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This is the info page for
Flash #86120

(Click the ID number above for more basic data on this flash file.)

Tu Fui, Ego Eris

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A suivre dans le prochain chapitre !
To be continued onto the next chapter !
En attendant, vous pouvez regarder le flash (anglais seulement)
dont la forme a inspiré Tu Fui, Ego Eris : Ruby's Quest, par
While you wait, you can watch the flash (english only) whose
format inspired Tu Fui, Ego Eris : Ruby's Quest, par Weaver.
D'ailleurs, contrairement à ce dernier, Tu Fui, Ego Eris n'est pas
véritablement basé sur une partie. Les"joueurs" sont imaginaires,
donc inutile de chercher à joindre la "partie".
Incidentally, unlike said game, Tu Fui Ego Eris is not truly based on
an actual game. "Players" are fictional, so it's useless to try and
join this "game".
Musique de fin/Ending Song : Noir Désir - Lost
Par / By  OmegaV

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ActionScript [AS1/AS2]

Frame 1
Frame 17
screenid = 1; fwdScene = "scene" + screenid; bckScene = "scene" + screenid; if (langue == "fr") { textDisplay = "Ce document est la retranscription d'un jeu qui a eu lieu dans un coin sombre et recul\u00E9 du net."; textBack = "Pr\u00E9c\u00E9dent"; textForward = "Suivant"; comments = "Ici se trouvent les commentaires des joueurs qui n'ont pas eu d'indicence sur le jeu mais qui valent la peine d'\u00EAtre mentionn\u00E9s."; } if (langue == "en") { textDisplay = "This file is the retranscription of a game that took place in a dark and secluded corner of the Internet."; textBack = "Back"; textForward = "Forward"; comments = "Here are player's commentaries that didn't have any effect on the game but are worth mentioning."; } stop();
Frame 18
if (langue == "fr") { textDisplay = "Eh bien, commen\u00E7ons."; textBack = "Pr\u00E9c\u00E9dent"; textForward = "Suivant"; } if (langue == "en") { textDisplay = "Well, let us begin."; textBack = "Back"; textForward = "Forward"; }
Frame 24
if (langue == "fr") { textDisplay = "Voici Eris."; } if (langue == "en") { textDisplay = "Meet Eris."; } stop();
Frame 31
if (langue == "fr") { textDisplay = "Alors qu'elle se r\u00E9veille, vous devenez responsables de ses actions."; } if (langue == "en") { textDisplay = "As she wakes up, you become responsible for her actions."; } stop();
Frame 38
if (langue == "fr") { textDisplay = "> <i>Okay, commen\u00E7ons par regarder o\u00F9 elle est...</i> \nEris conna\u00EEt cet endroit. C'est le bureau de son prof d'\u00E9conomie. A savoir, M. Demos, un gars...bizarre."; } if (langue == "en") { textDisplay = "> <i>Okay, let's start by looking where she is...</i> \n Eris knows this place. It's her economics teacher's office. That is to say, Mr. Demos, a...weird guy."; } stop();
Frame 45
if (langue == "fr") { textDisplay = "> <i>Elle sait pourquoi elle est l\u00E0, au moins ?</i> \n \nBien s\u00FBr. Elle avait rendez vous avec Demos pour discuter de son sujet d'expos\u00E9."; } if (langue == "en") { textDisplay = "> <i>Does she at least know why she's here ?</i> \n \n Of course. She had an appointment with Mr. Demos so that they could talk about the subject of her presentation."; } stop();
Frame 52
if (langue == "fr") { textDisplay = "> <i>Et donc...Pourquoi elle \u00E9tait en train de roupiller ?</i>"; } if (langue == "en") { textDisplay = "> <i>Hum hum, so...why was she snoozing ?</i>"; } stop();
Frame 59
if (langue == "fr") { textDisplay = "...Eris trouve que c'est une excellente question."; } if (langue == "en") { textDisplay = "...Eris finds that to be an excellent question."; } stop();
Frame 66
if (langue == "fr") { textDisplay = "Le prof \u00E9tait en retard, comme souvent, mais au point qu'elle puisse s'endormir ? \nEn plus, il \u00E9tait d\u00E9ja..."; } if (langue == "en") { textDisplay = "The teacher was late, as it was often the case, but to the point she could fall asleep ? \nFurthermore, it was already..."; } stop();
Frame 73
if (langue == "fr") { textDisplay = "...<b>Merde !</b> \nLe soleil se couche d\u00E9ja ! Ce cr\u00E9tin de prof l'a tout simplement oubli\u00E9e !"; } if (langue == "en") { textDisplay = "...<b>Shit !</b> \nThe sun is almost down already ! That idiot teacher just forgot her here !"; } stop();
Frame 81
