Frame 1
function beginBattle() {
monSubLoc = Math.floor((Math.random() * 2) + 1);
NonExLevel = Math.round(Math.pow(currentLocation, 1 + (currentLocation * 0.01)));
GenerateMonster(Math.round(Math.pow(currentLocation, 1 + (currentLocation * 0.1))), NonExLevel);
healthBar._alpha = 100;
manaBar._alpha = 100;
enemyHealthBar._alpha = 100;
enemyManaBar._alpha = 100;
enemyHealth = (MonsterLevel * 3) + 4;
enemyMana = MonsterLevel * 2;
enemyHealthMax = (MonsterLevel * 3) + 4;
enemyManaMax = MonsterLevel * 2;
if (enemyHealth < 1) {
enemyHealth = 1;
enemyHealthMax = 1;
if (enemyMana < 0) {
enemyMana = 0;
enemyManaMax = 0;
enemyPoison = false;
enemySlow = false;
manaTimer = 0;
enemySpeed = 10;
Health = HealthMax;
Mana = ManaMax;
EnemyProgressNow = 0;
fighting = true;
regenTimer = 0;
Save(currentSaveFile, "Combat");
Save(currentSaveFile, "CombatBegin");
function travelTo(travelLocation) {
i = 0;
if ((((characterClass == "Knight") || (characterClass == "Paladin")) || (characterClass == "Cowboy")) || (characterClass == "Cowgirl")) {
i = ((Extra + ExtraModifier) + ExtraModifier2) / 5;
if (travelLocation == 0) {
Progress("Traveling to " + LocationArray[travelLocation][0], ((currentLocation * 10) + 50) / ((SpellsArray[12][1] + 1) + i));
} else {
Progress("Traveling to " + LocationArray[travelLocation][0], ((travelLocation * 10) + 50) / (SpellsArray[12][1] + 1));
travelingTo = travelLocation;
Traveling = true;
function Capitalize(word) {
firstLetter = word.slice(0, 1);
rest = word.slice(1);
firstLetter = firstLetter.toUpperCase();
word = firstLetter + rest;
function Pluralize(word) {
lastLetter = word.slice(word.length - 1);
last2Letters = word.slice(word.length - 2);
if (word == "Jabberwock") {
word = word + "y";
} else if (word == "Orc Shaman") {
word = "Orc Shamen";
} else if (word == "Snowman") {
word = "Snowmen";
} else if ((word == "Trophy") || (word == "Ruby")) {
word = word.slice(0, word.length - 1);
word = word + "ies";
} else if (last2Letters == "us") {
word = word.slice(0, word.length - 2);
word = word + "i";
} else if (((((lastLetter == "x") || (lastLetter == "z")) || (lastLetter == "s")) || (last2Letters == "ch")) || (last2Letters == "sh")) {
word = word + "es";
} else if ((lastLetter == "f") && (word != "Hippogriff")) {
word = word.slice(0, word.length - 1);
word = word + "ves";
} else {
word = word + "s";
function Article(word) {
firstLetter = word.slice(0, 1);
firstLetter = firstLetter.toLowerCase();
if (((((firstLetter == "a") || (firstLetter == "e")) || (firstLetter == "i")) || (firstLetter == "o")) || (firstLetter == "u")) {
word = "an " + word;
} else {
word = "a " + word;
function GenerateMonster(Level2, Level) {
Level = Math.round(Level * 1.5) + 1;
Level = Level + Math.round((Math.random() * 3) - 3);
i5 = "x";
Modifier4 = 0;
while (i5 != "xxx") {
Modifier1 = Math.round(Math.random() * Level);
if (Modifier1 > 48) {
Modifier1 = 48;
Monster = Level - Modifier1;
if ((questType == "kill") && (Math.random() < 0.5)) {
Monster = questTarget;
Modifier1 = Level - Monster;
monSubLoc = qmonSubLoc;
if ((questType == "boss") && (boss == true)) {
Monster = questTarget;
Level = Math.round(Level * 1.5);
Modifier1 = Level - Monster;
monSubLoc = qmonSubLoc;
if (Modifier1 > 47) {
i = Modifier1 - 47;
Modifier1 = 47;
Monster = Monster + i;
if (Modifier1 < 0) {
Modifier1 = 0;
if (Monster > 34) {
i = Math.floor(Math.random() * 42);
Modifier2 = i;
if (Modifier2 == (Modifier - 6)) {
Monster = Monster - i;
if (Monster > 34) {
i = Math.floor(Math.random() * 42);
Modifier3 = i;
if ((Modifier3 == (Modifier1 - 6)) || (Modifier3 == Modifier2)) {
if ((Modifier3 == (Modifier1 - 6)) || (Modifier3 == Modifier2)) {
Monster = Monster - i;
} else {
Modifier3 = 0;
} else {
Modifier2 = 0;
Modifier3 = 0;
if (Monster < 0) {
Monster = 0;
i5 = "xxx";
if (Monster > 34) {
i5 = "x";
Modifier4 = Modifier4 + 1;
Level = Math.floor(Level / 2);
MonsterLevel = Level2;
function RomanNumeral(number) {
if (number < 10000) {
new_num = number;
thousands = Math.floor(new_num / 1000);
new_num = new_num - (thousands * 1000);
hundreds = Math.floor(new_num / 100);
new_num = new_num - (hundreds * 100);
tens = Math.floor(new_num / 10);
new_num = new_num - (tens * 10);
ones = Math.floor(new_num / 1);
var _local1 = new Array(thousands, hundreds, tens, ones);
numeral = ((thousands_numerals[_local1[0]] + hundreds_numerals[_local1[1]]) + tens_numerals[_local1[2]]) + ones_numerals[_local1[3]];
function obtainSpell(spellIncriment) {
i2 = 0;
if ((Math.random() < 0.333) && (Level > 1)) {
i = 0;
while (i < 14) {
i2 = Math.max(SpellsArray[i][1], i2);
var _local1 = new Array();
i3 = 0;
i = 0;
while (i < 14) {
if (SpellsArray[i][1] == i2) {
_local1[i3] = i;
SpellChoice = _local1[Math.floor(Math.random() * i3)];
SpellsArray[SpellChoice][1] = SpellsArray[SpellChoice][1] + spellIncriment;
} else if ((Math.random() < 0.5) && (Level > 1)) {
i3 = 0;
var _local1 = new Array();
i = 0;
while (i < 14) {
if (SpellsArray[i][1] > 0) {
_local1[i3] = i;
SpellChoice = _local1[Math.floor(Math.random() * i3)];
SpellsArray[SpellChoice][1] = SpellsArray[SpellChoice][1] + spellIncriment;
} else {
SpellChoice = Math.floor(Math.random() * 14);
SpellsArray[SpellChoice][1] = SpellsArray[SpellChoice][1] + spellIncriment;
if (SpellChoice == 0) {
StrMod = StrMod + spellIncriment;
if (SpellChoice == 1) {
ConMod = ConMod + spellIncriment;
HealthMax = 8 + ((Con + ConMod) * 3);
if (SpellChoice == 2) {
DexMod = DexMod + spellIncriment;
if (SpellChoice == 3) {
ChaMod = ChaMod + spellIncriment;
if (SpellChoice == 4) {
IntMod = IntMod + spellIncriment;
if (SpellChoice == 5) {
WisMod = WisMod + spellIncriment;
ManaMax = Math.floor(4 + ((Wis + WisMod) * 1.5));
i2 = 1;
i = 0;
while (i < 14) {
if (SpellsArray[i][1] > 0) {
if (i2 <= 8) {
SpellText.Spells[i2].text = (SpellsArray[i][0] + " ") + RomanNumeral(SpellsArray[i][1]);
} else {
i3 = i2 - 8;
SpellText.Spells[i3].text = (((SpellsArray[i][0] + " ") + RomanNumeral(SpellsArray[i][1])) + ", ") + SpellText.Spells[i3].text;
function displayItems() {
i2 = 1;
i = 0;
while (i < 5) {
if (inventoryArray[i][0] > 0) {
itemNameNumber = inventoryArray[i][1] - 1;
InventoryText.Inventory[i2].text = ((itemsArray[itemNameNumber] + " (") + inventoryArray[i][0]) + ")";
i = i2;
while (i <= 5) {
InventoryText.Inventory[i].text = "";
function Progress(Name, Amount) {
progressText = Name;
ProgressNow = 0;
ProgressEnd = Amount;
function Save(SaveFile, SaveType) {
saveString = ("s" + SaveFile) + "_";
if (SaveType == "Start") {[saveString + "StrUp"] = StrUp;[saveString + "ConUp"] = ConUp;[saveString + "DexUp"] = DexUp;[saveString + "ChaUp"] = ChaUp;[saveString + "IntUp"] = IntUp;[saveString + "WisUp"] = WisUp;[saveString + "characterName"] = characterName;[saveString + "characterRace"] = characterRace;[saveString + "characterClass"] = characterClass;[saveString + "characterGender"] = characterGender;
if (SaveType == "Level") {[saveString + "Str"] = Str;[saveString + "Con"] = Con;[saveString + "Dex"] = Dex;[saveString + "Cha"] = Cha;[saveString + "Int"] = Int;[saveString + "Wis"] = Wis;[saveString + "StrEx"] = StrEx;[saveString + "ConEx"] = ConEx;[saveString + "DexEx"] = DexEx;[saveString + "ChaEx"] = ChaEx;[saveString + "IntEx"] = IntEx;[saveString + "WisEx"] = WisEx;[saveString + "StrMod"] = StrMod;[saveString + "ConMod"] = ConMod;[saveString + "DexMod"] = DexMod;[saveString + "ChaMod"] = ChaMod;[saveString + "IntMod"] = IntMod;[saveString + "WisMod"] = WisMod;[saveString + "HealthMax"] = HealthMax;[saveString + "ManaMax"] = ManaMax;[saveString + "ExpLevel"] = ExpLevel;[saveString + "Level"] = Level;[saveString + "SkillLevel"] = SkillLevel;
i = 0;
while (i < 14) {[(saveString + "Spell") + i] = SpellsArray[i][1];
if (SaveType == "CombatBegin") {[saveString + "monSubLoc"] = monSubLoc;[saveString + "enemyHealthMax"] = enemyHealthMax;[saveString + "enemyManaMax"] = enemyManaMax;[saveString + "Monster"] = Monster;[saveString + "Modifier1"] = Modifier1;[saveString + "Modifier2"] = Modifier2;[saveString + "Modifier3"] = Modifier3;[saveString + "Modifier4"] = Modifier4;[saveString + "MonsterLevel"] = MonsterLevel;
if (SaveType == "Combat") {[saveString + "boss"] = boss;[saveString + "bossend"] = bossend;[saveString + "fighting"] = fighting;[saveString + "regenTimer"] = regenTimer;[saveString + "poisonTimer"] = poisonTimer;[saveString + "manaTimer"] = manaTimer;[saveString + "enemySpeed"] = enemySpeed;[saveString + "enemyHealth"] = enemyHealth;[saveString + "enemyMana"] = enemyMana;[saveString + "enemyPoison"] = enemyPoison;[saveString + "EnemyProgressNow"] = EnemyProgressNow;[saveString + "Health"] = Health;[saveString + "Mana"] = Mana;
if (SaveType == "Travel") {[saveString + "currentLocation"] = currentLocation;[saveString + "subLocation"] = subLocation;
if (SaveType == "Kill") {[saveString + "Exp"] = Exp;[saveString + "deathCount"] = deathCount;[saveString + "SkillLevel"] = SkillLevel;[saveString + "questCompletion"] = questCompletion;[saveString + "Gold"] = Gold;
i = 0;
