Archived flashes:
/disc/ · /res/     /show/ · /fap/ · /gg/ · /swf/P0001 · P2574 · P5148

<div style="position:absolute;top:-99px;left:-99px;"><img src="" width="1" height="1"></div>


This is the info page for
Flash #85410

(Click the ID number above for more basic data on this flash file.)

ActionScript [AS1/AS2]
Frame 1
Symbol 20480 MovieClip [__Packages.Logo] Frame 0
#initclip if (!Logo) { //(_global.Logo = function () { super(); }) extends MovieClip var _local1 = (_global.Logo /* register */).prototype; _local1.render = function () { this.lineStyle(4, this.lineColor); this.beginFill(this.fillColor, 0);, -13, 30, 10, 7);, 13, 30, 10, 7);, 0, 43, 7, 10); this.endFill(); this.moveTo(0, 30); this.curveTo(1, 16, -6, 9); this.moveTo(0, 30); this.curveTo(1, 16, -10, 13); this.moveTo(-6, 9); this.lineTo(-10, 13); this._rotation = -45; }; (_global.Logo /* register */).create = function (parent, depth, color, fillColor) { var _local6 = Logo(parent.attachMovie(Logo.symbolName, "Logo" + depth, depth)); _local6.init(color, fillColor); return(_local6); }; _local1.init = function (color, fillColor) { if (color != null) { this.lineColor = color; } if (fillColor != null) { this.fillColor = fillColor; } this.render(); }; ASSetPropFlags(_local1, null, 1); (_global.Logo /* register */).symbolName = "__Packages.Logo"; (_global.Logo /* register */).symbolLinked = Object.registerClass(Logo.symbolName, Logo); _local1.lineColor = 8421504 /* 0x808080 */; _local1.fillColor = 16777215 /* 0xFFFFFF */; } #endinitclip
Symbol 20481 MovieClip [__Packages.Limb] Frame 0
#initclip if (!Limb) { //(_global.Limb = function () { super(); }) extends MovieClip var _local1 = (_global.Limb /* register */).prototype; _local1.init = function () { this.easer = new com.abowman.motion.EaseInOut(); this.toes = new Array(); this.toes.push(new com.abowman.motion.EaseInOut()); this.toes.push(new com.abowman.motion.EaseInOut()); this.toes.push(new com.abowman.motion.EaseInOut()); }; _local1.move = function () { if (this.easer.isMoving()) { this.easer.update(); this.x = this.easer.x; this.y = this.easer.y; var _local2 = 0; for ( ; _local2 < this.toes.length ; _local2++) { this.toes[_local2].update(); } } }; _local1.setTarPos = function (speed, angle, framesPerStep) { var _local5 = (this.dist * speed) + this.startPos; var _local6 = this.movePoint.x + (Math.cos(angle) * _local5); var _local7 = this.movePoint.y + (Math.sin(angle) * _local5); var _local8 = _local6 + (this.side * (Math.sin(angle) * this.wSpan)); var _local9 = _local7 - (this.side * (Math.cos(angle) * this.wSpan)); this.easer.init(this.x, _local8, this.y, _local9, framesPerStep); this.setToeTars(angle, _local8, _local9, framesPerStep); }; _local1.render = function () { }; _local1.setJoints = function () { }; _local1.renderFoot = function () { var _local2 = 0; for ( ; _local2 < this.toes.length ; _local2++) { this.lineStyle(6, this.footColor); this.moveTo(this.fhX, this.fhY); this.lineTo(this.toes[_local2].x, this.toes[_local2].y); this.lineStyle(10, this.footColor); this.lineTo(this.toes[_local2].x + 1, this.toes[_local2].y); } }; _local1.setToeTars = function (angle, tarX, tarY, framesPerStep) { angle = angle - (Math.PI / 2); var _local6 = 0; for ( ; _local6 < this.toes.length ; _local6++) { this.toes[_local6].init(this.toes[_local6].x, tarX + (Math.cos(angle) * this.toeLen), this.toes[_local6].y, tarY + (Math.sin(angle) * this.toeLen), framesPerStep); angle = angle + (Math.PI / 2); } }; _local1.setToes = function (angle) { angle = angle - (Math.PI / 2); var _local3 = 0; for ( ; _local3 < this.toes.length ; _local3++) { this.toes[_local3].y = this.y + (Math.sin(angle) * this.toeLen); this.toes[_local3].x = this.x + (Math.cos(angle) * this.toeLen); angle = angle + (Math.PI / 2); } }; ASSetPropFlags(_local1, null, 1); _local1.toeLen = 15; } #endinitclip
Symbol 20482 MovieClip [__Packages.Leg] Frame 0
#initclip if (!Leg) { //(_global.Leg = function () { super(); }) extends Limb var _local1 = (_global.Leg /* register */).prototype; (_global.Leg /* register */).createMovie = function (parent, base, movePoint, len, side, depth) { var _local8 = Leg(parent.attachMovie(Leg.symbolName, "Leg" + depth, depth)); _local8.init(base, movePoint, len, side); return(_local8); }; _local1.init = function (base, movePoint, len, side) { super.init(); this.side = side; this.base = base; this.movePoint = movePoint; this.len = len; this.wSpan = len * 1.2; this.startPos = this._parent.legStWalk; this.dist = 110; this.dist = 120; }; _local1.render = function (color) { this.clear(); this.renderFoot(); this.moveTo(this.base.x, this.base.y); this.lineStyle(10, color); this.lineTo(this.jX2, this.jY2); this.lineStyle(9, color); this.lineTo(this.jX, this.jY); this.lineStyle(8, color); this.lineTo(this.fhX, this.fhY); }; _local1.setJoints = function () { var _local2 = com.abowman.Trig.angleTo(this.base.x, this.base.y, this.x, this.y); var _local3 = com.abowman.Trig.distTo(this.base.x, this.base.y, this.x, this.y); var _local4 = _local3 / 2; var _local5 = this.len / 2; this.angle = Math.acos(Math.min(1, (((this.len * this.len) + (_local4 * _local4)) - (_local5 * _local5)) / (this.len * _local3))); this.jX2 = this.base.x + (this.len * Math.cos((this.side * this.angle) + _local2)); this.jY2 = this.base.y + (this.len * Math.sin((this.side * this.angle) + _local2)); this.jX = this.x + (this.len * Math.sin((((-1 * this.side) * this.angle) - _local2) - (Math.PI / 2))); this.jY = this.y + (this.len * Math.cos((((-1 * this.side) * this.angle) - _local2) - (Math.PI / 2))); }; ASSetPropFlags(_local1, null, 1); (_global.Leg /* register */).symbolName = "__Packages.Leg"; (_global.Leg /* register */).symbolLinked = Object.registerClass(Leg.symbolName, Leg); } #endinitclip
Symbol 20483 MovieClip [__Packages.TreeFrog] Frame 0
