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This is the info page for
Flash #88171

(Click the ID number above for more basic data on this flash file.)

<p align="left"></p><p align="left"></p>


The following flash presentation contains extremely explicit sexual content
between an "adult" and "underage" cartoon characters.  This is a work of complete
fiction and is in no way assumed or implied in any way share or form to be related
to any real life activities of any sort.  Performing these activities in real life is a
crime punishable by law in most countries and the people associated with Aval0nX
and this game does not condone, endorse, or tolerate under any circumstances
this kind of activity in real life.  This work is done under the clause of being a parody
and a work of fiction.
The characters, background, and songs are owned by their respected copywriter
and is used without permission.  This is a free game that is free to distribute across
the net and no profit is meant to be made off of it.  By clicking on the word
cartoon next to the word underage you confirm that you are the legal age in
your country to be viewing adult material and you agree with the terms and
condition of this game.  That means you can not sue or complain excessively about
the content if you find something in this game that offends, disturbs you mentally,
or causes you to fall out of your chair and hurt yourself or your wrist.

!!! WARNING !!!
please read the whole thing if you want
to play the


click screen to skip




Edited by FlashMax

explore edition


Back to Title Screen    >>

Thank you for playing "Babysitting Cream"
The following game is a mixture of choose your
adventure with point and click games and RPG elements.
In this game you take on the role of the defacto hero
Sonic The Hedgehog.  Since you haven't been able to
collect rights from fighting badies you need to do some
odd jobs to rake in the dough.
Your job will be to babysit Cream for an entire week.  You
can spend the entire week just taking care of her or you
can choose from one of the more questionable options.
The choise is your but here are a few tips for you.

-You can increase your relationship with cream (RWC)
score by doing activies with her.  This will lead to the
"choose your adventure" style events.  Some choices may
not be available because one of your stats might be too
low so find ways to increase them.
-There are many items hidden though out the house.
Click around to find them as they can unlock hidden
events and hidden rooms.
-You wont be able to accomplish everything in nine days
no matter how hard you try.  There is plenty to explore
so trying something new on each play through is strongly
-There are multiple endings too depending on your stats
as well in the full version.

Improving your stats is paramount when trying to access
different events.  We already explained the RWC score but
here are the others to look out for.
Energy: It cost energy to start an event and summon
Cream.  However when an event is taking place you can
use energy regardless of how much energy you have
left.  When your energy goes into the negative you should
go to bed immediately.  If you go to bed with negative
energy (i.e. -10 HP) you will wake up with less energy (i.e.
90 HP).
Happiness:  This is the most important stat.  The higher
her happiness the better the influence on the ending.  It
can also help unlock other parts of the game for you.

Moral Alignment:  You alignment starts at 0 but can go in
either direction.  If you do something bad or anughty to
Cream without her permission your alignment will drop.
This will cause some of your choices to have differet
Lust: Measures the amount of lust you have for Cream.
You can raise your lust by catching Cream in
compromising situations.
Touch: Every time you touch or tickle Cream, this stat will
go up.  This combined with your RWC can help unlock
differet events for the
choices you make.

Peep: Determines how ell you can spy on Cream.  When
you catch peaks at her in her panties, nude, or doing
something naughty without getting caught your peep will
go up.  The higher your stat the easier it is to peep in on
Jerk Off: Like peeping, this determines how well you can
jerk off around Cream without getting caught.  However,
when combined with your RWC score you can eventually
jerk off around Cream without scaring her.
Exposure:  Also like peeping, this stat gains points for
exposing yourself infront of Cream without angering or
upsetting her.  The higher this stat is the more
comfortable Cream will be around you naked.  This is
important if you want to get Cream out of her dress and

Hunger: Cream's hunger is important but not the most
crucial stat.  To prevent the player from just getting free
RWC from feeding her, you have to wait for her Hunger
stat to reach 0.  Once it's 0 or below you can feed her
Tip: Be mindful of what you fee her.  If you feed her too
much of the wrong kinds of food you could make her

Vanilla, the hot MILF from across the street, had
asked me to come over.  I wonder what for?



Sonic!  Ah good you're here.  The reason  I called
is that I have a huge favor to ask you.

Sure, I'm always happy to help in times in need.
What can I do for you?

*Smiles*  Good then, you see I have to go to
Station Square this week and sadly I can't take
Cream with me.  I need someone to babysit her
while I'm gone.  I tried calling Amy but apparently
she's busy this week.

Babysitting?  Well...
I guess I can do that for you Mrs. V.  I can't imagine
Cream being too much trouble.

Great!  Here's 500 rings and the keys to the
house.  I'll be back in a week, make sure you two
have fun and dont forget...

~Presses her breasts against you~
Keep my little Creamie happy and I'll make you
very happy.  And I'll give the two of you "BIG"
rewards when I come back.

Hello there Mister Sonic.  Mommy said you are
going to watching me this week.

Yep, now go run along and play.

Oh yes, and what fun we shall have.

Umm....   Uhhh....   Yeah....
...I'm gonna go to my room now...
(rwc -10)
(To summon cream click the button in the upper right hand corner
of the screen to do a list of activities with her)

Okay Mister Sonic.  I'll be in my room but you can
call me at any time.
(rwc +10)
(To summon cream click the button in the upper right hand corner
of the screen to do a list of activities with her)


To Outside

To Hallway

To Kitchen



<p align="left"></p><p align="left"></p>


<p align="left"></p><p align="left"></p>

To Living Room

Vanilla's Room

To Cream's Room

<p align="left"></p><p align="left"></p>


To Backyard

<p align="left"></p><p align="left"></p>


<p align="left"></p><p align="left"></p>


Use Vanilla's Computer

To Bathroom

Sleep Until Tomorrow
(fully recovers energy)

<p align="left"></p><p align="left"></p>


Take a shower
(revives +30 energy)

<p align="left"></p><p align="left"></p>

Already had a shower

<p align="left"></p><p align="left"></p>

Cream's ROOM

<p align="left"></p><p align="left"></p>


Go Inside

<p align="left"></p><p align="left"></p>



<p align="left"></p><p align="left"></p>

Relationship With Cream:
Current Moral Alignment:
Your stats
Jerking Off:

<-- Back to Game

<p align="left"></p><p align="left"></p>

<p align="left"></p><p align="left"></p>

<p align="left"></p><p align="left"></p>

<p align="left"></p><p align="left"></p>

<p align="left"></p><p align="left"></p>

<p align="left"></p><p align="left"></p>

<p align="left"></p><p align="left"></p>

<p align="left"></p><p align="left"></p>

<p align="left"></p><p align="left"></p>

<p align="left"></p><p align="left"></p>

(If hunger is 0 or below you can feed her again)

Sex Stats and  Options-->

Items Unlocked

<p align="left"></p><p align="left"></p>

Garage Door Key

Carrot Toy

Cream's Bikini Top

Cream's Special Panties

Cream's pictures


Bondage Gear

Vanilla's Sleeping Aid

Special Ice Cream

Vanilla's Sex Toy

<p align="left"></p><p align="left"></p>

<p align="left"></p><p align="left"></p>

<p align="left"></p><p align="left"></p>

<p align="left"></p><p align="left"></p>

<p align="left"></p><p align="left"></p>

<-- Basic Stats and Items

Music Selection
Button Sounds

<p align="left"></p><p align="left"></p>

<p align="left"></p><p align="left"></p>

<p align="left"></p><p align="left"></p>

Showered with Cream:
Slept with Cream:
You've groped Cream:
She's given you a blow job:
You've jerked off on her:
You've had sex with her:
Used the carrot toy on her:
Made Cream Cum:
Current Score

<p align="left"></p><p align="left"></p>

Stuff you've done with Cream











Are you sure you want to go to bed now?



Cream walks into the living
room with a big smile on her
face as she looks up to you.

Let's play some videogames

(-10 Energy)

Hey Cream, wanna play a


How about we watch some
cartoons Cream?


<p align="left"></p><p align="left"></p>

Cream walks into the living
room with just her panties on
as she gives you a bright

How about we play the "tickle
game" Cream.

(-5 Energy)

Take off your panties Cream.

Wanna watch a more "Grown
Up" movie?

Sit in my lap Cream so we can
play a racing game together.

(-10 Energy)

Cream blushes stretching the
elastic around her waist
looking unsure.  She then
shakes her head running off.


Happiness -1

Cream removes her panites
and looks up to you while
slightly blushing.
Cream: What are we gonna do
Mr. Sonic?

Lay Cream onto the couch and
explore her body.

Let Cream play with your
hedgehog cock.

Watch a pornographic movie
with Cream

You call Cream to her
mother's room.
Cream: Yes Mr. Sonic?

How are you today Cream?

Would you like to sleep with
me tonight?

<p align="left"></p><p align="left"></p>

<p align="left"></p><p align="left"></p>

You call Cream into her
mother's room.  She show's
up only wearing her panties.
Cream: Yes Mister Sonic?

Give Cream a big hug.

She blushes brightly but
smiles completely trusting you
as she pulls her panties down.
You get undressed as well.

Make Cream give you a blow

Lay Cream on the bed and
make love to her.

Give Cream a long passionate

Cream enters the bathroom.
Cream: Yes Mr. Sonic?

Hi Cream, how are you

You look like you could use a
shower Cream.

<p align="left"></p><p align="left"></p>

<p align="left"></p><p align="left"></p>

Let's have some fun in the
shower Cream.

(-15 Energy)

Would you like a special
shower Cream?

How would you like a tongue
bath Cream.

Cream is playing with her
dollies as you call her name.
Cream: Oh, Hi Mr. Sonic.
Would you like to play with

I would love to play dolls with
you Cream.

How about I read you one of
your favorite stories.

<p align="left"></p><p align="left"></p>

<p align="left"></p><p align="left"></p>

You find Cream in her undies
playing with her dolls.
Cream: Oh hi Mr. Sonic.  I'm
playing the mommy and
daddy game.  Would you like
to join me?

Sure Cream, can I be the

Would you like to hear one of
my more personal stories?

She blushes brightly but nods
completely trusting you as she
pulls her panties down.  You
get undressed as well.

Lay her on her bed and give
her a "massage"

Use the carrot toy on her.

(Only playable if you have the carrot toy)

Continue playing the mommy
and daddy game.

Cream rushes out the patio
door as you call her name.
Cream: Hi Mr. Sonic.

Betcha can't do a hand stand

How about we go for a swim

Let's play a game of tag!

<p align="left"></p><p align="left"></p>

You call Cream into the kitchen.
You can't tell if she is hungry or
not since she always seems so
full of energy.

Say Cream, are you feeling

(-1 Energy)

<p align="left"></p><p align="left"></p>

You call Cream into the kitchen.
Seeing her in her panties has
got your pretty aroused as you
hope she is hungry so you can
feed her something naughty.

Cream shakes her head no.
Cream: I'm not all that hungry
right now Mister Sonic.  Maybe
She then skips off to the living

She nods happily.
Cream: What is there to eat
Mister Sonic?

Let me cook something up for
you Cream.

How about we order a pizza

(-30 Rings Cost)

You cook a wonderful meal for
Cream as she thanks you it.
Cream: Thank you for the
delicious meal Mr. Sonic!

You're very welcome Cream :)

RWC +10

Cream eeps in delight as the
two of you chow down on Pizza.
Cream: Thank you for the
wonderful pizza Mr. Sonic!

Happiness +1, RWC +30

Cream is a little disapointed
that you are unable to get Pizza
but she understands as you
cook something up for her

Cream: Mr. Sonic I've had
enough pizza for today.  Can we
have something else...

Would you like to try some
special ice cream?

(Must have ice cream item unlocked)

How would you like a nice
treat Cream...

(-5 Energy)

As Cream in is the bathroom
washing up you get a naughty
idea while you're putting food
on the plate.

Quickly jerk of in Cream's

Just serve the food normally.

You can't help but grin as you
watch her unknowingly eat your
cum.  Despite not knowing she
seems to be really chowing
down on your cooking.
Cream: I'm not sure what you
did Mister Sonic but this tastes
really good.
She quickly finishes up and
then runs off to play.

Lust +1, Alignment -1. RWC +10

As Cream is in the bathroom
washing up you get a naughty
idea while deviding the pizza up
for you and her.

Quickly jerk of on a couple
slices of pizza.

Cream seems to be really
enjoying her pizza.
Cream: Mmmm...  Mister Sonic
where did you order this pizza
from.  It's REALLY good.
You tell her it's from the usual
place where you get pizza.  She
smiles and nods.
Cream: They must of changed
their recepie.

Lust +1, Alignment -1. RWC +30

You approch cream pulling out
your cock as she gets a
shocked look on her face.  You
tell her you have a tasty cream
that comes from here and that
she can have if she sucks you
off.  She blushes hard but then
runs off saying...
Cream: I'm not hungry

Cream: Mr...  Mr. Sonic my
stomach feels funny...  I don't
want to eat any more white

She then runs too the bathroom
looking pretty sick.  You really
need to feed her real food more
often.  A rabbit can't survive on
cum alone.

RWC -25, Happiness -10

You approch Cream ready to
pull out your hedgehog cock.
Sonic:  Hey Cream, I have a
tasty treat here if you want a
taste.  You'll have to suck on
this to get it though.

She blushes a little but nods as
she begins to suck on your
hedgehog cock.
She soon starts working over
your cock head as you're
impressed with her skills.
You're not sure how she's doing
such a good job but you don't
care as you're close to

You start cumming hard into
her little mouth.  You have a lot
to give her as it becomes too
much cum for her to handle.
Holding her head in place you
keep shooting more cum down
ther throat.  Some even starts
shooting out her nose as you
finish up.  As your cock slips
from her mouth you give her a
paper towel she cleans up and
smiles at you.

Cream: That was very tasty
Mister Sonic.
She swallows what's left and
then runs off to her room.

RWC +25, lust +1, happiness +1

You've found an All Mighty
brand condom XL.  I'm sure
you'll find a use for this

<p align="left"></p><p align="left"></p>

Hmm.  You notice something
poking out from under Cream's
bed.  While she is distracted
with her dolls you find a vibrator
shaped like a carrot under her
bed.  It's small so you grin and
place it in your pocket without
Cream noticing.

<p align="left"></p><p align="left"></p>

Sorry, the town portion of this
game has been disabled for the
demo.  Please wait for the full

<p align="left"></p><p align="left"></p>

You've found a key.  It looks like
it goes to the garage door
handle outside.  You should go
check it out.

<p align="left"></p><p align="left"></p>

Sorry Sonic, it's raining.  You
wont be able to do any outside
activites today.

You take your refreshing shower
gaining an extra boost of
energy.  You towel off and get
dressed in Vanilla's room.

<p align="left"></p><p align="left"></p>

As you shower you notice
cream is voyering you from the
door.  At first you pretend not to
notice so you don't scare her
off.  Then you start wondering if
you should give her a show or

Jack off in the shower as
Cream watches.

Ask Cream if she would like to
join you.

Ignore her and finish showering.

<p align="left"></p><p align="left"></p>

You grab your hardening cock
and begin to pleasure yourself
infront on cream.  She looks in
aww as she as you close your
eyes and begin to think about
her and her hot mom.
Soon you blast a large load of
spunk on the wet shower walls
as you pant softly.  You look to
see if Cream is still there but
she has run off.

Jerk Off +1

<p align="left"></p><p align="left"></p>

You call out to Cream asking if
she would like to join.  She eeps
and quickly runs away when
she realizes she has been
caught.  You decide to just
finish up with your shower and
carry on.

<p align="left"></p><p align="left"></p>

Cream blushes and nods as she
pulls off her dress in front of
you.  She bends over and pulls
down her panties almost
wiggling her tail at you
suggestively.  You can't help but
feel a little aroused as Cream
tosses her panties to the side
and enters the shower with you.

<p align="left"></p><p align="left"></p>

Sonic: Why don't you take a
shower Cream?
Cream: Oh, okay Mr. Sonic.

RWC +10

Leave the bathroom.

Watch her undress.

<p align="left"></p><p align="left"></p>

You exit the bath roon as Cream
starts up the shower.  You can
hear her start humming a tune
as she starts scrubbing herself

Peep in on her.

Let her shower in peace.

(Moral Alignment +1)

<p align="left"></p><p align="left"></p>

Grabbing onto the knob you
carefully open the door inching
your head in.  As you get a good
look at Cream's naked body,
she is already looking at you
with wide eyes.

<p align="left"></p><p align="left"></p>

You naughty pervert!!!
Cream grabs a bottle of
shampoo and throws it at you
before you could get a chance
to zip away.

It knocks you back causing you
to stumble to the floor and right
onto the bathroom tiles.  As you
attempt to get up you step on
the shampoo bottle squirting it
all over the floor.  This causes
you to stumble all over the
slippery shampoo and into a
wall causing you to black out.

A little while later you wake up
on the floor of Vanilla's room
with a bandage on your head
but Cream no where to be

Aditional Energy Lost -3, Happiness -1

You skillfully inch your head
through the bathroom door
without catching Cream's
attention.  Despite the steam
from the shower you get a good
peak of Cream in the shower
humming a happy tune.  For the
next few minutes you look over
Cream's little body until you
realize you're pitching a pretty
decent tent in your pants.
It gets to the point where you
just can't hold it in anymore.

Lust +1, Moral Alignment -1

Go back to Vanilla's room and
jerk off.

<p align="left"></p><p align="left"></p>

You sit down on Vanilla's bed
and unzip your package.  Slowly
you begin to fondle your cock
getting into a nice rhythm.  With
not much time you decide to
make it quick and pick up the
pace.  Images of Cream's petite
body flow through your head
causing you to reach your peak
in a matter of moment.

Jerk Off +2

<p align="left"></p><p align="left"></p>

Quickly you grab a tissue from
Vanilla's nightstand and cum
into it hiding any evidence of
your naughty activity.  As soon
as you throw it in the trash
Cream comes out of the
bathroom with a large towel
wrapped around her.  She
smiles at you and then walks
off to her room to get dressed.

You stay in the bathroom as
Cream begins pulling up her
dress.  Suddenly she quickly
turns around and sees you're
still in the bathroom.  She pulls
her dress back down giving you
a dirty look.

Peep +1

<p align="left"></p><p align="left"></p>

Cream: Umm...  Mr. Sonic I'm
old enough to take a shower by
You give an embarrassed
chuckle and nod leaving before
she gets too uncomfortable.

You stay and watch Cream get
undressed.  As she pulls up her
dress and slips off her panties
she turns around to you and
Cream: Would you like to join
me in the shower Sonic?  I
could use some help with the

Sure Cream, I would love to
join you.

Nah, I was just leaving, you're
old enough to do it yourself.

<p align="left"></p><p align="left"></p>

Cream nods and gets into the
Cream: What are you waiting
for Mr. Sonic?

Umm, okay (Just scrub Cream
while she's in the shower)

Get undress and get in the
shower with her.

<p align="left"></p><p align="left"></p>

As Cream turns on the water
you approach her with a bar of
soap in hand.  You get a nice
lather going as you start slowly
caressing her body making
bubbles fly everywhere.  Cream
giggles as you make your way
to her chest towards her cunny
and back up to play with her
tiny nipples.  As you finish
soaping her body you begin to
apply the shampoo to her hair
as it begins to rinse off of her
right away.

<p align="left"></p><p align="left"></p>

All that soap and suds run
down her body and through the
cracks of her cunny and ass
giving you an arousing show.
As all the suds finally clear you
turn off the water and begin to
dry her off as she gives you a
bright smile.

Cream: Thank you for the
shower Mr. Sonic.
She then runs off to her room
to get dressed as you give herr
a light pat on the behind.

Touch +2

You nod and begin to get
undressed as Cream turns on
the shower.  She blushes a little
smiling as your clothes come
off.  Her eyes can't help but go
wide as your thick hedgehog
cock slips from your underwear.
You can see Cream lightly
touching herself in arousal from
seeing you naked as you both
enter the shower.

<p align="left"></p><p align="left"></p>

The two of you make sure your
fur is nice and wet before
reaching for the soap.  You
kneel next to her and begin to
lather her up working that soap
all over her little body.  Cream
giggles and smiles feeling a
hand between her legs as you
also work over her chest.  Once
she's covered in soap Cream
takes it from your and begins to
lather you up as well.  She has
a little trouble reaching certain
parts on you so you lean

The feeling of Cream's velvet
like hands on your body begins
to arouse you.  It doesn't take
long for her to notice your
erection as she begins to lather
that as well carefully jerking it
off.  You lean your head back
enjoying the feeling as she
keeps going.  The pleasure
soon becomes too much as you
lean up against the wall giving
Cream more room to pleasure

Cream: You like that Mr. Sonic?
Sonic: Oh yes, I like it a lot...

She smiles and continues to
rub that soft soap up and down
your cock.  A few minutes later
you begin to feel pressure build
up deep inside as you tell
Cream to stop.  You grab your
throbbing cock and begin
jerking it hard shooting a heavy
load all over the shower walls
making Cream gasp in surprise.
Once the finish you notice
Cream turn off the shower

Cream: Thank you Mr. Sonic.
That was a good shower.
Sonic: It's okay Cream, you did
a wonderful job cleaning me

You give her a small kiss on her
forehead and go to Vanilla's
room to get dressed.

Cream: I really need to use the
bathroom Mr. Sonic.

<p align="left"></p><p align="left"></p>

You nod and leave Cream to do
her business.  As you exit you
suddenly notice she hasn't shut
the door all the way.

Be polite and close the door
for Cream.

She must of been really holding
a lot if she didn't bother to take
the time to close the door.  As
you peek in Cream you notice
she's sitting in a way that has
her lower body still covered with
her dress and her panties
dangling from her ankles.
Despite the situation you
quickly find yourself aroused by
the site.

Get out of there before you're
caught you pervert.

It looks like she might be a
while so start jerking off...

<p align="left"></p><p align="left"></p>

You attempt to make your way
to the living room.

<p align="left"></p><p align="left"></p>

Cream: Mr. Sonic what are you

You panic wondering if she saw
you peep on her or not.

Wasn't sure if you had enough
toilet paper Cream.

Um...  ...  ...  Nothing! (Quickly
dash out of the room...)

Cream's look of disapointment
doesn't fade.
Cream: You we're peeping on
my wern't you Mr. Sonic...

<p align="left"></p><p align="left"></p>

Sonic: Uh...  Well...  I mean...

Cream: Pervert!

Cream marches back to her
room extremely angry at you.

RWC -10

You quickly rush out of the
room leaving Cream feeling a
little angry as she's had this
happen to her before.

<p align="left"></p><p align="left"></p>

Unable to take the sight
anymore you pull open your
jeans and quickly jerk off
hoping to finish before Cream
comes out of the bathroom.
You keep an eye on her, making
sure not to get lost in pleasure
and get caught.

<p align="left"></p><p align="left"></p>

She seems to get taking her
time as she stands up and
reaches for her panties.  As she
bends over you get a good look
at her bunny slit making you
loose it.  Luckily a towel is in
your reach as you grab it and
cum hard into it while covering
yourself up.

Lust +1

Cream doesn't suspect a thing
as she exits the bathroom and
sees you holding a towel.
Cream: Mr. Sonic what are you

Sonic: Waiting for my turn to
use the bathroom.  I really need
to go to.
She nods and walks back to her
room without a second thought.
Looks like you're in the clear.

Cream: Thank you Mr. Sonic.
You smile knowing you did the
right thing as you make your
way to the living room.

Happiness +1

<p align="left"></p><p align="left"></p>

Unable to take the sight
anymore you pull open your
jeans and quickly jerk off
hoping to finish before Cream
comes out of the bathroom.
You get so lost in lust though
that you don't notice Cream
finishing up and making her
way to the door.

<p align="left"></p><p align="left"></p>

As soon as opens the door you
cry out and tighten the grip of
your cock shooting your cum all
over her dress.  You open your
eyes and see Cream looking at
you in horror.

Cream: Mr. Sonic!  AHHH!!!
She runs off crying and
screaming towards the front
door.  She's screaming so loud
you can hear her calling for
help outside.  Looks like you're
in trouble.


She seems to get taking her
time as she stands up and
reaches for her panties.
However instead of her pulling
her panties up she slips off her
dress and sits back down on
the toilet.  You're almost in
shock, gripping your cock
tightly while she begins to
vigorously rub her cunny.

<p align="left"></p><p align="left"></p>

Cream: Oooo...  Mr. Sonic...

Hearing your name moan from
her lips is all it takes as you
begin to cum.  Luckily there's a
towel next to you so you begin
to clean up.  As you take only
last peak at Cream she's
already reaching her orgasm
letting out a soft yelp.

She grins in pleasure before
standing up and putting her
dress and panties back on.  You
make your way to the living
room so Cream doesn't get

Cream looks at you confused.
Cream: A tongue bath?  What's

RWC +10, Touch +1

<p align="left"></p><p align="left"></p>

Sonic: Mmm, Cream I need you
to lay down onto the bath floor.

Cream nods and does what
she's told as you continue to
lick her.  Passionate cries of
pleasure escape from the
young rabbit as you make your
way between her legs.
Sonic: Alright Cream, open your

Cream smiles and nods in
agreement as she opens her
legs up wide to show you her
juicy cunny.  With a wide grin
you start to lick her bunny hole
softly as you gradually pick up
the pace.  She moans and
twitches with excitement as her
pussy lips begin to get red.  You
can tell she's reaching her
orgasm as you push your
tongue deep into her slit.

Cream: Mr....  Mr. Sonic!

Cream explodes into an orgasm
panting heavily as you get up
and smile at the young rabbit.
Just as you're about to motion
her to lick you, you notice she's
already passed out.  You pick
her up and dry her off as you
take her to her mommy's bed
to rest for a little while.

Sonic: So would you like a
special shower Cream?

<p align="left"></p><p align="left"></p>

Cream: No Mr. Sonic, I once
saw one of mommy’s friends do
that to her and it’s nasty…

Sonic: Oh no no no no not THAT
kind of special shower.  I meant
a different kind...

Cream: oh ok…

You take Cream into the shower
and tell her to kneel down.  She
nervously does so as you take
your cock and begin to stroke
yourself.  All Cream can do is
look up to you with a cute but
worried face as you reach your
orgasm and start cumming all
over Cream.
Sonic: Alright Creamie *Pant*
Now lather your fur with the
white stuff.

Cream: Ohhh!  I see now.
Cream starts to cover herself
with cum as if she was
showering in it.  You smile and
continue to jerk getting hard
again from watching Cream rub
herself down in your cum.  It
doesn't take you long to cum
again covering her in more of
your spunk.  Cream licks her
fingers enjoying your taste.
Seeing her enjoying her cum
bath keeps you nice and hard
as you continue to jerk yourself
off cumming one last time till
your cock begins to get sore.

Once you're done you lay back
on the wall and admire your
work.  Creams whole body is
covered in thick white cream as
you start up the shower to rinse
her off.

