[Tools][Expand/Collapse All]Note that automatic extraction of ActionScript 3 is still pretty much unsupported by swfchan. AS1/AS2 works okay most of the time.Combined Code (283.73 KiB) ● ● ● ●
movieClip 3 register {
frame 49 {
movieClip 1619 WetPlayIcon_bmp {
movieClip 1622 WetPlayIcon {
movieClip 20480 __Packages.bmcache_item {
if (!bmcache_item) {
_global.bmcache_item = function (_up, _idstr, _callback, _cb_data) {
this.up = _up;
this.idstr = _idstr;
this.callback = _callback;
this.cb_data = _cb_data;
var v1 = _global.bmcache_item.prototype;
v1.delegate = function (f, i) {
return com.dynamicflash.utils.Delegate.create(this, f, i);
v1.loaded_mc = function () {
if (!this.bmp) {
var v2 = this.cb_data.bmpw ? this.cb_data.bmpw : 100;
var v3 = this.cb_data.bmph ? this.cb_data.bmph : 100;
var v4 = this.cb_data.bmpt ? this.cb_data.bmpt : true;
this.bmp = new flash.display.BitmapData(v2, v3, v4, 0);
if (this.bmp_mc.loadhere2) {
var v5 = new flash.display.BitmapData(v2, v3, v4, 0);
this.bmp.copyChannel(v5, new flash.geom.Rectangle(0, 0, v2, v3), new flash.geom.Point(0, 0), 2, 8);
this.bmp_mc = null;
if (this.cb_data.onload) {
v1.chop = function (from, px, py, sx, sy) {
this.cb_data = from.cb_data;
var v7 = this.cb_data.bmpt ? this.cb_data.bmpt : true;
this.bmp = new flash.display.BitmapData(sx, sy, v7, 0);
this.bmp.copyPixels(from.bmp, new flash.geom.Rectangle(px, py, sx, sy), new flash.geom.Point(0, 0));
v1.create = function (mc, idstr, depth) {
if (this.bmp) {
var v6 = this.cb_data.hx ? this.cb_data.hx : 0;
var v7 = this.cb_data.hy ? this.cb_data.hy : 0;
var v8 = this.cb_data.px ? this.cb_data.px : 0;
var v9 = this.cb_data.py ? this.cb_data.py : 0;
var v10 = this.cb_data.sx ? this.cb_data.sx : 100;
var v11 = this.cb_data.sy ? this.cb_data.sy : 100;
var v12 = this.cb_data.rot ? this.cb_data.rot : 0;
var v5 = this.up.create(mc, null, depth);
v5.createEmptyMovieClip('loadhere', 0);
v5.loadhere.attachBitmap(this.bmp, 0, 'auto', true);
v5.loadhere._x = v6;
v5.loadhere._y = v7;
v5._x = v8;
v5._y = v9;
v5._xscale = v10;
v5._yscale = v11;
v5._rotation = v12;
return v5;
v5 = this.callback(mc, idstr, depth, this.cb_data, this);
return v5;
ASSetPropFlags(v1, null, 1);
movieClip 20481 __Packages.MainStatic {
if (!MainStatic) {
_global.MainStatic = function () {};
var v1 = _global.MainStatic.prototype;
_global.MainStatic.choose_and_apply_scalar = function (me, flags) {
var v5 = flags.split(',');
if (_root.talk && _root.popup == _root.talk) {
MainStatic.half = true;
} else {
MainStatic.half = false;
var v4 = 0;
goto 928;
for (;;) {
label 928:
if (v4 >= v5.length) break;
var v6 = v5[v4];
if (v6 == '800x600') {
MainStatic.w = 800;
MainStatic.h = 600;
} else {
if (v6 == '640x480') {
MainStatic.w = 640;
MainStatic.h = 480;
} else {
if (v6 == 'wide') {
MainStatic.wide = true;
MainStatic.half = false;
} else {
if (v6 == 'nothalf') {
MainStatic.half = false;
} else {
if (v6 == 'notwide') {
MainStatic.wide = false;
MainStatic.notwide = true;
_root.scalar.bx = MainStatic.w;
_root.scalar.by = MainStatic.h;
if (_root.scale == 'fixed') {
if (!MainStatic.notwide) {
gfx.setscroll(me.mc, 0, 0, 1.5 * MainStatic.w, MainStatic.h);
_root.scalar.ox = 1.5 * MainStatic.w;
_root.scalar.oy = MainStatic.h;
_root.scalar.wide = true;
} else {
gfx.setscroll(me.mc, 0, 0, MainStatic.w, MainStatic.h);
_root.scalar.ox = MainStatic.w;
_root.scalar.oy = MainStatic.h;
_root.scalar.wide = false;
} else {
if (!MainStatic.notwide && (MainStatic.wide || Stage.width / Stage.height > (MainStatic.w / MainStatic.h + 1.5 * MainStatic.w / MainStatic.h) / 2)) {
if (_root.scalar.ox != 1.5 * MainStatic.w) {
gfx.setscroll(me.mc, 0, 0, 1.5 * MainStatic.w, MainStatic.h);
_root.scalar.ox = 1.5 * MainStatic.w;
_root.scalar.oy = MainStatic.h;
_root.scalar.wide = true;
} else {
if (_root.scalar.ox != MainStatic.w) {
gfx.setscroll(me.mc, 0, 0, MainStatic.w, MainStatic.h);
_root.scalar.ox = MainStatic.w;
_root.scalar.oy = MainStatic.h;
_root.scalar.wide = false;
_root.scalar.apply(me.mc, MainStatic.half);
_root.scalar.apply(_root.mc_popup, MainStatic.half);
_root.scalar.apply(_root.mc_swish, MainStatic.half);
_root.__mochiservicesMC._xscale *= 1.5;
_root.__mochiservicesMC._yscale *= 1.5;
_global.MainStatic.apply_800x600_scale = function (m) {
m._xscale = 100 * MainStatic.w / 800;
m._yscale = 100 * MainStatic.h / 600;
_global.MainStatic.get_base_context_menu = function (me, ncm) {
if (ncm) {
var v4 = ncm;
} else {
var v4 = new ContextMenu();
var v6 = function () {
if (_root._quality == 'MEDIUM') {
_root._quality = 'LOW';
} else {
_root._quality = 'MEDIUM';
var v5 = new ContextMenuItem('Toggle quality.', com.dynamicflash.utils.Delegate.create(me, v6));
v6 = function () {
if (Stage.displayState == 'normal') {
Stage.fullScreenSourceRect = undefined;
Stage.displayState = 'fullScreen';
if (!MainStatic.notwide && (MainStatic.wide || Stage.width / Stage.height > (640 / 480 + 1.5 * 640 / 480) / 2)) {
Stage.displayState = 'normal';
Stage.fullScreenSourceRect = new flash.geom.Rectangle(0, 0, 960, 480);
Stage.displayState = 'fullScreen';
} else {
Stage.displayState = 'normal';
Stage.fullScreenSourceRect = new flash.geom.Rectangle(0, 0, 640, 480);
Stage.displayState = 'fullScreen';
} else {
Stage.displayState = 'normal';
v5 = new ContextMenuItem('Toggle fullscreen mode.', com.dynamicflash.utils.Delegate.create(me, v6));
v6 = function () {
if (Stage.displayState == 'normal') {
Stage.fullScreenSourceRect = undefined;
Stage.displayState = 'fullScreen';
if (!MainStatic.notwide && (MainStatic.wide || Stage.width / Stage.height > (640 / 480 + 1.5 * 640 / 480) / 2)) {
Stage.displayState = 'normal';
Stage.fullScreenSourceRect = new flash.geom.Rectangle(0, 0, 480, 240);
Stage.displayState = 'fullScreen';
} else {
Stage.displayState = 'normal';
Stage.fullScreenSourceRect = new flash.geom.Rectangle(0, 0, 320, 240);
Stage.displayState = 'fullScreen';
} else {
Stage.displayState = 'normal';
v5 = new ContextMenuItem('Toggle lowscreen mode.', com.dynamicflash.utils.Delegate.create(me, v6));
v6 = function () {
this.state_next = 'menu';
v5 = new ContextMenuItem('Quit to Main Menu.', com.dynamicflash.utils.Delegate.create(me, v6));
v6 = function () {
this.state_next = 'login';
v5 = new ContextMenuItem('Logout.', com.dynamicflash.utils.Delegate.create(me, v6));
return v4;
_global.MainStatic.update_setup = function () {
return new Array();
_global.MainStatic.update_add = function (tab, func) {
tab[tab.length] = func;
_global.MainStatic.update_remove = function (tab, func) {
var v4 = 0;
goto 3984;
for (;;) {
label 3984:
if (v4 >= tab.length) break;
if (tab[v4] == func) {
tab.splice(v4, 1);
return undefined;
_global.MainStatic.update_do = function (tab) {
var v3 = 0;
goto 4105;
for (;;) {
label 4105:
if (v3 >= tab.length) break;
_global.MainStatic.spine = function (s) {
if (s < 0) {
s = -s;
if (s > 1) {
s = 1;
var v3 = s * s;
return v3 + v3 * 2 - v3 * s * 2;
_global.MainStatic.spine_half = function (s) {
if (s < 0) {
s = -s;
if (s > 1) {
s = 1;
return MainStatic.spine(s * 0.5) * 2;
ASSetPropFlags(v1, null, 1);
_global.MainStatic.w = 800;
_global.MainStatic.h = 600;
_global.MainStatic.wide = false;
_global.MainStatic.notwide = false;
_global.MainStatic.half = true;
movieClip 20482 __Packages.BetaComms {
if (!BetaComms) {
_global.BetaComms = function (_up) {
this.up = _up;
this.php = 'http://' + _root.host + '/swf/beta.php';
this.sending_scores = false;
this.get_high_after_sending = false;
var v1 = _global.BetaComms.prototype;
v1.delegate = function (f, d) {
return com.dynamicflash.utils.Delegate.create(this, f, d);
v1.delegate2 = function (f, d1, d2) {
return com.dynamicflash.utils.Delegate.create(this, f, d1, d2);
v1.send_score_check = function () {
if (this.sent_score < this.datas.score) {
v1.send_score_wait_and_check = function () {
var v2 = new Date();
if (v2.getTime() - this.sent_stamp > 1000 * 60) {
v1.reset_sent_stamp = function () {
var v2 = new Date();
this.sent_stamp = v2.getTime();
this.sent_score = this.datas.score;
return this.sent_stamp;
v1.send_score = function () {
if (_root.audit) {
return undefined;
if (_root.skip_wetscore) {
return undefined;
this.lv_score = new LoadVars();
this.lv_score.S = _root.Login_Session;
this.lv_score.name = _root.Login_Name;
this.lv_score.game = this.datas.game;
this.lv_score.host = this.datas.host;
this.lv_score.seed = this.datas.seed;
this.lv_score.state = this.datas.state;
this.lv_score.score = this.datas.score;
this.lv_score.moves = this.datas.moves;
this.lv_score.time = this.datas.time;
this.lv_score.start_time = this.datas.start_time;
this.lv_score.replay_str = this.datas.replay_str;
this.lv_score.timestamp = this.reset_sent_stamp();
fbsig.copy_fb_sigs(_root, this.lv_score);
this.lv_score.onLoad = this.delegate(this.send_score_post, this.lv_score);
this.lv_score.sendAndLoad(this.php + '?cmd=submit', this.lv_score, 'POST');
this.sending_scores = true;
v1.send_score_post = function (success, lv) {
this.sending_scores = false;
if (success) {
if (lv.score != 0) {
_root.talk.chat_status('Sent Score: ' + lv.score);
if (this.get_high_after_sending) {
this.get_high(this.get_high_after_sending_cmd, this.get_high_after_sending_filter, this.get_high_after_sending_callback);
this.get_high_after_sending = false;
v1.get_high = function (cmd, filter, callback) {
if (_root.skip_wetscore) {
return undefined;
if (this.sending_scores) {
this.get_high_after_sending_cmd = cmd;
this.get_high_after_sending_filter = filter;
this.get_high_after_sending_callback = callback;
this.get_high_after_sending = true;
return undefined;
this.lv_high = new LoadVars();
this.lv_high.S = _root.Login_Session;
this.lv_high.name = _root.Login_Name;
this.lv_high.game = this.datas.game;
this.lv_high.host = this.datas.host;
this.lv_high.seed = this.datas.seed;
this.lv_high.state = this.datas.state;
this.lv_high.filter = filter;
this.lv_high.min = 1;
this.lv_high.max = 10;
fbsig.copy_fb_sigs(_root, this.lv_high);
this.lv_high.onLoad = this.delegate2(this.get_high_post, this.lv_high, callback);
this.lv_high.sendAndLoad(this.php + '?cmd=' + cmd, this.lv_high, 'POST');
v1.get_high_post = function (success, lv, callback) {
var v6 = new Array();
var v7 = false;
var v5 = 1;
goto 2556;
for (;;) {
label 2556:
if (v5 > 10) break;
if (lv['name' + v5] != undefined) {
v6[v5 - 1] = lv['score' + v5] + ';' + lv['name' + v5] + ';' + lv['seed' + v5];
v7 = true;
} else {
v6[v5 - 1] = '0;...';
if (v7) {
v1.send_audit = function (a_scoreid, a_score, replay_str) {
this.lv_audit = new LoadVars();
this.lv_audit_got = null;
this.lv_audit.S = _root.Login_Session;
this.lv_audit.replay_id = a_scoreid;
this.lv_audit.replay_str = replay_str;
this.lv_audit.score = a_score;
fbsig.copy_fb_sigs(_root, this.lv_audit);
this.lv_audit.onLoad = this.delegate(this.send_audit_post, this.lv_audit);
this.lv_audit.sendAndLoad(this.php + '?cmd=audit', this.lv_audit, 'POST');
v1.send_audit_post = function (success, lv) {
if (lv != this.lv_audit) {
return undefined;
if (!success) {
return undefined;
this.lv_audit_got = lv;
if (lv.replay_str.length < 6) {
this.send_audit(lv.replay_id, 0);
v1.send_pbemstart = function (game, em1, em2) {
if (_root.skip_wetscore) {
return undefined;
this.lv_pbem = new LoadVars();
this.lv_pbem.S = _root.Login_Session;
this.lv_pbem.name = _root.Login_Name;
this.lv_pbem.game = game;
this.lv_pbem.em1 = em1;
this.lv_pbem.em2 = em2;
this.lv_pbem.onLoad = this.delegate(this.send_pbemstart_post, this.lv_pbem);
this.lv_pbem.sendAndLoad(this.php + '?cmd=pbemstart', this.lv_pbem, 'POST');
v1.send_pbemstart_post = function (success, lv) {};
ASSetPropFlags(v1, null, 1);
movieClip 20483 __Packages.bmcache {
if (!bmcache) {
_global.bmcache = function () {
this.aa = new Array();
this.aa_check = new Array();
this.aa_loading = new Array();
this.mc = this.create(_root, null, null);
this.mc._visible = false;
this.available = flash.display.BitmapData ? true : false;
var v1 = _global.bmcache.prototype;
v1.delegate = function (f, i) {
return com.dynamicflash.utils.Delegate.create(this, f, i);
v1.clear_loading = function () {
this.aa_loading = new Array();
v1.check_loading = function () {
var v6 = 0;
var v7 = 0;
var v2 = 0;
goto 1025;
for (;;) {
label 1025:
if (v2 >= this.aa_loading.length) break;
var v3 = this.aa_loading[v2];
if (v3.bmp_mc) {
var v4 = v3.bmp_mc.loadhere.getBytesTotal();
if (Math.floor(v4) == 0) {
v4 = 1024 * 16;
var v5 = v3.bmp_mc.loadhere.getBytesLoaded();
if (v5 >= v4 && v3.bmp_mc.loadhere._width > 0) {
} else {
v6 += v4;
v7 += v5;
if (v6) {
return v7 / v6;
} else {
return 1;
v1.isloading = function (idstr) {
if (this.aa[idstr]) {
return true;
return false;
v1.checkloading = function (idstr) {
if (this.aa[idstr]) {
return true;
if (this.aa_check[idstr]) {
return true;
return false;
v1.isloaded = function (idstr) {
var v5 = this.aa[idstr];
if (!v5) {
return 0;
if (v5.bmp_mc) {
var v4 = v5.bmp_mc.loadhere.getBytesLoaded();
var v3 = v5.bmp_mc.loadhere.getBytesTotal();
if (Math.floor(v3) == 0) {
v3 = 1024 * 16;
if (v4 >= v3 && v5.bmp_mc.loadhere._width > 0) {
return v5.bmp ? 1 : 0;
v1.remember = function (idstr, callback, cb_data) {
if (this.aa[idstr] == null) {
this.aa[idstr] = new bmcache_item(this, idstr, callback, cb_data);
this.aa[idstr].bmp_mc = callback(this.mc, idstr, null, cb_data, this.aa[idstr]);
if (!this.aa[idstr].bmp) {
this.aa_loading[this.aa_loading.length] = this.aa[idstr];
} else {
if (cb_data.onload) {
v1.forget = function (idstr) {
this.aa[idstr] = null;
this.aa_check[idstr] = true;
v1.getbmp = function (idstr) {
return this.aa[idstr].bmp;
v1.create = function (_mc, idstr, depth, px, py, sx, sy, rot) {
if (_mc.newdepth == undefined) {
_mc.newdepth = 0;
if (depth == null) {
depth = ++_mc.newdepth;
if (idstr == null || this.aa[idstr] == null) {
var v10 = _mc.createEmptyMovieClip('mc' + depth, depth);
v10.newdepth = 0;
} else {
var v10 = this.aa[idstr].create(_mc, idstr, depth);
v10.newdepth = 0;
if (px != null) {
v10._x = px;
if (py != null) {
v10._y = py;
if (sx != null) {
v10._xscale = sx;
if (sy != null) {
v10._yscale = sy;
if (rot != null) {
v10._rotation = rot;
return v10;
_global.bmcache.create_generic = function (mc, idstr, depth, cb_data, item) {
storedv7.idstr = idstr;
var v13 = cb_data.hx ? cb_data.hx : 0;
var v14 = cb_data.hy ? cb_data.hy : 0;
var v8 = cb_data.px ? cb_data.px : 0;
var v9 = cb_data.py ? cb_data.py : 0;
var v10 = cb_data.sx ? cb_data.sx : 100;
var v11 = cb_data.sy ? cb_data.sy : 100;
if (!cb_data.rot) {
var v12 = 0;
var v7 = item.up.create(mc, null, null, v8, v9, v10, v11, v12);
v7.createEmptyMovieClip('loadhere', 0);
v7.loadhere._x = v13;
v7.loadhere._y = v14;
return v7;
var v12 = cb_data.rot;
var v7 = item.up.create(mc, null, null, v8, v9, v10, v11, v12);
v7.createEmptyMovieClip('loadhere', 0);
v7.loadhere._x = v13;
v7.loadhere._y = v14;
return v7;
_global.bmcache.create_null = function (mc, idstr, depth, cb_data, item) {
var v7 = bmcache.create_generic(mc, idstr, depth, cb_data, item);
item.bmp_mc = v7;
item.call_loaded_mc = true;
return null;
_global.bmcache.create_img = function (mc, idstr, depth, cb_data, item) {
var v7 = bmcache.create_generic(mc, idstr, depth, cb_data, item);
var v8 = gfx.add_clip(v7.loadhere, cb_data.url, null);
item.bmp_mc = v7;
item.call_loaded_mc = true;
return null;
_global.bmcache.create_jp4g = function (mc, idstr, depth, cb_data, item) {
var v9 = cb_data.hx ? cb_data.hx : 0;
if (!cb_data.hy) {
var v10 = 0;
var v7 = bmcache.create_generic(mc, idstr, depth, cb_data, item);
v7.createEmptyMovieClip('loadhere2', 1);
v7.loadhere2._x = v9;
v7.loadhere2._y = v10;
var v8 = gfx.add_clip(v7.loadhere, cb_data.url + '.rgb', null);
v8 = gfx.add_clip(v7.loadhere2, cb_data.url + '.a', null);
item.bmp_mc = v7;
item.call_loaded_mc = true;
return null;
var v10 = cb_data.hy;
var v7 = bmcache.create_generic(mc, idstr, depth, cb_data, item);
v7.createEmptyMovieClip('loadhere2', 1);
v7.loadhere2._x = v9;
v7.loadhere2._y = v10;
var v8 = gfx.add_clip(v7.loadhere, cb_data.url + '.rgb', null);
v8 = gfx.add_clip(v7.loadhere2, cb_data.url + '.a', null);
item.bmp_mc = v7;
item.call_loaded_mc = true;
return null;
_global.bmcache.create_url = function (mc, idstr, depth, cb_data, item) {
var v7 = bmcache.create_generic(mc, idstr, depth, cb_data, item);
return v7;
v1.bmp_chop = function (from, to, px, py, sx, sy) {
if (this.aa[to] == null) {
if (this.aa[from]) {
this.aa[to] = new bmcache_item(this, to, null, null);
this.aa[to].chop(this.aa[from], px, py, sx, sy);
v1.bmp_blit = function (from, to, fx, fy, sx, sy, tx, ty) {
if (this.aa[to].bmp && this.aa[from].bmp) {
this.aa[to].bmp.copyPixels(this.aa[from].bmp, new flash.geom.Rectangle(fx, fy, sx, sy), new flash.geom.Point(tx, ty));
v1.bmp_fill = function (to, fx, fy, sx, sy, argb) {
if (this.aa[to].bmp) {
this.aa[to].bmp.fillRect(new flash.geom.Rectangle(fx, fy, sx, sy), argb);
ASSetPropFlags(v1, null, 1);
movieClip 20484 __Packages.fbsig {
if (!fbsig) {
_global.fbsig = function () {};
var v1 = _global.fbsig.prototype;
_global.fbsig.copy_fb_sigs = function (f, t) {
for (var v4 in f) {
if (v4.substring(0, 6) == 'fb_sig') {
t[v4] = f[v4];
ASSetPropFlags(v1, null, 1);
movieClip 20485 __Packages.Login {
if (!Login) {
_global.Login = function (_up, _str) {
this.up = _up;
_root.login = this;
if (_str == 'join') {
this.joinonly = true;
this.autologin = false;
var v1 = _global.Login.prototype;
v1.delegate = function (f, d, i) {
return com.dynamicflash.utils.Delegate.create(this, f, d, i);
v1.rnd_seed = function (n) {
this.rnd_num = n & 65535;
v1.rnd = function () {
this.rnd_num = ((this.rnd_num + 1) * 75 - 1) % 65537;
return this.rnd_num;
v1.setup = function () {
if (_root.skip_wetlogin) {
_root.Login_Name = 'me';
_root.Login_Done = true;
_root.Login_Session = 0;
this.up.state_next = 'menu';
return undefined;
this.user_php = 'http://' + _root.host + '/swf/users.php';
this.viewYdest = 0;
this.viewY = 0;
this.frame = 0;
this.file_name = 'register';
this.file_lines = Login.register_lines;
this.mc = gfx.create_clip(this.up.mc, null);
this.zmc = gfx.create_clip(this.mc, null);
this.omc = gfx.create_clip(this.mc, null, 400, 300);
this.mcs = new Array();
this.parallax = new Array();
var v8 = 0;
var v9 = null;
this.mcs_max = this.file_lines.length - 1;
var v2 = 0;
goto 15664;
for (;;) {
label 15664:
if (v2 >= this.mcs_max) break;
var v3 = this.file_lines[v2];
var v4 = v3.split(',');
if (v4[0] == '') {
v4[0] = null;
if (v4[1] == '') {
v4[1] = null;
if (v4[2] == '') {
v4[2] = null;
v9 = this.parallax[v4[1]];
if (v9 == null) {
v9 = gfx.create_clip(this.zmc, null, 400, 300);
v9.zoom = 1;
this.parallax[v4[1]] = v9;
v9.cacheAsBitmap = true;
switch (v4[1]) {
case 'login':
v9._y -= 600;
case 'signup':
v9._y += 600;
if (v4[0] == 'circ') {
this.mcs[v2] = gfx.create_clip(v9, null);
this.mcs[v2].mc = gfx.add_clip(this.mcs[v2], this.file_name, null);
this.mcs[v2].mc.gotoAndStop(v2 + 1);
this.mcs[v2].cacheAsBitmap = true;
var v5 = this.mcs[v2].mc.getBounds(this.mcs[v2]);
v5.fx = (v5.xMax + v5.xMin) / 2;
v5.fy = (v5.yMax + v5.yMin) / 2;
this.mcs[v2]._x += v5.fx - 400;
this.mcs[v2].mc._x -= v5.fx;
this.mcs[v2]._y += v5.fy - 300;
this.mcs[v2].mc._y -= v5.fy;
} else {
this.mcs[v2] = gfx.add_clip(v9, this.file_name, null);
var v6 = this.mcs[v2];
v6._x = -400;
v6._y = -300;
v6.gotoAndStop(v2 + 1);
v6.cacheAsBitmap = true;
v6.active = true;
v6.onPress = this.delegate(this.press, v6);
v6.onRelease = this.delegate(this.click, v6);
v6.onRollOver = this.delegate(this.hover_on, v6);
v6.onRollOut = this.delegate(this.hover_off, v6);
v6.onReleaseOutside = this.delegate(this.hover_off, v6);
v6.tabEnabled = false;
v6.useHandCursor = false;
v6 = this.mcs[v2];
v6.idx = v2;
v6.nam = v4[0];
v6.group = v4[1];
v6.nams = v6.nam.split('_');
v6._visible = true;
switch (v6.nams[0]) {
case 'but':
v6._alpha = 25;
if (v6.nams[1] == 'flag') {
v6._visible = false;
v6.useHandCursor = true;
case 'text':
var v5 = v6.getBounds(v9);
v5.w = v5.xMax - v5.xMin;
v5.h = v5.yMax - v5.yMin;
v6.tf = gfx.create_text_html(v9, null, v5.xMin, v5.yMin, v5.w, v5.h);
gfx.set_text_html(v6.tf, 16, 0, v6.nam);
case 'edit':
var v5 = v6.getBounds(v9);
v5.w = v5.xMax - v5.xMin;
v5.h = v5.yMax - v5.yMin;
v6.tf = gfx.create_text_edit(v9, null, v5.xMin, v5.yMin, v5.w, v5.h);
v6.tf.setNewTextFormat(gfx.create_text_format(40, -16777216));
v6.tf.text = 'me';
v6.tf.onKillFocus = this.delegate(this.lostfocus, v6);
this.mcs[v6.nam] = v6;
this.topmc = v9;
this.mcs.but_skiplogin._visible = false;
this.mcs.edit_pass2.tf.password = true;
this.mcs.edit_pass3.tf.password = true;
this.mcs.edit_pass2.tf.text = '';
this.mcs.edit_pass3.tf.text = '';
if (_root.name != undefined) {
} else {
if (_root.ng_username != undefined) {
} else {
if (_root.kongregate_username != undefined && _root.kongregate_username.toLowerCase() != 'guest') {
} else {
if (_root.signals.name) {
} else {
v1.logindone = function () {
v1.clean = function () {
if (_root.skip_wetlogin) {
return undefined;
if (!_root.swish) {
_root.swish = (new Swish({'style': 'slide_left', 'mc': this.mc})).setup();
this.zmc._x = 0;
this.zmc._y = 0;
this.mc = null;
_root.Login_Name = this.name_text;
_root.Login_Done = true;
_root.Login_Session = this.session;
this.autologin = false;
v1.so_load = function () {
this.so = SharedObject.getLocal('wetlogin');
var v2 = this.so.data;
if (v2.version == this.VERSION) {
if (v2.name) {
if (v2.session) {
this.session = v2.session;
if (v2.opt_chat) {
this.opt_chat = (v2.opt_chat == 1) ? true : false;
if (v2.opt_sound) {
this.opt_sound = (v2.opt_sound == 1) ? true : false;
if (_root.S) {
this.session = _root.S;
if (this.session != null && (this.session != 0 && this.autologin)) {
v1.so_save = function () {
var v2 = this.so.data;
v2.version = this.VERSION;
v2.name = this.name_text;
v2.session = this.session;
v2.opt_chat = this.opt_chat ? 1 : 2;
v2.opt_sound = this.opt_sound ? 1 : 2;
v1.hover_off = function (me) {
if (_root.popup | this.locked) {
return undefined;
if (this.over == me) {
this.do_this(me, 'off');
this.over = null;
v1.hover_on = function (me) {
if (_root.popup | this.locked) {
return undefined;
if (this.over != me) {
this.do_this(me, 'on');
this.over = me;
v1.press = function (me) {
if (_root.popup | this.locked) {
return undefined;
this.do_this(me, 'press');
v1.click = function (me) {
if (_root.popup | this.locked) {
return undefined;
this.do_this(me, 'click');
v1.lostfocus = function (nmc, me) {
if (_root.popup | this.locked) {
return undefined;
switch (me.nam) {
if (me.nam !== 'edit_name3') {
} else {
case 'edit_name1':
case 'edit_name2':
v1.thunk = function () {
if (this.joinonly) {
if (this.viewYdest == 0) {
this.mcs.but_back1._visible = false;
this.mcs.but_back2._visible = false;
if (this.opt_chat) {
this.mcs.but_chat_on._alpha = 100;
this.mcs.but_chat_off._alpha = 25;
} else {
this.mcs.but_chat_on._alpha = 25;
this.mcs.but_chat_off._alpha = 100;
if (this.opt_sound) {
this.mcs.but_sound_on._alpha = 100;
this.mcs.but_sound_off._alpha = 25;
} else {
this.mcs.but_sound_on._alpha = 25;
this.mcs.but_sound_off._alpha = 100;
v1.update = function () {
if (_root.skip_wetlogin) {
return undefined;
if (this.timeout_lv) {
if (this.timeout_time <= 0) {
this.timeout_lv.err = 'Network TimeOut! Try again or click on the SKIP LOGIN button below.';
this.timeout_func(false, this.timeout_lv);
this.timeout_lv = null;
this.timeout_time = null;
this.timeout_func = null;
this.mcs.but_skiplogin._visible = true;
if (this.joinonly) {
if (this.viewYdest == 0) {
this.viewYdest = 600;
if (_root.popup) {
return undefined;
if (this.viewYdest != this.viewY) {
this.viewY += (this.viewYdest - this.viewY) * 1 / 8;
if ((this.viewY - this.viewYdest) * (this.viewY - this.viewYdest) < 0.5) {
this.viewY = this.viewYdest;
this.parallax.guest._y = this.viewY + 300;
this.parallax.login._y = this.viewY + 300 + 600;
this.parallax.signup._y = this.viewY + 300 - 600;
this.mcs.circ._rotation = this.viewY * 360 / 600;
var v2 = Math.floor(this.frame / 8) % 4;
if (v2 == 3) {
v2 = 1;
switch (v2) {
case 0:
this.mcs.anim1a._visible = true;
this.mcs.anim1b._visible = true;
this.mcs.anim2a._visible = false;
this.mcs.anim2b._visible = false;
this.mcs.anim3a._visible = false;
this.mcs.anim3b._visible = false;
case 1:
this.mcs.anim1a._visible = false;
this.mcs.anim1b._visible = false;
this.mcs.anim2a._visible = true;
this.mcs.anim2b._visible = true;
this.mcs.anim3a._visible = false;
this.mcs.anim3b._visible = false;
case 2:
this.mcs.anim1a._visible = false;
this.mcs.anim1b._visible = false;
this.mcs.anim2a._visible = false;
this.mcs.anim2b._visible = false;
this.mcs.anim3a._visible = true;
this.mcs.anim3b._visible = true;
v1.do_this = function (me, act) {
if (me.nams[0] == 'but') {
if (act == 'on') {
me._alpha = 100;
switch (me.nams[1]) {
case 'login':
this.info_pop('Goto login page.');
case 'signup':
this.info_pop('Goto signup page.');
case 'back1':
case 'back2':
this.info_pop('Back to guest login page.');
case 'no':
this.info_pop('Get a new random name.');
case 'yes':
this.info_pop('Shall we play a game?');
case 'chat':
this.info_pop('In game chat?');
case 'sound':
this.info_pop('In game sound?');
} else {
if (act == 'off') {
me._alpha = 25;
} else {
if (act == 'press') {
me._alpha = 75;
} else {
if (act == 'click') {
me._alpha = 100;
switch (me.nams[1]) {
case 'login':
this.viewYdest = -600;
case 'signup':
this.viewYdest = 600;
case 'back1':
case 'back2':
this.viewYdest = 0;
case 'no':
case 'chat':
if (me.nams[2] == 'on') {
this.opt_chat = true;
} else {
this.opt_chat = false;
case 'sound':
if (me.nams[2] == 'on') {
this.opt_sound = true;
_root.wp_vol = 50;
} else {
this.opt_sound = false;
_root.wp_vol = 0;
case 'yes':
case 'dosignup':
case 'dologin':
case 'skiplogin':
this.session = 0;
this.up.state_next = 'menu';
v1.reroll = function () {
var v2 = new Date();
v2 = Math.floor(v2.getTime() / 1);
var v3 = v2 % (Login.txt_adjectives.length - 1);
var v4 = this.rnd() % (Login.txt_nouns.length - 1);
this.name_set(Login.txt_adjectives[v3] + '_' + Login.txt_nouns[v4]);
v1.name_set = function (nam) {
this.mcs.edit_name1.tf.text = nam;
this.mcs.edit_name2.tf.text = nam;
this.mcs.edit_name3.tf.text = nam;
this.name_text = nam;
v1.info_lock = function () {
this.locked = true;
v1.info_unlock = function () {
this.locked = false;
v1.info_show = function (s) {
this.info_text = s;
v1.info_pop = function (s) {
if (!s) {