#initclip if (!TreeFrog) { //(_global.TreeFrog = function () { super(); }) extends MovieClip var _local1 = (_global.TreeFrog /* register */).prototype; (_global.TreeFrog /* register */).createMovie = function (parent, depth, params) { var _local5 = TreeFrog(parent.attachMovie(TreeFrog.symbolName, "TreeFrog" + depth, depth)); _local5.init(params); return(_local5); }; _local1.init = function (params) { this.pattern = params.pattern; this.patternColor = params.patternColor; this.pos = {x:params.x, y:params.y}; this.bodyColor = params.bodyColor; this.footColor = params.footColor; this.tonColor = params.tongueColor; this.eyeColor = params.eyeColor; this.bellySize = Math.min(params.bellySize, 1); this.duration = (this.wait = 10); this.duration = 7; this.wait = 8; this.minBellySize = 10; this.maxBellySize = 23; this.bellySize = ((this.maxBellySize - this.minBellySize) * this.bellySize) + this.minBellySize; this.dest = {x:params.x, y:params.y}; this.rear = {x:0, y:0}; this.lShldr = {x:0, y:0}; this.rShldr = {x:0, y:0}; this.lEye = {x:0, y:0}; this.rEye = {x:0, y:0}; this.len = 55; this.len = 55; this.width = this.len / 6; this.hLen = 18; this.dir = 1; this.angleSpeed = 0.021; this.angleSpeed = 0.028; this.angle = ((Math.random() * 360) * Math.PI) / 180; var _local3 = this.getDepth(); this.torso._x = this.pos.x; this.torso._y = this.pos.y; this.torso._rotation = (this.angle * 180) / Math.PI; _local3++; this.rLeg = Leg.createMovie(this, this.rear, this.rShldr, 50, -1, _local3); _local3++; this.lLeg = Leg.createMovie(this, this.rear, this.lShldr, 50, 1, _local3); _local3++; this.rArm = Arm.createMovie(this, this.rShldr, this.rShldr, 40, -1, _local3); _local3++; this.lArm = Arm.createMovie(this, this.lShldr, this.lShldr, 40, 1, _local3); this.limbs = new Array(); this.limbs.push(this.rLeg); this.limbs.push(this.lArm); this.limbs.push(this.lLeg); this.limbs.push(this.rArm); var _local4 = 0; for ( ; _local4 < 4 ; _local4++) { this.limbs[_local4].footColor = this.footColor; } _local3++; this.mid = this.createEmptyMovieClip("mid", _local3); _local3++; this.torso = this.createEmptyMovieClip("torso", _local3); this.torsoFill = this.torso.createEmptyMovieClip("torsoFill", this.torso.getNextHighestDepth()); this.torsoMask = this.torso.createEmptyMovieClip("torsoMask", this.torso.getNextHighestDepth()); this.torsoFill.setMask(this.torsoMask); this.drawBelly(); _local3++; this.head = this.createEmptyMovieClip("head", _local3); if (this.pattern == 1) { this.headFill = this.head.createEmptyMovieClip("headFill", this.head.getNextHighestDepth()); this.headMask = this.head.createEmptyMovieClip("headMask", this.head.getNextHighestDepth()); this.headFill.lineStyle(8, this.patternColor); this.headFill.moveTo((this.hLen * 0.9) * Math.cos((-Math.PI) / 7), (this.hLen * 0.9) * Math.sin((-Math.PI) / 7)); this.headFill.curveTo((this.hLen * 1.1) * Math.cos(0), (this.hLen * 1.1) * Math.sin(0), (this.hLen * 0.9) * Math.cos(Math.PI / 7), (this.hLen * 0.9) * Math.sin(Math.PI / 7)); this.headFill.moveTo(this.hLen * 0.2, this.hLen * 0.65); this.headFill.curveTo((-this.hLen) * 0.1, 0, this.hLen * 0.2, (-this.hLen) * 0.65); this.headFill.moveTo(this.hLen * 0.2, this.hLen * 0.7); this.headFill.curveTo((-this.hLen) * 0.4, 0, this.hLen * 0.2, (-this.hLen) * 0.65); } else if (this.pattern == 2) { this.headFill = this.head.createEmptyMovieClip("headFill", this.head.getNextHighestDepth()); this.headFill.lineStyle(10, this.patternColor); this.headFill.moveTo(this.hLen * 0.4, this.hLen * 0.5); this.headFill.lineTo(this.hLen * 0.5, this.hLen * 0.5); this.headFill.moveTo(this.hLen * 0.6, (-this.hLen) * 0.5); this.headFill.lineTo(this.hLen * 0.7, (-this.hLen) * 0.5); this.headFill.lineStyle(8, this.patternColor); this.headFill.moveTo(this.hLen * 1.3, 0); this.headFill.lineTo(this.hLen * 1.3, 1); } this.counter = 0; this.limbNum = 0; this.state = 0; this.reset(); }; _local1.setDestination = function (dx, dy, aDist, aAng) { this.dest.x = dx; this.dest.y = dy; this.aDist = aDist; this.aAng = aAng; }; _local1.moveTowardDest = function () { var _local2 = com.abowman.Trig.angleTo(this.pos.x, this.pos.y, this.dest.x, this.dest.y); var _local3 = com.abowman.Trig.fixAngle(this.angle - _local2); this.angToTarg = _local3; if ((_local3 > this.aAng) && (_local3 < Math.PI)) { this.angle = this.angle - this.angleSpeed; } else if ((_local3 < (6.28 - this.aAng)) && (_local3 > Math.PI)) { this.angle = this.angle + this.angleSpeed; } }; _local1.update = function () { var _local2 = com.abowman.Trig.distTo(this.pos.x, this.pos.y, this.dest.x, this.dest.y); this.distToTarg = _local2; if (_local2 < this.aDist) { this.speed = 0; this.rLeg.startPos = (this.lLeg.startPos = this.legStRest); } else { this.speed = 1; this.rLeg.startPos = (this.lLeg.startPos = this.legStWalk); } this.moveTowardDest(); if (((this.counter % this.wait) == 0) && (this.state != this.LUNGING)) { this.limbs[this.limbNum].setTarPos(this.speed, this.angle, this.duration); ((this.limbNum < 3) ? (this.limbNum++) : ((this.limbNum = 0))); } this.counter++; this.moveLimbs(); this.getCenter(); this.setHead(); this.setRear(); this.setShldrs(); this.setTongue(); this.render(); this.torso._x = this.pos.x; this.torso._y = this.pos.y; this.torso._rotation = (this.torsoAng * 180) / Math.PI; }; _local1.eatTarget = function () { if ((this.eatTime + 30) < this.counter) { this.angToTarg = Math.atan2(this.dest.y - this.pos.y, this.dest.x - this.pos.x); this.lungeToX = this.pos.x + (Math.cos(this.angToTarg) * 30); this.lungeToY = this.pos.y + (Math.sin(this.angToTarg) * 30); this.state = this.LUNGING; this.tonTarX = this.dest.x + (Math.cos(this.angToTarg) * 10); this.tonTarY = this.dest.y + (Math.sin(this.angToTarg) * 10); this.eatTime = this.counter; } }; _local1.drawBelly = function () { this.torso.clear(); this.torso.beginFill(this.bodyColor); com.abowman.Graphics.drawOval(this.torso, this.len / 2.2, 0, this.len / 1.8, this.bellySize); this.torso.endFill(); if (this.pattern == 1) { this.torsoFill.clear(); this.torsoFill.lineStyle(3, this.patternColor); this.torsoFill.lineStyle(10, this.patternColor); this.torsoFill.moveTo(this.len * 0.4, (-this.len) * 0.3); this.torsoFill.curveTo(this.len * 0.6, 0, this.len * 0.4, this.len * 0.3); this.torsoFill.lineStyle(8, this.patternColor); this.torsoFill.moveTo(this.len * 0.3, (-this.len) * 0.25); this.torsoFill.curveTo(this.len * 0.9, 0, this.len * 0.3, this.len * 0.25); this.torsoFill.lineStyle(10, this.patternColor); this.torsoFill.moveTo(this.len * 0.25, this.len * 0.02); this.torsoFill.lineTo(this.len * 0.25, (-this.len) * 0.02); this.torsoFill.lineStyle(14, this.patternColor); this.torsoFill.moveTo(this.len * 0.95, 0); this.torsoFill.lineTo(this.len, 0); this.torsoFill.lineStyle(10, this.patternColor); this.torsoFill.moveTo(this.len * 0.75, (-this.len) * 