[Tools][Expand/Collapse All]Note that automatic extraction of ActionScript 3 is still pretty much unsupported by swfchan. AS1/AS2 works okay most of the time.Section 1 (264 B)
//card_271 (GateLite_fla.card_271)
package GateLite_fla {
import flash.display.*;
public dynamic class card_271 extends MovieClip {
public function card_271(){
addFrameScript(0, frame1);
function frame1(){
}//package GateLite_fla
Section 2 (228 B)
//cobaltMixAttack_179 (GateLite_fla.cobaltMixAttack_179)
package GateLite_fla {
import flash.display.*;
public dynamic class cobaltMixAttack_179 extends MovieClip {
public var hitBox:MovieClip;
}//package GateLite_fla
Section 3 (231 B)
//cobaltPrinAttack_194 (GateLite_fla.cobaltPrinAttack_194)
package GateLite_fla {
import flash.display.*;
public dynamic class cobaltPrinAttack_194 extends MovieClip {
public var hitBox:MovieClip;
}//package GateLite_fla
Section 4 (276 B)
//control_276 (GateLite_fla.control_276)
package GateLite_fla {
import flash.display.*;
public dynamic class control_276 extends MovieClip {
public function control_276(){
addFrameScript(0, frame1);
function frame1(){
}//package GateLite_fla
Section 5 (272 B)
//errorX_272 (GateLite_fla.errorX_272)
package GateLite_fla {
import flash.display.*;
public dynamic class errorX_272 extends MovieClip {
public function errorX_272(){
addFrameScript(0, frame1);
function frame1(){
}//package GateLite_fla
Section 6 (620 B)
//g1_pyxis_205 (GateLite_fla.g1_pyxis_205)
package GateLite_fla {
import flash.display.*;
public dynamic class g1_pyxis_205 extends MovieClip {
public var item:MovieClip;
public var itemAnim:MovieClip;
public function g1_pyxis_205(){
addFrameScript(0, frame1, 9, frame10, 10, frame11, 15, frame16, 19, frame20, 25, frame26);
function frame10(){
function frame16(){
function frame1(){
function frame26(){
function frame20(){
function frame11(){
}//package GateLite_fla
Section 7 (646 B)
//g1_salamander_clown_204 (GateLite_fla.g1_salamander_clown_204)
package GateLite_fla {
import flash.display.*;
public dynamic class g1_salamander_clown_204 extends MovieClip {
public function g1_salamander_clown_204(){
addFrameScript(0, frame1, 1, frame2, 7, frame8, 13, frame14, 14, frame15, 15, frame16, 16, frame17);
function frame14(){
function frame15(){
function frame16(){
function frame1(){
function frame17(){
function frame8(){
function frame2(){
}//package GateLite_fla
Section 8 (218 B)
//gristGetDisp_255 (GateLite_fla.gristGetDisp_255)
package GateLite_fla {
import flash.display.*;
public dynamic class gristGetDisp_255 extends MovieClip {
public var gText:MovieClip;
}//package GateLite_fla
Section 9 (234 B)
//gristText_258 (GateLite_fla.gristText_258)
package GateLite_fla {
import flash.display.*;
import flash.text.*;
public dynamic class gristText_258 extends MovieClip {
public var gristNum:TextField;
}//package GateLite_fla
Section 10 (442 B)
//gritBar_309 (GateLite_fla.gritBar_309)
package GateLite_fla {
import flash.display.*;
public dynamic class gritBar_309 extends MovieClip {
public function gritBar_309(){
addFrameScript(0, frame1, 1, frame2, 244, frame245, 249, frame250);
function frame1(){
function frame2(){
function frame245(){
function frame250(){
}//package GateLite_fla
Section 11 (384 B)
//impCobaltMix_177 (GateLite_fla.impCobaltMix_177)
package GateLite_fla {
import flash.display.*;
public dynamic class impCobaltMix_177 extends MovieClip {
public var hp:MovieClip;
public var attack:MovieClip;
public var idle:MovieClip;
public function impCobaltMix_177(){
addFrameScript(0, frame1);
function frame1(){
}//package GateLite_fla
Section 12 (388 B)
//impCobaltPrin_192 (GateLite_fla.impCobaltPrin_192)
package GateLite_fla {
import flash.display.*;
public dynamic class impCobaltPrin_192 extends MovieClip {
public var hp:MovieClip;
public var attack:MovieClip;
public var idle:MovieClip;
public function impCobaltPrin_192(){
addFrameScript(0, frame1);
function frame1(){
}//package GateLite_fla
Section 13 (388 B)
//impMercuryHar_187 (GateLite_fla.impMercuryHar_187)
package GateLite_fla {
import flash.display.*;
public dynamic class impMercuryHar_187 extends MovieClip {
public var hp:MovieClip;
public var attack:MovieClip;
public var idle:MovieClip;
public function impMercuryHar_187(){
addFrameScript(0, frame1);
function frame1(){
}//package GateLite_fla
Section 14 (388 B)
//impMercuryMix_167 (GateLite_fla.impMercuryMix_167)
package GateLite_fla {
import flash.display.*;
public dynamic class impMercuryMix_167 extends MovieClip {
public var hp:MovieClip;
public var attack:MovieClip;
public var idle:MovieClip;
public function impMercuryMix_167(){
addFrameScript(0, frame1);
function frame1(){
}//package GateLite_fla
Section 15 (392 B)
//impMercuryMix2_162 (GateLite_fla.impMercuryMix2_162)
package GateLite_fla {
import flash.display.*;
public dynamic class impMercuryMix2_162 extends MovieClip {
public var hp:MovieClip;
public var attack:MovieClip;
public var idle:MovieClip;
public function impMercuryMix2_162(){
addFrameScript(0, frame1);
function frame1(){
}//package GateLite_fla
Section 16 (404 B)
//impMercuryPrinCat_182 (GateLite_fla.impMercuryPrinCat_182)
package GateLite_fla {
import flash.display.*;
public dynamic class impMercuryPrinCat_182 extends MovieClip {
public var hp:MovieClip;
public var attack:MovieClip;
public var idle:MovieClip;
public function impMercuryPrinCat_182(){
addFrameScript(0, frame1);
function frame1(){
}//package GateLite_fla
Section 17 (380 B)
//impShaleCat_132 (GateLite_fla.impShaleCat_132)
package GateLite_fla {
import flash.display.*;
public dynamic class impShaleCat_132 extends MovieClip {
public var hp:MovieClip;
public var attack:MovieClip;
public var idle:MovieClip;
public function impShaleCat_132(){
addFrameScript(0, frame1);
function frame1(){
}//package GateLite_fla
Section 18 (380 B)
//impShaleHar_127 (GateLite_fla.impShaleHar_127)
package GateLite_fla {
import flash.display.*;
public dynamic class impShaleHar_127 extends MovieClip {
public var hp:MovieClip;
public var attack:MovieClip;
public var idle:MovieClip;
public function impShaleHar_127(){
addFrameScript(0, frame1);
function frame1(){
}//package GateLite_fla
Section 19 (396 B)
//impShaleHarHulu_137 (GateLite_fla.impShaleHarHulu_137)
package GateLite_fla {
import flash.display.*;
public dynamic class impShaleHarHulu_137 extends MovieClip {
public var hp:MovieClip;
public var attack:MovieClip;
public var idle:MovieClip;
public function impShaleHarHulu_137(){
addFrameScript(0, frame1);
function frame1(){
}//package GateLite_fla
Section 20 (396 B)
//impShaleHarSuit_172 (GateLite_fla.impShaleHarSuit_172)
package GateLite_fla {
import flash.display.*;
public dynamic class impShaleHarSuit_172 extends MovieClip {
public var hp:MovieClip;
public var attack:MovieClip;
public var idle:MovieClip;
public function impShaleHarSuit_172(){
addFrameScript(0, frame1);
function frame1(){
}//package GateLite_fla
Section 21 (380 B)
//impShaleMix_108 (GateLite_fla.impShaleMix_108)
package GateLite_fla {
import flash.display.*;
public dynamic class impShaleMix_108 extends MovieClip {
public var hp:MovieClip;
public var attack:MovieClip;
public var idle:MovieClip;
public function impShaleMix_108(){
addFrameScript(0, frame1);
function frame1(){
}//package GateLite_fla
Section 22 (384 B)
//impShaleMix2_142 (GateLite_fla.impShaleMix2_142)
package GateLite_fla {
import flash.display.*;
public dynamic class impShaleMix2_142 extends MovieClip {
public var hp:MovieClip;
public var attack:MovieClip;
public var idle:MovieClip;
public function impShaleMix2_142(){
addFrameScript(0, frame1);
function frame1(){
}//package GateLite_fla
Section 23 (384 B)
//impShalePrin_122 (GateLite_fla.impShalePrin_122)
package GateLite_fla {
import flash.display.*;
public dynamic class impShalePrin_122 extends MovieClip {
public var hp:MovieClip;
public var attack:MovieClip;
public var idle:MovieClip;
public function impShalePrin_122(){
addFrameScript(0, frame1);
function frame1(){
}//package GateLite_fla
Section 24 (396 B)
//impShalePrinCat_147 (GateLite_fla.impShalePrinCat_147)
package GateLite_fla {
import flash.display.*;
public dynamic class impShalePrinCat_147 extends MovieClip {
public var hp:MovieClip;
public var attack:MovieClip;
public var idle:MovieClip;
public function impShalePrinCat_147(){
addFrameScript(0, frame1);
function frame1(){
}//package GateLite_fla
Section 25 (400 B)
//impShalePrinHulu_152 (GateLite_fla.impShalePrinHulu_152)
package GateLite_fla {
import flash.display.*;
public dynamic class impShalePrinHulu_152 extends MovieClip {
public var hp:MovieClip;
public var attack:MovieClip;
public var idle:MovieClip;
public function impShalePrinHulu_152(){
addFrameScript(0, frame1);
function frame1(){
}//package GateLite_fla
Section 26 (400 B)
//impShalePrinSuit_157 (GateLite_fla.impShalePrinSuit_157)
package GateLite_fla {
import flash.display.*;
public dynamic class impShalePrinSuit_157 extends MovieClip {
public var hp:MovieClip;
public var attack:MovieClip;
public var idle:MovieClip;
public function impShalePrinSuit_157(){
addFrameScript(0, frame1);
function frame1(){
}//package GateLite_fla
Section 27 (268 B)
//items_206 (GateLite_fla.items_206)
package GateLite_fla {
import flash.display.*;
public dynamic class items_206 extends MovieClip {
public function items_206(){
addFrameScript(0, frame1);
function frame1(){
}//package GateLite_fla
Section 28 (310 B)
//launcher_311 (GateLite_fla.launcher_311)
package GateLite_fla {
import flash.display.*;
public dynamic class launcher_311 extends MovieClip {
public var disp:MovieClip;
public function launcher_311(){
addFrameScript(0, frame1);
function frame1(){
}//package GateLite_fla
Section 29 (102.89 KiB) ● ● ● ●
//MainTimeline (GateLite_fla.MainTimeline)
package GateLite_fla {
import flash.events.*;
import flash.geom.*;
import flash.display.*;
import flash.text.*;
import flash.ui.*;
import flash.media.*;
import adobe.utils.*;
import flash.accessibility.*;
import flash.errors.*;
import flash.external.*;
import flash.filters.*;
import flash.net.*;
import flash.printing.*;
import flash.system.*;
import flash.utils.*;
import flash.xml.*;
public dynamic class MainTimeline extends MovieClip {
public var itemNames:Array;
public var camPos:Point;
public var manhandle:Array;
public var yDiff:Number;
public var pressed:Array;
public var curStack:int;
public var zoomin:Boolean;
public var tDist:Number;
public var gristGets:Array;
public var pipe3:MovieClip;
public var pipe4:MovieClip;
public var pipe7:MovieClip;
public var pipe8:MovieClip;
public var pipe10:MovieClip;
public var pipe13:MovieClip;
public var killCount:int;
public var pipe9:MovieClip;
public var pipe18:MovieClip;
public var tree5:MovieClip;
public var tree6:MovieClip;
public var tree7:MovieClip;
public var tree8:MovieClip;
public var tree2:MovieClip;
public var sassacrusher:MovieClip;
public var pipe19:MovieClip;
public var pipe16:MovieClip;
public var tree3:MovieClip;
public var tree4:MovieClip;
public var pipe12:MovieClip;
public var scaler:Number;
public var tree9:MovieClip;
public var tree1:MovieClip;
public var pipe21:MovieClip;
public var pipe22:MovieClip;
public var pipe23:MovieClip;
public var pipe24:MovieClip;
public var pipe25:MovieClip;
public var mousey:MovieClip;
public var pyxed:Array;
public var changing:Boolean;
public var textDelay:int;
public var moving:Boolean;
public var using:Boolean;
public var drained:Boolean;
public var delivering:Boolean;
public var grists:Array;
public var query:Array;
public var statueBase:MovieClip;
public var teleBubble:MovieClip;
public var pyxis10:MovieClip;
public var pyxis11:MovieClip;
public var pyxis12:MovieClip;
public var pyxis13:MovieClip;
public var pyxis14:MovieClip;
public var pyxis15:MovieClip;
public var texts:Array;
public var shifted:Point;
public var looking:Boolean;
public var tempMc:DisplayObject;
public var artPos:Point;
public var hud:MovieClip;
public var salamander2:MovieClip;
public var salamander3:MovieClip;
public var salamander6:MovieClip;
public var salamander7:MovieClip;
public var salamander8:MovieClip;
public var salamander9:MovieClip;
public var salamander4:MovieClip;
public var newPos:Point;
public var textz:TextFormat;
public var pyxis:Array;
public var hp:int;
public var curAction:Array;
public var malking:Boolean;
public var curSalamander:MovieClip;
public var keying:Boolean;
public var salamander5:MovieClip;
public var mouser:Point;
public var myMenu:ContextMenu;
public var charSet:Array;
public var resetting:Boolean;
public var pausing:Boolean;
public var tScale:Number;
public var curPyx:int;
public var spritePos:Point;
public var scale:Number;
public var glubs:Array;
public var nannaChats:Array;
public var pickUps:Array;
public var spawned:Boolean;
public var spaceHeld:int;
public var map:MovieClip;
public var extraText:Array;
public var targ:Point;
public var inventory:Array;
public var muted:Boolean;
public var scaleRate:Number;
public var launchItem:int;
public var curItem:int;
public var spacer1:MovieClip;
public var spacer4:MovieClip;
public var spacer5:MovieClip;
public var spacer3:MovieClip;
public var spacer2:MovieClip;
public var choice:int;
public var disp:Point;
public var tCard:MovieClip;
public var dist:Point;
public var spd:Number;
public var mainF:int;
public var salamanderExtra:MovieClip;
public var main:int;
public var walk:Array;
public var curChat:int;
public var ang:Number;
public var kingPipe:MovieClip;
public var bumpDelay:int;
public var powerUps:Array;
public var interacting:int;
public var poser:Point;
public var pyxing:Boolean;
public var exiting:Boolean;
public var sounderz:MovieClip;
public var songChan:SoundChannel;
public var curS:int;
public var salamander11:MovieClip;
public var salamander12:MovieClip;
public var salamander13:MovieClip;
public var salamander14:MovieClip;
