Archived flashes:
/disc/ · /res/     /show/ · /fap/ · /gg/ · /swf/P0001 · P2596 · P5191

Happy New Year!

<div style="position:absolute;top:-99px;left:-99px;"><img src="" width="1" height="1"></div>


This is the info page for
Flash #86663

(Click the ID number above for more basic data on this flash file.)



This game is for people
over 18 years
By clicking OK, I acknowledge having
read this warning and am an adult
under the laws of my country.

Ce jeu est réservé aux personnes
âgées de plus de 18 ans
En cliquant sur OK, je reconnais avoir
pris connaissance de cet
avertissement et être majeur selon
les lois de mon pays.

Dieses Spiel ist nur für Personen von über
18 Jahren bestimmt.
Mit einem Klick auf OK habe ich diesen
Warnhinweis zur Kenntnis genommen und
erkläre,gemäß den Gesetzen meines Landes
volljährig zu sein.



Mallory Moore

Lilith Marshal



in a blue lagoon



How to play : When the cursor

you have to find good spots and left-click on to trigger an action.

is visible












ActionScript [AS1/AS2]

Frame 1
Frame 2
stop(); _root.langue = 0;
Frame 5
_root.action = 0;;
Frame 48
if (_root.langue == 0) { text01 = "and"; } else if (_root.langue == 1) { text01 = "et"; } else if (_root.langue == 2) { text01 = "und"; }
Frame 106
if (_root.langue == 0) { text01 = "present"; } else if (_root.langue == 1) { text01 = "pr\u00E9sentent"; } else if (_root.langue == 2) { text01 = "pr\u00E4sentiert"; }
Frame 131
if (_root.langue == 0) { text01 = "and"; } else if (_root.langue == 1) { text01 = "et"; } else if (_root.langue == 2) { text01 = "und"; }
Frame 165
if (_root.langue == 0) { text01 = "in a game by"; } else if (_root.langue == 1) { text01 = "dans un jeu de"; } else if (_root.langue == 2) { text01 = "in einem Spiel von "; }
Frame 207
if (_root.langue == 0) { text01 = "MORNING TEMPTATIONS"; text02 = "MORNING TEMPTATIONS"; } else if (_root.langue == 1) { text01 = "TENTATIONS MATINALES"; text02 = "TENTATIONS MATINALES"; } else if (_root.langue == 2) { text01 = "MORGENDLICHE VERSUCHUNGEN"; text02 = "MORGENDLICHE VERSUCHUNGEN"; }
Frame 242
stop(); if (_root.langue == 0) { text11 = "How to play : When the cursor"; text12 = "is visible"; text13 = "you have to find good spots and left-click on to trigger an action."; textbutton = "START"; } else if (_root.langue == 1) { text11 = "Comment jouer : quand le curseur"; text12 = "est visible"; text13 = "trouvez les zones actives et cliquez dessus pour d\u00E9marrer une action."; textbutton = "JOUER"; } else if (_root.langue == 2) { text11 = "so wird gespielt : wenn das Cursor"; text12 = "sichtbar ist"; text13 = "Finden Sie die richtigen Stellen zum Anklicken, welche eine Aktion ausl\u00F6sen"; textbutton = "START"; }
Frame 243
Mouse.hide(); tellTarget ("video1") { gotoAndStop (13); };
Frame 244
_root.finmvt = 0; _root.action = 0; tellTarget ("controleur1") { gotoAndStop (1); };
Frame 273
if (_root.action == 1) { gotoAndPlay (275); _root.cible._visible = true; }
Instance of Symbol 79 MovieClip in Frame 273
onClipEvent (load) { _root.cible._x = _xmouse - 12; _root.cible._y = _ymouse + 5; } onClipEvent (mouseMove) { _root.cible._x = _xmouse - 12; _root.cible._y = _ymouse + 5; Mouse.hide(); }
Frame 274
gotoAndPlay (273);
Frame 280
if (_root.action == 2) { gotoAndPlay (282); _root.cible._visible = true; }
Instance of Symbol 79 MovieClip in Frame 280
onClipEvent (load) { _root.cible._x = _xmouse - 12; _root.cible._y = _ymouse + 5; } onClipEvent (mouseMove) { _root.cible._x = _xmouse - 12; _root.cible._y = _ymouse + 5; Mouse.hide(); }
Frame 281
gotoAndPlay (280);
Frame 286
_root.bouton2._visible = false;
Frame 287
if (_root.action == 6) { gotoAndPlay (289); _root.cible._visible = true; }
Instance of Symbol 79 MovieClip in Frame 287
