Frame 1
fscommand ("allowscale", "false");
Instance of Symbol 1507 MovieClip in Frame 1
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
text = ((int(_parent.getBytesLoaded() / 1000) add " KBYTES OF ") add int(_parent.getBytesTotal() / 1000)) add " LOADED ...";
if (_parent.getBytesTotal() == _parent.getBytesLoaded()) {
Frame 2
Frame 3
_root.CurrentWeapon = "";
_root.directionfacing = 1;
_root.hitring = 1;
_root.recover = 0;
Frame 4
function buildMap(map) {
_root.attachMovie("empty", "tiles", 1);
game.halfvisx = int(game.visx / 2);
game.halfvisy = int(game.visy / 2);
game.clip = _root.tiles;
game.mapwidth = map[0].length;
game.mapheight = map.length;
if (char.xtile < game.halfvisx) {
var fixx = (char.xtile - game.halfvisx);
} else if ((game.mapwidth - game.halfvisx) < char.xtile) {
var fixx = (game.mapwidth - char.xtile);
if (char.ytile < game.halfvisy) {
var fixy = (char.ytile - game.halfvisy);
} else if (((game.mapheight - game.halfvisy) - 1) < char.ytile) {
var fixy = ((game.mapheight - char.ytile) - 1);
game.clip._x = (game.centerx - ((char.xtile - fixx) * game.tileW)) - (game.tileW / 2);
game.clip._y = (game.centery - ((char.ytile - fixy) * game.tileH)) - (game.tileH / 2);
var y = ((char.ytile - game.halfvisy) - fixy);
while ((((char.ytile + game.halfvisy) + 1) - fixy) >= y) {
var x = ((char.xtile - game.halfvisx) - fixx);
while ((((char.xtile + game.halfvisx) + 1) - fixx) >= x) {
var name = ((("t_" + y) + "_") + x);
if ((((y >= 0) and (x >= 0)) and ((map.length - 1) >= y)) and ((map[0].length - 1) >= x)) {
game[name] = new game["Tile" + map[y][x][0]]();
} else {
game[name] = new game.Tile4();
game.clip.attachMovie("tile", name, (1 + (y * 100)) + (x * 2));
game.clip[name]._x = x * game.tileW;
game.clip[name]._y = y * game.tileH;
game.items = myItems[game.currentMap];
var i = 0;
while (i < game.items.length) {
var name = ((("item" + game.items[i][2]) + "_") + game.items[i][1]);
game[name] = new game["Item" + game.items[i][0]]();
game[name].position = i;
game.clip.attachMovie("items", name, 10001 + i);
game[name].clip = game.clip[name];
game[name].clip._x = (game.items[i][1] * game.tileW) + (game.tileW / 2);
game[name].clip._y = (game.items[i][2] * game.tileH) + (game.tileH / 2);
_level10.rings = game.rings;
var enemies = myEnemies[game.currentMap];
game.currentEnemies = [];
var i = 0;
while (i < enemies.length) {
var name = ("enemy" + i);
game[name] = new game["Enemyp" + enemies[i][0]]();
game[name].id = i;
game.clip.attachMovie("enemy" + enemies[i][0], name, 11001 + i);
game[name].clip = game.clip[name];
game[name].xtile = enemies[i][1];
game[name].ytile = enemies[i][2];
game[name].width = game.clip[name]._width / 2;
game[name].height = game.clip[name]._height / 2;
game[name].x = (game[name].xtile * game.tileW) + (game.tileW / 2);
game[name].y = ((game[name].ytile + 1) * game.tileH) - game[name].height;
game[name].clip._x = game[name].x;
game[name].clip._y = game[name].y;
game[name].miny = game[name].miny + game[name].ytile;
game[name].maxy = game[name].maxy + game[name].ytile;
game.movingtiles = myMovingTiles[game.currentMap];
var i = 0;
while (i < game.movingtiles.length) {
var name = ("movingtile" + i);
game[name] = new game["MovingTilep" + game.movingtiles[i][0]]();
game.clip.attachMovie("movingtiles", name, 12001 + i);
game[name].clip = game.clip[name];
game[name].xtile = game.movingtiles[i][1];
game[name].ytile = game.movingtiles[i][2];
game[name].x = (game[name].xtile * game.tileW) + (game.tileW / 2);
game[name].y = (game[name].ytile * game.tileH) + (game.tileH / 2);
game[name].clip._x = game[name].x;
game[name].clip._y = game[name].y;
game[name].minx = game[name].minx + game[name].xtile;
game[name].maxx = game[name].maxx + game[name].xtile;
game[name].miny = game[name].miny + game[name].ytile;
game[name].maxy = game[name].maxy + game[name].ytile;
game.clip.attachMovie("char", "char", 100000);
char.clip = game.clip.char;
char.width = char.clip._width / 2;
char.height = char.clip._height / 2;
char.x = (char.xtile * game.tileW) + (game.tileW / 2);
char.y = (char.ytile * game.tileW) + (game.tileW / 2);
char.clip._x = char.x;
char.clip._y = char.y;
char.xstep = char.x;
char.ystep = char.y;
function changeTile(xold, yold, xnew, ynew, map) {
var nameold = ((("t_" + yold) + "_") + xold);
var namenew = ((("t_" + ynew) + "_") + xnew);
if ((((ynew >= 0) and (xnew >= 0)) and ((map.length - 1) >= ynew)) and ((map[0].length - 1) >= xnew)) {
game[namenew] = new game["Tile" + map[ynew][xnew][0]]();
game.clip[nameold]._name = namenew;
game.clip[namenew]._x = xnew * game.tileW;
game.clip[namenew]._y = ynew * game.tileH;
game.clip[namenew].thisframe = game.clip[namenew]._currentframe;
} else {
game[namenew] = new game.Tile4();
game.clip[nameold]._name = namenew;
function changeMap(ob) {
var tempitems = [];
var i = 0;
while (i < game.items.length) {
if (game.items[i]) {
var name = ((("item" + game.items[i][2]) + "_") + game.items[i][1]);
delete game[name];
myItems[game.currentMap] = tempitems;
var name = ((("t_" + ob.ytile) + "_") + ob.xtile);
game.currentMap = game[name].newMap;
ob.ytile = game[name].newchary;
ob.xtile = game[name].newcharx;
ob.frame = ob.clip._currentframe;
buildMap(_root["myMap" + game.currentMap]);
function getMyCorners(x, y, ob) {
ob.downY = Math.floor(((y + ob.height) - 1) / game.tileH);
ob.upY = Math.floor((y - ob.height) / game.tileH);
ob.leftX = Math.floor((x - ob.width) / game.tileW);
ob.rightX = Math.floor(((x + ob.width) - 1) / game.tileW);
ob.upleft = game[(("t_" + ob.upY) + "_") + ob.leftX].walkable;
ob.downleft = game[(("t_" + ob.downY) + "_") + ob.leftX].walkable;
ob.upright = game[(("t_" + ob.upY) + "_") + ob.rightX].walkable;
ob.downright = game[(("t_" + ob.downY) + "_") + ob.rightX].walkable;
function checkIfOnCloud(ob) {
var leftcloud = game[(("t_" + ob.downY) + "_") + ob.leftX].cloud;
var rightcloud = game[(("t_" + ob.downY) + "_") + ob.rightX].cloud;
if ((leftcloud or rightcloud) and (ob.ytile != ob.downY)) {
function checkIfOnSpring(ob) {
var bouncetileleft = game[(("t_" + ob.downY) + "_") + ob.leftX].bounce;
var bouncetileright = game[(("t_" + ob.downY) + "_") + ob.rightX].bounce;
if ((bouncetileleft or bouncetileright) and (ob.ytile != ob.downY)) {
if (bouncetileleft) {
game[(("item" + ob.downY) + "_") + ob.leftX].clip.Tile.gotoAndPlay(2);
} else {
game[(("item" + ob.downY) + "_") + ob.rightX].clip.Tile.gotoAndPlay(2);
function checkIfOnSpike(ob) {
var spiketileleft = game[(("t_" + ob.downY) + "_") + ob.leftX].spike;
var spiketileright = game[(("t_" + ob.downY) + "_") + ob.rightX].spike;
if ((spiketileleft or spiketileright) and (ob.ytile != ob.downY)) {
function checkForGravity(ob, diry, dirx) {
