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<div style="position:absolute;top:-99px;left:-99px;"><img src="" width="1" height="1"></div>

MeloBall - simple casual game with relaxing intuitive gameplay.swf

This is the info page for
Flash #91036

(Click the ID number above for more basic data on this flash file.)


This site does not support this game.
Please visit to play.
















Game created by
the crew of

Programming and Art by:
Sergey Koryanov(Irohni)

Great Music by:
Vladislav Kudryavtsev

Game sponsored by:


















You can choose on this screen on which
level you wish to play. Each level demands
defined number of various medals, therefore
sometimes you should replay the previous
levels to get access to the following...
























x1 =

x1 =

x5 =

x2 =

























Clamp the left key of the
mouse on a launching pad to
create a ball. Move the cursor
to change a direction and a
force of flight of a ball...

Try to collect as
many bonuses as
you can. You have a
three attempts on

Here you can see the result. If you played well you can receive medals.
Do not worry if you did not manage to pass the level - you can always
replay the level or choose another one...

To get access to a following level, you should receive:
bronse medals - 3;
silver medals - 1;
gold medals - 0;

ActionScript [AS3]

Section 1
//Main (com.midasplayer.particle.Main) package com.midasplayer.particle { import*; import flash.display.*; public class Main extends Sprite { private var minAlpha:Number;// = 0.01 private var maxAlpha:Number;// = 0.02 private var emitter; private var minXVel:Number;// = -1 private var minSize:Number;// = 12 private var maxXVel:Number;// = 1 private var maxSize:Number;// = 29 private var particles:Array; private var numParticles:int;// = 20 private var minYVel:Number;// = -1 private var maxYVel:Number;// = 1 public function Main(){ numParticles = 20; minXVel = -1; maxXVel = 1; minYVel = -1; maxYVel = 1; minSize = 12; maxSize = 29; minAlpha = 0.01; maxAlpha = 0.02; particles = new Array(); super(); addEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, enterFrame); } public function setEmitterClip(clip):void{ emitter = clip; } private function randRange(min:Number, max:Number):Number{ var randomNum:Number; randomNum = ((Math.random() * (max - min)) + min); return (randomNum); } private function enterFrame(e:Event){ createNewParticle(); } public function kill():void{ var i:Number; removeEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, enterFrame); i = 0; while (i < particles.length) { particles[i].destroy(); i++; }; } private function createNewParticle():void{ var particle:*; var i:Number; particle = new Particle(spark, emitter, -10, -7, stage.stageWidth, stage.stageHeight); particle.setVel(randRange(minXVel, maxXVel), randRange(minYVel, maxYVel)); particle.setSize(randRange(minSize, maxSize)); particles.push(particle); while (particles.length > numParticles) { particle = particles.shift(); particle.destroy(); }; i = 0; while (i < particles.length) { particles[i].update(); i++; }; } } }//package com.midasplayer.particle
Section 2
//Particle (com.midasplayer.particle.Particle) package com.midasplayer.particle { import flash.display.*; import flash.geom.*; public class Particle { private var _yVel:Number; private var _xVel:Number; private var _stageHeight:Number; private var _alphaDecr:Number;// = 0 private var clip:DisplayObject; private var _stageWidth:Number; public function Particle(spriteclass:Class, targetclip:DisplayObjectContainer, xpos:Number, ypos:Number, stageWidth:Number, stageHeight:Number){ _alphaDecr = 0; super(); _stageWidth = stageWidth; _stageHeight = stageHeight; clip = new (spriteclass); targetclip.addChild(clip); clip.x = xpos; clip.y = ypos; } public function update(){ clip.x = (clip.x + _xVel); clip.y = (clip.y + _yVel); clip.alpha = (clip.alpha - _alphaDecr); } public function setSize(size:Number){ clip.width = size; clip.height = size; } public function setColour(newColour:Number){ var ct:ColorTransform; ct = new ColorTransform(); ct.color = newColour; clip.transform.colorTransform = ct; } public function setAlphaDecr(val:Number):void{ _alphaDecr = val; } public function destroy():void{ clip.parent.removeChild(clip); clip = null; } public function setVel(xvel:Number, yvel:Number){ _xVel = xvel; _yVel = yvel; } } }//package com.midasplayer.particle
Section 3
//DragonLoader (com.midasplayer.DragonLoader) package com.midasplayer { import*; import flash.display.*; import fl.transitions.*; import*; import fl.transitions.easing.*; import flash.utils.*; public class DragonLoader extends MovieClip { public var fireLogoHolder:MovieClip; public var mcPlayBtn:MovieClip; private var m_dragonClip:MovieClip; public var m_bannedSign:MovieClip; private var m_glimmerTween:Tween; private var m_bg:Sprite; private var m_playBtnTween:Tween; public var bannedSign:MovieClip; public var m_fireLogoClip:MovieClip; private var oldFrameRate:int; private var m_fireLogoTween:Tween; private var m_sndBell:Sound; private var m_glimmer:MovieClip; public var m_playBtn:MovieClip; public static var LAUNCH_GAME:String = "launchGame"; public function DragonLoader(){ super(); this.x = (this.y = 0); m_bannedSign = bannedSign; = stage.stageWidth; = stage.stageHeight; m_bannedSign.alpha = 0; m_bannedSign.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, onMainMovie); m_bannedSign.buttonMode = true; m_fireLogoClip = fireLogoHolder; m_fireLogoClip.x = (( - m_fireLogoClip.width) - 90); m_fireLogoClip.y = ((( / 2) - (m_fireLogoClip.height / 2)) - 60); m_fireLogoClip.visible = false; m_fireLogoClip.stop(); m_dragonClip = new mcDragon(); m_dragonClip.x = ( - m_dragonClip.width); m_dragonClip.y = (( / 2) - (m_dragonClip.height / 2)); m_dragonClip.stop(); m_playBtn = mcPlayBtn; m_playBtn.buttonMode = true; m_playBtn.alpha = 0; m_sndBell = new sfxBell(); } public function destroy():void{ var a:Sprite; m_playBtn.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.ROLL_OVER, btnOver); m_playBtn.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.ROLL_OUT, btnOut); m_playBtn.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, btnDown); m_playBtn.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_UP, launchGame); if (m_fireLogoTween != null){ m_fireLogoTween.removeEventListener(TweenEvent.MOTION_FINISH, logoInPlace); m_fireLogoTween = null; }; a = (this.parent.getChildByName("clickBg") as Sprite); this.parent.removeChild(a); this.parent.removeChild(this); } public function onMainMovie(evt:MouseEvent):void{ KingAPI.openLoaderMovieLink(); } public function playLoaderMovie():void{ this.addChild(m_dragonClip); this.setChildIndex(m_dragonClip, 0); m_dragonClip.addEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, animationDone);; } public function init(name:String, mochiSignature:String=""):void{ if (mochiSignature != ""){ MochiBot.track(this, mochiSignature); }; oldFrameRate = root.stage.frameRate; root.stage.frameRate = 30; if (KingAPI.banned){ showBannedScreen(); } else { if (KingAPI.isHome){ launchGame(null); } else { playLoaderMovie(); }; }; } private function btnDown(evt:MouseEvent):void{ m_playBtn.gotoAndStop("down"); } public function animationDone(e:Event):void{ if (m_dragonClip.currentFrame == 80){ m_fireLogoClip.visible = true;; m_fireLogoTween = new Tween(m_fireLogoClip, "x", Regular.easeOut, m_fireLogoClip.x, (((stage.width / 2) - (m_dragonClip.width / 2)) - 51), 1, true); m_fireLogoTween.addEventListener(TweenEvent.MOTION_FINISH, logoInPlace); }; if (m_dragonClip.currentFrame == m_dragonClip.totalFrames){ m_dragonClip.removeEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, animationDone); m_dragonClip.stop(); m_playBtn.x = ((stage.width / 2) - (m_playBtn.width / 2)); m_playBtn.y = (m_fireLogoClip.y + 210); m_playBtn.addEventListener(MouseEvent.ROLL_OVER, btnOver); m_playBtn.addEventListener(MouseEvent.ROLL_OUT, btnOut); m_playBtn.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, btnDown); m_playBtn.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_UP, launchGame); }; } private function onGlimmerTmr(e:Event):void{ var startX:Number; var destX:Number; startX = (m_fireLogoClip.x - m_glimmer.width); destX = ((m_fireLogoClip.x + m_fireLogoClip.width) - 80); m_glimmerTween = new Tween(m_glimmer, "x", None.easeNone, startX, destX, 0.5, true); m_glimmerTween.addEventListener(TweenEvent.MOTION_FINISH, glimmerDone);; } public function launchGame(evt:Event):void{ root.stage.frameRate = oldFrameRate; trace(LAUNCH_GAME); this.dispatchEvent(new Event(LAUNCH_GAME)); } private function btnOver(evt:MouseEvent):void{ m_playBtn.gotoAndStop("over"); } private function logoVisible(e:Event):void{ if (m_fireLogoClip.currentFrame == m_fireLogoClip.totalFrames){ m_fireLogoClip.removeEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, logoVisible); m_playBtnTween = new Tween(m_playBtn, "alpha", None.easeNone, 0, 1, 0.5, true); m_glimmer = new mcGlimmer(); m_glimmer.x = (m_fireLogoClip.x - m_glimmer.width); m_glimmer.y = (m_fireLogoClip.y + 112); this.addChild(m_glimmer); setTimeout(onGlimmerTmr, 1000, null); }; } private function btnOut(evt:MouseEvent):void{ m_playBtn.gotoAndStop("idle"); } private function glimmerDone(e:Event):void{ m_glimmerTween.removeEventListener(TweenEvent.MOTION_FINISH, glimmerDone); this.removeChild(m_glimmer); } private function logoInPlace(e:Event):void{ m_fireLogoClip.addEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, logoVisible); } public function showBannedScreen():void{ m_bannedSign.alpha = 1; } } }//package com.midasplayer
Section 4
//KingAPI (com.midasplayer.KingAPI) package com.midasplayer { import*; import*; import flash.external.*; public class KingAPI { public static const LINK_TYPE_RIGHT_CLICK:String = "rightclick"; public static const USER_TYPE_SUBSCRIPTION:int = 3; public static const LINK_TYPE_HIGHSCORES:String = "highscores"; public static const LINK_TYPE_SIGN:String = "sign"; public static const INITIALIZED_EVENT:String = "initialized"; public static const LINK_TYPE_OTHER_GAMES:String = "other_games"; public static const USER_TYPE_REGISTERED:int = 1; private static const SAK:String = "ggfd7sday923mdsfd8csfds34"; private static const loadHomeParametersURL:String = ""; public static const LINK_TYPE_LOADER_MOVIE:String = "loader_movie"; private static const bounceURL:String = ""; public static const LINK_TYPE_PROTECT:String = "protect"; public static const LINK_TYPE_ADD_GAME:String = "add_game"; public static const USER_TYPE_GOLD:int = 2; public static const USER_TYPE_UNREGISTERED:int = 0; public static const HOST_BANNED_EVENT:String = "hostBanned"; private static const SK:String = "vf78hxcsjak77cxzhjkwad87s"; private static const loadCountURL:String = ""; public static const LINK_TYPE_LOADER_PROGRESS:String = "loader_progress"; private static var check:String = null; public static var gameName:String; public static var banned:Boolean = false; protected static var dispatcher:EventDispatcher; public static var isHome:Boolean = false; private static var sessionID:String; private static var iscore:int = 123; public static var fromURL:String; private static var SSK:String = "ng43ui54hy35tdsnd6f54rews"; public function KingAPI(){ super(); } private static function loadUrlErrorHandler(event:Event):void{ trace(("Unable to load url: " + event)); } public static function resetScore():void{ iscore = 123; check = null; } public static function openOfflineProtectionLink():void{ openKingPage(LINK_TYPE_PROTECT); } public static function init(name:String, from:String):void{ var loadCounter:URLLoader; var reqvars:URLVariables; var request:URLRequest; var so:SharedObject; var rnd1:Number; var rnd2:Number; var name = name; var from = from; gameName = name; fromURL = from; loadCounter = new URLLoader(); reqvars = new URLVariables(); = gameName; reqvars.from = fromURL; so = SharedObject.getLocal("sessionId"); if ( == null){ rnd1 = Math.abs(Math.floor((Math.random() * 4294967295))); rnd2 = Math.abs(Math.floor((Math.random() * 4294967295))); = (rnd1.toString(16) + rnd2.toString(16)); so.flush(); }; sessionID =; //unresolved jump var _slot1 = e; sessionID = "error"; reqvars.session = sessionID; request = new URLRequest(((loadCountURL + "?") + reqvars.toString())); loadCounter.addEventListener(Event.COMPLETE, loadCountHandler); loadCounter.addEventListener(IOErrorEvent.IO_ERROR, loadUrlErrorHandler); loadCounter.addEventListener(SecurityErrorEvent.SECURITY_ERROR, loadUrlErrorHandler); loadCounter.load(request); //unresolved jump var _slot1 = error; trace(("Unable to load loadcount url: " + loadCountURL)); trace(_slot1.message); } private static function loadHomeParametersHandler(event:Event):void{ var loadCounter:URLLoader; loadCounter = URLLoader(; trace(("" +; } public static function submitInternalScore():void{ var tmpscore:int; checkScore(); tmpscore = ((iscore - 123) / 2); submitScore(tmpscore); } public static function openOtherGamesLink():void{ openKingPage(LINK_TYPE_OTHER_GAMES); } public static function openKingPage(type:String, page:String=null):void{ var reqvars:URLVariables; var target:String; reqvars = new URLVariables(); = gameName; reqvars.from = fromURL; reqvars.type = type; reqvars.session = sessionID; if (page != null){ reqvars.redirect = page; }; target = "_blank"; if (isHome){ target = "_top"; }; navigateToURL(new URLRequest(((bounceURL + "?") + reqvars.toString())), target); } private static function loadCountHandler(event:Event):void{ var loadCounter:URLLoader; var vars:URLVariables; var event = event; loadCounter = URLLoader(; trace((" :" +; vars = new URLVariables(; if (vars.h == "true"){ isHome = true; }; if (vars.b == "true"){ banned = true; dispatcher.dispatchEvent(new Event(HOST_BANNED_EVENT)); } else { dispatcher.dispatchEvent(new Event(INITIALIZED_EVENT)); }; trace((("::" + vars.h) + "::")); trace((("::" + vars.b) + "::")); //unresolved jump var _slot1 = e; trace(("Error reading data from loadcount url: " + _slot1)); } public static function addEventListener(type:String, listener:Function):void{ if (dispatcher == null){ dispatcher = new EventDispatcher(); }; dispatcher.addEventListener(type, listener); } public static function openLoaderMovieLink():void{ openKingPage(LINK_TYPE_LOADER_MOVIE); } public static function removeEventListener(type:String, listener:Function):void{ if (dispatcher == null){ return; }; dispatcher.removeEventListener(type, listener); } public static function submitScore(score:int):void{ var hash:String; var score = score; hash = md5.encrypt(((((score + ":") + gameName) + ":") + SSK)); if (isHome){"submitScore", score, hash); } else { openKingPage(LINK_TYPE_HIGHSCORES, ((((("game/" + gameName) + "/submit/") + score) + ":") + hash)); }; //unresolved jump var _slot1 = e; trace(_slot1); } public static function submitLevel(level:int):void{ var hash:String; var level = level; hash = md5.encrypt(((((level + ":") + gameName) + ":") + SSK)); if (isHome){"submitLevel", level, hash); }; //unresolved jump var _slot1 = e; trace(_slot1); } public static function openHighscoresLink():void{ openKingPage(LINK_TYPE_HIGHSCORES, (("game/" + gameName) + "/highscores")); } public static function openSignLink():void{ if (!isHome){ openKingPage(LINK_TYPE_SIGN); }; } public static function openRightClickLink():void{ openKingPage(LINK_TYPE_RIGHT_CLICK); } private static function checkScore():void{ if (check != null){ if (check != md5.encrypt(((((iscore + ":") + gameName) + ":") + SK))){ SSK = "ng41ui54hy35tdsnd6f54rews"; }; }; } public static function addScore(points:int):int{ var tmpscore:int; checkScore(); tmpscore = ((iscore - 123) / 2); tmpscore = (tmpscore + points); iscore = ((tmpscore * 2) + 123); check = md5.encrypt(((((iscore + ":") + gameName) + ":") + SK)); return (tmpscore); } public static function openLoaderProgressLink():void{ openKingPage(LINK_TYPE_LOADER_PROGRESS); } public static function openAddToWebsiteLink():void{ openKingPage(LINK_TYPE_ADD_GAME, "website_content.jsp"); } public static function submitAchievement(achievement:String):void{ var hash:String; var achievement = achievement; hash = md5.encrypt(((((achievement + ":") + gameName) + ":") + SAK)); if (isHome){"submitAchievement", achievement, hash); }; //unresolved jump var _slot1 = e; trace(_slot1); } } }//package com.midasplayer
Section 5
//md5 (com.midasplayer.md5) package com.midasplayer { public class md5 { public static const HEX_FORMAT_LOWERCASE:uint = 0; public static const HEX_FORMAT_UPPERCASE:uint = 1; public static const BASE64_PAD_CHARACTER_DEFAULT_COMPLIANCE:String = ""; public static const BASE64_PAD_CHARACTER_RFC_COMPLIANCE:String = "="; public static var hexcase:uint = 0; public static var b64pad:String = ""; public function md5(){ super(); } public static function md5_gg(a:Number, b:Number, c:Number, d:Number, x:Number, s:Number, t:Number):Number{ return (md5_cmn(((b & d) | (c & ~(d))), a, b, x, s, t)); } public static function md5_cmn(q:Number, a:Number, b:Number, x:Number, s:Number, t:Number):Number{ return (safe_add(bit_rol(safe_add(safe_add(a, q), safe_add(x, t)), s), b)); } public static function binl_md5(x:Array, len:Number):Array{ var a:Number; var b:Number; var c:Number; var d:Number; var i:Number; var olda:Number; var oldb:Number; var oldc:Number; var oldd:Number; x[(len >> 5)] = (x[(len >> 5)] | (128 << (len % 32))); x[((((len + 64) >>> 9) << 4) + 14)] = len; a = 1732584193; b = -271733879; c = -1732584194; d = 271733878; i = 0; while (i < x.length) { olda = a; oldb = b; oldc = c; oldd = d; a = md5_ff(a, b, c, d, x[(i + 0)], 7, -680876936); d = md5_ff(d, a, b, c, x[(i + 1)], 12, -389564586); c = md5_ff(c, d, a, b, x[(i + 2)], 17, 606105819); b = md5_ff(b, c, d, a, x[(i + 3)], 22, -1044525330); a = md5_ff(a, b, c, d, x[(i + 4)], 7, -176418897); d = md5_ff(d, a, b, c, x[(i + 5)], 12, 1200080426); c = md5_ff(c, d, a, b, x[(i + 6)], 17, -1473231341); b = md5_ff(b, c, d, a, x[(i + 7)], 22, -45705983); a = md5_ff(a, b, c, d, x[(i + 8)], 7, 1770035416); d = md5_ff(d, a, b, c, x[(i + 9)], 12, -1958414417); c = md5_ff(c, d, a, b, x[(i + 10)], 17, -42063); b = md5_ff(b, c, d, a, x[(i + 11)], 22, -1990404162); a = md5_ff(a, b, c, d, x[(i + 12)], 7, 1804603682); d = md5_ff(d, a, b, c, x[(i + 13)], 12, -40341101); c = md5_ff(c, d, a, b, x[(i + 14)], 17, -1502002290); b = md5_ff(b, c, d, a, x[(i + 15)], 22, 1236535329); a = md5_gg(a, b, c, d, x[(i + 1)], 5, -165796510); d = md5_gg(d, a, b, c, x[(i + 6)], 9, -1069501632); c = md5_gg(c, d, a, b, x[(i + 11)], 14, 643717713); b = md5_gg(b, c, d, a, x[(i + 0)], 20, -373897302); a = md5_gg(a, b, c, d, x[(i + 5)], 5, -701558691); d = md5_gg(d, a, b, c, x[(i + 10)], 9, 38016083); c = md5_gg(c, d, a, b, x[(i + 15)], 14, -660478335); b = md5_gg(b, c, d, a, x[(i + 4)], 20, -405537848); a = md5_gg(a, b, c, d, x[(i + 9)], 5, 568446438); d = md5_gg(d, a, b, c, x[(i + 14)], 9, -1019803690); c = md5_gg(c, d, a, b, x[(i + 3)], 14, -187363961); b = md5_gg(b, c, d, a, x[(i + 8)], 20, 1163531501); a = md5_gg(a, b, c, d, x[(i + 13)], 5, -1444681467); d = md5_gg(d, a, b, c, x[(i + 2)], 9, -51403784); c = md5_gg(c, d, a, b, x[(i + 7)], 14, 1735328473); b = md5_gg(b, c, d, a, x[(i + 12)], 20, -1926607734); a = md5_hh(a, b, c, d, x[(i + 5)], 4, -378558); d = md5_hh(d, a, b, c, x[(i + 8)], 11, -2022574463); c = md5_hh(c, d, a, b, x[(i + 11)], 16, 1839030562); b = md5_hh(b, c, d, a, x[(i + 14)], 23, -35309556); a = md5_hh(a, b, c, d, x[(i + 1)], 4, -1530992060); d = md5_hh(d, a, b, c, x[(i + 4)], 11, 1272893353); c = md5_hh(c, d, a, b, x[(i + 7)], 16, -155497632); b = md5_hh(b, c, d, a, x[(i + 10)], 23, -1094730640); a = md5_hh(a, b, c, d, x[(i + 13)], 4, 681279174); d = md5_hh(d, a, b, c, x[(i + 0)], 11, -358537222); c = md5_hh(c, d, a, b, x[(i + 3)], 16, -722521979); b = md5_hh(b, c, d, a, x[(i + 6)], 23, 76029189); a = md5_hh(a, b, c, d, x[(i + 9)], 4, -640364487); d = md5_hh(d, a, b, c, x[(i + 12)], 11, -421815835); c = md5_hh(c, d, a, b, x[(i + 15)], 16, 530742520); b = md5_hh(b, c, d, a, x[(i + 2)], 23, -995338651); a = md5_ii(a, b, c, d, x[(i + 0)], 6, -198630844); d = md5_ii(d, a, b, c, x[(i + 7)], 10, 1126891415); c = md5_ii(c, d, a, b, x[(i + 14)], 15, -1416354905); b = md5_ii(b, c, d, a, x[(i + 5)], 21, -57434055); a = md5_ii(a, b, c, d, x[(i + 12)], 6, 1700485571); d = md5_ii(d, a, b, c, x[(i + 3)], 10, -1894986606); c = md5_ii(c, d, a, b, x[(i + 10)], 15, -1051523); b = md5_ii(b, c, d, a, x[(i + 1)], 21, -2054922799); a = md5_ii(a, b, c, d, x[(i + 8)], 6, 1873313359); d = md5_ii(d, a, b, c, x[(i + 15)], 10, -30611744); c = md5_ii(c, d, a, b, x[(i + 6)], 15, -1560198380); b = md5_ii(b, c, d, a, x[(i + 13)], 21, 1309151649); a = md5_ii(a, b, c, d, x[(i + 4)], 6, -145523070); d = md5_ii(d, a, b, c, x[(i + 11)], 10, -1120210379); c = md5_ii(c, d, a, b, x[(i + 2)], 15, 718787259); b = md5_ii(b, c, d, a, x[(i + 9)], 21, -343485551); a = safe_add(a, olda); b = safe_add(b, oldb); c = safe_add(c, oldc); d = safe_add(d, oldd); i = (i + 16); }; return ([a, b, c, d]); } public static function str2rstr_utf16le(input:String):String{ var output:String; var i:Number; output = ""; i = 0; while (i < input.length) { output = (output + String.fromCharCode((input.charCodeAt(i) & 0xFF), ((input.charCodeAt(i) >>> 8) & 0xFF))); i++; }; return (output); } public static function hex_hmac_md5(key:String, data:String):String{ return (rstr2hex(rstr_hmac_md5(str2rstr_utf8(key), str2rstr_utf8(data)))); } public static function binl2rstr(input:Array):String{ var output:String; var i:Number; output = ""; i = 0; while (i < (input.length * 32)) { output = (output + String.fromCharCode(((input[(i >> 5)] >>> (i % 32)) & 0xFF))); i = (i + 8); }; return (output); } public static function md5_ff(a:Number, b:Number, c:Number, d:Number, x:Number, s:Number, t:Number):Number{ return (md5_cmn(((b & c) | (~(b) & d)), a, b, x, s, t)); } public static function md5_ii(a:Number, b:Number, c:Number, d:Number, x:Number, s:Number, t:Number):Number{ return (md5_cmn((c ^ (b | ~(d))), a, b, x, s, t)); } public static function rstr2binl(input:String):Array{ var i:Number; var output:Array; i = 0; output = new Array((input.length >> 2)); i = 0; while (i < output.length) { output[i] = 0; i++; }; i = 0; while (i < (input.length * 8)) { output[(i >> 5)] = (output[(i >> 5)] | ((input.charCodeAt((i / 8)) & 0xFF) << (i % 32))); i = (i + 8); }; return (output); } public static function md5_vm_test():Boolean{ return ((hex_md5("abc") == "900150983cd24fb0d6963f7d28e17f72")); } public static function b64_md5(string:String):String{ return (rstr2b64(rstr_md5(str2rstr_utf8(string)))); } public static function any_hmac_md5(key:String, data:String, encoding:String):String{ return (rstr2any(rstr_hmac_md5(str2rstr_utf8(key), str2rstr_utf8(data)), encoding)); } public static function hex_md5(string:String):String{ return (rstr2hex(rstr_md5(str2rstr_utf8(string)))); } public static function bit_rol(num:Number, cnt:Number):Number{ return (((num << cnt) | (num >>> (32 - cnt)))); } public static function encrypt(string:String):String{ return (hex_md5(string)); } public static function md5_hh(a:Number, b:Number, c:Number, d:Number, x:Number, s:Number, t:Number):Number{ return (md5_cmn(((b ^ c) ^ d), a, b, x, s, t)); } public static function rstr2hex(input:String):String{ var hex_tab:String; var output:String; var x:Number; var i:Number; hex_tab = (hexcase) ? "0123456789ABCDEF" : "0123456789abcdef"; output = ""; i = 0; while (i < input.length) { x = input.charCodeAt(i); output = (output + (hex_tab.charAt(((x >>> 4) & 15)) + hex_tab.charAt((x & 15)))); i++; }; return (output); } public static function any_md5(string:String, encoding:String):String{ return (rstr2any(rstr_md5(str2rstr_utf8(string)), encoding)); } public static function b64_hmac_md5(key:String, data:String):String{ return (rstr2b64(rstr_hmac_md5(str2rstr_utf8(key), str2rstr_utf8(data)))); } public static function rstr2b64(input:String):String{ var tab:String; var output:String; var len:Number; var i:Number; var triplet:Number; var j:Number; tab = "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789+/"; output = ""; len = input.length; i = 0; while (i < len) { triplet = (((input.charCodeAt(i) << 16) | (((i + 1) < len)) ? (input.charCodeAt((i + 1)) << 8) : 0) | (((i + 2) < len)) ? input.charCodeAt((i + 2)) : 0); j = 0; while (j < 4) { if (((i * 8) + (j * 6)) > (input.length * 8)){ output = (output + b64pad); } else { output = (output + tab.charAt(((triplet >>> (6 * (3 - j))) & 63))); }; j++; }; i = (i + 3); }; return (output); } public static function safe_add(x:Number, y:Number):Number{ var lsw:Number; var msw:Number; lsw = ((x & 0xFFFF) + (y & 0xFFFF)); msw = (((x >> 16) + (y >> 16)) + (lsw >> 16)); return (((msw << 16) | (lsw & 0xFFFF))); } public static function str2rstr_utf8(input:String):String{ var output:String; var i:Number; var x:Number; var y:Number; output = ""; i = -1; while (++i < input.length) { x = input.charCodeAt(i); y = (((i + 1) < input.length)) ? input.charCodeAt((i + 1)) : 0; if ((((((((0xD800 <= x)) && ((x <= 56319)))) && ((0xDC00 <= y)))) && ((y <= 57343)))){ x = ((65536 + ((x & 1023) << 10)) + (y & 1023)); i++; }; if (x <= 127){ output = (output + String.fromCharCode(x)); } else { if (x <= 2047){ output = (output + String.fromCharCode((192 | ((x >>> 6) & 31)), (128 | (x & 63)))); } else { if (x <= 0xFFFF){ output = (output + String.fromCharCode((224 | ((x >>> 12) & 15)), (128 | ((x >>> 6) & 63)), (128 | (x & 63)))); } else { if (x <= 2097151){ output = (output + String.fromCharCode((240 | ((x >>> 18) & 7)), (128 | ((x >>> 12) & 63)), (128 | ((x >>> 6) & 63)), (128 | (x & 63)))); }; }; }; }; }; return (output); } public static function rstr_hmac_md5(key:String, data:String):String{ var bkey:Array; var ipad:Array; var opad:Array; var i:Number; var hash:Array; bkey = rstr2binl(key); if (bkey.length > 16){ bkey = binl_md5(bkey, (key.length * 8)); }; ipad = new Array(16); opad = new Array(16); i = 0; while (i < 16) { ipad[i] = (bkey[i] ^ 909522486); opad[i] = (bkey[i] ^ 1549556828); i++; }; hash = binl_md5(ipad.concat(rstr2binl(data)), (0x0200 + (data.length * 8))); return (binl2rstr(binl_md5(opad.concat(hash), (0x0200 + 128)))); } public static function str2rstr_utf16be(input:String):String{ var output:String; var i:Number; output = ""; i = 0; while (i < input.length) { output = (output + String.fromCharCode(((input.charCodeAt(i) >>> 8) & 0xFF), (input.charCodeAt(i) & 0xFF))); i++; }; return (output); } public static function rstr2any(input:String, encoding:String):String{ var divisor:Number; var remainders:Array; var i:Number; var q:Number; var x:Number; var quotient:Array; var dividend:Array; var output:String; divisor = encoding.length; remainders = []; dividend = ((input.length / 2) as Array); i = 0; while (i < dividend.length) { dividend[i] = ((input.charCodeAt((i * 2)) << 8) | input.charCodeAt(((i * 2) + 1))); i++; }; while (dividend.length > 0) { quotient = []; x = 0; i = 0; while (i < dividend.length) { x = ((x << 16) + dividend[i]); q = Math.floor((x / divisor)); x = (x - (q * divisor)); if ((((quotient.length > 0)) || ((q > 0)))){ quotient[quotient.length] = q; }; i++; }; remainders[remainders.length] = x; dividend = quotient; }; output = ""; i = (remainders.length - 1); while (i >= 0) { output = (output + encoding.charAt(remainders[i])); i--; }; return (output); } public static function rstr_md5(string:String):String{ return (binl2rstr(binl_md5(rstr2binl(string), (string.length * 8)))); } } }//package com.midasplayer
Section 6
//None (fl.transitions.easing.None) package fl.transitions.easing { public class None { public function None(){ super(); } public static function easeOut(t:Number, b:Number, c:Number, d:Number):Number{ return ((((c * t) / d) + b)); } public static function easeIn(t:Number, b:Number, c:Number, d:Number):Number{ return ((((c * t) / d) + b)); } public static function easeInOut(t:Number, b:Number, c:Number, d:Number):Number{ return ((((c * t) / d) + b)); } public static function easeNone(t:Number, b:Number, c:Number, d:Number):Number{ return ((((c * t) / d) + b)); } } }//package fl.transitions.easing
Section 7
//Regular (fl.transitions.easing.Regular) package fl.transitions.easing { public class Regular { public function Regular(){ super(); } public static function easeOut(t:Number, b:Number, c:Number, d:Number):Number{ t = (t / d); return ((((-(c) * t) * (t - 2)) + b)); } public static function easeIn(t:Number, b:Number, c:Number, d:Number):Number{ t = (t / d); return ((((c * t) * t) + b)); } public static function easeInOut(t:Number, b:Number, c:Number, d:Number):Number{ t = (t / (d / 2)); if (t < 1){ return (((((c / 2) * t) * t) + b)); }; --t; return ((((-(c) / 2) * ((t * (t - 2)) - 1)) + b)); } } }//package fl.transitions.easing
Section 8
//Strong (fl.transitions.easing.Strong) package fl.transitions.easing { public class Strong { public function Strong(){ super(); } public static function easeOut(t:Number, b:Number, c:Number, d:Number):Number{ t = ((t / d) - 1); return (((c * (((((t * t) * t) * t) * t) + 1)) + b)); } public static function easeIn(t:Number, b:Number, c:Number, d:Number):Number{ t = (t / d); return (((((((c * t) * t) * t) * t) * t) + b)); } public static function easeInOut(t:Number, b:Number, c:Number, d:Number):Number{ t = (t / (d / 2)); if (t < 1){ return ((((((((c / 2) * t) * t) * t) * t) * t) + b)); }; t = (t - 2); return ((((c / 2) * (((((t * t) * t) * t) * t) + 2)) + b)); } } }//package fl.transitions.easing
Section 9
//Tween (fl.transitions.Tween) package fl.transitions { import*; import flash.display.*; import flash.utils.*; public class Tween extends EventDispatcher { private var _position:Number;// = NAN public var prevTime:Number;// = NAN public var prevPos:Number;// = NAN public var isPlaying:Boolean;// = false public var begin:Number;// = NAN private var _fps:Number;// = NAN private var _time:Number;// = NAN public var change:Number;// = NAN private var _finish:Number;// = NAN public var looping:Boolean;// = false private var _intervalID:uint;// = 0 public var func:Function; private var _timer:Timer;// = null private var _startTime:Number;// = NAN public var prop:String;// = "" private var _duration:Number;// = NAN public var obj:Object;// = null public var useSeconds:Boolean;// = false protected static var _mc:MovieClip = new MovieClip(); public function Tween(obj:Object, prop:String, func:Function, begin:Number, finish:Number, duration:Number, useSeconds:Boolean=false){ isPlaying = false; obj = null; prop = ""; func = function (t:Number, b:Number, c:Number, d:Number):Number{ return ((((c * t) / d) + b)); }; begin = NaN; change = NaN; useSeconds = false; prevTime = NaN; prevPos = NaN; looping = false; _duration = NaN; _time = NaN; _fps = NaN; _position = NaN; _startTime = NaN; _intervalID = 0; _finish = NaN; _timer = null; super(); if (!arguments.length){ return; }; this.obj = obj; this.prop = prop; this.begin = begin; this.position = begin; this.duration = duration; this.useSeconds = useSeconds; if ((func is Function)){ this.func = func; }; this.finish = finish; this._timer = new Timer(100); this.start(); } public function continueTo(finish:Number, duration:Number):void{ this.begin = this.position; this.finish = finish; if (!isNaN(duration)){ this.duration = duration; }; this.start(); } public function stop():void{ this.stopEnterFrame(); this.dispatchEvent(new TweenEvent(TweenEvent.MOTION_STOP, this._time, this._position)); } private function fixTime():void{ if (this.useSeconds){ this._startTime = (getTimer() - (this._time * 1000)); }; } public function set FPS(fps:Number):void{ var oldIsPlaying:Boolean; oldIsPlaying = this.isPlaying; this.stopEnterFrame(); this._fps = fps; if (oldIsPlaying){ this.startEnterFrame(); }; } public function get finish():Number{ return ((this.begin + this.change)); } public function get duration():Number{ return (this._duration); } protected function startEnterFrame():void{ var milliseconds:Number; if (isNaN(this._fps)){ _mc.addEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, this.onEnterFrame, false, 0, true); } else { milliseconds = (1000 / this._fps); this._timer.delay = milliseconds; this._timer.addEventListener(TimerEvent.TIMER, this.timerHandler, false, 0, true); this._timer.start(); }; this.isPlaying = true; } public function set time(t:Number):void{ this.prevTime = this._time; if (t > this.duration){ if (this.looping){ this.rewind((t - this._duration)); this.update(); this.dispatchEvent(new TweenEvent(TweenEvent.MOTION_LOOP, this._time, this._position)); } else { if (this.useSeconds){ this._time = this._duration; this.update(); }; this.stop(); this.dispatchEvent(new TweenEvent(TweenEvent.MOTION_FINISH, this._time, this._position)); }; } else { if (t < 0){ this.rewind(); this.update(); } else { this._time = t; this.update(); }; }; } protected function stopEnterFrame():void{ if (isNaN(this._fps)){ _mc.removeEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, this.onEnterFrame); } else { this._timer.stop(); }; this.isPlaying = false; } public function getPosition(t:Number=NaN):Number{ if (isNaN(t)){ t = this._time; }; return (this.func(t, this.begin, this.change, this._duration)); } public function set finish(value:Number):void{ this.change = (value - this.begin); } public function set duration(d:Number):void{ this._duration = ((d)<=0) ? Infinity : d; } public function setPosition(p:Number):void{ this.prevPos = this._position; if (this.prop.length){ this.obj[this.prop] = (this._position = p); }; this.dispatchEvent(new TweenEvent(TweenEvent.MOTION_CHANGE, this._time, this._position)); } public function resume():void{ this.fixTime(); this.startEnterFrame(); this.dispatchEvent(new TweenEvent(TweenEvent.MOTION_RESUME, this._time, this._position)); } public function fforward():void{ this.time = this._duration; this.fixTime(); } protected function onEnterFrame(event:Event):void{ this.nextFrame(); } public function get position():Number{ return (this.getPosition(this._time)); } public function yoyo():void{ this.continueTo(this.begin, this.time); } public function nextFrame():void{ if (this.useSeconds){ this.time = ((getTimer() - this._startTime) / 1000); } else { this.time = (this._time + 1); }; } protected function timerHandler(timerEvent:TimerEvent):void{ this.nextFrame(); timerEvent.updateAfterEvent(); } public function get FPS():Number{ return (this._fps); } public function rewind(t:Number=0):void{ this._time = t; this.fixTime(); this.update(); } public function set position(p:Number):void{ this.setPosition(p); } public function get time():Number{ return (this._time); } private function update():void{ this.setPosition(this.getPosition(this._time)); } public function start():void{ this.rewind(); this.startEnterFrame(); this.dispatchEvent(new TweenEvent(TweenEvent.MOTION_START, this._time, this._position)); } public function prevFrame():void{ if (!this.useSeconds){ this.time = (this._time - 1); }; } } }//package fl.transitions
Section 10
//TweenEvent (fl.transitions.TweenEvent) package fl.transitions { import*; public class TweenEvent extends Event { public var time:Number;// = NAN public var position:Number;// = NAN public static const MOTION_START:String = "motionStart"; public static const MOTION_STOP:String = "motionStop"; public static const MOTION_LOOP:String = "motionLoop"; public static const MOTION_CHANGE:String = "motionChange"; public static const MOTION_FINISH:String = "motionFinish"; public static const MOTION_RESUME:String = "motionResume"; public function TweenEvent(type:String, time:Number, position:Number, bubbles:Boolean=false, cancelable:Boolean=false){ time = NaN; position = NaN; super(type, bubbles, cancelable); this.time = time; this.position = position; } override public function clone():Event{ return (new TweenEvent(this.type, this.time, this.position, this.bubbles, this.cancelable)); } } }//package fl.transitions
Section 11
//ArrowAni_21 (Game_fla.ArrowAni_21) package Game_fla { import*; import flash.display.*; import*; import flash.utils.*; import flash.text.*; import flash.ui.*; import*; import flash.external.*; import flash.system.*; import flash.geom.*; import flash.accessibility.*; import flash.errors.*; import flash.filters.*; public dynamic class ArrowAni_21 extends MovieClip { public function ArrowAni_21(){ super(); addFrameScript(0, frame1); } function frame1(){ stop(); } } }//package Game_fla
Section 12
//Bar0_72 (Game_fla.Bar0_72) package Game_fla { import*; import flash.display.*; import*; import flash.utils.*; import flash.text.*; import flash.ui.*; import*; import flash.external.*; import flash.system.*; import flash.geom.*; import flash.accessibility.*; import flash.errors.*; import flash.filters.*; public dynamic class Bar0_72 extends MovieClip { public function Bar0_72(){ super(); addFrameScript(0, frame1); } function frame1(){ stop(); } } }//package Game_fla
Section 13
//Bar1_73 (Game_fla.Bar1_73) package Game_fla { import*; import flash.display.*; import*; import flash.utils.*; import flash.text.*; import flash.ui.*; import*; import flash.external.*; import flash.system.*; import flash.geom.*; import flash.accessibility.*; import flash.errors.*; import flash.filters.*; public dynamic class Bar1_73 extends MovieClip { public function Bar1_73(){ super(); addFrameScript(0, frame1); } function frame1(){ stop(); } } }//package Game_fla
Section 14
//Bar2_74 (Game_fla.Bar2_74) package Game_fla { import*; import flash.display.*; import*; import flash.utils.*; import flash.text.*; import flash.ui.*; import*; import flash.external.*; import flash.system.*; import flash.geom.*; import flash.accessibility.*; import flash.errors.*; import flash.filters.*; public dynamic class Bar2_74 extends MovieClip { public function Bar2_74(){ super(); addFrameScript(0, frame1); } function frame1(){ stop(); } } }//package Game_fla
Section 15
//Bar3_75 (Game_fla.Bar3_75) package Game_fla { import*; import flash.display.*; import*; import flash.utils.*; import flash.text.*; import flash.ui.*; import*; import flash.external.*; import flash.system.*; import flash.geom.*; import flash.accessibility.*; import flash.errors.*; import flash.filters.*; public dynamic class Bar3_75 extends MovieClip { public function Bar3_75(){ super(); addFrameScript(0, frame1); } function frame1(){ stop(); } } }//package Game_fla
Section 16
//Bar4_76 (Game_fla.Bar4_76) package Game_fla { import*; import flash.display.*; import*; import flash.utils.*; import flash.text.*; import flash.ui.*; import*; import flash.external.*; import flash.system.*; import flash.geom.*; import flash.accessibility.*; import flash.errors.*; import flash.filters.*; public dynamic class Bar4_76 extends MovieClip { public function Bar4_76(){ super(); addFrameScript(0, frame1); } function frame1(){ stop(); } } }//package Game_fla
Section 17
//ChooseScreen_61 (Game_fla.ChooseScreen_61) package Game_fla { import flash.display.*; import flash.text.*; public dynamic class ChooseScreen_61 extends MovieClip { public var submitBtn:SimpleButton; public var m0:TextField; public var m1:TextField; public var m2:TextField; public var backMask:BackMask; public var playBtn:SimpleButton; public var quitBtn:SimpleButton; public var scoreTxt:TextField; public function ChooseScreen_61(){ super(); } } }//package Game_fla
Section 18
//CreditsScreen_59 (Game_fla.CreditsScreen_59) package Game_fla { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class CreditsScreen_59 extends MovieClip { public var closeBtn:SimpleButton; public function CreditsScreen_59(){ super(); } } }//package Game_fla
Section 19
//EndScreen_86 (Game_fla.EndScreen_86) package Game_fla { import*; import flash.display.*; import*; import flash.utils.*; import flash.text.*; import flash.ui.*; import*; import flash.external.*; import flash.system.*; import flash.geom.*; import flash.accessibility.*; import flash.errors.*; import flash.filters.*; public dynamic class EndScreen_86 extends MovieClip { public var b0:MovieClip; public var b1:MovieClip; public var b2:MovieClip; public var b4:MovieClip; public var b3:MovieClip; public var nextLevelBtn:SimpleButton; public var txt:TextField; public var p01:TextField; public var p03:TextField; public var p04:TextField; public var p:TextField; public var p00:TextField; public var p02:TextField; public var p10:TextField; public var p11:TextField; public var p12:TextField; public var p13:TextField; public var p14:TextField; public var p20:TextField; public var p21:TextField; public var p22:TextField; public var p23:TextField; public var p24:TextField; public var p30:TextField; public var p31:TextField; public var p32:TextField; public var p33:TextField; public var p34:TextField; public var p40:TextField; public var p41:TextField; public var p42:TextField; public var replayBtn:SimpleButton; public var p43:TextField; public var p44:TextField; public var getm0:Boolean; public var getm1:Boolean; public var getm2:Boolean; public var m0:MovieClip; public var m1:MovieClip; public var m2:MovieClip; public var quitBtn:SimpleButton; public var mg0:MedalGet; public var mg1:MovieClip; public var mg2:MovieClip; public var bestTxt:TextField; public function EndScreen_86(){ super(); addFrameScript(0, frame1); } function frame1(){ replayBtn.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, parent.onReplay, false, 0, true); quitBtn.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, parent.onQuit2, false, 0, true); nextLevelBtn.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, parent.onNextLevel, false, 0, true); replayBtn.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, parent.onBtnClick, false, 0, true); replayBtn.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_OVER, parent.onBtnOver, false, 0, true); quitBtn.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, parent.onBtnClick, false, 0, true); quitBtn.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_OVER, parent.onBtnOver, false, 0, true); nextLevelBtn.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, parent.onBtnClick, false, 0, true); nextLevelBtn.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_OVER, parent.onBtnOver, false, 0, true); nextLevelBtn.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_OVER, showMsg, false, 0, true); nextLevelBtn.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_OUT, hideMsg, false, 0, true); nextLevelBtn.alpha = 0.5; nextLevelBtn.enabled = false; getm0 = true; getm1 = true; getm2 = true; } public function refresh():void{ var obj:Object; var i:Number; var med0:Number; var med1:Number; var med2:Number; var ls:SharedObject; if (parent.b0 != 0){ b0.gotoAndStop((Math.floor(((parent.cb0 / parent.b0) * 100)) + 1)); p00.text = String(parent.cb0); p10.text = String((parent.cb0 * 5)); }; if (parent.b1 != 0){ b1.gotoAndStop((Math.floor(((parent.cb1 / parent.b1) * 100)) + 1)); p01.text = String(parent.cb1); p11.text = String(parent.cb1); }; if (parent.b2 != 0){ b2.gotoAndStop((Math.floor(((parent.cb2 / parent.b2) * 100)) + 1)); p02.text = String(parent.cb2); p12.text = String((parent.cb2 * 1)); }; if (parent.b3 != 0){ b3.gotoAndStop((Math.floor(((parent.cb3 / parent.b3) * 100)) + 1)); p03.text = String(parent.cb3); p13.text = String((parent.cb3 * 2)); }; if (parent.b4 != 0){ b4.gotoAndStop((Math.floor(((parent.cb4 / parent.b4) * 100)) + 1)); p04.text = String(parent.cb4); p14.text = String((parent.cb4 * 2)); }; i = 0; while (i < 5) { this[("p2" + String(i))].textColor = 0; this[("p3" + String(i))].textColor = 0; this[("p4" + String(i))].textColor = 0; this[("p2" + String(i))].text = (String(parent.req0[parent.selectedLevel][("b" + String(i))]) + "%"); this[("p3" + String(i))].text = (String(parent.req1[parent.selectedLevel][("b" + String(i))]) + "%"); this[("p4" + String(i))].text = (String(parent.req2[parent.selectedLevel][("b" + String(i))]) + "%"); i++; }; if (parent.saveData[parent.selectedLevel].medals == 1){ m0.gotoAndStop(2); }; if (parent.saveData[parent.selectedLevel].medals == 2){ m0.gotoAndStop(2); m1.gotoAndStop(3); }; if (parent.saveData[parent.selectedLevel].medals == 3){ m0.gotoAndStop(2); m1.gotoAndStop(3); m2.gotoAndStop(4); }; getm0 = true; getm1 = true; getm2 = true; i = 0; while (i < 5) { if (parent[("b" + String(i))] != 0){ if (Math.floor(((parent[("cb" + String(i))] / parent[("b" + String(i))]) * 100)) < parent.req0[parent.selectedLevel][("b" + String(i))]){ getm0 = false; this[("p2" + String(i))].textColor = 0xFF0000; }; }; i++; }; i = 0; while (i < 5) { if (parent[("b" + String(i))] != 0){ if (Math.floor(((parent[("cb" + String(i))] / parent[("b" + String(i))]) * 100)) < parent.req1[parent.selectedLevel][("b" + String(i))]){ getm1 = false; this[("p3" + String(i))].textColor = 0xFF0000; }; }; i++; }; i = 0; while (i < 5) { if (parent[("b" + String(i))] != 0){ if (Math.floor(((parent[("cb" + String(i))] / parent[("b" + String(i))]) * 100)) < parent.req2[parent.selectedLevel][("b" + String(i))]){ getm2 = false; this[("p4" + String(i))].textColor = 0xFF0000; }; }; i++; }; if (((getm0) && ((parent.saveData[parent.selectedLevel].medals < 1)))){; m0.gotoAndStop(2); parent.saveData[parent.selectedLevel].medals = 1; }; if (((getm1) && ((parent.saveData[parent.selectedLevel].medals < 2)))){; m1.gotoAndStop(3); parent.saveData[parent.selectedLevel].medals = 2; }; if (((getm2) && ((parent.saveData[parent.selectedLevel].medals < 3)))){; m2.gotoAndStop(4); parent.saveData[parent.selectedLevel].medals = 3; }; if (getm0){ txt.text = "COOL!!!"; } else { if (getm1){ txt.text = "AWESOME!!!"; } else { if (getm2){ txt.text = "PERFECT!!!"; } else { txt.text = "TOO BAD!!!"; }; }; }; med0 = 0; med1 = 0; med2 = 0; i = 0; while (i < parent.saveData.length) { if (parent.saveData[i].medals > 0){ med0++; }; if (parent.saveData[i].medals > 1){ med1++; }; if (parent.saveData[i].medals > 2){ med2++; }; parent.m0 = med0; parent.m1 = med1; parent.m2 = med2; i++; }; if (parent.selectedLevel < 26){ if ((((((parent.saveData[(parent.selectedLevel + 1)].r0 > parent.m0)) || ((parent.saveData[(parent.selectedLevel + 1)].r1 > parent.m1)))) || ((parent.saveData[(parent.selectedLevel + 1)].r2 > parent.m2)))){ nextLevelBtn.alpha = 0.5; nextLevelBtn.enabled = false; } else { nextLevelBtn.alpha = 1; nextLevelBtn.enabled = true; }; } else { nextLevelBtn.alpha = 0.5; nextLevelBtn.enabled = false; }; p.text = String((((((parent.cb0 * 5) + (parent.cb4 * 2)) + (parent.cb3 * 2)) + parent.cb2) + parent.cb1)); if ((((((parent.cb0 * 5) + (parent.cb4 * 2)) + (parent.cb3 * 2)) + parent.cb2) + parent.cb1) > parent.saveData[parent.selectedLevel].points){ parent.saveData[parent.selectedLevel].points = (((((parent.cb0 * 5) + (parent.cb4 * 2)) + (parent.cb3 * 2)) + parent.cb2) + parent.cb1); ls = SharedObject.getLocal("MELOBALL"); = parent.saveData; }; bestTxt.text = String(parent.saveData[parent.selectedLevel].points); } public function hideMsg(e:Event):void{ parent.warningMsg.x = 1000; } public function showMsg(e:Event):void{ var t:String; var bronse:Number; var silver:Number; var gold:Number; if ((((nextLevelBtn.alpha == 0.5)) && (((parent.selectedLevel + 1) < 26)))){ parent.warningMsg.x = stage.mouseX; parent.warningMsg.y = (stage.mouseY - 10); bronse = 0; silver = 0; gold = 0; bronse = (parent.saveData[(parent.selectedLevel + 1)].r0 - parent.m0); silver = (parent.saveData[(parent.selectedLevel + 1)].r1 - parent.m1); gold = (parent.saveData[(parent.selectedLevel + 1)].r2 - parent.m2); if (bronse < 0){ bronse = 0; }; if (silver < 0){ silver = 0; }; if (gold < 0){ gold = 0; }; t = ((((((((((((((("<B>To get access to a following level, you should receive:" + "\n") + "<font color=\"#FDB102\">") + " bronse medals - ") + String(bronse)) + "</font>") + "\n") + "<font color=\"#AAAAAA\">") + " silver medals - ") + String(silver)) + "</font>") + "\n") + "<font color=\"#F2FC94\">") + " gold medals - ") + String(gold)) + "</font></B>"); parent.warningMsg.txt.htmlText = t; }; } } }//package Game_fla
Section 20
//GameMenu_70 (Game_fla.GameMenu_70) package Game_fla { import flash.display.*; import flash.text.*; public dynamic class GameMenu_70 extends MovieClip { public var replayBtn:SimpleButton; public var b0:MovieClip; public var b2:MovieClip; public var b4:MovieClip; public var b1:MovieClip; public var b3:MovieClip; public var levelTxt:TextField; public var moreGamesBtn:SimpleButton; public var tries:MovieClip; public var quitBtn:SimpleButton; public var p1:TextField; public var p2:TextField; public var p3:TextField; public var soundBtn:SimpleButton; public var walkthroughBtn:SimpleButton; public var p4:TextField; public var kingLogo:MovieClip; public var p0:TextField; public function GameMenu_70(){ super(); } } }//package Game_fla
