Archived flashes:
/disc/ · /res/     /show/ · /fap/ · /gg/ · /swf/P0001 · P2596 · P5192

<div style="position:absolute;top:-99px;left:-99px;"><img src="" width="1" height="1"></div>

Secret of Life Flower 1 - first part of the The Life Flower expedition.swf

This is the info page for
Flash #91799

(Click the ID number above for more basic data on this flash file.)

ActionScript [AS1/AS2]
Combined Code
// unknown tag 88 length 113 movieClip 21 { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 22 tooltip_mc { frame 15 { stop(); } } movieClip 27 cust_cursor { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 10 { gotoAndPlay('rollover'); } } frame 1 { stop(); _root.onEnterFrame = function () { if (getBytesLoaded() == getBytesTotal()) { delete this.onEnterFrame; _root.gotoAndStop('intro'); } var v3 = Math.round((getBytesLoaded() / getBytesTotal()) * 100); preloader_mc.bar_mc._xscale = v3; }; bggames.onRelease = function () { getURL('', '_blank'); }; } movieClip 29 { } movieClip 31 { } // unknown tag 88 length 70 movieClip 36 { frame 1 { this._alpha = 0; id = 3; } } movieClip 2885 { #initclip if (! { = new Object(); } if (! { = new Object(); } if (! { var v1 = function () {}; mx.transitions.OnEnterFrameBeacon = v1; var v2 = v1.prototype; v1.init = function () { var v4 = _global.MovieClip; if (!_root.__OnEnterFrameBeacon) { mx.transitions.BroadcasterMX.initialize(v4); var v3 = _root.createEmptyMovieClip('__OnEnterFrameBeacon', 9876); v3.onEnterFrame = function () { _global.MovieClip.broadcastMessage('onEnterFrame'); }; } }; v1.version = ''; ASSetPropFlags(mx.transitions.OnEnterFrameBeacon.prototype, null, 1); } #endinitclip } movieClip 2886 { #initclip if (! { = new Object(); } if (! { = new Object(); } if (! { var v1 = function () {}; mx.transitions.BroadcasterMX = v1; var v2 = v1.prototype; v1.initialize = function (o, dontCreateArray) { if (o.broadcastMessage != undefined) { delete o.broadcastMessage; } o.addListener = mx.transitions.BroadcasterMX.prototype.addListener; o.removeListener = mx.transitions.BroadcasterMX.prototype.removeListener; if (!dontCreateArray) { o._listeners = new Array(); } }; v2.addListener = function (o) { this.removeListener(o); if (this.broadcastMessage == undefined) { this.broadcastMessage = mx.transitions.BroadcasterMX.prototype.broadcastMessage; } return this._listeners.push(o); }; v2.removeListener = function (o) { var v2 = this._listeners; var v3 = v2.length; while (v3--) { if (v2[v3] == o) { v2.splice(v3, 1); if (!v2.length) { this.broadcastMessage = undefined; } return true; } } return false; }; v2.broadcastMessage = function () { var v5 = String(arguments.shift()); var v4 = this._listeners.concat(); var v6 = v4.length; var v3 = 0; while (v3 < v6) { v4[v3][v5].apply(v4[v3], arguments); ++v3; } }; v1.version = ''; ASSetPropFlags(mx.transitions.BroadcasterMX.prototype, null, 1); } #endinitclip } movieClip 2887 { #initclip if (! { = new Object(); } if (! { = new Object(); } if (! { var v1 = function (obj, prop, func, begin, finish, duration, useSeconds) { mx.transitions.OnEnterFrameBeacon.init(); if (!arguments.length) { return undefined; } this.obj = obj; this.prop = prop; this.begin = begin; this.__set__position(begin); this.__set__duration(duration); this.useSeconds = useSeconds; if (func) { this.func = func; } this.__set__finish(finish); this._listeners = []; this.addListener(this); this.start(); }; mx.transitions.Tween = v1; var v2 = v1.prototype; v2.__set__time = function (t) { this.prevTime = this._time; if (t > this.__get__duration()) { if (this.looping) { this.rewind(t - this._duration); this.update(); this.broadcastMessage('onMotionLooped', this); } else { if (this.useSeconds) { this._time = this._duration; this.update(); } this.stop(); this.broadcastMessage('onMotionFinished', this); } } else { if (t < 0) { this.rewind(); this.update(); } else { this._time = t; this.update(); } } return this.__get__time(); }; v2.__get__time = function () { return this._time; }; v2.__set__duration = function (d) { this._duration = (d == null || d <= 0) ? _global.Infinity : d; return this.__get__duration(); }; v2.__get__duration = function () { return this._duration; }; v2.__set__FPS = function (fps) { var v2 = this.isPlaying; this.stopEnterFrame(); this._fps = fps; if (v2) { this.startEnterFrame(); } return this.__get__FPS(); }; v2.__get__FPS = function () { return this._fps; }; v2.__set__position = function (p) { this.setPosition(p); return this.__get__position(); }; v2.setPosition = function (p) { this.prevPos = this._pos; this._pos = p; this.obj[this.prop] = this._pos; this.broadcastMessage('onMotionChanged', this, this._pos); updateAfterEvent(); }; v2.__get__position = function () { return this.getPosition(); }; v2.getPosition = function (t) { if (t == undefined) { t = this._time; } return this.func(t, this.begin, this.change, this._duration); }; v2.__set__finish = function (f) { this.change = f - this.begin; return this.__get__finish(); }; v2.__get__finish = function () { return this.begin + this.change; }; v2.continueTo = function (finish, duration) { this.begin = this.position; this.__set__finish(finish); if (duration != undefined) { this.__set__duration(duration); } this.start(); }; v2.yoyo = function () { this.continueTo(this.begin, this.__get__time()); }; v2.startEnterFrame = function () { if (this._fps == undefined) { _global.MovieClip.addListener(this); } else { this._intervalID = setInterval(this, 'onEnterFrame', 1000 / this._fps); } this.isPlaying = true; }; v2.stopEnterFrame = function () { if (this._fps == undefined) { _global.MovieClip.removeListener(this); } else { clearInterval(this._intervalID); } this.isPlaying = false; }; v2.start = function () { this.rewind(); this.startEnterFrame(); this.broadcastMessage('onMotionStarted', this); }; v2.stop = function () { this.stopEnterFrame(); this.broadcastMessage('onMotionStopped', this); }; v2.resume = function () { this.fixTime(); this.startEnterFrame(); this.broadcastMessage('onMotionResumed', this); }; v2.rewind = function (t) { this._time = (t == undefined) ? 0 : t; this.fixTime(); this.update(); }; v2.fforward = function () { this.__set__time(this._duration); this.fixTime(); }; v2.nextFrame = function () { if (this.useSeconds) { this.__set__time((getTimer() - this._startTime) / 1000); } else { this.__set__time(this._time + 1); } }; v2.onEnterFrame = function () { this.nextFrame(); }; v2.prevFrame = function () { if (!this.useSeconds) { this.__set__time(this._time - 1); } }; v2.toString = function () { return '[Tween]'; }; v2.fixTime = function () { if (this.useSeconds) { this._startTime = getTimer() - this._time * 1000; } }; v2.update = function () { this.__set__position(this.getPosition(this._time)); }; v1.version = ''; v1.__initBeacon = mx.transitions.OnEnterFrameBeacon.init(); v1.__initBroadcaster = mx.transitions.BroadcasterMX.initialize(mx.transitions.Tween.prototype, true); v2.func = function (t, b, c, d) { return c * t / d + b; }; v2.addProperty('FPS', v2.__get__FPS, v2.__set__FPS); v2.addProperty('duration', v2.__get__duration, v2.__set__duration); v2.addProperty('finish', v2.__get__finish, v2.__set__finish); v2.addProperty('position', v2.__get__position, v2.__set__position); v2.addProperty('time', v2.__get__time, v2.__set__time); ASSetPropFlags(mx.transitions.Tween.prototype, null, 1); } #endinitclip } movieClip 2888 { #initclip if (! { = new Object(); } if (! { = new Object(); } if (! { = new Object(); } if (! { var v1 = function () {}; mx.transitions.easing.Strong = v1; var v2 = v1.prototype; v1.easeIn = function (t, b, c, d) { t /= d; return c * t * t * t * t * t + b; }; v1.easeOut = function (t, b, c, d) { t = t / d - 1; return c * (t * t * t * t * t + 1) + b; }; v1.easeInOut = function (t, b, c, d) { t /= d / 2; if (t < 1) { return (c / 2) * t * t * t * t * t + b; } t -= 2; return (c / 2) * (t * t * t * t * t + 2) + b; }; v1.version = ''; ASSetPropFlags(mx.transitions.easing.Strong.prototype, null, 1); } #endinitclip } // unknown tag 88 length 103 // unknown tag 88 length 98 movieClip 56 { } movieClip 58 credit_mc { frame 1 { close_credit.onRelease = function () { _root.credit_mc.removeMovieClip(); }; } } movieClip 61 obj4_mc { } movieClip 64 obj5_mc { } movieClip 67 obj3_mc { } movieClip 71 obj2_mc { } movieClip 74 obj1_mc { } movieClip 83 object_mc { } movieClip 282 other_char { frame 61 { gotoAndPlay('nina idle'); } frame 132 { gotoAndPlay('michael idle'); } frame 193 { gotoAndPlay('jane idle'); } frame 253 { gotoAndPlay('jack idle'); } frame 304 { gotoAndPlay('nina idle'); } frame 325 { gotoAndPlay('michael idle'); } frame 376 { gotoAndPlay('jane idle'); } frame 397 { gotoAndPlay('jack