s = this.info_text;
gfx.set_text_html(this.mcs.text_tip.tf, 16, 0, s);
if (s == '') {
this.mcs.back_tooltip._visible = false;
} else {
this.mcs.back_tooltip._visible = true;
v1.do_guest = function () {
if (this.timeout_lv) {
return undefined;
var v2 = new LoadVars();
v2.name = this.name_text;
fbsig.copy_fb_sigs(_root, v2);
v2.sendAndLoad(this.user_php + '?cmd=guest', v2, 'POST');
v2.onLoad = this.delegate(this.do_guest_post, v2);
this.info_show('Trying ' + v2.name + ' guest account on ' + _root.host);
this.timeout_lv = v2;
this.timeout_time = 25 * 10;
this.timeout_func = this.delegate(this.do_guest_post, null);
v1.do_guest_post = function (success, lv) {
if (this.timeout_lv != lv) {
return undefined;
this.timeout_lv = null;
this.session = 0;
if (lv.err == 'OK') {
_root.Login_Img = lv.img;
this.up.state_next = 'menu';
} else {
this.mcs.but_skiplogin._visible = true;
this.session = null;
this.info_show(lv.err ? lv.err : 'ERROR');
if (!this.joinonly) {
this.session = 0;
this.up.state_next = 'menu';
v1.do_signup = function () {
if (this.timeout_lv) {
return undefined;
var v2 = new LoadVars();
v2.name = this.name_text;
v2.pass = this.mcs.edit_pass3.tf.text;
v2.email = this.mcs.edit_email3.tf.text;
v2.refer = _root.refer;
fbsig.copy_fb_sigs(_root, v2);
v2.sendAndLoad(this.user_php + '?cmd=create', v2, 'POST');
v2.onLoad = this.delegate(this.do_signup_post, v2);
this.info_show('Creating new account on ' + _root.host);
this.timeout_lv = v2;
this.timeout_time = 25 * 10;
this.timeout_func = this.delegate(this.do_signup_post, null);
v1.do_signup_post = function (success, lv) {
if (this.timeout_lv != lv) {
return undefined;
this.timeout_lv = null;
this.session = lv.S;
if (lv.err == 'OK') {
_root.Login_Img = lv.img;
this.up.state_next = 'menu';
} else {
this.mcs.but_skiplogin._visible = true;
this.session = null;
this.info_show(lv.err ? lv.err : 'ERROR');
v1.do_login = function () {
if (this.timeout_lv) {
return undefined;
var v2 = new LoadVars();
v2.name = this.name_text;
v2.pass = this.mcs.edit_pass2.tf.text;
fbsig.copy_fb_sigs(_root, v2);
v2.sendAndLoad(this.user_php + '?cmd=login', v2, 'POST');
v2.onLoad = this.delegate(this.do_login_post, v2);
this.info_show('Logging on as ' + v2.name + ' at ' + _root.host);
this.timeout_lv = v2;
this.timeout_time = 25 * 10;
this.timeout_func = this.delegate(this.do_login_post, null);
v1.do_login_post = function (success, lv) {
if (this.timeout_lv != lv) {
return undefined;
this.timeout_lv = null;
this.session = lv.S;
if (lv.err == 'OK') {
_root.Login_Img = lv.img;
this.up.state_next = 'menu';
} else {
this.mcs.but_skiplogin._visible = true;
this.session = null;
this.info_show(lv.err ? lv.err : 'ERROR');
v1.do_session = function () {
if (this.timeout_lv) {
return undefined;
var v2 = new LoadVars();
v2.session = this.session;
fbsig.copy_fb_sigs(_root, v2);
v2.sendAndLoad(this.user_php + '?cmd=session', v2, 'POST');
v2.onLoad = this.delegate(this.do_session_post, v2);
this.info_show('attempting to auto log in to ' + _root.host);
this.timeout_lv = v2;
this.timeout_time = 25 * 10;
this.timeout_func = this.delegate(this.do_session_post, null);
v1.do_session_post = function (success, lv) {
if (this.timeout_lv != lv) {
return undefined;
this.timeout_lv = null;
this.session = lv.S;
if (lv.err == 'OK') {
_root.Login_Img = lv.img;
this.up.state_next = 'menu';
} else {
this.mcs.but_skiplogin._visible = true;
this.session = null;
this.info_show(lv.err ? lv.err : 'ERROR');
ASSetPropFlags(v1, null, 1);
v1.name_text = 'me';
v1.session = 0;
v1.locked = false;
v1.saves = null;
v1.opt_chat = true;
v1.opt_sound = true;
v1.rnd_num = 0;
v1.autologin = true;
v1.joinonly = false;
v1.so = null;
v1.VERSION = 17;
v1.info_text = '';
_global.Login.register_lines = ['back,base', 'back,guest', 'back,guest', 'edit_name1,guest', 'but_yes,guest', 'but_no,guest', 'back,login', 'anim1a,login', 'anim2a,login', 'anim3a,login', 'back,login', 'edit_name2,login', 'back,login', 'edit_pass2,login', 'but_forgot,login', 'but_dologin,login', 'but_back1,login', 'back,signup', 'anim1b,signup', 'anim2b,signup', 'anim3b,signup', 'back,signup', 'edit_name3,signup', 'back,signup', 'edit_pass3,signup', 'back,signup', 'edit_email3,signup', 'but_dosignup,signup', 'but_back2,signup', 'but_login,fore', 'but_signup,fore', 'but_chat_on,fore', 'but_chat_off,fore', 'but_sound_on,fore', 'but_sound_off,fore', 'but_flag_uk,fore', 'but_flag_us,fore', 'but_flag_es,fore', 'but_flag_de,fore', 'but_flag_nl,fore', 'but_flag_fr,fore', 'but_flag_gr,fore', 'but_flag_it,fore', 'but_flag_pt,fore', 'but_flag_ru,fore', 'circ,fore', 'back_tooltip,fore', 'text_tip,fore', 'but_skiplogin,fore', ''];
_global.Login.txt_adjectives = ['ravishing', 'mimic', 'famous', 'cheerful', 'livid', 'obstinate', 'exhausted', 'graceful', 'outrageous', 'radical', 'childish', 'snobbish', 'miserly', 'amiable', 'disgusting', 'awful', 'humorous', 'fanciful', 'pathetic', 'windy', 'dusty', 'bashful', 'freaky', 'chilly', 'stormy', 'humid', 'bountiful', 'jubilant', 'irritated', 'patient', 'dizzy', 'skeptical', 'puzzled', 'perplexed', 'jovial', 'hyper', 'squirrely', 'jittery', 'elegant', 'gleeful', 'dreary', 'impish', 'sneaky', 'horrid', 'monsterous', 'able', 'abnormal', 'absent', 'absolute', 'accurate', 'acidic', 'acoustic', 'active', 'adequate', 'airborne', 'airy', 'all', 'alone', 'american', 'amphibious', 'angry', 'annual', 'another', 'any', 'apparent', 'artificial', 'atomic', 'audible', 'automatic', 'auxiliary', 'available', 'bad', 'ballistic', 'bare', 'basic', 'beautiful', 'beneficial', 'best', 'better', 'big', 'biggest', 'binary', 'bipolar', 'bitter', 'black', 'blind', 'blue', 'both', 'brief', 'bright', 'broad', 'brown', 'busy', 'capable', 'careful', 'careless', 'carnal', 'cautious', 'celestial', 'celsius', 'central', 'ceramic', 'certain', 'cheap', 'cheaper', 'civil', 'clean', 'clear', 'closer', 'coarse', 'cold', 'common', 'compact', 'complete', 'complex', 'compound', 'compulsory', 'concrete', 'conscious', 'constant', 'continuous', 'convenient', 'cool', 'correct', 'corrosive', 'critical', 'cruel', 'cubic', 'culpable', 'current', 'daily', 'dangerous', 'dark', 'darker', 'darkest', 'dead', 'deaf', 'dear', 'dearer', 'dearest', 'decimal', 'deep', 'deeper', 'deepest', 'defective', 'definite', 'delicate', 'dental', 'dependent', 'destructive', 'diagonal', 'different', 'difficult', 'digital', 'dim', 'diseased', 'distinct', 'ditty', 'dormant', 'double', 'drafty', 'drier', 'driest', 'drowsy', 'dry', 'dual', 'due', 'dull', 'dumb', 'dynamic', 'each', 'easy', 'eighth', 'either', 'elastic', 'electric', 'eligible', 'else', 'empty', 'enough', 'entire', 'equal', 'erect', 'erratic', 'essential', 'eventual', 'every', 'everyday', 'evident', 'exact', 'excellent', 'excessive', 'exclusive', 'explosive', 'extensive', 'external', 'extra', 'extreme', 'extrinsic', 'faint', 'fair', 'false', 'familiar', 'fast', 'fat', 'fatal', 'fattest', 'faulty', 'feasible', 'federal', 'feeble', 'fertile', 'few', 'fifth', 'final', 'fine', 'firm', 'first', 'fiscal', 'fit', 'flammable', 'flat', 'flexible', 'foggy', 'foolish', 'foreign', 'formal', 'former', 'fourth', 'free', 'frequent', 'fresh', 'full', 'gamma', 'general', 'gentle', 'good', 'gradual', 'grand', 'graphic', 'grave', 'gray', 'great', 'green', 'grievous', 'grocery', 'happy', 'hard', 'harmful', 'hazardous', 'healthy', 'heavy', 'helpful', 'high', 'hilly', 'hind', 'hollow', 'hot', 'huge', 'icy', 'identical', 'idle', 'ill', 'imminent', 'important', 'improper', 'inboard', 'inner', 'instant', 'intense', 'internal', 'intrinsic', 'iterative', 'jet', 'julian', 'junior', 'keen', 'kelvin', 'kind', 'knobbed', 'large', 'last', 'late', 'lawful', 'lazy', 'leaky', 'lean', 'least', 'legal', 'less', 'lethal', 'level', 'likely', 'linear', 'liquid', 'literal', 'little', 'lively', 'local', 'lone', 'long', 'loose', 'loud', 'low', 'magnetic', 'main', 'many', 'maple', 'marine', 'martial', 'mean', 'medical', 'mental', 'mere', 'metallic', 'middle', 'minor', 'minus', 'misty', 'mnemonic', 'mobile', 'modern', 'modular', 'molten', 'moral', 'more', 'most', 'movable', 'muddy', 'multiple', 'mutual', 'naked', 'narcotic', 'narrow', 'national', 'natural', 'nautical', 'naval', 'neat', 'necessary', 'negative', 'nervous', 'neutral', 'new', 'next', 'nice', 'noisy', 'nominal', 'normal', 'nuclear', 'numeric', 'numerical', 'numerous', 'obsolete', 'obvious', 'odd', 'offline', 'okay', 'old', 'online', 'open', 'optimum', 'optional', 'oral', 'ordinary', 'original', 'other', 'outboard', 'outer', 'outside', 'outward', 'overhead', 'oversize', 'own', 'pale', 'paler', 'palest', 'parallel', 'partial', 'passive', 'past', 'peculiar', 'periodic', 'permanent', 'personal', 'petty', 'phonetic', 'physical', 'plain', 'planar', 'plenty', 'poisonous', 'polite', 'political', 'poor', 'portable', 'positive', 'possible', 'potential', 'powerful', 'practical', 'precise', 'pretty', 'previous', 'primary', 'prior', 'private', 'probable', 'prompt', 'proper', 'protective', 'proximate', 'punitive', 'pure', 'purple', 'quick', 'quiet', 'random', 'rapid', 'raw', 'ready', 'real', 'red', 'regional', 'regular', 'relative', 'reliable', 'remote', 'removable', 'responsible', 'retail', 'reusable', 'rich', 'richer', 'richest', 'right', 'rigid', 'ripe', 'rough', 'sad', 'sadder', 'saddest', 'safe', 'safer', 'safest', 'same', 'secondary', 'secure', 'senior', 'sensitive', 'separate', 'serious', 'seventh', 'several', 'severe', 'shady', 'shallow', 'sharp', 'shy', 'shiny', 'short', 'sick', 'silent', 'similar', 'simple', 'single', 'sixth', 'slack', 'slight', 'slippery', 'slower', 'slowest', 'small', 'smart', 'smooth', 'snug', 'social', 'soft', 'solar', 'solid', 'some', 'sour', 'special', 'specific', 'stable', 'static', 'steady', 'steep', 'sterile', 'sticky', 'stiff', 'still', 'straight', 'strange', 'strict', 'strong', 'such', 'sudden', 'suitable', 'sunny', 'superior', 'sure', 'sweet', 'swift', 'swollen', 'symbolic', 'synthetic', 'tactical', 'tall', 'taut', 'technical', 'temporary', 'tentative', 'terminal', 'thermal', 'thick', 'thin', 'third', 'thirsty', 'tight', 'tiny', 'toxic', 'tropical', 'true', 'turbulent', 'typical', 'unique', 'upper', 'urgent', 'useable', 'useful', 'usual', 'valid', 'valuable', 'various', 'vertical', 'viable', 'violent', 'virtual', 'visible', 'visual', 'vital', 'void', 'volatile', 'wanton', 'warm', 'weak', 'weary', 'wet', 'white', 'whole', 'wide', 'wise', 'wooden', 'woolen', 'worse', 'worst', 'wrong', 'yellow', 'young', 'harmless', 'inactive', 'incorrect', 'indirect', 'invalid', 'unable', 'unknown', 'unmated', 'unsafe', 'unsigned', 'unused', 'unusual', 'unwanted', 'useless', 'aged', 'etched', 'finished', 'given', 'left', 'lost', 'mistaken', 'proven', ''];
_global.Login.txt_nouns = ['abrasive', 'abuser', 'accident', 'acid', 'acre', 'acronym', 'act', 'address', 'admiral', 'adverb', 'adviser', 'affair', 'agent', 'aid', 'aim', 'air', 'airplane', 'airport', 'airship', 'alarm', 'alcoholic', 'algebra', 'alias', 'alibi', 'alley', 'alloy', 'analog', 'analyst', 'anchor', 'angle', 'animal', 'anthem', 'apple', 'april', 'apron', 'arc', 'arch', 'area', 'arm', 'army', 'array', 'arrest', 'arrow', 'atom', 'attack', 'ax', 'axis', 'baby', 'back', 'bag', 'ball', 'balloon', 'band', 'bang', 'bar', 'barge', 'barrel', 'base', 'basin', 'basket', 'bat', 'batch', 'bath', 'bather', 'battery', 'bay', 'beach', 'beacon', 'bead', 'beam', 'bean', 'bear', 'beat', 'bed', 'being', 'bend', 'berry', 'bigamy', 'blade', 'blank', 'blanket', 'blast', 'blasts', 'block', 'blood', 'blot', 'blow', 'blower', 'boat', 'body', 'boil', 'bolt', 'bone', 'book', 'boot', 'bore', 'bottle', 'bottom', 'box', 'boy', 'brain', 'bread', 'breast', 'brick', 'broom', 'bubble', 'bucket', 'builder', 'bullet', 'bump', 'bus', 'bush', 'butt', 'butter', 'button', 'byte', 'cab', 'cake', 'camp', 'cannon', 'cap', 'captain', 'carpet', 'cause', 'cave', 'cell', 'cellar', 'chair', 'chalk', 'cheat', 'cheek', 'cheese', 'chief', 'child', 'chimney', 'church', 'circle', 'citizen', 'civilian', 'clamp', 'claw', 'clerk', 'clock', 'cloud', 'club', 'clump', 'coal', 'coat', 'coder', 'colon', 'comb', 'comma', 'computer', 'cone', 'console', 'control', 'copy', 'cord', 'core', 'cork', 'corner', 'cough', 'count', 'crack', 'cradle', 'craft', 'cramp', 'crash', 'crawl', 'crust', 'cube', 'cup', 'cure', 'curl', 'dam', 'data', 'date', 'dealer', 'death', 'debris', 'debt', 'decay', 'december', 'deck', 'decoder', 'default', 'defect', 'delight', 'dent', 'desert', 'desire', 'desk', 'device', 'diode', 'dirt', 'disease', 'disgust', 'dish', 'disk', 'ditch', 'ditches', 'diver', 'divider', 'dolly', 'dope', 'dose', 'drag', 'dress', 'drug', 'dump', 'ear', 'edge', 'egg', 'elbow', 'electron', 'eleven', 'end', 'enemy', 'error', 'exit', 'expert', 'face', 'factory', 'fake', 'fall', 'family', 'fan', 'farm', 'father', 'fear', 'feather', 'feeder', 'feet', 'field', 'fighter', 'file', 'filter', 'finger', 'fish', 'fist', 'flake', 'flap', 'flash', 'flood', 'floor', 'flush', 'foam', 'fog', 'fold', 'food', 'foot', 'force', 'forest', 'fork', 'form', 'fort', 'friction', 'friday', 'friend', 'front', 'frost', 'fruit', 'fur', 'game', 'gang', 'gap', 'garage', 'garden', 'gas', 'gate', 'gear', 'gene', 'giant', 'girl', 'gland', 'glass', 'glaze', 'gleam', 'glide', 'glove', 'glow', 'glue', 'goal', 'grade', 'graph', 'grass', 'grease', 'grid', 'grip', 'groan', 'gross', 'growth', 'guard', 'guest', 'guide', 'gum', 'gun', 'guy', 'habit', 'hail', 'hair', 'half', 'hall', 'hammer', 'hand', 'handle', 'hangar', 'harbor', 'hardware', 'harm', 'harpoon', 'haste', 'hat', 'hatch', 'hate', 'hazard', 'head', 'heap', 'heart', 'heat', 'heater', 'heel', 'heels', 'height', 'hello', 'helm', 'helmet', 'help', 'hem', 'here', 'hertz', 'hill', 'hint', 'hip', 'hiss', 'hold', 'hole', 'home', 'honk', 'hood', 'hoof', 'hook', 'hoop', 'horn', 'hose', 'hotel', 'hour', 'house', 'howl', 'hub', 'hug', 'hull', 'hum', 'human', 'humor', 'hump', 'hundred', 'hunk', 'hunt', 'hush', 'hut', 'ice', 'icing', 'idea', 'ideal', 'image', 'impact', 'impulse', 'inch', 'injury', 'ink', 'inlet', 'inlets', 'input', 'inquiry', 'insanity', 'insignia', 'intake', 'intakes', 'integer', 'integrity', 'intent', 'intents', 'intercom', 'interest', 'interface', 'interior', 'interval', 'interview', 'invention', 'invoice', 'iron', 'island', 'issue', 'item', 'ivory', 'jack', 'jail', 'jam', 'jar', 'jaw', 'jelly', 'jewel', 'jig', 'job', 'joint', 'judge', 'jug', 'july', 'jump', 'june', 'junk', 'jury', 'justice', 'keel', 'kettle', 'key', 'keyboard', 'keyword', 'kick', 'kill', 'kiss', 'kit', 'kite', 'knee', 'knife', 'knob', 'knock', 'knot', 'label', 'labor', 'lace', 'lack', 'ladder', 'lake', 'lamp', 'land', 'lane', 'lantern', 'lap', 'lapse', 'lard', 'laser', 'lash', 'latch', 'laugh', 'launch', 'laundry', 'law', 'layer', 'lead', 'leader', 'leaf', 'leak', 'leakage', 'leap', 'leaper', 'leather', 'leave', 'leg', 'legend', 'length', 'lesson', 'letter', 'liberty', 'library', 'lick', 'lid', 'life', 'lift', 'light', 'limb', 'lime', 'limit', 'limp', 'line', 'linen', 'link', 'lint', 'lip', 'liquor', 'list', 'liter', 'litre', 'liver', 'load', 'loaf', 'loan', 'lock', 'locker', 'log', 'logic', 'look', 'loop', 'loss', 'lot', 'love', 'lumber', 'lump', 'lung', 'machine', 'magnet', 'mail', 'major', 'make', 'male', 'man', 'map', 'marble', 'march', 'margin', 'mark', 'market', 'mask', 'mass', 'mast', 'master', 'mat', 'match', 'mate', 'material', 'math', 'meal', 'meat', 'medal', 'medium', 'meet', 'member', 'memory', 'men', 'mention', 'mentions', 'menu', 'menus', 'mess', 'metal', 'meter', 'method', 'mile', 'milk', 'mill', 'mind', 'mine', 'mint', 'mirror', 'misfit', 'miss', 'mission', 'mist', 'mitt', 'mitten', 'mix', 'mode', 'model', 'modem', 'module', 'moment', 'monday', 'money', 'monitor', 'moon', 'moonlight', 'mop', 'moss', 'motel', 'mother', 'motion', 'motor', 'mount', 'mouth', 'move', 'mover', 'much', 'mud', 'mug', 'mule', 'muscle', 'music', 'mustard', 'nail', 'name', 'nation', 'nature', 'nausea', 'navy', 'neck', 'need', 'needle', 'neglect', 'nerve', 'nest', 'net', 'neutron', 'nickel', 'night', 'nod', 'noise', 'noon', 'north', 'nose', 'notation', 'note', 'notice', 'noun', 'nozzle', 'null', 'number', 'numeral', 'nurse', 'nut', 'nylon', 'oak', 'oar', 'object', 'ocean', 'odor', 'odors', 'offer', 'officer', 'ohm', 'oil', 'operand', 'opinion', 'option', 'orange', 'order', 'ore', 'organ', 'orifice', 'origin', 'ornament', 'ounce', 'ounces', 'outfit', 'outing', 'outlet', 'outline', 'output', 'oven', 'owner', 'oxide', 'oxygen', 'pace', 'pack', 'pad', 'page', 'pail', 'pain', 'paint', 'pair', 'pan', 'pane', 'panel', 'paper', 'parcel', 'parity', 'park', 'part', 'partner', 'party', 'pascal', 'pass', 'passage', 'paste', 'pat', 'patch', 'path', 'patient', 'patrol', 'paw', 'paws', 'pay', 'pea', 'peace', 'peak', 'pear', 'peck', 'pedal', 'peg', 'pen', 'pencil', 'people', 'percent', 'perfect', 'period', 'permit', 'person', 'phase', 'photo', 'pick', 'picture', 'piece', 'pier', 'pile', 'pilot', 'pin', 'pink', 'pipe', 'pistol', 'piston', 'pit', 'place', 'plan', 'plane', 'plant', 'plastic', 'plate', 'play', 'plead', 'pleasure', 'plot', 'plow', 'plug', 'pocket', 'point', 'poison', 'poke', 'pole', 'police', 'polish', 'poll', 'pond', 'pool', 'pop', 'port', 'portion', 'post', 'pot', 'potato', 'pound', 'powder', 'power', 'prefix', 'presence', 'present', 'president', 'press', 'price', 'prime', 'print', 'prism', 'prison', 'probe', 'problem', 'produce', 'product', 'profile', 'profit', 'program', 'progress', 'project', 'pronoun', 'proof', 'prop', 'protest', 'public', 'puddle', 'puff', 'pull', 'pulse', 'pump', 'punch', 'pupil', 'purchase', 'purge', 'purpose', 'push', 'pyramid', 'quart', 'quarter', 'question', 'quiet', 'quota', 'race', 'rack', 'radar', 'radian', 'radio', 'rag', 'rail', 'rain', 'rainbow', 'raincoat', 'raise', 'rake', 'ram', 'ramp', 'range', 'rank', 'rap', 'rate', 'ratio', 'ratios', 'rattle', 'ray', 'reach', 'reader', 'ream', 'rear', 'reason', 'rebound', 'receipt', 'recess', 'record', 'recovery', 'recruit', 'reel', 'refund', 'refuse', 'region', 'regret', 'relay', 'release', 'relief', 'remedy', 'removal', 'repair', 'report', 'request', 'rescue', 'reserve', 'resident', 'residue', 'resource', 'respect', 'rest', 'result', 'return', 'reverse', 'review', 'reward', 'rheostat', 'rhythm', 'rib', 'ribbon', 'rice', 'riddle', 'ride', 'rifle', 'rig', 'rim', 'rinse', 'river', 'road', 'roar', 'rock', 'rocket', 'rod', 'roll', 'roof', 'room', 'root', 'rope', 'rose', 'round', 'route', 'rower', 'rubber', 'rudder', 'rug', 'rule', 'rumble', 'run', 'runner', 'rush', 'rust', 'sack', 'saddle', 'safety', 'sail', 'sailor', 'sale', 'salt', 'salute', 'sample', 'sand', 'sap', 'sash', 'scab', 'scale', 'scene', 'school', 'science', 'scope', 'score', 'scrap', 'scratch', 'scream', 'screen', 'screw', 'sea', 'seal', 'seam', 'search', 'season', 'seat', 'second', 'secret', 'sector', 'seed', 'self', 'sense', 'sentry', 'serial', 'series', 'servant', 'session', 'setup', 'sewage', 'sewer', 'sex', 'shade', 'shadow', 'shaft', 'shame', 'shape', 'share', 'shave', 'sheet', 'shelf', 'shell', 'shelter', 'shield', 'shift', 'ship', 'shirt', 'shock', 'shoe', 'shop', 'shore', 'shoulder', 'shout', 'shovel', 'show', 'shower', 'side', 'sight', 'sign', 'silence', 'silk', 'sill', 'silver', 'sink', 'sip', 'sir', 'siren', 'sister', 'site', 'size', 'skew', 'skill', 'skin', 'skip', 'skirt', 'sky', 'slap', 'slash', 'slate', 'slave', 'sled', 'sleep', 'sleeve', 'slice', 'slide', 'slope', 'slot', 'smash', 'smell', 'smile', 'smoke', 'snap', 'sneeze', 'snow', 'soap', 'society', 'sock', 'socket', 'sod', 'software', 'soil', 'soldier', 'sole', 'son', 'sonar', 'song', 'sort', 'sound', 'soup', 'source', 'south', 'space', 'spacer', 'spade', 'span', 'spar', 'spare', 'spark', 'speaker', 'spear', 'speech', 'speed', 'speeder', 'spike', 'spill', 'spiral', 'splash', 'splice', 'splint', 'spoke', 'sponge', 'sponsor', 'sponsors', 'spool', 'spoon', 'sport', 'spot', 'spray', 'spring', 'square', 'squeak', 'stack', 'staff', 'stage', 'stair', 'stake', 'stall', 'stamp', 'stand', 'staple', 'star', 'stare', 'start', 'state', 'status', 'steam', 'steamer', 'steel', 'stem', 'step', 'stern', 'stick', 'sting', 'stitch', 'stock', 'stomach', 'stone', 'stool', 'stop', 'store', 'storm', 'story', 'stove', 'strain', 'strand', 'strap', 'straw', 'streak', 'stream', 'street', 'stress', 'strike', 'string', 'strip', 'stripe', 'strobe', 'stroke', 'strut', 'stub', 'student', 'study', 'stuff', 'stump', 'submarine', 'success', 'sugar', 'suit', 'sum', 'sun', 'sunday', 'sunlight', 'sunrise', 'sunset', 'sunshine', 'surface', 'surge', 'surprise', 'swab', 'swallow', 'swamp', 'swap', 'sweep', 'swell', 'swim', 'swimmer', 'swing', 'switch', 'swivel', 'sword', 'symbol', 'system', 'tab', 'table', 'tablet', 'tack', 'tactic', 'tag', 'tail', 'tailor', 'talk', 'tan', 'tank', 'tap', 'tape', 'tar', 'target', 'task', 'taste', 'tax', 'taxi', 'team', 'tear', 'teeth', 'teller', 'temper', 'tender', 'tens', 'tension', 'tent', 'tenth', 'term', 'terrain', 'test', 'tests', 'text', 'theory', 'thin', 'thing', 'thirty', 'thread', 'threat', 'throat', 'thumb', 'thunder', 'tick', 'tide', 'tie', 'till', 'time', 'timer', 'timers', 'times', 'tin', 'tip', 'tips', 'tire', 'tissue', 'title', 'today', 'toe', 'ton', 'tongue', 'tool', 'tools', 'tooth', 'top', 'topic', 'toss', 'total', 'touch', 'tour', 'towel', 'tower', 'town', 'trace', 'track', 'tracker', 'tractor', 'trade', 'traffic', 'trail', 'trailer', 'train', 'transfer', 'transit', 'trap', 'trash', 'tray', 'tree', 'trial', 'trick', 'trigger', 'trim', 'trip', 'troop', 'trouble', 'truck', 'trunk', 'truth', 'try', 'tub', 'tug', 'tune', 'tunnel', 'turn', 'twig', 'twin', 'twine', 'twirl', 'twist', 'type', 'typist', 'umbrella', 'uniform', 'unit', 'update', 'upside', 'usage', 'use', 'user', 'vacuum', 'value', 'valve', 'vapor', 'vector', 'vehicle', 'vendor', 'vent', 'verb', 'version', 'vessel', 'veteran', 'vice', 'victim', 'video', 'view', 'village', 'vine', 'violet', 'visit', 'voice', 'volt', 'vomit', 'wafer', 'wage', 'wagon', 'waist', 'wait', 'wake', 'walk', 'wall', 'want', 'war', 'wash', 'waste', 'watch', 'water', 'watt', 'wave', 'wax', 'way', 'web', 'weed', 'week', 'weight', 'weld', 'west', 'wheel', 'whip', 'whirl', 'width', 'wiggle', 'win', 'winch', 'wind', 'wine', 'wing', 'winter', 'wire', 'wish', 'woman', 'wonder', 'wood', 'wool', 'word', 'work', 'world', 'worm', 'worry', 'worth', 'wrap', 'wreck', 'wrench', 'wrist', 'writer', 'yard', 'yarn', 'year', 'yell', 'yield', 'yolk', 'zero', 'zip', 'zone', 'can', 'may', 'coupling', 'damping', 'ending', 'rigging', 'ring', 'sizing', 'sling', 'nothing', 'cast', 'cost', 'cut', 'drunk', 'felt', 'ground', 'hit', 'lent', 'offset', 'set', 'shed', 'shot', 'slit', 'thought', 'wound', ''];
movieClip 20486 __Packages.BetaSignals {
if (!BetaSignals) {
_global.BetaSignals = function (_up) {
this.up = _up;
if (_root.nonoba$apicodeas2) {
_root._noobclip = gfx.create_clip(_root, null);
this.awarded = [];
var v1 = _global.BetaSignals.prototype;
v1.delegate = function (f, d) {
return com.dynamicflash.utils.Delegate.create(this, f, d);
v1.setup = function () {};
v1.clean = function () {};
v1.set_score_check = function (new_score, new_replay, new_moves) {
if (new_score > this.score) {
this.score = new_score;
if (new_replay) {
this.replay_str = new_replay;
if (new_moves) {
this.moves = new_moves;
v1.mochi_score_sent = function () {};
v1.send_start = function () {
if (_root.audit) {
return undefined;
if (_root.sock) {
var v2 = {'gcmd': 'signal', 'stype': 'start', 'sgame': this.game, 'sseed': this.seed};
_root.sock.gmsg(v2, undefined);
if ((_root._url.toLowerCase()).indexOf('gamegarage') >= 0 && (_root.game_id && _root.user_id)) {
var v3 = new LoadVars();
v3.game_id = _root.game_id;
v3.user_id = _root.user_id;
v3.sendAndLoad('http://www.gamegarage.co.uk/scripts/tracking.php', v3, 'POST');
v1.send_final = function (nam, num) {
if (_root.audit) {
return undefined;
if (_root.sock) {
var v4 = {'gcmd': 'signal', 'stype': 'final', 'sgame': this.game, 'sseed': this.seed, 'snam': nam, 'snum': num};
_root.sock.gmsg(v4, undefined);
if ((_root._url.toLowerCase()).indexOf('gamegarage') >= 0 && (_root.game_id && _root.user_id)) {
var v5 = new LoadVars();
v5.game_id = _root.game_id;
v5.user_id = _root.user_id;
v5.score = num;
v5.alg = _root.game_id + _root.user_id + num + 'a83l9xj';
v5.sendAndLoad('http://www.gamegarage.co.uk/scripts/score.php', v5, 'POST');
if (_root.com_mindjolt_api) {
var v6 = new LocalConnection();
v6.send(_root.com_mindjolt_api, 'submitScore', num);
if (_root.kongregateServices != undefined) {
if (this.game != 'wetdike') {
if (_root.nonoba$apicodeas2) {
NonobaAPI.SubmitScore(nam, num, this.delegate(this.noob_score));
v1.send_spesh = function (nam, num) {
if (_root.audit) {
return undefined;
if (_root.sock) {
var v4 = {'gcmd': 'signal', 'stype': 'score', 'sgame': this.game, 'sseed': this.seed, 'snam': nam, 'snum': num};
_root.sock.gmsg(v4, undefined);
if (_root.kongregateServices != undefined) {
if (this.game != 'wetdike') {
if (_root.HPScoreService != undefined) {
_root.HPScoreService.postScore(num, nam);
if (_root.pepere != undefined) {
var v6 = new Date();
var v5 = new LoadVars();
v5.params = _root.pepere;
v5.score = this.score;
v5.sendAndLoad('record.php', v5, 'POST');
if (_root.nonoba$apicodeas2) {
NonobaAPI.SubmitScore(nam, num, this.delegate(this.noob_score));
v1.send_score = function () {
var v2 = new Date();
this.score_last = this.score;
this.sent_stamp = v2.getTime();
this.send_spesh(this.score_name, this.score);
v1.send_score_check = function () {
if (this.score > this.score_last) {
v1.send_score_wait_and_check = function () {
var v2 = new Date();
if (v2.getTime() - this.sent_stamp > 1000 * 60) {
v1.noob_name = function (state, username) {
if (username) {
this.name = username;
v1.noob_score = function (state) {};
v1.submit_award = function (nam, num) {
if (this.awarded[nam]) {
return undefined;
if (_root.audit) {
return undefined;
this.awarded[nam] = true;
if (_root.sock) {
var v4 = {'gcmd': 'signal', 'stype': 'feat', 'sgame': this.game, 'sseed': this.seed, 'snam': nam, 'snum': num};
_root.sock.gmsg(v4, undefined);
if (_root.nonoba$apicodeas2) {
var v5 = (nam.split('_')).join('');
NonobaAPI.AwardAchievement(v5, this.delegate(this.noob_award));
v1.noob_award = function (state) {};
v1.submit_rank = function (nam, num) {
if (_root.audit) {
