Frame 1
function doSomething() {
function doSomething3() {
_quality = "LOW";
function doSomething4() {
_quality = "MEDIUM";
function doSomething5() {
_quality = "HIGH";
MENU = new ContextMenu();
Functioned3 = new ContextMenuItem("Quality: Low", doSomething3);
Functioned4 = new ContextMenuItem("Quality: Medium", doSomething4);
Functioned5 = new ContextMenuItem("Quality: High", doSomething5);
MENU.customItems.push(Functioned5); = MENU;
Frame 2
_global.mus = true;
_global.tauntArray = new Array();
_global.jumpstyle = 1;
_global.tauntArray[1] = "Cross over to the right pillar...";
_global.tauntArray[2] = "Now back to the left one.";
_global.tauntArray[3] = "Continue for as long as you can!";
_global.tauntArray[4] = "Eventually you will die, but that's ok.";
_global.tauntArray[5] = "Beware of the fireballs.";
_global.tauntArray[6] = "The longer you go, the harder it gets.";
_global.tauntArray[7] = "Nice work so far; it won't last.";
_global.tauntArray[8] = "I think you're doing a bit too well.";
_global.tauntArray[9] = "I should make this harder for you...";
_global.tauntArray[10] = "Have some more fire.";
_global.tauntArray[11] = "Hmm...";
_global.tauntArray[12] = "You're still going...";
_global.tauntArray[13] = "Your determination will not last.";
_global.tauntArray[14] = "You may be good...";
_global.tauntArray[15] = "But you are not infinitly good!";
_global.tauntArray[16] = "I'll see you at level 20. zzzz.";
_global.tauntArray[17] = "zzzz.";
_global.tauntArray[18] = "zzzz.";
_global.tauntArray[19] = "zzzz.";
_global.tauntArray[20] = "Hmm, you made it.";
_global.tauntArray[21] = "Well getting to 20 is easy anyways!";
_global.tauntArray[22] = "I wonder how much more you can take.";
_global.tauntArray[23] = "Back and forth, back and forth.";
_global.tauntArray[24] = "Level 30 is the real challenge...";
_global.tauntArray[25] = "You're not even out of the tutorial yet!";
_global.tauntArray[26] = "";
_global.tauntArray[27] = "You're not even close to 30!";
_global.tauntArray[28] = "Hmm, well maybe now you are.";
_global.tauntArray[29] = "Uh oh.";
_global.tauntArray[30] = "Damn... you reached lvl 30.";
_global.tauntArray[31] = "Well 40 is the real challenge.";
_global.tauntArray[32] = "I've seen someone reach lvl 100.";
_global.tauntArray[33] = "Do you think you can reach lvl 100?";
_global.tauntArray[34] = "I don't think you can reach lvl 100";
_global.tauntArray[35] = "You probably won't even reach 40.";
_global.tauntArray[36] = "Your jumping is impressive.";
_global.tauntArray[37] = "The gaps are becoming bigger.";
_global.tauntArray[38] = "You are close";
_global.tauntArray[39] = "You are close";
_global.tauntArray[40] = "Very good... very good.";
_global.tauntArray[41] = "If you reach 50 I will leave you alone.";
_global.tauntArray[42] = "Only a few ever pass 50.";
_global.tauntArray[43] = "Even if you reach it, you will still die.";
_global.tauntArray[44] = "There is no escape.";
_global.tauntArray[45] = "5 left!";
_global.tauntArray[46] = "4 left!";
_global.tauntArray[47] = "3 left!";
_global.tauntArray[48] = "2 left!";
_global.tauntArray[49] = "One more...";
_global.tauntArray[50] = ":O";
Frame 4
function initGame() {
if (_global.mus == true) {
sn1 = new Sound();
sn1.onSoundComplete = function () {
if (_global.mus == true) {
_root.attachMovie("boundboxguy", "bbox", 2431);
_root.bbox._visible = false;
_global.jumpdef = 0;
_global.playGame = false;
_root.attachMovie("guy", "guy", 1000);
_root.guy._x = 58;
_global.isSet = false;
_root.guy._y = 280;
_global.dying = false;
_global.dead = false;
_global.lives = 3;
_root.theScreen.screen_spec = "none";
_global.SPECIAL1 = false;
_global.SPECIAL2 = false;
_global.SPECIAL3 = false;
_global.SPECIAL4 = false;
_global.SPECIAL5 = false;
_global.SPECIAL6 = false;