while (i < 5) {[((saveString + "inventory") + i) + "quantity"] = inventoryArray[i][0];[((saveString + "inventory") + i) + "quality"] = inventoryArray[i][1];
if (SaveType == "Quest") {[saveString + "Exp"] = Exp;[saveString + "questType"] = questType;[saveString + "questEnd"] = questEnd;[saveString + "questCompletion"] = questCompletion;[saveString + "questTarget"] = questTarget;[saveString + "questLevel"] = questLevel;[saveString + "QuestLocation"] = QuestLocation;[saveString + "qmonSubLoc"] = qmonSubLoc;[saveString + "Gold"] = Gold;
if (SaveType == "Shopping") {[saveString + "Weapon"] = Weapon;[saveString + "WeaponModifier"] = WeaponModifier;[saveString + "WeaponModifierNumber"] = WeaponModifierNumber;[saveString + "Armor"] = Armor;[saveString + "ArmorModifier"] = ArmorModifier;[saveString + "ArmorModifierNumber"] = ArmorModifierNumber;[saveString + "Extra"] = Extra;[saveString + "ExtraModifier"] = ExtraModifier;[saveString + "ExtraModifier2"] = ExtraModifier2;[saveString + "Gold"] = Gold;
if (SaveType == "BuyingTypes") {[saveString + "purchaseableWeapon"] = purchaseableWeapon;[saveString + "purchaseableWeaponModifier"] = purchaseableWeaponModifier;[saveString + "purchaseableWeaponModifierNumber"] = purchaseableWeaponModifierNumber;[saveString + "purchaseableArmor"] = purchaseableArmor;[saveString + "purchaseableArmorModifier"] = purchaseableArmorModifier;[saveString + "purchaseableArmorModifierNumber"] = purchaseableArmorModifierNumber;[saveString + "purchaseableExtra"] = purchaseableExtra;[saveString + "purchaseableExtraModifier"] = purchaseableExtraModifier;[saveString + "purchaseableExtraModifier2"] = purchaseableExtraModifier2;[saveString + "weaponCost"] = weaponCost;[saveString + "armorCost"] = armorCost;
if (SaveType == "Sell") {
i = 0;
while (i < 5) {[((saveString + "inventory") + i) + "quantity"] = inventoryArray[i][0];[((saveString + "inventory") + i) + "quality"] = inventoryArray[i][1];
}[saveString + "Gold"] = Gold;
function Kill() {
deathCount = deathCount + 1;
if (deathCount == 100) {
deathCount = 0;
healthBar._alpha = 0;
manaBar._alpha = 0;
enemyHealthBar._alpha = 0;
enemyManaBar._alpha = 0;
fighting = false;
if (questType == "boss") {
if (boss == true) {
subLocation = "none";
boss = false;
bossend = true;
} else {
questCompletion = questCompletion + 1;
if ((questType == "collect") && (Math.random() < 0.5)) {
questCompletion = questCompletion + 1;
itemLoot = questTarget;
} else {
itemLoot = "";
if ((questType == "kill") && (Monster == questTarget)) {
questCompletion = questCompletion + 1;
if ((questType == "find") || (questType == "deliver")) {
searching = true;
if (Math.random() < (0.4 * (1 + (SpellsArray[10][1] / 10)))) {
itemLoot2 = Math.floor((Math.random() * 5) - 1);
inventoryArray[itemLoot2 + 1][0]++;
inventoryArray[itemLoot2 + 1][1] = (currentLocation + itemLoot2) + 1;
} else {
itemLoot2 = 4;
expGain = Math.round(((Math.random() * MonsterLevel) + MonsterLevel) * (1 + (SpellsArray[11][1] * 0.1)));
if (expGain < 1) {
expGain = 1;
RewardTimer = 30;
Exp = Exp + expGain;
rewardType = "Monster Loot:";
Save(currentSaveFile, "Kill");
function createButton(xLoc, yLoc, Text, Name) {
_root.createEmptyMovieClip(Name, _root.getNextHighestDepth());
_root[Name]._x = xLoc;
_root[Name]._y = yLoc;
_root[Name].createEmptyMovieClip("button", _root[Name].getNextHighestDepth());
with (_root[Name].button) {
_x = 0;
_y = 0;
beginFill(11184810, 100);
lineTo(100, 0);
lineTo(100, 20);
lineTo(0, 20);
lineTo(0, 0);
_root[Name].createEmptyMovieClip("buttonCover", _root[Name].getNextHighestDepth());
_root[Name].buttonCover._x = 0;
_root[Name].buttonCover._y = 0;
_root[Name].buttonCover.beginFill(10066329, 100);
_root[Name].buttonCover.lineTo(100, 0);
_root[Name].buttonCover.lineTo(100, 20);
_root[Name].buttonCover.lineTo(0, 20);
_root[Name].buttonCover.lineTo(0, 0);
_root[Name].onRollOver = function () {
this.buttonCover._alpha = 100;
_root[Name].onRollOut = function () {
this.buttonCover._alpha = 0;
_root[Name].onDragOver = function () {
this.buttonCover._alpha = 100;
_root[Name].onDragOut = function () {
this.buttonCover._alpha = 0;
_root[Name].buttonCover._alpha = 0;
_root[Name].createTextField("buttonText", _root[Name].getNextHighestDepth(), 0, 0, 100, 20);
with (_root[Name].buttonText) {
selectable = false;
text = Text;
var kongregate = _global.kongregate;;
Loading = true;
ProgressNow = 0;
ProgressEnd = 1;
NextProgress = false;
i = 0;
i2 = 0;
i3 = 3;
i = 0;
while (i < 100) {
i2 = i2 + i3;
i3 = i3 * 0.75;
var ClassArray = [["Necromancer", 0.1, 0.1, 0.3, 0.1, 0.7, 0.7], ["Wizard", 0, 0.1, 0.3, 0.2, 0.8, 0.6], ["Bard", 0.2, 0.2, 0.6, 1.6, 0.3, 0.3], ["Knight", 1.2, 1, 1.2, 0.3, 0.1, 0.2], ["Ranger", 0.8, 0.6, 2.4, 0.3, 0.2, 0.2], ["Archeologist", 0.6, 1.2, 0.8, 0.3, 1.2, 0.3], ["Paladin", 0.6, 1.2, 0.8, 1, 0.1, 0.3], ["Rogue", 0.6, 0.1, 4.8, 0.6, 0.2, 0.3], ["Priest", 0.2, 0.2, 0.3, 0.4, 0.6, 0.3], ["Cowboy", 1, 0.6, 1.6, 0.3, 0.4, 0.3]];
var RaceArray = [["Dwarf", 0.4, 0.5, 0.2, 0.2, 0.4, 0.3], ["Human", 0.4, 0.3, 0.3, 0.4, 0.3, 0.3], ["Elf", 0.3, 0.2, 0.4, 0.3, 0.4, 0.4], ["Gnome", 0.2, 0.4, 0.3, 0.4, 0.3, 0.4], ["Half-Orc", 0.5, 0.5, 0.4, 0.2, 0.2, 0.2], ["Hobbit", 0.2, 0.2, 0.5, 0.3, 0.4, 0.4], ["High Elf", 0.3, 0.2, 0.3, 0.5, 0.3, 0.4], ["Half-Elf", 0.3, 0.3, 0.4, 0.3, 0.3, 0.4]];
var meleeWeaponArray = ["none", "stick", "dagger", "club", "shortsword", "axe", "spear", "scimitar", "flail", "scythe", "morning star", "longsword", "broadsword", "lance", "bastard sword", "beam sword", "chainsword", "frozen sword", "crystal sword", "laser cutter", "daikatana", "dual scimitars", "blackheart blade", "mana sword"];
var meleeWeaponModifier = ["very old ", "wooden ", "unbalanced ", "dull ", "old ", "", "sharp ", "masterwork ", "flaming ", "frosty ", "silver ", "venomed ", "dancing ", "gold ", "vorpal ", "platinum ", "epic "];
var armorArray = ["none", "lace", "canvas", "leather", "studded leather", "hide", "chain shirt", "ringmail", "scale mail", "chainmail", "banded mail", "splint mail", "half plate", "full plate", "diamond mail", "plasma"];
var armorModifierArray = ["cursed ", "dented ", "rusty ", "torn ", "smelly ", "", "spiked ", "tough ", "shiny ", "mystic ", "silver ", "golden ", "mithril ", "dragon ", "holy ", "impressive ", "epic "];
var spellbookArray = ["none", "scroll", "parchment", "text", "manuscript", "novel", "manual", "book", "spellbook", "spellbook", "spellbook", "magicbook", "grimore", "tome", "opus", "necronomicon"];
var spellbookModifier = ["torn ", "stained ", "old ", "ragged ", "thin ", "wrinkled ", "dusty ", "dull ", "", "mottled ", "cloth ", "canvas ", "leather ", "dog eared ", "vellum ", "hard cover ", "glittering ", "shining ", "glowing ", "ancient ", "thick ", "fascinating ", "jewel-encrusted ", "entrancing ", "enchanted ", "runic ", "demonic ", "divine ", "impressive ", "necromatic ", "epic "];
var spellbookModifier2 = ["", "tan ", "light brown ", "white ", "dark brown ", "yellow ", "red ", "orange ", "blue ", "light green ", "violet ", "turquoise ", "dark blue ", "plaid ", "black ", "copper ", "invisible ", "bronze ", "silver ", "gold ", "platinum "];
var mountArray = ["none", "donkey", "mule", "pony", "zebra", "grey horse", "brown horse", "black horse", "hippogriff", "giant owl", "giant eagle", "pegasus", "unicorn", "griffon", "sphinx", "pegicorn", "jabberwock", "copper dragon", "silver dragon", "gold dragon", "platinum dragon"];
var mountModifier = ["pathetic ", "small ", "unsteady ", "smelly ", "", "trained ", "armored ", "gifted ", "undead ", "heroic ", "amazing ", "magical ", "elite ", "robotic ", "ultimate", "epic ", "sarcastic", "nignog", "half-breed", "skeletal", "slutty", "promiscuous", "flying", "legendary", "faithful", "untamed", "battle-ready", "weapons-grade"];
var mountModifier2 = ["", "trained ", "armored ", "gifted ", "undead ", "heroic ", "amazing ", "magical ", "elite ", "robotic ", "ultamite ", "epic "];
var rangedWeaponArray = ["none", "sling", "hand crossbow", "self bow", "flatbow", "shortbow", "light crossbow", "longbow", "heavy crossbow", "composite shortbow", "compound bow", "composite longbow", "repeating crossbow", "heavy repeating crossbow", "pistol", "uzi", "blaster", "rapid-fire blaster", "machine gun", "bazooka", "blowgun", "needler", "gauss rifle", "bolter", "rapid-fire laser", "minigun", "EM pulse cannon", "sniper rifle"];
var rangedWeaponModifier = ["very old ", "dull ", "old ", "wooden ", "", "bone ", "reflex ", "deflex ", "decurve ", "recurve ", "balanced ", "glowing ", "shining ", "holy ", "masterwork ", "cable-backed ", "enchanted ", "epic "];
var ammoArray = ["none", "rocks", "bolts", "arrows", "arrows", "arrows", "bolts", "arrows", "bolts", "arrows", "arrows", "arrows", "bolts", "bolts", "bullets", "bullets", "batteries", "batteries", "clip", "rockets", "needles", "needles", "EM bullets", "shells", "battery clip", "magazine", "charges", "bullets"];
var ammoModifier = ["paper ", "wooden ", "", "oak ", "raw ", "bone ", "glass ", "mica ", "copper ", "bronze ", "metal ", "silver ", "golden ", "diamond ", "ether "];