return undefined;
if (_root.nonoba$apicodeas2) {
var v4 = (nam.split('_')).join('');
NonobaAPI.SubmitScore(v4, Math.floor(num), this.delegate(this.noob_rank));
v1.noob_rank = function (state) {};
v1.signal = function (_base, event, t, num) {
this.base = _base;
switch (this.base) {
case 'diamonds':
if (this.up.play.gamecomms) {
} else {
switch (event) {
case 'start':
this.state = 'start';
var v6 = new Date();
this.seed = this.up.game_seed;
this.game = 'diamonds.puz.3';
this.score_name = 'Puzzle';
this.ranksys = 'add';
if (this.up.play.gamemode == 'endurance') {
this.game = 'diamonds.end.3';
this.score_name = 'Endurance';
this.ranksys = 'max';
this.start_time = v6.getTime();
this.time = 0;
this.score = 0;
this.moves = 0;
this.replay_str = '';
_root.comms.datas = this;
case 'update':
this.state = 'update';
this.moves = 0;
case 'high':
this.state = 'high';
this.moves = 0;
case 'won':
this.state = 'won';
this.moves = 0;
case 'end':
if (this.state == 'won') {
this.state = 'end';
this.moves = 0;
this.send_final('high', this.score);
} else {
this.state = 'end';
this.moves = 0;
this.send_final('high', this.score);
if (this.score > 50000) {
if (this.score > 100000) {
if (this.score > 200000) {
case 'adventisland':
switch (event) {
case 'start':
this.state = 'start';
var v6 = new Date();
this.seed = this.up.game_seed;
this.game = 'adventisland';
this.score_name = 'Advent';
this.ranksys = 'max';
this.start_time = v6.getTime();
this.time = 0;
this.score = 0;
this.moves = 0;
this.replay_str = '';
_root.comms.datas = this;
case 'update':
this.state = 'update';
this.moves = 0;
case 'high':
this.state = 'high';
this.moves = 0;
case 'won':
this.state = 'won';
this.moves = 0;
case 'end':
if (this.state == 'won') {
this.state = 'end';
this.moves = 0;
this.send_final('high', this.score);
} else {
this.state = 'end';
this.moves = 0;
this.send_final('high', this.score);
case 'batwsball':
switch (event) {
case 'start':
this.state = 'start';
var v6 = new Date();
this.seed = this.up.game_seed;
this.game = 'batwsball';
this.score_name = 'Endurance';
this.ranksys = 'max';
this.start_time = v6.getTime();
this.time = 0;
this.score = 0;
this.moves = 0;
this.replay_str = '';
_root.comms.datas = this;
case 'update':
this.state = 'update';
this.score = Math.floor((this.up.play.tims + this.up.play.timf / 25) * 100);
this.moves = 0;
case 'end':
this.state = 'end';
this.score = Math.floor((this.up.play.tims + this.up.play.timf / 25) * 100);
this.moves = 0;
if (this.score > 400) {
this.send_final('high', this.score);
if (this.score > 6000) {
if (this.score > 12000) {
if (this.score > 18000) {
case 'gojirama':
switch (event) {
case 'set':
this.game = 'gojirama';
this.score_name = 'Endurance';
this.ranksys = 'max';
this.seed = this.up.game_seed;
_root.comms.datas = this;
case 'start':
this.state = 'start';
var v6 = new Date();
this.seed = this.up.game_seed;
this.start_time = v6.getTime();
this.time = 0;
this.score = 0;
this.moves = 0;
this.replay_str = '';
_root.comms.datas = this;
case 'update':
this.state = 'update';
this.moves = 0;
case 'high':
this.state = 'high';
this.moves = 0;
case 'end':
this.state = 'end';
this.moves = 0;
this.send_final('high', this.score);
case 'romzom':
switch (event) {
case 'start':
this.state = 'start';
var v6 = new Date();
this.seed = this.up.game_seed;
this.game = 'romzom';
this.score_name = 'RomZom';
this.ranksys = 'max';
this.start_time = v6.getTime();
this.time = 0;
this.score = 0;
this.moves = 0;
this.replay_str = '';
_root.comms.datas = this;
case 'update':
this.state = 'update';
this.moves = 0;
case 'end':
this.state = 'end';
this.moves = 0;
this.send_final('high', this.score);
case 'ASUE1':
switch (event) {
case 'set':
this.game = 'ASUE1';
this.score_name = 'ASUE1';
this.ranksys = 'max';
this.seed = this.up.game_seed;
_root.comms.datas = this;
case 'start':
this.state = 'start';
this.seed = this.up.game_seed;
var v6 = new Date();
this.start_time = v6.getTime();
this.time = 0;
this.score = 0;
this.moves = 0;
this.replay_str = '';
_root.comms.datas = this;
case 'update':
this.state = 'update';
this.moves = 0;
case 'end':
this.state = 'end';
this.moves = 0;
this.send_final('high', this.score);
case 'EsTension':
case 'estension':
switch (event) {
case 'set':
this.game = 'estension';
this.score_name = 'EsTension';
this.ranksys = 'max';
this.seed = this.up.game_seed;
_root.comms.datas = this;
case 'start':
this.state = 'start';
this.seed = this.up.game_seed;
var v6 = new Date();
this.start_time = v6.getTime();
this.time = 0;
this.score = 0;
this.moves = 0;
this.replay_str = '';
_root.comms.datas = this;
case 'update':
this.state = 'update';
this.moves = 0;
case 'high':
this.state = 'update';
this.moves = 0;
case 'end':
this.state = 'end';
this.moves = 0;
this.send_final('high', this.score);
case 'BowWow':
case 'bowwow':
switch (event) {
case 'set':
this.game = 'bowwow';
this.score_name = 'BowWow';
this.ranksys = 'add';
this.seed = this.up.game_seed;
_root.comms.datas = this;
case 'start':
this.state = 'start';
this.seed = this.up.game_seed;
var v6 = new Date();
this.start_time = v6.getTime();
this.time = 0;
this.score = 0;
this.moves = 0;
this.replay_str = '';
_root.comms.datas = this;
case 'update':
this.state = 'update';
this.set_score_check(this.up.play.score, this.up.play.get_replay_str(), this.up.play.get_replay_moves());
case 'high':
this.state = 'update';
this.set_score_check(this.up.play.score, this.up.play.get_replay_str(), this.up.play.get_replay_moves());
case 'won':
this.state = 'won';
this.set_score_check(this.up.play.score, this.up.play.get_replay_str(), this.up.play.get_replay_moves());
this.send_final('high', this.score);
case 'end':
if (this.state != 'won') {
this.state = 'end';
this.set_score_check(this.up.play.score, this.up.play.get_replay_str(), this.up.play.get_replay_moves());
this.send_final('high', this.score);
case 'WetBasement':
case 'WetBaseMent':
switch (event) {
case 'set':
if (this.up.play.gameskill == 'hard') {
this.game = 'basement.4';
} else {
this.game = 'basement.2';
this.score_name = 'Race';
this.ranksys = 'add';
this.seed = this.up.game_seed;
_root.comms.datas = this;
case 'start':
this.state = 'start';
var v6 = new Date();
this.start_time = v6.getTime();
this.time = 0;
this.score = 0;
this.moves = 0;
this.replay_str = '';
case 'update':
this.state = 'update';
this.moves = 0;
case 'high':
this.state = 'high';
this.moves = 0;
case 'won':
this.state = 'won';
this.moves = 0;
this.total = this.up.play.get_rank_score(this.score);
if (this.up.play.gameskill == 'hard') {
this.send_final('TotalHard', this.total);
} else {
this.send_final('Total', this.total);
case 'end':
if (this.state != 'won') {
this.state = 'end';
this.moves = 0;
if (this.up.play.gameskill == 'hard') {
this.send_final('TotalHard', this.total);
} else {
this.send_final('Total', this.total);
case 'Mute':
case 'mute':
switch (event) {
case 'set':
this.game = 'mute';
this.score_name = 'Smash';
this.ranksys = 'max';
this.seed = this.up.game_seed;
_root.comms.datas = this;
case 'start':
this.state = 'start';
var v6 = new Date();
this.start_time = v6.getTime();
this.time = 0;
this.score = 0;
this.moves = 0;
this.replay_str = '';
case 'update':
this.state = 'update';
this.moves = 0;
case 'high':
this.state = 'high';
this.moves = 0;
case 'won':
this.state = 'won';
this.moves = 0;
case 'end':
if (this.state != 'won') {
this.state = 'end';
this.moves = 0;
this.send_final('high', this.score);
} else {
this.send_final('high', this.score);
case 'WetDike':
case 'wetdike':
switch (event) {
case 'set':
this.game = 'wetdike';
this.score_name = 'Puzzle';
this.ranksys = 'add';
this.seed = this.up.dikeplay.seed;
_root.comms.datas = this;
case 'start':
this.state = 'start';
var v6 = new Date();
this.start_time = v6.getTime();
this.time = 0;
this.score = 0;
this.moves = 0;
this.replay_str = '';
case 'update':
this.state = 'update';
this.time = Math.floor(this.up.dikeplay.game_time / 1000);
this.set_score_check(this.up.dikeplay.table.score, this.up.dikeplay.table.create_playback_str());
this.moves = this.up.dikeplay.table.moves;
case 'high':
this.state = 'high';
this.set_score_check(this.up.dikeplay.table.score, this.up.dikeplay.table.create_playback_str());
this.moves = this.up.dikeplay.table.moves;
case 'won':
this.state = 'won';
this.set_score_check(this.up.dikeplay.table.score, this.up.dikeplay.table.create_playback_str());
this.moves = this.up.dikeplay.table.moves;
case 'end':
if (this.state != 'won') {
this.state = 'end';
this.set_score_check(this.up.dikeplay.table.score, this.up.dikeplay.table.create_playback_str());
this.moves = 0;
this.send_final('high', this.score);
} else {
this.send_final('high', this.score);
case 'WetCell':
case 'wetcell':
switch (event) {
case 'set':
this.game = 'wetcell';
this.score_name = 'Puzzle';
this.ranksys = 'add';
this.seed = this.up.game_seed;
_root.comms.datas = this;
case 'start':
this.state = 'start';
var v6 = new Date();
this.start_time = v6.getTime();
this.time = 0;
this.score = 0;
this.moves = 0;
this.replay_str = '';
case 'update':
this.state = 'update';
this.time = Math.floor(this.up.play.game_time / 1000);
this.set_score_check(this.up.play.table.score, this.up.play.table.create_playback_str());
this.moves = this.up.play.table.moves;
case 'high':
this.state = 'high';
this.set_score_check(this.up.play.table.score, this.up.play.table.create_playback_str());
this.moves = this.up.play.table.moves;
case 'won':
this.state = 'won';
this.set_score_check(this.up.play.table.score, this.up.play.table.create_playback_str());
this.moves = this.up.play.table.moves;
case 'end':
if (this.state != 'won') {
this.state = 'end';
this.set_score_check(this.up.play.table.score, this.up.play.table.create_playback_str());
this.moves = 0;
this.send_final('high', this.score);
} else {
this.send_final('high', this.score);
case 'ASUE2':
case 'asue2':
switch (event) {
case 'set':
this.game = 'ASUE2';
this.score_name = 'ASUE2';
this.ranksys = 'max';
this.seed = this.up.game_seed;
_root.comms.datas = this;
case 'start':
this.state = 'start';
this.seed = this.up.game_seed;
var v6 = new Date();
this.start_time = v6.getTime();
this.time = 0;
this.score = 0;
this.moves = 0;
this.replay_str = '';
_root.comms.datas = this;
case 'update':
this.state = 'update';
this.moves = 0;
case 'end':
this.state = 'end';
this.moves = 0;
this.send_final('high', this.score);
case 'Take1':
case 'take1':
switch (event) {
case 'set':
this.game = 'take1';
this.score_name = 'take1';
this.ranksys = 'max';
this.seed = this.up.game_seed;
_root.comms.datas = this;
case 'start':
this.state = 'start';
this.seed = this.up.game_seed;
var v6 = new Date();
this.start_time = v6.getTime();
this.time = 0;
this.score = 0;
this.moves = 0;
this.replay_str = '';
_root.comms.datas = this;
case 'update':
this.state = 'update';
this.moves = 0;
case 'end':
this.state = 'end';
this.moves = 0;
this.send_final('high', this.score);
case 'PixlCoop':
case 'pixlcoop':
switch (event) {
case 'set':
this.game = 'pixlcoop';
this.score_name = 'pixlcoop';
this.ranksys = 'max';
this.seed = this.up.game_seed;
_root.comms.datas = this;
case 'start':
this.state = 'start';
this.seed = this.up.game_seed;
var v6 = new Date();
this.start_time = v6.getTime();
this.time = 0;
this.score = 0;
this.moves = 0;
this.replay_str = '';
_root.comms.datas = this;
case 'update':
this.state = 'update';
case 'end':
this.state = 'end';
this.moves = 0;
this.send_final('high', this.score);
case 'rgbtd0':
switch (event) {
case 'start':
this.state = 'start';
var v6 = new Date();
this.seed = this.up.game_seed;
this.game = 'rgbtd0';
this.score_name = 'rgbtd0';
this.ranksys = 'add';
this.start_time = v6.getTime();
this.time = 0;
this.score = 0;
this.moves = 0;
this.replay_str = '';
_root.comms.datas = this;
case 'update':
this.state = 'update';
this.set_score_check(this.up.play.score, this.up.play.replay);
this.moves = 0;
case 'high':
this.state = 'high';
this.set_score_check(this.up.play.score, this.up.play.replay);
this.moves = 0;
case 'final':
this.send_final('high', this.up.play.score_total);
case 'end':
this.state = 'end';
this.set_score_check(this.up.play.score, this.up.play.replay);
this.moves = 0;
case 'award-bronze':
case 'award-silver':
case 'award-gold':
case 'pief':
switch (event) {
case 'set':
this.game = 'pief';
this.score_name = 'pief';
this.ranksys = 'max';
this.seed = this.up.game_seed;
_root.comms.datas = this;
this.time = 0;
this.score = 0;
this.moves = 0;
this.replay_str = '';
case 'won':
case 'end':
this.state = 'end';
this.moves = 0;
this.send_final('high', this.score);
if (this.score == 100) {
case 'Only1':
case 'only1':
switch (event) {
case 'set':
this.game = 'only1';
this.score_name = 'only1';
this.ranksys = 'max';
this.seed = this.up.game_seed;
_root.comms.datas = this;
this.time = 0;
this.score = 0;
this.moves = 0;
this.replay_str = '';
case 'won':
case 'end':
this.state = 'end';
this.moves = 0;
this.send_final('high', this.score);
ASSetPropFlags(v1, null, 1);
movieClip 20487 __Packages.GizmoList {
if (!GizmoList) {
_global.GizmoList = function (_up) {
this.up = _up;
var v1 = _global.GizmoList.prototype;
v1.setup_base = function () {
this.mc = gfx.create_clip(this.up.mc, null);
this.mc.style = this.up.mc.style;
this.gizmos = new Array();
this.active = true;
this.focus = null;
this.focus_data = null;
this.top = this.up.top;
if (this.top == null) {
this.top = this;
v1.clean_base = function () {
var v2 = 0;
goto 778;
for (;;) {
label 778:
if (v2 >= this.gizmos.length) break;
if (this.gizmos[v2].active) {
this.mc = null;
v1.update_base = function () {
this.mc._x = this.x;
this.mc._y = this.y;
var v2 = 0;
goto 973;
for (;;) {
label 973:
if (v2 >= this.gizmos.length) break;
if (this.gizmos[v2].active) {
this.gizmos[v2].mc._visible = true;
} else {
this.gizmos[v2].mc._visible = false;
_global.GizmoList.dupe_snapshot = function (snapshot) {
var v3 = {};
v3.key = snapshot.key;
v3.key_on = snapshot.key_on;
v3.key_off = snapshot.key_off;
v3.x = snapshot.x;
v3.y = snapshot.y;
v3.frame = snapshot.frame;
return v3;
v1.input_base = function (snapshot) {
var v5 = GizmoList.dupe_snapshot(snapshot);
var v3 = 0;
goto 1345;
for (;;) {
label 1345:
if (v3 >= this.gizmos.length) break;
if (this.gizmos[v3].active) {
return this.top.focus;
v1.child = function (g) {
var v3 = this.gizmos.length;
this.gizmos[v3] = g;
return g;
v1.set_area = function (_x, _y, _w, _h) {
this.x = _x;
this.y = _y;
this.w = _w;
this.h = _h;
v1.draw_mask = function (px, py) {
gfx.setscroll(this.mc, px, py, this.w, this.h);
v1.setup = function () {
this.tf_fmt = gfx.create_text_format(16, 16777215);
this.lp = 0;
this.lh = 20;
this.xp = 0;
this.yp = 0;
this.base_alpha = 50;
this.selected = -1;
this.items = new Array();
this.lines = new Array();
v1.clean = function () {
v1.update = function () {
this.lc = Math.floor((this.h + this.lh - 1) / this.lh) + 1;
if (this.lc != this.lines.length) {
var v2 = 0;
goto 2073;
for (;;) {
label 2073:
if (v2 >= this.lc) break;
var v3 = this.child(new GizmoLine(this));
v3.base_alpha = this.base_alpha;
v3.set_area(0, v2 * this.lh, this.w, this.lh);
v3.str = '';
v3.tf_fmt.size = this.tf_fmt.size;
v3.tf_fmt.color = this.tf_fmt.color;
this.lines[v2] = v3;
this.draw_mask(0, 0);
var v6 = this.items.length * this.lh - this.h;
if (this.vgizmo) {
if (v6 > 0) {
this.yp = Math.floor(this.vgizmo.y_knob * v6);
} else {
this.yp = 0;
this.lp = Math.floor(this.yp / this.lh);
v2 = this.lp;
goto 2481;
for (;;) {
label 2481:
if (v2 >= this.lp + this.lc) break;
var v4 = this.lines[v2 - this.lp];
if (v2 < 0 || v2 >= this.items.length) {
v4.str = '';
v4.item = -1;
v4.state = '';
} else {
var v5 = this.items[v2];
v4.str = v5.str;
v4.item = v2;
v4.state = '';
if (v2 == this.selected) {
v4.state = 'selected';
v4.set_area(0, v2 * this.lh - this.yp, this.w, this.lh);
v1.input = function (snapshot) {
return this.top.focus;
ASSetPropFlags(v1, null, 1);
movieClip 20488 __Packages.WetV {
if (!WetV) {
_global.WetV = function () {
var v2 = new Date();
this.v = [];
this.v.name = 'WetV';
this.v.site = '';
this.v.number = '0.99';
this.v.stamp = 'Apr 11 2010';
this.v.stamp_number = '20100411';
this.setup_done = false;
this.game_seed = Math.floor(v2.getTime() / 1000 / 24 * 60 * 60) & 65535;
this.next_game_seed = null;
this.mc = gfx.create_clip(_root, null);
this.mc.onEnterFrame = this.delegate(this.update);
this.mc.scrollRect = new flash.geom.Rectangle(0, 0, _root.scalar.ox, _root.scalar.oy);
_root.wtf = new WTF();
var v8 = MainStatic.get_base_context_menu(this);
_root.menu = v8;
MainStatic.choose_and_apply_scalar(this, '640x480');
var v1 = _global.WetV.prototype;
v1.delegate = function (f, d) {
return com.dynamicflash.utils.Delegate.create(this, f, d);
_global.WetV.main = function () {
if (_root.kongregateServices != undefined) {
_root.wethidemochiads = true;
var v2 = function (a, b) {
if (_root[a] == undefined) {
_root[a] = b;
v2('host', 'swf.wetgenes.com');
v2('wp_xspf', 'http://swf.wetgenes.com/swf/WetV.xspf');
v2('wp_auto', 0);
v2('wp_shuffle', 0);
v2('wp_back', -16777216);
v2('wp_fore', -1);
_root.cacheAsBitmap = false;
_root.newdepth = 1;
_root.mc_popup = gfx.create_clip(_root, 16383);
_root.popup = null;
_root.updates = MainStatic.update_setup();
_root.bmc = new bmcache();
_root.replay = new Replay();
_root.scalar = new Scalar(640, 480);
_root.scale = 'normal';
_root.poker = new Poker(false);
_root.loading = new Loading(true);
_root.main = new WetV();
_root.signals = new BetaSignals(_root.main);
_root.comms = new BetaComms(_root.main);
_root.wetplay = new WetPlayIcon();
_root.main.fast_update = false;
v1.setup = function () {
this.state_last = null;
this.state = null;
this.state_next = null;
this.login = new Login(this);
this.code = new PlayCode(this);
this.about = new PlayAbout(this);
this.play = new WetVPlay(this);
this.menu = this.play;
this.state_next = 'login';
v1.update = function () {
var v2 = (new Date()).getTime();
var v3 = new Date();
var v4 = v3.getTime();
MainStatic.choose_and_apply_scalar(this, '640x480');
if (!this.setup_done && (_root.getBytesLoaded() == _root.getBytesTotal() && (_root.loading.done && !_root.wetplay.first_time))) {
this.setup_done = true;
if (!this.setup_done) {
return undefined;
if (this.state_next != null) {
if (this.state) {
this.state_last = this.state;
this.state = this.state_next;
this.state_next = null;
if (this.next_game_seed) {
this.game_seed = this.next_game_seed;
this.next_game_seed = null;
if (this.state) {
v4 = v3.getTime();
this.old_time = v4;
this.update_time = 0;
if (this.state) {
this.update_time = Math.floor(this.update_time * 3 / 4);
this.update_time += v4 - this.old_time;
if (this.update_time > 200) {
this.update_time = 200;
while (this.update_time >= 20) {
this.update_time -= 20;
if (this.fast_update) {
if (_root.swish) {
this.old_time = v4;
_root.code_time += (new Date()).getTime() - v2;
v1.clean = function () {};
v1.do_str = function (str) {
switch (str) {
case 'restart':
this.state_next = 'play';
case 'logoff':
this.state_next = 'login';
ASSetPropFlags(v1, null, 1);
v1.fast_update = false;
movieClip 20489 __Packages.alt.Sprintf {
if (!alt.Sprintf) {
if (!alt) {
_global.alt = new Object();
_global.alt.Sprintf = function () {};
var v1 = _global.alt.Sprintf.prototype;
_global.alt.Sprintf.trace = function () {
alt.Sprintf.trace(alt.Sprintf.format.apply(null, arguments));
_global.alt.Sprintf.format = function (format) {
if (super == null) {
return '';
var v3 = '';
var v4 = 0;
var v5 = 0;
while (v5 < super.length) {
var v6 = super.indexOf('%', v5);
if (v6 == -1) {
v3 += super.substr(v5);
v5 = super.length;
} else {
v3 += super.substring(v5, v6);
var v14 = '** sprintf: invalid format at ' + v4 + ' **';
var v13 = false;
var v12 = 0;
var v11 = v12;
var v9 = v11;
var v10 = -1;
v5 = v6 + 1;
var v8 = arguments[++v4];
for (;;) {
if (!(v13 != true && v5 < super.length)) break;
var v7 = super.charAt(v5++);
switch (v7) {
case '#':
if (v12 == 0) {
v11 |= alt.Sprintf.kALT_FORM;
} else {
v14 = '** sprintf: "#" came too late **';
case '-':
if (v12 == 0) {
v11 |= alt.Sprintf.kLEFT_ALIGN;
} else {
v14 = '** sprintf: "-" came too late **';
case '+':
if (v12 == 0) {
v11 |= alt.Sprintf.kSHOW_SIGN;
} else {
v14 = '** sprintf: "+" came too late **';
case ' ':
if (v12 == 0) {
v11 |= alt.Sprintf.kPAD_POS;
} else {
v14 = '** sprintf: " " came too late **';
case '.':
if (v12 < 2) {
v12 = 2;
v10 = 0;
} else {
v14 = '** sprintf: "." came too late **';
case '0':
if (v12 == 0) {
v11 |= alt.Sprintf.kPAD_ZEROES;
} else {
case '1':
case '2':
case '3':
case '4':
case '5':
case '6':
case '7':
case '8':
case '9':
if (v12 == 3) {
v14 = '** sprintf: shouldn\'t have a digit after h,l,L **';
} else {
if (v12 < 2) {
v12 = 1;
v9 = v9 * 10 + Number(v7);
} else {
v10 = v10 * 10 + Number(v7);
case 'd':
case 'i':
v13 = true;
v3 += alt.Sprintf.formatD(Number(v8), v11, v9, v10);
case 'o':
v13 = true;
v3 += alt.Sprintf.formatO(Number(v8), v11, v9, v10);
case 'x':
case 'X':
v13 = true;
v3 += alt.Sprintf.formatX(Number(v8), v11, v9, v10, v7 == 'X');
case 'e':
case 'E':
v13 = true;
v3 += alt.Sprintf.formatE(Number(v8), v11, v9, v10, v7 == 'E');
case 'f':
v13 = true;
v3 += alt.Sprintf.formatF(Number(v8), v11, v9, v10);
case 'g':
case 'G':
v13 = true;
v3 += alt.Sprintf.formatG(Number(v8), v11, v9, v10, v7 == 'G');
case 'c':
case 'C':
v10 = 1;
case 's':
case 'S':
v13 = true;
v3 += alt.Sprintf.formatS(String(v8), v11, v9, v10);
case '%':
v13 = true;
v3 += '%';
v14 = '** sprintf: ' + v7 + ' not supported **';
if (v13 != true) {
if (alt.Sprintf.DEBUG) {
v3 += v14;
if (alt.Sprintf.TRACE) {
return v3;
_global.alt.Sprintf.finish = function (output, value, properties, length, precision, prefix) {
if (prefix == null) {
prefix = '';
if (value < 0) {
prefix = '-' + prefix;
} else {
if (properties & alt.Sprintf.kSHOW_SIGN) {
prefix = '+' + prefix;
} else {
if (properties & alt.Sprintf.kPAD_POS) {
prefix = ' ' + prefix;
if (length == 0 && precision > -1) {
length = precision;
properties |= alt.Sprintf.kPAD_ZEROES;
while (output.length + prefix.length < length) {
if (properties & alt.Sprintf.kLEFT_ALIGN) {
output += ' ';
} else {
if (properties & alt.Sprintf.kPAD_ZEROES) {
output = '0' + output;
} else {
prefix = ' ' + prefix;
return prefix + output;
_global.alt.Sprintf.formatD = function (value, properties, length, precision) {
var v6 = '';
if (precision != 0 || value != 0) {
v6 = String(Math.floor(Math.abs(value)));
while (v6.length < precision) {
v6 = '0' + v6;
return alt.Sprintf.finish(v6, value, properties, length, precision);
_global.alt.Sprintf.formatO = function (value, properties, length, precision) {
var v6 = '';
var v7 = '';
if (precision != 0 && value != 0) {
v6 = value.toString(8);
if (properties & alt.Sprintf.kALT_FORM) {
v7 = '0';
while (v6.length < precision) {
v6 = '0' + v6;
return alt.Sprintf.finish(v6, value, properties, length, precision, v7);
_global.alt.Sprintf.formatX = function (value, properties, length, precision, upper) {
var v7 = '';
var v8 = '';
if (precision != 0 && value != 0) {
v7 = value.toString(16);
if (properties & alt.Sprintf.kALT_FORM) {
v8 = '0x';
while (v7.length < precision) {
v7 = '0' + v7;
if (upper) {
v8 = v8.toUpperCase();
v7 = v7.toUpperCase();
return alt.Sprintf.finish(v7, value, properties, length, precision, v8);
v7 = v7.toLowerCase();
return alt.Sprintf.finish(v7, value, properties, length, precision, v8);
_global.alt.Sprintf.formatE = function (value, properties, length, precision, upper) {
var v7 = '';
var v8 = 0;
if (Math.abs(value) > 1) {
while (Math.abs(value) > 10) {
value /= 10;
} else {
while (Math.abs(value) < 1) {
value *= 10;
var v9 = alt.Sprintf.format('%c%+.2d', upper ? 'E' : 'e', v8);
if (properties & alt.Sprintf.kLEFT_ALIGN) {
v7 = alt.Sprintf.formatF(value, properties, 1, precision) + v9;
while (v7.length < length) {
v7 += ' ';
return v7;
v7 = alt.Sprintf.formatF(value, properties, Math.max(length - v9.length, 0), precision) + v9;
return v7;
_global.alt.Sprintf.formatF = function (value, properties, length, precision) {
var v6 = '';
var v7 = '';
var v8 = '';
if (precision == -1) {
precision = 6;
var v9 = new String(value.toString());
if (v9.indexOf('.') == -1) {
v7 = (Math.abs(Number(v9))).toString();
v8 = '0';
} else {
v7 = (Math.abs(Number(v9.substring(0, v9.indexOf('.'))))).toString();
v8 = v9.substr(v9.indexOf('.') + 1);
if (Number(v8) == 0) {
v8 = new String();
while (v8.length < precision) {
v8 += '0';
} else {
if (v8.length > precision) {
var v10 = Math.round(Math.pow(10, precision) * Number('0.' + v8));
if ((String(v10)).length > precision && v10 != 0) {
v8 = '0';
v7 = ((Math.abs(Number(v7)) + 1) * (Number(v7) >= 0 ? 1 : -1)).toString();
} else {
v8 = new String(v10.toString());
if (v8.length < precision) {
v8 = new String(v8);
while (v8.length < precision) {
v8 += '0';
if (precision == 0) {
v6 = v7;
if (properties & alt.Sprintf.kALT_FORM) {
v6 += '.';
return alt.Sprintf.finish(v6, value, properties, length, precision, '');
v6 = v7 + '.' + v8;
return alt.Sprintf.finish(v6, value, properties, length, precision, '');
_global.alt.Sprintf.formatG = function (value, properties, length, precision, upper) {
var v7 = alt.Sprintf.formatE(value, properties, 1, precision, upper);
var v8 = alt.Sprintf.formatF(value, properties, 1, precision);
if (v7.length < v8.length) {
return alt.Sprintf.formatE(value, properties, length, precision, upper);
} else {
return alt.Sprintf.formatF(value, properties, length, precision);
_global.alt.Sprintf.formatS = function (value, properties, length, precision) {
var v6 = new String(value);
if (precision > 0 && precision < v6.length) {
v6 = v6.substring(0, precision);
properties &= (alt.Sprintf.kPAD_ZEROES | alt.Sprintf.kSHOW_SIGN | alt.Sprintf.kPAD_POS | alt.Sprintf.kALT_FORM) ^ -1;
return alt.Sprintf.finish(v6, value, properties, length, precision, '');
ASSetPropFlags(v1, null, 1);
_global.alt.Sprintf.kPAD_ZEROES = 1;
_global.alt.Sprintf.kLEFT_ALIGN = 2;
_global.alt.Sprintf.kSHOW_SIGN = 4;
_global.alt.Sprintf.kPAD_POS = 8;
_global.alt.Sprintf.kALT_FORM = 16;
_global.alt.Sprintf.kLONG_VALUE = 32;
_global.alt.Sprintf.kUSE_SEPARATOR = 64;
_global.alt.Sprintf.DEBUG = false;
_global.alt.Sprintf.TRACE = false;
movieClip 20490 __Packages.GizmoLine {
if (!GizmoLine) {
_global.GizmoLine = function (_up) {
this.up = _up;
this.str = '';
this.str_disp = '';
this.state = '';
