Archived flashes:
/disc/ · /res/     /show/ · /fap/ · /gg/ · /swf/P0001 · P2563 · P5126

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Warbringers - destroy the enemy tanks & turrets in this war game.swf

This is the info page for
Flash #90293

(Click the ID number above for more basic data on this flash file.)

ActionScript [AS1/AS2]
Combined Code
movieClip 2 { frame 1 { this._alpha = 0; } } movieClip 6 { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 9 { } movieClip 17 { frame 1 { stop(); gotoAndStop('c' + _root.hp_max_lvl); } frame 5 { gotoAndStop(1); } } movieClip 21 { } movieClip 25 { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 30 { } movieClip 32 { } movieClip 35 { } movieClip 38 { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 41 { } movieClip 44 { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 45 { } movieClip 47 { frame 1 { this._alpha = 0; onEnterFrame = function () { if (_parent.seleccionado == true) { this._alpha = 100; } else { this._alpha = 0; } }; } } movieClip 50 { } movieClip 52 { } movieClip 55 { } movieClip 57 { } movieClip 58 bossfinal_image { frame 1 { onEnterFrame = function () { carcasa._rotation = rot_car; cannon._rotation = rot_can; this._alpha -= 20; if (this._alpha <= 0) { removeMovieClip(this); } }; } frame 1 { function showtarget() { if (glow_dir == 0) { glow_strength2 += 3; if (glow_strength2 >= 25) { glow_dir = 1; } } if (glow_dir == 1) { glow_strength2 -= 3; if (glow_strength2 <= 0) { glow_dir = 0; } } tHolder.clear(); if (dest_x == undefined) { tHolder.lineStyle(lightningWidth + 1, '0x0000FF', lightningAlpha, true); filter_glow = new flash.filters.GlowFilter(255, glow_alpha, glow_blurX, glow_blurY, glow_strength2, glow_quality); tHolder.filters = [filter_glow]; tHolder.lineTo(aim_tar._x - _root.juego[_name]._x, aim_tar._Y - _root.juego[_name]._y); } else { tHolder.lineStyle(lightningWidth + 1, '0xFF0000', lightningAlpha, true); filter_glow = new flash.filters.GlowFilter(16711680, glow_alpha, glow_blurX, glow_blurY, glow_strength2, glow_quality); tHolder.filters = [filter_glow]; tHolder.lineTo(dest_x - _root.juego[_name]._x, dest_y - _root.juego[_name]._y); } } function fireWeapon(xStart, yStart, xEnd, yEnd) { if (reloadComplete == true) { effectHolder.onEnterFrame = function () { effectHolder.clear(); effectHolder.lineStyle(lightningWidth, lightningColor, lightningAlpha, true); var v12 = xStart - xEnd; var v10 = yStart - yEnd; var v11 = Math.sqrt(v12 * v12 + v10 * v10); var v8 = v11 / lightningFrequency; var v2 = Math.atan2(yStart - yEnd, xStart - xEnd); var v9 = v11 / v8; var v7 = 0; while (v7 < lightningBranches) { effectHolder.moveTo(xStart, yStart); var v1 = 1; while (v1 < v8 + 1) { var v4 = v9 * v1; var v3 = random(lightningOffset - lightningOffset / 2); var v5 = xStart - Math.cos(v2) * v4 + Math.cos(v2 + 1.55) * v3; var v6 = yStart - Math.sin(v2) * v4 + Math.sin(v2 + 1.55) * v3; effectHolder.lineTo(v5, v6); ++v1; } ++v7; } }; effectHolder.lineTo(xEnd, yEnd); startReloading(); } } function startReloading() { reloadComplete = false; reloadTimer = setInterval(this, 'gunReloaded', reloadSpeed); screenTimer = setInterval(this, 'clearScreen', clearSpeed); } function clearScreen() { clearInterval(screenTimer); delete effectHolder.onEnterFrame; effectHolder.clear(); } function gunReloaded() { clearInterval(reloadTimer); reloadComplete = true; } createEmptyMovieClip('effectHolder', this.getNextHighestDepth()); createEmptyMovieClip('tHolder', this.getNextHighestDepth()); var lightningOffset = 15; var lightningFrequency = 15; var lightningWidth = 1; var lightningColor = '0x5C98EF'; var lightningAlpha = 75; var lightningBranches = 3; var sparkNumber = 5; var sparkDistance = 10; var sparkSize = 100; var reloadSpeed = 250; var clearSpeed = 100; var glow_color = lightningColor; var glow_alpha = 0.6; var glow_blurX = 5; var glow_blurY = 5; var glow_strength = 2; var glow_strength2 = 2; glow_dir = 0; var glow_quality = 3; var reloadTimer; var screenTimer; var reloadComplete = true; var rotationDirection; var filter_glow = new flash.filters.GlowFilter(glow_color, glow_alpha, glow_blurX, glow_blurY, 2, glow_quality); var filter_glow = new flash.filters.GlowFilter(glow_color, glow_alpha, glow_blurX, glow_blurY, glow_strength, glow_quality); effectHolder.filters = [filter_glow]; } instance carcasa of movieClip 17 { } frame 2 { stop(); gotoAndStop('boss'); } instance carcasa of movieClip 17 { } frame 5 { stop(); carcasa.gotoAndStop.c3; } } movieClip 59 bossfinal { frame 1 { function disparar(slot) { ang = tan2 + 90; dmgaux = this['slot' + slot + '_dmg']; if (amigo == undefined) { tipx = 'ene'; } else { tipx = 'nada'; } if (this['slot' + slot] == 'normal') { _root.juego.attachMovie('disparo', 'dis' + _root.juego.i, _root.juego.getNextHighestDepth(), {'_x': _root.juego[_name]._x, '_y': _root.juego[_name]._y, '_alpha': 100, '_xscale': 100, '_yscale': 100, 'angle1': ang, 'dmg': dmgaux, 'tipo': tipx}); ++_root.juego.i; } if (this['slot' + slot] == 'missile') { _root.juego.attachMovie('missile', 'dis' + _root.juego.i, _root.juego.getNextHighestDepth(), {'_x': _root.juego[_name]._x, '_y': _root.juego[_name]._y, '_alpha': 100, '_xscale': 100, '_yscale': 100, 'angle1': ang, 'dmg': dmgaux, 'posx2': aim_tar._x, 'posy2': aim_tar._y, 'posx1': _root.juego[_name]._x + random(200) - random(200), 'posy1': _root.juego[_name]._y + random(200) - random(200), '_rotation': ang, 'tipo': tipx}); ++_root.juego.i; _root.juego.attachMovie('missile', 'dis' + _root.juego.i, _root.juego.getNextHighestDepth(), {'_x': _root.juego[_name]._x, '_y': _root.juego[_name]._y, '_alpha': 100, '_xscale': 100, '_yscale': 100, 'angle1': ang, 'dmg': dmgaux, 'posx2': aim_tar._x, 'posy2': aim_tar._y, 'posx1': _root.juego[_name]._x + random(200) - random(200), 'posy1': _root.juego[_name]._y + random(200) - random(200), '_rotation': ang, 'tipo': tipx}); ++_root.juego.i; _root.juego.attachMovie('missile', 'dis' + _root.juego.i, _root.juego.getNextHighestDepth(), {'_x': _root.juego[_name]._x, '_y': _root.juego[_name]._y, '_alpha': 100, '_xscale': 100, '_yscale': 100, 'angle1': ang, 'dmg': dmgaux, 'posx2': aim_tar._x, 'posy2': aim_tar._y, 'posx1': _root.juego[_name]._x + random(200) - random(200), 'posy1': _root.juego[_name]._y + random(200) - random(200), '_rotation': ang, 'tipo': tipx}); ++_root.juego.i; } if (this['slot' + slot] == 'flame') { dmgaux /= 3; dmgaux /= 24; _root.juego.attachMovie('flame', 'dis' + _root.juego.i, _root.juego.getNextHighestDepth(), {'_x': _root.juego[_name]._x, '_y': _root.juego[_name]._y, '_alpha': 100, '_xscale': 100, '_yscale': 100, 'angle1': ang, 'dmg': dmgaux, 'tipo': tipx}); ++_root.juego.i; _root.juego.attachMovie('flame', 'dis' + _root.juego.i, _root.juego.getNextHighestDepth(), {'_x': _root.juego[_name]._x, '_y': _root.juego[_name]._y, '_alpha': 100, '_xscale': 100, '_yscale': 100, 'angle1': ang + random(15) - random(15), 'dmg': dmgaux, 'tipo': tipx}); ++_root.juego.i; _root.juego.attachMovie('flame', 'dis' + _root.juego.i, _root.juego.getNextHighestDepth(), {'_x': _root.juego[_name]._x, '_y': _root.juego[_name]._y, '_alpha': 100, '_xscale': 100, '_yscale': 100, 'angle1': ang + random(15) - random(15), 'dmg': dmgaux, 'tipo': tipx}); ++_root.juego.i; } if (this['slot' + slot] == 'mortar') { _root.juego.attachMovie('mortar', 'dis' + _root.juego.i, _root.juego.getNextHighestDepth(), {'_x': _root.juego[_name]._x, '_y': _root.juego[_name]._y, '_alpha': 100, '_xscale': 100, '_yscale': 100, 'angle1': ang, 'dmg': dmgaux, 'posx1': aim_tar._x, 'posy1': aim_tar._y, '_rotation': ang, 'tipo': tipx}); ++_root.juego.i; } if (this['slot' + slot] == 'mine') { _root.juego.manchas.attachMovie('mine', 'dis' + _root.juego.i, _root.juego.getNextHighestDepth(), {'_x': _root.juego[_name]._x, '_y': _root.juego[_name]._y, '_alpha': 100, '_xscale': 100, '_yscale': 100, 'angle1': ang, 'dmg': dmgaux, 'tipo': tipx}); ++_root.juego.i; } if (this['slot' + slot] == 'heal') { fireWeapon(0, 0, aim_tar._x - this._x, aim_tar._y - this._y); aim_tar.healme(dmgaux); } } function change_target() { eleji_algo = 0; desi_rand = random(_parent.friend_left); if (Math.abs(_root.juego['friend' + desi_rand]._x - this._x) < det_range && Math.abs(_root.juego['friend' + desi_rand]._y - this._y) < det_range) { aim_tar = _root.juego['friend' + desi_rand]; eleji_algo = 1; } else { if (desi_rand == 0 && Math.abs(_root.juego.p1._x - this._x) < det_range && Math.abs(_root.juego.p1._y - this._y) < det_range) { aim_tar = _root.juego.p1; eleji_algo = 1; } else { aim_tar = 'nada'; } } if (eleji_algo == 0) { aim_tar = 'nada'; } } function checkColision() { if (_root.ene_cont > 0) { var v3 = 0; while (v3 <= _root.ene_cont) { if (this.area.hitTest(_root.juego['ene' + v3].area) && 'ene' + v3 != this._name) { chocar(_root.juego['ene' + v3]); } ++v3; } } if (_root.friend_cont > 0) { v3 = 0; while (v3 <= _root.ene_cont) { if (this.area.hitTest(_root.juego['friend' + v3].area) && 'friend' + v3 != this._name) { chocar(_root.juego['friend' + v3]); } ++v3; } } } function chocar(tar) { xxaux = tar._x - this._x; yyaux = tar._y - this._y; tan2aux = Math.atan2(yyaux, xxaux) * 180 / 3.1416 - 90; xxaux = this._x - tar._x; yyaux = this._y - tar._y; tan2aux2 = Math.atan2(yyaux, xxaux) * 180 / 3.1416 - 90; _x = _x + Math.sin(tan2aux * Math.PI / 180) * (2 + Math.abs(speed)); _y = _y + Math.cos(tan2aux * Math.PI / 180) * -(2 + Math.abs(speed)); tar._x += Math.sin(tan2aux2 * Math.PI / 180) * (2 + Math.abs(tar.speed)); tar._y += Math.cos(tan2aux2 * Math.PI / 180) * -(2 + Math.abs(tar.speed)); } function check_dead() { if (life <= 0) { if (_alpha <= 0) { += 500; if (random(100) < 81) { _root.pscrapA += 1; } if (random(100) < 10) { _root.pscrapB += 1; } if (random(100) < 5) { _root.pscrapC += 1; } _root.juego.enemy_left -= 1; _root.juego.attachMovie('explotion', 'dis' + _root.juego.i, _root.juego.getNextHighestDepth(), {'_x': _root.juego[_name]._x, '_y': _root.juego[_name]._y, '_alpha': 100, '_xscale': 100, '_yscale': 100}); ++_root.juego.i; if (verdadero == 1) { _root.next_lvl.texto.gotoAndStop('bossfinalb'); = 1; _root.ganeelbossfinal = 1; } this.swapDepths(1000); removeMovieClip(this); } myColor = new Color(this); myColor.setRGB(10027008); this._name = nombresito + 's'; alive = -100; _alpha = _alpha - 20; } } function RenderMovement() { if (dest_x != undefined) { if (Math.abs(dest_x - _root.juego[_name]._x) > 50 || Math.abs(dest_y - _root.juego[_name]._y) > 50) { llegueytoquefondo = 0; } else { llegueytoquefondo = 1; } } if (dest_x == undefined && aim_tar._name != undefined) { if (Math.abs(aim_tar._x - _root.juego[_name]._x) > 250 || Math.abs(aim_tar._y - _root.juego[_name]._y) > 250) { llegueytoquefondo2 = 0; } else { llegueytoquefondo2 = 1; llegueytoquefondo = 1; } } if (llegueytoquefondo == 0 || llegueytoquefondo2 == 0) { speed += s_inc; if (speed < -7) { speed = -7; } if (speed > smax) { speed = smax; } if (inerciax > 0) { --inerciax; } if (inerciax < 0) { inerciax = 0; } if (inerciay > 0) { --inerciay; } if (inerciay < 0) { inerciay = 0; } carcasa._rotation = 180 * Math.atan2(this.moveY, this.moveX) / Math.PI + 90; _x = _x + this.moveX; _y = _y + this.moveY;;; } } function checkDirection() { if (dest_x == undefined && aim_tar != 'nada' && aim_tar._name != undefined) { xx = aim_tar._x - _root.juego[_name]._x; yy = aim_tar._y - _root.juego[_name]._y; } else { if (dest_x != undefined) { xx = dest_x - _root.juego[_name]._x; yy = dest_y - _root.juego[_name]._y; } else { ret_form = 1; } } ang_destino = Math.atan2(yy, xx) * 180 / 3.1416; if (ang_destino + 90 > 180) { ang_destino -= 360; } this.distanceX = xx; this.distanceY = yy; this.distanceTotal = Math.sqrt(this.distanceX * this.distanceX + this.distanceY * this.distanceY); this.moveDistanceX = 0.5 * this.distanceX / this.distanceTotal; this.moveDistanceY = 0.5 * this.distanceY / this.distanceTotal; this.moveX += this.moveDistanceX; this.moveY += this.moveDistanceY; this.totalmove = Math.sqrt(this.moveX * this.moveX + this.moveY * this.moveY); this.moveX = speed * this.moveX / this.totalmove; this.moveY = speed * this.moveY / this.totalmove; RenderMovement(); } function return_formation() { if (ret_form == 1 && amigo == 1) { if (form_x == undefined) { dest_x = _root.juego.p1._x; dest_y = _root.juego.p1._y; } else { dest_x = _root.juego.p1._x + form_x; dest_y = _root.juego.p1._y + form_y; } } if (amigo == undefined) { this.moveX = 0; this.moveY = 0; } } function checkcannon() { if (aim_tar != 'nada') { xx = aim_tar._x - _root.juego[_name]._x; yy = aim_tar._y - _root.juego[_name]._y; tan2 = Math.atan2(yy, xx) * 180 / 3.1416; } else { tan2 = carcasa._rotation; } cannon._rotation = tan2 + 90; } function check_healing() { if (aim_tar != 'nada') { xx = aim_tar._x - _root.juego[_name]._x; yy = aim_tar._y - _root.juego[_name]._y; tan2 = Math.atan2(yy, xx) * 180 / 3.1416; } else { tan2 = carcasa._rotation; } cannon._rotation = tan2 + 90; if ( == aim_tar.life_max || aim_tar == 'nada') { change_target(); } } function check_shoot() { ++discont; if (Math.abs(this._x - aim_tar._x) < 300 && Math.abs(this._y - aim_tar._y) < 300) { if (slot4_dmg != 0 && spec != 'healer') { disparar(4); } } if (healing == 1 && < aim_tar.life_max) { disparar(4); } if (discont % atack_speed == 0 && Math.abs(this._x - aim_tar._x) < det_range && Math.abs(this._y - aim_tar._y) < det_range) { rand = random(3) + 1; if (healing == 0) { disparar(rand); } } } function check_skills() { ++cont_skill; if (cont_skill % cd_skill == 0) { tipo_skill = random(4); if (tipo_skill == 0) { teleport(); } if (tipo_skill == 1) { emp_cannon(); } if (tipo_skill == 2) { hom_missile(); } if (tipo_skill == 3) { armagedon(); } } } function teleport() { roti = 180 * Math.atan2(this.moveY, this.moveX) / Math.PI + 90; roti2 = tan2 + 90; _root.juego.attachMovie('bossfinal_image', 'dis' + _root.juego.i, _root.juego.getNextHighestDepth(), {'_x': _root.juego[_name]._x, '_y': _root.juego[_name]._y, '_alpha': 100, '_xscale': 100, '_yscale': 100, 'rot_car': roti, 'rot_can': roti2}); ++_root.juego.i; this._x = _root.juego.p1._x + random(500) - random(500); this._y = _root.juego.p1._y + random(500) - random(500); } function emp_cannon() { ini = 0; while (ini < 12) { _root.juego.attachMovie('waterblast', 'dis' + _root.juego.i, _root.juego.getNextHighestDepth(), {'_x': _root.juego[_name]._x, '_y': _root.juego[_name]._y, '_alpha': 100, '_xscale': 100, '_yscale': 100, 'angle1': ini * 30, 'dmg': 20, 'tipo': 'ene', '_rotation': ini * 30}); ++_root.juego.i; ++ini; } } function hom_missile() { _root.juego.attachMovie('seeker', 'dis' + _root.juego.i, _root.juego.getNextHighestDepth(), {'_x': _root.juego[_name]._x, '_y': _root.juego[_name]._y, '_alpha': 100, '_xscale': 100, '_yscale': 100, 's_inc': 2, 'smax': 3, 'life': 250, 'atack_speed': random(30) + 20, 'slot1': 'normal', 'slot2': 'mortar', 'slot3': 'normal', 'slot1_dmg': 30, 'slot2_dmg': 50, 'slot3_dmg': 30, 'alive': 0, 'def': 1, 'dmg': 20}); ++_root.juego.i; } function armagedon() { inin = 0; while (inin < 15) { _root.juego.attachMovie('mortar', 'dis' + _root.juego.i, _root.juego.getNextHighestDepth(), {'_x': _root.juego[_name]._x, '_y': _root.juego[_name]._y, '_alpha': 100, '_xscale': 100, '_yscale': 100, 'angle1': ang, 'dmg': dmgaux, 'posx1': _root.juego[_name]._x + random(700) - random(700), 'posy1': _root.juego[_name]._y + random(700) - random(700), '_rotation': ang, 'tipo': tipx}); ++_root.juego.i; ++inin; } } slot1_dmg = _root.enemy_dmg2 * (1 + _root.mission / 10); slot2_dmg = _root.enemy_dmg3 * (1 + _root.mission / 10); slot3_dmg = _root.enemy_dmg2 * (1 + _root.mission / 10); life_max = life; dest_x = undefined; dest_y = undefined; det_range = 500; if (verdadero == 1) { _root.hp_boss.targetin = _name; = 1; } moveX = 0; moveY = 0; seleccionado = false; if (amigo == undefined) { ++_root.ene_cont; } else { ++_root.friend_cont; } if (spec == 'healer') { healing = 1; } else { healing = 0; } ret_form = 1; form_x = undefined; form_y = undefined; if (spec != 'healer') { slot4_dmg = 0; } conto = 0; if (amigo == undefined) { aim_tar = 'nada'; } else { aim_tar = 'nada'; return_formation(); } def = 1; if (1) { desi_rand = random(2); aim_tar = _root.juego.friend3; if (desi_rand == 0) { aim_tar = _root.juego.p1; } if ( <= 0) { aim_tar = _root.juego.friend3; } } if (slot1 == 'flame') { slot4_dmg = slot1_dmg; } if (slot2 == 'flame') { slot4_dmg = slot2_dmg; } if (slot3 == 'flame') { slot4_dmg = slot3_dmg; } discont = 0; torque = 100; if (spec != 'healer') { slot4 = 'flame'; } var anglespeed = 5; angleT = 0; speed = 0; speedx = 0; speedy = 0; inerciax = 0; inerciay = 0; onEnterFrame = function () { if (_root.pausado == 1) { tHolder.clear(); if (alive >= 1) { if ( > 0) { if (healing == 0) { checkcannon(); } else { check_healing(); } check_shoot(); check_skills(); } else { change_target(); } checkDirection(); return_formation(); checkColision(); } else { ++alive; randy = random(50) - random(50); randx = random(50) - random(50); if (conto % 5 == 0) { fireWeapon(randx, randy, randx * -1, randy * -1); } ++conto; } check_dead(); } else { if (amigo != undefined) { showtarget(); } } }; nombresito = _name; cd_skill = 48; cont_skill = 0; tipo_skill = 0; } frame 1 { function showtarget() { if (glow_dir == 0) { glow_strength2 += 3; if (glow_strength2 >= 25) { glow_dir = 1; } } if (glow_dir == 1) { glow_strength2 -= 3; if (glow_strength2 <= 0) { glow_dir = 0; } } tHolder.clear(); if (dest_x == undefined) { tHolder.lineStyle(lightningWidth + 1, '0x0000FF', lightningAlpha, true); filter_glow = new flash.filters.GlowFilter(255, glow_alpha, glow_blurX, glow_blurY, glow_strength2, glow_quality); tHolder.filters = [filter_glow]; tHolder.lineTo(aim_tar._x - _root.juego[_name]._x, aim_tar._Y - _root.juego[_name]._y); } else { tHolder.lineStyle(lightningWidth + 1, '0xFF0000', lightningAlpha, true); filter_glow = new flash.filters.GlowFilter(16711680, glow_alpha, glow_blurX, glow_blurY, glow_strength2, glow_quality); tHolder.filters = [filter_glow]; tHolder.lineTo(dest_x - _root.juego[_name]._x, dest_y - _root.juego[_name]._y); } } function fireWeapon(xStart, yStart, xEnd, yEnd) { if (reloadComplete == true) { effectHolder.onEnterFrame = function () { effectHolder.clear(); effectHolder.lineStyle(lightningWidth, lightningColor, lightningAlpha, true); var v12 = xStart - xEnd; var v10 = yStart - yEnd; var v11 = Math.sqrt(v12 * v12 + v10 * v10); var v8 = v11 / lightningFrequency; var v2 = Math.atan2(yStart - yEnd, xStart - xEnd); var v9 = v11 / v8; var v7 = 0; while (v7 < lightningBranches) { effectHolder.moveTo(xStart, yStart); var v1 = 1; while (v1 < v8 + 1) { var v4 = v9 * v1; var v3 = random(lightningOffset - lightningOffset / 2); var v5 = xStart - Math.cos(v2) * v4 + Math.cos(v2 + 1.55) * v3; var v6 = yStart - Math.sin(v2) * v4 + Math.sin(v2 + 1.55) * v3; effectHolder.lineTo(v5, v6); ++v1; } ++v7; } }; effectHolder.lineTo(xEnd, yEnd); startReloading(); } } function startReloading() { reloadComplete = false; reloadTimer = setInterval(this, 'gunReloaded', reloadSpeed); screenTimer = setInterval(this, 'clearScreen', clearSpeed); } function clearScreen() { clearInterval(screenTimer); delete effectHolder.onEnterFrame; effectHolder.clear(); } function gunReloaded() { clearInterval(reloadTimer); reloadComplete = true; } createEmptyMovieClip('effectHolder', this.getNextHighestDepth()); createEmptyMovieClip('tHolder', this.getNextHighestDepth()); var lightningOffset = 15; var lightningFrequency = 15; var lightningWidth = 1; var lightningColor = '0x5C98EF'; var lightningAlpha = 75; var lightningBranches = 3; var sparkNumber = 5; var sparkDistance = 10; var sparkSize = 100; var reloadSpeed = 250; var clearSpeed = 100; var glow_color = lightningColor; var glow_alpha = 0.6; var glow_blurX = 5; var glow_blurY = 5; var glow_strength = 2; var glow_strength2 = 2; glow_dir = 0; var glow_quality = 3; var reloadTimer; var screenTimer; var reloadComplete = true; var rotationDirection; var filter_glow = new flash.filters.GlowFilter(glow_color, glow_alpha, glow_blurX, glow_blurY, 2, glow_quality); var filter_glow = new flash.filters.GlowFilter(glow_color, glow_alpha, glow_blurX, glow_blurY, glow_strength, glow_quality); effectHolder.filters = [filter_glow]; } instance carcasa of movieClip 17 { } frame 2 { stop(); gotoAndStop('boss'); } instance carcasa of movieClip 17 { } frame 5 { stop(); carcasa.gotoAndStop.c3; } } movieClip 61 mancha1 { frame 1 { stop(); onEnterFrame = function () { this._alpha -= 1; if (this._alpha <= 0) { removeMovieClip(this); } }; } } movieClip 63 mancha0 { frame 1 { stop(); onEnterFrame = function () { this._alpha -= 1; if (this._alpha <= 0) { removeMovieClip(this); } }; } } movieClip 68 { } movieClip 69 seeker { frame 1 { function disparar(slot) { ang = tan2 + 90; dmgaux = this['slot' + slot + '_dmg']; if (amigo == undefined) { tipx = 'ene'; } else { tipx = 'nada'; } if (this['slot' + slot] == 'normal') { _root.juego.attachMovie('disparo', 'dis' + _root.juego.i, _root.juego.getNextHighestDepth(), {'_x': _root.juego[_name]._x, '_y': _root.juego[_name]._y, '_alpha': 100, '_xscale': 100, '_yscale': 100, 'angle1': ang, 'dmg': dmgaux, 'tipo': tipx}); ++_root.juego.i; } if (this['slot' + slot] == 'missile') { _root.juego.attachMovie('missile', 'dis' + _root.juego.i, _root.juego.getNextHighestDepth(), {'_x': _root.juego[_name]._x, '_y': _root.juego[_name]._y, '_alpha': 100, '_xscale': 100, '_yscale': 100, 'angle1': ang, 'dmg': dmgaux, 'posx2': aim_tar._x, 'posy2': aim_tar._y, 'posx1': _root.juego[_name]._x + random(200) - random(200), 'posy1': _root.juego[_name]._y + random(200) - random(200), '_rotation': ang, 'tipo': tipx}); ++_root.juego.i; _root.juego.attachMovie('missile', 'dis' + _root.juego.i, _root.juego.getNextHighestDepth(), {'_x': _root.juego[_name]._x, '_y': _root.juego[_name]._y, '_alpha': 100, '_xscale': 100, '_yscale': 100, 'angle1': ang, 'dmg': dmgaux, 'posx2': aim_tar._x, 'posy2': aim_tar._y, 'posx1': _root.juego[_name]._x + random(200) - random(200), 'posy1': _root.juego[_name]._y + random(200) - random(200), '_rotation': ang, 'tipo': tipx}); ++_root.juego.i; _root.juego.attachMovie('missile', 'dis' + _root.juego.i, _root.juego.getNextHighestDepth(), {'_x': _root.juego[_name]._x, '_y': _root.juego[_name]._y, '_alpha': 100, '_xscale': 100, '_yscale': 100, 'angle1': ang, 'dmg': dmgaux, 'posx2': aim_tar._x, 'posy2': aim_tar._y, 'posx1': _root.juego[_name]._x + random(200) - random(200), 'posy1': _root.juego[_name]._y + random(200) - random(200), '_rotation': ang, 'tipo': tipx}); ++_root.juego.i; } if (this['slot' + slot] == 'flame') { dmgaux /= 3; dmgaux /= 24; _root.juego.attachMovie('flame', 'dis' + _root.juego.i, _root.juego.getNextHighestDepth(), {'_x': _root.juego[_name]._x, '_y': _root.juego[_name]._y, '_alpha': 100, '_xscale': 100, '_yscale': 100, 'angle1': ang, 'dmg': dmgaux, 'tipo': tipx}); ++_root.juego.i; _root.juego.attachMovie('flame', 'dis' + _root.juego.i, _root.juego.getNextHighestDepth(), {'_x': _root.juego[_name]._x, '_y': _root.juego[_name]._y, '_alpha': 100, '_xscale': 100, '_yscale': 100, 'angle1': ang + random(15) - random(15), 'dmg': dmgaux, 'tipo': tipx}); ++_root.juego.i; _root.juego.attachMovie('flame', 'dis' + _root.juego.i, _root.juego.getNextHighestDepth(), {'_x': _root.juego[_name]._x, '_y': _root.juego[_name]._y, '_alpha': 100, '_xscale': 100, '_yscale': 100, 'angle1': ang + random(15) - random(15), 'dmg': dmgaux, 'tipo': tipx}); ++_root.juego.i; } if (this['slot' + slot] == 'mortar') { _root.juego.attachMovie('mortar', 'dis' + _root.juego.i, _root.juego.getNextHighestDepth(), {'_x': _root.juego[_name]._x, '_y': _root.juego[_name]._y, '_alpha': 100, '_xscale': 100, '_yscale': 100, 'angle1': ang, 'dmg': dmgaux, 'posx1': aim_tar._x, 'posy1': aim_tar._y, '_rotation': ang, 'tipo': tipx}); ++_root.juego.i; } if (this['slot' + slot] == 'mine') { _root.juego.manchas.attachMovie('mine', 'dis' + _root.juego.i, _root.juego.getNextHighestDepth(), {'_x': _root.juego[_name]._x, '_y': _root.juego[_name]._y, '_alpha': 100, '_xscale': 100, '_yscale': 100, 'angle1': ang, 'dmg': dmgaux, 'tipo': tipx}); ++_root.juego.i; } if (this['slot' + slot] == 'heal') { fireWeapon(0, 0, aim_tar._x - this._x, aim_tar._y - this._y); aim_tar.healme(dmgaux); } } function change_target() { eleji_algo = 0; if (amigo == undefined) { desi_rand = random(_parent.friend_left); if (Math.abs(_root.juego['friend' + desi_rand]._x - this._x) < det_range && Math.abs(_root.juego['friend' + desi_rand]._y - this._y) < det_range) { aim_tar = _root.juego['friend' + desi_rand]; eleji_algo = 1; } else { if (desi_rand == 0 && Math.abs(_root.juego.p1._x - this._x) < det_range && Math.abs(_root.juego.p1._y - this._y) < det_range) { aim_tar = _root.juego.p1; eleji_algo = 1; } else { aim_tar = 'nada'; } } } else { if (_root.ene_cont > 0 && healing == 0) { var v4 = 0; while (v4 <= _root.ene_cont) { if (_root.juego['ene' + v4].life > 0) { if (Math.abs(_root.juego['ene' + v4]._x - this._x) < det_range && Math.abs(_root.juego['ene' + v4]._y - this._y) < det_range) { aim_tar = _root.juego['ene' + v4]; eleji_algo = 1; } } ++v4; } } if (_root.friend_cont > 0 && healing == 1) { v4 = 0; while (v4 <= _root.friend_cont) { if (_root.juego['friend' + v4].life > 0 && _root.juego['friend' + v4].life < _root.juego['friend' + v4].life_max) { if (Math.abs(_root.juego['friend' + v4]._x - this._x) < det_range && Math.abs(_root.juego['friend' + v4]._y - this._y) < det_range) { aim_tar = _root.juego['friend' + v4]; eleji_algo = 1; } } ++v4; } } } if (eleji_algo == 0) { aim_tar = 'nada'; if ( < _root.hp_max && healing == 1) { aim_tar = _root.juego.p1; } } } function checkColision() { if (_root.ene_cont > 0) { var v3 = 0; while (v3 <= _root.ene_cont) { if (this.area.hitTest(_root.juego['ene' + v3].area) && 'ene' + v3 != this._name) { chocar(_root.juego['ene' + v3]); } ++v3; } } if (_root.friend_cont > 0) { v3 = 0; while (v3 <= _root.ene_cont) { if (this.area.hitTest(_root.juego['friend' + v3].area) && 'friend' + v3 != this._name) { chocar(_root.juego['friend' + v3]); } ++v3; } } } function chocar(tar) { xxaux = tar._x - this._x; yyaux = tar._y - this._y; tan2aux = Math.atan2(yyaux, xxaux) * 180 / 3.1416 - 90; xxaux = this._x - tar._x; yyaux = this._y - tar._y; tan2aux2 = Math.atan2(yyaux, xxaux) * 180 / 3.1416 - 90; _x = _x + Math.sin(tan2aux * Math.PI / 180) * (2 + Math.abs(speed)); _y = _y + Math.cos(tan2aux * Math.PI / 180) * -(2 + Math.abs(speed)); tar._x += Math.sin(tan2aux2 * Math.PI / 180) * (2 + Math.abs(tar.speed)); tar._y += Math.cos(tan2aux2 * Math.PI / 180) * -(2 + Math.abs(tar.speed)); } function check_dead() { if (life <= 0) { if (amigo == undefined) { _root.pgold += 50; if (random(100) < 81) { _root.pscrapA += 1; } if (random(100) < 10) { _root.pscrapB += 1; } if (random(100) < 5) { _root.pscrapC += 1; } _root.juego.enemy_left -= 1; } this.swapDepths(1000); removeMovieClip(this); } } function RenderMovement() { if (dest_x != undefined) { if (Math.abs(dest_x - _root.juego[_name]._x) > 50 || Math.abs(dest_y - _root.juego[_name]._y) > 50) { llegueytoquefondo = 0; } else { llegueytoquefondo = 1; } } if (dest_x == undefined && aim_tar._name != undefined) { if (Math.abs(aim_tar._x - _root.juego[_name]._x) > 70 || Math.abs(aim_tar._y - _root.juego[_name]._y) > 70) { llegueytoquefondo2 = 0; } else { llegueytoquefondo2 = 1; llegueytoquefondo = 1; explotar(); } } if (llegueytoquefondo == 0 || llegueytoquefondo2 == 0) { speed += s_inc; if (speed < -7) { speed = -7; } if (speed > smax) { speed = smax; } if (inerciax > 0) { --inerciax; } if (inerciax < 0) { inerciax = 0; } if (inerciay > 0) { --inerciay; } if (inerciay < 0) { inerciay = 0; } _x = _x + this.moveX; _y = _y + this.moveY; ++_root.juego.i;;; } } function checkDirection() { if (dest_x == undefined && aim_tar != 'nada' && aim_tar._name != undefined) { xx = aim_tar._x - _root.juego[_name]._x; yy = aim_tar._y - _root.juego[_name]._y; } else { if (dest_x != undefined) { xx = dest_x - _root.juego[_name]._x; yy = dest_y - _root.juego[_name]._y; } else { ret_form = 1; } } ang_destino = Math.atan2(yy, xx) * 180 / 3.1416; if (ang_destino + 90 > 180) { ang_destino -= 360; } this.distanceX = xx; this.distanceY = yy; this.distanceTotal = Math.sqrt(this.distanceX * this.distanceX + this.distanceY * this.distanceY); this.moveDistanceX = 0.5 * this.distanceX / this.distanceTotal; this.moveDistanceY = 0.5 * this.distanceY / this.distanceTotal; this.moveX += this.moveDistanceX; this.moveY += this.moveDistanceY; this.totalmove = Math.sqrt(this.moveX * this.moveX + this.moveY * this.moveY); this.moveX = 10 * this.moveX / this.totalmove; this.moveY = 10 * this.moveY / this.totalmove; RenderMovement(); carcasa._rotation = 180 * Math.atan2(this.moveY, this.moveX) / Math.PI + 90; } function return_formation() { if (ret_form == 1 && amigo == 1) { if (form_x == undefined) { dest_x = _root.juego.p1._x; dest_y = _root.juego.p1._y; } else { dest_x = _root.juego.p1._x + form_x; dest_y = _root.juego.p1._y + form_y; } } if (amigo == undefined) { this.moveX = 0; this.moveY = 0; } } function checkcannon() { cannon._rotation = carcasa._rotation; } function explotar() { _root.juego.attachMovie('hit1', this._name + 'explosion', _root.juego.getNextHighestDepth(), {'_x': _x, '_y': _y, '_alpha': 100, '_xscale': 400, '_yscale': 400}); _root.juego.manchas.attachMovie('mancha' + random(2), this._name + 'explosion2', _root.juego.manchas.getNextHighestDepth(), {'_x': _x, '_y': _y, '_alpha': 100, '_xscale': 400, '_yscale': 400}); if (this.area2.hitTest(_root.juego.p1.area)) { -= 40; } var v3 = 0; while (v3 <= _root.friend_cont) { if (this.area2.hitTest(_root.juego['friend' + v3].area)) { _root.juego['friend' + v3].life -= dmg; ++_root.juego.i; } ++v3; } = 0; } boss = 1; if (_root.conto_enes == undefined) { _root.conto_enes = 0; } _name = 'ene' + _root.conto_enes; ++_root.conto_enes; life = 30; life_max = life; dest_x = undefined; dest_y = undefined; det_range = 600; moveX = 0; moveY = 0; choca = 0; seleccionado = false; if (amigo == undefined) { ++_root.ene_cont; } else { ++_root.friend_cont; } if (spec == 'healer') { healing = 1; } else { healing = 0; } ret_form = 1; form_x = undefined; form_y = undefined; if (spec != 'healer') { slot4_dmg = 0; } conto = 0; if (amigo == undefined) { aim_tar = 'nada'; } else { aim_tar = 'nada'; return_formation(); } def = 1; if (1) { aim_tar = _root.juego.p1; } if (slot1 == 'flame') { slot4_dmg = slot1_dmg; } if (slot2 == 'flame') { slot4_dmg = slot2_dmg; } if (slot3 == 'flame') { slot4_dmg = slot3_dmg; } discont = 0; torque = 100; if (spec != 'healer') { slot4 = 'flame'; } var anglespeed = 5; angleT = 0; speed = 0; speedx = 0; speedy = 0; inerciax = 0; inerciay = 0; onEnterFrame = function () { if (_root.pausado == 1) { tHolder.clear(); if (alive >= 1) { if ( > 0) { if (healing == 0) { checkcannon(); } else { check_healing(); } } else { change_target(); } checkDirection(); return_formation(); } else { ++alive; randy = random(50) - random(50); randx = random(50) - random(50); if (conto % 5 == 0) { fireWeapon(randx, randy, randx * -1, randy * -1); } ++conto; } check_dead(); } else { if (amigo != undefined) { showtarget(); } } }; } frame 1 { function showtarget() { if (glow_dir == 0) { glow_strength2 += 3; if (glow_strength2 >= 25) { glow_dir = 1; } } if (glow_dir == 1) { glow_strength2 -= 3; if (glow_strength2 <= 0) { glow_dir = 0; } } tHolder.clear(); if (dest_x == undefined) { tHolder.lineStyle(lightningWidth + 1, '0x0000FF', lightningAlpha, true); filter_glow = new flash.filters.GlowFilter(255, glow_alpha, glow_blurX, glow_blurY, glow_strength2, glow_quality); tHolder.filters = [filter_glow]; tHolder.lineTo(aim_tar._x - _root.juego[_name]._x, aim_tar._Y - _root.juego[_name]._y); } else { tHolder.lineStyle(lightningWidth + 1, '0xFF0000', lightningAlpha, true); filter_glow = new flash.filters.GlowFilter(16711680, glow_alpha, glow_blurX, glow_blurY, glow_strength2, glow_quality); tHolder.filters = [filter_glow]; tHolder.lineTo(dest_x - _root.juego[_name]._x, dest_y - _root.juego[_name]._y); } } function fireWeapon(xStart, yStart, xEnd, yEnd) { if (reloadComplete == true) { effectHolder.onEnterFrame = function () { effectHolder.clear(); effectHolder.lineStyle(lightningWidth, lightningColor, lightningAlpha, true); var v12 = xStart - xEnd; var v10 = yStart - yEnd; var v11 = Math.sqrt(v12 * v12 + v10 * v10); var v8 = v11 / lightningFrequency; var v2 = Math.atan2(yStart - yEnd, xStart - xEnd); var v9 = v11 / v8; var v7 = 0; while (v7 < lightningBranches) { effectHolder.moveTo(xStart, yStart); var v1 = 1; while (v1 < v8 + 1) { var v4 = v9 * v1; var v3 = random(lightningOffset - lightningOffset / 2); var v5 = xStart - Math.cos(v2) * v4 + Math.cos(v2 + 1.55) * v3; var v6 = yStart - Math.sin(v2) * v4 + Math.sin(v2 + 1.55) * v3; effectHolder.lineTo(v5, v6); ++v1; } ++v7; } }; effectHolder.lineTo(xEnd, yEnd); startReloading(); } } function startReloading() { reloadComplete = false; reloadTimer = setInterval(this, 'gunReloaded', reloadSpeed); screenTimer = setInterval(this, 'clearScreen', clearSpeed); } function clearScreen() { clearInterval(screenTimer); delete effectHolder.onEnterFrame; effectHolder.clear(); } function gunReloaded() { clearInterval(reloadTimer); reloadComplete = true; } createEmptyMovieClip('effectHolder', this.getNextHighestDepth()); createEmptyMovieClip('tHolder', this.getNextHighestDepth()); var lightningOffset = 15; var lightningFrequency = 15; var lightningWidth = 1; var lightningColor = '0x5C98EF'; var lightningAlpha = 75; var lightningBranches = 3; var sparkNumber = 5; var sparkDistance = 10; var sparkSize = 100; var reloadSpeed = 250; var clearSpeed = 100; var glow_color = lightningColor; var glow_alpha = 0.6; var glow_blurX = 5; var glow_blurY = 5; var glow_strength = 2; var glow_strength2 = 2; glow_dir = 0; var glow_quality = 3; var reloadTimer; var screenTimer; var reloadComplete = true; var rotationDirection; var filter_glow = new flash.filters.GlowFilter(glow_color, glow_alpha, glow_blurX, glow_blurY, 2, glow_quality); var filter_glow = new flash.filters.GlowFilter(glow_color, glow_alpha, glow_blurX, glow_blurY, glow_strength, glow_quality); effectHolder.filters = [filter_glow]; } } movieClip 71 { } movieClip 73 { } movieClip 74 jeep_misilero { frame 1 { function disparar(slot) { ang = tan2 + 90; dmgaux = this['slot' + slot + '_dmg']; if (amigo == undefined) { tipx = 'ene'; } else { tipx = 'nada'; } if (this['slot' + slot] == 'normal') { _root.juego.attachMovie('disparo', 'dis' + _root.juego.i, _root.juego.getNextHighestDepth(), {'_x': _root.juego[_name]._x, '_y': _root.juego[_name]._y, '_alpha': 100, '_xscale': 100, '_yscale': 100, 'angle1': ang, 'dmg': dmgaux, 'tipo': tipx}); ++_root.juego.i; } if (this['slot' + slot] == 'missile') { _root.juego.attachMovie('missile', 'dis' + _root.juego.i, _root.juego.getNextHighestDepth(), {'_x': _root.juego[_name]._x, '_y': _root.juego[_name]._y, '_alpha': 100, '_xscale': 100, '_yscale': 100, 'angle1': ang, 'dmg': dmgaux, 'posx2': aim_tar._x, 'posy2': aim_tar._y, 'posx1': _root.juego[_name]._x + random(200) - random(200), 'posy1': _root.juego[_name]._y + random(200) - random(200), '_rotation': ang, 'tipo': tipx}); ++_root.juego.i; _root.juego.attachMovie('missile', 'dis' + _root.juego.i, _root.juego.getNextHighestDepth(), {'_x': _root.juego[_name]._x, '_y': _root.juego[_name]._y, '_alpha': 100, '_xscale': 100, '_yscale': 100, 'angle1': ang, 'dmg': dmgaux, 'posx2': aim_tar._x, 'posy2': aim_tar._y, 'posx1': _root.juego[_name]._x + random(200) - random(200), 'posy1': _root.juego[_name]._y + random(200) - random(200), '_rotation': ang, 'tipo': tipx}); ++_root.juego.i; _root.juego.attachMovie('missile', 'dis' + _root.juego.i, _root.juego.getNextHighestDepth(), {'_x': _root.juego[_name]._x, '_y': _root.juego[_name]._y, '_alpha': 100, '_xscale': 100, '_yscale': 100, 'angle1': ang, 'dmg': dmgaux, 'posx2': aim_tar._x, 'posy2': aim_tar._y, 'posx1': _root.juego[_name]._x + random(200) - random(200), 'posy1': _root.juego[_name]._y + random(200) - random(200), '_rotation': ang, 'tipo': tipx}); ++_root.juego.i; } if (this['slot' + slot] == 'flame') { dmgaux /= 3; dmgaux /= 24; _root.juego.attachMovie('flame', 'dis' + _root.juego.i, _root.juego.getNextHighestDepth(), {'_x': _root.juego[_name]._x, '_y': _root.juego[_name]._y, '_alpha': 100, '_xscale': 100, '_yscale': 100, 'angle1': ang, 'dmg': dmgaux, 'tipo': tipx}); ++_root.juego.i; _root.juego.attachMovie('flame', 'dis' + _root.juego.i, _root.juego.getNextHighestDepth(), {'_x': _root.juego[_name]._x, '_y': _root.juego[_name]._y, '_alpha': 100, '_xscale': 100, '_yscale': 100, 'angle1': ang + random(15) - random(15), 'dmg': dmgaux, 'tipo': tipx}); ++_root.juego.i; _root.juego.attachMovie('flame', 'dis' + _root.juego.i, _root.juego.getNextHighestDepth(), {'_x': _root.juego[_name]._x, '_y': _root.juego[_name]._y, '_alpha': 100, '_xscale': 100, '_yscale': 100, 'angle1': ang + random(15) - random(15), 'dmg': dmgaux, 'tipo': tipx}); ++_root.juego.i; } if (this['slot' + slot] == 'mortar') { _root.juego.attachMovie('mortar', 'dis' + _root.juego.i, _root.juego.getNextHighestDepth(), {'_x': _root.juego[_name]._x, '_y': _root.juego[_name]._y, '_alpha': 100, '_xscale': 100, '_yscale': 100, 'angle1': ang, 'dmg': dmgaux, 'posx1': aim_tar._x, 'posy1': aim_tar._y, '_rotation': ang, 'tipo': tipx}); ++_root.juego.i; } if (this['slot' + slot] == 'mine') { _root.juego.manchas.attachMovie('mine', 'dis' + _root.juego.i, _root.juego.getNextHighestDepth(), {'_x': _root.juego[_name]._x, '_y': _root.juego[_name]._y, '_alpha': 100, '_xscale': 100, '_yscale': 100, 'angle1': ang, 'dmg': dmgaux, 'tipo': tipx}); ++_root.juego.i; } if (this['slot' + slot] == 'heal') { fireWeapon(0, 0, aim_tar._x - this._x, aim_tar._y - this._y); aim_tar.healme(dmgaux); } } function change_target() { eleji_algo = 0; if (amigo == undefined) { desi_rand = random(_parent.friend_left); if (Math.abs(_root.juego['friend' + desi_rand]._x - this._x) < det_range && Math.abs(_root.juego['friend' + desi_rand]._y - this._y) < det_range) { aim_tar = _root.juego['friend' + desi_rand]; eleji_algo = 1; } else { if (desi_rand == 0 && Math.abs(_root.juego.p1._x - this._x) < det_range && Math.abs(_root.juego.p1._y - this._y) < det_range) { aim_tar = _root.juego.p1; eleji_algo = 1; } else { aim_tar = 'nada'; } } } else { if (_root.ene_cont > 0 && healing == 0) { var v4 = 0; while (v4 <= _root.ene_cont) { if (_root.juego['ene' + v4].life > 0) { if (Math.abs(_root.juego['ene' + v4]._x - this._x) < det_range && Math.abs(_root.juego['ene' + v4]._y - this._y) < det_range) { aim_tar = _root.juego['ene' + v4]; eleji_algo = 1; } } ++v4; } } if (_root.friend_cont > 0 && healing == 1) { v4 = 0; while (v4 <= _root.friend_cont) { if (_root.juego['friend' + v4].life > 0 && _root.juego['friend' + v4].life < _root.juego['friend' + v4].life_max) { if (Math.abs(_root.juego['friend' + v4]._x - this._x) < det_range && Math.abs(_root.juego['friend' + v4]._y - this._y) < det_range) { aim_tar = _root.juego['friend' + v4]; eleji_algo = 1; } } ++v4; } } } if (eleji_algo == 0) { aim_tar = 'nada'; if ( < _root.hp_max && healing == 1) { aim_tar = _root.juego.p1; } } } function checkColision() { if (_root.ene_cont > 0) { var v3 = 0; while (v3 <= _root.ene_cont) { if (this.area.hitTest(_root.juego['ene' + v3].area) && 'ene' + v3 != this._name) { chocar(_root.juego['ene' + v3]); } ++v3; } } if (_root.friend_cont > 0) { v3 = 0; while (v3 <= _root.ene_cont) { if (this.area.hitTest(_root.juego['friend' + v3].area) && 'friend' + v3 != this._name) { chocar(_root.juego['friend' + v3]); } ++v3; } } } function chocar(tar) { xxaux = tar._x - this._x; yyaux = tar._y - this._y; tan2aux = Math.atan2(yyaux, xxaux) * 180 / 3.1416 - 90; xxaux = this._x - tar._x; yyaux = this._y - tar._y; tan2aux2 = Math.atan2(yyaux, xxaux) * 180 / 3.1416 - 90; _x = _x + Math.sin(tan2aux * Math.PI / 180) * (2 + Math.abs(speed)); _y = _y + Math.cos(tan2aux * Math.PI / 180) * -(2 + Math.abs(speed)); tar._x += Math.sin(tan2aux2 * Math.PI / 180) * (2 + Math.abs(tar.speed)); tar._y += Math.cos(tan2aux2 * Math.PI / 180) * -(2 + Math.abs(tar.speed)); } function check_dead() { if (life <= 0) { if (amigo == undefined) { += 50; if (random(100) < 81) { _root.pscrapA += 1; } if (random(100) < 10) { _root.pscrapB += 1; } if (random(100) < 5) { _root.pscrapC += 1; } _root.juego.enemy_left -= 1; } this.swapDepths(1000); removeMovieClip(this); } } function RenderMovement() { if (dest_x != undefined) { if (Math.abs(dest_x - _root.juego[_name]._x) > 50 || Math.abs(dest_y - _root.juego[_name]._y) > 50) { llegueytoquefondo = 0; } else { llegueytoquefondo = 1; } } if (dest_x == undefined && aim_tar._name != undefined) { if (Math.abs(aim_tar._x - _root.juego[_name]._x) > 250 || Math.abs(aim_tar._y - _root.juego[_name]._y) > 250) { llegueytoquefondo2 = 0; } else { llegueytoquefondo2 = 1; llegueytoquefondo = 1; } } if (llegueytoquefondo == 0 || llegueytoquefondo2 == 0) { speed += s_inc; if (speed < -7) { speed = -7; } if (speed > smax) { speed = smax; } if (inerciax > 0) { --inerciax; } if (inerciax < 0) { inerciax = 0; } if (inerciay > 0) { --inerciay; } if (inerciay < 0) { inerciay = 0; } _x = _x + this.moveX; _y = _y + this.moveY;;; } } function checkDirection() { if (dest_x == undefined && aim_tar != 'nada' && aim_tar._name != undefined) { xx = aim_tar._x - _root.juego[_name]._x; yy = aim_tar._y - _root.juego[_name]._y; } else { if (dest_x != undefined) { xx = dest_x - _root.juego[_name]._x; yy = dest_y - _root.juego[_name]._y; } else { ret_form = 1; } } ang_destino = Math.atan2(yy, xx) * 180 / 3.1416; if (ang_destino + 90 > 180) { ang_destino -= 360; } this.distanceX = xx; this.distanceY = yy; this.distanceTotal = Math.sqrt(this.distanceX * this.distanceX + this.distanceY * this.distanceY); this.moveDistanceX = 0.5 * this.distanceX / this.distanceTotal; this.moveDistanceY = 0.5 * this.distanceY / this.distanceTotal; this.moveX += this.moveDistanceX; this.moveY += this.moveDistanceY; this.totalmove = Math.sqrt(this.moveX * this.moveX + this.moveY * this.moveY); this.moveX = speed * this.moveX / this.totalmove; this.moveY = speed * this.moveY / this.totalmove; RenderMovement(); carcasa._rotation = 180 * Math.atan2(this.moveY, this.moveX) / Math.PI + 90; } function return_formation() { if (ret_form == 1 && amigo == 1) { if (form_x == undefined) { dest_x = _root.juego.p1._x; dest_y = _root.juego.p1._y; } else { dest_x = _root.juego.p1._x + form_x; dest_y = _root.juego.p1._y + form_y; } } if (amigo == undefined) { this.moveX = 0; this.moveY = 0; } } function checkcannon() { if (aim_tar != 'nada') { xx = aim_tar._x - _root.juego[_name]._x; yy = aim_tar._y - _root.juego[_name]._y; tan2 = Math.atan2(yy, xx) * 180 / 3.1416; } else { tan2 = carcasa._rotation; } cannon._rotation = tan2 + 90; } function check_healing() { if (aim_tar != 'nada') { xx = aim_tar._x - _root.juego[_name]._x; yy = aim_tar._y - _root.juego[_name]._y; tan2 = Math.atan2(yy, xx) * 180 / 3.1416; } else { tan2 = carcasa._rotation; } cannon._rotation = tan2 + 90; if ( == aim_tar.life_max || aim_tar == 'nada') { change_target(); } } function check_shoot() { ++discont; if (Math.abs(this._x - aim_tar._x) < 300 && Math.abs(this._y - aim_tar._y) < 300) { if (slot4_dmg != 0 && spec != 'healer') { disparar(4); } } if (healing == 1 && < aim_tar.life_max) { disparar(4); } if (discont % atack_speed == 0 && Math.abs(this._x - aim_tar._x) < det_range && Math.abs(this._y - aim_tar._y) < det_range) { rand = random(3) + 1; if (healing == 0) { disparar(rand); } } } function healme(hot) { if (life + hot < life_max) { life += hot; } else { life = life_max; } } if (_root.conto_enes == undefined) { _root.conto_enes = 0; } _name = 'ene' + _root.conto_enes; ++_root.conto_enes; life_max = life; dest_x = undefined; dest_y = undefined; det_range = 500; moveX = 0; moveY = 0; seleccionado = false; if (amigo == undefined) { ++_root.ene_cont; } else { ++_root.friend_cont; } if (spec == 'healer') { healing = 1; } else { healing = 0; } ret_form = 1; form_x = undefined; form_y = undefined; if (spec != 'healer') { slot4_dmg = 0; } conto = 0; if (amigo == undefined) { aim_tar = 'nada'; } else { aim_tar = 'nada'; return_formation(); } def = 1; if (1) { desi_rand = random(2); aim_tar = _root.juego.friend3; if (desi_rand == 0) { aim_tar = _root.juego.p1; } if ( <= 0) { aim_tar = _root.juego.friend3; } } if (slot1 == 'flame') { slot4_dmg = slot1_dmg; } if (slot2 == 'flame') { slot4_dmg = slot2_dmg; } if (slot3 == 'flame') { slot4_dmg = slot3_dmg; } discont = 0; torque = 100; if (spec != 'healer') { slot4 = 'flame'; } var anglespeed = 5; angleT = 0; speed = 0; speedx = 0; speedy = 0; inerciax = 0; inerciay = 0; onEnterFrame = function () { if (_root.pausado == 1) { tHolder.clear(); if (alive >= 1) { if ( > 0) { if (healing == 0) { checkcannon(); } else { check_healing(); } check_shoot(); } else { change_target(); } checkDirection(); return_formation(); checkColision(); } else { ++alive; randy = random(50) - random(50); randx = random(50) - random(50); if (conto % 5 == 0) { fireWeapon(randx, randy, randx * -1, randy * -1); } ++conto; } check_dead(); } else { if (amigo != undefined) { showtarget(); } } }; } frame 1 { function showtarget() { if (glow_dir == 0) { glow_strength2 += 3; if (glow_strength2 >= 25) { glow_dir = 1; } } if (glow_dir == 1) { glow_strength2 -= 3; if (glow_strength2 <= 0) { glow_dir = 0; } } tHolder.clear(); if (dest_x == undefined) { tHolder.lineStyle(lightningWidth + 1, '0x0000FF', lightningAlpha, true); filter_glow = new flash.filters.GlowFilter(255, glow_alpha, glow_blurX, glow_blurY, glow_strength2, glow_quality); tHolder.filters = [filter_glow]; tHolder.lineTo(aim_tar._x - _root.juego[_name]._x, aim_tar._Y - _root.juego[_name]._y); } else { tHolder.lineStyle(lightningWidth + 1, '0xFF0000', lightningAlpha, true); filter_glow = new flash.filters.GlowFilter(16711680, glow_alpha, glow_blurX, glow_blurY, glow_strength2, glow_quality); tHolder.filters = [filter_glow]; tHolder.lineTo(dest_x - _root.juego[_name]._x, dest_y - _root.juego[_name]._y); } } function fireWeapon(xStart, yStart, xEnd, yEnd) { if (reloadComplete == true) { effectHolder.onEnterFrame = function () { effectHolder.clear(); effectHolder.lineStyle(lightningWidth, lightningColor, lightningAlpha, true); var v12 = xStart - xEnd; var v10 = yStart - yEnd; var v11 = Math.sqrt(v12 * v12 + v10 * v10); var v8 = v11 / lightningFrequency; var v2 = Math.atan2(yStart - yEnd, xStart - xEnd); var v9 = v11 / v8; var v7 = 0; while (v7 < lightningBranches) { effectHolder.moveTo(xStart, yStart); var v1 = 1; while (v1 < v8 + 1) { var v4 = v9 * v1; var v3 = random(lightningOffset - lightningOffset / 2); var v5 = xStart - Math.cos(v2) * v4 + Math.cos(v2 + 1.55) * v3; var v6 = yStart - Math.sin(v2) * v4 + Math.sin(v2 + 1.55) * v3; effectHolder.lineTo(v5, v6); ++v1; } ++v7; } }; effectHolder.lineTo(xEnd, yEnd); startReloading(); } } function startReloading() { reloadComplete = false; reloadTimer = setInterval(this, 'gunReloaded', reloadSpeed); screenTimer = setInterval(this, 'clearScreen', clearSpeed); } function clearScreen() { clearInterval(screenTimer); delete effectHolder.onEnterFrame; effectHolder.clear(); } function gunReloaded() { clearInterval(reloadTimer); reloadComplete = true; } createEmptyMovieClip('effectHolder', this.getNextHighestDepth()); createEmptyMovieClip('tHolder', this.getNextHighestDepth()); var lightningOffset = 15; var lightningFrequency = 15; var lightningWidth = 1; var lightningColor = '0x5C98EF'; var lightningAlpha = 75; var lightningBranches = 3; var sparkNumber = 5; var sparkDistance = 10; var sparkSize = 100; var reloadSpeed = 250; var clearSpeed = 100; var glow_color = lightningColor; var glow_alpha = 0.6; var glow_blurX = 5; var glow_blurY = 5; var glow_strength = 2; var glow_strength2 = 2; glow_dir = 0; var glow_quality = 3; var reloadTimer; var screenTimer; var reloadComplete = true; var rotationDirection; var filter_glow = new flash.filters.GlowFilter(glow_color, glow_alpha, glow_blurX, glow_blurY, 2, glow_quality); var filter_glow = new flash.filters.GlowFilter(glow_color, glow_alpha, glow_blurX, glow_blurY, glow_strength, glow_quality); effectHolder.filters = [filter_glow]; } } movieClip 77 hit3 { frame 5 { removeMovieClip(this); } frame 6 { stop(); } } movieClip 79 splash { frame 1 { } frame 5 { removeMovieClip(this); } frame 6 { stop(); } } movieClip 81 { frame 1 { this._alpha = 0; } } movieClip 84 { frame 3 { stop(); } } movieClip 85 flame { frame 1 { function irdestino() { _x = _x + Math.sin(angle1 * Math.PI / 180) * speed; _y = _y + Math.cos(angle1 * Math.PI / 180) * -speed; if (speed > 0) { speed -= speed / 10; } } function checkhit() { if (tipo == 'ene') { if (this.hitTest(_root.juego.p1.area)) { -= dmg; } var v3 = 0; while (v3 <= _root.friend_cont) { if (this.hitTest(_root.juego['friend' + v3].area)) { _root.juego['friend' + v3].life -= dmg; } ++v3; } } else { if (_root.ene_cont > 0) { var v3 = 0; while (v3 <= _root.ene_cont) { if (this.hitTest(_root.juego['ene' + v3].area)) { _root.juego['ene' + v3].life -= dmg; } ++v3; } } } this._alpha -= 5; if (this._alpha <= 0) { removeMovieClip(this); } } speed = 35; kelokesoy = 'fuego'; mySound = new Sound(_root.fx); mySound.attachSound(kelokesoy); mySound.start(0, 1); this.onEnterFrame = function () { if (_root.pausado == 1) { irdestino(); checkhit(); } }; } } movieClip 87 _misilaso { } movieClip 89 mancha2 { frame 1 { stop(); onEnterFrame = function () { this._alpha -= 1; if (this._alpha <= 0) { removeMovieClip(this); } }; } } movieClip 91 track1 { frame 1 { stop(); onEnterFrame = function () { this._alpha -= 10; if (this._alpha <= 0) { removeMovieClip(this); } }; } } movieClip 93 disparohumano { frame 1 { function checkhit() { if (tipo == 'ene') { if (this.hitTest(_root.juego.p1.area)) { _root.juego.attachMovie('hit3', this._name + 'hit', _root.juego.getNextHighestDepth(), {'_x': _x, '_y': _y, '_alpha': 100, '_xscale': 100, '_yscale': 100}); -= dmg; removeMovieClip(this); } var v3 = 0; while (v3 <= _root.friend_cont) { if (this.hitTest(_root.juego['friend' + v3].area)) { _root.juego['friend' + v3].life -= dmg; _root.juego.attachMovie('hit3', this._name + 'explosion', _root.juego.getNextHighestDepth(), {'_x': _x, '_y': _y, '_alpha': 100}); _root.juego.manchas.attachMovie('mancha' + random(2), 'dis' + _root.juego.i, _root.juego.manchas.getNextHighestDepth(), {'_x': _x, '_y': _y, '_alpha': 100}); ++_root.juego.i; removeMovieClip(this); } ++v3; } } else { if (_root.ene_cont > 0) { var v3 = 0; while (v3 <= _root.ene_cont) { if (this.hitTest(_root.juego['ene' + v3].area)) { _root.juego.attachMovie('hit3', this._name + 'hit', _root.juego.getNextHighestDepth(), {'_x': _x, '_y': _y, '_alpha': 100, '_xscale': 100, '_yscale': 100}); _root.juego['ene' + v3].life -= dmg; removeMovieClip(this); } ++v3; } } } --timeout; if (timeout < 0) { removeMovieClip(this); } } var angle1; kelokesoy = 'disparo0'; mySound = new Sound(_root.fx); mySound.attachSound(kelokesoy); mySound.start(0, 1); timeout = 13; var speed; speed = 35; this._alpha = 0; onEnterFrame = function () { if (_root.pausado == 1) { this._alpha = 100; _x = _x + Math.sin(angle1 * Math.PI / 180) * speed; _y = _y + Math.cos(angle1 * Math.PI / 180) * -speed; checkhit(); } }; } } movieClip 95 mine { frame 1 { function checkhit() { if (tipo == 'ene') { if (this.hitTest(_root.juego.p1.area)) { _root.juego.attachMovie('hit1', this._name + 'hit', _root.juego.getNextHighestDepth(), {'_x': _x, '_y': _y, '_alpha': 100, '_xscale': 300, '_yscale': 300}); -= dmg; removeMovieClip(this); } var v3 = 0; while (v3 <= _root.friend_cont) { if (this.hitTest(_root.juego['friend' + v3].area)) { _root.juego['friend' + v3].life -= dmg; _root.juego.attachMovie('hit1', this._name + 'explosion', _root.juego.getNextHighestDepth(), {'_x': _x, '_y': _y, '_alpha': 100}); _root.juego.manchas.attachMovie('mancha' + random(2), 'dis' + _root.juego.i, _root.juego.manchas.getNextHighestDepth(), {'_x': _x, '_y': _y, '_alpha': 100}); ++_root.juego.i; removeMovieClip(this); } ++v3; } } else { if (_root.ene_cont > 0) { var v3 = 0; while (v3 <= _root.ene_cont) { if (this.hitTest(_root.juego['ene' + v3].area)) { _root.juego.attachMovie('hit1', this._name + 'hit', _root.juego.getNextHighestDepth(), {'_x': _x, '_y': _y, '_alpha': 100, '_xscale': 300, '_yscale': 300}); _root.juego['ene' + v3].life -= dmg; removeMovieClip(this); } ++v3; } } } } var angle1; var speed; speed = 35; this._alpha = 0; onEnterFrame = function () { if (_root.pausado == 1) { this._alpha = 100; checkhit(); } }; } } movieClip 97 { } movieClip 98 static { frame 1 { function fireWeapon(xStart, yStart, xEnd, yEnd) { if (reloadComplete == true) { effectHolder.onEnterFrame = function () { effectHolder.clear(); effectHolder.lineStyle(lightningWidth, lightningColor, lightningAlpha, true); var v12 = xStart - xEnd; var v10 = yStart - yEnd; var v11 = Math.sqrt(v12 * v12 + v10 * v10); var v8 = v11 / lightningFrequency; var v2 = Math.atan2(yStart - yEnd, xStart - xEnd); var v9 = v11 / v8; var v7 = 0; while (v7 < lightningBranches) { effectHolder.moveTo(xStart, yStart); var v1 = 1; while (v1 < v8 + 1) { var v4 = v9 * v1; var v3 = random(lightningOffset - lightningOffset / 2); var v5 = xStart - Math.cos(v2) * v4 + Math.cos(v2 + 1.55) * v3; var v6 = yStart - Math.sin(v2) * v4 + Math.sin(v2 + 1.55) * v3; effectHolder.lineTo(v5, v6); ++v1; } ++v7; } }; effectHolder.lineTo(xEnd, yEnd); addSparkles(xEnd, yEnd, sparkNumber, sparkDistance, sparkSize); playSoundElectricity(); startReloading(); } } function startReloading() { reloadComplete = false; reloadTimer = setInterval(this, 'gunReloaded', reloadSpeed); screenTimer = setInterval(this, 'clearScreen', clearSpeed); } function clearScreen() { clearInterval(screenTimer); delete effectHolder.onEnterFrame; effectHolder.clear(); } function gunReloaded() { clearInterval(reloadTimer); reloadComplete = true; } createEmptyMovieClip('effectHolder', this.getNextHighestDepth()); var lightningOffset = 15; var lightningFrequency = 15; var lightningWidth = 1; var lightningColor = '0x5C98EF'; var lightningAlpha = 75; var lightningBranches = 3; var sparkNumber = 5; var sparkDistance = 10; var sparkSize = 100; var reloadSpeed = 250; var clearSpeed = 100; var glow_color = lightningColor; var glow_alpha = 0.6; var glow_blurX = 5; var glow_blurY = 5; var glow_strength = 2; var glow_quality = 3; var reloadTimer; var screenTimer; var reloadComplete = true; var rotationDirection; var filter_glow = new flash.filters.GlowFilter(glow_color, glow_alpha, glow_blurX, glow_blurY, glow_strength, glow_quality); effectHolder.filters = [filter_glow]; } frame 1 { function checkhit() { if (tipo == 'ene') { if (this.hitTest(_root.juego.p1.area)) { _root.juego.attachMovie('hit1', this._name + 'hit', _root.juego.getNextHighestDepth(), {'_x': _x, '_y': _y, '_alpha': 100, '_xscale': 100, '_yscale': 100}); -= dmg; removeMovieClip(this); } } else { if (_root.ene_cont > 0) { var v3 = 0; while (v3 <= _root.ene_cont) { if (this.hitTest(_root.juego['ene' + v3].area)) { _root.juego.attachMovie('hit1', this._name + 'hit', _root.juego.getNextHighestDepth(), {'_x': _x, '_y': _y, '_alpha': 100, '_xscale': 100, '_yscale': 100}); _root.juego['ene' + v3].alive -= 96; removeMovieClip(this); } ++v3; } } } } var angle1; conto = 0; var speed; speed = 35; this._alpha = 0; onEnterFrame = function () { this._alpha = 100; _x = _x + Math.sin(angle1 * Math.PI / 180) * speed; _y = _y + Math.cos(angle1 * Math.PI / 180) * -speed; checkhit(); randy = random(50) - random(50); randx = random(50) - random(50); if (conto % 10 == 0) { fireWeapon(randx, randy, randx * -1, randy * -1); } ++conto; }; } } movieClip 103 { frame 8 { stop(); } } movieClip 104 watersplash { frame 1 { function checkhit() { if (tipo == 'ene') { if (this.hitTest(_root.juego.p1.area)) { -= dmg; } var v3 = 0; while (v3 <= _root.friend_cont) { if (this.hitTest(_root.juego['friend' + v3].area)) { _root.juego['friend' + v3].life -= dmg; } ++v3; } } else { if (_root.ene_cont > 0) { var v3 = 0; while (v3 <= _root.ene_cont) { if (this.hitTest(_root.juego['ene' + v3].area)) { _root.juego['ene' + v3].life -= dmg; } ++v3; } } } --timeout; if (timeout < 0) { removeMovieClip(this); } } var angle1; dmg /= 25; timeout = 30; var speed; speed = 0; this._alpha = 0; onEnterFrame = function () { if (_root.pausado == 1) { this._alpha = 100; checkhit(); } }; } } movieClip 119 { } movieClip 120 dmg_areal { frame 1 { function checkhit() { if (tipo == 'ene') { if (this.hitTest(_root.juego.p1.area)) { -= dmg; } var v3 = 0; while (v3 <= _root.friend_cont) { if (this.hitTest(_root.juego['friend' + v3].area)) { _root.juego['friend' + v3].life -= dmg; } ++v3; } } else { if (_root.ene_cont > 0) { var v3 = 0; while (v3 <= _root.ene_cont) { if (this.hitTest(_root.juego['ene' + v3].area)) { _root.juego['ene' + v3].life -= dmg; } ++v3; } } } --timeout; if (timeout < 0) { removeMovieClip(this); } } var angle1; kelokesoy = 'elec'; mySound = new Sound(_root.fx); mySound.attachSound(kelokesoy); mySound.start(0, 1); dmg /= 25; timeout = 30; var speed; speed = 0; this._alpha = 0; onEnterFrame = function () { if (_root.pausado == 1) { this._alpha = 100; checkhit(); } }; } } movieClip 125 { } movieClip 126 waterblast { frame 1 { function checkhit() { if (tipo == 'ene') { if (this.hitTest(_root.juego.p1.area)) { _root.juego.attachMovie('watersplash', this._name + 'explotion', _root.juego.getNextHighestDepth(), {'_x': _x, '_y': _y, '_alpha': 100, '_xscale': 100, '_yscale': 100, 'dmg': dmg, 'tipo': 'ene'}); -= dmg; removeMovieClip(this); } var v3 = 0; while (v3 <= _root.friend_cont) { if (this.hitTest(_root.juego['friend' + v3].area)) { _root.juego['friend' + v3].life -= dmg; _root.juego.attachMovie('watersplash', this._name + 'explotion', _root.juego.getNextHighestDepth(), {'_x': _x, '_y': _y, '_alpha': 100, '_xscale': 100, '_yscale': 100, 'dmg': dmg, 'tipo': 'ene'}); _root.juego.manchas.attachMovie('mancha' + random(2), 'dis' + _root.juego.i, _root.juego.manchas.getNextHighestDepth(), {'_x': _x, '_y': _y, '_alpha': 100}); ++_root.juego.i; removeMovieClip(this); } ++v3; } } else { if (_root.ene_cont > 0) { var v3 = 0; while (v3 <= _root.ene_cont) { if (this.hitTest(_root.juego['ene' + v3].area)) { _root.juego.attachMovie('watersplash', this._name + 'explotion', _root.juego.getNextHighestDepth(), {'_x': _x, '_y': _y, '_alpha': 100, '_xscale': 100, '_yscale': 100, 'dmg': dmg}); _root.juego['ene' + v3].life -= dmg; removeMovieClip(this); } ++v3; } } } --timeout; if (timeout < 0) { _root.juego.attachMovie('watersplash', this._name + 'explotion', _root.juego.getNextHighestDepth(), {'_x': _x, '_y': _y, '_alpha': 100, '_xscale': 100, '_yscale': 100, 'dmg': dmg, 'tipo': 'ene'}); removeMovieClip(this); } } var angle1; timeout = 50; var speed; speed = 23; this._alpha = 0; onEnterFrame = function () { if (_root.pausado == 1) { this._alpha = 100; _x = _x + Math.sin(angle1 * Math.PI / 180) * speed; _y = _y + Math.cos(angle1 * Math.PI / 180) * -speed; checkhit(); } }; } } movieClip 145 { } movieClip 146 disparo_turretota { frame 1 { function checkhit() { if (tipo == 'ene') { if (this.hitTest(_root.juego.p1.area)) { _root.juego.attachMovie('hit1', this._name + 'hit', _root.juego.getNextHighestDepth(), {'_x': _x, '_y': _y, '_alpha': 100, '_xscale': 100, '_yscale': 100}); _root.juego.attachMovie('dmg_areal', this._name + 'explotion', _root.juego.getNextHighestDepth(), {'_x': _x, '_y': _y, '_alpha': 100, '_xscale': 100, '_yscale': 100, 'dmg': dmg, 'tipo': 'ene'}); -= dmg; removeMovieClip(this); } var v3 = 0; while (v3 <= _root.friend_cont) { if (this.hitTest(_root.juego['friend' + v3].area)) { _root.juego['friend' + v3].life -= dmg; _root.juego.attachMovie('hit1', this._name + 'explosion', _root.juego.getNextHighestDepth(), {'_x': _x, '_y': _y, '_alpha': 100}); _root.juego.attachMovie('dmg_areal', this._name + 'explotion', _root.juego.getNextHighestDepth(), {'_x': _x, '_y': _y, '_alpha': 100, '_xscale': 100, '_yscale': 100, 'dmg': dmg, 'tipo': 'ene'}); _root.juego.manchas.attachMovie('mancha' + random(2), 'dis' + _root.juego.i, _root.juego.manchas.getNextHighestDepth(), {'_x': _x, '_y': _y, '_alpha': 100}); ++_root.juego.i; removeMovieClip(this); } ++v3; } } else { if (_root.ene_cont > 0) { var v3 = 0; while (v3 <= _root.ene_cont) { if (this.hitTest(_root.juego['ene' + v3].area)) { _root.juego.attachMovie('hit1', this._name + 'hit', _root.juego.getNextHighestDepth(), {'_x': _x, '_y': _y, '_alpha': 100, '_xscale': 100, '_yscale': 100}); _root.juego.attachMovie('dmg_areal', this._name + 'explotion', _root.juego.getNextHighestDepth(), {'_x': _x, '_y': _y, '_alpha': 100, '_xscale': 100, '_yscale': 100, 'dmg': dmg}); _root.juego['ene' + v3].life -= dmg; removeMovieClip(this); } ++v3; } } } --timeout; if (timeout < 0) { _root.juego.attachMovie('hit1', this._name + 'hit', _root.juego.getNextHighestDepth(), {'_x': _x, '_y': _y, '_alpha': 100, '_xscale': 100, '_yscale': 100}); _root.juego.attachMovie('dmg_areal', this._name + 'explotion', _root.juego.getNextHighestDepth(), {'_x': _x, '_y': _y, '_alpha': 100, '_xscale': 100, '_yscale': 100, 'dmg': dmg, 'tipo': 'ene'}); removeMovieClip(this); } } var angle1; kelokesoy = 'disparo0'; mySound = new Sound(_root.fx); mySound.attachSound(kelokesoy); mySound.start(0, 1); timeout = 50; var speed; speed = 23; this._alpha = 0; onEnterFrame = function () { if (_root.pausado == 1) { this._alpha = 100; _x = _x + Math.sin(angle1 * Math.PI / 180) * speed; _y = _y + Math.cos(angle1 * Math.PI / 180) * -speed; checkhit(); } }; } } movieClip 148 watergun { frame 1 { function checkhit() { if (tipo == 'ene') { if (this.hitTest(_root.juego.p1.area)) { _root.juego.attachMovie('splash', this._name + 'hit', _root.juego.getNextHighestDepth(), {'_x': _x, '_y': _y, '_alpha': 100, '_xscale': 100, '_yscale': 100}); -= dmg; removeMovieClip(this); } var v3 = 0; while (v3 <= _root.friend_cont) { if (this.hitTest(_root.juego['friend' + v3].area)) { _root.juego['friend' + v3].life -= dmg; _root.juego.attachMovie('splash', this._name + 'explosion', _root.juego.getNextHighestDepth(), {'_x': _x, '_y': _y, '_alpha': 100}); _root.juego.manchas.attachMovie('mancha' + random(2), 'dis' + _root.juego.i, _root.juego.manchas.getNextHighestDepth(), {'_x': _x, '_y': _y, '_alpha': 100}); ++_root.juego.i; removeMovieClip(this); } ++v3; } } else { if (_root.ene_cont > 0) { var v3 = 0; while (v3 <= _root.ene_cont) { if (this.hitTest(_root.juego['ene' + v3].area)) { _root.juego.attachMovie('splash', this._name + 'hit', _root.juego.getNextHighestDepth(), {'_x': _x, '_y': _y, '_alpha': 100, '_xscale': 100, '_yscale': 100}); _root.juego['ene' + v3].life -= dmg; removeMovieClip(this); } ++v3; } } } --timeout; if (timeout < 0) { _root.juego.attachMovie('splash', this._name + 'hit', _root.juego.getNextHighestDepth(), {'_x': _x, '_y': _y, '_alpha': 100, '_xscale': 100, '_yscale': 100}); removeMovieClip(this); } } var angle1; _rotation = angle1; timeout = 70; var speed; speed = 35; this._alpha = 0; onEnterFrame = function () { if (_root.pausado == 1) { this._alpha = 100; _x = _x + Math.sin(angle1 * Math.PI / 180) * speed; _y = _y + Math.cos(angle1 * Math.PI / 180) * -speed; checkhit(); } }; } } movieClip 150 balaTanke { } movieClip 151 disparo { frame 1 { function checkhit() { if (tipo == 'ene') { if (this.hitTest(_root.juego.p1.area)) { _root.juego.attachMovie('hit1', this._name + 'hit', _root.juego.getNextHighestDepth(), {'_x': _x, '_y': _y, '_alpha': 100, '_xscale': 100, '_yscale': 100}); -= dmg; removeMovieClip(this); } var v3 = 0; while (v3 <= _root.friend_cont) { if (this.hitTest(_root.juego['friend' + v3].area)) { _root.juego['friend' + v3].life -= dmg; _root.juego.attachMovie('hit1', this._name + 'explosion', _root.juego.getNextHighestDepth(), {'_x': _x, '_y': _y, '_alpha': 100}); _root.juego.manchas.attachMovie('mancha' + random(2), 'dis' + _root.juego.i, _root.juego.manchas.getNextHighestDepth(), {'_x': _x, '_y': _y, '_alpha': 100}); ++_root.juego.i; removeMovieClip(this); } ++v3; } } else { if (_root.ene_cont > 0) { var v3 = 0; while (v3 <= _root.ene_cont) { if (this.hitTest(_root.juego['ene' + v3].area)) { _root.juego.attachMovie('hit1', this._name + 'hit', _root.juego.getNextHighestDepth(), {'_x': _x, '_y': _y, '_alpha': 100, '_xscale': 100, '_yscale': 100}); _root.juego['ene' + v3].life -= dmg; removeMovieClip(this); } ++v3; } } } --timeout; if (timeout < 0) { _root.juego.attachMovie('hit1', this._name + 'hit', _root.juego.getNextHighestDepth(), {'_x': _x, '_y': _y, '_alpha': 100, '_xscale': 100, '_yscale': 100}); removeMovieClip(this); } } var angle1; kelokesoy = 'disparo1'; mySound = new Sound(_root.fx); mySound.attachSound(kelokesoy); mySound.start(0, 1); _rotation = angle1; timeout = 13; var speed; speed = 35; this._alpha = 0; onEnterFrame = function () { if (_root.pausado == 1) { this._alpha = 100; _x = _x + Math.sin(angle1 * Math.PI / 180) * speed; _y = _y + Math.cos(angle1 * Math.PI / 180) * -speed; checkhit(); } }; } instance of movieClip 150 balaTanke { } } movieClip 154 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 2 { stop(); } } movieClip 155 playerhumano { frame 1 { function dispara() { _root.attachMovie('disparohumano', 'dis', 10000 + i, {'_x': _root.ph1._x, '_y': _root.ph1._y, '_alpha': 100, '_xscale': 100, '_yscale': 100}); } var i; i = 0; } instance animation of movieClip 154 { onClipEvent (load) { speed = 0; angleH = 0; rotspeed = 5; aim = 0; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { function apuntar() { xx = _parent._xmouse; yy = _parent._ymouse; tan2 = Math.atan2(yy, xx) * 180 / 3.1416; this._rotation = tan2 + 90; } if (Key.isDown(68)) { angleH += rotspeed; _parent._rotation = angleH; } if (Key.isDown(65)) { angleH -= rotspeed; _parent._rotation = angleH; } if (aim == 0) { if (Key.isDown(87)) { speed = 10; } if (Key.isDown(83)) { speed = -5; } } _parent._x += Math.sin(angleH * Math.PI / 180) * speed; _parent._y += Math.cos(angleH * Math.PI / 180) * -speed; speed = 0; if (Key.isDown(69)) { aim = 1; _parent.animation.gotoAndStop(2); } if (!Key.isDown(69)) { aim = 0; _parent.animation.gotoAndStop(1); } } onClipEvent (mouseDown) { if (aim == 1) { _parent.dispara(); } } } } movieClip 157 { } movieClip 158 target { instance of movieClip 157 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.dis.hitTest(_parent)) { removeMovieClip(_parent); _parent._x = -1000; } } } } movieClip 161 mortar { frame 1 { function check_scale() { if (Math.abs(_x - posx1) > xmid / 2) { this._xscale += 10; this._yscale += 10; } else { if (this._xscale > 15) { this._xscale -= 10; this._yscale -= 10; } } } function irdestino(endX, endY, speed) { _y = _y + (endY - _y) / speed; _x = _x + (endX - _x) / speed; } function checkhit(xx, yy) { --timeout; if (this._xscale < 30 || timeout < 0) { _root.juego.attachMovie('hit1', this._name + 'explosion', _root.juego.getNextHighestDepth(), {'_x': _x, '_y': _y, '_alpha': 100, '_xscale': 400, '_yscale': 400}); _root.juego.manchas.attachMovie('mancha' + random(2), this._name + 'explosion2', _root.juego.manchas.getNextHighestDepth(), {'_x': _x, '_y': _y, '_alpha': 100, '_xscale': 400, '_yscale': 400}); if (tipo == 'ene') { if (this.area.hitTest(_root.juego.p1.area)) { -= dmg; } var v3 = 0; while (v3 <= _root.friend_cont) { if (this.area.hitTest(_root.juego['friend' + v3].area)) { _root.juego['friend' + v3].life -= dmg; _root.juego.attachMovie('hit1', this._name + 'explosion', _root.juego.getNextHighestDepth(), {'_x': _x, '_y': _y, '_alpha': 100}); _root.juego.manchas.attachMovie('mancha' + random(2), 'dis' + _root.juego.i, _root.juego.manchas.getNextHighestDepth(), {'_x': _x, '_y': _y, '_alpha': 100}); ++_root.juego.i; } ++v3; } } else { if (_root.ene_cont > 0) { var v3 = 0; while (v3 <= _root.ene_cont) { if (this.area.hitTest(_root.juego['ene' + v3].area)) { _root.juego['ene' + v3].life -= dmg; } ++v3; } } } this.swapDepths(5654); this._alpha = 0; removeMovieClip(this); } if (this._xscale > 200) { this.swapDepths(5654); this._alpha = 0; removeMovieClip(this); } } stop(); speed1 = 10; xstart = _x; ystart = _y; xmid = Math.abs(xstart - posx1); ymid = Math.abs(ystart - posy1); timeout = 25; onEnterFrame = function () { if (_root.pausado == 1) { irdestino(posx1, posy1, speed1); checkhit(posx1, posy1); check_scale(); } }; } } movieClip 163 missile { frame 1 { function irdestino(endX, endY, speed) { if (estado == 1) { _y = _y + (endY - _y) / speed; _x = _x + (endX - _x) / speed; } if (estado == 2) { _x = _x + Math.sin(angle1 * Math.PI / 180) * speed; _y = _y + Math.cos(angle1 * Math.PI / 180) * -speed; } } function checkhit(xx, yy) { if (Math.abs(xx - _x) < 10 && Math.abs(yy - _y) < 10 && estado == 1) { kelokesoy = 'fff'; mySound = new Sound(_root.fx); mySound.attachSound(kelokesoy); mySound.start(0, 1); estado = 2; gotoAndStop(2); angx = posx2 - _root.juego[_name]._x; angy = posy2 - _root.juego[_name]._y; tan2 = Math.atan2(angy, angx) * 180 / 3.1416; tan2 += 90; angle1 = tan2; this._rotation = angle1; } if (estado == 2) { --timeout; if (timeout < 0) { _root.juego.attachMovie('hit1', this._name + 'explosion', _root.juego.getNextHighestDepth(), {'_x': _x, '_y': _y, '_alpha': 100}); _root.juego.manchas.attachMovie('mancha' + random(3) + 1, this._name + 'explosion2', _root.juego.manchas.getNextHighestDepth(), {'_x': _x, '_y': _y, '_alpha': 100}); removeMovieClip(this); } _root.juego.attachMovie('missil_humito', this._name + 'humo' + cont, _root.juego.getNextHighestDepth(), {'_x': _x, '_y': _y, '_alpha': 100}); ++cont; if (tipo == 'ene') { if (this.hitTest(_root.juego.p1.area)) { _root.juego.attachMovie('hit1', this._name + 'hit', _root.juego.getNextHighestDepth(), {'_x': _x, '_y': _y, '_alpha': 100, '_xscale': 100, '_yscale': 100}); -= dmg; removeMovieClip(this); } var v3 = 0; while (v3 <= _root.friend_cont) { if (this.hitTest(_root.juego['friend' + v3].area)) { _root.juego['friend' + v3].life -= dmg; _root.juego.attachMovie('hit1', this._name + 'explosion', _root.juego.getNextHighestDepth(), {'_x': _x, '_y': _y, '_alpha': 100}); _root.juego.manchas.attachMovie('mancha' + random(2), 'dis' + _root.juego.i, _root.juego.manchas.getNextHighestDepth(), {'_x': _x, '_y': _y, '_alpha': 100}); ++_root.juego.i; removeMovieClip(this); } ++v3; } } else { if (_root.ene_cont > 0) { var v3 = 0; while (v3 <= _root.ene_cont) { if (this.hitTest(_root.juego['ene' + v3].area)) { _root.juego['ene' + v3].life -= dmg; _root.juego.attachMovie('hit1', this._name + 'explosion', _root.juego.getNextHighestDepth(), {'_x': _x, '_y': _y, '_alpha': 100}); _root.juego.manchas.attachMovie('mancha' + random(2), 'dis' + _root.juego.i, _root.juego.manchas.getNextHighestDepth(), {'_x': _x, '_y': _y, '_alpha': 100}); ++_root.juego.i; removeMovieClip(this); } ++v3; } } } } } stop(); kelokesoy = 'chuc'; mySound = new Sound(_root.fx); mySound.attachSound(kelokesoy); mySound.start(0, 1); speed1 = 4; speed2 = 25; estado = 1; cont = 0; anglespeed = 15; timeout = 25; onEnterFrame = function () { if (_root.pausado == 1) { if (estado == 1) { irdestino(posx1, posy1, speed1); checkhit(posx1, posy1); } if (estado == 2) { irdestino(posx2, posy2, speed2); checkhit(posx2, posy2); } } }; } } movieClip 167 missil_humito { frame 1 { this._alpha -= 20; } frame 4 { this._alpha -= 20; } frame 7 { this._alpha -= 20; } frame 10 { removeMovieClip(this); } } movieClip 173 sangreta { frame 1 { gotoAndStop(random(5) + 1); kelokesoy = 'squish'; mySound = new Sound(_root.fx); mySound.attachSound(kelokesoy); mySound.start(0, 1); onEnterFrame = function () { if (this._alpha > 0) { this._alpha -= 2; } if (this._alpha <= 0) { removeMovieClip(this); } }; } } movieClip 176 { } movieClip 177 { } movieClip 180 { } movieClip 181 boss3 { frame 1 { function disparar(slot) { ang = tan2 + 90; dmgaux = this['slot' + slot + '_dmg']; if (amigo == undefined) { tipx = 'ene'; } else { tipx = 'nada'; } if (this['slot' + slot] == 'normal') { _root.juego.attachMovie('disparo', 'dis' + _root.juego.i, _root.juego.getNextHighestDepth(), {'_x': _root.juego[_name]._x, '_y': _root.juego[_name]._y, '_alpha': 100, '_xscale': 100, '_yscale': 100, 'angle1': ang, 'dmg': dmgaux, 'tipo': tipx}); ++_root.juego.i; } if (this['slot' + slot] == 'missile') { _root.juego.attachMovie('missile', 'dis' + _root.juego.i, _root.juego.getNextHighestDepth(), {'_x': _root.juego[_name]._x, '_y': _root.juego[_name]._y, '_alpha': 100, '_xscale': 100, '_yscale': 100, 'angle1': ang, 'dmg': dmgaux, 'posx2': aim_tar._x, 'posy2': aim_tar._y, 'posx1': _root.juego[_name]._x + random(200) - random(200), 'posy1': _root.juego[_name]._y + random(200) - random(200), '_rotation': ang, 'tipo': tipx}); ++_root.juego.i; _root.juego.attachMovie('missile', 'dis' + _root.juego.i, _root.juego.getNextHighestDepth(), {'_x': _root.juego[_name]._x, '_y': _root.juego[_name]._y, '_alpha': 100, '_xscale': 100, '_yscale': 100, 'angle1': ang, 'dmg': dmgaux, 'posx2': aim_tar._x, 'posy2': aim_tar._y, 'posx1': _root.juego[_name]._x + random(200) - random(200), 'posy1': _root.juego[_name]._y + random(200) - random(200), '_rotation': ang, 'tipo': tipx}); ++_root.juego.i; _root.juego.attachMovie('missile', 'dis' + _root.juego.i, _root.juego.getNextHighestDepth(), {'_x': _root.juego[_name]._x, '_y': _root.juego[_name]._y, '_alpha': 100, '_xscale': 100, '_yscale': 100, 'angle1': ang, 'dmg': dmgaux, 'posx2': aim_tar._x, 'posy2': aim_tar._y, 'posx1': _root.juego[_name]._x + random(200) - random(200), 'posy1': _root.juego[_name]._y + random(200) - random(200), '_rotation': ang, 'tipo': tipx}); ++_root.juego.i; } if (this['slot' + slot] == 'flame') { dmgaux /= 3; dmgaux /= 24; _root.juego.attachMovie('flame', 'dis' + _root.juego.i, _root.juego.getNextHighestDepth(), {'_x': _root.juego[_name]._x, '_y': _root.juego[_name]._y, '_alpha': 100, '_xscale': 100, '_yscale': 100, 'angle1': ang, 'dmg': dmgaux, 'tipo': tipx}); ++_root.juego.i; _root.juego.attachMovie('flame', 'dis' + _root.juego.i, _root.juego.getNextHighestDepth(), {'_x': _root.juego[_name]._x, '_y': _root.juego[_name]._y, '_alpha': 100, '_xscale': 100, '_yscale': 100, 'angle1': ang + random(15) - random(15), 'dmg': dmgaux, 'tipo': tipx}); ++_root.juego.i; _root.juego.attachMovie('flame', 'dis' + _root.juego.i, _root.juego.getNextHighestDepth(), {'_x': _root.juego[_name]._x, '_y': _root.juego[_name]._y, '_alpha': 100, '_xscale': 100, '_yscale': 100, 'angle1': ang + random(15) - random(15), 'dmg': dmgaux, 'tipo': tipx}); ++_root.juego.i; } if (this['slot' + slot] == 'machine') { _root.juego.attachMovie('disparo', 'dis' + _root.juego.i, _root.juego.getNextHighestDepth(), {'_x': _root.juego[_name]._x, '_y': _root.juego[_name]._y, '_alpha': 100, '_xscale': 100, '_yscale': 100, 'angle1': ang + random(15) - random(15), 'dmg': dmgaux, 'tipo': tipx}); ++_root.juego.i; } if (this['slot' + slot] == 'mortar') { _root.juego.attachMovie('mortar', 'dis' + _root.juego.i, _root.juego.getNextHighestDepth(), {'_x': _root.juego[_name]._x, '_y': _root.juego[_name]._y, '_alpha': 100, '_xscale': 100, '_yscale': 100, 'angle1': ang, 'dmg': dmgaux, 'posx1': aim_tar._x, 'posy1': aim_tar._y, '_rotation': ang, 'tipo': tipx}); ++_root.juego.i; } if (this['slot' + slot] == 'mine') { _root.juego.manchas.attachMovie('mine', 'dis' + _root.juego.i, _root.juego.getNextHighestDepth(), {'_x': _root.juego[_name]._x, '_y': _root.juego[_name]._y, '_alpha': 100, '_xscale': 100, '_yscale': 100, 'angle1': ang, 'dmg': dmgaux, 'tipo': tipx}); ++_root.juego.i; } if (this['slot' + slot] == 'heal') { fireWeapon(0, 0, aim_tar._x - this._x, aim_tar._y - this._y); aim_tar.healme(dmgaux); } } function change_target() { eleji_algo = 0; desi_rand = random(3); if (Math.abs(_root.juego['friend' + desi_rand]._x - this._x) < det_range && Math.abs(_root.juego['friend' + desi_rand]._y - this._y) < det_range) { aim_tar = _root.juego['friend' + desi_rand]; eleji_algo = 1; } else { if (desi_rand == 0 && Math.abs(_root.juego.p1._x - this._x) < det_range && Math.abs(_root.juego.p1._y - this._y) < det_range) { aim_tar = _root.juego.p1; eleji_algo = 1; } else { aim_tar = 'nada'; } } if (eleji_algo == 0) { aim_tar = 'nada'; } } function checkColision() { if (_root.ene_cont > 0) { var v3 = 0; while (v3 <= _root.ene_cont) { if (this.area.hitTest(_root.juego['ene' + v3].area) && 'ene' + v3 != this._name) { chocar(_root.juego['ene' + v3]); } ++v3; } } if (_root.friend_cont > 0) { v3 = 0; while (v3 <= _root.ene_cont) { if (this.area.hitTest(_root.juego['friend' + v3].area) && 'friend' + v3 != this._name) { chocar(_root.juego['friend' + v3]); } ++v3; } } } function chocar(tar) { xxaux = tar._x - this._x; yyaux = tar._y - this._y; tan2aux = Math.atan2(yyaux, xxaux) * 180 / 3.1416 - 90; xxaux = this._x - tar._x; yyaux = this._y - tar._y; tan2aux2 = Math.atan2(yyaux, xxaux) * 180 / 3.1416 - 90; _x = _x + Math.sin(tan2aux * Math.PI / 180) * (2 + Math.abs(speed)); _y = _y + Math.cos(tan2aux * Math.PI / 180) * -(2 + Math.abs(speed)); tar._x += Math.sin(tan2aux2 * Math.PI / 180) * (2 + Math.abs(tar.speed)); tar._y += Math.cos(tan2aux2 * Math.PI / 180) * -(2 + Math.abs(tar.speed)); } function check_dead() { if (life <= 0) { if (_alpha <= 0) { += 500; if (random(100) < 81) { _root.pscrapA += 1; } if (random(100) < 10) { _root.pscrapB += 1; } if (random(100) < 5) { _root.pscrapC += 1; } _root.juego.enemy_left -= 1; _root.juego.attachMovie('explotion', 'dis' + _root.juego.i, _root.juego.getNextHighestDepth(), {'_x': _root.juego[_name]._x, '_y': _root.juego[_name]._y, '_alpha': 100, '_xscale': 100, '_yscale': 100}); ++_root.juego.i; if (verdadero == 1) { _root.next_lvl.texto.gotoAndStop('boss3b'); = 1; _root.ganeelboss3 = 1; } this.swapDepths(1000); removeMovieClip(this); } myColor = new Color(this); myColor.setRGB(10027008); this._name = nombresito + 's'; alive = -100; _alpha = _alpha - 20; } } function checkDirection() { --cambiopos; if (cambiopos <= 0) { cambiopos = 72; randonx = random(1000) - random(1000); randony = random(1000) - random(1000); endY = _root.juego.friend3._y + randony; endX = _root.juego.friend3._x + randonx; change_target(); out = 1; } if (out == 1) { _y = _y + (endY - _y) / speed; _x = _x + (endX - _x) / speed; } } function return_formation() { if (ret_form == 1 && amigo == 1) { if (form_x == undefined) { dest_x = _root.juego.p1._x; dest_y = _root.juego.p1._y; } else { dest_x = _root.juego.p1._x + form_x; dest_y = _root.juego.p1._y + form_y; } } if (amigo == undefined) { this.moveX = 0; this.moveY = 0; } } function checkcannon() { if (aim_tar != 'nada') { xx = aim_tar._x - _root.juego[_name]._x; yy = aim_tar._y - _root.juego[_name]._y; tan2 = Math.atan2(yy, xx) * 180 / 3.1416; } else { tan2 = carcasa._rotation; } cannon._rotation = tan2 + 90; } function check_healing() { if (aim_tar != 'nada') { xx = aim_tar._x - _root.juego[_name]._x; yy = aim_tar._y - _root.juego[_name]._y; tan2 = Math.atan2(yy, xx) * 180 / 3.1416; } else { tan2 = carcasa._rotation; } cannon._rotation = tan2 + 90; if ( == aim_tar.life_max || aim_tar == 'nada') { change_target(); } } function check_shoot() { ++discont; if (Math.abs(this._x - aim_tar._x) < 300 && Math.abs(this._y - aim_tar._y) < 300) { if (slot4_dmg != 0 && spec != 'healer') { disparar(4); } } if (healing == 1 && < aim_tar.life_max) { disparar(4); } if (discont % atack_speed == 0 && Math.abs(this._x - aim_tar._x) < det_range && Math.abs(this._y - aim_tar._y) < det_range) { rand = random(3) + 1; if (healing == 0) { disparar(rand); } } } function healme(hot) { if (life + hot < life_max) { life += hot; } else { life = life_max; } } if (_root.conto_enes == undefined) { _root.conto_enes = 0; } _name = 'ene' + _root.conto_enes; ++_root.conto_enes; if (verdadero == 1) { _root.hp_boss.targetin = _name; = 1; } life_max = life; dest_x = undefined; dest_y = undefined; det_range = 1500; moveX = 0; moveY = 0; boss = 1; seleccionado = false; if (amigo == undefined) { ++_root.ene_cont; } else { ++_root.friend_cont; } if (spec == 'healer') { healing = 1; } else { healing = 0; } ret_form = 1; form_x = undefined; form_y = undefined; if (spec != 'healer') { slot4_dmg = 0; } conto = 0; cambiopos = 0; if (amigo == undefined) { aim_tar = 'nada'; } else { aim_tar = 'nada'; return_formation(); } if (slot1 == 'flame') { slot4_dmg = slot1_dmg; } if (slot2 == 'flame') { slot4_dmg = slot2_dmg; } if (slot3 == 'flame') { slot4_dmg = slot3_dmg; } discont = 0; torque = 100; if (spec != 'healer') { slot4 = 'flame'; } var anglespeed = 5; angleT = 0; speed = 5; inerciax = 0; inerciay = 0; onEnterFrame = function () { if (_root.pausado == 1) { tHolder.clear(); if (alive >= 1) { if ( > 0) { if (healing == 0) { checkcannon(); } else { check_healing(); } check_shoot(); } else { change_target(); } checkDirection(); } else { ++alive; randy = random(50) - random(50); randx = random(50) - random(50); if (conto % 5 == 0) { fireWeapon(randx, randy, randx * -1, randy * -1); } ++conto; } check_dead(); } else { if (amigo != undefined) { showtarget(); } } }; nombresito = _name; } } movieClip 183 fuegon { } movieClip 184 Symbol 1 { } // unknown tag 88 length 41 movieClip 188 tip_a { frame 1 { onEnterFrame = function () { this._alpha -= 50; if (_alpha <= 0) { removeMovieClip(this); } }; } } movieClip 191 tip_f { frame 1 { onEnterFrame = function () { this._alpha -= 50; if (_alpha <= 0) { removeMovieClip(this); } }; } } movieClip 194 tip_m { frame 1 { onEnterFrame = function () { this._alpha -= 50; if (_alpha <= 0) { removeMovieClip(this); } }; } } movieClip 199 explotion { frame 7 { removeMovieClip(this); } frame 8 { stop(); } } movieClip 201 hit1 { frame 1 { kelokesoy = 'hithard'; mySound = new Sound(_root.fx); mySound.attachSound(kelokesoy); mySound.start(0, 1); } frame 5 { removeMovieClip(this); } frame 6 { stop(); } } movieClip 202 enemy { frame 1 { function disparar(slot) { ang = tan2 + 90; dmgaux = this['slot' + slot + '_dmg']; if (amigo == undefined) { tipx = 'ene'; } else { tipx = 'nada'; } if (this['slot' + slot] == 'normal') { _root.juego.attachMovie('disparo', 'dis' + _root.juego.i, _root.juego.getNextHighestDepth(), {'_x': _root.juego[_name]._x, '_y': _root.juego[_name]._y, '_alpha': 100, '_xscale': 100, '_yscale': 100, 'angle1': ang, 'dmg': dmgaux, 'tipo': tipx}); ++_root.juego.i; } if (this['slot' + slot] == 'missile') { _root.juego.attachMovie('missile', 'dis' + _root.juego.i, _root.juego.getNextHighestDepth(), {'_x': _root.juego[_name]._x, '_y': _root.juego[_name]._y, '_alpha': 100, '_xscale': 100, '_yscale': 100, 'angle1': ang, 'dmg': dmgaux, 'posx2': aim_tar._x, 'posy2': aim_tar._y, 'posx1': _root.juego[_name]._x + random(200) - random(200), 'posy1': _root.juego[_name]._y + random(200) - random(200), '_rotation': ang, 'tipo': tipx}); ++_root.juego.i; _root.juego.attachMovie('missile', 'dis' + _root.juego.i, _root.juego.getNextHighestDepth(), {'_x': _root.juego[_name]._x, '_y': _root.juego[_name]._y, '_alpha': 100, '_xscale': 100, '_yscale': 100, 'angle1': ang, 'dmg': dmgaux, 'posx2': aim_tar._x, 'posy2': aim_tar._y, 'posx1': _root.juego[_name]._x + random(200) - random(200), 'posy1': _root.juego[_name]._y + random(200) - random(200), '_rotation': ang, 'tipo': tipx}); ++_root.juego.i; _root.juego.attachMovie('missile', 'dis' + _root.juego.i, _root.juego.getNextHighestDepth(), {'_x': _root.juego[_name]._x, '_y': _root.juego[_name]._y, '_alpha': 100, '_xscale': 100, '_yscale': 100, 'angle1': ang, 'dmg': dmgaux, 'posx2': aim_tar._x, 'posy2': aim_tar._y, 'posx1': _root.juego[_name]._x + random(200) - random(200), 'posy1': _root.juego[_name]._y + random(200) - random(200), '_rotation': ang, 'tipo': tipx}); ++_root.juego.i; } if (this['slot' + slot] == 'flame') { dmgaux /= 3; dmgaux /= 24; _root.juego.attachMovie('flame', 'dis' + _root.juego.i, _root.juego.getNextHighestDepth(), {'_x': _root.juego[_name]._x, '_y': _root.juego[_name]._y, '_alpha': 100, '_xscale': 100, '_yscale': 100, 'angle1': ang, 'dmg': dmgaux, 'tipo': tipx}); ++_root.juego.i; _root.juego.attachMovie('flame', 'dis' + _root.juego.i, _root.juego.getNextHighestDepth(), {'_x': _root.juego[_name]._x, '_y': _root.juego[_name]._y, '_alpha': 100, '_xscale': 100, '_yscale': 100, 'angle1': ang + random(15) - random(15), 'dmg': dmgaux, 'tipo': tipx}); ++_root.juego.i; _root.juego.attachMovie('flame', 'dis' + _root.juego.i, _root.juego.getNextHighestDepth(), {'_x': _root.juego[_name]._x, '_y': _root.juego[_name]._y, '_alpha': 100, '_xscale': 100, '_yscale': 100, 'angle1': ang + random(15) - random(15), 'dmg': dmgaux, 'tipo': tipx}); ++_root.juego.i; } if (this['slot' + slot] == 'mortar') { _root.juego.attachMovie('mortar', 'dis' + _root.juego.i, _root.juego.getNextHighestDepth(), {'_x': _root.juego[_name]._x, '_y': _root.juego[_name]._y, '_alpha': 100, '_xscale': 100, '_yscale': 100, 'angle1': ang, 'dmg': dmgaux, 'posx1': aim_tar._x, 'posy1': aim_tar._y, '_rotation': ang, 'tipo': tipx}); ++_root.juego.i; } if (this['slot' + slot] == 'mine') { _root.juego.manchas.attachMovie('mine', 'dis' + _root.juego.i, _root.juego.getNextHighestDepth(), {'_x': _root.juego[_name]._x, '_y': _root.juego[_name]._y, '_alpha': 100, '_xscale': 100, '_yscale': 100, 'angle1': ang, 'dmg': dmgaux, 'tipo': tipx}); ++_root.juego.i; } if (this['slot' + slot] == 'heal') { fireWeapon(0, 0, aim_tar._x - this._x, aim_tar._y - this._y); aim_tar.healme(dmgaux); } } function change_target() { eleji_algo = 0; desi_rand = random(_parent.friend_left); if (Math.abs(_root.juego['friend' + desi_rand]._x - this._x) < det_range && Math.abs(_root.juego['friend' + desi_rand]._y - this._y) < det_range) { aim_tar = _root.juego['friend' + desi_rand]; eleji_algo = 1; } else { if (desi_rand == 0 && Math.abs(_root.juego.p1._x - this._x) < det_range && Math.abs(_root.juego.p1._y - this._y) < det_range) { aim_tar = _root.juego.p1; eleji_algo = 1; } else { aim_tar = 'nada'; } } if (eleji_algo == 0) { aim_tar = 'nada'; } } function checkColision() { if (_root.ene_cont > 0) { var v3 = 0; while (v3 <= _root.ene_cont) { if (this.area.hitTest(_root.juego['ene' + v3].area) && 'ene' + v3 != this._name) { chocar(_root.juego['ene' + v3]); } ++v3; } } if (_root.friend_cont > 0) { v3 = 0; while (v3 <= _root.ene_cont) { if (this.area.hitTest(_root.juego['friend' + v3].area) && 'friend' + v3 != this._name) { chocar(_root.juego['friend' + v3]); } ++v3; } } } function chocar(tar) { xxaux = tar._x - this._x; yyaux = tar._y - this._y; tan2aux = Math.atan2(yyaux, xxaux) * 180 / 3.1416 - 90; xxaux = this._x - tar._x; yyaux = this._y - tar._y; tan2aux2 = Math.atan2(yyaux, xxaux) * 180 / 3.1416 - 90; _x = _x + Math.sin(tan2aux * Math.PI / 180) * (2 + Math.abs(speed)); _y = _y + Math.cos(tan2aux * Math.PI / 180) * -(2 + Math.abs(speed)); tar._x += Math.sin(tan2aux2 * Math.PI / 180) * (2 + Math.abs(tar.speed)); tar._y += Math.cos(tan2aux2 * Math.PI / 180) * -(2 + Math.abs(tar.speed)); } function check_dead() { if (life <= 0) { if (_alpha <= 0) { += 100; if (random(100) < 81) { _root.pscrapA += 1; } if (random(100) < 10) { _root.pscrapB += 1; } if (random(100) < 5) { _root.pscrapC += 1; } _root.juego.enemy_left -= 1; _root.juego.attachMovie('explotion', 'dis' + _root.juego.i, _root.juego.getNextHighestDepth(), {'_x': _root.juego[_name]._x, '_y': _root.juego[_name]._y, '_alpha': 100, '_xscale': 100, '_yscale': 100}); ++_root.juego.i; this.swapDepths(1000); removeMovieClip(this); } myColor = new Color(this); myColor.setRGB(10027008); this._name = nombresito + 's'; alive = -100; _alpha = _alpha - 20; } } function RenderMovement() { if (dest_x != undefined) { if (Math.abs(dest_x - _root.juego[_name]._x) > 50 || Math.abs(dest_y - _root.juego[_name]._y) > 50) { llegueytoquefondo = 0; } else { llegueytoquefondo = 1; } } if (dest_x == undefined && aim_tar._name != undefined) { if (Math.abs(aim_tar._x - _root.juego[_name]._x) > 250 || Math.abs(aim_tar._y - _root.juego[_name]._y) > 250) { llegueytoquefondo2 = 0; } else { llegueytoquefondo2 = 1; llegueytoquefondo = 1; } } if (llegueytoquefondo == 0 || llegueytoquefondo2 == 0) { speed += s_inc; if (speed < -7) { speed = -7; } if (speed > smax) { speed = smax; } if (inerciax > 0) { --inerciax; } if (inerciax < 0) { inerciax = 0; } if (inerciay > 0) { --inerciay; } if (inerciay < 0) { inerciay = 0; } carcasa._rotation = 180 * Math.atan2(this.moveY, this.moveX) / Math.PI + 90; _x = _x + this.moveX; _y = _y + this.moveY;;; } } function checkDirection() { if (dest_x == undefined && aim_tar != 'nada' && aim_tar._name != undefined) { xx = aim_tar._x - _root.juego[_name]._x; yy = aim_tar._y - _root.juego[_name]._y; } else { if (dest_x != undefined) { xx = dest_x - _root.juego[_name]._x; yy = dest_y - _root.juego[_name]._y; } else { ret_form = 1; } } ang_destino = Math.atan2(yy, xx) * 180 / 3.1416; if (ang_destino + 90 > 180) { ang_destino -= 360; } this.distanceX = xx; this.distanceY = yy; this.distanceTotal = Math.sqrt(this.distanceX * this.distanceX + this.distanceY * this.distanceY); this.moveDistanceX = 0.5 * this.distanceX / this.distanceTotal; this.moveDistanceY = 0.5 * this.distanceY / this.distanceTotal; this.moveX += this.moveDistanceX; this.moveY += this.moveDistanceY; this.totalmove = Math.sqrt(this.moveX * this.moveX + this.moveY * this.moveY); this.moveX = speed * this.moveX / this.totalmove; this.moveY = speed * this.moveY / this.totalmove; RenderMovement(); } function return_formation() { if (ret_form == 1 && amigo == 1) { if (form_x == undefined) { dest_x = _root.juego.p1._x; dest_y = _root.juego.p1._y; } else { dest_x = _root.juego.p1._x + form_x; dest_y = _root.juego.p1._y + form_y; } } if (amigo == undefined) { this.moveX = 0; this.moveY = 0; } } function checkcannon() { if (aim_tar != 'nada') { xx = aim_tar._x - _root.juego[_name]._x; yy = aim_tar._y - _root.juego[_name]._y; tan2 = Math.atan2(yy, xx) * 180 / 3.1416; } else { tan2 = carcasa._rotation; } cannon._rotation = tan2 + 90; } function check_healing() { if (aim_tar != 'nada') { xx = aim_tar._x - _root.juego[_name]._x; yy = aim_tar._y - _root.juego[_name]._y; tan2 = Math.atan2(yy, xx) * 180 / 3.1416; } else { tan2 = carcasa._rotation; } cannon._rotation = tan2 + 90; if ( == aim_tar.life_max || aim_tar == 'nada') { change_target(); } } function check_shoot() { ++discont; if (Math.abs(this._x - aim_tar._x) < 300 && Math.abs(this._y - aim_tar._y) < 300) { if (slot4_dmg != 0 && spec != 'healer') { disparar(4); } } if (healing == 1 && < aim_tar.life_max) { disparar(4); } if (discont % atack_speed == 0 && Math.abs(this._x - aim_tar._x) < det_range && Math.abs(this._y - aim_tar._y) < det_range) { rand = random(3) + 1; if (healing == 0) { disparar(rand); } } } function healme(hot) { if (life + hot < life_max) { life += hot; } else { life = life_max; } } slot1_dmg = _root.enemy_dmg2 * (1 + _root.mission / 10); slot2_dmg = _root.enemy_dmg3 * (1 + _root.mission / 10); slot3_dmg = _root.enemy_dmg2 * (1 + _root.mission / 10); if (_root.conto_enes == undefined) { _root.conto_enes = 0; } _name = 'ene' + _root.conto_enes; ++_root.conto_enes; life_max = life; dest_x = undefined; dest_y = undefined; det_range = 500; moveX = 0; moveY = 0; seleccionado = false; if (amigo == undefined) { ++_root.ene_cont; } else { ++_root.friend_cont; } if (spec == 'healer') { healing = 1; } else { healing = 0; } ret_form = 1; form_x = undefined; form_y = undefined; if (spec != 'healer') { slot4_dmg = 0; } conto = 0; if (amigo == undefined) { aim_tar = 'nada'; } else { aim_tar = 'nada'; return_formation(); } def = 1; if (1) { desi_rand = random(2); aim_tar = _root.juego.friend3; if (desi_rand == 0) { aim_tar = _root.juego.p1; } if ( <= 0) { aim_tar = _root.juego.friend3; } } if (slot1 == 'flame') { slot4_dmg = slot1_dmg; } if (slot2 == 'flame') { slot4_dmg = slot2_dmg; } if (slot3 == 'flame') { slot4_dmg = slot3_dmg; } discont = 0; torque = 100; if (spec != 'healer') { slot4 = 'flame'; } var anglespeed = 5; angleT = 0; speed = 0; speedx = 0; speedy = 0; inerciax = 0; inerciay = 0; onEnterFrame = function () { if (_root.pausado == 1) { tHolder.clear(); if (alive >= 1) { if ( > 0) { if (healing == 0) { checkcannon(); } else { check_healing(); } check_shoot(); } else { change_target(); } checkDirection(); return_formation(); checkColision(); } else { ++alive; randy = random(50) - random(50); randx = random(50) - random(50); if (conto % 5 == 0) { fireWeapon(randx, randy, randx * -1, randy * -1); } ++conto; } check_dead(); } else { if (amigo != undefined) { showtarget(); } } }; nombresito = _name; } frame 1 { function showtarget() { if (glow_dir == 0) { glow_strength2 += 3; if (glow_strength2 >= 25) { glow_dir = 1; } } if (glow_dir == 1) { glow_strength2 -= 3; if (glow_strength2 <= 0) { glow_dir = 0; } } tHolder.clear(); if (dest_x == undefined) { tHolder.lineStyle(lightningWidth + 1, '0x0000FF', lightningAlpha, true); filter_glow = new flash.filters.GlowFilter(255, glow_alpha, glow_blurX, glow_blurY, glow_strength2, glow_quality); tHolder.filters = [filter_glow]; tHolder.lineTo(aim_tar._x - _root.juego[_name]._x, aim_tar._Y - _root.juego[_name]._y); } else { tHolder.lineStyle(lightningWidth + 1, '0xFF0000', lightningAlpha, true); filter_glow = new flash.filters.GlowFilter(16711680, glow_alpha, glow_blurX, glow_blurY, glow_strength2, glow_quality); tHolder.filters = [filter_glow]; tHolder.lineTo(dest_x - _root.juego[_name]._x, dest_y - _root.juego[_name]._y); } } function fireWeapon(xStart, yStart, xEnd, yEnd) { if (reloadComplete == true) { effectHolder.onEnterFrame = function () { effectHolder.clear(); effectHolder.lineStyle(lightningWidth, lightningColor, lightningAlpha, true); var v12 = xStart - xEnd; var v10 = yStart - yEnd; var v11 = Math.sqrt(v12 * v12 + v10 * v10); var v8 = v11 / lightningFrequency; var v2 = Math.atan2(yStart - yEnd, xStart - xEnd); var v9 = v11 / v8; var v7 = 0; while (v7 < lightningBranches) { effectHolder.moveTo(xStart, yStart); var v1 = 1; while (v1 < v8 + 1) { var v4 = v9 * v1; var v3 = random(lightningOffset - lightningOffset / 2); var v5 = xStart - Math.cos(v2) * v4 + Math.cos(v2 + 1.55) * v3; var v6 = yStart - Math.sin(v2) * v4 + Math.sin(v2 + 1.55) * v3; effectHolder.lineTo(v5, v6); ++v1; } ++v7; } }; effectHolder.lineTo(xEnd, yEnd); startReloading(); } } function startReloading() { reloadComplete = false; reloadTimer = setInterval(this, 'gunReloaded', reloadSpeed); screenTimer = setInterval(this, 'clearScreen', clearSpeed); } function clearScreen() { clearInterval(screenTimer); delete effectHolder.onEnterFrame; effectHolder.clear(); } function gunReloaded() { clearInterval(reloadTimer); reloadComplete = true; } createEmptyMovieClip('effectHolder', this.getNextHighestDepth()); createEmptyMovieClip('tHolder', this.getNextHighestDepth()); var lightningOffset = 15; var lightningFrequency = 15; var lightningWidth = 1; var lightningColor = '0x5C98EF'; var lightningAlpha = 75; var lightningBranches = 3; var sparkNumber = 5; var sparkDistance = 10; var sparkSize = 100; var reloadSpeed = 250; var clearSpeed = 100; var glow_color = lightningColor; var glow_alpha = 0.6; var glow_blurX = 5; var glow_blurY = 5; var glow_strength = 2; var glow_strength2 = 2; glow_dir = 0; var glow_quality = 3; var reloadTimer; var screenTimer; var reloadComplete = true; var rotationDirection; var filter_glow = new flash.filters.GlowFilter(glow_color, glow_alpha, glow_blurX, glow_blurY, 2, glow_quality); var filter_glow = new flash.filters.GlowFilter(glow_color, glow_alpha, glow_blurX, glow_blurY, glow_strength, glow_quality); effectHolder.filters = [filter_glow]; } instance carcasa of movieClip 17 { } frame 2 { stop(); if (tipo != undefined) { gotoAndStop(tipo); } } instance carcasa of movieClip 17 { } } movieClip 211 { frame 1 { stop(); this._rotation = random(360); } } movieClip 212 Player { frame 1 { function disparar(slot) { if (_root['slot' + slot + '_cd'] <= 0 && _root['slot' + slot + '_cap'] > 0) { ang = tan2 + 90; --_root['slot' + slot + '_cap']; dmgaux = _root[_root['slot' + slot] + '_dmg'] + _root[_root['slot' + slot] + '_dmg'] * _root[_root['slot' + slot] + '_dmglvl'] / 3; if (_root['slot' + slot] == 'normal') { _root.juego.attachMovie('disparo', 'dis' + _root.juego.i, _root.juego.getNextHighestDepth(), {'_x': _root.juego.p1._x, '_y': _root.juego.p1._y, '_alpha': 100, '_xscale': 100, '_yscale': 100, 'angle1': ang, 'dmg': dmgaux}); ++_root.juego.i;; } if (_root['slot' + slot] == 'missile') { _root.juego.attachMovie('missile', 'dis' + _root.juego.i, _root.juego.getNextHighestDepth(), {'_x': _root.juego.p1._x, '_y': _root.juego.p1._y, '_alpha': 100, '_xscale': 100, '_yscale': 100, 'angle1': ang, 'dmg': dmgaux, 'posx2': _root.juego._xmouse, 'posy2': _root.juego._ymouse, 'posx1': _root.juego.p1._x + random(200) - random(200), 'posy1': _root.juego.p1._y + random(200) - random(200), '_rotation': ang}); ++_root.juego.i; _root.juego.attachMovie('missile', 'dis' + _root.juego.i, _root.juego.getNextHighestDepth(), {'_x': _root.juego.p1._x, '_y': _root.juego.p1._y, '_alpha': 100, '_xscale': 100, '_yscale': 100, 'angle1': ang, 'dmg': dmgaux, 'posx2': _root.juego._xmouse, 'posy2': _root.juego._ymouse, 'posx1': _root.juego.p1._x + random(200) - random(200), 'posy1': _root.juego.p1._y + random(200) - random(200), '_rotation': ang}); ++_root.juego.i; _root.juego.attachMovie('missile', 'dis' + _root.juego.i, _root.juego.getNextHighestDepth(), {'_x': _root.juego.p1._x, '_y': _root.juego.p1._y, '_alpha': 100, '_xscale': 100, '_yscale': 100, 'angle1': ang, 'dmg': dmgaux, 'posx2': _root.juego._xmouse, 'posy2': _root.juego._ymouse, 'posx1': _root.juego.p1._x + random(200) - random(200), 'posy1': _root.juego.p1._y + random(200) - random(200), '_rotation': ang}); ++_root.juego.i;; } if (_root['slot' + slot] == 'flame') { dmgaux /= 24; _root.juego.attachMovie('flame', 'dis' + _root.juego.i, _root.juego.getNextHighestDepth(), {'_x': _root.juego.p1._x, '_y': _root.juego.p1._y, '_alpha': 100, '_xscale': 100, '_yscale': 100, 'angle1': ang + random(15) - random(15), 'dmg': dmgaux}); ++_root.juego.i; } if (_root['slot' + slot] == 'machine') { _root.juego.attachMovie('disparohumano', 'dis' + _root.juego.i, _root.juego.getNextHighestDepth(), {'_x': _root.juego.p1._x, '_y': _root.juego.p1._y, '_alpha': 100, '_xscale': 100, '_yscale': 100, 'angle1': ang + random(15) - random(15), 'dmg': dmgaux, '_rotation': ang}); ++_root.juego.i; } if (_root['slot' + slot] == 'mortar') { sin_tita = Math.sin(cannon._rotation * Math.PI / 180); cos_tita = Math.cos(cannon._rotation * Math.PI / 180); mortar_auxx = cos_tita * cannon.mortar._x + sin_tita * -1 * cannon.mortar._x; mortar_auxy = sin_tita * cannon.mortar._y + cos_tita * cannon.mortar._y; mortar_x = _root.juego.p1._x + mortar_auxx; mortar_y = _root.juego.p1._y + mortar_auxy; _root.juego.attachMovie('mortar', 'dis' + _root.juego.i, _root.juego.getNextHighestDepth(), {'_x': mortar_x, '_y': mortar_y, '_alpha': 100, '_xscale': 100, '_yscale': 100, 'angle1': ang, 'dmg': dmgaux, 'posx1': _root.juego._xmouse, 'posy1': _root.juego._ymouse, '_rotation': ang}); ++_root.juego.i;; } if (_root['slot' + slot] == 'mine') { _root.juego.manchas.attachMovie('mine', 'dis' + _root.juego.i, _root.juego.getNextHighestDepth(), {'_x': _root.juego.p1._x, '_y': _root.juego.p1._y, '_alpha': 100, '_xscale': 100, '_yscale': 100, 'angle1': ang, 'dmg': dmgaux}); ++_root.juego.i; } if (_root['slot' + slot] == 'hp_pack') { if (life + life_max / 2 < life_max) { life += life_max / 2; } else { life = life_max; } } if (_root['slot' + slot] == 'shield') { _root.shield = 120; } if (_root['slot' + slot] == 'static') { _root.juego.attachMovie('static', 'dis' + _root.juego.i, _root.juego.getNextHighestDepth(), {'_x': _root.juego.p1._x, '_y': _root.juego.p1._y, '_alpha': 100, '_xscale': 100, '_yscale': 100, 'angle1': ang, 'dmg': dmgaux}); ++_root.juego.i; } _root['slot' + slot + '_cd'] = _root[_root['slot' + slot] + '_cd'] - _root[_root['slot' + slot] + '_cd'] * _root[_root['slot' + slot] + '_cdlvl'] / 20; } } function checkdead() { if (life <= 0) { _root.flash1.goto('gameover'); this.swapDepths(1000); removeMovieClip(this); } } function check_bots() { if (_root.r_bot_lvl > 0 && life > 0) { if (life + _root.r_bot / 24 > life_max) { life = life_max; } else { life += _root.r_bot / 24; } } } function checkColision() { if (_root.ene_cont > 0) { var v3 = 0; while (v3 <= _root.ene_cont) { if (this.area.hitTest(_root.juego['ene' + v3].area) && _root.juego['ene' + v3].boss != 1) { chocar(_root.juego['ene' + v3]); } ++v3; } } if (_root.friend_cont > 0) { v3 = 0; while (v3 <= _root.friend_cont) { if (this.area.hitTest(_root.juego['friend' + v3].area)) { chocar(_root.juego['friend' + v3]); } ++v3; } } if (_root.arb_cont > 0) { v3 = 0; while (v3 <= _root.arb_cont) { if (this.area.hitTest(_root.juego['arb' + v3].area)) { chocar(_root.juego['arb' + v3]); } ++v3; } } } function chocar(tar) { if (tar.chocable != 1) { xxaux = tar._x - this._x; yyaux = tar._y - this._y; tan2aux = Math.atan2(yyaux, xxaux) * 180 / 3.1416 - 90; xxaux = this._x - tar._x; yyaux = this._y - tar._y; tan2aux2 = Math.atan2(yyaux, xxaux) * 180 / 3.1416 - 90; _x = _x + Math.sin(tan2aux * Math.PI / 180) * (2 + Math.abs(speed)); _y = _y + Math.cos(tan2aux * Math.PI / 180) * -(2 + Math.abs(speed)); tar._x += Math.sin(tan2aux2 * Math.PI / 180) * (2 + Math.abs(tar.speed)); tar._y += Math.cos(tan2aux2 * Math.PI / 180) * -(2 + Math.abs(tar.speed)); } } function RenderMovement() { if (speed < 0) { speed += _root.friction; } if (speed > 0) { speed -= _root.friction; } if (speed < -_root.mspeed * 0.7) { speed = -_root.mspeed * 0.7; } if (speed > _root.mspeed) { speed = _root.mspeed; } if (inerciax > 0) { --inerciax; } if (inerciax < 0) { inerciax = 0; } if (inerciay > 0) { --inerciay; } if (inerciay < 0) { inerciay = 0; } _x = _x + Math.sin(angleT * Math.PI / 180) * speed; _y = _y + Math.cos(angleT * Math.PI / 180) * -speed; _x = _x + inerciax; _y = _y - inerciay; speedx = Math.sin(angleT * Math.PI / 180) * speed; speedy = Math.cos(angleT * Math.PI / 180) * -speed; } function checkKeys() { if (Key.isDown(68)) { angleT += anglespeed; carcasa._rotation = angleT; yspeed = direccion._x; yspeed = direccion._y; } if (Key.isDown(65)) { angleT -= anglespeed; carcasa._rotation = angleT; yspeed = direccion._x; yspeed = direccion._y; } if (Key.isDown(87)) { speed += _root.torque;;; } if (Key.isDown(83)) { speed -= _root.torque / 2;;; } if (Key.isDown(49)) { if (_root.slot1 != 'empty') { _root.slot_selected = 1; } } if (Key.isDown(50)) { if (_root.slot2 != 'empty') { _root.slot_selected = 2; } } if (Key.isDown(51)) { if (_root.slot3 != 'empty') { _root.slot_selected = 3; } } if (Key.isDown(69) && _root.juego._xscale > 50) { _root.juego._xscale -= 10; _root.juego._yscale -= 10; } if (Key.isDown(81) && _root.juego._xscale < 100) { _root.juego._xscale += 10; _root.juego._yscale += 10; } } function checkcannon() { xx = this._xmouse; yy = this._ymouse; tan2 = Math.atan2(yy, xx) * 180 / 3.1416; if (tan2 + 90 < 0) { tan2 += 360; } cannon._rotation = tan2 + 90; } function check_shoot() { if (shooting) { disparar(_root.slot_selected); } } function healme(hot) { if (life + hot < life_max) { life += hot; } else { life = life_max; }; } cannon.normal._alpha = 0; if (_root.slot1 == 'normal' || _root.slot2 == 'normal' || _root.slot3 == 'normal') { cannon.normal._alpha = 100; } cannon.mortar._alpha = 0; if (_root.slot1 == 'mortar' || _root.slot2 == 'mortar' || _root.slot3 == 'mortar') { cannon.mortar._alpha = 100; } cannon.missile._alpha = 0; if (_root.slot1 == 'missile' || _root.slot2 == 'missile' || _root.slot3 == 'missile') { cannon.missile._alpha = 100; } cannon.flame._alpha = 0; if (_root.slot1 == 'flame' || _root.slot2 == 'flame' || _root.slot3 == 'flame') { cannon.flame._alpha = 100; } carcasa.mine._alpha = 0; if (_root.slot1 == 'mine' || _root.slot2 == 'mine' || _root.slot3 == 'mine') { carcasa.mine._alpha = 100; } shooting = false; _root.juego.i = 0; life = _root.hp_actual; life_max = _root.hp_max; inerciax = 0; inerciay = 0; torque = 120; var anglespeed = _root.torque * 2; if (_root.graditos == undefined) { angleT = 0; } carcasa._rotation = angleT; speed = 0; speedx = 0; speedy = 0; onEnterFrame = function () { if (_root.pausado == 1) { checkKeys(); RenderMovement(); checkcannon(); checkColision(); check_shoot(); check_bots(); if (_root.shield == 0) { checkdead(); } } }; onMouseDown = function () { shooting = true; }; onMouseUp = function () { shooting = false; }; } instance carcasa of movieClip 17 { } } frame 1 { function doSomething() {} stop(); = MENU; MENU = new ContextMenu(); MENU.hideBuiltInItems(); Functioned = new ContextMenuItem('This Game is copyrighted by Epic Llama', doSomething); MENU.customItems.push(Functioned); = MENU;; _focusrect = false; } frame 1 { } frame 1 { var CPMStarContentSpotID = '868Q6C9BFCF4';''); adBox.loadMovie('' + CPMStarContentSpotID); } movieClip 216 { } movieClip 221 { } movieClip 230 { } movieClip 232 { } movieClip 233 { } movieClip 237 { } movieClip 240 { } movieClip 241 { instance of movieClip 237 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { ++this._rotation; } } instance of movieClip 240 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { --this._rotation; } } } movieClip 243 { instance of movieClip 233 { onClipEvent (load) { gotoAndPlay(1); } } instance of movieClip 233 { onClipEvent (load) { gotoAndPlay(300); } } instance of movieClip 233 { onClipEvent (load) { gotoAndPlay(100); } } instance of movieClip 233 { onClipEvent (load) { gotoAndPlay(200); } } instance of movieClip 233 { onClipEvent (load) { gotoAndPlay(200); } } instance of movieClip 233 { onClipEvent (load) { gotoAndPlay(500); } } instance of movieClip 233 { onClipEvent (load) { gotoAndPlay(1); } } } // unknown tag 88 length 84 movieClip 247 { } movieClip 249 { } instance of movieClip 249 { onClipEvent (load) { b_total = _root.getBytesTotal(); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { b_loaded = _root.getBytesLoaded(); if (b_loaded >= b_total) { _root.nextFrame(); } else { porcentaje = (b_loaded / b_total) * 100; barra._xscale = porcentaje; time = getTimer() / 1000; bps = Math.round(b_loaded / time); bytes_left = b_total - b_loaded; seg_left = Math.ceil(bytes_left / bps); min_left = Math.floor(seg_left / 60); hrs_left = Math.floor(min_left / 60); min_left -= hrs_left * 60; seg_left -= (hrs_left * 60 + min_left) * 60; if (length(hrs_left) != 1) { } else { hrs_left = '0' + hrs_left; } 0; if (length(min_left) != 1) { } else { min_left = '0' + min_left; } 0; if (length(seg_left) != 1) { } else { seg_left = '0' + seg_left; } 0; kbps_temp = bps / 1024; kbps = Math.floor(kbps_temp * 10) / 10; output = hrs_left + ':' + min_left + ':' + seg_left + 'seg. a ' + kbps + 'kbps'; } } } movieClip 251 { } frame 2 { stop(); } button 254 { on (press) { getURL('', '_blank'); } } movieClip 294 { } movieClip 301 { } movieClip 305 { } movieClip 310 { } movieClip 315 { } movieClip 320 { } movieClip 325 { } movieClip 330 { } movieClip 334 { } movieClip 335 { } movieClip 340 { } movieClip 341 { } movieClip 348 { frame 100 {; } } frame 3 { stop(); } movieClip 355 { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 357 { } movieClip 359 { } movieClip 361 { } movieClip 363 { } movieClip 366 { } movieClip 368 { } movieClip 374 { frame 101 { } frame 159 { _root.gotoAndStop('menu'); } frame 165 { stop(); } } movieClip 386 { frame 1 { stop(); mySound = new Sound(_root.fx); mySound.setVolume(25); } } movieClip 391 { frame 1 { stop(); mymusic = new Sound(_root.musikita); mymusic.setVolume(20); _root.music_val = 20; = 1; mymusic = new Sound(_root.musikita); mymusic.attachSound('m_heavy'); mymusic.start(0, 9999); } } movieClip 392 { frame 1 { function fadein() { if (_alpha < 100) { _alpha = _alpha + 20; } if (_alpha >= 100) { _root.gotoAndStop(screen); screen = 'nada'; } } function fadeout() { if (_alpha > 0) { _alpha = _alpha - 20; } } function goto(nombre) { screen = nombre; } _alpha = 0; screen = 'nada'; onEnterFrame = function () { if (screen != 'nada') { fadein(); } else { fadeout(); } }; } } frame 4 { stop(); _root.enemy_dmg1 = 5; _root.enemy_dmg2 = 12; _root.enemy_dmg3 = 10; _root.enemy_dmg4 = 50; _root.ene_life_turret = 400; _root.enemy_life = 200; _root.hp_max = 200; _root.life_player = _root.hp_max; _root.mspeed = 10; _root.r_bot = 3; _root.friction = 0.5; _root.torque = 2; _root.pausado = 1; _root.mspeed_lvl = 0; _root.hp_max_lvl = 0; _root.torque_lvl = 0; _root.r_bot_lvl = 0; _root.mission = 1; = 0; _root.scrapA = 0; _root.scrapB = 0; _root.scrapC = 0; _root.pgold = 0; _root.pscrapA = 0; _root.pscrapB = 0; _root.pscrapC = 0; _root.normal_dmg = 50; _root.machine_dmg = 5; _root.flame_dmg = 30; _root.mortar_dmg = 250; _root.missile_dmg = 100; _root.mine_dmg = 100; _root.normal_lvl = 1; _root.machine_lvl = 1; _root.flame_lvl = 0; _root.mortar_lvl = 0; _root.missile_lvl = 1; _root.mine_lvl = 0; _root.normal_dmglvl = 0; _root.machine_dmglvl = 0; _root.flame_dmglvl = 0; _root.mortar_dmglvl = 0; _root.missile_dmglvl = 0; _root.mine_dmglvl = 0; _root.normal_cdlvl = 0; _root.machine_cdlvl = 0; _root.flame_cdlvl = 0; _root.mortar_cdlvl = 0; _root.missile_cdlvl = 0; _root.mine_cdlvl = 0; _root.normal_caplvl = 0; _root.machine_caplvl = 0; _root.flame_caplvl = 0; _root.mortar_caplvl = 0; _root.missile_caplvl = 0; _root.mine_caplvl = 0; _root.normal_cd = 7.199999999999999; _root.machine_cd = 1; _root.flame_cd = 1; _root.mortar_cd = 120; _root.missile_cd = 72; _root.mine_cd = 240; _root.normal_cap = 500; _root.machine_cap = 9999; _root.flame_cap = 2000; _root.mortar_cap = 30; _root.missile_cap = 40; _root.mine_cap = 3; _root.hp_pack_cap = 5; _root.hp_pack_cd = 240; _root.hp_pack_cdlvl = 0; _root.hp_pack_caplvl = 0; _root.hp_pack_dmg = 0; _root.hp_pack_dmglvl = 0; _root.shield = 0; _root.shield_cap = 5; _root.shield_cd = 360; _root.shield_cdlvl = 0; _root.shield_caplvl = 0; _root.shield_dmg = 0; _root.shield_dmglvl = 0; _root.static_cap = 4; _root.static_cd = 120; _root.static_cdlvl = 0; _root.static_caplvl = 0; _root.static_dmg = 0; _root.static_dmglvl = 0; _root.slot1 = 'machine'; _root.slot2 = 'normal'; _root.slot3 = 'missile'; _root.slot1_cd = _root.normal_cd; _root.slot2_cd = _root.missile_cd; _root.slot3_cd = 24; _root.slot_selected = 1; } // unknown tag 88 length 105 button 398 { on (release) { stopAllSounds(); mymusic = new Sound(_root.musikita); mymusic.attachSound('m_tranki'); mymusic.start(0, 9999); _root.gotoAndStop('move'); } } button 401 { on (release) { saveFile = 'save'; var savefile = SharedObject.getLocal(saveFile); if ( == undefined) { } else { =; _root.mission =; _root.hp_max =; _root.r_bot_lvl =; _root.hp_max_lvl =; _root.normal_lvl =; _root.machine_lvl =; _root.flame_lvl =; _root.mortar_lvl =; _root.missile_lvl =; _root.mine_lvl =; _root.normal_dmglvl =; _root.machine_dmglvl =; _root.flame_dmglvl =; _root.mortar_dmglvl =; _root.missile_dmglvl =; _root.mine_dmglvl =; _root.normal_cdlvl =; _root.machine_cdlvl =; _root.flame_cdlvl =; _root.mortar_cdlvl =; _root.missile_cdlvl =; _root.mine_cdlvl =; _root.normal_caplvl =; _root.machine_caplvl =; _root.flame_caplvl =; _root.mortar_caplvl =; _root.missile_caplvl =; _root.mine_caplvl =; _root.hp_pack_lvl =; _root.hp_pack_cdlvl =; _root.hp_pack_caplvl =; _root.hp_pack_dmg =; _root.hp_pack_dmglvl =; _root.shield_lvl =; _root.shield_cap =; _root.shield_cd =; _root.shield_cdlvl =; _root.shield_caplvl =; _root.shield_dmg =; _root.shield_dmglvl =; _root.static_lvl =; _root.static_cdlvl =; _root.static_caplvl =; _root.static_dmglvl =; _root.slot1 =; _root.slot2 =; _root.slot3 =; _root.slot1_cd =; _root.slot2_cd =; _root.slot3_cd =; _root.slot_selected =; _root.gotoAndStop('inter_lvl'); } } } button 404 { on (release) { _root.gotoAndStop('options'); } } button 407 { on (release) { _root.gotoAndStop('creditos'); } } movieClip 409 { } button 412 { on (release) { getURL('', '_blank'); } } button 416 { on (release) { stopAllSounds(); mymusic = new Sound(_root.musikita); mymusic.attachSound('m_tranki'); mymusic.start(0, 9999); _root.gotoAndStop('move'); } } button 419 { on (release) { stopAllSounds(); mymusic = new Sound(_root.musikita); mymusic.attachSound('m_tranki'); mymusic.start(0, 9999); _root.mission = 2; _root.gotoAndStop('move'); } } button 422 { on (release) { stopAllSounds(); mymusic = new Sound(_root.musikita); mymusic.attachSound('m_tranki'); mymusic.start(0, 9999); _root.mission = 3; _root.gotoAndStop('move'); } } button 425 { on (release) { stopAllSounds(); mymusic = new Sound(_root.musikita); mymusic.attachSound('m_tranki'); mymusic.start(0, 9999); _root.mission = 4; _root.gotoAndStop('move'); } } movieClip 426 { frame 1 { stop(); } instance of movieClip 233 { onClipEvent (load) { gotoAndPlay(1); } } instance of movieClip 233 { onClipEvent (load) { gotoAndPlay(300); } } instance of movieClip 233 { onClipEvent (load) { gotoAndPlay(100); } } instance of movieClip 233 { onClipEvent (load) { gotoAndPlay(200); } } instance of movieClip 233 { onClipEvent (load) { gotoAndPlay(200); } } instance of movieClip 233 { onClipEvent (load) { gotoAndPlay(500); } } instance of movieClip 233 { onClipEvent (load) { gotoAndPlay(1); } } } frame 5 { stop(); } button 431 { on (release) { gotoAndStop('menu'); } } movieClip 433 { } movieClip 435 { } movieClip 436 { frame 1 { this.ratio = 50; dragger.onPress = function () { this.startDrag(true, 0, 0, line._width, 0); this.onEnterFrame = function () { ratio = Math.round(this._x * 100 / line._width); }; }; dragger.onreleaseOutside = stopDrag; dragger.onRelease = dragger.onreleaseOutside; } } instance mySlider of movieClip 436 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { _root.musikita.mymusic.setVolume(_root.mySlider.ratio); _root.music_val = _root.mySlider.ratio; } } // unknown tag 88 length 105 button 440 { on (press) { _quality = 'Low'; } } button 442 { on (press) { _quality = 'MEDIUM'; } } button 444 { on (press) { _quality = 'BEST'; } } instance of movieClip 436 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { _root.fx.mySound.setVolume(ratio); } } frame 6 { stop(); } frame 7 { stop(); } // unknown tag 88 length 105 movieClip 451 { frame 554 { stop(); } } frame 8 { function genera() { _root.attachMovie('target', 'tar' + j, 10000 + j, {'_x': random(500) + 100, '_y': random(500) + 100, '_alpha': 100, '_xscale': 100, '_yscale': 100}); ++j; } function setcamara() { if (_root.pausado == 1) { _root.target_cam = _root.juego.p1; posx = _root.target_cam._x * juego._xscale / 100; posy = _root.target_cam._y * juego._yscale / 100; endX = posx - xcor; endY = posy - ycor; _root.juego._x = endX * -1; _root.juego._y = endY * -1; _root.last_x = _root.target_cam._x; _root.last_y = _root.target_cam._y; } else { if (_root.last_x > _root.target_cam._x + cam_rang_max) { _root.last_x = _root.target_cam._x + cam_rang_max; } if (_root.last_y > _root.target_cam._y + cam_rang_max) { _root.last_y = _root.target_cam._y + cam_rang_max; } if (_root.last_x < _root.target_cam._x - cam_rang_max) { _root.last_x = _root.target_cam._x - cam_rang_max; } if (_root.last_y < _root.target_cam._y - cam_rang_max) { _root.last_y = _root.target_cam._y - cam_rang_max; } posx = _root.last_x * juego._xscale / 100; posy = _root.last_y * juego._yscale / 100; endX = posx - xcor; endY = posy - ycor; _root.juego._x = endX * -1; _root.juego._y = endY * -1; } } stop(); var j; j = 0; i = 0; xcor = 347; ycor = 242; cam_rang_max = 500; _root.ene_cont = 0; onEnterFrame = function () { setcamara(); }; } movieClip 457 { } movieClip 458 { } movieClip 459 { } movieClip 460 { } movieClip 461 { frame 1 { function check_alpha() { if (_root.pausado == 1 && this._alpha > 0) { this._alpha -= 20; if (this._alpha < 0) { this._alpha = 0; } } if (_root.pausado == 0 && this._alpha < 50) { if (this._alpha < 50) { this._alpha += 10; } if (this._alpha > 50) { this._alpha = 50; } } } this._alpha = 0; this._x = _root._y - 1000; this._y = _root._x - 1000; onEnterFrame = function () { check_alpha(); }; } } movieClip 462 { frame 1 { function checkcolision() { player = _root.juego.p1; if (player.area.hitTest(this)) { player._x -= 10; } if (_root.ene_cont > 0) { var v3 = 0; while (v3 <= _root.ene_cont) { enetar = _root.juego['ene' + v3]; if (this.hitTest(enetar.area) && enetar.choca != 0) { enetar._x -= 10; } ++v3; } } if (_root.friend_cont > 0) { v3 = 0; while (v3 <= _root.friend_cont) { enetar = _root.juego['friend' + v3]; if (this.hitTest(enetar.area)) { enetar._x -= 10; } ++v3; } } } speed = 3; onEnterFrame = function () { checkcolision(); }; } } movieClip 463 { frame 1 { function checkcolision() { player = _root.juego.p1; if (player.area.hitTest(this)) { player._y += 10; } if (_root.ene_cont > 0) { var v3 = 0; while (v3 <= _root.ene_cont) { enetar = _root.juego['ene' + v3]; if (this.hitTest(enetar.area) && enetar.choca != 0) { enetar._y += 10; } ++v3; } } if (_root.friend_cont > 0) { v3 = 0; while (v3 <= _root.friend_cont) { enetar = _root.juego['friend' + v3]; if (this.hitTest(enetar.area)) { enetar._y += 10; } ++v3; } } } speed = 3; onEnterFrame = function () { checkcolision(); }; } } movieClip 464 { frame 1 { function checkcolision() { player = _root.juego.p1; if (player.area.hitTest(this)) { player._y -= 10; } if (_root.ene_cont > 0) { var v3 = 0; while (v3 <= _root.ene_cont) { enetar = _root.juego['ene' + v3]; if (this.hitTest(enetar.area) && enetar.choca != 0) { enetar._y -= 10; } ++v3; } } if (_root.friend_cont > 0) { v3 = 0; while (v3 <= _root.friend_cont) { enetar = _root.juego['friend' + v3]; if (this.hitTest(enetar.area)) { enetar._y -= 10; } ++v3; } } } speed = 3; onEnterFrame = function () { checkcolision(); }; } } movieClip 465 { frame 1 { function checkcolision() { player = _root.juego.p1; if (player.area.hitTest(this)) { player._x += 10; } if (_root.ene_cont > 0) { var v3 = 0; while (v3 <= _root.ene_cont) { enetar = _root.juego['ene' + v3]; if (this.hitTest(enetar.area) && enetar.choca != 0) { enetar._x += 10; } ++v3; } } if (_root.friend_cont > 0) { v3 = 0; while (v3 <= _root.friend_cont) { enetar = _root.juego['friend' + v3]; if (this.hitTest(enetar.area)) { enetar._x += 10; } ++v3; } } } this._alpha = 100; speed = 3; onEnterFrame = function () { checkcolision(); }; } } movieClip 466 { } movieClip 468 { frame 1 { function check_dead() { if (life <= 0) { if (_alpha <= 0) { _root.pgold += 50; if (random(100) < 81) { _root.pscrapA += 1; } if (random(100) < 10) { _root.pscrapB += 1; } if (random(100) < 5) { _root.pscrapC += 1; } _root.juego.enemy_left -= 1; _root.juego.attachMovie('explotion', 'dis' + _root.juego.i, _root.juego.getNextHighestDepth(), {'_x': _root.juego[_name]._x, '_y': _root.juego[_name]._y, '_alpha': 100, '_xscale': 100, '_yscale': 100}); ++_root.juego.i; this.swapDepths(1000); removeMovieClip(this); } myColor = new Color(this); myColor.setRGB(10027008); this._name = nombresito + 's'; alive = -100; _alpha = _alpha - 20; } } if (_root.conto_enes == undefined) { _root.conto_enes = 0; } _name = 'ene' + _root.conto_enes; ++_root.conto_enes; if (amigo == undefined) { ++_root.ene_cont; } if (life == undefined) { life = 100; } life_max = life; barrita._alpha = 0; barrita2._alpha = 0; onEnterFrame = function () { check_dead(); }; nombresito = _name; } } movieClip 470 { frame 1 { function checkcolision() { player = _root.juego.p1; if (player.area.hitTest(this) && _parent.enemy_left <= 0) { _root.nextScreen = targetin; _root.chupador = 'c' + chupador; _root.graditos = _root.juego.p1.angleT; _root.hp_actual =; if ( != undefined) { _root.hp_actual1 =; } if ( != undefined) { _root.hp_actual2 =; } if ( != undefined) { _root.hp_actual3 =; } _root.goldactual =; _root.flash1.goto('clearScreen'); } } _alpha = 0; onEnterFrame = function () { checkcolision(); }; } } movieClip 471 { frame 1 { this._alpha = 0; } } movieClip 473 { frame 1 { this._alpha = 0; } } movieClip 477 { frame 1 { if (_root.arb_cont == undefined) { _root.arb_cont = 0; } _name = 'arb' + _root.arb_cont; ++_root.arb_cont; } } movieClip 480 { } movieClip 481 { frame 1 { function showtarget() { if (glow_dir == 0) { glow_strength2 += 3; if (glow_strength2 >= 25) { glow_dir = 1; } } if (glow_dir == 1) { glow_strength2 -= 3; if (glow_strength2 <= 0) { glow_dir = 0; } } tHolder.clear(); if (dest_x == undefined) { tHolder.lineStyle(lightningWidth + 1, '0x0000FF', lightningAlpha, true); filter_glow = new flash.filters.GlowFilter(255, glow_alpha, glow_blurX, glow_blurY, glow_strength2, glow_quality); tHolder.filters = [filter_glow]; tHolder.lineTo(aim_tar._x - _root.juego[_name]._x, aim_tar._Y - _root.juego[_name]._y); } else { tHolder.lineStyle(lightningWidth + 1, '0xFF0000', lightningAlpha, true); filter_glow = new flash.filters.GlowFilter(16711680, glow_alpha, glow_blurX, glow_blurY, glow_strength2, glow_quality); tHolder.filters = [filter_glow]; tHolder.lineTo(dest_x - _root.juego[_name]._x, dest_y - _root.juego[_name]._y); } } function fireWeapon(xStart, yStart, xEnd, yEnd) { if (reloadComplete == true) { effectHolder.onEnterFrame = function () { effectHolder.clear(); effectHolder.lineStyle(lightningWidth, lightningColor, lightningAlpha, true); var v12 = xStart - xEnd; var