var ammoModifier2 = ["", "heavy ", "light ", "sharp ", "envenomed ", "static ", "acid coated ", "dark ", "masterwork ", "enchanted", "flaming ", "invisible ", "ice ", "explosive ", "epic "];
var instrumentArray = ["none", "triangle", "fife", "harmonica", "lute", "shawm", "pan flute", "recorder", "cowbell", "bongos", "mandolin", "piccalo", "violin", "trumpet", "tuba", "accordian", "piano", "harp", "guitar", "vibraphone", "stradivarius"];
var instrumentModifier = ["old ", "dull ", "wooden ", "common ", "", "clean ", "bronze ", "magnificent ", "masterwork ", "silver ", "enchanted ", "gold ", "electric ", "enchanted", "rock n roll", "mana", "magnetic"];
var instrumentModifier2 = ["", "clean", "bronze", "magnificent", "masterwork", "silver", "enchanted", "gold", "electric", "epic", "epic clean", "epic bronze", "epic magnificent", "epic masterwork", "epic silver", "epic enchanted", "epic gold", "epic eletric", "best in the world", "best in the world bronze", "best in the world silver", "best in the world gold", "best in the world electric"];
var itemsArray = ["Trash", "Rock", "Shell", "Acorn", "Vine", "Skull", "Bow", "Amethyst", "Wallet", "Medal", "Potion", "Topaz", "Purse", "Ring", "Platinum Coin", "Onyx", "Dubloon", "Treasure Map", "Crown", "Ruby", "Pearl", "Crystal", "Gold Nugget", "Saffire", "Idol", "Emerald", "Trophy", "Diamond", "Crystal Skull", "Trident", "Dark Ruby", "Artifact", "Jade Monkey", "Star Dust", "Radioactive Decay", "Alien Egg", "Infernal Orb", "Tardis", "Centrillion Dollar Bill", "Chocolate Bar", "+9999 Sword", "Penis", "Spaceship", "Pokeball", "Mango", "UnDeFiNeDlUlZ", "Liquid Happiness", "Machine Gun", "Trapezoid", "Rainbow", "Cheesecake", "Potion of Immortality", "Greg", "Circle", "Blue Spaceship", "Googolplex Dollar Bill", "Petrified Remains of Bahamut", "Triangle", "Pizza", "Impossible Figure", "Streaming Evil", "Balor's Armpit", "Magical Lizard", "Rhombus", "Solid Gold Deathstar", "Orb of Irony", "+Infinity Sword", "Octagon", "Steroids", "Last Item in the Game"];
var Monster1Array = ["Rat", "Kobold", "Goblin", "Dire Rat", "Hobgoblin", "Orc", "Gnoll", "Harpy", "Bugbear", "Centaur", "Kobold Mage", "Kobold Mage", "Ogre", "Ogre", "Orc Berzerker", "Orc Berzerker", "Minotaur", "Minotaur", "Harpy Archer", "Harpy Archer", "Goblin King", "Goblin King", "Goblin King", "Orc Shaman", "Orc Shaman", "Orc Shaman", "Hobgoblin King", "Hobgoblin King", "Hobgoblin King", "Ogre Mage", "Ogre Sorcerer", "Ogre Wizard", "Ogre Warlock", "Chimera", "Chimera"];
var Monster2Array = ["Rat", "Bat", "Spider", "Newt", "Dire Rat", "Vampire Bat", "Mole", "Centipede", "Monitor Lizard", "Green Slime", "Dire Bat", "Dire Bat", "Piercer", "Piercer", "Mind Flayer", "Mind Flayer", "Stone Golem", "Stone Golem", "Behemoth", "Behemoth", "Silver Golem", "Gold Golem", "Iron Golem", "Purple Worm", "Purple Worm", "Purple Worm", "Demon", "Demon", "Demon", "Cave Dragon", "Black Dragon", "Black Dragon", "Black Dragon", "Dungeon Lord", "Dungeon Master"];
var Monster3Array = ["Ant", "Forest Spider", "Wasp", "Snake", "Fox", "Wolf", "Bear", "Drow", "Gorilla", "Violet Fungus", "Tiger", "Tiger", "Hippogriff", "Hippogriff", "Panther", "Mountain Lion", "Owlbear", "Owlbear", "Troll", "Troll", "Unicorn", "Unicorn", "Unicorn", "Treant", "Ent", "Treant", "Jabberwock", "Jabberwock", "Jabberwock", "Green Dragon", "Green Dragon", "Rune Dragon", "Guardian Dragon", "Titan", "Titan"];
var Monster4Array = ["Fish", "Turtle", "Crab", "Mermaid", "Man-o-war", "Octopus", "Water Elemental", "Squid", "Naga", "Angler", "Sea Cat", "Sea Cat", "Shark", "Shark", "Three-Headed Hydra", "Water Demon", "Four-Headed Hydra", "Water Demon", "Elasmosaurus", "Elasmosaurus", "Couatl", "Couatl", "Couatl", "Kraken", "Kraken", "Kraken", "Water Dragon", "Sea Dragon", "Sea Dragon", "Dragon Turtle", "Dragon Turtle", "Nessie", "Dragon Turtle", "Leviathan", "Leviathan"];
var Monster5Array = ["Zombie Rat", "Zombie Kobold", "Skeleton", "Skeleton Archer", "Ghoul", "Death Skull", "Ghast", "Drougr", "Wraith", "Shadow", "Gargoyle", "Gargoyle", "Wight", "Wight", "Ghost", "Ghost", "Necromancer", "Undead Necromancer", "Phantom", "Phantom", "Revenant", "Revenant", "Revenant", "Vampire", "Vampire", "Vampire", "Flesh Golem", "Abomination", "Abomination", "Lich", "Lich", "Lich", "Lich", "Skeletal Dragon", "Zombie Dragon"];
var Monster6Array = ["Rock", "Scarab", "Camel", "Rattlesnake", "Scorpion", "Asp", "Cowboy", "Sand Elemental", "Cobra", "Gila Monster", "Mummy", "Mummy", "Scarab Swarm", "Locust Swarm", "Sphinx", "Sphinx", "Cactus Golem", "Cactus Monster", "Mummy Lord", "Mummy Lord", "Medusa", "Medusa", "Medusa", "Sandworm", "Sandworm", "Sandworm", "Sandworm", "Dune Worm", "Roc", "Roc", "Roc", "Sand Dragon", "Blue Dragon", "Blue Dragon", "Blue Dragon", "Egyptian God"];
var Monster7Array = ["Wimp", "Homunculus", "Lemure", "Lemure", "Imp", "Imp", "Water Demon", "Water Demon", "Fire Demon", "Fire Demon", "Horned Devil", "Horned Devil", "Erinys", "Erinys", "Barbed Devil", "Barbed Devil", "Vrock", "Vrock", "Marilith", "Marilith", "Hezrou", "Chain Devil", "Chain Devil", "Bone Devil", "Bone Devil", "Succubus", "Succubus", "Ice Devil", "Ice Devil", "Nalfeshnee", "Nalfeshnee", "Pit Fiend", "Pit Fiend", "Balor", "Balrog"];
var Monster8Array = ["Flame", "Flame", "Fire Wisp", "Red Ooze", "Explosive Red Ooze", "Magmin", "Charmander", "Ember Moth", "Hell Hound", "Burning Skeleton", "Fire Elemental", "Fire Elemental", "Fire Demon", "Fire Demon", "Wyvern", "Wyvern", "Magma Golem", "Magma Golem", "Pyromancer", "Fire Giant", "Fire Giant", "Salamander", "Salamander", "Salamander", "Ash Worm", "Volcano Worm", "Volcano Worm", "Phoenix", "Phoenix", "Phoenix", "Red Dragon", "Red Dragon", "Red Dragon", "Hellfire Wyrm", "Efreet", "Efreet"];
var Monster9Array = ["Alien Egg", "Alien Egg", "Alien Egg Nest", "Alien Egg Nest", "Alien Spawn", "Alien Spawn", "Alien Spawn", "Alien", "Alien", "Alien", "Alien", "Alien", "Alien", "Alien", "Alien", "Alien", "Alien", "Alien", "Alien", "Alien", "Alien", "Alien", "Alien", "Alien", "Alien", "Alien", "Alien", "Alien", "Alien", "Alien", "Alien", "Alien Ship", "Alien Ship", "Alien Ship", "Alien Queen"];
var Monster10Array = ["Icicle", "Icicle", "Ice Wisp", "Snowy Ooze", "Cold Ooze", "Snowman", "Glalie", "Winter Wolf", "Cold Skeleton", "Ice Mephit", "Ice Elemental", "Ice Elemental", "Ice Golem", "Ice Golem", "Ice Demon", "Ice Demon", "Immoth", "Immoth", "Cyromancer", "Frost Salamander", "Frost Salamander", "Frost Salamander", "Frost Giant", "Frost Giant", "Frost Giant", "Snow Worm", "Frost Worm", "Frost Worm", "Cyrohydra", "Cyrohydra", "Cyrohydra", "Ice Dragon", "White Dragon", "White Dragon", "Silver Dragon", "Frostbite", "Frostbite"];
var MonstersArray = [0, Monster1Array, Monster2Array, Monster3Array, Monster4Array, Monster5Array, Monster6Array, Monster7Array, Monster8Array, Monster9Array, Monster10Array];
var MonsterModifierArray = ["Pathetic ", "Sick ", "Young ", "Sleepy ", "Preadolescent ", "", "Blue ", "Rabid ", "Bloody ", "Gory ", "Diseased ", "Naughty ", "Wealthy ", "Giant ", "Greater ", "Cruel ", "Spiked ", "Teenage ", "Two-Headed ", "Gruesome ", "Battle-", "Monstrous ", "Ravenous ", "Dark ", "Golden ", "Flaming ", "Mutant ", "Superior ", "Brutal ", "Three-Headed ", "Incredible ", "Dangerous ", "Fearsome ", "Mystic ", "Devilish ", "Really Old ", "Hellish ", "Massive ", "Dreadful ", "Diabolical ", "Demonic ", "Chaotic ", "Deceptively Evil ", "Titanic ", "Gargantuan ", "Robitic ", "Cyborg ", "Ninja ", "Supreme "];
var MonsterModifierArray2 = ["", "Blue ", "Rabid ", "Bloody ", "Gory ", "Diseased ", "Naughty ", "Wealthy ", "Giant ", "Greater ", "Cruel ", "Spiked ", "Teenage ", "Two-Headed ", "Gruesome ", "Insidious ", "Monstrous ", "Ravenous ", "Dark ", "Golden ", "Flaming ", "Mutant ", "Superior ", "Brutal ", "Three-Headed ", "Impressive ", "Dangerous ", "Fearsome ", "Enchanted ", "Devilish ", "Elder ", "Hellish ", "Massive ", "Dreadful ", "Diabolical ", "Demonic ", "Chaotic ", "Elite ", "Titanic ", "Enormous ", "Robitic ", "Cyborg ", "Ninja ", "Epic "];
var MonsterModifierArray3 = ["", "Pair of ", "Group of ", "Gang of ", "Pack of ", "Team of ", "Force of ", "Army of ", "Legion of ", "Large Army of ", "Huge Army of "];
LocationArray = [["Town", 0, 0], ["Plains", 1, 1], ["Tavern Cellar", 2, 2], ["Crystal Forest", 3, 3], ["Crystal Lake", 4, 4], ["The Graveyard", 5, 5], ["Sandy Desert", 6, 6], ["Orcish Cave", 1, 2], ["Dread Hills", 1, 1], ["Crystal River", 3, 4], ["Oasis", 3, 6], ["Dark Cave", 2, 2], ["Catacombs", 2, 5], ["Orcish Ship", 1, 4], ["Enchanted Forest", 3, 3], ["Cold Mountain", 10, 10], ["Dead Forest", 3, 5], ["Sandy Beach", 4, 6], ["Ice Cave", 10, 2], ["Ocean", 4, 4], ["Battlefield", 1, 5], ["Desert Cave", 2, 6], ["Undead Citadel", 5, 5], ["Forest Camp", 1, 3], ["Deep Sea Cave", 2, 4], ["Forgotten Desert", 6, 6], ["Ancient Pyramid", 5, 6], ["North Pole", 4, 10], ["Desert Camp", 1, 6], ["Ancient Forest Ruins", 2, 3], ["The Abyss", 4, 5], ["Demonic Fortress", 7, 8], ["Active Volcano", 2, 8], ["Chaos Valley", 1, 3], ["The Castle", 6, 7], ["Frozen Throne", 10, 5], ["Planet X", 9, 9], ["Somewhere", 1, 2], ["Planet Y", 9, 9], ["Nowhere", 5, 6], ["Planet Z", 9, 9], ["The Edge", 7, 9], ["Planet XY", 9, 9], ["Corrupted Hedge", 3, 5], ["Planet XZ", 9, 9], ["The Rainbow", 1, 2], ["Planet YZ", 9, 9], ["Avernus", 8, 7], ["Dis", 5, 8], ["Minauros", 5, 7], ["Phlegethos", 8, 7], ["Stygia", 10, 7], ["Malbolge", 2, 7], ["Maladomini", 7, 5], ["Cania", 5, 10], ["Nessus", 7, 7], ["Planet XYZ", 9, 9], ["The Silver Gazebo", 10, 3], ["The End", 9, 7], ["The End", 9, 7], ["The End", 9, 7]];
