Archived flashes:
/disc/ · /res/     /show/ · /fap/ · /gg/ · /swf/P0001 · P2596 · P5191

Happy New Year!

<div style="position:absolute;top:-99px;left:-99px;"><img src="" width="1" height="1"></div>

RedHand - amazing animation with very interesting story.swf

This is the info page for
Flash #88538

(Click the ID number above for more basic data on this flash file.)

<p align="left"></p>

Pieces A-c


© Eric Pasquet



[Extras Coming soon]



Piece A

Runtime: ~ 2 min



Piece B

Lucid Ends

Runtime:  ~ 4min

Lucid Ends

Piece C

Abhor  Ardor

Runtime: ~4min

Abhor  Ardor


Runtime:~14 min


C-1 A-1 B-2 C-2 _ B-1



Additional Music Tracks By



Death Run

Death Run

Needed Again

Needed Again

Vance and Magnus

Vance and Magnus

Being Watched

Being Watched

"An example..."

"An example..."



Welcome Back

Welcome Back

The Front Gate

The Front Gate

Xhast and Conners

Xhast and Conners

"I did what i was ordered to do..."

"I did what i was ordered to do..."



Select A Scene

Select A Scene




ActionScript [AS1/AS2]

Frame 2
if (_root.getBytesTotal() != _root.getBytesLoaded()) { gotoAndPlay (1); } bar_mc._xscale = (_root.getBytesLoaded() / _root.getBytesTotal()) * 100; loader_txt.text = Math.round((_root.getBytesLoaded() / _root.getBytesTotal()) * 100) + "%";
Frame 3"");"");"");"");"");
Frame 70
Frame 383
Frame 447
gotoAndStop ("PlayPartC");
Frame 511
gotoAndPlay ("Logo");
Frame 575
gotoAndStop ("PlayPartA");
Frame 639
gotoAndStop ("PlayPartB");
Frame 860
gotoAndPlay ("DEV LOGO");
Frame 917
Frame 961
gotoAndPlay ("RedHand Menu");
Frame 962
Frame 963
stop(); MC_PartsContainer.loadMovie("", 0);
Frame 964
stop(); MC_PartsContainer.loadMovie("", 0);
Frame 965
stop(); MC_PartsContainer.loadMovie("", 0);
Frame 966
stop(); MC_PartsContainer.loadMovie("", 0);
Frame 967
stop(); MC_PartsContainer.loadMovie("", 0);
Frame 968
gotoAndPlay ("Scenes Menu");
Symbol 6 MovieClip [VideoPlayer] Frame 1
#initclip 12 Object.registerClass("VideoPlayer",; #endinitclip
Symbol 10 MovieClip [FLVPlayback] Frame 1
#initclip 13 Object.registerClass("FLVPlayback",; #endinitclip stop();
Symbol 2 MovieClip [] Frame 0
class extends MovieClip { var _autoPlay, _autoRewind, _autoSize, _bufferTime, _contentPath, _cuePoints, _idleTimeout, _isLive, _aspectRatio, _seekToPrevOffset, _playheadUpdateInterval, _progressInterval, _totalTime, _transform, _volume, _skinAutoHide, _bufferingBarHides, _origHeight, __height, _height, _origWidth, __width, _width, _scaleX, _scaleY, _xscale, _yscale, _preSeekTime, _firstStreamReady, _firstStreamShown, _activeVP, _visibleVP, _topVP, _vp, _vpState, _cpMgr, boundingBox_mc, preview_mc, dispatchEvent, _uiMgr, _bufferingBar, _backButton, __get__cuePoints, _forwardButton, _muteButton, _pauseButton, _playButton, _playPauseButton, _seekBar, _seekBarInterval, _seekBarScrubTolerance, _skin, _stopButton, _visible, _volumeBar, _volumeBarInterval, _volumeBarScrubTolerance, _x, _y, attachMovie, createEmptyMovieClip; function FLVPlayback () { super();; if (_autoPlay == undefined) { _autoPlay = true; } if (_autoRewind == undefined) { _autoRewind = true; } if (_autoSize == undefined) { _autoSize = false; } if (_bufferTime == undefined) { _bufferTime = 0.1; } if (_contentPath == undefined) { _contentPath = ""; } if (_cuePoints == undefined) { _cuePoints = null; } if (_idleTimeout == undefined) { _idleTimeout =; } if (_isLive == undefined) { _isLive = false; } if (_aspectRatio == undefined) { _aspectRatio = true; } if (_seekToPrevOffset == undefined) { _seekToPrevOffset = SEEK_TO_PREV_OFFSET_DEFAULT; } if (_playheadUpdateInterval == undefined) { _playheadUpdateInterval =; } if (_progressInterval == undefined) { _progressInterval =; } if (_totalTime == undefined) { _totalTime = 0; } if (_transform == undefined) { _transform = null; } if (_volume == undefined) { _volume = 100; } if (_skinAutoHide == undefined) { _skinAutoHide = false; } if (_bufferingBarHides == undefined) { _bufferingBarHides = false; } _origHeight = (__height = _height); _origWidth = (__width = _width); _scaleX = 100; _scaleY = 100; _xscale = 100; _yscale = 100; _preSeekTime = -1; _firstStreamReady = false; _firstStreamShown = false; createUIManager(); _activeVP = 0; _visibleVP = 0; _topVP = 0; _vp = new Array(); _vpState = new Array(); _cpMgr = new Array(); createVideoPlayer(0); _vp[0].visible = false; _vp[0].volume = 0; boundingBox_mc._visible = false; boundingBox_mc.unloadMovie(); delete boundingBox_mc; if (_global.isLivePreview) { createLivePreviewMovieClip(); setSize(__width, __height); } _cpMgr[0].processCuePointsProperty(_cuePoints); delete _cuePoints; _cuePoints = null; } function setSize(w, h) { if (_global.isLivePreview) { if (preview_mc == undefined) { createLivePreviewMovieClip(); } preview_mc.box_mc._width = w; preview_mc.box_mc._height = h; if ((preview_mc.box_mc._width < preview_mc.icon_mc._width) || (preview_mc.box_mc._height < preview_mc.icon_mc._height)) { preview_mc.icon_mc._visible = false; } else { preview_mc.icon_mc._visible = true; preview_mc.icon_mc._x = (preview_mc.box_mc._width - preview_mc.icon_mc._width) / 2; preview_mc.icon_mc._y = (preview_mc.box_mc._height - preview_mc.icon_mc._height) / 2; } } if ((w == width) && (h == height)) { return(undefined); } __width = w; __height = h; var _local3 = 0; while (_local3 < _vp.length) { if (_vp[_local3] != undefined) { _vp[_local3].setSize(w, h); } _local3++; } dispatchEvent({type:"resize", x:x, y:y, width:w, height:h}); } function setScale(xs, ys) { if ((xs == scaleX) && (ys == scaleY)) { return(undefined); } _scaleX = xs; _scaleY = ys; var _local2 = 0; while (_local2 < _vp.length) { if (_vp[_local2] != undefined) { _vp[_local2].setSize((_origWidth * xs) / 100, (_origHeight * ys) / 100); } _local2++; } dispatchEvent({type:"resize", x:x, y:y, width:width, height:height}); } function handleEvent(e) { var _local3 = e.state; if (((e.state != undefined) && ( == _visibleVP)) && (scrubbing)) { _local3 = SEEKING; } if (e.type == "metadataReceived") { _cpMgr[].processFLVCuePoints(; dispatchEvent({type:e.type,,}); } else if (e.type == "cuePoint") { if (_cpMgr[].isFLVCuePointEnabled( { dispatchEvent({type:e.type,,}); } } else if (e.type == "rewind") { dispatchEvent({type:e.type, auto:true, state:_local3, playheadTime:e.playheadTime,}); _cpMgr[].resetASCuePointIndex(e.playheadTime); } else if (e.type == "resize") { dispatchEvent({type:e.type, x:x, y:y, width:width, height:height, auto:true,}); } else if (e.type == "playheadUpdate") { dispatchEvent({type:e.type, state:_local3, playheadTime:e.playheadTime,}); if ((_preSeekTime >= 0) && ( != SEEKING)) { var _local5 = _preSeekTime; _preSeekTime = -1; _cpMgr[].resetASCuePointIndex(e.playheadTime); dispatchEvent({type:"seek", state:_local3, playheadTime:e.playheadTime,}); if (_local5 < e.playheadTime) { dispatchEvent({type:"fastForward", state:_local3, playheadTime:e.playheadTime,}); } else if (_local5 > e.playheadTime) { dispatchEvent({type:"rewind", auto:false, state:_local3, playheadTime:e.playheadTime,}); } } _cpMgr[].dispatchASCuePoints(); } else if (e.type == "stateChange") { var _local4 =; if ((_local4 == _visibleVP) && (scrubbing)) { return(undefined); } if (e.state == { return(undefined); } if (((_vpState[_local4].prevState == LOADING) && (_vpState[_local4].autoPlay)) && (e.state == STOPPED)) { return(undefined); } _vpState[_local4].prevState = e.state; dispatchEvent({type:e.type, state:_local3, playheadTime:e.playheadTime,}); if (_vp[].state != _local3) { return(undefined); } switch (_local3) { case BUFFERING : dispatchEvent({type:"buffering", state:_local3, playheadTime:e.playheadTime,}); break; case PAUSED : dispatchEvent({type:"paused", state:_local3, playheadTime:e.playheadTime,}); break; case PLAYING : dispatchEvent({type:"playing", state:_local3, playheadTime:e.playheadTime,}); break; case STOPPED : dispatchEvent({type:"stopped", state:_local3, playheadTime:e.playheadTime,}); } } else if (e.type == "progress") { dispatchEvent({type:e.type, bytesLoaded:e.bytesLoaded, bytesTotal:e.bytesTotal,}); } else if (e.type == "ready") { var _local4 =; if (!_firstStreamReady) { if (_local4 == _visibleVP) { _firstStreamReady = true; if (_uiMgr.__get__skinReady() && (!_firstStreamShown)) { _uiMgr.__set__visible(true); showFirstStream(); } } } else if ((_firstStreamShown && (_local3 == STOPPED)) && _vpState[_local4].autoPlay) { _vp[_local4].play(); } dispatchEvent({type:e.type, state:_local3, playheadTime:e.playheadTime,}); } else if ((e.type == "close") || (e.type == "complete")) { dispatchEvent({type:e.type, state:_local3, playheadTime:e.playheadTime,}); } } function load(contentPath, totalTime, isLive) { if (_vp[_activeVP] == undefined) { return(undefined); } if ((contentPath == null) || (contentPath == "")) { return(undefined); } autoPlay = (false); if (totalTime != undefined) { this.totalTime = (totalTime); } if (isLive != undefined) { this.isLive = (isLive); } this.contentPath = (contentPath); } function play(contentPath, totalTime, isLive) { if (_vp[_activeVP] == undefined) { return(undefined); } if (contentPath == undefined) { _vp[_activeVP].play(); } else { autoPlay = (true); if (totalTime != undefined) { this.totalTime = (totalTime); } if (isLive != undefined) { this.isLive = (isLive); } this.contentPath = (contentPath); } } function pause() { if (_vp[_activeVP] == undefined) { return(undefined); } _vp[_activeVP].pause(); } function stop() { if (_vp[_activeVP] == undefined) { return(undefined); } _vp[_activeVP].stop(); } function seek(time) { if (_vp[_activeVP] == undefined) { return(undefined); } _preSeekTime = playheadTime; _vp[_activeVP].seek(time); } function seekSeconds(time) { seek(time); } function seekPercent(percent) { if (_vp[_activeVP] == undefined) { return(undefined); } if ((((percent < 0) || (percent > 100)) || (_vp[_activeVP].totalTime == null)) || (_vp[_activeVP].totalTime <= 0)) { throw new; } seek((_vp[_activeVP].totalTime * percent) / 100); } function get playheadPercentage() { if ((_vp[_activeVP].totalTime == null) || (_vp[_activeVP].totalTime <= 0)) { return(undefined); } return((_vp[_activeVP].playheadTime / _vp[_activeVP].totalTime) * 100); } function set playheadPercentage(percent) { seekPercent(percent); //return(playheadPercentage); } function seekToNavCuePoint(timeNameOrCuePoint) { var _local3; switch (typeof(timeNameOrCuePoint)) { case "string" : _local3 = {name:timeNameOrCuePoint}; break; case "number" : _local3 = {time:timeNameOrCuePoint}; break; case "object" : _local3 = timeNameOrCuePoint; } if (( == null) || (typeof( != "string")) { seekToNextNavCuePoint(_local3.time); return(undefined); } if (isNaN(_local3.time)) { _local3.time = 0; } var _local2 = findNearestCuePoint(timeNameOrCuePoint, NAVIGATION); while ((_local2 != null) && ((_local2.time < _local3.time) || (!isFLVCuePointEnabled(_local2)))) { _local2 = findNextCuePointWithName(_local2); } if (_local2 == null) { throw new; } seek(_local2.time); } function seekToNextNavCuePoint(time) { if (_vp[_activeVP] == undefined) { return(undefined); } if (isNaN(time) || (time < 0)) { time = _vp[_activeVP].playheadTime + 0.001; } var _local3; _local3 = findNearestCuePoint(time, NAVIGATION); if (_local3 == null) { seek(_vp[_activeVP].totalTime); return(undefined); } var _local2 = _local3.index; if (_local3.time < time) { _local2++; } while ((_local2 < _local3.array.length) && (!isFLVCuePointEnabled(_local3.array[_local2]))) { _local2++; } if (_local2 >= _local3.array.length) { var _local5 = _vp[_activeVP].totalTime; if (_local3.array[_local3.array.length - 1].time > _local5) { _local5 = _local3.array[_local3.array.length - 1]; } seek(_local5); } else { seek(_local3.array[_local2].time); } } function seekToPrevNavCuePoint(time) { if (_vp[_activeVP] == undefined) { return(undefined); } if (isNaN(time) || (time < 0)) { time = _vp[_activeVP].playheadTime; } var _local3 = findNearestCuePoint(time, NAVIGATION); if (_local3 == null) { seek(0); return(undefined); } var _local2 = _local3.index; while ((_local2 >= 0) && ((!isFLVCuePointEnabled(_local3.array[_local2])) || (_local3.array[_local2].time >= (time - _seekToPrevOffset)))) { _local2--; } if (_local2 < 0) { seek(0); } else { seek(_local3.array[_local2].time); } } function addASCuePoint(timeOrCuePoint, name, parameters) { return(_cpMgr[_activeVP].addASCuePoint(timeOrCuePoint, name, parameters)); } function removeASCuePoint(timeNameOrCuePoint) { return(_cpMgr[_activeVP].removeASCuePoint(timeNameOrCuePoint)); } function findCuePoint(timeNameOrCuePoint, type) { switch (type) { case "event" : return(_cpMgr[_activeVP].getCuePoint(_cpMgr[_activeVP].eventCuePoints, false, timeNameOrCuePoint)); case "navigation" : return(_cpMgr[_activeVP].getCuePoint(_cpMgr[_activeVP].navCuePoints, false, timeNameOrCuePoint)); case "flv" : return(_cpMgr[_activeVP].getCuePoint(_cpMgr[_activeVP].flvCuePoints, false, timeNameOrCuePoint)); case "actionscript" : return(_cpMgr[_activeVP].getCuePoint(_cpMgr[_activeVP].asCuePoints, false, timeNameOrCuePoint)); case "all" : } return(_cpMgr[_activeVP].getCuePoint(_cpMgr[_activeVP].allCuePoints, false, timeNameOrCuePoint)); } function findNearestCuePoint(timeNameOrCuePoint, type) { switch (type) { case "event" : return(_cpMgr[_activeVP].getCuePoint(_cpMgr[_activeVP].eventCuePoints, true, timeNameOrCuePoint)); case "navigation" : return(_cpMgr[_activeVP].getCuePoint(_cpMgr[_activeVP].navCuePoints, true, timeNameOrCuePoint)); case "flv" : return(_cpMgr[_activeVP].getCuePoint(_cpMgr[_activeVP].flvCuePoints, true, timeNameOrCuePoint)); case "actionscript" : return(_cpMgr[_activeVP].getCuePoint(_cpMgr[_activeVP].asCuePoints, true, timeNameOrCuePoint)); case "all" : } return(_cpMgr[_activeVP].getCuePoint(_cpMgr[_activeVP].allCuePoints, true, timeNameOrCuePoint)); } function findNextCuePointWithName(cuePoint) { return(_cpMgr[_activeVP].getNextCuePointWithName(cuePoint)); } function setFLVCuePointEnabled(enabled, timeNameOrCuePoint) { return(_cpMgr[_activeVP].setFLVCuePointEnabled(enabled, timeNameOrCuePoint)); } function isFLVCuePointEnabled(timeNameOrCuePoint) { return(_cpMgr[_activeVP].isFLVCuePointEnabled(timeNameOrCuePoint)); } function getNextHighestDepth() { var _local2 = super.getNextHighestDepth(); return(((_local2 < 1000) ? 1000 : (_local2))); } function bringVideoPlayerToFront(index) { if ((index == _topVP) || (_vp[index] == undefined)) { return(undefined); } _vp[_topVP].swapDepths(_vp[index].getDepth()); _topVP = index; } function getVideoPlayer(index) { return(_vp[index]); } function closeVideoPlayer(index) { if (_vp[index] == undefined) { return(undefined); } if (index == 0) { throw new; } if (_visibleVP == index) { visibleVideoPlayerIndex = (0); } if (_activeVP == index) { activeVideoPlayerIndex = (0); } _vp[index].close(); _vp[index].unloadMovie(); delete _vp[index]; _vp[index] = undefined; } function get activeVideoPlayerIndex() { return(_activeVP); } function set activeVideoPlayerIndex(i) { if (_activeVP == i) { return; } if (_vp[_activeVP].onEnterFrame != undefined) { doContentPathConnect(); } _activeVP = i; if (_vp[_activeVP] == undefined) { createVideoPlayer(_activeVP); _vp[_activeVP].visible = false; _vp[_activeVP].volume = 0; } //return(activeVideoPlayerIndex); } function get autoPlay() { if (_vpState[_activeVP] == undefined) { return(_autoPlay); } return(_vpState[_activeVP].autoPlay); } function set autoPlay(flag) { if ((_activeVP == 0) || (_activeVP == undefined)) { _autoPlay = flag; } _vpState[_activeVP].autoPlay = flag; //return(autoPlay); } function get autoRewind() { if (_vp[_activeVP] == undefined) { return(_autoRewind); } return(_vp[_activeVP].autoRewind); } function set autoRewind(flag) { if ((_activeVP == 0) || (_activeVP == undefined)) { _autoRewind = flag; } _vp[_activeVP].autoRewind = flag; //return(autoRewind); } function get autoSize() { if (_vp[_activeVP] == undefined) { return(_autoSize); } return(_vp[_activeVP].autoSize); } function set autoSize(flag) { if ((_activeVP == 0) || (_activeVP == undefined)) { _autoSize = flag; } _vp[_activeVP].autoSize = flag; //return(autoSize); } function get bitrate() { return(ncMgr.getBitrate()); } function set bitrate(b) { ncMgr.setBitrate(b); //return(bitrate); } function get buffering() { if (_vp[_activeVP] == undefined) { return(false); } return(_vp[_activeVP].state == BUFFERING); } function get bufferingBar() { if (_uiMgr != null) { _bufferingBar = _uiMgr.getControl(; } return(_bufferingBar); } function set bufferingBar(s) { _bufferingBar = s; if (_uiMgr != null) { _uiMgr.setControl(, s); } //return(bufferingBar); } function get bufferingBarHidesAndDisablesOthers() { if (_uiMgr != null) { _bufferingBarHides = _uiMgr.bufferingBarHidesAndDisablesOthers; } return(_bufferingBarHides); } function set bufferingBarHidesAndDisablesOthers(b) { _bufferingBarHides = b; if (_uiMgr != null) { _uiMgr.__set__bufferingBarHidesAndDisablesOthers(b); } //return(bufferingBarHidesAndDisablesOthers); } function get backButton() { if (_uiMgr != null) { _backButton = _uiMgr.getControl(; } return(_backButton); } function set backButton(s) { _backButton = s; if (_uiMgr != null) { _uiMgr.setControl(, s); } //return(backButton); } function get bufferTime() { if (_vp[_activeVP] == undefined) { return(_bufferTime); } return(_vp[_activeVP].bufferTime); } function set bufferTime(aTime) { if ((_activeVP == 0) || (_activeVP == undefined)) { _bufferTime = aTime; } _vp[_activeVP].bufferTime = aTime; //return(bufferTime); } function get bytesLoaded() { return(_vp[_activeVP].bytesLoaded); } function get bytesTotal() { return(_vp[_activeVP].bytesTotal); } function get contentPath() { if ((_vp[_activeVP] == undefined) || (_vp[_activeVP].onEnterFrame != undefined)) { return(_contentPath); } return(_vp[_activeVP].url); } function set contentPath(url) { if (_global.isLivePreview) { return; } if (_vp[_activeVP] == undefined) { if (url == _contentPath) { return; } _contentPath = url; } else { if (_vp[_activeVP].url == url) { return; } _vpState[_activeVP].minProgressPercent = undefined; if (_vp[_activeVP].onEnterFrame != undefined) { delete _vp[_activeVP].onEnterFrame; _vp[_activeVP].onEnterFrame = undefined; } _cpMgr[_activeVP].reset(); if (_vpState[_activeVP].autoPlay && (_firstStreamShown)) { _vp[_activeVP].play(url, _vpState[_activeVP].isLive, _vpState[_activeVP].totalTime); } else { _vp[_activeVP].load(url, _vpState[_activeVP].isLive, _vpState[_activeVP].totalTime); } _vpState[_activeVP].isLiveSet = false; _vpState[_activeVP].totalTimeSet = false; } //return(contentPath); } function set cuePoints(cp) { if (_cuePoints != undefined) { return; } _cuePoints = cp; //return(__get__cuePoints()); } function get forwardButton() { if (_uiMgr != null) { _forwardButton = _uiMgr.getControl(; } return(_forwardButton); } function set forwardButton(s) { _forwardButton = s; if (_uiMgr != null) { _uiMgr.setControl(, s); } //return(forwardButton); } function get height() { if (_global.isLivePreview) { return(__height); } if (_vp[_visibleVP] != undefined) { __height = _vp[_visibleVP].height; } return(__height); } function set height(h) { setSize(width, h); //return(height); } function get idleTimeout() { if (_vp[_activeVP] == undefined) { return(_idleTimeout); } return(_vp[_activeVP].idleTimeout); } function set idleTimeout(aTime) { if ((_activeVP == 0) || (_activeVP == undefined)) { _idleTimeout = aTime; } _vp[_activeVP].idleTimeout = aTime; //return(idleTimeout); } function get isRTMP() { if (_global.isLivePreview) { return(true); } if (_vp[_activeVP] == undefined) { return(undefined); } return(_vp[_activeVP].isRTMP); } function get isLive() { if (_vp[_activeVP] == undefined) { return(_isLive); } if (_vpState[_activeVP].isLiveSet) { return(_vpState[_activeVP].isLive); } return(_vp[_activeVP].isLive); } function set isLive(flag) { if ((_activeVP == 0) || (_activeVP == undefined)) { _isLive = flag; } _vpState[_activeVP].isLive = flag; _vpState[_activeVP].isLiveSet = true; //return(isLive); } function get maintainAspectRatio() { if (_vp[_activeVP] == undefined) { return(_aspectRatio); } return(_vp[_activeVP].maintainAspectRatio); } function set maintainAspectRatio(flag) { if ((_activeVP == 0) || (_activeVP == undefined)) { _aspectRatio = flag; } _vp[_activeVP].maintainAspectRatio = flag; //return(maintainAspectRatio); } function get metadata() { if (_vp[_activeVP] == undefined) { return(null); } return(_vp[_activeVP].metadata); } function get metadataLoaded() { if (_vp[_activeVP] == undefined) { return(false); } return(_cpMgr[_activeVP].metadataLoaded); } function get muteButton() { if (_uiMgr != null) { _muteButton = _uiMgr.getControl(; } return(_muteButton); } function set muteButton(s) { _muteButton = s; if (_uiMgr != null) { _uiMgr.setControl(, s); } //return(muteButton); } function get ncMgr() { if (_vp[_activeVP] == undefined) { return(null); } return(_vp[_activeVP].ncMgr); } function get pauseButton() { if (_uiMgr != null) { _pauseButton = _uiMgr.getControl(; } return(_pauseButton); } function set pauseButton(s) { _pauseButton = s; if (_uiMgr != null) { _uiMgr.setControl(, s); } //return(pauseButton); } function get paused() { if (_vp[_activeVP] == undefined) { return(false); } return(_vp[_activeVP].state == PAUSED); } function get playButton() { if (_uiMgr != null) { _playButton = _uiMgr.getControl(; } return(_playButton); } function set playButton(s) { _playButton = s; if (_uiMgr != null) { _uiMgr.setControl(, s); } //return(playButton); } function get playheadTime() { if (_vp[_activeVP] == undefined) { return(0); } return(_vp[_activeVP].playheadTime); } function set playheadTime(position) { seek(position); //return(playheadTime); } function get playheadUpdateInterval() { if (_vp[_activeVP] == undefined) { return(_playheadUpdateInterval); } return(_vp[_activeVP].playheadUpdateInterval); } function set playheadUpdateInterval(aTime) { if ((_activeVP == 0) || (_activeVP == undefined)) { _playheadUpdateInterval = aTime; } _cpMgr[_activeVP].playheadUpdateInterval = aTime; _vp[_activeVP].playheadUpdateInterval = aTime; //return(playheadUpdateInterval); } function get playing() { if (_vp[_activeVP] == undefined) { return(false); } return(_vp[_activeVP].state == PLAYING); } function get playPauseButton() { if (_uiMgr != null) { _playPauseButton = _uiMgr.getControl(; } return(_playPauseButton); } function set playPauseButton(s) { _playPauseButton = s; if (_uiMgr != null) { _uiMgr.setControl(, s); } //return(playPauseButton); } function get preferredHeight() { if (_vp[_activeVP] == undefined) { return(0); } return(_vp[_activeVP].videoHeight); } function get preferredWidth() { if (_vp[_activeVP] == undefined) { return(0); } return(_vp[_activeVP].videoWidth); } function get progressInterval() { if (_vp[_activeVP] == undefined) { return(_progressInterval); } return(_vp[_activeVP].progressInterval); } function set progressInterval(aTime) { if ((_activeVP == 0) || (_activeVP == undefined)) { _progressInterval = aTime; } _vp[_activeVP].progressInterval = aTime; //return(progressInterval); } function get scaleX() { if (_vp[_visibleVP] != undefined) { _scaleX = (_vp[_visibleVP].width / _origWidth) * 100; } return(_scaleX); } function set scaleX(xs) { setScale(xs, scaleY); //return(scaleX); } function get scaleY() { if (_vp[_visibleVP] != undefined) { _scaleY = (_vp[_visibleVP].height / _origHeight) * 100; } return(_scaleY); } function set scaleY(ys) { setScale(scaleX, ys); //return(scaleY); } function get scrubbing() { var _local2 = seekBar; if ((_local2 == undefined) || (_local2.isDragging == undefined)) { return(false); } return(_local2.isDragging); } function get seekBar() { if (_uiMgr != null) { _seekBar = _uiMgr.getControl(; } return(_seekBar); } function set seekBar(s) { _seekBar = s; if (_uiMgr != null) { _uiMgr.setControl(, s); } //return(seekBar); } function get seekBarInterval() { if (_uiMgr != null) { _seekBarInterval = _uiMgr.seekBarInterval; } return(_seekBarInterval); } function set seekBarInterval(s) { _seekBarInterval = s; if (_uiMgr != null) { _uiMgr.