| STORY LOOP FURRY PORN GAMES • C • SERVICES [?] [R] RND POPULAR | Archived flashes: 229951 |
/disc/ · /res/ — /show/ · /fap/ · /gg/ · /swf/ | P0001 · P2599 · P5197 |
![]() | This is the info page for Flash #85710 |
<p align="center"><font face="_sans" size="12" color="#ffffff" letterSpacing="0.000000" kerning="1"><b>percent</b></font></p> |
<p align="center"><font face="_sans" size="10" color="#ffffff" letterSpacing="0.000000" kerning="1"><b>Loading...</b></font></p> |
Attention webmasters! It is illegal to post this version of the game on your site! Doing so is a violation of copyright and is subject to prosecution. A teaser version is available for unlimited public distribution. You can get it at pusooy.net/cheer.php |
Pooop |
After school |
After school |
line1 2 3 4 5 6 |
Name |
line1 2 3 4 5 6 |
Name |
line1 2 3 4 5 6 |
Name |
line1 2 3 4 5 6 |
Name |
line1 2 3 4 5 6 |
Name |
line1 2 3 4 5 6 |
Name |
Sprite |
01234567890123456 hi there dude |
01234567890123456 hi there dude |
I'm so cute! |
I'm so cute! |
I'm so cute! |
I'm so cute! |
It appears that someone has accidentally spilled some food or something on your skirt. |
It appears that someone has accidentally spilled some food or something on your skirt. |
I'm so cute! |
I'm so cute! |
I'm so cute! 2 3 4 5 |
I'm so cute! 2 3 4 5 |
I'm so cute! |
I'm so cute! |
I'm so cute! 2 3 4 5 |
I'm so cute! 2 3 4 5 |
I'm so cute! 2 3 4 5 |
I'm so cute! 2 3 4 5 |
test test test test test |
<p align="center"><font face="_sans" size="9" color="#ffffff" letterSpacing="0.000000" kerning="0">Cheerleader Party </font></p><p align="center"><font face="_sans" size="9" color="#ffffff" letterSpacing="0.000000" kerning="0">Copyright 2009 all rights reserved</font></p><p align="center"><font face="_sans" size="9" color="#ffffff" letterSpacing="0.000000" kerning="0">This game may be played only at pusooy.net</font></p><p align="center"><font face="_sans" size="9" color="#ffffff" letterSpacing="0.000000" kerning="0">Any other use is a violation of copyright </font></p><p align="center"></p> |
<p align="center"><font face="_sans" size="9" color="#ffffff" letterSpacing="0.000000" kerning="0">Cheerleader Party </font></p><p align="center"><font face="_sans" size="9" color="#ffffff" letterSpacing="0.000000" kerning="0">Copyright 2009 all rights reserved</font></p><p align="center"><font face="_sans" size="9" color="#ffffff" letterSpacing="0.000000" kerning="0">The full version may be played only at pusooy.net</font></p><p align="center"></p> |
click |
click |
click |
Start |
Click here to play part 1 again. |
Click here to play part 1 again. |
Go to scene x |
Use cursor keys and Ctrl key |
Use mouse |
Click here to visit the Pusooy Games site pusooy.net |
Press space bar to cancel pause |
Start over |
To play this scene, go to pusooy.net and play the full version. It's free! |
The secret code has been entered! The S key will now switch scenes. The Esc key exits the current scene. Press the space bar to continue |
The secret code has been entered! The S key will now switch scenes. The Esc key completes the current scene. The 1,2,3,4 & 5 keys change level. Press the space bar to continue |
Changing to English language Press space bar to continue |
line1 line2 |
Attention Webmasters |
It is illegal to post this version of the game on your site! Doing so is a violation of copyright and subject to prosecution! A teaser version is available for unlimited public distribution. |
Go to pusooy.net to play the full version. It's free! |
One Moment please... We are experiencing technical Schüler. |
One Moment please... We are experiencing technical Schüler. |
ActionScript [AS1/AS2] (267.69 KiB)
Frame 1 (440 B)function preloadSite() { var _local3 = _root.getBytesLoaded(); var _local2 = _root.getBytesTotal(); var _local4 = Math.round((_local3 / _local2) * 100); redloadingbar_mc._xscale = _local4; percent_text.text = _local4 + "%"; if (_local3 >= _local2) { clearInterval(loadingCall); gotoAndStop (2); } } stop(); loadingbar_mc._xscale = 1; webmasters_mc.gotoAndStop(1); var loadingCall = setInterval(preloadSite, 50);Frame 2 (362.36 KiB)●●●●function initsound() { InitSound(); SetXFadeRate(0.01); Theme1 = new Object(); Theme2 = new Object(); JennyTheme = new Object(); CindyTheme = new Object(); JanaTheme = new Object(); SilentTheme = new Object(); TinaTheme = new Object(); Theme1.Sequenced = true; Theme1.LoopSets = [[[{Name:"BassDrum1", Bars:1}, {Name:"BassDrum2", Bars:1}], [{Name:"Drums1", Bars:1}, {Name:"Drums2", Bars:1}], [{Name:"Rythm1", Bars:4}, {Name:"Rythm2", Bars:4}, {Name:"Rythm3", Bars:4}, {Name:"Rythm4", Bars:2}, {Name:"Melody1", Bars:6}], []], [[{Name:"BassDrum3", Bars:1}, {Name:"BassDrum4", Bars:2}, {Name:"BassDrum2", Bars:1}], [{Name:"Drums3", Bars:1}, {Name:"Drums4", Bars:1}, {Name:"Drums1", Bars:1}, {Name:"Drums2", Bars:1}, {Name:"Drums5", Bars:1}], [{Name:"Rythm2", Bars:4}, {Name:"Rythm3", Bars:4}], [{Name:"Rythm1", Bars:4}, {Name:"Rythm4", Bars:2}]]]; Theme1.Sequence = [{LoopSet:0, ch:[{num:0, vol:0}, {num:-1, vol:0}, {num:-1, vol:0}, {}], fx:[1, 1, 1, 1]}, {LoopSet:1, ch:[{num:-1, vol:100}, {num:-1, vol:0}, {num:0, vol:100}, {}], fx:[0, 1, 0, 0]}, {LoopSet:1, ch:[{}, {num:-1, vol:100}, {num:-1}, {num:-1}], fx:[0, 0, 1, 2]}, {LoopSet:1, ch:[{num:-1}, {num:-1}, {num:-1}, {num:-1}], fx:[0, -1, -1, 1]}, {LoopSet:0, ch:[{num:-1, vol:100}, {num:-1, vol:100}, {num:-1, vol:80}, {}], fx:[0, 0, 0, 0]}, {LoopSet:1, ch:[{num:-1}, {num:-1}, {num:-1}, {}], fx:[-1, 0, -1, 0]}]; Theme1.Loops = 99; Theme2.Sequenced = false; Theme2.Name = "jil.mp3"; Theme2.Channel = 4; Theme2.Loops = 1; JennyTheme.Sequenced = false; JennyTheme.Name = "jenny.wav"; JennyTheme.Channel = 4; JennyTheme.Loops = 99; JennyTheme.StartPos = 7.7; CindyTheme.Sequenced = false; CindyTheme.Name = "cindy.wav"; CindyTheme.Channel = 4; CindyTheme.Loops = 99; JanaTheme.Sequenced = false; JanaTheme.Name = "Jana-Brad_theme.mp3"; JanaTheme.Channel = 4; JanaTheme.Loops = 99; SilentTheme.Sequenced = false; SilentTheme.Name = "EmptyBar"; SilentTheme.Channel = 3; SilentTheme.Loops = 99; TinaTheme.Sequenced = false; TinaTheme.Name = "Tina-Sarah_theme_1lo.mp3"; TinaTheme.Channel = 4; TinaTheme.Loops = 99; soundstarted = 1; } function rand(low, high) { range = high - low; t = Math.floor(Math.random() * range) + low; return(t); } function hallloop() { stoplooping = 0; what = "hall2.wav"; SetChannelVolume(6, loopvol); PlaySound(what, 6, 0, 100); } function crowdloop() { stoplooping = 0; what = "crowd.mp3"; SetChannelVolume(6, loopvol); PlaySound(what, 6, 0, 100); } function showerloop() { stoplooping = 0; SetChannelVolume(6, loopvol); what = "shower.mp3"; PlaySound(what, 6, 0, 100); } function stoploop() { stoplooping = 1; Seq.AMixer.StopSound([6]); } function yell() { what = yells[wchyell]; sayfile(what, 20); wchyell++; if (wchyell > 2) { wchyell = 0; } } function sayfile(what, sfvol) { if (sfvol == undefined) { } else { Seq.AMixer.SetChannelVolume(7, sfvol); } talking = Seq.AMixer.Channels[7].SoundObj.isPlaying; if (!talking) { PlaySound(what, 7, 0, 1); if (noisy) { if (sfvol == undefined) { trace("Say1: " + what); } else { trace((("Say1: " + what) + " ") + floor(sfvol)); } } } } function sayvol(vol) { if (noisy) { trace("vol1: " + vol); } Seq.AMixer.SetChannelVolume(7, vol); } function sayfile2(what, sf2vol) { if (sf2vol == undefined) { } else { Seq.AMixer.SetChannelVolume(6, sf2vol); } talking = Seq.AMixer.Channels[6].SoundObj.isPlaying; if (!talking) { PlaySound(what, 6, 0, 1); if (noisy) { if (sf2vol == undefined) { trace("Say2: " + what); } else { trace((("Say2: " + what) + " ") + floor(sf2vol)); } } } } function sayvol2(vol) { if (noisy) { trace("vol2: " + vol); } Seq.AMixer.SetChannelVolume(6, vol); } function say(what) { talking = Seq.AMixer.Channels[7].SoundObj.isPlaying; if (what == "emoan") { if (talking) { return(undefined); } yessnd = ("emoan" + squirts) + ".mp3"; sayfile(yessnd); sayvol(50); } if (what == "ow") { if (talking) { return(undefined); } ow++; t = (ow & 3) + 1; yessnd = ("ow" + t) + ".wav"; sayfile(yessnd, 50); } if (what == "joh") { coh++; cohr = coh + rand(0, 3); t = (cohr & 3) + 1; yessnd = ("coh" + t) + ".mp3"; sayfile(yessnd, 100); } if (what == "coh") { if (talking) { return(undefined); } coh++; t = (coh & 3) + 1; yessnd = ("coh" + t) + ".mp3"; sayfile(yessnd, 100); } if (what == "nnhvib") { if (talking) { return(undefined); } nnh++; if (level >= 1) { t = rand(1, 3); nnh = nnh + t; if (nnh > 7) { nnh = nnh - 8; } } else { nnh++; } t = (nnh & 7) + 1; yessnd = ("nnh" + t) + ".mp3"; sayfile(yessnd, 100); talking = 1; } if (what == "nnh") { if (talking) { return(undefined); } nnh++; t = rand(1, 8); if (t < 5) { yessnd = ("snnh" + t) + ".wav"; } else { yessnd = ("nnh" + (t - 4)) + ".mp3"; } sayfile(yessnd, 100); talking = 1; } if (what == "suck") { suka = rand(1, 3); sucks++; if (sucks > 3) { sucks = 0; } usucks = sucks + suka; if (usucks > 3) { usucks = usucks - 4; } yessnd = ("suck" + (usucks + 1)) + ".wav"; if (usucks == 0) { suckvol = 20; } else if (usucks == 1) { suckvol = 10; } else if (usucks == 2) { suckvol = 5; } else { suckvol = 10; } sayfile2(yessnd, suckvol); } if (what == "huff") { hufa = rand(1, 4); uhuff = huffs + hufa; if (uhuff > 9) { uhuff = uhuff - 10; } if (uhuff == lasthuff) { uhuff--; if (uhuff < 0) { uhuff = 9; } } yessnd = ("u" + uhuff) + ".wav"; sayfile(yessnd, huffvol); lasthuff = uhuff; huffs++; if (huffs > 9) { huffs = 0; } } if (what == "huff2") { hufa = rand(1, 4); uhuff = huffs + hufa; if (uhuff > 9) { uhuff = uhuff - 10; } if (uhuff == lasthuff) { uhuff--; if (uhuff < 0) { uhuff = 9; } } yessnd = ("u" + uhuff) + ".wav"; sayfile2(yessnd, huffvol); lasthuff = uhuff; huffs++; if (huffs > 9) { huffs = 0; } } if (what == "muhh") { if (talking) { return(undefined); } if (muhhs == 0) { i = 1; while (i < 11) { muhhdone[i] = 0; i++; } muhhs = 10; } muhh = rand(1, 10); if (muhhdone[uhh] == 1) { muhh = rand(1, 10); } if (muhhdone[muhh] == 1) { muhh = rand(1, 10); } if (uhhdone[muhh] == 1) { muhh = rand(1, 10); } if (muhhdone[muhh] == 1) { i = 1; while (i < 11) { if (muhhdone[i] == 0) { muhh = i; i == 11; break; } i++; } } muhhdone[muhh] = 1; muhhs--; yessnd = ("muhh" + muhh) + ".wav"; lastmuhh = muhh; sayfile(yessnd, 5); } if (what == "moan") { if (moans == 0) { i = 1; while (i < 11) { moandone[i] = 0; i++; } moans = 10; } moan = rand(1, 10); if (moandone[moan] == 1) { moan = rand(1, 10); } if (moandone[moan] == 1) { moan = rand(1, 10); } if (moandone[moan] == 1) { moan = rand(1, 10); } if (moandone[moan] == 1) { i = 1; while (i < 11) { if (moandone[i] == 0) { moan = i; i == 11; break; } i++; } } moandone[moan] = 1; moans--; yessnd = ("Moaning" + moan) + ".wav"; lastmoan = moan; sayfile2(yessnd, moanvol); } if (what == "gasp") { g = rand(1, 4); nosnd = ("gasp" + g) + ".mp3"; sayfile(nosnd, 10); } if (what == "slap") { wchslap = floor(rand(1, 4)); mmmsnd = ("slap" + wchslap) + ".wav"; slapvol = intensity * 0.25; sayfile(mmmsnd, slapvol); } if (what == "mslap") { wchslap = floor(rand(1, 4)); mmmsnd = ("slap" + wchslap) + ".wav"; slapvol = 10 + (intensity * 0.5); sayfile(mmmsnd, slapvol); } if (what == "squish") { if (scene == 10) { squishvol = 20 + (intensity / 7); } else { squishvol = 10 + (intensity / 7); } sayfile("squish.wav", squishvol); } if (what == "ooo") { wchooo = floor(rand(1, 4)); mmmsnd = ("ooo" + wchooo) + ".wav"; sayfile(mmmsnd, 30); } } function saycum(cumwho, csquirt) { if (csquirt >= 5) { csquirt = csquirt - 5; } if ((cumwho == 0) || (cumwho == 3)) { yessnd = ("mcum" + (csquirt + 1)) + ".mp3"; } else if (cumwho == 1) { yessnd = ("morg" + (csquirt + 1)) + ".wav"; } else { yessnd = ("mlove" + (csquirt + 3)) + ".wav"; } sayfile(yessnd, 30); } function doloopmusic() { force = 0; if ((ssay == 120) && (scene == 11)) { if (amusicvol > 0) { amusicvol = amusicvol - (amusicvol / 4); if (amusicvol < 1) { amusicvol = 0; } tmusicvol = amusicvol; force = 1; screen = omscreen; mute = omute; } } if (screen != omscreen) { musicmaxvol = music_max[screen]; if (nomute) { tmusicvol = (amusicvol = musicmaxvol); } else if (mute == 3) { amusicvol = (tmusicvol = musicmaxvol); } else if (mute == 2) { amusicvol = (tmusicvol = musicmaxvol / 3); } else if (mute == 1) { amusicvol = (tmusicvol = 5); } else { amusicvol = (tmusicvol = 0); } omscreen = screen; force = 1; } if (mute != omute) { musicmaxvol = music_max[screen]; if (mute == 3) { amusicvol = (tmusicvol = musicmaxvol); } else if (mute == 2) { amusicvol = (tmusicvol = musicmaxvol / 3); } else if (mute == 1) { amusicvol = (tmusicvol = 5); } else { amusicvol = (tmusicvol = 0); } SetChannelGlobalVolume(0, amusicvol); SetChannelGlobalVolume(1, amusicvol); SetChannelGlobalVolume(2, amusicvol); SetChannelGlobalVolume(3, amusicvol); SetChannelGlobalVolume(4, amusicvol); omute = mute; force = 1; } mon6 = (((("music:" + mute) + " am:") + floor(amusicvol)) + " tm:") + floor(tmusicvol); if ((amusicvol != tmusicvol) || (force)) { if (tmusicvol > amusicvol) { dx = ttmusicvol - amusicvol; if (dx < 0.5) { amusicvol = amusicvol + (dx / 8); } else { amusicvol = tmusicvol; } } else { dx = tmusicvol - amusicvol; if (abs(dx) > 0.125) { amusicvol = amusicvol + (dx / 32); } else { amusicvol = tmusicvol; } } SetChannelGlobalVolume(0, amusicvol); SetChannelGlobalVolume(1, amusicvol); SetChannelGlobalVolume(2, amusicvol); SetChannelGlobalVolume(3, amusicvol); SetChannelGlobalVolume(4, amusicvol); } } function doscene() { if (scene == 0) { dolab(); } else if (scene == 1) { dotitle(); } else if (scene == 2) { doshower(); } else if (scene == 3) { doschool(); } else if (scene == 4) { dogym(); } else if (scene == 5) { dodress(); } else if (scene == 6) { dogame(); } else if (scene == 7) { dosaloon(); } else if (scene == 8) { screen = 9; dobath(); } else if (scene == 9) { screen = 10; dobed1(); } else if (scene == 10) { screen = 11; dobed2(); } else if (scene == 11) { screen = 12; if (room5level >= 1) { dobed3(); } else if (ssay < 120) { dosaloon(); } else { dobed3(); } } else if (scene == 12) { screen = 6; do12(); } else if (scene == 13) { screen = 13; donavi(); } else if (scene == 14) { screen = 14; docredits(); } } function domon() { if (!debug) { mon0_mc._x = -10000; return(undefined); } mon0_mc.mon0_txt.text = (((((((((((((mon0 + "\r") + mon1) + "\r") + mon2) + "\r") + mon3) + "\r") + mon4) + "\r") + mon5) + "\r") + mon6) + "\r") + mon7; mon0_mc._x = 210; if (scene == 8) { mon0_mc.gotoAndStop(2); } else { mon0_mc.gotoAndStop(1); } mon0_mc.swapDepths(22902); } function dokeys() { if (debug || (secretunlocked)) { if (Key.isDown(27) && (scene != 13)) { goblack = 10; if ((!part1) && (scene == 7)) { newgame(); level = (masterlevel = 1); scene = 13; ssay = 0; } if ((scene == 12) && (debug)) { if (room1level == 1) { jenny1done = 1; } if (room1level == 2) { jenny2done = 1; } if (room1level == 3) { jenny3done = 1; } if (room1level == 4) { jenny4done = 1; } if (room1level == 5) { jenny5done = 1; } } if ((scene == 8) && (debug)) { if (room2level == 1) { bath1done = 1; } if (room2level == 2) { bath2done = 1; } if (room2level == 3) { bath3done = 1; } if (room2level == 4) { bath4done = 1; } if (room2level == 5) { bath5done = 1; } } if ((scene == 9) && (debug)) { if (room3level == 1) { jana1done = 1; } if (room3level == 2) { jana2done = 1; } if (room3level == 3) { jana3done = 1; } if (room3level == 4) { jana4done = 1; } if (room3level == 5) { jana5done = 1; } } if ((scene == 10) && (debug)) { if (room4level == 1) { cindy1done = 1; } if (room4level == 2) { cindy2done = 1; } if (room4level == 3) { cindy3done = 1; } if (room4level == 4) { cindy4done = 1; } if (room4level == 5) { cindy5done = 1; } } if ((scene == 11) && (debug)) { if (room5level == 1) { kat1done = 1; } if (room5level == 2) { kat2done = 1; } if (room5level == 3) { kat3done = 1; } if (room5level == 4) { kat4done = 1; } if (room5level == 5) { kat5done = 1; } } } } if (!Key.isDown(68)) { drel = 1; } if ((Key.isDown(68) && (drel)) && (secretunlocked)) { if (debug) { debug = 0; } else { debug = 1; } drel = 0; } if (debug || (secretunlocked)) { if (!Key.isDown(83)) { srel = 1; } if (Key.isDown(83) && (srel)) { srel = 0; if (part1) { if (scene == 6) { if (ssay < 41) { phase = 2; stoploop(); ssay = 41; return(undefined); } scene = 0; } else { scene++; if (scene >= scenes) { scene = 0; } } } else if (masterlevel > 0) { newgame(); scene = 7; ssay = 0; level = (masterlevel = 0); } else { newgame(); level = (masterlevel = 1); scene = 13; ssay = 0; } hideall(); phase = 0; scenestarted = 0; } } if (debug) { if (!Key.isDown(78)) { nrel = 1; } if (Key.isDown(78) && (nrel)) { nrel = 0; if (noisy) { noisy = 0; } else { noisy = 1; trace("sound report on say:" + say); } } if (Key.isDown(87) && (scene != 2)) { if (Key.isDown(39)) { wadjx++; } if (Key.isDown(37)) { wadjx--; } if (Key.isDown(38)) { wadjy--; } if (Key.isDown(40)) { wadjy++; } } if (Key.isDown(90) && (scene != 2)) { if (Key.isDown(39)) { zadjx++; } if (Key.isDown(37)) { zadjx--; } if (Key.isDown(38)) { zadjy--; } if (Key.isDown(40)) { zadjy++; } } if (Key.isDown(70)) { if (Key.isDown(39)) { fadjx++; } if (Key.isDown(37)) { fadjx--; } if (Key.isDown(38)) { fadjy--; } if (Key.isDown(40)) { fadjy++; } } if (Key.isDown(81)) { if (Key.isDown(39)) { qadjx++; } if (Key.isDown(37)) { qadjx--; } if (Key.isDown(38)) { qadjy--; } if (Key.isDown(40)) { qadjy++; } } if (Key.isDown(65)) { if (Key.isDown(39)) { adjx++; } if (Key.isDown(37)) { adjx--; } if (Key.isDown(38)) { adjy--; } if (Key.isDown(40)) { adjy++; } } else if (Key.isDown(86)) { if (Key.isDown(39)) { vscale++; } if (Key.isDown(37)) { vscale--; } } else if (Key.isDown(83)) { if (Key.isDown(39)) { xscroll++; } if (Key.isDown(37)) { xscroll--; } if (Key.isDown(38)) { yscroll--; } if (Key.isDown(40)) { yscroll++; } } } kk = Key.getCode(); if ((keyseq == 0) && (kk == 88)) { keyseq = 1; } else if (keyseq == 1) { if (kk == 88) { } else if (kk == 72) { keyseq = 2; rkeyrel = 0; } else { keyseq = 0; } } else if (keyseq == 2) { if (!Key.isDown(73)) { rkeyrel = 1; } if (Key.isDown(73) && (rkeyrel)) { secretunlocked = 1; highestscene = 10; keyseq = 0; sayfile("harp.mp3", 30); if (part1) { pausing = 9; } else { pausing = 11; } } else if (kk != 72) { keyseq = 0; } } mon1 = (((((((((((((((((("a:" + adjx) + " ") + adjy) + " f:") + fadjx) + " ") + fadjy) + " z:") + zadjx) + " ") + zadjy) + " q:") + qadjx) + " ") + qadjy) + " w:") + wadjx) + " ") + wadjy; } function sine(deg) { rad = (deg * Math.PI) / 180; return(Math.sin(rad)); } function cosine(deg) { rad = (deg * Math.PI) / 180; return(Math.cos(rad)); } function rad2deg(rad) { deg = (rad * 180) / Math.PI; return(deg); } function deg2rad(deg) { rad = (deg * Math.PI) / 180; return(rad); } function abs(n) { return(Math.abs(n)); } function floor(n) { return(Math.floor(n)); } function rnd(range) { r = floor(Math.random() * range); return(r); } function rnd1() { r = rnd(65536); if (r < 32768) { return(0); } return(1); } function finddistance(x1, y1, x2, y2) { distance = Math.sqrt(((x2 - x1) * (x2 - x1)) + ((y2 - y1) * (y2 - y1))); return(distance); } function dobubble() { plate2_mc.swapDepths(23530); plate2_mc._x = platex; plate2_mc._y = platey; plate2_mc._alpha = platealpha; plate_mc.swapDepths(23531); if (platealpha) { plate_mc._x = platex; } else { plate_mc._x = -10000; } plate_mc._y = platey; plate_mc._alpha = platealpha; if (speaking) { bubble_mc.swapDepths(24017); bubble_mc._x = 320 + bubblex; bubble_mc._y = 240 + bubbly; speakdelay--; if (speakdelay <= 0) { speaking = 0; whospeaking = 0; } } else { bubble_mc.swapDepths(-16384); } } function resay() { if (speaking) { if (language == 0) { words = English[savwordindex]; typ = English[savwordindex + 1]; } else if (language == 1) { words = German[savwordindex]; typ = German[savwordindex + 1]; } else if (language == 2) { words = French[savwordindex]; typ = French[savwordindex + 1]; } else if (language == 3) { words = Italian[savwordindex]; typ = Italian[savwordindex + 1]; } else if (language == 4) { words = Spanish[savwordindex]; typ = Spanish[savwordindex + 1]; } else if (language == 5) { words = Russian[savwordindex]; typ = Russian[savwordindex + 1]; } bubble_mc.gotoAndStop(typ); bubble_mc.txt.text = words; } } function saythisl(wordsnum, delay, typ, bblx, bbly) { w = wordsnum * 2; if (language == 5) { saythis(Russian[w], delay, Russian[w + 1], bblx, bbly); } else if (language == 4) { saythis(Spanish[w], delay, Spanish[w + 1], bblx, bbly); } else if (language == 3) { saythis(Italian[w], delay, Italian[w + 1], bblx, bbly); } else if (language == 2) { saythis(French[w], delay, French[w + 1], bblx, bbly); } else if (language == 1) { saythis(German[w], delay, German[w + 1], bblx, bbly); } else { saythis(English[w], delay, English[w + 1], bblx, bbly); } savwordindex = w; if (testbubble >= 0) { mon5 = English[w]; mon6 = Russian[w]; } } function saythis(words, delay, typ, bblx, bbly) { speaking = 1; speakdelay = delay; bubble_mc._xscale = 100; bubble_mc._yscale = 100; bubble_mc.gotoAndStop(typ); bubble_mc.txt.text = words; bubblex = bblx; bubbly = bbly; } function saythisbig(words, delay, typ, bblx, bbly) { speaking = 1; speakdelay = delay * framerate; bubble_mc._xscale = 150; bubble_mc._yscale = 150; bubble_mc.gotoAndStop(typ); bubble_mc.txt.text = words; bubblex = bblx; bubbly = bbly; bubble_mc._x = bblx; bubble_mc._y = bbly; } function saythismed(words, delay, typ, bblx, bbly) { speaking = 1; speakdelay = delay * framerate; bubble_mc._xscale = 125; bubble_mc._yscale = 125; bubble_mc.gotoAndStop(typ); bubble_mc.txt.text = words; bubblex = bblx; bubbly = bbly; } function dofade() { sheet_mc._x = 320; sheet_mc._y = 230; if (goblack) { sheet_mc.gotoAndStop(1); if (goblack >= 100) { scenechange(); goblack = 0; unblack = 99; sheet_mc._alpha = 100; return(undefined); } if (goblack < 100) { goblack = goblack + 10; if (!stoploop) { if (mmax > 0) { mmax = mmax - 5; if (mmax < 0) { mmax = 0; } loopvol = mmax; yesSound.setVolume(loopvol); } } } sheet_mc._alpha = goblack; sheet_mc.swapDepths(26000); } if (goblackslow > 0) { sheet_mc.gotoAndStop(1); if (goblackslow >= 100) { scenechange(); goblackslow = 0; unblack = 99; sheet_mc._alpha = 100; return(undefined); } if (goblackslow < 100) { goblackslow = goblackslow + 1; } sheet_mc._alpha = goblackslow; sheet_mc.swapDepths(26000); } if (gowhiteslow > 0) { sheet_mc.gotoAndStop(2); if (gowhiteslow >= 100) { hideall(); scenechange(); gowhiteslow = 0; unwhite = 99; sheet_mc._alpha = 100; return(undefined); } if (gowhiteslow < 100) { gowhiteslow = gowhiteslow + 1; yesSound.setVolume(100 - gowhiteslow); } sheet_mc._alpha = gowhiteslow; sheet_mc.swapDepths(26000); } if (unblack < 100) { sheet_mc.gotoAndStop(1); if (unblack == 0) { gowhiteslow = (goblackslow = (goblack = 0)); unblack = 100; } else { if (unblack == 99) { unblack = 90; } else if (unblack < 100) { unblack = unblack - 10; } sheet_mc._alpha = unblack; sheet_mc.swapDepths(21000); } } if (unwhite < 100) { sheet_mc.gotoAndStop(2); if (unwhite == 0) { gowhiteslow = (goblackslow = (goblack = 0)); unwhite = 100; } else { if (unwhite == 99) { unwhite = 90; } else if (unwhite < 100) { unwhite = unwhite - 10; } sheet_mc._alpha = unwhite; sheet_mc.swapDepths(21000); } } } function scenechange() { if ((!part1) && (scene == 14)) { scene = 7; ssay = (phase = 0); scenestarted = 0; newgame(); } else if (teaser && (scene > 1)) { scene = 0; scenestarted = 0; newgame(); teasecount = 0; } else if ((part1 && (scene == 6)) && (ssay == 41)) { scene = 0; scenestarted = 0; newgame(); } else if (goscene > 0) { scene = goscene; scenestarted = 0; goscene = 0; } else if ((scene == 7) && (ssay == 119)) { scene = 11; ssay = 120; scenestarted = 0; } else if (((scene == 12) && (ssay == 40)) && (level == 5)) { scenestarted = 0; ssay = 41; } else if ((scene == 12) && (ssay == 21)) { scenestarted = 0; ssay = 22; } else if (level >= 1) { if (jenny5done) { scene = 14; scenestarted = 0; } else { scene = 13; scenestarted = 0; } } else if ((scene == 3) && (phase == 0)) { scene = 3; scenestarted = 0; phase = 1; } else if ((scene == 3) && (phase == 1)) { scene = 3; scenestarted = 0; phase = 2; } else if ((scene == 3) && (phase == 2)) { scene = 3; scenestarted = 0; phase = 3; } else if ((scene == 3) && (phase == 3)) { scene = 3; scenestarted = 0; phase = 4; } else if ((scene == 3) && (phase == 4)) { scene = 3; scenestarted = 0; phase = 5; } else if ((scene == 3) && (phase == 5)) { scene = 4; scenestarted = 0; phase = 0; } else if ((scene == 4) && (phase == 3)) { scene = 4; hideall(); phase = 4; wait = 20; } else if (scene == 5) { scene = 6; scenestarted = 0; phase = 0; } else if ((scene == 6) && (phase == 0)) { hideall(); phase = 1; ssay = 32; wait = 40; bg2alpha = 0; attach = 1; lookmirror = 3; titsqueeze = 0; tinabraoff = 0; } else if ((scene == 11) && (level >= 1)) { scene = 13; scenestarted = 0; } else if ((scene == 11) && (ssay == 119)) { hideall(); stoploop(); ssay = 120; scenestarted = 0; } else if ((scene == 11) && (ssay == 131)) { hideall(); scene = 13; ssay = 0; scenestarted = 0; } else if ((scene == 12) && (ssay == 14)) { hideall(); stoploop(); scene = 7; ssay = 0; scenestarted = 0; } else if (scene == 1) { hideall(); stoploop(); scene = 2; ssay = 0; scenestarted = 0; } else if (level >= 1) { scene = 13; scenestarted = 0; } else if (scene == 0) { scene = 1; scenestarted = 0; } else if ((scene == 4) && (phase == 0)) { scene = 4; phase = 1; } else if ((scene == 4) && (ssay == 28)) { scene = 4; hideall(); ssay = 29; wait = 60; } else if ((scene == 4) && (ssay == 34)) { scene = 4; hideall(); phase = 3; ssay = 34; wait = 60; } else if ((scene == 4) && (phase == 4)) { scene = 4; hideall(); phase = 5; ssay = 38; wait = 60; } else if ((scene == 4) && (phase == 5)) { hideall(); scene = 5; phase = 0; scenestarted = 0; } else if (scene == 5) { scene = 6; scenestarted = 0; phase = 0; } else if ((scene == 6) && (phase == 0)) { phase = 1; ssay = 32; wait = 40; bg2alpha = 0; attach = 1; lookmirror = 3; titsqueeze = 0; tinabraoff = 0; stoploop(); } else if ((scene == 6) && (phase == 1)) { phase = 2; ssay = 38; wait = 90; bg2alpha = 0; crowdloop(); } else if ((part1 && (scene == 6)) && (ssay < 41)) { phase = 2; stoploop(); ssay = 41; } else if ((scene == 7) && (ssay == 60)) { ssay = 61; screen = 2; bg2alpha = (bg3alpha = (bg4alpha = 0)); spritefade = 0; song = (loops = 0); looptime = 0; nomute = 0; ChangeTheme(Theme1); sprite8_mc._alpha = (sprite9_mc._alpha = 0); } else if (scene == 7) { scene = 8; scenestarted = 0; } else if ((scene == 8) && (level < 1)) { scene = 9; scenestarted = 0; } else if ((scene == 9) && (level < 1)) { scene = 7; scenestarted = 0; } else if (scene == 10) { scene = 7; scenestarted = 0; } else if ((scene == 8) && (level >= 1)) { scene = 13; scenestarted = 0; } else if ((scene == 11) && (level >= 1)) { scene = 13; scenestarted = 0; } else if (scene == 2) { scene = 3; phase = 0; scenestarted = 0; hideall(); phase = 0; stoploop(); } } function checkmouse() { if ((mousex != oldmousex) && (mousey > 20)) { showpop = 10; showpoptype = 2; } else if (showpop) { showpop--; } oldmousex = mousex; } function dopop() { if (!buttonpress) { plinkrel = 1; } if (showpop) { if ((mousey > 433) && (mousex < 128)) { showpoptype = 4; } else { showpoptype = 10; } if (showpoptype == 10) { pop_mc._x = 64; pop_mc._y = 456; } else { pop_mc._x = 100; pop_mc._y = 434; if (buttonpress && (plinkrel)) { getURL ("http://pusooy.net", "_blank"); plinkrel = 0; } if (!buttonpress) { plinkrel = 1; } } pop_mc.gotoAndStop(showpoptype); pop_mc.swapDepths(25609); } else { pop_mc._x = -10000; } } function hideall(flag) { flag1_mc.gotoAndStop(10); flag2_mc.gotoAndStop(10); flag3_mc.gotoAndStop(10); flag4_mc.gotoAndStop(10); flag5_mc.gotoAndStop(10); flag6_mc.gotoAndStop(10); flag1_mc._x = (flag2_mc._x = (flag3_mc._x = (flag4_mc._x = (flag5_mc._x = (flag6_mc._x = -10000))))); teasecount = 0; webmasters_mc._alpha = 0; webmasters_mc._x = -10000; news_mc._x = -10000; news_mc.gotoAndStop(5); mon0 = (mon1 = (mon2 = (mon3 = (mon4 = (mon5 = (mon6 = "")))))); startbutton_mc._x = -10000; jumbo_mc._x = (jumbo2_mc._x = (meter1_mc._x = (meter2_mc._x = (bar1_mc._x = (bar2_mc._x = -10000))))); if (flag == 2) { } else { stoploop(); } showpop = 0; speaking = 0; oldmousex = mousex; platex = (plate_mc._x = (plate2_mc._x = -10000)); adjx = (adjy = 0); arrowcursor = (attach = (attacharrow = 0)); arrowx = -10000; arrow_mc._x = arrowx; i = 0; while (i < 26) { ii = i + 1; _root[("sprite" + ii) + "_mc"]._x = -10000; _root[("sprite" + ii) + "_mc"]._alpha = 100; _root[("sprite" + ii) + "_mc"]._xscale = 100; _root[("sprite" + ii) + "_mc"]._yscale = 100; _root[("sprite" + ii) + "_mc"]._rotation = 0; _root[("sprite" + ii) + "_mc"].gotoAndStop(8); if (i < 20) { _root[("sperm" + i) + "_mc"]._x = -10000; _root[("sperm" + i) + "_mc"]._alpha = 0; _root[("sperm" + i) + "_mc"].gotoAndStop(9); } i++; } bg3_mc._x = -10000; bg4_mc._x = -10000; bg3_mc._alpha = 0; bg4_mc._alpha = 0; } function doarrow() { if (arrowcursor) { if (arrowangle == 1) { arrow_mc.gotoAndStop(8); } else if (arrowangle == 2) { ssqq = (time / 4) & 3; arrow_mc.gotoAndStop(16 + ssqq); } else if (arrowangle == 3) { arrow_mc.gotoAndStop(17); } else { arrow_mc.gotoAndStop(20 + arrowcolor); } arrow_mc._x = mousex; arrow_mc._y = mousey; arrow_mc._rotation = arrowangle; hidemouse = 1; } else { arrow_mc.gotoAndStop(10 + arrowcolor); arrow_mc._rotation = 0; if (attacharrow) { arrow_mc._x = 320 + arrowx; if ((time / 4) & 4) { arrow_mc._x = 320 + arrowx; } else { arrow_mc._x = -10000; } hidemouse = 0; } else { arrow_mc._x = -10000; hidemouse = 0; } arrow_mc._y = 240 + arrowy; arrow_mc._yscale = 100; } arrow_mc.swapDepths(20003); } function doscenebar() { scenebar_mc._x = 585; scenebar_mc._y = 6; if (scene < 0.5) { bscene = 1; } else if (scene < 1) { bscene = 2; } else if (scene < 4) { bscene = scene + 2; } else if (scene <= 6) { bscene = scene + 1; } else if (scene == 6.5) { bscene = 7; } else { bscene = scene + 1; } scenebar_mc.gotoAndStop(bscene + 1); scenebar_mc.swapDepths(26531); } function showplate(who, saywhat, px, py) { platex = px; platey = py; strlen = saywhat.length; if (language == 5) { if (strlen > 180) { plate_mc.gotoAndStop(11); } else if (strlen > 130) { plate_mc.gotoAndStop(10); } else { plate_mc.gotoAndStop(9); } } else if (strlen > 180) { plate_mc.gotoAndStop(8); } else if (strlen > 130) { plate_mc.gotoAndStop(7); } else { plate_mc.gotoAndStop(6); } plate_mc.nam.text = who; plate_mc.txt.text = saywhat; plate2_mc.gotoAndStop(5); plate_mc._xscale = 100; plate_mc._yscale = 100; } function shownameplate(saywhati, px, py) { if (language == 5) { saywhat = Russian[saywhati * 2]; } else if (language == 4) { saywhat = Spanish[saywhati * 2]; } else if (language == 3) { saywhat = Italian[saywhati * 2]; } else if (language == 2) { saywhat = French[saywhati * 2]; } else if (language == 1) { saywhat = German[saywhati * 2]; } else { saywhat = English[saywhati * 2]; } platex = px; platey = py; strlen = saywhat.length; plate_mc.gotoAndStop(1); plate_mc.txt.text = saywhat; plate_mc.txt2.text = saywhat; plate2_mc.gotoAndStop(2); plate_mc._xscale = 75; plate_mc._yscale = 75; } function newgame() { jenny1done = 0; jenny2done = 0; jenny3done = 0; jenny4done = 0; jana1done = 0; jana2done = 0; jana3done = 0; jana4done = 0; cindy1done = 0; cindy2done = 0; cindy3done = 0; cindy4done = 0; bath1done = 0; bath2done = 0; bath3done = 0; bath4done = 0; kat1done = 0; kat2done = 0; kat3done = 0; kat4done = 0; masterlevel = (level = 0); ssay = 0; room1level = 0; room2level = 0; room3level = 0; room4level = 0; room5level = 0; } function dotestbubbles() { if (part1) { if (testbubble > 172) { testbubble = 0; } } else { if (testbubble < 173) { testbubble = 403; } if (testbubble > 403) { testbubble = 173; } } if (!Key.isDown(39)) { rtrel = 1; } if (Key.isDown(39) && (rtrel)) { rtrel = 0; testbubble++; saythisl(testbubble, 60, 0, 0, 0); } if (!Key.isDown(37)) { lfrel = 1; } if (Key.isDown(37) && (lfrel)) { lfrel = 0; if (testbubble > 0) { testbubble--; } else { testbubble = 403; } saythisl(testbubble, 60, 0, 0, 0); } if (!Key.isDown(38)) { uprel = 1; } if (Key.isDown(38) && (uprel)) { testbubble = testbubble - 50; if (testbubble < 0) { testbubble = (English.length / 2) - 1; } } if (!Key.isDown(40)) { dnrel = 1; } if (Key.isDown(40) && (dnrel)) { testbubble = testbubble + 50; if (testbubble >= (English.length / 2)) { testbubble = 0; } } dobubble(); mon4 = "testbub:" + testbubble; } function doshowpause() { pop_mc._x = 320; pop_mc._y = 400; if (pausing >= 9) { pop_mc.gotoAndStop(pausing); } else { pop_mc.gotoAndStop(17); if (language == 5) { pop_mc.txt.text = Russian[112]; } else if (language == 4) { pop_mc.txt.text = Spanish[112]; } else if (language == 3) { pop_mc.txt.text = Italian[112]; } else if (language == 2) { pop_mc.txt.text = French[112]; } else if (language == 0) { pop_mc.txt.text = English[112]; } else { pop_mc.txt.text = German[112]; } sp = 64; tx = floor((cmousex + 192) / 64); ty = cmousey - 171; if ((((tx >= 0) && (tx < 6)) && (ty >= 0)) && (ty < 40)) { flag = tx; } else { flag = -1; } flag1_mc._x = 160 + fadjx; flag1_mc._y = 430 + fadjy; flag1_mc.swapDepths(25560); flag1_mc.gotoAndStop(1); if (flag == 0) { flag1_mc._alpha = 100; } else { flag1_mc._alpha = 50; } flag2_mc._x = (160 + (sp * 1)) + fadjx; flag2_mc._y = 430 + fadjy; flag2_mc.swapDepths(25561); flag2_mc.gotoAndStop(2); if (flag == 1) { flag2_mc._alpha = 100; } else { flag2_mc._alpha = 50; } flag3_mc._x = (160 + (sp * 2)) + fadjx; flag3_mc._y = 430 + fadjy; flag3_mc.swapDepths(25562); flag3_mc.gotoAndStop(3); if (flag == 2) { flag3_mc._alpha = 100; } else { flag3_mc._alpha = 50; } flag4_mc._x = (160 + (sp * 3)) + fadjx; flag4_mc._y = 430 + fadjy; flag4_mc.swapDepths(25563); flag4_mc.gotoAndStop(4); if (flag == 3) { flag4_mc._alpha = 100; } else { flag4_mc._alpha = 50; } flag5_mc._x = (160 + (sp * 4)) + fadjx; flag5_mc._y = 430 + fadjy; flag5_mc.swapDepths(25564); flag5_mc.gotoAndStop(5); if (flag == 4) { flag5_mc._alpha = 100; } else { flag5_mc._alpha = 50; } flag6_mc._x = (160 + (sp * 5)) + fadjx; flag6_mc._y = 430 + fadjy; flag6_mc.swapDepths(25565); flag6_mc.gotoAndStop(6); if (flag == 5) { flag6_mc._alpha = 100; } else { flag6_mc._alpha = 50; } if (flag == 0) { pop_mc.txt.text = English[112]; if (buttonpress) { language = flag; resay(); } } else if (flag == 1) { pop_mc.txt.text = German[112]; if (buttonpress) { language = flag; resay(); } } else if (flag == 2) { pop_mc.txt.text = French[112]; if (buttonpress) { language = flag; resay(); } } else if (flag == 3) { pop_mc.txt.text = "Italian is not yet available"; } else if (flag == 4) { pop_mc.txt.text = Spanish[112]; if (buttonpress) { language = flag; resay(); } } else if (flag == 5) { pop_mc.txt.text = Russian[112]; if (buttonpress) { language = flag; resay(); } } } pop_mc.swapDepths(25559); } function ilab() { hideall(); bg2alpha = 0; phase = 0; wait = 90; giling = (ga = 0); cba = 0; strokes = (greset = 0); handup = -50; tittouch = 0; ocindy = 0; greset = (gx = 0); cindydown = 0; pantsdown = 0; carmsup = 0; pullpants = 0; cha8 = 33; lookwooster = 1; stoop = 0; cba = 0; kiss = (prekiss = 0); bjxtra1 = (bjytra1 = 0); bjxtra2 = (bjytra2 = 0); dshort = 0; kisses = 0; kissreset = 0; lookup = 0; lsay = 0; chide = 0; eyeframe = 0; mouthframe = 0; headframe = 0; wpa = 0; pelrefx = (peldx = (peldy = 0)); shudadd = 0; strokepleasure = 0; deeppleasure = 0; deepadd = 1; strokesub = 0.1; cumming = 0; squirts = 0; squirt = 0; squirtreq = 0; autospeed = 20; cumcba = 0; centered = 0; amp = 0; cumalpha = 0; cummed = 0; dripy = 0; dripyscale = 100; drips = 0; meteralpha = 100; bg3alpha = 0; showboard = 0; attach = (attacharrow = (arrowcursor = 0)); if ((phase == 0) && (!teaser)) { webmasters_mc._x = 320; webmasters_mc._y = 479; webmasters_mc.swapDepths(26431); webmasters_mc.gotoAndStop(1); webmasters_mc._alpha = 100; } if (teaser) { showpoptype = 10; showpop = 1; } scenestarted = 1; } function dolab() { if (!scenestarted) { ilab(); } if (phase > 0) { webmasters_mc._x = -10000; webmasters_mc._alpha = 0; } if (phase < 4) { lab03(); } else if (phase == 4) { lab4(); } else if (phase == 5) { lab5(); } else if (phase == 6) { labbj1(); } else if (phase == 7) { labbj2(); } else if (phase == 8) { labbj3(); } else if (phase == 9) { labbj4(); } else if (phase == 10) { labbj5(); } beta_mc.swapDepths(20005); beta_mc._x = 599; beta_mc._y = 481; bg3_mc.swapDepths(15111); bg3_mc.gotoAndStop(73); bg3_mc._x = 320; bg3_mc._y = 240; bg3_mc._alpha = bg3alpha; } function lab03() { bg_mc.swapDepths(0); bg2_mc.swapDepths(1); bg_mc.gotoAndStop(5); bg2_mc.gotoAndStop(6); bg_mc._x = 320; bg_mc._y = 240; bg_mc._xscale = 100; bg_mc._yscale = 100; bg2_mc._x = 320; bg2_mc._y = 240; bg2_mc._xscale = 100; bg2_mc._yscale = 100; bg_mc._alpha = 100; bg2_mc._alpha = bg2alpha; onwhiteboard(); if (phase == 0) { onwhiteboard(); dx = 75 - cmousex; dy = 12 - cmousey; if ((((!ocindy) && (abs(dx) < 10)) && (abs(dy < 10))) && (!showboard)) { wx = 31; wy = -127; saythisl(0, 40, 3, wx, wy); ocindy = 1; } if (ocindy && (!showboard)) { ocindy++; } if (ocindy > 50) { phase = 1; } } else if (((phase == 1) || (phase == 2)) || (phase == 3)) { if (bg2alpha < 100) { bg2alpha = bg2alpha + 10; } else { onwhiteboard(); } if (showboard) { } else if (phase == 2) { if (wait) { wait--; } else { saythisl(1, 60, 3, -51, -154); phase = 3; wait = 70; } } else if (phase == 3) { if (wait) { wait--; } else { phase = 4; wait = 60; } } tx = -cmousex; if (tx < -90) { tx = -90; } if (tx > 90) { tx = 90; } dx = tx - gx; gx = gx + (dx / 4); if (gx > 20) { greset = 1; } if ((gx < -20) && (greset)) { greset = 0; strokes++; if (strokes >= 12) { strokes++; } } giling = sine(gx); if (tittouch) { dx = handup; handup = handup - (dx / 16); } else if (strokes > 6) { if (handup < -0.5) { dx = -handup; handup = handup + (dx / 8); } else if (strokes >= 12) { dx = strokes - handup; handup = handup + (dx / 8); if (strokes >= 36) { tittouch = 1; saythisl(2, 90, 3, -51, -154); phase = 2; wait = 100; } } } ela = -17 - handup; shadd = (sine(handup * 1.6) * sine(handup * 1.6)) * 18.2; sha = 16 - shadd; wx = 300; wy = 226; cx = 341; cy = 268; wx = wx - (giling * 0.7); wy = wy - (giling * -0.5); if (giling < 0) { cx = cx - (giling * 0.8); cy = cy - (giling * -0.6); cba = giling * 0.7; } wlflx = wx; wlfly = wy + 25; wlla = giling * -0.4; shoulderx = wx - 25; shouldery = wy - 94; elrad = 83; eloa = 192; xadd = sine(eloa + sha) * elrad; yadd = (-cosine(eloa + sha)) * elrad; elbowx = shoulderx + xadd; elbowy = shouldery + yadd; pa = giling * 2; if (giling < 0) { pa = pa + (giling * 3); } ulrad = 38; uloa = 176; xadd = sine(uloa + pa) * ulrad; yadd = (-cosine(uloa + pa)) * ulrad; wulx = wx + xadd; wuly = wy + yadd; ula = giling * -2.5; lla = giling * -0.4; llrad = 90; lloa = 148; xadd = sine(lloa + ula) * llrad; yadd = (-cosine(lloa + ula)) * llrad; wllx = wulx + xadd; wlly = wuly + yadd; sprite1_mc._x = shoulderx; sprite1_mc._y = shouldery; sprite1_mc._rotation = -45 + sha; sprite1_mc.gotoAndStop(5); sprite1_mc.swapDepths(1100); sprite1_mc._alpha = bg2alpha; sprite2_mc._x = elbowx; sprite2_mc._y = elbowy; sprite2_mc._rotation = -45 + ela; sprite2_mc.gotoAndStop(6); sprite2_mc.swapDepths(1200); sprite2_mc._alpha = bg2alpha; sprite3_mc._x = wx; sprite3_mc._y = wy; sprite3_mc._rotation = -45; sprite3_mc.gotoAndStop(7); sprite3_mc.swapDepths(1000); sprite3_mc._alpha = bg2alpha; sprite4_mc._x = wx; sprite4_mc._y = wy; sprite4_mc._rotation = -45 + pa; sprite4_mc.gotoAndStop(8); sprite4_mc.swapDepths(1050); sprite4_mc._alpha = bg2alpha; sprite5_mc._x = wulx; sprite5_mc._y = wuly; sprite5_mc._rotation = -45 + ula; sprite5_mc.gotoAndStop(9); sprite5_mc.swapDepths(1040); sprite5_mc._alpha = bg2alpha; sprite6_mc._x = wllx; sprite6_mc._y = wlly; sprite6_mc._rotation = -45 + lla; sprite6_mc.gotoAndStop(10); sprite6_mc.swapDepths(1030); sprite6_mc._alpha = bg2alpha; sprite7_mc._x = wlflx; sprite7_mc._y = wlfly; sprite7_mc._rotation = wlla - 45; sprite7_mc.gotoAndStop(11); sprite7_mc.swapDepths(990); sprite7_mc._alpha = bg2alpha; sprite8_mc._x = cx; sprite8_mc._y = cy; sprite8_mc._rotation = 45; sprite8_mc.gotoAndStop(12); sprite8_mc.swapDepths(1060); sprite8_mc._alpha = bg2alpha; sprite9_mc._x = cx; sprite9_mc._y = cy; sprite9_mc._rotation = 45; sprite9_mc.gotoAndStop(13); sprite9_mc.swapDepths(1025); sprite9_mc._alpha = bg2alpha; sprite10_mc._x = cx; sprite10_mc._y = cy; sprite10_mc._rotation = 45 + cba; sprite10_mc.gotoAndStop(14); sprite10_mc.swapDepths(999); sprite10_mc._alpha = bg2alpha; vb_mc._x = vbx; vb_mc._y = vby; vb_mc.swapDepths(21001); } mon2 = "strokes:" + strokes; } function lab4() { bg_mc.swapDepths(0); bg2_mc.swapDepths(1); bg_mc.gotoAndStop(7); bg2_mc.gotoAndStop(6); bg_mc._x = 320; bg_mc._y = 240; bg_mc._xscale = 100; bg_mc._yscale = 100; bg2_mc._x = 320; bg2_mc._y = 240; bg2_mc._xscale = 100; bg2_mc._yscale = 100; bg_mc._alpha = 100; bg2_mc._alpha = bg2alpha; if (bg2alpha > 0) { bg2alpha = bg2alpha - 10; } else { wait--; } if (wait == 59) { saythisl(3, 60, 3, -48, -168); } if (wait <= 0) { phase = 5; wait = 60; } i = 0; while (i < 10) { ii = i + 1; _root[("sprite" + ii) + "_mc"]._alpha = bg2alpha; i++; } } function lab5() { bg_mc.swapDepths(0); bg2_mc.swapDepths(1); bg_mc.gotoAndStop(7); bg2_mc.gotoAndStop(8); bg_mc._x = 320; bg_mc._y = 240; bg_mc._xscale = 100; bg_mc._yscale = 100; bg2_mc._x = 320; bg2_mc._y = 240; bg2_mc._xscale = 100; bg2_mc._yscale = 100; bg_mc._alpha = 100; bg2_mc._alpha = bg2alpha; if (bg2alpha < 100) { bg2alpha = bg2alpha + 5; } else if (wait) { wait--; if (wait == 0) { phase = 6; } } } function labbj1() { if (attach == 0) { if (speaking) { } else { arrowx = 62; arrowy = -65; attacharrow = 1; dx = cmousex - arrowx; dy = cmousey - arrowy; if ((abs(dx) < 20) && (abs(dy) < 20)) { attach = 1; attachy = mousey; attachx = mousex; omousey = mousey; attacharrow = 0; cindydown = 0; } } } else { mdy = cmousey - (-65 + cindydown); if ((mdy > 0) && (cindydown < 175)) { cindydown = cindydown + (mdy / 32); } if (cindydown >= 175) { wait = 80; phase = 7; } } bg_mc.swapDepths(0); bg2_mc.swapDepths(2000); bg_mc.gotoAndStop(9); bg2_mc.gotoAndStop(8); bg_mc._x = 320; bg_mc._y = 240; bg_mc._xscale = 100; bg_mc._yscale = 100; bg2_mc._x = 320; bg2_mc._y = 240; bg2_mc._xscale = 100; bg2_mc._yscale = 100; bg_mc._alpha = 100; bg2_mc._alpha = bg2alpha; if (bg2alpha > 0) { bg2alpha = bg2alpha - 5; } wx = 215; wy = 88; wha = 2 + (cindydown * 0.09); wax = (wx + 9) + (cindydown * 0.1); if (cindydown >= 80) { wax = wax + ((cindydown - 80) * 0.46); } way = (wy + 123) + (cindydown * 0.05); waa = 10 + (cindydown * 0.37); cx = 419; cy = 138 + cindydown; clx = cx - 21; cly = cy + 252; cha = cindydown * 0.14; cla = cindydown * 0.55; if (cla > 24) { cla = 24; } sprite1_mc._x = wx; sprite1_mc._y = wy; sprite1_mc._rotation = 0; sprite1_mc.gotoAndStop(42); sprite1_mc.swapDepths(1100); sprite1_mc._alpha = 100; sprite2_mc._x = wx; sprite2_mc._y = wy; sprite2_mc._rotation = -45 + wha; sprite2_mc.gotoAndStop(43); sprite2_mc.swapDepths(1200); sprite2_mc._alpha = 100; sprite3_mc._x = wax; sprite3_mc._y = way; sprite3_mc._rotation = -45 + waa; sprite3_mc.gotoAndStop(44); sprite3_mc.swapDepths(1000); sprite3_mc._alpha = 100; sprite4_mc._x = cx; sprite4_mc._y = cy; sprite4_mc._rotation = 0; sprite4_mc.gotoAndStop(45); sprite4_mc.swapDepths(1300); sprite4_mc._alpha = 100; sprite5_mc._x = cx; sprite5_mc._y = cy; sprite5_mc._rotation = (45 + cha) + 10; sprite5_mc.gotoAndStop(46); sprite5_mc.swapDepths(1310); sprite5_mc._alpha = 100; sprite6_mc._x = clx; sprite6_mc._y = cly; sprite6_mc._rotation = 45 + cla; sprite6_mc.gotoAndStop(47); sprite6_mc.swapDepths(1290); sprite6_mc._alpha = 100; mon2 = "\tcd:" + cindydown; } function labbj2() { bg_mc.swapDepths(0); bg2_mc.swapDepths(10000); bg_mc.gotoAndStop(9); bg2_mc.gotoAndStop(12); bg_mc._x = 320; bg_mc._y = 240; bg_mc._xscale = 100; bg_mc._yscale = 100; bg2_mc._x = 320; bg2_mc._y = 240; bg2_mc._xscale = 100; bg2_mc._yscale = 100; bg_mc._alpha = 100; bg2_mc._alpha = bg2alpha; if (bg2alpha < 100) { bg2alpha = bg2alpha + 5; } else if (wait) { wait--; if (wait == 0) { hideall(); phase = 8; cba = 0; bg_mc._alpha = 100; } } } function labbj3() { if (lookwooster) { dx = cha8 - -15; if (dx > 16) { dx = 16; } cha8 = cha8 - (dx / 8); if (cha8 <= -14.5) { cha8 = -15; lookwooster = 0; } } else if ((attach == 0) && (pullpants < 2)) { arrowx = 10; arrowy = 206; attacharrow = 1; dx = cmousex - arrowx; dy = cmousey - arrowy; if ((abs(dx) < 20) && (abs(dy) < 20)) { attach = 1; attachy = cmousey; attachx = cmousex; omousey = cmousey; attacharrow = 0; mdy = 0; } } else if (pullpants < 2) { amdy = attachy - cmousey; dy = amdy - mdy; mdy = mdy + (dy / 4); carmsup = mdy / 6; if (carmsup >= 56) { carmsup = 56; } if (!pullpants) { if (carmsup >= 56) { pullpants = 1; } } else if (pullpants == 1) { pantsdown = ((carmsup - 56) * -87) / 10; if (pantsdown >= 365) { pullpants = 2; attach = 0; } } cha8 = -15 + ((pantsdown * -11) / 100); if (cha8 < -28) { cha8 = -28; } } else if (pullpants == 2) { if (attach == 0) { arrowx = 247; arrowy = -16; attacharrow = 1; dx = cmousex - arrowx; dy = cmousey - arrowy; if ((abs(dx) < 20) && (abs(dy) < 20)) { attach = 1; attachy = cmousey; attachx = cmousex; omousey = cmousey; attacharrow = 0; mdy = 0; } } else if (stoop < 40) { amdy = cmousey - attachy; dy = amdy - mdy; mdy = mdy + (dy / 8); stoop = mdy / 3; if (stoop < 0) { stoop = 0; } if (stoop >= 40) { stoop = 40; attachx = cmousex; mdx = 0; } cha8 = -28 + ((stoop * 13) / 100); } else if (!lookup) { amdx = cmousex - attachx; dx = amdx - mdx; mdx = mdx + (dx / 8); if (kisses < KISS2LICK) { cba = mdx / 16; if (cba > 8) { cba = 8; } if (cba < -16) { cba = -16; } prekiss = (cba * -32) / 100; if (cba <= -14) { kiss = ((cba + 14) * -36) / 10; kissframe = -floor((cba + 14) * 2); if ((kissframe == 4) && kissreset) { kissreset = 0; } } else { kiss = 0; kissframe = 0; if (kissreset == 0) { kisses++; kissreset = 1; } } } else { cba = mdx / 16; if (cba > -8) { cba = -8; } if (cba < -16) { cba = -16; } prekiss = (cba * -32) / 100; kissframe = 0; if (cba <= -14) { kiss = ((cba + 14) * -52) / 10; lickframe = -floor((cba + 14) * 2); if ((lickframe == 4) && kissreset) { kissreset = 0; } } else { kiss = 0; lickframe = 0; if (kissreset == 0) { kisses++; kissreset = 1; if (kisses > LICK2LOOK) { lookup = 1; } } } } } else { if (lickframe) { lickframe--; } dx = cha8 - 20; if (dx > 16) { dx = 16; } cha8 = cha8 - (dx / 8); if (cha8 >= 19.5) { phase = 9; } if (cha > 12) { bg2_mc.swapDepths(10000); bg2_mc.gotoAndStop(14); if (bg2alpha < 100) { bg2alpha = bg2alpha + 10; } } } } lpangle = (pantsdown * -11) / 100; rpangle = (pantsdown * 10) / 100; if (lpangle < -4.75) { lpangle = -4.75; } if (rpangle > 10) { rpangle = 10; } if (pantsdown >= 60) { ca = (pantsdown - 60) * 0.88; } else { ca = 0; } if (ca > 45) { ca = 45; } if (pantsdown < 20) { chide = pantsdown - 20; } else { chide = 0; } bg_mc.swapDepths(0); bg2_mc.swapDepths(10000); bg_mc.gotoAndStop(13); if (lookup) { bg2_mc.gotoAndStop(14); } else { bg2_mc.gotoAndStop(12); } bg_mc._x = 320; bg_mc._y = 240; bg_mc._xscale = 100; bg_mc._yscale = 100; bg2_mc._x = 320; bg2_mc._y = 240; bg2_mc._xscale = 100; bg2_mc._yscale = 100; bg_mc._alpha = 100; if (bg2alpha > 0) { bg2alpha = bg2alpha - 5; } bg2_mc._alpha = bg2alpha; wx = 173; wy = 320; wcx = wx + 90; wcy = wy - 20; sprite1_mc._x = wx; sprite1_mc._y = wy; sprite1_mc._rotation = 0; sprite1_mc.gotoAndStop(49); sprite1_mc.swapDepths(1100); sprite1_mc._alpha = 100; sprite2_mc._x = wx + ((pantsdown * 12) / 100); sprite2_mc._y = wy + pantsdown; sprite2_mc._rotation = 0; sprite2_mc.gotoAndStop(50); sprite2_mc.swapDepths(1200); sprite2_mc._alpha = 100; sprite3_mc._x = wx + ((pantsdown * 12) / 100); sprite3_mc._y = wy + pantsdown; sprite3_mc._rotation = -45 + lpangle; sprite3_mc.gotoAndStop(51); sprite3_mc.swapDepths(1210); sprite3_mc._alpha = 100; sprite4_mc._x = wx + ((pantsdown * 12) / 100); sprite4_mc._y = wy + pantsdown; sprite4_mc._rotation = -45 + rpangle; sprite4_mc.gotoAndStop(52); sprite4_mc.swapDepths(1220); sprite4_mc._alpha = 100; sprite5_mc._x = wx; sprite5_mc._y = wy; sprite5_mc._rotation = 0; sprite5_mc.gotoAndStop(53); sprite5_mc.swapDepths(1140); sprite5_mc._alpha = 100; sprite6_mc._x = wcx + chide; sprite6_mc._y = wcy - chide; sprite6_mc._rotation = ca - ((kiss * 12) / 10); sprite6_mc.gotoAndStop(54); sprite6_mc.swapDepths(1120); sprite6_mc._alpha = 100; sprite7_mc._x = 0; sprite7_mc._y = 0; sprite7_mc._rotation = 0; sprite7_mc.gotoAndStop(55); sprite7_mc.swapDepths(1240); sprite7_mc._alpha = 100; sprite8_mc._x = wcx; sprite8_mc._y = wcy; sprite8_mc._rotation = 45; sprite8_mc.gotoAndStop(56); sprite8_mc.swapDepths(1119); sprite8_mc._alpha = 100; cx = 555 - adjy; cy = 494 + stoop; cha = (cha8 + kiss) + prekiss; craa = carmsup + 10; claa = ((carmsup + 10) * 12) / 10; chrad = 330; choa = 1.3; xadd = sine(choa + cba) * chrad; yadd = (-cosine(choa + cba)) * chrad; chx = cx + xadd; chy = cy + yadd; crarad = 256; craoa = 5.6; xadd = sine(craoa + cba) * crarad; yadd = (-cosine(craoa + cba)) * crarad; crax = cx + xadd; cray = cy + yadd; clarad = 223; claoa = 8.2; xadd = sine(claoa + cba) * clarad; yadd = (-cosine(claoa + cba)) * clarad; clax = cx + xadd; clay = cy + yadd; crhrad = 99; crhoa = -50; xadd = sine(crhoa + cha) * crhrad; yadd = (-cosine(crhoa + cha)) * crhrad; crhx = chx + xadd; crhy = chy + yadd; clhrad = 98; clhoa = -39; xadd = sine(clhoa + cha) * clhrad; yadd = (-cosine(clhoa + cha)) * clhrad; clhx = chx + xadd; clhy = chy + yadd; sprite9_mc._x = cx; sprite9_mc._y = cy; sprite9_mc._rotation = 45 + cba; sprite9_mc.gotoAndStop(58); sprite9_mc.swapDepths(1101); sprite9_mc._alpha = 100; sprite10_mc._x = chx; sprite10_mc._y = chy; sprite10_mc._rotation = 45 + cha; sprite10_mc.gotoAndStop(59); sprite10_mc.swapDepths(1111); sprite10_mc._alpha = 100; sprite11_mc._x = crax; sprite11_mc._y = cray; sprite11_mc._rotation = -45 + craa; sprite11_mc.gotoAndStop(60); sprite11_mc.swapDepths(999); sprite11_mc._alpha = 100; sprite12_mc._x = clax; sprite12_mc._y = clay; sprite12_mc._rotation = -45 + claa; sprite12_mc.gotoAndStop(61); sprite12_mc.swapDepths(1230); sprite12_mc._alpha = 100; sprite13_mc._x = crhx; sprite13_mc._y = crhy; sprite13_mc._rotation = 0; sprite13_mc.gotoAndStop(62); sprite13_mc.swapDepths(1059); sprite13_mc._alpha = 100; sprite14_mc._x = clhx; sprite14_mc._y = clhy; sprite14_mc._rotation = 0; sprite14_mc.gotoAndStop(63); sprite14_mc.swapDepths(1114); sprite14_mc._alpha = 100; eyefrtab = [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 4, 4, 4]; if (kissframe) { kissfrtab = [0, -3, -2, -1, -1]; mouthframe = kissfrtab[kissframe]; eyeframe = eyefrtab[kissframe]; } else if (lickframe) { lickfrtab = [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 4, 4, 4]; mouthframe = lickfrtab[lickframe]; eyeframe = eyefrtab[lickframe]; } else { mouthframe = 0; } sprite15_mc._x = chx; sprite15_mc._y = chy; sprite15_mc._rotation = 45 + cha; sprite15_mc.gotoAndStop(67 + mouthframe); sprite15_mc.swapDepths(1112); sprite15_mc._alpha = 100; sprite16_mc._x = chx; sprite16_mc._y = chy; sprite16_mc._rotation = 45 + cha; sprite16_mc.gotoAndStop(72 + eyeframe); sprite16_mc.swapDepths(1113); sprite16_mc._alpha = 100; mon2 = (((((((((("pd:" + pantsdown) + "\tcha8:") + cha8) + " stoop:") + stoop) + " cba:") + floor(cba)) + " kisses:") + kisses) + " lfr:") + lickframe; } function labbj4() { if (bg2alpha < 100) { bg2alpha = bg2alpha + 10; } csx = -76; csy = -69; wsx = -94; wsy = 223; if (lsay == 0) { saythisl(4, 50, 3, csx, csy); wait = 80; lsay = 1; } else if (lsay == 1) { if (wait) { wait--; } else { saythisl(5, 50, 2, wsx, wsy); wait = 80; lsay = 2; } } else if (lsay == 2) { if (wait) { wait--; } else { saythisl(6, 50, 2, wsx, wsy); wait = 80; lsay = 3; } } else if (lsay == 3) { if (wait) { wait--; } else { cba = -14; cha8 = 20; lookwooster = 1; phase = 10; strokes = 0; pelrefx = (peldx = (peldy = 0)); attach = 0; } } bg_mc.swapDepths(0); bg2_mc.swapDepths(10000); bg_mc.gotoAndStop(9); bg2_mc.gotoAndStop(14); bg_mc._x = 320; bg_mc._y = 240; bg_mc._xscale = 100; bg_mc._yscale = 100; bg2_mc._x = 320; bg2_mc._y = 240; bg2_mc._xscale = 100; bg2_mc._yscale = 100; bg_mc._alpha = 100; bg2_mc._alpha = bg2alpha; if (bg2alpha < 100) { bg2alpha = bg2alpha + 10; } } function labbj5() { shang = shang + 141; if (lookwooster) { dx = cha8 - -15; if (dx > 16) { dx = 16; } cha8 = cha8 - (dx / 8); if (cha8 <= -14.5) { cha8 = -15; lookwooster = 0; } } else if (attach == 0) { arrowx = 183; arrowy = -96; attacharrow = 1; dx = cmousex - arrowx; dy = cmousey - arrowy; if ((abs(dx) < 20) && (abs(dy) < 20)) { attach = 1; attachy = cmousey; attachx = cmousex; omousey = cmousey; attacharrow = 0; mdx = 0; } } else { if (debug && (Key.isDown(67))) { cumming = 1; cumcba = cba; } if (cummed) { tx = -19; dx = tx - cba; cba = cba + (dx / 64); if (dripyscale < 150) { dripyscale++; dripadd = 0; } else { dripy = dripy + dripadd; dripadd = dripadd + 1; if (dripy > 800) { dripyscale = 100; dripadd = (dripy = 0); drips++; if ((drips >= 2) && (!goblackslow)) { goblackslow = 1; } } } mon4 = ((((" dys:" + dripyscale) + " dy:") + dripy) + " ") + dripadd; } else if (cumming) { aadd = (sine(fang) * 43) / 10; tx = -23; dx = tx - cumcba; cumcba = cumcba + (dx / 4); if (abs(dx) < 1) { centered = 1; } if (!squirt) { fang = fang + autospeed; if (fang >= 360) { fang = fang - 360; } } if (squirtreq) { if ((fang >= 270) && (ofang < 270)) { squirts++; squirt = 15; squirtreq = 0; usquirt = squirts + 4; if (usquirt > 7) { usquirt = usquirt - 7; } sayfile(("mlove" + usquirt) + ".wav"); if (squirts >= 8) { squirts = 8; cummed = 1; } cumalpha = squirts * 12.5; } } else if (squirt) { squirt--; sqdeptab = [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 3, 2, 1, 0, 0]; depth = sqdeptab[squirt]; shudadd = sine(shang) * (depth * 0.06); } else if (centered) { if (amp < 1) { amp = amp + 0.1; } cumming++; if ((cumming % 40) == 0) { squirtreq = 1; } } ofang = fang; aadd = sine(fang) * (4 * amp); cba = cumcba + aadd; mon3 = (((((("cum:" + cumming) + " squirts:") + squirts) + " squirt:") + squirt) + "sqrq:") + squirtreq; } else { amdx = cmousex - attachx; dx = amdx - mdx; if ((cba < -26.5) && (dx < 0)) { mdx = mdx + (dx / 32); } else { mdx = mdx + (dx / 4); } cba = -14 + (mdx / 16); if (cba > -14) { cba = -14; } if (cba < -33) { cba = -33; } maxdepth = strokes / 8; if (cba < (-27 - maxdepth)) { cba = -27 - maxdepth; } depth = -27 - cba; if (depth < 0) { depth = 0; } if (depth > 1.7) { depth = 1.7; deeppleasure = deeppleasure + deepadd; if (deepadd == 1) { say("muhh"); } deepadd = deepadd - 0.008; strokesub = strokesub + 0.008; if (strokesub > 0.5) { strokesub = 0.5; } if (deepadd < 0) { deepadd = 0; } if (deeppleasure > 100) { deeppleasure = 100; } } else { deepadd = 1; strokesub = 0.1; } shudadd = sine(shang) * (depth * 0.11); if (cba >= -25) { kissreset = 0; } else if (cba <= -27) { if (kissreset == 0) { strokes++; kissreset = 1; strokepleasure = strokepleasure + 4; if (strokepleasure > 100) { strokepleasure = 100; } } } strokepleasure = strokepleasure - strokesub; if (strokepleasure < 0) { strokepleasure = 0; } deeppleasure = deeppleasure - 0.15; if (deeppleasure < 0) { deeppleasure = 0; } } pmove = cba + 18; if (pmove > 0) { pmove = 0; } wpa = pmove * 0.4; wpa = pmove * (strokepleasure / 100); wpa = wpa + shudadd; kiss = ((cba + 14) * 9) / 10; headframe = -floor(((cba + 14) - -0.6) * 2); if (headframe < 0) { headframe = 0; } if (headframe > 6) { headframe = 6; } stoop = 40 + (((cba + 14) * -56) / 100); if (cba <= -20) { bjxtra1 = (cba + 20) * -0.6; bjytra1 = (cba + 20) * -1.2; } else { bjxtra1 = (bjytra1 = 0); } if (cba <= -27) { bjxtra2 = (cba + 27) * -4.8; bjytra2 = (cba + 27) * -4.9; dshort = 1; } else { bjxtra2 = (bjytra2 = (dshort = 0)); } } ca = 46.1; bg_mc.swapDepths(0); bg2_mc.swapDepths(10000); bg_mc.gotoAndStop(13); bg2_mc.gotoAndStop(14); bg_mc._x = 320; bg_mc._y = 240; bg_mc._xscale = 100; bg_mc._yscale = 100; bg2_mc._x = 320; bg2_mc._y = 240; bg2_mc._xscale = 100; bg2_mc._yscale = 100; bg_mc._alpha = 100; bg2_mc._alpha = bg2alpha; if (bg2alpha > 0) { bg2alpha = bg2alpha - 5; } wx = 173; wy = 320; wsx = wx - 5; wsy = wy - 148; rla = (wpa * -32) / 100; raa = (wpa * -55) / 100; raa = (wpa * (-deeppleasure)) / 100; raa = raa + 6; rlrad = 119; rloa = 178; xadd = sine(rloa + wpa) * rlrad; yadd = (-cosine(rloa + wpa)) * rlrad; wrlx = wsx + xadd; wrly = wsy + yadd; crad = 159.6; coa = 143.4; xadd = sine(coa + wpa) * crad; yadd = (-cosine(coa + wpa)) * crad; wncx = wsx + xadd; wncy = wsy + yadd; if (pelrefx == 0) { pelrefx = wncx; pelrefy = wncy; } else { peldx = wncx - pelrefx; peldy = wncy - pelrefy; } shirtangle = (wpa * 17) / 100; wcx = wx + 90; wcy = wy - 20; sprite1_mc._x = wsx - 10; sprite1_mc._y = wsy - 175; sprite1_mc._rotation = 45 + shirtangle; sprite1_mc.gotoAndStop(95); sprite1_mc.swapDepths(1239); sprite1_mc._alpha = 100; sprite5_mc._x = wsx; sprite5_mc._y = wsy; sprite5_mc._rotation = 45 + wpa; sprite5_mc.gotoAndStop(96); sprite5_mc.swapDepths(1115); sprite5_mc._alpha = 100; sprite17_mc._x = wrlx; sprite17_mc._y = wrly; sprite17_mc._rotation = 45 + rla; sprite17_mc.gotoAndStop(97); sprite17_mc.swapDepths(1124); sprite17_mc._alpha = 100; sprite18_mc._x = wrlx; sprite18_mc._y = wrly; sprite18_mc._rotation = -30 + rla; sprite18_mc.gotoAndStop(98); sprite18_mc.swapDepths(1112); sprite18_mc._alpha = 100; sprite2_mc._x = wx + ((pantsdown * 12) / 100); sprite2_mc._y = wy + pantsdown; sprite2_mc._rotation = 0; sprite2_mc.gotoAndStop(50); sprite2_mc.swapDepths(1200); sprite2_mc._alpha = 100; sprite3_mc._x = wx + ((pantsdown * 12) / 100); sprite3_mc._y = wy + pantsdown; sprite3_mc._rotation = -45 + lpangle; sprite3_mc.gotoAndStop(51); sprite3_mc.swapDepths(1210); sprite3_mc._alpha = 100; sprite4_mc._x = wx + ((pantsdown * 12) / 100); sprite4_mc._y = wy + pantsdown; sprite4_mc._rotation = -45 + rpangle; sprite4_mc.gotoAndStop(52); sprite4_mc.swapDepths(1220); sprite4_mc._alpha = 100; sprite6_mc._x = wncx + chide; sprite6_mc._y = wncy - chide; sprite6_mc._rotation = ca - ((kiss * 10) / 10); if (dshort) { sprite6_mc.gotoAndStop(94); } else { sprite6_mc.gotoAndStop(54); } sprite6_mc.swapDepths(1120); sprite6_mc._alpha = 100; sprite19_mc._x = wncx; sprite19_mc._y = wncy; sprite19_mc._rotation = wpa; sprite19_mc.gotoAndStop(99); sprite19_mc.swapDepths(1121); sprite19_mc._alpha = 100; sprite7_mc._x = 0; sprite7_mc._y = 0; sprite7_mc._rotation = raa; sprite7_mc.gotoAndStop(55); sprite7_mc.swapDepths(1240); sprite7_mc._alpha = 100; sprite8_mc._x = wncx; sprite8_mc._y = wncy; sprite8_mc._rotation = 45; sprite8_mc.gotoAndStop(56); sprite8_mc.swapDepths(1119); sprite8_mc._alpha = 100; cx = 555; cy = ((494 + stoop) + bjytra1) + bjytra2; cx = cx + peldx; cy = cy + peldy; cha = ((cha8 + kiss) + bjxtra1) + bjxtra2; craa = carmsup + 10; claa = ((carmsup + 10) * 12) / 10; chrad = 330; choa = 1.3; xadd = sine(choa + cba) * chrad; yadd = (-cosine(choa + cba)) * chrad; chx = cx + xadd; chy = cy + yadd; crarad = 256; craoa = 5.6; xadd = sine(craoa + cba) * crarad; yadd = (-cosine(craoa + cba)) * crarad; crax = cx + xadd; cray = cy + yadd; clarad = 223; claoa = 8.2; xadd = sine(claoa + cba) * clarad; yadd = (-cosine(claoa + cba)) * clarad; clax = cx + xadd; clay = cy + yadd; crhrad = 99; crhoa = -50; xadd = sine(crhoa + cha) * crhrad; yadd = (-cosine(crhoa + cha)) * crhrad; crhx = chx + xadd; crhy = chy + yadd; clhrad = 98; clhoa = -39; xadd = sine(clhoa + cha) * clhrad; yadd = (-cosine(clhoa + cha)) * clhrad; clhx = chx + xadd; clhy = chy + yadd; cdrad = 105; cdoa = -91; xadd = sine(cdoa + cha) * cdrad; yadd = (-cosine(cdoa + cha)) * cdrad; cdx = chx + xadd; cdy = chy + yadd; sprite9_mc._x = cx; sprite9_mc._y = cy; sprite9_mc._rotation = 45 + cba; sprite9_mc.gotoAndStop(58); sprite9_mc.swapDepths(1101); sprite9_mc._alpha = 100; sprite10_mc._x = chx; sprite10_mc._y = chy; sprite10_mc._rotation = 45 + cha; sprite10_mc.gotoAndStop(78 + headframe); sprite10_mc.swapDepths(1118); sprite10_mc._alpha = 100; sprite15_mc._x = chx; sprite15_mc._y = chy; sprite15_mc._rotation = 45 + cha; sprite15_mc.gotoAndStop(86 + headframe); sprite15_mc.swapDepths(1141); sprite15_mc._alpha = 100; sprite21_mc._x = chx; sprite21_mc._y = chy; sprite21_mc._rotation = 45 + cha; sprite21_mc.gotoAndStop(100); sprite21_mc.swapDepths(1142); sprite21_mc._alpha = cumalpha; sprite22_mc._x = cdx; sprite22_mc._y = cdy + dripy; sprite22_mc._yscale = dripyscale; sprite22_mc._rotation = 0; sprite22_mc.gotoAndStop(101); sprite22_mc.swapDepths(1117); sprite22_mc._alpha = cumalpha; sprite11_mc._x = crax; sprite11_mc._y = cray; sprite11_mc._rotation = -45 + craa; sprite11_mc.gotoAndStop(60); sprite11_mc.swapDepths(999); sprite11_mc._alpha = 100; sprite12_mc._x = clax; sprite12_mc._y = clay; sprite12_mc._rotation = -45 + claa; sprite12_mc.gotoAndStop(61); sprite12_mc.swapDepths(1230); sprite12_mc._alpha = 100; sprite13_mc._x = crhx; sprite13_mc._y = crhy; sprite13_mc._rotation = 0; sprite13_mc.gotoAndStop(62); sprite13_mc.swapDepths(1059); sprite13_mc._alpha = 100; sprite14_mc._x = clhx; sprite14_mc._y = clhy; sprite14_mc._rotation = 0; sprite14_mc.gotoAndStop(63); sprite14_mc.swapDepths(1144); sprite14_mc._alpha = 100; sprite16_mc._alpha = 0; showmeters(); mon2 = (((((("cha8:" + cha8) + " cba:") + floor(cba)) + " strokep:") + floor(strokepleasure)) + " deepp:") + floor(deeppleasure); } function showmeters() { if (((!cumming) && (strokepleasure >= 99.5)) && (deeppleasure >= 98)) { cumming = 1; cumcba = cba; } if (cumming) { strokepleasure = (deeppleasure = 100); if (meteralpha > 0) { meteralpha = meteralpha - 0.5; } } bar1_mc.gotoAndStop(2); bar2_mc.gotoAndStop(3); bar1_mc.swapDepths(3001); bar2_mc.swapDepths(3002); meter1_mc.swapDepths(3003); meter2_mc.swapDepths(3004); meter1_mc._x = 605; meter2_mc._x = 615; meter1_mc._y = 456; meter2_mc._y = 456; bar1_mc._x = meter1_mc._x; bar2_mc._x = meter2_mc._x; bar1_mc._y = meter1_mc._y; bar2_mc._y = meter1_mc._y; bar1_mc._yscale = strokepleasure; bar2_mc._yscale = deeppleasure; meter1_mc._alpha = meteralpha; meter2_mc._alpha = meteralpha; bar1_mc._alpha = meteralpha; bar2_mc._alpha = meteralpha; } function onwhiteboard() { if (!buttonpress) { sbrel = 1; } if (!showboard) { if (bg3alpha > 0) { bg3alpha = bg3alpha - 10; } if (phase == 0) { hx1 = 140; hx2 = 274; hy1 = 223; hy2 = 264; } else { hx1 = 145; hx2 = 268; hy1 = 199; hy2 = 243; } if ((((((mousex >= hx1) && (mousex < hx2)) && (mousey >= hy1)) && (mousey < hy2)) && (buttonpress)) && (sbrel)) { showboard = 1; sbrel = 0; } } else { if (bg3alpha < 100) { bg3alpha = bg3alpha + 10; } if (sbrel && (buttonpress)) { showboard = 0; sbrel = 0; } } } function ititle() { hideall(); bg2alpha = 0; if (!teaser) { webmasters_mc._x = 320; webmasters_mc._y = 479; webmasters_mc.swapDepths(26431); webmasters_mc.gotoAndStop(1); webmasters_mc._alpha = 100; } startframe = 1; scenestarted = 1; } function dotitle() { if (!scenestarted) { ititle(); } dozoom(); bg_mc.swapDepths(0); bg_mc.gotoAndStop(1); bg_mc.swapDepths(0); bg2_mc.swapDepths(1); bg_mc.gotoAndStop(1); bg2_mc.gotoAndStop(8); bg_mc._x = 320; bg_mc._y = 240; bg_mc._xscale = 100; bg_mc._yscale = 100; bg2_mc._x = 320; bg2_mc._y = 240; bg2_mc._xscale = 100; bg2_mc._yscale = 100; bg_mc._alpha = 100; bg2_mc._alpha = bg2alpha; beta_mc.swapDepths(20005); beta_mc._x = 599; beta_mc._y = 481; if (!allviewed) { startbutton_mc._x = -10000; } else { startbutton_mc._x = 320; } startbutton_mc._y = 449; startbutton_mc.swapDepths(20009); startbutton_mc.gotoAndStop(startframe); showpoptype = 10; showpop = 1; } function dozoom() { i = 0; px = (platex = 124 + adjx); py = (platey = 307 + adjy); changed = 0; onsomeone = 0; i = 0; while (i < 9) { dx = cmousex - casthotx[i]; dy = cmousey - casthoty[i]; mon2 = (((((((("who:" + onwho) + " pa:") + platealpha) + " str:") + strlen) + " allv:") + allviewed) + " ") + viewed[0]; if (((abs(dx) < 20) && (dy < 150)) && (dy > -30)) { onsomeone++; if ((i != onwho) && (platealpha > 50)) { changed = 1; } else { if (i != onwho) { onwho = -1; } if (onwho < 0) { if (language == 0) { showplate(castwho[i], English[(150 + i) * 2], px, py); } else if (language == 1) { showplate(castwho[i], German[(150 + i) * 2], px, py); } else if (language == 2) { showplate(castwho[i], French[(150 + i) * 2], px, py); } else if (language == 3) { showplate(castwho[i], Italian[(150 + i) * 2], px, py); } else if (language == 4) { showplate(castwho[i], Spanish[(150 + i) * 2], px, py); } else if (language == 5) { showplate(castwho[i], Russian[(150 + i) * 2], px, py); } } onwho = i; viewed[i]++; } } i++; } if (onsomeone == 0) { onwho = -1; if (allviewed) { exitready = 1; } } if ((onwho >= 0) && (!changed)) { if (platealpha < 100) { platealpha = platealpha + 10; } } else if (platealpha > 0) { platealpha = platealpha - 10; } allviewed = 1; i = 0; while (i < castmembers) { if (viewed[i] < 2) { allviewed = 0; } i++; } bg_mc._x = 320; bg_mc._y = 240; bg_mc._xscale = 100; bg_mc._yscale = 100; } function seqtest() { if (Key.isDown(49)) { if (tmptheme != 1) { ChangeTheme(Theme1, 0); tmptheme = 1; } } else if (Key.isDown(50)) { if (ymptheme != 2) { ChangeTheme(Theme2, 0); tmptheme = 2; } } else if (Key.isDown(51)) { if (tmptheme != 3) { ChangeTheme(Theme3, 0); tmptheme = 3; } } } function ishower() { hideall(2); zoom = 75; xscroll = 500; yscroll = 500; vm = 1; lhrubspot = 3; rhrubspot = 2; lhrubdly = 120; rhrubdly = 150; rhx = 458; rhy = 584; lhx = 429; lhy = 505; ltitdone = 0; rtitdone = 0; pussydone = 0; facedone = 0; alldone = 0; jface = 0; rubwhat = 0; showertime = 0; smoky = 0; smokealpha = 46; scenestarted = 1; maxx = (minx = (maxy = (miny = 500))); bg2alpha = 0; easter = 0; easterrel = 0; loopvol = 80; if (scene < 6) { showerloop(); } } function doshower() { if (!scenestarted) { ishower(); } if (easter) { if (bg2alpha < 100) { bg2alpha = bg2alpha + 10; } else { easter--; } } else { if (bg2alpha > 0) { bg2alpha = bg2alpha - 10; } showerkeys(); rain(); dojana(); showerrub(); docircle(); } bg_mc.swapDepths(0); bg_mc.gotoAndStop(10); bg_mc._x = 320 - (xscroll * vm); bg_mc._y = 240 - (yscroll * vm); bg_mc._xscale = zoom; bg_mc._yscale = zoom; bg_mc._alpha = 100; beta_mc.swapDepths(20005); beta_mc._x = 599; beta_mc._y = 481; bg2_mc.swapDepths(12000); bg2_mc.gotoAndStop(76); bg2_mc._x = 320; bg2_mc._y = 240; bg2_mc._alpha = bg2alpha; bg2_mc._xscale = 100; bg2_mc._yscale = 100; if (xscroll < 600) { easterrel = 1; } if (((((!easter) && (scene != 6)) && (easterrel)) && (xscroll >= 808)) && (yscroll < 155)) { easterrel = 0; easter = 80; } } function showerkeys() { if (debug && (Key.isDown(81))) { gowhiteslow = 1; } if (scene == 6) { vm2 = vm * 2.5; if (rubwhat == 2) { if (yscroll < 725) { yscroll = yscroll + vm2; } if (zoom < 200) { zoom = zoom + 0.6; } } } if ((alldone && (zoom <= 75)) && (gowhiteslow == 0)) { gowhiteslow = 1; } if ((buttonpress && (!alldone)) && (scene != 6)) { if (zoom < 200) { zoom = zoom + 2; xspd = 6; if (cmousey < -200) { xspd = 8; } dx = cmousex * (xspd / 500); dy = cmousey * (xspd / 500); xscroll = xscroll + dx; yscroll = yscroll + dy; } } else if (rubwhat != 2) { if (zoom > 75) { zoom = zoom - 2; } if (scene == 6) { if (xscroll > 431) { xscroll = xscroll - 1; } if (xscroll < 429) { xscroll = xscroll + 1; } } else { if (xscroll > 501) { xscroll = xscroll - 1; } if (xscroll < 499) { xscroll = xscroll + 1; } } if (yscroll > 501) { yscroll = yscroll - 1; } if (yscroll < 499) { yscroll = yscroll + 1; } } maxx = 500 * (zoom / 114); if (maxx < 502) { maxx = 502; } minx = 500 + (500 - (500 * (zoom / 126))); if (minx > 500) { minx = 500; } maxy = 500 * (zoom / 94); if (maxy < 500) { maxy = 500; } miny = 500 + (500 - (500 * (zoom / 114))); if (miny > 500) { miny = 500; } if (xscroll > maxx) { xscroll = maxx; } if ((xscroll < minx) && (scene != 6)) { xscroll = minx; } if (yscroll > maxy) { yscroll = maxy; } if (yscroll < miny) { yscroll = miny; } vm = zoom / 100; } function rain() { rainx = 167; rainy = 142; dropx = 284; dropy = 366; rangle = -30; ralpha = 64 + zadjy; dalpha = 74 + zadjy; rx = 2.2; fall = fall + rx; if (fall > 12) { fall = 0; } fall2 = fall2 + rx; if (fall2 > 12) { fall2 = 0; } fall3 = fall3 + rx; if (fall3 > 12) { fall3 = 0; } sprite1_mc._x = (320 + (rainx * vm)) - (xscroll * vm); sprite1_mc._y = (240 + (rainy * vm)) - (yscroll * vm); sprite1_mc._xscale = zoom; sprite1_mc._yscale = zoom + (fall * vm); sprite1_mc._rotation = rangle; sprite1_mc.gotoAndStop(30); sprite1_mc.swapDepths(1100); sprite1_mc._alpha = ralpha; sprite2_mc._x = (320 + (rainx * vm)) - (xscroll * vm); sprite2_mc._y = (240 + (rainy * vm)) - (yscroll * vm); sprite2_mc._xscale = zoom; sprite2_mc._yscale = zoom + (fall2 * vm); sprite2_mc._rotation = rangle; sprite2_mc.gotoAndStop(30); sprite2_mc.swapDepths(1101); sprite2_mc._alpha = ralpha; sprite3_mc._x = (320 + (rainx * vm)) - (xscroll * vm); sprite3_mc._y = (240 + (rainy * vm)) - (yscroll * vm); sprite3_mc._xscale = zoom; sprite3_mc._yscale = zoom + (fall3 * vm); sprite3_mc._rotation = rangle; sprite3_mc.gotoAndStop(30); sprite3_mc.swapDepths(1102); sprite3_mc._alpha = ralpha; dwid = 100; dlen = 150; sprite4_mc._x = (320 + (dropx * vm)) - (xscroll * vm); sprite4_mc._y = (240 + (dropy * vm)) - (yscroll * vm); sprite4_mc._xscale = zoom * (dwid / 100); sprite4_mc._yscale = (zoom * (dlen / 100)) + (fall * vm); sprite4_mc._rotation = rangle; sprite4_mc.gotoAndStop(31); sprite4_mc.swapDepths(1103); sprite4_mc._alpha = dalpha; sprite5_mc._x = (320 + (dropx * vm)) - (xscroll * vm); sprite5_mc._y = (240 + (dropy * vm)) - (yscroll * vm); sprite5_mc._xscale = zoom * (dwid / 100); sprite5_mc._yscale = (zoom * (dlen / 100)) + (fall2 * vm); sprite5_mc._rotation = rangle; sprite5_mc.gotoAndStop(31); sprite5_mc.swapDepths(1104); sprite5_mc._alpha = dalpha; sprite6_mc._x = (320 + (dropx * vm)) - (xscroll * vm); sprite6_mc._y = (240 + (dropy * vm)) - (yscroll * vm); sprite6_mc._xscale = zoom * (dwid / 100); sprite6_mc._yscale = (zoom * (dlen / 100)) + (fall3 * vm); sprite6_mc._rotation = rangle; sprite6_mc.gotoAndStop(31); sprite6_mc.swapDepths(1105); sprite6_mc._alpha = dalpha; smoky = smoky - 1; if (smoky <= -240) { smoky = 240; } smokealpha = 100 - ((zoom - 75) * 0.6); bg2_mc.swapDepths(3000); bg2_mc.gotoAndStop(11); bg2_mc._alpha = smokealpha; bg2_mc._x = 0; bg2_mc._y = -240 + smoky; bg2_mc._yscale = 200; } function dojana() { jx = 415; jy = 570; rtrad = 139; rtoa = -19; xadd = sine(rtoa + jba) * rtrad; yadd = (-cosine(rtoa + jba)) * rtrad; jrtitx = jx + xadd; jrtity = jy + yadd; ltrad = 124; ltoa = 6; xadd = sine(ltoa + jba) * ltrad; yadd = (-cosine(ltoa + jba)) * ltrad; jltitx = jx + xadd; jltity = jy + yadd; rshrad = 210; rshoa = -8; xadd = sine(rshoa + jba) * rshrad; yadd = (-cosine(rshoa + jba)) * rshrad; jrshx = jx + xadd; jrshy = jy + yadd; rsha = 220; rela = 80; rshrad = 160.7; rshoa = -6.8; relrad = 160; dist2point = finddistance(jrshx, jrshy, jrhandx, jrhandy); ang2point = rad2deg(-Math.atan2(jrshx - jrhandx, jrshy - jrhandy)); point2arm = ang2point + 180; a = rshrad; b = relrad; c = dist2point; rareach = rshrad + relrad; if (dist2point >= rareach) { rsha = ang2point; rela = ang2point; } else { angleA = rad2deg(Math.acos((((b * b) + (c * c)) - (a * a)) / ((2 * b) * c))); angleB = rad2deg(Math.acos((((a * a) + (c * c)) - (b * b)) / ((2 * a) * c))); rsha = ang2point + angleB; rela = (point2arm - angleA) + 180; } xadd = sine(rshoa + rsha) * rshrad; yadd = (-cosine(rshoa + rsha)) * rshrad; jrelx = jrshx + xadd; jrely = jrshy + yadd; lshrad = 220; lshoa = 29; xadd = sine(lshoa + jba) * lshrad; yadd = (-cosine(lshoa + jba)) * lshrad; jlshx = jx + xadd; jlshy = jy + yadd; lshrad = 176.5; lshoa = -0.9; lelrad = 190; dist2point = finddistance(jlshx, jlshy, jlhandx, jlhandy); ang2point = rad2deg(-Math.atan2(jlshx - jlhandx, jlshy - jlhandy)); point2arm = ang2point + 180; a = lelrad; b = lshrad; c = dist2point; lareach = lshrad + lelrad; if (dist2point >= lareach) { lsha = ang2point; lela = ang2point; } else { angleA = rad2deg(Math.acos((((b * b) + (c * c)) - (a * a)) / ((2 * b) * c))); angleB = rad2deg(Math.acos((((a * a) + (c * c)) - (b * b)) / ((2 * a) * c))); lsha = ang2point - angleA; lela = (point2arm + angleB) + 180; } xadd = sine(lshoa + lsha) * lshrad; yadd = (-cosine(lshoa + lsha)) * lshrad; jlelx = jlshx + xadd; jlely = jlshy + yadd; sprite7_mc._x = (320 + (jx * vm)) - (xscroll * vm); sprite7_mc._y = (240 + (jy * vm)) - (yscroll * vm); sprite7_mc._xscale = zoom; sprite7_mc._yscale = zoom; sprite7_mc._rotation = 0; sprite7_mc.gotoAndStop(32); sprite7_mc.swapDepths(1005); sprite7_mc._alpha = 100; sprite12_mc._x = (320 + (jx * vm)) - (xscroll * vm); sprite12_mc._y = (240 + (jy * vm)) - (yscroll * vm); sprite12_mc._xscale = zoom; sprite12_mc._yscale = zoom; sprite12_mc._rotation = 45 + jba; sprite12_mc.gotoAndStop(29); sprite12_mc.swapDepths(1006); sprite12_mc._alpha = 100; sprite21_mc._x = (320 + (jx * vm)) - (xscroll * vm); sprite21_mc._y = (240 + (jy * vm)) - (yscroll * vm); sprite21_mc._xscale = zoom; sprite21_mc._yscale = zoom; sprite21_mc._rotation = 45 + jba; sprite21_mc.gotoAndStop(26 + jface); sprite21_mc.swapDepths(1007); sprite21_mc._alpha = 100; sprite8_mc._x = (320 + (jrshx * vm)) - (xscroll * vm); sprite8_mc._y = (240 + (jrshy * vm)) - (yscroll * vm); sprite8_mc._xscale = zoom; sprite8_mc._yscale = zoom; sprite8_mc._rotation = -45 + rsha; sprite8_mc.gotoAndStop(33); sprite8_mc.swapDepths(1004); sprite8_mc._alpha = 100; sprite9_mc._x = (320 + (jrelx * vm)) - (xscroll * vm); sprite9_mc._y = (240 + (jrely * vm)) - (yscroll * vm); sprite9_mc._xscale = zoom; sprite9_mc._yscale = zoom; sprite9_mc._rotation = -45 + rela; sprite9_mc.gotoAndStop(34); sprite9_mc.swapDepths(1017); sprite9_mc._alpha = 100; sprite10_mc._x = (320 + (jlshx * vm)) - (xscroll * vm); sprite10_mc._y = (240 + (jlshy * vm)) - (yscroll * vm); sprite10_mc._xscale = zoom; sprite10_mc._yscale = zoom; sprite10_mc._rotation = -45 + lsha; sprite10_mc.gotoAndStop(35); sprite10_mc.swapDepths(1018); sprite10_mc._alpha = 100; sprite11_mc._x = (320 + (jlelx * vm)) - (xscroll * vm); sprite11_mc._y = (240 + (jlely * vm)) - (yscroll * vm); sprite11_mc._xscale = zoom; sprite11_mc._yscale = zoom; sprite11_mc._rotation = -45 + lela; sprite11_mc.gotoAndStop(36); sprite11_mc.swapDepths(1019); sprite11_mc._alpha = 100; sprite13_mc._x = ((320 + (jrtitx * vm)) + ((rtrubx / 8) * vm)) - (xscroll * vm); sprite13_mc._y = ((240 + (jrtity * vm)) + ((rtruby / 2) * vm)) - (yscroll * vm); sprite13_mc._xscale = zoom - ((rtrubx * 2) * vm); sprite13_mc._yscale = zoom; sprite13_mc._rotation = 45 + jba; sprite13_mc.gotoAndStop(37); sprite13_mc.swapDepths(1008); sprite13_mc._alpha = 100; sprite14_mc._x = ((320 + (jltitx * vm)) + (ltrubx * vm)) - (xscroll * vm); sprite14_mc._y = ((240 + (jltity * vm)) + (ltruby * vm)) - (yscroll * vm); sprite14_mc._xscale = zoom; sprite14_mc._yscale = zoom; sprite14_mc._rotation = 45 + jba; sprite14_mc.gotoAndStop(38); sprite14_mc.swapDepths(1009); sprite14_mc._alpha = 100; vb_mc._x = (320 + (vbx * vm)) - (xscroll * vm); vb_mc._y = (240 + (vby * vm)) - (yscroll * vm); vb_mc._xscale = 100; vb_mc._yscale = 100; vb_mc._rotation = 0; vb_mc.gotoAndStop(1); vb_mc.swapDepths(15008); vb_mc._alpha = 100; } function showerrub() { swaya = swaya + 8; jba = ((((rbendback + bendback) - bendover) + (sine(swaya) * (bendover / 2))) + (cosine(swaya) * (bendback / 3))) + (cosine(swaya) * (rbendback / 3)); jface = 0; rxmov = (rymov = 1); tx = rubspotx[rhrubspot]; ty = rubspoty[rhrubspot]; dx = tx - rhx; if (abs(rdx) < abs(dx / 12)) { rhx = rhx + rdx; rdx = rdx + (rdx / 2); } else if (abs(dx / 12) < 0.1) { rxmov = 0; } else { rhx = rhx + (dx / 12); } dy = ty - rhy; if (abs(rdy) < abs(dy / 12)) { rhy = rhy + rdy; rdy = rdy + (rdy / 2); } else if (abs(dy / 12) < 0.1) { rymov = 0; } else { rhy = rhy + (dy / 12); } if ((rxmov == 0) && (rymov == 0)) { rhrubdly--; if ((rhrubspot == 0) || (rhrubspot == 6)) { if (rbendback < 5) { rbendback = rbendback + 0.05; } jface = 1; } else if (rbendback > 0) { rbendback = rbendback - 0.05; } if (rhrubdly < 0) { rhrubdly = 100 + rnd(100); t = rnd(6); if (t == lhrubspot) { t = rnd(6); } if (t == lhrubspot) { t = rnd(6); } if (t == lhrubspot) { t = rnd(6); } if (t == lhrubspot) { t = lhrubspot + 1; if (t > 5) { t = 0; } } if (scene == 6) { t = 0; } rhrubspot = t; tx = rubspotx[rhrubspot]; ty = rubspoty[rhrubspot]; dx = tx - rhx; rdx = dx / 256; dy = ty - rhy; rdy = dy / 256; } if (rrub < 4) { rrub = rrub + 0.09; } if (rhrubspot == 0) { if (ltrub < 2) { ltrub = ltrub + 0.09; } } } else { if (rrub > 0) { rrub = rrub - 0.1; } else { rrub = 0; } if (rbendback > 0) { rbendback = rbendback - 0.05; } } rra = rra + 15; jrhandx = rhx + (sine(rra) * rrub); jrhandy = rhy + (cosine(rra) * rrub); xmov = (ymov = 1); tx = rubspotx[lhrubspot]; ty = rubspoty[lhrubspot]; dx = tx - lhx; if (abs(ldx) < abs(dx / 12)) { lhx = lhx + ldx; ldx = ldx + (ldx / 2); } else if (abs(dx / 12) < 0.1) { xmov = 0; } else { lhx = lhx + (dx / 12); } dy = ty - lhy; if (abs(ldy) < abs(dy / 12)) { lhy = lhy + ldy; ldy = ldy + (ldy / 2); } else if (abs(dy / 12) < 0.1) { ymov = 0; } else { lhy = lhy + (dy / 12); } if ((xmov == 0) && (ymov == 0)) { lhrubdly--; if ((lhrubspot == 0) || (lhrubspot == 6)) { if (bendback < 5) { bendback = bendback + 0.05; } jface = 1; } else if (bendback > 0) { bendback = bendback - 0.05; } if (lhrubspot >= 7) { if (bendover < 5) { jface = 1; bendover = bendover + 0.05; } if (bendover > 2) { jface = 2; } } else { if (bendover > 0) { bendover = bendover - 0.05; } if (bendover > 2) { jface = 2; } } if (lhrubdly < 0) { lhrubdly = 100 + rnd(100); t = rnd(10); if (t == rhrubspot) { t = rnd(9); } if (t == rhrubspot) { t = rnd(9); } if (t == rhrubspot) { t = rnd(9); } if (t == rhrubspot) { t = lhrubspot + 1; if (t > 7) { t = 0; } } if (t > 7) { t = 7; } if (scene == 6) { if (rubwhat == 2) { t = 7; } } lhrubspot = t; tx = rubspotx[lhrubspot]; ty = rubspoty[lhrubspot]; dx = tx - lhx; ldx = dx / 256; dy = ty - lhy; ldy = dy / 256; } if (lrub < 4) { lrub = lrub + 0.09; } if (lhrubspot == 0) { if (ltrub < 2) { ltrub = ltrub + 0.09; } } if (lhrubspot == 6) { if (rtrub < 2) { rtrub = rtrub + 0.09; } } } else { if (lrub > 0) { lrub = lrub - 0.1; } else { lrub = 0; } if (bendover > 0) { bendover = bendover - 0.05; } if (bendback > 0) { bendback = bendback - 0.05; } } lra = lra + 18; jlhandx = lhx + (sine(lra) * lrub); jlhandy = lhy + (cosine(lra) * lrub); lrx = sine(lra + 0) * ltrub; lry = cosine(lra + 0) * ltrub; rrx = sine(lra + 0) * rtrub; rry = cosine(lra + 0) * rtrub; rhrx = sine(rra + 0) * ltrub; rhry = cosine(rra + 0) * ltrub; if (((lhrubspot == 0) && (xmov == 0)) && (ymov == 0)) { ltrubx = lrx; ltruby = lry; } else if (((rhrubspot == 0) && (rxmov == 0)) && (rymov == 0)) { ltrubx = rhrx; ltruby = rhry; } else { dx = ltrubx; ltrubx = ltrubx - (dx / 8); dy = ltruby; ltruby = ltruby - (dy / 8); ltrub = 0; } if (((lhrubspot == 6) && (xmov == 0)) && (ymov == 0)) { rtrubx = rrx; rtruby = rry; } else { dx = rtrubx; rtrubx = rtrubx - (dx / 8); dy = rtruby; rtruby = rtruby - (dy / 8); rtrub = 0; } } function docircle() { if (zoom >= 200) { if (!ltitdone) { if ((((xscroll >= 415) && (xscroll <= 450)) && (yscroll >= 420)) && (yscroll <= 465)) { ltitdone = 1; circlepos = 1; circletime = 20; sayfile("ding.wav"); } } if (!rtitdone) { if ((((xscroll >= 330) && (xscroll <= 390)) && (yscroll >= 420)) && (yscroll <= 465)) { rtitdone = 1; circlepos = 2; circletime = 20; sayfile("ding.wav"); } } if (!pussydone) { if ((((xscroll >= 380) && (xscroll <= 455)) && (yscroll >= 630)) && (yscroll <= 700)) { pussydone = 1; circlepos = 3; circletime = 20; sayfile("ding.wav"); } } if (!facedone) { if ((((xscroll >= 430) && (xscroll <= 470)) && (yscroll >= 245)) && (yscroll <= 275)) { facedone = 1; circlepos = 4; circletime = 20; sayfile("ding.wav"); } } } if ((((ltitdone && (rtitdone)) && (facedone)) && (pussydone)) && (alldone == 0)) { alldone = 1; } if (circletime) { circletime--; if (circletime <= 0) { circlepos = 0; } } bcx = bcxp[circlepos]; bcy = bcyp[circlepos]; sprite15_mc._x = (320 + (bcx * vm)) - (xscroll * vm); sprite15_mc._y = (240 + (bcy * vm)) - (yscroll * vm); sprite15_mc._xscale = zoom; sprite15_mc._yscale = zoom; sprite15_mc._rotation = 0; sprite15_mc.gotoAndStop(39); sprite15_mc.swapDepths(3008); sprite15_mc._alpha = 100; if (ltitdone) { sprite16_mc._x = 616; } else { sprite16_mc._x = -10000; } sprite16_mc._y = 18; sprite16_mc._xscale = 10; sprite16_mc._yscale = 10; sprite16_mc._rotation = 0; sprite16_mc.gotoAndStop(39); sprite16_mc.swapDepths(3020); sprite16_mc._alpha = 100; if (rtitdone) { sprite17_mc._x = 600; } else { sprite17_mc._x = -10000; } sprite17_mc._y = 18; sprite17_mc._xscale = 10; sprite17_mc._yscale = 10; sprite17_mc._rotation = 0; sprite17_mc.gotoAndStop(39); sprite17_mc.swapDepths(3021); sprite17_mc._alpha = 100; if (facedone) { sprite18_mc._x = 608; } else { sprite18_mc._x = -10000; } sprite18_mc._y = 8; sprite18_mc._xscale = 10; sprite18_mc._yscale = 10; sprite18_mc._rotation = 0; sprite18_mc.gotoAndStop(39); sprite18_mc.swapDepths(3023); sprite18_mc._alpha = 100; if (pussydone) { sprite19_mc._x = 608; } else { sprite19_mc._x = -10000; } sprite19_mc._y = 31; sprite19_mc._xscale = 10; sprite19_mc._yscale = 10; sprite19_mc._rotation = 0; sprite19_mc.gotoAndStop(39); sprite19_mc.swapDepths(3024); sprite19_mc._alpha = 100; if (zoom >= 195) { sprite20_mc._x = 320; } else { sprite20_mc._x = -10000; } sprite20_mc._y = 240; sprite20_mc._xscale = 200; sprite20_mc._yscale = 200; sprite20_mc._rotation = 0; sprite20_mc.gotoAndStop(40); sprite20_mc.swapDepths(3025); sprite20_mc._alpha = 20; } function ischool() { ssay = 0; wait = 20; bg2alpha = 0; foundred = 0; if (phase < 5) { loopvol = 10; hallloop(); } else { stoploop(); } scenestarted = 1; } function doschool() { if (!scenestarted) { ischool(); } if (phase == 0) { school0(); } else if (phase == 1) { school1(); } else if (phase == 2) { school2(); } else if (phase == 3) { school3(); } else if (phase == 4) { school4(); } else if (phase == 5) { school5(); } } function school0() { bx = -125; by = -93 + adjy; mix = 86; miy = -171; if (ssay == 0) { if (bg2alpha > 0) { bg2alpha = 0; } if (wait) { wait--; } else { saythisl(10, 50, bub4r, bx, by); wait = 80; ssay = 1; } } else if (ssay == 1) { if (wait) { wait--; if (wait < 20) { if (bg2alpha < 100) { bg2alpha = bg2alpha + 10; } } } else { saythisl(11, 50, bub4l, mix, miy); wait = 80; ssay = 2; } } else if (ssay == 2) { if (wait) { wait--; } else { saythisl(12, 50, bub4l, mix, miy); wait = 80; ssay = 3; } } else if (ssay == 3) { if (wait) { wait--; } else { saythisl(13, 50, bub4l, mix, miy); wait = 80; ssay = 4; } } else if (ssay == 4) { bx = -91; by = -145; if (wait) { wait--; } else { saythisl(14, 50, bub4r, bx, by); wait = 60; ssay = 5; } } else if (ssay == 5) { if (wait) { wait--; } else { saythisl(15, 50, bub4r, bx, by); wait = 60; ssay = 6; } } else if (ssay == 6) { if (wait) { wait--; } else { saythisl(16, 50, bub4l, mix, miy); wait = 80; ssay = 7; } } else if (ssay == 7) { if (wait) { wait--; } else { ssay = 8; goblack = 10; } } bg_mc.swapDepths(0); bg2_mc.swapDepths(10000); bg_mc.gotoAndStop(15); bg2_mc.gotoAndStop(16); bg_mc._x = 320; bg_mc._y = 240; bg_mc._xscale = 100; bg_mc._yscale = 100; bg2_mc._x = 320; bg2_mc._y = 240; bg2_mc._xscale = 100; bg2_mc._yscale = 100; bg_mc._alpha = 100; bg2_mc._alpha = bg2alpha; } function school1() { tx = -146; ty = -134; jx = 85; jy = -150; if (ssay == 0) { if (bg2alpha > 0) { bg2alpha = 0; } if (wait) { wait--; } else { saythisl(20, 50, 13, tx, ty); wait = 80; ssay = 1; } } else if (ssay == 1) { if (wait) { wait--; } else { saythisl(21, 50, 11, jx, jy); wait = 80; ssay = 2; } } if (ssay == 2) { if (wait) { wait--; } else { saythisl(22, 50, 10, tx, ty); wait = 80; ssay = 3; } } else if (ssay == 3) { if (wait) { wait--; } else { ssay = 4; goblack = 10; } } bg_mc.swapDepths(0); bg2_mc.swapDepths(10000); bg_mc.gotoAndStop(17); bg2_mc.gotoAndStop(16); bg_mc._x = 320; bg_mc._y = 240; bg_mc._xscale = 100; bg_mc._yscale = 100; bg2_mc._x = 320; bg2_mc._y = 240; bg2_mc._xscale = 100; bg2_mc._yscale = 100; bg_mc._alpha = 100; bg2_mc._alpha = bg2alpha; } function school2() { g1x = -154; g1y = -161; g2x = -11; g2y = -145; if (ssay == 0) { if (bg2alpha > 0) { bg2alpha = 0; } if (wait) { wait--; } else { saythisl(23, 50, 13, g1x, g1y); wait = 80; ssay = 1; } } else if (ssay == 1) { if (wait) { wait--; } else { saythisl(24, 50, 12, g2x, g2y); wait = 80; ssay = 2; } } if (ssay == 2) { if (wait) { wait--; } else { saythisl(25, 50, 3, g1x, g1y); wait = 80; ssay = 3; } } else if (ssay == 3) { if (wait) { wait--; if (wait < 60) { if (bg2alpha < 100) { bg2alpha = bg2alpha + 20; } } } else { saythisl(26, 50, 11, g2x, g2y); wait = 80; ssay = 4; } } else if (ssay == 4) { if (wait) { wait--; if (wait < 60) { if (bg2alpha > 0) { bg2alpha = bg2alpha - 20; } } } else { saythisl(27, 50, 3, g1x, g1y); wait = 80; ssay = 5; } } else if (ssay == 5) { if (wait) { wait--; if (wait < 60) { if (bg2alpha < 100) { bg2alpha = bg2alpha + 20; } } } else { ssay = 6; goblack = 10; } } bg_mc.swapDepths(0); bg2_mc.swapDepths(10000); if (ssay >= 4) { bg_mc.gotoAndStop(20); } else { bg_mc.gotoAndStop(18); } if (ssay >= 5) { bg2_mc.gotoAndStop(21); } else { bg2_mc.gotoAndStop(19); } bg_mc._x = 320; bg_mc._y = 240; bg_mc._xscale = 100; bg_mc._yscale = 100; bg2_mc._x = 320; bg2_mc._y = 240; bg2_mc._xscale = 100; bg2_mc._yscale = 100; bg_mc._alpha = 100; bg2_mc._alpha = bg2alpha; } function school3() { tx = -128; ty = -96; jx = -122; jy = -177; mix = -84; miy = -155; bx = 122; by = -139; if (ssay == 0) { if (bg2alpha > 0) { bg2alpha = 0; } if (wait) { wait--; } else { saythisl(30, 50, 13, tx, ty); wait = 80; ssay = 1; } } else if (ssay == 1) { if (wait) { wait--; if (wait < 10) { if (bg2alpha < 100) { bg2alpha = bg2alpha + 20; } } } else { saythisl(31, 50, 13, jx, jy); wait = 80; ssay = 2; } } else if (ssay == 2) { if (wait) { wait--; if (wait < 10) { if (bg2alpha > 0) { bg2alpha = bg2alpha - 20; } } } else { saythisl(32, 50, 13, jx, jy); wait = 100; ssay = 3; } } else if (ssay == 3) { if (wait) { wait--; if (wait < 90) { if (bg2alpha < 100) { bg2alpha = bg2alpha + 20; if (bg2alpha >= 100) { sayfile("gaspsqueal.wav"); } } } if (wait == 80) { sayfile("crowdgiggle.wav"); } } else { wait = 40; ssay = 4; } } else if (ssay == 4) { if (wait) { wait--; if (wait < 20) { if (bg2alpha > 0) { bg2alpha = bg2alpha - 20; } } } else { saythisl(33, 50, 13, mix, miy); wait = 80; ssay = 5; } } else if (ssay == 5) { if (wait) { wait--; } else { saythisl(34, 50, 12, bx, by); wait = 80; ssay = 6; } } else if (ssay == 6) { if (wait) { wait--; } else { saythisl(35, 50, 12, bx, by); wait = 80; ssay = 7; } } else if (ssay == 7) { if (wait) { wait--; } else { ssay = 8; goblack = 10; } } bg_mc.swapDepths(0); bg2_mc.swapDepths(10000); if (ssay >= 4) { bg_mc.gotoAndStop(26); } else if (ssay >= 2) { bg_mc.gotoAndStop(24); } else { bg_mc.gotoAndStop(22); } if (ssay >= 3) { bg2_mc.gotoAndStop(25); } else { bg2_mc.gotoAndStop(23); } bg_mc._x = 320; bg_mc._y = 240; bg_mc._xscale = 100; bg_mc._yscale = 100; bg2_mc._x = 320; bg2_mc._y = 240; bg2_mc._xscale = 100; bg2_mc._yscale = 100; bg_mc._alpha = 100; bg2_mc._alpha = bg2alpha; } function school4() { tx = -158; ty = -104; jx = 155; jy = -120; bx = -129; by = -166; j2x = 79; j2y = -175; j3x = 164; j3y = -112; if (ssay == 0) { if (bg2alpha > 0) { bg2alpha = 0; } if (wait) { wait--; } else { saythisl(36, 50, 10, tx, ty); wait = 80; ssay = 1; } } else if (ssay == 1) { if (wait) { wait--; } else { saythisl(37, 50, 11, jx, jy); wait = 80; ssay = 2; } } else if (ssay == 2) { if (wait) { wait--; } else { saythisl(38, 50, 13, tx, ty); wait = 80; ssay = 3; } } else if (ssay == 3) { if (wait) { wait--; } else { saythisl(39, 50, 10, tx, ty); wait = 40; ssay = 4; } } else if (ssay == 4) { if (wait) { wait--; } else { saythisl(40, 50, 11, jx, jy); wait = 80; ssay = 5; } } else if (ssay == 5) { if (wait) { wait--; } else { saythisl(41, 50, 12, jx, jy); wait = 80; ssay = 6; } } else if (ssay == 6) { if (wait) { wait--; if (wait == 50) { sayfile("classbell.wav"); mmmSound.setVolume(50); } } else { saythisl(42, 50, 3, tx, ty); wait = 80; ssay = 7; } } else if (ssay == 7) { if (wait) { wait--; if (wait < 20) { if (bg2alpha < 100) { bg2alpha = bg2alpha + 20; } } } else { saythisl(43, 50, 3, bx, by); ssay = 8; wait = 80; } } else if (ssay == 8) { if (wait) { wait--; } else { saythisl(44, 50, 15, j2x, j2y); wait = 90; ssay = 9; } } else if (ssay == 9) { if (wait) { wait--; if (wait < 45) { if (bg2alpha > 0) { bg2alpha = bg2alpha - 20; } } } else { saythisl(45, 50, 15, j2x, j2y); wait = 80; ssay = 10; } } else if (ssay == 10) { if (wait) { wait--; if (wait < 40) { if (bg2alpha < 100) { bg2alpha = bg2alpha + 20; } } } else { saythisl(46, 50, 15, j2x + 30, j2y); wait = 20; ssay = 11; } } else if (ssay == 11) { if (wait) { wait--; if (wait < 10) { if (bg2alpha > 0) { bg2alpha = bg2alpha - 20; } } } else { saythisl(47, 50, 3, bx, by); wait = 80; ssay = 12; } } else if (ssay == 12) { if (wait) { wait--; if (wait < 70) { if (bg2alpha < 100) { bg2alpha = bg2alpha + 20; } } if (wait == 60) { saythisl(48, 50, 16, j3x, j3y); } } else { wait = 70; ssay = 13; goblack = 10; } } bg_mc.swapDepths(0); bg2_mc.swapDepths(10000); if (ssay >= 11) { bg_mc.gotoAndStop(31); } else if (ssay >= 9) { bg_mc.gotoAndStop(29); } else { bg_mc.gotoAndStop(27); } if (ssay >= 12) { bg2_mc.gotoAndStop(32); } else if (ssay >= 10) { bg2_mc.gotoAndStop(30); } else { bg2_mc.gotoAndStop(28); } bg_mc._x = 320; bg_mc._y = 240; bg_mc._xscale = 100; bg_mc._yscale = 100; bg2_mc._x = 320; bg2_mc._y = 240; bg2_mc._xscale = 100; bg2_mc._yscale = 100; bg_mc._alpha = 100; bg2_mc._alpha = bg2alpha; mon2 = (("\tph:" + phase) + " ssay:") + ssay; } function school5() { tx = 158; ty = -175; if (ssay == 0) { if (bg2alpha > 0) { bg2alpha = 0; } if (wait) { wait--; } else { saythisl(49, 60, 11, tx, ty); wait = 80; ssay = 1; } } else if (ssay == 1) { if (wait) { wait--; if (wait == 50) { sayvol(50); sayvol2(50); sayfile("bang1.wav"); } } else { saythisl(50, 50, 11, tx, ty); wait = 120; ssay = 2; } } else if (ssay == 2) { hotx = 178; hoty = 178; dx = abs(hotx - mousex); dy = abs(hoty - mousey); if (((!foundred) && (dx < 6)) && (dy < 6)) { foundred = 1; wait = 120; } if (foundred) { if (bg2alpha < 100) { bg2alpha = bg2alpha + 10; } } else { if (wait == 100) { sayfile2("bang1.wav"); } if (wait == 80) { sayfile("bang2.wav"); } if (wait == 40) { sayfile2("bang2.wav"); } if (wait == 20) { sayfile("bang2.wav"); } } if (wait) { wait--; } else { ssay = 3; goblack = 10; } } bg_mc.swapDepths(0); bg2_mc.swapDepths(10000); bg_mc.gotoAndStop(74); bg2_mc.gotoAndStop(75); bg_mc._x = 320; bg_mc._y = 240; bg_mc._xscale = 100; bg_mc._yscale = 100; bg2_mc._x = 320; bg2_mc._y = 240; bg2_mc._xscale = 100; bg2_mc._yscale = 100; bg_mc._alpha = 100; bg2_mc._alpha = bg2alpha; mon2 = (((("\tph:" + phase) + " ssay:") + ssay) + " w:") + wait; } function igym() { ssay = 0; wait = 60; bg2alpha = 0; auto = 0; scenestarted = 1; phase = 0; shownameplate(51, 320, 400); platealpha = 100; pdel = 50; jaa = 0; attach = 0; tattach = 0; feeling = 0; feels = (feelreset = 0); adx = (ady = 0); handsdown = 20; jigl = (jigr = 0); bouncea = 0; bounce = 0; bounceamp = 0; jigglesr = (jigglesl = 0); jrst = (jlst = 0); ca = (caadd = (tcaadd = 0)); ja = 0; strokes = 0; strokes1 = 0; strokes2 = 0; jackstrokes = 20; jrst = 0; situp = 0; jla = 0; titrub = (titsquish = 0); crouch = 0; tfuck = (ttfuck = (trfuck = 0)); tfa = 0; intensity = 0; tmx = (tmy = 0); shovecock = 0; slowstrokes = 0; tfx = 0; tfh = 0; moveadd = (tfa = (ttfa = 0)); fspeed = 0; tslam = (tslama = 0); fuckphase = 0; ba = (breath = 0); bspeed = 20; csalpha = 0; fuck = 0; fa = 0; tongue = 0; licking = 0; lickup = 0; sucking = 0; sa = 0; sspeed = 20; slowing = 0; sintensity = 0; suckmouth = (suckframe = 0); eyeframe = 0; sucked = 0; suckend = 0; aim = 0; delevation = 0; cumming = (cummed = (squirts = 0)); shudder = (shang = 0); shuddadd = 0; whiplash = 0; scrunch = 0; oqadjx = 0; squirting = 0; sqframe = 0; splatoa = [-73, -50, -52, -71, -41, -87, -58, -77]; splatrad = [117, 101, 143, 80, 136, 121, 155, 141]; splaton = [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]; editor = 0; oqadjx = -11111; drip3 = 0; drip5 = 30; droop = 0; } function dogym() { if (!scenestarted) { igym(); } if (pdel) { pdel--; } else if (platealpha) { platealpha = platealpha - 5; } if (phase == 0) { gym0(); } else if (phase == 1) { gym1(); } else if (phase == 2) { gym2(); } else if (phase == 3) { gym3(); } else if (phase == 4) { gym4(); } else if (phase == 5) { gym5(); } } function gym0() { jx = 149; jy = -124; j2x = 83; j2y = -128; j3x = j2x + 30; j3y = j2y + 37; tx = -43; ty = -155; t2x = -36; t2y = -149; t3x = t2x - 41; t3y = t2y + 15; if (ssay == 0) { if (bg2alpha > 0) { bg2alpha = 0; } if (wait) { wait--; } else { saythisl(60, 60, bub4l, jx, jy); wait = 70; ssay = 1; } } else if (ssay == 1) { if (wait) { wait--; } else { saythisl(61, 60, bub3r, tx, ty); wait = 70; ssay = 2; } } else if (ssay == 2) { if (wait) { wait--; } else { saythisl(62, 60, bub4l, jx, jy); wait = 70; ssay = 3; } } else if (ssay == 3) { if (wait) { wait--; } else { saythisl(63, 60, bub3r, tx, ty); wait = 70; ssay = 4; } } else if (ssay == 4) { if (wait) { wait--; } else { saythisl(64, 60, bub2l, jx, jy); wait = 70; ssay = 5; } } else if (ssay == 5) { if (wait) { wait--; } else { saythisl(65, 60, bub4r, tx, ty); wait = 120; ssay = 6; } } else if (ssay == 6) { if (wait) { wait--; if (wait < 20) { if (bg2alpha > 0) { bg2alpha = bg2alpha - 20; } } else if (wait < 60) { if (bg2alpha < 100) { bg2alpha = bg2alpha + 20; } } } else { saythisl(66, 60, bub4r, tx, ty); wait = 70; ssay = 7; } } else if (ssay == 7) { if (wait) { wait--; if (wait < 5) { if (bg2alpha > 0) { bg2alpha = bg2alpha - 20; } } else if (wait < 30) { if (bg2alpha < 100) { bg2alpha = bg2alpha + 20; } } } else { saythisl(67, 60, bub4r, tx, ty); wait = 70; ssay = 8; } } else if (ssay == 8) { if (wait) { wait--; if (wait < 10) { if (bg2alpha < 100) { bg2alpha = bg2alpha + 20; } } } else { saythisl(68, 60, bub2l, j2x, j2y); wait = 70; ssay = 9; } } else if (ssay == 9) { if (wait) { wait--; } else { saythisl(69, 50, bub2l, j2x, j2y); wait = 60; ssay = 10; } } else if (ssay == 10) { if (wait) { wait--; } else { saythisl(70, 60, bub2l, j2x, j2y); wait = 70; ssay = 11; } } else if (ssay == 11) { if (wait) { wait--; if (wait < 10) { if (bg2alpha > 0) { bg2alpha = bg2alpha - 20; } } } else { saythisl(71, 50, bub2r, t2x, t2y); wait = 60; ssay = 12; } } else if (ssay == 12) { if (wait) { wait--; if (wait < 10) { if (bg2alpha < 100) { bg2alpha = bg2alpha + 20; } } } else { saythisl(72, 60, bub2l, j2x, j2y); wait = 80; ssay = 13; } } else if (ssay == 13) { if (wait) { wait--; if (wait < 10) { if (bg2alpha > 0) { bg2alpha = bg2alpha - 20; } } } else { saythisl(73, 60, bub4r, t2x, t2y); wait = 80; ssay = 14; } } else if (ssay == 14) { if (wait) { wait--; } else { saythisl(74, 60, bub2r, t2x, t2y); wait = 80; ssay = 15; } } else if (ssay == 15) { if (wait) { wait--; } else { saythisl(75, 60, bub4r, t2x, t2y); wait = 80; ssay = 16; } } else if (ssay == 16) { if (wait) { wait--; } else { saythisl(76, 60, bub2r, t2x, t2y); wait = 80; ssay = 17; } } else if (ssay == 17) { if (wait) { wait--; if (wait < 10) { if (bg2alpha < 100) { bg2alpha = bg2alpha + 20; } } } else { saythisl(77, 60, bub2r, t2x, t2y); wait = 80; ssay = 18; } } else if (ssay == 18) { if (wait) { wait--; if (wait < 10) { if (bg2alpha > 0) { bg2alpha = bg2alpha - 20; } } } else { saythisl(78, 70, bub3l, j2x, j2y); wait = 100; ssay = 19; } } else if (ssay == 19) { if (wait) { wait--; if (wait < 30) { if (bg2alpha < 100) { bg2alpha = bg2alpha + 20; } } } else { saythisl(79, 60, bub2r, t3x, t3y); wait = 80; ssay = 20; } } else if (ssay == 20) { if (wait) { wait--; if (wait < 10) { if (bg2alpha > 0) { bg2alpha = bg2alpha - 20; } } } else { saythisl(80, 70, bub3l, j3x, j3y); wait = 80; ssay = 21; } } else if (ssay == 21) { if (wait) { wait--; } else { saythisl(81, 70, bub3l, j3x, j3y); wait = 40; ssay = 22; } } else if (ssay == 22) { if (wait) { wait--; } else { goblackslow = 1; ssay = 23; } } bg_mc.swapDepths(0); bg2_mc.swapDepths(10000); if (ssay >= 20) { bg_mc.gotoAndStop(42); } else if (ssay >= 18) { bg_mc.gotoAndStop(40); } else if (ssay >= 13) { bg_mc.gotoAndStop(38); } else if (ssay >= 11) { bg_mc.gotoAndStop(36); } else { bg_mc.gotoAndStop(33); } if (ssay >= 19) { bg2_mc.gotoAndStop(41); } else if (ssay >= 17) { bg2_mc.gotoAndStop(39); } else if (ssay >= 12) { bg2_mc.gotoAndStop(37); } else if (ssay >= 8) { bg2_mc.gotoAndStop(35); } else { bg2_mc.gotoAndStop(34); } bg_mc._x = 320; bg_mc._y = 240; bg_mc._xscale = 100; bg_mc._yscale = 100; bg2_mc._x = 320; bg2_mc._y = 240; bg2_mc._xscale = 100; bg2_mc._yscale = 100; bg_mc._alpha = 100; bg2_mc._alpha = bg2alpha; mon6 = (((("\tw:" + wait) + " bg2alpha:") + bg2alpha) + " ssay:") + ssay; } function gym1() { if (ssay == 23) { bg2alpha = 0; tx = -2; ty = 47; if (!attach) { dx = cmousex - tx; dy = cmousey - ty; if ((abs(dx) < 7) && (abs(dy) < 7)) { attach = 1; attachy = mousey; } } else { dy = mousey - attachy; if (dy > 0) { dy = 0; } jaa = dy / 4; if (jaa < -16) { jaa = -16; wait = 0; ssay = 24; } } j1sha = jaa; j1ela = jaa + ((jaa * 42) / 10); } else if (ssay == 24) { if (bg2alpha < 100) { bg2alpha = bg2alpha + 10; } jhandx = mousex; jhandy = mousey; j4x = -88; j4y = -140; if (feeling == 0) { minx = 