Section 21
//HighScore_3 (Game_fla.HighScore_3) package Game_fla { import*; import flash.display.*; import*; import flash.utils.*; import flash.text.*; import flash.ui.*; import*; import flash.external.*; import flash.system.*; import flash.geom.*; import flash.accessibility.*; import flash.errors.*; import flash.filters.*; public dynamic class HighScore_3 extends MovieClip { public function HighScore_3(){ super(); addFrameScript(0, frame1); } function frame1(){ visible = false; } } }//package Game_fla
Section 22
//LevelImg_84 (Game_fla.LevelImg_84) package Game_fla { import flash.display.*; import flash.text.*; public dynamic class LevelImg_84 extends MovieClip { public var txt:TextField; public function LevelImg_84(){ super(); } } }//package Game_fla
Section 23
//MainTimeline (Game_fla.MainTimeline) package Game_fla { import*; import flash.display.*; import*; import com.midasplayer.*; import com.midasplayer.particle.*; import flash.utils.*; import flash.text.*; import flash.ui.*; import*; import flash.external.*; import flash.system.*; import flash.geom.*; import flash.accessibility.*; import flash.errors.*; import flash.filters.*; public dynamic class MainTimeline extends MovieClip { public var bar:Sprite; public var mcLoadLogoBg:MovieClip; public var bg:Sprite; public var cm:ContextMenu; public var t:TextField; public var holder:Sprite; public var particles:Main; public var mochi:String; public var myscores:MovieClip; public var mcKingLoader:DragonLoader; public var game_name:String; public function MainTimeline(){ super(); addFrameScript(0, frame1, 1, frame2, 2, frame3); } public function preload(e:Event):void{ bg = new Sprite(); bg.buttonMode = true; = "clickBg";, 0);, 0);, stage.stageHeight);, stage.stageHeight);, 0);; bg.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, openKingPage); this.addChildAt(bg, this.getChildIndex(mcLoadLogoBg)); mcLoadLogoBg.x = ((stage.stageWidth / 2) - (mcLoadLogoBg.width / 2)); mcLoadLogoBg.y = ((stage.stageHeight / 2) - (mcLoadLogoBg.height / 2)); bar = new Sprite();, 0); bar.x = (mcLoadLogoBg.x + 5); bar.y = (mcLoadLogoBg.y + 34);, 0, 96, 5);; this.addChild(bar); holder = new Sprite(); this.addChild(holder); holder.x = bar.x; holder.y = bar.y; particles = new Main(); particles.setEmitterClip(holder); this.addChild(particles); addEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, onEnterFrame); } public function openKingPage(e:Event):void{ KingAPI.openLoaderProgressLink(); } public function launchGame(e):void{ mcKingLoader.destroy(); gotoAndStop(3); } function frame3(){ stop(); } function frame1(){ stop(); cm = new ContextMenu(); cm.hideBuiltInItems(); contextMenu = cm; game_name = "meloball"; mochi = "b29850f7"; stage.scaleMode = StageScaleMode.NO_SCALE; KingAPI.addEventListener(KingAPI.INITIALIZED_EVENT, preload); KingAPI.addEventListener(KingAPI.HOST_BANNED_EVENT, preload); KingAPI.init(game_name, root.loaderInfo.url); } function frame2(){ mcKingLoader.addEventListener(DragonLoader.LAUNCH_GAME, launchGame); mcKingLoader.init(game_name, mochi); } public function onEnterFrame(evt:Event):void{ holder.x = (bar.x + bar.width); if (t == null){ }; if (framesLoaded == totalFrames){ particles.kill(); this.removeChild(particles); removeEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, onEnterFrame); bg.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, openKingPage); this.removeChild(bar); if (!KingAPI.isHome){ gotoAndStop(2); } else { gotoAndStop(3); }; } else { bar.scaleX = (stage.loaderInfo.bytesLoaded / stage.loaderInfo.bytesTotal); = (1 - (stage.loaderInfo.bytesLoaded / stage.loaderInfo.bytesTotal)); }; } } }//package Game_fla
Section 24
//mcBannedSign_6 (Game_fla.mcBannedSign_6) package Game_fla { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class mcBannedSign_6 extends MovieClip { public var bg:MovieClip; public function mcBannedSign_6(){ super(); } } }//package Game_fla
Section 25
//mcFireLogo_5 (Game_fla.mcFireLogo_5) package Game_fla { import*; import flash.display.*; import*; import flash.utils.*; import flash.text.*; import flash.ui.*; import*; import flash.external.*; import flash.system.*; import flash.geom.*; import flash.accessibility.*; import flash.errors.*; import flash.filters.*; public dynamic class mcFireLogo_5 extends MovieClip { public function mcFireLogo_5(){ super(); addFrameScript(72, frame73); } function frame73(){ stop(); } } }//package Game_fla
Section 26
//mcLoadLogo_1 (Game_fla.mcLoadLogo_1) package Game_fla { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class mcLoadLogo_1 extends MovieClip { public var bar:MovieClip; public function mcLoadLogo_1(){ super(); } } }//package Game_fla
Section 27
//mcPlayBtn_8 (Game_fla.mcPlayBtn_8) package Game_fla { import*; import flash.display.*; import*; import flash.utils.*; import flash.text.*; import flash.ui.*; import*; import flash.external.*; import flash.system.*; import flash.geom.*; import flash.accessibility.*; import flash.errors.*; import flash.filters.*; public dynamic class mcPlayBtn_8 extends MovieClip { public function mcPlayBtn_8(){ super(); addFrameScript(0, frame1); } function frame1(){ stop(); } } }//package Game_fla
Section 28
//MedalGet1_91 (Game_fla.MedalGet1_91) package Game_fla { import*; import flash.display.*; import*; import flash.utils.*; import flash.text.*; import flash.ui.*; import*; import flash.external.*; import flash.system.*; import flash.geom.*; import flash.accessibility.*; import flash.errors.*; import flash.filters.*; public dynamic class MedalGet1_91 extends MovieClip { public function MedalGet1_91(){ super(); addFrameScript(38, frame39); } function frame39(){ gotoAndStop(1); } } }//package Game_fla
Section 29
//MedalGet2_92 (Game_fla.MedalGet2_92) package Game_fla { import*; import flash.display.*; import*; import flash.utils.*; import flash.text.*; import flash.ui.*; import*; import flash.external.*; import flash.system.*; import flash.geom.*; import flash.accessibility.*; import flash.errors.*; import flash.filters.*; public dynamic class MedalGet2_92 extends MovieClip { public function MedalGet2_92(){ super(); addFrameScript(38, frame39); } function frame39(){ gotoAndStop(1); } } }//package Game_fla
Section 30
//Medals_89 (Game_fla.Medals_89) package Game_fla { import*; import flash.display.*; import*; import flash.utils.*; import flash.text.*; import flash.ui.*; import*; import flash.external.*; import flash.system.*; import flash.geom.*; import flash.accessibility.*; import flash.errors.*; import flash.filters.*; public dynamic class Medals_89 extends MovieClip { public function Medals_89(){ super(); addFrameScript(0, frame1); } function frame1(){ stop(); } } }//package Game_fla
Section 31
//RequireScreen_66 (Game_fla.RequireScreen_66) package Game_fla { import flash.display.*; import flash.text.*; public dynamic class RequireScreen_66 extends MovieClip { public var m0:TextField; public var m1:TextField; public var m2:TextField; public function RequireScreen_66(){ super(); } } }//package Game_fla
Section 32
//ScreenMask_46 (Game_fla.ScreenMask_46) package Game_fla { import*; import flash.display.*; import*; import flash.utils.*; import flash.text.*; import flash.ui.*; import*; import flash.external.*; import flash.system.*; import flash.geom.*; import flash.accessibility.*; import flash.errors.*; import flash.filters.*; public dynamic class ScreenMask_46 extends MovieClip { public function ScreenMask_46(){ super(); addFrameScript(0, frame1, 2, frame3); } function frame3(){ trace((parent as Main2).frameInc); parent.gotoAndStop((parent.currentFrame + parent.frameInc)); } function frame1(){ stop(); } } }//package Game_fla
Section 33
//SndLib_41 (Game_fla.SndLib_41) package Game_fla { import*; import flash.display.*; import*; import flash.utils.*; import flash.text.*; import flash.ui.*; import*; import flash.external.*; import flash.system.*; import flash.geom.*; import flash.accessibility.*; import flash.errors.*; import flash.filters.*; public dynamic class SndLib_41 extends MovieClip { public function SndLib_41(){ super(); addFrameScript(0, frame1); } function frame1(){ stop(); } } }//package Game_fla
Section 34
//StartMenu_48 (Game_fla.StartMenu_48) package Game_fla { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class StartMenu_48 extends MovieClip { public var highscoresBtn:SimpleButton; public var moreGamesBtn:SimpleButton; public var creditsBtn:SimpleButton; public var playBtn:SimpleButton; public var downloadBtn:SimpleButton; public var walkthroughBtn:SimpleButton; public function StartMenu_48(){ super(); } } }//package Game_fla
Section 35
//Tries_81 (Game_fla.Tries_81) package Game_fla { import*; import flash.display.*; import*; import flash.utils.*; import flash.text.*; import flash.ui.*; import*; import flash.external.*; import flash.system.*; import flash.geom.*; import flash.accessibility.*; import flash.errors.*; import flash.filters.*; public dynamic class Tries_81 extends MovieClip { public function Tries_81(){ super(); addFrameScript(0, frame1); } function frame1(){ stop(); } } }//package Game_fla
Section 36
//WarningMsg_97 (Game_fla.WarningMsg_97) package Game_fla { import flash.display.*; import flash.text.*; public dynamic class WarningMsg_97 extends MovieClip { public var txt:TextField; public function WarningMsg_97(){ super(); } } }//package Game_fla
Section 37
//MochiDigits (mochi.as3.MochiDigits) package mochi.as3 { public final class MochiDigits { private var Sibling:MochiDigits; private var Fragment:Number; private var Encoder:Number; public function MochiDigits(digit:Number=0, index:uint=0):void{ super(); Encoder = 0; setValue(digit, index); } public function set value(v:Number):void{ setValue(v); } public function reencode():void{ var newEncode:uint; newEncode = int((2147483647 * Math.random())); Fragment = (Fragment ^ (newEncode ^ Encoder)); Encoder = newEncode; } public function toString():String{ var s:String; s = String.fromCharCode((Fragment ^ Encoder)); if (Sibling != null){ s = (s + Sibling.toString()); }; return (s); } public function get value():Number{ return (Number(this.toString())); } public function setValue(digit:Number=0, index:uint=0):void{ var s:String; s = digit.toString(); var _temp1 = index; index = (index + 1); Fragment = (s.charCodeAt(_temp1) ^ Encoder); if (index < s.length){ Sibling = new MochiDigits(digit, index); } else { Sibling = null; }; reencode(); } public function addValue(inc:Number):void{ value = (value + inc); } } }//package mochi.as3
Section 38
//MochiScores (mochi.as3.MochiScores) package mochi.as3 { import flash.display.*; import flash.text.*; public class MochiScores { private static var boardID:String; public static var onErrorHandler:Object; public static var onCloseHandler:Object; public function MochiScores(){ super(); } public static function showLeaderboard(options:Object=null):void{ var n:Number; var options = options; if (options != null){ if (options.clip != null){ if ((options.clip is Sprite)){ MochiServices.setContainer(options.clip); }; delete options.clip; } else { MochiServices.setContainer(); }; MochiServices.stayOnTop(); if ( != null){ if (( is TextField)){ if ( > 0){ =; }; }; }; if (options.score != null){ if ((options.score is TextField)){ if (options.score.text.length > 0){ options.score = options.score.text; }; } else { if ((options.score is MochiDigits)){ options.score = options.score.value; }; }; n = Number(options.score); if (isNaN(n)){ trace((("ERROR: Submitted score '" + options.score) + "' will be rejected, score is 'Not a Number'")); } else { if ((((n == Number.NEGATIVE_INFINITY)) || ((n == Number.POSITIVE_INFINITY)))){ trace((("ERROR: Submitted score '" + options.score) + "' will be rejected, score is an infinite")); } else { if (Math.floor(n) != n){ trace((("WARNING: Submitted score '" + options.score) + "' will be truncated")); }; options.score = n; }; }; }; if (options.onDisplay != null){ options.onDisplay(); } else { if (MochiServices.clip != null){ if ((MochiServices.clip is MovieClip)){ MochiServices.clip.stop(); } else { trace("Warning: Container is not a MovieClip, cannot call default onDisplay."); }; }; }; } else { options = {}; if ((MochiServices.clip is MovieClip)){ MochiServices.clip.stop(); } else { trace("Warning: Container is not a MovieClip, cannot call default onDisplay."); }; }; if (options.onClose != null){ onCloseHandler = options.onClose; } else { onCloseHandler = function ():void{ if ((MochiServices.clip is MovieClip)){; } else { trace("Warning: Container is not a MovieClip, cannot call default onClose."); }; }; }; if (options.onError != null){ onErrorHandler = options.onError; } else { onErrorHandler = null; }; if (options.boardID == null){ if (MochiScores.boardID != null){ options.boardID = MochiScores.boardID; }; }; trace("[MochiScores] NOTE: Security Sandbox Violation errors below are normal"); MochiServices.send("scores_showLeaderboard", {options:options}, null, onClose); } public static function closeLeaderboard():void{ MochiServices.send("scores_closeLeaderboard"); } public static function getPlayerInfo(callbackObj:Object, callbackMethod:Object=null):void{ MochiServices.send("scores_getPlayerInfo", null, callbackObj, callbackMethod); } public static function requestList(callbackObj:Object, callbackMethod:Object=null):void{ MochiServices.send("scores_requestList", null, callbackObj, callbackMethod); } public static function scoresArrayToObjects(scores:Object):Object{ var so:Object; var i:Number; var j:Number; var o:Object; var row_obj:Object; var item:String; var param:String; so = {}; for (item in scores) { if (typeof(scores[item]) == "object"){ if (((!((scores[item].cols == null))) && (!((scores[item].rows == null))))){ so[item] = []; o = scores[item]; j = 0; while (j < o.rows.length) { row_obj = {}; i = 0; while (i < o.cols.length) { row_obj[o.cols[i]] = o.rows[j][i]; i++; }; so[item].push(row_obj); j++; }; } else { so[item] = {}; for (param in scores[item]) { so[item][param] = scores[item][param]; }; }; } else { so[item] = scores[item]; }; }; return (so); } public static function submit(score:Number, name:String, callbackObj:Object=null, callbackMethod:Object=null):void{ score = Number(score); if (isNaN(score)){ trace((("ERROR: Submitted score '" + String(score)) + "' will be rejected, score is 'Not a Number'")); } else { if ((((score == Number.NEGATIVE_INFINITY)) || ((score == Number.POSITIVE_INFINITY)))){ trace((("ERROR: Submitted score '" + String(score)) + "' will be rejected, score is an infinite")); } else { if (Math.floor(score) != score){ trace((("WARNING: Submitted score '" + String(score)) + "' will be truncated")); }; score = Number(score); }; }; MochiServices.send("scores_submit", {score:score, name:name}, callbackObj, callbackMethod); } public static function onClose(args:Object=null):void{ if (args != null){ if (args.error != null){ if (args.error == true){ if (onErrorHandler != null){ if (args.errorCode == null){ args.errorCode = "IOError"; }; onErrorHandler(args.errorCode); MochiServices.doClose(); return; }; }; }; }; onCloseHandler(); MochiServices.doClose(); } public static function setBoardID(boardID:String):void{ MochiScores.boardID = boardID; MochiServices.send("scores_setBoardID", {boardID:boardID}); } } }//package mochi.as3
Section 39
//MochiServices (mochi.as3.MochiServices) package mochi.as3 { import*; import flash.display.*; import flash.utils.*; import*; import flash.system.*; import flash.geom.*; public class MochiServices { private static var _container:Object; private static var _connected:Boolean = false; private static var _swfVersion:String; public static var netupAttempted:Boolean = false; private static var _sendChannel:LocalConnection; private static var _clip:MovieClip; private static var _loader:Loader; private static var _id:String; private static var _listenChannel:LocalConnection; public static var widget:Boolean = false; private static var _timer:Timer; private static var _sendChannelName:String; private static var _connecting:Boolean = false; public static var onError:Object; private static var _listenChannelName:String = "__ms_"; private static var _servicesURL:String = ""; public static var netup:Boolean = true; public function MochiServices(){ super(); } public static function isNetworkAvailable():Boolean{ return (!((Security.sandboxType == "localWithFile"))); } public static function get connected():Boolean{ return (_connected); } private static function flush(error:Boolean):void{ var request:Object; var callback:Object; if (_clip != null){ if (_clip._queue != null){ while (_clip._queue.length > 0) { request = _clip._queue.shift(); callback = null; if (request != null){ if (request.callbackID != null){ callback = _clip._callbacks[request.callbackID]; }; delete _clip._callbacks[request.callbackID]; if (((error) && (!((callback == null))))){ handleError(request.args, callback.callbackObject, callback.callbackMethod); }; }; }; }; }; } public static function send(methodName:String, args:Object=null, callbackObject:Object=null, callbackMethod:Object=null):void{ if (_connected){ _sendChannel.send(_sendChannelName, "onReceive", {methodName:methodName, args:args, callbackID:_clip._nextcallbackID}); } else { if ((((_clip == null)) || (!(_connecting)))){ onError("NotConnected"); handleError(args, callbackObject, callbackMethod); flush(true); return; }; _clip._queue.push({methodName:methodName, args:args, callbackID:_clip._nextcallbackID}); }; if (_clip != null){ if (((!((_clip._callbacks == null))) && (!((_clip._nextcallbackID == null))))){ _clip._callbacks[_clip._nextcallbackID] = {callbackObject:callbackObject, callbackMethod:callbackMethod}; _clip._nextcallbackID++; }; }; } private static function init(id:String, clip:Object):void{ _id = id; if (clip != null){ _container = clip; loadCommunicator(id, _container); }; } public static function get childClip():Object{ return (_clip); } private static function clickMovie(url:String, cb:Function):MovieClip{ var avm1_bytecode:Array; var b:int; var header:Array; var footer:Array; var mc:MovieClip; var lc:LocalConnection; var lc_name:String; var ba:ByteArray; var cpool:ByteArray; var actionLength:uint; var fileLength:uint; var loader:Loader; avm1_bytecode = [150, 21, 0, 7, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 98, 116, 110, 0, 7, 2, 0, 0, 0, 0, 116, 104, 105, 115, 0, 28, 150, 22, 0, 0, 99, 114, 101, 97, 116, 101, 69, 109, 112, 116, 121, 77, 111, 118, 105, 101, 67, 108, 105, 112, 0, 82, 135, 1, 0, 0, 23, 150, 13, 0, 4, 0, 0, 111, 110, 82, 101, 108, 101, 97, 115, 101, 0, 142, 8, 0, 0, 0, 0, 2, 42, 0, 114, 0, 150, 17, 0, 0, 32, 0, 7, 1, 0, 0, 0, 8, 0, 0, 115, 112, 108, 105, 116, 0, 82, 135, 1, 0, 1, 23, 150, 7, 0, 4, 1, 7, 0, 0, 0, 0, 78, 150, 8, 0, 0, 95, 98, 108, 97, 110, 107, 0, 154, 1, 0, 0, 150, 7, 0, 0, 99, 108, 105, 99, 107, 0, 150, 7, 0, 4, 1, 7, 1, 0, 0, 0, 78, 150, 27, 0, 7, 2, 0, 0, 0, 7, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 76, 111, 99, 97, 108, 67, 111, 110, 110, 101, 99, 116, 105, 111, 110, 0, 64, 150, 6, 0, 0, 115, 101, 110, 100, 0, 82, 79, 150, 15, 0, 4, 0, 0, 95, 97, 108, 112, 104, 97, 0, 7, 0, 0, 0, 0, 79, 150, 23, 0, 7, 0xFF, 0, 0xFF, 0, 7, 1, 0, 0, 0, 4, 0, 0, 98, 101, 103, 105, 110, 70, 105, 108, 108, 0, 82, 23, 150, 25, 0, 7, 0, 0, 0, 0, 7, 0, 0, 0, 0, 7, 2, 0, 0, 0, 4, 0, 0, 109, 111, 118, 101, 84, 111, 0, 82, 23, 150, 25, 0, 7, 100, 0, 0, 0, 7, 0, 0, 0, 0, 7, 2, 0, 0, 0, 4, 0, 0, 108, 105, 110, 101, 84, 111, 0, 82, 23, 150, 25, 0, 7, 100, 0, 0, 0, 7, 100, 0, 0, 0, 7, 2, 0, 0, 0, 4, 0, 0, 108, 105, 110, 101, 84, 111, 0, 82, 23, 150, 25, 0, 7, 0, 0, 0, 0, 7, 100, 0, 0, 0, 7, 2, 0, 0, 0, 4, 0, 0, 108, 105, 110, 101, 84, 111, 0, 82, 23, 150, 25, 0, 7, 0, 0, 0, 0, 7, 0, 0, 0, 0, 7, 2, 0, 0, 0, 4, 0, 0, 108, 105, 110, 101, 84, 111, 0, 82, 23, 150, 16, 0, 7, 0, 0, 0, 0, 4, 0, 0, 101, 110, 100, 70, 105, 108, 108, 0, 82, 23]; header = [104, 0, 31, 64, 0, 7, 208, 0, 0, 12, 1, 0, 67, 2, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 63, 3]; footer = [0, 64, 0, 0, 0]; mc = new MovieClip(); lc = new LocalConnection(); lc_name = ((("_click_" + Math.floor((Math.random() * 999999))) + "_") + Math.floor(new Date().getTime())); lc = new LocalConnection(); = lc; = cb; lc.client = mc; lc.connect(lc_name); ba = new ByteArray(); cpool = new ByteArray(); cpool.endian = Endian.LITTLE_ENDIAN; cpool.writeShort(1); cpool.writeUTFBytes(((url + " ") + lc_name)); cpool.writeByte(0); actionLength = ((avm1_bytecode.length + cpool.length) + 4); fileLength = (actionLength + 35); ba.endian = Endian.LITTLE_ENDIAN; ba.writeUTFBytes("FWS"); ba.writeByte(8); ba.writeUnsignedInt(fileLength); for each (b in header) { ba.writeByte(b); }; ba.writeUnsignedInt(actionLength); ba.writeByte(136); ba.writeShort(cpool.length); ba.writeBytes(cpool); for each (b in avm1_bytecode) { ba.writeByte(b); }; for each (b in footer) { ba.writeByte(b); }; loader = new Loader(); loader.loadBytes(ba); mc.addChild(loader); return (mc); } public static function stayOnTop():void{ _container.addEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, MochiServices.bringToTop, false, 0, true); if (_clip != null){ _clip.visible = true; }; } public static function addLinkEvent(url:String, burl:String, btn:DisplayObjectContainer, onClick:Function=null):void{ var vars:Object; var avm1Click:DisplayObject; var s:String; var i:Number; var x:String; var req:URLRequest; var loader:Loader; var setURL:Function; var err:Function; var complete:Function; var url = url; var burl = burl; var btn = btn; var onClick = onClick; vars = new Object(); vars["mav"] = getVersion(); vars["swfv"] = "9"; vars["swfurl"] = btn.loaderInfo.loaderURL; vars["fv"] = Capabilities.version; vars["os"] = Capabilities.os; vars["lang"] = Capabilities.language; vars["scres"] = ((Capabilities.screenResolutionX + "x") + Capabilities.screenResolutionY); s = "?"; i = 0; for (x in vars) { if (i != 0){ s = (s + "&"); }; i = (i + 1); s = (((s + x) + "=") + escape(vars[x])); }; req = new URLRequest(""); loader = new Loader(); setURL = function (url:String):void{ var rect:Rectangle; if (avm1Click){ btn.removeChild(avm1Click); }; avm1Click = clickMovie(url, onClick); rect = btn.getBounds(btn); btn.addChild(avm1Click); avm1Click.x = rect.x; avm1Click.y = rect.y; avm1Click.scaleX = (0.01 * rect.width); avm1Click.scaleY = (0.01 * rect.height); }; err = function (ev:Object):void{ netup = false;, arguments.callee); setURL(burl); }; complete = function (ev:Object):void{, arguments.callee); }; if (netup){ setURL((url + s)); } else { setURL(burl); }; if (!((netupAttempted) || (_connected))){ netupAttempted = true; loader.contentLoaderInfo.addEventListener(IOErrorEvent.IO_ERROR, err); loader.contentLoaderInfo.addEventListener(Event.COMPLETE, complete); loader.load(req); }; } public static function disconnect():void{ if (((_connected) || (_connecting))){ if (_clip != null){ if (_clip.parent != null){ if ((_clip.parent is Sprite)){ Sprite(_clip.parent).removeChild(_clip); _clip = null; }; }; }; _connecting = (_connected = false); flush(true); _listenChannel.close(); //unresolved jump var _slot1 = error; }; if (_timer != null){ _timer.stop(); //unresolved jump var _slot1 = error; }; } public static function allowDomains(server:String):String{ var hostname:String; if (Security.sandboxType != "application"){ Security.allowDomain("*"); Security.allowInsecureDomain("*"); }; if (server.indexOf("http://") != -1){ hostname = server.split("/")[2].split(":")[0]; if (Security.sandboxType != "application"){ Security.allowDomain(hostname); Security.allowInsecureDomain(hostname); }; }; return (hostname); } public static function getVersion():String{ return ("3.0"); } public static function doClose():void{ _container.removeEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, MochiServices.bringToTop); if (_clip.parent != null){ Sprite(_clip.parent).removeChild(_clip); }; } private static function onStatus(event:StatusEvent):void{ switch (event.level){ case "error": _connected = false; _listenChannel.connect(_listenChannelName); break; }; } public static function get id():String{ return (_id); } private static function urlOptions(clip:Object):Object{ var opts:Object; var options:String; var pairs:Array; var i:Number; var kv:Array; opts = {}; options = clip.loaderInfo.parameters.mochiad_options; if (options){ pairs = options.split("&"); i = 0; while (i < pairs.length) { kv = pairs[i].split("="); opts[unescape(kv[0])] = unescape(kv[1]); i++; }; }; return (opts); } public static function setContainer(container:Object=null, doAdd:Boolean=true):void{ if (container != null){ if ((container is Sprite)){ _container = container; }; }; if (doAdd){ if ((_container is Sprite)){ Sprite(_container).addChild(_clip); }; }; } private static function handleError(args:Object, callbackObject:Object, callbackMethod:Object):void{ var args = args; var callbackObject = callbackObject; var callbackMethod = callbackMethod; if (args != null){ if (args.onError != null){ args.onError.apply(null, ["NotConnected"]); }; if (((!((args.options == null))) && (!((args.options.onError == null))))){ args.options.onError.apply(null, ["NotConnected"]); }; }; if (callbackMethod != null){ args = {}; args.error = true; args.errorCode = "NotConnected"; if (((!((callbackObject == null))) && ((callbackMethod is String)))){ var _local5 = callbackObject; _local5[callbackMethod](args); //unresolved jump var _slot1 = error; } else { if (callbackMethod != null){ callbackMethod.apply(args); //unresolved jump var _slot1 = error; }; }; }; } private static function initComChannels():void{ if (!_connected){ _sendChannel.addEventListener(StatusEvent.STATUS, MochiServices.onStatus); _sendChannel.send(_sendChannelName, "onReceive", {methodName:"handshakeDone"}); _sendChannel.send(_sendChannelName, "onReceive", {methodName:"registerGame", id:_id, clip:_container, version:getVersion(), parentURL:_container.loaderInfo.loaderURL}); _listenChannel.addEventListener(StatusEvent.STATUS, MochiServices.onStatus); _clip.onReceive = function (pkg:Object):void{ var cb:String; var cblst:Object; var method:*; var methodName:String; var obj:Object; var pkg = pkg; cb = pkg.callbackID; cblst = this.client._callbacks[cb]; if (!cblst){ return; }; method = cblst.callbackMethod; methodName = ""; obj = cblst.callbackObject; if (((obj) && ((typeof(method) == "string")))){ methodName = method; if (obj[method] != null){ method = obj[method]; } else { trace((("Error: Method " + method) + " does not exist.")); }; }; if (method != undefined){ method.apply(obj, pkg.args); //unresolved jump var _slot1 = error; trace(((("Error invoking callback method '" + methodName) + "': ") + pkg.toString())); } else { if (obj != null){ obj(pkg.args); //unresolved jump var _slot1 = error; trace(("Error invoking method on object: " + pkg.toString())); }; }; delete this.client._callbacks[cb]; }; _clip.onError = function ():void{ MochiServices.onError("IOError"); }; trace("connected!"); _connecting = false; _connected = true; while (_clip._queue.length > 0) { _sendChannel.send(_sendChannelName, "onReceive", _clip._queue.shift()); }; }; } private static function listen():void{ _listenChannel = new LocalConnection(); _listenChannel.client = _clip; _clip.handshake = function (args:Object):void{ MochiServices.comChannelName = args.newChannel; }; _listenChannel.allowDomain("*", "localhost"); _listenChannel.allowInsecureDomain("*", "localhost"); _listenChannel.connect(_listenChannelName); trace("Waiting for MochiAds services to connect..."); } public static function set comChannelName(val:String):void{ if (val != null){ if (val.length > 3){ _sendChannelName = (val + "_fromgame"); initComChannels(); }; }; } private static function loadCommunicator(id:String, clip:Object):MovieClip{ var clipname:String; var f:Function; var req:URLRequest; var vars:URLVariables; var id = id; var clip = clip; clipname = ("_mochiservices_com_" + id); if (_clip != null){ return (_clip); }; if (!MochiServices.isNetworkAvailable()){ return (null); }; if (urlOptions(clip).servicesURL != undefined){ _servicesURL = urlOptions(clip).servicesURL; }; MochiServices.allowDomains(_servicesURL); _clip = createEmptyMovieClip(clip, clipname, 10336, false); _loader = new Loader(); f = function (ev:Object):void{ _clip._mochiad_ctr_failed = true; trace("MochiServices could not load."); MochiServices.disconnect(); MochiServices.onError("IOError"); }; _listenChannelName = (_listenChannelName + ((Math.floor(new Date().getTime()) + "_") + Math.floor((Math.random() * 99999)))); _loader.contentLoaderInfo.addEventListener(IOErrorEvent.IO_ERROR, f); req = new URLRequest(_servicesURL); vars = new URLVariables(); vars.listenLC = _listenChannelName; vars.mochiad_options = clip.loaderInfo.parameters.mochiad_options; if (widget){ vars.widget = true; }; = vars; listen(); _loader.load(req); _clip.addChild(_loader); _clip._mochiservices_com = _loader; _sendChannel = new LocalConnection(); _clip._queue = []; _clip._nextcallbackID = 0; _clip._callbacks = {}; _timer = new Timer(10000, 1); _timer.addEventListener(TimerEvent.TIMER, connectWait); _timer.start(); return (_clip); } public static function get clip():Object{ return (_container); } public static function bringToTop(e:Event):void{ var e = e; if (MochiServices.clip != null){ if (MochiServices.childClip != null){ if (MochiServices.clip.numChildren > 1){ MochiServices.clip.setChildIndex(MochiServices.childClip, (MochiServices.clip.numChildren - 1)); }; //unresolved jump var _slot1 = errorObject; trace("Warning: Depth sort error."); _container.removeEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, MochiServices.bringToTop); }; }; } public static function connect(id:String, clip:Object, onError:Object=null):void{ var id = id; var clip = clip; var onError = onError; if ((clip is DisplayObject)){ if (((!(_connected)) && ((_clip == null)))){ trace("MochiServices Connecting..."); _connecting = true; init(id, clip); }; } else { trace("Error, MochiServices requires a Sprite, Movieclip or instance of the stage."); }; if (onError != null){ MochiServices.onError = onError; } else { if (MochiServices.onError == null){ MochiServices.onError = function (errorCode:String):void{ trace(errorCode); }; }; }; } public static function createEmptyMovieClip(parent:Object, name:String, depth:Number, doAdd:Boolean=true):MovieClip{ var mc:MovieClip; var parent = parent; var name = name; var depth = depth; var doAdd = doAdd; mc = new MovieClip(); if (doAdd){ if (((false) && (depth))){ parent.addChildAt(mc, depth); } else { parent.addChild(mc); }; }; parent[name] = mc; //unresolved jump var _slot1 = e; throw (new Error("MochiServices requires a clip that is an instance of a dynamic class. If your class extends Sprite or MovieClip, you must make it dynamic.")); mc["_name"] = name; return (mc); } public static function connectWait(e:TimerEvent):void{ if (!_connected){ _clip._mochiad_ctr_failed = true; trace("MochiServices could not load. (timeout)"); MochiServices.disconnect(); MochiServices.onError("IOError"); }; } } }//package mochi.as3
Section 40
//ABlock0 (ABlock0) package { import*; import flash.display.*; import*; import flash.utils.*; import flash.text.*; import flash.ui.*; import*; import flash.external.*; import flash.system.*; import flash.geom.*; import flash.accessibility.*; import flash.errors.*; import flash.filters.*; public dynamic class ABlock0 extends Wall { public function ABlock0(){ super(); addFrameScript(10, frame11, 16, frame17, 17, frame18); } function frame18(){ stop(); } function frame17(){ gotoAndStop(11); } function frame11(){ stop(); } } }//package
Section 41
//ABlock1 (ABlock1) package { import*; import flash.display.*; import*; import flash.utils.*; import flash.text.*; import flash.ui.*; import*; import flash.external.*; import flash.system.*; import flash.geom.*; import flash.accessibility.*; import flash.errors.*; import flash.filters.*; public dynamic class ABlock1 extends Wall { public function ABlock1(){ super(); addFrameScript(9, frame10, 16, frame17); } function frame10(){ stop(); } function frame17(){ stop(); remove(); } } }//package
Section 42
//ABlock2 (ABlock2) package { import*; import flash.display.*; import*; import flash.utils.*; import flash.text.*; import flash.ui.*; import*; import flash.external.*; import flash.system.*; import flash.geom.*; import flash.accessibility.*; import flash.errors.*; import flash.filters.*; public dynamic class ABlock2 extends Wall { public function ABlock2(){ super(); addFrameScript(9, frame10, 16, frame17, 23, frame24); } function frame10(){ stop(); } function frame17(){ stop(); } function frame24(){ stop(); remove(); } } }//package
Section 43
//Arrow (Arrow) package { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class Arrow extends MovieClip { public var arrow:MovieClip; public function Arrow(){ super(); } } }//package
Section 44
//BackMask (BackMask) package { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class BackMask extends MovieClip { public function BackMask(){ super(); } } }//package
Section 45
//Ball (Ball) package { import*; import flash.display.*; import fl.transitions.*; import*; import fl.transitions.easing.*; import flash.utils.*; public class Ball extends MovieClip { public var left:Number;// = 1000 public var leftHit:Boolean;// = false public var right:Number;// = 1000 public var dx2:Number;// = 0 public var dx1:Number;// = 0 public var hitBox:Array; public var dy1:Number;// = 0 public var dy2:Number;// = 0 public var cur:Number;// = 0 public var w:Number;// = 14 public var iter:Number;// = 0 public var tx:Number;// = 0 public var r:Number;// = 10 public var collisions:Array; public var downHit:Boolean;// = false public var ty:Number;// = 0 public var down:Number;// = 1000 public var up:Number;// = 1000 public var rightHit:Boolean;// = false public var speedX:Number;// = 0 public var speedY:Number;// = 0 public var upHit:Boolean;// = false public function Ball(){ speedX = 0; speedY = 0; tx = 0; ty = 0; up = 1000; down = 1000; left = 1000; right = 1000; cur = 0; leftHit = false; rightHit = false; upHit = false; downHit = false; dx1 = 0; dx2 = 0; dy1 = 0; dy2 = 0; hitBox = new Array(); iter = 0; w = 14; r = 10; super(); } public function checkBonusHit():void{ var i:Number; i = 0; while (i < parent.bonuses.length) { if (this.hitTestObject(parent.bonuses[i])){ if (getQualifiedClassName(parent.bonuses[i]) == "Block0"){ if (parent.soundEnabled){ parent.soundChannel =, 1, new SoundTransform(1)); } else { parent.soundChannel =, 10000000, new SoundTransform(0)); }; parent.cb1++; }; if (getQualifiedClassName(parent.bonuses[i]) == "Block1"){ if (parent.soundEnabled){ parent.soundChannel =, 1, new SoundTransform(1)); } else { parent.soundChannel =, 10000000, new SoundTransform(0)); }; parent.cb2++; }; if (getQualifiedClassName(parent.bonuses[i]) == "Block2"){ if (parent.soundEnabled){ parent.soundChannel =, 1, new SoundTransform(1)); } else { parent.soundChannel =, 10000000, new SoundTransform(0)); }; parent.cb3++; }; if (getQualifiedClassName(parent.bonuses[i]) == "Block3"){ if (parent.soundEnabled){ parent.soundChannel =, 1, new SoundTransform(1)); } else { parent.soundChannel =, 10000000, new SoundTransform(0)); }; parent.cb4++; }; parent.bonuses[i].play(); parent.bonuses.splice(i, 1); i--; parent.checkStats(); }; i++; }; i = 0; while (i < parent.stars.length) { if (this.hitTestObject(parent.stars[i])){ if (parent.soundEnabled){ parent.soundChannel =, 1, new SoundTransform(1)); } else { parent.soundChannel =, 10000000, new SoundTransform(0)); }; parent.cb0++; parent.stars[i].gotoAndPlay(23); parent.stars.splice(i, 1); i--; parent.checkStats(); }; i++; }; i = 0; while (i < parent.newBalls.length) { if (this.hitTestObject(parent.newBalls[i])){ if (parent.soundEnabled){ parent.soundChannel =, 1, new SoundTransform(1)); } else { parent.soundChannel =, 10000000, new SoundTransform(0)); }; parent.balls.push(parent.addChildAt(new Ball(), parent.getChildIndex(parent["menu"]))); parent.balls[(parent.balls.length - 1)].x = parent.newBalls[i].x; parent.balls[(parent.balls.length - 1)].y = parent.newBalls[i].y; parent.balls[(parent.balls.length - 1)].start(0, 0); parent.newBalls[i].remove(); i--; }; i++; }; } public function deleteWall(wall:Object):void{ var i:Number; if (getQualifiedClassName(wall) == "ABlock1"){ i = 0; while (i < parent.walls.length) { if (parent.walls[i] == wall){ parent.walls.splice(i, 1); break; }; i++; }; }; if (getQualifiedClassName(wall) == "ABlock2"){ if (wall.currentFrame > 16){ i = 0; while (i < parent.walls.length) { if (parent.walls[i] == wall){ parent.walls.splice(i, 1); break; }; i++; }; } else { if (wall.currentFrame > 10){ wall.gotoAndStop(17); }; }; }; } function checkL(wall:Object):void{ var ix:Number; var iy:Number; var fi:Number; var nx:Number; var ny:Number; if (speedX > 0){ ix = 0; iy = 0; fi = Math.atan2(speedY, speedX); nx = 0; ny = 0; ix = (wall.x - w); iy = (ty - (((tx - ix) * speedY) / speedX)); nx = (ix - w); ny = (iy - (r * Math.tan(fi))); if ((((ny > (wall.y - w))) && ((ny < (wall.y + w))))){ collisions.push({distance:Math.sqrt(getL(tx, nx, ty, ny)), nx:nx, ny:ny, kx:-1, ky:1, wall:wall, name:"L"}); }; }; } public function start(sx:Number, sy:Number):void{ speedX = sx; speedY = sy; tx = x; ty = y; addEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, fly); } function checkD(wall:Object):void{ var ix:Number; var iy:Number; var fi:Number; var nx:Number; var ny:Number; if (speedY < 0){ ix = 0; iy = 0; fi = Math.atan2(speedY, speedX); nx = 0; ny = 0; iy = (wall.y + w); ix = (tx - (((ty - iy) / speedY) * speedX)); nx = (ix + (r / Math.tan(fi))); ny = (iy + w); if ((((nx > (wall.x - w))) && ((nx < (wall.x + w))))){ collisions.push({distance:Math.sqrt(getL(tx, nx, ty, ny)), nx:nx, ny:ny, kx:1, ky:-1, wall:wall, name:"D"}); }; }; } function checkR(wall:Object):void{ var ix:Number; var iy:Number; var fi:Number; var nx:Number; var ny:Number; if (speedX < 0){ ix = 0; iy = 0; fi = Math.atan2(speedY, speedX); nx = 0; ny = 0; ix = (wall.x + w); iy = (ty - (((tx - ix) * speedY) / speedX)); nx = (ix + w); ny = (iy + (r * Math.tan(fi))); if ((((ny > (wall.y - w))) && ((ny < (wall.y + w))))){ collisions.push({distance:Math.sqrt(getL(tx, nx, ty, ny)), nx:nx, ny:ny, kx:-1, ky:1, wall:wall, name:"R"}); }; }; } public function fly(e:Event):void{ var min:Number; var lineCol:Boolean; tx = (tx + speedX); ty = (ty + speedY); x = tx; y = ty; checkBonusHit(); if (parent.gravX > 0){ if ((speedX - parent.gravX) > -(parent.maxSpeed)){ speedX = (speedX - parent.gravX); } else { speedX = -(parent.maxSpeed); }; }; if (parent.gravX < 0){ if ((speedX - parent.gravX) < parent.maxSpeed){ speedX = (speedX - parent.gravX); } else { speedX = parent.maxSpeed; }; }; if (parent.gravY > 0){ if ((speedY - parent.gravY) > -(parent.maxSpeed)){ speedY = (speedY - parent.gravY); } else { speedY = -(parent.maxSpeed); }; }; if (parent.gravY < 0){ if ((speedY - parent.gravY) < parent.maxSpeed){ speedY = (speedY - parent.gravY); } else { speedY = parent.maxSpeed; }; }; collisions = new Array(); i = 0; while (i < parent.walls.length) { checkR(parent.walls[i]); checkL(parent.walls[i]); checkU(parent.walls[i]); checkD(parent.walls[i]); i++; }; min = 0; lineCol = false; if (collisions.length > 0){ collisions.sortOn("distance", Array.NUMERIC); min = collisions[0].distance; if (min <= Math.sqrt(((speedX * speedX) + (speedY * speedY)))){ lineCol = true; i = 0; while (i < collisions.length) { if (collisions[i].distance == min){ tx = collisions[i].nx; ty = collisions[i].ny; x = tx; y = ty; checkBonusHit(); if (collisions[i].kx != 1){ speedX = (((speedX / Math.abs(speedX)) * collisions[i].kx) * parent.maxSpeed); }; if (collisions[i].ky != 1){ speedY = (((speedY / Math.abs(speedY)) * collisions[i].ky) * parent.maxSpeed); }; parent.start(parent.sndLib.snd0); deleteWall(collisions[i].wall); collisions[i]; }; i++; }; }; }; if (!lineCol){ i = 0; for (;i < parent.walls.length;i++) { if (checkHitPoint((parent.walls[i].x + w), (parent.walls[i].y + w))){ parent.walls[i].play(); deleteWall(parent.walls[i]); parent.start(parent.sndLib.snd0); checkBonusHit(); i--; } else { if (checkHitPoint((parent.walls[i].x + w), (parent.walls[i].y - w))){ parent.walls[i].play(); deleteWall(parent.walls[i]); parent.start(parent.sndLib.snd0); checkBonusHit(); i--; } else { if (checkHitPoint((parent.walls[i].x - w), (parent.walls[i].y + w))){ parent.walls[i].play(); deleteWall(parent.walls[i]); parent.start(parent.sndLib.snd0); checkBonusHit(); i--; } else { if (checkHitPoint((parent.walls[i].x - w), (parent.walls[i].y - w))){ parent.walls[i].play(); deleteWall(parent.walls[i]); parent.start(parent.sndLib.snd0); checkBonusHit(); i--; continue; }; }; }; }; }; }; iter++; if ((((((x < 0)) || ((x > parent.w)))) || ((y > parent.h)))){ remove(); }; } function checkU(wall:Object):void{ var ix:Number; var iy:Number; var fi:Number; var nx:Number; var ny:Number; if (speedY > 0){ ix = 0; iy = 0; fi = Math.atan2(speedY, speedX); nx = 0; ny = 0; iy = (wall.y - w); ix = ((((iy - ty) / speedY) * speedX) + tx); nx = (ix - (r / Math.tan(fi))); ny = (iy - w); if ((((nx > (wall.x - w))) && ((nx < (wall.x + w))))){ collisions.push({distance:Math.sqrt(getL(tx, nx, ty, ny)), nx:nx, ny:ny, kx:1, ky:-1, wall:wall, name:"U"}); }; }; } public function remove():void{ var i:Number; i = 0; while (i < parent.balls.length) { if (parent.balls[i] == this){ parent.balls.splice(i, 1); if ((((((((parent.balls.length == 0)) && ((parent.tries == 0)))) || ((((parent.stars.length == 0)) && ((parent.bonuses.length == 0)))))) && ((parent.currentFrame < 5)))){ parent.removeLevel(); parent.endScreen.refresh(); if (parent.t2.visible){ parent.t2.visible = false; parent.tutorialTimer.removeEventListener(TimerEvent.TIMER, parent.ont2); }; parent.currentTween = new Tween(parent.endScreen, "y", Strong.easeOut, -150, 180, 30); parent.currentTween.addEventListener(TweenEvent.MOTION_FINISH, parent.onFinish2, false, 0, true); = false; = false; = false; = 0.5; = 0.5; = 0.5; = false; = 0.5; = false; = 0.5; }; break; }; i++; }; if (parent.balls.length == 0){ = true; = true; = true; = 1; = 1; = 1; = true; = 1; = true; = 1; }; removeEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, fly); parent.removeChild(this); } public function getL(x0:Number, x1:Number, y0:Number, y1:Number):Number{ return ((Math.pow((x1 - x0), 2) + Math.pow((y1 - y0), 2))); } public function checkHitPoint(px:Number, py:Number):Boolean{ var nx:Number; var ny:Number; var l:Number; var cos:Number; var sin:Number; nx = 0; ny = 0; l = Math.sqrt(getL((x + (speedX / 2)), px, (y + (speedY / 2)), py)); cos = (((x + (speedX / 2)) - px) / l); sin = (((y + (speedY / 2)) - py) / l); if (l < r){ nx = (px + (r * cos)); ny = (py + (r * sin)); x = nx; y = ny; speedX = (parent.maxSpeed * cos); speedY = (parent.maxSpeed * sin); return (true); }; l = Math.sqrt(getL((x + speedX), px, (y + speedY), py)); if (l < r){ nx = (px + (r * cos)); ny = (py + (r * sin)); x = nx; y = ny; speedX = (parent.maxSpeed * cos); speedY = (parent.maxSpeed * sin); return (true); }; return (false); } } }//package
Section 46
//Block0 (Block0) package { import*; import flash.display.*; import*; import flash.utils.*; import flash.text.*; import flash.ui.*; import*; import flash.external.*; import flash.system.*; import flash.geom.*; import flash.accessibility.*; import flash.errors.*; import flash.filters.*; public dynamic class Block0 extends Bonus { public function Block0(){ super(); addFrameScript(9, frame10, 20, frame21); } function frame10(){ stop(); } function frame21(){ stop(); remove(); } } }//package
Section 47
//Block1 (Block1) package { import*; import flash.display.*; import*; import flash.utils.*; import flash.text.*; import flash.ui.*; import*; import flash.external.*; import flash.system.*; import flash.geom.*; import flash.accessibility.*; import flash.errors.*; import flash.filters.*; public dynamic class Block1 extends Bonus { public function Block1(){ super(); addFrameScript(9, frame10, 20, frame21); } function frame10(){ stop(); } function frame21(){ stop(); remove(); } } }//package
Section 48
//Block2 (Block2) package { import*; import flash.display.*; import*; import flash.utils.*; import flash.text.*; import flash.ui.*; import*; import flash.external.*; import flash.system.*; import flash.geom.*; import flash.accessibility.*; import flash.errors.*; import flash.filters.*; public dynamic class Block2 extends Bonus { public function Block2(){ super(); addFrameScript(9, frame10, 20, frame21); } function frame10(){ stop(); } function frame21(){ stop(); remove(); } } }//package
Section 49
//Block3 (Block3) package { import*; import flash.display.*; import*; import flash.utils.*; import flash.text.*; import flash.ui.*; import*; import flash.external.*; import flash.system.*; import flash.geom.*; import flash.accessibility.*; import flash.errors.*; import flash.filters.*; public dynamic class Block3 extends Bonus { public function Block3(){ super(); addFrameScript(9, frame10, 20, frame21); } function frame10(){ stop(); } function frame21(){ stop(); remove(); } } }//package
Section 50
//Bonus (Bonus) package { import*; import flash.display.*; public class Bonus extends MovieClip { public function Bonus(){ super(); } public function init():void{ parent.bonuses.push(this); } public function remove():void{ var i:Number; i = 0; while (i < parent.bonuses.length) { if (parent.bonuses[i] == this){ parent.bonuses.splice(i, 1); break; }; i++; }; parent.removeChild(this); } } }//package
Section 51
//Hit1 (Hit1) package { import*; public dynamic class Hit1 extends Sound { public function Hit1(){ super(); } } }//package
Section 52
//Hit2 (Hit2) package { import*; public dynamic class Hit2 extends Sound { public function Hit2(){ super(); } } }//package
Section 53
//Hit3 (Hit3) package { import*; public dynamic class Hit3 extends Sound { public function Hit3(){ super(); } } }//package
Section 54
//Hit4 (Hit4) package { import*; public dynamic class Hit4 extends Sound { public function Hit4(){ super(); } } }//package
Section 55
//Hit5 (Hit5) package { import*; public dynamic class Hit5 extends Sound { public function Hit5(){ super(); } } }//package
Section 56
//Hit6 (Hit6) package { import*; public dynamic class Hit6 extends Sound { public function Hit6(){ super(); } } }//package
Section 57
//Hit7 (Hit7) package { import*; public dynamic class Hit7 extends Sound { public function Hit7(){ super(); } } }//package
Section 58
//LevelBtn (LevelBtn) package { import flash.display.*; import flash.text.*; public dynamic class LevelBtn extends MovieClip { public var m0:MovieClip; public var m1:MovieClip; public var txt:TextField; public var m2:MovieClip; public function LevelBtn(){ super(); } } }//package
Section 59
//libGlow (libGlow) package { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class libGlow extends MovieClip { public function libGlow(){ super(); } } }//package
Section 60
//LogoSound (LogoSound) package { import*; public dynamic class LogoSound extends Sound { public function LogoSound(){ super(); } } }//package
Section 61
