Archived flashes:
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<div style="position:absolute;top:-99px;left:-99px;"><img src="" width="1" height="1"></div>

The Dreamerz - repair the dream machine in this cool game.swf

This is the info page for
Flash #92039

(Click the ID number above for more basic data on this flash file.)

ActionScript [AS1/AS2]
Combined Code
movieClip 8 { } movieClip 10 { } movieClip 13 { } movieClip 14 { } movieClip 15 { } movieClip 17 { } movieClip 18 { } movieClip 20 { } movieClip 22 { } movieClip 24 { } // unknown tag 88 length 50 movieClip 29 space { } movieClip 34 { } movieClip 38 { } movieClip 42 { } movieClip 46 { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 47 { } movieClip 50 { } movieClip 51 { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 53 { } movieClip 54 panelscreen { } movieClip 56 itemnames { } movieClip 59 carrypoint { frame 1 { this._visible = false; } } movieClip 61 Life Ball { } movieClip 64 largetablet { } movieClip 67 { } movieClip 69 { } movieClip 70 { } // unknown tag 88 length 65 movieClip 87 { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 91 largebook { } movieClip 93 Tube { } movieClip 95 balloon2 { } movieClip 104 mute { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 2 { stop(); } } movieClip 106 Balloon { } movieClip 108 Tablet { } movieClip 111 dung { } movieClip 112 Spade { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 114 Key { } movieClip 116 Crystal { } movieClip 118 Music Box { } movieClip 122 Flower { frame 1 { stop(); if (_root.plantwatered) { gotoAndStop('collected'); } } frame 5 { stop(); } } movieClip 129 { } movieClip 131 { } movieClip 132 { } movieClip 134 flame { frame 1 { if (_root.flamefix == true) { this.gotoAndPlay(35); } } frame 36 { if (_root.torchesout == true) { this._parent.gotoAndStop(1); } else { gotoAndPlay(35); } } } movieClip 135 Branch { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 137 fluff { } movieClip 159 Glass Ball { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 20 { gotoAndPlay('loop'); if (!_root.happyFull) { _root.happyFull = true; this._visible = false; _parent._parent.dreamballHappy._visible = true; _parent._parent.dreamballHappy.gotoAndPlay('loop'); _root.canmove68 = true; } } } movieClip 162 { } movieClip 163 { } movieClip 164 DreamballColour { } movieClip 177 DreamballHappy { } movieClip 179 { } movieClip 181 { } movieClip 183 DreamballMusic { } movieClip 186 { } movieClip 187 DreamballPlant { } movieClip 190 { frame 1 { gotoAndPlay(Math.round(Math.random() * 300)); } frame 278 { gotoAndPlay(2); } } movieClip 191 DreamballMagic { } movieClip 200 { frame 1 { gotoAndPlay(Math.round(Math.random() * 15)); } } movieClip 201 DreamballSpace { } movieClip 203 Net { } movieClip 205 Book { } movieClip 212 Orb { } frame 1 { currentDomain = _root._url.split('/'); currentDomain = currentDomain[2]; Stage.showMenu = false; globalSound = new Sound(); if (currentDomain == '' || currentDomain == '' || currentDomain == '' || currentDomain == '' || currentDomain == '' || currentDomain == '' || currentDomain == '' || currentDomain == '' || currentDomain == '') { adBox._visible = false; adbackground._visible = false; } else { var rjAdCode = '2734Q3A960488'; var rdAdCode = '2730Q844A9AF0';''); var randAd = Math.random() * 100; if (randAd < 50) { adBox.loadMovie('' + rjAdCode); } else { adBox.loadMovie('' + rdAdCode); } } playBtn._visible = false; adDelay = 1; counter = 0; this.createEmptyMovieClip('loaderHolder', this.getNextHighestDepth()); loaderHolder.onEnterFrame = function () { loadprogress = (_root.getBytesLoaded() / _root.getBytesTotal()) * 100; loader.loadBar._xscale = loadprogress; if (loadprogress >= 100) { ++counter; if (counter == adDelay) { playBtn._visible = true; loader._visible = false; delete this.onEnterFrame; } } }; stop(); moreGamesBtn.onRelease = function () { getURL('', '_blank'); }; playBtn.onRelease = function () { play(); }; } frame 1 { function __com_mochibot__(swfid, mc, lv, trk) { var x; var g; var s; var fv; var sb; var u; var res; var mb; var mbc; var pv; mb = '__mochibot__'; mbc = ''; g = _global ? _global : _level0._root; if (g[mb + swfid]) { return g[mb + swfid]; } s =; x = mc._root.getSWFVersion; fv = x ? mc.getSWFVersion() : (_global ? 6 : 5); if (!s) { s = {}; } sb = s.sandboxType; if (sb == 'localWithFile') { return null; } x = s.allowDomain; if (x) { s.allowDomain(mbc); } x = s.allowInsecureDomain; if (x) { s.allowInsecureDomain(mbc); } pv = (fv == 5) ? /:$version : System.capabilities.version; u = 'http://' + mbc + '/my/core.swf?mv=8&fv=' + fv + '&v=' + escape(pv) + '&swfid=' + escape(swfid) + '&l=' + lv + '&f=' + mc + (sb ? '&sb=' + sb : '') + (trk ? '&t=1' : ''); lv = fv > 6 ? mc.getNextHighestDepth() : (g[mb + 'level'] ? g[mb + 'level'] + 1 : lv); g[mb + 'level'] = lv; if (fv == 5) { res = '_level' + lv; if (!eval(res)) { loadMovieNum(u, lv); } return res; } res = mc.createEmptyMovieClip(mb + swfid, lv); res.loadMovie(u); return res; } __com_mochibot__('a8b21222', this, 10301, true); } movieClip 215 { } movieClip 216 { } movieClip 218 { } // unknown tag 88 length 88 movieClip 1467 { #initclip if (! { = new Object(); } if (! { var v1 = function ($target, $duration, $vars) { if (gs.TweenLite.timerClip._visible != false || !gs.TweenLite._tlInitted) { gs.plugins.TweenPlugin.activate([gs.plugins.TintPlugin, gs.plugins.RemoveTintPlugin, gs.plugins.FramePlugin, gs.plugins.AutoAlphaPlugin, gs.plugins.VisiblePlugin, gs.plugins.VolumePlugin, gs.plugins.EndArrayPlugin]); gs.TweenLite.currentTime = getTimer(); var v3 = 999; while (_root.getInstanceAtDepth(v3) != undefined) { ++v3; } gs.TweenLite.timerClip = _root.createEmptyMovieClip('__tweenLite_mc', v3); gs.TweenLite.timerClip._visible = false; clearInterval(gs.TweenLite._gcInterval); gs.TweenLite._gcInterval = setInterval(gs.TweenLite.killGarbage, 2000); gs.TweenLite.timerClip.onEnterFrame = gs.TweenLite.updateAll; if (gs.TweenLite.overwriteManager == undefined) { gs.TweenLite.overwriteManager = {'mode': 1, 'enabled': false}; } gs.TweenLite._tlInitted = true; } this.vars = $vars; this.duration = $duration || 0.001; this.delay = $vars.delay || 0; this.combinedTimeScale = $vars.timeScale || 1; = Boolean($duration == 0 && this.delay == 0); = $target; if (typeof this.vars.ease != 'function') { this.vars.ease = gs.TweenLite.defaultEase; } if (this.vars.easeParams != undefined) { this.vars.proxiedEase = this.vars.ease; this.vars.ease = this.easeProxy; } this.ease = this.vars.ease; this.tweens = []; this.initted = false; this.initTime = gs.TweenLite.currentTime; this.startTime = this.initTime + this.delay * 1000; this.endTargetID = gs.TweenLite.getID($target, true); var v6 = ($vars.overwrite == undefined || !gs.TweenLite.overwriteManager.enabled && $vars.overwrite > 1) ? gs.TweenLite.overwriteManager.mode : Number($vars.overwrite); if (v6 == 1 && $target != undefined) { delete gs.TweenLite.masterList[this.endTargetID]; gs.TweenLite.masterList[this.endTargetID] = {'target': $target, 'tweens': [this]}; } else { gs.TweenLite.masterList[this.endTargetID].tweens.push(this); } if ( || this.vars.runBackwards == true && this.vars.renderOnStart != true) { this.initTweenVals(); if ( { this.render(this.startTime + 1); } else { this.render(this.startTime); } if (this.vars._visible != undefined && this.vars.runBackwards == true) { = this.vars._visible; } } }; gs.TweenLite = v1; var v2 = v1.prototype; v2.initTweenVals = function () { var v2; var v5; var v4; if (this.vars.timeScale != undefined && != undefined) { this.tweens[this.tweens.length] = new gs.utils.tween.TweenInfo(, 'timeScale',, this.vars.timeScale -, 'timeScale', false); } for (v2 in this.vars) { if (gs.TweenLite._reservedProps[v2] != undefined) { } else { if (gs.TweenLite.plugins[v2] != undefined) { v4 = new gs.TweenLite.plugins[v2](); if (v4.onInitTween(, this.vars[v2], this) == false) { this.tweens[this.tweens.length] = new gs.utils.tween.TweenInfo(, v2,[v2], (typeof this.vars[v2] == 'number') ? this.vars[v2] -[v2] : Number(this.vars[v2]), v2, false); } else { this.tweens[this.tweens.length] = new gs.utils.tween.TweenInfo(v4, 'changeFactor', 0, 1, (v4.overwriteProps.length == 1) ? v4.overwriteProps[0] : '_MULTIPLE_', true); this._hasPlugins = true; } } else { this.tweens[this.tweens.length] = new gs.utils.tween.TweenInfo(, v2,[v2], (typeof this.vars[v2] == 'number') ? this.vars[v2] -[v2] : Number(this.vars[v2]), v2, false); } } } if (this.vars.runBackwards == true) { var v3; v5 = this.tweens.length - 1; while (v5 > -1) { v3 = this.tweens[v5]; v3.start += v3.change; v3.change = -v3.change; --v5; } } if (this.vars.onUpdate != null) { this._hasUpdate = true; } if (gs.TweenLite.overwriteManager.enabled && gs.TweenLite.masterList[this.endTargetID] != undefined) { gs.TweenLite.overwriteManager.manageOverwrites(this, gs.TweenLite.masterList[this.endTargetID].tweens); } this.initted = true; }; v2.activate = function () { = true; this.started =; if (!this.initted) { this.initTweenVals(); } if (this.vars.onStart != undefined) { this.vars.onStart.apply(this.vars.onStartScope, this.vars.onStartParams); } if (this.duration == 0.001) { this.startTime -= 1; } }; v2.render = function ($t) { var v5 = ($t - this.startTime) * 0.001; var v4; var v2; var v3; if (v5 >= this.duration) { v5 = this.duration; v4 = (this.ease == this.vars.ease || this.duration == 0.001) ? 1 : 0; } else { v4 = this.ease(v5, 0, 1, this.duration); } v3 = this.tweens.length - 1; while (v3 > -1) { v2 = this.tweens[v3];[] = v2.start + v4 * v2.change; --v3; } if (this._hasUpdate) { this.vars.onUpdate.apply(this.vars.onUpdateScope, this.vars.onUpdateParams); } if (v5 == this.duration) { this.complete(true); } }; v2.complete = function ($skipRender) { if ($skipRender != true) { if (!this.initted) { this.initTweenVals(); } this.startTime = gs.TweenLite.currentTime - this.duration * 1000 / this.combinedTimeScale; this.render(gs.TweenLite.currentTime); return undefined; } if (this._hasPlugins) { var v2 = this.tweens.length - 1; while (v2 > -1) { if (this.tweens[v2].isPlugin == true && this.tweens[v2].target.onComplete != undefined) { this.tweens[v2].target.onComplete(); } --v2; } } if (this.vars.persist != true) { this.__set__enabled(false); } if (this.vars.onComplete) { this.vars.onComplete.apply(this.vars.onCompleteScope, this.vars.onCompleteParams); } }; v2.clear = function () { this.tweens = []; this.vars = {'ease': this.vars.ease}; this._hasUpdate = false; }; v2.killVars = function ($vars) { if (gs.TweenLite.overwriteManager.enabled) { gs.TweenLite.overwriteManager.killVars($vars, this.vars, this.tweens); } }; = function ($target, $duration, $vars) { return new gs.TweenLite($target, $duration, $vars); }; v1.from = function ($target, $duration, $vars) { $vars.runBackwards = true; return new gs.TweenLite($target, $duration, $vars); }; v1.delayedCall = function ($delay, $onComplete, $onCompleteParams, $onCompleteScope) { return new gs.TweenLite($onComplete, 0, {'delay': $delay, 'onComplete': $onComplete, 'onCompleteParams': $onCompleteParams, 'onCompleteScope': $onCompleteScope, 'overwrite': 0}); }; v1.updateAll = function () { gs.TweenLite.currentTime = getTimer(); var v4 = gs.TweenLite.currentTime; var v5 = gs.TweenLite.masterList; var v6; var v3; var v2; var v1; for (v6 in v5) { v3 = v5[v6].tweens; v2 = v3.length - 1; while (v2 > -1) { v1 = v3[v2]; if ( { v1.render(v4); } else { if (v1.gc) { v3.splice(v2, 1); } else { if (v4 >= v1.startTime) { v1.activate(); v1.render(v4); } } } --v2; } } }; v1.getID = function ($target, $lookup) { var v3; if ($lookup) { var v1 = gs.TweenLite.masterList; if (typeof $target == 'movieclip') { if (v1[String($target)] != undefined) { return String($target); } else { v3 = String($target); gs.TweenLite.masterList[v3] = {'target': $target, 'tweens': []}; return v3; } ++gs.TweenLite._cnt; v3 = 't' + gs.TweenLite._cnt; gs.TweenLite.masterList[v3] = {'target': $target, 'tweens': []}; return v3; } for (var v4 in v1) { if (v1[v4].target == $target) { return v4; } } } ++gs.TweenLite._cnt; v3 = 't' + gs.TweenLite._cnt; gs.TweenLite.masterList[v3] = {'target': $target, 'tweens': []}; return v3; }; v1.removeTween = function ($t, $clear) { if ($clear != false) { $t.clear(); } $t.__set__enabled(false); }; v1.killTweensOf = function ($target, $complete) { var v5 = gs.TweenLite.getID($target, true); var v3 = gs.TweenLite.masterList[v5]; var v2; var v1; if (v3 != undefined) { v2 = v3.length - 1; while (v2 > -1) { v1 = v3[v2]; if ($complete && !v1.gc) { v1.complete(false); } v1.clear(); --v2; } delete gs.TweenLite.masterList[v5]; } }; v1.killGarbage = function () { var v1 = gs.TweenLite.masterList; var v2; var v3; for (v2 in v1) { if (v1[v2].tweens.length == 0) { delete v1[v2]; } } }; v1.defaultEase = function ($t, $b, $c, $d) { $t /= $d; return -$c * $t * ($t - 2) + $b; }; v2.easeProxy = function ($t, $b, $c, $d) { return this.vars.proxiedEase.apply(null, arguments.concat(this.vars.easeParams)); }; v2.__get__enabled = function () { return this.gc ? false : true; }; v2.__set__enabled = function ($b) { if ($b) { if (gs.TweenLite.masterList[this.endTargetID] == undefined) { gs.TweenLite.masterList[this.endTargetID] = {'target':, 'tweens': [this]}; } else { var v3 = gs.TweenLite.masterList[this.endTargetID].tweens; var v4; var v2; v2 = v3.length - 1; while (v2 > -1) { if (v3[v2] == this) { v4 = true; break; } --v2; } if (!v4) { v3[v3.length] = this; } } } this.gc = $b ? false : true; if (this.gc) { = false; } else { = this.started; } return this.__get__enabled(); }; v1.version = 10.092; v1.killDelayedCallsTo = gs.TweenLite.killTweensOf; v1.masterList = {}; v1.plugins = {}; v1._cnt = -16000; v1._reservedProps = {'ease': 1, 'delay': 1, 'overwrite': 1, 'onComplete': 1, 'onCompleteParams': 1, 'runBackwards': 1, 'startAt': 1, 'onUpdate': 1, 'onUpdateParams': 1, 'roundProps': 1, 'onStart': 1, 'onStartParams': 1, 'persist': 1, 'renderOnStart': 1, 'proxiedEase': 1, 'easeParams': 1, 'yoyo': 1, 'loop': 1, 'onCompleteListener': 1, 'onUpdateListener': 1, 'onStartListener': 1, 'orientToBezier': 1, 'timeScale': 1}; v2.addProperty('enabled', v2.__get__enabled, v2.__set__enabled); ASSetPropFlags(gs.TweenLite.prototype, null, 1); } #endinitclip } movieClip 1468 { #initclip if (! { = new Object(); } if (! { = new Object(); } if (! { var v1 = function () { this._tweens = []; this._changeFactor = 0; }; gs.plugins.TweenPlugin = v1; var v2 = v1.prototype; v2.onInitTween = function ($target, $value, $tween) { this.addTween($target, this.propName, $target[this.propName], $value, this.propName); return true; }; v2.addTween = function ($object, $propName, $start, $end, $overwriteProp) { if ($end != undefined) { var v3 = (typeof $end == 'number') ? $end - $start : Number($end); if (v3 != 0) { this._tweens[this._tweens.length] = new gs.utils.tween.TweenInfo($object, $propName, $start, v3, $overwriteProp || $propName); } } }; v2.updateTweens = function ($changeFactor) { var v3; var v2; if (this.round) { v3 = this._tweens.length - 1; while (v3 > -1) { v2 = this._tweens[v3];[] = Math.round(v2.start + v2.change * $changeFactor); --v3; } } else { v3 = this._tweens.length - 1; while (v3 > -1) { v2 = this._tweens[v3];[] = v2.start + v2.change * $changeFactor; --v3; } } }; v2.__set__changeFactor = function ($n) { this.updateTweens($n); this._changeFactor = $n; return this.__get__changeFactor(); }; v2.