if (game[(("t_" + ob.ytile) + "_") + ob.xtile].walkable and (!ob.jump)) {
ob.ytile = ob.ytile + 1;
ob.y = ob.y + game.tileH;
function checkForSlopes(ob, diry, dirx) {
if (game[(("t_" + (ob.ytile + 1)) + "_") + ob.xtile].slope and (!ob.jump)) {
ob.ytile = ob.ytile + 1;
ob.y = ob.y + game.tileH;
if (game[(("t_" + ob.ytile) + "_") + ob.xtile].slope and (diry != -1)) {
if (diry == 1) {
ob.y = ((ob.ytile + 1) * game.tileH) - ob.height;
var xpos = (ob.x - (ob.xtile * game.tileW));
ob.onSlope = game[(("t_" + ob.ytile) + "_") + ob.xtile].slope;
ob.jump = false;
if (game[(("t_" + ob.ytile) + "_") + ob.xtile].slope == 1) {
ob.addy = xpos;
ob.clip._y = (((ob.ytile + 1) * game.tileH) - ob.height) - ob.addy;
} else {
ob.addy = game.tileW - xpos;
ob.clip._y = (((ob.ytile + 1) * game.tileH) - ob.height) - ob.addy;
} else {
if (((ob.onSlope == 1) and (dirx == 1)) or ((ob.onSlope == -1) and (dirx == -1))) {
ob.ytile = ob.ytile - 1;
ob.y = ob.y - game.tileH;
ob.clip._y = ob.y;
ob.onSlope = false;
function enemyBrain() {
var i = 0;
while (i < game.currentEnemies.length) {
var name = ("enemy" + game.currentEnemies[i].id);
var ob = game[name];
getMyCorners(ob.x + (ob.speed * ob.xMove), (ob.y + (ob.speed * ob.yMove)) + 1, ob);
if (((ob.downleft and ob.downright) and ob.upleft) and ob.upright) {
if (ob.yMove != 1) {
moveEnemy(ob, ob.xMove, ob.yMove);
} else {
ob.xMove = -ob.xMove;
var xdist = (ob.x - char.x);
var ydist = (ob.y - char.y);
if (_root.CharState != "Hit") {
if ((!char.jump) and (_root.CharState != "Spinning")) {
if ((Math.sqrt((xdist * xdist) + (ydist * ydist)) < (ob.width + char.width)) and (_root.recover == 0)) {
if (ob.totallife == 6) {
_root.recover = 50;
char.jump = true;
if (0 < game.rings) {
game.rings = 0;
if (char.speed < 1) {
char.speed = 4;
char.jumpspeed = -15;
_root.CharState = "Hit";
game.clip = _root.tiles;
namering = [(("item" + char.ytile) + "_") + char.xtile];
game[namering] = new game.Item1();
game.clip.attachMovie("items", namering, 100003 + _root.hitring);
game[namering].clip = game.clip[namering];
game[namering].clip._x = char.x;
game[namering].clip._y = char.y;
game.items.push([1, char.xtile, char.ytile]);
} else {
_root.death = 1;
_root.control = 0;
} else if (Math.sqrt((xdist * xdist) + (ydist * ydist)) < ((ob.width + char.width) + 10)) {
if (_root.CharState != "Spinning") {
char.jumpspeed = -15;
setProperty(ob.clip.LifeMeter, _alpha , "100");
ob.clip.LifeMeter.Bar._width = ob.clip.LifeMeter.Bar._width - (50 * (4 / ob.totallife)); = - 4;
function takeDamage(ob) {
if (_root.recover == 0) {
if (0 < game.rings) {
_root.control = 0;
_root.recover = 50;
ob.jump = true;
game.rings = 0;
if (ob.speed < 1) {
ob.speed = 4;
ob.jumpspeed = -15;
_root.CharState = "Hit";
} else {
_root.death = 1;
function moveEnemy(ob, dirx, diry) {
ob.dirx = dirx;
ob.diry = diry;
if (Math.abs(jump) == 1) {
speed = ob.jumpspeed * jump;
} else {
speed = ob.speed;
ob.lasty = ob.y;
getMyCorners(ob.x, ob.y + (speed * diry), ob);
getMyCorners(ob.x + (speed * dirx), ob.y, ob);
if (dirx == -1) {
if (ob.downleft and ob.upleft) {
ob.x = ob.x + (speed * dirx);
} else {
ob.x = (ob.xtile * game.tileW) + ob.width;
if (dirx == 1) {
if (ob.upright and ob.downright) {
ob.x = ob.x + (speed * dirx);
} else {
ob.x = ((ob.xtile + 1) * game.tileW) - ob.width;
ob.clip._x = ob.x;
ob.clip._y = ob.y;
if (dirx or diry) {
ob.clip.gotoAndStop((dirx + (diry * 2)) + 3);
ob.xtile = Math.floor(ob.clip._x / game.tileW);
ob.ytile = Math.floor(ob.clip._y / game.tileH);
ob.chancetoshoot = random(100);
if (ob.chancetoshoot < 3) {
if (ob.totallife == 6) {
function moveVertEnemy(ob, dirx, diry) {
getMyCorners(ob.x + (ob.speed * ob.dirx), ob.y + (ob.speed * ob.diry), ob);
if ((ob.upY < ob.miny) or (ob.maxy < ob.downY)) {
ob.diry = -ob.diry;
ob.y = ob.y + (ob.speed * ob.diry);
ob.ytile = Math.floor(ob.y / game.tileH);
ob.clip._y = ob.y;
function moveChar(ob, dirx, diry, jump) {
ob.dirx = dirx;
ob.diry = diry;
ob.lasty = ob.y;
if (Math.abs(jump) == 1) {
speed = ob.jumpspeed * jump;
} else {
speed = ob.speed;
_level10.currenttile = [(("t_" + ob.ytile) + "_") + ob.xtile];
getMyCorners(ob.x, ob.y + (speed * diry), ob);
if (diry == -1) {
if (ob.upleft and ob.upright) {
ob.y = ob.y + -10;
} else {
ob.y = (ob.ytile * game.tileH) + ob.height;
ob.jumpspeed = 0;
if (diry == 1) {
if (((((ob.downleft and ob.downright) and (!checkMovingTiles(speed * diry))) and (!checkIfOnCloud(ob))) and (!checkIfOnSpike(ob))) and (!checkIfOnSpring(ob))) {
ob.y = ob.y + (speed * diry);
} else if (checkIfOnSpike(ob)) {
_root.control = 1;
if (_root.recover == 0) {
} else if (_root.control == 1) {
ob.jump = false;
ob.y = ((ob.ytile + 1) * game.tileH) - ob.height;
} else if (checkIfOnSpring(ob)) {
_root.control = 1;
_root.CharState = "Bounce";
ob.hit = false;
ob.jump = true;
ob.jumpspeed = ob.jumpstart - 18;
} else if (ob.onMovingTile) {
_root.control = 1;
ob.hit = false;
ob.jump = false;
ob.y = (ob.onMovingTile.y - ob.onMovingTile.height) - ob.height;
} else {
ob.hit = false;
ob.jump = false;
ob.y = ((ob.ytile + 1) * game.tileH) - ob.height;
_root.control = 1;
getMyCorners(ob.x + (speed * dirx), ob.y, ob);
if (dirx == -1) {
if ((ob.downleft and ob.upleft) or ob.onSlope) {
if ((_root.rightkeydown == 0) and (_root.leftkeydown == 0)) {
if (0 < speed) {
ob.speed = ob.speed * 0.9;
speed = ob.speed;
} else {
ob.speed = 0;
} else {
if (_root.directionfacing == 1) {
ob.speed = ob.speed * 0.25;
_root.directionfacing = -1;
if (speed < 12) {
if (speed < 1) {
ob.speed = 1;
if (!ob.jump) {
ob.speed = ob.speed * 1.1;
} else {
ob.speed = ob.speed * 1.25;
speed = ob.speed;
ob.x = ob.x + (speed * dirx);
} else {
ob.x = (ob.xtile * game.tileW) + ob.width;
ob.speed = 1;
if (dirx == 1) {
if ((ob.upright and ob.downright) or ob.onSlope) {
if ((_root.rightkeydown == 0) and (_root.leftkeydown == 0)) {
if (0 < speed) {
ob.speed = ob.speed * 0.9;
speed = ob.speed;
} else {
ob.speed = 0;
} else {
if (_root.directionfacing == -1) {
ob.speed = ob.speed * 0.25;
_root.directionfacing = 1;
if (speed < 12) {
if (speed < 1) {
ob.speed = 1;
if (!ob.jump) {
ob.speed = ob.speed * 1.1;
} else {
ob.speed = ob.speed * 1.25;
speed = ob.speed;
ob.x = ob.x + (speed * dirx);
} else {
ob.x = ((ob.xtile + 1) * game.tileW) - ob.width;
ob.speed = 1;
updateChar(ob, dirx, diry);
function moveBull(ob, dirx, diry, jump) {
ob.dirx = dirx;
ob.diry = diry;
if (Math.abs(jump) == 1) {
speed = ob.jumpspeed * jump;
} else {
speed = ob.speed;
ob.lasty = ob.y;
getMyCorners(ob.x, ob.y + (speed * diry), ob);
getMyCorners(ob.x + (speed * dirx), ob.y, ob);
if (dirx == -1) {
ob.x = ob.x + (speed * dirx);
if (dirx == 1) {
ob.x = ob.x + (speed * dirx);