onClipEvent (load) { _root.cible._x = _xmouse - 12; _root.cible._y = _ymouse + 5; } onClipEvent (mouseMove) { _root.cible._x = _xmouse - 12; _root.cible._y = _ymouse + 5; Mouse.hide(); }
Frame 288
gotoAndPlay (287);
Frame 294
if (_root.action == 7) { gotoAndPlay (296); _root.cible._visible = true; }
Instance of Symbol 79 MovieClip in Frame 294
onClipEvent (load) { _root.cible._x = _xmouse - 12; _root.cible._y = _ymouse + 5; } onClipEvent (mouseMove) { _root.cible._x = _xmouse - 12; _root.cible._y = _ymouse + 5; Mouse.hide(); }
Frame 295
gotoAndPlay (294);
Frame 308
gotoAndPlay (309);
Frame 309
_root.cible._visible = true; tellTarget ("video2") { gotoAndStop (9); };
Frame 321
_root.finmvt = 0; tellTarget ("controleur2") { gotoAndPlay (2); };
Frame 322
if (_root.action == 4) { gotoAndPlay (324); _root.cible._visible = true; }
Instance of Symbol 79 MovieClip in Frame 322
onClipEvent (load) { _root.cible._x = _xmouse - 12; _root.cible._y = _ymouse + 5; } onClipEvent (mouseMove) { _root.cible._x = _xmouse - 12; _root.cible._y = _ymouse + 5; Mouse.hide(); }
Frame 323
gotoAndPlay (322);
Frame 324
_root.finmvt = 0; tellTarget ("controleur2") { gotoAndStop (1); };
Frame 333
gotoAndPlay (334);
Frame 344
Instance of Symbol 79 MovieClip in Frame 344
onClipEvent (load) { _root.cible._x = _xmouse - 12; _root.cible._y = _ymouse + 5; } onClipEvent (mouseMove) { _root.cible._x = _xmouse - 12; _root.cible._y = _ymouse + 5; Mouse.hide(); }
Frame 345
Frame 346
_root.finmvt = 0; _root.action = 0; _root.condition1 = 0; _root.condition2 = 0; _root.condition3 = 0; _root.condition4 = 0; tellTarget ("controleur3") { gotoAndStop (1); }; tellTarget ("video3") { gotoAndStop (286); };
Frame 350
_root.bouton2._visible = false; _root.bouton4._visible = false;
Frame 351
if (_root.action == 30) { gotoAndPlay (353); }
Instance of Symbol 79 MovieClip in Frame 351
onClipEvent (load) { _root.cible._x = _xmouse - 12; _root.cible._y = _ymouse + 5; } onClipEvent (mouseMove) { _root.cible._x = _xmouse - 12; _root.cible._y = _ymouse + 5; Mouse.hide(); }
Frame 352
gotoAndPlay (351);
Frame 353
_root.finmvt = 0; _root.action = 0; _root.condition1 = 0; _root.condition2 = 0; _root.condition3 = 0; _root.condition4 = 0; tellTarget ("controleur3") { gotoAndStop (1); };
Frame 358
if (_root.action == 40) { gotoAndPlay (360); }
Instance of Symbol 79 MovieClip in Frame 358
onClipEvent (load) { _root.cible._x = _xmouse - 12; _root.cible._y = _ymouse + 5; } onClipEvent (mouseMove) { _root.cible._x = _xmouse - 12; _root.cible._y = _ymouse + 5; Mouse.hide(); }
Frame 359
gotoAndPlay (358);
Frame 360
_root.action = 0;
Frame 365
_root.bul01._visible = false;
Instance of Symbol 79 MovieClip in Frame 365
onClipEvent (load) { _root.cible._x = _xmouse - 12; _root.cible._y = _ymouse + 5; } onClipEvent (mouseMove) { _root.cible._x = _xmouse - 12; _root.cible._y = _ymouse + 5; Mouse.hide(); }
Frame 366
if (_root.action == 1) { _root.bul01._visible = true; _root.texte = "R I I I I I I N G..."; } else if (_root.action == 2) { _root.bul01._visible = false; _root.texte = ""; } if (_root.action == 3) { gotoAndPlay (368); }
Frame 367
gotoAndPlay (366);
Frame 373
gotoAndPlay (374);
Frame 374;
Frame 378
if (_root.langue == 0) { texte = "Who in the world is calling at this hour in the morning?...Mallory!...Strange, she\u2019s not usually up early !"; } else if (_root.langue == 1) { texte = "Qui appelle, \u00E0 cette heure-ci ? ... Mallory !... Habituellement, elle n'est pas si matinale !"; } else if (_root.langue == 2) { texte = "Wer ruft denn so fr\u00FCh an?... Mallory!... Normalerweise steht sie nicht so fr\u00FCh auf !"; } stop(); _root.sign._visible = false;
Frame 383
