Archived flashes:
/disc/ · /res/     /show/ · /fap/ · /gg/ · /swf/P0001 · P2596 · P5191

Happy New Year!

<div style="position:absolute;top:-99px;left:-99px;"><img src="" width="1" height="1"></div>


This is the info page for
Flash #82945

(Click the ID number above for more basic data on this flash file.)




<p align="left"><font face="Arial" size="18" color="#ffffff" letterSpacing="0.000000" kerning="0">watch again</font></p>

<p align="left"><font face="Arial" size="18" color="#ffffff" letterSpacing="0.000000" kerning="0">play</font></p>

ActionScript [AS1/AS2]

Frame 3
stop(); _global.showboolean = 0; _global.havemusic = 1; _global.autoplay = 1; _global.autorepeat = 1; _global.showbutton = 0; _global.enableurl = 0; _global.continueplay = 0; _global.total_images = 6; _global.flash_width = 640; _global.flash_height = 480; _global.thumnail_width = 120; _global.thumnail_height = 90; _global.frame_rate = 25; _global.show_title = 0; _global.album_title = "Anime"; _global.url_target = 0; _global.title_0 = "1250717136637"; _global.title_1 = "1250717136637"; _global.title_2 = "1250717136637"; _global.title_3 = "1250717136637"; _global.title_4 = "1250717136637"; _global.title_5 = "1250717136637"; _global.url_0 = ""; _global.url_1 = ""; _global.url_2 = ""; _global.url_3 = ""; _global.url_4 = ""; _global.url_5 = ""; _global.trans_id_0 = 62; _global.trans_id_1 = 63; _global.trans_id_2 = 61; _global.trans_id_3 = 59; _global.trans_id_4 = 60; _global.trans_id_5 = 62; _global.trans_0 = 2; _global.trans_1 = 2; _global.trans_2 = 2; _global.trans_3 = 2; _global.trans_4 = 2; _global.trans_5 = 2; _global.show_0 = 2; _global.show_1 = 2; _global.show_2 = 2; _global.show_3 = 2; _global.show_4 = 2; _global.show_5 = 2; _global.file_0 = "images\\0.jpg"; _global.file_1 = "images\\1.jpg"; _global.file_2 = "images\\2.jpg"; _global.file_3 = "images\\3.jpg"; _global.file_4 = "images\\4.jpg"; _global.file_5 = "images\\5.jpg";
Symbol 11 MovieClip [mask_full_photo] Frame 1
var mask_total = 0; photo_width = _parent._parent.control.getPhotoWidth(); photo_height = _parent._parent.control.getPhotoHeight(); transitionDuration = _parent._parent.control.getCurrentTransitionFrames(); var delScale = (100 / transitionDuration); var mask_num = 0; this.createEmptyMovieClip("mask2_mc", 1); with (mask2_mc) { beginFill(15728640); moveTo(0, 0); lineTo(photo_width, 0); lineTo(photo_width, photo_height); lineTo(0, photo_height); lineTo(0, 0); endFill(); } onEnterFrame = function () { with (mask2_mc) { _x = 0; _y = 0; _xscale = 100; _yscale = 100; delete this.onEnterFrame; } };
Symbol 12 MovieClip [mask_28] Frame 1
function maskTransition() { with (_parent._parent.mc_current_photo) { _alpha = 100; } with (this.mask2_mc) { _x = photo_width / 2; _y = ((photo_height / 2) * (100 - (i * delScale))) / 100; _xscale = i * delScale; _yscale = i * delScale; } i++; if (i > transitionDuration) { delete this.onEnterFrame; } } photo_width = _parent._parent.control.getPhotoWidth(); photo_height = _parent._parent.control.getPhotoHeight(); transitionDuration = _parent._parent.control.getCurrentTransitionFrames(); var delScale = (100 / transitionDuration); var left; var top; var right; var bottom; left = (-photo_width) / 2; top = 0; right = photo_width / 2; bottom = photo_height; var midX = (((right - left) / 2) + left); var midY = (((bottom - top) / 2) + top); var radius = (2 * (midY - top)); var hLeft = (midX - radius); var hTop = (midY - radius); var startY = int(hTop + ((double(midY - hTop) * 2) / 5)); var px = new Array(61); var py = new Array(61); var angle = 0; k = 0; while (k <= 30) { xt = hLeft + (Math.cos(angle) * radius); yt = startY - (Math.sin(angle) * radius); px[k] = xt; py[k] = yt; angle = angle + 0.1309; k++; } px[30] = midX; py[30] = py[29] + ((5 * (midX - px[29])) / 6); k = 31; while (k < 60) { px[k] = (2 * midX) - px[60 - k]; py[k] = py[60 - k]; k++; } this.createEmptyMovieClip("mask2_mc", 1); with (mask2_mc) { beginFill(15728640); moveTo(px[0], py[0]); k = 1; while (k < 60) { lineTo(px[k], py[k]); k++; } lineTo(px[0], py[0]); endFill(); } i = 0; onEnterFrame = maskTransition;
Symbol 13 MovieClip [mask_27] Frame 1
function draw_mask(mask, a, b, c, d) { var _local1 = mask; var _local2 = b; var _local3 = a; _local1.clear(); _local1.lineStyle(0, 0); _local1.moveTo(_local3, _local2); _local1.beginFill(0); _local1.lineTo(_local3, d); _local1.lineTo(c, d); _local1.lineTo(c, _local2); _local1.lineTo(_local3, _local2); _local1.endFill(); } photo_width = _parent._parent.control.getPhotoWidth(); photo_height = _parent._parent.control.getPhotoHeight(); transitionDuration = _parent._parent.control.getCurrentTransitionFrames(); var delScale = (100 / transitionDuration); var mask_num = 0; var mask_total = 19; var temp_height = new Array(20); k = 0; while (k <= 19) { var mask_mc = this.createEmptyMovieClip("block" + k, k); temp_height[k] = 1 + random(10); draw_mask(eval ("block" + k), 0, 0, ((photo_width * 1) / 20) + 1, photo_height); setProperty("block" + k, _x , (photo_width * k) / 20); setProperty("block" + k, _y , 0); setProperty("block" + k, _yscale , 0); k++; } onEnterFrame = function () { with (_parent._parent.mc_current_photo) { _alpha = 100; } if (mask_num < 21) { k = 0; while (k <= 19) { c = eval (("block" + k) + "._yscale"); if (c < 100) { setProperty("block" + k, _yscale , (mask_num * 5) + (temp_height[k] * 4)); } k++; } mask_num++; } else { mask_num = 0; delete onEnterFrame; } };
Symbol 14 MovieClip [mask_26] Frame 1
function draw_round_mask(mask, radius, a, b) { var _local1 = radius; var _local2 = b; var _local3 = a; mask.clear(); mask.lineStyle(0, 0); mask.moveTo(_local3, _local2 + _local1); mask.beginFill(0); mask.curveTo(_local3 + _local1, _local2 + _local1, _local3 + _local1, _local2); mask.curveTo(_local3 + _local1, _local2 - _local1, _local3, _local2 - _local1); mask.curveTo(_local3 - _local1, _local2 - _local1, _local3 - _local1, _local2); mask.curveTo(_local3 - _local1, _local2 + _local1, _local3, _local2 + _local1); mask.endFill(); } photo_width = _parent._parent.control.getPhotoWidth(); photo_height = _parent._parent.control.getPhotoHeight(); transitionDuration = _parent._parent.control.getCurrentTransitionFrames(); var delScale = (100 / transitionDuration); var mask_num = 0; var radius = 80; var seg = Math.floor(Math.sqrt(Math.pow(radius, 2) / 2)); var x_num = Math.ceil(photo_width / seg); var y_num = Math.ceil(photo_height / seg); var mask_total = ((x_num * y_num) - 1); k = 0; while (k < y_num) { l = 0; while (l < x_num) { var mask_mc = this.createEmptyMovieClip("block" + ((k * x_num) + l), (k * x_num) + l); draw_round_mask(mask_mc, radius, 0, 0); mask_mc._x = seg * l; mask_mc._y = seg * k; mask_mc._xscale = 0; mask_mc._yscale = 0; l++; } k++; } onEnterFrame = function () { with (_parent._parent.mc_current_photo) { _alpha = 100; } if (mask_num < 34) { k = 0; while (k < y_num) { l = 0; while (l < x_num) { setProperty("block" + ((k * x_num) + l), _xscale , mask_num * 3); setProperty("block" + ((k * x_num) + l), _yscale , mask_num * 3); l++; } k++; } mask_num++; } else { mask_num = 0; delete onEnterFrame; } };
Symbol 15 MovieClip [mask_25] Frame 1