_global.spec6type = 0;
_global.faithlvl = 3;
_global.faithcount = 0;
_global.tile1_Idle = 500;
_global.tile2_Idle = 500;
_global.tile1_Pos = 500;
_global.tile2_Pos = 500;
_global.blockCount = 3;
_global.roundWon = false;
_global.roundReady = false;
_global.level = 1;
_global.THECHANCE = _global.level / 40;
_global.winX = 680;
_global.speedLimit = 8;
_global.gravity = 2.5;
_global.fireballs = 0; = 50;
_global.partonscreen = 0;
_global.spaceisheld = false;
slide20 = 0;
_global.Itrack1 = 0;
_global.Itrack2 = 0;
_global.Itrack1_stat = true;
_global.Itrack2_stat = false;
Itrack = new Object();
grounded = new Object();
_root.guy.grounded = false;
xspeed = new Object();
yspeed = new Object();
MOVEbeg = new Object();
MOVEend = new Object();
MOVEdir = new Object();
tType = new Object();
_root.guy.xspeed = 0;
_root.guy.yspeed = 0;
DRAW_starty = _global.tile1_Pos - (_root.tile1._height / 2);
DRAW_endy = _global.tile2_Pos - (_root.tile2._height / 2);
_global.ychange = (DRAW_endy - DRAW_starty) / 20;
DRAWx = 135;
_global.edraw = 3;
DRAWy = _global.tile1_Pos - (_root.tile1._height / 2);
_root.theScreen.screen_taunt = _global.tauntArray[_global.level];
function musicON() {
function musicOFF() {
function lights() {
if ((_root.darkcover._alpha == 0) && (random(20) == 3)) {
_root.darkcover._alpha = 95;
} else if ((_root.darkcover._alpha >= 80) && (random(10) == 3)) {
_root.darkcover._alpha = 0;
function wind() {
if ((_global.winX == 680) && (_root.guy._x < 735)) {
_root.guy._x = _root.guy._x + 0.8;
} else if ((_global.winX == 85) && (_root.guy._x > 12)) {
_root.guy._x = _root.guy._x - 0.8;
function dissBlocks(block) {
if (_global[("Itrack" + block.Itrack) + "_stat"] == true) {
block._alpha = 100;
} else {
block._alpha = 95;
function addfire() {
attachMovie("fireball", ["fball" + _global.fireballs], 300 + _global.fireballs);
_root["fball" + _global.fireballs]._x = 370;
_root["fball" + _global.fireballs]._y = 10;
_root["fball" + _global.fireballs].yspeed = random(4) + 1;
_root["fball" + _global.fireballs].xspeed = random(100) - random(100);
_global.fireballs = _global.fireballs + 1;
function firerain() {
i = 0;
while (i <= _global.fireballs) {
_root["fball" + i]._y = _root["fball" + i]._y + _root["fball" + i].yspeed;
_root["fball" + i]._x = _root["fball" + i]._x + _root["fball" + i].xspeed;
_root["fball" + i].xspeed = _root["fball" + i].xspeed * 0.6;
_root["fball" + i].yspeed = _root["fball" + i].yspeed + 0.02;
if (_root.guy.hitbox.hitTest(_root["fball" + i]) && (_root.guy._currentframe < 55)) {
_global.dying = true;
if (_root["fball" + i]._y > 600) {
_root["fball" + i]._x = 370;
_root["fball" + i]._y = 10;
_root["fball" + i].yspeed = random(4) + 1;
_root["fball" + i].xspeed = random(100) - random(100);
function leapofaith(blocktype) {
if (_global.isSet != true) {
importanttile = true;
attachMovie("tile", ["tile" + _global.edraw], 100 + _global.edraw);
_root["tile" + _global.edraw].tType = 4;
_root["tile" + _global.edraw].gotoAndStop(_root["tile" + _global.edraw].tType);
if (_global.winX == 680) {
DRAWx = DRAWx + 25;
} else if (_global.winX == 85) {
DRAWx = DRAWx - 25;
_root["tile" + _global.edraw]._x = DRAWx;
_root["tile" + _global.edraw]._y = DRAWy;
_root["tile" + _global.edraw].tType = blocktype;
_root["tile" + _global.edraw].gotoAndStop(_root["tile" + _global.edraw].tType);
if (_root["tile" + _global.edraw].tType == 2) {
_root["tile" + _global.edraw].Itrack = random(2) + 1;
if (_root["tile" + _global.edraw]._y < 600) {
if (_root["tile" + _global.edraw].tType == 4) {
_root["tile" + _global.edraw].MOVEbeg = DRAWy;
if (_global.DRAWx < 375) {
_root["tile" + _global.edraw].MOVEend = DRAWy - (50 + (_global.edraw * 2));
} else if (_global.DRAWx >= 375) {
_root["tile" + _global.edraw].MOVEend = DRAWy - (50 - (_global.edraw * 2));