__get__changeFactor = function () { return this._changeFactor; }; v2.killProps = function ($lookup) { var v2; v2 = this.overwriteProps.length - 1; while (v2 > -1) { if ($lookup[this.overwriteProps[v2]] != undefined) { this.overwriteProps.splice(v2, 1); } --v2; } v2 = this._tweens.length - 1; while (v2 > -1) { if ($lookup[this._tweens[v2].name] != undefined) { this._tweens.splice(v2, 1); } --v2; } }; v1.activate = function ($plugins) { var v1; var v3; v1 = $plugins.length - 1; while (v1 > -1) { v3 = new $plugins[v1](); gs.TweenLite.plugins[v3.propName] = $plugins[v1]; --v1; } return true; }; v1.VERSION = 1.04; v1.API = 1; v2.addProperty('changeFactor', v2.__get__changeFactor, v2.__set__changeFactor); ASSetPropFlags(gs.plugins.TweenPlugin.prototype, null, 1); } #endinitclip } movieClip 1469 { #initclip if (! { = new Object(); } if (! { = new Object(); } if (! { = new Object(); } if (! { var v1 = function ($target, $property, $start, $change, $name, $isPlugin) { = $target; = $property; this.start = $start; this.change = $change; = $name; this.isPlugin = $isPlugin; }; gs.utils.tween.TweenInfo = v1; var v2 = v1.prototype; ASSetPropFlags(gs.utils.tween.TweenInfo.prototype, null, 1); } #endinitclip } movieClip 1470 { #initclip if (! { = new Object(); } if (! { = new Object(); } if (! { var v1 = function () { super(); this.propName = 'tint'; this.overwriteProps = ['tint']; }; gs.plugins.TintPlugin = v1; gs.plugins.TintPlugin extends gs.plugins.TweenPlugin; var v2 = v1.prototype; v2.onInitTween = function ($target, $value, $tween) { if (typeof $target != 'movieclip' && !($target instanceof TextField)) { return false; } var v2 = ($tween.vars._alpha != undefined) ? $tween.vars._alpha : (($tween.vars.autoAlpha != undefined) ? $tween.vars.autoAlpha : $target._alpha); if (!($value == null || $tween.vars.removeTint == true)) { var v6 = {'rb': $value >> 16, 'gb': $value >> 8 & 255, 'bb': $value & 255, 'ra': 0, 'ga': 0, 'ba': 0, 'aa': v2}; this._ignoreAlpha = true; this.init($target, v6); return true; } var v6 = {'rb': 0, 'gb': 0, 'bb': 0, 'ab': 0, 'ra': v2, 'ga': v2, 'ba': v2, 'aa': v2}; this._ignoreAlpha = true; this.init($target, v6); return true; }; v2.init = function ($target, $end) { this._color = new Color($target); this._ct = this._color.getTransform(); var v5; var v2; for (v2 in $end) { if (this._ct[v2] != $end[v2]) { this._tweens[this._tweens.length] = new gs.utils.tween.TweenInfo(this._ct, v2, this._ct[v2], $end[v2] - this._ct[v2], 'tint', false); } } }; v2.__set__changeFactor = function ($n) { var v3; var v2; v3 = this._tweens.length - 1; while (v3 > -1) { v2 = this._tweens[v3];[] = v2.start + v2.change * $n; --v3; } if (this._ignoreAlpha) { var v5 = this._color.getTransform(); this._ct.aa = v5.aa; this._ct.ab = v5.ab; } this._color.setTransform(this._ct); return this.__get__changeFactor(); }; v1.VERSION = 1.1; v1.API = 1; v2.addProperty('changeFactor', function () {}, v2.__set__changeFactor); ASSetPropFlags(gs.plugins.TintPlugin.prototype, null, 1); } #endinitclip } movieClip 1471 { #initclip if (! { = new Object(); } if (! { = new Object(); } if (! { var v1 = function () { super(); this.propName = 'removeTint'; }; gs.plugins.RemoveTintPlugin = v1; gs.plugins.RemoveTintPlugin extends gs.plugins.TintPlugin; var v2 = v1.prototype; v1.VERSION = 1; v1.API = 1; ASSetPropFlags(gs.plugins.RemoveTintPlugin.prototype, null, 1); } #endinitclip } movieClip 1472 { #initclip if (! { = new Object(); } if (! { = new Object(); } if (! { var v1 = function () { super(); this.propName = 'frame'; this.overwriteProps = ['frame']; this.round = true; }; gs.plugins.FramePlugin = v1; gs.plugins.FramePlugin extends gs.plugins.TweenPlugin; var v2 = v1.prototype; v2.onInitTween = function ($target, $value, $tween) { if (typeof $target != 'movieclip' || isNaN($value)) { return false; } this._target = MovieClip($target); this.frame = this._target._currentframe; this.addTween(this, 'frame', this.frame, $value, 'frame'); return true; }; v2.__set__changeFactor = function ($n) { this.updateTweens($n); this._target.gotoAndStop(this.frame); return this.__get__changeFactor(); }; v1.VERSION = 1.01; v1.API = 1; v2.addProperty('changeFactor', function () {}, v2.__set__changeFactor); ASSetPropFlags(gs.plugins.FramePlugin.prototype, null, 1); } #endinitclip } movieClip 1473 { #initclip if (! { = new Object(); } if (! { = new Object(); } if (! { var v1 = function () { super(); this.propName = 'autoAlpha'; this.overwriteProps = ['_alpha', '_visible']; this.onComplete = this.onCompleteTween; }; gs.plugins.AutoAlphaPlugin = v1; gs.plugins.AutoAlphaPlugin extends gs.plugins.TweenPlugin; var v2 = v1.prototype; v2.onInitTween = function ($target, $value, $tween) { this._target = $target; this._tween = $tween; this._visible = Boolean($value != 0); this._tweenVisible = true; this._alphaStart = this._target._alpha; if (typeof $value != 'number') { this._alphaChange = Number($value); this._tweenAlpha = Boolean(this._alphaChange != 0); return true; } this._alphaChange = $value - this._alphaStart; this._tweenAlpha = Boolean(this._alphaChange != 0); return true; }; v2.killProps = function ($lookup) { super.killProps($lookup); this._tweenVisible = Boolean($lookup._visible == undefined); this._tweenAlpha = Boolean($lookup._alpha == undefined); }; v2.onCompleteTween = function () { if (this._tweenVisible && this._tween.vars.runBackwards != true && this._tween.ease == this._tween.vars.ease) { this._target._visible = this._visible; } }; v2.__set__changeFactor = function ($n) { if (this._tweenAlpha) { this._target._alpha = this._alphaStart + this._alphaChange * $n; } if (this._target._visible != true && this._tweenVisible) { this._target._visible = true; } return this.__get__changeFactor(); }; v1.VERSION = 1; v1.API = 1; v2.addProperty('changeFactor', function () {}, v2.__set__changeFactor); ASSetPropFlags(gs.plugins.AutoAlphaPlugin.prototype, null, 1); } #endinitclip } movieClip 1474 { #initclip if (! { = new Object(); } if (! { = new Object(); } if (! { var v1 = function () { super(); this.propName = '_visible'; this.overwriteProps = ['_visible']; this.onComplete = this.onCompleteTween; }; gs.plugins.VisiblePlugin = v1; gs.plugins.VisiblePlugin extends gs.plugins.TweenPlugin; var v2 = v1.prototype; v2.onInitTween = function ($target, $value, $tween) { this._target = $target; this._tween = $tween; this._visible = Boolean($value); return true; }; v2.onCompleteTween = function () { if (this._tween.vars.runBackwards != true && this._tween.ease == this._tween.vars.ease) { this._target._visible = this._visible; } }; v2.__set__changeFactor = function ($n) { if (this._target._visible != true) { this._target._visible = true; } return this.__get__changeFactor(); }; v1.VERSION = 1; v1.API = 1; v2.addProperty('changeFactor', function () {}, v2.__set__changeFactor); ASSetPropFlags(gs.plugins.VisiblePlugin.prototype, null, 1); } #endinitclip } movieClip 1475 { #initclip if (! { = new Object(); } if (! { = new Object(); } if (! { var v1 = function () { super(); this.propName = 'volume'; this.overwriteProps = ['volume']; }; gs.plugins.VolumePlugin = v1; gs.plugins.VolumePlugin extends gs.plugins.TweenPlugin; var v2 = v1.prototype; v2.onInitTween = function ($target, $value, $tween) { if (isNaN($value) || typeof $target != 'movieclip' && !($target instanceof Sound)) { return false; } if (typeof $target != 'movieclip') { this._sound = Sound($target); this.volume = this._sound.getVolume(); this.addTween(this, 'volume', this.volume, $value, 'volume'); return true; } this._sound = new Sound($target); this.volume = this._sound.getVolume(); this.addTween(this, 'volume', this.volume, $value, 'volume'); return true; }; v2.__set__changeFactor = function ($n) { this.updateTweens($n); this._sound.setVolume(this.volume); return this.__get__changeFactor(); }; v1.VERSION = 1.01; v1.API = 1; v2.addProperty('changeFactor', function () {}, v2.__set__changeFactor); ASSetPropFlags(gs.plugins.VolumePlugin.prototype, null, 1); } #endinitclip } movieClip 1476 { #initclip if (! { = new Object(); } if (! { = new Object(); } if (! { var v1 = function () { super(); this.propName = 'endArray'; this.overwriteProps = ['endArray']; this._info = []; }; gs.plugins.EndArrayPlugin = v1; gs.plugins.EndArrayPlugin extends gs.plugins.TweenPlugin; var v2 = v1.prototype; v2.onInitTween = function ($target, $value, $tween) { if (!($target instanceof Array) || !($value instanceof Array)) { return false; } var v3 = $target; var v2 = $value; this.init(v3, v2); return true; }; v2.init = function ($start, $end) { this._a = $start; var v2 = $end.length - 1; while (v2 > -1) { if ($start[v2] != $end[v2] && $start[v2] != undefined) { this._info[this._info.length] = new gs.utils.tween.ArrayTweenInfo(v2, this._a[v2], $end[v2] - this._a[v2]); } --v2; } }; v2.__set__changeFactor = function ($n) { var v3; var v2; if (this.round) { v3 = this._info.length - 1; while (v3 > -1) { v2 = this._info[v3]; this._a[v2.index] = Math.round(v2.start + v2.change * $n); --v3; } } else { v3 = this._info.length - 1; while (v3 > -1) { v2 = this._info[v3]; this._a[v2.index] = v2.start + v2.change * $n; --v3; } } return this.__get__changeFactor(); }; v1.VERSION = 1.02; v1.API = 1; v2.addProperty('changeFactor', function () {}, v2.__set__changeFactor); ASSetPropFlags(gs.plugins.EndArrayPlugin.prototype, null, 1); } #endinitclip } movieClip 1477 { #initclip if (! { = new Object(); } if (! { = new Object(); } if (! { = new Object(); } if (! { var v1 = function ($index, $start, $change) { this.index = $index; this.start = $start; this.change = $change; }; gs.utils.tween.ArrayTweenInfo = v1; var v2 = v1.prototype; ASSetPropFlags(gs.utils.tween.ArrayTweenInfo.prototype, null, 1); } #endinitclip } movieClip 1478 { #initclip if (! { = new Object(); } if (! { = new Object(); } if (! { var v1 = function () { super(); this.propName = 'hexColors'; this.overwriteProps = []; this._colors = []; }; gs.plugins.HexColorsPlugin = v1; gs.plugins.HexColorsPlugin extends gs.plugins.TweenPlugin; var v2 = v1.prototype; v2.onInitTween = function ($target, $value, $tween) { for (var v4 in $value) { this.initColor($target, v4, Number($target[v4]), Number($value[v4])); } return true; }; v2.initColor = function ($target, $propName, $start, $end) { if ($start != $end) { var v4 = $start >> 16; var v6 = $start >> 8 & 255; var v3 = $start & 255; this._colors[this._colors.length] = [$target, $propName, v4, ($end >> 16) - v4, v6, ($end >> 8 & 255) - v6, v3, ($end & 255) - v3]; this.overwriteProps[this.overwriteProps.length] = $propName; } }; v2.killProps = function ($lookup) { var v3 = this._colors.length - 1; while (v3 > -1) { if ($lookup[this._colors[v3][1]] != undefined) { this._colors.splice(v3, 1); } --v3; } super.killProps($lookup); }; v2.__set__changeFactor = function ($n) { var v3; var v2; v3 = this._colors.length - 1; while (v3 > -1) { v2 = this._colors[v3]; v2[0][v2[1]] = v2[2] + $n * v2[3] << 16 | v2[4] + $n * v2[5] << 8 | v2[6] + $n * v2[7]; --v3; } return this.__get__changeFactor(); }; v1.VERSION = 1.01; v1.API = 1; v2.addProperty('changeFactor', function () {}, v2.__set__changeFactor); ASSetPropFlags(gs.plugins.HexColorsPlugin.prototype, null, 1); } #endinitclip } movieClip 1479 { #initclip if (! { = new Object(); } if (! { = new Object(); } if (! { var v1 = function () { super(); }; gs.plugins.FilterPlugin = v1; gs.plugins.FilterPlugin extends gs.plugins.TweenPlugin; var v2 = v1.prototype; v2.initFilter = function ($props, $default) { var v5 = this._target.filters; var v2; var v4; var v6; this._index = -1; if ($props.index != undefined) { this._index = $props.index; } else { v4 = v5.length - 1; while (v4 > -1) { if (v5[v4] instanceof this._type) { this._index = v4; break; } --v4; } } if (this._index == -1 || v5[this._index] == undefined || $props.addFilter == true) { this._index = ($props.index != undefined) ? $props.index : v5.length; v5[this._index] = $default; this._target.filters = v5; } this._filter = v5[this._index]; this._remove = Boolean($props.remove == true); if (this._remove) { this.onComplete = this.onCompleteTween; } var v3 = ($props.isTV == true) ? $props.exposedVars : $props; for (v2 in v3) { if (this._filter[v2] == undefined || this._filter[v2] == v3[v2] || v2 == 'remove' || v2 == 'index' || v2 == 'addFilter') { } else { if (v2 == 'color' || v2 == 'highlightColor' || v2 == 'shadowColor') { v6 = new gs.plugins.HexColorsPlugin(); v6.initColor(this._filter, v2, this._filter[v2], v3[v2]); this._tweens[this._tweens.length] = new gs.utils.tween.TweenInfo(v6, 'changeFactor', 0, 1, this.propName); } else { if (v2 == 'quality' || v2 == 'inner' || v2 == 'knockout' || v2 == 'hideObject') { this._filter[v2] = v3[v2]; } else { this.addTween(this._filter, v2, this._filter[v2], v3[v2], this.propName); } } } } }; v2.onCompleteTween = function () { if (this._remove) { var v2; var v3 = this._target.filters; if (!(v3[this._index] instanceof this._type)) { v2 = v3.length - 1; while (v2 > -1) { if (v3[v2] instanceof this._type) { v3.splice(v2, 1); break; } --v2; } } else { v3.splice(this._index, 1); } this._target.filters = v3; } }; v2.__set__changeFactor = function ($n) { var v2; var v3; var v4 = this._target.filters; v2 = this._tweens.length - 1; while (v2 > -1) { v3 = this._tweens[v2];[] = v3.start + v3.change * $n; --v2; } if (!(v4[this._index] instanceof this._type)) { this._index = v4.length - 1; v2 = v4.length - 1; while (v2 > -1) { if (v4[v2] instanceof this._type) { this._index = v2; break; } --v2; } } v4[this._index] = this._filter; this._target.filters = v4; return this.__get__changeFactor(); }; v1.VERSION = 1.03; v1.API = 1; v2.addProperty('changeFactor', function () {}, v2.__set__changeFactor); ASSetPropFlags(gs.plugins.FilterPlugin.prototype, null, 1); } #endinitclip } movieClip 1480 { #initclip if (! { = new Object(); } if (! { = new Object(); } if (! { var v1 = function () { super(); this.propName = 'blurFilter'; this.overwriteProps = ['blurFilter']; }; gs.plugins.BlurFilterPlugin = v1; gs.plugins.BlurFilterPlugin extends gs.plugins.FilterPlugin; var v2 = v1.prototype; v2.onInitTween = function ($target, $value, $tween) { this._target = $target; this._type = flash.filters.BlurFilter; this.initFilter($value, new flash.filters.BlurFilter(0, 0, $value.quality || 2)); return true; }; v1.VERSION = 1; v1.API = 1; ASSetPropFlags(gs.plugins.BlurFilterPlugin.prototype, null, 1); } #endinitclip } movieClip 1481 { #initclip if (! { = new Object(); } if (! { = new Object(); } if (! { var v1 = function () { super(); this.propName = 'colorMatrixFilter'; this.overwriteProps = ['colorMatrixFilter']; }; gs.plugins.ColorMatrixFilterPlugin = v1; gs.plugins.ColorMatrixFilterPlugin extends gs.plugins.FilterPlugin; var v2 = v1.prototype; v2.onInitTween = function ($target, $value, $tween) { this._target = $target; this._type = flash.filters.ColorMatrixFilter; var v3 = $value; this.initFilter({'remove': $value.remove, 'index': $value.index, 'addFilter': $value.addFilter}, new flash.filters.ColorMatrixFilter(gs.plugins.ColorMatrixFilterPlugin._idMatrix.slice())); this._matrix = (flash.filters.ColorMatrixFilter(this._filter)).matrix; var v2 = []; if (v3.matrix != undefined && v3.matrix instanceof Array) { v2 = v3.matrix; this._matrixTween = new gs.plugins.EndArrayPlugin(); this._matrixTween.init(this._matrix, v2); return true; } if (v3.relative == true) { v2 = this._matrix.slice(); } else { v2 = gs.plugins.ColorMatrixFilterPlugin._idMatrix.slice(); } v2 = gs.plugins.ColorMatrixFilterPlugin.setBrightness(v2, v3.brightness); v2 = gs.plugins.ColorMatrixFilterPlugin.setContrast(v2, v3.contrast); v2 = gs.plugins.ColorMatrixFilterPlugin.setHue(v2, v3.hue); v2 = gs.plugins.ColorMatrixFilterPlugin.setSaturation(v2, v3.saturation); v2 = gs.plugins.ColorMatrixFilterPlugin.setThreshold(v2, v3.threshold); if (!isNaN(v3.colorize)) { v2 = gs.plugins.ColorMatrixFilterPlugin.colorize(v2, v3.colorize, v3.amount); } this._matrixTween = new gs.plugins.EndArrayPlugin(); this._matrixTween.init(this._matrix, v2); return true; }; v2.