//Main2 (Main2) package { import*; import flash.display.*; import fl.transitions.*; import*; import mochi.as3.*; import fl.transitions.easing.*; import com.midasplayer.*; import flash.utils.*; import flash.text.*; import*; public class Main2 extends MovieClip { public var score_m:MovieClip; public var b0:Number;// = 0 public var b1:Number;// = 0 public var b2:Number;// = 0 public var b4:Number;// = 0 public var scored:MochiDigits; public var nextTrack:Sound; public var b3:Number;// = 0 public var requireScreen:MovieClip; public var t0:MovieClip; public var t2:MovieClip; public var t3:MovieClip; public var t1:MovieClip; public var warningMsg:MovieClip; public var t2Showed:Boolean; public var cur:Number; public var sm:MovieClip; public var h:Number;// = 400 public var logoTimer:Number; public var j:Number; public var i:Number; public var balls:Array; public var w:Number;// = 600 public var stars:Array; public var tutorialTimer:Timer; public var newBalls:Array; public var sndLib:Object; public var score:Number; public var currentTween:Tween; public var boardID:String;// = "1e11312qfdasfasfac7239048b3f" public var mochiTimer:Timer; public var tutorialCounter:Number;// = 0 public var saveData:Array; public var obj:Object; public var output:TextField; public var bonuses:Array; public var overLevel:Number; public var skey:Number; public var objects:Array; public var playerName:String; public var musicChannel:SoundChannel; public var soundChannel:SoundChannel; public var endScreen:MovieClip; public var frameInc:int;// = 1 public var soundEnabled:Boolean;// = true public var maxSpeed:Number;// = 20 public var timer:Number; public var btn0:SimpleButton; public var btn1:SimpleButton; public var btn2:SimpleButton; public var btn3:SimpleButton; public var btn4:SimpleButton; public var btn6:SimpleButton; public var btn7:SimpleButton; public var btn9:SimpleButton; public var menu:MovieClip; public var btn8:NewBall; public var m1:Number;// = 0 public var m2:Number;// = 0 public var map:Array; public var btn5:SimpleButton; public var req1:Array; public var req2:Array; public var btn10:SimpleButton; public var btn11:MovieClip; public var btn12:MovieClip; public var req0:Array; public var m0:Number;// = 0 public var currentLevel:Number;// = 0 public var tries:Number;// = 3 public var levelImg:MovieClip; public var creditsScreen:MovieClip; public var selectedLevel:Number;// = 0 public var tutorialTween:Tween; public var cb0:Number;// = 0 public var cb1:Number;// = 0 public var cb3:Number;// = 0 public var cb4:Number;// = 0 public var links:Array; public var cb2:Number;// = 0 public var credTween:Tween; public var p0:TestPoint; public var p1:TestPoint; public var grounds:Array; public var tutorialOn:Boolean;// = true public var kingLogo:MovieClip; public var med0:Number; public var med1:Number; public var med2:Number; public var walls:Array; public var soundCounter:Number;// = 0 public var gravX:Number;// = 0 public var gravY:Number;// = -0.8 public function Main2():void{ var k:Number; var cur:Number; var ls:SharedObject; var i:Number; frameInc = 1; gravX = 0; gravY = -0.8; maxSpeed = 20; w = 600; h = 400; grounds = new Array(); balls = new Array(); bonuses = new Array(); stars = new Array(); walls = new Array(); newBalls = new Array(); selectedLevel = 0; currentLevel = 0; objects = new Array(); soundEnabled = true; musicChannel = new SoundChannel(); soundChannel = new SoundChannel(); sndLib = new Object(); soundCounter = 0; tries = 3; saveData = new Array(); req0 = new Array(); req1 = new Array(); req2 = new Array(); m0 = 0; m1 = 0; m2 = 0; b0 = 0; b1 = 0; b2 = 0; b3 = 0; b4 = 0; cb0 = 0; cb1 = 0; cb2 = 0; cb3 = 0; cb4 = 0; boardID = "1e11312qfdasfasfac7239048b3f"; tutorialTimer = new Timer(100); mochiTimer = new Timer(100); tutorialCounter = 0; tutorialOn = true; super(); addFrameScript(0, frame1, 1, frame2, 2, frame3, 3, frame4, 4, frame5, 5, frame6); k = 0; while (k < 27) { saveData[k] = {medals:0, r0:0, r1:0, r2:0, points:0}; req0[k] = {b0:0, b1:0, b2:0, b3:0, b4:0}; req1[k] = {b0:0, b1:0, b2:0, b3:0, b4:0}; req2[k] = {b0:0, b1:0, b2:0, b3:0, b4:0}; k++; }; currentLevel = 0; cur = 0; saveData[cur] = {medals:0, r0:0, r1:0, r2:0, points:0}; req0[cur] = {b0:0, b1:60, b2:30, b3:50, b4:40}; req1[cur] = {b0:50, b1:70, b2:40, b3:60, b4:50}; req2[cur] = {b0:100, b1:100, b2:100, b3:100, b4:100}; cur = 1; saveData[cur] = {medals:0, r0:1, r1:0, r2:0, points:0}; req0[cur] = {b0:25, b1:40, b2:50, b3:40, b4:50}; req1[cur] = {b0:50, b1:70, b2:60, b3:70, b4:60}; req2[cur] = {b0:100, b1:100, b2:100, b3:100, b4:100}; cur = 2; saveData[cur] = {medals:0, r0:2, r1:0, r2:0, points:0}; req0[cur] = {b0:30, b1:50, b2:50, b3:50, b4:50}; req1[cur] = {b0:80, b1:90, b2:90, b3:90, b4:90}; req2[cur] = {b0:100, b1:100, b2:100, b3:100, b4:100}; cur = 3; saveData[cur] = {medals:0, r0:3, r1:0, r2:0, points:0}; req0[cur] = {b0:20, b1:40, b2:40, b3:40, b4:40}; req1[cur] = {b0:50, b1:80, b2:80, b3:80, b4:80}; req2[cur] = {b0:100, b1:100, b2:100, b3:100, b4:100}; cur = 4; saveData[cur] = {medals:0, r0:4, r1:0, r2:0, points:0}; req0[cur] = {b0:0, b1:0, b2:50, b3:0, b4:0}; req1[cur] = {b0:30, b1:0, b2:70, b3:0, b4:0}; req2[cur] = {b0:100, b1:0, b2:87, b3:0, b4:0}; cur = 5; saveData[cur] = {medals:0, r0:5, r1:0, r2:0, points:0}; req0[cur] = {b0:0, b1:50, b2:0, b3:30, b4:0}; req1[cur] = {b0:50, b1:70, b2:0, b3:50, b4:0}; req2[cur] = {b0:100, b1:83, b2:0, b3:66, b4:0}; cur = 6; saveData[cur] = {medals:0, r0:6, r1:1, r2:0, points:0}; req0[cur] = {b0:0, b1:50, b2:0, b3:50, b4:0}; req1[cur] = {b0:50, b1:80, b2:0, b3:80, b4:0}; req2[cur] = {b0:100, b1:100, b2:0, b3:93, b4:0}; cur = 7; saveData[cur] = {medals:0, r0:7, r1:1, r2:0, points:0}; req0[cur] = {b0:25, b1:50, b2:50, b3:50, b4:50}; req1[cur] = {b0:75, b1:80, b2:80, b3:80, b4:80}; req2[cur] = {b0:100, b1:100, b2:100, b3:100, b4:100}; cur = 8; saveData[cur] = {medals:0, r0:8, r1:2, r2:0, points:0}; req0[cur] = {b0:0, b1:60, b2:60, b3:60, b4:60}; req1[cur] = {b0:50, b1:90, b2:90, b3:90, b4:90}; req2[cur] = {b0:100, b1:100, b2:100, b3:100, b4:100}; cur = 9; saveData[cur] = {medals:0, r0:9, r1:2, r2:0, points:0}; req0[cur] = {b0:25, b1:60, b2:60, b3:60, b4:60}; req1[cur] = {b0:75, b1:80, b2:80, b3:80, b4:80}; req2[cur] = {b0:100, b1:100, b2:100, b3:100, b4:100}; cur = 10; saveData[cur] = {medals:0, r0:10, r1:3, r2:0, points:0}; req0[cur] = {b0:50, b1:60, b2:60, b3:60, b4:60}; req1[cur] = {b0:100, b1:90, b2:90, b3:90, b4:90}; req2[cur] = {b0:100, b1:100, b2:100, b3:100, b4:100}; cur = 11; saveData[cur] = {medals:0, r0:11, r1:4, r2:0, points:0}; req0[cur] = {b0:25, b1:45, b2:65, b3:55, b4:55}; req1[cur] = {b0:75, b1:85, b2:85, b3:85, b4:85}; req2[cur] = {b0:100, b1:100, b2:100, b3:100, b4:100}; cur = 12; saveData[cur] = {medals:0, r0:12, r1:5, r2:0, points:0}; req0[cur] = {b0:30, b1:90, b2:75, b3:75, b4:0}; req1[cur] = {b0:70, b1:100, b2:100, b3:90, b4:0}; req2[cur] = {b0:100, b1:100, b2:100, b3:100, b4:0}; cur = 13; saveData[cur] = {medals:0, r0:13, r1:6, r2:1, points:0}; req0[cur] = {b0:50, b1:80, b2:30, b3:65, b4:0}; req1[cur] = {b0:100, b1:100, b2:90, b3:70, b4:0}; req2[cur] = {b0:100, b1:100, b2:100, b3:100, b4:0}; cur = 14; saveData[cur] = {medals:0, r0:14, r1:7, r2:2, points:0}; req0[cur] = {b0:25, b1:60, b2:60, b3:40, b4:30}; req1[cur] = {b0:60, b1:90, b2:90, b3:80, b4:70}; req2[cur] = {b0:100, b1:100, b2:100, b3:100, b4:100}; cur = 15; saveData[cur] = {medals:0, r0:15, r1:8, r2:3, points:0}; req0[cur] = {b0:60, b1:60, b2:65, b3:75, b4:100}; req1[cur] = {b0:100, b1:90, b2:95, b3:100, b4:100}; req2[cur] = {b0:100, b1:100, b2:100, b3:100, b4:100}; cur = 16; saveData[cur] = {medals:0, r0:16, r1:9, r2:4, points:0}; req0[cur] = {b0:40, b1:60, b2:60, b3:70, b4:70}; req1[cur] = {b0:80, b1:80, b2:80, b3:90, b4:90}; req2[cur] = {b0:100, b1:95, b2:95, b3:100, b4:95}; cur = 17; saveData[cur] = {medals:0, r0:17, r1:10, r2:5, points:0}; req0[cur] = {b0:25, b1:65, b2:65, b3:50, b4:50}; req1[cur] = {b0:75, b1:90, b2:90, b3:70, b4:70}; req2[cur] = {b0:100, b1:100, b2:100, b3:100, b4:100}; cur = 18; saveData[cur] = {medals:0, r0:18, r1:11, r2:6, points:0}; req0[cur] = {b0:30, b1:65, b2:50, b3:55, b4:50}; req1[cur] = {b0:60, b1:75, b2:70, b3:65, b4:60}; req2[cur] = {b0:100, b1:100, b2:100, b3:100, b4:100}; cur = 19; saveData[cur] = {medals:0, r0:19, r1:13, r2:7, points:0}; req0[cur] = {b0:25, b1:60, b2:60, b3:50, b4:50}; req1[cur] = {b0:50, b1:90, b2:90, b3:80, b4:80}; req2[cur] = {b0:100, b1:100, b2:100, b3:100, b4:100}; cur = 20; saveData[cur] = {medals:0, r0:20, r1:15, r2:8, points:0}; req0[cur] = {b0:40, b1:50, b2:50, b3:50, b4:50}; req1[cur] = {b0:60, b1:60, b2:60, b3:60, b4:60}; req2[cur] = {b0:100, b1:70, b2:70, b3:69, b4:70}; cur = 21; saveData[cur] = {medals:0, r0:21, r1:17, r2:9, points:0}; req0[cur] = {b0:0, b1:50, b2:20, b3:30, b4:80}; req1[cur] = {b0:0, b1:70, b2:35, b3:80, b4:100}; req2[cur] = {b0:0, b1:100, b2:50, b3:100, b4:100}; cur = 22; saveData[cur] = {medals:0, r0:22, r1:19, r2:11, points:0}; req0[cur] = {b0:30, b1:60, b2:60, b3:50, b4:60}; req1[cur] = {b0:70, b1:85, b2:85, b3:85, b4:85}; req2[cur] = {b0:100, b1:100, b2:100, b3:100, b4:100}; cur = 23; saveData[cur] = {medals:0, r0:23, r1:21, r2:13, points:0}; req0[cur] = {b0:50, b1:75, b2:65, b3:65, b4:60}; req1[cur] = {b0:100, b1:80, b2:80, b3:80, b4:80}; req2[cur] = {b0:100, b1:90, b2:90, b3:90, b4:95}; cur = 24; saveData[cur] = {medals:0, r0:24, r1:23, r2:15, points:0}; req0[cur] = {b0:0, b1:55, b2:0, b3:50, b4:55}; req1[cur] = {b0:50, b1:70, b2:0, b3:70, b4:70}; req2[cur] = {b0:100, b1:95, b2:0, b3:100, b4:100}; cur = 25; saveData[cur] = {medals:0, r0:25, r1:24, r2:17, points:0}; req0[cur] = {b0:50, b1:65, b2:0, b3:60, b4:0}; req1[cur] = {b0:75, b1:80, b2:0, b3:100, b4:0}; req2[cur] = {b0:100, b1:90, b2:0, b3:100, b4:0}; cur = 26; saveData[cur] = {medals:0, r0:26, r1:25, r2:20, points:0}; req0[cur] = {b0:30, b1:70, b2:70, b3:70, b4:0}; req1[cur] = {b0:70, b1:80, b2:80, b3:80, b4:0}; req2[cur] = {b0:100, b1:92, b2:90, b3:92, b4:0}; ls = SharedObject.getLocal("MELOBALL"); if (ls.size == 0){ = saveData; } else { tutorialOn = false; saveData =; }; i = 0; while (i < saveData.length) { if (saveData[i].medals == 1){ m0++; }; if (saveData[i].medals == 2){ m0++; m1++; }; if (saveData[i].medals == 3){ m0++; m1++; m2++; }; i++; }; } public function muteCurrentTrack(e:Event):void{ if (musicChannel.soundTransform.volume <= 0){ musicChannel.stop(); musicChannel =, 10000, new SoundTransform(0)); addEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, unmuteCurrentTrack); removeEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, muteCurrentTrack); } else { musicChannel.soundTransform = new SoundTransform((musicChannel.soundTransform.volume - 0.1)); }; } public function startTrack(track:Sound):void{ if (nextTrack == null){ nextTrack = track; if (musicChannel == null){ SoundMixer.stopAll(); musicChannel = new SoundChannel(); }; musicChannel =, 10000, new SoundTransform(0)); if (soundEnabled){ addEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, unmuteCurrentTrack); }; } else { nextTrack = track; if (soundEnabled){ addEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, muteCurrentTrack); } else { musicChannel.stop(); musicChannel =, 10000, new SoundTransform(0)); }; }; } public function gotoElf(e:Event):void{ navigateToURL(new URLRequest(""), "_blank"); } public function showLogo(e:Event):void{ if (logoTimer > 90){ removeEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, showLogo); stage.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, gotoElf); frameInc = 1;; } else { logoTimer++; }; } public function onMove(e:MouseEvent):void{ timer = 0; requireScreen.x = 1020; } public function ont0(e:TimerEvent):void{ if (tutorialCounter > 120){ tutorialTimer.stop(); t0.visible = false; } else { tutorialCounter++; }; if (tutorialCounter == 5){ t0.visible = true; tutorialTween = new Tween(t0, "scaleX", Strong.easeOut, 0.1, 1, 10); tutorialTween = new Tween(t0, "scaleY", Strong.easeOut, 0.1, 1, 10); }; } public function waitConnection(e:TimerEvent):void{ var e = e; if (MochiServices.connected){ mochiTimer.stop(); MochiScores.showLeaderboard({res:"470x320", clip:root, onClose:function ():void{ }, onError:function ():void{ trace("error loading leaderboard!"); }}); }; } public function ont1(e:TimerEvent):void{ if (tutorialCounter > 100){ tutorialTimer.removeEventListener(TimerEvent.TIMER, ont1); t1.visible = false; } else { tutorialCounter++; }; if (tutorialCounter == 5){ t1.visible = true; tutorialTween = new Tween(t1, "scaleX", Strong.easeOut, 0.1, 1, 10); tutorialTween = new Tween(t1, "scaleY", Strong.easeOut, 0.1, 1, 10); }; } public function ont3(e:TimerEvent):void{ if (tutorialCounter > 100){ tutorialTimer.stop(); tutorialTimer.removeEventListener(TimerEvent.TIMER, ont3); tutorialOn = false; t3.visible = false; } else { tutorialCounter++; }; if (tutorialCounter == 5){ t3.visible = true; tutorialTween = new Tween(t3, "scaleX", Strong.easeOut, 0.1, 1, 10); tutorialTween = new Tween(t3, "scaleY", Strong.easeOut, 0.1, 1, 10); }; } function frame3(){ links = new Array(); timer = 0; if (tutorialOn){ tutorialTimer.addEventListener(TimerEvent.TIMER, ont0, false, 0, true); tutorialCounter = 0; tutorialTimer.start(); }; t0.visible = false; menu.submitBtn.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, showScore, false, 0, true); if ((((stage.loaderInfo.url.indexOf("") == -1)) || (!((stage.loaderInfo.url.indexOf("file") == -1))))){ }; requireScreen.x = 1020; overLevel = 0; i = 0; while (i < 3) { j = 0; while (j < 9) { obj = menu.addChild(new LevelBtn()); links.push(obj); obj.buttonMode = true; obj.mouseChildren = false; obj.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, selectLevel, false, 0, true); obj.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_OVER, onOver, false, 0, true); obj.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_MOVE, onMove, false, 0, true); obj.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_OUT, onOut, false, 0, true); obj.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, onBtnClick, false, 0, true); obj.x = (-200 + (j * 50)); obj.y = (-80 + (i * 75)); obj.txt.text = String(((j + 1) + (9 * i))); if (saveData[(j + (9 * i))].medals == 0){ obj.m0.visible = false; obj.m1.visible = false; obj.m2.visible = false; }; if (saveData[(j + (9 * i))].medals == 1){ obj.m1.visible = false; obj.m2.visible = false; }; if (saveData[(j + (9 * i))].medals == 2){ obj.m2.visible = false; }; if (((j + 1) + (9 * i)) > 16){ }; if ((((((saveData[(j + (9 * i))].r0 > m0)) || ((saveData[(j + (9 * i))].r1 > m1)))) || ((saveData[(j + (9 * i))].r2 > m2)))){ obj.alpha = 0.5; } else { menu.backMask.x = links[(j + (9 * i))].x; menu.backMask.y = links[(j + (9 * i))].y; selectedLevel = (j + (9 * i)); var _local1 = this; _local1[("level" + String(selectedLevel))](); }; j++; }; i++; }; med0 = 0; med1 = 0; med2 = 0; i = 0; while (i < saveData.length) { if (saveData[i].medals > 0){ med0++; }; if (saveData[i].medals > 1){ med1++; }; if (saveData[i].medals > 2){ med2++; }; i++; }; menu.m0.text = String(m0); menu.m1.text = String(m1); menu.m2.text = String(m2); skey = 50; score = 0; i = 0; while (i < saveData.length) { score = (score + saveData[i].points); i++; }; score = (score + skey); menu.scoreTxt.text = (score - skey); menu.playBtn.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, onPlay2, false, 0, true); menu.quitBtn.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, onQuit, false, 0, true); menu.playBtn.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, onBtnClick, false, 0, true); menu.playBtn.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_OVER, onBtnOver, false, 0, true); menu.quitBtn.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, onBtnClick, false, 0, true); menu.quitBtn.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_OVER, onBtnOver, false, 0, true); menu.submitBtn.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, onBtnClick, false, 0, true); menu.submitBtn.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_OVER, onBtnOver, false, 0, true); } function frame4(){ stop(); if (tutorialOn){ tutorialTimer.addEventListener(TimerEvent.TIMER, ont1, false, 0, true); tutorialCounter = 0; }; t1.visible = false; t2.visible = false; t3.visible = false; t2Showed = false; currentTween = new Tween(levelImg, "y", Strong.easeOut, -30, 200, 30); currentTween.addEventListener(TweenEvent.MOTION_FINISH, onFinish, false, 0, true); menu.soundBtn.enabled = false; menu.replayBtn.enabled = false; menu.quitBtn.enabled = false; menu.soundBtn.alpha = 0.5; menu.replayBtn.alpha = 0.5; menu.quitBtn.alpha = 0.5; menu.walkthroughBtn.enabled = false; menu.walkthroughBtn.alpha = 0.5; menu.moreGamesBtn.enabled = false; menu.moreGamesBtn.alpha = 0.5; menu.moreGamesBtn.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, onMoreGames, false, 0, true); menu.moreGamesBtn.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, onBtnClick, false, 0, true); menu.moreGamesBtn.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_OVER, onBtnOver, false, 0, true); menu.soundBtn.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, onBtnClick, false, 0, true); menu.soundBtn.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_OVER, onBtnOver, false, 0, true); menu.replayBtn.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, onBtnClick, false, 0, true); menu.replayBtn.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_OVER, onBtnOver, false, 0, true); menu.quitBtn.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, onBtnClick, false, 0, true); menu.quitBtn.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_OVER, onBtnOver, false, 0, true); menu.walkthroughBtn.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, onWalkthrough, false, 0, true); menu.walkthroughBtn.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, onBtnClick, false, 0, true); menu.walkthroughBtn.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_OVER, onBtnOver, false, 0, true); menu.kingLogo.buttonMode = true; menu.kingLogo.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, onWalkthrough, false, 0, true); menu.kingLogo.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, onBtnClick, false, 0, true); menu.kingLogo.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_OVER, onBtnOver, false, 0, true); if ((((stage.loaderInfo.url.indexOf("") == -1)) || (!((stage.loaderInfo.url.indexOf("file") == -1))))){ }; levelImg.txt.text = ("LEVEL " + String((selectedLevel + 1))); menu.levelTxt.text = ("LEVEL " + String((selectedLevel + 1))); menu.replayBtn.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, onReplay, false, 0, true); menu.soundBtn.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, onMute, false, 0, true); menu.quitBtn.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, onQuit2, false, 0, true); } public function onPlayerInfoReceived(info:Object):void{ trace("Player info received..."); if ( != undefined){ if ( > 0){ trace(("lastPlayerName: " +; }; }; if (lastPlayerName != null){ playerName = lastPlayerName; }; if (info.scores != undefined){ if (info.scores[boardID] != undefined){ }; }; } function frame1(){ stop(); sndLib.music1 = new Music1(); sndLib.music2 = new Music2(); sndLib.music3 = new Music3(); sndLib.music4 = new Music4(); sndLib.hit1 = new Hit1(); sndLib.hit2 = new Hit2(); sndLib.hit3 = new Hit3(); sndLib.hit4 = new Hit4(); sndLib.hit5 = new Hit5(); sndLib.hit6 = new Hit6(); sndLib.hit7 = new Hit7(); sndLib.snd0 = new Snd0(); sndLib.logoSound = new LogoSound(); logoTimer = 0; startInChannel(musicChannel, sndLib.logoSound); stage.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, gotoElf, false, 0, true); if ((((stage.loaderInfo.url.indexOf("") > -1)) && ((stage.loaderInfo.url.indexOf("file") == -1)))){ addEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, showLogo, false, 0, true); } else { addEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, showLogo, false, 0, true); }; } public function ont2(e:TimerEvent):void{ if (tutorialCounter > 100){ tutorialTimer.removeEventListener(TimerEvent.TIMER, ont2); t2.visible = false; } else { tutorialCounter++; }; if (tutorialCounter == 5){ t2.visible = true; tutorialTween = new Tween(t2, "scaleX", Strong.easeOut, 0.1, 1, 10); tutorialTween = new Tween(t2, "scaleY", Strong.easeOut, 0.1, 1, 10); }; } public function remove(e:MouseEvent):void{ i = 0; while (i < 40) { j = 0; while (j < 28) { if (map[i][j].link != null){ removeChild(map[i][j].link); }; map[i][j] = {type:10, link:null}; j++; }; i++; }; } public function start(sound:Sound):void{ if (soundEnabled){ soundChannel =, 1, new SoundTransform(1)); } else { soundChannel =, 1, new SoundTransform(0)); }; } function frame6(){ level27(); createLevel(); } public function onMute(e:MouseEvent):void{ if ({ soundEnabled = !(soundEnabled); if (soundEnabled){ setVolumeInChannel(soundChannel, 1); setVolumeInChannel(musicChannel, 1); } else { setVolumeInChannel(soundChannel, 0); setVolumeInChannel(musicChannel, 0); }; }; } function frame5(){ stop(); trace("InitRedactor"); cur = 0; map = new Array(); graphics.moveTo(0, 14); i = 0; while (i < 28) { graphics.lineStyle(1, 0xFF0000); graphics.lineTo(600, (14 * (i + 1))); graphics.moveTo(0, (14 * (i + 2))); i++; }; graphics.moveTo(586, 0); i = 0; while (i < 40) { graphics.lineStyle(1, 0xFF0000); graphics.lineTo((586 - (14 * i)), 400); graphics.moveTo((586 - (14 * (i + 1))), 0); map[i] = new Array(); j = 0; while (j < 28) { map[i][j] = {type:10, link:null}; j++; }; i++; }; j = 0; while (j < 11) { this[("btn" + String(j))].addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, changeType, false, 0, true); j++; }; btn11.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, create, false, 0, true); btn12.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, remove, false, 0, true); stage.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, onDown, false, 0, true); stage.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_UP, onUp, false, 0, true); } public function level12():void{ objects[currentLevel] = new Array(); objects[currentLevel].push({x:208, y:182, type:5}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:208, y:210, type:5}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:208, y:238, type:5}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:208, y:266, type:5}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:236, y:182, type:4}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:243, y:203, type:1}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:243, y:217, type:1}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:243, y:231, type:1}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:243, y:245, type:1}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:243, y:259, type:1}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:243, y:273, type:1}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:0x0101, y:203, type:1}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:0x0101, y:217, type:1}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:0x0101, y:231, type:1}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:0x0101, y:245, type:1}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:0x0101, y:259, type:1}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:0x0101, y:273, type:1}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:278, y:182, type:4}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:271, y:203, type:1}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:271, y:217, type:1}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:271, y:231, type:1}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:271, y:245, type:1}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:271, y:259, type:1}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:271, y:273, type:1}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:306, y:182, type:5}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:306, y:210, type:5}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:306, y:238, type:5}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:306, y:266, type:5}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:334, y:182, type:4}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:341, y:203, type:0}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:341, y:217, type:0}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:341, y:231, type:0}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:341, y:245, type:0}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:341, y:259, type:0}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:341, y:273, type:0}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:355, y:203, type:0}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:355, y:217, type:0}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:355, y:231, type:0}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:355, y:245, type:0}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:355, y:259, type:0}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:355, y:273, type:0}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:362, y:336, type:9}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:376, y:182, type:4}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:369, y:203, type:0}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:369, y:217, type:0}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:369, y:231, type:0}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:369, y:245, type:0}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:369, y:259, type:0}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:369, y:273, type:0}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:404, y:182, type:5}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:404, y:210, type:5}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:404, y:238, type:5}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:404, y:266, type:5}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:432, y:182, type:4}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:439, y:203, type:2}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:439, y:217, type:2}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:439, y:231, type:2}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:439, y:245, type:2}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:439, y:259, type:2}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:439, y:273, type:2}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:453, y:203, type:2}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:453, y:217, type:2}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:453, y:231, type:2}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:453, y:245, type:2}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:453, y:259, type:2}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:453, y:273, type:2}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:474, y:182, type:4}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:467, y:203, type:2}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:467, y:217, type:2}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:467, y:231, type:2}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:467, y:245, type:2}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:467, y:259, type:2}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:467, y:273, type:2}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:502, y:182, type:5}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:502, y:210, type:5}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:502, y:238, type:5}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:502, y:266, type:5}); } public function onReplay(e:MouseEvent):void{ if ({ if ((((((levelImg.y == 440)) && ((tries < 3)))) && ((((((endScreen.y == -150)) || ((endScreen.y == 600)))) || ((endScreen.y == 180)))))){ tutorialTimer.removeEventListener(TimerEvent.TIMER, ont1); tutorialTimer.removeEventListener(TimerEvent.TIMER, ont2); tutorialTimer.removeEventListener(TimerEvent.TIMER, ont3); tutorialTimer.stop(); tutorialOn = false; if (endScreen.y == 180){ currentTween = new Tween(endScreen, "y", Strong.easeIn, 180, 600, 30); currentTween.addEventListener(TweenEvent.MOTION_FINISH, onFinish2, false, 0, true); } else { removeLevel(); currentTween = new Tween(levelImg, "y", Strong.easeOut, -30, 200, 30); currentTween.addEventListener(TweenEvent.MOTION_FINISH, onFinish, false, 0, true); }; menu.soundBtn.enabled = false; menu.replayBtn.enabled = false; menu.quitBtn.enabled = false; menu.soundBtn.alpha = 0.5; menu.replayBtn.alpha = 0.5; menu.quitBtn.alpha = 0.5; menu.walkthroughBtn.enabled = false; menu.walkthroughBtn.alpha = 0.5; menu.moreGamesBtn.enabled = false; menu.moreGamesBtn.alpha = 0.5; }; }; } public function level16():void{ objects[currentLevel] = new Array(); objects[currentLevel].push({x:208, y:70, type:7}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:208, y:98, type:7}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:208, y:126, type:7}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:208, y:154, type:7}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:208, y:182, type:7}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:208, y:210, type:7}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:208, y:238, type:7}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:208, y:266, type:7}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:236, y:70, type:7}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:229, y:91, type:0}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:229, y:105, type:0}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:229, y:119, type:0}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:229, y:133, type:0}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:229, y:147, type:0}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:229, y:161, type:0}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:229, y:175, type:0}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:229, y:189, type:0}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:229, y:203, type:0}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:229, y:217, type:0}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:229, y:231, type:0}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:229, y:245, type:0}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:236, y:266, type:7}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:243, y:91, type:0}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:243, y:105, type:0}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:243, y:119, type:0}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:243, y:133, type:0}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:243, y:147, type:0}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:243, y:161, type:0}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:243, y:175, type:0}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:243, y:189, type:0}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:243, y:203, type:0}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:243, y:217, type:0}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:243, y:231, type:2}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:243, y:245, type:2}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:264, y:70, type:7}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:0x0101, y:91, type:0}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:0x0101, y:105, type:0}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:0x0101, y:119, type:0}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:0x0101, y:133, type:0}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:0x0101, y:147, type:0}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:0x0101, y:161, type:0}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:0x0101, y:175, type:0}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:0x0101, y:189, type:0}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:0x0101, y:203, type:2}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:0x0101, y:217, type:2}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:0x0101, y:231, type:2}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:0x0101, y:245, type:2}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:264, y:266, type:7}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:264, y:322, type:9}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:271, y:91, type:0}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:271, y:105, type:0}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:271, y:119, type:0}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:271, y:133, type:1}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:271, y:147, type:1}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:271, y:161, type:1}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:271, y:175, type:1}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:271, y:189, type:2}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:271, y:203, type:2}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:271, y:217, type:2}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:271, y:231, type:2}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:271, y:245, type:2}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:292, y:70, type:7}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:285, y:91, type:0}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:285, y:105, type:0}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:285, y:119, type:1}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:285, y:133, type:1}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:285, y:147, type:1}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:285, y:161, type:1}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:285, y:175, type:3}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:285, y:189, type:3}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:285, y:203, type:3}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:285, y:217, type:3}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:285, y:231, type:3}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:285, y:245, type:3}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:292, y:266, type:7}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:299, y:91, type:0}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:299, y:105, type:1}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:299, y:119, type:1}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:299, y:133, type:1}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:299, y:147, type:3}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:299, y:161, type:3}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:306, y:196, type:4}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:306, y:224, type:4}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:320, y:70, type:7}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:313, y:91, type:1}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:313, y:105, type:1}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:313, y:119, type:1}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:313, y:133, type:1}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:313, y:147, type:3}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:320, y:168, type:4}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:327, y:91, type:1}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:327, y:105, type:1}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:327, y:119, type:1}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:327, y:133, type:3}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:327, y:147, type:3}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:348, y:70, type:7}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:341, y:91, type:1}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:341, y:105, type:1}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:341, y:119, type:1}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:341, y:133, type:3}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:348, y:154, type:4}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:348, y:322, type:9}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:355, y:91, type:1}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:355, y:105, type:1}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:355, y:119, type:1}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:355, y:133, type:3}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:376, y:70, type:7}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:369, y:91, type:1}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:369, y:105, type:1}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:369, y:119, type:1}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:369, y:133, type:3}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:369, y:147, type:3}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:376, y:168, type:4}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:383, y:91, type:1}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:383, y:105, type:1}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:383, y:119, type:1}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:383, y:133, type:1}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:383, y:147, type:3}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:390, y:196, type:4}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:390, y:224, type:4}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:404, y:70, type:7}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:397, y:91, type:0}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:397, y:105, type:1}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:397, y:119, type:1}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:397, y:133, type:1}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:397, y:147, type:3}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:397, y:161, type:3}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:397, y:175, type:3}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:404, y:266, type:7}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:411, y:91, type:0}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:411, y:105, type:0}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:411, y:119, type:1}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:411, y:133, type:1}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:411, y:147, type:1}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:411, y:161, type:1}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:411, y:175, type:3}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:411, y:189, type:3}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:411, y:203, type:3}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:411, y:217, type:3}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:411, y:231, type:3}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:411, y:245, type:3}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:432, y:70, type:7}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:425, y:91, type:0}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:425, y:105, type:0}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:425, y:119, type:0}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:425, y:133, type:1}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:425, y:147, type:1}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:425, y:161, type:1}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:425, y:175, type:1}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:425, y:189, type:2}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:425, y:203, type:2}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:425, y:217, type:2}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:425, y:231, type:2}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:425, y:245, type:2}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:432, y:266, type:7}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:432, y:322, type:9}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:439, y:91, type:0}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:439, y:105, type:0}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:439, y:119, type:0}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:439, y:133, type:0}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:439, y:147, type:0}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:439, y:161, type:0}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:439, y:175, type:0}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:439, y:189, type:0}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:439, y:203, type:2}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:439, y:217, type:2}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:439, y:231, type:2}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:439, y:245, type:2}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:460, y:70, type:7}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:453, y:91, type:0}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:453, y:105, type:0}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:453, y:119, type:0}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:453, y:133, type:0}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:453, y:147, type:0}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:453, y:161, type:0}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:453, y:175, type:0}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:453, y:189, type:0}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:453, y:203, type:0}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:453, y:217, type:0}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:453, y:231, type:2}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:453, y:245, type:2}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:460, y:266, type:7}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:467, y:91, type:0}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:467, y:105, type:0}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:467, y:119, type:0}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:467, y:133, type:0}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:467, y:147, type:0}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:467, y:161, type:0}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:467, y:175, type:0}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:467, y:189, type:0}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:467, y:203, type:0}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:467, y:217, type:0}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:467, y:231, type:0}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:467, y:245, type:0}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:488, y:70, type:7}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:488, y:98, type:7}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:488, y:126, type:7}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:488, y:154, type:7}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:488, y:182, type:7}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:488, y:210, type:7}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:488, y:238, type:7}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:488, y:266, type:7}); } public function unmuteCurrentTrack(e:Event):void{ if (musicChannel.soundTransform.volume >= 1){ removeEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, unmuteCurrentTrack); } else { musicChannel.soundTransform = new SoundTransform((musicChannel.soundTransform.volume + 0.1)); }; } public function level19():void{ objects[currentLevel] = new Array(); objects[currentLevel].push({x:236, y:154, type:5}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:236, y:280, type:9}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:243, y:91, type:3}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:243, y:105, type:3}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:243, y:119, type:3}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:0x0101, y:91, type:3}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:0x0101, y:105, type:3}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:0x0101, y:119, type:3}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:264, y:154, type:5}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:271, y:189, type:0}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:271, y:203, type:0}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:271, y:217, type:0}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:285, y:189, type:0}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:285, y:203, type:0}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:285, y:217, type:0}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:299, y:147, type:1}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:306, y:266, type:7}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:313, y:133, type:1}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:313, y:147, type:1}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:320, y:196, type:5}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:327, y:119, type:1}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:327, y:133, type:1}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:327, y:147, type:1}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:334, y:280, type:7}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:341, y:245, type:0}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:362, y:182, type:4}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:362, y:210, type:4}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:355, y:245, type:0}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:362, y:294, type:7}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:376, y:56, type:7}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:369, y:105, type:2}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:369, y:119, type:2}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:369, y:245, type:0}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:383, y:105, type:2}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:383, y:119, type:2}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:404, y:70, type:7}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:397, y:105, type:2}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:397, y:119, type:2}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:404, y:154, type:6}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:404, y:182, type:6}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:404, y:210, type:6}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:404, y:350, type:5}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:411, y:259, type:3}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:411, y:273, type:3}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:411, y:287, type:3}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:411, y:301, type:3}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:411, y:315, type:3}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:432, y:84, type:7}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:425, y:259, type:3}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:425, y:273, type:3}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:425, y:287, type:3}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:425, y:301, type:3}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:425, y:315, type:3}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:432, y:350, type:5}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:460, y:98, type:7}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:460, y:210, type:4}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:460, y:238, type:4}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:488, y:112, type:7}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:488, y:280, type:5}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:488, y:308, type:5}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:502, y:252, type:5}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:516, y:126, type:7}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:516, y:224, type:5}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:530, y:196, type:5}); } public function level13():void{ objects[currentLevel] = new