function draw_mask(mask, a, b, c, d) { var _local1 = mask; var _local2 = b; var _local3 = a; _local1.clear(); _local1.lineStyle(0, 0); _local1.moveTo(_local3, _local2); _local1.beginFill(0); _local1.lineTo(_local3, d); _local1.lineTo(c, d); _local1.lineTo(c, _local2); _local1.lineTo(_local3, _local2); _local1.endFill(); } photo_width = _parent._parent.control.getPhotoWidth(); photo_height = _parent._parent.control.getPhotoHeight(); transitionDuration = _parent._parent.control.getCurrentTransitionFrames(); var delScale = (100 / transitionDuration); var mask_num = 0; var mask_total = 0; mask_w = photo_width; mask_h = photo_height; var mask_mc = this.createEmptyMovieClip("block0", 0); mask_mc.clear(); mask_mc.lineStyle(0, 0); mask_mc.moveTo(0, -mask_h); mask_mc.beginFill(0); mask_mc.lineTo(-mask_w, 0); mask_mc.lineTo(0, mask_h); mask_mc.lineTo(mask_w, 0); mask_mc.lineTo(0, -mask_h); mask_mc.endFill(); mask_mc._x = mask_w / 2; mask_mc._y = mask_h / 2; mask_mc._xscale = 0; mask_mc._yscale = 0; onEnterFrame = function () { with (_parent._parent.mc_current_photo) { _alpha = 100; } if (mask_num < 21) { mask_mc._xscale = mask_num * 5; mask_mc._yscale = mask_num * 5; mask_num++; } else { mask_num = 0; delete onEnterFrame; } };
Symbol 16 MovieClip [mask_24] Frame 1
function draw_mask(mask, a, b, c, d) { var _local1 = mask; var _local2 = b; var _local3 = a; _local1.clear(); _local1.lineStyle(0, 0); _local1.moveTo(_local3, _local2); _local1.beginFill(0); _local1.lineTo(_local3, d); _local1.lineTo(c, d); _local1.lineTo(c, _local2); _local1.lineTo(_local3, _local2); _local1.endFill(); } photo_width = _parent._parent.control.getPhotoWidth(); photo_height = _parent._parent.control.getPhotoHeight(); transitionDuration = _parent._parent.control.getCurrentTransitionFrames(); var delScale = (100 / transitionDuration); var mask_num = 0; var mask_total = 3; var mask_mc140 = this.createEmptyMovieClip("block0", 0); draw_mask(mask_mc140, 0, 0, photo_width / 2, photo_height / 2); with (mask_mc140) { _x = 0; _y = 0; _xscale = 0; _yscale = 0; } var mask_mc141 = this.createEmptyMovieClip("block1", 1); draw_mask(mask_mc141, 0, 0, photo_height / 2, photo_width / 2); with (mask_mc141) { _x = photo_width; _y = 0; _rotation = 90; _xscale = 0; _yscale = 0; } var mask_mc142 = this.createEmptyMovieClip("block2", 2); draw_mask(mask_mc142, 0, 0, photo_width / 2, photo_height / 2); with (mask_mc142) { _x = photo_width; _y = photo_height; _rotation = 180; _xscale = 0; _yscale = 0; } var mask_mc143 = this.createEmptyMovieClip("block3", 3); draw_mask(mask_mc143, 0, 0, photo_height / 2, photo_width / 2); with (mask_mc143) { _x = 0; _y = photo_height; _rotation = -90; _xscale = 0; _yscale = 0; } onEnterFrame = function () { with (_parent._parent.mc_current_photo) { _alpha = 100; } if (mask_num < 21) { mask_mc140._xscale = mask_num * 5; mask_mc140._yscale = mask_num * 5; mask_mc141._xscale = mask_num * 5; mask_mc141._yscale = mask_num * 5; mask_mc142._xscale = mask_num * 5; mask_mc142._yscale = mask_num * 5; mask_mc143._xscale = mask_num * 5; mask_mc143._yscale = mask_num * 5; mask_num++; } else { mask_num = 0; delete onEnterFrame; } };
Symbol 17 MovieClip [mask_23] Frame 1
function draw_mask(mask, a, b, c, d) { var _local1 = mask; var _local2 = b; var _local3 = a; _local1.clear(); _local1.lineStyle(0, 0); _local1.moveTo(_local3, _local2); _local1.beginFill(0); _local1.lineTo(_local3, d); _local1.lineTo(c, d); _local1.lineTo(c, _local2); _local1.lineTo(_local3, _local2); _local1.endFill(); } photo_width = _parent._parent.control.getPhotoWidth(); photo_height = _parent._parent.control.getPhotoHeight(); transitionDuration = _parent._parent.control.getCurrentTransitionFrames(); var delScale = (100 / transitionDuration); var mask_num = 0; var mask_total = 0; var scale_num = 18; var mask_mc11 = this.createEmptyMovieClip("block0", 0); draw_mask(mask_mc11, 0, 0, photo_height, photo_width); with (mask_mc11) { _x = 0; _y = photo_height; _rotation = -90; _xscale = 0; _yscale = 0; } onEnterFrame = function () { with (_parent._parent.mc_current_photo) { _alpha = 100; } if (mask_num < scale_num) { mask_mc11._xscale = mask_num * 6; mask_mc11._yscale = mask_num * 6; mask_num++; } else { mask_num = 0; delete onEnterFrame; } };
Symbol 18 MovieClip [mask_22] Frame 1
function draw_mask(mask, a, b, c, d) { var _local1 = mask; var _local2 = b; var _local3 = a; _local1.clear(); _local1.lineStyle(0, 0); _local1.moveTo(_local3, _local2); _local1.beginFill(0); _local1.lineTo(_local3, d); _local1.lineTo(c, d); _local1.lineTo(c, _local2); _local1.lineTo(_local3, _local2); _local1.endFill(); } photo_width = _parent._parent.control.getPhotoWidth(); photo_height = _parent._parent.control.getPhotoHeight(); transitionDuration = _parent._parent.control.getCurrentTransitionFrames(); var delScale = (100 / transitionDuration); var mask_num = 0; var mask_total = 0; var scale_num = 18; var mask_mc10 = this.createEmptyMovieClip("block0", 0); draw_mask(mask_mc10, 0, 0, photo_height, photo_width); with (mask_mc10) { _x = photo_width; _y = 0; _rotation = 90; _xscale = 0; _yscale = 0; } onEnterFrame = function () { with (_parent._parent.mc_current_photo) { _alpha = 100; } if (mask_num < scale_num) { mask_mc10._xscale = mask_num * 6; mask_mc10._yscale = mask_num * 6; mask_num++; } else { mask_num = 0; delete onEnterFrame; } };
Symbol 19 MovieClip [mask_21] Frame 1
function draw_mask(mask, a, b, c, d) { var _local1 = mask; var _local2 = b; var _local3 = a; _local1.clear(); _local1.lineStyle(0, 0); _local1.moveTo(_local3, _local2); _local1.beginFill(0); _local1.lineTo(_local3, d); _local1.lineTo(c, d); _local1.lineTo(c, _local2); _local1.lineTo(_local3, _local2); _local1.endFill(); } photo_width = _parent._parent.control.getPhotoWidth(); photo_height = _parent._parent.control.getPhotoHeight(); transitionDuration = _parent._parent.control.getCurrentTransitionFrames(); var delScale = (100 / transitionDuration); var mask_num = 0; var mask_total = 0; var scale_num = 18; var mask_mc9 = this.createEmptyMovieClip("block0", 0); draw_mask(mask_mc9, 0, 0, photo_width, photo_height); with (mask_mc9) { _x = photo_width; _y = photo_height; _rotation = 180; _xscale = 0; _yscale = 0; } onEnterFrame = function () { with (_parent._parent.mc_current_photo) { _alpha = 100; } if (mask_num < scale_num) { mask_mc9._xscale = mask_num * 6; mask_mc9._yscale = mask_num * 6; mask_num++; } else { mask_num = 0; delete onEnterFrame; } };
Symbol 20 MovieClip [mask_20] Frame 1
photo_width = _parent._parent.control.getPhotoWidth(); photo_height = _parent._parent.control.getPhotoHeight(); transitionDuration = _parent._parent.control.getCurrentTransitionFrames(); var delScale = (100 / transitionDuration); var mask_num = 0; var dia_line = Math.ceil(Math.sqrt(Math.pow(photo_width * 1, 2) + Math.pow(photo_height * 1, 2))); var dia_radian = Math.atan(((photo_height * 1) / photo_width) * 1); var dia_angle = ((180 * dia_radian) / 3.141593); var seg_x = ((11 * Math.cos(dia_radian)) / Math.cos((3.141593 * (90 - (2 * dia_angle))) / 180)); var seg_y = ((11 * Math.sin(dia_radian)) / Math.cos((3.141593 * (90 - (2 * dia_angle))) / 180)); var mask_total = Math.ceil((photo_width * 1) / seg_x); onEnterFrame = function () { with (_parent._parent.mc_current_photo) { _alpha = 100; } if (mask_num <= mask_total) { mc = this.attachMovie("block", "block" + mask_num, mask_num); mc._x = ((-mask_num) * seg_x) + ((photo_width * 1) / 2); mc._y = (((-mask_num) * seg_y) + ((photo_height * 3) / 2)) + 11; mc._rotation = -90 - dia_angle; mc._yscale = Math.ceil((dia_line * 110) / mc._height); mask_num++; } else { mask_num = 0; delete onEnterFrame; } };