__set__changeFactor = function ($n) { this._matrixTween.__set__changeFactor($n); (flash.filters.ColorMatrixFilter(this._filter)).matrix = this._matrix; super.__set__changeFactor($n); return this.__get__changeFactor(); }; v1.colorize = function ($m, $color, $amount) { if (isNaN($color)) { return $m; var v3 = ($color >> 16 & 255) / 255; var v5 = ($color >> 8 & 255) / 255; var v2 = ($color & 255) / 255; var v4 = 1 - $amount; var v7 = [v4 + $amount * v3 * gs.plugins.ColorMatrixFilterPlugin._lumR, $amount * v3 * gs.plugins.ColorMatrixFilterPlugin._lumG, $amount * v3 * gs.plugins.ColorMatrixFilterPlugin._lumB, 0, 0, $amount * v5 * gs.plugins.ColorMatrixFilterPlugin._lumR, v4 + $amount * v5 * gs.plugins.ColorMatrixFilterPlugin._lumG, $amount * v5 * gs.plugins.ColorMatrixFilterPlugin._lumB, 0, 0, $amount * v2 * gs.plugins.ColorMatrixFilterPlugin._lumR, $amount * v2 * gs.plugins.ColorMatrixFilterPlugin._lumG, v4 + $amount * v2 * gs.plugins.ColorMatrixFilterPlugin._lumB, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0]; return gs.plugins.ColorMatrixFilterPlugin.applyMatrix(v7, $m); } if (isNaN($amount)) { $amount = 1; } var v3 = ($color >> 16 & 255) / 255; var v5 = ($color >> 8 & 255) / 255; var v2 = ($color & 255) / 255; var v4 = 1 - $amount; var v7 = [v4 + $amount * v3 * gs.plugins.ColorMatrixFilterPlugin._lumR, $amount * v3 * gs.plugins.ColorMatrixFilterPlugin._lumG, $amount * v3 * gs.plugins.ColorMatrixFilterPlugin._lumB, 0, 0, $amount * v5 * gs.plugins.ColorMatrixFilterPlugin._lumR, v4 + $amount * v5 * gs.plugins.ColorMatrixFilterPlugin._lumG, $amount * v5 * gs.plugins.ColorMatrixFilterPlugin._lumB, 0, 0, $amount * v2 * gs.plugins.ColorMatrixFilterPlugin._lumR, $amount * v2 * gs.plugins.ColorMatrixFilterPlugin._lumG, v4 + $amount * v2 * gs.plugins.ColorMatrixFilterPlugin._lumB, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0]; return gs.plugins.ColorMatrixFilterPlugin.applyMatrix(v7, $m); }; v1.setThreshold = function ($m, $n) { if (isNaN($n)) { return $m; } var v2 = [gs.plugins.ColorMatrixFilterPlugin._lumR * 256, gs.plugins.ColorMatrixFilterPlugin._lumG * 256, gs.plugins.ColorMatrixFilterPlugin._lumB * 256, 0, -256 * $n, gs.plugins.ColorMatrixFilterPlugin._lumR * 256, gs.plugins.ColorMatrixFilterPlugin._lumG * 256, gs.plugins.ColorMatrixFilterPlugin._lumB * 256, 0, -256 * $n, gs.plugins.ColorMatrixFilterPlugin._lumR * 256, gs.plugins.ColorMatrixFilterPlugin._lumG * 256, gs.plugins.ColorMatrixFilterPlugin._lumB * 256, 0, -256 * $n, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0]; return gs.plugins.ColorMatrixFilterPlugin.applyMatrix(v2, $m); }; v1.setHue = function ($m, $n) { if (isNaN($n)) { return $m; } $n *= 0.0174532925199433; var v1 = Math.cos($n); var v2 = Math.sin($n); var v4 = [gs.plugins.ColorMatrixFilterPlugin._lumR + v1 * (1 - gs.plugins.ColorMatrixFilterPlugin._lumR) + v2 * -gs.plugins.ColorMatrixFilterPlugin._lumR, gs.plugins.ColorMatrixFilterPlugin._lumG + v1 * -gs.plugins.ColorMatrixFilterPlugin._lumG + v2 * -gs.plugins.ColorMatrixFilterPlugin._lumG, gs.plugins.ColorMatrixFilterPlugin._lumB + v1 * -gs.plugins.ColorMatrixFilterPlugin._lumB + v2 * (1 - gs.plugins.ColorMatrixFilterPlugin._lumB), 0, 0, gs.plugins.ColorMatrixFilterPlugin._lumR + v1 * -gs.plugins.ColorMatrixFilterPlugin._lumR + v2 * 0.143, gs.plugins.ColorMatrixFilterPlugin._lumG + v1 * (1 - gs.plugins.ColorMatrixFilterPlugin._lumG) + v2 * 0.14, gs.plugins.ColorMatrixFilterPlugin._lumB + v1 * -gs.plugins.ColorMatrixFilterPlugin._lumB + v2 * -0.283, 0, 0, gs.plugins.ColorMatrixFilterPlugin._lumR + v1 * -gs.plugins.ColorMatrixFilterPlugin._lumR + v2 * -(1 - gs.plugins.ColorMatrixFilterPlugin._lumR), gs.plugins.ColorMatrixFilterPlugin._lumG + v1 * -gs.plugins.ColorMatrixFilterPlugin._lumG + v2 * gs.plugins.ColorMatrixFilterPlugin._lumG, gs.plugins.ColorMatrixFilterPlugin._lumB + v1 * (1 - gs.plugins.ColorMatrixFilterPlugin._lumB) + v2 * gs.plugins.ColorMatrixFilterPlugin._lumB, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1]; return gs.plugins.ColorMatrixFilterPlugin.applyMatrix(v4, $m); }; v1.setBrightness = function ($m, $n) { if (isNaN($n)) { return $m; } $n = $n * 100 - 100; return gs.plugins.ColorMatrixFilterPlugin.applyMatrix([1, 0, 0, 0, $n, 0, 1, 0, 0, $n, 0, 0, 1, 0, $n, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1], $m); }; v1.setSaturation = function ($m, $n) { if (isNaN($n)) { return $m; } var v4 = 1 - $n; var v3 = v4 * gs.plugins.ColorMatrixFilterPlugin._lumR; var v5 = v4 * gs.plugins.ColorMatrixFilterPlugin._lumG; var v2 = v4 * gs.plugins.ColorMatrixFilterPlugin._lumB; var v6 = [v3 + $n, v5, v2, 0, 0, v3, v5 + $n, v2, 0, 0, v3, v5, v2 + $n, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0]; return gs.plugins.ColorMatrixFilterPlugin.applyMatrix(v6, $m); }; v1.setContrast = function ($m, $n) { if (isNaN($n)) { return $m; } $n += 0.01; var v2 = [$n, 0, 0, 0, 128 * (1 - $n), 0, $n, 0, 0, 128 * (1 - $n), 0, 0, $n, 0, 128 * (1 - $n), 0, 0, 0, 1, 0]; return gs.plugins.ColorMatrixFilterPlugin.applyMatrix(v2, $m); }; v1.applyMatrix = function ($m, $m2) { if (!($m instanceof Array) || !($m2 instanceof Array)) { return $m2; } var v7 = []; var v2 = 0; var v5 = 0; var v6; var v1; v6 = 0; while (v6 < 4) { v1 = 0; while (v1 < 5) { if (v1 == 4) { v5 = $m[v2 + 4]; } else { v5 = 0; } v7[v2 + v1] = $m[v2] * $m2[v1] + $m[v2 + 1] * $m2[v1 + 5] + $m[v2 + 2] * $m2[v1 + 10] + $m[v2 + 3] * $m2[v1 + 15] + v5; ++v1; } v2 += 5; ++v6; } return v7; }; v1.VERSION = 1.1; v1.API = 1; v1._idMatrix = [1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0]; v1._lumR = 0.212671; v1._lumG = 0.71516; v1._lumB = 0.072169; v2.addProperty('changeFactor', function () {}, v2.__set__changeFactor); ASSetPropFlags(gs.plugins.ColorMatrixFilterPlugin.prototype, null, 1); } #endinitclip } movieClip 1482 { #initclip if (! { = new Object(); } if (! { = new Object(); } if (! { var v1 = function () { super(); this.propName = 'bevelFilter'; this.overwriteProps = ['bevelFilter']; }; gs.plugins.BevelFilterPlugin = v1; gs.plugins.BevelFilterPlugin extends gs.plugins.FilterPlugin; var v2 = v1.prototype; v2.onInitTween = function ($target, $value, $tween) { this._target = $target; this._type = flash.filters.BevelFilter; this.initFilter($value, new flash.filters.BevelFilter(0, 0, 16777215, 0.5, 0, 0.5, 2, 2, 0, $value.quality || 2)); return true; }; v1.VERSION = 1; v1.API = 1; ASSetPropFlags(gs.plugins.BevelFilterPlugin.prototype, null, 1); } #endinitclip } movieClip 1483 { #initclip if (! { = new Object(); } if (! { = new Object(); } if (! { var v1 = function () { super(); this.propName = 'dropShadowFilter'; this.overwriteProps = ['dropShadowFilter']; }; gs.plugins.DropShadowFilterPlugin = v1; gs.plugins.DropShadowFilterPlugin extends gs.plugins.FilterPlugin; var v2 = v1.prototype; v2.onInitTween = function ($target, $value, $tween) { this._target = $target; this._type = flash.filters.DropShadowFilter; this.initFilter($value, new flash.filters.DropShadowFilter(0, 45, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, $value.quality || 2, $value.inner, $value.knockout, $value.hideObject)); return true; }; v1.VERSION = 1; v1.API = 1; ASSetPropFlags(gs.plugins.DropShadowFilterPlugin.prototype, null, 1); } #endinitclip } movieClip 1484 { #initclip if (! { = new Object(); } if (! { = new Object(); } if (! { var v1 = function () { super(); this.propName = 'glowFilter'; this.overwriteProps = ['glowFilter']; }; gs.plugins.GlowFilterPlugin = v1; gs.plugins.GlowFilterPlugin extends gs.plugins.FilterPlugin; var v2 = v1.prototype; v2.onInitTween = function ($target, $value, $tween) { this._target = $target; this._type = flash.filters.GlowFilter; this.initFilter($value, new flash.filters.GlowFilter(16777215, 0, 0, 0, $value.strength || 1, $value.quality || 2, $value.inner, $value.knockout)); return true; }; v1.VERSION = 1; v1.API = 1; ASSetPropFlags(gs.plugins.GlowFilterPlugin.prototype, null, 1); } #endinitclip } movieClip 1485 { #initclip if (! { = new Object(); } if (! { = new Object(); } if (! { var v1 = function () { super(); this.propName = 'roundProps'; this.overwriteProps = []; this.round = true; }; gs.plugins.RoundPropsPlugin = v1; gs.plugins.RoundPropsPlugin extends gs.plugins.TweenPlugin; var v2 = v1.prototype; v2.add = function ($object, $propName, $start, $change) { this.addTween($object, $propName, $start, $start + $change, $propName); this.overwriteProps[this.overwriteProps.length] = $propName; }; v1.VERSION = 1; v1.API = 1; ASSetPropFlags(gs.plugins.RoundPropsPlugin.prototype, null, 1); } #endinitclip } movieClip 1486 { #initclip if (! { = new Object(); } if (! { = new Object(); } if (! { var v1 = function () { super(); this.propName = 'bezier'; this.overwriteProps = []; }; gs.plugins.BezierPlugin = v1; gs.plugins.BezierPlugin extends gs.plugins.TweenPlugin; var v2 = v1.prototype; v2.onInitTween = function ($target, $value, $tween) { if (!($value instanceof Array)) { return false; } var v2 = $value; this.init($tween, v2, false); return true; }; v2.init = function ($tween, $beziers, $through) { this._target = $; var v5 = {}; var v3; var v2; if ($tween.vars.orientToBezier == true) { this._orientData = [['_x', '_y', '_rotation', 0]]; this.overwriteProps[this.overwriteProps.length] = '_rotation'; this._orient = true; } else { if ($tween.vars.orientToBezier instanceof Array) { this._orientData = $tween.vars.orientToBezier; v3 = this._orientData.length - 1; while (v3 > -1) { this.overwriteProps[this.overwriteProps.length] = this._orientData[v3][2]; --v3; } this.overwriteProps[this.overwriteProps.length] = v2; this._orient = true; } } v3 = 0; while (v3 < $beziers.length) { for (v2 in $beziers[v3]) { if (v5[v2] == undefined) { v5[v2] = [$[v2]]; } if (typeof $beziers[v3][v2] == 'number') { v5[v2].push($beziers[v3][v2]); } else { v5[v2].push($[v2] + Number($beziers[v3][v2])); } } ++v3; } for (v2 in v5) { this.overwriteProps[this.overwriteProps.length] = v2; if ($tween.vars[v2] != undefined) { if (typeof $tween.vars[v2] == 'number') { v5[v2].push($tween.vars[v2]); } else { v5[v2].push($[v2] + Number($tween.vars[v2])); } delete $tween.vars[v2]; v3 = $tween.tweens.length - 1; while (v3 > -1) { if ($tween.tweens[v3].name == v2) { $tween.tweens.splice(v3, 1); } --v3; } } } this._beziers = gs.plugins.BezierPlugin.parseBeziers(v5, $through); }; v1.parseBeziers = function ($props, $through) { var v2; var v1; var v3; var v4; var v6 = {}; if ($through == true) { for (v4 in $props) { v1 = $props[v4]; v3 = []; v6[v4] = v3; if (v1.length > 2) { v3[v3.length] = [v1[0], v1[1] - (v1[2] - v1[0]) / 4, v1[1]]; v2 = 1; while (v2 < v1.length - 1) { v3[v3.length] = [v1[v2], v1[v2] + (v1[v2] - v3[v2 - 1][1]), v1[v2 + 1]]; ++v2; } } else { v3[v3.length] = [v1[0], (v1[0] + v1[1]) / 2, v1[1]]; } } return v6; } for (v4 in $props) { v1 = $props[v4]; v3 = []; v6[v4] = v3; if (v1.length > 3) { v3[v3.length] = [v1[0], v1[1], (v1[1] + v1[2]) / 2]; v2 = 2; while (v2 < v1.length - 2) { v3[v3.length] = [v3[v2 - 2][2], v1[v2], (v1[v2] + v1[v2 + 1]) / 2]; ++v2; } v3[v3.length] = [v3[v3.length - 1][2], v1[v1.length - 2], v1[v1.length - 1]]; } else { if (v1.length == 3) { v3[v3.length] = [v1[0], v1[1], v1[2]]; } else { if (v1.length == 2) { v3[v3.length] = [v1[0], (v1[0] + v1[1]) / 2, v1[1]]; } } } } return v6; }; v2.killProps = function ($lookup) { for (var v5 in this._beziers) { if ($lookup[v5] != undefined) { delete this._beziers[v5]; } } if (this._orient) { var v3 = this._orientData.length - 1; while (v3 > -1) { if ($lookup[this._orientData[v3][2]] != undefined) { this._orientData.splice(v3, 1); } --v3; } } super.killProps($lookup); }; v2.__set__changeFactor = function ($n) { var v3; var v4; var v2; var v5; var v7; if ($n == 1) { for (v4 in this._beziers) { v3 = this._beziers[v4].length - 1; this._target[v4] = this._beziers[v4][v3][2]; } } else { for (v4 in this._beziers) { v7 = this._beziers[v4].length; if ($n < 0) { v3 = 0; } else { if ($n >= 1) { v3 = v7 - 1; } else { v3 = v7 * $n >> 0; } } v5 = ($n - v3 * (1 / v7)) * v7; v2 = this._beziers[v4][v3]; if (this.round) { this._target[v4] = Math.round(v2[0] + v5 * (2 * (1 - v5) * (v2[1] - v2[0]) + v5 * (v2[2] - v2[0]))); } else { this._target[v4] = v2[0] + v5 * (2 * (1 - v5) * (v2[1] - v2[0]) + v5 * (v2[2] - v2[0])); } } } if (this._orient) { var v12 = this._target; var v13 = this.round; this._target = this._future; this.round = false; this._orient = false; this.__set__changeFactor($n + 0.01); this._target = v12; this.round = v13; this._orient = true; var v10; var v9; var v6; var v11; v3 = 0; while (v3 < this._orientData.length) { v6 = this._orientData[v3]; v11 = v6[3] || 0; v10 = this._future[v6[0]] - this._target[v6[0]]; v9 = this._future[v6[1]] - this._target[v6[1]]; this._target[v6[2]] = Math.atan2(v9, v10) * gs.plugins.BezierPlugin._RAD2DEG + v11; ++v3; } } return this.__get__changeFactor(); }; v1.VERSION = 1; v1.API = 1; v1._RAD2DEG = 57.29577951308232; v2._future = {}; v2.addProperty('changeFactor', function () {}, v2.__set__changeFactor); ASSetPropFlags(gs.plugins.BezierPlugin.prototype, null, 1); } #endinitclip } movieClip 1487 { #initclip if (! { = new Object(); } if (! { = new Object(); } if (! { var v1 = function () { super(); this.propName = 'bezierThrough'; }; gs.plugins.BezierThroughPlugin = v1; gs.plugins.BezierThroughPlugin extends gs.plugins.BezierPlugin; var v2 = v1.prototype; v2.onInitTween = function ($target, $value, $tween) { if (!