Array(); objects[currentLevel].push({x:194, y:266, type:5}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:201, y:189, type:1}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:201, y:203, type:1}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:201, y:217, type:1}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:201, y:231, type:1}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:215, y:189, type:1}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:215, y:203, type:1}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:215, y:217, type:1}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:215, y:231, type:1}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:222, y:266, type:5}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:264, y:84, type:4}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:264, y:168, type:5}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:264, y:196, type:5}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:264, y:224, type:5}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:306, y:266, type:5}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:313, y:189, type:2}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:313, y:203, type:2}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:313, y:217, type:2}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:313, y:231, type:2}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:327, y:189, type:2}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:327, y:203, type:2}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:327, y:217, type:2}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:327, y:231, type:2}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:334, y:266, type:5}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:376, y:84, type:4}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:376, y:168, type:5}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:376, y:196, type:5}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:376, y:224, type:5}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:418, y:266, type:5}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:425, y:189, type:0}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:425, y:203, type:0}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:425, y:217, type:0}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:425, y:231, type:0}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:439, y:189, type:0}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:439, y:203, type:0}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:439, y:217, type:0}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:439, y:231, type:0}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:446, y:266, type:5}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:516, y:252, type:9}); } public function level22():void{ objects[currentLevel] = new Array(); objects[currentLevel].push({x:215, y:203, type:3}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:215, y:217, type:3}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:222, y:252, type:5}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:236, y:154, type:4}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:229, y:203, type:3}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:229, y:217, type:3}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:243, y:91, type:0}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:243, y:105, type:0}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:0x0101, y:91, type:0}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:0x0101, y:105, type:0}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:271, y:91, type:0}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:271, y:105, type:0}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:278, y:154, type:4}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:285, y:203, type:2}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:285, y:217, type:2}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:292, y:252, type:5}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:306, y:154, type:4}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:299, y:203, type:2}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:299, y:217, type:2}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:313, y:91, type:1}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:313, y:105, type:1}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:327, y:91, type:1}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:327, y:105, type:1}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:341, y:91, type:1}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:341, y:105, type:1}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:348, y:154, type:4}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:355, y:203, type:1}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:355, y:217, type:1}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:362, y:252, type:5}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:376, y:154, type:4}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:369, y:203, type:1}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:369, y:217, type:1}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:383, y:91, type:3}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:383, y:105, type:3}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:397, y:91, type:3}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:397, y:105, type:3}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:411, y:91, type:3}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:411, y:105, type:3}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:418, y:154, type:4}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:425, y:203, type:0}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:425, y:217, type:0}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:432, y:252, type:5}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:439, y:203, type:0}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:439, y:217, type:0}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:530, y:252, type:9}); } public function level14():void{ objects[currentLevel] = new Array(); objects[currentLevel].push({x:208, y:224, type:9}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:208, y:308, type:9}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:306, y:98, type:4}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:299, y:147, type:0}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:299, y:161, type:0}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:299, y:175, type:0}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:299, y:231, type:1}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:299, y:245, type:1}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:299, y:259, type:1}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:306, y:294, type:5}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:313, y:147, type:0}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:313, y:161, type:0}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:313, y:175, type:0}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:313, y:231, type:1}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:313, y:245, type:1}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:313, y:259, type:1}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:334, y:126, type:4}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:327, y:147, type:0}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:327, y:161, type:0}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:327, y:175, type:0}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:327, y:231, type:1}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:327, y:245, type:1}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:327, y:259, type:1}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:334, y:294, type:5}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:341, y:147, type:0}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:341, y:161, type:0}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:341, y:175, type:0}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:341, y:231, type:1}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:341, y:245, type:1}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:341, y:259, type:1}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:376, y:168, type:4}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:369, y:189, type:3}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:369, y:203, type:3}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:369, y:217, type:3}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:369, y:231, type:3}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:376, y:266, type:5}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:383, y:189, type:3}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:383, y:203, type:3}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:383, y:217, type:3}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:383, y:231, type:3}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:418, y:182, type:4}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:418, y:224, type:5}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:446, y:70, type:4}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:439, y:91, type:2}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:439, y:105, type:2}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:439, y:119, type:2}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:439, y:133, type:2}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:439, y:147, type:2}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:439, y:161, type:2}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:439, y:175, type:2}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:439, y:189, type:2}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:446, y:224, type:5}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:453, y:91, type:2}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:453, y:105, type:2}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:453, y:119, type:2}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:453, y:133, type:2}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:453, y:147, type:2}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:453, y:161, type:2}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:453, y:175, type:2}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:453, y:189, type:2}); } public function checkStats():void{ if (b0 != 0){ menu.b0.gotoAndStop((Math.floor(((cb0 / b0) * 100)) + 1)); menu.p0.text = (String(Math.floor(((cb0 / b0) * 100))) + "%"); }; if (b1 != 0){ menu.b1.gotoAndStop((Math.floor(((cb1 / b1) * 100)) + 1)); menu.p1.text = (String(Math.floor(((cb1 / b1) * 100))) + "%"); }; if (b2 != 0){ menu.b2.gotoAndStop((Math.floor(((cb2 / b2) * 100)) + 1)); menu.p2.text = (String(Math.floor(((cb2 / b2) * 100))) + "%"); }; if (b3 != 0){ menu.b3.gotoAndStop((Math.floor(((cb3 / b3) * 100)) + 1)); menu.p3.text = (String(Math.floor(((cb3 / b3) * 100))) + "%"); }; if (b4 != 0){ menu.b4.gotoAndStop((Math.floor(((cb4 / b4) * 100)) + 1)); menu.p4.text = (String(Math.floor(((cb4 / b4) * 100))) + "%"); }; } public function onQuit(e:MouseEvent):void{ clearScreen(); frameInc = -1;; } public function level20():void{ objects[currentLevel] = new Array(); objects[currentLevel].push({x:250, y:56, type:4}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:243, y:77, type:0}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:243, y:91, type:0}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:243, y:105, type:0}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:243, y:119, type:0}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:243, y:133, type:0}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:243, y:147, type:0}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:243, y:161, type:0}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:243, y:175, type:0}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:243, y:189, type:0}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:243, y:203, type:0}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:243, y:217, type:0}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:243, y:231, type:0}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:0x0101, y:77, type:0}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:0x0101, y:91, type:0}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:0x0101, y:105, type:0}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:0x0101, y:119, type:0}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:0x0101, y:133, type:0}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:0x0101, y:147, type:0}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:0x0101, y:161, type:0}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:0x0101, y:175, type:0}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:0x0101, y:189, type:0}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:0x0101, y:203, type:0}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:0x0101, y:217, type:0}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:0x0101, y:231, type:0}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:278, y:56, type:4}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:271, y:77, type:0}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:271, y:91, type:0}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:271, y:105, type:0}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:271, y:119, type:0}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:271, y:133, type:0}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:271, y:147, type:0}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:271, y:161, type:0}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:271, y:175, type:0}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:271, y:189, type:0}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:271, y:203, type:0}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:271, y:217, type:0}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:271, y:231, type:0}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:278, y:294, type:9}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:285, y:77, type:1}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:285, y:91, type:1}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:285, y:105, type:1}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:285, y:119, type:1}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:285, y:133, type:1}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:285, y:147, type:1}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:285, y:161, type:1}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:285, y:175, type:1}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:285, y:189, type:1}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:285, y:203, type:1}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:285, y:217, type:1}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:285, y:231, type:1}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:306, y:56, type:4}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:299, y:77, type:1}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:299, y:91, type:1}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:299, y:105, type:1}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:299, y:119, type:1}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:299, y:133, type:1}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:299, y:147, type:1}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:299, y:161, type:1}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:299, y:175, type:1}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:299, y:189, type:1}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:299, y:203, type:1}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:299, y:217, type:1}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:299, y:231, type:1}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:313, y:77, type:1}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:313, y:91, type:1}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:313, y:105, type:1}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:313, y:119, type:1}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:313, y:133, type:1}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:313, y:147, type:1}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:313, y:161, type:1}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:313, y:175, type:1}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:313, y:189, type:1}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:313, y:203, type:1}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:313, y:217, type:1}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:313, y:231, type:1}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:334, y:56, type:4}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:327, y:77, type:2}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:327, y:91, type:2}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:327, y:105, type:2}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:327, y:119, type:2}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:327, y:133, type:2}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:327, y:147, type:2}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:327, y:161, type:2}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:327, y:175, type:2}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:327, y:189, type:2}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:327, y:203, type:2}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:327, y:217, type:2}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:327, y:231, type:2}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:341, y:77, type:2}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:341, y:91, type:2}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:341, y:105, type:2}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:341, y:119, type:2}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:341, y:133, type:2}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:341, y:147, type:2}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:341, y:161, type:2}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:341, y:175, type:2}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:341, y:189, type:2}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:341, y:203, type:2}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:341, y:217, type:2}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:341, y:231, type:2}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:362, y:56, type:4}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:355, y:77, type:2}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:355, y:91, type:2}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:355, y:105, type:2}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:355, y:119, type:2}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:355, y:133, type:2}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:355, y:147, type:2}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:355, y:161, type:2}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:355, y:175, type:2}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:355, y:189, type:2}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:355, y:203, type:2}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:355, y:217, type:2}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:355, y:231, type:2}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:362, y:294, type:9}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:369, y:77, type:3}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:369, y:91, type:3}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:369, y:105, type:3}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:369, y:119, type:3}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:369, y:133, type:3}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:369, y:147, type:3}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:369, y:161, type:3}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:369, y:175, type:3}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:369, y:189, type:3}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:369, y:203, type:3}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:369, y:217, type:3}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:369, y:231, type:3}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:390, y:56, type:4}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:383, y:77, type:3}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:383, y:91, type:3}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:383, y:105, type:3}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:383, y:119, type:3}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:383, y:133, type:3}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:383, y:147, type:3}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:383, y:161, type:3}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:383, y:175, type:3}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:383, y:189, type:3}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:383, y:203, type:3}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:383, y:217, type:3}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:383, y:231, type:3}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:397, y:77, type:3}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:397, y:91, type:3}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:397, y:105, type:3}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:397, y:119, type:3}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:397, y:133, type:3}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:397, y:147, type:3}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:397, y:161, type:3}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:397, y:175, type:3}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:397, y:189, type:3}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:397, y:203, type:3}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:397, y:217, type:3}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:397, y:231, type:3}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:418, y:56, type:4}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:411, y:77, type:1}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:411, y:91, type:1}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:411, y:105, type:1}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:411, y:119, type:1}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:411, y:133, type:1}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:411, y:147, type:1}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:411, y:161, type:1}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:411, y:175, type:1}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:411, y:189, type:1}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:411, y:203, type:1}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:411, y:217, type:1}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:411, y:231, type:1}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:425, y:77, type:1}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:425, y:91, type:1}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:425, y:105, type:1}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:425, y:119, type:1}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:425, y:133, type:1}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:425, y:147, type:1}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:425, y:161, type:1}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:425, y:175, type:1}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:425, y:189, type:1}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:425, y:203, type:1}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:425, y:217, type:1}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:425, y:231, type:1}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:446, y:56, type:4}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:439, y:77, type:1}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:439, y:91, type:1}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:439, y:105, type:1}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:439, y:119, type:1}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:439, y:133, type:1}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:439, y:147, type:1}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:439, y:161, type:1}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:439, y:175, type:1}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:439, y:189, type:1}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:439, y:203, type:1}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:439, y:217, type:1}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:439, y:231, type:1}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:446, y:294, type:9}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:453, y:77, type:0}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:453, y:91, type:0}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:453, y:105, type:0}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:453, y:119, type:0}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:453, y:133, type:0}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:453, y:147, type:0}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:453, y:161, type:0}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:453, y:175, type:0}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:453, y:189, type:0}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:453, y:203, type:0}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:453, y:217, type:0}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:453, y:231, type:0}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:474, y:56, type:4}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:467, y:77, type:0}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:467, y:91, type:0}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:467, y:105, type:0}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:467, y:119, type:0}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:467, y:133, type:0}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:467, y:147, type:0}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:467, y:161, type:0}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:467, y:175, type:0}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:467, y:189, type:0}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:467, y:203, type:0}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:467, y:217, type:0}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:467, y:231, type:0}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:481, y:77, type:0}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:481, y:91, type:0}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:481, y:105, type:0}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:481, y:119, type:0}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:481, y:133, type:0}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:481, y:147, type:0}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:481, y:161, type:0}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:481, y:175, type:0}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:481, y:189, type:0}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:481, y:203, type:0}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:481, y:217, type:0}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:481, y:231, type:0}); } public function level15():void{ objects[currentLevel] = new Array(); objects[currentLevel].push({x:243, y:161, type:0}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:250, y:196, type:5}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:0x0101, y:147, type:1}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:0x0101, y:161, type:0}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:271, y:147, type:1}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:271, y:161, type:0}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:278, y:196, type:5}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:285, y:133, type:2}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:285, y:147, type:1}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:285, y:161, type:0}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:299, y:133, type:2}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:299, y:147, type:1}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:299, y:161, type:0}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:306, y:196, type:5}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:313, y:119, type:3}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:313, y:133, type:2}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:313, y:147, type:1}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:313, y:161, type:0}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:327, y:119, type:3}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:327, y:133, type:2}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:327, y:147, type:1}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:327, y:161, type:0}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:334, y:196, type:5}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:341, y:133, type:2}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:341, y:147, type:1}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:341, y:161, type:0}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:355, y:133, type:2}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:355, y:147, type:1}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:355, y:161, type:0}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:362, y:196, type:5}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:362, y:280, type:9}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:369, y:147, type:1}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:369, y:161, type:0}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:383, y:147, type:1}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:383, y:161, type:0}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:390, y:196, type:5}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:397, y:161, type:0}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:446, y:168, type:4}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:446, y:196, type:4}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:446, y:224, type:4}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:488, y:84, type:5}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:488, y:112, type:5}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:488, y:140, type:5}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:488, y:168, type:5}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:488, y:196, type:5}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:488, y:224, type:5}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:488, y:252, type:5}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:488, y:280, type:5}); } public function level26():void{ objects[currentLevel] = new Array(); objects[currentLevel].push({x:222, y:56, type:6}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:250, y:56, type:6}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:278, y:56, type:6}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:306, y:56, type:6}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:334, y:56, type:6}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:362, y:56, type:6}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:362, y:112, type:4}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:355, y:189, type:1}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:355, y:203, type:1}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:355, y:217, type:1}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:369, y:175, type:1}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:369, y:189, type:1}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:369, y:203, type:1}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:390, y:56, type:6}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:390, y:98, type:4}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:383, y:161, type:1}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:383, y:175, type:1}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:383, y:189, type:1}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:390, y:336, type:9}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:397, y:147, type:2}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:397, y:161, type:2}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:397, y:175, type:2}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:418, y:56, type:6}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:418, y:84, type:4}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:411, y:133, type:2}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:411, y:147, type:2}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:411, y:161, type:2}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:425, y:133, type:2}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:425, y:147, type:2}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:425, y:161, type:2}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:425, y:287, type:0}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:446, y:56, type:6}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:446, y:98, type:4}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:439, y:133, type:2}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:439, y:147, type:2}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:439, y:161, type:2}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:439, y:273, type:0}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:439, y:287, type:0}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:453, y:147, type:2}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:453, y:161, type:2}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:453, y:175, type:2}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:453, y:259, type:0}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:453, y:273, type:0}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:453, y:287, type:0}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:474, y:56, type:6}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:474, y:112, type:4}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:467, y:147, type:2}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:467, y:161, type:2}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:467, y:175, type:2}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:467, y:245, type:0}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:467, y:259, type:0}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:467, y:273, type:0}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:474, y:336, type:9}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:481, y:161, type:2}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:481, y:175, type:2}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:481, y:189, type:2}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:481, y:231, type:0}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:481, y:245, type:0}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:481, y:259, type:0}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:502, y:56, type:6}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:495, y:175, type:2}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:495, y:189, type:2}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:495, y:203, type:2}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:495, y:217, type:0}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:495, y:231, type:0}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:495, y:245, type:0}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:509, y:189, type:2}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:509, y:203, type:0}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:509, y:217, type:0}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:509, y:231, type:0}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:530, y:56, type:5}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:530, y:84, type:5}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:530, y:112, type:5}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:530, y:140, type:5}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:530, y:168, type:5}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:530, y:196, type:5}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:530, y:224, type:5}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:530, y:252, type:5}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:530, y:280, type:5}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:530, y:308, type:5}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:530, y:336, type:5}); } public function onUp(e:MouseEvent):void{ stage.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_MOVE, wheel); } public function level21():void{ objects[currentLevel] = new Array(); objects[currentLevel].push({x:166, y:154, type:5}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:166, y:182, type:5}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:166, y:210, type:5}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:166, y:238, type:5}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:166, y:266, type:5}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:201, y:203, type:2}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:201, y:217, type:2}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:201, y:259, type:1}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:201, y:273, type:1}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:208, y:322, type:6}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:215, y:203, type:2}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:215, y:217, type:2}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:215, y:259, type:1}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:215, y:273, type:1}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:236, y:322, type:6}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:250, y:168, type:8}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:243, y:203, type:0}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:243, y:217, type:0}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:243, y:231, type:0}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:243, y:245, type:0}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:243, y:259, type:0}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:243, y:273, type:0}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:243, y:287, type:0}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:0x0101, y:203, type:0}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:0x0101, y:217, type:0}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:0x0101, y:231, type:0}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:0x0101, y:245, type:0}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:0x0101, y:259, type:0}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:0x0101, y:273, type:0}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:0x0101, y:287, type:0}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:264, y:322, type:6}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:292, y:154, type:5}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:292, y:182, type:5}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:292, y:210, type:5}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:292, y:238, type:5}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:285, y:273, type:3}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:285, y:287, type:3}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:299, y:273, type:3}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:299, y:287, type:3}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:320, y:140, type:5}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:348, y:140, type:5}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:362, y:210, type:9}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:376, y:140, type:5}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:404, y:140, type:5}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:432, y:154, type:5}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:432, y:182, type:5}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:432, y:210, type:5}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:432, y:238, type:5}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:425, y:273, type:3}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:425, y:287, type:3}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:439, y:273, type:3}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:439, y:287, type:3}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:460, y:322, type:6}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:474, y:168, type:8}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:467, y:203, type:0}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:467, y:217, type:0}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:467, y:231, type:0}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:467, y:245, type:0}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:467, y:259, type:0}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:467, y:273, type:0}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:467, y:287, type:0}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:481, y:203, type:0}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:481, y:217, type:0}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:481, y:231, type:0}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:481, y:245, type:0}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:481, y:259, type:0}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:481, y:273, type:0}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:481, y:287, type:0}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:488, y:322, type:6}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:509, y:203, type:2}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:509, y:217, type:2}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:509, y:259, type:1}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:509, y:273, type:1}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:516, y:322, type:6}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:523, y:203, type:2}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:523, y:217, type:2}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:523, y:259, type:1}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:523, y:273, type:1}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:558, y:154, type:5}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:558, y:182, type:5}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:558, y:210, type:5}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:558, y:238, type:5}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:558, y:266, type:5}); } public function level23():void{ objects[currentLevel] = new Array(); objects[currentLevel].push({x:180, y:168, type:4}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:180, y:196, type:4}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:222, y:126, type:5}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:215, y:147, type:2}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:215, y:161, type:2}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:222, y:238, type:5}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:229, y:161, type:2}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:229, y:175, type:2}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:250, y:126, type:5}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:243, y:175, type:2}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:243, y:189, type:2}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:250, y:238, type:5}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:0x0101, y:147, type:3}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:0x0101, y:189, type:2}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:0x0101, y:203, type:2}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:278, y:126, type:5}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:271, y:147, type:3}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:271, y:161, type:3}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:271, y:203, type:2}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:271, y:217, type:2}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:278, y:238, type:5}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:285, y:147, type:3}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:285, y:161, type:3}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:285, y:175, type:3}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:285, y:217, type:1}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:306, y:126, type:5}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:299, y:147, type:3}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:299, y:161, type:3}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:299, y:203, type:1}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:299, y:217, type:1}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:306, y:238, type:5}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:313, y:147, type:3}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:313, y:189, type:1}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:313, y:203, type:1}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:334, y:126, type:5}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:327, y:175, type:1}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:327, y:189, type:1}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:334, y:238, type:5}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:341, y:161, type:1}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:341, y:175, type:1}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:341, y:217, type:3}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:362, y:126, type:5}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:355, y:147, type:1}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:355, y:161, type:1}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:355, y:203, type:3}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:355, y:217, type:3}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:362, y:238, type:5}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:369, y:147, type:0}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:369, y:189, type:3}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:369, y:203, type:3}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:369, y:217, type:3}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:390, y:126, type:5}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:383, y:147, type:0}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:383, y:161, type:0}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:383, y:203, type:3}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:383, y:217, type:3}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:390, y:238, type:5}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:397, y:161, type:0}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:397, y:175, type:0}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:397, y:217, type:3}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:404, y:308, type:9}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:418, y:126, type:5}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:411, y:175, type:0}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:411, y:189, type:0}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:418, y:238, type:5}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:425, y:189, type:0}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:425, y:203, type:0}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:446, y:126, type:5}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:439, y:203, type:0}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:439, y:217, type:0}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:446, y:238, type:5}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:453, y:217, type:0}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:474, y:126, type:5}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:502, y:126, type:5}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:530, y:126, type:5}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:530, y:154, type:5}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:530, y:182, type:5}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:530, y:210, type:5}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:530, y:238, type:5}); } public function level24():void{ objects[currentLevel] = new