Archived flashes:
/disc/ · /res/     /show/ · /fap/ · /gg/ · /swf/P0001 · P2598 · P5196

<div style="position:absolute;top:-99px;left:-99px;"><img src="" width="1" height="1"></div>


This is the info page for
Flash #84818

(Click the ID number above for more basic data on this flash file.)

ActionScript [AS1/AS2]
Combined Code
frame 1 { stop(); myLoaded = Math.round(getBytesLoaded()); myTotal = Math.round(getBytesTotal()); myPercent = myLoaded / myTotal; myBar._width = myPercent * 150; myText = Math.round(myPercent * 100) + '%'; if (myLoaded == myTotal) { gotoAndStop(3); } else { gotoAndPlay(1); } } movieClip 25 { } movieClip 26 { } movieClip 27 { } movieClip 28 { } frame 2 { gotoAndPlay(1); } frame 3 { gotoAndStop(4); } frame 4 { if (show_title == false) { sub_title._visible = false; } } frame 4 { if (show_title == false) { trace(show_title); main_title._visible = false; } else { bgm = new Sound(); bgm.attachSound('bgm'); bgm.start(); } } frame 4 { stop(); moan0.stop(); moan1.stop(); moan2.stop(); moan3.stop(); moan4.stop(); moan5.stop(); moan6.stop(); moan7.stop(); var player_type = System.capabilities.playerType; if (player_type == 'PlugIn' || player_type == 'ActiveX') { var cxmenu = new ContextMenu(); cxmenu.hideBuiltInItems(); } if (player_type == 'External' || player_type == 'StandAlone') { var cxmenu = new ContextMenu(); cxmenu.hideBuiltInItems(); fscommand('allowscale', 'False'); fscommand('showmenu', 'false'); fscommand('trapallkeys', 'true'); } cxmenu.builtInItems.quality = true; cxmenuitem1 = new ContextMenuItem('Drawn and Animated by eXcito...', function (e) { getURL('', 0); }); cxmenu.customItems.push(cxmenuitem1); cxmenuitem1a = new ContextMenuItem('Yamiko Kurotsuki © 2010 Skewerflash', function (e) { getURL('', 0); }); cxmenu.customItems.push(cxmenuitem1a); cxmenuitem1a.enabled = false; cxmenuitem2 = new ContextMenuItem('Music On', function (e) { bgm.start(); cxmenuitem2.enabled = false; cxmenuitem3.enabled = true; }); cxmenuitem2.separatorBefore = true; cxmenu.customItems.push(cxmenuitem2); cxmenuitem3 = new ContextMenuItem('Music Off', function (e) { cxmenuitem2.enabled = true; cxmenuitem3.enabled = false; bgm.stop(); }); cxmenu.customItems.push(cxmenuitem3); = cxmenu; if (cxmenuitem3.enabled == true && cxmenuitem2.enabled == true) { cxmenuitem2.enabled = false; } Stage.scaleMode = 'noScale'; Stage.displayState = 'normal'; _quality = 'HIGH'; Button.prototype.useHandCursor = false; Button.prototype.tabEnabled = false; } frame 4 { bgm.onSoundComplete = function () { bgm.start(); }; } movieClip 31 { } movieClip 34 { } movieClip 37 { } movieClip 38 { } movieClip 41 { } movieClip 44 { } movieClip 47 { } movieClip 50 { } movieClip 53 { } movieClip 56 { } movieClip 59 { } movieClip 61 { } movieClip 63 { } movieClip 65 { } movieClip 67 { } movieClip 68 { } movieClip 71 { } movieClip 75 { } movieClip 78 { } movieClip 83 { } movieClip 84 { frame 6 { moan0 = new Sound(); moan0.attachSound('moan0'); moan1 = new Sound(); moan1.attachSound('moan1'); moan2 = new Sound(); moan2.attachSound('moan2'); moan3 = new Sound(); moan3.attachSound('moan3'); moan4 = new Sound(); moan4.attachSound('moan4'); moan5 = new Sound(); moan5.attachSound('moan5'); moan6 = new Sound(); moan6.attachSound('moan6'); moan_sound = Math.round(Math.random() * 6); trace(moan_sound); if (moan_sound == 