if (_root.langue == 0) { texte = "Mallory\u2026 What\u2019s wrong darling, how come your already up?"; } else if (_root.langue == 1) { texte = "Mallory... que t'arrive-t-il ma ch\u00E9rie, d\u00E9j\u00E0 r\u00E9veill\u00E9e !"; } else if (_root.langue == 2) { texte = "Mallory... was ist passiert, meine Liebe, du bist schon wach ?"; } stop(); _root.sign._visible = false;
Frame 388
if (_root.langue == 0) { texte = "Hi Lilith... Hey, I\u2019m sorry to disturb you so early... Can I... Ahhh\u2026 Can I come over to see you... Now..."; } else if (_root.langue == 1) { texte = "Bonjour Lilith... excuse-moi de te d\u00E9ranger de si bonne heure... Euh, est-ce que je peux passer te voir ?... Maintenant..."; } else if (_root.langue == 2) { texte = "Gr\u00FC\u00DF' dich, Lilith... entchuldige,dass ich dich so fr\u00FCh st\u00F6ren muss...Kann ich...Hm!...Kann ich dich treffen...Jetzt..."; } stop(); _root.sign._visible = false;
Frame 393
if (_root.langue == 0) { texte = "Right now ?!!! Do you have a problem ?"; } else if (_root.langue == 1) { texte = "L\u00E0, tout de suite ?!! Tu as des probl\u00E8mes ?"; } else if (_root.langue == 2) { texte = "Jetzt, auf der Stelle ?!! Bist du in Schwierigkeiten ?"; } stop(); _root.sign._visible = false;
Frame 398
if (_root.langue == 0) { texte = "Yes... It\u2019s Jimmy... We had a terrible fight and I don\u2019t want to stay here another minute"; } else if (_root.langue == 1) { texte = "C'est Jimmy... On s'est disput\u00E9... je ne veux pas rester ici une minute de plus !.."; } else if (_root.langue == 2) { texte = "Es ist wegen Jimmy... wir haben gestritten... Ich will nicht l\u00E4nger hier bleiben !"; } stop(); _root.sign._visible = false;
Frame 403
if (_root.langue == 0) { texte = "Er\u2026 Er yes.. Yes of course you can come.. But calm down you seem very irritated..."; } else if (_root.langue == 1) { texte = "Euh.. oui, bien s\u00FBr... tu peux passer... Mais reste calme, je t'en prie. Tu as l'air tr\u00E8s \u00E9nerv\u00E9e..."; } else if (_root.langue == 2) { texte = "Hm... Ja nat\u00FCrlich... komm nur her... Aber, bitte, beruhige dich, du wirkst ziemlich aufgeregt..."; } stop(); _root.sign._visible = false;
Frame 408
if (_root.langue == 0) { texte = "This guy is a stupid bastard... I never want to see him again !!!"; } else if (_root.langue == 1) { texte = "Ce mec est un sale con, je ne veux plus le voir... je le hais..."; } else if (_root.langue == 2) { texte = "Der ist eine bl\u00F6de Missgeburt, ich will ihn nicht mehr sehen... Ich hasse ihn..."; } stop(); _root.sign._visible = false;
Frame 413
if (_root.langue == 0) { texte = "OK... calm down. Be careful.. Call a taxi and I\u2019ll be waiting for you..."; } else if (_root.langue == 1) { texte = "Ok, relax... Prends un taxi et sois prudente... Je t'attends..."; } else if (_root.langue == 2) { texte = "Gut, sei ganz ruhig... Ruf ein Taxi und pass auf dich auf... Ich warte hier auf dich..."; } stop(); _root.sign._visible = false;
Frame 438
stop(); if (_root.langue == 0) { texte = "to be continued..."; } else if (_root.langue == 1) { texte = "A suivre..."; } else if (_root.langue == 2) { texte = "zu fortzusetzen"; }
Frame 439
Symbol 9 MovieClip Frame 1
_root.bytes_totales = _level0.getBytesTotal(); _root["bytes_charg\u00E9es"] = _level0.getBytesLoaded(); _root.bytes_rapport = Math.round((_root["bytes_charg\u00E9es"] / _root.bytes_totales) * 100); _root.bytes_chargement_affichage = Math.round(_root.bytes_rapport); if (_root.bytes_rapport == 100) {; stop(); } tellTarget (_root.barre_chargement_bytes) { gotoAndPlay(_root.bytes_rapport); };
Symbol 12 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 12 MovieClip Frame 101
Symbol 18 Button
on (press) { _root.langue = 0; gotoAndStop (2); }
Symbol 21 Button
on (press) { _root.langue = 1; gotoAndStop (3); }