ob.clip._x = ob.x;
ob.clip._y = ob.y;
ob.xtile = Math.floor(ob.clip._x / game.tileW);
ob.ytile = Math.floor(ob.clip._y / game.tileH);
function moveEnemyBull(ob, dirx, diry, jump) {
ob.dirx = dirx;
ob.diry = diry;
if (Math.abs(jump) == 1) {
speed = ob.jumpspeed * jump;
} else {
speed = ob.speed / 3;
ob.lasty = ob.y;
getMyCorners(ob.x, ob.y + (speed * diry), ob);
getMyCorners(ob.x + (speed * dirx), ob.y, ob);
if (dirx == -1) {
ob.x = ob.x + (speed * dirx);
if (dirx == 1) {
ob.x = ob.x + (speed * dirx);
ob.clip._x = ob.x;
ob.clip._y = ob.y;
ob.xtile = Math.floor(ob.clip._x / game.tileW);
ob.ytile = Math.floor(ob.clip._y / game.tileH);
function updateChar(ob, dirx, diry) {
ob.clip._x = ob.x;
ob.clip._y = ob.y;
if (_root.directionfacing == -1) {
} else {
if (_root.control == 1) {
if (ob.jump == true) {
if (_root.CharState != "Hit") {
if (_root.CharState != "Jumping") {
_root.CharState = "Jumping";
} else if (_root.downkeydown != 1) {
if (9 >= speed) {
if (_root.CharState != "Walking") {
_root.CharState = "Walking";
ob.clip.char.gotoAndPlay("Walking" + _root.CurrentWeapon);
} else if (9 < speed) {
if (_root.CharState != "Running") {
_root.CharState = "Running";
ob.clip.char.gotoAndPlay("Running" + _root.CurrentWeapon);
ob.xtile = Math.floor(ob.x / game.tileW);
ob.ytile = Math.floor(ob.y / game.tileH);
if (game[(("t_" + ob.ytile) + "_") + ob.xtile].door and (ob == _root.char)) {
if (((game.halfvisx * game.tileW) + (game.tileW / 2)) < ob.x) {
if (ob.x < (((game.mapwidth - game.halfvisx) * game.tileW) - (game.tileW / 2))) {
game.clip._x = game.centerx - ob.x;
if (ob.xstep < (ob.x - game.tileW)) {
var xtile = (Math.floor(ob.xstep / game.tileW) + 1);
var xnew = ((xtile + game.halfvisx) + 1);
var xold = ((xtile - game.halfvisx) - 1);
var fixy = Math.round(((game.centery - ob.y) - game.clip._y) / game.tileH);
var i = (((ob.ytile - game.halfvisy) - 1) + fixy);
while ((((ob.ytile + game.halfvisy) + 1) + fixy) >= i) {
changeTile(xold, i, xnew, i, _root["myMap" + game.currentMap]);
ob.xstep = ob.xstep + game.tileW;
} else if (ob.x < ob.xstep) {
var xtile = Math.floor(ob.xstep / game.tileW);
var xold = ((xtile + game.halfvisx) + 1);
var xnew = ((xtile - game.halfvisx) - 1);
var fixy = Math.round(((game.centery - ob.y) - game.clip._y) / game.tileH);
var i = (((ob.ytile - game.halfvisy) - 1) + fixy);
while ((((ob.ytile + game.halfvisy) + 1) + fixy) >= i) {
changeTile(xold, i, xnew, i, _root["myMap" + game.currentMap]);
ob.xstep = ob.xstep - game.tileW;
if (((game.halfvisy * game.tileH) + (game.tileH / 2)) < ob.y) {
if (ob.y < (((game.mapheight - game.halfvisy) * game.tileH) - (game.tileH / 2))) {
game.clip._y = game.centery - ob.y;
if (ob.ystep < (ob.y - game.tileH)) {
var ytile = (Math.floor(ob.ystep / game.tileH) + 1);
var ynew = ((ytile + game.halfvisy) + 1);
var yold = ((ytile - game.halfvisy) - 1);
var fixx = Math.round(((game.centerx - ob.x) - game.clip._x) / game.tileW);
var i = (((ob.xtile - game.halfvisx) - 1) + fixx);
while ((((ob.xtile + game.halfvisx) + 1) + fixx) >= i) {
changeTile(i, yold, i, ynew, _root["myMap" + game.currentMap]);
ob.ystep = ob.ystep + game.tileH;
} else if (ob.y < ob.ystep) {
var ytile = Math.floor(ob.ystep / game.tileH);
var yold = ((ytile + game.halfvisy) + 1);
var ynew = ((ytile - game.halfvisy) - 1);
var fixx = Math.round(((game.centerx - ob.x) - game.clip._x) / game.tileW);
var i = (((ob.xtile - game.halfvisx) - 1) + fixx);
while ((((ob.xtile + game.halfvisx) + 1) + fixx) >= i) {
changeTile(i, yold, i, ynew, _root["myMap" + game.currentMap]);
ob.ystep = ob.ystep - game.tileH;
if (ob.xtile >= 300) {
_root.death = 1;
game["item41_" + ob.xtile].clip.Sign.gotoAndPlay(2);
var itemname = game[(("item" + ob.ytile) + "_") + ob.xtile];
if (itemname and (ob == _root.char)) {
if (((itemname.signpost != true) and (itemname.stopsign != true)) and (itemname.bounce != true)) {
game.rings = game.rings + itemname.rings;
if (_root.RingCollect._currentframe == 1) {
game.items[itemname.position] = 0;
delete game[(("item" + ob.ytile) + "_") + ob.xtile];
} else if (itemname.bounce == true) {
ob.hit = false;
ob.jump = true;
ob.jumpspeed = ob.jumpstart - 18;
function checkMovingTiles(y) {
if (char.diry != -1) {
var heroymax = ((char.y + char.height) + y);
var heroxmax = (char.x + char.width);
var heroxmin = (char.x - char.width);
foundit = false;
var i = 0;
while (i < game.movingtiles.length) {
var ob = game["movingtile" + i];
var tileymax = (ob.y + ob.height);
var tileymin = (ob.y - ob.height);
var tilexmax = (ob.x + ob.width);
var tilexmin = (ob.x - ob.width);
if (tileymin >= (char.lasty + char.height)) {
if ((tileymax >= heroymax) and (heroymax >= tileymin)) {
if ((tilexmin < heroxmax) and (heroxmax < tilexmax)) {
char.onMovingTile = ob;
foundit = true;
if ((tilexmin < heroxmin) and (heroxmin < tilexmax)) {
char.onMovingTile = ob;
foundit = true;
function moveTiles() {
var i = 0;
while (i < game.movingtiles.length) {
var ob = game["movingtile" + i];
getMyCorners(ob.x + (ob.speed * ob.dirx), ob.y + (ob.speed * ob.diry), ob);
if ((ob.upY < ob.miny) or (ob.maxy < ob.downY)) {
ob.diry = -ob.diry;
if ((ob.leftX < ob.minx) or (ob.maxx < ob.rightX)) {
ob.dirx = -ob.dirx;
ob.x = ob.x + (ob.speed * ob.dirx);
ob.y = ob.y + (ob.speed * ob.diry);
ob.xtile = Math.floor(ob.x / game.tileW);
ob.ytile = Math.floor(ob.y / game.tileH);
ob.clip._x = ob.x;
ob.clip._y = ob.y;
if (ob.diry == -1) {
if (char.onMovingTile) {
getMyCorners(char.x, char.y + (char.onMovingTile.speed * char.onMovingTile.diry), char);
if (char.onMovingTile.diry == -1) {
if (char.upleft and char.upright) {
char.y = (char.onMovingTile.y - char.onMovingTile.height) - char.height;
} else {
char.y = (char.ytile * game.tileH) + char.height;
char.jumpspeed = 0;
char.jump = true;
char.onMovingTile = false;
if (char.onMovingTile.diry == 1) {
if (char.downleft and char.downright) {
char.y = (char.onMovingTile.y - char.onMovingTile.height) - char.height;
} else {
char.onMovingTile = false;
char.y = ((char.ytile + 1) * game.tileH) - char.height;
getMyCorners(char.x + (char.onMovingTile.speed * char.onMovingTile.dirx), char.y, char);
if (char.onMovingTile.dirx == -1) {
if (char.downleft and char.upleft) {
char.x = char.x + (char.onMovingTile.speed * char.onMovingTile.dirx);
} else {
char.x = (char.xtile * game.tileW) + char.width;
if (char.onMovingTile.dirx == 1) {
if (char.upright and char.downright) {
char.x = char.x + (char.onMovingTile.speed * char.onMovingTile.dirx);
} else {
char.x = ((char.xtile + 1) * game.tileW) - char.width;
function fall(ob) {
if (!ob.jump) {
getMyCorners(ob.x, ob.y + 1, ob);
if (((((ob.downleft and ob.downright) and (!checkMovingTiles(1))) and (!checkIfOnCloud(ob))) and (!checkIfOnSpike(ob))) and (!checkIfOnSpring(ob))) {