Cream nods and giggles as you
both get into the shower.  With
a quick flip of the knob the
water starts flowing rinsing you
both off.  You kneel down to
Cream's level as the two of you
start to passionately kiss.
Cream moans as she works her
arms around your neck to pull
you closer.  Your tongue slips
into her mouth rubbing with
hers as you pick her up and
push her against the shower
wall.  You start to mercilessly
kiss the young rabbit as you can
feel your hardening cock press
against her body.

<p align="left"></p><p align="left"></p>

Sonic: So how about it Cream.
You want me to give your bunny
hole for a ride?

Cream rapidly nods her head as
you bring her cunny down onto
your cock.  She gasps as the
first inch of your thick cock
pushes into her tight pussy.
With warm water running down
your body it makes it easy to
slip the rest inside her as you
start to thrust hard into her
bunny hole.  With all that warm
water and hot steam in the
shower it doesn't take you look
to reach your peak.  You pull
your cock out of Cream's pussy
for just a second.

<p align="left"></p><p align="left"></p>

Sonic: Alright Creamie *pant*
I'm about to cum.  You want it
in your little pussy?

Yes Mr. Sonic, I want it in my
bunny hole...

No Mr. Sonic, I don't want you to
do that in me...

Cream nods in excitement as
you continue your rapid
thrusting.  A few seconds later
you grab Cream's hips and pull
her down as hard as you can
while pressing her against the
wall.  You groan and stiffen up
as you release a powerful
stream of cum into the young
rabbit.  Cream's cunny clenches
you back as she screams in
ecstasy.  It takes a couple
minutes to gain your baring,
being careful not to slip in the
shower as you jerk your cock
out of Cream with a loud pop
leaving a beautiful creampie
inside her.

<p align="left"></p><p align="left"></p>

Cream giggles as you two finish
your shower and get cleaned up
and washed off.  Before Cream
leaves the bathroom she gives
you one more kiss and thanks
you for the wonderful shower.

Cream suddenly gets a worried
look as she blushes.
Cream: I dunno Mr. Sonic, I
don't really want you to do

<p align="left"></p><p align="left"></p>

You look at her a smile.
Sonic: It's okay Cream, I'll just
cum outside of you then...

You then place her down on her
feet still keeping her leaned
against the wall and jerk
yourself into an orgasm.  She
giggles brightly as the strands
of semen fall on her and run
down her body.  The two of you
finish up your shower and dry
off in Vanilla's room.  Before
running off to her room Cream
gives you a kiss and thanks you
for the shower.

Cream suddenly give you a
nervous look as she thinks
about what her mommy had
said in the past about the
dangers of a slippery shower.
Cream: No Mr. Sonic, I don't
really want to do that in the
shower yet...

<p align="left"></p><p align="left"></p>

You nod and continue to just
kiss her while stroking your
manhood.  You both soon finish
your shower, dry up, and get
dressed.  Before she leaves she
give you a small kiss on the
Cream: Thank you Mr. Sonic.
(Keep building your relationship with her
so she can trust you in the shower)

The two of you kiss and begin to
make out as your hand goes
straight between her legs.

<p align="left"></p><p align="left"></p>

Cream moans out your name
as you rub her little cunny.  The
warm wander and steam from
the shower seems to send to
her an orgasm rather quickly
but suddenly she pushes your
hand away.
Cream: Not yet Mr. Sonic...  I
want you to make me feel
special with this.

She leans forward and grabs
your hardening cock making
you fall back in pleasure.  You
make a soft landing against the
shower wall while Cream
stands over your cock.  With all
that warm water running it's
easy for her to just knell down
and take your  thick hedgehog
cock into her pussy in one push.
Cream: Oh...  Mr. Sonic, it's so

You grab her hips and begin to
thrust as the shower water
continues to rains down on
your.  With all that hot air now
filling the room beads of sweat
begin to poor down mixing with
the water while you push
Cream down on your cock
harder.  Cream cries your name
as she cums all over your cock.
Her tightness soon pushes you
over the edge as you pull
Cream down one last time.
Cream: Mr...  Mr. Sonic...

All that hot air causes her to
pass out in your rams.  The two
of you stay together a little
longer, just enjoying the feeling
of that water raining down on
you.  You get up feeling your
cock slip from Cream's well
used cunny as you turn off the
water and wrap her in a towel.
All she can do in mumble in
pleasure still feeling that
orgasm rock her body while you
lay her down in her room.

Cream: Cartoons! Cartoons!

RWC +10  Happiness +1

<p align="left"></p><p align="left"></p>

Sonic: Alright lets watch some

Cream: Yaaaaaaaaaay!

The two of you sit down to
watch some cartoons.  Cream
is entertained while you are not
that into it.  Half an hour passes
and the cartoon ends, you flip
through the programming
menu and notice an animated
movie that cream might like…

Hey Cream, wanna watch a

Let's do something else...

Cream: Cartoons! Cartoons!
Cream hops on closer and sits
down to watch the movie with
About an hour in you can hear
Cream's stomach growl.  Soon
yours starts as well and it
becomes too distracting to
watch a movie.

RWC +5

<p align="left"></p><p align="left"></p>

Cream hops on closer and sits
down to watch the movie with

About an hour in you can hear
Cream's stomach growl.  Soon
yours starts as well and it
becomes too distracting to
watch a movie.

<p align="left"></p><p align="left"></p>

Despite being Cream's favorite
movie she soon falls asleep
next to you.  As she snuggles up
to get comfortable you can't
help but notice her dress has
slid up giving you a peak at her

Carefully pull her dress up for
a better view.

Ignore her and keep watching
the movie...

Carefully you pull up her dress
giving you a perfect view of her
panties.  Your heart races for a
minute, you begin to get
aroused, you find yourself
pitching a pretty big tent.

<p align="left"></p><p align="left"></p>

Looking over Cream you notice
she is still fast asleep.  You
unzip your shorts and pull out
your hardening cock gently
stoke it at the sight of her
panties.  Despite the small
noises and occasional soft
moan of pleasure, Cream
continues to sleep as you begin
to feel the pleasure build up…

Go to the bathroom and finish
yourself off there.

Blow a hot load of cum all
over her face.

The movie soon puts you to
sleep as well as it just doesn't
get any more interesting.  After
a short while you wake up and
notice Cream is no longer next
to you.  You're about to do
something else when you
notice a noise coming from
Cream's room.

Go to Cream's room and
inspect the noise.

<p align="left"></p><p align="left"></p>

You begin to lose control and
furiously jerk yourself , as you
pick up the pace.  The fapping
noises causes Cream to wake
as you cum hard into her face.
Her eyes open up into big white
saucers as your cum hits her
square in the face.  She starts
screaming and runs to the
bathroom holding her face
completely unsure of what hit
her.  Looks like she didn't see
you cumming.

Happiness -2

<p align="left"></p><p align="left"></p>

You begin to pick up the pace,
groaning furiously as you jerk
you manhood in front of Cream
quietly.  Suddenly you clinch
hard on your cock as you
release a powerful strand of
semen on the little bunny’s

Moral Alignmnet -1

<p align="left"></p><p align="left"></p>

Cream groans and begins to
wake but by then you’re already
dressed and sneaking away.
She puts her hand to her face in

Cream: AAAIIEEEEE! Mr. Sonic
what’s this?!

Um...  Sorry Cream, I had a
really bad sneeze...

You quickly run to Vanilla's
room before Cream has time to
ask any more questions.  All
she can do now is just mope
back to her room sticky and

Moral Alignmnet -1, Happiness -1

<p align="left"></p><p align="left"></p>

Sonic: Oh *Giggles lightly*
I’m sorry Cream I have this
terrible flu and I accidentally
sneezed on you…

<p align="left"></p><p align="left"></p>


She Vaults over to the
bathroom to clean herself off.
You stand there relieved with a
smug grin for what you got
away with.

You sit on the toilet still stroking
yourself furiously at the site of
Cream's panties earlier.  You
run your paw up and down your
long hedgehog cock as pre
begins to leak onto your hand.
Soon you cum, a torrent of
sticky fluids shoot all over your

Lust +1, Jerk Off +1

<p align="left"></p><p align="left"></p>

As you open your eyes and look
up you notice Cream peaking
through a crack in the door.
Before you can say anything
she eeps and runs off.  You're
not sure how long she's been
there but the thought of her
watching you jerk off gets you
more aroused.

Exposure +1

You begin stroking yourself
quite hard as you picture
Vanilla’s huge tits and of all the
other girls you’ve screwed
around with.  You start getting
so completely lost in your
imagination until you feel a
sudden increase in pleasure.
Pre-cum begins to flow from the
tip of your cock when suddenly
you hear a giggle.

<p align="left"></p><p align="left"></p>

You open your eyes and to your
amazement Cream is standing
right in front of you.  She smiles
and moves your hand away and
begins to fondle your raging
erection.  You tense up from the
feeling of her soft paws but
after a few seconds you relax.

Cream: *Giggle brightly*  My
mommy does this to her friends
when they come to visit.

She opens her mouth and
approaches your cock as you
see clear strands of saliva slip
from her mouth.  Slowly the
young rabbit begins to bob her
head up and down the tip of
your cock having a bit of trouble
going down further.  Overcome
with pleasure and lust you try
your best to hold on, but to no
avail you groan and grab hold of
her long ears and yank her
deep as you shoot your load
deep into her mouth.

She slowly pulls back her
cheeks full of your cum, and
before you even get to utter a
single word of thanks she
clinches hard and swallows the
whole load.  She looks so cute
forcing it down you can't help
but give her a kiss after
performing such a wonderful

Sonic: That was incredible
Creamie...  *Pant*

Cream gives you a small kiss on
the lips and hops along as you
crash down once again

Aditional Energy Lost -2

You find Cream playing in her
room peacefully so you go find
something else to do.

<p align="left"></p><p align="left"></p>

You stand in the hallway
hearing a buzzing noise
emulating from the room.  As
you slowly crack the door open
you get quite a sight...

<p align="left"></p><p align="left"></p>

You see Cream, without her
dress on, laying there holding
something between her legs.
Upon closer inspection it looks
to be a vibrator shaped like a
carrot.  You're quickly aroused
by the sight rubbing your pants
as you wonder what to do...

Peep +1, Lust +1

Quickly jerk off...

Enter the room and confront
her about the toy.

You can't stand it as you almost
rip open your pants and
furiously jack off to Cream
pleasuring herself.  The
pleasure builds up and
intensifies between the two of
you as you and Cream get ready
to cum.

Cream cries out as she
orgasm's all over her bed.  The
noise pushes you over the edge
as you cum hard all over the
door to her bedroom.  You look
back up to Cream and notice
she has passed out from the
pleasure.  Feeling satisfied you
let her rest as you clean up the
mess you made.

Sonic: Cream?  What are you
doing in here?

<p align="left"></p><p align="left"></p>

Cream: Mis...  Mis...  Mr. Sonic?

Cream: EEEEEEeeeeeepppp!!!

Cream throws the carrot toy at
your head knocking you out and
causing you to loose some
energy as you hit the ground.
Cream realizing what she has
done runs up to you.
Cream: I'm so sorry Mr. Sonic.
I...  I didn't mean to do that...

Still in a daze you tell her that
it's all right.  She quickly hides
the toy and runs off as you get
up and stumble to Vanilla's
room to lay down for a

Aditional Energy Lost -2, Happiness -1

Sonic: Cream, did you take
something from your mommy's
room without permission?

<p align="left"></p><p align="left"></p>

Cream looks up to you with a
worried look on her face.  The
toy drops to the ground and
vibrates over to you as you pick
it up and turn it off.
Cream:  Please...  Please don't
tell my mommy I was using her
toy.  I'd seen her use it before
by accident and I was curious...

Sonic: It's okay Cream, I won't
tell your mommy about this.
I'm just gonna put this back in
her room, okay?

Cream nods and smiles as she
puts her dress back on as you
go back to Vanilla's room.
Seeing Cream play with this toy
has given you a wicked idea
though as you decide to hold
onto it.
(The carrot toy is now in your inventory.
This will come in handy later in the game.)

You and Cream decide to play
Mobian Kombat for about an
hour.  Despite your experience
she seems to be really good at
it.  She knows almost every
secret about this game.  You
are in utter shock as she beats
you 6 rounds in a row.

<p align="left"></p><p align="left"></p>

Cream: Wow Mr. Sonic.  You’re
not really good at this game.

Distract her with a tickle

Slam the control down and call
Cream a "Button Masher!"

You grab hold of Cream and
begin to tickle her mercilessly.
She laughs and wiggles trying
to escape your grip but is
unable to as you won't let up for
a single second getting her in
all the right spots.

Touch +1

<p align="left"></p><p align="left"></p>

Cream: Mr. Sonic *Giggles*
Sonic please!  *Giggles* Stop!
I'm gonna...  *Laughs* Mr.
*Giggles* Mr. Sonic!  Stop!

Ease up and show her some

No mercy for the rabbit!  Keep

Slip a hand under her dress and
grope her...

You let up giving Cream a
chance to breath still slightly
giggling.  She then looks up to
you with a smile giving you a
peck on the cheek before
running off.

Moral Alignment +1,  Happiness +1

<p align="left"></p><p align="left"></p>

You keep tickling as Cream
begs you to stop almost
screaming as she suddenly
kicks you off and runs
frantically to the bathroom.

Moral Alignment -1,  Touch +1

<p align="left"></p><p align="left"></p>

Cream: Mister Sonic!  You big

You hear the door to the
bathroom slam as you're left all
alone in the living room.

Go check to see if she's okay...

You slam the controller onto the
ground and start yelling at her
calling her names and accusing
her of being a button masher.
She is suddenly brought to
tears from your sudden anger
as she looks to you with sad

Moral Alignment -2

<p align="left"></p><p align="left"></p>

Cream:  Mr...  Mr. Sonic...


She runs off to her room
screaming as she slams the
door.  You start wondering if
maybe you went too far as you
determine what to do next.

Go to her room and apologize...

While she is distracted you
attempt to slip your hands
under her dress.  Cream gets
shocked and immediately
pushes you away.

<p align="left"></p><p align="left"></p>

Cream: MR. SONIC!  NO!

She runs to her room and slams
the door.  Looks like she
doesn't trust you enough to do
something like that.
(Keep building your relationship with her
before you do something like that again.)

While she is distracted you slip
your hands under her dress
brushing your hands up against
her fur as you keep tickling.
Before she knows what hit her
you start to play with her
nipples.  She blushes and
moans from the feeling as she
looks up to you.

Lust +1, Touch +1

<p align="left"></p><p align="left"></p>

Cream: Mr. Sonic...  *cute
moan* What...  What are you

You grin and keep massaging
her nipples while enjoying her
cute sounds.

Pull her close and give her a

Slip her dress off while she's
lost in passion...

You apologize  to Cream who is
still crying her eyes out from
your outburst.

<p align="left"></p><p align="left"></p>

Cream: You were...  *sniff* so
mean... *pout* Mis...  Mis...  Mr.

You give her a light back rub in
hopes to calm her down.  It
works as her sniffles come to a
stop.  You continue to rub
moving slowly up and down her
back as she lets out a slight
moan blushing a little.  She
soon falls asleep.


(EVIL) Now's your chance...

You see that Cream was in such
a hurry to use the bathroom
that she didn't shut the door all
the way.  As you peep in you get
an eye full as Cream sits on the
toilet in way showing you
everything.  You get pretty
aroused as your mind is
clouded with lust.  You are
unsure of what you should do.

Keep peeping at her.

<p align="left"></p><p align="left"></p>

<p align="left"></p><p align="left"></p>

Just checking to see if you're

Cream: I'm okay Mr. Sonic, but
what you did was really mean...

<p align="left"></p><p align="left"></p>

You nod and apologize  for what
you did.  She gives you a big
hug and accepts your apology
as she runs off to her room.

You quickly rush out of the
room leaving Cream feeling sad
and confused as she walks
back to her room.

RWC -5, Happiness -1

<p align="left"></p><p align="left"></p>

Unable to take the sight
anymore you lean up against
the wall and quickly jerk off
hoping to finish before Cream
comes out of the bathroom.
You're so caught up in the
moment though you don't hear
the toilet flush as Cream comes

<p align="left"></p><p align="left"></p>

Cream: Mr. Sonic?!

You look to Cream still holding
your cock tightly as you're close
to cumming.  She looks at it
blushing as she looks back up
to you.

Sonic: I...  Uhh...  Really need to
use the bathroom to and
almost couldn’t wait...
Cream just continues to blush
as she runs off to her room.
Looks like you're in the clear.

Cream: Mr. Sonic?!  You

<p align="left"></p><p align="left"></p>

She marches up to the door
and slams the door in your face
hurting you.

Aditional Energy Lost -3

You've gotten really good at
peeping on Cream without
getting caught.  She wipes
herself clean and washes up as
you make your exit so you don't
get caught.

Lust +2

<p align="left"></p><p align="left"></p>

You pull Cream towards you
giving her gentle kiss on the
lips.  She blushes brightly as
you try to give her another one
but she turns her head.

<p align="left"></p><p align="left"></p>

Cream: Mr. Sonic...  I'm...  no... I

She gets up and runs off.  She
doesn't look angry at you, just a
little confused.

You begin to pull up Cream's
dress as she starts to look very
nervous.   Suddenly she pushes
her dress down asking you to
stop as she runs off to her
room.  Even though that didn't
go successful, you did get a
really nice look at her panties.

Peep +2

<p align="left"></p><p align="left"></p>

You begin to pull up Cream's
dress as she starts to look very
nervous.  Slowly you pull it over
her head and off of her body.

<p align="left"></p><p align="left"></p>

Sonic: “You look very cute
without your dress Cream.”

Cream: *Blush* Th...  Thank
you Mr. Sonic.  Um...  I'm not
used to being in my undies
around others.  My mommy and
I are usually in our undies when
no one else is around.  But I’m
ok around you Mr. Sonic.
(Congrats, now when you summon Cream
there's a chance she'll show up in her

Cream is fast asleep in her bed,
this is the chance you’ve been
waiting for.  You stand above
her confident that she is
exhausted from all the crying.
Quickly you unzip your shorts
and begin massaging your cock
softly.  After a few minutes
you’ve established a healthy
rhythm as your hedgehog cock
has fully harden.

<p align="left"></p><p align="left"></p>

She moans softly in  her sleep
as you continue to furiously
beat yourself off next to her.
Suddenly you feel that familiar
tightness run through your
muscles and with a soft gurnt
you shoot you orgasm on her.
She somehow continues to
sleep soundly as you pull your
pants up and give out an evil
grin.  You walk towards the door
and turn off the lights leaving
Cream in her room.

You pull Cream towards you
and slowly press your lips
against hers.  She falls back on
the couch and the two of you
continue kissing for several
minutes.  Cream’s moans begin
to arouse you encouraging you
to slip your tongue deep into
her mouth and deepen the

<p align="left"></p><p align="left"></p>

You continue to passionately
kiss her for several more
minutes.  Once done Cream
gets up giving you one more
kiss before walking off to do
something else.

The two of you play Sonic
Shuffle for half an hour but it
gets really boring rather quickly.
Cream doesn't hide her
disappointment as she speaks

RWC +10, Happiness +1

<p align="left"></p><p align="left"></p>

Cream: This is really boring Mr.
Sonic.  Can we play a different

Yes, for the love of god please,
lets play a different game...

Cream rushes to her room and
brings back a couple of decks
of Yugioh with a smile on her
face.  You both play a couple of
rounds, she’s really good at it
as she unleashes a torrent of
traps and monster.

<p align="left"></p><p align="left"></p>

You hold your own but soon she
beats you.  You decide that's
enough for games as you get
up and look for something else
to do.

She brings a game called Strip
shuffle.  Cream looks at you
nervously as you read the rules
of the game.

<p align="left"></p><p align="left"></p>

Cream: Mommy, Amy, and I
play this game sometimes…

The rules are pretty simple.  Try
to get your piece to the end of
the board before loosing all
your clothes.  You get to roll first
as you move your piece.

Draw a card first.

Shuffle first and then draw.

You quickly shuffle the cards
and draw, you play a strip card,
Cream looks nervously at you…

Take off your dress Cream.

It's okay, you don't have to.

<p align="left"></p><p align="left"></p>

You draw poorly, it’s Creams
turn, she shuffles the deck and
draws, she giggles and plays a
strip card.
Cream: Alright Mr. Sonic take
off you shirt.

Take off your shirt.

Tell her this game is a bad idea...

<p align="left"></p><p align="left"></p>

Sonic: Alright Cream take off
your dress.

<p align="left"></p><p align="left"></p>

Cream looks at you nervously,
she turns pale and begins to
Cream: I don’t…  I don't feel
comfortable playing this game
Mr. Sonic...

She gets up and runs off
worried and confused as you're
left to clean up the game.

<p align="left"></p><p align="left"></p>

Cream looks at you nervously,
she blushes and pouts for a
moment, then gets up on her
feet, she fiddles with her dress
for a bit then with a quick tug
she pulls it off and puts it on
the ground. Your eyes begin to
race across her body,  her bare
chest,  and pink panties.

Your penis begins to harden as
she sits down in her undies. You
continue playing, she gets the
upper hand and makes you
strip to your undies as well. She
blushes as she gets a good view
at your bulge.

Cream: I’m ok being in my
undies since my mommy and I
walk around in them when
we’re alone.  Same with Amy
when she comes to baby sit me
as well.
Sonic: It’s ok Creamie I
understand, you can be in your
undies whenever you feel like it,
I don’t mind.

Cream smiles and gives you a
big hug, she then runs off to do
something else.
(You've gotten Cream to open up and be
okay with being in her panties.  Next time
you summon her there's a good chance
she'll show up in her panties unlocking
new options.)

She gives a sigh of relief, and
starts to clean up the game,
she realizes she went a little far
this time, as she picks
everything up she bends over
and you get a very nice peek at
her panties.

Peep +1, Happiness +1

<p align="left"></p><p align="left"></p>

You pull your shirt off and
Cream begins to giggle.  She
gains the upper hand by pulling
another strip card and makes
you undress all the way to your
undies.  She blushes brightly as
she pulls a third strip card, what
will you do?

Take off your underwear.

<p align="left"></p><p align="left"></p>

You slowly pull your underwear
down, looking at Cream.  She
blushes heavily as your penis
dongles in front of her.  She
covers her eyes and runs off to
her room.  You snicker and put
your clothes back on.

<p align="left"></p><p align="left"></p>

You slowly pull your underwear
down.  Cream stares at your
cock  blushing pretty hard.

Exposure +1, Lust +1

<p align="left"></p><p align="left"></p>

Cream: Well Mr. Sonic, looks
like I win. *giggle*
You grin at her as you both
begin picking up the games.
You remain nude while you do it
but as you clean you can't help
but notice that Cream spends
more time looking at your
manhood than doing anything
else.  Though she looks away
when you look to her causing
her to blush brighter.

Sonic: “you know Creamie this
game isn’t a very good idea,
maybe we should play
something else...”
Cream nods in agreement and
begins to clean everything.  As
she finishes she looks up to you
and smiles.

Moral Alignment +2

<p align="left"></p><p align="left"></p>

Cream: Thank you Mr. Sonic,
you are a very nice babysitter.

You sit down and play a racing
game with Cream.  Since you
ARE the best there is when it
comes to racing, it looks as if
Cream isn't going to stand a
chance.  What will you do?

Go easy on her and let her win
this round.

Make her eat your dust!

<p align="left"></p><p align="left"></p>

It takes a lot of energy but you
somehow bring it down a notch
and let her beat you.  Cream
hops up and down in

<p align="left"></p><p align="left"></p>

Cream: Weeeee I won!!!

You congratulate Cream and
tell her she’s really good at
playing video games.

You continue pressuring her,
making her car skid out of
control  as you manage to zoom
past the finish line before she
could recover.
Sonic: YES!!! In yo face!
Hahahaha, and you know what
Creamie...  The winner gets a

<p align="left"></p><p align="left"></p>

Cream: Ehhh...  Ok what do you
want as a prize Mr. Sonic?

Gimme a hug.

Gimme a kiss.

Cream smiles and walks over to
you, she gets close and puckers
her lips.  She presses them
slowly against yours and holds
it for just a second…

Pull her closer and deepen the

Okay, that's enough.

<p align="left"></p><p align="left"></p>

Cream gets close and gives you
a big topless hug rubbing her
chest against your stomach.
You can't help but to start
feeling aroused as your
underwear begins to rise.

Quickly rush to the bathroom
before she notices!

<p align="left"></p><p align="left"></p>

Sonic: All right Cream I want
you to pull your panties down.

<p align="left"></p><p align="left"></p>

Cream’s eyes open up along
with her mouth.  For a moment
she’s about to say something
but instead she shakes her
head and storms out of the
living room.

Sonic: Alright Cream I want you
to pull your panties down.

<p align="left"></p><p align="left"></p>

Cream lowers her head giving a
shy nod of agreement as she
fiddles with her panties’ elastic
straps.  Slowly she begins to
pull them down and place them
on the floor next to you.

She starts looking at the
ground blushing hard as she
stands in front of you
completely in the nude.

Pull down your undies and jerk
off in front of her.

You give a small passionate
moan as you playfully slip your
tongue inside her mouth.
Cream hops back in surprise.

<p align="left"></p><p align="left"></p>

Cream: No Mis...  Mr. Sonic…  I...
I... I don’t wanna do that...
She decides to just give you a
small hug and walks off to do
something else.

You give a small passionate
moan and slip your tongue
inside her mouth.  Cream does
the same as you both kiss
passionately for several
minutes feeling up each other

<p align="left"></p><p align="left"></p>

Cream pulls back from the kiss
as she gives you a very dazed
look.  She smiles thanking you
for the wonderful kiss as she
walks back to her room.

You grin pulling out your cock
and begin to jerk yourself off
while you ogle at the nude
rabbit.  Cream just looks to you
in disgust as she leaves the

<p align="left"></p><p align="left"></p>

Cream: Mr. Sonic you don’t do
that in the living room.  That’s
naughty and gross.

RWC -5

You pull out your cock and
begin to rub it as you ogle at
the nude rabbit.  Cream stands
still looking sideways almost
hypnotized by the motions of
your hardening cock.  After a
few minutes you begin to pick
up the pace stroking harder
while Cream begins behaving a
little strangely.

<p align="left"></p><p align="left"></p>

Cream seems to be touching
herself giving a small moan.
You begin to beat your harder
because of this.

Okay Cream, I want you to lay
down and spread your legs.

Come her Cream, I want you to
do something for me.


Cream whimpers and begins to
Cream: No Mr. Sonic!  I don’t
wanna do that!

<p align="left"></p><p align="left"></p>

You quickly realize what you’ve
been doing as you snap out of
your lustful daze.  You try to
comfort her with a hug but she
merely pushes you back.

Sonic: I’m sorry Cream...  I
didn't mean to upset you like
Accepting your apology she
gives you a small hug as she
continues to cry.  Eventually she
starts to calm down and heads
back to her room.