($value instanceof Array)) { return false; } var v2 = $value; this.init($tween, v2, true); return true; }; v1.VERSION = 1; v1.API = 1; ASSetPropFlags(gs.plugins.BezierThroughPlugin.prototype, null, 1); } #endinitclip } movieClip 1488 { #initclip if (! { = new Object(); } if (! { = new Object(); } if (! { var v1 = function () { super(); this.propName = 'shortRotation'; this.overwriteProps = []; }; gs.plugins.ShortRotationPlugin = v1; gs.plugins.ShortRotationPlugin extends gs.plugins.TweenPlugin; var v2 = v1.prototype; v2.onInitTween = function ($target, $value, $tween) { if (typeof $value == 'number') { trace('WARNING: You appear to be using the old shortRotation syntax. Instead of passing a number, please pass an object with properties that correspond to the rotations values For example,, 2, {shortRotation:{rotationX:-170, rotationY:25}})'); return false; } for (var v4 in $value) { this.initRotation($target, v4, $target[v4], $value[v4]); } return true; }; v2.initRotation = function ($target, $propName, $start, $end) { var v2 = ($end - $start) % 360; if (v2 != v2 % 180) { v2 = v2 < 0 ? v2 + 360 : v2 - 360; } this.addTween($target, $propName, $start, $start + v2, $propName); this.overwriteProps[this.overwriteProps.length] = $propName; }; v1.VERSION = 1; v1.API = 1; ASSetPropFlags(gs.plugins.ShortRotationPlugin.prototype, null, 1); } #endinitclip } movieClip 1489 { #initclip if (! { = new Object(); } if (! { var v1 = function () {}; gs.OverwriteManager = v1; var v2 = v1.prototype; v1.init = function ($mode) { if (gs.TweenLite.version < 10.09) { trace('TweenLite warning: Your TweenLite class needs to be updated to work with OverwriteManager (or you may need to clear your ASO files). Please download and install the latest version from'); } gs.TweenLite.overwriteManager = gs.OverwriteManager; if ($mode != undefined) { gs.OverwriteManager.mode = $mode; gs.OverwriteManager.enabled = true; return gs.OverwriteManager.mode; } gs.OverwriteManager.mode = 2; gs.OverwriteManager.enabled = true; return gs.OverwriteManager.mode; }; v1.manageOverwrites = function ($tween, $targetTweens) { var v13 = $tween.vars; var v14 = (v13.overwrite == undefined) ? gs.OverwriteManager.mode : Number(v13.overwrite); if (v14 < 2 || $targetTweens == undefined) { return undefined; } var v10 = $tween.startTime; var v3 = []; var v1; var v15; var v5; var v9 = -1; v1 = $targetTweens.length - 1; while (v1 > -1) { v5 = $targetTweens[v1]; if (v5 == $tween) { v9 = v1; } else { if (v1 < v9 && v5.startTime <= v10 && v5.startTime + v5.duration * 1000 / v5.combinedTimeScale > v10) { v3[v3.length] = v5; } } --v1; } if (v3.length == 0 || $tween.tweens.length == 0) { return undefined; } if (v14 == gs.OverwriteManager.AUTO) { var v8 = $tween.tweens; var v6 = {}; var v2; var v4; var v7; v1 = v8.length - 1; while (v1 > -1) { v4 = v8[v1]; if (v4.isPlugin) { if ( == '_MULTIPLE_') { v7 =; v2 = v7.length - 1; while (v2 > -1) { v6[v7[v2]] = true; --v2; } } else { v6[] = true; } v6[] = true; } else { v6[] = true; } --v1; } v1 = v3.length - 1; while (v1 > -1) { gs.OverwriteManager.killVars(v6, v3[v1].vars, v3[v1].tweens); --v1; } } else { v1 = v3.length - 1; while (v1 > -1) { v3[v1].enabled = false; --v1; } } }; v1.killVars = function ($killVars, $vars, $tweens, $subTweens, $filters) { var v2; var v5; var v1; v2 = $tweens.length - 1; while (v2 > -1) { v1 = $tweens[v2]; if ($killVars[] != undefined) { $tweens.splice(v2, 1); } else { if (v1.isPlugin && == '_MULTIPLE_') {$killVars); if ( == 0) { $tweens.splice(v2, 1); } } } --v2; } for (v5 in $killVars) { delete $vars[v5]; } }; v1.version = 3.12; v1.NONE = 0; v1.ALL = 1; v1.AUTO = 2; v1.CONCURRENT = 3; ASSetPropFlags(gs.OverwriteManager.prototype, null, 1); } #endinitclip } movieClip 1490 { #initclip if (! { = new Object(); } if (! { var v1 = function ($target, $duration, $vars) { super($target, $duration, $vars); if (gs.TweenLite.version < 10.092) { trace('TweenMax error! Please update your TweenLite class or try deleting your ASO files. TweenMax requires a more recent version. Download updates at'); } ++gs.TweenMax._idCount; this._tweenID = 't' + gs.TweenMax._idCount; this._thisReverseEase = mx.utils.Delegate.create(this, this.reverseEase); this._repeatCount = 0; if (this.combinedTimeScale != 1 && instanceof gs.TweenMax) { this._timeScale = 1; this.combinedTimeScale = gs.TweenMax._globalTimeScale; } else { this._timeScale = this.combinedTimeScale; this.combinedTimeScale *= gs.TweenMax._globalTimeScale; } if (this.combinedTimeScale != 1 && this.delay != 0) { this.startTime = this.initTime + this.delay * (1000 / this.combinedTimeScale); } if (!isNaN(this.vars.yoyo) || !isNaN(this.vars.loop)) { this.vars.persist = true; } if (this.delay == 0 && this.vars.startAt != undefined) { this.vars.startAt.overwrite = 0; new gs.TweenMax(, 0, this.vars.startAt); } }; gs.TweenMax = v1; gs.TweenMax extends gs.TweenLite; var v2 = v1.prototype; v2.initTweenVals = function () { if (this.vars.startAt != undefined && this.delay != 0) { this.vars.startAt.overwrite = 0; new gs.TweenMax(, 0, this.vars.startAt); } super.initTweenVals(); if (this.vars.roundProps instanceof Array && gs.TweenLite.plugins.roundProps != undefined) { var v8; var v4; var v5; var v7; var v9 = this.vars.roundProps; var v6; var v3; v8 = v9.length - 1; while (v8 > -1) { v5 = v9[v8]; v4 = this.tweens.length - 1; while (v4 > -1) { v3 = this.tweens[v4]; if ( == v5) { if (v3.isPlugin) { = true; } else { if (v6 == null) { v6 = new gs.TweenLite.plugins.roundProps(); v6.add(, v5, v3.start, v3.change); this._hasPlugins = true; this.tweens[v4] = new gs.utils.tween.TweenInfo(v6, 'changeFactor', 0, 1, v5, true); } else { v6.add(, v5, v3.start, v3.change); this.tweens.splice(v4, 1); } } } else { if (v3.isPlugin && == '_MULTIPLE_' && ! { v7 = ' ' +' ') + ' '; if (v7.indexOf(' ' + v5 + ' ') != -1) { = true; } } } --v4; } --v8; } } }; v2.render = function ($t) { var v5 = ($t - this.startTime) * 0.001 * this.combinedTimeScale; var v4; var v2; var v3; if (v5 >= this.duration) { v5 = this.duration; v4 = (this.ease == this.vars.ease || this.duration == 0.001) ? 1 : 0; } else { v4 = this.ease(v5, 0, 1, this.duration); } v3 = this.tweens.length - 1; while (v3 > -1) { v2 = this.tweens[v3];[] = v2.start + v4 * v2.change; --v3; } if (this._hasUpdate) { this.vars.onUpdate.apply(this.vars.onUpdateScope, this.vars.onUpdateParams); } if (v5 == this.duration) { this.complete(true); } }; v2.pause = function () { if (isNaN(this.pauseTime)) { this.pauseTime = gs.TweenLite.currentTime; this.startTime = 999999999999999.0; this.__set__enabled(false); gs.TweenMax._pausedTweens[this._tweenID] = this; } }; v2.resume = function () { this.__set__enabled(true); if (!isNaN(this.pauseTime)) { this.initTime += gs.TweenLite.currentTime - this.pauseTime; this.startTime = this.initTime + this.delay * (1000 / this.combinedTimeScale); this.pauseTime = NaN; if (!this.started && gs.TweenLite.currentTime >= this.startTime) { this.activate(); } else { = this.started; } delete gs.TweenMax._pausedTweens[this._tweenID]; } }; v2.restart = function ($includeDelay) { if ($includeDelay == true) { this.initTime = gs.TweenLite.currentTime; this.startTime = gs.TweenLite.currentTime + this.delay * (1000 / this.combinedTimeScale); } else { this.startTime = gs.TweenLite.currentTime; this.initTime = gs.TweenLite.currentTime - this.delay * (1000 / this.combinedTimeScale); } this._repeatCount = 0; if ( != this.vars.onComplete) { this.render(this.startTime); } this.pauseTime = NaN; delete gs.TweenMax._pausedTweens[this._tweenID]; this.__set__enabled(true); }; v2.reverse = function ($adjustDuration, $forcePlay) { this.ease = (this.vars.ease == this.ease) ? this._thisReverseEase : this.vars.ease; var v2 = this.__get__progress(); if ($adjustDuration != false && v2 > 0) { this.startTime = gs.TweenLite.currentTime - (1 - v2) * this.duration * 1000 / this.combinedTimeScale; this.initTime = this.startTime - this.delay * (1000 / this.combinedTimeScale); } if ($forcePlay != false) { if (v2 < 1) { this.resume(); } else { this.restart(); } } }; v2.reverseEase = function ($t, $b, $c, $d) { return this.vars.ease($d - $t, $b, $c, $d); }; v2.invalidate = function ($adjustStartValues) { if (this.initted) { var v2 = this.__get__progress(); if ($adjustStartValues != true && v2 != 0) { this.__set__progress(0); } this.tweens = []; this.initTweenVals(); this._timeScale = this.vars.timeScale || 1; this.combinedTimeScale = this._timeScale * gs.TweenMax._globalTimeScale; this.delay = this.vars.delay || 0; if (isNaN(this.pauseTime)) { this.startTime = this.initTime + this.delay * 1000 / this.combinedTimeScale; } if (v2 != 0) { if ($adjustStartValues) { this.adjustStartValues(); } else { this.__set__progress(v2); } } } }; v2.setDestination = function ($property, $value, $adjustStartValues) { var v7 = this.__get__progress(); var v3; var v2; if (this.initted) { if ($adjustStartValues == false) { v3 = this.tweens.length - 1; while (v3 > -1) { v2 = this.tweens[v3]; if ( == $property) {[] = v2.start; } --v3; } } var v6 = this.vars; var v9 = this.tweens; var v8 = this._hasPlugins; this.tweens = []; this.vars = {}; this.vars[$property] = $value; this.initTweenVals(); if (this.ease != this._thisReverseEase && typeof v6.ease == 'function') { this.ease = v6.ease; } if ($adjustStartValues != false && v7 != 0) { this.adjustStartValues(); } var v10 = this.tweens; this.vars = v6; this.tweens = v9; var v5 = {}; v5[$property] = true; v3 = this.tweens.length - 1; while (v3 > -1) { v2 = this.tweens[v3]; if ( == $property) { this.tweens.splice(v3, 1); } else { if (v2.isPlugin && == '_MULTIPLE_') {; if ( == 0) { this.tweens.splice(v3, 1); } } } --v3; } this.tweens = this.tweens.concat(v10); this._hasPlugins = Boolean(v8 || this._hasPlugins); } this.vars[$property] = $value; }; v2.adjustStartValues = function () { var v7 = this.__get__progress(); if (v7 != 0) { var v6 = this.ease(v7, 0, 1, 1); var v5 = 1 / (1 - v6); var v3; var v2; var v4; v4 = this.tweens.length - 1; while (v4 > -1) { v2 = this.tweens[v4]; v3 = v2.start + v2.change; if (v2.isPlugin) { v2.change = (v3 - v6) * v5; } else { v2.change = (v3 -[]) * v5; } v2.start = v3 - v2.change; --v4; } } }; v2.killProperties = function ($names) { var v4 = {}; var v2; v2 = $names.length - 1; while (v2 > -1) { v4[$names[v2]] = true; --v2; } this.killVars(v4); }; v2.complete = function ($skipRender) { if (!isNaN(this.vars.yoyo) && (this._repeatCount < this.vars.yoyo || this.vars.yoyo == 0) || !isNaN(this.vars.loop) && (this._repeatCount < this.vars.loop || this.vars.loop == 0)) { ++this._repeatCount; if (!isNaN(this.vars.yoyo)) { this.ease = (this.vars.ease == this.ease) ? this.reverseEase : this.vars.ease; } this.startTime = $skipRender ? this.startTime + this.duration * (1000 / this.combinedTimeScale) : gs.TweenLite.currentTime; this.initTime = this.startTime - this.delay * (1000 / this.combinedTimeScale); } else { if (this.vars.persist == true) { this.pause(); } } super.complete($skipRender); }; = function ($target, $duration, $vars) { return new gs.TweenMax($target, $duration, $vars); }; v1.from = function ($target, $duration, $vars) { $vars.runBackwards = true; return new gs.TweenMax($target, $duration, $vars); }; v1.delayedCall = function ($delay, $onComplete, $onCompleteParams, $onCompleteScope, $persist) { return new gs.TweenMax($onComplete, 0, {'delay': $delay, 'onComplete': $onComplete, 'onCompleteParams': $onCompleteParams, 'onCompleteScope': $onCompleteScope, 'persist': $persist, 'overwrite': 0}); }; v1.getTweensOf = function ($target) { var v3 = gs.TweenLite.masterList[gs.TweenLite.getID($target, true)].tweens; var v2 = []; if (v3 != undefined) { var v1 = v3.length - 1; while (v1 > -1) { if (!v3[v1].gc) { v2[v2.length] = v3[v1]; } --v1; } } for (var v5 in gs.TweenMax._pausedTweens) { if (gs.TweenMax._pausedTweens[v5].target == $target) { v2[v2.length] = gs.TweenMax._pausedTweens[v5]; } } return v2; }; v1.setGlobalTimeScale = function ($scale) { if ($scale < 1.0e-005) { $scale = 1.0e-005; } var v3 = gs.TweenLite.masterList; var v4; var v1; var v2; gs.TweenMax._globalTimeScale = $scale; for (v4 in v3) { v2 = v3[v4].tweens; v1 = v2.length - 1; while (v1 > -1) { if (v2[v1] instanceof gs.TweenMax) { v2[v1].timeScale *= 1; } --v1; } } }; v1.isTweening = function ($target) { var v2 = gs.TweenMax.getTweensOf($target); var v1 = 0; while (v1 < v2.length) { if ((v2[v1].active || v2[v1].startTime == gs.TweenLite.currentTime) && !v2[v1].gc) { return true; } ++v1; } return false; }; v1.getAllTweens = function () { var v5 = gs.TweenLite.masterList; var v3 = []; var v2; var v4; var v1; for (v4 in v5) { v2 = v5[v4].tweens; v1 = v2.length - 1; while (v1 > -1) { if (!v2[v1].gc) { v3[v3.length] = v2[v1]; } --v1; } } for (v4 in gs.TweenMax._pausedTweens) { v3[v3.length] = gs.TweenMax._pausedTweens[v4]; } return v3; }; v1.killAllTweens = function ($complete) { gs.TweenMax.killAll($complete, true, false); }; v1.killAllDelayedCalls = function ($complete) { gs.TweenMax.killAll($complete, false, true); }; v1.killAll = function ($complete, $tweens, $delayedCalls) { if ($tweens == undefined) { $tweens = true; } if ($delayedCalls == undefined) { $delayedCalls = false; } var v2 = gs.TweenMax.getAllTweens(); var v3; var v1 = v2.length - 1; while (v1 > -1) { v3 = v2[v1].target == v2[v1].vars.onComplete; if (v3 == $delayedCalls || v3 != $tweens) { if ($complete) { v2[v1].complete(false); v2[v1].clear(); } else { gs.TweenLite.removeTween(v2[v1], true); } } --v1; } }; v1.pauseAll = function ($tweens, $delayedCalls) { gs.TweenMax.changePause(true, $tweens, $delayedCalls); }; v1.resumeAll = function ($tweens, $delayedCalls) { gs.TweenMax.changePause(false, $tweens, $delayedCalls); }; v1.changePause = function ($pause, $tweens, $delayedCalls) { if ($pause == undefined) { $pause = true; } if ($tweens == undefined) { $tweens = true; } if ($delayedCalls == undefined) { $delayedCalls = false; } var v2 = gs.TweenMax.getAllTweens(); var v3; var v1 = v2.length - 1; while (v1 > -1) { v3 = v2[v1].target == v2[v1].vars.onComplete; if (v2[v1] instanceof gs.TweenMax && (v3 == $delayedCalls || v3 != $tweens)) { v2[v1].paused = $pause; } --v1; } }; v2.__get__paused = function () { return !isNaN(this.pauseTime); }; v2.__set__paused = function ($b) { if ($b) { this.pause(); } else { this.resume(); } return this.__get__paused(); }; v2.__get__reversed = function () { return this.ease == this._thisReverseEase; }; v2.__set__reversed = function ($b) { if (this.__get__reversed() != $b) { this.reverse(); } return this.__get__reversed(); }; v2.__get__timeScale = function () { return this._timeScale; }; v2.__set__timeScale = function ($n) { if ($n < 1.0e-005) { this._timeScale = 1.0e-005; $n = 1.0e-005; } else { this._timeScale = $n; $n *= gs.TweenMax._globalTimeScale; } this.initTime = gs.TweenLite.currentTime - (gs.TweenLite.currentTime - this.initTime - this.delay * (1000 / this.combinedTimeScale)) * this.combinedTimeScale * (1 / $n) - this.delay * (1000 / $n); if (this.startTime != 999999999999999.0) { this.startTime = this.initTime + this.delay * (1000 / $n); } this.combinedTimeScale = $n; return this.__get__timeScale(); }; v2.__set__enabled = function ($b) { if (!$b) { delete gs.TweenMax._pausedTweens[this._tweenID]; } super.__set__enabled($b); if ($b) { this.combinedTimeScale = this._timeScale * gs.TweenMax._globalTimeScale; } return this.__get__enabled(); }; v1.__set__globalTimeScale = function ($n) { gs.TweenMax.setGlobalTimeScale($n); return gs.TweenMax.__get__globalTimeScale(); }; v1.__get__globalTimeScale = function () { return gs.TweenMax._globalTimeScale; }; v2.__get__repeatCount = function () { return this._repeatCount; }; v2.__set__repeatCount = function ($n) { this._repeatCount = $n; return this.__get__repeatCount(); }; v2.__get__progress = function () { var v3 = !isNaN(this.pauseTime) ? this.pauseTime : gs.TweenLite.currentTime; var v2 = (((v3 - this.initTime) * 0.001 - this.delay / this.combinedTimeScale) / this.duration) * this.combinedTimeScale; if (v2 > 1) { return 1; } else { if (v2 < 0) { return 0; } else { return v2; } } }; v2.__set__progress = function ($n) { this.startTime = gs.TweenLite.currentTime - this.duration * $n * 1000; this.initTime = this.startTime - this.delay * (1000 / this.combinedTimeScale); if (!this.started) { this.activate(); } this.render(gs.TweenLite.currentTime); if (!isNaN(this.pauseTime)) { this.pauseTime = gs.TweenLite.currentTime; this.startTime = 999999999999999.0; = false; } return this.__get__progress(); }; v1.version = 10.12; v1._activatedPlugins = gs.plugins.TweenPlugin.activate([gs.plugins.TintPlugin, gs.plugins.RemoveTintPlugin, gs.plugins.FramePlugin, gs.plugins.AutoAlphaPlugin, gs.plugins.VisiblePlugin, gs.plugins.VolumePlugin, gs.plugins.EndArrayPlugin, gs.plugins.HexColorsPlugin, gs.plugins.BlurFilterPlugin, gs.plugins.ColorMatrixFilterPlugin, gs.plugins.BevelFilterPlugin, gs.plugins.DropShadowFilterPlugin, gs.plugins.GlowFilterPlugin, gs.plugins.RoundPropsPlugin, gs.plugins.BezierPlugin, gs.plugins.BezierThroughPlugin, gs.plugins.ShortRotationPlugin]); v1.killTweensOf = gs.TweenLite.killTweensOf; v1.killDelayedCallsTo = gs.TweenLite.killTweensOf; v1.removeTween = gs.TweenLite.removeTween; v1._idCount = -16000; v1._overwriteMode = gs.OverwriteManager.enabled ? gs.OverwriteManager.mode : gs.OverwriteManager.init(); v1._pausedTweens = {}; v1._globalTimeScale = 1; v2.addProperty('enabled', function () {}, v2.__set__enabled); v1.addProperty('globalTimeScale', v1.__get__globalTimeScale, v1.__set__globalTimeScale); v2.addProperty('paused', v2.__get__paused, v2.__set__paused); v2.addProperty('progress', v2.__get__progress, v2.