ob.jumpspeed = 0;
ob.jump = true;
ob.onMovingTile = false;
} else if (checkIfOnSpike(ob)) {
if (_root.recover == 0) {
} else if (_root.control == 1) {
ob.jump = false;
ob.y = ((ob.ytile + 1) * game.tileH) - ob.height;
} else if (checkIfOnSpring(ob)) {
_root.CharState = "Bounce";
ob.hit = false;
ob.jump = true;
ob.jumpspeed = ob.jumpstart - 18;
} else if (ob.onMovingTile) {
ob.hit = false;
ob.jump = false;
ob.y = (ob.onMovingTile.y - ob.onMovingTile.height) - ob.height;
} else {
ob.hit = false;
ob.jump = false;
ob.y = ((ob.ytile + 1) * game.tileH) - ob.height;
function droppowerup(ob) {
if (100 < game.powerupcounter) {
game.powerupcounter = 0;
var name = ("Powerup" + game.powerupcounter);
if (ob.totallife == 6) {
gunnum = 8 + random(2);
} else {
gunnum = 6 + random(2);
game[name] = new game.Item6();
game[name].id = game.powerupcounter;
game[name].xtile = ob.xtile;
game[name].ytile = ob.ytile;
game.clip.attachMovie("items", name, 45100 + game.powerupcounter);
game[name].clip = game.clip[name];
game[name].x = ob.x;
game[name].y = ob.y;
game.clip[name]._x = game[name].x;
game.clip[name]._y = game[name].y;
function shoot(ob) {
ob.lastshot = getTimer();
if (100 < game.bulletcounter) {
game.bulletcounter = 0;
var name = ("bullet" + game.bulletcounter);
game[name] = new game.Bullet();
game[name].id = game.bulletcounter;
if (ob.dirx or ob.diry) {
game[name].dirx = _root.directionfacing;
game[name].diry = ob.diry;
game[name].xtile = ob.xtile;
game[name].ytile = ob.ytile;
game.clip.attachMovie("bullet", name, 15100 + game.bulletcounter);
_root["Shoot" + _root.CurrentWeapon].gotoAndPlay(2);
game[name].clip = game.clip[name];[name].clip.gotoAndStop(_root.CurrentWeapon);
game[name].x = ob.x + (game[name].dirx * (ob.width * 2));
game[name].y = ob.y;
game.clip[name]._x = game[name].x;
game.clip[name]._y = game[name].y;
if ((_root.CharState == "Standing") or (_root.CharState == "StandShooting")) {
_root.CharState = "StandShooting";
_root.char.clip.char.gotoAndPlay("StandShoot" + _root.CurrentWeapon);
function enemyshoot(ob) {
ob.lastshot = getTimer();
if (100 < game.enemybulletcounter) {
game.enemybulletcounter = 0;
var name = ("ebullet" + game.enemybulletcounter);
game[name] = new game.Bullet();
game[name].id = game.enemybulletcounter;
if (ob.dirx or ob.diry) {
game[name].dirx = ob.dirx;
game[name].diry = ob.diry;
game[name].xtile = ob.xtile;
game[name].ytile = ob.ytile;
game.clip.attachMovie("bullet", name, 35100 + game.enemybulletcounter);
game[name].clip = game.clip[name];
game[name].x = ob.x + (game[name].dirx * (ob.width * 4));
game[name].y = ob.y - 19;
game.clip[name]._x = game[name].x;
game.clip[name]._y = game[name].y;
function jump(ob) {
ob.jumpspeed = ob.jumpspeed + ob.gravity;
if (game.tileH < ob.jumpspeed) {
ob.jumpspeed = game.tileH;
if (ob.jumpspeed < 0) {
moveChar(ob, 0, -1, -1);
} else if (0 < ob.jumpspeed) {
moveChar(ob, 0, 1, 1);
function jumpEnemy(ob) {
ob.jumpspeed = ob.jumpspeed + ob.gravity;
if (game.tileH < ob.jumpspeed) {
ob.jumpspeed = game.tileH;
if (ob.jumpspeed < 0) {
moveEnemy(ob, 0, -1, -1);
} else if (0 < ob.jumpspeed) {
moveEnemy(ob, 0, 1, 1);
function moveBullets() {
var z = 0;
while (z < game.currentEnemies.length) {
var name = ("enemy" + game.currentEnemies[z].id);
var obenemychecker = game[name];
if ( < 1) {
if (obenemychecker.totallife == 4) {
} else if (obenemychecker.totallife == 6) {
_root.score = _root.score + 100;
delete game["enemy" + game.currentEnemies[z].id];
game.currentEnemies.splice(z, 1);
var i = 0;
while (i < game.bullets.length) {
var ob = game.bullets[i];
getMyCorners(ob.x + (ob.speed * ob.dirx), ob.y + (ob.speed * ob.diry), ob);
if (((ob.downleft and ob.upleft) and ob.downright) and ob.upright) {
moveBull(ob, ob.dirx, ob.diry);
} else {
delete game["bullet" + game.bullets[i].id];
game.bullets.splice(i, 1);
var j = 0;
while (j < game.currentEnemies.length) {
var name = ("enemy" + game.currentEnemies[j].id);
var obenemy = game[name];
var xdist = (ob.x - obenemy.x);
var ydist = (ob.y - obenemy.y);
if (Math.sqrt((xdist * xdist) + (ydist * ydist)) < (ob.width + obenemy.width)) {
if (_root.CurrentWeapon == "Hand") {
setProperty(obenemy.clip.LifeMeter, _alpha , "100");
obenemy.clip.LifeMeter.Bar._width = obenemy.clip.LifeMeter.Bar._width - (50 * (1 / obenemy.totallife)); = - 1;
} else if (_root.CurrentWeapon == "Machine") {
setProperty(obenemy.clip.LifeMeter, _alpha , "100");
obenemy.clip.LifeMeter.Bar._width = obenemy.clip.LifeMeter.Bar._width - (50 * (3 / obenemy.totallife)); = - 3;
} else if (_root.CurrentWeapon == "Flash") {
setProperty(obenemy.clip.LifeMeter, _alpha , "100");
obenemy.clip.LifeMeter.Bar._width = obenemy.clip.LifeMeter.Bar._width - (50 * (4 / obenemy.totallife)); = - 4;
} else if (_root.CurrentWeapon == "Light") {
setProperty(obenemy.clip.LifeMeter, _alpha , "100");
obenemy.clip.LifeMeter.Bar._width = obenemy.clip.LifeMeter.Bar._width - (50 * (2 / obenemy.totallife)); = - 2;
delete game["bullet" + game.bullets[i].id];
game.bullets.splice(i, 1);
function moveEnemyBullets() {
var i = 0;
while (i < game.ebullets.length) {
var ob = game.ebullets[i];
getMyCorners(ob.x + (ob.speed * ob.dirx), ob.y + (ob.speed * ob.diry), ob);
if (((ob.downleft and ob.upleft) and ob.downright) and ob.upright) {
moveEnemyBull(ob, ob.dirx, ob.diry);
} else {
delete game["bullet" + game.ebullets[i].id];
game.ebullets.splice(i, 1);
if (_root.recover == 0) {
var xdist = (ob.x - char.x);
var ydist = (ob.y - char.y);
if (Math.sqrt((xdist * xdist) + (ydist * ydist)) < (ob.width + char.width)) {
_root.recover = 50;
char.jump = true;
if (0 < game.rings) {
game.rings = 0;
if (char.speed < 1) {
char.speed = 4;
char.jumpspeed = -15;
_root.CharState = "Hit";
game.clip = _root.tiles;
namering = [(("item" + char.ytile) + "_") + char.xtile];
game[namering] = new game.Item1();
game.clip.attachMovie("items", namering, 100003 + _root.hitring);
game[namering].clip = game.clip[namering];
game[namering].clip._x = char.x;
game[namering].clip._y = char.y;
game.items.push([1, char.xtile, char.ytile]);
} else {
_root.death = 1;
_root.control = 0;
function checkPowerups() {
var i = 0;
while (i < game.powerups.length) {
var ob = game.powerups[i];
var xdist = (ob.x - char.x);
var ydist = (ob.y - char.y);
if (Math.sqrt((xdist * xdist) + (ydist * ydist)) < (ob.width + char.width)) {
if (ob.clip._currentframe == 6) {
_root.CurrentWeapon = "Hand";
} else if (ob.clip._currentframe == 7) {
_root.CurrentWeapon = "Machine";
} else if (ob.clip._currentframe == 8) {
_root.CurrentWeapon = "Flash";
} else if (ob.clip._currentframe == 9) {
_root.CurrentWeapon = "Light";