Array(); objects[currentLevel].push({x:180, y:210, type:4}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:201, y:189, type:2}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:201, y:203, type:2}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:208, y:238, type:7}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:215, y:147, type:2}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:215, y:161, type:2}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:215, y:175, type:2}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:215, y:189, type:2}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:215, y:203, type:2}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:229, y:77, type:2}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:229, y:91, type:2}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:229, y:105, type:2}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:229, y:119, type:2}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:229, y:133, type:2}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:229, y:147, type:2}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:236, y:238, type:7}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:243, y:63, type:2}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:243, y:77, type:2}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:264, y:42, type:8}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:0x0101, y:63, type:3}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:0x0101, y:77, type:3}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:0x0101, y:91, type:3}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:0x0101, y:105, type:3}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:0x0101, y:119, type:3}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:0x0101, y:133, type:3}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:0x0101, y:147, type:3}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:0x0101, y:161, type:3}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:0x0101, y:175, type:3}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:0x0101, y:189, type:3}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:0x0101, y:203, type:3}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:264, y:238, type:6}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:271, y:63, type:3}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:271, y:77, type:3}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:271, y:91, type:3}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:271, y:105, type:3}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:271, y:119, type:3}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:271, y:133, type:3}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:271, y:147, type:3}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:271, y:161, type:3}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:271, y:175, type:3}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:271, y:189, type:3}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:271, y:203, type:3}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:292, y:70, type:6}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:292, y:98, type:6}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:292, y:126, type:6}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:292, y:154, type:6}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:292, y:182, type:6}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:292, y:210, type:6}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:292, y:238, type:6}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:327, y:49, type:0}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:327, y:63, type:0}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:327, y:77, type:0}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:327, y:91, type:0}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:327, y:105, type:0}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:341, y:35, type:0}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:341, y:49, type:0}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:341, y:63, type:0}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:341, y:77, type:0}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:341, y:91, type:0}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:341, y:105, type:0}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:341, y:119, type:0}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:341, y:133, type:0}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:341, y:147, type:0}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:341, y:161, type:0}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:341, y:175, type:0}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:355, y:35, type:0}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:355, y:49, type:0}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:355, y:63, type:0}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:355, y:77, type:0}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:355, y:91, type:0}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:355, y:105, type:0}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:355, y:119, type:0}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:355, y:133, type:0}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:355, y:147, type:0}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:355, y:161, type:0}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:355, y:175, type:0}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:355, y:189, type:0}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:355, y:203, type:0}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:355, y:217, type:0}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:362, y:280, type:9}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:369, y:35, type:0}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:369, y:49, type:0}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:369, y:63, type:0}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:369, y:77, type:0}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:369, y:91, type:0}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:369, y:105, type:0}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:369, y:119, type:0}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:369, y:133, type:0}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:369, y:147, type:0}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:369, y:161, type:0}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:369, y:175, type:0}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:369, y:189, type:0}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:369, y:203, type:0}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:369, y:217, type:0}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:383, y:35, type:0}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:383, y:49, type:0}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:383, y:63, type:0}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:383, y:77, type:0}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:383, y:91, type:0}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:383, y:105, type:0}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:383, y:119, type:0}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:383, y:133, type:0}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:383, y:147, type:0}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:383, y:161, type:0}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:383, y:175, type:0}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:397, y:49, type:0}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:397, y:63, type:0}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:397, y:77, type:0}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:397, y:91, type:0}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:397, y:105, type:0}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:432, y:70, type:6}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:432, y:98, type:6}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:432, y:126, type:6}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:432, y:154, type:6}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:432, y:182, type:6}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:432, y:210, type:6}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:432, y:238, type:6}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:460, y:42, type:8}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:453, y:63, type:3}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:453, y:77, type:3}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:453, y:91, type:3}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:453, y:105, type:3}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:453, y:119, type:3}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:453, y:133, type:3}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:453, y:147, type:3}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:453, y:161, type:3}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:453, y:175, type:3}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:453, y:189, type:3}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:453, y:203, type:3}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:460, y:238, type:6}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:467, y:63, type:3}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:467, y:77, type:3}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:467, y:91, type:3}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:467, y:105, type:3}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:467, y:119, type:3}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:467, y:133, type:3}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:467, y:147, type:3}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:467, y:161, type:3}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:467, y:175, type:3}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:467, y:189, type:3}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:467, y:203, type:3}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:481, y:63, type:2}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:481, y:77, type:2}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:488, y:238, type:7}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:495, y:77, type:2}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:495, y:91, type:2}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:495, y:105, type:2}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:495, y:119, type:2}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:495, y:133, type:2}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:495, y:147, type:2}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:509, y:147, type:2}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:509, y:161, type:2}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:509, y:175, type:2}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:509, y:189, type:2}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:509, y:203, type:2}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:516, y:238, type:7}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:523, y:189, type:2}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:523, y:203, type:2}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:544, y:210, type:4}); } public function level27():void{ objects[currentLevel] = new Array(); objects[currentLevel].push({x:320, y:196, type:5}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:362, y:280, type:9}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:418, y:196, type:5}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:500, y:196, type:9}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:200, y:196, type:9}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:350, y:100, type:9}); } public function onPlay2(e:MouseEvent):void{ tutorialTimer.removeEventListener(TimerEvent.TIMER, ont0); tutorialTimer.stop(); if (!false){ clearScreen(); frameInc = 1;; } else { //unresolved jump gotoAndStop(6); //unresolved jump gotoAndStop(5); }; startTrack(sndLib[("music" + String((Math.floor((Math.random() * 2.99)) + 2)))]); } public function level10():void{ objects[currentLevel] = new Array(); objects[currentLevel].push({x:208, y:84, type:5}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:208, y:252, type:5}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:215, y:119, type:1}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:215, y:133, type:1}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:215, y:147, type:1}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:215, y:161, type:1}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:215, y:175, type:1}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:215, y:189, type:1}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:215, y:203, type:1}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:215, y:217, type:1}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:236, y:84, type:5}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:229, y:119, type:1}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:229, y:133, type:1}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:229, y:147, type:1}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:229, y:161, type:1}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:229, y:175, type:1}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:229, y:189, type:1}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:229, y:203, type:1}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:229, y:217, type:1}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:236, y:252, type:5}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:264, y:84, type:5}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:264, y:252, type:5}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:271, y:119, type:0}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:271, y:133, type:0}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:271, y:147, type:0}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:271, y:161, type:0}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:271, y:175, type:0}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:271, y:189, type:0}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:271, y:203, type:0}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:271, y:217, type:0}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:292, y:84, type:5}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:285, y:119, type:0}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:285, y:133, type:0}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:285, y:147, type:0}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:285, y:161, type:0}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:285, y:175, type:0}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:285, y:189, type:0}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:285, y:203, type:0}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:285, y:217, type:0}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:292, y:252, type:5}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:306, y:182, type:4}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:320, y:210, type:4}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:362, y:294, type:9}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:404, y:210, type:4}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:418, y:182, type:4}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:432, y:84, type:5}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:432, y:252, type:5}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:439, y:119, type:2}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:439, y:133, type:2}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:439, y:147, type:2}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:439, y:161, type:2}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:439, y:175, type:2}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:439, y:189, type:2}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:439, y:203, type:2}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:439, y:217, type:2}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:460, y:84, type:5}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:453, y:119, type:2}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:453, y:133, type:2}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:453, y:147, type:2}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:453, y:161, type:2}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:453, y:175, type:2}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:453, y:189, type:2}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:453, y:203, type:2}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:453, y:217, type:2}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:460, y:252, type:5}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:488, y:84, type:5}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:488, y:252, type:5}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:495, y:119, type:3}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:495, y:133, type:3}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:495, y:147, type:3}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:495, y:161, type:3}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:495, y:175, type:3}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:495, y:189, type:3}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:495, y:203, type:3}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:495, y:217, type:3}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:516, y:84, type:5}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:509, y:119, type:3}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:509, y:133, type:3}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:509, y:147, type:3}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:509, y:161, type:3}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:509, y:175, type:3}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:509, y:189, type:3}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:509, y:203, type:3}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:509, y:217, type:3}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:516, y:252, type:5}); } public function level11():void{ objects[currentLevel] = new Array(); objects[currentLevel].push({x:166, y:84, type:7}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:166, y:112, type:7}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:166, y:140, type:7}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:166, y:168, type:7}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:166, y:196, type:7}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:166, y:224, type:7}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:166, y:252, type:7}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:166, y:280, type:7}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:194, y:280, type:7}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:201, y:147, type:3}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:201, y:161, type:3}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:201, y:175, type:2}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:201, y:189, type:2}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:201, y:203, type:1}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:201, y:217, type:1}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:201, y:231, type:0}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:201, y:245, type:0}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:222, y:126, type:4}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:215, y:147, type:3}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:215, y:161, type:3}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:215, y:175, type:2}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:215, y:189, type:2}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:215, y:203, type:1}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:215, y:217, type:1}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:215, y:231, type:0}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:215, y:245, type:0}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:222, y:280, type:7}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:229, y:147, type:3}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:229, y:161, type:3}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:229, y:175, type:2}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:229, y:189, type:2}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:229, y:203, type:1}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:229, y:217, type:1}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:229, y:231, type:0}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:229, y:245, type:0}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:250, y:126, type:4}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:243, y:147, type:3}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:243, y:161, type:3}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:243, y:175, type:2}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:243, y:189, type:2}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:243, y:203, type:1}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:243, y:217, type:1}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:243, y:231, type:0}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:243, y:245, type:0}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:250, y:280, type:7}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:0x0101, y:147, type:3}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:0x0101, y:161, type:3}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:0x0101, y:175, type:2}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:0x0101, y:189, type:2}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:0x0101, y:203, type:1}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:0x0101, y:217, type:1}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:0x0101, y:231, type:0}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:0x0101, y:245, type:0}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:278, y:126, type:4}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:271, y:147, type:3}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:271, y:161, type:3}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:271, y:175, type:2}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:271, y:189, type:2}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:271, y:203, type:1}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:271, y:217, type:1}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:271, y:231, type:0}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:271, y:245, type:0}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:278, y:280, type:7}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:285, y:147, type:3}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:285, y:161, type:3}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:285, y:175, type:2}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:285, y:189, type:2}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:285, y:203, type:1}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:285, y:217, type:1}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:285, y:231, type:0}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:285, y:245, type:0}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:306, y:126, type:4}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:299, y:147, type:3}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:299, y:161, type:3}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:299, y:175, type:2}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:299, y:189, type:2}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:299, y:203, type:1}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:299, y:217, type:1}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:299, y:231, type:0}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:299, y:245, type:0}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:306, y:280, type:7}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:313, y:147, type:3}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:313, y:161, type:3}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:313, y:175, type:2}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:313, y:189, type:2}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:313, y:203, type:1}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:313, y:217, type:1}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:313, y:231, type:0}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:313, y:245, type:0}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:327, y:147, type:3}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:327, y:161, type:3}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:327, y:175, type:2}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:327, y:189, type:2}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:327, y:203, type:1}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:327, y:217, type:1}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:327, y:231, type:0}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:327, y:245, type:0}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:334, y:280, type:7}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:341, y:147, type:3}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:341, y:161, type:3}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:341, y:175, type:2}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:341, y:189, type:2}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:341, y:203, type:1}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:341, y:217, type:1}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:341, y:231, type:0}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:341, y:245, type:0}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:355, y:161, type:3}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:355, y:175, type:2}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:355, y:189, type:2}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:355, y:203, type:1}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:355, y:217, type:1}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:355, y:231, type:0}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:355, y:245, type:0}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:362, y:280, type:7}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:369, y:175, type:2}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:369, y:189, type:2}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:369, y:203, type:1}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:369, y:217, type:1}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:369, y:231, type:0}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:369, y:245, type:0}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:383, y:189, type:2}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:383, y:203, type:1}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:383, y:217, type:1}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:383, y:231, type:0}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:383, y:245, type:0}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:390, y:280, type:7}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:397, y:203, type:1}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:397, y:217, type:1}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:397, y:231, type:0}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:397, y:245, type:0}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:411, y:217, type:1}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:411, y:231, type:0}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:411, y:245, type:0}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:418, y:280, type:7}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:425, y:231, type:0}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:425, y:245, type:0}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:439, y:245, type:0}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:446, y:280, type:7}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:530, y:280, type:9}); } public function onOut(e:MouseEvent):void{ timer = 0; requireScreen.x = 1020; removeEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, checkTime); } public function level18():void{ objects[currentLevel] = new Array(); objects[currentLevel].push({x:194, y:266, type:9}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:264, y:168, type:5}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:264, y:196, type:5}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:264, y:224, type:5}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:264, y:252, type:5}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:264, y:280, type:5}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:264, y:308, type:5}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:264, y:336, type:5}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:264, y:364, type:5}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:271, y:63, type:0}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:271, y:77, type:0}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:271, y:91, type:0}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:271, y:105, type:0}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:271, y:119, type:0}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:271, y:133, type:0}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:285, y:63, type:0}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:285, y:77, type:0}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:285, y:91, type:0}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:285, y:105, type:0}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:285, y:119, type:0}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:285, y:133, type:0}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:292, y:168, type:5}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:320, y:42, type:8}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:320, y:168, type:4}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:313, y:203, type:3}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:313, y:217, type:3}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:313, y:231, type:3}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:313, y:245, type:3}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:327, y:203, type:3}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:327, y:217, type:3}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:327, y:231, type:3}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:327, y:245, type:3}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:348, y:168, type:5}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:355, y:63, type:2}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:355, y:77, type:2}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:355, y:91, type:2}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:355, y:105, type:2}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:355, y:119, type:2}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:355, y:133, type:2}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:369, y:63, type:2}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:369, y:77, type:2}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:369, y:91, type:2}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:369, y:105, type:2}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:369, y:119, type:2}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:369, y:133, type:2}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:376, y:168, type:5}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:404, y:42, type:8}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:404, y:168, type:4}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:397, y:203, type:1}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:397, y:217, type:1}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:397, y:231, type:1}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:397, y:245, type:1}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:411, y:203, type:1}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:411, y:217, type:1}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:411, y:231, type:1}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:411, y:245, type:1}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:432, y:168, type:5}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:439, y:63, type:1}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:439, y:77, type:1}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:439, y:91, type:1}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:439, y:105, type:1}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:439, y:119, type:1}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:439, y:133, type:1}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:453, y:63, type:1}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:453, y:77, type:1}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:453, y:91, type:1}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:453, y:105, type:1}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:453, y:119, type:1}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:453, y:133, type:1}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:460, y:168, type:5}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:488, y:42, type:8}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:488, y:168, type:4}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:481, y:203, type:0}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:481, y:217, type:0}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:481, y:231, type:0}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:481, y:245, type:0}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:495, y:203, type:0}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:495, y:217, type:0}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:495, y:231, type:0}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:495, y:245, type:0}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:516, y:168, type:5}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:523, y:63, type:3}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:523, y:77, type:3}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:523, y:91, type:3}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:523, y:105, type:3}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:523, y:119, type:3}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:523, y:133, type:3}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:537, y:63, type:3}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:537, y:77, type:3}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:537, y:91, type:3}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:537, y:105, type:3}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:537, y:119, type:3}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:537, y:133, type:3}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:544, y:168, type:5}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:544, y:196, type:5}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:544, y:224, type:5}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:544, y:252, type:5}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:544, y:280, type:5}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:544, y:308, type:5}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:544, y:336, type:5}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:544, y:364, type:5}); } public function onBtnOver(e:MouseEvent):void{ start(sndLib.hit7); } public function onCreditsClose(e:MouseEvent):void{ if ({ credTween = new Tween(creditsScreen, "y", Strong.easeIn, 210, 510, 30); credTween.addEventListener(TweenEvent.MOTION_FINISH, credAniFinish, false, 0, true); }; } public function level25():void{ objects[currentLevel] = new Array(); objects[currentLevel].push({x:180, y:294, type:9}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:250, y:70, type:5}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:250, y:98, type:5}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:250, y:126, type:5}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:250, y:238, type:5}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:250, y:266, type:5}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:250, y:294, type:5}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:250, y:322, type:5}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:278, y:196, type:4}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:271, y:273, type:0}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:271, y:287, type:0}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:271, y:301, type:0}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:278, y:322, type:5}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:285, y:259, type:0}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:285, y:273, type:0}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:285, y:287, type:0}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:285, y:301, type:0}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:306, y:196, type:4}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:299, y:245, type:0}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:299, y:259, type:0}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:299, y:273, type:0}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:299, y:287, type:0}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:299, y:301, type:0}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:306, y:322, type:5}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:313, y:231, type:0}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:313, y:245, type:0}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:313, y:259, type:0}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:313, y:273, type:0}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:313, y:287, type:0}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:313, y:301, type:0}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:327, y:217, type:0}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:327, y:231, type:0}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:327, y:245, type:0}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:327, y:259, type:0}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:341, y:203, type:0}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:341, y:217, type:0}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:341, y:231, type:0}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:341, y:245, type:0}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:362, y:168, type:8}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:355, y:203, type:0}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:355, y:217, type:0}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:355, y:231, type:0}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:355, y:245, type:0}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:355, y:273, type:2}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:355, y:287, type:2}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:355, y:301, type:2}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:355, y:315, type:2}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:355, y:329, type:2}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:369, y:203, type:0}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:369, y:217, type:0}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:369, y:231, type:0}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:369, y:245, type:0}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:369, y:273, type:2}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:369, y:287, type:2}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:369, y:301, type:2}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:369, y:315, type:2}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:369, y:329, type:2}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:383, y:203, type:0}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:383, y:217, type:0}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:383, y:231, type:0}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:383, y:245, type:0}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:397, y:217, type:0}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:397, y:231, type:0}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:397, y:245, type:0}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:397, y:259, type:0}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:418, y:196, type:4}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:411, y:231, type:0}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:411, y:245, type:0}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:411, y:259, type:0}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:411, y:273, type:0}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:411, y:287, type:0}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:411, y:301, type:0}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:418, y:322, type:5}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:425, y:245, type:0}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:425, y:259, type:0}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:425, y:273, type:0}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:425, y:287, type:0}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:425, y:301, type:0}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:446, y:196, type:4}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:439, y:259, type:0}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:439, y:273, type:0}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:439, y:287, type:0}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:439, y:301, type:0}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:446, y:322, type:5}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:453, y:273, type:0}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:453, y:287, type:0}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:453, y:301, type:0}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:474, y:70, type:5}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:474, y:98, type:5}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:474, y:126, type:5}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:474, y:238, type:5}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:474, y:266, type:5}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:474, y:294, type:5}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:474, y:322, type:5}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:544, y:294, type:9}); } public function check(e:Event):void{ if (soundCounter > 0){ soundCounter = 0; }; } public function create(e:MouseEvent):void{ i = 0; while (i < 40) { j = 0; while (j < 28) { if (map[i][j].type != 10){ output.appendText(((((((("\t\t\tobjects[currentLevel].push({x:" + String(map[i][j].link.x)) + ", y:") + String(map[i][j].link.y)) + ", type:") + map[i][j].type) + "});") + "\n")); }; j++; }; i++; }; } public function clearScreen():void{ if (hasEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME)){ removeEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, checkTime); }; i = 0; while (i < links.length) { menu.removeChild(links[i]); i++; }; } public function onFinish2(e:TweenEvent):void{ if (endScreen.y == 180){ if (tutorialOn){ tutorialTimer.addEventListener(TimerEvent.TIMER, ont3, false, 0, true); tutorialCounter = 0; }; currentTween = null; }; if (endScreen.y > 400){ createLevel(); currentTween = null; menu.soundBtn.enabled = true; menu.replayBtn.enabled = true; menu.quitBtn.enabled = true; menu.soundBtn.alpha = 1; menu.replayBtn.alpha = 1; menu.quitBtn.alpha = 1; menu.walkthroughBtn.enabled = true; menu.walkthroughBtn.alpha = 1; menu.moreGamesBtn.enabled = true; menu.moreGamesBtn.alpha = 1; }; } public function changeType(e:MouseEvent):void{ cur = Number(; } public function level0():void{ objects[currentLevel] = new Array(); objects[currentLevel].push({x:306, y:84, type:4}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:313, y:133, type:1}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:327, y:119, type:1}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:327, y:133, type:1}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:327, y:147, type:3}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:327, y:161, type:3}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:327, y:175, type:3}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:327, y:189, type:3}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:327, y:203, type:2}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:327, y:217, type:2}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:327, y:231, type:2}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:327, y:245, type:2}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:327, y:259, type:0}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:327, y:273, type:0}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:327, y:287, type:0}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:327, y:301, type:0}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:341, y:105, type:1}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:341, y:119, type:1}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:341, y:133, type:1}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:341, y:147, type:3}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:341, y:161, type:3}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:341, y:175, type:3}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:341, y:189, type:3}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:341, y:203, type:2}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:341, y:217, type:2}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:341, y:231, type:2}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:341, y:245, type:2}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:341, y:259, type:0}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:341, y:273, type:0}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:341, y:287, type:0}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:341, y:301, type:0}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:355, y:91, type:1}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:355, y:105, type:1}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:355, y:119, type:1}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:355, y:133, type:1}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:355, y:147, type:3}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:355, y:161, type:3}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:355, y:175, type:3}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:355, y:189, type:3}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:355, y:203, type:2}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:355, y:217, type:2}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:355, y:231, type:2}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:355, y:245, type:2}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:355, y:259, type:0}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:355, y:273, type:0}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:355, y:287, type:0}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:355, y:301, type:0}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:362, y:350, type:9}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:369, y:91, type:1}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:369, y:105, type:1}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:369, y:119, type:1}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:369, y:133, type:1}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:369, y:147, type:3}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:369, y:161, type:3}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:369, y:175, type:3}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:369, y:189, type:3}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:369, y:203, type:2}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:369, y:217, type:2}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:369, y:231, type:2}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:369, y:245, type:2}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:369, y:259, type:0}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:369, y:273, type:0}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:369, y:287, type:0}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:369, y:301, type:0}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:383, y:105, type:1}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:383, y:119, type:1}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:383, y:133, type:1}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:383, y:147, type:3}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:383, y:161, type:3}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:383, y:175, type:3}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:383, y:189, type:3}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:383, y:203, type:2}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:383, y:217, type:2}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:383, y:231, type:2}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:383, y:245, type:2}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:383, y:259, type:0}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:383, y:273, type:0}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:383, y:287, type:0}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:383, y:301, type:0}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:397, y:119, type:1}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:397, y:133, type:1}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:397, y:147, type:3}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:397, y:161, type:3}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:397, y:175, type:3}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:397, y:189, type:3}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:397, y:203, type:2}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:397, y:217, type:2}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:397, y:231, type:2}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:397, y:245, type:2}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:397, y:259, type:0}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:397, y:273, type:0}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:397, y:287, type:0}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:397, y:301, type:0}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:418, y:84, type:4}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:411, y:133, type:1}); } public function onDown(e:MouseEvent):void{ stage.