UIObject.prototype; var _local8 = mx.skins.SkinElement.prototype; addGeometry(_local8, _local4);; var _local12 = mx.skins.ColoredSkinElement; mx.styles.CSSTextStyles.addTextStyles(_local4); var _local5 = MovieClip.prototype; _local5.getTopLevel = _local4.getTopLevel; _local5.createLabel = _local4.createLabel; _local5.createObject = _local4.createObject; _local5.createClassObject = _local4.createClassObject; _local5.createEmptyObject = _local4.createEmptyObject; _local5.destroyObject = _local4.destroyObject; _local5.__getTextFormat = _local4.__getTextFormat; _local5._getTextFormat = _local4._getTextFormat; _local5.getStyleName = _local4.getStyleName; _local5.getStyle = _local4.getStyle; var _local6 = TextField.prototype; addGeometry(_local6, _local4); _local6.addProperty("enabled", function () { return(this.__enabled); }, function (x) { this.__enabled = x; this.invalidateStyle(); }); _local6.move = _local8.move; _local6.setSize = _local8.setSize; _local6.invalidateStyle = function () { this.invalidateFlag = true; }; _local6.draw = function () { if (this.invalidateFlag) { this.invalidateFlag = false; var _local2 = this._getTextFormat(); this.setTextFormat(_local2); this.setNewTextFormat(_local2); this.embedFonts = _local2.embedFonts == true; if (this.__text != undefined) { if (this.text == "") { this.text = this.__text; } delete this.__text; } this._visible = true; } }; _local6.setColor = function (color) { this.textColor = color; }; _local6.getStyle = _local5.getStyle; _local6.__getTextFormat = _local4.__getTextFormat; _local6.setValue = function (v) { this.text = v; }; _local6.getValue = function () { return(this.text); }; _local6.addProperty("value", function () { return(this.getValue()); }, function (v) { this.setValue(v); }); _local6._getTextFormat = function () { var _local2 =; if (_local2 != undefined) { return(_local2); } _local2 = new TextFormat(); this.__getTextFormat(_local2); = _local2; if (this.__enabled == false) { if (this.enabledColor == undefined) { var _local4 = this.getTextFormat(); this.enabledColor = _local4.color; } var _local3 = this.getStyle("disabledColor"); _local2.color = _local3; } else if (this.enabledColor != undefined) { if (_local2.color == undefined) { _local2.color = this.enabledColor; } } return(_local2); }; _local6.getPreferredWidth = function () { this.draw(); return(this.textWidth + 4); }; _local6.getPreferredHeight = function () { this.draw(); return(this.textHeight + 4); }; TextFormat.prototype.getTextExtent2 = function (s) { var _local3 = _root._getTextExtent; if (_local3 == undefined) { _root.createTextField("_getTextExtent", -2, 0, 0, 1000, 100); _local3 = _root._getTextExtent; _local3._visible = false; } _root._getTextExtent.text = s; var _local4 = this.align; this.align = "left"; _root._getTextExtent.setTextFormat(this); this.align = _local4; return({width:_local3.textWidth, height:_local3.textHeight}); }; if ( == undefined) { = new mx.styles.CSSStyleDeclaration(); _global.cascadingStyles = true; _global.styles = new Object(); _global.skinRegistry = new Object(); _global.origWidth = Stage.width; _global.origHeight = Stage.height; } _root.addProperty("width", function () { return(Stage.width); }, null); _root.addProperty("height", function () { return(Stage.height); }, null); return(true); } static var bExtended = false; static var UIObjectExtended = Extensions(); static var UIObjectDependency = mx.core.UIObject; static var SkinElementDependency = mx.skins.SkinElement; static var CSSTextStylesDependency = mx.styles.CSSTextStyles; static var UIEventDispatcherDependency =; }
Symbol 150 MovieClip [] Frame 0
class mx.skins.halo.Defaults { var beginGradientFill, beginFill, moveTo, lineTo, curveTo, endFill; function Defaults () { } static function setThemeDefaults() { var _local2 =; _local2.themeColor = 8453965 /* 0x80FF4D */; _local2.disabledColor = 8684164 /* 0x848284 */; _local2.modalTransparency = 0; _local2.filled = true; _local2.stroked = true; _local2.strokeWidth = 1; _local2.strokeColor = 0; _local2.fillColor = 16777215 /* 0xFFFFFF */; _local2.repeatInterval = 35; _local2.repeatDelay = 500; _local2.fontFamily = "_sans"; _local2.fontSize = 12; _local2.selectionColor = 13500353 /* 0xCDFFC1 */; _local2.rollOverColor = 14942166 /* 0xE3FFD6 */; _local2.useRollOver = true; _local2.backgroundDisabledColor = 14540253 /* 0xDDDDDD */; _local2.selectionDisabledColor = 14540253 /* 0xDDDDDD */; _local2.selectionDuration = 200; _local2.openDuration = 250; _local2.borderStyle = "inset"; _local2.color = 734012 /* 0x0B333C */; _local2.textSelectedColor = 24371; _local2.textRollOverColor = 2831164 /* 0x2B333C */; _local2.textDisabledColor = 16777215 /* 0xFFFFFF */; _local2.vGridLines = true; _local2.hGridLines = false; _local2.vGridLineColor = 6710886 /* 0x666666 */; _local2.hGridLineColor = 6710886 /* 0x666666 */; _local2.headerColor = 15395562 /* 0xEAEAEA */; _local2.indentation = 17; _local2.folderOpenIcon = "TreeFolderOpen"; _local2.folderClosedIcon = "TreeFolderClosed"; _local2.defaultLeafIcon = "TreeNodeIcon"; _local2.disclosureOpenIcon = "TreeDisclosureOpen"; _local2.disclosureClosedIcon = "TreeDisclosureClosed"; _local2.popupDuration = 150; _local2.todayColor = 6710886 /* 0x666666 */; _local2 = (_global.styles.ScrollSelectList = new mx.styles.CSSStyleDeclaration()); _local2.backgroundColor = 16777215 /* 0xFFFFFF */; _local2.borderColor = 13290186 /* 0xCACACA */; _local2.borderStyle = "inset"; _local2 = (_global.styles.ComboBox = new mx.styles.CSSStyleDeclaration()); _local2.borderStyle = "inset"; _local2 = (_global.styles.NumericStepper = new mx.styles.CSSStyleDeclaration()); _local2.textAlign = "center"; _local2 = (_global.styles.RectBorder = new mx.styles.CSSStyleDeclaration()); _local2.borderColor = 14015965 /* 0xD5DDDD */; _local2.buttonColor = 7305079 /* 0x6F7777 */; _local2.shadowColor = 15658734 /* 0xEEEEEE */; _local2.highlightColor = 12897484 /* 0xC4CCCC */; _local2.shadowCapColor = 14015965 /* 0xD5DDDD */; _local2.borderCapColor = 9542041 /* 0x919999 */; var _local4 = new Object(); _local4.borderColor = 16711680 /* 0xFF0000 */; _local4.buttonColor = 16711680 /* 0xFF0000 */; _local4.shadowColor = 16711680 /* 0xFF0000 */; _local4.highlightColor = 16711680 /* 0xFF0000 */; _local4.shadowCapColor = 16711680 /* 0xFF0000 */; _local4.borderCapColor = 16711680 /* 0xFF0000 */; mx.core.UIComponent.prototype.origBorderStyles = _local4; var _local3; _local3 = (_global.styles.TextInput = new mx.styles.CSSStyleDeclaration()); _local3.backgroundColor = 16777215 /* 0xFFFFFF */; _local3.borderStyle = "inset"; _global.styles.TextArea = _global.styles.TextInput; _local3 = (_global.styles.Window = new mx.styles.CSSStyleDeclaration()); _local3.borderStyle = "default"; _local3 = (_global.styles.windowStyles = new mx.styles.CSSStyleDeclaration()); _local3.fontWeight = "bold"; _local3 = (_global.styles.dataGridStyles = new mx.styles.CSSStyleDeclaration()); _local3.fontWeight = "bold"; _local3 = (_global.styles.Alert = new mx.styles.CSSStyleDeclaration()); _local3.borderStyle = "alert"; _local3 = (_global.styles.ScrollView = new mx.styles.CSSStyleDeclaration()); _local3.borderStyle = "inset"; _local3 = (_global.styles.View = new mx.styles.CSSStyleDeclaration()); _local3.borderStyle = "none"; _local3 = (_global.styles.ProgressBar = new mx.styles.CSSStyleDeclaration()); _local3.color = 11187123 /* 0xAAB3B3 */; _local3.fontWeight = "bold"; _local3 = (_global.styles.AccordionHeader = new mx.styles.CSSStyleDeclaration()); _local3.fontWeight = "bold"; _local3.fontSize = "11"; _local3 = (_global.styles.Accordion = new mx.styles.CSSStyleDeclaration()); _local3.borderStyle = "solid"; _local3.backgroundColor = 16777215 /* 0xFFFFFF */; _local3.borderColor = 9081738 /* 0x8A938A */; _local3.headerHeight = 22; _local3.marginLeft = (_local3.marginRight = (_local3.marginTop = (_local3.marginBottom = -1))); _local3.verticalGap = -1; _local3 = (_global.styles.DateChooser = new mx.styles.CSSStyleDeclaration()); _local3.borderColor = 9542041 /* 0x919999 */; _local3.headerColor = 16777215 /* 0xFFFFFF */; _local3 = (_global.styles.CalendarLayout = new mx.styles.CSSStyleDeclaration()); _local3.fontSize = 10; _local3.textAlign = "right"; _local3.color = 2831164 /* 0x2B333C */; _local3 = (_global.styles.WeekDayStyle = new mx.styles.CSSStyleDeclaration()); _local3.fontWeight = "bold"; _local3.fontSize = 11; _local3.textAlign = "center"; _local3.color = 2831164 /* 0x2B333C */; _local3 = (_global.styles.TodayStyle = new mx.styles.CSSStyleDeclaration()); _local3.color = 16777215 /* 0xFFFFFF */; _local3 = (_global.styles.HeaderDateText = new mx.styles.CSSStyleDeclaration()); _local3.fontSize = 12; _local3.fontWeight = "bold"; _local3.textAlign = "center"; } function drawRoundRect(x, y, w, h, r, c, alpha, rot, gradient, ratios) { if (typeof(r) == "object") { var _local18 =; var _local16 =; var _local15 =; var _local10 =; } else { var _local10 = r; var _local15 = _local10; var _local16 = _local15; var _local18 = _local16; } if (typeof(c) == "object") { if (typeof(alpha) != "object") { var _local9 = [alpha, alpha]; } else { var _local9 = alpha; } if (ratios == undefined) { ratios = [0, 255]; } var _local14 = h * 0.7; if (typeof(rot) != "object") { var _local11 = {matrixType:"box", x:-_local14, y:_local14, w:w * 2, h:h * 4, r:rot * 0.0174532925199433 /* Math.PI/180 */}; } else { var _local11 = rot; } if (gradient == "radial") { beginGradientFill("radial", c, _local9, ratios, _local11); } else { beginGradientFill("linear", c, _local9, ratios, _local11); } } else if (c != undefined) { beginFill(c, alpha); } r = _local18; var _local13 = r - (r * 0.707106781186547); var _local12 = r - (r * 0.414213562373095); moveTo(x + w, (y + h) - r); lineTo(x + w, (y + h) - r); curveTo(x + w, (y + h) - _local12, (x + w) - _local13, (y + h) - _local13); curveTo((x + w) - _local12, y + h, (x + w) - r, y + h); r = _local16; _local13 = r - (r * 0.707106781186547); _local12 = r - (r * 0.414213562373095); lineTo(x + r, y + h); curveTo(x + _local12, y + h, x + _local13, (y + h) - _local13); curveTo(x, (y + h) - _local12, x, (y + h) - r); r = _local15; _local13 = r - (r * 0.707106781186547); _local12 = r - (r * 0.414213562373095); lineTo(x, y + r); curveTo(x, y + _local12, x + _local13, y + _local13); curveTo(x + _local12, y, x + r, y); r = _local10; _local13 = r - (r * 0.707106781186547); _local12 = r - (r * 0.414213562373095); lineTo((x + w) - r, y); curveTo((x + w) - _local12, y, (x + w) - _local13, y + _local13); curveTo(x + w, y + _local12, x + w, y + r); lineTo(x + w, (y + h) - r); if (c != undefined) { endFill(); } } static function classConstruct() { mx.core.ext.UIObjectExtensions.Extensions(); setThemeDefaults(); mx.core.UIObject.prototype.drawRoundRect = mx.skins.halo.Defaults.prototype.drawRoundRect; return(true); } static var classConstructed = classConstruct(); static var CSSStyleDeclarationDependency = mx.styles.CSSStyleDeclaration; static var UIObjectExtensionsDependency = mx.core.ext.UIObjectExtensions; static var UIObjectDependency = mx.core.UIObject; }