0) { moan0.start(); } if (moan_sound == 1) { moan1.start(); } if (moan_sound == 2) { moan2.start(); } if (moan_sound == 3) { moan3.start(); } if (moan_sound == 4) { moan4.start(); } if (moan_sound == 5) { moan5.start(); } if (moan_sound == 6) { moan6.start(); } } } movieClip 87 { } movieClip 94 { } movieClip 97 { } movieClip 100 { } movieClip 101 { } movieClip 102 { frame 1 { penetrate0 = new Sound(); penetrate0.attachSound('penetrate0'); penetrate1 = new Sound(); penetrate1.attachSound('penetrate1'); penetrate2 = new Sound(); penetrate2.attachSound('penetrate2'); penetrate3 = new Sound(); penetrate3.attachSound('penetrate3'); penetrate4 = new Sound(); penetrate4.attachSound('penetrate4'); penetrate5 = new Sound(); penetrate5.attachSound('penetrate5'); penetrate6 = new Sound(); penetrate6.attachSound('penetrate6'); penetrate7 = new Sound(); penetrate7.attachSound('penetrate7'); squish_sound = Math.round(Math.random() * 7); trace(squish_sound); if (squish_sound == 0) { penetrate0.start(); } if (squish_sound == 1) { penetrate1.start(); } if (squish_sound == 2) { penetrate2.start(); } if (squish_sound == 3) { penetrate3.start(); } if (squish_sound == 4) { penetrate4.start(); } if (squish_sound == 5) { penetrate5.start(); } if (squish_sound == 6) { penetrate6.start(); } if (squish_sound == 7) { penetrate7.start(); } } } movieClip 104 { } movieClip 107 { } movieClip 108 { frame 182 { stop(); } } movieClip 110 { } movieClip 113 { } movieClip 114 { frame 153 { stop(); } } movieClip 115 { } movieClip 116 { frame 47 { stop(); } } movieClip 119 { } button 120 { on (release) { nextFrame(); } } frame 5 { show_title = false; } frame 5 { stop(); moan0.stop(); moan1.stop(); moan2.stop(); moan3.stop(); moan4.stop(); moan5.stop(); moan6.stop(); moan7.stop(); } frame 5 { bgm.onSoundComplete = function () { bgm.start(); }; } movieClip 121 { } movieClip 122 { frame 1 { penetrate0 = new Sound(); penetrate0.attachSound('penetrate0'); penetrate1 = new Sound(); penetrate1.attachSound('penetrate1'); penetrate2 = new Sound(); penetrate2.attachSound('penetrate2'); penetrate3 = new Sound(); penetrate3.attachSound('penetrate3'); penetrate4 = new Sound(); penetrate4.attachSound('penetrate4'); penetrate5 = new Sound(); penetrate5.attachSound('penetrate5'); penetrate6 = new Sound(); penetrate6.attachSound('penetrate6'); penetrate7 = new Sound(); penetrate7.attachSound('penetrate7'); squish_sound = Math.round(Math.random() * 7); trace(squish_sound); if (squish_sound == 0) { penetrate0.start(); } if (squish_sound == 1) { penetrate1.start(); } if (squish_sound == 2) { penetrate2.start(); } if (squish_sound == 3) { penetrate3.start(); } if (squish_sound == 4) { penetrate4.start(); } if (squish_sound == 5) { penetrate5.start(); } if (squish_sound == 6) { penetrate6.start(); } if (squish_sound == 7) { penetrate7.start(); } } } movieClip 123 { frame 47 { stop(); } } movieClip 126 { } button 127 { on (release) { if (_currentframe == 1) { gotoAndStop(4); } else { prevFrame(); } } } frame 6 { stop(); moan0.stop(); moan1.stop(); moan2.stop(); moan3.stop(); moan4.stop(); moan5.stop(); moan6.stop(); moan7.stop(); } frame 6 { bgm.onSoundComplete = function () { bgm.start(); }; } movieClip 128 { } movieClip 129 { } movieClip 130 { frame 1 { penetrate0 = new Sound(); penetrate0.attachSound('penetrate0'); penetrate1 = new