__set__progress); v2.addProperty('repeatCount', v2.__get__repeatCount, v2.__set__repeatCount); v2.addProperty('reversed', v2.__get__reversed, v2.__set__reversed); v2.addProperty('timeScale', v2.__get__timeScale, v2.__set__timeScale); ASSetPropFlags(gs.TweenMax.prototype, null, 1); } #endinitclip } movieClip 1491 { #initclip if (! { = new Object(); } if (! { = new Object(); } if (! { var v1 = function (f) { super(); this.func = f; }; mx.utils.Delegate = v1; mx.utils.Delegate extends Object; var v2 = v1.prototype; v1.create = function (obj, func) { var v2 = function () { var v2 =; var v3 = arguments.callee.func; return v3.apply(v2, arguments); }; = obj; v2.func = func; return v2; }; v2.createDelegate = function (obj) { return mx.utils.Delegate.create(obj, this.func); }; ASSetPropFlags(mx.utils.Delegate.prototype, null, 1); } #endinitclip } movieClip 1492 { #initclip if (! { = new Object(); } if (! { = new Object(); } if (! { var v1 = function () {}; com.darronschall.DynamicRegistration = v1; var v2 = v1.prototype; v1.initialize = function (target_mc) { var p =; target_mc.xreg = 0; target_mc.yreg = 0; target_mc.setRegistration = p.setRegistration; target_mc.setPropRel = p.setPropRel; with (target_mc) { addProperty('_x2', p.get_x2, p.set_x2); addProperty('_y2', p.get_y2, p.set_y2); addProperty('_xscale2', p.get_xscale2, p.set_xscale2); addProperty('_yscale2', p.get_yscale2, p.set_yscale2); addProperty('_rotation2', p.get_rotation2, p.set_rotation2); addProperty('_xmouse2', p.get_xmouse2, null); addProperty('_ymouse2', p.get_ymouse2, null); } }; v2.setRegistration = function (x, y) { this.xreg = x; this.yreg = y; }; v2.get_x2 = function () { var v2 = {'x': this.xreg, 'y': this.yreg}; this.localToGlobal(v2); this._parent.globalToLocal(v2); return v2.x; }; v2.set_x2 = function (value) { var v2 = {'x': this.xreg, 'y': this.yreg}; this.localToGlobal(v2); this._parent.globalToLocal(v2); this._x += value - v2.x; }; v2.get_y2 = function () { var v2 = {'x': this.xreg, 'y': this.yreg}; this.localToGlobal(v2); this._parent.globalToLocal(v2); return v2.y; }; v2.set_y2 = function (value) { var v2 = {'x': this.xreg, 'y': this.yreg}; this.localToGlobal(v2); this._parent.globalToLocal(v2); this._y += value - v2.y; }; v2.set_xscale2 = function (value) { this.setPropRel('_xscale', value); }; v2.get_xscale2 = function () { return this._xscale; }; v2.set_yscale2 = function (value) { this.setPropRel('_yscale', value); }; v2.get_yscale2 = function () { return this._yscale; }; v2.set_rotation2 = function (value) { this.setPropRel('_rotation', value); }; v2.get_rotation2 = function () { return this._rotation; }; v2.get_xmouse2 = function () { return this._xmouse - this.xreg; }; v2.get_ymouse2 = function () { return this._ymouse - this.yreg; }; v2.setPropRel = function (property, amount) { var v3 = {'x': this.xreg, 'y': this.yreg}; this.localToGlobal(v3); this._parent.globalToLocal(v3); this[property] = amount; var v2 = {'x': this.xreg, 'y': this.yreg}; this.localToGlobal(v2); this._parent.globalToLocal(v2); this._x -= v2.x - v3.x; this._y -= v2.y - v3.y; }; ASSetPropFlags(com.darronschall.DynamicRegistration.prototype, null, 1); } #endinitclip } movieClip 1493 { #initclip if (! { = new Object(); } if (! { = new Object(); } if (! { var v1 = function () {}; gs.easing.Linear = v1; var v2 = v1.prototype; v1.easeNone = function (t, b, c, d) { return c * t / d + b; }; v1.easeIn = function (t, b, c, d) { return c * t / d + b; }; v1.easeOut = function (t, b, c, d) { return c * t / d + b; }; v1.easeInOut = function (t, b, c, d) { return c * t / d + b; }; ASSetPropFlags(gs.easing.Linear.prototype, null, 1); } #endinitclip } movieClip 232 { } movieClip 262 { } movieClip 263 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 10 { stop(); } } movieClip 264 { } movieClip 265 { frame 1 { this._parent.stop(); = function () { getURL('', '_blank'); }; } frame 161 { stop();; } } frame 11 { function playEventSound(soundClip, marker) { trace('play sound' + soundClip); trace('marker' + marker); soundClip.start(0, 1); soundDistance = calcDistance(man, marker); soundClipRadius = marker._width / 2; if (soundDistance < soundClipRadius) { newVolume = 100 - (soundDistance / soundClipRadius) * 100; soundClip.setVolume(newVolume); } else { soundClip.setVolume(0); } if (man._x > marker._x) { soundClip.setPan(newVolume); } else { soundClip.setPan(newVolume * -1); } trace('volume=' + soundClip.getVolume()); } function calcDistance(object1, object2) { var v1 = new Object(); v1.x = object2._x; v1.y = object2._y; world.localToGlobal(v1); var v2 = object1._y - v1.y; var v3 = object1._x - v1.x; var v4 = Math.sqrt(v3 * v3 + v2 * v2); return v4; } function soundSetup() { for (i in soundArray) { this.createEmptyMovieClip(soundArray[i] + 'Soundholder', this.getNextHighestDepth()); this[soundArray[i] + 'Sound'] = new Sound(soundArray[i] + 'Soundholder'); this[soundArray[i] + 'Sound'].attachSound(soundArray[i]); this[soundArray[i] + 'Sound'].start(0, 999); this[soundArray[i] + 'Sound'].setVolume(0); soundRadius[i] = world['soundMarker' + i]._width / 2; if (DEBUG) { } else { world['soundMarker' + i]._visible = false; } } } function calcSound(locationObject) { for (i in soundArray) { if (soundOn[i]) { soundDistance = calcDistance(locationObject, world['soundMarker' + i]); if (soundDistance < soundRadius[i]) { newVolume = 100 - (soundDistance / soundRadius[i]) * 100; this[soundArray[i] + 'Sound'].setVolume(newVolume * soundMax[i]); } else { this[soundArray[i] + 'Sound'].setVolume(0); } if (locationObject._x > world['soundMarker' + i]._x) { this[soundArray[i] + 'Sound'].setPan(newVolume); } else { this[soundArray[i] + 'Sound'].setPan(newVolume * -1); } } else { this[soundArray[i] + 'Sound'].setVolume(0); } } } this.createEmptyMovieClip('introMusicHolder', this.getNextHighestDepth()); introMusic = new Sound(introMusicHolder); introMusic.attachSound('introMusic'); introMusic.start(0, 1); introMusic.setVolume(50); this.createEmptyMovieClip('blowHolder', this.getNextHighestDepth()); blow = new Sound(blowHolder); blow.attachSound('blow'); blow.setVolume(100); this.createEmptyMovieClip('bubbleHolder', this.getNextHighestDepth()); bubble = new Sound(bubbleHolder); bubble.attachSound('bubble'); bubble.setVolume(100); var soundArray = Array('whale', 'trumpet', 'transmitter', 'pump', 'mainPlanet', 'machinery', 'lightsPlanet', 'naturePlanet', 'fan', 'blobPlanet', 'tentacles', 'water', 'fire', 'wind', 'condensor', 'valves', 'blobs', 'commet', 0); var soundMax = Array(0.3, 0.5, 0.3, 0.8, 0.5, 0.9, 0.8, 0.3, 1, 0.6, 1, 0.5, 0.5, 0.5, 0.5, 0.5, 0.5, 1, 0); var soundOn = Array(true, true, true, false, true, true, true, true, false, true, true, false, false, false, true, true, true, true, 0); var soundRadius = Array(); } // unknown tag 88 length 50 movieClip 270 TMPfkrzx5ajtf { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 277 { frame 1 { stop(); } } // unknown tag 88 length 93 movieClip 299 TMPemvoq67u8y { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 302 { } // unknown tag 88 length 50 movieClip 305 { } movieClip 307 { } movieClip 309 { } movieClip 324 { } movieClip 325 { } movieClip 329 { } movieClip 339 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 49 { this.gotoAndPlay('transporton'); } } movieClip 351 { } movieClip 360 { } movieClip 361 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 27 { stop(); } } movieClip 371 { frame 1 { gotoAndPlay(Math.round(Math.random() * 15)); } } movieClip 374 { } movieClip 377 { frame 1 { gotoAndPlay(Math.round(Math.random() * 300)); } frame 278 { gotoAndPlay(2); } } movieClip 378 { } movieClip 380 { } movieClip 381 { } movieClip 383 { } movieClip 384 { } movieClip 385 { } movieClip 387 { } movieClip 389 { } movieClip 391 { } movieClip 393 { } movieClip 403 { } movieClip 404 { } movieClip 406 { } movieClip 409 { } movieClip 412 { } movieClip 414 { frame 1 { if (_root.pumpon == false) { stop(); } } } movieClip 417 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 130 {;; } } movieClip 418 { } // unknown tag 88 length 50 movieClip 420 { } // unknown tag 88 length 50 movieClip 422 { } movieClip 424 { } movieClip 426 { } movieClip 428 { } movieClip 429 { } movieClip 430 { } movieClip 432 { } movieClip 434 { } movieClip 435 { } movieClip 436 { } // unknown tag 88 length 50 movieClip 438 { } movieClip 441 { } movieClip 443 { } movieClip 446 { } movieClip 453 { } movieClip 456 { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 458 { } movieClip 460 { frame 3 { stop(); } } movieClip 461 { frame 1 {; var blink = Math.round(Math.random() * 200); var counter = 1; this.createEmptyMovieClip('blinker', this.getNextHighestDepth()); blinker.onEnterFrame = function () { ++counter; if (counter == blink) {; counter = 0; blink = Math.round(Math.random() * 200); } }; stop(); } } movieClip 462 { } movieClip 465 { } movieClip 467 { } movieClip 468 { } movieClip 469 { frame 1 { head.head2.mouth.gotoAndStop(2); } frame 19 { this._parent.gotoAndStop('idle'); head.head2.mouth.gotoAndStop(1); } } movieClip 470 { frame 1 { stop(); } } // unknown tag 88 length 50 movieClip 472 { } movieClip 473 { } movieClip 476 { } movieClip 477 { frame 15 { stop(); } } movieClip 478 TMPhfg9b5am7u { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 200 {; } frame 594 { man.gotoAndPlay('wave'); } frame 632 { man.gotoAndStop('walkright'); } frame 721 { rocket.gotoAndStop(20); } frame 845 {; } frame 869 { stop(); removeMovieClip(this); } } movieClip 483 { } movieClip 484 { frame 20 { _parent.goGame(); } } frame 21 { function goGame() { gotoAndStop('game'); } stop();; fadeOut.stop(); skipBtn.onRelease = function () {, 3, {'volume': 0});; }; } frame 34 { function updateDreamImage() { if (dreamIndex == 6) { dreamIndex = 0; } var v2 = false; i = _root.dreamIndex + 1; while (i <= 6) { if (_root.dreamBallArray[i] == 1 && !v2) { _root.dreamIndex = i; v2 = true; } ++i; } } stop(); moreGamesBtn.onRelease = function () { getURL('', '_blank'); }; soundSetup(); _quality = 'HIGH'; whaleAnim._visible = false; slots = 15; scrollspeed = 10; ballsDone = 0; xcoord = 100; ycoord = 300; scopespeed = 10; _root.attachMovie('space', 'space', _root.getNextHighestDepth()); space._visible = false; _root.attachMovie('panelscreen', 'panelscreen', _root.getNextHighestDepth()); panelscreen._visible = false; itemlist = new Array(); collecteditemlist = new Array(); pumpon = false; world.planet1.tube2._visible = false; item0 = world.planet1.transport1; item0.planet = 1; item1 = world.planet2.transport2; item1.planet = 2; item2 = world.planet2.transport3; item2.planet = 2; item3 = world.planet3.transport4; item3.planet = 3; item4 = world.planet2.transport5; item4.planet = 2; item5 = world.planet4.transport6; item5.planet = 4; item6 = world.planet2.transport7; item6.planet = 2; item7 = world.planet5.transport8; item7.planet = 5; item8 = world.planet3.transport9; item8.planet = 3; item9 = world.planet6.transport10; item9.planet = 6; item10 = world.planet1.transport11; item10.planet = 1; item11 = world.planet7.transport12; item11.planet = 7; item12 = world.planet1.giant; item12.planet = 1; item53 = world.planet1.condensor; item53.regpoint = world.planet1.condensorreg; item53.planet = 1; item52 =; item52.planet = 1; item13 = world.planet1.dreammixer; item13.planet = 1; item14 = world.planet1.waterpump; item14.regpoint = world.planet1.waterpumpreg; item14.planet = 1; item15 = world.planet1.whale; item15.planet = 1; item39 =; item39.planet = 1; item40 = world.planet1.dreamball1; item40.planet = 1; item16 =; item16.planet = 1; item49 = world.planet1.orb2; item49.planet = 1; item68 = world.planet1.dreamballHappy; item68.planet = 1; item68._visible = false; item38 = world.planet2.ladder; item38.regpoint = world.planet2.ladderreg; item38.planet = 2; item48 = world.planet2.orb1; item48.planet = 2; item57 = world.planet2.key; item57.planet = 2; item63 = world.planet2.steamer; item63.regpoint = world.planet2.steamreg; item63.planet = 2; item17 = world.planet3.crystal2; item17.planet = 3; item42 = world.planet3.spade; item42.planet = 3; item44 = world.planet3.air; item44.planet = 3; item45 = world.planet3.water; item45.planet = 3; item46 =; item46.planet = 3; item47 =; item47.planet = 3; item59 = world.planet3.orb6; item59.planet = 3; item69 = world.planet3.dreamballMagic; item69.planet = 3; item69._visible = false; item70 = world.planet3.tablet; item70.planet = 3; canmove70 = true; item31 = world.planet4.trumpet; item31.planet = 4; item55 = world.planet4.chest; item55.planet = 4; item56 = world.planet4.orb3; item56.planet = 4; item56._visible = false; item32 = world.planet4.noteC; item32.planet = 4; item33 = world.planet4.noteD; item33.planet = 4; item34 = world.planet4.noteE; item34.planet = 4; item35 = world.planet4.noteF; item35.planet = 4; item36 = world.planet4.noteG; item36.planet = 4; item36.regpoint = world.planet4.trumpetreg; item35.regpoint = item36.regpoint; item34.regpoint = item36.regpoint; item33.regpoint = item36.regpoint; item32.regpoint = item36.regpoint; item31.regpoint = item36.regpoint; item64 = world.planet4.balloon; item64.planet = 4; item66 = world.planet4.dreamballMusic; item66.planet = 4; item66._visible = false; item28 = world.planet5.plant; item28.planet = 5; item62 = world.planet5.dreamballPlant; item62.planet = 5; item54 = world.planet5.bucketflower; item54.planet = 5; item29 = world.planet5.tubeplant; item29.planet = 5; item30 = world.planet5.fluffplant; item30.planet = 5; item37 = world.planet5.tree; item37.planet = 5; item41 = world.planet5.soil; item41.planet = 5; item43 = world.planet5.branch; item43.planet = 5; item50 = world.planet5.vine1; item50.planet = 5; item51 = world.planet5.vine2; item51.planet = 5; item60 = world.planet5.orb5; item60.planet = 5; item24 = world.planet6.telescope; item24.planet = 6; item25 = world.planet6.panel; item25.planet = 6; item26 = world.planet6.musicbox; item26.planet = 6; item27 = world.planet6.comet; item27.planet = 6; item61 = world.planet6.orb7; item61.planet = 6; item67 = world.planet6.dreamballSpace; item67.planet = 6; item67._visible = false; item18 = world.planet7.crystal1; item18.regpoint = world.planet7.crystal1reg; crystal1 = item18; item18.planet = 7; item19 = world.planet7.crystal3; item19.regpoint = world.planet7.crystal3reg; crystal3 = item19; item19.planet = 7; item20 = world.planet7.plinth2; item20.planet = 7; item58 = world.planet7.orb4; item58.planet = 7; item21 = world.planet7.light; light = item21; item21.planet = 7; item22 = world.planet7.crystal2; item22.regpoint = world.planet7.crystal2reg; crystal2 = item22; item22.planet = 7; item22._visible = false; item23 = world.planet7.crystal4; crystal4 = item23; item23.planet = 7; item65 = world.planet7.dreamballColour; item65.planet = 7; item65._visible = false; totalitems = 71; itemname0 = 'Transporter'; itemname1 = 'Transporter'; itemname2 = 'Transporter'; itemname3 = 'Transporter'; itemname4 = 'Transporter'; itemname5 = 'Transporter'; itemname6 = 'Transporter'; itemname7 = 'Transporter'; itemname8 = 'Transporter'; itemname9 = 'Transporter'; itemname10 = 'Transporter'; itemname11 = 'Transporter'; itemname12 = 'Sad Giant'; itemname53 = 'Condensor'; itemname52 = 'Fan'; itemname13 = 'Dream Mixer'; itemname14 = 'Water Pump'; itemname15 = 'Whale'; itemname16 = 'Book'; itemname39 = 'Net'; itemname40 = 'Glass Ball'; itemname49 = 'Orb'; itemname68 = 'DreamballHappy'; canmove16 = true; canmove39 = true; canmove40 = true; canmove49 = true; itemname38 = 'Ladder'; itemname48 = 'Orb'; itemname57 = 'Key'; itemname63 = 'Steamer'; canmove57 = true; itemname17 = 'Crystal'; itemname42 = 'Spade'; itemname47 = 