if (_root["tile" + _global.edraw].MOVEbeg > _root["tile" + _global.edraw].MOVEend) {
_root["tile" + _global.edraw].MOVEdir = "down";
} else {
_root["tile" + _global.edraw].MOVEdir = "up";
if ((_global.partonscreen < && (importanttile == false)) {
i = 1;
while (i <= (random(6) + 1)) {
attachMovie("parttest", ["part" + _global.partonscreen], 500 + _global.partonscreen);
_root["part" + _global.partonscreen]._x = _root["tile" + _global.edraw]._x;
_root["part" + _global.partonscreen]._y = _root["tile" + _global.edraw]._y;
_root["part" + _global.partonscreen].xspeed = random(10) - random(10);
_root["part" + _global.partonscreen].yspeed = random(10) - random(20);
if (_global.partonscreen >= ( - 2)) {
if (_global.faithcount >= _global.faithlvl) {
_global.isSet = true;
function particle() {
i = 0;
while (i <= {
_root["part" + i]._x = _root["part" + i]._x + _root["part" + i].xspeed;
_root["part" + i]._y = _root["part" + i]._y + _root["part" + i].yspeed;
if (_root["part" + i].xspeed > 0) {
_root["part" + i].xspeed = _root["part" + i].xspeed - 0.5;
} else if (_root["part" + i].xspeed < 0) {
_root["part" + i].xspeed = _root["part" + i].xspeed + 0.5;
_root["part" + i].yspeed = _root["part" + i].yspeed + 1;
if (_root["part" + i]._y > 600) {
removeMovieClip(_root["part" + i]);
function drawSnakeMap() {
if (_global.isSet != true) {
if ((DRAWx < 600) && (DRAWx > 130)) {
importanttile = false;
if (_global.winX == 680) {
miny = (_global.tile2_Pos - (_root.tile2._height / 2)) + (650 - DRAWx);
} else if (_global.winX == 85) {
miny = (_global.tile1_Pos - (_root.tile1._height / 2)) + (DRAWx - 100);
attachMovie("tile", ["tile" + _global.edraw], 100 + _global.edraw);
_root["tile" + _global.edraw].tType = 4;
_root["tile" + _global.edraw].gotoAndStop(_root["tile" + _global.edraw].tType);
nextdir = random(7) + 1;
fish = random(Math.floor((500 - DRAWy) / 25)) * 25;
if (((nextdir == 1) && (DRAWy < 460)) && (DRAWy < miny)) {
DRAWy = DRAWy + 25;
} else if (((nextdir == 2) | (nextdir == 3)) | (nextdir == 4)) {
if (DRAWy > 120) {
DRAWy = DRAWy - 25;
} else if ((nextdir == 5) | (nextdir == 6)) {
if ((DRAWy + fish) < miny) {
DRAWy = DRAWy + fish;
} else if (DRAWy < 200) {
DRAWy = DRAWy + 25;
} else if (DRAWy > miny) {
DRAWy = DRAWy - 25;
if (DRAWy < 120) {
DRAWy = DRAWy + 25;
} else if (DRAWy > 500) {
DRAWy = DRAWy - 25;
} else if (DRAWy > miny) {
DRAWy = DRAWy - 25;
if (_global.winX == 680) {
DRAWx = DRAWx + 25;
} else if (_global.winX == 85) {
DRAWx = DRAWx - 25;
_root["tile" + _global.edraw]._x = DRAWx;
_root["tile" + _global.edraw]._y = DRAWy;
if (edraw < 4) {
importanttile = true;
if (_root[("tile" + _global.edraw) - 1]._y > 600) {
importanttile = true;
if ((importanttile == false) && (random(100) < Math.floor(65 * _global.THECHANCE))) {
_root["tile" + _global.edraw]._y = 1000;
if (_root["tile" + _global.edraw]._y < 600) {
if (_root["tile" + _global.edraw].tType == 4) {
_root["tile" + _global.edraw].MOVEbeg = DRAWy;
if (_global.DRAWx < 375) {
_root["tile" + _global.edraw].MOVEend = DRAWy - (50 + (_global.edraw * 2));
} else if (_global.DRAWx >= 375) {
_root["tile" + _global.edraw].MOVEend = DRAWy - (50 - (_global.edraw * 2));
if (_root["tile" + _global.edraw].MOVEbeg > _root["tile" + _global.edraw].MOVEend) {
_root["tile" + _global.edraw].MOVEdir = "down";
} else {
_root["tile" + _global.edraw].MOVEdir = "up";
if ((_global.partonscreen < && (importanttile == false)) {
i = 1;
while (i <= (random(6) + 1)) {
attachMovie("parttest", ["part" + _global.partonscreen], 500 + _global.partonscreen);
_root["part" + _global.partonscreen]._x = _root["tile" + _global.edraw]._x;
_root["part" + _global.partonscreen]._y = _root["tile" + _global.edraw]._y;
_root["part" + _global.partonscreen].xspeed = random(10) - random(10);