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_MOVE, wheel, false, 0, true); } public function onNextLevel(e:MouseEvent):void{ var randomizer:Number; if ({ tutorialTimer.removeEventListener(TimerEvent.TIMER, ont1); tutorialTimer.removeEventListener(TimerEvent.TIMER, ont2); tutorialTimer.removeEventListener(TimerEvent.TIMER, ont3); tutorialTimer.stop(); tutorialOn = false; randomizer = Math.random(); if (randomizer < 0.2){ startTrack(sndLib["music3"]); }; if ((((randomizer >= 0.2)) && ((randomizer < 0.6)))){ startTrack(sndLib["music2"]); }; if (randomizer >= 0.6){ startTrack(sndLib["music4"]); }; prevFrame(); selectedLevel++; var _local3 = this; _local3[("level" + String(selectedLevel))](); frameInc = 1;; }; } public function onQuit2(e:MouseEvent):void{ if ({ tutorialTimer.removeEventListener(TimerEvent.TIMER, ont1); tutorialTimer.removeEventListener(TimerEvent.TIMER, ont2); tutorialTimer.removeEventListener(TimerEvent.TIMER, ont3); tutorialTimer.stop(); tutorialOn = false; if ((((levelImg.y > -30)) && ((levelImg.y < 440)))){ currentTween.removeEventListener(TweenEvent.MOTION_FINISH, onFinish); }; if (((((!((endScreen.y == 180))) && (!((endScreen.y == 600))))) && (!((endScreen.y == -150))))){ currentTween.removeEventListener(TweenEvent.MOTION_FINISH, onFinish2); }; removeLevel(); startTrack(sndLib.music1); frameInc = -1;; }; } public function level2():void{ objects[currentLevel] = new Array(); objects[currentLevel].push({x:180, y:224, type:9}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:236, y:140, type:7}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:236, y:168, type:7}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:236, y:196, type:7}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:236, y:224, type:7}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:236, y:252, type:7}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:236, y:280, type:7}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:236, y:308, type:7}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:0x0101, y:161, type:3}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:0x0101, y:175, type:3}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:0x0101, y:189, type:2}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:0x0101, y:203, type:2}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:0x0101, y:217, type:1}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:0x0101, y:231, type:1}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:0x0101, y:245, type:0}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:0x0101, y:259, type:0}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:264, y:280, type:4}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:264, y:308, type:7}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:271, y:161, type:3}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:271, y:175, type:3}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:271, y:189, type:2}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:271, y:203, type:2}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:271, y:217, type:1}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:271, y:231, type:1}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:271, y:245, type:0}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:271, y:259, type:0}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:285, y:161, type:3}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:285, y:175, type:3}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:285, y:189, type:2}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:285, y:203, type:2}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:285, y:217, type:1}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:285, y:231, type:1}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:285, y:245, type:0}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:285, y:259, type:0}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:292, y:280, type:4}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:292, y:308, type:7}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:299, y:161, type:3}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:299, y:175, type:3}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:299, y:189, type:2}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:299, y:203, type:2}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:299, y:217, type:1}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:299, y:231, type:1}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:299, y:245, type:0}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:299, y:259, type:0}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:313, y:161, type:3}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:313, y:175, type:3}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:313, y:189, type:2}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:313, y:203, type:2}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:313, y:217, type:1}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:313, y:231, type:1}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:313, y:245, type:0}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:313, y:259, type:0}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:320, y:280, type:4}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:320, y:308, type:7}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:327, y:161, type:3}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:327, y:175, type:3}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:327, y:189, type:2}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:327, y:203, type:2}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:327, y:217, type:1}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:327, y:231, type:1}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:327, y:245, type:0}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:327, y:259, type:0}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:341, y:161, type:3}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:341, y:175, type:3}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:341, y:189, type:2}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:341, y:203, type:2}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:341, y:217, type:1}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:341, y:231, type:1}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:341, y:245, type:0}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:341, y:259, type:0}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:348, y:280, type:4}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:348, y:308, type:7}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:355, y:161, type:3}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:355, y:175, type:3}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:355, y:189, type:2}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:355, y:203, type:2}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:355, y:217, type:1}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:355, y:231, type:1}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:355, y:245, type:0}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:355, y:259, type:0}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:369, y:161, type:3}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:369, y:175, type:3}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:369, y:189, type:2}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:369, y:203, type:2}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:369, y:217, type:1}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:369, y:231, type:1}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:369, y:245, type:0}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:369, y:259, type:0}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:376, y:280, type:4}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:376, y:308, type:7}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:383, y:161, type:3}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:383, y:175, type:3}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:383, y:189, type:2}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:383, y:203, type:2}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:383, y:217, type:1}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:383, y:231, type:1}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:383, y:245, type:0}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:383, y:259, type:0}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:397, y:161, type:3}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:397, y:175, type:3}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:397, y:189, type:2}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:397, y:203, type:2}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:397, y:217, type:1}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:397, y:231, type:1}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:397, y:245, type:0}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:397, y:259, type:0}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:404, y:280, type:4}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:404, y:308, type:7}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:411, y:161, type:3}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:411, y:175, type:3}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:411, y:189, type:2}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:411, y:203, type:2}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:411, y:217, type:1}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:411, y:231, type:1}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:411, y:245, type:0}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:411, y:259, type:0}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:425, y:161, type:3}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:425, y:175, type:3}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:425, y:189, type:2}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:425, y:203, type:2}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:425, y:217, type:1}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:425, y:231, type:1}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:425, y:245, type:0}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:425, y:259, type:0}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:432, y:280, type:4}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:432, y:308, type:7}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:439, y:161, type:3}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:439, y:175, type:3}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:439, y:189, type:2}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:439, y:203, type:2}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:439, y:217, type:1}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:439, y:231, type:1}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:439, y:245, type:0}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:439, y:259, type:0}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:453, y:161, type:3}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:453, y:175, type:3}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:453, y:189, type:2}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:453, y:203, type:2}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:453, y:217, type:1}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:453, y:231, type:1}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:453, y:245, type:0}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:453, y:259, type:0}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:460, y:280, type:4}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:460, y:308, type:7}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:467, y:161, type:3}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:467, y:175, type:3}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:467, y:189, type:2}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:467, y:203, type:2}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:467, y:217, type:1}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:467, y:231, type:1}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:467, y:245, type:0}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:467, y:259, type:0}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:488, y:140, type:7}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:488, y:168, type:7}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:488, y:196, type:7}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:488, y:224, type:7}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:488, y:252, type:7}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:488, y:280, type:7}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:488, y:308, type:7}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:544, y:224, type:9}); } public function level3():void{ objects[currentLevel] = new Array(); objects[currentLevel].push({x:180, y:98, type:9}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:180, y:182, type:9}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:243, y:105, type:0}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:250, y:126, type:6}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:0x0101, y:105, type:0}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:271, y:105, type:0}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:278, y:126, type:6}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:285, y:91, type:0}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:285, y:105, type:0}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:299, y:91, type:0}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:299, y:105, type:0}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:306, y:126, type:6}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:313, y:91, type:0}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:313, y:105, type:0}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:327, y:77, type:0}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:327, y:91, type:0}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:327, y:105, type:0}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:334, y:126, type:6}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:334, y:154, type:6}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:334, y:182, type:6}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:334, y:210, type:6}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:334, y:238, type:6}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:334, y:266, type:6}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:334, y:294, type:6}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:334, y:322, type:6}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:334, y:350, type:6}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:334, y:378, type:6}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:341, y:63, type:0}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:341, y:77, type:0}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:341, y:91, type:0}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:341, y:105, type:0}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:362, y:70, type:8}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:355, y:91, type:2}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:355, y:105, type:2}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:355, y:119, type:2}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:355, y:133, type:2}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:355, y:147, type:2}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:355, y:161, type:2}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:355, y:175, type:2}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:355, y:189, type:2}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:355, y:203, type:2}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:355, y:217, type:2}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:355, y:231, type:2}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:355, y:245, type:2}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:355, y:259, type:2}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:355, y:273, type:2}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:355, y:287, type:2}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:355, y:301, type:2}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:355, y:315, type:2}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:355, y:329, type:2}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:355, y:343, type:2}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:355, y:357, type:2}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:362, y:378, type:4}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:369, y:91, type:2}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:369, y:105, type:2}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:369, y:119, type:2}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:369, y:133, type:2}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:369, y:147, type:2}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:369, y:161, type:2}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:369, y:175, type:2}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:369, y:189, type:2}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:369, y:203, type:2}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:369, y:217, type:2}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:369, y:231, type:2}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:369, y:245, type:2}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:369, y:259, type:2}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:369, y:273, type:2}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:369, y:287, type:2}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:369, y:301, type:2}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:369, y:315, type:2}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:369, y:329, type:2}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:369, y:343, type:2}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:369, y:357, type:2}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:390, y:70, type:8}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:383, y:91, type:1}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:383, y:105, type:1}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:383, y:119, type:1}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:383, y:133, type:1}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:383, y:147, type:1}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:383, y:161, type:1}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:383, y:175, type:1}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:383, y:189, type:1}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:383, y:203, type:1}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:383, y:217, type:1}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:383, y:231, type:1}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:383, y:245, type:1}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:383, y:259, type:1}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:383, y:273, type:1}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:383, y:287, type:1}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:383, y:301, type:1}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:383, y:315, type:1}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:383, y:329, type:1}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:383, y:343, type:1}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:383, y:357, type:1}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:390, y:378, type:4}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:397, y:91, type:1}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:397, y:105, type:1}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:397, y:119, type:1}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:397, y:133, type:1}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:397, y:147, type:1}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:397, y:161, type:1}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:397, y:175, type:1}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:397, y:189, type:1}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:397, y:203, type:1}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:397, y:217, type:1}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:397, y:231, type:1}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:397, y:245, type:1}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:397, y:259, type:1}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:397, y:273, type:1}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:397, y:287, type:1}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:397, y:301, type:1}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:397, y:315, type:1}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:397, y:329, type:1}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:397, y:343, type:1}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:397, y:357, type:1}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:418, y:70, type:4}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:418, y:98, type:6}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:418, y:126, type:6}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:418, y:154, type:6}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:418, y:182, type:6}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:418, y:210, type:6}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:418, y:238, type:6}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:418, y:266, type:6}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:418, y:294, type:6}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:418, y:322, type:6}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:418, y:350, type:6}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:418, y:378, type:6}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:446, y:70, type:8}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:439, y:91, type:3}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:439, y:105, type:3}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:439, y:119, type:3}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:439, y:133, type:3}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:439, y:147, type:3}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:439, y:161, type:3}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:439, y:175, type:3}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:439, y:189, type:3}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:439, y:203, type:3}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:439, y:217, type:3}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:439, y:231, type:3}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:439, y:245, type:3}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:439, y:259, type:3}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:439, y:273, type:3}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:439, y:287, type:3}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:439, y:301, type:3}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:439, y:315, type:3}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:439, y:329, type:3}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:439, y:343, type:3}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:439, y:357, type:3}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:446, y:378, type:4}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:453, y:91, type:3}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:453, y:105, type:3}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:453, y:119, type:3}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:453, y:133, type:3}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:453, y:147, type:3}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:453, y:161, type:3}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:453, y:175, type:3}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:453, y:189, type:3}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:453, y:203, type:3}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:453, y:217, type:3}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:453, y:231, type:3}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:453, y:245, type:3}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:453, y:259, type:3}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:453, y:273, type:3}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:453, y:287, type:3}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:453, y:301, type:3}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:453, y:315, type:3}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:453, y:329, type:3}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:453, y:343, type:3}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:453, y:357, type:3}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:474, y:70, type:8}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:467, y:91, type:0}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:467, y:105, type:0}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:467, y:119, type:0}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:467, y:133, type:0}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:467, y:147, type:0}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:467, y:161, type:0}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:467, y:175, type:0}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:467, y:189, type:0}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:467, y:203, type:0}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:467, y:217, type:0}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:467, y:231, type:0}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:467, y:245, type:0}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:467, y:259, type:0}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:467, y:273, type:0}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:467, y:287, type:0}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:467, y:301, type:0}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:467, y:315, type:0}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:467, y:329, type:0}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:467, y:343, type:0}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:467, y:357, type:0}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:474, y:378, type:4}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:481, y:91, type:0}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:481, y:105, type:0}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:481, y:119, type:0}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:481, y:133, type:0}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:481, y:147, type:0}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:481, y:161, type:0}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:481, y:175, type:0}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:481, y:189, type:0}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:481, y:203, type:0}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:481, y:217, type:0}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:481, y:231, type:0}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:481, y:245, type:0}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:481, y:259, type:0}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:481, y:273, type:0}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:481, y:287, type:0}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:481, y:301, type:0}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:481, y:315, type:0}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:481, y:329, type:0}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:481, y:343, type:0}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:481, y:357, type:0}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:502, y:70, type:6}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:502, y:98, type:6}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:502, y:126, type:6}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:502, y:154, type:6}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:502, y:182, type:6}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:502, y:210, type:6}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:502, y:238, type:6}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:502, y:266, type:6}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:502, y:294, type:6}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:502, y:322, type:6}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:502, y:350, type:6}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:502, y:378, type:6}); } public function level5():void{ objects[currentLevel] = new Array(); objects[currentLevel].push({x:250, y:294, type:9}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:285, y:147, type:0}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:285, y:161, type:0}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:285, y:175, type:0}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:285, y:189, type:0}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:299, y:119, type:0}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:299, y:133, type:0}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:299, y:147, type:0}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:299, y:161, type:0}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:299, y:175, type:0}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:299, y:189, type:0}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:299, y:203, type:0}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:299, y:217, type:0}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:313, y:105, type:0}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:313, y:119, type:0}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:313, y:133, type:0}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:313, y:147, type:0}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:313, y:161, type:0}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:313, y:175, type:0}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:313, y:189, type:0}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:313, y:203, type:0}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:313, y:217, type:0}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:313, y:231, type:0}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:327, y:105, type:0}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:327, y:119, type:0}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:334, y:140, type:4}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:327, y:161, type:0}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:327, y:175, type:0}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:327, y:189, type:0}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:327, y:203, type:2}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:327, y:217, type:0}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:327, y:231, type:0}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:341, y:91, type:0}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:341, y:105, type:0}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:341, y:119, type:0}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:341, y:161, type:0}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:341, y:175, type:0}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:341, y:189, type:0}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:341, y:203, type:0}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:341, y:217, type:2}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:341, y:231, type:0}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:341, y:245, type:0}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:355, y:91, type:0}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:355, y:105, type:0}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:355, y:119, type:0}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:355, y:133, type:0}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:355, y:147, type:0}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:355, y:161, type:0}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:355, y:175, type:0}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:355, y:189, type:0}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:355, y:203, type:0}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:355, y:217, type:2}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:355, y:231, type:0}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:355, y:245, type:0}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:369, y:91, type:0}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:369, y:105, type:0}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:369, y:119, type:0}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:369, y:133, type:0}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:369, y:147, type:0}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:369, y:161, type:0}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:369, y:175, type:0}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:369, y:189, type:0}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:369, y:203, type:0}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:369, y:217, type:2}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:369, y:231, type:0}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:369, y:245, type:0}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:383, y:91, type:0}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:383, y:105, type:0}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:383, y:119, type:0}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:390, y:140, type:4}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:383, y:161, type:0}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:383, y:175, type:0}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:383, y:189, type:0}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:383, y:203, type:0}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:383, y:217, type:2}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:383, y:231, type:0}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:383, y:245, type:0}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:397, y:105, type:0}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:397, y:119, type:0}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:397, y:161, type:0}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:397, y:175, type:0}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:397, y:189, type:0}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:397, y:203, type:2}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:397, y:217, type:0}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:397, y:231, type:0}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:411, y:105, type:0}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:411, y:119, type:0}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:411, y:133, type:0}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:411, y:147, type:0}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:411, y:161, type:0}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:411, y:175, type:0}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:411, y:189, type:0}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:411, y:203, type:0}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:411, y:217, type:0}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:411, y:231, type:0}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:425, y:119, type:0}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:425, y:133, type:0}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:425, y:147, type:0}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:425, y:161, type:0}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:425, y:175, type:0}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:425, y:189, type:0}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:425, y:203, type:0}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:425, y:217, type:0}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:439, y:147, type:0}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:439, y:161, type:0}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:439, y:175, type:0}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:439, y:189, type:0}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:474, y:294, type:9}); } public function level7():void{ objects[currentLevel] = new Array(); objects[currentLevel].push({x:166, y:238, type:9}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:222, y:154, type:6}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:222, y:280, type:6}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:250, y:154, type:6}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:250, y:210, type:4}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:243, y:245, type:0}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:243, y:259, type:0}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:250, y:280, type:6}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:0x0101, y:231, type:0}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:0x0101, y:245, type:0}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:0x0101, y:259, type:1}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:278, y:154, type:6}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:278, y:182, type:4}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:271, y:217, type:0}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:271, y:231, type:0}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:271, y:245, type:1}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:271, y:259, type:1}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:278, y:280, type:6}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:285, y:203, type:0}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:285, y:217, type:0}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:285, y:231, type:1}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:285, y:245, type:1}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:285, y:259, type:2}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:306, y:154, type:6}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:299, y:189, type:0}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:299, y:203, type:0}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:299, y:217, type:1}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:299, y:231, type:1}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:299, y:245, type:2}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:299, y:259, type:2}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:306, y:280, type:6}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:313, y:175, type:0}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:313, y:189, type:0}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:313, y:203, type:1}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:313, y:217, type:1}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:313, y:231, type:2}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:313, y:245, type:2}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:313, y:259, type:3}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:334, y:154, type:6}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:327, y:175, type:0}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:327, y:189, type:1}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:327, y:203, type:1}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:327, y:217, type:2}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:327, y:231, type:2}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:327, y:245, type:3}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:327, y:259, type:3}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:334, y:280, type:6}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:341, y:175, type:1}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:341, y:189, type:1}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:341, y:203, type:2}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:341, y:217, type:2}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:341, y:231, type:3}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:341, y:245, type:3}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:341, y:259, type:0}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:362, y:154, type:6}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:355, y:175, type:1}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:355, y:189, type:2}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:355, y:203, type:2}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:355, y:217, type:3}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:355, y:231, type:3}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:355, y:245, type:0}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:355, y:259, type:0}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:362, y:280, type:6}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:369, y:175, type:2}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:369, y:189, type:2}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:369, y:203, type:3}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:369, y:217, type:3}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:369, y:231, type:0}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:369, y:245, type:0}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:369, y:259, type:1}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:390, y:154, type:6}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:383, y:175, type:2}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:383, y:189, type:3}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:383, y:203, type:3}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:383, y:217, type:0}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:383, y:231, type:0}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:383, y:245, type:1}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:383, y:259, type:1}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:390, y:280, type:6}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:397, y:175, type:3}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:397, y:189, type:3}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:397, y:203, type:0}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:397, y:217, type:0}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:397, y:231, type:1}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:397, y:245, type:1}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:418, y:154, type:6}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:411, y:175, type:3}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:411, y:189, type:0}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:411, y:203, type:0}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:411, y:217, type:1}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:411, y:231, type:1}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:418, y:280, type:6}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:425, y:175, type:0}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:425, y:189, type:0}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:425, y:203, type:1}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:425, y:217, type:1}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:432, y:252, type:4}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:446, y:154, type:6}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:439, y:175, type:0}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:439, y:189, type:1}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:439, y:203, type:1}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:446, y:280, type:6}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:453, y:175, type:1}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:453, y:189, type:1}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:460, y:224, type:4}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:474, y:154, type:6}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:474, y:280, type:6}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:530, y:238, type:9}); } public function level8():void{ objects[currentLevel] = new