Symbol 21 MovieClip [mask_19] Frame 1
photo_width = _parent._parent.control.getPhotoWidth(); photo_height = _parent._parent.control.getPhotoHeight(); transitionDuration = _parent._parent.control.getCurrentTransitionFrames(); var delScale = (100 / transitionDuration); var mask_num = 0; var dia_line = Math.ceil(Math.sqrt(Math.pow(photo_width * 1, 2) + Math.pow(photo_height * 1, 2))); var dia_radian = Math.atan(((photo_height * 1) / photo_width) * 1); var dia_angle = ((180 * dia_radian) / 3.141593); var seg_x = ((11 * Math.cos(dia_radian)) / Math.cos((3.141593 * (90 - (2 * dia_angle))) / 180)); var seg_y = ((11 * Math.sin(dia_radian)) / Math.cos((3.141593 * (90 - (2 * dia_angle))) / 180)); var mask_total = Math.ceil((photo_width * 1) / seg_x); onEnterFrame = function () { with (_parent._parent.mc_current_photo) { _alpha = 100; } if (mask_num <= mask_total) { mc = this.attachMovie("block", "block" + mask_num, mask_num); mc._x = ((mask_num * seg_x) - ((photo_width * 1) / 2)) - 11; mc._y = ((-mask_num) * seg_y) + ((photo_height * 1) / 2); mc._rotation = -90 + dia_angle; mc._yscale = Math.ceil((dia_line * 110) / mc._height); mask_num++; } else { mask_num = 0; delete onEnterFrame; } };
Symbol 22 MovieClip [mask_18] Frame 1
photo_width = _parent._parent.control.getPhotoWidth(); photo_height = _parent._parent.control.getPhotoHeight(); transitionDuration = _parent._parent.control.getCurrentTransitionFrames(); var delScale = (100 / transitionDuration); var mask_num = 0; var dia_line = Math.ceil(Math.sqrt(Math.pow(photo_width * 1, 2) + Math.pow(photo_height * 1, 2))); var dia_radian = Math.atan(((photo_height * 1) / photo_width) * 1); var dia_angle = ((180 * dia_radian) / 3.141593); var seg_x = ((11 * Math.cos(dia_radian)) / Math.cos((3.141593 * (90 - (2 * dia_angle))) / 180)); var seg_y = ((11 * Math.sin(dia_radian)) / Math.cos((3.141593 * (90 - (2 * dia_angle))) / 180)); var mask_total = Math.ceil((photo_width * 1) / seg_x); onEnterFrame = function () { with (_parent._parent.mc_current_photo) { _alpha = 100; } if (mask_num <= mask_total) { mc = this.attachMovie("block", "block" + mask_num, mask_num); mc._x = ((-mask_num) * seg_x) + ((photo_width * 3) / 2); mc._y = ((mask_num * seg_y) + ((photo_height * 1) / 2)) - 11; mc._rotation = 90 + dia_angle; mc._yscale = Math.ceil((dia_line * 110) / mc._height); mask_num++; } else { mask_num = 0; delete onEnterFrame; } };
Symbol 23 MovieClip [mask_17] Frame 1
photo_width = _parent._parent.control.getPhotoWidth(); photo_height = _parent._parent.control.getPhotoHeight(); transitionDuration = _parent._parent.control.getCurrentTransitionFrames(); var delScale = (100 / transitionDuration); var mask_num = 0; var dia_line = Math.ceil(Math.sqrt(Math.pow(photo_width * 1, 2) + Math.pow(photo_height * 1, 2))); var dia_radian = Math.atan(((photo_height * 1) / photo_width) * 1); var dia_angle = ((180 * dia_radian) / 3.141593); var seg_x = ((11 * Math.cos(dia_radian)) / Math.cos((3.141593 * (90 - (2 * dia_angle))) / 180)); var seg_y = ((11 * Math.sin(dia_radian)) / Math.cos((3.141593 * (90 - (2 * dia_angle))) / 180)); var mask_total = Math.ceil((photo_width * 1) / seg_x); onEnterFrame = function () { with (_parent._parent.mc_current_photo) { _alpha = 100; } if (mask_num <= mask_total) { mc = this.attachMovie("block", "block" + mask_num, mask_num); mc._x = (mask_num * seg_x) + ((photo_width * 1) / 2); mc._y = ((mask_num * seg_y) - ((photo_height * 1) / 2)) - 11; mc._rotation = 90 - dia_angle; mc._yscale = Math.ceil((dia_line * 110) / mc._height); mask_num++; } else { mask_num = 0; delete onEnterFrame; } };
Symbol 24 MovieClip [mask_16] Frame 1
photo_width = _parent._parent.control.getPhotoWidth(); photo_height = _parent._parent.control.getPhotoHeight(); transitionDuration = _parent._parent.control.getCurrentTransitionFrames(); var delScale = (100 / transitionDuration); var mask_num = 0; var mask_total = (Math.floor(((photo_height * 1) + 45) / 11) + 1); onEnterFrame = function () { with (_parent._parent.mc_current_photo) { _alpha = 100; } if (mask_num <= mask_total) { mc = this.attachMovie("block", "block" + mask_num, mask_num); mc._x = 0; mc._y = ((mask_total - 4) - mask_num) * 11; mc._yscale = Math.ceil((photo_width * 100) / mc._height); mc._rotation = -90; mask_num++; } else { mask_num = 0; delete onEnterFrame; } };
Symbol 25 MovieClip [mask_15] Frame 1
photo_width = _parent._parent.control.getPhotoWidth(); photo_height = _parent._parent.control.getPhotoHeight(); transitionDuration = _parent._parent.control.getCurrentTransitionFrames(); var delScale = (100 / transitionDuration); var mask_num = 0; var mask_total = (Math.floor(((photo_height * 1) + 45) / 11) + 1); onEnterFrame = function () { with (_parent._parent.mc_current_photo) { _alpha = 100; } if (mask_num <= mask_total) { mc = this.attachMovie("block", "block" + mask_num, mask_num); mc._x = photo_width; mc._y = mask_num * 11; mc._yscale = Math.ceil((photo_width * 100) / mc._height); mc._rotation = 90; mask_num++; } else { mask_num = 0; delete onEnterFrame; } };
Symbol 26 MovieClip [mask_14] Frame 1
photo_width = _parent._parent.control.getPhotoWidth(); photo_height = _parent._parent.control.getPhotoHeight(); transitionDuration = _parent._parent.control.getCurrentTransitionFrames(); var delScale = (100 / transitionDuration); var mask_total = (Math.floor(((photo_width * 1) + 45) / 11) + 1); var mask_num = 0; onEnterFrame = function () { with (_parent._parent.mc_current_photo) { _alpha = 100; } if (mask_num <= mask_total) { mc = this.attachMovie("block", "block" + mask_num, mask_num); mc._x = ((mask_total - 4) - mask_num) * 11; mc._y = photo_height; mc._rotation = 180; mc._yscale = Math.ceil((photo_height * 100) / mc._height); mask_num++; } else { mask_num = 0; delete onEnterFrame; } };
Symbol 27 MovieClip [mask_13] Frame 1
function draw_mask(mask, a, b, c, d) { var _local1 = mask; var _local2 = b; var _local3 = a; _local1.clear(); _local1.lineStyle(0, 0); _local1.moveTo(_local3, _local2); _local1.beginFill(0); _local1.lineTo(_local3, d); _local1.lineTo(c, d); _local1.lineTo(c, _local2); _local1.lineTo(_local3, _local2); _local1.endFill(); } var mask_total = 0; photo_width = _parent._parent.control.getPhotoWidth(); photo_height = _parent._parent.control.getPhotoHeight(); transitionDuration = _parent._parent.control.getCurrentTransitionFrames(); var delScale = (100 / transitionDuration); var mask_num = 0; var mask_mc = this.createEmptyMovieClip("block0", 0); draw_mask(mask_mc, 0, 0, photo_width, photo_height); mask_mc._x = photo_width / 2; mask_mc._y = photo_height / 2; mask_mc._xscale = 0; mask_mc._yscale = 0; onEnterFrame = function () { with (_parent._parent.mc_current_photo) { _alpha = 100; } if (mask_num < transitionDuration) { mask_mc._xscale = mask_num * 5; mask_mc._yscale = mask_num * 5; mask_mc._x = (photo_width / 2) - (((photo_width * mask_num) * 5) / 200); mask_mc._y = (photo_height / 2) - (((photo_height * mask_num) * 5) / 200); mask_num++; } else { delete onEnterFrame; } };
Symbol 28 MovieClip [mask_12] Frame 1