delete game["Powerup" + game.powerups[i].id];
game.powerups.splice(i, 1);
function detectKeys() {
if (40 < _root.char.ytile) {
if (_root.CharState != "Death") {
_root.CharState = "Death";
_root.death = 1;
if (_root.death != 1) {
_level10.TotalScoreP1 = _root.score;
_level10.rings = game.rings;
_root.rings = game.rings;
mousextile = Math.floor(_root.tiles._xmouse / game.tileW);
mouseytile = Math.floor(_root.tiles._ymouse / game.tileH);
_root.mousetile = (("t_" + mousextile) + "_") + mouseytile;
var ob = _root.char;
if (0 < _root.recover) {
_root.recover = _root.recover - 1;
if (ob.clip._alpha == 100) {
ob.clip._alpha = 0;
} else {
ob.clip._alpha = 100;
} else {
_root.recover = 0;
ob.clip._alpha = 100;
var keyPressed = false;
if (Key.isDown(32)) {
if (_root.control != 0) {
if (!ob.jump) {
if (ob.onSlope) {
ob.y = ob.y - ob.addy;
ob.ytile = Math.floor(ob.y / game.tileH);
ob.onMovingTile = false;
ob.jump = true;
ob.jumpspeed = ob.jumpstart;
if (Key.isDown(39)) {
if (_root.control != 0) {
if (_root.downkeydown != 1) {
_root.rightkeydown = 1;
keyPressed = _root.moveChar(ob, 1, 0);
} else {
_root.rightkeydown = 0;
} else {
_root.rightkeydown = 0;
} else if (Key.isDown(37)) {
if (_root.control != 0) {
if (_root.downkeydown != 1) {
_root.leftkeydown = 1;
keyPressed = _root.moveChar(ob, -1, 0);
} else {
_root.leftkeydown = 0;
} else {
_root.leftkeydown = 0;
} else {
_root.rightkeydown = 0;
_root.leftkeydown = 0;
if (Key.isDown(38)) {
_root.upkeydown = 0;
} else {
_root.upkeydown = 0;
_root.downkeydown = 0;
if (ob.jump) {
keyPressed = _root.jump(ob);
if (ob.hit) {
keyPressed = _root.jump(ob);
if ((_root.rightkeydown + _root.leftkeydown) == 0) {
if (1 < ob.speed) {
if (_root.directionfacing == -1) {
keyPressed = _root.moveChar(ob, -1, 0);
} else {
keyPressed = _root.moveChar(ob, 1, 0);
if ((((Key.isDown(70) or Key.isDown(77)) or Key.isDown(88)) or Key.isDown(38)) and ((ob.lastshot + ob.shootspeed) < getTimer())) {
if (_root.CurrentWeapon != "") {
if (_root.control != 0) {
if (!keyPressed) {
if (_root.directionfacing == -1) {
} else {
if ((_root.downkeydown != 1) and (_root.CharState != "StandShooting")) {
_root.CharState = "Standing";
ob.clip.char.gotoAndStop("Stand" + _root.CurrentWeapon);
} else {;
fscommand ("allowscale", false);
myMap1 = [[["0", 1], ["0", 1], ["0", 1], ["0", 1], ["0", 1], ["0", 1], ["0", 1], ["0", 1], ["0", 1], ["0", 1], ["0", 1], ["0", 1], ["0", 1], ["0", 1], ["0", 1], ["0", 1], ["0", 1], ["0", 1], ["0", 1], ["0", 1], ["0", 1], ["0", 1], ["0", 1], ["0", 1], ["0", 1], ["0", 1], ["0", 1], ["0", 1], ["0", 1], ["0", 1], ["0", 1], ["0", 1], ["0", 1], ["0", 1], ["0", 1], ["0", 1], ["0", 1], ["0", 1], ["0", 1], ["0", 1], ["0", 1], ["0", 1], ["0", 1], ["0", 1], ["0", 1], ["0", 1], ["0", 1], ["0", 1], ["0", 1], ["0", 1], ["0", 1], ["0", 1], ["0", 1], ["0", 1], ["0", 1], ["0", 1], ["0", 1], ["0", 1], ["0", 1], ["0", 1], ["0", 1], ["0", 1], ["0", 1], ["0", 1], ["0", 1], ["0", 1], ["0", 1], ["0", 1], ["0", 1], ["0", 1], ["0", 1], ["0", 1], ["0", 1], ["0", 1], ["0", 1], ["0", 1], ["0", 1], ["0", 1], ["0", 1], ["0", 1], ["0", 1], ["0", 1], ["0", 1], ["0", 1], ["0", 1], ["0", 1], ["0", 1], ["0", 1], ["0", 1], ["0", 1], ["0", 1], ["0", 1], ["0", 1], ["0", 1], ["0", 1], ["0", 1], ["0", 1], ["0", 1], ["0", 1], ["0", 1], ["0", 1], ["0", 1], ["0", 1], ["0", 1], ["0", 1], ["0", 1], ["0", 1], ["0", 1], ["0", 1], ["0", 1], ["0", 1], ["0", 1], ["0", 1], ["0", 1], ["0", 1], ["0", 1], ["0", 1], ["0", 1], ["0", 1], ["0", 1], ["0", 1], ["0", 1], ["0", 1], ["0", 1], ["0", 1], ["0", 1], ["0", 1], ["0", 1], ["0", 1], ["0", 1], ["0", 1], ["0", 1], ["0", 1], ["0", 1], ["0", 1], ["0", 1], ["0", 1], ["0", 1], ["0", 1], ["0", 1], ["0", 1], ["0", 1], ["0", 1], ["0", 1], ["0", 1], ["0", 1], ["0", 1], ["0", 1], ["0", 1], ["0", 1], ["0", 1], ["0", 1], ["0", 1], ["0", 1], ["0", 1], ["0", 1], ["0", 1], ["0", 1], ["0", 1], ["0", 1], ["0", 1], ["0", 1], ["0", 1], ["0", 1], ["0", 1], ["0", 1], ["0", 1], ["0", 1], ["0", 1], ["0", 1], ["0", 1], ["0", 1], ["0", 1], ["0", 1], ["0", 1], ["0", 1], ["0", 1], ["0", 1], ["0", 1], ["0", 1], ["0", 1], ["0", 1], ["0", 1], ["0", 1], ["0", 1], ["0", 1], ["0", 1], ["0", 1], ["0", 1], ["0", 1], ["0", 1], ["0", 1], ["0", 1], ["0", 1], ["0", 1], ["0", 1], ["0", 1], ["0", 1], ["0", 1], ["0", 1], ["0", 1], ["0", 1], ["0", 1], ["0", 1], ["0", 1], ["0", 1], ["0", 1], ["0", 1], ["0", 1], ["0", 1], ["0", 1], ["0", 1], ["0", 1], ["0", 1], ["0", 1], ["0", 1], ["0", 1], ["0", 1], ["0", 1], ["0", 1], ["0", 1], ["0", 1], ["0", 1], ["0", 1], ["0", 1], ["0", 1], ["0", 1], ["0", 1], ["0", 1], ["0", 1], ["0", 1], ["0", 1], ["0", 1], ["0", 1], ["0", 1], ["0", 1], ["0", 1], ["0", 1], ["0", 1], ["0", 1], ["0", 1], ["0", 1], ["0", 1], ["0", 1], ["0", 1], ["0", 1], ["0", 1], ["0", 1], ["0", 1], ["0", 1], ["0", 1], ["0", 1], ["0", 1], ["0", 1], ["0", 1], ["0", 1], ["0", 1], ["0", 1], ["0", 1], ["0", 1], ["0", 1], ["0", 1], ["0", 1], ["0", 1], ["0", 1], ["0", 1], ["0", 1], ["0", 1], ["0", 1], ["0", 1], ["0", 1], ["0", 1], ["0", 1], ["0", 1], ["0", 1], ["0", 1], ["0", 1], ["0", 1], ["0", 1], ["0", 1], ["0", 1], ["0", 1], ["0", 1], ["0", 1], ["0", 1], ["0", 1], ["0", 1], ["0", 1], ["0", 1], ["0", 1], ["0", 1], ["0", 1], ["0", 1], ["0", 1], ["0", 1], ["0", 1], ["0", 1], ["0", 1], ["0", 1], ["0", 1], ["0", 1], ["0", 1], ["0", 1], ["0", 1]], [["0", 1], ["0", 1], ["0", 1], ["0", 1], ["0", 1], ["0", 1], ["0", 1], ["0", 1], ["0", 1], ["0", 1], ["0", 1], ["0", 1], ["0", 1], ["0", 1], ["0", 1], ["0", 1], ["0", 1], ["0", 1], ["0", 1], ["0", 1], ["0", 1], ["0", 1], ["0", 1], ["0", 1], ["0", 1], ["0", 1], ["0", 1], ["0", 1], ["0", 1], ["0", 1], ["0", 1], ["0", 1], ["0", 1], ["0", 1], ["0", 1], ["0", 1], ["0", 1], ["0", 1], ["0", 1], ["0", 1], ["0", 1], ["0", 1], ["0", 1], ["0", 1], ["0", 1], ["0", 1], ["0", 1], ["0", 1], ["0", 1], ["0", 1], ["0", 1], ["0", 1], ["0", 1], ["0", 1], ["0", 1], ["0", 1], ["0", 1], ["0", 1], ["0", 1], ["0", 1], ["0", 1], ["0", 1], ["0", 1], ["0", 1], ["0", 1], ["0", 1], ["0", 1], ["0", 1], ["0", 1], ["0", 1], ["0", 1], ["0", 1], ["0", 1], ["0", 1], ["0", 1], ["0", 1], ["0", 1], ["0", 1], ["0", 1], ["0", 1], ["0", 1], ["0", 1], ["0", 1], ["0", 1], ["0", 1], ["0", 1], ["0", 1], ["0", 1], ["0", 1], ["0", 1], ["0", 1], ["0", 1], ["0", 1], ["0", 1], ["0", 1], ["0", 1], ["0", 1], ["0", 1], ["0", 1], ["0", 1], ["0", 1], ["0", 1], ["0", 1], ["0", 1], ["0", 1], ["0", 1], ["0", 1], ["0", 1], ["0", 1], ["0", 1], ["0", 1], ["0", 1], ["0", 1], ["0", 1], ["0", 1], ["0", 1], ["0", 1], ["0", 1], ["0", 1], ["0", 1], ["0", 1], ["0", 1], ["0", 1], ["0", 1], ["0", 1], ["0", 1], ["0", 1], ["0", 1], ["0", 1], ["0", 1], ["0", 1], ["0", 1], ["0", 