Array(); objects[currentLevel].push({x:222, y:210, type:9}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:278, y:280, type:5}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:299, y:203, type:0}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:299, y:217, type:0}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:299, y:231, type:0}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:299, y:245, type:0}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:306, y:280, type:5}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:320, y:126, type:5}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:313, y:161, type:0}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:313, y:175, type:0}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:313, y:189, type:0}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:313, y:203, type:0}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:334, y:154, type:4}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:348, y:126, type:5}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:355, y:161, type:1}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:355, y:175, type:1}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:355, y:189, type:1}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:355, y:203, type:1}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:362, y:280, type:5}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:369, y:203, type:1}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:369, y:217, type:1}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:369, y:231, type:1}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:369, y:245, type:1}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:383, y:203, type:2}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:383, y:217, type:2}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:383, y:231, type:2}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:383, y:245, type:2}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:390, y:280, type:5}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:404, y:126, type:5}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:397, y:161, type:2}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:397, y:175, type:2}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:397, y:189, type:2}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:397, y:203, type:2}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:418, y:154, type:4}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:432, y:126, type:5}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:439, y:161, type:3}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:439, y:175, type:3}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:439, y:189, type:3}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:439, y:203, type:3}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:446, y:280, type:5}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:453, y:203, type:3}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:453, y:217, type:3}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:453, y:231, type:3}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:453, y:245, type:3}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:474, y:280, type:5}); } public function level1():void{ objects[currentLevel] = new Array(); objects[currentLevel].push({x:222, y:308, type:9}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:306, y:112, type:4}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:299, y:133, type:0}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:299, y:147, type:0}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:299, y:161, type:0}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:299, y:175, type:0}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:299, y:189, type:0}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:299, y:203, type:0}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:299, y:217, type:0}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:299, y:231, type:0}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:299, y:245, type:0}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:299, y:259, type:0}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:306, y:294, type:5}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:313, y:133, type:0}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:313, y:147, type:0}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:313, y:161, type:0}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:313, y:175, type:0}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:313, y:189, type:0}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:313, y:203, type:0}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:313, y:217, type:0}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:313, y:231, type:0}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:313, y:245, type:0}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:313, y:259, type:0}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:334, y:294, type:5}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:362, y:112, type:4}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:355, y:133, type:1}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:355, y:147, type:1}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:355, y:161, type:1}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:355, y:175, type:1}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:355, y:189, type:1}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:355, y:203, type:1}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:355, y:217, type:1}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:355, y:231, type:1}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:355, y:245, type:1}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:355, y:259, type:1}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:362, y:294, type:5}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:369, y:133, type:1}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:369, y:147, type:1}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:369, y:161, type:1}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:369, y:175, type:1}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:369, y:189, type:1}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:369, y:203, type:1}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:369, y:217, type:1}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:369, y:231, type:1}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:369, y:245, type:1}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:369, y:259, type:1}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:390, y:294, type:5}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:418, y:112, type:4}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:411, y:133, type:2}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:411, y:147, type:2}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:411, y:161, type:2}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:411, y:175, type:2}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:411, y:189, type:2}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:411, y:203, type:2}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:411, y:217, type:2}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:411, y:231, type:2}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:411, y:245, type:2}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:411, y:259, type:2}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:418, y:294, type:5}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:425, y:133, type:2}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:425, y:147, type:2}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:425, y:161, type:2}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:425, y:175, type:2}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:425, y:189, type:2}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:425, y:203, type:2}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:425, y:217, type:2}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:425, y:231, type:2}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:425, y:245, type:2}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:425, y:259, type:2}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:446, y:294, type:5}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:474, y:112, type:4}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:467, y:133, type:3}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:467, y:147, type:3}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:467, y:161, type:3}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:467, y:175, type:3}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:467, y:189, type:3}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:467, y:203, type:3}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:467, y:217, type:3}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:467, y:231, type:3}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:467, y:245, type:3}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:467, y:259, type:3}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:474, y:294, type:5}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:481, y:133, type:3}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:481, y:147, type:3}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:481, y:161, type:3}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:481, y:175, type:3}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:481, y:189, type:3}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:481, y:203, type:3}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:481, y:217, type:3}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:481, y:231, type:3}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:481, y:245, type:3}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:481, y:259, type:3}); } public function level4():void{ objects[currentLevel] = new Array(); objects[currentLevel].push({x:250, y:280, type:9}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:299, y:217, type:1}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:299, y:231, type:1}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:313, y:203, type:1}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:313, y:217, type:1}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:313, y:231, type:1}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:327, y:189, type:1}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:327, y:203, type:1}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:327, y:217, type:1}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:341, y:175, type:1}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:341, y:189, type:1}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:341, y:203, type:1}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:355, y:161, type:1}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:355, y:175, type:1}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:355, y:189, type:1}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:355, y:203, type:1}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:369, y:147, type:1}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:369, y:161, type:1}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:369, y:175, type:1}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:369, y:189, type:1}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:383, y:133, type:1}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:383, y:147, type:1}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:383, y:161, type:1}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:383, y:175, type:1}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:397, y:119, type:1}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:397, y:133, type:1}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:397, y:147, type:1}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:397, y:161, type:1}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:397, y:175, type:1}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:411, y:105, type:1}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:411, y:119, type:1}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:411, y:133, type:1}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:411, y:147, type:1}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:411, y:161, type:1}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:425, y:91, type:1}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:425, y:105, type:1}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:425, y:119, type:1}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:425, y:133, type:1}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:425, y:147, type:1}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:425, y:161, type:1}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:439, y:91, type:1}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:439, y:105, type:1}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:439, y:119, type:1}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:439, y:133, type:1}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:439, y:147, type:1}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:453, y:91, type:1}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:453, y:105, type:1}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:453, y:119, type:1}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:453, y:133, type:1}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:453, y:147, type:1}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:467, y:91, type:1}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:467, y:105, type:1}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:467, y:119, type:1}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:467, y:133, type:1}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:467, y:147, type:1}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:481, y:91, type:1}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:481, y:105, type:1}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:481, y:119, type:1}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:481, y:133, type:1}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:481, y:147, type:1}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:481, y:161, type:1}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:488, y:210, type:4}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:495, y:105, type:1}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:495, y:119, type:1}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:495, y:133, type:1}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:495, y:147, type:1}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:495, y:161, type:1}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:509, y:119, type:1}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:509, y:133, type:1}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:509, y:147, type:1}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:509, y:161, type:1}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:509, y:175, type:1}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:516, y:210, type:4}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:523, y:133, type:1}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:523, y:147, type:1}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:523, y:161, type:1}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:544, y:210, type:4}); } public function level9():void{ objects[currentLevel] = new Array(); objects[currentLevel].push({x:194, y:224, type:5}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:194, y:336, type:5}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:201, y:259, type:1}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:201, y:273, type:1}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:201, y:287, type:1}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:201, y:301, type:1}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:222, y:224, type:5}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:215, y:259, type:1}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:215, y:273, type:1}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:215, y:287, type:1}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:215, y:301, type:1}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:222, y:336, type:5}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:229, y:259, type:1}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:229, y:273, type:1}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:229, y:287, type:1}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:229, y:301, type:1}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:250, y:224, type:5}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:250, y:266, type:4}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:250, y:294, type:4}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:250, y:336, type:5}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:278, y:224, type:5}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:271, y:259, type:0}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:271, y:273, type:0}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:271, y:287, type:0}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:271, y:301, type:0}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:278, y:336, type:5}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:285, y:259, type:0}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:285, y:273, type:0}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:285, y:287, type:0}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:285, y:301, type:0}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:306, y:224, type:5}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:299, y:259, type:0}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:299, y:273, type:0}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:299, y:287, type:0}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:299, y:301, type:0}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:306, y:336, type:5}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:362, y:126, type:9}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:418, y:224, type:5}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:418, y:336, type:5}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:425, y:259, type:2}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:425, y:273, type:2}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:425, y:287, type:2}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:425, y:301, type:2}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:446, y:224, type:5}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:439, y:259, type:2}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:439, y:273, type:2}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:439, y:287, type:2}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:439, y:301, type:2}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:446, y:336, type:5}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:453, y:259, type:2}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:453, y:273, type:2}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:453, y:287, type:2}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:453, y:301, type:2}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:474, y:224, type:5}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:474, y:266, type:4}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:474, y:294, type:4}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:474, y:336, type:5}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:502, y:224, type:5}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:495, y:259, type:3}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:495, y:273, type:3}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:495, y:287, type:3}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:495, y:301, type:3}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:502, y:336, type:5}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:509, y:259, type:3}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:509, y:273, type:3}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:509, y:287, type:3}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:509, y:301, type:3}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:530, y:224, type:5}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:523, y:259, type:3}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:523, y:273, type:3}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:523, y:287, type:3}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:523, y:301, type:3}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:530, y:336, type:5}); } public function onMoreGames(e:MouseEvent):void{ KingAPI.openOtherGamesLink(); } public function onFinish(e:TweenEvent):void{ if (levelImg.y < 400){ currentTween = new Tween(levelImg, "y", Strong.easeIn, 200, 440, 30); currentTween.addEventListener(TweenEvent.MOTION_FINISH, onFinish, false, 0, true); }; if (levelImg.y > 400){ createLevel(); tutorialTimer.start(); currentTween = null; menu.soundBtn.enabled = true; menu.replayBtn.enabled = true; menu.quitBtn.enabled = true; menu.soundBtn.alpha = 1; menu.replayBtn.alpha = 1; menu.quitBtn.alpha = 1; menu.walkthroughBtn.enabled = true; menu.walkthroughBtn.alpha = 1; menu.moreGamesBtn.enabled = true; menu.moreGamesBtn.alpha = 1; }; } public function onOver(e:MouseEvent):void{ overLevel = (Number( - 1); addEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, checkTime, false, 0, true); } public function wheel(e:MouseEvent):void{ var curX:Number; var curY:Number; curX = Math.floor(((stage.mouseX - 40) / 14)); curY = Math.floor(((stage.mouseY - 14) / 14)); if ((((((((stage.mouseX > 120)) && ((stage.mouseX < 600)))) && ((stage.mouseY > 14)))) && ((stage.mouseY < (14 * 28))))){ if ((((cur < 10)) && ((map[curX][curY].link == null)))){ if (cur == 0){ map[curX][curY].link = addChild(new Block0()); }; if (cur == 1){ map[curX][curY].link = addChild(new Block1()); }; if (cur == 2){ map[curX][curY].link = addChild(new Block2()); }; if (cur == 3){ map[curX][curY].link = addChild(new Block3()); }; if (cur == 4){ map[curX][curY].link = addChild(new Star()); }; if (cur == 5){ map[curX][curY].link = addChild(new ABlock0()); }; if (cur == 6){ map[curX][curY].link = addChild(new ABlock1()); }; if (cur == 7){ map[curX][curY].link = addChild(new ABlock2()); }; if (cur == 8){ map[curX][curY].link = addChild(new NewBall()); }; if (cur == 9){ map[curX][curY].link = addChild(new StartGround()); }; if (cur < 4){ map[curX][curY].link.x = ((curX * 14) + 47); map[curX][curY].link.y = ((curY * 14) + 21); } else { map[curX][curY].link.x = (((curX * 14) + 47) + 7); map[curX][curY].link.y = (((curY * 14) + 21) + 7); }; map[curX][curY].type = cur; } else { if (cur == 10){ if (map[curX][curY].link != null){ removeChild(map[curX][curY].link); map[curX][curY].link = null; map[curX][curY].type = 10; }; }; }; }; } public function onWalkthrough(e:MouseEvent):void{ KingAPI.openSignLink(); } public function onHighscores(e:MouseEvent):void{ KingAPI.openHighscoresLink(); } public function onDownload(e:MouseEvent):void{ KingAPI.openAddToWebsiteLink(); } public function setVolumeInChannel(channel:SoundChannel, value:Number):void{ var channel = channel; var value = value; if (soundEnabled){ channel.soundTransform = new SoundTransform(value); } else { channel.soundTransform = new SoundTransform(0); }; //unresolved jump var _slot1 = error; if (channel == null){ channel = new SoundChannel(); }; if (soundEnabled){ startTrack(nextTrack); } else { SoundMixer.stopAll(); }; } public function onBtnClick(e:MouseEvent):void{ start(sndLib.hit6); } public function showScore(e:MouseEvent):void{ trace("submit"); KingAPI.submitScore((score - skey)); } function frame2(){ stop(); startTrack(sndLib.music1); menu.playBtn.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, onPlay, false, 0, true); menu.creditsBtn.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, onCredits, false, 0, true); menu.moreGamesBtn.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, onMoreGames, false, 0, true); menu.walkthroughBtn.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, onWalkthrough, false, 0, true); menu.downloadBtn.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, onDownload, false, 0, true); menu.highscoresBtn.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, onHighscores, false, 0, true); menu.downloadBtn.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, onBtnClick, false, 0, true); menu.downloadBtn.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_OVER, onBtnOver, false, 0, true); menu.highscoresBtn.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, onBtnClick, false, 0, true); menu.highscoresBtn.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_OVER, onBtnOver, false, 0, true); menu.walkthroughBtn.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, onBtnClick, false, 0, true); menu.walkthroughBtn.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_OVER, onBtnOver, false, 0, true); kingLogo.buttonMode = true; kingLogo.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, onWalkthrough, false, 0, true); kingLogo.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, onBtnClick, false, 0, true); kingLogo.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_OVER, onBtnOver, false, 0, true); menu.playBtn.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, onBtnClick, false, 0, true); menu.playBtn.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_OVER, onBtnOver, false, 0, true); menu.creditsBtn.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, onBtnClick, false, 0, true); menu.creditsBtn.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_OVER, onBtnOver, false, 0, true); menu.moreGamesBtn.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, onBtnClick, false, 0, true); menu.moreGamesBtn.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_OVER, onBtnOver, false, 0, true); creditsScreen.closeBtn.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, onBtnClick, false, 0, true); creditsScreen.closeBtn.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_OVER, onBtnOver, false, 0, true); if ((((stage.loaderInfo.url.indexOf("") == -1)) || (!((stage.loaderInfo.url.indexOf("file") == -1))))){ }; creditsScreen.closeBtn.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, onCreditsClose, false, 0, true); } public function onPlay(e:MouseEvent):void{ frameInc = 1;; } public function level6():void{ objects[currentLevel] = new Array(); objects[currentLevel].push({x:180, y:84, type:4}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:187, y:119, type:0}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:201, y:105, type:0}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:201, y:119, type:0}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:201, y:133, type:0}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:215, y:105, type:0}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:215, y:119, type:0}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:215, y:133, type:0}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:215, y:147, type:0}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:229, y:119, type:0}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:229, y:133, type:0}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:229, y:147, type:0}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:229, y:161, type:0}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:243, y:147, type:0}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:243, y:161, type:0}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:243, y:175, type:0}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:243, y:189, type:0}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:250, y:266, type:5}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:0x0101, y:189, type:0}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:0x0101, y:203, type:0}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:0x0101, y:217, type:0}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:271, y:217, type:0}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:271, y:231, type:0}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:278, y:266, type:5}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:285, y:203, type:0}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:285, y:217, type:0}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:299, y:175, type:0}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:299, y:189, type:0}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:299, y:203, type:0}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:306, y:266, type:5}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:313, y:161, type:0}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:313, y:175, type:0}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:313, y:189, type:0}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:362, y:98, type:9}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:411, y:161, type:2}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:411, y:175, type:2}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:411, y:189, type:2}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:418, y:266, type:5}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:425, y:175, type:2}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:425, y:189, type:2}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:425, y:203, type:2}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:439, y:203, type:2}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:439, y:217, type:2}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:446, y:266, type:5}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:453, y:217, type:2}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:453, y:231, type:2}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:467, y:189, type:2}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:467, y:203, type:2}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:467, y:217, type:2}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:474, y:266, type:5}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:481, y:147, type:2}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:481, y:161, type:2}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:481, y:175, type:2}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:481, y:189, type:2}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:495, y:119, type:2}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:495, y:133, type:2}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:495, y:147, type:2}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:495, y:161, type:2}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:509, y:105, type:2}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:509, y:119, type:2}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:509, y:133, type:2}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:509, y:147, type:2}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:523, y:105, type:2}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:523, y:119, type:2}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:523, y:133, type:2}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:544, y:84, type:4}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:537, y:119, type:2}); } public function onCredits(e:MouseEvent):void{ creditsScreen.closeBtn.enabled = false; menu.playBtn.enabled = false; menu.creditsBtn.enabled = false; menu.moreGamesBtn.enabled = false; credTween = new Tween(creditsScreen, "y", Strong.easeOut, 510, 210, 30); credTween.addEventListener(TweenEvent.MOTION_FINISH, credAniFinish, false, 0, true); } public function removeLevel():void{ while (balls.length) { balls[0].remove(); }; while (bonuses.length) { bonuses[0].remove(); }; while (stars.length) { stars[0].remove(); }; while (walls.length) { walls[0].remove(); }; while (newBalls.length) { newBalls[0].remove(); }; while (grounds.length) { grounds[0].remove(); }; } public function credAniFinish(e:TweenEvent):void{ if (creditsScreen.y < 300){ creditsScreen.closeBtn.enabled = true; }; if (creditsScreen.y > 400){ creditsScreen.closeBtn.enabled = false; menu.playBtn.enabled = true; menu.creditsBtn.enabled = true; menu.moreGamesBtn.enabled = true; }; } public function startInChannel(channel:SoundChannel, sound:Sound):void{ if (soundEnabled){ channel =, 1, new SoundTransform(1)); } else { channel =, 10000000, new SoundTransform(0)); }; } public function selectLevel(e:MouseEvent):void{ timer = 0; requireScreen.x = 1020; if ( == 1){ menu.backMask.x =; menu.backMask.y =; selectedLevel = (Number( - 1); var _local2 = this; _local2[("level" + String(selectedLevel))](); }; } public function level17():void{ objects[currentLevel] = new Array(); objects[currentLevel].push({x:208, y:84, type:6}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:208, y:112, type:6}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:208, y:140, type:6}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:208, y:168, type:6}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:208, y:196, type:6}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:208, y:224, type:6}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:236, y:224, type:4}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:0x0101, y:133, type:3}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:0x0101, y:147, type:3}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:0x0101, y:161, type:3}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:0x0101, y:175, type:3}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:0x0101, y:189, type:3}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:278, y:98, type:4}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:271, y:133, type:3}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:271, y:147, type:3}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:271, y:161, type:3}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:271, y:175, type:3}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:271, y:189, type:3}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:278, y:224, type:6}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:299, y:133, type:1}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:299, y:147, type:1}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:299, y:161, type:1}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:299, y:175, type:1}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:299, y:189, type:1}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:306, y:224, type:6}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:313, y:133, type:1}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:313, y:147, type:1}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:313, y:161, type:1}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:313, y:175, type:1}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:313, y:189, type:1}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:376, y:294, type:9}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:439, y:133, type:0}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:439, y:147, type:0}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:439, y:161, type:0}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:439, y:175, type:0}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:439, y:189, type:0}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:446, y:224, type:6}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:453, y:133, type:0}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:453, y:147, type:0}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:453, y:161, type:0}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:453, y:175, type:0}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:453, y:189, type:0}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:474, y:98, type:4}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:474, y:224, type:6}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:481, y:133, type:2}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:481, y:147, type:2}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:481, y:161, type:2}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:481, y:175, type:2}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:481, y:189, type:2}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:495, y:133, type:2}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:495, y:147, type:2}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:495, y:161, type:2}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:495, y:175, type:2}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:495, y:189, type:2}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:516, y:224, type:4}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:544, y:84, type:6}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:544, y:112, type:6}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:544, y:140, type:6}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:544, y:168, type:6}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:544, y:196, type:6}); objects[currentLevel].push({x:544, y:224, type:6}); } public function createLevel():void{ var obj:Object; var i:Number; b0 = 0; b1 = 0; b2 = 0; b3 = 0; b4 = 0; cb0 = 0; cb1 = 0; cb2 = 0; cb3 = 0; cb4 = 0; tries = 3; if (currentFrame < 5){ menu.tries.gotoAndStop(1); }; i = 0; while (i < objects[currentLevel].length) { if (objects[currentLevel][i].type == 0){ obj = addChildAt(new Block0(), getChildIndex(menu)); b1++; }; if (objects[currentLevel][i].type == 1){ obj = addChildAt(new Block1(), getChildIndex(menu)); b2++; }; if (objects[currentLevel][i].type == 2){ obj = addChildAt(new Block2(), getChildIndex(menu)); b3++; }; if (objects[currentLevel][i].type == 3){ obj = addChildAt(new Block3(), getChildIndex(menu)); b4++; }; if (objects[currentLevel][i].type == 4){ obj = addChildAt(new Star(), getChildIndex(menu)); b0++; }; if (objects[currentLevel][i].type == 5){ obj = addChildAt(new ABlock0(), getChildIndex(menu)); }; if (objects[currentLevel][i].type == 6){ obj = addChildAt(new ABlock1(), getChildIndex(menu)); }; if (objects[currentLevel][i].type == 7){ obj = addChildAt(new ABlock2(), getChildIndex(menu)); }; if (objects[currentLevel][i].type == 8){ obj = addChildAt(new NewBall(), getChildIndex(menu)); }; if (objects[currentLevel][i].type == 9){ obj = addChildAt(new StartGround(), getChildIndex(menu)); }; obj.init(); obj.x = objects[currentLevel][i].x; obj.y = objects[currentLevel][i].y; i++; }; if (currentFrame < 5){ checkStats(); }; } public function checkTime(e:Event):void{ if ((((timer > 4)) && ((requireScreen.x > 1000)))){ if (stage.mouseX > 116){ requireScreen.x = stage.mouseX; } else { requireScreen.x = (stage.mouseX + 116); }; requireScreen.y = stage.mouseY; i = 0; while (i < 3) { requireScreen[("m" + String(i))].text = saveData[overLevel][("r" + String(i))]; if (this[("med" + String(i))] < saveData[overLevel][("r" + String(i))]){ requireScreen[("m" + String(i))].textColor = 12189953; } else { requireScreen[("m" + String(i))].textColor = 2241314; }; i++; }; } else { timer++; }; } } }//package
Section 62
//mcDragon (mcDragon) package { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class mcDragon extends MovieClip { public function mcDragon(){ super(); } } }//package
Section 63
//mcGlimmer (mcGlimmer) package { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class mcGlimmer extends MovieClip { public function mcGlimmer(){ super(); } } }//package
Section 64
//MedalGet (MedalGet) package { import*; import flash.display.*; import*; import flash.utils.*; import flash.text.*; import flash.ui.*; import*; import flash.external.*; import flash.system.*; import flash.geom.*; import flash.accessibility.*; import flash.errors.*; import flash.filters.*; public dynamic class MedalGet extends MovieClip { public function MedalGet(){ super(); addFrameScript(38, frame39); } function frame39(){ gotoAndStop(1); } } }//package
Section 65
//MochiBot (MochiBot) package { import flash.display.*; import*; import flash.system.*; public dynamic class MochiBot extends Sprite { public function MochiBot(){ super(); } public static function track(parent:Sprite, tag:String):MochiBot{ var self:MochiBot; var server:String; var lv:URLVariables; var url:String; var req:URLRequest; var loader:Loader; if (Security.sandboxType == "localWithFile"){ return (null); }; self = new (MochiBot); parent.addChild(self); Security.allowDomain("*"); Security.allowInsecureDomain("*"); server = ""; lv = new URLVariables(); lv["sb"] = Security.sandboxType; lv["v"] = Capabilities.version; lv["swfid"] = tag; lv["mv"] = "8"; lv["fv"] = "9"; url = self.root.loaderInfo.loaderURL; if (url.indexOf("http") == 0){ lv["url"] = url; } else { lv["url"] = "local"; }; req = new URLRequest(server); req.contentType = "application/x-www-form-urlencoded"; req.method = URLRequestMethod.POST; = lv; loader = new Loader(); self.addChild(loader); loader.load(req); return (self); } } }//package
Section 66
//Music1 (Music1) package { import*; public dynamic class Music1 extends Sound { public function Music1(){ super(); } } }//package
Section 67
//Music2 (Music2) package { import*; public dynamic class Music2 extends Sound { public function Music2(){ super(); } } }//package
Section 68
//Music3 (Music3) package { import*; public dynamic class Music3 extends Sound { public function Music3(){ super(); } } }//package
Section 69
//Music4 (Music4) package { import*; public dynamic class Music4 extends Sound { public function Music4(){ super(); } } }//package
Section 70
//NewBall (NewBall) package { import*; import flash.display.*; public class NewBall extends MovieClip { public function NewBall(){ super(); addFrameScript(9, frame10); } public function init():void{ parent.newBalls.push(this); } function frame10(){ stop(); } public function remove():void{ var i:Number; i = 0; while (i < parent.newBalls.length) { if (parent.newBalls[i] == this){ parent.newBalls.splice(i, 1); break; }; i++; }; parent.removeChild(this); } } }//package
Section 71
//sfxBell (sfxBell) package { import*; public dynamic class sfxBell extends Sound { public function sfxBell(){ super(); } } }//package
Section 72
//Snd0 (Snd0) package { import*; public dynamic class Snd0 extends Sound { public function Snd0(){ super(); } } }//package
Section 73
//spark (spark) package { import*; import flash.display.*; import*; import flash.utils.*; import flash.text.*; import flash.ui.*; import*; import flash.external.*; import flash.system.*; import flash.geom.*; import flash.accessibility.*; import flash.errors.*; import flash.filters.*; public dynamic class spark extends MovieClip { public function spark(){ super(); addFrameScript(22, frame23); } function frame23(){ gotoAndStop("loop"); } } }//package
Section 74
//Star (Star) package { import*; import flash.display.*; public class Star extends MovieClip { public function Star(){ super(); addFrameScript(21, frame22, 29, frame30); } public function init():void{ parent.stars.push(this); } function frame22(){ gotoAndPlay(10); } public function remove():void{ var i:Number; i = 0; while (i < parent.stars.length) { if (parent.stars[i] == this){ parent.stars.splice(i, 1); break; }; i++; }; parent.removeChild(this); } function frame30(){ stop(); remove(); } } }//package
Section 75
//StartGround (StartGround) package { import*; import flash.display.*; public class StartGround extends MovieClip { public var arrow:Object; public var currentBall:Object; public var my:Number;// = 0 public var mx:Number;// = 0 public var speedX:Number;// = 0 public var speedY:Number;// = 0 public function StartGround(){ speedX = 0; speedY = 0; mx = 0; my = 0; super(); } public function init():void{ trace("--------------------------------------------------"); parent.grounds.push(this); addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, createBall, false, 0, true); stage.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_UP, startBall, false, 0, true); } public function showArrow(e:Event):void{ var speed:Number; if (getL(stage.mouseX, currentBall.x, stage.mouseY, currentBall.y) != 0){ speed = 0; if (getL(stage.mouseX, currentBall.x, stage.mouseY, currentBall.y) > (70 * 70)){ speed = parent.maxSpeed; } else { speed = (5 + ((((parent.maxSpeed - 5) * getL(stage.mouseX, currentBall.x, stage.mouseY, currentBall.y)) / 70) / 70)); }; speedX = ((speed * (currentBall.x - stage.mouseX)) / Math.sqrt(getL(stage.mouseX, currentBall.x, stage.mouseY, currentBall.y))); speedY = ((speed * (currentBall.y - stage.mouseY)) / Math.sqrt(getL(stage.mouseX, currentBall.x, stage.mouseY, currentBall.y))); arrow.rotation = getRotationAngle(currentBall.x, stage.mouseX, currentBall.y, stage.mouseY); arrow.arrow.gotoAndStop((Math.floor(((speed / parent.maxSpeed) * 9)) + 1)); }; } public function createBall(e:MouseEvent):void{ if ((((((parent.balls.length > 0)) || ((parent.tries == 0)))) && ((parent.currentFrame < 5)))){ return; }; if (currentBall != null){ parent.removeChild(currentBall); }; if (arrow != null){ parent.removeChild(arrow); }; currentBall = parent.addChildAt(new Ball(), parent.getChildIndex(parent["menu"])); currentBall.x = stage.mouseX; currentBall.y = (stage.mouseY - 1); arrow = parent.addChild(new Arrow()); arrow.x = currentBall.x; arrow.y = currentBall.y; addEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, showArrow, false, 0, true); } public function getRotationAngle(x0:Number, x1:Number, y0:Number, y1:Number):Number{ if ((y1 - y0) >= 0){ return (((-(Math.asin(((x1 - x0) / Math.sqrt(getL(x0, x1, y0, y1))))) * 180) / Math.PI)); }; if ((x1 - x0) >= 0){ return ((-180 + ((Math.asin(((x1 - x0) / Math.sqrt(getL(x0, x1, y0, y1)))) * 180) / Math.PI))); }; return ((180 + ((Math.asin(((x1 - x0) / Math.sqrt(getL(x0, x1, y0, y1)))) * 180) / Math.PI))); } public function remove():void{ var i:Number; if (hasEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME)){ removeEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, showArrow); }; i = 0; while (i < parent.grounds.length) { if (parent.grounds[i] == this){ parent.grounds.splice(i, 1); break; }; i++; }; removeEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, createBall); stage.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_UP, startBall); parent.removeChild(this); } public function startBall(e:MouseEvent):void{ if (((parent.tutorialOn) && (!(parent.t2Showed)))){ if (parent.t1.visible){ parent.t1.visible = false; }; parent.t2Showed = true; parent.tutorialTimer.removeEventListener(TimerEvent.TIMER, parent.ont1); parent.tutorialTimer.addEventListener(TimerEvent.TIMER, parent.ont2, false, 0, true); parent.tutorialCounter = 0; }; if (currentBall != null){ trace(((((((((((("{px:" + currentBall.x) + ", py:") + currentBall.y) + ", mx:") + stage.mouseX) + ", my:") + stage.mouseY) + "} level: ") + parent.selectedLevel) + " try: ") + (4 - parent.tries))); parent.removeChild(arrow); arrow = null; currentBall.start(speedX, speedY); parent.balls.push(currentBall); parent.tries--; if (parent.currentFrame < 5){ parent["menu"].tries.nextFrame(); }; removeEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, showArrow); currentBall = null; = false; = false; = false; = false; = 0.5; = 0.5; = 0.5; = 0.5; = false; = 0.5; }; } public function getL(x0:Number, x1:Number, y0:Number, y1:Number):Number{ return ((Math.pow((x1 - x0), 2) + Math.pow((y1 - y0), 2))); } } }//package
Section 76
//TestPoint (TestPoint) package { import flash.display.*; import flash.text.*; public dynamic class TestPoint extends MovieClip { public var txt:TextField; public function TestPoint(){ super(); } } }//package
Section 77
//Wall (Wall) package { import*; import flash.display.*; public class Wall extends MovieClip { public function Wall(){ super(); } public function init():void{ parent.walls.push(this); } public function remove():void{ var i:Number; i = 0; while (i < parent.walls.length) { if (parent.walls[i] == this){ parent.walls.splice(i, 1); break; }; i++; }; parent.removeChild(this); } } }//package