public var salamander15:MovieClip;
public var salamander17:MovieClip;
public var salamander18:MovieClip;
public var salamander19:MovieClip;
public var salamander16:MovieClip;
public var salamander10:MovieClip;
public var querying:Boolean;
public var enemies:Array;
public var iCount;
public var tree12:MovieClip;
public var door1:MovieClip;
public var tree10:MovieClip;
public var tree18:MovieClip;
public var tree19:MovieClip;
public var door6:MovieClip;
public var door7:MovieClip;
public var door8:MovieClip;
public var door9:MovieClip;
public var door3:MovieClip;
public var door10:MovieClip;
public var tree13:MovieClip;
public var tree14:MovieClip;
public var tree16:MovieClip;
public var door2:MovieClip;
public var door11:MovieClip;
public var door5:MovieClip;
public var pyxis1:MovieClip;
public var pyxis2:MovieClip;
public var pyxis4:MovieClip;
public var pyxis6:MovieClip;
public var pyxis7:MovieClip;
public var pyxis8:MovieClip;
public var pyxis9:MovieClip;
public var pyxis3:MovieClip;
public var tree26:MovieClip;
public var tree27:MovieClip;
public var tree29:MovieClip;
public var tree17:MovieClip;
public var tree24:MovieClip;
public var door4:MovieClip;
public var tree28:MovieClip;
public var tree22:MovieClip;
public var tree15:MovieClip;
public var tree25:MovieClip;
public var sCont:SoundTransform;
public var psMode:Boolean;
public var pyxis5:MovieClip;
public var tree21:MovieClip;
public var pos:Point;
public var salamander:MovieClip;
public var tree30:MovieClip;
public var tree20:MovieClip;
public var ruinsDesecrated:int;
public var tree35:MovieClip;
public var tree36:MovieClip;
public var tree39:MovieClip;
public var tree33:MovieClip;
public var tree32:MovieClip;
public var tree37:MovieClip;
public var spriteFloat:Number;
public var texter:String;
public var tree41:MovieClip;
public var textDelay2:int;
public var tree43:MovieClip;
public var tree44:MovieClip;
public var tree47:MovieClip;
public var doors:Array;
public var options:Sprite;
public var depthed:Array;
public var fText:String;
public var tree50:MovieClip;
public var tree51:MovieClip;
public var tree52:MovieClip;
public var tree54:MovieClip;
public var tree56:MovieClip;
public var tree58:MovieClip;
public var tree59:MovieClip;
public var tree53:MovieClip;
public var tree57:MovieClip;
public var tree61:MovieClip;
public var hovered:Point;
public var urnsToppled:int;
public var deathCount:int;
public var gushCount:int;
public var tempText:TextField;
public var inters:Array;
public var zooming:Boolean;
public var curRoom:int;
public var getting:int;
public var launching:Boolean;
public var crux:item31;
public var char:MovieClip;
public var hotSpots:Array;
public var examine:Array;
public var cruxed:Boolean;
public var chosen:Boolean;
public var sylladex:Array;
public var idiotMessages:Array;
public var enemy01:MovieClip;
public var enemy02:MovieClip;
public var enemy03:MovieClip;
public var enemy05:MovieClip;
public var enemy07:MovieClip;
public var txtOutput:TextField;
public var enemy06:MovieClip;
public var enemy08:MovieClip;
public var enemy09:MovieClip;
public var enemy04:MovieClip;
public var vel:Point;
public var enemy:MovieClip;
public var enemy10:MovieClip;
public var enemy11:MovieClip;
public var enemy12:MovieClip;
public var enemy13:MovieClip;
public var enemy14:MovieClip;
public var enemy15:MovieClip;
public var enemy16:MovieClip;
public var enemy18:MovieClip;
public var enemy19:MovieClip;
public var enemy17:MovieClip;
public var allPicks:Array;
public var enemy20:MovieClip;
public var enemy21:MovieClip;
public var enemy23:MovieClip;
public var enemy22:MovieClip;
public var enemy24:MovieClip;
public var facing:String;
public var statueHead:MovieClip;
public var tombsDefiled:int;
public var gameOver:Boolean;
public function MainTimeline(){
addFrameScript(0, frame1, 1, frame2, 99, frame100, 100, frame101, 615, frame616, 616, frame617, 618, frame619, 619, frame620);
function frame619(){
public function getHit(_arg1):void{
var _local2:Number;
_local2 = Math.atan2((char.y - enemy.y), (char.x - enemy.x));
vel.x = (Math.cos(_local2) * 20);
vel.y = (Math.sin(_local2) * 20);
moving = false;
keying = false;
hp = (hp - _arg1);
char.grit.alpha = 0;
spaceHeld = 0;
function frame1(){
this.loaderInfo.addEventListener(ProgressEvent.PROGRESS, progresser);
myMenu = new ContextMenu();
function frame620(){
salamanderExtra.alpha = 0;
function frame2(){
grists = new Array(0, 0, 0, 0, 0);
killCount = 0;
deathCount = 0;
urnsToppled = 0;
ruinsDesecrated = 0;
tombsDefiled = 0;
public function act(_arg1, _arg2):void{
var _local3:int;
switch (_arg1){
case 1:
case 2:
curAction[interacting][1].splice(choice, 1);
case 3:
changing = true;
curRoom = _arg2[0];
newPos = new Point(_arg2[1], _arg2[2]);
camPos = new Point(_arg2[3], _arg2[4]);
disp = new Point(0, 0);
case 4:
fText = _arg2[1];
zooming = true;
case 5:
curAction[interacting][1][choice] = this[_arg2[0]][_arg2[1]];
case "salamanderTalk":
curSalamander = this[curAction[interacting][0]];
curSalamander.gotoAndStop(("talk" + Math.ceil((Math.random() * 3))));
case "queryTalk":
curSalamander = this[curAction[interacting][0]];
curSalamander.gotoAndStop(("talk" + Math.ceil((Math.random() * 3))));
querying = true;
query = _arg2;
case "queryMalk":
curSalamander = this[curAction[interacting][0]];
curSalamander.gotoAndStop(("talk" + Math.ceil((Math.random() * 3))));
querying = true;
malking = true;
query = _arg2;
case "glubSet":
curSalamander = this[curAction[interacting][0]];
curSalamander.gotoAndStop(("talk" + Math.ceil((Math.random() * 3))));
curAction[interacting][1][choice] = this[_arg2[0]][_arg2[1]];
case "extra":
if (((((((interacting) && (curAction[interacting]))) && (curAction[interacting][0]))) && (this[curAction[interacting][0]]))){
curSalamander = this[curAction[interacting][0]];
curSalamander.gotoAndStop(("talk" + Math.ceil((Math.random() * 3))));
while (extraText.length < _arg2.length) {
case "pyxis":
_local3 = 0;
while (_local3 < pyxis.length) {
if ((((pyxis[_local3][0] == curAction[interacting][0])) && ((((this[pyxis[_local3][0]].currentFrame == 1)) || ((this[pyxis[_local3][0]].currentFrame == 11)))))){
curPyx = _local3;
if (pyxis[_local3][1]){
if (pyxis[_local3][1] == -1){
curAction.splice(interacting, 1);
inters.splice(inters.indexOf(pyxis[_local3][0]), 1);
pyxis[_local3][1] = -2;
pyxing = false;
curPyx = -1;
} else {
pyxing = true;
} else {
querying = true;
query = new Array("Put something in? [Y/N]", "addPyx", false);
texter = "Put something in? [Y/N]";
textDelay = 0;
case "kingPipe":
case "frogTalk":
function frame617(){
addGrist(gel, 1, 772.1, 852, true);
addGrist(gel, 1, -2077.4, -2412, true);
public function sanitizeRoom():void{
var _local1:int;
_local1 = 0;
while (_local1 < numChildren) {
if ((this.getChildAt(_local1) is MovieClip)){
MovieClip(getChildAt(_local1)).mouseEnabled = false;
MovieClip(getChildAt(_local1)).buttonMode = false;
MovieClip(getChildAt(_local1)).enabled = false;
MovieClip(getChildAt(_local1)).forceSimple = true;
hud.mouseEnabled = true;
public function init():void{
var _local1:*;
var _local2:*;
_local1 = 0;
while (_local1 < 4) {
sylladex.push(new Array());
inventory.push(new Array());
_local2 = 0;
while (_local2 < 6) {
tCard = new card();
tCard.y = -110;
if (_local2 == 0){
inventory[0][0] = 14;
inventory[0][1] = 9;
inventory[1][0] = 8;
inventory[1][1] = 5;
inventory[1][2] = 12;
inventory[2][0] = 6;
inventory[2][1] = 11;
inventory[2][2] = 10;
inventory[2][3] = 11;
inventory[2][4] = 10;
inventory[2][5] = 11;
inventory[3][0] = 7;
inventory[3][1] = 4;
inventory[3][2] = 3;
inventory[3][3] = 13;
public function randPyx(_arg1):String{
var _local2:int;
var _local3:Array;
_local2 = 0;
while (_local2 < pyxis.length) {
if (pyxis[_local2][0] == _arg1){
if (pyxis[_local2][1]){
_local3 = new Array("This is great! Something is in there. Take a look.", "Hooray! This one contains a prize! Another success for the postal system.", "Open it! Open it!!!", "How exciting! A parcel for you. Retrieve it!");
} else {
_local3 = new Array("This one's empty. Perhaps a delivery is in order?", "There is nothing inside. Should we put something in?");
return (_local3[int(((Math.random() * _local3.length) - 0.01))]);
public function checkDepths():void{
var _local1:int;
var _local2:Array;
var _local3:int;
var _local4:int;
var _local5:Number;
var _local6:int;
if (hud.zooms.currentFrame == 1){
_local1 = 0;
_local2 = new Array(new Array(char, char.y, getChildIndex(char)));
_local1 = 0;
while (_local1 < enemies.length) {
if (((((this[enemies[_local1][0]]) && (contains(this[enemies[_local1][0]])))) && (hud.hitTestObject(this[enemies[_local1][0]])))){
_local2.push(new Array(this[enemies[_local1][0]], this[enemies[_local1][0]].y, getChildIndex(this[enemies[_local1][0]])));
_local1 = 0;
while (_local1 < depthed.length) {
if (((((this[depthed[_local1]]) && (contains(this[depthed[_local1]])))) && (hud.hitTestObject(this[depthed[_local1]])))){
_local2.push(new Array(this[depthed[_local1]], this[depthed[_local1]].y, getChildIndex(this[depthed[_local1]])));
_local1 = 0;
while (_local1 < pickUps.length) {
if (hud.hitTestObject(pickUps[_local1][0])){
_local5 = pickUps[_local1][0].y;
if (pickUps[_local1][4]){
_local5 = pickUps[_local1][4];
_local2.push(new Array(pickUps[_local1][0], _local5, getChildIndex(pickUps[_local1][0])));
_local1 = 0;
while (_local1 < powerUps.length) {
if (hud.hitTestObject(powerUps[_local1][0])){
_local2.push(new Array(powerUps[_local1][0], powerUps[_local1][0].y, getChildIndex(powerUps[_local1][0])));
_local4 = 0;
while (_local4 < _local2.length) {
_local6 = 0;
while (_local6 < _local2.length) {
if (_local4 != _local6){
if ((((_local2[_local4][1] < _local2[_local6][1])) && ((_local2[_local4][2] > _local2[_local6][2])))){
_local3 = _local2[_local4][2];
_local2[_local4][2] = _local2[_local6][2];
_local2[_local6][2] = _local3;
} else {
if ((((_local2[_local4][1] > _local2[_local6][1])) && ((_local2[_local4][2] < _local2[_local6][2])))){
_local3 = _local2[_local4][2];
_local2[_local4][2] = _local2[_local6][2];
_local2[_local6][2] = _local3;
_local4 = 0;
while (_local4 < _local2.length) {
setChildIndex(_local2[_local4][0], _local2[_local4][2]);
public function checkCrux():void{
if (cruxed){
crux.alpha = 0;
public function useItem(_arg1:Point):void{
var _local2:int;
var _local3:int;
if ((((curRoom == 4)) && ((inventory[_arg1.x][_arg1.y] == 12)))){
act(4, new Array(2, "YO MAN THIS SURE IS A DOPE VIEW."));
} else {
if (delivering){
this[pyxis[curPyx][0]].item.gotoAndStop((inventory[_arg1.x][_arg1.y] + 1));
if (((((!((curPyx == 1))) || (!((inventory[_arg1.x][_arg1.y] == 7))))) && (((!((curPyx == 6))) || (((!((inventory[_arg1.x][_arg1.y] == 10))) && (!((inventory[_arg1.x][_arg1.y] == 11))))))))){
if (inventory[_arg1.x][_arg1.y] != 12){
} else {
pyxis[14][1] = 12;
} else {
_local3 = inventory[_arg1.x][_arg1.y];
addItem(_local3, new Point(char.x, (char.y - 200)), (15 * char.scaleX));
inventory[_arg1.x].splice(_arg1.y, 1);
_local2 = 0;
while (_local2 < 6) {
sylladex[_arg1.x][_local2].item.gotoAndStop((inventory[_arg1.x][_local2] + 1));
public function keyUp(_arg1:KeyboardEvent):void{
pressed[_arg1.keyCode] = false;
if (_arg1.keyCode == Keyboard.SPACE){
spaceHeld = 0;
function frame100(){
curS = 1;
function frame101(){
sounderz.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, toggleSound);
public function enterFrame(_arg1:Event):void{
var _local2:Point;
var _local3:Boolean;
var _local4:MovieClip;
var _local5:Boolean;
var _local6:int;
var _local7:int;
var _local8:int;
var _local9:int;
var _local10:int;
var _local11:Boolean;
var _local12:int;
var _local13:int;
var _local14:int;
var _local15:int;
var _local16:int;
var _local17:int;
var _local18:int;
var _local19:int;
var _local20:int;
var _local21:int;
var _local22:*;
var _local23:int;
var _local24:int;
var _local25:int;
var _local26:int;
var _local27:String;
var _local28:String;
var _local29:Number;
var _local30:MovieClip;
var _local31:int;
var _local32:MovieClip;
var _local33:Rectangle;
var _local34:BitmapData;
var _local35:Point;
var _local36:Matrix;
var _local37:String;
var _local38:RegExp;
var _local39:String;
var _local40:Point;
var _local41:int;
var _local42:Class;
var _local43:MovieClip;
var _local44:MovieClip;
_local2 = new Point(((stage.stageWidth / 1.8) / scaleX), ((stage.stageHeight / 1.8) / scaleY));
_local3 = false;
if (zoomin){
if (scaleX > 0.5){
scaleX = (scaleY = (scaleY - 0.1));
hud.scaleX = (hud.scaleY = (1 / scaleX));
poser.x = (-(pos.x) + ((stage.stageWidth / scaleX) / 2));
poser.y = (-(pos.y) + ((stage.stageHeight / scaleX) / 1.3));
_local3 = true;
} else {
if (scaleX < 1){
scaleX = (scaleY = (scaleY + 0.1));
hud.scaleX = (hud.scaleY = (1 / scaleX));
poser.x = (-(pos.x) + ((stage.stageWidth / scaleX) / 2));
poser.y = (-(pos.y) + ((stage.stageHeight / scaleX) / 1.3));
_local3 = true;
if (((((!(pausing)) && (!(using)))) && (!(launching)))){
if (((!(zooming)) && ((hud.currentFrame == 1)))){
if (!changing){
if (char.currentFrame < 39){
if (pressed[Keyboard.SPACE]){
if (spaceHeld > 15){
spd = (8 / 2);
char.grit.alpha = 1;
if (char.grit.currentFrame < 245){
} else {
spd = 8;
if (char.grit.currentFrame >= 245){
keying = false;
moving = false;
if (!zoomin){
hotSpots[((currentFrame - mainF) - 1)].push(new Array(char.x, char.y, ((-(pos.x) + (300 * scaleX)) - ((char.scaleX * 200) * scaleX)), (-(pos.y) + (300 * scaleY))));
char.grit.alpha = 0;
char.hp.alpha = 0;
} else {
char.grit.gotoAndStop((char.grit.currentFrame + ((1 - char.grit.currentFrame) / 6)));
if (char.grit.alpha > 0){
char.grit.alpha = (char.grit.alpha - 0.1);
if (!drained){
if (char.pluck.alpha > 0){
char.pluck.alpha = (char.pluck.alpha - 0.1);
if (((pressed[90]) || (pressed[191]))){
if (pressed[Keyboard.SHIFT]){
if ((((char.currentFrame < 39)) || ((((char.currentFrame > 85)) && ((char.currentFrame < 89)))))){