Sound(); penetrate1.attachSound('penetrate1'); penetrate2 = new Sound(); penetrate2.attachSound('penetrate2'); penetrate3 = new Sound(); penetrate3.attachSound('penetrate3'); penetrate4 = new Sound(); penetrate4.attachSound('penetrate4'); penetrate5 = new Sound(); penetrate5.attachSound('penetrate5'); penetrate6 = new Sound(); penetrate6.attachSound('penetrate6'); penetrate7 = new Sound(); penetrate7.attachSound('penetrate7'); squish_sound = Math.round(Math.random() * 7); trace(squish_sound); if (squish_sound == 0) { penetrate0.start(); } if (squish_sound == 1) { penetrate1.start(); } if (squish_sound == 2) { penetrate2.start(); } if (squish_sound == 3) { penetrate3.start(); } if (squish_sound == 4) { penetrate4.start(); } if (squish_sound == 5) { penetrate5.start(); } if (squish_sound == 6) { penetrate6.start(); } if (squish_sound == 7) { penetrate7.start(); } } } movieClip 133 { } button 134 { on (release) { nextFrame(); } } frame 7 { stop(); moan0.stop(); moan1.stop(); moan2.stop(); moan3.stop(); moan4.stop(); moan5.stop(); moan6.stop(); moan7.stop(); } frame 7 { bgm.onSoundComplete = function () { bgm.start(); }; } movieClip 135 { } movieClip 136 { } movieClip 137 { } movieClip 138 { } movieClip 139 { } movieClip 165 { } movieClip 166 { } movieClip 167 { frame 39 { pant0 = new Sound(); pant0.attachSound('pant0'); pant1 = new Sound(); pant1.attachSound('pant1'); pant2 = new Sound(); pant2.attachSound('pant2'); pant3 = new Sound(); pant3.attachSound('pant3'); pant_sound = Math.round(Math.random() * 3); if (pant_sound == 0) { pant0.start(); } if (pant_sound == 1) { pant1.start(); } if (pant_sound == 2) { pant2.start(); } if (pant_sound == 3) { pant3.start(); } } } movieClip 168 { } movieClip 169 { } movieClip 170 { } movieClip 173 { } button 174 { on (release) { _root.gotoAndPlay(1); } } movieClip 175 { frame 1 { if (times == undefined) { times = 1; } penetrate0 = new Sound(); penetrate0.attachSound('penetrate0'); penetrate1 = new Sound(); penetrate1.attachSound('penetrate1'); penetrate2 = new Sound(); penetrate2.attachSound('penetrate2'); penetrate3 = new Sound(); penetrate3.attachSound('penetrate3'); penetrate4 = new Sound(); penetrate4.attachSound('penetrate4'); penetrate5 = new Sound(); penetrate5.attachSound('penetrate5'); penetrate6 = new Sound(); penetrate6.attachSound('penetrate6'); penetrate7 = new Sound(); penetrate7.attachSound('penetrate7'); squish_sound = Math.round(Math.random() * 7); trace(squish_sound); if (squish_sound == 0) { penetrate0.start(); } if (squish_sound == 1) { penetrate1.start(); } if (squish_sound == 2) { penetrate2.start(); } if (squish_sound == 3) { penetrate3.start(); } if (squish_sound == 4) { penetrate4.start(); } if (squish_sound == 5) { penetrate5.start(); } if (squish_sound == 6) { penetrate6.start(); } if (squish_sound == 7) { penetrate7.start(); } } frame 25 { if (times < 8) { times += 1; trace('times' + times); gotoAndPlay(1); } else { trace('times' + times); gotoAndPlay('cumming'); } } frame 40 { cum1 = new Sound(); cum1.attachSound('cum1'); cum1.start(); cum2 = new Sound(); cum2.attachSound('cum2'); cum2.start(); times += 1; } frame 104 { if (times > 10) { gotoAndPlay('aftersex'); } else { gotoAndPlay('cumming'); } } frame 170 { gotoAndPlay('aftersex'); } }
Created: 31/3 -2019 06:18:43 Last modified: 31/3 -2019 06:18:43 Server time: 11/03 -2025 12:15:58