1], ["0", 1], ["0", 1], ["0", 1], ["0", 1], ["0", 1], ["0", 1], ["0", 1], ["0", 1], ["0", 1], ["0", 1], ["0", 1], ["0", 1], ["0", 1], ["0", 1], ["0", 1], ["0", 1], ["0", 1], ["0", 1], ["0", 1], ["0", 1], ["0", 1], ["0", 1], ["0", 1], ["0", 1], ["0", 1], ["0", 1], ["0", 1], ["0", 1], ["0", 1], ["0", 1], ["0", 1], ["0", 1], ["0", 1], ["0", 1], ["0", 1], ["0", 1], ["0", 1], ["0", 1], ["0", 1], ["0", 1], ["0", 1], ["0", 1], ["0", 1], ["0", 1], ["0", 1], ["0", 1], ["0", 1], ["0", 1], ["0", 1], ["0", 1], ["0", 1], ["0", 1], ["0", 1], ["0", 1], ["0", 1], ["0", 1], ["0", 1], ["0", 1], ["0", 1], ["0", 1], ["0", 1], ["0", 1], ["0", 1], ["0", 1], ["0", 1], ["0", 1], ["0", 1], ["0", 1], ["0", 1], ["0", 1], ["0", 1], ["0", 1], ["0", 1], ["0", 1], ["0", 1], ["0", 1], ["0", 1], ["0", 1], ["0", 1], ["0", 1], ["0", 1], ["0", 1], ["0", 1], ["0", 1], ["0", 1], ["0", 1], ["0", 1], ["0", 1], ["0", 1], ["0", 1], ["0", 1], ["0", 1], ["0", 1], ["0", 1], ["0", 1], ["0", 1], ["0", 1], ["0", 1], ["0", 1], ["0", 1], ["0", 1], ["0", 1], ["0", 1], ["0", 1], ["0", 1], ["0", 1], ["0", 1], ["0", 1], ["0", 1], ["0", 1], ["0", 1], ["0", 1], ["0", 1], ["0", 1], ["0", 1], ["0", 1], ["0", 1], ["0", 1], ["0", 1], ["0", 1], ["0", 1], ["0", 1], ["0", 1], ["0", 1], ["0", 1], ["0", 1], ["0", 1], ["0", 1], ["0", 1], ["0", 1], ["0", 1], ["0", 1], ["0", 1], ["0", 1], ["0", 1], ["0", 1], ["0", 1], ["0", 1], ["0", 1], ["0", 1], ["0", 1], ["0", 1], ["0", 1], ["0", 1], ["0", 1], ["0", 1], ["0", 1], ["0", 1], ["0", 1], ["0", 1], ["0", 1], ["0", 1], ["0", 1], ["0", 1], ["0", 1], ["0", 1], ["0", 1], ["0", 1], ["0", 1], ["0", 1], ["0", 1], ["0", 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["0", 33], ["0", 33], ["0", 33], ["0", 34], ["0", 34], ["0", 34], ["0", 34], ["0", 34], ["0", 103], ["0", 104], ["0", 34], ["0", 1], ["0", 1], ["0", 1], ["0", 1], ["0", 1], ["0", 1], ["0", 103], ["0", 104], ["0", 1], ["0", 1], ["0", 1], ["0", 1], ["0", 1], ["0", 108], ["0", 109], ["0", 1], ["0", 1], ["0", 1], ["0", 1], ["0", 1], ["0", 1], ["0", 1], ["0", 108], ["0", 109], ["0", 1], ["0", 1], ["0", 1], ["0", 1], ["0", 29], ["0", 30], ["0", 29], ["0", 30], ["0", 29], ["0", 30], ["0", 29], ["0", 30], ["0", 29], ["0", 30], ["0", 29], ["0", 30], ["0", 29], ["0", 30], ["0", 29], ["0", 30], ["0", 29], ["0", 30], ["0", 29], ["0", 30], ["0", 29], ["0", 30], ["0", 29], ["0", 103], ["0", 104], ["0", 1], ["0", 1], ["0", 1], ["0", 1], ["0", 1], ["0", 1], ["0", 1], ["0", 103], ["0", 104], ["0", 1], ["0", 1], ["0", 1], ["0", 1], ["0", 1], ["0", 1], ["0", 1], ["0", 103], ["0", 104], ["0", 1], ["0", 1], ["0", 1], ["0", 1], ["0", 1], ["0", 1], ["0", 1], ["0", 103], ["0", 104], ["0", 1], ["0", 1], ["0", 1], ["0", 1], ["0", 1], ["0", 1], ["0", 1], ["0", 103], ["0", 104], ["0", 1], ["0", 1], ["0", 1]], [["0", 1], ["0", 1], ["0", 1], ["0", 108], ["0", 109], ["0", 1], ["0", 1], ["0", 1], ["0", 1], ["0", 1], ["0", 1], ["0", 1], ["0", 108], ["0", 109], ["0", 1], ["0", 1], ["0", 1], ["0", 37], ["0", 38], ["0", 37], ["0", 38], ["0", 108], ["0", 109], ["0", 72], ["0", 73], ["0", 72], ["0", 74], ["0", 75], ["0", 74], ["0", 75], ["0", 74], ["0", 108], ["0", 109], ["0", 75], ["0", 74], ["0", 75], ["0", 1], ["0", 1], ["0", 1], ["0", 1], ["0", 108], ["0", 109], ["0", 1], ["0", 1], ["0", 1], ["0", 1], ["0", 1], ["0", 37], ["0", 38], ["0", 108], ["0", 109], ["0", 42], ["0", 34], ["0", 34], ["0", 41], ["0", 42], ["0", 34], ["0", 108], ["0", 109], ["0", 42], ["0", 34], ["0", 1], ["0", 1], ["0", 1], ["0", 1], ["0", 1], ["0", 108], ["0", 109], ["0", 1], ["0", 1], ["0", 1], ["0", 1], ["0", 1], ["0", 1], ["0", 1], ["0", 108], ["0", 109], ["0", 1], ["0", 1], ["0", 1], ["0", 1], ["0", 108], ["0", 109], ["0", 1], ["0", 1], ["0", 1], ["0", 1], ["0", 1], ["0", 1], ["0", 1], ["0", 108], ["0", 109], ["0", 6], ["0", 7], ["0", 6], ["0", 7], ["0", 6], ["0", 7], ["0", 6], ["0", 7], ["0", 6], ["0", 7], ["0", 6], ["0", 7], ["0", 6], ["0", 7], ["0", 69], ["0", 70], ["0", 69], ["0", 37], ["0", 74], ["0", 75], ["0", 108], ["0", 109], ["0", 74], ["0", 75], ["0", 74], ["0", 75], ["0", 74], ["0", 75], ["0", 74], ["0", 108], ["0", 109], ["0", 75], ["0", 1], ["0", 1], ["0", 1], ["0", 1], ["0", 1], ["0", 1], ["0", 108], ["0", 109], ["0", 1], ["0", 1], ["0", 1], ["0", 1], ["0", 1], ["0", 1], ["0", 1], ["0", 108], ["0", 109], ["0", 1], ["0", 1], ["0", 1], ["0", 1], ["0", 1], ["0", 1], ["0", 1], ["0", 108], ["0", 109], ["0", 1], ["0", 1], ["0", 1], ["0", 34], ["0", 34], ["0", 34], ["0", 34], ["0", 34], ["0", 34], ["0", 34], ["0", 34], ["0", 34], ["0", 108], ["0", 109], ["0", 34], ["0", 72], ["0", 73], ["0", 72], ["0", 74], ["0", 75], ["0", 74], ["0", 108], ["0", 109], ["0", 75], ["0", 74], ["0", 75], ["0", 74], ["0", 75], ["0", 1], ["0", 1], ["0", 108], ["0", 109], ["0", 1], ["0", 1], ["0", 1], ["0", 1], ["0", 1], ["0", 6], ["0", 7], ["0", 108], ["0", 109], ["0", 6], ["0", 7], ["0", 6], ["0", 7], ["0", 6], ["0", 7], ["0", 6], ["0", 108], ["0", 109], ["0", 7], ["0", 33], ["0", 33], ["0", 33], ["0", 34], ["0", 34], ["0", 34], ["0", 34], ["0", 34], ["0", 108], ["0", 109], ["0", 34], ["0", 1], ["0", 1], ["0", 1], ["0", 1], ["0", 1], ["0", 1], ["0", 108], ["0", 109], ["0", 1], ["0", 1], ["0", 1], ["0", 1], ["0", 1], ["0", 103], ["0", 104], ["0", 1], ["0", 1], ["0", 1], ["0", 1], ["0", 1], ["0", 1], ["0", 1], ["0", 103], ["0", 104], ["0", 1], ["0", 1], ["0", 1], ["0", 1], ["0", 37], ["0", 38], ["0", 37], ["0", 38], ["0", 37], ["0", 38], ["0", 37], ["0", 38], ["0", 37], ["0", 38], ["0", 37], ["0", 38], ["0", 37], ["0", 38], ["0", 37], ["0", 38], ["0", 37], ["0", 38], ["0", 37], ["0", 38], ["0", 37], ["0", 38], ["0", 37], ["0", 108], ["0", 109], ["0", 1], ["0", 1], ["0", 1], ["0", 1], ["0", 1], ["0", 1], ["0", 1], ["0", 108], ["0", 109], ["0", 1], ["0", 1], ["0", 1], ["0", 1], ["0", 1], ["0", 1], ["0", 1], ["0", 108], ["0", 109], ["0", 1], ["0", 1], ["0", 1], ["0", 1], ["0", 1], ["0", 1], ["0", 1], ["0", 108], ["0", 109], ["0", 1], ["0", 1], ["0", 1], ["0", 1], ["0", 1], ["0", 1], ["0", 1], ["0", 108], ["0", 109], ["0", 1], ["0", 1], ["0", 1]], [["0", 1], ["0", 1], ["0", 1], ["0", 103], ["0", 104], ["0", 1], ["0", 1], ["0", 1], ["0", 1], ["0", 1], ["0", 1], ["0", 1], ["0", 103], ["0", 104], ["0", 1], ["0", 1], ["0", 1], ["0", 43], ["0", 44], ["0", 43], ["0", 44], ["0", 103], ["0", 104], ["0", 85], ["0", 86], ["0", 85], ["0", 87], ["0", 88], ["0", 87], ["0", 88], ["0", 87], ["0", 103], ["0", 104], ["0", 88], ["0", 87], ["0", 88], ["0", 1], ["0", 1], ["0", 1], ["0", 1], ["0", 103], ["0", 104], ["0", 1], ["0", 1], ["0", 1], ["0", 1], ["0", 1], ["0", 43], ["0", 44], ["0", 103], ["0", 104], ["0", 48], ["0", 34], ["0", 34], ["0", 47], ["0", 48], ["0", 34], ["0", 