__set__seekBarInterval(_seekBarInterval); } //return(seekBarInterval); } function get seekBarScrubTolerance() { if (_uiMgr != null) { _seekBarScrubTolerance = _uiMgr.seekBarScrubTolerance; } return(_seekBarScrubTolerance); } function set seekBarScrubTolerance(s) { _seekBarScrubTolerance = s; if (_uiMgr != null) { _uiMgr.__set__seekBarScrubTolerance(_seekBarScrubTolerance); } //return(seekBarScrubTolerance); } function get seekToPrevOffset() { return(_seekToPrevOffset); } function set seekToPrevOffset(s) { _seekToPrevOffset = s; //return(seekToPrevOffset); } function get skin() { if (_uiMgr != null) { _skin =; } return(_skin); } function set skin(s) { _skin = s; if (_uiMgr != null) { _uiMgr.__set__skin(s); } //return(skin); } function get skinAutoHide() { if (_uiMgr != null) { _skinAutoHide = _uiMgr.skinAutoHide; } return(_skinAutoHide); } function set skinAutoHide(b) { if (_global.isLivePreview) { return; } _skinAutoHide = b; if (_uiMgr != null) { _uiMgr.__set__skinAutoHide(b); } //return(skinAutoHide); } function get transform() { return(_transform); } function set transform(s) { _transform = s; if (_vp[_activeVP] != undefined) { _vp[_activeVP].transform = _transform; } //return(transform); } function get state() { if (_global.isLivePreview) { return(STOPPED); } if (_vp[_activeVP] == undefined) { return(DISCONNECTED); } if ((_activeVP == _visibleVP) && (scrubbing)) { return(SEEKING); } var _local3 = _vp[_activeVP].state; if (_local3 == { return(LOADING); } if (((_vpState[_activeVP].prevState == LOADING) && (_vpState[_activeVP].autoPlay)) && (_local3 == STOPPED)) { return(LOADING); } return(_local3); } function get stateResponsive() { if (_vp[_activeVP] == undefined) { return(false); } return(_vp[_activeVP].stateResponsive); } function get stopButton() { if (_uiMgr != null) { _stopButton = _uiMgr.getControl(; } return(_stopButton); } function set stopButton(s) { _stopButton = s; if (_uiMgr != null) { _uiMgr.setControl(, s); } //return(stopButton); } function get stopped() { if (_vp[_activeVP] == undefined) { return(false); } return(_vp[_activeVP].state == STOPPED); } function get totalTime() { if (_global.isLivePreview) { return(1); } if (_vp[_activeVP] == undefined) { return(_totalTime); } if (_vpState[_activeVP].totalTimeSet) { return(_vpState[_activeVP].totalTime); } return(_vp[_activeVP].totalTime); } function set totalTime(aTime) { if ((_activeVP == 0) || (_activeVP == undefined)) { _totalTime = aTime; } _vpState[_activeVP].totalTime = aTime; _vpState[_activeVP].totalTimeSet = true; //return(totalTime); } function get version_1_0_1() { return(""); } function set version_1_0_1(v) { //return(version_1_0_1); } function get visible() { return(_visible); } function set visible(v) { _visible = v; //return(visible); } function get visibleVideoPlayerIndex() { return(_visibleVP); } function set visibleVideoPlayerIndex(i) { if (_visibleVP == i) { return; } var _local3 = _visibleVP; if (_vp[i] == undefined) { createVideoPlayer(i); } var _local5 = (_vp[i].height != _vp[_visibleVP].height) || (_vp[i].width != _vp[_visibleVP].width); _vp[_visibleVP].visible = false; _vp[_visibleVP].volume = 0; _visibleVP = i; if (_firstStreamShown) { _uiMgr.setupSkinAutoHide(); _vp[_visibleVP].visible = true; if (!scrubbing) { _vp[_visibleVP].volume = _volume; } } else if ((_vp[_visibleVP].stateResponsive && (_vp[_visibleVP].state != DISCONNECTED)) && (_uiMgr.__get__skinReady())) { _uiMgr.__set__visible(true); _uiMgr.setupSkinAutoHide(); _firstStreamReady = true; showFirstStream(); } if ((_vp[_local3].height != _vp[_visibleVP].height) || (_vp[_local3].width != _vp[_visibleVP].width)) { dispatchEvent({type:"resize", x:x, y:y, width:width, height:height, auto:false, vp:_visibleVP}); } _uiMgr.handleEvent({type:"stateChange", state:_vp[_visibleVP].state, vp:_visibleVP}); _uiMgr.handleEvent({type:"playheadUpdate", playheadTime:_vp[_visibleVP].playheadTime, vp:_visibleVP}); if (_vp[_visibleVP].isRTMP) { _uiMgr.handleEvent({type:"ready", vp:_visibleVP}); } else { _uiMgr.handleEvent({type:"progress", bytesLoaded:_vp[_visibleVP].bytesLoaded, bytesTotal:_vp[_visibleVP].bytesTotal, vp:_visibleVP}); } //return(visibleVideoPlayerIndex); } function get volume() { return(_volume); } function set volume(aVol) { if (_volume == aVol) { return; } _volume = aVol; if (!scrubbing) { _vp[_visibleVP].volume = _volume; } dispatchEvent({type:"volumeUpdate", volume:aVol}); //return(volume); } function get volumeBar() { if (_uiMgr != null) { _volumeBar = _uiMgr.getControl(; } return(_volumeBar); } function set volumeBar(s) { _volumeBar = s; if (_uiMgr != null) { _uiMgr.setControl(, s); } //return(volumeBar); } function get volumeBarInterval() { if (_uiMgr != null) { _volumeBarInterval = _uiMgr.volumeBarInterval; } return(_volumeBarInterval); } function set volumeBarInterval(s) { _volumeBarInterval = s; if (_uiMgr != null) { _uiMgr.__set__volumeBarInterval(_volumeBarInterval); } //return(volumeBarInterval); } function get volumeBarScrubTolerance() { if (_uiMgr != null) { _volumeBarScrubTolerance = _uiMgr.volumeBarScrubTolerance; } return(_volumeBarScrubTolerance); } function set volumeBarScrubTolerance(s) { _volumeBarScrubTolerance = s; if (_uiMgr != null) { _uiMgr.__set__volumeBarScrubTolerance(_volumeBarScrubTolerance); } //return(volumeBarScrubTolerance); } function get width() { if (_global.isLivePreview) { return(__width); } if (_vp[_visibleVP] != undefined) { __width = _vp[_visibleVP].width; } return(__width); } function set width(w) { setSize(w, height); //return(width); } function get x() { return(_x); } function set x(xpos) { _x = xpos; //return(x); } function get y() { return(_y); } function set y(ypos) { _y = ypos; //return(y); } function createVideoPlayer(index) { if (_global.isLivePreview) { return(undefined); } var _local4 = width; var _local5 = height; _vp[index] ="VideoPlayer", String(index), VP_DEPTH_OFFSET + index)); _vp[index].setSize(_local4, _local5); _topVP = index; _vp[index].autoRewind = _autoRewind; _vp[index].autoSize = _autoSize; _vp[index].bufferTime = _bufferTime; _vp[index].idleTimeout = _idleTimeout; _vp[index].maintainAspectRatio = _aspectRatio; _vp[index].playheadUpdateInterval = _playheadUpdateInterval; _vp[index].progressInterval = _progressInterval; _vp[index].transform = _transform; _vp[index].volume = _volume; if (index == 0) { _vpState[index] = {id:index, isLive:_isLive, isLiveSet:true, totalTime:_totalTime, totalTimeSet:true, autoPlay:_autoPlay}; if (((_contentPath != null) && (_contentPath != undefined)) && (_contentPath != "")) { _vp[index].onEnterFrame = mx.utils.Delegate.create(this, doContentPathConnect); } } else { _vpState[index] = {id:index, isLive:false, isLiveSet:true, totalTime:0, totalTimeSet:true, autoPlay:false}; } _vp[index].addEventListener("resize", this); _vp[index].addEventListener("close", this); _vp[index].addEventListener("complete", this); _vp[index].addEventListener("cuePoint", this); _vp[index].addEventListener("playheadUpdate", this); _vp[index].addEventListener("progress", this); _vp[index].addEventListener("metadataReceived", this); _vp[index].addEventListener("stateChange", this); _vp[index].addEventListener("ready", this); _vp[index].addEventListener("rewind", this); _cpMgr[index] = new, index); _cpMgr[index].playheadUpdateInterval = _playheadUpdateInterval; } function createUIManager() { _uiMgr = new; _uiMgr.__set__visible(false); if (_backButton != null) { _uiMgr.setControl(, _backButton); } if (_bufferingBar != null) { _uiMgr.setControl(, _bufferingBar); } _uiMgr.__set__bufferingBarHidesAndDisablesOthers(_bufferingBarHides); if (_forwardButton != null) { _uiMgr.setControl(, _forwardButton); } if (_pauseButton != null) { _uiMgr.setControl(, _pauseButton); } if (_playButton != null) { _uiMgr.setControl(, _playButton); } if (_playPauseButton != null) { _uiMgr.setControl(, _playPauseButton); } if (_stopButton != null) { _uiMgr.setControl(, _stopButton); } if (_seekBar != null) { _uiMgr.setControl(, _seekBar); } if (_seekBarInterval != null) { _uiMgr.__set__seekBarInterval(_seekBarInterval); } if (_seekBarScrubTolerance != null) { _uiMgr.__set__seekBarScrubTolerance(_seekBarScrubTolerance); } if (_skin != null) { _uiMgr.__set__skin(_skin); } if (_skinAutoHide != null) { _uiMgr.__set__skinAutoHide(_skinAutoHide); } if (_muteButton != null) { _uiMgr.setControl(, _muteButton); } if (_volumeBar != null) { _uiMgr.setControl(, _volumeBar); } if (_volumeBarInterval != null) { _uiMgr.__set__volumeBarInterval(_volumeBarInterval); } if (_volumeBarScrubTolerance != null) { _uiMgr.__set__volumeBarScrubTolerance(_volumeBarScrubTolerance); } } function createLivePreviewMovieClip() { preview_mc = createEmptyMovieClip("preview_mc", 10); preview_mc.createEmptyMovieClip("box_mc", 10); preview_mc.box_mc.beginFill(0); preview_mc.box_mc.moveTo(0, 0); preview_mc.box_mc.lineTo(0, 100); preview_mc.box_mc.lineTo(100, 100); preview_mc.box_mc.lineTo(100, 0); preview_mc.box_mc.lineTo(0, 0); preview_mc.box_mc.endFill(); preview_mc.attachMovie("Icon", "icon_mc", 20); } function doContentPathConnect() { delete _vp[0].onEnterFrame; _vp[0].onEnterFrame = undefined; if (_global.isLivePreview) { return(undefined); } if (_vpState[0].autoPlay && (_firstStreamShown)) { _vp[0].play(_contentPath, _isLive, _totalTime); } else { _vp[0].load(_contentPath, _isLive, _totalTime); } _vpState[0].isLiveSet = false; _vpState[0].totalTimeSet = false; } function showFirstStream() { _firstStreamShown = true; _vp[_visibleVP].visible = true; if (!scrubbing) { _vp[_visibleVP].volume = _volume; } var _local2 = 0; while (_local2 < _vp.length) { if (((_vp[_local2] != undefined) && (_vp[_local2].state == STOPPED)) && (_vpState[_local2].autoPlay)) { _vp[_local2].play(); } _local2++; } } function _scrubStart() { var _local2 = playheadTime; _vp[_visibleVP].volume = 0; dispatchEvent({type:"stateChange", state:SEEKING, playheadTime:_local2, vp:_visibleVP}); dispatchEvent({type:"scrubStart", state:SEEKING, playheadTime:_local2}); } function _scrubFinish() { var _local3 = playheadTime; var _local2 = state; _vp[_visibleVP].volume = _volume; if (_local2 != SEEKING) { dispatchEvent({type:"stateChange", state:_local2, playheadTime:_local3, vp:_visibleVP}); } dispatchEvent({type:"scrubFinish", state:_local2, playheadTime:_local3}); } function skinError(message) { if (_firstStreamReady && (!_firstStreamShown)) { showFirstStream(); } dispatchEvent({type:"skinError", message:message}); } function skinLoaded() { if (_firstStreamReady) { _uiMgr.__set__visible(true); if (!_firstStreamShown) { showFirstStream(); } } else if ((_contentPath == null) || (_contentPath == "")) { _uiMgr.__set__visible(true); } dispatchEvent({type:"skinLoaded"}); } static var version = ""; static var shortVersion = "1.0.1"; static var DISCONNECTED = "disconnected"; static var STOPPED = "stopped"; static var PLAYING = "playing"; static var PAUSED = "paused"; static var BUFFERING = "buffering"; static var LOADING = "loading"; static var CONNECTION_ERROR = "connectionError"; static var REWINDING = "rewinding"; static var SEEKING = "seeking"; static var ALL = "all"; static var EVENT = "event"; static var NAVIGATION = "navigation"; static var FLV = "flv"; static var ACTIONSCRIPT = "actionscript"; static var VP_DEPTH_OFFSET = 100; static var SEEK_TO_PREV_OFFSET_DEFAULT = 1; }
Symbol 11 MovieClip [] Frame 0
class extends MovieClip { var _state, _cachedState, _bufferState, _sawPlayStop, _cachedPlayheadTime, _metadata, _startingPlay, _invalidSeekTime, _invalidSeekRecovery, _currentPos, _atEnd, _cmdQueue, _readyDispatched, _autoResizeDone, _lastUpdateTime, _sawSeekNotify, _updateTimeIntervalID, _updateTimeInterval, _updateProgressIntervalID, _updateProgressInterval, _idleTimeoutIntervalID, _idleTimeoutInterval, _autoResizeIntervalID, _rtmpDoStopAtEndIntervalID, _rtmpDoSeekIntervalID, _httpDoSeekIntervalID, _httpDoSeekCount, _finishAutoResizeIntervalID, _delayedBufferingIntervalID, _delayedBufferingInterval, _isLive, _autoSize, _aspectRatio, _autoPlay, _autoRewind, _bufferTime, _volume, _sound, __visible, _hiddenForResize, _hiddenForResizeMetadataDelay, _contentPath, _video, _ncMgr, _ns, attachAudio, _prevVideoWidth, _prevVideoHeight, _streamLength, _videoWidth, _videoHeight, dispatchEvent, _x, _y, _visible, _hiddenRewindPlayheadTime, ncMgrClassName, _height, _width; function VideoPlayer () { super();; _state = DISCONNECTED; _cachedState = _state; _bufferState = BUFFER_EMPTY; _sawPlayStop = false; _cachedPlayheadTime = 0; _metadata = null; _startingPlay = false; _invalidSeekTime = false; _invalidSeekRecovery = false; _currentPos = 0; _atEnd = false; _cmdQueue = new Array(); _readyDispatched = false; _autoResizeDone = false; _lastUpdateTime = -1; _sawSeekNotify = false; _updateTimeIntervalID = 0; _updateTimeInterval = DEFAULT_UPDATE_TIME_INTERVAL; _updateProgressIntervalID = 0; _updateProgressInterval = DEFAULT_UPDATE_PROGRESS_INTERVAL; _idleTimeoutIntervalID = 0; _idleTimeoutInterval = DEFAULT_IDLE_TIMEOUT_INTERVAL; _autoResizeIntervalID = 0; _rtmpDoStopAtEndIntervalID = 0; _rtmpDoSeekIntervalID = 0; _httpDoSeekIntervalID = 0; _httpDoSeekCount = 0; _finishAutoResizeIntervalID = 0; _delayedBufferingIntervalID = 0; _delayedBufferingInterval = HTTP_DELAYED_BUFFERING_INTERVAL; if (_isLive == undefined) { _isLive = false; } if (_autoSize == undefined) { _autoSize = false; } if (_aspectRatio == undefined) { _aspectRatio = true; } if (_autoPlay == undefined) { _autoPlay = true; } if (_autoRewind == undefined) { _autoRewind = true; } if (_bufferTime == undefined) { _bufferTime = 0.1; } if (_volume == undefined) { _volume = 100; } _sound = new Sound(this); _sound.setVolume(_volume); __visible = true; _hiddenForResize = false; _hiddenForResizeMetadataDelay = 0; _contentPath = ""; } function setSize(w, h) { if (((w == _video._width) && (h == _video._height)) || (_autoSize)) { return(undefined); } _video._width = w; _video._height = h; if (_aspectRatio) { startAutoResize(); } } function setScale(xs, ys) { if (((xs == _video._xscale) && (ys == _video._yscale)) || (_autoSize)) { return(undefined); } _video._xscale = xs; _video._yscale = ys; if (_aspectRatio) { startAutoResize(); } } function play(url, isLive, totalTime) { if (url != null) { if (_state == EXEC_QUEUED_CMD) { _state = _cachedState; } else { if (!stateResponsive) { queueCmd(PLAY, url, isLive, totalTime); return(undefined); } execQueuedCmds(); } _autoPlay = true; _load(url, isLive, totalTime); return(undefined); } if (!isXnOK()) { if (((_state == CONNECTION_ERROR) || (_ncMgr == null)) || (_ncMgr.getNetConnection() == null)) { throw new; // unexpected jump } flushQueuedCmds(); queueCmd(PLAY); setState(LOADING); _cachedState = LOADING; _ncMgr.reconnect(); return(undefined); } if (_state == EXEC_QUEUED_CMD) { _state = _cachedState; } else { if (!stateResponsive) { queueCmd(PLAY); return(undefined); } execQueuedCmds(); } if (_ns == null) { _createStream(); _video.attachVideo(_ns); attachAudio(_ns); } switch (_state) { case BUFFERING : if (_ncMgr.isRTMP()) { _play(0); if (_atEnd) { _atEnd = false; _currentPos = 0; setState(REWINDING); } else if (_currentPos > 0) { _seek(_currentPos); _currentPos = 0; } } case PLAYING : return(undefined); case STOPPED : if (_ncMgr.isRTMP()) { if (_isLive) { _play(-1); setState(BUFFERING); } else { _play(0); if (_atEnd) { _atEnd = false; _currentPos = 0; _state = BUFFERING; setState(REWINDING); } else if (_currentPos > 0) { _seek(_currentPos); _currentPos = 0; setState(BUFFERING); } else { setState(BUFFERING); } } } else { _pause(false); if (_atEnd) { _atEnd = false; _seek(0); _state = BUFFERING; setState(REWINDING); } else if (_bufferState == BUFFER_EMPTY) { setState(BUFFERING); } else { setState(PLAYING); } } break; case PAUSED : _pause(false); if (!_ncMgr.isRTMP()) { if (_bufferState == BUFFER_EMPTY) { setState(BUFFERING); } else { setState(PLAYING); } } else { setState(BUFFERING); } } } function load(url, isLive, totalTime) { if (url == null) { throw new Error("null url sent to VideoPlayer.load"); } if (_state == EXEC_QUEUED_CMD) { _state = _cachedState; } else { if (!stateResponsive) { queueCmd(LOAD, url, isLive, totalTime); return(undefined); } execQueuedCmds(); } _autoPlay = false; _load(url, isLive, totalTime); } function _load(url, isLive, totalTime) { _prevVideoWidth = videoWidth; if (_prevVideoWidth == undefined) { _prevVideoWidth = _video.width; if (_prevVideoWidth == undefined) { _prevVideoWidth = 0; } } _prevVideoHeight = videoHeight; if (_prevVideoHeight == undefined) { _prevVideoHeight = _video.height; if (_prevVideoHeight == undefined) { _prevVideoHeight = 0; } } _autoResizeDone = false; _cachedPlayheadTime = 0; _bufferState = BUFFER_EMPTY; _sawPlayStop = false; _metadata = null; _startingPlay = false; _invalidSeekTime = false; _invalidSeekRecovery = false; _isLive = ((isLive == undefined) ? false : (isLive)); _contentPath = url; _currentPos = 0; _streamLength = totalTime; _atEnd = false; _videoWidth = undefined; _videoHeight = undefined; _readyDispatched = false; _lastUpdateTime = -1; _sawSeekNotify = false; clearInterval(_updateTimeIntervalID); _updateTimeIntervalID = 0; clearInterval(_updateProgressIntervalID); _updateProgressIntervalID = 0; clearInterval(_idleTimeoutIntervalID); _idleTimeoutIntervalID = 0; clearInterval(_autoResizeIntervalID); _autoResizeIntervalID = 0; clearInterval(_rtmpDoStopAtEndIntervalID); _rtmpDoStopAtEndIntervalID = 0; clearInterval(_rtmpDoSeekIntervalID); _rtmpDoSeekIntervalID = 0; clearInterval(_httpDoSeekIntervalID); _httpDoSeekIntervalID = 0; clearInterval(_finishAutoResizeIntervalID); _finishAutoResizeIntervalID = 0; clearInterval(_delayedBufferingIntervalID); _delayedBufferingIntervalID = 0; closeNS(false); if (_ncMgr == null) { createINCManager(); } var _local2 = _ncMgr.connectToURL(_contentPath); setState(LOADING); _cachedState = LOADING; if (_local2) { _createStream(); _setUpStream(); } if (!_ncMgr.isRTMP()) { clearInterval(_updateProgressIntervalID); _updateProgressIntervalID = setInterval(this, "doUpdateProgress", _updateProgressInterval); } } function pause() { if (!isXnOK()) { if (((_state == CONNECTION_ERROR) || (_ncMgr == null)) || (_ncMgr.getNetConnection() == null)) { throw new; // unexpected jump } return(undefined); } if (_state == EXEC_QUEUED_CMD) { _state = _cachedState; } else { if (!stateResponsive) { queueCmd(PAUSE); return(undefined); } execQueuedCmds(); } if (((_state == PAUSED) || (_state == STOPPED)) || (_ns == null)) { return(undefined); } _pause(true); setState(PAUSED); } function stop() { if (!isXnOK()) { if (((_state == CONNECTION_ERROR) || (_ncMgr == null)) || (_ncMgr.getNetConnection() == null)) { throw new; // unexpected jump } return(undefined); } if (_state == EXEC_QUEUED_CMD) { _state = _cachedState; } else { if (!stateResponsive) { queueCmd(STOP); return(undefined); } execQueuedCmds(); } if ((_state == STOPPED) || (_ns == null)) { return(undefined); } if (_ncMgr.isRTMP()) { if (_autoRewind && (!