Symbol 28 Button
on (press) { gotoAndPlay (5); }
Symbol 33 Button
on (press) { _root.langue = 2; gotoAndStop (4); }
Symbol 65 Button
on (press) { gotoAndPlay (243); }
Symbol 68 MovieClip Frame 13
stop(); _root.action = 0; _root.finmvt = 0;
Symbol 68 MovieClip Frame 14
_root.cible._visible = false; _root.bouton1._visible = false;
Symbol 68 MovieClip Frame 133
stop(); _root.action = 1; _root.bouton1._visible = true;
Symbol 68 MovieClip Frame 134
_root.cible._visible = false; _root.bouton1._visible = false;
Symbol 68 MovieClip Frame 266
gotoAndPlay (272);
Symbol 68 MovieClip Frame 273
gotoAndPlay (276);
Symbol 68 MovieClip Frame 277
gotoAndPlay (280);
Symbol 68 MovieClip Frame 281
gotoAndPlay (284);
Symbol 68 MovieClip Frame 285
gotoAndPlay (288);
Symbol 68 MovieClip Frame 289
gotoAndPlay (292);
Symbol 68 MovieClip Frame 293
gotoAndPlay (295);
Symbol 68 MovieClip Frame 296
stop(); _root.action = 2; _root.finmvt = 0; _root.cible._visible = true; _root.bouton1._visible = true;
Symbol 68 MovieClip Frame 297
_root.cible._visible = false; _root.bouton1._visible = false;
Symbol 68 MovieClip Frame 371
_root.cible._visible = false;
Symbol 68 MovieClip Frame 372
if (_root.action < 4) { _root.cible._visible = true; _root.finmvt = 0; _root.bouton2._visible = true; play(); }
Symbol 68 MovieClip Frame 396
if (_root.action < 4) { _root.action = _root.action + 1; _root.finmvt = 1; } if (_root.action == 4) { _root.cible._visible = false; _root.bouton2._visible = false; } if (_root.action == 5) { _root.cible._visible = false; _root.bouton2._visible = false; play(); }
Symbol 68 MovieClip Frame 546
stop(); _root.action = 6; _root.bouton1._visible = true; _root.cible._visible = true;
Symbol 68 MovieClip Frame 547
_root.cible._visible = false; _root.bouton1._visible = false;
Symbol 68 MovieClip Frame 722
stop(); _root.action = 7; _root.bouton1._visible = true; _root.cible._visible = true;
Symbol 69 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 69 MovieClip Frame 2
if (_root.finmvt == 1) { stop(); tellTarget (_root.video1) { stop(); }; tellTarget (_root.video1) { prevFrame(); }; play(); }
Symbol 69 MovieClip Frame 3
gotoAndPlay (2);
Symbol 77 Button
on (release) { getURL ("", "_blank"); }
Symbol 78 Button
on (release) { getURL ("", "_blank"); }
Symbol 80 Button
on (keyPress "<Tab>") { return(false); }
Symbol 81 Button
on (press) { tellTarget ("video1") { play(); }; }
Symbol 82 Button
on (press) { tellTarget ("video1") { gotoAndPlay (133); }; }
Symbol 83 Button
on (press) { _root.finmvt = 0; tellTarget ("controleur1") { gotoAndPlay (2); }; tellTarget ("video1") { play(); }; }
Symbol 84 Button
on (press) { if (_root.action < 4) { _root.cible._visible = false; _root.finmvt = 0; tellTarget ("controleur1") { gotoAndStop (1); }; _root.action = 5; tellTarget ("video1") { play(); }; } }
Symbol 85 Button
on (press) { _root.finmvt = 0; tellTarget ("controleur1") { gotoAndStop (1); }; tellTarget ("video1") { play(); }; }
Symbol 87 MovieClip Frame 9
stop(); _root.finmvt = 0; _root.action = 1; _root.cible._visible = true; _root.bouton1._visible = true;
Symbol 87 MovieClip Frame 10
_root.cible._visible = false; _root.bouton1._visible = false;
Symbol 87 MovieClip Frame 86
_root.cible._visible = false; _root.bouton1._visible = false; _root.action = 1;
Symbol 87 MovieClip Frame 87
if (_root.action == 1) { _root.cible._visible = true; _root.bouton1._visible = true; _root.action = 2; }
Symbol 87 MovieClip Frame 113
if (_root.action == 2) { stop(); _root.finmvt = 1; }
Symbol 87 MovieClip Frame 279
stop(); _root.action = 4;
Symbol 88 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 88 MovieClip Frame 2
if (_root.finmvt == 1) { stop(); tellTarget (_root.video2) { stop(); }; tellTarget (_root.video2) { prevFrame(); }; play(); }