var SpellsArray = [["Enlarge Muscles", 0], ["Resistance", 0], ["Quicken", 0], ["Hypnosis", 0], ["Concentration", 0], ["Forseeing", 0], ["Fireball", 0], ["Heal", 0], ["Poison", 0], ["Ice Arrow", 0], ["Sixth Sense", 0], ["Learning", 0], ["Teleportation", 0], ["Regeneration", 0]];
var QuestPersonArray = ["barkeep", "maid", "shady person", "bearded man", "little boy", "drunk person"];
var QuestObjectArray = ["puppy", "crystal", "tire", "artifact", "trinket", "coin", "mug", "toothpick", "jar", "arm", "pancake", "trombone", "shingle", "couch", "leaf", "candy", "gear", "wrench", "scrap", "racket", "napkin", "crowbar", "lunch", "basket", "doll", "nut", "pencil", "fang", "rock", "spoon", "towel", "candle", "soap", "liver", "heart", "kidney", "cricket", "eggplant", "soup", "gristle"];
var QuestObjectDescribe = ["sacred ", "mystic ", "ancient ", "glowing ", "valuable ", "golden ", "incredible "];
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searching = false;
DodgeTimer1 = 0;
DodgeTimer2 = 0;
enemySlow = false;
enemyPoison = false;
attack = "none";
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buttons[3][2]._x = -1000;
onEnterFrame = function () {
if (Screen == "Playing") {
if (manaTimer >= 20) {
manaTimer = 0;
Mana = Mana + (1 + Math.round(ManaMax / 50));
if (Mana > ManaMax) {
Mana = ManaMax;
regenTimer = regenTimer + 1;
if ((regenTimer > 33) && (fighting == true)) {
Health = Health + SpellsArray[13][1];
regenTimer = 0;
if (Health > HealthMax) {
Health = HealthMax;
poisonTimer = poisonTimer + 1;
if (poisonTimer > 15) {
poisonTimer = 0;
if ((enemyPoison == true) && (fighting == true)) {
enemyHealth = enemyHealth - SpellsArray[8][1];
DodgeTimer2 = DodgeTimer2 - 1;
if (DodgeTimer2 < 1) {
DodgeText2.text = "";
DodgeTimer1 = DodgeTimer1 - 1;
if (DodgeTimer1 < 1) {
DodgeText1.text = "";
RewardTimer = RewardTimer - 1;
RewardText.textBox1.text = rewardType;
if (itemLoot2 != 4) {
RewardText.textBox2.text = itemsArray[currentLocation + itemLoot2];
} else {
RewardText.textBox2.text = "";
if (itemLoot2 == 5) {
RewardText.textBox2.text = goldLoot + " Gold";
RewardText.textBox3.text = Capitalize(itemLoot);
RewardText.textBox4.text = ("You got " + expGain) + " exp.";
if (RewardTimer < 0) {
RewardText._visible = false;
} else {
RewardText._visible = true;
TitleText.text = (((((characterName + " The Level ") + Level) + " ") + characterRace) + " ") + characterClass;
StrText.text = "Str: " + (Str + StrMod);
ConText.text = "Con: " + (Con + ConMod);
DexText.text = "Dex: " + (Dex + DexMod);
ChaText.text = "Cha: " + (Cha + ChaMod);
IntText.text = "Int: " + (Int + IntMod);
WisText.text = "Wis: " + (Wis + WisMod);
if (StrMod > 0) {
StrText.text = StrText.text + ((" (+" + StrMod) + ")");
if (ConMod > 0) {
ConText.text = ConText.text + ((" (+" + ConMod) + ")");
if (DexMod > 0) {
DexText.text = DexText.text + ((" (+" + DexMod) + ")");
if (ChaMod > 0) {
ChaText.text = ChaText.text + ((" (+" + ChaMod) + ")");
if (IntMod > 0) {
IntText.text = IntText.text + ((" (+" + IntMod) + ")");
if (WisMod > 0) {
WisText.text = WisText.text + ((" (+" + WisMod) + ")");
HealthText.text = "Health: " + HealthMax;
ManaText.text = "Mana: " + ManaMax;
GoldText.text = "Gold: " + Gold;
if (((characterClass == "Cowboy") || (characterClass == "Cowgirl")) || (characterClass == "Rogue")) {
if (WeaponModifierNumber > 0) {
WeaponText.text = (("Weapon: +" + WeaponModifierNumber) + " ") + Capitalize(rangedWeaponModifier[WeaponModifier] + rangedWeaponArray[Weapon]);
} else {
WeaponText.text = "Weapon: " + Capitalize(rangedWeaponModifier[WeaponModifier] + rangedWeaponArray[Weapon]);
} else if (WeaponModifierNumber > 0) {
WeaponText.text = (("Weapon: +" + WeaponModifierNumber) + " ") + Capitalize(meleeWeaponModifier[WeaponModifier] + meleeWeaponArray[Weapon]);
} else {
WeaponText.text = "Weapon: " + Capitalize(meleeWeaponModifier[WeaponModifier] + meleeWeaponArray[Weapon]);
if (Weapon == 0) {
WeaponText.text = "Weapon: None";
if (ArmorModifierNumber > 0) {
ArmorText.text = (("Armor: +" + ArmorModifierNumber) + " ") + Capitalize(armorModifierArray[ArmorModifier] + armorArray[Armor]);
} else {
ArmorText.text = "Armor: " + Capitalize(armorModifierArray[ArmorModifier] + armorArray[Armor]);
if (Armor == 0) {
ArmorText.text = "Armor: None";
if (((characterClass == "Wizard") || (characterClass == "Priest")) || (characterClass == "Necromancer")) {
if (Extra == 0) {
ExtraText.text = "Spellbook: None";
} else {
ExtraText.text = "Spellbook: " + Capitalize((spellbookModifier2[ExtraModifier2] + spellbookModifier[ExtraModifier]) + spellbookArray[Extra]);
if ((((characterClass == "Cowboy") || (characterClass == "Cowgirl")) || (characterClass == "Knight")) || (characterClass == "Paladin")) {
if (Extra == 0) {
ExtraText.text = "Mount: None";
} else {
ExtraText.text = "Mount: " + Capitalize((mountModifier2[ExtraModifier2] + mountModifier[ExtraModifier]) + mountArray[Extra]);
if (characterClass == "Bard") {
if (Extra == 0) {
ExtraText.text = "Instrument: None";
} else {
ExtraText.text = "Instrument: " + Capitalize((instrumentModifier2[ExtraModifier2] + instrumentModifier[ExtraModifier]) + instrumentArray[Extra]);
if (((characterClass == "Ranger") || (characterClass == "Rogue")) || (characterClass == "Archeologist")) {
if (Extra == 0) {
ExtraText.text = "Ammo: None";
} else if (ammoModifier2 > 0) {
ExtraText.text = (("Ammo: +" + ExtraModifier2) + " ") + Capitalize((ammoModifier2[ExtraModifier] + ammoModifier[Extra]) + ammoArray[Weapon]);
} else {
ExtraText.text = "Missile: " + Capitalize((ammoModifier2[ExtraModifier] + ammoModifier[Extra]) + ammoArray[Weapon]);
LocationText.text = "Location: " + LocationArray[currentLocation][0];
if (currentLocation == 0.5) {
LocationText.text = "Location: Old Man's Cottage";
if (questType == "boss") {
QuestText.text = ("Quest: Kill the Boss " + MonstersArray[LocationArray[QuestLocation][qmonSubLoc]][questTarget]) + ".";
} else if (questType == "find") {
QuestText.text = ("Quest: Find the " + questTarget) + ".";
} else if (questType == "deliver") {
QuestText.text = ("Quest: Deliver the " + questTarget) + ".";
} else if (questType == "kill") {
QuestText.text = ((("Quest: Kill " + questEnd) + " ") + Pluralize(MonstersArray[LocationArray[QuestLocation][qmonSubLoc]][questTarget])) + ".";
} else if (questType == "collect") {
QuestText.text = ((("Quest: Collect " + questEnd) + " ") + Pluralize(questTarget)) + ".";
} else {
QuestText.text = "Quest: None";
if (fighting == true) {
if (Modifier4 > 0) {
endOfMonsterText = Pluralize(MonstersArray[LocationArray[currentLocation][monSubLoc]][Monster]);
} else {
endOfMonsterText = MonstersArray[LocationArray[currentLocation][monSubLoc]][Monster];
EnemyText.text = "You're fighting " + Article((((MonsterModifierArray3[Modifier4] + MonsterModifierArray[Modifier1]) + MonsterModifierArray2[Modifier2]) + MonsterModifierArray2[Modifier3]) + endOfMonsterText);
if (boss == true) {
EnemyText.text = EnemyText.text + " Boss";
} else {
EnemyText.text = "";
if (Traveling == true) {
LocationText.text = "Traveling";
progressBar.Bar._width = (ProgressNow / ProgressEnd) * 300;
ProgressTextBox.text = progressText;
if (searching == true) {
if (questType == "find") {
ProgressTextBox.text = "Searching";
} else {
ProgressTextBox.text = "Delivering";
progressBar.Bar._width = 300;
if ((questType == "deliver") || (questType == "find")) {
i = Math.round((questCompletion / questEnd) * 100);
QuestTextBox.text = i + "%";
} else {
QuestTextBox.text = (questCompletion + "/") + questEnd;
questBar.Bar._width = (questCompletion / questEnd) * 200;
if (questType == "none") {
QuestTextBox.text = "";
questBar._alpha = 0;
} else {
questBar._alpha = 100;
expBar.Bar._width = (Exp / ExpLevel) * 250;
i = Math.round((Exp / ExpLevel) * 100);
ExpTextBox.text = ((((Exp + "/") + ExpLevel) + " Exp (") + i) + "%)";
if (fighting == true) {
healthBar.Bar._width = (Health / HealthMax) * 100;
HealthTextBox.text = (Health + "/") + HealthMax;
manaBar.Bar._width = (Mana / ManaMax) * 100;
ManaTextBox.text = (Mana + "/") + ManaMax;
enemyHealthBar.Bar._width = (enemyHealth / enemyHealthMax) * 100;
EnemyHealthTextBox.text = (enemyHealth + "/") + enemyHealthMax;
enemyManaBar.Bar._width = (enemyMana / enemyManaMax) * 100;
EnemyManaTextBox.text = (enemyMana + "/") + enemyManaMax;
enemyBar.Bar._width = (EnemyProgressNow / (enemySpeed + 1)) * 190;
enemyBar._alpha = 100;
} else {
HealthTextBox.text = "";
ManaTextBox.text = "";
EnemyHealthTextBox.text = "";
EnemyManaTextBox.text = "";