_root["part" + _global.partonscreen].yspeed = random(10) - random(20);
if (_global.partonscreen >= ( - 2)) {
} else {
_global.isSet = true;
function drawMap() {
if (_global.isSet != true) {
if ((DRAWx < 600) && (DRAWx > 130)) {
importanttile = false;
if (_global.winX == 680) {
miny = (_global.tile2_Pos - (_root.tile2._height / 2)) + (650 - DRAWx);
} else if (_global.winX == 85) {
miny = (_global.tile1_Pos - (_root.tile1._height / 2)) + (DRAWx - 100);
attachMovie("tile", ["tile" + _global.edraw], 100 + _global.edraw);
if (random(100) < Math.floor(30 * _global.THECHANCE)) {
_root["tile" + _global.edraw].tType = random(3) + 2;
importanttile = true;
} else {
_root["tile" + _global.edraw].tType = 1;
if (_global.SPECIAL3 == true) {
_root["tile" + _global.edraw].tType = 2;
if (_global.SPECIAL4 == true) {
_root["tile" + _global.edraw].tType = 3;
if (edraw > 4) {
if (((_root["tile" + (_global.edraw - 1)].tType == 2) | (_root["tile" + (_global.edraw - 1)].tType == 3)) | (_root["tile" + (_global.edraw - 1)].tType == 4)) {
importanttile = true;
if (_global.jumpdef >= 2) {
importanttile = true;
_global.jumpdef = 0;
} else if (edraw < 4) {
importanttile = true;
_root["tile" + _global.edraw].gotoAndStop(_root["tile" + _global.edraw].tType);
if (_root["tile" + _global.edraw].tType == 2) {
_root["tile" + _global.edraw].Itrack = random(2) + 1;
nextdir = random(7) + 1;
fish = random(Math.floor((500 - DRAWy) / 25)) * 25;
if (((nextdir == 1) && (DRAWy < 460)) && (DRAWy < miny)) {
DRAWy = DRAWy + 25;
} else if (((nextdir == 2) | (nextdir == 3)) | (nextdir == 4)) {
if (DRAWy > 120) {
DRAWy = DRAWy - 25;
} else if ((nextdir == 5) | (nextdir == 6)) {
if ((DRAWy + fish) < miny) {
DRAWy = DRAWy + fish;
} else if (DRAWy < 200) {
DRAWy = DRAWy + 25;
} else if (DRAWy > miny) {
DRAWy = DRAWy - 25;
if (DRAWy < 120) {
DRAWy = DRAWy + 25;
} else if (DRAWy > 500) {
DRAWy = DRAWy - 25;
} else if (DRAWy > miny) {
DRAWy = DRAWy - 25;
if (_global.winX == 680) {
DRAWx = DRAWx + 25;
} else if (_global.winX == 85) {
DRAWx = DRAWx - 25;
_root["tile" + _global.edraw]._x = DRAWx;
_root["tile" + _global.edraw]._y = DRAWy;
if ((((importanttile == false) && (_global.edraw > 4)) && (_root["tile" + (_global.edraw - 1)].tType == 1)) && (_root["tile" + (_global.edraw - 1)]._y > _root["tile" + _global.edraw]._y)) {
holdx = _root["tile" + (_global.edraw - 1)]._x;
holdy = _root["tile" + (_global.edraw - 1)]._y;
_root.removeMovieClip(["tile" + (_global.edraw - 1)]);
attachMovie("slanted", ["tile" + (_global.edraw - 1)], (100 + _global.edraw) - 1);
_root["tile" + (_global.edraw - 1)]._x = holdx;
_root["tile" + (_global.edraw - 1)]._y = holdy;
if (_global.winX == 85) {
_root["tile" + (_global.edraw - 1)]._xscale = -100;
if ((importanttile == false) && (random(100) < Math.floor(65 * _global.THECHANCE))) {
_root["tile" + _global.edraw]._y = 1000;
if ((_root["tile" + _global.edraw].tType == 3) && (DRAWy > 180)) {
importanttile = true;
DRAWy = DRAWy - (((random(3) + 1) * 25) - (random(3) * 25));
if (_root["tile" + _global.edraw].tType == 4) {
_root["tile" + _global.edraw].MOVEbeg = DRAWy;
if (DRAWy < 250) {
_root["tile" + _global.edraw].MOVEend = random(200) + 250;
} else if (DRAWy >= 250) {
_root["tile" + _global.edraw].MOVEend = random(250) + 200;
if (_root["tile" + _global.edraw].MOVEbeg > _root["tile" + _global.edraw].MOVEend) {
_root["tile" + _global.edraw].MOVEdir = "down";
} else {
_root["tile" + _global.edraw].MOVEdir = "up";
if (_root["tile" + _global.edraw].MOVEend > miny) {
DRAWy = _root["tile" + _global.edraw].MOVEend;
if ((_global.partonscreen < && (importanttile == false)) {
i = 1;
while (i <= (random(6) + 1)) {
attachMovie("parttest", ["part" + _global.partonscreen], 500 + _global.partonscreen);