this.state_disp = '';
this.xp = 0;
this.yp = 0;
this.xs = 0;
this.ys = 0;
this.base_alpha = 100;
var v1 = _global.GizmoLine.prototype;
v1.setup_base = function () {
this.mc = gfx.create_clip(this.up.mc, null);
this.mc.style = this.up.mc.style;
this.gizmos = new Array();
this.active = true;
this.focus = null;
this.focus_data = null;
this.top = this.up.top;
if (this.top == null) {
this.top = this;
v1.clean_base = function () {
var v2 = 0;
goto 981;
for (;;) {
label 981:
if (v2 >= this.gizmos.length) break;
if (this.gizmos[v2].active) {
this.mc = null;
v1.update_base = function () {
this.mc._x = this.x;
this.mc._y = this.y;
var v2 = 0;
goto 1176;
for (;;) {
label 1176:
if (v2 >= this.gizmos.length) break;
if (this.gizmos[v2].active) {
this.gizmos[v2].mc._visible = true;
} else {
this.gizmos[v2].mc._visible = false;
_global.GizmoLine.dupe_snapshot = function (snapshot) {
var v3 = {};
v3.key = snapshot.key;
v3.key_on = snapshot.key_on;
v3.key_off = snapshot.key_off;
v3.x = snapshot.x;
v3.y = snapshot.y;
v3.frame = snapshot.frame;
return v3;
v1.input_base = function (snapshot) {
var v5 = GizmoLine.dupe_snapshot(snapshot);
var v3 = 0;
goto 1548;
for (;;) {
label 1548:
if (v3 >= this.gizmos.length) break;
if (this.gizmos[v3].active) {
return this.top.focus;
v1.child = function (g) {
var v3 = this.gizmos.length;
this.gizmos[v3] = g;
return g;
v1.set_area = function (_x, _y, _w, _h) {
this.x = _x;
this.y = _y;
this.w = _w;
this.h = _h;
v1.draw_mask = function (px, py) {
gfx.setscroll(this.mc, px, py, this.w, this.h);
v1.setup = function () {
this.mc.cacheAsBitmap = true;
this.tf = gfx.create_text_html(this.mc, null, 0, 0, 0, 0);
this.tf.multiline = false;
this.tf_fmt = gfx.create_text_format(16, 16777215);
v1.clean = function () {
v1.update = function () {
if (this.str != this.str_disp || this.state != this.state_disp) {
if (this.state == 'selected') {
this.tf_fmt.bold = true;
} else {
this.tf_fmt.bold = false;
var v2 = this.tf_fmt.getTextExtent(this.str);
this.xs = v2.width;
this.ys = v2.height;
this.tf._width = this.xs + 100;
this.tf._height = this.ys + 8;
this.tf.text = this.str;
this.str_disp = this.str;
this.state_disp = this.state;
if (this.tf.textWidth + 4 > this.w) {
} else {}
this.tf._y = this.yp;
this.mc._alpha -= 5;
if (this.mc._alpha < this.base_alpha) {
this.mc._alpha = this.base_alpha;
v1.input = function (snapshot) {
if (this.top.focus == null && (snapshot.x > 0 && (snapshot.y > 0 && (snapshot.x < this.w && snapshot.y < this.h)))) {
this.mc._alpha = 100;
this.up.hover = this;
if (snapshot.key_on & 1) {
if (this.onClick) {
return this.top.focus;
if (this.up.onClick) {
return this.top.focus;
ASSetPropFlags(v1, null, 1);
movieClip 20491 __Packages.Scalar {
if (!Scalar) {
_global.Scalar = function (_ox, _oy, _fake, _chatshrink) {
this.fake = _fake;
this.chatshrink = _chatshrink;
this.ox = _ox;
this.oy = _oy;
this.mc = gfx.create_clip(_root, null);
this.mc.onEnterFrame = this.delegate(this.update);
this.tf_stats = gfx.create_text_html(this.mc, null, 0, 0, this.ox, 32);
gfx.dropshadow(this.tf_stats, 2, 45, 0, 1, 4, 4, 2, 3);
this.scale = 1;
if (this.scale > _root.maxs) {
this.scale = _root.maxs;
this.t_old = getTimer();
this.t_new = this.t_old;
this.t_ms = 0;
this.t_samples = 0;
if (this.fake) {
this.dx = 0;
this.dy = 0;
this.sx = this.ox;
this.sy = this.oy;
this.rot = 0;
this.ox = this.bx;
this.oy = this.by;
return undefined;
var v1 = _global.Scalar.prototype;
v1.delegate = function (f, d) {
return com.dynamicflash.utils.Delegate.create(this, f, d);
v1.update = function () {
if (this.fake) {
return undefined;
Stage.scaleMode = 'noScale';
Stage.align = 'TL';
this.rot = 0;
if (_root.scale == 'fixed') {
var v2 = 1;
} else {
var v2 = Stage.width / this.ox;
if (_root.maxw) {
if (v2 * this.ox > _root.maxw) {
v2 = _root.maxw / this.ox;
if (_root.maxh) {
if (v2 * this.oy > _root.maxh) {
v2 = _root.maxh / this.oy;
if (v2 * this.oy > Stage.height) {
v2 = Stage.height / this.oy;
v2 *= this.scale;
this.dx = Math.floor((Stage.width - v2 * this.ox) / 2);
this.dy = Math.floor((Stage.height - v2 * this.oy) / 2);
this.need_chat_pop = false;
if (this.dx < 0) {
this.dx = 0;
this.need_chat_pop = true;
if (this.dy < 0) {
this.dy = 0;
this.vx = Math.floor(this.ox * v2);
this.vy = Math.floor(this.oy * v2);
this.sx = v2 * 100;
this.sy = v2 * 100;
if (this.t_samples >= 20) {
this.t_old = this.t_new;
this.t_new = getTimer();
this.t_ms = (this.t_new - this.t_old) / this.t_samples;
this.t_fps = Math.floor(1000 / this.t_ms);
if (this.dy >= 16) {
var v3 = ' ' + Math.floor(this.t_ms) + 'ms : ' + Math.floor(1000 / this.t_ms) + 'fps' + ' : ' + Math.floor(_root.code_time / this.t_samples) + 'ms';
gfx.set_text_html(this.tf_stats, 13, 16777215, v3);
this.t_samples = 0;
_root.code_time = 0;
if (this.dy >= 16) {
this.tf_stats._visible = true;
} else {
this.tf_stats._visible = false;
v1.apply = function (tomc, half) {
if (_root.scale == 'no') {
tomc._rotation = this.rot;
tomc._x = 0;
tomc._y = 0;
tomc._xscale = 100;
tomc._yscale = 100;
return undefined;
if (half) {
tomc._rotation = this.rot;
tomc._x = Math.floor(this.dx / 2);
tomc._y = Math.floor(this.dy / 2 + Stage.height / 4);
tomc._xscale = Math.floor(this.sx / 2);
tomc._yscale = Math.floor(this.sy / 2);
} else {
tomc._rotation = this.rot;
tomc._x = this.dx;
tomc._y = this.dy;
tomc._xscale = this.sx;
tomc._yscale = this.sy;
v1.onKeyDown = function () {};
v1.onKeyUp = function () {
var v3 = Key.getCode();
var v2 = String.fromCharCode(Key.getAscii());
if (Selection.getCaretIndex() == -1) {
if (v2 == '+' || v2 == '=') {
this.scale *= 1.1;
if (this.scale > 1) {
this.scale = 1;
} else {
if (v2 == '_' || v2 == '-') {
this.scale /= 1.1;
if (this.scale < 0.1) {
this.scale = 0.1;
if (this.scale > _root.maxs) {
this.scale = _root.maxs;
ASSetPropFlags(v1, null, 1);
movieClip 20492 __Packages.WetPlayMP3 {
if (!WetPlayMP3) {
_global.WetPlayMP3 = function (_up) {
this.rnd_seed((new Date()).getTime());
this.up = _up;
this.mc = gfx.create_clip(this.up.mc, null);
this.sfxs = new Array();
var v3 = 0;
goto 3997;
for (;;) {
label 3997:
if (v3 >= 6) break;
this.sfxs[v3] = gfx.create_clip(this.up.mc, null);
this.sfxs[v3].sfx = new Sound(this.sfxs[v3]);
this.sfxs[v3].sfx.onSoundComplete = this.delegate(this.onSoundComplete, v3);
this.sfxs[v3].sfx.complete = true;
this.sfxidx = 0;
this.mc_back = gfx.create_clip(this.mc, null);
if (_root.wp_jpg != undefined && _root.wp_jpg != '') {
} else {
this.mc_back_image = gfx.add_clip(this.mc, 'WetPlayBack', null);
this.mc_back_colour = gfx.create_clip(this.mc, null);
this.mc_back_image.onRelease = this.delegate(this.catchclicks);
this.mc_back_colour.onRelease = this.delegate(this.catchclicks);
if (_root.wp_w != undefined && _root.wp_w != '') {
this.w = int(_root.wp_w);
} else {
this.w = 380;
if (_root.wp_h != undefined && _root.wp_h != '') {
this.h = int(_root.wp_h);
} else {
this.h = 200;
if (_root.wp_x != undefined && _root.wp_x != '') {
this.mc._x = int(_root.wp_x);
} else {
this.mc._x = 10;
if (_root.wp_y != undefined && _root.wp_y != '') {
this.mc._y = int(_root.wp_y);
} else {
this.mc._y = 10;
if (_root.wp_s != undefined && _root.wp_s != '') {
this.row_size = int(_root.wp_s);
} else {
this.row_size = 20;
this.x = this.mc._x;
this.y = this.mc._y;
this.mc_back_image._x = -this.mc._x;
this.mc_back_image._y = -this.mc._y;
if (_root.wp_fore != undefined && _root.wp_fore != '') {
this.foreground = int(_root.wp_fore) & 16777215;
} else {
this.foreground = 16777215;
if (_root.wp_jpg == undefined) {
if (_root.wp_back == undefined || _root.wp_back == '') {
_root.wp_back = 1073741952;
if (_root.wp_back_alpha != undefined && _root.wp_back_alpha != '') {
_root.wp_back = (_root.wp_back_alpha * 255 / 100 & 255) << 24 | _root.wp_back & 16777215;
this.xspf = new XML();
this.xspf.ignoreWhite = true;
this.xspf.onLoad = null;
this.mcs1 = gfx.create_clip(this.mc, null);
this.sfx = new Sound(this.mcs1);
this.mcs2 = gfx.create_clip(this.mc, null);
this.sfx_next = new Sound(this.mcs2);
this.sfx_master = new Sound();
var v1 = _global.WetPlayMP3.prototype;
v1.delegate = function (f, d) {
return com.dynamicflash.utils.Delegate.create(this, f, d);
v1.rnd_seed = function (n) {
this.rnd_num = n & 65535;
v1.rnd = function () {
this.rnd_num = ((this.rnd_num + 1) * 75 - 1) % 65537;
return this.rnd_num;
v1.CheckSFX = function (nam, chan) {
var v4 = this.sfxs[chan % 6].sfx;
if (nam) {
if (v4.nam != nam) {
return true;
return v4.complete;
v1.PlaySFX = function (nam, chan, loops, vol) {
if (this.sfx_on == 0) {
return undefined;
if (chan != undefined && chan != null) {
var v6 = this.sfxs[chan % 6].sfx;
} else {
var v6 = this.sfxs[this.sfxidx].sfx;
this.sfxidx = (this.sfxidx + 1) % 6;
if (nam == null) {
if (vol == undefined) {
v6.complete = true;
} else {
v6.setVolume(vol * 100);
return v6;
v6.nam = nam;
if (loops) {
v6.start(0, loops);
v6.complete = false;
} else {
v6.complete = false;
if (vol == undefined) {
return v6;
v6.setVolume(vol * 100);
return v6;
v1.catchclicks = function () {};
v1.onSoundComplete = function (i) {
this.sfxs[i].sfx.complete = true;
v1.setup = function () {
var v2 = _root.cacheAsBitmap;
_root.cacheAsBitmap = false;
var v7 = this.row_size;
var v8 = Math.floor(this.w / v7);
var v9 = Math.floor(this.h / v7);
if (v9 >= 2) {
var v10 = 1;
} else {
var v10 = 0;
this.sfx_load_stall_counter = 0;
this.image_url = '';
this.mc_image = gfx.create_clip(this.mc, null);
this.mc_image._alpha = 25;
this.gizmo = new GizmoMaster(this);
this.gizmo.top = this.gizmo;
var v4 = this.gizmo;
v4.set_area(0, 0, this.w, this.h);
var v5 = this.gizmo;
var v11 = 0;
if (v8 >= 4) {
v4 = v5.child(new GizmoButt(v5));
v4.set_area(v7 * v11, v7 * v10, v7, v7);
var v6 = gfx.create_clip(v4.mc, null, 0, 0, 100, 100);
v6.style = {'fill': -2147483648 + this.foreground, 'out': -16777216 + this.foreground, 'text': -16777216 + this.foreground};
this.up.wetplayGFX.draw_backward(v6, 0, 0, v7, v7);
v4.mc_base = v6;
v6 = gfx.create_clip(v4.mc, null, 0, 0, 100, 100);
v6.style = {'fill': -16777216 + this.foreground, 'out': -16777216 + this.foreground, 'text': -16777216 + this.foreground};
this.up.wetplayGFX.draw_backward(v6, 0, 0, v7, v7);
v4.mc_over = v6;
v6 = gfx.create_clip(v4.mc, null, 0, 0, 100, 100);
v6.style = {'fill': -16777216 + this.foreground, 'out': -16777216 + this.foreground, 'text': -16777216 + this.foreground};
this.up.wetplayGFX.draw_backward(v6, v7 * 0.1, v7 * 0.1, v7 * 0.8, v7 * 0.8);
v4.mc_down = v6;
v4.id = 'backward';
v4.onClick = this.delegate(this.onClick, v4);
this.gizmo_backward = v4;
v4 = v5.child(new GizmoButt(v5));
v4.set_area(v7 * v11, v7 * v10, v7, v7);
v6 = gfx.create_clip(v4.mc, null, 0, 0, 100, 100);
v6.style = {'fill': -2147483648 + this.foreground, 'out': -16777216 + this.foreground, 'text': -16777216 + this.foreground};
this.up.wetplayGFX.draw_play(v6, 0, 0, v7, v7);
v4.mc_base = v6;
v6 = gfx.create_clip(v4.mc, null, 0, 0, 100, 100);
v6.style = {'fill': -16777216 + this.foreground, 'out': -16777216 + this.foreground, 'text': -16777216 + this.foreground};
this.up.wetplayGFX.draw_play(v6, 0, 0, v7, v7);
v4.mc_over = v6;
v6 = gfx.create_clip(v4.mc, null, 0, 0, 100, 100);
v6.style = {'fill': -16777216 + this.foreground, 'out': -16777216 + this.foreground, 'text': -16777216 + this.foreground};
this.up.wetplayGFX.draw_play(v6, v7 * 0.1, v7 * 0.1, v7 * 0.8, v7 * 0.8);
v4.mc_down = v6;
v4.id = 'play';
v4.onClick = this.delegate(this.onClick, v4);
this.gizmo_play = v4;
v4 = v5.child(new GizmoButt(v5));
v4.set_area(v7 * v11, v7 * v10, v7, v7);
v6 = gfx.create_clip(v4.mc, null, 0, 0, 100, 100);
v6.style = {'fill': -2147483648 + this.foreground, 'out': -16777216 + this.foreground, 'text': -16777216 + this.foreground};
this.up.wetplayGFX.draw_pause(v6, 0, 0, v7, v7);
v4.mc_base = v6;
v6 = gfx.create_clip(v4.mc, null, 0, 0, 100, 100);
v6.style = {'fill': -16777216 + this.foreground, 'out': -16777216 + this.foreground, 'text': -16777216 + this.foreground};
this.up.wetplayGFX.draw_pause(v6, 0, 0, v7, v7);
v4.mc_over = v6;
v6 = gfx.create_clip(v4.mc, null, 0, 0, 100, 100);
v6.style = {'fill': -16777216 + this.foreground, 'out': -16777216 + this.foreground, 'text': -16777216 + this.foreground};
this.up.wetplayGFX.draw_pause(v6, v7 * 0.1, v7 * 0.1, v7 * 0.8, v7 * 0.8);
v4.mc_down = v6;
v4.id = 'pause';
v4.onClick = this.delegate(this.onClick, v4);
this.gizmo_pause = v4;
if (v8 >= 3) {
v5 = this.gizmo;
v4 = v5.child(new GizmoButt(v5));
v4.set_area(v7 * v11, v7 * v10, v7, v7);
v6 = gfx.create_clip(v4.mc, null, 0, 0, 100, 100);
v6.style = {'fill': -2147483648 + this.foreground, 'out': -16777216 + this.foreground, 'text': -16777216 + this.foreground};
this.up.wetplayGFX.draw_forward(v6, 0, 0, v7, v7);
v4.mc_base = v6;
v6 = gfx.create_clip(v4.mc, null, 0, 0, 100, 100);
v6.style = {'fill': -16777216 + this.foreground, 'out': -16777216 + this.foreground, 'text': -16777216 + this.foreground};
this.up.wetplayGFX.draw_forward(v6, 0, 0, v7, v7);
v4.mc_over = v6;
v6 = gfx.create_clip(v4.mc, null, 0, 0, 100, 100);
v6.style = {'fill': -16777216 + this.foreground, 'out': -16777216 + this.foreground, 'text': -16777216 + this.foreground};
this.up.wetplayGFX.draw_forward(v6, v7 * 0.1, v7 * 0.1, v7 * 0.8, v7 * 0.8);
v4.mc_down = v6;
v4.id = 'forward';
v4.onClick = this.delegate(this.onClick, v4);
this.gizmo_forward = v4;
if (v8 >= 5) {
v5 = this.gizmo;
v4 = v5.child(new Gizmo(v5));
v4.set_area(v7 * v11, v7 * v10, this.w - v7 * (v11 + 1), v7);
v4.mc.style = {'fill': -2147483648 + this.foreground, 'out': -16777216 + this.foreground, 'text': -16777216 + this.foreground};
this.up.wetplayGFX.draw_boxen(v4.mc, 0, 0, this.w - v7 * 4, v7);
this.gizmo_position = v4;
v5 = v4;
v4 = v5.child(new GizmoKnob(v5));
if (v8 > 5) {
v4.set_area(0, 0, v7, v7);
} else {
v4.set_area(0, 0, v7 / 2, v7);
v6 = gfx.create_clip(v4.mc, null, 0, 0, 100, 100);
v6.style = {'fill': -2147483648 + this.foreground, 'out': -16777216 + this.foreground, 'text': -16777216 + this.foreground};
this.up.wetplayGFX.draw_puck(v6, 0, 0, v4.w, v7);
v4.mc_base = v6;
v6 = gfx.create_clip(v4.mc, null, 0, 0, 100, 100);
v6.style = {'fill': -16777216 + this.foreground, 'out': -16777216 + this.foreground, 'text': -16777216 + this.foreground};
this.up.wetplayGFX.draw_puck(v6, 0, 0, v4.w, v7);
v4.mc_over = v6;
v6 = gfx.create_clip(v4.mc, null, 0, 0, 100, 100);
v6.style = {'fill': -16777216 + this.foreground, 'out': -16777216 + this.foreground, 'text': -16777216 + this.foreground};
this.up.wetplayGFX.draw_puck(v6, 0, 0, v4.w, v7);
v4.mc_down = v6;
v4.id = 'position_knob';
v4.onClick = this.delegate(this.onClick, v4);
this.gizmo_position_knob = v4;
v5 = this.gizmo;
v4 = v5.child(new Gizmo(v5));
if (v9 >= 2) {
v4.set_area(this.w - v7 * 1, 0, v7, v7 * 2);
} else {
v4.set_area(this.w - v7 * 1, 0, v7, v7 * 1);
v4.mc.style = {'fill': -2147483648 + this.foreground, 'out': -16777216 + this.foreground, 'text': -16777216 + this.foreground};
gfx.draw_box(v4.mc, undefined, v7 * 7 / 16, v7 * 1 / 16, v7 * 2 / 16, v4.h - v7 * 2 / 16);
this.gizmo_volume = v4;
v5 = v4;
v4 = v5.child(new GizmoKnob(v5));
v4.set_area(0, 0, v7, v7 * 10 / 16);
v6 = gfx.create_clip(v4.mc, null, 0, 0, 100, 100);
v6.style = {'fill': -2147483648 + this.foreground, 'out': -16777216 + this.foreground, 'text': -16777216 + this.foreground};
gfx.draw_box(v6, undefined, v7 * 3 / 16, v7 * 3 / 16, v7 * 10 / 16, v4.h - v7 * 6 / 16);
v4.mc_base = v6;
v6 = gfx.create_clip(v4.mc, null, 0, 0, 100, 100);
v6.style = {'fill': -16777216 + this.foreground, 'out': -16777216 + this.foreground, 'text': -16777216 + this.foreground};
gfx.draw_box(v6, undefined, v7 * 3 / 16, v7 * 3 / 16, v7 * 10 / 16, v4.h - v7 * 6 / 16);
v4.mc_over = v6;
v6 = gfx.create_clip(v4.mc, null, 0, 0, 100, 100);
v6.style = {'fill': -16777216 + this.foreground, 'out': -16777216 + this.foreground, 'text': -16777216 + this.foreground};
gfx.draw_box(v6, undefined, v7 * 3 / 16, v7 * 3 / 16, v7 * 10 / 16, v4.h - v7 * 6 / 16);
v4.mc_down = v6;
this.gizmo_volume_knob = v4;
if (v8 == 1) {
this.gizmo_volume.active = false;
if (v9 > 2) {
v5 = this.gizmo;
v4 = v5.child(new Gizmo(v5));
v4.set_area(this.w - v7 * 1, v7 * 2, v7, this.h - v7 * 2);
v4.mc.style = {'fill': -2147483648 + this.foreground, 'out': -16777216 + this.foreground, 'text': -16777216 + this.foreground};
this.up.wetplayGFX.draw_boxen(v4.mc, 0, 0, v4.w, v4.h);
this.gizmo_scroll = v4;
v5 = v4;
v4 = v5.child(new GizmoKnob(v5));
v4.set_area(0, 0, v7, v7);
v6 = gfx.create_clip(v4.mc, null, 0, 0, 100, 100);
v6.style = {'fill': -2147483648 + this.foreground, 'out': -16777216 + this.foreground, 'text': -16777216 + this.foreground};
this.up.wetplayGFX.draw_puck(v6, 0, 0, v7, v7);
v4.mc_base = v6;
v6 = gfx.create_clip(v4.mc, null, 0, 0, 100, 100);
v6.style = {'fill': -16777216 + this.foreground, 'out': -16777216 + this.foreground, 'text': -16777216 + this.foreground};
this.up.wetplayGFX.draw_puck(v6, 0, 0, v7, v7);
v4.mc_over = v6;
v6 = gfx.create_clip(v4.mc, null, 0, 0, 100, 100);
v6.style = {'fill': -16777216 + this.foreground, 'out': -16777216 + this.foreground, 'text': -16777216 + this.foreground};
this.up.wetplayGFX.draw_puck(v6, 0, 0, v7, v7);
v4.mc_down = v6;
this.gizmo_scroll_knob = v4;
if (v9 >= 2) {
v5 = this.gizmo;
v4 = v5.child(new GizmoLine(v5));
v4.set_area(v7 * 0, v7 * 0, this.w - v7, v7);
v4.tf_fmt.size = v7 - 4;
v4.tf_fmt.color = -16777216 + this.foreground;
v4.str = '';
this.gizmo_title = v4;
if (v9 > 2) {
v5 = this.gizmo;
v4 = v5.child(new GizmoList(v5));
v4.set_area(v7 * 0, v7 * 2, this.w - v7, this.h - v7 * 2);
v5 = v4;
v4 = v5.child(new GizmoList(v5));
v4.set_area(0, 0, v5.w - v7, v5.h);
v4.lh = v7;
v4.tf_fmt.size = v7 - 6;
v4.tf_fmt.color = -16777216 + this.foreground;
v4.base_alpha = 50;
v4.vgizmo = this.gizmo_scroll_knob;
this.gizmo_list1 = v4;
v4 = v5.child(new GizmoList(v5));
v4.set_area(v5.w - v7, 0, v7, v5.h);
v4.lh = v7;
v4.tf_fmt.size = v7 - 6;
v4.tf_fmt.color = -16777216 + this.foreground;
v4.base_alpha = 30;
v4.vgizmo = this.gizmo_scroll_knob;
this.gizmo_list2 = v4;
this.gizmo_play.active = true;
this.gizmo_pause.active = false;
this.xspfs = new Array();
if (_root.wp_mp3 != undefined && _root.wp_mp3 != '') {
this.xspfs[0] = {'url': 'MP3', 'str': _root.wp_mp3};
} else {
if (_root.wp_xspf != undefined && _root.wp_xspf != '') {
this.xspfs[0] = {'url': _root.wp_xspf, 'str': _root.wp_xspf};
if (!_root.kidsafe) {
this.xspfs.push({'url': 'http://swf.wetgenes.com/swf/WetDike.xspf', 'str': 'WetDike ProjectOpus Playlist'});
this.xspfs.push({'url': 'http://swf.wetgenes.com/swf/hourofslack.php', 'str': 'Listen to a recent hour of slack.'});
var v3 = 0;
goto 13464;
for (;;) {
label 13464:
if (v3 >= this.xspfs.length) break;
var v12 = this.xspfs[v3].str.split('/');
if (v12.length > 1) {
if (v12[v12.length - 1] == '') {
this.xspfs[v3].str = v12[v12.length - 2];
} else {
this.xspfs[v3].str = v12[v12.length - 1];
this.xspfs[this.xspfs.length] = {'url': '', 'str': 'Options'};
this.force = 0;
if (_root.wp_force != undefined && _root.wp_force != '') {
this.force = int(_root.wp_force) ? 1 : 0;
this.auto = 0;
if (this.so.data.auto != undefined && !this.force) {
this.auto = int(this.so.data.auto) ? 1 : 0;
} else {
if (_root.wp_auto != undefined && _root.wp_auto != '') {
this.auto = int(_root.wp_auto) ? 1 : 0;
this.shuffle = 0;
if (_root.wp_shuffle != undefined && _root.wp_shuffle != '') {
this.shuffle = int(_root.wp_shuffle) ? 1 : 0;
this.loop = 1;
if (_root.wp_loop != undefined && _root.wp_loop != '') {
this.loop = int(_root.wp_loop) ? 1 : 0;
this.sfx_on = 1;
if (_root.wp_sfx != undefined && _root.wp_sfx != '') {
this.sfx_on = int(_root.wp_loop) ? 1 : 0;
this.got_creator = 1;
this.track_id = -1;
this.xspf_id = -1;
this.gizmo_title.str = 'Select a playlist to play.';
if (this.so.data.vol != undefined && !this.force) {
var v13 = this.so.data.vol / 100;
if (v13 <= 0) {
v13 = 0;
this.auto = 0;
if (v13 > 1) {
v13 = 1;
this.gizmo_volume_knob.set_knob(0, 1.0 - v13);
} else {
if (_root.wp_vol != undefined) {
var v14 = _root.wp_vol / 100;
if (v14 <= 0) {
v14 = 0;
this.auto = 0;
if (v14 > 1) {
v14 = 1;
this.gizmo_volume_knob.set_knob(0, 1.0 - v14);
} else {
this.gizmo_volume_knob.set_knob(0, 1.0 - 0.5);
if (this.auto) {
this.xspf_id = 0;
this.state = 'pause';
} else {
if (this.xspfs.length == 2) {
this.xspf_id = 0;
this.state = 'pause';
this.options = new Array();
var v15 = this.options;
v15.push({'str': '.. (click to go back)'});
v15.push({'str': 'This is WetPlay 1.11 : www.WetGenes.com', 'url': 'http://www.WetGenes.com'});
v15.push({'str': '(c) Kriss Daniels 2007 : XIXs.com', 'url': 'http://XIXs.com'});
v15.push({'str': 'Powered by project opus / XSPF : ProjectOpus.com', 'url': 'http://www.projectopus.com'});
v15.push({'opt': 'shuffle'});
v15.push({'opt': 'autoplay'});
v15.push({'opt': 'repeat'});
v15.push({'opt': 'sfx'});
_root.cacheAsBitmap = v2;
this.throbe = 0;
v1.premenu = function (obj, cm) {
var v4 = true;
var v5 = this.gizmo_list1.hover;
if (v5.item > 0) {
v5 = this.tracks[v5.item];
} else {
v5 = null;
if (this.view == 'tracks' && v5) {
v4 = true;
} else {
v4 = false;
if (v4 == false) {
cm.customItems[0].enabled = false;
cm.customItems[0].caption = 'Download MP3';
cm.customItems[1].enabled = false;
cm.customItems[1].caption = 'Remember MP3';
} else {
this.menu_mp3_name = '' + v5.title;
this.menu_mp3_link = '' + v5.location;
cm.customItems[0].enabled = true;
cm.customItems[0].caption = 'Download ' + this.menu_mp3_name;
cm.customItems[1].enabled = false;
cm.customItems[1].caption = 'Remember ' + this.menu_mp3_name;
v1.setmenu = function (mc) {
var v3 = new ContextMenu(this.delegate(this.premenu));
var v5 = this.delegate(this.menu_download);
var v4 = new ContextMenuItem('Download this MP3', v5);
v5 = this.delegate(this.menu_remember);
v4 = new ContextMenuItem('Remember this MP3', v5);
v5 = this.delegate(this.menu_do, 'pp');
v4 = new ContextMenuItem('Play / Pause', v5);
v5 = this.delegate(this.menu_do, 'forward');
v4 = new ContextMenuItem('Next Track', v5);
v5 = this.delegate(this.menu_do, 'backward');
v4 = new ContextMenuItem('Previous Track / Rewind', v5);
v5 = this.delegate(this.menu_vol, 100);
v4 = new ContextMenuItem('Set Volume to 100%', v5);
v5 = this.delegate(this.menu_vol, 75);
v4 = new ContextMenuItem('Set Volume to 75%', v5);
v5 = this.delegate(this.menu_vol, 50);
v4 = new ContextMenuItem('Set Volume to 50%', v5);
v5 = this.delegate(this.menu_vol, 25);
v4 = new ContextMenuItem('Set Volume to 25%', v5);
v5 = this.delegate(this.menu_vol, 0);
v4 = new ContextMenuItem('Set Volume to 0%', v5);
mc.menu = v3;
v1.menu_download = function () {
getURL(this.menu_mp3_link, '_blank');
v1.menu_remember = function () {};
v1.menu_vol = function (a, b, c) {
this.gizmo_volume_knob.set_knob(0, 1.0 - c / 100);
v1.set_vol = function (v) {
this.gizmo_volume_knob.set_knob(0, 1.0 - v / 100);
v1.set_vol_start = function (v, g) {
this.gizmo_volume_knob.set_knob(0, 1.0 - v / 100);
if (g) {
if (this.state == 'pause') {
this.auto = 1;
} else {
if (this.state == 'play') {
this.auto = 0;
v1.menu_do = function (a, b, c) {
if (c == 'pp') {
if (this.state == 'play') {
} else {
} else {
v1.split_list_view = function () {
var v2 = this.gizmo_list1.up.w;
if (this.view == 'xspfs' || (this.got_creator < this.tracks.length / 2 || this.view == 'options')) {
this.gizmo_list1.w = v2;
this.gizmo_list2.w = 0;
} else {
if (this.got_creator) {
this.gizmo_list1.w = v2 - this.row_size;
this.gizmo_list2.x = this.gizmo_list1.w;
this.gizmo_list2.w = this.row_size;
v1.show_options = function () {
this.view = 'options';
var v2 = 0;
goto 17365;
for (;;) {
label 17365:
if (v2 >= this.options.length) break;
var v3 = this.options[v2];
if (v3.opt) {
v3.str = this.get_option_str(v3.opt);
this.gizmo_list1.items = this.options;
this.gizmo_list1.onClick = this.delegate(this.select_option);
this.gizmo_list2.items = [];
this.gizmo_list2.onClick = null;
v1.get_option_str = function (s) {
switch (s) {
return '';
case 'shuffle':
return 'Shuffle is ' + (this.shuffle ? 'ON' : 'OFF');
return '';
case 'autoplay':
return 'Autoplay is ' + (this.auto ? 'ON' : 'OFF');
return '';
case 'repeat':
return 'Repeat is ' + (this.loop ? 'ON' : 'OFF');
return '';
case 'sfx':
return 'Sound effects are ' + (this.sfx_on ? 'ON' : 'OFF');
return '';
return '';
v1.toggle_option = function (s) {
switch (s) {
case 'shuffle':
this.shuffle = this.shuffle ? 0 : 1;
case 'autoplay':
this.auto = this.auto ? 0 : 1;
case 'repeat':
this.loop = this.loop ? 0 : 1;
case 'sfx':
this.sfx_on = this.sfx_on ? 0 : 1;
v1.show_xspfs = function () {
this.view = 'xspfs';
this.gizmo_list1.items = this.xspfs;
this.gizmo_list1.onClick = this.delegate(this.select_xspf);
this.gizmo_list2.items = [];
this.gizmo_list2.onClick = null;
v1.show_tracks = function () {
this.view = 'tracks';
this.gizmo_list1.items = this.tracks1;
this.gizmo_list2.items = this.tracks2;
this.gizmo_list1.onClick = this.delegate(this.select_mp3);
this.gizmo_list2.onClick = this.delegate(this.select_mp3_artist);
v1.select_option = function (ln) {
var v3 = ln.item;
if (v3 == 0) {
return undefined;
var v4 = this.options[v3];
if (v4.url) {
getURL(v4.url, 'BOT');
} else {
if (v4.opt) {
v1.select_xspf = function (ln) {
var v3 = ln.item;
if (v3 >= this.xspfs.length - 1 || v3 < 0) {
} else {
this.xspf_id = v3;
this.state = 'pause';
v1.select_mp3 = function (ln) {
v1.select_mp3_id = function (id) {
if (id == 0) {
} else {
this.track_id = id;
this.gizmo_play.active = false;
this.gizmo_pause.active = true;
this.state = 'play';
v1.select_mp3_artist = function (ln) {
var v3 = ln.item;
v1.play_mp3 = function (t) {
if (t == undefined) {
return undefined;
if (t.creator == '') {
} else {
this.set_title(t.title + ' (by) ' + t.creator);
this.disp_title = t.title;
this.disp_creator = t.creator;
this.disp_info = t.info;
this.sfx.loadSound(t.location, true);
this.gizmo_position_knob.set_knob(0, 0);
this.sfx_load_stall_counter = 0;
v1.stop_mp3 = function () {
this.gizmo_position_knob.set_knob(0, 0);
this.gizmo_play.active = true;
this.gizmo_pause.active = false;
this.state = 'pause';
v1.show_artist = function (t) {
getURL(t.info, 'BOT');
v1.set_title = function (str) {
this.gizmo_title.str = str;
v1.load_back_image = function (url) {
this.mc_back_image = gfx.create_clip(this.mc_back);
this.mc_back_image._lockroot = true;
v1.do_tint = function () {
if (_root.wp_back != undefined && _root.wp_back != '') {