103], ["0", 104], ["0", 48], ["0", 34], ["0", 1], ["0", 1], ["0", 1], ["0", 1], ["0", 1], ["0", 103], ["0", 104], ["0", 1], ["0", 1], ["0", 1], ["0", 1], ["0", 1], ["0", 1], ["0", 1], ["0", 103], ["0", 104], ["0", 1], ["0", 1], ["0", 1], ["0", 1], ["0", 103], ["0", 104], ["0", 1], ["0", 1], ["0", 1], ["0", 1], ["0", 1], ["0", 1], ["0", 1], ["0", 103], ["0", 104], ["0", 8], ["0", 9], ["0", 8], ["0", 9], ["0", 8], ["0", 9], ["0", 8], ["0", 9], ["0", 8], ["0", 9], ["0", 8], ["0", 9], ["0", 8], ["0", 9], ["0", 82], ["0", 83], ["0", 82], ["0", 43], ["0", 87], ["0", 88], ["0", 103], ["0", 104], ["0", 87], ["0", 88], ["0", 87], ["0", 88], ["0", 87], ["0", 88], ["0", 87], ["0", 103], ["0", 104], ["0", 88], ["0", 1], ["0", 1], ["0", 1], ["0", 1], ["0", 1], ["0", 1], ["0", 103], ["0", 104], ["0", 1], ["0", 1], ["0", 1], ["0", 1], ["0", 1], ["0", 1], ["0", 1], ["0", 103], ["0", 104], ["0", 1], ["0", 1], ["0", 1], ["0", 1], ["0", 1], ["0", 1], ["0", 1], ["0", 103], ["0", 104], ["0", 1], ["0", 1], ["0", 1], ["0", 34], ["0", 34], ["0", 34], ["0", 34], ["0", 34], ["0", 34], ["0", 34], ["0", 34], ["0", 34], ["0", 103], ["0", 104], ["0", 34], ["0", 85], ["0", 86], ["0", 85], ["0", 87], ["0", 88], ["0", 87], ["0", 103], ["0", 104], ["0", 88], ["0", 87], ["0", 88], ["0", 87], ["0", 88], ["0", 1], ["0", 1], ["0", 103], ["0", 104], ["0", 1], ["0", 1], ["0", 1], ["0", 1], ["0", 1], ["0", 8], ["0", 9], ["0", 103], ["0", 104], ["0", 8], ["0", 9], ["0", 8], ["0", 9], ["0", 8], ["0", 9], ["0", 8], ["0", 103], ["0", 104], ["0", 9], ["0", 33], ["0", 33], ["0", 33], ["0", 34], ["0", 34], ["0", 34], ["0", 34], ["0", 34], ["0", 103], ["0", 104], ["0", 34], ["0", 1], ["0", 1], ["0", 1], ["0", 1], ["0", 1], ["0", 1], ["0", 103], ["0", 104], ["0", 1], ["0", 1], ["0", 1], ["0", 1], ["0", 1], ["0", 108], ["0", 109], ["0", 1], ["0", 1], ["0", 1], ["0", 1], ["0", 1], ["0", 1], ["0", 1], ["0", 108], ["0", 109], ["0", 1], ["0", 1], ["0", 1], ["0", 1], ["0", 43], ["0", 44], ["0", 43], ["0", 44], ["0", 43], ["0", 44], ["0", 43], ["0", 44], ["0", 43], ["0", 44], ["0", 43], ["0", 44], ["0", 43], ["0", 44], ["0", 43], ["0", 44], ["0", 43], ["0", 44], ["0", 43], ["0", 44], ["0", 43], ["0", 44], ["0", 43], ["0", 103], ["0", 104], ["0", 1], ["0", 1], ["0", 1], ["0", 1], ["0", 1], ["0", 1], ["0", 1], ["0", 103], ["0", 104], ["0", 1], ["0", 1], ["0", 1], ["0", 1], ["0", 1], ["0", 1], ["0", 1], ["0", 103], ["0", 104], ["0", 1], ["0", 1], ["0", 1], ["0", 1], ["0", 1], ["0", 1], ["0", 1], ["0", 103], ["0", 104], ["0", 1], ["0", 1], ["0", 1], ["0", 1], ["0", 1], ["0", 1], ["0", 1], ["0", 103], ["0", 104], ["0", 1], ["0", 1], ["0", 1]]];
game = {tileW:32, tileH:32, currentMap:1, visx:11, visy:7, centerx:250, centery:153, rings:0, bulletcounter:0};
game.bullets = new Array();
game.ebullets = new Array();
game.powerups = new Array();
game.Tile0 = function () {
game.Tile0.prototype.walkable = true;
game.Tile1 = function () {
game.Tile1.prototype.walkable = false;
game.Tile1.prototype.spike = false;
game.Tile1.prototype.bounce = false;
game.Doors = function (newmap, newcharx, newchary) {
this.newmap = newmap;
this.newcharx = newcharx;
this.newchary = newchary;
game.Doors.prototype.walkable = true;
game.Doors.prototype.door = true;
game.Tile2 = function () {
game.Tile2.prototype = new game.Doors(2, 1, 4);
game.Tile3 = function () {
game.Tile3.prototype = new game.Doors(1, 12, 10);
game.Tile4 = function () {
game.Tile4.prototype.walkable = false;
game.Tile4.prototype.frame = 20;
game.Tile5 = function () {
game.Tile5.prototype.walkable = true;
game.Tile5.prototype.slope = 1;
game.Tile5.prototype.frame = 4;
game.Tile6 = function () {
game.Tile6.prototype.walkable = true;
game.Tile6.prototype.slope = -1;
game.Tile6.prototype.frame = 5;
game.Tile7 = function () {
game.Tile7.prototype.walkable = true; = true;
game.Tile8 = function () {
game.Tile8.prototype.walkable = true; = false;
game.Tile8.prototype.bounce = true;
game.Tile9 = function () {
game.Tile9.prototype.walkable = false; = false;
game.Tile9.prototype.spike = true;
game.Tile10 = function () {
game.Tile10.prototype.walkable = true; = true;
game.Tile10.prototype.bounce = true;
game.Tile10.prototype.bouncetile = true;
game.MovingTilep1 = function () {
game.MovingTilep1.prototype.speed = 2;
game.MovingTilep1.prototype.dirx = 0;
game.MovingTilep1.prototype.diry = 1;
game.MovingTilep1.prototype.miny = 0;
game.MovingTilep1.prototype.maxy = 2;
game.MovingTilep1.prototype.width = game.tileW * 1.5;
game.MovingTilep1.prototype.height = game.tileH / 2;
game.MovingTilep2 = function () {
game.MovingTilep2.prototype.speed = 2;
game.MovingTilep2.prototype.dirx = 1;
game.MovingTilep2.prototype.diry = 0;
game.MovingTilep2.prototype.minx = -2;
game.MovingTilep2.prototype.maxx = 2;
game.MovingTilep2.prototype.width = game.tileW * 1.5;
game.MovingTilep2.prototype.height = game.tileH / 2;
game.MovingTilep3 = function () {
game.MovingTilep3.prototype.speed = 2;
game.MovingTilep3.prototype.dirx = 0;
game.MovingTilep3.prototype.diry = -1;
game.MovingTilep3.prototype.miny = -2;
game.MovingTilep3.prototype.maxy = 2;
game.MovingTilep3.prototype.width = game.tileW * 1.5;
game.MovingTilep3.prototype.height = game.tileH / 2;
game.MovingTilep4 = function () {
game.MovingTilep4.prototype.speed = 2;
game.MovingTilep4.prototype.dirx = 1;
game.MovingTilep4.prototype.diry = 0;
game.MovingTilep4.prototype.minx = -3;
game.MovingTilep4.prototype.maxx = 3;
game.MovingTilep4.prototype.width = game.tileW * 1.5;
game.MovingTilep4.prototype.height = game.tileH / 2;
game.MovingTilep5 = function () {
game.MovingTilep5.prototype.speed = 2;
game.MovingTilep5.prototype.dirx = -1;
game.MovingTilep5.prototype.diry = 0;
game.MovingTilep5.prototype.minx = -5;
game.MovingTilep5.prototype.maxx = 5;
game.MovingTilep5.prototype.width = game.tileW * 1.5;
game.MovingTilep5.prototype.height = game.tileH / 2;
myMovingTiles = [[0], [[2, 40, 21], [1, 44, 17], [3, 42, 14], [2, 66, 20], [5, 71, 19], [2, 129, 19], [4, 135, 17], [5, 144, 16], [1, 150, 15], [2, 179, 15], [4, 183, 13], [1, 185, 9], [1, 183, 6], [1, 185, 3], [5, 85, 32], [4, 91, 31], [5, 99, 30]]];