_root["part" + _global.partonscreen]._x = _root["tile" + _global.edraw]._x;
_root["part" + _global.partonscreen]._y = _root["tile" + _global.edraw]._y;
_root["part" + _global.partonscreen].xspeed = random(10) - random(10);
_root["part" + _global.partonscreen].yspeed = random(10) - random(20);
if (_global.partonscreen >= ( - 2)) {
} else {
_global.isSet = true;
function slideEnd() {
if (_global.winX == 85) {
_root.winlight._y = (_root.tile2._y - (_root.tile2._height / 2)) + 10;
} else if (_global.winX == 680) {
_root.winlight._y = (_root.tile1._y - (_root.tile1._height / 2)) + 10;
_root.tile1._y = _root.tile1._y + ((_global.tile1_Pos - _root.tile1._y) / 15);
_root.tile2._y = _root.tile2._y + ((_global.tile2_Pos - _root.tile2._y) / 15);
function game() {
if (Key.isDown(80)) {
_root.overlaying._x = -8;
_root.overlaying._y = -8;
_global.playGame = false;
if (_global.Itrack1 == 62) {
if (_global.Itrack1_stat == true) {
_global.Itrack1_stat = false;
} else {
_global.Itrack1_stat = true;
_global.Itrack1 = 0;
if (_global.Itrack2 == 62) {
if (_global.Itrack2_stat == true) {
_global.Itrack2_stat = false;
} else {
_global.Itrack2_stat = true;
_global.Itrack2 = 0;
if (_global.SPECIAL1 == true) {
} else if (_global.SPECIAL2 == true) {
_root.theScreen.screen_Level = _global.level;
_root.theScreen.screen_lives = _global.lives;
if ((_global.dying == true) && (_global.jumpstyle == 1)) {
if (_root.guy.xspeed > 0) {
_root.guy.xspeed = _root.guy.xspeed - 0.25;
} else if (_root.guy.xspeed < 0) {
_root.guy.xspeed = _root.guy.xspeed + 0.25;
if (_global.dead == true) {
_global.dead = false;
_global.dying = false;
_root.guy.xspeed = 0;
_root.guy.yspeed = 0;
_root.guy.grounded = true;
if (_global.winX == 680) {
_root.guy._y = (_global.tile1_Pos - (_root.tile1._height / 2)) - 50;
_root.guy._x = 40;
} else if (_global.winX == 85) {
_root.guy._y = (_global.tile2_Pos - (_root.tile2._height / 2)) - 50;
_root.guy._x = 700;
if (_global.partonscreen > 0) {
if (_global.roundReady != true) {
if (slide20 != 20) {
if ((slide20 >= 20) && (_global.isSet == true)) {
_global.roundReady = true;
if ((_global.SPECIAL5 != true) && (_global.SPECIAL6 != true)) {
} else if (_global.SPECIAL5 == true) {
} else if (_global.SPECIAL6 == true) {
if (((_global.winX == 680) && (_root.guy._x >= _global.winX)) && (_root.tile2.hitTest(_root.guy._x, _root.guy._y + 15, true))) {
_global.roundWon = true;
_global.winX = 85;
_global.tile1_Pos = 350 + random(310);
_global.tile2_Pos = 350 + random(310);
DRAWx = 590;
DRAWy = ((25 + _global.tile2_Pos) - (_root.tile2._height / 2)) + random(500 - (_global.tile2_Pos - (_root.tile2._height / 2)));
DRAW_starty = (_global.tile2_Pos - (_root.tile2._height / 2)) + 60;
DRAW_endy = _global.tile1_Pos - (_root.tile1._height / 2);
_root.attachMovie("winlight", "winlight", 23);
_root.winlight._x = _root.tile2._x;
_root.winlight._y = _root.tile2._y - (_root.tile2._height / 2);
} else if (((_global.winX == 85) && (_root.guy._x <= _global.winX)) && (_root.tile1.hitTest(_root.guy._x, _root.guy._y + 15, true))) {
_global.roundWon = true;
_global.winX = 680;
_global.tile1_Pos = 350 + random(310);
_global.tile2_Pos = 350 + random(310);
DRAWx = 135;
DRAWy = ((25 + _global.tile1_Pos) - (_root.tile1._height / 2)) + random(500 - (_global.tile1_Pos - (_root.tile1._height / 2)));
DRAW_starty = (_global.tile1_Pos - (_root.tile1._height / 2)) + 60;
DRAW_endy = _global.tile2_Pos - (_root.tile2._height / 2);
_root.attachMovie("winlight", "winlight", 23);
_root.winlight._x = _root.tile1._x;
_root.winlight._y = _root.tile1._y - (_root.tile1._height / 2);
if (_global.roundWon == true) {
i = 3;
while (i <= 100) {
removeMovieClip(_root["tile" + i]);
i = 0;
while (i <= {
removeMovieClip(_root["part" + i]);
_global.spikes = 0;
_global.partonscreen = 0;
slide20 = 0;