_isLive)) { _currentPos = 0; _play(0, 0); _state = STOPPED; setState(REWINDING); } else { closeNS(true); setState(STOPPED); } } else { _pause(true); if (_autoRewind) { _seek(0); _state = STOPPED; setState(REWINDING); } else { setState(STOPPED); } } } function seek(time) { if (_invalidSeekTime) { return(undefined); } if (isNaN(time) || (time < 0)) { throw new; } if (!isXnOK()) { if (((_state == CONNECTION_ERROR) || (_ncMgr == null)) || (_ncMgr.getNetConnection() == null)) { throw new; // unexpected jump } flushQueuedCmds(); queueCmd(SEEK, null, false, time); setState(LOADING); _cachedState = LOADING; _ncMgr.reconnect(); return(undefined); } if (_state == EXEC_QUEUED_CMD) { _state = _cachedState; } else { if (!stateResponsive) { queueCmd(SEEK, null, false, time); return(undefined); } execQueuedCmds(); } if (_ns == null) { _createStream(); _video.attachVideo(_ns); attachAudio(_ns); } if (_atEnd && (time < playheadTime)) { _atEnd = false; } switch (_state) { case PLAYING : _state = BUFFERING; case BUFFERING : case PAUSED : _seek(time); setState(SEEKING); break; case STOPPED : if (_ncMgr.isRTMP()) { _play(0); _pause(true); } _seek(time); _state = PAUSED; setState(SEEKING); } } function close() { closeNS(true); if ((_ncMgr != null) && (_ncMgr.isRTMP())) { _ncMgr.close(); } setState(DISCONNECTED); dispatchEvent({type:"close", state:_state, playheadTime:playheadTime}); } function get x() { return(_x); } function set x(xpos) { _x = xpos; //return(x); } function get y() { return(_y); } function set y(ypos) { _y = ypos; //return(y); } function get scaleX() { return(_video._xscale); } function set scaleX(xs) { setScale(xs, scaleY); //return(scaleX); } function get scaleY() { return(_video._yscale); } function set scaleY(ys) { setScale(scaleX, ys); //return(scaleY); } function get width() { return(_video._width); } function set width(w) { setSize(w, _video._height); //return(width); } function get height() { return(_video._height); } function set height(h) { setSize(_video._width, h); //return(height); } function get videoWidth() { if (_readyDispatched) { _videoWidth = _video.width; } return(_videoWidth); } function get videoHeight() { if (_readyDispatched) { _videoHeight = _video.height; } return(_videoHeight); } function get visible() { if (!_hiddenForResize) { __visible = _visible; } return(__visible); } function set visible(v) { __visible = v; if (!_hiddenForResize) { _visible = __visible; } //return(visible); } function get autoSize() { return(_autoSize); } function set autoSize(flag) { if (_autoSize != flag) { _autoSize = flag; if (_autoSize) { startAutoResize(); } } //return(autoSize); } function get maintainAspectRatio() { return(_aspectRatio); } function set maintainAspectRatio(flag) { if (_aspectRatio != flag) { _aspectRatio = flag; if (_aspectRatio && (!_autoSize)) { startAutoResize(); } } //return(maintainAspectRatio); } function get autoRewind() { return(_autoRewind); } function set autoRewind(flag) { _autoRewind = flag; //return(autoRewind); } function get playheadTime() { var _local2 = ((_ns == null) ? (_currentPos) : (_ns.time)); if (_metadata.audiodelay != undefined) { _local2 = _local2 - _metadata.audiodelay; if (_local2 < 0) { _local2 = 0; } } return(_local2); } function set playheadTime(position) { seek(position); //return(playheadTime); } function get url() { return(_contentPath); } function get volume() { return(_volume); } function set volume(aVol) { _volume = aVol; if (!_hiddenForResize) { _sound.setVolume(_volume); } //return(volume); } function get transform() { return(_sound.getTransform()); } function set transform(s) { _sound.setTransform(s); //return(transform); } function get isRTMP() { if (_ncMgr == null) { return(undefined); } return(_ncMgr.isRTMP()); } function get isLive() { return(_isLive); } function get state() { return(_state); } function get stateResponsive() { switch (_state) { case DISCONNECTED : case STOPPED : case PLAYING : case PAUSED : case BUFFERING : return(true); } return(false); } function get bytesLoaded() { if ((_ns == null) || (_ncMgr.isRTMP())) { return(-1); } return(_ns.bytesLoaded); } function get bytesTotal() { if ((_ns == null) || (_ncMgr.isRTMP())) { return(-1); } return(_ns.bytesTotal); } function get totalTime() { return(_streamLength); } function get bufferTime() { return(_bufferTime); } function set bufferTime(aTime) { _bufferTime = aTime; if (_ns != null) { _ns.setBufferTime(_bufferTime); } //return(bufferTime); } function get idleTimeout() { return(_idleTimeoutInterval); } function set idleTimeout(aTime) { _idleTimeoutInterval = aTime; if (_idleTimeoutIntervalID > 0) { clearInterval(_idleTimeoutIntervalID); _idleTimeoutIntervalID = setInterval(this, "doIdleTimeout", _idleTimeoutInterval); } //return(idleTimeout); } function get playheadUpdateInterval() { return(_updateTimeInterval); } function set playheadUpdateInterval(aTime) { _updateTimeInterval = aTime; if (_updateTimeIntervalID > 0) { clearInterval(_updateTimeIntervalID); _updateTimeIntervalID = setInterval(this, "doUpdateTime", _updateTimeInterval); } //return(playheadUpdateInterval); } function get progressInterval() { return(_updateProgressInterval); } function set progressInterval(aTime) { _updateProgressInterval = aTime; if (_updateProgressIntervalID > 0) { clearInterval(_updateProgressIntervalID); _updateProgressIntervalID = setInterval(this, "doUpdateProgress", _updateProgressInterval); } //return(progressInterval); } function get ncMgr() { if (_ncMgr == null) { createINCManager(); } return(_ncMgr); } function get metadata() { return(_metadata); } function doUpdateTime() { var _local2 = playheadTime; switch (_state) { case STOPPED : case PAUSED : case DISCONNECTED : case CONNECTION_ERROR : clearInterval(_updateTimeIntervalID); _updateTimeIntervalID = 0; } if (_lastUpdateTime != _local2) { dispatchEvent({type:"playheadUpdate", state:_state, playheadTime:_local2}); _lastUpdateTime = _local2; } } function doUpdateProgress() { if (_ns == null) { return(undefined); } if ((_ns.bytesTotal >= 0) && (_ns.bytesTotal >= 0)) { dispatchEvent({type:"progress", bytesLoaded:_ns.bytesLoaded, bytesTotal:_ns.bytesTotal}); } if (((_state == DISCONNECTED) || (_state == CONNECTION_ERROR)) || (_ns.bytesLoaded == _ns.bytesTotal)) { clearInterval(_updateProgressIntervalID); _updateProgressIntervalID = 0; } } function rtmpOnStatus(info) { if (_state == CONNECTION_ERROR) { return(undefined); } switch (info.code) { case "NetStream.Play.Stop" : if (_startingPlay) { return(undefined); } switch (_state) { case RESIZING : if (_hiddenForResize) { finishAutoResize(); } break; case LOADING : case STOPPED : case PAUSED : break; default : _sawPlayStop = true; } break; case "NetStream.Buffer.Empty" : if (!(_bufferState === BUFFER_FULL)) { } else if (_sawPlayStop) { rtmpDoStopAtEnd(true); } else if (_state == PLAYING) { setState(BUFFERING); } _bufferState = BUFFER_EMPTY; _sawPlayStop = false; break; case "NetStream.Buffer.Flush" : if (_sawSeekNotify && (_state == SEEKING)) { _bufferState = BUFFER_EMPTY; _sawPlayStop = false; setStateFromCachedState(); doUpdateTime(); } if (_sawPlayStop && ((_bufferState == BUFFER_EMPTY) || ((_bufferTime <= 0.1) && (_ns.bufferLength <= 0.1)))) { _cachedPlayheadTime = playheadTime; clearInterval(_rtmpDoStopAtEndIntervalID); _rtmpDoStopAtEndIntervalID = setInterval(this, "rtmpDoStopAtEnd", RTMP_DO_STOP_AT_END_INTERVAL); } switch (_bufferState) { case BUFFER_EMPTY : if (!_hiddenForResize) { if (((_state == LOADING) && (_cachedState == PLAYING)) || (_state == BUFFERING)) { setState(PLAYING); } else if (_cachedState == BUFFERING) { _cachedState = PLAYING; } } _bufferState = BUFFER_FLUSH; break; default : if (_state != BUFFERING) { break; } setStateFromCachedState(); } break; case "NetStream.Buffer.Full" : if (_sawSeekNotify && (_state == SEEKING)) { _bufferState = BUFFER_EMPTY; _sawPlayStop = false; setStateFromCachedState(); doUpdateTime(); } switch (_bufferState) { case BUFFER_EMPTY : _bufferState = BUFFER_FULL; if (!_hiddenForResize) { if (((_state == LOADING) && (_cachedState == PLAYING)) || (_state == BUFFERING)) { setState(PLAYING); } else if (_cachedState == BUFFERING) { _cachedState = PLAYING; } if (_rtmpDoStopAtEndIntervalID != 0) { _sawPlayStop = true; clearInterval(_rtmpDoStopAtEndIntervalID); _rtmpDoStopAtEndIntervalID = 0; } } break; case BUFFER_FLUSH : _bufferState = BUFFER_FULL; if (_rtmpDoStopAtEndIntervalID == 0) { break; } _sawPlayStop = true; clearInterval(_rtmpDoStopAtEndIntervalID); _rtmpDoStopAtEndIntervalID = 0; } if (_state == BUFFERING) { setStateFromCachedState(); } break; case "NetStream.Pause.Notify" : if ((_state == RESIZING) && (_hiddenForResize)) { finishAutoResize(); } break; case "NetStream.Unpause.Notify" : if (_state == PAUSED) { _state = PLAYING; setState(BUFFERING); } else { _cachedState = PLAYING; } break; case "NetStream.Play.Start" : clearInterval(_rtmpDoStopAtEndIntervalID); _rtmpDoStopAtEndIntervalID = 0; _bufferState = BUFFER_EMPTY; _sawPlayStop = false; if (_startingPlay) { _startingPlay = false; _cachedPlayheadTime = playheadTime; } else if (_state == PLAYING) { setState(BUFFERING); } break; case "NetStream.Play.Reset" : clearInterval(_rtmpDoStopAtEndIntervalID); _rtmpDoStopAtEndIntervalID = 0; if (_state == REWINDING) { clearInterval(_rtmpDoSeekIntervalID); _rtmpDoSeekIntervalID = 0; if ((playheadTime == 0) || (playheadTime < _cachedPlayheadTime)) { setStateFromCachedState(); } else { _cachedPlayheadTime = playheadTime; _rtmpDoSeekIntervalID = setInterval(this, "rtmpDoSeek", RTMP_DO_SEEK_INTERVAL); } } break; case "NetStream.Seek.Notify" : if (playheadTime != _cachedPlayheadTime) { setStateFromCachedState(); doUpdateTime(); } else { _sawSeekNotify = true; if (_rtmpDoSeekIntervalID == 0) { _rtmpDoSeekIntervalID = setInterval(this, "rtmpDoSeek", RTMP_DO_SEEK_INTERVAL); } } break; case "Netstream.Play.UnpublishNotify" : break; case "Netstream.Play.PublishNotify" : break; case "NetStream.Play.StreamNotFound" : if (!_ncMgr.connectAgain()) { setState(CONNECTION_ERROR); } break; case "NetStream.Play.Failed" : case "NetStream.Failed" : setState(CONNECTION_ERROR); } } function httpOnStatus(info) { switch (info.code) { case "NetStream.Play.Stop" : clearInterval(_delayedBufferingIntervalID); _delayedBufferingIntervalID = 0; if (_invalidSeekTime) { _invalidSeekTime = false; _invalidSeekRecovery = true; setState(_cachedState); seek(playheadTime); } else { switch (_state) { case PLAYING : case BUFFERING : case SEEKING : httpDoStopAtEnd(); } } break; case "NetStream.Seek.InvalidTime" : if (_invalidSeekRecovery) { _invalidSeekTime = false; _invalidSeekRecovery = false; setState(_cachedState); seek(0); } else { _invalidSeekTime = true; } break; case "NetStream.Buffer.Empty" : _bufferState = BUFFER_EMPTY; if (_state == PLAYING) { clearInterval(_delayedBufferingIntervalID); _delayedBufferingIntervalID = setInterval(this, "doDelayedBuffering", _delayedBufferingInterval); } break; case "NetStream.Buffer.Full" : case "NetStream.Buffer.Flush" : clearInterval(_delayedBufferingIntervalID); _delayedBufferingIntervalID = 0; _bufferState = BUFFER_FULL; if (!_hiddenForResize) { if (((_state == LOADING) && (_cachedState == PLAYING)) || (_state == BUFFERING)) { setState(PLAYING); } else if (_cachedState == BUFFERING) { _cachedState = PLAYING; } } break; case "NetStream.Seek.Notify" : _invalidSeekRecovery = false; switch (_state) { case SEEKING : case REWINDING : if (_httpDoSeekIntervalID != 0) { break; } _httpDoSeekCount = 0; _httpDoSeekIntervalID = setInterval(this, "httpDoSeek", HTTP_DO_SEEK_INTERVAL); } break; case "NetStream.Play.StreamNotFound" : setState(CONNECTION_ERROR); } } function ncConnected() { if ((_ncMgr == null) || (_ncMgr.getNetConnection() == null)) { setState(CONNECTION_ERROR); } else { _createStream(); _setUpStream(); } } function ncReconnected() { if ((_ncMgr == null) || (_ncMgr.getNetConnection() == null)) { setState(CONNECTION_ERROR); } else { _ns = null; _state = STOPPED; execQueuedCmds(); } } function onMetaData(info) { if (_metadata != null) { return(undefined); } _metadata = info; if ((_streamLength == null) || (_streamLength <= 0)) { _streamLength = info.duration; } if (isNaN(_videoWidth) || (_videoWidth <= 0)) { _videoWidth = info.width; } if (isNaN(_videoHeight) || (_videoHeight <= 0)) { _videoHeight = info.height; } dispatchEvent({type:"metadataReceived", info:info}); } function onCuePoint(info) { if ((!_hiddenForResize) || ((!isNaN(_hiddenRewindPlayheadTime)) && (playheadTime < _hiddenRewindPlayheadTime))) { dispatchEvent({type:"cuePoint", info:info}); } } function setState(s) { if (s == _state) { return(undefined); } _hiddenRewindPlayheadTime = undefined; _cachedState = _state; _cachedPlayheadTime = playheadTime; _state = s; var _local2 = _state; dispatchEvent({type:"stateChange", state:_local2, playheadTime:playheadTime}); if (!_readyDispatched) { switch (_local2) { case STOPPED : case PLAYING : case PAUSED : case BUFFERING : _readyDispatched = true; dispatchEvent({type:"ready", state:_local2, playheadTime:playheadTime}); } } if (!(_cachedState === REWINDING)) { } else { dispatchEvent({type:"rewind", state:_local2, playheadTime:playheadTime}); if (_ncMgr.isRTMP() && (_local2 == STOPPED)) { closeNS(); } } switch (_local2) { case STOPPED : case PAUSED : if (_ncMgr.isRTMP() && (_idleTimeoutIntervalID == 0)) { _idleTimeoutIntervalID = setInterval(this, "doIdleTimeout", _idleTimeoutInterval); } break; case SEEKING : case REWINDING : _bufferState = BUFFER_EMPTY; _sawPlayStop = false; case PLAYING : case BUFFERING : if (_updateTimeIntervalID == 0) { _updateTimeIntervalID = setInterval(this, "doUpdateTime", _updateTimeInterval); } case LOADING : case RESIZING : clearInterval(_idleTimeoutIntervalID); _idleTimeoutIntervalID = 0; } execQueuedCmds(); } function setStateFromCachedState() { switch (_cachedState) { case PLAYING : case PAUSED : setState(_cachedState); break; case BUFFERING : if (_bufferState == BUFFER_EMPTY) { setState(BUFFERING); } else { setState(_cachedState); } break; default : setState(STOPPED); } } function createINCManager() { if (ncMgrClassName == null) { ncMgrClassName = DEFAULT_INCMANAGER; } var ncMgrConstructor = eval (this.ncMgrClassName); _ncMgr = new ncMgrConstructor(); _ncMgr.setVideoPlayer(this); } function rtmpDoStopAtEnd(force) { if (_rtmpDoStopAtEndIntervalID > 0) { switch (_state) { case DISCONNECTED : case CONNECTION_ERROR : clearInterval(_rtmpDoStopAtEndIntervalID); _rtmpDoStopAtEndIntervalID = 0; return(undefined); } if (force || (_cachedPlayheadTime == playheadTime)) { clearInterval(_rtmpDoStopAtEndIntervalID); _rtmpDoStopAtEndIntervalID = 0; } else { _cachedPlayheadTime = playheadTime; return(undefined); } } _bufferState = BUFFER_EMPTY; _sawPlayStop = false; _atEnd = true; setState(STOPPED); if (_state != STOPPED) { return(undefined); } doUpdateTime(); if (_state != STOPPED) { return(undefined); } dispatchEvent({type:"complete", state:_state, playheadTime:playheadTime}); if (_state != STOPPED) { return(undefined); } if ((_autoRewind && (!_isLive)) && (playheadTime != 0)) { _atEnd = false; _currentPos = 0; _play(0, 0); setState(REWINDING); } else { closeNS(); } } function rtmpDoSeek() { if ((_state != REWINDING) && (_state != SEEKING)) { clearInterval(_rtmpDoSeekIntervalID); _rtmpDoSeekIntervalID = 0; _sawSeekNotify = false; } else if (playheadTime != _cachedPlayheadTime) { clearInterval(_rtmpDoSeekIntervalID); _rtmpDoSeekIntervalID = 0; _sawSeekNotify = false; setStateFromCachedState(); doUpdateTime(); } } function httpDoStopAtEnd() { _atEnd = true; if ((_streamLength == null) || (_streamLength <= 0)) { _streamLength = _ns.time; } _pause(true); setState(STOPPED); if (_state != STOPPED) { return(undefined); } doUpdateTime(); if (_state != STOPPED) { return(undefined); } dispatchEvent({type:"complete", state:_state, playheadTime:playheadTime}); if (_state != STOPPED) { return(undefined); } if (_autoRewind) { _atEnd = false; _pause(true); _seek(0); setState(REWINDING); } } function httpDoSeek() { var _local2 = (_state == REWINDING) || (_state == SEEKING); if ((_local2 && (_httpDoSeekCount < HTTP_DO_SEEK_MAX_COUNT)) && ((_cachedPlayheadTime == playheadTime) || (_invalidSeekTime))) { _httpDoSeekCount++; return(undefined); } _httpDoSeekCount = 0; clearInterval(_httpDoSeekIntervalID); _httpDoSeekIntervalID = 0; if (!_local2) { return(undefined); } setStateFromCachedState(); if (_invalidSeekTime) { _invalidSeekTime = false; _invalidSeekRecovery = true; seek(playheadTime); } else { doUpdateTime(); } } function closeNS(updateCurrentPos) { if ((_ns != null) && (_ns != undefined)) { if (updateCurrentPos) { clearInterval(_updateTimeIntervalID); _updateTimeIntervalID = 0; doUpdateTime(); _currentPos = _ns.time; } delete _ns.onStatus; _ns.onStatus = null; _ns.close(); _ns = null; } } function doDelayedBuffering() { switch (_state) { case LOADING : case RESIZING : break; case PLAYING : clearInterval(_delayedBufferingIntervalID); _delayedBufferingIntervalID = 0; setState(BUFFERING); break; default : clearInterval(_delayedBufferingIntervalID); _delayedBufferingIntervalID = 0; } } function _pause(doPause) { clearInterval(_rtmpDoStopAtEndIntervalID); _rtmpDoStopAtEndIntervalID = 0; _ns.pause(doPause); } function _play() { clearInterval(_rtmpDoStopAtEndIntervalID); _rtmpDoStopAtEndIntervalID = 0; _startingPlay = true; switch (arguments.length) { case 0 :, (_isLive ? -1 : 0), -1); break; case 1 :, (_isLive ? -1 : (arguments[0])), -1); break; case 2 :, (_isLive ? -1 : (arguments[0])), arguments[1]); break; default : throw new Error("bad args to _play"); } } function _seek(time) { clearInterval(_rtmpDoStopAtEndIntervalID); _rtmpDoStopAtEndIntervalID = 0; if ((_metadata.audiodelay != undefined) && ((time + _metadata.audiodelay) < _streamLength)) { time = time + _metadata.audiodelay; }; _invalidSeekTime = false; _bufferState = BUFFER_EMPTY; _sawPlayStop = false; _sawSeekNotify = false; } function isXnOK() { if (_state == LOADING) { return(true); } if (_state == CONNECTION_ERROR) { return(false); } if (_state != DISCONNECTED) { if (((_ncMgr == null) || (_ncMgr.getNetConnection() == null)) || (!_ncMgr.getNetConnection().isConnected)) { setState(DISCONNECTED); return(false); } return(true); } return(false); } function startAutoResize() { switch (_state) { case DISCONNECTED : case CONNECTION_ERROR : return(undefined); } _autoResizeDone = false; if ((stateResponsive && (_videoWidth != undefined)) && (_videoHeight != undefined)) { doAutoResize(); } else { clearInterval(_autoResizeIntervalID); _autoResizeIntervalID = setInterval(this, "doAutoResize", AUTO_RESIZE_INTERVAL); } } function doAutoResize() { if (_autoResizeIntervalID > 0) { switch (_state) { case RESIZING : case LOADING : break; case DISCONNECTED : case CONNECTION_ERROR : clearInterval(_autoResizeIntervalID); _autoResizeIntervalID = 0; return(undefined); default : if (stateResponsive) { break; } return(undefined); } if (((((_video.width != _prevVideoWidth) || (_video.height != _prevVideoHeight)) || (_bufferState == BUFFER_FULL)) || (_bufferState == BUFFER_FLUSH)) || (_ns.time > AUTO_RESIZE_PLAYHEAD_TIMEOUT)) { if ((_hiddenForResize && (_metadata == null)) && (_hiddenForResizeMetadataDelay < AUTO_RESIZE_METADATA_DELAY_MAX)) { _hiddenForResizeMetadataDelay++; return(undefined); } _videoWidth = _video.width; _videoHeight = _video.height; clearInterval(_autoResizeIntervalID); _autoResizeIntervalID = 0; } else { return(undefined); } } if (((!_autoSize) && (!_aspectRatio)) || (_autoResizeDone)) { setState(_cachedState); return(undefined); } _autoResizeDone = true; if (_autoSize) { _video._width = _videoWidth; _video._height = _videoHeight; } else if (_aspectRatio) { var _local3 = (_videoWidth * height) / _videoHeight; var _local2 = (_videoHeight * width) / _videoWidth; if (_local2 < height) { _video._height = _local2; } else if (_local3 < width) { _video._width = _local3; } } if (_hiddenForResize) { _hiddenRewindPlayheadTime = playheadTime; if (_state == LOADING) { _cachedState = PLAYING; } if (!_ncMgr.isRTMP()) { _pause(true); _seek(0); clearInterval(_finishAutoResizeIntervalID); _finishAutoResizeIntervalID = setInterval(this, "finishAutoResize", FINISH_AUTO_RESIZE_INTERVAL); } else if (!_isLive) { _currentPos = 0; _play(0, 0); setState(RESIZING); } else if (_autoPlay) { clearInterval(_finishAutoResizeIntervalID); _finishAutoResizeIntervalID = setInterval(this, "finishAutoResize", FINISH_AUTO_RESIZE_INTERVAL); } else { finishAutoResize(); } } else { dispatchEvent({type:"resize", x:_x, y:_y, width:_width, height:_height}); } } function finishAutoResize() { clearInterval(_finishAutoResizeIntervalID); _finishAutoResizeIntervalID = 0; if (stateResponsive) { return(undefined); } _visible = __visible; _sound.setVolume(_volume); _hiddenForResize = false; dispatchEvent({type:"resize", x:_x, y:_y, width:_width, height:_height}); if (_autoPlay) { if (_ncMgr.isRTMP()) { if (!_isLive) { _currentPos = 0; _play(0); } if (_state == RESIZING) { setState(LOADING); _cachedState = PLAYING; } } else { _pause(false); _cachedState = PLAYING; } } else { setState(STOPPED); } } function _createStream() { _ns = new NetStream(_ncMgr.getNetConnection()); = this; if (_ncMgr.isRTMP()) { _ns.onStatus = function (info) {; }; } else { _ns.onStatus = function (info) {; }; } _ns.onMetaData = function (info) {; }; _ns.onCuePoint = function (info) {; }; _ns.setBufferTime(_bufferTime); } function _setUpStream() { _video.attachVideo(_ns); attachAudio(_ns); if ((!isNaN(_ncMgr.getStreamLength())) && (_ncMgr.getStreamLength() >= 0)) { _streamLength = _ncMgr.getStreamLength(); } if ((!isNaN(_ncMgr.getStreamWidth())) && (_ncMgr.getStreamWidth() >= 0)) { _videoWidth = _ncMgr.getStreamWidth(); } else { _videoWidth = undefined; } if ((!isNaN(_ncMgr.getStreamHeight())) && (_ncMgr.getStreamHeight() >= 0)) { _videoHeight = _ncMgr.getStreamHeight(); } else { _videoHeight = undefined; } if (((_autoSize || (_aspectRatio)) && (_videoWidth != undefined)) && (_videoHeight != undefined)) { _prevVideoWidth = undefined; _prevVideoHeight = undefined; doAutoResize(); } if (((!