} else {
if ((((char.currentFrame < 39)) || ((((char.currentFrame > 96)) && ((char.currentFrame < 100)))))){
keying = false;
moving = false;
scaler = 1;
if (char.pluck.currentFrame >= 527){
drained = true;
} else {
char.pluck.alpha = 1;
if ((((char.currentFrame > 78)) && ((char.currentFrame < 100)))){
char.pluck.alpha = 1;
char.pluck.gotoAndStop((char.pluck.currentFrame + 3));
} else {
char.pluck.gotoAndStop((char.pluck.currentFrame - 2));
if (char.pluck.currentFrame == 1){
drained = false;
if ((((char.currentFrame < 39)) || ((((char.currentFrame > 58)) && ((char.currentFrame < 78)))))){
if (((pressed[Keyboard.LEFT]) || (pressed[65]))){
vel.x = (vel.x - ((spd / 7) * scale));
if (((!(keying)) || (!((scaler == -1))))){
scaler = -1;
char.gotoAndPlay(("walk" + facing));
keying = true;
moving = false;
} else {
if (((pressed[Keyboard.RIGHT]) || (pressed[68]))){
vel.x = (vel.x + ((spd / 7) * scale));
if (((!(keying)) || (!((scaler == 1))))){
scaler = 1;
char.gotoAndPlay(("walk" + facing));
keying = true;
moving = false;
if (((pressed[Keyboard.UP]) || (pressed[87]))){
vel.y = (vel.y - (((spd / 7) * yDiff) * scale));
if (((!(keying)) || (!((facing == "Back"))))){
facing = "Back";
char.gotoAndPlay(("walk" + facing));
keying = true;
moving = false;
} else {
if (((pressed[Keyboard.DOWN]) || (pressed[83]))){
vel.y = (vel.y + (((spd / 7) * yDiff) * scale));
if (((!(keying)) || (!((facing == "Front"))))){
facing = "Front";
char.gotoAndPlay(("walk" + facing));
keying = true;
moving = false;
if (((((((((((((((((keying) && (!(pressed[Keyboard.LEFT])))) && (!(pressed[Keyboard.RIGHT])))) && (!(pressed[Keyboard.UP])))) && (!(pressed[Keyboard.DOWN])))) && (!(pressed[65])))) && (!(pressed[68])))) && (!(pressed[83])))) && (!(pressed[87])))){
char.gotoAndPlay(("still" + facing));
keying = false;
if (char.currentFrame < 39){
vel = new Point(0, 0);
if (!keying){
if (moving){
dist.x = (targ.x - pos.x);
dist.y = ((targ.y - pos.y) * yDiff);
tDist = Math.sqrt(((dist.x * dist.x) + (dist.y * dist.y)));
if (tDist <= (spd * scale)){
pos.x = targ.x;
pos.y = targ.y;
moving = false;
char.gotoAndPlay(("still" + facing));
} else {
pos.x = (pos.x + ((Math.cos(ang) * spd) * scale));
pos.y = (pos.y + (((Math.sin(ang) * spd) * scale) * yDiff));
if (char.alpha == 1){
_local13 = 0;
while (_local13 <= 10) {
if (((!(map.hitTestPoint((pos.x + ((Math.cos((ang + ((Math.PI / 40) * _local13))) * char.shade.width) / 2)), (pos.y + ((Math.sin((ang + ((Math.PI / 40) * _local13))) * char.shade.height) / 2)), true))) || (!(map.hitTestPoint((pos.x + ((Math.cos((ang - ((Math.PI / 40) * _local13))) * char.shade.width) / 2)), (pos.y + ((Math.sin((ang - ((Math.PI / 40) * _local13))) * char.shade.height) / 2)), true))))){
pos.x = (pos.x - ((Math.cos(ang) * spd) * scale));
pos.y = (pos.y - (((Math.sin(ang) * spd) * scale) * yDiff));
moving = false;
char.gotoAndPlay(("still" + facing));
if (!map.hitTestPoint((pos.x + ((Math.cos(((ang + (Math.PI / 4)) + ((Math.PI / 40) * _local13))) * char.shade.width) / 2)), (pos.y + ((Math.sin(((ang + (Math.PI / 4)) + ((Math.PI / 40) * _local13))) * char.shade.height) / 2)), true)){
pos.x = (pos.x - ((Math.cos(((ang + (Math.PI / 4)) + ((Math.PI / 40) * _local13))) * spd) * scale));
pos.y = (pos.y - (((Math.sin(((ang + (Math.PI / 4)) + ((Math.PI / 40) * _local13))) * spd) * scale) * yDiff));
poser.x = (poser.x + ((Math.cos(((ang + (Math.PI / 4)) + ((Math.PI / 40) * _local13))) * spd) * scale));
poser.y = (poser.y + (((Math.sin(((ang + (Math.PI / 4)) + ((Math.PI / 40) * _local13))) * spd) * scale) * yDiff));
_local13 = 11;
if (!map.hitTestPoint((pos.x + ((Math.cos(((ang - (Math.PI / 4)) - ((Math.PI / 40) * _local13))) * char.shade.width) / 2)), (pos.y + ((Math.sin(((ang - (Math.PI / 4)) - ((Math.PI / 40) * _local13))) * char.shade.height) / 2)), true)){
pos.x = (pos.x - ((Math.cos(((ang - (Math.PI / 4)) - ((Math.PI / 40) * _local13))) * spd) * scale));
pos.y = (pos.y - (((Math.sin(((ang - (Math.PI / 4)) - ((Math.PI / 40) * _local13))) * spd) * scale) * yDiff));
poser.x = (poser.x + ((Math.cos(((ang - (Math.PI / 4)) - ((Math.PI / 40) * _local13))) * spd) * scale));
poser.y = (poser.y + (((Math.sin(((ang - (Math.PI / 4)) - ((Math.PI / 40) * _local13))) * spd) * scale) * yDiff));
_local13 = 11;
} else {
_local13 = 11;
if ((((_local13 == 11)) && (!(looking)))){
if ((((dist.x < 0)) && (((map.x + x) <= 50)))){
poser.x = (poser.x - ((Math.cos(ang) * spd) * scale));
if ((((dist.x > 0)) && ((((x + map.width) + map.x) >= (stage.stageWidth - 50))))){
poser.x = (poser.x - ((Math.cos(ang) * spd) * scale));
if (dist.y > 0){
poser.y = (poser.y - (((Math.sin(ang) * spd) * scale) * yDiff));
if (dist.y < 0){
poser.y = (poser.y - (((Math.sin(ang) * spd) * scale) * yDiff));
if (char.alpha == 1){
shifted = new Point(pos.x, pos.y);
if (((!((vel.x == 0))) || (!((vel.y == 0))))){
_local15 = 0;
while (_local15 < 7) {
_local16 = 1;
while (!(map.hitTestPoint(((pos.x + (vel.x * 0.8)) - ((Math.cos((((Math.PI * 2) / 7) * _local15)) * char.shade.width) / 2)), ((pos.y + (vel.y * 0.8)) - ((Math.sin((((Math.PI * 2) / 7) * _local15)) * char.shade.height) / 2)), true))) {
pos.x = (pos.x + (Math.cos((((Math.PI * 2) / 7) * _local15)) * 0.5));
pos.y = (pos.y + (Math.sin((((Math.PI * 2) / 7) * _local15)) * 0.5));
if (_local16 > 100){
pos.x = (pos.x - (Math.cos((((Math.PI * 2) / 7) * _local15)) * 50));
pos.y = (pos.y - (Math.sin((((Math.PI * 2) / 7) * _local15)) * 50));
if ((((Math.abs((map.x - pos.x)) >= ((stage.stageWidth / 2) / scaleX))) && ((Math.abs(((map.x + map.width) - pos.x)) >= ((stage.stageWidth / 2) / scaleX))))){
poser.x = (poser.x + (shifted.x - pos.x));
if ((((Math.abs((map.y - pos.y)) >= (((stage.stageHeight / 2) / scaleY) + 85))) && ((Math.abs(((map.y + map.height) - pos.y)) >= (((stage.stageHeight / 2) / scaleY) - 85))))){
poser.y = (poser.y + (shifted.y - pos.y));
_local14 = 0;
while (_local14 < doors.length) {
if (this[doors[_local14]]){
if (this[doors[_local14]].hitTestObject(char.shade)){
switch (_local14){
case 0:
act(3, new Array(2, 2979.2, -413, (-(stage.stageWidth) / 2), (-(stage.stageHeight) / 1.5)));
case 1:
act(3, new Array(2, 2979.2, 684, (-(stage.stageWidth) / 2), (-(stage.stageHeight) / 1.5)));
case 2:
act(3, new Array(1, -2505.4, -924.5, (-(stage.stageWidth) / 2), (-(stage.stageHeight) / 1.5)));
case 3:
act(3, new Array(1, -2505.4, -91.3, (-(stage.stageWidth) / 2), (-(stage.stageHeight) / 1.5)));
case 4:
act(3, new Array(1, -1222.1, 2649, (-(stage.stageWidth) / 2), (-(stage.stageHeight) / 1.5)));
case 5:
act(3, new Array(1, 295.1, 2649, (-(stage.stageWidth) / 2), (-(stage.stageHeight) / 1.5)));
case 6:
act(3, new Array(3, 476.9, -2233, (-(stage.stageWidth) / 2), (-(stage.stageHeight) / 1.5)));
case 7:
act(3, new Array(3, 1596.5, -2233, (-(stage.stageWidth) / 2), (-(stage.stageHeight) / 1.5)));
case 8:
act(3, new Array(4, -98.4, 611, (-(stage.stageWidth) / 2), (-(stage.stageHeight) / 1.5)));
case 9:
act(3, new Array(1, 967, -2573, (-(stage.stageWidth) / 2), (-(stage.stageHeight) / 1.5)));
case 10:
pos.x = (pos.x - (vel.x * 2));
pos.y = (pos.y - (vel.y * 2));
vel.x = 0;
vel.y = 0;
keying = false;
char.gotoAndPlay(("still" + facing));
querying = true;
exiting = true;
texter = "/0x00d5f2\"John, this will lead you to new frontiers in this _Land_. Are you sure you are done with this place and ready to move on? There may have been some things you missed!\"";
textDelay = 0;
query = new Array("Exit? Y/N", "exit", false);
if (hud.fader.alpha > 0){
hud.fader.alpha = (hud.fader.alpha - 0.1);
if (hud.fader.alpha > 1){
_local17 = 0;
_local17 = 0;
while (_local17 < enemies.length) {
if (((this[enemies[_local17][0]]) && (contains(this[enemies[_local17][0]])))){
setChildIndex(this[enemies[_local17][0]], (numChildren - 5));
_local17 = 0;
while (_local17 < depthed.length) {
if (((this[depthed[_local17]]) && (contains(this[depthed[_local17]])))){
setChildIndex(this[depthed[_local17]], (numChildren - 5));
_local18 = 0;
while (_local18 < allPicks[((currentFrame - mainF) - 1)].length) {
addItem(allPicks[((currentFrame - mainF) - 1)][_local18][0], new Point(allPicks[((currentFrame - mainF) - 1)][_local18][1], allPicks[((currentFrame - mainF) - 1)][_local18][2]), 0);
_local19 = 0;
while (_local19 < pyxis.length) {
if (((this[pyxis[_local19][0]]) && (contains(this[pyxis[_local19][0]])))){
if (pyxis[_local19][1]){
if (pyxis[_local19][1] == -2){
allPicks[((currentFrame - mainF) - 1)] = new Array();
pos.x = newPos.x;
pos.y = newPos.y;
poser.x = (-(pos.x) - (camPos.x / scaleX));
poser.y = (-(pos.y) - (camPos.y / scaleY));
_local3 = true;
keying = false;
} else {
if (hud.fader.alpha < 1.3){
hud.fader.alpha = (hud.fader.alpha + 0.1);
} else {
if (!exiting){
if (!gameOver){
if (currentFrame > mainF){
_local18 = 0;
while (_local18 < pickUps.length) {
_local22 = pickUps[_local18][0].y;
if (pickUps[_local18][4]){
_local22 = pickUps[_local18][4];
if (pickUps[_local18][1] == 12){
pyxis[14][1] = 12;
} else {
allPicks[((currentFrame - mainF) - 1)].push(new Array(pickUps[_local18][1], pickUps[_local18][0].x, _local22));
_local20 = 0;
while ((((pyxed.length > 0)) && ((_local20 < 50)))) {
_local23 = ((Math.random() * pyxis.length) - 1);
if (!pyxis[_local23][1]){
pyxis[_local23][1] = pyxed[0];
pyxed.splice(0, 1);
pickUps = new Array();
_local21 = (numChildren - 1);
while (_local21 > 0) {
if (((((((((((getChildAt(_local21)) && (!((getChildAt(_local21) == char))))) && (!((getChildAt(_local21) == hud))))) && (!((getChildAt(_local21) == options))))) && (!((getChildAt(_local21) == map))))) && (!((getChildAt(_local21) == mousey))))){
if (((((((((!((getChildAt(_local21) == spacer1))) && (!((getChildAt(_local21) == spacer2))))) && (!((getChildAt(_local21) == spacer3))))) && (!((getChildAt(_local21) == spacer4))))) && (!((getChildAt(_local21) == spacer5))))){
gotoAndStop((curRoom + mainF));
if (!spawned){
spawned = true;
changing = false;
} else {
_local21 = (numChildren - 1);
while (_local21 > 0) {
gotoAndPlay((mainF - 1));
stage.quality = "high";
x = 0;
y = 0;
stage.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, mouseDown);
stage.removeEventListener(KeyboardEvent.KEY_DOWN, keyDown);
stage.removeEventListener(KeyboardEvent.KEY_UP, keyUp);
stage.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_MOVE, mouseMove);
stage.removeEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, enterFrame);
looking = false;
if (currentFrame > mainF){
_local7 = 0;
while (_local7 < hotSpots[((currentFrame - mainF) - 1)].length) {
dist.x = (char.x - hotSpots[((currentFrame - mainF) - 1)][_local7][0]);
dist.y = (char.y - hotSpots[((currentFrame - mainF) - 1)][_local7][1]);
tDist = Math.sqrt(((dist.x * dist.x) + (dist.y * dist.y)));
if (tDist < 100){
looking = true;
artPos = new Point(hotSpots[((currentFrame - mainF) - 1)][_local7][2], hotSpots[((currentFrame - mainF) - 1)][_local7][3]);
if (looking){
tDist = Math.sqrt((Math.pow((artPos.x - x), 2) + Math.pow((artPos.y - y), 2)));
if (tDist > 6){
x = (x + ((artPos.x - x) / 18));
y = (y + ((artPos.y - y) / 18));
disp.x = (disp.x + ((artPos.x - x) / 18));
disp.y = (disp.y + ((artPos.y - y) / 18));
char.scaleY = (scale = (((pos.y / stage.stageHeight) * scaleRate) + tScale));
char.scaleX = (char.scaleY * scaler);
vel.x = (vel.x * 0.9);
vel.y = (vel.y * 0.9);
if (((keying) || ((char.currentFrame >= 39)))){
char.x = (pos.x = (pos.x + vel.x));
char.y = (pos.y = (pos.y + vel.y));
poser.x = (poser.x - vel.x);
poser.y = (poser.y - vel.y);
} else {
char.x = pos.x;
char.y = pos.y;
if (map){
if (Math.abs((map.x - pos.x)) < ((stage.stageWidth / 2) / scaleX)){
poser.x = -(map.x);
if (Math.abs(((map.x + map.width) - pos.x)) < ((stage.stageWidth - (stage.stageWidth / 2)) / scaleX)){
poser.x = ((-(map.x) - map.width) + (stage.stageWidth / scaleX));
if (Math.abs((map.y - pos.y)) < ((stage.stageHeight / 1.5) / scaleY)){
poser.y = -(map.y);
if (Math.abs(((map.y + map.height) - pos.y)) < ((stage.stageHeight - (stage.stageHeight / 1.5)) / scaleY)){
poser.y = ((-(map.y) - map.height) + (stage.stageHeight / scaleY));
if (!looking){
x = (x + (((poser.x * scaleX) - x) / 5));
y = (y + (((poser.y * scaleY) - y) / 5));
if (_local3){
x = (poser.x * scaleX);
y = (poser.y * scaleY);
hud.x = (-(x) / scaleX);
hud.y = (-(y) / scaleY);
setChildIndex(char, (numChildren - 4));
setChildIndex(hud, (numChildren - 3));
setChildIndex(options, (numChildren - 2));
setChildIndex(mousey, (numChildren - 1));
_local8 = (enemies.length - 1);
for (;_local8 >= 0;_local8--) {
if (((((this[enemies[_local8][0]]) && (contains(this[enemies[_local8][0]])))) && (hud.hitTestObject(this[enemies[_local8][0]])))){
enemy = this[enemies[_local8][0]];
if (enemies[_local8][1] > 0){
if (!enemies[_local8][3]){
enemies[_local8][3] = new Point(enemy.x, enemy.y);
enemies[_local8][4] = new Point(enemy.x, enemy.y);
_local24 = 0;
_local25 = 0;
_local26 = 0;
_local28 = String(enemy.valueOf());
switch (_local28.substring(8, _local28.indexOf("_"))){
case "impCobaltMix":
_local24 = 12;
_local26 = 30;
_local25 = 4;
_local27 = "cobalt";
case "impCobaltPrin":
_local24 = 10;
_local26 = 20;
_local25 = 3;
_local27 = "cobalt";
case "impMercuryMix2":
_local24 = 8;
_local26 = 30;
_local25 = 3;
_local27 = "mercury";
case "impMercuryMix":
_local24 = 8;
_local26 = 30;
_local25 = 3;
_local27 = "mercury";
case "impMercuryPrinCat":
_local24 = 7;
_local26 = 30;
_local25 = 2;
_local27 = "mercury";
case "impMercuryHar":
_local24 = 5;
_local26 = 20;
_local25 = 2;
_local27 = "mercury";
case "impShaleMix2":
_local24 = 4;
_local26 = 30;
_local25 = 2;
_local27 = "shale";
case "impShaleMix":
_local24 = 4;
_local26 = 30;
_local25 = 2;
_local27 = "shale";
case "impShaleHarHulu":
_local24 = 4;
_local26 = 20;
_local25 = 2;
_local27 = "shale";
case "impShalePrinHulu":
_local24 = 4;
_local26 = 20;
_local25 = 2;
_local27 = "shale";
case "impShalePrinCat":