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class mx.managers.SystemManager { static var _xAddEventListener, addEventListener, __addEventListener, _xRemoveEventListener, removeEventListener, __removeEventListener, form, __screen, dispatchEvent; function SystemManager () { } static function init(Void) { if (_initialized == false) { _initialized = true;; Mouse.addListener(mx.managers.SystemManager); Stage.addListener(mx.managers.SystemManager); _xAddEventListener = addEventListener; addEventListener = __addEventListener; _xRemoveEventListener = removeEventListener; removeEventListener = __removeEventListener; } } static function addFocusManager(f) { form = f; f.focusManager.activate(); } static function removeFocusManager(f) { } static function onMouseDown(Void) { var _local1 = form; _local1.focusManager._onMouseDown(); } static function onResize(Void) { var _local7 = Stage.width; var _local6 = Stage.height; var _local9 = _global.origWidth; var _local8 = _global.origHeight; var _local3 = Stage.align; var _local5 = (_local9 - _local7) / 2; var _local4 = (_local8 - _local6) / 2; if (_local3 == "T") { _local4 = 0; } else if (_local3 == "B") { _local4 = _local8 - _local6; } else if (_local3 == "L") { _local5 = 0; } else if (_local3 == "R") { _local5 = _local9 - _local7; } else if (_local3 == "LT") { _local4 = 0; _local5 = 0; } else if (_local3 == "TR") { _local4 = 0; _local5 = _local9 - _local7; } else if (_local3 == "LB") { _local4 = _local8 - _local6; _local5 = 0; } else if (_local3 == "RB") { _local4 = _local8 - _local6; _local5 = _local9 - _local7; } if (__screen == undefined) { __screen = new Object(); } __screen.x = _local5; __screen.y = _local4; __screen.width = _local7; __screen.height = _local6; _root.focusManager.relocate(); dispatchEvent({type:"resize"}); } static function get screen() { init(); if (__screen == undefined) { onResize(); } return(__screen); } static var _initialized = false; static var idleFrames = 0; static var isMouseDown = false; static var forms = new Array(); }
Symbol 152 MovieClip [] Frame 0
class mx.managers.FocusManager extends mx.core.UIComponent { var __defaultPushButton, defPushButton, form, move, tabEnabled, _width, _height, _x, _y, _alpha, _parent, tabCapture, watch, _visible, lastFocus, doLater, lastSelFocus, cancelAllDoLaters, _searchKey, _lastTarget, _firstNode, _nextIsNext, _nextNode, _lastx, _prevNode, _needPrev, _foundList, _prevObj, _nextObj, _firstObj, _lastObj, _lastNode, lastTabFocus, lastXMouse, lastYMouse, findFocusFromObject; function FocusManager () { super(); } function get defaultPushButton() { return(__defaultPushButton); } function set defaultPushButton(x) { if (x != __defaultPushButton) { __defaultPushButton.__set__emphasized(false); __defaultPushButton = x; defPushButton = x; x.__set__emphasized(true); } //return(defaultPushButton); } function getMaxTabIndex(o) { var _local3 = 0; var _local6; for (_local6 in o) { var _local2 = o[_local6]; if (_local2._parent == o) { if (_local2.tabIndex != undefined) { if (_local2.tabIndex > _local3) { _local3 = _local2.tabIndex; } } if (_local2.tabChildren == true) { var _local4 = getMaxTabIndex(_local2); if (_local4 > _local3) { _local3 = _local4; } } } } return(_local3); } function getNextTabIndex(Void) { return(getMaxTabIndex(form) + 1); } function get nextTabIndex() { return(getNextTabIndex()); } function relocate(Void) { var _local2 = mx.managers.SystemManager.__get__screen(); move(_local2.x - 1, _local2.y - 1); } function init(Void) { super.init(); tabEnabled = false; _width = (_height = 1); _x = (_y = -1); _alpha = 0; _parent.focusManager = this; _parent.tabChildren = true; _parent.tabEnabled = false; form = _parent; _parent.addEventListener("hide", this); _parent.addEventListener("reveal", this); mx.managers.SystemManager.init(); mx.managers.SystemManager.addFocusManager(form); tabCapture.tabIndex = 0; watch("enabled", enabledChanged); Selection.addListener(this); } function enabledChanged(id, oldValue, newValue) { _visible = newValue; return(newValue); } function activate(Void) { Key.addListener(this); activated = (_visible = true); if (lastFocus != undefined) { bNeedFocus = true; if (!mx.managers.SystemManager.isMouseDown) { doLater(this, "restoreFocus"); } } } function deactivate(Void) { Key.removeListener(this); activated = (_visible = false); var _local2 = getSelectionFocus(); var _local3 = getActualFocus(_local2); if (isOurFocus(_local3)) { lastSelFocus = _local2; lastFocus = _local3; } cancelAllDoLaters(); } function isOurFocus(o) { if (o.focusManager == this) { return(true); } while (o != undefined) { if (o.focusManager != undefined) { return(false); } if (o._parent == _parent) { return(true); } o = o._parent; } return(false); } function onSetFocus(o, n) { if (n == null) { if (activated) { bNeedFocus = true; } } else { var _local2 = getFocus(); if (isOurFocus(_local2)) { bNeedFocus = false; lastFocus = _local2; lastSelFocus = n; } } } function restoreFocus(Void) { var _local2 = lastSelFocus.hscroll; if (_local2 != undefined) { var _local5 = lastSelFocus.scroll; var _local4 = lastSelFocus.background; } lastFocus.setFocus(); var _local3 = Selection; Selection.setSelection(_local3.lastBeginIndex, _local3.lastEndIndex); if (_local2 != undefined) { lastSelFocus.scroll = _local5; lastSelFocus.hscroll = _local2; lastSelFocus.background = _local4; } } function onUnload(Void) { mx.managers.SystemManager.removeFocusManager(form); } function setFocus(o) { if (o == null) { Selection.setFocus(null); } else if (o.setFocus == undefined) { Selection.setFocus(o); } else { o.setFocus(); } } function getActualFocus(o) { var _local1 = o._parent; while (_local1 != undefined) { if (_local1.focusTextField != undefined) { while (_local1.focusTextField != undefined) { o = _local1; _local1 = _local1._parent; if (_local1 == undefined) { return(undefined); } if (_local1.focusTextField == undefined) { return(o); } } } if (_local1.tabEnabled != true) { return(o); } o = _local1; _local1 = o._parent; } return(undefined); } function getSelectionFocus() { var m = Selection.getFocus(); var o = eval (m); return(o); } function getFocus(Void) { var _local2 = getSelectionFocus(); return(getActualFocus(_local2)); } function walkTree(p, index, groupName, dir, lookup, firstChild) { var _local5 = true; var _local11; for (_local11 in p) { var _local2 = p[_local11]; if ((((_local2._parent == p) && (_local2.enabled != false)) && (_local2._visible != false)) && ((_local2.tabEnabled == true) || ((_local2.tabEnabled != false) && ((((((((_local2.onPress != undefined) || (_local2.onRelease != undefined)) || (_local2.onReleaseOutside != undefined)) || (_local2.onDragOut != undefined)) || (_local2.onDragOver != undefined)) || (_local2.onRollOver != undefined)) || (_local2.onRollOut != undefined)) || (_local2 instanceof TextField))))) { if (_local2._searchKey == _searchKey) { continue; } _local2._searchKey = _searchKey; if (_local2 != _lastTarget) { if (((_local2.groupName != undefined) || (groupName != undefined)) && (_local2.groupName == groupName)) { continue; } if ((_local2 instanceof TextField) && (_local2.selectable == false)) { continue; } if (_local5 || (((_local2.groupName != undefined) && (_local2.groupName == _firstNode.groupName)) && (_local2.selected == true))) { if (firstChild) { _firstNode = _local2; firstChild = false; } } if (_nextIsNext == true) { if ((((_local2.groupName != undefined) && (_local2.groupName == _nextNode.groupName)) && (_local2.selected == true)) || ((_nextNode == undefined) && ((_local2.groupName == undefined) || ((_local2.groupName != undefined) && (_local2.groupName != groupName))))) { _nextNode = _local2; } } if ((_local2.groupName == undefined) || (groupName != _local2.groupName)) { if (((_lastx.groupName != undefined) && (_local2.groupName == _lastx.groupName)) && (_lastx.selected == true)) { } else { _lastx = _local2; } } } else { _prevNode = _lastx; _needPrev = false; _nextIsNext = true; } if (_local2.tabIndex != undefined) { if (_local2.tabIndex == index) { if (_foundList[_local2._name] == undefined) { if (_needPrev) { _prevObj = _local2; _needPrev = false; } _nextObj = _local2; } } if (dir && (_local2.tabIndex > index)) { if (((_nextObj == undefined) || ((_nextObj.tabIndex > _local2.tabIndex) && (((_local2.groupName == undefined) || (_nextObj.groupName == undefined)) || (_local2.groupName != _nextObj.groupName)))) || ((((_nextObj.groupName != undefined) && (_nextObj.groupName == _local2.groupName)) && (_nextObj.selected != true)) && ((_local2.selected == true) || (_nextObj.tabIndex > _local2.tabIndex)))) { _nextObj = _local2; } } else if ((!dir) && (_local2.tabIndex < index)) { if (((_prevObj == undefined) || ((_prevObj.tabIndex < _local2.tabIndex) && (((_local2.groupName == undefined) || (_prevObj.groupName == undefined)) || (_local2.groupName != _prevObj.groupName)))) || ((((_prevObj.groupName != undefined) && (_prevObj.groupName == _local2.groupName)) && (_prevObj.selected != true)) && ((_local2.selected == true) || (_prevObj.tabIndex < _local2.tabIndex)))) { _prevObj = _local2; } } if (((_firstObj == undefined) || ((_local2.tabIndex < _firstObj.tabIndex) && (((_local2.groupName == undefined) || (_firstObj.groupName == undefined)) || (_local2.groupName != _firstObj.groupName)))) || ((((_firstObj.groupName != undefined) && (_firstObj.groupName == _local2.groupName)) && (_firstObj.selected != true)) && ((_local2.selected == true) || (_local2.tabIndex < _firstObj.tabIndex)))) { _firstObj = _local2; } if (((_lastObj == undefined) || ((_local2.tabIndex > _lastObj.tabIndex) && (((_local2.groupName == undefined) || (_lastObj.groupName == undefined)) || (_local2.groupName != _lastObj.groupName)))) || ((((_lastObj.groupName != undefined) && (_lastObj.groupName == _local2.groupName)) && (_lastObj.selected != true)) && ((_local2.selected == true) || (_local2.tabIndex > _lastObj.tabIndex)))) { _lastObj = _local2; } } if (_local2.tabChildren) { getTabCandidateFromChildren(_local2, index, groupName, dir, _local5 && (firstChild)); } _local5 = false; } else if (((_local2._parent == p) && (_local2.tabChildren == true)) && (_local2._visible != false)) { if (_local2 == _lastTarget) { if (_local2._searchKey == _searchKey) { continue; } _local2._searchKey = _searchKey; if (_prevNode == undefined) { var _local3 = _lastx; var _local7 = false; while (_local3 != undefined) { if (_local3 == _local2) { _local7 = true; break; } _local3 = _local3._parent; } if (_local7 == false) { _prevNode = _lastx; } } _needPrev = false; if (_nextNode == undefined) { _nextIsNext = true; } } else if (!((_local2.focusManager != undefined) && (_local2.focusManager._parent == _local2))) { if (_local2._searchKey == _searchKey) { continue; } _local2._searchKey = _searchKey; getTabCandidateFromChildren(_local2, index, groupName, dir, _local5 && (firstChild)); } _local5 = false; } } _lastNode = _lastx; if (lookup) { if (p._parent != undefined) { if (p != _parent) { if ((_prevNode == undefined) && (dir)) { _needPrev = true; } else if ((_nextNode == undefined) && (!dir)) { _nextIsNext = false; } _lastTarget = _lastTarget._parent; getTabCandidate(p._parent, index, groupName, dir, true); } } } } function getTabCandidate(o, index, groupName, dir, firstChild) { var _local2; var _local3 = true; if (o == _parent) { _local2 = o; _local3 = false; } else { _local2 = o._parent; if (_local2 == undefined) { _local2 = o; _local3 = false; } } walkTree(_local2, index, groupName, dir, _local3, firstChild); } function getTabCandidateFromChildren(o, index, groupName, dir, firstChild) { walkTree(o, index, groupName, dir, false, firstChild); } function getFocusManagerFromObject(o) { while (o != undefined) { if (o.focusManager != undefined) { return(o.focusManager); } o = o._parent; } return(undefined); } function tabHandler(Void) { bDrawFocus = true; var _local5 = getSelectionFocus(); var _local4 = getActualFocus(_local5); if (_local4 != _local5) { _local5 = _local4; } if (getFocusManagerFromObject(_local5) != this) { _local5 == undefined; } if (_local5 == undefined) { _local5 = form; } else if (_local5.tabIndex != undefined) { if ((_foundList != undefined) || (_foundList.tabIndex != _local5.tabIndex)) { _foundList = new Object(); _foundList.tabIndex = _local5.tabIndex; } _foundList[_local5._name] = _local5; } var _local3 = Key.isDown(16) != true; _searchKey = getTimer(); _needPrev = true; _nextIsNext = false; _lastx = undefined; _firstNode = undefined; _lastNode = undefined; _nextNode = undefined; _prevNode = undefined; _firstObj = undefined; _lastObj = undefined; _nextObj = undefined; _prevObj = undefined; _lastTarget = _local5; var _local6 = _local5; getTabCandidate(_local6, ((_local5.tabIndex == undefined) ? 