this.mc_back_colour.style.fill = int(_root.wp_back);
gfx.draw_box(this.mc_back_colour, undefined, -this.x, -this.y, this.w + this.x * 2, this.h + this.y * 2);
v1.load_image = function (url) {
if (this.image_url == url) {
return undefined;
if (this.image_url == '') {
return undefined;
if (this.image_url == 'undefined') {
return undefined;
if (this.image_url == undefined) {
return undefined;
this.image_url = url;
this.mc_image3 = gfx.create_clip(this.mc_image);
this.mc_image3._lockroot = true;
this.mc_image.onEnterFrame = this.delegate(this.load_image_check);
this.mc_image2 = this.mc_image3;
this.mc_image3 = null;
v1.load_image_check = function () {
var v2 = this.mc_image2.getBytesTotal();
var v3 = this.mc_image2.getBytesLoaded();
if (v2 == -1) {
this.mc_image.onEnterFrame = null;
return undefined;
if (v3 != v2 || (v2 == 0 || (this.mc_image2._width == 0 || this.mc_image2._height == 0))) {
return undefined;
this.mc_image.onEnterFrame = null;
var v4 = 100 * this.w / this.mc_image2._width;
var v5 = 100 * this.h / this.mc_image2._height;
var v6 = v4;
if (v5 < v6) {
v6 = v5;
var v7 = v6 * this.mc_image2._width / 100;
var v8 = v6 * this.mc_image2._height / 100;
v7 = (this.w - v7) / 2;
v8 = (this.h - v8) / 2;
this.mc_image2._xscale = v6;
this.mc_image2._yscale = v6;
this.mc_image2._x = v7;
this.mc_image2._y = v8;
v1.clean = function () {};
v1.onClick = function (g) {
v1.onClick_id = function (g_id) {
switch (g_id) {
case 'forward':
this.gizmo_play.active = false;
this.gizmo_pause.active = true;
this.state = 'play';
case 'backward':
this.gizmo_play.active = false;
this.gizmo_pause.active = true;
this.state = 'play';
case 'play':
if (this.state != 'play') {
this.gizmo_play.active = false;
this.gizmo_pause.active = true;
this.sfx.start((this.sfx.played_frac / this.sfx.loaded_frac) * this.sfx.duration / 1000);
this.state = 'play';
case 'pause':
if (this.state != 'pause') {
this.gizmo_play.active = true;
this.gizmo_pause.active = false;
this.state = 'pause';
case 'position_knob':
this.gizmo_play.active = false;
this.gizmo_pause.active = true;
var v3 = (this.gizmo_position_knob.x_knob / this.sfx.loaded_frac) * this.sfx.duration;
if (v3 > this.sfx.duration - 500) {
v3 = this.sfx.duration - 500;
if (v3 < 0) {
v3 = 0;
this.sfx.start(v3 / 1000);
this.state = 'play';
v1.update = function () {
var v2 = this.sfx.getBytesTotal() > 0 ? this.sfx.getBytesLoaded() / this.sfx.getBytesTotal() : 0;
var v3 = this.sfx.duration > 0 ? (this.sfx.position / this.sfx.duration) * this.sfx.loaded_frac : 0;
if (this.mc._visible) {
var v4 = this.row_size;
if (this.view == 'tracks') {
this.gizmo_list1.selected = this.track_id;
this.gizmo_list2.selected = this.track_id;
} else {
if (this.view == 'xspfs') {
this.gizmo_list1.selected = this.xspf_id;
this.gizmo_list2.selected = this.xspf_id;
var v6 = _root.poker.snapshot();
this.gizmo.focus = this.gizmo.input(v6);
this.sfx.played_frac_last = this.sfx.played_frac;
this.sfx.loaded_frac_last = this.sfx.loaded_frac;
this.sfx.loaded_frac = v2;
this.sfx.played_frac = v3;
if (this.sfx.played_frac != this.sfx.played_frac_last) {
this.gizmo_position_knob.set_knob(this.sfx.played_frac, 0);
if (this.sfx.loaded_frac != this.sfx.loaded_frac_last) {
var v5 = this.gizmo_position;
v5.mc.style = {'fill': 536870912 + this.foreground, 'out': -16777216 + this.foreground, 'text': -16777216 + this.foreground};
gfx.draw_box(v5.mc, undefined, v4 * 1 / 16, v4 * 1 / 16, (v5.w - v4 * 2 / 16) * this.sfx.loaded_frac, v5.h - v4 * 2 / 16);
v5.mc.style = {'fill': -2147483648 + this.foreground, 'out': -16777216 + this.foreground, 'text': -16777216 + this.foreground};
this.up.wetplayGFX.draw_boxen(v5.mc, 0, 0, v5.w, v5.h);
this.sfx_load_stall_counter = 0;
} else {
if (this.sfx.loaded_frac != 1 && this.sfx.played_frac == this.sfx.played_frac_last) {
} else {
this.sfx_load_stall_counter = 0;
if (this.state == 'play') {
this.throbe *= 1.0 - 0.05 * (1.0 - this.gizmo_volume_knob.y_knob);
if (this.throbe <= 0.05) {
this.throbe = 1.0 - this.gizmo_volume_knob.y_knob;
if (v2 == 1 && this.sfx.getBytesTotal() != undefined && this.sfx.position >= this.sfx.duration - 1 || this.sfx_load_stall_counter > 31 * 5) {
if (this.gizmo_volume_knob.y_knob != 1.0) {
this.sfx_load_stall_counter = 0;
} else {
this.throbe = 0;
} else {
this.throbe = 0;
var v7 = (1.0 - this.gizmo_volume_knob.y_knob) * 2;
v7 = v7 * v7 * v7;
v7 /= 2;
this.sfx_master.setVolume(v7 * 100);
if (!this.gizmo.focus) {
v1.click_forward = function () {
v1.play_next_track = function () {
if (this.tracks.length == 0) {
return undefined;
if (this.track_id >= this.tracks.length) {
this.track_id = 1;
if (this.shuffle) {
if (!this.loop) {
return undefined;
} else {
if (this.track_id <= 0) {
this.track_id = 1;
if (this.shuffle) {
v1.click_backward = function () {
if (this.sfx.position < 2000) {
} else {
v1.play_prev_track = function () {
if (this.track_id <= 0 || this.track_id >= this.tracks.length) {
this.track_id = this.tracks.length - 1;
if (this.shuffle) {
this.state = 'play';
v1.do_str = function (str) {
v1.load_xml = function (s) {
if (this.xspf.onLoad) {
return undefined;
if (this.tracks_url == s) {
return undefined;
this.tracks_url = s;
var v4 = this.tracks_url.split('/');
var v5 = v4[v4.length - 1].split('.');
if (s == 'MP3') {
var v6 = '<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>\n<playlist version="1" xmlns="http://xspf.org/ns/0/">\n<trackList>\n<track>\n<title>' + _root.wp_mp3 + '</title>\n<location>' + _root.wp_mp3 + '</location>\n</track>\n</trackList>\n<playlist>\n';
} else {
if (v5[v5.length - 1].toLowerCase() == 'mp3') {
var v7 = '<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>\n<playlist version="1" xmlns="http://xspf.org/ns/0/">\n<trackList>\n<track>\n<title>' + s + '</title>\n<location>' + s + '</location>\n</track>\n</trackList>\n<playlist>\n';
} else {
if (v4[2] == 'www.last.fm') {
var v3 = s.split('%20');
s = v3.join('+');
v3 = s.split(' ');
s = v3.join('+');
this.xspf.noData = this.xspf.onData;
this.xspf.onData = this.delegate(this.loaded_html);
this.xspf.onLoad = this.delegate(this.loaded_html);
this.set_title('scraping html');
} else {
if (s == 'grabb.it') {
this.xspf.onData = this.delegate(this.loaded_grabbit);
this.set_title('Getting username');
} else {
this.xspf.onLoad = this.delegate(this.loaded_xml);
this.set_title('Loading Playlist');
v1.loaded_html = function (txt) {
var v9 = null;
this.xspf.onData = this.xspf.noData;
this.xspf.onLoad = null;
var v3 = txt.split('.mp3');
var v7 = 0;
goto 24715;
for (;;) {
label 24715:
if (v7 >= v3.length) break;
var v4 = v3[v7].split('http:');
var v6 = v4[v4.length - 1];
if (v6.substring(0, 2) == '//') {
var v5 = v6.split('/');
if (v5[3] == 'download') {
var v10 = 'http:' + v6 + '.mp3';
if (v9 != v10) {
v9 = v10;
var v11 = new Object();
v11.location = v10;
v11.creator = ' on Last.FM';
v11.info = 'http://www.last.fm/music/?m=tracks&q=' + v11.titleurl;
v1.track_preload = function () {
this.tracks = new Array();
this.tracks1 = new Array();
this.tracks2 = new Array();
this.tracks[0] = {'str': '.. (click to go back)'};
this.tracks1[0] = {'str': '.. (click to go back)'};
this.tracks2[0] = {'str': ''};
this.got_creator = 0;
v1.track_postload = function () {
this.set_title('Loaded ' + (this.tracks.length - 1) + ' tracks.');
this.track_id = -1;
if (this.shuffle) {
if (this.auto) {
v1.loaded_grabbit = function (src) {
var v3 = (src.split('"'))[3];
this.xspf = new XML();
this.xspf.ignoreWhite = true;
this.xspf.onLoad = this.delegate(this.loaded_xml);
if (v3) {
this.xspf.load('http://grabb.it/users/' + v3 + '.xspf');
} else {
this.set_title('Loading Playlist');
v1.loaded_xml = function () {
this.xspf.onLoad = null;
v1.parse_xml = function (n) {
if (n.nodeName == 'track') {
} else {
var v4 = n.childNodes;
var v3 = 0;
goto 25763;
for (;;) {
label 25763:
if (v3 >= v4.length) break;
v1.add_tr = function (tr) {
var v7 = tr.location;
var v10 = v7.split('/');
if (v10.length > 1) {
if (v10[v10.length - 1] == '') {
v7 = v10[v10.length - 2];
} else {
v7 = v10[v10.length - 1];
v7 = _global.unescape(v7);
v10 = v7.split('+');
v7 = v10.join(' ');
v10 = v7.split('%');
var v4 = 1;
goto 26093;
for (;;) {
label 26093:
if (v4 >= v10.length) break;
v10[v4] = v10[v4].substr(2);
v7 = v10.join(' ');
v10 = v7.split('.mp3');
v7 = v10.join(' ');
v10 = v7.split(' ');
var v3 = 1;
goto 26260;
for (;;) {
label 26260:
if (v3 >= v10.length) break;
if (v10[v3] == '' && v10[v3 - 1] == '') {
v10.splice(v3, 1);
v7 = v10.join(' ');
tr.titleurl = v7;
if (tr.title == undefined) {
tr.title = tr.annotation;
if (tr.title == undefined) {
tr.title = tr.titleurl;
v7 = tr.title;
v10 = v7.split('\n');
v7 = v10.join(' ');
v10 = v7.split(' ');
v3 = 1;
goto 26568;
for (;;) {
label 26568:
if (v3 >= v10.length) break;
if (v10[v3] == '' && v10[v3 - 1] == '') {
v10.splice(v3, 1);
v7 = v10.join(' ');
tr.title = v7;
if (tr.creator == undefined) {
tr.creator = '';
if (tr.info) {
tr.creator = '?';
} else {
var v8 = '' + tr.title;
var v9 = '' + tr.creator;
this.tracks[this.tracks.length] = tr;
this.tracks1[this.tracks1.length] = {'str': v8};
this.tracks2[this.tracks2.length] = {'str': v9};
v1.add_track_from_xml = function (n) {
var v5 = new Object();
var v4 = n.childNodes;
var v3 = 0;
goto 27005;
for (;;) {
label 27005:
if (v3 >= v4.length) break;
var v6 = v4[v3];
if (v6.nodeName && v6.firstChild.nodeValue) {
v5[v6.nodeName] = v6.firstChild.nodeValue;
v1.shuffle_tracks = function () {
var v4 = this.tracks.length - 1;
var v2 = 0;
goto 27201;
for (;;) {
label 27201:
if (v2 >= v4) break;
var v3 = this.rnd() % v4;
this.tracks.splice(1, 0, this.tracks[v3 + 1]);
this.tracks.splice(v3 + 2, 1);
this.tracks1.splice(1, 0, this.tracks1[v3 + 1]);
this.tracks1.splice(v3 + 2, 1);
this.tracks2.splice(1, 0, this.tracks2[v3 + 1]);
this.tracks2.splice(v3 + 2, 1);
v1.so_load = function () {
this.so = SharedObject.getLocal('www.wetgenes.com/WetPlay');
var v2 = this.so.data;
this.so_loaded = false;
if (v2.sfx != undefined) {
this.sfx_on = v2.sfx;
this.so_loaded = true;
v1.so_save = function () {
var v2 = false;
var v3 = this.so.data;
var v4 = Math.floor((1.0 - this.gizmo_volume_knob.y_knob) * 100);
if (v3.vol != v4) {
v2 = true;
v3.vol = v4;
if (v3.sfx != this.sfx_on) {
v2 = true;
v3.sfx = this.sfx_on;
if (v3.auto != this.auto) {
v2 = true;
v3.auto = this.auto;
if (v2) {
ASSetPropFlags(v1, null, 1);
v1.disp_title = '';
v1.disp_creator = '';
v1.disp_info = '';
v1.throbe = 0;
v1.rnd_num = 0;
v1.so_loaded = false;
movieClip 20493 __Packages.NonobaAPI {
if (!NonobaAPI) {
_global.NonobaAPI = function () {
throw new Error('ERROR!: You cannot create an instance of the NonobaAPI class!');
var v1 = _global.NonobaAPI.prototype;
_global.NonobaAPI.GetShopItemKeys = function (callback) {
if (!NonobaAPI.isInited) {
if (NonobaAPI.failed) {
if (callback) {
callback(NonobaAPI.ERROR, null);
return undefined;
if (NonobaAPI.api && NonobaAPI.api.ShowShop) {
} else {
NonobaAPI.cachedRequests.push(function () {
_global.NonobaAPI.HasShopItem = function (item, callback) {
if (!NonobaAPI.isInited) {
if (NonobaAPI.failed) {
if (callback) {
callback(NonobaAPI.ERROR, false, null);
return undefined;
if (NonobaAPI.api && NonobaAPI.api.ShowShop) {
NonobaAPI.api.HasShopItem(item, callback);
} else {
NonobaAPI.cachedRequests.push(function () {
this.HasShopItem(item, callback);
_global.NonobaAPI.ShowShop = function (item, callback) {
if (!NonobaAPI.isInited) {
if (NonobaAPI.failed) {
if (callback) {
return undefined;
if (NonobaAPI.api && NonobaAPI.api.ShowShop) {
NonobaAPI.api.ShowShop(item, callback);
} else {
NonobaAPI.cachedRequests.push(function () {
this.ShowShop(item, callback);
_global.NonobaAPI.Login = function (callback) {
if (!NonobaAPI.isInited) {
if (NonobaAPI.failed) {
if (callback) {
return undefined;
if (NonobaAPI.api && NonobaAPI.api.Login) {
} else {
NonobaAPI.cachedRequests.push(function () {
_global.NonobaAPI.SubmitScore = function (key, score, callback) {
if (!NonobaAPI.isInited) {
if (NonobaAPI.failed) {
if (callback) {
return undefined;
if (NonobaAPI.api && NonobaAPI.api.SubmitScore) {
NonobaAPI.api.SubmitScore(key, score, callback);
} else {
NonobaAPI.cachedRequests.push(function () {
this.SubmitScore(key, score, callback);
_global.NonobaAPI.AwardAchievement = function (key, callback) {
if (!NonobaAPI.isInited) {
if (NonobaAPI.failed) {
if (callback) {
callback(NonobaAPI.ERROR, 0);
return undefined;
if (NonobaAPI.api && NonobaAPI.api.AwardAchievement) {
NonobaAPI.api.AwardAchievement(key, callback);
} else {
NonobaAPI.cachedRequests.push(function () {
this.AwardAchievement(key, callback);
_global.NonobaAPI.SetUserData = function (key, value, callback) {
if (!NonobaAPI.isInited) {
if (NonobaAPI.failed) {
if (callback) {
return undefined;
if (NonobaAPI.api && NonobaAPI.api.SetUserData) {
NonobaAPI.api.SetUserData(key, value, callback);
} else {
NonobaAPI.cachedRequests.push(function () {
this.SetUserData(key, value, callback);
_global.NonobaAPI.GetUserData = function (key, callback) {
if (!NonobaAPI.isInited) {
if (NonobaAPI.failed) {
if (callback) {
callback(NonobaAPI.ERROR, '');
return undefined;
if (NonobaAPI.api && NonobaAPI.api.GetUserData) {
NonobaAPI.api.GetUserData(key, callback);
} else {
NonobaAPI.cachedRequests.push(function () {
this.GetUserData(key, callback);
_global.NonobaAPI.GetUsername = function (callback) {
if (!NonobaAPI.isInited) {
if (NonobaAPI.failed) {
if (callback) {
callback(NonobaAPI.ERROR, '');
return undefined;
if (NonobaAPI.api && NonobaAPI.api.GetUsername) {
} else {
NonobaAPI.cachedRequests.push(function () {
_global.NonobaAPI.Init = function (container) {
var emptyCache;
if (NonobaAPI.isInited) {
throw new Error('NonobaAPI can not be re-initialized!');
NonobaAPI.isInited = true;
var v3 = _root.nonoba$apicodeas2;
if (!v3) {
NonobaAPI.failed = true;
container = container || _root;
NonobaAPI.api = container.createEmptyMovieClip('___NonobaAPI__loader', container.getNextHighestDepth());
var v4 = new MovieClipLoader();
v4.addListener({'onLoadComplete': function () {
var loadTimer;
loadTimer = _global.setInterval(com.dynamicflash.utils.Delegate.create(NonobaAPI, function () {
if (this.api.SubmitScore !== undefined) {
}), 500);
}, 'onLoadError': function () {
this.failed = true;
emptyCache = function () {
var v2 = 0;
goto 3732;
for (;;) {
label 3732:
if (v2 >= this.cachedRequests.length) break;
this.cachedRequests = [];
v4.loadClip(v3, NonobaAPI.api);
ASSetPropFlags(v1, null, 1);
_global.NonobaAPI.SUCCESS = 'SUCCESS';
_global.NonobaAPI.NOT_LOGGED_IN = 'user not logged in';
_global.NonobaAPI.ERROR = 'error';
_global.NonobaAPI.isInited = false;
_global.NonobaAPI.loading = false;
_global.NonobaAPI.cachedRequests = [];
_global.NonobaAPI.failed = false;
movieClip 20494 __Packages.WetPlayGFX {
if (!WetPlayGFX) {
_global.WetPlayGFX = function () {};
var v1 = _global.WetPlayGFX.prototype;
v1.WetPlayMP3 = function (_up) {
this.up = _up;
v1.draw_play = function (mc, x, y, w, h) {
var v7 = w / 16;
var v8 = h / 16;
var v9 = v7;
if (v9 > v8) {
v9 = v8;
mc.beginFill(mc.style.fill & 16777215, (mc.style.fill >> 24 & 255) * 100 / 255);
mc.moveTo(x + v9, y + v9);
mc.lineTo(x + w - v9, y + v9);
mc.lineTo(x + w - v9, y + h - v9);
mc.lineTo(x + v9, y + h - v9);
mc.lineTo(x + v9, y + v9);
mc.moveTo(x + v9 * 2, y + v9 * 2);
mc.lineTo(x + w - v9 * 2, y + v9 * 2);
mc.lineTo(x + w - v9 * 2, y + h - v9 * 2);
mc.lineTo(x + v9 * 2, y + h - v9 * 2);
mc.lineTo(x + v9 * 2, y + v9 * 2);
mc.moveTo(x + v7 * 5, y + v9 * 3);
mc.lineTo(x + v7 * 5, y + h - v9 * 3);
mc.lineTo(x + v7 * 11, y + v8 * 8);
v1.draw_back = function (mc, x, y, w, h) {
var v7 = w / 16;
var v8 = h / 16;
var v9 = v7;
if (v9 > v8) {
v9 = v8;
mc.beginFill(mc.style.fill & 16777215, (mc.style.fill >> 24 & 255) * 100 / 255);
mc.moveTo(x + v9, y + v9);
mc.lineTo(x + w - v9, y + v9);
mc.lineTo(x + w - v9, y + h - v9);
mc.lineTo(x + v9, y + h - v9);
mc.lineTo(x + v9, y + v9);
mc.moveTo(x + v9 * 2, y + v9 * 2);
mc.lineTo(x + w - v9 * 2, y + v9 * 2);
mc.lineTo(x + w - v9 * 2, y + h - v9 * 2);
mc.lineTo(x + v9 * 2, y + h - v9 * 2);
mc.lineTo(x + v9 * 2, y + v9 * 2);
mc.moveTo(x + v7 * 11, y + v9 * 3);
mc.lineTo(x + v7 * 11, y + h - v9 * 3);
mc.lineTo(x + v7 * 5, y + v8 * 8);
v1.draw_stop = function (mc, x, y, w, h) {
var v7 = w / 16;
var v8 = h / 16;
var v9 = v7;
if (v9 > v8) {
v9 = v8;
mc.beginFill(mc.style.fill & 16777215, (mc.style.fill >> 24 & 255) * 100 / 255);
mc.moveTo(x + v9, y + v9);
mc.lineTo(x + w - v9, y + v9);
mc.lineTo(x + w - v9, y + h - v9);
mc.lineTo(x + v9, y + h - v9);
mc.lineTo(x + v9, y + v9);
mc.moveTo(x + v9 * 2, y + v9 * 2);
mc.lineTo(x + w - v9 * 2, y + v9 * 2);
mc.lineTo(x + w - v9 * 2, y + h - v9 * 2);
mc.lineTo(x + v9 * 2, y + h - v9 * 2);
mc.lineTo(x + v9 * 2, y + v9 * 2);
mc.moveTo(x + v7 * 12, y + v8 * 4);
mc.lineTo(x + v7 * 12, y + v8 * 12);
mc.lineTo(x + v7 * 4, y + v8 * 12);
mc.lineTo(x + v7 * 4, y + v8 * 4);
v1.draw_pause = function (mc, x, y, w, h) {
var v7 = w / 16;
var v8 = h / 16;
var v9 = v7;
if (v9 > v8) {
v9 = v8;
mc.beginFill(mc.style.fill & 16777215, (mc.style.fill >> 24 & 255) * 100 / 255);
mc.moveTo(x + v9, y + v9);
mc.lineTo(x + w - v9, y + v9);
mc.lineTo(x + w - v9, y + h - v9);
mc.lineTo(x + v9, y + h - v9);
mc.lineTo(x + v9, y + v9);
mc.moveTo(x + v9 * 2, y + v9 * 2);
mc.lineTo(x + w - v9 * 2, y + v9 * 2);
mc.lineTo(x + w - v9 * 2, y + h - v9 * 2);
mc.lineTo(x + v9 * 2, y + h - v9 * 2);
mc.lineTo(x + v9 * 2, y + v9 * 2);
mc.moveTo(x + v7 * 4, y + v9 * 3);
mc.lineTo(x + v7 * 4, y + v9 * 13);
mc.lineTo(x + v7 * 7, y + v9 * 13);
mc.lineTo(x + v7 * 7, y + v9 * 3);
mc.moveTo(x + v7 * 9, y + v9 * 3);
mc.lineTo(x + v7 * 9, y + v9 * 13);
mc.lineTo(x + v7 * 12, y + v9 * 13);
mc.lineTo(x + v7 * 12, y + v9 * 3);
v1.draw_forward = function (mc, x, y, w, h) {
var v7 = w / 16;
var v8 = h / 16;
var v9 = v7;
if (v9 > v8) {
v9 = v8;
mc.beginFill(mc.style.fill & 16777215, (mc.style.fill >> 24 & 255) * 100 / 255);
mc.moveTo(x + v9, y + v9);
mc.lineTo(x + w - v9, y + v9);
mc.lineTo(x + w - v9, y + h - v9);
mc.lineTo(x + v9, y + h - v9);
mc.lineTo(x + v9, y + v9);
mc.moveTo(x + v9 * 2, y + v9 * 2);
mc.lineTo(x + w - v9 * 2, y + v9 * 2);
mc.lineTo(x + w - v9 * 2, y + h - v9 * 2);
mc.lineTo(x + v9 * 2, y + h - v9 * 2);
mc.lineTo(x + v9 * 2, y + v9 * 2);
mc.moveTo(x + v7 * 3, y + v9 * 3);
mc.lineTo(x + v7 * 3, y + h - v9 * 3);
mc.lineTo(x + v7 * 8, y + v8 * 8);
mc.moveTo(x + v7 * 8, y + v9 * 3);
mc.lineTo(x + v7 * 8, y + h - v9 * 3);
mc.lineTo(x + v7 * 13, y + v8 * 8);
v1.draw_backward = function (mc, x, y, w, h) {
var v7 = w / 16;
var v8 = h / 16;
var v9 = v7;
if (v9 > v8) {
v9 = v8;
mc.beginFill(mc.style.fill & 16777215, (mc.style.fill >> 24 & 255) * 100 / 255);
mc.moveTo(x + v9, y + v9);
mc.lineTo(x + w - v9, y + v9);
mc.lineTo(x + w - v9, y + h - v9);
mc.lineTo(x + v9, y + h - v9);
mc.lineTo(x + v9, y + v9);
mc.moveTo(x + v9 * 2, y + v9 * 2);
mc.lineTo(x + w - v9 * 2, y + v9 * 2);
mc.lineTo(x + w - v9 * 2, y + h - v9 * 2);
mc.lineTo(x + v9 * 2, y + h - v9 * 2);
mc.lineTo(x + v9 * 2, y + v9 * 2);
mc.moveTo(x + v7 * 8, y + v9 * 3);
mc.lineTo(x + v7 * 8, y + h - v9 * 3);
mc.lineTo(x + v7 * 3, y + v8 * 8);
mc.moveTo(x + v7 * 13, y + v9 * 3);
mc.lineTo(x + v7 * 13, y + h - v9 * 3);
mc.lineTo(x + v7 * 8, y + v8 * 8);
v1.draw_boxen = function (mc, x, y, w, h) {
var v7 = w / 16;
var v8 = h / 16;
var v9 = v7;
if (v9 > v8) {
v9 = v8;
mc.beginFill(mc.style.fill & 16777215, (mc.style.fill >> 24 & 255) * 100 / 255);
mc.moveTo(x + v9, y + v9);
mc.lineTo(x + w - v9, y + v9);
mc.lineTo(x + w - v9, y + h - v9);
mc.lineTo(x + v9, y + h - v9);
mc.lineTo(x + v9, y + v9);
mc.moveTo(x + v9 * 2, y + v9 * 2);
mc.lineTo(x + w - v9 * 2, y + v9 * 2);
mc.lineTo(x + w - v9 * 2, y + h - v9 * 2);
mc.lineTo(x + v9 * 2, y + h - v9 * 2);
mc.lineTo(x + v9 * 2, y + v9 * 2);
v1.draw_puck = function (mc, x, y, w, h) {
var v7 = w / 16;
var v8 = h / 16;
var v9 = v7;
if (v9 > v8) {
v9 = v8;
mc.beginFill(mc.style.fill & 16777215, (mc.style.fill >> 24 & 255) * 100 / 255);
mc.moveTo(x + v9 * 3, y + v9 * 3);
mc.lineTo(x + w - v9 * 3, y + v9 * 3);
mc.lineTo(x + w - v9 * 3, y + h - v9 * 3);
mc.lineTo(x + v9 * 3, y + h - v9 * 3);
mc.lineTo(x + v9 * 3, y + v9 * 3);
ASSetPropFlags(v1, null, 1);
movieClip 20495 __Packages.Loading {
if (!Loading) {
_global.Loading = function (_showloading) {
this.showloading = _showloading;
var v1 = _global.Loading.prototype;
v1.delegate = function (f, d) {
return com.dynamicflash.utils.Delegate.create(this, f, d);
v1.setup = function () {
var v3 = function (a, b) {
if (_root[a] == undefined) {
_root[a] = b;
this.server = 'www';
if (_root._url.indexOf('http://www.wetgenes.local/') == 0 || (_root._url.indexOf('http://wetgenes.local/') == 0 || (_root._url.indexOf('http://swf.wetgenes.local/') == 0 || (_root._url.indexOf('http://www.host.local/') == 0 || (_root._url.indexOf('http://host.local/') == 0 || (_root._url.indexOf('http://www.local.host/') == 0 || (_root._url.indexOf('http://local.host/') == 0 || _root._url.indexOf('file:') == 0))))))) {
this.server = 'local';
v3('host', 'swf.wetgenes.local');
} else {
v3('host', 'swf.wetgenes.com');
this.defuck = _root._highquality;
this.done = false;
this.mcb = gfx.create_clip(_root.mc_popup, null);
if (_root.scalar.oy == 600) {
this.mc = this.mcb;
} else {
this.mcb._xscale = Math.floor(100 * (_root.scalar.oy / 600));
this.mcb._yscale = Math.floor(100 * (_root.scalar.oy / 600));
this.mc = gfx.create_clip(this.mcb, null);
if (!this.showloading) {
this.mc._visible = false;
this.mc.style.fill = -16777216;
gfx.draw_box(this.mc, 0, 0, 0, 800, 600);
this.mc.dna = gfx.create_clip(this.mc, null);
this.mc.dna._y = 100;
this.mc.dna._xscale = 100 * 800 / 256;
this.mc.dna._yscale = this.mc.dna._xscale;
this.dna = new wetDNA2(this.mc.dna, 'dna', 0, 255, 256, 128);
this.mcanim = gfx.create_clip(this.mc, null);
this.tf2 = gfx.create_text_html(this.mcanim, null, 25, 25, 750, 200);
this.tf3 = gfx.create_text_html(this.mcanim, null, 200, 250, 400, 300);
this.tf4 = gfx.create_text_html(this.mcanim, null, 25, 450, 750, 200);
var v2 = '';
v2 += '<p align="center">';
v2 += 'This game is creator owned by real people who have worked very hard to provide the best gaming experience they can.<br><br>';
v2 += 'You can always find the latest version at<br>http://WetV.WetGenes.com/';
v2 += '</p>';
gfx.set_text_html(this.tf2, 23, 16777215, v2);
v2 = '';
v2 += '<p align=\'center\'>WetV 0.99 (c) Shi+Kriss Daniels Apr 11 2010</p>';
v2 += '<p align=\'center\'>Distributed under the CC Attribution-NoDerivs 2.5 Licence.</p>';
v2 += '<p align=\'center\'>http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nd/2.5/</p>';
gfx.set_text_html(this.tf4, 16, 16777215, v2);
this.mcmochi = gfx.create_clip(this.mc, null, (800 - 600 * 800 / 640) / 2, (600 - 440 * 600 / 480) / 2, 100 * 800 / 640, 100 * 600 / 480);
this.mcmochi.click = gfx.create_clip(this.mcmochi, null);
this.waitfordisplay = true;
this.mcmochi.dispad = gfx.create_clip(this.mcmochi, null);
this.mc.onEnterFrame = this.delegate(this.update, null);
this.my_server = false;
if (_root._url.indexOf('http://wetdike.wetgenes.com') == 0 || (_root._url.indexOf('http://www.wetgenes.com') == 0 || _root._url.indexOf('http://wetgenes.com') == 0)) {
this.my_server = true;
_root.kidsafe = false;
if (this.server != 'local') {
_root.skip_wetimport = false;
_root.skip_wetlogin = false;
_root.skip_wetscore = false;
var v4 = _root._url.split('/');
v4 = v4[2].split('.');
v4[0] = v4[0].toLowerCase();
v4[1] = v4[1].toLowerCase();
v4[2] = v4[2].toLowerCase();
var v5 = '';
if (!v4[3] && v4[2]) {
v5 = v4[1];
} else {
if (!v4[2] && v4[1]) {
v5 = v4[0];
_root.hosted_domain_test = v5;
switch (v5) {
case 'auntlee':
_root.kidsafe = true;
_root.skip_wetimport = true;
_root.wethidemochiads = true;
case 'mindjolt':
_root.skip_wetimport = true;
_root.skip_wetlogin = true;
_root.skip_wetscore = true;
if (!_root.wethidemochiads && !_root.wethideloadingmochiads) {
this.mochi = true;
if (this.brandead_link != '') {
this.splash = this.brandead_image;
this.splash_link = this.brandead_link;
if (this.splash) {
this.mcsplash = gfx.create_clip(this.mc, null, 400, 300, 220, 220);
this.mcsplash.splash = gfx.add_clip(this.mcsplash, this.splash, null, -300 / 2, -250 / 2);
this.mcsplash.onRelease = this.delegate(this.splashclick);
this.splash_count = 0;
} else {
if (!_root.wethidemochiads && !_root.wethideloadingmochiads) {
v1.splashclick = function () {
if (this.splash_link) {
getURL(this.splash_link, '_blank');
v1.update = function () {
if (this.splash) {
if (this.splash_count == 25 * 5) {
this.mcsplash._visible = false;
this.splash = null;
if (!_root.wethidemochiads && !_root.wethideloadingmochiads) {
} else {
if (this.splash_count > 25 * 4.5) {
this.mcsplash._xscale *= 0.75;
this.mcsplash._yscale *= 0.75;
this.mcsplash._alpha *= 0.75;
} else {
if (this.splash_count < 25 * 5) {
} else {
this.loaded_percent = Math.floor(_root.getBytesLoaded() * 100 / _root.getBytesTotal());
if (!_root.wethidemochiads && !_root.wethideloadingmochiads) {
this.mcmochi._visible = true;
} else {
this.mcmochi._visible = false;
gfx.set_text_html(this.tf3, 100, 16777215, '<p align="center"><b>' + Math.floor(this.loaded_percent) + '%</b></p>');
this.dna.tint = Math.floor(256 * this.loaded_percent / 100);
if (this.loaded_percent >= 100 && (!this.splash && (!this.intro && !this.mochi))) {
v1.clean = function () {
delete this.dna;
if (this.showloading) {
_root.swish = (new Swish({'style': 'sqr_plode', 'mc': this.mc})).setup();
this.mc = null;
this.mcb = null;
this.done = true;
_root._highquality = this.defuck;
v1.mochi_started = function () {
this.mochi = true;
this.waitfordisplay = false;
v1.mochi_finished = function () {
this.mochi = false;
v1.mochi_show = function () {
MochiAd.showInterLevelAd({'id': '', 'res': '600x440', 'clip': this.mcmochi.dispad, 'ad_started': this.delegate(this.mochi_started), 'ad_finished': this.delegate(this.mochi_finished)});
v1.intro_show = function () {};
v1.intro_hide = function () {};
v1.click = function (s) {
if (s !== 'text') {
} else {}
ASSetPropFlags(v1, null, 1);
v1.brandead_link = '';
v1.brandead_image = 'splash_brandead';
v1.done = false;
v1.loaded_percent = 0;
v1.frame = 0;
v1.mochi = false;
movieClip 20496 __Packages.PlayAbout {
if (!PlayAbout) {
_global.PlayAbout = function (_up) {
this.up = _up;
var v1 = _global.PlayAbout.prototype;