_local24 = 4;
_local26 = 30;
_local25 = 1;
_local27 = "shale";
case "impShaleCat":
_local24 = 4;
_local26 = 30;
_local25 = 1;
_local27 = "shale";
case "impShaleHarSuit":
_local24 = 2;
_local26 = 20;
_local25 = 1.5;
_local27 = "shale";
case "impShalePrinSuit":
_local24 = 2;
_local26 = 20;
_local25 = 1.5;
_local27 = "shale";
case "impShaleHar":
_local24 = 2;
_local26 = 20;
_local25 = 1;
_local27 = "shale";
case "impShalePrin":
_local24 = 2;
_local26 = 20;
_local25 = 1;
_local27 = "shale";
enemies[_local8].push(new Array(_local24, _local25, _local26));
enemies[_local8].push(new burst());
enemies[_local8][7].y = -150;
enemies[_local8][7].alpha = 0;
if (char.currentLabel == "hit"){
if (Math.abs(((char.y + 30) - enemy.y)) < 50){
if (((((((enemy.x - char.x) * char.scaleX) / Math.abs(char.scaleX)) < 400)) && (((((enemy.x - char.x) * char.scaleX) / Math.abs(char.scaleX)) > 100)))){
enemies[_local8][1] = (enemies[_local8][1] - (2 / enemies[_local8][5][1]));
enemies[_local8][7].alpha = 1;
enemies[_local8][7].rotation = (Math.random() * 360);
if (char.currentLabel == "hit2"){
if (Math.abs(((char.y + 30) - enemy.y)) < 50){
if (((((((enemy.x - char.x) * char.scaleX) / Math.abs(char.scaleX)) > -400)) && (((((enemy.x - char.x) * char.scaleX) / Math.abs(char.scaleX)) < -100)))){
enemies[_local8][1] = (enemies[_local8][1] - (2 / enemies[_local8][5][1]));
enemies[_local8][7].alpha = 1;
enemies[_local8][7].rotation = (Math.random() * 360);
if ((((Math.abs((char.x - enemy.x)) < 100)) && ((Math.abs((char.y - enemy.y)) < 20)))){
if ((((((Math.abs((char.y - enemy.y)) < 100)) && ((Math.abs((char.x - enemy.x)) < 270)))) && (!((char.x == enemy.x))))){
if (enemy.currentFrame == 1){
enemy.scaleX = (-(Math.abs((char.x - enemy.x))) / (char.x - enemy.x));
if ((Math.random() * ((Math.abs((char.x - enemy.x)) / 4) + 20)) < 1){
enemies[_local8][4].x = enemy.x;
enemies[_local8][4].y = enemy.y;
if ((Math.random() * 50) < 1){
enemies[_local8][4].x = (enemies[_local8][3].x + (((Math.random() * 100) * Math.abs((char.x - enemy.x))) / (char.x - enemy.x)));
enemies[_local8][4].y = (enemies[_local8][3].y + (((Math.random() * 50) * Math.abs((char.y - enemy.y))) / (char.y - enemy.y)));
if ((Math.random() * (70 - enemies[_local8][5][2])) < 1){
do {
_local29 = ((Math.random() * Math.PI) * 2);
enemies[_local8][4].x = (enemy.x + ((Math.cos(_local29) * enemies[_local8][5][2]) * 2));
enemies[_local8][4].y = (enemy.y + ((Math.sin(_local29) * enemies[_local8][5][2]) * 2));
} while ((((Math.abs((enemies[_local8][4].x - enemies[_local8][3].x)) > 100)) || ((Math.abs((enemies[_local8][4].y - enemies[_local8][3].y)) > 50))));
if ((((Math.abs((enemies[_local8][4].x - enemy.x)) > 5)) || ((Math.abs((enemies[_local8][4].y - enemy.y)) > 5)))){
if (enemy.currentFrame != 3){
if (enemy.x > enemies[_local8][4].x){
enemy.scaleX = 1;
} else {
enemy.scaleX = -1;
if ((((((enemy.currentFrame == 3)) && (enemy.idle))) && ((enemy.idle.currentFrame == 3)))){
_local29 = Math.atan2((enemy.y - enemies[_local8][4].y), (enemy.x - enemies[_local8][4].x));
enemy.x = (enemy.x - (Math.cos(_local29) * enemies[_local8][5][2]));
enemy.y = (enemy.y - (Math.sin(_local29) * enemies[_local8][5][2]));
} else {
if (enemy.currentFrame == 3){
if (enemy.currentFrame == 2){
if (enemy.attack){
if (enemy.attack.hitBox){
if (enemy.attack.hitBox.hitTestObject(char.hitZone)){
if (Math.abs((char.y - enemy.y)) < 50){
if (enemy.attack.currentFrame >= (enemy.attack.totalFrames - 1)){
enemy.hp.scaleX = enemy.scaleX;
enemy.hp.x = (-(enemy.scaleX) * 79.5);
if (enemy.hp.currentFrame < (((1 - (enemies[_local8][1] / enemies[_local8][2])) * 90) + 1)){
enemy.hp.gotoAndStop((enemy.hp.currentFrame + Math.ceil((((((1 - (enemies[_local8][1] / enemies[_local8][2])) * 90) + 1) - enemy.hp.currentFrame) / 4))));
enemy.hp.alpha = 1;
if (((!((enemy.currentFrame == 4))) && (!((enemy.currentFrame == 2))))){
if ((Math.random() * 4) < 1){
enemies[_local8][4].x = enemy.x;
enemies[_local8][4].y = enemy.y;
} else {
enemies[_local8][4].x = enemy.x;
enemies[_local8][4].y = enemy.y;
} else {
if (enemy.hp.alpha > 0){
enemy.hp.alpha = (enemy.hp.alpha - 0.1);
if ((((((enemy.currentFrame == 4)) && (enemy.idle))) && ((enemy.idle.currentFrame == enemy.idle.totalFrames)))){
} else {
if (enemy.hp.currentFrame <= 90){
enemy.hp.gotoAndStop((enemy.hp.currentFrame + Math.ceil((((((1 - (enemies[_local8][1] / enemies[_local8][2])) * 90) + 1) - enemy.hp.currentFrame) / 4))));
} else {
if (enemy.hp.currentFrame >= enemy.hp.totalFrames){
dropGrist(enemy.x, enemy.y, enemies[_local8][6]);
enemies[_local8][1] = 10;
_local9 = (pickUps.length - 1);
for (;_local9 >= 0;_local9--) {
if (hud.hitTestObject(pickUps[_local9][0])){
_local30 = pickUps[_local9][0];
if (char.shade.hitTestObject(_local30.core)){
} else {
if (pickUps[_local9][2]){
_local30.x = (_local30.x + pickUps[_local9][2]);
_local30.y = (_local30.y + pickUps[_local9][3]);
if (Math.abs(pickUps[_local9][2]) < 30){
pickUps[_local9][3] = (pickUps[_local9][3] + 1.1);
if (((((!(map.hitTestPoint(_local30.x, pickUps[_local9][4], true))) || ((_local30.x < (-(x) / scaleX))))) || ((_local30.x > ((-(x) / scaleX) + (stage.stageWidth / scaleX)))))){
_local30.x = (_local30.x - pickUps[_local9][2]);
pickUps[_local9][2] = (pickUps[_local9][2] * -0.2);
pickUps[_local9][3] = -5;
if (_local30.y > pickUps[_local9][4]){
pickUps[_local9][2] = 0;
pickUps[_local9][3] = 0;
_local30.y = pickUps[_local9][4];
pickUps[_local9][4] = 0;
if (pickUps[_local9][1] == 3){
pickUps.splice(_local9, 1);
if (pickUps[_local9][1] == 6){
addGrist(gusher, 0, _local30.x, _local30.y);
addGrist(gusher, 0, _local30.x, _local30.y);
addGrist(gusher, 0, _local30.x, _local30.y);
addGrist(gusher, 0, _local30.x, _local30.y);
if (gushCount == 0){
pickUps.splice(_local9, 1);
_local8 = (enemies.length - 1);
while (_local8 >= 0) {
if (((((this[enemies[_local8][0]]) && (contains(this[enemies[_local8][0]])))) && (hud.hitTestObject(this[enemies[_local8][0]])))){
enemy = this[enemies[_local8][0]];
if (Math.abs(pickUps[_local9][2]) != 0){
if (Math.abs((enemy.y - pickUps[_local9][4])) < 50){
if (Math.abs((enemy.x - _local30.x)) < 50){
enemies[_local8][1] = (enemies[_local8][1] - (pickUps[_local9][5] / enemies[_local8][5][1]));
if (enemies[_local8][1] > 0){
_local30.x = (_local30.x - pickUps[_local9][2]);
pickUps[_local9][2] = (pickUps[_local9][2] * -0.2);
pickUps[_local9][3] = -5;
_local10 = 0;
while (_local10 < powerUps.length) {
if (hud.hitTestObject(powerUps[_local10][0])){
if (powerUps[_local10][5] > 0){
var _local45 = powerUps[_local10];
var _local46 = 5;
var _local47 = (_local45[_local46] - 1);
_local45[_local46] = _local47;
powerUps[_local10][0].x = (powerUps[_local10][0].x + (powerUps[_local10][3] = (powerUps[_local10][3] / 2)));
powerUps[_local10][0].y = (powerUps[_local10][0].y + (powerUps[_local10][4] = (powerUps[_local10][4] / 2)));
} else {
if (powerUps[_local10][0].hitTestObject(char.shade)){
_local31 = ((Math.pow((powerUps[_local10][2] + 1), 3) - Math.pow((powerUps[_local10][2] + 1), 2)) + 2);
if (((!((powerUps[_local10][1] === gel))) && (!((powerUps[_local10][1] === gusher))))){
_local32 = new gristGet();
_local32.x = char.x;
_local32.y = char.y;
switch (powerUps[_local10][1]){
case gristBuild:
grists[0] = (grists[0] + _local31);
case gristShale:
grists[1] = (grists[1] + _local31);
case gristTar:
grists[2] = (grists[2] + _local31);
case gristMercury:
grists[3] = (grists[3] + _local31);
case gristCobalt:
grists[4] = (grists[4] + _local31);
case gel:
hp = (hp + (25 + (25 * powerUps[_local10][2])));
if (hp > 100){
hp = 100;
case gusher:
hp = (hp + 25);
if (hp > 100){
hp = 100;
if (((!((powerUps[_local10][1] === gel))) && (!((powerUps[_local10][1] === gusher))))){
_local32.disp.gText.gristNum.text = ("+" + String(_local31));
powerUps.splice(_local10, 1);
_local11 = false;
_local12 = 0;
while (_local12 < inters.length) {
if (((((this[inters[_local12]]) && (this[inters[_local12]].hitTestPoint(mouseX, mouseY, false)))) && ((this[inters[_local12]].alpha > 0)))){
_local33 = this[inters[_local12]].getBounds(this);
_local34 = new BitmapData(_local33.width, _local33.height, true, 0);
_local35 = this[inters[_local12]].localToGlobal(new Point(1, 0));
_local36 = new Matrix((((_local35.x / scaleX) - this[inters[_local12]].x) - (x / scaleX)), 0, 0, 1, (this[inters[_local12]].x - _local33.x), (this[inters[_local12]].y - _local33.y));
_local34.draw(this[inters[_local12]], _local36);
if (_local34.getPixel32((mouseX - _local33.x), (mouseY - _local33.y)) != 0){
_local11 = true;
if (((((((((((options.hitTestPoint(mouseX, mouseY, true)) || (hud.syl.hitTestPoint(mouseX, mouseY, true)))) || (hud.magTog.hitTestPoint(mouseX, mouseY, true)))) || (hud.reset.hitTestPoint(mouseX, mouseY, true)))) || (hud.nannaChat.hitTestPoint(mouseX, mouseY, true)))) || (hud.control.hitTestPoint(mouseX, mouseY, true)))){
_local11 = true;
if (_local11){
} else {
char.hp.scaleX = char.scaleX;
char.hp.x = (-(char.scaleX) * 79.5);
char.grit.scaleX = char.scaleX;
char.grit.x = (-(char.scaleX) * 79.5);
char.pluck.scaleX = char.scaleX;
char.pluck.x = (-(char.scaleX) * 79.5);
if ((((char.hp.currentFrame < int((((1 - (hp / 100)) * 90) + 1)))) && ((hp > 0)))){
char.hp.alpha = 1;
} else {
if ((((char.hp.currentFrame > int((((1 - (hp / 100)) * 90) + 1)))) && ((hp > 0)))){
char.hp.alpha = 1;
} else {
if (hp > 0){
if (char.hp.alpha > 0){
char.hp.alpha = (char.hp.alpha - 0.02);
} else {
char.hp.alpha = 1;
if (((hud.promp) && ((((hud.currentFrame == 2)) || ((hud.currentFrame == 5)))))){
_local4 = hud.promp;
if (((hud.promp1) && ((((((hud.currentFrame == 3)) || ((hud.currentFrame == 4)))) || ((hud.currentFrame == 6)))))){
_local4 = hud.promp1;
if ((((((hud.currentFrame >= 2)) && (_local4))) && ((_local4.currentFrame == 13)))){
if ((((((((hud.currentFrame >= 2)) && (_local4))) && ((_local4.currentFrame == 8)))) && (_local4.infoer))){
textDelay = (textDelay + 3);
_local37 = texter;
_local4.infoer.text = texter.substr(0);
_local38 = /_/g;
_local4.infoer.text = _local4.infoer.text.replace(_local38, "");
_local39 = "0xFFFFFF";
if (_local4.infoer.text.indexOf("/0x") > -1){
_local4.infoer.text = _local4.infoer.text.substring(9, _local4.infoer.text.length);
_local39 = _local37.substring(1, 9);
_local37 = _local37.substring(9, _local37.length);
_local4.infoer.text = _local4.infoer.text.substr(0, textDelay);
_local4.infoer.setTextFormat(new TextFormat(null, null, _local39));
while (_local37.indexOf("_") >= 0) {
if (_local37.indexOf("_") <= (textDelay - 1)){
if ((_local37.indexOf("_", (_local37.indexOf("_") + 1)) - 1) <= (textDelay - 1)){
_local4.infoer.setTextFormat(new TextFormat(null, null, _local39, null, null, true), _local37.indexOf("_"), (_local37.indexOf("_", (_local37.indexOf("_") + 1)) - 1));
} else {
_local4.infoer.setTextFormat(new TextFormat(null, null, _local39, null, null, true), _local37.indexOf("_"));
_local37 = _local37.replace("_", "");
_local37 = _local37.replace("_", "");
if (options.numChildren > 1){
textDelay2 = (textDelay2 + 2);
_local19 = 0;
while (_local19 < texts.length) {
if (textDelay2 < texts[_local19].length){
texts[_local19].setTextFormat(new TextFormat("Courier New", 14, 0, true), textDelay2, texts[_local19].length);
stage.focus = stage;
mousey.x = mouseX;
mousey.y = mouseY;
mousey.scaleX = (mousey.scaleY = (1 / scaleX));
_local5 = false;
if (getting >= 0){
_local6 = 0;
while (_local6 < 4) {
_local12 = 0;
while (_local12 < 6) {
tCard = sylladex[_local6][_local12];
_local40 = new Point();
if (using){
_local40.x = ((5 + (20 * _local6)) + (25 * _local12));
_local40.y = ((20 + (75 * _local6)) + (15 * _local12));
if (curStack == _local6){
if (tCard.currentFrame == 1){
} else {
if (tCard.currentFrame == 2){
} else {
_local40.x = 0;
_local40.y = -150;
hud.setChildIndex(tCard, 7);
if (Math.abs((_local40.y - tCard.y)) < 1){
tCard.x = _local40.x;
tCard.y = _local40.y;
if ((((getting >= 0)) && ((_local6 == curStack)))){
if (!_local5){
if (_local12 == getting){
if (bumpDelay > 0){
_local5 = true;
_local41 = inventory[_local6][_local12];
inventory[_local6][_local12] = curItem;
curItem = _local41;
tCard.x = (tCard.x + 10);
bumpDelay = 0;
if ((((getting > 5)) || ((inventory[_local6][_local12] <= 0)))){
if (_local41){
launching = true;
launchItem = _local41;
getting = -1;
} else {
} else {
tCard.x = (tCard.x + Math.ceil(((_local40.x - tCard.x) / 2)));
tCard.y = (tCard.y + Math.ceil(((_local40.y - tCard.y) / 2)));
if (inventory[_local6][_local12] > 0){
tCard.item.gotoAndStop((inventory[_local6][_local12] + 1));
if ((((hovered.x > -1)) && ((hovered.y > -1)))){
hud.setChildIndex(sylladex[hovered.x][hovered.y], (hud.numChildren - 1));
if (launching){
char.launcher.disp.gotoAndStop((launchItem + 1));
char.launcher.scaleX = char.scaleX;
char.launcher.x = ((char.scaleX * -(char.launcher.width)) / 2);
if (char.launcher.currentFrame == 4){
launching = false;
addItem(launchItem, new Point(char.x, (char.y - 105)), (40 * char.scaleX));
_local7 = 0;
while (_local7 < gristGets.length) {
setChildIndex(gristGets[_local7], (getChildIndex(hud) - 1));
if (gristGets[_local7].currentFrame == gristGets[_local7].totalFrames){
gristGets.splice(_local7, 1);
if ((((char.currentFrame == 132)) && (!(zoomin)))){
hotSpots[((currentFrame - mainF) - 1)].splice((hotSpots[((currentFrame - mainF) - 1)].length - 1), 1);
if (((pyxing) && ((curPyx >= 0)))){
if (this[pyxis[curPyx][0]].currentFrame == 16){
if (this[pyxis[curPyx][0]].itemAnim){
_local42 = (getDefinitionByName(("item" + pyxis[curPyx][1])) as Class);
_local43 = MovieClip(Object(new (_local42)));
_local44 = this[pyxis[curPyx][0]].itemAnim.item;
this[pyxis[curPyx][0]].itemAnim.item.y = (_local44.y - 30);
_local44.gotoAndStop((pyxis[curPyx][1] + 1));
_local44.width = (_local44.width + ((_local43.width - _local44.width) / 9));
_local44.height = (_local44.height + ((_local43.height - _local44.height) / 9));