300; maxx = 362; miny = 200; maxy = 356; feelx = maxx; feely = 232; handpos = 0; if ((feels == 4) && (!wait)) { saythisl(82, 70, bub3r, j4x, j4y); feels++; wait = 70; } if (wait) { wait--; } if (((feels >= 4) && (jhandx <= 350)) && (!wait)) { feels = 0; feeling = 1; } } else if (feeling == 1) { minx = 300; maxx = 415; miny = 200; maxy = 356; feelx = maxx; feely = 232; if (jhandx > 370) { handpos = 1; } else { handpos = 0; } if ((feels == 4) && (!wait)) { saythisl(83, 70, bub3r, j4x, j4y); feels++; wait = 70; } if (wait) { wait--; } if (((feels >= 4) && (jhandx <= 350)) && (!wait)) { feels = 0; feeling = 2; } } else if (feeling == 2) { minx = 300; maxx = 350; miny = 200; maxy = 356; feelx = maxx; feely = 290; if (jhandx >= 350) { handpos = 2; } else { handpos = 0; } if ((feels == 4) && (!wait)) { saythisl(84, 70, bub3r, j4x, j4y); feels++; wait = 70; } if (wait) { wait--; if (wait == 0) { feels = 0; feeling = 3; } } } else if (feeling == 3) { minx = 300; maxx = 350; miny = 200; maxy = 356; feelx = maxx; feely = 330; if (jhandy >= 300) { handpos = 3; } else { handpos = 0; } if ((feels == 4) && (!wait)) { saythisl(85, 70, bub3r, j4x, j4y); feels++; wait = 70; } if (wait) { wait--; if (wait == 0) { feels = 0; feeling = 4; saythisl(86, 70, bub4r, j4x, j4y); wait = 80; } } } else if (feeling == 4) { if (jhandy >= 300) { handpos = 3; } else { handpos = 0; } if (wait) { wait--; } else { t4x = 87 + adjx; t4y = -126 + adjy; saythisl(87, 70, bub3l, t4x, t4y); wait = 80; feeling = 5; } } else if (feeling == 5) { if (jhandy >= 300) { handpos = 3; } else { handpos = 0; } if (wait) { wait--; } else if (handpos == 0) { saythisl(88, 70, bub4r, j4x, j4y); ssay = 25; wait = 130; sprite1_mc._x = (sprite2_mc._x = -10000); } } if (jhandx < minx) { jhandx = minx; } if (jhandx > maxx) { jhandx = maxx; } if (jhandy < miny) { jhandy = miny; } if (jhandy > maxy) { jhandy = maxy; } slope = ((jhandx - 300) * 4) / 10; if (jhandy > (315 + slope)) { jhandy = 315 + slope; } if (((jhandx == feelx) && (feelreset)) && (jhandy > feely)) { feels++; feelreset = 0; } if (jhandy < feely) { feelreset = 1; } } else if (ssay == 25) { if (wait < 60) { if (bg2alpha > 0) { bg2alpha = bg2alpha - 10; } } if (wait) { wait--; } else { attach = 0; ssay = 26; i = 2; while (i < 25) { ii = i + 1; _root[("sprite" + ii) + "_mc"]._x = -10000; i++; } } } else if (((ssay == 26) || (ssay == 27)) || (ssay == 28)) { if (bg2alpha < 100) { bg2alpha = bg2alpha + 10; } if (!attach) { tx = 12; ty = 43; dx = tx - cmousex; dy = ty - cmousey; if ((abs(dx) < 7) && (abs(dy) < 7)) { attach = 1; attachx = -13; attachy = -24; adx = (ady = 0); } } else { handsdown = handsdown - (handsdown / 8); tx = attachx - cmousex; ty = attachy - cmousey; if (tx > 9) { tx = 9; } if (tx < -9) { tx = -9; } if (ty > 9) { ty = 9; } if (ty < -9) { ty = -9; } dx = tx - adx; adx = adx + (dx / 8); dy = ty - ady; ady = ady + (dy / 8); if ((tx > 3) && (jlst)) { jigglesl++; jlst = 0; if (bounceamp < 60) { bounceamp = bounceamp + 15; } } if ((ty > 3) && (jrst)) { jigglesr++; jrst = 0; if (bounceamp < 60) { bounceamp = bounceamp + 15; } } if (tx < 0) { jlst = 1; } if (ty < 0) { jrst = 1; } bounceamp = bounceamp - (bounceamp / 32); mon5 = (((("ba:" + floor(bounceamp)) + " jl:") + jigglesl) + " jr:") + jigglesr; t4x = 87 + adjx; t4y = -126 + adjy; if (((ssay == 26) && (jigglesl > 25)) && (jigglesr > 25)) { saythisl(89, 70, bub3l, t4x, t4y); ssay = 27; } if (((ssay == 27) && (jigglesl > 40)) && (jigglesr > 40)) { saythisl(90, 70, bub3l, t4x, t4y); ssay = 28; wait = 60; } if (ssay == 28) { if (wait) { wait--; if (wait == 0) { goblackslow = 1; } } } } adj = 0.25; tlaa = (-7 + (adx * adj)) - handsdown; traa = (-3 + (ady * adj)) - handsdown; if (handsdown > 1) { jfrac = 0; } else if (jfrac > -25) { jfrac--; } jadj = jfrac / 100; jigl = ady * jadj; jigr = adx * jadj; } else if (ssay == 29) { bg2alpha = 0; if (wait) { wait--; } else { ssay = 30; wait = 70; } } else if (ssay == 30) { if (bg2alpha < 100) { bg2alpha = bg2alpha + 5; } if (wait) { wait--; } else { ssay = 31; wait = 70; } } else if (ssay == 31) { if (bg2alpha > 0) { bg2alpha = bg2alpha - 5; } if (wait) { wait--; } else { phase = 2; ssay = 32; wait = 70; jhandx = 149; jhandy = 447; attach = 0; } } if (ssay < 25) { jax = 274; jay = 193; shoa = 176; shrad = 60; xadd = sine(shoa + j1sha) * shrad; yadd = (-cosine(shoa + j1sha)) * shrad; jelx = jax + xadd; jely = jay + yadd; sprite1_mc._x = jax; sprite1_mc._y = jay; sprite1_mc._rotation = 45 + j1sha; sprite1_mc.gotoAndStop(160); sprite1_mc.swapDepths(3035); sprite1_mc._alpha = 100; sprite2_mc._x = jelx; sprite2_mc._y = jely; sprite2_mc._rotation = 45 + j1ela; sprite2_mc.gotoAndStop(161); sprite2_mc.swapDepths(3036); sprite2_mc._alpha = 100; } if (ssay < 26) { j2ax = 231; j2ay = 150; hoa = 0; shoa = 179; shrad = 132; elrad = 120; dist2point = finddistance(j2ax, j2ay, jhandx, jhandy); ang2point = rad2deg(-Math.atan2(j2ax - jhandx, j2ay - jhandy)); point2arm = ang2point + 180; a = shrad; b = elrad; c = dist2point; reach = elrad + shrad; if (dist2point >= reach) { jsha = ang2point; jela = ang2point + hoa; } else { angleA = rad2deg(Math.acos((((b * b) + (c * c)) - (a * a)) / ((2 * b) * c))); angleB = rad2deg(Math.acos((((a * a) + (c * c)) - (b * b)) / ((2 * a) * c))); jsha = ang2point + angleB; jela = ((point2arm - angleA) + 180) + hoa; } xadd = sine((shoa + 180) + jsha) * shrad; yadd = (-cosine((shoa + 180) + jsha)) * shrad; j2elx = j2ax + xadd; j2ely = j2ay + yadd; sprite3_mc._x = j2ax; sprite3_mc._y = j2ay; sprite3_mc._rotation = 45 + jsha; sprite3_mc.gotoAndStop(162); sprite3_mc.swapDepths(13035); sprite3_mc._alpha = bg2alpha; sprite4_mc._x = j2elx; sprite4_mc._y = j2ely; sprite4_mc._rotation = 45 + jela; sprite4_mc.gotoAndStop(163 + handpos); sprite4_mc.swapDepths(13036); sprite4_mc._alpha = bg2alpha; sprite5_mc._x = 337; sprite5_mc._y = 370; sprite5_mc._rotation = 0; sprite5_mc.gotoAndStop(167); sprite5_mc.swapDepths(13037); sprite5_mc._alpha = bg2alpha; } else if (ssay < 29) { bouncea = bouncea + 25; bounce = (sine(bouncea) * bounceamp) / 100; t3x = 396; t3y = 325 + bounce; t3ax = t3x + 56; t3ay = t3y - 148; sprite3_mc._x = t3x; sprite3_mc._y = t3y; sprite3_mc._rotation = 45; sprite3_mc.gotoAndStop(171); sprite3_mc.swapDepths(13030); sprite3_mc._alpha = bg2alpha; sprite4_mc._x = t3ax; sprite4_mc._y = t3ay; sprite4_mc._rotation = 45 + tlaa; sprite4_mc.gotoAndStop(172); sprite4_mc.swapDepths(13040); sprite4_mc._alpha = bg2alpha; sprite9_mc._x = t3ax; sprite9_mc._y = t3ay; sprite9_mc._rotation = 45 + tlaa; sprite9_mc.gotoAndStop(175); sprite9_mc.swapDepths(13037); sprite9_mc._alpha = bg2alpha; sprite5_mc._x = t3ax - 6; sprite5_mc._y = t3ay; sprite5_mc._rotation = 45 + traa; sprite5_mc.gotoAndStop(173); sprite5_mc.swapDepths(13020); sprite5_mc._alpha = bg2alpha; sprite10_mc._x = t3ax - 6; sprite10_mc._y = t3ay; sprite10_mc._rotation = 45 + traa; sprite10_mc.gotoAndStop(176); sprite10_mc.swapDepths(13023); sprite10_mc._alpha = bg2alpha; sprite6_mc._x = t3x; sprite6_mc._y = t3y - bounce; sprite6_mc._rotation = 0; sprite6_mc.gotoAndStop(174); sprite6_mc.swapDepths(13031); sprite6_mc._alpha = bg2alpha; jtx = 296; jty = 226; sprite7_mc._x = jtx; sprite7_mc._y = jty + jigl; sprite7_mc._rotation = 45; sprite7_mc.gotoAndStop(169); sprite7_mc.swapDepths(13022); sprite7_mc._alpha = bg2alpha; sprite8_mc._x = jtx; sprite8_mc._y = jty + jigr; sprite8_mc._rotation = 45; sprite8_mc.gotoAndStop(170); sprite8_mc.swapDepths(13038); sprite8_mc._alpha = bg2alpha; } bg_mc.swapDepths(0); bg2_mc.swapDepths(10000); if (ssay >= 31) { bg_mc.gotoAndStop(56); } else if (ssay >= 29) { bg_mc.gotoAndStop(54); } else if (ssay >= 25) { bg_mc.gotoAndStop(52); } else { bg_mc.gotoAndStop(50); } if (ssay >= 32) { bg2_mc.gotoAndStop(57); } else if (ssay >= 30) { bg2_mc.gotoAndStop(55); } else if (ssay >= 26) { bg2_mc.gotoAndStop(53); } else { bg2_mc.gotoAndStop(51); } bg_mc._x = 320; bg_mc._y = 240; bg_mc._xscale = 100; bg_mc._yscale = 100; bg2_mc._x = 320; bg2_mc._y = 240; bg2_mc._xscale = 100; bg2_mc._yscale = 100; bg_mc._alpha = 100; bg2_mc._alpha = bg2alpha; } function gym2() { if (ssay == 32) { if (bg2alpha < 100) { bg2alpha = bg2alpha + 10; } if (!attach) { jba = 0; tx = 149; ty = 447; dx = tx - mousex; dy = ty - mousey; if ((abs(dx) < 10) && (abs(dy) < 10)) { attach = 1; strokes = 0; } } else { cockx = 230; cocky = 236; if (!jacking) { jhandx = mousex; jhandy = mousey; handxmin = jhx - 61; handxmax = jhx + 145; if (jhandy > j2ay) { if (jhandx < handxmin) { jhandx = handxmin; } } else if (jhandx < (handxmin + 75)) { jhandx = handxmin + 75; } if (jhandx > handxmax) { jhandx = handxmax; } tx = cockx; ty = cocky; dx = tx - mousex; dy = ty - mousey; if ((abs(dx) < 6) && (abs(dy) < 6)) { jacking = 1; attachx = cmousex; adx = 0; } } else { tx = -(attachx - cmousex); if (tx < -90) { tx = -90; } if (tx > 90) { tx = 90; } dx = tx - adx; adx = adx + (dx / 2); if ((adx > 0) && (jrst)) { strokes++; jrst = 0; } if (adx < 0) { jrst = 1; } mon5 = " strokes:" + strokes; jackx = sine(adx) * 13; jhandx = cockx + jackx; jhandy = cocky + (jackx * 0.9); ca = jackx * 0.29; if (strokes >= jackstrokes) { ssay = 33; attach = 0; } } } } else if (ssay == 33) { if (!attach) { tx = jhandx; ty = jhandy; dx = tx - mousex; dy = ty - mousey; if ((abs(dx) < 10) && (abs(dy) < 10)) { attach = 1; jacking = 0; intensity = 0; } } else { if (!tattach) { jhandx = mousex; jhandy = mousey; handxmin = jhx - 61; handxmax = jhx + 145; if (jhandy > j2ay) { if (jhandx < handxmin) { jhandx = handxmin; } } else if (jhandx < (handxmin + 75)) { jhandx = handxmin + 75; } if (jhandx > handxmax) { jhandx = handxmax; } tx = 198; ty = 252; dx = tx - mousex; dy = ty - mousey; if ((abs(dx) < 6) && (abs(dy) < 6)) { tattach = 1; attachx = mousex; attachy = mousey; adx = (ady = 0); titrefx = jrtx; titrefy = jrty; } } else if (!slowstrokes) { if (intensity < 10) { intensity = intensity + 0.25; } tdx = jrtx - titrefx; tdy = jrty - titrefy; tx = (attachx - mousex) / 8; ty = (attachy - mousey) / 8; if (tx > 9) { tx = 9; } if (tx < -9) { tx = -9; } if (ty > 9) { ty = 9; } if (ty < -9) { ty = -9; } dx = tx - adx; adx = adx + (dx / 2); dy = ty - ady; ady = ady + (dy / 2); tmx = adx / 1.5; tmy = ady / 1.5; jhandx = (attachx + tdx) - adx; jhandy = (attachy + tdy) - ady; } else { tx = tbx - 32; ty = tby + 17; dx = tx - adx; adx = adx + (dx / 2); dy = ty - ady; ady = ady + (dy / 2); jhandx = adx; jhandy = ady; } mon5 = "intensity:" + floor(intensity); tfa = tfa + (10 + (intensity / 7)); tfuck = (sine(tfa) * 10) * (intensity / 100); ttfuck = (sine(tfa - 90) * 10) * (intensity / 100); trfuck = sine(tfa - 90) * 10; if (slowstrokes) { if (intensity > 0) { intensity--; if (intensity == 10) { ssay = 34; } } } else if (trfuck > 0) { if ((otrfuck < 0) && (tfrst)) { tfrst = 0; } if (adx > 0) { tfrst = 1; } } else if (trfuck < 0) { if (adx <= 0) { if (tfrst) { say("muhh"); if (intensity < 50) { intensity = intensity + 2; } else { intensity = intensity + 1; } tfrst = 0; j4x = -150; j4y = -103; if ((intensity > 130) && (!slowstrokes)) { slowstrokes = 1; saythisl(91, 70, bub4r, j4x, j4y); adx = jhandx; ady = jhandy; } } } } otrfuck = trfuck; jfmul = 1.22; jfmul = 1.22; jfmul = jfmul + (0.31 * (intensity / 100)); sittop = 85 + (tfuck * jfmul); dx = sittop - situp; situp = situp + (dx / 8); jba = situp * -0.16; jla = situp * 0.84; touchcock = 70; if (situp >= touchcock) { caadd = (situp - touchcock) * 1.08; } else { caadd = 0; } if (adx < 0) { caadd = caadd - (adx * 0.5); } fmul = 1; crouch = (ttfuck * fmul) + (10 * fmul); tcaadd = crouch * 0.44; if (Key.isDown(88)) { intensity = 139; } } } else if (ssay == 34) { if (sittop > 60) { sittop--; } else if (!goblackslow) { goblackslow = 1; } dx = sittop - situp; situp = situp + (dx / 8); caadd = caadd - (caadd / 64); tcaadd = tcaadd - (tcaadd / 64); } if (situp <= 80) { situpxadd = situp; } else { t = situp - 80; situpxadd = 80 + (t / 2); } jhx = ((141 + situpxadd) + 14) + fadjx; jhy = 361 + (situp * -0.66); uarad = 136; uaoa = -16; xadd = sine(uaoa + jba) * uarad; yadd = (-cosine(uaoa + jba)) * uarad; j2ax = jhx + xadd; j2ay = jhy + yadd; rtrad = 74; rtoa = -18.3; xadd = sine(rtoa + jba) * rtrad; yadd = (-cosine(rtoa + jba)) * rtrad; jrtx = jhx + xadd; jrty = jhy + yadd; if (Key.isDown(88)) { jrtx = -1000; } jlx = jhx + 17; jly = jhy + 70; jl2x = jhx - 23; jl2y = jhy + 85; hoa = 0; shoa = 179; shrad = 132; elrad = 120; dist2point = finddistance(j2ax, j2ay, jhandx, jhandy); ang2point = rad2deg(-Math.atan2(j2ax - jhandx, j2ay - jhandy)); point2arm = ang2point + 180; a = shrad; b = elrad; c = dist2point; reach = elrad + shrad; if (dist2point >= reach) { jsha = ang2point; jela = ang2point + hoa; } else { angleA = rad2deg(Math.acos((((b * b) + (c * c)) - (a * a)) / ((2 * b) * c))); angleB = rad2deg(Math.acos((((a * a) + (c * c)) - (b * b)) / ((2 * a) * c))); jsha = ang2point + angleB; jela = ((point2arm - angleA) + 180) + hoa; } xadd = sine((shoa + 180) + jsha) * shrad; yadd = (-cosine((shoa + 180) + jsha)) * shrad; j2elx = j2ax + xadd; j2ely = j2ay + yadd; sprite1_mc._x = jhx; sprite1_mc._y = jhy; sprite1_mc._rotation = 0; sprite1_mc.gotoAndStop(178); sprite1_mc.swapDepths(11031); sprite1_mc._alpha = bg2alpha; sprite2_mc._x = jhx; sprite2_mc._y = jhy; sprite2_mc._rotation = -45 + jba; if ((situp >= 70) || (slowstrokes)) { sprite2_mc.gotoAndStop(199); } else { sprite2_mc.gotoAndStop(198); } sprite2_mc.swapDepths(11032); sprite2_mc._alpha = bg2alpha; sprite9_mc._x = jrtx - tmx; sprite9_mc._y = jrty - tmy; sprite9_mc._xscale = 100 + titsquish; sprite9_mc._yscale = 100; sprite9_mc._rotation = (-45 + jba) + titrub; sprite9_mc.gotoAndStop(197); sprite9_mc.swapDepths(11133); sprite9_mc._alpha = bg2alpha; sprite3_mc._x = j2ax; sprite3_mc._y = j2ay; sprite3_mc._rotation = 45 + jsha; sprite3_mc.gotoAndStop(162); sprite3_mc.swapDepths(11135); sprite3_mc._alpha = bg2alpha; sprite4_mc._x = j2elx; sprite4_mc._y = j2ely; sprite4_mc._rotation = 0 + jela; if (jacking) { sprite4_mc.gotoAndStop(183); } else { sprite4_mc.gotoAndStop(184); } sprite4_mc.swapDepths(12142); sprite4_mc._alpha = bg2alpha; if (jacking) { sprite7_mc._x = j2elx; } else { sprite7_mc._x = -10000; } sprite7_mc._y = j2ely; sprite7_mc._rotation = 0 + jela; sprite7_mc.gotoAndStop(182); sprite7_mc.swapDepths(11056); sprite7_mc._alpha = bg2alpha; sprite5_mc._x = jlx - 8; sprite5_mc._y = jly + 1; sprite5_mc._rotation = 45 + jla; sprite5_mc.gotoAndStop(180); sprite5_mc.swapDepths(11030); sprite5_mc._alpha = bg2alpha; sprite6_mc._x = jlx; sprite6_mc._y = jly; sprite6_mc._rotation = 45 + jla; sprite6_mc.gotoAndStop(181); sprite6_mc.swapDepths(12100); if (!situp) { l1a = bg2alpha; } else { l1a = 125 - (situp * 4); if (l1a < 0) { l1a = 0; } if (l1a > 100) { l1a = 100; } } sprite6_mc._alpha = l1a; sprite8_mc._x = jl2x; sprite8_mc._y = jl2y; sprite8_mc._rotation = (45 + jla) - 77; sprite8_mc.gotoAndStop(191); sprite8_mc.swapDepths(12101); if (!situp) { l2a = 0; } else { l2a = situp * 4; if (l2a > 100) { l2a = 100; } } sprite8_mc._alpha = l2a; tdown = intensity; if (tdown > 20) { tdown = 20; } ttfuckx = (cosine(tfa - 90) * 10) * (intensity / 100); crouchx = ttfuckx * 0.3; tcaadd = tcaadd + (crouchx * -1.47); tbx = 320 + crouchx; tby = (199 + crouch) + tdown; tcx = tbx - 49; tcy = tby + 39; sprite10_mc._x = tbx; sprite10_mc._y = tby; sprite10_mc._rotation = 0; sprite10_mc.gotoAndStop(185); sprite10_mc.swapDepths(11051); sprite10_mc._alpha = bg2alpha; sprite11_mc._x = tcx; sprite11_mc._y = tcy + 5; sprite11_mc._rotation = 0; sprite11_mc.gotoAndStop(186); sprite11_mc.swapDepths(11059); sprite11_mc._alpha = bg2alpha; shovecock = situp / 10; sprite12_mc._x = tcx + shovecock; sprite12_mc._y = tcy; sprite12_mc._rotation = ((-45 + ca) + caadd) + tcaadd; sprite12_mc.gotoAndStop(188); sprite12_mc.swapDepths(11057); sprite12_mc._alpha = bg2alpha; sprite13_mc._x = tcx; sprite13_mc._y = tcy; sprite13_mc._rotation = 0; sprite13_mc.gotoAndStop(189); sprite13_mc.swapDepths(11058); sprite13_mc._alpha = bg2alpha; thx = tbx + 0; thy = tby + 40; llrad = 171; lloa = 179.1; lbend = 0.54 + (zadjx / 100); lla = crouch * lbend; lka = crouch * (-lbend); rla = crouch * lbend; rka = crouch * (-lbend); xadd = sine(lloa + lla) * llrad; yadd = (-cosine(lloa + lla)) * llrad; tlkx = thx + xadd; tlky = thy + yadd; rlrad = 146; rloa = 187; xadd = sine(rloa + rla) * rlrad; yadd = (-cosine(rloa + rla)) * rlrad; trkx = thx + xadd; trky = thy + yadd; sprite14_mc._x = thx; sprite14_mc._y = thy; sprite14_mc._rotation = 45 + lla; sprite14_mc.gotoAndStop(192); sprite14_mc.swapDepths(12050); sprite14_mc._alpha = bg2alpha; sprite15_mc._x = tlkx; sprite15_mc._y = tlky; sprite15_mc._rotation = 45 + lka; sprite15_mc.gotoAndStop(193); sprite15_mc.swapDepths(12051); sprite15_mc._alpha = bg2alpha; sprite16_mc._x = thx; sprite16_mc._y = thy; sprite16_mc._rotation = 45 + rla; sprite16_mc.gotoAndStop(194); sprite16_mc.swapDepths(11020); sprite16_mc._alpha = bg2alpha; sprite17_mc._x = trkx; sprite17_mc._y = trky; sprite17_mc._rotation = 45 + rka; sprite17_mc.gotoAndStop(195); sprite17_mc.swapDepths(11021); sprite17_mc._alpha = bg2alpha; tlax = tbx - 12; tlay = tby - 191; sprite18_mc._x = tlax; sprite18_mc._y = tlay; sprite18_mc._rotation = 0; sprite18_mc.gotoAndStop(196); sprite18_mc.swapDepths(12060); sprite18_mc._alpha = bg2alpha; bg_mc.swapDepths(0); bg2_mc.swapDepths(10000); bg_mc.gotoAndStop(56); bg2_mc.gotoAndStop(57); bg_mc._x = 320; bg_mc._y = 240; bg_mc._xscale = 100; bg_mc._yscale = 100; bg2_mc._x = 320; bg2_mc._y = 240; bg2_mc._xscale = 100; bg2_mc._yscale = 100; bg_mc._alpha = 100; bg2_mc._alpha = bg2alpha; } function gym3() { if (ssay == 34) { bg2alpha = 0; if (wait) { wait--; } else { ssay = 35; fspeed = 4; intensity = 50; moveadd = 0; movereset = 0; strokes = 0; penetrate = 0; poke = 0; pokes = 0; pokereset = 0; } } else if (ssay == 35) { if (bg2alpha < 100) { bg2alpha = bg2alpha + 10; } if (fuckphase == 0) { intensity = 30 + ((strokes * 7) / 10); if (intensity < 50) { intensity = 50; } fspeed = 4 + ((strokes * 4) / 10); if (fspeed > 40) { fspeed = 40; } if (intensity >= 100) { fuckphase = 1; sayfile("muhh7.wav", 40); } } else if (fuckphase == 1) { intensity = 100 - strokes1; fspeed = 40 + ((strokes1 * 3) / 10); if (intensity <= 20) { fuckphase = 2; savspeed = fspeed; sayfile("muhh7.wav", 40); } } else if (fuckphase == 2) { fspeed = savspeed - strokes2; if (fspeed < 20) { fspeed = 20; } intensity = 20 + (strokes2 * 2); if (intensity > 120) { fuckphase = 3; sayfile("muhh3.wav", 40); } } else if (fuckphase == 3) { fspeed = fspeed - (fspeed / 8); intensity = intensity - (intensity / 8); if (bspeed) { ba = ba + bspeed; if (ba >= 360) { ba = ba - 360; } breath = (sine(ba + 180) * bspeed) / 20; bspeed = bspeed - 0.075; if (bspeed <= 2) { bspeed = 0; fuckphase = 4; goblack = 10; } if ((ba >= 180) && (oba < 180)) { } oba = ba; } } else if (fuckphase == 4) { } if (tfa < 180) { if (auto) { movereset = 2; } else if ((fspeed >= 25) || (fuckphase)) { if (mousex != omousex) { movereset = 2; } } else if (!movereset) { if (mousex < stbx) { movereset = 1; } } else if (movereset == 1) { if (mousex > stbx) { movereset = 2; } } if (movereset >= 2) { dx = fspeed - moveadd; moveadd = moveadd + (dx / 2); auto = 1; } else if (fspeed > 30) { moveadd = moveadd - (moveadd / 6); } else if (fspeed > 20) { moveadd = moveadd - (moveadd / 6); } else { moveadd = moveadd - (moveadd / 8); } omousex = mousex; } else { dx = fspeed - moveadd; moveadd = moveadd + (dx / 4); vbx = 0; if (mousex < stbx) { movereset = 1; } } tfa = tfa + moveadd; if ((tfa >= 180) && (otfa < 180)) { if (fuckphase == 0) { huffvol = fspeed + 10; } else if (fuckphase >= 1) { huffvol = intensity / 2; } if (fuckphase != 3) { r = rand(0, 100); if (r < 25) { say("huff"); } else { say("slap"); } } } if ((tfa >= 270) && (otfa < 270)) { if (rand(0, 100) < 25) { if (fuckphase == 0) { moanvol = fspeed; } else { moanvol = intensity / 3; } if (fuckphase != 3) { say("moan"); } } } if ((tfa >= 180) && (otfa < 180)) { movereset = 0; strokes++; if (fuckphase == 1) { strokes1++; } if (fuckphase == 2) { strokes2++; } } otfa = tfa; if (tfa >= 360) { tfa = tfa - 360; } vby = 240; mon4 = (((("strokes:" + strokes) + " fspd:") + floor(fspeed)) + " intensity:") + floor(intensity); mon5 = "ff:" + fuckphase; if (penetrate) { tfuck = (poke * 2) / 10; } else { tfuck = (sine(tfa - 90) * 10) * (intensity / 100); } tfx = tfuck; tha = tfx * -1.2; tula = (((tfx * 7) / 10) + 12) - 2; tula = tula + ((poke * -4) / 10); tlla = (tfx * 1) / 10; tulfa = tfx * 0.76; tllfa = (tfx * -1) / 10; tcha = tfx * 0.35; tuaa = ((tfx * 5) / 10) + 7; tlaa = (tuaa + (tfx * -0.2)) - 9; tca = tfx * 0.7; tcha = tcha + breath; tuaa = tuaa + (breath * 1.3); tlaa = tlaa + (breath * -0.9); tlfaa = tuaa + (breath * -1.4); jlaa = tfx * 0.09; jlaa = jlaa + (breath * -0.4); jha = (tfx * 19) / 100; jhtfx = tfx - 4; if (jhtfx < 0) { jhtfx = 0; } jha = jhtfx * 0.4; if (tfx >= 0) { jfx = tfx * 0.36; } else { jfx = (tfx * 2) / 100; } if ((jhtfx > 0) && (ojhtfx <= 0)) { tslam = 1; lstrokes = strokes; if (lstrokes > 60) { lstrokes = 60; } tslamdepth = lstrokes * 0.03; } ojhtfx = jhtfx; } if (tslam) { tslam = tslam + 55; tslama = (-sine(tslam)) * tslamdepth; if (tslam >= 360) { tslam = 1; tslamdepth = tslamdepth / 3; if (tslamdepth < 0.125) { tslam = 0; } } } tfy = 0; stbx = 243; tbx = (243 + (tfx * 1.1)) + -4; tbx = tbx + ((poke * 4) / 10); tby = ((233 + tfy) + (tfx * -0.6)) + 6; uloa = 233; ulrad = 44; xadd = sine(uloa + tha) * ulrad; yadd = (-cosine(uloa + tha)) * ulrad; tulx = tbx + xadd; tuly = tby + yadd; lloa = 168; llrad = 121; xadd = sine(lloa + tula) * llrad; yadd = (-cosine(lloa + tula)) * llrad; tllx = tulx + xadd; tlly = tuly + yadd; tupflx = tulx + 15; tupfly = tuly - 17; tloflx = 236; tlofly = 322; uaoa = 53; uarad = 125; xadd = sine(uaoa + tcha) * uarad; yadd = (-cosine(uaoa + tcha)) * uarad; tuax = tbx + xadd; tuay = tby + yadd; laoa = 195; larad = 98; xadd = sine(laoa + tuaa) * larad; yadd = (-cosine(laoa + tuaa)) * larad; tlax = tuax + xadd; tlay = tuay + yadd; ckoa = 192; ckrad = 47; xadd = sine(ckoa + tha) * ckrad; yadd = (-cosine(ckoa + tha)) * ckrad; tckx = tbx + xadd; tcky = tby + yadd; jbx = 267 + jfx; jby = 324; jlax = jbx + 142; jlay = jby + 5; sprite1_mc._x = tbx; sprite1_mc._y = tby; sprite1_mc._rotation = -30 + tcha; sprite1_mc.gotoAndStop(201); sprite1_mc.swapDepths(11100); sprite1_mc._alpha = bg2alpha; sprite2_mc._x = tbx; sprite2_mc._y = tby; sprite2_mc._rotation = -45 + tha; sprite2_mc.gotoAndStop(202); sprite2_mc.swapDepths(11110); sprite2_mc._alpha = bg2alpha; sprite3_mc._x = tbx; sprite3_mc._y = tby; sprite3_mc._rotation = -45 + tha; sprite3_mc.gotoAndStop(203); sprite3_mc.swapDepths(11090); sprite3_mc._alpha = bg2alpha; sprite4_mc._x = tulx; sprite4_mc._y = tuly; sprite4_mc._rotation = -45 + tula; sprite4_mc.gotoAndStop(204); sprite4_mc.swapDepths(11130); sprite4_mc._alpha = bg2alpha; sprite5_mc._x = tllx; sprite5_mc._y = tlly; sprite5_mc._rotation = -30 + tlla; sprite5_mc.gotoAndStop(205); sprite5_mc.swapDepths(11120); sprite5_mc._alpha = bg2alpha; sprite6_mc._x = tloflx; sprite6_mc._y = tlofly; sprite6_mc._rotation = 30 + tllfa; sprite6_mc.gotoAndStop(206); sprite6_mc.swapDepths(11020); sprite6_mc._alpha = bg2alpha; sprite21_mc._x = tupflx; sprite21_mc._y = tupfly; sprite21_mc._rotation = 30 + tulfa; sprite21_mc.gotoAndStop(217); sprite21_mc.swapDepths(11021); sprite21_mc._alpha = bg2alpha; sprite7_mc._x = tuax; sprite7_mc._y = tuay; sprite7_mc._rotation = 45 + tlfaa; sprite7_mc.gotoAndStop(207); sprite7_mc.swapDepths(11010); sprite7_mc._alpha = bg2alpha; sprite8_mc._x = tuax; sprite8_mc._y = tuay; sprite8_mc._rotation = 45 + tuaa; sprite8_mc.gotoAndStop(208); sprite8_mc.swapDepths(11200); sprite8_mc._alpha = bg2alpha; sprite9_mc._x = tlax; sprite9_mc._y = tlay; sprite9_mc._rotation = 45 + tlaa; sprite9_mc.gotoAndStop(209); sprite9_mc.swapDepths(11210); sprite9_mc._alpha = bg2alpha; sprite10_mc._x = tlax; sprite10_mc._y = tlay; sprite10_mc._rotation = 45 + tlaa; sprite10_mc.gotoAndStop(210); sprite10_mc.swapDepths(11230); sprite10_mc._alpha = bg2alpha; sprite20_mc._x = tckx; sprite20_mc._y = tcky; sprite20_mc._rotation = -45 + tca; sprite20_mc.gotoAndStop(211); sprite20_mc.swapDepths(11058); sprite20_mc._alpha = bg2alpha; sprite11_mc._x = jbx; sprite11_mc._y = jby; sprite11_mc._rotation = 30; sprite11_mc.gotoAndStop(213); sprite11_mc.swapDepths(11050); sprite11_mc._alpha = bg2alpha; sprite12_mc._x = jbx; sprite12_mc._y = jby; sprite12_mc._rotation = -45 + jha; sprite12_mc.gotoAndStop(214); sprite12_mc.swapDepths(11300); sprite12_mc._alpha = bg2alpha; sprite13_mc._x = jbx; sprite13_mc._y = jby; sprite13_mc._rotation = -45 + jha; sprite13_mc.gotoAndStop(215); sprite13_mc.swapDepths(11055); sprite13_mc._alpha = bg2alpha; sprite14_mc._x = jlax; sprite14_mc._y = jlay; sprite14_mc._rotation = -30 + jlaa; sprite14_mc.gotoAndStop(216); sprite14_mc.swapDepths(11220); sprite14_mc._alpha = bg2alpha; sprite15_mc._x = jbx; sprite15_mc._y = jby; sprite15_mc._rotation = -45 + jha; sprite15_mc.gotoAndStop(218); sprite15_mc.swapDepths(11059); sprite15_mc._alpha = bg2alpha; sprite16_mc._x = jbx + tslama; sprite16_mc._y = jby; sprite16_mc._rotation = 30; sprite16_mc.gotoAndStop(219); sprite16_mc.swapDepths(11051); sprite16_mc._alpha = bg2alpha; bg_mc.swapDepths(0); bg2_mc.swapDepths(10000); bg_mc.gotoAndStop(58); bg2_mc.gotoAndStop(59); bg_mc._x = 320; bg_mc._y = 240; bg_mc._xscale = 100; bg_mc._yscale = 100; bg2_mc._x = 320; bg2_mc._y = 240; bg2_mc._xscale = 100; bg2_mc._yscale = 100; bg_mc._alpha = 100; bg2_mc._alpha = bg2alpha; } function gym4() { tx1 = 106; ty1 = -173; if (ssay == 35) { auto = 0; bg2alpha = 0; if (wait) { wait--; } else { saythisl(92, 60, bub4r, tx1, ty1); wait = 70; ssay = 36; } } else if (ssay == 36) { if (wait) { wait--; } else { saythisl(93, 60, bub4r, tx1, ty1); wait = 70; ssay = 37; fa = 0; fspeed = 4; intensity = 50; moveadd = 0; movereset = 0; strokes = 0; } } else if (ssay == 37) { if (wait) { wait--; } else { if (bg2alpha < 100) { bg2alpha = bg2alpha + 5; } rtbx = 320; if (!sucking) { if (sucked) { if (!cummed) { intensity = 100; } } else { intensity = 50 + ((strokes * 7) / 10); if (intensity < 50) { intensity = 50; } fspeed = 6 + ((strokes * 2) / 10); if (fspeed > 40) { fspeed = 40; } } if (fa < 180) { if (sucked || (auto)) { movereset = 2; } else if (fspeed >= 15) { if (mousex != omousex) { movereset = 2; } } else if (!movereset) { if (mousex < rtbx) { movereset = 1; } } else if (movereset == 1) { if (mousex > rtbx) { movereset = 2; } } if (slowing) { if (moveadd > 5) { moveadd = moveadd - (moveadd / 8); } } else if (movereset >= 2) { dx = fspeed - moveadd; moveadd = moveadd + (dx / 2); auto = 1; } else if (fspeed > 30) { moveadd = moveadd - (moveadd / 6); } else if (fspeed > 20) { moveadd = moveadd - (moveadd / 6); } else { moveadd = moveadd - (moveadd / 8); } omousex = mousex; } else { if (!slowing) { dx = fspeed - moveadd; moveadd = moveadd + (dx / 4); } vbx = 0; if (mousex < rtbx) { movereset = 1; } } umoveadd = moveadd; if (cummed) { if (droop < 10) { droop = droop + 0.05; } } else if (sucked) { if (fuck < 0) { intensity = 100 - (fuck * (strokes * 2)); } else { intensity = 100; } if (fuck >= 0) { aim = fuck * -0.52; } else { aim = 0; } } if (cummed) { } else if (squirting) { umoveadd = 0; } else if (sucked && (fuck >= 8)) { umoveadd = umoveadd * 0.4; } else if (sucked && (fuck < -8)) { umoveadd = umoveadd * 0.5; } else if (((fuck >= 8) && (licking > 2)) && (!slowing)) { umoveadd = umoveadd * 0.6; if (lickup < 5) { lickup = lickup + 0.5; } } else if (lickup) { lickup = lickup - (lickup / 4); } if ((licking > 2) && (intensity > 100)) { intensity = 100; } if (shudder) { } else { fa = fa + umoveadd; } if ((fa >= 180) && (ofa < 180)) { movereset = 0; strokes++; huffvol = fspeed * 3; if ((!cumming) && (!sucked)) { if (rand(0, 100) < 25) { say("huff"); } else { say("squish"); } } if (sucked) { if ((strokes < 10) && (!cumming)) { sayfile(("u" + strokes) + ".wav", 60); } if (cumming) { if ((((((((strokes == 10) || (strokes == 12)) || (strokes == 14)) || (strokes == 16)) || (strokes == 18)) || (strokes == 20)) || (strokes == 23)) || (strokes == 26)) { shudder = 15; squirts++; if (testing) { } squirting = 1; usquirt = squirts + 4; if (usquirt > 7) { usquirt = usquirt - 7; } sayfile2(("mlove" + usquirt) + ".wav", 60); if (squirts >= 8) { cummed = 1; fspeed = 5; } } } else if (strokes == 10) { cumming = 1; shudder = 15; squirts = 1; squirting = 1; sayfile2("mlove5.wav", 60); } if ((fspeed > 10) && (!cumming)) { fspeed = fspeed - 0.75; } if (cummed) { if (fspeed > 0.5) { fspeed = fspeed - 0.5; } if (intensity > 10) { intensity = intensity - 5; } if ((fspeed <= 3) && (!goblackslow)) { goblackslow = 1; } } } else if ((strokes >= 50) && (!licking)) { licking = 1; saythisl(94, 60, bub6, tx1 - 157, ty1 - 55); } else if (licking && (licking < 3)) { licking++; } if (sucked) { } else if ((fspeed >= 30) && (!slowing)) { slowing = 1; } else if (slowing) { saythisl(95, 60, bub6, tx1 - 157, ty1 - 55); sucking = 1; sstrokes = 0; smoveadd = 0; movereset = 0; } } ofa = fa; if (fa >= 360) { fa = fa - 360; } mon5 = ((" str:" + strokes) + " intensity:") + intensity; } else { rtbx = 450; if (suckend) { sintensity = sintensity - (sintensity / 2); smoveadd = 0; if (sintensity < 2) { slowing = 0; sucking = 0; sucked = 1; sintensity = 0; movereset = 2; moveadd = fspeed; fa = (ofa = 240); strokes = 0; return(undefined); } } else { sintensity = 10 + ((sstrokes * 10) / 10); } if (sintensity > 55) { sintensity = 55; } sspeed = 15 + ((sstrokes * 4) / 10); if (sspeed > 50) { sspeed = 50; } if (!suckend) { if (sa < 180) { if (sspeed >= 15) { if (mousex != omousex) { movereset = 2; } } else if (!movereset) { if (mousex < rtbx) { movereset = 1; } } else if (movereset == 1) { if (mousex > rtbx) { movereset = 2; } } if (movereset >= 2) { dx = sspeed - smoveadd; smoveadd = smoveadd + (dx / 2); } else if (fspeed > 30) { smoveadd = smoveadd - (smoveadd / 6); } else if (fspeed > 20) { smoveadd = smoveadd - (smoveadd / 6); } else { smoveadd = smoveadd - (smoveadd / 8); } omousex = mousex; } else { dx = sspeed - smoveadd; smoveadd = smoveadd + (dx / 4); vbx = 0; if (mousex < rtbx) { movereset = 1; } } } sa = sa + smoveadd; if ((sa >= 270) && (osa < 270)) { say("suck"); } if ((sa >= 180) && (osa < 180)) { movereset = 0; sstrokes++; if (sspeed >= 45) { suckend = 1; sayfile("muhh3.wav", 40); } else { say("squish"); } } osa = sa; if (sa >= 360) { sa = sa - 360; } mon5 = (((((((("sspd:" + sspeed) + " sin:") + sintensity) + " sstrok:") + sstrokes) + " sa:") + floor(sa)) + " ") + floor(osa); } if (shudder) { shang = shang + 141; sqdeptab = [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 3, 2, 1, 0, 0]; depth = sqdeptab[shudder]; shuddadd = sine(shang) * (depth * 0.5); shudder--; if (whiplash < 10) { whiplash = whiplash + 2.5; } if (eyeframe < 3) { eyeframe++; if (eyeframe == 3) { scrunch = 1; } } } else { shuddadd = 0; whiplash = whiplash - (whiplash / 16); } if (whiplash > 0) { lickup = whiplash * 0.5; } fuck = sine(fa - 90) * 10; suck = sine(sa - 90) * 10; isuck = (suck * (sintensity * 0.04)) + (20 * (sintensity * 0.04)); fxadd = fuck * (intensity * 0.04); fxadd = fxadd + isuck; fxadd = fxadd + shuddadd; suckframe = floor(isuck * 0.29); if (suckframe <= 0) { suckframe = 0; suckmouth = 230; } else { cheeksink = suckframe - 6; if (cheeksink < 0) { cheeksink = 0; } csalpha = cheeksink * 8; if (csalpha > 100) { csalpha = 100; } if (suckframe > 6) { suckframe = 6; } suckmouth = 233 + suckframe; } if (!cumming) { eyeframe = suckframe - 1; if (eyeframe < 0) { eyeframe = 0; } if (eyeframe > 3) { eyeframe = 3; } } sqisuck = suck; if (sqisuck < 0) { sqisuck = 0; } sqxadd = sqisuck * 0.61; tla = fxadd * 0.1; tha = fxadd * -0.07; tca = fxadd * -0.1; tca = tca + 4.5; tca = tca + aim; tca = tca + (delevation * -0.6); if (licking == 3) { tca = tca - lickup; } tca = tca + droop; titx = (fxadd * 0.09) + sqxadd; tity = fxadd * -0.06; handx = (fxadd * 0.07) + sqxadd; handy = fxadd * -0.1; jha = fxadd * -0.02; jha = jha + lickup; thandx = fxadd * -0.09; thandy = fxadd * 0.06; thandx = thandx + (lickup * 4); if (((licking > 2) && (!sucking)) && (!slowing)) { if (fuck > 3) { if (tongue < 3) { tongue = tongue + 1; } } else if (tongue > 0) { tongue = tongue - 1; } } else { tongue = 0; } mon4 = ((((((" strokes:" + strokes) + " spd:") + fspeed) + " intensity:") + intensity) + " cheeksink:") + cheeksink; } } daimtab = [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, -2, -4, -6, -8, -8, 3, 3, 20, 10, -9, -9, 20, 10, -10, 0, 18, 18, 5, -5, -5, -5, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]; if (sucked) { if (fuck <= 0) { if (strokes > 30) { ddel = 0; } else { ddel = daimtab[strokes]; } dx = ddel - delevation; delevation = delevation + (dx / 8); } } else { delevation = 0; } sqetab = [0, 5, 8, 7, 8, 8, 4, 4, 5]; sqend = sqetab[squirts]; if (testing && (qadjx == squirts)) { sqend = fadjx; } mon2 = (((((("test:" + testing) + " sqs:") + squirts) + " sqend:") + sqend) + " ddel:") + ddel; if (squirting) { if (squirting == 1) { squirtx = sqx; squirty = sqy; sqframe = 0; squirtstop = 0; } else { sqxspd = 14; sqyspd = sqxspd * -0.3; sqyspd = sqxspd * -0.5; squirtx = squirtx + sqxspd; squirty = squirty + sqyspd; if (squirtx >= 640) { squirtx = sqx; squirty = sqy; squirting = 1; } } squirting++; if (squirting >= sqend) { sqframe++; if (sqframe == 4) { splaton[squirts - 1] = 1; squirting = 0; if (squirts == 1) { sayfile("muff1.wav", 50); } if (testing && (squirts >= 8)) { strokes = 8; squirts = 0; splaton[0] = 0; splaton[1] = 0; splaton[2] = 0; splaton[3] = 0; splaton[4] = 0; splaton[5] = 0; splaton[6] = 0; delevation = 0; } } } } jx = 330; jy = 356; jlhx = jx + 22; jlhy = jy - 15; jrtx = jx - 15; jrty = jy - 59; jhx = jx + 265; jhy = jy - 94; jhx = jhx + (whiplash * 1); thx = 193 + fxadd; thy = 234; tlhx = (thandx + 276) + 7; tlhy = thandy - 17; tdx = thx + 12; tdy = thy + 59; sqoa = -85; sqrad = -176; sqa = tca - 16; xadd = sine(sqoa + sqa) * sqrad; yadd = (-cosine(sqoa + sqa)) * sqrad; sqx = tdx + xadd; sqy = tdy + yadd; sprite1_mc._x = jx; sprite1_mc._y = jy; sprite1_mc._rotation = 0; sprite1_mc.gotoAndStop(221); sprite1_mc.swapDepths(11100); sprite1_mc._alpha = bg2alpha; sprite2_mc._x = jx + titx; sprite2_mc._y = jy + tity; sprite2_mc._rotation = 45; sprite2_mc.gotoAndStop(222); sprite2_mc.swapDepths(11130); sprite2_mc._alpha = bg2alpha; sprite4_mc._x = jrtx + titx; sprite4_mc._y = jrty + tity; sprite4_mc._rotation = 45; sprite4_mc.gotoAndStop(224); sprite4_mc.swapDepths(11101); sprite4_mc._alpha = bg2alpha; sprite3_mc._x = jlhx + handx; sprite3_mc._y = jlhy + handy; sprite3_mc._rotation = 45; sprite3_mc.gotoAndStop(223); sprite3_mc.swapDepths(11140); sprite3_mc._alpha = bg2alpha; sprite5_mc._x = jhx; sprite5_mc._y = jhy; sprite5_mc._rotation = 30 + jha; sprite5_mc.gotoAndStop(229); sprite5_mc.swapDepths(11105); sprite5_mc._alpha = bg2alpha; sprite6_mc._x = jhx; sprite6_mc._y = jhy; sprite6_mc._rotation = 30 + jha; if (editor || (scrunch)) { sprite6_mc.gotoAndStop(267); } else if (!sucking) { sprite6_mc.gotoAndStop(230 + floor(tongue)); } else { sprite6_mc.gotoAndStop(suckmouth); } sprite6_mc.swapDepths(11106); sprite6_mc._alpha = bg2alpha; sprite7_mc._x = jhx; sprite7_mc._y = jhy; sprite7_mc._rotation = 30 + jha; sprite7_mc.gotoAndStop(240 + floor(suckframe)); sprite7_mc.swapDepths(11119); if (sucked || (editor)) { sprite7_mc._alpha = 0; } else { sprite7_mc._alpha = bg2alpha; } sprite8_mc._x = jhx; sprite8_mc._y = jhy; sprite8_mc._rotation = 30 + jha; sprite8_mc.gotoAndStop(248 + floor(eyeframe)); sprite8_mc.swapDepths(11107); sprite8_mc._alpha = bg2alpha; if (editor || (scrunch)) { sprite8_mc._alpha = 0; } sprite9_mc._x = jhx; sprite9_mc._y = jhy; sprite9_mc._rotation = 30 + jha; sprite9_mc.gotoAndStop(247); sprite9_mc.swapDepths(11120); csal = csalpha; if (bg2alpha < csal) { csal = bg2alpha; } sprite9_mc._alpha = csal; if (sucked) { sprite9_mc._alpha = 0; } sprite10_mc._x = thx; sprite10_mc._y = thy; sprite10_mc._rotation = -45 + tha; sprite10_mc.gotoAndStop(225); sprite10_mc.swapDepths(11201); sprite10_mc._alpha = bg2alpha; sprite11_mc._x = thx; sprite11_mc._y = thy; sprite11_mc._rotation = 45 + tla; sprite11_mc.gotoAndStop(226); sprite11_mc.swapDepths(11220); sprite11_mc._alpha = bg2alpha; sprite12_mc._x = tdx; sprite12_mc._y = tdy; sprite12_mc._rotation = 30 + tca; sprite12_mc.gotoAndStop(227); sprite12_mc.swapDepths(11118); sprite12_mc._alpha = bg2alpha; sprite13_mc._x = tlhx; sprite13_mc._y = tlhy; sprite13_mc._rotation = -45; sprite13_mc.gotoAndStop(228); sprite13_mc.swapDepths(11080); sprite13_mc._alpha = bg2alpha; sprite16_mc._x = squirtx; sprite16_mc._y = squirty; sprite16_mc._rotation = sqa; sprite16_mc.gotoAndStop(255 + sqframe); sprite16_mc.swapDepths(11117); if (squirting) { sqalpha = 75; } else { sqalpha = 0; } if (bg2alpha < sqalpha) { sqalpha = bg2alpha; } sprite16_mc._alpha = sqalpha; if (((editor && (qadjx != oqadjx)) && (qadjx >= 0)) && (qadjx < 8)) { i = qadjx; adjx = splatoa[i]; adjy = splatrad[i]; } oqadjx = qadjx; i = 0; while (i < 8) { ii = i + 17; if (editor && (qadjx == i)) { splatoa[i] = adjx; splatrad[i] = adjy; } if (editor) { splaton[i] = 1; } xadd = sine(splatoa[i] + jha) * splatrad[i]; yadd = (-cosine(splatoa[i] + jha)) * splatrad[i]; splx = jhx + xadd; sply = jhy + yadd; if (i == qadjx) { mon3 = (((((("spx:" + splx) + " ") + sply) + " on:") + splaton[i]) + " ") + ii; } _root[("sprite" + ii) + "_mc"]._x = splx; _root[("sprite" + ii) + "_mc"]._y = sply; _root[("sprite" + ii) + "_mc"]._rotation = jha + 45; _root[("sprite" + ii) + "_mc"].gotoAndStop(259 + i); _root[("sprite" + ii) + "_mc"].swapDepths(15121 + i); if (i == 3) { if (splaton[3]) { drip3 = drip3 + 0.06; } _root[("sprite" + ii) + "_mc"]._y = _root[("sprite" + ii) + "_mc"]._y + drip3; } if (i == 5) { if (splaton[5]) { drip5 = drip5 - 0.15; } _root[("sprite" + ii) + "_mc"]._yscale = 100 - drip5; _root[("sprite" + ii) + "_mc"]._rotation = jha + 0; _root[("sprite" + ii) + "_mc"].swapDepths(11115); } if (i == 7) { _root[("sprite" + ii) + "_mc"].swapDepths(11114); } splalpha = 70; if (splaton[i]) { if (bg2alphs < splalpha) { splalpha = bg2alpha; } } else { splalpha = 0; } _root[("sprite" + ii) + "_mc"]._alpha = splalpha; i++; } mon3 = " drip5:" + drip5; bg_mc.swapDepths(0); bg2_mc.swapDepths(10000); bg_mc.gotoAndStop(60); bg2_mc.gotoAndStop(61); bg_mc._x = 320; bg_mc._y = 240; bg_mc._xscale = 100; bg_mc._yscale = 100; bg2_mc._x = 320; bg2_mc._y = 240; bg2_mc._xscale = 100; bg2_mc._yscale = 100; bg_mc._alpha = 100; bg2_mc._alpha = bg2alpha; } function gym5() { jx1 = 45 + adjx; jy1 = -57 + adjy; tx1 = -115; ty1 = -96; if (ssay == 38) { bg2alpha = 0; if (wait) { wait--; } else { saythisl(96, 60, bub4l, jx1, jy1); wait = 70; ssay = 39; } } else if (ssay == 39) { if (wait) { wait--; } else { saythisl(97, 60, bub4r, tx1, ty1); wait = 90; ssay = 40; } } else if (ssay == 40) { if (wait) { wait--; if (wait < 10) { if (bg2alpha < 100) { bg2alpha = bg2alpha + 10; } } } else { jx2 = 112; jy2 = -100; saythisl(98, 60, bub4l, jx2, jy2); wait = 60; ssay = 41; } } else if (ssay == 41) { if (wait) { wait--; if (wait == 0) { goblackslow = 1; } } } bg_mc.swapDepths(0); bg2_mc.swapDepths(10000); bg_mc.gotoAndStop(62); bg2_mc.gotoAndStop(63); bg_mc._x = 320; bg_mc._y = 240; bg_mc._xscale = 100; bg_mc._yscale = 100; bg2_mc._x = 320; bg2_mc._y = 240; bg2_mc._xscale = 100; bg2_mc._yscale = 100; bg_mc._alpha = 100; bg2_mc._alpha = bg2alpha; } function idress() { hideall(); ssay = 0; wait = 60; bg2alpha = 0; scenestarted = 1; phase = 0; looking = 0; pulling = 0; lookdel = 0; looktime = 0; pulls = 0; pullreset = 0; notice = 0; shownameplate(52, 320, 400); platealpha = 100; pdel = 50; taa = 8; jeans = 0; pull = (zipper = 0); tha = 0; kissalpha = 0; attach = 0; thandx = 346; thandy = 400; thframe = 0; undress = 0; lstrapangle = 0; rstrapangle = 0; lpantsdown = 0; pantsfall = 0; bradown = 0; hattach = 0; padj = 0; ladj = 0; radj = 0; bradj = 0; brafall = 0; tsha = 0; stepf = (stepd = 0); lookmirror = 0; titsqueeze = 0; titrel = 0; rtitsq = 0; ltitsq = 0; handsqueeze = 0; titframe = 138; tinabraoff = 0; rbra = (lbra = 0); tltitframe = 0; tltitsq = 0; } function dodress() { if (!scenestarted) { idress(); } if (phase == 0) { dress0(); } else if (phase == 1) { dress1(); } else if (phase == 2) { dress2(); } if (pdel) { pdel--; } else if (platealpha) { platealpha = platealpha - 5; } } function dress0() { ttx = 164; tty = -145; stx = -99; sty = -158; jx = 159; jy = -124; sx = 401; sy = 84; sax = 424; sarmy = 177; thx = 293; thy = 91; tx = 96; ty = -18; dx = tx - cmousex; dy = ty - cmousey; if (abs(dy) < 15) { if (dx < 0) { pulling = 0; pullreset = 1; } else { pulling = 1; if (pullreset) { pulls++; pullreset = 0; } } } else { pulling = 0; } tx = 89; ty = -151; dx = tx - cmousex; dy = ty - cmousey; if ((abs(dy) < 15) && (pulls > 10)) { if (dx < 0) { looking = 0; looktime = 0; } else { looking = 1; lookdel = 4; looktime++; if ((looktime > 40) && (!notice)) { notice = 1; } } } else if (lookdel) { lookdel--; } else { looking = 0; } if (notice) { notice++; } if (ssay == 0) { if (notice < 25) { if (bg2alpha > 0) { bg2alpha = 0; } wait--; } else if (bg2alpha < 100) { bg2alpha = bg2alpha + 20; } else { hideall(); saythisl(100, 60, bub4l, ttx, tty); wait = 70; ssay = 1; } } else if (ssay == 1) { if (bg2alpha < 100) { bg2alpha = bg2alpha + 20; } if (wait) { wait--; } else { saythisl(101, 60, bub4l, stx, sty); wait = 70; ssay = 2; } } else if (ssay == 2) { if (bg2alpha < 100) { bg2alpha = bg2alpha + 20; } if (wait) { wait--; } else { saythisl(102, 60, bub4l, stx, sty); wait = 70; ssay = 3; } } else if (ssay == 3) { if (wait) { wait--; } else { wait = 70; ssay = 4; pulls = 0; phase = 1; } } sprite1_mc._x = sx; sprite1_mc._y = sy; sprite1_mc.gotoAndStop(103 + looking); sprite1_mc.swapDepths(3024); sprite1_mc._alpha = 100; sprite2_mc._x = sax; sprite2_mc._y = sarmy; sprite2_mc.gotoAndStop(105 + pulling); sprite2_mc.swapDepths(3025); sprite2_mc._alpha = 100; sprite3_mc._x = thx; sprite3_mc._y = thy; if (notice) { sprite3_mc.gotoAndStop(108); } else { sprite3_mc.gotoAndStop(107); } sprite3_mc.swapDepths(3026); sprite3_mc._alpha = 100; bg_mc.swapDepths(0); bg2_mc.swapDepths(10000); bg_mc.gotoAndStop(43); bg2_mc.gotoAndStop(44); bg_mc._x = 320; bg_mc._y = 240; bg_mc._xscale = 100; bg_mc._yscale = 100; bg2_mc._x = 320; bg2_mc._y = 240; bg2_mc._xscale = 100; bg2_mc._yscale = 100; bg_mc._alpha = 100; bg2_mc._alpha = bg2alpha; } function dress1() { ttx = 5; tty = -132; stx = -151; sty = -133; sax = 196; saay = 303; sjx = 215; sjy = 347; tax = 326; tay = 276; thx = 321; thy = 139; tx = -109; ty = 76; dx = tx - cmousex; dy = ty - cmousey; if (pull > -18) { if (bg2alpha > 0) { bg2alpha = bg2alpha - 10; } if (jeans == 0) { if (abs(dy) < 10) { if (dx < 0) { pulling = 0; pullreset = 1; } else { pulling = 1; if (pullreset) { pulls++; pullreset = 0; if (pulls >= 2) { jeans = 1; mry = cmousey; } } } } else { pulling = 0; } taa = 8 - pulling; } else if (jeans == 1) { dy = mry - cmousey; if (dy > 0) { dy = 0; } pull = dy / 4; if (pull < -18) { pull = -18; } taa = 8 + pull; zipper = (-pull) * 5.55555555555556; } } else if (ssay == 4) { if (bg2alpha < 100) { bg2alpha = bg2alpha + 10; } else { saythisl(103, 60, bub4l, ttx, tty); wait = 80; ssay = 5; } } else if (ssay == 5) { if (!attach) { tx = -39; ty = -122; dx = tx - cmousex; dy = ty - cmousey; if ((abs(dx) < 7) && (abs(dy) < 7)) { attach = 1; attachx = cmousex; } } else { dx = cmousex - attachx; tha = dx / 8; if (tha > 0) { tha = 0; } if (tha <= -5) { tha = -5; ssay = 6; } } } else if (ssay == 6) { dx = -tha; if (dx > 0.25) { tha = tha + (dx / 8); } else { tha = 0; saythisl(104, 60, bub4r, stx, sty); wait = 80; ssay = 7; } } else if (ssay == 7) { if (wait) { wait--; } else { saythisl(105, 60, bub4l, ttx, tty); wait = 70; ssay = 8; } } else if (ssay == 8) { if (wait) { wait--; } else { saythisl(106, 60, bub4r, stx, sty); wait = 80; ssay = 9; } } else if (ssay == 9) { if (wait) { wait--; } else { saythisl(107, 60, bub4r, stx, sty); wait = 80; ssay = 10; } } else if (ssay == 10) { if (wait) { wait--; } else { saythisl(108, 60, bub4r, stx, sty); wait = 65; ssay = 11; } } else if (ssay == 11) { if (wait) { wait--; } else { saythisl(109, 60, bub4l, ttx, tty); wait = 70; ssay = 12; } } else if (ssay == 12) { if (wait) { wait--; } else { ssay = 13; phase = 2; attach = 0; } } sprite1_mc._x = sax; sprite1_mc._y = saay; sprite1_mc.gotoAndStop(109); sprite1_mc.swapDepths(3026); sprite1_mc._alpha = 100; sprite2_mc._x = sjx; sprite2_mc._y = sjy; sprite2_mc.gotoAndStop(110 + jeans); sprite2_mc.swapDepths(3023); z1 = zipper - 50; if (z1 < 0) { z1 = 0; } z11 = 100 - (z1 * 2); sprite2_mc._alpha = z11; sprite4_mc._x = sjx; sprite4_mc._y = sjy; sprite4_mc.gotoAndStop(112); sprite4_mc.swapDepths(3024); z2 = zipper * 2; if (z2 > 100) { z2 = 100; } sprite4_mc._alpha = z2; sprite3_mc._x = tax; sprite3_mc._y = tay; sprite3_mc._rotation = 45 + taa; sprite3_mc.gotoAndStop(113); sprite3_mc.swapDepths(3036); sprite3_mc._alpha = 100; sprite5_mc._x = thx; sprite5_mc._y = thy; sprite5_mc._rotation = 45 + tha; sprite5_mc.gotoAndStop(114); sprite5_mc.swapDepths(13037); sprite5_mc._alpha = bg2alpha; sprite6_mc._x = thx; sprite6_mc._y = thy; sprite6_mc._rotation = 45 + tha; sprite6_mc.gotoAndStop(115); sprite6_mc.swapDepths(13038); if (bg2alpha == 0) { kissalpha = 0; } else { kissalpha = (-tha) * 20; } sprite6_mc._alpha = kissalpha; bg_mc.swapDepths(0); bg2_mc.swapDepths(10000); bg_mc.gotoAndStop(45); bg2_mc.gotoAndStop(46); bg_mc._x = 320; bg_mc._y = 240; bg_mc._xscale = 100; bg_mc._yscale = 100; bg2_mc._x = 320; bg2_mc._y = 240; bg2_mc._xscale = 100; bg2_mc._yscale = 100; bg_mc._alpha = 100; bg2_mc._alpha = bg2alpha; mon6 = ((" fiddle:" + pulls) + " pull:") + pull; } function dress2() { ttx = 141; tty = -123; stx = -115; sty = -145 + fadjy; jtx = 73 + adjx; jty = -176 + adjy; if (ssay == 13) { if (bg2alpha > 0) { bg2alpha = bg2alpha - 20; if (bg2alpha == 0) { sprite5_mc._x = (sprite6_mc._x = -10000); } } } if (!attach) { tx = 25; ty = 161; dx = tx - cmousex; dy = ty - cmousey; if ((abs(dx) < 15) && (abs(dy) < 10)) { attach = 1; hidemouse = 1; } } else if (((!lookmirror) || (titsqueeze)) || (tinabraoff == 1)) { if (tinabraoff) { dotinabra(); } else if (titsqueeze) { dotitsqueeze(); } else { doundress(); } tx = mousex; ty = mousey; if (tx > 420) { tx = 420; } if (ty < 90) { ty = 90; } dx = tx - thandx; if (abs(dx / 2) < 0.1) { xmov = 0; } else { thandx = thandx + (dx / 2); } dy = ty - thandy; if (abs(dy / 2) < 0.1) { ymov = 0; } else { thandy = thandy + (dy / 2); } } else if (lookmirror == 1) { tx = 346; ty = 400; dx = thandx - tx; dy = thandy - ty; if (abs(dx / 8) > 0.25) { thandx = thandx - (dx / 8); } else { thandx = tx; } if (abs(dy / 8) > 0.25) { thandy = thandy - (dy / 8); } else { thandy = ty; } dz = tha; if (abs(dz / 8) > 0.25) { tha = tha - (dz / 8); } else { tha = 0; if ((dx == 0) && (dy == 0)) { lookmirror = 2; } } } else if (lookmirror == 2) { thframe = thframe + 0.5; if (thframe >= 4) { lookmirror = 3; saythisl(110, 60, bub4l, ttx, tty); wait = 70; if (ssay == 13) { ssay = 14; } } } else if (ssay == 14) { if (wait) { wait--; } else { saythisl(111, 60, bub4r, stx, sty); wait = 70; ssay = 15; } } else if (ssay == 15) { if (wait) { wait--; } else { saythisl(112, 60, bub4l, ttx, tty); wait = 70; ssay = 16; } } else if (ssay == 16) { if (wait) { wait--; } else { saythisl(113, 60, bub4l, ttx, tty); wait = 70; ssay = 17; } } else if (ssay == 17) { if (wait) { wait--; } else { saythisl(114, 60, bub4l, ttx, tty); wait = 70; ssay = 18; } } else if (ssay == 18) { if (wait) { wait--; } else { saythisl(115, 60, bub4l, ttx, tty); wait = 70; ssay = 19; } } else if (ssay == 19) { if (wait) { wait--; } else { saythisl(116, 60, bub4r, stx, sty); wait = 70; ssay = 20; } } else if (ssay == 20) { if (wait) { wait--; } else { saythisl(117, 60, bub4l, ttx, tty); wait = 60; ssay = 21; } } else if (ssay == 21) { if (wait) { wait--; } else if (thframe > 0) { thframe = thframe - 0.5; } else if (titsqueeze == 0) { titsqueeze = 1; attach = 0; ssay = 22; } } else if (ssay == 22) { if (tinabraoff == 0) { saythisl(118, 60, bub4l, ttx, tty); wait = 70; ssay = 23; tinabraoff = 1; hattach = 0; } } else if (ssay == 23) { if (tinabraoff < 2) { } else { saythisl(119, 60, bub4l, ttx, tty); wait = 80; ssay = 24; } } else if (ssay == 24) { if (wait) { wait--; } else { saythisl(120, 60, bub4l, ttx, tty); wait = 70; ssay = 25; } } else if (ssay == 25) { tx = 346; ty = 400; dx = thandx - tx; dy = thandy - ty; if (abs(dx / 8) > 0.25) { thandx = thandx - (dx / 8); } else { thandx = tx; } if (abs(dy / 8) > 0.25) { thandy = thandy - (dy / 8); } else { thandy = ty; } if (wait) { wait--; } else { saythisl(121, 60, bub4l, ttx, tty); wait = 70; ssay = 26; } } else if (ssay == 26) { if (wait) { wait--; } else { saythisl(122, 60, bub4l, ttx, tty); wait = 70; ssay = 27; } } else if (ssay == 27) { if (wait) { wait--; } else { saythisl(123, 60, bub4l, ttx, tty); wait = 70; ssay = 28; } } else if (ssay == 28) { if (wait) { wait--; } else { saythisl(124, 60, bub4l, ttx, tty); wait = 100; ssay = 28.5; } } else if (ssay == 28.5) { if (wait) { wait--; if (wait < 30) { if (bg2alpha < 100) { bg2alpha = bg2alpha + 10; if (bg2alpha == 100) { hideall(); attach = 1; } } } } else { saythisl(125, 60, bub4l, ttx + 0, tty); wait = 70; ssay = 29; } } else if (ssay == 29) { if (wait) { wait--; } else { saythisl(126, 60, bub4r, stx + 30, sty); wait = 60; ssay = 30; } } else if (ssay == 30) { if (wait) { wait--; if (wait == 0) { goblackslow = 1; ssay = 31; } } } else if (ssay == 32) { if (wait) { wait--; if (wait < 10) { } } else { saythisl(130, 60, bub4r, jtx, jty); ssay = 33; wait = 70; } } else if (ssay == 33) { if (wait) { wait--; } else { saythisl(131, 60, bub4r, jtx, jty); ssay = 34; wait = 70; } } else if (ssay == 34) { if (wait) { wait--; if (wait < 10) { if (bg2alpha < 100) { bg2alpha = bg2alpha + 10; } } } else { saythisl(132, 60, bub4l, ttx, tty); ssay = 35; wait = 70; } } else if (ssay == 35) { if (wait) { wait--; } else { saythisl(133, 60, bub4r, jtx, jty); ssay = 36; wait = 90; } } else if (ssay == 36) { if (wait) { wait--; } else { saythisl(134, 60, bub4r, jtx, jty); ssay = 37; wait = 90; } } else if (ssay == 37) { if (wait) { wait--; } else { goblackslow = 1; ssay = 38; } } sbx = 250; sby = 240; sbrax = sbx + 3; sbray = sby - 6; stitx = sbx + 5; stity = sby - 9; sbralx = sbrax + 52; sbraly = sbray - 28; sbrarx = sbrax - 53; sbrary = sbray - 27; spx = sbx + 2; spy = (sby + 166) + 22; stepf = 230 - thandx; if (stepf < 0) { stepf = 0; } if (lookmirror) { stepd = stepd - (stepd / 8); } else { stepd = thandy - 261; if (stepd < 0) { stepd = 0; } } tbx = 386 + ((stepf * -22) / 100); tby = 299 + ((stepd * 12) / 100); thx = tbx + 48; thy = tby - 203; thrx = tbx + 56; thry = tby - 174; tbrax = tbx - 23; tbray = tby - 46; ttitx = tbx + 17; ttity = tby - 58; a2p = rad2deg(-Math.atan2(tshx - thandx, tshy - thandy)); if (a2p < 0) { a2p = a2p + 360; } a2p = a2p - 290; if (a2p > 0) { a2p = 0; } if (a2p < -72) { a2p = -72; } if (attach && ((!lookmirror) || (titsqueeze))) { ttha = (a2p * 35) / 100; dx = ttha - tha; tha = tha + (dx / 8); } else { tha = 0; } tshx = tbx + 92; tshy = tby - 112; elrad = 132; eloa = -0.4; hrad = 181; hoa = -8; dist2point = finddistance(tshx, tshy, thandx, thandy); ang2point = rad2deg(-Math.atan2(tshx - thandx, tshy - thandy)); point2arm = ang2point + 180; a = hrad; b = elrad; c = dist2point; reach = elrad + hrad; if (dist2point >= reach) { tsha = ang2point; tela = ang2point + hoa; } else { angleA = rad2deg(Math.acos((((b * b) + (c * c)) - (a * a)) / ((2 * b) * c))); angleB = rad2deg(Math.acos((((a * a) + (c * c)) - (b * b)) / ((2 * a) * c))); tsha = ang2point - angleA; tela = ((point2arm + angleB) + 180) + hoa; } xadd = sine(eloa + tsha) * elrad; yadd = (-cosine(eloa + tsha)) * elrad; telx = tshx + xadd; tely = tshy + yadd; if (ssay < 30) { sprite1_mc._x = sbx; sprite1_mc._y = sby; sprite1_mc.gotoAndStop(117); sprite1_mc.swapDepths(3021); sprite1_mc._alpha = 100; sprite2_mc._x = sbrax; sprite2_mc._y = (sbray + bradown) + bradj; sprite2_mc.gotoAndStop(118); sprite2_mc.swapDepths(3023); sprite2_mc._alpha = 100; sprite13_mc._x = stitx; sprite13_mc._y = stity; sprite13_mc.gotoAndStop(titframe); sprite13_mc.swapDepths(3022); sprite13_mc._alpha = 100; sprite3_mc._x = sbralx; sprite3_mc._y = (sbraly + bradown) + bradj; sprite3_mc._rotation = lstrapangle + ladj; ll = (lstrapangle + ladj) - 40; if (ll < 0) { ll = 0; } if (ll > 25) { ll = 25; } lsiz = (ll * 11) / 10; sprite3_mc._yscale = 100 - lsiz; if ((lstrapangle + ladj) > 40) { sprite3_mc.gotoAndStop(122); } else { sprite3_mc.gotoAndStop(119); } sprite3_mc.swapDepths(3028); sprite3_mc._alpha = 100; sprite4_mc._x = sbrarx; sprite4_mc._y = (sbrary + bradown) + bradj; sprite4_mc._rotation = (-rstrapangle) - radj; rr = (rstrapangle + radj) - 40; if (rr < 0) { rr = 0; } if (rr > 25) { rr = 25; } rsiz = (rr * 11) / 10; sprite4_mc._yscale = 100 - rsiz; if ((rstrapangle + radj) > 40) { sprite4_mc.gotoAndStop(123); } else { sprite4_mc.gotoAndStop(120); } sprite4_mc.swapDepths(3029); sprite4_mc._alpha = 100; sprite7_mc._x = spx; pang = ((lpantsdown + padj) * -24) / 100; sprite7_mc._rotation = pang; ptd = lpantsdown; sprite7_mc._y = (spy + ptd) + padj; sprite7_mc.gotoAndStop(121); sprite7_mc.swapDepths(3040); sprite7_mc._alpha = 100; sprite12_mc._x = spx; sprite12_mc._rotation = -pang; sprite12_mc._y = (spy + ptd) + padj; sprite12_mc.gotoAndStop(124); sprite12_mc.swapDepths(3041); sprite12_mc._alpha = 100; sprite8_mc._x = tbx; sprite8_mc._y = tby; sprite8_mc.gotoAndStop(125); sprite8_mc.swapDepths(3010); sprite8_mc._alpha = 100; if (thframe >= 1) { sprite9_mc._x = thx; sprite9_mc._y = thy; sprite9_mc._rotation = 0; sprite9_mc.gotoAndStop(126 + floor(thframe)); sprite9_mc.swapDepths(3011); sprite9_mc._alpha = thal1; } else { sprite9_mc._x = thrx; sprite9_mc._y = thry; sprite9_mc._rotation = 45 + tha; sprite9_mc.gotoAndStop(133); sprite9_mc.swapDepths(3011); sprite9_mc._alpha = thal1; } sprite10_mc._x = tshx; sprite10_mc._y = tshy; sprite10_mc._rotation = 45 + tsha; sprite10_mc.gotoAndStop(131); sprite10_mc.swapDepths(3050); sprite10_mc._alpha = 100; sprite11_mc._x = telx; sprite11_mc._y = tely; sprite11_mc._rotation = 45 + tela; sprite11_mc.gotoAndStop(134 + floor(handsqueeze)); sprite11_mc.swapDepths(3051); sprite11_mc._alpha = 100; sprite14_mc._x = tbrax; sprite14_mc._y = tbray; sprite14_mc.gotoAndStop(145 + floor(rbra)); sprite14_mc.swapDepths(3016); sprite14_mc._alpha = 100; sprite15_mc._x = tbrax; sprite15_mc._y = tbray; sprite15_mc.gotoAndStop(150 + floor(lbra)); sprite15_mc.swapDepths(3017); sprite15_mc._alpha = 100; sprite16_mc._x = ttitx; sprite16_mc._y = ttity; sprite16_mc.gotoAndStop(155 + tltitframe); sprite16_mc.swapDepths(3015); sprite16_mc._alpha = 100; } else { i = 0; while (i < 17) { ii = i + 1; _root[("sprite" + ii) + "_mc"]._x = -10000; i++; } } bg_mc.swapDepths(0); bg2_mc.swapDepths(10000); if (ssay >= 31) { bg_mc.gotoAndStop(49); } else { bg_mc.gotoAndStop(47); } if (ssay >= 34) { bg2_mc.gotoAndStop(69); } else if (ssay >= 28.5) { bg2_mc.gotoAndStop(48); } else { bg2_mc.gotoAndStop(46); } bg_mc._x = 320; bg_mc._y = 240; bg_mc._xscale = 100; bg_mc._yscale = 100; bg2_mc._x = 320; bg2_mc._y = 240; bg2_mc._xscale = 100; bg2_mc._yscale = 100; bg_mc._alpha = 100; bg2_mc._alpha = bg2alpha; mon6 = "b2a:" + bg2alpha; } function doundress() { strapmaxtab = [10, 20, 30, 40, 60, 90, 90]; lpantsmaxtab = [3, 7, 13, 25, 50, 100, 100]; if (Key.isDown(66) && (debug)) { pantsfall = (brafall = 0.1); } lstmax = strapmaxtab[undress]; rstmax = strapmaxtab[undress]; lptmax = lpantsmaxtab[undress]; lstrad = 71 - (lstrapangle * 0.18); rstrad = 71 - (rstrapangle * 0.18); xadd = sine(lstrapangle - 3) * lstrad; yadd = (-cosine(lstrapangle - 3)) * lstrad; lstrapx = sbralx + xadd; lstrapy = sbraly + yadd; xadd = sine((-rstrapangle) + 3) * rstrad; yadd = (-cosine((-rstrapangle) + 3)) * rstrad; rstrapx = sbrarx + xadd; rstrapy = sbrary + yadd; lpantsx = spx + 36; lpantsy = (((spy + lpantsdown) - 47) - 22) + padj; brax = 251; bray = (248 + bradown) + bradj; if (hattach == 0) { hidemouse = 0; dx = lstrapx - mousex; dy = lstrapy - mousey; if (((abs(dx) < 10) && (abs(dy) < 10)) && (lstrapangle < lstmax)) { hattach = 1; hattachx = mousex; hattachy = mousey; ladj = 0; hidemouse = 1; } dx = rstrapx - mousex; dy = rstrapy - mousey; if (((abs(dx) < 10) && (abs(dy) < 10)) && (rstrapangle < rstmax)) { hattach = 2; hattachx = mousex; hattachy = mousey; radj = 0; hidemouse = 1; } dx = lpantsx - mousex; dy = lpantsy - mousey; if (((abs(dx) < 10) && (abs(dy) < 10)) && (lpantsdown < lptmax)) { hattach = 3; hattachx = mousex; hattachy = mousey; padj = 0; hidemouse = 1; } if ((undress == 5) && (pantsfall)) { dx = brax - mousex; dy = bray - mousey; if (((abs(dx) < 10) && (abs(dy) < 10)) && (!brafall)) { hattach = 4; hattachx = mousex; hattachy = mousey; bradj = 0; hidemouse = 1; } } } else if (hattach == 1) { if (lstrapangle <= 20) { dx = mousex - hattachx; } else { dx = mousey - hattachy; } if (dx < 0) { dx = 0; } ladj = dx / 1; if ((lstrapangle + ladj) >= lstmax) { lstrapangle = lstmax; hattach = 0; ladj = 0; hidemouse = 0; } } else if (hattach == 2) { if (lstrapangle <= 20) { dx = -(mousex - hattachx); } else { dx = mousey - hattachy; } if (dx < 0) { dx = 0; } radj = dx / 1; if ((rstrapangle + radj) >= rstmax) { rstrapangle = rstmax; hattach = 0; radj = 0; hidemouse = 0; } } else if (hattach == 3) { dx = lpantsx - mousex; dy = lpantsy - mousey; if ((abs(dx) > 15) && (abs(dy) > 15)) { hattach = 0; lpantsdown = lpantsdown + padj; hattach = 0; padj = 0; hidemouse = 0; return(undefined); } dy = mousey - hattachy; if (dy < 0) { dy = 0; } padj = dy / 2; if ((lpantsdown + padj) >= 65) { pantsfall = 0.1; lpantsdown = lpantsdown + padj; hattach = 0; padj = 0; hidemouse = 0; } else if ((lpantsdown + padj) >= lptmax) { lpantsdown = lptmax; hattach = 0; padj = 0; hidemouse = 0; } } else if (hattach == 4) { dy = mousey - hattachy; if (dy < 0) { dy = 0; } bradj = dy; if ((bradown + bradj) >= 30) { brafall = 0.1; bradown = bradown + bradj; hattach = 0; bradj = 0; hidemouse = 0; } } if (((lstrapangle >= lstmax) && (rstrapangle >= rstmax)) && (lpantsdown >= lptmax)) { undress++; } if (undress > 5) { undress = 5; } if (pantsfall && (lpantsdown < 200)) { lpantsdown = lpantsdown + pantsfall; pantsfall = pantsfall + 0.1; } if (brafall && (bradown < 400)) { bradown = bradown + brafall; brafall = brafall + 0.2; } if (bradown > 350) { lookmirror = 1; } } function dotitsqueeze() { if (buttonpress) { if (handsqueeze < 3) { handsqueeze = handsqueeze + 0.5; } } else if (handsqueeze > 0) { handsqueeze = handsqueeze - 0.5; } dx = thandx - 200; dx2 = thandx - 286; dy = thandy - 232; if ((abs(dx) < 12) && (abs(dy) < 10)) { if (handsqueeze >= 3) { titframe = 140; if (titrel) { titsqueeze++; rtitsq++; titrel = 0; } } else if (handsqueeze >= 2) { titframe = 139; } else { titframe = 138; titrel = 1; } } else if ((abs(dx2) < 12) && (abs(dy) < 10)) { if (handsqueeze >= 3) { titframe = 143; if (titrel) { titsqueeze++; ltitsq++; titrel = 0; } } else if (handsqueeze >= 2) { titframe = 142; } else { titframe = 138; titrel = 1; } } else { titrel = 1; } if ((((titsqueeze > 5) && (rtitsq)) && (ltitsq)) && (handsqueeze == 0)) { titsqueeze = 0; } mon4 = ((((" tsq:" + titsqueeze) + " l:") + ltitsq) + " r:") + rtitsq; } function dotinabra() { rbrax = 349 - rbra; rbray = 221; lbrax = 373 + (lbra * 2); lbray = 228; dxr = thandx - rbrax; dyr = thandy - rbray; dxl = thandx - lbrax; dyl = thandy - lbray; if (hattach == 0) { hidemouse = 0; if (((abs(dxr) < 5) && (abs(dyr) < 10)) && (rbra < 4)) { hattach = 1; hattachx = mousex; hattachy = mousey; hidemouse = 1; } if (((abs(dxl) < 5) && (abs(dyl) < 10)) && (lbra < 4)) { hattach = 2; hattachx = mousex; hattachy = mousey; hidemouse = 1; } } else if (hattach == 1) { dx = hattachx - mousex; if (dx < 0) { dx = 0; } rbra = dx / 8; if (rbra >= 4) { rbra = 4; hattach = 0; hidemouse = 0; } } else if (hattach == 2) { dx = mousex - hattachx; if (dx < 0) { dx = 0; } lbra = dx / 8; if (lbra >= 4) { lbra = 4; hattach = 0; hidemouse = 0; } } dx = thandx - 382; dy = thandy - 232; if (((((rbra == 4) && (lbra == 4)) && (abs(dx) < 10)) && (abs(dy) < 12)) && (buttonpress)) { if (handsqueeze < 3) { handsqueeze = handsqueeze + 0.5; } } else if (handsqueeze > 0) { handsqueeze = handsqueeze - 0.5; } if (handsqueeze >= 3) { tltitframe = 2; if (titrel) { tltitsq++; titrel = 0; } } else if (handsqueeze >= 2) { tltitframe = 1; } else { tltitframe = 0; titrel = 1; } if ((tltitsq >= 5) && (handsqueeze == 0)) { tinabraoff = 2; } if (Key.isDown(66) && (debug)) { rbra = (lbra = 0); } mon6 = ((((((" rbra:" + rbra) + " l:") + lbra) + " sq:") + tltitsq) + " tbo:") + tinabraoff; } function igame() { hideall(); scbalpha = (bg2alpha = 0); wait = 40; msg = (msg2 = 0); msg2alpha = 0; msg1alpha = 0; rubwhat = 1; blink = 0; if (phase == 2) { } else { phase = 0; ssay = 0; } loopvol = 5; crowdloop(); scenestarted = 1; } function dogame() { if (!scenestarted) { igame(); } if (phase == 0) { game0(); } else if (phase == 1) { dress2(); } else { game2(); } } function game0() { cx1 = 156; cy1 = -57; jx1 = -97; jy1 = -36; if (ssay == 0) { if (wait) { wait--; } else { saythisl(135, 60, bub4l, cx1, cy1); ssay = 1; wait = 80; } } else if (ssay == 1) { if (wait) { wait--; } else { saythisl(136, 60, bub4l, cx1, cy1); ssay = 2; wait = 80; } } else if (ssay == 2) { if (wait) { wait--; } else { saythisl(137, 60, bub4r, jx1, jy1); ssay = 3; wait = 80; } } else if (ssay == 3) { if (wait) { wait--; if (wait < 10) { if (bg2alpha < 100) { bg2alpha = bg2alpha + 10; } } } else { saythisl(138, 60, bub4l, cx1, cy1); ssay = 4; wait = 80; } } else if (ssay == 4) { if (wait) { wait--; if (wait < 10) { if (bg2alpha > 0) { bg2alpha = bg2alpha - 10; } } } else { saythisl(139, 60, bub4l, cx1, cy1); ssay = 5; wait = 100; } } else if (ssay == 5) { if (wait) { wait--; if (wait < 30) { if (scbalpha < 100) { scbalpha = scbalpha + 3; } msg1alpha = scbalpha; } } else { msg1alpha = (scbalpha = 100); msg = 0; msg2 = 1; wait = 90; ssay = 6; } } else if (ssay == 6) { if (wait) { wait--; if (wait < 10) { if (msg2alpha < 100) { msg2alpha = msg2alpha + 10; } msg1alpha = 100 - msg2alpha; } } else { msg = 2; wait = 90; ssay = 7; } } else if (ssay == 7) { if (wait) { wait--; if (wait < 10) { if (msg2alpha > 0) { msg2alpha = msg2alpha - 10; } msg1alpha = 100 - msg2alpha; } } else { msg2 = 3; wait = 90; ssay = 8; } } else if (ssay == 8) { if (wait) { wait--; if (wait < 10) { if (msg2alpha < 100) { msg2alpha = msg2alpha + 10; } msg1alpha = 100 - msg2alpha; } } else { msg = 4; wait = 90; ssay = 9; } } else if (ssay == 9) { if (wait) { wait--; if (wait < 10) { if (msg2alpha > 0) { msg2alpha = msg2alpha - 10; } msg1alpha = 100 - msg2alpha; } } else { msg2 = 5; wait = 90; ssay = 10; } } else if (ssay == 10) { if (wait) { wait--; if (wait < 10) { if (msg2alpha < 100) { msg2alpha = msg2alpha + 10; } msg1alpha = 100 - msg2alpha; } } else { msg = 6; wait = 90; ssay = 11; } } else if (ssay == 11) { if (wait) { wait--; if (wait < 10) { if (msg2alpha > 0) { msg2alpha = msg2alpha - 10; } msg1alpha = 100 - msg2alpha; } } else { msg2 = 7; wait = 90; ssay = 12; sayfile("cheer.wav", 80); } } else if (ssay == 12) { if (wait) { wait--; if (wait < 10) { if (msg2alpha < 100) { msg2alpha = msg2alpha + 10; } msg1alpha = 100 - msg2alpha; } } else { msg = 8; wait = 90; ssay = 13; } } else if (ssay == 13) { if (wait) { wait--; if (wait < 10) { if (msg2alpha > 0) { msg2alpha = msg2alpha - 10; } msg1alpha = 100 - msg2alpha; } } else { msg2 = 9; wait = 90; ssay = 14; sayfile("boooo.wav"); sayvol(10); } } else if (ssay == 14) { if (wait) { wait--; if (wait < 10) { if (msg2alpha < 100) { msg2alpha = msg2alpha + 10; } msg1alpha = 100 - msg2alpha; } } else { msg = 10; wait = 90; ssay = 15; } } else if (ssay == 15) { if (wait) { wait--; if (wait < 10) { if (msg2alpha > 0) { msg2alpha = msg2alpha - 10; } msg1alpha = 100 - msg2alpha; } } else { msg2 = 11; wait = 90; ssay = 16; } } else if (ssay == 16) { if (wait) { wait--; if (wait < 10) { if (msg2alpha < 100) { msg2alpha = msg2alpha + 10; } msg1alpha = 100 - msg2alpha; } } else { msg = 12; wait = 70; ssay = 17; hideall(2); ishower(); xscroll = 430; rubwhat = 1; showertime = 0; } } else if (ssay == 17) { if (wait) { wait--; } if (wait < 10) { if (msg2alpha > 0) { msg2alpha = msg2alpha - 10; } msg1alpha = 100 - msg2alpha; } if (!wait) { showertime++; if (showertime == 10) { sayfile("shock.wav"); sayvol(50); } if (showertime == 280) { sayfile("woohoo.wav"); sayvol(50); } if (showertime == 200) { lhrubdly = -1; rubwhat = 2; } if (zoom >= 190) { blink++; if (blink == 50) { ssay = 18; wait = 40; } } } showerkeys(); rain(); dojana(); showerrub(); bg_mc.swapDepths(0); bg_mc.gotoAndStop(10); bg_mc._x = 320 - (xscroll * vm); bg_mc._y = 240 - (yscroll * vm); bg_mc._xscale = zoom; bg_mc._yscale = zoom; mon4 = (((((("st:" + showertime) + " ys:") + floor(yscroll)) + " xs:") + floor(xscroll)) + " zoom:") + floor(zoom); } else if (ssay == 18) { jx2 = -171; jy2 = -39; if (bg2alpha < 100) { bg2alpha = bg2alpha + 10; } msg1alpha = 100 - msg2alpha; if (wait) { wait--; } else { saythisl(140, 70, bub4r, jx2, jy2); ssay = 19; wait = 90; } } else if (ssay == 19) { cx2 = 169; cy2 = -66; if (wait) { wait--; } else { saythisl(141, 70, bub4l, cx2, cy2); ssay = 20; wait = 90; } } else if (ssay == 20) { if (wait) { wait--; } else { goblack = 10; ssay = 21; } } scx = 323; scy = 130; sprite21_mc._x = scx; sprite21_mc._y = scy; sprite21_mc._rotation = 0; sprite21_mc.swapDepths(9990); jumbo_mc._x = scx + 3; jumbo_mc._y = scy + 3; jumbo_mc._rotation = 0; jumbo_mc.gotoAndStop(1); if (language == 5) { jumbo_mc.txt.text = Russian[(160 + msg) * 2]; } else if (language == 4) { jumbo_mc.txt.text = Spanish[(160 + msg) * 2]; } else if (language == 3) { jumbo_mc.txt.text = Italian[(160 + msg) * 2]; } else if (language == 2) { jumbo_mc.txt.text = French[(160 + msg) * 2]; } else if (language == 1) { jumbo_mc.txt.text = German[(160 + msg) * 2]; } else { jumbo_mc.gotoAndStop(2); } jumbo_mc.swapDepths(9992); if (blink) { if ((((blink < 5) || ((blink >= 10) && (blink < 15))) || ((blink >= 17) && (blink <= 18))) || (blink > 20)) { if (blink > 20) { msg = 13; } else { msg = 12; } sprite21_mc._alpha = 100; jumbo_mc._alpha = 100; } else { sprite21_mc._alpha = 0; jumbo_mc._alpha = 0; } sprite21_mc._xscale = (sprite21_mc._yscale = 100); } else if (ssay >= 17) { sprite21_mc._alpha = 0; jumbo_mc._alpha = 0; } else if (ssay >= 5) { sprite21_mc._alpha = scbalpha; jumbo_mc._alpha = msg1alpha; } else { sprite21_mc._alpha = 0; jumbo_mc._alpha = 0; } if (((language > 0) && (msg != 6)) && (msg != 8)) { sprite21_mc.gotoAndStop(283); } else { sprite21_mc.gotoAndStop(269 + msg); } sprite22_mc._x = scx; sprite22_mc._y = scy; sprite22_mc._rotation = 0; if (((language > 0) && (msg2 != 6)) && (msg2 != 8)) { sprite22_mc.gotoAndStop(283); } else { sprite22_mc.gotoAndStop(269 + msg2); } sprite22_mc.swapDepths(9991); if (ssay >= 5) { sprite22_mc._alpha = msg2alpha; } else { sprite22_mc._alpha = 0; } jumbo2_mc._x = scx + 3; jumbo2_mc._y = scy + 3; jumbo2_mc._rotation = 0; jumbo2_mc.gotoAndStop(1); if (language == 5) { jumbo2_mc.txt.text = Russian[(160 + msg2) * 2]; } else if (language == 4) { jumbo2_mc.txt.text = Spanish[(160 + msg2) * 2]; } else if (language == 3) { jumbo2_mc.txt.text = Italian[(160 + msg2) * 2]; } else if (language == 2) { jumbo2_mc.txt.text = French[(160 + msg2) * 2]; } else if (language == 1) { jumbo2_mc.txt.text = German[(160 + msg2) * 2]; } else { jumbo2_mc.gotoAndStop(2); } jumbo2_mc.swapDepths(9993); if (ssay >= 5) { jumbo2_mc._alpha = msg2alpha; } else { jumbo2_mc._alpha = 0; } sprite23_mc._x = 320; sprite23_mc._y = 240; sprite23_mc._rotation = 0; sprite23_mc.gotoAndStop(16); sprite23_mc.swapDepths(10001); if (ssay >= 5) { sprite23_mc._alpha = scbalpha; } else { sprite23_mc._alpha = 0; } mon4 = (((((("m1a:" + msg1alpha) + " m2a:") + msg2alpha) + " msg:") + msg) + " msg2:") + msg2; if (ssay < 17) { bg_mc.swapDepths(0); bg2_mc.swapDepths(10000); if (ssay >= 4) { bg_mc.gotoAndStop(67); } else { bg_mc.gotoAndStop(65); } bg2_mc.gotoAndStop(66); bg_mc._x = 320; bg_mc._y = 240; bg_mc._xscale = 100; bg_mc._yscale = 100; bg2_mc._x = 320; bg2_mc._y = 240; bg2_mc._xscale = 100; bg2_mc._yscale = 100; bg_mc._alpha = 100; if (ssay >= 5) { bg2_mc._alpha = 0; } else { bg2_mc._alpha = bg2alpha; } } else if (ssay >= 18) { bg2_mc.gotoAndStop(68); bg2_mc._alpha = bg2alpha; bg2_mc.swapDepths(11000); bg2_mc._x = 320; bg2_mc._y = 240; bg2_mc._xscale = 100; bg2_mc._yscale = 100; } } function game2() { if (ssay == 38) { if (wait) { wait--; } else { ssay = 39; wait = 90; } } else if (ssay == 39) { if (bg2alpha < 100) { bg2alpha = bg2alpha + 5; if (bg2alpha == 100) { sayfile("cheer.wav", 80); stoploop(); } } if (wait) { wait--; if (wait == 40) { sayfile2("cheer.wav", 80); } } else { ssay = 40; wait = 10; } } else if (ssay == 40) { if (bg2alpha > 0) { bg2alpha = bg2alpha - 5; } else if (wait) { wait--; } else { ssay = 41; stoploop(); } } else if (ssay == 41) { showpop = 1; showpoptype = 10; startbutton_mc._x = 320; startbutton_mc._y = 449; startbutton_mc.swapDepths(20009); } bg_mc.swapDepths(0); bg2_mc.swapDepths(10000); if (ssay >= 40) { bg_mc.gotoAndStop(72); } else { bg_mc.gotoAndStop(70); } bg2_mc.gotoAndStop(71); bg_mc._x = 320; bg_mc._y = 240; bg_mc._xscale = 100; bg_mc._yscale = 100; bg2_mc._x = 320; bg2_mc._y = 240; bg2_mc._xscale = 100; bg2_mc._yscale = 100; bg_mc._alpha = 100; bg2_mc._alpha = bg2alpha; if (language >= 1) { if (ssay < 41) { jumbo_mc._x = 326; jumbo_mc._y = 223 + fadjy; jumbo_mc._rotation = 0; jumbo_mc.gotoAndStop(1); if (language == 5) { jumbo_mc.txt.text = Russian[106]; } else if (language == 4) { jumbo_mc.txt.text = Spanish[106]; } else if (language == 3) { jumbo_mc.txt.text = Italian[106]; } else if (language == 2) { jumbo_mc.txt.text = French[106]; } else { jumbo_mc.txt.text = German[106]; } jumbo_mc.swapDepths(19992); jumbo_mc._alpha = bg2alpha; } else { jumbo_mc._x = 483 + fadjx; jumbo_mc._y = 290 + fadjy; jumbo_mc._rotation = 0; jumbo_mc.gotoAndStop(1); if (language == 5) { jumbo_mc.txt.text = Russian[108]; } else if (language == 4) { jumbo_mc.txt.text = Spanish[108]; } else if (language == 3) { jumbo_mc.txt.text = Italian[108]; } else if (language == 2) { jumbo_mc.txt.text = French[108]; } else { jumbo_mc.txt.text = German[108]; } jumbo_mc.swapDepths(19992); jumbo_mc._alpha = 100; } } if (ssay < 41) { startbutton_mc._x = -10000; } else { startbutton_mc._x = 320; } startbutton_mc._y = 449; startbutton_mc.swapDepths(20009); startbutton_mc.gotoAndStop(startframe); if (language > 0) { if (startframe == 3) { startbutton_mc.txt.text = German[110]; } } } stop(); soundstarted = 0; lastyes = 0; lastgiggle = 0; hiphop = 0; wchyell = 0; dancefade1 = (dancefade2 = 0); huffvol = (moanvol = 0); sucks = 0; mute = (omute = 3); amusicvol = 50; tmusicvol = 50; nomute = 0; songchannel = 0; song = 0; ow = 0; stoplooping = 1; loopvol = 100; yells = ["woohoo1.mp3", "yeah1.mp3", "yeah2.mp3"]; lastmmm = 0; lastswish = (lastoh = 1); cricket1 = (cricket2 = 0); talking = 0; lastswing = 1; lasthurt = 0; lastmoan = 0; moans = 0; moandone = [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]; muhhs = 0; muhhdone = [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]; huffs = 0; lasthuff = 0; nnh = 0; coh = 0; music_max = [50, 60, 50, 50, 50, 40, 50, 10, 10, 30, 50, 50, 50, 50, 50]; _global.InitSound = function () { Seq = new Sequencer(); Seq.SaveOnTimeout = Seq.OnTimeout; Seq.XFadeRate = 0.01; Seq.FX[1] = function (ch) { with (Seq.AMixer.Channels[ch]) { Volume++; if (Volume > 100) { Volume = 100; } Seq.AMixer.SetChannelVolume(ch, Volume); } }; Seq.FX[2] = function (ch) { with (Seq.AMixer.Channels[ch]) { Volume--; if (Volume < 0) { Volume = 0; } Seq.AMixer.SetChannelVolume(ch, Volume); } }; Seq.Values = new Array(0, 0, 0, 0); Seq.FX[3] = function (ch) { with (Seq.AMixer.Channels[ch]) { Volume = (Math.sin((Seq.Values[ch] = Seq.Values[ch] + 0.1)) + 1) * 50; Seq.AMixer.SetChannelVolume(ch, Volume); } }; Seq.FX[4] = function (ch) { with (Seq.AMixer.Channels[ch]) { Volume = (Math.sin(Math.PI + ((Seq.Values[ch] = Seq.Values[ch] + 0.1))) + 1) * 50; Seq.AMixer.SetChannelVolume(ch, Volume); } }; StartXFade = function (Channels) { Seq.XFadeVol = 0; Seq.XFadeCh = Channels; Seq.PChns = []; Seq.PVols = []; with (Seq.AMixer) { var i = 0; while (i < ChannelsNum) { if (Channels[i].SoundObj.isPlaying) { Seq.PChns.push(i); Seq.PVols.push(Channels[i].Volume); } i++; } for (var i in Channels) { StopSound(Channels[i]); } } Seq.ATimer.OnTimeout = XFade; }; XFade = function () { for (var _local1 in Seq.PChns) { Seq.AMixer.SetChannelVolume(Seq.PChns[_local1], (1 - Seq.XFadeVol) * Seq.PVols[_local1]); } for (var _local1 in Seq.XFadeCh) { Seq.AMixer.SetChannelVolume(Seq.XFadeCh[_local1], Seq.XFadeVol * 100); } Seq.XFadeVol = Seq.XFadeVol + Seq.XFadeRate; if (Seq.XFadeVol >= 1) { Seq.XFadeVol = 1; for (var _local1 in Seq.PChns) { Seq.AMixer.StopSound(Seq.PChns[_local1]); } Seq.ATimer.OnTimeout = Seq.SaveOnTimeout; } }; Seq.OnSequenceComplete = function () { Seq.Position = 0; Seq.Start(); }; Seq.ATimer.SetTimer(50, true); Seq.OnLoopComplete = function () { var _local1 = 0; while (_local1 < Seq.AMixer.ChannelsNum) { var _local2 = Seq.Sequence[Seq.Position].ch[_local1].vol; if (_local2 != undefined) { Seq.AMixer.SetChannelVolume(_local1, _local2); } _local1++; } }; }; _global.SetXFadeRate = function (ARate) { Seq.XFadeRate = ARate; }; _global.ChangeTheme = function (theme, effect) { if (Seq.Theme == theme) { return(undefined); } Seq.PrevTheme = Seq.Theme; Seq.Theme = theme; if (theme.Sequenced) { songchannel = 0; Seq.LoopSets = theme.LoopSets; Seq.Sequence = theme.Sequence; Seq.Position = 0; if (!Seq.PrevTheme.Sequenced) { StartXFade([0, 1, 2, 3]); Seq.Start(); } } else { songchannel = theme.Channel; StartXFade([theme.Channel]); Seq.AMixer.PlaySound(theme.Name, theme.Channel, theme.StartPos, theme.Loops); Seq.AMixer.Channels[theme.Channel].OnSoundComplete = theme.OnThemeComplete; } }; _global.PlaySound = function (ASound, AChannel, APos, ALoops) { Seq.AMixer.PlaySound(ASound, AChannel, APos, ALoops); }; _global.StopSound = function (AChannel) { Seq.AMixer.StopSound(AChannel); }; _global.IsPlaying = function (AChannel) { return(Seq.AMixer.Channels[AChannel].SoundObj.isPlaying); }; _global.SetMasterVolume = function (AVolume) { Seq.AMixer.SetMasterVolume(AVolume); }; _global.SetChannelVolume = function (AChannel, AVolume) { Seq.AMixer.SetChannelVolume(AChannel, AVolume); }; _global.SetChannelGlobalVolume = function (AChannel, AVolume) { Seq.AMixer.SetChannelGlobalVolume(AChannel, AVolume); }; part1 = 1; teaser = 0; teasecount = 0; langver = _root.langver; if (langver != undefined) { language = langver; } else { language = 0; } version1 = "2.03 Beta"; version2 = "2.03 Beta"; debug = 0; testbubble = -1; beta_mc.gotoAndStop(1); if (teaser) { beta_mc.txt.text = "teaser version"; } else if (part1) { beta_mc.txt.text = ("\rVersion:" + version1) + " "; } else { beta_mc.txt.text = ("\rVersion:" + version2) + " "; } pop_mc.gotoAndStop(10); Stage.showMenu = false; ssay = 0; masterlevel = 0; room1level = 0; room2level = 0; room3level = 0; room4level = 0; room5level = 0; scenes = 7; if (part1) { scene = 0; level = 0; if (testbubble >= 0) { hideall(); bg_mc.gotoAndStop(1); bg2_mc.gotoAndStop(1); } } else { level = 0; scene = 7; } phase = 0; goscene = 0; scenestarted = 0; time = 0; framerate = 20; pusooypop = 0; showpop = 0; unblack = 99; goblack = (goblackslow = (gowhiteslow = 0)); pausing = 0; pauserel = 0; delay = 0; slomo = 0; walk = 1; wait = 0; games = 0; noisy = 0; keyseq = (highestscene = (secretunlocked = 0)); adjx = (adjy = (fadjx = (fadjy = 0))); qadjx = (qadjy = 0); zadjx = (zadjy = 0); wadjx = (wadjy = 0); sheet_mc._x = -10000; hideall(); bubble_mc.gotoAndStop(1); arrow_mc.gotoAndStop(1); gamesave = SharedObject.getLocal("trainsave"); if (gamesave.data.scene != undefined) { oldscene = gamesave.data.scene; if (gamesave.data.phase != undefined) { oldphase = gamesave.data.phase; } else { oldphase = 0; } } else { oldscene = -1; oldphase = 0; } butrel = 0; _root.createEmptyMovieClip("mousebutton", 1); _root.onMouseDown = function () { buttonpress = 1; }; _root.onMouseUp = function () { buttonpress = 0; butrel = 1; }; hidemouse = 0; mousemove = 0; _root.onMouseMove = function () { mousemove = 15; if ((((mousex < 20) || (mousex > 620)) || (mousey < 12)) || (mousey > 460)) { Mouse.show(); } else if (hidemouse) { Mouse.hide(); } else { Mouse.show(); } }; bg_mc.gotoAndStop(1); newgame(); _root.onEnterFrame = function () { time++; blinker = time & 8; mousex = _root._xmouse; mousey = _root._ymouse; if (!soundstarted) { initsound(); } if (scene > highestscene) { highestscene = scene; gamesave.data.scene = scene; gamesave.data.phase = phase; } dokeys(); if (pausing) { if (amusicvol > 0) { amusicvol = 0; SetChannelGlobalVolume(0, amusicvol); SetChannelGlobalVolume(1, amusicvol); SetChannelGlobalVolume(2, amusicvol); SetChannelGlobalVolume(3, amusicvol); SetChannelGlobalVolume(4, amusicvol); } doshowpause(); if (Key.isDown(32) & pauserel) { pausing = 0; pauserel = 0; slomo = 0; flag1_mc.gotoAndStop(10); flag2_mc.gotoAndStop(10); flag3_mc.gotoAndStop(10); flag4_mc.gotoAndStop(10); flag5_mc.gotoAndStop(10); flag6_mc.gotoAndStop(10); pop_mc.gotoAndStop(10); pop_mc._x = (flag1_mc._x = (flag2_mc._x = (flag3_mc._x = (flag4_mc._x = (flag5_mc._x = (flag6_mc._x = -10000)))))); } } else if (Key.isDown(32) & pauserel) { pausing = 1; pauserel = 0; slomo = 0; } else if (testbubble >= 0) { dotestbubbles(); } else if ((debug && (Key.isDown(86))) || (slomo)) { delay++; if (delay >= 25) { delay = 0; doscene(); dobubble(); dofade(); if (highestscene || (secretunlocked)) { doscenebar(); } dopop(); } } else { if (teaser && (scene > 1)) { teasecount++; if ((teasecount > 200) && (!goblackslow)) { goblackslow = 1; } else if (teasecount > 100) { } } doscene(); if (!part1) { doloopmusic(); } dobubble(); dofade(); dolives(); if (highestscene || (secretunlocked)) { doscenebar(); } dopop(); } if (!Key.isDown(32)) { pauserel = 1; } cmousex = mousex - 320; cmousey = mousey - 240; mon0 = (((((((((((("mx:" + cmousex) + " my:") + cmousey) + " phase:") + phase) + " scene:") + scene) + " say:") + ssay) + " level:") + masterlevel) + " ") + language; domon(); }; var mon0 = ((mon1 = (mon2 = (mon3 = (mon4 = (mon5 = (mon6 = (mon7 = "")))))))); var PI = Math.PI; speaking = (speakdelay = 0); platex = -10000; platey = 422; bubblex = (bubbly = 0); bub4l = 12; bub4r = 13; bub5l = 20; bub5r = 21; bub5lw = 22; bub5rw = 23; bub6l = 22; bub6r = 23; b4l = 12; b4r = 13; bub3r = 3; bub3l = 4; bub2l = 11; bub2r = 10; bub5 = 5; bub6 = 6; bub18 = 18; showpoptype = 2; plinkrel == 0; arrowcolor = 0; arrowcursor = 0; arrowangle = 0; attacharrow = 0; arrowx = (arrowy = 0); beta_mc.onEnterFrame = function () { if (this.hitTest(_root._xmouse, _root._ymouse, true)) { onbeta = 1; } else { onbeta = 0; betarel = 1; } }; platedelay = (platealpha = 0); beta_mc.onEnterFrame = function () { if (this.hitTest(_root._xmouse, _root._ymouse, true)) { onbeta = 1; if (!teaser) { beta_mc.gotoAndStop(2); } else { beta_mc.gotoAndStop(3); } } else { if (onbeta) { beta_mc.gotoAndStop(1); if (teaser) { beta_mc.txt.text = "teaser version"; } else if (part1) { beta_mc.txt.text = ("\rVersion:" + version1) + " "; } else { beta_mc.txt.text = ("\rVersion:" + version2) + " "; } } onbeta = 0; betarel = 1; } }; webmasters_mc.onEnterFrame = function () { if ((scene == 13) || (scene == 14)) { } else if (teaser) { if (teasecount >= 100) { webmasters_mc._x = 320; webmasters_mc._y = 240; if (webmasters_mc._alpha < 100) { webmasters_mc._alpha = webmasters_mc._alpha + 2; } webmasters_mc.gotoAndStop(3); webmasters_mc.swapDepths(26431); } } else if (part1) { if (this.hitTest(_root._xmouse, _root._ymouse, true) && (!teaser)) { webmasters_mc.gotoAndStop(2); } else { webmasters_mc.gotoAndStop(1); } } else { webmasters_mc.gotoAndStop(5); } }; music_mc.onEnterFrame = function () { if ((this.hitTest(_root._xmouse, _root._ymouse, true) && (!teaser)) && (!nomute)) { music2_mc.gotoAndStop(10); if (mousex >= 96) { music2_mc._x = 96 + fadjy; if (buttonpress) { mute = 3; } } else if (mousex >= 64) { music2_mc._x = 70 + fadjx; if (buttonpress) { mute = 2; } } else if (mousex >= 32) { music2_mc._x = 39 + adjy; if (buttonpress) { mute = 1; } } else { music2_mc._x = 6 + adjx; if (buttonpress) { mute = 0; } } music_mc.gotoAndStop(2 + mute); } else { music_mc.gotoAndStop(1); music2_mc.gotoAndStop(6); } }; startbutton_mc.onEnterFrame = function () { h = this.hitTest(_root._xmouse, _root._ymouse, true); if (scene == 14) { if (h) { startframe = 3; if (buttonpress && (!goblack)) { goblack = 1; } } else { startframe = 1; } } else if ((scene == 1) && (ssay == 41)) { if (h) { startframe = 2; if (buttonpress && (!goblack)) { goblack = 1; } } else { startframe = 1; } } else { if (h) { if (language > 0) { startframe = 3; } else { startframe = 2; } } else { startframe = 1; } if (h && (buttonpress)) { goblack = 1; } } }; KISS2LICK = 4; LICK2LOOK = 10; eyeframe = 0; mouthframe = 0; shang = 0; fang = (ofang = 0); zooming = (zoom = 0); zoomx = (zoomy = 0); viewed = [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]; allviewed = 0; castmembers = 9; exitready = 0; casthotx = [-201, -161, -112, -59, 11, 69, 146, 203, -251]; casthoty = [-104, -68, -85, -103, -116, -119, -140, -146, -104]; castwho = ["Buckman", "Tina", "Sarah", "Jana", "Jenny", "Cindy", "Brad", "Mike", "Katrina", ""]; onwho = -1; changed = 0; if (Key.isDown(49)) { if (theme != 1) { ChangeTheme(Theme1, 0); theme = 1; } } else if (Key.isDown(50)) { if (theme != 2) { ChangeTheme(Theme2, 0); theme = 2; } } else if (Key.isDown(51)) { if (theme != 3) { ChangeTheme(Theme3, 0); theme = 3; } } tmptheme = 0; zadjx = (zadjy = 0); fall = 0; fall2 = 3; fall3 = 8; rtrubx = 0; rtruby = 0; ltrubx = 0; ltruby = 0; rubspotx = [424, 472, 460, 428, 375, 414, 364, 430, 430, 430]; rubspoty = [444, 603, 587, 507, 502, 638, 442, 670, 670, 670]; lhrubspot = 3; rhrubspot = 2; lhrubdly = 0; rhrubdly = 0; rhx = 444; rhy = 444; lhx = 444; lhy = 444; rra = 0; rrub = 0; lra = 0; lrub = 0; ltrub = 0; rtrub = 0; rdx = (rdy = 0.1); swaya = 0; bendover = 0; bendback = (rbendback = 0); bcx = -10000; bcy = 0; circlepos = 0; bcxp = [-10000, 424, 364, 430, 442]; bcyp = [-10000, 444, 442, 670, 260]; ltitdone = 0; rtitdone = 0; pussydone = 0; facedone = 0; alldone = 0; jacking = 0; English = ["I don't think I can wait until Saturday.", 3, "How about a little preview?", 3, "\rI'm just too horny", 2, "\rIn here.", 2, "\rSo, am I getting that A in Biology?", 2, "\rUhhhhh...", 2, "If you keep at it you should get a good grade.", 2, "x", 2, "y", 13, "z", 3, "\rSo, is that worth the fifty bucks?", b4r, "Oh yeah.\rI can't wait to get home and watch it all!", bub4l, "How did\r you do it? You're a techno genius!", bub4l, "So the party\ris at your house after the game?", bub4l, "\rYes.\r It's all ready", bub4r, "I got\ra keg of beer and a case of tequila.", bub4r, "A case?\rThis is going to be one wild party!", bub4l, "", 0, "", 0, "", 0, "If i didn't know better, I'd think you were in love!", 13, "He's just so dreamy.", 11, "You haven't even met Brad yet!", 10, "\rMan! She's so hot!", 13, "The most awesome babe in school by far.", 12, "\rWhat's her name?", 3, "It's \"Jana.\" She's in my history class.", 11, "\rJana, mmmmm.", 3, "", 0, "", 0, "\rOh. Hi Cindy.", 13, "\rCindy!", 13, "\rWhat's that all over your skirt?", 13, "\rThat Cindy is such a scuzz.", 13, "\rEvery school has it's super slut.", 12, "Ours just happens to be the \"head\" cheerleader.", 12, "That was great work on Cindy!", 10, "Uh, thanks, I guess.", 11, "Why don't\ryou go over and talk to Brad?", 13, "I think he's interested.", 10, "Oh! Lord no! I'm too shy.", 11, "I would be petrified. I... I... I'd die!", 12, "\rOh well, time to go.", 3, "Uh, hi. You're the new girl arent you?", 3, "\rIs he talking to me?", 15, "\rOh no!", 15, "\rLate for class.", 15, "\rWhat the...", 3, "\rI'm so stupid!\rI'm so stupid!", 16, "Why do I have to be so shy!", 11, "I just really blew it.", 11, "After School", 0, "Before the Game", 0, "Victory!", 0, "See you at the party!", 0, "Click here to play part 1 again", 0, "Press the space bar again to continue playing.", 0, "", 0, "", 0, "", 0, "Well if it isn't\rthe big bad\rquarterback!", bub4l, "\rJenny!", bub4r, "Are you ready\rto lose to X High tonight?", bub4l, "\rHa! You wish!", bub4r, "Aren't you at the wrong school?", bub2l, "I just\rcame by early to check out the field.", bub4r, "\rWhere's that big bad boyfriend of yours?", bub4r, "He always\rseems to be right there, guarding you.", bub4r, "Boyfriend?\rWhat boyfriend?", bub2l, "That creep is off in Afghanistan now.", bub2l, "I hope he gets his pecker shot off!", bub2l, "So you're free then?", bub2r, "Honey, ain't nothin' is free!", bub2l, "I just got\ra full scholarship to State.", bub4r, "That's about as free as it gets.", bub2r, "I guess\r when you have enough talent,", bub4r, "Things just fall at your feet.", bub2r, "And baby you gots lots of talent!", bub2r, "\rYou at my feet?", bub3l, "Baby, I'm begging.", bub2r, "Keys to the equipment room.", bub3l, "It's legendary around here.", bub3l, "Mmmmm,\r hard as a rock.", bub3r, "Ooooo,\r arms of steel!", bub3r, "Mmmmm,\r abs like granite!", bub3r, "\rHey. What is this?", bub3r, "\rY'all got a corncob in your pants?", bub4r, "Haha,\rButter it up baby.", bub3l, "Okay.\rGo ahead.\rI know you're dying for them.", bub4r, "\rThey fit my hands perfectly!", bub4l, "It's like holding a pair of footballs!", bub3l, "\rWhoa there cowboy!", bub4r, "\rI want to fuck your tits again.", bub4r, "\rThis time make me cum.", bub4r, "Lick it!", bub6, "Now suck it!", bub6, "So. Where are you taking me after the game?.", bub4l, "Oh, sorry baby.\rI already got a date after the game.", bub4r, "\r Fucker!", bub4l, "", 0, "\rHey, Sarah, it's all ok? What's up?", bub4l, "\rN-no, well.. Or.. Yes.. I mean...", bub4l, "\rIt's just this zipper I.. I can't...", bub4l, "There.\r Easier than you could imagine.", bub4l, "Th-thank you Tina... I would have been lost without you.", bub4r, "I sense there is something wrong. What's going on?", bub4l, "Nothing!\r Absolut... Oh, well, I... I...", bub4r, "It's... It's the same old story. You all look so cute, so perfect,", bub4r, "While I'm... I'm a weirdo. What am I doing here? I don't belong here.", bub4r, "Stop saying those silly things. Here. Look in the mirror.", bub4l, "Here we are.\r Now tell me,\rwhat do you see?", bub4l, "I see...\r Me...\rMe in undies..", bub4r, "NO!\r I see a pretty girl,", bub4l, "That every boy in school would like to hold in his arms.", bub4l, "I see a beautiful slim body like a fashion model,", bub4l, "A sexy body that many girls would envy.", bub4l, "But...\rBut I'm not like you... Or Jenny...", bub4r, "No?\r Well, I just think you ARE.", bub4l, "Mmmm, they are so deliciously squeezable.", bub4l, "\rJust like these.", bub4l, "There is nothing wrong with your body, honey.", bub4l, "We must love and be proud of our bodies, they are so cute.", bub4l, "Boys certainly desire to touch and caress them.", bub4l, "\rMany girls too.", bub4l, "Here,\r go ahead and feel my tits.", bub4l, "\rJust as lovely as yours.", bub4l, "\rOoooooo...", bub4r, "", 0, "", 0, "", 0, "\rHey you two!", bub4r, "Hurry up!\r The game is going to start!", bub4r, "Oh!\r Cindy left her purse here.", bub4l, "\rBut she's on the field already.", bub4r, "\rI just saw her Dad. I'll give it to him.", bub4r, "Hey,\rwhere are Tina and Sarah?", bub4l, "The game is almost going to start!", bub4l, "\rI'll go check on them", bub4r, "Oh!\r But you'll miss the big show!", bub4l, "Look!\r It's starting.", bub4l, "Oh!\rMy!\rGod!", bub4r, "Delicious!\r Isn't it?", bub4l, "", 0, "", 0, "", 0, "", 0, "", 0, "", 0, "", 0, "", 0, "Computer whiz and voyeur. His father is an executive at a big software company. $$$ ", 0, "Hot little latina firecracker. She lurks behind demure glasses.", 0, "A shy bookworm. Her parents pushed her into trying out for cheerleader hoping to break her out of her shell.", 0, "The new girl in school. She does not yet know where she fits into the social order at Xavier high. She has vowed to remain a virgin until marriage.", 0, "As long as anyone can remember Jenny was involved with her older boyfriend. He graduated and joined the army and was shipped off to Afghanistan. He dumped her when she pushed to get married before he left.", 0, "Head cheerleader, strong and dominating. Academics is not her strong suit though.", 0, "Star athlete and every girls dream guy.", 0, "Brad's buddy, but also his rival, both on and off the althletic field.", 0, "Small in size, but full of surprises.", 0, "", 0, "5 minutes to game time", 0, "Welcome to Lucas field", 0, "For tonight's homcoming super battle", 0, "Xavier High vs Lincoln High", 0, "Featuring the two top quarterbacks in the state", 0, "X high's own Brad White", 0, "", 0, "vs Lincoln's Tony Ballermo", 0, "", 0, "Tonight's matchup pits the two top teams in the state", 0, "In a game to remember!", 0, "Now a word from our sponsors", 0, "One moment please... We are experiencing technical difficulties.", 0, "", 0, "\rUm...\r Okay. ", bub4r, "\rI don't drink.", bub4r, "\rI'll get some drinks.", bub4l, "\rYou have your own bottle?", bub4l, "\rWooo!\rYeah!", bub4r, "\rMe and my Boo\rwe're real tight.", bub4l, "Go ahead,\r ask Jana to dance!", bub4r, "I don't know.\rI think she doesn't like me.", bub4l, "Bullshit!\r All the girls like you!", bub4r, "\rYou\u2019re the top dog around here.", bub4r, "\rYou can have any girl you want.", bub4r, "You need a\rdrink for courage. I\u2019ll get you a double.", bub4r, "\rOh!\rNo! ", bub4l, "\rListen.", bub4r, "\rIt looks as though it will be you,", bub4r, "That is going to have to make the first move with Brad.", bub4r, "You kind of\r blew it this afternoon in school.", bub4r, "\rNow he's afraid to talk to you.", bub4r, "\rYou like him\rright?", bub4r, "\rOh yes!", bub4r, "You want\r to meet him\rright?", bub4r, "\rOh yes!\r I want him!", bub4r, "Okay then,\rDrink!\rFor courage.", bub4r, "Hey,\rwhere is Cindy?", bub4l, "\rOh!\rYou didn't hear?", bub4r, "\rCindy got busted by her Dad. ", bub4r, "Seems he\rfound a box of condoms in her purse. ", bub4r, "\rWoooo! ", bub4l, "\rIt was a twenty four pack, ", bub4r, "\rAnd there was only one left!", bub4r, "\rHa ha ha! ", bub4l, "\rNow she's grounded for life.", bub4r, "Drink up my man,\r You're about to go\rinto battle.", bub4r, "\rGo on,\rAsk her to dance.", bub4r, "Go on,\r Ask him to dance!", bub4l, "Um....\r do you want to dance?", bub4l, "\rYes.", bub4r, "\rHeehee.\rI have to pee.", bub4l, "\rWhere is the....", bub4l, "\rI'll help you find it.", bub4l, "Jenny,You're drunk. Don't be embarrassing.", bub4r, "\rOh shut up lonely boy.", bub4l, "\rJust enjoy the show.", bub4l, "\rIt sure is getting noisy in here.", bub4l, "Can we go somewhere quieter?", bub4r, "\rCindy!", bub4r, "\rI managed to sneak out.", bub4l, "\rWhat's with the coat?", bub4r, "My dear Dad\rlocked all of my clothes in the closet,", bub4l, "\rso I wouldn\u2019t sneak out.", bub4l, "I stashed one of Mom\u2019s coats under the bed though.", bub4l, "\rYou two sure look... horny.", bub4l, "\rHey Cindy,\rGot any condoms?", bub4r, "\rHumh!", bub4r, "\rCindy,\rGo away!", bub4l, "\rGot anything there for me?", bub4r, "I'm surprised,\rbut the dog's got a bone!", bub4r, "\rYou want to?", bub4r, "\rLet's go upstairs.", bub4r, "\rTake it off!", bub4r, "\rTake it off!", bub4l, "Jenny\r you have the most awesome tits!", bub4l, "\rShow them to us.\rPlease!", bub4l, "\rOh you want to see them do you?", bub4l, "\rOkay, no problem.", bub4l, "But,\ryou have to show me yours first!", bub4l, "No boy!\r I want to see your thang.", bub4l, "\rI ain't showin' you nothin'", bub4l, "Not until you're buck naked and stroking your dick.", bub4l, "\rYou want to jack off on these?", bub4l, "\rCome on now.\r Let\u2019s see it.", bub4l, "\rIf you want to see my tits", bub4l, "\rJack off for me.", bub4l, "Whoa!\rNot so quick!", bub4l, "\rLet's see them!", bub4r, "\rSure!", bub4r, "\rBut...", bub4r, "If you want me naked, then y'all gotta be naked too!", bub4r, "\rCome on now.\rDon't be shy.", bub4r, "\rLet's see those dicks.", bub4r, "Ummm...\rWhere is the bathroom?", bub4r, "It's been\r locked for about half an hour.", bub4l, "I think\r some one's getting busy in there.", bub4l, "\rTry upstairs.", bub4l, "\rOkay,\rThanks.", bub4r, "Hey,\rWhere's Buckman?", bub4r, "Yeah.\r He's missing the best party ever!", bub4r, "\r Locked!", bub4l, "\r Ahhh!", bub4r, "Maybe just one more shot to get them loose.", 18, "Sarah is almost ready!\rMaybe one more.", 18, "There.\rThat should get her panties down!", 18, "Allright Brad!\r Let's be sure you're up for the task.", bub4r, "\rOh!\rSorry! ", bub4r, "\rHuh?", bub4l, "\rI was looking for a bathroom.", bub4r, "\rI desperately have to pee!", bub4r, "And the\rbathrooms are all locked or lost or something!", bub4r, "Jeez!\rI thought I locked that door!", bub4l, "Okay.\rThere's one in here.", bub4l, "\rOver there.", bub4l, "\rOooooo thanks!", bub4r, "\rOooo,\rShe's so cute! ", bub4r, "\rOh! God!", bub4l, "\rHuh!", bub4r, "\rThat is just so hot!", bub4l, "I\u2019m feeling\ra tingle just looking at it.", bub4l, "\rI didn't hear you come in.", bub4r, "\rCan I watch?", bub4l, "\rPlease?", bub4l, "\rOh...\rI see.", bub4r, "\rDon't worry Sweetie.", bub4r, "\rIt\u2019s all right.\rI\u2019m turned on too.", bub4r, "\rLet me do this.", bub4r, "\rIs that good?", bub4r, "\rDo you like me?", bub4r, "Ohhhh yeah,\r but...", 6, "I'm busy now.\rI need to...", 6, "This is important!", 6, "I can't,\rnot now.", 6, "\rDo you want to feel my pussy?", bub4r, "Oh look!\rBrad and Jana moved!", bub4r, "You need\rto pan over to get them in frame!", bub4r, "Yes.\r Now zoom in a little.", bub4r, "\rWow!\r You get it!", bub4l, "\rThe party is really getting wild now!", bub4l, "\rI really need to do this right now.", bub4l, "We can...\rUmmmm...\rSome other time.", bub4l, "\rI understand.", bub4r, "\rOh, you're making me so hot now!", bub4r, "\rCan you feel how wet it is?", bub4r, "Your penis\rwould slide right in so easily.", bub4r, "Oh,\r I want it!\rI want it now!", bub4r, "Let's do it.\rDo you want to fuck?", bub4r, "\rJust keep your eye on the monitor,", bub4r, "\rI'll take care of things down here.", bub4r, "How does that feel?\rAre you almost there?", bub4r, "\rDo you want to cum in my mouth?", bub4r, "\rOh my God!\r Jussst in t-time!!", bub4r, "\rHere,\rLet me.", bub4l, "\rI want you to feel me.", bub4l, "\rFeel my...", bub4l, "\rOh!\r But I've never...", bub4r, "\rPlease...", bub4l, "\rTouch it.", bub4l, "Again.\rThis time squeeze it a little.", bub4l, "\rFeel how hard it is?", bub4l, "\rUh huh.", bub4r, "\rNow feel how long it is.", bub4l, "\rOoooo.", bub4r, "\rDo you like it?", bub4l, "\rUhh...\rUh huh.", bub4r, "It\rfeels so good\rwhen you touch it.", bub4l, "\rYou like it?", bub4l, "\rOh yes!", bub4l, "\rOh yes!\r Like that.", bub4l, "\rUnbutton my pants.", bub4l, "\rOh!", bub4r, "\rPlease!", bub4l, "\rRub it.\rPlease!", bub4l, "\rCome on now.", bub4l, "You\r don't need to be shy anymore.", bub4l, "\rDo you want to...", bub4l, "Oooo yes.\rI want you inside me.", 6, "\rIt won't go in!", bub4l, "\rNo! It has to fit!", 5, "\rTry again.", 5, "No!\r Put it in!", 5, "\rIs that the best you can do?", bub4r, "\rOkay?", 18, "\rI don't know why I like it,", bub4r, "\rBut your cock feels so good in my ass!", bub4r, "\rFuck it slow,\rvery slow.", bub4r, "\rOooo \ryes.", bub4r, "\rCan you feel it squeezing you?", bub4r, "\rOoohhh\ryes.", bub4r, "\rNow deeper.", bub4r, "\rOohhhh!\rFaster!", bub4r, "\rIs that it?", bub4r, "I only see\r one skinny little white thing.", bub4r, "\rYou!", bub4r, "\rWhat you hiding?", bub4r, "\rCome on Emo.\rDon't be shy.", bub4r, "\rLet's see it.", bub4r, "Okay.\rLooks like you're gonna need a little help.", bub4r, "\rYou know,\r you\u2019re real cute!", bub4r, "\rCome here honey.", bub4l, "\rWhoa!\r That's enough.", bub4l, "God,\ryour hair smells great!", bub5, "\rOoo!\rThat's cute too!", bub4l, "Uhh...\rI'm going to cum.", bub4l, "Umm...\rIs that alright?", bub4l, "\rYou are so sweet!", bub4r, "\rI'm waiting!", bub4r, "Y'all gonna get naked, or do I go home?", bub4r, "\rMe next!", bub4l, "\rNo me!", bub4l, "\rI want to fuck your tits too!", bub4l, "Jenny!\rSuck my cock!", bub4l, "\rJenny!\rJenny!", bub4l, "Let me\rfuck you while you suck his cock!", bub4l, "Ain't none of y'all sticking nothing in side of me!", bub4l, "\rExcept Junebug here.", bub4l, "\rHe can have it.", bub4l, "\rI think I'm in love!", bub4l, "You want\r to be my new boyfriend?", bub4l, "\rHuh?", bub4r, "\rWow!\rSure!", bub4r, "\rWhat do I have to do?", bub4r, "\rI want you to fuck me.", bub4l, "\rFuck me hard and long.", bub4l, "\rYour pecker up for it?", bub4l, "\rMmmmm.", bub4l, "\rGetting tired yet?", bub4l, "You don't have to worry about me getting tired.", 5, "I'm a distance runner.", 6, "I can keep this pace for hours.", 6, "As long as you need, or want.", 6, "\rOooo!", bub4l, "\rI love my new boyfriend!", bub4l, "Looks like\rwe're not getting any of that!", bub4l, "\rFuck no!", bub4r, "\rLook at those fucking tits!", bub4r, "\rI want to cum on those babies!!", bub4r, "Fuck!