v10 = yStart - yEnd; var v11 = Math.sqrt(v12 * v12 + v10 * v10); var v8 = v11 / lightningFrequency; var v2 = Math.atan2(yStart - yEnd, xStart - xEnd); var v9 = v11 / v8; var v7 = 0; while (v7 < lightningBranches) { effectHolder.moveTo(xStart, yStart); var v1 = 1; while (v1 < v8 + 1) { var v4 = v9 * v1; var v3 = random(lightningOffset - lightningOffset / 2); var v5 = xStart - Math.cos(v2) * v4 + Math.cos(v2 + 1.55) * v3; var v6 = yStart - Math.sin(v2) * v4 + Math.sin(v2 + 1.55) * v3; effectHolder.lineTo(v5, v6); ++v1; } ++v7; } }; effectHolder.lineTo(xEnd, yEnd); startReloading(); } } function startReloading() { reloadComplete = false; reloadTimer = setInterval(this, 'gunReloaded', reloadSpeed); screenTimer = setInterval(this, 'clearScreen', clearSpeed); } function clearScreen() { clearInterval(screenTimer); delete effectHolder.onEnterFrame; effectHolder.clear(); } function gunReloaded() { clearInterval(reloadTimer); reloadComplete = true; } createEmptyMovieClip('effectHolder', this.getNextHighestDepth()); createEmptyMovieClip('tHolder', this.getNextHighestDepth()); var lightningOffset = 15; var lightningFrequency = 15; var lightningWidth = 1; var lightningColor = '0x5C98EF'; var lightningAlpha = 75; var lightningBranches = 3; var sparkNumber = 5; var sparkDistance = 10; var sparkSize = 100; var reloadSpeed = 250; var clearSpeed = 100; var glow_color = lightningColor; var glow_alpha = 0.6; var glow_blurX = 5; var glow_blurY = 5; var glow_strength = 2; var glow_strength2 = 2; glow_dir = 0; var glow_quality = 3; var reloadTimer; var screenTimer; var reloadComplete = true; var rotationDirection; var filter_glow = new flash.filters.GlowFilter(glow_color, glow_alpha, glow_blurX, glow_blurY, 2, glow_quality); var filter_glow = new flash.filters.GlowFilter(glow_color, glow_alpha, glow_blurX, glow_blurY, glow_strength, glow_quality); effectHolder.filters = [filter_glow]; } frame 1 { function disparar(slot) { ang = tan2 + 90; dmgaux = 2; if (amigo == undefined) { tipx = 'ene'; } else { tipx = 'nada'; } _root.juego.attachMovie('disparohumano', 'dis' + _root.juego.i, _root.juego.getNextHighestDepth(), {'_x': _root.juego[_name]._x, '_y': _root.juego[_name]._y, '_alpha': 100, '_xscale': 100, '_yscale': 100, 'angle1': ang, 'dmg': dmgaux, 'posx1': aim_tar._x, 'posy1': aim_tar._y, '_rotation': ang, 'tipo': tipx}); ++_root.juego.i; } function change_target() { eleji_algo = 0; desi_rand = random(_parent.friend_left); if (Math.abs(_root.juego['friend' + desi_rand]._x - this._x) < det_range && Math.abs(_root.juego['friend' + desi_rand]._y - this._y) < det_range) { aim_tar = _root.juego['friend' + desi_rand]; eleji_algo = 1; } else { if (desi_rand == 0 && Math.abs(_root.juego.p1._x - this._x) < det_range && Math.abs(_root.juego.p1._y - this._y) < det_range) { aim_tar = _root.juego.p1; eleji_algo = 1; } else { aim_tar = 'nada'; } } if (eleji_algo == 0) { aim_tar = 'nada'; } } function checkColision() { if (_root.ene_cont > 0) { var v3 = 0; while (v3 <= _root.ene_cont) { if (this.area.hitTest(_root.juego['ene' + v3].area) && 'ene' + v3 != this._name) { chocar(_root.juego['ene' + v3]); } ++v3; } } if (_root.friend_cont > 0) { v3 = 0; while (v3 <= _root.ene_cont) { if (this.area.hitTest(_root.juego['friend' + v3].area) && 'friend' + v3 != this._name) { chocar2(_root.juego['friend' + v3]); } ++v3; } } if (this.area.hitTest(_root.juego.p1.area)) { chocar2(_root.juego['friend' + v3]); } } function chocar2(tar) { = 0; } function chocar(tar) { xxaux = tar._x - this._x; yyaux = tar._y - this._y; tan2aux = Math.atan2(yyaux, xxaux) * 180 / 3.1416 - 90; xxaux = this._x - tar._x; yyaux = this._y - tar._y; tan2aux2 = Math.atan2(yyaux, xxaux) * 180 / 3.1416 - 90; _x = _x + Math.sin(tan2aux * Math.PI / 180) * (2 + Math.abs(speed)); _y = _y + Math.cos(tan2aux * Math.PI / 180) * -(2 + Math.abs(speed)); tar._x += Math.sin(tan2aux2 * Math.PI / 180) * (2 + Math.abs(tar.speed)); tar._y += Math.cos(tan2aux2 * Math.PI / 180) * -(2 + Math.abs(tar.speed)); } function check_dead() { if (life <= 0) { if (amigo == undefined) { += 20; if (random(100) < 81) { _root.pscrapA += 1; } if (random(100) < 10) { _root.pscrapB += 1; } if (random(100) < 5) { _root.pscrapC += 1; } _root.juego.enemy_left -= 1; } _root.juego.manchas.attachMovie('sangreta', 'dis' + _root.juego.i, _root.juego.manchas.getNextHighestDepth(), {'_x': _root.juego[_name]._x, '_y': _root.juego[_name]._y, '_alpha': 100, '_xscale': 100, '_yscale': 100, '_rotation': angleT}); ++_root.juego.i; this.swapDepths(1000); removeMovieClip(this); } } function RenderMovement() { if (dest_x != undefined) { if (Math.abs(dest_x - _root.juego[_name]._x) > 50 || Math.abs(dest_y - _root.juego[_name]._y) > 50) { llegueytoquefondo = 0; } else { llegueytoquefondo = 1; } } if (dest_x == undefined && aim_tar._name != undefined) { if (Math.abs(aim_tar._x - _root.juego[_name]._x) > 250 || Math.abs(aim_tar._y - _root.juego[_name]._y) > 250) { llegueytoquefondo2 = 0; } else { llegueytoquefondo2 = 1; llegueytoquefondo = 1; } } if (llegueytoquefondo == 0 || llegueytoquefondo2 == 0) { speed += s_inc; if (speed < -7) { speed = -7; } if (speed > smax) { speed = smax; } if (inerciax > 0) { --inerciax; } if (inerciax < 0) { inerciax = 0; } if (inerciay > 0) { --inerciay; } if (inerciay < 0) { inerciay = 0; } _x = _x + this.moveX; _y = _y + this.moveY; } } function checkDirection() { if (dest_x == undefined && aim_tar != 'nada' && aim_tar._name != undefined) { xx = aim_tar._x - _root.juego[_name]._x; yy = aim_tar._y - _root.juego[_name]._y; } else { if (dest_x != undefined) { xx = dest_x - _root.juego[_name]._x; yy = dest_y - _root.juego[_name]._y; } else { ret_form = 1; } } ang_destino = Math.atan2(yy, xx) * 180 / 3.1416; if (ang_destino + 90 > 180) { ang_destino -= 360; } this.distanceX = xx; this.distanceY = yy; this.distanceTotal = Math.sqrt(this.distanceX * this.distanceX + this.distanceY * this.distanceY); this.moveDistanceX = 0.5 * this.distanceX / this.distanceTotal; this.moveDistanceY = 0.5 * this.distanceY / this.distanceTotal; this.moveX = 0; this.moveY = 0; this.moveX += this.moveDistanceX; this.moveY += this.moveDistanceY; this.totalmove = Math.sqrt(this.moveX * this.moveX + this.moveY * this.moveY); this.moveX = speed * this.moveX / this.totalmove; this.moveY = speed * this.moveY / this.totalmove; RenderMovement(); carcasa._rotation = 180 * Math.atan2(this.moveY, this.moveX) / Math.PI + 90; } function return_formation() { if (ret_form == 1 && amigo == 1) { if (form_x == undefined) { dest_x = _root.juego.p1._x; dest_y = _root.juego.p1._y; } else { dest_x = _root.juego.p1._x + form_x; dest_y = _root.juego.p1._y + form_y; } } if (amigo == undefined) { this.moveX = 0; this.moveY = 0; } } function checkcannon() { if (aim_tar != 'nada') { xx = aim_tar._x - _root.juego[_name]._x; yy = aim_tar._y - _root.juego[_name]._y; tan2 = Math.atan2(yy, xx) * 180 / 3.1416; } else { tan2 = carcasa._rotation; } cannon._rotation = tan2 + 90; } function check_shoot() { ++discont; if (Math.abs(this._x - aim_tar._x) < 300 && Math.abs(this._y - aim_tar._y) < 300) { if (slot4_dmg != 0 && spec != 'healer') { disparar(4); } } if (healing == 1 && < aim_tar.life_max) { disparar(4); } if (discont % atack_speed == 0 && Math.abs(this._x - aim_tar._x) < det_range && Math.abs(this._y - aim_tar._y) < det_range) { rand = random(3) + 1; if (healing == 0) { disparar(rand); } } } function healme(hot) { if (life + hot < life_max) { life += hot; } else { life = life_max; } } slot1_dmg = _root.enemy_dmg1 * (1 + _root.mission / 10); slot2_dmg = _root.enemy_dmg2 * (1 + _root.mission / 10); slot3_dmg = _root.enemy_dmg3 * (1 + _root.mission / 10); if (_root.conto_enes == undefined) { _root.conto_enes = 0; } _name = 'ene' + _root.conto_enes; ++_root.conto_enes; life_max = life; dest_x = undefined; dest_y = undefined; det_range = 500; chocable = 1; moveX = 0; moveY = 0; seleccionado = false; ++_root.ene_cont; healing = 0; ret_form = 1; form_x = undefined; form_y = undefined; if (spec != 'healer') { slot4_dmg = 0; } conto = 0; aim_tar = 'nada'; aim_tar = 'nada'; return_formation(); discont = 0; torque = 100; if (spec != 'healer') { slot4 = 'flame'; } var anglespeed = 5; angleT = 0; speed = 0; speedx = 0; speedy = 0; inerciax = 0; inerciay = 0; onEnterFrame = function () { if (_root.pausado == 1) { tHolder.clear(); if (alive >= 1) { if ( > 0) { checkcannon(); check_shoot(); } else { change_target(); } checkDirection(); return_formation(); checkColision(); } else { ++alive; randy = random(50) - random(50); randx = random(50) - random(50); if (conto % 5 == 0) { fireWeapon(randx, randy, randx * -1, randy * -1); } ++conto; } check_dead(); } else { if (amigo != undefined) { showtarget(); } } }; } } movieClip 484 { } movieClip 488 { } movieClip 489 { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 491 { } // unknown tag 88 length 41 movieClip 499 { } movieClip 504 { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 507 { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 510 { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 511 { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 516 { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 520 { } movieClip 521 { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 522 { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 523 { frame 1 { stop(); gotoAndStop(spec); } frame 1 { function disparar(slot) { ang = tan2 + 90; dmgaux = this['slot' + slot + '_dmg']; if (amigo == undefined) { tipx = 'ene'; } else { tipx = 'nada'; } if (this['slot' + slot] == 'normal') { _root.juego.attachMovie('disparo', 'dis' + _root.juego.i, _root.juego.getNextHighestDepth(), {'_x': _root.juego[_name]._x, '_y': _root.juego[_name]._y, '_alpha': 100, '_xscale': 100, '_yscale': 100, 'angle1': ang, 'dmg': dmgaux, 'tipo': tipx}); ++_root.juego.i; } if (this['slot' + slot] == 'missile') { _root.juego.attachMovie('missile', 'dis' + _root.juego.i, _root.juego.getNextHighestDepth(), {'_x': _root.juego[_name]._x, '_y': _root.juego[_name]._y, '_alpha': 100, '_xscale': 100, '_yscale': 100, 'angle1': ang, 'dmg': dmgaux, 'posx2': aim_tar._x, 'posy2': aim_tar._y, 'posx1': _root.juego[_name]._x + random(200) - random(200), 'posy1': _root.juego[_name]._y + random(200) - random(200), '_rotation': ang, 'tipo': tipx}); ++_root.juego.i; _root.juego.attachMovie('missile', 'dis' + _root.juego.i, _root.juego.getNextHighestDepth(), {'_x': _root.juego[_name]._x, '_y': _root.juego[_name]._y, '_alpha': 100, '_xscale': 100, '_yscale': 100, 'angle1': ang, 'dmg': dmgaux, 'posx2': aim_tar._x, 'posy2': aim_tar._y, 'posx1': _root.juego[_name]._x + random(200) - random(200), 'posy1': _root.juego[_name]._y + random(200) - random(200), '_rotation': ang, 'tipo': tipx}); ++_root.juego.i; _root.juego.attachMovie('missile', 'dis' + _root.juego.i, _root.juego.getNextHighestDepth(), {'_x': _root.juego[_name]._x, '_y': _root.juego[_name]._y, '_alpha': 100, '_xscale': 100, '_yscale': 100, 'angle1': ang, 'dmg': dmgaux, 'posx2': aim_tar._x, 'posy2': aim_tar._y, 'posx1': _root.juego[_name]._x + random(200) - random(200), 'posy1': _root.juego[_name]._y + random(200) - random(200), '_rotation': ang, 'tipo': tipx}); ++_root.juego.i; } if (this['slot' + slot] == 'flame') { dmgaux /= 24; _root.juego.attachMovie('flame', 'dis' + _root.juego.i, _root.juego.getNextHighestDepth(), {'_x': _root.juego[_name]._x, '_y': _root.juego[_name]._y, '_alpha': 100, '_xscale': 100, '_yscale': 100, 'angle1': ang + random(15) - random(15), 'dmg': dmgaux, 'tipo': tipx}); ++_root.juego.i; } if (this['slot' + slot] == 'machine') { _root.juego.attachMovie('disparohumano', 'dis' + _root.juego.i, _root.juego.getNextHighestDepth(), {'_x': _root.juego[_name]._x, '_y': _root.juego[_name]._y, '_alpha': 100, '_xscale': 100, '_yscale': 100, 'angle1': ang + random(15) - random(15), 'dmg': dmgaux, '_rotation': ang}); ++_root.juego.i; } if (this['slot' + slot] == 'mortar') { _root.juego.attachMovie('mortar', 'dis' + _root.juego.i, _root.juego.getNextHighestDepth(), {'_x': _root.juego[_name]._x, '_y': _root.juego[_name]._y, '_alpha': 100, '_xscale': 100, '_yscale': 100, 'angle1': ang, 'dmg': dmgaux, 'posx1': aim_tar._x, 'posy1': aim_tar._y, '_rotation': ang, 'tipo': tipx}); ++_root.juego.i; } if (this['slot' + slot] == 'mine') { _root.juego.manchas.attachMovie('mine', 'dis' + _root.juego.i, _root.juego.getNextHighestDepth(), {'_x': _root.juego[_name]._x, '_y': _root.juego[_name]._y, '_alpha': 100, '_xscale': 100, '_yscale': 100, 'angle1': ang, 'dmg': dmgaux, 'tipo': tipx}); ++_root.juego.i; } if (this['slot' + slot] == 'heal') { fireWeapon(0, 0, aim_tar._x - this._x, aim_tar._y - this._y); aim_tar.healme(dmgaux); } if (this['slot' + slot] == 'static') { _root.juego.attachMovie('static', 'dis' + _root.juego.i, _root.juego.getNextHighestDepth(), {'_x': _root.juego[_name]._x, '_y': _root.juego[_name]._y, '_alpha': 100, '_xscale': 100, '_yscale': 100, 'angle1': ang, 'dmg': dmgaux}); ++_root.juego.i; } } function change_target() { eleji_algo = 0; if (amigo == undefined) { desi_rand = random(_parent.friend_left); if (Math.abs(_root.juego['friend' + desi_rand]._x - this._x) < det_range && Math.abs(_root.juego['friend' + desi_rand]._y - this._y) < det_range) { aim_tar = _root.juego['friend' + desi_rand]; eleji_algo = 1; } else { if (desi_rand == 0 && Math.abs(_root.juego.p1._x - this._x) < det_range && Math.abs(_root.juego.p1._y - this._y) < det_range) { aim_tar = _root.juego.p1; eleji_algo = 1; } else { aim_tar = 'nada'; } } } else { if (_root.ene_cont > 0 && healing == 0) { var v4 = 0; while (v4 <= _root.ene_cont) { if (_root.juego['ene' + v4].life > 0) { if (Math.abs(_root.juego['ene' + v4]._x - this._x) < det_range && Math.abs(_root.juego['ene' + v4]._y - this._y) < det_range) { aim_tar = _root.juego['ene' + v4]; eleji_algo = 1; } } ++v4; } } if (_root.friend_cont > 0 && healing == 1) { v4 = 0; while (v4 <= _root.friend_cont) { if (_root.juego['friend' + v4].life > 0 && _root.juego['friend' + v4].life < _root.juego['friend' + v4].life_max) { if (Math.abs(_root.juego['friend' + v4]._x - this._x) < det_range && Math.abs(_root.juego['friend' + v4]._y - this._y) < det_range) { aim_tar = _root.juego['friend' + v4]; eleji_algo = 1; } } ++v4; } } } if (eleji_algo == 0) { aim_tar = 'nada'; if ( < _root.hp_max && healing == 1) { aim_tar = _root.juego.p1; } } } function checkColision() { if (_root.ene_cont > 0) { var v3 = 0; while (v3 <= _root.ene_cont) { if (this.area.hitTest(_root.juego['ene' + v3].area) && 'ene' + v3 != this._name && _root.juego['ene' + v3].boss != 1) { chocar(_root.juego['ene' + v3]); } ++v3; } } if (_root.friend_cont > 0) { v3 = 0; while (v3 <= _root.ene_cont) { if (this.area.hitTest(_root.juego['friend' + v3].area) && 'friend' + v3 != this._name) { chocar(_root.juego['friend' + v3]); } ++v3; } } } function chocar(tar) { if (tar.chocable != 1) { xxaux = tar._x - this._x; yyaux = tar._y - this._y; tan2aux = Math.atan2(yyaux, xxaux) * 180 / 3.1416 - 90; xxaux = this._x - tar._x; yyaux = this._y - tar._y; tan2aux2 = Math.atan2(yyaux, xxaux) * 180 / 3.1416 - 90; _x = _x + Math.sin(tan2aux * Math.PI / 180) * (2 + Math.abs(speed)); _y = _y + Math.cos(tan2aux * Math.PI / 180) * -(2 + Math.abs(speed)); tar._x += Math.sin(tan2aux2 * Math.PI / 180) * (2 + Math.abs(tar.speed)); tar._y += Math.cos(tan2aux2 * Math.PI / 180) * -(2 + Math.abs(tar.speed)); } } function check_dead() { if (life <= 0) { if (amigo == undefined) { _root.pgold += 50; if (random(100) < 81) { _root.pscrapA += 1; } if (random(100) < 10) { _root.pscrapB += 1; } if (random(100) < 5) { _root.pscrapC += 1; } _root.juego.enemy_left -= 1; } alive = -600; rep_bar._alpha = 100; } } function RenderMovement() { if (dest_x != undefined) { if (Math.abs(dest_x - _root.juego[_name]._x) > 50 || Math.abs(dest_y - _root.juego[_name]._y) > 50) { llegueytoquefondo = 0; } else { llegueytoquefondo = 1; } } if (dest_x == undefined && aim_tar._name != undefined) { if (Math.abs(aim_tar._x - _root.juego[_name]._x) > 250 || Math.abs(aim_tar._y - _root.juego[_name]._y) > 250) { llegueytoquefondo2 = 0; } else { llegueytoquefondo2 = 1; llegueytoquefondo = 1; } } else { llegueytoquefondo2 = 1; } if (llegueytoquefondo == 0 || llegueytoquefondo2 == 0) { speed += s_inc; if (speed < -7) { speed = -7; } if (speed > smax) { speed = smax; } if (inerciax > 0) { --inerciax; } if (inerciax < 0) { inerciax = 0; } if (inerciay > 0) { --inerciay; } if (inerciay < 0) { inerciay = 0; } _x = _x + this.moveX; _y = _y + this.moveY;;; } } function checkDirection() { if (dest_x == undefined && aim_tar != 'nada' && aim_tar._name != undefined) { xx = aim_tar._x - _root.juego[_name]._x; yy = aim_tar._y - _root.juego[_name]._y; } else { if (dest_x != undefined) { xx = dest_x - _root.juego[_name]._x; yy = dest_y - _root.juego[_name]._y; } else { ret_form = 1; } } ang_destino = Math.atan2(yy, xx) * 180 / 3.1416; if (ang_destino + 90 > 180) { ang_destino -= 360; } this.distanceX = xx; this.distanceY = yy; this.distanceTotal = Math.sqrt(this.distanceX * this.distanceX + this.distanceY * this.distanceY); this.moveDistanceX = 10 * this.distanceX / this.distanceTotal; this.moveDistanceY = 10 * this.distanceY / this.distanceTotal; this.moveX += this.moveDistanceX; this.moveY += this.moveDistanceY; this.totalmove = Math.sqrt(this.moveX * this.moveX + this.moveY * this.moveY); this.moveX = speed * this.moveX / this.totalmove; this.moveY = speed * this.moveY / this.totalmove; RenderMovement(); carcasa._rotation = 180 * Math.atan2(this.moveY, this.moveX) / Math.PI + 90; } function return_formation() { if (ret_form == 1 && amigo == 1) { if (form_x == undefined) { dest_x = _root.juego.p1._x; dest_y = _root.juego.p1._y; } else { dest_x = _root.juego.p1._x + form_x; dest_y = _root.juego.p1._y + form_y; } } if (amigo == undefined) { this.moveX = 0; this.moveY = 0; } } function checkcannon() { if (aim_tar != 'nada') { xx = aim_tar._x - _root.juego[_name]._x; yy = aim_tar._y - _root.juego[_name]._y; tan2 = Math.atan2(yy, xx) * 180 / 3.1416; } else { tan2 = carcasa._rotation; } cannon._rotation = tan2 + 90; } function check_healing() { if (aim_tar != 'nada') { xx = aim_tar._x - _root.juego[_name]._x; yy = aim_tar._y - _root.juego[_name]._y; tan2 = Math.atan2(yy, xx) * 180 / 3.1416; } else { tan2 = carcasa._rotation; } cannon._rotation = tan2 + 90; if ( == aim_tar.life_max || aim_tar == 'nada') { change_target(); } } function check_shoot() { ++discont; if (useskill == 0) { if (Math.abs(this._x - aim_tar._x) < 300 && Math.abs(this._y - aim_tar._y) < 300) { if (slot4_dmg != 0 && spec != 'healer') { disparar(4); } } if (healing == 1 && < aim_tar.life_max) { disparar(4); } if (discont % atack_speed == 0 && Math.abs(this._x - aim_tar._x) < det_range && Math.abs(this._y - aim_tar._y) < det_range) { rand = random(3) + 1; if (healing == 0 || aim_tar.spec == undefined) { disparar(1); } } } else { disparar(2); } } function healme(hot) { if (life + hot < life_max) { life += hot; } else { life = life_max; }; } if (spec == 'pesado') { slot1_dmg = 30; slot2_dmg = 10; slot3_dmg = 1; slot4_dmg = 0.2; } if (spec == 'medio') { slot1_dmg = 80; slot2_dmg = 5; slot3_dmg = 1; slot4_dmg = 0.2; } if (spec == 'healer') { slot1_dmg = 1; slot2_dmg = 1; slot3_dmg = 1; slot4_dmg = 0.5; } life = _root.hp_max / 2; life_max = life; dest_x = undefined; dest_y = undefined; det_range = 600; useskill = 0; scalemax =; rep_bar._alpha = 0; moveX = 0; moveY = 0; seleccionado = false; if (amigo == undefined) { ++_root.ene_cont; } else { ++_root.friend_cont; } if (spec == 'healer') { healing = 1; } else { healing = 0; } ret_form = 1; form_x = undefined; form_y = undefined; if (spec != 'healer') { slot4_dmg = 0; } conto = 0; if (amigo == undefined) { aim_tar = 'nada'; } else { aim_tar = 'nada'; return_formation(); } if (slot1 == 'flame') { slot4_dmg = slot1_dmg; } if (slot2 == 'flame') { slot4_dmg = slot2_dmg; } if (slot3 == 'flame') { slot4_dmg = slot3_dmg; } discont = 0; torque = 100; if (spec != 'healer') { slot4 = 'flame'; } var anglespeed = 5; angleT = 0; speed = 0; speedx = 0; speedy = 0; inerciax = 0; inerciay = 0; onEnterFrame = function () { if (_root.pausado == 1) { tHolder.clear(); if (alive >= 1) { if ( > 0) { if (healing == 0) { checkcannon(); } else { check_healing(); } check_shoot(); } else { change_target(); } checkDirection(); return_formation(); checkColision(); check_dead(); } else { ++alive;; lifo = 600 + alive; if (alive == 0) { rep_bar._alpha = 0; } = lifo * scalemax / 600; if (alive == 0) { life = life_max; } randy = random(50) - random(50); randx = random(50) - random(50); if (conto % 5 == 0) { fireWeapon(randx, randy, randx * -1, randy * -1); } ++conto; } } else { if (amigo != undefined) { showtarget(); } } }; } frame 1 { function showtarget() { tHolder._x = _root.juego[_name]._x; tHolder._y = _root.juego[_name]._y; if (glow_dir == 0) { glow_strength2 += 3; if (glow_strength2 >= 25) { glow_dir = 1; } } if (glow_dir == 1) { glow_strength2 -= 3; if (glow_strength2 <= 0) { glow_dir = 0; } } tHolder.clear(); if (dest_x == undefined) { tHolder.lineStyle(lightningWidth + 1, '0xFF0000', lightningAlpha, true); filter_glow = new flash.filters.GlowFilter(16711680, glow_alpha, glow_blurX, glow_blurY, glow_strength2, glow_quality); tHolder.filters = [filter_glow]; tHolder.lineTo(aim_tar._x - _root.juego[_name]._x, aim_tar._y - _root.juego[_name]._y); _root.juego.attachMovie('tip_a', 'dis' + _root.juego.i, _root.juego.getNextHighestDepth(), {'_x': aim_tar._x, '_y': aim_tar._y, '_alpha': 100, '_xscale': 100, '_yscale': 100}); ++_root.juego.i; } else { if (ret_form == 0) { tHolder.lineStyle(lightningWidth + 1, '0x0000FF', lightningAlpha, true); filter_glow = new flash.filters.GlowFilter(255, glow_alpha, glow_blurX, glow_blurY, glow_strength2, glow_quality); tHolder.filters = [filter_glow]; tHolder.lineTo(dest_x - _root.juego[_name]._x, dest_y - _root.juego[_name]._y); _root.juego.attachMovie('tip_m', 'dis' + _root.juego.i, _root.juego.getNextHighestDepth(), {'_x': dest_x, '_y': dest_y, '_alpha': 100, '_xscale': 100, '_yscale': 100}); ++_root.juego.i; } } if (ret_form == 1) { tHolder.lineStyle(lightningWidth + 1, '0x00FF00', lightningAlpha, true); filter_glow = new flash.filters.GlowFilter(65280, glow_alpha, glow_blurX, glow_blurY, glow_strength2, glow_quality); tHolder.filters = [filter_glow]; tHolder.lineTo(dest_x - _root.juego[_name]._x, dest_y - _root.juego[_name]._y); _root.juego.attachMovie('tip_f', 'dis' + _root.juego.i, _root.juego.getNextHighestDepth(), {'_x': dest_x, '_y': dest_y, '_alpha': 100, '_xscale': 100, '_yscale': 100}); ++_root.juego.i; } } function fireWeapon(xStart, yStart, xEnd, yEnd) { if (reloadComplete == true) { kelokesoy = 'chic'; mySound = new Sound(_root.fx); mySound.attachSound(kelokesoy); mySound.start(0, 1); effectHolder.onEnterFrame = function () { effectHolder.clear(); effectHolder.lineStyle(lightningWidth, lightningColor, lightningAlpha, true); var v12 = xStart - xEnd; var v10 = yStart - yEnd; var v11 = Math.sqrt(v12 * v12 + v10 * v10); var v8 = v11 / lightningFrequency; var v2 = Math.atan2(yStart - yEnd, xStart - xEnd); var v9 = v11 / v8; var v7 = 0; while (v7 < lightningBranches) { effectHolder.moveTo(xStart, yStart); var v1 = 1; while (v1 < v8 + 1) { var v4 = v9 * v1; var v3 = random(lightningOffset - lightningOffset / 2); var v5 = xStart - Math.cos(v2) * v4 + Math.cos(v2 + 1.55) * v3; var v6 = yStart - Math.sin(v2) * v4 + Math.sin(v2 + 1.55) * v3; effectHolder.lineTo(v5, v6); ++v1; } ++v7; } }; effectHolder.lineTo(xEnd, yEnd); startReloading(); } } function startReloading() { reloadComplete = false; reloadTimer = setInterval(this, 'gunReloaded', reloadSpeed); screenTimer = setInterval(this, 'clearScreen', clearSpeed); } function clearScreen() { clearInterval(screenTimer); delete effectHolder.onEnterFrame; effectHolder.clear(); } function gunReloaded() { clearInterval(reloadTimer); reloadComplete = true; } createEmptyMovieClip('effectHolder', this.getNextHighestDepth()); _root.juego.createEmptyMovieClip('tHolder' + _name, _root.juego.getNextHighestDepth()); tHolder = _root.juego['tHolder' + _name]; var lightningOffset = 15; var lightningFrequency = 15; var lightningWidth = 1; var lightningColor = '0x5C98EF'; var lightningAlpha = 75; var lightningBranches = 3; var sparkNumber = 5; var sparkDistance = 10; var sparkSize = 100; var reloadSpeed = 250; var clearSpeed = 100; var glow_color = lightningColor; var glow_alpha = 0.6; var glow_blurX = 5; var glow_blurY = 5; var glow_strength = 2; var glow_strength2 = 2; glow_dir = 0; var glow_quality = 3; var reloadTimer; var screenTimer; var reloadComplete = true; var rotationDirection; var filter_glow = new flash.filters.GlowFilter(glow_color, glow_alpha, glow_blurX, glow_blurY, 2, glow_quality); var filter_glow = new flash.filters.GlowFilter(glow_color, glow_alpha, glow_blurX, glow_blurY, glow_strength, glow_quality); effectHolder.filters = [filter_glow]; } instance carcasa of movieClip 17 { } instance carcasa of movieClip 504 { } instance carcasa of movieClip 510 { } instance carcasa of movieClip 516 { } } movieClip 526 { frame 1 { function disparar(slot) { ang = tan2 + 90; dmgaux = this['slot' + slot + '_dmg']; if (amigo == undefined) { tipx = 'ene'; } else { tipx = 'nada'; } if (this['slot' + slot] == 'normal') { _root.juego.attachMovie('disparo', 'dis' + _root.juego.i, _root.juego.getNextHighestDepth(), {'_x': _root.juego[_name]._x, '_y': _root.juego[_name]._y, '_alpha': 100, '_xscale': 100, '_yscale': 100, 'angle1': ang, 'dmg': dmgaux, 'tipo': tipx}); ++_root.juego.i; } if (this['slot' + slot] == 'missile') { _root.juego.attachMovie('missile', 'dis' + _root.juego.i, _root.juego.getNextHighestDepth(), {'_x': _root.juego[_name]._x, '_y': _root.juego[_name]._y, '_alpha': 100, '_xscale': 100, '_yscale': 100, 'angle1': ang, 'dmg': dmgaux, 'posx2': aim_tar._x, 'posy2': aim_tar._y, 'posx1': _root.juego[_name]._x + random(200) - random(200), 'posy1': _root.juego[_name]._y + random(200) - random(200), '_rotation': ang, 'tipo': tipx}); ++_root.juego.i; _root.juego.attachMovie('missile', 'dis' + _root.juego.i, _root.juego.getNextHighestDepth(), {'_x': _root.juego[_name]._x, '_y': _root.juego[_name]._y, '_alpha': 100, '_xscale': 100, '_yscale': 100, 'angle1': ang, 'dmg': dmgaux, 'posx2': aim_tar._x, 'posy2': aim_tar._y, 'posx1': _root.juego[_name]._x + random(200) - random(200), 'posy1': _root.juego[_name]._y + random(200) - random(200), '_rotation': ang, 'tipo': tipx}); ++_root.juego.i; _root.juego.attachMovie('missile', 'dis' + _root.juego.i, _root.juego.getNextHighestDepth(), {'_x': _root.juego[_name]._x, '_y': _root.juego[_name]._y, '_alpha': 100, '_xscale': 100, '_yscale': 100, 'angle1': ang, 'dmg': dmgaux, 'posx2': aim_tar._x, 'posy2': aim_tar._y, 'posx1': _root.juego[_name]._x + random(200) - random(200), 'posy1': _root.juego[_name]._y + random(200) - random(200), '_rotation': ang, 'tipo': tipx}); ++_root.juego.i; } if (this['slot' + slot] == 'flame') { dmgaux /= 3; dmgaux /= 24; _root.juego.attachMovie('flame', 'dis' + _root.juego.i, _root.juego.getNextHighestDepth(), {'_x': _root.juego[_name]._x, '_y': _root.juego[_name]._y, '_alpha': 100, '_xscale': 100, '_yscale': 100, 'angle1': ang, 'dmg': dmgaux, 'tipo': tipx}); ++_root.juego.i; _root.juego.attachMovie('flame', 'dis' + _root.juego.i, _root.juego.getNextHighestDepth(), {'_x': _root.juego[_name]._x, '_y': _root.juego[_name]._y, '_alpha': 100, '_xscale': 100, '_yscale': 100, 'angle1': ang + random(15) - random(15), 'dmg': dmgaux, 'tipo': tipx}); ++_root.juego.i; _root.juego.attachMovie('flame', 'dis' + _root.juego.i, _root.juego.getNextHighestDepth(), {'_x': _root.juego[_name]._x, '_y': _root.juego[_name]._y, '_alpha': 100, '_xscale': 100, '_yscale': 100, 'angle1': ang + random(15) - random(15), 'dmg': dmgaux, 'tipo': tipx}); ++_root.juego.i; } if (this['slot' + slot] == 'machine') { _root.juego.attachMovie('disparo', 'dis' + _root.juego.i, _root.juego.getNextHighestDepth(), {'_x': _root.juego[_name]._x, '_y': _root.juego[_name]._y, '_alpha': 100, '_xscale': 100, '_yscale': 100, 'angle1': ang + random(15) - random(15), 'dmg': dmgaux, 'tipo': tipx}); ++_root.juego.i; } if (this['slot' + slot] == 'mortar') { _root.juego.attachMovie('mortar', 'dis' + _root.juego.i, _root.juego.getNextHighestDepth(), {'_x': _root.juego[_name]._x, '_y': _root.juego[_name]._y, '_alpha': 100, '_xscale': 100, '_yscale': 100, 'angle1': ang, 'dmg': dmgaux, 'posx1': aim_tar._x, 'posy1': aim_tar._y, '_rotation': ang, 'tipo': tipx}); ++_root.juego.i; } if (this['slot' + slot] == 'mine') { _root.juego.manchas.attachMovie('mine', 'dis' + _root.juego.i, _root.juego.getNextHighestDepth(), {'_x': _root.juego[_name]._x, '_y': _root.juego[_name]._y, '_alpha': 100, '_xscale': 100, '_yscale': 100, 'angle1': ang, 'dmg': dmgaux, 'tipo': tipx}); ++_root.juego.i; } if (this['slot' + slot] == 'heal') { fireWeapon(0, 0, aim_tar._x - this._x, aim_tar._y - this._y); aim_tar.healme(dmgaux); } } function change_target() { eleji_algo = 0; desi_rand = random(_parent.friend_left); if (Math.abs(_root.juego['friend' + desi_rand]._x - this._x) < det_range && Math.abs(_root.juego['friend' + desi_rand]._y - this._y) < det_range) { aim_tar = _root.juego['friend' + desi_rand]; eleji_algo = 1; } else { if (desi_rand == 0 && Math.abs(_root.juego.p1._x - this._x) < det_range && Math.abs(_root.juego.p1._y - this._y) < det_range) { aim_tar = _root.juego.p1; eleji_algo = 1; } else { aim_tar = 'nada'; } } if (eleji_algo == 0) { aim_tar = 'nada'; } } function checkColision() { if (_root.ene_cont > 0) { var v3 = 0; while (v3 <= _root.ene_cont) { if (this.area.hitTest(_root.juego['ene' + v3].area) && 'ene' + v3 != this._name) { chocar(_root.juego['ene' + v3]); } ++v3; } } if (_root.friend_cont > 0) { v3 = 0; while (v3 <= _root.ene_cont) { if (this.area.hitTest(_root.juego['friend' + v3].area) && 'friend' + v3 != this._name) { chocar(_root.juego['friend' + v3]); } ++v3; } } } function chocar(tar) { xxaux = tar._x - this._x; yyaux = tar._y - this._y; tan2aux = Math.atan2(yyaux, xxaux) * 180 / 3.1416 - 90; xxaux = this._x - tar._x; yyaux = this._y - tar._y; tan2aux2 = Math.atan2(yyaux, xxaux) * 180 / 3.1416 - 90; _x = _x + Math.sin(tan2aux * Math.PI / 180) * (2 + Math.abs(speed)); _y = _y + Math.cos(tan2aux * Math.PI / 180) * -(2 + Math.abs(speed)); tar._x += Math.sin(tan2aux2 * Math.PI / 180) * (2 + Math.abs(tar.speed)); tar._y += Math.cos(tan2aux2 * Math.PI / 180) * -(2 + Math.abs(tar.speed)); } function check_dead() { if (life <= 0) { if (_alpha <= 0) { += 150; if (random(100) < 81) { _root.pscrapA += 1; } if (random(100) < 10) { _root.pscrapB += 1; } if (random(100) < 5) { _root.pscrapC += 1; } _root.juego.enemy_left -= 1; _root.juego.attachMovie('explotion', 'dis' + _root.juego.i, _root.juego.getNextHighestDepth(), {'_x': _root.juego[_name]._x, '_y': _root.juego[_name]._y, '_alpha': 100, '_xscale': 100, '_yscale': 100}); ++_root.juego.i; this.swapDepths(1000); removeMovieClip(this); } myColor = new Color(this); myColor.setRGB(10027008); this._name = nombresito + 's'; alive = -100; _alpha = _alpha - 20; } } function RenderMovement() { if (Math.abs(dest_x - _root.juego[_name]._x) > 50 || Math.abs(dest_y - _root.juego[_name]._y) > 50) { llegueytoquefondo = 0; } else { llegueytoquefondo = 1; } if (dest_x == undefined || llegueytoquefondo == 0) { speed += s_inc; if (speed < -7) { speed = -7; } if (speed > smax) { speed = smax; } if (inerciax > 0) { --inerciax; } if (inerciax < 0) { inerciax = 0; } if (inerciay > 0) { --inerciay; } if (inerciay < 0) { inerciay = 0; } _x = _x + this.moveX; _y = _y + this.moveY; _root.juego.manchas.attachMovie('track1', 'track' + _root.juego.i, _root.juego.manchas.getNextHighestDepth(), {'_x': _root.juego[this._name]._x, '_y': _root.juego[this._name]._y, '_alpha': 100, '_xscale': 100, '_yscale': 100, '_rotation': carcasa._rotation}); ++_root.juego.i;;; } } function checkDirection() { if (dest_x == undefined && aim_tar != 'nada' && aim_tar._name != undefined) { xx = aim_tar._x - _root.juego[_name]._x; yy = aim_tar._y - _root.juego[_name]._y; } else { if (dest_x != undefined) { xx = dest_x - _root.juego[_name]._x; yy = dest_y - _root.juego[_name]._y; } else { ret_form = 1; } } ang_destino = Math.atan2(yy, xx) * 180 / 3.1416; if (ang_destino + 90 > 180) { ang_destino -= 360; } this.distanceX = xx; this.distanceY = yy; this.distanceTotal = Math.sqrt(this.distanceX * this.distanceX + this.distanceY * this.distanceY); this.moveDistanceX = 0.5 * this.distanceX / this.distanceTotal; this.moveDistanceY = 0.5 * this.distanceY / this.distanceTotal; this.moveX += this.moveDistanceX; this.moveY += this.moveDistanceY; this.totalmove = Math.sqrt(this.moveX * this.moveX + this.moveY * this.moveY); this.moveX = speed * this.moveX / this.totalmove; this.moveY = speed * this.moveY / this.totalmove; RenderMovement(); carcasa._rotation = 180 * Math.atan2(this.moveY, this.moveX) / Math.PI + 90; } function return_formation() { if (ret_form == 1 && amigo == 1) { if (form_x == undefined) { dest_x = _root.juego.p1._x; dest_y = _root.juego.p1._y; } else { dest_x = _root.juego.p1._x + form_x; dest_y = _root.juego.p1._y + form_y; } } if (amigo == undefined) { this.moveX = 0; this.moveY = 0; } } function checkcannon() { if (aim_tar != 'nada') { xx = aim_tar._x - _root.juego[_name]._x; yy = aim_tar._y - _root.juego[_name]._y; tan2 = Math.atan2(yy, xx) * 180 / 3.1416; } else { tan2 = carcasa._rotation; } cannon._rotation = tan2 + 90; } function check_healing() { if (aim_tar != 'nada') { xx = aim_tar._x - _root.juego[_name]._x; yy = aim_tar._y - _root.juego[_name]._y; tan2 = Math.atan2(yy, xx) * 180 / 3.1416; } else { tan2 = carcasa._rotation; } cannon._rotation = tan2 + 90; if ( == aim_tar.life_max || aim_tar == 'nada') { change_target(); } } function check_shoot() { ++discont; if (Math.abs(this._x - aim_tar._x) < 300 && Math.abs(this._y - aim_tar._y) < 300) { if (slot4_dmg != 0 && spec != 'healer') { disparar(4); } } if (healing == 1 && < aim_tar.life_max) { disparar(4); } if (discont % atack_speed == 0 && Math.abs(this._x - aim_tar._x) < det_range && Math.abs(this._y - aim_tar._y) < det_range) { rand = random(3) + 1; if (healing == 0) { disparar(rand); } } } function healme(hot) { if (life + hot < life_max) { life += hot; } else { life = life_max; } } if (boss != undefined) { life = _root.ene_life_turret * 2; } else { life = _root.ene_life_turret * (1 + _root.mission / 10); } slot1_dmg = _root.enemy_dmg2 * (1 + _root.mission / 10); slot2_dmg = _root.enemy_dmg2 * (1 + _root.mission / 10); slot3_dmg = _root.enemy_dmg2 * (1 + _root.mission / 10); if (_root.conto_enes == undefined) { _root.conto_enes = 0; } _name = 'ene' + _root.conto_enes; ++_root.conto_enes; life_max = life; dest_x = undefined; dest_y = undefined; det_range = 600; moveX = 0; moveY = 0; seleccionado = false; if (amigo == undefined) { ++_root.ene_cont; } else { ++_root.friend_cont; } if (spec == 'healer') { healing = 1; } else { healing = 0; } ret_form = 1; form_x = undefined; form_y = undefined; if (spec != 'healer') { slot4_dmg = 0; } conto = 0; if (amigo == undefined) { aim_tar = 'nada'; } else { aim_tar = 'nada'; return_formation(); } if (slot1 == 'flame') { slot4_dmg = slot1_dmg; } if (slot2 == 'flame') { slot4_dmg = slot2_dmg; } if (slot3 == 'flame') { slot4_dmg = slot3_dmg; } discont = 0; torque = 100; if (spec != 'healer') { slot4 = 'flame'; } var anglespeed = 5; angleT = 0; speed = 0; speedx = 0; speedy = 0; inerciax = 0; inerciay = 0; onEnterFrame = function () { if (_root.pausado == 1) { tHolder.clear(); if (alive >= 1) { if ( > 0) { if (healing == 0) { checkcannon(); } else { check_healing(); } check_shoot(); } else { change_target(); } checkColision(); } else { ++alive; randy = random(50) - random(50); randx = random(50) - random(50); if (conto % 5 == 0) { fireWeapon(randx, randy, randx * -1, randy * -1); } ++conto; } check_dead(); } else { if (amigo != undefined) { showtarget(); } } }; nombresito = _name; } frame 1 { function showtarget() { if (glow_dir == 0) { glow_strength2 += 3; if (glow_strength2 >= 25) { glow_dir = 1; } } if (glow_dir == 1) { glow_strength2 -= 3; if (glow_strength2 <= 0) { glow_dir = 0; } } tHolder.clear(); if (dest_x == undefined) { tHolder.lineStyle(lightningWidth + 1, '0x0000FF', lightningAlpha, true); filter_glow = new flash.filters.GlowFilter(255, glow_alpha, glow_blurX, glow_blurY, glow_strength2, glow_quality); tHolder.filters = [filter_glow]; tHolder.lineTo(aim_tar._x - _root.juego[_name]._x, aim_tar._Y - _root.juego[_name]._y); } else { tHolder.lineStyle(lightningWidth + 1, '0xFF0000', lightningAlpha, true); filter_glow = new flash.filters.GlowFilter(16711680, glow_alpha, glow_blurX, glow_blurY, glow_strength2, glow_quality); tHolder.filters = [filter_glow]; tHolder.lineTo(dest_x - _root.juego[_name]._x, dest_y - _root.juego[_name]._y); } } function fireWeapon(xStart, yStart, xEnd, yEnd) { if (reloadComplete == true) { effectHolder.onEnterFrame = function () { effectHolder.clear(); effectHolder.lineStyle(lightningWidth, lightningColor, lightningAlpha, true); var v12 = xStart - xEnd; var v10 = yStart - yEnd; var v11 = Math.sqrt(v12 * v12 + v10 * v10); var v8 = v11 / lightningFrequency; var v2 = Math.atan2(yStart - yEnd, xStart - xEnd); var v9 = v11 / v8; var v7 = 0; while (v7 < lightningBranches) { effectHolder.moveTo(xStart, yStart); var v1 = 1; while (v1 < v8 + 1) { var v4 = v9 * v1; var v3 = random(lightningOffset - lightningOffset / 2); var v5 = xStart - Math.cos(v2) * v4 + Math.cos(v2 + 1.55) * v3; var v6 = yStart - Math.sin(v2) * v4 + Math.sin(v2 + 1.55) * v3; effectHolder.lineTo(v5, v6); ++v1; } ++v7; } }; effectHolder.lineTo(xEnd, yEnd); startReloading(); } } function startReloading() { reloadComplete = false; reloadTimer = setInterval(this, 'gunReloaded', reloadSpeed); screenTimer = setInterval(this, 'clearScreen', clearSpeed); } function clearScreen() { clearInterval(screenTimer); delete effectHolder.onEnterFrame; effectHolder.clear(); } function gunReloaded() { clearInterval(reloadTimer); reloadComplete = true; } createEmptyMovieClip('effectHolder', this.getNextHighestDepth()); createEmptyMovieClip('tHolder', this.getNextHighestDepth()); var lightningOffset = 15; var lightningFrequency = 15; var lightningWidth = 1; var lightningColor = '0x5C98EF'; var lightningAlpha = 75; var lightningBranches = 3; var sparkNumber = 5; var sparkDistance = 10; var sparkSize = 100; var reloadSpeed = 250; var clearSpeed = 100; var glow_color = lightningColor; var glow_alpha = 0.6; var glow_blurX = 5; var glow_blurY = 5; var glow_strength = 2; var glow_strength2 = 2; glow_dir = 0; var glow_quality = 3; var reloadTimer; var screenTimer; var reloadComplete = true; var rotationDirection; var filter_glow = new flash.filters.GlowFilter(glow_color, glow_alpha, glow_blurX, glow_blurY, 2, glow_quality); var filter_glow = new flash.filters.GlowFilter(glow_color, glow_alpha, glow_blurX, glow_blurY, glow_strength, glow_quality); effectHolder.filters = [filter_glow]; } } movieClip 529 { frame 1 { function checkcolision() { player = _root.juego.p1; piso = 0; if (player.area.hitTest(this)) { piso = 1; } if (_root.friend_cont > 0) { var v3 = 0; while (v3 <= _root.friend_cont) { enetar = _root.juego['friend' + v3]; if (this.hitTest(enetar.area)) { piso = 1; } ++v3; } } if (piso == 1) { pisado = 1; } else { pisado = 0; } } pisado = 0; onEnterFrame = function () { checkcolision(); }; } } movieClip 533 { } movieClip 534 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 1 { function check_dead() { if (life <= 0) { if (amigo == undefined) { _root.pgold += 50; if (random(100) < 81) { _root.pscrapA += 1; } if (random(100) < 10) { _root.pscrapB += 1; } if (random(100) < 5) { _root.pscrapC += 1; } _root.juego.enemy_left -= 1; } this.swapDepths(1000); removeMovieClip(this); } } if (_root.conto_enes == undefined) { _root.conto_enes = 0; } if (amigo == undefined) { ++_root.ene_cont; } if (life == undefined) { life = 100; } life_max = life; barrita._alpha = 0; onEnterFrame = function () { check_dead(); }; } frame 181 { stop(); life = 0; } } movieClip 537 { } movieClip 543 { } movieClip 545 { } movieClip 546 { instance of movieClip 545 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { _y = _y + 4; if (_y > 60) { _y = _y - 128; } } } } movieClip 550 