idle'); } frame 418 { gotoAndPlay('john idle'); } frame 439 { gotoAndPlay('michael idle'); } frame 475 { stop(); } frame 510 { stop(); } frame 555 { stop(); } frame 585 { stop(); } } movieClip 285 boat { } movieClip 296 { } movieClip 310 { } movieClip 331 boat_mc { } movieClip 334 cursor_mc { } movieClip 463 npc_1 { frame 154 { gotoAndPlay('npc 1'); } frame 310 { gotoAndPlay('npc 2'); } } movieClip 565 { frame 1 { this._alpha = 0; } } movieClip 964 char_mc2 { frame 100 { gotoAndPlay('idle'); } frame 101 { _root.kuli_mc.invi_kuli.enabled = false; _root.kardus1.invi_kardus.enabled = false; _root.layer_mc.invi_npc2.enabled = false; } frame 261 { _root.kardus1.invi_kardus.enabled = true; _root.layer_mc.invi_npc2.enabled = true; gotoAndPlay('talk captain'); _root.captain_mc.gotoAndPlay('talk_john'); } frame 262 { if (conversation) { _root.kuli_mc.invi_kuli.enabled = true; _root.showdialog(); _root.dialogBar.awalAmbil = 0; _root.dialogBar.teksNomor = 1; _root.dialogBar.eventNomor = 5; _root.dialogBar.tampil = setInterval(_root.tambahKata, 20); _global.conversation = false; } } frame 412 { gotoAndPlay('talk captain'); } frame 457 { gotoAndPlay('idle 2'); } frame 517 { gotoAndPlay('idle 2'); } frame 522 { _root.npc1.invi_michael.enabled = true; _root.npc1.invi_nina.enabled = true; _root.npc1.invi_jane.enabled = true; } frame 622 { gotoAndPlay('john idle scene 1'); } frame 627 { _root.invi_bullet1.enabled = false; _root.invi_maps.enabled = false; _root.invi_dictionary.enabled = false; _root.invi_bullet.enabled = false; _root.npc1.invi_michael.enabled = false; _root.npc1.invi_nina.enabled = false; _root.npc1.invi_jane.enabled = false; } frame 677 { _root.showpopup(); _root.rifle._visible = false; _root.invi_bullet1.enabled = true; _root.invi_maps.enabled = true; _root.invi_dictionary.enabled = true; _root.invi_bullet.enabled = true; _root.npc1.invi_michael.enabled = true; _root.npc1.invi_nina.enabled = true; _root.npc1.invi_jane.enabled = true; gotoAndPlay('john idle 2 scene 1'); } frame 782 { gotoAndPlay('john idle 2 scene 1'); } frame 787 { _root.invi_maps.enabled = false; _root.invi_dictionary.enabled = false; _root.invi_bullet.enabled = false; _root.invi_boot.enabled = false; _root.npc1.invi_michael.enabled = false; _root.npc1.invi_nina.enabled = false; _root.npc1.invi_jane.enabled = false; } frame 897 { _root.gotoAndStop('scene 1_2'); } frame 1002 { gotoAndPlay('john idle 3 scene 1'); } frame 1007 { _root.invi_grenade.enabled = false; _root.npc2.invi_npc2.enabled = false; } frame 1177 { stop(); if (!_root.isScene1) { if (_root.nextscene) { _root.tweening(1, 0, 100); _root.tween.onMotionFinished = function () { _root.obj2_mc.removeMovieClip(); _root.npc2.removeMovieClip(); _root.gotoAndStop('scene 2'); }; } else { _root.showdialog(); _root.dialogBar.awalAmbil = 0; _root.dialogBar.teksNomor = 1; _root.dialogBar.eventNomor = 12; _root.dialogBar.tampil = setInterval(_root.tambahKata, 20); } } } frame 1257 { _root.gotoAndStop('scene 1_2'); _root.npc2.invi_npc2.enabled = true; } } movieClip 1253 npc_scene3 { frame 300 { gotoAndPlay('idle'); } frame 445 { _root.tweening(1, 0, 100); _root.tween.onMotionFinished = function () { _root.nextFrame(); }; } frame 500 { stop(); } frame 701 { gotoAndPlay('idle scene 5'); } } movieClip 1337 { } movieClip 1338 npc { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 1339 { frame 1 { } } movieClip 1344 layerbg_mc { } movieClip 1490 captain_mc { frame 1 { id = 1; } frame 100 { gotoAndPlay('idle'); } frame 219 { gotoAndPlay('talk_john'); } frame 225 { _root.kardus1.invi_kardus.enabled = false; } frame 280 { _root.kardus1.invi_kardus.enabled = true; gotoAndPlay('talk_kuli'); } frame 386 { gotoAndPlay('talk_kuli'); } frame 431 { stop(); } } movieClip 1513 { } movieClip 1516 { frame 1 { } } movieClip 1641 { frame 1 { _root.captain_mc.gotoAndPlay('captain_repos'); _root.layer_mc.invi_npc2.enabled = false; } frame 140 { _root.kardus1.removeMovieClip(); } frame 150 { _root.kardus2.removeMovieClip(); } frame 310 { stop(); _root.tweening(1, 0, 100); _root.tween.onMotionFinished = function () { _root.gotoAndStop('scene 3'); trace(_root._currentframe); }; } } movieClip 1642 kuli_mc { frame 1 { stop(); id = 2; } } movieClip 1645 kardus_mc { frame 1 { id = 3; } } movieClip 1648 kardus_mc2 { } movieClip 1649 transition_mc { frame 1 { } } movieClip 1652 { } movieClip 1663 { } movieClip 1666 { } movieClip 1669 movie_scene3 { frame 1 { _root.onEnterFrame = function () { if (playscene) { _global.playscene = false; _root.tweening(1, 0, 100); _root.tween.onMotionFinished = function () { _root.story_transition.removeMovieClip(); _root.tweening(1, 100, 0); var v5 = new mx.transitions.Tween(ship_mc2, '_x', None.easeIn, 220, 110, 5, true); var v4 = new mx.transitions.Tween(ship_mc2, '_y', None.easeIn, 60, 30, 5, true); var v2 = new mx.transitions.Tween(ship_mc2, '_width', None.easeIn, 200, 400, 5, true); var v3 = new mx.transitions.Tween(ship_mc2, '_height', None.easeIn, 160, 320, 5, true); v5.onMotionFinished = function () { new mx.transitions.Tween(ship_mc2, '_x', None.easeIn, 110, 0, 5.5, true); animtween = new mx.transitions.Tween(_root.transition_mc, '_alpha', None.easeIn, 0, 100, 1.5, true); animtween.onMotionFinished = function () { _root.nextFrame(); }; }; v4.onMotionFinished = function () { new mx.transitions.Tween(ship_mc2, '_y', None.easeIn, 30, 0, 5.5, true); }; v2.onMotionFinished = function () { new mx.transitions.Tween(ship_mc2, '_width', None.easeIn, 400, 640, 5.5, true); }; v3.onMotionFinished = function () { new mx.transitions.Tween(ship_mc2, '_height', None.easeIn, 320, 480, 5.5, true); }; }; } }; } } movieClip 1918 guide_mc { frame 200 { gotoAndPlay('guide idle'); } frame 400 { gotoAndPlay('guide talk'); } frame 401 { _root.char_3.gotoAndPlay('receive map'); } frame 500 { gotoAndPlay('guide idle'); } frame 645 { _root.door2._x += 2; _root.door1._width -= 100; _root.door1._x += 5; } frame 655 { _root.door2._x += 2; _root.door1._width -= 100; _root.door1._x += 5; } frame 665 { _root.door2._x += 2; _root.door1._width -= 100; _root.door1._x += 5; } frame 675 { _root.door2._x += 2; _root.door1._width -= 100; _root.door1._x += 5; } frame 685 { _root.door2._x += 2; } frame 695 { _root.door2._x += 2; } frame 700 { stop(); _root.door2._x += 3; } } movieClip 1938 { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 1939 popup { frame 1 { stop(); new mx.transitions.Tween(trans_mc, '_alpha', mx.transitions.easing.Strong.easeIn, 0, 45, 0.3, true); imagepopup = new mx.transitions.Tween(popup_img, '_alpha', mx.transitions.easing.Strong.easeIn, 0, 100, 0.4, true); _global.onHold = true; if (getItem) { popup_img.gotoAndStop(_root.itemget); } char_3.stop(); npc3.stop(); guide_mc.stop(); ok_btn.tabEnabled = false; ok_btn._focusrect = false; ok_btn.onRelease = function () { _root.tutor_done = true; tweenhandler = new mx.transitions.Tween(trans_mc, '_alpha', mx.transitions.easing.Strong.easeIn, 45, 0, 0.3, true); new mx.transitions.Tween(popup_img, '_alpha', mx.transitions.easing.Strong.easeIn, 100, 0, 0.3, true); tweenhandler.onMotionFinished = function () { if (_root.getMap2) { _root.nextscene = true; };;; _root.popup.removeMovieClip(); }; _global.onHold = false; }; trans_mc.tabEnabled = false; trans_mc._focusrect = false; trans_mc.onRelease = function () { _root.tutor_done = true; tweenhandler = new mx.transitions.Tween(trans_mc, '_alpha', mx.transitions.easing.Strong.easeIn, 45, 0, 0.3, true); new mx.transitions.Tween(popup_img, '_alpha', mx.transitions.easing.Strong.easeIn, 100, 0, 0.3, true); tweenhandler.onMotionFinished = function () { if (_root.getMap2) { _global.nextscene = true; };;; _root.popup.removeMovieClip(); }; _global.onHold = false; }; } } movieClip 1946 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 2 { stop(); } } movieClip 1947 dialogbar { } movieClip 1950 { } movieClip 1951 dialogbar2 { } movieClip 1994 buaya { frame 33 { gotoAndPlay('idle'); } frame 64 { trace(_root.damage); _root.damage.gotoAndPlay('hit'); this.removeMovieClip(); } } movieClip 1996 { } movieClip 1999 { } // unknown tag 88 length 103 // unknown tag 88 length 103 movieClip 2005 damage { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 80 { stop(); } } movieClip 2020 buaya_mc { frame 33 { gotoAndPlay('idle'); } frame 64 { _root.c_isAttack = false; _global.hit = true; _global.curr_attack = 'croc'; _root.healthbar(); _root.health_croc = 10; this.removeMovieClip(); } frame 77 { gotoAndPlay('idle'); if (die) { _global.die = false; gotoAndPlay('die'); } } frame 78 { delete this.onEnterFrame; } frame 85 { this.removeMovieClip(); } } movieClip 2067 kampret_mc { frame 12 { gotoAndPlay('idle'); } frame 48 { _root.b_isAttack = false; _global.hit = true; _global.curr_attack = 'bat'; _root.healthbar(); _root.health_bat = 1; this.removeMovieClip(); } frame 58 { if (die) { _global.die = false; } } frame 59 { delete this.onEnterFrame; } frame 66 { this.removeMovieClip(); } } movieClip 2075 bullet2 { frame 1 { _root.onEnterFrame = function () { if (_root.completed) { this.removeMovieClip(); } }; stop(); } } movieClip 2089 bullet1 { frame 1 { _root.onEnterFrame = function () { if (_root.completed) { this.removeMovieClip(); } }; stop(); } frame 2 { stop(); } frame 3 { stop(); } frame 4 { stop(); } frame 5 { stop(); } frame 6 { stop(); } frame 7 { stop(); } frame 8 { stop(); } frame 9 { stop(); } frame 10 { stop(); } frame 11 { stop(); } frame 12 { stop(); } frame 13 { stop(); } } movieClip 2104 bg_storytrans { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 2118 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 100 { _root.story_transition.continue_txt._visible = false; _root.story_transition.continue_btn.enabled = false; } frame 203 { stop(); _global.ends = true; trace(ends); } } movieClip 2119 story_transition { frame 40 { stop(); this.continue_btn.onRelease = function () { _global.playscene = true; this.enabled = false; }; } } movieClip 2123 ending_transition { frame 1 { play_chapter2.onRelease = function () { getURL('', '_blank'); }; quit.onRelease = function () { _root.gotoAndStop('main menu'); _root.ending_transition.removeMovieClip(); }; } } movieClip 2708 char_mc3 { frame 200 { gotoAndPlay('idle'); } frame 205 { _root.invi_guide2.enabled = false; _root.invi_npc3.enabled = false; } frame 315 { gotoAndPlay('talk guide'); _root.guide_mc.gotoAndPlay('guide talk'); _root.invi_guide2.enabled = true; } frame 325 { if (conversation) { _root.showdialog(); _root.dialogBar.avatar_mc.gotoAndStop('john'); _root.dialogBar.awalAmbil = 0; _root.dialogBar.teksNomor = 1; _root.dialogBar.eventNomor = 15; _root.dialogBar.tampil = setInterval(tambahKata, 20); } } frame 525 { gotoAndPlay('talk guide'); _global.conversation = false; } frame 575 { _root.showpopup(); } frame 630 { stop(); } frame 636 { _root.invi_npc3.enabled = true; } frame 637 { _root.invi_npc3.enabled = false; } frame 836 { stop(); } frame 937 { gotoAndPlay('idle scene 5'); } frame 943 { _root.soundFx('footstep', 100); } frame 1058 { _root.tweening(1, 0, 100); _root.tween.onMotionFinished = function () { _root.gotoAndStop('in house'); }; } frame 1063 { _root.sfx.stop(); stop(); } frame 1167 { gotoAndPlay('idle in house'); } frame 1168 { _root.invi_map2.enabled = false; _root.invi_barrel.enabled = false; _root.invi_book.enabled = false; _root.soundFx('footstep', 50); } frame 1243 { _root.sfx.stop(); _root.invi_map2.enabled = true; _root.invi_barrel.enabled = true; _root.invi_book.enabled = true; _root.getMap1 = true; _global.getItem = true; _root.itemget = 'map'; _root.map_1._visible = false; _root.showpopup(); gotoAndPlay('idle in house 2'); } frame 1244 { } frame 1344 { gotoAndPlay('idle in house 2'); } frame 1345 { _root.soundFx('footstep', 50); _root.invi_barrel.enabled = false; _root.invi_book.enabled = false; } frame 1430 { stop(); _root.getMap2 = true; _global.getItem = true; _root.itemget = 'map'; _root.map_2._visible = false; _root.showpopup(); _root.sfx.stop(); } } frame 3 { stop(); _root.attachMovie('transition_mc', 'transition_mc', 9999999, {'_x': 320, '_y': 240}); transition_mc._alpha = 0; intro_bg.onRelease = function () { getURL('', '_blank'); }; } movieClip 2709 { } movieClip 2710 { } // unknown tag 88 length 66 movieClip 2713 { frame 1 { } instance of movieClip 2709 { onClipEvent (release) { gameid = 'FL090909'; getURL('' + gameid, '_blank'); } } frame 151 { _root.gotoAndStop('main menu'); } } frame 4 { function soundFx(idSound, looping) { sfx = new Sound(soundObj1); sfx.attachSound(idSound); sfx.start(0, looping); sfx.setVolume(60); } function soundBGM(idSound2) { stopAllSounds(); bgm = new Sound(soundObj2); bgm.attachSound(idSound2); bgm.start(0, 99999); bgm.setVolume(90); } function tweening(sec, begin, end) { tween = new mx.transitions.Tween(transition_mc, '_alpha', Regular.easeIn, begin, end, sec, true); } stop(); Stage.showMenu = false; fscommand('allowscale', false); fscommand('trapallkeys', true); _global.playscene = false; _root.attachMovie('cust_cursor', 'cust_cursor', 9999998); cust_cursor.startDrag(true); Mouse.hide(); soundBGM('menu'); tweening(1, 100, 0); invi_start.tabEnabled = false; invi_start._focusrect = false; invi_start.onPress = function () { btn_start.gotoAndStop('click'); }; invi_start.onRelease = function () { btn_start.gotoAndStop('idle'); var v2 = new mx.transitions.Tween(transition_mc, '_alpha', Strong.easeIn, 0, 100, 1, true); v2.onMotionFinished = function () { _root.gotoAndStop('opening story'); }; }; invi_credit.tabEnabled = false; invi_credit._focusrect = false; invi_credit.onPress = function () { btn_credits.gotoAndStop('click'); }; invi_credit.onRelease = function () { btn_credits.gotoAndStop('idle'); _root.attachMovie('credit_mc', 'credit_mc', 9999997, {'_x': 340, '_y': 240}); }; invi_moregame.tabEnabled = false; invi_moregame._focusrect = false; invi_moregame.onPress = function () { btn_moregame.gotoAndStop('click'); }; invi_moregame.onRelease = function () { btn_moregame.gotoAndStop('idle'); getURL('', '_blank'); }; invi_partII.onRelease = function () { getURL('', '_blank'); }; logo_bg.onRollOver = function () { cust_cursor.gotoAndPlay('rollover'); }; logo_bg.onRollOut = function () { cust_cursor.gotoAndStop('idle'); }; logo_bg.onRelease = function () { getURL('', '_blank'); }; } movieClip 2718 { } movieClip 2721 { } movieClip 2728 { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 2733 { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 2738 { frame 1 { stop(); } } button 2743 { on (release) { getURL('', '_blank'); } } movieClip 2744 { } instance logo_bg of movieClip 2744 { onClipEvent (release) { getURL('', '_blank'); } } frame 5 { stopAllSounds(); soundBGM('story'); logo_bg.onRelease = function () { getURL('', '_blank'); }; opening.skip_intro.tabEnabled = false; opening.skip_intro._focusrect = false; opening.gotoAndPlay('cutscene_opening'); tweening(1, 100, 0); } movieClip 2766 { frame 2 { stop(); _root.tweening(1, 100, 0); _root.tween.onMotionFinished = function () { play(); }; } frame 200 { stop(); _root.tweening(1, 0, 100); tween.onMotionFinished = function () { gotoAndStop('cutscene 2'); }; } frame 201 { stop(); _root.tweening(1, 100, 0); _root.tween.onMotionFinished = function () { play(); }; } frame 302 { stop(); _root.tweening(1, 0, 100); tween.onMotionFinished = function () { gotoAndPlay('cutscene 3'); }; } frame 304 { stop(); _root.tweening(1, 100, 0); } frame 310 { skip_intro.onRelease = function () { delete skip_intro.onRelease; _root.gotoAndStop('scene 1'); }; } frame 701 { stop(); _root.onMouseDown = function () { delete _root.onMouseDown; play(); }; skip_intro.onRelease = function () { delete skip_intro.onRelease; _root.gotoAndStop('scene 1'); }; } frame 702 { skip_intro.onRelease = function () { delete skip_intro.onRelease; _root.gotoAndStop('scene 1'); }; } frame 827 { skip_intro.onRelease = function () { _root.gotoAndStop('scene 1'); }; } frame 894 { skip_intro.onRelease = function () { delete skip_intro.onRelease; _root.gotoAndStop('scene 1'); }; } frame 1560 { stop(); _root.onMouseDown = function () { delete _root.onMouseDown; _root.tweening(1, 0, 100); _root.tween.onMotionFinished = function () { _root.gotoAndStop('scene 1'); }; }; } } frame 6 { function tambahKata() { ++dialogBar.awalAmbil; var v1 = dialogList[dialogBar.eventNomor][dialogBar.teksNomor].substr(0, dialogBar.awalAmbil); dialogBar.dialog.text = v1; if (dialogBar.awalAmbil + 1 >= dialogList[dialogBar.eventNomor][dialogBar.teksNomor].length) { dialogBar.awalAmbil = dialogList[dialogBar.eventNomor][dialogBar.teksNomor].length - 1; } } function showdialog() { if (conversation) { _root.attachMovie('dialogBar2', 'dialogBar', 999992, {'_x': 320, '_y': 450}); } else { _root.attachMovie('dialogBar', 'dialogBar', 999992, {'_x': 320, '_y': 450}); } } function showpopup() { _root.attachMovie('popup', 'popup', 999991, {'_x': 320, '_y': 240}); } function resetseq() { s = 0; while (s < sequence.length) { if (sequence[s] != 0) { sequence[0] = 1; sequence[s] = 0; } ++s; } } stop(); logo_bg.onRelease = function () { getURL('', '_blank'); }; walkthrough.onRelease = function () { getURL('', '_blank'); }; _root.attachMovie('obj1_mc', 'obj1_mc', 999989, {'_x': 0, '_y': 122}); _root.attachMovie('char_mc2', 'john', 999988, {'_x': 320, '_y': 240}); _root.attachMovie('npc_1', 'npc1', 999987, {'_x': 320, '_y': 