myItems = [[0], [[1, 11, 32], [1, 12, 32], [1, 24, 20], [1, 25, 20], [1, 26, 20], [1, 27, 20], [1, 28, 20], [1, 29, 20], [1, 30, 20], [1, 35, 28], [1, 36, 28], [1, 37, 28], [1, 38, 28], [1, 44, 16], [1, 44, 15], [1, 44, 14], [1, 42, 12], [1, 42, 11], [1, 42, 10], [1, 47, 9], [1, 48, 9], [1, 49, 9], [1, 50, 9], [1, 51, 9], [1, 52, 9], [1, 53, 9], [1, 54, 9], [1, 55, 9], [1, 56, 9], [1, 57, 9], [1, 58, 9], [1, 82, 20], [1, 83, 20], [1, 84, 20], [1, 85, 20], [1, 86, 20], [1, 111, 20], [1, 112, 20], [1, 113, 20], [1, 114, 20], [1, 115, 20], [1, 116, 20], [1, 117, 20], [1, 118, 20], [1, 119, 20], [1, 120, 20], [1, 153, 12], [1, 154, 12], [1, 155, 12], [1, 156, 12], [1, 157, 12], [1, 158, 12], [1, 159, 12], [1, 160, 12], [1, 161, 12], [1, 162, 12], [1, 163, 12], [1, 164, 12], [1, 185, 9], [1, 185, 8], [1, 185, 7], [1, 183, 6], [1, 183, 5], [1, 183, 4], [1, 185, 3], [1, 185, 2], [1, 185, 1], [1, 187, 1], [1, 188, 1], [1, 189, 1], [1, 190, 1], [1, 191, 1], [1, 192, 1], [1, 193, 1], [1, 194, 1], [1, 195, 1], [1, 196, 1], [1, 197, 1], [1, 198, 1], [1, 199, 1], [1, 200, 1], [1, 54, 32], [1, 55, 32], [1, 56, 32], [1, 57, 32], [1, 58, 32], [1, 59, 32], [1, 60, 32], [1, 111, 28], [1, 112, 28], [1, 113, 28], [1, 114, 28], [1, 115, 28], [1, 116, 28], [1, 117, 28], [1, 118, 28], [1, 178, 32], [1, 179, 32], [1, 180, 32], [1, 181, 32], [1, 182, 32], [1, 183, 32], [1, 184, 32], [1, 185, 32], [1, 186, 32], [1, 212, 28], [1, 213, 28], [1, 214, 28], [1, 215, 28], [1, 216, 28], [1, 217, 28], [1, 218, 28], [1, 240, 17], [1, 241, 17], [1, 242, 17], [1, 243, 17], [1, 244, 17], [1, 245, 17], [1, 246, 17], [1, 247, 17], [1, 248, 17], [1, 249, 17], [1, 250, 17], [1, 251, 17], [1, 252, 17], [1, 253, 17], [1, 254, 17], [1, 255, 17], [1, 256, 17], [1, 257, 17], [1, 258, 17], [1, 259, 17], [1, 260, 17], [1, 261, 17], [1, 262, 17], [1, 263, 17], [1, 64, 19], [1, 65, 19], [1, 66, 19], [1, 67, 19], [1, 68, 19], [1, 68, 18], [1, 69, 18], [1, 70, 18], [1, 71, 18], [1, 72, 18], [1, 73, 18], [1, 74, 18], [1, 75, 18], [1, 76, 18], [1, 127, 17], [1, 128, 17], [1, 129, 17], [1, 130, 17], [1, 131, 17], [1, 132, 15], [1, 133, 15], [1, 134, 15], [1, 135, 15], [1, 136, 15], [1, 137, 15], [1, 138, 15], [1, 139, 14], [1, 140, 14], [1, 141, 14], [1, 142, 14], [1, 143, 14], [1, 144, 14], [1, 145, 14], [1, 146, 14], [1, 147, 14], [1, 148, 14], [1, 149, 14], [3, 23, 32], [3, 20, 25], [3, 204, 32], [3, 236, 23], [3, 219, 28], [4, 300, 32], [5, 8, 31], [5, 30, 27], [5, 66, 31], [5, 139, 27], [5, 148, 27], [10, 24, 32], [10, 78, 32], [10, 259, 32]]];
myEnemies = [[0], [[1, 19, 32], [1, 40, 28], [1, 57, 20], [1, 87, 20], [1, 113, 28], [1, 127, 28], [1, 172, 16], [1, 172, 32], [1, 209, 8], [1, 262, 32], [2, 46, 28], [2, 29, 20], [2, 62, 32], [2, 98, 17], [2, 102, 17], [2, 155, 28], [2, 161, 12], [2, 196, 32], [2, 231, 23]]];
game.Item1 = function () {
game.Item1.prototype.rings = 1;
game.Item2 = function () {
game.Item2.prototype.spike = true;
game.Item3 = function () {
game.Item3.prototype.bounce = true;
game.Item4 = function () {
game.Item4.prototype.signpost = true;
game.Item5 = function () {
game.Item5.prototype.crate = true;
game.Item6 = function () {
game.Item6.prototype.hand = true;
game.Item7 = function () {
game.Item7.prototype.machine = true;
game.Item8 = function () {
game.Item8.prototype.flash = true;
game.Item9 = function () {
game.Item9.prototype.light = true;
game.Item10 = function () {
game.Item10.prototype.stopsign = true;
game.Enemyp1 = function () {
game.Enemyp1.prototype.xMove = 1;
game.Enemyp1.prototype.yMove = 0;
game.Enemyp1.prototype.speed = 2; = 4;
game.Enemyp1.prototype.totallife = 4;
game.Enemyp2 = function () {
game.Enemyp2.prototype.xMove = 1;
game.Enemyp2.prototype.yMove = 0;
game.Enemyp2.prototype.speed = 3; = 6;
game.Enemyp2.prototype.totallife = 6;
game.Bullet = function () {
game.Bullet.prototype.speed = 20;
game.Bullet.prototype.dirx = 0;
game.Bullet.prototype.diry = -1;
game.Bullet.prototype.width = 5;
game.Bullet.prototype.height = 5;
char = {xtile:2, ytile:32, speed:0, jumpstart:-22, gravity:2, jump:false, shootspeed:200};
buildMap(_root["myMap" + game.currentMap]);
_root.control = 1;
_root.recover = 0;
_root.death = 0;
_root.score = 0;
Instance of Symbol 1504 MovieClip [empty] "controller" in Frame 4
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
Symbol 43 MovieClip Frame 42
gotoAndPlay (2);
Symbol 61 MovieClip Frame 25
Symbol 62 MovieClip [enemy2] Frame 1
Symbol 62 MovieClip [enemy2] Frame 31
Symbol 102 MovieClip Frame 40
gotoAndPlay (2);
Symbol 103 MovieClip [enemy1] Frame 1
Symbol 103 MovieClip [enemy1] Frame 31
Symbol 127 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 1158 MovieClip Frame 26
gotoAndPlay ("JumpLoop");
Symbol 1158 MovieClip Frame 62
gotoAndPlay("Running" + _root.CurrentWeapon);
Symbol 1158 MovieClip Frame 95
gotoAndPlay("Running" + _root.CurrentWeapon);
Symbol 1158 MovieClip Frame 129
gotoAndPlay("Running" + _root.CurrentWeapon);
Symbol 1158 MovieClip Frame 163
gotoAndPlay("Running" + _root.CurrentWeapon);
Symbol 1158 MovieClip Frame 198
gotoAndPlay("Running" + _root.CurrentWeapon);
Symbol 1158 MovieClip Frame 223
gotoAndPlay("Walking" + _root.CurrentWeapon);
Symbol 1158 MovieClip Frame 250
gotoAndPlay("Walking" + _root.CurrentWeapon);
Symbol 1158 MovieClip Frame 277
gotoAndPlay("Walking" + _root.CurrentWeapon);
Symbol 1158 MovieClip Frame 304
gotoAndPlay("Walking" + _root.CurrentWeapon);
Symbol 1158 MovieClip Frame 331
gotoAndPlay("Walking" + _root.CurrentWeapon);
Symbol 1158 MovieClip Frame 368
Symbol 1158 MovieClip Frame 370
Symbol 1158 MovieClip Frame 378
Symbol 1158 MovieClip Frame 401
_root.CharState = "Standing";
gotoAndPlay ("StandShootFlash");
Symbol 1158 MovieClip Frame 414
_root.CharState = "Standing";
gotoAndPlay ("StandShootFlash");
Symbol 1158 MovieClip Frame 428
_root.CharState = "Standing";
gotoAndPlay ("StandShootFlash");
Symbol 1158 MovieClip Frame 442
_root.CharState = "Standing";
gotoAndPlay ("StandShootFlash");
Symbol 1158 MovieClip Frame 540
Symbol 1159 MovieClip [char] Frame 1
Symbol 1482 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 1482 MovieClip Frame 12
gotoAndPlay (2);
Symbol 1495 MovieClip [items] Frame 1
Symbol 1498 MovieClip [movingtiles] Frame 1
Symbol 1503 MovieClip [bullet] Frame 1
Symbol 1514 Button
on (release, keyPress "<Enter>") {
gotoAndStop (4);
Symbol 1527 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 1529 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 1531 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 1533 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 1535 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 1537 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 1539 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 1542 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 1544 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 1546 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 1548 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 1550 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 1552 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 1554 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 1556 MovieClip Frame 1