_autoSize) && (!_aspectRatio)) || ((_videoWidth != undefined) && (_videoHeight != undefined))) { if (_autoPlay) { if (!_ncMgr.isRTMP()) { _cachedState = BUFFERING; _play(); } else if (_isLive) { _cachedState = BUFFERING; _play(-1); } else { _cachedState = BUFFERING; _play(0); } } else { _cachedState = STOPPED; if (_ncMgr.isRTMP()) { _play(0, 0); } else { _play(); _pause(true); _seek(0); } } } else { if (!_hiddenForResize) { __visible = _visible; _visible = false; _volume = _sound.getVolume(); _sound.setVolume(0); _hiddenForResize = true; } _hiddenForResizeMetadataDelay = 0; _play(0); if (_currentPos > 0) { _seek(_currentPos); _currentPos = 0; } } clearInterval(_autoResizeIntervalID); _autoResizeIntervalID = setInterval(this, "doAutoResize", AUTO_RESIZE_INTERVAL); } function doIdleTimeout() { clearInterval(_idleTimeoutIntervalID); _idleTimeoutIntervalID = 0; close(); } function flushQueuedCmds() { while (_cmdQueue.length > 0) { _cmdQueue.pop(); } } function execQueuedCmds() { while (((_cmdQueue.length > 0) && (stateResponsive || (_state == CONNECTION_ERROR))) && ((_cmdQueue[0].url != null) || ((_state != DISCONNECTED) && (_state != CONNECTION_ERROR)))) { var _local2 = _cmdQueue.shift(); _cachedState = _state; _state = EXEC_QUEUED_CMD; switch (_local2.type) { case PLAY : play(_local2.url, _local2.isLive, _local2.time); break; case LOAD : load(_local2.url, _local2.isLive, _local2.time); break; case PAUSE : pause(); break; case STOP : stop(); break; case SEEK : seek(_local2.time); } } } function queueCmd(type, url, isLive, time) { _cmdQueue.push({type:type, url:url, isLive:isLive, time:time}); } static var version = ""; static var shortVersion = "1.0.1"; static var DISCONNECTED = "disconnected"; static var STOPPED = "stopped"; static var PLAYING = "playing"; static var PAUSED = "paused"; static var BUFFERING = "buffering"; static var LOADING = "loading"; static var CONNECTION_ERROR = "connectionError"; static var REWINDING = "rewinding"; static var SEEKING = "seeking"; static var RESIZING = "resizing"; static var EXEC_QUEUED_CMD = "execQueuedCmd"; static var BUFFER_EMPTY = "bufferEmpty"; static var BUFFER_FULL = "bufferFull"; static var BUFFER_FLUSH = "bufferFlush"; static var DEFAULT_INCMANAGER = ""; static var DEFAULT_UPDATE_TIME_INTERVAL = 250; static var DEFAULT_UPDATE_PROGRESS_INTERVAL = 250; static var DEFAULT_IDLE_TIMEOUT_INTERVAL = 300000; static var AUTO_RESIZE_INTERVAL = 100; static var AUTO_RESIZE_PLAYHEAD_TIMEOUT = 0.5; static var AUTO_RESIZE_METADATA_DELAY_MAX = 5; static var FINISH_AUTO_RESIZE_INTERVAL = 250; static var RTMP_DO_STOP_AT_END_INTERVAL = 500; static var RTMP_DO_SEEK_INTERVAL = 100; static var HTTP_DO_SEEK_INTERVAL = 250; static var HTTP_DO_SEEK_MAX_COUNT = 4; static var CLOSE_NS_INTERVAL = 0.25; static var HTTP_DELAYED_BUFFERING_INTERVAL = 100; static var PLAY = 0; static var LOAD = 1; static var PAUSE = 2; static var STOP = 3; static var SEEK = 4; }
Symbol 12 MovieClip [] Frame 0
interface { }
Symbol 13 MovieClip [] Frame 0
class { function EventDispatcher () { } static function _removeEventListener(queue, event, handler) { if (queue != undefined) { var _local4 = queue.length; var _local1; _local1 = 0; while (_local1 < _local4) { var _local2 = queue[_local1]; if (_local2 == handler) { queue.splice(_local1, 1); return(undefined); } _local1++; } } } static function initialize(object) { if (_fEventDispatcher == undefined) { _fEventDispatcher = new; } object.addEventListener = _fEventDispatcher.addEventListener; object.removeEventListener = _fEventDispatcher.removeEventListener; object.dispatchEvent = _fEventDispatcher.dispatchEvent; object.dispatchQueue = _fEventDispatcher.dispatchQueue; } function dispatchQueue(queueObj, eventObj) { var _local7 = "__q_" + eventObj.type; var _local4 = queueObj[_local7]; if (_local4 != undefined) { var _local5; for (_local5 in _local4) { var _local1 = _local4[_local5]; var _local3 = typeof(_local1); if ((_local3 == "object") || (_local3 == "movieclip")) { if (_local1.handleEvent != undefined) { _local1.handleEvent(eventObj); } if (_local1[eventObj.type] != undefined) { if (exceptions[eventObj.type] == undefined) { _local1[eventObj.type](eventObj); } } } else { _local1.apply(queueObj, [eventObj]); } } } } function dispatchEvent(eventObj) { if ( == undefined) { = this; } this[eventObj.type + "Handler"](eventObj); dispatchQueue(this, eventObj); } function addEventListener(event, handler) { var _local3 = "__q_" + event; if (this[_local3] == undefined) { this[_local3] = new Array(); } _global.ASSetPropFlags(this, _local3, 1); _removeEventListener(this[_local3], event, handler); this[_local3].push(handler); } function removeEventListener(event, handler) { var _local2 = "__q_" + event; _removeEventListener(this[_local2], event, handler); } static var _fEventDispatcher = undefined; static var exceptions = {move:1, draw:1, load:1}; }
Symbol 14 MovieClip [] Frame 0
class extends Error { var _code, message, name; function VideoError (errCode, msg) { super(); _code = errCode; message = ((("" + errCode) + ": ") + ERROR_MSG[errCode - BASE_ERROR_CODE]) + ((msg == undefined) ? "" : (": " + msg)); name = "VideoError"; } function get code() { return(_code); } static var version = ""; static var shortVersion = "1.0.1"; static var BASE_ERROR_CODE = 1000; static var NO_CONNECTION = 1000; static var NO_CUE_POINT_MATCH = 1001; static var ILLEGAL_CUE_POINT = 1002; static var INVALID_SEEK = 1003; static var INVALID_CONTENT_PATH = 1004; static var INVALID_XML = 1005; static var NO_BITRATE_MATCH = 1006; static var DELETE_DEFAULT_PLAYER = 1007; static var ERROR_MSG = ["Unable to make connection to server or to find FLV on server", "No matching cue point found", "Illegal cue point", "Invalid seek", "Invalid contentPath", "Invalid xml", "No bitrate match, must be no default flv", "Cannot delete default VideoPlayer"]; }
Symbol 15 MovieClip [] Frame 0
class { var _vc, _skin, _skinAutoHide, _skinReady, __visible, _bufferingBarHides, _controlsEnabled, _lastScrubPos, _lastVolumePos, cachedSoundLevel, _isMuted, controls, customClips, skin_mc, skinLoader, layout_mc, border_mc, _seekBarIntervalID, _seekBarInterval, _seekBarScrubTolerance, _volumeBarIntervalID, _volumeBarInterval, _volumeBarScrubTolerance, _bufferingDelayIntervalID, _bufferingDelayInterval, _bufferingOn, _skinAutoHideIntervalID, _progressPercent, placeholderLeft, placeholderRight, placeholderTop, placeholderBottom, videoLeft, videoRight, videoTop, videoBottom, _playAfterScrub; function UIManager (vc) { _vc = vc; _skin = undefined; _skinAutoHide = false; _skinReady = true; __visible = true; _bufferingBarHides = false; _controlsEnabled = true; _lastScrubPos = 0; _lastVolumePos = 0; cachedSoundLevel = _vc.volume; _isMuted = false; controls = new Array(); customClips = undefined; skin_mc = undefined; skinLoader = undefined; layout_mc = undefined; border_mc = undefined; _seekBarIntervalID = 0; _seekBarInterval = SEEK_BAR_INTERVAL_DEFAULT; _seekBarScrubTolerance = SEEK_BAR_SCRUB_TOLERANCE_DEFAULT; _volumeBarIntervalID = 0; _volumeBarInterval = VOLUME_BAR_INTERVAL_DEFAULT; _volumeBarScrubTolerance = VOLUME_BAR_SCRUB_TOLERANCE_DEFAULT; _bufferingDelayIntervalID = 0; _bufferingDelayInterval = BUFFERING_DELAY_INTERVAL_DEFAULT; _bufferingOn = false; _skinAutoHideIntervalID = 0; _vc.addEventListener("metadataReceived", this); _vc.addEventListener("playheadUpdate", this); _vc.addEventListener("progress", this); _vc.addEventListener("stateChange", this); _vc.addEventListener("ready", this); _vc.addEventListener("resize", this); _vc.addEventListener("volumeUpdate", this); } function handleEvent(e) { if ((e.vp != undefined) && (e.vp != _vc.__get__visibleVideoPlayerIndex())) { return(undefined); } var _local9 = _vc.__get__activeVideoPlayerIndex(); _vc.__set__activeVideoPlayerIndex(_vc.visibleVideoPlayerIndex); if (e.type == "stateChange") { if (e.state == { if (!_bufferingOn) { clearInterval(_bufferingDelayIntervalID); _bufferingDelayIntervalID = setInterval(this, "doBufferingDelay", _bufferingDelayInterval); } } else { clearInterval(_bufferingDelayIntervalID); _bufferingDelayIntervalID = 0; _bufferingOn = false; } if (e.state == { _progressPercent = (_vc.getVideoPlayer(e.vp).__get__isRTMP() ? 100 : 0); var _local2 = SEEK_BAR; while (_local2 <= VOLUME_BAR) { var _local4 = controls[_local2]; if (_local4.progress_mc != undefined) { positionBar(_local4, "progress", _progressPercent); } _local2++; } } var _local2 = 0; while (_local2 < NUM_CONTROLS) { if (controls[_local2] == undefined) { } else { setEnabledAndVisibleForState(_local2, e.state); if (_local2 < NUM_BUTTONS) { skinButtonControl(controls[_local2]); } } _local2++; } } else if ((e.type == "ready") || (e.type == "metadataReceived")) { var _local2 = 0; while (_local2 < NUM_CONTROLS) { if (controls[_local2] == undefined) { } else { setEnabledAndVisibleForState(_local2, _vc.__get__state()); if (_local2 < NUM_BUTTONS) { skinButtonControl(controls[_local2]); } } _local2++; } if (_vc.getVideoPlayer(e.vp).__get__isRTMP()) { _progressPercent = 100; _local2 = SEEK_BAR; while (_local2 <= VOLUME_BAR) { var _local4 = controls[_local2]; if (_local4.progress_mc != undefined) { positionBar(_local4, "progress", _progressPercent); } _local2++; } } } else if (e.type == "resize") { layoutSkin(); setupSkinAutoHide(); } else if (e.type == "volumeUpdate") { if (_isMuted && (e.volume > 0)) { _isMuted = false; setEnabledAndVisibleForState(MUTE_OFF_BUTTON,; skinButtonControl(controls[MUTE_OFF_BUTTON]); setEnabledAndVisibleForState(MUTE_ON_BUTTON,; skinButtonControl(controls[MUTE_ON_BUTTON]); } var _local5 = controls[VOLUME_BAR]; _local5.percentage = (_isMuted ? (cachedSoundLevel) : (e.volume)); if (_local5.percentage < 0) { _local5.percentage = 0; } else if (_local5.percentage > 100) { _local5.percentage = 100; } positionHandle(VOLUME_BAR); } else if ((e.type == "playheadUpdate") && (controls[SEEK_BAR] != undefined)) { if ((!_vc.__get__isLive()) && (_vc.__get__totalTime() > 0)) { var _local6 = (e.playheadTime / _vc.__get__totalTime()) * 100; if (_local6 < 0) { _local6 = 0; } else if (_local6 > 100) { _local6 = 100; } var _local10 = controls[SEEK_BAR]; _local10.percentage = _local6; positionHandle(SEEK_BAR); } } else if (e.type == "progress") { _progressPercent = ((e.bytesTotal <= 0) ? 100 : ((e.bytesLoaded / e.bytesTotal) * 100)); var _local7 = _vc._vpState[e.vp].minProgressPercent; if ((!isNaN(_local7)) && (_local7 > _progressPercent)) { _progressPercent = _local7; } if (_vc.__get__totalTime() > 0) { var _local8 = (_vc.__get__playheadTime() / _vc.__get__totalTime()) * 100; if (_local8 > _progressPercent) { _progressPercent = _local8; _vc._vpState[e.vp].minProgressPercent = _progressPercent; } } var _local2 = SEEK_BAR; while (_local2 <= VOLUME_BAR) { var _local4 = controls[_local2]; if (_local4.progress_mc != undefined) { positionBar(_local4, "progress", _progressPercent); } _local2++; } } _vc.__set__activeVideoPlayerIndex(_local9); } function get bufferingBarHidesAndDisablesOthers() { return(_bufferingBarHides); } function set bufferingBarHidesAndDisablesOthers(b) { _bufferingBarHides = b; //return(bufferingBarHidesAndDisablesOthers); } function get controlsEnabled() { return(_controlsEnabled); } function set controlsEnabled(flag) { if (_controlsEnabled == flag) { return; } _controlsEnabled = flag; var _local2 = 0; while (_local2 < NUM_BUTTONS) { if (controls[_local2] == undefined) { } else { controls[_local2].releaseCapture(); controls[_local2].enabled = _controlsEnabled && (controls[_local2].myEnabled); skinButtonControl(controls[_local2]); } _local2++; } //return(controlsEnabled); } function get skin() { return(_skin); } function set skin(s) { if (s == _skin) { return; } if (_skin != undefined) { removeSkin(); } _skin = s; _skinReady = (_skin == null) || (_skin == ""); if (!_skinReady) { downloadSkin(); } //return(skin); } function get skinAutoHide() { return(_skinAutoHide); } function set skinAutoHide(b) { if (b == _skinAutoHide) { return; } _skinAutoHide = b; setupSkinAutoHide(); //return(skinAutoHide); } function get skinReady() { return(_skinReady); } function get seekBarInterval() { return(_seekBarInterval); } function set seekBarInterval(s) { if (_seekBarInterval == s) { return; } _seekBarInterval = s; if (_seekBarIntervalID > 0) { clearInterval(_seekBarIntervalID); _seekBarIntervalID = setInterval(this, "seekBarListener", _seekBarInterval, false); } //return(seekBarInterval); } function get volumeBarInterval() { return(_volumeBarInterval); } function set volumeBarInterval(s) { if (_volumeBarInterval == s) { return; } _volumeBarInterval = s; if (_volumeBarIntervalID > 0) { clearInterval(_volumeBarIntervalID); _volumeBarIntervalID = setInterval(this, "volumeBarListener", _volumeBarInterval, false); } //return(volumeBarInterval); } function get bufferingDelayInterval() { return(_bufferingDelayInterval); } function set bufferingDelayInterval(s) { if (_bufferingDelayInterval == s) { return; } _bufferingDelayInterval = s; if (_bufferingDelayIntervalID > 0) { clearInterval(_bufferingDelayIntervalID); _bufferingDelayIntervalID = setInterval(this, "doBufferingDelay", _bufferingDelayIntervalID); } //return(bufferingDelayInterval); } function get volumeBarScrubTolerance() { return(_volumeBarScrubTolerance); } function set volumeBarScrubTolerance(s) { _volumeBarScrubTolerance = s; //return(volumeBarScrubTolerance); } function get seekBarScrubTolerance() { return(_seekBarScrubTolerance); } function set seekBarScrubTolerance(s) { _seekBarScrubTolerance = s; //return(seekBarScrubTolerance); } function get visible() { return(__visible); } function set visible(v) { if (__visible == v) { return; } __visible = v; if (!__visible) { skin_mc._visible = false; } else { setupSkinAutoHide(); } //return(visible); } function getControl(index) { return(controls[index]); } function setControl(index, s) { if (s == null) { s = undefined; } if (s == controls[index]) { return(undefined); } switch (index) { case PAUSE_BUTTON : case PLAY_BUTTON : resetPlayPause(); break; case PLAY_PAUSE_BUTTON : if (s._parent != layout_mc) { resetPlayPause(); setControl(PAUSE_BUTTON, s.pause_mc); setControl(PLAY_BUTTON, s.play_mc); } break; case MUTE_BUTTON : if (s._parent == layout_mc) { break; } setControl(MUTE_ON_BUTTON, s.on_mc); setControl(MUTE_OFF_BUTTON, s.off_mc); } if (index >= NUM_BUTTONS) { controls[index] = s; switch (index) { case SEEK_BAR : addBarControl(SEEK_BAR); break; case VOLUME_BAR : addBarControl(VOLUME_BAR); controls[VOLUME_BAR].percentage = _vc.volume; break; case BUFFERING_BAR : controls[BUFFERING_BAR].uiMgr = this; controls[BUFFERING_BAR].controlIndex = BUFFERING_BAR; if (controls[BUFFERING_BAR]._parent == skin_mc) { finishAddBufferingBar(); } else { controls[BUFFERING_BAR].onEnterFrame = function () { this.uiMgr.finishAddBufferingBar(); }; } } setEnabledAndVisibleForState(index, _vc.__get__state()); } else { removeButtonControl(index); controls[index] = s; addButtonControl(index); } } function resetPlayPause() { if (controls[PLAY_PAUSE_BUTTON] == undefined) { return(undefined); } var _local2 = PAUSE_BUTTON; while (_local2 <= PLAY_BUTTON) { removeButtonControl(_local2); _local2++; } controls[PLAY_PAUSE_BUTTON] = undefined; } function addButtonControl(index) { var _local3 = controls[index]; if (_local3 == undefined) { return(undefined); } var _local5 = _vc.__get__activeVideoPlayerIndex(); _vc.__set__activeVideoPlayerIndex(_vc.visibleVideoPlayerIndex); = index; _local3.state = UP_STATE; _local3.uiMgr = this; setEnabledAndVisibleForState(index, _vc.__get__state()); _local3.onRollOver = function () { this.state =; this.uiMgr.skinButtonControl(this); }; _local3.onRollOut = function () { this.state =; this.uiMgr.skinButtonControl(this); }; if ((index == SEEK_BAR_HANDLE) || (index == VOLUME_BAR_HANDLE)) { _local3.onPress = function () { if (_root.focusManager) { this._focusrect = false; Selection.setFocus(this); } this.state =; this.uiMgr.dispatchMessage(this); this.uiMgr.skinButtonControl(this); }; _local3.onRelease = function () { this.state =; this.uiMgr.handleRelease(this.controlIndex); this.uiMgr.skinButtonControl(this); }; _local3.onReleaseOutside = function () { this.state =; this.uiMgr.handleRelease(this.controlIndex); this.uiMgr.skinButtonControl(this); }; } else { _local3.onPress = function () { if (_root.focusManager) { this._focusrect = false; Selection.setFocus(this); } this.state =; this.uiMgr.skinButtonControl(this); }; _local3.onRelease = function () { this.state =; this.uiMgr.dispatchMessage(this); this.uiMgr.skinButtonControl(this); }; _local3.onReleaseOutside = function () { this.state =; this.uiMgr.skinButtonControl(this); }; } if (_local3._parent == skin_mc) { skinButtonControl(_local3); } else { _local3.onEnterFrame = function () { this.uiMgr.skinButtonControl(this); }; } _vc.__set__activeVideoPlayerIndex(_local5); } function removeButtonControl(index) { if (controls[index] == undefined) { return(undefined); } controls[index].uiMgr = undefined; controls[index].onRollOver = undefined; controls[index].onRollOut = undefined; controls[index].onPress = undefined; controls[index].onRelease = undefined; controls[index].onReleaseOutside = undefined; controls[index] = undefined; } function downloadSkin() { if (skinLoader == undefined) { skinLoader = new MovieClipLoader(); skinLoader.addListener(this); } if (skin_mc == undefined) { skin_mc = _vc.createEmptyMovieClip("skin_mc", _vc.getNextHighestDepth()); } skin_mc._visible = false; skin_mc._x = Stage.width + 100; skin_mc._y = Stage.height + 100; skinLoader.loadClip(_skin, skin_mc); } function onLoadError(target_mc, errorCode) { _skinReady = true; _vc.skinError("Unable to load skin swf"); } function onLoadInit() { try { skin_mc._visible = false; skin_mc._x = 0; skin_mc._y = 0; layout_mc = skin_mc.layout_mc; if (layout_mc == undefined) { throw new Error("No layout_mc"); } layout_mc._visible = false; customClips = new Array(); setCustomClips("bg"); if (layout_mc.playpause_mc != undefined) { setSkin(PLAY_PAUSE_BUTTON, layout_mc.playpause_mc); } else { setSkin(PAUSE_BUTTON, layout_mc.pause_mc); setSkin(PLAY_BUTTON, layout_mc.play_mc); } setSkin(STOP_BUTTON, layout_mc.stop_mc); setSkin(BACK_BUTTON, layout_mc.back_mc); setSkin(FORWARD_BUTTON, layout_mc.forward_mc); setSkin(MUTE_BUTTON, layout_mc.volumeMute_mc); setSkin(SEEK_BAR, layout_mc.seekBar_mc); setSkin(VOLUME_BAR, layout_mc.volumeBar_mc); setSkin(BUFFERING_BAR, layout_mc.bufferingBar_mc); setCustomClips("fg"); layoutSkin(); setupSkinAutoHide(); skin_mc._visible = __visible; _skinReady = true; _vc.skinLoaded(); var _local4 = _vc.__get__activeVideoPlayerIndex(); _vc.__set__activeVideoPlayerIndex(_vc.visibleVideoPlayerIndex); var _local3 = _vc.__get__state(); var _local2 = 0; while (_local2 < NUM_CONTROLS) { if (controls[_local2] == undefined) { } else { setEnabledAndVisibleForState(_local2, _local3); if (_local2 < NUM_BUTTONS) { skinButtonControl(controls[_local2]); } } _local2++; } _vc.__set__activeVideoPlayerIndex(_local4); } catch(err:Error) { _vc.skinError(err.message); removeSkin(); } } function layoutSkin() { if (layout_mc == undefined) { return(undefined); } var _local3 = layout_mc.video_mc; if (_local3 == undefined) { throw new Error("No layout_mc.video_mc"); } placeholderLeft = _local3._x; placeholderRight = _local3._x + _local3._width; placeholderTop = _local3._y; placeholderBottom = _local3._y + _local3._height; videoLeft = 0; videoRight = _vc.width; videoTop = 0; videoBottom = _vc.height; if (((!isNaN(layout_mc.minWidth)) && (layout_mc.minWidth > 0)) && (layout_mc.minWidth > videoRight)) { videoLeft = videoLeft - ((layout_mc.minWidth - videoRight) / 2); videoRight = layout_mc.minWidth + videoLeft; } if (((!isNaN(layout_mc.minHeight)) && (layout_mc.minHeight > 0)) && (layout_mc.minHeight > videoBottom)) { videoTop = videoTop - ((layout_mc.minHeight - videoBottom) / 2); videoBottom = layout_mc.minHeight + videoTop; } var _local2; _local2 = 0; while (_local2 < customClips.length) { layoutControl(customClips[_local2]); _local2++; } _local2 = 0; while (_local2 < NUM_CONTROLS) { layoutControl(controls[_local2]); _local2++; } } function layoutControl(ctrl) { if (ctrl == undefined) { return(undefined); } if ( { if ( { ctrl._x = ( - placeholderLeft) + videoLeft; ctrl._width = ((( + - placeholderRight) + videoRight) - ctrl._x; if (ctrl.origWidth != undefined) { ctrl.origWidth = undefined; } } else { ctrl._x = ( - placeholderRight) + videoRight; } } else { ctrl._x = ( - placeholderLeft) + videoLeft; } if ( { if ( { ctrl._y = ( - placeholderTop) + videoTop; ctrl._height = ((( + - placeholderBottom) + videoBottom) - ctrl._y; if (ctrl.origHeight != undefined) { ctrl.origHeight = undefined; } } else { ctrl._y = ( - placeholderTop) + videoTop; } } else { ctrl._y = ( - placeholderBottom) + videoBottom; } switch (ctrl.controlIndex) { case SEEK_BAR : case VOLUME_BAR : if (ctrl.progress_mc != undefined) { if (_progressPercent == undefined) { _progressPercent = (_vc.__get__isRTMP() ? 