if (langue == "fr") { textDisplay = "> <i>Et bien s\u00FBr, le concierge a du fermer \u00E0 cl\u00E9 toutes les salles, c'est \u00E7a ?</i> \nBingo."; } if (langue == "en") { textDisplay = "> <i>And of course, the janitor locked all the doors, right ?</i> \nSpot on."; } stop();
Frame 89
if (langue == "fr") { textDisplay = "> <i>Bon, commen\u00E7ons par le commencement. Qui est Eris et que sait elle faire ? </i> \nElle est la fille d'un ouvrier macho qui \u00E9tait persuad\u00E9 que son enfant allait s'appeler Eric. Mais vu le manque de virilit\u00E9 du gosse, il a du s'adapter. Un peu."; } if (langue == "en") { textDisplay = "> <i>Okay, let's begin by the beginning, who is Eris and what can she do ?</i> \nShe's the daughter of a mysoginist factory worker who was going to name his child Eric. But given the child's lack of manliness, he had to adapt. Somewhat."; } stop();
Frame 97
if (langue == "fr") { textDisplay = "Son \u00E9ducation s'en est ressentie, mais mod\u00E9r\u00E9ment. Elle est f\u00E9minine et a la force d'une \u00E9tudiante normale. Pas de superpouvoirs non plus, mais elle est tr\u00E8s bonne en tout ce qui est sports de tir. A part \u00E7a, c'est mademoiselle tout le monde."; } if (langue == "en") { textDisplay = "Her upringing followed suit, moderately. She's still girlish and only has the strength of your average female student. No superpowers either, although she's very good at shooting. That aside, she's the girl next door."; } stop();
Frame 105
if (langue == "fr") { textDisplay = "> <i>Inspectons les tiroirs, il y a peut \u00EAtre un double de la cl\u00E9.</i> \nNon, il y a surtout beaucoup de paperasse...Mais Eris trouve bien une CARTE MAGNETIQUE. Peut \u00EAtre l'\u00E9quivalent d'une carte \u00E9tudiant pour les profs. Il y a aussi un large anneau en m\u00E9tal qui doit servir de PRESSE-PAPIER."; } if (langue == "en") { textDisplay = "> <i>Let's look in the drawers, maybe there's a copy of the key.</i> \nNo, just a lot of documents...But Eris finds nonetheless a MAGNETIC CARD. Maybe the equivalent of a Student ID. There's also a large metallic ring, probably a PAPERWEIGHT."; } stop();
Frame 113
if (langue == "fr") { textDisplay = "> <i>Et le truc sur lequel elle dormait, c'est un coffre ?</i> \nOui, tout \u00E0 fait. Une grosse boite en m\u00E9tal ferm\u00E9e par un cadenas assez lourd. Aucun moyen visible de l'ouvrir pour le moment."; } if (langue == "en") { textDisplay = "> <i>And the thing on which she was sleeping, is it a chest ?</i> \nYes, absolutely. A large metallic chest locked by a heavy padlock. There's no visible means to open it right now."; } stop();
Frame 121
if (langue == "fr") { textDisplay = "> <i>Mais si, on peut. Sors le FLINGUE cach\u00E9 sous le t-shirt d'Eris que son p\u00E8re lui a donn\u00E9 \u00E0 no\u00EBl, et massacre le cadenas.</i> \nH\u00E9las, Eris est, contrairement \u00E0 la majorit\u00E9 des h\u00E9ros de jeux d'enqu\u00EAte, \u00E0 peu pr\u00E8s respectueuse de la Loi, et ne porte pas son arme \u00E0 feu \u00E0 l'universit\u00E9."; } if (langue == "en") { textDisplay = "> <i>Hell yes we can. Take the GUN hidden under Eris's shirt her father gave her for Christmas, and annihilate the padlock.</i> \nUnfortunately, Eris is, unlike most of protagonists from adventure games, at least a little law-abiding, and doesn't bring her weapon to the university."; } stop();
Frame 129
if (langue == "fr") { textDisplay = "> <i>Et ce truc \u00E0 droite, c'est quoi ?</i> \nUn tableau vitr\u00E9 pour mettre des notes et autres trucs du genre. Inhabituel dans un bureau de prof, mais Demos n'a pas l'habitude dans ses habitudes."; } if (langue == "en") { textDisplay = "> <i>What's this thing on the right ?</i> \nA pinboard covered by glass. Common in universities, but unusual in a teacher's office. That said, Demos doesn't have the usual in his habits."; } stop();
Frame 137
if (langue == "fr") { textDisplay = "Attendez une seconde...Il y a une cl\u00E9 coinc\u00E9e \u00E0 l'int\u00E9rieur, dans un des coins ! H\u00E9las, la vitre elle m\u00EAme est ferm\u00E9e \u00E0 cl\u00E9...\n> <i>Essayer de casser la vitre.</i> \nEris refuse cat\u00E9goriquement de le faire \u00E0 mains nues, non mais sans blague."; } if (langue == "en") { textDisplay = "Wait a second, there's a key behind the glass ! Sadly, the glass itself is locked...\n> <i>Try to break the glass.</i> \nEris downright refuses to do so with her bare hands."; } stop();
Frame 145