\rNow I want to cum on her face.", bub4r, "\rFuck!\rMe too!", bub4l, "Those\rsugar tits need more frosting!", bub4r, "\rCome on!\r It\u2019s a party! ", bub4l, "Let loose\rand have some fun!", bub4l, "\rLet me get you both a drink.", bub4l, "", 0]; news_text_English = ["Local news headlines:", "Science teacher arrested for allegedly having sex with a student at school.", "Since the un-named girl was of legal age, no criminal charges were filed.", "The girl was expelled and will not graduate. The teacher was fired.", "Lincoln High's star quarterback fingered for using steroids, loses scholarship.", "An anonymous person sent proof of the abuse to the school board.", "Local soldier and Xavier High grad injured in Afghanistan.", "He reportedly suffered a devastating groin injury from small arms fire.", "", "Xavier High news and gossip:", "Xavier wins State championship!", "Inspite of their underdog status, Xavier easily defeated Lincoln in the final.", "Star QB Brad W. and new head cheerleader Jana J. announce plans to wed in June.", "Rumors swirl about the rushed decision.", "Backup QB Mike D. was spotted sneaking into the free clinic recently.", "This reporter can easily guess why after the recent party.", "Wayne Buckman named class valedictorian, but steps down in voyeurism controversy.", "Girlfriend Katrina P. was second in line and assumes the honor.", "Former Cheerleader Jennifer B. gets big recording contract with local band.", "The band: \"Junebug\" will begin recording their first album in LA this summer.", "The carrier single will be: \"I'm Not Emo (but I think your hair's cute)\"", "Cheerleaders Tina F. and Sarah P. to appear on national talk show.", "The topic of discussion: Teen Girls in Love.", "", "News flash sponsored by Tony-Angelos Pizza,", "Where their slogan is: Eat a pie today!", ""]; credits_text_English = ["Cheerleaders Party\r\r copyright 2009\rAll rights reserved", "Game design by Puso\r\rDialog by Lucaboo2 & Puso", "Music seqencer & sound code by Virtualex\r\r All other code by Puso", "'Jana In Love'\r (Brad & Jana's slow dance)\r Vocal by Vera Poletaeva\r Words & music by Puso", "All other music by Virtualex", "2D & 3D art by Puso\r\r All 3D characters created using Daz 3dstudio", "Thanks to the Pusooy Mods as design consultants:\r\rCodo, Harryvh, Lucaboo2, Pawpaw, Superbookey, Ut1stgear, Virtualex, Zadok23", "Thanks also to the beta testers:\r\rDante101, Flashfiend, Forquer73, Olesbuch, Ramses, Sorrowson, Soursage, Ursulak", "German translation by: Arnulf and Profhastig", "Secret unlock code: xhi"]; German = ["Ich glaube nicht,\rdass ich noch bis Samstag warten kann.", bub4r, "Wie w\u00E4r's mit\reiner kleinen Kostprobe?", bub4r, "Ich bin viel\rzu geil auf dich.", 2, "\rHier rein!", 2, "Und? Bekomme ich jetzt die Eins in Biologie?", 2, "\rUhhhhh...", 2, "\rWenn du so weitermachst, sollst du eine gute Note bekommen.", bub5r, "", 0, "", 0, "", 0, "Und?\rIst das die f\u00FCnfzig Dollar wert?", b4r, "Oh ja!\r Ich kann's\rnicht erwarten, nach Hause zu kommen und mir alles anzusehen.", bub5lw, "Wie hast du das gemacht? Du bist ja ein Technik-Genie!", bub4l, "Die Party\rnach dem Spiel ist also bei dir zu Hause?", bub4l, "Ja,\r es ist alles vorbereitet.", bub4r, "Ich habe ein F\u00E4sschen Bier und einen Karton Tequila.", bub4l, "Einen ganzen Karton? Das wird ja eine wilde Party!", bub4l, "", 0, "", 0, "", 0, "Wenn ich es\rnicht besser w\u00FCsste, k\u00F6nnte ich meinen, du bist verliebt!", bub5r, "Er ist aber auch so traumhaft.", 11, "Du hast doch\rnicht gerade Brad getoffen!", bub4r, "\rMann! Die ist so scharf!", 13, "Weitaus das atemberaubendste M\u00E4dchen an der Schule.", 12, "\rWie hei\u00DFt sie?", 3, "Jana. Sie geht in den selben Geschichtskurs wie ich.", bub4l, "Jana,\rmmmmm.", 3, "", 0, "", 0, "\rOh. Hallo Cindy.", 13, "\rCindy!", 13, "Was ist denn\rdas hier \u00FCberall auf deinem Rock?", 13, "\rDiese Cindy ist so ein Mistst\u00FCck.", 13, "\rJede Schule hat ihre Superschlampe.", 12, "\rUnsere ist zuf\u00E4llig Cheerleader-Chefin.", bub5l, "Das mit Cindy war gro\u00DFartig!", 10, "Uh, kann sein, Danke.", 11, "Warum gehst du nicht hin und sprichtst mit Brad?", 13, "Ich glaube,\rer mag Dich.", 10, "Oh! Gott nein! Ich bin zu sch\u00FCchtern.", 11, "Ich w\u00FCrde vor Angst erstarren. Ich..ich..ich w\u00FCrde sterben!", 12, "\rNa gut, wir m\u00FCssen jetzt gehen.", bub4r, "Uh, hallo.\rDu bist doch die Neue, nicht?", bub4r, "\rRedet er mit mir?", 15, "\rOh nein!", 15, "\rH\u00F6chste Zeit f\u00FCr den Kurs.", 15, "\rWas zum....", 3, "\rIch bin so bl\u00F6d!\rIch bin so bl\u00F6d!", 16, "Warum muss ich nur so sch\u00FCchtern sein!", bub4l, "\rIch hab's regelrecht vermasselt.", bub4l, "Nach der Schule", 0, "Vor dem Spiel", 0, "Sieg!", 0, "Wir treffen uns auf der Party!", 0, "Zum Neustart von Teil 1\rhier klicken", 0, "Zur Fortsetzung des Spiels bitte nochmals die Abstand-Taste dr\u00FCcken.", 0, "", 0, "", 0, "", 0, "Na, wenn das blo\u00DF nicht der gro\u00DFe b\u00F6se Quarterback ist!", bub4l, "\rJenny!", bub4r, "\rBist du bereit\rheute Abend gegen die X High zu verlieren?", bub5l, "Ha!\rDas h\u00E4ttest du wohl gerne!", bub4r, "Bist du nicht an der falschen Schule?", bub2l, "Ich bin nur\rso fr\u00FCh, um den Platz zu checken.", bub4r, "Wo ist denn\rdein grosser l\u00E4stiger Freund?", bub4r, "Er scheint\r immer pl\u00F6tzlich aufzutauchen um auf dich aufzupassen.", bub5r, "Freund? was f\u00FCr Freund?", bub2l, "Der Mistkerl ist\r weg und jetzt in Afghanistan.", bub4l, "Ich hoffe, sie schie\u00DFen ihm dort die Eier weg!", bub4l, "Dann bist du also jetzt frei?", bub2r, "Nein, S\u00FC\u00DFer, nichts ist frei!", bub2l, "Ich habe ein staatliches Vollstipendium.", bub4r, "\rDas ist ungef\u00E4hr so frei, wie es nur geht.", bub4r, "\rWenn du begabt genug bist,", bub4r, "liegt dir alles zu F\u00FC\u00DFen.", bub2r, "Und Baby,\rdu hast eine Menge Begabungen.", bub5r, "Du liegst mir zu F\u00FC\u00DFen?", bub3l, "Baby, ich bettle darum.", bub2r, "Schl\u00FCssel f\u00FCr den Zeugraum.", bub3l, "Der ist hier schulbekannt.", bub3l, "\r Mmmmm, steinhart.", bub3r, "Ooooo, Arme aus Stahl.", bub3r, "Mmmmm,\rBauchmuskeln wie Granit.", bub4r, "\rHeh, was ist das?", bub3r, "Hast du auch\rnoch einen Maiskolben in deiner Hose?", bub4r, "Haha,\rsei gut zu ihm, Baby.", bub4l, "Also gut.\r Fang an. Ich wei\u00DF, du stirbst daf\u00FCr.", bub4r, "Sie passen\rperfekt in meine H\u00E4nde.", bub4l, "Es ist, als h\u00E4tte\rich zwei B\u00E4lle in der Hand.", bub4l, "\rGanz ruhig,\rdu Cowboy!", bub4r, "Ich will\rwieder deine Titten ficken.", bub4r, "\rDiesmal bring mich zum Abspritzen.", bub4r, "Leck ihn!", bub6, "Jetzt saug dran!", bub6, "Und?\r Wohin nimmst du mich nach dem Spiel mit?", bub4l, "Tut mir leid,\r Baby, aber ich bin schon Verabredet.", bub4r, "\rSchei\u00DFkerl!", bub4l, "", 0, "Heh, Sarah,\r ist alles in Ordnung? Was gibt's?", bub4l, "N..nein, gut..oder..Ja.. ich meine..", bub4l, "Es ist nur dieser Reissverschluss, Ich..Ich kann nicht...", bub4l, "Da.\rLeichter als du gedacht hast.", bub4l, "D..danke, Tina. Ohne dich w\u00E4re ich verloren gewesen.", bub4r, "Ich sp\u00FCre doch, du hast irgend etwas. Was ist los?", bub4l, "Nichts!\r Wirklich..Na gut, Ich...Ich...", bub4r, "Es ist...\rEs ist immer\rdieselbe alte Geschichte. Ihr alle seht immer so gut aus, so perfekt,", bub5rw, "ich dagegen...\rIch bin eine komische Aussenseiterin. Ich geh\u00F6re nicht hierher.", bub5rw, "H\u00F6r auf so\rdummes Zeug zu reden. Da. Schau in den Spiegel.", bub5l, "Da sind wir. Jetzt sag mir, was du siehst.", bub4l, "Ich sehe...mich...mich im H\u00F6schen..", bub4r, "\rNEIN!\rIch sehe ein h\u00FCbsches M\u00E4dchen,", bub5l, "\rdas jeder Junge\ran der Schule gerne in seinen Armen halten w\u00FCrde.", bub5l, "\rIch sehe einen\rsch\u00F6nen schlanken K\u00F6rper wie von einem Model.", bub5l, "\rEinen sexy K\u00F6rper,\rum den dich viele M\u00E4dels beneiden w\u00FCrden.", bub5l, "Aber...Aber ich\rbin nicht so wie du...Oder Jenny...", bub4r, "Nein? Na, ich glaube aber DOCH!", bub4l, "\rMmmm, die sind so sch\u00F6n anzufassen.", bub4l, "\rGenau wie diese", bub4l, "Es ist \u00FCberhaupt nichts falsch mit deinem K\u00F6rper, S\u00FC\u00DFe.", bub4l, "\rWir m\u00FCssen unsere\rK\u00F6rper lieben und stolz auf sie sein. Sie sehen wirklich gut aus.", bub5lw, "\rDie Jungs sehnen\rsich sicher danach, sie zu ber\u00FChren und zu streicheln.", bub5l, "\rViele M\u00E4dchen auch.", bub4l, "Da,\rkomm und f\u00FChl meine Br\u00FCste.", bub4l, "\rGenauso sch\u00F6n wie deine.", bub4l, "\rOoooooo...", bub4r, "", 0, "", 0, "", 0, "\rHeh, ihr zwei!", bub4r, "Beeilt euch!\rDas Spiel f\u00E4ngt gleich an!", bub4r, "Oh! Cindy hat ihre Tasche hier gelassen.", bub4l, "\rAber sie ist schon auf dem Spielfeld.", bub4r, "Ich habe eben\rihren Vater gesehen. Ich werde sie ihm geben.", bub5r, "Heh,\rwo sind Tina und Sarah?", bub4l, "\rDas Spiel f\u00E4ngt ja gleich an!", bub4l, "\rIch geh nach ihnen schauen.", bub4r, "Oh, aber du wirst die gro\u00DFe Show verpassen!", bub4l, "\rSchau! Es f\u00E4ngt an.", bub4l, "\rOh!\rMein! Gott!", bub4r, "\rSuper!\r Nicht wahr?", bub4l, "", 0, "", 0, "", 0, "", 0, "", 0, "", 0, "", 0, "", 0, "Computergenie und Voyeur. Sein Vater ist Gesch\u00E4ftsf\u00FChrer einer gro\u00DFen Softwarefirma. $$$", 0, "Scharfer Latina-Knallfrosch. Sie lauert hinter ihrer sittsamen Brille.", 0, "Sch\u00FCchterner B\u00FCcherwurm. Ihre Eltern haben sie gedr\u00E4ngt, am Cheerleader-Training teilzunehmen in der Hoffnung, sie aus ihrem Schneckenhaus zu locken.", 0, "Das neue M\u00E4dchen an der Schule. Sie wei\u00DF noch nicht, an welche Stelle sie in der sozialen Hierarchie an der Xavier High passt. Sie hat sich geschworen, bis zu ihrer Hochzeit Jungfrau zu bleiben.", 0, "Solange jeder zur\u00FCckdenken kann, war sie mit ihrem \u00E4lteren Freund zusammen. Nach seinem Schulabschluss ging er zur Army und wurde nach Afghanistan versetzt. Als sie ihn gedr\u00E4ngt hat, sie vor seiner Versetzung zu heiraten, hat er mit ihr Schluss gemacht.", 0, "Cheerleader-Chefin, energisch und dominant. Studieren ist aber nicht ihre starke Seite.", 0, "Sportstar und der Traum jeden M\u00E4dchens.", 0, "Brads Freund, aber auch Konkurrent, sowohl auf dem Sportplatz als auch dar\u00FCber hinaus.", 0, "Klein, aber voll \u00DCberraschungen.", 0, "", 0, "5 Minuten bis Spielbeginn", 0, "Willkommen im Lucas Stadion", 0, "Zur Heimspiel-Superschlacht heute Abend", 0, "Xavier High gegen Lincoln High", 0, "Mit den beiden besten Quarterbacks im Staat", 0, "Aus X High's eigener Sch\u00FClermannschaft Brad White", 0, "", 0, "gegen Lincoln's: Tony Ballermo", 0, "", 0, "Die Entscheidung heute Abend f\u00FChrt die beiden besten Teams des Staates gegeneinander.", 0, "In einem denkw\u00FCrdigen Spiel", 0, "Nun\rein Wort unserer Sponsoren", 0, "Einen Augenblick bitte....wir haben ein technisches Problem.", 0, "", 0, "\rHm...\r Na gut. ", bub4r, "\rIch trinke nicht.", bub4r, "Ich werde euch jetzt die Drinks holen.", bub4l, "Du hast eine Flasche f\u00FCr dich allein?", bub4l, "\rBuuuh!\rJaaa!", bub4r, "Ich und mein Fl\u00E4schchen,\rwir geh\u00F6ren jetzt zusammen.", bub5l, "Los,\r frag Jana, ob sie mit dir tanzt!", bub4r, "Ich wei\u00DF nicht.\rwahrscheinlich mag sie mich gar nicht,", bub4l, "Bl\u00F6dsinn!\r Alle M\u00E4dels m\u00F6gen dich!", bub4r, "\rDu bist hier der Platzhirsch.", bub4r, "\rDu kannst jedes M\u00E4dchen haben.", bub4r, "Du musst dir\rMut antrinken. Ich hol dir einen Doppelten.", bub4r, "Oh!\rNein! ", bub4l, "\rPass auf,", bub4r, "\res schaut aus, als l\u00E4ge es jetzt an dir,", bub4r, "Du musst jetzt\rden ersten Schritt auf Brad zu machen.", bub4r, "Du hast es \rheute Nachmittag in der Schule mehr oder weniger verpatzt.", bub5r, "Jetzt ist er zu verunsichert um dich anzusprechen.", bub5r, "\rDu magst ihn.\rRichtig?", bub4r, "\rOh Ja!", bub4r, "Du willst ihn treffen.\rRichtig?", bub4r, "\rOh ja!\r Ich will ihn!", bub4r, "Gut,\rdann trink!\rDamit du mutiger wirst.", bub4r, "Heh,\rwo ist Cindy?", bub4l, "Oh!\rhast du es nicht geh\u00F6rt?", bub4r, "\rIhr Vater hat Cindy erwischt. ", bub4r, "Sieht so aus,\rals h\u00E4tte er in ihrer Tasche eine Packung Kondome gefunden. ", bub5r, "\rWuuii! ", bub4l, "Es war eine Vierundzwanziger-\rpackung", bub4r, "\rund es war nur mehr eines \u00FCbrig!", bub4r, "\rHa ha ha! ", bub4l, "Jetzt hat sie unbefristeten Hausarrest.", bub4r, "Trink aus,\r du Held. Du ziehst gleich in die Schlacht.", bub4r, "Los!\rFordere sie zum Tanzen auf!.", bub4r, "Los,\r frag ihn, ob er mit dir tanzt!", bub4l, "Hm....\r Willst du tanzen?", bub4l, "\rJa.", bub4r, "\rHeehee.\rIch muss mal!", bub4l, "\rWo ist die....", bub4l, "\rIch helfe dir suchen.", bub4l, "Jenny,du bist betrunken. H\u00F6r auf, sonst wird's peinlich.", bub4r, "\rAch Schnauze, Lonely Boy!", bub4l, "\rSchau einfach zu und genie\u00DFe.", bub4l, "\rLangsam wird's richtig laut hier.", bub4l, "K\u00F6nnen wir\rwohin gehen, wo es ruhiger ist?", bub4r, "\rCindy!", bub4r, "Ich konnte heimlich abhauen.", bub4l, "\rWas ist denn das f\u00FCr ein Mantel?", bub4r, "Mein lieber Vater hat alle meine Sachen weggesperrt, ", bub5l, "\rdamit ich nicht fort kann.", bub4l, "Ich konnte trotzdem einen Mantel meiner Mutter unter dem Bett verstecken.", bub6l, "Ihr beide seht aus....so richtig scharf aufeinander.", bub5l, "Heh Cindy,\rHast du noch Kondome?", bub4r, "\rMpfff!", bub4r, "\rCindy,\rverschwinde!", bub4l, "Gibt's hier ingendwas f\u00FCr mich?", bub4r, "ich wundere\rmich, aber die Hunde haben da einen Knochen!", bub5r, "\rWillst du?", bub4r, "\rGeh'n wir nach oben.", bub4r, "\rAusziehen!", bub4r, "\rAusziehen!", bub4l, "Jenny\r Du hast die geilsten Titten!", bub4l, "\rZeig sie her!\rBitte!", bub4l, "\rAch, ihr wollt sie sehen? Wirklich?", bub4l, "\rGut, kein Problem.", bub4l, "Aber,\rihr m\u00FCsst mir erst eures zeigen!", bub4l, "Nein, Bubi!\r ich will dein Geh\u00E4nge sehen.", bub4l, "\rIch zeig \u00FCberhaupt nichts her,", bub4l, "solange du nicht nackt vor mir deinen Schwanz wichst.", bub4l, "Du willst dir da drauf einen runterholen?", bub4l, "\rAlso los jetzt.\r Zeig's uns.", bub4l, "Wenn du\r meine Titten sehen willst,", bub4l, "\rhol dir f\u00FCr mich einen runter.", bub4l, "Haaalt!\rNicht so schnell!", bub4l, "\rHerzeigen!", bub4r, "\rAber sicher!", bub4r, "\rAber...", bub4r, "Menn iher mich nackt haben wollt, dann m\u00FCsst ihr auch alle nackt sein!", bub5r, "Los.\rZiert euch nicht.", bub4r, "\rRaus mit euren Schw\u00E4nzen!", bub4r, "Hmmm...\rWo ist der Waschraum?", bub4r, "Der ist\rschon eine halbe Stunde besetzt.", bub4l, "Ich glaube, da\r drin sind welche sehr besch\u00E4ftigt.", bub4l, "\rVersuche es oben.", bub4l, "\rGut,\rDanke.", bub4r, "Hey,\rWo ist Buckman?", bub4r, "Ja!\r Er vers\u00E4umt die Party seines Lebens!", bub4r, "\r zu!", bub4l, "\r Ahhh!", bub4r, "Vielleicht noch einen Schluck zur Entspannung.", 18, "Sarah ist schon fast so weit\rVielleicht noch einen.", 19, "So.\rDas sollte ihr das H\u00F6schen ausziehen!", 19, "Sehr gut Brad,\r du musst jetzt fit sein f\u00FCr die Herausforderung.", bub5r, "\rOh!\rVerzeihung! ", bub4r, "\rHuh?", bub4l, "\rIch suche einen Waschraum.", bub4r, "\rIch muss furchtbar dringend!", bub4r, "Und die\rWaschr\u00E4ume sind alle besetzt oder ausser Betrieb oder sonst was!", bub6r, "Ihhh!\rIch war mir sicher, ich h\u00E4tte zugesperrt!", bub5l, "Also gut.\rDa drinnen ist einer.", bub4l, "\rDa vorbei!", bub4l, "\rOooooo Danke!", bub4r, "\rOooo,\rSie ist so toll! ", bub4r, "\rOh! Gott!", bub4l, "\rHuh!", bub4r, "\rDas ist wirklich scharf!", bub4l, "Mich kribbelt's\rschon allein beim Zuschauen.", bub4l, "Ich hab dich gar nicht kommen h\u00F6ren.", bub4r, "\rDarf ich zuschauen?", bub4l, "\rBitte?", bub4l, "\rOh...\rAch so!", bub4r, "\rNur keine Panik, S\u00FC\u00DFer.", bub4r, "Ist schon in Ordnung.\rMich macht es ja auch an.", bub4r, "\rLass mich das machen.", bub4r, "\rGut so?", bub4r, "\rMagst du mich?", bub4r, "Ohhhh jaa,\r aber...", 6, "ich hab jetzt keine Zeit.\rIch muss...", 6, "Das ist wichtig!", 6, "Ich kann nicht,\rnicht jetzt.", 6, "\rWillst du meine Muschi anfassen?", bub4r, "Schau doch!\rBei Brad und Jana tut sich was!", bub4r, "Du musst\rsie in diesen Rahmen hin\u00FCberziehen!", bub5r, "Ja.\r Jetzt ein bischen heranzoomen.", bub4r, "Wao!\r Jetzt hast du's!", bub4l, "\rDie Party wird jetzt echt wild!", bub4l, "Ich muss das aber jetzt wirklich machen .", bub4l, "Wir k\u00F6nnen...\rHmmmm...\rein anderes Mal.", bub4l, "\rIch verstehe.", bub4r, "\rAh! Du machst mich so hei\u00DF!", bub4r, "\rF\u00FChlst du, wie nass sie ist?", bub4r, "Dein Schwanz w\u00FCrde so richtig leicht reinflutschen.", bub4r, "Oh,\r Ich will es!\rJetzt!", bub4r, "Machen wir's.\rWillst du mich ficken?", bub4r, "\rBehalte nur deinen Monitor im Auge,", bub5r, "\rIch k\u00FCmmere mich um das da unten.", bub4r, "Wie f\u00FChlt sich's an??\rBist du schon fast soweit?", bub4r, "\rWillst du in meinen Mund abspritzen?", bub4r, "\rOh Gott!\r Gerade noch!!", bub4r, "Hier,\rLass mich das machen.", bub4l, "\rIch m\u00F6chte, dass du mich sp\u00FCrst.", bub4l, "\rF\u00FChl meinen...", bub4l, "Oh!\r Aber...ich hab noch nie...", bub4r, "\rBitte...", bub4l, "\rGreif ihn an.", bub4l, "Noch einmal.\rDiesmal dr\u00FCck ihn ein wenig.", bub4l, "\rSp\u00FCrst du, wie hart er ist?", bub4l, "\rUh huh.", bub4r, "\rJetzt f\u00FChl, wie lang er ist.", bub4l, "\rOoooo.", bub4r, "\rMagst du das?", bub4l, "\rUhh...\rUh huh.", bub4r, "Es ist so gut\rwenn du ihn anfasst.", bub4l, "\rDu magst das?", bub4l, "\rOh ja!", bub4l, "\rOh ja!\r Genau so.", bub4l, "\rMach mir die Hose auf.", bub4l, "\rOh!", bub4r, "\rBitte!", bub4l, "\rJetzt reib ihn.\rBitte!", bub4l, "\rKomm jetzt.", bub4l, "Du musst dich \u00FCberhaupt nicht mehr zieren.", bub4l, "\rWillst du...", bub4l, "Oooo ja. ich m\u00F6chte dich jetzt in mir haben.", 26, "\rEr geht nicht rein!", bub4l, "Nein! Er muss hineingehen!", 5, "\rProbiers nochmal.", 5, "Nein!\r Steck ihn rein!", 5, "\rist das alles, was du drauf hast?", bub4r, "\rGut?", 18, "Ich wei\u00DF nicht, warum ich das so mag,", bub4r, "aber dein\rSchwanz in meinem Arsch f\u00FChlt sich so gut an!", bub5r, "Fick mich jetzt langsam,\rganz langsam.", bub4r, "\rOooo \rJaaa.", bub4r, "\rSp\u00FCrst du, wie es dich massiert?", bub4r, "\rOoohhh\rjaaa.", bub4r, "\rJetzt tiefer.", bub4r, "\rOohhhh!\rschneller!", bub4r, "\rWas soll das sein?", bub4r, "Ich sehe nur\r ein kleines blasses wei\u00DFes Etwas.", bub4r, "\rDu!", bub4r, "\rWas versteckst du da?", bub4r, "\rLos Emo.\rsei nicht feig.", bub4r, "\rZeig ihn her.", bub4r, "Aha. Schaut aus, als br\u00E4uchtest du ein bisschen Hilfe.", bub4r, "Wei\u00DFt du,\rdu siehst wirklich gut aus!", bub4r, "\rKomm her, Liebling.", bub4l, "\rBuuuh!\r Das reicht!", bub4l, "Gott,\rdein Haar riecht wunderbar!", bub5, "Ooo!\rdas ist auch lieb von dir!", bub4l, "Uhh...\rmir kommt's gleich!", bub5l, "Hmm...\rist es dir Recht??", bub5l, "\rDu bist so s\u00FC\u00DF!", bub4r, "\rIch warte!", bub4r, "Ihr alle zieht euch nackt aus, oder soll ich nach Hause gehen?", bub5r, "\rJetzt ich!", bub4l, "\rNein, ich", bub4l, "\rIch will auch deine Titten ficken!", bub4l, "Jenny!\rBlas mir einen!", bub4l, "\rJenny!\rJenny!", bub4l, "Lass mich\rdich ficken, w\u00E4hrend du ihm einen bl\u00E4st!", bub5l, "Keiner von euch allen steckt ingendwas in mich hinein!", bub5l, "Ausgenommen mein Junik\u00E4fer hier.", bub4l, "\rEr darf es haben.", bub4l, "\rIch glaube, ich liebe ihn!", bub4l, "M\u00F6chtest du\r mein neuer Freund sein?", bub4l, "\rHa?", bub4r, "\rWao!\rSicher!", bub4r, "\rWas muss ich machen?", bub4r, "\rIch m\u00F6chte, dass du mich fickst.", bub4l, "\rFick mich hart und lange.", bub4l, "Ist dein Schwanz schon steif genug?", bub4l, "\rMmmmm.", bub4l, "\rWirst du schon m\u00FCde?", bub4l, "Du musst nicht f\u00FCrchten, dass ich m\u00FCde werden k\u00F6nnte.", 25, "Ich bin ein Langstreckenk\u00E4ufer.", 26, "Ich kann dieses Tempo stundenlang durchhalten.", 26, "So lange du\r es brauchst oder willst.", 26, "\rOooo!", bub4l, "\rIch liebe meinen neuen Freund!", bub4l, "Sieht so aus,\rals w\u00FCrden wir \u00FCberhaupt nichts mehr davon abbekommen!", bub6l, "\rSchei\u00DFe, nein!", bub4r, "Schau dir\r nur diese Traumtitten an!", bub4r, "Ich will\r auf diese Babies abspritzen!!", bub4r, "Verdammt!\rJetzt will ich in ihr Gesicht spritzen.", bub4r, "\rTeufel!\rIch auch!", bub4l, "Solche\rZuckerbr\u00FCste brauchen mehr Glasur!", bub4r, "\rLos!\r Es ist Party! ", bub4l, "Entspann dich\rund g\u00F6nn Dir deinen Spa\u00DF!", bub4l, "Soll ich euch beiden was zu trinken holen?", bub4l, "", 0]; news_text_German = ["Lokalnachrichten; die Schlagzeilen:", "Biologielehrer verhaftet wegen des Verdachts des sexuellen Missbrauchs an einer seiner Sch\u00FClerinnen.", "Nachdem die betroffene Sch\u00FClerin (Name der Redaktion bekannt) nicht mehr minderj\u00E4hrig ist, wurde das Verfahren eingestellt.", "Das M\u00E4dchen wurde ohne Abschluss der Schule verwiesen. Der Lehrer wurde fristlos entlassen.", "Lincoln High's Star Quarterback wurde des Dopings \u00FCberf\u00FChrt. Das Stipendium wurde ihm aberkannt.", "Der Nachweis der Einnahme verbotener Substanzen ging von anonymer Seite an die Direktion seiner Schule.", "Gemeindemitb\u00FCrger und Absolvent der Xavier High als Soldat in Afghanistan verwundet.", "Laut offiziellem Bericht erlitt er durch einen Treffer leichter Artilleie schwere Unterleibsverletzungen.", "", "Meldungen und Klatsch aus der Xavier High:", "Xavier gewinnt Staatsmeisterschaft!", "Trotz bestehender Unterklassigkeit bezwang Xavier glatt Lincoln im Endspiel.", "Star QB Brad W. und die neue Cheerleader-Chefin Jana J. geben ihre geplante Hochzeit im Juni bekannt.", "Ger\u00FCchte ranken sich um diesen \u00FCberraschend kurzfristigen Entchluss.", "Ersatz-Quarterback Mike D. wurde k\u00FCrzlich entdeckt, als er versuchte heimlich die Freie Klinik aufzusuchen.", "Die Redaktion kann sich den Grund daf\u00FCr leicht vorstellen, nach der k\u00FCrzlich abgehaltenen Party.", "Wayne Buckman, designierter Abschiedsredner seiner Klasse, musste wegen gegen ihn gerichteter Vorw\u00FCrfe des Voyeurismus zur\u00FCcktreten.", "Seine Freundin Katrina P. konnte nachr\u00FCcken und erntet damit diese Ehre.", "Ehemaliger Cheerleader Jennifer B. erh\u00E4lt einen gro\u00DFen Plattenvertrag mit der \u00F6rtlichen Band.", "Die Band: \"Junik\u00E4fer\" wird mit den Aufnahmen f\u00FCr ihr erstes Album in LA noch in diesem Sommer beginnen.", "Ihre Single-Auskopplung hei\u00DFt: \"I'm Not Emo (but I think your hair's cute)\"", "die Cheerleader Tina F. und Sarah P. treten in der nationalen Talkshow auf.", "Das Thema der Diskussion: Liebe zwischen M\u00E4dchen.", "", "Die Kurznachrichten wurden pr\u00E4sentiert von Tony-Angelos Pizza,", "Ihr Wahlspruch: Iss t\u00E4glich einen Kuchen!", ""]; credits_text_German = ["Cheerleaders Party\r\r copyright 2009\rAlle Rechte vorbehalten", "Spieldesign von Puso\r\rDialoge von Lucaboo2 & Puso", "Music seqencer & Soundprogrammieung von Virtualex\r\r Alle sonstige Prgrammierung von Puso", "'Jana In Love'\r (Brad & Jana's langsamer Tanz)\rGesungen von Vera Poletaeva\r Text und Musik von Puso", "Alle sonstige Musik von Virtualex", "2D & 3D art von Puso\r\r Alle 3D-Figuren entworfen unter Verwendung von Daz 3dstudio", "Besonderen Dank an die Pusooy Moderatoren als Design-Berater:\r\rCodo, Harryvh, Lucaboo2, Pawpaw, Superbookey, Ut1stgear, Virtualex, Zadok23", "Besonderen Dank auch an die Beta-Tester:\r\rDante101, Flashfiend, Forquer73, Olesbuch, Ramses, Sorrowson, Soursage, Ursulak", "Deutschsprachige \u00DCbersetzung von: Arnulf and Profhastig", "Geheimer Entschl\u00FCsselungscode: xhi"]; French = ["\rje ne pourrai jamais tenir jusque samedi.", bub4r, "\rTu me donnerais un avant go\u00FBt ?", 3, "\rJ'en ai trop envie", 2, "\rIci....", 2, "\rAlors ? Je l'ai, ce 20 en biologie ?", 2, "\rHeu...", 2, "Continue comme\r \u00E7a et tu auras une bonne note.", 2, "x", 2, "y", 13, "z", 3, "\rAlors, content de ton \"investissement\"?", b4r, "Oh oui !\rVivement ce soir que je mate tout \u00E7a peinard!", bub4l, "Comment\rt'as fait ? T'es un g\u00E9nie, mec!", bub4l, "Alors ? Apr\u00E8s le match, on fait la f\u00EAte chez toi ?", bub4l, "\rOuais.\r Tout est par\u00E9 !", bub4r, "On aura\run f\u00FBt de bi\u00E8re, une caisse de t\u00E9quila...", bub4r, "Une caisse ?\rCa va \u00EAtre l'orgie, cette soir\u00E9e !", bub4l, "", 0, "", 0, "", 0, "A te voir\rcomme \u00E7a, je dirais que tu es amoureuse !", 13, "Ce mec me fait r\u00EAver.", 11, "\rMais Tu ne l'as m\u00EAme pas abord\u00E9 !", bub4r, "\rQuelle canon ", 13, "\rLa plus mignonne de la fac, et de loin !", 12, "\rEt quel est son nom?", 3, "C'est \"Jana\". je suis en histoire avec elle.", 11, "\rJana, mmmmm.", 3, "", 0, "", 0, "\rOh. Salut Cindy.", 13, "\rCindy!", 13, "\rC'est quoi ce truc sur ta jupe ?", 13, "\rCette Cindy, quelle Salope.", 13, "\rChaque fac a sa super p\u00E9tasse.", 12, "La n\u00F4tre ne sait juste plus o\u00F9 \"donner de la t\u00EAte\".", 12, "Ouah, tu l'as pas rat\u00E9e !", 10, "Heu, ouais, merci.", 11, "Allez...\rEssaie d'aller parler \u00E0 Brad.", 13, "Je crois que tu lui plais.", 10, "Oh, non ! Je suis trop timide.", 11, "\rJ'en suis p\u00E9trifi\u00E9e. Je... J'en mourrais !", 12, "\rBon, c'est l'heure.", 3, "Salut.\rC'est bien toi, la nouvelle, hein?", 3, "\rIl me parle, l\u00E0 ? A moi ?", 15, "\rOh non!", 15, "\rEn retard...", 15, "\rMais ? Que...", 3, "\rQuelle idiote !\rMais quelle idiote !", 16, "Mais pourquoi suis-je si timide !", 11, "Je viens de tout foutre en l'air.", 11, "Apr\u00E8s les cours", 0, "Avant le match", 0, "Victoire!", 0, "A bient\u00F4t pour la f\u00EAte!", 0, "Cliquez ici pour rejouer la 1\u00E8re partie", 0, "Pressez la barre d'espace pour reprendre le jeu.", 0, "", 0, "", 0, "", 0, "H\u00E9 bien,\r n'est-ce pas le demi de m\u00EAl\u00E9e adverse!", bub4l, "\rJenny!", bub4r, "\rPret \u00E0 perdre contre nous ce soir ?", bub4l, "\rHa! Tu r\u00EAves!", bub4r, "Sur de ne pas te tromper de camp ?", bub2l, "Je suis\rjuste venu t\u00E2ter le gazon, en pr\u00E9vision.", bub4r, "Et o\u00F9\r est ton Monsieur Muscle de copain ?", bub4r, "Il est\rtoujours dans les parages \u00E0 te surveiller.", bub4r, "Copain ?\rQuel copain?", bub2l, "\rCe cr\u00E9tin est en Afghanistan maintenant.", bub4l, "J'esp\u00E8re qu'une balle l'\u00E9masculera", bub2l, "Donc, tu es accessible ?", bub2r, "Mon chou, tout a un prix, tu sais!", bub2l, "\rJ'ai tant de\r\"connaissances\" \u00E0 partager.", bub4r, "\rCa me semble n\u00E9gociable.", bub4r, "Je crois\r que lorsque l'on est dou\u00E9,", bub4r, "\rnos d\u00E9sirs tombent du ciel \u00E0 nos pieds.", bub3r, "Et toi poup\u00E9e, tu es tr\u00E8s dou\u00E9e !", bub2r, "\rToi, \u00E0 mes pieds ?", bub3l, "B\u00E9b\u00E9, je te supplie.", bub2r, "\rLes cl\u00E9s de la salle d'\u00E9quipement.", bub4l, "\rUne l\u00E9gende locale.", bub4l, "Mmmmm,\r Dur comme la pierre .", bub3r, "Ooooo,\r Bras d'acier !", bub3r, "Mmmmh\rDes abdos de granit !", bub3r, "\rMais qu'est-ce c'est?", bub3r, "\rY'a un \u00E9pi de ma\u00EFs dans ton jean ?", bub4r, "Haha,\rAstique-le, poup\u00E9e", bub3l, "Ok.\rVas-y.\rTu en meurs d'envie...", bub4r, "\rIls sont faits pour mes mains !", bub4l, "\rC'est comme tenir deux ballons de football!", bub4l, "\rTout doux cowboy!", bub4r, "\rJe veux baiser tes seins, encore.", bub4r, "\rFais-moi jouir !", bub4r, "L\u00E8che-la !", bub6, "L\u00E0, suce-la !", bub6, "Alors ? Tu m'emm\u00E8nes o\u00F9 apr\u00E8s le match ?", bub4l, "Oh, pardon poup\u00E9e.\rJ'ai d\u00E9j\u00E0 un rencard apr\u00E8s le match.", bub3r, "\r Salaud!", bub4l, "", 0, "\rH\u00E9, Sarah, Tout va bien ? Dis-moi ?", bub4l, "\rN-non, enfin... Si... Je veux dire...", bub4l, "\rC'est la fermeture... Je n'y arrive pas...", bub4l, "L\u00E0.\r Plus facile que tu croyais.", bub4l, "M-merci Tina...\r Je ne m'en serais pas sortie sans toi.", bub4r, "Quelque chose ne va pas. Tu veux m'en parler ?", bub4l, "Rien!\r Absolum... Apr\u00E8s tout... Je...", bub4r, "C'est...\r C'est toujours pareil : vous \u00EAtes mignonnes,\r parfaites", bub5r, "Alors que je suis bizarre. Qu'est-ce que je fais l\u00E0 ? Rien \u00E0 faire l\u00E0.", bub4r, "Arr\u00EAte de dire des \u00E2neries, Viens. Regarde dans le miroir.", bub4l, "On y est.\r Alors, dis-moi.\rQue vois-tu ?", bub4l, "Je vois...\r Moi...\rEn sous-v\u00EAtements..", bub4r, "NON!\r Je vois une jolie fille,", bub4l, "Que chaque \u00E9tudiant aimerait serrer dans ses bras.", bub4l, "Je vois un beau corps mince comme un mannequin,", bub4l, "Un corps sexy que beaucoup de filles envieraient.", bub4l, "Mais...\rJe ne suis ni toi... Ni Jenny...", bub4r, "Non ?\rJe crois que tu es COMME nous..", bub4l, "Mmmm, Si d\u00E9licieusement fermes.", bub4l, "\rComme ceux-ci.", bub4l, "Il n'y a rien qui cloche avec ton corps, ch\u00E9rie.", bub4l, "Nous devons aimer nos corps, \u00EAtre fi\u00E8res de leurs beaut\u00E9s.", bub4l, "Les mecs d\u00E9sirent nous toucher, nous carresser.", bub4l, "\rPas mal de filles aussi.", bub4l, "L\u00E0,\r Allez vas-y, t\u00E2te mes seins.", bub4l, "\rAussi adorables que les tiens.", bub4l, "\rOoooooo...", bub4r, "", 0, "", 0, "", 0, "\rH\u00E9 vous deux !", bub4r, "Plus vite!\r Le match va commencer !", bub4r, "Oh!\rCindy a oubli\u00E9 son sac.", bub4l, "\rEt elle est d\u00E9j\u00E0 sur le terrain.", bub4r, "\rJ'ai crois\u00E9 son p\u00E8re. Je le lui donnerai.", bub4r, "Mince,\rO\u00F9 sont Tina et Sarah?", bub4l, "\rLe match d\u00E9marre dans 5 minutes !", bub4l, "\rJe vais les chercher", bub4r, "Oh!\r Tu vas r\u00E2ter le meilleur!", bub4l, "\rRegarde !\r Ca commence.", bub4l, "\rOh!\rMon!\rDieu!", bub4r, "\rD\u00E9licieux !\r N'est-ce pas ?", bub4l, "", 0, "", 0, "", 0, "", 0, "", 0, "", 0, "", 0, "", 0, "G\u00E9nie de l'informatique et voyeur. Son p\u00E8re est cadre dans une grosse entreprise de software. $$$", 0, "Petite bombe latina. Elle se cache derri\u00E8re de pudiques lunettes.", 0, "Timide rat de biblioth\u00E8que, ses parents l'ont inscrite dans l'\u00E9quipe dans l'espoir de la faire s'\u00E9panouir.", 0, "La nouvelle de l'\u00E9cole. Elle ne connait pas encore son rang social \u00E0 la fac. Elle a fait voeu d'arriver vierge au mariage.", 0, "Aussi loin que chacun se souvienne, Jenny \u00E9tait en couple avec son petit ami plus \u00E2g\u00E9. Une fois dipl\u00F4m\u00E9, il s'est engag\u00E9 et a \u00E9t\u00E9 envoy\u00E9 en Afghanistan. Il l'a largu\u00E9e quand elle a voulu l'\u00E9pouser avant son d\u00E9part.", 0, "Capitaine de l'\u00E9quipe, forte et dominante. Les \u00E9tudes ne sont cependant pas son point fort.", 0, "Athl\u00E8te \u00E9m\u00E9rite et le r\u00EAve de toutes les filles", 0, "Le pote de Brad, mais aussi son rival, \u00E0 la fois sur et hors du terrain.", 0, "Petite par la taille, mais pleine de surprises.", 0, "", 0, "Match dans 5 minutes", 0, "Bienvenue \u00E0 Lucas field", 0, "Pour notre grand match du jour", 0, "Xavier High vs Lincoln High", 0, "Avec les deux meilleurs demis de m\u00EAl\u00E9e de l'\u00E9tat", 0, "Brad White de X high", 0, "", 0, "contre Tony Ballermo de Lincoln", 0, "", 0, "Ce soir, les deux meilleures \u00E9quipes de l'\u00E9tat s'affronteront", 0, "Dans un match m\u00E9morable!", 0, "Un petit mot de nos partenaires", 0, "Nous vous prions de nous excuser pour ces difficult\u00E9s techniques.", 0, "", 0, "\rhum...\r OK. ", bub4r, "\rJe ne bois pas.", bub4r, "\rJe vais chercher \u00E0 boire.", bub4l, "\rC'est ta bouteille perso?", bub4l, "\rHoooo \rOui!", bub4r, "\rElle et moi\rC'est pour la vie.", bub4l, "Allez,\r Invite Jana \u00E0 danser!", bub4r, "Je ne sais pas.\rJe crois qu'elle ne m'aime pas.", bub4l, "Conneries!\r Toutes les filles t'aiment!", bub4r, "\rLe dominant, dans le coin, c'est toi.", bub4r, "\rTu peux avoir celle que tu veux.", bub4r, "Un verre pour le courage. Et pour toi, ce sera un double.", bub4r, "\rOh !\rNon ! ", bub4l, "\rEcoute.", bub4r, "\rOn dirait que \u00E7a va \u00EAtre \u00E0 toi", bub4r, "de faire le\rpremier pas... Tu sais, avec Brad.", bub4r, "Tu vas devoir\rfaire mieux que cet apr\u00E8s-midi, \u00E0 la fac.", bub4r, "\rMaintenant, il a peur de t'accoster.", bub4r, "\rTu l'aimes bien,\r non?", bub4r, "\rOh oui!", bub4r, "Tu veux\rle rencontrer,\r non?", bub4r, "\rOh oui!\r Je le veux, lui!", bub4r, "OK alors,\rBois !\rPour le courage.", bub4r, "H\u00E9,\rO\u00F9 est Cindy?", bub4l, "\rOh !\rT'as pas entendu?", bub4r, "Cindy\r s'est fait prendre par son p\u00E8re.", bub4r, "Il aurait trouv\u00E9\rune boite de capotes dans son sac \u00E0 main. ", bub4r, "\rOuhou ! ", bub4l, "\rUne boite de vingt quatre, ", bub4r, "\rEt il n'en restait qu'une !", bub4r, "\rHa ha ha! ", bub4l, "\rPriv\u00E9e de sortie... A vie !", bub4r, "Allez mon pote,\r T'es sur le point d'entrer\rsur le ring.", bub4r, "\rVas-y,\rInvite-la \u00E0 danser.", bub4r, "Vas-y,\rInvite-le \u00E0 danser!", bub4l, "Heu....\r Tu veux danser?", bub4l, "\rOui.", bub4r, "H\u00E9h\u00E9h\u00E9.\rJe dois aller au p'tit coin.", bub4l, "\rO\u00F9 sont les....", bub4l, "\rViens, on y va ensemble.", bub4l, "Jenny, t'es saoule. Ne sois pas embarassante.", bub4r, "\rOh tais-toi un peu.", bub4l, "\rEt profite du spectacle.", bub4l, "\rCa devient bien trop bruyant ici.", bub4l, "Que penses-tu d'un endroit plus calme?", bub4r, "\rCindy!", bub4r, "\rJ'ai fait le mur.", bub4l, "\rC'est quoi ce manteau?", bub4r, "Mon cher p\u00E8re\ra verrouill\u00E9 mon dressing,", bub4l, "pour que je ne puisse pas m'\u00E9chapper.", bub4l, "Dommage pour lui, j'avais planqu\u00E9 ce manteau sous mon lit.", bub4l, "Vous avez l'air chauds... Comme la braise.", bub4l, "H\u00E9 Cindy,\rT'aurais des capotes?", bub4r, "\rHum!", bub4r, "\rCindy,\rTire-toi !", bub4l, "\rEt l\u00E0 ? Quelque chose pour moi ?", bub4r, "Quelle surprise,\ron dirait que le chien a son os!", bub4r, "\rCa te dit ?", bub4r, "\rGrimpons au premier.", bub4r, "\rEnl\u00E8ve-la !", bub4r, "\rEnl\u00E8ve-la !", bub4l, "Jenny\r Tes seins sont magnifiques !", bub4l, "\rMontre-les nous.\rS'il te plait !", bub4l, "\rOh vous voulez les voir, hein?", bub4l, "\rOk, pas de souci.", bub4l, "Mais,\rmontrez-moi les votres d'abord!", bub4l, "Non p'tit mec!\r Je veux voir vos queues.", bub4l, "\rJe ne me d\u00E9sapperai pas", bub4l, "Tant que vous ne serez pas \u00E0 poil, vous branlant pour moi.", bub4l, "\rTu veux jouir sur moi?", bub4l, "Allez.\r fais-moi voir un peu.", bub4l, "\rSi tu veux voir mes seins", bub4l, "\rJouis pour moi.", bub4l, "Whoa !\rPas si vite !", bub4l, "\rA poil !", bub4r, "\rOk !", bub4r, "\rMais...", bub4r, "Si vous me\rvoulez nue, vous devez tous l'\u00EAtre aussi !", bub4r, "Allez les mecs.\rNe soyez pas timides.", bub4r, "\rMontrez-moi vos bites.", bub4r, "Hum...\rO\u00F9 sont les toilettes ?", bub4r, "Verrouill\u00E9es\r depuis une bonne demie heure.", bub4l, "Des gens\r doivent y \u00EAtre occup\u00E9s.", bub4l, "\rEssaie \u00E0 l'\u00E9tage.", bub4l, "\rOk,\rMerci.", bub4r, "H\u00E9,\ro\u00F9 donc est Buckman?", bub4r, "Yeah.\r Il r\u00E2te une de ces fiestas !", bub4r, "\r Ferm\u00E9e !", bub4l, "\r Ahhh !", bub4r, "For\u00E7ons la dose, pour les \u00E9chauffer un peu.", 18, "Sarah est presqu'\u00E0 point !\rEncore un peu plus.", 19, "L\u00E0...\rCa devrait faire tomber sa culotte!", 18, "Bon mon p'tit\rBrad, on va s'assurer que tu sois en forme.", bub5r, "\rOh !\r Pardon! ", bub4r, "\rHein?", bub4l, "\rJe cherche les toilettes.", bub4r, "Je dois\r absolument faire pipi !", bub4r, "Et tous\rles WC sont verrouill\u00E9s!", bub4r, "Merde!\rJe croyais avoir ferm\u00E9e celle-ci!", bub4l, "Ok.\rIl y en a ici.", bub4l, "\rJuste l\u00E0.", bub4l, "\rOh merci beaucoup!", bub4r, "Oh,\rQu'elle est mignonne! ", bub4r, "\rMon dieu !", bub4l, "\rHaa!", bub4r, "\rC'est trop bon !", bub4l, "Je me sens\rexcit\u00E9e rien qu'\u00E0 regarder.", bub4l, "Je ne t'ai pas entendue approcher.", bub4r, "\rJe peux rester ?", bub4l, "\rS'il te plait?", bub4l, "\rOh...\rJe vois.", bub4r, "\rNe t'en fais pas mon chou.", bub4r, "\rNe t'inqui\u00E8te pas.\rJ'en ai envie aussi.", bub4r, "\rLaisse-moi faire.", bub4r, "\rC'est bon ?", bub4r, "\rTu m'aimes ?", bub4r, "Ohhhh Oui,\r mais...", 6, "Je suis occup\u00E9.\rIl faut que...", 6, "C'est tr\u00E8s important !", 6, "Non,\rPas maintenant.", 6, "\rTu veux toucher ma chatte ?", bub4r, "Oh regarde!\rBrad et Jana ont boug\u00E9 !", bub4r, "Il faut\rles remettre dans le cadre!", bub4r, "Oui.\r Un petit coup de zoom.", bub4r, "\rWaho!\r Tu es dou\u00E9e!", bub4l, "L\u00E0,la f\u00EAte\rdevient vraiment tr\u00E8s chaude !", bub4l, "Il faut\rabsolument que je fasse \u00E7a maintenant.", bub5l, "On pourrait...\rHeu...\rremettre \u00E7a.", bub4l, "\rJe comprends.", bub4r, "Oh,\r je suis tremp\u00E9e maintenant!", bub4r, "\rTu sens combien je mouille?", bub4r, "Ta queue me d\u00E9foncerait sans peine.", bub4r, "Oh,\r Je la veux!\rIci et maintenant!", bub4r, "Allez.\rTu veux qu'on baise?", bub4r, "\rContente-toi de regarder l'\u00E9cran,", bub4r, "\rJe m'occupe de toi en dessous.", bub4r, "Alors, c'est comment?\rTu vas jouir?", bub4r, "\rTu veux jouir dans ma bouche?", bub4r, "\rOh mon Dieu!\r Jussste \u00E0 t-temps!!", bub4r, "L\u00E0,\rLaisse-moi guider.", bub4l, "\rJe veux que tu me touches.", bub4l, "\rTouche mon...", bub4l, "Oh!\r Mais je n'ai jamais...", bub4r, "\rAllez...", bub4l, "\rTouche-le.", bub4l, "Encore.\rMais serre-le un peu cette fois.", bub4l, "\rTu sens comme c'est raide ?", bub4l, "\rOui.", bub4r, "Et l\u00E0,\r tu sens comme il est long?", bub4l, "\rOoooh.", bub4r, "\rTu aimes ?", bub4l, "\rHeu...\rOui.", bub4r, "C'est\rsi bon quand\rtu me carresses.", bub4l, "\rTu appr\u00E9cies ?", bub4l, "\rOh oui!", bub4l, "\rOuiii !\r Comme \u00E7a.", bub4l, "\rD\u00E9boutonne mon pantalon.", bub4l, "\rOh!", bub4r, "\rFais-le!", bub4l, "\rCarresse-moi.\rS'il te plait!", bub4l, "\rAllez, viens.", bub4l, "Tu\r n'as plus \u00E0 \u00EAtre timide maintenant.", bub4l, "\rVeux-tu qu'on...", bub4l, "Oooh oui.\rJe te veux en moi.", 6, "\rCa ne rentrera pas!", bub4l, "\rNon! Ca le doit!", 5, "\rEssaie encore.", 5, "Non!\rViens en moi !", 5, "\rTu ne peux pas faire mieux ?", bub4r, "\rOk?", 18, "\rJe ne sais pas pourquoi j'aime \u00E7a,", bub4r, "Mais j'adore\r sentir ta queue dans mon cul!", bub4r, "\rVas-y doucement,\rTr\u00E8s lentement.", bub4r, "\rOooh \roui.", bub4r, "\rTu peux le sentir serr\u00E9 autour de toi?", bub4r, "\rOoohhh\roui.", bub4r, "\rPlus profond.", bub4r, "\rOohhhh!\rPlus vite!", bub4r, "\rC'est tout?", bub4r, "Je ne vois\rqu'un petit bout de chair p\u00E2le.", bub4r, "\rToi!", bub4r, "\rQu''est-ce que tu caches?", bub4r, "H\u00E9, le po\u00E8te.\rNe sois pas timide.", bub4r, "\rMontre-nous.", bub4r, "Ok.\rJe vais te filer un petit coup \"de main\".", bub4r, "On t'a d\u00E9j\u00E0 dit,\rque tu \u00E9tais tr\u00E8s mignon!", bub4r, "\rViens l\u00E0 ch\u00E9ri.", bub4l, "\rWhao!\r Arr\u00EAte-toi.", bub4l, "Mmmmh,\rTes cehveux sentent si bons!", bub5, "Ooh!\rT'es vraiment trop chou!", bub4l, "Ha...\rJe vais jouir.", bub4l, "Hum...\rC'est bon pour toi?", bub4l, "Et tellement pr\u00E9venant\ravec \u00E7a !", bub4r, "\rJ'attends...", bub4r, "Tous \u00E0 poil\rou bien je rentre chez moi...", bub4r, "\rMoi, moi!", bub4l, "\rNon moi!", bub4l, "\rJe veux jouir sur tes seins!", bub4l, "Jenny!\rSuce ma bite!", bub4l, "\rJenny!\rJenny!", bub4l, "Laisse-moi\rte baiser pendant que tu le suces!", bub4l, "Aucun de vous n'a plus le droit de me p\u00E9n\u00E9trer!", bub4l, "\rSinon \"Junebug\".", bub4l, "\rLui, il peut.", bub4l, "Je suis en train de tomber amoureuse !", bub4l, "Ca te dirait d'\u00EAtre\r Mon nouveau petit ami ?", bub4l, "\rHein ?", bub4r, "\rWaho!\rAbsolument!", bub4r, "\rQue dois-je faire ?", bub4r, "\rJe veux que tu me baises.", bub4l, "\rFort et longtemps.", bub4l, "\rT'es pr\u00E8t \u00E0 remettre \u00E7a?", bub4l, "\rHmmmm.", bub4l, "\rD\u00E9j\u00E0 fatigu\u00E9 ?", bub4l, "Ne t'inqui\u00E8te pas \u00E0 propos de moi.", 5, "Je suis un coureur de fond :", 6, "Ca pourrait durer des heures comme \u00E7a.", 5, "Tant que tu en as besoin ou le d\u00E9sires.", 5, "\rOooh!", bub4l, "\rJ'aime mon nouveau mec !", bub4l, "On dirait bien\rqu'on n'aura rien de tout \u00E7a!", bub4l, "\rPutain, non !", bub4r, "\rMais mate-moi ces seins !", bub4r, "\rJe veux jouir dessus !!", bub4r, "Merde !\rMoi, sur son visage .", bub4r, "\rLa salope !\rMoi aussi!", bub4l, "Ces deux\rreligieuses ont besoin de plus de gla\u00E7age !", bub4r, "Allez !\rC'est une f\u00EAte !", bub4l, "Lachez-vous !\rAmuse-vous !", bub4l, "Je vais vous chercher \u00E0 boire.", bub4l, "", 0]; news_text_French = ["Br\u00E8ves de la fac :", "Un professeur arr\u00EAt\u00E9 pour avoir eu des relations sexuelles avec une \u00E9tdudiante.", "La fille \u00E9tant majeure, aucune poursuite ne sera engag\u00E9e.", "Elle a \u00E9t\u00E9 renvoy\u00E9e et interdite d'examens tandis que le professeur se retrouve sans emploi.", "Le demi de m\u00EAl\u00E9e star de Lincoln High's contr\u00F4l\u00E9 positif aux st\u00E9ro\u00EFdes perd sa bourse.", "Les preuves ont \u00E9t\u00E9 communiqu\u00E9es par lettre anonyme.", "Des bleus bless\u00E9s en Afghanistan, un ancien de Xavier High bless\u00E9.", "Une blessure massive occasionn\u00E9e par une arme de poing.", "", "Rumeurs et bruits de couloirs :", "Xavier gagne le championnat national!", "Malgr\u00E9 leur statut d'outsider, Xavier a facilement battu Lincoln en finale.", "Brad W., demi de m\u00EAl\u00E9e et Jana J., nouvelle chef des Pom Pom girls annoncent leur mariage pour juin.", "Les rumeurs vont bon train quant \u00E0 la pr\u00E9cipitation de cette d\u00E9cision.", "Mike D., demi de m\u00EAl\u00E9e a \u00E9t\u00E9 vu trainant autour de centre de soins.", "Apr\u00E8s la derni\u00E8re f\u00EAte, tout le monde comprendra pourquoi.", "Wayne Buckman a \u00E9t\u00E9 nomm\u00E9 d\u00E9l\u00E9gu\u00E9 des \u00E9tudiants mais a du c\u00E9der sa place, pour cause d'accusations de voyeurisme.", "Sa petite amie, Katrina P., seconde \u00E0 l'\u00E9lection le remplace.", "Jennifer B., ancienne Pom Pom girl, d\u00E9croche un gros contrat d'enregistrement avec un groupe local.", "Le groupe : \"Junebug\" enregistrera son premier album \u00E0 LA en juin.", "Le single \u00E0 venir : \"Je ne suis pas un Emo (Mais tes cheveux sentent super bons)\"", "Tina F. et Sarah P. devraient participer \u00E0 un talk show national.", "Th\u00E8me du d\u00E9bat : jeunesse saphique, cacher ou assumer ?.", "", "Ce flash est sponsoris\u00E9 par les pizzas Tony-Angelo,", "voici leur slogan : La tarte, c'est au poil!", ""]; credits_text_French = ["Cheerleaders Party\r\r copyright 2009\rTous droits r\u00E9serv\u00E9s", "Conception du jeu par Puso\r\rTextes par Lucaboo2 & Puso", "Musique & code associ\u00E9 par Virtualex\r\r tout autre code par Puso", "'Jana In Love'\r (le slow de Brad & Jana)\r Voix par Vera Poletaeva\r paroles et musique par Puso", "Toute autre musiqiue par Virtualex", "graphismes 2D & 3D par Puso\r\r Tous les mod\u00E8les 3D cr\u00E9\u00E9s sous Daz 3dstudio", "Merci pour leurs avis constructifs sur le travail de Pusooy :\r\rCodo, Harryvh, Lucaboo2, Pawpaw, Superbookey, Ut1stgear, Virtualex, Zadok23", "Merci aussi aux b\u00E9ta testeurs :\r\rDante101, Flashfiend, Forquer73, Olesbuch, Ramses, Sorrowson, Soursage, Ursulak", "Traduction fran\u00E7aise par\r Drik127 ^^", "Code de d\u00E9blocage: xhi"]; Italian = ["Non penso di poter aspettare fino a sabato.", 3, "Che ne dici di un piccolo antipasto?", 3, "\rSono troppo arrapato.", 2, "\rEntra qui.", 2, "\rPerci\u00F2...prender\u00F2 quel 10 in Biologia?", 2, "\rUhhhhh...", 2, "Se continui cos\u00EC dovresti prendere un buon voto.", 2, "x", 2, "y", 13, "z", 3, "\rAllora, li vale quei 50 dollari?", b4r, "Oh s\u00EC. \\Non vedo l'ora guardarmelo tutto a casa!", bub4l, "Come ci sei riuscito? \\Sei un mago della tecnologia!", bub4l, "Quindi la festa \u00E8 a casa tua dopo la partita?", bub4l, "\rS\u00EC. \rE' tutto pronto", bub4r, "Ho un bimbo di birra e una cassa di tequila.", bub4r, "Una cassa?\\Sar\u00E0 una festa da paura!", bub4l, "", 0, "", 0, "", 0, "Se non ti conoscessi bene, penserei che tu sia innamorata|", 13, "E' cos\u00EC incantevole.", 11, "Non te l'hanno ancora nemmeno presentato!!", 10, "\rRagazzi! E' cos\u00EC sexy", 13, "Di gran lunga la ragazza pi\u00F9 figa della scuola.", 12, "\rCome si chiama?", 3, "\"Jana.\" E' nel mio corso di storia.", 11, "\rJana, mmmmm.", 3, "", 0, "", 0, "\rOh. Ciao Cindy.", 13, "\rCindy!", 13, "\rCos'hai sulla gonna?", 13, "\rQuella Cindy \u00E8 proprio una porca.", 13, "\rOgni scuola ha la sua grande troia", 12, "Pare che la nostra sia la capo cheerleader.", 12, "Ben fatto con Cindy!", 10, "Oh, grazie, credo...", 11, "Perch\u00E9 non vai a parlare con Brad?", 13, "Penso che sia interessato.", 10, "Oddio no! Sono troppo timida.", 11, "Mi paralizzerei. Io...io...morirei!", 12, "\rVabb\u00E8, \u00E8 ora di andare.", 3, "Ohi, ciao. Sei la ragazza nuova vero?", 3, "\rSta parlando con me?", 15, "\rOh no!", 15, "\rSono in ritardo per le lezioni.", 15, "\rMa che...", 3, "\rSono cos\u00EC stupida!\rSono cos\u00EC stupida!", 16, "Perch\u00E9 devo essere cos\u00EC timida?!", 11, "Ho appena mandato tutto a rotoli.", 11, "After School", 0, "Before the Game", 0, "Victory!", 0, "See you at the party!", 0, "Click here to play part 1 again", 0, "Press the space bar again to continue playing.", 0, "", 0, "", 0, "", 0, "Che mi prenda un colpo se non \u00E8 il grande e grosso quarterback!", bub4l, "\rJenny!", bub4r, "Pronto a perdere contro la X High stasera?", bub4l, "\rAh! Ti piacerebbe!", bub4r, "Non hai sbagliato scuola?", bub2l, "Sono solo venuto in anticipo per controllare il campo.", bub4r, "Dov'\u00E8 quel grand'uomo del tuo ragazzo?", bub4r, "Sembra sempre che ti stia incollato per controllarti.", bub4r, "Ragazzo? Quale ragazzo?", bub2l, "Quello stronzo \u00E8 in Afganistan adesso.", bub2l, "Spero che gli facciano saltare il pisello!", bub2l, "Quindi sei libera?", bub2r, "Vacci piano dolcezza", bub2l, "Sai, ho appena ottenuto una\rborsa di studio completa dallo Stato", bub4r, "Completamente gratuita", bub2r, "Credo che\rquando hai abbastanza talento,", bub4r, "\rLe cose cadano ai tuoi piedi.", bub2r, "E tu, ragazza mia, hai talento da vendere!", bub2r, "\rTu ai miei piedi?", bub3l, "Piccola, ti sto supplicando.", bub2r, "Le chiavi della stanza degli attrezzi.", bub3l, "E' un mito da queste parti.", bub3l, "Mmmm, \r duro come la roccia.", bub3r, "Ohhh, \r braccia d'acciaio!", bub3r, "Mmmm, \r addominali come il granito!", bub3r, "\rEhi! E questo cos'\u00E8?", bub3r, "\rHai una pannocchia nei pantaloni?", bub4r, "Ahah,\\imburrala piccola.", bub3l, "Ok.\rFai pure.\r So che stai morendo per queste.", bub4r, "Stanno perfettamente tra le mie mani!", bub4l, "E' come reggere due palloni da football", bub3l, "\rYuhuu cowboy!", bub4r, "\rVoglio scoparmi le tue tette di nuovo.", bub4r, "\rQuesta volta fammi venire.", bub4r, "Leccalo!", bub6, "Ora succhialo!", bub6, "Allora. Dove mi porti dopo la partita?", bub4l, "Oh, piccola mi spiace.\rHo gi\u00E0 un appuntamento dopo la partita", bub4r, "\r Stronzo!", bub4l, "", 0, "\rEhi Sarah tutto bene? Che succede?", bub4l, "\rN-no, tutto ok...cio\u00E8...insomma...voglio dire...", bub4l, "\rE' per la cerniera. Non...Non riesco...", bub4l, "Ecco fatto.\rPi\u00F9 facile di quanto pensavi.", bub4l, "Gr-grazie Tina... Sarei persa senza di te.", bub4r, "Sento che c'\u00E8 qualcosa che non va. Che sta succedendo?", bub4l, "Niente!\rAssolutamente... Beh, insomma, io... io...", bub4r, "E'...\u00E8 la solita vecchia storia. Tutte voi sembrate cos\u00EC carine, cos\u00EC perfette,", bub4r, "Mentre io... io sembro strana. Che ci faccio qui? Non c'entro nulla.", bub4r, "Piantala ti dire scemenze. Vieni qui. Guarda nello specchio.", bub4l, "Ecco qui.\r Ora dimmi, \rcosa vedi?", bub4l, "Vedo... \r Me stessa \r Me stessa in mutande...", bub4r, "NO! \rIo vedo una bellissima ragazza,,", bub4l, "Che ogni ragazzo della scuola vorrebbe stringere tra le sue braccia", bub4l, "Vedo un fantastico corpo snello degno di una modella,", bub4l, "Un corpo sexy che molte ragazze invidierebbero", bub4l, "Ma...\rMa io non sono come te... o Jenny...", bub4r, "No?\rBeh, io penso di SI invece.", bub4l, "Mmm, sono cos\u00EC deliziosamente soffici.", bub4l, "\rProprio come queste.", bub4l, "Non c'\u00E8 niente che non vada con il tuo corpo, dolcezza.", bub4l, "Dobbiamo amarli ed esserne fiere dei nostri corpi! Sono cos\u00EC belli.", bub4l, "I ragazzi di certo vorrebbero toccarli e accarezzarli.", bub4l, "\rE anche molte ragazze", bub4l, "Ecco,\rforza toccami le tette", bub4l, "\rAdorabili, proprio come le tue", bub4l, "\rOhhhhh...", bub4r, "", 0, "", 0, "", 0, "\rEhi voi due!", bub4r, "Forza!