Cream nods and lays down on
the floor opening up her legs
reveling her cute little bunny
cunny.  The sight of her tight slit
sends a wave of pleasure as
your orgasm approach.  You
kneel in front of her taking aim.

Blow a hot load of cum all over
her body.

Take her tight bunny hole for a

<p align="left"></p><p align="left"></p>

You can’t hold it anymore your
body tightens and you scream
in ecstasy.

<p align="left"></p><p align="left"></p>

Sonic: Aaaaahhhh!!!

A powerful jet of cum shoots off
and lands on her belly.  Two
more shots fire off and lands on
her leg.  The final shot lands
across her chest as the rest
spurts onto the ground.  You
pant taking a moment to
breath as Cream looks at the
mess you’ve made panting
heavily.  You tell her to wait
there as you go get a towel to
clean her up.

You motion your hips towards
her cunny.  Cream gets wide
eyed and begins to panic as she
feels the tip for your cock press
again her pussy lips.

<p align="left"></p><p align="left"></p>

Cream: Mr. Sonic...  Ahh...

She kicks you in the stomach
and bolts to the front door
screaming for help.

With a powerful thrust of your
hips you penetrate the young
rabbit's tiny cunny.  She shrieks
lightly from the sudden feeling
of having her pussy opened as
you wrap your arms around her
and give her a powerful

<p align="left"></p><p align="left"></p>

Cream: Mr. Son….

Sonic: Ahhhh...  Too tight...  I’m

You thrust yourself almost
getting the rest of your cock
inside onto her as you release a
powerful blast of cum.  She
screams again and faints from
her sudden orgams allowing
you to shove more of your still
hardening cock.

With your cock still inside her
you pick her up and take her to
her mommy’s room.  You can't
help but continue to fuck her a
couple more times as she
remains unconscious…

You fall back onto the couch as
you almost collapsed from the
pleasure as you shoot off your

<p align="left"></p><p align="left"></p>

You squeeze your cock as
powerful jets of cum shoot
across your chest.  Cream can't
help but watch as she steps
closer almost in amazement.
You pant as Cream gives your
chest a lick to taste some of
your cum.

As Cream licks your cum you
suddenly aim your cock and
shoot one more powerful shot
of jizz crossing over her check,
chest and panties as well.

In your afterglow daze you can
see Cream is in a bit of a shock
unsure of what to do.  Without
a word she runs to the
bathroom.  You try to go with
her but you're too tired from
that orgasm as you rest on the

Cream: Yes Mr. Sonic?

<p align="left"></p><p align="left"></p>

Sonic: I want you to suck me off
Cream.  If you do a good job
you'll get a special treat.

She nods and smiles as she
takes your cock into her mouth.
You hold her cheek guiding her
up and down your throbbing
cock.  Little by little she gets
more of your cock in her as you
can feel the tip press against
the back of her throat.

Cream suddenly starts holding
your sack and playing with your
ball as she continues to suck
you off.  The sudden surprise
instantly sends you over the
edge as you hold her ears and
force your cum down her throat.

She does her best to swallow
your large load but can't.  Cum
starts spurting out of the sides
of her mouth and out her nose
as your softening cock slips
from her mouth.  As you let go
of her ears she runs to the
bathroom to clean up as you
collapse onto the couch in

Sonic: Alright Creamie, lets sit
down and watch a movie.
Cream nods in agreement and
sits right next to you, cuddling
you close.  You've decide to pop
an R rated movie into the DVD
player.  It’s nothing too
frightening for Cream since it's
a blend of action and comedy.

<p align="left"></p><p align="left"></p>

An hour into the movie a
romantic scene begins to start,
and the couple in the movie
end up having sex.

Even though the scene isn't
graphic you notice that Cream
has brought her hand over her
cunny.  She seems to be really
excited as she's rubbing herself

Ignore her and continue
watching the movie.

Start rubbing your cock along
with her.

Do you need any help with that

You continue watching the
movie as Cream gives a slight
yelp orgasming all over the
couch.  You grin and pretend to
ignore her while she cuddles up
to you getting comfortable.  You
notice that she starts falling
asleep and once the movie
ends she’s sound asleep next to

Carry Cream to her room to let
her rest.

Lay Cream on the couch and
take her panties off.

Stand up and take your
underwear off.

<p align="left"></p><p align="left"></p>

You pick Cream up and take her
to her room you lay her on her
bed and give her a kiss in her
forehead, tucking her in you
leave the room.

Moral Alignment +1

<p align="left"></p><p align="left"></p>

You lay her in the couch and
carefully raise her legs.  You
then grab her panties by their
elastic straps and slowly begin
pulling them off.  They peel off
Cream's wet slit with ease as
she continues to lies fast
asleep.  You're greeted with a
perfect view of her puffy slit as
you pull out your cock and
begin to jerk off.

<p align="left"></p><p align="left"></p>

The sight is so intense you
somehow  manage to cum
three or four times on her
without waking her up.  She
whole body is drenched in your
cum dripping all over the couch
and down the crack of her
pussy.  You leave and return
with a towel cleaning her up
and taking her to her bedroom
to lest her rest.

You get up and carefully leave
her in a sitting position.  While
she’s still asleep you pull your
underwear down and begin
stroking your cock.  Starting
gently you quickly pick up the
pace shooting a large load on
her.  Before she starts to wake
up you quickly get a towel to
clean the cum off her.  You then
take her to her room to rest.

<p align="left"></p><p align="left"></p>

As Cream rubs her cunny you
pass your hand over your cock
and begin to stroke it.  Your
erection pops up quickly while
Cream looks at you with a
slightl lust-filled stare.  As she
continues to rub herself the sex
scene intensifies.  You already
feel close to cumming and you
quickly pull out  your cock.

<p align="left"></p><p align="left"></p>

It only takes four strokes for
you to blast a stream of cum
clear across the living room
followed by two shorter ones
onto the couch.  Cream gasps
as you do this and she quickly
hops off running to her room
with a scared look on her face.

You look at Cream as she’s
rubbing herself even harder.
Sonic: You need help with that

<p align="left"></p><p align="left"></p>

Cream looks at you with an
innocent and desperate to cum
look. she nods in agreement
laying down on the couch and
opening her legs just for you.
She takes her hand of her
soaking wet cunny leaving a
wet trail of her juices across her

You bring your hand over her
cunny and begin to rub her soft
slit.  She sighs in innocent relief
as you continue to rub her
cunny through her soaked
panties which begin to make all
sorts of sloppy noises.  As you
continue to rub her listening to
her delightful moans you
quickly grab her panties elastic
straps and pull them right off.
She gives another gasp of relief
as you return to rubbing her
soft cunny lips.

Pretty soon she’s close to
cumming so you push your
middle finger deep into her
cunny.  She gives a powerful cry
and orgasms hard squirting her
juices all over your hand. She
strugles to stay awake but ends
up passing out almost
immediately.  You smile as you
take her to her bedroom to rest.

She eeps realizing what she's
doing and runs off to her room
in embarrassment.

<p align="left"></p><p align="left"></p>

After cumming on her the first
time her eyes open to the sight
of your jerking off all over her.
She feels her body smearing
the cum around as she begins
to cry out loud.  She pushes you
over and runs for the door
screaming for help.  Looking
like you're in trouble.

<p align="left"></p><p align="left"></p>

Cream nods in excitement as
you each go to one the opposite
sides of the couch.  You tell her
on the count of three begin the
tickle game.
Sonic: alright Creamie, one,
two, aaand three!

RWC +5, Happiness +1

<p align="left"></p><p align="left"></p>

You both jump at each other,
and begin the tickling game.
She seems to be getting better
at finding your ticklish spots
quickly gaining the upper hand.
Soon it’s too much to bear as
she goes for your feet...

Sonic: OH MY!!! Mercy Creamie
you won!

Cream: Nuh uh!  NO MERCY!!!

She continues to tickle you in
your weak points.  Luckily you
came prepared since you went
to the bathroom earlier.  So as
she's her rubbing against you
it's giving you a rather hard
erection.  Cream feels your
hardening cock through your
undies and stops suddenly.

Cream: oh! I’m sorry Mr. Sonic...
She pulls back a bit

Tell her it's okay and pull her
hand to your cock.

Cream blushes and begins to
rub your cock through your
underear after a while you pull
it out so she can get a better
view, she blushes once more
and begins to jerk it slowly, you
sit back in relief as you let her
play with your cock for a while.

<p align="left"></p><p align="left"></p>

Her paws suddenly hits a
sensitive spot causing to you
cum unexpectedly.  You start
uncontrollably shooting cum all
over your body as Cream holds
onto your cock tightly.  Her tight
grip caused by her shock
causes your cum to shoot even
further then you expected.
When you finally finish Cream
lets go and runs off to her room
still in shock.

Cream hesitantly rubs her hand
across the bulge in your
underwear but quickly changes
her mind.  She stands and runs
off to her room leaving you with
your hard on.

<p align="left"></p><p align="left"></p>

You tell Cream to sit down on
the couch next to you.  She
looks over your nude body and
hard cock blushing while
tenderly snuggles up next to
you.  You flip through the adult
programming menu which
Vanilla has mysteriously
subscribed to allowing access
to ALL the adult movies.  Even
the ones you have to pay a little
extra for.

<p align="left"></p><p align="left"></p>

After a short search you find
"Slutty Bunny Girlies" is
available.  The porno's "plot" if
any is about this group of
bunnies a few years older than
Cream exploring their sexuality
through hardcore sex.  The
movie begins with a sex scene
of one of the bunny girls getting
her holes pummeled by two
thick cocks.  Cream gasps as
she sees those two cocks
brutally stretching the bunny as
she screams in pain and
ecstasy.  Cream starts to rub
her cunny as she continues to
look at the movie.  You're
already well into jerking off
while sitting closer to Cream.

You pick up the pace and blast
a load clear across the living
room.  Several minutes later
Cream squeals in delight as she
achieves an orgasm as well.
You both continue to watch the
movie and after a little while
you are both starting to
masturbate again.  This time
Cream is laying down on the
couch with her legs splayed
open towards you allowing you
to touch her.  Slowly you move
your hand to her cunny and
start to rub her slit.  The moans
of ecstasy from the movie fill
the air as Cream's moans blend
to create an extremely erotic

Your finger slowly slips into her
tight cunny causing her to
gently push towards your hand
in a nice rhythm.  Suddenly she
cries out and orgasms once
more, squeezing down on your
intruding finger.  You then
furiously pump your cock and
begin to jerk yourself into
ecstasy blasting a load on
Cream's belly and legs.  The
movie continues to intensify
with two of the bunny girls start
making out with each other
while their tales are pounded.

It takes a little while longer for
your cock to get hard again.
This time Cream begins to jerk
you herself while fingering her
very wet slit with her other
hand.  The bunny in the movie
begins to give a blowjob, so
Cream starts to suckle onto
your cock.  She happily bobs
her head up and down your
shaft moaning from the taste.
With every three to four bobs
she pulls your cock out to lick
your balls and shaft and before
continuing to suck you off.  The
movie eventually reaches the
finale with a massive cumshot
to one of the bunnies.

Cream still bobs her head up
and down intensifying her
technique as she gets into
position in front of you.  The
movie comes to an end as
you're ready to shoot your load.
Cream attempts to take as
much as your cock as possible
as you orgasm one last time.
Not much come comes out as
you're pretty much spent from
the encounter.  You give Cream
a kiss in her forehead and tell
her she did a good job.  She
smiles and gives you a peck in
the cheek as she giggles and
runs off to her room.

You tell Cream that you're
gonna put on a porno, she
giggles in excitement and runs
off to the couch and hops in
Cream: Let's watch that one Mr.

<p align="left"></p><p align="left"></p>

Sonic: Nah I already saw "Busty
Rangers the Return!" a few
weeks ago.
Cream: what about this one?

Sonic: Hmm... "Busty Bats, in
Albion."  Rouge started in that
movie...  Maybe...
Cream: Oh oh how about this
one.  I think my mommy is in
this one.

Sonic: "Steamy MILFs IV"
Umm...  Let's just pick one at
Cream giggles and hops happily
as you begin to watch a movie.
You both enjoy the movie as
you usually do. It doesn't take
long for the two of your to start
cumming on and with each
other several times.  Pretty
soon the movie ends and
Cream is laying on the couch
next to you exhausted and

Cream: Mr. Sonic I like doing
this with you.. *sighs in relief*
Sonic: Yeah I like doing this
with you to.
She gets up and wobbles a bit
giving you a small passionate
kiss she then hops off the
couch and runs off to her room.

Sonic: Alright Creamie lay on
the couch...

<p align="left"></p><p align="left"></p>

Cream nods happily and
obediently lays down in the
couch.  You begin to slide your
hand down her belly slowly
playfully going over her nipples
and up to her lips.  She suckles
your fingers giving a cute
giggle.  You smile and kiss her
on the forehead.  You then give
her a deep passionate kiss
sticking your tongue into her,
she moans in pleasure as you
then move her hand from
between her legs and start
rubbing her cunny yourself.
After a long while you stop
kissing her moving down to lick
and  her nipples.

Cream: *giggle* Mr. Sonic, that
You smile and continue to lick
her relentlessly causing her to

Cream: *moan* Mr. Sonic, my
bunny hole is getting tingly.
Sonic: He he, alright then let
me get a nice look at it.

Cream blushes as you pull her
legs open and begin to lick her
cunny.  You then start pushing
your tongue deep into her
bunny hole as she squeals
happily in excitement.  You
continue this for a long time
making her orgasm a few times
in a row.  She then lets you
finish yourself off all over her as
a reward for all your affection.

You plop down on the couch
holding your stiffening your

<p align="left"></p><p align="left"></p>

Sonic: Come here Cream...

You open your legs and let go of
your cock.  Cream grabs your
erect manhood massaging it
slowly at first.  Soon she starts
to happily play all sorts of
games with your cock like
licking it quickly or slowly,
suckling onto the tip, sucking
on your balls, blowing you or
just sucking on to it and
humming happily.  She keeps
playing with it for almost a
hour.  And every time you cum
she smiles and plays with your
sperm, spiting it over your cock
and bobbing her head up and
down on your cum covered

In the end she happily giggles
as moves up to your lips to give
you a cum filled kiss.
Cream: That was fun Mr. Sonic,
I love playing with you.

You bring her close and give her
one last gentle kiss before she
happily goes to play to her

The two of you decide to play
tag.  Cream tags you yelling
"You're it!" and runs away.  You
could use your speed to catch
her but you decide to play fair.
She can really dodge your tags
quickly as you're unsure which
direction to go with.

Dash to the left!

Jump to the right!

<p align="left"></p><p align="left"></p>

You slip and fall trying to tag
her as you slam your face into
the grass.  Cream giggles a
little standing over you in
triumph while you groan in
pain.  It's obvious your not up to
this game anymore as Cream
dashes inside still giggling.  At
least you got a nice peak at her

<p align="left"></p><p align="left"></p>

She dashes to the left as you
jump out at her.  You
accidentally trip her as she falls
forward head first.  However
you don't make a graceful
landing after your jump causing
you to land on top of Cream.
After a minute you both get up
groaning in pain.  Cream is too
dizzy to continue after an event
like that.

<p align="left"></p><p align="left"></p>

Cream:  Uhh...  Let's do
something else Mizzer Sonic...

Sonic: Hey Cream, I betcha
can't do a handstand.

<p align="left"></p><p align="left"></p>

Cream: Oh yeah, watch this!

She rolls onto her hands
sticking her feet straight up into
the air.  However her dress falls
to the side revealing her
panties.  This causes her to
start loosing her balance.

Grab her by the ankles!

Grab her by the panties!

You grab her ankles helping her
keep her balance as you slowly
let her back onto her feet.

<p align="left"></p><p align="left"></p>

Cream: Thank you Mr. Sonic.
She gives you a kiss and runs
back inside.

Moral Alignment +1, Happiness +1

You grab her by her panties but
it doesn't do much good as she
keeps slipping.  You pull up
causing her panties to come off
while her legs slip through
them so you try to grab her

<p align="left"></p><p align="left"></p>

It's too late.  Her panties are in
the air and she has landed face
first into the ground with her
tail high in the air.  You pick
Cream up and take her back to
her room to rest up.

Peep +1, Happiness -1

<p align="left"></p><p align="left"></p>

With your lightening speed you
grab Cream's ankles just as her
panties had slipped right off her

<p align="left"></p><p align="left"></p>

Cream: That was a close call
Mr. Sonic.

You suddenly notice that Cream
is pantiless causing you to get
instantly aroused.  You push
Cream's legs apart to get a
better view.  Cream thinks
you're just playing games with
her as she lets you open her
legs up.

Take a chance and move your
hands down to rub her.

Stop right now and lower Cream
back onto her feet.

You slide your hands down her
legs and begin to rub your
thumb onto her slit.  The
sudden touch causes Cream to
freak out as she kicks you in
the chest.

<p align="left"></p><p align="left"></p>

Cream: Mr. Sonic don't do that!
The sudden impact to your
stomach causes you to land on
your knees and gasp for air as
Cream picks up her panties and
marches back into the house.

Happiness -1, RWC -5

Cream gasps from the feeling
of having her slit touch.  With
the blood rushing to her head it
somehow heightens her

<p align="left"></p><p align="left"></p>

Cream: Mr. Sonic that felt...
You grin and bring your head
down licking her slit and
causing her juices to start
sliding down her hips.  Cream
gets a little wobbly but you
make sure she doesn't fall.
Suddenly a wicked idea crosses
your mind.  Will you act on it?

Pull out your cock and fuck
her upside down.

Keep licking Cream until she
has an orgasm.

With one hand you unbutton
your pants and pull out your
harden cock letting it rub up
against Cream's wet slit.
Suddenly Cream comes back to
her senses and kicks you
between the legs.

<p align="left"></p><p align="left"></p>

Cream: NO!!!

Her scream echoes through the
neighborhood as you hit the
ground with your cock slowly
wilting.  She runs through the
front gate with a neighbor
standing by getting an eyeful of
the situation.  Looks like you're
in trouble.

With one hand you unbutton
your pants and pull out your
harden cock letting the tip rub
the entrance of Cream's slit.
The feeling of your cock
arouses her even more as she
surrenders to you.
Cream: Mr. Sonic please keep
going.  This feels so good and
so strange...

<p align="left"></p><p align="left"></p>

You can't deny a request like
that as your grab hold of her
legs tight and push your cock
deep inside of her cunny.  It
gets a little awkward to fuck
her but you establish a healthy
thrust getting deep by lowering
your hips.  You can see Cream's
head bob under her dress
mewing in pleasure.
Cream: Ah!  Ah!  AH!  Mr...  Mr.

The head rush is just too much
for her as she cums extremely
hard almost shooting her juices
into the air.  Her contractions
combined with the force of
gravity start sending you over
the edge as you pull Cream's
hips into your orgasm.

Before Cream can fall you grab
on tightly to her hips setting her
safely on her stomach.  You can
hear your wet cock slip out of
her cunny with a loud audible
pop.  The feeling of your
manhood escaping her cunny
was as if it was almost trying to
pull you back in.  With nothing
else left to do you zip up your
pants and carry the pleasured
Cream back to her room.

You decide to play it safe as you
wrap your arms around her hips
and begin to dig in to Cream's
delicious pussy.  Her juices are
flowing out of her cunny as she
experiences a pleasure
overload from the position she's
in.  It doesn't take her long to
cry out in a powerful orgasm as
her juices almost shoot into the
air and all over your face.

<p align="left"></p><p align="left"></p>

Carefully you lean her back on
top of you for a soft landing.
She is completely knocked out
from that orgasm as you carry
her back inside to her room.

Cream rushes out in her
swimsuit as the two of you hop
into the pool.  She wants to play
a pool game with you but you
don't know that many.

Can't think of one, lets just
swim around.

Let's play Marco Polo.

Let's see who can make the
biggest splash.

<p align="left"></p><p align="left"></p>

As you and Cream swim around
for a little while you can't help
but notice how skimpy Cream's
suit is.  You start to wonder how
Vanilla could be okay with it.
Pretty soon you find yourself
getting aroused by the site of
her in that suit.

Jerk Off in the deep end of the

Try to leave the pool with a hard

<p align="left"></p><p align="left"></p>

You close your eyes and being
to look for Cream.  She isn't
that good at hiding as you can
feel her vibrations right behind
you.  You wait, giving her a false
sense of security before you
turn around and nab her.

<p align="left"></p><p align="left"></p>

Cream: Nooo!

You hold her tight grinning as
Cream splashing around trying
to escape.

Slip a hand in her swimsuit
while she's distracted.

Let her go and swim some

Call it a day for swimming.

You go first and make a big
splash with your speed.  Cream
gives it a big applause as she
gets ready to jump.
Cream: Now check this out!

<p align="left"></p><p align="left"></p>

Using her ears she hops high in
the air and then comes down
with a powerful splash.
However the impact causes her
swimsuit top to come off.  It
floats next to you as you're
unsure of what to do.

Hide the top in your swimtrunks
and claim you can't find it.

Give the top back to Cream.

Cream happily thanks you for
giving back her top by giving
you a big topless hug.  Deep
inside however she is feeling
pretty embarrassed, so she
rushes back into the house.

<p align="left"></p><p align="left"></p>

You hide the top in your trunks
as Cream looks around for it
covering herself.  You pretend
to help but she eventually gives

<p align="left"></p><p align="left"></p>

Cream: That was my favorite
suit.  My mommy got it for me
for my birthday.
She walks back into the house
looking very sad as you get out
of the pool with your prize.
(Swimsuit Top added to inventory)

Moral Alignment -1

<p align="left"></p><p align="left"></p>

Cream: That was my favorite
suit.  My mommy got it for me
for my birthday.
Deep down you're not that bad
of a guy as you take the top out
and hand it to her.  She smiles
and thanks you inadvertently
giving you a big topless hug
before running into the house.

Moral Alignment -1, Happiness +1

You attempt to leave the pool
with a hard on as you do your
best to cover it up.  Cream is
quick to notice as she calls out
to you.
Cream: Hey Mr. Sonic!  Whacha

Umm....  Nothing! (Run Inside)

Oh...  Would you like to see?

<p align="left"></p><p align="left"></p>

Since Cream doesn't usually go
in the deep end you're safe to
pleasure yourself to the sight of
Cream's tight suit.  You do
notice however that Cream
seems to be walking this way to
ask you something.

Stop and see what she wants.

Keep jerking off, just try and
hide it from Cream.

<p align="left"></p><p align="left"></p>

You call out to Cream that it's
time to wrap up swimming.
She doesn't want to but you tell
she isn't allowed to swim alone.
So she get's out and heads to
the shower to clean up.

Take a peak at Cream while
she's in the shower.

Get cleaned up and find
something else to do.

<p align="left"></p><p align="left"></p>

You get a nice peak at Cream in
the shower as she works to get
the chlorine out of her fur.  This
gives you a chance to get a
good look at her little body
making your subconscious lust
for her.  As the shower finished
up though you decide to retreat
back into Vanilla's Room.

<p align="left"></p><p align="left"></p>

Cream starts to panic as her
top slips off her body.
Cream: Mister Sonic!  STOP!

<p align="left"></p><p align="left"></p>

She kicks you in the stomach
and quickly swims to the edge
and runs towards the fence
screaming for help.  A neighbor
looks over the fence seeing
Cream run topless and you
holding the top.  Looks like
you're busted...

Cream moans out a little from
the treatment.
Cream: Mr...  Mr. Sonic...  Is...  Is
this a new...  Pool game...

<p align="left"></p><p align="left"></p>

She cries out to you as you
grope her.  Your touches
combined with the cool pool
water seems to do a number on
her as she let's out a cry of
pleasure.  She suddenly
blushes and hops out of the
pool quickly as she rushes into
the house.

You run to Vanilla's room as
Cream follows knowing she
isn't allowed in the pool by
herself.  She is intent on finding
out what it is you're hiding but
by then your hard on has gone
Cream: Mister Sonic what are
you hiding?

<p align="left"></p><p align="left"></p>

You shut the door in her face
causing her to get really mad at

Against your better judgment
you decide to show Cream your
erection.  She blushes but
realizes that she was the one
who insisted on looking.

<p align="left"></p><p align="left"></p>

Cream:  What...  What's making
it do that Mister Sonic...?

You explain its the feeling of the
pool water.  She accepts and
gets out as well running to the
bathroom to get cleaned up.

You keep going trying to hid
what you're doing.
Cream: I'm feeling tired...  I'm
gonna... Mister Sonic?!

<p align="left"></p><p align="left"></p>

You came while she was
talking.  The white shots are
visible through the water as she
can now see you playing with
Cream:  That's gross Mr. Sonic.
You're not suppose to go potty
in the pool.

She stops off in anger and goes
inside as you finish up in the

With your experience you
continue jerking off in the pool
as Cream approaches not
noticing a thing.
Cream: I'm feeling tired...  I'm
gonna take a nap...

<p align="left"></p><p align="left"></p>

You nod panting a little as you
can see Cream walk off.  You
get a great view of her bikini
bottom wedged tightly into her
cute butt crack and slit.

Cream approaches you as you
pull your trunks back up.
Cream: I'm feeling tired Mister
Sonic.  I'm gonna take a nap.

<p align="left"></p><p align="left"></p>

You nod as you get a great view
of Cream's bikini bottom
wedged tightly into her cute
butt crack and slit as she walks
off.  You soon get out of the
pool as well to clean up as well.

The two of you jump into the
pool and start splashing around
to get use to the water.

<p align="left"></p><p align="left"></p>

However, Cream suddenly
climbs out holding her
stomach.  She looks to be in

Cream: Mr. Sonic...  We forgot
to wait 30 minutes after

Remember next time to not go
swimming right after feeding

Cream just looks embarrassed
when you suggest swimming.
Cream: Uhhh...  Mr. Sonic I lost
my swim top.  I don't have
anything else to swim with...

Alright, let's do something
else then...

That's okay Cream.  Let's swim

Be a nice guy and give her top

<p align="left"></p><p align="left"></p>

At first she looks startled by the
suggestion as she holds the
sides of her dress.  She looks
around and takes a breath...

<p align="left"></p><p align="left"></p>

...and quickly pulls off her dress
and panties ready to hop into
the pool as you get undressed
as well.

She just gives you a look of
anger and disappointment as
she just walks right back inside
the house.

<p align="left"></p><p align="left"></p>

Cream: Eeeeee! Thank you Mr.
Sonic!  Where did you find it?!

<p align="left"></p><p align="left"></p>

Sonic: Around...

Cream runs inside to get
quickly changed and runs back
out ready to swim.

Cream cheers as she hops into
the pool naked as you begin to
strip.  Cream's head pokes out
from the pool to observe you
taking off your close giving her
quite a show.  She blushes as
her eyes make contact with
your cock.  you jump into the
pool after cream.
Cream: Mommy doesn't let me
do this unless it's a night.