if (langue == "fr") { textDisplay = "> <i>Chercher dans ses poches pour voir si quelque chose peut permettre de casser cette vitre.</i> \nElle n'a qu'un CHEWING-GUM, son portefeuille, un rouleau de SCOTCH, la CARTE MAGNETIQUE et le PRESSE-PAPIER."; comments = "\n> <i>Et moi je dis qu'elle a vraiment un FLINGUE cach\u00E9 quelque part, cette cachotti\u00E8re.</i>"; } if (langue == "en") { textDisplay = "> <i>Search pockets in order to find something that could break the glass.</i> \nShe only has a CHEWING-GUM, her wallet, some TAPE, the MAGNETIC CARD and the PAPERWEIGHT."; comments = "\n> <i>I tell you the sly girl really has a GUN hidden somewhere.</i>"; } stop();
Frame 153
if (langue == "fr") { textDisplay = "> <i>Et les esp\u00E8ces de bouquins sur le bureau ?</i> \nCe sont des classeurs. Ils sont bien remplis et lourds, mais les couvertures sont en plastique bien trop fin pour pouvoir esp\u00E9rer briser du verre. Ou du moins, pas par eux-m\u00EAmes."; } if (langue == "en") { textDisplay = "> <i>What are those book-things on the desk ?</i> \nRing binders. They are full of documents and thus heavy, but the covers are way too flexible to break glass. Not by themselves, at least."; } stop();
Frame 161
if (langue == "fr") { textDisplay = "> <i>Y'a forc\u00E9ment une chaise dans cette salle ? Ce sera facile de briser le verre avec.</i> \nEtrangement, il n'y a aucune chaise ici. Eris se demande comment le prof arrive \u00E0 travailler sur son ordinateur."; comments = "> <i>C'est \u00E7a, essaie de nous faire croire que ta flemme de dessiner une chaise \u00E9tait pr\u00E9m\u00E9dit\u00E9e.</i>"; } if (langue == "en") { textDisplay = "> <i>There has to be a chair in this room ? It will be a piece of cake with that.</i> \nWell, strangely, there isn't any chair there. Eris wonders how the teacher operates his computer."; comments = "> <i>Yeah, like you weren't just too lazy to draw a chair.</i>"; } stop();
Frame 169
if (langue == "fr") { textDisplay = "> <i>En parlant d'ordi, essayer de regarder s'il y a pas une note mentionnant o\u00F9 il cache ses cl\u00E9s.</i> \nEris essaie d'allumer l'ordi, sans succ\u00E8s. Il est bien branch\u00E9 pourtant, peut \u00EAtre ont ils coup\u00E9 le courant pour le week-end."; } if (langue == "en") { textDisplay = "> <i>Talking about computers, switch it on and look if there's a note mentioning where he hides is keys.</i> \nEris tries, but the computers doesn't react. It is wired though. Maybe they just cut off the power for the night."; } stop();
Frame 177
if (langue == "fr") { textDisplay = "> <i>Bon eh bien rendons l'ordinateur utile en le jetant contre la vitre.</i> \nEris a la d\u00E9sagr\u00E9able impression qu'elle aurait de tr\u00E8s mauvaises notes en \u00E9conomie tout le reste de l'ann\u00E9e si elle bousille l'ordinateur, enferm\u00E9e dans le bureau ou pas..."; } if (langue == "en") { textDisplay = "> <i>Well, let's put this computer to good use by throwing it against the glass.</i> \nEris has the feeling she will have very bad marks in economics for the rest of the year if she broke the computer, locked in the office or not..."; } stop();
Frame 185
if (langue == "fr") { textDisplay = "> <i>Regarder l'esp\u00E8ce de note sur la droite du bureau.</i> \nMmmh, rien d'apparemment utile imm\u00E9diatement, mais Eris prend la NOTE DE DEMOS, on ne sait jamais."; } if (langue == "en") { textDisplay = "> <i>Look the note thing on the right of the desk.</i> \nMmmh, nothing that seems useful right now, but Eris takes the NOTE FROM DEMOS nonetheless."; } stop();
Frame 193
if (langue == "fr") { textDisplay = "> <i>De quelle taille est le PRESSE-PAPIER, au juste ?</i> \nA peu pr\u00E8s la taille de l'index et du pouce formant un cercle ensemble."; } if (langue == "en") { textDisplay = "> <i>What is the size of the PAPERWEIGHT, exactly ?</i> \nRoughly the size of the index finger and the thumb joined together in a circle."; } stop();
Frame 201
if (langue == "fr") { textDisplay = "> <i>Okay, MacGyver time. D\u00E9brancher la prise de l'ordi, et attacher gr\u00E2ce au SCOTCH le PRESSE-PAPIER au plus gros bout afin de former un CABLE-MASSUE.</i>"; } if (langue == "en") { textDisplay = "> <i>Okay, MacGyver time ! Take the electric cable off the computer, and bind the PAPERWEIGHT to the larger end with the TAPE in order to make a CABLEMACE.</i>"; } stop();
Frame 209