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 2 { stop(); } instance of movieClip 488 { onClipEvent (load) { gotoAndPlay(random(15) + 1); } } instance of movieClip 488 { onClipEvent (load) { gotoAndPlay(random(15) + 1); } } instance of movieClip 488 { onClipEvent (load) { gotoAndPlay(random(15) + 1); } } instance of movieClip 488 { onClipEvent (load) { gotoAndPlay(random(15) + 1); } } instance of movieClip 488 { onClipEvent (load) { gotoAndPlay(random(15) + 1); } } instance of movieClip 488 { onClipEvent (load) { gotoAndPlay(random(15) + 1); } } instance of movieClip 488 { onClipEvent (load) { gotoAndPlay(random(15) + 1); } } } movieClip 554 { } movieClip 558 { } movieClip 560 { } movieClip 561 { frame 1 { function disparar(slot) { ang = tan2 + 90; dmgaux = this['slot' + slot + '_dmg']; if (amigo == undefined) { tipx = 'ene'; } else { tipx = 'nada'; } if (this['slot' + slot] == 'normal') { _root.juego.attachMovie('disparo', 'dis' + _root.juego.i, _root.juego.getNextHighestDepth(), {'_x': _root.juego[_name]._x, '_y': _root.juego[_name]._y, '_alpha': 100, '_xscale': 100, '_yscale': 100, 'angle1': ang, 'dmg': dmgaux, 'tipo': tipx}); ++_root.juego.i; } if (this['slot' + slot] == 'missile') { _root.juego.attachMovie('missile', 'dis' + _root.juego.i, _root.juego.getNextHighestDepth(), {'_x': _root.juego[_name]._x, '_y': _root.juego[_name]._y, '_alpha': 100, '_xscale': 100, '_yscale': 100, 'angle1': ang, 'dmg': dmgaux, 'posx2': aim_tar._x, 'posy2': aim_tar._y, 'posx1': _root.juego[_name]._x + random(200) - random(200), 'posy1': _root.juego[_name]._y + random(200) - random(200), '_rotation': ang, 'tipo': tipx}); ++_root.juego.i; _root.juego.attachMovie('missile', 'dis' + _root.juego.i, _root.juego.getNextHighestDepth(), {'_x': _root.juego[_name]._x, '_y': _root.juego[_name]._y, '_alpha': 100, '_xscale': 100, '_yscale': 100, 'angle1': ang, 'dmg': dmgaux, 'posx2': aim_tar._x, 'posy2': aim_tar._y, 'posx1': _root.juego[_name]._x + random(200) - random(200), 'posy1': _root.juego[_name]._y + random(200) - random(200), '_rotation': ang, 'tipo': tipx}); ++_root.juego.i; _root.juego.attachMovie('missile', 'dis' + _root.juego.i, _root.juego.getNextHighestDepth(), {'_x': _root.juego[_name]._x, '_y': _root.juego[_name]._y, '_alpha': 100, '_xscale': 100, '_yscale': 100, 'angle1': ang, 'dmg': dmgaux, 'posx2': aim_tar._x, 'posy2': aim_tar._y, 'posx1': _root.juego[_name]._x + random(200) - random(200), 'posy1': _root.juego[_name]._y + random(200) - random(200), '_rotation': ang, 'tipo': tipx}); ++_root.juego.i; } if (this['slot' + slot] == 'flame') { dmgaux /= 3; dmgaux /= 24; _root.juego.attachMovie('flame', 'dis' + _root.juego.i, _root.juego.getNextHighestDepth(), {'_x': _root.juego[_name]._x, '_y': _root.juego[_name]._y, '_alpha': 100, '_xscale': 100, '_yscale': 100, 'angle1': ang, 'dmg': dmgaux, 'tipo': tipx}); ++_root.juego.i; _root.juego.attachMovie('flame', 'dis' + _root.juego.i, _root.juego.getNextHighestDepth(), {'_x': _root.juego[_name]._x, '_y': _root.juego[_name]._y, '_alpha': 100, '_xscale': 100, '_yscale': 100, 'angle1': ang + random(15) - random(15), 'dmg': dmgaux, 'tipo': tipx}); ++_root.juego.i; _root.juego.attachMovie('flame', 'dis' + _root.juego.i, _root.juego.getNextHighestDepth(), {'_x': _root.juego[_name]._x, '_y': _root.juego[_name]._y, '_alpha': 100, '_xscale': 100, '_yscale': 100, 'angle1': ang + random(15) - random(15), 'dmg': dmgaux, 'tipo': tipx}); ++_root.juego.i; } if (this['slot' + slot] == 'machine') { sin_tita = Math.sin(cannon._rotation * Math.PI / 180); cos_tita = Math.cos(cannon._rotation * Math.PI / 180); mortar_auxx = cos_tita * cannon.mortar._x + sin_tita * -1 * cannon.mortar._y; mortar_auxy = sin_tita * cannon.mortar._x + cos_tita * cannon.mortar._y; mortar_x = _root.juego[_name]._x + mortar_auxx * 12; mortar_y = _root.juego[_name]._y + mortar_auxy * 12; _root.juego.attachMovie('disparo_turretota', 'dis' + _root.juego.i, _root.juego.getNextHighestDepth(), {'_x': mortar_x, '_y': mortar_y, '_alpha': 100, '_xscale': 100, '_yscale': 100, 'angle1': ang + random(15) - random(15), 'dmg': dmgaux, 'tipo': tipx}); ++_root.juego.i; } if (this['slot' + slot] == 'mortar') { _root.juego.attachMovie('mortar', 'dis' + _root.juego.i, _root.juego.getNextHighestDepth(), {'_x': _root.juego[_name]._x, '_y': _root.juego[_name]._y, '_alpha': 100, '_xscale': 100, '_yscale': 100, 'angle1': ang, 'dmg': dmgaux, 'posx1': aim_tar._x, 'posy1': aim_tar._y, '_rotation': ang, 'tipo': tipx}); ++_root.juego.i; } if (this['slot' + slot] == 'mine') { _root.juego.manchas.attachMovie('mine', 'dis' + _root.juego.i, _root.juego.getNextHighestDepth(), {'_x': _root.juego[_name]._x, '_y': _root.juego[_name]._y, '_alpha': 100, '_xscale': 100, '_yscale': 100, 'angle1': ang, 'dmg': dmgaux, 'tipo': tipx}); ++_root.juego.i; } if (this['slot' + slot] == 'heal') { fireWeapon(0, 0, aim_tar._x - this._x, aim_tar._y - this._y); aim_tar.healme(dmgaux); } } function change_target() { eleji_algo = 0; if (amigo == undefined) { desi_rand = random(_parent.friend_left); if (Math.abs(_root.juego['friend' + desi_rand]._x - this._x) < det_range && Math.abs(_root.juego['friend' + desi_rand]._y - this._y) < det_range) { aim_tar = _root.juego['friend' + desi_rand]; eleji_algo = 1; } else { if (desi_rand == 0 && Math.abs(_root.juego.p1._x - this._x) < det_range && Math.abs(_root.juego.p1._y - this._y) < det_range) { aim_tar = _root.juego.p1; eleji_algo = 1; } else { aim_tar = 'nada'; } } } else { if (_root.ene_cont > 0 && healing == 0) { var v4 = 0; while (v4 <= _root.ene_cont) { if (_root.juego['ene' + v4].life > 0) { if (Math.abs(_root.juego['ene' + v4]._x - this._x) < det_range && Math.abs(_root.juego['ene' + v4]._y - this._y) < det_range) { aim_tar = _root.juego['ene' + v4]; eleji_algo = 1; } } ++v4; } } if (_root.friend_cont > 0 && healing == 1) { v4 = 0; while (v4 <= _root.friend_cont) { if (_root.juego['friend' + v4].life > 0 && _root.juego['friend' + v4].life < _root.juego['friend' + v4].life_max) { if (Math.abs(_root.juego['friend' + v4]._x - this._x) < det_range && Math.abs(_root.juego['friend' + v4]._y - this._y) < det_range) { aim_tar = _root.juego['friend' + v4]; eleji_algo = 1; } } ++v4; } } } if (eleji_algo == 0) { aim_tar = 'nada'; if ( < _root.hp_max && healing == 1) { aim_tar = _root.juego.p1; } } } function checkColision() { if (_root.ene_cont > 0) { var v3 = 0; while (v3 <= _root.ene_cont) { if (this.area.hitTest(_root.juego['ene' + v3].area) && 'ene' + v3 != this._name) { chocar(_root.juego['ene' + v3]); } ++v3; } } if (_root.friend_cont > 0) { v3 = 0; while (v3 <= _root.ene_cont) { if (this.area.hitTest(_root.juego['friend' + v3].area) && 'friend' + v3 != this._name) { chocar(_root.juego['friend' + v3]); } ++v3; } } } function chocar(tar) { xxaux = tar._x - this._x; yyaux = tar._y - this._y; tan2aux = Math.atan2(yyaux, xxaux) * 180 / 3.1416 - 90; xxaux = this._x - tar._x; yyaux = this._y - tar._y; tan2aux2 = Math.atan2(yyaux, xxaux) * 180 / 3.1416 - 90; _x = _x + Math.sin(tan2aux * Math.PI / 180) * (2 + Math.abs(speed)); _y = _y + Math.cos(tan2aux * Math.PI / 180) * -(2 + Math.abs(speed)); tar._x += Math.sin(tan2aux2 * Math.PI / 180) * (2 + Math.abs(tar.speed)); tar._y += Math.cos(tan2aux2 * Math.PI / 180) * -(2 + Math.abs(tar.speed)); } function check_dead() { if (life <= 0) { if (amigo == undefined) { += 300; if (random(100) < 81) { _root.pscrapA += 1; } if (random(100) < 10) { _root.pscrapB += 1; } if (random(100) < 5) { _root.pscrapC += 1; } _root.juego.enemy_left -= 1; } _root.next_lvl.texto.gotoAndStop('boss1_kill'); = 1; this.swapDepths(1000); _root.juego.tarima.nextFrame(); removeMovieClip(this); } } function RenderMovement() { if (Math.abs(dest_x - _root.juego[_name]._x) > 50 || Math.abs(dest_y - _root.juego[_name]._y) > 50) { llegueytoquefondo = 0; } else { llegueytoquefondo = 1; } if (dest_x == undefined || llegueytoquefondo == 0) { speed += s_inc; if (speed < -7) { speed = -7; } if (speed > smax) { speed = smax; } if (inerciax > 0) { --inerciax; } if (inerciax < 0) { inerciax = 0; } if (inerciay > 0) { --inerciay; } if (inerciay < 0) { inerciay = 0; } _x = _x + this.moveX; _y = _y + this.moveY; _root.juego.manchas.attachMovie('track1', 'track' + _root.juego.i, _root.juego.manchas.getNextHighestDepth(), {'_x': _root.juego[this._name]._x, '_y': _root.juego[this._name]._y, '_alpha': 100, '_xscale': 100, '_yscale': 100, '_rotation': carcasa._rotation}); ++_root.juego.i;;; } } function checkDirection() { if (dest_x == undefined && aim_tar != 'nada' && aim_tar._name != undefined) { xx = aim_tar._x - _root.juego[_name]._x; yy = aim_tar._y - _root.juego[_name]._y; } else { if (dest_x != undefined) { xx = dest_x - _root.juego[_name]._x; yy = dest_y - _root.juego[_name]._y; } else { ret_form = 1; } } ang_destino = Math.atan2(yy, xx) * 180 / 3.1416; if (ang_destino + 90 > 180) { ang_destino -= 360; } this.distanceX = xx; this.distanceY = yy; this.distanceTotal = Math.sqrt(this.distanceX * this.distanceX + this.distanceY * this.distanceY); this.moveDistanceX = 0.5 * this.distanceX / this.distanceTotal; this.moveDistanceY = 0.5 * this.distanceY / this.distanceTotal; this.moveX += this.moveDistanceX; this.moveY += this.moveDistanceY; this.totalmove = Math.sqrt(this.moveX * this.moveX + this.moveY * this.moveY); this.moveX = speed * this.moveX / this.totalmove; this.moveY = speed * this.moveY / this.totalmove; RenderMovement(); carcasa._rotation = 180 * Math.atan2(this.moveY, this.moveX) / Math.PI + 90; } function return_formation() { if (ret_form == 1 && amigo == 1) { if (form_x == undefined) { dest_x = _root.juego.p1._x; dest_y = _root.juego.p1._y; } else { dest_x = _root.juego.p1._x + form_x; dest_y = _root.juego.p1._y + form_y; } } if (amigo == undefined) { this.moveX = 0; this.moveY = 0; } } function checkcannon() { if (aim_tar != 'nada') { xx = aim_tar._x - _root.juego[_name]._x; yy = aim_tar._y - _root.juego[_name]._y; tan2 = Math.atan2(yy, xx) * 180 / 3.1416; } else { tan2 = carcasa._rotation; } cannon._rotation = tan2 + 90; } function check_healing() { if (aim_tar != 'nada') { xx = aim_tar._x - _root.juego[_name]._x; yy = aim_tar._y - _root.juego[_name]._y; tan2 = Math.atan2(yy, xx) * 180 / 3.1416; } else { tan2 = carcasa._rotation; } cannon._rotation = tan2 + 90; if ( == aim_tar.life_max || aim_tar == 'nada') { change_target(); } } function check_shoot() { ++discont; if (discont2 % cooldown == 0 && cuento_disparos == 0) { cooldown = random(48) + 48; cuento_disparos = 3; discont2 = 0; } else { ++discont2; } if (Math.abs(this._x - aim_tar._x) < 300 && Math.abs(this._y - aim_tar._y) < 300) { if (slot4_dmg != 0 && spec != 'healer') { disparar(4); } } if (healing == 1 && < aim_tar.life_max) { disparar(4); } if (discont % atack_speed == 0 && Math.abs(this._x - aim_tar._x) < det_range && Math.abs(this._y - aim_tar._y) < det_range) { rand = random(3) + 1; if (healing == 0 && cuento_disparos > 0) { disparar(rand); --cuento_disparos; } } } function healme(hot) { if (life + hot < life_max) { life += hot; } else { life = life_max; } } if (_root.conto_enes == undefined) { _root.conto_enes = 0; } _name = 'ene' + _root.conto_enes; ++_root.conto_enes; cuento_disparos = 0; life_max = life; dest_x = undefined; dest_y = undefined; det_range = 1500; discont2 = 0; moveX = 0; moveY = 0; _root.hp_boss.targetin = _name; = 1; seleccionado = false; if (amigo == undefined) { ++_root.ene_cont; } else { ++_root.friend_cont; } if (spec == 'healer') { healing = 1; } else { healing = 0; } ret_form = 1; form_x = undefined; form_y = undefined; if (spec != 'healer') { slot4_dmg = 0; } conto = 0; if (amigo == undefined) { aim_tar = 'nada'; } else { aim_tar = 'nada'; return_formation(); } if (slot1 == 'flame') { slot4_dmg = slot1_dmg; } if (slot2 == 'flame') { slot4_dmg = slot2_dmg; } if (slot3 == 'flame') { slot4_dmg = slot3_dmg; } discont = 0; torque = 100; if (spec != 'healer') { slot4 = 'flame'; } var anglespeed = 5; angleT = 0; speed = 0; speedx = 0; speedy = 0; inerciax = 0; inerciay = 0; onEnterFrame = function () { if (_root.pausado == 1) { tHolder.clear(); if (alive >= 1) { if ( > 0) { if (healing == 0) { checkcannon(); } else { check_healing(); } check_shoot(); } else { change_target(); } checkColision(); } else { ++alive; randy = random(50) - random(50); randx = random(50) - random(50); if (conto % 5 == 0) { fireWeapon(randx, randy, randx * -1, randy * -1); } ++conto; } check_dead(); } else { if (amigo != undefined) { showtarget(); } } }; } frame 1 { function showtarget() { if (glow_dir == 0) { glow_strength2 += 3; if (glow_strength2 >= 25) { glow_dir = 1; } } if (glow_dir == 1) { glow_strength2 -= 3; if (glow_strength2 <= 0) { glow_dir = 0; } } tHolder.clear(); if (dest_x == undefined) { tHolder.lineStyle(lightningWidth + 1, '0x0000FF', lightningAlpha, true); filter_glow = new flash.filters.GlowFilter(255, glow_alpha, glow_blurX, glow_blurY, glow_strength2, glow_quality); tHolder.filters = [filter_glow]; tHolder.lineTo(aim_tar._x - _root.juego[_name]._x, aim_tar._Y - _root.juego[_name]._y); } else { tHolder.lineStyle(lightningWidth + 1, '0xFF0000', lightningAlpha, true); filter_glow = new flash.filters.GlowFilter(16711680, glow_alpha, glow_blurX, glow_blurY, glow_strength2, glow_quality); tHolder.filters = [filter_glow]; tHolder.lineTo(dest_x - _root.juego[_name]._x, dest_y - _root.juego[_name]._y); } } function fireWeapon(xStart, yStart, xEnd, yEnd) { if (reloadComplete == true) { effectHolder.onEnterFrame = function () { effectHolder.clear(); effectHolder.lineStyle(lightningWidth, lightningColor, lightningAlpha, true); var v12 = xStart - xEnd; var v10 = yStart - yEnd; var v11 = Math.sqrt(v12 * v12 + v10 * v10); var v8 = v11 / lightningFrequency; var v2 = Math.atan2(yStart - yEnd, xStart - xEnd); var v9 = v11 / v8; var v7 = 0; while (v7 < lightningBranches) { effectHolder.moveTo(xStart, yStart); var v1 = 1; while (v1 < v8 + 1) { var v4 = v9 * v1; var v3 = random(lightningOffset - lightningOffset / 2); var v5 = xStart - Math.cos(v2) * v4 + Math.cos(v2 + 1.55) * v3; var v6 = yStart - Math.sin(v2) * v4 + Math.sin(v2 + 1.55) * v3; effectHolder.lineTo(v5, v6); ++v1; } ++v7; } }; effectHolder.lineTo(xEnd, yEnd); startReloading(); } } function startReloading() { reloadComplete = false; reloadTimer = setInterval(this, 'gunReloaded', reloadSpeed); screenTimer = setInterval(this, 'clearScreen', clearSpeed); } function clearScreen() { clearInterval(screenTimer); delete effectHolder.onEnterFrame; effectHolder.clear(); } function gunReloaded() { clearInterval(reloadTimer); reloadComplete = true; } createEmptyMovieClip('effectHolder', this.getNextHighestDepth()); createEmptyMovieClip('tHolder', this.getNextHighestDepth()); var lightningOffset = 15; var lightningFrequency = 15; var lightningWidth = 1; var lightningColor = '0x5C98EF'; var lightningAlpha = 75; var lightningBranches = 3; var sparkNumber = 5; var sparkDistance = 10; var sparkSize = 100; var reloadSpeed = 250; var clearSpeed = 100; var glow_color = lightningColor; var glow_alpha = 0.6; var glow_blurX = 5; var glow_blurY = 5; var glow_strength = 2; var glow_strength2 = 2; glow_dir = 0; var glow_quality = 3; var reloadTimer; var screenTimer; var reloadComplete = true; var rotationDirection; var filter_glow = new flash.filters.GlowFilter(glow_color, glow_alpha, glow_blurX, glow_blurY, 2, glow_quality); var filter_glow = new flash.filters.GlowFilter(glow_color, glow_alpha, glow_blurX, glow_blurY, glow_strength, glow_quality); effectHolder.filters = [filter_glow]; } } movieClip 563 { } movieClip 567 { frame 1 { if (_root.arb_cont == undefined) { _root.arb_cont = 0; } _name = 'arb' + _root.arb_cont; ++_root.arb_cont; onEnterFrame = function () { if (_root.pausado == 1) { _y = _y + speedy; _x = _x + speedx; } }; } } movieClip 568 { frame 1 { function check_dead() { if (life <= 0) { if (_alpha <= 0) { += 50; if (random(100) < 81) { _root.pscrapA += 1; } if (random(100) < 10) { _root.pscrapB += 1; } if (random(100) < 5) { _root.pscrapC += 1; } _root.juego.enemy_left -= 1; _root.juego.attachMovie('explotion', 'dis' + _root.juego.i, _root.juego.getNextHighestDepth(), {'_x': _root.juego[_name]._x, '_y': _root.juego[_name]._y, '_alpha': 100, '_xscale': 100, '_yscale': 100}); ++_root.juego.i; this.swapDepths(1000); removeMovieClip(this); } myColor = new Color(this); myColor.setRGB(10027008); this._name = nombresito + 's'; alive = -100; _alpha = _alpha - 20; } } if (_root.conto_enes == undefined) { _root.conto_enes = 0; } _name = 'ene' + _root.conto_enes; ++_root.conto_enes; if (amigo == undefined) { ++_root.ene_cont; } if (life == undefined) { life = 100; } life_max = life; barrita._alpha = 0; onEnterFrame = function () { check_dead(); }; nombresito = _name; } } movieClip 580 { } movieClip 583 { } movieClip 584 jeep_tnt { frame 1 { function disparar(slot) { ang = tan2 + 90; dmgaux = this['slot' + slot + '_dmg']; if (amigo == undefined) { tipx = 'ene'; } else { tipx = 'nada'; } if (this['slot' + slot] == 'normal') { _root.juego.attachMovie('disparo', 'dis' + _root.juego.i, _root.juego.getNextHighestDepth(), {'_x': _root.juego[_name]._x, '_y': _root.juego[_name]._y, '_alpha': 100, '_xscale': 100, '_yscale': 100, 'angle1': ang, 'dmg': dmgaux, 'tipo': tipx}); ++_root.juego.i; } if (this['slot' + slot] == 'missile') { _root.juego.attachMovie('missile', 'dis' + _root.juego.i, _root.juego.getNextHighestDepth(), {'_x': _root.juego[_name]._x, '_y': _root.juego[_name]._y, '_alpha': 100, '_xscale': 100, '_yscale': 100, 'angle1': ang, 'dmg': dmgaux, 'posx2': aim_tar._x, 'posy2': aim_tar._y, 'posx1': _root.juego[_name]._x + random(200) - random(200), 'posy1': _root.juego[_name]._y + random(200) - random(200), '_rotation': ang, 'tipo': tipx}); ++_root.juego.i; _root.juego.attachMovie('missile', 'dis' + _root.juego.i, _root.juego.getNextHighestDepth(), {'_x': _root.juego[_name]._x, '_y': _root.juego[_name]._y, '_alpha': 100, '_xscale': 100, '_yscale': 100, 'angle1': ang, 'dmg': dmgaux, 'posx2': aim_tar._x, 'posy2': aim_tar._y, 'posx1': _root.juego[_name]._x + random(200) - random(200), 'posy1': _root.juego[_name]._y + random(200) - random(200), '_rotation': ang, 'tipo': tipx}); ++_root.juego.i; _root.juego.attachMovie('missile', 'dis' + _root.juego.i, _root.juego.getNextHighestDepth(), {'_x': _root.juego[_name]._x, '_y': _root.juego[_name]._y, '_alpha': 100, '_xscale': 100, '_yscale': 100, 'angle1': ang, 'dmg': dmgaux, 'posx2': aim_tar._x, 'posy2': aim_tar._y, 'posx1': _root.juego[_name]._x + random(200) - random(200), 'posy1': _root.juego[_name]._y + random(200) - random(200), '_rotation': ang, 'tipo': tipx}); ++_root.juego.i; } if (this['slot' + slot] == 'flame') { dmgaux /= 3; dmgaux /= 24; _root.juego.attachMovie('flame', 'dis' + _root.juego.i, _root.juego.getNextHighestDepth(), {'_x': _root.juego[_name]._x, '_y': _root.juego[_name]._y, '_alpha': 100, '_xscale': 100, '_yscale': 100, 'angle1': ang, 'dmg': dmgaux, 'tipo': tipx}); ++_root.juego.i; _root.juego.attachMovie('flame', 'dis' + _root.juego.i, _root.juego.getNextHighestDepth(), {'_x': _root.juego[_name]._x, '_y': _root.juego[_name]._y, '_alpha': 100, '_xscale': 100, '_yscale': 100, 'angle1': ang + random(15) - random(15), 'dmg': dmgaux, 'tipo': tipx}); ++_root.juego.i; _root.juego.attachMovie('flame', 'dis' + _root.juego.i, _root.juego.getNextHighestDepth(), {'_x': _root.juego[_name]._x, '_y': _root.juego[_name]._y, '_alpha': 100, '_xscale': 100, '_yscale': 100, 'angle1': ang + random(15) - random(15), 'dmg': dmgaux, 'tipo': tipx}); ++_root.juego.i; } if (this['slot' + slot] == 'mortar') { _root.juego.attachMovie('mortar', 'dis' + _root.juego.i, _root.juego.getNextHighestDepth(), {'_x': _root.juego[_name]._x, '_y': _root.juego[_name]._y, '_alpha': 100, '_xscale': 100, '_yscale': 100, 'angle1': ang, 'dmg': dmgaux, 'posx1': aim_tar._x, 'posy1': aim_tar._y, '_rotation': ang, 'tipo': tipx}); ++_root.juego.i; } if (this['slot' + slot] == 'mine') { _root.juego.manchas.attachMovie('mine', 'dis' + _root.juego.i, _root.juego.getNextHighestDepth(), {'_x': _root.juego[_name]._x, '_y': _root.juego[_name]._y, '_alpha': 100, '_xscale': 100, '_yscale': 100, 'angle1': ang, 'dmg': dmgaux, 'tipo': tipx}); ++_root.juego.i; } if (this['slot' + slot] == 'heal') { fireWeapon(0, 0, aim_tar._x - this._x, aim_tar._y - this._y); aim_tar.healme(dmgaux); } } function change_target() { eleji_algo = 0; if (amigo == undefined) { desi_rand = random(_parent.friend_left); if (Math.abs(_root.juego['friend' + desi_rand]._x - this._x) < det_range && Math.abs(_root.juego['friend' + desi_rand]._y - this._y) < det_range) { aim_tar = _root.juego['friend' + desi_rand]; eleji_algo = 1; } else { if (desi_rand == 0 && Math.abs(_root.juego.p1._x - this._x) < det_range && Math.abs(_root.juego.p1._y - this._y) < det_range) { aim_tar = _root.juego.p1; eleji_algo = 1; } else { aim_tar = 'nada'; } } } else { if (_root.ene_cont > 0 && healing == 0) { var v4 = 0; while (v4 <= _root.ene_cont) { if (_root.juego['ene' + v4].life > 0) { if (Math.abs(_root.juego['ene' + v4]._x - this._x) < det_range && Math.abs(_root.juego['ene' + v4]._y - this._y) < det_range) { aim_tar = _root.juego['ene' + v4]; eleji_algo = 1; } } ++v4; } } if (_root.friend_cont > 0 && healing == 1) { v4 = 0; while (v4 <= _root.friend_cont) { if (_root.juego['friend' + v4].life > 0 && _root.juego['friend' + v4].life < _root.juego['friend' + v4].life_max) { if (Math.abs(_root.juego['friend' + v4]._x - this._x) < det_range && Math.abs(_root.juego['friend' + v4]._y - this._y) < det_range) { aim_tar = _root.juego['friend' + v4]; eleji_algo = 1; } } ++v4; } } } if (eleji_algo == 0) { aim_tar = 'nada'; if ( < _root.hp_max && healing == 1) { aim_tar = _root.juego.p1; } } } function checkColision() { if (_root.ene_cont > 0) { var v3 = 0; while (v3 <= _root.ene_cont) { if (this.area.hitTest(_root.juego['ene' + v3].area) && 'ene' + v3 != this._name) { chocar(_root.juego['ene' + v3]); } ++v3; } } if (_root.friend_cont > 0) { v3 = 0; while (v3 <= _root.ene_cont) { if (this.area.hitTest(_root.juego['friend' + v3].area) && 'friend' + v3 != this._name) { chocar(_root.juego['friend' + v3]); } ++v3; } } } function chocar(tar) { xxaux = tar._x - this._x; yyaux = tar._y - this._y; tan2aux = Math.atan2(yyaux, xxaux) * 180 / 3.1416 - 90; xxaux = this._x - tar._x; yyaux = this._y - tar._y; tan2aux2 = Math.atan2(yyaux, xxaux) * 180 / 3.1416 - 90; _x = _x + Math.sin(tan2aux * Math.PI / 180) * (2 + Math.abs(speed)); _y = _y + Math.cos(tan2aux * Math.PI / 180) * -(2 + Math.abs(speed)); tar._x += Math.sin(tan2aux2 * Math.PI / 180) * (2 + Math.abs(tar.speed)); tar._y += Math.cos(tan2aux2 * Math.PI / 180) * -(2 + Math.abs(tar.speed)); } function check_dead() { if (life <= 0) { if (amigo == undefined) { _root.pgold += 50; if (random(100) < 81) { _root.pscrapA += 1; } if (random(100) < 10) { _root.pscrapB += 1; } if (random(100) < 5) { _root.pscrapC += 1; } _root.juego.enemy_left -= 1; } this.swapDepths(1000); removeMovieClip(this); } } function RenderMovement() { if (dest_x != undefined) { if (Math.abs(dest_x - _root.juego[_name]._x) > 50 || Math.abs(dest_y - _root.juego[_name]._y) > 50) { llegueytoquefondo = 0; } else { llegueytoquefondo = 1; } } if (dest_x == undefined && aim_tar._name != undefined) { if (Math.abs(aim_tar._x - _root.juego[_name]._x) > 70 || Math.abs(aim_tar._y - _root.juego[_name]._y) > 70) { llegueytoquefondo2 = 0; } else { llegueytoquefondo2 = 1; llegueytoquefondo = 1; explotar(); } } if (llegueytoquefondo == 0 || llegueytoquefondo2 == 0) { speed += s_inc; if (speed < -7) { speed = -7; } if (speed > smax) { speed = smax; } if (inerciax > 0) { --inerciax; } if (inerciax < 0) { inerciax = 0; } if (inerciay > 0) { --inerciay; } if (inerciay < 0) { inerciay = 0; } _x = _x + this.moveX; _y = _y + this.moveY; ++_root.juego.i;;; } } function checkDirection() { if (dest_x == undefined && aim_tar != 'nada' && aim_tar._name != undefined) { xx = aim_tar._x - _root.juego[_name]._x; yy = aim_tar._y - _root.juego[_name]._y; } else { if (dest_x != undefined) { xx = dest_x - _root.juego[_name]._x; yy = dest_y - _root.juego[_name]._y; } else { ret_form = 1; } } ang_destino = Math.atan2(yy, xx) * 180 / 3.1416; if (ang_destino + 90 > 180) { ang_destino -= 360; } this.distanceX = xx; this.distanceY = yy; this.distanceTotal = Math.sqrt(this.distanceX * this.distanceX + this.distanceY * this.distanceY); this.moveDistanceX = 0.5 * this.distanceX / this.distanceTotal; this.moveDistanceY = 0.5 * this.distanceY / this.distanceTotal; this.moveX += this.moveDistanceX; this.moveY += this.moveDistanceY; this.totalmove = Math.sqrt(this.moveX * this.moveX + this.moveY * this.moveY); this.moveX = speed * this.moveX / this.totalmove; this.moveY = speed * this.moveY / this.totalmove; RenderMovement(); carcasa._rotation = 180 * Math.atan2(this.moveY, this.moveX) / Math.PI + 90; } function return_formation() { if (ret_form == 1 && amigo == 1) { if (form_x == undefined) { dest_x = _root.juego.p1._x; dest_y = _root.juego.p1._y; } else { dest_x = _root.juego.p1._x + form_x; dest_y = _root.juego.p1._y + form_y; } } if (amigo == undefined) { this.moveX = 0; this.moveY = 0; } } function checkcannon() { cannon._rotation = carcasa._rotation; } function explotar() { _root.juego.attachMovie('hit1', this._name + 'explosion', _root.juego.getNextHighestDepth(), {'_x': _x, '_y': _y, '_alpha': 100, '_xscale': 400, '_yscale': 400}); _root.juego.manchas.attachMovie('mancha' + random(2), this._name + 'explosion2', _root.juego.manchas.getNextHighestDepth(), {'_x': _x, '_y': _y, '_alpha': 100, '_xscale': 400, '_yscale': 400}); if (this.area2.hitTest(_root.juego.p1.area)) { -= dmg; } var v3 = 0; while (v3 <= _root.friend_cont) { if (this.area2.hitTest(_root.juego['friend' + v3].area)) { _root.juego['friend' + v3].life -= dmg; ++_root.juego.i; } ++v3; } = 0; } dmg = _root.enemy_dmg4 * (1 + _root.mission / 10); if (_root.conto_enes == undefined) { _root.conto_enes = 0; } _name = 'ene' + _root.conto_enes; ++_root.conto_enes; life_max = life; dest_x = undefined; dest_y = undefined; det_range = 600; moveX = 0; moveY = 0; seleccionado = false; if (amigo == undefined) { ++_root.ene_cont; } else { ++_root.friend_cont; } if (spec == 'healer') { healing = 1; } else { healing = 0; } ret_form = 1; form_x = undefined; form_y = undefined; if (spec != 'healer') { slot4_dmg = 0; } conto = 0; if (amigo == undefined) { aim_tar = 'nada'; } else { aim_tar = 'nada'; return_formation(); } def = 1; if (1) { desi_rand = random(2); aim_tar = _root.juego.friend3; if (desi_rand == 0) { aim_tar = _root.juego.p1; } if ( <= 0) { aim_tar = _root.juego.friend3; } } if (slot1 == 'flame') { slot4_dmg = slot1_dmg; } if (slot2 == 'flame') { slot4_dmg = slot2_dmg; } if (slot3 == 'flame') { slot4_dmg = slot3_dmg; } discont = 0; torque = 100; if (spec != 'healer') { slot4 = 'flame'; } var anglespeed = 5; angleT = 0; speed = 0; speedx = 0; speedy = 0; inerciax = 0; inerciay = 0; onEnterFrame = function () { if (_root.pausado == 1) { tHolder.clear(); if (alive >= 1) { if ( > 0) { if (healing == 0) { checkcannon(); } else { check_healing(); } } else { change_target(); } checkDirection(); return_formation(); checkColision(); } else { ++alive; randy = random(50) - random(50); randx = random(50) - random(50); if (conto % 5 == 0) { fireWeapon(randx, randy, randx * -1, randy * -1); } ++conto; } check_dead(); } else { if (amigo != undefined) { showtarget(); } } }; } frame 1 { function showtarget() { if (glow_dir == 0) { glow_strength2 += 3; if (glow_strength2 >= 25) { glow_dir = 1; } } if (glow_dir == 1) { glow_strength2 -= 3; if (glow_strength2 <= 0) { glow_dir = 0; } } tHolder.clear(); if (dest_x == undefined) { tHolder.lineStyle(lightningWidth + 1, '0x0000FF', lightningAlpha, true); filter_glow = new flash.filters.GlowFilter(255, glow_alpha, glow_blurX, glow_blurY, glow_strength2, glow_quality); tHolder.filters = [filter_glow]; tHolder.lineTo(aim_tar._x - _root.juego[_name]._x, aim_tar._Y - _root.juego[_name]._y); } else { tHolder.lineStyle(lightningWidth + 1, '0xFF0000', lightningAlpha, true); filter_glow = new flash.filters.GlowFilter(16711680, glow_alpha, glow_blurX, glow_blurY, glow_strength2, glow_quality); tHolder.filters = [filter_glow]; tHolder.lineTo(dest_x - _root.juego[_name]._x, dest_y - _root.juego[_name]._y); } } function fireWeapon(xStart, yStart, xEnd, yEnd) { if (reloadComplete == true) { effectHolder.onEnterFrame = function () { effectHolder.clear(); effectHolder.lineStyle(lightningWidth, lightningColor, lightningAlpha, true); var v12 = xStart - xEnd; var v10 = yStart - yEnd; var v11 = Math.sqrt(v12 * v12 + v10 * v10); var v8 = v11 / lightningFrequency; var v2 = Math.atan2(yStart - yEnd, xStart - xEnd); var v9 = v11 / v8; var v7 = 0; while (v7 < lightningBranches) { effectHolder.moveTo(xStart, yStart); var v1 = 1; while (v1 < v8 + 1) { var v4 = v9 * v1; var v3 = random(lightningOffset - lightningOffset / 2); var v5 = xStart - Math.cos(v2) * v4 + Math.cos(v2 + 1.55) * v3; var v6 = yStart - Math.sin(v2) * v4 + Math.sin(v2 + 1.55) * v3; effectHolder.lineTo(v5, v6); ++v1; } ++v7; } }; effectHolder.lineTo(xEnd, yEnd); startReloading(); } } function startReloading() { reloadComplete = false; reloadTimer = setInterval(this, 'gunReloaded', reloadSpeed); screenTimer = setInterval(this, 'clearScreen', clearSpeed); } function clearScreen() { clearInterval(screenTimer); delete effectHolder.onEnterFrame; effectHolder.clear(); } function gunReloaded() { clearInterval(reloadTimer); reloadComplete = true; } createEmptyMovieClip('effectHolder', this.getNextHighestDepth()); createEmptyMovieClip('tHolder', this.getNextHighestDepth()); var lightningOffset = 15; var lightningFrequency = 15; var lightningWidth = 1; var lightningColor = '0x5C98EF'; var lightningAlpha = 75; var lightningBranches = 3; var sparkNumber = 5; var sparkDistance = 10; var sparkSize = 100; var reloadSpeed = 250; var clearSpeed = 100; var glow_color = lightningColor; var glow_alpha = 0.6; var glow_blurX = 5; var glow_blurY = 5; var glow_strength = 2; var glow_strength2 = 2; glow_dir = 0; var glow_quality = 3; var reloadTimer; var screenTimer; var reloadComplete = true; var rotationDirection; var filter_glow = new flash.filters.GlowFilter(glow_color, glow_alpha, glow_blurX, glow_blurY, 2, glow_quality); var filter_glow = new flash.filters.GlowFilter(glow_color, glow_alpha, glow_blurX, glow_blurY, glow_strength, glow_quality); effectHolder.filters = [filter_glow]; } } movieClip 591 { } movieClip 593 { } movieClip 594 { frame 1 { function disparar(slot) { ang = tan2 + 90; dmgaux = this['slot' + slot + '_dmg']; if (amigo == undefined) { tipx = 'ene'; } else { tipx = 'nada'; } if (this['slot' + slot] == 'normal') { _root.juego.attachMovie('disparo', 'dis' + _root.juego.i, _root.juego.getNextHighestDepth(), {'_x': _root.juego[_name]._x, '_y': _root.juego[_name]._y, '_alpha': 100, '_xscale': 100, '_yscale': 100, 'angle1': ang, 'dmg': dmgaux, 'tipo': tipx}); ++_root.juego.i; } if (this['slot' + slot] == 'missile') { _root.juego.attachMovie('missile', 'dis' + _root.juego.i, _root.juego.getNextHighestDepth(), {'_x': _root.juego[_name]._x, '_y': _root.juego[_name]._y, '_alpha': 100, '_xscale': 100, '_yscale': 100, 'angle1': ang, 'dmg': dmgaux, 'posx2': aim_tar._x, 'posy2': aim_tar._y, 'posx1': _root.juego[_name]._x + random(200) - random(200), 'posy1': _root.juego[_name]._y + random(200) - random(200), '_rotation': ang, 'tipo': tipx}); ++_root.juego.i; _root.juego.attachMovie('missile', 'dis' + _root.juego.i, _root.juego.getNextHighestDepth(), {'_x': _root.juego[_name]._x, '_y': _root.juego[_name]._y, '_alpha': 100, '_xscale': 100, '_yscale': 100, 'angle1': ang, 'dmg': dmgaux, 'posx2': aim_tar._x, 'posy2': aim_tar._y, 'posx1': _root.juego[_name]._x + random(200) - random(200), 'posy1': _root.juego[_name]._y + random(200) - random(200), '_rotation': ang, 'tipo': tipx}); ++_root.juego.i; _root.juego.attachMovie('missile', 'dis' + _root.juego.i, _root.juego.getNextHighestDepth(), {'_x': _root.juego[_name]._x, '_y': _root.juego[_name]._y, '_alpha': 100, '_xscale': 100, '_yscale': 100, 'angle1': ang, 'dmg': dmgaux, 'posx2': aim_tar._x, 'posy2': aim_tar._y, 'posx1': _root.juego[_name]._x + random(200) - random(200), 'posy1': _root.juego[_name]._y + random(200) - random(200), '_rotation': ang, 'tipo': tipx}); ++_root.juego.i; } if (this['slot' + slot] == 'flame') { dmgaux /= 3; dmgaux /= 24; _root.juego.attachMovie('flame', 'dis' + _root.juego.i, _root.juego.getNextHighestDepth(), {'_x': _root.juego[_name]._x, '_y': _root.juego[_name]._y, '_alpha': 100, '_xscale': 100, '_yscale': 100, 'angle1': ang, 'dmg': dmgaux, 'tipo': tipx}); ++_root.juego.i; _root.juego.attachMovie('flame', 'dis' + _root.juego.i, _root.juego.getNextHighestDepth(), {'_x': _root.juego[_name]._x, '_y': _root.juego[_name]._y, '_alpha': 100, '_xscale': 100, '_yscale': 100, 'angle1': ang + random(15) - random(15), 'dmg': dmgaux, 'tipo': tipx}); ++_root.juego.i; _root.juego.attachMovie('flame', 'dis' + _root.juego.i, _root.juego.getNextHighestDepth(), {'_x': _root.juego[_name]._x, '_y': _root.juego[_name]._y, '_alpha': 100, '_xscale': 100, '_yscale': 100, 'angle1': ang + random(15) - random(15), 'dmg': dmgaux, 'tipo': tipx}); ++_root.juego.i; } if (this['slot' + slot] == 'machine') { _root.juego.attachMovie('disparo', 'dis' + _root.juego.i, _root.juego.getNextHighestDepth(), {'_x': _root.juego[_name]._x, '_y': _root.juego[_name]._y, '_alpha': 100, '_xscale': 100, '_yscale': 100, 'angle1': ang + random(15) - random(15), 'dmg': dmgaux, 'tipo': tipx}); ++_root.juego.i; } if (this['slot' + slot] == 'mortar') { _root.juego.attachMovie('mortar', 'dis' + _root.juego.i, _root.juego.getNextHighestDepth(), {'_x': _root.juego[_name]._x, '_y': _root.juego[_name]._y, '_alpha': 100, '_xscale': 100, '_yscale': 100, 'angle1': ang, 'dmg': dmgaux, 'posx1': aim_tar._x, 'posy1': aim_tar._y, '_rotation': ang, 'tipo': tipx}); ++_root.juego.i; } if (this['slot' + slot] == 'mine') { _root.juego.manchas.attachMovie('mine', 'dis' + _root.juego.i, _root.juego.getNextHighestDepth(), {'_x': _root.juego[_name]._x, '_y': _root.juego[_name]._y, '_alpha': 100, '_xscale': 100, '_yscale': 100, 'angle1': ang, 'dmg': dmgaux, 'tipo': tipx}); ++_root.juego.i; } if (this['slot' + slot] == 'heal') { fireWeapon(0, 0, aim_tar._x - this._x, aim_tar._y - this._y); aim_tar.healme(dmgaux); } } function change_target() { eleji_algo = 0; desi_rand = random(_parent.friend_left); if (Math.abs(_root.juego['friend' + desi_rand]._x - this._x) < det_range && Math.abs(_root.juego['friend' + desi_rand]._y - this._y) < det_range) { aim_tar = _root.juego['friend' + desi_rand]; eleji_algo = 1; } else { if (desi_rand == 0 && Math.abs(_root.juego.p1._x - this._x) < det_range && Math.abs(_root.juego.p1._y - this._y) < det_range) { aim_tar = _root.juego.p1; eleji_algo = 1; } else { aim_tar = 'nada'; } } if (eleji_algo == 0) { aim_tar = 'nada'; } } function checkColision() { if (_root.ene_cont > 0) { var v3 = 0; while (v3 <= _root.ene_cont) { if (this.area.hitTest(_root.juego['ene' + v3].area) && 'ene' + v3 != this._name) { chocar(_root.juego['ene' + v3]); } ++v3; } } if (_root.friend_cont > 0) { v3 = 0; while (v3 <= _root.ene_cont) { if (this.area.hitTest(_root.juego['friend' + v3].area) && 'friend' + v3 != this._name) { chocar(_root.juego['friend' + v3]); } ++v3; } } } function chocar(tar) { xxaux = tar._x - this._x; yyaux = tar._y - this._y; tan2aux = Math.atan2(yyaux, xxaux) * 180 / 3.1416 - 90; xxaux = this._x - tar._x; yyaux = this._y - tar._y; tan2aux2 = Math.atan2(yyaux, xxaux) * 180 / 3.1416 - 90; _x = _x + Math.sin(tan2aux * Math.PI / 180) * (2 + Math.abs(speed)); _y = _y + Math.cos(tan2aux * Math.PI / 180) * -(2 + Math.abs(speed)); tar._x += Math.sin(tan2aux2 * Math.PI / 180) * (2 + Math.abs(tar.speed)); tar._y += Math.cos(tan2aux2 * Math.PI / 180) * -(2 + Math.abs(tar.speed)); } function check_dead() { if (life <= 0) { if (_alpha <= 0) { += 400; if (random(100) < 81) { _root.pscrapA += 1; } if (random(100) < 10) { _root.pscrapB += 1; } if (random(100) < 5) { _root.pscrapC += 1; } _root.juego.enemy_left -= 1; _root.juego.attachMovie('explotion', 'dis' + _root.juego.i, _root.juego.getNextHighestDepth(), {'_x': _root.juego[_name]._x, '_y': _root.juego[_name]._y, '_alpha': 100, '_xscale': 100, '_yscale': 100}); ++_root.juego.i; if (verdadero == 1) { _root.next_lvl.texto.gotoAndStop('boss2b'); } = 1; _root.juego.ene0.alive = -9999; _root.juego.ene1.alive = -9999; _root.juego.ene2.alive = -9999; _root.juego.ene3.alive = -9999; this.swapDepths(1000); removeMovieClip(this); } myColor = new Color(this); myColor.setRGB(10027008); this._name = nombresito + 's'; alive = -100; _alpha = _alpha - 20; } } function checkDirection() { if (out == 1) { randon = random(8) + 1; if (_root['line' + _root.juego['apa' + randon].line] == 0) { _root['line' + _root.juego['apa' + randon].line] = 1; this._y = _root.juego['apa' + randon]._y; this._x = _root.juego['apa' + randon]._x; this.speedx = _root.juego['apa' + randon].speedx; this.line = _root.juego['apa' + randon].line; out = 0; } } if (verdadero != 1 && life < lastlife) { lastlife = life; _alpha = 50; } else { if (verdadero != 1) { _alpha = _alpha + 10; } } _x = _x + speedx; if (speedx > 0) { carcasa._rotation = -90; } if (speedx < 0) { carcasa._rotation = 90; } } function return_formation() { if (ret_form == 1 && amigo == 1) { if (form_x == undefined) { dest_x = _root.juego.p1._x; dest_y = _root.juego.p1._y; } else { dest_x = _root.juego.p1._x + form_x; dest_y = _root.juego.p1._y + form_y; } } if (amigo == undefined) { this.moveX = 0; this.moveY = 0; } } function checkcannon() { if (aim_tar != 'nada') { xx = aim_tar._x - _root.juego[_name]._x; yy = aim_tar._y - _root.juego[_name]._y; tan2 = Math.atan2(yy, xx) * 180 / 3.1416; } else { tan2 = carcasa._rotation; } cannon._rotation = tan2 + 90; } function check_healing() { if (aim_tar != 'nada') { xx = aim_tar._x - _root.juego[_name]._x; yy = aim_tar._y - _root.juego[_name]._y; tan2 = Math.atan2(yy, xx) * 180 / 3.1416; } else { tan2 = carcasa._rotation; } cannon._rotation = tan2 + 90; if ( == aim_tar.life_max || aim_tar == 'nada') { change_target(); } } function check_shoot() { ++discont; if (Math.abs(this._x - aim_tar._x) < 300 && Math.abs(this._y - aim_tar._y) < 300) { if (slot4_dmg != 0 && spec != 'healer') { disparar(4); } } if (healing == 1 && < aim_tar.life_max) { disparar(4); } if (discont % atack_speed == 0 && Math.abs(this._x - aim_tar._x) < det_range && Math.abs(this._y - aim_tar._y) < det_range) { rand = random(3) + 1; if (healing == 0) { disparar(rand); } } } function healme(hot) { if (life + hot < life_max) { life += hot; } else { life = life_max; } } if (_root.conto_enes == undefined) { _root.conto_enes = 0; } _name = 'ene' + _root.conto_enes; ++_root.conto_enes; if (verdadero == 1) { _root.hp_boss.targetin = _name; = 1; } life_max = life; dest_x = undefined; dest_y = undefined; det_range = 1500; moveX = 0; moveY = 0; boss = 1; seleccionado = false; if (amigo == undefined) { ++_root.ene_cont; } else { ++_root.friend_cont; } if (spec == 'healer') { healing = 1; } else { healing = 0; } ret_form = 1; form_x = undefined; form_y = undefined; if (spec != 'healer') { slot4_dmg = 0; } conto = 0; if (amigo == undefined) { aim_tar = 'nada'; } else { aim_tar = 'nada'; return_formation(); } if (slot1 == 'flame') { slot4_dmg = slot1_dmg; } if (slot2 == 'flame') { slot4_dmg = slot2_dmg; } if (slot3 == 'flame') { slot4_dmg = slot3_dmg; } discont = 0; torque = 100; if (spec != 'healer') { slot4 = 'flame'; } var anglespeed = 5; angleT = 0; speed = 0; inerciax = 0; inerciay = 0; onEnterFrame = function () { if (_root.pausado == 1) { tHolder.clear(); if (alive >= 1) { if ( > 0) { if (healing == 0) { checkcannon(); } else { check_healing(); } check_shoot(); } else { change_target(); } checkDirection(); } else { ++alive; randy = random(50) - random(50); randx = random(50) - random(50); if (conto % 5 == 0) { fireWeapon(randx, randy, randx * -1, randy * -1); } ++conto; } check_dead(); } else { if (amigo != undefined) { showtarget(); } } }; nombresito = _name; } } movieClip 595 { frame 1 { onEnterFrame = function () { if (_root.ene_cont > 0) { var v3 = 0; while (v3 <= _root.ene_cont) { if (this.hitTest(_root.juego['ene' + v3].area)) { _root.juego['ene' + v3].out = 1; _root['line' + _root.juego['ene' + v3].line] = 