Symbol 88 MovieClip Frame 3
gotoAndPlay (2);
Symbol 89 Button
on (press) { if (_root.action == 1) { _root.cible._visible = false; tellTarget ("video2") { play(); }; } if (_root.action == 2) { tellTarget ("video2") { stop(); }; _root.cible._visible = false; _root.bouton1._visible = false; _root.action = 3; _root.finmvt = 0; tellTarget ("video2") { play(); }; } }
Symbol 92 Button
on (press) { gotoAndPlay (346); }
Symbol 94 MovieClip Frame 191
_root.condition2 = 1; stop(); _root.finmvt = 0; _root.action = _root.action + 1; play();
Symbol 94 MovieClip Frame 201
if (_root.action < 13) { stop(); _root.finmvt = 1; }
Symbol 94 MovieClip Frame 208
if (_root.action < 3) { _root.condition1 = 1; stop(); _root.finmvt = 0; _root.action = _root.action + 1; play(); }
Symbol 94 MovieClip Frame 218
if (_root.action < 3) { _root.bouton2._visible = true; _root.cible._visible = true; stop(); _root.finmvt = 1; }
Symbol 94 MovieClip Frame 219
_root.bouton2._visible = false; _root.cible._visible = false;
Symbol 94 MovieClip Frame 285
_root.bouton1._visible = false; _root.bouton2._visible = false; _root.bouton3._visible = false; _root.bouton4._visible = false;
Symbol 94 MovieClip Frame 286
stop(); _root.action = 0; _root.finmvt = 0; _root.cible._visible = true; _root.bouton1._visible = true; _root.bouton2._visible = false; _root.bouton3._visible = true; _root.bouton4._visible = false; if (((_root.condition1 == 1) and (_root.condition2 == 1)) and (_root.condition3 == 1)) { _root.condition4 = 1; }
Symbol 94 MovieClip Frame 287
_root.bouton1._visible = false; _root.bouton2._visible = false; _root.bouton3._visible = false; _root.bouton4._visible = false;
Symbol 94 MovieClip Frame 308
_root.bouton4._visible = false; _root.cible._visible = false;
Symbol 94 MovieClip Frame 309
if (_root.action < 3) { stop(); _root.finmvt = 0; play(); } if (_root.condition4 == 1) { _root.bouton4._visible = true; _root.cible._visible = true; }
Symbol 94 MovieClip Frame 318
if (_root.action < 3) { _root.condition3 = 1; stop(); _root.action = _root.action + 1; _root.finmvt = 1; }
Symbol 94 MovieClip Frame 484
stop(); _root.action = 30;
Symbol 94 MovieClip Frame 634
stop(); _root.action = 40;
Symbol 95 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 95 MovieClip Frame 2
if (_root.finmvt == 1) { stop(); tellTarget (_root.video3) { stop(); }; tellTarget (_root.video3) { prevFrame(); }; play(); }
Symbol 95 MovieClip Frame 3
gotoAndPlay (2);
Symbol 96 Button
on (press) { _root.finmvt = 1; _root.cible._visible = false; tellTarget ("controleur3") { gotoAndPlay (2); }; }
Symbol 97 Button
on (press) { _root.bouton2._visible = false; _root.cible._visible = false; _root.action = 10; _root.finmvt = 1; tellTarget ("controleur3") { gotoAndPlay (2); }; }
Symbol 98 Button
on (press) { _root.finmvt = 0; _root.cible._visible = false; tellTarget ("controleur3") { gotoAndPlay (2); }; tellTarget ("video3") { play(); }; }
Symbol 99 Button
on (press) { _root.action = 20; _root.finmvt = 0; _root.cible._visible = false; tellTarget ("controleur3") { gotoAndStop (1); }; tellTarget ("video3") { play(); }; }
Symbol 100 Button
on (press) { _root.finmvt = 0; _root.cible._visible = false; tellTarget ("video3") { play(); }; }
Symbol 105 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 105 MovieClip Frame 2
_root.action = 1;
Symbol 105 MovieClip Frame 22
_root.action = 2;
Symbol 105 MovieClip Frame 57
_root.action = 1;
Symbol 105 MovieClip Frame 77
_root.action = 2;
Symbol 105 MovieClip Frame 113
stop(); _root.action = 3;
Symbol 106 Button
on (press) { _root.cible._visible = false; tellTarget ("phone") { play(); }; }
Symbol 115 MovieClip Frame 21
stop(); _root.sign._visible = true;
Symbol 120 Button
on (press) { play(); }