<p align="left"></p><p align="left"></p>

Sonic: *Grin* I see.

Cream grins as well a surprises
you with a splash attack.  You
counter with your own splash
attack as the two of you get
into a splash war.   You start to
overpower her forces her to
make a quick escape
underwater.  Moments later she
pops back up on the other end
of the pool with a worried look
on her face.

Cream: Mr. Sonic...  Your thingie
is hard...

As the wavy water settles you
noticed that the momentum of
the poll has made you very
hard.  You look back up to
Cream but she's under water
again.  Suddenly you feel
something on your cock.
Cream has a firm grip on it
blowing air bubbles onto the tip.
It causes you to fall back onto
the edge of the pool moaning in

Cream comes back up for air.
Sonic: Cream, what are you

<p align="left"></p><p align="left"></p>

Cream: Blowing on it to make it
go back down.

Without another word she
dunks back down into the water
and continues to blow
pleasurable bubbles onto your
cock.  Pretty soon it's throbbing
ready to blow as Cream comes
back up for breath and goes
back down.  Her little mouth is
practically touching the tip as
she blows another set of

You're eyes roll backwards as
you shoot a heavy load into the
pool.  Cream is a little shocked
as she accidentally gasps
underwater making her swallow
a little pool water.  With her
flailing around you pick her up
and take her out of the pool.

Sonic: Cream, are you okay?

Cream: *Cough cough* Mr...
Mr. Sonic why did you do that...
*cough* underwater?  I almost
drowned from the surprise...

Sonic: I'm sorry Cream.  Is there
anything I could do to make it
up to you?
Cream continues to cough up
water as she starts making her
way inside.

<p align="left"></p><p align="left"></p>

Sonic: You don't have to do that
Cream.  I know of another way I
can help it go down.
You swim over to Cream with
lust in your eyes.  Cream can't
help but feel nervous as your
large hands wrap around her

Cream: Mr. Sonic, what are you
You place a finger to her mouth
giving her a "Ssh..." while
pressing her against the pool
wall.  She shakes her head no
crying for you to stop.  You try to
place your cock tip against her
pussy but this causes her to
start kicking her feet to escape.

She nails you right in the happy
sack causing you to loose your
grip on her.  She jumps out of
the pool and runs towards the
door leaving you in pain.
Cream: I'm sorry Mr. Sonic but I
don't want to do that!

Aditional Energy Lost -5

<p align="left"></p><p align="left"></p>

Sonic: You don't have to do that
Cream.  I know of another way I
can help it go down.

You swim over to Cream with
lust in your eyes.  Cream looks
a little nervous but not
uncomfortable as you wrap
your large hands around her.

Cream: Mr...  Mr. Sonic...

Her cheeks blush with a bright
red tint to the feel of your thick
hedgehog cock pressing
against her slit.  Slowly you
begin to push inside her tight
pussy while letting the
buoyancy of the water support
the two of you.  It doens't take
long to get most of your cock in

Cream: Mr.  Sonic...  It...  It feels
amazing in the pool...

The mixture of the cool water
and being stuffed with
hedgehog cock has sent her
mind spinning.  You begin to
thrust causing small waves to
form in the pool.  Cream's
upper body starts riding the
waves making her moan your
name.  The more you thrust the
more waves fill the pool.  You
eventually have to grab Cream's
sides to keep her steady and
above water as you continue to
thrust even harder.

Sonic: Enjoying the ride Cream?
Cream: Don't stop Mr. Sonic...
Don't...  AHHHH!!!

You keep thrusting getting close
to your orgasm.  The rush of the
splashing pool water has
already sent Cream into a
spiraling orgasm as she starts
becoming dead weight.  You
quickly lean her onto the pool
steps and keep thrusting all the
way to your orgasm.  The
opacity pool water surrounding
your hips slowly fades to white.
With the pool water still
splashing around, it helps keep
Cream semi conscious.

Cream:  Oooo...  That was a fun
pool game Mr...  Mr. Sonic...
You grin and give her a kiss.
With the pool waters finally
calm you wrap your arms
around Cream and carry her to
her room to rest.  You can feel
your cock slip from her well
used slit leaving a trail of cum
and pool water behind you.

You playfully pick Cream up and
toss her on her mommy's bed.
She giggles as she opens her
legs showing to you her slit.
You grin as you lay down on top
of her and start to kiss her
passionately.  For several
minutes you and Cream lock
lips while kissing and moaning
in passion.  After a while Cream
yelps and nudges softly with
her cheek to get your attention.

<p align="left"></p><p align="left"></p>

Cream: Umm Mr. Sonic...I...

You shush her and give your
one last kiss to comfort her...

You sit down on Vanilla's bed,
your cock stiffening in
anticipation while signaling
Cream to get closer.  She grins
and kneels in front of you.

<p align="left"></p><p align="left"></p>

Sonic: Alright Creamie you
know what to do...

Cream nods and smiles, slowly
bringing her mouth over your
hedgehog cock.  She carefully
begins to move her mouth
down your thickness guiding
your hands to the side of her
head.  You begin to get a
rhythm guiding her gently along
your throbbing cock. Every few
minutes you pull her off to let
her breathe and she returns the
favor by going down and
lustfully sucking and licking
your balls and shaft.

She giggles and continues
bobbing her head over your
cock.  Soon you pull her back to
give her a deep kiss.  She
smiles and kisses you back her
as her hand begins to circle
your penis' head.  Precum
continues to leak out as Cream
smiles to you...

Cream: Are you going to cum
Mr. Sonic?
Sonic: Yes Creamie I'm going to
cum real soon.

She smiles and scoots back a
bit.  Still on her knees she looks
up and happily opens her
Sonic: So that's how you want it

Cream nods happily and lets
her tongue slip out of her wide
open mouth.  You stand up and
begin to jerk yourself off.
Suddenly a powerful blast of
cum explodes from the tip of
your penis followed by three
more powerful spurts.  She
does her best to catch it in her
mouth but much of it landed on
her face and flat chest.  She
can't help but giggle as she
swallow the cum that fell into
her mouth.  She then takes her
hand and wipes her face,
licking the cum off her fingers if
front of you.

Sonic: You like that?
Cream nods in excitement as
she gets up to give you an
affectionate kiss before running
off to her room.

You carefully pick up Cream
giving her a passionate kiss for
a moment as you begin staring
her in the eyes.
Sonic: So Creamie, you want
me to make love to you?

RWC +15

<p align="left"></p><p align="left"></p>

Cream smiles and nods holding
you close.  You lay her down
gently onto her mommy's bed.
Sonic: Alright Creamie, you

Cream: Yes Mr. Sonic, I'm very

You lay on top of her giving her
another deep passionate kiss.
Moving down her body you start
with her nipples as she happily
rubs her cunny in anticipation.
You then kiss her cheeks and
make your way to her neck as
she holds your cheek with her
free hand.  You give a short
happy laugh as she happily
moans, and you continue
licking down her neck.  As you
move back you suddenly stop
Cream from rubbing herself...

You begin to kiss and nibble her
going all over her chest,
nipples, belly and down to her
legs.  After kissing her like this
for several minutes you open
her legs and begin to kiss her
cunny.  She giggles happily as
you start to slip your tongue
into her wet folds.

Cream: Do you like my bunny
hole Mr. Sonic?
Sonic: Oh yes, I love your bunny

You continue licking up the
juices flowing from Cream's
pussy.   Slurping and smacking
sounds fill the air as you
continue to work on her cunny
going as deep as possible with
your tongue.  She begins to
touch and pinch her nipples as
you continue.  As Cream starts
to approach an orgasm as you
get up and come face to face
with her.

Sonic: alright Creamie, looks
like you're ready?  Tell me
where do you want it?
Cream blushes once more, she
pauses for a moment then
points at her...

Her bunny hole...

Her OTHER bunny hole...

She points at her bunny hole.
You smile and tell her...
Sonic: Alright Creamie, get

If you have a condom put it on.

Just start plowing her bunny hole

<p align="left"></p><p align="left"></p>

You shamelessly bring your
cock to her cunny and start
pushing into her tight little
bunny hole.  She squeals in
ecstasy as you make sure you
get as deep as possible.
Amazingly enough she takes
almost all of it as the outside
lips of her cunny begin to look
like they're bulging outward.
You stop pushing as you feel
you penis bump against her
young womb.  As Cream adjusts
to being stretched you give her
a big kiss to help relax her.
With her cunny fully adjusted
you start to fuck her bareback.

<p align="left"></p><p align="left"></p>

She moans in pleasure as you
fuck her bunny hole with long
hard thrusts.  Cream starts
giving you small kisses along
your cheek as you relentlessly
thrust her.  After several long
minutes of fucking you
suddenly pull out causing
Cream to protest.
Sonic: Alright Cream, turn
around and get on all fours.

Cream nods in agreement and
gets on all fours sticking her
sloppy wet pussy into the air.
Grabbing her hip you begin to
mercilessly fuck her in doggy
style.  Cream is unable to stop
moaning and squealing in
pleasure.  For almost an half
hour you take Cream in several
other positions before leaning
her back into missionary as you
feel close to cumming.

Sonic: Alright baby, I'm gonna
do it.  I'm gonna cum...
Cream looks at you a bit
nervous but nods in

Cream: Ok Mr. Sonic I'm ready...

You start picking up the pace
fucking her pussy with full
force.  Your cock twitches as
you hold back as much as you
can.  Suddenly that familiar
feeling rushes through your
body as you get ready to cum

Quickly pull out!

Go ahead and blast her cunny full
of cum!

You pull back as your cock
escapes her pussy with a loud
pop.  The feeling drives you over
the edge as you give a loud

<p align="left"></p><p align="left"></p>


With each twitch of your cock
you blast a massive load all
over her nude body.  She then
pulls a pillow over her head and
gives a muffled scream of
ecstasy.  But as your orgasm
winds down you know that she
hasn't fully come yet, you've
seen her do it before of course.

Sonic: oh *pant* we're not
done ya little bitch...

Cream takes the pillow of and
laughs nervously. You take your
index and middle finger and
thrust it inside her furiously
fingering her cunny.  She
squints and turns twitching
madly as you finally make her
explode into one last orgasm...

Cream: ooohhh noooooooo!!
Mr. Sooooniiiiiiiiiiiiiiccccc

Cream tries to remain awake
after such a power orgasm. But
minutes after she came she
passes out falling back on the
pillow and giving  one final sigh
of relief.

As you realize you're about to
cum you quickly attempt to pull
out of her tight cunny.  As you're
pulling your hips back, Cream
latches her legs around your
waist and pulls you in almost
forcing your past the entrance
of her womb.  Overcome by the
sudden rush you stiffen up and
give Cream a powerful squeeze.

<p align="left"></p><p align="left"></p>

Cream: Mr. Sonic!!!
Sonic: *groan* Oh
fuuuuuuuuuck AAAhh aaHHH

You feel your cum shoot deep
into her bunny hole as you
continue to hold Cream close to
you.   You can feel her cunny
squeeze and clamp you cock
milking your seed as she cums
onto your cock.  That sudden
rush or your orgasm causes you
to black out.  When you wake
up you're still in Vanilla's bed
and can hear Cream watching
cartoons in the living room...

You feel your orgasm approach
as you look Cream in her eyes
and grin.
Sonic: Alright here it goes!

<p align="left"></p><p align="left"></p>

Cream squeals and tightens up
her body.  You continue to push
your cock against her womb as
you release a powerful blast of
hedgehog cum inside her.  You
feel her cunny start to squeeze
and clamp as she lets out a
powerful cry of relief from
orgasm.  Her cunny just
continues to squeeze your cock
forcing several more spurts of
cum shoot into her. You then
wiggle your hips a bit pushing
deeper and making sure you
get your cum as deep as

All she can do is smile and lay
her head back onto the pillow.
You plop next to her, holding
her close while she gives a
small sigh of relief.  Both of
your bodies are covered in
sweat as Cream looks up to you
with a blushing smile.

Cream: I love you Mr. Sonic...

You look at her and kiss her
Sonic: I love you to Creamie...
Cream smiles and hugs you
tight as you both fall asleep in

Cream shyly points to her tight
little ass.
Cream: I want to try it there Mr.

<p align="left"></p><p align="left"></p>

You snicker at her request.
Sonic: Alright Cream if you
think you can handle it.

Luckily Vanilla has a bottle of
lube on her night stand and
with a small squirt you grease
your cock up for her tight tail
hole.  You also apply some to
her tail as well wiggling a little
finger in there as you tease her
cunny to keep her feeling

With everything set you line
your cock up and force your
cock deep into her ass.  She
screams in pain as you can only
get about half way in before it
becomes too much for her.

Cream: OOOOooowwwwww!!!
Mr. Sonic!  That hurts!!! AHH!!!
you pass your hand over her
head attempting to comfort

Sonic: Shh shh shh shh...  It's
ok... Trust me it will feel really
good soon...

Cream nods as she continues to
shed some tears from the pain.
After about ten minutes she
starts to moan as you lightly
thrust making sure not to move
too much.  Pretty soon you're
thrusting easily into Cream
making her shiver in pleasure.
Still you can't get more then
half way in there without
making her yelp in pain.  The
tightness is however drawing
you to an orgasm rather quickly
as you cry out to Cream that
you're cumming.

Cream: Noooo Mr. Sonic!!!  Not
in there!!  My mommy doesn't
like it when her friends do that
in there!!!  AHHHHH!!!!
Her comment perplexes you but
you pay little attention as you
finish cumming deep in her
tailhole.  The feeling is just too
perfect as all that cum helps
you slip a little deeper.  So you
continue to fuck her cum filled
ass for several minutes till you
can fuck no more.  With a
feeling of satisfaction you pass
out in exhaustion next to her...

You remember about the
condom you bought at Rouge's
place.  Ripping open the
package it only take a few
seconds to put it on...
Sonic: Better safe than sorry

<p align="left"></p><p align="left"></p>

Cream nods and smiles as you
then take her bunny hole for a
ride.  The special lube on the
condom sends a fiery sensation
through Cream's body sending
into an instant orgasm.  Her
tight cunny clamps down on
your thick cock but thanks to
the way the condom is
designed you'll be able to fuck
her for a whole hour before

Cream is unable to stop
cumming as you plow into her
pussy with long hard thrusts.
As you switch positions you pull
out and line your cock up
against her tailhole.  Her head
is swimming in so much
pleasure she doesn't even
notice as you push her ass
down onto your cock.  The
sudden rush of her tail being
stretched open sends her
beyond the edge as she cries
out in one last powerful orgasm
before passing out.

Despite Cream being passed
out you decide to keep fucking
her ass and pussy for a while
longer before finally reaching
your own powerful orgasm.
Exhausted you pass out with
your cock still buried deep
inside Cream's well fucked

Cream: I'm doing okay Mr.
Sonic.  Not much going on
right now but I'm sure we'll
find plenty of fun stuff to do

<p align="left"></p><p align="left"></p>

Cream: I can't believe it's
raining today.  We can't do
anything outside so what are
we going to do?

You grab Cream and pull her
close squeezing her tight.
tender, loving hug.  She sighs
happily at your affection and
hugs you back.

RWC +5, Happiness +1, Touch +1

<p align="left"></p><p align="left"></p>

Cream: Um...  My bed is
perfectly fine Mr. Sonic...

<p align="left"></p><p align="left"></p>

Cream: *Nods* When I feel
scared or along in my room I
usually sleep with my mommy
or Amy.  I feel okay sleeping
with you Mr. Sonic.

<p align="left"></p><p align="left"></p>

Cream: And I'm sure you'll
make a nice blanket as well.

<p align="left"></p><p align="left"></p>

<p align="left"></p><p align="left"></p>

You suddenly wake up in the
middle of the night.  You were
having such a wonderful
dream about making out with
Vanilla and Amy at the same
time.  You can't recall all the
details but the feeling of them
all over your cock is still
present.  In fact, that feeling is
still going...

It takes a moment for your
eyes to adjust but you can see
a silouette riding the tip of
your cock.  You want to say
something but you're too lost
in pleasure as your mind is in
a state of lust and confusion.
In your lustful daze you grab
the silouettes hips and pull
her down forcing the rest of
your cock inside her.

It takes a moment for your
eyes to adjust but you can see
a silouette riding the tip of
your cock.  You want to say
something but you're too lost
in pleasure as your mind is in
a state of lust and confusion.
In your lustful daze you grab
the silouettes hips and pull
her down forcing the rest of
your cock inside.


The screams shoots you out of
your daze as you turn on the
lights revealing Cream
completely impailed on your
cock and crying her eyes out.

Cream: OWW!!!  Owww!  Mr.
Sonic!  Ahhh!  It's too much it
hurts!  It hurts, it hurts!

Cream can only pant as your
cock slips out of her now red
and stretched cunny.  All you
can do is comfort her as she
cries her eyes out from the
unprepared stretching.  You
hand then slips between her
legs giving her clit a rub to
help her feel good down there.
It works as she calms down
and sighs in her new found

It doesn't take her long to
orgasm and fall back asleep
in your arms.  With nothing
left to do you jerk yourself off
as quickly as your can blasting
a hot load of cum all over
Cream's already sticky
backside.  It doesn't take long
for you to fall asleep as well...

You're suddenly woke up by
the sound of lightening.  It
appears there's a small storm
outside.  It wouldn't bother
you so much if Cream wasn't
latched onto you like a cat
with claws.

Cream: I'm scared Mr. Sonic?

Sonic: Want me to help take
your mind off the storm

Cream nods as you turn on
the lights.  With her still close
to your body you begin to
massage Cream's back to
help her relax.  It seems to be
working as the thunder starts
becoming distant.  Soon she's
fast asleep in your arms.  Her
cute snoring noises soon put
you to sleep as you turn out
the lights.

Touch +3 Bonus

Coming Soon...

<p align="left"></p><p align="left"></p>

<p align="left"></p><p align="left"></p>

It is now day
Your energy is now recovered

<p align="left"></p><p align="left"></p>

Oh no, it's raining outside.
Rain can happen when you
least expect it.  You wont be
able to go outside to go to the
city or into the backyard and
swim.  Rainy days arn't all bad
(If you don't like the sound of rain you
can go into the journal and select a
musical theme for your rainy day.)

<p align="left"></p><p align="left"></p>

Looks like you got caught.  If
you want to get closer to her
in that way you need to build
your relationship with Cream
better.  You may have lost this
round but click continue to
see what you get.


Continue GAME >>

Restart Day (Cost 40 energy)

Restart >>

It looks like you broke the game.  That's what
happens when you try and cheat.  You'll have to
restart your game now and loose all your
information.  Better luck next time.

*Smiles*  Well it looks like you did a good job
taking care of my little Creamie.  Sorry that there
isn't much more I can offer you.

The game isn't fully completed but in due time
Aval0n should have a full game for all of you all to
play and explore.  There will also be multiple
ending and new surprises to find as well.

Things like this do take time to make.  If you find
anything that might be a miss like broken glitches
please tell Aval0n about them and we'll be sure to
fix them up for you.

Until next time my fellow bunny lovers.

ActionScript [AS1/AS2]