v1.delegate = function (f, d) {
return com.dynamicflash.utils.Delegate.create(this, f, d);
v1.setbutt = function (m, n) {
m.onRollOver = this.delegate(this.over, n);
m.onRollOut = this.delegate(this.notover, n);
m.onReleaseOutside = this.delegate(this.notover, n);
m.onRelease = this.delegate(this.click, n);
v1.setup = function () {
_root.popup = this;
this.mcs = new Array();
this.tfs = new Array();
this.mcb = gfx.create_clip(_root.mc_popup, null);
if (_root.scalar.oy == 600) {
this.mc = this.mcb;
} else {
this.mcb._xscale = Math.floor(100 * (_root.scalar.oy / 600));
this.mcb._yscale = Math.floor(100 * (_root.scalar.oy / 600));
this.mc = gfx.create_clip(this.mcb, null);
this.mcb.cacheAsBitmap = true;
gfx.dropshadow(this.mc, 5, 45, 0, 1, 20, 20, 2, 3);
this.mc._y = 0;
this.mc.dx = 0;
this.mc._x = -800;
this.done = false;
this.steady = false;
this.mc.style.out = -16777216;
this.mc.style.fill = -2147483648;
gfx.draw_box(this.mc, 0, 100 + 16, +16, 600 - 32, 600 - 32);
this.tfs[0] = gfx.create_text_html(this.mc, null, 150, 50, 500, 500);
var v5 = '';
v5 += '<p align=\'center\'><b>WetV</b> <font size=\'13\'></font> v0.99 <font size=\'13\'>(c) Shi+Kriss Daniels Apr 11 2010<br>';
v5 += '<a target=\'BOT\' href=\'http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nd/2.5/\'>Distributed under the CC Attribution-NoDerivs 2.5 Licence.</a>';
v5 += '</font></p>';
v5 += '<br>';
v5 += '<p><a target=\'_blank\' href=\'http://www.WetGenes.com\'>Click here to visit <b>www.WetGenes.com</b> and play more free online games.</a></p>';
this.tfs[0].multiline = true;
this.tfs[0].wordWrap = true;
this.tfs[0].html = true;
this.tfs[0].selectable = false;
gfx.set_text_html(this.tfs[0], 22, 16777215, v5);
this.mcs[0] = gfx.create_clip(this.mc, null, 0, 570 - 220 * 800 / 640, 100 * 800 / 640, 100 * 800 / 640);
this.setbutt(this.mcs[0], 'wetcoma');
this.mcs[2] = gfx.add_clip(this.mc, 'auth_kriss', null, 300, 570 - 220 * 800 / 640 - 100, 100, 100);
this.setbutt(this.mcs[2], 'kriss');
this.mcs[3] = gfx.add_clip(this.mc, 'auth_shi', null, 400, 570 - 220 * 800 / 640 - 100, 100, 100);
this.setbutt(this.mcs[3], 'shi');
_root.bmc.remember('wetcoma', bmcache.create_url, {'url': 'http://swf.wetgenes.com/wavys/wetcoma.png', 'bmpw': 640, 'bmph': 220, 'bmpt': false, 'hx': 0, 'hy': 0});
this.mcs[1] = null;
this.update_do = this.delegate(this.update, null);
MainStatic.update_add(_root.updates, this.update_do);
v1.clean = function () {
if (_root.popup != this) {
return undefined;
MainStatic.update_remove(_root.updates, this.update_do);
this.update_do = null;
_root.popup = null;
v1.show_loaded = function () {
if (this.mcs[1] == null) {
if (_root.bmc.isloaded('wetcoma')) {
this.mcs[1] = _root.bmc.create(this.mcs[0], 'wetcoma', null);
v1.thunk = function () {};
v1.over = function (s) {
switch (s) {
case 'wetcoma':
_root.poker.ShowFloat('Read this whitarded comic and less of the same at <b>4lfa.com</b> : <font size=\'13\'>Helping to make tomorrow seem more like yesterday.</font>', 25 * 10);
case 'kriss':
_root.poker.ShowFloat('Kriss made teh top secret codes.<br>Click to see his site.', 25 * 10);
case 'shi':
_root.poker.ShowFloat('Shi hates you.<br>Click here to see why.', 25 * 10);
v1.notover = function (s) {
_root.poker.ShowFloat(null, 0);
v1.click = function (s) {
switch (s) {
case 'wetcoma':
getURL('http://4lfa.com', '_blank');
case 'kriss':
getURL('http://XIXs.com', '_blank');
case 'shi':
getURL('http://esyou.com', '_blank');
v1.update = function () {
if (_root.popup == this && _root.poker.anykey) {
if (this.steady) {
this.done = true;
this.mc.dx = _root.scalar.ox;
if (_root.popup != this || _root.pause) {
return undefined;
this.mc._x += (this.mc.dx - this.mc._x) / 4;
if ((this.mc._x - this.mc.dx) * (this.mc._x - this.mc.dx) < 16 * 16) {
this.steady = true;
if (this.done) {
} else {
this.steady = false;
ASSetPropFlags(v1, null, 1);
movieClip 20497 __Packages.WetVPlay {
if (!WetVPlay) {
_global.WetVPlay = function (_up) {
this.up = _up;
var v1 = _global.WetVPlay.prototype;
v1.delegate = function (f, d, i) {
return com.dynamicflash.utils.Delegate.create(this, f, d, i);
v1.rnd_seed = function (n) {
this.rnd_num = n & 65535;
v1.rnd = function () {
this.rnd_num = ((this.rnd_num + 1) * 75 - 1) % 65537;
return this.rnd_num;
v1.setup = function (_nojoin, _screensize) {
this.info = [];
this.info.vid = '';
this.info.title = '';
this.info.len = 0;
this.info.lock = 0;
this.info.pos = 0;
this.screensize_x = 640;
this.screensize_y = 480;
if (_screensize) {
var v6 = _screensize.split('x');
this.screensize_x = Math.floor(v6[0]);
this.screensize_y = Math.floor(v6[1]);
this.nojoin = _nojoin;
this.mc = gfx.create_clip(this.up.mc, null);
this.mc.vid = gfx.create_clip(this.mc, null);
this.vid = gfx.create_clip(this.mc.vid, null);
this.over = gfx.create_clip(this.mc, null);
this.vid2 = gfx.create_clip(this.mc, null);
this.over.onRelease = this.delegate(this.onRelease);
this.over.hitArea = gfx.create_clip(this.mc, null);
gfx.draw_box(this.over.hitArea, 0, 0, 0, this.screensize_x, this.screensize_y);
this.over.hitArea._visible = false;
this.loader = {};
this.loader.mcloader = new MovieClipLoader();
this.oldState = 0;
v1.clean = function () {
this.mc = null;
v1.hide_youtube = function () {
this.vid.loadVideoById('00000000000', 0, 'small');
v1.show_youtube = function () {
if (_root.spew_opts.vids_hq) {
this.loader.mcloader.loadClip('http://www.youtube.com/apiplayer?disablekb=1', this.vid);
} else {
this.loader.mcloader.loadClip('http://www.youtube.com/apiplayer?disablekb=1&hd=0', this.vid);
this.vid_ready = false;
this.spew_ready = false;
v1.onRelease = function () {
if (this.vid.getPlayerState() == 1) {
getURL(this.vid.getVideoUrl() + '#t=' + Math.floor(this.vid.getCurrentTime()), '_blank');
} else {
v1.onReady = function () {
this.vid.addEventListener('onStateChange', this.delegate(this.onStateChange));
this.vid.addEventListener('onError', this.delegate(this.onError));
this.vid.setSize(this.screensize_x, this.screensize_y);
_root.sock.gmsg(null, this.delegate(this.gmsgback, null));
_root.sock.gmsg(null, this.delegate(this.gmsgback, null));
this.gmsgsend({'gcmd': 'wetv', 'wetv': 'ready'});
this.sent_info = true;
this.vid_id = null;
v1.onStateChange = function (newState) {
if (newState == 0 && this.oldState == 1) {
this.gmsgsend({'gcmd': 'wetv', 'wetv': 'info', 'video': this.vid_id, 'length': 0});
if (this.vid_id_queue) {
this.play_vid(this.vid_id_queue, this.vid_pos_queue);
this.oldState = 0;
if (newState == 1) {
this.oldState = 1;
v1.onError = function (errorCode) {
this.gmsgsend({'gcmd': 'wetv', 'wetv': 'info', 'video': this.vid_id, 'length': 0});
this.sent_info = true;
v1.play_vid = function (id, pos) {
var v4 = this.swishnames[this.rnd() % (this.swishnames.length - 1)];
this.vid_id_queue = null;
this.vid_id = id;
this.oldState = 0;
if (_root.spew_opts.vids_hq) {
this.vid.loadVideoById(id, pos, 'hd720');
} else {
this.vid.loadVideoById(id, pos, 'small');
this.oldState = 0;
this.sent_info = false;
this.info.id = id;
this.info.pos = pos;
this.info.len = 0;
v1.queue_vid = function (id, pos) {
this.vid_id_queue = id;
this.vid_pos_queue = pos;
v1.update = function () {
if (!this.vid_ready) {
if (this.vid.isPlayerLoaded()) {
this.vid_ready = true;
} else {
return undefined;
if (!this.spew_ready) {
if (_root.sock.connected) {
this.spew_ready = true;
} else {
return undefined;
var v3 = this.vid.getDuration();
var v4 = this.vid.getCurrentTime();
if (!this.sent_info) {
if (v3 > 0) {
this.gmsgsend({'gcmd': 'wetv', 'wetv': 'info', 'video': this.vid_id, 'length': v3});
this.sent_info = true;
if (v4 > 0) {
this.info.pos = v4;
if (v3 > 0) {
this.info.len = v3;
v1.do_str = function (str) {
v1.got_play_msg = function (msg) {
var v3 = msg.play.split(',');
if (v3[0] && v3[1]) {
var v4 = v3[0];
var v5 = Math.floor(v3[1]);
var v6 = this.vid.getDuration();
if (this.oldState == 1 && (v6 > 0 && v6 < 10)) {
this.queue_vid(v4, v5);
} else {
this.play_vid(v4, v5);
v1.got_title_msg = function (msg) {
this.info.title = msg.title;
v1.got_lock_msg = function (msg) {
this.info.lock = msg.lock;
v1.gmsgsend = function (msg) {
if (_root.sock) {
_root.sock.gmsg(msg, this.delegate(this.gmsgback, msg));
v1.gmsgback = function (msg, sentmsg) {
if (!sentmsg) {
if (msg.gcmd !== 'wetv') {
} else {
switch (msg.wetv) {
case 'play':
case 'title':
case 'lock':
} else {
if (sentmsg.gcmd !== 'wetv') {
} else {}
ASSetPropFlags(v1, null, 1);
v1.rnd_num = 0;
v1.nojoin = false;
v1.swishnames = ['sqr_shrink', 'sqr_rollup', 'sqr_plode'];
movieClip 20498 __Packages.MochiAd {
if (!MochiAd) {
_global.MochiAd = function () {};
var v1 = _global.MochiAd.prototype;
_global.MochiAd.getVersion = function () {
return '2.5';
_global.MochiAd.showPreGameAd = function (options) {
var v2 = {'clip': _root, 'ad_timeout': 3000, 'fadeout_time': 250, 'regpt': 'o', 'method': 'showPreloaderAd', 'color': 16747008, 'background': 16777161, 'outline': 13994812, 'no_progress_bar': false, 'ad_started': function () {
}, 'ad_finished': function () {
}, 'ad_failed': function () {
trace('[MochiAd] Couldn\'t load an ad, make sure that your game\'s local security sandbox is configured for Access Network Only and that you are not using ad blocking software');
}, 'ad_loaded': function (width, height) {}, 'ad_skipped': function () {}, 'ad_progress': function (percent) {}};
options = MochiAd._parseOptions(options, v2);
if ('c862232051e0a94e1c3609b3916ddb17'.substr(0) == 'dfeada81ac97cde83665f81c12da7def') {
return undefined;
var clip = options.clip;
var v3 = 11000;
var v4 = options.ad_timeout;
delete options.ad_timeout;
var v5 = options.fadeout_time;
delete options.fadeout_time;
if (!MochiAd.load(options)) {
return undefined;
var mc = clip._mochiad;
mc.onUnload = function () {
var v6 = MochiAd._getRes(options);
var v7 = v6[0];
var v8 = v6[1];
mc._x = v7 * 0.5;
mc._y = v8 * 0.5;
var chk = mc.createEmptyMovieClip('_mochiad_wait', 3);
chk._x = v7 * -0.5;
chk._y = v8 * -0.5;
var v9 = chk.createEmptyMovieClip('_mochiad_bar', 4);
if (options.no_progress_bar) {
v9._visible = false;
delete options.no_progress_bar;
} else {
v9._x = 10;
v9._y = v8 - 20;
var v10 = options.color;
delete options.color;
var v11 = options.background;
delete options.background;
var v12 = options.outline;
delete options.outline;
var v13 = v9.createEmptyMovieClip('_outline', 1);
v13.moveTo(0, 0);
v13.lineTo(v7 - 20, 0);
v13.lineTo(v7 - 20, 10);
v13.lineTo(0, 10);
v13.lineTo(0, 0);
var v14 = v9.createEmptyMovieClip('_inside', 2);
v14.moveTo(0, 0);
v14.lineTo(v7 - 20, 0);
v14.lineTo(v7 - 20, 10);
v14.lineTo(0, 10);
v14.lineTo(0, 0);
v14._xscale = 0;
var v15 = v9.createEmptyMovieClip('_outline', 3);
v15.lineStyle(0, v12, 100);
v15.moveTo(0, 0);
v15.lineTo(v7 - 20, 0);
v15.lineTo(v7 - 20, 10);
v15.lineTo(0, 10);
v15.lineTo(0, 0);
chk.ad_msec = v3;
chk.ad_timeout = v4;
chk.started = getTimer();
chk.showing = false;
chk.last_pcnt = 0;
chk.fadeout_time = v5;
chk.fadeFunction = function () {
var v2 = 100 * (1 - (getTimer() - this.fadeout_start) / this.fadeout_time);
if (v2 > 0) {
this._parent._alpha = v2;
} else {
var v3 = this._parent._parent;
delete this.onEnterFrame;
mc.lc.regContLC = function (lc_name) {
mc._containerLCName = lc_name;
var sendHostProgress = false;
mc.lc.sendHostLoadProgress = function (lc_name) {
sendHostProgress = true;
mc.lc.adLoaded = options.ad_loaded;
mc.lc.adSkipped = options.ad_skipped;
mc.lc.adjustProgress = function (msec) {
var v3 = this.mc._mochiad_wait;
v3.server_control = true;
v3.started = getTimer();
v3.ad_msec = msec;
mc.lc.rpc = function (callbackID, arg) {
MochiAd.rpc(clip, callbackID, arg);
mc.rpcTestFn = function (s) {
trace('[MOCHIAD rpcTestFn] ' + s);
return s;
chk.onEnterFrame = function () {
var v2 = this._parent._parent;
var v3 = this._parent._mochiad_ctr;
var v4 = getTimer() - this.started;
var v5 = false;
var v6 = v2.getBytesTotal();
var v7 = v2.getBytesLoaded();
var v8 = 100.0 * v7 / v6;
var v9 = 100.0 * v4 / chk.ad_msec;
var v10 = this._mochiad_bar._inside;
var v11 = Math.min(100.0, Math.min(v8 || 0, v9));
v11 = Math.max(this.last_pcnt, v11);
this.last_pcnt = v11;
v10._xscale = v11;
if (sendHostProgress) {
clip._mochiad.lc.send(clip._mochiad._containerLCName, 'notify', {'id': 'hostLoadPcnt', 'pcnt': v8});
if (v8 == 100) {
sendHostProgress = false;
if (!chk.showing) {
var v12 = v3.getBytesTotal();
if (v12 > 0 || typeof v12 == 'undefined') {
chk.showing = true;
chk.started = getTimer();
} else {
if (v4 > chk.ad_timeout && v8 == 100) {
v5 = true;
if (v4 > chk.ad_msec) {
v5 = true;
if (v6 > 0 && (v7 >= v6 && v5)) {
if (this.server_control) {
delete this.onEnterFrame;
} else {
this.fadeout_start = getTimer();
this.onEnterFrame = chk.fadeFunction;
_global.MochiAd.showClickAwayAd = function (options) {
var v2 = {'clip': _root, 'ad_timeout': 2000, 'fadeout_time': 250, 'regpt': 'o', 'method': 'showClickAwayAd', 'res': '300x250', 'no_bg': true, 'ad_started': function () {}, 'ad_finished': function () {}, 'ad_loaded': function (width, height) {}, 'ad_failed': function () {
trace('[MochiAd] Couldn\'t load an ad, make sure that your game\'s local security sandbox is configured for Access Network Only and that you are not using ad blocking software');
}, 'ad_skipped': function () {}};
options = MochiAd._parseOptions(options, v2);
var clip = options.clip;
var v3 = options.ad_timeout;
delete options.ad_timeout;
if (!MochiAd.load(options)) {
return undefined;
var mc = clip._mochiad;
mc.onUnload = function () {
var v4 = MochiAd._getRes(options);
var v5 = v4[0];
var v6 = v4[1];
mc._x = v5 * 0.5;
mc._y = v6 * 0.5;
var chk = mc.createEmptyMovieClip('_mochiad_wait', 3);
chk.ad_timeout = v3;
chk.started = getTimer();
chk.showing = false;
mc.lc.adLoaded = options.ad_loaded;
mc.lc.adSkipped = options.ad_skipped;
mc.lc.rpc = function (callbackID, arg) {
MochiAd.rpc(clip, callbackID, arg);
mc.rpcTestFn = function (s) {
trace('[MOCHIAD rpcTestFn] ' + s);
return s;
var v7 = false;
mc.lc.regContLC = function (lc_name) {
mc._containerLCName = lc_name;
chk.onEnterFrame = function () {
var v2 = this._parent._mochiad_ctr;
var v3 = getTimer() - this.started;
var v4 = false;
if (!chk.showing) {
var v5 = v2.getBytesTotal();
if (v5 > 0 || typeof v5 == 'undefined') {
v4 = true;
chk.showing = true;
chk.started = getTimer();
} else {
if (v3 > chk.ad_timeout) {
v4 = true;
if (v4) {
delete this.onEnterFrame;
_global.MochiAd.showInterLevelAd = function (options) {
var v2 = {'clip': _root, 'ad_timeout': 2000, 'fadeout_time': 250, 'regpt': 'o', 'method': 'showTimedAd', 'ad_started': function () {
}, 'ad_finished': function () {
}, 'ad_failed': function () {
trace('[MochiAd] Couldn\'t load an ad, make sure that your game\'s local security sandbox is configured for Access Network Only and that you are not using ad blocking software');
}, 'ad_loaded': function (width, height) {}, 'ad_skipped': function () {}};
options = MochiAd._parseOptions(options, v2);
var clip = options.clip;
var v3 = 11000;
var v4 = options.ad_timeout;
delete options.ad_timeout;
var v5 = options.fadeout_time;
delete options.fadeout_time;
if (!MochiAd.load(options)) {
return undefined;
var v6 = clip._mochiad;
v6.onUnload = function () {
var v7 = MochiAd._getRes(options);
var v8 = v7[0];
var v9 = v7[1];
v6._x = v8 * 0.5;
v6._y = v9 * 0.5;
var chk = v6.createEmptyMovieClip('_mochiad_wait', 3);
chk.ad_msec = v3;
chk.ad_timeout = v4;
chk.started = getTimer();
chk.showing = false;
chk.fadeout_time = v5;
chk.fadeFunction = function () {
var v2 = 100 * (1 - (getTimer() - this.fadeout_start) / this.fadeout_time);
if (v2 > 0) {
this._parent._alpha = v2;
} else {
var v3 = this._parent._parent;
delete this.onEnterFrame;
v6.lc.adLoaded = options.ad_loaded;
v6.lc.adSkipped = options.ad_skipped;
v6.lc.adjustProgress = function (msec) {
var v3 = this.mc._mochiad_wait;
v3.server_control = true;
v3.started = getTimer();
v3.ad_msec = msec - 250;
v6.lc.rpc = function (callbackID, arg) {
MochiAd.rpc(clip, callbackID, arg);
v6.rpcTestFn = function (s) {
trace('[MOCHIAD rpcTestFn] ' + s);
return s;
chk.onEnterFrame = function () {
var v2 = this._parent._mochiad_ctr;
var v3 = getTimer() - this.started;
var v4 = false;
if (!chk.showing) {
var v5 = v2.getBytesTotal();
if (v5 > 0 || typeof v5 == 'undefined') {
chk.showing = true;
chk.started = getTimer();
} else {
if (v3 > chk.ad_timeout) {
v4 = true;
if (v3 > chk.ad_msec) {
v4 = true;
if (v4) {
if (this.server_control) {
delete this.onEnterFrame;
} else {
this.fadeout_start = getTimer();
this.onEnterFrame = this.fadeFunction;
_global.MochiAd.showPreloaderAd = function (options) {
trace('[MochiAd] DEPRECATED: showPreloaderAd was renamed to showPreGameAd in 2.0');
_global.MochiAd.showTimedAd = function (options) {
trace('[MochiAd] DEPRECATED: showTimedAd was renamed to showInterLevelAd in 2.0');
_global.MochiAd._allowDomains = function (server) {
var v3 = ((server.split('/'))[2].split(':'))[0];
if (System.security) {
if (System.security.allowDomain) {
if (System.security.allowInsecureDomain) {
return v3;
_global.MochiAd.load = function (options) {
var v3 = {'clip': _root, 'server': 'http://x.mochiads.com/srv/1/', 'method': 'load', 'depth': 10333, 'id': '_UNKNOWN_'};
options = MochiAd._parseOptions(options, v3);
options.swfv = options.clip.getSWFVersion() || 6;
options.mav = MochiAd.getVersion();
var v4 = options.clip;
if (!MochiAd._isNetworkAvailable()) {
return null;
if (v4._mochiad_loaded) {
return null;
var v5 = options.depth;
delete options.depth;
var v6 = v4.createEmptyMovieClip('_mochiad', v5);
var v7 = MochiAd._getRes(options);
options.res = v7[0] + 'x' + v7[1];
options.server += options.id;
delete options.id;
v4._mochiad_loaded = true;
var v8 = v6.createEmptyMovieClip('_mochiad_ctr', 1);
for (var k in options) {
v8[k] = options[k];
var v9 = v8.server;
delete v8.server;
var v10 = MochiAd._allowDomains(v9);
v6.onEnterFrame = function () {
if (this._mochiad_ctr._url != this._url) {
this.onEnterFrame = function () {
if (!this._mochiad_ctr) {
delete this.onEnterFrame;
var v11 = new LocalConnection();
var v12 = ['', Math.floor((new Date()).getTime()), random(999999)].join('_');
v11.mc = v6;
v11.name = v12;
v11.hostname = v10;
v11.allowDomain = function (d) {
return true;
v11.allowInsecureDomain = v11.allowDomain;
v6.lc = v11;
v8.lc = v12;
v8.st = getTimer();
v8.loadMovie(v9 + '.swf', 'POST');
return v6;
_global.MochiAd.unload = function (clip) {
if (typeof clip == 'undefined') {
clip = _root;
if (clip.clip && clip.clip._mochiad) {
clip = clip.clip;
if (!clip._mochiad) {
return false;
if (clip._mochiad._containerLCName != undefined) {
clip._mochiad.lc.send(clip._mochiad._containerLCName, 'notify', {'id': 'unload'});
delete clip._mochiad_loaded;
delete clip._mochiad;
return true;
_global.MochiAd._isNetworkAvailable = function () {
if (System.security) {
var v2 = System.security;
if (v2.sandboxType == 'localWithFile') {
return false;
return true;
_global.MochiAd._getRes = function (options) {
var v3 = options.clip.getBounds();
var v4 = 0;
var v5 = 0;
if (typeof options.res != 'undefined') {
var v6 = options.res.split('x');
v4 = _global.parseFloat(v6[0]);
v5 = _global.parseFloat(v6[1]);
} else {
v4 = v3.xMax - v3.xMin;
v5 = v3.yMax - v3.yMin;
if (v4 == 0 || v5 == 0) {
v4 = Stage.width;
v5 = Stage.height;
return [v4, v5];
_global.MochiAd._parseOptions = function (options, defaults) {
var v4 = {};
for (var k in defaults) {
v4[k] = defaults[k];
if (options) {
for (var k in options) {
v4[k] = options[k];
if (_root.mochiad_options) {
var v5 = _root.mochiad_options.split('&');
var v6 = 0;
goto 9390;
for (;;) {
label 9390:
if (v6 >= v5.length) break;
var v7 = v5[v6].split('=');
v4[_global.unescape(v7[0])] = _global.unescape(v7[1]);
if (v4.id == 'test') {
trace('[MochiAd] WARNING: Using the MochiAds test identifier, make sure to use the code from your dashboard, not this example!');
return v4;
_global.MochiAd.rpc = function (clip, callbackID, arg) {
switch (arg.id) {
case 'setValue':
MochiAd.setValue(clip, arg.objectName, arg.value);
case 'getValue':
var v5 = MochiAd.getValue(clip, arg.objectName);
clip._mochiad.lc.send(clip._mochiad._containerLCName, 'rpcResult', callbackID, v5);
case 'runMethod':
var v6 = MochiAd.runMethod(clip, arg.method, arg.args);
clip._mochiad.lc.send(clip._mochiad._containerLCName, 'rpcResult', callbackID, v6);
trace('[mochiads rpc] unknown rpc id: ' + arg.id);
_global.MochiAd.setValue = function (base, objectName, value) {
var v5 = objectName.split('.');
var v6 = 0;
goto 9945;
for (;;) {
label 9945:
if (v6 >= v5.length - 1) break;
if (base[v5[v6]] == undefined || base[v5[v6]] == null) {
return undefined;
base = base[v5[v6]];
base[v5[v6]] = value;
_global.MochiAd.getValue = function (base, objectName) {
var v4 = objectName.split('.');
var v5 = 0;
goto 10144;
for (;;) {
label 10144:
if (v5 >= v4.length - 1) break;
if (base[v4[v5]] == undefined || base[v4[v5]] == null) {
return undefined;
base = base[v4[v5]];
return base[v4[v5]];
_global.MochiAd.runMethod = function (base, methodName, argsArray) {
var v5 = methodName.split('.');
var v6 = 0;
goto 10350;
for (;;) {
label 10350:
if (v6 >= v5.length - 1) break;
if (base[v5[v6]] == undefined || base[v5[v6]] == null) {
return undefined;
base = base[v5[v6]];
if (typeof base[v5[v6]] == 'function') {
return base[v5[v6]].apply(base, argsArray);
} else {
return undefined;
ASSetPropFlags(v1, null, 1);
movieClip 20499 __Packages.WTF {
if (!WTF) {
_global.WTF = function (stropts) {
this.show_nowplaying = false;
this.scale_800x600 = false;
if (stropts) {
var v5 = stropts.split(',');
var v3 = 0;
goto 1108;
for (;;) {
label 1108:
if (v3 >= v5.length) break;
switch (v5[v3]) {
case 'show_nowplaying':
case 'scale_800x600':
this.scale_800x600 = true;
this.v = [];
this.v.name = 'WetV';
this.v.site = '';
this.v.number = '0.99';
this.v.stamp = 'Apr 11 2010';
this.v.stamp_number = '20100411';
this.v.root = '';
this.mc_import = gfx.create_clip(_root, 16384 + 32 - 18);
if (_root.host == 'swf.wetgenes.local') {
this.import_swf_name = 'http://swf.wetgenes.local/swf/WTF_import.swf?hash=' + _global.escape(_root.hash);
} else {
this.import_swf_name = 'http://swf.wetgenes.com/swf/WTF_import.swf?hash=' + _global.escape(_root.hash);
this.__com_mochibot__('5b58a110', _root, 10301);
var v1 = _global.WTF.prototype;
v1.delegate = function (f, d) {
return com.dynamicflash.utils.Delegate.create(this, f, d);
v1.get_width = function () {
if (this.scale_800x600) {
return 800;
} else {
return Stage.width;
v1.get_height = function () {
if (this.scale_800x600) {
return 600;
} else {
return Stage.height;
v1.logindone = function () {
if (!this.donelogindone) {
if (!_root.skip_wetimport) {
if (_root.login.opt_chat) {
this.loaded_import = true;
this.donelogindone = true;
} else {
if (!_root.skip_wetimport) {
if (_root.login.opt_chat) {
if (!this.loaded_import) {
this.loaded_import = true;
} else {}
v1.__com_mochibot__ = function (swfid, mc, lv) {
var v12 = '__mochibot__';
var v13 = 'mochibot.com';
var v6 = _global ? _global : _level0._root;
if (v6[v12 + swfid]) {
return v6[v12 + swfid];
var v7 = System.security;
var v5 = mc._root.getSWFVersion;
var v8 = v5 ? mc.getSWFVersion() : (_global ? 6 : 5);
if (!v7) {
v7 = {};
var v9 = v7.sandboxType;
if (v9 == 'localWithFile') {
return null;
v5 = v7.allowDomain;
if (v5) {
v5 = v7.allowInsecureDomain;
if (v5) {
var v10 = 'http://' + v13 + '/my/core.swf?mv=5&fv=' + v8 + '&v=' + _global.escape(/:$version) + '&swfid=' + _global.escape(swfid) + '&l=' + lv + '&f=' + mc + (v9 ? '&sb=' + v9 : '');
if (v8 <= 6) {
lv = v6[v12 + 'level'] ? v6[v12 + 'level'] + 1 : lv;
v6[v12 + 'level'] = lv;
var v11 = mc.createEmptyMovieClip(v12 + swfid, lv);
return v11;
lv = mc.getNextHighestDepth();
v6[v12 + 'level'] = lv;
var v11 = mc.createEmptyMovieClip(v12 + swfid, lv);
return v11;
ASSetPropFlags(v1, null, 1);
v1.corner = 'BR';
v1.ontarget = false;
v1.donelogindone = false;
v1.loaded_import = false;
movieClip 20500 __Packages.wetDNA2 {
if (!wetDNA2) {
_global.wetDNA2 = function (master, name, level, color) {
var v7 = this;
v7.mc2 = master.createEmptyMovieClip(name, level);
v7.mc = v7.mc2.createEmptyMovieClip('dna', 0);
v7.mc._x = 128;
v7.mc._y = 64;
gfx.blurglow(v7.mc, 2, 2, 1, 255, 0.5, 8, 8, 2, 3);
v7.mc2.t = this;
v7.color = 255;
v7.thunked = false;
v7.frame = 0;
v7.xyz = new Array(32 * 2 * 64 * 2);
v7.removeMC = this.removeMC;
v7.update = this.update;
v7.draw = this.draw;
v7.thunk = this.thunk;
v7.mc2.onEnterFrame = this.onEnterFrame;
this.bmps = [];
this.tinted = [];
var v6 = 0;
goto 820;
for (;;) {
label 820:
if (v6 >= 32) break;
var v8 = new flash.display.BitmapData(256, 128, true, 0);
this.bmps[v6] = v8;
this.tinted[v6] = 0;
var v1 = _global.wetDNA2.prototype;
v1.thunk = function () {
var v2 = this;
if (!v2.thunked) {
var v4 = 2 * 64 * 2 * v2.frame;
var v3 = 0;
var v9 = 0;
goto 1175;
for (;;) {
v9 += Math.PI;
label 1175:
if (v9 > Math.PI) break;
var v10 = 0;
goto 1226;
for (;;) {
label 1226:
if (v10 > 63) break;
var v5 = v9 + Math.PI * (v10 + v2.frame) / 32;
var v6 = -256 + 4 + v10 * 8;
var v7 = Math.sin(-v5) * 128;
var v8 = 1 - (Math.cos(-v5) * 128 + 128) / 1536;
v2.xyz[v4 + v3 + v10 * 2 + 0] = v6 * v8 * 0.46;
v2.xyz[v4 + v3 + v10 * 2 + 1] = v7 * v8 * 0.3;
v3 = 64 * 2;
if (v2.frame == 31) {
v2.thunked = true;
v1.draw = function () {
var v2 = this;
var v3 = 2 * 64 * 2 * v2.frame;
v2.mc.lineStyle(8, v2.color, 50);
v2.mc.moveTo(v2.xyz[v3 + 0], v2.xyz[v3 + 1]);
var v4 = 2;
goto 1802;
for (;;) {
v4 += 2;
label 1802:
if (v4 > 128 - 2) break;
v2.mc.lineTo(v2.xyz[v3 + v4 + 0], v2.xyz[v3 + v4 + 1]);
v2.mc.moveTo(v2.xyz[v3 + 128 + 0], v2.xyz[v3 + 128 + 1]);
var v5 = 128 + 2;
goto 2021;
for (;;) {
v5 += 2;
label 2021:
if (v5 > 256 - 2) break;
v2.mc.lineTo(v2.xyz[v3 + v5 + 0], v2.xyz[v3 + v5 + 1]);
v2.mc.lineStyle(4, v2.color, 100);
v2.mc.moveTo(v2.xyz[v3 + 0], v2.xyz[v3 + 1]);
var v6 = 2;
goto 2254;
for (;;) {
v6 += 2;
label 2254:
if (v6 > 128 - 2) break;
v2.mc.lineTo(v2.xyz[v3 + v6 + 0], v2.xyz[v3 + v6 + 1]);
v2.mc.moveTo(v2.xyz[v3 + 128 + 0], v2.xyz[v3 + 128 + 1]);
var v7 = 128 + 2;
goto 2473;
for (;;) {
v7 += 2;
label 2473:
if (v7 > 256 - 2) break;
v2.mc.lineTo(v2.xyz[v3 + v7 + 0], v2.xyz[v3 + v7 + 1]);
v2.mc.lineStyle(8, v2.color, 50);
var v8 = 4;
goto 2646;
for (;;) {
v8 += 8;
label 2646:
if (v8 >= 128 - 4) break;
v2.mc.moveTo(v2.xyz[v3 + v8 + 0], v2.xyz[v3 + v8 + 1]);