0 : (_local5.tabIndex)), _local5.groupName, _local3, true); var _local2; if (_local3) { if (_nextObj != undefined) { _local2 = _nextObj; } else { _local2 = _firstObj; } } else if (_prevObj != undefined) { _local2 = _prevObj; } else { _local2 = _lastObj; } if (_local2.tabIndex != _local5.tabIndex) { _foundList = new Object(); _foundList.tabIndex = _local2.tabIndex; _foundList[_local2._name] = _local2; } else { if (_foundList == undefined) { _foundList = new Object(); _foundList.tabIndex = _local2.tabIndex; } _foundList[_local2._name] = _local2; } if (_local2 == undefined) { if (_local3 == false) { if (_nextNode != undefined) { _local2 = _nextNode; } else { _local2 = _firstNode; } } else if ((_prevNode == undefined) || (_local5 == form)) { _local2 = _lastNode; } else { _local2 = _prevNode; } } if (_local2 == undefined) { return(undefined); } lastTabFocus = _local2; setFocus(_local2); if (_local2.emphasized != undefined) { if (defPushButton != undefined) { _local5 = defPushButton; defPushButton = _local2; _local5.emphasized = false; _local2.emphasized = true; } } else if ((defPushButton != undefined) && (defPushButton != __defaultPushButton)) { _local5 = defPushButton; defPushButton = __defaultPushButton; _local5.emphasized = false; __defaultPushButton.__set__emphasized(true); } } function onKeyDown(Void) { mx.managers.SystemManager.idleFrames = 0; if (defaultPushButtonEnabled) { if (Key.getCode() == 13) { if (defaultPushButton != undefined) { doLater(this, "sendDefaultPushButtonEvent"); } } } } function sendDefaultPushButtonEvent(Void) { defPushButton.dispatchEvent({type:"click"}); } function getMousedComponentFromChildren(x, y, o) { for (var _local7 in o) { var _local2 = o[_local7]; if (((_local2._visible && (_local2.enabled)) && (_local2._parent == o)) && (_local2._searchKey != _searchKey)) { _local2._searchKey = _searchKey; if (_local2.hitTest(x, y, true)) { if ((_local2.onPress != undefined) || (_local2.onRelease != undefined)) { return(_local2); } var _local3 = getMousedComponentFromChildren(x, y, _local2); if (_local3 != undefined) { return(_local3); } return(_local2); } } } return(undefined); } function mouseActivate(Void) { if (!bNeedFocus) { return(undefined); } _searchKey = getTimer(); var _local2 = getMousedComponentFromChildren(lastXMouse, lastYMouse, form); if (_local2 instanceof mx.core.UIComponent) { return(undefined); } _local2 = findFocusFromObject(_local2); if (_local2 == lastFocus) { return(undefined); } if (_local2 == undefined) { doLater(this, "restoreFocus"); return(undefined); } var _local3 = _local2.hscroll; if (_local3 != undefined) { var _local6 = _local2.scroll; var _local5 = _local2.background; } setFocus(_local2); var _local4 = Selection; Selection.setSelection(_local4.lastBeginIndex, _local4.lastEndIndex); if (_local3 != undefined) { _local2.scroll = _local6; _local2.hscroll = _local3; _local2.background = _local5; } } function _onMouseDown(Void) { bDrawFocus = false; if (lastFocus != undefined) { lastFocus.drawFocus(false); } mx.managers.SystemManager.idleFrames = 0; var _local3 = Selection; _local3.lastBeginIndex = Selection.getBeginIndex(); _local3.lastEndIndex = Selection.getEndIndex(); lastXMouse = _root._xmouse; lastYMouse = _root._ymouse; } function onMouseUp(Void) { if (_visible) { doLater(this, "mouseActivate"); } } function handleEvent(e) { if (e.type == "reveal") { mx.managers.SystemManager.activate(form); } else { mx.managers.SystemManager.deactivate(form); } } static function enableFocusManagement() { if (!initialized) { initialized = true; Object.registerClass("FocusManager", mx.managers.FocusManager); if (_root.focusManager == undefined) { _root.createClassObject(mx.managers.FocusManager, "focusManager", mx.managers.DepthManager.highestDepth--); } } } static var symbolName = "FocusManager"; static var symbolOwner = mx.managers.FocusManager; static var version = ""; var className = "FocusManager"; var bNeedFocus = false; var bDrawFocus = false; var defaultPushButtonEnabled = true; var activated = true; static var initialized = false; static var UIObjectExtensionsDependency = mx.core.ext.UIObjectExtensions; }
Symbol 153 MovieClip [] Frame 0
class mx.skins.halo.FocusRect extends mx.skins.SkinElement { var boundingBox_mc, _xscale, _yscale, clear, beginFill, drawRoundRect, endFill, _visible; function FocusRect () { super(); boundingBox_mc._visible = false; boundingBox_mc._width = (boundingBox_mc._height = 0); } function draw(o) { o.adjustFocusRect(); } function setSize(w, h, r, a, rectCol) { _xscale = (_yscale = 100); clear(); if (typeof(r) == "object") { = (( > 2) ? ( - 2) : 0); = (( > 2) ? ( - 2) : 0); = (( > 2) ? ( - 2) : 0); = (( > 2) ? ( - 2) : 0); beginFill(rectCol, a * 0.3); drawRoundRect(0, 0, w, h, r); drawRoundRect(2, 2, w - 4, h - 4, r); endFill(); = (( > 1) ? ( + 1) : 0); = (( > 1) ? ( + 1) : 0); = (( > 1) ? ( + 1) : 0); = (( > 1) ? ( + 1) : 0); beginFill(rectCol, a * 0.3); drawRoundRect(1, 1, w - 2, h - 2, r); = (( > 1) ? ( - 1) : 0); = (( > 1) ? ( - 1) : 0); = (( > 1) ? ( - 1) : 0); = (( > 1) ? ( - 1) : 0); drawRoundRect(2, 2, w - 4, h - 4, r); endFill(); } else { var _local5; if (r != 0) { _local5 = r - 2; } else { _local5 = 0; } beginFill(rectCol, a * 0.3); drawRoundRect(0, 0, w, h, r); drawRoundRect(2, 2, w - 4, h - 4, _local5); endFill(); beginFill(rectCol, a * 0.3); if (r != 0) { _local5 = r - 2; r = r - 1; } else { _local5 = 0; r = 0; } drawRoundRect(1, 1, w - 2, h - 2, r); drawRoundRect(2, 2, w - 4, h - 4, _local5); endFill(); } } function handleEvent(e) { if (e.type == "unload") { _visible = true; } else if (e.type == "resize") {; } else if (e.type == "move") {; } } static function classConstruct() { mx.core.UIComponent.prototype.drawFocus = function (focused) { var _local2 = this._parent.focus_mc; if (!focused) { _local2._visible = false; this.removeEventListener("unload", _local2); this.removeEventListener("move", _local2); this.removeEventListener("resize", _local2); } else { if (_local2 == undefined) { _local2 = this._parent.createChildAtDepth("FocusRect", mx.managers.DepthManager.kTop); _local2.tabEnabled = false; this._parent.focus_mc = _local2; } else { _local2._visible = true; } _local2.draw(this); if (_local2.getDepth() < this.getDepth()) { _local2.setDepthAbove(this); } this.addEventListener("unload", _local2); this.addEventListener("move", _local2); this.addEventListener("resize", _local2); } }; mx.core.UIComponent.prototype.adjustFocusRect = function () { var _local2 = this.getStyle("themeColor"); if (_local2 == undefined) { _local2 = 8453965 /* 0x80FF4D */; } var _local3 = this._parent.focus_mc; _local3.setSize(this.width + 4, this.height + 4, 0, 100, _local2); _local3.move(this.x - 2, this.y - 2); }; TextField.prototype.drawFocus = mx.core.UIComponent.prototype.drawFocus; TextField.prototype.adjustFocusRect = mx.core.UIComponent.prototype.adjustFocusRect; mx.skins.halo.FocusRect.prototype.drawRoundRect = mx.skins.halo.Defaults.prototype.drawRoundRect; return(true); } static var classConstructed = classConstruct(); static var DefaultsDependency = mx.skins.halo.Defaults; static var UIComponentDependency = mx.core.UIComponent; }
Symbol 154 MovieClip [] Frame 0
class mx.managers.OverlappedWindows { function OverlappedWindows () { } static function checkIdle(Void) { if (mx.managers.SystemManager.idleFrames > 10) { mx.managers.SystemManager.dispatchEvent({type:"idle"}); } else { mx.managers.SystemManager.idleFrames++; } } static function __addEventListener(e, o, l) { if (e == "idle") { if (mx.managers.SystemManager.interval == undefined) { mx.managers.SystemManager.interval = setInterval(mx.managers.SystemManager.checkIdle, 100); } } mx.managers.SystemManager._xAddEventListener(e, o, l); } static function __removeEventListener(e, o, l) { if (e == "idle") { if (mx.managers.SystemManager._xRemoveEventListener(e, o, l) == 0) { clearInterval(mx.managers.SystemManager.interval); } } else { mx.managers.SystemManager._xRemoveEventListener(e, o, l); } } static function onMouseDown(Void) { mx.managers.SystemManager.idleFrames = 0; mx.managers.SystemManager.isMouseDown = true; var _local5 = _root; var _local3; var _local8 = _root._xmouse; var _local7 = _root._ymouse; if (mx.managers.SystemManager.form.modalWindow == undefined) { if (mx.managers.SystemManager.forms.length > 1) { var _local6 = mx.managers.SystemManager.forms.length; var _local4; _local4 = 0; while (_local4 < _local6) { var _local2 = mx.managers.SystemManager.forms[_local4]; if (_local2._visible) { if (_local2.hitTest(_local8, _local7)) { if (_local3 == undefined) { _local3 = _local2.getDepth(); _local5 = _local2; } else if (_local3 < _local2.getDepth()) { _local3 = _local2.getDepth(); _local5 = _local2; } } } _local4++; } if (_local5 != mx.managers.SystemManager.form) { mx.managers.SystemManager.activate(_local5); } } } var _local9 = mx.managers.SystemManager.form; _local9.focusManager._onMouseDown(); } static function onMouseMove(Void) { mx.managers.SystemManager.idleFrames = 0; } static function onMouseUp(Void) { mx.managers.SystemManager.isMouseDown = false; mx.managers.SystemManager.idleFrames = 0; } static function activate(f) { if (mx.managers.SystemManager.form != undefined) { if ((mx.managers.SystemManager.form != f) && (mx.managers.SystemManager.forms.length > 1)) { var _local1 = mx.managers.SystemManager.form; _local1.focusManager.deactivate(); } } mx.managers.SystemManager.form = f; f.focusManager.activate(); } static function deactivate(f) { if (mx.managers.SystemManager.form != undefined) { if ((mx.managers.SystemManager.form == f) && (mx.managers.SystemManager.forms.length > 1)) { var _local5 = mx.managers.SystemManager.form; _local5.focusManager.deactivate(); var _local3 = mx.managers.SystemManager.forms.length; var _local1; var _local2; _local1 = 0; while (_local1 < _local3) { if (mx.managers.SystemManager.forms[_local1] == f) { _local1 = _local1 + 1; while (_local1 < _local3) { if (mx.managers.SystemManager.forms[_local1]._visible == true) { _local2 = mx.managers.SystemManager.forms[_local1]; } _local1++; } mx.managers.SystemManager.form = _local2; break; } if (mx.managers.SystemManager.forms[_local1]._visible == true) { _local2 = mx.managers.SystemManager.forms[_local1]; } _local1++; } _local5 = mx.managers.SystemManager.form; _local5.focusManager.activate(); } } } static function addFocusManager(f) { mx.managers.SystemManager.forms.push(f); mx.managers.SystemManager.activate(f); } static function removeFocusManager(f) { var _local3 = mx.managers.SystemManager.forms.length; var _local1; _local1 = 0; while (_local1 < _local3) { if (mx.managers.SystemManager.forms[_local1] == f) { if (mx.managers.SystemManager.form == f) { mx.managers.SystemManager.deactivate(f); } mx.managers.SystemManager.forms.splice(_local1, 1); return(undefined); } _local1++; } } static function enableOverlappedWindows() { if (!initialized) { initialized = true; mx.managers.SystemManager.checkIdle = checkIdle; mx.managers.SystemManager.__addEventListener = __addEventListener; mx.managers.SystemManager.__removeEventListener = __removeEventListener; mx.managers.SystemManager.onMouseDown = onMouseDown; mx.managers.SystemManager.onMouseMove = onMouseMove; mx.managers.SystemManager.onMouseUp = onMouseUp; mx.managers.SystemManager.activate = activate; mx.managers.SystemManager.deactivate = deactivate; mx.managers.SystemManager.addFocusManager = addFocusManager; mx.managers.SystemManager.removeFocusManager = removeFocusManager; } } static var initialized = false; static var SystemManagerDependency = mx.managers.SystemManager; }