100 : 0); } positionBar(ctrl, "progress", _progressPercent); } positionHandle(ctrl.controlIndex); break; case BUFFERING_BAR : if (ctrl.fill_mc == undefined) { break; } positionMaskedFill(ctrl, ctrl.fill_mc, 100); } if (ctrl.layoutSelf != undefined) { ctrl.layoutSelf(); } } function removeSkin() { if (skin_mc != undefined) { var _local2 = 0; while (_local2 < NUM_BUTTONS) { removeButtonControl(_local2); _local2++; } _local2 = NUM_BUTTONS; while (_local2 < NUM_CONTROLS) { controls[_local2] = undefined; _local2++; } skin_mc.unloadMovie(); layout_mc = undefined; border_mc = undefined; } } function setCustomClips(prefix) { var _local4 = 1; while (true) { var _local2 = layout_mc[(prefix + (_local4++)) + "_mc"]; if (_local2 == undefined) { break; } var _local3 =; if (_local3 == undefined) { _local3 = _local2._parent._parent[_local2._name]; } if (_local3 == undefined) { throw new Error("Bad clip in skin: " + _local2); } = _local2; customClips.push(_local3); if ((prefix == "bg") && (_local4 == 2)) { border_mc = _local3; } } } function setSkin(index, s) { if (s == undefined) { return(undefined); } var _local2 =; if (_local2 == undefined) { _local2 = s._parent._parent[s._name]; } if (_local2 == undefined) { throw new Error("Bad clip in skin: " + s); } = s; if (index < NUM_BUTTONS) { setupSkinStates(_local2); } else { switch (index) { case PLAY_PAUSE_BUTTON : setupSkinStates(_local2.play_mc); setupSkinStates(_local2.pause_mc); break; case MUTE_BUTTON : setupSkinStates(_local2.on_mc); setupSkinStates(_local2.off_mc); break; case SEEK_BAR : case VOLUME_BAR : var _local4 = ((index == SEEK_BAR) ? "seekBar" : "volumeBar"); if (_local2.handle_mc == undefined) { _local2.handle_mc =; if (_local2.handle_mc == undefined) { _local2.handle_mc =[_local4 + "Handle_mc"]; } } if (_local2.progress_mc == undefined) { _local2.progress_mc =; if (_local2.progress_mc == undefined) { _local2.progress_mc =[_local4 + "Progress_mc"]; } } if (_local2.fullness_mc == undefined) { _local2.fullness_mc =; if (_local2.fullness_mc == undefined) { _local2.fullness_mc =[_local4 + "Fullness_mc"]; } } break; case BUFFERING_BAR : if (_local2.fill_mc != undefined) { break; } _local2.fill_mc =; if (_local2.fill_mc != undefined) { break; } _local2.fill_mc =; } } setControl(index, _local2); } function setupSkinStates(ctrl) { if (ctrl.up_mc == undefined) { ctrl.up_mc = ctrl; ctrl.over_mc = ctrl; ctrl.down_mc = ctrl; ctrl.disabled_mc = ctrl; } else { ctrl._x = 0; ctrl._y = 0; ctrl.up_mc._x = 0; ctrl.up_mc._y = 0; ctrl.up_mc._visible = true; if (ctrl.over_mc == undefined) { ctrl.over_mc = ctrl.up_mc; } else { ctrl.over_mc._x = 0; ctrl.over_mc._y = 0; ctrl.over_mc._visible = false; } if (ctrl.down_mc == undefined) { ctrl.down_mc = ctrl.up_mc; } else { ctrl.down_mc._x = 0; ctrl.down_mc._y = 0; ctrl.down_mc._visible = false; } if (ctrl.disabled_mc == undefined) { ctrl.disabled_mc_mc = ctrl.up_mc; } else { ctrl.disabled_mc._x = 0; ctrl.disabled_mc._y = 0; ctrl.disabled_mc._visible = false; } } } function skinButtonControl(ctrl) { if (ctrl.onEnterFrame != undefined) { delete ctrl.onEnterFrame; ctrl.onEnterFrame = undefined; } if (ctrl.enabled) { switch (ctrl.state) { case UP_STATE : if (ctrl.up_mc == undefined) { ctrl.up_mc = ctrl.attachMovie(ctrl.upLinkageID, "up_mc", ctrl.getNextHighestDepth()); } applySkinState(ctrl, ctrl.up_mc); break; case OVER_STATE : if (ctrl.over_mc == undefined) { if (ctrl.overLinkageID == undefined) { ctrl.over_mc = ctrl.up_mc; } else { ctrl.over_mc = ctrl.attachMovie(ctrl.overLinkageID, "over_mc", ctrl.getNextHighestDepth()); } } applySkinState(ctrl, ctrl.over_mc); break; case DOWN_STATE : if (ctrl.down_mc == undefined) { if (ctrl.downLinkageID == undefined) { ctrl.down_mc = ctrl.up_mc; } else { ctrl.down_mc = ctrl.attachMovie(ctrl.downLinkageID, "down_mc", ctrl.getNextHighestDepth()); } } applySkinState(ctrl, ctrl.down_mc); } } else { ctrl.state = UP_STATE; if (ctrl.disabled_mc == undefined) { if (ctrl.disabledLinkageID == undefined) { ctrl.disabled_mc = ctrl.up_mc; } else { ctrl.disabled_mc = ctrl.attachMovie(ctrl.disabledLinkageID, "disabled_mc", ctrl.getNextHighestDepth()); } } applySkinState(ctrl, ctrl.disabled_mc); } if (ctrl.placeholder_mc != undefined) { ctrl.placeholder_mc.unloadMovie(); delete ctrl.placeholder_mc; ctrl.placeholder_mc = undefined; } } function applySkinState(ctrl, state) { if (state != ctrl.currentState_mc) { if (state != undefined) { state._visible = true; } if (ctrl.currentState_mc != undefined) { ctrl.currentState_mc._visible = false; } ctrl.currentState_mc = state; } } function addBarControl(controlIndex) { var _local2 = controls[controlIndex]; _local2.isDragging = false; _local2.percentage = 0; _local2.uiMgr = this; _local2.controlIndex = controlIndex; if (_local2._parent == skin_mc) { finishAddBarControl(controlIndex); } else { _local2.onEnterFrame = function () { this.uiMgr.finishAddBarControl(this.controlIndex); }; } } function finishAddBarControl(controlIndex) { var _local2 = controls[controlIndex]; delete _local2.onEnterFrame; _local2.onEnterFrame = undefined; if (_local2.addBarControl != undefined) { _local2.addBarControl(); } calcBarMargins(_local2, "handle", true); calcBarMargins(_local2, "progress", false); calcBarMargins(_local2.progress_mc, "fill", false); calcBarMargins(_local2.progress_mc, "mask", false); calcBarMargins(_local2, "fullness", false); calcBarMargins(_local2.fullness_mc, "fill", false); calcBarMargins(_local2.fullness_mc, "mask", false); _local2.origWidth = _local2._width; _local2.origHeight = _local2._height; fixUpBar(_local2, "progress"); if (_local2.progress_mc != undefined) { fixUpBar(_local2, "progressBarFill"); if (_progressPercent == undefined) { _progressPercent = (_vc.__get__isRTMP() ? 100 : 0); } positionBar(_local2, "progress", _progressPercent); } fixUpBar(_local2, "fullness"); if (_local2.fullness_mc != undefined) { fixUpBar(_local2, "fullnessBarFill"); } fixUpBar(_local2, "handle"); _local2.handle_mc.controlIndex = controlIndex; switch (controlIndex) { case SEEK_BAR : setControl(SEEK_BAR_HANDLE, _local2.handle_mc); break; case VOLUME_BAR : setControl(VOLUME_BAR_HANDLE, _local2.handle_mc); } positionHandle(controlIndex); } function fixUpBar(ctrl, type) { if ((ctrl[type + "LinkageID"] != undefined) && (ctrl[type + "LinkageID"].length > 0)) { var _local1; if (ctrl[type + "Below"]) { _local1 = -1; while (ctrl._parent.getInstanceAtDepth(_local1) != undefined) { _local1--; } } else { ctrl[type + "Below"] = false; _local1 = ctrl._parent.getNextHighestDepth(); } var _local5 = ((ctrl.controlIndex == SEEK_BAR) ? "seekBar" : "volumeBar"); var _local4 = ((_local5 + type.substring(0, 1).toUpperCase()) + type.substring(1)) + "_mc"; ctrl[type + "_mc"] = ctrl._parent.attachMovie(ctrl[type + "LinkageID"], _local4, _local1); } } function calcBarMargins(ctrl, type, symmetricMargins) { var _local2 = ctrl[type + "_mc"]; if (_local2 == undefined) { return(undefined); } if ((ctrl[type + "LeftMargin"] == undefined) && (_local2._parent == ctrl._parent)) { ctrl[type + "LeftMargin"] = _local2._x - ctrl._x; } if (ctrl[type + "RightMargin"] == undefined) { if (symmetricMargins) { ctrl[type + "RightMargin"] = ctrl[type + "LeftMargin"]; } else if (_local2._parent == ctrl._parent) { ctrl[type + "RightMargin"] = ((ctrl._width - _local2._width) - _local2._x) + ctrl._x; } } if ((ctrl[type + "TopMargin"] == undefined) && (_local2._parent == ctrl._parent)) { ctrl[type + "TopMargin"] = _local2._y - ctrl._y; } if (ctrl[type + "BottomMargin"] == undefined) { if (symmetricMargins) { ctrl[type + "BottomMargin"] = ctrl[type + "TopMargin"]; } else if (_local2._parent == ctrl._parent) { ctrl[type + "BottomMargin"] = ((ctrl._height - _local2._height) - _local2._y) + ctrl._y; } } if (ctrl[type + "X"] == undefined) { if (_local2._parent == ctrl._parent) { ctrl[type + "X"] = _local2._x - ctrl._x; } else if (_local2._parent == ctrl) { ctrl[type + "X"] = _local2._x; } } if (ctrl[type + "Y"] == undefined) { if (_local2._parent == ctrl._parent) { ctrl[type + "Y"] = _local2._y - ctrl._y; } else if (_local2._parent == ctrl) { ctrl[type + "Y"] = _local2._y; } } ctrl[type + "XScale"] = _local2._xscale; ctrl[type + "YScale"] = _local2._yscale; ctrl[type + "Width"] = _local2._width; ctrl[type + "Height"] = _local2._height; } function finishAddBufferingBar() { var _local2 = controls[BUFFERING_BAR]; delete _local2.onEnterFrame; _local2.onEnterFrame = undefined; calcBarMargins(_local2, "fill", true); fixUpBar(_local2, "fill"); if (_local2.fill_mc != undefined) { positionMaskedFill(_local2, _local2.fill_mc, 100); } } function positionMaskedFill(ctrl, fill, percent) { var _local5 = fill._parent; var _local3 = ctrl.mask_mc; if (_local3 == undefined) { _local3 = _local5.createEmptyMovieClip(ctrl._name + "Mask_mc", _local5.getNextHighestDepth()); ctrl.mask_mc = _local3; _local3.beginFill(16777215); _local3.lineTo(0, 0); _local3.lineTo(1, 0); _local3.lineTo(1, 1); _local3.lineTo(0, 1); _local3.lineTo(0, 0); _local3.endFill(); fill.setMask(_local3); _local3._x = ctrl.fillX; _local3._y = ctrl.fillY; _local3._width = ctrl.fillWidth; _local3._height = ctrl.fillHeight; _local3._visible = false; calcBarMargins(ctrl, "mask", true); } if (_local5 == ctrl) { if (fill.slideReveal) { fill._x = (ctrl.maskX - ctrl.fillWidth) + ((ctrl.fillWidth * percent) / 100); } else { _local3._width = (ctrl.fillWidth * percent) / 100; } } else if (_local5 == ctrl._parent) { if (fill.slideReveal) { _local3._x = ctrl._x + ctrl.maskLeftMargin; _local3._y = ctrl._y + ctrl.maskTopMargin; _local3._width = (ctrl._width - ctrl.maskRightMargin) - ctrl.maskLeftMargin; _local3._height = (ctrl._height - ctrl.maskTopMargin) - ctrl.maskBottomMargin; fill._x = (_local3._x - ctrl.fillWidth) + ((ctrl.maskWidth * percent) / 100); fill._y = ctrl._y + ctrl.fillTopMargin; } else { fill._x = ctrl._x + ctrl.fillLeftMargin; fill._y = ctrl._y + ctrl.fillTopMargin; _local3._x = fill._x; _local3._y = fill._y; _local3._width = (((ctrl._width - ctrl.fillRightMargin) - ctrl.fillLeftMargin) * percent) / 100; _local3._height = (ctrl._height - ctrl.fillTopMargin) - ctrl.fillBottomMargin; } } } function startHandleDrag(controlIndex) { var _local2 = controls[controlIndex]; var _local5 = _local2.handle_mc; if ((_local2.startHandleDrag == undefined) || (!_local2.startHandleDrag())) { var _local3 = _local2._y + _local2.handleY; var _local4 = ((_local2.origWidth == undefined) ? (_local2._width) : (_local2.origWidth)); _local5.startDrag(false, _local2._x + _local2.handleLeftMargin, _local3, (_local2._x + _local4) - _local2.handleRightMargin, _local3); } _local2.isDragging = true; } function stopHandleDrag(controlIndex) { var _local2 = controls[controlIndex]; var _local3 = _local2.handle_mc; if ((_local2.stopHandleDrag == undefined) || (!_local2.stopHandleDrag())) { _local3.stopDrag(); } _local2.isDragging = false; } function positionHandle(controlIndex) { var _local2 = controls[controlIndex]; var _local3 = _local2.handle_mc; if (_local3 == undefined) { return(undefined); } if ((_local2.positionHandle != undefined) && (_local2.positionHandle())) { return(undefined); } var _local4 = ((_local2.origWidth == undefined) ? (_local2._width) : (_local2.origWidth)); var _local5 = (_local4 - _local2.handleRightMargin) - _local2.handleLeftMargin; _local3._x = (_local2._x + _local2.handleLeftMargin) + ((_local5 * _local2.percentage) / 100); _local3._y = _local2._y + _local2.handleY; if (_local2.fullness_mc != undefined) { positionBar(_local2, "fullness", _local2.percentage); } } function positionBar(ctrl, type, percent) { if ((ctrl.positionBar != undefined) && (ctrl.positionBar(type, percent))) { return(undefined); } var _local2 = ctrl[type + "_mc"]; if (_local2._parent == ctrl) { if (_local2.fill_mc == undefined) { _local2._xscale = (ctrl[type + "XScale"] * percent) / 100; } else { positionMaskedFill(_local2, _local2.fill_mc, percent); } } else { _local2._x = ctrl._x + ctrl[type + "LeftMargin"]; _local2._y = ctrl._y + ctrl[type + "Y"]; if (_local2.fill_mc == undefined) { _local2._width = (((ctrl._width - ctrl[type + "LeftMargin"]) - ctrl[type + "RightMargin"]) * percent) / 100; } else { positionMaskedFill(_local2, _local2.fill_mc, percent); } } } function calcPercentageFromHandle(controlIndex) { var _local2 = controls[controlIndex]; var _local5 = _local2.handle_mc; if ((_local2.calcPercentageFromHandle == undefined) || (!_local2.calcPercentageFromHandle())) { var _local3 = ((_local2.origWidth == undefined) ? (_local2._width) : (_local2.origWidth)); var _local6 = (_local3 - _local2.handleRightMargin) - _local2.handleLeftMargin; var _local4 = _local5._x - (_local2._x + _local2.handleLeftMargin); _local2.percentage = (_local4 / _local6) * 100; if (_local2.fullness_mc != undefined) { positionBar(_local2, "fullness", _local2.percentage); } } if (_local2.percentage < 0) { _local2.percentage = 0; } if (_local2.percentage > 100) { _local2.percentage = 100; } } function handleRelease(controlIndex) { var _local3 = _vc.__get__activeVideoPlayerIndex(); _vc.__set__activeVideoPlayerIndex(_vc.visibleVideoPlayerIndex); if (controlIndex == SEEK_BAR) { seekBarListener(true); } else if (controlIndex == VOLUME_BAR) { volumeBarListener(true); } stopHandleDrag(controlIndex); _vc.__set__activeVideoPlayerIndex(_local3); if (controlIndex == SEEK_BAR) { _vc._scrubFinish(); } } function seekBarListener(finish) { var _local3 = _vc.__get__activeVideoPlayerIndex(); _vc.__set__activeVideoPlayerIndex(_vc.visibleVideoPlayerIndex); var _local4 = controls[SEEK_BAR]; calcPercentageFromHandle(SEEK_BAR); var _local2 = _local4.percentage; if (finish) { clearInterval(_seekBarIntervalID); _seekBarIntervalID = 0; if (_local2 != _lastScrubPos) { _vc.seekPercent(_local2); } _vc.addEventListener("playheadUpdate", this); if (_playAfterScrub) {; } } else if (_vc.getVideoPlayer(_vc.__get__visibleVideoPlayerIndex()).__get__state() == { } else if ((((_seekBarScrubTolerance <= 0) || (Math.abs(_local2 - _lastScrubPos) > _seekBarScrubTolerance)) || (_local2 < _seekBarScrubTolerance)) || (_local2 > (100 - _seekBarScrubTolerance))) { if (_local2 != _lastScrubPos) { _lastScrubPos = _local2; _vc.seekPercent(_local2); } } _vc.__set__activeVideoPlayerIndex(_local3); } function volumeBarListener(finish) { var _local3 = controls[VOLUME_BAR]; calcPercentageFromHandle(VOLUME_BAR); var _local2 = _local3.percentage; if (finish) { clearInterval(_volumeBarIntervalID); _volumeBarIntervalID = 0; _vc.addEventListener("volumeUpdate", this); } if ((((finish || (_volumeBarScrubTolerance <= 0)) || (Math.abs(_local2 - _lastVolumePos) > _volumeBarScrubTolerance)) || (_local2 < _volumeBarScrubTolerance)) || (_local2 > (100 - _volumeBarScrubTolerance))) { if (_local2 != _lastVolumePos) { if (_isMuted) { cachedSoundLevel = _local2; } else { _vc.__set__volume(_local2); } _lastVolumePos = _local2; } } } function doBufferingDelay() { clearInterval(_bufferingDelayIntervalID); _bufferingDelayIntervalID = 0; var _local2 = _vc.__get__activeVideoPlayerIndex(); _vc.__set__activeVideoPlayerIndex(_vc.visibleVideoPlayerIndex); if (_vc.__get__state() == { _bufferingOn = true; handleEvent({type:"stateChange",, vp:_vc.__get__visibleVideoPlayerIndex()}); } _vc.__set__activeVideoPlayerIndex(_local2); } function dispatchMessage(ctrl) { if ( == SEEK_BAR_HANDLE) { _vc._scrubStart(); } var _local2 = _vc.__get__activeVideoPlayerIndex(); _vc.__set__activeVideoPlayerIndex(_vc.visibleVideoPlayerIndex); switch ( { case PAUSE_BUTTON : _vc.pause(); break; case PLAY_BUTTON :; break; case STOP_BUTTON : _vc.stop(); break; case SEEK_BAR_HANDLE : calcPercentageFromHandle(SEEK_BAR); _lastScrubPos = controls[SEEK_BAR].percentage; _vc.removeEventListener("playheadUpdate", this); if (_vc.__get__playing() || (_vc.__get__buffering())) { _playAfterScrub = true; } else if (_vc.__get__state() != { _playAfterScrub = false; } _seekBarIntervalID = setInterval(this, "seekBarListener", _seekBarInterval, false); startHandleDrag(SEEK_BAR); _vc.pause(); break; case VOLUME_BAR_HANDLE : calcPercentageFromHandle(VOLUME_BAR); _lastVolumePos = controls[VOLUME_BAR].percentage; _vc.removeEventListener("volumeUpdate", this); _volumeBarIntervalID = setInterval(this, "volumeBarListener", _volumeBarInterval, false); startHandleDrag(VOLUME_BAR); break; case BACK_BUTTON : _vc.seekToPrevNavCuePoint(); break; case FORWARD_BUTTON : _vc.seekToNextNavCuePoint(); break; case MUTE_ON_BUTTON : case MUTE_OFF_BUTTON : if (!_isMuted) { _isMuted = true; cachedSoundLevel = _vc.volume; _vc.__set__volume(0); } else { _isMuted = false; _vc.__set__volume(cachedSoundLevel); } setEnabledAndVisibleForState(MUTE_OFF_BUTTON,; skinButtonControl(controls[MUTE_OFF_BUTTON]); setEnabledAndVisibleForState(MUTE_ON_BUTTON,; skinButtonControl(controls[MUTE_ON_BUTTON]); break; default : throw new Error("Unknown ButtonControl"); } _vc.__set__activeVideoPlayerIndex(_local2); } function setEnabledAndVisibleForState(index, state) { var _local5 = _vc.__get__activeVideoPlayerIndex(); _vc.__set__activeVideoPlayerIndex(_vc.visibleVideoPlayerIndex); var _local3 = state; if ((_local3 == && (!_bufferingOn)) { _local3 =; } switch (index) { case VOLUME_BAR : case VOLUME_BAR_HANDLE : controls[index].myEnabled = true; controls[index].enabled = _controlsEnabled; break; case MUTE_ON_BUTTON : controls[index].myEnabled = !_isMuted; if (controls[MUTE_BUTTON] != undefined) { controls[index]._visible = controls[index].myEnabled; } break; case MUTE_OFF_BUTTON : controls[index].myEnabled = _isMuted; if (controls[MUTE_BUTTON] != undefined) { controls[index]._visible = controls[index].myEnabled; } break; default : switch (_local3) { case : case : controls[index].myEnabled = false; break; case : controls[index].myEnabled = _vc.__get__contentPath() != undefined; break; case : break; default : controls[index].myEnabled = true; } } switch (index) { case SEEK_BAR : switch (_local3) { case : case : case : case : case : controls[index].myEnabled = true; break; case : controls[index].myEnabled = (!_bufferingBarHides) || (controls[BUFFERING_BAR] == undefined); break; default : controls[index].myEnabled = false; } if (controls[index].myEnabled) { controls[index].myEnabled = (!isNaN(_vc.__get__totalTime())) && (_vc.__get__totalTime() > 0); } controls[index].handle_mc.myEnabled = controls[index].myEnabled; controls[index].handle_mc.enabled = controls[index].handle_mc.myEnabled; controls[index].handle_mc._visible = controls[index].myEnabled; var _local4 = (((!_bufferingBarHides) || (controls[index].myEnabled)) || (controls[BUFFERING_BAR] == undefined)) || (!controls[BUFFERING_BAR]._visible); controls[index]._visible = _local4; controls[index].progress_mc._visible = _local4; controls[index].progress_mc.fill_mc._visible = _local4; controls[index].fullness_mc._visible = _local4; controls[index].fullness_mc.fill_mc._visible = _local4; break; case BUFFERING_BAR : switch (_local3) { case : case : case : case : case : controls[index].myEnabled = false; break; default : controls[index].myEnabled = true; } controls[index]._visible = controls[index].myEnabled; controls[index].fill_mc._visible = controls[index].myEnabled; break; case PAUSE_BUTTON : switch (_local3) { case : case : case : case : controls[index].myEnabled = false; break; case : controls[index].myEnabled = true; break; case : controls[index].myEnabled = (!_bufferingBarHides) || (controls[BUFFERING_BAR] == undefined); } if (controls[PLAY_PAUSE_BUTTON] != undefined) { controls[index]._visible = controls[index].myEnabled; } break; case PLAY_BUTTON : switch (_local3) { case : controls[index].myEnabled = false; break; case : case : controls[index].myEnabled = true; break; case : controls[index].myEnabled = (!_bufferingBarHides) || (controls[BUFFERING_BAR] == undefined); } if (controls[PLAY_PAUSE_BUTTON] != undefined) { controls[index]._visible = !controls[PAUSE_BUTTON]._visible; } break; case STOP_BUTTON : switch (_local3) { case : case : controls[index].myEnabled = false; break; case : case : case : controls[index].myEnabled = true; } break; case BACK_BUTTON : case FORWARD_BUTTON : if (!(_local3 === { } else { controls[index].myEnabled = (!_bufferingBarHides) || (controls[BUFFERING_BAR] == undefined); } } controls[index].enabled = _controlsEnabled && (controls[index].myEnabled); _vc.__set__activeVideoPlayerIndex(_local5); } function setupSkinAutoHide() { if (_skinAutoHide && (skin_mc != undefined)) { skinAutoHideHitTest(); if (_skinAutoHideIntervalID == 0) { _skinAutoHideIntervalID = setInterval(this, "skinAutoHideHitTest", SKIN_AUTO_HIDE_INTERVAL); } } else { skin_mc._visible = __visible; clearInterval(_skinAutoHideIntervalID); _skinAutoHideIntervalID = 0; } } function skinAutoHideHitTest() { if (!__visible) { skin_mc._visible = false; } else { var _local4 = _vc.getVideoPlayer(_vc.__get__visibleVideoPlayerIndex()); var _local3 = _local4.hitTest(_root._xmouse, _root._ymouse, true); if ((!_local3) && (border_mc != undefined)) { _local3 = border_mc.hitTest(_root._xmouse, _root._ymouse, true); } skin_mc._visible = _local3; } } static var version = ""; static var shortVersion = "1.0.1"; static var PAUSE_BUTTON = 0; static var PLAY_BUTTON = 1; static var STOP_BUTTON = 2; static var SEEK_BAR_HANDLE = 3; static var BACK_BUTTON = 4; static var FORWARD_BUTTON = 5; static var MUTE_ON_BUTTON = 6; static var MUTE_OFF_BUTTON = 7; static var VOLUME_BAR_HANDLE = 8; static var NUM_BUTTONS = 9; static var PLAY_PAUSE_BUTTON = 9; static var MUTE_BUTTON = 10; static var BUFFERING_BAR = 11; static var SEEK_BAR = 12; static var VOLUME_BAR = 13; static var NUM_CONTROLS = 14; static var UP_STATE = 0; static var OVER_STATE = 1; static var DOWN_STATE = 2; static var SKIN_AUTO_HIDE_INTERVAL = 200; static var VOLUME_BAR_INTERVAL_DEFAULT = 250; static var VOLUME_BAR_SCRUB_TOLERANCE_DEFAULT = 0; static var SEEK_BAR_INTERVAL_DEFAULT = 250; static var SEEK_BAR_SCRUB_TOLERANCE_DEFAULT = 5; static var BUFFERING_DELAY_INTERVAL_DEFAULT = 1000; }