stop(); if (langue == "fr") { textDisplay = "\n<b>Succ\u00E8s !</b>"; } if (langue == "en") { textDisplay = "\n<b>Success !</b>"; } stop();
Frame 269
if (langue == "fr") { textDisplay = "...M\u00EAme si Eris n'a aucune id\u00E9e de ce \u00E0 quoi ce truc va bien pouvoir lui servir."; comments = "> <i><b>Pas d'utilit\u00E9 ? \nPas de probl\u00E8me !</b></i>"; } if (langue == "en") { textDisplay = "...Even if Eris has no idea of what's the use of this."; comments = "> <i><b>No use ? \nNo problem !</b></i>"; } stop();
Frame 277
if (langue == "fr") { textDisplay = "> <i>Ca va servir \u00E0 p\u00E9ter la vitre bien s\u00FBr !</i> \nCa semble \u00EAtre un bon plan !"; } if (langue == "en") { textDisplay = "> <i>The use is smashing the damn glass, of course !</i> \nSeems like a good plan after all !"; } stop();
Frame 285
textDisplay = ""; stop();
Frame 293
if (langue == "fr") { textDisplay = "Eris manque de se bousiller les doigts en enlevant le morceau de verre dans le coin du tableau, mais peut ainsi enlever la cl\u00E9 sans probl\u00E8me. \n> <i>Regarder si la cl\u00E9 est bien celle de la porte.</i>"; } if (langue == "en") { textDisplay = "Eris almost cuts her fingers removing the piece of glass in the corner, but she now can take the keys without any problem. \n> <i>Check if this key does open the door.</i>"; } stop();
Frame 301
if (langue == "fr") { textDisplay = "Affirmatif."; } if (langue == "en") { textDisplay = "Affirmative."; } stop();
Frame 309
if (langue == "fr") { textDisplay = "Enfin sortie de ce putain de bureau. Heureusement que la porte de la salle d'attente n'a pas de serrure m\u00E9canique, cet abruti de concierge aurait \u00E9t\u00E9 capable de la fermer aussi..."; } if (langue == "en") { textDisplay = "Out of this fucking office, at last. It's fortunate that this door doesn't have a mechanical lock, this asshat janitor could have locked it down too..."; } stop();
Frame 317
textDisplay = ""; stop();
Frame 325
if (langue == "fr") { textDisplay = "...Elle a juste une serrure \u00E9lectronique et le courant est coup\u00E9."; } if (langue == "en") { textDisplay = "...It just has an electronical lock and the power is down."; } stop();
Frame 333
if (langue == "fr") { textDisplay = "> <i>Utilisons le CABLE-MASSUE pour casser la fen\u00EAtre et sortir par l\u00E0.</i> \nNous sommes au troisi\u00E8me \u00E9tage et Eris pr\u00E9f\u00E8re rester le week end enferm\u00E9e l\u00E0 que se casser les deux jambes."; comments = "> <i>Chochotte.</i>"; } if (langue == "en") { textDisplay = "> <i>Use the CABLEMACE to break the window and go exit the building from here.</i> \nThis is a third story window and Eris would rather stay here two days than breaking her two legs."; comments = "> <i>Sissy.</i>"; } stop();
Frame 341
if (langue == "fr") { textDisplay = "> <i>La porte est la seule issue de cette pi\u00E8ce ?</i> \n \nIl y a bien trois autres bureaux de profs, mais Eris n'a la cl\u00E9 que de celui dont elle vient de sortir."; } if (langue == "en") { textDisplay = "> <i>Is this door the only exit ?</i> \nThere are three other teacher offices, but Eris only has the key of the one we just got out."; } stop();
Frame 349
if (langue == "fr") { textDisplay = "> <i>Examiner s'il n'y a pas de sources d'\u00E9nergie qu'on pourrait utiliser pour activer la serrure.</i> \nLe g\u00E9n\u00E9rateur est dans les caves de l'universit\u00E9, et \u00E0 part la machine \u00E0 caf\u00E9 \u00E9teinte et les lampes, il n'y a rien d'\u00E9lectrique dans cette salle."; } if (langue == "en") { textDisplay = "> <i>Look for energy sources we could use to activate the lock.</i> \nThe generator is in the university's basement, and apart from the coffee machine and the lamps, all shut down, there's nothing electrical here."; } stop();
Frame 357
if (langue == "fr") { textDisplay = "> <i>Bon bah tant qu'on y est, examiner la salle.</i> \nIl s'agit d'un couloir relativement \u00E9troit, sans int\u00E9r\u00EAt majeur. C'est l\u00E0 que les \u00E9tudiants attendent avant leurs rendez vous avec les profs ou divers responsables. Un endroit bien assez stressant comme \u00E7a, donc."; } if (langue == "en") { textDisplay = "> <i>Well, since we're here, examine the room.</i> \nIt's a relatively narrow corridor, without major value. Students waiting for appointments with teachers or other important people wait here. It's a well enough stressing place by itself."; } stop();