'Stone'; itemname46 = 'Stone'; itemname45 = 'Stone'; itemname44 = 'Stone'; itemname59 = 'Orb'; itemname69 = 'DreamballMagic'; canmove59 = true; canmove17 = true; canmove42 = true; itemname70 = 'Tablet'; itemname31 = 'Trumpet'; itemname56 = 'Orb'; itemname55 = 'Chest'; itemname36 = 'Valve'; itemname35 = 'Valve'; itemname34 = 'Valve'; itemname33 = 'Valve'; itemname32 = 'Valve'; itemname64 = 'Balloon'; itemname66 = 'DreamballMusic'; canmove64 = true; itemname28 = 'Plant'; itemname62 = 'Life Ball'; itemname54 = 'Flower'; itemname29 = 'Tube Plant'; itemname30 = 'Fluff Plant'; itemname37 = 'Tree'; itemname41 = 'Soil'; itemname43 = 'Branch'; itemname60 = 'Orb'; itemname62 = 'DreamballPlant'; canmove43 = true; canmove60 = true; itemname24 = 'Telescope'; itemname25 = 'Panel'; itemname26 = 'Music Box'; itemname61 = 'Orb'; canmove61 = true; canmove26 = true; itemname27 = 'Comet'; itemname67 = 'DreamballSpace'; itemname18 = 'Crystal'; itemname19 = 'Crystal'; itemname20 = 'Plinth'; itemname21 = 'Light'; itemname22 = 'Crystal'; itemname23 = 'Crystal'; itemname58 = 'Orb'; canmove58 = true; itemname65 = 'DreamballColour'; transportlist = []; orblist = []; i = 0; while (i < totalitems) { itemlist.push(_root['item' + i]); if (_root['itemname' + i] == 'Transporter') { transportlist.push(_root['item' + i]); } if (_root['itemname' + i] == 'Orb') { orblist.push(i); } ++i; } keyspeed = 1.5; speed = 180; radius = 300; gs.OverwriteManager.init(gs.OverwriteManager.ALL); com.darronschall.DynamicRegistration.initialize(world); com.darronschall.DynamicRegistration.initialize(back); com.darronschall.DynamicRegistration.initialize(lunarsky); var point = new Object(); newregpointx = world.planet1._x; newregpointy = world.planet1._y; world.setRegistration(newregpointx, newregpointy); var newregpoint2 = new Object(); newregpoint2.x = world.planet1._x; newregpoint2.y = world.planet1._y; world.localToGlobal(newregpoint2); back.globalToLocal(newregpoint2); back.setRegistration(newregpoint2.x, newregpoint2.y); var newregpoint3 = new Object(); newregpoint3.x = world.planet1._x; newregpoint3.y = world.planet1._y; world.localToGlobal(newregpoint3); lunarsky.globalToLocal(newregpoint3); lunarsky.setRegistration(newregpoint3.x, newregpoint3.y); currentplanet = 1; var dreamIndex = 0; var dreamBallArray = Array(0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0); for (i in itemlist) { itemlist[i].onPress = function () { for (i in itemlist) { if (!inventhit) { if (itemlist[i].hitTest(_xmouse, _ymouse, true) && currentplanet == itemlist[i].planet && !mouseblocked) { itemclicked = true; theitem = itemlist[i]; if (itemlist[i] == item12) {; } if (itemlist[i] == item63) { steaming = true; } if (itemlist[i] == item51 && plantwatered) { pullingvine1 = true; } if (itemlist[i] == item50 && plantwatered) { pullingvine2 = true; } if (itemlist[i] == item18) { crystali = 1; rotatingcrystal = true; } if (itemlist[i] == item19) { crystali = 3; rotatingcrystal = true; } if (itemlist[i] == item22 && item22._visible == true) { crystali = 2; rotatingcrystal = true; } if (itemlist[i] == item14) { switchingpump = true; } if (itemlist[i] == item52) { switchingfan = true; } if (itemlist[i] == item38) { climbingladder = true; } if (itemlist[i] == item24) { viewingscope = true; } if (itemlist[i] == item25) { viewingpanel = true; } if (itemlist[i] == item21) { switchinglight = true; } if (_root['canmove' + i] && !_root['gotitem' + i]) { itemtocarry = itemlist[i]; itemtocarryid = i; collectingitem = true; } if (itemlist[i] == item30 && !fluffgot) { gettingfluff = true; } if (itemlist[i] == item29 && !tubegot) { gettingtube = true; } if (itemlist[i] == item32) { playc = true; } if (itemlist[i] == item33) { playd = true; } if (itemlist[i] == item34) { playe = true; } if (itemlist[i] == item35) { playf = true; } if (itemlist[i] == item36) { playg = true; } if (itemlist[i].switched) { if (itemlist[i] == item0 && !transporting) { movetotrans = true; destplanet = 2; destport = 2; throughbez = 1; } if (itemlist[i] == item1 && !transporting) { movetotrans = true; destplanet = 1; destport = 1; throughbez = 1; } if (itemlist[i] == item2 && !transporting) { movetotrans = true; destplanet = 3; destport = 4; throughbez = 2; } if (itemlist[i] == item3 && !transporting) { movetotrans = true; destplanet = 2; destport = 3; throughbez = 2; } if (itemlist[i] == item4 && !transporting) { movetotrans = true; destplanet = 4; destport = 6; throughbez = 3; } if (itemlist[i] == item5 && !transporting) { movetotrans = true; destplanet = 2; destport = 5; throughbez = 3; } if (itemlist[i] == item6 && !transporting) { movetotrans = true; destplanet = 5; destport = 8; throughbez = 4; } if (itemlist[i] == item7 && !transporting) { movetotrans = true; destplanet = 2; destport = 7; throughbez = 4; } if (itemlist[i] == item8 && !transporting) { movetotrans = true; destplanet = 6; destport = 10; throughbez = 5; } if (itemlist[i] == item9 && !transporting) { movetotrans = true; destplanet = 3; destport = 9; throughbez = 5; } if (itemlist[i] == item10 && !transporting) { movetotrans = true; destplanet = 7; destport = 12; throughbez = 6; } if (itemlist[i] == item11 && !transporting) { movetotrans = true; destplanet = 1; destport = 11; throughbez = 6; } } readyToStartMove = true; } } } }; } onMouseDown = function () { theitem = undefined; if (!mouseblocked) { if (zoom.hitTest(_xmouse, _ymouse, true) || mutebutton.hitTest(_xmouse, _ymouse, true) || qualitybutton.hitTest(_xmouse, _ymouse, true)) { } else { if (!transporting && !zooming && !inventhit && !bookscreen && !space._visible && !panelscreen._visible) { radius = world['planet' + currentplanet]['core' + currentplanet]._width / 2; movetotrans = false; switchingpump = false; steaming = false; pullingvine1 = false; pullingvine2 = false; switchingfan = false; climbingladder = false; collectingitem = false; gettingfluff = false; gettingtube = false; playc = false; playd = false; playe = false; playf = false; playg = false; walktoitem = false; switchinglight = false; rotatingcrystal = false; mousedown = true; itemclicked = false; } } } }; onMouseUp = function () { uppress = false; downpress = false; leftpress = false; rightpress = false; if (!mouseblocked) { if (zoom.hitTest(_xmouse, _ymouse, true) || mutebutton.hitTest(_xmouse, _ymouse, true) || qualitybutton.hitTest(_xmouse, _ymouse, true)) { } else { if (!transporting && !zooming && !inventhit && !bookscreen && !space._visible && !panelscreen._visible) { mousedown = false; itemhit = false; for (i in itemlist) { if (!inventhit) { if (itemlist[i].hitTest(_xmouse, _ymouse, true) && currentplanet == itemlist[i].planet && !bookscreen && itemlist[i]._visible) { itemhit = true; } } } if (!itemhit) { startmove(); } } } } if (readyToStartMove) { trace('starting move'); startmove(); } readyToStartMove = false; }; man.onEnterFrame = function () { if (muted == true) { mutebutton.gotoAndStop(2); } if (muted == false) { mutebutton.gotoAndStop(1); } _root.mutebutton.mute1.onRelease = function () { muted = true; _root.globalSound.setVolume(0); _root.mutebutton.nextFrame(); }; _root.mutebutton.mute2.onRelease = function () { muted = false; _root.globalSound.setVolume(100); _root.mutebutton.prevFrame(); }; if (_ymouse > 490) { if (_xmouse > 630 && _root['itemSlot' + slots]._x > 585) { var i = 1; while (i <= slots) { _root['itemSlot' + i]._x -= scrollspeed; if (_root['occupied' + i]) { _root['iteminslot' + i]._x -= scrollspeed; } ++i; } } if (_xmouse < 20 && itemSlot1._x < 8.1) { var i = 1; while (i <= slots) { _root['itemSlot' + i]._x += scrollspeed; if (_root['occupied' + i]) { _root['iteminslot' + i]._x += scrollspeed; } ++i; } } } calcSound(this); i = 1; while (i <= slots) { if (_root['itemSlot' + i].hitTest(_xmouse, _ymouse, true)) { _root['itemSlot' + i].play(); } ++i; } if (holdingbranch) { if (man.hitTest(item27)) { holdingbranch = false; man.gotoAndStop('idle'); newitem43._visible = true; newitem43.gotoAndStop(2); gotfire = true; itemname43 = 'Burning Branch'; } } ++item27._rotation; if (transporting or zooming or inventhit or bookscreen or space._visible or panelscreen._visible or holdingbranch or whaleAnim._visible) { mouseblocked = true; } else { mouseblocked = false; } if (uppress && ycoord < 500) { ++ycoord; space.scope.stars._y += scopespeed; } if (downpress && ycoord > 30) { --ycoord; space.scope.stars._y -= scopespeed; } if (leftpress && xcoord > -170) { --xcoord; space.scope.stars._x += scopespeed; } if (rightpress && xcoord < 400) { ++xcoord; space.scope.stars._x -= scopespeed; } radius = world['planet' + currentplanet]['core' + currentplanet]._width / 2; if (!jumping) { keyspeed = 1 + 200 / radius; } for (i in collecteditemlist) { collecteditemlist[i].onRelease = function () { if (!transporting) { if (carrying) { if (!inventhit) { goodmove = false; placingorb = false; for (j in orblist) { for (k in transportlist) { if (this == _root['newitem' + orblist[j]] && transportlist[k].hitTest(this) && !transportlist[k].switched) { trace('orb'); placingorb = true; orbtoberemoved = this; transtobeswitched = transportlist[k]; if (k == 0) { othertrans = 1; } else { if (k == 1) { othertrans = 1; } else { if (k == 2) { othertrans = 3; } else { if (k == 3) { othertrans = 2; } else { if (k == 4) { othertrans = 5; } else { if (k == 5) { othertrans = 4; } else { if (k == 6) { othertrans = 7; } else { if (k == 7) { othertrans = 6; } else { if (k == 8) { othertrans = 9; } else { if (k == 9) { othertrans = 8; } else { if (k == 10) { othertrans = 11; } else { if (k == 11) { othertrans = 10; } } } } } } } } } } } } startmove(); goodmove = true; break; } } } if (item13.hitTest(this)) { if (this == newitem62) { addingplantball = true; startmove(); goodmove = true; } } else { addingplantball = false; } if (item13.hitTest(this)) { if (this == newitem65) { addingcolourball = true; startmove(); goodmove = true; } } else { addingcolourball = false; } if (item13.hitTest(this)) { if (this == newitem66) { addingmusicball = true; startmove(); goodmove = true; } } else { addingmusicball = false; } if (item13.hitTest(this)) { if (this == newitem67) { addingspaceball = true; startmove(); goodmove = true; } } else { addingspaceball = false; } if (item13.hitTest(this)) { if (this == newitem68) { addinghappyball = true; startmove(); goodmove = true; } } else { addinghappyball = false; } if (item13.hitTest(this)) { if (this == newitem69) { addingmagicball = true; startmove(); goodmove = true; } } else { addingmagicball = false; } if (item63.hitTest(this)) { if (this == newitem64) { placingballoon = true; startmove(); goodmove = true; } } else { placingballoon = false; } if (item55.hitTest(this)) { if (this == newitem57) { openingchest = true; startmove(); goodmove = true; } } else { openingchest = false; } if (item53.hitTest(this)) { if (this == newitem40) { placingball = true; startmove(); goodmove = true; } } else { placingball = false; } if (item12.hitTest(this)) { if (this == _root['newitem' + fluffid]) { givingfluff = true; startmove(); goodmove = true; } } else { givingfluff = false; } if (item14.hitTest(this) || item15.hitTest(this)) { if (this == _root['newitem' + tubeid]) { connectingtube = true; startmove(); goodmove = true; } } else { connectingtube = false; } if (item44.hitTest(this)) { if (this == _root['newitem' + balloonid]) { givingair = true; startmove(); goodmove = true; } } else { givingair = false; } if (item45.hitTest(this)) { if (this == newitem54) { givingwater = true; startmove(); goodmove = true; } } else { givingwater = false; } if (item46.hitTest(this) && gotearth) { if (this == newitem42) { givingearth = true; startmove(); goodmove = true; } } else { givingearth = false; } if (item47.hitTest(this) && gotfire) { if (this == newitem43) { givingfire = true; startmove(); goodmove = true; } } else { givingfire = false; } if (item27.hitTest(this) && !gotfire) { if (this == newitem43) { lightingbranch = true; startmove(); goodmove = true; } } else { lightingbranch = false; } if (item41.hitTest(this) && !gotearth) { if (this == newitem42) { digging = true; startmove(); goodmove = true; } } else { digging = false; } if (item20.hitTest(this)) { if (this == newitem17) { placingcrystal = true; startmove(); goodmove = true; } } else { placingcrystal = false; } if (item48.hitTest(this)) { if (this == newitem39 && onladder) { nettingorb = true; stopmoving(); goodmove = true; } } else { nettingorb = false; } if (!goodmove && !moving) { wronganim(); } } } else { if (!carrying) { if (this == newitem16) { if (bookscreen2 != true) { bookscreen = true; bookscreen2 = true; _root.attachMovie('largebook', 'largebook', _root.getNextHighestDepth(), {'_x': 80, '_y': 70}); largebook.cornerl._visible = false; largebook.cornerl.onRelease = function () { largebook.writing.prevFrame(); largebook.cornerr._visible = true; if (largebook.writing._currentframe == 1) { largebook.cornerl._visible = false; } }; largebook.cornerr.onRelease = function () { largebook.writing.nextFrame(); largebook.cornerl._visible = true; if (largebook.writing._currentframe == 4) { largebook.cornerr._visible = false; } }; largebook.back.onRelease = function () { bookscreen = false; bookscreen2 = false; largebook.removeMovieClip(); }; } else { bookscreen = false; bookscreen2 = false; largebook.removeMovieClip(); } } else { if (this == newitem70) { if (tabletscreen2 != true) { tabletscreen = true; tabletscreen2 = true; _root.attachMovie('largetablet', 'largetablet', _root.getNextHighestDepth(), {'_x': 0, '_y': 0}); largetablet.back.onRelease = function () { tabletscreen = false; tabletscreen2 = false; largetablet.removeMovieClip(); }; } else { tabletscreen = false; tabletscreen2 = false; largetablet.removeMovieClip(); } } else { if (this == newitem26) { tuneSound = new Sound(this); tuneSound.attachSound('tune'); tuneSound.start(0, 1); } else { trace('Pick up?'); i = 1; while (i <= slots) { if (_root['itemSlot' + i].hitTest(this._x + this.carrypoint._x, this._y + this.carrypoint._y, true)) { _root['occupied' + i] = false; } ++i; } this.swapDepths(_root.getNextHighestDepth()); itemnames.swapDepths(_root.getNextHighestDepth()); this._x = _xmouse - this.carrypoint._x; this._y = _ymouse - this.carrypoint._y; this.startDrag(); itembeingcarried = this; carrying = true; } } } } } i = 1; while (i <= slots) { if (_root['itemSlot' + i].hitTest(this._x + this.carrypoint._x, this._y + this.carrypoint._y, true)) { if (!