Archived flashes:
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Space Cash 12 00 - simply awsome  stop motion anima tion.swf
3 times. | 7,7 MiB, 01:48 | [W] [I] | WIKI:0
Story, IRL video.

Wolf - project for illustration class.swf
4 times. | 3,44 MiB, 02:28 | [W] [I] | WIKI:0

Miss ing Heart Short St ory - flash animat ion for author's c lass.swf
3 times. | 1,91 MiB, 01:12 | [W] [I] | WIKI:0

The Doberman - teaser for a new flash series.swf
2 times. | 7,01 MiB, 05:32 | [W] [I] | WIKI:0

Dino-Zombies - off icial motion comic  for the graphic n ovel.swf
3 times. | 2,21 MiB, 02:15 | [W] [I] | WIKI:0
Story, Flash animation. Misc, Unfinished.

Marathon Race  - 1st episode for  THE UNIVERSITY se ries.swf
3 times. | 1,7 MiB, 01:16 | [W] [I] | WIKI:0

Orbinauts - random but awesome flash animation.swf
3 times. | 3,75 MiB, 04:12 | [W] [I] | WIKI:0

Love - very artistic flash animation.swf
3 times. | 1,9 MiB, 00:48 | [W] [I] | WIKI:0

Midnight Mad ness - very impres sive madness anima tion.swf
2 times. | 2,08 MiB, 02:49 | [W] [I] | WIKI:0

Good Bad and Ba dder Idea - pretty  funny flash anima tion.swf
2 times. | 7,02 MiB, 01:33 | [W] [I] | WIKI:0

Ex Memories - decent flash story.swf
3 times. | 4,91 MiB, 07:32 | [W] [I] | WIKI:0

Blattaria Blast - prequel and sequel to Shroom.swf
3 times. | 4,35 MiB, 03:06 | [W] [I] | WIKI:0

Proper Chief -  funny flash anima tion with nice loa ding.swf
3 times. | 5,06 MiB, 00:37 | [W] [I] | WIKI:0

Birrus - nice and colorful flash short.swf
3 times. | 4,82 MiB, 01:32 | [W] [I] | WIKI:0

PaRap pa The Movie Trail er - flash animati on with a simple s tory.swf
2 times. | 1,54 MiB, 01:05 | [W] [I] | WIKI:0

Pencilmation no14 - Cone Head - new episode.swf
3 times. | 1,7 MiB, 00:57 | [W] [I] | WIKI:0

Joker  and Airport Secur ity - a bit short but classic flash joke.swf
3 times. | 955,4 KiB, 00:41 | [W] [I] | WIKI:0

Fi reflies - The Frui t - simple but ver y nice flash anima tion.swf
3 times. | 3,82 MiB, 02:20 | [W] [I] | WIKI:0

Dutamasa B attle Trailer - tr ailer of upcoming game.swf
3 times. | 7,86 MiB, 02:11 | [W] [I] | WIKI:0

Twee diddled - pretty awesome flash animation.swf
2 times. | 1,66 MiB, 02:01 | [W] [I] | WIKI:0

Ven ding Machine and M e - flash animatio n for a school pro ject.swf
3 times. | 801 KiB, 01:30 | [W] [I] | WIKI:0

Clichetivity - cliches of stick animation.swf
3 times. | 868,4 KiB, 02:15 | [W] [I] | WIKI:0

Lady Noir - a pretty cool flash collab.swf
3 times. | 13,2 MiB, 08:03 | [W] [I] | WIKI:0

Pencilmati on 9 - Love at Fir st Write - new epi sode.swf
3 times. | 4 MiB, 03:29 | [W] [I] | WIKI:0

Forest 20 13 Chapter 1 - act ion flash animatio n with great story line.swf
3 times. | 9,95 MiB, 05:38 | [W] [I] | WIKI:0

Eternal Love - really good flash film noir.swf
3 times. | 8,43 MiB, 01:55 | [W] [I] | WIKI:0

Hey Hey Stoneage - quite s moothy flash anima tion.swf
3 times. | 3,07 MiB, 01:54 | [W] [I] | WIKI:0

Valentine Crime - typographic music video.swf
2 times. | 1,28 MiB, 01:12 | [W] [I] | WIKI:0

Batman Freakout - behind the scenes.swf
4 times. | 2,05 MiB, 02:18 | [W] [I] | WIKI:0

SaxMan - music an imation to the son g by The Lonely Is land.swf
2 times. | 2,19 MiB, 02:07 | [W] [I] | WIKI:0

Culture Clubbing - nicely done flash satire.swf
3 times. | 5,09 MiB, 04:21 | [W] [I] | WIKI:0

A Midnight Visit - flash with very well delivered mes sage.swf
2 times. | 6,09 MiB, 05:47 | [W] [I] | WIKI:0

Burnt Face M an Episode 9 - ano ther episode of le gendary comedy car toon.swf
2 times. | 5,75 MiB, 05:27 | [W] [I] | WIKI:0

Snow Sucks - short but funny flash animation.swf
2 times. | 3,39 MiB, 00:32 | [W] [I] | WIKI:0

Dude Check My Car - another funny brief shortie.swf
3 times. | 775,3 KiB, 00:43 | [W] [I] | WIKI:0

Pleasing In terlude No1 - flas h animation to the  music by Electric  Six.swf
2 times. | 1,68 MiB, 00:48 | [W] [I] | WIKI:0

Hug - enjoyable flash animation.swf
3 times. | 2,69 MiB, 03:28 | [W] [I] | WIKI:0
Story. Misc.

Virtua Cop - hilarious flash parody of the game.swf
3 times. | 5,24 MiB, 03:28 | [W] [I] | WIKI:0

Drainin g the Lizard - mus ic video to the Nu clear Bubble Wrap song.swf
3 times. | 7,53 MiB, 05:36 | [W] [I] | WIKI:0

Free Fries - well animated flash commercial.swf
3 times. | 772,8 KiB, 00:55 | [W] [I] | WIKI:0

Rain Dogs - really artistic flash animation.swf
3 times. | 8,35 MiB, 03:05 | [W] [I] | WIKI:0

Age of the Anteater - cute an imation and good m usic.swf
3 times. | 2,19 MiB, 01:36 | [W] [I] | WIKI:0

Hard Boiled - old film Noir style flash cartoon.swf
3 times. | 6,69 MiB, 01:52 | [W] [I] | WIKI:0

In Persp ectives - song of relaxation music v ideo.swf
3 times. | 1,53 MiB, 03:33 | [W] [I] | WIKI:0

E pically Huge - Epi cally Huge Growing  Cereal Eating Ham ster.swf
3 times. | 15,92 MiB, 06:25 | [W] [I] | WIKI:0

Adam and E ve - flash parody of the well-known myth.swf
3 times. | 5,6 MiB, 02:09 | [W] [I] | WIKI:0

A Fina l Fantasy Christma s - music video to  the song by Disco crew.swf
2 times. | 3,47 MiB, 03:04 | [W] [I] | WIKI:0

You Cried Me - really catchy song by Jookabox.swf
3 times. | 7,54 MiB, 02:38 | [W] [I] | WIKI:0

Wasabi - very humoristic sushi flash animation.swf
3 times. | 2,05 MiB, 00:18 | [W] [I] | WIKI:0

Newtons Laws 101 -  good use of stick  figures in this m ovie.swf
3 times. | 2 MiB, 03:17 | [W] [I] | WIKI:0
Created: 12/11 -2010 02:56:38 Last modified: 29/3 -2019 08:55:55 Server time: 13/03 -2025 06:32:10