Frame 365
if (langue == "fr") { textDisplay = "La machine a caf\u00E9 est r\u00E9put\u00E9e faire du bon boulot, mais sans courant \u00E9lectrique, inutile d'\u00E9sperer une d\u00E9gustation."; } if (langue == "en") { textDisplay = "The coffee machine is known to be quite good at its job, but without power, no use hoping for a treat."; } stop();
Frame 373
if (langue == "fr") { textDisplay = "Quant au petit bonsa\u00EF sur le meuble \u00E0 la con, il para\u00EEt qu'il est l'objet d'un culte par la prof de droit du travail. Ce serait une bonne occasion de la faire chier, tiens."; } if (langue == "en") { textDisplay = "As for the little bonsai tree on this shitty furniture, there's a rumor stating the Labor law teacher worships it. A good occasion to bother her."; } stop();
Frame 381
if (langue == "fr") { textDisplay = "> <i>Woah, woah, relax ! Je me mat\u00E9rialise dans le couloir pour donner un gros c\u00E2lin \u00E0 Eris :3</i> \n...Attention, elle a encore le CABLE-MASSUE avec elle. \n> <i>Ah, c'est vrai.</i>"; } if (langue == "en") { textDisplay = "> <i>Woah, someone needs to take it easy~ ! I materialize in the room and give Eris a hug :3</i> \n...Beware, she still has the CABLEMACE. \n> <i>Oh, right.</i>"; } stop();
Frame 389
if (langue == "fr") { textDisplay = "> <i>Donc en toute logique, Eris est en retard ?</i> \n \nTout \u00E0 fait. Elle n'a pas de montre mais vu que le soleil est en train de se coucher, il doit \u00EAtre vers les 19h. Son train est donc parti au mieux il y a 10 minutes."; } if (langue == "en") { textDisplay = "> <i>Soo...Eris is probably late, yes ?</i> \nExactly. She doesn't have a watch, but since the sun is almost down, it's likely to be around 7 PM. Her train is gone since at least 10 minutes."; } stop();
Frame 397
if (langue == "fr") { textDisplay = "> <i>Si l'absence de courant a bloqu\u00E9 la porte, il ne reste qu'\u00E0 chercher une autre issue.</i> \nEris pense qu'elle est dans une universit\u00E9 de droit, pas dans un ch\u00E2teau m\u00E9di\u00E9val."; } if (langue == "en") { textDisplay = "> <i>Well, if the lack of power locked the door, we can only look for another exit.</i> \nEris thinks she's in a law university, not in a medieval castle."; } stop();
Frame 405
if (langue == "fr") { textDisplay = "> <i>Possible, mais on est dans un jeu d'\u00E9nigmes, pas dans un simulateur d'inutilit\u00E9. Donc l\u00E8ve toi et marche, Eris !</i> \nElle veut bien le faire, si \u00E7a peut vous faire plaisir..."; } if (langue == "en") { textDisplay = "> <i>Maybe, but we're in an adventure game, not a uselessness simulator. So stand up and walk, Eris !</i> \nIf you insist..."; } stop();
Frame 413
if (langue == "fr") { textDisplay = "Okay, et maintenant ?\n\n> <i>Je trouve bizarre que la machine a caf\u00E9 soit branch\u00E9e derri\u00E8re le canap\u00E9. Ca a toujours \u00E9t\u00E9 comme \u00E7a ?</i>"; } if (langue == "en") { textDisplay = "Okay, and now ? \n> <i>Isn't it weird for the coffee machine to be wired behind the sofa ? Has it always been that way ?</i>"; } stop();
Frame 421
if (langue == "fr") { textDisplay = "Bonne question...Quand Eris \u00E9tait en premi\u00E8re ann\u00E9e, il lui semble que la machine \u00E9tait bien plus pr\u00E8s de la porte. Et \u00E9loigner une machine comme \u00E7a des prises, \u00E7a doit pas \u00EAtre tr\u00E8s pratique..."; } if (langue == "en") { textDisplay = "Good question...When Eris was still in first year, she thinks it was closer to the door. And surely you don't move machines like that without good reasons..."; } stop();
Frame 429
if (langue == "fr") { textDisplay = "<b>Mais bien s\u00FBr !</b>"; } if (langue == "en") { textDisplay = "<b>Of course !</b>"; } stop();
Frame 437
if (langue == "fr") { textDisplay = "Il y avait eu une explosion dans le couloir d'\u00E0 c\u00F4t\u00E9, \u00E0 cet endroit, il y a un peu moins d'un an. Ils ont vite r\u00E9par\u00E9 la cloison c\u00F4t\u00E9 couloir, mais... \n> <i>Pousser la machine \u00E0 caf\u00E9 sur le c\u00F4t\u00E9 !</i>"; } if (langue == "en") { textDisplay = "There was an explosion in the corridor behind the door, at this spot, a few months ago. They quickly repaired the wall on the other side, but here...\n> <i>Push the machine on the side !</i>"; } stop();
Frame 445
if (langue == "fr") { textDisplay = "Fait. Enfin...Dans quelques instants..."; } if (langue == "en") { textDisplay = "Done. Well...In a few moments..."; } stop();