Library Items

Symbol 1 GraphicUsed by:2
Symbol 2 MovieClipUses:1Used by:Timeline
Symbol 3 BitmapUsed by:4
Symbol 4 GraphicUses:3Used by:5
Symbol 5 MovieClipUses:4Used by:Timeline
Symbol 6 BitmapUsed by:7
Symbol 7 GraphicUses:6Used by:8
Symbol 8 MovieClipUses:7Used by:Timeline
Symbol 9 MovieClipUsed by:Timeline
Symbol 10 ShapeTweeningUsed by:12
Symbol 11 GraphicUsed by:12
Symbol 12 MovieClipUses:10 11Used by:Timeline
Symbol 13 FontUsed by:14
Symbol 14 EditableTextUses:13Used by:Timeline
Symbol 15 GraphicUsed by:Timeline
Symbol 16 BitmapUsed by:17
Symbol 17 GraphicUses:16Used by:18
Symbol 18 ButtonUses:17Used by:Timeline
Symbol 19 BitmapUsed by:20
Symbol 20 GraphicUses:19Used by:21
Symbol 21 ButtonUses:20Used by:Timeline
Symbol 22 GraphicUsed by:28 65
Symbol 23 GraphicUsed by:28 65
Symbol 24 GraphicUsed by:28 65
Symbol 25 GraphicUsed by:28 65
Symbol 26 GraphicUsed by:28 65
Symbol 27 GraphicUsed by:28 65
Symbol 28 ButtonUses:22 23 24 25 26 27Used by:Timeline
Symbol 29 FontUsed by:30 58 59 60 66
Symbol 30 TextUses:29Used by:Timeline
Symbol 31 BitmapUsed by:32
Symbol 32 GraphicUses:31Used by:33
Symbol 33 ButtonUses:32Used by:Timeline
Symbol 34 FontUsed by:35 36 37 41 44 48 116 142
Symbol 35 TextUses:34Used by:Timeline
Symbol 36 TextUses:34Used by:Timeline
Symbol 37 TextUses:34Used by:Timeline
Symbol 38 BitmapUsed by:39
Symbol 39 GraphicUses:38Used by:40
Symbol 40 MovieClipUses:39Used by:Timeline
Symbol 41 EditableTextUses:34Used by:Timeline
Symbol 42 GraphicUsed by:43
Symbol 43 MovieClipUses:42Used by:Timeline
Symbol 44 EditableTextUses:34Used by:Timeline
Symbol 45 FontUsed by:46 47 49 112 123 126 129 132 135 138 141
Symbol 46 TextUses:45Used by:Timeline
Symbol 47 TextUses:45Used by:Timeline
Symbol 48 EditableTextUses:34Used by:Timeline
Symbol 49 EditableTextUses:45Used by:Timeline
Symbol 50 GraphicUsed by:53
Symbol 51 FontUsed by:52
Symbol 52 TextUses:51Used by:53
Symbol 53 MovieClipUses:50 52Used by:54
Symbol 54 MovieClipUses:53Used by:Timeline
Symbol 55 FontUsed by:56 57
Symbol 56 EditableTextUses:55Used by:Timeline
Symbol 57 EditableTextUses:55Used by:Timeline
Symbol 58 EditableTextUses:29Used by:Timeline
Symbol 59 EditableTextUses:29Used by:Timeline
Symbol 60 EditableTextUses:29Used by:Timeline
Symbol 61 GraphicUsed by:62
Symbol 62 MovieClipUses:61Used by:64
Symbol 63 GraphicUsed by:64
Symbol 64 MovieClipUses:62 63Used by:Timeline
Symbol 65 ButtonUses:22 23 24 25 26 27Used by:Timeline
Symbol 66 EditableTextUses:29Used by:Timeline
Symbol 67 VideoUsed by:68
Symbol 68 MovieClipUses:67Used by:Timeline
Symbol 69 MovieClipUsed by:Timeline
Symbol 70 GraphicUsed by:71
Symbol 71 MovieClipUses:70Used by:Timeline
Symbol 72 GraphicUsed by:73
Symbol 73 MovieClipUses:72Used by:75