if (this[pyxis[curPyx][0]].itemAnim.currentFrame == this[pyxis[curPyx][0]].itemAnim.totalFrames){
addItem(pyxis[curPyx][1], new Point(this[pyxis[curPyx][0]].x, (this[pyxis[curPyx][0]].y - 250)), pyxis[curPyx][2], (this[pyxis[curPyx][0]].y + pyxis[curPyx][3]));
texter = (("You got " + itemNames[pyxis[curPyx][1]]) + "!");
textDelay = 0;
pyxis[curPyx][1] = 0;
pyxing = false;
if (char.hp.currentFrame == char.hp.totalFrames){
gameOver = true;
changing = true;
function frame616(){
contextMenu = myMenu;
stage.quality = "low";
stage.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, mouseDown);
stage.addEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, enterFrame);
stage.addEventListener(KeyboardEvent.KEY_DOWN, keyDown);
stage.addEventListener(KeyboardEvent.KEY_UP, keyUp);
spawned = false;
sCont = new SoundTransform();
muted = false;
gushCount = 4;
spaceHeld = 0;
char = new character();
char.x = (stage.stageWidth / 2);
char.y = (stage.stageHeight / 1.5);
char.hp.alpha = 0;
char.grit.alpha = 0;
char.pluck.alpha = 0;
hud = new hudd();
mousey = new mouses();
gristGets = new Array();
hud.fader.alpha = 1.3;
powerUps = new Array();
psMode = true;
targ = new Point();
pos = new Point(char.x, char.y);
artPos = new Point();
newPos = new Point(240, 400);
camPos = new Point((-(stage.stageWidth) / 2), (-(stage.stageHeight) / 1.5));
disp = new Point(0, 0);
spritePos = new Point(0, 0);
spriteFloat = 0;
pressed = new Array();
drained = false;
pyxis = new Array(new Array("pyxis1", -1), new Array("pyxis2", 21, -5, 110), new Array("pyxis3", 22, -7, -83), new Array("pyxis4", 0, 4, -250), new Array("pyxis5", 23, -3, 82), new Array("pyxis6", 24, 7, 58), new Array("pyxis7", 25, -3, 139.1), new Array("pyxis8", 26, -8, 60), new Array("pyxis9", 0, -4, 70), new Array("pyxis10", 27, 5, -80), new Array("pyxis11", 0, 12, -50), new Array("pyxis12", 28, -12, 50), new Array("pyxis13", 29, 7, 60), new Array("pyxis14", 30, -8, 68), new Array("pyxis15", 0, 8, 70));
enemies = new Array(new Array("enemy01", 10, 10, false, new Point(0, 0)), new Array("enemy02", 10, 10, false, new Point(0, 0)), new Array("enemy03", 10, 10, false, new Point(0, 0)), new Array("enemy04", 10, 10, false, new Point(0, 0)), new Array("enemy05", 10, 10, false, new Point(0, 0)), new Array("enemy06", 10, 10, false, new Point(0, 0)), new Array("enemy07", 10, 10, false, new Point(0, 0)), new Array("enemy08", 10, 10, false, new Point(0, 0)), new Array("enemy09", 10, 10, false, new Point(0, 0)), new Array("enemy10", 10, 10, false, new Point(0, 0)), new Array("enemy11", 10, 10, false, new Point(0, 0)), new Array("enemy12", 10, 10, false, new Point(0, 0)), new Array("enemy13", 10, 10, false, new Point(0, 0)), new Array("enemy14", 10, 10, false, new Point(0, 0)), new Array("enemy15", 10, 10, false, new Point(0, 0)), new Array("enemy16", 10, 10, false, new Point(0, 0)), new Array("enemy17", 10, 10, false, new Point(0, 0)), new Array("enemy18", 10, 10, false, new Point(0, 0)), new Array("enemy19", 10, 10, false, new Point(0, 0)), new Array("enemy20", 10, 10, false, new Point(0, 0)), new Array("enemy21", 10, 10, false, new Point(0, 0)), new Array("enemy22", 10, 10, false, new Point(0, 0)), new Array("enemy23", 10, 10, false, new Point(0, 0)), new Array("enemy24", 10, 10, false, new Point(0, 0)));
scale = 1;
scaler = 1;
tScale = 1;
scaleRate = 0;
dist = new Point();
mainF = 616;
tDist = 0;
spd = 10;
ang = 0;
yDiff = 0.8;
moving = false;
main = 0;
options = new Sprite();
tempText = new TextField();
choice = 0;
interacting = 0;
chosen = false;
changing = true;
looking = false;
pausing = false;
zooming = false;
facing = "Front";
curRoom = 1;
texter = "";
textDelay = 0;
textDelay2 = 0;
textz = new TextFormat("Courier New", 14, 0xFFFFFF, true);
texts = new Array();
mouser = new Point();
vel = new Point(0, 0);
keying = false;
shifted = new Point();
poser = new Point();
hp = 100;
querying = false;
query = new Array();
malking = false;
cruxed = false;
resetting = false;
curChat = -1;
gameOver = false;
exiting = false;
char.hp.alpha = 0;
hud.hitArea = hud.fader;
pyxed = new Array();
delivering = false;
curPyx = -1;
pyxing = false;
extraText = new Array();
stage.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_MOVE, mouseMove);
sylladex = new Array();
using = false;
curStack = 0;
hovered = new Point(-1, -1);
inventory = new Array();
getting = -1;
allPicks = new Array(new Array(new Array(19, -468, -2080), new Array(18, -1459, -2037), new Array(17, -1174, -1594), new Array(16, -1639, -1007), new Array(18, 714, 953), new Array(19, -1685, 1434), new Array(19, -2201, 2031)), new Array(new Array(19, -217, -1241), new Array(16, 0x0200, 88), new Array(18, 2252, 1121), new Array(19, 1833, 288)), new Array(new Array(17, 1208, -2141), new Array(18, -784, -1882), new Array(19, 2578, -1017)), new Array(new Array(19, 651, -24)), new Array());
pickUps = new Array();
curItem = -1;
bumpDelay = 0;
iCount = 20;
launching = false;
launchItem = 0;
zoomin = false;
manhandle = new Array();
examine = new Array();
idiotMessages = new Array("Die. Now. Please.", "That doesn't even start to make sense.", "My dick. Suck it.", "So like, you ate a lot of lead as a child?", "Okay, I'll get right on that Professor Stoopid.", "'You shouldn't drink while you're pregnant.' Tell your mother this");
hotSpots = new Array(new Array(), new Array(), new Array(), new Array(), new Array());
inters = new Array("salamanderExtra", "sassacrusher", "kingPipe", "statueHead", "statueBase", "char", "teleBubble", "salamander", "salamander2", "salamander3", "salamander4", "salamander5", "salamander6", "salamander7", "salamander8", "salamander9", "salamander10", "salamander11", "salamander12", "salamander13", "salamander14", "salamander15", "salamander16", "salamander17", "salamander18", "salamander19", "pyxis1", "pyxis2", "pyxis3", "pyxis4", "pyxis5", "pyxis6", "pyxis7", "pyxis8", "pyxis9", "pyxis10", "pyxis11", "pyxis12", "pyxis13", "pyxis14", "pyxis15");
depthed = new Array("salamanderExtra", "pipe99", "tree1", "tree2", "tree3", "tree4", "tree5", "tree6", "tree7", "tree8", "tree9", "tree10", "tree11", "tree12", "tree13", "tree14", "tree15", "tree16", "tree17", "tree18", "tree19", "tree20", "tree21", "tree22", "tree23", "tree24", "tree25", "tree26", "tree27", "tree28", "tree29", "tree30", "tree31", "tree32", "tree33", "tree34", "tree35", "tree36", "tree37", "tree38", "tree39", "tree40", "tree41", "tree42", "tree43", "tree44", "tree45", "tree46", "tree47", "tree48", "tree49", "tree50", "tree51", "tree52", "tree53", "tree54", "tree55", "tree56", "tree57", "tree58", "tree59", "tree60", "tree61", "statueBase", "statueHead", "salamander", "pipe1", "pipe2", "pipe3", "pipe4", "pipe5", "pipe6", "pipe7", "pipe8", "pipe9", "pipe10", "pipe11", "pipe12", "pipe13", "pipe14", "pipe15", "pipe16", "pipe17", "pipe18", "pipe19", "pipe20", "pipe21", "pipe22", "pipe23", "pipe24", "pipe25", "salamander2", "salamander3", "salamander4", "salamander5", "salamander6", "salamander7", "salamander8", "salamander9", "salamander10", "salamander11", "salamander12", "salamander13", "salamander14", "salamander15", "salamander16", "salamander17", "salamander18", "salamander19", "sassacrusher", "pyxis1", "pyxis2", "pyxis3", "pyxis4", "pyxis5", "pyxis6", "pyxis7", "pyxis8", "pyxis9", "pyxis10", "pyxis11", "pyxis12", "pyxis13", "pyxis14", "pyxis15");
walk = new Array(new Array("salamander", new Array(new Array("randTalk", "\"Look at this! Another _Cherished Idol_ profaned! Such sacrilege has become commonplace with the recent glut of _Underlings_. It would bring a tear to my eye if I were not so clearly fit to be tied with these hyperactive mannerisms and severe attention deficit oh my god look a bug.\"", "salamanderTalk"))), new Array("salamander2", new Array(new Array("randTalk", "\"The stars are moving? What do you mean? What are these things you call stars? Oh! You mean the _Fireflies_. They became trapped under the clouds when _The Slumbering One_ cast a spell on them.\"", "salamanderTalk"))), new Array("salamander3", new Array(new Array("randTalk", "\"How did he cast a spell on them when he was asleep? Well, he wasn't ALWAYS asleep, you goofball! When he was awake he was asked by some really terrible guys to commission a whole bunch of _Underlings_. He then went about befouling our land with all this sludge, clogging up all our beautiful _Pipes_, and now it can barely breathe. He was sort of a huge dick. Once he tuckered himself out with all that I guess he decided to take a nap.\"", "salamanderTalk"))), new Array("salamander4", new Array(new Array("randTalk", "\"The terrible guys? They are a bunch of mean fellows who like to push people around. They are called _Agents_. They aren't usually a problem but they sure did put a spring in their step when the _Heir_ showed up. Whoever that is. If I ever meet him I wouldn't mind punching him in the snout to... well, to accomplish some purpose I suppose. I don't know. What were we talking about?\"", "salamanderTalk"))), new Array("salamander5", new Array(new Array("randTalk", "\"Yes, the spell! The spell I'm sure you've heard from a reliable source cannot be broken unless _The Slumbering One_ is first woken up, and then slain. Then the _Breeze_ will again flow through the _Pipes_ and the _Fireflies_ will be released and allowed to go home. But I do not envy the adventurers who will presumably take on this responsibility!\"", "salamanderTalk"))), new Array("salamander6", new Array(new Array("randTalk", "\"The _Pipes_ are sacred to us for reasons you probably consider primitive and stupid. In fact, they probably are primitive and stupid, objectively speaking. But I am ok with that.\"", "salamanderTalk"))), new Array("salamander7", new Array(new Array("randTalk", "\"As the _Consorts_ of this _Land_ we are predictably persecuted by dark forces, and require a hero for our salvation. Alas there is no hero in sight. Wait a minute it is you. You are the hero aren't you. Of course you are. I was so foolish to speculate otherwise through dubiously solicited monologue! DUHHHHHH!\"", "salamanderTalk"))), new Array("salamander8", new Array(new Array("randTalk", "\"Farmin' these goddamn mushrooms. Fuckin' pain in the ass.\"", "salamanderTalk"))), new Array("salamander9", new Array(new Array("randTalk", "\"GLUB GLUB GLUB GLUB.\"", "glubSet", new Array("glubs", 0)))), new Array("salamander10", new Array(new Array("randTalk", "\"Not long ago all these _Underlings_ started creeping out of the pipework, and they have been a nuisance to say the least. But just a few moments ago they began spilling from the _Land_ in greater supply, wearing more flamboyantly preposterous outfits than ever. Why you ask? On account of a series of mysterious and arcane wytchkraft-majyspelles. Ha ha just kidding. I have no idea.\"", "salamanderTalk"))), new Array("salamander11", new Array(new Array("randTalk", "\"This thing right here? You have never seen a _Parcel Pyxis_? Incomprehensible! Ok I'll play your pretend game for a minute. It is a receptacle connected to our network of _Pipes_. We use them to send stuff to different places. They are fully intertwined with our customs and social practices.\n\nIf there is something we want, we chisel it on a _Minitablet_ and drop it in. Who receives it? Hard to say! But if you encounter...", "extra", new Array("...a _Minitablet_ and you possess what is chiseled on it, it is considered only polite to drop it in the _Pyxis_!\n\nSimilarly, if you encounter a _Parcel Pyxis_ that has a prize in it already, you are obligated to keep the prize for yourself! Consider it to be a gift to you from the _Breeze_. This is just the way things work...", "Whenever one of us is standing near one of these, we feel compelled to give this little speech about it.\"")))), new Array("salamander12", new Array(new Array("randTalk", "\"GLUB GLUB! Sure is windy here! Often, wind skims the voids of the _Pipes_, as if grazing the hollow of a cut reed, or say, a plundered _Parcel Pyxis_. It is a lovely sound and brings back fond memories of my childhood. Which was a couple days ago.\"", "salamanderTalk"))), new Array("salamander13", new Array(new Array("randTalk", "\"Hey, nice suit, champ. I will buy it from you for 1 _Boondollar_.\"", "queryMalk", new Array("Sell suit for 1 Boondollar? Y/N", false, "\"I should have known only a shrewd business man would wear such a garment. I have been chagrinned in ways I never imagined possible.\"")))), new Array("salamander14", new Array(new Array("randTalk", "\"Wanna buy this? It fell from Skaia. I guarantee it.\"", "queryTalk", new Array("Buy harlequin figurine? Y/N", "\"Ok that will be 5,000,000 _Boondollars_. Oh what you don't have that much? Ha ha ha of course not no one does! It's impossible.\"", "\"Fine I'll just be over here sitting pretty with this choice clown thing or whatever it is. And you will be there wallowing in pitiable destitution.\"")))), new Array("salamander15", new Array(new Array("randTalk", "\"This thing right here? You have never seen a _Parcel Pyxis_? Incomprehensible! Ok I'll play your pretend game for a minute. It is a receptacle connected to our network of _Pipes_. We use them to send stuff to different places. They are fully intertwined with our customs and social practices.\n\nIf there is something we want, we chisel it on a _Minitablet_ and drop it in. Who receives it? Hard to say! But if you encounter...", "extra", new Array("...a _Minitablet_ and you possess what is chiseled on it, it is considered only polite to drop it in the _Pyxis_!\n\nSimilarly, if you encounter a _Parcel Pyxis_ that has a prize in it already, you are obligated to keep the prize for yourself! Consider it to be a gift to you from the _Breeze_. This is just the way things work...", "...Whenever one of us is standing near one of these, we feel compelled to give this little speech about it.