0; _root.juego['ene' + v3]._y = 9999; } ++v3; } } }; } } movieClip 596 { frame 1 { _alpha = 0; } } movieClip 599 { frame 1 { ++_root.friend_cont; _root.relojin.hp_base.targetin = _name; = 1; onEnterFrame = function () { if (life <= 0) { _root.flash1.goto('gameover'); } }; } } movieClip 601 { frame 1 { hot = 1; onEnterFrame = function () { var v3 = 0; while (v3 <= _root.friend_cont) { if (this.area.hitTest(_root.juego['friend' + v3].area)) { _root.juego['friend' + v3].healme(hot); } ++v3; } if (this.area.hitTest(_root.juego.p1.area)) { _root.juego.p1.healme(hot); } }; } } movieClip 605 { frame 1 { if (_root.arb_cont == undefined) { _root.arb_cont = 0; } _name = 'arb' + _root.arb_cont; ++_root.arb_cont; } } movieClip 606 { } movieClip 611 { frame 1 { if (_root.arb_cont == undefined) { _root.arb_cont = 0; } _name = 'arb' + _root.arb_cont; ++_root.arb_cont; } } movieClip 613 { } movieClip 615 { } movieClip 628 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 44 { stop(); _root.next_lvl.texto.gotoAndStop('boss4a'); = 1; _root.next_lvl.habilitado = 0; _root.juego.ene0.alive = 0; stopAllSounds(); mymusic = new Sound(_root.musikita); mymusic.attachSound('m_boss'); mymusic.start(0, 9999); } } movieClip 632 { } movieClip 638 { frame 16 { stop(); _parent.out = 1; _parent.sumergido = 0; } frame 38 { _parent._x = _root.juego.apa9._x; _parent._y = _root.juego.apa9._y; } frame 123 { _parent.sumergido = 1; } } movieClip 639 { frame 1 { function disparar(slot) { ang = tan2 + 90; dmgaux = this['slot' + slot + '_dmg']; if (amigo == undefined) { tipx = 'ene'; } else { tipx = 'nada'; } if (this['slot' + slot] == 'normal') { _root.juego.attachMovie('disparo', 'dis' + _root.juego.i, _root.juego.getNextHighestDepth(), {'_x': _root.juego[_name]._x, '_y': _root.juego[_name]._y, '_alpha': 100, '_xscale': 100, '_yscale': 100, 'angle1': ang, 'dmg': dmgaux, 'tipo': tipx}); ++_root.juego.i; } if (this['slot' + slot] == 'missile') { _root.juego.attachMovie('missile', 'dis' + _root.juego.i, _root.juego.getNextHighestDepth(), {'_x': _root.juego[_name]._x, '_y': _root.juego[_name]._y, '_alpha': 100, '_xscale': 100, '_yscale': 100, 'angle1': ang, 'dmg': dmgaux, 'posx2': aim_tar._x, 'posy2': aim_tar._y, 'posx1': _root.juego[_name]._x + random(200) - random(200), 'posy1': _root.juego[_name]._y + random(200) - random(200), '_rotation': ang, 'tipo': tipx}); ++_root.juego.i; _root.juego.attachMovie('missile', 'dis' + _root.juego.i, _root.juego.getNextHighestDepth(), {'_x': _root.juego[_name]._x, '_y': _root.juego[_name]._y, '_alpha': 100, '_xscale': 100, '_yscale': 100, 'angle1': ang, 'dmg': dmgaux, 'posx2': aim_tar._x, 'posy2': aim_tar._y, 'posx1': _root.juego[_name]._x + random(200) - random(200), 'posy1': _root.juego[_name]._y + random(200) - random(200), '_rotation': ang, 'tipo': tipx}); ++_root.juego.i; _root.juego.attachMovie('missile', 'dis' + _root.juego.i, _root.juego.getNextHighestDepth(), {'_x': _root.juego[_name]._x, '_y': _root.juego[_name]._y, '_alpha': 100, '_xscale': 100, '_yscale': 100, 'angle1': ang, 'dmg': dmgaux, 'posx2': aim_tar._x, 'posy2': aim_tar._y, 'posx1': _root.juego[_name]._x + random(200) - random(200), 'posy1': _root.juego[_name]._y + random(200) - random(200), '_rotation': ang, 'tipo': tipx}); ++_root.juego.i; } if (this['slot' + slot] == 'flame') { dmgaux /= 3; dmgaux /= 24; _root.juego.attachMovie('flame', 'dis' + _root.juego.i, _root.juego.getNextHighestDepth(), {'_x': _root.juego[_name]._x, '_y': _root.juego[_name]._y, '_alpha': 100, '_xscale': 100, '_yscale': 100, 'angle1': ang, 'dmg': dmgaux, 'tipo': tipx}); ++_root.juego.i; _root.juego.attachMovie('flame', 'dis' + _root.juego.i, _root.juego.getNextHighestDepth(), {'_x': _root.juego[_name]._x, '_y': _root.juego[_name]._y, '_alpha': 100, '_xscale': 100, '_yscale': 100, 'angle1': ang + random(15) - random(15), 'dmg': dmgaux, 'tipo': tipx}); ++_root.juego.i; _root.juego.attachMovie('flame', 'dis' + _root.juego.i, _root.juego.getNextHighestDepth(), {'_x': _root.juego[_name]._x, '_y': _root.juego[_name]._y, '_alpha': 100, '_xscale': 100, '_yscale': 100, 'angle1': ang + random(15) - random(15), 'dmg': dmgaux, 'tipo': tipx}); ++_root.juego.i; } if (this['slot' + slot] == 'machine') { _root.juego.attachMovie('disparo', 'dis' + _root.juego.i, _root.juego.getNextHighestDepth(), {'_x': _root.juego[_name]._x, '_y': _root.juego[_name]._y, '_alpha': 100, '_xscale': 100, '_yscale': 100, 'angle1': ang + random(15) - random(15), 'dmg': dmgaux, 'tipo': tipx}); ++_root.juego.i; } if (this['slot' + slot] == 'mortar') { _root.juego.attachMovie('mortar', 'dis' + _root.juego.i, _root.juego.getNextHighestDepth(), {'_x': _root.juego[_name]._x, '_y': _root.juego[_name]._y, '_alpha': 100, '_xscale': 100, '_yscale': 100, 'angle1': ang, 'dmg': dmgaux, 'posx1': aim_tar._x, 'posy1': aim_tar._y, '_rotation': ang, 'tipo': tipx}); ++_root.juego.i; } if (this['slot' + slot] == 'mine') { _root.juego.manchas.attachMovie('mine', 'dis' + _root.juego.i, _root.juego.getNextHighestDepth(), {'_x': _root.juego[_name]._x, '_y': _root.juego[_name]._y, '_alpha': 100, '_xscale': 100, '_yscale': 100, 'angle1': ang, 'dmg': dmgaux, 'tipo': tipx}); ++_root.juego.i; } if (this['slot' + slot] == 'heal') { fireWeapon(0, 0, aim_tar._x - this._x, aim_tar._y - this._y); aim_tar.healme(dmgaux); } } function change_target() { eleji_algo = 0; desi_rand = random(_parent.friend_left); if (Math.abs(_root.juego['friend' + desi_rand]._x - this._x) < det_range && Math.abs(_root.juego['friend' + desi_rand]._y - this._y) < det_range) { aim_tar = _root.juego['friend' + desi_rand]; eleji_algo = 1; } else { if (desi_rand == 0 && Math.abs(_root.juego.p1._x - this._x) < det_range && Math.abs(_root.juego.p1._y - this._y) < det_range) { aim_tar = _root.juego.p1; eleji_algo = 1; } else { aim_tar = 'nada'; } } if (eleji_algo == 0) { aim_tar = 'nada'; } } function checkColision() { if (_root.ene_cont > 0) { var v3 = 0; while (v3 <= _root.ene_cont) { if (this.area.hitTest(_root.juego['ene' + v3].area) && 'ene' + v3 != this._name) { chocar(_root.juego['ene' + v3]); } ++v3; } } if (_root.friend_cont > 0) { v3 = 0; while (v3 <= _root.ene_cont) { if (this.area.hitTest(_root.juego['friend' + v3].area) && 'friend' + v3 != this._name) { chocar(_root.juego['friend' + v3]); } ++v3; } } } function chocar(tar) { xxaux = tar._x - this._x; yyaux = tar._y - this._y; tan2aux = Math.atan2(yyaux, xxaux) * 180 / 3.1416 - 90; xxaux = this._x - tar._x; yyaux = this._y - tar._y; tan2aux2 = Math.atan2(yyaux, xxaux) * 180 / 3.1416 - 90; _x = _x + Math.sin(tan2aux * Math.PI / 180) * (2 + Math.abs(speed)); _y = _y + Math.cos(tan2aux * Math.PI / 180) * -(2 + Math.abs(speed)); tar._x += Math.sin(tan2aux2 * Math.PI / 180) * (2 + Math.abs(tar.speed)); tar._y += Math.cos(tan2aux2 * Math.PI / 180) * -(2 + Math.abs(tar.speed)); } function check_dead() { if (life <= 0) { if (_alpha <= 0) { += 500; if (random(100) < 81) { _root.pscrapA += 1; } if (random(100) < 10) { _root.pscrapB += 1; } if (random(100) < 5) { _root.pscrapC += 1; } _root.juego.enemy_left -= 1; _root.juego.attachMovie('explotion', 'dis' + _root.juego.i, _root.juego.getNextHighestDepth(), {'_x': _root.juego[_name]._x, '_y': _root.juego[_name]._y, '_alpha': 100, '_xscale': 100, '_yscale': 100}); ++_root.juego.i; if (verdadero == 1) { _root.next_lvl.texto.gotoAndStop('boss4b'); = 1; _root.ganeelboss4 = 1; } this.swapDepths(1000); removeMovieClip(this); } myColor = new Color(this); myColor.setRGB(10027008); this._name = nombresito + 's'; alive = -100; _alpha = _alpha - 20; } } function checkDirection() { if (sumergido == 0) { --cambiopos; } if (cambiopos <= 0) {; } if (cambiopos <= 0 && sumergido == 1) { cambiopos = 120; randon = random(8) + 1; _x = _root.juego['apa' + randon]._x; _y = _root.juego['apa' + randon]._y; atake = _root.juego['apa' + randon].atak; xxx = _root.juego.p1._x - _root.juego[_name]._x; yyy = _root.juego.p1._y - _root.juego[_name]._y; auxiang = Math.atan2(yyy, xxx) * 180 / 3.1416 + 65; dis_ang = auxiang; } if (out == 1) { if (atake == 'boom') { ini = 0; while (ini < 12) { _root.juego.attachMovie('waterblast', 'dis' + _root.juego.i, _root.juego.getNextHighestDepth(), {'_x': _root.juego[_name]._x, '_y': _root.juego[_name]._y, '_alpha': 100, '_xscale': 100, '_yscale': 100, 'angle1': ini * 30, 'dmg': 30, 'tipo': 'ene', '_rotation': ini * 30}); ++_root.juego.i; ++ini; } out = 0; } if (atake == 'circular') { _root.juego.attachMovie('watergun', 'dis' + _root.juego.i, _root.juego.getNextHighestDepth(), {'_x': _root.juego[_name]._x, '_y': _root.juego[_name]._y, '_alpha': 10, '_xscale': 100, '_yscale': 100, 'angle1': dis_ang, 'dmg': 5, 'tipo': 'ene'}); ++_root.juego.i; ++dis_ang; if (dis_ang > 360 + auxiang) { out = 0; } } } } function return_formation() { if (ret_form == 1 && amigo == 1) { if (form_x == undefined) { dest_x = _root.juego.p1._x; dest_y = _root.juego.p1._y; } else { dest_x = _root.juego.p1._x + form_x; dest_y = _root.juego.p1._y + form_y; } } if (amigo == undefined) { this.moveX = 0; this.moveY = 0; } } function checkcannon() { xx = _root.juego.p1._x - _root.juego[_name]._x; yy = _root.juego.p1._y - _root.juego[_name]._y; tan2 = Math.atan2(yy, xx) * 180 / 3.1416; c1.c2.cannon._rotation = tan2 - 90; } function check_healing() { if (aim_tar != 'nada') { xx = aim_tar._x - _root.juego[_name]._x; yy = aim_tar._y - _root.juego[_name]._y; tan2 = Math.atan2(yy, xx) * 180 / 3.1416; } else { tan2 = carcasa._rotation; } cannon._rotation = tan2 + 90; if ( == aim_tar.life_max || aim_tar == 'nada') { change_target(); } } function check_shoot() { ++discont; if (discont % atack_speed == 0) { _root.juego.attachMovie('seeker', 'dis' + _root.juego.i, _root.juego.getNextHighestDepth(), {'_x': _root.juego[_name]._x, '_y': _root.juego[_name]._y, '_alpha': 100, '_xscale': 100, '_yscale': 100, 's_inc': 2, 'smax': 3, 'life': 250, 'atack_speed': random(30) + 20, 'slot1': 'normal', 'slot2': 'mortar', 'slot3': 'normal', 'slot1_dmg': 50, 'slot2_dmg': 50, 'slot3_dmg': 50, 'alive': 0, 'def': 1, 'dmg': 20}); ++i; } } function healme(hot) { if (life + hot < life_max) { life += hot; } else { life = life_max; } } if (_root.conto_enes == undefined) { _root.conto_enes = 0; } _name = 'ene' + _root.conto_enes; ++_root.conto_enes; if (verdadero == 1) { _root.hp_boss.targetin = _name; = 1; } life_max = life; dest_x = undefined; dest_y = undefined; det_range = 1500; moveX = 0; moveY = 0; boss = 1; seleccionado = false; if (amigo == undefined) { ++_root.ene_cont; } else { ++_root.friend_cont; } if (spec == 'healer') { healing = 1; } else { healing = 0; } ret_form = 1; form_x = undefined; form_y = undefined; if (spec != 'healer') { slot4_dmg = 0; } conto = 0; cambiopos = 0; if (amigo == undefined) { aim_tar = 'nada'; } else { aim_tar = 'nada'; return_formation(); } if (slot1 == 'flame') { slot4_dmg = slot1_dmg; } if (slot2 == 'flame') { slot4_dmg = slot2_dmg; } if (slot3 == 'flame') { slot4_dmg = slot3_dmg; } discont = 0; torque = 100; if (spec != 'healer') { slot4 = 'flame'; } var anglespeed = 5; angleT = 0; speed = 5; inerciax = 0; inerciay = 0; onEnterFrame = function () { if (_root.pausado == 1) { tHolder.clear(); if (alive >= 1) { if ( > 0) { if (healing == 0) { checkcannon(); } else { check_healing(); } check_shoot(); } else { change_target(); } checkDirection(); } else { ++alive; randy = random(50) - random(50); randx = random(50) - random(50); if (conto % 5 == 0) { fireWeapon(randx, randy, randx * -1, randy * -1); } ++conto; } check_dead(); } else { if (amigo != undefined) { showtarget(); } } }; nombresito = _name; dis_ang = 0; sumergido == 0; } } movieClip 640 { frame 1 { _alpha = 0; onEnterFrame = function () { if (this.hitTest(_root.juego.p1)) { _root.juego.negritud._y += 200; this._x -= 1000;; } }; } } movieClip 644 { frame 1 { function check_win() { if (enemy_left <= 0) { } if (_root.next_lvl.habilitado == 1) { _root.texto.gotoAndStop('tuto_1a'); = 1; _root.next_lvl.habilitado = 0; } } stop(); enemy_left = 1; friend_left = 4; } frame 1 { function check_camarita() { if (_root.escalita == undefined && _root.juego._xscale > 50) { _root.juego._xscale -= 5; _root.juego._yscale -= 5; } else { _root.escalita = _root.juego._xscale; } } function check_keys() { if (Key.isDown(32) && _root.pausado == 1 && keyholder == 0) { _root.pausado = 0; keyholder = 1; selector._alpha = 0; selecting = false; } else { if (Key.isDown(32) && _root.pausado == 0 && keyholder == 0) { _root.pausado = 1; keyholder = 1; selector._alpha = 0; selecting = false; if (_root.friend_cont > 0) { var v3 = 0; while (v3 <= _root.friend_cont) { _root.juego['friend' + v3].seleccionado = false; ++v3; } } } } if (!Key.isDown(32) && keyholder == 1) { keyholder = 0; } if (_root.pausado == 0) { if (Key.isDown(68) && == 0) { _root.last_x += 15; } if (Key.isDown(65) && == 0) { _root.last_x -= 15; } if (Key.isDown(87) && == 0) { _root.last_y -= 15; } if (Key.isDown(83) && == 0) { _root.last_y += 15; } if (Key.isDown(69) && _root.juego._xscale > 50) { _root.juego._xscale -= 10; _root.juego._yscale -= 10; } if (Key.isDown(81) && _root.juego._xscale < 100) { _root.juego._xscale += 10; _root.juego._yscale += 10; } if (Key.isDown(88)) { xpress = 1; selector._x = _xmouse; selector._y = _ymouse; selector._width = 10; selector._height = 10; if (_root.friend_cont > 0) { v3 = 0; while (v3 <= _root.friend_cont) { nothig_to_select = 0; if (_root.juego['friend' + v3].seleccionado == true) { if (_root.ene_cont > 0) { var v4 = 0; while (v4 <= _root.ene_cont) { if (this.selector.hitTest(_root.juego['ene' + v4].area) && _root.juego['friend' + v3].healing == 0) { _root.juego['friend' + v3].aim_tar = _root.juego['ene' + v4]; _root.juego['friend' + v3].dest_x = undefined; _root.juego['friend' + v3].dest_y = undefined; nothig_to_select = 1; } else { if (nothig_to_select == 0) { _root.juego['friend' + v3].dest_x = _xmouse; _root.juego['friend' + v3].dest_y = _ymouse; _root.juego['friend' + v3].ret_form = 0; if (this.selector.hitTest(_root.juego.p1.area)) { _root.juego['friend' + v3].ret_form = 1; } } } ++v4; } } } ++v3; } } } if (!Key.isDown(88) && xpress == 1) { kelokesoy = 'tic'; mySound = new Sound(_root.fx); mySound.attachSound(kelokesoy); mySound.start(0, 1); xpress = 0; } } } function check_orders() { if (_root.pausado == 0) { if (selecting == true) { selector._x = selec_x; selector._y = selec_y; selector._width = Math.abs(this._xmouse - selec_x); selector._height = Math.abs(this._ymouse - selec_y); if (this._xmouse - selec_x < 0) { selector._xscale *= -1; } if (this._ymouse - selec_y < 0) { selector._yscale *= -1; } } } } _root.conto_enes = 0; gotoAndStop(_root.nextScreen); _root.pgold = 0; _root.pscrapA = 0; _root.pscrapB = 0; _root.pscrapC = 0; _root.arb_cont = 0; keyholder = 0; nothig_to_select = 0; _root.next_lvl.habilitado = 1; selecting = false; selec_x = 0; selec_y = 0; _root.friend_cont = 0; _root.ene_cont = 0; chu_cont = 0; while (chu_cont < 8) { if (_root.chupador == 'c' + chu_cont) { _root.juego.p1._x = _root.juego['c' + chu_cont]._x; _root.juego.p1._y = _root.juego['c' + chu_cont]._y; _root.juego.p1.angleT = _root.graditos; } ++chu_cont; } if (_root.escalita != undefined) { _root.juego._xscale = _root.escalita; _root.juego._yscale = _root.escalita; } onEnterFrame = function () { check_keys(); check_win(); check_orders(); check_camarita(); if (_root.juego.enemy_left >= 0) { _root.juego.enemy_left2 = _root.juego.enemy_left; } else { _root.juego.enemy_left2 = 0; } }; onMouseDown = function () { if (_root.pausado == 0) { if (selecting == false) { selec_x = this._xmouse; selec_y = this._ymouse; selector._alpha = 100; } selecting = true; } }; onMouseUp = function () { if (_root.pausado == 0) { selecting = false; if (_root.friend_cont > 0) { var v3 = 0; while (v3 <= _root.friend_cont) { if (this.selector.hitTest(_root.juego['friend' + v3].area)) { _root.juego['friend' + v3].seleccionado = true; kelokesoy = 'tic'; mySound = new Sound(_root.fx); mySound.attachSound(kelokesoy); mySound.start(0, 1); } else { _root.juego['friend' + v3].seleccionado = false; } ++v3; } } if (_root.seleccionar._name != undefined) { _root.seleccionar.seleccionado = 1; _root.seleccionar = undefined; } selector._alpha = 0; } }; } instance p1 of movieClip 212 Player { onClipEvent (load) { spec = 'player'; } } instance of movieClip 470 { onClipEvent (load) { targetin = 'nivel_1b'; chupador = '1'; } } frame 2 { function check_win() { if (enemy_left <= 0) { } } stop(); enemy_left = 8; friend_left = 4; if (_root.next_lvl.habilitado == 1) { _root.next_lvl.texto.gotoAndStop('tuto_1b'); = 1; _root.next_lvl.habilitado = 0; } } instance of movieClip 470 { onClipEvent (load) { targetin = 'nivel_1c'; chupador = '1'; _root.graditos = _root.juego.p1.angleT; } } instance of movieClip 481 { onClipEvent (load) { s_inc = 2; smax = 3; dmg = 2; life = 5; armor = 15; atack_speed = random(30) + 20; slot1 = 'normal'; slot2 = 'mortar'; slot3 = 'missile'; slot1_dmg = 20; slot2_dmg = 15; slot3_dmg = 50; alive = 0; } } instance of movieClip 202 enemy { onClipEvent (load) { s_inc = 2; smax = 3; life = 100; armor = 15; atack_speed = random(30) + 20; slot1 = 'normal'; slot2 = 'mortar'; slot3 = 'missile'; slot1_dmg = 5; slot2_dmg = 10; slot3_dmg = 5; alive = 0; } } instance of movieClip 202 enemy { onClipEvent (load) { s_inc = 2; smax = 3; life = 100; armor = 15; atack_speed = random(30) + 20; slot1 = 'normal'; slot2 = 'mortar'; slot3 = 'missile'; slot1_dmg = 5; slot2_dmg = 10; slot3_dmg = 5; alive = 0; } } instance of movieClip 202 enemy { onClipEvent (load) { s_inc = 2; smax = 3; life = 100; armor = 15; atack_speed = random(30) + 20; slot1 = 'normal'; slot2 = 'mortar'; slot3 = 'missile'; slot1_dmg = 5; slot2_dmg = 10; slot3_dmg = 5; alive = 0; } } instance of movieClip 481 { onClipEvent (load) { s_inc = 2; smax = 3; dmg = 2; life = 5; armor = 15; atack_speed = random(30) + 20; slot1 = 'normal'; slot2 = 'mortar'; slot3 = 'missile'; slot1_dmg = 20; slot2_dmg = 15; slot3_dmg = 50; alive = 0; } } instance of movieClip 481 { onClipEvent (load) { s_inc = 2; smax = 3; dmg = 2; life = 5; armor = 15; atack_speed = random(30) + 20; slot1 = 'normal'; slot2 = 'mortar'; slot3 = 'missile'; slot1_dmg = 20; slot2_dmg = 15; slot3_dmg = 50; alive = 0; } } instance of movieClip 481 { onClipEvent (load) { s_inc = 2; smax = 3; dmg = 2; life = 5; armor = 15; atack_speed = random(30) + 20; slot1 = 'normal'; slot2 = 'mortar'; slot3 = 'missile'; slot1_dmg = 20; slot2_dmg = 15; slot3_dmg = 50; alive = 0; } } instance of movieClip 481 { onClipEvent (load) { s_inc = 2; smax = 3; dmg = 2; life = 5; armor = 15; atack_speed = random(30) + 20; slot1 = 'normal'; slot2 = 'mortar'; slot3 = 'missile'; slot1_dmg = 20; slot2_dmg = 15; slot3_dmg = 50; alive = 0; } } frame 3 { function check_win() { if (enemy_left <= 0) { } } stop(); enemy_left = 11; friend_left = 4; if (_root.next_lvl.habilitado == 1) { _root.next_lvl.texto.gotoAndStop('tuto_1c'); = 1; _root.next_lvl.habilitado = 0; } } instance friend3 of movieClip 523 { onClipEvent (load) { amigo = 1; spec = 'healer'; s_inc = 1; smax = 9; life = _root.hp_max / 2; armor = 15; atack_speed = random(30) + 20; slot1 = 'empty'; slot2 = 'empty'; slot3 = 'empty'; slot4 = 'heal'; slot5 = 'static'; slot1_dmg = 1; slot2_dmg = 1; slot3_dmg = 1; slot4_dmg = 0.2; alive = 1; } } instance of movieClip 202 enemy { onClipEvent (load) { s_inc = 2; smax = 3; life = 250; armor = 15; atack_speed = random(30) + 20; slot1 = 'normal'; slot2 = 'mortar'; slot3 = 'normal'; slot1_dmg = 5; slot2_dmg = 15; slot3_dmg = 5; alive = 0; } } instance friend2 of movieClip 523 { onClipEvent (load) { amigo = 1; s_inc = 4; smax = 9; spec = 'medio'; life = _root.hp_max / 2; armor = 15; atack_speed = random(30) + 20; slot1 = 'mortar'; slot2 = 'machine'; slot3 = 'missile'; slot5 = 'static'; slot1_dmg = 50; slot2_dmg = 10; slot3_dmg = 10; alive = 1; } } instance friend1 of movieClip 523 { onClipEvent (load) { amigo = 1; s_inc = 4; smax = 9; spec = 'pesado'; life = _root.hp_max / 2; armor = 15; atack_speed = random(30) + 20; slot1 = 'normal'; slot2 = 'flame'; slot3 = 'missile'; slot5 = 'static'; slot1_dmg = 30; slot2_dmg = 50; slot3_dmg = 10; alive = 1; } } instance of movieClip 202 enemy { onClipEvent (load) { tipo = 'titan'; s_inc = 2; smax = 3; life = 250; armor = 15; atack_speed = random(30) + 20; slot1 = 'normal'; slot2 = 'normal'; slot3 = 'missile'; slot1_dmg = 10; slot2_dmg = 10; slot3_dmg = 8; alive = 0; } } instance of movieClip 202 enemy { onClipEvent (load) { s_inc = 2; smax = 3; life = 250; armor = 15; atack_speed = random(30) + 20; slot1 = 'normal'; slot2 = 'mortar'; slot3 = 'normal'; slot1_dmg = 5; slot2_dmg = 15; slot3_dmg = 5; alive = 0; } } instance of movieClip 202 enemy { onClipEvent (load) { s_inc = 2; smax = 3; life = 250; armor = 15; atack_speed = random(30) + 20; slot1 = 'normal'; slot2 = 'mortar'; slot3 = 'normal'; slot1_dmg = 5; slot2_dmg = 15; slot3_dmg = 5; alive = 0; } } instance of movieClip 202 enemy { onClipEvent (load) { s_inc = 2; smax = 3; life = 250; armor = 15; atack_speed = random(30) + 20; slot1 = 'normal'; slot2 = 'mortar'; slot3 = 'normal'; slot1_dmg = 5; slot2_dmg = 15; slot3_dmg = 5; alive = 0; } } instance of movieClip 202 enemy { onClipEvent (load) { s_inc = 2; smax = 3; life = 250; armor = 15; atack_speed = random(30) + 20; slot1 = 'normal'; slot2 = 'mortar'; slot3 = 'normal'; slot1_dmg = 5; slot2_dmg = 15; slot3_dmg = 5; alive = 0; } } instance of movieClip 481 { onClipEvent (load) { s_inc = 2; smax = 3; dmg = 2; life = 5; armor = 15; atack_speed = random(30) + 20; slot1 = 'normal'; slot2 = 'mortar'; slot3 = 'missile'; slot1_dmg = 20; slot2_dmg = 15; slot3_dmg = 50; alive = 0; } } instance of movieClip 481 { onClipEvent (load) { s_inc = 2; smax = 3; dmg = 2; life = 5; armor = 15; atack_speed = random(30) + 20; slot1 = 'normal'; slot2 = 'mortar'; slot3 = 'missile'; slot1_dmg = 20; slot2_dmg = 15; slot3_dmg = 50; alive = 0; } } instance of movieClip 481 { onClipEvent (load) { s_inc = 2; smax = 3; dmg = 2; life = 5; armor = 15; atack_speed = random(30) + 20; slot1 = 'normal'; slot2 = 'mortar'; slot3 = 'missile'; slot1_dmg = 20; slot2_dmg = 15; slot3_dmg = 50; alive = 0; } } instance of movieClip 481 { onClipEvent (load) { s_inc = 2; smax = 3; dmg = 2; life = 5; armor = 15; atack_speed = random(30) + 20; slot1 = 'normal'; slot2 = 'mortar'; slot3 = 'missile'; slot1_dmg = 20; slot2_dmg = 15; slot3_dmg = 50; alive = 0; } } instance of movieClip 470 { onClipEvent (load) { targetin = 'nivel_1d'; chupador = '1'; } } instance of movieClip 526 { onClipEvent (load) { s_inc = 2; smax = 3; life = 250; armor = 15; atack_speed = random(30) + 20; slot1 = 'machine'; slot2 = 'machine'; slot3 = 'machine'; slot1_dmg = 5; slot2_dmg = 5; slot3_dmg = 5; alive = 0; } } frame 4 { function check_win() { if (enemy_left <= 2) { cuento_pisadas = 0; cont_t = 0; while (cont_t < 5) { if (_root.juego['t' + cont_t].pisado == 1) { ++cuento_pisadas; } ++cont_t; } if (cuento_pisadas == 4) {; asda1._x = 99999; asda2._x = 99999; asda3._x = 99999; asda4._x = 99999; } } } stop(); enemy_left = 1; friend_left = 4; if (_root.next_lvl.habilitado == 1) { _root.next_lvl.texto.gotoAndStop('tuto_1d'); = 1; _root.next_lvl.habilitado = 0; } } instance friend3 of movieClip 523 { onClipEvent (load) { amigo = 1; spec = 'healer'; s_inc = 1; smax = 9; life = _root.hp_actual3; armor = 15; atack_speed = random(30) + 20; slot1 = 'empty'; slot2 = 'empty'; slot3 = 'empty'; slot4 = 'heal'; slot5 = 'static'; slot1_dmg = 1; slot2_dmg = 1; slot3_dmg = 1; slot4_dmg = 0.2; alive = 1; } } instance of movieClip 481 { onClipEvent (load) { s_inc = 2; smax = 3; dmg = 2; life = 5; armor = 15; atack_speed = random(30) + 20; slot1 = 'normal'; slot2 = 'mortar'; slot3 = 'missile'; slot1_dmg = 20; slot2_dmg = 15; slot3_dmg = 50; alive = 0; } } instance of movieClip 470 { onClipEvent (load) { targetin = 'nivel_1e'; chupador = '1'; } } instance friend2 of movieClip 523 { onClipEvent (load) { amigo = 1; s_inc = 4; smax = 9; spec = 'medio'; life = _root.hp_max / 2; armor = 15; atack_speed = random(30) + 20; slot1 = 'mortar'; slot2 = 'machine'; slot3 = 'missile'; slot5 = 'static'; slot1_dmg = 5; slot2_dmg = 50; slot3_dmg = 10; alive = 1; } } instance friend1 of movieClip 523 { onClipEvent (load) { amigo = 1; s_inc = 4; smax = 9; spec = 'pesado'; life = _root.hp_max / 2; armor = 15; atack_speed = random(30) + 20; slot1 = 'normal'; slot2 = 'flame'; slot3 = 'missile'; slot5 = 'static'; slot1_dmg = 25; slot2_dmg = 30; slot3_dmg = 10; alive = 1; } } instance puertita of movieClip 534 { onClipEvent (load) { life = 99999; } } frame 5 { function check_win() { if (enemy_left <= 1) { contito = 0; while (contito < 6) { if (_root.juego['ene' + contito].life > 6000) { _root.juego['ene' + contito].life = 2000; } _root.juego['ene' + contito].life_max = 2000; ++contito; } } else { contito = 0; while (contito < 6) { if (_root.juego['ene' + contito].life > 6000) { _root.juego['ene' + contito].life = 9999999; _root.juego['ene' + contito].life_max = 9999999; } ++contito; } } _root.juego.shildin._alpha = 25 * (enemy_left - 1); if (enemy_left <= 0 && _root.pausado == 1) { --tecuento; if (tecuento <= 0) {; } } } stop(); enemy_left = 5; friend_left = 4; tecuento = 48; if (_root.next_lvl.habilitado == 1) { _root.next_lvl.texto.gotoAndStop('tuto_1e'); = 1; _root.next_lvl.habilitado = 0; stopAllSounds(); mymusic = new Sound(_root.musikita); mymusic.attachSound('m_boss'); mymusic.start(0, 9999); } } instance friend3 of movieClip 523 { onClipEvent (load) { amigo = 1; spec = 'healer'; s_inc = 1; smax = 9; life = 250; armor = 15; atack_speed = random(30) + 20; slot1 = 'empty'; slot2 = 'empty'; slot3 = 'empty'; slot4 = 'heal'; slot5 = 'static'; slot1_dmg = 1; slot2_dmg = 1; slot3_dmg = 1; slot4_dmg = 1; alive = 1; } } instance friend2 of movieClip 523 { onClipEvent (load) { amigo = 1; s_inc = 4; smax = 9; spec = 'medio'; life = _root.hp_max / 2; armor = 15; atack_speed = random(30) + 20; slot1 = 'mortar'; slot2 = 'machine'; slot3 = 'missile'; slot5 = 'static'; slot1_dmg = 50; slot2_dmg = 10; slot3_dmg = 10; alive = 1; } } instance friend1 of movieClip 523 { onClipEvent (load) { amigo = 1; s_inc = 4; smax = 9; spec = 'pesado'; life = _root.hp_max / 2; armor = 15; atack_speed = random(30) + 20; slot1 = 'normal'; slot2 = 'flame'; slot3 = 'missile'; slot5 = 'static'; slot1_dmg = 30; slot2_dmg = 50; slot3_dmg = 10; alive = 1; } } instance of movieClip 561 { onClipEvent (load) { s_inc = 2; smax = 3; life = 99999; armor = 15; atack_speed = random(10) + 10; cant_disparos = 3; cooldown = random(48) + 24; slot1 = 'machine'; slot2 = 'machine'; slot3 = 'machine'; slot1_dmg = 5; slot2_dmg = 5; slot3_dmg = 5; alive = 1; } } instance of movieClip 526 { onClipEvent (load) { boss = 1; s_inc = 2; smax = 3; life = 1000; armor = 15; atack_speed = random(30) + 20; slot1 = 'machine'; slot2 = 'machine'; slot3 = 'machine'; slot1_dmg = 5; slot2_dmg = 5; slot3_dmg = 5; alive = 1; } } instance of movieClip 526 { onClipEvent (load) { boss = 1; s_inc = 2; smax = 3; life = 1000; armor = 15; atack_speed = random(30) + 20; slot1 = 'machine'; slot2 = 'machine'; slot3 = 'machine'; slot1_dmg = 5; slot2_dmg = 5; slot3_dmg = 5; alive = 1; } } instance of movieClip 526 { onClipEvent (load) { boss = 1; s_inc = 2; smax = 3; life = 1000; armor = 15; atack_speed = random(30) + 20; slot1 = 'machine'; slot2 = 'machine'; slot3 = 'machine'; slot1_dmg = 5; slot2_dmg = 5; slot3_dmg = 5; alive = 1; } } instance of movieClip 526 { onClipEvent (load) { boss = 1; s_inc = 2; smax = 3; life = 1000; armor = 15; atack_speed = random(30) + 20; slot1 = 'machine'; slot2 = 'machine'; slot3 = 'machine'; slot1_dmg = 5; slot2_dmg = 5; slot3_dmg = 5; alive = 1; } } frame 6 { function check_win() { if (enemy_left <= 0) { } } stop(); enemy_left = 16; friend_left = 4; if (_root.next_lvl.habilitado == 1) { = 0; _root.next_lvl.habilitado = 0; } } instance of movieClip 567 { onClipEvent (load) { speedx = 0; speedy = -14; } } instance p1 of movieClip 212 Player { onClipEvent (load) { spec = 'player'; } } instance friend3 of movieClip 523 { onClipEvent (load) { amigo = 1; spec = 'healer'; s_inc = 1; smax = 9; life = 250; armor = 15; atack_speed = random(30) + 20; slot1 = 'empty'; slot2 = 'empty'; slot3 = 'empty'; slot4 = 'heal'; slot5 = 'static'; slot1_dmg = 1; slot2_dmg = 1; slot3_dmg = 1; slot4_dmg = 1; alive = 1; } } instance friend2 of movieClip 523 { onClipEvent (load) { amigo = 1; s_inc = 4; smax = 9; spec = 'medio'; life = _root.hp_max / 2; armor = 15; atack_speed = random(30) + 20; slot1 = 'mortar'; slot2 = 'machine'; slot3 = 'missile'; slot5 = 'static'; slot1_dmg = 50; slot2_dmg = 10; slot3_dmg = 10; alive = 1; } } instance friend1 of movieClip 523 { onClipEvent (load) { amigo = 1; s_inc = 4; smax = 9; spec = 'pesado'; life = _root.hp_max / 2; armor = 15; atack_speed = random(30) + 20; slot1 = 'normal'; slot2 = 'flame'; slot3 = 'missile'; slot5 = 'static'; slot1_dmg = 30; slot2_dmg = 50; slot3_dmg = 10; alive = 1; } } instance of movieClip 202 enemy { onClipEvent (load) { s_inc = 2; smax = 3; life = 250; armor = 15; atack_speed = random(30) + 20; slot1 = 'normal'; slot2 = 'mortar'; slot3 = 'normal'; slot1_dmg = 5; slot2_dmg = 15; slot3_dmg = 5; alive = 0; } } instance of movieClip 202 enemy { onClipEvent (load) { s_inc = 2; smax = 3; life = 250; armor = 15; atack_speed = random(30) + 20; slot1 = 'normal'; slot2 = 'mortar'; slot3 = 'normal'; slot1_dmg = 5; slot2_dmg = 15; slot3_dmg = 5; alive = 0; } } instance of movieClip 481 { onClipEvent (load) { s_inc = 2; smax = 3; dmg = 2; life = 5; armor = 15; atack_speed = random(30) + 20; slot1 = 'normal'; slot2 = 'mortar'; slot3 = 'missile'; slot1_dmg = 20; slot2_dmg = 15; slot3_dmg = 50; alive = 0; } } instance of movieClip 481 { onClipEvent (load) { s_inc = 2; smax = 3; dmg = 2; life = 5; armor = 15; atack_speed = random(30) + 20; slot1 = 'normal'; slot2 = 'mortar'; slot3 = 'missile'; slot1_dmg = 20; slot2_dmg = 15; slot3_dmg = 50; alive = 0; } } instance of movieClip 481 { onClipEvent (load) { s_inc = 2; smax = 3; dmg = 2; life = 5; armor = 15; atack_speed = random(30) + 20; slot1 = 'normal'; slot2 = 'mortar'; slot3 = 'missile'; slot1_dmg = 20; slot2_dmg = 15; slot3_dmg = 50; alive = 0; } } instance of movieClip 481 { onClipEvent (load) { s_inc = 2; smax = 3; dmg = 2; life = 5; armor = 15; atack_speed = random(30) + 20; slot1 = 'normal'; slot2 = 'mortar'; slot3 = 'missile'; slot1_dmg = 20; slot2_dmg = 15; slot3_dmg = 50; alive = 0; } } instance of movieClip 202 enemy { onClipEvent (load) { s_inc = 2; smax = 3; life = 250; armor = 15; atack_speed = random(30) + 20; slot1 = 'normal'; slot2 = 'mortar'; slot3 = 'normal'; slot1_dmg = 5; slot2_dmg = 15; slot3_dmg = 5; alive = 0; } } instance of movieClip 470 { onClipEvent (load) { targetin = 'nivel_2b'; chupador = '1'; } } instance of movieClip 526 { onClipEvent (load) { s_inc = 2; smax = 3; life = 1000; armor = 15; atack_speed = random(30) + 20; slot1 = 'machine'; slot2 = 'machine'; slot3 = 'machine'; slot1_dmg = 5; slot2_dmg = 5; slot3_dmg = 5; alive = 1; } } instance of movieClip 526 { onClipEvent (load) { s_inc = 2; smax = 3; life = 1000; armor = 15; atack_speed = random(30) + 20; slot1 = 'machine'; slot2 = 'machine'; slot3 = 'machine'; slot1_dmg = 5; slot2_dmg = 5; slot3_dmg = 5; alive = 1; } } instance of movieClip 526 { onClipEvent (load) { s_inc = 2; smax = 3; life = 1000; armor = 15; atack_speed = random(30) + 20; slot1 = 'machine'; slot2 = 'machine'; slot3 = 'machine'; slot1_dmg = 5; slot2_dmg = 5; slot3_dmg = 5; alive = 1; } } instance of movieClip 526 { onClipEvent (load) { s_inc = 2; smax = 3; life = 1000; armor = 15; atack_speed = random(30) + 20; slot1 = 'machine'; slot2 = 'machine'; slot3 = 'machine'; slot1_dmg = 5; slot2_dmg = 5; slot3_dmg = 5; alive = 1; } } instance of movieClip 526 { onClipEvent (load) { s_inc = 2; smax = 3; life = 1000; armor = 15; atack_speed = random(30) + 20; slot1 = 'machine'; slot2 = 'machine'; slot3 = 'machine'; slot1_dmg = 5; slot2_dmg = 5; slot3_dmg = 5; alive = 1; } } instance of movieClip 526 { onClipEvent (load) { s_inc = 2; smax = 3; life = 1000; armor = 15; atack_speed = random(30) + 20; slot1 = 'machine'; slot2 = 'machine'; slot3 = 'machine'; slot1_dmg = 5; slot2_dmg = 5; slot3_dmg = 5; alive = 1; } } instance of movieClip 526 { onClipEvent (load) { s_inc = 2; smax = 3; life = 1000; armor = 15; atack_speed = random(30) + 20; slot1 = 'machine'; slot2 = 'machine'; slot3 = 'machine'; slot1_dmg = 5; slot2_dmg = 5; slot3_dmg = 5; alive = 1; } } instance of movieClip 526 { onClipEvent (load) { s_inc = 2; smax = 3; life = 1000; armor = 15; atack_speed = random(30) + 20; slot1 = 'machine'; slot2 = 'machine'; slot3 = 'machine'; slot1_dmg = 5; slot2_dmg = 5; slot3_dmg = 5; alive = 1; } } frame 7 { function check_win() { if (enemy_left <= 0) { } } stop(); enemy_left = 7; friend_left = 4; if (_root.next_lvl.habilitado == 1) { = 0; _root.next_lvl.habilitado = 0; } } instance of movieClip 202 enemy { onClipEvent (load) { s_inc = 2; smax = 3; life = 250; armor = 15; atack_speed = random(30) + 20; slot1 = 'normal'; slot2 = 'mortar'; slot3 = 'normal'; slot1_dmg = 5; slot2_dmg = 15; slot3_dmg = 5; alive = 0; } } instance of movieClip 202 enemy { onClipEvent (load) { s_inc = 2; smax = 3; life = 250; armor = 15; atack_speed = random(30) + 20; slot1 = 'normal'; slot2 = 'mortar'; slot3 = 'normal'; slot1_dmg = 5; slot2_dmg = 15; slot3_dmg = 5; alive = 0; } } instance of movieClip 470 { onClipEvent (load) { targetin = 'nivel_2c'; chupador = '1'; } } instance of movieClip 526 { onClipEvent (load) { s_inc = 2; smax = 3; life = 1000; armor = 15; atack_speed = random(30) + 20; slot1 = 'machine'; slot2 = 'machine'; slot3 = 'machine'; slot1_dmg = 5; slot2_dmg = 5; slot3_dmg = 5; alive = 1; } } instance of movieClip 526 { onClipEvent (load) { s_inc = 2; smax = 3; life = 1000; armor = 15; atack_speed = random(30) + 20; slot1 = 'machine'; slot2 = 'machine'; slot3 = 'machine'; slot1_dmg = 5; slot2_dmg = 5; slot3_dmg = 5; alive = 1; } } instance of movieClip 526 { onClipEvent (load) { s_inc = 2; smax = 3; life = 1000; armor = 15; atack_speed = random(30) + 20; slot1 = 'machine'; slot2 = 'machine'; slot3 = 'machine'; slot1_dmg = 5; slot2_dmg = 5; slot3_dmg = 5; alive = 1; } } instance of movieClip 526 { onClipEvent (load) { s_inc = 2; smax = 3; life = 1000; armor = 15; atack_speed = random(30) + 20; slot1 = 'machine'; slot2 = 'machine'; slot3 = 'machine'; slot1_dmg = 5; slot2_dmg = 5; slot3_dmg = 5; alive = 1; } } frame 8 { function check_win() { if (enemy_left <= 0) { } } stop(); enemy_left = 1; friend_left = 4; if (_root.next_lvl.habilitado == 1) { = 0; _root.next_lvl.habilitado = 0; } } instance of movieClip 567 { onClipEvent (load) { speedx = -15; speedy = 0; } } instance of movieClip 470 { onClipEvent (load) { targetin = 'nivel_2d'; chupador = '1'; } } instance of movieClip 526 { onClipEvent (load) { s_inc = 2; smax = 3; life = 1000; armor = 15; atack_speed = random(30) + 20; slot1 = 'machine'; slot2 = 'machine'; slot3 = 'machine'; slot1_dmg = 5; slot2_dmg = 5; slot3_dmg = 5; alive = 1; } } instance of movieClip 526 { onClipEvent (load) { s_inc = 2; smax = 3; life = 1000; armor = 15; atack_speed = random(30) + 20; slot1 = 'machine'; slot2 = 'machine'; slot3 = 'machine'; slot1_dmg = 5; slot2_dmg = 5; slot3_dmg = 5; alive = 1; } } frame 9 { function check_win() { if (enemy_left <= 0) { } } stop(); enemy_left = 2; friend_left = 4; if (_root.next_lvl.habilitado == 1) { = 0; _root.next_lvl.habilitado = 0; } } instance of movieClip 567 { onClipEvent (load) { speedx = 0; speedy = -15; } } instance of movieClip 470 { onClipEvent (load) { targetin = 'nivel_2e'; chupador = '1'; } } frame 10 { function check_win() { if (enemy_left <= 0) { } } stop(); enemy_left = 10; friend_left = 4; if (_root.next_lvl.habilitado == 1) { = 0; _root.next_lvl.habilitado = 0; } } instance of movieClip 202 enemy { onClipEvent (load) { s_inc = 2; smax = 3; life = 250; armor = 15; atack_speed = random(30) + 20; slot1 = 'normal'; slot2 = 'mortar'; slot3 = 'normal'; slot1_dmg = 5; slot2_dmg = 15; slot3_dmg = 5; alive = 0; } } instance of movieClip 202 enemy { onClipEvent (load) { s_inc = 2; smax = 3; life = 250; armor = 15; atack_speed = random(30) + 20; slot1 = 'normal'; slot2 = 'mortar'; slot3 = 'normal'; slot1_dmg = 5; slot2_dmg = 15; slot3_dmg = 5; alive = 0; } } instance of movieClip 202 enemy { onClipEvent (load) { s_inc = 2; smax = 3; life = 250; armor = 15; atack_speed = random(30) + 20; slot1 = 'normal'; slot2 = 'mortar'; slot3 = 'normal'; slot1_dmg = 5; slot2_dmg = 15; slot3_dmg = 5; alive = 0; } } instance of movieClip 202 enemy { onClipEvent (load) { s_inc = 2; smax = 3; life = 250; armor = 15; atack_speed = random(30) + 20; slot1 = 'normal'; slot2 = 'mortar'; slot3 = 'normal'; slot1_dmg = 5; slot2_dmg = 15; slot3_dmg = 5; alive = 0; } } instance of movieClip 202 enemy { onClipEvent (load) { s_inc = 2; smax = 3; life = 250; armor = 15; atack_speed = random(30) + 20; slot1 = 'normal'; slot2 = 'mortar'; slot3 = 'normal'; slot1_dmg = 5; slot2_dmg = 15; slot3_dmg = 5; alive = 0; } } instance of movieClip 202 enemy { onClipEvent (load) { s_inc = 2; smax = 3; life = 250; armor = 15; atack_speed = random(30) + 20; slot1 = 'normal'; slot2 = 'mortar'; slot3 = 'normal'; slot1_dmg = 5; slot2_dmg = 15; slot3_dmg = 5; alive = 0; } } instance of movieClip 584 jeep_tnt { onClipEvent (load) { s_inc = 2; smax = 3; life = 100; armor = 15; atack_speed = random(30) + 20; dmg = 300; slot1 = 'empty'; slot2 = 'empty'; slot3 = 'empty'; slot1_dmg = 5; slot2_dmg = 15; slot3_dmg = 5; alive = 0; } } instance of movieClip 470 { onClipEvent (load) { targetin = 'nivel_2f'; chupador = '1'; } } instance of movieClip 526 { onClipEvent (load) { s_inc = 2; smax = 3; life = 1000; armor = 15; atack_speed = random(30) + 20; slot1 = 'machine'; slot2 = 'machine'; slot3 = 'machine'; slot1_dmg = 5; slot2_dmg = 5; slot3_dmg = 5; alive = 1; } } instance of movieClip 526 { onClipEvent (load) { s_inc = 2; smax = 3; life = 1000; armor = 15; atack_speed = random(30) + 20; slot1 = 'machine'; slot2 = 'machine'; slot3 = 'machine'; slot1_dmg = 5; slot2_dmg = 5; slot3_dmg = 5; alive = 1; } } instance of movieClip 526 { onClipEvent (load) { s_inc = 2; smax = 3; life = 1000; armor = 15; atack_speed = random(30) + 20; slot1 = 'machine'; slot2 = 'machine'; slot3 = 'machine'; slot1_dmg = 5; slot2_dmg = 5; slot3_dmg = 5; alive = 1; } } instance of movieClip 526 { onClipEvent (load) { s_inc = 2; smax = 3; life = 1000; armor = 15; atack_speed = random(30) + 20; slot1 = 'machine'; slot2 = 'machine'; slot3 = 'machine'; slot1_dmg = 5; slot2_dmg = 5; slot3_dmg = 5; alive = 1; } } instance of movieClip 526 { onClipEvent (load) { s_inc = 2; smax = 3; life = 1000; armor = 15; atack_speed = random(30) + 20; slot1 = 'machine'; slot2 = 'machine'; slot3 = 'machine'; slot1_dmg = 5; slot2_dmg = 5; slot3_dmg = 5; alive = 1; } } instance of movieClip 526 { onClipEvent (load) { s_inc = 2; smax = 3; life = 1000; armor = 15; atack_speed = random(30) + 20; slot1 = 'machine'; slot2 = 'machine'; slot3 = 'machine'; slot1_dmg = 5; slot2_dmg = 5; slot3_dmg = 5; alive = 1; } } instance of movieClip 526 { onClipEvent (load) { s_inc = 2; smax = 3; life = 1000; armor = 15; atack_speed = random(30) + 20; slot1 = 'machine'; slot2 = 'machine'; slot3 = 'machine'; slot1_dmg = 5; slot2_dmg = 5; slot3_dmg = 5; alive = 1; } } instance of movieClip 526 { onClipEvent (load) { s_inc = 2; smax = 3; life = 1000; armor = 15; atack_speed = random(30) + 20; slot1 = 'machine'; slot2 = 'machine'; slot3 = 'machine'; slot1_dmg = 5; slot2_dmg = 5; slot3_dmg = 5; alive = 1; } } frame 11 { function check_win() { if (enemy_left <= 0) { } } stop(); enemy_left = 10; friend_left = 4; if (_root.next_lvl.habilitado == 1) { = 0; _root.next_lvl.habilitado = 0; } } instance of movieClip 202 enemy { onClipEvent (load) { s_inc = 2; smax = 3; life = 250; armor = 15; atack_speed = random(30) + 20; slot1 = 'normal'; slot2 = 'mortar'; slot3 = 'normal'; slot1_dmg = 5; slot2_dmg = 15; slot3_dmg = 5; alive = 0; } } instance of movieClip 584 jeep_tnt { onClipEvent (load) { s_inc = 2; smax = 3; life = 100; armor = 15; atack_speed = random(30) + 20; dmg = 300; slot1 = 'empty'; slot2 = 'empty'; slot3 = 'empty'; slot1_dmg = 5; slot2_dmg = 15; slot3_dmg = 5; alive = 0; } } instance of movieClip 