_global.blockCount = 3;
if (_global.level <= 50) {
_root.theScreen.screen_taunt = _global.tauntArray[_global.level];
_global.SPECIAL1 = false;
_global.SPECIAL2 = false;
_global.SPECIAL3 = false;
_global.SPECIAL4 = false;
_global.SPECIAL5 = false;
_global.SPECIAL6 = false;
_global.faithcount = 0;
specchance = random(13);
if (specchance == 2) {
_global.SPECIAL1 = true;
_root.attachMovie("darkcover", "darkcover", 2323);
_root.darkcover._alpha = 95;
_root.theScreen.screen_spec = "Lights";
} else if (specchance == 3) {
_global.SPECIAL2 = true;
_root.attachMovie("wind", "windcover", 2323);
if (_global.winX == 680) {
} else if (_global.winX == 85) {
_root.theScreen.screen_spec = "Wind";
} else if (((specchance == 4) && (random(2) == 1)) && (_global.level > 10)) {
_global.SPECIAL3 = true;
_root.theScreen.screen_spec = "Illusion";
} else if ((specchance == 5) && (_global.level > 5)) {
_global.SPECIAL4 = true;
_root.theScreen.screen_spec = "Bounce";
} else if (((specchance == 6) && (random(2) == 1)) && (_global.level > 3)) {
_global.SPECIAL5 = true;
_global.tile1_Pos = 500;
DRAWy = 450;
_global.tile2_Pos = 500;
_root.theScreen.screen_spec = "Snake";
} else if ((specchance == 7) && (_global.level > 3)) {
_global.SPECIAL6 = true;
DRAWy = 300;
_global.spec6type = random(4) + 1;
if (_global.level <= 15) {
_global.faithlvl = 4;
} else if ((_global.level > 15) && (_global.level <= 25)) {
_global.faithlvl = 3;
} else if ((_global.level > 25) && (_global.level <= 40)) {
_global.faithlvl = 2;
} else if (_global.level > 40) {
_global.faithlvl = 1;
if (_global.winX == 680) {
_global.tile1_Pos = 350;
_global.tile2_Pos = 650;
DRAWx = 375 - ((_global.faithlvl - 1) * 25);
} else if (winX == 85) {
_global.tile1_Pos = 650;
_global.tile2_Pos = 350;
DRAWx = 375 + ((_global.faithlvl - 1) * 25);
_root.theScreen.screen_spec = "Leap";
} else {
_root.theScreen.screen_spec = "----";
if ((_global.lives <= 10) && ((_global.level % 10) == 0)) {
_global.isSet = false;
if (_global.level < 50) {
_global.THECHANCE = _global.level / 40;
} else if (_global.level >= 40) {
_global.THECHANCE = 0.99;
_global.roundReady = false;
_global.edraw = 3;
_global.ychange = (DRAW_endy - DRAW_starty) / 20;
_global.roundWon = false;
if (_global.level == 5) {
if (_global.level == 10) {
if (_global.level == 15) {
if (_global.level == 20) {
if (_global.level == 30) {
if (_global.level == 40) {
if (_global.level == 50) {
_root.fuck = _root.guy.grounded;
if ((_global.dying == false) && (_root.guy._currentframe < 120)) {
if ((Key.isDown(32) && (_root.guy.grounded == true)) && (_global.spaceisheld == false)) {
_root.guy.yspeed = _root.guy.yspeed - 12;
_root.guy._y = _root.guy._y - 15;
_root.guy.grounded = false;
_global.spaceisheld = true;
if (!Key.isDown(32)) {
_global.spaceisheld = false;
if ((_global.spaceisheld == true) && (_root.guy.grounded == false)) {
_root.guy.yspeed = _root.guy.yspeed + (_global.gravity / 3);
} else if ((_global.spaceisheld != true) && (_root.guy.grounded == false)) {
_root.guy.yspeed = _root.guy.yspeed + (_global.gravity / 1.2);
if (((_root.guy.grounded == false) && (_root.guy.yspeed < -5)) && ((_root.guy._currentframe < 120) | (_root.guy._currentframe > 36))) {
} else if (((_root.guy.grounded == true) && (_root.guy._currentframe > 22)) && (_root.guy._currentframe < 119)) {
if (((_root.guy.grounded == false) && (_root.guy.yspeed > 5)) && (_root.guy._currentframe < 37)) {
if (_root.guy.grounded == true) {
_root.guy.yspeed = 0;
if (_root.guy.xspeed > _global.speedLimit) {
_root.guy.xspeed = _global.speedLimit;
if (_root.guy.yspeed > (_global.speedLimit * 1.5)) {
_root.guy.yspeed = _global.speedLimit;
if (_root.guy.xspeed < (-_global.speedLimit)) {
_root.guy.xspeed = -_global.speedLimit;