function maskTransition() { with (_parent._parent.mc_current_photo) { _alpha = 100; } k = 0; while (k < m) { arrayCount = clipArray.length; nIndex = random(arrayCount); setProperty(clipArray[nIndex], _xscale , 100); setProperty(clipArray[nIndex], _yscale , 100); clipArray.splice(nIndex, 1); k++; } i++; if (i > transitionDuration) { delete this.onEnterFrame; } } slide_count = 20; i = 0; photo_width = _parent._parent.control.getPhotoWidth(); photo_height = _parent._parent.control.getPhotoHeight(); transitionDuration = _parent._parent.control.getCurrentTransitionFrames(); delScale = 100 / transitionDuration; this.createEmptyMovieClip("mask2_mc", 1); with (mask2_mc) { beginFill(15728640); moveTo(0, 0); lineTo(Math.ceil(photo_width / slide_count), 0); lineTo(Math.ceil(photo_width / slide_count), Math.ceil(photo_height / slide_count)); lineTo(0, Math.ceil(photo_height / slide_count)); lineTo(0, 0); endFill(); } var clipArray = new Array(); j = 0; while (j < slide_count) { k = 0; while (k < slide_count) { duplicateMovieClip ("mask2_mc", (("mask_mc_" + j) + "_") + k, ((j * slide_count) + k) + 3); setProperty((("mask_mc_" + j) + "_") + k, _x , (photo_width / slide_count) * j); setProperty((("mask_mc_" + j) + "_") + k, _y , (photo_height / slide_count) * k); setProperty((("mask_mc_" + j) + "_") + k, _xscale , 0); setProperty((("mask_mc_" + j) + "_") + k, _yscale , 0); clipArray[(j * slide_count) + k] = (("mask_mc_" + j) + "_") + k; k++; } j++; } arrayCount = clipArray.length; m = Math.round((arrayCount / transitionDuration) + 0.5); if (m < 1) { m = 1; } onEnterFrame = maskTransition;
Symbol 29 MovieClip [mask_11] Frame 1
function maskTransition() { with (_parent._parent.mc_current_photo) { _alpha = 100; } mask2_mc._xscale = 100; mask2_mc._yscale = i * delScale; j = 0; while (j < slide_count) { setProperty("mask_mc_" + j, _xscale , 100); setProperty("mask_mc_" + j, _yscale , i * delScale); j++; } i++; if (i > transitionDuration) { delete this.onEnterFrame; } } slide_count = 16; i = 0; photo_width = _parent._parent.control.getPhotoWidth(); photo_height = _parent._parent.control.getPhotoHeight(); transitionDuration = _parent._parent.control.getCurrentTransitionFrames(); delScale = 100 / transitionDuration; this.createEmptyMovieClip("mask2_mc", 1); with (mask2_mc) { beginFill(15728640); moveTo(0, 0); lineTo(photo_width, 0); lineTo(photo_width, (photo_height / slide_count) + 0.5); lineTo(0, (photo_height / slide_count) + 0.5); lineTo(0, 0); endFill(); } j = 1; while (j < slide_count) { duplicateMovieClip ("mask2_mc", "mask_mc_" + j, j + 2); setProperty("mask_mc_" + j, _x , 0); setProperty("mask_mc_" + j, _y , (photo_height / slide_count) * j); j++; } onEnterFrame = maskTransition;
Symbol 30 MovieClip [mask_10] Frame 1
function maskTransition() { with (_parent._parent.mc_current_photo) { _alpha = 100; } mask2_mc._xscale = i * delScale; mask2_mc._yscale = 100; j = 0; while (j < slide_count) { setProperty("mask_mc_" + j, _xscale , i * delScale); setProperty("mask_mc_" + j, _yscale , 100); j++; } i++; if (i > transitionDuration) { delete this.onEnterFrame; } } slide_count = 16; i = 0; photo_width = _parent._parent.control.getPhotoWidth(); photo_height = _parent._parent.control.getPhotoHeight(); transitionDuration = _parent._parent.control.getCurrentTransitionFrames(); delScale = 100 / transitionDuration; this.createEmptyMovieClip("mask2_mc", 1); with (mask2_mc) { beginFill(15728640); moveTo(0, 0); lineTo((photo_width / slide_count) + 0.5, 0); lineTo((photo_width / slide_count) + 0.5, photo_height); lineTo(0, photo_height); lineTo(0, 0); endFill(); } j = 1; while (j < slide_count) { duplicateMovieClip ("mask2_mc", "mask_mc_" + j, j + 2); setProperty("mask_mc_" + j, _x , (photo_width / slide_count) * j); setProperty("mask_mc_" + j, _y , 0); j++; } onEnterFrame = maskTransition;
Symbol 31 MovieClip [mask_9] Frame 1
function maskTransition() { with (_parent._parent.mc_current_photo) { _alpha = 100; } with (this.mask2_mc) { _y = ((photo_height / 2) * (100 - (i * delScale))) / 100; _xscale = 100; _yscale = i * delScale; } i++; if (i > transitionDuration) { delete this.onEnterFrame; } } i = 0; photo_width = _parent._parent.control.getPhotoWidth(); photo_height = _parent._parent.control.getPhotoHeight(); transitionDuration = _parent._parent.control.getCurrentTransitionFrames(); delScale = 100 / transitionDuration; this.createEmptyMovieClip("mask2_mc", 1); with (mask2_mc) { beginFill(15728640); moveTo(0, 0); lineTo(photo_width, 0); lineTo(photo_width, photo_height); lineTo(0, photo_height); lineTo(0, 0); endFill(); } onEnterFrame = maskTransition;
Symbol 32 MovieClip [mask_8] Frame 1
function maskTransition() { with (_parent._parent.mc_current_photo) { _alpha = 100; } with (this.mask2_mc) { _x = ((photo_width / 2) * (100 - (i * delScale))) / 100; _xscale = i * delScale; _yscale = 100; } i++; if (i > transitionDuration) { delete this.onEnterFrame; } } i = 0; photo_width = _parent._parent.control.getPhotoWidth(); photo_height = _parent._parent.control.getPhotoHeight(); transitionDuration = _parent._parent.control.getCurrentTransitionFrames(); delScale = 100 / transitionDuration; this.createEmptyMovieClip("mask2_mc", 1); with (mask2_mc) { beginFill(15728640); moveTo(0, 0); lineTo(photo_width, 0); lineTo(photo_width, photo_height); lineTo(0, photo_height); lineTo(0, 0); endFill(); } onEnterFrame = maskTransition;
Symbol 33 MovieClip [mask_7] Frame 1
function maskTransition() { with (_parent._parent.mc_current_photo) { _alpha = 100; } with (this.mask2_mc) { _xscale = 100; _yscale = i * delScale; } with (this.mask3_mc) { _xscale = 100; _yscale = i * delScale; _y = (photo_height / 2) + ((photo_height * (100 - (i * delScale))) / 200); } i++; if (i > transitionDuration) { delete this.onEnterFrame; } } i = 0; photo_width = _parent._parent.control.getPhotoWidth(); photo_height = _parent._parent.control.getPhotoHeight(); transitionDuration = _parent._parent.control.getCurrentTransitionFrames(); delScale = 100 / transitionDuration; this.createEmptyMovieClip("mask2_mc", 1); with (mask2_mc) { beginFill(15728640); moveTo(0, 0); lineTo(photo_width, 0); lineTo(photo_width, photo_height / 2); lineTo(0, photo_height / 2); lineTo(0, 0); endFill(); } duplicateMovieClip (mask2_mc, "mask3_mc", 2); onEnterFrame = maskTransition;
Symbol 34 MovieClip [mask_6] Frame 1
function maskTransition() { with (_parent._parent.mc_current_photo) { _alpha = 100; } with (this.mask2_mc) { _xscale = i * delScale; _yscale = 100; } with (this.mask3_mc) { _xscale = i * delScale; _yscale = 100; _x = ((photo_width * (100 - (i * delScale))) / 200) + (photo_width / 2); } i++; if (i > transitionDuration) { delete this.onEnterFrame; } } i = 0; photo_width = _parent._parent.control.getPhotoWidth(); photo_height = _parent._parent.control.getPhotoHeight(); transitionDuration = _parent._parent.control.getCurrentTransitionFrames(); delScale = 100 / transitionDuration; this.createEmptyMovieClip("mask2_mc", 1); with (mask2_mc) { beginFill(15728640); moveTo(0, 0); lineTo(photo_width / 2, 0); lineTo(photo_width / 2, photo_height); lineTo(0, photo_height); lineTo(0, 0); endFill(); } duplicateMovieClip (mask2_mc, "mask3_mc", 2); onEnterFrame = maskTransition;
Symbol 35 MovieClip [mask_5] Frame 1
function maskTransition() { with (_parent._parent.mc_current_photo) { _alpha = 100; } with (this.mask2_mc) { _xscale = 100; _yscale = i * delScale; _y = (photo_height * (100 - (i * delScale))) / 100; } i++; if (i > transitionDuration) { delete this.onEnterFrame; } } i = 0; photo_width = _parent._parent.control.getPhotoWidth(); photo_height = _parent._parent.control.getPhotoHeight(); transitionDuration = _parent._parent.control.getCurrentTransitionFrames(); delScale = 100 / transitionDuration; this.createEmptyMovieClip("mask2_mc", 1); with (mask2_mc) { beginFill(15728640); moveTo(0, 0); lineTo(photo_width, 0); lineTo(photo_width, photo_height); lineTo(0, photo_height); lineTo(0, 0); endFill(); } onEnterFrame = maskTransition;