Library Items

Symbol 1 Sound {sfxBell}
Symbol 2 VideoUsed by:4
Symbol 3 SoundUsed by:4
Symbol 4 MovieClip {mcDragon}Uses:2 3
Symbol 5 BitmapUsed by:6
Symbol 6 GraphicUses:5Used by:51
Symbol 7 BitmapUsed by:8
Symbol 8 GraphicUses:7Used by:51
Symbol 9 BitmapUsed by:10
Symbol 10 GraphicUses:9Used by:51
Symbol 11 BitmapUsed by:12
Symbol 12 GraphicUses:11Used by:51
Symbol 13 BitmapUsed by:14
Symbol 14 GraphicUses:13Used by:51
Symbol 15 BitmapUsed by:16
Symbol 16 GraphicUses:15Used by:51
Symbol 17 BitmapUsed by:18
Symbol 18 GraphicUses:17Used by:51
Symbol 19 BitmapUsed by:20
Symbol 20 GraphicUses:19Used by:51
Symbol 21 BitmapUsed by:22
Symbol 22 GraphicUses:21Used by:51
Symbol 23 BitmapUsed by:24
Symbol 24 GraphicUses:23Used by:51
Symbol 25 BitmapUsed by:26
Symbol 26 GraphicUses:25Used by:51
Symbol 27 BitmapUsed by:28
Symbol 28 GraphicUses:27Used by:51
Symbol 29 BitmapUsed by:30
Symbol 30 GraphicUses:29Used by:51
Symbol 31 BitmapUsed by:32
Symbol 32 GraphicUses:31Used by:51
Symbol 33 BitmapUsed by:34
Symbol 34 GraphicUses:33Used by:51
Symbol 35 BitmapUsed by:36
Symbol 36 GraphicUses:35Used by:51
Symbol 37 BitmapUsed by:38
Symbol 38 GraphicUses:37Used by:51
Symbol 39 BitmapUsed by:40
Symbol 40 GraphicUses:39Used by:51
Symbol 41 BitmapUsed by:42
Symbol 42 GraphicUses:41Used by:51
Symbol 43 BitmapUsed by:44
Symbol 44 GraphicUses:43Used by:51
Symbol 45 BitmapUsed by:46
Symbol 46 GraphicUses:45Used by:51
Symbol 47 BitmapUsed by:48
Symbol 48 GraphicUses:47Used by:51
Symbol 49 BitmapUsed by:50
Symbol 50 GraphicUses:49Used by:51
Symbol 51 MovieClip {spark}Uses:6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 28 30 32 34 36 38 40 42 44 46 48 50
Symbol 52 BitmapUsed by:53
Symbol 53 GraphicUses:52Used by:54
Symbol 54 MovieClip {libGlow}Uses:53
Symbol 55 BitmapUsed by:56
Symbol 56 GraphicUses:55Used by:57
Symbol 57 MovieClip {mcGlimmer}Uses:56
Symbol 58 GraphicUsed by:61
Symbol 59 FontUsed by:60 140 252 266 267 268 269 331 336
Symbol 60 EditableTextUses:59Used by:61
Symbol 61 MovieClip {TestPoint}Uses:58 60Used by:371
Symbol 62 GraphicUsed by:63
Symbol 63 MovieClip {Ball}Uses:62Used by:371
Symbol 64 GraphicUsed by:Timeline
Symbol 65 BitmapUsed by:66
Symbol 66 GraphicUses:65Used by:69
Symbol 67 GraphicUsed by:68
Symbol 68 MovieClipUses:67Used by:69
Symbol 69 MovieClip {Game_fla.mcLoadLogo_1}Uses:66 68Used by:Timeline
Symbol 70 GraphicUsed by:71
Symbol 71 MovieClip {Game_fla.HighScore_3}Uses:70Used by:371  Timeline
Symbol 72 VideoUsed by:73
Symbol 73 MovieClip {Game_fla.mcFireLogo_5}Uses:72Used by:86
Symbol 74 GraphicUsed by:75
Symbol 75 MovieClipUses:74Used by:78
Symbol 76 FontUsed by:77
Symbol 77 EditableTextUses:76Used by:78
Symbol 78 MovieClip {Game_fla.mcBannedSign_6}Uses:75 77Used by:86
Symbol 79 BitmapUsed by:80
Symbol 80 GraphicUses:79Used by:85
Symbol 81 BitmapUsed by:82
Symbol 82 GraphicUses:81Used by:85
Symbol 83 BitmapUsed by:84
Symbol 84 GraphicUses:83Used by:85
Symbol 85 MovieClip {Game_fla.mcPlayBtn_8}Uses:80 82 84Used by:86
Symbol 86 MovieClip {com.midasplayer.DragonLoader}Uses:73 78 85Used by:Timeline
Symbol 87 GraphicUsed by:99
Symbol 88 GraphicUsed by:89
Symbol 89 MovieClipUses:88Used by:99
Symbol 90 FontUsed by:91 174 175 176 178 179 181 182 184 185 187 188 190 191 199 201 202 203 205 206 212 213 214 215 217 218 219 220 223 224 225 230 231 232 233 239 244 272 275 276 278 279 284 285 289 295 296 297 299 300 301 302 303 304 305 306 307 308 311 312 313 314 315 316 317 318 319 320 321 322 323 324 325 326 327 328 329 330 332 337 345 348 351 356 370
Symbol 91 EditableTextUses:90Used by:99
Symbol 92 GraphicUsed by:99
Symbol 93 GraphicUsed by:94
Symbol 94 MovieClipUses:93Used by:99 228 237 335 339
Symbol 95 GraphicUsed by:96
Symbol 96 MovieClipUses:95Used by:99 228 237 335 338
Symbol 97 GraphicUsed by:98
Symbol 98 MovieClipUses:97Used by:99 164 228 237 335
Symbol 99 MovieClip {LevelBtn}Uses:87 89 91 92 94 96 98Used by:Timeline
Symbol 100 GraphicUsed by:101
Symbol 101 MovieClip {BackMask}Uses:100Used by:228  Timeline
Symbol 102 GraphicUsed by:103
Symbol 103 MovieClipUses:102Used by:Timeline
Symbol 104 GraphicUsed by:109 166 177 180 183 186 189 192 207 216 226 251 256 259 262 265 277 280 286 298 371
Symbol 105 GraphicUsed by:106
Symbol 106 MovieClipUses:105Used by:109
Symbol 107 GraphicUsed by:108
Symbol 108 MovieClipUses:107Used by:109
Symbol 109 ButtonUses:104 106 108Used by:371
Symbol 110 GraphicUsed by:111
Symbol 111 MovieClipUses:110Used by:114 195 371
Symbol 112 GraphicUsed by:113
Symbol 113 MovieClipUses:112Used by:114
Symbol 114 MovieClip {Game_fla.ArrowAni_21}Uses:111 113Used by:115
Symbol 115 MovieClip {Arrow}Uses:114Used by:371
Symbol 116 GraphicUsed by:117 363
Symbol 117 MovieClipUses:116Used by:118 194 195 287 343 363
Symbol 118 MovieClip {Block0}Uses:117Used by:371
Symbol 119 GraphicUsed by:120 364
Symbol 120 MovieClipUses:119Used by:121 194 195 287 343 364
Symbol 121 MovieClip {Block1}Uses:120Used by:371
Symbol 122 GraphicUsed by:123 365
Symbol 123 MovieClipUses:122Used by:124 194 195 287 343 365
Symbol 124 MovieClip {Block2}Uses:123Used by:371
Symbol 125 GraphicUsed by:126 366
Symbol 126 MovieClipUses:125Used by:127 194 195 287 343 366
Symbol 127 MovieClip {Block3}Uses:126Used by:371
Symbol 128 GraphicUsed by:129 362
Symbol 129 MovieClipUses:128Used by:132 195 362
Symbol 130 GraphicUsed by:131 361
Symbol 131 MovieClipUses:130Used by:132 133 195 361
Symbol 132 MovieClip {ABlock2}Uses:129 131Used by:371
Symbol 133 MovieClip {ABlock1}Uses:131Used by:371
Symbol 134 GraphicUsed by:135 360
Symbol 135 MovieClipUses:134Used by:136 195 360
Symbol 136 MovieClip {ABlock0}Uses:135Used by:371
Symbol 137 GraphicUsed by:138 367
Symbol 138 MovieClipUses:137Used by:139 195 287 343 367
Symbol 139 MovieClip {Star}Uses:138Used by:371
Symbol 140 EditableTextUses:59Used by:154
Symbol 141 Sound {Music2}Used by:154
Symbol 142 Sound {Music1}Used by:154
Symbol 143 Sound {Hit1}Used by:154
Symbol 144 Sound {Hit2}Used by:154
Symbol 145 Sound {Snd0}Used by:154
Symbol 146 Sound {Music3}Used by:154
Symbol 147 Sound {Music4}Used by:154
Symbol 148 Sound {Hit3}Used by:154
Symbol 149 Sound {Hit4}Used by:154
Symbol 150 Sound {Hit5}Used by:154
Symbol 151 Sound {Hit6}Used by:154
Symbol 152 Sound {Hit7}Used by:154
Symbol 153 Sound {LogoSound}Used by:154
Symbol 154 MovieClip {Game_fla.SndLib_41}Uses:140 141 142 143 144 145 146 147 148 149 150 151 152 153Used by:371
Symbol 155 GraphicUsed by:156
Symbol 156 MovieClipUses:155Used by:158
Symbol 157 GraphicUsed by:158 166
Symbol 158 MovieClip {StartGround}Uses:156 157Used by:371
Symbol 159 ShapeTweeningUsed by:163
Symbol 160 ShapeTweeningUsed by:163
Symbol 161 ShapeTweeningUsed by:163
Symbol 162 GraphicUsed by:163
Symbol 163 MovieClip {NewBall}Uses:159 160 161 162Used by:371
Symbol 164 MovieClip {MedalGet}Uses:98Used by:343 371
Symbol 165 ShapeTweeningUsed by:166
Symbol 166 MovieClip {Game_fla.ScreenMask_46}Uses:104 165 157Used by:371
Symbol 167 GraphicUsed by:371
Symbol 168 BitmapUsed by:169
Symbol 169 GraphicUses:168Used by:170
Symbol 170 MovieClipUses:169Used by:371
Symbol 171 GraphicUsed by:193
Symbol 172 GraphicUsed by:173
Symbol 173 MovieClipUses:172Used by:193
Symbol 174 TextUses:90Used by:177
Symbol 175 TextUses:90Used by:177
Symbol 176 TextUses:90Used by:177
Symbol 177 ButtonUses:174 175 176 104Used by:193 228
Symbol 178 TextUses:90Used by:180
Symbol 179 TextUses:90Used by:180
Symbol 180 ButtonUses:178 179 104Used by:193
Symbol 181 TextUses:90Used by:183
Symbol 182 TextUses:90Used by:183
Symbol 183 ButtonUses:181 182 104Used by:193
Symbol 184 TextUses:90Used by:186
Symbol 185 TextUses:90Used by:186
Symbol 186 ButtonUses:184 185 104Used by:193 287
Symbol 187 TextUses:90Used by:189
Symbol 188 TextUses:90Used by:189
Symbol 189 ButtonUses:187 188 104Used by:193
Symbol 190 TextUses:90Used by:192
Symbol 191 TextUses:90Used by:192
Symbol 192 ButtonUses:190 191 104Used by:193
Symbol 193 MovieClip {Game_fla.StartMenu_48}Uses:171 173 177 180 183 186 189 192Used by:371
Symbol 194 MovieClipUses:117 120 123 126Used by:371
Symbol 195 MovieClipUses:131 129 111 117 120 123 126 138 135Used by:371
Symbol 196 GraphicUsed by:197
Symbol 197 MovieClipUses:196Used by:287 371
Symbol 198 GraphicUsed by:208
Symbol 199 TextUses:90Used by:208
Symbol 200 GraphicUsed by:208
Symbol 201 TextUses:90Used by:208
Symbol 202 TextUses:90Used by:208
Symbol 203 TextUses:90Used by:208
Symbol 204 GraphicUsed by:208
Symbol 205 TextUses:90Used by:207
Symbol 206 TextUses:90Used by:207
Symbol 207 ButtonUses:205 206 104Used by:208
Symbol 208 MovieClip {Game_fla.CreditsScreen_59}Uses:198 199 200 201 202 203 204 207Used by:371
Symbol 209 GraphicUsed by:228
Symbol 210 GraphicUsed by:211
Symbol 211 MovieClipUses:210Used by:228
Symbol 212 TextUses:90Used by:228
Symbol 213 TextUses:90Used by:216
Symbol 214 TextUses:90Used by:216
Symbol 215 TextUses:90Used by:216
Symbol 216 ButtonUses:213 214 215 104Used by:228 287 343
Symbol 217 EditableTextUses:90Used by:228
Symbol 218 EditableTextUses:90Used by:228
Symbol 219 EditableTextUses:90Used by:228
Symbol 220 TextUses:90Used by:228
Symbol 221 GraphicUsed by:222
Symbol 222 MovieClipUses:221Used by:228 343
Symbol 223 EditableTextUses:90Used by:228
Symbol 224 TextUses:90Used by:226
Symbol 225 TextUses:90Used by:226
Symbol 226 ButtonUses:224 225 104Used by:228
Symbol 227 GraphicUsed by:228
Symbol 228 MovieClip {Game_fla.ChooseScreen_61}Uses:209 211 212 216 177 101 94 96 98 217 218 219 220 222 223 226 227Used by:371
Symbol 229 GraphicUsed by:237
Symbol 230 TextUses:90Used by:237
Symbol 231 EditableTextUses:90Used by:237
Symbol 232 EditableTextUses:90Used by:237
Symbol 233 EditableTextUses:90Used by:237
Symbol 234 GraphicUsed by:237
Symbol 235 GraphicUsed by:236
Symbol 236 MovieClipUses:235Used by:237
Symbol 237 MovieClip {Game_fla.RequireScreen_66}Uses:229 230 94 96 98 231 232 233 234 236Used by:371
Symbol 238 GraphicUsed by:242
Symbol 239 TextUses:90Used by:242
Symbol 240 GraphicUsed by:241
Symbol 241 MovieClipUses:240Used by:242 346 349 352
Symbol 242 MovieClipUses:238 239 241Used by:371
Symbol 243 GraphicUsed by:287
Symbol 244 EditableTextUses:90Used by:287
Symbol 245 GraphicUsed by:246
Symbol 246 MovieClipUses:245Used by:287
Symbol 247 GraphicUsed by:287
Symbol 248 ShapeTweeningUsed by:251
Symbol 249 GraphicUsed by:251
Symbol 250 GraphicUsed by:251 256 259 262 265
Symbol 251 MovieClip {Game_fla.Bar0_72}Uses:248 249 250 104Used by:287 343
Symbol 252 EditableTextUses:59Used by:287
Symbol 253 ShapeTweeningUsed by:256
Symbol 254 GraphicUsed by:256
Symbol 255 GraphicUsed by:256 259 262 265
Symbol 256 MovieClip {Game_fla.Bar1_73}Uses:253 254 255 250 104Used by:287 343
Symbol 257 ShapeTweeningUsed by:259
Symbol 258 GraphicUsed by:259
Symbol 259 MovieClip {Game_fla.Bar2_74}Uses:257 258 255 250 104Used by:287 343
Symbol 260 ShapeTweeningUsed by:262
Symbol 261 GraphicUsed by:262
Symbol 262 MovieClip {Game_fla.Bar3_75}Uses:260 261 255 250 104Used by:287 343
Symbol 263 ShapeTweeningUsed by:265
Symbol 264 GraphicUsed by:265
Symbol 265 MovieClip {Game_fla.Bar4_76}Uses:263 264 255 250 104Used by:287 343
Symbol 266 EditableTextUses:59Used by:287
Symbol 267 EditableTextUses:59Used by:287
Symbol 268 EditableTextUses:59Used by:287
Symbol 269 EditableTextUses:59Used by:287
Symbol 270 GraphicUsed by:271
Symbol 271 MovieClipUses:270Used by:287
Symbol 272 TextUses:90Used by:287
Symbol 273 GraphicUsed by:274
Symbol 274 MovieClipUses:273Used by:287
Symbol 275 TextUses:90Used by:277
Symbol 276 TextUses:90Used by:277
Symbol 277 ButtonUses:275 276 104Used by:287
Symbol 278 TextUses:90Used by:280
Symbol 279 TextUses:90Used by:280
Symbol 280 ButtonUses:278 279 104Used by:287 343
Symbol 281 GraphicUsed by:282
Symbol 282 MovieClipUses:281Used by:283
Symbol 283 MovieClip {Game_fla.Tries_81}Uses:282Used by:287
Symbol 284 TextUses:90Used by:286
Symbol 285 TextUses:90Used by:286
Symbol 286 ButtonUses:284 285 104Used by:287
Symbol 287 MovieClip {Game_fla.GameMenu_70}Uses:243 244 246 247 138 251 252 117 120 123 126 256 259 262 265 266 267 268 269 271 272 274 277 280 216 283 186 286 197Used by:371
Symbol 288 GraphicUsed by:293
Symbol 289 EditableTextUses:90Used by:293
Symbol 290 GraphicUsed by:293
Symbol 291 GraphicUsed by:292
Symbol 292 MovieClipUses:291Used by:293
Symbol 293 MovieClip {Game_fla.LevelImg_84}Uses:288 289 290 292Used by:371
Symbol 294 GraphicUsed by:343
Symbol 295 TextUses:90Used by:298
Symbol 296 TextUses:90Used by:298
Symbol 297 TextUses:90Used by:298
Symbol 298 ButtonUses:295 296 297 104Used by:343
Symbol 299 EditableTextUses:90Used by:343
Symbol 300 EditableTextUses:90Used by:343
Symbol 301 EditableTextUses:90Used by:343
Symbol 302 EditableTextUses:90Used by:343
Symbol 303 EditableTextUses:90Used by:343
Symbol 304 EditableTextUses:90Used by:343
Symbol 305 TextUses:90Used by:343
Symbol 306 TextUses:90Used by:343
Symbol 307 TextUses:90Used by:343
Symbol 308 TextUses:90Used by:343
Symbol 309 GraphicUsed by:310
Symbol 310 MovieClipUses:309Used by:343
Symbol 311 EditableTextUses:90Used by:343
Symbol 312 EditableTextUses:90Used by:343
Symbol 313 EditableTextUses:90Used by:343
Symbol 314 EditableTextUses:90Used by:343
Symbol 315 EditableTextUses:90Used by:343
Symbol 316 EditableTextUses:90Used by:343
Symbol 317 EditableTextUses:90Used by:343
Symbol 318 EditableTextUses:90Used by:343
Symbol 319 EditableTextUses:90Used by:343
Symbol 320 EditableTextUses:90Used by:343
Symbol 321 EditableTextUses:90Used by:343
Symbol 322 EditableTextUses:90Used by:343
Symbol 323 EditableTextUses:90Used by:343
Symbol 324 EditableTextUses:90Used by:343
Symbol 325 EditableTextUses:90Used by:343
Symbol 326 EditableTextUses:90Used by:343
Symbol 327 EditableTextUses:90Used by:343
Symbol 328 EditableTextUses:90Used by:343
Symbol 329 EditableTextUses:90Used by:343
Symbol 330 EditableTextUses:90Used by:343
Symbol 331 TextUses:59Used by:343
Symbol 332 EditableTextUses:90Used by:343
Symbol 333 GraphicUsed by:334
Symbol 334 MovieClipUses:333Used by:335
Symbol 335 MovieClip {Game_fla.Medals_89}Uses:334 98 96 94Used by:343
Symbol 336 TextUses:59Used by:343
Symbol 337 EditableTextUses:90Used by:343
Symbol 338 MovieClip {Game_fla.MedalGet1_91}Uses:96Used by:343
Symbol 339 MovieClip {Game_fla.MedalGet2_92}Uses:94Used by:343
Symbol 340 GraphicUsed by:343
Symbol 341 GraphicUsed by:342
Symbol 342 MovieClipUses:341Used by:343
Symbol 343 MovieClip {Game_fla.EndScreen_86}Uses:294 280 216 298 299 138 251 300 117 120 123 126 256 259 262 265 301 302 303 304 305 306 307 308 222 310 311 312 313 314 315 316 317 318 319 320 321 322 323 324 325 326 327 328 329 330 331 332 335 336 337 338 339 164 340 342Used by:371
Symbol 344 GraphicUsed by:346
Symbol 345 TextUses:90Used by:346
Symbol 346 MovieClipUses:344 345 241Used by:371
Symbol 347 GraphicUsed by:349
Symbol 348 TextUses:90Used by:349
Symbol 349 MovieClipUses:347 348 241Used by:371
Symbol 350 GraphicUsed by:352
Symbol 351 TextUses:90Used by:352
Symbol 352 MovieClipUses:350 351 241Used by:371
Symbol 353 GraphicUsed by:358
Symbol 354 GraphicUsed by:355
Symbol 355 MovieClipUses:354Used by:358
Symbol 356 EditableTextUses:90Used by:358
Symbol 357 GraphicUsed by:358
Symbol 358 MovieClip {Game_fla.WarningMsg_97}Uses:353 355 356 357Used by:371
Symbol 359 GraphicUsed by:371
Symbol 360 ButtonUses:135 134Used by:371
Symbol 361 ButtonUses:131 130Used by:371
Symbol 362 ButtonUses:129 128Used by:371
Symbol 363 ButtonUses:117 116Used by:371
Symbol 364 ButtonUses:120 119Used by:371
Symbol 365 ButtonUses:123 122Used by:371
Symbol 366 ButtonUses:126 125Used by:371
Symbol 367 ButtonUses:138 137Used by:371
Symbol 368 GraphicUsed by:369
Symbol 369 ButtonUses:368Used by:371
Symbol 370 EditableTextUses:90Used by:371
Symbol 371 MovieClip {Main2}Uses:104 109 115 118 121 124 127 63 132 133 136 139 154 158 163 164 166 71 167 170 193 194 195 197 208 228 237 242 287 293 343 346 349 352 358 359 360 361 362 363 364 365 366 367 369 111 370 61Used by:Timeline

Instance Names

"mcLoadLogoBg"Frame 1Symbol 69 MovieClip {Game_fla.mcLoadLogo_1}
"myscores"Frame 1Symbol 71 MovieClip {Game_fla.HighScore_3}
"mcKingLoader"Frame 2Symbol 86 MovieClip {com.midasplayer.DragonLoader}
"txt"Symbol 61 MovieClip {TestPoint} Frame 1Symbol 60 EditableText
"bar"Symbol 69 MovieClip {Game_fla.mcLoadLogo_1} Frame 1Symbol 68 MovieClip
"bg"Symbol 78 MovieClip {Game_fla.mcBannedSign_6} Frame 1Symbol 75 MovieClip
"fireLogoHolder"Symbol 86 MovieClip {com.midasplayer.DragonLoader} Frame 1Symbol 73 MovieClip {Game_fla.mcFireLogo_5}
"bannedSign"Symbol 86 MovieClip {com.midasplayer.DragonLoader} Frame 1Symbol 78 MovieClip {Game_fla.mcBannedSign_6}
"mcPlayBtn"Symbol 86 MovieClip {com.midasplayer.DragonLoader} Frame 1Symbol 85 MovieClip {Game_fla.mcPlayBtn_8}
"txt"Symbol 99 MovieClip {LevelBtn} Frame 1Symbol 91 EditableText
"m2"Symbol 99 MovieClip {LevelBtn} Frame 1Symbol 94 MovieClip
"m1"Symbol 99 MovieClip {LevelBtn} Frame 1Symbol 96 MovieClip
"m0"Symbol 99 MovieClip {LevelBtn} Frame 1Symbol 98 MovieClip
"arrow"Symbol 115 MovieClip {Arrow} Frame 1Symbol 114 MovieClip {Game_fla.ArrowAni_21}
"playBtn"Symbol 193 MovieClip {Game_fla.StartMenu_48} Frame 1Symbol 177 Button
"creditsBtn"Symbol 193 MovieClip {Game_fla.StartMenu_48} Frame 1Symbol 180 Button
"moreGamesBtn"Symbol 193 MovieClip {Game_fla.StartMenu_48} Frame 1Symbol 183 Button
"walkthroughBtn"Symbol 193 MovieClip {Game_fla.StartMenu_48} Frame 1Symbol 186 Button
"highscoresBtn"Symbol 193 MovieClip {Game_fla.StartMenu_48} Frame 1Symbol 189 Button
"downloadBtn"Symbol 193 MovieClip {Game_fla.StartMenu_48} Frame 1Symbol 192 Button
"closeBtn"Symbol 208 MovieClip {Game_fla.CreditsScreen_59} Frame 1Symbol 207 Button
"quitBtn"Symbol 228 MovieClip {Game_fla.ChooseScreen_61} Frame 1Symbol 216 Button
"playBtn"Symbol 228 MovieClip {Game_fla.ChooseScreen_61} Frame 1Symbol 177 Button
"backMask"Symbol 228 MovieClip {Game_fla.ChooseScreen_61} Frame 1Symbol 101 MovieClip {BackMask}
"m2"Symbol 228 MovieClip {Game_fla.ChooseScreen_61} Frame 1Symbol 217 EditableText
"m1"Symbol 228 MovieClip {Game_fla.ChooseScreen_61} Frame 1Symbol 218 EditableText
"m0"Symbol 228 MovieClip {Game_fla.ChooseScreen_61} Frame 1Symbol 219 EditableText
"scoreTxt"Symbol 228 MovieClip {Game_fla.ChooseScreen_61} Frame 1Symbol 223 EditableText
"submitBtn"Symbol 228 MovieClip {Game_fla.ChooseScreen_61} Frame 1Symbol 226 Button
"m0"Symbol 237 MovieClip {Game_fla.RequireScreen_66} Frame 1Symbol 231 EditableText
"m1"Symbol 237 MovieClip {Game_fla.RequireScreen_66} Frame 1Symbol 232 EditableText
"m2"Symbol 237 MovieClip {Game_fla.RequireScreen_66} Frame 1Symbol 233 EditableText
"levelTxt"Symbol 287 MovieClip {Game_fla.GameMenu_70} Frame 1Symbol 244 EditableText
"b0"Symbol 287 MovieClip {Game_fla.GameMenu_70} Frame 1Symbol 251 MovieClip {Game_fla.Bar0_72}
"p0"Symbol 287 MovieClip {Game_fla.GameMenu_70} Frame 1Symbol 252 EditableText
"b1"Symbol 287 MovieClip {Game_fla.GameMenu_70} Frame 1Symbol 256 MovieClip {Game_fla.Bar1_73}
"b2"Symbol 287 MovieClip {Game_fla.GameMenu_70} Frame 1Symbol 259 MovieClip {Game_fla.Bar2_74}
"b3"Symbol 287 MovieClip {Game_fla.GameMenu_70} Frame 1Symbol 262 MovieClip {Game_fla.Bar3_75}
"b4"Symbol 287 MovieClip {Game_fla.GameMenu_70} Frame 1Symbol 265 MovieClip {Game_fla.Bar4_76}
"p1"Symbol 287 MovieClip {Game_fla.GameMenu_70} Frame 1Symbol 266 EditableText
"p2"Symbol 287 MovieClip {Game_fla.GameMenu_70} Frame 1Symbol 267 EditableText
"p3"Symbol 287 MovieClip {Game_fla.GameMenu_70} Frame 1Symbol 268 EditableText
"p4"Symbol 287 MovieClip {Game_fla.GameMenu_70} Frame 1Symbol 269 EditableText
"soundBtn"Symbol 287 MovieClip {Game_fla.GameMenu_70} Frame 1Symbol 277 Button
"replayBtn"Symbol 287 MovieClip {Game_fla.GameMenu_70} Frame 1Symbol 280 Button
"quitBtn"Symbol 287 MovieClip {Game_fla.GameMenu_70} Frame 1Symbol 216 Button
"tries"Symbol 287 MovieClip {Game_fla.GameMenu_70} Frame 1Symbol 283 MovieClip {Game_fla.Tries_81}
"walkthroughBtn"Symbol 287 MovieClip {Game_fla.GameMenu_70} Frame 1Symbol 186 Button
"moreGamesBtn"Symbol 287 MovieClip {Game_fla.GameMenu_70} Frame 1Symbol 286 Button
"kingLogo"Symbol 287 MovieClip {Game_fla.GameMenu_70} Frame 1Symbol 197 MovieClip
"txt"Symbol 293 MovieClip {Game_fla.LevelImg_84} Frame 1Symbol 289 EditableText
"replayBtn"Symbol 343 MovieClip {Game_fla.EndScreen_86} Frame 1Symbol 280 Button
"quitBtn"Symbol 343 MovieClip {Game_fla.EndScreen_86} Frame 1Symbol 216 Button
"nextLevelBtn"Symbol 343 MovieClip {Game_fla.EndScreen_86} Frame 1Symbol 298 Button
"txt"Symbol 343 MovieClip {Game_fla.EndScreen_86} Frame 1Symbol 299 EditableText
"b0"Symbol 343 MovieClip {Game_fla.EndScreen_86} Frame 1Symbol 251 MovieClip {Game_fla.Bar0_72}
"p00"Symbol 343 MovieClip {Game_fla.EndScreen_86} Frame 1Symbol 300 EditableText
"b1"Symbol 343 MovieClip {Game_fla.EndScreen_86} Frame 1Symbol 256 MovieClip {Game_fla.Bar1_73}
"b2"Symbol 343 MovieClip {Game_fla.EndScreen_86} Frame 1Symbol 259 MovieClip {Game_fla.Bar2_74}
"b3"Symbol 343 MovieClip {Game_fla.EndScreen_86} Frame 1Symbol 262 MovieClip {Game_fla.Bar3_75}
"b4"Symbol 343 MovieClip {Game_fla.EndScreen_86} Frame 1Symbol 265 MovieClip {Game_fla.Bar4_76}
"p01"Symbol 343 MovieClip {Game_fla.EndScreen_86} Frame 1Symbol 301 EditableText
"p02"Symbol 343 MovieClip {Game_fla.EndScreen_86} Frame 1Symbol 302 EditableText
"p03"Symbol 343 MovieClip {Game_fla.EndScreen_86} Frame 1Symbol 303 EditableText
"p04"Symbol 343 MovieClip {Game_fla.EndScreen_86} Frame 1Symbol 304 EditableText
"p10"Symbol 343 MovieClip {Game_fla.EndScreen_86} Frame 1Symbol 311 EditableText
"p11"Symbol 343 MovieClip {Game_fla.EndScreen_86} Frame 1Symbol 312 EditableText
"p12"Symbol 343 MovieClip {Game_fla.EndScreen_86} Frame 1Symbol 313 EditableText
"p13"Symbol 343 MovieClip {Game_fla.EndScreen_86} Frame 1Symbol 314 EditableText
"p14"Symbol 343 MovieClip {Game_fla.EndScreen_86} Frame 1Symbol 315 EditableText
"p20"Symbol 343 MovieClip {Game_fla.EndScreen_86} Frame 1Symbol 316 EditableText
"p21"Symbol 343 MovieClip {Game_fla.EndScreen_86} Frame 1Symbol 317 EditableText
"p22"Symbol 343 MovieClip {Game_fla.EndScreen_86} Frame 1Symbol 318 EditableText
"p23"Symbol 343 MovieClip {Game_fla.EndScreen_86} Frame 1Symbol 319 EditableText
"p24"Symbol 343 MovieClip {Game_fla.EndScreen_86} Frame 1Symbol 320 EditableText
"p30"Symbol 343 MovieClip {Game_fla.EndScreen_86} Frame 1Symbol 321 EditableText
"p31"Symbol 343 MovieClip {Game_fla.EndScreen_86} Frame 1Symbol 322 EditableText
"p32"Symbol 343 MovieClip {Game_fla.EndScreen_86} Frame 1Symbol 323 EditableText
"p33"Symbol 343 MovieClip {Game_fla.EndScreen_86} Frame 1Symbol 324 EditableText
"p34"Symbol 343 MovieClip {Game_fla.EndScreen_86} Frame 1Symbol 325 EditableText
"p40"Symbol 343 MovieClip {Game_fla.EndScreen_86} Frame 1Symbol 326 EditableText
"p41"Symbol 343 MovieClip {Game_fla.EndScreen_86} Frame 1Symbol 327 EditableText
"p42"Symbol 343 MovieClip {Game_fla.EndScreen_86} Frame 1Symbol 328 EditableText
"p43"Symbol 343 MovieClip {Game_fla.EndScreen_86} Frame 1Symbol 329 EditableText
"p44"Symbol 343 MovieClip {Game_fla.EndScreen_86} Frame 1Symbol 330 EditableText
"p"Symbol 343 MovieClip {Game_fla.EndScreen_86} Frame 1Symbol 332 EditableText
"m2"Symbol 343 MovieClip {Game_fla.EndScreen_86} Frame 1Symbol 335 MovieClip {Game_fla.Medals_89}
"m1"Symbol 343 MovieClip {Game_fla.EndScreen_86} Frame 1Symbol 335 MovieClip {Game_fla.Medals_89}
"m0"Symbol 343 MovieClip {Game_fla.EndScreen_86} Frame 1Symbol 335 MovieClip {Game_fla.Medals_89}
"bestTxt"Symbol 343 MovieClip {Game_fla.EndScreen_86} Frame 1Symbol 337 EditableText
"mg1"Symbol 343 MovieClip {Game_fla.EndScreen_86} Frame 1Symbol 338 MovieClip {Game_fla.MedalGet1_91}
"mg2"Symbol 343 MovieClip {Game_fla.EndScreen_86} Frame 1Symbol 339 MovieClip {Game_fla.MedalGet2_92}
"mg0"Symbol 343 MovieClip {Game_fla.EndScreen_86} Frame 1Symbol 164 MovieClip {MedalGet}
"txt"Symbol 358 MovieClip {Game_fla.WarningMsg_97} Frame 1Symbol 356 EditableText
"sm"Symbol 371 MovieClip {Main2} Frame 1Symbol 166 MovieClip {Game_fla.ScreenMask_46}
"score_m"Symbol 371 MovieClip {Main2} Frame 1Symbol 71 MovieClip {Game_fla.HighScore_3}
"menu"Symbol 371 MovieClip {Main2} Frame 2Symbol 193 MovieClip {Game_fla.StartMenu_48}
"kingLogo"Symbol 371 MovieClip {Main2} Frame 2Symbol 197 MovieClip
"creditsScreen"Symbol 371 MovieClip {Main2} Frame 2Symbol 208 MovieClip {Game_fla.CreditsScreen_59}
"menu"Symbol 371 MovieClip {Main2} Frame 3Symbol 228 MovieClip {Game_fla.ChooseScreen_61}
"requireScreen"Symbol 371 MovieClip {Main2} Frame 3Symbol 237 MovieClip {Game_fla.RequireScreen_66}
"t0"Symbol 371 MovieClip {Main2} Frame 3Symbol 242 MovieClip
"menu"Symbol 371 MovieClip {Main2} Frame 4Symbol 287 MovieClip {Game_fla.GameMenu_70}
"levelImg"Symbol 371 MovieClip {Main2} Frame 4Symbol 293 MovieClip {Game_fla.LevelImg_84}
"endScreen"Symbol 371 MovieClip {Main2} Frame 4Symbol 343 MovieClip {Game_fla.EndScreen_86}
"t1"Symbol 371 MovieClip {Main2} Frame 4Symbol 346 MovieClip
"t2"Symbol 371 MovieClip {Main2} Frame 4Symbol 349 MovieClip
"t3"Symbol 371 MovieClip {Main2} Frame 4Symbol 352 MovieClip
"warningMsg"Symbol 371 MovieClip {Main2} Frame 4Symbol 358 MovieClip {Game_fla.WarningMsg_97}
"btn5"Symbol 371 MovieClip {Main2} Frame 5Symbol 360 Button
"btn6"Symbol 371 MovieClip {Main2} Frame 5Symbol 361 Button
"btn7"Symbol 371 MovieClip {Main2} Frame 5Symbol 362 Button
"btn0"Symbol 371 MovieClip {Main2} Frame 5Symbol 363 Button
"btn1"Symbol 371 MovieClip {Main2} Frame 5Symbol 364 Button
"btn2"Symbol 371 MovieClip {Main2} Frame 5Symbol 365 Button
"btn3"Symbol 371 MovieClip {Main2} Frame 5Symbol 366 Button
"btn4"Symbol 371 MovieClip {Main2} Frame 5Symbol 367 Button
"btn10"Symbol 371 MovieClip {Main2} Frame 5Symbol 369 Button
"btn11"Symbol 371 MovieClip {Main2} Frame 5Symbol 111 MovieClip
"btn12"Symbol 371 MovieClip {Main2} Frame 5Symbol 111 MovieClip
"output"Symbol 371 MovieClip {Main2} Frame 5Symbol 370 EditableText
"btn9"Symbol 371 MovieClip {Main2} Frame 5Symbol 369 Button
"btn8"Symbol 371 MovieClip {Main2} Frame 5Symbol 163 MovieClip {NewBall}
"menu"Symbol 371 MovieClip {Main2} Frame 6Symbol 115 MovieClip {Arrow}
"p0"Symbol 371 MovieClip {Main2} Frame 6Symbol 61 MovieClip {TestPoint}
"p1"Symbol 371 MovieClip {Main2} Frame 6Symbol 61 MovieClip {TestPoint}

Special Tags

FileAttributes (69)Timeline Frame 1Access local files only, Metadata not present, AS3.
EnableDebugger2 (64)Timeline Frame 131 bytes "..$1$hY$coiJPaUp/KsI9gs17.aBZ.."


"loop"Symbol 51 MovieClip {spark} Frame 10
"idle"Symbol 85 MovieClip {Game_fla.mcPlayBtn_8} Frame 1
"over"Symbol 85 MovieClip {Game_fla.mcPlayBtn_8} Frame 2
"down"Symbol 85 MovieClip {Game_fla.mcPlayBtn_8} Frame 3
Created: 28/3 -2019 03:12:18 Last modified: 28/3 -2019 03:12:18 Server time: 18/01 -2025 06:04:27