Frame 453
if (langue == "fr") { textDisplay = "Et voila le travail !"; } if (langue == "en") { textDisplay = "And voil\u00E0 !"; } stop();
Frame 461
if (langue == "fr") { textDisplay = "> <i>Se glisser par le trou cach\u00E9 par la machine \u00E0 caf\u00E9.</i> \n\nEt en route vers le pays des merveilles !"; } if (langue == "en") { textDisplay = "> <i>Crawl through the hole previously hidden.</i> \n\nAnd off we go to wonderland !"; } stop();
Frame 469
if (langue == "fr") { textDisplay = ""; } if (langue == "en") { textDisplay = ""; } stop();
Frame 477
if (langue == "fr") { textDisplay = "Ah, oui. Ce bon vieux corridor de la douleur."; } if (langue == "en") { textDisplay = "Ah, yes, the good old corridor of pain."; } stop();
Frame 485
if (langue == "fr") { textDisplay = "Il a toujours \u00E9t\u00E9 moins agr\u00E9able de le traverser en direction de l'antre des profs qu'en en partant. On dirait que m\u00EAme se faire enfermer ne change pas ce simple \u00E9tat de fait."; } if (langue == "en") { textDisplay = "It always was harder to walk trough it going to the teacher's den rather than leaving it. It seems even getting locked inside won't change that fact."; } stop();
Frame 493
if (langue == "fr") { textDisplay = "Allez, temps de se casser, Eris n'est pas pay\u00E9e pour ses heures suppl\u00E9mentaires."; comments = "> <i>Quoi ? On paye les jeunes en aventures tr\u00E9pidantes et ils trouvent encore le moyen de se plaindre ? Feignasses ! </i>"; } if (langue == "en") { textDisplay = "Well then, time to scram. Eris isn't paid for overtime hours."; comments = "> <i>What's this ? We pay youngsters in thrilling adventures and they still find reasons to complain ? Punks !</i>"; } stop();
Frame 501
if (langue == "fr") { textDisplay = "En voyant le soleil dispara\u00EEtre \u00E0 l'horizon, cependant, Eris se souvient exactement pourquoi elle \u00E9tait de mauvaise humeur."; } if (langue == "en") { textDisplay = "However, when she sees the sun disappearing in the horizon, Eris remembers exactly why she was in a bad mood."; } stop();
Frame 509
if (langue == "fr") { textDisplay = "Maintenant, elle va \u00EAtre rentr\u00E9e \u00E0 21 heures, sans pouvoir acheter sa bi\u00E8re pr\u00E9f\u00E9r\u00E9e. Celle de son p\u00E8re est compl\u00E8tement immonde, absolument imbuvable avant d'ajouter le quart d'une bouteille de sirop de p\u00E8che dedans, et encore, m\u00EAme l\u00E0 on sent l'arri\u00E8re go\u00FBt de..."; } if (langue == "en") { textDisplay = "Now she's gonna be home at 9 PM, and won't be able to buy her favorite beer. The one her father buys is godawful, absolutely undrinkable before pouring in a quarter of a peach syrup bottle, and even then one can still feel the lingering taste of..."; } stop();
Frame 517
if (langue == "fr") { textDisplay = ""; } if (langue == "en") { textDisplay = ""; } stop();
Frame 525
if (langue == "fr") { textDisplay = "> <i>...What the FUCK ?</i>"; comments = "> <i>La nuit est vraiment tomb\u00E9e en chute libre, l\u00E0.</i>"; } if (langue == "en") { textDisplay = "> <i>...What the FUCK ?</i>"; comments = "> <i>The night has fallen down pretty hard there.</i>"; } stop();
Frame 533
if (langue == "fr") { textDisplay = "Une obscurit\u00E9 totale s'est abattue dans le couloir, de mani\u00E8re aussi inexplicable que soudaine. Eris n'a entendu aucun bruit bizarre."; comments = "> <i>M\u00EAme pas celui de la nuit s'\u00E9crasant comme une merde sur le sol ?</i>"; } if (langue == "en") { textDisplay = "Total obscurity has engulfed the corridor, as inexplicably as it was sudden. Eris hasn't heard any weird sound."; comments = "> <i>Not even the sound of the night splattering like a turd on the ground ?</i>"; } stop();
Frame 541
if (langue == "fr") { textDisplay = "> <i>Prendre le CABLE-MASSUE en main, et le faire tournoyer autour de soi tout en avan\u00E7ant, afin de d\u00E9tecter les obstacles.</i> \nBonne id\u00E9e. Inutile de chercher \u00E0 comprendre pour le moment. Eris reprend son avanc\u00E9e."; } if (langue == "en") { textDisplay = "> <i>Take the CABLEMACE in hand, and spin it around while walking, so that she can detect obstacles around her.</i> \nGood idea. No use trying to understand for now. Eris resumes walking."; } stop();
Frame 549