584 jeep_tnt { onClipEvent (load) { s_inc = 2; smax = 3; life = 100; armor = 15; atack_speed = random(30) + 20; dmg = 300; slot1 = 'empty'; slot2 = 'empty'; slot3 = 'empty'; slot1_dmg = 5; slot2_dmg = 15; slot3_dmg = 5; alive = 0; } } instance of movieClip 584 jeep_tnt { onClipEvent (load) { s_inc = 2; smax = 3; life = 100; armor = 15; atack_speed = random(30) + 20; dmg = 300; slot1 = 'empty'; slot2 = 'empty'; slot3 = 'empty'; slot1_dmg = 5; slot2_dmg = 15; slot3_dmg = 5; alive = 0; } } instance of movieClip 470 { onClipEvent (load) { targetin = 'nivel_2g'; chupador = '1'; } } instance of movieClip 526 { onClipEvent (load) { s_inc = 2; smax = 3; life = 1000; armor = 15; atack_speed = random(30) + 20; slot1 = 'machine'; slot2 = 'machine'; slot3 = 'machine'; slot1_dmg = 5; slot2_dmg = 5; slot3_dmg = 5; alive = 1; } } instance of movieClip 526 { onClipEvent (load) { s_inc = 2; smax = 3; life = 1000; armor = 15; atack_speed = random(30) + 20; slot1 = 'machine'; slot2 = 'machine'; slot3 = 'machine'; slot1_dmg = 5; slot2_dmg = 5; slot3_dmg = 5; alive = 1; } } instance of movieClip 526 { onClipEvent (load) { s_inc = 2; smax = 3; life = 1000; armor = 15; atack_speed = random(30) + 20; slot1 = 'machine'; slot2 = 'machine'; slot3 = 'machine'; slot1_dmg = 5; slot2_dmg = 5; slot3_dmg = 5; alive = 1; } } instance of movieClip 526 { onClipEvent (load) { s_inc = 2; smax = 3; life = 1000; armor = 15; atack_speed = random(30) + 20; slot1 = 'machine'; slot2 = 'machine'; slot3 = 'machine'; slot1_dmg = 5; slot2_dmg = 5; slot3_dmg = 5; alive = 1; } } instance of movieClip 526 { onClipEvent (load) { s_inc = 2; smax = 3; life = 1000; armor = 15; atack_speed = random(30) + 20; slot1 = 'machine'; slot2 = 'machine'; slot3 = 'machine'; slot1_dmg = 5; slot2_dmg = 5; slot3_dmg = 5; alive = 1; } } instance of movieClip 567 { onClipEvent (load) { speedx = -15; speedy = 0; } } instance of movieClip 526 { onClipEvent (load) { s_inc = 2; smax = 3; life = 1000; armor = 15; atack_speed = random(30) + 20; slot1 = 'machine'; slot2 = 'machine'; slot3 = 'machine'; slot1_dmg = 5; slot2_dmg = 5; slot3_dmg = 5; alive = 1; } } frame 12 { function check_win() { if (enemy_left <= 0) { --contoloco; if (contoloco <= 0 && _root.pausado == 1) {; } } } stop(); enemy_left = 1; friend_left = 4; contoloco = 48; if (_root.next_lvl.habilitado == 1) { _root.next_lvl.texto.gotoAndStop('boss2a'); = 1; _root.next_lvl.habilitado = 0; stopAllSounds(); mymusic = new Sound(_root.musikita); mymusic.attachSound('m_boss'); mymusic.start(0, 9999); } } instance p1 of movieClip 212 Player { onClipEvent (load) { spec = 'player'; } } instance friend3 of movieClip 523 { onClipEvent (load) { amigo = 1; spec = 'healer'; s_inc = 1; smax = 9; life = 250; armor = 15; atack_speed = random(30) + 20; slot1 = 'empty'; slot2 = 'empty'; slot3 = 'empty'; slot4 = 'heal'; slot5 = 'static'; slot1_dmg = 1; slot2_dmg = 1; slot3_dmg = 1; slot4_dmg = 1; alive = 1; } } instance friend2 of movieClip 523 { onClipEvent (load) { amigo = 1; s_inc = 4; smax = 9; spec = 'medio'; life = _root.hp_max / 2; armor = 15; atack_speed = random(30) + 20; slot1 = 'mortar'; slot2 = 'machine'; slot3 = 'missile'; slot5 = 'static'; slot1_dmg = 50; slot2_dmg = 10; slot3_dmg = 10; alive = 1; } } instance friend1 of movieClip 523 { onClipEvent (load) { amigo = 1; s_inc = 4; smax = 9; spec = 'pesado'; life = _root.hp_max / 2; armor = 15; atack_speed = random(30) + 20; slot1 = 'normal'; slot2 = 'flame'; slot3 = 'missile'; slot5 = 'static'; slot1_dmg = 30; slot2_dmg = 50; slot3_dmg = 10; alive = 1; } } instance of movieClip 594 { onClipEvent (load) { line = 4; out = 0; s_inc = 2; smax = 3; life = 99999; lastlife = life; armor = 15; atack_speed = random(30) + 20; slot1 = 'mortar'; slot2 = 'mortar'; slot3 = 'mortar'; slot1_dmg = 15; slot2_dmg = 15; slot3_dmg = 15; speedx = -15; speedy = 0; alive = 0; } } instance of movieClip 595 { onClipEvent (load) { loc = 'izq'; } } instance of movieClip 595 { onClipEvent (load) { loc = 'der'; } } instance of movieClip 596 { onClipEvent (load) { _root.line1 = 1; _root.line2 = 1; _root.line3 = 0; _root.line4 = 1; _name = 'apa1'; speedx = 15; line = 1; } } instance of movieClip 596 { onClipEvent (load) { _name = 'apa2'; speedx = 15; line = 2; } } instance of movieClip 596 { onClipEvent (load) { _name = 'apa3'; speedx = 15; line = 3; } } instance of movieClip 596 { onClipEvent (load) { _name = 'apa4'; speedx = 15; line = 4; } } instance of movieClip 596 { onClipEvent (load) { _name = 'apa5'; speedx = -15; line = 1; } } instance of movieClip 596 { onClipEvent (load) { _name = 'apa6'; speedx = -15; line = 2; } } instance of movieClip 596 { onClipEvent (load) { _name = 'apa7'; speedx = -15; line = 3; } } instance of movieClip 596 { onClipEvent (load) { _name = 'apa8'; speedx = -15; line = 4; } } instance of movieClip 594 { onClipEvent (load) { line = 1; out = 0; s_inc = 2; smax = 3; life = 99999; lastlife = life; armor = 15; atack_speed = random(30) + 20; slot1 = 'mortar'; slot2 = 'mortar'; slot3 = 'mortar'; slot1_dmg = 15; slot2_dmg = 15; slot3_dmg = 15; speedx = -15; speedy = 0; alive = 0; } } instance of movieClip 594 { onClipEvent (load) { verdadero = 1; line = 2; out = 0; s_inc = 2; smax = 3; life = 3000; armor = 15; atack_speed = random(30) + 20; slot1 = 'mortar'; slot2 = 'mortar'; slot3 = 'mortar'; slot1_dmg = 25; slot2_dmg = 25; slot3_dmg = 25; speedx = -15; speedy = 0; alive = 0; } } frame 13 { function check_win() { if (_root.ganeelboss3 == 1) { --contoloco2; if (contoloco2 <= 0 && _root.pausado == 1) {; } } if (contoloco > 0) { --contoloco; } else { --boss_retardo; } if (boss_sumoned == 1 && boss_retardo == 0) { boss_sumoned = 0; _root.next_lvl.texto.gotoAndStop('boss3a'); = 1; stopAllSounds(); mymusic = new Sound(_root.musikita); mymusic.attachSound('m_boss'); mymusic.start(0, 9999); _root.spawn4 = 1; boss(); } if (_root.pausado == 1) { contolocoaux = contoloco / 24; _root.reloj = Math.floor(contolocoaux / 60) + ' : ' + Math.floor(contolocoaux % 60); } if (contolocoaux / 60 < 6) { if (contolocoaux % 60 == 45) { waves(1); } if (contolocoaux % 60 == 15) { waves(3); } } if (contolocoaux / 60 < 5) { if (contolocoaux % 60 == 30) { waves(random(4) + 1); } } if (contolocoaux / 60 < 4) { if (contolocoaux % 60 == 45) { waves(random(4) + 1); } } if (contolocoaux / 60 < 3) { if (contolocoaux % 60 == 20) { waves(random(4) + 1); } } if (contolocoaux / 60 < 2) { if (contolocoaux % 60 == 10) { waves(random(4) + 1); } } } function tanke() { _root.juego.attachMovie('enemy', 'dis' + _root.juego.i, _root.juego.getNextHighestDepth(), {'_x': _root.juego['pos' + desipos]._x + random(700) - random(700), '_y': _root.juego['pos' + desipos]._y + random(700) - random(700), '_alpha': 100, '_xscale': 100, '_yscale': 100, 's_inc': 2, 'smax': 3, 'life': 250, 'atack_speed': random(30) + 20, 'slot1': 'normal', 'slot2': 'mortar', 'slot3': 'normal', 'slot1_dmg': 30, 'slot2_dmg': 40, 'slot3_dmg': 30, 'alive': 0, 'def': 1}); ++i; } function jeept() { _root.juego.attachMovie('jeep_tnt', 'dis' + _root.juego.i, _root.juego.getNextHighestDepth(), {'_x': _root.juego['pos' + desipos]._x + random(700) - random(700), '_y': _root.juego['pos' + desipos]._y + random(700) - random(700), '_alpha': 100, '_xscale': 100, '_yscale': 100, 's_inc': 2, 'smax': 3, 'life': 250, 'atack_speed': random(30) + 20, 'slot1': 'normal', 'slot2': 'mortar', 'slot3': 'normal', 'slot1_dmg': 30, 'slot2_dmg': 50, 'slot3_dmg': 30, 'alive': 0, 'def': 1, 'dmg': 70}); ++i; } function titan() { _root.juego.attachMovie('enemy', 'dis' + _root.juego.i, _root.juego.getNextHighestDepth(), {'_x': _root.juego['pos' + desipos]._x + random(700) - random(700), '_y': _root.juego['pos' + desipos]._y + random(700) - random(700), '_alpha': 100, '_xscale': 100, '_yscale': 100, 's_inc': 2, 'smax': 3, 'life': 250, 'atack_speed': random(30) + 20, 'slot1': 'normal', 'slot2': 'missile', 'slot3': 'normal', 'slot1_dmg': 40, 'slot2_dmg': 30, 'slot3_dmg': 40, 'alive': 0, 'def': 1, 'tipo': 'titan'}); ++i; } function jeepm() { _root.juego.attachMovie('jeep_misilero', 'dis' + _root.juego.i, _root.juego.getNextHighestDepth(), {'_x': _root.juego['pos' + desipos]._x + random(700) - random(700), '_y': _root.juego['pos' + desipos]._y + random(700) - random(700), '_alpha': 100, '_xscale': 100, '_yscale': 100, 's_inc': 2, 'smax': 3, 'life': 250, 'atack_speed': random(30) + 20, 'slot1': 'normal', 'slot2': 'mortar', 'slot3': 'normal', 'slot1_dmg': 15, 'slot2_dmg': 30, 'slot3_dmg': 15, 'alive': 0, 'def': 1}); ++i; } function boss() { _root.juego.attachMovie('boss3', 'dis' + _root.juego.i, _root.juego.getNextHighestDepth(), {'_x': _root.juego['pos' + desipos]._x + random(700) - random(700), '_y': _root.juego['pos' + desipos]._y + random(700) - random(700), '_alpha': 100, '_xscale': 100, '_yscale': 100, 's_inc': 2, 'smax': 3, 'life': 3000, 'atack_speed': random(30) + 20, 'slot1': 'missile', 'slot2': 'missile', 'slot3': 'missile', 'slot1_dmg': 20, 'slot2_dmg': 20, 'slot3_dmg': 20, 'alive': 0, 'def': 1, 'verdadero': 1}); ++i; } function waves(numero) { desipos = random(4) + 1; if (numero == 1) { jeepm(); jeepm(); tanke(); titan(); } if (numero == 2) { jeept(); jeept(); tanke(); tanke(); } if (numero == 3) { titan(); titan(); tanke(); tanke(); } if (numero == 4) { titan(); jeept(); jeept(); jeept(); jeept(); } } stop(); enemy_left = 1; friend_left = 5; if (_root.spawn4 != 1) { contoloco = 8640; } else { contoloco = 0; } boss_retardo = 240; boss_sumoned = 1; if (_root.next_lvl.habilitado == 1) { = 1; _root.next_lvl.habilitado = 0; } contoloco2 = 48; } instance friend3 of movieClip 599 { onClipEvent (load) { life = 2000; life_max = life; } } instance of movieClip 202 enemy { onClipEvent (load) { } } frame 14 { function check_win() { if (enemy_left <= 0) { } } stop(); enemy_left = 8; friend_left = 4; if (_root.next_lvl.habilitado == 1) { = 0; _root.next_lvl.habilitado = 0; } } instance of movieClip 466 { onClipEvent (load) { _alpha = 0; } } instance p1 of movieClip 212 Player { onClipEvent (load) { spec = 'player'; } } instance of movieClip 470 { onClipEvent (load) { targetin = 'nivel_4b'; chupador = '1'; } } instance of movieClip 202 enemy { onClipEvent (load) { s_inc = 2; smax = 3; life = _root.enemy_life; armor = 15; atack_speed = random(30) + 20; slot1 = 'normal'; slot2 = 'mortar'; slot3 = 'normal'; slot1_dmg = _root.enemy_dmg2 * (1 + _root.mission / 10); slot2_dmg = _root.enemy_dmg3 * (1 + _root.mission / 10); slot3_dmg = _root.enemy_dmg2 * (1 + _root.mission / 10); alive = 0; } } instance of movieClip 584 jeep_tnt { onClipEvent (load) { s_inc = 2; smax = 3; life = 100; armor = 15; atack_speed = random(30) + 20; dmg = _root.enemy_dmg4 * (1 + _root.mission / 10); slot1 = 'empty'; slot2 = 'empty'; slot3 = 'empty'; slot1_dmg = 5; slot2_dmg = 15; slot3_dmg = 5; alive = 0; } } instance of movieClip 481 { onClipEvent (load) { s_inc = 2; smax = 3; dmg = 2; life = 5; armor = 15; atack_speed = random(30) + 20; slot1 = 'normal'; slot2 = 'empty'; slot3 = 'empty'; slot1_dmg = _root.enemy_dmg1 * (1 + _root.mission / 10); slot2_dmg = _root.enemy_dmg2 * (1 + _root.mission / 10); slot3_dmg = _root.enemy_dmg3 * (1 + _root.mission / 10); alive = 0; } } instance of movieClip 466 { onClipEvent (load) { _alpha = 0; } } instance of movieClip 466 { onClipEvent (load) { _alpha = 0; } } instance of movieClip 466 { onClipEvent (load) { _alpha = 0; } } instance of movieClip 466 { onClipEvent (load) { _alpha = 0; } } instance of movieClip 466 { onClipEvent (load) { _alpha = 0; } } instance of movieClip 466 { onClipEvent (load) { _alpha = 0; } } instance of movieClip 466 { onClipEvent (load) { _alpha = 0; } } instance of movieClip 584 jeep_tnt { onClipEvent (load) { s_inc = 2; smax = 3; life = 100; armor = 15; atack_speed = random(30) + 20; dmg = _root.enemy_dmg4 * (1 + _root.mission / 10); slot1 = 'empty'; slot2 = 'empty'; slot3 = 'empty'; slot1_dmg = 5; slot2_dmg = 15; slot3_dmg = 5; alive = 0; } } instance of movieClip 202 enemy { onClipEvent (load) { s_inc = 2; smax = 3; life = _root.enemy_life; armor = 15; atack_speed = random(30) + 20; slot1 = 'normal'; slot2 = 'mortar'; slot3 = 'normal'; slot1_dmg = _root.enemy_dmg2 * (1 + _root.mission / 10); slot2_dmg = _root.enemy_dmg3 * (1 + _root.mission / 10); slot3_dmg = _root.enemy_dmg2 * (1 + _root.mission / 10); alive = 0; } } instance of movieClip 202 enemy { onClipEvent (load) { s_inc = 2; smax = 3; life = _root.enemy_life; armor = 15; atack_speed = random(30) + 20; slot1 = 'normal'; slot2 = 'mortar'; slot3 = 'normal'; slot1_dmg = _root.enemy_dmg2 * (1 + _root.mission / 10); slot2_dmg = _root.enemy_dmg3 * (1 + _root.mission / 10); slot3_dmg = _root.enemy_dmg2 * (1 + _root.mission / 10); alive = 0; } } instance of movieClip 202 enemy { onClipEvent (load) { s_inc = 2; smax = 3; life = _root.enemy_life; armor = 15; atack_speed = random(30) + 20; slot1 = 'normal'; slot2 = 'mortar'; slot3 = 'normal'; slot1_dmg = _root.enemy_dmg2 * (1 + _root.mission / 10); slot2_dmg = _root.enemy_dmg3 * (1 + _root.mission / 10); slot3_dmg = _root.enemy_dmg2 * (1 + _root.mission / 10); alive = 0; } } instance of movieClip 526 { onClipEvent (load) { s_inc = 2; smax = 3; life = _root.ene_life_turret; armor = 15; atack_speed = random(30) + 20; slot1 = 'machine'; slot2 = 'machine'; slot3 = 'machine'; slot1_dmg = _root.enemy_dmg2 * (1 + _root.mission / 10); slot2_dmg = _root.enemy_dmg2 * (1 + _root.mission / 10); slot3_dmg = _root.enemy_dmg2 * (1 + _root.mission / 10); alive = 1; } } instance of movieClip 526 { onClipEvent (load) { s_inc = 2; smax = 3; life = _root.ene_life_turret; armor = 15; atack_speed = random(30) + 20; slot1 = 'machine'; slot2 = 'machine'; slot3 = 'machine'; slot1_dmg = _root.enemy_dmg2 * (1 + _root.mission / 10); slot2_dmg = _root.enemy_dmg2 * (1 + _root.mission / 10); slot3_dmg = _root.enemy_dmg2 * (1 + _root.mission / 10); alive = 1; } } instance of movieClip 526 { onClipEvent (load) { s_inc = 2; smax = 3; life = _root.ene_life_turret; armor = 15; atack_speed = random(30) + 20; slot1 = 'machine'; slot2 = 'machine'; slot3 = 'machine'; slot1_dmg = _root.enemy_dmg2 * (1 + _root.mission / 10); slot2_dmg = _root.enemy_dmg2 * (1 + _root.mission / 10); slot3_dmg = _root.enemy_dmg2 * (1 + _root.mission / 10); alive = 1; } } frame 15 { function check_win() { if (enemy_left <= 0) { } } stop(); enemy_left = 12; friend_left = 4; if (_root.next_lvl.habilitado == 1) { = 0; _root.next_lvl.habilitado = 0; } } instance of movieClip 584 jeep_tnt { onClipEvent (load) { s_inc = 2; smax = 3; life = 100; armor = 15; atack_speed = random(30) + 20; dmg = _root.enemy_dmg4 * (1 + _root.mission / 10); slot1 = 'empty'; slot2 = 'empty'; slot3 = 'empty'; slot1_dmg = 5; slot2_dmg = 15; slot3_dmg = 5; alive = 0; } } instance of movieClip 202 enemy { onClipEvent (load) { s_inc = 2; smax = 3; life = _root.enemy_life; armor = 15; atack_speed = random(30) + 20; slot1 = 'normal'; slot2 = 'mortar'; slot3 = 'normal'; slot1_dmg = _root.enemy_dmg2 * (1 + _root.mission / 10); slot2_dmg = _root.enemy_dmg3 * (1 + _root.mission / 10); slot3_dmg = _root.enemy_dmg2 * (1 + _root.mission / 10); alive = 0; } } instance of movieClip 526 { onClipEvent (load) { s_inc = 2; smax = 3; life = _root.ene_life_turret; armor = 15; atack_speed = random(30) + 20; slot1 = 'machine'; slot2 = 'machine'; slot3 = 'machine'; slot1_dmg = _root.enemy_dmg2 * (1 + _root.mission / 10); slot2_dmg = _root.enemy_dmg2 * (1 + _root.mission / 10); slot3_dmg = _root.enemy_dmg2 * (1 + _root.mission / 10); alive = 1; } } instance of movieClip 584 jeep_tnt { onClipEvent (load) { s_inc = 2; smax = 3; life = 100; armor = 15; atack_speed = random(30) + 20; dmg = _root.enemy_dmg4 * (1 + _root.mission / 10); slot1 = 'empty'; slot2 = 'empty'; slot3 = 'empty'; slot1_dmg = 5; slot2_dmg = 15; slot3_dmg = 5; alive = 0; } } instance of movieClip 202 enemy { onClipEvent (load) { s_inc = 2; smax = 3; life = _root.enemy_life; armor = 15; atack_speed = random(30) + 20; slot1 = 'normal'; slot2 = 'mortar'; slot3 = 'normal'; slot1_dmg = _root.enemy_dmg2 * (1 + _root.mission / 10); slot2_dmg = _root.enemy_dmg3 * (1 + _root.mission / 10); slot3_dmg = _root.enemy_dmg2 * (1 + _root.mission / 10); alive = 0; } } instance of movieClip 526 { onClipEvent (load) { s_inc = 2; smax = 3; life = _root.ene_life_turret; armor = 15; atack_speed = random(30) + 20; slot1 = 'machine'; slot2 = 'machine'; slot3 = 'machine'; slot1_dmg = _root.enemy_dmg2 * (1 + _root.mission / 10); slot2_dmg = _root.enemy_dmg2 * (1 + _root.mission / 10); slot3_dmg = _root.enemy_dmg2 * (1 + _root.mission / 10); alive = 1; } } instance of movieClip 526 { onClipEvent (load) { s_inc = 2; smax = 3; life = _root.ene_life_turret; armor = 15; atack_speed = random(30) + 20; slot1 = 'machine'; slot2 = 'machine'; slot3 = 'machine'; slot1_dmg = _root.enemy_dmg2 * (1 + _root.mission / 10); slot2_dmg = _root.enemy_dmg2 * (1 + _root.mission / 10); slot3_dmg = _root.enemy_dmg2 * (1 + _root.mission / 10); alive = 1; } } instance of movieClip 526 { onClipEvent (load) { s_inc = 2; smax = 3; life = _root.ene_life_turret; armor = 15; atack_speed = random(30) + 20; slot1 = 'machine'; slot2 = 'machine'; slot3 = 'machine'; slot1_dmg = _root.enemy_dmg2 * (1 + _root.mission / 10); slot2_dmg = _root.enemy_dmg2 * (1 + _root.mission / 10); slot3_dmg = _root.enemy_dmg2 * (1 + _root.mission / 10); alive = 1; } } instance of movieClip 202 enemy { onClipEvent (load) { s_inc = 2; smax = 3; life = _root.enemy_life; armor = 15; atack_speed = random(30) + 20; slot1 = 'normal'; slot2 = 'mortar'; slot3 = 'normal'; slot1_dmg = _root.enemy_dmg2 * (1 + _root.mission / 10); slot2_dmg = _root.enemy_dmg3 * (1 + _root.mission / 10); slot3_dmg = _root.enemy_dmg2 * (1 + _root.mission / 10); alive = 0; } } instance of movieClip 202 enemy { onClipEvent (load) { s_inc = 2; smax = 3; life = _root.enemy_life; armor = 15; atack_speed = random(30) + 20; slot1 = 'normal'; slot2 = 'mortar'; slot3 = 'normal'; slot1_dmg = _root.enemy_dmg2 * (1 + _root.mission / 10); slot2_dmg = _root.enemy_dmg3 * (1 + _root.mission / 10); slot3_dmg = _root.enemy_dmg2 * (1 + _root.mission / 10); alive = 0; } } instance of movieClip 526 { onClipEvent (load) { s_inc = 2; smax = 3; life = _root.ene_life_turret; armor = 15; atack_speed = random(30) + 20; slot1 = 'machine'; slot2 = 'machine'; slot3 = 'machine'; slot1_dmg = _root.enemy_dmg2 * (1 + _root.mission / 10); slot2_dmg = _root.enemy_dmg2 * (1 + _root.mission / 10); slot3_dmg = _root.enemy_dmg2 * (1 + _root.mission / 10); alive = 1; } } instance of movieClip 526 { onClipEvent (load) { s_inc = 2; smax = 3; life = _root.ene_life_turret; armor = 15; atack_speed = random(30) + 20; slot1 = 'machine'; slot2 = 'machine'; slot3 = 'machine'; slot1_dmg = _root.enemy_dmg2 * (1 + _root.mission / 10); slot2_dmg = _root.enemy_dmg2 * (1 + _root.mission / 10); slot3_dmg = _root.enemy_dmg2 * (1 + _root.mission / 10); alive = 1; } } instance of movieClip 584 jeep_tnt { onClipEvent (load) { s_inc = 2; smax = 3; life = 100; armor = 15; atack_speed = random(30) + 20; dmg = _root.enemy_dmg4 * (1 + _root.mission / 10); slot1 = 'empty'; slot2 = 'empty'; slot3 = 'empty'; slot1_dmg = 5; slot2_dmg = 15; slot3_dmg = 5; alive = 0; } } instance of movieClip 584 jeep_tnt { onClipEvent (load) { s_inc = 2; smax = 3; life = 100; armor = 15; atack_speed = random(30) + 20; dmg = _root.enemy_dmg4 * (1 + _root.mission / 10); slot1 = 'empty'; slot2 = 'empty'; slot3 = 'empty'; slot1_dmg = 5; slot2_dmg = 15; slot3_dmg = 5; alive = 0; } } instance of movieClip 584 jeep_tnt { onClipEvent (load) { s_inc = 2; smax = 3; life = 100; armor = 15; atack_speed = random(30) + 20; dmg = _root.enemy_dmg4 * (1 + _root.mission / 10); slot1 = 'empty'; slot2 = 'empty'; slot3 = 'empty'; slot1_dmg = 5; slot2_dmg = 15; slot3_dmg = 5; alive = 0; } } instance of movieClip 584 jeep_tnt { onClipEvent (load) { s_inc = 2; smax = 3; life = 100; armor = 15; atack_speed = random(30) + 20; dmg = _root.enemy_dmg4 * (1 + _root.mission / 10); slot1 = 'empty'; slot2 = 'empty'; slot3 = 'empty'; slot1_dmg = 5; slot2_dmg = 15; slot3_dmg = 5; alive = 0; } } instance of movieClip 466 { onClipEvent (load) { _alpha = 0; } } instance of movieClip 466 { onClipEvent (load) { _alpha = 0; } } instance of movieClip 466 { onClipEvent (load) { _alpha = 0; } } instance of movieClip 466 { onClipEvent (load) { _alpha = 0; } } instance of movieClip 466 { onClipEvent (load) { _alpha = 0; } } instance of movieClip 466 { onClipEvent (load) { _alpha = 0; } } instance of movieClip 466 { onClipEvent (load) { _alpha = 0; } } instance of movieClip 466 { onClipEvent (load) { _alpha = 0; } } instance of movieClip 470 { onClipEvent (load) { targetin = 'nivel_4c'; chupador = '1'; } } frame 16 { function check_win() { if (enemy_left <= 0) { } } stop(); enemy_left = 10; friend_left = 4; if (_root.next_lvl.habilitado == 1) { = 0; _root.next_lvl.habilitado = 0; } } instance of movieClip 584 jeep_tnt { onClipEvent (load) { s_inc = 2; smax = 3; life = 100; armor = 15; atack_speed = random(30) + 20; dmg = _root.enemy_dmg4 * (1 + _root.mission / 10); slot1 = 'empty'; slot2 = 'empty'; slot3 = 'empty'; slot1_dmg = 5; slot2_dmg = 15; slot3_dmg = 5; alive = 0; } } instance of movieClip 584 jeep_tnt { onClipEvent (load) { s_inc = 2; smax = 3; life = 100; armor = 15; atack_speed = random(30) + 20; dmg = _root.enemy_dmg4 * (1 + _root.mission / 10); slot1 = 'empty'; slot2 = 'empty'; slot3 = 'empty'; slot1_dmg = 5; slot2_dmg = 15; slot3_dmg = 5; alive = 0; } } instance of movieClip 584 jeep_tnt { onClipEvent (load) { s_inc = 2; smax = 3; life = 100; armor = 15; atack_speed = random(30) + 20; dmg = _root.enemy_dmg4 * (1 + _root.mission / 10); slot1 = 'empty'; slot2 = 'empty'; slot3 = 'empty'; slot1_dmg = 5; slot2_dmg = 15; slot3_dmg = 5; alive = 0; } } instance of movieClip 526 { onClipEvent (load) { s_inc = 2; smax = 3; life = _root.ene_life_turret; armor = 15; atack_speed = random(30) + 20; slot1 = 'machine'; slot2 = 'machine'; slot3 = 'machine'; slot1_dmg = _root.enemy_dmg2 * (1 + _root.mission / 10); slot2_dmg = _root.enemy_dmg2 * (1 + _root.mission / 10); slot3_dmg = _root.enemy_dmg2 * (1 + _root.mission / 10); alive = 1; } } instance of movieClip 526 { onClipEvent (load) { s_inc = 2; smax = 3; life = _root.ene_life_turret; armor = 15; atack_speed = random(30) + 20; slot1 = 'machine'; slot2 = 'machine'; slot3 = 'machine'; slot1_dmg = _root.enemy_dmg2 * (1 + _root.mission / 10); slot2_dmg = _root.enemy_dmg2 * (1 + _root.mission / 10); slot3_dmg = _root.enemy_dmg2 * (1 + _root.mission / 10); alive = 1; } } instance of movieClip 526 { onClipEvent (load) { s_inc = 2; smax = 3; life = _root.ene_life_turret; armor = 15; atack_speed = random(30) + 20; slot1 = 'machine'; slot2 = 'machine'; slot3 = 'machine'; slot1_dmg = _root.enemy_dmg2 * (1 + _root.mission / 10); slot2_dmg = _root.enemy_dmg2 * (1 + _root.mission / 10); slot3_dmg = _root.enemy_dmg2 * (1 + _root.mission / 10); alive = 1; } } instance of movieClip 202 enemy { onClipEvent (load) { s_inc = 2; smax = 3; life = _root.enemy_life; armor = 15; atack_speed = random(30) + 20; slot1 = 'normal'; slot2 = 'mortar'; slot3 = 'normal'; slot1_dmg = _root.enemy_dmg2 * (1 + _root.mission / 10); slot2_dmg = _root.enemy_dmg3 * (1 + _root.mission / 10); slot3_dmg = _root.enemy_dmg2 * (1 + _root.mission / 10); alive = 0; } } instance of movieClip 202 enemy { onClipEvent (load) { s_inc = 2; smax = 3; life = _root.enemy_life; armor = 15; atack_speed = random(30) + 20; slot1 = 'normal'; slot2 = 'mortar'; slot3 = 'normal'; slot1_dmg = _root.enemy_dmg2 * (1 + _root.mission / 10); slot2_dmg = _root.enemy_dmg3 * (1 + _root.mission / 10); slot3_dmg = _root.enemy_dmg2 * (1 + _root.mission / 10); alive = 0; } } instance of movieClip 202 enemy { onClipEvent (load) { s_inc = 2; smax = 3; life = _root.enemy_life; armor = 15; atack_speed = random(30) + 20; slot1 = 'normal'; slot2 = 'mortar'; slot3 = 'normal'; slot1_dmg = _root.enemy_dmg2 * (1 + _root.mission / 10); slot2_dmg = _root.enemy_dmg3 * (1 + _root.mission / 10); slot3_dmg = _root.enemy_dmg2 * (1 + _root.mission / 10); alive = 0; } } instance of movieClip 202 enemy { onClipEvent (load) { s_inc = 2; smax = 3; life = _root.enemy_life; armor = 15; atack_speed = random(30) + 20; slot1 = 'normal'; slot2 = 'mortar'; slot3 = 'normal'; slot1_dmg = _root.enemy_dmg2 * (1 + _root.mission / 10); slot2_dmg = _root.enemy_dmg3 * (1 + _root.mission / 10); slot3_dmg = _root.enemy_dmg2 * (1 + _root.mission / 10); alive = 0; } } instance of movieClip 202 enemy { onClipEvent (load) { s_inc = 2; smax = 3; life = _root.enemy_life; armor = 15; atack_speed = random(30) + 20; slot1 = 'normal'; slot2 = 'mortar'; slot3 = 'normal'; slot1_dmg = _root.enemy_dmg2 * (1 + _root.mission / 10); slot2_dmg = _root.enemy_dmg3 * (1 + _root.mission / 10); slot3_dmg = _root.enemy_dmg2 * (1 + _root.mission / 10); alive = 0; } } instance p1 of movieClip 212 Player { onClipEvent (load) { spec = 'player'; } } instance of movieClip 470 { onClipEvent (load) { targetin = 'nivel_4d'; chupador = '1'; } } frame 17 { function check_win() { if (enemy_left <= 0) { } } stop(); enemy_left = 10; friend_left = 4; if (_root.next_lvl.habilitado == 1) { = 0; _root.next_lvl.habilitado = 0; } } instance of movieClip 202 enemy { onClipEvent (load) { s_inc = 2; smax = 3; life = _root.enemy_life; armor = 15; atack_speed = random(30) + 20; slot1 = 'normal'; slot2 = 'mortar'; slot3 = 'normal'; slot1_dmg = _root.enemy_dmg2 * (1 + _root.mission / 10); slot2_dmg = _root.enemy_dmg3 * (1 + _root.mission / 10); slot3_dmg = _root.enemy_dmg2 * (1 + _root.mission / 10); alive = 0; } } instance of movieClip 202 enemy { onClipEvent (load) { s_inc = 2; smax = 3; life = _root.enemy_life; armor = 15; atack_speed = random(30) + 20; slot1 = 'normal'; slot2 = 'mortar'; slot3 = 'normal'; slot1_dmg = _root.enemy_dmg2 * (1 + _root.mission / 10); slot2_dmg = _root.enemy_dmg3 * (1 + _root.mission / 10); slot3_dmg = _root.enemy_dmg2 * (1 + _root.mission / 10); alive = 0; } } instance of movieClip 202 enemy { onClipEvent (load) { s_inc = 2; smax = 3; life = _root.enemy_life; armor = 15; atack_speed = random(30) + 20; slot1 = 'normal'; slot2 = 'mortar'; slot3 = 'normal'; slot1_dmg = _root.enemy_dmg2 * (1 + _root.mission / 10); slot2_dmg = _root.enemy_dmg3 * (1 + _root.mission / 10); slot3_dmg = _root.enemy_dmg2 * (1 + _root.mission / 10); alive = 0; } } instance of movieClip 526 { onClipEvent (load) { s_inc = 2; smax = 3; life = _root.ene_life_turret; armor = 15; atack_speed = random(30) + 20; slot1 = 'machine'; slot2 = 'machine'; slot3 = 'machine'; slot1_dmg = _root.enemy_dmg2 * (1 + _root.mission / 10); slot2_dmg = _root.enemy_dmg2 * (1 + _root.mission / 10); slot3_dmg = _root.enemy_dmg2 * (1 + _root.mission / 10); alive = 1; } } instance of movieClip 470 { onClipEvent (load) { targetin = 'nivel_4e'; chupador = '1'; } } frame 18 { function check_win() { if (enemy_left <= 0) { } } stop(); enemy_left = 10; friend_left = 4; if (_root.next_lvl.habilitado == 1) { = 0; _root.next_lvl.habilitado = 0; } } instance of movieClip 584 jeep_tnt { onClipEvent (load) { s_inc = 2; smax = 3; life = 100; armor = 15; atack_speed = random(30) + 20; dmg = _root.enemy_dmg4 * (1 + _root.mission / 10); slot1 = 'empty'; slot2 = 'empty'; slot3 = 'empty'; slot1_dmg = 5; slot2_dmg = 15; slot3_dmg = 5; alive = 0; } } instance of movieClip 202 enemy { onClipEvent (load) { s_inc = 2; smax = 3; life = _root.enemy_life; armor = 15; atack_speed = random(30) + 20; slot1 = 'normal'; slot2 = 'mortar'; slot3 = 'normal'; slot1_dmg = _root.enemy_dmg2 * (1 + _root.mission / 10); slot2_dmg = _root.enemy_dmg3 * (1 + _root.mission / 10); slot3_dmg = _root.enemy_dmg2 * (1 + _root.mission / 10); alive = 0; } } instance of movieClip 584 jeep_tnt { onClipEvent (load) { s_inc = 2; smax = 3; life = 100; armor = 15; atack_speed = random(30) + 20; dmg = _root.enemy_dmg4 * (1 + _root.mission / 10); slot1 = 'empty'; slot2 = 'empty'; slot3 = 'empty'; slot1_dmg = 5; slot2_dmg = 15; slot3_dmg = 5; alive = 0; } } instance of movieClip 584 jeep_tnt { onClipEvent (load) { s_inc = 2; smax = 3; life = 100; armor = 15; atack_speed = random(30) + 20; dmg = _root.enemy_dmg4 * (1 + _root.mission / 10); slot1 = 'empty'; slot2 = 'empty'; slot3 = 'empty'; slot1_dmg = 5; slot2_dmg = 15; slot3_dmg = 5; alive = 0; } } instance of movieClip 584 jeep_tnt { onClipEvent (load) { s_inc = 2; smax = 3; life = 100; armor = 15; atack_speed = random(30) + 20; dmg = _root.enemy_dmg4 * (1 + _root.mission / 10); slot1 = 'empty'; slot2 = 'empty'; slot3 = 'empty'; slot1_dmg = 5; slot2_dmg = 15; slot3_dmg = 5; alive = 0; } } instance of movieClip 584 jeep_tnt { onClipEvent (load) { s_inc = 2; smax = 3; life = 100; armor = 15; atack_speed = random(30) + 20; dmg = _root.enemy_dmg4 * (1 + _root.mission / 10); slot1 = 'empty'; slot2 = 'empty'; slot3 = 'empty'; slot1_dmg = 5; slot2_dmg = 15; slot3_dmg = 5; alive = 0; } } instance of movieClip 202 enemy { onClipEvent (load) { s_inc = 2; smax = 3; life = _root.enemy_life; armor = 15; atack_speed = random(30) + 20; slot1 = 'normal'; slot2 = 'mortar'; slot3 = 'normal'; slot1_dmg = _root.enemy_dmg2 * (1 + _root.mission / 10); slot2_dmg = _root.enemy_dmg3 * (1 + _root.mission / 10); slot3_dmg = _root.enemy_dmg2 * (1 + _root.mission / 10); alive = 0; } } instance of movieClip 202 enemy { onClipEvent (load) { s_inc = 2; smax = 3; life = _root.enemy_life; armor = 15; atack_speed = random(30) + 20; slot1 = 'normal'; slot2 = 'mortar'; slot3 = 'normal'; slot1_dmg = _root.enemy_dmg2 * (1 + _root.mission / 10); slot2_dmg = _root.enemy_dmg3 * (1 + _root.mission / 10); slot3_dmg = _root.enemy_dmg2 * (1 + _root.mission / 10); alive = 0; } } instance of movieClip 202 enemy { onClipEvent (load) { s_inc = 2; smax = 3; life = _root.enemy_life; armor = 15; atack_speed = random(30) + 20; slot1 = 'normal'; slot2 = 'mortar'; slot3 = 'normal'; slot1_dmg = _root.enemy_dmg2 * (1 + _root.mission / 10); slot2_dmg = _root.enemy_dmg3 * (1 + _root.mission / 10); slot3_dmg = _root.enemy_dmg2 * (1 + _root.mission / 10); alive = 0; } } instance of movieClip 202 enemy { onClipEvent (load) { s_inc = 2; smax = 3; life = _root.enemy_life; armor = 15; atack_speed = random(30) + 20; slot1 = 'normal'; slot2 = 'mortar'; slot3 = 'normal'; slot1_dmg = _root.enemy_dmg2 * (1 + _root.mission / 10); slot2_dmg = _root.enemy_dmg3 * (1 + _root.mission / 10); slot3_dmg = _root.enemy_dmg2 * (1 + _root.mission / 10); alive = 0; } } instance of movieClip 202 enemy { onClipEvent (load) { s_inc = 2; smax = 3; life = _root.enemy_life; armor = 15; atack_speed = random(30) + 20; slot1 = 'normal'; slot2 = 'mortar'; slot3 = 'normal'; slot1_dmg = _root.enemy_dmg2 * (1 + _root.mission / 10); slot2_dmg = _root.enemy_dmg3 * (1 + _root.mission / 10); slot3_dmg = _root.enemy_dmg2 * (1 + _root.mission / 10); alive = 0; } } instance of movieClip 202 enemy { onClipEvent (load) { s_inc = 2; smax = 3; life = _root.enemy_life; armor = 15; atack_speed = random(30) + 20; slot1 = 'normal'; slot2 = 'mortar'; slot3 = 'normal'; slot1_dmg = _root.enemy_dmg2 * (1 + _root.mission / 10); slot2_dmg = _root.enemy_dmg3 * (1 + _root.mission / 10); slot3_dmg = _root.enemy_dmg2 * (1 + _root.mission / 10); alive = 0; } } instance of movieClip 470 { onClipEvent (load) { targetin = 'nivel_4f'; chupador = '1'; } } instance of movieClip 466 { onClipEvent (load) { _alpha = 0; } } instance of movieClip 466 { onClipEvent (load) { _alpha = 0; } } instance of movieClip 466 { onClipEvent (load) { _alpha = 0; } } instance of movieClip 466 { onClipEvent (load) { _alpha = 0; } } frame 19 { function check_win() { if (enemy_left <= 0) { } } stop(); enemy_left = 15; friend_left = 4; if (_root.next_lvl.habilitado == 1) { = 0; _root.next_lvl.habilitado = 0; } } instance of movieClip 584 jeep_tnt { onClipEvent (load) { s_inc = 2; smax = 3; life = 100; armor = 15; atack_speed = random(30) + 20; dmg = _root.enemy_dmg4 * (1 + _root.mission / 10); slot1 = 'empty'; slot2 = 'empty'; slot3 = 'empty'; slot1_dmg = 5; slot2_dmg = 15; slot3_dmg = 5; alive = 0; } } instance of movieClip 584 jeep_tnt { onClipEvent (load) { s_inc = 2; smax = 3; life = 100; armor = 15; atack_speed = random(30) + 20; dmg = _root.enemy_dmg4 * (1 + _root.mission / 10); slot1 = 'empty'; slot2 = 'empty'; slot3 = 'empty'; slot1_dmg = 5; slot2_dmg = 15; slot3_dmg = 5; alive = 0; } } instance of movieClip 584 jeep_tnt { onClipEvent (load) { s_inc = 2; smax = 3; life = 100; armor = 15; atack_speed = random(30) + 20; dmg = _root.enemy_dmg4 * (1 + _root.mission / 10); slot1 = 'empty'; slot2 = 'empty'; slot3 = 'empty'; slot1_dmg = 5; slot2_dmg = 15; slot3_dmg = 5; alive = 0; } } instance of movieClip 584 jeep_tnt { onClipEvent (load) { s_inc = 2; smax = 3; life = 100; armor = 15; atack_speed = random(30) + 20; dmg = _root.enemy_dmg4 * (1 + _root.mission / 10); slot1 = 'empty'; slot2 = 'empty'; slot3 = 'empty'; slot1_dmg = 5; slot2_dmg = 15; slot3_dmg = 5; alive = 0; } } instance of movieClip 584 jeep_tnt { onClipEvent (load) { s_inc = 2; smax = 3; life = 100; armor = 15; atack_speed = random(30) + 20; dmg = _root.enemy_dmg4 * (1 + _root.mission / 10); slot1 = 'empty'; slot2 = 'empty'; slot3 = 'empty'; slot1_dmg = 5; slot2_dmg = 15; slot3_dmg = 5; alive = 0; } } instance of movieClip 202 enemy { onClipEvent (load) { s_inc = 2; smax = 3; life = _root.enemy_life; armor = 15; atack_speed = random(30) + 20; slot1 = 'normal'; slot2 = 'mortar'; slot3 = 'normal'; slot1_dmg = _root.enemy_dmg2 * (1 + _root.mission / 10); slot2_dmg = _root.enemy_dmg3 * (1 + _root.mission / 10); slot3_dmg = _root.enemy_dmg2 * (1 + _root.mission / 10); alive = 0; } } instance of movieClip 202 enemy { onClipEvent (load) { s_inc = 2; smax = 3; life = _root.enemy_life; armor = 15; atack_speed = random(30) + 20; slot1 = 'normal'; slot2 = 'mortar'; slot3 = 'normal'; slot1_dmg = _root.enemy_dmg2 * (1 + _root.mission / 10); slot2_dmg = _root.enemy_dmg3 * (1 + _root.mission / 10); slot3_dmg = _root.enemy_dmg2 * (1 + _root.mission / 10); alive = 0; } } instance of movieClip 202 enemy { onClipEvent (load) { s_inc = 2; smax = 3; life = _root.enemy_life; armor = 15; atack_speed = random(30) + 20; slot1 = 'normal'; slot2 = 'mortar'; slot3 = 'normal'; slot1_dmg = _root.enemy_dmg2 * (1 + _root.mission / 10); slot2_dmg = _root.enemy_dmg3 * (1 + _root.mission / 10); slot3_dmg = _root.enemy_dmg2 * (1 + _root.mission / 10); alive = 0; } } instance of movieClip 202 enemy { onClipEvent (load) { s_inc = 2; smax = 3; life = _root.enemy_life; armor = 15; atack_speed = random(30) + 20; slot1 = 'normal'; slot2 = 'mortar'; slot3 = 'normal'; slot1_dmg = _root.enemy_dmg2 * (1 + _root.mission / 10); slot2_dmg = _root.enemy_dmg3 * (1 + _root.mission / 10); slot3_dmg = _root.enemy_dmg2 * (1 + _root.mission / 10); alive = 0; } } instance of movieClip 202 enemy { onClipEvent (load) { s_inc = 2; smax = 3; life = _root.enemy_life; armor = 15; atack_speed = random(30) + 20; slot1 = 'normal'; slot2 = 'mortar'; slot3 = 'normal'; slot1_dmg = _root.enemy_dmg2 * (1 + _root.mission / 10); slot2_dmg = _root.enemy_dmg3 * (1 + _root.mission / 10); slot3_dmg = _root.enemy_dmg2 * (1 + _root.mission / 10); alive = 0; } } instance of movieClip 202 enemy { onClipEvent (load) { s_inc = 2; smax = 3; life = _root.enemy_life; armor = 15; atack_speed = random(30) + 20; slot1 = 'normal'; slot2 = 'mortar'; slot3 = 'normal'; slot1_dmg = _root.enemy_dmg2 * (1 + _root.mission / 10); slot2_dmg = _root.enemy_dmg3 * (1 + _root.mission / 10); slot3_dmg = _root.enemy_dmg2 * (1 + _root.mission / 10); alive = 0; } } instance of movieClip 202 enemy { onClipEvent (load) { s_inc = 2; smax = 3; life = _root.enemy_life; armor = 15; atack_speed = random(30) + 20; slot1 = 'normal'; slot2 = 'mortar'; slot3 = 'normal'; slot1_dmg = _root.enemy_dmg2 * (1 + _root.mission / 10); slot2_dmg = _root.enemy_dmg3 * (1 + _root.mission / 10); slot3_dmg = _root.enemy_dmg2 * (1 + _root.mission / 10); alive = 0; } } instance p1 of movieClip 212 Player { onClipEvent (load) { spec = 'player'; } } instance of movieClip 470 { onClipEvent (load) { targetin = 'nivel_4g'; chupador = '1'; } } instance of movieClip 526 { onClipEvent (load) { s_inc = 2; smax = 3; life = _root.ene_life_turret; armor = 15; atack_speed = random(30) + 20; slot1 = 'machine'; slot2 = 'machine'; slot3 = 'machine'; slot1_dmg = _root.enemy_dmg2 * (1 + _root.mission / 10); slot2_dmg = _root.enemy_dmg2 * (1 + _root.mission / 10); slot3_dmg = _root.enemy_dmg2 * (1 + _root.mission / 10); alive = 1; } } instance of movieClip 526 { onClipEvent (load) { s_inc = 2; smax = 3; life = _root.ene_life_turret; armor = 15; atack_speed = random(30) + 20; slot1 = 'machine'; slot2 = 'machine'; slot3 = 'machine'; slot1_dmg = _root.enemy_dmg2 * (1 + _root.mission / 10); slot2_dmg = _root.enemy_dmg2 * (1 + _root.mission / 10); slot3_dmg = _root.enemy_dmg2 * (1 + _root.mission / 10); alive = 1; } } instance of movieClip 526 { onClipEvent (load) { s_inc = 2; smax = 3; life = _root.ene_life_turret; armor = 15; atack_speed = random(30) + 20; slot1 = 'machine'; slot2 = 'machine'; slot3 = 'machine'; slot1_dmg = _root.enemy_dmg2 * (1 + _root.mission / 10); slot2_dmg = _root.enemy_dmg2 * (1 + _root.mission / 10); slot3_dmg = _root.enemy_dmg2 * (1 + _root.mission / 10); alive = 1; } } instance of movieClip 526 { onClipEvent (load) { s_inc = 2; smax = 3; life = _root.ene_life_turret; armor = 15; atack_speed = random(30) + 20; slot1 = 'machine'; slot2 = 'machine'; slot3 = 'machine'; slot1_dmg = _root.enemy_dmg2 * (1 + _root.mission / 10); slot2_dmg = _root.enemy_dmg2 * (1 + _root.mission / 10); slot3_dmg = _root.enemy_dmg2 * (1 + _root.mission / 10); alive = 1; } } instance of movieClip 526 { onClipEvent (load) { s_inc = 2; smax = 3; life = _root.ene_life_turret; armor = 15; atack_speed = random(30) + 20; slot1 = 'machine'; slot2 = 'machine'; slot3 = 'machine'; slot1_dmg = _root.enemy_dmg2 * (1 + _root.mission / 10); slot2_dmg = _root.enemy_dmg2 * (1 + _root.mission / 10); slot3_dmg = _root.enemy_dmg2 * (1 + _root.mission / 10); alive = 1; } } frame 20 { function check_win() { if (enemy_left <= 0) { } if (_root.ganeelboss4 == 1) { --contoloco2; if (contoloco2 <= 0 && _root.pausado == 1) {; } } } stop(); enemy_left = 1; friend_left = 4; if (_root.next_lvl.habilitado == 1) { = 0; _root.next_lvl.habilitado = 0; } contoloco2 = 48; } instance p1 of movieClip 212 Player { onClipEvent (load) { spec = 'player'; } } instance of movieClip 470 { onClipEvent (load) { targetin = 'nivel_4g'; chupador = '1'; } } instance negritud of movieClip 466 { onClipEvent (load) { _alpha = 0; } } instance of movieClip 466 { onClipEvent (load) { _alpha = 0; } } instance of movieClip 466 { onClipEvent (load) { _alpha = 0; } } instance of movieClip 466 { onClipEvent (load) { _alpha = 0; } } instance of movieClip 596 { onClipEvent (load) { _name = 'apa1'; atak = 'circular'; } } instance of movieClip 596 { onClipEvent (load) { _name = 'apa2'; atak = 'boom'; } } instance of movieClip 596 { onClipEvent (load) { _name = 'apa3'; atak = 'boom'; } } instance of movieClip 596 { onClipEvent (load) { _name = 'apa4'; atak = 'boom'; } } instance of movieClip 596 { onClipEvent (load) { _name = 'apa5'; atak = 'boom'; } } instance of movieClip 596 { onClipEvent (load) { _name = 'apa6'; atak = 'circular'; } } instance of movieClip 596 { onClipEvent (load) { _name = 'apa7'; atak = 'boom'; } } instance of movieClip 596 { onClipEvent (load) { _name = 'apa8'; atak = 'boom'; } } instance of movieClip 639 { onClipEvent (load) { alive = -9999; verdadero = 1; line = 2; out = 0; s_inc = 2; smax = 3; life = 5000; armor = 15; atack_speed = random(30) + 48; slot1 = 'mortar'; slot2 = 'mortar'; slot3 = 'mortar'; slot1_dmg = 50; slot2_dmg = 50; slot3_dmg = 50; speedx = -15; speedy = 0; } } instance of movieClip 596 { onClipEvent (load) { _name = 'apa9'; atak = 'boom'; } } frame 21 { function check_win() { if (_root.ganeelbossfinal == 1) { --contoloco2; if (contoloco2 <= 0 && _root.pausado == 1) {; } } if (contoloco > 0) { --contoloco; } else { --boss_retardo; } if (boss_sumoned == 1 && boss_retardo == 0) { boss_sumoned = 0; _root.next_lvl.texto.gotoAndStop('bossfinala'); = 1; stopAllSounds(); mymusic = new Sound(_root.musikita); mymusic.attachSound('m_boss'); mymusic.start(0, 9999); _root.spawn4 = 1; boss(); } if (_root.pausado == 1) { contolocoaux = contoloco / 24; _root.reloj = Math.floor(contolocoaux / 60) + ' : ' + Math.floor(contolocoaux % 60); } if (contolocoaux / 60 < 6) { if (contolocoaux % 60 == 45) { waves(1); } if (contolocoaux % 60 == 15) { waves(3); } } if (contolocoaux / 60 < 5) { if (contolocoaux % 60 == 30) { waves(random(4) + 1); } } if (contolocoaux / 60 < 4) { if (contolocoaux % 60 == 45) { waves(random(4) + 1); } } if (contolocoaux / 60 < 3) { if (contolocoaux % 60 == 20) { waves(random(4) + 1); } } if (contolocoaux / 60 < 2) { if (contolocoaux % 60 == 10) { waves(random(4) + 1); } } } function tanke() { _root.juego.attachMovie('enemy', 'dis' + _root.juego.i, _root.juego.getNextHighestDepth(), {'_x': _root.juego['pos' + desipos]._x + random(700) - random(700), '_y': _root.juego['pos' + desipos]._y + random(700) - random(700), '_alpha': 100, '_xscale': 100, '_yscale': 100, 's_inc': 2, 'smax': 3, 'life': 250, 'atack_speed': random(30) + 20, 'slot1': 'normal', 'slot2': 'mortar', 'slot3': 'normal', 'slot1_dmg': 30, 'slot2_dmg': 40, 'slot3_dmg': 30, 'alive': 0, 'def': 1}); ++i; } function jeept() { _root.juego.attachMovie('jeep_tnt', 'dis' + _root.juego.i, _root.juego.getNextHighestDepth(), {'_x': _root.juego['pos' + desipos]._x + random(700) - random(700), '_y': _root.juego['pos' + desipos]._y + random(700) - random(700), '_alpha': 100, '_xscale': 100, '_yscale': 100, 's_inc': 2, 'smax': 3, 'life': 250, 'atack_speed': random(30) + 20, 'slot1': 'normal', 'slot2': 'mortar', 'slot3': 'normal', 'slot1_dmg': 30, 'slot2_dmg': 50, 'slot3_dmg': 30, 'alive': 0, 'def': 1, 'dmg': 70}); ++i; } function titan() { _root.juego.attachMovie('enemy', 'dis' + _root.juego.i, _root.juego.getNextHighestDepth(), {'_x': _root.juego['pos' + desipos]._x + random(700) - random(700), '_y': _root.juego['pos' + desipos]._y + random(700) - random(700), '_alpha': 100, '_xscale': 100, '_yscale': 100, 's_inc': 2, 'smax': 3, 'life': 250, 'atack_speed': random(30) + 20, 'slot1': 'normal', 'slot2': 'missile', 'slot3': 'normal', 'slot1_dmg': 40, 'slot2_dmg': 30, 'slot3_dmg': 40, 'alive': 0, 'def': 1, 'tipo': 'titan'}); ++i; } function jeepm() { _root.juego.attachMovie('jeep_misilero', 'dis' + _root.juego.i, _root.juego.getNextHighestDepth(), {'_x': _root.juego['pos' + desipos]._x + random(700) - random(700), '_y': _root.juego['pos' + desipos]._y + random(700) - random(700), '_alpha': 100, '_xscale': 100, '_yscale': 100, 's_inc': 2, 'smax': 3, 'life': 250, 'atack_speed': random(30) + 20, 'slot1': 'normal', 'slot2': 'mortar', 'slot3': 'normal', 'slot1_dmg': 15, 'slot2_dmg': 30, 'slot3_dmg': 15, 'alive': 0, 'def': 1}); ++i; } function boss() { _root.juego.attachMovie('bossfinal', 'ene' + _root.juego._root.conto_enes, _root.juego.getNextHighestDepth(), {'_x': _root.juego['pos' + desipos]._x + random(700) - random(700), '_y': _root.juego['pos' + desipos]._y + random(700) - random(700), '_alpha': 100, '_xscale': 100, '_yscale': 100, 's_inc': 2, 'smax': 3, 'max_life': 15000, 'life': 15000, 'atack_speed': random(30) + 20, 'slot1': 'missile', 'slot2': 'missile', 'slot3': 'missile', 'slot1_dmg': 20, 'slot2_dmg': 20, 'slot3_dmg': 20, 'alive': 0, 'def': 1, 'verdadero': 1}); ++_root.conto_enes; } function waves(numero) { desipos = random(4) + 1; if (numero == 1) { jeepm(); jeepm(); tanke(); titan(); } if (numero == 2) { jeept(); jeept(); tanke(); tanke(); } if (numero == 3) { titan(); titan(); tanke(); tanke(); } if (numero == 4) { titan(); jeept(); jeept(); jeept(); jeept(); } } stop(); conto_enes; enemy_left = 1; friend_left = 5; if (_root.spawn4 != 1) { contoloco = 0; } else { contoloco = 0; } boss_retardo = 240; boss_sumoned = 1; if (_root.next_lvl.habilitado == 1) { = 1; _root.next_lvl.habilitado = 0; } contoloco2 = 48; } instance of movieClip 202 enemy { onClipEvent (load) { } } instance of movieClip 470 { onClipEvent (load) { targetin = 'nivel_1a'; chupador = '1'; } } instance friend3 of movieClip 523 { onClipEvent (load) { amigo = 1; spec = 'healer'; s_inc = 1; smax = 9; life = 250; armor = 15; atack_speed = random(30) + 20; slot1 = 'empty'; slot2 = 'empty'; slot3 = 'empty'; slot4 = 'heal'; slot5 = 'static'; slot1_dmg = 1; slot2_dmg = 1; slot3_dmg = 1; slot4_dmg = 1; alive = 1; } } instance friend2 of movieClip 523 { onClipEvent (load) { amigo = 1; s_inc = 4; smax = 9; spec = 'medio'; life = _root.hp_max / 2; armor = 15; atack_speed = random(30) + 20; slot1 = 'mortar'; slot2 = 'machine'; slot3 = 'missile'; slot5 = 'static'; slot1_dmg = 50; slot2_dmg = 10; slot3_dmg = 10; alive = 1; } } instance friend1 of movieClip 523 { onClipEvent (load) { amigo = 1; s_inc = 4; smax = 9; spec = 'pesado'; life = _root.hp_max / 2; armor = 15; atack_speed = random(30) + 20; slot1 = 'normal'; slot2 = 'flame'; slot3 = 'missile'; slot5 = 'static'; slot1_dmg = 30; slot2_dmg = 50; slot3_dmg = 10; alive = 1; } } frame 23 { stop(); enemy_left = 30; friend_left = 4; } instance friend3 of movieClip 523 { onClipEvent (load) { amigo = 1; spec = 'healer'; s_inc = 1; smax = 9; life = 250; armor = 15; atack_speed = random(30) + 20; slot1 = 'empty'; slot2 = 'empty'; slot3 = 'empty'; slot4 = 'heal'; slot5 = 'static'; slot1_dmg = 1; slot2_dmg = 1; slot3_dmg = 1; slot4_dmg = 10; alive = 1; } } instance friend2 of movieClip 523 { onClipEvent (load) { amigo = 1; s_inc = 4; smax = 9; spec = 'medio'; life = 250; armor = 15; atack_speed = random(30) + 20; slot1 = 'normal'; slot2 = 'mortar'; slot3 = 'missile'; slot5 = 'static'; slot1_dmg = 30; slot2_dmg = 100; slot3_dmg = 40; alive = 1; } } instance friend1 of movieClip 523 { onClipEvent (load) { amigo = 1; s_inc = 4; smax = 9; spec = 'pesado'; life = 250; armor = 15; atack_speed = random(30) + 20; slot1 = 'normal'; slot2 = 'mortar'; slot3 = 'missile'; slot5 = 'static'; slot1_dmg = 30; slot2_dmg = 100; slot3_dmg = 40; alive = 1; } } instance of movieClip 481 { onClipEvent (load) { if (_root.conto_enes == undefined) { _root.conto_enes = 0; } _name = 'ene' + _root.conto_enes; ++_root.conto_enes; s_inc = 2; smax = 3; dmg = 300; life = 250; armor = 15; atack_speed = random(30) + 20; slot1 = 'normal'; slot2 = 'mortar'; slot3 = 'missile'; slot1_dmg = 20; slot2_dmg = 15; slot3_dmg = 50; alive = 0; } } instance of movieClip 481 { onClipEvent (load) { if (_root.conto_enes == undefined) { _root.conto_enes = 0; } _name = 'ene' + _root.conto_enes; ++_root.conto_enes; s_inc = 2; smax = 3; dmg = 300; life = 250; armor = 15; atack_speed = random(30) + 20; slot1 = 'normal'; slot2 = 'mortar'; slot3 = 'missile'; slot1_dmg = 20; slot2_dmg = 15; slot3_dmg = 50; alive = 0; } } instance of movieClip 481 { onClipEvent (load) { s_inc = 2; smax = 3; dmg = 300; life = 250; armor = 15; atack_speed = random(30) + 20; slot1 = 'normal'; slot2 = 'mortar'; slot3 = 'missile'; slot1_dmg = 20; slot2_dmg = 15; slot3_dmg = 50; alive = 0; } } instance of movieClip 481 { onClipEvent (load) { if (_root.conto_enes == undefined) { _root.conto_enes = 0; } _name = 'ene' + _root.conto_enes; ++_root.conto_enes; s_inc = 2; smax = 3; dmg = 300; life = 250; armor = 15; atack_speed = random(30) + 20; slot1 = 'normal'; slot2 = 'mortar'; slot3 = 'missile'; slot1_dmg = 20; slot2_dmg = 15; slot3_dmg = 50; alive = 0; } } instance of movieClip 481 { onClipEvent (load) { if (_root.conto_enes == undefined) { _root.conto_enes = 0; } _name = 'ene' + _root.conto_enes; ++_root.conto_enes; s_inc = 2; smax = 3; dmg = 300; life = 250; armor = 15; atack_speed = random(30) + 20; slot1 = 'normal'; slot2 = 'mortar'; slot3 = 'missile'; slot1_dmg = 20; slot2_dmg = 15; slot3_dmg = 50; alive = 0; } } instance of movieClip 481 { onClipEvent (load) { if (_root.conto_enes == undefined) { _root.conto_enes = 0; } _name = 'ene' + _root.conto_enes; ++_root.conto_enes; s_inc = 2; smax = 3; dmg = 300; life = 250; armor = 15; atack_speed = random(30) + 20; slot1 = 'normal'; slot2 = 'mortar'; slot3 = 'missile'; slot1_dmg = 20; slot2_dmg = 15; slot3_dmg = 50; alive = 0; } } instance of movieClip 481 { onClipEvent (load) { if (_root.conto_enes == undefined) { _root.conto_enes = 0; } _name = 'ene' + _root.conto_enes; ++_root.conto_enes; s_inc = 2; smax = 3; dmg = 300; life = 250; armor = 15; atack_speed = random(30) + 20; slot1 = 'normal'; slot2 = 'mortar'; slot3 = 'missile'; slot1_dmg = 20; slot2_dmg = 15; slot3_dmg = 50; alive = 0; } } instance of movieClip 481 { onClipEvent (load) { if (_root.conto_enes == undefined) { _root.conto_enes = 0; } _name = 'ene' + _root.conto_enes; ++_root.conto_enes; s_inc = 2; smax = 3; dmg = 300; life = 250; armor = 15; atack_speed = random(30) + 20; slot1 = 'normal'; slot2 = 'mortar'; slot3 = 'missile'; slot1_dmg = 20; slot2_dmg = 15; slot3_dmg = 50; alive = 0; } } instance of movieClip 481 { onClipEvent (load) { if (_root.conto_enes == undefined) { _root.conto_enes = 0; } _name = 'ene' + _root.conto_enes; ++_root.conto_enes; s_inc = 2; smax = 3; dmg = 300; life = 250; armor = 15; atack_speed = random(30) + 20; slot1 = 'normal'; slot2 = 'mortar'; slot3 = 'missile'; slot1_dmg = 20; slot2_dmg = 15; slot3_dmg = 50; alive = 0; } } instance of movieClip 526 { onClipEvent (load) { s_inc = 2; smax = 3; life = 250; armor = 15; atack_speed = random(5) + 15; slot1 = 'machine'; slot2 = 'machine'; slot3 = 'machine'; slot1_dmg = 10; slot2_dmg = 10; slot3_dmg = 10; alive = 0; } } instance of movieClip 526 { onClipEvent (load) { s_inc = 2; smax = 3; life = 250; armor = 15; atack_speed = random(30) + 20; slot1 = 'normal'; slot2 = 'mortar'; slot3 = 'missile'; slot1_dmg = 20; slot2_dmg = 15; slot3_dmg = 50; alive = 0; } } } // unknown tag 88 length 87 movieClip 649 { } movieClip 650 { frame 1 { function hp_bar_change() { tar = _root.juego[targetin]; life_max = tar.life_max; if ( < 0) { = 0; } hp_bar._xscale = * hp_bar_max / life_max; if (hp_efect._xscale > hp_bar._xscale) { hp_efect._xscale -= 2; } if (tar._name == undefined || == undefined) { hp_bar._xscale = 0; } } function hideme() { endY = -900; endX = 0; _y = _y + (endY - _y) / speed; } function showme() { endY = 0; endX = 0; _y = _y + (endY - _y) / speed; } tar = _root.juego[targetin]; hp_bar_max = hp_bar._xscale; life_max = tar.life_max; onEnterFrame = function () { if (_root.pausado == 1) { hp_bar_change(); } }; speed = 10; } } movieClip 655 { } movieClip 661 { } movieClip 662 { instance of movieClip 661 { onClipEvent (load) { this._alpha = 33; } } } movieClip 663 { frame 1 { function hideme() { endY = -900; _y = _y + (endY - _y) / speed; } function showme() { endY = 0; _y = _y + (endY - _y) / speed; } speed = 10; hideme(); this.onEnterFrame = function () { if (si == 0) { hideme(); } if (si == 1) { showme(); } }; } instance hp_base of movieClip 650 { onClipEvent (load) { targetin = 'nada'; } } } movieClip 666 { frame 1 { function hideme() { endY = -900; _y = _y + (endY - _y) / speed; } function showme() { endY = 0; _y = _y + (endY - _y) / speed; } speed = 10; hideme(); this.onEnterFrame = function () { if (si == 0) { hideme(); } if (si == 1) { showme(); } }; } } movieClip 675 { } movieClip 677 { } movieClip 680 { } movieClip 682 { } movieClip 685 { } movieClip 688 { } movieClip 691 { } movieClip 692 { frame 1 { function hp_bar_change() { if ( < 0) { = 0; } hp_bar._xscale = * hp_bar_max / life_max; if (hp_efect._xscale > hp_bar._xscale) { hp_efect._xscale -= 2; } else { hp_efect._xscale = hp_bar._xscale; } } _root.shield = 0; hp_bar_max = hp_bar._xscale; life_max = _root.hp_max; hp_efect._xscale = 0; onEnterFrame = function () { if (_root.pausado == 1) { if (_root.shield <= 0) { hp_bar_change(); } else { if (_root.shield == 120) { auxlife =; _root.juego.p1._alpha = 50; hp_efect._xscale = hp_bar._xscale; } --_root.shield; if (_root.shield == 1) { = auxlife; _root.juego.p1._alpha = 100; } } } }; } } movieClip 693 { } movieClip 700 { frame 1 { function hp_bar_change() { hp_bar._xscale = life * hp_bar_max / life_max; } hp_bar_max = hp_bar._xscale; life_max = _root[_root.slot1 + '_cd'] - _root[_root.slot1 + '_cd'] * _root[_root.slot1 + '_cdlvl'] / 20; life = 0; _root.slot1_cd = 0; if (_root.slot1_cap == undefined) { _root.slot1_cap = Math.round(_root[_root.slot1 + '_cap'] + _root[_root.slot1 + '_cap'] * _root[_root.slot1 + '_caplvl'] / 3); } onEnterFrame = function () { if (_root.pausado == 1) { hp_bar_change(); if (life > 0) { --_root.slot1_cd; } life = _root.slot1_cd; if (_root.slot_selected == 1) { area._alpha = 100; } else { area._alpha = 0; } } }; } } movieClip 703 { frame 1 { function hp_bar_change() { hp_bar._xscale = life * hp_bar_max / life_max; } hp_bar_max = hp_bar._xscale; life_max = _root[_root.slot2 + '_cd'] - _root[_root.slot2 + '_cd'] * _root[_root.slot2 + '_cdlvl'] / 20; life = 0; _root.slot2_cd = 0; if (_root.slot2_cap == undefined) { _root.slot2_cap = Math.round(_root[_root.slot2 + '_cap'] + _root[_root.slot2 + '_cap'] * _root[_root.slot2 + '_caplvl'] / 3); } onEnterFrame = function () { if (_root.pausado == 1) { hp_bar_change(); if (life > 0) { --_root.slot2_cd; } life = _root.slot2_cd; if (_root.slot_selected == 2) { area._alpha = 100; } else { area._alpha = 0; } } }; } } movieClip 707 { frame 1 { function hp_bar_change() { hp_bar._xscale = life * hp_bar_max / life_max; } hp_bar_max = hp_bar._xscale; life_max = _root[_root.slot3 + '_cd'] - _root[_root.slot3 + '_cd'] * _root[_root.slot3 + '_cdlvl'] / 20; life = 0; _root.slot3_cd = 0; if (_root.slot3_cap == undefined) { _root.slot3_cap = Math.round(_root[_root.slot3 + '_cap'] + _root[_root.slot3 + '_cap'] * _root[_root.slot3 + '_caplvl'] / 3); } onEnterFrame = function () { if (_root.pausado == 1) { hp_bar_change(); if (life > 0) { --_root.slot3_cd; } life = _root.slot3_cd; if (_root.slot_selected == 3) { area._alpha = 100; } else { area._alpha = 0; } } }; } } movieClip 709 { } movieClip 710 { frame 1 { function check_mouse() { last_mousex = _root._xmouse; last_mousey = _root._ymouse; } function check_posicion() { if (seleccionado == 1) { this._x -= last_mousex - _root._xmouse; this._y -= last_mousey - _root._ymouse; if (this.hitTest(_parent.area)) { last_x = _x; last_y = _y; } else { this._x = last_x; this._y = last_y; seleccionado = 0; } } } function send_position() { rot = _root.juego.p1.angleT % 360; if (rot < 0) { rot += 360; } if (rot > 315 || rot >= 0) { if (targetin == 'friend1') { auxx = -200; auxy = 50; } if (targetin == 'friend2') { auxx = 200; auxy = 50; } if (targetin == 'friend3') { auxx = 0; auxy = 200; } } if (rot > 45) { if (targetin == 'friend1') { auxx = -50; auxy = -200; } if (targetin == 'friend2') { auxx = -50; auxy = 200; } if (targetin == 'friend3') { auxx = -200; auxy = 0; } } if (rot > 135) { if (targetin == 'friend1') { auxx = 200; auxy = -50; } if (targetin == 'friend2') { auxx = -200; auxy = -50; } if (targetin == 'friend3') { auxx = 0; auxy = -200; } } if (rot > 225) { if (targetin == 'friend1') { auxx = 50; auxy = 200; } if (targetin == 'friend2') { auxx = 50; auxy = -200; } if (targetin == 'friend3') { auxx = 200; auxy = 0; } } if (rot > 315) { if (targetin == 'friend1') { auxx = -200; auxy = 50; } if (targetin == 'friend2') { auxx = 200; auxy = 50; } if (targetin == 'friend3') { auxx = 0; auxy = 200; } } _root.juego[targetin].form_x = auxx; _root.juego[targetin].form_y = auxy; } seleccionado = 0; last_x = _x; last_y = _y; if (_root.juego[targetin]._name == undefined) { this._alpha = 0; } onEnterFrame = function () { if (this._alpha > 0) { check_posicion(); send_position(); check_mouse(); } }; this.onPress = function () { seleccionado = 1; }; this.onRelease = function () { seleccionado = 0; }; } } movieClip 711 { frame 1 { xx = _x; yy = _y; onEnterFrame = function () { if (_root.pausado == 1) { this._x = -9999; } else { this._x = xx; } }; } instance of movieClip 710 { onClipEvent (load) { targetin = 'friend1'; } } instance of movieClip 710 { onClipEvent (load) { targetin = 'friend2'; } } instance of movieClip 710 { onClipEvent (load) { targetin = 'friend4'; } } instance of movieClip 710 { onClipEvent (load) { targetin = 'friend3'; } } } movieClip 714 { frame 1 { stop(); this.onPress = function () { tar = _root.juego[targetin]; if (tar.useskill == 0) { tar.useskill = 1; gotoAndStop(2); } else { tar.useskill = 0; gotoAndStop(1); } }; onEnterFrame = function () { if (tar.useskill == 0) { gotoAndStop(1); } }; } } movieClip 715 { frame 1 { function hp_bar_change() { tar = _root.juego[targetin]; life_max = tar.life_max; if ( < 0) { = 0; } hp_bar._xscale = * hp_bar_max / life_max; if (hp_efect._xscale > hp_bar._xscale) { hp_efect._xscale -= 2; } } tar = _root.juego[targetin]; hp_bar_max = hp_bar._xscale; life_max = tar.life_max; onEnterFrame = function () { if (_root.pausado == 1) { if (_root.shield <= 0) { hp_bar_change(); } else { if (_root.shield == 120) { auxlife =; tar._alpha = 50; } if (_root.shield == 1) { = auxlife; tar._alpha = 100; } } } }; } } movieClip 719 { frame 1 { this.onPress = function () { _root.target_cam = _root.juego.friend3; _root.last_x = _root.target_cam._x; _root.last_y = _root.target_cam._y; _root.seleccionar = _root.target_cam; }; } instance of movieClip 661 { onClipEvent (load) { this._alpha = 33; } } } movieClip 721 { frame 1 { onEnterFrame = function () { if (_root.juego.friend3.spec == 'healer') { _alpha = 100; } else { _alpha = 0; } }; } instance of movieClip 715 { onClipEvent (load) { targetin = 'friend3'; } } } movieClip 725 { frame 1 { this.onPress = function () { _root.target_cam = _root.juego.friend2; _root.last_x = _root.target_cam._x; _root.last_y = _root.target_cam._y; _root.seleccionar = _root.target_cam; }; } instance of movieClip 661 { onClipEvent (load) { this._alpha = 33; } } } movieClip 727 { frame 1 { onEnterFrame = function () { if (_root.juego.friend2.spec == 'medio') { _alpha = 100; } else { _alpha = 0; } }; } instance of movieClip 715 { onClipEvent (load) { targetin = 'friend2'; } } } movieClip 731 { frame 1 { this.onPress = function () { _root.target_cam = _root.juego.friend1; _root.last_x = _root.target_cam._x; _root.last_y = _root.target_cam._y; _root.seleccionar = _root.target_cam; }; } instance of movieClip 661 { onClipEvent (load) { this._alpha = 33; } } } movieClip 733 { frame 1 { onEnterFrame = function () { if (_root.juego.friend1.spec == 'pesado') { _alpha = 100; } else { _alpha = 0; } }; } instance of movieClip 715 { onClipEvent (load) { targetin = 'friend1'; } } } movieClip 735 { frame 1 { onEnterFrame = function () { if (_root.pausado == 1) { if (_root.juego.friend1._name == undefined && _root.juego.friend2._name == undefined && _root.juego.friend3._name == undefined) { this._alpha = 0; } else { this._alpha = 100; } } }; } } movieClip 736 { frame 1 { xx = _x; yy = _y; onEnterFrame = function () { if (_root.pausado == 1) { this._x = -9999; } else { this._x = xx; } }; } instance of movieClip 714 { onClipEvent (load) { targetin = 'friend1'; } } instance of movieClip 714 { onClipEvent (load) { targetin = 'friend2'; } } instance of movieClip 714 { onClipEvent (load) { targetin = 'friend3'; } } } movieClip 743 { } movieClip 745 { } movieClip 747 { frame 1 { onEnterFrame = function () { if (_root.juego.friend3.spec == 'healer') { _alpha = 100; } else { _alpha = 0; } }; } instance of movieClip 715 { onClipEvent (load) { targetin = 'friend3'; } } } movieClip 749 { frame 1 { onEnterFrame = function () { if (_root.juego.friend1.spec == 'pesado') { _alpha = 100; } else { _alpha = 0; } }; } instance of movieClip 715 { onClipEvent (load) { targetin = 'friend1'; } } } movieClip 751 { frame 1 { onEnterFrame = function () { if (_root.juego.friend2.spec == 'medio') { _alpha = 100; } else { _alpha = 0; } }; } instance of movieClip 715 { onClipEvent (load) { targetin = 'friend2'; } } } movieClip 756 { instance s1 of movieClip 700 { onClipEvent (load) { if (_root.slot1 == 'empty') { this._x = 9000; this._y = 9000; } } } instance s2 of movieClip 703 { onClipEvent (load) { if (_root.slot2 == 'empty') { this._x = 9000; this._y = 9000; } } } instance s3 of movieClip 707 { onClipEvent (load) { if (_root.slot3 == 'empty') { this._x = 9000; this._y = 9000; } } } } movieClip 757 { frame 1 { function hp_bar_change() { tar = _root.juego[targetin]; life_max = tar.life_max; if ( < 0) { = 0; } hp_bar._xscale = * hp_bar_max / life_max; if (hp_efect._xscale > hp_bar._xscale) { hp_efect._xscale -= 2; } if (tar._name == undefined || == undefined) { hp_bar._xscale = 0; } } function hideme() { endY = -900; endX = 0; _y = _y + (endY - _y) / speed; } function showme() { endY = 0; endX = 0; _y = _y + (endY - _y) / speed; } tar = _root.juego[targetin]; hp_bar_max = hp_bar._xscale; life_max = tar.life_max; onEnterFrame = function () { if (_root.pausado == 1) { hp_bar_change(); if (si == 0) { hideme(); } if (si == 1) { showme(); } } }; speed = 10; hideme(); } } instance hp_boss of movieClip 757 { onClipEvent (load) { targetin = 'nada'; } } button 762 { on (press) { _root.pausado = 1; = 0; _root.juego.selector._alpha = 0; _root.juego.friend1.seleccionado = 0; _root.juego.friend2.seleccionado = 0; _root.juego.friend3.seleccionado = 0; selecting = false; } } button 768 { on (press) { nextFrame(); } } movieClip 771 { instance of movieClip 661 { onClipEvent (load) { this._alpha = 33; } } } movieClip 774 { frame 1 { this.onPress = function () { _root.target_cam = _root.juego.friend2; _root.last_x = _root.target_cam._x; _root.last_y = _root.target_cam._y; _root.seleccionar = _root.target_cam; }; } instance of movieClip 661 { onClipEvent (load) { this._alpha = 33; } } } movieClip 783 { } movieClip 784 { instance of movieClip 661 { onClipEvent (load) { this._alpha = 33; } } } movieClip 796 { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 797 { frame 1 { function hideme() { endY = -900; endX = 0; _y = _y + (endY - _y) / speed; _x = _x + (endX - _x) / speed; } function showme() { endY = 0; endX = 0; _y = _y + (endY - _y) / speed; _x = _x + (endX - _x) / speed; } speed = 10; hideme(); this.onEnterFrame = function () { if (si == 0) { hideme(); } if (si == 1) { showme(); if (_y > -100) { _root.pausado = 0; } } }; } } movieClip 803 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 40 { ++_root.mission; _root.nextScreen = 'nivel_' + _root.mission + 'a'; _root.chupador = 'c0'; _root.graditos = undefined; stopAllSounds(); mymusic = new Sound(_root.musikita); mymusic.attachSound('m_heavy'); mymusic.start(0, 9999); _root.flash1.goto('inter_lvl'); } } frame 9 { stop(); } // unknown tag 88 length 52 button 810 { on (release) { _root.hp_actual = _root.hp_max; _root.slot1_cap = undefined; _root.slot2_cap = undefined; _root.slot3_cap = undefined; stopAllSounds(); mymusic = new Sound(_root.musikita); mymusic.attachSound('m_tranki'); mymusic.start(0, 9999); _root.goldactual =; _root.goldini =; _root.nextScreen = 'nivel_' + _root.mission + 'a'; _root.flash1.goto('arena'); } } button 812 { on (release) { _root.flash1.goto('shop'); } } button 815 { on (press) { saveFile = 'save'; var savefile = SharedObject.getLocal(saveFile); =; = _root.mission; = _root.hp_max; = _root.r_bot_lvl; = _root.hp_max_lvl; = _root.normal_lvl; = _root.machine_lvl; = _root.flame_lvl; = _root.mortar_lvl; = _root.missile_lvl; = _root.mine_lvl; = _root.normal_dmglvl; = _root.machine_dmglvl; = _root.flame_dmglvl; = _root.mortar_dmglvl; = _root.missile_dmglvl; = _root.mine_dmglvl; = _root.normal_cdlvl; = _root.machine_cdlvl; = _root.flame_cdlvl; = _root.mortar_cdlvl; = _root.missile_cdlvl; = _root.mine_cdlvl; = _root.normal_caplvl; = _root.machine_caplvl; = _root.flame_caplvl; = _root.mortar_caplvl; = _root.missile_caplvl; = _root.mine_caplvl; = _root.hp_pack_lvl; = _root.hp_pack_cdlvl; = _root.hp_pack_caplvl; = _root.hp_pack_dmg; = _root.hp_pack_dmglvl; = _root.shield_lvl; = _root.shield_cap; = _root.shield_cd; = _root.shield_cdlvl; = _root.shield_caplvl; = _root.shield_dmg; = _root.shield_dmglvl; = _root.static_lvl; = _root.static_cdlvl; = _root.static_caplvl; = _root.static_dmglvl; = _root.slot1; = _root.slot2; = _root.slot3; = _root.slot1_cd; = _root.slot2_cd; = _root.slot3_cd; = _root.slot_selected; savefile.flush(); } } movieClip 822 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 6 { _root.gotoAndStop('sponsorme'); } } instance of movieClip 822 { onClipEvent (load) { gotoAndStop(_root.mission); } } frame 10 { stop(); } button 825 { on (release) { _root.flash1.goto('inter_lvl'); } } movieClip 835 { } movieClip 838 { } movieClip 840 { } movieClip 845 { } button 848 { on (release) { if (_root.buytip.ok == 1) { -= g; _root.scrapA -= s1; _root.scrapB -= s2; _root.scrapC -= s3; _root[target + '_lvl'] = 1; _root.buytip._x = 1000; _root.buytip._y = 1000; } } on (rollOver) { _root.buytip.set(g, s1, s2, s3); if (_root._ymouse < 450) { _root.buytip._x = _root._xmouse; _root.buytip._y = _root._ymouse; } else { _root.buytip._x = _root._xmouse; _root.buytip._y = _root._ymouse - 130; } } on (rollOut) { _root.buytip._x = 1000; _root.buytip._y = 1000; } } button 850 { on (press) { _root.weapon_display.get_target(target, g / 3, s1 / 3, s2 / 3, s3 / 3); } } movieClip 854 { frame 1 { this.onPress = function () { auxi = _root['slot' + numero]; if (_root.slot1 == { _root.slot1 = 'empty'; } if (_root.slot2 == { _root.slot2 = 'empty'; } if (_root.slot3 == { _root.slot3 = 'empty'; } _root['slot' + numero] =; if (_root.slot1 == 'empty') { _root.slot1 = auxi; } else { if (_root.slot2 == 'empty') { _root.slot2 = auxi; } else { if (_root.slot3 == 'empty') { _root.slot3 = auxi; } } } }; } } movieClip 855 { frame 1 { onEnterFrame = function () { if (_root[target + '_lvl'] > 0) { gotoAndStop(3); } }; } frame 2 { stop(); onEnterFrame = function () { if (_root[target + '_lvl'] > 0) { gotoAndStop(3); } }; } instance of movieClip 854 { onClipEvent (load) { numero = '1'; } } instance of movieClip 854 { onClipEvent (load) { numero = '2'; } } instance of movieClip 854 { onClipEvent (load) { numero = '3'; } } } movieClip 857 { frame 1 { this.onPress = function () { --_parent.pagina; if (_parent.pagina == 0) { _parent.pagina = _parent.pagina_max; } _parent._parent.gotoAndStop( + _parent.pagina); }; } } movieClip 859 { frame 1 { this.onPress = function () { ++_parent.pagina; if (_parent.pagina > _parent.pagina_max) { _parent.pagina = 1; } _parent._parent.gotoAndStop( + _parent.pagina); }; } } movieClip 860 { } button 862 { on (release) { = 'weapon'; scroll_1.pagina = 1; scroll_1.pagina_max = 2; this.gotoAndStop( + scroll_1.pagina); } } button 864 { on (release) { = 'body'; scroll_1.pagina = 1; scroll_1.pagina_max = 2; this.gotoAndStop( + scroll_1.pagina); } } button 866 { on (release) { = 'items'; scroll_1.pagina = 1; scroll_1.pagina_max = 2; this.gotoAndStop( + scroll_1.pagina); } } movieClip 868 { } movieClip 872 { } movieClip 876 { frame 1 { function hp_bar_change() { if (life < 0) { life = 0; } if (life > life_max) { life = life_max; } aux += (life - aux) / speed; lifer = Math.round(life); hp_bar._xscale = aux * hp_bar_max / life_max; if (hp_efect._xscale > hp_bar._xscale) { hp_efect._xscale -= 2; } } speed = 10; aux = 0; onEnterFrame = function () { hp_bar_change(); }; } } button 878 { on (release) { if (_root.buytip.ok == 1 && _root[target + '_lvl'] < max_lvl) { -= g; _root.scrapA -= s1; _root.scrapB -= s2; _root.scrapC -= s3; ++_root[target + '_lvl']; _root[target] += _root[target] * 0.25; if (_root[target + '_lvl'] < max_lvl) { g *= 2; s1 *= 2; s2 *= 2; s3 *= 2; _root.buytip.set(g, s1, s2, s3); } else { g = 'max'; s1 *= 2; s2 *= 2; s3 *= 2; _root.buytip.set(g, s1, s2, s3); } } } on (rollOver) { _root.buytip.set(g, s1, s2, s3); if (_root._ymouse < 450) { _root.buytip._x = _root._xmouse; _root.buytip._y = _root._ymouse; } else { _root.buytip._x = _root._xmouse; _root.buytip._y = _root._ymouse - 130; } } on (rollOut) { _root.buytip._x = 1000; _root.buytip._y = 1000; } } movieClip 879 { frame 1 { onEnterFrame = function () { = _root[target + '_lvl']; }; } instance bar of movieClip 876 { onClipEvent (load) { hp_bar_max = hp_bar._xscale; life_max = _parent.max_lvl; life = 0; } } } movieClip 883 { } movieClip 885 { } movieClip 890 { } movieClip 892 { frame 1 { onEnterFrame = function () { if (_root[target + '_lvl'] > 0) { gotoAndStop(3); } }; } frame 2 { stop(); onEnterFrame = function () { if (_root[target + '_lvl'] > 0) { gotoAndStop(3); } }; } instance of movieClip 854 { onClipEvent (load) { numero = '1'; } } instance of movieClip 854 { onClipEvent (load) { numero = '2'; } } instance of movieClip 854 { onClipEvent (load) { numero = '3'; } } } movieClip 899 { frame 1 { stop(); } instance of movieClip 855 { onClipEvent (load) { target = 'normal'; g = 1000; s1 = 1; s2 = 0; s3 = 0; } } instance of movieClip 855 { onClipEvent (load) { target = 'missile'; g = 2000; s1 = 3; s2 = 2; s3 = 1; } } instance of movieClip 855 { onClipEvent (load) { target = 'machine'; g = 800; s1 = 6; s2 = 0; s3 = 3; } } instance scroll_1 of movieClip 860 { onClipEvent (load) { target = 'weapon'; pagina = 1; pagina_max = 2; } } instance of movieClip 855 { onClipEvent (load) { target = 'flame'; g = 2000; s1 = 10; s2 = 15; s3 = 0; } } instance of movieClip 855 { onClipEvent (load) { target = 'mortar'; g = 2500; s1 = 30; s2 = 10; s3 = 6; } } instance bar_armor of movieClip 879 { onClipEvent (load) { target = 'hp_max'; if (_root.hp_max_lvl == 0) { g = 1000; } if (_root.hp_max_lvl == 1) { g = 2000; } if (_root.hp_max_lvl == 2) { g = 4000; } if (_root.hp_max_lvl == 3) { g = 'max'; } s1 = 6; s2 = 3; s3 = 1; max_lvl = 3; } } instance bar_speed of movieClip 879 { onClipEvent (load) { target = 'r_bot'; if (_root.r_bot_lvl == 0) { g = 500; } if (_root.r_bot_lvl == 1) { g = 1000; } if (_root.r_bot_lvl == 2) { g = 2000; } if (_root.r_bot_lvl == 3) { g = 'max'; } s1 = 5; s2 = 2; s3 = 0; max_lvl = 3; } } instance of movieClip 892 { onClipEvent (load) { target = 'hp_pack'; g = 1000; s1 = 1; s2 = 0; s3 = 0; } } instance of movieClip 892 { onClipEvent (load) { target = 'static'; g = 250; s1 = 3; s2 = 2; s3 = 1; } } instance of movieClip 892 { onClipEvent (load) { target = 'shield'; g = 500; s1 = 6; s2 = 0; s3 = 3; } } instance scroll_1 of movieClip 860 { onClipEvent (load) { target = 'weapon'; pagina = 1; pagina_max = 2; } } instance of movieClip 855 { onClipEvent (load) { target = 'normal'; } } instance of movieClip 855 { onClipEvent (load) { target = 'missile'; } } instance of movieClip 855 { onClipEvent (load) { target = 'flame'; } } } movieClip 909 { frame 1 { onEnterFrame = function () { equip = _root['slot' + target]; gotoAndStop(equip); }; } frame 1 { stop(); } } instance slot1_show of movieClip 909 { onClipEvent (load) { target = '1'; } } instance slot2_show of movieClip 909 { onClipEvent (load) { target = '2'; } } instance slot3_show of movieClip 909 { onClipEvent (load) { target = '3'; } } button 913 { on (release) { if (_root.buytip.ok == 1) { aux = _root[tar + '_caplvl'] + 1; ng = Math.round(g * aux); ns1 = Math.round(s1 * aux); ns2 = Math.round(s2 * aux); ns3 = Math.round(s3 * aux); -= ng; _root.scrapA -= ns1; _root.scrapB -= ns2; _root.scrapC -= ns3; ++_root[tar + '_caplvl']; aux = _root[tar + '_caplvl'] + 1; ng = Math.round(g * aux); ns1 = Math.round(s1 * aux); ns2 = Math.round(s2 * aux); ns3 = Math.round(s3 * aux); _root.buytip.set(ng, ns1, ns2, ns3); if ( >= bar_cap.life_max) { _root.buytip.set('max', 'max', 'max', 'max'); } } } on (rollOver) { aux = _root[tar + '_caplvl'] + 1; ng = Math.round(g * aux); ns1 = Math.round(s1 * aux); ns2 = Math.round(s2 * aux); ns3 = Math.round(s3 * aux); _root.buytip.set(ng, ns1, ns2, ns3); if (_root._ymouse < 450) { _root.buytip._x = _root._xmouse; _root.buytip._y = _root._ymouse; } else { _root.buytip._x = _root._xmouse; _root.buytip._y = _root._ymouse - 130; } if ( >= bar_cap.life_max) { _root.buytip.set('max', 'max', 'max', 'max'); } } on (rollOut) { _root.buytip._x = 1000; _root.buytip._y = 1000; } } button 914 { on (release) { if (_root.buytip.ok == 1) { aux = _root[tar + '_cdlvl'] + 1; ng = Math.round(g * aux); ns1 = Math.round(s1 * aux); ns2 = Math.round(s2 * aux); ns3 = Math.round(s3 * aux); -= ng; _root.scrapA -= ns1; _root.scrapB -= ns2; _root.scrapC -= ns3; ++_root[tar + '_cdlvl']; aux = _root[tar + '_cdlvl'] + 1; ng = Math.round(g * aux); ns1 = Math.round(s1 * aux); ns2 = Math.round(s2 * aux); ns3 = Math.round(s3 * aux); _root.buytip.set(ng, ns1, ns2, ns3); if ( <= 10) { _root.buytip.set('max', 'max', 'max', 'max'); } } } on (rollOver) { aux = _root[tar + '_cdlvl'] + 1; ng = Math.round(g * aux); ns1 = Math.round(s1 * aux); ns2 = Math.round(s2 * aux); ns3 = Math.round(s3 * aux); _root.buytip.set(ng, ns1, ns2, ns3); if (_root._ymouse < 450) { _root.buytip._x = _root._xmouse; _root.buytip._y = _root._ymouse; } else { _root.buytip._x = _root._xmouse; _root.buytip._y = _root._ymouse - 130; } if ( <= 10) { _root.buytip.set('max', 'max', 'max', 'max'); } } on (rollOut) { _root.buytip._x = 1000; _root.buytip._y = 1000; } } button 915 { on (release) { if (_root.buytip.ok == 1) { aux = _root[tar + '_dmglvl'] + 1; ng = Math.round(g * aux); ns1 = Math.round(s1 * aux); ns2 = Math.round(s2 * aux); ns3 = Math.round(s3 * aux); -= ng; _root.scrapA -= ns1; _root.scrapB -= ns2; _root.scrapC -= ns3; ++_root[tar + '_dmglvl']; aux = _root[tar + '_dmglvl'] + 1; ng = Math.round(g * aux); ns1 = Math.round(s1 * aux); ns2 = Math.round(s2 * aux); ns3 = Math.round(s3 * aux); _root.buytip.set(ng, ns1, ns2, ns3); if ( >= bar_damage.life_max) { _root.buytip.set('max', 'max', 'max', 'max'); } } } on (rollOver) { aux = _root[tar + '_dmglvl'] + 1; ng = Math.round(g * aux); ns1 = Math.round(s1 * aux); ns2 = Math.round(s2 * aux); ns3 = Math.round(s3 * aux); _root.buytip.set(ng, ns1, ns2, ns3); if (_root._ymouse < 450) { _root.buytip._x = _root._xmouse; _root.buytip._y = _root._ymouse; } else { _root.buytip._x = _root._xmouse; _root.buytip._y = _root._ymouse - 130; } if ( >= bar_damage.life_max) { _root.buytip.set('max', 'max', 'max', 'max'); } } on (rollOut) { _root.buytip._x = 1000; _root.buytip._y = 1000; } } movieClip 918 { frame 1 { function get_target(nombre, gg, ss1, ss2, ss3) { tar = nombre; mostro = nombre; = _root[tar + '_dmg'] + _root[tar + '_dmg'] * _root[tar + '_dmglvl'] / 3; = _root[tar + '_cd'] - _root[tar + '_cd'] * _root[tar + '_cdlvl'] / 20; = _root[tar + '_cap'] + _root[tar + '_cap'] * _root[tar + '_caplvl'] / 3; g = gg; s1 = ss1; s2 = ss2; s3 = ss3; } _root.weapon_display.get_target('normal', 33.33333333333334, 0.3333333333333333, 0, 0); onEnterFrame = function () { if (tar != 'empty') { get_target(tar, g, s1, s2, s3); } }; } instance bar_damage of movieClip 876 { onClipEvent (load) { hp_bar_max = hp_bar._xscale; life_max = 500; life = 0; } } instance bar_speed of movieClip 876 { onClipEvent (load) { hp_bar_max = hp_bar._xscale; life_max = 250; life = 0; } } instance bar_cap of movieClip 876 { onClipEvent (load) { hp_bar_max = hp_bar._xscale; life_max = 100; life = 0; } } } instance weapon_display of movieClip 918 { } movieClip 924 { } movieClip 926 { frame 1 { function set(g, s1, s2, s3) { gold_c = g; sa_c = s1; sb_c = s2; sc_c = s3; } ok = 0; gold_c = 0; sa_c = 0; sb_c = 0; sc_c = 0; onEnterFrame = function () { if (gold_c <= { ok = 1; oktip.gotoAndStop(1); } else { ok = 0; oktip.gotoAndStop(2); } if (gold_c == 'max') { ok = 0; oktip.gotoAndStop(2); } }; } } movieClip 935 { } movieClip 941 { } movieClip 942 { instance of movieClip 941 { onClipEvent (load) { gotoAndStop(random(6) + 1); } } frame 48 { _parent.gotoAndStop(random(3) + 1); } instance of movieClip 941 { } } movieClip 943 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 4 { play(); } frame 5 { gotoAndPlay(random(20) + 7); } frame 49 { gotoAndStop(random(4) + 1); } } movieClip 944 { instance of movieClip 943 { onClipEvent (load) { gotoAndPlay(4); } } instance of movieClip 943 { onClipEvent (load) { gotoAndPlay(4); } } instance of movieClip 661 { onClipEvent (load) { this._alpha = 33; } } instance of movieClip 661 { onClipEvent (load) { this._alpha = 31; } } } movieClip 949 { } movieClip 950 { } movieClip 963 { instance of movieClip 943 { onClipEvent (load) { gotoAndPlay(4); } } instance of movieClip 943 { onClipEvent (load) { gotoAndPlay(4); } } instance of movieClip 943 { onClipEvent (load) { gotoAndPlay(4); } } instance of movieClip 943 { onClipEvent (load) { gotoAndPlay(4); } } instance of movieClip 943 { onClipEvent (load) { gotoAndPlay(4); } } instance of movieClip 943 { onClipEvent (load) { gotoAndPlay(4); } } instance of movieClip 943 { onClipEvent (load) { gotoAndPlay(4); } } instance of movieClip 943 { onClipEvent (load) { gotoAndPlay(4); } } instance of movieClip 943 { onClipEvent (load) { gotoAndPlay(4); } } instance of movieClip 943 { onClipEvent (load) { gotoAndPlay(4); } } instance of movieClip 943 { onClipEvent (load) { gotoAndPlay(4); } } instance of movieClip 943 { onClipEvent (load) { gotoAndPlay(4); } } instance of movieClip 943 { onClipEvent (load) { gotoAndPlay(4); } } instance of movieClip 943 { onClipEvent (load) { gotoAndPlay(4); } } instance of movieClip 943 { onClipEvent (load) { gotoAndPlay(4); } } instance of movieClip 943 { onClipEvent (load) { gotoAndPlay(4); } } instance of movieClip 943 { onClipEvent (load) { gotoAndPlay(4); } } instance of movieClip 943 { onClipEvent (load) { gotoAndPlay(4); } } instance of movieClip 943 { onClipEvent (load) { gotoAndPlay(4); } } instance of movieClip 943 { onClipEvent (load) { gotoAndPlay(4); } } instance of movieClip 943 { onClipEvent (load) { gotoAndPlay(4); } } instance of movieClip 943 { onClipEvent (load) { gotoAndPlay(4); } } instance of movieClip 950 { onClipEvent (load) { _alpha = 0; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this._alpha < 100) { _alpha = _alpha + 10; } } } instance of movieClip 662 { onClipEvent (load) { _alpha = 0; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this._alpha < 100) { _alpha = _alpha + 10; } } } instance of movieClip 771 { onClipEvent (load) { _alpha = 0; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this._alpha < 100) { _alpha = _alpha + 10; } } } frame 1440 { stop(); stopAllSounds(); mymusic = new Sound(_root.musikita); mymusic.attachSound('m_heavy'); mymusic.start(0, 9999); _root.gotoAndStop('inter_lvl'); } } button 966 { on (release) { stopAllSounds(); mymusic = new Sound(_root.musikita); mymusic.attachSound('m_heavy'); mymusic.start(0, 9999); _root.gotoAndStop('inter_lvl'); } } frame 12 { gotoAndStop('arena'); } instance of movieClip 488 { onClipEvent (load) { gotoAndPlay(random(14) + 1); } } instance of movieClip 488 { onClipEvent (load) { gotoAndPlay(random(14) + 1); } } instance of movieClip 488 { onClipEvent (load) { gotoAndPlay(random(14) + 1); } } instance of movieClip 488 { onClipEvent (load) { gotoAndPlay(random(14) + 1); } } instance of movieClip 488 { onClipEvent (load) { gotoAndPlay(random(14) + 1); } } instance of movieClip 488 { onClipEvent (load) { gotoAndPlay(random(14) + 1); } } instance of movieClip 488 { onClipEvent (load) { gotoAndPlay(random(14) + 1); } } movieClip 971 { } button 975 { on (release) { _root.hp_actual = _root.hp_max; _root.slot1_cap = undefined; _root.slot2_cap = undefined; _root.slot3_cap = undefined; = _root.goldactual; _root.flash1.goto('arena'); } } button 978 { on (release) { = _root.goldini; stopAllSounds(); mymusic = new Sound(_root.musikita); mymusic.attachSound('m_heavy'); mymusic.start(0, 9999); _root.gotoAndStop('inter_lvl'); } } // unknown tag 88 length 139 movieClip 983 { frame 1 { function randRange(min, max) { var v1 = Math.floor(Math.random() * (max - min + 1)) + min; return v1; } function moveSnow() { if (this.moving) { this._y += this.speed; this._x += Math.cos(this._y / 10); if (this.hitTest(_root.rect_mc.Ice_mc)) { this.moving = false; this.stopCounter = 0; } if (this._y > 700) { removeMovieClip(this); } } else { ++this.stopCounter; if (this.stopCounter > 500) { this.onEnterFrame = null; this.removeMovieClip(); } } } function createSnow() { i = _root.n.getNextHighestDepth(); tmp = _root.n.attachMovie('fuegon', 'fuegon_mc' + i, i); tmp._x = randRange(1, 750); tmp._y = -1; tmp._alpha = randRange(50, 100); tmp.speed = randRange(1, 10); tmp._xscale = randRange(70, 110); tmp._yscale = tmp._xscale; tmp.moving = true; tmp.onEnterFrame = moveSnow; } control_mc.onEnterFrame = function () { createSnow(); }; } } movieClip 985 { } movieClip 986 { } movieClip 990 { } movieClip 991 { frame 1691 { stop(); } } button 992 { on (keyPress '<Space>') { _root.gotoAndStop('creditos'); } }
Created: 28/3 -2019 12:33:08 Last modified: 28/3 -2019 12:33:08 Server time: 09/06 -2024 09:10:04