v2.mc.lineTo(v2.xyz[v3 + 128 + v8 + 0], v2.xyz[v3 + 128 + v8 + 1]);
v2.mc.lineStyle(4, v2.color, 100);
var v9 = 4;
goto 2908;
for (;;) {
v9 += 8;
label 2908:
if (v9 > 128 - 4) break;
v2.mc.moveTo(v2.xyz[v3 + v9 + 0], v2.xyz[v3 + v9 + 1]);
v2.mc.lineTo(v2.xyz[v3 + 128 + v9 + 0], v2.xyz[v3 + 128 + v9 + 1]);
v1.update = function () {
var v2 = this;
v2.frame += 1;
if (v2.frame == 32) {
v2.frame = 0;
v1.removeMC = function () {
var v2 = this;
v1.do_tint = function () {
var v2 = new flash.geom.Rectangle(this.tinted[this.frame], 0, this.tint - this.tinted[this.frame], 128);
var v3 = new flash.geom.ColorTransform(0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 128, 255, 0);
this.bmps[this.frame].colorTransform(v2, v3);
this.tinted[this.frame] = this.tint;
v1.onEnterFrame = function () {
var v2 = this;
if (!v2._visible) {
return undefined;
v2.t.mc2.attachBitmap(v2.t.bmps[v2.t.frame], 0, 'auto', true);
v2.t.frame += 1;
if (v2.t.frame == 32) {
v2.t.frame = 0;
ASSetPropFlags(v1, null, 1);
v1.tint = 0;
v1.frame = 0;
movieClip 20501 __Packages.com.dynamicflash.utils.Delegate {
if (!com.dynamicflash.utils.Delegate) {
if (!com) {
_global.com = new Object();
if (!com.dynamicflash) {
_global.com.dynamicflash = new Object();
if (!com.dynamicflash.utils) {
_global.com.dynamicflash.utils = new Object();
_global.com.dynamicflash.utils.Delegate = function () {};
var v1 = _global.com.dynamicflash.utils.Delegate.prototype;
_global.com.dynamicflash.utils.Delegate.create = function (target, handler) {
var v4 = arguments.slice(2);
var v5 = function () {
super = arguments.callee;
var v3 = arguments.concat(super.extraArgs, [super]);
return super.handler.apply(super.target, v3);
v5.extraArgs = v4;
v5.handler = handler;
v5.target = super;
return v5;
ASSetPropFlags(v1, null, 1);
movieClip 20502 __Packages.GizmoButt {
if (!GizmoButt) {
_global.GizmoButt = function (_up) {
this.up = _up;
var v1 = _global.GizmoButt.prototype;
v1.setup_base = function () {
this.mc = gfx.create_clip(this.up.mc, null);
this.mc.style = this.up.mc.style;
this.gizmos = new Array();
this.active = true;
this.focus = null;
this.focus_data = null;
this.top = this.up.top;
if (this.top == null) {
this.top = this;
v1.clean_base = function () {
var v2 = 0;
goto 689;
for (;;) {
label 689:
if (v2 >= this.gizmos.length) break;
if (this.gizmos[v2].active) {
this.mc = null;
v1.update_base = function () {
this.mc._x = this.x;
this.mc._y = this.y;
var v2 = 0;
goto 884;
for (;;) {
label 884:
if (v2 >= this.gizmos.length) break;
if (this.gizmos[v2].active) {
this.gizmos[v2].mc._visible = true;
} else {
this.gizmos[v2].mc._visible = false;
_global.GizmoButt.dupe_snapshot = function (snapshot) {
var v3 = {};
v3.key = snapshot.key;
v3.key_on = snapshot.key_on;
v3.key_off = snapshot.key_off;
v3.x = snapshot.x;
v3.y = snapshot.y;
v3.frame = snapshot.frame;
return v3;
v1.input_base = function (snapshot) {
var v5 = GizmoButt.dupe_snapshot(snapshot);
var v3 = 0;
goto 1256;
for (;;) {
label 1256:
if (v3 >= this.gizmos.length) break;
if (this.gizmos[v3].active) {
return this.top.focus;
v1.child = function (g) {
var v3 = this.gizmos.length;
this.gizmos[v3] = g;
return g;
v1.set_area = function (_x, _y, _w, _h) {
this.x = _x;
this.y = _y;
this.w = _w;
this.h = _h;
v1.draw_mask = function (px, py) {
gfx.setscroll(this.mc, px, py, this.w, this.h);
v1.setup = function () {
this.mc.cacheAsBitmap = true;
v1.clean = function () {
v1.update = function () {
v1.input = function (snapshot) {
if (this.top.focus == this) {
var v3 = GizmoButt.dupe_snapshot(snapshot);
if (snapshot.x > 0 && (snapshot.y > 0 && (snapshot.x < this.w && snapshot.y < this.h))) {
if (snapshot.key_off & 1) {
this.top.focus = null;
this.mc_base._visible = true;
this.mc_over._visible = false;
this.mc_down._visible = false;
return this.top.focus;
this.mc_base._visible = false;
this.mc_over._visible = false;
this.mc_down._visible = true;
} else {
this.mc_base._visible = true;
this.mc_over._visible = false;
this.mc_down._visible = false;
if (snapshot.key_off & 1) {
this.top.focus = null;
return this.top.focus;
return this.top.focus;
if (this.top.focus == null && (snapshot.x > 0 && (snapshot.y > 0 && (snapshot.x < this.w && snapshot.y < this.h)))) {
if (snapshot.key_on & 1) {
this.top.focus = this;
this.mc_base._visible = false;
this.mc_over._visible = false;
this.mc_down._visible = true;
return this.top.focus;
} else {
this.mc_base._visible = false;
this.mc_over._visible = true;
this.mc_down._visible = false;
return this.top.focus;
this.mc_base._visible = true;
this.mc_over._visible = false;
this.mc_down._visible = false;
return this.top.focus;
ASSetPropFlags(v1, null, 1);
movieClip 20503 __Packages.Gizmo {
if (!Gizmo) {
_global.Gizmo = function (_up) {
this.up = _up;
var v1 = _global.Gizmo.prototype;
v1.setup_base = function () {
this.mc = gfx.create_clip(this.up.mc, null);
this.mc.style = this.up.mc.style;
this.gizmos = new Array();
this.active = true;
this.focus = null;
this.focus_data = null;
this.top = this.up.top;
if (this.top == null) {
this.top = this;
v1.clean_base = function () {
var v2 = 0;
goto 639;
for (;;) {
label 639:
if (v2 >= this.gizmos.length) break;
if (this.gizmos[v2].active) {
this.mc = null;
v1.update_base = function () {
this.mc._x = this.x;
this.mc._y = this.y;
var v2 = 0;
goto 834;
for (;;) {
label 834:
if (v2 >= this.gizmos.length) break;
if (this.gizmos[v2].active) {
this.gizmos[v2].mc._visible = true;
} else {
this.gizmos[v2].mc._visible = false;
_global.Gizmo.dupe_snapshot = function (snapshot) {
var v3 = {};
v3.key = snapshot.key;
v3.key_on = snapshot.key_on;
v3.key_off = snapshot.key_off;
v3.x = snapshot.x;
v3.y = snapshot.y;
v3.frame = snapshot.frame;
return v3;
v1.input_base = function (snapshot) {
var v5 = Gizmo.dupe_snapshot(snapshot);
var v3 = 0;
goto 1206;
for (;;) {
label 1206:
if (v3 >= this.gizmos.length) break;
if (this.gizmos[v3].active) {
return this.top.focus;
v1.child = function (g) {
var v3 = this.gizmos.length;
this.gizmos[v3] = g;
return g;
v1.set_area = function (_x, _y, _w, _h) {
this.x = _x;
this.y = _y;
this.w = _w;
this.h = _h;
v1.draw_mask = function (px, py) {
gfx.setscroll(this.mc, px, py, this.w, this.h);
v1.setup = function () {
v1.clean = function () {
v1.update = function () {
v1.input = function (snapshot) {
this.focus = this.input_base(snapshot);
return this.focus;
ASSetPropFlags(v1, null, 1);
movieClip 20504 __Packages.PlayCode {
if (!PlayCode) {
_global.PlayCode = function (_up) {
this.up = _up;
var v1 = _global.PlayCode.prototype;
v1.delegate = function (f, d) {
return com.dynamicflash.utils.Delegate.create(this, f, d);
v1.setup = function () {
_root.popup = this;
this.mcs = new Array();
this.tfs = new Array();
this.mcb = gfx.create_clip(_root.mc_popup, null);
if (_root.scalar.oy == 600) {
this.mc = this.mcb;
} else {
this.mcb._xscale = Math.floor(100 * (_root.scalar.oy / 600));
this.mcb._yscale = Math.floor(100 * (_root.scalar.oy / 600));
this.mc = gfx.create_clip(this.mcb, null);
this.mcb.cacheAsBitmap = true;
gfx.dropshadow(this.mc, 5, 45, 0, 1, 20, 20, 2, 3);
this.mc._y = 0;
this.mc.dx = 0;
this.mc._x = -800;
this.done = false;
this.steady = false;
this.mcs[0] = gfx.create_clip(this.mc, null);
this.mcs[0].onRelease = this.delegate(this.onRelease, null);
this.mcs[0].showHandCursor = false;
this.mcs[0].style.out = -16777216;
this.mcs[0].style.fill = 268435456;
gfx.draw_box(this.mcs[0], 0, 0, 0, 800, 600);
this.mcs[0].style.out = -16777216;
this.mcs[0].style.fill = -2147483648;
gfx.draw_box(this.mcs[0], 0, 100 + 16, +16, 600 - 32, 600 - 32);
this.mcs[1] = gfx.create_clip(this.mc, null);
this.mcs[1].onRelease = this.delegate(function () {}, null);
this.mcs[1].showHandCursor = false;
this.mcs[1].style.out = -16777216;
this.mcs[1].style.fill = 268435456;
gfx.draw_box(this.mcs[1], 0, 150, 50, 500, 500);
this.mcs[2] = gfx.create_clip(this.mc, null, 150, 50, 150, 150);
this.update_do = this.delegate(this.update, null);
MainStatic.update_add(_root.updates, this.update_do);
_root.poker.ShowFloat(null, 0);
this.mcWF = gfx.create_clip(this.mcs[2], null);
this.mcWF._lockroot = true;
this.mcWF._x = 0;
this.mcWF._y = 0;
this.mcWF.ModuleID = 'PostModule1';
_root[this.mcWF.ModuleID] = {};
var v6 = _root[this.mcWF.ModuleID];
v6.width = '333';
v6.height = '333';
v6.partner = '200531';
v6.UIConfig = '<config><display showEmail="true" showBookmark="true" showCloseButton="true" bulletinChecked="false" networksWithCodeBox="" /></config>';
v6.defaultContent = function () {
return '<center><embed src="http://link.wetgenes.com/link/WetV.swf" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" width="640" height="480"></embed><br /><a href="http://games.WetGenes.com" target="_blank" title="games.WetGenes.com">Play more free online games at games.WetGenes.com</a></center>';
v6.facebookURL = 'http://link.wetgenes.com/link/WetV.fb';
var v7 = 'WetV'.toLowerCase();
if (v7 == 'wetbasement') {
v7 = 'basement';
if (v7 == 'wetdiamonds') {
v7 = 'diamonds';
v6.bookmarkURL = 'http://' + v7 + '.wetgenes.com/';
v6.widgetTitle = 'Play WetV at www.WetGenes.com';
v6.onPostProfile = this.delegate(this.finish);
v6.onClose = this.delegate(this.finish);
v6.onLoad = this.delegate(this.WFonLoad);
this.mcWF.loadMovie('http://cdn.gigya.com/WildFire/swf/wildfire.swf', 'get');
this.wf_loaded = false;
v1.WFonLoad = function () {
this.wf_loaded = true;
v1.clean = function () {
if (_root.popup != this) {
return undefined;
this.mcWF = null;
this.update_do = null;
_root.popup = null;
_root.poker.ShowFloat(null, 0);
v1.thunk = function () {};
v1.over = function (s) {};
v1.notover = function (s) {
_root.poker.ShowFloat(null, 0);
v1.click = function (s) {};
v1.onRelease = function () {
if (_root.popup != this) {
return undefined;
if (this.steady) {
this.done = true;
this.mc.dx = _root.scalar.ox;
v1.finish = function () {
this.done = true;
this.mc.dx = _root.scalar.ox;
v1.update = function () {
if (_root.popup != this || _root.pause) {
return undefined;
this.mc._x += (this.mc.dx - this.mc._x) / 4;
if ((this.mc._x - this.mc.dx) * (this.mc._x - this.mc.dx) < 16 * 16) {
this.steady = true;
if (this.done) {
} else {
this.steady = false;
ASSetPropFlags(v1, null, 1);
movieClip 20505 __Packages.WetPlayIcon {
if (!WetPlayIcon) {
_global.WetPlayIcon = function (stropts) {
this.scale_800x600 = false;
this.mute = false;
if (stropts) {
var v4 = stropts.split(',');
var v3 = 0;
goto 688;
for (;;) {
label 688:
if (v3 >= v4.length) break;
switch (v4[v3]) {
case 'scale_800x600':
this.scale_800x600 = true;
case 'mute':
this.mute = true;
var v1 = _global.WetPlayIcon.prototype;
v1.delegate = function (f, d) {
return com.dynamicflash.utils.Delegate.create(this, f, d);
v1.get_width = function () {
if (this.scale_800x600) {
return 800;
} else {
return Stage.width;
v1.get_height = function () {
if (this.scale_800x600) {
return 600;
} else {
return Stage.height;
v1.logindone = function () {
if (!this.donelogindone) {
this.donelogindone = true;
if (this.mute) {
return undefined;
if (_root.login.opt_sound) {
} else {
v1.setup = function () {
this.mcs = gfx.create_clip(_root, 16384 + 32 - 16);
this.mc = gfx.create_clip(this.mcs);
this.mc_play_icon = gfx.add_clip(this.mc, 'WetPlayIcon', null, this.get_width() - 11, 11);
this.wetplayGFX = new WetPlayGFX(this);
this.wetplayMP3 = new WetPlayMP3(this);
this.wall = this.wetplayMP3.w + this.wetplayMP3.x * 2;
this.hall = this.wetplayMP3.h + this.wetplayMP3.y * 2;
this.xall = this.wetplayMP3.x * 2;
this.yall = this.wetplayMP3.y * 2;
this.wetplayMP3.mc.dx = this.get_width() + this.xall;
this.wetplayMP3.mc.dy = -this.hall;
this.wetplayMP3.mc._x = this.wetplayMP3.mc.dx;
this.wetplayMP3.mc._y = this.wetplayMP3.mc.dy;
this.wetplayMP3.mc.ox = this.wetplayMP3.mc._x;
this.wetplayMP3.mc.oy = this.wetplayMP3.mc._y;
this.wetplayMP3.mc.idx = 0;
if (this.mute) {
this.wetplayMP3.set_vol_start(100, false);
this.update_do = this.delegate(this.update, null);
MainStatic.update_add(_root.updates, this.update_do);
v1.clean = function () {
MainStatic.update_remove(_root.updates, this.update_do);
this.update_do = null;
v1.update = function () {
if (this.scale_800x600) {
this.mc_play_icon._x = this.get_width() - 11;
this.mc_play_icon._y = 11;
var v2 = _root.poker.snapshot();
if (_root.popup == this.wetplayMP3) {
if ((v2.x < this.get_width() - (this.wall - this.xall / 2) || v2.y > this.hall) && (!_root.poker.poke_now && !_root.poker.poke_up)) {
this.wetplayMP3.mc._visible = false;
_root.popup = null;
} else {
if (!_root.popup && !this.mute) {
if (v2.x > this.get_width() - 20 && (v2.y < 20 && (!_root.poker.poke_now && !_root.poker.poke_up))) {
_root.popup = this.wetplayMP3;
this.wetplayMP3.mc._visible = true;
this.wetplayMP3.mc._x = this.get_width() - (this.wall - this.xall / 2);
this.wetplayMP3.mc._y = this.yall / 2;
} else {
this.wetplayMP3.mc._visible = false;
} else {
this.wetplayMP3.mc._visible = false;
if (_root.popup == this.wetplayMP3) {
_root.popup = null;
if (_root.popup) {
this.mc_play_icon._visible = false;
} else {
this.mc_play_icon._visible = true;
this.mc_play_icon._xscale = 50 + this.wetplayMP3.throbe * 150;
this.mc_play_icon._yscale = this.mc_play_icon._xscale;
this.mc_play_icon._alpha = 60;
v1.PlaySFX = function (nam, chan, loops, vol) {
return this.wetplayMP3.PlaySFX(nam, chan, loops, vol);
ASSetPropFlags(v1, null, 1);
v1.donelogindone = false;
movieClip 20506 __Packages.Poker {
if (!Poker) {
_global.Poker = function (_hand) {
this.hand = _hand;
if ((System.capabilities.version.split(' '))[0] == 'WII') {
this.hand = false;
this.hand = false;
this.mc = gfx.create_clip(_root, 16384 + 32);
this.float = true;
if (this.float) {
this.mc_floater = gfx.create_clip(_root, 16384 + 32 + 1);
this.mc_floater.w = 200;
this.mc_floater.h = 80;
this.mc_floaterz = gfx.create_clip(this.mc_floater, null);
this.mc_floaterz._x = 100;
this.mc_floaterz._y = 40;
this.tf_floater = gfx.create_text_html(this.mc_floaterz, null, -100, 0, 200, 200);
this.float_str = '';
this.float_time = -100;
if (this.hand) {
this.mcb0 = gfx.create_clip(this.mc, null);
this.mcb1 = gfx.create_clip(this.mcb0, null);
this.mcg = gfx.create_clip(this.mcb1, null);
this.mcg0 = gfx.add_clip(this.mcg, 'poke0', null);
this.mcg1 = gfx.add_clip(this.mcg, 'poke1', null);
this.mcg0._x = -19;
this.mcg0._y = -19;
this.mcg1._x = -(19 + 8);
this.mcg1._y = -(19 + 8);
this.mcg._xscale = 75;
this.mcg._yscale = 75;
this.lx = 0;
this.ly = 0;
this.size = 1;
this.scale = 1;
this.poke_last = false;
this.poke_down = false;
this.poke_up = false;
this.poke_now = false;
this.update_do = this.delegate(this.update, null);
MainStatic.update_add(_root.updates, this.update_do);
var v1 = _global.Poker.prototype;
v1.delegate = function (f, d) {
return com.dynamicflash.utils.Delegate.create(this, f, d);
v1.clean = function () {
MainStatic.update_remove(_root.updates, this.update_do);
this.update_do = null;
v1.ShowFloat = function (str, tim) {
if (str != null && this.float_str != str) {
this.float_str = str;
this.mc_floaterz.style.out = -1;
this.mc_floaterz.style.fill = -3355444;
gfx.set_text_html(this.tf_floater, 16, 0, '<p align="center">' + str + '</p>');
this.mc_floater.h = this.tf_floater.textHeight + 6;
gfx.draw_box(this.mc_floaterz, 4, -100, -this.mc_floater.h / 2, 200, this.mc_floater.h);
this.tf_floater._y = -this.mc_floater.h / 2;
this.mc_floaterz._y = this.mc_floater.h / 2;
if (tim == 0) {
if (this.float_time > tim) {
this.float_time = tim;
} else {
this.float_time = tim;
v1.onKeyDown = function () {
this.do_anykey = true;
v1.onMouseMove = function () {};
v1.onMouseDown = function () {
if (this.hand) {
this.mcg0._visible = false;
this.mcg1._visible = true;
this.poke_now_now = true;
this.poke_down_now = true;
if (this.clicks.length < 16) {
this.clicks[this.clicks.length] = {'click': 1, 'x': _root._xmouse, 'y': _root._ymouse};
v1.onMouseUp = function () {
this.do_anykey = true;
if (this.hand) {
this.mcg0._visible = true;
this.mcg1._visible = false;
this.poke_now_now = false;
this.poke_up_now = true;
if (this.clicks.length < 16) {
this.clicks[this.clicks.length] = {'click': -1, 'x': _root._xmouse, 'y': _root._ymouse};
v1.clear_clicks = function () {
this.do_anykey = false;
this.anykey = false;
this.poke_last = false;
this.poke_down = false;
this.poke_up = false;
this.poke_now = false;
this.clicks = [];
v1.update = function () {
if (this.do_anykey) {
this.anykey = true;
} else {
this.anykey = false;
this.do_anykey = false;
this.x = _root._xmouse;
this.y = _root._ymouse;
this.poke_last = this.poke_now;
this.poke_down = this.poke_down_now;
this.poke_up = this.poke_up_now;
this.poke_now = this.poke_now_now;
this.poke_down_now = false;
this.poke_up_now = false;
this.dx = this.x - this.lx;
this.dy = this.y - this.ly;
this.lx = this.x;
this.ly = this.y;
if (this.hand) {
this.mc._x = this.x;
this.mc._y = this.y;
this.scale = _root.scalar.sx * this.size / 100;
this.mc._xscale = 100 * this.scale;
this.mc._yscale = this.mc._xscale;
gfx.dropshadow(this.mc, 2, 45, 0, 1, 4 * this.scale, 4 * this.scale, 2, 3);
if (this.dx == 0 && this.dy == 0) {
this.mcb0._rotation = 0;
this.mcb0._xscale = 100;
this.mcb0._yscale = 100;
this.mcb1._rotation = 0;
} else {
var v3 = 180 * Math.atan2(this.dy, -this.dx) / Math.PI;
var v4 = Math.sqrt(this.dy * this.dy + this.dx * this.dx);
v4 /= 1.5;
if (v4 > 400) {
v4 = 400;
this.mcb0._rotation = -v3;
this.mcb0._xscale = 100 + v4;
this.mcb0._yscale = 100 - v4 / 5;
this.mcb1._rotation = v3;
if (this.dx > 32) {
this.dx = 32;
if (this.dx < -32) {
this.dx = -32;
var v2 = this.dx;
this.mcg._rotation += (v2 - this.mcg._rotation) / 4;
if (this.float && this.float_time >= -10) {
if (this.float_time > 0) {
this.mc_floater._visible = true;
this.mc_floaterz._xscale = 100;
this.mc_floaterz._yscale = 100;
} else {
this.mc_floaterz._xscale = 100 + this.float_time * 10;
this.mc_floaterz._yscale = this.mc_floaterz._xscale;
if (this.float_time == -10) {
this.mc_floater._visible = false;
var v5 = this.mc_floater.w;
var v6 = this.mc_floater.h;
var v13 = Stage.width;
var v14 = Stage.height;
var v9 = this.x - v13 / 2;
var v10 = this.y - v14 / 2;
var v17 = v9 * v9;
var v21 = v9 < 0 ? -v9 : v9;
var v18 = v10 * v10;
var v22 = v10 < 0 ? -v10 : v10;
var v16 = v17 + v18;
var v15 = Math.sqrt(v16);
if (v15 == 0) {
v15 = 1;
v9 = 0;
v10 = 1;
var v11 = v9 / v15;
var v12 = v10 / v15;
var v19 = -v11 * v5 * 1.75;
var v20 = -v12 * v6 * 1.75;
if (v21 / 2 > v22) {
if (v9 < 0) {
var v7 = this.x;
var v8 = this.y + v20 - v6 / 2;
v7 += 50;
} else {
var v7 = this.x - v5;
var v8 = this.y + v20 - v6 / 2;
v7 -= 50;
} else {
if (v21 < v22 / 2) {
if (v10 < 0) {
var v7 = this.x + v19 - v5 / 2;
var v8 = this.y;
v8 += 50;
} else {
var v7 = this.x + v19 - v5 / 2;
var v8 = this.y - v6;
v8 -= 50;
} else {
if (v9 < 0) {
if (v10 < 0) {
var v7 = this.x;
var v8 = this.y;
v7 += 50;
v8 += 50;
} else {
var v7 = this.x;
var v8 = this.y - v6;
v7 += 50;
v8 -= 50;
} else {
if (v10 < 0) {
var v7 = this.x - v5;
var v8 = this.y;
v7 -= 50;
v8 += 50;
} else {
var v7 = this.x - v5;
var v8 = this.y - v6;
v7 -= 50;
v8 -= 50;
this.mc_floater._x = this.mc_floater._x * 0.75 + v7 * 0.25;
this.mc_floater._y = this.mc_floater._y * 0.75 + v8 * 0.25;
this.mc_floater._visible = true;
} else {
this.mc_floater._visible = false;
v1.snapshot = function () {
var v2 = {};
v2.key = this.poke_now ? 1 : 0;
v2.key_on = this.poke_down ? 1 : 0;
if (!this.poke_up) {
v2.key_off = 0;
v2.x = this.x;
v2.y = this.y;
v2.frame = 0;
return v2;
v2.key_off = 1;
v2.x = this.x;
v2.y = this.y;
v2.frame = 0;
return v2;
ASSetPropFlags(v1, null, 1);
movieClip 20507 __Packages.GizmoKnob {
if (!GizmoKnob) {
_global.GizmoKnob = function (_up) {
this.up = _up;
var v1 = _global.GizmoKnob.prototype;
v1.setup_base = function () {
this.mc = gfx.create_clip(this.up.mc, null);
this.mc.style = this.up.mc.style;
this.gizmos = new Array();
this.active = true;
this.focus = null;
this.focus_data = null;
this.top = this.up.top;
if (this.top == null) {
this.top = this;
v1.clean_base = function () {
var v2 = 0;
goto 712;
for (;;) {
label 712:
if (v2 >= this.gizmos.length) break;
if (this.gizmos[v2].active) {
this.mc = null;
v1.update_base = function () {
this.mc._x = this.x;
this.mc._y = this.y;
var v2 = 0;
goto 907;
for (;;) {
label 907:
if (v2 >= this.gizmos.length) break;
if (this.gizmos[v2].active) {
this.gizmos[v2].mc._visible = true;
} else {
this.gizmos[v2].mc._visible = false;
_global.GizmoKnob.dupe_snapshot = function (snapshot) {
var v3 = {};
v3.key = snapshot.key;
v3.key_on = snapshot.key_on;
v3.key_off = snapshot.key_off;
v3.x = snapshot.x;
v3.y = snapshot.y;
v3.frame = snapshot.frame;
return v3;
v1.input_base = function (snapshot) {
var v5 = GizmoKnob.dupe_snapshot(snapshot);
var v3 = 0;
goto 1279;
for (;;) {
label 1279:
if (v3 >= this.gizmos.length) break;
if (this.gizmos[v3].active) {
return this.top.focus;
v1.child = function (g) {
var v3 = this.gizmos.length;
this.gizmos[v3] = g;
return g;
v1.set_area = function (_x, _y, _w, _h) {
this.x = _x;
this.y = _y;
this.w = _w;
this.h = _h;
v1.draw_mask = function (px, py) {
gfx.setscroll(this.mc, px, py, this.w, this.h);
v1.set_knob = function (xx, yy) {
if (xx != null) {
this.x_knob = xx;
if (this.x_knob < 0) {
this.x_knob = 0;
if (this.x_knob > 1) {
this.x_knob = 1;
if (yy != null) {
this.y_knob = yy;
if (this.y_knob < 0) {
this.y_knob = 0;
if (this.y_knob > 1) {
this.y_knob = 1;
if (this.up.w > this.w) {
this.x = this.x_knob * (this.up.w - this.w);
} else {
this.x_knob = 0;
this.x = 0;
if (this.up.h > this.h) {
this.y = this.y_knob * (this.up.h - this.h);
} else {
this.y_knob = 0;
this.y = 0;
v1.setup = function () {
v1.clean = function () {
v1.update = function () {
if (this.up.w > this.w) {
this.x_knob = this.x / (this.up.w - this.w);
} else {
this.x_knob = 0;
if (this.up.h > this.h) {
this.y_knob = this.y / (this.up.h - this.h);
} else {
this.y_knob = 0;
v1.input = function (snapshot) {
if (this.top.focus == this) {
var v3 = GizmoKnob.dupe_snapshot(snapshot);
this.mc_base._visible = false;
this.mc_over._visible = false;
this.mc_down._visible = true;
this.x = this.top.focus_data.orig_x + v3.x - this.top.focus_data.x;
this.y = this.top.focus_data.orig_y + v3.y - this.top.focus_data.y;
if (this.x + this.w > this.up.w) {
this.x = this.up.w - this.w;
if (this.y + this.h > this.up.h) {
this.y = this.up.h - this.h;
if (this.x < 0) {
this.x = 0;
if (this.y < 0) {
this.y = 0;
if (snapshot.key_off & 1) {
this.top.focus = null;
return this.top.focus;
this.top.focus = this.input_base(snapshot);
return this.top.focus;
if (this.top.focus == null && (snapshot.x > 0 && (snapshot.y > 0 && (snapshot.x < this.w && snapshot.y < this.h)))) {
if (snapshot.key_on & 1) {
this.top.focus = this;
this.top.focus_data = GizmoKnob.dupe_snapshot(snapshot);
this.top.focus_data.orig_x = this.x;
this.top.focus_data.orig_y = this.y;
this.mc_base._visible = false;
this.mc_over._visible = false;
this.mc_down._visible = true;
return this.top.focus;
} else {
this.mc_base._visible = false;
this.mc_over._visible = true;
this.mc_down._visible = false;
this.top.focus = this.input_base(snapshot);
return this.top.focus;
this.mc_base._visible = true;
this.mc_over._visible = false;
this.mc_down._visible = false;
this.top.focus = this.input_base(snapshot);
return this.top.focus;
ASSetPropFlags(v1, null, 1);
movieClip 20508 __Packages.Swish {
if (!Swish) {
_global.Swish = function (opts) {
if (opts) {
var v1 = _global.Swish.prototype;
v1.delegate = function (f, d) {
return com.dynamicflash.utils.Delegate.create(this, f, d);
v1.rnd_seed = function (n) {
this.rnd_num = n & 65535;
v1.rnd = function () {
this.rnd_num = ((this.rnd_num + 1) * 75 - 1) % 65537;
return this.rnd_num;
v1.prepare = function (opts) {
this.rnd_seed(getTimer() & 65535);
this.bms = [];
this.mcs = [];
this.w = 800;
this.h = 600;
this.cw = 8;
this.ch = 6;
this.style = 'fade';
this._xmouse = 0;
this._ymouse = 0;
if (opts.mc) {
this._xmouse = opts.mc._xmouse;
this._ymouse = opts.mc._ymouse;
if (opts.style) {
this.style = opts.style;
if (opts.w) {
this.w = opts.w;
if (opts.h) {
this.h = opts.h;
if (opts.cw) {
this.w = opts.cw;
if (opts.ch) {
this.h = opts.ch;
this.sw = this.w / this.cw;
this.sh = this.h / this.ch;
var v6 = new flash.geom.Matrix();
var v7 = 1;
var v8 = 1;
if (opts.sw) {
v7 = opts.sw;
if (opts.sh) {
v8 = opts.sh;
if (opts.s) {
v7 = opts.s;
v8 = opts.s;
v6.scale(v7, v8);
if (opts.mc) {
switch (this.style) {
case 'wait':
this.bms[0] = new flash.display.BitmapData(this.w, this.h, false, 0);
this.bms[0].draw(opts.mc, v6);
case 'fade':
this.smul = 0.8;
this.bms[0] = new flash.display.BitmapData(this.w, this.h, false, 0);
this.bms[0].draw(opts.mc, v6);
case 'slide_left':
case 'slide_down':
this.bms[0] = new flash.display.BitmapData(this.w, this.h, false, 0);
this.bms[0].draw(opts.mc, v6);
case 'sqr_plode':
case 'sqr_shrink':
case 'sqr_rollup':
this.smul = 0.95;
var v3 = new flash.display.BitmapData(this.w, this.h, false, 0);
v3.draw(opts.mc, v6);
var v5 = 0;
goto 1999;
for (;;) {
label 1999:
if (v5 >= this.ch) break;
var v4 = 0;
goto 2045;
for (;;) {
label 2045:
if (v4 >= this.cw) break;
this.bms[v5 * this.cw + v4] = new flash.display.BitmapData(this.sw, this.sh, false, 0);
this.bms[v5 * this.cw + v4].copyPixels(v3, new flash.geom.Rectangle(v4 * this.sw, v5 * this.sh, this.sw, this.sh), new flash.geom.Point(0, 0));
if (opts.smul) {
this.smul = opts.smul;
this.setup_done = false;
v1.setup = function () {
if (!_root.mc_swish) {
_root.mc_swish = gfx.create_clip(_root, 16382);
if (!_root.mc_swish.mc) {
_root.mc_swish.mc = gfx.create_clip(_root.mc_swish);
this.smc = _root.mc_swish.mc;
this.smc._alpha = 100;
this.frame = -2;
switch (this.style) {
this.update_do = this.delegate(this.check_update, null);
MainStatic.update_add(_root.updates, this.update_do);
this.setup_done = true;
return this;
case 'wait':
case 'fade':
case 'slide_left':
case 'slide_down':
this.mcs[0] = gfx.create_clip(this.smc, null, 800 / 2, 600 / 2);
this.mcs[1] = gfx.create_clip(this.mcs[0], null, -800 / 2, -600 / 2, 100 * 800 / this.w, 100 * 600 / this.h);
this.mcs[1].attachBitmap(this.bms[0], 0, 'auto', true);
this.update_do = this.delegate(this.check_update, null);
MainStatic.update_add(_root.updates, this.update_do);
this.setup_done = true;
return this;
case 'sqr_plode':
var v3 = 0;
goto 2977;
for (;;) {
label 2977:
if (v3 >= this.ch) break;
var v2 = 0;
goto 3023;