Symbol 155 MovieClip [] Frame 0
class mx.styles.CSSSetStyle { var styleName, stylecache, _color, setColor, invalidateStyle; function CSSSetStyle () { } function _setStyle(styleProp, newValue) { this[styleProp] = newValue; if (mx.styles.StyleManager.TextStyleMap[styleProp] != undefined) { if (styleProp == "color") { if (isNaN(newValue)) { newValue = mx.styles.StyleManager.getColorName(newValue); this[styleProp] = newValue; if (newValue == undefined) { return(undefined); } } } _level0.changeTextStyleInChildren(styleProp); return(undefined); } if (mx.styles.StyleManager.isColorStyle(styleProp)) { if (isNaN(newValue)) { newValue = mx.styles.StyleManager.getColorName(newValue); this[styleProp] = newValue; if (newValue == undefined) { return(undefined); } } if (styleProp == "themeColor") { var _local7 = mx.styles.StyleManager.colorNames.haloBlue; var _local6 = mx.styles.StyleManager.colorNames.haloGreen; var _local8 = mx.styles.StyleManager.colorNames.haloOrange; var _local4 = {}; _local4[_local7] = 12188666 /* 0xB9FBFA */; _local4[_local6] = 13500353 /* 0xCDFFC1 */; _local4[_local8] = 16766319 /* 0xFFD56F */; var _local5 = {}; _local5[_local7] = 13958653 /* 0xD4FDFD */; _local5[_local6] = 14942166 /* 0xE3FFD6 */; _local5[_local8] = 16772787 /* 0xFFEEB3 */; var _local9 = _local4[newValue]; var _local10 = _local5[newValue]; if (_local9 == undefined) { _local9 = newValue; } if (_local10 == undefined) { _local10 = newValue; } setStyle("selectionColor", _local9); setStyle("rollOverColor", _local10); } _level0.changeColorStyleInChildren(styleName, styleProp, newValue); } else { if ((styleProp == "backgroundColor") && (isNaN(newValue))) { newValue = mx.styles.StyleManager.getColorName(newValue); this[styleProp] = newValue; if (newValue == undefined) { return(undefined); } } _level0.notifyStyleChangeInChildren(styleName, styleProp, newValue); } } function changeTextStyleInChildren(styleProp) { var _local4 = getTimer(); var _local5; for (_local5 in this) { var _local2 = this[_local5]; if (_local2._parent == this) { if (_local2.searchKey != _local4) { if (_local2.stylecache != undefined) { delete; delete _local2.stylecache[styleProp]; } _local2.invalidateStyle(styleProp); _local2.changeTextStyleInChildren(styleProp); _local2.searchKey = _local4; } } } } function changeColorStyleInChildren(sheetName, colorStyle, newValue) { var _local6 = getTimer(); var _local7; for (_local7 in this) { var _local2 = this[_local7]; if (_local2._parent == this) { if (_local2.searchKey != _local6) { if (((_local2.getStyleName() == sheetName) || (sheetName == undefined)) || (sheetName == "_global")) { if (_local2.stylecache != undefined) { delete _local2.stylecache[colorStyle]; } if (typeof(_local2._color) == "string") { if (_local2._color == colorStyle) { var _local4 = _local2.getStyle(colorStyle); if (colorStyle == "color") { if ( != undefined) { = _local4; } } _local2.setColor(_local4); } } else if (_local2._color[colorStyle] != undefined) { if (typeof(_local2) != "movieclip") { _local2._parent.invalidateStyle(); } else { _local2.invalidateStyle(colorStyle); } } } _local2.changeColorStyleInChildren(sheetName, colorStyle, newValue); _local2.searchKey = _local6; } } } } function notifyStyleChangeInChildren(sheetName, styleProp, newValue) { var _local5 = getTimer(); var _local6; for (_local6 in this) { var _local2 = this[_local6]; if (_local2._parent == this) { if (_local2.searchKey != _local5) { if (((_local2.styleName == sheetName) || ((_local2.styleName != undefined) && (typeof(_local2.styleName) == "movieclip"))) || (sheetName == undefined)) { if (_local2.stylecache != undefined) { delete _local2.stylecache[styleProp]; delete; } delete _local2.enabledColor; _local2.invalidateStyle(styleProp); } _local2.notifyStyleChangeInChildren(sheetName, styleProp, newValue); _local2.searchKey = _local5; } } } } function setStyle(styleProp, newValue) { if (stylecache != undefined) { delete stylecache[styleProp]; delete; } this[styleProp] = newValue; if (mx.styles.StyleManager.isColorStyle(styleProp)) { if (isNaN(newValue)) { newValue = mx.styles.StyleManager.getColorName(newValue); this[styleProp] = newValue; if (newValue == undefined) { return(undefined); } } if (styleProp == "themeColor") { var _local10 = mx.styles.StyleManager.colorNames.haloBlue; var _local9 = mx.styles.StyleManager.colorNames.haloGreen; var _local11 = mx.styles.StyleManager.colorNames.haloOrange; var _local6 = {}; _local6[_local10] = 12188666 /* 0xB9FBFA */; _local6[_local9] = 13500353 /* 0xCDFFC1 */; _local6[_local11] = 16766319 /* 0xFFD56F */; var _local7 = {}; _local7[_local10] = 13958653 /* 0xD4FDFD */; _local7[_local9] = 14942166 /* 0xE3FFD6 */; _local7[_local11] = 16772787 /* 0xFFEEB3 */; var _local12 = _local6[newValue]; var _local13 = _local7[newValue]; if (_local12 == undefined) { _local12 = newValue; } if (_local13 == undefined) { _local13 = newValue; } setStyle("selectionColor", _local12); setStyle("rollOverColor", _local13); } if (typeof(_color) == "string") { if (_color == styleProp) { if (styleProp == "color") { if ( != undefined) { = newValue; } } setColor(newValue); } } else if (_color[styleProp] != undefined) { invalidateStyle(styleProp); } changeColorStyleInChildren(undefined, styleProp, newValue); } else { if ((styleProp == "backgroundColor") && (isNaN(newValue))) { newValue = mx.styles.StyleManager.getColorName(newValue); this[styleProp] = newValue; if (newValue == undefined) { return(undefined); } } invalidateStyle(styleProp); } if (mx.styles.StyleManager.isInheritingStyle(styleProp) || (styleProp == "styleName")) { var _local8; var _local5 = newValue; if (styleProp == "styleName") { _local8 = ((typeof(newValue) == "string") ? (_global.styles[newValue]) : (_local5)); _local5 = _local8.themeColor; if (_local5 != undefined) { _local8.rollOverColor = (_local8.selectionColor = _local5); } } notifyStyleChangeInChildren(undefined, styleProp, newValue); } } static function enableRunTimeCSS() { } static function classConstruct() { var _local2 = MovieClip.prototype; var _local1 = mx.styles.CSSSetStyle.prototype; mx.styles.CSSStyleDeclaration.prototype.setStyle = _local1._setStyle; _local2.changeTextStyleInChildren = _local1.changeTextStyleInChildren; _local2.changeColorStyleInChildren = _local1.changeColorStyleInChildren; _local2.notifyStyleChangeInChildren = _local1.notifyStyleChangeInChildren; _local2.setStyle = _local1.setStyle; var _local3 = TextField.prototype; _local3.setStyle = _local2.setStyle; _local3.changeTextStyleInChildren = _local1.changeTextStyleInChildren; return(true); } static var classConstructed = classConstruct(); static var CSSStyleDeclarationDependency = mx.styles.CSSStyleDeclaration; }
Symbol 156 MovieClip [] Frame 0
class mx.core.ext.UIComponentExtensions { function UIComponentExtensions () { } static function Extensions() { if (bExtended == true) { return(true); } bExtended = true; TextField.prototype.setFocus = function () { Selection.setFocus(this); }; TextField.prototype.onSetFocus = function (oldFocus) { if (this.tabEnabled != false) { if (this.getFocusManager().bDrawFocus) { this.drawFocus(true); } } }; TextField.prototype.onKillFocus = function (oldFocus) { if (this.tabEnabled != false) { this.drawFocus(false); } }; TextField.prototype.drawFocus = mx.core.UIComponent.prototype.drawFocus; TextField.prototype.getFocusManager = mx.core.UIComponent.prototype.getFocusManager; mx.managers.OverlappedWindows.enableOverlappedWindows(); mx.styles.CSSSetStyle.enableRunTimeCSS(); mx.managers.FocusManager.enableFocusManagement(); } static var bExtended = false; static var UIComponentExtended = Extensions(); static var UIComponentDependency = mx.core.UIComponent; static var FocusManagerDependency = mx.managers.FocusManager; static var OverlappedWindowsDependency = mx.managers.OverlappedWindows; }
Symbol 157 MovieClip [] Frame 0
class mx.skins.halo.RectBorder extends mx.skins.RectBorder { var offset, getStyle, borderStyleName, __borderMetrics, className, borderColorName, backgroundColorName, shadowColorName, highlightColorName, buttonColorName, __get__width, __get__height, clear, _color, drawRoundRect, beginFill, drawRect, endFill; function RectBorder () { super(); } function init(Void) { borderWidths.default = 3; super.init(); } function getBorderMetrics(Void) { if (offset == undefined) { var _local3 = getStyle(borderStyleName); offset = borderWidths[_local3]; } if ((getStyle(borderStyleName) == "default") || (getStyle(borderStyleName) == "alert")) { __borderMetrics = {left:3, top:1, right:3, bottom:3}; return(__borderMetrics); } return(super.getBorderMetrics()); } function drawBorder(Void) { var _local6 = _global.styles[className]; if (_local6 == undefined) { _local6 = _global.styles.RectBorder; } var _local5 = getStyle(borderStyleName); var _local7 = getStyle(borderColorName); if (_local7 == undefined) { _local7 = _local6[borderColorName]; } var _local8 = getStyle(backgroundColorName); if (_local8 == undefined) { _local8 = _local6[backgroundColorName]; } var _local16 = getStyle("backgroundImage"); if (_local5 != "none") { var _local14 = getStyle(shadowColorName); if (_local14 == undefined) { _local14 = _local6[shadowColorName]; } var _local13 = getStyle(highlightColorName); if (_local13 == undefined) { _local13 = _local6[highlightColorName]; } var _local12 = getStyle(buttonColorName); if (_local12 == undefined) { _local12 = _local6[buttonColorName]; } var _local11 = getStyle(borderCapColorName); if (_local11 == undefined) { _local11 = _local6[borderCapColorName]; } var _local10 = getStyle(shadowCapColorName); if (_local10 == undefined) { _local10 = _local6[shadowCapColorName]; } } offset = borderWidths[_local5]; var _local9 = offset; var _local3 = __get__width(); var _local4 = __get__height(); clear(); _color = undefined; if (_local5 == "none") { } else if (_local5 == "inset") { _color = colorList; draw3dBorder(_local11, _local12, _local7, _local13, _local14, _local10); } else if (_local5 == "outset") { _color = colorList; draw3dBorder(_local11, _local7, _local12, _local14, _local13, _local10); } else if (_local5 == "alert") { var _local15 = getStyle("themeColor"); drawRoundRect(0, 5, _local3, _local4 - 5, 5, 6184542, 10); drawRoundRect(1, 4, _local3 - 2, _local4 - 5, 4, [6184542, 6184542], 10, 0, "radial"); drawRoundRect(2, 0, _local3 - 4, _local4 - 2, 3, [0, 14342874], 100, 0, "radial"); drawRoundRect(2, 0, _local3 - 4, _local4 - 2, 