enemyBar._alpha = 0;
if (Exp >= ExpLevel) {
Exp = Exp - ExpLevel;
Level = Level + 1;
SkillLevel = SkillLevel + 1;
ExpLevel = ExpLevel * 3;
StrEx = StrEx * StrUp;
ConEx = ConEx * ConUp;
DexEx = DexEx * DexUp;
ChaEx = ChaEx * ChaUp;
IntEx = IntEx * IntUp;
WisEx = WisEx * WisUp;
lastInt = Int;
Str = Math.round(StrEx);
Con = Math.round(ConEx);
Dex = Math.round(DexEx);
Cha = Math.round(ChaEx);
Int = Math.round(IntEx);
Wis = Math.round(WisEx);
totalSpells = Int - lastInt;
i99 = 0;
spellIncriment = Math.ceil(totalSpells / 20);
if (spellIncriment != 0) {
while (i99 < totalSpells) {
i99 = i99 + spellIncriment;
if ((((characterClass == "Knight") || (characterClass == "Cowboy")) || (characterClass == "Cowgirl")) || (characterClass == "Paladin")) {
HealthMax = (((8 + ((Con + ConMod) * 3)) + Extra) + ExtraModifier) + ExtraModifier2;
} else {
HealthMax = 8 + ((Con + ConMod) * 3);
ManaMax = Math.floor(4 + ((Wis + WisMod) * 1.5));
Save(currentSaveFile, "Level");
ProgressNow = ProgressNow + 1;
if (ProgressNow > ProgressEnd) {
NextProgress = true;
if (Selling == true) {
if (subLocation == "sell1") {
Gold = Gold + Math.round(Math.pow(inventoryArray[0][0] * inventoryArray[0][1], 1 + ((inventoryArray[0][0] * inventoryArray[0][1]) * 0.0001)));
inventoryArray[0][0] = 0;
if (subLocation == "sell2") {
Gold = Gold + Math.round(Math.pow(inventoryArray[1][0] * inventoryArray[1][1], 1 + ((inventoryArray[1][0] * inventoryArray[1][1]) * 0.0001)));
inventoryArray[1][0] = 0;
if (subLocation == "sell3") {
Gold = Gold + Math.round(Math.pow(inventoryArray[2][0] * inventoryArray[2][1], 1 + ((inventoryArray[2][0] * inventoryArray[2][1]) * 0.0001)));
inventoryArray[2][0] = 0;
if (subLocation == "sell4") {
Gold = Gold + Math.round(Math.pow(inventoryArray[3][0] * inventoryArray[3][1], 1 + ((inventoryArray[3][0] * inventoryArray[3][1]) * 0.0001)));
inventoryArray[3][0] = 0;
if (subLocation == "shop0") {
Gold = Gold + Math.round(Math.pow(inventoryArray[4][0] * inventoryArray[4][1], 1 + ((inventoryArray[4][0] * inventoryArray[4][1]) * 0.0001)));
inventoryArray[4][0] = 0;
Save(currentSaveFile, "Sell");
Selling = false;
Save(currentSaveFile, "Travel");
currentLocation = travelingTo;
if (subLocation == "shop2") {
Gold = Gold - weaponCost;
Weapon = purchaseableWeapon;
WeaponModifier = purchaseableWeaponModifier;
WeaponModifierNumber = purchaseableWeaponModifierNumber;
Save(currentSaveFile, "Shopping");
if (subLocation == "shop2.7") {
Gold = Gold - armorCost;
Armor = purchaseableArmor;
ArmorModifier = purchaseableArmorModifier;
ArmorModifierNumber = purchaseableArmorModifierNumber;
Save(currentSaveFile, "Shopping");
if (subLocation == "shop3") {
Gold = Gold - extraCost;
if (((characterClass == "Wizard") || (characterClass == "Necromancer")) || (characterClass == "Priest")) {
i99 = 0;
while (i99 < (((purchaseableExtra + purchaseableExtraModifier) + purchaseableExtraModifier2) - ((Extra + ExtraModifier) + ExtraModifier2))) {
if (characterClass == "Bard") {
ChaMod = ChaMod + (((purchaseableExtra + purchaseableExtraModifier) + purchaseableExtraModifier2) - ((Extra + ExtraModifier) + ExtraModifier2));
if ((((characterClass == "Cowboy") || (characterClass == "Cowgirl")) || (characterClass == "Knight")) || (characterClass == "Paladin")) {
i99 = 0;
if (i99 < (((purchaseableExtra + purchaseableExtraModifier) + purchaseableExtraModifier2) - ((Extra + ExtraModifier) + ExtraModifier2))) {
ConMod = ConMod + (((purchaseableExtra + purchaseableExtraModifier) + purchaseableExtraModifier2) - ((Extra + ExtraModifier) + ExtraModifier2));
StrMod = StrMod + (((purchaseableExtra + purchaseableExtraModifier) + purchaseableExtraModifier2) - ((Extra + ExtraModifier) + ExtraModifier2));
if (((characterClass == "Ranger") || (characterClass == "Rogue")) || (characterClass == "Archeologist")) {
DexMod = DexMod + (((purchaseableExtra + purchaseableExtraModifier) + purchaseableExtraModifier2) - ((Extra + ExtraModifier) + ExtraModifier2));
Extra = purchaseableExtra;
ExtraModifier = purchaseableExtraModifier;
ExtraModifier2 = purchaseableExtraModifier2;
Save(currentSaveFile, "Shopping");
Save(currentSaveFile, "Level");
if (fighting == true) {
Save(currentSaveFile, "Combat");
if (attack == "attack") {
attack = "none";
dodgeLevel = Math.pow(0.97, (MonsterLevel / (Dex + DexMod)) * 10);
if (dodgeLevel < 0.05) {
dodgeLevel = 0.05;
if (dodgeLevel > 0.95) {
dodgeLevel = 0.95;
if (Math.random() > dodgeLevel) {
DodgeText2.text = "Dodge";
DodgeTimer2 = 10;
} else {
enemyHealth = enemyHealth - Math.round((((((Str + StrMod) * 2) + Weapon) + WeaponModifier) + WeaponModifierNumber) / 2);
if (attack == "fireball") {
attack = "none";
Mana = Mana - (5 + SpellsArray[6][1]);
enemyHealth = enemyHealth - ((SpellsArray[6][1] * 10) + (SpellsArray[4][1] * 2));
if (attack == "poison") {
attack = "none";
Mana = Mana - (5 + SpellsArray[8][1]);
enemyHealth = enemyHealth - ((SpellsArray[8][1] * 2) + SpellsArray[4][1]);
enemyPoison = true;
poisonTimer = 0;
if (attack == "ice") {
attack = "none";
i2 = 28 + ((14 * Math.pow(0.9, SpellsArray[9][1])) * -1);
trace((("Spell Level is " + SpellsArray[9][1]) + " and final result is ") + i2);
enemySpeed = i2;
enemySlow = true;
Mana = Mana - (5 + SpellsArray[9][1]);
enemyHealth = enemyHealth - ((SpellsArray[9][1] * 2) + SpellsArray[4][1]);
if (attack == "heal") {
attack = "none";
Mana = Mana - (5 + SpellsArray[7][1]);
Health = Health + ((SpellsArray[7][1] * 2) + Math.round(SpellsArray[4][1] * 0.4));
if (Health > HealthMax) {
Health = HealthMax;
if (searching == true) {
questCompletion = questCompletion + 1;
if (questCompletion >= questEnd) {
questCompletion = questEnd;
subLocation = "none";
searching = false;
} else if (Math.random() < 0.06) {
searching = false;
ProgressNow = 0;
if (NextProgress == true) {
kongregate.stats.submit("Level", Level);
NextProgress = false;
Traveling = false;
if (fighting == true) {
if (enemyHealth <= 0) {
if ((questCompletion >= questEnd) && (boss == false)) {
if (questType == "boss") {
if ((boss == false) && (bossend == false)) {
boss = true;
} else {
subLocation = "none";
} else {
if (((((Math.random() < 0.8) && (((SpellsArray[7][1] * 2) + Math.round(SpellsArray[4][1] * 0.4)) >= (HealthMax / 8))) && (Mana > (4 + SpellsArray[7][1]))) && (Health <= (HealthMax / 2))) && (SpellsArray[7][1] > 0)) {
Progress("Heal", 12);
attack = "heal";
} else if (((((Math.random() < 0.7) && (((SpellsArray[9][1] * 10) + (SpellsArray[4][1] * 2)) > Math.round(((((((Str + StrMod) * 2) + Weapon) + WeaponModifier) + WeaponModifierNumber) / 2) * Math.pow(0.98, (MonsterLevel / (Dex + DexMod)) * 10)))) && (Mana > (4 + SpellsArray[9][1]))) && (enemySlow == false)) && (SpellsArray[9][1] > 0)) {
Progress("Ice Arrow", 12);
attack = "ice";
} else if (((((Math.random() < 0.8) && (((SpellsArray[8][1] * 10) + (SpellsArray[4][1] * 2)) > Math.round(((((((Str + StrMod) * 2) + Weapon) + WeaponModifier) + WeaponModifierNumber) / 2) * Math.pow(0.98, (MonsterLevel / (Dex + DexMod)) * 10)))) && (Mana > (4 + SpellsArray[8][1]))) && (enemyPoison == false)) && (SpellsArray[8][1] > 0)) {
Progress("Poison", 12);
attack = "poison";
} else if ((((Math.random() < 0.9) && (((SpellsArray[6][1] * 10) + (SpellsArray[4][1] * 2)) > Math.round(((((((Str + StrMod) * 2) + Weapon) + WeaponModifier) + WeaponModifierNumber) / 2) * Math.pow(0.98, (MonsterLevel / (Dex + DexMod)) * 10)))) && (Mana > (4 + SpellsArray[6][1]))) && (SpellsArray[6][1] > 0)) {
Progress("Fireball", 12);
attack = "fireball";
} else {
Progress("Attacking", 10);
attack = "attack";
Save(currentSaveFile, "Combat");
if (((((((currentLocation > 0.5) && (fighting == false)) && (searching == false)) && (Traveling == false)) && (boss == false)) && (bossend == false)) && (questCompletion < questEnd)) {
if (((questType == "boss") || (questType == "collect")) || (questType == "kill")) {
if ((questType == "deliver") || (questType == "find")) {
searching = true;
if ((currentLocation == 0) && (subLocation == "shop3")) {
Save(currentSaveFile, "Travel");
subLocation = "none1";
if ((currentLocation == 0) && ((subLocation == "shop2.6") || (subLocation == "shop2.7"))) {
if (extraCost <= Gold) {
if (((characterClass == "Wizard") || (characterClass == "Priest")) || (characterClass == "Necromancer")) {
Progress("Purchasing " + Article((spellbookModifier2[purchaseableExtraModifier2] + spellbookModifier[purchaseableExtraModifier]) + spellbookArray[purchaseableExtra]), 20);
if ((((characterClass == "Cowboy") || (characterClass == "Cowgirl")) || (characterClass == "Paladin")) || (characterClass == "Knight")) {
Progress("Purchasing " + Article((mountModifier2[purchaseableExtraModifier2] + mountModifier[purchaseableExtraModifier]) + mountArray[purchaseableExtra]), 20);
if (characterClass == "Bard") {
Progress("Purchasing " + Article((instrumentModifier2[purchaseableExtraModifier2] + instrumentModifier[purchaseableExtraModifier]) + instrumentArray[purchaseableExtra]), 20);
if (((characterClass == "Ranger") || (characterClass == "Archeologist")) || (characterClass == "Rogue")) {
if (ExtraModifier2 > 0) {