Symbol 36 MovieClip [mask_4] Frame 1
function maskTransition() { with (_parent._parent.mc_current_photo) { _alpha = 100; } with (this.mask2_mc) { _x = (photo_width * (100 - (i * delScale))) / 100; _xscale = i * delScale; _yscale = 100; } i++; if (i > transitionDuration) { delete this.onEnterFrame; } } i = 0; photo_width = _parent._parent.control.getPhotoWidth(); photo_height = _parent._parent.control.getPhotoHeight(); transitionDuration = _parent._parent.control.getCurrentTransitionFrames(); delScale = 100 / transitionDuration; this.createEmptyMovieClip("mask2_mc", 1); with (mask2_mc) { beginFill(15728640); moveTo(0, 0); lineTo(photo_width, 0); lineTo(photo_width, photo_height); lineTo(0, photo_height); lineTo(0, 0); endFill(); } onEnterFrame = maskTransition;
Symbol 37 MovieClip [mask_3] Frame 1
function maskTransition() { with (_parent._parent.mc_current_photo) { _alpha = 100; } with (this.mask2_mc) { _xscale = 100; _yscale = i * delScale; } i++; if (i > transitionDuration) { delete this.onEnterFrame; } } i = 0; photo_width = _parent._parent.control.getPhotoWidth(); photo_height = _parent._parent.control.getPhotoHeight(); transitionDuration = _parent._parent.control.getCurrentTransitionFrames(); delScale = 100 / transitionDuration; this.createEmptyMovieClip("mask2_mc", 1); with (mask2_mc) { beginFill(15728640); moveTo(0, 0); lineTo(photo_width, 0); lineTo(photo_width, photo_height); lineTo(0, photo_height); lineTo(0, 0); endFill(); } onEnterFrame = maskTransition;
Symbol 38 MovieClip [mask_2] Frame 1
function maskTransition() { with (_parent._parent.mc_current_photo) { _alpha = 100; } with (this.mask2_mc) { _xscale = i * delScale; _yscale = 100; } i++; if (i > transitionDuration) { delete this.onEnterFrame; } } i = 0; photo_width = _parent._parent.control.getPhotoWidth(); photo_height = _parent._parent.control.getPhotoHeight(); transitionDuration = _parent._parent.control.getCurrentTransitionFrames(); delScale = 100 / transitionDuration; this.createEmptyMovieClip("mask2_mc", 1); with (mask2_mc) { beginFill(15728640); moveTo(0, 0); lineTo(photo_width, 0); lineTo(photo_width, photo_height); lineTo(0, photo_height); lineTo(0, 0); endFill(); } onEnterFrame = maskTransition;
Symbol 39 MovieClip [mask_1] Frame 1
function maskTransition() { with (_parent._parent.mc_current_photo) { _alpha = 100; } this.mask1_mc._xscale = i * delScale; this.mask1_mc._yscale = i * delScale; i++; if (i > transitionDuration) { delete this.onEnterFrame; } } i = 0; photo_width = _parent._parent.control.getPhotoWidth(); photo_height = _parent._parent.control.getPhotoHeight(); transitionDuration = _parent._parent.control.getCurrentTransitionFrames(); this.createEmptyMovieClip("mask1_mc", 1); mask1_mc.beginFill(15728640); mask1_mc.moveTo(0, 0); mask1_mc.lineTo(photo_width, 0); mask1_mc.lineTo(photo_width, photo_height); mask1_mc.lineTo(0, photo_height); mask1_mc.lineTo(0, 0); mask1_mc.endFill(); delScale = 100 / transitionDuration; onEnterFrame = maskTransition;
Symbol 42 MovieClip [block] Frame 6
Symbol 9 MovieClip Frame 1
function clipEnterFrame() { var _local1 = _parent; _local1.loader_mc._x = Stage.width / 2; _local1.loader_mc._y = Stage.height / 2; frame_loaded = _local1._framesloaded; if (frame_loaded >= total_to_load) { _local1.loader_mc._x = Stage.width + 100; _local1.loader_mc._y = Stage.height + 100; _local1.loader_mc._alpha = 0; _local1.loader_mc.removeMovieClip(); delete this.onEnterFrame; _local1.gotoAndPlay(3); } } var total_to_load = 3; _parent.createEmptyMovieClip("loader_mc", 5500); _parent.loader_mc.attachMovie("loading", "loading1", 5501); onEnterFrame = clipEnterFrame;
Instance of Symbol 54 MovieClip in Symbol 55 MovieClip [soundControl] Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) { _root.soundstatus = "on"; _root.mySound = new Sound(_level0); _root.mySound2 = new Sound(_level1); _root.mySound3 = new Sound(_level2); _root.mySound4 = new Sound(_level3); _root.mySound5 = new Sound(_level4); maxvolume = 100; minvolume = 0; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if ((_root.soundstatus == "on") && (_parent._parent.control.currentPhoto <= (_parent._parent.control.getTotalPhotos() - 1))) { step = 5; } if ((_root.soundstatus == "off") || (_parent._parent.control.currentPhoto == (_parent._parent.control.getTotalPhotos() - 1))) { step = -5; } maxvolume = maxvolume + step; if (maxvolume > 100) { maxvolume = 100; } if (maxvolume < 0) { maxvolume = 0; _parent._parent.music_mc.stop(); } _root.mySound.setVolume(maxvolume); _root.mySound2.setVolume(maxvolume); _root.mySound3.setVolume(maxvolume); _root.mySound4.setVolume(maxvolume); _root.mySound5.setVolume(maxvolume); }
Symbol 56 MovieClip [control] Frame 1
function getPhotoX() { return(photo_x); } function getPhotoY() { return(photo_y); } function getPhotoWidth() { return(_global.flash_width); } function getPhotoHeight() { return(_global.flash_height); } function ShowPhotoInformation() { imageTitle.text = GetCurrentPhotoTitle(); imageDesc.text = GetCurrentPhotoDesc(); } function ShowLoadingInformation() { myLoader._alpha = 100; myLoader._y = getPhotoHeight() / 2; myLoader._x = getPhotoWidth() / 2; } function HideLoadingInformation() { myLoader._y = -1000; myLoader._alpha = 0; } photo_x = 0; photo_y = 0; function setAllInfo() { photo_frame._width = getPhotoWidth(); photo_frame._height = getPhotoHeight(); } function addloader() { attachMovie("loading", "myLoader", 10); } function getCurrentTransitionID() { transID = eval ("_global.trans_id_" + currentPhoto); return(transID); } function getCurrentMaskID() { transID = eval ("_global.trans_id_" + currentPhoto); if ((transID <= 0) || (transID > total_mask)) { transID = random(total_mask) + 1; } if (transID <= 0) { transID = 1; } if (transID > total_mask) { transID = total_mask; } return(transID); } function getTotalPhotos() { return(_global.total_images); } function GetCurrentPhotoTitle() { return(eval ("_global.title_" + currentPhoto)); } function GetCurrentPhotoDesc() { return(eval ("_global.desc_" + currentPhoto)); } function getCurrentPhotoDuration() { showTime = eval ("_global.show_" + currentPhoto); transitionTime = eval ("_global.trans_" + currentPhoto); frameRate = _global.frame_rate; return((showTime + transitionTime) * 1000); } function getCurrentTransitionDuration() { transitionTime = eval ("_global.trans_" + currentPhoto); return(transitionTime * 1000); } function getCurrentTransitionFrames() { transitionFrames = eval ("_global.trans_" + currentPhoto); return(transitionFrames * _global.frame_rate); } function getCurrentShowDuration() { showTime = eval ("_global.show_" + currentPhoto); return(showTime * 1000); } function showCurrentPhoto() { _parent.gotoAndStop((currentPhoto + 1) + FramePhotoBegin); _parent.createEmptyMovieClip("mc_current_photo", 2 + DepthWorking); duplicateMovieClip ("_parent.mc_" + currentPhoto, "mc_current_photo", 2 + DepthWorking); if (_global.enableurl == 1) { _parent.mc_current_photo.onRelease = gotoURL; } transitionID = getCurrentTransitionID(); if (transitionID == 0) { transDispatch = random(2); } else if (transitionID > 28) { transDispatch = 1; } else { transDispatch = 0; } if (transDispatch == 