3, _local15, 50); drawRoundRect(3, 1, _local3 - 6, _local4 - 4, 2, 16777215, 100); } else if (_local5 == "default") { drawRoundRect(0, 5, _local3, _local4 - 5, {tl:5, tr:5, br:0, bl:0}, 6184542, 10); drawRoundRect(1, 4, _local3 - 2, _local4 - 5, {tl:4, tr:4, br:0, bl:0}, [6184542, 6184542], 10, 0, "radial"); drawRoundRect(2, 0, _local3 - 4, _local4 - 2, {tl:3, tr:3, br:0, bl:0}, [12897484, 11844796], 100, 0, "radial"); drawRoundRect(3, 1, _local3 - 6, _local4 - 4, {tl:2, tr:2, br:0, bl:0}, 16777215, 100); } else if (_local5 == "dropDown") { drawRoundRect(0, 0, _local3 + 1, _local4, {tl:4, tr:0, br:0, bl:4}, [13290186, 7895160], 100, -10, "linear"); drawRoundRect(1, 1, _local3 - 1, _local4 - 2, {tl:3, tr:0, br:0, bl:3}, 16777215, 100); } else if (_local5 == "menuBorder") { var _local15 = getStyle("themeColor"); drawRoundRect(4, 4, _local3 - 2, _local4 - 3, 0, [6184542, 6184542], 10, 0, "radial"); drawRoundRect(4, 4, _local3 - 1, _local4 - 2, 0, 6184542, 10); drawRoundRect(0, 0, _local3 + 1, _local4, 0, [0, 14342874], 100, 250, "linear"); drawRoundRect(0, 0, _local3 + 1, _local4, 0, _local15, 50); drawRoundRect(2, 2, _local3 - 3, _local4 - 4, 0, 16777215, 100); } else if (_local5 == "comboNonEdit") { } else { beginFill(_local7); drawRect(0, 0, _local3, _local4); drawRect(1, 1, _local3 - 1, _local4 - 1); endFill(); _color = borderColorName; } if (_local8 != undefined) { beginFill(_local8); drawRect(_local9, _local9, __get__width() - _local9, __get__height() - _local9); endFill(); } } function draw3dBorder(c1, c2, c3, c4, c5, c6) { var _local3 = __get__width(); var _local2 = __get__height(); beginFill(c1); drawRect(0, 0, _local3, _local2); drawRect(1, 0, _local3 - 1, _local2); endFill(); beginFill(c2); drawRect(1, 0, _local3 - 1, 1); endFill(); beginFill(c3); drawRect(1, _local2 - 1, _local3 - 1, _local2); endFill(); beginFill(c4); drawRect(1, 1, _local3 - 1, 2); endFill(); beginFill(c5); drawRect(1, _local2 - 2, _local3 - 1, _local2 - 1); endFill(); beginFill(c6); drawRect(1, 2, _local3 - 1, _local2 - 2); drawRect(2, 2, _local3 - 2, _local2 - 2); endFill(); } static function classConstruct() { mx.core.ext.UIObjectExtensions.Extensions(); _global.styles.rectBorderClass = mx.skins.halo.RectBorder; _global.skinRegistry.RectBorder = true; return(true); } static var symbolName = "RectBorder"; static var symbolOwner = mx.skins.halo.RectBorder; static var version = ""; var borderCapColorName = "borderCapColor"; var shadowCapColorName = "shadowCapColor"; var colorList = {highlightColor:0, borderColor:0, buttonColor:0, shadowColor:0, borderCapColor:0, shadowCapColor:0}; var borderWidths = {none:0, solid:1, inset:2, outset:2, alert:3, dropDown:2, menuBorder:2, comboNonEdit:2}; static var classConstructed = classConstruct(); static var UIObjectExtensionsDependency = mx.core.ext.UIObjectExtensions; }
Symbol 158 MovieClip [] Frame 0
class mx.skins.halo.ButtonSkin extends mx.skins.RectBorder { var __get__width, __get__height, getStyle, _parent, clear, drawRoundRect, __get__x, __get__y; function ButtonSkin () { super(); } function init() { super.init(); } function size() { drawHaloRect(__get__width(), __get__height()); } function drawHaloRect(w, h) { var _local6 = getStyle("borderStyle"); var _local4 = getStyle("themeColor"); var _local5 = _parent.emphasized; clear(); switch (_local6) { case "falseup" : if (_local5) { drawRoundRect(__get__x(), __get__y(), w, h, 5, 9542041, 100); drawRoundRect(__get__x(), __get__y(), w, h, 5, _local4, 75); drawRoundRect(__get__x() + 1, __get__y() + 1, w - 2, h - 2, 4, [3355443, 16777215], 85, 0, "radial"); drawRoundRect(__get__x() + 2, __get__y() + 2, w - 4, h - 4, 3, [0, 14342874], 100, 0, "radial"); drawRoundRect(__get__x() + 2, __get__y() + 2, w - 4, h - 4, 3, _local4, 75); drawRoundRect(__get__x() + 3, __get__y() + 3, w - 6, h - 6, 2, 16777215, 100); drawRoundRect(__get__x() + 3, __get__y() + 4, w - 6, h - 7, 2, 16316664, 100); } else { drawRoundRect(0, 0, w, h, 5, 9542041, 100); drawRoundRect(1, 1, w - 2, h - 2, 4, [13291985, 16250871], 100, 0, "radial"); drawRoundRect(2, 2, w - 4, h - 4, 3, [9542041, 13818586], 100, 0, "radial"); drawRoundRect(3, 3, w - 6, h - 6, 2, 16777215, 100); drawRoundRect(3, 4, w - 6, h - 7, 2, 16316664, 100); } break; case "falsedown" : drawRoundRect(__get__x(), __get__y(), w, h, 5, 9542041, 100); drawRoundRect(__get__x() + 1, __get__y() + 1, w - 2, h - 2, 4, [3355443, 16579836], 100, 0, "radial"); drawRoundRect(__get__x() + 1, __get__y() + 1, w - 2, h - 2, 4, _local4, 50); drawRoundRect(__get__x() + 2, __get__y() + 2, w - 4, h - 4, 3, [0, 14342874], 100, 0, "radial"); drawRoundRect(__get__x(), __get__y(), w, h, 5, _local4, 40); drawRoundRect(__get__x() + 3, __get__y() + 3, w - 6, h - 6, 2, 16777215, 100); drawRoundRect(__get__x() + 3, __get__y() + 4, w - 6, h - 7, 2, _local4, 20); break; case "falserollover" : drawRoundRect(__get__x(), __get__y(), w, h, 5, 9542041, 100); drawRoundRect(__get__x(), __get__y(), w, h, 5, _local4, 50); drawRoundRect(__get__x() + 1, __get__y() + 1, w - 2, h - 2, 4, [3355443, 16777215], 100, 0, "radial"); drawRoundRect(__get__x() + 2, __get__y() + 2, w - 4, h - 4, 3, [0, 14342874], 100, 0, "radial"); drawRoundRect(__get__x() + 2, __get__y() + 2, w - 4, h - 4, 3, _local4, 50); drawRoundRect(__get__x() + 3, __get__y() + 3, w - 6, h - 6, 2, 16777215, 100); drawRoundRect(__get__x() + 3, __get__y() + 4, w - 6, h - 7, 2, 16316664, 100); break; case "falsedisabled" : drawRoundRect(0, 0, w, h, 5, 13159628, 100); drawRoundRect(1, 1, w - 2, h - 2, 4, 15921906, 100); drawRoundRect(2, 2, w - 4, h - 4, 3, 13949401, 100); drawRoundRect(3, 3, w - 6, h - 6, 2, 15921906, 100); break; case "trueup" : drawRoundRect(__get__x(), __get__y(), w, h, 5, 10066329, 100); drawRoundRect(__get__x() + 1, __get__y() + 1, w - 2, h - 2, 4, [3355443, 16579836], 100, 0, "radial"); drawRoundRect(__get__x() + 1, __get__y() + 1, w - 2, h - 2, 4, _local4, 50); drawRoundRect(__get__x() + 2, __get__y() + 2, w - 4, h - 4, 3, [0, 14342874], 100, 0, "radial"); drawRoundRect(__get__x(), __get__y(), w, h, 5, _local4, 40); drawRoundRect(__get__x() + 3, __get__y() + 3, w - 6, h - 6, 2, 16777215, 100); drawRoundRect(__get__x() + 3, __get__y() + 4, w - 6, h - 7, 2, 16250871, 100); break; case "truedown" : drawRoundRect(__get__x(), __get__y(), w, h, 5, 10066329, 100); drawRoundRect(__get__x() + 1, __get__y() + 1, w - 2, h - 2, 4, [3355443, 16579836], 100, 0, "radial"); drawRoundRect(__get__x() + 1, __get__y() + 1, w - 2, h - 2, 4, _local4, 50); drawRoundRect(__get__x() + 2, __get__y() + 2, w - 4, h - 4, 3, [0, 14342874], 100, 0, "radial"); drawRoundRect(__get__x(), __get__y(), w, h, 5, _local4, 40); drawRoundRect(__get__x() + 3, __get__y() + 3, w - 6, h - 6, 2, 16777215, 100); drawRoundRect(__get__x() + 3, __get__y() + 4, w - 6, h - 7, 2, _local4, 20); break; case "truerollover" : drawRoundRect(__get__x(), __get__y(), w, h, 5, 9542041, 100); drawRoundRect(__get__x(), __get__y(), w, h, 5, _local4, 50); drawRoundRect(__get__x() + 1, __get__y() + 1, w - 2, h - 2, 4, [3355443, 16777215], 100, 0, "radial"); drawRoundRect(__get__x() + 1, __get__y() + 1, w - 2, h - 2, 4, _local4, 40); drawRoundRect(__get__x() + 2, __get__y() + 2, w - 4, h - 4, 3, [0, 14342874], 100, 0, "radial"); drawRoundRect(__get__x() + 2, __get__y() + 2, w - 4, h - 4, 3, _local4, 40); drawRoundRect(__get__x() + 3, __get__y() + 3, w - 6, h - 6, 2, 16777215, 100); drawRoundRect(__get__x() + 3, __get__y() + 4, w - 6, h - 7, 2, 16316664, 100); break; case "truedisabled" : drawRoundRect(0, 0, w, h, 5, 13159628, 100); drawRoundRect(1, 1, w - 2, h - 2, 4, 15921906, 100); drawRoundRect(2, 2, w - 4, h - 4, 3, 13949401, 100); drawRoundRect(3, 3, w - 6, h - 6, 2, 15921906, 100); } } static function classConstruct() { mx.core.ext.UIObjectExtensions.Extensions(); _global.skinRegistry.ButtonSkin = true; return(true); } static var symbolName = "ButtonSkin"; static var symbolOwner = mx.skins.halo.ButtonSkin; var className = "ButtonSkin"; var backgroundColorName = "buttonColor"; static var classConstructed = classConstruct(); static var UIObjectExtensionsDependency = mx.core.ext.UIObjectExtensions; }
Symbol 159 MovieClip [] Frame 0
class mx.controls.VScrollBar extends mx.controls.scrollClasses.ScrollBar { var scrollIt; function VScrollBar () { super(); } function init(Void) { super.init(); } function isScrollBarKey(k) { if (k == 38) { scrollIt("Line", -1); return(true); } if (k == 40) { scrollIt("Line", 1); return(true); } if (k == 33) { scrollIt("Page", -1); return(true); } if (k == 34) { scrollIt("Page", 1); return(true); } return(super.isScrollBarKey(k)); } static var symbolName = "VScrollBar"; static var symbolOwner = mx.core.UIComponent; static var version = ""; var className = "VScrollBar"; var minusMode = "Up"; var plusMode = "Down"; var minMode = "AtTop"; var maxMode = "AtBottom"; }

Library Items

Symbol 300 EditableText [Resolution]
Symbol 301 EditableText [Orientation]
Symbol 302 GraphicUsed by:312
Symbol 303 GraphicUsed by:312
Symbol 304 FontUsed by:306
Symbol 305 GraphicUsed by:312
Symbol 306 EditableText [CR1]Uses:304Used by:312
Symbol 307 FontUsed by:308 309 311 318 319 320 327 328 329 336 338 339 346 347 355 356 357 364 365 366 373 374 375 382 383 384 391 392 393 400 401 402 409 410 411 418 419 420 427 428 429 436 437 444 445 446 453 454 455 462 463 464 471 472 473 480 481 488 489 496 497 498 505 506 507 514 515 516 523 524 525 532 533 534 541 542 543 550 551 552 559 560 561 568 569
Symbol 308 TextUses:307Used by:312
Symbol 310 FontUsed by:309
Symbol 309 TextUses:307 310Used by:312
Symbol 311 TextUses:307Used by:312
Symbol 312 MovieClip [Page1]Uses:302 303 305 306 308 309 311
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Symbol 314 GraphicUsed by:321
Symbol 315 FontUsed by:317
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Symbol 317 EditableText [CR2]Uses:315Used by:321
Symbol 318 TextUses:307Used by:321
Symbol 319 TextUses:307Used by:321
Symbol 320 TextUses:307Used by:321
Symbol 321 MovieClip [Page2]Uses:313 314 316 317 318 319 320
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Symbol 323 GraphicUsed by:330
Symbol 324 FontUsed by:326
Symbol 325 GraphicUsed by:330
Symbol 326 EditableText [CR3]Uses:324Used by:330
Symbol 327 TextUses:307Used by:330
Symbol 328 TextUses:307Used by:330
Symbol 329 TextUses:307Used by:330
Symbol 330 MovieClip [Page3]Uses:322 323 325 326 327 328 329
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Symbol 332 GraphicUsed by:340
Symbol 333 FontUsed by:335
Symbol 334 GraphicUsed by:340
Symbol 335 EditableText [CR4]Uses:333Used by:340
Symbol 337 FontUsed by:338 347 348 356 365 374 383 392 401 410 419 428 437 445 454 472 481 489 497 506 515 524 533 542 551 560 569
Symbol 336 TextUses:307Used by:340
Symbol 338 TextUses:337 307Used by:340
Symbol 339 TextUses:307Used by:340
Symbol 340 MovieClip [Page4]Uses:331 332 334 335 336 338 339
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Symbol 342 GraphicUsed by:349
Symbol 343 FontUsed by:345
Symbol 344 GraphicUsed by:349
Symbol 345 EditableText [CR5]Uses:343Used by:349
Symbol 346 TextUses:307Used by:349
Symbol 347 TextUses:307 337Used by:349
Symbol 348 TextUses:337Used by:349
Symbol 349 MovieClip [Page5]Uses:341 342 344 345 346 347 348
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Symbol 351 GraphicUsed by:358
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Symbol 353 GraphicUsed by:358