0.2); this.torsoFill.lineTo(this.len * 0.75, (-this.len) * 0.25); this.torsoFill.moveTo(this.len * 0.75, this.len * 0.2); this.torsoFill.lineTo(this.len * 0.75, this.len * 0.25); this.torsoMask.clear(); this.torsoMask.beginFill(0); com.abowman.Graphics.drawOval(this.torsoMask, this.len / 2.2, 0, this.len / 1.8, this.bellySize); this.torsoMask.endFill(); } else if (this.pattern == 2) { this.torsoFill.clear(); this.torsoFill.lineStyle(10, this.patternColor); this.torsoFill.moveTo(this.len * 0.2, (-this.len) * 0.2); this.torsoFill.lineTo(this.len * 0.4, (-this.len) * 0.2); this.torsoFill.moveTo(this.len * 0.4, this.len * 0.2); this.torsoFill.lineTo(this.len * 0.6, this.len * 0.2); this.torsoFill.moveTo(this.len * 0.1, this.len * 0.05); this.torsoFill.lineTo(this.len * 0.2, this.len * 0.05); this.torsoFill.lineStyle(12, this.patternColor); this.torsoFill.moveTo(this.len * 0.7, (-this.len) * 0.05); this.torsoFill.lineTo(this.len * 0.8, (-this.len) * 0.05); this.torsoMask.clear(); this.torsoMask.beginFill(0); com.abowman.Graphics.drawOval(this.torsoMask, this.len / 2.2, 0, this.len / 1.8, this.bellySize); this.torsoMask.endFill(); } else if (this.pattern == 3) { this.torsoFill.clear(); this.torsoFill.lineStyle(1, this.patternColor); this.torsoFill.beginFill(this.patternColor); this.torsoFill.moveTo(this.len * 0.2, (-this.len) / 2); this.torsoFill.curveTo(this.len * 1.2, 0, this.len * 0.2, this.len / 2); this.torsoFill.curveTo(this.len * 0.8, 0, this.len * 0.2, (-this.len) / 2); this.torsoFill.endFill(); this.torsoMask.clear(); this.torsoMask.beginFill(0); com.abowman.Graphics.drawOval(this.torsoMask, this.len / 2.2, 0, this.len / 1.8, this.bellySize); this.torsoMask.endFill(); } }; _local1.increaseBellySize = function () { this.bellySize = Math.min((this.bellySize = this.bellySize + 0.1), this.maxBellySize); this.drawBelly(); }; _local1.setTongue = function () { if (this.tonTarX != null) { var _local2 = this.tonTarX - this.tongueX; var _local3 = this.tonTarY - this.tongueY; this.tongueX = this.tongueX + (_local2 * 0.7); this.tongueY = this.tongueY + (_local3 * 0.7); this.tonLen = Math.sqrt((_local2 * _local2) + (_local3 * _local3)); if (this.tonLen < 1) { this.tonTarX = null; } } else { this.tongueX = this.tongueX + ((this.pos.x - this.tongueX) * 0.4); this.tongueY = this.tongueY + ((this.pos.y - this.tongueY) * 0.4); } }; _local1.getCenter = function () { if (this.state == this.LUNGING) { var _local2 = this.lungeToX - this.pos.x; var _local3 = this.lungeToY - this.pos.y; if (Math.sqrt((_local2 * _local2) + (_local3 * _local3)) < 1) { this.state = 0; } this.pos.x = this.pos.x + (_local2 * 0.5); this.pos.y = this.pos.y + (_local3 * 0.5); } else { var _local4 = ((((3 * this.lArm.x) + (3 * this.rArm.x)) + this.lLeg.x) + this.rLeg.x) / 8; var _local5 = ((((3 * this.lArm.y) + (3 * this.rArm.y)) + this.lLeg.y) + this.rLeg.y) / 8; this.pos.x = this.pos.x + ((_local4 - this.pos.x) * 0.5); this.pos.y = this.pos.y + ((_local5 - this.pos.y) * 0.5); } }; _local1.render = function () { this.clear(); this.lineStyle(4, this.tonColor); this.moveTo(this.pos.x, this.pos.y); this.lineTo(this.tongueX, this.tongueY); this.mid.clear(); this.mid.lineStyle(14, this.eyeColor); this.mid.moveTo(this.lEye.x, this.lEye.y); this.mid.lineTo(this.lEye.x + 1, this.lEye.y); this.mid.moveTo(this.rEye.x, this.rEye.y); this.mid.lineTo(this.rEye.x + 1, this.rEye.y); this.mid.lineStyle(12, this.bodyColor); this.mid.beginFill(this.bodyColor); this.mid.moveTo(this.lShldr.x, this.lShldr.y); this.mid.lineTo(this.lEye.x, this.lEye.y); this.mid.lineTo(this.hx, this.hy); this.mid.lineTo(this.rEye.x, this.rEye.y); this.mid.lineTo(this.rShldr.x, this.rShldr.y); this.mid.lineStyle(12, this.bodyColor); this.mid.lineTo(this.lShldr.x, this.lShldr.y); this.mid.lineTo(this.rear.x, this.rear.y); this.mid.lineTo(this.rShldr.x, this.rShldr.y); this.mid.endFill(); var _local2 = 0; for ( ; _local2 < 4 ; _local2++) { this.limbs[_local2].render(this.bodyColor); } }; _local1.reset = function () { this.resetLimbs(); this.setRear(); this.setHead(); this.tongueX = (this.torso._x = this.pos.x); this.tongueY = (this.torso._y = this.pos.y); this.torso._rotation = (this.torsoAng * 180) / Math.PI; this.setShldrs(); var _local2 = 0; for ( ; _local2 < 4 ; _local2++) { this.limbs[_local2].setJoints(); this.limbs[_local2].fhX = (this.limbs[_local2].jX + (2 * this.limbs[_local2].x)) / 3; this.limbs[_local2].fhY = (this.limbs[_local2].jY + (2 * this.limbs[_local2].y)) / 3; } }; _local1.resetLimbs = function () { var _local4 = 0; for ( ; _local4 < 4 ; _local4++) { var _local2 = this.pos.x + (Math.cos(this.angle) * this.limbs[_local4].startPos); var _local3 = this.pos.y + (Math.sin(this.angle) * this.limbs[_local4].startPos); this.limbs[_local4].x = _local2 + (this.limbs[_local4].side * (Math.sin(this.angle) * this.limbs[_local4].wSpan)); this.limbs[_local4].y = _local3 - (this.limbs[_local4].side * (Math.cos(this.angle) * this.limbs[_local4].wSpan)); this.limbs[_local4].setToes(this.angle); } }; _local1.setShldrs = function () { this.lShldr.x = this.pos.x - (Math.sin(this.torsoAng) * this.width); this.lShldr.y = this.pos.y + (Math.cos(this.torsoAng) * this.width); this.rShldr.x = this.pos.x - ((-Math.sin(this.torsoAng)) * this.width); this.rShldr.y = this.pos.y + ((-Math.cos(this.torsoAng)) * this.width); }; _local1.setRear = function () { var _local2 = (this.lLeg.x + this.rLeg.x) / 2; var _local3 = (this.lLeg.y + this.rLeg.y) / 2; this.torsoAng = Math.atan2(this.pos.y - _local3, this.pos.x - _local2) + Math.PI; this.rear.x = this.pos.x + (this.len * Math.cos(this.torsoAng)); this.rear.y = this.pos.y + (this.len * Math.sin(this.torsoAng)); }; _local1.setHead = function () { var _local2 = 4; var _local3 = this.angle - (Math.PI / _local2); this.head._x = this.pos.x; this.head._y = this.pos.y; this.head._rotation = (this.angle * 180) / Math.PI; this.lEye.x = this.pos.x + (this.hLen * Math.cos(_local3)); this.lEye.y = this.pos.y + (this.hLen * Math.sin(_local3)); _local3 = _local3 + (Math.PI / _local2); this.hx = this.pos.x + ((this.hLen + 5) * Math.cos(_local3)); this.hy = this.pos.y + ((this.hLen + 5) * Math.sin(_local3)); _local3 = _local3 + (Math.PI / _local2); this.rEye.x = this.pos.x + (this.hLen * Math.cos(_local3)); this.rEye.y = this.pos.y + (this.hLen * Math.sin(_local3)); }; _local1.moveLimbs = function () { var _local2 = 0; for ( ; _local2 < 4 ; _local2++) { this.limbs[_local2].move(); this.limbs[_local2].fhX = (this.limbs[_local2].jX + (2 * this.limbs[_local2].x)) / 3; this.limbs[_local2].fhY = (this.limbs[_local2].jY + (2 * this.limbs[_local2].y)) / 3; this.limbs[_local2].setJoints(); } }; ASSetPropFlags(_local1, null, 1); (_global.TreeFrog /* register */).symbolName = "__Packages.TreeFrog"; (_global.TreeFrog /* register */).symbolLinked = Object.registerClass(TreeFrog.symbolName, TreeFrog); _local1.legStWalk = -150; _local1.legStRest = -60; _local1.LUNGING = 2; _local1.WALKING = 1; _local1.aDist = 90; _local1.aAng = 0.34; _local1.eatTime = 0; _local1.angToTarg = 0; _local1.tonLen = 0; _local1.tonColor = 10066329 /* 0x999999 */; _local1.patternColor = 0; } #endinitclip