Frame 1
txt_loadText.text = loadText; txt_total.text = bytes_total; bytes_loaded = Math.round(this.getBytesLoaded()); bytes_total = Math.round(this.getBytesTotal()); getPercent = bytes_loaded / bytes_total; this.loadText = Math.round(getPercent * 100) + "%"; if (bytes_loaded == bytes_total) { gotoAndPlay ("Start"); }
Frame 4
gotoAndPlay (1);
Frame 5
energy = 99999 /* 0x01869F */; currentday = 0; rings = 1000; alignment = 999; rwc = 99999 /* 0x01869F */; exposure = 99; happiness = 99; peep = 99; lust = 99; jerkoff = 99; touch = 99; summonlevel = 99; cumfeed = 99; pizzaeat = 1; blowjob = 99; cumon = 99; fuck = 99; creamcum = 99; carrottoy = 99; creamsleep = 99; showerscore = 0; grope = 0; rain = 0; _global.rain = rain; timevar = 0; _global.timevar = timevar; videogames = 1; cartoons = 1; boardgame = 1; racing = 1; grownup = 1; tickle = 1; porno = 1; explore = 1; cockplay = 1; dolls = 1; storytime = 1; momanddad = 1; dirtystory = 1; gamecont = 1; bedmassage = 1; ctevent = 1; hunger = 0; shower = 0; trip = 1; pornowatch = 0; tag = 1; handstand = 1; swimming = 1; poolevent = 0; inquire = 1; bighug = 1; makelove = 1; bjevent = 1; passion = 1; potty = 1; creamshower = 1; funshower = 1; cumbath = 1; tongue = 1; carrotitem = 1; bikinitop = 1; secretkey = 1; icecream = 1; specialpanties = 1; creampictures = 1; camera = 1; bondagegear = 1; sleepingaid = 1; vanillasextoy = 1; mcondom = 1; _global.carrotitem = carrotitem; _global.bikinitop = bikinitop; _global.icecream = icecream; _global.secretkey = secretkey; _global.specialpanties = specialpanties; _global.creampictures = creampictures; = camera; _global.bondagegear = bondagegear; _global.sleepingaid = sleepingaid; _global.vanillasextoy = vanillasextoy; _global.evil = alignment; introTune = new Sound(); introTune.attachSound("introMusic"); themeCurrent = new Sound(); themeCurrent.attachSound("Theme1"); ringFX = new Sound(); ringFX.attachSound("beeping"); getItem = new Sound(); getItem.attachSound("getitem"); overBeep = new Sound(); overBeep.attachSound("overbeep"); showerFX = new Sound(); showerFX.attachSound("shower"); pageTurn = new Sound(); pageTurn.attachSound("pageturn"); titleSelect = new Sound(); titleSelect.attachSound("titleselect"); warning = new Sound(); warning.attachSound("warning");
Frame 10
stop(); warning.start(0, 1); Mouse.hide(); cursor_mc.onMouseMove = function () { this._x = _xmouse; this._y = _ymouse; updateAfterEvent(); }; var player_type = System.capabilities.playerType; if ((player_type == "External") || (player_type == "ActiveX")) { var cxmenu = new ContextMenu(); cxmenu.hideBuiltInItems(); } if ((player_type == "external") || (player_type == "StandAlone")) { var cxmenu = new ContextMenu(); cxmenu.hideBuiltInItems(); fscommand ("showmenu", "false"); fscommand ("trapallkeys", "true"); } = cxmenu; Button.prototype.useHandCursor = false; Button.prototype.tabEnabled = false;
Frame 11
gotoAndStop ("Broken");
Frame 20
Frame 21
introTune.start(0, 100);
Frame 34
Frame 35
Frame 65
stop(); themeCurrent.start(0, 100);
Frame 75
gotoAndStop ("Broken");
Frame 85
info_energy.text = energy; Mouse.hide(); cursor_mc.onMouseMove = function () { this._x = _xmouse; this._y = _ymouse; updateAfterEvent(); };
Frame 86
info_energy.text = energy;
Frame 87
info_energy.text = energy;
Frame 88
info_energy.text = energy;
Frame 89
info_energy.text = energy; Mouse.hide(); cursor_mc.onMouseMove = function () { this._x = _xmouse; this._y = _ymouse; updateAfterEvent(); };
Frame 90
gotoAndStop ("Broken");
Frame 91
info_energy.text = energy;
Frame 92
gotoAndStop ("Broken");
Frame 93
info_energy.text = energy;
Frame 94
gotoAndStop ("Broken");
Frame 95
info_energy.text = energy;
Frame 96
info_energy.text = energy;
Frame 97
gotoAndStop ("Broken");
Frame 98
info_energy.text = energy;
Frame 99
gotoAndStop ("Broken");
Frame 100
currentday = 0; secretkey = 1; carrotitem = 1; bikinitop = 1; specialpanties = 1; rings = 10000; rwc = 99999 /* 0x01869F */; alignment = 99; info_day.text = currentday; info_rings.text = rings; info_rwc.text = rwc; alignment = 999; info_alignment.text = alignment; peep = 99; info_peep.text = peep; lust = 99; jerkoff = 99; exposure = 99; info_lust.text = lust; info_jerkoff.text = jerkoff; info_exposure.text = exposure; touch = 99; happiness = 99; hunger = 0; info_touch.text = touch; info_happiness.text = happiness; info_hunger.text = hunger;
Frame 101
info_shower.text = showerscore; info_slept.text = creamsleep; info_grope.text = grope; info_blowjob.text = blowjob; info_jerked.text = cumon; info_sex.text = fuck; info_carrot.text = carrottoy; info_creamcum.text = creamcum; one = showerscore * 50; two = creamsleep * 50; three = grope * 100; four = blowjob * 150; five = cumon * 100; six = fuck * 300; seven = carrottoy * 200; eight = creamcum * 200; score = ((((((one + two) + three) + four) + five) + six) + seven) + eight; info_score.text = score;
Frame 105
gotoAndStop ("Broken");
Frame 115
myRandom = random(100) + 1; if (myRandom <= 50) { gotoAndStop ("SLiving"); } else { gotoAndStop ("SLiving2"); }
Frame 116
info_energy.text = energy;
Frame 117
info_energy.text = energy;
Frame 118
gotoAndStop ("Broken");
Frame 119
info_energy.text = energy;
Frame 120
info_energy.text = energy;
Frame 121
info_energy.text = energy;
Frame 122
gotoAndStop ("Broken");
Frame 123
info_energy.text = energy;
Frame 124
info_energy.text = energy;
Frame 125
gotoAndStop ("Broken");
Frame 134
myRandom = random(100) + 1; if (myRandom <= 50) { gotoAndStop ("SVanilla"); } else { gotoAndStop ("SVanilla2"); }
Frame 135
info_energy.text = energy;
Frame 136
info_energy.text = energy;
Frame 137
gotoAndStop ("Start");
Frame 138
info_energy.text = energy;
Frame 139
info_energy.text = energy;
Frame 140
info_energy.text = energy;
Frame 141
gotoAndStop ("Start");
Frame 142
info_energy.text = energy;
Frame 143
info_energy.text = energy;
Frame 144
gotoAndStop ("Start");
Frame 153
myRandom = random(100) + 1; if (myRandom <= 50) { gotoAndStop ("SBathroom"); } else { gotoAndStop ("SBathroom2"); }
Frame 154
info_energy.text = energy;
Frame 155
info_energy.text = energy;
Frame 156
gotoAndStop ("Start");
Frame 157
info_energy.text = energy;
Frame 158
info_energy.text = energy;
Frame 159
info_energy.text = energy;
Frame 160
gotoAndStop ("Start");
Frame 161
info_energy.text = energy;
Frame 162
info_energy.text = energy;
Frame 163
gotoAndStop ("Start");
Frame 173
info_energy.text = energy;
Frame 174
info_energy.text = energy;
Frame 175
gotoAndStop ("Start");
Frame 176
info_energy.text = energy;
Frame 177
info_energy.text = energy;
Frame 178
info_energy.text = energy;
Frame 179
gotoAndStop ("Start");
Frame 180
info_energy.text = energy;
Frame 181
info_energy.text = energy;
Frame 182
gotoAndStop ("Start");
Frame 193
info_energy.text = energy;
Frame 194
info_energy.text = energy;
Frame 195
gotoAndStop ("Start");
Frame 204
myRandom = random(100) + 1; if (myRandom <= 50) { gotoAndStop ("SKitchen"); } else { gotoAndStop ("SKitchen2"); }
Frame 205
info_energy.text = energy;
Frame 210
info_energy.text = energy;
Frame 215
info_energy.text = energy;
Frame 220
info_energy.text = energy;
Frame 225
info_energy.text = energy;
Frame 230
info_energy.text = energy;
Frame 235
info_energy.text = energy;
Frame 241
info_energy.text = energy;
Frame 248
info_energy.text = energy;
Frame 255
info_energy.text = energy;
Frame 260
info_energy.text = energy;
Frame 265
info_energy.text = energy;
Frame 270
info_energy.text = energy;
Frame 277
info_energy.text = energy;
Frame 280
info_energy.text = energy;
Frame 285
info_energy.text = energy;
Frame 291
info_energy.text = energy;
Frame 295
info_energy.text = energy;
Frame 300
gotoAndStop ("Broken");
Frame 330
themeCurrent.stop(); getItem.start(0, 1);
Frame 331
gotoAndStop ("Broken");
Frame 332
themeCurrent.stop(); getItem.start(0, 1);
Frame 333
gotoAndStop ("Broken");
Frame 334
info_energy.text = energy;
Frame 335
gotoAndStop ("Broken");
Frame 336
themeCurrent.stop(); getItem.start(0, 1);
Frame 337
gotoAndStop ("Broken");
Frame 338
themeCurrent.stop(); themeCurrent = new Sound(); themeCurrent.attachSound("raining"); themeCurrent.start(0, 99);
Frame 339
gotoAndStop ("Start");
Frame 340
themeCurrent.stop(); themeCurrent = new Sound(); themeCurrent.attachSound("raining"); themeCurrent.start(0, 99);
Frame 341
gotoAndStop ("Broken");
Frame 342
info_energy.text = energy;
Frame 343
gotoAndStop ("Broken");
Frame 344
info_energy.text = energy;
Frame 345
gotoAndStop ("Broken");
Frame 346
info_energy.text = energy;
Frame 350
info_energy.text = energy;
Frame 355
info_energy.text = energy;
Frame 360
info_energy.text = energy;
Frame 365
info_energy.text = energy;
Frame 370
info_energy.text = energy;
Frame 375
info_energy.text = energy;
Frame 380
info_energy.text = energy;
Frame 385
info_energy.text = energy;
Frame 390
info_energy.text = energy;
Frame 395
info_energy.text = energy;
Frame 400
info_energy.text = energy;
Frame 405
info_energy.text = energy;
Frame 409
info_energy.text = energy;
Frame 415
info_energy.text = energy;
Frame 420
info_energy.text = energy;
Frame 425
info_energy.text = energy;
Frame 430
info_energy.text = energy;
Frame 435
info_energy.text = energy;
Frame 440
info_energy.text = energy;
Frame 445
info_energy.text = energy;
Frame 450
info_energy.text = energy;
Frame 455
info_energy.text = energy;
Frame 460
info_energy.text = energy;
Frame 470
info_energy.text = energy;
Frame 485
info_energy.text = energy;
Frame 500
info_energy.text = energy;
Frame 505
info_energy.text = energy;
Frame 510
info_energy.text = energy;
Frame 515
info_energy.text = energy;
Frame 520
info_energy.text = energy;
Frame 525
info_energy.text = energy;
Frame 530
gotoAndStop ("Start");
Frame 535
info_energy.text = energy;
Frame 540
info_energy.text = energy;
Frame 545
info_energy.text = energy;
Frame 550
info_energy.text = energy;
Frame 555
info_energy.text = energy;
Frame 560
info_energy.text = energy;
Frame 565
info_energy.text = energy;
Frame 570
info_energy.text = energy;
Frame 575
info_energy.text = energy;
Frame 580
info_energy.text = energy;
Frame 585
info_energy.text = energy;
Frame 595
info_energy.text = energy;
Frame 600
info_energy.text = energy;
Frame 602
info_energy.text = energy;
Frame 605
info_energy.text = energy;
Frame 610
info_energy.text = energy;
Frame 620
info_energy.text = energy;
Frame 625
info_energy.text = energy;
Frame 630
info_energy.text = energy;
Frame 635
info_energy.text = energy;
Frame 640
info_energy.text = energy;
Frame 645
info_energy.text = energy;
Frame 650
info_energy.text = energy;
Frame 655
info_energy.text = energy;
Frame 657
info_energy.text = energy; _global.evil = alignment;
Frame 660
info_energy.text = energy;
Frame 665
info_energy.text = energy;
Frame 670
info_energy.text = energy;
Frame 675
info_energy.text = energy;
Frame 680
info_energy.text = energy;
Frame 685
info_energy.text = energy;
Frame 690
info_energy.text = energy;
Frame 695
info_energy.text = energy;
Frame 700
info_energy.text = energy;
Frame 705
info_energy.text = energy;
Frame 710
info_energy.text = energy;
Frame 715
info_energy.text = energy;
Frame 725
info_energy.text = energy;
Frame 730
info_energy.text = energy;
Frame 735
info_energy.text = energy;
Frame 740
info_energy.text = energy;
Frame 745
info_energy.text = energy;
Frame 750
info_energy.text = energy;
Frame 755
info_energy.text = energy;
Frame 765
info_energy.text = energy;
Frame 770
info_energy.text = energy;
Frame 775
info_energy.text = energy;
Frame 780
info_energy.text = energy;
Frame 785
info_energy.text = energy;
Frame 795
info_energy.text = energy;
Frame 800
info_energy.text = energy;
Frame 805
info_energy.text = energy;
Frame 810
info_energy.text = energy;
Frame 815
info_energy.text = energy;
Frame 820
info_energy.text = energy;
Frame 825
info_energy.text = energy;
Frame 830
info_energy.text = energy;
Frame 835
info_energy.text = energy;
Frame 840
info_energy.text = energy;
Frame 845
info_energy.text = energy;
Frame 850
info_energy.text = energy;
Frame 855
info_energy.text = energy;
Frame 860
info_energy.text = energy;
Frame 865
info_energy.text = energy;
Frame 870
info_energy.text = energy;
Frame 875
info_energy.text = energy;
Frame 880
info_energy.text = energy;
Frame 890
info_energy.text = energy;
Frame 895
info_energy.text = energy;
Frame 900
info_energy.text = energy;
Frame 905
info_energy.text = energy;
Frame 910
info_energy.text = energy;
Frame 915
info_energy.text = energy;
Frame 920
info_energy.text = energy;
Frame 925
info_energy.text = energy;
Frame 930
info_energy.text = energy;
Frame 940
info_energy.text = energy;
Frame 950
info_energy.text = energy;
Frame 955
info_energy.text = energy;
Frame 964
if (pornowatch >= 1) { gotoAndStop ("PR2"); } else { gotoAndStop ("PR1"); }
Frame 965
info_energy.text = energy;
Frame 975
info_energy.text = energy;
Frame 985
info_energy.text = energy;
Frame 995
info_energy.text = energy;
Frame 1005
info_energy.text = energy;
Frame 1010
info_energy.text = energy;
Frame 1015
info_energy.text = energy;
Frame 1025
info_energy.text = energy;
Frame 1030
info_energy.text = energy;
Frame 1035
info_energy.text = energy;
Frame 1040
info_energy.text = energy;
Frame 1045
info_energy.text = energy;
Frame 1050
info_energy.text = energy;
Frame 1055
info_energy.text = energy;
Frame 1060
info_energy.text = energy;
Frame 1065
info_energy.text = energy;
Frame 1070
info_energy.text = energy;
Frame 1079
if (bikinitop >= 1) { gotoAndStop ("TOP1"); rwc = rwc - 10; } else if (hunger >= 2) { gotoAndStop ("SW19"); } else { gotoAndStop ("SW1"); }
Frame 1080
info_energy.text = energy;
Frame 1085
info_energy.text = energy;
Frame 1090
info_energy.text = energy;
Frame 1095
info_energy.text = energy;
Frame 1100
info_energy.text = energy;
Frame 1105
info_energy.text = energy;
Frame 1110
info_energy.text = energy;
Frame 1115
info_energy.text = energy;
Frame 1120
info_energy.text = energy;
Frame 1125
info_energy.text = energy;
Frame 1130
info_energy.text = energy;
Frame 1135
info_energy.text = energy;
Frame 1140
info_energy.text = energy;
Frame 1145
info_energy.text = energy;
Frame 1150
info_energy.text = energy;
Frame 1155
info_energy.text = energy;
Frame 1160
info_energy.text = energy;
Frame 1165
info_energy.text = energy;
Frame 1170
info_energy.text = energy;
Frame 1180
info_energy.text = energy;
Frame 1185
info_energy.text = energy;
Frame 1190
info_energy.text = energy;
Frame 1195
info_energy.text = energy;
Frame 1200
info_energy.text = energy;
Frame 1210
info_energy.text = energy;
Frame 1220
info_energy.text = energy;
Frame 1230
info_energy.text = energy;
Frame 1255
info_energy.text = energy;
Frame 1270
info_energy.text = energy;
Frame 1280
info_energy.text = energy;
Frame 1285
info_energy.text = energy;
Frame 1295
info_energy.text = energy;
Frame 1305
info_energy.text = energy;
Frame 1310
info_energy.text = energy;
Frame 1320
info_energy.text = energy;
Frame 1330
info_energy.text = energy;
Frame 1341
if (rain >= 1) { gotoAndStop ("Rain"); } info_energy.text = energy;
Frame 1346
info_energy.text = energy;
Frame 1356
info_energy.text = energy;
Frame 1369
if (rwc >= 550) { gotoAndStop ("ME2"); } else { gotoAndStop ("ME1"); }
Frame 1370
if (rwc >= 550) { gotoAndStop ("MI2"); } else { gotoAndStop ("MI1"); }
Frame 1371
info_energy.text = energy;
Frame 1372
gotoAndStop ("Broken");
Frame 1373
info_energy.text = energy;
Frame 1375
play(); themeCurrent.stop();
Frame 1404
myRandom = random(100) + 1; if (myRandom <= 25) { gotoAndPlay ("Sleep"); energy = energy + 100; currentday++; } else { gotoAndStop ("Awake"); }
Frame 1405
info_energy.text = energy;
Frame 1406
gotoAndStop ("Broken");
Frame 1407
info_energy.text = energy;
Frame 1409
play(); themeCurrent.stop();
Frame 1439
myRandom = random(100) + 1; if (myRandom <= 25) { gotoAndStop ("Sleep"); energy = energy + 100; currentday++; } else { gotoAndStop ("Awake"); }
Frame 1440
myRandom = random(100) + 1; if (myRandom >= 75) { gotoAndStop ("Awake1"); } else if ((myRandom <= 74) && (myRandom >= 26)) { gotoAndStop ("Awake2"); } else { gotoAndStop ("Awake3"); }
Frame 1441
_global.timevar = 10;
Frame 1449
gotoAndStop ("Broken");
Frame 1450
_global.timevar = 10;
Frame 1456
gotoAndStop ("Broken");
Frame 1457
_global.timevar = 10;
Frame 1467
gotoAndStop ("Broken");
Frame 1482
rain = 0; myRandom = random(100) + 1; if (myRandom <= 25) { rain = 1; _global.rain = 1; } else { rain = 0; _global.rain = 0; }
Frame 1483
themeCurrent.stop(); currentday = 0; info_day.text = currentday;
Frame 1589
if (energy >= 100) { energy = 100; } _global.timevar = 0; cumfeed = 0; pizzaeat = 1; videogames = 1; cartoons = 1; boardgame = 1; racing = 1; grownup = 1; tickle = 1; porno = 1; explore = 1; cockplay = 1; dolls = 1; storytime = 1; momanddad = 1; dirtystory = 1; gamecont = 1; bedmassage = 1; ctevent = 1; hunger = 0; shower = 0; trip = 1; pornowatch = 0; tag = 1; handstand = 1; swimming = 1; poolevent = 0; inquire = 1; bighug = 1; makelove = 1; bjevent = 1; passion = 1; potty = 1; creamshower = 1; funshower = 1; cumbath = 1; tongue = 1;
Frame 1590
stop(); if (currentday >= 10) { gotoAndStop ("Ending"); } else if (rain >= 1) { gotoAndStop ("RainDayEvent"); } else { gotoAndStop ("Vanilla"); themeCurrent = new Sound(); themeCurrent.attachSound("Theme1"); themeCurrent.start(0, 99); }
Frame 1595
Mouse.hide(); cursor_mc.onMouseMove = function () { this._x = _xmouse; this._y = _ymouse; updateAfterEvent(); }; themeCurrent = new Sound(); themeCurrent.attachSound("raining"); themeCurrent.start(0, 99);
Frame 1600
gotoAndStop ("Broken");
Frame 1605
Mouse.hide(); cursor_mc.onMouseMove = function () { this._x = _xmouse; this._y = _ymouse; updateAfterEvent(); }; themeCurrent.stop();
Frame 1615
gotoAndStop ("Broken");
Frame 1616
Mouse.hide(); cursor_mc.onMouseMove = function () { this._x = _xmouse; this._y = _ymouse; updateAfterEvent(); };
Frame 1619
gotoAndStop ("Broken");
Frame 1620
Mouse.hide(); cursor_mc.onMouseMove = function () { this._x = _xmouse; this._y = _ymouse; updateAfterEvent(); };
Symbol 30 Button
on (release) { warning.stop(); gotoAndPlay ("Avalon"); }
Symbol 40 MovieClip Frame 193
Symbol 41 Button
on (release) { gotoAndPlay ("Title"); }
Symbol 48 Button
on (rollOver) { gotoAndStop ("NDS"); }
Symbol 52 Button
on (rollOver) { overBeep.start(0, 1); } on (release) { introTune.stop(); titleSelect.start(0, 1); gotoAndPlay ("Intro"); }
Symbol 54 Button
on (rollOver) { overBeep.start(0, 1); } on (release) { ringFX.start(0, 1); gotoAndStop ("Instructions"); }
Symbol 67 Button
on (press) { getURL ("", "_blank"); }
Symbol 71 Button
on (rollOut) { gotoAndStop ("DS"); }
Symbol 75 Button
on (rollOver) { overBeep.start(0, 1); } on (release) { gotoAndStop ("DS"); }
Symbol 79 Button
on (rollOver) { overBeep.start(0, 1); } on (release) { nextFrame(); }
Symbol 81 Button
on (rollOver) { overBeep.start(0, 1); } on (release) { prevFrame(); }
Symbol 94 Button
on (release) { overBeep.start(0, 1); nextFrame(); }
Symbol 98 Button
on (rollOver) { overBeep.start(0, 1); } on (release) { ringFX.start(0, 1); gotoAndStop ("zero"); }
Symbol 99 Button
on (rollOver) { overBeep.start(0, 1); } on (release) { ringFX.start(0, 1); gotoAndStop ("zero"); }
Symbol 117 Button
on (rollOver) { overBeep.start(0, 1); } on (press) { ringFX.start(0, 1); gotoAndStop ("two"); rwc = rwc + 10; }
Symbol 120 Button
on (rollOver) { overBeep.start(0, 1); } on (release) { ringFX.start(0, 1); gotoAndStop ("one"); rwc = rwc - 10; }
Symbol 123 Button
on (rollOver) { overBeep.start(0, 1); } on (press) { ringFX.start(0, 1); gotoAndStop ("Living"); }
Symbol 138 MovieClip Frame 1
if (_global.rain >= 1) { gotoAndStop ("Rain"); } else if (_global.timevar >= 9) { gotoAndStop ("Night"); } else if (_global.timevar >= 6) { gotoAndStop ("Afternoon"); } else if (_global.timevar >= 0) { gotoAndStop ("Day"); }
Symbol 138 MovieClip Frame 30
if (_global.timevar >= 9) { gotoAndStop ("Rain3"); } else if (_global.timevar >= 6) { gotoAndStop ("Rain2"); } else if (_global.timevar >= 0) { gotoAndStop ("Rain1"); }
Symbol 144 Button
on (release) { if (secretkey <= 0) { ringFX.start(0, 1); gotoAndStop ("Key"); secretkey++; _global.secretkey = secretkey; } }
Symbol 150 Button
on (rollOver) { overBeep.start(0, 1); } on (press) { ringFX.start(0, 1); if (rain <= 0) { gotoAndStop ("Outside"); } else { gotoAndStop ("RainStop1"); } }
Symbol 152 Button
on (rollOver) { overBeep.start(0, 1); } on (press) { ringFX.start(0, 1); gotoAndStop ("Hallway"); }
Symbol 154 Button
on (rollOver) { overBeep.start(0, 1); } on (press) { ringFX.start(0, 1); gotoAndStop ("Kitchen"); }
Symbol 162 Button
on (rollOver) { overBeep.start(0, 1); } on (press) { pageTurn.start(0, 1); gotoAndStop ("Journal"); }
Symbol 165 Button
on (rollOver) { overBeep.start(0, 1); } on (release) { ringFX.start(0, 1); energy--; if (summonlevel >= 1) { gotoAndStop ("RanLiv"); } else { gotoAndStop ("SLiving"); } }
Symbol 174 Button
on (rollOver) { overBeep.start(0, 1); } on (press) { ringFX.start(0, 1); gotoAndStop ("Living"); }
Symbol 176 Button
on (rollOver) { overBeep.start(0, 1); } on (press) { ringFX.start(0, 1); gotoAndStop ("Vanilla"); }
Symbol 178 Button
on (rollOver) { overBeep.start(0, 1); } on (press) { ringFX.start(0, 1); gotoAndStop ("Cream"); }
Symbol 195 MovieClip Frame 1
if (_global.rain >= 1) { gotoAndStop ("Rain"); } else if (_global.timevar >= 9) { gotoAndStop ("Night"); } else if (_global.timevar >= 6) { gotoAndStop ("Afternoon"); } else if (_global.timevar >= 0) { gotoAndStop ("Day"); }
Symbol 195 MovieClip Frame 30
if (_global.timevar >= 9) { gotoAndStop ("Rain3"); } else if (_global.timevar >= 6) { gotoAndStop ("Rain2"); } else if (_global.timevar >= 0) { gotoAndStop ("Rain1"); }
Symbol 198 Button
on (rollOver) { overBeep.start(0, 1); } on (press) { ringFX.start(0, 1); if (rain <= 0) { gotoAndStop ("Backyard"); } else { gotoAndStop ("RainStop2"); } }
Symbol 199 Button
on (rollOver) { overBeep.start(0, 1); } on (release) { ringFX.start(0, 1); energy--; if (summonlevel >= 1) { gotoAndStop ("RanKit"); } else { gotoAndStop ("SKitchen"); } }
Symbol 207 MovieClip Frame 1
if (_global.timevar >= 9) { gotoAndStop ("Night"); } else if (_global.timevar >= 6) { gotoAndStop ("Afternoon"); } else if (_global.timevar >= 0) { gotoAndStop ("Day"); }
Symbol 211 Button
on (rollOver) { overBeep.start(0, 1); } on (release) { ringFX.start(0, 1); energy--; gotoAndStop ("SBackyard"); }
Symbol 222 MovieClip Frame 1
if (_global.rain >= 1) { gotoAndStop ("Rain"); } else if (_global.timevar >= 9) { gotoAndStop ("Night"); } else if (_global.timevar >= 6) { gotoAndStop ("Afternoon"); } else if (_global.timevar >= 0) { gotoAndStop ("Day"); }
Symbol 222 MovieClip Frame 30
if (_global.timevar >= 9) { gotoAndStop ("Rain3"); } else if (_global.timevar >= 6) { gotoAndStop ("Rain2"); } else if (_global.timevar >= 0) { gotoAndStop ("Rain1"); }
Symbol 225 Button
on (rollOver) { overBeep.start(0, 1); } on (press) { ringFX.start(0, 1); gotoAndStop ("Computer"); }
Symbol 227 Button
on (rollOver) { overBeep.start(0, 1); } on (press) { ringFX.start(0, 1); if (shower >= 1) { gotoAndStop ("NoShower"); } else { gotoAndStop ("Bathroom"); } }
Symbol 231 Button
on (rollOver) { overBeep.start(0, 1); } on (press) { ringFX.start(0, 1); gotoAndStop ("SleepNow"); }
Symbol 232 Button
on (rollOver) { overBeep.start(0, 1); } on (release) { ringFX.start(0, 1); energy--; if (summonlevel >= 1) { gotoAndStop ("RanVan"); } else { gotoAndStop ("SVanilla"); } }
Symbol 241 MovieClip Frame 1
if (_global.rain >= 1) { gotoAndStop ("Rain"); } else if (_global.timevar >= 9) { gotoAndStop ("Night"); } else if (_global.timevar >= 6) { gotoAndStop ("Afternoon"); } else if (_global.timevar >= 0) { gotoAndStop ("Day"); }
Symbol 241 MovieClip Frame 30
if (_global.timevar >= 9) { gotoAndStop ("Rain3"); } else if (_global.timevar >= 6) { gotoAndStop ("Rain2"); } else if (_global.timevar >= 0) { gotoAndStop ("Rain1"); }
Symbol 249 Button
on (rollOver) { overBeep.start(0, 1); } on (press) { shower = 1; showerFX.start(0, 1); if (exposure >= 7) { gotoAndStop ("BSwr"); energy = energy + 30; } else { gotoAndStop ("Swr"); showerFX.start(0, 1); energy = energy + 30; } }
Symbol 252 Button
on (rollOver) { overBeep.start(0, 1); } on (release) { ringFX.start(0, 1); energy--; if (summonlevel >= 1) { gotoAndStop ("RanBath"); } else { gotoAndStop ("SBathroom"); } }
Symbol 255 Button
on (rollOver) { overBeep.start(0, 1); }
Symbol 274 MovieClip Frame 1