Symbol 354 EditableText [CR6]Uses:352Used by:358
Symbol 355 TextUses:307Used by:358
Symbol 356 TextUses:337 307Used by:358
Symbol 357 TextUses:307Used by:358
Symbol 358 MovieClip [Page6]Uses:350 351 353 354 355 356 357
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Symbol 360 GraphicUsed by:367
Symbol 361 FontUsed by:363
Symbol 362 GraphicUsed by:367
Symbol 363 EditableText [CR7]Uses:361Used by:367
Symbol 364 TextUses:307Used by:367
Symbol 365 TextUses:307 337Used by:367
Symbol 366 TextUses:307Used by:367
Symbol 367 MovieClip [Page7]Uses:359 360 362 363 364 365 366
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Symbol 369 GraphicUsed by:376
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Symbol 371 GraphicUsed by:376
Symbol 372 EditableText [CR8]Uses:370Used by:376
Symbol 373 TextUses:307Used by:376
Symbol 374 TextUses:337 307Used by:376
Symbol 375 TextUses:307Used by:376
Symbol 376 MovieClip [Page8]Uses:368 369 371 372 373 374 375
Symbol 377 GraphicUsed by:385
Symbol 378 GraphicUsed by:385
Symbol 379 FontUsed by:381
Symbol 380 GraphicUsed by:385
Symbol 381 EditableText [CR9]Uses:379Used by:385
Symbol 382 TextUses:307Used by:385
Symbol 383 TextUses:337 307Used by:385
Symbol 384 TextUses:307Used by:385
Symbol 385 MovieClip [Page9]Uses:377 378 380 381 382 383 384
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Symbol 387 GraphicUsed by:394
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Symbol 389 GraphicUsed by:394
Symbol 390 EditableText [CR10]Uses:388Used by:394
Symbol 391 TextUses:307Used by:394
Symbol 392 TextUses:307 337Used by:394
Symbol 393 TextUses:307Used by:394
Symbol 394 MovieClip [Page10]Uses:386 387 389 390 391 392 393
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Symbol 396 GraphicUsed by:403
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Symbol 398 GraphicUsed by:403
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Symbol 400 TextUses:307Used by:403
Symbol 401 TextUses:307 337Used by:403
Symbol 402 TextUses:307Used by:403
Symbol 403 MovieClip [Page11]Uses:395 396 398 399 400 401 402
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Symbol 405 GraphicUsed by:412
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Symbol 409 TextUses:307Used by:412
Symbol 410 TextUses:307 337Used by:412
Symbol 411 TextUses:307Used by:412
Symbol 412 MovieClip [Page12]Uses:404 405 407 408 409 410 411
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Symbol 414 GraphicUsed by:421
Symbol 415 FontUsed by:417
Symbol 416 GraphicUsed by:421
Symbol 417 EditableText [CR13]Uses:415Used by:421
Symbol 418 TextUses:307Used by:421
Symbol 419 TextUses:307 337Used by:421
Symbol 420 TextUses:307Used by:421
Symbol 421 MovieClip [Page13]Uses:413 414 416 417 418 419 420
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Symbol 423 GraphicUsed by:430
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Symbol 429 TextUses:307Used by:430
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Symbol 432 GraphicUsed by:438
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Symbol 436 TextUses:307Used by:438
Symbol 437 TextUses:307 337Used by:438
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Symbol 440 GraphicUsed by:447
Symbol 441 FontUsed by:443
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Symbol 444 TextUses:307Used by:447
Symbol 445 TextUses:307 337Used by:447
Symbol 446 TextUses:307Used by:447
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Symbol 449 GraphicUsed by:456
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Symbol 454 TextUses:307 337Used by:456
Symbol 455 TextUses:307Used by:456
Symbol 456 MovieClip [Page17]Uses:448 449 451 452 453 454 455
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Symbol 458 GraphicUsed by:465
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Symbol 460 GraphicUsed by:465
Symbol 461 EditableText [CR18]Uses:459Used by:465
Symbol 462 TextUses:307Used by:465
Symbol 463 TextUses:307Used by:465
Symbol 464 TextUses:307Used by:465
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Symbol 467 GraphicUsed by:474
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Symbol 472 TextUses:337 307Used by:474
Symbol 473 TextUses:307Used by:474
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Symbol 476 GraphicUsed by:482
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Symbol 480 TextUses:307Used by:482
Symbol 481 TextUses:307 337Used by:482
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Symbol 484 GraphicUsed by:490
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Symbol 492 GraphicUsed by:499
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Symbol 497 TextUses:307 337Used by:499
Symbol 498 TextUses:307Used by:499
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Symbol 501 GraphicUsed by:508
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Symbol 503 GraphicUsed by:508
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Symbol 505 TextUses:307Used by:508
Symbol 506 TextUses:307 337Used by:508
Symbol 507 TextUses:307Used by:508
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Symbol 510 GraphicUsed by:517
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Symbol 515 TextUses:307 337Used by:517
Symbol 516 TextUses:307Used by:517
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Symbol 519 GraphicUsed by:526
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Symbol 523 TextUses:307Used by:526
Symbol 524 TextUses:307 337Used by:526
Symbol 525 TextUses:307Used by:526
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Symbol 532 TextUses:307Used by:535
Symbol 533 TextUses:337 307Used by:535
Symbol 534 TextUses:307Used by:535
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Symbol 537 GraphicUsed by:544
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Symbol 541 TextUses:307Used by:544
Symbol 542 TextUses:337 307Used by:544
Symbol 543 TextUses:307Used by:544
Symbol 544 MovieClip [Page27]Uses:536 537 539 540 541 542 543
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Symbol 546 GraphicUsed by:553
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Symbol 548 GraphicUsed by:553
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Symbol 550 TextUses:307Used by:553
Symbol 551 TextUses:307 337Used by:553
Symbol 552 TextUses:307Used by:553
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Symbol 555 GraphicUsed by:562
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Symbol 557 GraphicUsed by:562
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Symbol 559 TextUses:307Used by:562
Symbol 560 TextUses:307 337Used by:562
Symbol 561 TextUses:307Used by:562
Symbol 562 MovieClip [Page29]Uses:554 555 557 558 559 560 561
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Symbol 564 GraphicUsed by:570
Symbol 565 FontUsed by:567
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Symbol 567 EditableText [CR30]Uses:565Used by:570
Symbol 568 TextUses:307Used by:570
Symbol 569 TextUses:337 307Used by:570
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Symbol 1 GraphicUsed by:2 160
Symbol 2 MovieClip [BottomArea]Uses:1
Symbol 3 MovieClip [ScrollArea]
Symbol 4 GraphicUsed by:5
Symbol 5 Button [#bgr]Uses:4
Symbol 6 GraphicUsed by:7
Symbol 7 MovieClipUses:6Used by:8
Symbol 8 MovieClip [#DropDownToolbar]Uses:7
Symbol 9 GraphicUsed by:12 15
Symbol 10 GraphicUsed by:12 15
Symbol 11 GraphicUsed by:12 15
Symbol 12 MovieClipUses:9 10 11Used by:14 19 21 23 25 27 29 31 33 35 192
Symbol 13 GraphicUsed by:14
Symbol 14 MovieClip [#nextpage]Uses:12 13Used by:193
Symbol 15 ButtonUses:9 10 11Used by:17
Symbol 16 GraphicUsed by:17
Symbol 17 MovieClip [#more]Uses:15 16Used by:193
Symbol 18 GraphicUsed by:19
Symbol 19 MovieClip [#selMode]Uses:12 18Used by:193
Symbol 20 GraphicUsed by:21
Symbol 21 MovieClip [#newwindow]Uses:12 20Used by:193
Symbol 22 GraphicUsed by:23
Symbol 23 MovieClip [#help]Uses:12 22Used by:193
Symbol 24 GraphicUsed by:25
Symbol 25 MovieClip [#rotate]Uses:12 24Used by:193
Symbol 26 GraphicUsed by:27
Symbol 27 MovieClip [#prevpage]Uses:12 26Used by:193
Symbol 28 GraphicUsed by:29
Symbol 29 MovieClip [#scalePage]Uses:12 28Used by:193
Symbol 30 GraphicUsed by:31
Symbol 31 MovieClip [#scaleWidth]Uses:12 30Used by:193
Symbol 32 GraphicUsed by:33
Symbol 33 MovieClip [#moveMode]Uses:12 32Used by:193
Symbol 34 GraphicUsed by:35
Symbol 35 MovieClip [#print]Uses:12 34Used by:193
Symbol 41 GraphicUsed by:42
Symbol 42 MovieClip [BoundingBox]Uses:41Used by:60 64 68 127 128 129 130 131
Symbol 43 GraphicUsed by:44
Symbol 44 MovieClip [BrdrShdw]Uses:43Used by:47 52 53
Symbol 45 GraphicUsed by:46
Symbol 46 MovieClip [BrdrFace]Uses:45Used by:47 52 53
Symbol 47 MovieClip [SimpleButtonDown]Uses:44 46Used by:64
Symbol 48 GraphicUsed by:49
Symbol 49 MovieClip [BrdrBlk]Uses:48Used by:52 53
Symbol 50 GraphicUsed by:51
Symbol 51 MovieClip [BrdrHilght]Uses:50Used by:52 53
Symbol 52 MovieClip [SimpleButtonIn]Uses:49 51 44 46Used by:64
Symbol 53 MovieClip [SimpleButtonUp]Uses:49 46 44 51Used by:64
Symbol 54 MovieClip [Defaults]Used by:56
Symbol 55 MovieClip [UIObjectExtensions]Used by:56
Symbol 56 MovieClip [UIObject]Uses:54 55Used by:61 63 65
Symbol 57 GraphicUsed by:59
Symbol 58 GraphicUsed by:59
Symbol 59 ButtonUses:57 58Used by:61
Symbol 60 MovieClip [FocusRect]Uses:42Used by:61
Symbol 61 MovieClip [FocusManager]Uses:59 60 56Used by:63
Symbol 62 MovieClip [UIComponentExtensions]Used by:63
Symbol 63 MovieClip [UIComponent]Uses:56 61 62Used by:64 129
Symbol 64 MovieClip [SimpleButton]Uses:42 47 52 53 63Used by:68 127 128
Symbol 65 MovieClip [Border]Uses:56Used by:66 68
Symbol 66 MovieClip [RectBorder]Uses:65Used by:68 129
Symbol 67 MovieClip [ButtonSkin]Used by:68
Symbol 68 MovieClip [Button]Uses:42 64 65 66 67Used by:127 128
Symbol 69 MovieClip [CustomBorder]Used by:127 128
Symbol 70 GraphicUsed by:72 108 109 110 113 114 119
Symbol 71 GraphicUsed by:72 108 109 113 114 119
Symbol 72 MovieClip [ScrollTrack]Uses:70 71Used by:79 84 85 86 120 121 122 123 124 125
Symbol 73 GraphicUsed by:79 84 85 86 120 121 122 123
Symbol 74 GraphicUsed by:79 84 85 86 120 121 122 123
Symbol 75 GraphicUsed by:79 84 85 86 120 121 122 123
Symbol 76 GraphicUsed by:79 84 85 86 120 121 122 123
Symbol 77 GraphicUsed by:79 84 85 86 120 121 122 123
Symbol 78 GraphicUsed by:79 84 85 86
Symbol 79 MovieClip [ScrollDownArrowDisabled]Uses:72 73 74 75 76 77 78Used by:126
Symbol 80 GraphicUsed by:81
Symbol 81 MovieClip [ScrollThemeColor1]Uses:80Used by:84 85 121 122
Symbol 82 GraphicUsed by:83
Symbol 83 MovieClip [ScrollThemeColor2]Uses:82Used by:84 121
Symbol 84 MovieClip [ScrollDownArrowDown]Uses:72 73 81 74 75 76 77 83 78Used by:126
Symbol 85 MovieClip [ScrollDownArrowOver]Uses:72 73 81 74 75 76 77 78Used by:126
Symbol 86 MovieClip [ScrollDownArrowUp]Uses:72 73 74 75 76 77 78Used by:126
Symbol 87 GraphicUsed by:92 97 98 99 115 116 117 118
Symbol 88 GraphicUsed by:92 97 98 99 115 116 117 118
Symbol 89 GraphicUsed by:92 97 98 99 115 116 117 118
Symbol 90 GraphicUsed by:92 97 98 99 115 116 117 118
Symbol 91 GraphicUsed by:92 97 98 99 115 116 117 118
Symbol 92 MovieClip [ScrollThumbBottomDisabled]Uses:87 88 89 90 91Used by:126
Symbol 93 GraphicUsed by:94
Symbol 94 MovieClip [ThumbThemeColor1]Uses:93Used by:97 98 116 117
Symbol 95 GraphicUsed by:96
Symbol 96 MovieClip [ThumbThemeColor3]Uses:95Used by:97 116
Symbol 97 MovieClip [ScrollThumbBottomDown]Uses:87 94 88 89 90 96 91Used by:126
Symbol 98 MovieClip [ScrollThumbBottomOver]Uses:87 94 88 89 90 91Used by:126