\"")))), new Array("pyxis1", new Array(new Array("pyxisPrompt", false, "pyxis"))), new Array("pyxis2", new Array(new Array("pyxisPrompt", false, "pyxis"))), new Array("pyxis3", new Array(new Array("pyxisPrompt", false, "pyxis"))), new Array("pyxis4", new Array(new Array("pyxisPrompt", false, "pyxis"))), new Array("pyxis5", new Array(new Array("pyxisPrompt", false, "pyxis"))), new Array("pyxis6", new Array(new Array("pyxisPrompt", false, "pyxis"))), new Array("pyxis7", new Array(new Array("pyxisPrompt", false, "pyxis"))), new Array("pyxis8", new Array(new Array("pyxisPrompt", false, "pyxis"))), new Array("pyxis9", new Array(new Array("pyxisPrompt", false, "pyxis"))), new Array("pyxis10", new Array(new Array("pyxisPrompt", false, "pyxis"))), new Array("pyxis11", new Array(new Array("pyxisPrompt", false, "pyxis"))), new Array("pyxis12", new Array(new Array("pyxisPrompt", false, "pyxis"))), new Array("pyxis13", new Array(new Array("pyxisPrompt", false, "pyxis"))), new Array("pyxis14", new Array(new Array("pyxisPrompt", false, "pyxis"))), new Array("pyxis15", new Array(new Array("pyxisPrompt", false, "pyxis"))), new Array("salamander16", new Array(new Array("randTalk", "\"I have renamed myself _Crumplehat_. I have dishonored my ancestors beyond comprehension with this frivolous accessory.\"", "salamanderTalk"))), new Array("salamander17", new Array(new Array("randTalk", "\"I am a secret wizard. Behold my robes.\"", "queryTalk", new Array("Behold Robes? Y/N", "You wonder what the hell a secret wizard is. This guy is making you a little nervous. You don't think you'll ask him for your bedsheet back.", "You wonder what the hell a secret wizard is. This guy is making you a little nervous. You don't think you'll ask him for your bedsheet back.")))), new Array("salamander18", new Array(new Array("randTalk", "\"I am freaking out here. Do you know what this is??? It is a huge log of _Cruxite_. More than I have ever seen. It is the most precious material in existence. Why if I had access to a means of producing an unlimited supply, I would be the richest salamander in the _Land_.\"", "extra", new Array("\"Just kidding. It's completely worthless. Here, you want it? It's free.\"")))), new Array("teleBubble", new Array(new Array("A good place to keep lookout?", "Maybe you should try using your TELESCOPE here.", false))), new Array("salamander19", new Array(new Array("randTalk", "\"GLUB!!! That's my way of saying go over there and check it out. 'GLUB' can basically mean anything I want it to mean. It's really cool having a bullshit language.\"", "salamanderTalk"))), new Array("statueHead", new Array(new Array("This was sacred and precious. It is very sad to look at now.", "Looks like the imps made short work of it. Or judging by the damage to the stone, probably something bigger. Man these guys must really hate frogs.", "frogTalk", false))), new Array("statueBase", new Array(new Array("This was sacred and precious. It is very sad to look at now.", "Looks like the imps made short work of it. Or judging by the damage to the stone, probably something bigger. Man these guys must really hate frogs.", "frogTalk", false))), new Array("kingPipe", new Array(new Array("Peer into large opening?", "You think you can make out a very faint noise below. Is it... snoring?", "kingPipe", false))), new Array("char", new Array(new Array("I am told your name is John. Is that correct?", "Yep. That's right.", 5, new Array("charSet", 0)))), new Array("sassacrusher", new Array(new Array("What in blue blazes is this absurd looking thing?", "You have deactivated your GHOST GAUNTLETS for the time being. It gets pretty distracting flailing them around all the time when all you're trying to do is explore."))), new Array("salamanderExtra", new Array(new Array("randTalk", "\"That weird white boxy thing appeared up there a little while ago. Then it gradually became even boxier, and also taller. They say that's where the _Heir_ lives. Who's they? Wise folk I guess. Maybe elders or something like that. Man I don't know. Also, isn't it funny how I'm sort of taking your existence here in stride? I'm treating it like it's no big deal.\"", "salamanderTalk", false))));
glubs = new Array(new Array("randTalk", "\"GLUB GLUB GLUB GLUB GLUB GLUB GLUB GLUB GLUB GLUB.\"", "glubSet", new Array("glubs", 1)), new Array("randTalk", "\"Oh hey.\"", "glubSet", new Array("glubs", 1)));
charSet = new Array(new Array("It's nice to meet you, John.", "John isn't directly cognizant of your greeting, but I'm sure he would feel likewise.", 5, new Array("charSet", 1)), new Array("Ok, John. Let's explore this place!", "Ok, have at it! If you're at a loss, click the controller button up there.", 5, new Array("charSet", 2)), new Array("I am told your name is John. Is that correct?", "Yep. That's right.", 5, new Array("charSet", 0)));
doors = new Array("door1", "door2", "door3", "door4", "door5", "door6", "door7", "door8", "door9", "door10", "door11");
curAction = walk;
nannaChats = new Array("chatStuff", new Array(new Array("original", "/0x00d5f2\"John, hello! Can you hear me?\"", "extra", new Array("\"yeah, nanna. where are you?\"", "/0x00d5f2\"I am still in the house, dear! I'm afraid I cannot accompany you on your journey. But I can talk to you like this, if you ever need me to provide a puzzling half-answer to one of your questions!\"", "\"oh, ok. thanks, nanna.\"", "/0x00d5f2\"You should begin exploring and talking to locals! They will be able to provide you with some new insight into your quest, and may illuminate some matters on which I have remained coy to this point! HOO HOO!\"", "\"yeah, what's up with that, nanna? did the game make you all coy and prankstery when you became a sprite or were you always like that when you were alive?\"", "/0x00d5f2\"Oh, wouldn't YOU like to know, dear! HOO HOO HOO HOO HOO!\"", "\"ha ha ha... ok.\"")), new Array("chat1", "/0x00d5f2\"John, their economy of anonymous, intraglobal pipe-based bartering may seem quaint, but you'd do well to get accustomed to it! The true _Heir_ must learn the ways of the peoples of the _Land_ to progress through the _Gates_!\"", "extra", new Array("\"wait... so i'm the heir?\"", "/0x00d5f2\"Didn't I tell you, John?\"", "\"no!!!\"", "/0x00d5f2\"HOO HOO HOO HOO HOO!\"", "/0x00d5f2\"HOO!\"", "/0x00d5f2\"HOO HOO.\"")), new Array("telescope chat", "\"nanna, are you there?\"", "extra", new Array("/0x00d5f2\"Yes!\"", "\"i just saw my house from below. what gives? why did the gate take me down here?\"", "/0x00d5f2\"All the gates do, John. To ascend, each time you must first descend!\"", "\"huh. alright. so i guess i scramble around down here until... uh, until what?\"", "/0x00d5f2\"Until you find the next gate. It is hidden somewhere in the _Land_.\"", "\"ok, so i get to that gate and go in. then what? where does it take me? uh... further up maybe? but i haven't even built that high yet.\"", "/0x00d5f2\"So you see why you had to build in the first place, John? You must have a little faith in your dear old nanna!\"", "\"yeah, well, i do nanna but i'm still not really getting it. does the next gate down here take me back up to the house or something?\"", "\"(please don't say hoo hoo hoo)\"", "/0x00d5f2\"HOO. HOO HOO.\"")), new Array("pipe chat", "\"nanna, there are more imps than ever down here, and they seem to be getting stronger.\"", "extra", new Array("/0x00d5f2\"Yes, dear. There are plenty of imps up here too. I had to start giving them some cookies because I baked too many. I hope you don't mind!\"", "\"no that's ok. also they look different.\"", "/0x00d5f2\"That is because a new prototyping has taken place.\"", "\"huh?\"", "/0x00d5f2\"Your pretty young friend has joined you in the _Medium_!\"", "\"whoa, wait, rose is here? where is she? will i find her down here somewhere???\"", "/0x00d5f2\"(oh, settle down, all of you. there are more than enough cookies to go around.)\"", "\"nanna! dammit, will you stop messing around with those stupid imps for a second!\"", "\"nanna? sigh...\"")), new Array("idol chat", "\"what's up with this thing?\"", "extra", new Array("/0x00d5f2\"Amphibious and reptilian life forms play a special role in your quest, John.\"", "\"what kind of role? like frogs and stuff?\"", "/0x00d5f2\"ESPECIALLY frogs, John.\"", "\"?????\""))));
public function mouseMove(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{
var _local2:Boolean;
var _local3:int;
var _local4:int;
_local2 = false;
_local3 = 0;
while (_local3 < 4) {
_local4 = 0;
while (_local4 < 6) {
tCard = sylladex[_local3][_local4];
if ((((getting < 0)) && (!(_local2)))){
if (tCard.hitTestPoint(mouseX, mouseY, true)){
hud.setChildIndex(tCard, (hud.numChildren - 1));
hovered = new Point(_local3, _local4);
_local2 = true;
public function dropGrist(_arg1, _arg2, _arg3):void{
var _local4:int;
var _local5:int;
var _local6:Number;
var _local7:int;
_local4 = (Math.random() * 4.99);
if (_local4 < 1){
_local4 = 1;
} else {
if (_local4 < 3){
_local4 = 2;
} else {
_local4 = 3;
_local5 = 0;
while (_local5 < _local4) {
_local6 = (Math.random() * 9);
if (_local6 < 5){
_local7 = 0;
} else {
if (_local6 < 8){
_local7 = 1;
} else {
_local7 = 2;
_local6 = (Math.random() * 9);
switch (_arg3){
case "cobalt":
if (_local6 < 3){
addGrist(gristBuild, _local7, _arg1, _arg2);
} else {
addGrist(gristCobalt, _local7, _arg1, _arg2);
case "mercury":
if (_local6 < 3){
addGrist(gristBuild, _local7, _arg1, _arg2);
} else {
addGrist(gristMercury, _local7, _arg1, _arg2);
case "shale":
if (_local6 < 5){
addGrist(gristBuild, _local7, _arg1, _arg2);
} else {
if (_local6 < 8.5){
addGrist(gristShale, _local7, _arg1, _arg2);
} else {
addGrist(gristTar, _local7, _arg1, _arg2);
if ((Math.random() * 10) < 1){
if ((Math.random() * 2) < 1.5){
addGrist(gel, 0, _arg1, _arg2);
} else {
addGrist(gel, 1, _arg1, _arg2);
public function toggleSound(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{
if (sounderz.currentFrame == 2){
curS = 1;
SoundMixer.soundTransform = new SoundTransform(1);
} else {
if (sounderz.currentFrame == 3){
curS = 2;
SoundMixer.soundTransform = new SoundTransform(0.6);
} else {
if (sounderz.currentFrame == 4){
curS = 3;
SoundMixer.soundTransform = new SoundTransform(0.2);
} else {
if (sounderz.currentFrame == 1){
curS = 4;
SoundMixer.soundTransform = new SoundTransform(0);
public function randTalk():String{
var _local1:Array;
_local1 = new Array("Greet creature.", "Approach the indigenous kindly.", "Converse.", "Hear what this fellow has to say.", "Speak.", "Introduce yourself to local amphibious fauna.", "Wave hello.", "Approach amicably.");
return (_local1[int(((Math.random() * _local1.length) - 0.01))]);
public function toggleSyl():void{
var _local1:int;
if (getting == -1){
if (using){
using = false;
hovered = new Point(hovered.x, -1);
_local1 = 0;
while (_local1 < enemies.length) {
if (this[enemies[_local1][0]]){
enemy = this[enemies[_local1][0]];
if (enemy.idle){
} else {
if (enemy.attack){
delivering = false;
} else {
using = true;
moving = false;
keying = false;
hovered = new Point(curStack, 0);
char.gotoAndPlay(("still" + facing));
_local1 = 0;
while (_local1 < enemies.length) {
if (this[enemies[_local1][0]]){
enemy = this[enemies[_local1][0]];
if (enemy.idle){
} else {
if (enemy.attack){
public function mouseDown(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{
var _local2:int;
var _local3:Rectangle;
var _local4:BitmapData;
var _local5:Point;
var _local6:Matrix;
var _local7:int;
var _local8:int;
var _local9:Array;
var _local10:int;
var _local11:int;
var _local12:int;
if (((!(pausing)) && (!(changing)))){
if (!zooming){
if (hud.currentFrame == 1){
if (!using){
if (((((((((!(hud.control.hitTestPoint(mouseX, mouseY, true))) && (!(hud.syl.hitTestPoint(mouseX, mouseY, false))))) && (!(hud.magTog.hitTestPoint(mouseX, mouseY, true))))) && (!(hud.reset.hitTestPoint(mouseX, mouseY, true))))) && (!(hud.nannaChat.hitTestPoint(mouseX, mouseY, true))))){
chosen = false;
if (options.numChildren > 0){
if (options.hitTestPoint(mouseX, mouseY, true)){
choice = ((mouseY - options.getChildAt(1).y) / options.getChildAt(1).height);
if ((((choice >= 0)) && ((choice < curAction[interacting][1].length)))){
if (curAction[interacting][1][choice][1]){
texter = curAction[interacting][1][choice][1];
textDelay = 0;
if (curAction[interacting][1][choice][2]){
act(curAction[interacting][1][choice][2], curAction[interacting][1][choice][3]);
chosen = true;
while (options.numChildren > 0) {
options.filters = [new GlowFilter(0xFFFF00, 1, 4, 4, 0xFF), new GlowFilter(0xFF9900, 1, 6, 10, 0xFF)];
if (!chosen){
interacting = -1;
_local2 = 0;
while (_local2 < inters.length) {
if (((((this[inters[_local2]]) && (this[inters[_local2]].hitTestPoint(mouseX, mouseY, true)))) && ((this[inters[_local2]].alpha > 0)))){
_local3 = this[inters[_local2]].getBounds(this);
_local4 = new BitmapData(_local3.width, _local3.height, true, 0);
_local5 = this[inters[_local2]].localToGlobal(new Point(1, 0));
_local6 = new Matrix((((_local5.x / scaleX) - this[inters[_local2]].x) - (x / scaleX)), 0, 0, 1, (this[inters[_local2]].x - _local3.x), (this[inters[_local2]].y - _local3.y));
_local4.draw(this[inters[_local2]], _local6);
if (_local4.getPixel32((mouseX - _local3.x), (mouseY - _local3.y)) != 0){
interacting = _local2;
if (interacting >= 0){
_local7 = 0;
while (_local7 < curAction.length) {
if (curAction[_local7][0] == inters[interacting]){
_local8 = (200 / scaleX);
_local9 = new Array();
_local10 = 0;
while (_local10 < curAction[_local7][1].length) {
if (curAction[_local7][1][_local10][0] == "randTalk"){
} else {
if (curAction[_local7][1][_local10][0] == "pyxisPrompt"){
} else {
if ((_local9[_local10].length * 8) > 172){