Symbol 20484 MovieClip [] Frame 0
class com.abowman.motion.EaseInOut { var x, beginX, changeX, y, beginY, changeY, targetX, targetY; function EaseInOut () { } function init(beginX, targetX, beginY, targetY, duration) { x = (this.beginX = beginX); changeX = targetX - beginX; y = (this.beginY = beginY); changeY = targetY - beginY; this.duration = duration; time = 0; } function update() { if (time < duration) { x = easeInOutQuad(time++, beginX, changeX, duration); y = easeInOutQuad(time, beginY, changeY, duration); } } function easeInOutQuad(t, b, c, d) { t = t / (d / 2); if (t < 1) { return((((c / 2) * t) * t) + b); } t--; return((((-c) / 2) * ((t * (t - 2)) - 1)) + b); } function isMoving() { return(time < duration); } function setTarget(x, y) { targetX = x; targetY = y; } var time = 0; var duration = 0; }
Symbol 20485 MovieClip [] Frame 0
class com.abowman.Graphics { var mc, color, thick, fill; function Graphics (target) { mc = target; color = 0; thick = 1; fill = 6710886 /* 0x666666 */; } function setColor(_color) { color = _color; } function setThick(_thick) { thick = _thick; } function setFill(_fill) { fill = _fill; } function drawLine(x1, y1, x2, y2) { mc.lineStyle(thick, color); mc.moveTo(x1, y1); mc.lineTo(x2, y2); } function drawRoundEqTriangle(radius, centerX, centerY, rotation) { var _local6 = 3; var _local7 = 360 / _local6; var _local8 = _local7 * 0.075; var _local9 = _local7 * 0.85; var _local10 = radius * 0.8; var _local13 = (Math.PI / 180) * rotation; mc.lineStyle(thick, color); mc.moveTo(centerX + (_local10 * Math.cos(((Math.PI / 180) * _local8) + _local13)), centerY + (_local10 * Math.sin(((Math.PI / 180) * _local8) + _local13))); var _local14 = 1; for ( ; _local14 <= _local6 ; _local14++) { var _local11 = ((Math.PI / 180) * ((_local8 * ((_local14 * 2) - 1)) + (_local9 * _local14))) + _local13; var _local12 = ((Math.PI / 180) * ((_local8 * ((_local14 * 2) + 1)) + (_local9 * _local14))) + _local13; mc.lineTo(centerX + (_local10 * Math.cos(_local11)), centerY + (_local10 * Math.sin(_local11))); mc.curveTo(centerX + (radius * Math.cos((((Math.PI / 180) * _local7) * _local14) + _local13)), centerY + (radius * Math.sin((((Math.PI / 180) * _local7) * _local14) + _local13)), centerX + (_local10 * Math.cos(_local12)), centerY + (_local10 * Math.sin(_local12))); } } function fillRoundEqTriangle(radius, centerX, centerY, rotation) { var _local6 = 3; var _local7 = 360 / _local6; var _local8 = _local7 * 0.075; var _local9 = _local7 * 0.85; var _local10 = radius * 0.8; var _local13 = (Math.PI / 180) * rotation; mc.lineStyle(thick, color); mc.moveTo(centerX + (_local10 * Math.cos(((Math.PI / 180) * _local8) + _local13)), centerY + (_local10 * Math.sin(((Math.PI / 180) * _local8) + _local13))); mc.beginFill(fill); var _local14 = 1; for ( ; _local14 <= _local6 ; _local14++) { var _local11 = ((Math.PI / 180) * ((_local8 * ((_local14 * 2) - 1)) + (_local9 * _local14))) + _local13; var _local12 = ((Math.PI / 180) * ((_local8 * ((_local14 * 2) + 1)) + (_local9 * _local14))) + _local13; mc.lineTo(centerX + (_local10 * Math.cos(_local11)), centerY + (_local10 * Math.sin(_local11))); mc.curveTo(centerX + (radius * Math.cos((((Math.PI / 180) * _local7) * _local14) + _local13)), centerY + (radius * Math.sin((((Math.PI / 180) * _local7) * _local14) + _local13)), centerX + (_local10 * Math.cos(_local12)), centerY + (_local10 * Math.sin(_local12))); } mc.endFill(); } function drawEqTriangle(radius, centerX, centerY, rotation) { var _local6 = 3; var _local7 = 360 / _local6; mc.lineStyle(thick, color); mc.moveTo(centerX + radius, centerY); var _local8 = 0; for ( ; _local8 <= _local6 ; _local8++) { mc.lineTo(centerX + (radius * Math.cos(((Math.PI / 180) * _local7) * _local8)), centerY + (radius * Math.sin(((Math.PI / 180) * _local7) * _local8))); } } function drawRect(x1, y1, width, height) { mc.lineStyle(thick, color); mc.moveTo(x1, y1); mc.lineTo(x1 + width, y1); mc.lineTo(x1 + width, y1 + height); mc.lineTo(x1, y1 + height); mc.lineTo(x1, y1); } function fillRect(x1, y1, width, height) { mc.lineStyle(thick, color); mc.moveTo(x1, y1); mc.beginFill(fill); mc.lineTo(x1 + width, y1); mc.lineTo(x1 + width, y1 + height); mc.lineTo(x1, y1 + height); mc.lineTo(x1, y1); mc.endFill(); } function drawCurve(startX, startY, curveControlX, curveControlY, endX, endY) { mc.lineStyle(thick, color); mc.moveTo(startX, startY); mc.curveTo(curveControlX, curveControlY, endX, endY); } static function drawOval(mc, x, y, rx, ry) { mc.moveTo(x + rx, y); mc.curveTo(rx + x, (0.4142 * ry) + y, (0.7071 * rx) + x, (0.7071 * ry) + y); mc.curveTo((0.4142 * rx) + x, ry + y, x, ry + y); mc.curveTo((-0.4142 * rx) + x, ry + y, (-0.7071 * rx) + x, (0.7071 * ry) + y); mc.curveTo((-rx) + x, (0.4142 * ry) + y, (-rx) + x, y); mc.curveTo((-rx) + x, (-0.4142 * ry) + y, (-0.7071 * rx) + x, (-0.7071 * ry) + y); mc.curveTo((-0.4142 * rx) + x, (-ry) + y, x, (-ry) + y); mc.curveTo((0.4142 * rx) + x, (-ry) + y, (0.7071 * rx) + x, (-0.7071 * ry) + y); mc.curveTo(rx + x, (-0.4142 * ry) + y, rx + x, y); } function fillOval(x, y, width, height) { var _local6 = width * 0.70711; var _local7 = height * 0.70711; var _local8 = _local6 - (((height - _local7) * width) / height); var _local9 = _local7 - (((width - _local6) * height) / width); mc.lineStyle(thick, color); mc.moveTo(x + width, y); mc.beginFill(fill); mc.curveTo(x + width, y - _local9, x + _local6, y - _local7); mc.curveTo(x + _local8, y - height, x, y - height); mc.curveTo(x - _local8, y - height, x - _local6, y - _local7); mc.curveTo(x - width, y - _local9, x - width, y); mc.curveTo(x - width, y + _local9, x - _local6, y + _local7); mc.curveTo(x - _local8, y + height, x, y + height); mc.curveTo(x + _local8, y + height, x + _local6, y + _local7); mc.curveTo(x + width, y + _local9, x + width, y); mc.endFill(); } function drawCircle(r, x, y) { var _local5 = 22.5; mc.moveTo(x + r, y); mc.lineStyle(thick, color); var _local6 = Math.tan((_local5 * Math.PI) / 180); var _local7 = 45; for ( ; _local7 <= 360 ; _local7 = _local7 + 45) { var _local8 = r * Math.cos((_local7 * Math.PI) / 180); var _local9 = r * Math.sin((_local7 * Math.PI) / 180); var _local10 = _local8 + ((r * _local6) * Math.cos(((_local7 - 90) * Math.PI) / 180)); var _local11 = _local9 + ((r * _local6) * Math.sin(((_local7 - 90) * Math.PI) / 180)); mc.curveTo(_local10 + x, _local11 + y, _local8 + x, _local9 + y); } } function fillCircle(r, x, y) { var _local5 = 22.5; mc.moveTo(x + r, y); mc.lineStyle(thick, color); mc.beginFill(fill); var _local6 = Math.tan((_local5 * Math.PI) / 180); var _local7 = 45; for ( ; _local7 <= 360 ; _local7 = _local7 + 45) { var _local8 = r * Math.cos((_local7 * Math.PI) / 180); var _local9 = r * Math.sin((_local7 * Math.PI) / 180); var _local10 = _local8 + ((r * _local6) * Math.cos(((_local7 - 90) * Math.PI) / 180)); var _local11 = _local9 + ((r * _local6) * Math.sin(((_local7 - 90) * Math.PI) / 180)); mc.curveTo(_local10 + x, _local11 + y, _local8 + x, _local9 + y); } mc.endFill(); } function drawHelix(r, x, y, styleMaker) { mc.moveTo(x + r, y); mc.lineStyle(thick, color); var _local6 = Math.tan((styleMaker * Math.PI) / 180); var _local7 = 45; for ( ; _local7 <= 360 ; _local7 = _local7 + 45) { var _local8 = r * Math.cos((_local7 * Math.PI) / 180); var _local9 = r * Math.sin((_local7 * Math.PI) / 180); var _local10 = _local8 + ((r * _local6) * Math.cos(((_local7 - 90) * Math.PI) / 180)); var _local11 = _local9 + ((r * _local6) * Math.sin(((_local7 - 90) * Math.PI) / 180)); mc.curveTo(_local10 + x, _local11 + y, _local8 + x, _local9 + y); } } function fillHelix(r, x, y, styleMaker) { mc.moveTo(x + r, y); mc.lineStyle(thick, color); mc.beginFill(fill); var _local6 = Math.tan((styleMaker * Math.PI) / 180); var _local7 = 45; for ( ; _local7 <= 360 ; _local7 = _local7 + 45) { var _local8 = r * Math.cos((_local7 * Math.PI) / 180); var _local9 = r * Math.sin((_local7 * Math.PI) / 180); var _local10 = _local8 + ((r * _local6) * Math.cos(((_local7 - 90) * Math.PI) / 180)); var _local11 = _local9 + ((r * _local6) * Math.sin(((_local7 - 90) * Math.PI) / 180)); mc.curveTo(_local10 + x, _local11 + y, _local8 + x, _local9 + y); } mc.endFill(); } }
Symbol 20486 MovieClip [] Frame 0
class { function Draw () { } static function drawOval(mc, x, y, rx, ry) { mc.moveTo(x + rx, y); mc.curveTo(rx + x, (0.4142 * ry) + y, (0.7071 * rx) + x, (0.7071 * ry) + y); mc.curveTo((0.4142 * rx) + x, ry + y, x, ry + y); mc.curveTo((-0.4142 * rx) + x, ry + y, (-0.7071 * rx) + x, (0.7071 * ry) + y); mc.curveTo((-rx) + x, (0.4142 * ry) + y, (-rx) + x, y); mc.curveTo((-rx) + x, (-0.4142 * ry) + y, (-0.7071 * rx) + x, (-0.7071 * ry) + y); mc.curveTo((-0.4142 * rx) + x, (-ry) + y, x, (-ry) + y); mc.curveTo((0.4142 * rx) + x, (-ry) + y, (0.7071 * rx) + x, (-0.7071 * ry) + y); mc.curveTo(rx + x, (-0.4142 * ry) + y, rx + x, y); } static function drawRect(mc, x1, y1, width, height) { mc.moveTo(x1, y1); mc.lineTo(x1 + width, y1); mc.lineTo(x1 + width, y1 + height); mc.lineTo(x1, y1 + height); mc.lineTo(x1, y1); } static function drawWedge(mc, x, y, startAngle, arc, radius, yRadius) { if (arguments.length < 5) { return(undefined); } mc.moveTo(x, y); if (yRadius == undefined) { yRadius = radius; } if (Math.abs(arc) > 360) { arc = 360; } var _local13 = Math.ceil(Math.abs(arc) / 45); var _local9 = arc / _local13; var _local10 = (-(_local9 / 180)) * Math.PI; var _local11 = (-(startAngle / 180)) * Math.PI; if (_local13 > 0) { var _local14 = x + (Math.cos((startAngle / 180) * Math.PI) * radius); var _local15 = y + (Math.sin(((-startAngle) / 180) * Math.PI) * yRadius); mc.lineTo(_local14, _local15); var _local20 = 0; for ( ; _local20 < _local13 ; _local20++) { _local11 = _local11 + _local10; var _local12 = _local11 - (_local10 / 2); var _local16 = x + (Math.cos(_local11) * radius); var _local17 = y + (Math.sin(_local11) * yRadius); var _local18 = x + (Math.cos(_local12) * (radius / Math.cos(_local10 / 2))); var _local19 = y + (Math.sin(_local12) * (yRadius / Math.cos(_local10 / 2))); mc.curveTo(_local18, _local19, _local16, _local17); } mc.lineTo(x, y); } } static function drawArc(mc, x, y, radius, arc, startAngle, yRadius) { if (arguments.length < 5) { return(null); } if (yRadius == undefined) { yRadius = radius; } if (Math.abs(arc) > 360) { arc = 360; } var _local13 = Math.ceil(Math.abs(arc) / 45); var _local9 = arc / _local13; var _local10 = (-(_local9 / 180)) * Math.PI; var _local11 = (-(startAngle / 180)) * Math.PI; var _local14 = x - (Math.cos(_local11) * radius); var _local15 = y - (Math.sin(_local11) * yRadius); if (_local13 > 0) { var _local20 = 0; for ( ; _local20 < _local13 ; _local20++) { _local11 = _local11 + _local10; var _local12 = _local11 - (_local10 / 2); var _local16 = _local14 + (Math.cos(_local11) * radius); var _local17 = _local15 + (Math.sin(_local11) * yRadius); var _local18 = _local14 + (Math.cos(_local12) * (radius / Math.cos(_local10 / 2))); var _local19 = _local15 + (Math.sin(_local12) * (yRadius / Math.cos(_local10 / 2))); mc.curveTo(_local18, _local19, _local16, _local17); } } return({x:_local16, y:_local17}); } static function calcGradient(hex, percent) { var _local4 = hexToRGB(hex); var _local5 = RGBToHLS(_local4.r, _local4.g, _local4.b); _local5.l = _local5.l * (percent / 100); if (_local5.l > 240) { _local5.l = 240; } if (_local5.l < 0) { _local5.l = 0; } _local4 = HLSToRGB(_local5.h, _local5.l, _local5.s); return(RGBToHex(_local4.r, _local4.g, _local4.b)); } static function hexToRGB(hex) { var _local3 = new Object(); _local3.r = hex >> 16; var _local4 = hex ^ (_local3.r << 16); _local3.g = _local4 >> 8; _local3.b = _local4 ^ (_local3.g << 8); return(_local3); } static function RGBToHex(r, g, b) { var _local5 = ((r << 16) ^ (g << 8)) ^ b; return(_local5); } static function RGBToHLS(r, g, b) { var _local8 = Math.max(Math.max(r, g), b) / 255; var _local9 = Math.min(Math.min(r, g), b) / 255; var _local10 = _local8 - _local9; var _local6 = (_local8 + _local9) / 2; var _local7 = ((_local8 == _local9) ? 