Progress((((("Purchasing a +" + purchaseableExtraModifier2) + " ") + ammoModifier2[purchaseableExtraModifier]) + ammoModifier[purchaseableExtra]) + ammoArray[Weapon], 20);
} else {
Progress("Purchasing " + Article((ammoModifier2[purchaseableExtraModifier] + ammoModifier[purchaseableExtra]) + ammoArray[Weapon]), 20);
Save(currentSaveFile, "Travel");
subLocation = "shop3";
} else {
Save(currentSaveFile, "Travel");
subLocation = "none1";
if ((currentLocation == 0) && ((subLocation == "shop2") || (subLocation == "shop2.5"))) {
if (armorCost <= Gold) {
if (purchaseableArmorModifierNumber > 0) {
Progress(((("Purchasing a +" + purchaseableArmorModifierNumber) + " ") + armorModifierArray[purchaseableArmorModifier]) + armorArray[purchaseableArmor], 20);
} else {
Progress("Purchasing " + Article(armorModifierArray[purchaseableArmorModifier] + armorArray[purchaseableArmor]), 20);
Save(currentSaveFile, "Travel");
subLocation = "shop2.7";
} else {
Save(currentSaveFile, "Travel");
subLocation = "shop2.6";
if ((currentLocation == 0) && (subLocation == "shop")) {
if (weaponCost <= Gold) {
if (((characterClass == "Rogue") || (characterClass == "Cowboy")) || (characterClass == "Cowgirl")) {
if (purchaseableWeaponModifierNumber > 0) {
Progress(((("Purchasing a +" + purchaseableWeaponModifierNumber) + " ") + rangedWeaponModifier[purchaseableWeaponModifier]) + rangedWeaponArray[purchaseableWeapon], 20);
} else {
Progress("Purchasing " + Article(rangedWeaponModifier[purchaseableWeaponModifier] + rangedWeaponArray[purchaseableWeapon]), 20);
} else if (purchaseableWeaponModifierNumber > 0) {
Progress(((("Purchasing a +" + purchaseableWeaponModifierNumber) + " ") + meleeWeaponModifier[purchaseableWeaponModifier]) + meleeWeaponArray[purchaseableWeapon], 20);
} else {
Progress("Purchasing " + Article(meleeWeaponModifier[purchaseableWeaponModifier] + meleeWeaponArray[purchaseableWeapon]), 20);
Save(currentSaveFile, "Travel");
subLocation = "shop2";
} else {
NextProgress = true;
Save(currentSaveFile, "Travel");
subLocation = "shop2.5";
if ((currentLocation == 0) && (subLocation == "shop0")) {
i = ((Weapon + WeaponModifier) + WeaponModifierNumber) + Math.floor((Math.random() * Level) + 1);
purchaseableWeapon = Math.floor(Math.random() * i);
if (purchaseableWeapon == 0) {
purchaseableWeapon = 1;
purchaseableWeaponModifier = i - purchaseableWeapon;
purchaseableWeaponModifierNumber = 0;
if (purchaseableWeapon > 15) {
i = purchaseableWeapon - 15;
i = i + Math.floor((Math.random() * 10) + 1);
purchaseableWeaponModifierNumber = i;
purchaseableWeapon = purchaseableWeapon - i;
if (purchaseableWeaponModifier > 16) {
i = purchaseableWeaponModifier - 16;
i = i + Math.floor((Math.random() * 10) + 1);
purchaseableWeaponModifierNumber = purchaseableWeaponModifierNumber + i;
purchaseableWeaponModifier = purchaseableWeaponModifier - i;
i = ((Armor + ArmorModifier) + ArmorModifierNumber) + Math.floor((Math.random() * Level) + 1);
purchaseableArmor = Math.floor(Math.random() * i);
if (purchaseableArmor == 0) {
purchaseableArmor = 1;
purchaseableArmorModifier = i - purchaseableArmor;
purchaseableArmorModifierNumber = 0;
if (purchaseableArmor > 15) {
i = purchaseableArmor - 15;
i = i + Math.floor((Math.random() * 10) + 1);
purchaseableArmorModifierNumber = i;
purchaseableArmor = purchaseableArmor - i;
if (purchaseableArmorModifier > 16) {
i = purchaseableArmorModifier - 16;
i = i + Math.floor((Math.random() * 10) + 1);
purchaseableArmorModifierNumber = purchaseableArmorModifierNumber + i;
purchaseableArmorModifier = purchaseableArmorModifier - i;
purchaseableExtraModifier2 = 0;
if (((characterClass == "Wizard") || (characterClass == "Necromancer")) || (characterClass == "Priest")) {
i = ((Extra + ExtraModifier) + ExtraModifier2) + Math.floor((Math.random() * Level) + 1);
purchaseableExtra = Math.floor(Math.random() * i);
if (purchaseableExtra == 0) {
purchaseableExtra = 1;
purchaseableExtraModifier = i - purchaseableExtra;
if (purchaseableExtra > 15) {
i = purchaseableExtra - 15;
i = i + Math.floor((Math.random() * 10) + 1);
purchaseableExtraModifier = purchaseableExtraModifier + i;
purchaseableExtra = purchaseableExtra - i;
if (purchaseableExtraModifier > 30) {
i = purchaseableExtraModifier - 30;
i = i + Math.floor((Math.random() * 20) + 1);
purchaseableExtraModifier2 = purchaseableExtraModifier2 + 1;
purchaseableExtraModifier = purchaseableExtraModifier - i;
extraCost = Math.round(((purchaseableExtra + purchaseableExtraModifier) + purchaseableExtraModifier2) * Math.round(Math.pow(4, 1 + (((purchaseableWeapon + purchaseableExtraModifier) + purchaseableExtraModifier2) * 0.1)) / (1 + ((Cha + ChaMod) * 0.2))));
if ((((characterClass == "Knight") || (characterClass == "Cowboy")) || (characterClass == "Cowgirl")) || (characterClass == "Paladin")) {
i = ((Extra + ExtraModifier) + ExtraModifier2) + Math.floor((Math.random() * Level) + 1);
purchaseableExtra = Math.floor(Math.random() * i);
if (purchaseableExtra == 0) {
purchaseableExtra = 1;
purchaseableExtraModifier = i - purchaseableExtra;
if (purchaseableExtraModifier > 15) {
i = purchaseableExtraModifier - 15;
i = i + Math.floor((Math.random() * 10) + 1);
purchaseableExtra = purchaseableExtra + i;
purchaseableExtraModifier = purchaseableExtraModifier - i;
if (purchaseableExtra > 20) {
i = purchaseableExtra - 20;
i = i + Math.floor((Math.random() * 15) + 1);
purchaseableExtraModifier2 = purchaseableExtraModifier2 + i;
purchaseableExtra = purchaseableExtra - i;
extraCost = 4 * Math.round(((purchaseableExtra + purchaseableExtraModifier) + purchaseableExtraModifier2) * Math.round(Math.pow(4, 1 + (((purchaseableExtra + purchaseableExtraModifier) + purchaseableExtraModifier2) * 0.1)) / (1 + ((Cha + ChaMod) * 0.2))));
if (characterClass == "Bard") {
i = ((Extra + ExtraModifier) + ExtraModifier2) + Math.floor((Math.random() * Level) + 1);
purchaseableExtra = Math.floor(Math.random() * i);
if (purchaseableExtra == 0) {
purchaseableExtra = 1;
purchaseableExtraModifier = i - purchaseableExtra;
if (purchaseableExtraModifier > 12) {
i = purchaseableExtraModifier - 12;
i = i + Math.floor((Math.random() * 10) + 1);
purchaseableExtra = purchaseableExtra + i;
purchaseableExtraModifier = purchaseableExtraModifier - i;
if (purchaseableExtra > 20) {
i = purchaseableExtra - 20;
i = i + Math.floor((Math.random() * 15) + 1);
purchaseableExtraModifier2 = purchaseableExtraModifier2 + i;
purchaseableExtra = purchaseableExtra - i;
if (purchaseableExtraModifier2 > 22) {
i = purchaseableExtra - 22;
purchaseableExtraModifier2 = purchaseableExtraModifier2 - i;
i = Math.ceil(i / 2);
purchaseableExtra = purchaseableExtra + i;
purchaseableExtraModifier = purchaseableExtraModifier + i;
extraCost = 2 * Math.round(((purchaseableExtra + purchaseableExtraModifier) + purchaseableExtraModifier2) * Math.round(Math.pow(4, 1 + (((purchaseableExtra + purchaseableExtraModifier) + purchaseableExtraModifier2) * 0.1)) / (1 + ((Cha + ChaMod) * 0.2))));
if (((characterClass == "Archeologist") || (characterClass == "Ranger")) || (characterClass == "Rogue")) {
i = ((Extra + ExtraModifier) + ExtraModifier2) + Math.floor((Math.random() * Level) + 1);
purchaseableExtra = Math.floor(Math.random() * i);
if (purchaseableExtra == 0) {
purchaseableExtra = 1;
purchaseableExtraModifier = i - purchaseableExtra;
if (purchaseableExtraModifier > 13) {
i = purchaseableExtraModifier - 13;
i = i + Math.floor((Math.random() * 10) + 1);
purchaseableExtra = purchaseableExtra + i;
purchaseableExtraModifier = purchaseableExtraModifier - i;
if (purchaseableExtra > 14) {
i = purchaseableExtra - 14;
i = i + Math.floor((Math.random() * 10) + 1);
purchaseableExtraModifier2 = purchaseableExtraModifier2 + i;
purchaseableExtra = purchaseableExtra - i;
extraCost = 2 * Math.round(((purchaseableExtra + purchaseableExtraModifier) + purchaseableExtraModifier) * Math.round(Math.pow(4, 1 + (((purchaseableExtra + purchaseableExtraModifier) + purchaseableExtraModifier2) * 0.1)) / (1 + ((Cha + ChaMod) * 0.2))));
weaponCost = Math.round(((purchaseableWeapon + purchaseableWeaponModifier) + purchaseableWeaponModifierNumber) * Math.round(Math.pow(4, 1 + (((purchaseableWeapon + purchaseableWeaponModifier) + purchaseableWeaponModifierNumber) * 0.1)) / (1 + ((Cha + ChaMod) * 0.2))));
armorCost = Math.round(((purchaseableArmor + purchaseableArmorModifier) + purchaseableArmorModifierNumber) * Math.round(Math.pow(4, 1 + (((purchaseableArmor + purchaseableArmorModifier) + purchaseableArmorModifierNumber) * 0.1)) / (1 + ((Cha + ChaMod) * 0.2))));
Save(currentSaveFile, "Travel");
if (weaponCost <= Gold) {
Progress("Walking to the shop.", 40);
subLocation = "shop";
} else if (armorCost <= Gold) {
Progress("Walking to the shop.", 40);
subLocation = "shop2.5";
} else if (extraCost <= Gold) {
Progress("Walking to the shop.", 40);
subLocation = "shop2.6";
} else {
subLocation = "none1";
Save(currentSaveFile, "BuyingTypes");
if ((currentLocation == 0) && (subLocation == "sell4")) {
if (inventoryArray[4][0] > 0) {
if (inventoryArray[4][0] > 1) {