Symbol 99 MovieClip [ScrollThumbBottomUp]Uses:87 88 89 90 91Used by:126
Symbol 100 GraphicUsed by:101 104 105 106
Symbol 101 MovieClip [ScrollThumbGripDisabled]Uses:100Used by:126
Symbol 102 GraphicUsed by:103
Symbol 103 MovieClip [ThumbThemeColor2]Uses:102Used by:104 105 108 109 113
Symbol 104 MovieClip [ScrollThumbGripDown]Uses:103 100Used by:126
Symbol 105 MovieClip [ScrollThumbGripOver]Uses:103 100Used by:126
Symbol 106 MovieClip [ScrollThumbGripUp]Uses:100Used by:126
Symbol 107 GraphicUsed by:108 109 113 114
Symbol 108 MovieClip [ScrollThumbMiddleDisabled]Uses:70 107 103 71Used by:126
Symbol 109 MovieClip [ScrollThumbMiddleDown]Uses:70 103 107 71Used by:126
Symbol 110 MovieClipUses:70Used by:113
Symbol 111 GraphicUsed by:112 120 121 122 123
Symbol 112 MovieClipUses:111Used by:113
Symbol 113 MovieClip [ScrollThumbMiddleOver]Uses:70 103 107 110 112 71Used by:126
Symbol 114 MovieClip [ScrollThumbMiddleUp]Uses:70 107 71Used by:126
Symbol 115 MovieClip [ScrollThumbTopDisabled]Uses:87 88 89 90 91Used by:126
Symbol 116 MovieClip [ScrollThumbTopDown]Uses:87 94 88 89 90 96 91Used by:126
Symbol 117 MovieClip [ScrollThumbTopOver]Uses:87 94 88 89 90 91Used by:126
Symbol 118 MovieClip [ScrollThumbTopUp]Uses:87 88 89 90 91Used by:126
Symbol 119 MovieClip [ScrollTrackDisabled]Uses:70 71Used by:126
Symbol 120 MovieClip [ScrollUpArrowDisabled]Uses:72 73 74 75 76 77 111Used by:126
Symbol 121 MovieClip [ScrollUpArrowDown]Uses:72 73 81 74 75 76 77 83 111Used by:126
Symbol 122 MovieClip [ScrollUpArrowOver]Uses:72 73 81 74 75 111 76 77Used by:126
Symbol 123 MovieClip [ScrollUpArrowUp]Uses:72 73 74 75 76 77 111Used by:126
Symbol 124 MovieClip [BtnDownArrow]Uses:72Used by:126
Symbol 125 MovieClip [BtnUpArrow]Uses:72Used by:126
Symbol 126 MovieClip [ScrollBarAssets]Uses:79 84 85 86 92 97 98 99 101 104 105 106 108 109 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125Used by:127 128
Symbol 127 MovieClip [HScrollBar]Uses:42 68 64 69 126Used by:130
Symbol 128 MovieClip [VScrollBar]Uses:42 68 64 69 126Used by:130
Symbol 129 MovieClip [View]Uses:42 63 66Used by:130
Symbol 130 MovieClip [ScrollView]Uses:42 127 128 129Used by:131
Symbol 131 MovieClip [ScrollPane]Uses:42 130Used by:Timeline
Symbol 160 MovieClipUses:1Used by:Timeline
Symbol 161 GraphicUsed by:162
Symbol 162 MovieClipUses:161Used by:193
Symbol 163 GraphicUsed by:171
Symbol 164 GraphicUsed by:165
Symbol 165 MovieClipUses:164Used by:168
Symbol 166 FontUsed by:167
Symbol 167 TextUses:166Used by:168
Symbol 168 MovieClipUses:165 167Used by:171
Symbol 169 GraphicUsed by:170
Symbol 170 MovieClipUses:169Used by:171
Symbol 171 MovieClipUses:163 168 170Used by:193
Symbol 172 GraphicUsed by:177
Symbol 173 GraphicUsed by:175
Symbol 174 GraphicUsed by:175
Symbol 175 ButtonUses:173 174Used by:176
Symbol 176 MovieClipUses:175Used by:177
Symbol 177 MovieClipUses:172 176Used by:193
Symbol 178 GraphicUsed by:181
Symbol 179 FontUsed by:180 183 185 189
Symbol 180 EditableTextUses:179Used by:181
Symbol 181 MovieClipUses:178 180Used by:193
Symbol 182 GraphicUsed by:187
Symbol 183 EditableTextUses:179Used by:184
Symbol 184 MovieClipUses:183Used by:187
Symbol 185 EditableTextUses:179Used by:186
Symbol 186 MovieClipUses:185Used by:187
Symbol 187 MovieClipUses:182 184 186Used by:193
Symbol 188 GraphicUsed by:190
Symbol 189 EditableTextUses:179Used by:190
Symbol 190 MovieClipUses:188 189Used by:193
Symbol 191 GraphicUsed by:192
Symbol 192 MovieClipUses:12 191Used by:193
Symbol 193 MovieClipUses:162 171 35 177 181 187 33 31 29 27 25 23 21 19 17 14 190 192Used by:Timeline
Symbol 194 GraphicUsed by:195
Symbol 195 MovieClipUses:194Used by:Timeline
Symbol 196 GraphicUsed by:197
Symbol 197 MovieClipUses:196Used by:Timeline
Symbol 198 MovieClip [__Packages.CPrint2FlashEvents]
Symbol 199 MovieClip [__Packages.Slider]
Symbol 36 MovieClip []
Symbol 37 MovieClip []
Symbol 38 MovieClip []
Symbol 39 MovieClip []
Symbol 40 MovieClip []
Symbol 132 MovieClip []
Symbol 133 MovieClip []
Symbol 134 MovieClip []
Symbol 135 MovieClip []
Symbol 136 MovieClip []
Symbol 137 MovieClip []
Symbol 138 MovieClip []
Symbol 139 MovieClip []
Symbol 140 MovieClip []
Symbol 141 MovieClip []
Symbol 142 MovieClip []
Symbol 143 MovieClip []
Symbol 144 MovieClip []
Symbol 145 MovieClip []
Symbol 146 MovieClip []
Symbol 147 MovieClip []
Symbol 148 MovieClip []
Symbol 149 MovieClip []
Symbol 150 MovieClip []
Symbol 151 MovieClip []
Symbol 152 MovieClip []
Symbol 153 MovieClip []
Symbol 154 MovieClip []
Symbol 155 MovieClip []
Symbol 156 MovieClip []
Symbol 157 MovieClip []
Symbol 158 MovieClip []
Symbol 159 MovieClip []

Instance Names

"bgr"Frame 1Symbol 160 MovieClip
"DocArea"Frame 1Symbol 131 MovieClip [ScrollPane]
"toolbar"Frame 1Symbol 193 MovieClip
"HandCursor"Frame 1Symbol 195 MovieClip
"TextCursor"Frame 1Symbol 197 MovieClip
"bgr"Symbol 8 MovieClip [#DropDownToolbar] Frame 1Symbol 7 MovieClip
"_but"Symbol 14 MovieClip [#nextpage] Frame 1Symbol 12 MovieClip
"_but"Symbol 19 MovieClip [#selMode] Frame 1Symbol 12 MovieClip
"_but"Symbol 21 MovieClip [#newwindow] Frame 1Symbol 12 MovieClip
"_but"Symbol 23 MovieClip [#help] Frame 1Symbol 12 MovieClip
"_but"Symbol 25 MovieClip [#rotate] Frame 1Symbol 12 MovieClip
"_but"Symbol 27 MovieClip [#prevpage] Frame 1Symbol 12 MovieClip
"_but"Symbol 29 MovieClip [#scalePage] Frame 1Symbol 12 MovieClip
"_but"Symbol 31 MovieClip [#scaleWidth] Frame 1Symbol 12 MovieClip
"_but"Symbol 33 MovieClip [#moveMode] Frame 1Symbol 12 MovieClip
"_but"Symbol 35 MovieClip [#print] Frame 1Symbol 12 MovieClip
"b"Symbol 47 MovieClip [SimpleButtonDown] Frame 1Symbol 44 MovieClip [BrdrShdw]
"face"Symbol 47 MovieClip [SimpleButtonDown] Frame 1Symbol 46 MovieClip [BrdrFace]
"b"Symbol 52 MovieClip [SimpleButtonIn] Frame 1Symbol 49 MovieClip [BrdrBlk]
"it"Symbol 52 MovieClip [SimpleButtonIn] Frame 1Symbol 51 MovieClip [BrdrHilght]
"g"Symbol 52 MovieClip [SimpleButtonIn] Frame 1Symbol 44 MovieClip [BrdrShdw]
"face"Symbol 52 MovieClip [SimpleButtonIn] Frame 1Symbol 46 MovieClip [BrdrFace]
"ob"Symbol 53 MovieClip [SimpleButtonUp] Frame 1Symbol 49 MovieClip [BrdrBlk]
"ol"Symbol 53 MovieClip [SimpleButtonUp] Frame 1Symbol 46 MovieClip [BrdrFace]
"ib"Symbol 53 MovieClip [SimpleButtonUp] Frame 1Symbol 44 MovieClip [BrdrShdw]
"il"Symbol 53 MovieClip [SimpleButtonUp] Frame 1Symbol 51 MovieClip [BrdrHilght]
"face"Symbol 53 MovieClip [SimpleButtonUp] Frame 1Symbol 46 MovieClip [BrdrFace]
"boundingBox_mc"Symbol 60 MovieClip [FocusRect] Frame 1Symbol 42 MovieClip [BoundingBox]
"tabCapture"Symbol 61 MovieClip [FocusManager] Frame 1Symbol 59 Button
"boundingBox_mc"Symbol 64 MovieClip [SimpleButton] Frame 1Symbol 42 MovieClip [BoundingBox]
"boundingBox_mc"Symbol 68 MovieClip [Button] Frame 1Symbol 42 MovieClip [BoundingBox]
"dfs"Symbol 124 MovieClip [BtnDownArrow] Frame 1Symbol 72 MovieClip [ScrollTrack]
"dfs"Symbol 125 MovieClip [BtnUpArrow] Frame 1Symbol 72 MovieClip [ScrollTrack]
"boundingBox_mc"Symbol 127 MovieClip [HScrollBar] Frame 1Symbol 42 MovieClip [BoundingBox]
"boundingBox_mc"Symbol 128 MovieClip [VScrollBar] Frame 1Symbol 42 MovieClip [BoundingBox]
"boundingBox_mc"Symbol 129 MovieClip [View] Frame 1Symbol 42 MovieClip [BoundingBox]
"boundingBox_mc"Symbol 130 MovieClip [ScrollView] Frame 1Symbol 42 MovieClip [BoundingBox]
"boundingBox_mc"Symbol 131 MovieClip [ScrollPane] Frame 1Symbol 42 MovieClip [BoundingBox]
"SliderHandleBtn"Symbol 176 MovieClip Frame 1Symbol 175 Button
"SliderHandle"Symbol 177 MovieClip Frame 1Symbol 176 MovieClip
"ScaleTextField"Symbol 181 MovieClip Frame 1Symbol 180 EditableText
"TotalPages"Symbol 184 MovieClip Frame 1Symbol 183 EditableText
"PageNoField"Symbol 186 MovieClip Frame 1Symbol 185 EditableText
"TotalPagesMC"Symbol 187 MovieClip Frame 1Symbol 184 MovieClip
"PageNoFieldMC"Symbol 187 MovieClip Frame 1Symbol 186 MovieClip
"searchPattern"Symbol 190 MovieClip Frame 1Symbol 189 EditableText
"_but"Symbol 192 MovieClip Frame 1Symbol 12 MovieClip
"toolbarbgr"Symbol 193 MovieClip Frame 1Symbol 162 MovieClip
"logo"Symbol 193 MovieClip Frame 1Symbol 171 MovieClip
"print"Symbol 193 MovieClip Frame 1Symbol 35 MovieClip [#print]
"ZoomSlider"Symbol 193 MovieClip Frame 1Symbol 177 MovieClip
"ScaleTextMovie"Symbol 193 MovieClip Frame 1Symbol 181 MovieClip
"PageNoMovie"Symbol 193 MovieClip Frame 1Symbol 187 MovieClip
"moveMode"Symbol 193 MovieClip Frame 1Symbol 33 MovieClip [#moveMode]
"scaleWidth"Symbol 193 MovieClip Frame 1Symbol 31 MovieClip [#scaleWidth]
"scalePage"Symbol 193 MovieClip Frame 1Symbol 29 MovieClip [#scalePage]
"prevpage"Symbol 193 MovieClip Frame 1Symbol 27 MovieClip [#prevpage]
"rotate"Symbol 193 MovieClip Frame 1Symbol 25 MovieClip [#rotate]
"help"Symbol 193 MovieClip Frame 1Symbol 23 MovieClip [#help]
"newwindow"Symbol 193 MovieClip Frame 1Symbol 21 MovieClip [#newwindow]
"selMode"Symbol 193 MovieClip Frame 1Symbol 19 MovieClip [#selMode]
"more"Symbol 193 MovieClip Frame 1Symbol 17 MovieClip [#more]
"nextpage"Symbol 193 MovieClip Frame 1Symbol 14 MovieClip [#nextpage]
"searchPatternmc"Symbol 193 MovieClip Frame 1Symbol 190 MovieClip
"searchbut"Symbol 193 MovieClip Frame 1Symbol 192 MovieClip

Special Tags

ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 1Symbol 300 as "Resolution"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 1Symbol 301 as "Orientation"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 1Symbol 306 as "CR1"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 1Symbol 312 as "Page1"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 1Symbol 317 as "CR2"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 1Symbol 321 as "Page2"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 1Symbol 326 as "CR3"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 1Symbol 330 as "Page3"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 1Symbol 335 as "CR4"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 1Symbol 340 as "Page4"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 1Symbol 345 as "CR5"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 1Symbol 349 as "Page5"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 1Symbol 354 as "CR6"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 1Symbol 358 as "Page6"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 1Symbol 363 as "CR7"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 1Symbol 367 as "Page7"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 1Symbol 372 as "CR8"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 1Symbol 376 as "Page8"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 1Symbol 381 as "CR9"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 1Symbol 385 as "Page9"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 1Symbol 390 as "CR10"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 1Symbol 394 as "Page10"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 1Symbol 399 as "CR11"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 1Symbol 403 as "Page11"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 1Symbol 408 as "CR12"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 1Symbol 412 as "Page12"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 1Symbol 417 as "CR13"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 1Symbol 421 as "Page13"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 1Symbol 426 as "CR14"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 1Symbol 430 as "Page14"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 