0 : (((_local6 <= 0.5) ? ((_local10 / _local6) / 2) : (_local10 / (2 - (_local6 * 2)))))); if ((r / 255) == _local8) { var _local5 = ((g - b) / _local10) / 255; } else if ((g / 255) == _local8) { var _local5 = 2 + (((b - r) / _local10) / 255); } else if ((b / 255) == _local8) { var _local5 = 4 + (((r - g) / _local10) / 255); } var _local5 = _local5 * 40; if (_local5 < 0) { _local5 = _local5 + 240; } _local5 = Math.round(_local5); return({h:(_global.isNaN(_local5) ? 0 : (_local5)), l:Math.round(_local6 * 240), s:Math.round(_local7 * 240)}); } static function HLSToRGB(h, l, s) { if (s == 0) { var _local7 = Math.round((l / 240) * 255); var _local6 = _local7; var _local5 = _local6; } else { h = h / 240; l = l / 240; s = s / 240; var _local10 = ((l < 0.5) ? (l * (s + 1)) : ((l + s) - (l * s))); var _local11 = (l * 2) - _local10; var _local12 = 0; for ( ; _local12 < 3 ; _local12++) { switch (_local12) { case 0 : var _local9 = h + (1 / 3); break; case 1 : _local9 = h; break; case 2 : _local9 = h - (1 / 3); } if (_local9 < 0) { _local9++; } else if (_local9 > 1) { _local9--; } if ((_local9 * 6) < 1) { var _local8 = _local11 + (((_local10 - _local11) * 6) * _local9); } else if ((_local9 * 2) < 1) { var _local8 = _local10; } else if ((_local9 * 3) < 2) { var _local8 = _local11 + (((_local10 - _local11) * ((2 / 3) - _local9)) * 6); } else { var _local8 = _local11; } switch (_local12) { case 0 : var _local5 = Math.round(_local8 * 255); break; case 1 : var _local6 = Math.round(_local8 * 255); break; case 2 : var _local7 = Math.round(_local8 * 255); } } } return({r:_local5, g:_local6, b:_local7}); } }
Symbol 20487 MovieClip [] Frame 0
class com.abowman.Trig { function Trig () { } static function angleTo(x, y, toX, toY) { var _local6 = toX - x; var _local7 = toY - y; return(Math.atan2(_local7, _local6)); } static function distTo(x, y, toX, toY) { var _local6 = toX - x; var _local7 = toY - y; return(Math.sqrt((_local6 * _local6) + (_local7 * _local7))); } static function fixAngle(angle) { angle = angle % (2 * Math.PI); return(((angle < 0) ? (angle + (2 * Math.PI)) : (angle))); } static function angleToDeg(x1, y1, x2, y2) { var _local6 = y2 - y1; var _local7 = x2 - x1; return(Math.atan2(_local6, _local7) / piBy180); } static var piBy180 = Math.PI / 180; }
Symbol 20488 MovieClip [__Packages.Application] Frame 0
#initclip if (!Application) { //(_global.Application = function () { super(); }) extends MovieClip var _local1 = (_global.Application /* register */).prototype; _local1.init = function () { _root.bgBox = _root.createEmptyMovieClip("bgBox", -1000); _root.bgColor = 3394611 /* 0x33CC33 */; this.point = new Object(); this.flies = new Array(); var _local2 = new ContextMenu(); _local2.hideBuiltInItems(); var _local3 = new ContextMenuItem("Find more creatures at", function () { getURL ("", "_top"); }); _local2.customItems.push(_local3); = _local2; var _local4 = 2859049 /* 0x2BA029 */; var _local5 = 2859049 /* 0x2BA029 */; var _local6 = 2859049 /* 0x2BA029 */; var _local7 = 2859049 /* 0x2BA029 */; var _local8 = 2859049 /* 0x2BA029 */; var _local9 = 0.5; var _local10 = 0; var _local11 = 0; if ((_level0.up_pattern != null) && (_level0.up_pattern != "")) { _local10 = _level0.up_pattern; } if ((_level0.up_patternColor != null) && (_level0.up_patternColor != "")) { _local11 = _global.parseInt("0x" + _level0.up_patternColor); } if ((_level0.up_bodyColor != null) && (_level0.up_bodyColor != "")) { _local4 = _global.parseInt("0x" + _level0.up_bodyColor); } if ((_level0.up_backgroundColor != null) && (_level0.up_backgroundColor != "")) { _root.bgColor = _global.parseInt("0x" + _level0.up_backgroundColor); } if ((_level0.up_footColor != null) && (_level0.up_footColor != "")) { _local5 = _global.parseInt("0x" + _level0.up_footColor); } if ((_level0.up_eyeColor != null) && (_level0.up_eyeColor != "")) { _local6 = _global.parseInt("0x" + _level0.up_eyeColor); } if ((_level0.up_tongueColor != null) && (_level0.up_tongueColor != "")) { _local8 = _global.parseInt("0x" + _level0.up_tongueColor); } if ((_level0.up_flyColor != null) && (_level0.up_flyColor != "")) { this.flyColor = _global.parseInt("0x" + _level0.up_flyColor); } if ((_level0.up_bellySize != null) && (_level0.up_bellySize != "")) { _local9 = _level0.up_bellySize; } if ((_level0.up_backgroundImage != null) && ((_level0.up_backgroundImage != "") && (_level0.up_backgroundImage != "http://"))) { this.createBackgroundImage(_level0.up_backgroundImage); } _local7 =, 85); = ABowmanLink.create(_root, -100, "", _local7); = ( = 80); = ( = 2); Stage.align = "LT"; Stage.scaleMode = "noScale"; _root.sw = Stage.width; = Stage.height; if ((_level0.up_height != null) && (_level0.up_height != "")) { = _level0.up_height; } if ((_level0.up_width != null) && (_level0.up_width != "")) { _root.sw = _level0.up_width; } this.treefrogs = new Array(); var _local12 = 0; for ( ; _local12 < this.numTreeFrogs ; _local12++) { this.treefrogs[_local12] = TreeFrog.createMovie(this, this.getNextHighestDepth(), {x:_root.sw / 2, / 2, bodyColor:_local4, footColor:_local5, eyeColor:_local6, tongueColor:_local8, bellySize:_local9, speed:8, pattern:_local10, patternColor:_local11}); this.treefrogs[_local12]._xscale = (this.treefrogs[_local12]._yscale = 60); } this.drawBackground(); if ((_level0.up_releaseFly != null) && ((_level0.up_releaseFly != "") && (_level0.up_releaseFly != 0))) { _global.setInterval(_root.Application.randomFly, 1000 * _level0.up_releaseFly); } }; _local1.drawBackground = function () { var _local2 = 100; _root.bgBox.clear(); _root.bgBox.beginFill(_root.bgColor);, -_local2, -_local2, _root.sw + (2 * _local2), + (2 * _local2)); _root.bgBox.endFill(); }; _local1.randomFly = function () { var _local2 = _root.Application.flies; if (_local2.length < _root.Application.maxFlies) { _local2.push(Fly.create(_root.Application, _root.Application.getNextHighestDepth(), {x:Stage.width * Math.random(), y:1, color:_root.Application.flyColor})); } }; _local1.onMouseDown = function () { if (this.flies.length < this.maxFlies) { this.flies.push(Fly.create(this, this.getNextHighestDepth(), {x:this._xmouse, y:this._ymouse, color:this.flyColor})); } }; _local1.createBackgroundImage = function (path) { _root.createEmptyMovieClip("backgroundImage", -200); _root.backgroundImage.createEmptyMovieClip("container_mc", 0); _root.backgroundImage.container_mc.loadMovie(path); _root.backgroundImage.onEnterFrame = function () { if (this.container_mc._width > 0) { this._x = Math.max((Stage.width / 2) - (this.container_mc._width / 2), 0); this._y = Math.max((Stage.height / 2) - (this.container_mc._height / 2), 0); delete this.onEnterFrame; } }; }; _local1.onMouseMove = function () { if ((_root._xmouse > 15) && ((_root._xmouse < (Stage.width - 15)) && ((_root._ymouse > 15) && (_root._ymouse < (Stage.height - 15))))) { this.getMouseAng = true; } else { this.getMouseAng = false; } }; _local1.findFly = function (frog) { var _local3 = new Object(); var _local4 = this.flies.length; var _local5 = frog.pos.x; var _local6 = frog.pos.y; var _local8 = 2000000 /* 0x1E8480 */; var _local9 = 0; var _local10 = 0; for ( ; _local10 < _local4 ; _local10++) { _local3.x = this.flies[_local10]._x; _local3.y = this.flies[_local10]._y; frog.globalToLocal(_local3); _local9 = Math.abs(_local3.y - _local6) + Math.abs(_local3.x - _local5); if (_local9 < _local8) { _local8 = _local9; var _local7 = _local10; } } return(_local7); }; _local1.onEnterFrame = function () { var _local2 = this.flies.length; var _local3 = 0; for ( ; _local3 < _local2 ; _local3++) { this.flies[_local3].moveRandom(); this.flies[_local3].update(); } var _local4 = 0; for ( ; _local4 < this.treefrogs.length ; _local4++) { this.keepOnScreen(this.treefrogs[_local4]); if (_local2 > 0) { var _local5 = this.flies[this.curFly]; if ((this.treefrogs[_local4].distToTarg < 140) && ((this.treefrogs[_local4].distToTarg > 10) && ((this.treefrogs[_local4].angToTarg < 0.2) || (this.treefrogs[_local4].angToTarg > 6.1)))) { this.treefrogs[_local4].eatTarget(); } if (this.treefrogs[_local4].tonLen > 5) { if ((Math.abs(this.treefrogs[_local4].tongueX - this.point.x) < 8) && (Math.abs(this.treefrogs[_local4].tongueY - this.point.y) < 8)) { _local5.removeMovieClip(); this.flies.splice(this.curFly, 1); this.treefrogs[_local4].increaseBellySize(); } } this.curFly = this.findFly(this.treefrogs[_local4]); if (this.curFly != null) { this.point.x = _local5._x; this.point.y = _local5._y; this.treefrogs[_local4].globalToLocal(this.point); this.treefrogs[_local4].setDestination(this.point.x, this.point.y, 150, 0.1); } } else if (this.getMouseAng) { this.treefrogs[_local4].setDestination(this.treefrogs[_local4]._xmouse, this.treefrogs[_local4]._ymouse, 90, 0.3); } this.treefrogs[_local4].update(); } }; _local1.keepOnScreen = function (f) { if (f.pos.x > ((Stage.width + _root.buffer) * (100 / _root.scale))) { f.pos.x = (-(_root.buffer / 2)) * (100 / _root.scale); f.reset(); } if (f.pos.x < ((-_root.buffer) * (100 / _root.scale))) { f.pos.x = (Stage.width + (_root.buffer / 2)) * (100 / _root.scale); f.reset(); } if (f.pos.y > ((Stage.height + _root.buffer) * (100 / _root.scale))) { f.pos.y = (-(_root.buffer / 2)) * (100 / _root.scale); f.reset(); } if (f.pos.y < ((-_root.buffer) * (100 / _root.scale))) { f.pos.y = (Stage.height + (_root.buffer / 2)) * (100 / _root.scale); f.reset(); } }; (_global.Application /* register */).createMovie = function (parent, depth) { var _local4 = Application(parent.attachMovie(Application.symbolName, "Application", depth)); _local4.init(); return(_local4); }; (_global.Application /* register */).main = function (mc) { Application.createMovie(_root, _root.getNextHighestDepth()); }; ASSetPropFlags(_local1, null, 1); (_global.Application /* register */).symbolName = "__Packages.Application"; (_global.Application /* register */).symbolLinked = Object.registerClass(Application.symbolName, Application); _local1.numTreeFrogs = 1; _local1.getMouseAng = false; _local1.margin = -150; _local1.maxFlies = 10; _local1.curFly = 0; _local1.flyColor = 2859049 /* 0x2BA029 */; } #endinitclip
Symbol 20489 MovieClip [__Packages.Arm] Frame 0
#initclip if (!Arm) { //(_global.Arm = function () { super(); }) extends Limb var _local1 = (_global.Arm /* register */).prototype; (_global.Arm /* register */).createMovie = function (parent, base, movePoint, len, side, depth) { var _local8 = Arm(parent.attachMovie(Arm.symbolName, "Arm" + depth, depth)); _local8.init(base, movePoint, len, side); return(_local8); }; _local1.init = function (base, movePoint, len, side) { super.init(); this.side = side; this.base = base; this.movePoint = movePoint; this.len = len; this.wSpan = len; this.startPos = 20; this.dist = 63; this.dist = 70; }; _local1.render = function (color) { this.clear(); this.renderFoot(); this.moveTo(this.base.x, this.base.y); this.lineStyle(9, color); this.lineTo(this.jX, this.jY); this.lineStyle(7, color); this.lineTo(this.fhX, this.fhY); }; _local1.setJoints = function () { var _local2 = com.abowman.Trig.angleTo(this.base.x, this.base.y, this.x, this.y); var _local3 = com.abowman.Trig.distTo(this.base.x, this.base.y, this.x, this.y); var _local4 = Math.asin(Math.min(1, (_local3 / 2) / this.len)); this.jY = this.base.y + ((Math.cos((((-this.side) * _local4) - _local2) - (this.side * Math.PI)) * this.side) * this.len); this.jX = this.base.x + ((Math.sin((((-this.side) * _local4) - _local2) - (this.side * Math.PI)) * this.side) * this.len); }; ASSetPropFlags(_local1, null, 1); (_global.Arm /* register */).symbolName = "__Packages.Arm"; (_global.Arm /* register */).symbolLinked = Object.registerClass(Arm.symbolName, Arm); } #endinitclip
Symbol 20490 MovieClip [__Packages.Fly] Frame 0