if (((_root.guy._x + _root.guy.xspeed) < 8) | ((_root.guy._x + _root.guy.xspeed) > 740)) {
_root.guy.xspeed = 0;
if (((Math.abs(_root.guy.xspeed) > 0.7) && (_global.dying == false)) && (_root.guy._currentframe < 22)) {;
} else if (((_global.dying == false) && (_root.guy.grounded == true)) && (_root.guy._currentframe < 120)) {
_root.guy._x = _root.guy._x + _root.guy.xspeed;
_root.guy._y = _root.guy._y + _root.guy.yspeed;
_root.guy.grounded = false;
_root.bbox._x = _root.guy._x;
_root.bbox._y = _root.guy._y;
i = 1;
while (i <= 60) {
if ((_root["tile" + i]._alpha == 100) && (_root["tile" + i].hitTest(_root.guy._x + 5, _root.guy._y + 5, true))) {
_root.guy.grounded = true;
if ((_root["tile" + i]._alpha == 100) && (_root["tile" + i].hitTest(_root.guy._x - 5, _root.guy._y + 5, true))) {
_root.guy.grounded = true;
if (_root["tile" + i]._alpha == 100) {
while (_root["tile" + i].hitTest(_root.bbox._x, _root.bbox._y, true)) {
_root.guy.yspeed = 0;
_root.guy.grounded = true;
while (_root["tile" + i].hitTest(_root.bbox._x - (_root.bbox._width / 2), _root.bbox._y - (_root.bbox._height / 2), true)) {
_root.guy.xspeed = 0;
while (_root["tile" + i].hitTest(_root.bbox._x + (_root.bbox._width / 2), _root.bbox._y - (_root.bbox._height / 2), true)) {
_root.guy.xspeed = 0;
while (_root["tile" + i].hitTest(_root.bbox._x, (_root.bbox._y - _root.bbox._height) + 5, true)) {
_root.guy.yspeed = 0;
if (_root["tile" + i].tType == 2) {
dissBlocks(_root["tile" + i]);
if ((_root["tile" + i].tType == 3) && (_root["tile" + i].hitTest(_root.guy._x, _root.guy._y + 5, true))) {
_global.spaceisheld = false;
_root.guy.yspeed = -24;
_root.guy.grounded = false;
_root.guy._y = _root.guy._y - 10;
if (_root["tile" + i].tType == 4) {
if (_root["tile" + i].MOVEbeg > _root["tile" + i].MOVEend) {
if (_root["tile" + i].MOVEdir == "down") {
_root["tile" + i]._y = _root["tile" + i]._y - 0.5;
if (_root["tile" + i]._y < _root["tile" + i].MOVEend) {
_root["tile" + i].MOVEdir = "up";
} else if (_root["tile" + i].MOVEdir == "up") {
_root["tile" + i]._y = _root["tile" + i]._y + 0.5;
if (_root["tile" + i]._y > _root["tile" + i].MOVEbeg) {
_root["tile" + i].MOVEdir = "down";
} else if (_root["tile" + i].MOVEbeg < _root["tile" + i].MOVEend) {
if (_root["tile" + i].MOVEdir == "down") {
_root["tile" + i]._y = _root["tile" + i]._y + 1;
if (_root["tile" + i]._y > _root["tile" + i].MOVEend) {
_root["tile" + i].MOVEdir = "up";
} else if (_root["tile" + i].MOVEdir == "up") {
_root["tile" + i]._y = _root["tile" + i]._y - 1;
if (_root["tile" + i]._y < _root["tile" + i].MOVEbeg) {
_root["tile" + i].MOVEdir = "down";
if ((_global.dying == false) && (_root.guy._currentframe < 120)) {
if (Key.isDown(65) | Key.isDown(37)) {
_root.guy.xspeed = _root.guy.xspeed - 1;
if (_root.guy.xspeed > 0) {
_root.guy.xspeed = 0;
_root.guy._xscale = -100;
} else if (Key.isDown(68) | Key.isDown(39)) {
if (_root.guy.xspeed < 0) {
_root.guy.xspeed = 0;
_root.guy.xspeed = _root.guy.xspeed + 1;
_root.guy._xscale = 100;
} else if (_root.guy.grounded == true) {
_root.guy.xspeed = 0;
} else if (_global.jumpstyle == 1) {
_root.guy.xspeed = 0;
} else if (_global.jumpstyle == 2) {
if (_root.guy.xspeed > 0) {
_root.guy.xspeed = _root.guy.xspeed - 0.25;
} else if (_root.guy.xspeed < 0) {
_root.guy.xspeed = _root.guy.xspeed + 0.25;
} else {
_root.guy.yspeed = _root.guy.yspeed + _global.gravity;
if (_root.guy._y > 510) {
_root.guy.xspeed = 0;
_root.guy.yspeed = 0;
_root.guy.grounded = true;
_global.dying = false;
if (_global.winX == 680) {
_root.guy._y = (_global.tile1_Pos - (_root.tile1._height / 2)) - 50;
_root.guy._x = 40;
} else if (_global.winX == 85) {
_root.guy._y = (_global.tile2_Pos - (_root.tile2._height / 2)) - 50;
_root.guy._x = 700;
if (_global.lives < 0) {
_global.playGame = false;
_root.overlaying._x = -8;
_root.overlaying._y = -8;