_root['occupied' + i] && carrying) { if ( != true) { = true; this.stopDrag(); carrying = false; _root['occupied' + i] = true; _root['iteminslot' + i] = this; this._x = _root['itemSlot' + i]._x + _root['itemSlot' + i]._width / 2; this._y = _root['itemSlot' + i]._y + _root['itemSlot' + i]._height / 2; this._x -= this.carrypoint._x; this._y -= this.carrypoint._y; } else { if ( == true) { = false; } } } } ++i; } } }; } if (inventory.hitTest(_xmouse, _ymouse, true)) { inventhit = true; } else { inventhit = false; } if (currentitem.hitTest(_xmouse, _ymouse, true)) { } else { currentitem = undefined; itemname = ''; } itemdepth = -1000000000; for (i in itemlist) { if (itemlist[i].hitTest(_xmouse, _ymouse, true) && itemlist[i]._visible) { if (itemlist[i].getDepth() > itemdepth) { currentitem = itemlist[i]; currentitemid = i; itemdepth = currentitem.getDepth(); } } } for (i in collecteditemlist) { if (collecteditemlist[i].hitTest(_xmouse, _ymouse, true)) { if (itemlist[i].getDepth() > itemdepth) { currentitem = collecteditemlist[i]; currentitemid = collecteditemlist[i].number; itemdepth = currentitem.getDepth(); } } } if (currentitem != undefined && currentitem._visible) { if (!carrying) { if (_root['gotitem' + currentitemid] or !inventhit) { itemname = ''; tH = itemnames.nametext.textHeight; tW = itemnames.nametext.textWidth; itemnames._x = _xmouse - tW / 2; itemnames._y = _ymouse - tH - 10; } else { itemname = ''; } } else { itemname = ''; } } if (itemname == undefined) { itemname = ''; } }; startmove = function () { if (onladder && theitem == world.planet2.ladder or !onladder) { point.x = newregpointx; point.y = newregpointy; world.localToGlobal(point); if (itemclicked) { trace(theitem); var v1 = new Object(); itemregpoint = theitem.regpoint; if (itemregpoint._x != undefined) { v1.x = itemregpoint._x; v1.y = itemregpoint._y; world['planet' + currentplanet].localToGlobal(v1); } else { v1.x = theitem._x; v1.y = theitem._y; world['planet' + currentplanet].localToGlobal(v1); } angle = 57.29577951308232 * (1.570796326794897 - Math.atan2(point.y - v1.y, v1.x - point.x)); radianangle = 1.570796326794897 - Math.atan2(point.y - v1.y, v1.x - point.x); } else { angle = 57.29577951308232 * (1.570796326794897 - Math.atan2(point.y - _ymouse, _xmouse - point.x)); radianangle = 1.570796326794897 - Math.atan2(point.y - _ymouse, _xmouse - point.x); } if (angle > 180) { radianangle2 = 6.283185307179586 - radianangle; time = Math.abs(radianangle2 * radius) / speed; } else { time = Math.abs(radianangle * radius) / speed; } if (Math.abs(angle) > 5) { if (angle < 0 or angle > 180) { man.gotoAndStop('walkleft'); } else { man.gotoAndStop('walkright'); } } if (Math.abs(angle) > 5) { halfangle = angle; if (halfangle > 180) { halfangle -= 360; } halfangle /= 2; halfangle -= back._rotation2; angle -= world._rotation2; moving = true;, time, {'shortRotation': {'_rotation2': -angle}, 'ease': gs.easing.Linear.easeNone, 'onComplete': stopmoving});, time, {'shortRotation': {'_rotation2': -halfangle}, 'ease': gs.easing.Linear.easeInOut}); } else { trace('Too close to object to rotate planets'); stopmoving(); } } }; zoom.onPress = function () { if (!zooming && !moving && !transporting) { if (zoomedout) { this.gotoAndStop(1); } else { this.gotoAndStop(2); } zooming = true; var v2 = new Object(); v2.x = man._x; v2.y = man._y; world.globalToLocal(v2); world.setRegistration(v2.x, v2.y); var v3 = new Object(); v3.x = man._x; v3.y = man._y; back.globalToLocal(v3); back.setRegistration(v3.x, v3.y); if (!zoomedout) {, 1, {'_xscale2': 50, '_yscale2': 50, 'onComplete': stopzooming});, 1, {'_xscale2': 50, '_yscale2': 50});, 1, {'_xscale': 50, '_yscale': 50}); } else {, 1, {'_xscale2': 100, '_yscale2': 100, 'onComplete': stopzooming});, 1, {'_xscale2': 100, '_yscale2': 100});, 1, {'_xscale': 100, '_yscale': 100}); } } }; stopzooming = function () { world.setRegistration(newregpointx, newregpointy); var v1 = new Object(); v1.x = world['planet' + currentplanet]._x; v1.y = world['planet' + currentplanet]._y; world.localToGlobal(v1); back.globalToLocal(v1); back.setRegistration(v1.x, v1.y); zooming = false; if (zoomedout) { zoomedout = false; } else { zoomedout = true; } }; stopmoving = function () { if (!mousedown or nettingorb) { goodmove = false; man.gotoAndStop('idle'); moving = false; if (viewingscope) { goodmove = true; viewingscope = false; space._visible = true; space.swapDepths(_root.getNextHighestDepth()); space.scope.stars._yscale = 200; space.scope.stars._xscale = 200; space.arrowup.onPress = function () { uppress = true; }; space.arrowdown.onPress = function () { downpress = true; }; space.arrowright.onPress = function () { rightpress = true; }; space.arrowleft.onPress = function () { leftpress = true; }; space.back.onPress = function () { space._visible = false; }; } if (viewingpanel && !panelcompleted) { goodmove = true; viewingpanel = false; panelscreen._visible = true; panelscreen.swapDepths(_root.getNextHighestDepth()); i = 1; while (i <= 25) { panelscreen['light' + i].onPress = function () { if (this._currentframe == 1) { this.gotoAndStop(2); } else { this.gotoAndStop(1); } }; ++i; } panelscreen.back.onPress = function () { panelscreen._visible = false; }; panelscreen.button.onPress = function () { lightson = 0; i = 1; while (i <= 25) { if (panelscreen['light' + i]._currentframe == 2) { ++lightson; } ++i; } if (lightson == 3 && panelscreen.light2._currentframe == 2 && panelscreen.light15._currentframe == 2 && panelscreen.light22._currentframe == 2) { panelscreen.donelight1.gotoAndStop(2); winSound = new Sound(man); winSound.attachSound('gling'); winSound.start(0, 1); panelscreen.light2.gotoAndStop(1); panelscreen.light15.gotoAndStop(1); panelscreen.light22.gotoAndStop(1); light1on = true; } if (lightson == 2 && panelscreen.light3._currentframe == 2 && panelscreen.light17._currentframe == 2) { panelscreen.donelight2.gotoAndStop(2); winSound = new Sound(man); winSound.attachSound('gling'); winSound.start(0, 1); panelscreen.light3.gotoAndStop(1); panelscreen.light17.gotoAndStop(1); light2on = true; } if (lightson == 2 && panelscreen.light10._currentframe == 2 && panelscreen.light13._currentframe == 2) { panelscreen.donelight3.gotoAndStop(2); winSound = new Sound(man); winSound.attachSound('gling'); winSound.start(0, 1); panelscreen.light10.gotoAndStop(1); panelscreen.light13.gotoAndStop(1); light3on = true; } if (light1on && light2on && light3on) { trace('panel puzzle completed'); winSound = new Sound(man); winSound.attachSound('gling'); winSound.start(0, 1); panelscreen._visible = false; panelcompleted = true; world.planet6.spaceAnim._visible = true;; } }; } if (nettingorb) { goodmove = true; nettingorb = false; trace('Netting Orb'); man.gotoAndStop('net'); newitem39.removeMovieClip(); itemtocarry = item48; itemtocarryid = 48; collectingitem = true; } if (placingorb) { goodmove = true; winSound = new Sound(man); winSound.attachSound('gling'); winSound.start(0, 1); placingorb = false; orbtoberemoved.removeMovieClip(); transtobeswitched.gotoAndPlay('transporton'); transtobeswitched.switched = true; carrying = false; trace(_root['item' + othertrans]); _root['item' + othertrans].gotoAndPlay('transporton'); _root['item' + othertrans].switched = true; } if (collectingitem) { goodmove = true; collectingitem = false; trace('Picked up ' + itemtocarry); itemtocarry.unloadMovie(); newitem = _root['itemname' + itemtocarryid]; _root.attachMovie(newitem, 'newitem' + itemtocarryid, _root.getNextHighestDepth()); collecteditemlist.push(_root['newitem' + itemtocarryid]); _root['newitem' + itemtocarryid].number = itemtocarryid; _root['newitem' + itemtocarryid]._x = _xmouse - _root['newitem' + itemtocarryid].carrypoint._x; _root['newitem' + itemtocarryid]._y = _ymouse - _root['newitem' + itemtocarryid].carrypoint._y; _root['gotitem' + itemtocarryid] = true; winSound = new Sound(_root['newitem' + itemtocarryid]); winSound.attachSound('gling'); winSound.start(0, 1); _root['newitem' + itemtocarryid].originaldepth = _root['newitem' + itemtocarryid].getDepth(); _root['newitem' + itemtocarryid].swapDepths(_root.getNextHighestDepth()); itemnames.swapDepths(_root.getNextHighestDepth()); _root['newitem' + itemtocarryid].startDrag(); itembeingcarried = _root['newitem' + itemtocarryid]; carrying = true; if (itemtocarryid == 54) { _root['newitem' + itemtocarryid].gotoAndStop('collected'); } if (itemtocarryid == 68) { item53.dreamball._visible = false; _root['newitem' + itemtocarryid].gotoAndPlay('loop'); } } if (gettingfluff) { goodmove = true; gettingfluff = false; fluffgot = true; ++totalitems; _root['itemname' + totalitems] = 'Fluff'; itemtocarryid = totalitems; fluffid = itemtocarryid; _root.attachMovie('fluff', 'newitem' + itemtocarryid, _root.getNextHighestDepth()); collecteditemlist.push(_root['newitem' + itemtocarryid]); _root['newitem' + itemtocarryid].number = itemtocarryid; _root['newitem' + itemtocarryid]._x = _xmouse - _root['newitem' + itemtocarryid].carrypoint._x; _root['newitem' + itemtocarryid]._y = _ymouse - _root['newitem' + itemtocarryid].carrypoint._y; _root['gotitem' + itemtocarryid] = true; winSound = new Sound(_root['newitem' + itemtocarryid]); winSound.attachSound('gling'); winSound.start(0, 1); _root['newitem' + itemtocarryid].originaldepth = _root['newitem' + itemtocarryid].getDepth(); _root['newitem' + itemtocarryid].swapDepths(_root.getNextHighestDepth()); itemnames.swapDepths(_root.getNextHighestDepth()); _root['newitem' + itemtocarryid].startDrag(); itembeingcarried = _root['newitem' + itemtocarryid]; carrying = true; } if (gettingtube) { goodmove = true; gettingtube = false; tubegot = true; ++totalitems; _root['itemname' + totalitems] = 'Tube'; itemtocarryid = totalitems; tubeid = itemtocarryid; _root.attachMovie('Tube', 'newitem' + itemtocarryid, _root.getNextHighestDepth()); collecteditemlist.push(_root['newitem' + itemtocarryid]); _root['newitem' + itemtocarryid].number = itemtocarryid; _root['newitem' + itemtocarryid]._x = _xmouse - _root['newitem' + itemtocarryid].carrypoint._x; _root['newitem' + itemtocarryid]._y = _ymouse - _root['newitem' + itemtocarryid].carrypoint._y; _root['gotitem' + itemtocarryid] = true; winSound = new Sound(_root['newitem' + itemtocarryid]); winSound.attachSound('gling'); winSound.start(0, 1); _root['newitem' + itemtocarryid].originaldepth = _root['newitem' + itemtocarryid].getDepth(); _root['newitem' + itemtocarryid].swapDepths(_root.getNextHighestDepth()); itemnames.swapDepths(_root.getNextHighestDepth()); _root['newitem' + itemtocarryid].startDrag(); itembeingcarried = _root['newitem' + itemtocarryid]; carrying = true; } if (playc) { goodmove = true;; playc = false; cSound = new Sound(item31); cSound.attachSound('c'); cSound.start(0, 1); addtonotes(1); } if (playd) { goodmove = true;; playd = false; dSound = new Sound(item31); dSound.attachSound('d'); dSound.start(0, 1); addtonotes(2); } if (playe) { goodmove = true;; playe = false; eSound = new Sound(item31); eSound.attachSound('e'); eSound.start(0, 1); addtonotes(3); } if (playf) { goodmove = true;; playf = false; fSound = new Sound(item31); fSound.attachSound('f'); fSound.start(0, 1); addtonotes(4); } if (playg) { goodmove = true;; playg = false; gSound = new Sound(item31); gSound.attachSound('g'); gSound.start(0, 1); addtonotes(5); } if (movetotrans && !transporting) { goodmove = true; transporting = true; transporterSound = new Sound(man); transporterSound.attachSound('transporter'); transporterSound.start(0, 1); var v3 = new Object(); v3.x = world['planet' + destplanet]['transport' + destport]._x; v3.y = world['planet' + destplanet]['transport' + destport]._y; world['planet' + destplanet].localToGlobal(v3); finalx = world._x2 - (v3.x - man._x); finaly = world._y2 - (v3.y - man._y); finalx4 = back._x2 - (v3.x - man._x) / 6; finaly4 = back._y2 - (v3.y - man._y) / 6; var v5 = new Object(); v5.x = world['bezpt' + throughbez]._x; v5.y = world['bezpt' + throughbez]._y; world.localToGlobal(v5); finalx2 = world._x2 - (v5.x - man._x); finaly2 = world._y2 - (v5.y - man._y); finalx3 = back._x2 - (v5.x - man._x) / 6; finaly3 = back._y2 - (v5.y - man._y) / 6; point.x = world['planet' + destplanet]._x; point.y = world['planet' + destplanet]._y; world.localToGlobal(point); manangle = 57.29577951308232 * (1.570796326794897 - Math.atan2(point.y - v3.y, v3.x - point.x)); manangle += 360;, 2, {'bezierThrough': [{'_x2': finalx2, '_y2': finaly2}, {'_x2': finalx, '_y2': finaly}], 'onComplete': stoptransporting});, 2, {'bezierThrough': [{'_x2': finalx3, '_y2': finaly3}, {'_x2': finalx4, '_y2': finaly4}]});, 2, {'_rotation': manangle}); man.gotoAndStop('jump2'); } if (steaming) { goodmove = true; steaming = false; if (balloonOn) { if (balloonFull) { item63.gotoAndStop(1); balloonOn = false; ++totalitems; _root['itemname' + totalitems] = 'Balloon'; itemtocarryid = totalitems; balloonid = itemtocarryid; _root.attachMovie('balloon2', 'newitem' + itemtocarryid, _root.getNextHighestDepth()); collecteditemlist.push(_root['newitem' + itemtocarryid]); _root['newitem' + itemtocarryid].number = itemtocarryid; _root['newitem' + itemtocarryid]._x = _xmouse - _root['newitem' + itemtocarryid].carrypoint._x; _root['newitem' + itemtocarryid]._y = _ymouse - _root['newitem' + itemtocarryid].carrypoint._y; _root['gotitem' + itemtocarryid] = true; winSound = new Sound(_root['newitem' + itemtocarryid]); winSound.attachSound('gling'); winSound.start(0, 1); _root['newitem' + itemtocarryid].originaldepth = _root['newitem' + itemtocarryid].getDepth(); _root['newitem' + itemtocarryid].swapDepths(_root.getNextHighestDepth()); itemnames.swapDepths(_root.getNextHighestDepth()); _root['newitem' + itemtocarryid].startDrag(); itembeingcarried = _root['newitem' + itemtocarryid]; } else {; } } else {; } } if (pullingvine1) { pullingvine1 = false; if (!unfurled) { goodmove = true; unfurled = true; trace('pulled vine'); item28.gotoAndStop('unfold'); winSound = new Sound(man); winSound.attachSound('gling'); winSound.start(0, 1); } } if (pullingvine2) { pullingvine2 = false; if (unfurled && !unfurled2) { unfurled2 = true; goodmove = true; trace('pulled vine'); item28.gotoAndStop('losevines'); winSound = new Sound(man); winSound.attachSound('gling'); winSound.start(0, 1); canmove62 = true; } } if (switchingpump) { goodmove = true; switchingpump = false; if (pumpon) { pumpon = false; item14.stop(); _root.soundOn[3] = false; } else { if (world.planet1.tube2._visible) { if (!_root.squirted) { _root.squirted = true; whaleAnim._visible = true; whaleAnim.swapDepths(_root.getNextHighestDepth());; } world.planet1.tube2.gotoAndPlay('pump'); } pumpon = true;; _root.soundOn[3] = true; } } if (switchingfan) { goodmove = true; switchingfan = false; if (fanon) { fanon = false; item52.fanBlades.stop(); item52.fanSwitch.gotoAndStop('off'); _root.soundOn[8] = false; } else { fanon = true;; item52.fanSwitch.gotoAndStop('on'); _root.soundOn[8] = true; } } if (climbingladder) { goodmove = true; climbingladder = false; man.gotoAndStop('climb'); if (!topofladder) { onladder = true; var v4 = new Object(); v4.x = world.planet2.ladder._x; v4.y = world.planet2.ladder._y; world.planet2.localToGlobal(v4); ladx = world._x2 - (v4.x - man._x); lady = world._y2 - (v4.y - man._y); ladx2 = back._x2 - (v4.x - man._x) / 6; lady2 = back._y2 - (v4.y - man._y) / 6;, 2, {'_x2': ladx, '_y2': lady, 'ease': gs.easing.Linear.easeNone, 'onComplete': stopclimbing});, 2, {'_x2': ladx2, '_y2': lady2, 'ease': gs.easing.Linear.easeNone}); } else { trace('climb down'); var v4 = new Object(); v4.x = world.planet2.ladderreg._x; v4.y = world.planet2.ladderreg._y; world.planet2.localToGlobal(v4); ladx = world._x2 - (v4.x - man._x); lady = world._y2 - (v4.y - man._y); ladx2 = back._x2 - (v4.x - man._x) / 6; lady2 = back._y2 - (v4.y - man._y) / 6;, 2, {'_x2': ladx, '_y2': lady, 'ease': gs.easing.Linear.easeNone, 'onComplete': stopclimbingdown});, 2, {'_x2': ladx2, '_y2': lady2, 'ease': gs.easing.Linear.easeNone}); } } if (addingplantball) { goodmove = true; winSound = new Sound(man); winSound.attachSound('gling'); winSound.start(0, 1); addingplantball = false; newitem62.removeMovieClip(); carrying = false; = true; dreamBallArray[5] = 1; dreamIndex = 5; winGameCheck(); } if (addingcolourball) { goodmove = true; winSound = new Sound(man); winSound.attachSound('gling'); winSound.start(0, 1); addingcolourball = false; newitem65.removeMovieClip(); carrying = false; item13.colour._visible = true; dreamBallArray[1] = 1; dreamIndex = 1; winGameCheck(); } if (addingmusicball) { goodmove = true; winSound = new Sound(man); winSound.attachSound('gling'); winSound.start(0, 1); addingmusicball = false; newitem66.removeMovieClip(); carrying = false; = true; dreamBallArray[4] = 1; dreamIndex = 4; winGameCheck(); } if (addingspaceball) { goodmove = true; winSound = new Sound(man); winSound.attachSound('gling'); winSound.start(0, 1); addingspaceball = false; newitem67.removeMovieClip(); carrying = false; = true; dreamBallArray[3] = 1; dreamIndex = 3; winGameCheck(); } if (addinghappyball) { goodmove = true; winSound = new Sound(man); winSound.attachSound('gling'); winSound.start(0, 1); addinghappyball = false; newitem68.removeMovieClip(); carrying = false; item13.happiness._visible = true; dreamBallArray[2] = 1; dreamIndex = 2; winGameCheck(); } if (addingmagicball) { goodmove = true; winSound = new Sound(man); winSound.attachSound('gling'); winSound.start(0, 1); addingmagicball = false; newitem69.removeMovieClip(); carrying = false; item13.magic._visible = true; dreamBallArray[6] = 1; dreamIndex = 6; winGameCheck(); } if (placingballoon) { goodmove = true; winSound = new Sound(man); winSound.attachSound('gling'); winSound.start(0, 1); placingballoon = false; newitem64.removeMovieClip(); carrying = false; balloonOn = true; item63.gotoAndStop(10); } if (openingchest) { goodmove = true; winSound = new Sound(man); winSound.attachSound('gling'); winSound.start(0, 1); openingchest = false; newitem57.removeMovieClip(); carrying = false; item56._visible = true; canmove56 = true; item55.gotoAndStop('open'); } if (placingball) { goodmove = true; winSound = new Sound(man); winSound.attachSound('gling'); winSound.start(0, 1); placingball = false; newitem40.removeMovieClip(); carrying = false; ballinplace = true; item53.dreamball._visible = true; } if (givingfluff) { goodmove = true; winSound = new Sound(man); winSound.attachSound('gling'); winSound.start(0, 1); givingfluff = false; world.planet1.giant.gotoAndStop('eat'); _root['newitem' + fluffid].removeMovieClip(); carrying = false; } if (connectingtube) { goodmove = true; winSound = new Sound(man); winSound.attachSound('gling'); winSound.start(0, 1); connectingtube = false; world.planet1.tube2._visible = true; _root['newitem' + tubeid].removeMovieClip(); carrying = false; if (pumpon) { if (!