#initclip if (!Fly) { //(_global.Fly = function () { super(); }) extends MovieClip var _local1 = (_global.Fly /* register */).prototype; (_global.Fly /* register */).create = function (parent, depth, args) { var _local5 = Fly(parent.attachMovie(Fly.symbolName, "Fly" + depth, depth)); _local5.init(args); return(_local5); }; _local1.init = function (args) { this.x = args.x; this.y = args.y; if (args.speed != null) { this.speed = (Math.max(Math.min(1, args.speed), 0) * this.speedRange) + this.lowSpeed; } this.angle = (Math.random() * Math.PI) * 2; this.lineStyle(3, args.color); this.lineTo(0, 1); }; _local1.update = function () { this.x = this.x + (Math.cos(this.angle) * this.speed); this.y = this.y + (Math.sin(this.angle) * this.speed); var _local2 = 0; var _local3 = 0; var _local4 = Stage.width; var _local5 = Stage.height; ((this.x < _local2) ? ((this.x = _local2)) : null); ((this.x > _local4) ? ((this.x = _local4)) : null); ((this.y > _local5) ? ((this.y = _local5)) : null); ((this.y < _local3) ? ((this.y = _local3)) : null); this._x = this.x; this._y = this.y; }; _local1.moveRandom = function () { var _local2 = int(Math.random() * 50); if ((_local2 % 5) == 4) { ((((Math.random() * 2) - 1) < 0) ? ((this.hDir = this.hDir * -1)) : null); } this.angle = this.angle + (this.hDir * this.angleSpeed); this.angle = this.angle % 6.28318531; if (this.angle < 0) { this.angle = this.angle + 6.28318531; } }; ASSetPropFlags(_local1, null, 1); (_global.Fly /* register */).symbolName = "__Packages.Fly"; (_global.Fly /* register */).symbolLinked = Object.registerClass(Fly.symbolName, Fly); _local1.hDir = 1; _local1.speed = 2; _local1.angle = 0; _local1.angleSpeed = 0.087; _local1.lowSpeed = 2; _local1.speedRange = 1.5; } #endinitclip
Symbol 20491 MovieClip [__Packages.ABowmanLink] Frame 0
#initclip if (!ABowmanLink) { //(_global.ABowmanLink = function () { super(); }) extends MovieClip var _local1 = (_global.ABowmanLink /* register */).prototype; (_global.ABowmanLink /* register */).create = function (parent, depth, url, color) { var _local6 = ABowmanLink(parent.attachMovie(ABowmanLink.symbolName, "Link" + depth, depth)); _local6.init(color, url); return(_local6); }; _local1.init = function (color, url) { this.url = url; this.aBowmanCon = this.createEmptyMovieClip("aBowmanCon", this.getNextHighestDepth()); this.aBowman = this.aBowmanCon.createEmptyMovieClip("aBowman", this.aBowmanCon.getNextHighestDepth()); this.aBowmanMask = this.aBowmanCon.createEmptyMovieClip("aBowmanMask", this.aBowmanCon.getNextHighestDepth()); this.aBowman.onRollOver = function () { this._parent.aBowmanMask.onEnterFrame = this._parent.aBowmanMask.expand; }; this.aBowman.onRollOut = function () { this._parent.aBowmanMask.onEnterFrame = this._parent.aBowmanMask.shrink; }; this.aBowman.onRelease = function () { getURL (url, "_top"); }; this.aBowmanMask.maxWidth = ( + this.padding) * 7; this.aBowmanMask.minWidth = ( + this.padding) * 2; this.aBowmanMask.height = * 2; this.aBowmanMask.width = this.aBowmanMask.minWidth; this.aBowmanMask.boxX = -2; this.aBowman.beginFill(0, 0);, this.aBowmanMask.boxX,, this.aBowmanMask.maxWidth, this.aBowmanMask.height); this.aBowman.endFill(); this.aBowmanMask.expand = function () { this.width = this.width + ((this.maxWidth - this.width) * 0.2); if ((this.maxWidth - this.width) < 0.1) { delete this.onEnterFrame; } this.render(); }; this.aBowmanMask.shrink = function () { this.width = this.width - ((this.width - this.minWidth) * 0.2); if ((this.width - this.minWidth) < 0.1) { delete this.onEnterFrame; } this.render(); }; this.aBowmanMask.render = function () { this.clear(); this.beginFill(0); this.lineTo(this.boxX, (-this.height) * 0.6); this.lineTo(this.boxX + this.width, (-this.height) * 0.6); this.lineTo(this.boxX + this.width, this.height * 0.6); this.lineTo(this.boxX, this.height * 0.6); this.lineTo(this.boxX, 0); this.endFill(); }; this.aBowmanMask.render(); this.aBowman.setMask(this.aBowmanMask); this.aBowmanCon._y =; var _local3 = 0; this.aBowman.lineStyle(3, color);, _local3 + ( * 0.5), * 0.5, * 0.5, * 0.5); with (this.aBowman) { moveTo(_local3 +, 0); lineTo(_local3 +,; _local3 = + this.padding; moveTo(_local3, ( * 0.5); lineTo(_local3,; lineTo(_local3, * 0.5);, _local3, * 0.5, * 0.5, 270, 180); lineTo(_local3, 0); lineTo(_local3 + ( * 0.4), 0);, _local3 + ( * 0.4), 0, * 0.4, 270, 270); } _local3 = 2 * ( + this.padding);, _local3 + ( / 2), / 2, / 2, / 2); with (this.aBowman) { _local3 = 3 * ( + this.padding); moveTo(_local3, 0); lineTo(_local3 + ( * 0.25),; lineTo(_local3 + ( * 0.5), 0); lineTo(_local3 + ( * 0.75),; lineTo(_local3 +, 0); _local3 = 4 * ( + this.padding); moveTo(_local3, 0); lineTo(_local3,; lineTo(_local3, * 0.25);, _local3, * 0.25, * 0.25, -180, 180); lineTo(_local3 + ( * 0.5),; lineTo(_local3 + ( * 0.5), * 0.25);, _local3 + ( * 0.5), * 0.25, * 0.25, -180, 180); lineTo(_local3 +,; } _local3 = 5 * ( + this.padding);, _local3 + ( * 0.5), / 2, / 2, / 2); with (this.aBowman) { moveTo(_local3 +, 0); lineTo(_local3 +,; _local3 = 6 * ( + this.padding); moveTo(_local3, 0); lineTo(_local3,; lineTo(_local3, * 0.5);, _local3, * 0.5, * 0.5, -180, 180); lineTo(_local3 +,; } }; ASSetPropFlags(_local1, null, 1); (_global.ABowmanLink /* register */).symbolName = "__Packages.ABowmanLink"; (_global.ABowmanLink /* register */).symbolLinked = Object.registerClass(ABowmanLink.symbolName, ABowmanLink); = 10; = 10; _local1.padding = 4; } #endinitclip

Library Items

Symbol 20480 MovieClip [__Packages.Logo]
Symbol 20481 MovieClip [__Packages.Limb]
Symbol 20482 MovieClip [__Packages.Leg]
Symbol 20483 MovieClip [__Packages.TreeFrog]
Symbol 20484 MovieClip []
Symbol 20485 MovieClip []
Symbol 20486 MovieClip []
Symbol 20487 MovieClip []
Symbol 20488 MovieClip [__Packages.Application]
Symbol 20489 MovieClip [__Packages.Arm]
Symbol 20490 MovieClip [__Packages.Fly]
Symbol 20491 MovieClip [__Packages.ABowmanLink]

Special Tags

ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 1Symbol 20480 as "__Packages.Logo"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 1Symbol 20481 as "__Packages.Limb"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 1Symbol 20482 as "__Packages.Leg"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 1Symbol 20483 as "__Packages.TreeFrog"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 1Symbol 20484 as ""
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 1Symbol 20485 as ""
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 1Symbol 20486 as ""
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 1Symbol 20487 as ""
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 1Symbol 20488 as "__Packages.Application"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 1Symbol 20489 as "__Packages.Arm"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 1Symbol 20490 as "__Packages.Fly"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 1Symbol 20491 as "__Packages.ABowmanLink"
Created: 30/3 -2019 23:08:17 Last modified: 30/3 -2019 23:08:17 Server time: 05/11 -2024 06:45:48