\r La partita sta per iniziare!", bub4r, "Oh!\r Cindy ha lasciato la sua borsa qui.", bub4l, "\rMa \u00E8 gi\u00E0 sul campo.", bub4r, "\rHo appena visto suo padre. La vado a dare a lui.", bub4r, "Ehi\rdove sono Tina e Sarah?", bub4l, "La partita sta quasi per iniziare!", bub4l, "\rVado a cercarle", bub4r, "Oh\r Ma ti perderai il grande spettacolo!", bub4l, "Guarda!\r Sta iniziando", bub4l, "Oh! Mio! Dio!", bub4r, "Splendido!\r No?", bub4l, "", 0, "", 0, "", 0, "", 0, "", 0, "", 0, "", 0, "", 0, "Genio del computer e guardone. Suo padre \u00E8 un dirigente di una grande azienda di software $$$ ", 0, "Una piccola latina bollente e tutto pepe. Si nasconde schiva dietro a degli occhiali.", 0, "Un timido topo di biblioteca. I suoi genitori l'hanno convinta a provare a fare la cheerleader sperando di farla uscire dal guscio", 0, "La nuova ragazza della scuola. Non sa ancora dove si colloca nella scala sociale all'interno della Xavier. Ha fatto voto di rimanere vergine fino al matrimonio.", 0, "A memoria di tutti Jenny era impegnata con il suo fidanzato pi\u00F9 grande di lei. Lui si \u00E8 diplomato, \u00E8 entrato nell'esercito ed \u00E8 stato spedito in Afghanistan. L'ha mollata quando lei ha insistito perch\u00E9 si sposassero prima che lui partisse.", 0, "Capo cheerleader, forte e dominatrice. Tuttavia i voti a scuola non sono il suo forte.", 0, "Atleta di successo e sogno di ogni ragazza", 0, "Amico di Brad, ma anche suo rivale, dentro e fuori dal campo.", 0, "Piccola di taglia, ma piena di sorprese", 0, "", 0, "5 minuti all'inizio del match", 0, "Benvenuti al campo Lucas", 0, "Per l'imminente super sfida di stasera", 0, "Xavier High vs Lincoln High", 0, "A cui parteciperanno due dei migliori quarterback dello Stato", 0, "Quello della Xavier Brad White", 0, "", 0, "contro quello della Lincoln Tony Ballermo", 0, "", 0, "Stasera saranno faccia a faccia le due migliori squadre del Paese", 0, "In una partita da ricordare", 0, "Ed ora una pausa offerta dai nostri sponsor", 0, "Un momento prego... Stiamo avendo delle difficolt\u00E0 tecniche.", 0, "", 0, "\rUm...\r Okay. ", bub4r, "\rI don't drink.", bub4r, "\rI'll get some drinks.", bub4l, "\rYou have your own bottle?", bub4l, "\rWooo!\rYeah!", bub4r, "\rMe and my Boo\rwe're real tight.", bub4l, "Go ahead,\r ask Jana to dance!", bub4r, "I don't know.\rI think she doesn't like me.", bub4l, "Bullshit!\r All the girls like you!", bub4r, "\rYou\u2019re the top dog around here.", bub4r, "\rYou can have any girl you want.", bub4r, "You need a\rdrink for courage. I\u2019ll get you a double.", bub4r, "\rOh!\rNo! ", bub4l, "\rListen.", bub4r, "\rIt looks as though it will be you,", bub4r, "That is going to have to make the first move with Brad.", bub4r, "You kind of\r blew it this afternoon in school.", bub4r, "\rNow he's afraid to talk to you.", bub4r, "\rYou like him\rright?", bub4r, "\rOh yes!", bub4r, "You want\r to meet him\rright?", bub4r, "\rOh yes!\r I want him!", bub4r, "Okay then,\rDrink!\rFor courage.", bub4r, "Hey,\rwhere is Cindy?", bub4l, "\rOh!\rYou didn't hear?", bub4r, "\rCindy got busted by her Dad. ", bub4r, "Seems he\rfound a box of condoms in her purse. ", bub4r, "\rWoooo! ", bub4l, "\rIt was a twenty four pack, ", bub4r, "\rAnd there was only one left!", bub4r, "\rHa ha ha! ", bub4l, "\rNow she's grounded for life.", bub4r, "Drink up my man,\r You're about to go\rinto battle.", bub4r, "\rGo on,\rAsk her to dance.", bub4r, "Go on,\r Ask him to dance!", bub4l, "Um....\r do you want to dance?", bub4l, "\rYes.", bub4r, "\rHeehee.\rI have to pee.", bub4l, "\rWhere is the....", bub4l, "\rI'll help you find it.", bub4l, "Jenny,You're drunk. Don't be embarrassing.", bub4r, "\rOh shut up lonely boy.", bub4l, "\rJust enjoy the show.", bub4l, "\rIt sure is getting noisy in here.", bub4l, "Can we go somewhere quieter?", bub4r, "\rCindy!", bub4r, "\rI managed to sneak out.", bub4l, "\rWhat's with the coat?", bub4r, "My dear Dad\rlocked all of my clothes in the closet,", bub4l, "\rso I wouldn\u2019t sneak out.", bub4l, "I stashed one of Mom\u2019s coats under the bed though.", bub4l, "\rYou two sure look... horny.", bub4l, "\rHey Cindy,\rGot any condoms?", bub4r, "\rHumh!", bub4r, "\rCindy,\rGo away!", bub4l, "\rGot anything there for me?", bub4r, "I'm surprised,\rbut the dog's got a bone!", bub4r, "\rYou want to?", bub4r, "\rLet's go upstairs.", bub4r, "\rTake it off!", bub4r, "\rTake it off!", bub4l, "Jenny\r you have the most awesome tits!", bub4l, "\rShow them to us.\rPlease!", bub4l, "\rOh you want to see them do you?", bub4l, "\rOkay, no problem.", bub4l, "But,\ryou have to show me yours first!", bub4l, "No boy!\r I want to see your thang.", bub4l, "\rI ain't showin' you nothin'", bub4l, "Not until you're buck naked and stroking your dick.", bub4l, "\rYou want to jack off on these?", bub4l, "\rCome on now.\r Let\u2019s see it.", bub4l, "\rIf you want to see my tits", bub4l, "\rJack off for me.", bub4l, "Whoa!\rNot so quick!", bub4l, "\rLet's see them!", bub4r, "\rSure!", bub4r, "\rBut...", bub4r, "If you want me naked, then y'all gotta be naked too!", bub4r, "\rCome on now.\rDon't be shy.", bub4r, "\rLet's see those dicks.", bub4r, "Ummm...\rWhere is the bathroom?", bub4r, "It's been\r locked for about half an hour.", bub4l, "I think\r some one's getting busy in there.", bub4l, "\rTry upstairs.", bub4l, "\rOkay,\rThanks.", bub4r, "Hey,\rWhere's Buckman?", bub4r, "Yeah.\r He's missing the best party ever!", bub4r, "\r Locked!", bub4l, "\r Ahhh!", bub4r, "Maybe just one more shot to get them loose.", 18, "Sarah is almost ready!\rMaybe one more.", 18, "There.\rThat should get her panties down!", 18, "Allright Brad!\r Let's be sure you're up for the task.", bub4r, "\rOh!\rSorry! ", bub4r, "\rHuh?", bub4l, "\rI was looking for a bathroom.", bub4r, "\rI desperately have to pee!", bub4r, "And the\rbathrooms are all locked or lost or something!", bub4r, "Jeez!\rI thought I locked that door!", bub4l, "Okay.\rThere's one in here.", bub4l, "\rOver there.", bub4l, "\rOooooo thanks!", bub4r, "\rOooo,\rShe's so cute! ", bub4r, "\rOh! God!", bub4l, "\rHuh!", bub4r, "\rThat is just so hot!", bub4l, "I\u2019m feeling\ra tingle just looking at it.", bub4l, "\rI didn't hear you come in.", bub4r, "\rCan I watch?", bub4l, "\rPlease?", bub4l, "\rOh...\rI see.", bub4r, "\rDon't worry Sweetie.", bub4r, "\rIt\u2019s all right.\rI\u2019m turned on too.", bub4r, "\rLet me do this.", bub4r, "\rIs that good?", bub4r, "\rDo you like me?", bub4r, "Ohhhh yeah,\r but...", 6, "I'm busy now.\rI need to...", 6, "This is important!", 6, "I can't,\rnot now.", 6, "\rDo you want to feel my pussy?", bub4r, "Oh look!\rBrad and Jana moved!", bub4r, "You need\rto pan over to get them in frame!", bub4r, "Yes.\r Now zoom in a little.", bub4r, "\rWow!\r You get it!", bub4l, "\rThe party is really getting wild now!", bub4l, "\rI really need to do this right now.", bub4l, "We can...\rUmmmm...\rSome other time.", bub4l, "\rI understand.", bub4r, "\rOh, you're making me so hot now!", bub4r, "\rCan you feel how wet it is?", bub4r, "Your penis\rwould slide right in so easily.", bub4r, "Oh,\r I want it!\rI want it now!", bub4r, "Let's do it.\rDo you want to fuck?", bub4r, "\rJust keep your eye on the monitor,", bub4r, "\rI'll take care of things down here.", bub4r, "How does that feel?\rAre you almost there?", bub4r, "\rDo you want to cum in my mouth?", bub4r, "\rOh my God!\r Jussst in t-time!!", bub4r, "\rHere,\rLet me.", bub4l, "\rI want you to feel me.", bub4l, "\rFeel my...", bub4l, "\rOh!\r But I've never...", bub4r, "\rPlease...", bub4l, "\rTouch it.", bub4l, "Again.\rThis time squeeze it a little.", bub4l, "\rFeel how hard it is?", bub4l, "\rUh huh.", bub4r, "\rNow feel how long it is.", bub4l, "\rOoooo.", bub4r, "\rDo you like it?", bub4l, "\rUhh...\rUh huh.", bub4r, "It\rfeels so good\rwhen you touch it.", bub4l, "\rYou like it?", bub4l, "\rOh yes!", bub4l, "\rOh yes!\r Like that.", bub4l, "\rUnbutton my pants.", bub4l, "\rOh!", bub4r, "\rPlease!", bub4l, "\rRub it.\rPlease!", bub4l, "\rCome on now.", bub4l, "You\r don't need to be shy anymore.", bub4l, "\rDo you want to...", bub4l, "Oooo yes.\rI want you inside me.", 6, "\rIt won't go in!", bub4l, "\rNo! It has to fit!", 5, "\rTry again.", 5, "No!\r Put it in!", 5, "\rIs that the best you can do?", bub4r, "\rOkay?", 18, "\rI don't know why I like it,", bub4r, "\rBut your cock feels so good in my ass!", bub4r, "\rFuck it slow,\rvery slow.", bub4r, "\rOooo \ryes.", bub4r, "\rCan you feel it squeezing you?", bub4r, "\rOoohhh\ryes.", bub4r, "\rNow deeper.", bub4r, "\rOohhhh!\rFaster!", bub4r, "\rIs that it?", bub4r, "I only see\r one skinny little white thing.", bub4r, "\rYou!", bub4r, "\rWhat you hiding?", bub4r, "\rCome on Emo.\rDon't be shy.", bub4r, "\rLet's see it.", bub4r, "Okay.\rLooks like you're gonna need a little help.", bub4r, "\rYou know,\r you\u2019re real cute!", bub4r, "\rCome here honey.", bub4l, "\rWhoa!\r That's enough.", bub4l, "God,\ryour hair smells great!", bub5, "\rOoo!\rThat's cute too!", bub4l, "Uhh...\rI'm going to cum.", bub4l, "Umm...\rIs that alright?", bub4l, "\rYou are so sweet!", bub4r, "\rI'm waiting!", bub4r, "Y'all gonna get naked, or do I go home?", bub4r, "\rMe next!", bub4l, "\rNo me!", bub4l, "\rI want to fuck your tits too!", bub4l, "Jenny!\rSuck my cock!", bub4l, "\rJenny!\rJenny!", bub4l, "Let me\rfuck you while you suck his cock!", bub4l, "Ain't none of y'all sticking nothing in side of me!", bub4l, "\rExcept Junebug here.", bub4l, "\rHe can have it.", bub4l, "\rI think I'm in love!", bub4l, "You want\r to be my new boyfriend?", bub4l, "\rHuh?", bub4r, "\rWow!\rSure!", bub4r, "\rWhat do I have to do?", bub4r, "\rI want you to fuck me.", bub4l, "\rFuck me hard and long.", bub4l, "\rYour pecker up for it?", bub4l, "\rMmmmm.", bub4l, "\rGetting tired yet?", bub4l, "You don't have to worry about me getting tired.", 5, "I'm a distance runner.", 6, "I can keep this pace for hours.", 6, "As long as you need, or want.", 6, "\rOooo!", bub4l, "\rI love my new boyfriend!", bub4l, "Looks like\rwe're not getting any of that!", bub4l, "\rFuck no!", bub4r, "\rLook at those fucking tits!", bub4r, "\rI want to cum on those babies!!", bub4r, "Fuck!\rNow I want to cum on her face.", bub4r, "\rFuck!\rMe too!", bub4l, "Those\rsugar tits need more frosting!", bub4r, "\rCome on!\r It\u2019s a party! ", bub4l, "Let loose\rand have some fun!", bub4l, "\rLet me get you both a drink.", bub4l, "", 0]; news_text_Italian = ["Local news headlines:", "Science teacher arrested for allegedly having sex with a student at school.", "Since the un-named girl was of legal age, no criminal charges were filed.", "The girl was expelled and will not graduate. The teacher was fired.", "Lincoln High's star quarterback fingered for using steroids, loses scholarship.", "An anonymous person sent proof of the abuse to the school board.", "Local soldier and Xavier High grad injured in Afghanistan.", "He reportedly suffered a devastating groin injury from small arms fire.", "", "Xavier High news and gossip:", "Xavier wins State championship!", "Inspite of their underdog status, Xavier easily defeated Lincoln in the final.", "Star QB Brad W. and new head cheerleader Jana J. announce plans to wed in June.", "Rumors swirl about the rushed decision.", "Backup QB Mike D. was spotted sneaking into the free clinic recently.", "This reporter can easily guess why after the recent party.", "Wayne Buckman named class valedictorian, but steps down in voyeurism controversy.", "Girlfriend Katrina P. was second in line and assumes the honor.", "Former Cheerleader Jennifer B. gets big recording contract with local band.", "The band: \"Junebug\" will begin recording their first album in LA this summer.", "The carrier single will be: \"I'm Not Emo (but I think your hair's cute)\"", "Cheerleaders Tina F. and Sarah P. to appear on national talk show.", "The topic of discussion: Teen Girls in Love.", "", "News flash sponsored by Tony-Angelos Pizza,", "Where their slogan is: Eat a pie today!", ""]; credits_text_Italian = ["Cheerleaders Party\r\r copyright 2009\rAll rights reserved", "Game design by Puso\r\rDialog by Lucaboo2 & Puso", "Music seqencer & sound code by Virtualex\r\r All other code by Puso", "'Jana In Love'\r (Brad & Jana's slow dance)\r Vocal by Vera Poletaeva\r Words & music by Puso", "All other music by Virtualex", "2D & 3D art by Puso\r\r All 3D characters created using Daz 3dstudio", "Thanks to the Pusooy Mods as design consultants:\r\rCodo, Harryvh, Lucaboo2, Pawpaw, Superbookey, Ut1stgear, Virtualex, Zadok23", "Thanks also to the beta testers:\r\rDante101, Flashfiend, Forquer73, Olesbuch, Ramses, Sorrowson, Soursage, Ursulak", "Tialian translation by: ", "Secret unlock code: xhi"]; Spanish = ["No creo que pueda esperar hasta el s\u00E1bado.", 3, "\u00BFQu\u00E9 tal un peque\u00F1o adelanto?", 3, "\rYa estoy demasiado excitado.", 2, "\rAqu\u00ED mismo.", 2, "\u00BFAs\u00ED tendr\u00E9 mi sobresaliente en biolog\u00EDa?", 2, "\rUhhhhh...", 2, "Si sigues as\u00ED seguro que lograr\u00E1s una buena nota.", 2, "x", 2, "y", 13, "z", 3, "\r\u00BFSe merece esto esos 50 pavos o no?", b4r, "\u00A1Oh, s\u00ED!\r\u00A1Qu\u00E9 ganas tengo de llegar a casa para verlo entero!", bub4l, "\u00BFC\u00F3mo lo conseguiste?\r\u00A1Eres un genio!", bub4l, "La fiesta es en tu casa, \u00BFno?\rDespu\u00E9s del partido.", bub4l, "\rS\u00ED.\rYa lo tengo todo preparado.", bub4r, "Consegu\u00ED\rcervezas y una caja de tequila.", bub4r, "\u00BFUna caja?\r\u00A1Va a ser una fiesta salvaje!", bub4l, "", 0, "", 0, "", 0, "Si no te\rconociera mejor, pensar\u00EDa que est\u00E1s enamorada.", 13, "Es que es un chico tan encantador...", 11, "Pero si ni siquiera has hablado con Brad.", 10, "\rT\u00EDo, \u00A1Qu\u00E9 buena est\u00E1!...", 13, "La t\u00EDa m\u00E1s\rincre\u00EDble del instituto, seguro.", 12, "\r\u00BFC\u00F3mo se llama?", 3, "Jana,\rEst\u00E1 en mi clase de historia.", 11, "\rJana, mmmmm.", 3, "", 0, "", 0, "\rOh. Hola Cindy.", 13, "\r\u00A1Cindy!", 13, "\r\u00BFCon qu\u00E9 te has manchado la falda?", 13, "\rEsa Cindy es una f\u00E1cilona.", 13, "\rSiempre hay alguna guarrilla en todo instituto.", 12, "La nuestra\radem\u00E1s saca \"muy buenas\" notas.", 12, "\u00A1Eso estuvo muy bien! Wow, como dejaste a Cindy...", bub4r, "Uh, gracias...supongo", 11, "Oye, \u00BFPor qu\u00E9\rno aprovechas y hablas con Brad?", 13, "Creo que est\u00E1 bastante interesado.", 10, "\u00A1Oh,Dios,No! Me da mucha verg\u00FCenza.", 11, "Me quedar\u00EDa en blanco! y me...me...me morir\u00EDa...!", 12, "\rBueno, ya es la hora.", 3, "\rHey, Hola. T\u00FA eres la nueva, \u00BFno?", 3, "\r\u00BFMe est\u00E1 hablando a m\u00ED?", 15, "\r\u00A1Oh no!", 15, "\r\u00A1Llego tarde a clase!", 15, "\r\u00BFPero qu\u00E9...?", 3, "\rSoy tonta\r\u00A1Soy tonta del todo!", 16, "\u00BFPor qu\u00E9 tengo que ser tan t\u00EDmida?", 11, "He perdido mi oportunidad.", 11, "Despu\u00E9s de las clases", 0, "Antes del partido", 0, "\u00A1Victoria!", 0, "\u00A1Nos vemos en la fiesta!", 0, "Click aqu\u00ED para jugar la parte 1 otra vez", 0, "Presiona SPACE para seguir jugando.", 0, "", 0, "", 0, "", 0, "\u00A1Hey,\rel quarterback m\u00E1s malote del equipo contrario!", bub4l, "\r\u00A1Jenny!", bub4r, "\u00BFEst\u00E1s preparado para perder contra los nuestros hoy?", bub4l, "\r\u00A1HA! \u00A1Ya te gustar\u00EDa!", bub4r, "\u00BFQu\u00E9 haces aqu\u00ED entonces?", bub2l, "Solo vine para \rcomprobar el campo antes del partido", bub4r, "\r\u00BFD\u00F3nde anda ese terrible novio tuyo?", bub4r, "Parec\u00EDa tu guardaespaldas, siempre detr\u00E1s tuyo.", bub4r, "\u00BFNovio?\r\u00BFQu\u00E9 novio?", bub2l, "Le mandaron a Afghanistan.", bub2l, "Espero que le vuelen las pelotas.", bub2l, "Entonces,\r\u00BFEst\u00E1s libre?", bub2r, "Cari\u00F1o, libre como un pajarillo.\rPero yo no me lio con cualquiera.", bub4l, "Acabo de\rconseguir una beca estatal completa.", bub4r, "Sabr\u00E1s que esas no se las dan a cualquiera.", bub2r, "Supongo que cuando tienes suficiente talento...", bub4r, "...las cosas caen a tus pies por si solas.", bub2r, "Y peque\u00F1a, tu tienes muuucho talento.", bub2r, "\r\u00BFT\u00FA a mis pies?", bub3l, "Me muero por ti, peque\u00F1a...", bub2r, "Las llaves\rdel cuarto de equipamientos.", bub3l, "Es casi legendario entre los chicos de aqu\u00ED.", bub3l, "Mmmmm,\rduro como una piedra", bub3r, "Ooooo,\r\u00A1brazos de acero!", bub3r, "Mmmmm,\rabdominales de granito", bub3r, "\rOooo, \u00BFY esto?", bub3r, "\r\u00BFTe creci\u00F3 una mazorca de ma\u00EDz en los pantalones?", bub4r, "Jeje, Si,\rengrasala bien, ya ver\u00E1s...", bub3l, "\rOk, Venga, s\u00E9 que te mueres por ellas..", bub4r, "Umm, caben en mi mano perfectamente...", bub4l, "\r\u00A1Es como coger dos balones!", bub3l, "\r\u00A1Whoa, cowboy!", bub4r, "\rQuiero follarme tus tetas otra vez.", bub4r, "\rEsta vez haz que me corra.", bub4r, "Usa la leng\u00FCita...", bub6, "\u00A1Ahora chupalo!", bub6, "Bueno, \u00BFY d\u00F3nde me vas a llevar despu\u00E9s del partido?", bub4l, "Oh, lo siento peque\u00F1a, pero ya qued\u00E9 para despu\u00E9s.", bub4r, "\r\u00A1Cabr\u00F3n!", bub4l, "", 0, "\rSarah, \u00BFEst\u00E1s bien? \u00BFQu\u00E9 pasa?", bub4l, "\rN-no, bu...bueno...o s-s\u00ED...esto...", bub4l, "\rEs esta maldita cremallera. No p-puedo....", bub4l, "Mira.\r\u00BFVes como no hab\u00EDa problema?", bub4l, "\rGr-gracias, Tina. No s\u00E9 qu\u00E9 har\u00EDa sin t\u00ED.", bub4r, "Creo que a ti te pasa algo m\u00E1s...\u00BFDe qu\u00E9 se trata?", bub4l, "\rNada! Absol...\rB-Bueno...yo...", bub4r, "Es...es lo de siempre...Todas vosotras sois tan guapas, tan perferctas..", bub5r, "Y yo...\rSoy un bicho raro...\u00BFQu\u00E9 hago aqu\u00ED? Estoy fuera de lugar.", bub5r, "Deja de decir tonter\u00EDas. M\u00EDrate. Mira el espejo.", bub4l, "\rListo.\rDime que ves.", bub4l, "\rVeo...me...me veo a mi en ropa interior...", bub4r, "\u00A1NO!\rYo veo a una chica preciosa,", bub4l, "a la que cualquier chico del insti le gustar\u00EDa tener entre sus brazos.", bub4l, "Veo un bonito y delgado cuerpo, como el de una modelo,", bub4l, "un cuerpo sexy que muchas chicas envidiar\u00EDan.", bub4l, "P-Pero\ryo no soy como t\u00FA...o como Jenny...", bub4r, "\u00BFNo?\rPues yo SI creo que lo eres.", bub4l, "\rMmmm, son tan tentadoras....", bub4l, "\rIgual que \u00E9stas.", bub4l, "No hay nada de malo con tu cuerpo, boba.", bub4l, "Debemos\rquereros y estar orgullosas de nuestros cuerpos, son tan bellos...", bub5l, "Los chicos desean tanto tocarlos y acariciarlos...", bub4l, "\rY muchas chicas tambi\u00E9n.", bub4l, "Mira,\rtoca las mias.", bub4l, "\rIgual de encantadoras que las tuyas.", bub4l, "\rOoooooo...", bub4r, "", 0, "", 0, "", 0, "\r\u00A1Hey, vosotras dos!", bub4r, "\u00A1Daos prisa!\r\u00A1El partido va a empezar!", bub4r, "\u00A1Oh!\rCindy se ha dejado el bolso aqu\u00ED.", bub4l, "\rPero ella ya est\u00E1 en el campo.", bub4r, "Acabo de ver a\rsu padre, yo se lo dar\u00E9 a \u00E9l.", bub4r, "\u00A1Oye!\r\u00BFD\u00F3nde est\u00E1n Sarah y Tina?", bub4l, "El partido\r est\u00E1 a punto de empezar.", bub4l, "\rYo ir\u00E9 a buscarlas.", bub4r, "Espera,\rte perder\u00E1s el gran comienzo.", bub4l, "\rMira, ya est\u00E1 empezando.", bub4l, "\u00A1Oh\rDios\r M\u00EDo!", bub4r, "\rFant\u00E1stico, \u00BFNo crees?", bub4l, "", 0, "", 0, "", 0, "", 0, "", 0, "", 0, "", 0, "", 0, "Friki inform\u00E1tico y voyeur. Su padre es ejecutivo de una gran empresa de software. $$$", 0, "Peque\u00F1a y picante latina. Se esconde tras sus gafas de intelectual.", 0, "Una t\u00EDmida empollona. Sus padres la presionaron para entrar en el equipo de animadoras intentando que hiciera amigas.", 0, "La chica nueva. Todav\u00EDa no sabe d\u00F3nde encaja en el orden social del Instituto Xavier. Ha hecho voto de permanecer virgen hasta el matrimonio.", 0, "Jenny llevaba toda la vida con el mismo novio. Hasta que \u00E9l se gradu\u00F3, se enrol\u00F3 en el ej\u00E9rcito y lo mandaron a Afghanistan. \u00C9l la dejo cuando ella le propuso casarse antes de que se fuera", 0, "Capitana de las animadoras, fuerte y dominante. Aunque pensar no es lo suyo.", 0, "Estrella deportiva y el chico con el que todas sue\u00F1an", 0, "Amigo de Brad, pero tambi\u00E9n su rival, tanto en el campo como fuera de \u00E9l.", 0, "Peque\u00F1a, pero llena de sorpresas.", 0, "", 0, "5 minutos para el partido", 0, "Bienvenidos al Estadio Lucas Field", 0, "Esta noche, en la superbatalla que nos aguarda", 0, "Xavier High contra Lincoln High", 0, "Con los quarterbacks estrella del Estado", 0, "Brad White del X High", 0, "", 0, "Y Tony Ballermo del Lincoln", 0, "", 0, "Esta noche se enfrentan los mejores equipos del Estado", 0, "\u00A1En un partido que pasar\u00E1 a la historia!", 0, "Ahora, unas palabras de nuestros sponsors", 0, "Un momento por favor, estamos experimentando dificultades t\u00E9cnicas", 0, "", 0, "\rUm...\r Ok. ", bub4r, "\rYo no bebo.", bub4r, "\rTraer\u00E9 unas copas.", bub4l, "\u00BFTienes una botella para ti sola?", bub4l, "\rWooo!\rYeah!", bub4r, "Yo y mi peque\u00F1a\restamos muy unidas.", bub4l, "Venga tio,\r sac a Jana a bailar!", bub4r, "No s\u00E9....\rCreo que no le gusto.", bub4l, "\u00A1Tonter\u00EDas!\r \u00A1Todas las t\u00EDas van detr\u00E1s tuya!", bub4r, "\r Eres el perro alfa.", bub4r, "\rPuedes tener a la t\u00EDa que quieras.", bub4r, "Necesitas un\r trago para animarte. Te traer\u00E9 uno doble.", bub5r, "\rOh!\rNo! ", bub4l, "\rEscucha.", bub4r, "\rParece que vas a tener que ser t\u00FA,", bub4r, "La que d\u00E9 el primer paso con Brad.", bub4r, "Antes...\r la cagaste en clase.", bub4r, "\rAhora le da miedo dirigirse a ti.", bub4r, "\rA ti te gusta\r\u00BFverdad?", bub4r, "\r\u00A1Claro!", bub4r, "\rQuieres hablar\rcon \u00E9l \u00BFno?", bub4r, "\r\u00A1Por supuesto!\r \u00A1Le quiero!", bub4r, "Ok, entonces bebe!\rTe dar\u00E1 valor.", bub4r, "Hey,\r\u00BFD\u00F3nde est\u00E1 Cindy?", bub4l, "\r\u00A1Oh!\r\u00BFNo lo sab\u00E9is?", bub4r, "\rSu padre la pill\u00F3. ", bub4r, "Encontr\u00F3 una\rcaja de condones en su armario. ", bub4r, "\r\u00A1Woooo! ", bub4l, "\rEra una caja de veinticuatro, ", bub4r, "\r\u00A1Y solo quedaba uno!", bub4r, "\r\u00A1Ha ha ha! ", bub4l, "\rEstar\u00E1 castigada de por vida.", bub4r, "Bebe colega,\r Est\u00E1s a punto de entrar en batalla.", bub4r, "Venga,\rv\u00E9 y s\u00E1cala a bailar.", bub4r, "Adelante,\r \u00A1S\u00E1cala!", bub4l, "Um....\r \u00BFTe gustar\u00EDa bailar?", bub4l, "\rClaro.", bub4r, "Heehee.\rTengo que ir al ba\u00F1o.", bub4l, "\r\u00BFD\u00F3nde est\u00E1....", bub4l, "\rTe ayudar\u00E9 a encontrarlo.", bub4l, "Jenny,est\u00E1s borracha. No montes un n\u00FAmero.", bub4r, "\rOh,callate chico solitario.", bub4l, "\rDisfruta el espect\u00E1culo.", bub4l, "\rCada vez hay m\u00E1s escandalo.", bub4l, "\u00BFPodr\u00EDamos ir a alg\u00FAn sitio m\u00E1s tranquilo?", bub4r, "\r\u00A1Cindy!", bub4r, "\rConsegu\u00ED escabullirme.", bub4l, "\r\u00BFY esa gabardina?", bub4r, "Mi querido padre guardo toda mi ropa bajo llave,", bub4l, "para que no pudiera escaparme.", bub4l, "Pero escond\u00ED esta gabardina de mi madre bajo la cama.", bub4l, "Se os ve...\rbastante excitados.", bub4l, "Hey Cindy,\r\u00BFTienes alg\u00FAn cond\u00F3n?", bub4r, "\r\u00A1Humph!", bub4r, "\u00A1Cindy,\r Quita de en medio!", bub4l, "\r \u00BFTienes algo para m\u00ED?", bub4r, "No te lo creer\u00E1s,\r\u00A1Pero este perro tiene un hueso!", bub4r, "\r\u00BFLo quieres?", bub4r, "\rVamos arriba.", bub4r, "\r \u00A1Qu\u00EDtatelo!", bub4r, "\r \u00A1Qu\u00EDtatelo!", bub4l, "Jenny\r tienes las mejores tetas del insti!", bub4l, "\r Ens\u00E9\u00F1anoslas.\r\u00A1Por favor!", bub4l, "\rOh, quer\u00E9is v\u00E9rmelas \u00BFeh?", bub4l, "\rOkay, no problem.", bub4l, "Pero primero,\r ten\u00E9is que ense\u00F1arme vosotros algo a mi!", bub5l, "No t\u00EDo!\r Quiero verte el tanga.", bub4l, "\rNo vas a ver una mierda", bub4l, "No hasta que est\u00E9is en bolas y machacandooslas.", bub4l, "\r \u00BFQuieres pajearte en \u00E9stas?", bub4l, "\rBien.\r Veamoslo.", bub4l, "\rSi quieres mis tetas", bub4l, "\rMachacatela para mi.", bub4l, "So!\r\u00A1No tan r\u00E1pido!", bub4l, "\r \u00A1Ve\u00E1moslas!", bub4r, "\r\u00A1Por supuesto!", bub4r, "\rPero...", bub4r, "Si me quer\u00E9is desnuda, tendr\u00E9is que desnudaros todos!", bub4r, "\rVengaaa.\rNo se\u00E1is timidos.", bub4r, "\rVeamos esas pollas.", bub4r, "Ummm...\r\u00BFD\u00F3nde est\u00E1 el ba\u00F1o?", bub4r, "Ha estado\r cerrado m\u00E1s de media hora.", bub4l, "Creo\r que alguien est\u00E1 muy ocupado hay dentro.", bub4l, "\rPrueba arriba.", bub4l, "\rOk,\rGracias.", bub4r, "Hey,\r\u00BFD\u00F3nde est\u00E1 Buckman?", bub4r, "S\u00ED. \u00A1Se est\u00E1 perdiendo la mejor fiesta de todos los tiempos!", bub4r, "\r \u00A1Est\u00E1 cerrado!", bub4l, "\r \u00A1Ahhh!", bub4r, "Quiz\u00E1s con un chupito m\u00E1s se aflojen.", 18, "Sarah casi est\u00E1 a punto\rUno m\u00E1s...", 18, "As\u00ED.\rEso deber\u00EDa hacer caer sus bragas", 18, "Muy bien Brad\r Asegur\u00E9monos de que est\u00E1s preparado.", bub4r, "\r\u00A1Oh!\r\u00A1Lo siento! ", bub4r, "\r\u00BFHuh?", bub4l, "\r Estaba buscando el ba\u00F1o...", bub4r, "\r\u00A1Necesito mear urgentemente!", bub4r, "Y todos\rlos ba\u00F1os est\u00E1n cerrados, o se han perdido, o algo...!", bub5r, "Joder!\r Cre\u00EDa que hab\u00EDa cerrado la puerta!", bub4l, "Ok.\rHay uno aqu\u00ED.", bub4l, "\rJusto ah\u00ED.", bub4l, "\rOooooo \u00A1gracias!", bub4r, "\rOooo,\r\u00A1Es tan mona! ", bub4r, "\r\u00A1Oh! \u00A1Dios!", bub4l, "\r\u00A1Huh!", bub4r, "\r\u00A1Eso est\u00E1 al rojo!", bub4l, "\rMe estoy poniendo tan solo mirando.", bub4l, "\rNo te oi entrar.", bub4r, "\r\u00BFPuedo mirar tambi\u00E9n?", bub4l, "\r\u00BFPor favor?", bub4l, "\rOh...\rYa veo.", bub4r, "\rNo te preocupes cari\u00F1o.", bub4r, "No pasa nada.\rYo tambi\u00E9n estoy excitada.", bub4r, "\rDejame ayudarte.", bub4r, "\r\u00BFEst\u00E1 bien as\u00ED?", bub4r, "\r\u00BFYo te gusto?", bub4r, "Ohhhh claro,\r pero...", 6, "Ahora estoy ocupado.\rNecesito...", 6, "\u00A1Esto es importante!", 6, "No puedo,\rahora no.", 6, "\r\u00BFTe gustar\u00EDa sentir mi conchita?", bub4r, "Oh mira!\rBrad y Jana se han movido!", bub4r, "\u00A1Necesitas\renfocar para ponerlos a los dos en pantalla!", bub5r, "As\u00ED.\r Ahora amplia un poco.", bub4r, "\rWow!\r Ah\u00ED lo tienes!", bub4l, "Esta fiesta se est\u00E1 poniendo muy salvaje!", bub4l, "De verdad necesito hacer esto ahora.", bub4l, "Podemos...\rUmmmm...\ren otro momento.", bub4l, "\rLo entiendo.", bub4r, "Oh, me estas poniendo muy caliente ahora mismo!", bub4r, "\r\u00BFPuedes sentir lo h\u00FAmedo que est\u00E1?", bub4r, "Tu polla se deslizar\u00EDa dentro tan f\u00E1cilmente...", bub4r, "Oh,\r La quiero!\rla quiero ahora!", bub4r, "\rHag\u00E1moslo.\r\u00BFQuieres follar?", bub4r, "\rTu mant\u00E9n la vista en el monitor,", bub4r, "\rYo me ocupar\u00E9 aqu\u00ED abajo.", bub4r, "\r\u00BFC\u00F3mo se siente?\r\u00BFEst\u00E1s a punto?", bub4r, "\r \u00BFQuieres correrte en mi boca?", bub4r, "\r\u00A1Oh my God!\r \u00A1\u00A1Justo a tiempo!!", bub4r, "\rAs\u00ED,\rDejame a mi.", bub4l, "\rQuiero que me sientas.", bub4l, "\rSiente mi...", bub4l, "Oh!\r Pero yo nunca he...", bub4r, "\rPor favor...", bub4l, "\rTocalo.", bub4l, "Otra vez.\rPero aprieta un poco ahora.", bub4l, "\r \u00BFVes lo duro que est\u00E1?", bub4l, "\rUh huh.", bub4r, "\rAhora siente lo largo que es.", bub4l, "\rOoooo.", bub4r, "\r\u00BFTe gusta?", bub4l, "\rUhh...\rUh huh.", bub4r, "\rSe siente tan bien cuando tu lo tocas.", bub4l, "\r\u00BFTe gusta?", bub4l, "\r\u00A1Oh si!", bub4l, "\r\u00A1Por supuesto!\r Me encanta.", bub4l, "\r Desabrocha el pantal\u00F3n.", bub4l, "\r\u00A1Oh!", bub4r, "\r\u00A1Por favor!", bub4l, "\rAcaricialo.\r\u00A1Por favor!", bub4l, "\rVenga.", bub4l, "\rNo tienes por qu\u00E9 estar nerviosa ya.", bub4l, "\rQuieres...?", bub4l, "Oooo si. Te\rquiero dentro de mi.", 5, "\r\u00A1No va a entrar!", bub4l, "\r\u00A1No! \u00A1Si que cabe!", 5, "\rPrueba otra vez.", 5, "\u00A1No!\r \u00A1Empuja!", 5, "\r\u00BFEso es lo mejor que puedes hacer?", bub4r, "\r\u00BFTodo bien?", 18, "\rNo s\u00E9 por qu\u00E9 me gusta tanto,", bub4r, "Pero tu polla se siente maravillosa en mi culo!", bub4r, "\rHazlo despacio,\rmuy despacio.", bub4r, "\rOooo \ras\u00ED.", bub4r, "\r\u00BFLo sientes apretandote?", bub4r, "\rOoohhh\rsi.", bub4r, "\rAhora m\u00E1s profundo.", bub4r, "\rOohhhh!\r\u00A1M\u00E1s r\u00E1pido!", bub4r, "\r\u00BFEso es todo?", bub4r, "Solo veo una cosilla p\u00E1lida y delgaducha.", bub4r, "\r\u00A1T\u00FA!", bub4r, "\r\u00BFQu\u00E9 est\u00E1s escondiendo?", bub4r, "\rVen aqu\u00ED Emo.\rNo seas t\u00EDmido.", bub4r, "\rVeamos.", bub4r, "Bien.\rParece que vas a necesitar un poco de ayuda.", bub4r, "\r\u00BFSabes? Eres bastante mono!", bub4r, "\rVen aqu\u00ED dulzura.", bub4l, "\rWhoa!\r Es suficiente.", bub4l, "Dios,\r\u00A1Tu pelo huele genial!", bub5, "\rOoo!\r\u00A1Qu\u00E9 monada!", bub4l, "Uhh...\rVoy a correrme.", bub4l, "Umm...\r\u00BFPuedo?", bub4l, "\r\u00A1Eres tan dulce!", bub4r, "\r\u00A1Estoy esperando!", bub4r, "\u00BFOs vais a desnudar o me tengo que ir a casa?", bub4r, "\r\u00A1Me pido el pr\u00F3ximo!", bub4l, "\r\u00A1No yo!", bub4l, "\r\u00A1Yo tambi\u00E9n quiero una cubana!", bub4l, "\u00A1Jenny!\r\u00A1Ch\u00FApamela a m\u00ED!", bub4l, "\r\u00A1Jenny!\r\u00A1Jenny!", bub4l, "\u00A1D\u00E9jame follarte mientras se la chupas!", bub4l, "\u00A1Ninguno de vosotros me va a tocar un pelo!", bub4l, "Excepto este encanto, Junebug.", bub4l, "\r\u00C9l puede hacer lo quiera.", bub4l, "\r\u00A1Creo que me he enamorado!", bub4l, "\u00BFQuieres ser mi nuevo novio?", bub4l, "\r\u00BFQu\u00E9?", bub4r, "\r\u00A1Wow!\r\u00A1Claro!", bub4r, "\r\u00BFQu\u00E9 tengo que hacer?", bub4r, "\rQuiero que me folles.", bub4l, "\rF\u00F3llame largo y duro.", bub4l, "\r\u00BFPodr\u00E1s?", bub4l, "\rMmmmm.", bub4l, "\r\u00BFTe est\u00E1s cansando ya?", bub4l, "No tienes que preocuparte por eso.", 5, "Soy corredor de distancia.", 6, "Puedo mantener este ritmo durante horas.", 5, "Tanto como tu necesites, o quieras.", 5, "\r\u00A1Oooo!", bub4l, "\r\u00A1Me encanta mi nuevo novio!", bub4l, "\u00A1Parece que nos vamos a quedar sin premio!", bub4l, "\r\u00A1Ni de co\u00F1a!", bub4r, "\r\u00A1Mira esas pedazo de tetas!", bub4r, "\r\u00A1\u00A1Estoy deseando correrme en ellas!!", bub4r, "\u00A1Joder!\rYo quiero correrme en su cara.", bub4r, "\r\u00A1Mierda!\r, yo tambi\u00E9n!", bub4l, "\u00A1Esas tetas de caramelo necesitan m\u00E1s cobertura!", bub4r, "\r\u00A1Venga!\r \u00A1Es una fiesta! ", bub4l, "\r\u00A1Soltaros y a divertirse!", bub4l, "\rYo voy a por las bebidas.", bub4l, "", 0]; news_text_Spanish = ["Titulares locales:", "Profesor de ciencias detenido por mantener supuestamente relaciones sexuales con una alumna en el instituto.", "Dado que la chica era mayor de edad, no se imputaron cargos penales.", "La chica fue expulsada y no se graduar\u00E1. El profesor fue despedido.", "EL quarterback estrella del instituto Lincoln High acusado de usar esteroides, se le deneg\u00F3 la beca.", "Un an\u00F3nimo envi\u00F3 pruebas al consejo escolar.", "Un soldado de la localidad, graduado en el Xavier High herido en Afghanistan.", "Al parecer sufri\u00F3 una grave lesi\u00F3n en la ingle por el fuego de una peque\u00F1a arma.", "", "Noticias y cotilleos en el Xavier High:", "\u00A1Xavier gana los campeonatos estatales!", "A pesar de no ser los favoritos, Xavier venci\u00F3 f\u00E1cilmente al Lincoln en la final.", "El quarterback estrella Brad W. y la nueva capitana de animadoras Jana J. anuncian planes de boda para Junio.", "Muchas teor\u00EDas en cuanto a lo precipitado de la decisi\u00F3n.", "El quarterback reserva Mike D. fue visto de incognito en el \u00E1rea de ETS del hospital.", "Este reportero se imagina el porqu\u00E9 despu\u00E9s de la fiesta que hemos visto.", "Al alumno Wayne Buckman se le concede la graduaci\u00F3n cum laude, pero al verse envuelto en una controversia de voyeurismo la rechaza.", "Su novia Katrina P. ostentaba el segundo puesto y finalmente recibe el titulo.", "La animador Jennifer B. consigue un jugoso contrato de grabaci\u00F3n con una banda local.", "La banda: \"Junebug\" empezara la grabaci\u00F3n de su primer \u00E1lbum este verano en LA.", "El primer single se llamar\u00E1: \"No soy EMO (pero me encanta tu pelo)\"", "Las animadoras Tina F. y Sarah P. aparecer\u00E1n en un talk show a nivel nacional.", "El tema de discusi\u00F3n: Chicas j\u00F3venes enamoradas.", "", "Noticias patrocinadas por Tony-Angelos Pizza,", "Con su eslogan: \u00A1Comete una tarta hoy!", ""]; credits_text_Spanish = ["Cheerleaders Party\r\r copyright 2009\rTodos los derechos reservados", "Dise\u00F1o del juego por Puso\r\r Dialogo de Lucaboo2 & Puso", "M\u00FAsica & sonido por Virtualex\r\r Otros c\u00F3digos de Puso", "'Jana In Love'\r (baile lento de Brad & Jana)\r Vocal de Vera Poletaeva\r Letra & m\u00FAsica por Puso", "Resto de sinton\u00EDas por Virtualex", "Arte 2D & 3D de Puso\r\r Todos los personages 3D creados usando Daz 3dstudio", "Gracias a los moderarores de Pusooy como consultores de dise\u00F1o:\rCodo, Harryvh, Lucaboo2, Pawpaw, Superbookey, Ut1stgear, Virtualex, Zadok23", "Gracias a los beta testers:\r\rDante101, Flashfiend, Forquer73, Olesbuch, Ramses, Sorrowson, Soursage, Ursulak", "Traducci\u00F3n al Espa\u00F1ol: Budokai", "C\u00F3digo secreto: xhi"]; Russian = ["\u0416\u0434\u0443 \u043D\u0435 \u0434\u043E\u0436\u0434\u0443\u0441\u044C \u0441\u0443\u0431\u0431\u043E\u0442\u044B.", 3, "\u041A\u0430\u043A \u043D\u0430\u0441\u0447\u0451\u0442 \u043D\u0435\u0431\u043E\u043B\u044C\u0448\u043E\u0433\u043E \u0430\u0432\u0430\u043D\u0441\u0430?", 3, "\u042F \u0441\u043B\u0438\u0448\u043A\u043E\u043C \u0432\u043E\u0437\u0431\u0443\u0434\u0438\u043B\u0441\u044F.", 2, "\r\u041F\u043E\u0439\u0434\u0451\u043C-\u043A\u0430 \u0441\u044E\u0434\u0430.", 2, "\r\u0422\u0430\u043A \u044F \u043F\u043E\u043B\u0443\u0447\u0443 \u043F\u044F\u0442\u0451\u0440\u043A\u0443 \u043F\u043E \u0431\u0438\u043E\u043B\u043E\u0433\u0438\u0438?", 2, "\r\u0410\u0445\u0445\u0445\u0445\u0445...", 2, "\u0415\u0441\u043B\u0438 \u043F\u0440\u043E\u0434\u043E\u043B\u0436\u0438\u0448\u044C,\r\u0443 \u0442\u0435\u0431\u044F \u0431\u0443\u0434\u0435\u0442 \u043E\u0442\u043B\u0438\u0447\u043D\u0430\u044F \u043E\u0446\u0435\u043D\u043A\u0430.", 2, "x", 2, "y", 13, "z", 3, "\r\u041D\u0443 \u043A\u0430\u043A, \u0441\u0442\u043E\u0438\u0442 \u043E\u043D\u043E \u043F\u044F\u0442\u0438\u0434\u0435\u0441\u044F\u0442\u0438 \u0431\u0430\u043A\u0441\u043E\u0432?", b4r, "O \u0434\u0430.\r\u041F\u043E\u0441\u043A\u043E\u0440\u0435\u0439 \u0431\u044B \u0434\u043E\u0431\u0440\u0430\u0442\u044C\u0441\u044F \u0434\u043E\u043C\u043E\u0439 \u0438 \u043F\u043E\u0441\u043C\u043E\u0442\u0440\u0435\u0442\u044C!", bub4l, "\u0418 \u043A\u0430\u043A \u0442\u044B\r \u044D\u0442\u043E \u0434\u0435\u043B\u0430\u0435\u0448\u044C? \u0422\u044B \u043F\u0440\u043E\u0441\u0442\u043E \u0433\u0435\u043D\u0438\u0439!", bub4l, "\r\u0422\u0430\u043A \u0442\u044B \u0443\u0441\u0442\u0440\u0430\u0438\u0432\u0430\u0435\u0448\u044C \u0443 \u0441\u0435\u0431\u044F \u0432\u0435\u0447\u0435\u0440\u0438\u043D\u043A\u0443 \u043F\u043E\u0441\u043B\u0435 \u043C\u0430\u0442\u0447\u0430 \u0438\u043B\u0438 \u043A\u0430\u043A?", bub5l, "\r\u0423\u0433\u0443.\r \u0414\u043B\u044F \u043D\u0435\u0435 \u0432\u0441\u0451 \u0433\u043E\u0442\u043E\u0432\u043E.", bub4r, "\u042F \u0434\u043E\u0441\u0442\u0430\u043B\r\u0431\u043E\u0447\u043A\u0443 \u043F\u0438\u0432\u0430 \u0438 \u044F\u0449\u0438\u043A \u0442\u0435\u043A\u0438\u043B\u044B.", bub4r, "\u042F\u0449\u0438\u043A?\r\u0414\u0430, \u0447\u0443\u0432\u0441\u0442\u0432\u0443\u044E, \u043F\u043E\u0432\u0435\u0441\u0435\u043B\u0438\u043C\u0441\u044F \u043A\u0430\u043A \u0441\u043B\u0435\u0434\u0443\u0435\u0442!", bub4l, "", 0, "", 0, "", 0, "\u0415\u0441\u043B\u0438 \u0431\u044B \u044F\r \u0442\u0435\u0431\u044F \u043D\u0435 \u0437\u043D\u0430\u043B\u0430, \u044F \u0431\u044B \u0441\u043A\u0430\u0437\u0430\u043B\u0430, \u0447\u0442\u043E \u0442\u044B \u0432\u043B\u044E\u0431\u0438\u043B\u0430\u0441\u044C!", bub5r, "\u041E\u043D \u0442\u0430\u043A\u043E\u0439 \u0437\u0430\u043C\u0435\u0447\u0430\u0442\u0435\u043B\u044C\u043D\u044B\u0439...", 11, "\u0414\u0430 \u0442\u044B \u0436 \u0435\u0449\u0451 \u0434\u0430\u0436\u0435 \u043D\u0435 \u0432\u0441\u0442\u0440\u0435\u0447\u0430\u043B\u0430\u0441\u044C \u0441 \u0411\u0440\u0435\u0434\u043E\u043C!", 10, "\r\u0421\u043B\u044B\u0448\u044C! \u041E\u043D\u0430 \u0442\u0430\u043A\u0430\u044F \u0441\u0435\u043A\u0441\u0430\u043F\u0438\u043B\u044C\u043D\u0430\u044F!", 13, "\u0421\u0430\u043C\u0430\u044F \u043A\u043B\u0451\u0432\u0430\u044F \u0434\u0435\u0432\u0447\u0451\u043D\u043A\u0430 \u0432 \u0448\u043A\u043E\u043B\u0435, \u043A\u0441\u0442\u0430\u0442\u0438.", 12, "\r\u041A\u0430\u043A \u0435\u0451 \u0437\u043E\u0432\u0443\u0442?", 3, "\u042F\u043D\u0430. \u041C\u044B \u043C\u044B \u0432\u043C\u0435\u0441\u0442\u0435 \u043D\u0430 \u0438\u0441\u0442\u043E\u0440\u0438\u044E \u0445\u043E\u0434\u0438\u043C.", 11, "\r\u042F\u043D\u0430! \u041C\u043C\u043C\u043C\u043C...", 3, "", 0, "", 0, "\r\u041F\u0440\u0438\u0432\u0435\u0442, \u0421\u0438\u043D\u0434\u0438.", 13, "\r\u0421\u0438\u043D\u0434\u0438!", 13, "\r\u0412 \u0447\u0451\u043C \u044D\u0442\u043E \u0443 \u0442\u0435\u0431\u044F \u044E\u0431\u043A\u0430?", 13, "\r\u042D\u0442\u0430 \u0421\u0438\u043D\u0434\u0438 - \u0442\u0430\u043A\u0430\u044F \u0433\u0440\u044F\u0437\u043D\u0443\u043B\u044F.", 13, "\u0412 \u043A\u0430\u0436\u0434\u043E\u0439 \u0448\u043A\u043E\u043B\u0435 \u0435\u0441\u0442\u044C \u0441\u0432\u043E\u044F \u0441\u0443\u043F\u0435\u0440\u0448\u043B\u044E\u0445\u0430", 12, "\r\u041D\u0430\u0448\u0430 \u0435\u0449\u0451 \u0438\r \u043A\u0430\u043F\u0438\u0442\u0430\u043D \u0431\u043E\u043B\u0435\u043B\u044C\u0449\u0438\u0446 \u043F\u043E \u0441\u043E\u0432\u043C\u0435\u0441\u0442\u0438\u0442\u0435\u043B\u044C\u0441\u0442\u0432\u0443", bub5l, "\u0410 \u043D\u0435\u043F\u043B\u043E\u0445\u043E \u0442\u044B \u0443\u0434\u0435\u043B\u0430\u043B\u0430 \u0421\u0438\u043D\u0434\u0438!", 10, "\u041D\u0443\u0443... \u0422\u0438\u043F\u0430, \u0441\u043F\u0430\u0441\u0438\u0431\u043E.", 11, "\u041F\u043E\u0447\u0435\u043C\u0443 \u0431\u044B\r\u0442\u0435\u0431\u0435 \u043D\u0435 \u043F\u043E\u0434\u043E\u0439\u0442\u0438 \u0438 \u043D\u0435 \u043F\u043E\u0433\u043E\u0432\u043E\u0440\u0438\u0442\u044C \u0441 \u0411\u0440\u044D\u0434\u043E\u043C?", 13, "\u041F\u043E\u0445\u043E\u0436\u0435, \u043E\u043D \u0437\u0430\u0438\u043D\u0442\u0435\u0440\u0435\u0441\u043E\u0432\u0430\u043B\u0441\u044F.", 10, "\u041E\u0439! \u0414\u0430 \u043D\u0435! \u0421\u0442\u0440\u0451\u043C\u043D\u043E \u043A\u0430\u043A-\u0442\u043E.", 11, "\u0423 \u043C\u0435\u043D\u044F \u0434\u044B\u0445\u0430\u043D\u0438\u0435 \u043F\u0435\u0440\u0435\u0445\u0432\u0430\u0442\u0438\u0442. \u042F... \u0434\u0430 \u044F \u043F\u0440\u043E\u0441\u0442\u043E \u043F\u043E\u043C\u0440\u0443 \u043D\u0430 \u043C\u0435\u0441\u0442\u0435!", 12, "\r\u0427\u0442\u043E \u0436, \u043F\u043E\u0440\u0430 \u0438\u0434\u0442\u0438.", 3, "\u041F\u0440\u0438\u0432\u0435\u0442! \u0422\u044B \u0442\u0443\u0442 \u043D\u043E\u0432\u0435\u043D\u044C\u043A\u0430\u044F?", 3, "\r\u042D\u0442\u043E \u043E\u043D \u0441\u043E \u043C\u043D\u043E\u0439 \u0433\u043E\u0432\u043E\u0440\u0438\u0442?", 15, "\r\u041E, \u043D\u0435\u0442!", 15, "\r\u041E\u043F\u0430\u0437\u0434\u044B\u0432\u0430\u044E \u043D\u0430 \u0443\u0440\u043E\u043A.", 15, "\r\u041A\u0430\u043A\u043E\u0433\u043E...", 3, "\r\u041A\u0430\u043A\u0430\u044F \u0436\u0435 \u044F \u0434\u0443\u0440\u0430!\r\u041A\u0430\u043A\u0430\u044F \u0436\u0435 \u044F \u0434\u0443\u0440\u0430!", 16, "\u0418 \u043F\u043E\u0447\u0435\u043C\u0443 \u044F \u0442\u0430\u043A \u0441\u0442\u0435\u0441\u043D\u044F\u044E\u0441\u044C!", 11, "\u042F \u0442\u043E\u043B\u044C\u043A\u043E \u0447\u0442\u043E \u0432\u0441\u0451 \u0438\u0441\u043F\u043E\u0440\u0442\u0438\u043B\u0430.", 11, "\u041F\u043E\u0441\u043B\u0435 \u0448\u043A\u043E\u043B\u044B", 0, "\u041F\u0435\u0440\u0435\u0434 \u0438\u0433\u0440\u043E\u0439", 0, "\u041F\u043E\u0431\u0435\u0434\u0430!", 0, "\u0412\u0441\u0442\u0440\u0435\u0442\u0438\u043C\u0441\u044F \u043D\u0430 \u0432\u0435\u0447\u0435\u0440\u0438\u043D\u043A\u0435!", 0, "\u041D\u0430\u0436\u043C\u0438 \u0442\u0443\u0442, \u0447\u0442\u043E\u0431\u044B \u0441\u044B\u0433\u0440\u0430\u0442\u044C \u0435\u0449\u0451 \u0440\u0430\u0437", 0, "\u041D\u0430\u0436\u043C\u0438 \u041F\u0420\u041E\u0411\u0415\u041B \u0434\u043B\u044F \u043F\u0440\u043E\u0434\u043E\u043B\u0436\u0435\u043D\u0438\u044F.", 0, "", 0, "", 0, "", 0, "\u0414\u0430 \u044D\u0442\u043E \u0436\u0435\r\u0432\u0435\u043B\u0438\u043A\u0438\u0439 \u0438 \u0443\u0436\u0430\u0441\u043D\u044B\u0439\r\u0437\u0430\u0449\u0438\u0442\u043D\u0438\u043A!", bub4l, "\r\u0414\u0436\u0435\u043D\u043D\u0438!", bub4r, "\u041D\u0443 \u0447\u0442\u043E, \u0433\u043E\u0442\u043E\u0432 \u043F\u0440\u043E\u0438\u0433\u0440\u0430\u0442\u044C \u0448\u043A\u043E\u043B\u0435 Xavier \u0441\u0435\u0433\u043E\u0434\u043D\u044F \u0432\u0435\u0447\u0435\u0440\u043E\u043C?", bub4l, "\r\u0425\u0430! \u0415\u0449\u0451 \u0447\u0435\u0433\u043E!", bub4r, "\u0410 \u0442\u044B \u0448\u043A\u043E\u043B\u043E\u0439-\u0442\u043E \u043D\u0435 \u043E\u0448\u0438\u0431\u0441\u044F?", bub2l, "\u042F \u043F\u0440\u043E\u0441\u0442\u043E\r\u0437\u0430\u0433\u043B\u044F\u043D\u0443\u043B \u043F\u043E\u0440\u0430\u043D\u044C\u0448\u0435, \u043F\u043E\u043B\u0435 \u043F\u043E\u0441\u043C\u043E\u0442\u0440\u0435\u0442\u044C.", bub4r, "\r\u0410 \u0433\u0434\u0435 \u0436\u0435 \u0442\u0432\u043E\u0439 \u0432\u0435\u043B\u0438\u043A\u0438\u0439 \u0438 \u0443\u0436\u0430\u0441\u043D\u044B\u0439 \u043F\u0430\u0440\u0435\u043D\u044C?", bub4r, "\r\u041E\u043D \u0440\u0430\u043D\u044C\u0448\u0435 \u0432\u0441\u0435\u0433\u0434\u0430 \u0433\u0434\u0435-\u0442\u043E \u043F\u043E\u0431\u043B\u0438\u0437\u043E\u0441\u0442\u0438 \u043E\u0448\u0438\u0432\u0430\u043B\u0441\u044F, \u0442\u0435\u0431\u044F \u043F\u0430\u0441.", bub5r, "\u041F\u0430\u0440\u0435\u043D\u044C?\r\u041A\u0430\u043A\u043E\u0439 \u043F\u0430\u0440\u0435\u043D\u044C?", bub2l, "\u042D\u0442\u043E\u0442 \u043F\u0440\u0438\u0434\u0443\u0440\u043E\u043A \u0441\u0435\u0439\u0447\u0430\u0441 \u0432 \u0410\u0444\u0433\u0430\u043D\u0438\u0441\u0442\u0430\u043D\u0435.", bub2l, "\u0427\u0442\u043E\u0431 \u0435\u043C\u0443 \u0442\u0430\u043C \u043A\u043E\u043D\u0435\u0446 \u043E\u0442\u0441\u0442\u0440\u0435\u043B\u0438\u043B\u0438!", bub2l, "\u0422\u0430\u043A \u0442\u044B, \u0432\u044B\u0445\u043E\u0434\u0438\u0442, \u0441\u0432\u043E\u0431\u043E\u0434\u043D\u0430?", bub2r, "\u0414\u043E\u0440\u043E\u0433\u0443\u0448\u0430, \u0437\u0430 \u043B\u044E\u0431\u0443\u044E \u0441\u0432\u043E\u0431\u043E\u0434\u0443 \u043D\u0430\u0434\u043E \u043F\u043B\u0430\u0442\u0438\u0442\u044C!", bub2l, "\r\u042F \u043F\u043E\u043B\u0443\u0447\u0430\u044E \u043F\u043E\u0432\u044B\u0448\u0435\u043D\u043D\u0443\u044E \u0441\u0442\u0438\u043F\u0435\u043D\u0434\u0438\u044E.", bub4r, "\u0418 \u043C\u043D\u0435 \u043E\u043D\u0430 \u0434\u043E\u0441\u0442\u0430\u0451\u0442\u0441\u044F \u043F\u0440\u0430\u043A\u0442\u0438\u0447\u0435\u0441\u043A\u0438 \u0431\u0435\u0441\u043F\u043B\u0430\u0442\u043D\u043E", bub4r, "\u0414\u0443\u043C\u0430\u044E,\r \u0435\u0441\u043B\u0438 \u0447\u0435\u043B\u043E\u0432\u0435\u043A \u0434\u043E\u0441\u0442\u0430\u0442\u043E\u0447\u043D\u043E \u0442\u0430\u043B\u0430\u043D\u0442\u043B\u0438\u0432,", bub4r, "\u0414\u0430\u0436\u0435 \u0437\u0432\u0451\u0437\u0434\u044B \u043F\u0430\u0434\u0430\u044E\u0442 \u043A \u0435\u0433\u043E \u043D\u043E\u0433\u0430\u043C.", bub2r, "\u0410 \u0442\u044B, \u0434\u0435\u0442\u043A\u0430, \u043E\u0447\u0435\u043D\u044C \u0442\u0430\u043B\u0430\u043D\u0442\u043B\u0438\u0432\u0430!", bub2r, "\r\u0418 \u0442\u044B \u0443 \u043C\u043E\u0438\u0445 \u043D\u043E\u0433?", bub3l, "\u0414\u0435\u0442\u043A\u0430, \u044F \u0442\u0435\u0431\u044F \u0443\u043C\u043E\u043B\u044F\u044E.", bub2r, "\u041A\u043B\u044E\u0447\u0438 \u043E\u0442 \u0441\u043A\u043B\u0430\u0434\u0441\u043A\u043E\u0439 \u043A\u043E\u043C\u043D\u0430\u0442\u044B.", bub3l, "\u041E\u043D\u0430 \u0442\u0443\u0442\r \u043F\u043E\u043B\u044C\u0437\u0443\u0435\u0442\u0441\u044F \u043F\u043E\u043F\u0443\u043B\u044F\u0440\u043D\u043E\u0441\u0442\u044C\u044E.", bub3l, "\u041C\u043C\u043C\u043C\u043C,\r \u0442\u0432\u0451\u0440\u0434\u044B\u0435 \u043A\u0430\u043A \u043A\u0430\u043C\u0435\u043D\u044C.", bub3r, "Ooooo,\r \u0441\u0442\u0430\u043B\u044C\u043D\u044B\u0435 \u0440\u0443\u043A\u0438!", bub3r, "\u041C\u043C\u043C\u043C\u043C,\r \u0433\u0440\u0430\u043D\u0438\u0442\u043D\u044B\u0439 \u043F\u0440\u0435\u0441\u0441!", bub3r, "\r\u042D\u0439! \u0410 \u044D\u0442\u043E \u0435\u0449\u0451 \u0447\u0442\u043E?", bub3r, "\r\u0422\u044B \u0447\u043E, \u0442\u0443\u0434\u0430 \u043A\u0443\u043A\u0443\u0440\u0443\u0437\u0438\u043D\u0443 \u0441\u043F\u0440\u044F\u0442\u0430\u043B?", bub4r, "\u0425\u0430\u0445\u0430, \u041F\u043E\u043C\u0430\u0441\u043B\u0438-\u043A\u0430 \u0435\u0451, \u0434\u0435\u0442\u043A\u0430.", bub3l, "\u041B\u0430\u0434\u043D\u043E.\r\u0414\u0430\u0432\u0430\u0439. \u0417\u043D\u0430\u044E \u0436\u0435, \u0442\u044B \u0440\u043E\u0434\u0438\u043D\u0443 \u0437\u0430 \u043D\u0438\u0445 \u043F\u0440\u043E\u0434\u0430\u0448\u044C.", bub4r, "\r\u0422\u0430\u043A \u0437\u0434\u043E\u0440\u043E\u0432\u043E \u043B\u0435\u0436\u0430\u0442 \u0443 \u043C\u0435\u043D\u044F \u0432 \u0440\u0443\u043A\u0430\u0445!", bub4l, "\u041A\u0430\u043A \u0431\u0443\u0434\u0442\u043E \u0434\u0435\u0440\u0436\u0438\u0448\u044C \u043F\u0430\u0440\u0443 \u0444\u0443\u0442\u0431\u043E\u043B\u044C\u043D\u044B\u0445 \u043C\u044F\u0447\u0435\u0439!", bub3l, "\r\u0422\u043F\u0440\u0440\u0443-\u0443, \u043A\u043E\u0432\u0431\u043E\u0439!", bub4r, "\r\u042F \u0445\u043E\u0447\u0443 \u0435\u0449\u0451 \u0440\u0430\u0437 \u0442\u0440\u0430\u0445\u043D\u0443\u0442\u044C \u0442\u0432\u043E\u0438 \u0441\u0438\u0441\u044C\u043A\u0438.", bub4r, "\r\u041D\u043E \u043D\u0430 \u0441\u0435\u0439 \u0440\u0430\u0437 \u0434\u0430\u0439 \u043C\u043D\u0435 \u043A\u043E\u043D\u0447\u0438\u0442\u044C.", bub4r, "\u041B\u0438\u0436\u0438!", bub6, "\u0422\u0435\u043F\u0435\u0440\u044C \u0432\u043E\u0437\u044C\u043C\u0438 \u0435\u0433\u043E \u0432 \u0440\u043E\u0442!", bub6, "\u0422\u0430\u043A-\u0441, \u0438 \u043A\u0443\u0434\u0430 \u043C\u044B \u0441 \u0442\u043E\u0431\u043E\u0439 \u043F\u043E\u0435\u0434\u0435\u043C \u043F\u043E\u0441\u043B\u0435 \u0438\u0433\u0440\u044B?.", bub4l, "\u0418\u0437\u0432\u0438\u043D\u0438, \u0434\u0435\u0442\u043A\u0430.\r\u041F\u043E\u0441\u043B\u0435 \u0438\u0433\u0440\u044B \u0443 \u043C\u0435\u043D\u044F \u0441\u0432\u0438\u0434\u0430\u043D\u0438\u0435.", bub4r, "\r \u041A\u043E\u0437\u0451\u043B!", bub4l, "", 0, "\r\u042D\u0439, \u0421\u0430\u0440\u0430! \u0412\u0441\u0451 \u0445\u043E\u0440\u043E\u0448\u043E? \u0427\u0442\u043E-\u0442\u043E \u0441\u043B\u0443\u0447\u0438\u043B\u043E\u0441\u044C?", bub4l, "\r\u041D-\u043D\u0435\u0442, \u0425\u043E\u0440\u043E\u0448\u043E.. O.. \u0414\u0430.. \u042F \u0438\u043C\u0435\u044E \u0432 \u0432\u0438\u0434\u0443...", bub4l, "\r\u041F\u0440\u043E\u0441\u0442\u043E \u0448\u0438\u0440\u0438\u043D\u043A\u0430. \u042F.. \u042F \u043D\u0435 \u043C\u043E\u0433\u0443...", bub4l, "\u041D\u0443 \u0432\u043E\u0442.\r \u041F\u0440\u043E\u0449\u0435, \u0447\u0435\u043C \u0442\u044B \u0434\u0443\u043C\u0430\u043B\u0430.", bub4l, "\u0421\u043F\u0430\u0441\u0438\u0431\u043E, \u0422\u0438\u043D\u0430... \u0427\u0442\u043E \u0431\u044B \u044F \u0431\u0435\u0437 \u0442\u0435\u0431\u044F \u0434\u0435\u043B\u0430\u043B\u0430.", bub4r, "\u0427\u0443\u0432\u0441\u0442\u0432\u0443\u044E, \u0447\u0442\u043E-\u0442\u043E \u0432\u0441\u0451-\u0442\u0430\u043A\u0438 \u043D\u0435 \u0442\u0430\u043A. \u0427\u0442\u043E \u0441\u043B\u0443\u0447\u0438\u043B\u043E\u0441\u044C?", bub4l, "\u041D\u0438\u0447\u0435\u0433\u043E!\r \u0410\u0431\u0441\u043E\u043B\u044E\u0442\u043D\u043E... \u041D\u0443, \u0445\u043E\u0440\u043E\u0448\u043E, \u042F... \u042F..", bub4r, "\u042D\u0442\u043E...