_local8 = (((_local9[_local10].length * 8) / scaleX) + (28 / scaleX));
mouser.x = mouseX;
mouser.y = mouseY;
while ((((mouser.x + x) + _local8) + (10 / scaleX)) > (stage.stageWidth / scaleX)) {
mouser.x = (mouser.x - 2);
if (((mouser.y + (y / scaleX)) + ((18 * curAction[_local7][1].length) / scaleX)) > (stage.stageHeight / scaleX)){
mouser.y = (mouser.y - ((18 * curAction[_local7][1].length) / scaleX));
if (mouser.y < (-(y) / scaleX)){
mouser.y = ((((-18 * curAction[_local7][1].length) / scaleX) + (y + (stage.stageHeight / scaleX))) - 20);
interacting = _local7;
tempMc = options.addChild(new optionTop());
tempMc.x = mouser.x;
tempMc.y = mouser.y;
tempMc.width = _local8;
texts = new Array();
textz.size = (14 / scaleX);
_local11 = 0;
while (_local11 < curAction[_local7][1].length) {
tempMc = options.addChild(new optionCore());
tempMc.x = mouser.x;
tempMc.y = (mouser.y + (_local11 * tempMc.height));
tempMc.width = _local8;
tempMc.height = (tempMc.height / scaleX);
tempText = new TextField();
tempText.x = tempMc.x;
tempText.y = (mouser.y + (_local11 * tempMc.height));
tempText.width = _local8;
tempText.height = tempMc.height;
tempText.text = (" > " + _local9[_local11]);
tempText.selectable = false;
tempMc = options.addChild(new optionBtn());
tempMc.x = mouser.x;
tempMc.y = (mouser.y + (_local11 * tempMc.height));
tempMc.width = _local8;
tempMc.height = (tempMc.height / scaleX);
tempMc = options.addChild(new optionTop());
tempMc.width = _local8;
tempMc.scaleY = (-1 / scaleX);
tempMc.x = mouser.x;
tempMc.y = (mouser.y + ((options.getChildAt(1).height * curAction[_local7][1].length) / scaleX));
textDelay2 = 0;
} else {
if (_local7 == (curAction.length - 1)){
texter = idiotMessages[Math.round((Math.random() * (idiotMessages.length - 1)))];
textDelay = 0;
} else {
while (options.numChildren > 0) {
if (hud.control.hitTestPoint(mouseX, mouseY, true)){
texter = "Use _ARROW KEYS_ (or _WASD KEYS_) to walk. _SPACEBAR_ to attack. Hold _SHIFT_ while attacking for dual-wielding.\n\n_HOLD SPACEBAR_ to charge mangrit.\n_Press Z_ to expend boypluck.\n_Press X_ to open sylladex, _ARROW KEYS_ to navigate, _SPACEBAR_ to select.";
extraText = new Array("Drawin' and writin' and stuff by Andrew. (DUH)\n\nProgramming by Alexis Beingessner. (damn he is good)\n\nAdditional art assets by Cindy. (hooray!)\n\nMusic: \"Doctor\" written by George Buzinkai, remixed by Michael Vallejo and Clark Powell. (round of applause)");
textDelay = 0;
if (hud.magTog.hitTestPoint(mouseX, mouseY, true)){
if (getting == -1){
if (zoomin){
zoomin = false;
} else {
zoomin = true;
if (hud.reset.hitTestPoint(mouseX, mouseY, true)){
resetting = true;
querying = true;
texter = "Restart? Y/N";
textDelay = 0;
if (hud.nannaChat.hitTestPoint(mouseX, mouseY, true)){
if (nannaChats[1][curChat][1]){
texter = nannaChats[1][curChat][1];
textDelay = 0;
if (nannaChats[1][curChat][2]){
act(nannaChats[1][curChat][2], nannaChats[1][curChat][3]);
if (hud.syl.hitTestPoint(mouseX, mouseY, true)){
} else {
if (getting < 0){
if ((((hovered.x >= 0)) && (sylladex[hovered.x][hovered.y].hitTestPoint(mouseX, mouseY, true)))){
tCard = sylladex[hovered.x][hovered.y];
if ((((hovered.y == 0)) || (!(inventory[hovered.x][(hovered.y + 1)])))){
if (inventory[hovered.x][hovered.y]){
curStack = hovered.x;
} else {
curStack = hovered.x;
} else {
if (!hud.syl.hitTestPoint(mouseX, mouseY, true)){
} else {
if (querying){
if ((((hud.currentFrame > 2)) && (!((hud.currentFrame == 5))))){
if (hud.promp1.no){
if (!malking){
if (hud.promp1.yes.hitTestPoint(mouseX, mouseY, true)){
if (exiting){
querying = false;
changing = true;
} else {
if (resetting){
_local12 = (numChildren - 1);
while (_local12 > 0) {
stage.quality = "high";
scaleX = (scaleY = 1);
x = 0;
y = 0;
stage.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, mouseDown);
stage.removeEventListener(KeyboardEvent.KEY_DOWN, keyDown);
stage.removeEventListener(KeyboardEvent.KEY_UP, keyUp);
stage.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_MOVE, mouseMove);
stage.removeEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, enterFrame);
} else {
if (query[1] == "addPyx"){
querying = false;
malking = false;
delivering = true;
} else {
querying = false;
malking = false;
texter = query[1];
textDelay = 0;
if (hud.promp1.no.hitTestPoint(mouseX, mouseY, true)){
if (((query[2]) && (!(resetting)))){
texter = query[2];
textDelay = 0;
} else {
querying = false;
malking = false;
resetting = false;
exiting = false;
} else {
if (exiting){
} else {
if (malking){
} else {
texter = query[0];
textDelay = 0;
} else {
if (extraText.length > 0){
texter = extraText[0];
textDelay = 0;
extraText.splice(0, 1);
} else {
if (curSalamander){
if (((salamander18) && ((curSalamander == salamander18)))){
if (!cruxed){
addItem(31, new Point(-983.5, -1410.5), 0);
cruxed = true;
crux.alpha = 0;
if (((((salamander11) && ((curSalamander == salamander11)))) || (((salamander15) && ((curSalamander == salamander15)))))){
curSalamander.gotoAndStop(("idle" + Math.ceil((Math.random() * 2))));
curSalamander = null;
} else {
zooming = false;
salamander19.alpha = 0;
salamanderExtra.alpha = 1;
if (((((hud.reset.hitTestPoint(mouseX, mouseY, true)) && (changing))) && (exiting))){
_local12 = (numChildren - 1);
while (_local12 > 0) {
stage.quality = "high";
scaleX = (scaleY = 1);
x = 0;
y = 0;
stage.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, mouseDown);
stage.removeEventListener(KeyboardEvent.KEY_DOWN, keyDown);
stage.removeEventListener(KeyboardEvent.KEY_UP, keyUp);
stage.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_MOVE, mouseMove);
stage.removeEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, enterFrame);
if (hud.sounderz.hitTestPoint(mouseX, mouseY, true)){
if (hud.sounderz.currentFrame == 2){
SoundMixer.soundTransform = new SoundTransform(1);
} else {
if (hud.sounderz.currentFrame == 3){
SoundMixer.soundTransform = new SoundTransform(0.6);
} else {
if (hud.sounderz.currentFrame == 4){
SoundMixer.soundTransform = new SoundTransform(0.2);
} else {
if (hud.sounderz.currentFrame == 1){
SoundMixer.soundTransform = new SoundTransform(0);
mousey.x = mouseX;
mousey.y = mouseY;
public function changeChat(_arg1):void{
if (_arg1 != curChat){
curChat = _arg1;
public function addItem(_arg1:int, _arg2:Point, _arg3:Number, ... _args):void{
var _local5:Class;
var _local6:MovieClip;
var _local7:Array;
var _local8:int;
_local5 = (getDefinitionByName(("item" + _arg1)) as Class);
_local6 = MovieClip(Object(new (_local5)));
_local7 = new Array(0, 1, 2, 2, 16, 2, 2, 2, 2, 16, 2, 2, 2, 8, 8, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2);
addChildAt(_local6, getChildIndex(spacer1));
_local6.x = _arg2.x;
_local6.y = _arg2.y;
_local8 = (char.y + 5);
if (!_arg3){
_local8 = _local6.y;
} else {
if (_args[0]){
_local8 = _args[0];
pickUps.push(new Array(_local6, _arg1, _arg3, 0, _local8, _local7[_arg1]));
public function progresser(_arg1:ProgressEvent):void{
if (currentFrame >= 90){
if (((_arg1.bytesLoaded / _arg1.bytesTotal) * 100) == 100){
} else {
txtOutput.text = (String(int(((_arg1.bytesLoaded / _arg1.bytesTotal) * 100))) + "%");
public function addGrist(_arg1, _arg2, _arg3, _arg4, ... _args):void{
var _local6:MovieClip;
_local6 = new (_arg1);
_local6.x = _arg3;
_local6.y = _arg4;
_local6.scaleX = (_local6.scaleY = (0.2 + (_arg2 * 0.15)));
if (!_args[0]){
powerUps.push(new Array(_local6, _arg1, _arg2, ((Math.random() * 240) - 120), ((Math.random() * 180) - 90), 5));
} else {
powerUps.push(new Array(_local6, _arg1, _arg2, 0, 0, 5));
public function keyDown(_arg1:KeyboardEvent):void{
while (options.numChildren > 0) {
options.filters = [new GlowFilter(0xFFFF00, 1, 4, 4, 0xFF), new GlowFilter(0xFF9900, 1, 6, 10, 0xFF)];
if (!using){
if ((((((_arg1.keyCode == Keyboard.SPACE)) && (!(pressed[Keyboard.SPACE])))) && ((char.currentFrame < 39)))){
if (pressed[Keyboard.SHIFT]){
if (keying){
} else {
} else {
if (keying){
} else {
if ((((((_arg1.keyCode == 84)) && (!(pressed[84])))) && (_arg1.ctrlKey))){
if (char.currentFrame < 39){
if ((((getting == -1)) && (using))){
if ((((_arg1.keyCode == Keyboard.LEFT)) || ((_arg1.keyCode == 65)))){
if ((((_arg1.keyCode == Keyboard.RIGHT)) || ((_arg1.keyCode == 68)))){
if ((((_arg1.keyCode == Keyboard.UP)) || ((_arg1.keyCode == 87)))){
curStack = hovered.x;
if ((((_arg1.keyCode == Keyboard.DOWN)) || ((_arg1.keyCode == 83)))){
curStack = hovered.x;
if (hovered.x < 0){
hovered.x = 3;
curStack = hovered.x;
if (hovered.x > 3){
hovered.x = 0;
curStack = hovered.x;
if (hovered.y < 0){
hovered.y = 5;
if (hovered.y > 5){
hovered.y = 0;
if ((((_arg1.keyCode == 88)) || ((_arg1.keyCode == 190)))){
if (((using) && ((_arg1.keyCode == Keyboard.SPACE)))){
tCard = sylladex[hovered.x][hovered.y];
if ((((hovered.y == 0)) || (!(inventory[hovered.x][(hovered.y + 1)])))){
if (inventory[hovered.x][hovered.y]){
} else {
curStack = hovered.x;
if (((using) && ((_arg1.keyCode == Keyboard.ENTER)))){
curStack = hovered.x;
pressed[_arg1.keyCode] = true;
public function getItem(_arg1:int):void{
getting = 0;
curItem = pickUps[_arg1][1];
pickUps.splice(_arg1, 1);
bumpDelay = 0;
}//package GateLite_fla
Section 30 (193 B)
//map4_237 (GateLite_fla.map4_237)
package GateLite_fla {
import flash.display.*;
public dynamic class map4_237 extends MovieClip {
public var hole:MovieClip;
}//package GateLite_fla
Section 31 (276 B)
//mapHole_238 (GateLite_fla.mapHole_238)
package GateLite_fla {
import flash.display.*;
public dynamic class mapHole_238 extends MovieClip {
public function mapHole_238(){
addFrameScript(0, frame1);
function frame1(){
}//package GateLite_fla
Section 32 (231 B)
//mercuryHarAttack_189 (GateLite_fla.mercuryHarAttack_189)
package GateLite_fla {
import flash.display.*;
public dynamic class mercuryHarAttack_189 extends MovieClip {
public var hitBox:MovieClip;
}//package GateLite_fla
Section 33 (234 B)
//mercuryMix2Attack_164 (GateLite_fla.mercuryMix2Attack_164)
package GateLite_fla {
import flash.display.*;
public dynamic class mercuryMix2Attack_164 extends MovieClip {
public var hitBox:MovieClip;
}//package GateLite_fla
Section 34 (231 B)
//mercuryMixAttack_169 (GateLite_fla.mercuryMixAttack_169)
package GateLite_fla {
import flash.display.*;
public dynamic class mercuryMixAttack_169 extends MovieClip {
public var hitBox:MovieClip;
}//package GateLite_fla
Section 35 (243 B)
//mercuryPrinCatAttack_184 (GateLite_fla.mercuryPrinCatAttack_184)
package GateLite_fla {
import flash.display.*;
public dynamic class mercuryPrinCatAttack_184 extends MovieClip {
public var hitBox:MovieClip;
}//package GateLite_fla
Section 36 (333 B)
//pluckBar_310 (GateLite_fla.pluckBar_310)
package GateLite_fla {
import flash.display.*;
public dynamic class pluckBar_310 extends MovieClip {
public function pluckBar_310(){
addFrameScript(0, frame1, 526, frame527);
function frame1(){
function frame527(){
}//package GateLite_fla
Section 37 (211 B)
//pyxisEject_225 (GateLite_fla.pyxisEject_225)
package GateLite_fla {
import flash.display.*;
public dynamic class pyxisEject_225 extends MovieClip {
public var item:MovieClip;
}//package GateLite_fla
Section 38 (342 B)
//sdsdasdasda_301 (GateLite_fla.sdsdasdasda_301)
package GateLite_fla {
import flash.display.*;
public dynamic class sdsdasdasda_301 extends MovieClip {
public function sdsdasdasda_301(){
addFrameScript(0, frame1, 16, frame17);
function frame1(){
function frame17(){
}//package GateLite_fla
Section 39 (225 B)
//shaleHarAttack_129 (GateLite_fla.shaleHarAttack_129)
package GateLite_fla {
import flash.display.*;
public dynamic class shaleHarAttack_129 extends MovieClip {
public var hitBox:MovieClip;
}//package GateLite_fla
Section 40 (234 B)
//shaleHarCatAttack_134 (GateLite_fla.shaleHarCatAttack_134)
package GateLite_fla {
import flash.display.*;
public dynamic class shaleHarCatAttack_134 extends MovieClip {
public var hitBox:MovieClip;
}//package GateLite_fla
Section 41 (237 B)
//shaleHarHuluAttack_139 (GateLite_fla.shaleHarHuluAttack_139)
package GateLite_fla {
import flash.display.*;
public dynamic class shaleHarHuluAttack_139 extends MovieClip {
public var hitBox:MovieClip;
}//package GateLite_fla
Section 42 (237 B)
//shaleHarSuitAttack_174 (GateLite_fla.shaleHarSuitAttack_174)
package GateLite_fla {
import flash.display.*;
public dynamic class shaleHarSuitAttack_174 extends MovieClip {
public var hitBox:MovieClip;
}//package GateLite_fla
Section 43 (228 B)
//shaleMix2Attack_144 (GateLite_fla.shaleMix2Attack_144)
package GateLite_fla {
import flash.display.*;
public dynamic class shaleMix2Attack_144 extends MovieClip {
public var hitBox:MovieClip;
}//package GateLite_fla
Section 44 (225 B)
//shaleMixAttack_118 (GateLite_fla.shaleMixAttack_118)
package GateLite_fla {
import flash.display.*;
public dynamic class shaleMixAttack_118 extends MovieClip {
public var hitBox:MovieClip;
}//package GateLite_fla
Section 45 (228 B)
//shalePrinAttack_124 (GateLite_fla.shalePrinAttack_124)
package GateLite_fla {
import flash.display.*;
public dynamic class shalePrinAttack_124 extends MovieClip {
public var hitBox:MovieClip;
}//package GateLite_fla
Section 46 (237 B)
//shalePrinCatAttack_149 (GateLite_fla.shalePrinCatAttack_149)
package GateLite_fla {
import flash.display.*;
public dynamic class shalePrinCatAttack_149 extends MovieClip {
public var hitBox:MovieClip;
}//package GateLite_fla
Section 47 (240 B)
//shalePrinHuluAttack_154 (GateLite_fla.shalePrinHuluAttack_154)
package GateLite_fla {
import flash.display.*;
public dynamic class shalePrinHuluAttack_154 extends MovieClip {
public var hitBox:MovieClip;
}//package GateLite_fla
Section 48 (240 B)
//shalePrinSuitAttack_159 (GateLite_fla.shalePrinSuitAttack_159)
package GateLite_fla {
import flash.display.*;
public dynamic class shalePrinSuitAttack_159 extends MovieClip {
public var hitBox:MovieClip;
}//package GateLite_fla
Section 49 (265 B)