Symbol 16 MovieClip [] Frame 0
class mx.utils.Delegate extends Object { var func; function Delegate (f) { super(); func = f; } static function create(obj, func) { var _local2 = function () { var _local2 =; var _local3 = arguments.callee.func; return(_local3.apply(_local2, arguments)); }; = obj; _local2.func = func; return(_local2); } function createDelegate(obj) { return(create(obj, func)); } }
Symbol 17 MovieClip [] Frame 0
class { var _owner, _url, xml, baseURLAttr, videoTags, width, height; function SMILManager (owner) { _owner = owner; } function connectXML(url) { _url = fixURL(url); xml = new XML(); xml.onLoad = mx.utils.Delegate.create(this, xmlOnLoad); xml.load(_url); return(false); } function fixURL(origURL) { if ((origURL.substr(0, 5).toLowerCase() == "http:") || (origURL.substr(0, 6).toLowerCase() == "https:")) { var _local2 = ((origURL.indexOf("?") >= 0) ? "&" : "?"); return(((origURL + _local2) + "FLVPlaybackVersion=") + shortVersion); } return(origURL); } function xmlOnLoad(success) { try { if (!success) { _owner.helperDone(this, false); } else { baseURLAttr = new Array(); videoTags = new Array(); var _local2 = xml.firstChild; var _local6 = false; while (_local2 != null) { if (_local2.nodeType == ELEMENT_NODE) { _local6 = true; if (_local2.nodeName.toLowerCase() == "smil") { break; } } _local2 = _local2.nextSibling; } if (!_local6) { throw new, ("URL: \"" + _url) + "\" No root node found; if url is for an flv it must have .flv extension and take no parameters"); } else if (_local2 == null) { throw new, ("URL: \"" + _url) + "\" Root node not smil"); } var _local5 = false; var _local4 = 0; while (_local4 < _local2.childNodes.length) { var _local3 = _local2.childNodes[_local4]; if (_local3.nodeType != ELEMENT_NODE) { } else if (_local3.nodeName.toLowerCase() == "head") { parseHead(_local3); } else if (_local3.nodeName.toLowerCase() == "body") { _local5 = true; parseBody(_local3); } else { throw new, ((((("URL: \"" + _url) + "\" Tag ") + _local3.nodeName) + " not supported in ") + _local2.nodeName) + " tag."); } _local4++; } if (!_local5) { throw new, ("URL: \"" + _url) + "\" Tag body is required."); } _owner.helperDone(this, true); } } catch(err:Error) { _owner.helperDone(this, false); throw err; } } function parseHead(parentNode) { var _local4 = false; var _local3 = 0; while (_local3 < parentNode.childNodes.length) { var _local2 = parentNode.childNodes[_local3]; if (_local2.nodeType != ELEMENT_NODE) { } else if (_local2.nodeName.toLowerCase() == "meta") { for (var _local6 in _local2.attributes) { if (_local6.toLowerCase() == "base") { baseURLAttr.push(_local2.attributes[_local6]); } else { throw new, ((((("URL: \"" + _url) + "\" Attribute ") + _local6) + " not supported in ") + _local2.nodeName) + " tag."); } } } else if (_local2.nodeName.toLowerCase() == "layout") { if (!_local4) { parseLayout(_local2); _local4 = true; } } _local3++; } } function parseLayout(parentNode) { var _local3 = 0; while (_local3 < parentNode.childNodes.length) { var _local2 = parentNode.childNodes[_local3]; if (_local2.nodeType != ELEMENT_NODE) { } else if (_local2.nodeName.toLowerCase() == "root-layout") { for (var _local5 in _local2.attributes) { if (_local5.toLowerCase() == "width") { width = Number(_local2.attributes[_local5]); } else if (_local5.toLowerCase() == "height") { height = Number(_local2.attributes[_local5]); } } if (((isNaN(width) || (width < 0)) || (isNaN(height))) || (height < 0)) { throw new, ((("URL: \"" + _url) + "\" Tag ") + _local2.nodeName) + " requires attributes id, width and height. Width and height must be numbers greater than or equal to 0."); } width = Math.round(width); height = Math.round(height); return(undefined); } _local3++; } } function parseBody(parentNode) { var _local6 = 0; var _local3 = 0; while (_local3 < parentNode.childNodes.length) { var _local2 = parentNode.childNodes[_local3]; if (_local2.nodeType != ELEMENT_NODE) { } else { _local6++; if (_local6 > 1) { throw new, ((("URL: \"" + _url) + "\" Tag ") + parentNode.nodeName) + " is required to contain exactly one tag."); } if (_local2.nodeName.toLowerCase() == "switch") { parseSwitch(_local2); } else if ((_local2.nodeName.toLowerCase() == "video") || (_local2.nodeName.toLowerCase() == "ref")) { var _local5 = parseVideo(_local2); videoTags.push(_local5); } } _local3++; } if (videoTags.length < 1) { throw new, ("URL: \"" + _url) + "\" At least one video of ref tag is required."); } } function parseSwitch(parentNode) { var _local3 = 0; while (_local3 < parentNode.childNodes.length) { var _local2 = parentNode.childNodes[_local3]; if (_local2.nodeType != ELEMENT_NODE) { } else if ((_local2.nodeName.toLowerCase() == "video") || (_local2.nodeName.toLowerCase() == "ref")) { videoTags.push(parseVideo(_local2)); } _local3++; } } function parseVideo(node) { var _local3 = new Object(); for (var _local4 in node.attributes) { if (_local4.toLowerCase() == "src") { _local3.src = node.attributes[_local4]; } else if (_local4.toLowerCase() == "system-bitrate") { _local3.bitrate = Number(node.attributes[_local4]); } else if (_local4.toLowerCase() == "dur") { _local3.dur = parseTime(node.attributes[_local4]); } } if (_local3.src == undefined) { throw new, ((("URL: \"" + _url) + "\" Attribute src is required in ") + node.nodeName) + " tag."); } return(_local3); } function parseTime(timeStr) { var _local4 = 0; var _local3 = timeStr.split(":"); if ((_local3.length < 1) || (_local3.length > 3)) { throw new, "Invalid dur value: " + timeStr); } var _local1 = 0; while (_local1 < _local3.length) { var _local2 = Number(_local3[_local1]); if (isNaN(_local2)) { throw new, "Invalid dur value: " + timeStr); } _local4 = _local4 * 60; _local4 = _local4 + _local2; _local1++; } return(_local4); } static var version = ""; static var shortVersion = "1.0.1"; static var ELEMENT_NODE = 1; }
Symbol 18 MovieClip [] Frame 0
class { var _owner, _uriParam, _parseResults, _url, xml, rtmpURL; function FPADManager (owner) { _owner = owner; } function connectXML(urlPrefix, uriParam, urlSuffix, uriParamParseResults) { _uriParam = uriParam; _parseResults = uriParamParseResults; _url = (urlPrefix + "uri=") + _parseResults.protocol; if (_parseResults.serverName != undefined) { _url = _url + ("/" + _parseResults.serverName); } if (_parseResults.portNumber != undefined) { _url = _url + (":" + _parseResults.portNumber); } if (_parseResults.wrappedURL != undefined) { _url = _url + ("/?" + _parseResults.wrappedURL); } _url = _url + ("/" + _parseResults.appName); _url = _url + urlSuffix; xml = new XML(); xml.onLoad = mx.utils.Delegate.create(this, xmlOnLoad); xml.load(_url); return(false); } function xmlOnLoad(success) { try { if (!success) { _owner.helperDone(this, false); } else { var _local5 = xml.firstChild; var _local8 = false; while (_local5 != null) { if (_local5.nodeType == ELEMENT_NODE) { _local8 = true; if (_local5.nodeName.toLowerCase() == "fpad") { break; } } _local5 = _local5.nextSibling; } if (!_local8) { throw new, ("URL: \"" + _url) + "\" No root node found; if url is for an flv it must have .flv extension and take no parameters"); } else if (_local5 == null) { throw new, ("URL: \"" + _url) + "\" Root node not fpad"); } var _local7; var _local6 = 0; while (_local6 < _local5.childNodes.length) { var _local3 = _local5.childNodes[_local6]; if (_local3.nodeType != ELEMENT_NODE) { } else if (_local3.nodeName.toLowerCase() == "proxy") { var _local2 = 0; while (_local2 < _local3.childNodes.length) { var _local4 = _local3.childNodes[_local2]; if (_local4.nodeType == TEXT_NODE) { _local7 = trim(_local4.nodeValue); break; } _local2++; } break; } _local6++; } if ((_local7 == undefined) || (_local7 == "")) { throw new, ("URL: \"" + _url) + "\" fpad xml requires proxy tag."); } rtmpURL = (((_parseResults.protocol + "/") + _local7) + "/?") + _uriParam; _owner.helperDone(this, true); } } catch(err:Error) { _owner.helperDone(this, false); throw err; } } function trim(str) { var _local2 = 0; while (_local2 < str.length) { var _local1 = str.charAt(_local2); if ((((_local1 != " ") && (_local1 != "\t")) && (_local1 != "\r")) && (_local1 != newline)) { break; } _local2++; } if (_local2 >= str.length) { return(""); } var _local4 = str.length - 1; while (_local4 > _local2) { var _local1 = str.charAt(_local4); if ((((_local1 != " ") && (_local1 != "\t")) && (_local1 != "\r")) && (_local1 != newline)) { break; } _local4--; } return(str.slice(_local2, _local4 + 1)); } static var version = ""; static var shortVersion = "1.0.1"; static var ELEMENT_NODE = 1; static var TEXT_NODE = 3; }
Symbol 19 MovieClip [] Frame 0
class implements { var _timeoutIntervalId, _tryNCIntervalId, _timeout, _nc, _ncConnected, _isRTMP, _serverName, _wrappedURL, _portNumber, _appName, _contentPath, _streamName, _streamLength, _streamWidth, _streamHeight, _streams, _autoSenseBW, fpadZone, _payload, _connTypeCounter, _bitrate, _owner, _protocol, _smilMgr, _ncUri, _fpadMgr, fallbackServerName, _tryNC; function NCManager () { initNCInfo(); initOtherInfo(); _timeoutIntervalId = 0; _tryNCIntervalId = 0; _timeout = DEFAULT_TIMEOUT; _nc = undefined; _ncConnected = false; } function initNCInfo() { _isRTMP = undefined; _serverName = undefined; _wrappedURL = undefined; _portNumber = undefined; _appName = undefined; } function initOtherInfo() { _contentPath = undefined; _streamName = undefined; _streamLength = undefined; _streamWidth = undefined; _streamHeight = undefined; _streams = undefined; _autoSenseBW = false; fpadZone = undefined; _payload = 0; _connTypeCounter = 0; cleanConns(); } function getTimeout() { return(_timeout); } function setTimeout(t) { _timeout = t; if (_timeoutIntervalId != 0) { clearInterval(_timeoutIntervalId); _timeoutIntervalId = setInterval(this, "_onFCSConnectTimeOut", _timeout); } } function getBitrate() { return(_bitrate); } function setBitrate(b) { if ((_isRTMP == undefined) || (!_isRTMP)) { _bitrate = b; } } function getVideoPlayer() { return(_owner); } function setVideoPlayer(v) { _owner = v; } function getNetConnection() { return(_nc); } function getStreamName() { return(_streamName); } function isRTMP() { return(_isRTMP); } function getStreamLength() { return(_streamLength); } function getStreamWidth() { return(_streamWidth); } function getStreamHeight() { return(_streamHeight); } function connectToURL(url) { initOtherInfo(); _contentPath = url; if ((_contentPath == null) || (_contentPath == "")) { throw new; } var _local2 = parseURL(_contentPath); if ((_local2.streamName == undefined) || (_local2.streamName == "")) { throw new, url); } if (_local2.isRTMP) { var _local3 = canReuseOldConnection(_local2); _isRTMP = true; _protocol = _local2.protocol; _streamName = _local2.streamName; _serverName = _local2.serverName; _wrappedURL = _local2.wrappedURL; _portNumber = _local2.portNumber; _appName = _local2.appName; if ((((_appName == undefined) || (_appName == "")) || (_streamName == undefined)) || (_streamName == "")) { throw new, url); } _autoSenseBW = _streamName.indexOf(",") >= 0; return(_local3 || (connectRTMP())); } if ((_local2.streamName.indexOf("?") < 0) && (_local2.streamName.slice(-4).toLowerCase() == ".flv")) { var _local3 = canReuseOldConnection(_local2); _isRTMP = false; _streamName = _local2.streamName; return(_local3 || (connectHTTP())); } if (_local2.streamName.indexOf("/fms/fpad") >= 0) { try { return(connectFPAD(_local2.streamName)); } catch(err:Error) { } } _smilMgr = new; return(_smilMgr.connectXML(_local2.streamName)); } function connectAgain() { var _local2 = _appName.indexOf("/"); if (_local2 < 0) { _local2 = _streamName.indexOf("/"); if (_local2 >= 0) { _appName = _appName + "/"; _appName = _appName + _streamName.slice(0, _local2); _streamName = _streamName.slice(_local2 + 1); } return(false); } var _local3 = _appName.slice(_local2 + 1); _local3 = _local3 + "/"; _local3 = _local3 + _streamName; _streamName = _local3; _appName = _appName.slice(0, _local2); close(); _payload = 0; _connTypeCounter = 0; cleanConns(); connectRTMP(); return(true); } function reconnect() { if (!_isRTMP) { throw new Error("Cannot call reconnect on an http connection"); } _nc.onStatus = function (info) {, info); }; _nc.onBWDone = function () {; }; _nc.connect(_ncUri, false); } function onReconnected() { delete _nc.onStatus; delete _nc.onBWDone; _ncConnected = true; _owner.ncReconnected(); } function close() { if (_nc) { _nc.close(); _ncConnected = false; } } function helperDone(helper, success) { if (!success) { _nc = undefined; _ncConnected = false; _owner.ncConnected(); _smilMgr = undefined; _fpadMgr = undefined; return(undefined); } var _local2; var _local4; if (helper == _fpadMgr) { _local4 = _fpadMgr.rtmpURL; _fpadMgr = undefined; _local2 = parseURL(_local4); _isRTMP = _local2.isRTMP; _protocol = _local2.protocol; _serverName = _local2.serverName; _portNumber = _local2.portNumber; _wrappedURL = _local2.wrappedURL; _appName = _local2.appName; _streamName = _local2.streamName; var _local5 = fpadZone; fpadZone = -1; connectRTMP(); fpadZone = _local5; return(undefined); } if (helper != _smilMgr) { return(undefined); } _streamWidth = _smilMgr.width; _streamHeight = _smilMgr.height; _local4 = _smilMgr.baseURLAttr[0]; if ((_local4 != undefined) && (_local4 != "")) { if (_local4.charAt(_local4.length - 1) != "/") { _local4 = _local4 + "/"; } _local2 = parseURL(_local4); _isRTMP = _local2.isRTMP; _streamName = _local2.streamName; if (_isRTMP) { _protocol = _local2.protocol; _serverName = _local2.serverName; _portNumber = _local2.portNumber; _wrappedURL = _local2.wrappedURL; _appName = _local2.appName; if ((_appName == undefined) || (_appName == "")) { _smilMgr = undefined; throw new, "Base RTMP URL must include application name: " + _local4); } if (_smilMgr.baseURLAttr.length > 1) { _local2 = parseURL(_smilMgr.baseURLAttr[1]); if (_local2.serverName != undefined) { fallbackServerName = _local2.serverName; } } } } _streams = _smilMgr.videoTags; _smilMgr = undefined; var _local3 = 0; while (_local3 < _streams.length) { _local4 = _streams[_local3].src; _local2 = parseURL(_local4); if (_isRTMP == undefined) { _isRTMP = _local2.isRTMP; if (_isRTMP) { _protocol = _local2.protocol; if (_streams.length > 1) { throw new, "Cannot switch between multiple absolute RTMP URLs, must use meta tag base attribute."); } _serverName = _local2.serverName; _portNumber = _local2.portNumber; _wrappedURL = _local2.wrappedURL; _appName = _local2.appName; if ((_appName == undefined) || (_appName == "")) { throw new, "Base RTMP URL must include application name: " + _local4); } } else if ((_local2.streamName.indexOf("/fms/fpad") >= 0) && (_streams.length > 1)) { throw new, "Cannot switch between multiple absolute fpad URLs, must use meta tag base attribute."); } } else if ((((_streamName != undefined) && (_streamName != "")) && (!_local2.isRelative)) && (_streams.length > 1)) { throw new, "When using meta tag base attribute, cannot use absolute URLs for video or ref tag src attributes."); } _streams[_local3].parseResults = _local2; _local3++; } _autoSenseBW = _streams.length > 1; if (!_autoSenseBW) { if (_streamName != undefined) { _streamName = _streamName + _streams[0].parseResults.streamName; } else { _streamName = _streams[0].parseResults.streamName; } _streamLength = _streams[0].dur; } if (_isRTMP) { connectRTMP(); } else if ((_streamName != undefined) && (_streamName.indexOf("/fms/fpad") >= 0)) { connectFPAD(_streamName); } else { if (_autoSenseBW) { bitrateMatch(); } connectHTTP(); _owner.ncConnected(); } } function bitrateMatch() { var _local3; var _local4 = _bitrate; if (isNaN(_local4)) { _local4 = 0; } var _local2 = 0; while (_local2 < _streams.length) { if (isNaN(_streams[_local2].bitrate) || (_local4 >= _streams[_local2].bitrate)) { _local3 = _local2; break; } _local2++; } if (isNaN(_local3)) { throw new; } if (_streamName != undefined) { _streamName = _streamName + _streams[_local3].src; } else { _streamName = _streams[_local3].src; } _streamLength = _streams[_local3].dur; } function parseURL(url) { var _local2 = new Object(); var _local3 = 0; var _local4 = url.indexOf(":/", _local3); if (_local4 >= 0) { _local4 = _local4 + 2; _local2.protocol = url.slice(_local3, _local4); _local2.isRelative = false; } else { _local2.isRelative = true; } if ((_local2.protocol != undefined) && (((_local2.protocol == "rtmp:/") || (_local2.protocol == "rtmpt:/")) || (_local2.protocol == "rtmps:/"))) { _local2.isRTMP = true; _local3 = _local4; if (url.charAt(_local3) == "/") { _local3++; var _local7 = url.indexOf(":", _local3); var _local8 = url.indexOf("/", _local3); if (_local8 < 0) { if (_local7 < 0) { _local2.serverName = url.slice(_local3); } else { _local4 = _local7; _local2.portNumber = url.slice(_local3, _local4); _local3 = _local4 + 1; _local2.serverName = url.slice(_local3); } return(_local2); } if ((_local7 >= 0) && (_local7 < _local8)) { _local4 = _local7; _local2.serverName = url.slice(_local3, _local4); _local3 = _local4 + 1; _local4 = _local8; _local2.portNumber = url.slice(_local3, _local4); } else { _local4 = _local8; _local2.serverName = url.slice(_local3, _local4); } _local3 = _local4 + 1; } if (url.charAt(_local3) == "?") { var _local9 = url.slice(_local3 + 1); var _local6 = parseURL(_local9); if ((_local6.protocol == undefined) || (!_local6.isRTMP)) { throw new, url); } _local2.wrappedURL = "?"; _local2.wrappedURL = _local2.wrappedURL + _local6.protocol; if (_local6.serverName != undefined) { _local2.wrappedURL = _local2.wrappedURL + "/"; _local2.wrappedURL = _local2.wrappedURL + _local6.serverName; } if (_local6.wrappedURL != undefined) { _local2.wrappedURL = _local2.wrappedURL + "/?"; _local2.wrappedURL = _local2.wrappedURL + _local6.wrappedURL; } _local2.appName = _local6.appName; _local2.streamName = _local6.streamName; return(_local2); } _local4 = url.indexOf("/", _local3); if (_local4 < 0) { _local2.appName = url.slice(_local3); return(_local2); } _local2.appName = url.slice(_local3, _local4); _local3 = _local4 + 1; _local4 = url.indexOf("/", _local3); if (_local4 < 0) { _local2.streamName = url.slice(_local3); if (_local2.streamName.slice(-4).toLowerCase() == ".flv") { _local2.streamName = _local2.streamName.slice(0, -4); } return(_local2); } _local2.appName = _local2.appName + "/"; _local2.appName = _local2.appName + url.slice(_local3, _local4); _local3 = _local4 + 1; _local2.streamName = url.slice(_local3); if (_local2.streamName.slice(-4).toLowerCase() == ".flv") { _local2.streamName = _local2.streamName.slice(0, -4); } } else { _local2.isRTMP = false; _local2.streamName = url; } return(_local2); } function canReuseOldConnection(parseResults) { if ((_nc == null) || (!_ncConnected)) { return(false); } if (!parseResults.isRTMP) { if (!_isRTMP) { return(true); } _owner.close(); _nc = undefined; _ncConnected = false; initNCInfo(); return(false); } if (_isRTMP) { if (((((parseResults.serverName == _serverName) && (parseResults.appName == _appName)) && (parseResults.protocol == _protocol)) && (parseResults.portNumber == _portNumber)) && (parseResults.wrappedURL == _wrappedURL)) { return(true); } _owner.close(); _nc = undefined; _ncConnected = false; } initNCInfo(); return(false); } function connectHTTP() { _nc = new NetConnection(); _nc.connect(null); _ncConnected = true; return(true); } function connectRTMP() { clearInterval(_timeoutIntervalId); _timeoutIntervalId = setInterval(this, "_onFCSConnectTimeOut", _timeout); _tryNC = new Array(); var _local2 = 0; while (_local2 < RTMP_CONN.length) { _tryNC[_local2] = new NetConnection(); if (fpadZone != null) { _tryNC[_local2].fpadZone = fpadZone; } _tryNC[_local2].mc = this; _tryNC[_local2].pending = false; _tryNC[_local2].connIndex = _local2; _tryNC[_local2].onBWDone = function (p_bw) {, p_bw); }; _tryNC[_local2].onBWCheck = function () { return(; }; _tryNC[_local2].onStatus = function (info) {, info); }; _local2++; } nextConnect(); return(false); } function connectFPAD(url) { var _local7; var _local5; var _local6; var _local2 = url.indexOf("?"); while (_local2 >= 0) { _local2++; var _local4 = url.indexOf("&", _local2); if (url.substr(_local2, 4).toLowerCase() == "uri=") { _local7 = url.slice(0, _local2); _local2 = _local2 + 4; if (_local4 >= 0) { _local5 = url.slice(_local2, _local4); _local6 = url.slice(_local4); } else { _local5 = url.slice(_local2); _local6 = ""; } break; } _local2 = _local4; } if (_local2 < 0) { throw new, "fpad url must include uri parameter: " + url); } var _local8 = parseURL(_local5); if (!