\r \u042D\u0442\u043E \u0434\u043E\u043B\u0433\u0430\u044F \u0438\u0441\u0442\u043E\u0440\u0438\u044F. \u0412\u044B \u0432\u0441\u0435 \u0442\u0430\u043A\u0438\u0435 \u043A\u043B\u0451\u0432\u044B\u0435, \u0442\u0430\u043A\u0438\u0435 \u043A\u0440\u0430\u0441\u0438\u0432\u044B\u0435,", bub5r, "\u0410 \u044F... \u042F \u043D\u0435\u0441\u043A\u043B\u0430\u0434\u0451\u0445\u0430. \u0418 \u0447\u0442\u043E \u044F \u0442\u0443\u0442 \u0434\u0435\u043B\u0430\u044E? \u041C\u043D\u0435 \u0442\u0443\u0442 \u043D\u0435 \u043C\u0435\u0441\u0442\u043E.", bub4r, "\u0425\u0432\u0430\u0442\u0438\u0442 \u0433\u043E\u0432\u043E\u0440\u0438\u0442\u044C \u0433\u043B\u0443\u043F\u043E\u0441\u0442\u0438. \u0412\u043E\u0442. \u041F\u043E\u0441\u043C\u043E\u0442\u0440\u0438 \u0432 \u0437\u0435\u0440\u043A\u0430\u043B\u043E.", bub4l, "\u0412\u043E\u0442 \u0442\u0430\u043A.\r \u0422\u0435\u043F\u0435\u0440\u044C \u0441\u043A\u0430\u0436\u0438,\r\u0447\u0442\u043E \u0442\u044B \u0432\u0438\u0434\u0438\u0448\u044C?", bub4l, "\u042F \u0432\u0438\u0436\u0443...\r \u0421\u0435\u0431\u044F...\r\u0421\u0435\u0431\u044F \u0432 \u0442\u0440\u0443\u0441\u0430\u0445..", bub4r, "\u041D\u0435\u0442!\r \u042F \u0432\u0438\u0436\u0443 \u043A\u0440\u0430\u0441\u0438\u0432\u0443\u044E \u0434\u0435\u0432\u0443\u0448\u043A\u0443,", bub4l, "\u041A\u043E\u0442\u043E\u0440\u0443\u044E \u0432\u0441\u0435\r\u043F\u0430\u0440\u043D\u0438 \u0432 \u0448\u043A\u043E\u043B\u0435 \u0445\u043E\u0442\u0435\u043B\u0438 \u0431\u044B \u043D\u043E\u0441\u0438\u0442\u044C \u043D\u0430 \u0440\u0443\u043A\u0430\u0445.", bub4l, "\u042F \u0432\u0438\u0436\u0443 \u043A\u0440\u0430\u0441\u0438\u0432\u043E\u0435 \u0441\u0442\u0440\u043E\u0439\u043D\u043E\u0435 \u0442\u0435\u043B\u043E, \u043F\u0440\u044F\u043C\u043E \u043A\u0430\u043A \u0443 \u043C\u043E\u0434\u0435\u043B\u0438.,", bub4l, "\u0421\u0435\u043A\u0441\u0443\u0430\u043B\u044C\u043D\u043E\u0435 \u0442\u0435\u043B\u043E, \u043A\u043E\u0442\u043E\u0440\u043E\u043C\u0443 \u043F\u043E\u0437\u0430\u0432\u0438\u0434\u043E\u0432\u0430\u043B\u0438 \u0431\u044B \u043C\u043D\u043E\u0433\u0438\u0435 \u0434\u0435\u0432\u0443\u0448\u043A\u0438.", bub4l, "\u041D\u043E...\r\u041D\u043E \u044F \u043D\u0435 \u0442\u0430\u043A\u0430\u044F, \u043A\u0430\u043A \u0442\u044B... \u0418\u043B\u0438 \u0414\u0436\u0435\u043D\u043D\u0438...", bub4r, "\u0420\u0430\u0437\u0432\u0435?\r \u0410 \u044F \u0434\u0443\u043C\u0430\u044E, \u0447\u0442\u043E \u0422\u0410\u041A\u0410\u042F.", bub4l, "\u041C\u043C\u043C\u043C,\r \u043E\u043D\u0438 \u0442\u0430\u043A\u0438\u0435 \u0430\u043F\u043F\u0435\u0442\u0438\u0442\u043D\u043E-\u0443\u043F\u0440\u0443\u0433\u0438\u0435.", bub4l, "\r\u041F\u0440\u044F\u043C\u043E \u043A\u0430\u043A \u0432\u043E\u0442 \u044D\u0442\u0438.", bub4l, "\u0414\u043E\u0440\u043E\u0433\u0430\u044F, \u0441 \u0442\u0432\u043E\u0438\u043C \u0442\u0435\u043B\u043E\u043C \u0432\u0441\u0451 \u0432 \u043F\u043E\u0440\u044F\u0434\u043A\u0435.", bub4l, "\u041D\u0443\u0436\u043D\u043E \u043B\u044E\u0431\u0438\u0442\u044C \u0441\u0432\u043E\u0451 \u0442\u0435\u043B\u043E \u0438 \u0433\u043E\u0440\u0434\u0438\u0442\u044C\u0441\u044F \u0438\u043C, \u0432\u0435\u0434\u044C \u043E\u043D\u043E \u0442\u0430\u043A \u043F\u0440\u0435\u043A\u0440\u0430\u0441\u043D\u043E.", bub4l, "\u041A\u043E\u043D\u0435\u0447\u043D\u043E, \u043C\u0430\u043B\u044C\u0447\u0438\u0448\u043A\u0430\u043C \u0445\u043E\u0447\u0435\u0442\u0441\u044F \u0442\u0440\u043E\u0433\u0430\u0442\u044C \u0438 \u043B\u0430\u0441\u043A\u0430\u0442\u044C \u0435\u0433\u043E.", bub4l, "\r\u0418 \u043D\u0435\u043A\u043E\u0442\u043E\u0440\u044B\u043C \u0434\u0435\u0432\u0447\u043E\u043D\u043A\u0430\u043C \u0442\u043E\u0436\u0435.", bub4l, "\u0414\u0430\u0432\u0430\u0439,\r \u043F\u043E\u0442\u0440\u043E\u0433\u0430\u0439 \u043C\u043E\u0438 \u0433\u0440\u0443\u0434\u0438.", bub4l, "\r\u0422\u0430\u043A\u0438\u0435 \u0436\u0435 \u0437\u0430\u043C\u0435\u0447\u0430\u0442\u0435\u043B\u044C\u043D\u044B\u0435, \u043A\u0430\u043A \u0438 \u0442\u0432\u043E\u0438.", bub4l, "\r\u041E\u043E\u043E\u043E\u043E\u043E\u043E...", bub4r, "", 0, "", 0, "", 0, "\r\u042D\u0439, \u0432\u044B \u0434\u0432\u043E\u0435!", bub4r, "\u041F\u043E\u0442\u043E\u0440\u043E\u043F\u0438\u0442\u0435\u0441\u044C!\r\u0418\u0433\u0440\u0430 \u0432\u043E\u0442-\u0432\u043E\u0442 \u043D\u0430\u0447\u043D\u0451\u0442\u0441\u044F!", bub4r, "\u041E!\r \u0421\u0438\u043D\u0434\u0438 \u0437\u0430\u0431\u044B\u043B\u0430 \u0442\u0443\u0442 \u0441\u0432\u043E\u044E \u0441\u0443\u043C\u043E\u0447\u043A\u0443.", bub4l, "\r\u041D\u043E \u043E\u043D\u0430 \u0443\u0436\u0435 \u043D\u0430 \u043F\u043E\u043B\u0435.", bub4r, "\r\u042F \u043D\u0435\u0434\u0430\u0432\u043D\u043E \u0432\u0438\u0434\u0435\u043B\u0430 \u0435\u0451 \u043E\u0442\u0446\u0430. \u041E\u0442\u0434\u0430\u043C \u0435\u043C\u0443.", bub4r, "\u042D\u0439,\r\u0430 \u0433\u0434\u0435 \u0422\u0438\u043D\u0430 \u0438 \u0421\u0430\u0440\u0430?", bub4l, "\r\u0418\u0433\u0440\u0430 \u0443\u0436\u0435 \u043F\u043E\u0447\u0442\u0438 \u043D\u0430\u0447\u0430\u043B\u0430\u0441\u044C!", bub4l, "\r\u041F\u043E\u0439\u0434\u0443 \u043F\u043E\u0441\u043C\u043E\u0442\u0440\u044E, \u0433\u0434\u0435 \u043E\u043D\u0438 \u0442\u0430\u043C.", bub4r, "O!\r \u041D\u0435 \u043F\u0440\u043E\u043F\u0443\u0441\u0442\u0438 \u0431\u043E\u043B\u044C\u0448\u043E\u0435 \u0448\u043E\u0443!", bub4l, "\r\u041F\u043E\u0441\u043C\u043E\u0442\u0440\u0438\u0442\u0435!\r \u041D\u0430\u0447\u0430\u043B\u043E\u0441\u044C.", bub4l, "\u0411\u043E\u0436\u0435!\r\u0422\u044B!\r\u041C\u043E\u0439!", bub4r, "\r\u0412\u043E\u0441\u0445\u0438\u0442\u0438\u0442\u0435\u043B\u044C\u043D\u043E!\r \u041D\u0435 \u043F\u0440\u0430\u0432\u0434\u0430 \u043B\u0438?", bub4l, "", 0, "", 0, "", 0, "", 0, "", 0, "", 0, "", 0, "", 0, "\u041A\u043E\u043C\u043F\u044C\u044E\u0442\u0435\u0440\u043D\u044B\u0439 \u043C\u0430\u0433 \u0438 \u0432\u0443\u0430\u0439\u0435\u0440\u0438\u0441\u0442. \u0415\u0433\u043E \u043E\u0442\u0435\u0446 - \u0433\u0435\u043D\u0435\u0440\u0430\u043B\u044C\u043D\u044B\u0439 \u0434\u0438\u0440\u0435\u043A\u0442\u043E\u0440 \u043A\u0440\u0443\u043F\u043D\u043E\u0439 \u043A\u043E\u043C\u043F\u044C\u044E\u0442\u0435\u0440\u043D\u043E\u0439 \u043A\u043E\u043C\u043F\u0430\u043D\u0438\u0438. $$$ ", 0, "\u041F\u043E\u0434 \u043C\u0430\u0441\u043A\u043E\u0439 \u0442\u0438\u0445\u043E\u043D\u0438 \u0441\u043A\u0440\u044B\u0432\u0430\u0435\u0442\u0441\u044F \u043D\u0430\u0441\u0442\u043E\u044F\u0449\u0438\u0439 \u0431\u0440\u0430\u0437\u0438\u043B\u044C\u0441\u043A\u0438\u0439 \u0444\u0435\u0439\u0435\u0440\u0432\u0435\u0440\u043A.", 0, "\u0421\u0442\u0435\u0441\u043D\u0438\u0442\u0435\u043B\u044C\u043D\u044B\u0439 \"\u043A\u043D\u0438\u0436\u043D\u044B\u0439 \u0447\u0435\u0440\u0432\u044C\". \u0420\u043E\u0434\u0438\u0442\u0435\u043B\u0438 \u043E\u0442\u0434\u0430\u043B\u0438 \u0435\u0451 \u0432 \u043A\u043E\u043C\u0430\u043D\u0434\u0443 \u0431\u043E\u043B\u0435\u043B\u044C\u0449\u0438\u0446 \u0432 \u043D\u0430\u0434\u0435\u0436\u0434\u0435 \u0445\u043E\u0442\u044C \u043A\u0430\u043A-\u0442\u043E \u0432\u044B\u0442\u0430\u0449\u0438\u0442\u044C \u0435\u0451 \u0438\u0437 \"\u043F\u0430\u043D\u0446\u0438\u0440\u044F\".", 0, "\u041D\u043E\u0432\u0430\u044F \u0434\u0435\u0432\u043E\u0447\u043A\u0430 \u0432 \u0448\u043A\u043E\u043B\u0435. \u041F\u043E\u043A\u0430 \u0435\u0449\u0451 \u043D\u0435 \u043E\u043F\u0440\u0435\u0434\u0435\u043B\u0438\u043B\u0430 \u0441\u0432\u043E\u0451 \u043C\u0435\u0441\u0442\u043E \u0432 \u0441\u043E\u0446\u0438\u0430\u043B\u044C\u043D\u043E\u0439 \u0438\u0435\u0440\u0430\u0440\u0445\u0438\u0438 \u0448\u043A\u043E\u043B\u044B Xavier. \u041F\u043E\u043A\u043B\u044F\u043B\u0430\u0441\u044C \u0434\u043E \u0441\u0432\u0430\u0434\u044C\u0431\u044B \u0441\u043E\u0445\u0440\u0430\u043D\u0438\u0442\u044C \u0434\u0435\u0432\u0441\u0442\u0432\u0435\u043D\u043D\u043E\u0441\u0442\u044C.", 0, "\u0412\u0441\u0435 \u043F\u043E\u043C\u043D\u044F\u0442, \u0447\u0442\u043E \u0414\u0436\u0435\u043D\u043D\u0438 \u0432\u0441\u0435\u0433\u0434\u0430 \u0432\u0441\u0442\u0440\u0435\u0447\u0430\u043B\u0430\u0441\u044C \u0441\u043E \u0441\u0442\u0430\u0440\u0448\u0438\u043C \u043F\u043E \u0432\u043E\u0437\u0440\u0430\u0441\u0442\u0443 \u043F\u0430\u0440\u043D\u0435\u043C. \u041E\u043D \u0437\u0430\u043A\u043E\u043D\u0447\u0438\u043B \u0448\u043A\u043E\u043B\u0443, \u043F\u043E\u0448\u0451\u043B \u0432 \u0430\u0440\u043C\u0438\u044E \u0438 \u0431\u044B\u043B \u043E\u0442\u043F\u0440\u0430\u0432\u043B\u0435\u043D \u0432 \u0410\u0444\u0433\u0430\u043D\u0438\u0441\u0442\u0430\u043D. \u041F\u0435\u0440\u0435\u0434 \u043E\u0442\u044A\u0435\u0437\u0434\u043E\u043C \u0431\u0440\u043E\u0441\u0438\u043B \u0414\u0436\u0435\u043D\u043D\u0438, \u043F\u043E\u0442\u043E\u043C\u0443 \u043A\u0430\u043A \u0442\u0430 \u043F\u0440\u0438\u043D\u0443\u0436\u0434\u0430\u043B\u0430 \u0435\u0433\u043E \u043A \u0436\u0435\u043D\u0438\u0442\u044C\u0431\u0435.", 0, "\u041A\u0430\u043F\u0438\u0442\u0430\u043D \u0431\u043E\u043B\u0435\u043B\u044C\u0449\u0438\u0446. \u0421\u0438\u043B\u044C\u043D\u0430\u044F \u0438 \u0434\u043E\u043C\u0438\u043D\u0438\u0440\u0443\u044E\u0449\u0430\u044F \u043B\u0438\u0447\u043D\u043E\u0441\u0442\u044C. \u041E\u0434\u043D\u0430\u043A\u043E, \u0441 \u0443\u0447\u0451\u0431\u043E\u0439 \u0435\u0451 \u0434\u0435\u043B\u0430 \u043E\u0431\u0441\u0442\u043E\u044F\u0442 \u043D\u0435 \u0441\u043B\u0438\u0448\u043A\u043E\u043C \u0445\u043E\u0440\u043E\u0448\u043E.", 0, "\u0410\u0442\u043B\u0435\u0442, \u043C\u0435\u0447\u0442\u0430 \u043B\u044E\u0431\u043E\u0439 \u0434\u0435\u0432\u0443\u0448\u043A\u0438.", 0, "\u041B\u0443\u0447\u0448\u0438\u0439 \u0434\u0440\u0443\u0433 \u0438 \u0441\u043E\u043F\u0435\u0440\u043D\u0438\u043A \u0411\u0440\u044D\u0434\u0430. \u0412 \u0441\u043F\u043E\u0440\u0442\u0435 \u0438 \u043D\u0435 \u0442\u043E\u043B\u044C\u043A\u043E.", 0, "\u041C\u0430\u043B\u0435\u043D\u044C\u043A\u0430\u044F, \u0434\u0430 \u0443\u0434\u0430\u043B\u0435\u043D\u044C\u043A\u0430\u044F.", 0, "", 0, "5 \u043C\u0438\u043D\u0443\u0442 \u0434\u043E \u043D\u0430\u0447\u0430\u043B\u0430 \u0438\u0433\u0440\u044B", 0, "\u0414\u043E\u0431\u0440\u043E \u043F\u043E\u0436\u0430\u043B\u043E\u0432\u0430\u0442\u044C \u043D\u0430 \u043F\u043E\u043B\u0435 \u041B\u0443\u043A\u0430\u0441", 0, "\u041D\u0430 \u043F\u0440\u0435\u0434\u0441\u0442\u043E\u044F\u0449\u0438\u0439 \u0441\u0443\u043F\u0435\u0440\u043C\u0430\u0442\u0447", 0, "\u0448\u043A\u043E\u043B\u0430 Xavier \u043F\u0440\u043E\u0442\u0438\u0432 \u0448\u043A\u043E\u043B\u044B Lincoln", 0, "\u0412 \u043A\u043E\u043C\u0430\u043D\u0434\u0430\u0445 \u0438\u0433\u0440\u0430\u044E\u0442 \u0434\u0432\u0430 \u043B\u0443\u0447\u0448\u0438\u0445 \u0437\u0430\u0449\u0438\u0442\u043D\u0438\u043A\u0430 \u0448\u0442\u0430\u0442\u0430", 0, "\u0411\u0440\u044D\u0434 \u0423\u0430\u0439\u0442 \u0438\u0437 Xavier", 0, "", 0, "\u0438 \u0422\u043E\u043D\u0438 \u0411\u0430\u043B\u0435\u0440\u043C\u043E \u0438\u0437 Lincoln", 0, "", 0, "\u0412 \u0441\u0435\u0433\u043E\u0434\u043D\u044F\u0448\u043D\u0435\u043C \u043F\u043E\u0435\u0434\u0438\u043D\u043A\u0435 \u0441\u043E\u0439\u0434\u0443\u0442\u0441\u044F \u0434\u0432\u0435 \u0432\u0435\u0434\u0443\u0449\u0438\u0435 \u043A\u043E\u043C\u0430\u043D\u0434\u044B \u0448\u0442\u0430\u0442\u0430!", 0, "\u042D\u0442\u0430 \u0438\u0433\u0440\u0430 \u0437\u0430\u043F\u043E\u043C\u043D\u0438\u0442\u0441\u044F \u043D\u0430\u0434\u043E\u043B\u0433\u043E!", 0, "\u0422\u0435\u043F\u0435\u0440\u044C \u0441\u043B\u043E\u0432\u043E \u043D\u0430\u0448\u0438\u043C \u0441\u043F\u043E\u043D\u0441\u043E\u0440\u0430\u043C", 0, "\u041E\u0434\u043D\u0443 \u043C\u0438\u043D\u0443\u0442\u043A\u0443 \u043F\u043E\u0436\u0430\u043B\u0443\u0439\u0441\u0442\u0430... \u0423 \u043D\u0430\u0441 \u0432\u0440\u0435\u043C\u0435\u043D\u043D\u044B\u0435 \u0442\u0435\u0445\u043D\u0438\u0447\u0435\u0441\u043A\u0438\u0435 \u043D\u0435\u043F\u043E\u043B\u0430\u0434\u043A\u0438.", 0, "", 0, "\r\u041D\u0443 \u043B\u0430\u0434\u043D\u043E. ", bub4r, "\r\u042F \u043D\u0435 \u043F\u044C\u044E.", bub4r, "\r\u042F \u043F\u0440\u0438\u043D\u0435\u0441\u0443 \u0447\u0442\u043E-\u043D\u0438\u0431\u0443\u0434\u044C.", bub4l, "\r\u0423 \u0442\u0435\u0431\u044F \u0446\u0435\u043B\u0430\u044F \u0431\u0443\u0442\u044B\u043B\u043A\u0430?", bub4l, "\r\u0423\u0444\u0444!\r\u0410\u0433\u0430!", bub4r, "\u041C\u044B \u0442\u0435\u043F\u0435\u0440\u044C\r\u0441 \u043D\u0435\u0439 \u0434\u0440\u0443\u0437\u044C\u044F \u043D\u0430\u0432\u0435\u043A\u0438.", bub4l, "\u0414\u0430\u0432\u0430\u0439,\r \u043F\u0440\u0438\u0433\u043B\u0430\u0441\u0438 \u042F\u043D\u0443 \u043F\u043E\u0442\u0430\u043D\u0446\u0435\u0432\u0430\u0442\u044C!", bub4r, "\u041D\u0443, \u044F \u043D\u0435 \u0437\u043D\u0430\u044E.\r\u041F\u043E\u0445\u043E\u0436\u0435, \u044F \u0435\u0439 \u043D\u0435 \u043D\u0440\u0430\u0432\u043B\u044E\u0441\u044C.", bub4l, "\u0424\u0438\u0433\u043D\u044F!\r \u0412\u0441\u0435\u043C \u0434\u0435\u0432\u0447\u0451\u043D\u043A\u0430\u043C \u0442\u044B \u043D\u0440\u0430\u0432\u0438\u0448\u044C\u0441\u044F!", bub4r, "\r\u0422\u044B \u0442\u0443\u0442 \u0443 \u043D\u0430\u0441 \u0433\u043B\u0430\u0432\u043D\u044B\u0439 \u0433\u0435\u0440\u043E\u0439.", bub4r, "\u0418 \u043C\u043E\u0436\u0435\u0448\u044C \u0437\u0430\u043C\u0443\u0442\u0438\u0442\u044C \u0441 \u043B\u044E\u0431\u043E\u0439, \u0441 \u043A\u0430\u043A\u043E\u0439 \u0437\u0430\u0445\u043E\u0447\u0435\u0448\u044C.", bub4r, "\u0422\u0435\u0431\u0435 \u043D\u0430\u0434\u043E\r \u043F\u0440\u0438\u043D\u044F\u0442\u044C \u0434\u043B\u044F \u0445\u0440\u0430\u0431\u0440\u043E\u0441\u0442\u0438. \u042F \u043F\u0440\u0438\u0442\u0430\u0449\u0443 \u0442\u0435\u0431\u0435 \u0434\u0432\u043E\u0439\u043D\u043E\u0439.", bub5r, "\r\u041D\u0435 \u043D\u0430\u0434\u043E! ", bub4l, "\r\u0421\u043B\u0443\u0448\u0430\u0439.", bub4r, "\r\u041F\u043E\u0445\u043E\u0436\u0435, \u0438\u043C\u0435\u043D\u043D\u043E \u0442\u0435\u0431\u0435", bub4r, "\u043F\u0440\u0438\u0434\u0451\u0442\u0441\u044F\r \u043F\u0440\u043E\u044F\u0432\u0438\u0442\u044C \u0438\u043D\u0438\u0446\u0438\u0430\u0442\u0438\u0432\u0443 \u0432 \u043E\u0442\u043D\u043E\u0448\u0435\u043D\u0438\u0438 \u0411\u0440\u044D\u0434\u0430.", bub5r, "\u0422\u044B \u0436\u0435 \u0442\u0438\u043F\u0430 \u043E\u0431\u043B\u0430\u0436\u0430\u043B\u0430\u0441\u044C \u0441\u0435\u0433\u043E\u0434\u043D\u044F \u0434\u043D\u0451\u043C.", bub4r, "\u0418 \u0442\u0435\u043F\u0435\u0440\u044C \u043E\u043D \u0431\u043E\u0438\u0442\u0441\u044F \u0441 \u0442\u043E\u0431\u043E\u0439 \u0437\u0430\u0433\u043E\u0432\u043E\u0440\u0438\u0442\u044C.", bub4r, "\u041E\u043D \u0436\u0435 \u0442\u0435\u0431\u0435 \u043D\u0440\u0430\u0432\u0438\u0442\u0441\u044F,\r\u0442\u0430\u043A?", bub4r, "\r\u041A\u043E\u043D\u0435\u0447\u043D\u043E!", bub4r, "\u0422\u044B \u0445\u043E\u0447\u0435\u0448\u044C\r \u0441 \u043D\u0438\u043C \u0432\u0441\u0442\u0440\u0435\u0447\u0430\u0442\u044C\u0441\u044F,\r\u0442\u0430\u043A?", bub4r, "\r\u0414\u0430!\r \u042F \u0435\u0433\u043E \u0445\u043E\u0447\u0443!", bub4r, "\u0412\u043E\u0442 \u0442\u043E\u0433\u0434\u0430\r\u043F\u0435\u0439!\r\u0414\u043B\u044F \u0445\u0440\u0430\u0431\u0440\u043E\u0441\u0442\u0438.", bub4r, "\u042D\u0439,\r\u0430 \u0433\u0434\u0435 \u0421\u0438\u043D\u0434\u0438?", bub4l, "\r\u0410 \u0442\u044B \u0440\u0430\u0437\u0432\u0435 \u043D\u0435 \u0441\u043B\u044B\u0448\u0430\u043B?", bub4r, "\r\u0415\u0451 \u043F\u0430\u043F\u0430\u0448\u043A\u0430 \u0437\u0430 \u0436\u043E\u043F\u0443 \u043F\u043E\u0439\u043C\u0430\u043B. ", bub4r, "\u041A\u0430\u0436\u0435\u0442\u0441\u044F\r\u043E\u043D \u043D\u0430\u0448\u0451\u043B \u043A\u043E\u0440\u043E\u0431\u043A\u0443 \u0433\u0430\u043D\u0434\u043E\u043D\u043E\u0432 \u0443 \u043D\u0435\u0451 \u0432 \u0441\u0443\u043C\u043E\u0447\u043A\u0435. ", bub4r, "\r\u041E\u0433\u043E! ", bub4l, "\r\u0417\u0434\u043E\u0440\u043E\u0432\u0443\u044E, \u043D\u0430 24 \u0448\u0442\u0443\u043A\u0438, ", bub4r, "\r\u0432 \u043A\u043E\u0442\u043E\u0440\u043E\u0439 \u043E\u0441\u0442\u0430\u043B\u0441\u044F \u0442\u043E\u043B\u044C\u043A\u043E \u043E\u0434\u0438\u043D!", bub4r, "\r\u0425\u0430 \u0445\u0430 \u0445\u0430! ", bub4l, "\r\u0422\u0435\u043F\u0435\u0440\u044C \u043E\u043D\u0430 \u043F\u043E\u0434 \u0434\u043E\u043C\u0430\u0448\u043D\u0438\u043C \u0430\u0440\u0435\u0441\u0442\u043E\u043C.", bub4r, "\u0414\u0430\u0432\u0430\u0439, \u043C\u0443\u0436\u0438\u043A, \u043F\u0435\u0439.\r \u0422\u0435\u0431\u0435 \u0441\u043A\u043E\u0440\u043E \u0432 \u0431\u043E\u0439.", bub4r, "\r\u041D\u0443 \u0436\u0435,\r\u0438\u0434\u0438, \u043F\u0440\u0438\u0433\u043B\u0430\u0441\u0438 \u0435\u0451.", bub4r, "\u0414\u0430\u0432\u0430\u0439,\r \u0438\u0434\u0438, \u043F\u0440\u0438\u0433\u043B\u0430\u0441\u0438 \u0435\u0433\u043E!", bub4l, "\u042D\u044D\u044D....\r \u0434\u0430\u0432\u0430\u0439 \u043F\u043E\u0442\u0430\u043D\u0446\u0443\u0435\u043C?", bub4l, "\r\u0414\u0430\u0432\u0430\u0439.", bub4r, "\r\u0422\u044B\u0440-\u043F\u044B\u0440.\r\u0425\u043E\u0447\u0443 \u0432 \u0441\u043E\u0440\u0442\u0438\u0440.", bub4l, "\r\u0410 \u0433\u0434\u0435 \u0442\u0443\u0442....", bub4l, "\r\u042F \u043F\u043E\u043C\u043E\u0433\u0443 \u043D\u0430\u0439\u0442\u0438.", bub4l, "\u0414\u0436\u0435\u043D\u043D\u0438, \u0434\u0430 \u0442\u044B \u0431\u0443\u0445\u0430\u044F. \u0421\u0442\u044B\u0434\u043D\u043E \u0437\u0430 \u0442\u0435\u0431\u044F.", bub4r, "\r\u0417\u0430\u0442\u043A\u043D\u0438\u0441\u044C, \u043E\u0434\u0438\u043D\u043E\u0447\u043A\u0430.", bub4l, "\r\u041D\u0430\u0441\u043B\u0430\u0436\u0434\u0430\u0439\u0441\u044F \u0448\u043E\u0443.", bub4l, "\r\u0427\u0442\u043E-\u0442\u043E \u0442\u0443\u0442 \u0448\u0443\u043C\u043D\u043E\u0432\u0430\u0442\u043E.", bub4l, "\r\u041F\u043E\u0439\u0434\u0451\u043C \u043D\u0430\u0439\u0434\u0451\u043C \u043C\u0435\u0441\u0442\u043E \u043F\u043E\u0442\u0438\u0448\u0435?", bub4r, "\r\u0421\u0438\u043D\u0434\u0438!", bub4r, "\r\u041C\u043D\u0435 \u0443\u0434\u0430\u043B\u043E\u0441\u044C \u0432\u044B\u0440\u0432\u0430\u0442\u044C\u0441\u044F.", bub4l, "\r\u0410 \u043A\u0430\u043A \u0436\u0435 \u043F\u043B\u0430\u0449?", bub4r, "\u041C\u043E\u0439 \u043B\u044E\u0431\u0438\u043C\u044B\u0439\r \u043F\u0430\u043F\u043E\u0447\u043A\u0430\r\u0437\u0430\u043F\u0435\u0440 \u0432\u0441\u0435 \u043C\u043E\u0438 \u0432\u0435\u0449\u0438 \u0432 \u0448\u043A\u0430\u0444\u0443,", bub5l, "\r\u0447\u0442\u043E\u0431\u044B \u044F \u043D\u0435 \u0443\u043B\u0438\u0437\u043D\u0443\u043B\u0430.", bub4l, "\u041E\u0434\u043D\u0430\u043A\u043E,\r \u044F \u0441\u0442\u0430\u0449\u0438\u043B\u0430 \u043C\u0430\u043C\u0438\u043D \u043F\u043B\u0430\u0449 - \u043F\u043E\u0434 \u043A\u0440\u043E\u0432\u0430\u0442\u044C\u044E \u043D\u0430\u0448\u043B\u0430.", bub5l, "\u0410 \u0447\u0442\u043E \u044D\u0442\u043E \u0432\u044B \u0442\u0430\u043A\u0438\u0435... \u0432\u043E\u0437\u0431\u0443\u0436\u0434\u0451\u043D\u043D\u044B\u0435?", bub4l, "\u0421\u0438\u043D\u0434\u0438,\r\u0443 \u0442\u0435\u0431\u044F \u0440\u0435\u0437\u0438\u043D\u043A\u0438 \u043E\u0441\u0442\u0430\u043B\u0438\u0441\u044C?", bub4r, "\r\u0425\u043C\u0444\u0444!", bub4r, "\r\u0421\u0438\u043D\u0434\u0438,\r\u0438\u0434\u0438 \u043D\u0430 \u0444\u0438\u0433!", bub4l, "\r\u0427\u0442\u043E \u0442\u0443\u0442 \u0443 \u0442\u0435\u0431\u044F \u0434\u043B\u044F \u043C\u0435\u043D\u044F \u0435\u0441\u0442\u044C?", bub4r, "\u042F \u0443\u0434\u0438\u0432\u043B\u0451\u043D,\r\u043D\u043E \u0443 \u043C\u0435\u043D\u044F \u0441\u0442\u043E\u0438\u0442, \u043A\u0430\u043A \u0441\u043E\u043B\u0434\u0430\u0442 \u043D\u0430 \u043F\u0430\u0440\u0430\u0434\u0435!", bub4r, "\r\u0425\u043E\u0447\u0435\u0448\u044C?", bub4r, "\r\u041F\u043E\u0448\u043B\u0438 \u043D\u0430\u0432\u0435\u0440\u0445!.", bub4r, "\r\u0421\u043D\u0438\u043C\u0430\u0439!", bub4r, "\r\u0421\u043D\u0438\u043C\u0430-\u0430-\u0430-\u0430\u0439!", bub4l, "\u0414\u0436\u0435\u043D\u043D\u0438\r \u0443 \u0442\u0435\u0431\u044F \u043F\u043E\u0442\u0440\u044F\u0441\u043D\u044B\u0435 \u0441\u0438\u0441\u044C\u043A\u0438!", bub4l, "\r\u041F\u043E\u043A\u0430\u0436\u0438 \u0438\u0445.\r\u041F\u043E\u0436\u0430\u043B\u0443\u0439\u0441\u0442\u0430!", bub4l, "\r\u0410, \u0442\u0430\u043A \u0432\u044B \u0445\u043E\u0442\u0438\u0442\u0435 \u0438\u0445 \u0443\u0432\u0438\u0434\u0435\u0442\u044C?", bub4l, "\r\u041B\u0430\u0434\u043D\u043E, \u043D\u0435 \u0432\u043E\u043F\u0440\u043E\u0441.", bub4l, "\u041D\u043E,\r\u0441\u043D\u0430\u0447\u0430\u043B\u0430 \u043F\u043E\u043A\u0430\u0436\u0438\u0442\u0435 \u0441\u0432\u043E\u0438!", bub4l, "\u041D\u0435\u0442 \u0443\u0436!\r \u042F \u0445\u043E\u0447\u0443 \u0432\u0438\u0434\u0435\u0442\u044C \u0442\u0432\u043E\u0439 \u043A\u043E\u043D\u0435\u0446.", bub4l, "\r\u0418 \u044F \u043D\u0438\u0447\u0447\u043E \u043D\u0435 \u043F\u043E\u043A\u0430\u0436\u0443", bub4l, "\u041F\u043E\u043A\u0430 \u043D\u0435 \u0443\u0432\u0438\u0436\u0443 \u0442\u0435\u0431\u044F \u0433\u043E\u043B\u044B\u0448\u043E\u043C, \u0433\u043B\u0430\u0434\u044F\u0449\u0438\u043C \u0441\u0432\u043E\u0439 \u0447\u043B\u0435\u043D.", bub4l, "\u0425\u043E\u0447\u0435\u0448\u044C \u043F\u043E\u0434\u0440\u043E\u0447\u0438\u0442\u044C \u043D\u0430 \u043D\u0438\u0445?", bub4l, "\u0414\u0430\u0432\u0430\u0439 \u0436\u0435.\r \u0414\u0430\u0432\u0430\u0439 \u043F\u043E\u0441\u043C\u043E\u0442\u0440\u0438\u043C.", bub4l, "\u0415\u0441\u043B\u0438 \u0445\u043E\u0447\u0435\u0448\u044C \u0443\u0432\u0438\u0434\u0435\u0442\u044C \u043C\u043E\u0438 \u0441\u0438\u0441\u044C\u043A\u0438", bub4l, "\u041F\u043E\u0442\u0440\u0443\u0434\u0438\u0441\u044C \u0434\u043B\u044F \u043C\u0435\u043D\u044F.", bub4l, "\u042D\u0443!\r\u041D\u0435 \u0442\u0430\u043A \u0431\u044B\u0441\u0442\u0440\u043E!", bub4l, "\u0414\u0430\u0432\u0430\u0439\u0442\u0435 \u043F\u043E\u0441\u043C\u043E\u0442\u0440\u0438\u043C \u043D\u0430 \u043D\u0438\u0445!", bub4r, "\r\u041A\u043E\u043D\u0435\u0447\u043D\u043E!", bub4r, "\r\u041D\u043E...", bub4r, "\u0425\u043E\u0442\u0438\u0442\u0435 \u0432\u0438\u0434\u0435\u0442\u044C \u043C\u0435\u043D\u044F \u0433\u043E\u043B\u043E\u0439? \u0421\u043D\u0430\u0447\u0430\u043B\u0430 \u0441\u0430\u043C\u0438 \u0440\u0430\u0437\u0434\u0435\u043D\u044C\u0442\u0435\u0441\u044C!", bub4r, "\r\u0414\u0430\u0432\u0430\u0439\u0442\u0435, \u043F\u0430\u0446\u0430\u043D\u044B.\r\u041D\u0435 \u0441\u0442\u0435\u0441\u043D\u044F\u0439\u0442\u0435\u0441\u044C.", bub4r, "\r\u041F\u043E\u0433\u043B\u044F\u0434\u0438\u043C \u043D\u0430 \u0432\u0430\u0448\u0438 \u043F\u0438\u043F\u0435\u0442\u043A\u0438.", bub4r, "\u0410\u044B\u044B...\r\u0413\u0434\u0435 \u0442\u0443\u0442 \u0442\u0443\u0430\u043B\u0435\u0442?", bub4r, "\u0417\u0430\u043A\u0440\u044B\u0442\r \u0443\u0436\u0435 \u0441 \u043F\u043E\u043B\u0447\u0430\u0441\u0430 \u043A\u0430\u043A.", bub4l, "\u041D\u0430\u0432\u0435\u0440\u043D\u043E,\r \u043A\u043E\u043C\u0443-\u0442\u043E \u0437\u0434\u043E\u0440\u043E\u0432\u043E \u043F\u0440\u0438\u0441\u043F\u0438\u0447\u0438\u043B\u043E.", bub4l, "\r\u041F\u043E\u0441\u043C\u043E\u0442\u0440\u0438 \u043D\u0430\u0432\u0435\u0440\u0445\u0443.", bub4l, "\r\u0425\u043E\u0440\u043E\u0448\u043E,\r\u0421\u043F\u0430\u0441\u0438\u0431\u043E.", bub4r, "\u042D\u0439,\r\u0410 \u0433\u0434\u0435 \u0411\u0430\u043A\u043C\u0430\u043D?", bub4r, "\u0414\u0435\u0439\u0441\u0442\u0432\u0438\u0442\u0435\u043B\u044C\u043D\u043E.\r \u0422\u0430\u043A\u0443\u044E \u0432\u0435\u0447\u0435\u0440\u0438\u043D\u043A\u0443 \u043F\u0440\u043E\u043F\u0443\u0441\u043A\u0430\u0435\u0442!", bub4r, "\r \u0417\u0430\u043F\u0435\u0440\u0442\u043E.", bub4l, "\r \u041E\u043F-\u043F\u0430!", bub4r, "\u041D\u0443-\u043A\u0430, \u0435\u0449\u0451 \u043D\u0435\u043C\u043D\u043E\u0433\u043E, \u0434\u043B\u044F \u043B\u0443\u0447\u0448\u0435\u0433\u043E \u0440\u0430\u0441\u0441\u043B\u0430\u0431\u043B\u0435\u043D\u0438\u044F.", 18, "\u0421\u0430\u0440\u0430 \u043F\u043E\u0447\u0442\u0438 \u0433\u043E\u0442\u043E\u0432\u0430!\r\u041D\u0430\u0432\u0435\u0440\u043D\u043E, \u0435\u0449\u0451 \u0447\u0443\u0442\u044C.", 18, "\u0412\u043E\u0442 \u0442\u0430\u043A.\r\u042D\u0442\u043E \u043F\u043E\u043C\u043E\u0436\u0435\u0442 \u0435\u0439 \u0441\u043F\u0443\u0441\u0442\u0438\u0442\u044C \u0442\u0440\u0443\u0441\u0438\u043A\u0438!", 18, "\u041B\u0430\u0434\u043D\u043E, \u0411\u0440\u044D\u0434!\r \u0414\u043B\u044F \u043F\u0443\u0449\u0435\u0439 \u0443\u0432\u0435\u0440\u0435\u043D\u043D\u043E\u0441\u0442\u0438 \u0432 \u0443\u0441\u043F\u0435\u0445\u0435.", bub4r, "\r\u041E!\r\u0418\u0437\u0432\u0438\u043D\u0438! ", bub4r, "\r\u0410?", bub4l, "\r\u042F \u0438\u0449\u0443 \u0442\u0443\u0430\u043B\u0435\u0442.", bub4r, "\r\u041F\u0440\u043E\u0441\u0442\u043E \u043D\u0435\u0432\u0442\u0435\u0440\u043F\u0451\u0436 \u0443\u0436\u0435!", bub4r, "\u0410 \u0432\u0441\u0435\r\u0442\u0443\u0430\u043B\u0435\u0442\u044B \u0437\u0430\u043A\u0440\u044B\u0442\u044B, \u0437\u0430\u043D\u044F\u0442\u044B \u0438 \u0432\u043E\u043E\u0431\u0449\u0435...", bub4r, "\u0401-\u043C\u043E\u0451\r\u042F \u0434\u0443\u043C\u0430\u043B, \u044F \u0437\u0430\u043F\u0435\u0440\u0441\u044F!", bub4l, "\u041D\u0443 \u043B\u0430\u0434\u043D\u043E.\r\u0422\u0443\u0442 \u0435\u0441\u0442\u044C \u0435\u0449\u0451 \u0442\u0443\u0430\u043B\u0435\u0442.", bub4l, "\r\u0412\u043E\u043D \u0442\u0430\u043C.", bub4l, "\r\u0421\u043F\u0430\u0441\u0438\u0431\u043E \u0442\u0435\u0431\u0435!", bub4r, "\u041E\u043E\u043E\u043E,\r\u041E\u043D\u0430 \u0442\u0430\u043A\u0430\u044F \u043A\u043B\u0430\u0441\u0441\u043D\u0430\u044F! ", bub4r, "\r\u041D\u0438\u0444\u0438\u0433\u0430 \u0441\u0435\u0431\u0435!", bub4l, "\r\u0410?", bub4r, "\r\u0413\u043E\u0440\u044F\u0447\u043E \u0442\u0443\u0442 \u0443 \u0442\u0435\u0431\u044F!", bub4l, "\u0423 \u043C\u0435\u043D\u044F\r\u043C\u0443\u0440\u0430\u0448\u043A\u0438 \u043F\u043E \u043A\u043E\u0436\u0435 \u043E\u0442 \u043E\u0434\u043D\u043E\u0433\u043E \u0432\u0437\u0433\u043B\u044F\u0434\u0430 \u043D\u0430 \u044D\u0442\u043E.", bub4l, "\r\u041D\u0435 \u0441\u043B\u044B\u0448\u0430\u043B, \u043A\u0430\u043A \u0442\u044B \u0432\u043E\u0448\u043B\u0430.", bub4r, "\r\u041C\u043E\u0436\u043D\u043E \u043F\u043E\u0441\u043C\u043E\u0442\u0440\u0435\u0442\u044C?", bub4l, "\r\u041F\u043E\u0436\u0430\u043B\u0443\u0439\u0441\u0442\u0430?", bub4l, "\r\u041F\u043E\u043D\u0438\u043C\u0430\u044E.", bub4r, "\r\u041D\u0435 \u0431\u043E\u0439\u0441\u044F, \u043C\u043E\u0439 \u0441\u043B\u0430\u0434\u043A\u0438\u0439.", bub4r, "\r\u0412\u0441\u0451 \u0445\u043E\u0440\u043E\u0448\u043E.\r\u042F \u0442\u043E\u0436\u0435 \u0437\u0430\u0432\u0435\u043B\u0430\u0441\u044C.", bub4r, "\r\u0414\u0430\u0439 \u043B\u0443\u0447\u0448\u0435 \u044F.", bub4r, "\r\u0422\u0430\u043A \u0445\u043E\u0440\u043E\u0448\u043E?", bub4r, "\r\u042F \u0442\u0435\u0431\u0435 \u043D\u0440\u0430\u0432\u043B\u044E\u0441\u044C?", bub4r, "\u0414\u0430,\r \u043D\u043E...", 6, "\u042F \u0437\u0430\u043D\u044F\u0442.\r\u041C\u043D\u0435 \u043D\u0430\u0434\u043E...", 6, "\u042D\u0442\u043E \u043E\u0447\u0435\u043D\u044C \u0432\u0430\u0436\u043D\u043E!", 6, "\u041D\u0435 \u043C\u043E\u0433\u0443,\r\u043D\u0435 \u0441\u0435\u0439\u0447\u0430\u0441.", 6, "\r\u0425\u043E\u0447\u0435\u0448\u044C \u043F\u043E\u0442\u0440\u043E\u0433\u0430\u0442\u044C \u043C\u043E\u044E \u043A\u0438\u0441\u043A\u0443?", bub4r, "\u0421\u043C\u043E\u0442\u0440\u0438!\r\u0411\u0440\u044D\u0434 \u0438 \u042F\u043D\u0430 \u0441\u0434\u0432\u0438\u043D\u0443\u043B\u0438\u0441\u044C!", bub4r, "\u041D\u0443\u0436\u043D\u043E\r\u043F\u0435\u0440\u0435\u043C\u0435\u0441\u0442\u0438\u0442\u044C \u043A\u0430\u043C\u0435\u0440\u0443 \u0438 \u043F\u043E\u0439\u043C\u0430\u0442\u044C \u0438\u0445 \u0432 \u043A\u0430\u0434\u0440!", bub4r, "\u0414\u0430.\r \u0422\u0435\u043F\u0435\u0440\u044C \u0441\u043B\u0435\u0433\u043A\u0430 \u0443\u0432\u0435\u043B\u0438\u0447\u044C.", bub4r, "\r\u0423\u0445!\r \u0421\u043E\u043E\u0431\u0440\u0430\u0436\u0430\u0435\u0448\u044C!", bub4l, "\r\u0412\u0435\u0447\u0435\u0440\u0438\u043D\u043A\u0430 \u0432 \u0441\u0430\u043C\u043E\u043C \u0440\u0430\u0437\u0433\u0430\u0440\u0435!", bub4l, "\u042F\r \u0434\u0435\u0439\u0441\u0442\u0432\u0438\u0442\u0435\u043B\u044C\u043D\u043E \u0434\u043E\u043B\u0436\u0435\u043D \u044D\u0442\u043E \u0441\u0434\u0435\u043B\u0430\u0442\u044C \u043F\u0440\u044F\u043C\u043E \u0441\u0435\u0439\u0447\u0430\u0441.", bub5l, "\u041C\u044B \u043C\u043E\u0436\u0435\u043C...\r\u042D\u043C\u043C...\r\u0412 \u0434\u0440\u0443\u0433\u043E\u0439 \u0440\u0430\u0437.", bub4l, "\r\u041F\u043E\u043D\u044F\u0442\u043D\u043E.", bub4r, "\r\u0421\u043B\u0443\u0448\u0430\u0439, \u0442\u044B \u0442\u0430\u043A \u043C\u0435\u043D\u044F \u0437\u0430\u0432\u043E\u0434\u0438\u0448\u044C!", bub4r, "\r\u041F\u043E\u0442\u0440\u043E\u0433\u0430\u0439, \u043A\u0430\u043A\u0430\u044F \u044F \u043C\u043E\u043A\u0440\u0430\u044F \u0442\u0430\u043C.", bub4r, "\u0422\u044B \u0432\u043E\u0439\u0434\u0451\u0448\u044C\r\u0432 \u043C\u0435\u043D\u044F \u043A\u0430\u043A \u043F\u043E \u043C\u0430\u0441\u043B\u0443.", bub4r, "\u0423\u0444!\r \u042F \u0445\u043E\u0447\u0443!\r\u0425\u043E\u0447\u0443 \u043F\u0440\u044F\u043C\u043E \u0441\u0435\u0439\u0447\u0430\u0441!", bub4r, "\u0414\u0430\u0432\u0430\u0439 \u0436\u0435.\r\u0425\u043E\u0447\u0435\u0448\u044C \u0442\u0440\u0430\u0445\u043D\u0443\u0442\u044C \u043C\u0435\u043D\u044F?", bub4r, "\r\u041F\u0440\u043E\u0441\u0442\u043E \u0441\u043C\u043E\u0442\u0440\u0438 \u043D\u0430 \u043C\u043E\u043D\u0438\u0442\u043E\u0440,", bub4r, "\r\u042F \u043F\u043E\u0437\u0430\u0431\u043E\u0447\u0443\u0441\u044C \u043E \u0442\u0435\u0431\u0435 \u0442\u0443\u0442, \u0432\u043D\u0438\u0437\u0443.", bub4r, "\u041D\u0443 \u043A\u0430\u043A?\r\u0422\u044B \u0443\u0436\u0435 \u043D\u0430 \u0433\u0440\u0430\u043D\u0438?", bub4r, "\r\u0425\u043E\u0447\u0435\u0448\u044C \u043A\u043E\u043D\u0447\u0438\u0442\u044C \u043C\u043D\u0435 \u0432 \u0440\u043E\u0442?", bub4r, "\r\u041E, \u0431\u043E\u0436\u0435!\r \u041A\u0430\u043A \u0440\u0430\u0437 \u0432\u043E \u0432\u0440\u0435\u043C\u044F!!", bub4r, "\r\u0414\u0430\u0439-\u043A\u0430 \u044F.", bub4l, "\r\u041F\u043E\u0442\u0440\u043E\u0433\u0430\u0439 \u043C\u0435\u043D\u044F.", bub4l, "\r\u041F\u043E\u0442\u0440\u043E\u0433\u0430\u0439 \u0442\u0430\u043C...", bub4l, "\r\u041E\u0439!\r \u041D\u043E \u044F \u043D\u0438\u043A\u043E\u0433\u0434\u0430...", bub4r, "\r\u041F\u0440\u043E\u0448\u0443...", bub4l, "\r\u0414\u043E\u0442\u0440\u043E\u043D\u044C\u0441\u044F.", bub4l, "\u0415\u0449\u0451 \u0440\u0430\u0437.\r\u0421\u043E\u0436\u043C\u0438 \u0435\u0433\u043E \u0441\u043B\u0435\u0433\u043A\u0430.", bub4l, "\r\u0427\u0443\u0432\u0441\u0442\u0432\u0443\u0435\u0448\u044C, \u043A\u0430\u043A\u043E\u0439 \u0442\u0432\u0451\u0440\u0434\u044B\u0439?", bub4l, "\r\u0423\u0445-\u0445\u0443...", bub4r, "\r\u0427\u0443\u0432\u0441\u0442\u0432\u0443\u0435\u0448\u044C, \u043A\u0430\u043A\u043E\u0439 \u043E\u043D \u0434\u043B\u0438\u043D\u043D\u044B\u0439?", bub4l, "\rOoooo.", bub4r, "\r\u0422\u0435\u0431\u0435 \u043D\u0440\u0430\u0432\u0438\u0442\u0441\u044F?", bub4l, "\r\u0410...\r\u0423\u0445-\u0445\u0443.", bub4r, "\u041C\u043D\u0435 \u043D\u0440\u0430\u0432\u0438\u0442\u0441\u044F,\r\u043A\u0430\u043A \u0442\u044B \u0435\u0433\u043E \u0442\u0440\u043E\u0433\u0430\u0435\u0448\u044C.", bub4l, "\r\u041D\u0440\u0430\u0432\u0438\u0442\u0441\u044F?", bub4l, "\r\u0420\u0430\u0437\u0443\u043C\u0435\u0435\u0442\u0441\u044F!", bub4l, "\r\u041A\u043E\u043D\u0435\u0447\u043D\u043E,\r \u043D\u0440\u0430\u0432\u0438\u0442\u0441\u044F.", bub4l, "\r\u0420\u0430\u0441\u0441\u0442\u0435\u0433\u043D\u0438 \u043C\u043D\u0435 \u0431\u0440\u044E\u043A\u0438.", bub4l, "\r\u041E!", bub4r, "\r\u041F\u043E\u0436\u0430\u043B\u0443\u0439\u0441\u0442\u0430!", bub4l, "\r\u041F\u043E\u0442\u0440\u0438 \u0435\u0433\u043E.\r\u041F\u043E\u0436\u0430\u043B\u0443\u0439\u0441\u0442\u0430!", bub4l, "\r\u0414\u0430\u0432\u0430\u0439 \u0436\u0435.", bub4l, "\u041C\u043E\u0436\u0435\u0448\u044C\r \u043D\u0435 \u0441\u0442\u0435\u0441\u043D\u044F\u0442\u044C\u0441\u044F.", bub4l, "\r\u0425\u043E\u0447\u0435\u0448\u044C...", bub4l, "\u041E\u043E\u043E\u043E, \u0434\u0430.\r\u0425\u043E\u0447\u0443 \u043F\u043E\u0447\u0443\u0432\u0441\u0442\u0432\u043E\u0432\u0430\u0442\u044C \u0442\u0435\u0431\u044F \u0432\u043D\u0443\u0442\u0440\u0438.", 6, "\r\u041D\u0435 \u0432\u0445\u043E\u0434\u0438\u0442!", bub4l, "\r\u0414\u043E\u043B\u0436\u043D\u043E \u043F\u043E\u043B\u0443\u0447\u0438\u0442\u044C\u0441\u044F!", 5, "\r\u041F\u043E\u043F\u0440\u043E\u0431\u0443\u0439 \u0435\u0449\u0451.", 5, "\u041D\u0443 \u0436\u0435!\r \u0412\u043E\u0439\u0434\u0438 \u0432 \u043C\u0435\u043D\u044F!", 5, "\r\u0418 \u044D\u0442\u043E \u0432\u0441\u0451, \u043D\u0430 \u0447\u0442\u043E \u0442\u044B \u0441\u043F\u043E\u0441\u043E\u0431\u0435\u043D?", bub4r, "\r\u041D\u043E\u0440\u043C\u0430\u043B\u044C\u043D\u043E?", 18, "\u0414\u0430\u0436\u0435 \u043D\u0435 \u0437\u043D\u0430\u044E, \u043F\u043E\u0447\u0435\u043C\u0443 \u043C\u043D\u0435 \u0442\u0430\u043A \u044D\u0442\u043E \u043D\u0440\u0430\u0432\u0438\u0442\u0441\u044F,", bub4r, "\u041D\u043E \u0442\u0430\u043A \u043F\u0440\u0438\u044F\u0442\u043D\u043E \u0447\u0443\u0432\u0441\u0442\u0432\u043E\u0432\u0430\u0442\u044C \u0442\u0432\u043E\u0439 \u0447\u043B\u0435\u043D \u0443 \u0441\u0435\u0431\u044F \u0432 \u0437\u0430\u0434\u043D\u0438\u0446\u0435!", bub4r, "\u0414\u0432\u0438\u0433\u0430\u0439\u0441\u044F \u043C\u0435\u0434\u043B\u0435\u043D\u043D\u043E,\r\u043E\u0447\u0435\u043D\u044C \u043C\u0435\u0434\u043B\u0435\u043D\u043D\u043E.", bub4r, "\rOooo \r\u0434\u0430.", bub4r, "\r\u0427\u0443\u0432\u0441\u0442\u0432\u0443\u0435\u0448\u044C, \u043A\u0430\u043A \u044F \u0441\u0436\u0438\u043C\u0430\u044E \u0435\u0433\u043E?", bub4r, "\r\u041E\u043E\u043E\u043E\u043E\u043E\r\u0434\u0430.", bub4r, "\r\u0422\u0435\u043F\u0435\u0440\u044C \u0433\u043B\u0443\u0431\u0436\u0435.", bub4r, "\r\u041E\u043E\u043E\u043E!\r\u0411\u044B\u0441\u0442\u0440\u0435\u0435!", bub4r, "\r\u0418 \u0432\u0441\u0451?", bub4r, "\u042F \u0432\u0438\u0436\u0443\r \u043B\u0438\u0448\u044C \u043E\u0434\u043D\u0443 \u0445\u0443\u0434\u0435\u043D\u044C\u043A\u0443\u044E \u043F\u0438\u043F\u0435\u0442\u043A\u0443.", bub4r, "\r\u0422\u044B!", bub4r, "\r\u0427\u0442\u043E \u0442\u044B \u0442\u0430\u043C \u043F\u0440\u044F\u0447\u0435\u0448\u044C?", bub4r, "\r\u0414\u0430\u0432\u0430\u0439, \u044D\u043C\u043E.\r\u041D\u0435 \u0441\u0442\u0435\u0441\u043D\u044F\u0439\u0441\u044F.", bub4r, "\r\u0414\u0430\u0432\u0430\u0439, \u043F\u043E\u0441\u043C\u043E\u0442\u0440\u0438\u043C.", bub4r, "\u041B\u0430\u0434\u043D\u043E.\r\u041F\u043E\u0445\u043E\u0436\u0435, \u0442\u0435\u0431\u0435 \u043D\u0443\u0436\u043D\u043E \u0441\u043B\u0435\u0433\u043A\u0430 \u043F\u043E\u043C\u043E\u0447\u044C.", bub4r, "\r\u0417\u043D\u0430\u0435\u0448\u044C,\r \u0430 \u0442\u044B \u043A\u0440\u0430\u0441\u0430\u0432\u0447\u0438\u043A!", bub4r, "\r\u0418\u0434\u0438 \u0441\u044E\u0434\u0430, \u0441\u043E\u043B\u043D\u0446\u0435.", bub4l, "\r\u041E\u043E\u0443!\r \u0425\u0432\u0430\u0442\u0438\u0442 \u043F\u043E\u043A\u0430.", bub4l, "\u0411\u043E\u0436\u0435,\r\u0442\u0432\u043E\u0438 \u0432\u043E\u043B\u043E\u0441\u044B \u0432\u043E\u0441\u0445\u0438\u0442\u0438\u0442\u0435\u043B\u044C\u043D\u043E \u043F\u0430\u0445\u043D\u0443\u0442!", bub5, "\r\u041E!\r\u0422\u043E\u0436\u0435 \u0437\u0434\u043E\u0440\u043E\u0432\u043E!", bub4l, "\u0410-\u0430...\r\u042F \u0441\u0435\u0439\u0447\u0430\u0441 \u043A\u043E\u043D\u0447\u0443.", bub4l, "\u042D\u043C\u043C...\r\u042D\u0442\u043E \u043D\u0438\u0447\u0435\u0433\u043E?", bub4l, "\r\u0422\u044B \u0442\u0430\u043A\u043E\u0439 \u043A\u043B\u0451\u0432\u044B\u0439!", bub4r, "\r\u042F \u0436\u0434\u0443!", bub4r, "\u0418\u043B\u0438 \u0432\u044B \u0432\u0441\u0435 \u0440\u0430\u0437\u0434\u0435\u0432\u0430\u0435\u0442\u0435\u0441\u044C, \u0438\u043B\u0438 \u044F \u043F\u043E\u0448\u043B\u0430 \u0434\u043E\u043C\u043E\u0439.", bub4r, "\r\u0414\u0430\u0439 \u044F!", bub4l, "\r\u041D\u0435\u0442, \u044F!", bub4l, "\u042F \u0442\u043E\u0436\u0435 \u0445\u043E\u0447\u0443 \u0442\u0440\u0430\u0445\u043D\u0443\u0442\u044C \u0442\u0432\u043E\u0438 \u0441\u0438\u0441\u044C\u043A\u0438!", bub4l, "\u0414\u0436\u0435\u043D\u043D\u0438!\r\u041F\u043E\u0441\u043E\u0441\u0438 \u0443 \u043C\u0435\u043D\u044F!", bub4l, "\r\u0414\u0436\u0435\u043D\u043D\u0438!\r\u0414\u0436\u0435\u043D\u043D\u0438!", bub4l, "\u0414\u0430\u0432\u0430\u0439 \u044F \u0431\u0443\u0434\u0443\r \u0442\u0435\u0431\u044F \u0442\u0440\u0430\u0445\u0430\u0442\u044C, \u043F\u043E\u043A\u0430 \u0442\u044B \u0431\u0443\u0434\u0435\u0448\u044C \u0435\u043C\u0443 \u0441\u043E\u0441\u0430\u0442\u044C!", bub5l, "\u041D\u0438\u043A\u0442\u043E \u043D\u0438\u0447\u0435\u0433\u043E \u0432 \u043C\u0435\u043D\u044F \u0441\u043E\u0432\u0430\u0442\u044C \u043D\u0435 \u0431\u0443\u0434\u0435\u0442!", bub4l, "\r\u041A\u0440\u043E\u043C\u0435 \u041C\u0430\u0439\u0436\u0443\u043A\u0430.", bub4l, "\r\u0415\u043C\u0443 \u043C\u043E\u0436\u043D\u043E.", bub4l, "\r\u041F\u043E\u0445\u043E\u0436\u0435, \u044F \u0432\u043B\u044E\u0431\u0438\u043B\u0430\u0441\u044C!", bub4l, "\u0425\u043E\u0447\u0435\u0448\u044C \u0431\u044B\u0442\u044C\r \u043C\u043E\u0438\u043C \u043F\u0430\u0440\u043D\u0435\u043C?", bub4l, "\r\u0410?", bub4r, "\r\u0423\u0445!\r\u041A\u043E\u043D\u0435\u0447\u043D\u043E!", bub4r, "\r\u0410 \u0447\u0442\u043E \u043C\u043D\u0435 \u0434\u043B\u044F \u044D\u0442\u043E\u0433\u043E \u043D\u0443\u0436\u043D\u043E?", bub4r, "\r\u042F \u0445\u043E\u0447\u0443, \u0447\u0442\u043E\u0431\u044B \u0442\u044B \u0442\u0440\u0430\u0445\u043D\u0443\u043B \u043C\u0435\u043D\u044F.", bub4l, "\r\u0418 \u0442\u0440\u0430\u0445\u0430\u043B \u0441\u0438\u043B\u044C\u043D\u043E \u0438 \u0434\u043E\u043B\u0433\u043E.", bub4l, "\r\u0422\u0432\u043E\u0439 \u043A\u043E\u043D\u0435\u0446 \u0443\u0436\u0435 \u0433\u043E\u0442\u043E\u0432 \u043A \u0434\u0435\u0439\u0441\u0442\u0432\u0438\u044E?", bub4l, "\r\u041C\u043C\u043C\u043C\u043C.", bub4l, "\r\u041D\u0435 \u0443\u0441\u0442\u0430\u043B \u0435\u0449\u0451?", bub4l, "\u0417\u0430 \u043C\u0435\u043D\u044F \u043D\u0435 \u0431\u0435\u0441\u043F\u043E\u043A\u043E\u0439\u0441\u044F.", 5, "\u042F \u0441\u043A\u043E\u0440\u0435\u0435 \u0441\u0442\u0430\u0439\u0435\u0440, \u0447\u0435\u043C \u0441\u043F\u0440\u0438\u043D\u0442\u0435\u0440.", 6, "\u042F \u043C\u043E\u0433\u0443 \u0434\u0435\u0440\u0436\u0430\u0442\u044C \u0442\u0430\u043A\u043E\u0439 \u0442\u0435\u043C\u043F \u0447\u0430\u0441\u0430\u043C\u0438.", 6, "\u041F\u043E\u043A\u0430 \u0442\u0435\u0431\u0435 \u043D\u0435 \u043D\u0430\u0434\u043E\u0435\u0441\u0442.", 6, "\rOooo!", bub4l, "\r\u041C\u043E\u0439 \u043F\u0430\u0440\u0435\u043D\u044C \u0441\u0430\u043C\u044B\u0439 \u043B\u0443\u0447\u0448\u0438\u0439!", bub4l, "\u041F\u043E\u0445\u043E\u0436\u0435, \u0447\u0443\u0432\u0430\u043A\u0438, \r\u043C\u044B \u0432 \u043F\u0440\u043E\u043B\u0451\u0442\u0435!", bub4l, "\r\u041E, \u0447\u0451\u0440\u0442!", bub4r, "\r\u041F\u043E\u0441\u043C\u043E\u0442\u0440\u0438\u0442\u0435 \u043D\u0430 \u044D\u0442\u0438 \u0433\u0440\u0451\u0431\u0430\u043D\u044B\u0435 \u0441\u0438\u0441\u044C\u043A\u0438!", bub4r, "\r\u042F \u0445\u043E\u0447\u0443 \u043D\u0430 \u043D\u0438\u0437 \u043A\u043E\u043D\u0447\u0438\u0442\u044C!!", bub4r, "\u0427\u0451\u0440\u0442!\r\u0410 \u044F \u0445\u043E\u0447\u0443 \u043A\u043E\u043D\u0447\u0438\u0442\u044C \u0435\u0439 \u043D\u0430 \u043B\u0438\u0446\u043E.", bub4r, "\r\u0427\u0451\u0440\u0442!\r\u042F \u0442\u043E\u0436\u0435!", bub4l, "\u042D\u0442\u0438\u043C\r\u0441\u0430\u0445\u0430\u0440\u043D\u044B\u043C \u0433\u0440\u0443\u0434\u043A\u0430\u043C \u043D\u0435 \u0445\u0432\u0430\u0442\u0430\u0435\u0442 \u0435\u0449\u0451 \u043D\u0435\u043C\u043D\u043E\u0433\u043E \u0433\u043B\u0430\u0437\u0443\u0440\u0438!", bub5r, "\u041D\u0443 \u0436\u0435!\r \u041C\u044B \u0436\u0435 \u043D\u0430 \u0432\u0435\u0447\u0435\u0440\u0438\u043D\u043A\u0435! ", bub4l, "\u0414\u0430\u0432\u0430\u0439\u0442\u0435\r\u043E\u0442\u043E\u0440\u0432\u0451\u043C\u0441\u044F, \u0434\u0435\u0432\u0447\u0451\u043D\u043A\u0438!", bub4l, "\u042F \u043F\u0440\u0438\u043D\u0435\u0441\u0443 \u0432\u0430\u043C \u0447\u0442\u043E-\u043D\u0438\u0431\u0443\u0434\u044C \u0432\u044B\u043F\u0438\u0442\u044C.", bub4l, "", 0]; news_text_Russian = ["\u0421\u0432\u0435\u0436\u0438\u0435 \u043D\u043E\u0432\u043E\u0441\u0442\u0438:", "\u0410\u0440\u0435\u0441\u0442\u043E\u0432\u0430\u043D \u0448\u043A\u043E\u043B\u044C\u043D\u044B\u0439 \u0443\u0447\u0438\u0442\u0435\u043B\u044C. \u041F\u0440\u0435\u0434\u043F\u043E\u043B\u043E\u0436\u0438\u0442\u0435\u043B\u044C\u043D\u043E, \u043E\u043D \u0440\u0435\u0433\u0443\u043B\u044F\u0440\u043D\u043E \u0432\u0441\u0442\u0443\u043F\u0430\u043B \u0432 \u043F\u043E\u043B\u043E\u0432\u0443\u044E \u0441\u0432\u044F\u0437\u044C \u0441 \u0443\u0447\u0435\u043D\u0438\u0446\u0435\u0439.", "\u0412\u0441\u0435 \u043E\u0431\u0432\u0438\u043D\u0435\u043D\u0438\u044F \u0441\u043D\u044F\u0442\u044B, \u0442\u0430\u043A \u043A\u0430\u043A \u0434\u0435\u0432\u0443\u0448\u043A\u0430 \u043E\u043A\u0430\u0437\u0430\u043B\u0430\u0441\u044C \u0441\u043E\u0432\u0435\u0440\u0448\u0435\u043D\u043D\u043E\u043B\u0435\u0442\u043D\u0435\u0439.", "\u041E\u043D\u0430 \u0431\u044B\u043B\u0430 \u043E\u0442\u0447\u0438\u0441\u043B\u0435\u043D\u0430 \u0438\u0437 \u0448\u043A\u043E\u043B\u044B. \u0423\u0447\u0438\u0442\u0435\u043B\u044C \u0443\u0432\u043E\u043B\u0435\u043D.", "\u0413\u043B\u0430\u0432\u043D\u044B\u0439 \u0437\u0430\u0449\u0438\u0442\u043D\u0438\u043A \u0448\u043A\u043E\u043B\u044B Lincoln \u043B\u0438\u0448\u0438\u043B\u0441\u044F \u0441\u0442\u0438\u043F\u0435\u043D\u0434\u0438\u0438 \u0437\u0430 \u0443\u043F\u043E\u0442\u0440\u0435\u0431\u043B\u0435\u043D\u0438\u0435 \u0441\u0442\u0435\u0440\u043E\u0438\u0434\u043E\u0432.", "\u0410\u043D\u043E\u043D\u0438\u043C\u043D\u044B\u0439 \u043F\u043E\u043B\u044C\u0437\u043E\u0432\u0430\u0442\u0435\u043B\u044C \u043E\u043F\u0443\u0431\u043B\u0438\u043A\u043E\u0432\u0430\u043B \u043D\u0435\u043E\u043F\u0440\u043E\u0432\u0435\u0440\u0436\u0438\u043C\u044B\u0435 \u0434\u043E\u043A\u0430\u0437\u0430\u0442\u0435\u043B\u044C\u0441\u0442\u0432\u0430 \u043D\u0430 \u0448\u043A\u043E\u043B\u044C\u043D\u043E\u043C \u0444\u043E\u0440\u0443\u043C\u0435.", "\u0412\u044B\u043F\u0443\u0441\u043A\u043D\u0438\u043A \u0448\u043A\u043E\u043B\u044B Xavier \u0431\u044B\u043B \u0441\u0435\u0440\u044C\u0451\u0437\u043D\u043E \u0440\u0430\u043D\u0435\u043D \u0432 \u0410\u0444\u0433\u0430\u043D\u0438\u0441\u0442\u0430\u043D\u0435.", "\u041F\u043E \u0441\u0432\u0438\u0434\u0435\u0442\u0435\u043B\u044C\u0441\u0442\u0432\u0443 \u043E\u0447\u0435\u0432\u0438\u0434\u0446\u0435\u0432, \u043E\u0433\u043D\u0435\u0441\u0442\u0440\u0435\u043B\u044C\u043D\u043E\u0435 \u0440\u0430\u043D\u0435\u043D\u0438\u0435 \u043F\u043E\u043B\u0443\u0447\u0435\u043D\u043E \u0432 \u043F\u0430\u0445\u043E\u0432\u0443\u044E \u043E\u0431\u043B\u0430\u0441\u0442\u044C.", "", "\u041D\u043E\u0432\u043E\u0441\u0442\u0438 \u0438 \u0441\u043B\u0443\u0445\u0438 \u0448\u043A\u043E\u043B\u044B Xavier", "Xavier \u0432\u044B\u0438\u0433\u0440\u044B\u0432\u0430\u0435\u0442 \u0447\u0435\u043C\u043F\u0438\u043E\u043D\u0430\u0442 \u0428\u0442\u0430\u0442\u0430!", "\u041D\u0435\u0441\u043C\u043E\u0442\u0440\u044F \u043D\u0430 \u043D\u0435 \u0441\u0430\u043C\u0443\u044E \u043B\u0443\u0447\u0448\u0443\u044E \u0440\u0435\u043F\u0443\u0442\u0430\u0446\u0438\u044E, Xavier \u043B\u0435\u0433\u043A\u043E \u043F\u043E\u0431\u0435\u0434\u0438\u043B\u0430 Lincoln \u0432 \u0444\u0438\u043D\u0430\u043B\u0435.", "\u0412\u0435\u0434\u0443\u0449\u0438\u0439 \u0437\u0430\u0449\u0438\u0442\u043D\u0438\u043A \u0411\u0440\u0435\u0434 \u0423. \u043D\u043E\u0432\u044B\u0439 \u043A\u0430\u043F\u0438\u0442\u0430\u043D \u0431\u043E\u043B\u0435\u043B\u044C\u0449\u0438\u0446 \u042F\u043D\u0430 \u0414. \u0441\u043E\u0431\u0438\u0440\u0430\u044E\u0442\u0441\u044F \u043F\u043E\u0436\u0435\u043D\u0438\u0442\u044C\u0441\u044F \u0432 \u0438\u044E\u043D\u0435.", "\u0420\u0430\u0441\u043F\u0440\u043E\u0441\u0442\u0440\u0430\u043D\u0435\u043D\u043E \u043C\u043D\u0435\u043D\u0438\u0435, \u0447\u0442\u043E \u0440\u0435\u0448\u0435\u043D\u0438\u0435 \u043F\u0440\u0435\u0436\u0434\u0435\u0432\u0440\u0435\u043C\u0435\u043D\u043D\u043E.", "\u0417\u0430\u043F\u0430\u0441\u043D\u043E\u0439 \u0437\u0430\u0449\u0438\u0442\u043D\u0438\u043A \u041C\u0430\u0439\u043A \u0414. \u0431\u044B\u043B \u0437\u0430\u043C\u0435\u0447\u0435\u043D \u043E\u043A\u043E\u043B\u043E \u043C\u0435\u0441\u0442\u043D\u043E\u0433\u043E \u041A\u0412\u0414.", "\u041F\u043E\u0441\u043B\u0435 \u043D\u0435\u0434\u0430\u0432\u043D\u0435\u0439 \u0432\u0435\u0447\u0435\u0440\u0438\u043D\u043A\u0438 \u0441\u0442\u0430\u043B\u043E \u043F\u043E\u043D\u044F\u0442\u043D\u043E, \u043F\u043E\u0447\u0435\u043C\u0443.", "\u0412\u0435\u0439\u043D \u0411\u0430\u043A\u043C\u0430\u043D, \u0432\u044B\u043F\u0443\u0441\u043A\u043D\u0438\u043A \u043F\u0440\u043E\u0438\u0437\u043D\u043E\u0441\u044F\u0449\u0438\u0439 \u043F\u0440\u043E\u0449\u0430\u043B\u044C\u043D\u0443\u044E \u0440\u0435\u0447\u044C \u043F\u043E\u0434\u043E\u0437\u0440\u0435\u0432\u0430\u0435\u0442\u0441\u044F \u0432 \u0432\u0443\u0430\u0439\u0435\u0440\u0438\u0437\u043C\u0435.", "\u0422\u0435\u043F\u0435\u0440\u044C \u043D\u0430 \u044D\u0442\u0443 \u0434\u043E\u043B\u0436\u043D\u043E\u0441\u0442\u044C \u0432\u044B\u0431\u0440\u0430\u043D\u0430 \u0435\u0433\u043E \u0434\u0435\u0432\u0443\u0448\u043A\u0430 \u041A\u0430\u0442\u0440\u0438\u043D\u0430 \u041F.", "\u0411\u044B\u0432\u0448\u0430\u044F \u0431\u043E\u043B\u0435\u043B\u044C\u0449\u0438\u0446\u0430 \u0414\u0436\u0435\u043D\u043D\u0438\u0444\u0435\u0440 \u0411. \u043F\u043E\u0434\u043F\u0438\u0441\u044B\u0432\u0430\u0435\u0442 \u043A\u043E\u043D\u0442\u0440\u0430\u043A\u0442 \u0441 \u043C\u0435\u0441\u0442\u043D\u043E\u0439 \u0440\u043E\u043A-\u0433\u0440\u0443\u043F\u043F\u043E\u0439.", "\u0413\u0440\u0443\u043F\u043F\u0430 \"\u041C\u0430\u0439\u0436\u0443\u043A\" \u044D\u0442\u0438\u043C \u043B\u0435\u0442\u043E\u043C \u043D\u0430\u0447\u043D\u0451\u0442 \u0437\u0430\u043F\u0438\u0441\u044C \u0441\u0432\u043E\u0435\u0433\u043E \u043F\u0435\u0440\u0432\u043E\u0433\u043E \u0430\u043B\u044C\u0431\u043E\u043C\u0430 \u0432 \u041B\u043E\u0441-\u0410\u043D\u0434\u0436\u0435\u043B\u0438\u0441\u0435.", "\u0412\u0435\u0434\u0443\u0449\u0438\u043C \u0441\u0438\u043D\u0433\u043B\u043E\u043C \u0431\u0443\u0434\u0435\u0442: \"\u042F \u043D\u0435 \u044D\u043C\u043E (\u043D\u043E \u0443 \u0442\u0435\u0431\u044F \u043A\u043B\u0430\u0441\u0441\u043D\u044B\u0435 \u0432\u043E\u043B\u043E\u0441\u044B)\"", "\u0411\u043E\u043B\u0435\u043B\u044C\u0449\u0438\u0446\u044B \u0422\u0438\u043D\u0430 \u0424. \u0438 \u0421\u0430\u0440\u0430 \u041F. \u0441\u043D\u044F\u043B\u0438\u0441\u044C \u0432 \u0442\u043E\u043A-\u0448\u043E\u0443.", "\u0422\u0435\u043C\u0430 \u043E\u0431\u0441\u0443\u0436\u0434\u0435\u043D\u0438\u044F: \"\u0412\u043B\u044E\u0431\u043B\u0451\u043D\u043D\u044B\u0435 \u0434\u0435\u0432\u0443\u0448\u043A\u0438-\u043F\u043E\u0434\u0440\u043E\u0441\u0442\u043A\u0438.\"", "", "\u0421\u043F\u043E\u043D\u0441\u043E\u0440 \u043D\u043E\u0432\u043E\u0441\u0442\u0435\u0439 - \u0422\u043E\u043D\u0438-\u0410\u043D\u0434\u0436\u0435\u043B\u043E\u0441 \u041F\u0438\u0446\u0446\u0430,", "\u0421\u043B\u043E\u0433\u0430\u043D \u043A\u043E\u043C\u043F\u0430\u043D\u0438\u0438 - \"\u0421\u044A\u0435\u0448\u044C \u044D\u0442\u043E\u0442 \u043F\u0438\u0440\u043E\u0433 \u0441\u0435\u0433\u043E\u0434\u043D\u044F!\"", ""]; credits_text_Russian = ["Cheerleaders Party\r\r copyright 2009\r\u0412\u0441\u0435 \u043F\u0440\u0430\u0432\u0430 \u0437\u0430\u0449\u0438\u0449\u0435\u043D\u044B", "\u0420\u0430\u0437\u0440\u0430\u0431\u043E\u0442\u043A\u0430 \u0438\u0433\u0440\u044B: Puso\r\r\u0414\u0438\u0430\u043B\u043E\u0433\u0438: Lucaboo2 \u0438 Puso", "\u041C\u0443\u0437\u044B\u043A\u0430\u043B\u044C\u043D\u044B\u0439 \u0441\u0435\u043A\u0432\u0435\u043D\u0441\u0435\u0440 \u0438 \u0437\u0432\u0443\u043A\u043E\u0432\u043E\u0439 \u0434\u0432\u0438\u0436\u043E\u043A: Virtualex\r\r \u0412\u0435\u0441\u044C \u043F\u0440\u043E\u0447\u0438\u0439 \u043A\u043E\u0434: Puso", "'Jana In Love'\r (\u043C\u0435\u0434\u043B\u0435\u043D\u043D\u044B\u0439 \u0442\u0430\u043D\u0435\u0446 \u0411\u0440\u044D\u0434\u0430 \u0438 \u042F\u043D\u044B)\r \u041F\u043E\u0451\u0442 \u0412\u0435\u0440\u0430 \u041F\u043E\u043B\u0435\u0442\u0430\u0435\u0432\u0430\r \u0421\u043B\u043E\u0432\u0430 \u0438 \u043C\u0443\u0437\u044B\u043A\u0430: Puso", "\u0412\u0441\u044F \u043F\u0440\u043E\u0447\u0430\u044F \u043C\u0443\u0437\u044B\u043A\u0430: Virtualex", "2D & 3D \u0433\u0440\u0430\u0444\u0438\u043A\u0430: Puso\r\r \u0412\u0441\u0435 3D \u043F\u0435\u0440\u0441\u043E\u043D\u0430\u0436\u0438 \u0441\u043C\u043E\u0434\u0435\u043B\u0438\u0440\u043E\u0432\u0430\u043D\u044B \u0432 Daz 3dstudio", "\u0421\u043F\u0430\u0441\u0438\u0431\u043E \u043C\u043E\u0434\u0435\u0440\u0430\u0442\u043E\u0440\u0430\u043C \u0441\u0430\u0439\u0442\u0430 Pusooy \u0437\u0430 \u043F\u043E\u043C\u043E\u0449\u044C \u0432 \u0440\u0430\u0437\u0440\u0430\u0431\u043E\u0442\u043A\u0435:\r\rCodo, Harryvh, Lucaboo2, Pawpaw, Superbookey, Ut1stgear, Virtualex, Zadok23", "\u041E\u0442\u0434\u0435\u043B\u044C\u043D\u043E\u0435 \u0441\u043F\u0430\u0441\u0438\u0431\u043E \u0431\u0435\u0442\u0430-\u0442\u0435\u0441\u0442\u0435\u0440\u0430\u043C:\r\rDante101, Flashfiend, Forquer73, Olesbuch, Ramses, Sorrowson, Soursage, Ursulak", "\u041F\u0435\u0440\u0435\u0432\u043E\u0434 \u043D\u0430 \u0440\u0443\u0441\u0441\u043A\u0438\u0439: Virtualex \u0438 Serega", "\u0421\u0435\u043A\u0440\u0435\u0442\u043D\u044B\u0439 \u043A\u043E\u0434: xhi"];Symbol 74 MovieClip [Initialization] Frame 1 (6.35 KiB)●●#initclip 1 function Mixer() { this.init(); } function Timer() { this.init(); } function Sequencer() { this.init(); } Mixer.prototype = new Object(); Mixer.prototype.init = function () { var _local3 = 0; this.ChannelsNum = 8; this.MasterVolume = 100; this.Channels = new Array(); _local3 = 0; while (_local3 < this.ChannelsNum) { var _local4 = {Num:_local3, Mixer:this, Clip:_root.createEmptyMovieClip("ch" + _local3, _local3 - 59990), SoundObj:new Sound("_root.ch" + _local3), Volume:100, GlobalVolume:100, Queue:new Array(), OnSoundComplete:undefined}; this.Channels.push(_local4); _local4.SoundObj.parent = this.Channels[_local3]; _local4.SoundObj.isPlaying = false; _local3++; } }; Mixer.prototype.PlaySound = function (ASoundName, AChannel, AStartPos, ALoopsNum) { var _local2 = this.Channels[AChannel].SoundObj; _local2.stop(); _local2.attachSound(ASoundName); _local2.start(AStartPos, ALoopsNum); _local2.onSoundComplete = this.OnSoundComplete; _local2.isPlaying = true; }; Mixer.prototype.StopSound = function (AChannel) { if (AChannel == undefined) { var _local2 = 0; while (_local2 < this.ChannelsNum) { var _local3 = this.Channels[_local2]; _local3.SoundObj.stop(); _local3.Queue = []; _local3.SoundObj.isPlaying = false; _local2++; } } else { var _local3 = this.Channels[AChannel]; _local3.SoundObj.stop(); _local3.Queue = []; _local3.SoundObj.isPlaying = false; } }; Mixer.prototype.OnSoundComplete = function () { var _local3 = this.parent; var _local4 = _local3.Queue; _local3.onSoundComplete(); this.isPlaying = false; if (_local4.length > 0) { var _local2 = _local4.shift(); this.attachSound(_local2.Name); this.start(_local2.Pos, _local2.Loops); this.isPlaying = true; } }; Mixer.prototype.QueueSound = function (ASoundName, AChannel, AStartPos, ALoopsNum) { var _local3 = this.Channels[AChannel]; var _local5 = _local3.Queue; var _local2 = _local3.SoundObj; var _local4 = {Name:ASoundName, Pos:AStartPos, Loops:ALoopsNum}; if (_local2.isPlaying) { _local5.push(_local4); } else { _local2.onSoundComplete = this.OnSoundComplete; _local2.attachSound(ASoundName); _local2.start(AStartPos, ALoopsNum); _local2.isPlaying = true; } }; Mixer.prototype.SetChannelVolume = function (AChannel, AVolume) { if (AVolume > 100) { AVolume = 100; } if (AVolume < 0) { AVolume = 0; } this.Channels[AChannel].Volume = AVolume; var _local4 = ((this.MasterVolume * this.Channels[AChannel].GlobalVolume) * AVolume) / 10000; this.Channels[AChannel].SoundObj.setVolume(_local4); }; Mixer.prototype.SetChannelGlobalVolume = function (AChannel, AVolume) { if (AVolume > 100) { AVolume = 100; } if (AVolume < 0) { AVolume = 0; } this.Channels[AChannel].GlobalVolume = AVolume; var _local4 = ((this.MasterVolume * this.Channels[AChannel].Volume) * AVolume) / 10000; this.Channels[AChannel].SoundObj.setVolume(_local4); }; Mixer.prototype.UpdateMasterVolume = function () { var _local2; var _local4 = this.MasterVolume; _local2 = 0; while (_local2 < this.ChannelsNum) { var _local3 = ((this.Channels[_local2].GlobalVolume * this.Channels[_local2].Volume) * _local4) / 10000; this.Channels[_local2].SoundObj.setVolume(_local3); _local2++; } }; Mixer.prototype.SetMasterVolume = function (AVolume) { this.MasterVolume = AVolume; this.UpdateMasterVolume(); }; Timer.prototype = new Object(); Timer.prototype.init = function () { this.Interval = 500; this.Auto = false; }; Timer.prototype.SetTimer = function (Time, AutoCount) { this.Interval = Time - 5; this.now = getTimer(); this.ID = setInterval(this, "TimerEvent", 5, this); this.Auto = AutoCount; }; Timer.prototype.TimerEvent = function (ATimer) { var _local2 = getTimer(); if ((_local2 - ATimer.now) >= ATimer.Interval) { ATimer.now = _local2; if (!ATimer.Auto) { ATimer.StopTimer(); } ATimer.OnTimeout(); } }; Timer.prototype.StopTimer = function () { this.Auto = false; clearInterval(this.ID); }; Sequencer.prototype = new Object(); Sequencer.prototype.init = function () { this.AMixer = new Mixer(); this.AMixer.parent = this; this.ATimer = new Timer(); this.ATimer.parent = this; this.LoopSets = new Array(); this.Sequence = new Array(); this.FX = new Array(4); this.CurrentFX = new Array(0, 0, 0, 0); this.Position = 0; this.AMixer.Channels[0].onSoundComplete = this.LoopComplete; this.ATimer.OnTimeout = this.OnTimeout; }; Sequencer.prototype.LoopComplete = function () { var _local3 = this.Mixer.parent; _local3.Position++; var _local2 = 0; while (_local2 < _local3.CurrentFX.length) { _local3.CurrentFX[_local2] = _local3.Sequence[_local3.Position].fx[_local2]; _local2++; } _local3.OnLoopComplete(); if (_local3.Position >= _local3.Sequence.length) { _local3.OnSequenceComplete(); } }; Sequencer.prototype.OnTimeout = function () { with (this.parent) { var n = Sequence[Position].fx.length; var i = 0; while (i < n) { if (CurrentFX[i] == -1) { CurrentFX[i] = random(FX.length); } var fx_num = CurrentFX[i]; FX[fx_num](i); i++; } } }; Sequencer.prototype.Start = function () { var i; var PlaySet = new Array(4); var APos = this.Position; i = 0; while (i < this.AMixer.ChannelsNum) { this.CurrentFX[i] = this.Sequence[APos].fx[i]; var v = this.Sequence[APos].ch[i].vol; if (v == undefined) { v = 100; } this.AMixer.SetChannelVolume(i, v); i++; } while (APos < this.Sequence.length) { var maxbars = 0; var rec = this.Sequence[APos]; var LS = rec.LoopSet; var Snd; i = 0; while (i < 4) { PlaySet[i] = new Object(); with (this) { var CurChSet = LoopSets[LS][i]; if (rec.ch[i].num == -1) { Snd = CurChSet[random(CurChSet.length)]; } else { Snd = CurChSet[rec.ch[i].num]; } if (maxbars < Snd.Bars) { maxbars = Snd.Bars; } PlaySet[i].Name = Snd.Name; PlaySet[i].Bars = Snd.Bars; if (PlaySet[i].Name == undefined) { PlaySet[i].Name = "EmptyBar"; } if (PlaySet[i].Bars == undefined) { PlaySet[i].Bars = 1; } } i++; } i = 0; while (i < 4) { this.AMixer.QueueSound(PlaySet[i].Name, i, 0, maxbars / PlaySet[i].Bars); i++; } APos++; } }; #endinitclip