if (langue == "fr") { textDisplay = "Heureusement, le couloir est assez simple et vide, et elle parvient \u00E0 prendre le virage \u00E0 droite sans probl\u00E8me. Normalement, la cage d'escalier se trouve \u00E0 une trentaine de m\u00E8tres droit devant.."; } if (langue == "en") { textDisplay = "Fortunately, the corridor is quite empty, and she takes the turn without hindrance. Now, the staircase must be about thirty meters ahead..."; } stop();
Frame 557
if (langue == "fr") { textDisplay = "Hein ?"; } if (langue == "en") { textDisplay = "Huh ?"; } stop();
Frame 565
if (langue == "fr") { textDisplay = "L'une des fen\u00EAtres \u00E9met une lumi\u00E8re \u00E9trange..."; } if (langue == "en") { textDisplay = "One of the windows emits a strange light..."; } stop();
Frame 573
if (langue == "fr") { textDisplay = "Et une autre... \n\n...Hein ?"; } if (langue == "en") { textDisplay = "And another... \n\n...Huh ?"; } stop();
Frame 588
if (langue == "fr") { textDisplay = "> <i>COURS.</i>"; textBack = "Pr\u00E9c\u00E9dent"; textForward = "Suivant"; } if (langue == "en") { textDisplay = "> <i>RUN.</i>"; textBack = "Back"; textForward = "Forward"; } stop();
Frame 596
if (langue == "fr") { textDisplay = ""; textBack = ""; textForward = ""; } if (langue == "en") { textDisplay = ""; textBack = ""; textForward = ""; } play();
Frame 657
Frame 981
Frame 992
if (langue == "fr") { textDisplay = "pwet."; } if (langue == "en") { textDisplay = "Well, let us begin."; } stop();
Symbol 6 Button
on (release) { langue = "fr"; gotoAndStop ("scene1"); }
Symbol 8 Button
on (release) { langue = "en"; gotoAndStop ("scene1"); }
Symbol 17 Button
on (release) { screenid++; comments = ""; gotoAndStop("scene" + screenid); }
Symbol 20 Button
on (release) { if (screenid > 1) { screenid--; } comments = ""; gotoAndStop("scene" + screenid); }
Symbol 107 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 107 MovieClip Frame 11
gotoAndPlay ("normal");
Symbol 114 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 114 MovieClip Frame 12
gotoAndPlay ("accel");
Symbol 129 Button
on (release) { screenid = 68; comments = ""; gotoAndStop("scene" + screenid); }
Symbol 133 Button
on (release) { screenid++; gotoAndStop("scene" + screenid); }
Symbol 134 Button
on (release) { if (screenid > 1) { screenid--; } gotoAndStop("scene" + screenid); }

Library Items

Symbol 1 GraphicUsed by:Timeline
Symbol 2 GraphicUsed by:Timeline
Symbol 3 FontUsed by:4
Symbol 4 TextUses:3Used by:Timeline
Symbol 5 GraphicUsed by:6
Symbol 6 ButtonUses:5Used by:Timeline
Symbol 7 GraphicUsed by:8
Symbol 8 ButtonUses:7Used by:Timeline
Symbol 9 GraphicUsed by:Timeline
Symbol 10 GraphicUsed by:Timeline
Symbol 11 FontUsed by:12 13 16 19 92 127 131
Symbol 12 EditableTextUses:11Used by:Timeline
Symbol 13 EditableTextUses:11Used by:Timeline
Symbol 14 GraphicUsed by:Timeline
Symbol 15 GraphicUsed by:17 23 133
Symbol 16 EditableTextUses:11Used by:17 23 133
Symbol 17 ButtonUses:15 16Used by:Timeline
Symbol 18 GraphicUsed by:20 24 129 134
Symbol 19 EditableTextUses:11Used by:20 24 129 134
Symbol 20 ButtonUses:18 19Used by:Timeline
Symbol 21 GraphicUsed by:Timeline
Symbol 22 GraphicUsed by:Timeline
Symbol 23 ButtonUses:15 16Used by:Timeline
Symbol 24 ButtonUses:18 19Used by:Timeline
Symbol 25 GraphicUsed by:Timeline
Symbol 26 GraphicUsed by:Timeline
Symbol 27 GraphicUsed by:Timeline
Symbol 28 GraphicUsed by:Timeline
Symbol 29 GraphicUsed by:Timeline
Symbol 30 GraphicUsed by:Timeline
Symbol 31 GraphicUsed by:Timeline
Symbol 32 GraphicUsed by:Timeline
Symbol 33 GraphicUsed by:Timeline
Symbol 34 GraphicUsed by:Timeline
Symbol 35 GraphicUsed by:Timeline
Symbol 36 GraphicUsed by:Timeline
Symbol 37 GraphicUsed by:Timeline
Symbol 38 GraphicUsed by:Timeline
Symbol 39 GraphicUsed by:Timeline
Symbol 40 GraphicUsed by:Timeline
Symbol 41 GraphicUsed by:Timeline
Symbol 42 GraphicUsed by:Timeline
Symbol 43 GraphicUsed by:Timeline
Symbol 44 GraphicUsed by:Timeline
Symbol 45 GraphicUsed by:Timeline
Symbol 46 GraphicUsed by:Timeline
Symbol 47 GraphicUsed by:Timeline
Symbol 48 GraphicUsed by:Timeline
Symbol 49 SoundUsed by:Timeline
Symbol 50 GraphicUsed by:Timeline
Symbol 51 GraphicUsed by:Timeline
Symbol 52 GraphicUsed by:Timeline
Symbol 53 GraphicUsed by:Timeline
Symbol 54 GraphicUsed by:Timeline
Symbol 55 GraphicUsed by:Timeline
Symbol 56 GraphicUsed by:Timeline
Symbol 57 GraphicUsed by:Timeline
Symbol 58 GraphicUsed by:Timeline
Symbol 59 GraphicUsed by:Timeline
Symbol 60 GraphicUsed by:Timeline