240}); obj2_mc.removeMovieClip(); npc2.removeMovieClip(); nextscene = false; changescreen = false; npc1.michael_txt._visible = false; npc1.jane_txt._visible = false; npc1.nina_txt._visible = false; if (isScene1) { rifle._visible = false; bullet1._visible = false; invi_rifle.enabled = false; invi_bullet1.enabled = false; } else { stopAllSounds(); soundBGM('in game'); sequence = [1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]; } id = 0; timerdialog = 0; itemget = ''; _global.getItem = true; _global.conversation = false; dialogList = [0, [0, 'I can\'t take it.', 'I don\'t think it\'s belong to me.', 'It\'s not important for me.', 'I better just take my stuff.'], [0, 'They seems having a serious conversation.', 'I better hurry. They wait for me.', 'Michael and Jane seems tired.'], [0, 'You want me to get in to the ship? Don\'t even think about that.', 'We just arrived from a long journey.', 'I really hate sea.'], [0, 'I can\'t go without a map!'], [0, 'We need help to pick our to stuff to the ship, Captain.', 'Ok,I\'ll go find someone to pick it up.'], [0, 'What are you waiting for ?', 'I don\'t think that\'s neccessary.', 'We must go!'], [0, 'I need something to prevent that crocodile attack us!', 'Hurry up, we don\'t have much time!'], [0, 'Looks like the roof is broken by something heavy.', 'I don\'t want to go there.', 'I have a bad feeling about this place..'], [0, 'It\'s just an old crate.', 'There\'s no way i\'m gonna take it.'], [0, 'Wonder what he\'s doing..'], [0, 'Who\'s that ?!!', 'Oh my God !!!', 'John ! help us ! we\'ve been attacked !!'], [0, 'The door is locked. I think one of us have the key.'], [0, 'I think he\'s ready for the expedition.'], [0, 'It\'s and old truck.'], [0, 'I think you now what is our purpose here ?', 'Yes,I am. We have something for you to help you find the flowers.']]; dialogBar.awalAmbil = 0; dialogBar.teksNomor = 1; dialogBar.eventNomor = 1; dialogBar.avatar_mc.gotoAndStop(1); tweening(1, 100, 0); john.gotoAndPlay('john idle scene 1'); bullet1.gotoAndStop('bullet1'); rifle.gotoAndStop('rifle'); invi_rifle.tabEnabled = false; invi_rifle._focusrect = false; invi_rifle.onRollOver = function () { cust_cursor.gotoAndPlay('rollover'); }; invi_rifle.onRollOut = function () { cust_cursor.gotoAndStop('idle'); }; invi_rifle.onRelease = function () { cust_cursor.gotoAndStop('idle'); this.enabled = false; getItem = true; itemget = 'rifle'; = 1; if (!onHold) { if (sequence[ - 1] != 0) { sequence[] += 1; john.gotoAndPlay('john walk scene 1'); trace(sequence); } } }; invi_bullet1.tabEnabled = false; invi_bullet1._focusrect = false; invi_bullet1.onRollOver = function () { cust_cursor.gotoAndPlay('rollover'); }; invi_bullet1.onRollOut = function () { cust_cursor.gotoAndStop('idle'); }; invi_bullet1.onRelease = function () { cust_cursor.gotoAndStop('idle'); = 2; if (sequence[ - 1] != 0) { itemget = 'bullet'; showpopup(); this.enabled = false; sequence[] += 1; trace(sequence); bullet1._visible = false; } }; inventory.invi_inv.onRelease = function () {; }; invi_maps.tabEnabled = false; invi_maps._focusrect = false; invi_maps.onRollOver = function () { cust_cursor.gotoAndPlay('rollover'); }; invi_maps.onRollOut = function () { cust_cursor.gotoAndStop('idle'); }; invi_maps.onRelease = function () { cust_cursor.gotoAndStop('idle'); timerdialog = 0; showdialog(); dialogBar.awalAmbil = 0; dialogBar.teksNomor = random(4) + 1; dialogBar.eventNomor = 1; dialogBar.tampil = setInterval(tambahKata, 20); }; invi_dictionary.tabEnabled = false; invi_dictionary._focusrect = false; invi_dictionary.onRollOver = function () { cust_cursor.gotoAndPlay('rollover'); }; invi_dictionary.onRollOut = function () { cust_cursor.gotoAndStop('idle'); }; invi_dictionary.onRelease = function () { cust_cursor.gotoAndStop('idle'); timerdialog = 0; showdialog(); dialogBar.awalAmbil = 0; dialogBar.teksNomor = random(4) + 1; dialogBar.eventNomor = 1; dialogBar.tampil = setInterval(tambahKata, 20); }; invi_bullet.tabEnabled = false; invi_bullet._focusrect = false; invi_bullet.onRollOver = function () { cust_cursor.gotoAndPlay('rollover'); }; invi_bullet.onRollOut = function () { cust_cursor.gotoAndStop('idle'); }; invi_bullet.onRelease = function () { cust_cursor.gotoAndStop('idle'); timerdialog = 0; showdialog(); dialogBar.awalAmbil = 0; dialogBar.teksNomor = 1; dialogBar.eventNomor = 1; dialogBar.tampil = setInterval(tambahKata, 20); }; invi_boot.tabEnabled = false; invi_boot._focusrect = false; invi_boot.onRollOut = function () { cust_cursor.gotoAndStop('idle'); }; invi_boot.onRollOver = function () { cust_cursor.gotoAndPlay('rollover'); }; invi_boot.onRelease = function () { cust_cursor.gotoAndStop('idle'); timerdialog = 0; showdialog(); dialogBar.awalAmbil = 0; dialogBar.teksNomor = random(4) + 1; dialogBar.eventNomor = 1; dialogBar.tampil = setInterval(tambahKata, 20); }; npc1.invi_michael.onRollOver = function () { cust_cursor.gotoAndPlay('rollover'); this._parent.michael_txt._visible = true; }; npc1.invi_michael.onRollOut = function () { cust_cursor.gotoAndStop('idle'); this._parent.michael_txt._visible = false; }; npc1.invi_michael.tabEnabled = false; npc1.invi_michael._focusrect = false; npc1.invi_michael.onRelease = function () { cust_cursor.gotoAndStop('idle'); if (!onHold) { tooltip_mc.removeMovieClip(); timerdialog = 0; showdialog(); dialogBar.awalAmbil = 0; dialogBar.teksNomor = 1; dialogBar.eventNomor = 2; dialogBar.tampil = setInterval(tambahKata, 20); } }; npc1.invi_nina.onRollOver = function () { cust_cursor.gotoAndPlay('rollover'); this._parent.nina_txt._visible = true; }; npc1.invi_nina.onRollOut = function () { cust_cursor.gotoAndStop('idle'); this._parent.nina_txt._visible = false; }; npc1.invi_nina.tabEnabled = false; npc1.invi_nina._focusrect = false; npc1.invi_nina.onRelease = function () { cust_cursor.gotoAndStop('idle'); if (!onHold) { tooltip_mc.removeMovieClip(); timerdialog = 0; showdialog(); dialogBar.awalAmbil = 0; dialogBar.teksNomor = 1; dialogBar.eventNomor = 2; dialogBar.tampil = setInterval(tambahKata, 20); } }; npc1.invi_jane.onRollOver = function () { cust_cursor.gotoAndPlay('rollover'); this._parent.jane_txt._visible = true; }; npc1.invi_jane.onRollOut = function () { cust_cursor.gotoAndStop('idle'); this._parent.jane_txt._visible = false; }; npc1.invi_jane.tabEnabled = false; npc1.invi_jane._focusrect = false; npc1.invi_jane.onRelease = function () { cust_cursor.gotoAndStop('idle'); if (!onHold) { tooltip_mc.removeMovieClip(); timerdialog = 0; showdialog(); dialogBar.awalAmbil = 0; dialogBar.teksNomor = 1; dialogBar.eventNomor = 2; dialogBar.tampil = setInterval(tambahKata, 20); } }; _root.onMouseUp = function () { soundFx('click1', 0); if (this._xmouse <= 50 && sequence[2] != 0) { changescreen = true; if (isScene1) { john.gotoAndPlay('john walk 4 scene 1'); this.cursor_mc.removeMovieClip(); delete this.onMouseUp; } else { john.gotoAndPlay('john walk 2 scene 1'); this.cursor_mc.removeMovieClip(); delete this.onMouseUp; } } }; _root.onEnterFrame = function () { dialogBar.invi_dialog.tabEnabled = false; dialogBar.invi_dialog._focusrect = false; dialogBar.invi_dialog.onRelease = function () { if (!conversation) { clearInterval(dialogBar.tampil); this._parent.removeMovieClip(); } }; if (this._currentframe == 6 and sequence[2] != 0) { if (this._xmouse <= 50 && !changescreen) { _root.attachMovie('cursor_mc', 'cursor_mc', 999990, {'_x': -100, '_y': -100}); Mouse.hide(); _root.cust_cursor.stopDrag(); _root.cust_cursor._visible = false; this.cursor_mc.startDrag(true); } else { if (this._xmouse <= 50 && changescreen) { this.cursor_mc.removeMovieClip(); _root.cust_cursor._visible = true; _root.cust_cursor.startDrag(true); } else { this.cursor_mc.removeMovieClip(); _root.cust_cursor._visible = true; _root.cust_cursor.startDrag(true); } } } }; npc1.onEnterFrame = function () { if (onHold) { this.stop(); } else {; } }; } instance logo_bg of movieClip 2744 { onClipEvent (release) { getURL('', '_blank'); } } movieClip 2769 { frame 1 { this._alpha = 0; } } frame 7 { logo_bg.onRelease = function () { getURL('', '_blank'); }; obj1_mc.removeMovieClip(); npc1.removeMovieClip(); _root.attachMovie('object_mc', 'handgun', 999991, {'_x': 500, '_y': 370}); _root.attachMovie('obj2_mc', 'obj2_mc', 999990, {'_x': 311, '_y': 103}); _root.attachMovie('npc_1', 'npc2', 999989, {'_x': 320, '_y': 240}); npc2.gotoAndPlay('npc 2'); john.gotoAndPlay('john idle 3 scene 1'); handgun.gotoAndStop('handgun'); bullet2.gotoAndStop('bullet2'); invi_door.enabled = false; npc2.jack_txt._visible = false; if (isScene1) { handgun._visible = false; bullet2._visible = false; invi_gun.enabled = false; invi_bullet2.enabled = false; } invi_gun.tabEnabled = false; invi_gun._focusrect = false; invi_gun.onRollOver = function () { cust_cursor.gotoAndPlay('rollover'); }; invi_gun.onRollOut = function () { cust_cursor.gotoAndPlay('idle'); }; invi_gun.onRelease = function () { cust_cursor.gotoAndStop('idle'); = 3; if (sequence[ - 1] != 0) { itemget = 'handgun'; this.enabled = false; sequence[] += 1; showpopup(); handgun.removeMovieClip(); } }; invi_bullet2.tabEnabled = false; invi_bullet2._focusrect = false; invi_bullet2.onRollOver = function () { cust_cursor.gotoAndPlay('rollover'); }; invi_bullet2.onRollOut = function () { cust_cursor.gotoAndPlay('idle'); }; invi_bullet2.onRelease = function () { cust_cursor.gotoAndStop('idle'); = 4; if (sequence[ - 1] != 0) { itemget = 'bullet2'; this.enabled = false; _root.invi_door.enabled = true; sequence[] += 1; showpopup(); bullet2._visible = false; } }; invi_door.tabEnabled = false; invi_door._focusrect = false; invi_door.onRollOver = function () { cust_cursor.gotoAndPlay('rollover'); }; invi_door.onRollOut = function () { cust_cursor.gotoAndPlay('idle'); }; invi_door.onRelease = function () { cust_cursor.gotoAndStop('idle'); = 5; getItem = false; _global.conversation = true; if (sequence[ - 1] != 0) { sequence[] += 1; this.enabled = false; john.gotoAndPlay('john walk 3 scene 1'); } else { this.enabled = false; john.gotoAndPlay('john walk 3 scene 1'); } }; invi_car.tabEnabled = false; invi_car._focusrect = false; invi_car.onRollOver = function () { cust_cursor.gotoAndPlay('rollover'); }; invi_car.onRollOut = function () { cust_cursor.gotoAndPlay('idle'); }; invi_car.onRelease = function () { cust_cursor.gotoAndStop('idle'); timerdialog = 0; showdialog(); dialogBar.awalAmbil = 0; dialogBar.teksNomor = 1; dialogBar.eventNomor = 14; dialogBar.tampil = setInterval(tambahKata, 20); }; invi_grenade.tabEnabled = false; invi_grenade._focusrect = false; invi_grenade.onRollOver = function () { cust_cursor.gotoAndPlay('rollover'); }; invi_grenade.onRollOut = function () { cust_cursor.gotoAndPlay('idle'); }; invi_grenade.onRelease = function () { cust_cursor.gotoAndStop('idle'); timerdialog = 0; showdialog(); dialogBar.awalAmbil = 0; dialogBar.teksNomor = random(4) + 1; dialogBar.eventNomor = 1; dialogBar.tampil = setInterval(tambahKata, 20); }; npc2.invi_npc2.tabEnabled = false; npc2.invi_npc2._focusrect = false; npc2.invi_npc2.onRollOver = function () { this._parent.jack_txt._visible = true; cust_cursor.gotoAndPlay('rollover'); }; npc2.invi_npc2.onRollOut = function () { cust_cursor.gotoAndStop('idle'); this._parent.jack_txt._visible = false; }; npc2.invi_npc2.onRelease = function () { cust_cursor.gotoAndStop('idle'); = 6; timerdialog = 0; if (sequence[ - 1] != 0) { tooltip_mc.removeMovieClip(); this.enabled = false; isScene1 = false; nextscene = true; invi_door.enabled = true; sequence[] += 1; trace(sequence); trace('---'); trace(nextscene); getItem = true; itemget = 'key'; showpopup(); } else { tooltip_mc.removeMovieClip(); showdialog(); dialogBar.awalAmbil = 0; dialogBar.teksNomor = 1; dialogBar.eventNomor = 13; dialogBar.tampil = setInterval(tambahKata, 20); } }; _root.onMouseDown = function () { soundFx('click1', 0); }; _root.onEnterFrame = function () { dialogBar.invi_dialog.tabEnabled = false; dialogBar.invi_dialog._focusrect = false; dialogBar.invi_dialog.onRelease = function () { if (!conversation) { clearInterval(dialogBar.tampil); this._parent.removeMovieClip(); } }; if (isScene1) { invi_door.enabled = false; } dialogBar.next_btn.tabEnabled = false; dialogBar.next_btn._focusrect = false; dialogBar.next_btn.onRelease = function () { _global.conversation = false; trace('--'); trace(conversation); trace('--'); isScene1 = true; trace(isScene1); _root.gotoAndStop('scene 1'); _root.dialogBar.removeMovieClip(); }; }; } frame 8 { logo_bg.onRelease = function () { getURL('', '_blank'); }; john.swapDepths(999990); john._x = 315; john._y = 244; john.gotoAndPlay('idle'); itemget = ''; current_scene = 'scene 1'; soundFx('ocean', 9999); _root.attachMovie('obj4_mc', 'obj4_mc', 999991, {'_x': 506, '_y': 303.5}); _root.attachMovie('captain_mc', 'captain_mc', 999986, {'_x': 0, '_y': 7}); _root.attachMovie('obj3_mc', 'obj3_mc', 999989, {'_x': 346, '_y': 132}); _root.attachMovie('kuli_mc', 'kuli_mc', 999984, {'_x': 321, '_y': 215}); _root.attachMovie('kardus_mc', 'kardus1', 999988, {'_x': 323, '_y': 210}); _root.attachMovie('kardus_mc2', 'kardus2', 999987, {'_x': 322, '_y': 210}); _root.attachMovie('layerbg_mc', 'layer_mc', 999983, {'_x': 323, '_y': 210}); captain_mc.invi_btn7.enabled = false; layer_mc.invi_npc2.enabled = false; kardus1.invi_kardus.enabled = false; kuli_mc.invi_kuli.enabled = false; tweening(1, 100, 0); _root.attachMovie('story_transition', 'story_transition', 999995, {'_x': 320, '_y': 240}); story_transition.bgstory.gotoAndStop(current_scene); story_transition.story.gotoAndStop(current_scene); _global.conversation = false; story_transition.continue_btn.tabEnabled = false; story_transition.continue_btn._focusrect = false; resetseq(); _global.istalk = false; _root.onMouseDown = function () { soundFx('click1', 0); }; captain_mc.invi_btn7.tabEnabled = false; captain_mc.invi_btn7._focusrect = false; captain_mc.invi_btn7.onRollOver = function () { cust_cursor.gotoAndPlay('rollover'); }; captain_mc.invi_btn7.onRollOut = function () { cust_cursor.gotoAndStop('idle'); }; captain_mc.invi_btn7.onRelease = function () { cust_cursor.gotoAndStop('idle'); = 1; _global.istalk = true; _global.conversation = true; sequence[] += 1; john.gotoAndPlay('walk captain'); this.enabled = false; }; kuli_mc.invi_kuli.tabEnabled = false; kuli_mc.invi_kuli._focusrect = false; kuli_mc.invi_kuli.onRollOver = function () { cust_cursor.gotoAndPlay('rollover'); }; kuli_mc.invi_kuli.onRollOut = function () { cust_cursor.gotoAndStop('idle'); }; kuli_mc.invi_kuli.onRelease = function () { cust_cursor.gotoAndStop('idle'); = 2; if (sequence[ - 1] != 0) { _global.istalk = true; this.enabled = false; sequence[] += 1; captain_mc.gotoAndPlay('walk_kuli'); } }; kardus1.invi_kardus.tabEnabled = false; kardus1.invi_kardus._focusrect = false; kardus1.invi_kardus.onRollOver = function () { cust_cursor.gotoAndPlay('rollover'); }; kardus1.invi_kardus.onRollOut = function () { cust_cursor.gotoAndStop('idle'); }; kardus1.invi_kardus.onRelease = function () { cust_cursor.gotoAndStop('idle'); = 3; if (sequence[ - 1] != 0) { sequence[] += 1; kuli_mc.gotoAndStop('kuli_angkat'); this.enabled = false; } else { showdialog(); dialogBar.awalAmbil = 0; dialogBar.teksNomor = 1; dialogBar.eventNomor = 1; dialogBar.tampil = setInterval(tambahKata, 20); } }; layer_mc.onEnterFrame = function () { if (this.invimasking.hitTest(_root.kuli_mc.kuli_walk.sensor_kuli)) { trace('a'); this.swapDepths(_root.kuli_mc); } }; layer_mc.invi_npc2.tabEnabled = false; layer_mc.invi_npc2._focusrect = false; layer_mc.invi_npc2.onRollOver = function () { cust_cursor.gotoAndPlay('rollover'); }; layer_mc.invi_npc2.onRollOut = function () { cust_cursor.gotoAndStop('idle'); }; layer_mc.invi_npc2.onRelease = function () { cust_cursor.gotoAndStop('idle'); timerdialog = 0; showdialog(); dialogBar.awalAmbil = 0; dialogBar.teksNomor = 2; dialogBar.eventNomor = 2; dialogBar.tampil = setInterval(tambahKata, 20); }; _root.onEnterFrame = function () { inventory.obj_key._visible = false; dialogBar.invi_dialog.tabEnabled = false; dialogBar.invi_dialog._focusrect = false; dialogBar.invi_dialog.onRelease = function () { if (!conversation && !istalk) { clearInterval(dialogBar.tampil); this._parent.removeMovieClip(); } }; if (playscene) { _global.playscene = false; tweening(1, 0, 100); tween.onMotionFinished = function () { captain_mc.invi_btn7.enabled = true; layer_mc.invi_npc2.enabled = true; kardus1.invi_kardus.enabled = true; kuli_mc.invi_kuli.enabled = true; story_transition.removeMovieClip(); tweening(1, 100, 0); }; } if (istalk) { trace(istalk); trace('can\'t click'); kuli_mc.invi_kuli.enabled = false; } else { if (!istalk) { kuli_mc.invi_kuli.enabled = true; } } dialogBar.next_btn.tabEnabled = false; dialogBar.next_btn._focusrect = false; dialogBar.next_btn.onRelease = function () { ++dialogBar.teksNomor; dialogBar.awalAmbil = 0; dialogBar.avatar_mc.gotoAndStop(2); if (dialogBar.teksNomor >= dialogList[dialogBar.eventNomor].length) { clearInterval(tambahKata()); john.gotoAndPlay('reposition'); captain_mc.gotoAndPlay('idle'); _global.conversation = false; _global.istalk = false; trace('-----------------'); trace(istalk); trace(conversation); dialogBar.removeMovieClip(); } }; }; } frame 9 { obj1_mc.removeMovieClip(); john.removeMovieClip(); npc1.removeMovieClip(); logo_bg.onRelease = function () { getURL('', '_blank'); }; captain_mc.removeMovieClip(); kuli_mc.removeMovieClip(); layer_mc.removeMovieClip(); obj3_mc.removeMovieClip(); kardus1.removeMovieClip(); kardus2.removeMovieClip(); john.removeMovieClip(); obj4_mc.removeMovieClip(); current_scene = 'scene 2'; tweening(1, 100, 0); _root.attachMovie('story_transition', 'story_transition', 999995, {'_x': 320, '_y': 240}); story_transition.bgstory.gotoAndStop(current_scene); story_transition.story.gotoAndStop(current_scene); story_transition.continue_btn.tabEnabled = false; story_transition.continue_btn._focusrect = false; inventory._visible = false; } frame 10 { stop(); logo_bg.onRelease = function () { getURL('', '_blank'); }; _root.attachMovie('char_mc3', 'char_3', 999990, {'_x': 320, '_y': 240}); _root.attachMovie('guide_mc', 'guide_mc', 999989, {'_x': -320, '_y': -240}); _root.attachMovie('npc_scene3', 'npc3', 999988, {'_x': 0, '_y': 0}); _global.istalk = false; _global.getItem = true; tweening(1, 100, 0); inventory._visible = true; resetseq(); invi_guide1.tabEnabled = false; invi_guide1._focusrect = false; invi_guide1.onRollOver = function () { cust_cursor.gotoAndPlay('rollover'); }; invi_guide1.onRollOut = function () { cust_cursor.gotoAndStop('idle'); }; invi_guide1.onRelease = function () { cust_cursor.gotoAndStop('idle'); _global.conversation = true; _global.istalk = true; = 1; sequence[] += 1; trace(sequence); char_3.gotoAndPlay('walk guide'); this.enabled = false; }; invi_guide2.tabEnabled = false; invi_guide2._focusrect = false; invi_guide2.onRollOver = function () { cust_cursor.gotoAndPlay('rollover'); }; invi_guide2.onRollOut = function () { cust_cursor.gotoAndStop('idle'); }; invi_guide2.onRelease = function () { cust_cursor.gotoAndStop('idle'); = 2; if (sequence[ - 1] != 0) { _global.conversation = false; itemget = 'map'; sequence[] += 1; guide_mc.gotoAndPlay('guide give map'); this.enabled = false; _global.istalk = true; } }; invi_npc3.tabEnabled = false; invi_npc3._focusrect = false; invi_npc3.onRollOver = function () { cust_cursor.gotoAndPlay('rollover'); }; invi_npc3.onRollOut = function () { cust_cursor.gotoAndStop('idle'); }; invi_npc3.onRelease = function () { cust_cursor.gotoAndStop('idle'); if (!onHold) { timerdialog = 0; showdialog(); dialogBar.awalAmbil = 0; dialogBar.teksNomor = 3; dialogBar.eventNomor = 2; trace(dialogBar.teksNomor); dialogBar.tampil = setInterval(tambahKata, 20); } }; invi_ship.tabEnabled = false; invi_ship._focusrect = false; invi_ship.onRollOver = function () { cust_cursor.gotoAndPlay('rollover'); }; invi_ship.onRollOut = function () { cust_cursor.gotoAndStop('idle'); }; invi_ship.onRelease = function () { cust_cursor.gotoAndStop('idle'); if (!onHold) { timerdialog = 0; showdialog(); dialogBar.awalAmbil = 0; dialogBar.teksNomor = random(3) + 1; dialogBar.eventNomor = 3; trace(dialogBar.teksNomor); dialogBar.tampil = setInterval(tambahKata, 20); } }; invi_car.tabEnabled = false; invi_car._focusrect = false; invi_car.onRollOver = function () { cust_cursor.gotoAndPlay('rollover'); }; invi_car.onRollOut = function () { cust_cursor.gotoAndStop('idle'); }; invi_car.onRelease = function () { cust_cursor.gotoAndStop('idle'); = 3; if (!onHold) { if (sequence[ - 1] == 0) { timerdialog = 0; showdialog(); dialogBar.awalAmbil = 0; dialogBar.teksNomor = 1; dialogBar.eventNomor = 4; trace(dialogBar.teksNomor); dialogBar.tampil = setInterval(tambahKata, 20); } else { if (sequence[ - 1] == 1) { this.enabled = false; invi_npc3.enabled = false; sequence[] += 1; char_3.gotoAndPlay('walk car'); npc3.gotoAndPlay('walk car'); guide_mc.gotoAndPlay('guide walk car'); } } } }; _root.onMouseDown = function () { soundFx('click1', 0); }; _root.onEnterFrame = function () { if (!istalk) { dialogBar.invi_dialog.tabEnabled = false; dialogBar.invi_dialog._focusrect = false; dialogBar.invi_dialog.onRelease = function () { if (!conversation && !istalk) { clearInterval(dialogBar.tampil); this._parent.removeMovieClip(); } }; } if (istalk) { trace('is talking'); invi_guide2.enabled = false; } else { if (!istalk) { invi_guide2.enabled = true; } } dialogBar.next_btn.tabEnabled = false; dialogBar.next_btn._focusrect = false; dialogBar.next_btn.onRelease = function () { ++dialogBar.teksNomor; dialogBar.awalAmbil = 0; dialogBar.avatar_mc.gotoAndStop('npc'); if (dialogBar.teksNomor >= dialogList[dialogBar.eventNomor].length) { clearInterval(dialogBar.tampil); _global.conversation = false; trace('is not conversation'); trace(conversation); _global.istalk = false; trace(istalk); dialogBar.removeMovieClip(); } }; }; } movieClip 2775 { } movieClip 2777 { } frame 11 { logo_bg.onRelease = function () { getURL('', '_blank'); }; soundFx('jungle', 9999); john.removeMovieClip(); npc1.removeMovieClip(); obj1_mc.removeMovieClip(); char_3.removeMovieClip(); guide_mc.removeMovieClip(); npc3.removeMovieClip(); _root.attachMovie('boat_mc', 'boat_mc', 999990, {'_x': 320, '_y': 240}); inventory._visible = false; tweening(1, 100, 0); current_scene = 'scene 3'; _root.attachMovie('story_transition', 'story_transition', 999995, {'_x': 320, '_y': 240}); story_transition.continue_btn.tabEnabled = false; story_transition.continue_btn._focusrect = false; story_transition.bgstory.gotoAndStop(current_scene); story_transition.story.gotoAndStop(current_scene); _root.onEnterFrame = function () { if (playscene) { _global.playscene = false; tweening(1, 0, 100); tween.onMotionFinished = function () { story_transition.removeMovieClip(); tweening(1, 100, 0); boatx = new mx.transitions.Tween(boat_mc, '_x', None.easeIn, 320, 380, 2, true); boaty = new mx.transitions.Tween(boat_mc, '_y', None.easeIn, 240, 200, 2, true); boatscalex = new mx.transitions.Tween(boat_mc, '_width', None.easeIn, 640, 300, 2, true); boatscaley = new mx.transitions.Tween(boat_mc, '_height', None.easeIn, 480, 250, 2, true); boatx.onMotionFinished = function () { new mx.transitions.Tween(boat_mc, '_x', None.easeIn, 380, 430, 1.5, true); tweening(1, 0, 100); tween.onMotionFinished = function () { _root.gotoAndStop('scene 4_2'); }; }; boaty.onMotionFinished = function () { new mx.transitions.Tween(boat_mc, '_y', None.easeIn, 200, 160, 1.5, true); }; boatscalex.onMotionFinished = function () { new mx.transitions.Tween(boat_mc, '_width', None.easeIn, 300, 125, 1.5, true); }; boatscaley.onMotionFinished = function () { new mx.transitions.Tween(boat_mc, '_height', None.easeIn, 250, 100, 1.5, true); }; }; } }; } movieClip 2799 { } frame 12 { function updatetime() { if (second > 0) { second -= 1; } else { second = 0; gameover = true; } if (second < 10) { timer2.text = 'time left: 0' + min + ':' + '0' + second; } else { timer2.text = 'time left: 0' + min + ':' + second; } } function incoming_croc() { ++delay_croc; if (delay_croc == 2) { croc = croc_area.attachMovie('buaya', 'buaya' + _root.getNextHighestDepth(), depth_croc, {'_x': random(croc_area.width), '_y': random(croc_area.height)}); _root.attachMovie('damage', 'damage', 999991, {'_x': 320, '_y': 240}); croc._xscale = 0; croc._yscale = 0; croc.onEnterFrame = function () { if (this._xscale <= 60 && this._yscale <= 60) { this._xscale += 0.1; this._yscale += 0.1; } else { if (!isattack) { this.gotoAndPlay('attack'); gameover = true; isattack = true; } } }; } } logo_bg.onRelease = function () { getURL('', '_blank'); }; boat_mc.removeMovieClip(); tweening(1, 100, 0); stopAllSounds(); soundBGM('action'); _global.conversation = false; inventory._visible = false; _root.onMouseDown = function () { soundFx('click1', 0); }; tweening(1, 100, 0); tween.onMotionFinished = function () { showdialog(); dialogBar.awalAmbil = 0; dialogBar.teksNomor = 1; dialogBar.eventNomor = 7; dialogBar.tampil = setInterval(tambahKata, 20); }; _root.createEmptyMovieClip('croc_area', 999983); depth_croc = 999982; delay_croc = 0; croc_area._x = 330; croc_area._y = 170; isattack = false; second = 20; min = 0; trace('---'); trace(timer2); trace('----'); timer2.text = 'time left: 00:20'; timeleft = setInterval(updatetime, 1000); croc_coming = setInterval(incoming_croc, 400); _root.onEnterFrame = function () { dialogBar.invi_dialog.tabEnabled = false; dialogBar.invi_dialog._focusrect = false; dialogBar.invi_dialog.onRelease = function () { if (!conversation) { clearInterval(dialogBar.tampil); this._parent.removeMovieClip(); } }; if (gameover) { clearInterval(timeleft); clearInterval(croc_coming); gameover = false; dialogBar.next_btn.enabled = false; } damage.yes.tabEnabled = false; damage.yes._focusrect = false; damage.yes.onRelease = function () { _root.gotoAndStop('scene 4'); _root.damage.removeMovieClip(); dialogBar.removeMovieClip(); }; = false; = false; = function () { _root.gotoAndPlay('main