if (_global.rain >= 1) { gotoAndStop ("Rain"); } else if (_global.timevar >= 9) { gotoAndStop ("Night"); } else if (_global.timevar >= 6) { gotoAndStop ("Afternoon"); } else if (_global.timevar >= 0) { gotoAndStop ("Day"); }
Symbol 274 MovieClip Frame 30
if (_global.timevar >= 9) { gotoAndStop ("Rain3"); } else if (_global.timevar >= 6) { gotoAndStop ("Rain2"); } else if (_global.timevar >= 0) { gotoAndStop ("Rain1"); }
Symbol 277 Button
on (rollOver) { overBeep.start(0, 1); } on (release) { ringFX.start(0, 1); energy--; if (summonlevel >= 1) { gotoAndStop ("SCream2"); } else { gotoAndStop ("SCream"); } }
Symbol 285 MovieClip Frame 1
if (_global.timevar >= 9) { gotoAndStop ("Night"); } else if (_global.timevar >= 6) { gotoAndStop ("Afternoon"); } else if (_global.timevar >= 0) { gotoAndStop ("Day"); }
Symbol 289 Button
on (rollOver) { overBeep.start(0, 1); } on (press) { ringFX.start(0, 1); gotoAndStop ("Living"); }
Symbol 291 Button
on (press) { if (secretkey >= 1) { ringFX.start(0, 1); gotoAndStop ("Garage"); energy--; } }
Symbol 292 Button
on (rollOver) { overBeep.start(0, 1); } on (release) { ringFX.start(0, 1); gotoAndStop ("SOutside"); }
Symbol 299 Button
on (release) { if (mcondom <= 0) { ringFX.start(0, 1); gotoAndStop ("Condom"); mcondom++; _global.mcondom = mcondom; } }
Symbol 300 Button
on (rollOver) { overBeep.start(0, 1); } on (press) { ringFX.start(0, 1); gotoAndStop ("Outside"); }
Symbol 306 Button
on (rollOver) { overBeep.start(0, 1); } on (press) { pageTurn.start(0, 1); gotoAndStop ("Living"); }
Symbol 319 Button
on (rollOver) { overBeep.start(0, 1); } on (press) { pageTurn.start(0, 1); nextFrame(); }
Symbol 326 MovieClip Frame 1
stop(); if (_global.secretkey <= 0) { gotoAndStop ("NoItem"); } else { gotoAndStop ("Item"); }
Symbol 326 MovieClip Frame 10
Symbol 326 MovieClip Frame 20
Symbol 331 MovieClip Frame 1
stop(); if (_global.carrotitem <= 0) { gotoAndStop ("NoItem"); } else { gotoAndStop ("Item"); }
Symbol 331 MovieClip Frame 10
Symbol 331 MovieClip Frame 20
Symbol 336 MovieClip Frame 1
stop(); if (_global.bikinitop <= 0) { gotoAndStop ("NoItem"); } else { gotoAndStop ("Item"); }
Symbol 336 MovieClip Frame 10
Symbol 336 MovieClip Frame 20
Symbol 339 MovieClip Frame 1
stop(); if (_global.specialpanties <= 0) { gotoAndStop ("NoItem"); } else { gotoAndStop ("Item"); }
Symbol 339 MovieClip Frame 10
Symbol 339 MovieClip Frame 20
Symbol 344 MovieClip Frame 1
stop(); if (_global.creampictures <= 0) { gotoAndStop ("NoItem"); } else { gotoAndStop ("Item"); }
Symbol 344 MovieClip Frame 10
Symbol 344 MovieClip Frame 20
Symbol 348 MovieClip Frame 1
stop(); if ( <= 0) { gotoAndStop ("NoItem"); } else if ( >= 50) { gotoAndStop ("NewCamera"); } else { gotoAndStop ("OldCamera"); }
Symbol 348 MovieClip Frame 10
Symbol 348 MovieClip Frame 20
Symbol 348 MovieClip Frame 30
Symbol 352 MovieClip Frame 1
stop(); if (_global.bondagegear <= 0) { gotoAndStop ("NoItem"); } else { gotoAndStop ("Item"); }
Symbol 352 MovieClip Frame 10
Symbol 352 MovieClip Frame 20
Symbol 356 MovieClip Frame 1
stop(); if (_global.sleepingaid <= 0) { gotoAndStop ("NoItem"); } else { gotoAndStop ("Item"); }
Symbol 356 MovieClip Frame 10
Symbol 356 MovieClip Frame 20
Symbol 361 MovieClip Frame 1
stop(); if (_global.icecream <= 0) { gotoAndStop ("NoItem"); } else { gotoAndStop ("Item"); }
Symbol 361 MovieClip Frame 10
Symbol 361 MovieClip Frame 20
Symbol 366 MovieClip Frame 1
stop(); if (_global.vanillasextoy <= 0) { gotoAndStop ("NoItem"); } else { gotoAndStop ("Item"); }
Symbol 366 MovieClip Frame 10
Symbol 366 MovieClip Frame 20
Symbol 374 Button
on (rollOver) { overBeep.start(0, 1); } on (press) { pageTurn.start(0, 1); prevFrame(); }
Symbol 385 Button
on (release) { _root.themeCurrent.stop(); themeCurrent = new Sound(); themeCurrent.attachSound("Theme1"); _root.themeCurrent.start(0, 99); }
Symbol 388 Button
on (release) { _root.themeCurrent.stop(); themeCurrent = new Sound(); themeCurrent.attachSound("Theme2"); _root.themeCurrent.start(0, 99); }
Symbol 391 Button
on (release) { _root.themeCurrent.stop(); themeCurrent = new Sound(); themeCurrent.attachSound("ThemeX"); }
Symbol 394 Button
on (release) { _root.themeCurrent.stop(); themeCurrent = new Sound(); themeCurrent.attachSound("Theme3"); _root.themeCurrent.start(0, 99); }
Symbol 402 Button
on (rollOver) { overBeep.start(0, 1); } on (press) { ringFX.start(0, 1); gotoAndStop ("Vanilla"); }
Symbol 404 Button
on (rollOver) { overBeep.start(0, 1); } on (press) { ringFX.start(0, 1); gotoAndPlay ("Sleep"); energy = energy + 100; currentday++; }
Symbol 412 Button
on (rollOver) { overBeep.start(0, 1); } on (press) { ringFX.start(0, 1); if ((energy >= 10) && (videogames >= 1)) { gotoAndStop ("VG1"); _global.timevar++; energy = energy - 10; rwc = rwc + 10; happiness++; hunger--; videogames = 0; } else { gotoAndStop ("SLivNo"); } }
Symbol 415 Button
on (rollOver) { overBeep.start(0, 1); } on (press) { ringFX.start(0, 1); if ((energy >= 10) && (boardgame >= 1)) { gotoAndStop ("BG1"); _global.timevar++; energy = energy - 10; rwc = rwc + 10; happiness++; hunger--; boardgame = 0; } else { gotoAndStop ("SLivNo"); } }
Symbol 418 Button
on (rollOver) { overBeep.start(0, 1); } on (press) { ringFX.start(0, 1); gotoAndStop ("Living"); }
Symbol 421 Button
on (rollOver) { overBeep.start(0, 1); } on (press) { ringFX.start(0, 1); if ((energy >= 10) && (cartoons >= 1)) { gotoAndStop ("CT1"); _global.timevar++; energy = energy - 10; rwc = rwc + 10; happiness++; hunger--; cartoons = 0; } else { gotoAndStop ("SLivNo"); } }
Symbol 431 Button
on (rollOver) { overBeep.start(0, 1); } on (press) { ringFX.start(0, 1); if ((energy >= 5) && (tickle >= 1)) { gotoAndStop ("TK1"); _global.timevar++; energy = energy - 5; rwc = rwc + 5; happiness++; hunger--; tickle = 0; } else { gotoAndStop ("SLivNo2"); } }
Symbol 433 Button
on (rollOver) { overBeep.start(0, 1); } on (press) { ringFX.start(0, 1); if (rwc >= 600) { gotoAndStop ("SLiving3"); } else { gotoAndStop ("LivPan"); } }
Symbol 435 Button
on (rollOver) { overBeep.start(0, 1); } on (press) { ringFX.start(0, 1); if ((energy >= 10) && (grownup >= 1)) { gotoAndStop ("GU1"); _global.timevar++; energy = energy - 10; rwc = rwc + 10; happiness++; hunger--; grownup = 0; } else { gotoAndStop ("SLivNo2"); } }
Symbol 439 Button
on (rollOver) { overBeep.start(0, 1); } on (press) { ringFX.start(0, 1); if ((energy >= 10) && (racing >= 1)) { gotoAndStop ("RG1"); _global.timevar++; energy = energy - 10; rwc = rwc + 10; happiness++; hunger--; racing = 0; } else { gotoAndStop ("SLivNo2"); } }
Symbol 445 Button
on (rollOver) { overBeep.start(0, 1); } on (press) { ringFX.start(0, 1); happiness--; gotoAndStop ("Living"); }
Symbol 451 Button
on (rollOver) { overBeep.start(0, 1); } on (press) { ringFX.start(0, 1); if ((energy >= 10) && (explore >= 1)) { gotoAndStop ("EX1"); _global.timevar++; energy = energy - 10; rwc = rwc + 10; hunger--; explore = 0; } else { gotoAndStop ("SLivNo3"); } }
Symbol 453 Button
on (rollOver) { overBeep.start(0, 1); } on (press) { ringFX.start(0, 1); if ((energy >= 10) && (cockplay >= 1)) { gotoAndStop ("CP1"); _global.timevar++; energy = energy - 10; rwc = rwc + 10; hunger--; cockplay = 0; } else { gotoAndStop ("SLivNo3"); } }
Symbol 455 Button
on (rollOver) { overBeep.start(0, 1); } on (press) { ringFX.start(0, 1); if ((energy >= 10) && (porno >= 1)) { gotoAndStop ("PR0"); _global.timevar++; energy = energy - 10; rwc = rwc + 10; hunger--; porno = 0; } else { gotoAndStop ("SLivNo3"); } }
Symbol 458 Button
on (rollOver) { overBeep.start(0, 1); } on (press) { ringFX.start(0, 1); if ((energy >= 5) && (inquire >= 1)) { gotoAndStop ("TO1"); energy = energy - 5; rwc = rwc + 5; happiness++; inquire = 0; } else { gotoAndStop ("SVanNo"); } }
Symbol 460 Button
on (rollOver) { overBeep.start(0, 1); } on (press) { ringFX.start(0, 1); if (energy >= 10) { gotoAndStop ("ME0"); energy = energy - 10; } else { gotoAndStop ("SVanNo"); } }
Symbol 461 Button
on (rollOver) { overBeep.start(0, 1); } on (press) { ringFX.start(0, 1); gotoAndStop ("Vanilla"); }
Symbol 465 Button
on (rollOver) { overBeep.start(0, 1); } on (press) { ringFX.start(0, 1); if (energy >= 10) { gotoAndStop ("MI0"); } else { gotoAndStop ("SVanNo2"); } }
Symbol 466 Button
on (rollOver) { overBeep.start(0, 1); } on (press) { ringFX.start(0, 1); energy--; if (rwc >= 600) { gotoAndStop ("SVanilla3"); } else { gotoAndStop ("VanPan"); } }
Symbol 468 Button
on (rollOver) { overBeep.start(0, 1); } on (press) { ringFX.start(0, 1); if ((energy >= 10) && (bighug >= 1)) { gotoAndStop ("HUG1"); energy = energy - 5; rwc = rwc + 5; happiness++; bighug = 0; } else { gotoAndStop ("SVanNo2"); } }
Symbol 469 Button
on (rollOver) { overBeep.start(0, 1); } on (press) { ringFX.start(0, 1); happiness--; gotoAndStop ("Vanilla"); }
Symbol 472 Button
on (rollOver) { overBeep.start(0, 1); } on (press) { ringFX.start(0, 1); if ((energy >= 10) && (bjevent >= 1)) { gotoAndStop ("BJ1"); _global.timevar++; energy = energy - 10; rwc = rwc + 10; hunger--; bjevent = 0; } else { gotoAndStop ("SVanNo3"); } }
Symbol 474 Button
on (rollOver) { overBeep.start(0, 1); } on (press) { ringFX.start(0, 1); if ((energy >= 15) && (makelove >= 1)) { gotoAndStop ("MA1"); _global.timevar++; energy = energy - 15; rwc = rwc + 15; hunger--; makelove = 0; } else { gotoAndStop ("SVanNo3"); } }
Symbol 476 Button
on (rollOver) { overBeep.start(0, 1); } on (press) { ringFX.start(0, 1); if ((energy >= 10) && (passion >= 1)) { gotoAndStop ("PA1"); _global.timevar++; energy = energy - 10; rwc = rwc + 10; hunger--; passion = 0; } else { gotoAndStop ("SVanNo3"); } }
Symbol 479 Button
on (rollOver) { overBeep.start(0, 1); } on (press) { ringFX.start(0, 1); if ((energy >= 5) && (potty >= 1)) { gotoAndStop ("FL1"); _global.timevar++; energy = energy - 5; rwc = rwc + 5; happiness++; potty = 0; } else { gotoAndStop ("SBathNo"); } }
Symbol 481 Button
on (rollOver) { overBeep.start(0, 1); } on (press) { ringFX.start(0, 1); if ((energy >= 10) && (creamshower >= 1)) { gotoAndStop ("SH2"); _global.timevar++; energy = energy - 10; rwc = rwc + 10; hunger--; creamshower = 0; } else { gotoAndStop ("SBathNo"); } }
Symbol 482 Button
on (rollOver) { overBeep.start(0, 1); } on (press) { ringFX.start(0, 1); if (shower >= 1) { gotoAndStop ("NoShower"); } else { gotoAndStop ("Bathroom"); } }
Symbol 485 Button
on (rollOver) { overBeep.start(0, 1); } on (press) { ringFX.start(0, 1); energy--; if (rwc >= 600) { gotoAndStop ("SBathroom3"); } else { gotoAndStop ("BathPan"); } }
Symbol 486 Button
on (rollOver) { overBeep.start(0, 1); } on (press) { ringFX.start(0, 1); if ((energy >= 10) && (creamshower >= 1)) { gotoAndStop ("SH8"); _global.timevar++; energy = energy - 10; rwc = rwc + 10; hunger--; creamshower = 0; } else { gotoAndStop ("SBathNo2"); } }
Symbol 487 Button
on (rollOver) { overBeep.start(0, 1); } on (press) { ringFX.start(0, 1); happiness--; gotoAndStop ("Bathroom"); }
Symbol 490 Button
on (rollOver) { overBeep.start(0, 1); } on (press) { ringFX.start(0, 1); if ((energy >= 15) && (funshower >= 1)) { gotoAndStop ("SF1"); _global.timevar++; energy = energy - 10; rwc = rwc + 15; hunger--; showerscore++; funshower = 0; } else { gotoAndStop ("SBathNo3"); } }
Symbol 492 Button
on (rollOver) { overBeep.start(0, 1); } on (press) { ringFX.start(0, 1); if ((energy >= 10) && (cumbath >= 1)) { gotoAndStop ("SS1"); _global.timevar++; energy = energy - 10; rwc = rwc + 10; hunger--; showerscore++; cumbath = 0; } else { gotoAndStop ("SBathNo3"); } }
Symbol 494 Button
on (rollOver) { overBeep.start(0, 1); } on (press) { ringFX.start(0, 1); if ((energy >= 10) && (tongue >= 1)) { gotoAndStop ("TB1"); _global.timevar++; energy = energy - 10; rwc = rwc + 10; hunger--; tongue = 0; } else { gotoAndStop ("SBathNo3"); } }
Symbol 497 Button
on (rollOver) { overBeep.start(0, 1); } on (press) { ringFX.start(0, 1); if ((energy >= 10) && (dolls >= 1)) { gotoAndStop ("Cream"); _global.timevar++; energy = energy - 10; rwc = rwc + 10; happiness++; hunger--; dolls = 0; } else { gotoAndStop ("SCreamNo"); } }
Symbol 499 Button
on (rollOver) { overBeep.start(0, 1); } on (press) { ringFX.start(0, 1); if ((energy >= 5) && (storytime >= 1)) { gotoAndStop ("Cream"); _global.timevar++; energy = energy - 5; rwc = rwc + 5; hunger--; storytime--; } else { gotoAndStop ("SCreamNo"); } }
Symbol 500 Button
on (rollOver) { overBeep.start(0, 1); } on (press) { ringFX.start(0, 1); gotoAndStop ("Cream"); }
Symbol 504 Button
on (rollOver) { overBeep.start(0, 1); } on (press) { ringFX.start(0, 1); energy--; if (rwc >= 600) { gotoAndStop ("SCream3"); } else { gotoAndStop ("CreamPan"); } }
Symbol 506 Button
on (rollOver) { overBeep.start(0, 1); } on (press) { ringFX.start(0, 1); if ((energy >= 10) && (momanddad >= 1)) { gotoAndStop ("Cream"); _global.timevar++; energy = energy - 10; rwc = rwc + 10; happiness++; hunger--; momanddad = 0; } else { gotoAndStop ("SCreamNo2"); } }
Symbol 508 Button
on (rollOver) { overBeep.start(0, 1); } on (press) { ringFX.start(0, 1); if ((energy >= 5) && (dirtystory >= 1)) { gotoAndStop ("Cream"); _global.timevar++; energy = energy - 5; rwc = rwc + 5; happiness++; hunger--; dirtystory = 0; } else { gotoAndStop ("SCreamNo2"); } }
Symbol 509 Button
on (rollOver) { overBeep.start(0, 1); } on (press) { ringFX.start(0, 1); happiness--; gotoAndStop ("Cream"); }
Symbol 512 Button
on (rollOver) { overBeep.start(0, 1); } on (press) { ringFX.start(0, 1); if ((energy >= 10) && (bedmassage >= 1)) { gotoAndStop ("Cream"); _global.timevar++; energy = energy - 10; rwc = rwc + 10; happiness++; hunger--; bedmassage = 0; } else { gotoAndStop ("SCreamNo3"); } }
Symbol 515 Button
on (rollOver) { overBeep.start(0, 1); } on (press) { ringFX.start(0, 1); if (((energy >= 10) && (carrottoy >= 1)) && (ctevent >= 1)) { gotoAndStop ("Cream"); _global.timevar++; energy = energy - 10; rwc = rwc + 10; happiness++; hunger--; ctevent = 0; } else { gotoAndStop ("SCreamNo3"); } }
Symbol 517 Button
on (rollOver) { overBeep.start(0, 1); } on (press) { ringFX.start(0, 1); if ((energy >= 10) && (gamecont >= 1)) { gotoAndStop ("Cream"); _global.timevar++; energy = energy - 10; rwc = rwc + 10; happiness++; hunger--; gamecont = 0; } else { gotoAndStop ("SCreamNo3"); } }
Symbol 522 Button
on (rollOver) { overBeep.start(0, 1); } on (press) { ringFX.start(0, 1); if ((energy >= 5) && (handstand >= 1)) { gotoAndStop ("HS1"); _global.timevar++; energy = energy - 5; rwc = rwc + 5; happiness++; hunger--; handstand = 0; } else { gotoAndStop ("SYardNo"); } }
Symbol 524 Button
on (rollOver) { overBeep.start(0, 1); } on (press) { ringFX.start(0, 1); if ((energy >= 10) && (swimming >= 1)) { gotoAndStop ("SW0"); _global.timevar++; energy = energy - 10; rwc = rwc + 10; happiness++; hunger--; swimming = 0; } else { gotoAndStop ("SYardNo"); } }
Symbol 525 Button
on (rollOver) { overBeep.start(0, 1); } on (press) { ringFX.start(0, 1); gotoAndStop ("Backyard"); }
Symbol 527 Button
on (rollOver) { overBeep.start(0, 1); } on (press) { ringFX.start(0, 1); if ((energy >= 5) && (tag >= 1)) { gotoAndStop ("TAG1"); _global.timevar++; energy = energy - 5; rwc = rwc + 5; happiness++; hunger--; tag = 0; } else { gotoAndStop ("SYardNo"); } }
Symbol 532 Button
on (rollOver) { overBeep.start(0, 1); } on (press) { ringFX.start(0, 1); if (hunger <= 0) { gotoAndStop ("Hungry"); energy = energy - 1; _global.timevar++; } else { gotoAndStop ("NotHungry"); } }
Symbol 533 Button
on (rollOver) { overBeep.start(0, 1); } on (release) { ringFX.start(0, 1); gotoAndStop ("Kitchen"); }
Symbol 536 Button
on (rollOver) { overBeep.start(0, 1); } on (release) { ringFX.start(0, 1); if (hunger <= 0) { gotoAndStop ("BadHungry"); energy = energy - 1; } else { gotoAndStop ("BadNotHungry"); } }
Symbol 538 Button
on (rollOver) { overBeep.start(0, 1); } on (press) { ringFX.start(0, 1); gotoAndStop ("Kitchen"); }
Symbol 541 Button
on (rollOver) { overBeep.start(0, 1); } on (release) { ringFX.start(0, 1); gotoAndStop ("Cooking"); energy = energy - 5; }
Symbol 544 Button
on (rollOver) { overBeep.start(0, 1); } on (press) { ringFX.start(0, 1); if (pizzaeat <= 0) { gotoAndStop ("EnuPiz"); } else if (rings >= 30) { gotoAndStop ("Pizza"); rings = rings - 30; rwc = rwc + 30; happiness++; pizzaeat = 0; } else { gotoAndStop ("NoPizza"); } }
Symbol 548 Button
on (rollOver) { overBeep.start(0, 1); } on (press) { ringFX.start(0, 1); hunger = 3; gotoAndStop ("Kitchen"); }
Symbol 553 Button
on (rollOver) { overBeep.start(0, 1); } on (press) { ringFX.start(0, 1); gotoAndStop ("Cooking"); energy = energy - 5; }
Symbol 555 Button
on (rollOver) { overBeep.start(0, 1); } on (press) { ringFX.start(0, 1); gotoAndStop ("BadCooking"); energy = energy - 5; }
Symbol 556 Button
on (rollOver) { overBeep.start(0, 1); } on (release) { ringFX.start(0, 1); if (pizzaeat <= 0) { gotoAndStop ("EnuPizB"); } else if (rings >= 30) { gotoAndStop ("BadPizza"); rings = rings - 30; rwc = rwc + 30; pizzaeat = 0; } else { gotoAndStop ("NoPizza"); } }
Symbol 560 Button
on (rollOver) { overBeep.start(0, 1); } on (press) { ringFX.start(0, 1); }
Symbol 564 Button
on (rollOver) { overBeep.start(0, 1); } on (press) { ringFX.start(0, 1); if (cumfeed >= 2) { gotoAndStop ("Sick"); energy = energy - 5; happiness = happiness - 10; rwc = rwc - 25; } else if ((lust >= 5) && (rwc >= 450)) { gotoAndStop ("BadTreat"); energy = energy - 5; rwc = rwc + 25; cumfeed++; } else { gotoAndStop ("NoTreat"); energy = energy - 5; happiness--; } }
Symbol 567 Button
on (rollOver) { overBeep.start(0, 1); } on (press) { ringFX.start(0, 1); gotoAndStop ("BadCooking2"); lust++; alignment--; rwc = rwc + 10; energy = energy - 5; }
Symbol 569 Button
on (rollOver) { overBeep.start(0, 1); } on (press) { ringFX.start(0, 1); gotoAndStop ("Cooking"); rwc = rwc + 10; }
Symbol 574 Button
on (rollOver) { overBeep.start(0, 1); } on (press) { ringFX.start(0, 1); gotoAndStop ("BadPizza2"); }
Symbol 575 Button
on (rollOver) { overBeep.start(0, 1); } on (press) { ringFX.start(0, 1); gotoAndStop ("Pizza"); }
Symbol 579 Button
on (rollOver) { overBeep.start(0, 1); } on (press) { ringFX.start(0, 1); hunger = 2; gotoAndStop ("Kitchen"); }
Symbol 581 Button
on (rollOver) { overBeep.start(0, 1); } on (press) { ringFX.start(0, 1); nextFrame(); }
Symbol 591 Button
on (rollOver) { overBeep.start(0, 1); } on (press) { ringFX.start(0, 1); lust++; happiness++; cumfeed++; hunger = 2; gotoAndStop ("Kitchen"); }
Symbol 595 Button
on (rollOver) { overBeep.start(0, 1); } on (press) { ringFX.start(0, 1); gotoAndStop ("Garage"); themeCurrent.start(0, 99); }
Symbol 598 Button
on (rollOver) { overBeep.start(0, 1); } on (press) { ringFX.start(0, 1); gotoAndStop ("Cream"); themeCurrent.start(0, 99); }
Symbol 601 Button
on (rollOver) { overBeep.start(0, 1); } on (press) { ringFX.start(0, 1); gotoAndStop ("Outside"); }
Symbol 604 Button
on (rollOver) { overBeep.start(0, 1); } on (press) { ringFX.start(0, 1); gotoAndStop ("Living"); themeCurrent.start(0, 99); }
Symbol 607 Button
on (rollOver) { overBeep.start(0, 1); } on (press) { ringFX.start(0, 1); gotoAndStop ("Living"); }
Symbol 609 Button
on (rollOver) { overBeep.start(0, 1); } on (press) { ringFX.start(0, 1); gotoAndStop ("Vanilla"); }
Symbol 613 Button
on (rollOver) { overBeep.start(0, 1); } on (press) { ringFX.start(0, 1); gotoAndStop ("JOSwr"); }
Symbol 615 Button
on (rollOver) { overBeep.start(0, 1); } on (press) { ringFX.start(0, 1); if (rwc >= 450) { gotoAndStop ("SH1"); } else { gotoAndStop ("JNogo"); } }
Symbol 617 Button
on (rollOver) { overBeep.start(0, 1); } on (press) { ringFX.start(0, 1); gotoAndStop ("Vanilla"); }
Symbol 620 Button
on (rollOver) { overBeep.start(0, 1); } on (press) { ringFX.start(0, 1); jerkoff++; gotoAndStop ("Vanilla"); }
Symbol 626 Button
on (rollOver) { overBeep.start(0, 1); } on (press) { ringFX.start(0, 1); if (rwc >= 600) { gotoAndStop ("SF5"); funshower = 0; creamshower = 0; showerscore++; } else { gotoAndStop ("SH12"); creamshower = 0; showerscore++; } }
Symbol 631 Button
on (rollOver) { overBeep.start(0, 1); } on (press) { ringFX.start(0, 1); energy--; gotoAndStop ("SH3"); }
Symbol 633 Button
on (rollOver) { overBeep.start(0, 1); } on (press) { ringFX.start(0, 1); energy--; if (rwc >= 450) { gotoAndStop ("SH8"); } else { gotoAndStop ("SH7"); } }
Symbol 637 Button
on (rollOver) { overBeep.start(0, 1); } on (press) { ringFX.start(0, 1); energy--; if (peep >= 7) { gotoAndStop ("SH5"); lust++; alignment--; } else { gotoAndStop ("SH4"); } }
Symbol 640 Button
on (rollOver) { overBeep.start(0, 1); } on (press) { ringFX.start(0, 1); alignment++; gotoAndStop ("Vanilla"); }
Symbol 648 Button
on (rollOver) { overBeep.start(0, 1); } on (press) { ringFX.start(0, 1); energy = energy - 3; happiness--; gotoAndStop ("Vanilla"); }
Symbol 652 Button
on (rollOver) { overBeep.start(0, 1); } on (press) { ringFX.start(0, 1); energy--; gotoAndStop ("SH6"); }
Symbol 656 Button
on (rollOver) { overBeep.start(0, 1); } on (press) { ringFX.start(0, 1); jerkoff = jerkoff + 2; nextFrame(); }
Symbol 661 Button
on (rollOver) { overBeep.start(0, 1); } on (press) { ringFX.start(0, 1); peep++; nextFrame(); }
Symbol 666 Button
on (rollOver) { overBeep.start(0, 1); } on (press) { ringFX.start(0, 1); energy--; gotoAndStop ("SH9"); }
Symbol 668 Button
on (rollOver) { overBeep.start(0, 1); } on (press) { ringFX.start(0, 1); alignment++; gotoAndStop ("Vanilla"); }
Symbol 672 Button
on (rollOver) { overBeep.start(0, 1); } on (press) { ringFX.start(0, 1); energy--; gotoAndStop ("SH10"); }
Symbol 674 Button
on (rollOver) { overBeep.start(0, 1); } on (press) { ringFX.start(0, 1); energy--; showerscore++; gotoAndStop ("SH11"); }
Symbol 680 Button
on (rollOver) { overBeep.start(0, 1); } on (press) { ringFX.start(0, 1); touch = touch + 2; gotoAndStop ("Vanilla"); }
Symbol 683 Button
on (rollOver) { overBeep.start(0, 1); } on (press) { ringFX.start(0, 1); gotoAndStop ("SH12"); }
Symbol 694 Button
on (rollOver) { overBeep.start(0, 1); } on (press) { ringFX.start(0, 1); energy--; gotoAndStop ("FL2"); }
Symbol 696 Button
on (rollOver) { overBeep.start(0, 1); } on (press) { ringFX.start(0, 1); alignment++; gotoAndStop ("FL7"); }
Symbol 699 Button
on (rollOver) { overBeep.start(0, 1); } on (press) { ringFX.start(0, 1); energy--; gotoAndStop ("FL3"); }
Symbol 702 Button
on (rollOver) { overBeep.start(0, 1); } on (press) { ringFX.start(0, 1); energy--; if (peep >= 7) { gotoAndStop ("FL6"); } else { gotoAndStop ("FL8"); } }
Symbol 709 Button
on (rollOver) { overBeep.start(0, 1); } on (press) { ringFX.start(0, 1); energy--; gotoAndStop ("VG11"); }
Symbol 712 Button
on (rollOver) { overBeep.start(0, 1); } on (press) { ringFX.start(0, 1); energy--; gotoAndStop ("VG12"); }
Symbol 719 Button
on (rollOver) { overBeep.start(0, 1); } on (press) { ringFX.start(0, 1); rwc = rwc - 10; gotoAndStop ("Vanilla"); }
Symbol 721 Button
on (rollOver) { overBeep.start(0, 1); } on (press) { ringFX.start(0, 1); happiness--; rwc = rwc - 5; gotoAndStop ("Living"); }
Symbol 724 Button
on (rollOver) { overBeep.start(0, 1); } on (press) { ringFX.start(0, 1); jerkoff++; if (rwc >= 500) { gotoAndStop ("FL9"); } else { nextFrame(); } }
Symbol 728 Button
on (rollOver) { overBeep.start(0, 1); } on (press) { ringFX.start(0, 1); lust++; nextFrame(); }
Symbol 733 Button
on (rollOver) { overBeep.start(0, 1); } on (press) { ringFX.start(0, 1); happiness++; gotoAndStop ("Living"); }
Symbol 740 Button
on (rollOver) { overBeep.start(0, 1); } on (press) { ringFX.start(0, 1); happiness--; rwc = rwc - 5; gotoAndStop ("GameOver1"); }
Symbol 746 Button
on (rollOver) { overBeep.start(0, 1); } on (press) { ringFX.start(0, 1); creamcum++; gotoAndStop ("Living"); }
Symbol 755 Button
on (rollOver) { overBeep.start(0, 1); } on (press) { ringFX.start(0, 1); creamcum++; gotoAndStop ("Vanilla"); }
Symbol 764 Button
on (rollOver) { overBeep.start(0, 1); } on (press) { ringFX.start(0, 1); cumon = cumon + 3; gotoAndStop ("Vanilla"); }
Symbol 768 Button
on (rollOver) { overBeep.start(0, 1); } on (press) { ringFX.start(0, 1); if (rwc >= 700) { gotoAndStop ("SF11"); } else { gotoAndStop ("SF4"); } }
Symbol 773 Button
on (rollOver) { overBeep.start(0, 1); } on (press) { ringFX.start(0, 1); gotoAndStop ("SF2"); }
Symbol 775 Button
on (rollOver) { overBeep.start(0, 1); } on (press) { ringFX.start(0, 1); gotoAndStop ("SF3"); }
Symbol 779 Button
on (rollOver) { overBeep.start(0, 1); } on (press) { ringFX.start(0, 1); fuck++; gotoAndStop ("Vanilla"); }
Symbol 784 Button
on (rollOver) { overBeep.start(0, 1); } on (press) { ringFX.start(0, 1); fuck++; cumon++; gotoAndStop ("Vanilla"); }