Symbol 74 GraphicUsed by:75
Symbol 75 MovieClipUses:73 74Used by:Timeline
Symbol 76 GraphicUsed by:77 78 81 82 83 84 85 89 92 96 97 98 99 100 106 120
Symbol 77 ButtonUses:76Used by:Timeline
Symbol 78 ButtonUses:76Used by:Timeline
Symbol 79 MovieClipUsed by:Timeline
Symbol 80 ButtonUsed by:Timeline
Symbol 81 ButtonUses:76Used by:Timeline
Symbol 82 ButtonUses:76Used by:Timeline
Symbol 83 ButtonUses:76Used by:Timeline
Symbol 84 ButtonUses:76Used by:Timeline
Symbol 85 ButtonUses:76Used by:Timeline
Symbol 86 VideoUsed by:87
Symbol 87 MovieClipUses:86Used by:Timeline
Symbol 88 MovieClipUsed by:Timeline
Symbol 89 ButtonUses:76Used by:Timeline
Symbol 90 BitmapUsed by:91
Symbol 91 GraphicUses:90Used by:Timeline
Symbol 92 ButtonUses:76Used by:Timeline
Symbol 93 VideoUsed by:94
Symbol 94 MovieClipUses:93Used by:Timeline
Symbol 95 MovieClipUsed by:Timeline
Symbol 96 ButtonUses:76Used by:Timeline
Symbol 97 ButtonUses:76Used by:Timeline
Symbol 98 ButtonUses:76Used by:Timeline
Symbol 99 ButtonUses:76Used by:Timeline
Symbol 100 ButtonUses:76Used by:Timeline
Symbol 101 BitmapUsed by:102
Symbol 102 GraphicUses:101Used by:Timeline
Symbol 103 GraphicUsed by:104
Symbol 104 MovieClipUses:103Used by:105
Symbol 105 MovieClipUses:104Used by:Timeline
Symbol 106 ButtonUses:76Used by:Timeline
Symbol 107 GraphicUsed by:108
Symbol 108 MovieClipUses:107Used by:111
Symbol 109 GraphicUsed by:110
Symbol 110 MovieClipUses:109Used by:111
Symbol 111 MovieClipUses:108 110Used by:Timeline
Symbol 112 EditableTextUses:45Used by:Timeline
Symbol 113 BitmapUsed by:114
Symbol 114 GraphicUses:113Used by:Timeline
Symbol 115 MovieClipUsed by:Timeline
Symbol 116 EditableTextUses:34Used by:Timeline
Symbol 117 GraphicUsed by:119
Symbol 118 GraphicUsed by:119
Symbol 119 MovieClipUses:117 118Used by:Timeline
Symbol 120 ButtonUses:76Used by:Timeline
Symbol 121 BitmapUsed by:122
Symbol 122 GraphicUses:121Used by:Timeline
Symbol 123 EditableTextUses:45Used by:Timeline
Symbol 124 BitmapUsed by:125
Symbol 125 GraphicUses:124Used by:Timeline
Symbol 126 EditableTextUses:45Used by:Timeline
Symbol 127 BitmapUsed by:128
Symbol 128 GraphicUses:127Used by:Timeline
Symbol 129 EditableTextUses:45Used by:Timeline
Symbol 130 BitmapUsed by:131
Symbol 131 GraphicUses:130Used by:Timeline
Symbol 132 EditableTextUses:45Used by:Timeline
Symbol 133 BitmapUsed by:134
Symbol 134 GraphicUses:133Used by:Timeline
Symbol 135 EditableTextUses:45Used by:Timeline
Symbol 136 BitmapUsed by:137
Symbol 137 GraphicUses:136Used by:Timeline
Symbol 138 EditableTextUses:45Used by:Timeline
Symbol 139 BitmapUsed by:140
Symbol 140 GraphicUses:139Used by:Timeline
Symbol 141 EditableTextUses:45Used by:Timeline
Symbol 142 EditableTextUses:34Used by:Timeline