menu'); _root.damage.removeMovieClip(); dialogBar.removeMovieClip(); }; dialogBar.next_btn.tabEnabled = false; dialogBar.next_btn._focusrect = false; dialogBar.next_btn.onRelease = function () { dialogBar.awalAmbil = 0; _global.conversation = false; trace(conversation); _global.onHold = false; dialogBar.removeMovieClip(); }; if (gotRifle && gotBullet1 && gotBullet2) { gotRifle = false; gotBullet1 = false; gotBullet2 = false; tweening(1, 0, 100); tween.onMotionFinished = function () { croc_area.removeMovieClip(); clearInterval(croc_coming); clearInterval(timeleft); stopAllSounds(); transition_mc.removeMovieClip(); _root.gotoAndStop('shooting'); }; } }; invi_rifle.tabEnabled = false; invi_rifle._focusrect = false; invi_rifle.onRollOver = function () { cust_cursor.gotoAndPlay('rollover'); }; invi_rifle.onRollOut = function () { cust_cursor.gotoAndStop('idle'); }; invi_rifle.onRelease = function () { cust_cursor.gotoAndStop('idle'); gotRifle = true; rifle._visible = false; this.enabled = false; }; invi_bullet1.tabEnabled = false; invi_bullet1._focusrect = false; invi_bullet1.onRollOver = function () { cust_cursor.gotoAndPlay('rollover'); }; invi_bullet1.onRollOut = function () { cust_cursor.gotoAndStop('idle'); }; invi_bullet1.onRelease = function () { cust_cursor.gotoAndStop('idle'); gotBullet1 = true; bullet1._visible = false; this.enabled = false; }; invi_bullet2.tabEnabled = false; invi_bullet2._focusrect = false; invi_bullet2.onRollOver = function () { cust_cursor.gotoAndPlay('rollover'); }; invi_bullet2.onRollOut = function () { cust_cursor.gotoAndStop('idle'); }; invi_bullet2.onRelease = function () { cust_cursor.gotoAndStop('idle'); gotBullet2 = true; bullet2._visible = false; this.enabled = false; }; } movieClip 2823 { } movieClip 2830 { } movieClip 2833 { } movieClip 2836 { } frame 13 { function reload(whichGun) { ++reloadTime; if (whichGun == 'handgun') { trace(reloadTime); if (reloadTime == 35) { reloadTime = 0; _root.hand_mc.gotoAndStop('handgun'); _root.bullet1.gotoAndStop(1); isReloading = false; _root.reload_txt._visible = false; } } else { if (whichGun == 'rifle') { if (reloadTime == 45) { reloadTime = 0; _root.hand_mc.gotoAndStop('rifle'); _root.bullet2.gotoAndStop(1); isReloading = false; _root.reload_txt._visible = false; } } } } function healthbar() { if (hit) { if (health != 0) { switch (curr_attack) { case 'croc': curr_health -= croc_dmg; if (curr_health > 0) { healthbar_mc.bar_mc._xscale = curr_health; _root.hit.gotoAndPlay('hit'); } else { curr_health = 0; healthbar_mc.bar_mc._xscale = curr_health; gameover = true; } break; case 'bat': curr_health -= bat_dmg; if (curr_health > 0) { healthbar_mc.bar_mc._xscale = curr_health; _root.hit.gotoAndPlay('hit'); } else { curr_health = 0; healthbar_mc.bar_mc._xscale = curr_health; gameover = true; } break; case 'snake': curr_health -= snake_dmg; if (curr_health > 0) { health_percent.text = curr_health + ' %'; _root.hit.gotoAndPlay('hit'); } else { curr_health = 0; health_percent.text = curr_health + ' %'; gameover = true; } } } _global.hit = false; } } function enemyCroc() { if (tutor_done) { ++delay_croc; if (delay_croc == 35) { if (enemy_left > 0) { --depth_croc; croc = croc_area.attachMovie('buaya_mc', 'buaya_' + croc_area.getNextHighestDepth(), depth_croc, {'_x': random(croc_area.width), '_y': random(croc_area.height)}); enemy_left -= 1; croc._xscale = 0; croc._yscale = 0; croc.onEnterFrame = function () { if (this._xscale <= 80 && this._yscale <= 80) { this._xscale += 0.7; this._yscale += 0.7; } else { if (!c_isAttack) { this.gotoAndPlay('attack'); c_isAttack = true; } } if (shoot && this.invi_buaya.hitTest(_root._xmouse, _root._ymouse)) { enemyhit = true; shoot = false; this.gotoAndPlay('damage'); health_croc -= current_damage; if (health_croc <= 0) { _global.die = true; health_croc = 10; } } else { enemyhit = false; } }; delay_croc = 0; } else { completed = true; } } } } function enemyBat() { if (tutor_done) { ++delay_bat; if (delay_bat == 15) { if (enemy_left > 0) { --depth_bat; if (depth_bat <= 0) { depth_bat = 500; } bat = bat_area.attachMovie('kampret_mc', 'kampret_' + bat_area.getNextHighestDepth(), depth_bat, {'_x': random(bat_area._x), '_y': 50}); enemy_left -= 1; enemyLeft.text = 'Enemies left: ' + enemy_left; bat._xscale = 0; bat._yscale = 0; bat.onEnterFrame = function () { this.swapDepths(this._xscale); if (this._xscale <= 100 && this._yscale <= 100) { this._xscale += 0.8; this._yscale += 0.8; } else { if (!b_isAttack) { this.gotoAndPlay('attack'); b_isAttack = true; } } if (shoot && this.invi_bat.hitTest(_root._xmouse, _root._ymouse)) { shoot = false; enemyhit = true; this.gotoAndPlay('damage'); health_bat -= current_damage; if (health_bat <= 0) { _global.die = true; health_bat = 1; } } else { enemyhit = false; } }; delay_bat = 0; } else { completed = true; } } } } _root.transition_mc.swapDepths(999990); logo_bg.onRelease = function () { getURL('', '_blank'); }; obj1_mc.removeMovieClip(); john.removeMovieClip(); npc1.removeMovieClip(); hand_mc.swapDepths(999987); _global.conversation = false; trace(conversation); soundBGM('action'); inventory._visible = false; _root.attachMovie('bullet1', 'bullet1', 999979, {'_x': 600, '_y': 5}); _root.attachMovie('bullet2', 'bullet2', 999978, {'_x': 580, '_y': 5}); reload_txt._visible = false; bullet2._visible = false; bullet1_depth = 9999; bullet1_depth = 9998; getItem = false; itemget = 'tutorial'; activeGun = 'handgun'; tutor_done = false; shoot = false; reloadTime = 0; isReloading = false; tweening(1, 100, 0); tween.onMotionFinished = function () { showpopup(); }; crosshair.onEnterFrame = function () { if (tutor_done) { Mouse.hide(); startDrag(this, true); _root.cust_cursor._visible = false; this.swapDepths(_root.getNextHighestDepth()); if (completed) { this.stopDrag(); this._visible = false; trace('scene completed'); completed = false; croc_area.removeMovieClip(); bat_area.removeMovieClip(); clearInterval(generate_crocodile); clearInterval(generate_bat); tweening(1, 0, 100); tween.onMotionFinished = function () { completed = false; _root.bullet1.removeMovieClip(); _root.bullet2.removeMovieClip(); _root.gotoAndStop('scene 5'); }; } else { if (gameover) { gameover = false; } } } }; var total_enemy = 20; var enemy_left = total_enemy; enemyhit = false; _root.onMouseDown = function () { if (tutor_done) { if (!isReloading) { if (!shoot) { shoot = true; trace(shoot); } hand_mc.gotoAndPlay(activeGun + ' shoot'); if (activeGun == 'handgun') { bullet1.nextFrame(); soundFx('gunsound1', 0); } else { if (activeGun == 'rifle') { bullet2.nextFrame(); soundFx('gunsound2', 0); } } if (bullet1._currentframe == 13) { shoot = false; soundFx('reload1', 0); _root.hand_mc.gotoAndPlay(activeGun + ' reload'); isReloading = true; setInterval(reload(activeGun), 500); } if (bullet2._currentframe == 7) { shoot = false; soundFx('reload1', 0); _root.hand_mc.gotoAndPlay(activeGun + ' reload'); isReloading = true; setInterval(reload(activeGun), 500); } } } }; _root.onMouseUp = function () { shoot = false; }; hand_mc.onEnterFrame = function () { if (tutor_done) { if (crosshair._y >= 110) { this._x = crosshair._x; this._y = crosshair._y; } else { this._x = crosshair._x; } if (shoot && !enemyhit) { shoot = false; } if (isReloading) { reload(activeGun); } } }; var keylistener = new Object(); keylistener.onKeyDown = function () { if (tutor_done) { switch (Key.getAscii()) { case 49: if (activeGun == 'rifle') { current_damage = 5; activeGun = 'handgun'; bullet2._visible = false; bullet1._visible = true; } hand_mc.gotoAndStop('handgun'); break; case 50: if (activeGun == 'handgun') { current_damage = 10; activeGun = 'rifle'; bullet1._visible = false; bullet2._visible = true; } hand_mc.gotoAndStop('rifle'); break; case 32: if (activeGun == 'handgun') { _root.hand_mc.gotoAndPlay(activeGun + ' reload'); soundFx('reload1', 0); isReloading = true; setInterval(reload(activeGun), 500); } else { if (activeGun == 'rifle') { _root.hand_mc.gotoAndPlay(activeGun + ' reload'); isReloading = true; setInterval(reload(activeGun), 500); } } } } }; Key.addListener(keylistener); _root.hit.swapDepths(999988); _root.createEmptyMovieClip('croc_area', 2000); _root.createEmptyMovieClip('bat_area', 1999); croc_area._x = 320; croc_area._y = 160; croc_area.width = 50; croc_area.height = 50; bat_area._x = 320; bat_area._y = 100; bat_area.width = 300; bat_area.height = 0; var delay_croc = 0; var delay_bat = 0; var shoot = false; _global.hit = false; = 100; var gameover = false; var current_damage = 5; var c_isAttack = false; var b_isAttack = false; var depth_croc = 500; var depth_bat = 300; var health_croc = 10; var health_bat = 1; _global.croc_dmg = 10; _global.bat_dmg = 3; _global.curr_attack = ''; curr_health = health; generate_crocodile = setInterval(enemyCroc, 200); generate_bat = setInterval(enemyBat, 200); } movieClip 2841 { } movieClip 2842 { } movieClip 2869 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 10 { gotoAndStop('handgun'); } frame 23 { stop(); } frame 44 { gotoAndStop('rifle'); } frame 60 { stop(); } frame 69 { gotoAndStop('rifle'); } } movieClip 2870 { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 2871 { } movieClip 2874 { } frame 14 { logo_bg.onRelease = function () { getURL('', '_blank'); }; walkthrough.onRelease = function () { getURL('', '_blank'); }; obj1_mc.removeMovieClip(); john.removeMovieClip(); npc1.removeMovieClip(); inventory._visible = true; shooting = false; nextscene = false; stopAllSounds(); soundFx('jungle', 99999); soundBGM('in game'); _global.conversation = false; trace(conversation); resetseq(); _root.attachMovie('npc_scene3', 'npc5', 999988, {'_x': 0, '_y': 0}); _root.attachMovie('char_mc3', 'char_5', 999989, {'_x': 0, '_y': 0}); current_scene = 'scene 4'; itemget = 'map'; _root.attachMovie('story_transition', 'story_transition', 999995, {'_x': 320, '_y': 240}); story_transition.bgstory.gotoAndStop(current_scene); story_transition.story.gotoAndStop(current_scene); story_transition.continue_btn.tabEnabled = false; story_transition.continue_btn._focusrect = false; invi_house.enabled = false; invi_house2.enabled = false; invi_crate.enabled = false; invi_michael.enabled = false; tweening(1, 100, 0); _root.onMouseDown = function () { soundFx('click1', 0); }; char_5.gotoAndPlay('idle scene 5'); npc5.gotoAndPlay('idle scene 5'); invi_house.tabEnabled = false; invi_house._focusrect = false; invi_house.onRollOver = function () { cust_cursor.gotoAndPlay('rollover'); }; invi_house.onRollOut = function () { cust_cursor.gotoAndStop('idle'); }; invi_house.onRelease = function () { cust_cursor.gotoAndStop('idle'); char_5.gotoAndPlay('walk to house'); this.enabled = false; }; invi_house2.tabEnabled = false; invi_house2._focusrect = false; invi_house2.onRollOver = function () { cust_cursor.gotoAndPlay('rollover'); }; invi_house2.onRollOut = function () { cust_cursor.gotoAndStop('idle'); }; invi_house2.onRelease = function () { _global.conversation = false; cust_cursor.gotoAndStop('idle'); timerdialog = 0; showdialog(); dialogBar.awalAmbil = 0; dialogBar.teksNomor = random(3) + 1; dialogBar.eventNomor = 8; dialogBar.tampil = setInterval(tambahKata, 20); }; invi_crate.tabEnabled = false; invi_crate._focusrect = false; invi_crate.onRollOver = function () { cust_cursor.gotoAndPlay('rollover'); }; invi_crate.onRollOut = function () { cust_cursor.gotoAndStop('idle'); }; invi_crate.onRelease = function () { _global.conversation = false; cust_cursor.gotoAndStop('idle'); timerdialog = 0; showdialog(); dialogBar.awalAmbil = 0; dialogBar.teksNomor = random(2) + 1; dialogBar.eventNomor = 9; dialogBar.tampil = setInterval(tambahKata, 20); }; invi_michael.tabEnabled = false; invi_michael._focusrect = false; invi_michael.onRollOver = function () { cust_cursor.gotoAndPlay('rollover'); }; invi_michael.onRollOut = function () { cust_cursor.gotoAndStop('idle'); }; invi_michael.onRelease = function () { _global.conversation = false; cust_cursor.gotoAndStop('idle'); timerdialog = 0; showdialog(); dialogBar.awalAmbil = 0; dialogBar.teksNomor = 1; dialogBar.eventNomor = 10; dialogBar.tampil = setInterval(tambahKata, 20); }; _root.onEnterFrame = function () { _root.cust_cursor._visible = true; _root.cust_cursor.startDrag(true); hand_mc._visible = false; if (playscene) { _global.playscene = false; tweening(1, 0, 100); tween.onMotionFinished = function () { invi_house.enabled = true; invi_house2.enabled = true; invi_crate.enabled = true; invi_michael.enabled = true; story_transition.removeMovieClip(); tweening(1, 100, 0); }; } dialogBar.invi_dialog.tabEnabled = false; dialogBar.invi_dialog._focusrect = false; dialogBar.invi_dialog.onRelease = function () { if (!conversation) { clearInterval(dialogBar.tampil); this._parent.removeMovieClip(); } }; }; } instance logo_bg of movieClip 2744 { onClipEvent (release) { getURL('', '_blank'); } } frame 15 { stop(); logo_bg.onRelease = function () { getURL('', '_blank'); }; obj1_mc.removeMovieClip(); john.removeMovieClip(); npc1.removeMovieClip(); transition_mc.swapDepths(999993); resetseq(); char_5.removeMovieClip(); npc5.removeMovieClip(); _root.attachMovie('char_mc3', 'char_6', 999986, {'_x': 0, '_y': 0}); _root.attachMovie('obj5_mc', 'obj5_mc', 999987, {'_x': 320, '_y': 240}); map_1.swapDepths(999988); tweening(1, 100, 0); current_scene = 'scene 5'; map_2.gotoAndStop('map2'); char_6.gotoAndPlay('idle in house'); invi_map1.tabEnabled = false; invi_map1._focusrect = false; invi_map1.onRollOver = function () { cust_cursor.gotoAndPlay('rollover'); }; invi_map1.onRollOut = function () { cust_cursor.gotoAndPlay('idle'); }; invi_map1.onRelease = function () { cust_cursor.gotoAndStop('idle'); = 1; sequence[] += 1; this.enabled = false; char_6.gotoAndPlay('take map 1'); inventory.indexmap.text = '2 / 5'; }; invi_map2.tabEnabled = false; invi_map2._focusrect = false; invi_map2.onRollOver = function () { cust_cursor.gotoAndPlay('rollover'); }; invi_map2.onRollOut = function () { cust_cursor.gotoAndPlay('idle'); }; invi_map2.onRelease = function () { cust_cursor.gotoAndStop('idle'); = 2; if (sequence[ - 1] != 0) { _global.conversation = true; sequence[] += 1; this.enabled = false; char_6.gotoAndPlay('take map 2'); mapcollected = true; inventory.indexmap.text = '3 / 5'; } }; invi_barrel.tabEnabled = false; invi_barrel._focusrect = false; invi_barrel.onRollOver = function () { cust_cursor.gotoAndPlay('rollover'); }; invi_barrel.onRollOut = function () { cust_cursor.gotoAndPlay('idle'); }; invi_barrel.onRelease = function () { cust_cursor.gotoAndStop('idle'); showdialog(); dialogBar.awalAmbil = 0; dialogBar.teksNomor = 2; dialogBar.eventNomor = 6; dialogBar.tampil = setInterval(tambahKata, 20); }; invi_book.tabEnabled = false; invi_book._focusrect = false; invi_book.onRollOver = function () { cust_cursor.gotoAndPlay('rollover'); }; invi_book.onRollOut = function () { cust_cursor.gotoAndPlay('idle'); }; invi_book.onRelease = function () { cust_cursor.gotoAndStop('idle'); showdialog(); dialogBar.awalAmbil = 0; dialogBar.teksNomor = 3; dialogBar.eventNomor = 1; dialogBar.tampil = setInterval(tambahKata, 20); }; _root.onEnterFrame = function () { trace('is collected'); trace(getMap2); _root.cust_cursor._visible = true; _root.cust_cursor.startDrag(true); if (nextscene) { nextscene = false; trace(conversation); showdialog(); dialogBar.avatar_mc.gotoAndStop('npc'); dialogBar.awalAmbil = 0; dialogBar.teksNomor = 1; dialogBar.eventNomor = 11; dialogBar.tampil = setInterval(tambahKata, 20); } dialogBar.invi_dialog.onRelease = function () { if (!conversation) { clearInterval(dialogBar.tampil); this._parent.removeMovieClip(); } }; dialogBar.next_btn.onRelease = function () { ++dialogBar.teksNomor; dialogBar.awalAmbil = 0; if (dialogBar.teksNomor >= dialogList[dialogBar.eventNomor].length) { clearInterval(dialogBar.tampil); _global.conversation = false; _global.istalk = false; dialogBar.removeMovieClip(); tweening(1, 0, 100); tween.onMotionFinished = function () { _root.gotoAndStop('ending'); }; } }; }; _root.onMouseDown = function () { soundFx('click1', 0); }; } movieClip 2884 { frame 1 { stop(); } } frame 16 { logo_bg.onRelease = function () { getURL('', '_blank'); }; transition_mc.swapDepths(999996); char_6.removeMovieClip(); obj5_mc.removeMovieClip(); _root.attachMovie('story_transition', 'story_transition', 999995, {'_x': 320, '_y': 240}); story_transition.bgstory.gotoAndStop(current_scene); story_transition.story.gotoAndPlay(current_scene); story_transition.continue_btn.tabEnabled = false; story_transition.continue_btn._focusrect = false; _global.ends = false; tweening(1, 100, 0); _root.onEnterFrame = function () { _root.cust_cursor._visible = true; _root.cust_cursor.startDrag(true); if (playscene) { current_scene = 'scene 5_2'; _global.playscene = false; story_transition.story.gotoAndPlay(current_scene); } if (ends) { _global.ends = false; tweening(1, 0, 100); tween.onMotionFinished = function () { _root.gotoAndStop('end game'); }; } }; } frame 17 { stop(); logo_bg.onRelease = function () { getURL('', '_blank'); }; tweening(1, 100, 0); _root.attachMovie('ending_transition', 'ending_transition', 999995, {'_x': 320, '_y': 240}); _root.enterFrame = function () { _root.cust_cursor._visible = true; _root.cust_cursor.startDrag(true); }; }
Created: 27/3 -2019 18:34:03 Last modified: 27/3 -2019 18:34:03 Server time: 18/01 -2025 06:05:54