Symbol 794 Button
on (rollOver) { overBeep.start(0, 1); } on (press) { ringFX.start(0, 1); fuck++; creamcum++; gotoAndStop ("Hallway"); }
Symbol 802 Button
on (rollOver) { overBeep.start(0, 1); } on (press) { ringFX.start(0, 1); energy = energy - 5; if (hunger <= -1) { gotoAndStop ("CT2"); } else { gotoAndStop ("CT3"); } }
Symbol 804 Button
on (rollOver) { overBeep.start(0, 1); } on (press) { ringFX.start(0, 1); gotoAndStop ("Living"); }
Symbol 807 Button
on (rollOver) { overBeep.start(0, 1); } on (press) { ringFX.start(0, 1); rwc = rwc + 5; nextFrame(); }
Symbol 814 Button
on (rollOver) { overBeep.start(0, 1); } on (press) { energy--; gotoAndStop ("CT4"); }
Symbol 816 Button
on (rollOver) { overBeep.start(0, 1); } on (press) { ringFX.start(0, 1); gotoAndStop ("CT5"); }
Symbol 818 Button
on (rollOver) { overBeep.start(0, 1); } on (press) { ringFX.start(0, 1); peep++; jerkoff++; nextFrame(); }
Symbol 822 Button
on (rollOver) { overBeep.start(0, 1); } on (press) { ringFX.start(0, 1); energy--; if ((exposure >= 5) && (rwc >= 500)) { gotoAndStop ("CT11"); } else { gotoAndStop ("CT10"); } }
Symbol 824 Button
on (rollOver) { overBeep.start(0, 1); } on (press) { ringFX.start(0, 1); energy--; if (jerkoff >= 5) { gotoAndStop ("CT7"); } else { gotoAndStop ("CT6"); } }
Symbol 827 Button
on (rollOver) { overBeep.start(0, 1); } on (press) { ringFX.start(0, 1); energy--; if (carrotitem >= 1) { gotoAndStop ("CT12"); } else { gotoAndStop ("CT13"); } }
Symbol 831 Button
on (rollOver) { overBeep.start(0, 1); } on (press) { ringFX.start(0, 1); happiness = happiness - 2; cumon++; gotoAndStop ("Living"); }
Symbol 835 Button
on (rollOver) { overBeep.start(0, 1); } on (press) { ringFX.start(0, 1); alignmnet--; nextFrame(); }
Symbol 840 Button
on (rollOver) { overBeep.start(0, 1); } on (press) { ringFX.start(0, 1); energy--; gotoAndStop ("CT9"); }
Symbol 841 Button
on (rollOver) { overBeep.start(0, 1); } on (press) { ringFX.start(0, 1); energy--; gotoAndStop ("CT8"); }
Symbol 844 Button
on (rollOver) { overBeep.start(0, 1); } on (press) { ringFX.start(0, 1); alignmnet--; happiness = happiness - 2; gotoAndStop ("Living"); }
Symbol 847 Button
on (rollOver) { overBeep.start(0, 1); } on (press) { ringFX.start(0, 1); happiness--; nextFrame(); }
Symbol 851 Button
on (rollOver) { overBeep.start(0, 1); } on (press) { ringFX.start(0, 1); gotoAndStop ("Living"); cumon++; }
Symbol 854 Button
on (rollOver) { overBeep.start(0, 1); } on (press) { ringFX.start(0, 1); lust++; jerkoff++; nextFrame(); }
Symbol 857 Button
on (rollOver) { overBeep.start(0, 1); } on (press) { ringFX.start(0, 1); exposure++; gotoAndStop ("Vanilla"); }
Symbol 868 Button
on (rollOver) { overBeep.start(0, 1); } on (press) { ringFX.start(0, 1); energy = energy - 2; blowjob++; cumfeed++; gotoAndStop ("Vanilla"); }
Symbol 870 Button
on (rollOver) { overBeep.start(0, 1); } on (press) { ringFX.start(0, 1); peep++; gotoAndStop ("Hallway"); }
Symbol 874 Button
on (rollOver) { overBeep.start(0, 1); } on (press) { ringFX.start(0, 1); peep++; lust++; nextFrame(); }
Symbol 879 Button
on (rollOver) { overBeep.start(0, 1); } on (press) { ringFX.start(0, 1); energy--; nextFrame(); }
Symbol 881 Button
on (rollOver) { overBeep.start(0, 1); } on (press) { ringFX.start(0, 1); energy--; if (rwc >= 450) { gotoAndStop ("CT15"); } else { gotoAndStop ("CT14"); } }
Symbol 882 Button
on (rollOver) { overBeep.start(0, 1); } on (press) { ringFX.start(0, 1); gotoAndStop ("Hallway"); }
Symbol 884 Button
on (rollOver) { overBeep.start(0, 1); } on (press) { ringFX.start(0, 1); jerkoff++; nextFrame(); }
Symbol 886 Button
on (rollOver) { overBeep.start(0, 1); } on (press) { ringFX.start(0, 1); gotoAndStop ("Hallway"); }
Symbol 894 Button
on (rollOver) { overBeep.start(0, 1); } on (press) { ringFX.start(0, 1); happiness--; energy = energy - 2; gotoAndStop ("Vanilla"); }
Symbol 900 Button
on (rollOver) { overBeep.start(0, 1); } on (press) { ringFX.start(0, 1); carrotitem = 1; gotoAndStop ("Hallway"); }
Symbol 905 Button
on (rollOver) { overBeep.start(0, 1); } on (press) { ringFX.start(0, 1); energy--; gotoAndStop ("VG2"); }
Symbol 907 Button
on (rollOver) { overBeep.start(0, 1); } on (press) { ringFX.start(0, 1); energy--; gotoAndStop ("VG5"); }
Symbol 910 Button
on (rollOver) { overBeep.start(0, 1); } on (press) { ringFX.start(0, 1); touch++; nextFrame(); }
Symbol 914 Button
on (rollOver) { overBeep.start(0, 1); } on (press) { ringFX.start(0, 1); energy--; gotoAndStop ("VG3"); }
Symbol 916 Button
on (rollOver) { overBeep.start(0, 1); } on (press) { ringFX.start(0, 1); energy--; gotoAndStop ("VG4"); }
Symbol 918 Button
on (rollOver) { overBeep.start(0, 1); } on (press) { ringFX.start(0, 1); energy--; if (touch >= 7) { gotoAndStop ("VG7"); } else { gotoAndStop ("VG6"); } }
Symbol 921 Button
on (rollOver) { overBeep.start(0, 1); } on (press) { ringFX.start(0, 1); alignment++; happiness++; gotoAndStop ("Living"); }
Symbol 925 Button
on (rollOver) { overBeep.start(0, 1); } on (press) { ringFX.start(0, 1); alignment--; touch++; nextFrame(); }
Symbol 930 Button
on (rollOver) { overBeep.start(0, 1); } on (press) { ringFX.start(0, 1); energy--; peep++; gotoAndStop ("VG9"); }
Symbol 933 Button
on (rollOver) { overBeep.start(0, 1); } on (press) { ringFX.start(0, 1); alignment = alignment - 2; nextFrame(); }
Symbol 939 Button
on (rollOver) { overBeep.start(0, 1); } on (press) { ringFX.start(0, 1); energy--; gotoAndStop ("VG8"); }
Symbol 944 Button
on (rollOver) { overBeep.start(0, 1); } on (press) { ringFX.start(0, 1); happiness = happiness - 2; gotoAndStop ("Living"); }
Symbol 947 Button
on (rollOver) { overBeep.start(0, 1); } on (press) { ringFX.start(0, 1); lust++; touch++; nextFrame(); }
Symbol 952 Button
on (rollOver) { overBeep.start(0, 1); } on (press) { ringFX.start(0, 1); energy--; if (rwc >= 450) { gotoAndStop ("VG20"); } else { gotoAndStop ("VG16"); } }
Symbol 955 Button
on (rollOver) { overBeep.start(0, 1); } on (press) { ringFX.start(0, 1); energy--; if (rwc >= 300) { gotoAndStop ("VG18"); } else { gotoAndStop ("VG17"); } }
Symbol 959 Button
on (rollOver) { overBeep.start(0, 1); } on (press) { ringFX.start(0, 1); happiness++; nextFrame(); }
Symbol 962 Button
on (rollOver) { overBeep.start(0, 1); }
Symbol 964 Button
on (rollOver) { overBeep.start(0, 1); } on (press) { ringFX.start(0, 1); _root.gotoAndStop("VG19"); }
Symbol 965 MovieClip Frame 1
if (_global.evil <= -15) { gotoAndStop ("Evil"); } else { gotoAndStop ("NoEvil"); }
Symbol 967 Button
on (rollOver) { overBeep.start(0, 1); } on (press) { ringFX.start(0, 1); energy--; gotoAndStop ("VG10"); }
Symbol 969 Button
on (rollOver) { overBeep.start(0, 1); } on (press) { ringFX.start(0, 1); energy--; if (peep >= 7) { gotoAndStop ("VG15"); } else { gotoAndStop ("VG14"); } }
Symbol 970 Button
on (rollOver) { overBeep.start(0, 1); } on (press) { ringFX.start(0, 1); energy--; gotoAndStop ("VG13"); }
Symbol 974 Button
on (rollOver) { overBeep.start(0, 1); } on (press) { ringFX.start(0, 1); energy--; gotoAndStop ("VG11"); }
Symbol 985 Button
on (rollOver) { overBeep.start(0, 1); } on (press) { ringFX.start(0, 1); exposure++; nextFrame(); }
Symbol 991 Button
on (rollOver) { overBeep.start(0, 1); } on (press) { ringFX.start(0, 1); energy = energy - 3; gotoAndStop ("Vanilla"); }
Symbol 994 Button
on (rollOver) { overBeep.start(0, 1); } on (press) { ringFX.start(0, 1); lust = lust + 2; gotoAndStop ("Vanilla"); }
Symbol 1002 Button
on (rollOver) { overBeep.start(0, 1); } on (press) { ringFX.start(0, 1); peep++; gotoAndStop ("Living"); }
Symbol 1008 Button
on (rollOver) { overBeep.start(0, 1); } on (press) { ringFX.start(0, 1); summonlevel = 1; gotoAndStop ("Living"); }
Symbol 1012 Button
on (rollOver) { overBeep.start(0, 1); } on (press) { ringFX.start(0, 1); cumon++; gotoAndStop ("Hallway"); }
Symbol 1021 Button
on (rollOver) { overBeep.start(0, 1); } on (press) { ringFX.start(0, 1); energy = energy - 5; if (rwc >= 200) { gotoAndStop ("BG3"); } else { gotoAndStop ("BG2"); } }
Symbol 1026 Button
on (rollOver) { overBeep.start(0, 1); } on (press) { ringFX.start(0, 1); rwc = rwc + 5; nextFrame(); }
Symbol 1031 Button
on (rollOver) { overBeep.start(0, 1); } on (press) { ringFX.start(0, 1); gotoAndStop ("BG4"); }
Symbol 1033 Button
on (rollOver) { overBeep.start(0, 1); } on (press) { ringFX.start(0, 1); gotoAndStop ("BG5"); }
Symbol 1036 Button
on (rollOver) { overBeep.start(0, 1); } on (press) { ringFX.start(0, 1); if (rwc >= 300) { gotoAndStop ("BG7"); } else { gotoAndStop ("BG6"); } }
Symbol 1038 Button
on (rollOver) { overBeep.start(0, 1); } on (press) { ringFX.start(0, 1); gotoAndStop ("BG8"); }
Symbol 1042 Button
on (rollOver) { overBeep.start(0, 1); } on (press) { ringFX.start(0, 1); gotoAndStop ("BG9"); }
Symbol 1044 Button
on (rollOver) { overBeep.start(0, 1); } on (press) { ringFX.start(0, 1); gotoAndStop ("BG12"); }
Symbol 1057 Button
on (rollOver) { overBeep.start(0, 1); } on (press) { ringFX.start(0, 1); peep++; happiness++; gotoAndStop ("Living"); }
Symbol 1061 Button
on (rollOver) { overBeep.start(0, 1); } on (press) { ringFX.start(0, 1); if (lust > 7) { gotoAndStop ("BG11"); } else { gotoAndStop ("BG10"); } }
Symbol 1064 Button
on (rollOver) { overBeep.start(0, 1); } on (press) { ringFX.start(0, 1); exposure++; gotoAndStop ("Living"); }
Symbol 1068 Button
on (rollOver) { overBeep.start(0, 1); } on (press) { ringFX.start(0, 1); exposure++; lust++; nextFrame(); }
Symbol 1073 Button
on (rollOver) { overBeep.start(0, 1); } on (press) { ringFX.start(0, 1); alignment = alignment + 2; nextFrame(); }
Symbol 1078 Button
on (rollOver) { overBeep.start(0, 1); } on (press) { ringFX.start(0, 1); energy = energy - 5; gotoAndStop ("RG2"); }
Symbol 1080 Button
on (rollOver) { overBeep.start(0, 1); } on (press) { ringFX.start(0, 1); gotoAndStop ("RG3"); }
Symbol 1090 Button
on (rollOver) { overBeep.start(0, 1); } on (press) { ringFX.start(0, 1); energy--; lust++; gotoAndStop ("RG5"); }
Symbol 1092 Button
on (rollOver) { overBeep.start(0, 1); } on (press) { ringFX.start(0, 1); energy--; touch++; gotoAndStop ("RG4"); }
Symbol 1093 Button
on (rollOver) { overBeep.start(0, 1); } on (press) { ringFX.start(0, 1); energy--; if ((rwc >= 500) && (lust >= 7)) { gotoAndStop ("RG7"); } else { gotoAndStop ("RG6"); } }
Symbol 1096 Button
on (rollOver) { overBeep.start(0, 1); } on (press) { ringFX.start(0, 1); energy--; if ((touch >= 5) && (lust >= 5)) { gotoAndStop ("RG9"); } else { gotoAndStop ("RG8"); } }
Symbol 1098 Button
on (rollOver) { overBeep.start(0, 1); } on (press) { ringFX.start(0, 1); gotoAndStop ("Living"); }
Symbol 1102 Button
on (rollOver) { overBeep.start(0, 1); } on (press) { ringFX.start(0, 1); energy--; if ((exposure >= 5) && (rwc >= 500)) { gotoAndStop ("CT11"); } else { gotoAndStop ("CT10"); } }
Symbol 1112 Button
on (rollOver) { overBeep.start(0, 1); } on (press) { ringFX.start(0, 1); energy--; if (exposure >= 8) { gotoAndStop ("RG11"); } else { gotoAndStop ("RG10"); } }
Symbol 1117 Button
on (rollOver) { overBeep.start(0, 1); } on (press) { ringFX.start(0, 1); lust = lust + 2; nextFrame(); }
Symbol 1124 Button
on (rollOver) { overBeep.start(0, 1); } on (press) { ringFX.start(0, 1); rwc = rwc - 5; gotoAndStop ("Living"); }
Symbol 1129 Button
on (rollOver) { overBeep.start(0, 1); } on (press) { ringFX.start(0, 1); energy--; if (rwc >= 550) { gotoAndStop ("RG13"); } else { gotoAndStop ("RG12"); } }
Symbol 1131 Button
on (rollOver) { overBeep.start(0, 1); } on (press) { ringFX.start(0, 1); energy--; if (rwc >= 550) { gotoAndStop ("RG18"); } else { gotoAndStop ("RG12"); } }
Symbol 1133 Button
on (rollOver) { overBeep.start(0, 1); } on (press) { ringFX.start(0, 1); energy--; gotoAndStop ("RG17"); }
Symbol 1135 Button
on (rollOver) { overBeep.start(0, 1); } on (press) { ringFX.start(0, 1); happiness = happiness - 2; nextFrame(); }
Symbol 1141 Button
on (rollOver) { overBeep.start(0, 1); } on (press) { ringFX.start(0, 1); energy--; gotoAndStop ("RG14"); }
Symbol 1143 Button
on (rollOver) { overBeep.start(0, 1); } on (press) { ringFX.start(0, 1); energy--; if (rwc >= 600) { gotoAndStop ("RG16"); } else { gotoAndStop ("RG15"); } }
Symbol 1149 Button
on (rollOver) { overBeep.start(0, 1); } on (press) { ringFX.start(0, 1); lust++; cumon++; gotoAndStop ("Living"); }
Symbol 1154 Button
on (rollOver) { overBeep.start(0, 1); } on (press) { ringFX.start(0, 1); nextFrame(); }
Symbol 1166 Button
on (rollOver) { overBeep.start(0, 1); } on (press) { ringFX.start(0, 1); cumon++; gotoAndStop ("Living"); }
Symbol 1173 Button
on (rollOver) { overBeep.start(0, 1); } on (press) { ringFX.start(0, 1); blowjob++; cumfeed++; gotoAndStop ("Living"); }
Symbol 1179 Button
on (rollOver) { overBeep.start(0, 1); } on (press) { ringFX.start(0, 1); energy--; gotoAndStop ("GU2"); }
Symbol 1181 Button
on (rollOver) { overBeep.start(0, 1); } on (press) { ringFX.start(0, 1); energy--; gotoAndStop ("GU6"); }
Symbol 1183 Button
on (rollOver) { overBeep.start(0, 1); } on (press) { ringFX.start(0, 1); energy--; if (rwc >= 550) { gotoAndStop ("GU7"); } else { gotoAndStop ("GU8"); } }
Symbol 1186 Button
on (rollOver) { overBeep.start(0, 1); } on (press) { ringFX.start(0, 1); energy--; gotoAndStop ("GU3"); }
Symbol 1188 Button
on (rollOver) { overBeep.start(0, 1); } on (press) { ringFX.start(0, 1); energy--; if (jerkoff >= 10) { gotoAndStop ("GU4"); } else { gotoAndStop ("GU9"); } }
Symbol 1190 Button
on (rollOver) { overBeep.start(0, 1); } on (press) { ringFX.start(0, 1); energy--; gotoAndStop ("GU5"); }
Symbol 1194 Button
on (rollOver) { overBeep.start(0, 1); } on (press) { ringFX.start(0, 1); alignment++; gotoAndStop ("Hallway"); }
Symbol 1199 Button
on (rollOver) { overBeep.start(0, 1); } on (press) { ringFX.start(0, 1); alignment = alignment - 2; cumon = cumon + 2; gotoAndStop ("Living"); }
Symbol 1201 Button
on (rollOver) { overBeep.start(0, 1); } on (press) { ringFX.start(0, 1); jerkoff++; cumon++; gotoAndStop ("Living"); }
Symbol 1211 Button
on (rollOver) { overBeep.start(0, 1); } on (press) { ringFX.start(0, 1); touch = touch + 2; creamcum++; gotoAndStop ("Living"); }
Symbol 1215 Button
on (rollOver) { overBeep.start(0, 1); } on (press) { ringFX.start(0, 1); gotoAndStop ("GameOver1"); }
Symbol 1226 Button
on (rollOver) { overBeep.start(0, 1); } on (press) { ringFX.start(0, 1); energy = energy - 5; if (touch >= 10) { gotoAndStop ("TK2"); } else { gotoAndStop ("TK3"); } }
Symbol 1239 Button
on (rollOver) { overBeep.start(0, 1); } on (press) { ringFX.start(0, 1); cumon++; blowjob++; creamcum++; pornowatch = 1; gotoAndStop ("Living"); }
Symbol 1246 Button
on (rollOver) { overBeep.start(0, 1); } on (press) { ringFX.start(0, 1); cumon++; creamcum++; pornowatch = 0; gotoAndStop ("Living"); }
Symbol 1259 Button
on (rollOver) { overBeep.start(0, 1); } on (press) { ringFX.start(0, 1); cumon++; blowjob++; cumfeed++; pornowatch = 1; gotoAndStop ("Living"); }
Symbol 1262 Button
on (rollOver) { overBeep.start(0, 1); } on (press) { ringFX.start(0, 1); gotoAndStop ("TAG2"); }
Symbol 1264 Button
on (rollOver) { overBeep.start(0, 1); } on (press) { ringFX.start(0, 1); gotoAndStop ("TAG3"); }
Symbol 1267 Button
on (rollOver) { overBeep.start(0, 1); } on (press) { ringFX.start(0, 1); peep++; gotoAndStop ("Backyard"); }
Symbol 1272 Button
on (rollOver) { overBeep.start(0, 1); } on (press) { ringFX.start(0, 1); touch++; gotoAndStop ("Backyard"); }
Symbol 1278 Button
on (rollOver) { overBeep.start(0, 1); } on (press) { ringFX.start(0, 1); gotoAndStop ("HS2"); }
Symbol 1280 Button
on (rollOver) { overBeep.start(0, 1); } on (press) { ringFX.start(0, 1); gotoAndStop ("HS3"); }
Symbol 1285 Button
on (rollOver) { overBeep.start(0, 1); } on (press) { ringFX.start(0, 1); alignment++; happiness++; gotoAndStop ("Backyard"); }
Symbol 1287 Button
on (rollOver) { overBeep.start(0, 1); } on (press) { ringFX.start(0, 1); if (touch >= 8) { gotoAndStop ("HS5"); } else { gotoAndStop ("HS4"); } }
Symbol 1291 Button
on (rollOver) { overBeep.start(0, 1); } on (press) { ringFX.start(0, 1); peep++; happiness--; gotoAndStop ("Backyard"); }
Symbol 1298 Button
on (rollOver) { overBeep.start(0, 1); } on (press) { ringFX.start(0, 1); energy--; if ((lust >= 10) && (rwc >= 450)) { gotoAndStop ("HS7"); } else { gotoAndStop ("HS6"); } }
Symbol 1300 Button
on (rollOver) { overBeep.start(0, 1); } on (press) { ringFX.start(0, 1); energy--; gotoAndStop ("HS2"); }
Symbol 1305 Button
on (rollOver) { overBeep.start(0, 1); } on (press) { ringFX.start(0, 1); happiness--; rwc = rwc - 5; gotoAndStop ("Backyard"); }
Symbol 1310 Button
on (rollOver) { overBeep.start(0, 1); } on (press) { ringFX.start(0, 1); energy--; if (rwc >= 600) { gotoAndStop ("HS9"); } else { gotoAndStop ("HS8"); } }
Symbol 1312 Button
on (rollOver) { overBeep.start(0, 1); } on (press) { ringFX.start(0, 1); energy--; gotoAndStop ("HS10"); }
Symbol 1325 Button
on (rollOver) { overBeep.start(0, 1); } on (press) { ringFX.start(0, 1); creamcum++; gotoAndStop ("Hallway"); }
Symbol 1332 MovieClip Frame 1
if (_global.timevar >= 9) { gotoAndStop ("Night"); } else if (_global.timevar >= 6) { gotoAndStop ("Afternoon"); } else if (_global.timevar >= 0) { gotoAndStop ("Day"); }
Symbol 1337 Button
on (rollOver) { overBeep.start(0, 1); } on (press) { ringFX.start(0, 1); energy--; gotoAndStop ("SW2"); }
Symbol 1339 Button
on (rollOver) { overBeep.start(0, 1); } on (press) { ringFX.start(0, 1); energy = energy - 5; gotoAndStop ("SW3"); }
Symbol 1341 Button
on (rollOver) { overBeep.start(0, 1); } on (press) { ringFX.start(0, 1); energy = energy - 5; gotoAndStop ("SW4"); }
Symbol 1345 Button
on (rollOver) { overBeep.start(0, 1); } on (press) { ringFX.start(0, 1); energy--; jerkoff++; gotoAndStop ("SW9"); }
Symbol 1347 Button
on (rollOver) { overBeep.start(0, 1); } on (press) { ringFX.start(0, 1); energy--; gotoAndStop ("SW8"); }
Symbol 1354 Button
on (rollOver) { overBeep.start(0, 1); } on (press) { ringFX.start(0, 1); energy--; if ((rwc >= 300) && (touch >= 5)) { gotoAndStop ("SW13"); } else { gotoAndStop ("SW12"); } }
Symbol 1356 Button
on (rollOver) { overBeep.start(0, 1); } on (press) { ringFX.start(0, 1); energy--; gotoAndStop ("SW2"); }
Symbol 1358 Button
on (rollOver) { overBeep.start(0, 1); } on (press) { ringFX.start(0, 1); gotoAndStop ("SW10"); }
Symbol 1363 Button
on (rollOver) { overBeep.start(0, 1); } on (press) { ringFX.start(0, 1); energy--; if ((rwc >= 500) && (alignment <= -5)) { gotoAndStop ("SW6"); } else { gotoAndStop ("SW7"); } }
Symbol 1365 Button
on (rollOver) { overBeep.start(0, 1); } on (press) { ringFX.start(0, 1); gotoAndStop ("SW5"); }
Symbol 1376 Button
on (rollOver) { overBeep.start(0, 1); } on (press) { ringFX.start(0, 1); bikinitop = 1; _global.bikinitop = bikinitop; alignment--; gotoAndStop ("Backyard"); }
Symbol 1380 Button
on (rollOver) { overBeep.start(0, 1); } on (press) { ringFX.start(0, 1); happiness++; alignment--; gotoAndStop ("Backyard"); }
Symbol 1383 Button
on (rollOver) { overBeep.start(0, 1); } on (press) { ringFX.start(0, 1); gotoAndStop ("SW14"); }
Symbol 1385 Button
on (rollOver) { overBeep.start(0, 1); } on (press) { ringFX.start(0, 1); gotoAndStop ("SW15"); }
Symbol 1389 Button
on (rollOver) { overBeep.start(0, 1); } on (press) { ringFX.start(0, 1); energy--; gotoAndStop ("SW18"); }
Symbol 1391 Button
on (rollOver) { overBeep.start(0, 1); } on (press) { ringFX.start(0, 1); energy--; if (jerkoff >= 8) { gotoAndStop ("SW17"); } else { gotoAndStop ("SW16"); } }
Symbol 1395 Button
on (rollOver) { overBeep.start(0, 1); } on (press) { ringFX.start(0, 1); energy--; gotoAndStop ("SW11"); }
Symbol 1397 Button
on (rollOver) { overBeep.start(0, 1); } on (press) { ringFX.start(0, 1); gotoAndStop ("Backyard"); }
Symbol 1400 Button
on (rollOver) { overBeep.start(0, 1); } on (press) { ringFX.start(0, 1); peep++; gotoAndStop ("Vanilla"); }
Symbol 1409 Button
on (rollOver) { overBeep.start(0, 1); } on (press) { ringFX.start(0, 1); creamcum++; gotoAndStop ("Backyard"); }
Symbol 1417 Button
on (rollOver) { overBeep.start(0, 1); } on (press) { ringFX.start(0, 1); exposure++; gotoAndStop ("Backyard"); }
Symbol 1422 Button
on (rollOver) { overBeep.start(0, 1); } on (press) { ringFX.start(0, 1); happiness = happiness - 2; gotoAndStop ("Backyard"); }
Symbol 1426 Button
on (rollOver) { overBeep.start(0, 1); } on (press) { ringFX.start(0, 1); lust = lust + 2; gotoAndStop ("Backyard"); }
Symbol 1435 Button
on (rollOver) { overBeep.start(0, 1); } on (press) { ringFX.start(0, 1); rwc = rwc - 10; happiness--; gotoAndStop ("Backyard"); }
Symbol 1438 Button
on (rollOver) { overBeep.start(0, 1); } on (press) { ringFX.start(0, 1); gotoAndStop ("Backyard"); }
Symbol 1440 Button
on (rollOver) { overBeep.start(0, 1); } on (press) { ringFX.start(0, 1); energy--; if (rwc >= 450) { gotoAndStop ("TOP2"); } else { gotoAndStop ("TOP3"); } }
Symbol 1442 Button
on (rollOver) { overBeep.start(0, 1); } on (press) { ringFX.start(0, 1); energy--; gotoAndStop ("TL4"); }
Symbol 1447 Button
on (rollOver) { overBeep.start(0, 1); } on (press) { ringFX.start(0, 1); rwc = rwc + 10; gotoAndStop ("TOP5"); }
Symbol 1454 Button
on (rollOver) { overBeep.start(0, 1); } on (press) { ringFX.start(0, 1); happiness++; rwc = rwc + 10; bikinitop = 0; gotoAndStop ("SW1"); }
Symbol 1461 Button
on (rollOver) { overBeep.start(0, 1); } on (press) { ringFX.start(0, 1); energy--; gotoAndStop ("TOP6"); }
Symbol 1462 Button
on (rollOver) { overBeep.start(0, 1); } on (press) { ringFX.start(0, 1); energy--; if (rwc >= 600) { gotoAndStop ("TOP8"); } else { gotoAndStop ("TOP7"); } }
Symbol 1471 Button
on (rollOver) { overBeep.start(0, 1); } on (press) { ringFX.start(0, 1); blowjob++; gotoAndStop ("Backyard"); }
Symbol 1477 Button
on (rollOver) { overBeep.start(0, 1); } on (press) { ringFX.start(0, 1); energy = energy - 5; gotoAndStop ("Backyard"); }
Symbol 1488 Button
on (rollOver) { overBeep.start(0, 1); } on (press) { ringFX.start(0, 1); fuck++; gotoAndStop ("Hallway"); }
Symbol 1502 Button
on (rollOver) { overBeep.start(0, 1); } on (press) { ringFX.start(0, 1); cumfeed++; cumon++; blowjob++; gotoAndStop ("Vanilla"); }
Symbol 1514 Button
on (rollOver) { overBeep.start(0, 1); } on (press) { ringFX.start(0, 1); gotoAndStop ("MA2"); }
Symbol 1516 Button
on (rollOver) { overBeep.start(0, 1); } on (press) { ringFX.start(0, 1); gotoAndStop ("MA8"); }
Symbol 1519 Button
on (rollOver) { overBeep.start(0, 1); } on (press) { ringFX.start(0, 1); if (mcondom >= 1) { gotoAndStop ("MA9"); } else { gotoAndStop ("MA2"); } }
Symbol 1521 Button
on (rollOver) { overBeep.start(0, 1); } on (press) { ringFX.start(0, 1); gotoAndStop ("MA3"); }
Symbol 1531 Button
on (rollOver) { overBeep.start(0, 1); } on (press) { ringFX.start(0, 1); myRandom = random(100) + 1; if (myRandom <= 25) { gotoAndStop ("MA5"); } else { gotoAndStop ("MA6"); } }
Symbol 1533 Button
on (rollOver) { overBeep.start(0, 1); } on (press) { ringFX.start(0, 1); gotoAndStop ("MA7"); }
Symbol 1542 Button
on (rollOver) { overBeep.start(0, 1); } on (press) { ringFX.start(0, 1); creamcum++; fuck++; cumon++; gotoAndStop ("Vanilla"); }
Symbol 1547 Button
on (rollOver) { overBeep.start(0, 1); } on (press) { ringFX.start(0, 1); fuck++; creamcum++; gotoAndStop ("Vanilla"); }
Symbol 1563 Button
on (rollOver) { overBeep.start(0, 1); } on (press) { ringFX.start(0, 1); fuck = fuck + 2; gotoAndStop ("Vanilla"); }
Symbol 1569 Button
on (rollOver) { overBeep.start(0, 1); } on (press) { ringFX.start(0, 1); fuck = fuck + 2; creamcum = creamcum + 2; gotoAndStop ("Vanilla"); }
Symbol 1575 Button
on (rollOver) { overBeep.start(0, 1); } on (press) { ringFX.start(0, 1); touch++; gotoAndStop ("Vanilla"); }
Symbol 1592 Button
on (rollOver) { overBeep.start(0, 1); } on (press) { ringFX.start(0, 1); gotoAndPlay ("Sleep"); energy = energy + 100; currentday++; }
Symbol 1598 Button
on (rollOver) { overBeep.start(0, 1); } on (press) { ringFX.start(0, 1); energy = energy + 100; currentday++; gotoAndPlay ("Sleep"); }
Symbol 1610 Button
on (rollOver) { overBeep.start(0, 1); } on (press) { ringFX.start(0, 1); gotoAndStop ("Nothing"); }
Symbol 1618 Button
on (rollOver) { overBeep.start(0, 1); } on (press) { ringFX.start(0, 1); energy = energy - 40; themeCurrent.start(0, 100); gotoAndStop ("Living"); }
Symbol 1621 Button
on (rollOver) { overBeep.start(0, 1); } on (press) { ringFX.start(0, 1); gotoAndPlay ("Start"); }
Symbol 1629 Button
on (release) { overBeep.start(0, 1); gotoAndPlay ("Start"); }