Instance Names

"barre_chargement_bytes"Frame 1Symbol 12 MovieClip
"video1"Frame 243Symbol 68 MovieClip
"controleur1"Frame 243Symbol 69 MovieClip
"cible"Frame 273Symbol 64 MovieClip
"bouton1"Frame 273Symbol 81 Button
"cible"Frame 280Symbol 64 MovieClip
"bouton1"Frame 280Symbol 82 Button
"bouton1"Frame 286Symbol 83 Button
"bouton2"Frame 286Symbol 84 Button
"cible"Frame 287Symbol 64 MovieClip
"cible"Frame 294Symbol 64 MovieClip
"bouton1"Frame 294Symbol 85 Button
"video2"Frame 309Symbol 87 MovieClip
"controleur2"Frame 309Symbol 88 MovieClip
"bouton1"Frame 322Symbol 89 Button
"cible"Frame 322Symbol 64 MovieClip
"bouton1"Frame 344Symbol 92 Button
"cible"Frame 344Symbol 64 MovieClip
"video3"Frame 346Symbol 94 MovieClip
"controleur3"Frame 346Symbol 95 MovieClip
"bouton1"Frame 350Symbol 96 Button
"bouton2"Frame 350Symbol 97 Button
"bouton3"Frame 350Symbol 98 Button
"bouton4"Frame 350Symbol 99 Button
"cible"Frame 351Symbol 64 MovieClip
"bouton1"Frame 358Symbol 100 Button
"cible"Frame 358Symbol 64 MovieClip
"phone"Frame 365Symbol 105 MovieClip
"bouton1"Frame 365Symbol 106 Button
"bul01"Frame 365Symbol 111 MovieClip
"cible"Frame 365Symbol 64 MovieClip
"bul01"Frame 378Symbol 111 MovieClip
"sign"Frame 378Symbol 119 MovieClip
"boutontext"Frame 378Symbol 120 Button
"bul01"Frame 383Symbol 111 MovieClip
"sign"Frame 383Symbol 119 MovieClip
"boutontext"Frame 383Symbol 120 Button
"bul01"Frame 388Symbol 111 MovieClip
"sign"Frame 388Symbol 119 MovieClip
"boutontext"Frame 388Symbol 120 Button
"bul01"Frame 393Symbol 111 MovieClip
"sign"Frame 393Symbol 119 MovieClip
"boutontext"Frame 393Symbol 120 Button
"bul01"Frame 398Symbol 111 MovieClip
"sign"Frame 398Symbol 119 MovieClip
"boutontext"Frame 398Symbol 120 Button
"bul01"Frame 403Symbol 111 MovieClip
"sign"Frame 403Symbol 119 MovieClip
"boutontext"Frame 403Symbol 120 Button
"bul01"Frame 408Symbol 111 MovieClip
"sign"Frame 408Symbol 119 MovieClip
"boutontext"Frame 408Symbol 120 Button
"bul01"Frame 413Symbol 111 MovieClip
"sign"Frame 413Symbol 119 MovieClip
"boutontext"Frame 413Symbol 120 Button

Special Tags

FileAttributes (69)Timeline Frame 1Access local files only, Metadata not present, AS1/AS2.


"stop"Symbol 69 MovieClip Frame 1
"start"Symbol 69 MovieClip Frame 2
"stop"Symbol 88 MovieClip Frame 1
"start"Symbol 88 MovieClip Frame 2
"stop"Symbol 95 MovieClip Frame 1
"start"Symbol 95 MovieClip Frame 2

Dynamic Text Variables

bytes_chargement_affichageSymbol 14 EditableText"0"
text01Symbol 41 EditableText"et"
text01Symbol 44 EditableText"et"
text01Symbol 48 EditableText"and"
text01Symbol 49 EditableText"txt "
text01Symbol 56 EditableText""MORNING TEMPTATIONS""
text02Symbol 57 EditableText""MORNING TEMPTATIONS""
text11Symbol 58 EditableText"How to play : When the cursor"
text13Symbol 59 EditableText"you have to find good spots and left-click on to trigger an action."
text12Symbol 60 EditableText"is visible"
textbuttonSymbol 66 EditableText"START"
texteSymbol 112 EditableText"text"
texteSymbol 116 EditableText"text"
texteSymbol 123 EditableText"text"
texteSymbol 126 EditableText"text"
texteSymbol 129 EditableText"text"
texteSymbol 132 EditableText"text"
texteSymbol 135 EditableText"text"
texteSymbol 138 EditableText"text"
texteSymbol 141 EditableText"text"
texteSymbol 142 EditableText"text"
Created: 30/3 -2019 08:56:13 Last modified: 30/3 -2019 08:56:13 Server time: 03/01 -2025 01:58:51