Progress("Selling " + Pluralize(itemsArray[inventoryArray[4][1] - 1]), 10);
} else {
Progress("Selling " + itemsArray[inventoryArray[4][1] - 1], 10);
subLocation = "shop0";
Selling = true;
} else {
subLocation = "shop0";
NextProgress = true;
if ((currentLocation == 0) && (subLocation == "sell3")) {
if (inventoryArray[3][0] > 0) {
if (inventoryArray[3][0] > 1) {
Progress("Selling " + Pluralize(itemsArray[inventoryArray[3][1] - 1]), 10);
} else {
Progress("Selling " + itemsArray[inventoryArray[3][1] - 1], 10);
subLocation = "sell4";
Selling = true;
} else {
subLocation = "sell4";
NextProgress = true;
if ((currentLocation == 0) && (subLocation == "sell2")) {
if (inventoryArray[2][0] > 0) {
if (inventoryArray[2][0] > 1) {
Progress("Selling " + Pluralize(itemsArray[inventoryArray[2][1] - 1]), 10);
} else {
Progress("Selling " + itemsArray[inventoryArray[2][1] - 1], 10);
subLocation = "sell3";
Selling = true;
} else {
subLocation = "sell3";
NextProgress = true;
if ((currentLocation == 0) && (subLocation == "sell1")) {
if (inventoryArray[1][0] > 0) {
if (inventoryArray[1][0] > 1) {
Progress("Selling " + Pluralize(itemsArray[inventoryArray[1][1] - 1]), 10);
} else {
Progress("Selling " + itemsArray[inventoryArray[1][1] - 1], 10);
subLocation = "sell2";
Selling = true;
} else {
subLocation = "sell2";
NextProgress = true;
if ((currentLocation == 0) && (subLocation == "sell0")) {
if (inventoryArray[0][0] > 0) {
if (inventoryArray[0][0] > 1) {
Progress("Selling " + Pluralize(itemsArray[inventoryArray[0][1] - 1]), 10);
} else {
Progress("Selling " + itemsArray[inventoryArray[0][1] - 1], 10);
subLocation = "sell1";
Selling = true;
} else {
subLocation = "sell1";
NextProgress = true;
if ((currentLocation == 0) && (subLocation == "tavern2")) {
i = Math.floor((Math.random() * 5) + 1);
if ((i == 4) && (Level >= 15)) {
i = Math.floor((Math.random() * 4) + 1);
if (i == 1) {
questType = "boss";
questTarget = Math.round(((Math.random() * SkillLevel) * 1.6) + 1) + 1;
if (questTarget > 34) {
questTarget = Math.floor((Math.random() * 30) + 5);
questEnd = Level + 5;
if (i == 2) {
questType = "find";
questTarget = QuestObjectDescribe[Math.floor(Math.random() * 7)] + QuestObjectArray[Math.floor(Math.random() * 40)];
questEnd = ((Level * 15) + 50) * 2;
if (i == 3) {
questType = "deliver";
questTarget = QuestObjectArray[Math.floor(Math.random() * 40)];
questEnd = ((Level * 15) + 50) * 2;
if (i == 5) {
questType = "kill";
questTarget = Math.round(((Math.random() * SkillLevel) * 1.5) + 1);
if (questTarget > 49) {
questTarget = Math.floor((Math.random() * 30) + 5);
questEnd = (Level + 5) * 2;
if (i == 4) {
questType = "collect";
questTarget = QuestObjectArray[Math.floor(Math.random() * 40)];
questEnd = Level + 5;
bossend = false;
qmonSubLoc = Math.floor((Math.random() * 2) + 1);
QuestLocation = SkillLevel + Math.floor(Math.random() * 2);
questLevel = Level;
questCompletion = 0;
Save(currentSaveFile, "Travel");
Save(currentSaveFile, "Quest");
i2 = 0;
i = 0;
while (i < 5) {
if (inventoryArray[i][0] > 0) {
i2 = 1;
if (i2 == 1) {
Progress("Walking to the Market", 40);
subLocation = "sell0";
} else {
subLocation = "shop0";
NextProgress = true;
if ((currentLocation == 0) && (subLocation == "tavern")) {
if (questCompletion == questEnd) {
questType = "none";
questCompletion = 0;
questMonsterLevel = Math.round(Math.pow(questLevel, 1 + (questLevel * 0.1)));
goldLoot = Math.round(Math.pow(((Math.random() * questLevel) + questLevel) + (((Math.random() * QuestLocation) + QuestLocation) * 5), 1 + (questLevel * 0.001)));
expGain = Math.round(((Math.random() * questMonsterLevel) + questMonsterLevel) + ((((Math.random() * QuestLocation) + QuestLocation) * 5) * (1 + (SpellsArray[11][1] * 0.1))));
rewardType = "Quest Reward:";
itemLoot = "";
itemLoot2 = 5;
RewardTimer = 30;
Gold = Gold + goldLoot;
Exp = Exp + expGain;
Progress(("Obtaining quest from " + QuestPersonArray[Math.floor(Math.random() * 6)]) + ".", 30);
Save(currentSaveFile, "Travel");
subLocation = "tavern2";
if ((currentLocation == 0) && (subLocation == "none")) {
Progress("Walking to the tavern.", 40);
Save(currentSaveFile, "Travel");
subLocation = "tavern";
if ((currentLocation == 0) && (subLocation == "dead")) {
Progress("Reviving", 100);
subLocation = "none";
Save(currentSaveFile, "Travel");
if (progressText == "You begin your journey.") {
if (progressText == " defeat the great evil in the castle to the north.") {
Progress("You begin your journey.", 100);
if (progressText == "He tells you of your quest.") {
Progress(" defeat the great evil in the castle to the north.", 76);
if (progressText == "He says that you are the destined one.") {
Progress("He tells you of your quest.", 60);
if (progressText == "An old man stands in front of you.") {
Progress("He says that you are the destined one.", 74);
EnemyProgressNow = EnemyProgressNow + 1;
if ((EnemyProgressNow > enemySpeed) && (fighting == true)) {
EnemyDamage = Math.round(((MonsterLevel * Math.random()) + MonsterLevel) / (((Armor + ArmorModifier) + ArmorModifierNumber) + 1));
if (EnemyDamage < 1) {
EnemyDamage = 1;
EnemyProgressNow = 0;
dodgeLevel = Math.pow(0.95, ((Dex + DexMod) / MonsterLevel) * 5);
if (dodgeLevel < 0.05) {
dodgeLevel = 0.05;
if (dodgeLevel > 0.95) {
dodgeLevel = 0.95;
if (Math.random() > dodgeLevel) {
DodgeText1.text = "Dodge";
DodgeTimer1 = 10;
} else {
Health = Health - EnemyDamage;
if ((Health <= 0) && (fighting == true)) {
questType = "none";
questCompletion = 0;
fighting = false;
SkillLevel = SkillLevel - 1;
if (SkillLevel == 0) {
SkillLevel = 1;
subLocation = "dead";
healthBar._alpha = 0;
manaBar._alpha = 0;
enemyHealthBar._alpha = 0;
enemyManaBar._alpha = 0;
boss = false;
Save(currentSaveFile, "Quest");
Save(currentSaveFile, "Level");
} else {
progressBar._visible = false;
expBar._visible = false;
SpellText._visible = false;
InventoryText._visible = false;
questBar._visible = false;
if (Screen == "CreatingCharacter") {
if (ccbd == false) {
ccbd = true;
_root.createEmptyMovieClip("characterCreationTexts", _root.getNextHighestDepth());
characterCreationTexts.createTextField("text1", 0, 40, 30, 100, 40);
characterCreationTexts.text1.text = "Class";
characterCreationTexts.text1.selectable = false;
characterCreationTexts.createTextField("text2", 1, 200, 30, 100, 40);
characterCreationTexts.text2.text = "Race";
characterCreationTexts.text2.selectable = false;
characterCreationTexts.createTextField("text3", 2, 360, 30, 100, 40);
characterCreationTexts.text3.text = "Gender";
characterCreationTexts.text3.selectable = false;
characterCreationTexts.createTextField("text4", 4, 360, 120, 100, 40);
characterCreationTexts.text4.text = "Name";
characterCreationTexts.text4.selectable = false;
characterCreationTexts.createTextField("inputText", 5, 310, 150, 200, 26);
characterCreationTexts.inputText.border = true;
characterCreationTexts.inputText.type = "input";
characterCreationTexts.inputText.maxChars = 14;
characterCreationTexts.inputText.variable = "currentNameTyped";
characterCreationTexts.currentNameTyped = "Johnson";
currentClassSelection = 0;
currentRaceSelection = 0;
currentGenderSelection = "Male";
i = 0;
while (i < 10) {
createButton(40, (i * 25) + 60, ClassArray[i][0], "classButton" + i);
_root["classButton" + i].thisSelection = i;
_root["classButton" + i].onPress = function () {
currentClassSelection = this.thisSelection;
if (i < 8) {
createButton(200, (i * 25) + 60, RaceArray[i][0], "raceButton" + i);
_root["raceButton" + i].thisSelection = i;
_root["raceButton" + i].onPress = function () {
currentRaceSelection = this.thisSelection;
if (i < 3) {
_root.createEmptyMovieClip("arrow" + i, _root.getNextHighestDepth());
with (_root["arrow" + i]) {
lineStyle(0, 0, 0);
beginFill(255, 100);
lineTo(35, 10);
lineTo(0, 20);
lineTo(10, 10);
lineTo(0, 0);
beginFill(26367, 100);
lineTo(25, 10);
lineTo(0, 20);
lineTo(10, 10);
lineTo(0, 0);
lineStyle(1, 153);
lineTo(35, 10);
lineTo(0, 20);
lineTo(10, 10);
lineTo(0, 0);
arrow0._x = 5;
arrow1._x = 165;
arrow2._x = 325;
createButton(360, 60, "Male", "genderButton0");
_root.genderButton0.onPress = function () {
currentGenderSelection = "Male";
ClassArray[9][0] = "Cowboy";
_root.classButton9.buttonText.text = "Cowboy";
Monster7Array[25] = "Succubus";
Monster7Array[26] = "Succubus";
createButton(360, 85, "Female", "genderButton1");
_root.genderButton1.onPress = function () {
currentGenderSelection = "Female";
ClassArray[9][0] = "Cowgirl";
_root.classButton9.buttonText.text = "Cowgirl";
Monster7Array[25] = "Incubus";
Monster7Array[26] = "Incubus";
createButton(225, 300, "Confirm", "confirmButton");
createButton(225, 350, "Back", "BackButton");
confirmButton.onPress = function () {
Screen = "Playing";
ccbd = false;
progressBar._visible = true;
expBar._visible = true;
SpellText._visible = true;
InventoryText._visible = true;
questBar._visible = true;
currentSaveFile = characterCreating;
characterClass = ClassArray[currentClassSelection][0];
characterRace = RaceArray[currentRaceSelection][0];
characterGender = currentGenderSelection;