1) { _parent.createEmptyMovieClip("mask_mc", 3 + DepthWorking); _parent.mask_mc.attachMovie("mask_full_photo", "mask_clip_mc", 4 + DepthWorking); setProperty("_parent.mask_mc", _x , getPhotoX()); setProperty("_parent.mask_mc", _y , getPhotoY()); setProperty("_parent.mask_mc", _xscale , 100); setProperty("_parent.mask_mc", _yscale , 100); _parent.mc_current_photo.setMask(_parent.mask_mc); with (_parent.mc_current_photo) { _alpha = 0; _x = getPhotoX(); _y = getPhotoY(); _width = getPhotoWidth(); _height = getPhotoHeight(); } ShowPhotoInformation(); MotionCount = 0; trans_ID = transitionID; if (trans_ID > 28) { trans_ID = trans_ID - 28; } showPhotoWithMotionInterval = setInterval(showPhotoWithMotion, 1000 / _global.frame_rate); } else { maskID = getCurrentMaskID(); _parent.createEmptyMovieClip("mask_mc", 3 + DepthWorking); _parent.mask_mc.attachMovie("mask_" + maskID, "mask_clip_mc", 4 + DepthWorking); setProperty("_parent.mask_mc", _x , getPhotoX()); setProperty("_parent.mask_mc", _y , getPhotoY()); _parent.mc_current_photo.setMask(_parent.mask_mc); with (_parent.mc_current_photo) { _alpha = 0; _x = getPhotoX(); _y = getPhotoY(); _width = getPhotoWidth(); _height = getPhotoHeight(); } ShowPhotoInformation(); showPhotoInterval = setInterval(showPhotoWithDuration, getCurrentPhotoDuration()); } } function transitionCurrentPhoto() { if (MotionCount == 0) { transitionID = trans_ID; if (transitionID == 0) { trans_ID = random(23) + 1; } else { trans_ID = transitionID; if ((trans_ID > 24) || (trans_ID < 0)) { trans_ID = random(23) + 1; } } } transitionCurrentPhotoWithID(trans_ID); } function transitionCurrentPhotoWithID(transitionID) { var _local1 = transitionID; _local1 = _local1 - 1; switch (_local1) { case 0 : transitionAlpha(); return; case 1 : transitionMoveLeftToRight(false); return; case 2 : transitionMoveLeftToRight(true); return; case 3 : transitionMoveRightToLeft(false); return; case 4 : transitionMoveRightToLeft(true); return; case 5 : transitionMoveTopToBottom(false); return; case 6 : transitionMoveTopToBottom(true); return; case 7 : transitionMoveBottomToTop(false); return; case 8 : transitionMoveBottomToTop(true); return; case 9 : transitionStretchLeftToRight(false); return; case 10 : transitionStretchLeftToRight(true); return; case 11 : transitionStretchVerticalCenter(false); return; case 12 : transitionStretchVerticalCenter(true); return; case 13 : transitionStretchRightToLeft(false); return; case 14 : transitionStretchRightToLeft(true); return; case 15 : transitionStretchTopToBottom(false); return; case 16 : transitionStretchTopToBottom(true); return; case 17 : transitionStretchHorizontalCenter(false); return; case 18 : transitionStretchHorizontalCenter(true); return; case 19 : transitionStretchBottomToTop(false); return; case 20 : transitionStretchBottomToTop(true); return; case 21 : transitionStretchCenter(false); return; case 22 : transitionStretchCenter(true); return; default : transitionAlpha(); } } function transitionAlpha() { with (_parent.mc_current_photo) { _alpha = (100 * MotionCount) / getCurrentTransitionFrames(); if (_alpha > 100) { _alpha = 100; } } } function transitionStretchCenter(bAlpha) { with (_parent.mc_current_photo) { if (bAlpha) { _alpha = (100 * MotionCount) / getCurrentTransitionFrames(); if (_alpha > 100) { _alpha = 100; } } else { _alpha = 100; } _x = getPhotoX() + ((getPhotoWidth() / 2) * (1 - (MotionCount / getCurrentTransitionFrames()))); _y = getPhotoY() + ((getPhotoHeight() / 2) * (1 - (MotionCount / getCurrentTransitionFrames()))); _xscale = (100 * MotionCount) / getCurrentTransitionFrames(); _yscale = (100 * MotionCount) / getCurrentTransitionFrames(); if (_yscale > 100) { _yscale = 100; } if (_xscale > 100) { _xscale = 100; } if (_x < getPhotoX()) { _x = getPhotoX(); } if (_y < getPhotoY()) { _y = getPhotoY(); } } } function transitionStretchTopToBottom(bAlpha) { with (_parent.mc_current_photo) { if (bAlpha) { _alpha = (100 * MotionCount) / getCurrentTransitionFrames(); if (_alpha > 100) { _alpha = 100; } } else { _alpha = 100; } _x = getPhotoX(); _y = getPhotoY(); _xscale = 100; _yscale = (100 * MotionCount) / getCurrentTransitionFrames(); if (_yscale > 100) { _yscale = 100; } } } function transitionStretchHorizontalCenter(bAlpha) { with (_parent.mc_current_photo) { if (bAlpha) { _alpha = (100 * MotionCount) / getCurrentTransitionFrames(); if (_alpha > 100) { _alpha = 100; } } else { _alpha = 100; } _x = getPhotoX(); _y = getPhotoY() + ((getPhotoHeight() / 2) * (1 - (MotionCount / getCurrentTransitionFrames()))); _xscale = 100; _yscale = (100 * MotionCount) / getCurrentTransitionFrames(); if (_yscale > 100) { _yscale = 100; } if (_y < getPhotoY()) { _y = getPhotoY(); } } } function transitionStretchBottomToTop(bAlpha) { with (_parent.mc_current_photo) { if (bAlpha) { _alpha = (100 * MotionCount) / getCurrentTransitionFrames(); if (_alpha > 100) { _alpha = 100; } } else { _alpha = 100; } _x = getPhotoX(); _y = getPhotoY() + (getPhotoHeight() * (1 - (MotionCount / getCurrentTransitionFrames()))); _xscale = 100; _yscale = (100 * MotionCount) / getCurrentTransitionFrames(); if (_yscale > 100) { _yscale = 100; } if (_y < getPhotoY()) { _y = getPhotoY(); } } } function transitionStretchLeftToRight(bAlpha) { with (_parent.mc_current_photo) { if (bAlpha) { _alpha = (100 * MotionCount) / getCurrentTransitionFrames(); if (_alpha > 100) { _alpha = 100; } } else { _alpha = 100; } _x = getPhotoX(); _y = getPhotoY(); _xscale = 0; _xscale = (100 * MotionCount) / getCurrentTransitionFrames(); if (_xscale > 100) { _xscale = 100; } } } function transitionStretchVerticalCenter(bAlpha) { with (_parent.mc_current_photo) { if (bAlpha) { _alpha = (100 * MotionCount) / getCurrentTransitionFrames(); if (_alpha > 100) { _alpha = 100; } } else { _alpha = 100; } _x = getPhotoX() + ((getPhotoWidth() / 2) * (1 - (MotionCount / getCurrentTransitionFrames()))); _xscale = (100 * MotionCount) / getCurrentTransitionFrames(); if (_xscale > 100) { _xscale = 100; } if (_x < getPhotoX()) { _x = getPhotoX(); } } } function transitionStretchRightToLeft(bAlpha) { with (_parent.mc_current_photo) { if (bAlpha) { _alpha = (100 * MotionCount) / getCurrentTransitionFrames(); if (_alpha > 100) { _alpha = 100; } } else { _alpha = 100; } _xscale = (100 * MotionCount) / getCurrentTransitionFrames(); if (_xscale > 100) { _xscale = 100; } _x = getPhotoX() + (getPhotoWidth() * (1 - (MotionCount / getCurrentTransitionFrames()))); if (_x < getPhotoX()) { _x = getPhotoX(); } } } function transitionMoveLeftToRight(bAlpha) { with (_parent.mc_current_photo) { if (bAlpha) { _alpha = (100 * MotionCount) / getCurrentTransitionFrames(); if (_alpha > 100) { _alpha = 100; } } else { _alpha = 100; } _x = getPhotoX() + (getPhotoWidth() * ((MotionCount / getCurrentTransitionFrames()) - 1)); _y = getPhotoY(); } } function transitionMoveRightToLeft(bAlpha) { with (_parent.mc_current_photo) { if (bAlpha) { _alpha = (100 * MotionCount) / getCurrentTransitionFrames(); if (_alpha > 100) { _alpha = 100; } } else { _alpha = 100; } _y = getPhotoY(); _x = getPhotoX() + (getPhotoWidth() * (1 - (MotionCount / getCurrentTransitionFrames()))); if (_x <= getPhotoX()) { _x = getPhotoX(); } } } function transitionMoveTopToBottom(bAlpha) { with (_parent.mc_current_photo) { if (bAlpha) { _alpha = (100 * MotionCount) / getCurrentTransitionFrames(); if (_alpha > 100) { _alpha = 100; } } else { _alpha = 100; } _x = getPhotoX(); _y = getPhotoY() + (getPhotoHeight() * ((MotionCount / getCurrentTransitionFrames()) - 1)); if (_y >= getPhotoY()) { _y = getPhotoY(); } } } function transitionMoveBottomToTop(bAlpha) { with (_parent.mc_current_photo) { if (bAlpha) { _alpha = (100 * MotionCount) / getCurrentTransitionFrames(); if (_alpha > 100) { _alpha = 100; } } else { _alpha = 100; } _x = getPhotoX(); _y = getPhotoY() + (getPhotoHeight() * (1 - (MotionCount / getCurrentTransitionFrames()))); if (_y <= getPhotoY()) { _y = getPhotoY(); } } } function showPhotoWithMotion() { transitionCurrentPhoto(); MotionCount++; if (MotionCount > getCurrentTransitionFrames()) { with (_parent.mc_current_photo) { _alpha = 100; } clearInterval(showPhotoWithMotionInterval); showPhotoInterval = setInterval(showPhotoWithDuration, getCurrentShowDuration()); } } function showCurrentPhotoNoTransition() { _parent.mc_current_photo.removeMovieClip(); _parent.mask_mc.removeMovieClip(); _parent.gotoAndStop((currentPhoto + 1) + FramePhotoBegin); _parent.createEmptyMovieClip("mc_current_photo", 2 + DepthWorking); duplicateMovieClip ("_parent.mc_" + currentPhoto, "mc_current_photo", 2 + DepthWorking); with (_parent.mc_current_photo) { _alpha = 100; _x = getPhotoX(); _y = getPhotoY(); _width = getPhotoWidth(); _height = getPhotoHeight(); } if (_global.enableurl == 1) { _parent.mc_current_photo.onRelease = gotoURL; } _parent.mc_current_photo.setMask(null); ShowPhotoInformation(); if (_global.continueplay == 1) { showPhotoInterval = setInterval(showPhotoWithDuration, getCurrentPhotoDuration()); } } function showCurrentPhotoNoTransitionPlay() { _parent.mc_current_photo.removeMovieClip(); _parent.mask_mc.removeMovieClip(); _parent.gotoAndStop((currentPhoto + 1) + FramePhotoBegin); _parent.createEmptyMovieClip("mc_current_photo", 2 + DepthWorking); duplicateMovieClip ("_parent.mc_" + currentPhoto, "mc_current_photo", 2 + DepthWorking); with (_parent.mc_current_photo) { _alpha = 100; _x = getPhotoX(); _y = getPhotoY(); _width = getPhotoWidth(); _height = getPhotoHeight(); } if (_global.enableurl == 1) { _parent.mc_current_photo.onRelease = gotoURL; } _parent.mc_current_photo.setMask(null); ShowPhotoInformation(); if (_global.continueplay == 1) { showPhotoInterval = setInterval(showPhotoWithDuration, 800); } } function showPhotoWithDuration() { var _local1 = _parent; _local1.mc_current_photo.setMask(null); _local1.mask_mc.removeMovieClip(); if (_local1.prev_photo != null) { removeMovieClip("_parent.prev_photo"); } duplicateMovieClip (_local1.mc_current_photo, "_parent.prev_photo", DepthWorking + 1); setProperty("_parent.prev_photo", _alpha , 100); setProperty("_parent.prev_photo", _x , getPhotoX()); setProperty("_parent.prev_photo", _y , getPhotoY()); setProperty("_parent.prev_photo", _width , getPhotoWidth()); setProperty("_parent.prev_photo", _height , getPhotoHeight()); removeMovieClip("_parent.mc_current_photo"); clearInterval(showPhotoInterval); ShowNextPhoto(); } function ShowNextPhoto() { ClearAllTimer(); currentPhoto++; if (currentPhoto == getTotalPhotos()) { if (_global.autorepeat == 1) { _parent.music_mc.gotoAndPlay(1); currentPhoto = 0; loadingInterval = setInterval(LoadingPhoto, 200); } else { showRepeat(); } } else { loadingInterval = setInterval(LoadingPhoto, 200); } } function AutoPlay() { showPhotoWithDuration(); } function showPhoto(nWhich) { ClearAllTimer(); currentPhoto = nWhich; if (currentPhoto == getTotalPhotos()) { currentPhoto = 0; } if (currentPhoto < 0) { currentPhoto = 0; } loadingInterval = setInterval(LoadingPhotoNoTransition, 200); } function ShowNextPhotoManual() { _parent.playButton.removeMovieClip(); _parent.replayButton.removeMovieClip(); if (currentPhoto >= (getTotalPhotos() - 1)) { currentPhoto = 0; } else { currentPhoto++; } if (_global.continueplay == 0) { stop_play.gotoAndStop(2); } else { stop_play.gotoAndStop(1); } ClearAllTimer(); loadingInterval = setInterval(LoadingPhotoNoTransition, 200); } function ShowPrevPhoto() { _parent.playButton.removeMovieClip(); _parent.replayButton.removeMovieClip(); if (currentPhoto <= 0) { currentPhoto = getTotalPhotos() - 1; } else { currentPhoto--; } if (_global.continueplay == 0) { stop_play.gotoAndStop(2); } else { stop_play.gotoAndStop(1); } ClearAllTimer(); loadingInterval = setInterval(LoadingPhotoNoTransition, 200); } function LoadingPhotoNoTransition() { var _local1 = _parent; infoText.text = (((("Photo to Show:" + currentPhoto) + " Frame loaded:") + _local1._framesloaded) + "/") + _local1._totalframes; if (_local1._framesloaded >= (currentPhoto + FramePhotoBegin)) { clearInterval(loadingInterval); HideLoadingInformation(); showCurrentPhotoNoTransition(); } else { ShowLoadingInformation(); } } function LoadingPhotoNoTransitionPlay() { var _local1 = _parent; infoText.text = (((("Photo to Show:" + currentPhoto) + " Frame loaded:") + _local1._framesloaded) + "/") + _local1._totalframes; if (_local1._framesloaded >= (currentPhoto + FramePhotoBegin)) { clearInterval(loadingInterval); HideLoadingInformation(); showCurrentPhotoNoTransitionPlay(); } else { ShowLoadingInformation(); } } function LoadingPhotoNoTransitionPlay() { var _local1 = _parent; infoText.text = (((("Photo to Show:" + currentPhoto) + " Frame loaded:") + _local1._framesloaded) + "/") + _local1._totalframes; if (_local1._framesloaded >= (currentPhoto + FramePhotoBegin)) { clearInterval(loadingInterval); HideLoadingInformation(); showCurrentPhotoNoTransitionPlay(); } else { ShowLoadingInformation(); } } function LoadingPhoto() { var _local1 = _parent; infoText.text = (((("Photo to Show:" + currentPhoto) + " Frame loaded:") + _local1._framesloaded) + "/") + _local1._totalframes; if (_local1._framesloaded >= (currentPhoto + FramePhotoBegin)) { clearInterval(loadingInterval); HideLoadingInformation(); showCurrentPhoto(); } else { ShowLoadingInformation(); } } function enterFrameFunction() { var _local1 = _parent; addloader(); setAllInfo(); setDecoration(); infoText.text = (("Frame loaded:" + _local1._framesloaded) + "/") + _local1._totalframes; if (_local1._framesloaded >= (currentPhoto + FramePhotoBegin)) { delete this.onEnterFrame; HideLoadingInformation(); if (_global.autoplay == 1) { showCurrentPhoto(); } else { showPlay(); } } else { ShowLoadingInformation(); } } function ClearAllTimer() { clearInterval(loadingInterval); clearInterval(showPhotoInterval); clearInterval(showPhotoWithMotionInterval); } function setWholeFlashMask() { _parent.createEmptyMovieClip("mask_whole_mc", 100 + DepthWorking); with (_parent.mask_whole_mc) { beginFill(10485760); moveTo(0, 0); lineTo(_global.flash_width, 0); lineTo(_global.flash_width, _global.flash_height); lineTo(0, _global.flash_height); lineTo(0, 0); endFill(); _x = 0; _y = 0; } _parent.setMask(_parent.mask_whole_mc); } function setDecoration() { _parent.decoration_mc.createEmptyMovieClip("mask_decoration_mc", 96 + DepthWorking); with (_parent.decoration_mc.mask_decoration_mc) { beginFill(10485760); moveTo(getPhotoX(), getPhotoY()); lineTo(getPhotoX() + getPhotoWidth(), getPhotoY()); lineTo(getPhotoX() + getPhotoWidth(), getPhotoY() + getPhotoHeight()); lineTo(getPhotoX(), getPhotoY() + getPhotoHeight()); lineTo(getPhotoX(), getPhotoY()); endFill(); } _parent.decoration_mc.swapDepths(95 + DepthWorking); _parent.decoration_mc._alpha = 50; _parent.decoration_mc.setMask(_parent.decoration_mc.mask_decoration_mc); } function