_local8.isRTMP) { throw new, "fpad url uri parameter must be rtmp url: " + url); } _fpadMgr = new; return(_fpadMgr.connectXML(_local7, _local5, _local6, _local8)); } function nextConnect() { clearInterval(_tryNCIntervalId); _tryNCIntervalId = 0; var _local4; var _local3; if (_connTypeCounter == 0) { _local4 = _protocol; if (_portNumber != undefined) { _local3 = _portNumber; } else { var _local2 = 0; while (_local2 < RTMP_CONN.length) { if (_local4 == RTMP_CONN[_local2].protocol) { _local3 = RTMP_CONN[_local2].port; break; } _local2++; } } } else { _local4 = RTMP_CONN[_connTypeCounter].protocol; _local3 = RTMP_CONN[_connTypeCounter].port; } var _local5 = ((_local4 + ((_serverName == undefined) ? "" : (((("/" + _serverName) + ":") + _local3) + "/"))) + ((_wrappedURL == undefined) ? "" : (_wrappedURL + "/"))) + _appName; _tryNC[_connTypeCounter].pending = true; _tryNC[_connTypeCounter].connect(_local5, _autoSenseBW); if (_connTypeCounter < (RTMP_CONN.length - 1)) { _connTypeCounter++; _tryNCIntervalId = setInterval(this, "nextConnect", 1500); } } function cleanConns() { clearInterval(_tryNCIntervalId); _tryNCIntervalId = 0; if (_tryNC != undefined) { var _local2 = 0; while (_local2 < _tryNC.length) { if (_tryNC[_local2] != undefined) { delete _tryNC[_local2].onStatus; if (_tryNC[_local2].pending) { _tryNC[_local2].onStatus = function (info) {, info); }; } else { delete _tryNC[_local2].onStatus; _tryNC[_local2].close(); } } delete _tryNC[_local2]; _local2++; } delete _tryNC; } } function tryFallBack() { if (((_serverName == fallbackServerName) || (fallbackServerName == undefined)) || (fallbackServerName == null)) { delete _nc; _nc = undefined; _ncConnected = false; _owner.ncConnected(); } else { _connTypeCounter = 0; cleanConns(); _serverName = fallbackServerName; connectRTMP(); } } function onConnected(p_nc, p_bw) { clearInterval(_timeoutIntervalId); _timeoutIntervalId = 0; delete p_nc.onBWDone; delete p_nc.onBWCheck; delete p_nc.onStatus; _nc = p_nc; _ncUri = _nc.uri; _ncConnected = true; if (_autoSenseBW) { _bitrate = p_bw * 1024; if (_streams != undefined) { bitrateMatch(); } else { var _local3 = _streamName.split(","); var _local2 = 0; while (_local2 < _local3.length) { var _local4 = stripFrontAndBackWhiteSpace(_local3[_local2]); if ((_local2 + 1) < _local3.length) { if (p_bw <= Number(_local3[_local2 + 1])) { _streamName = _local4; break; } } else { _streamName = _local4; break; } _local2 = _local2 + 2; } if (_streamName.slice(-4).toLowerCase() == ".flv") { _streamName = _streamName.slice(0, -4); } } } if ((!_owner.__get__isLive()) && (_streamLength == undefined)) { var _local6 = new Object(); = this; _local6.onResult = function (length) {; };"getStreamLength", _local6, _streamName); } else { _owner.ncConnected(); } } function connectOnStatus(target, info) { target.pending = false; if (info.code == "NetConnection.Connect.Success") { _nc = _tryNC[target.connIndex]; _tryNC[target.connIndex] = undefined; cleanConns(); } else if (((info.code == "NetConnection.Connect.Failed") || (info.code == "NetConnection.Connect.Rejected")) && (target.connIndex == (RTMP_CONN.length - 1))) { if (!connectAgain()) { tryFallBack(); } } } function reconnectOnStatus(target, info) { if ((info.code == "NetConnection.Connect.Failed") || (info.code == "NetConnection.Connect.Rejected")) { delete _nc; _nc = undefined; _ncConnected = false; _owner.ncReconnected(); } } function disconnectOnStatus(target, info) { if (info.code == "NetConnection.Connect.Success") { delete target.onStatus; target.close(); } } function getStreamLengthResult(length) { if (length > 0) { _streamLength = length; } _owner.ncConnected(); } function _onFCSConnectTimeOut() { cleanConns(); _nc = undefined; _ncConnected = false; if (!connectAgain()) { _owner.ncConnected(); } } static function stripFrontAndBackWhiteSpace(p_str) { var _local1; var _local2 = p_str.length; var _local4 = 0; var _local5 = _local2; _local1 = 0; while (_local1 < _local2) { switch (p_str.charCodeAt(_local1)) { case 9 : case 10 : case 13 : case 32 : break; default : _local4 = _local1; break;!//outer level } _local1++; } _local1 = _local2; while (_local1 >= 0) { switch (p_str.charCodeAt(_local1)) { case 9 : case 10 : case 13 : case 32 : break; default : _local5 = _local1 + 1; break;!//outer level } _local1--; } if (_local5 <= _local4) { return(""); } return(p_str.slice(_local4, _local5)); } static var version = ""; static var shortVersion = "1.0.1"; var DEFAULT_TIMEOUT = 60000; static var RTMP_CONN = [{protocol:"rtmp:/", port:"1935"}, {protocol:"rtmp:/", port:"443"}, {protocol:"rtmpt:/", port:"80"}, {protocol:"rtmps:/", port:"443"}]; }
Symbol 20 MovieClip [] Frame 0
class { var _owner, _id, _asCuePointTolerance, _linearSearchTolerance, _metadataLoaded, allCuePoints, asCuePoints, _disabledCuePoints, flvCuePoints, navCuePoints, eventCuePoints, _asCuePointIndex, __get__playheadUpdateInterval, _disabledCuePointsByNameOnly; function CuePointManager (owner, id) { _owner = owner; _id = id; reset(); _asCuePointTolerance = _owner.getVideoPlayer(_id).__get__playheadUpdateInterval() / 2000; _linearSearchTolerance = DEFAULT_LINEAR_SEARCH_TOLERANCE; } function reset() { _metadataLoaded = false; allCuePoints = null; asCuePoints = null; _disabledCuePoints = null; flvCuePoints = null; navCuePoints = null; eventCuePoints = null; _asCuePointIndex = 0; } function get metadataLoaded() { return(_metadataLoaded); } function set playheadUpdateInterval(aTime) { _asCuePointTolerance = aTime / 2000; //return(__get__playheadUpdateInterval()); } function get id() { return(_id); } function addASCuePoint(timeOrCuePoint, name, parameters) { var _local3; if (typeof(timeOrCuePoint) == "object") { _local3 = deepCopyObject(timeOrCuePoint); } else { _local3 = {time:timeOrCuePoint, name:name, parameters:deepCopyObject(parameters)}; } var _local7 = isNaN(_local3.time) || (_local3.time < 0); if (_local7) { throw new, "time must be number"); } var _local6 = == null; if (_local6) { throw new, "name cannot be undefined or null"); } var _local2; _local3.type = "actionscript"; if ((asCuePoints == null) || (asCuePoints.length < 1)) { _local2 = 0; asCuePoints = new Array(); asCuePoints.push(_local3); } else { _local2 = getCuePointIndex(asCuePoints, true, _local3.time); _local2 = ((asCuePoints[_local2].time > _local3.time) ? 0 : (_local2 + 1)); asCuePoints.splice(_local2, 0, _local3); } if ((allCuePoints == null) || (allCuePoints.length < 1)) { _local2 = 0; allCuePoints = new Array(); allCuePoints.push(_local3); } else { _local2 = getCuePointIndex(allCuePoints, true, _local3.time); _local2 = ((allCuePoints[_local2].time > _local3.time) ? 0 : (_local2 + 1)); allCuePoints.splice(_local2, 0, _local3); } var _local5 = _owner.getVideoPlayer(_id).__get__playheadTime(); if (_local5 > 0) { if (_asCuePointIndex == _local2) { if (_local5 > asCuePoints[_local2].time) { _asCuePointIndex++; } } else if (_asCuePointIndex > _local2) { _asCuePointIndex++; } } else { _asCuePointIndex = 0; } var _local4 = deepCopyObject(asCuePoints[_local2]); _local4.array = asCuePoints; _local4.index = _local2; return(_local4); } function removeASCuePoint(timeNameOrCuePoint) { if ((asCuePoints == null) || (asCuePoints.length < 1)) { return(null); } var _local2; switch (typeof(timeNameOrCuePoint)) { case "string" : _local2 = {name:timeNameOrCuePoint}; break; case "number" : _local2 = {time:timeNameOrCuePoint}; break; case "object" : _local2 = timeNameOrCuePoint; } var _local3 = getCuePointIndex(asCuePoints, false, _local2.time,; if (_local3 < 0) { return(null); } _local2 = asCuePoints[_local3]; asCuePoints.splice(_local3, 1); _local3 = getCuePointIndex(allCuePoints, false, _local2.time,; if (_local3 > 0) { allCuePoints.splice(_local3, 1); } if (_owner.getVideoPlayer(_id).__get__playheadTime() > 0) { if (_asCuePointIndex > _local3) { _asCuePointIndex--; } } else { _asCuePointIndex = 0; } return(_local2); } function setFLVCuePointEnabled(enabled, timeNameOrCuePoint) { var _local4; switch (typeof(timeNameOrCuePoint)) { case "string" : _local4 = {name:timeNameOrCuePoint}; break; case "number" : _local4 = {time:timeNameOrCuePoint}; break; case "object" : _local4 = timeNameOrCuePoint; } var _local12 = isNaN(_local4.time) || (_local4.time < 0); var _local11 = == null; if (_local12 && (_local11)) { throw new, "time must be number and/or name must not be undefined or null"); } var _local6 = 0; var _local2; var _local5; if (_local12) { if (!_metadataLoaded) { if (_disabledCuePointsByNameOnly[] == null) { if (!enabled) { if ((_disabledCuePointsByNameOnly == null) || (_disabledCuePointsByNameOnly.length < 0)) { _disabledCuePointsByNameOnly = new Object(); } _disabledCuePointsByNameOnly[] = new Array(); } } else { if (enabled) { _disabledCuePointsByNameOnly[] = undefined; } return(-1); } removeCuePoints(_disabledCuePoints, _local4); return(-1); } if (enabled) { _local6 = removeCuePoints(_disabledCuePoints, _local4); } else { var _local3; _local2 = getCuePointIndex(flvCuePoints, true, -1,; while (_local2 >= 0) { _local3 = flvCuePoints[_local2]; _local5 = getCuePointIndex(_disabledCuePoints, true, _local3.time); if ((_local5 < 0) || (_disabledCuePoints[_local5].time != _local3.time)) { _disabledCuePoints = insertCuePoint(_local5, _disabledCuePoints, {, time:_local3.time}); _local6 = _local6 + 1; } _local2 = getNextCuePointIndexWithName(, flvCuePoints, _local2); } } return(_local6); } _local2 = getCuePointIndex(_disabledCuePoints, false, _local4.time,; if (_local2 < 0) { if (enabled) { if (!_metadataLoaded) { _local2 = getCuePointIndex(_disabledCuePoints, false, _local4.time); if (_local2 < 0) { _local5 = getCuePointIndex(_disabledCuePointsByNameOnly[], true, _local4.time); if (cuePointCompare(_local4.time, null, _disabledCuePointsByNameOnly[]) != 0) { _disabledCuePointsByNameOnly[] = insertCuePoint(_local5, _disabledCuePointsByNameOnly[], _local4); } } else { _disabledCuePoints.splice(_local2, 1); } } return((_metadataLoaded ? 0 : -1)); } } else { if (enabled) { _disabledCuePoints.splice(_local2, 1); _local6 = 1; } else { _local6 = 0; } return((_metadataLoaded ? (_local6) : -1)); } if (_metadataLoaded) { _local2 = getCuePointIndex(flvCuePoints, false, _local4.time,; if (_local2 < 0) { return(0); } if (_local11) { = flvCuePoints[_local2].name; } } _local5 = getCuePointIndex(_disabledCuePoints, true, _local4.time); _disabledCuePoints = insertCuePoint(_local5, _disabledCuePoints, _local4); _local6 = 1; return((_metadataLoaded ? (_local6) : -1)); } function removeCuePoints(cuePointArray, cuePoint) { var _local2; var _local4; var _local5 = 0; _local2 = getCuePointIndex(cuePointArray, true, -1,; while (_local2 >= 0) { _local4 = cuePointArray[_local2]; cuePointArray.splice(_local2, 1); _local2--; _local5++; _local2 = getNextCuePointIndexWithName(, cuePointArray, _local2); } return(_local5); } function insertCuePoint(insertIndex, cuePointArray, cuePoint) { if (insertIndex < 0) { cuePointArray = new Array(); cuePointArray.push(cuePoint); } else { if (cuePointArray[insertIndex].time > cuePoint.time) { insertIndex = 0; } else { insertIndex++; } cuePointArray.splice(insertIndex, 0, cuePoint); } return(cuePointArray); } function isFLVCuePointEnabled(timeNameOrCuePoint) { if (!_metadataLoaded) { return(true); } var _local3; switch (typeof(timeNameOrCuePoint)) { case "string" : _local3 = {name:timeNameOrCuePoint}; break; case "number" : _local3 = {time:timeNameOrCuePoint}; break; case "object" : _local3 = timeNameOrCuePoint; } var _local5 = isNaN(_local3.time) || (_local3.time < 0); var _local6 = == null; if (_local5 && (_local6)) { throw new, "time must be number and/or name must not be undefined or null"); } if (_local5) { var _local2 = getCuePointIndex(flvCuePoints, true, -1,; if (_local2 < 0) { return(true); } while (_local2 >= 0) { if (getCuePointIndex(_disabledCuePoints, false, flvCuePoints[_local2].time, flvCuePoints[_local2].name) < 0) { return(true); } _local2 = getNextCuePointIndexWithName(, flvCuePoints, _local2); } return(false); } return(getCuePointIndex(_disabledCuePoints, false, _local3.time, < 0); } function dispatchASCuePoints() { var _local5 = _owner.getVideoPlayer(_id).__get__playheadTime(); if (_owner.getVideoPlayer(_id).__get__stateResponsive() && (asCuePoints != null)) { while ((_asCuePointIndex < asCuePoints.length) && (asCuePoints[_asCuePointIndex].time <= (_local5 + _asCuePointTolerance))) { _owner.dispatchEvent({type:"cuePoint", info:deepCopyObject(asCuePoints[_asCuePointIndex++]), vp:_id}); } } } function resetASCuePointIndex(time) { if ((time <= 0) || (asCuePoints == null)) { _asCuePointIndex = 0; return(undefined); } var _local2 = getCuePointIndex(asCuePoints, true, time); _asCuePointIndex = ((asCuePoints[_local2].time < time) ? (_local2 + 1) : (_local2)); } function processFLVCuePoints(metadataCuePoints) { _metadataLoaded = true; if ((metadataCuePoints == null) || (metadataCuePoints.length < 1)) { flvCuePoints = null; navCuePoints = null; eventCuePoints = null; return(undefined); } flvCuePoints = metadataCuePoints; navCuePoints = new Array(); eventCuePoints = new Array(); var _local5; var _local6 = -1; var _local2; var _local4 = _disabledCuePoints; var _local3 = 0; _disabledCuePoints = new Array(); var _local9 = 0; while (_local2 = flvCuePoints[_local9++] , _local2 != null) { if ((_local6 > 0) && (_local6 >= _local2.time)) { flvCuePoints = null; navCuePoints = null; eventCuePoints = null; _disabledCuePoints = null; _disabledCuePointsByNameOnly = null; throw new, "Unsorted cuePoint found after time: " + _local6); } _local6 = _local2.time; while ((_local3 < _local4.length) && (cuePointCompare(_local4[_local3].time, null, _local2) < 0)) { _local3++; } if ((_disabledCuePointsByNameOnly[] != null) || ((_local3 < _local4.length) && (cuePointCompare(_local4[_local3].time, _local4[_local3].name, _local2) == 0))) { _disabledCuePoints.push({time:_local2.time,}); } if (_local2.type == "navigation") { navCuePoints.push(_local2); } else if (_local2.type == "event") { eventCuePoints.push(_local2); } if ((allCuePoints == null) || (allCuePoints.length < 1)) { allCuePoints = new Array(); allCuePoints.push(_local2); } else { _local5 = getCuePointIndex(allCuePoints, true, _local2.time); _local5 = ((allCuePoints[_local5].time > _local2.time) ? 0 : (_local5 + 1)); allCuePoints.splice(_local5, 0, _local2); } } delete _disabledCuePointsByNameOnly; _disabledCuePointsByNameOnly = null; } function processCuePointsProperty(cuePoints) { if ((cuePoints == null) || (cuePoints.length == 0)) { return(undefined); } var _local4 = 0; var _local8; var _local6; var _local7; var _local5; var _local9; var _local2 = 0; while (_local2 < (cuePoints.length - 1)) { switch (_local4) { case 6 : addOrDisable(_local9, _local5); _local4 = 0; case 0 : if (cuePoints[_local2++] != "t") { throw new, "unexpected cuePoint parameter format"); } if (isNaN(cuePoints[_local2])) { throw new, "time must be number"); } _local5 = new Object(); _local5.time = cuePoints[_local2] / 1000; _local4++; break; case 1 : if (cuePoints[_local2++] != "n") { throw new, "unexpected cuePoint parameter format"); } if (cuePoints[_local2] == null) { throw new, "name cannot be null or undefined"); } = unescape(cuePoints[_local2]); _local4++; break; case 2 : if (cuePoints[_local2++] != "t") { throw new, "unexpected cuePoint parameter format"); } if (isNaN(cuePoints[_local2])) { throw new, "type must be number"); } switch (cuePoints[_local2]) { case 0 : _local5.type = "event"; break; case 1 : _local5.type = "navigation"; break; case 2 : _local5.type = "actionscript"; break; default : throw new, "type must be 0, 1 or 2"); } _local4++; break; case 3 : if (cuePoints[_local2++] != "d") { throw new, "unexpected cuePoint parameter format"); } if (isNaN(cuePoints[_local2])) { throw new, "disabled must be number"); } _local9 = cuePoints[_local2] != 0; _local4++; break; case 4 : if (cuePoints[_local2++] != "p") { throw new, "unexpected cuePoint parameter format"); } if (isNaN(cuePoints[_local2])) { throw new, "num params must be number"); } _local8 = cuePoints[_local2]; _local4++; if (_local8 == 0) { _local4++; } else { _local5.parameters = new Object(); } break; case 5 : _local6 = cuePoints[_local2++]; _local7 = cuePoints[_local2]; if (typeof(_local6) == "string") { _local6 = unescape(_local6); } if (typeof(_local7) == "string") { _local7 = unescape(_local7); } _local5.parameters[_local6] = _local7; _local8--; if (_local8 != 0) { break; } _local4++; } _local2++; } if (_local4 == 6) { addOrDisable(_local9, _local5); } else { throw new, "unexpected end of cuePoint param string"); } } function addOrDisable(disable, cuePoint) { if (disable) { if (cuePoint.type == "actionscript") { throw new, "Cannot disable actionscript cue points"); } setFLVCuePointEnabled(false, cuePoint); } else if (cuePoint.type == "actionscript") { addASCuePoint(cuePoint); } } function unescape(origStr) { var _local3 = origStr; var _local1 = 0; while (_local1 < cuePointsReplace.length) { var _local2 = _local3.split(cuePointsReplace[_local1++]); if (_local2.length > 1) { _local3 = _local2.join(cuePointsReplace[_local1]); } _local1++; } return(_local3); } function getCuePointIndex(cuePointArray, closeIsOK, time, name, start, len) { if ((cuePointArray == null) || (cuePointArray.length < 1)) { return(-1); } var _local13 = isNaN(time) || (time < 0); var _local16 = name == null; if (_local13 && (_local16)) { throw new, "time must be number and/or name must not be undefined or null"); } if (start == null) { start = 0; } if (len == null) { len = cuePointArray.length; } if ((!_local16) && (closeIsOK || (_local13))) { var _local8; var _local2; if (_local13) { _local8 = start; } else { _local8 = getCuePointIndex(cuePointArray, closeIsOK, time); } _local2 = _local8; while (_local2 >= start) { if (cuePointArray[_local2].name == name) { break; } _local2--; } if (_local2 >= start) { return(_local2); } _local2 = _local8 + 1; while (_local2 < len) { if (cuePointArray[_local2].name == name) { break; } _local2++; } if (_local2 < len) { return(_local2); } return(-1); } var _local6; if (len <= _linearSearchTolerance) { var _local11 = start + len; var _local3 = start; while (_local3 < _local11) { _local6 = cuePointCompare(time, name, cuePointArray[_local3]); if (_local6 == 0) { return(_local3); } if (_local6 < 0) { break; } _local3++; } if (closeIsOK) { if (_local3 > 0) { return(_local3 - 1); } return(0); } return(-1); } var _local12 = Math.floor(len / 2); var _local15 = start + _local12; _local6 = cuePointCompare(time, name, cuePointArray[_local15]); if (_local6 < 0) { return(getCuePointIndex(cuePointArray, closeIsOK, time, name, start, _local12)); } if (_local6 > 0) { return(getCuePointIndex(cuePointArray, closeIsOK, time, name, _local15 + 1, (_local12 - 1) + (len % 2))); } return(_local15); } function getNextCuePointIndexWithName(name, array, index) { if (name == null) { throw new, "name cannot be undefined or null"); } if (array == null) { throw new, "cuePoint.array undefined"); } if ((isNaN(index) || (index < -1)) || (index >= array.length)) { throw new, "cuePoint.index must be number between -1 and cuePoint.array.length"); } var _local1; _local1 = index + 1; while (_local1 < array.length) { if (array[_local1].name == name) { break; } _local1++; } if (_local1 < array.length) { return(_local1); } return(-1); } static function cuePointCompare(time, name, cuePoint) { var _local1 = Math.round(time * 1000); var _local2 = Math.round(cuePoint.time * 1000); if (_local1 < _local2) { return(-1); } if (_local1 > _local2) { return(1); } if (name != null) { if (name == { return(0); } if (name < { return(-1); } return(1); } return(0); } function getCuePoint(cuePointArray, closeIsOK, timeNameOrCuePoint) { var _local2; switch (typeof(timeNameOrCuePoint)) { case "string" : _local2 = {name:timeNameOrCuePoint}; break; case "number" : _local2 = {time:timeNameOrCuePoint}; break; case "object" : _local2 = timeNameOrCuePoint; } var _local3 = getCuePointIndex(cuePointArray, closeIsOK, _local2.time,; if (_local3 < 0) { return(null); } _local2 = deepCopyObject(cuePointArray[_local3]); _local2.array = cuePointArray; _local2.index = _local3; return(_local2); } function getNextCuePointWithName(cuePoint) { if (cuePoint == null) { throw new, "cuePoint parameter undefined"); } if (isNaN(cuePoint.time) || (cuePoint.time < 0)) { throw new, "time must be number"); } var _local3 = getNextCuePointIndexWithName(, cuePoint.array, cuePoint.index); if (_local3 < 0) { return(null); } var _local4 = deepCopyObject(cuePoint.array[_local3]); _local4.array = cuePoint.array; _local4.index = _local3; return(_local4); } static function deepCopyObject(obj, recurseLevel) { if ((obj == null) || (typeof(obj) != "object")) { return(obj); } if (recurseLevel == null) { recurseLevel = 0; } var _local2 = new Object(); for (var _local4 in obj) { if ((recurseLevel == 0) && ((_local4 == "array") || (_local4 == "index"))) { } else if (typeof(obj[_local4]) == "object") { _local2[_local4] = deepCopyObject(obj[_local4], recurseLevel + 1); } else { _local2[_local4] = obj[_local4]; } } return(_local2); } static var DEFAULT_LINEAR_SEARCH_TOLERANCE = 50; static var cuePointsReplace = ["&quot;", "\"", "&#39;", "'", "&#44;", ",", "&amp;", "&"]; }
Symbol 346 Button
on (release) { gotoAndPlay ("PLAY DA MOVIE"); }
Symbol 352 Button
on (release) { gotoAndPlay ("Scenes Menu"); }
Symbol 373 Button
on (release) { getURL ("", "_blank"); }
Symbol 375 Button
on (release) { getURL ("", "_blank"); }
Symbol 408 Button
on (release) { gotoAndPlay ("Recondite Button"); }
Symbol 427 Button
on (release) { gotoAndPlay ("Lucid Ends Button"); }
Symbol 442 Button
on (release) { gotoAndPlay ("A A Button"); }
Symbol 453 Button
on (release) { gotoAndPlay ("Play Button"); }
Symbol 688 Button
on (release) { gotoAndPlay ("TO THE MENU"); }
Symbol 693 MovieClip Frame 1
Instance of Symbol 10 MovieClip [FLVPlayback] in Symbol 693 MovieClip Frame 1
//component parameters onClipEvent (construct) { autoPlay = true; autoRewind = true; autoSize = false; bufferTime = 0.1; contentPath = "TDCSplashScreen.flv"; isLive = false; maintainAspectRatio = true; skin = ""; skinAutoHide = false; totalTime = 0; version_1_0_1 = ""; volume = 100; }
Symbol 693 MovieClip Frame 2
Symbol 693 MovieClip Frame 135