for (;;) {
label 3023:
if (v2 >= this.cw) break;
var v4 = gfx.create_clip(this.smc, null, (v2 + 0.5) * this.sw, (v3 + 0.5) * this.sw);
this.mcs[v3 * this.cw + v2] = v4;
v4.mc = gfx.create_clip(v4, null, -this.sw / 2, -this.sh / 2);
v4.mc.attachBitmap(this.bms[v3 * this.cw + v2], 0, 'always', false);
v4.vx = (this.rnd() / 32768 - 1) * 16;
v4.vy = -16 + (this.rnd() / 65536) * -16;
v4.vr = v4.vx * 0.5;
this.update_do = this.delegate(this.check_update, null);
MainStatic.update_add(_root.updates, this.update_do);
this.setup_done = true;
return this;
case 'sqr_shrink':
var v3 = 0;
goto 3433;
for (;;) {
label 3433:
if (v3 >= this.ch) break;
var v2 = 0;
goto 3479;
for (;;) {
label 3479:
if (v2 >= this.cw) break;
var v4 = gfx.create_clip(this.smc, null, (v2 + 0.5) * this.sw, (v3 + 0.5) * this.sw);
this.mcs[v3 * this.cw + v2] = v4;
v4.mc = gfx.create_clip(v4, null, -this.sw / 2, -this.sh / 2);
v4.mc.attachBitmap(this.bms[v3 * this.cw + v2], 0, 'always', false);
v4.vx = 0;
v4.vy = 0;
v4.vr = 4;
this.update_do = this.delegate(this.check_update, null);
MainStatic.update_add(_root.updates, this.update_do);
this.setup_done = true;
return this;
case 'sqr_rollup':
var v3 = 0;
goto 3815;
for (;;) {
label 3815:
if (v3 >= this.ch) break;
var v5 = null;
if (v3 & 1) {
var v2 = 0;
goto 3887;
for (;;) {
label 3887:
if (v2 >= this.cw) break;
if (v5) {
var v4 = gfx.create_clip(v5, null, this.sw, 0);
v5 = v4;
} else {
var v4 = gfx.create_clip(this.smc, null, v2 * this.sw, (v3 + 1) * this.sw);
v5 = v4;
this.mcs[v3 * this.cw + v2] = v4;
v4.mc = gfx.create_clip(v4, null, 0, -this.sh);
v4.mc.attachBitmap(this.bms[v3 * this.cw + v2], 0, 'always', false);
} else {
var v2 = this.cw - 1;
goto 4218;
for (;;) {
label 4218:
if (v2 < 0) break;
if (v5) {
var v4 = gfx.create_clip(v5, null, -this.sw, 0);
v5 = v4;
} else {
var v4 = gfx.create_clip(this.smc, null, (v2 + 1) * this.sw, (v3 + 1) * this.sw);
v5 = v4;
this.mcs[v3 * this.cw + v2] = v4;
v4.mc = gfx.create_clip(v4, null, -this.sw, -this.sh);
v4.mc.attachBitmap(this.bms[v3 * this.cw + v2], 0, 'always', false);
this.update_do = this.delegate(this.check_update, null);
MainStatic.update_add(_root.updates, this.update_do);
this.setup_done = true;
return this;
this.update_do = this.delegate(this.check_update, null);
MainStatic.update_add(_root.updates, this.update_do);
this.setup_done = true;
return this;
v1.check_update = function () {
if (!this.update()) {
v1.clean = function () {
if (!this.setup_done) {
return false;
MainStatic.update_remove(_root.updates, this.update_do);
this.update_do = null;
this.setup_done = false;
var v2 = 0;
goto 4801;
for (;;) {
label 4801:
if (v2 >= this.mcs.length) break;
if (this.mcs[v2]) {
this.bms = [];
this.mcs = [];
this.frame = 0;
_root.swish = null;
return true;
v1.update = function () {
if (!this.setup_done) {
return true;
if (this.frame < 0) {
return true;
switch (this.style) {
case 'wait':
if (this.frame > 25) {
return false;
case 'fade':
this.smc._alpha *= this.smul;
if (this.smc._alpha < 3 && this.smc._alpha > -1) {
this.smc._alpha = 0;
return false;
return true;
case 'slide_left':
this.mcs[0]._x = -900 + (this.mcs[0]._x - -900) * 0.9;
if (this.mcs[0]._x < -800) {
return false;
return true;
case 'slide_down':
this.mcs[0]._y = 300 + 700 + (this.mcs[0]._y - (300 + 700)) * 0.9;
if (this.mcs[0]._y > 300 + 600) {
return false;
return true;
case 'sqr_plode':
if (this.frame > 200) {
return false;
var v6 = false;
var v4 = 0;
goto 5629;
for (;;) {
label 5629:
if (v4 >= this.ch) break;
var v3 = 0;
goto 5675;
for (;;) {
label 5675:
if (v3 >= this.cw) break;
var v5 = this.mcs[v4 * this.cw + v3];
v5._x += v5.vx;
v5._y += v5.vy;
v5._rotation += v5.vr;
v5.vy += 2;
if (this.frame > 10) {
v5._xscale *= this.smul;
v5._yscale *= this.smul;
if (v5._y < 1200) {
v6 = true;
if (!v6) {
return false;
return true;
case 'sqr_shrink':
if (this.frame > 200) {
return false;
var v4 = 0;
goto 6008;
for (;;) {
label 6008:
if (v4 >= this.ch) break;
var v3 = 0;
goto 6054;
for (;;) {
label 6054:
if (v3 >= this.cw) break;
var v5 = this.mcs[v4 * this.cw + v3];
v5._x += v5.vx;
v5._y += v5.vy;
v5._rotation += v5.vr;
v5._xscale *= this.smul;
v5._yscale *= this.smul;
return true;
case 'sqr_rollup':
var v2 = Math.floor(this.frame / 6);
if (v2 >= 8) {
return false;
var v4 = 0;
goto 6325;
for (;;) {
label 6325:
if (v4 >= this.ch) break;
if (v4 & 1) {
if (v2 < 8) {
var v5 = this.mcs[v4 * this.cw + (this.cw - 1 - v2)];
v5._rotation -= 90 / 5;
} else {
if (v2 < 8) {
var v5 = this.mcs[v4 * this.cw + v2];
v5._rotation += 90 / 5;
return true;
ASSetPropFlags(v1, null, 1);
v1.rnd_num = 0;
movieClip 20509 __Packages.Replay {
if (!Replay) {
_global.Replay = function () {
var v1 = _global.Replay.prototype;
v1.setup = function () {
this.keymap = [];
this.keymap.fire = [];
this.keymap.left = [];
this.keymap.right = [];
this.keymap.up = [];
this.keymap.down = [];
this.keymap.fire[0] = Key.SPACE;
this.keymap.fire[1] = Key.CONTROL;
this.keymap.left[0] = Key.LEFT;
this.keymap.left[1] = 65;
this.keymap.right[0] = Key.RIGHT;
this.keymap.right[1] = 68;
this.keymap.up[0] = Key.UP;
this.keymap.up[1] = 87;
this.keymap.down[0] = Key.DOWN;
this.keymap.down[1] = 83;
this.prekey = new Array(64);
this.dat = new Array(1024);
this.str = '';
v1.reset = function () {
this.state = Replay.STATE_NONE;
this.key = 0;
this.key_on = 0;
this.key_off = 0;
this.prekey_idx = 0;
this.dat[0] = Clown.tostr(Replay.CODE_VERSION, 1) + Clown.tostr(Replay.VERSION, 2);
this.dat_idx = 0;
this.dat_idx_chunk = 64;
this.str_idx = 0;
this.frame = 0;
this.frame_recorded = 0;
this.frame_wait = 0;
this.premouse_x = 0;
this.premouse_y = 0;
this.mouse_x = 0;
this.mouse_y = 0;
this.play_mouse_x_old = 0;
this.play_mouse_y_old = 0;
this.play_mouse_f_old = 0;
this.play_mouse_x_new = 0;
this.play_mouse_y_new = 0;
this.play_mouse_f_new = 0;
v1.record_time = function () {
var v2 = this.frame - this.frame_recorded;
while (v2 > 0) {
if (v2 <= 64) {
this.dat[this.dat_idx] += Clown.tostr(Replay.CODE_TIME_64, 1) + Clown.tostr(v2 - 1, 1);
if (--this.dat_idx_chunk < 0) {
this.dat_idx_chunk = 64;
this.dat[++this.dat_idx] = '';
v2 = 0;
} else {
if (v2 <= 4096) {
this.dat[this.dat_idx] += Clown.tostr(Replay.CODE_TIME_4096, 1) + Clown.tostr(v2 - 1, 2);
if (--this.dat_idx_chunk < 0) {
this.dat_idx_chunk = 64;
this.dat[++this.dat_idx] = '';
v2 = 0;
} else {
this.dat[this.dat_idx] += Clown.tostr(Replay.CODE_TIME_4096, 1) + Clown.tostr(4096 - 1, 2);
if (--this.dat_idx_chunk < 0) {
this.dat_idx_chunk = 64;
this.dat[++this.dat_idx] = '';
v2 -= 4096;
this.frame_recorded = this.frame;
v1.prekey_on = function (k) {
this.prekey[this.prekey_idx++] = k;
v1.prekey_off = function (k) {
this.prekey[this.prekey_idx++] = 32 + k;
v1.prekey_update = function () {
if (this.state == Replay.STATE_RECORD) {
var v2 = 0;
goto 2877;
for (;;) {
label 2877:
if (v2 >= this.prekey_idx) break;
var v3 = this.prekey[v2];
if (v3 >= 32) {
this.record_key_off(v3 - 32);
} else {
} else {
if (this.state == Replay.STATE_NONE) {
var v2 = 0;
goto 3043;
for (;;) {
label 3043:
if (v2 >= this.prekey_idx) break;
var v3 = this.prekey[v2];
if (v3 >= 32) {
this.play_key_off(v3 - 32);
} else {
this.prekey_idx = 0;
v1.play_key_on = function (k) {
var v3 = 1 << k;
if ((this.key & v3) == 0) {
this.key |= v3;
this.key_on |= v3;
this.key_off &= v3 ^ -1;
v1.record_key_on = function (k) {
var v3 = 1 << k;
if ((this.key & v3) == 0) {
this.dat[this.dat_idx] += Clown.tostr(Replay.CODE_KEY, 1) + Clown.tostr(k, 1);
if (--this.dat_idx_chunk < 0) {
this.dat_idx_chunk = 64;
this.dat[++this.dat_idx] = '';
v1.play_key_off = function (k) {
var v3 = 1 << k;
if ((this.key & v3) != 0) {
this.key &= v3 ^ -1;
this.key_on &= v3 ^ -1;
this.key_off |= v3;
v1.record_key_off = function (k) {
var v3 = 1 << k;
if ((this.key & v3) == v3) {
this.dat[this.dat_idx] += Clown.tostr(Replay.CODE_KEY, 1) + Clown.tostr(32 + k, 1);
if (--this.dat_idx_chunk < 0) {
this.dat_idx_chunk = 64;
this.dat[++this.dat_idx] = '';
v1.record_mouse = function () {
if (this.state == Replay.STATE_RECORD) {
if (this.play_mouse_f_old != this.frame) {
this.dat[this.dat_idx] += Clown.tostr(Replay.CODE_MOUSE_XY_4096, 1) + Clown.tostr(this.mouse_x + 2048, 2) + Clown.tostr(this.mouse_y + 2048, 2);
if (--this.dat_idx_chunk < 0) {
this.dat_idx_chunk = 64;
this.dat[++this.dat_idx] = '';
this.play_mouse_x_old = this.mouse_x;
this.play_mouse_y_old = this.mouse_y;
this.play_mouse_f_old = this.frame;
v1.start_play = function (_str) {
this.str = _str;
trace('replay str_length:' + this.str.length);
trace('replay str:' + this.str);
this.state = Replay.STATE_PLAY;
v1.end_play = function () {
this.state = Replay.STATE_NONE;
v1.start_record = function () {
this.state = Replay.STATE_RECORD;
v1.end_record = function () {
this.state = Replay.STATE_NONE;
this.str = this.dat_tostr();
v1.update = function () {
this.key_on = 0;
this.key_off = 0;
if (this.state == Replay.STATE_PLAY) {
} else {
if (this.state == Replay.STATE_RECORD) {
this.mouse_x = Math.floor(this.premouse_x);
this.mouse_y = Math.floor(this.premouse_y);
} else {
if (this.state == Replay.STATE_NONE) {
this.mouse_x = Math.floor(this.premouse_x);
this.mouse_y = Math.floor(this.premouse_y);
v1.dat_tostr = function () {
var v3 = '';
var v2 = 0;
goto 5015;
for (;;) {
label 5015:
if (v2 > this.dat_idx) break;
v3 += this.dat[v2];
return v3;
v1.play_update = function () {
if (typeof this.str != 'string') {
return undefined;
while (this.frame_wait <= this.frame) {
if (this.str_idx > this.str.length) {
return undefined;
var v2 = Clown.tonum(this.str, this.str_idx++, 1);
switch (v2) {
case Replay.CODE_VERSION:
if (Clown.tonum(this.str, this.str_idx, 2) != Replay.VERSION) {
this.str_idx -= 1;
this.frame_wait += 64;
} else {
this.str_idx += 2;
case Replay.CODE_TIME_64:
this.frame_wait += Clown.tonum(this.str, this.str_idx++, 1) + 1;
case Replay.CODE_TIME_4096:
this.frame_wait += Clown.tonum(this.str, this.str_idx, 2) + 1;
this.str_idx += 2;
case Replay.CODE_KEY:
var v3 = Clown.tonum(this.str, this.str_idx++, 1);
if (v3 >= 32) {
this.play_key_off(v3 - 32);
} else {
case Replay.CODE_MOUSE_XY_4096:
this.play_mouse_x_old = Clown.tonum(this.str, this.str_idx, 2) - 2048;
this.str_idx += 2;
this.play_mouse_y_old = Clown.tonum(this.str, this.str_idx, 2) - 2048;
this.str_idx += 2;
this.play_mouse_f_old = this.frame;
if (this.play_mouse_f_old <= this.frame && this.play_mouse_f_new > this.frame) {
var v4 = this.frame - this.play_mouse_f_old;
v4 /= this.play_mouse_f_new - this.play_mouse_f_old;
this.mouse_x = this.play_mouse_x_old + (this.play_mouse_x_new - this.play_mouse_x_old) * v4;
this.mouse_y = this.play_mouse_y_old + (this.play_mouse_y_new - this.play_mouse_y_old) * v4;
} else {
this.mouse_x = this.play_mouse_x_new;
this.mouse_y = this.play_mouse_y_new;
v1.find_next_mouse_pos = function () {
this.play_mouse_x_new = this.play_mouse_x_old;
this.play_mouse_y_new = this.play_mouse_y_old;
this.play_mouse_f_new = this.play_mouse_f_old;
var v5 = this.str_idx;
var v4 = this.frame;
while (this.play_mouse_f_new == this.play_mouse_f_old) {
if (v5 > this.str.length) {
return undefined;
var v2 = Clown.tonum(this.str, v5++, 1);
switch (v2) {
case Replay.CODE_TIME_64:
v4 += Clown.tonum(this.str, v5++, 1) + 1;
case Replay.CODE_TIME_4096:
v4 += Clown.tonum(this.str, v5, 2) + 1;
v5 += 2;
case Replay.CODE_MOUSE_XY_4096:
this.play_mouse_x_new = Clown.tonum(this.str, v5, 2) - 2048;
v5 += 2;
this.play_mouse_y_new = Clown.tonum(this.str, v5, 2) - 2048;
v5 += 2;
this.play_mouse_f_new = v4;
return undefined;
v5 += this.code_data_sizes[v2];
v1.clean = function () {};
v1.apply_key_on_to_prekey = function (c, k) {
if (c == this.keymap.fire[0] || c == this.keymap.fire[1]) {
} else {
if (c == this.keymap.up[0] || c == this.keymap.up[1]) {
} else {
if (c == this.keymap.down[0] || c == this.keymap.down[1]) {
} else {
if (c == this.keymap.left[0] || c == this.keymap.left[1]) {
} else {
if (c == this.keymap.right[0] || c == this.keymap.right[1]) {
v1.apply_key_off_to_prekey = function (c, k) {
if (c == this.keymap.fire[0] || c == this.keymap.fire[1]) {
} else {
if (c == this.keymap.up[0] || c == this.keymap.up[1]) {
} else {
if (c == this.keymap.down[0] || c == this.keymap.down[1]) {
} else {
if (c == this.keymap.left[0] || c == this.keymap.left[1]) {
} else {
if (c == this.keymap.right[0] || c == this.keymap.right[1]) {
v1.apply_keys_to_prekey = function () {
if (Key.isDown(this.keymap.fire[0]) || Key.isDown(this.keymap.fire[1])) {
} else {
if (Key.isDown(this.keymap.up[0]) || Key.isDown(this.keymap.up[1])) {
} else {
if (Key.isDown(this.keymap.down[0]) || Key.isDown(this.keymap.down[1])) {
} else {
if (Key.isDown(this.keymap.left[0]) || Key.isDown(this.keymap.left[1])) {
} else {
if (Key.isDown(this.keymap.right[0]) || Key.isDown(this.keymap.right[1])) {
} else {
ASSetPropFlags(v1, null, 1);
_global.Replay.VERSION = 4;
_global.Replay.STATE_NONE = 0;
_global.Replay.STATE_RECORD = 1;
_global.Replay.STATE_PLAY = 2;
_global.Replay.CODE_VERSION = 0;
_global.Replay.CODE_TIME_64 = 1;
_global.Replay.CODE_TIME_4096 = 2;
_global.Replay.CODE_KEY = 3;
_global.Replay.CODE_MOUSE_XY_4096 = 4;
v1.code_data_sizes = [2, 1, 2, 1, 4];
_global.Replay.KEY_MBUTTON = 0;
_global.Replay.KEY_FIRE = 1;
_global.Replay.KEY_UP = 2;
_global.Replay.KEY_DOWN = 3;
_global.Replay.KEY_LEFT = 4;
_global.Replay.KEY_RIGHT = 5;
_global.Replay.KEY_MAX = 6;
_global.Replay.KEYM_MBUTTON = 1;
_global.Replay.KEYM_FIRE = 2;
_global.Replay.KEYM_UP = 4;
_global.Replay.KEYM_DOWN = 8;
_global.Replay.KEYM_LEFT = 16;
_global.Replay.KEYM_RIGHT = 32;
_global.Replay.KEYM_MAX = 64;
movieClip 20510 __Packages.Clown {
if (!Clown) {
_global.Clown = function () {};
var v1 = _global.Clown.prototype;
_global.Clown.tostr = function (num, len) {
var v6 = num;
var v7 = '';
var v4 = 0;
goto 382;
for (;;) {
label 382:
if (v4 >= len) break;
var v5 = v6 & 63;
v7 += Clown.chars.charAt(v5);
v6 >>= 6;
return v7;
_global.Clown.tonum = function (str, base, len) {
var v8 = 1;
var v7 = 0;
var v6 = base;
goto 559;
for (;;) {
label 559:
if (v6 >= base + len) break;
var v5 = str.charCodeAt(v6);
v7 += Clown.nums[v5] * v8;
v8 *= 64;
return v7;
_global.Clown.bits_to_str = function (arr, bits) {
if (bits % 6 != 0) {
return null;
var v4 = '';
var v5 = 0;
goto 756;
for (;;) {
label 756:
if (v5 >= arr.length) break;
v4 += Clown.tostr(arr[v5], bits / 6);
return v4;
_global.Clown.str_to_bits = function (str, off, bits) {
if (bits % 6 != 0) {
return null;
var v7 = bits / 6;
var v6 = [];
var v8 = str.length;
var v5 = off;
goto 966;
for (;;) {
v5 += v7;
label 966:
if (v5 >= v8) break;
v6[v6.length] = Clown.tonum(str, v5, v7);
return v6;
_global.Clown.bytes_to_pak = function (aa) {
var v4 = aa.length;
var v8 = [];
var v5 = 0;
goto 1109;
for (;;) {
v5 += 3;
label 1109:
if (v5 >= v4) break;
if (v5 + 3 <= v4) {
var v7 = aa[v5 + 0] * 65536;
v7 += aa[v5 + 1] * 256;
v7 += aa[v5 + 2];
} else {
var v7 = aa[v5 + 0] * 65536;
if (v5 + 1 < v4) {
v7 += aa[v5 + 1] * 256;
if (v5 + 2 < v4) {
v7 += aa[v5 + 2];
var v9 = v7 >> 6 + 6 + 6 & 63;
var v10 = Clown.chars.charAt(v9);
v9 = v7 >> 6 + 6 & 63;
v10 += Clown.chars.charAt(v9);
v9 = v7 >> 6 & 63;
v10 += Clown.chars.charAt(v9);
v9 = v7 & 63;
v10 += Clown.chars.charAt(v9);
v8[v8.length] = v10;
return v8.join('');
_global.Clown.str_to_pak = function (str) {
var v4 = str.length;
var v3 = Clown.tostr(v4, 4);
var v5 = 0;
goto 1738;
for (;;) {
v5 += 3;
label 1738:
if (v5 >= v4) break;
if (v5 + 3 <= v4) {
var v7 = str.charCodeAt(v5 + 0);
v7 += str.charCodeAt(v5 + 1) * 256;
v7 += str.charCodeAt(v5 + 2) * 65536;
v3 += Clown.tostr(v7, 4);
} else {
var v7 = str.charCodeAt(v5 + 0);
if (v5 + 1 < v4) {
v7 += str.charCodeAt(v5 + 1) * 256;
if (v5 + 2 < v4) {
v7 += str.charCodeAt(v5 + 2) * 65536;
v3 += Clown.tostr(v7, 4);
return v3;
_global.Clown.pak_to_str = function (pak) {
var v3 = '';
var v4 = Clown.tonum(pak, 0, 4);
var v6 = 4;
var v5 = 0;
goto 2239;
for (;;) {
v5 += 3;
label 2239:
if (v5 >= v4) break;
if (v6 > pak.length) {
return v3;
if (v5 + 3 <= v4) {
var v8 = Clown.tonum(pak, v6, 4);
v6 += 4;
v3 += String.fromCharCode(v8 & 255, v8 >> 8 & 255, v8 >> 16 & 255);
} else {
var v8 = Clown.tonum(pak, v6, 4);
v6 += 4;
v3 += String.fromCharCode(v8 & 255);
if (v5 + 1 < v4) {
v3 += String.fromCharCode(v8 >> 8 & 255);
if (v5 + 2 < v4) {
v3 += String.fromCharCode(v8 >> 16 & 255);
return v3;
_global.Clown.clean_str = function (s) {
var v5 = '';
var v3 = 0;
goto 2718;
for (;;) {
label 2718:
if (v3 >= s.length) break;
var v4 = s.charCodeAt(v3);
if (Clown.nums[v4] > 0 || v4 == 65) {
v5 += String.fromCharCode(v4);
return v5;
ASSetPropFlags(v1, null, 1);
_global.Clown.chars = 'ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789+/';
_global.Clown.nums = [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 62, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 62, 0, 63, 0, 63, 52, 53, 54, 55, 56, 57, 58, 59, 60, 61, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 0, 0, 0, 0, 62, 0, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39, 40, 41, 42, 43, 44, 45, 46, 47, 48, 49, 50, 51, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0];
movieClip 20511 __Packages.gfx {
if (!gfx) {
_global.gfx = function () {};
var v1 = _global.gfx.prototype;
_global.gfx.create_text_edit = function (mc, depth, x, y, w, h) {
if (mc.newdepth == undefined) {
mc.newdepth = 0;
if (depth == null) {
depth = ++mc.newdepth;
mc.createTextField('tf' + depth, depth, x, y, w, h);
var v8 = mc['tf' + depth];
v8.embedFonts = true;
v8.html = false;
v8.multiline = false;
v8.wordWrap = false;
v8.type = 'input';
v8.selectable = true;
v8.onSetFocus = function () {
var v2 = int;
if (v2 < 0) {
v2 = 0;
Selection.setSelection(0, 0);
Selection.setSelection(v2, v2);
v8.setNewTextFormat(gfx.create_text_format(16, -1));
return v8;
_global.gfx.create_text = function (mc, depth, x, y, w, h) {
if (mc.newdepth == undefined) {
mc.newdepth = 0;
if (depth == null) {
depth = ++mc.newdepth;
mc.createTextField('tf' + depth, depth, x, y, w, h);
var v8 = mc['tf' + depth];
v8.type = 'dynamic';
v8.embedFonts = true;
v8.html = false;
v8.multiline = true;
v8.selectable = true;
v8.wordWrap = false;
v8.setNewTextFormat(gfx.create_text_format(16, -1));
return v8;
_global.gfx.create_text_format = function (fntsiz, fntcol, boldit) {
var v5 = new TextFormat();
v5.font = 'Bitstream Vera Sans';
v5.color = fntcol & 16777215;
v5.size = fntsiz;
if (!boldit) {
v5.bold = false;
return v5;
v5.bold = true;
return v5;
_global.gfx.create_text_html = function (mc, depth, x, y, w, h) {
if (mc.newdepth == undefined) {
mc.newdepth = 0;
if (depth == null) {
depth = ++mc.newdepth;
mc.createTextField('tf' + depth, depth, x, y, w, h);
var v8 = mc['tf' + depth];
v8.type = 'dynamic';
v8.embedFonts = true;
v8.html = true;
v8.multiline = true;
v8.selectable = false;
v8.wordWrap = true;
v8.setNewTextFormat(gfx.create_text_format(16, -1));
return v8;
_global.gfx.set_text_html = function (tf, fntsiz, fntcol, str) {
var v6 = '<font face="Bitstream Vera Sans" size="' + fntsiz + '" color="#' + alt.Sprintf.format('%06x', fntcol & 16777215) + '">';
v6 += str;
v6 += '</font>';
tf.htmlText = v6;
return v6;
_global.gfx.create_clip = function (mc, depth, px, py, sx, sy, rot) {
if (mc.newdepth == undefined) {
mc.newdepth = 0;
if (depth == null) {
depth = ++mc.newdepth;
var v9 = mc.createEmptyMovieClip('mc' + depth, depth);
v9.newdepth = 0;
if (px != null) {
v9._x = px;
if (py != null) {
v9._y = py;
if (sx != null) {
v9._xscale = sx;
if (sy != null) {
v9._yscale = sy;
if (rot != null) {
v9._rotation = rot;
return v9;
_global.gfx.add_clip = function (mc, str, depth, px, py, sx, sy, rot) {
if (mc.newdepth == undefined) {
mc.newdepth = 0;
if (depth == null) {
depth = ++mc.newdepth;
var v10 = mc.attachMovie(str, 'mc' + depth, depth);
v10.newdepth = 0;
if (px != null) {
v10._x = px;
if (py != null) {
v10._y = py;
if (sx != null) {
v10._xscale = sx;
if (sy != null) {
v10._yscale = sy;
if (rot != null) {
v10._rotation = rot;
return v10;
_global.gfx.clear = function (mc) {
mc.style = [];
mc.style.out = -1;
mc.style.fill = -1;
_global.gfx.create_rounded_text_button = function (mc, depth, x, y, w, h, b, c, l) {
if (b == null) {
b = 3;
if (c == null) {
c = 8;
if (l == null) {
l = 2;
gfx.draw_rounded_rectangle(mc, b, c, l, x, y, w, h);
var v11 = gfx.create_text_html(mc, depth, x, y, w, h);
return v11;
_global.gfx.draw_rounded_rectangle = function (mc, b, c, l, x, y, w, h) {
if (l != 0) {
mc.lineStyle(l, mc.style.out & 16777215, (mc.style.out >> 24 & 255) * 100 / 255);
} else {
mc.lineStyle(undefined, undefined);
mc.moveTo(x + b + c, y + b);
mc.beginFill(mc.style.fill & 16777215, (mc.style.fill >> 24 & 255) * 100 / 255);
mc.lineTo(x + w - b - c, y + b);
mc.curveTo(x + w - b, y + b, x + w - b, y + b + c);
mc.lineTo(x + w - b, y + h - b - c);
mc.curveTo(x + w - b, y + h - b, x + w - b - c, y + h - b);
mc.lineTo(x + b + c, y + h - b);
mc.curveTo(x + b, y + h - b, x + b, y + h - b - c);
mc.lineTo(x + b, y + b + c);
mc.curveTo(x + b, y + b, x + b + c, y + b);
_global.gfx.draw_box = function (mc, l, x, y, w, h) {
if (l != 0) {
mc.lineStyle(l, mc.style.out & 16777215, (mc.style.out >> 24 & 255) * 100 / 255);
} else {
mc.lineStyle(undefined, undefined);
mc.moveTo(x, y);
mc.beginFill(mc.style.fill & 16777215, (mc.style.fill >> 24 & 255) * 100 / 255);
mc.lineTo(x + w, y);
mc.lineTo(x + w, y + h);
mc.lineTo(x, y + h);
mc.lineTo(x, y);
_global.gfx.draw_box_xgrad = function (mc, l, x, y, w, h, c1, c2) {
if (l != 0) {
mc.lineStyle(l, mc.style.out & 16777215, (mc.style.out >> 24 & 255) * 100 / 255);
} else {
mc.lineStyle(undefined, undefined);
mc.moveTo(x, y);
mc.beginGradientFill('linear', [c1 & 16777215, c2 & 16777215], [(c1 >> 24 & 255) * 100 / 255, (c2 >> 24 & 255) * 100 / 255], [0, 255], {'matrixType': 'box', 'x': x, 'y': y, 'w': w, 'h': h, 'r': (0 / 180) * Math.PI});
mc.lineTo(x + w, y);
mc.lineTo(x + w, y + h);
mc.lineTo(x, y + h);
mc.lineTo(x, y);
_global.gfx.draw_box_ygrad = function (mc, l, x, y, w, h, c1, c2) {
if (l != 0) {
mc.lineStyle(l, mc.style.out & 16777215, (mc.style.out >> 24 & 255) * 100 / 255);
} else {
mc.lineStyle(undefined, undefined);
mc.moveTo(x, y);
mc.beginGradientFill('linear', [c1 & 16777215, c2 & 16777215], [(c1 >> 24 & 255) * 100 / 255, (c2 >> 24 & 255) * 100 / 255], [0, 255], {'matrixType': 'box', 'x': x, 'y': y, 'w': w, 'h': h, 'r': (90 / 180) * Math.PI});
mc.lineTo(x + w, y);
mc.lineTo(x + w, y + h);
mc.lineTo(x, y + h);
mc.lineTo(x, y);
_global.gfx.draw_fcirc4 = function (mc, l, x1, y1, x2, y2, x3, y3, x4, y4) {
if (l != 0) {
mc.lineStyle(l, mc.style.out & 16777215, (mc.style.out >> 24 & 255) * 100 / 255);
} else {
mc.lineStyle(undefined, undefined);
mc.moveTo((x1 + x2) / 2, (y1 + y2) / 2);
mc.beginFill(mc.style.fill & 16777215, (mc.style.fill >> 24 & 255) * 100 / 255);
mc.curveTo(x2, y2, (x2 + x3) / 2, (y2 + y3) / 2);
mc.curveTo(x3, y3, (x3 + x4) / 2, (y3 + y4) / 2);
mc.curveTo(x4, y4, (x4 + x1) / 2, (y4 + y1) / 2);
mc.curveTo(x1, y1, (x1 + x2) / 2, (y1 + y2) / 2);
_global.gfx.adjust_allmovieclips = function (base, funk) {
for (var nam in base) {
var v4 = base[nam];
if (typeof v4 == 'movieclip') {
gfx.adjust_allmovieclips(v4, funk);
_global.gfx.setscroll = function (mc, minx, miny, sizx, sizy) {
mc.scrollRect = new flash.geom.Rectangle(minx, miny, sizx, sizy);
_global.gfx.dropshadow = function (mc, a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h) {
mc.filters = [new flash.filters.DropShadowFilter(a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h)];
_global.gfx.glow = function (mc, a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h) {
mc.filters = [new flash.filters.GlowFilter(a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h)];
_global.gfx.blur = function (mc, a, b, c) {
mc.filters = [new flash.filters.BlurFilter(a, b, c)];
_global.gfx.blurglow = function (mc, aa, bb, cc, a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h) {
mc.filters = [new flash.filters.BlurFilter(aa, bb, cc), new flash.filters.GlowFilter(a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h)];
_global.gfx.clear_filters = function (mc) {
mc.filters = null;
ASSetPropFlags(v1, null, 1);
movieClip 20512 __Packages.GizmoMaster {
if (!GizmoMaster) {
_global.GizmoMaster = function (_up) {
this.up = _up;
var v1 = _global.GizmoMaster.prototype;
v1.setup_base = function () {
this.mc = gfx.create_clip(this.up.mc, null);
this.mc.style = this.up.mc.style;
this.gizmos = new Array();
this.active = true;
this.focus = null;
this.focus_data = null;
this.top = this.up.top;
if (this.top == null) {
this.top = this;
v1.clean_base = function () {
var v2 = 0;
goto 664;
for (;;) {
label 664:
if (v2 >= this.gizmos.length) break;
if (this.gizmos[v2].active) {
this.mc = null;
v1.update_base = function () {
this.mc._x = this.x;
this.mc._y = this.y;
var v2 = 0;
goto 859;
for (;;) {
label 859:
if (v2 >= this.gizmos.length) break;
if (this.gizmos[v2].active) {
this.gizmos[v2].mc._visible = true;
} else {
this.gizmos[v2].mc._visible = false;
_global.GizmoMaster.dupe_snapshot = function (snapshot) {
var v3 = {};
v3.key = snapshot.key;
v3.key_on = snapshot.key_on;
v3.key_off = snapshot.key_off;
v3.x = snapshot.x;
v3.y = snapshot.y;
v3.frame = snapshot.frame;
return v3;
v1.input_base = function (snapshot) {
var v5 = GizmoMaster.dupe_snapshot(snapshot);
var v3 = 0;
goto 1231;
for (;;) {
label 1231:
if (v3 >= this.gizmos.length) break;
if (this.gizmos[v3].active) {
return this.top.focus;
v1.child = function (g) {
var v3 = this.gizmos.length;
this.gizmos[v3] = g;
return g;
v1.set_area = function (_x, _y, _w, _h) {
this.x = _x;
this.y = _y;
this.w = _w;
this.h = _h;
v1.draw_mask = function (px, py) {
gfx.setscroll(this.mc, px, py, this.w, this.h);
v1.setup = function () {
v1.clean = function () {
v1.update = function () {
var v2 = (new Date()).getTime();
v2 = ((v2 & 16383) - 8192) / 8192;
if (v2 < 0) {
v2 = -v2;
var v3 = v2 * v2;
this.spine = v3 + v3 * 2 - v3 * v2 * 2;
v1.input = function (snapshot) {
this.focus = this.input_base(snapshot);
return this.focus;
ASSetPropFlags(v1, null, 1);
frame 1 {
movieClip 1623 auth_kriss {
movieClip 1626 auth_shi {
movieClip 1629 icon_day {
movieClip 1632 icon_rank {
movieClip 1635 icon_last {
movieClip 1638 icon_mochi {
movieClip 1641 icon_guest {
movieClip 1644 icon_registered {
movieClip 1647 icon_close {
movieClip 1650 icon_digg {
movieClip 1653 icon_stumble {