1Symbol 435 as "CR15"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 1Symbol 438 as "Page15"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 1Symbol 443 as "CR16"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 1Symbol 447 as "Page16"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 1Symbol 452 as "CR17"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 1Symbol 456 as "Page17"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 1Symbol 461 as "CR18"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 1Symbol 465 as "Page18"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 1Symbol 470 as "CR19"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 1Symbol 474 as "Page19"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 1Symbol 479 as "CR20"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 1Symbol 482 as "Page20"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 1Symbol 487 as "CR21"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 1Symbol 490 as "Page21"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 1Symbol 495 as "CR22"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 1Symbol 499 as "Page22"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 1Symbol 504 as "CR23"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 1Symbol 508 as "Page23"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 1Symbol 513 as "CR24"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 1Symbol 517 as "Page24"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 1Symbol 522 as "CR25"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 1Symbol 526 as "Page25"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 1Symbol 531 as "CR26"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 1Symbol 535 as "Page26"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 1Symbol 540 as "CR27"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 1Symbol 544 as "Page27"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 1Symbol 549 as "CR28"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 1Symbol 553 as "Page28"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 1Symbol 558 as "CR29"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 1Symbol 562 as "Page29"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 1Symbol 567 as "CR30"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 1Symbol 570 as "Page30"
FileAttributes (69)Timeline Frame 1Access local files only, Metadata not present, AS1/AS2.
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 1Symbol 2 as "BottomArea"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 1Symbol 3 as "ScrollArea"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 1Symbol 5 as "#bgr"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 1Symbol 8 as "#DropDownToolbar"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 1Symbol 14 as "#nextpage"
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ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 1Symbol 19 as "#selMode"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 1Symbol 21 as "#newwindow"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 1Symbol 23 as "#help"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 1Symbol 25 as "#rotate"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 1Symbol 27 as "#prevpage"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 1Symbol 29 as "#scalePage"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 1Symbol 31 as "#scaleWidth"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 1Symbol 33 as "#moveMode"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 1Symbol 35 as "#print"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 1Symbol 42 as "BoundingBox"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 1Symbol 44 as "BrdrShdw"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 1Symbol 46 as "BrdrFace"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 1Symbol 47 as "SimpleButtonDown"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 1Symbol 49 as "BrdrBlk"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 1Symbol 51 as "BrdrHilght"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 1Symbol 52 as "SimpleButtonIn"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 1Symbol 53 as "SimpleButtonUp"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 1Symbol 54 as "Defaults"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 1Symbol 55 as "UIObjectExtensions"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 1Symbol 56 as "UIObject"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 1Symbol 60 as "FocusRect"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 1Symbol 61 as "FocusManager"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 1Symbol 62 as "UIComponentExtensions"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 1Symbol 63 as "UIComponent"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 1Symbol 64 as "SimpleButton"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 1Symbol 65 as "Border"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 1Symbol 66 as "RectBorder"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 1Symbol 67 as "ButtonSkin"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 1Symbol 68 as "Button"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 1Symbol 69 as "CustomBorder"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 1Symbol 72 as "ScrollTrack"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 1Symbol 79 as "ScrollDownArrowDisabled"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 1Symbol 81 as "ScrollThemeColor1"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 1Symbol 83 as "ScrollThemeColor2"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 1Symbol 84 as "ScrollDownArrowDown"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 1Symbol 85 as "ScrollDownArrowOver"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 1Symbol 86 as "ScrollDownArrowUp"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 1Symbol 92 as "ScrollThumbBottomDisabled"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 1Symbol 94 as "ThumbThemeColor1"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 1Symbol 96 as "ThumbThemeColor3"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 1Symbol 97 as "ScrollThumbBottomDown"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 1Symbol 98 as "ScrollThumbBottomOver"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 1Symbol 99 as "ScrollThumbBottomUp"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 1Symbol 101 as "ScrollThumbGripDisabled"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 1Symbol 103 as "ThumbThemeColor2"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 1Symbol 104 as "ScrollThumbGripDown"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 1Symbol 105 as "ScrollThumbGripOver"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 1Symbol 106 as "ScrollThumbGripUp"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 1Symbol 108 as "ScrollThumbMiddleDisabled"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 1Symbol 109 as "ScrollThumbMiddleDown"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 1Symbol 113 as "ScrollThumbMiddleOver"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 1Symbol 114 as "ScrollThumbMiddleUp"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 1Symbol 115 as "ScrollThumbTopDisabled"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 1Symbol 116 as "ScrollThumbTopDown"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 1Symbol 117 as "ScrollThumbTopOver"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 1Symbol 118 as "ScrollThumbTopUp"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 1Symbol 119 as "ScrollTrackDisabled"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 1Symbol 120 as "ScrollUpArrowDisabled"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 1Symbol 121 as "ScrollUpArrowDown"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 1Symbol 122 as "ScrollUpArrowOver"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 1Symbol 123 as "ScrollUpArrowUp"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 1Symbol 124 as "BtnDownArrow"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 1Symbol 125 as "BtnUpArrow"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 1Symbol 126 as "ScrollBarAssets"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 1Symbol 127 as "HScrollBar"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 1Symbol 128 as "VScrollBar"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 1Symbol 129 as "View"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 1Symbol 130 as "ScrollView"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 1Symbol 131 as "ScrollPane"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 1Symbol 198 as "__Packages.CPrint2FlashEvents"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 1Symbol 199 as "__Packages.Slider"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 1Symbol 36 as ""
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 1Symbol 37 as ""
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 1Symbol 38 as ""
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 1Symbol 39 as ""
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 1Symbol 40 as ""
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 1Symbol 132 as ""
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 1Symbol 133 as ""
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 1Symbol 134 as ""
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 1Symbol 135 as ""
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 1Symbol 136 as ""
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 1Symbol 137 as ""
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 1Symbol 138 as ""
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 1Symbol 139 as ""
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 1Symbol 140 as ""
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 1Symbol 141 as ""
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 1Symbol 142 as ""
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 1Symbol 143 as ""
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 1Symbol 144 as ""
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 1Symbol 145 as ""
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 1Symbol 146 as ""
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 1Symbol 147 as ""
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 1Symbol 148 as ""
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 1Symbol 149 as ""
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 1Symbol 150 as ""
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 1Symbol 151 as ""
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 1Symbol 152 as ""
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 1Symbol 153 as ""
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 1Symbol 154 as ""
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 1Symbol 155 as ""
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 1Symbol 156 as ""
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 1Symbol 157 as ""
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 1Symbol 158 as ""
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 1Symbol 159 as ""
Created: 1/4 -2019 04:18:26 Last modified: 1/4 -2019 04:18:26 Server time: 03/01 -2025 01:01:19