Library Items

Symbol 1 Font [Font_Symbol]
Symbol 3 GraphicUsed by:4
Symbol 4 MovieClipUses:3Used by:10
Symbol 5 VideoUsed by:6
Symbol 6 MovieClip [VideoPlayer]Uses:5Used by:10
Symbol 7 BitmapUsed by:8
Symbol 8 GraphicUses:7Used by:9
Symbol 9 MovieClip [Icon]Uses:8Used by:10
Symbol 10 MovieClip [FLVPlayback]Uses:4 6 9Used by:693
Symbol 21 BitmapUsed by:22
Symbol 22 GraphicUses:21Used by:23
Symbol 23 MovieClipUses:22Used by:Timeline
Symbol 24 GraphicUsed by:25
Symbol 25 MovieClipUses:24Used by:Timeline
Symbol 26 GraphicUsed by:27
Symbol 27 MovieClipUses:26Used by:Timeline
Symbol 28 FontUsed by:29
Symbol 29 EditableTextUses:28Used by:Timeline
Symbol 2 MovieClip []
Symbol 11 MovieClip []
Symbol 12 MovieClip []
Symbol 13 MovieClip []
Symbol 14 MovieClip []
Symbol 15 MovieClip []
Symbol 16 MovieClip []
Symbol 17 MovieClip []
Symbol 18 MovieClip []
Symbol 19 MovieClip []
Symbol 20 MovieClip []
Symbol 30 ShapeTweeningUsed by:Timeline
Symbol 31 GraphicUsed by:324 487  Timeline
Symbol 32 BitmapUsed by:33 234
Symbol 33 GraphicUses:32Used by:324
Symbol 34 GraphicUsed by:324
Symbol 35 ShapeTweeningUsed by:324
Symbol 36 ShapeTweeningUsed by:324
Symbol 37 ShapeTweeningUsed by:324
Symbol 38 GraphicUsed by:324
Symbol 39 ShapeTweeningUsed by:324
Symbol 40 ShapeTweeningUsed by:324
Symbol 41 ShapeTweeningUsed by:324
Symbol 42 GraphicUsed by:324
Symbol 43 ShapeTweeningUsed by:324
Symbol 44 ShapeTweeningUsed by:324
Symbol 45 ShapeTweeningUsed by:324
Symbol 46 GraphicUsed by:324
Symbol 47 GraphicUsed by:324
Symbol 48 GraphicUsed by:324
Symbol 49 GraphicUsed by:324
Symbol 50 GraphicUsed by:324
Symbol 51 GraphicUsed by:324
Symbol 52 GraphicUsed by:324
Symbol 53 GraphicUsed by:324
Symbol 54 GraphicUsed by:324
Symbol 55 GraphicUsed by:324
Symbol 56 GraphicUsed by:324
Symbol 57 GraphicUsed by:324
Symbol 58 GraphicUsed by:324
Symbol 59 GraphicUsed by:324
Symbol 60 GraphicUsed by:324
Symbol 61 GraphicUsed by:324
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Symbol 63 GraphicUsed by:324
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Symbol 67 GraphicUsed by:324
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Symbol 69 GraphicUsed by:324
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Symbol 72 GraphicUsed by:324
Symbol 73 GraphicUsed by:324
Symbol 74 GraphicUsed by:324
Symbol 75 GraphicUsed by:324
Symbol 76 SoundUsed by:324  Timeline
Symbol 77 ShapeTweeningUsed by:324
Symbol 78 ShapeTweeningUsed by:324
Symbol 79 ShapeTweeningUsed by:324
Symbol 80 ShapeTweeningUsed by:324
Symbol 81 ShapeTweeningUsed by:324
Symbol 82 GraphicUsed by:324
Symbol 83 ShapeTweeningUsed by:324
Symbol 84 ShapeTweeningUsed by:324
Symbol 85 ShapeTweeningUsed by:324
Symbol 86 ShapeTweeningUsed by:324
Symbol 87 ShapeTweeningUsed by:324
Symbol 88 ShapeTweeningUsed by:324
Symbol 89 ShapeTweeningUsed by:324
Symbol 90 ShapeTweeningUsed by:324
Symbol 91 ShapeTweeningUsed by:324
Symbol 92 ShapeTweeningUsed by:324
Symbol 93 ShapeTweeningUsed by:324
Symbol 94 GraphicUsed by:324
Symbol 95 ShapeTweeningUsed by:324
Symbol 96 ShapeTweeningUsed by:324
Symbol 97 ShapeTweeningUsed by:324
Symbol 98 ShapeTweeningUsed by:324
Symbol 99 ShapeTweeningUsed by:324
Symbol 100 ShapeTweeningUsed by:324
Symbol 101 GraphicUsed by:324
Symbol 102 GraphicUsed by:324
Symbol 103 GraphicUsed by:324
Symbol 104 GraphicUsed by:324
Symbol 105 GraphicUsed by:324
Symbol 106 GraphicUsed by:324
Symbol 107 GraphicUsed by:324
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Symbol 110 ShapeTweeningUsed by:324
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Symbol 112 GraphicUsed by:324
Symbol 113 GraphicUsed by:324
Symbol 114 GraphicUsed by:324
Symbol 115 GraphicUsed by:324
Symbol 116 GraphicUsed by:324
Symbol 117 GraphicUsed by:324
Symbol 118 GraphicUsed by:324
Symbol 119 GraphicUsed by:324
Symbol 120 GraphicUsed by:324
Symbol 121 GraphicUsed by:324
Symbol 122 GraphicUsed by:324
Symbol 123 GraphicUsed by:324
Symbol 124 GraphicUsed by:324
Symbol 125 GraphicUsed by:324
Symbol 126 GraphicUsed by:324
Symbol 127 GraphicUsed by:324
Symbol 128 GraphicUsed by:324
Symbol 129 GraphicUsed by:324
Symbol 130 GraphicUsed by:324
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Symbol 133 GraphicUsed by:324
Symbol 134 GraphicUsed by:324
Symbol 135 GraphicUsed by:324
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Symbol 142 GraphicUsed by:324
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Symbol 148 GraphicUsed by:324
Symbol 149 GraphicUsed by:324
Symbol 150 GraphicUsed by:324
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Symbol 152 GraphicUsed by:324
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Symbol 162 GraphicUsed by:324
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Symbol 695 MovieClipUses:694Used by:Timeline
Streaming Sound 1Used by:Timeline
Streaming Sound 2Used by:Symbol 324 MovieClip
Streaming Sound 3Used by:Symbol 693 MovieClip

Instance Names

"bar_mc"Frame 1Symbol 25 MovieClip
"loader_txt"Frame 1Symbol 29 EditableText
"emptymc"Frame 962Symbol 693 MovieClip
"MC_PartsContainer"Frame 963Symbol 695 MovieClip
"_video"Symbol 6 MovieClip [VideoPlayer] Frame 1Symbol 5 Video
"boundingBox_mc"Symbol 10 MovieClip [FLVPlayback] Frame 1Symbol 4 MovieClip

Special Tags

FileAttributes (69)Timeline Frame 1Access local files only, Metadata not present, AS1/AS2.
Protect (24)Timeline Frame 10 bytes ""
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 1Symbol 1 as "Font_Symbol"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 1Symbol 6 as "VideoPlayer"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 1Symbol 9 as "Icon"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 1Symbol 10 as "FLVPlayback"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 1Symbol 2 as ""
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 1Symbol 11 as ""
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 1Symbol 12 as ""
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 1Symbol 13 as ""
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 1Symbol 14 as ""
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 1Symbol 15 as ""
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 1Symbol 16 as ""
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 1Symbol 17 as ""
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 1Symbol 18 as ""
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 1Symbol 19 as ""
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 1Symbol 20 as ""


"MENU AHOY!"Frame 3
"RedHand Menu"Frame 70
"A A  Button"Frame 384
"Play Button"Frame 448
"Recondite Button"Frame 512
"Lucid Ends Button"Frame 576
"Logo"Frame 640
"SE LOGO YO"Frame 668
"Scenes Menu"Frame 862
"TO THE MENU"Frame 918
"DEV LOGO"Frame 962
"PlayIntro"Frame 963
"PlayPartA"Frame 964
"PlayPartB"Frame 965
"PlayPartC"Frame 966
"PlayCredits"Frame 967
"PlayEnd"Frame 968
Created: 29/3 -2019 11:27:09 Last modified: 29/3 -2019 11:27:09 Server time: 03/01 -2025 00:54:52