GetCurrentPhotoURL() { return(eval ("_global.url_" + currentPhoto)); } function gotoURL() { targetArray = ["_blank", "_parent", "_self", "_top"]; urlIndex = _global.url_target % 4; _root.getURL(GetCurrentPhotoURL(), targetArray[urlIndex]); } function showRepeat() { var _local1 = _parent; stop_play.gotoAndStop(2); _local1.attachMovie("replayButton", "replayButton", 5500, {_x:getPhotoX() + (getPhotoWidth() / 2), _y:getPhotoX() + (getPhotoHeight() / 2), _alpha:50}); _local1.replayButton.onRelease = function () { _parent.music_mc.gotoAndPlay(1); _root.soundstatus = "on"; stop_play.gotoAndStop(1); this.removeMovieClip(); currentPhoto = 0; loadingInterval = setInterval(LoadingPhoto, 200); }; } function showPlay() { var _local1 = _parent; _local1.music_mc.stop(); _root.soundstatus = "off"; _local1.attachMovie("playButton", "playButton", 5500, {_x:getPhotoX() + (getPhotoWidth() / 2), _y:getPhotoY() + (getPhotoHeight() / 2), _alpha:50}); _local1.playButton.onRelease = function () { _root.soundstatus = "on"; stop_play.gotoAndStop(1); this.removeMovieClip();; if (_global.continueplay == 1) { loadingInterval = setInterval(LoadingPhotoNoTransitionPlay, 200); } else { loadingInterval = setInterval(LoadingPhoto, 200); } }; } var currentPhoto = 0; var trans_ID = 0; var MotionCount = 0; currentPhoto = 0; FramePhotoBegin = 3; DepthWorking = 5000; prev_photo = null; total_mask = 28; setWholeFlashMask(); onEnterFrame = enterFrameFunction;
Symbol 57 MovieClip Frame 1
_parent.attachMovie("control", "control", 5200); _parent.attachMovie("soundControl", "soundControl", 5030); _parent.soundControl._y = -1000; _parent.soundControl._x = -1000;

Library Items

Symbol 1 BitmapUsed by:2
Symbol 2 GraphicUses:1Used by:8
Symbol 3 FontUsed by:4 5 6
Symbol 4 EditableTextUses:3Used by:7
Symbol 5 EditableTextUses:3Used by:7
Symbol 6 EditableTextUses:3Used by:7
Symbol 7 MovieClipUses:4 5 6Used by:8
Symbol 8 MovieClip [loading]Uses:2 7
Symbol 11 MovieClip [mask_full_photo]
Symbol 12 MovieClip [mask_28]
Symbol 13 MovieClip [mask_27]
Symbol 14 MovieClip [mask_26]
Symbol 15 MovieClip [mask_25]
Symbol 16 MovieClip [mask_24]
Symbol 17 MovieClip [mask_23]
Symbol 18 MovieClip [mask_22]
Symbol 19 MovieClip [mask_21]
Symbol 20 MovieClip [mask_20]
Symbol 21 MovieClip [mask_19]
Symbol 22 MovieClip [mask_18]
Symbol 23 MovieClip [mask_17]
Symbol 24 MovieClip [mask_16]
Symbol 25 MovieClip [mask_15]
Symbol 26 MovieClip [mask_14]
Symbol 27 MovieClip [mask_13]
Symbol 28 MovieClip [mask_12]
Symbol 29 MovieClip [mask_11]
Symbol 30 MovieClip [mask_10]
Symbol 31 MovieClip [mask_9]
Symbol 32 MovieClip [mask_8]
Symbol 33 MovieClip [mask_7]
Symbol 34 MovieClip [mask_6]
Symbol 35 MovieClip [mask_5]
Symbol 36 MovieClip [mask_4]
Symbol 37 MovieClip [mask_3]
Symbol 38 MovieClip [mask_2]
Symbol 39 MovieClip [mask_1]
Symbol 40 ShapeTweeningUsed by:42
Symbol 41 GraphicUsed by:42
Symbol 42 MovieClip [block]Uses:40 41
Symbol 9 MovieClipUsed by:Timeline
Symbol 43 MovieClipUsed by:Timeline
Symbol 45 GraphicUsed by:49 52
Symbol 46 FontUsed by:47 50
Symbol 47 EditableTextUses:46Used by:49
Symbol 48 GraphicUsed by:49
Symbol 49 MovieClip [replayButton]Uses:45 47 48
Symbol 50 EditableTextUses:46Used by:52
Symbol 51 GraphicUsed by:52
Symbol 52 MovieClip [playButton]Uses:45 50 51
Symbol 53 GraphicUsed by:54
Symbol 54 MovieClipUses:53Used by:55
Symbol 55 MovieClip [soundControl]Uses:54
Symbol 56 MovieClip [control]
Symbol 61 BitmapUsed by:63
Symbol 63 GraphicUses:61Used by:62
Symbol 57 MovieClipUsed by:Timeline
Symbol 59 MovieClipUses:SS2Used by:Timeline
Symbol 62 MovieClipUses:63Used by:Timeline
Symbol 64 BitmapUsed by:66
Symbol 66 GraphicUses:64Used by:65
Symbol 65 MovieClipUses:66Used by:Timeline
Symbol 67 BitmapUsed by:69
Symbol 69 GraphicUses:67Used by:68
Symbol 68 MovieClipUses:69Used by:Timeline
Symbol 70 BitmapUsed by:72
Symbol 72 GraphicUses:70Used by:71
Symbol 71 MovieClipUses:72Used by:Timeline
Symbol 73 BitmapUsed by:75
Symbol 75 GraphicUses:73Used by:74
Symbol 74 MovieClipUses:75Used by:Timeline
Symbol 76 BitmapUsed by:78
Symbol 78 GraphicUses:76Used by:77
Symbol 77 MovieClipUses:78Used by:Timeline
Streaming Sound 1Used by:Timeline
Streaming Sound 2Used by:Symbol 59 MovieClip

Instance Names

"ctrl_mc"Frame 3Symbol 57 MovieClip
"music_mc"Frame 3Symbol 59 MovieClip
"mc_0"Frame 3Symbol 62 MovieClip
"mc_1"Frame 4Symbol 65 MovieClip
"mc_2"Frame 5Symbol 68 MovieClip
"mc_3"Frame 6Symbol 71 MovieClip
"mc_4"Frame 7Symbol 74 MovieClip
"mc_5"Frame 8Symbol 77 MovieClip

Special Tags

FileAttributes (69)Timeline Frame 1Access network only, Metadata not present, AS1/AS2.
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 1Symbol 8 as "loading"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 1Symbol 11 as "mask_full_photo"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 1Symbol 12 as "mask_28"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 1Symbol 13 as "mask_27"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 1Symbol 14 as "mask_26"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 1Symbol 15 as "mask_25"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 1Symbol 16 as "mask_24"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 1Symbol 17 as "mask_23"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 1Symbol 18 as "mask_22"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 1Symbol 19 as "mask_21"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 1Symbol 20 as "mask_20"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 1Symbol 21 as "mask_19"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 1Symbol 22 as "mask_18"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 1Symbol 23 as "mask_17"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 1Symbol 24 as "mask_16"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 1Symbol 25 as "mask_15"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 1Symbol 26 as "mask_14"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 1Symbol 27 as "mask_13"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 1Symbol 28 as "mask_12"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 1Symbol 29 as "mask_11"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 1Symbol 30 as "mask_10"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 1Symbol 31 as "mask_9"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 1Symbol 32 as "mask_8"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 1Symbol 33 as "mask_7"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 1Symbol 34 as "mask_6"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 1Symbol 35 as "mask_5"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 1Symbol 36 as "mask_4"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 1Symbol 37 as "mask_3"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 1Symbol 38 as "mask_2"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 1Symbol 39 as "mask_1"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 1Symbol 42 as "block"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 3Symbol 49 as "replayButton"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 3Symbol 52 as "playButton"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 3Symbol 55 as "soundControl"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 3Symbol 56 as "control"
Created: 1/4 -2019 03:47:09 Last modified: 1/4 -2019 03:47:09 Server time: 03/01 -2025 00:29:28