characterName = characterCreationTexts.currentNameTyped;
StrUp = 1 + ((ClassArray[currentClassSelection][1] + RaceArray[currentRaceSelection][1]) / 2);
ConUp = 1 + ((ClassArray[currentClassSelection][2] + RaceArray[currentRaceSelection][2]) / 2);
DexUp = 1 + ((ClassArray[currentClassSelection][3] + RaceArray[currentRaceSelection][3]) / 2);
ChaUp = 1 + ((ClassArray[currentClassSelection][4] + RaceArray[currentRaceSelection][4]) / 2);
IntUp = 1 + ((ClassArray[currentClassSelection][5] + RaceArray[currentRaceSelection][5]) / 2);
WisUp = 1 + ((ClassArray[currentClassSelection][6] + RaceArray[currentRaceSelection][6]) / 2);
Str = 1;
Con = 1;
Dex = 1;
Cha = 1;
Int = 1;
Wis = 1;
StrEx = 1;
ConEx = 1;
DexEx = 1;
ChaEx = 1;
IntEx = 1;
WisEx = 1;
StrMod = 0;
ConMod = 0;
DexMod = 0;
ChaMod = 0;
IntMod = 0;
WisMod = 0;
HealthMax = 1;
ManaMax = 1;
Exp = 50;
ExpLevel = 50;
Level = 0;
SkillLevel = 0;
questType = "none";
questCompletion = 0;
questEnd = 1;
Weapon = 0;
WeaponModifier = 0;
WeaponModifierNumber = 0;
Armor = 0;
ArmorModifier = 0;
ArmorModifierNumber = 0;
Extra = 0;
ExtraModifier = 0;
ExtraModifier2 = 0;
deathCount = 0;
Gold = 30;
currentLocation = 0.5;
travelingTo = 0.5;
subLocation = "none";
fighting = false;
boss = false;
bossend = false;
_root.inventoryArray = new Array(new Array(0, 0), new Array(0, 0), new Array(0, 0), new Array(0, 0), new Array(0, 0));
Save(currentSaveFile, "Start");
Save(currentSaveFile, "Level");
Save(currentSaveFile, "Combat");
Save(currentSaveFile, "Travel");
Save(currentSaveFile, "Kill");
Save(currentSaveFile, "Quest");
Save(currentSaveFile, "Shopping");
Progress("An old man stands in front of you.", 80);
i = 0;
while (i < 10) {
removeMovieClip(_root["classButton" + i]);
removeMovieClip(_root["raceButton" + i]);
BackButton.onPress = function () {
ccbd = false;
_root.Screen = "Menu";
_root.currentMenu = "chooseFile";
_root.drawMenu = true;
i = 0;
while (i < 10) {
removeMovieClip(_root["classButton" + i]);
removeMovieClip(_root["raceButton" + i]);
arrow0._y = (currentClassSelection * 25) + 60;
arrow1._y = (currentRaceSelection * 25) + 60;
if (currentGenderSelection == "Male") {
arrow2._y = 60;
} else {
arrow2._y = 85;
if ((Screen == "Menu") && (Loading == false)) {
if (drawMenu == true) {
menuButtons._visible = true;
if ((action == 0) && (currentMenu == "Main")) {
currentMenu = "chooseFile";
menu = ["File 1", "File 2", "File 3", "Back"];
action = 100;
buttons[2][1]._x = 0;
buttons[2][2]._x = 0;
buttons[3][1]._x = 0;
buttons[3][2]._x = 0;
if ((action == 1) && (currentMenu == "Main")) {
currentMenu = "Load";
menu = ["File 1", "File 2", "File 3", "Back"];
action = 100;
buttons[2][1]._x = 0;
buttons[2][2]._x = 0;
buttons[3][1]._x = 0;
buttons[3][2]._x = 0;
if ((action == 3) && ((currentMenu == "chooseFile") || (currentMenu == "Load"))) {
currentMenu = "Main";
menu = ["New Character (Ladder v1.6)", "Load Character", "", ""];
action = 100;
buttons[2][1]._x = -1000;
buttons[2][2]._x = -1000;
buttons[3][1]._x = -1000;
buttons[3][2]._x = -1000;
if ((action < 3) && (currentMenu == "chooseFile")) {
currentMenu = "none";
characterCreating = action + 1;
Screen = "CreatingCharacter";
action = 100;
if ((action < 3) && (currentMenu == "Load")) {
saveString = ("s" + action) + "_";
if ([saveString + "characterName"] != undefined) {
currentMenu = "none";
Screen = "Playing";
progressBar._visible = true;
expBar._visible = true;
SpellText._visible = true;
InventoryText._visible = true;
questBar._visible = true;
currentSaveFile = action;
action = 100;
characterClass =[saveString + "characterClass"];
characterRace =[saveString + "characterRace"];
characterName =[saveString + "characterName"];
characterGender =[saveString + "characterGender"];
if (characterGender == "Female") {
ClassArray[9][0] = "Cowgirl";
Monster7Array[25] = "Incubus";
Monster7Array[26] = "Incubus";
StrUp =[saveString + "StrUp"];
ConUp =[saveString + "ConUp"];
DexUp =[saveString + "DexUp"];
ChaUp =[saveString + "ChaUp"];
IntUp =[saveString + "IntUp"];
WisUp =[saveString + "WisUp"];
Str =[saveString + "Str"];
Con =[saveString + "Con"];
Dex =[saveString + "Dex"];
Cha =[saveString + "Cha"];
Int =[saveString + "Int"];
Wis =[saveString + "Wis"];
StrEx =[saveString + "StrEx"];
ConEx =[saveString + "ConEx"];
DexEx =[saveString + "DexEx"];
ChaEx =[saveString + "ChaEx"];
IntEx =[saveString + "IntEx"];
WisEx =[saveString + "WisEx"];
StrMod =[saveString + "StrMod"];
ConMod =[saveString + "ConMod"];
DexMod =[saveString + "DexMod"];
ChaMod =[saveString + "ChaMod"];
IntMod =[saveString + "IntMod"];
WisMod =[saveString + "WisMod"];
HealthMax =[saveString + "HealthMax"];
ManaMax =[saveString + "ManaMax"];
Exp =[saveString + "Exp"];
ExpLevel =[saveString + "ExpLevel"];
Level =[saveString + "Level"];
SkillLevel =[saveString + "SkillLevel"];
questType =[saveString + "questType"];
questCompletion =[saveString + "questCompletion"];
questEnd =[saveString + "questEnd"];
questTarget =[saveString + "questTarget"];
questLevel =[saveString + "questLevel"];
QuestLocation =[saveString + "QuestLocation"];
qmonSubLoc =[saveString + "qmonSubLoc"];
Weapon =[saveString + "Weapon"];
WeaponModifier =[saveString + "WeaponModifier"];
WeaponModifierNumber =[saveString + "WeaponModifierNumber"];
Armor =[saveString + "Armor"];
ArmorModifier =[saveString + "ArmorModifier"];
ArmorModifierNumber =[saveString + "ArmorModifierNumber"];
Extra =[saveString + "Extra"];
ExtraModifier =[saveString + "ExtraModifier"];
ExtraModifier2 =[saveString + "ExtraModifier2"];
purchaseableWeapon =[saveString + "purchaseableWeapon"];
purchaseableWeaponModifier =[saveString + "purchaseableWeaponModifier"];
purchaseableWeaponModifierNumber =[saveString + "purchaseableWeaponModifierNumber"];
purchaseableArmor =[saveString + "purchaseableArmor"];
purchaseableArmorModifier =[saveString + "purchaseableArmorModifier"];
purchaseableArmorModifierNumber =[saveString + "purchaseableArmorModifierNumber"];
purchaseableExtra =[saveString + "purchaseableExtra"];
purchaseableExtraModifier =[saveString + "purchaseableExtraModifier"];
purchaseableExtraModifier2 =[saveString + "purchaseableExtraModifier2"];
weaponCost =[saveString + "weaponCost"];
armorCost =[saveString + "armorCost"];
deathCount =[saveString + "deathCount"];
Gold =[saveString + "Gold"];
currentLocation =[saveString + "currentLocation"];
travelingTo =[saveString + "currentLocation"];
subLocation =[saveString + "subLocation"];
fighting =[saveString + "fighting"];
boss =[saveString + "boss"];
bossend =[saveString + "bossend"];
monSubLoc =[saveString + "monSubLoc"];
enemyHealthMax =[saveString + "enemyHealthMax"];
enemyManaMax =[saveString + "enemyManaMax"];
Monster =[saveString + "Monster"];
Modifier1 =[saveString + "Modifier1"];
Modifier2 =[saveString + "Modifier2"];
Modifier3 =[saveString + "Modifier3"];
Modifier4 =[saveString + "Modifier4"];
MonsterLevel =[saveString + "MonsterLevel"];
Health =[saveString + "Health"];
Mana =[saveString + "Mana"];
enemySpeed =[saveString + "enemySpeed"];
enemyHealth =[saveString + "enemyHealth"];
enemyMana =[saveString + "enemyMana"];
enemyPoison =[saveString + "enemyPoison"];
EnemyProgressNow =[saveString + "EnemyProgressNow"];
if (fighting == true) {
healthBar._alpha = 100;
manaBar._alpha = 100;
enemyHealthBar._alpha = 100;
enemyManaBar._alpha = 100;
i = 0;
while (i < 14) {
SpellsArray[i][1] =[(saveString + "Spell") + i];
_root.inventoryArray = new Array(new Array(0, 0), new Array(0, 0), new Array(0, 0), new Array(0, 0), new Array(0, 0));
i = 0;
while (i < 5) {
inventoryArray[i][0] =[((saveString + "inventory") + i) + "quantity"];
inventoryArray[i][1] =[((saveString + "inventory") + i) + "quality"];
i2 = 1;
i = 0;
while (i < 14) {
if (SpellsArray[i][1] > 0) {
if (i2 <= 8) {
SpellText.Spells[i2].text = (SpellsArray[i][0] + " ") + RomanNumeral(SpellsArray[i][1]);
} else {
i3 = i2 - 8;
SpellText.Spells[i3].text = (((SpellsArray[i][0] + " ") + RomanNumeral(SpellsArray[i][1])) + ", ") + SpellText.Spells[i3].text;
drawMenu = false;
i = 0;
while (i <= 3) {
if (menu[i] != "none") {
buttons[i][2]._visible = true;
buttons[i][1]._visible = true;
buttons[i][1]._alpha = 0;
buttons[i][1].onRollOver = function () {
this._alpha = 100;
buttons[i][1].onRollOut = function () {
this._alpha = 0;
buttons[i][1].onDragOver = function () {
this._alpha = 100;
buttons[i][1].onDragOut = function () {
this._alpha = 0;
buttons[i][0].text = menu[i];
buttons[i][1].Send = i;
buttons[i][1].onRelease = function () {
drawMenu = true;
action = this.Send;
} else {
buttons[i][2]._visible = false;
delete buttons[i][1].onRollOver;
delete buttons[i][1].onRollOut;
delete buttons[i][1].onDragOver;
delete buttons[i][1].onDragOut;
buttons[i][1]._visible = false;
buttons[i][0].text = "";
} else {
menuButtons._visible = false;
if (Loading == true) {
_root.PercentLoaded = Math.round((_root.getBytesLoaded() / _root.getBytesTotal()) * 100);
if (_root.PercentLoaded < 100) {
_root.progressBar.Bar._width = _root.PercentLoaded * 3;
progressBar._visible = true;
} else {
Loading = false;
progressBar._visible = false;