Library Items (55.92 KiB)
Symbol 1 Sound [woohoo.wav] | ||
Symbol 2 Sound [u9.wav] | ||
Symbol 3 Sound [u8.wav] | ||
Symbol 4 Sound [u7.wav] | ||
Symbol 5 Sound [u5.wav] | ||
Symbol 6 Sound [u4.wav] | ||
Symbol 7 Sound [u3.wav] | ||
Symbol 8 Sound [u2.wav] | ||
Symbol 9 Sound [u1.wav] | ||
Symbol 10 Sound [u0.wav] | ||
Symbol 11 Sound [suck3.wav] | ||
Symbol 12 Sound [suck2.wav] | ||
Symbol 13 Sound [suck1.wav] | ||
Symbol 14 Sound [squish.wav] | ||
Symbol 15 Sound [slap4.wav] | ||
Symbol 16 Sound [slap3.wav] | ||
Symbol 17 Sound [slap2.wav] | ||
Symbol 18 Sound [slap1.wav] | ||
Symbol 19 Sound [shower.mp3] | ||
Symbol 20 Sound [shock.wav] | ||
Symbol 21 Sound [muhh9.wav] | ||
Symbol 22 Sound [muhh8.wav] | ||
Symbol 23 Sound [muhh7.wav] | ||
Symbol 24 Sound [muhh6.wav] | ||
Symbol 25 Sound [muhh5.wav] | ||
Symbol 26 Sound [muhh4.wav] | ||
Symbol 27 Sound [muhh3.wav] | ||
Symbol 28 Sound [muhh2.wav] | ||
Symbol 29 Sound [muhh10.wav] | ||
Symbol 30 Sound [muhh1.wav] | ||
Symbol 31 Sound [muff2.wav] | ||
Symbol 32 Sound [muff1.wav] | ||
Symbol 33 Sound [morg5.wav] | ||
Symbol 34 Sound [morg4.wav] | ||
Symbol 35 Sound [morg3.wav] | ||
Symbol 36 Sound [morg2.wav] | ||
Symbol 37 Sound [morg1.wav] | ||
Symbol 38 Sound [Moaning9.wav] | ||
Symbol 39 Sound [Moaning8.wav] | ||
Symbol 40 Sound [Moaning7.wav] | ||
Symbol 41 Sound [Moaning6.wav] | ||
Symbol 42 Sound [Moaning5.wav] | ||
Symbol 43 Sound [Moaning4.wav] | ||
Symbol 44 Sound [Moaning3.wav] | ||
Symbol 45 Sound [Moaning2.wav] | ||
Symbol 46 Sound [Moaning10.wav] | ||
Symbol 47 Sound [Moaning1.wav] | ||
Symbol 48 Sound [mlove7.wav] | ||
Symbol 49 Sound [mlove6.wav] | ||
Symbol 50 Sound [mlove5.wav] | ||
Symbol 51 Sound [mlove4.wav] | ||
Symbol 52 Sound [mlove3.wav] | ||
Symbol 53 Sound [mlove2.wav] | ||
Symbol 54 Sound [mlove1.wav] | ||
Symbol 55 Sound [mcum5.mp3] | ||
Symbol 56 Sound [mcum4.mp3] | ||
Symbol 57 Sound [mcum3.mp3] | ||
Symbol 58 Sound [mcum2.mp3] | ||
Symbol 59 Sound [mcum1.mp3] | ||
Symbol 60 Sound [huff3.wav] | ||
Symbol 61 Sound [huff2.wav] | ||
Symbol 62 Sound [huff1.wav] | ||
Symbol 63 Sound [huff0.wav] | ||
Symbol 64 Sound [hall2.wav] | ||
Symbol 65 Sound [gaspsqueal.wav] | ||
Symbol 66 Sound [ding.wav] | ||
Symbol 67 Sound [crowdgiggle.wav] | ||
Symbol 68 Sound [crowd.mp3] | ||
Symbol 69 Sound [classbell.wav] | ||
Symbol 70 Sound [cheer.wav] | ||
Symbol 71 Sound [boooo.wav] | ||
Symbol 72 Sound [bang2.wav] | ||
Symbol 73 Sound [bang1.wav] | ||
Symbol 74 MovieClip [Initialization] | ||
Symbol 75 Bitmap | Used by:76 | |
Symbol 76 Graphic | Uses:75 | Used by:Timeline |
Symbol 77 Font | Used by:78 79 257 | |
Symbol 78 EditableText | Uses:77 | Used by:Timeline |
Symbol 79 EditableText | Uses:77 | Used by:Timeline |
Symbol 80 Graphic | Used by:81 | |
Symbol 81 MovieClip | Uses:80 | Used by:Timeline |
Symbol 82 Font | Used by:83 793 794 795 856 857 858 | |
Symbol 83 EditableText | Uses:82 | Used by:Timeline |
Symbol 84 Graphic | Used by:86 | |
Symbol 85 Graphic | Used by:86 | |
Symbol 86 MovieClip | Uses:84 85 | Used by:Timeline |
Symbol 87 Bitmap | Used by:88 | |
Symbol 88 Graphic | Uses:87 | Used by:231 |
Symbol 89 Bitmap | Used by:90 | |
Symbol 90 Graphic | Uses:89 | Used by:231 |
Symbol 91 Bitmap | Used by:92 | |
Symbol 92 Graphic | Uses:91 | Used by:231 |
Symbol 93 Bitmap | Used by:94 | |
Symbol 94 Graphic | Uses:93 | Used by:231 |
Symbol 95 Bitmap | Used by:96 | |
Symbol 96 Graphic | Uses:95 | Used by:231 |
Symbol 97 Bitmap | Used by:98 | |
Symbol 98 Graphic | Uses:97 | Used by:231 |
Symbol 99 Bitmap | Used by:100 | |
Symbol 100 Graphic | Uses:99 | Used by:231 |
Symbol 101 Bitmap | Used by:102 | |
Symbol 102 Graphic | Uses:101 | Used by:231 |
Symbol 103 Bitmap | Used by:104 | |
Symbol 104 Graphic | Uses:103 | Used by:231 |
Symbol 105 Bitmap | Used by:106 | |
Symbol 106 Graphic | Uses:105 | Used by:231 |
Symbol 107 Bitmap | Used by:108 | |
Symbol 108 Graphic | Uses:107 | Used by:231 |
Symbol 109 Bitmap | Used by:110 | |
Symbol 110 Graphic | Uses:109 | Used by:231 |
Symbol 111 Bitmap | Used by:112 | |
Symbol 112 Graphic | Uses:111 | Used by:231 |
Symbol 113 Bitmap | Used by:114 | |
Symbol 114 Graphic | Uses:113 | Used by:231 |
Symbol 115 Bitmap | Used by:116 | |
Symbol 116 Graphic | Uses:115 | Used by:231 |
Symbol 117 Bitmap | Used by:118 | |
Symbol 118 Graphic | Uses:117 | Used by:231 |
Symbol 119 Bitmap | Used by:120 | |
Symbol 120 Graphic | Uses:119 | Used by:231 |
Symbol 121 Bitmap | Used by:122 | |
Symbol 122 Graphic | Uses:121 | Used by:231 |
Symbol 123 Bitmap | Used by:124 | |
Symbol 124 Graphic | Uses:123 | Used by:231 |
Symbol 125 Bitmap | Used by:126 | |
Symbol 126 Graphic | Uses:125 | Used by:231 |
Symbol 127 Bitmap | Used by:128 | |
Symbol 128 Graphic | Uses:127 | Used by:231 |
Symbol 129 Bitmap | Used by:130 | |
Symbol 130 Graphic | Uses:129 | Used by:231 |
Symbol 131 Bitmap | Used by:132 | |
Symbol 132 Graphic | Uses:131 | Used by:231 |
Symbol 133 Bitmap | Used by:134 | |
Symbol 134 Graphic | Uses:133 | Used by:231 |
Symbol 135 Bitmap | Used by:136 | |
Symbol 136 Graphic | Uses:135 | Used by:231 |
Symbol 137 Bitmap | Used by:138 | |
Symbol 138 Graphic | Uses:137 | Used by:231 |
Symbol 139 Bitmap | Used by:140 | |
Symbol 140 Graphic | Uses:139 | Used by:231 |
Symbol 141 Bitmap | Used by:142 | |
Symbol 142 Graphic | Uses:141 | Used by:231 |
Symbol 143 Bitmap | Used by:144 | |
Symbol 144 Graphic | Uses:143 | Used by:231 |
Symbol 145 Bitmap | Used by:146 | |
Symbol 146 Graphic | Uses:145 | Used by:231 |
Symbol 147 Bitmap | Used by:148 | |
Symbol 148 Graphic | Uses:147 | Used by:231 |
Symbol 149 Bitmap | Used by:150 | |
Symbol 150 Graphic | Uses:149 | Used by:231 |
Symbol 151 Bitmap | Used by:152 | |
Symbol 152 Graphic | Uses:151 | Used by:231 |
Symbol 153 Bitmap | Used by:154 | |
Symbol 154 Graphic | Uses:153 | Used by:231 |
Symbol 155 Bitmap | Used by:156 | |
Symbol 156 Graphic | Uses:155 | Used by:231 |
Symbol 157 Bitmap | Used by:158 | |
Symbol 158 Graphic | Uses:157 | Used by:231 |
Symbol 159 Bitmap | Used by:160 | |
Symbol 160 Graphic | Uses:159 | Used by:231 |
Symbol 161 Bitmap | Used by:162 | |
Symbol 162 Graphic | Uses:161 | Used by:231 |
Symbol 163 Bitmap | Used by:164 | |
Symbol 164 Graphic | Uses:163 | Used by:231 |
Symbol 165 Bitmap | Used by:166 | |
Symbol 166 Graphic | Uses:165 | Used by:231 |
Symbol 167 Bitmap | Used by:168 | |
Symbol 168 Graphic | Uses:167 | Used by:231 |
Symbol 169 Bitmap | Used by:170 | |
Symbol 170 Graphic | Uses:169 | Used by:231 |
Symbol 171 Bitmap | Used by:172 | |
Symbol 172 Graphic | Uses:171 | Used by:231 |
Symbol 173 Bitmap | Used by:174 | |
Symbol 174 Graphic | Uses:173 | Used by:231 |
Symbol 175 Bitmap | Used by:176 | |
Symbol 176 Graphic | Uses:175 | Used by:231 |
Symbol 177 Bitmap | Used by:178 | |
Symbol 178 Graphic | Uses:177 | Used by:231 |
Symbol 179 Bitmap | Used by:180 | |
Symbol 180 Graphic | Uses:179 | Used by:231 |
Symbol 181 Bitmap | Used by:182 | |
Symbol 182 Graphic | Uses:181 | Used by:231 |
Symbol 183 Bitmap | Used by:184 | |
Symbol 184 Graphic | Uses:183 | Used by:231 |
Symbol 185 Bitmap | Used by:186 | |
Symbol 186 Graphic | Uses:185 | Used by:231 |
Symbol 187 Bitmap | Used by:188 | |
Symbol 188 Graphic | Uses:187 | Used by:231 |
Symbol 189 Bitmap | Used by:190 | |
Symbol 190 Graphic | Uses:189 | Used by:231 |
Symbol 191 Bitmap | Used by:192 | |
Symbol 192 Graphic | Uses:191 | Used by:231 |
Symbol 193 Bitmap | Used by:194 | |
Symbol 194 Graphic | Uses:193 | Used by:231 |
Symbol 195 Bitmap | Used by:196 | |
Symbol 196 Graphic | Uses:195 | Used by:231 |
Symbol 197 Bitmap | Used by:198 | |
Symbol 198 Graphic | Uses:197 | Used by:231 |
Symbol 199 Bitmap | Used by:200 | |
Symbol 200 Graphic | Uses:199 | Used by:231 |
Symbol 201 Bitmap | Used by:202 | |
Symbol 202 Graphic | Uses:201 | Used by:231 |
Symbol 203 Bitmap | Used by:204 | |
Symbol 204 Graphic | Uses:203 | Used by:231 |
Symbol 205 Bitmap | Used by:206 | |
Symbol 206 Graphic | Uses:205 | Used by:231 |
Symbol 207 Bitmap | Used by:208 | |
Symbol 208 Graphic | Uses:207 | Used by:231 |
Symbol 209 Bitmap | Used by:210 | |
Symbol 210 Graphic | Uses:209 | Used by:231 |
Symbol 211 Bitmap | Used by:212 | |
Symbol 212 Graphic | Uses:211 | Used by:231 |
Symbol 213 Bitmap | Used by:214 | |
Symbol 214 Graphic | Uses:213 | Used by:231 |
Symbol 215 Bitmap | Used by:216 | |
Symbol 216 Graphic | Uses:215 | Used by:231 |
Symbol 217 Bitmap | Used by:218 | |
Symbol 218 Graphic | Uses:217 | Used by:231 |
Symbol 219 Bitmap | Used by:220 | |
Symbol 220 Graphic | Uses:219 | Used by:231 |
Symbol 221 Bitmap | Used by:222 | |
Symbol 222 Graphic | Uses:221 | Used by:231 |
Symbol 223 Bitmap | Used by:224 | |
Symbol 224 Graphic | Uses:223 | Used by:231 |
Symbol 225 Bitmap | Used by:226 | |
Symbol 226 Graphic | Uses:225 | Used by:231 |
Symbol 227 Bitmap | Used by:228 | |
Symbol 228 Graphic | Uses:227 | Used by:231 |
Symbol 229 Bitmap | Used by:230 | |
Symbol 230 Graphic | Uses:229 | Used by:231 |
Symbol 231 MovieClip | Uses:88 90 92 94 96 98 100 102 104 106 108 110 112 114 116 118 120 122 124 126 128 130 132 134 136 138 140 142 144 146 148 150 152 154 156 158 160 162 164 166 168 170 172 174 176 178 180 182 184 186 188 190 192 194 196 198 200 202 204 206 208 210 212 214 216 218 220 222 224 226 228 230 | Used by:Timeline |
Symbol 232 Font | Used by:233 799 801 802 836 839 842 844 845 846 847 849 851 852 854 | |
Symbol 233 EditableText | Uses:232 | Used by:234 |
Symbol 234 MovieClip | Uses:233 | Used by:Timeline |
Symbol 235 Bitmap | Used by:236 | |
Symbol 236 Graphic | Uses:235 | Used by:256 |
Symbol 237 Font | Used by:238 239 749 752 754 757 760 763 765 767 769 772 775 778 780 783 785 787 789 791 831 832 833 | |
Symbol 238 EditableText | Uses:237 | Used by:256 |
Symbol 239 EditableText | Uses:237 | Used by:256 |
Symbol 240 Bitmap | Used by:241 | |
Symbol 241 Graphic | Uses:240 | Used by:256 |
Symbol 242 Font | Used by:243 244 245 246 247 248 251 253 255 | |
Symbol 243 EditableText | Uses:242 | Used by:256 |
Symbol 244 EditableText | Uses:242 | Used by:256 |
Symbol 245 EditableText | Uses:242 | Used by:256 |
Symbol 246 EditableText | Uses:242 | Used by:256 |
Symbol 247 EditableText | Uses:242 | Used by:256 |
Symbol 248 EditableText | Uses:242 | Used by:256 |
Symbol 249 Font | Used by:250 252 254 | |
Symbol 250 EditableText | Uses:249 | Used by:256 |
Symbol 251 EditableText | Uses:242 | Used by:256 |
Symbol 252 EditableText | Uses:249 | Used by:256 |
Symbol 253 EditableText | Uses:242 | Used by:256 |
Symbol 254 EditableText | Uses:249 | Used by:256 |
Symbol 255 EditableText | Uses:242 | Used by:256 |
Symbol 256 MovieClip | Uses:236 238 239 241 243 244 245 246 247 248 250 251 252 253 254 255 | Used by:Timeline |
Symbol 257 EditableText | Uses:77 | Used by:745 |
Symbol 258 Graphic | Used by:745 | |
Symbol 259 Bitmap | Used by:260 | |
Symbol 260 Graphic | Uses:259 | Used by:745 |
Symbol 261 Bitmap | Used by:262 | |
Symbol 262 Graphic | Uses:261 | Used by:745 |
Symbol 263 Bitmap | Used by:264 | |
Symbol 264 Graphic | Uses:263 | Used by:745 |
Symbol 265 Bitmap | Used by:266 | |
Symbol 266 Graphic | Uses:265 | Used by:745 |
Symbol 267 Bitmap | Used by:268 | |
Symbol 268 Graphic | Uses:267 | Used by:745 |
Symbol 269 Bitmap | Used by:270 | |
Symbol 270 Graphic | Uses:269 | Used by:745 |
Symbol 271 Bitmap | Used by:272 | |
Symbol 272 Graphic | Uses:271 | Used by:745 |
Symbol 273 Bitmap | Used by:274 | |
Symbol 274 Graphic | Uses:273 | Used by:745 |
Symbol 275 Bitmap | Used by:276 | |
Symbol 276 Graphic | Uses:275 | Used by:745 |
Symbol 277 Bitmap | Used by:278 | |
Symbol 278 Graphic | Uses:277 | Used by:745 |
Symbol 279 Bitmap | Used by:280 | |
Symbol 280 Graphic | Uses:279 | Used by:745 |
Symbol 281 Bitmap | Used by:282 | |
Symbol 282 Graphic | Uses:281 | Used by:745 |
Symbol 283 Bitmap | Used by:284 | |
Symbol 284 Graphic | Uses:283 | Used by:745 |
Symbol 285 Bitmap | Used by:286 | |
Symbol 286 Graphic | Uses:285 | Used by:745 |
Symbol 287 Bitmap | Used by:288 | |
Symbol 288 Graphic | Uses:287 | Used by:745 |
Symbol 289 Bitmap | Used by:290 | |
Symbol 290 Graphic | Uses:289 | Used by:745 |
Symbol 291 Bitmap | Used by:292 | |
Symbol 292 Graphic | Uses:291 | Used by:745 |
Symbol 293 Bitmap | Used by:294 | |
Symbol 294 Graphic | Uses:293 | Used by:745 |
Symbol 295 Bitmap | Used by:296 | |
Symbol 296 Graphic | Uses:295 | Used by:745 |
Symbol 297 Bitmap | Used by:298 | |
Symbol 298 Graphic | Uses:297 | Used by:745 |
Symbol 299 Bitmap | Used by:300 | |
Symbol 300 Graphic | Uses:299 | Used by:745 |
Symbol 301 Bitmap | Used by:302 | |
Symbol 302 Graphic | Uses:301 | Used by:745 |
Symbol 303 Bitmap | Used by:304 | |
Symbol 304 Graphic | Uses:303 | Used by:745 |
Symbol 305 Graphic | Used by:745 | |
Symbol 306 Graphic | Used by:745 | |
Symbol 307 Bitmap | Used by:308 | |
Symbol 308 Graphic | Uses:307 | Used by:745 |
Symbol 309 Bitmap | Used by:310 | |
Symbol 310 Graphic | Uses:309 | Used by:745 |
Symbol 311 Bitmap | Used by:312 | |
Symbol 312 Graphic | Uses:311 | Used by:745 |
Symbol 313 Bitmap | Used by:314 | |
Symbol 314 Graphic | Uses:313 | Used by:745 |
Symbol 315 Bitmap | Used by:316 | |
Symbol 316 Graphic | Uses:315 | Used by:745 |
Symbol 317 Bitmap | Used by:318 | |
Symbol 318 Graphic | Uses:317 | Used by:745 |
Symbol 319 Bitmap | Used by:320 | |
Symbol 320 Graphic | Uses:319 | Used by:745 |
Symbol 321 Bitmap | Used by:322 | |
Symbol 322 Graphic | Uses:321 | Used by:745 |
Symbol 323 Bitmap | Used by:324 | |
Symbol 324 Graphic | Uses:323 | Used by:745 |
Symbol 325 Bitmap | Used by:326 | |
Symbol 326 Graphic | Uses:325 | Used by:745 |
Symbol 327 Bitmap | Used by:328 | |
Symbol 328 Graphic | Uses:327 | Used by:745 |
Symbol 329 Bitmap | Used by:330 | |
Symbol 330 Graphic | Uses:329 | Used by:745 |
Symbol 331 Bitmap | Used by:332 | |
Symbol 332 Graphic | Uses:331 | Used by:745 |
Symbol 333 Bitmap | Used by:334 | |
Symbol 334 Graphic | Uses:333 | Used by:745 |
Symbol 335 Bitmap | Used by:336 | |
Symbol 336 Graphic | Uses:335 | Used by:745 |
Symbol 337 Bitmap | Used by:338 | |
Symbol 338 Graphic | Uses:337 | Used by:745 |
Symbol 339 Bitmap | Used by:340 | |
Symbol 340 Graphic | Uses:339 | Used by:745 |
Symbol 341 Bitmap | Used by:342 | |
Symbol 342 Graphic | Uses:341 | Used by:745 |
Symbol 343 Bitmap | Used by:344 | |
Symbol 344 Graphic | Uses:343 | Used by:745 |
Symbol 345 Bitmap | Used by:346 | |
Symbol 346 Graphic | Uses:345 | Used by:745 |
Symbol 347 Bitmap | Used by:348 | |
Symbol 348 Graphic | Uses:347 | Used by:745 |
Symbol 349 Bitmap | Used by:350 | |
Symbol 350 Graphic | Uses:349 | Used by:745 |
Symbol 351 Bitmap | Used by:352 | |
Symbol 352 Graphic | Uses:351 | Used by:745 |
Symbol 353 Bitmap | Used by:354 | |
Symbol 354 Graphic | Uses:353 | Used by:745 |
Symbol 355 Bitmap | Used by:356 | |
Symbol 356 Graphic | Uses:355 | Used by:745 |
Symbol 357 Bitmap | Used by:358 | |
Symbol 358 Graphic | Uses:357 | Used by:745 |
Symbol 359 Bitmap | Used by:360 | |
Symbol 360 Graphic | Uses:359 | Used by:745 |
Symbol 361 Bitmap | Used by:362 | |
Symbol 362 Graphic | Uses:361 | Used by:745 |
Symbol 363 Bitmap | Used by:364 | |
Symbol 364 Graphic | Uses:363 | Used by:745 |
Symbol 365 Bitmap | Used by:366 | |
Symbol 366 Graphic | Uses:365 | Used by:745 |
Symbol 367 Bitmap | Used by:368 | |
Symbol 368 Graphic | Uses:367 | Used by:745 |
Symbol 369 Bitmap | Used by:370 | |
Symbol 370 Graphic | Uses:369 | Used by:745 |
Symbol 371 Bitmap | Used by:372 | |
Symbol 372 Graphic | Uses:371 | Used by:745 |
Symbol 373 Bitmap | Used by:374 | |
Symbol 374 Graphic | Uses:373 | Used by:745 |
Symbol 375 Bitmap | Used by:376 | |
Symbol 376 Graphic | Uses:375 | Used by:745 |
Symbol 377 Bitmap | Used by:378 | |
Symbol 378 Graphic | Uses:377 | Used by:745 |
Symbol 379 Bitmap | Used by:380 | |
Symbol 380 Graphic | Uses:379 | Used by:745 |
Symbol 381 Bitmap | Used by:382 | |
Symbol 382 Graphic | Uses:381 | Used by:745 |
Symbol 383 Bitmap | Used by:384 | |
Symbol 384 Graphic | Uses:383 | Used by:745 |
Symbol 385 Bitmap | Used by:386 | |
Symbol 386 Graphic | Uses:385 | Used by:745 |
Symbol 387 Bitmap | Used by:388 | |
Symbol 388 Graphic | Uses:387 | Used by:745 |
Symbol 389 Bitmap | Used by:390 | |
Symbol 390 Graphic | Uses:389 | Used by:745 |
Symbol 391 Bitmap | Used by:392 | |
Symbol 392 Graphic | Uses:391 | Used by:745 |
Symbol 393 Bitmap | Used by:394 | |
Symbol 394 Graphic | Uses:393 | Used by:745 |
Symbol 395 Bitmap | Used by:396 | |
Symbol 396 Graphic | Uses:395 | Used by:745 |
Symbol 397 Bitmap | Used by:398 | |
Symbol 398 Graphic | Uses:397 | Used by:745 |
Symbol 399 Bitmap | Used by:400 | |
Symbol 400 Graphic | Uses:399 | Used by:745 |
Symbol 401 Bitmap | Used by:402 | |
Symbol 402 Graphic | Uses:401 | Used by:745 |
Symbol 403 Bitmap | Used by:404 | |
Symbol 404 Graphic | Uses:403 | Used by:745 |
Symbol 405 Bitmap | Used by:406 | |
Symbol 406 Graphic | Uses:405 | Used by:745 |
Symbol 407 Bitmap | Used by:408 | |
Symbol 408 Graphic | Uses:407 | Used by:745 |
Symbol 409 Bitmap | Used by:410 | |
Symbol 410 Graphic | Uses:409 | Used by:745 |
Symbol 411 Bitmap | Used by:412 | |
Symbol 412 Graphic | Uses:411 | Used by:745 |
Symbol 413 Bitmap | Used by:414 | |
Symbol 414 Graphic | Uses:413 | Used by:745 |
Symbol 415 Bitmap | Used by:416 | |
Symbol 416 Graphic | Uses:415 | Used by:745 |
Symbol 417 Bitmap | Used by:418 | |
Symbol 418 Graphic | Uses:417 | Used by:745 |
Symbol 419 Bitmap | Used by:420 | |
Symbol 420 Graphic | Uses:419 | Used by:745 |
Symbol 421 Bitmap | Used by:422 | |
Symbol 422 Graphic | Uses:421 | Used by:745 |
Symbol 423 Bitmap | Used by:424 | |
Symbol 424 Graphic | Uses:423 | Used by:745 |
Symbol 425 Bitmap | Used by:426 | |
Symbol 426 Graphic | Uses:425 | Used by:745 |
Symbol 427 Bitmap | Used by:428 | |
Symbol 428 Graphic | Uses:427 | Used by:745 |
Symbol 429 Bitmap | Used by:430 | |
Symbol 430 Graphic | Uses:429 | Used by:745 |
Symbol 431 Bitmap | Used by:432 | |
Symbol 432 Graphic | Uses:431 | Used by:745 |
Symbol 433 Bitmap | Used by:434 | |
Symbol 434 Graphic | Uses:433 | Used by:745 |
Symbol 435 Bitmap | Used by:436 | |
Symbol 436 Graphic | Uses:435 | Used by:745 |
Symbol 437 Bitmap | Used by:438 | |
Symbol 438 Graphic | Uses:437 | Used by:745 |
Symbol 439 Bitmap | Used by:440 | |
Symbol 440 Graphic | Uses:439 | Used by:745 |
Symbol 441 Bitmap | Used by:442 | |
Symbol 442 Graphic | Uses:441 | Used by:745 |
Symbol 443 Bitmap | Used by:444 | |
Symbol 444 Graphic | Uses:443 | Used by:745 |
Symbol 445 Bitmap | Used by:446 | |
Symbol 446 Graphic | Uses:445 | Used by:745 |
Symbol 447 Bitmap | Used by:448 | |
Symbol 448 Graphic | Uses:447 | Used by:745 |
Symbol 449 Bitmap | Used by:450 | |
Symbol 450 Graphic | Uses:449 | Used by:745 |
Symbol 451 Bitmap | Used by:452 | |
Symbol 452 Graphic | Uses:451 | Used by:745 |
Symbol 453 Bitmap | Used by:454 | |
Symbol 454 Graphic | Uses:453 | Used by:745 |
Symbol 455 Bitmap | Used by:456 | |
Symbol 456 Graphic | Uses:455 | Used by:745 |
Symbol 457 Bitmap | Used by:458 | |
Symbol 458 Graphic | Uses:457 | Used by:745 |
Symbol 459 Bitmap | Used by:460 | |
Symbol 460 Graphic | Uses:459 | Used by:745 |
Symbol 461 Bitmap | Used by:462 | |
Symbol 462 Graphic | Uses:461 | Used by:745 |
Symbol 463 Bitmap | Used by:464 | |
Symbol 464 Graphic | Uses:463 | Used by:745 |
Symbol 465 Bitmap | Used by:466 | |
Symbol 466 Graphic | Uses:465 | Used by:745 |
Symbol 467 Bitmap | Used by:468 | |
Symbol 468 Graphic | Uses:467 | Used by:745 |
Symbol 469 Bitmap | Used by:470 | |
Symbol 470 Graphic | Uses:469 | Used by:745 |
Symbol 471 Bitmap | Used by:472 | |
Symbol 472 Graphic | Uses:471 | Used by:745 |
Symbol 473 Bitmap | Used by:474 | |
Symbol 474 Graphic | Uses:473 | Used by:745 |
Symbol 475 Bitmap | Used by:476 | |
Symbol 476 Graphic | Uses:475 | Used by:745 |
Symbol 477 Bitmap | Used by:478 | |
Symbol 478 Graphic | Uses:477 | Used by:745 |
Symbol 479 Bitmap | Used by:480 | |
Symbol 480 Graphic | Uses:479 | Used by:745 |
Symbol 481 Bitmap | Used by:482 | |
Symbol 482 Graphic | Uses:481 | Used by:745 |
Symbol 483 Bitmap | Used by:484 | |
Symbol 484 Graphic | Uses:483 | Used by:745 |
Symbol 485 Bitmap | Used by:486 | |
Symbol 486 Graphic | Uses:485 | Used by:745 |
Symbol 487 Bitmap | Used by:488 | |
Symbol 488 Graphic | Uses:487 | Used by:745 |
Symbol 489 Bitmap | Used by:490 | |
Symbol 490 Graphic | Uses:489 | Used by:745 |
Symbol 491 Bitmap | Used by:492 | |
Symbol 492 Graphic | Uses:491 | Used by:745 |
Symbol 493 Bitmap | Used by:494 | |
Symbol 494 Graphic | Uses:493 | Used by:745 |
Symbol 495 Bitmap | Used by:496 | |
Symbol 496 Graphic | Uses:495 | Used by:745 |
Symbol 497 Bitmap | Used by:498 | |
Symbol 498 Graphic | Uses:497 | Used by:745 |
Symbol 499 Bitmap | Used by:500 | |
Symbol 500 Graphic | Uses:499 | Used by:745 |
Symbol 501 Bitmap | Used by:502 | |
Symbol 502 Graphic | Uses:501 | Used by:745 |
Symbol 503 Bitmap | Used by:504 | |
Symbol 504 Graphic | Uses:503 | Used by:745 |
Symbol 505 Bitmap | Used by:506 | |
Symbol 506 Graphic | Uses:505 | Used by:745 |
Symbol 507 Bitmap | Used by:508 | |
Symbol 508 Graphic | Uses:507 | Used by:745 |
Symbol 509 Bitmap | Used by:510 | |
Symbol 510 Graphic | Uses:509 | Used by:745 |
Symbol 511 Bitmap | Used by:512 | |
Symbol 512 Graphic | Uses:511 | Used by:745 |
Symbol 513 Bitmap | Used by:514 | |
Symbol 514 Graphic | Uses:513 | Used by:745 |
Symbol 515 Bitmap | Used by:516 | |
Symbol 516 Graphic | Uses:515 | Used by:745 |
Symbol 517 Bitmap | Used by:518 | |
Symbol 518 Graphic | Uses:517 | Used by:745 |
Symbol 519 Bitmap | Used by:520 | |
Symbol 520 Graphic | Uses:519 | Used by:745 |
Symbol 521 Bitmap | Used by:522 | |
Symbol 522 Graphic | Uses:521 | Used by:745 |
Symbol 523 Bitmap | Used by:524 | |
Symbol 524 Graphic | Uses:523 | Used by:745 |
Symbol 525 Bitmap | Used by:526 | |
Symbol 526 Graphic | Uses:525 | Used by:745 |
Symbol 527 Bitmap | Used by:528 | |
Symbol 528 Graphic | Uses:527 | Used by:745 |
Symbol 529 Bitmap | Used by:530 | |
Symbol 530 Graphic | Uses:529 | Used by:745 |
Symbol 531 Bitmap | Used by:532 | |
Symbol 532 Graphic | Uses:531 | Used by:745 |
Symbol 533 Bitmap | Used by:534 | |
Symbol 534 Graphic | Uses:533 | Used by:745 |
Symbol 535 Bitmap | Used by:536 | |
Symbol 536 Graphic | Uses:535 | Used by:745 |
Symbol 537 Bitmap | Used by:538 | |
Symbol 538 Graphic | Uses:537 | Used by:745 |
Symbol 539 Bitmap | Used by:540 | |
Symbol 540 Graphic | Uses:539 | Used by:745 |
Symbol 541 Bitmap | Used by:542 | |
Symbol 542 Graphic | Uses:541 | Used by:745 |
Symbol 543 Bitmap | Used by:544 | |
Symbol 544 Graphic | Uses:543 | Used by:745 |
Symbol 545 Bitmap | Used by:546 | |
Symbol 546 Graphic | Uses:545 | Used by:745 |
Symbol 547 Bitmap | Used by:548 | |
Symbol 548 Graphic | Uses:547 | Used by:745 |
Symbol 549 Bitmap | Used by:550 | |
Symbol 550 Graphic | Uses:549 | Used by:745 |
Symbol 551 Bitmap | Used by:552 | |
Symbol 552 Graphic | Uses:551 | Used by:745 |
Symbol 553 Bitmap | Used by:554 | |
Symbol 554 Graphic | Uses:553 | Used by:745 |
Symbol 555 Bitmap | Used by:556 | |
Symbol 556 Graphic | Uses:555 | Used by:745 |
Symbol 557 Bitmap | Used by:558 | |
Symbol 558 Graphic | Uses:557 | Used by:745 |
Symbol 559 Bitmap | Used by:560 | |
Symbol 560 Graphic | Uses:559 | Used by:745 |
Symbol 561 Bitmap | Used by:562 | |
Symbol 562 Graphic | Uses:561 | Used by:745 |
Symbol 563 Bitmap | Used by:564 | |
Symbol 564 Graphic | Uses:563 | Used by:745 |
Symbol 565 Bitmap | Used by:566 | |
Symbol 566 Graphic | Uses:565 | Used by:745 |
Symbol 567 Bitmap | Used by:568 | |
Symbol 568 Graphic | Uses:567 | Used by:745 |
Symbol 569 Bitmap | Used by:570 | |
Symbol 570 Graphic | Uses:569 | Used by:745 |
Symbol 571 Bitmap | Used by:572 | |
Symbol 572 Graphic | Uses:571 | Used by:745 |
Symbol 573 Bitmap | Used by:574 | |
Symbol 574 Graphic | Uses:573 | Used by:745 |
Symbol 575 Bitmap | Used by:576 | |
Symbol 576 Graphic | Uses:575 | Used by:745 |
Symbol 577 Bitmap | Used by:578 | |
Symbol 578 Graphic | Uses:577 | Used by:745 |
Symbol 579 Bitmap | Used by:580 | |
Symbol 580 Graphic | Uses:579 | Used by:745 |
Symbol 581 Bitmap | Used by:582 | |
Symbol 582 Graphic | Uses:581 | Used by:745 |
Symbol 583 Bitmap | Used by:584 | |
Symbol 584 Graphic | Uses:583 | Used by:745 |
Symbol 585 Bitmap | Used by:586 | |
Symbol 586 Graphic | Uses:585 | Used by:745 |
Symbol 587 Bitmap | Used by:588 | |
Symbol 588 Graphic | Uses:587 | Used by:745 |
Symbol 589 Bitmap | Used by:590 | |
Symbol 590 Graphic | Uses:589 | Used by:745 |
Symbol 591 Bitmap | Used by:592 | |
Symbol 592 Graphic | Uses:591 | Used by:745 |
Symbol 593 Bitmap | Used by:594 | |
Symbol 594 Graphic | Uses:593 | Used by:745 |
Symbol 595 Bitmap | Used by:596 | |
Symbol 596 Graphic | Uses:595 | Used by:745 |
Symbol 597 Bitmap | Used by:598 | |
Symbol 598 Graphic | Uses:597 | Used by:745 |
Symbol 599 Bitmap | Used by:600 | |
Symbol 600 Graphic | Uses:599 | Used by:745 |
Symbol 601 Bitmap | Used by:602 | |
Symbol 602 Graphic | Uses:601 | Used by:745 |
Symbol 603 Bitmap | Used by:604 | |
Symbol 604 Graphic | Uses:603 | Used by:745 |
Symbol 605 Bitmap | Used by:606 | |
Symbol 606 Graphic | Uses:605 | Used by:745 |
Symbol 607 Bitmap | Used by:608 | |
Symbol 608 Graphic | Uses:607 | Used by:745 |
Symbol 609 Bitmap | Used by:610 | |
Symbol 610 Graphic | Uses:609 | Used by:745 |
Symbol 611 Bitmap | Used by:612 | |
Symbol 612 Graphic | Uses:611 | Used by:745 |
Symbol 613 Bitmap | Used by:614 | |
Symbol 614 Graphic | Uses:613 | Used by:745 |
Symbol 615 Bitmap | Used by:616 | |
Symbol 616 Graphic | Uses:615 | Used by:745 |
Symbol 617 Bitmap | Used by:618 | |
Symbol 618 Graphic | Uses:617 | Used by:745 |
Symbol 619 Bitmap | Used by:620 | |
Symbol 620 Graphic | Uses:619 | Used by:745 |
Symbol 621 Bitmap | Used by:622 | |
Symbol 622 Graphic | Uses:621 | Used by:745 |
Symbol 623 Bitmap | Used by:624 | |
Symbol 624 Graphic | Uses:623 | Used by:745 |
Symbol 625 Bitmap | Used by:626 | |
Symbol 626 Graphic | Uses:625 | Used by:745 |
Symbol 627 Bitmap | Used by:628 | |
Symbol 628 Graphic | Uses:627 | Used by:745 |
Symbol 629 Bitmap | Used by:630 | |
Symbol 630 Graphic | Uses:629 | Used by:745 |
Symbol 631 Bitmap | Used by:632 | |
Symbol 632 Graphic | Uses:631 | Used by:745 |
Symbol 633 Bitmap | Used by:634 | |
Symbol 634 Graphic | Uses:633 | Used by:745 |
Symbol 635 Bitmap | Used by:636 | |
Symbol 636 Graphic | Uses:635 | Used by:745 |
Symbol 637 Bitmap | Used by:638 | |
Symbol 638 Graphic | Uses:637 | Used by:745 |
Symbol 639 Bitmap | Used by:640 | |
Symbol 640 Graphic | Uses:639 | Used by:745 |
Symbol 641 Bitmap | Used by:642 | |
Symbol 642 Graphic | Uses:641 | Used by:745 |
Symbol 643 Bitmap | Used by:644 | |
Symbol 644 Graphic | Uses:643 | Used by:745 |
Symbol 645 Bitmap | Used by:646 | |
Symbol 646 Graphic | Uses:645 | Used by:745 |
Symbol 647 Bitmap | Used by:648 | |
Symbol 648 Graphic | Uses:647 | Used by:745 |
Symbol 649 Bitmap | Used by:650 | |
Symbol 650 Graphic | Uses:649 | Used by:745 |
Symbol 651 Bitmap | Used by:652 | |
Symbol 652 Graphic | Uses:651 | Used by:745 |
Symbol 653 Bitmap | Used by:654 | |
Symbol 654 Graphic | Uses:653 | Used by:745 |
Symbol 655 Bitmap | Used by:656 | |
Symbol 656 Graphic | Uses:655 | Used by:745 |
Symbol 657 Bitmap | Used by:658 | |
Symbol 658 Graphic | Uses:657 | Used by:745 |
Symbol 659 Bitmap | Used by:660 | |
Symbol 660 Graphic | Uses:659 | Used by:745 |
Symbol 661 Bitmap | Used by:662 | |
Symbol 662 Graphic | Uses:661 | Used by:745 |
Symbol 663 Bitmap | Used by:664 | |
Symbol 664 Graphic | Uses:663 | Used by:745 |
Symbol 665 Bitmap | Used by:666 | |
Symbol 666 Graphic | Uses:665 | Used by:745 |
Symbol 667 Bitmap | Used by:668 | |
Symbol 668 Graphic | Uses:667 | Used by:745 |
Symbol 669 Bitmap | Used by:670 | |
Symbol 670 Graphic | Uses:669 | Used by:745 |
Symbol 671 Bitmap | Used by:672 | |
Symbol 672 Graphic | Uses:671 | Used by:745 |
Symbol 673 Bitmap | Used by:674 | |
Symbol 674 Graphic | Uses:673 | Used by:745 |
Symbol 675 Bitmap | Used by:676 | |
Symbol 676 Graphic | Uses:675 | Used by:745 |
Symbol 677 Bitmap | Used by:678 | |
Symbol 678 Graphic | Uses:677 | Used by:745 |
Symbol 679 Bitmap | Used by:680 | |
Symbol 680 Graphic | Uses:679 | Used by:745 |
Symbol 681 Bitmap | Used by:682 | |
Symbol 682 Graphic | Uses:681 | Used by:745 |
Symbol 683 Bitmap | Used by:684 | |
Symbol 684 Graphic | Uses:683 | Used by:745 |
Symbol 685 Bitmap | Used by:686 | |
Symbol 686 Graphic | Uses:685 | Used by:745 |
Symbol 687 Bitmap | Used by:688 | |
Symbol 688 Graphic | Uses:687 | Used by:745 |
Symbol 689 Bitmap | Used by:690 | |
Symbol 690 Graphic | Uses:689 | Used by:745 |
Symbol 691 Bitmap | Used by:692 | |
Symbol 692 Graphic | Uses:691 | Used by:745 |
Symbol 693 Bitmap | Used by:694 | |
Symbol 694 Graphic | Uses:693 | Used by:745 |
Symbol 695 Bitmap | Used by:696 | |
Symbol 696 Graphic | Uses:695 | Used by:745 |
Symbol 697 Bitmap | Used by:698 | |
Symbol 698 Graphic | Uses:697 | Used by:745 |
Symbol 699 Bitmap | Used by:700 | |
Symbol 700 Graphic | Uses:699 | Used by:745 |
Symbol 701 Bitmap | Used by:702 | |
Symbol 702 Graphic | Uses:701 | Used by:745 |
Symbol 703 Bitmap | Used by:704 | |
Symbol 704 Graphic | Uses:703 | Used by:745 |
Symbol 705 Bitmap | Used by:706 | |
Symbol 706 Graphic | Uses:705 | Used by:745 |
Symbol 707 Bitmap | Used by:708 | |
Symbol 708 Graphic | Uses:707 | Used by:745 |
Symbol 709 Bitmap | Used by:710 | |
Symbol 710 Graphic | Uses:709 | Used by:745 |
Symbol 711 Bitmap | Used by:712 | |
Symbol 712 Graphic | Uses:711 | Used by:745 |
Symbol 713 Bitmap | Used by:714 | |
Symbol 714 Graphic | Uses:713 | Used by:745 |
Symbol 715 Bitmap | Used by:716 | |
Symbol 716 Graphic | Uses:715 | Used by:745 |
Symbol 717 Bitmap | Used by:718 | |
Symbol 718 Graphic | Uses:717 | Used by:745 |
Symbol 719 Bitmap | Used by:720 | |
Symbol 720 Graphic | Uses:719 | Used by:745 |
Symbol 721 Bitmap | Used by:722 | |
Symbol 722 Graphic | Uses:721 | Used by:745 |
Symbol 723 Bitmap | Used by:724 | |
Symbol 724 Graphic | Uses:723 | Used by:745 |
Symbol 725 Bitmap | Used by:726 | |
Symbol 726 Graphic | Uses:725 | Used by:745 |
Symbol 727 Bitmap | Used by:728 | |
Symbol 728 Graphic | Uses:727 | Used by:745 |
Symbol 729 Bitmap | Used by:730 | |
Symbol 730 Graphic | Uses:729 | Used by:745 |
Symbol 731 Bitmap | Used by:732 | |
Symbol 732 Graphic | Uses:731 | Used by:745 |
Symbol 733 Bitmap | Used by:734 | |
Symbol 734 Graphic | Uses:733 | Used by:745 |
Symbol 735 Bitmap | Used by:736 | |
Symbol 736 Graphic | Uses:735 | Used by:745 |
Symbol 737 Bitmap | Used by:738 | |
Symbol 738 Graphic | Uses:737 | Used by:745 |
Symbol 739 Bitmap | Used by:740 | |
Symbol 740 Graphic | Uses:739 | Used by:745 |
Symbol 741 Bitmap | Used by:742 | |
Symbol 742 Graphic | Uses:741 | Used by:745 |
Symbol 743 Bitmap | Used by:744 | |
Symbol 744 Graphic | Uses:743 | Used by:745 |
Symbol 745 MovieClip | Uses:257 258 260 262 264 266 268 270 272 274 276 278 280 282 284 286 288 290 292 294 296 298 300 302 304 305 306 308 310 312 314 316 318 320 322 324 326 328 330 332 334 336 338 340 342 344 346 348 350 352 354 356 358 360 362 364 366 368 370 372 374 376 378 380 382 384 386 388 390 392 394 396 398 400 402 404 406 408 410 412 414 416 418 420 422 424 426 428 430 432 434 436 438 440 442 444 446 448 450 452 454 456 458 460 462 464 466 468 470 472 474 476 478 480 482 484 486 488 490 492 494 496 498 500 502 504 506 508 510 512 514 516 518 520 522 524 526 528 530 532 534 536 538 540 542 544 546 548 550 552 554 556 558 560 562 564 566 568 570 572 574 576 578 580 582 584 586 588 590 592 594 596 598 600 602 604 606 608 610 612 614 616 618 620 622 624 626 628 630 632 634 636 638 640 642 644 646 648 650 652 654 656 658 660 662 664 666 668 670 672 674 676 678 680 682 684 686 688 690 692 694 696 698 700 702 704 706 708 710 712 714 716 718 720 722 724 726 728 730 732 734 736 738 740 742 744 | Used by:Timeline |
Symbol 746 Graphic | Used by:747 | |
Symbol 747 MovieClip | Uses:746 | Used by:Timeline |
Symbol 748 Graphic | Used by:792 | |
Symbol 749 EditableText | Uses:237 | Used by:792 |
Symbol 750 Graphic | Used by:792 | |
Symbol 751 Graphic | Used by:792 | |
Symbol 752 EditableText | Uses:237 | Used by:792 |
Symbol 753 Graphic | Used by:792 | |
Symbol 754 EditableText | Uses:237 | Used by:792 |
Symbol 755 Graphic | Used by:792 | |
Symbol 756 Graphic | Used by:792 | |
Symbol 757 EditableText | Uses:237 | Used by:792 |
Symbol 758 Graphic | Used by:792 | |
Symbol 759 Graphic | Used by:792 | |
Symbol 760 EditableText | Uses:237 | Used by:792 |
Symbol 761 Graphic | Used by:792 | |
Symbol 762 Graphic | Used by:792 | |
Symbol 763 EditableText | Uses:237 | Used by:792 |
Symbol 764 Graphic | Used by:792 | |
Symbol 765 EditableText | Uses:237 | Used by:792 |
Symbol 766 Graphic | Used by:792 | |
Symbol 767 EditableText | Uses:237 | Used by:792 |
Symbol 768 Graphic | Used by:792 | |
Symbol 769 EditableText | Uses:237 | Used by:792 |
Symbol 770 Graphic | Used by:792 | |
Symbol 771 Graphic | Used by:792 | |
Symbol 772 EditableText | Uses:237 | Used by:792 |
Symbol 773 Graphic | Used by:792 | |
Symbol 774 Graphic | Used by:792 | |
Symbol 775 EditableText | Uses:237 | Used by:792 |
Symbol 776 Graphic | Used by:792 | |
Symbol 777 Graphic | Used by:792 | |
Symbol 778 EditableText | Uses:237 | Used by:792 |
Symbol 779 Graphic | Used by:792 | |
Symbol 780 EditableText | Uses:237 | Used by:792 |
Symbol 781 Graphic | Used by:792 | |
Symbol 782 Graphic | Used by:792 | |
Symbol 783 EditableText | Uses:237 | Used by:792 |
Symbol 784 Graphic | Used by:792 | |
Symbol 785 EditableText | Uses:237 | Used by:792 |
Symbol 786 Graphic | Used by:792 | |
Symbol 787 EditableText | Uses:237 | Used by:792 |
Symbol 788 Graphic | Used by:792 | |
Symbol 789 EditableText | Uses:237 | Used by:792 |
Symbol 790 Graphic | Used by:792 | |
Symbol 791 EditableText | Uses:237 | Used by:792 |
Symbol 792 MovieClip | Uses:748 749 750 751 752 753 754 755 756 757 758 759 760 761 762 763 764 765 766 767 768 769 770 771 772 773 774 775 776 777 778 779 780 781 782 783 784 785 786 787 788 789 790 791 | Used by:Timeline |
Symbol 793 EditableText | Uses:82 | Used by:796 |
Symbol 794 EditableText | Uses:82 | Used by:796 |
Symbol 795 EditableText | Uses:82 | Used by:796 |
Symbol 796 MovieClip | Uses:793 794 795 | Used by:Timeline |
Symbol 797 Graphic | Used by:820 | |
Symbol 798 Graphic | Used by:820 | |
Symbol 799 EditableText | Uses:232 | Used by:820 |
Symbol 800 Graphic | Used by:820 | |
Symbol 801 EditableText | Uses:232 | Used by:820 |
Symbol 802 EditableText | Uses:232 | Used by:820 |
Symbol 803 Graphic | Used by:820 | |
Symbol 804 Graphic | Used by:820 | |
Symbol 805 Graphic | Used by:820 | |
Symbol 806 Graphic | Used by:820 | |
Symbol 807 Graphic | Used by:820 | |
Symbol 808 Graphic | Used by:820 | |
Symbol 809 Graphic | Used by:820 | |
Symbol 810 Graphic | Used by:820 | |
Symbol 811 Graphic | Used by:820 | |
Symbol 812 Graphic | Used by:820 | |
Symbol 813 Graphic | Used by:820 | |
Symbol 814 Graphic | Used by:820 | |
Symbol 815 Graphic | Used by:820 | |
Symbol 816 Graphic | Used by:820 | |
Symbol 817 Graphic | Used by:820 | |
Symbol 818 Bitmap | Used by:819 | |
Symbol 819 Graphic | Uses:818 | Used by:820 |
Symbol 820 MovieClip | Uses:797 798 799 800 801 802 803 804 805 806 807 808 809 810 811 812 813 814 815 816 817 819 | Used by:Timeline |
Symbol 821 Graphic | Used by:822 | |
Symbol 822 MovieClip | Uses:821 | Used by:Timeline |
Symbol 823 Graphic | Used by:829 | |
Symbol 824 Graphic | Used by:829 | |
Symbol 825 Graphic | Used by:829 | |
Symbol 826 Graphic | Used by:829 | |
Symbol 827 Graphic | Used by:829 | |
Symbol 828 Graphic | Used by:829 | |
Symbol 829 MovieClip | Uses:823 824 825 826 827 828 | Used by:Timeline |
Symbol 830 Graphic | Used by:834 | |
Symbol 831 EditableText | Uses:237 | Used by:834 |
Symbol 832 EditableText | Uses:237 | Used by:834 |
Symbol 833 EditableText | Uses:237 | Used by:834 |
Symbol 834 MovieClip | Uses:830 831 832 833 | Used by:Timeline |
Symbol 835 Graphic | Used by:855 | |
Symbol 836 EditableText | Uses:232 | Used by:855 |
Symbol 837 Bitmap | Used by:838 | |
Symbol 838 Graphic | Uses:837 | Used by:855 |
Symbol 839 EditableText | Uses:232 | Used by:855 |
Symbol 840 Bitmap | Used by:841 | |
Symbol 841 Graphic | Uses:840 | Used by:855 |
Symbol 842 EditableText | Uses:232 | Used by:855 |
Symbol 843 Graphic | Used by:855 | |
Symbol 844 EditableText | Uses:232 | Used by:855 |
Symbol 845 EditableText | Uses:232 | Used by:855 |
Symbol 846 EditableText | Uses:232 | Used by:855 |
Symbol 847 EditableText | Uses:232 | Used by:855 |
Symbol 848 Graphic | Used by:855 | |
Symbol 849 EditableText | Uses:232 | Used by:855 |
Symbol 850 Graphic | Used by:855 | |
Symbol 851 EditableText | Uses:232 | Used by:855 |
Symbol 852 EditableText | Uses:232 | Used by:855 |
Symbol 853 Graphic | Used by:855 | |
Symbol 854 EditableText | Uses:232 | Used by:855 |
Symbol 855 MovieClip | Uses:835 836 838 839 841 842 843 844 845 846 847 848 849 850 851 852 853 854 | Used by:Timeline |
Symbol 856 EditableText | Uses:82 | Used by:859 |
Symbol 857 EditableText | Uses:82 | Used by:859 |
Symbol 858 EditableText | Uses:82 | Used by:859 |
Symbol 859 MovieClip | Uses:856 857 858 | Used by:Timeline |
Symbol 860 Font | Used by:861 863 | |
Symbol 861 EditableText | Uses:860 | Used by:862 |
Symbol 862 MovieClip | Uses:861 | Used by:Timeline |
Symbol 863 EditableText | Uses:860 | Used by:864 |
Symbol 864 MovieClip | Uses:863 | Used by:Timeline |
Symbol 865 Bitmap | Used by:866 | |
Symbol 866 Graphic | Uses:865 | Used by:877 |
Symbol 867 Bitmap | Used by:868 | |
Symbol 868 Graphic | Uses:867 | Used by:877 |
Symbol 869 Bitmap | Used by:870 | |
Symbol 870 Graphic | Uses:869 | Used by:877 |
Symbol 871 Bitmap | Used by:872 | |
Symbol 872 Graphic | Uses:871 | Used by:877 |
Symbol 873 Bitmap | Used by:874 | |
Symbol 874 Graphic | Uses:873 | Used by:877 |
Symbol 875 Bitmap | Used by:876 | |
Symbol 876 Graphic | Uses:875 | Used by:877 |
Symbol 877 MovieClip | Uses:866 868 870 872 874 876 | Used by:Timeline |
Instance Names (7.69 KiB)
"percent_text" | Frame 1 | Symbol 78 EditableText |
"redloadingbar_mc" | Frame 1 | Symbol 81 MovieClip |
"sheet_mc" | Frame 2 | Symbol 86 MovieClip |
"bg_mc" | Frame 2 | Symbol 231 MovieClip |
"mon0_mc" | Frame 2 | Symbol 234 MovieClip |
"plate_mc" | Frame 2 | Symbol 256 MovieClip |
"plate2_mc" | Frame 2 | Symbol 256 MovieClip |
"bg2_mc" | Frame 2 | Symbol 231 MovieClip |
"sprite1_mc" | Frame 2 | Symbol 745 MovieClip |
"sprite2_mc" | Frame 2 | Symbol 745 MovieClip |
"vb_mc" | Frame 2 | Symbol 747 MovieClip |
"sprite3_mc" | Frame 2 | Symbol 745 MovieClip |
"sprite4_mc" | Frame 2 | Symbol 745 MovieClip |
"sprite5_mc" | Frame 2 | Symbol 745 MovieClip |
"sprite6_mc" | Frame 2 | Symbol 745 MovieClip |
"sprite7_mc" | Frame 2 | Symbol 745 MovieClip |
"sprite8_mc" | Frame 2 | Symbol 745 MovieClip |
"sprite9_mc" | Frame 2 | Symbol 745 MovieClip |
"sprite10_mc" | Frame 2 | Symbol 745 MovieClip |
"bubble_mc" | Frame 2 | Symbol 792 MovieClip |
"sprite11_mc" | Frame 2 | Symbol 745 MovieClip |
"sprite12_mc" | Frame 2 | Symbol 745 MovieClip |
"sprite13_mc" | Frame 2 | Symbol 745 MovieClip |
"sprite14_mc" | Frame 2 | Symbol 745 MovieClip |
"sprite15_mc" | Frame 2 | Symbol 745 MovieClip |
"sprite16_mc" | Frame 2 | Symbol 745 MovieClip |
"sprite17_mc" | Frame 2 | Symbol 745 MovieClip |
"sprite19_mc" | Frame 2 | Symbol 745 MovieClip |
"sprite20_mc" | Frame 2 | Symbol 745 MovieClip |
"sprite18_mc" | Frame 2 | Symbol 745 MovieClip |
"beta_mc" | Frame 2 | Symbol 796 MovieClip |
"sprite21_mc" | Frame 2 | Symbol 745 MovieClip |
"sprite22_mc" | Frame 2 | Symbol 745 MovieClip |
"sprite23_mc" | Frame 2 | Symbol 745 MovieClip |
"sprite24_mc" | Frame 2 | Symbol 745 MovieClip |
"sprite25_mc" | Frame 2 | Symbol 745 MovieClip |
"arrow_mc" | Frame 2 | Symbol 820 MovieClip |
"meter1_mc" | Frame 2 | Symbol 822 MovieClip |
"meter2_mc" | Frame 2 | Symbol 822 MovieClip |
"bar1_mc" | Frame 2 | Symbol 829 MovieClip |
"bar2_mc" | Frame 2 | Symbol 829 MovieClip |
"startbutton_mc" | Frame 2 | Symbol 834 MovieClip |
"bg3_mc" | Frame 2 | Symbol 231 MovieClip |
"pop_mc" | Frame 2 | Symbol 855 MovieClip |
"webmasters_mc" | Frame 2 | Symbol 859 MovieClip |
"jumbo_mc" | Frame 2 | Symbol 862 MovieClip |
"jumbo2_mc" | Frame 2 | Symbol 864 MovieClip |
"flag1_mc" | Frame 2 | Symbol 877 MovieClip |
"flag2_mc" | Frame 2 | Symbol 877 MovieClip |
"flag3_mc" | Frame 2 | Symbol 877 MovieClip |
"flag4_mc" | Frame 2 | Symbol 877 MovieClip |
"flag5_mc" | Frame 2 | Symbol 877 MovieClip |
"flag6_mc" | Frame 2 | Symbol 877 MovieClip |
"mon0_txt" | Symbol 234 MovieClip Frame 1 | Symbol 233 EditableText |
"txt2" | Symbol 256 MovieClip Frame 1 | Symbol 238 EditableText |
"txt" | Symbol 256 MovieClip Frame 1 | Symbol 239 EditableText |
"txt" | Symbol 256 MovieClip Frame 6 | Symbol 243 EditableText |
"nam" | Symbol 256 MovieClip Frame 6 | Symbol 244 EditableText |
"txt" | Symbol 256 MovieClip Frame 7 | Symbol 245 EditableText |
"nam" | Symbol 256 MovieClip Frame 7 | Symbol 246 EditableText |
"txt" | Symbol 256 MovieClip Frame 8 | Symbol 247 EditableText |
"nam" | Symbol 256 MovieClip Frame 8 | Symbol 248 EditableText |
"txt" | Symbol 256 MovieClip Frame 9 | Symbol 250 EditableText |
"nam" | Symbol 256 MovieClip Frame 9 | Symbol 251 EditableText |
"txt" | Symbol 256 MovieClip Frame 10 | Symbol 252 EditableText |
"nam" | Symbol 256 MovieClip Frame 10 | Symbol 253 EditableText |
"txt" | Symbol 256 MovieClip Frame 11 | Symbol 254 EditableText |
"nam" | Symbol 256 MovieClip Frame 11 | Symbol 255 EditableText |
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Special Tags (7.17 KiB)
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ExportAssets (56) | Timeline Frame 1 | Symbol 74 as "Initialization" |