Library Items

Symbol 1 Sound [raining]
Symbol 2 Sound [introMusic]
Symbol 3 Sound [Theme2]
Symbol 4 Sound [beeping]
Symbol 5 Sound [Theme3]
Symbol 6 Sound [titleselect]
Symbol 7 Sound [Theme1]
Symbol 8 Sound [warning]
Symbol 9 Sound [getitem]
Symbol 10 Sound [overbeep]
Symbol 11 Sound [pageturn]
Symbol 12 Sound [ring]
Symbol 13 Sound [shower]
Symbol 14 FontUsed by:15 16 33 38 42 50 53 74 92 96 142 166 171 196 208 223 242 275 286 297 304 305 317 318 320 373 375 379 380 381 1614 1616 1620
Symbol 15 EditableTextUses:14Used by:Timeline
Symbol 16 TextUses:14Used by:Timeline
Symbol 17 GraphicUsed by:27
Symbol 18 GraphicUsed by:27
Symbol 19 GraphicUsed by:27
Symbol 20 GraphicUsed by:27
Symbol 21 GraphicUsed by:27
Symbol 22 GraphicUsed by:27
Symbol 23 GraphicUsed by:27
Symbol 24 GraphicUsed by:27
Symbol 25 GraphicUsed by:27
Symbol 26 GraphicUsed by:27
Symbol 27 MovieClipUses:17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26Used by:Timeline
Symbol 28 GraphicUsed by:Timeline
Symbol 29 GraphicUsed by:30 41  Timeline
Symbol 30 ButtonUses:29Used by:Timeline
Symbol 31 FontUsed by:32 76 80 82 83 84 85
Symbol 32 TextUses:31Used by:Timeline
Symbol 33 TextUses:14Used by:Timeline
Symbol 34 GraphicUsed by:35
Symbol 35 MovieClipUses:34Used by:Timeline
Symbol 36 GraphicUsed by:40
Symbol 37 GraphicUsed by:40
Symbol 38 TextUses:14Used by:40
Symbol 39 GraphicUsed by:40  Timeline
Symbol 40 MovieClipUses:36 37 38 39 SS2Used by:Timeline
Symbol 41 ButtonUses:29Used by:Timeline
Symbol 42 TextUses:14Used by:Timeline
Symbol 43 BitmapUsed by:44
Symbol 44 GraphicUses:43Used by:Timeline
Symbol 45 BitmapUsed by:46
Symbol 46 GraphicUses:45Used by:Timeline
Symbol 47 GraphicUsed by:48
Symbol 48 ButtonUses:47Used by:Timeline
Symbol 49 GraphicUsed by:52 54
Symbol 50 TextUses:14Used by:52
Symbol 51 GraphicUsed by:52 54
Symbol 52 ButtonUses:49 50 51Used by:Timeline
Symbol 53 TextUses:14Used by:54
Symbol 54 ButtonUses:49 53 51Used by:Timeline
Symbol 55 FontUsed by:56 66
Symbol 56 TextUses:55Used by:Timeline
Symbol 57 GraphicUsed by:Timeline
Symbol 58 FontUsed by:59
Symbol 59 TextUses:58Used by:Timeline
Symbol 60 GraphicUsed by:Timeline
Symbol 61 GraphicUsed by:Timeline
Symbol 62 FontUsed by:63
Symbol 63 TextUses:62Used by:Timeline
Symbol 64 FontUsed by:65
Symbol 65 TextUses:64Used by:Timeline
Symbol 66 TextUses:55Used by:67
Symbol 67 ButtonUses:66Used by:Timeline
Symbol 68 BitmapUsed by:69 122
Symbol 69 GraphicUses:68Used by:Timeline
Symbol 70 GraphicUsed by:71
Symbol 71 ButtonUses:70Used by:Timeline
Symbol 72 GraphicUsed by:Timeline
Symbol 73 GraphicUsed by:75
Symbol 74 TextUses:14Used by:75
Symbol 75 ButtonUses:73 74Used by:Timeline
Symbol 76 TextUses:31Used by:Timeline
Symbol 77 GraphicUsed by:78 79 81
Symbol 78 ButtonUses:77Used by:Timeline
Symbol 79 ButtonUses:77Used by:Timeline
Symbol 80 TextUses:31Used by:Timeline
Symbol 81 ButtonUses:77Used by:Timeline
Symbol 82 TextUses:31Used by:Timeline
Symbol 83 TextUses:31Used by:Timeline
Symbol 84 TextUses:31Used by:Timeline
Symbol 85 TextUses:31Used by:Timeline
Symbol 86 GraphicUsed by:Timeline
Symbol 87 FontUsed by:88 101 104 107 108 110 111 114 115 118 121 124 400 401 403 1624 1625 1626 1627 1628
Symbol 88 TextUses:87Used by:Timeline
Symbol 89 BitmapUsed by:90
Symbol 90 GraphicUses:89Used by:Timeline
Symbol 91 GraphicUsed by:94 123 1629
Symbol 92 TextUses:14Used by:94 123 1629
Symbol 93 GraphicUsed by:94 123 1629
Symbol 94 ButtonUses:91 92 93Used by:Timeline
Symbol 95 GraphicUsed by:98 99
Symbol 96 TextUses:14Used by:98 99
Symbol 97 GraphicUsed by:98 99
Symbol 98 ButtonUses:95 96 97Used by:Timeline
Symbol 99 ButtonUses:95 96 97Used by:Timeline
Symbol 100 GraphicUsed by:Timeline
Symbol 101 TextUses:87Used by:Timeline
Symbol 102 BitmapUsed by:103
Symbol 103 GraphicUses:102Used by:Timeline
Symbol 104 TextUses:87Used by:Timeline
Symbol 105 BitmapUsed by:106 109 584
Symbol 106 GraphicUses:105Used by:Timeline
Symbol 107 TextUses:87Used by:Timeline
Symbol 108 TextUses:87Used by:Timeline
Symbol 109 GraphicUses:105Used by:Timeline
Symbol 110 TextUses:87Used by:Timeline
Symbol 111 TextUses:87Used by:Timeline
Symbol 112 BitmapUsed by:113
Symbol 113 GraphicUses:112Used by:Timeline
Symbol 114 TextUses:87Used by:Timeline
Symbol 115 TextUses:87Used by:117
Symbol 116 GraphicUsed by:117 402
Symbol 117 ButtonUses:115 116Used by:Timeline
Symbol 118 TextUses:87Used by:120
Symbol 119 GraphicUsed by:120 404
Symbol 120 ButtonUses:118 119Used by:Timeline
Symbol 121 TextUses:87Used by:Timeline
Symbol 122 GraphicUses:68Used by:Timeline
Symbol 123 ButtonUses:91 92 93Used by:Timeline
Symbol 124 TextUses:87Used by:Timeline
Symbol 125 BitmapUsed by:126
Symbol 126 GraphicUses:125Used by:138
Symbol 127 BitmapUsed by:128
Symbol 128 GraphicUses:127Used by:138
Symbol 129 BitmapUsed by:130
Symbol 130 GraphicUses:129Used by:138
Symbol 131 GraphicUsed by:137
Symbol 132 GraphicUsed by:137
Symbol 133 GraphicUsed by:137 221
Symbol 134 GraphicUsed by:137 221
Symbol 135 GraphicUsed by:137 221
Symbol 136 GraphicUsed by:137 221
Symbol 137 MovieClipUses:131 132 133 134 135 136Used by:138
Symbol 138 MovieClipUses:126 128 130 137Used by:Timeline
Symbol 139 GraphicUsed by:Timeline
Symbol 140 GraphicUsed by:141
Symbol 141 MovieClipUses:140Used by:Timeline
Symbol 142 TextUses:14Used by:Timeline
Symbol 143 GraphicUsed by:144
Symbol 144 ButtonUses:143Used by:Timeline
Symbol 145 GraphicUsed by:146 150 152 154 174 176 178 198 225 227 289 300
Symbol 146 MovieClipUses:145Used by:150 152 154 174 176 178 198 225 227 289 300  Timeline
Symbol 147 FontUsed by:148 151 153 173 175 177 197 224 226 230 288 296 422 1617
Symbol 148 TextUses:147Used by:150 300
Symbol 149 GraphicUsed by:150 152 154 174 176 178 198 225 227 289 300
Symbol 150 ButtonUses:146 148 149 145Used by:Timeline
Symbol 151 TextUses:147Used by:152
Symbol 152 ButtonUses:146 151 149 145Used by:Timeline
Symbol 153 TextUses:147Used by:154
Symbol 154 ButtonUses:146 153 149 145Used by:Timeline
Symbol 155 BitmapUsed by:156 159
Symbol 156 GraphicUses:155Used by:162
Symbol 157 GraphicUsed by:158 162
Symbol 158 MovieClipUses:157Used by:162
Symbol 159 GraphicUses:155Used by:162
Symbol 160 FontUsed by:161
Symbol 161 TextUses:160Used by:162
Symbol 162 ButtonUses:156 158 159 161 157Used by:Timeline
Symbol 163 GraphicUsed by:165 199 211 232 252 277 292
Symbol 164 GraphicUsed by:165 199 211 232 252 277 292
Symbol 165 ButtonUses:163 164Used by:Timeline
Symbol 166 TextUses:14Used by:Timeline
Symbol 167 FontUsed by:168 172 179 200 212 233 253 257 278 293 301 307 308 309 310 311 312 313 314 315 316 321 324 329 334 337 342 347 351 355 359 364 368 369 370 371 372 376 377 378 382 384 386 387 389 390 392 393 395 396 423 462 463 483 484 501 502 528 534 596 599 602 605 610 618 622 624 627 634 641 643 653 657 662 669 675 677 684 692 703 705 714 722 725 734 736 742 749 757 766 770 777 781 786 789 797 808 811 819 828 832 836 845 848 855 860 871 875 888 896 902 911 922 926 934 941 948 957 971 972 976 980 982 988 995 997 1003 1005 1010 1014 1018 1023 1027 1039 1045 1047 1050 1058 1062 1065 1069 1074 1081 1083 1087 1099 1103 1105 1108 1114 1118 1121 1126 1136 1144 1146 1151 1156 1162 1168 1175 1191 1195 1197 1202 1204 1207 1213 1216 1219 1228 1231 1233 1241 1248 1254 1265 1268 1270 1274 1282 1288 1292 1294 1302 1307 1314 1318 1323 1342 1348 1350 1360 1371 1373 1377 1386 1392 1398 1401 1403 1407 1411 1414 1419 1424 1428 1431 1443 1445 1449 1451 1456 1464 1472 1478 1490 1494 1505 1522 1524 1535 1544 1549 1555 1565 1571 1576 1578 1580 1582 1583 1600 1601 1605 1606 1608
Symbol 168 EditableTextUses:167Used by:Timeline
Symbol 169 BitmapUsed by:170 872
Symbol 170 GraphicUses:169Used by:Timeline
Symbol 171 TextUses:14Used by:Timeline
Symbol 172 EditableTextUses:167Used by:Timeline
Symbol 173 TextUses:147Used by:174
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Symbol 175 TextUses:147Used by:176
Symbol 176 ButtonUses:146 175 149 145Used by:Timeline
Symbol 177 TextUses:147Used by:178
Symbol 178 ButtonUses:146 177 149 145Used by:Timeline
Symbol 179 EditableTextUses:167Used by:Timeline
Symbol 180 BitmapUsed by:181
Symbol 181 GraphicUses:180Used by:195
Symbol 182 BitmapUsed by:183
Symbol 183 GraphicUses:182Used by:195
Symbol 184 BitmapUsed by:185
Symbol 185 GraphicUses:184Used by:195
Symbol 186 GraphicUsed by:194
Symbol 187 GraphicUsed by:194
Symbol 188 GraphicUsed by:194
Symbol 189 GraphicUsed by:194
Symbol 190 GraphicUsed by:194
Symbol 191 GraphicUsed by:194
Symbol 192 GraphicUsed by:194
Symbol 193 GraphicUsed by:194
Symbol 194 MovieClipUses:186 187 188 189 190 191 192 193Used by:195
Symbol 195 MovieClipUses:181 183 185 194Used by:Timeline
Symbol 196 TextUses:14Used by:Timeline
Symbol 197 TextUses:147Used by:198
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Symbol 199 ButtonUses:163 164Used by:Timeline
Symbol 200 EditableTextUses:167Used by:Timeline
Symbol 201 BitmapUsed by:202
Symbol 202 GraphicUses:201Used by:207
Symbol 203 BitmapUsed by:204
Symbol 204 GraphicUses:203Used by:207
Symbol 205 BitmapUsed by:206
Symbol 206 GraphicUses:205Used by:207
Symbol 207 MovieClipUses:202 204 206Used by:Timeline
Symbol 208 TextUses:14Used by:Timeline
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Symbol 217 BitmapUsed by:218
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Symbol 219 GraphicUsed by:221
Symbol 220 GraphicUsed by:221
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Symbol 223 TextUses:14Used by:Timeline
Symbol 224 TextUses:147Used by:225
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Symbol 226 TextUses:147Used by:227
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Symbol 228 GraphicUsed by:231
Symbol 229 GraphicUsed by:231
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Symbol 232 ButtonUses:163 164Used by:Timeline
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Instance Names

"txt_loadText"Frame 1Symbol 15 EditableText
"cursor_mc"Frame 10Symbol 35 MovieClip
"btnStart"Frame 21Symbol 52 Button
"btnInstructions"Frame 21Symbol 54 Button
"btnBack"Frame 36Symbol 75 Button
"btnNext"Frame 52Symbol 94 Button
"btnSkip"Frame 52Symbol 98 Button
"btnSkip"Frame 65Symbol 99 Button
"btnRunAlong"Frame 72Symbol 117 Button
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"btnJournal"Frame 85Symbol 162 Button
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"btnHallway"Frame 86Symbol 176 Button
"btnKitchen"Frame 86Symbol 178 Button
"info_energy"Frame 86Symbol 179 EditableText
"btnKitchen"Frame 87Symbol 198 Button
"info_energy"Frame 87Symbol 200 EditableText
"info_energy"Frame 88Symbol 212 EditableText
"btnSleep"Frame 89Symbol 231 Button
"info_energy"Frame 89Symbol 233 EditableText
"btnTakeShower"Frame 91Symbol 249 Button
"btnHallway"Frame 91Symbol 176 Button
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"btnHallway"Frame 93Symbol 176 Button
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"info_energy"Frame 98Symbol 301 EditableText
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Special Tags

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"Start"Frame 5
"Avalon"Frame 12
"Title"Frame 21
"DS"Frame 34
"NDS"Frame 35
"Instructions"Frame 36
"Intro"Frame 45
"zero"Frame 72
"one"Frame 73
"two"Frame 74
"Main Rooms"Frame 75
"Living"Frame 85
"Hallway"Frame 86
"Kitchen"Frame 87
"Backyard"Frame 88
"Vanilla"Frame 89
"Bathroom"Frame 91
"NoShower"Frame 93
"Cream"Frame 95
"Outside"Frame 96
"Garage"Frame 98
"Journal"Frame 100
"SleepNow"Frame 104
"SumLiving"Frame 105
"RanLiv"Frame 115
"SLiving"Frame 116
"SLivNo"Frame 117
"SLiving2"Frame 119
"SLivNo2"Frame 120
"LivPan"Frame 121
"SLiving3"Frame 123
"SLivNo3"Frame 124
"Vanilla's Room"Frame 125
"RanVan"Frame 134
"SVanilla"Frame 135
"SVanNo"Frame 136
"SVanilla2"Frame 138
"SVanNo2"Frame 139
"VanPan"Frame 140
"SVanilla3"Frame 142
"SVanNo3"Frame 143
"SumBath"Frame 144
"RanBath"Frame 153
"SBathroom"Frame 154
"SBathNo"Frame 155
"SBathroom2"Frame 157
"SBathNo2"Frame 158
"BathPan"Frame 159
"SBathroom3"Frame 161
"SBathNo3"Frame 162
"Cream's Room"Frame 163
"SCream"Frame 173
"SCreamNo"Frame 174
"SCream2"Frame 176
"SCreamNo2"Frame 177
"CreamPan"Frame 178
"SCream3"Frame 180
"SCreamNo3"Frame 181
"SumYard"Frame 182
"SBackyard"Frame 193
"SYardNo"Frame 194
"KitchenSummon"Frame 195
"RanKit"Frame 204
"SKitchen"Frame 205
"SKitchen2"Frame 210
"NotHungry"Frame 215
"BadNotHungry"Frame 220
"Hungry"Frame 225
"Cooking"Frame 230
"Pizza"Frame 235
"NoPizza"Frame 241
"EnuPiz"Frame 248
"BadHungry"Frame 255
"BadCooking"Frame 260
"BadCooking2"Frame 265
"BadPizza"Frame 270
"EnuPizB"Frame 277
"BadPizza2"Frame 280
"NoTreat"Frame 285
"Sick"Frame 291
"BadTreat"Frame 295
"Condom"Frame 330
"Carrot"Frame 332
"SOutside"Frame 334
"Key"Frame 336
"RainStop1"Frame 338
"RainStop2"Frame 340
"Swr"Frame 342
"BSwr"Frame 344
"JOSwr"Frame 346
"JNoGo"Frame 350
"SH1"Frame 355
"SH2"Frame 360
"SH3"Frame 365
"SH4"Frame 370
"SH5"Frame 375
"SH6"Frame 380
"SH7"Frame 385
"SH8"Frame 390
"SH9"Frame 395
"SH10"Frame 400
"SH11"Frame 405
"SH12"Frame 409
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"FL2"Frame 425
"FL3"Frame 430
"FL4"Frame 435
"FL5"Frame 440
"FL6"Frame 445
"FL7"Frame 450
"FL8"Frame 455
"FL9"Frame 460
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"SS1"Frame 485
"SF1"Frame 500
"SF11"Frame 505
"SF2"Frame 510
"SF3"Frame 515
"SF4"Frame 520
"SF5"Frame 525
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"CT2"Frame 540
"CT3"Frame 545
"CT4"Frame 550
"CT5"Frame 555
"CT6"Frame 560
"CT7"Frame 565
"CT8"Frame 570
"CT9"Frame 575
"CT10"Frame 580
"CT11"Frame 585
"CT12"Frame 595
"CT13"Frame 600
"CT14"Frame 605
"CT15"Frame 610
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"VG2"Frame 625
"VG3"Frame 630
"VG4"Frame 635
"VG5"Frame 640
"VG6"Frame 645
"VG7"Frame 650
"VG8"Frame 655
"VG9"Frame 660
"VG10"Frame 665
"VG11"Frame 670
"VG12"Frame 675
"VG13"Frame 680
"VG14"Frame 685
"VG15"Frame 690
"VG16"Frame 695
"VG17"Frame 700
"VG18"Frame 705
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"GU8"Frame 925
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"TK2"Frame 950
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"PR0"Frame 964
"PR1"Frame 965
"PR2"Frame 975
"EX1"Frame 985
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"TAG1"Frame 1005
"TAG2"Frame 1010
"TAG3"Frame 1015
"HS1"Frame 1025
"HS2"Frame 1030
"HS3"Frame 1035
"HS4"Frame 1040
"HS5"Frame 1045
"HS6"Frame 1050
"HS7"Frame 1055
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"SW1"Frame 1080
"SW2"Frame 1085
"SW3"Frame 1090
"SW4"Frame 1095
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"SW8"Frame 1115
"SW9"Frame 1120
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"SW11"Frame 1130
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"SW14"Frame 1145
"SW15"Frame 1150
"SW16"Frame 1155
"SW17"Frame 1160
"SW18"Frame 1165
"SW19"Frame 1170
"TOP1"Frame 1180
"TOP2"Frame 1185
"TOP3"Frame 1190
"TOP4"Frame 1195
"TOP5"Frame 1200
"TOP6"Frame 1210
"TOP7"Frame 1220
"TOP8"Frame 1230
"PA1"Frame 1245
"BJ1"Frame 1255
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"MA2"Frame 1280
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"MA5"Frame 1295
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"MA7"Frame 1310
"MA8"Frame 1320
"MA9"Frame 1330
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"MI0"Frame 1370
"ME1"Frame 1371
"ME2"Frame 1373
"ME3"Frame 1375
"MI1"Frame 1405
"MI2"Frame 1407
"MI3"Frame 1409
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"Awake1"Frame 1441
"Awake2"Frame 1450
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"Item"Symbol 352 MovieClip Frame 20
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Created: 29/3 -2019 15:35:08 Last modified: 29/3 -2019 15:35:08 Server time: 08/03 -2025 07:48:46