i = 3;
while (i <= 100) {
removeMovieClip(_root["tile" + i]);
i = 0;
while (i <= {
removeMovieClip(_root["part" + i]);
i = 0;
while (i <= _global.fireballs) {
removeMovieClip(_root["fball" + i]);
_global.roundReady = false;
Instance of Symbol 185 MovieClip in Frame 4
onClipEvent (load) {
_root.attachMovie("overlaying", "overlaying", 4000);
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (_global.jumpstyle == 1) {
_root.overlaying.JS = "Air momentum off.";
} else if (_global.jumpstyle == 2) {
_root.overlaying.JS = "Air momentum on.";
if (_global.playGame == true) {;
Symbol 9 MovieClip [plusone] Frame 1
Symbol 9 MovieClip [plusone] Frame 26
gotoAndStop (1);
Symbol 44 MovieClip Frame 1
more_btn.onRelease = function () {
getURL ("", "_blank");
Symbol 44 MovieClip Frame 190
Symbol 52 MovieClip [loadstarting] Frame 1
PercentLoaded = (_root.getBytesLoaded() / _root.getBytesTotal()) * 100;
percc = Math.floor(PercentLoaded);
if (PercentLoaded != 100) {
} else {
gotoAndPlay (3);
Symbol 52 MovieClip [loadstarting] Frame 2
gotoAndPlay (1);
Symbol 52 MovieClip [loadstarting] Frame 3
Instance of Symbol 61 MovieClip [hitbox] "hitbox" in Symbol 70 MovieClip [guy] Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) {
this._visible = false;
Symbol 70 MovieClip [guy] Frame 21
gotoAndPlay (2);
Symbol 70 MovieClip [guy] Frame 36
Symbol 70 MovieClip [guy] Frame 50
Symbol 70 MovieClip [guy] Frame 115
_global.dead = true;
_global.dying = false;
Symbol 70 MovieClip [guy] Frame 135
gotoAndStop (1);
Symbol 75 MovieClip Frame 15
Symbol 79 MovieClip [illBlock] Frame 1
Symbol 79 MovieClip [illBlock] Frame 2
Symbol 91 MovieClip [slanted] Frame 15
Symbol 95 MovieClip [winlight] Frame 16
Instance of Symbol 61 MovieClip [hitbox] "hitbox" in Symbol 101 MovieClip [fireball] Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) {
this._visible = false;
Symbol 107 MovieClip [wind] Frame 11
gotoAndPlay (2);
Symbol 107 MovieClip [wind] Frame 25
gotoAndPlay (16);
Symbol 125 Button
on (release) {
if (_global.jumpstyle == 1) {
_global.jumpstyle = 2;
} else if (_global.jumpstyle == 2) {
_global.jumpstyle = 1;
Symbol 128 Button
on (release) {
getURL ("", "blank");
Symbol 133 Button
on (release) {
getURL ("", "blank");
Symbol 139 Button
on (release) {
_global.playGame = true;
_root.overlaying._x = 1000;
_root.overlaying._y = 1000;
Symbol 144 Button
on (release) {
_global.playGame = true;
_root.overlaying._x = 1000;
_root.overlaying._y = 1000;
Symbol 146 Button
on (release) {
if (_global.mus == false) {
_global.mus = true;
} else {
_global.mus = false;
Symbol 149 Button
on (release) {
Symbol 155 MovieClip [overlaying] Frame 1
Symbol 155 MovieClip [overlaying] Frame 2
Symbol 155 MovieClip [overlaying] Frame 3
wincounter = _global.level;
if (_global.level < 5) {
winvoicelol = "WORTHLESS";
} else if ((_global.level >= 5) && (_global.level < 10)) {
winvoicelol = "BEGINNER";
} else if ((_global.level >= 10) && (_global.level < 15)) {
winvoicelol = "TRAINEE";
} else if ((_global.level >= 15) && (_global.level < 20)) {
winvoicelol = "ACCEPTABLE";
} else if ((_global.level >= 20) && (_global.level < 25)) {
winvoicelol = "PROMISING";
} else if ((_global.level >= 25) && (_global.level < 30)) {
winvoicelol = "ADEPT";
} else if ((_global.level >= 30) && (_global.level < 35)) {
winvoicelol = "AMAZIZNG";
} else if ((_global.level >= 35) && (_global.level < 40)) {
winvoicelol = "HEROIC";
} else if ((_global.level >= 40) && (_global.level < 45)) {
winvoicelol = "MASTER";
} else if ((_global.level >= 45) && (_global.level < 50)) {
winvoicelol = "IMMORTAL";
} else if (_global.level >= 50) {
winvoicelol = "GODLY";
Symbol 162 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 166 MovieClip [lifegem] Frame 1
Symbol 169 MovieClip Frame 1