//spiro_arm_5 (GateLite_fla.spiro_arm_5)
package GateLite_fla {
import flash.display.*;
public dynamic class spiro_arm_5 extends MovieClip {
public function spiro_arm_5(){
addFrameScript(0, frame1);
function frame1(){
}//package GateLite_fla
Section 50 (329 B)
//Symbol1_110 (GateLite_fla.Symbol1_110)
package GateLite_fla {
import flash.display.*;
public dynamic class Symbol1_110 extends MovieClip {
public function Symbol1_110(){
addFrameScript(0, frame1, 102, frame103);
function frame1(){
function frame103(){
}//package GateLite_fla
Section 51 (283 B)
//Symbol26_317 (GateLite_fla.Symbol26_317)
package GateLite_fla {
import flash.display.*;
public dynamic class Symbol26_317 extends MovieClip {
public function Symbol26_317(){
addFrameScript(57, frame58);
function frame58(){
}//package GateLite_fla
Section 52 (282 B)
//Symbol28_14 (GateLite_fla.Symbol28_14)
package GateLite_fla {
import flash.display.*;
public dynamic class Symbol28_14 extends MovieClip {
public function Symbol28_14(){
addFrameScript(479, frame480);
function frame480(){
}//package GateLite_fla
Section 53 (497 B)
//Symbol3_231 (GateLite_fla.Symbol3_231)
package GateLite_fla {
import flash.display.*;
public dynamic class Symbol3_231 extends MovieClip {
public function Symbol3_231(){
addFrameScript(0, frame1, 7, frame8, 8, frame9, 9, frame10, 15, frame16);
function frame10(){
function frame16(){
function frame1(){
function frame9(){
function frame8(){
}//package GateLite_fla
Section 54 (582 B)
//Symbol38_198 (GateLite_fla.Symbol38_198)
package GateLite_fla {
import flash.display.*;
public dynamic class Symbol38_198 extends MovieClip {
public var anim:MovieClip;
public function Symbol38_198(){
addFrameScript(0, frame1, 1, frame2, 13, frame14);
function frame14(){
anim.gotoAndPlay(Math.floor((Math.random() * anim.totalFrames)));
function frame1(){
gotoAndStop(("idle" + Math.ceil((Math.random() * 2))));
function frame2(){
anim.gotoAndPlay(Math.floor((Math.random() * anim.totalFrames)));
}//package GateLite_fla
Section 55 (621 B)
//Symbol38copy_232 (GateLite_fla.Symbol38copy_232)
package GateLite_fla {
import flash.display.*;
public dynamic class Symbol38copy_232 extends MovieClip {
public function Symbol38copy_232(){
addFrameScript(0, frame1, 1, frame2, 36, frame37, 37, frame38, 38, frame39, 39, frame40, 46, frame47);
function frame1(){
function frame2(){
function frame37(){
function frame38(){
function frame39(){
function frame40(){
function frame47(){
}//package GateLite_fla
Section 56 (284 B)
//Symbol579_279 (GateLite_fla.Symbol579_279)
package GateLite_fla {
import flash.display.*;
public dynamic class Symbol579_279 extends MovieClip {
public function Symbol579_279(){
addFrameScript(0, frame1);
function frame1(){
}//package GateLite_fla
Section 57 (278 B)
//Symbol7_15 (GateLite_fla.Symbol7_15)
package GateLite_fla {
import flash.display.*;
public dynamic class Symbol7_15 extends MovieClip {
public function Symbol7_15(){
addFrameScript(242, frame243);
function frame243(){
}//package GateLite_fla
Section 58 (286 B)
//teleZoom_282 (GateLite_fla.teleZoom_282)
package GateLite_fla {
import flash.display.*;
public dynamic class teleZoom_282 extends MovieClip {
public function teleZoom_282(){
addFrameScript(422, frame423);
function frame423(){
}//package GateLite_fla
Section 59 (342 B)
//textprompt_287 (GateLite_fla.textprompt_287)
package GateLite_fla {
import flash.display.*;
import flash.text.*;
public dynamic class textprompt_287 extends MovieClip {
public var infoer:TextField;
public function textprompt_287(){
addFrameScript(7, frame8);
function frame8(){
}//package GateLite_fla
Section 60 (413 B)
//textpromptcopy_288 (GateLite_fla.textpromptcopy_288)
package GateLite_fla {
import flash.display.*;
import flash.text.*;
public dynamic class textpromptcopy_288 extends MovieClip {
public var no:MovieClip;
public var infoer:TextField;
public var yes:MovieClip;
public function textpromptcopy_288(){
addFrameScript(7, frame8);
function frame8(){
}//package GateLite_fla
Section 61 (389 B)
//textpromptcopy2_291 (GateLite_fla.textpromptcopy2_291)
package GateLite_fla {
import flash.display.*;
import flash.text.*;
public dynamic class textpromptcopy2_291 extends MovieClip {
public var no:MovieClip;
public var infoer:TextField;
public function textpromptcopy2_291(){
addFrameScript(7, frame8);
function frame8(){
}//package GateLite_fla
Section 62 (362 B)
//textpromptcopy3_292 (GateLite_fla.textpromptcopy3_292)
package GateLite_fla {
import flash.display.*;
import flash.text.*;
public dynamic class textpromptcopy3_292 extends MovieClip {
public var infoer:TextField;
public function textpromptcopy3_292(){
addFrameScript(7, frame8);
function frame8(){
}//package GateLite_fla
Section 63 (417 B)
//textpromptcopy4_295 (GateLite_fla.textpromptcopy4_295)
package GateLite_fla {
import flash.display.*;
import flash.text.*;
public dynamic class textpromptcopy4_295 extends MovieClip {
public var no:MovieClip;
public var infoer:TextField;
public var yes:MovieClip;
public function textpromptcopy4_295(){
addFrameScript(7, frame8);
function frame8(){
}//package GateLite_fla
Section 64 (449 B)
//volumecontrolcopy_6 (GateLite_fla.volumecontrolcopy_6)
package GateLite_fla {
import flash.display.*;
public dynamic class volumecontrolcopy_6 extends MovieClip {
public function volumecontrolcopy_6(){
addFrameScript(0, frame1, 1, frame2, 2, frame3, 3, frame4);
function frame3(){
function frame1(){
function frame4(){
function frame2(){
}//package GateLite_fla
Section 65 (268 B)
//zooms_281 (GateLite_fla.zooms_281)
package GateLite_fla {
import flash.display.*;
public dynamic class zooms_281 extends MovieClip {
public function zooms_281(){
addFrameScript(0, frame1);
function frame1(){
}//package GateLite_fla
Section 66 (170 B)
//altCharacter1 (altCharacter1)
package {
import flash.display.*;
public dynamic class altCharacter1 extends MovieClip {
public var shade:MovieClip;
Section 67 (115 B)
//burst (burst)
package {
import flash.display.*;
public dynamic class burst extends MovieClip {
Section 68 (296 B)
//card (card)
package {
import flash.display.*;
public dynamic class card extends MovieClip {
public var item:MovieClip;
public var bg:MovieClip;
public var noper:MovieClip;
public function card(){
addFrameScript(0, frame1);
function frame1(){
Section 69 (1.29 KiB) ●
//character (character)
package {
import flash.display.*;
public dynamic class character extends MovieClip {
public var hp:MovieClip;
public var shade:MovieClip;
public var pluck:MovieClip;
public var grit:MovieClip;
public var launcher:MovieClip;
public var hitZone:MovieClip;
public function character(){
addFrameScript(1, frame2, 16, frame17, 20, frame21, 34, frame35, 46, frame47, 56, frame57, 66, frame67, 76, frame77, 87, frame88, 98, frame99, 137, frame138, 150, frame151, 227, frame228, 260, frame261);
function frame151(){
function frame77(){
function frame88(){
function frame17(){
function frame228(){
function frame21(){
function frame2(){
function frame99(){
function frame47(){
function frame35(){
function frame138(){
function frame57(){
function frame261(){
function frame67(){
Section 70 (109 B)
//gel (gel)
package {
import flash.display.*;
public dynamic class gel extends MovieClip {
Section 71 (130 B)
//gristBuild (gristBuild)
package {
import flash.display.*;
public dynamic class gristBuild extends MovieClip {
Section 72 (133 B)
//gristCobalt (gristCobalt)
package {
import flash.display.*;
public dynamic class gristCobalt extends MovieClip {
Section 73 (154 B)
//gristGet (gristGet)
package {
import flash.display.*;
public dynamic class gristGet extends MovieClip {
public var disp:MovieClip;
Section 74 (136 B)
//gristMercury (gristMercury)
package {
import flash.display.*;
public dynamic class gristMercury extends MovieClip {
Section 75 (130 B)
//gristShale (gristShale)
package {
import flash.display.*;
public dynamic class gristShale extends MovieClip {
Section 76 (124 B)
//gristTar (gristTar)
package {
import flash.display.*;
public dynamic class gristTar extends MovieClip {
Section 77 (118 B)
//gusher (gusher)
package {
import flash.display.*;
public dynamic class gusher extends MovieClip {
Section 78 (519 B)
//hudd (hudd)
package {
import flash.display.*;
public dynamic class hudd extends MovieClip {
public var zooms:MovieClip;
public var sounderz:MovieClip;
public var promp:MovieClip;
public var promp1:MovieClip;
public var control:MovieClip;
public var reset:MovieClip;
public var fader:MovieClip;
public var nannaChat:MovieClip;
public var syl:MovieClip;
public var magTog:MovieClip;
public function hudd(){
addFrameScript(0, frame1);
function frame1(){
Section 79 (145 B)
//item1 (item1)
package {
import flash.display.*;
public dynamic class item1 extends MovieClip {
public var core:MovieClip;
Section 80 (148 B)
//item10 (item10)
package {
import flash.display.*;
public dynamic class item10 extends MovieClip {
public var core:MovieClip;
Section 81 (148 B)
//item11 (item11)
package {
import flash.display.*;
public dynamic class item11 extends MovieClip {
public var core:MovieClip;
Section 82 (148 B)
//item12 (item12)
package {
import flash.display.*;
public dynamic class item12 extends MovieClip {
public var core:MovieClip;
Section 83 (148 B)
//item13 (item13)
package {
import flash.display.*;
public dynamic class item13 extends MovieClip {
public var core:MovieClip;
Section 84 (148 B)
//item14 (item14)
package {
import flash.display.*;
public dynamic class item14 extends MovieClip {
public var core:MovieClip;
Section 85 (148 B)
//item15 (item15)
package {
import flash.display.*;
public dynamic class item15 extends MovieClip {
public var core:MovieClip;
Section 86 (148 B)
//item16 (item16)
package {
import flash.display.*;
public dynamic class item16 extends MovieClip {
public var core:MovieClip;
Section 87 (148 B)
//item17 (item17)
package {
import flash.display.*;
public dynamic class item17 extends MovieClip {
public var core:MovieClip;
Section 88 (148 B)
//item18 (item18)
package {
import flash.display.*;
public dynamic class item18 extends MovieClip {
public var core:MovieClip;
Section 89 (148 B)
//item19 (item19)
package {
import flash.display.*;
public dynamic class item19 extends MovieClip {
public var core:MovieClip;
Section 90 (145 B)
//item2 (item2)
package {
import flash.display.*;
public dynamic class item2 extends MovieClip {
public var core:MovieClip;
Section 91 (148 B)
//item20 (item20)
package {
import flash.display.*;
public dynamic class item20 extends MovieClip {
public var core:MovieClip;
Section 92 (148 B)
//item21 (item21)
package {
import flash.display.*;
public dynamic class item21 extends MovieClip {
public var core:MovieClip;
Section 93 (148 B)
//item22 (item22)
package {
import flash.display.*;
public dynamic class item22 extends MovieClip {
public var core:MovieClip;
Section 94 (148 B)
//item23 (item23)
package {
import flash.display.*;
public dynamic class item23 extends MovieClip {
public var core:MovieClip;
Section 95 (148 B)
//item24 (item24)
package {
import flash.display.*;
public dynamic class item24 extends MovieClip {
public var core:MovieClip;
Section 96 (148 B)
//item25 (item25)
package {
import flash.display.*;
public dynamic class item25 extends MovieClip {
public var core:MovieClip;
Section 97 (148 B)
//item26 (item26)
package {
import flash.display.*;
public dynamic class item26 extends MovieClip {
public var core:MovieClip;
Section 98 (148 B)
//item27 (item27)
package {
import flash.display.*;
public dynamic class item27 extends MovieClip {
public var core:MovieClip;
Section 99 (148 B)
//item28 (item28)
package {
import flash.display.*;
public dynamic class item28 extends MovieClip {
public var core:MovieClip;
Section 100 (148 B)
//item29 (item29)
package {
import flash.display.*;
public dynamic class item29 extends MovieClip {
public var core:MovieClip;
Section 101 (243 B)
//item3 (item3)
package {
import flash.display.*;
public dynamic class item3 extends MovieClip {
public var core:MovieClip;
public function item3(){
addFrameScript(0, frame1);
function frame1(){
Section 102 (148 B)
//item30 (item30)
package {
import flash.display.*;
public dynamic class item30 extends MovieClip {
public var core:MovieClip;
Section 103 (148 B)
//item31 (item31)
package {
import flash.display.*;
public dynamic class item31 extends MovieClip {
public var core:MovieClip;
Section 104 (145 B)
//item4 (item4)
package {
import flash.display.*;
public dynamic class item4 extends MovieClip {
public var core:MovieClip;
Section 105 (145 B)
//item5 (item5)
package {
import flash.display.*;
public dynamic class item5 extends MovieClip {
public var core:MovieClip;
Section 106 (145 B)
//item6 (item6)
package {
import flash.display.*;
public dynamic class item6 extends MovieClip {
public var core:MovieClip;
Section 107 (145 B)
//item7 (item7)
package {
import flash.display.*;
public dynamic class item7 extends MovieClip {
public var core:MovieClip;
Section 108 (145 B)
//item8 (item8)
package {
import flash.display.*;
public dynamic class item8 extends MovieClip {
public var core:MovieClip;
Section 109 (145 B)
//item9 (item9)
package {
import flash.display.*;
public dynamic class item9 extends MovieClip {
public var core:MovieClip;
Section 110 (217 B)
//mouses (mouses)
package {
import flash.display.*;
public dynamic class mouses extends MovieClip {
public function mouses(){
addFrameScript(0, frame1);
function frame1(){
Section 111 (130 B)
//optionBtn (optionBtn)
package {
import flash.display.*;
public dynamic class optionBtn extends SimpleButton {
Section 112 (130 B)
//optionCore (optionCore)
package {
import flash.display.*;
public dynamic class optionCore extends MovieClip {
Section 113 (126 B)
//optionTop (optionTop)
package {
import flash.display.*;
public dynamic class optionTop extends MovieClip {