Symbol 61 GraphicUsed by:Timeline
Symbol 62 GraphicUsed by:Timeline
Symbol 63 GraphicUsed by:Timeline
Symbol 64 GraphicUsed by:Timeline
Symbol 65 GraphicUsed by:Timeline
Symbol 66 GraphicUsed by:Timeline
Symbol 67 GraphicUsed by:Timeline
Symbol 68 GraphicUsed by:Timeline
Symbol 69 GraphicUsed by:Timeline
Symbol 70 GraphicUsed by:Timeline
Symbol 71 GraphicUsed by:Timeline
Symbol 72 GraphicUsed by:Timeline
Symbol 73 GraphicUsed by:Timeline
Symbol 74 GraphicUsed by:Timeline
Symbol 75 GraphicUsed by:Timeline
Symbol 76 GraphicUsed by:Timeline
Symbol 77 GraphicUsed by:Timeline
Symbol 78 GraphicUsed by:Timeline
Symbol 79 GraphicUsed by:Timeline
Symbol 80 GraphicUsed by:Timeline
Symbol 81 GraphicUsed by:Timeline
Symbol 82 GraphicUsed by:Timeline
Symbol 83 GraphicUsed by:Timeline
Symbol 84 GraphicUsed by:Timeline
Symbol 85 GraphicUsed by:Timeline
Symbol 86 GraphicUsed by:Timeline
Symbol 87 GraphicUsed by:Timeline
Symbol 88 GraphicUsed by:Timeline
Symbol 89 GraphicUsed by:Timeline
Symbol 90 GraphicUsed by:Timeline
Symbol 91 GraphicUsed by:Timeline
Symbol 92 TextUses:11Used by:Timeline
Symbol 93 GraphicUsed by:Timeline
Symbol 94 GraphicUsed by:Timeline
Symbol 95 GraphicUsed by:Timeline
Symbol 96 GraphicUsed by:Timeline
Symbol 97 GraphicUsed by:Timeline
Symbol 98 GraphicUsed by:Timeline
Symbol 99 GraphicUsed by:Timeline
Symbol 100 GraphicUsed by:Timeline
Symbol 101 GraphicUsed by:Timeline
Symbol 102 GraphicUsed by:Timeline
Symbol 103 GraphicUsed by:107 114
Symbol 104 GraphicUsed by:107 114
Symbol 105 GraphicUsed by:107 114
Symbol 106 GraphicUsed by:107
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Symbol 109 GraphicUsed by:Timeline
Symbol 110 GraphicUsed by:Timeline
Symbol 111 GraphicUsed by:Timeline
Symbol 112 GraphicUsed by:Timeline
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Symbol 115 GraphicUsed by:Timeline
Symbol 116 GraphicUsed by:Timeline
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Symbol 119 GraphicUsed by:Timeline
Symbol 120 GraphicUsed by:Timeline
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Symbol 125 GraphicUsed by:Timeline
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Instance Names

"textDisplay"Frame 17Symbol 12 EditableText
"comments"Frame 17Symbol 13 EditableText
"textDisplay"Frame 992Symbol 131 EditableText

Special Tags

FileAttributes (69)Timeline Frame 1Access local files only, Metadata present, AS1/AS2.
SWFMetaData (77)Timeline Frame 1205 bytes "<rdf:RDF xmlns:rdf=""><rdf:Description rdf:about="" xmlns ..."


"scene1"Frame 17
"scene2"Frame 18
"scene3"Frame 24
"scene4"Frame 31
"scene5"Frame 38
"scene6"Frame 45
"scene7"Frame 52
"scene8"Frame 59
"scene9"Frame 66
"scene10"Frame 73
"scene11"Frame 81
"scene12"Frame 89
"scene13"Frame 97
"scene14"Frame 105
"scene15"Frame 113
"scene16"Frame 121
"scene17"Frame 129
"scene18"Frame 137
"scene19"Frame 145
"scene20"Frame 153
"scene21"Frame 161
"scene22"Frame 169
"scene23"Frame 177
"scene24"Frame 185
"scene25"Frame 193
"scene26"Frame 201
"scene27"Frame 209
"scene28"Frame 269
"scene29"Frame 277
"scene30"Frame 285
"scene31"Frame 293
"scene32"Frame 301
"scene33"Frame 309
"scene34"Frame 317
"scene35"Frame 325
"scene36"Frame 333
"scene37"Frame 341
"scene38"Frame 349
"scene39"Frame 357
"scene40"Frame 365
"scene41"Frame 373
"scene42"Frame 381
"scene43"Frame 389
"scene44"Frame 397
"scene45"Frame 405
"scene46"Frame 413
"scene47"Frame 421
"scene48"Frame 429
"scene49"Frame 437
"scene50"Frame 445
"scene51"Frame 453
"scene52"Frame 461
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"scene54"Frame 477
"scene55"Frame 485
"scene56"Frame 493
"scene57"Frame 501
"scene58"Frame 509
"scene59"Frame 517
"scene60"Frame 525
"scene61"Frame 533
"scene62"Frame 541
"scene63"Frame 549
"scene64"Frame 557
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"scene66"Frame 573
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"scene68"Frame 588
"scene69"Frame 596
"scene70"Frame 981
"normal"Symbol 107 MovieClip Frame 1
"accel"Symbol 114 MovieClip Frame 1

Dynamic Text Variables

textDisplaySymbol 12 EditableText"<p align="left"></p>"
commentsSymbol 13 EditableText"<p align="left"></p>"
textForwardSymbol 16 EditableText"<p align="center"></p>"
textBackSymbol 19 EditableText"<p align="center"></p>"
textDisplaySymbol 131 EditableText"<p align="left"></p>"
Created: 30/3 -2019 14:48:30 Last modified: 30/3 -2019 14:48:30 Server time: 22/12 -2024 08:43:47