_root.squirted) { _root.squirted = true; whaleAnim._visible = true; whaleAnim.swapDepths(_root.getNextHighestDepth());; } world.planet1.tube2.gotoAndPlay('pump'); } } if (givingfire) { fireOn = true; magicCheck(); goodmove = true; winSound = new Sound(man); winSound.attachSound('gling'); winSound.start(0, 1); givingfire = false;; newitem43.removeMovieClip(); carrying = false; _root.soundOn[12] = true; } if (givingair) { airOn = true; magicCheck(); goodmove = true; winSound = new Sound(man); winSound.attachSound('gling'); winSound.start(0, 1); givingair = false;; _root['newitem' + balloonid].removeMovieClip(); carrying = false; } if (givingwater) { waterOn = true; magicCheck(); goodmove = true; winSound = new Sound(man); winSound.attachSound('gling'); winSound.start(0, 1); givingwater = false;; newitem54.removeMovieClip(); carrying = false; } if (givingearth) { earthOn = true; magicCheck(); goodmove = true; winSound = new Sound(man); winSound.attachSound('gling'); winSound.start(0, 1); givingearth = false;; newitem42.removeMovieClip(); carrying = false; } if (lightingbranch) { goodmove = true; winSound = new Sound(man); winSound.attachSound('gling'); winSound.start(0, 1); lightingbranch = false; holdingbranch = true; newitem43._visible = false; man.gotoAndStop('getfire'); } if (digging) { goodmove = true; winSound = new Sound(item41); winSound.attachSound('gling'); winSound.start(0, 1); digging = false; gotearth = true; newitem42.gotoAndStop(2); itemname42 = 'Shovelful of earth'; } if (placingcrystal) { goodmove = true; winSound = new Sound(item22); winSound.attachSound('gling'); winSound.start(0, 1); placingcrystal = false; newitem17.removeMovieClip(); carrying = false; item22._visible = true; } if (rotatingcrystal) { goodmove = true; rotatingcrystal = false; _root['crystal' + crystali]._rotation += 60; ++_root['crystal' + crystali].colourtype1; ++_root['crystal' + crystali].colourtype2; ++_root['crystal' + crystali].colourtype3; if (_root['crystal' + crystali].colourtype1 == 7) { _root['crystal' + crystali].colourtype1 = 1; } if (_root['crystal' + crystali].colourtype2 == 7) { _root['crystal' + crystali].colourtype2 = 1; } if (_root['crystal' + crystali].colourtype3 == 7) { _root['crystal' + crystali].colourtype3 = 1; } if (_root['crystal' + crystali].colourtype1 == light._currentframe) { if (crystali == 1) { colour = _root['colour' + _root['crystal' + crystali].colourtype2]; drawline1(); colour = _root['colour' + _root['crystal' + crystali].colourtype3]; drawline4(); } if (crystali == 2) { colour = _root['colour' + _root['crystal' + crystali].colourtype2]; drawline2(); colour = _root['colour' + _root['crystal' + crystali].colourtype3]; drawline5(); } } else { if (crystali == 1) { world.planet7.line1.clear(); world.planet7.line4.clear(); } else { if (crystali == 2) { world.planet7.line2.clear(); world.planet7.line5.clear(); } } } if (crystal1.colourtype3 == crystal3.colourtype1 && crystal1.colourtype1 == light._currentframe && (crystal2.colourtype3 == crystal3.colourtype3 && crystal2.colourtype1 == light._currentframe)) { colour = _root['colour' + crystal3.colourtype2]; drawline3(); } else { world.planet7.line3.clear(); } } if (switchinglight) { goodmove = true; switchinglight = false; if (light._currentframe == 6) { light.gotoAndStop(1); } else { light.nextFrame(); } world.planet7.line6.clear(); world.planet7.line7.clear(); if (light._currentframe == 1) { colour = colour1; } if (light._currentframe == 2) { colour = colour2; } if (light._currentframe == 3) { colour = colour3; } if (light._currentframe == 4) { colour = colour4; } if (light._currentframe == 5) { colour = colour5; } if (light._currentframe == 6) { colour = colour6; } drawline6(); drawline7(); i = 1; while (i <= 3) { if (_root['crystal' + i].colourtype1 == light._currentframe) { if (i == 1) { colour = _root['colour' + _root['crystal' + i].colourtype2]; drawline1(); colour = _root['colour' + _root['crystal' + i].colourtype3]; drawline4(); } if (i == 2) { colour = _root['colour' + _root['crystal' + i].colourtype2]; drawline2(); colour = _root['colour' + _root['crystal' + i].colourtype3]; drawline5(); } } else { if (i == 1) { world.planet7.line1.clear(); world.planet7.line4.clear(); } else { if (i == 2) { world.planet7.line2.clear(); world.planet7.line5.clear(); } } } if (crystal1.colourtype3 == crystal3.colourtype1 && crystal1.colourtype1 == light._currentframe && crystal2.colourtype3 == crystal3.colourtype3 && crystal2.colourtype1 == light._currentframe) { colour = _root['colour' + _root['crystal' + i].colourtype2]; drawline3(); } else { world.planet7.line3.clear(); } ++i; } } if (!goodmove && itemhit) { wronganim(); } } }; stopclimbing = function () { topofladder = true; man.gotoAndStop('idle'); }; stopclimbingdown = function () { topofladder = false; onladder = false; man.gotoAndStop('idle'); }; stoptransporting = function () { man.gotoAndStop('idle'); var v1 = new Object(); v1.x = man._x; v1.y = man._y; world.globalToLocal(v1); world.setRegistration(v1.x, v1.y); var v2 = new Object(); v2.x = man._x; v2.y = man._y; back.globalToLocal(v2); back.setRegistration(v2.x, v2.y); point.x = world['planet' + destplanet]._x; point.y = world['planet' + destplanet]._y; world.localToGlobal(point); angle = 57.29577951308232 * (1.570796326794897 - Math.atan2(point.y - man._y, man._x - point.x)); halfangle = angle; if (halfangle > 180) { halfangle -= 360; } halfangle /= 2; halfangle -= back._rotation2; angle -= world._rotation2;, 1, {'shortRotation': {'_rotation2': -angle}, 'onComplete': movecomplete});, 1, {'shortRotation': {'_rotation2': -halfangle}});, 1, {'shortRotation': {'_rotation': 0}}); }; movecomplete = function () { movetotrans = false; transporting = false; currentplanet = destplanet; newregpointx = world['planet' + destplanet]._x; newregpointy = world['planet' + destplanet]._y; world.setRegistration(newregpointx, newregpointy); var v1 = new Object(); v1.x = world['planet' + destplanet]._x; v1.y = world['planet' + destplanet]._y; world.localToGlobal(v1); back.globalToLocal(v1); back.setRegistration(v1.x, v1.y); }; var colour1 = 16711680; var colour2 = 10027109; var colour3 = 255; var colour4 = 65280; var colour5 = 16776960; var colour6 = 16744192; var thickness = 1; var blurAmount = 10; var fadeSpeed = 1.5; var blur = new flash.filters.BlurFilter(2, 2, 3); crystal1.colourtype1 = 3; crystal1.colourtype2 = 2; crystal1.colourtype3 = 1; crystal2.colourtype1 = 2; crystal2.colourtype2 = 3; crystal2.colourtype3 = 4; crystal3.colourtype1 = 1; crystal3.colourtype2 = 6; crystal3.colourtype3 = 5; i = 1; while (i <= 7) { world.planet7.createEmptyMovieClip('line' + i,; ++i; } drawline1 = function () { world.planet7.line1.lineStyle(thickness, colour, 100); world.planet7.line1.moveTo(crystal1._x, crystal1._y); world.planet7.line1.lineTo(crystal4._x, crystal4._y); world.planet7.line1.filters = [blur]; }; drawline2 = function () { if (crystal2._visible) { world.planet7.line2.lineStyle(thickness, colour, 100); world.planet7.line2.moveTo(crystal2._x, crystal2._y); world.planet7.line2.lineTo(crystal4._x, crystal4._y); world.planet7.line2.filters = [blur]; } }; drawline3 = function () { world.planet7.line3.lineStyle(thickness, colour, 100); world.planet7.line3.moveTo(crystal3._x, crystal3._y); world.planet7.line3.lineTo(crystal4._x, crystal4._y); world.planet7.line3.filters = [blur]; if (colour == colour1 && !colourDone) { colourDone = true; trace('colour puzzle completed'); winSound = new Sound(man); winSound.attachSound('gling'); winSound.start(0, 1);; } }; drawline4 = function () { controlx = (crystal1._x + crystal3._x) / 0.8; controly = (crystal1._y + crystal3._y) / 0.8; world.planet7.line4.lineStyle(thickness, colour, 100); world.planet7.line4.moveTo(crystal1._x, crystal1._y); world.planet7.line4.curveTo(controlx, controly, crystal3._x, crystal3._y); world.planet7.line4.filters = [blur]; }; drawline5 = function () { if (crystal2._visible) { controlx = (crystal2._x + crystal3._x) / 1.5; controly = (crystal2._y + crystal3._y) / 1.5; world.planet7.line5.lineStyle(thickness, colour, 100); world.planet7.line5.moveTo(crystal2._x, crystal2._y); world.planet7.line5.curveTo(controlx, controly, crystal3._x, crystal3._y); world.planet7.line5.filters = [blur]; } }; drawline6 = function () { controlx = (light._x + crystal1._x) / 1.8; controly = (light._y + crystal1._y) / 1.8; world.planet7.line6.lineStyle(thickness, colour, 100); world.planet7.line6.moveTo(light._x + 7.7, light._y - 5); world.planet7.line6.curveTo(controlx, controly, crystal1._x, crystal1._y); world.planet7.line6.filters = [blur]; }; drawline7 = function () { controlx = (light._x + crystal2._x) / 1.8; controly = (light._y + crystal2._y) / 1.8; world.planet7.line7.lineStyle(thickness, colour, 100); world.planet7.line7.moveTo(light._x + 7.7, light._y - 5); world.planet7.line7.curveTo(controlx, controly, crystal2._x, crystal2._y); world.planet7.line7.filters = [blur]; }; colour = colour1; drawline6(); drawline7(); addtonotes = function (notenumber) { rightorder = [3, 2, 1, 3, 4]; trace(notenumber); if (!startedsequence) { if (notenumber == 3) { startedsequence = true; nextnote = 1; } else { trace('wrong first note'); } } else { if (notenumber == rightorder[nextnote]) { if (nextnote == 4 && !musicdone) { musicdone = true; trace('music puzzle completed'); winSound = new Sound(man); winSound.attachSound('gling'); winSound.start(0, 1); world.planet4.musicAnim._visible = true;; } else { trace('correct note'); ++nextnote; } } else { trace('wrong note'); startedsequence = false; } } }; wronganim = function () { if (Math.random() < 0.5) { man.gotoAndStop('shrug'); } else { man.gotoAndStop('shake'); } }; magicCheck = function () { if (airOn && fireOn && waterOn && earthOn) { trace('magic completed'); world.planet3.magicAnim._visible = true;; } }; winGameCheck = function () { ++ballsDone; if (ballsDone == 6) { trace('Game completed!'); for (var v2 in itemlist) { _root['newitem' + v2].removeMovieClip(); } gotoAndPlay('outro'); } }; } movieClip 486 { } movieClip 490 { frame 1 { frameCount = 0; timeStamp = 0; this.onEnterFrame = function () { if (frameCount++ >= 10) { var v2 = getTimer() - timeStamp; var v1 = (frameCount / v2) * 1000; timeStamp = getTimer(); frameCount = 0; CounterText.text = 'fps: ' + Math.round(v1); } }; } } movieClip 579 { } movieClip 582 { } movieClip 583 { frame 1 { } } movieClip 587 { } movieClip 589 { } movieClip 592 { } movieClip 599 { } movieClip 602 { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 604 { } movieClip 606 { frame 3 { stop(); } } movieClip 607 { frame 1 {; var blink = Math.round(Math.random() * 200); var counter = 1; this.createEmptyMovieClip('blinker', this.getNextHighestDepth()); blinker.onEnterFrame = function () { ++counter; if (counter == blink) {; counter = 0; blink = Math.round(Math.random() * 200); } }; stop(); this.onRelease = function () {'wave'); }; } } movieClip 608 { frame 38 { if (Math.random() < 0.2) { _parent.gotoAndStop('yoyo'); } } } movieClip 609 { frame 27 { this._parent.gotoAndStop('idle'); } } movieClip 616 { frame 21 { this._parent.gotoAndStop('idle'); } } movieClip 617 { } movieClip 619 { } movieClip 621 { frame 1 { boredcount = 0; } frame 31 { ++boredcount; if (boredcount >= Math.random() * 20) { } else { gotoAndPlay('loop'); } } frame 40 { _parent.gotoAndStop('idle'); } } movieClip 624 { } movieClip 626 { } movieClip 627 { } movieClip 628 { } movieClip 629 { } movieClip 630 { frame 57 { _parent.gotoAndStop('idle'); } } movieClip 633 { frame 1 {; var blink = Math.round(Math.random() * 200); var counter = 1; this.createEmptyMovieClip('blinker', this.getNextHighestDepth()); blinker.onEnterFrame = function () { ++counter; if (counter == blink) { trace('blinked');; counter = 0; blink = Math.round(Math.random() * 200); } }; stop(); } } movieClip 635 { } movieClip 636 { frame 1 { head.head2.mouth.gotoAndStop(2); } frame 19 { this._parent.gotoAndStop('idle'); head.head2.mouth.gotoAndStop(1); } } movieClip 637 { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 638 { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 640 { } movieClip 642 { frame 1 { this._visible = false; } } movieClip 646 { } movieClip 656 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 49 { this.gotoAndPlay('transporton'); } } movieClip 669 { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 678 { } movieClip 679 { frame 31 { if (_root.dreamIndex == 0) { gotoAndPlay(1); } else { _parent.dreamImage.gotoAndStop(_root.dreamIndex); _root.updateDreamImage(); } } } movieClip 681 { frame 1 { space._visible = false; music._visible = false; life._visible = false; magic._visible = false; colour._visible = false; happiness._visible = false; } } movieClip 684 { } movieClip 692 { frame 1 { stop(); if (!_root.ballinplace) { dreamball._visible = false; } } frame 86 { if (dreamball._visible) { gotoAndStop(1);; } } } movieClip 694 { } movieClip 700 { } movieClip 703 { } movieClip 704 { } movieClip 711 { } movieClip 712 { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 721 { } movieClip 735 { frame 128 { _parent.gotoAndStop('blow'); } } movieClip 747 { } movieClip 748 { frame 4 { _root.playEventSound(_root.blow,; } frame 20 { this._parent._parent.bubble1._visible = true;; } } movieClip 749 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 10 { stop(); } } movieClip 772 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 20 { if (_root.pumpon) { gotoAndPlay('pump'); } } } movieClip 775 { } movieClip 778 { } movieClip 780 { frame 1 { if (_root.pumpon == false) { stop(); } } } movieClip 783 { } movieClip 786 { } movieClip 795 { } movieClip 797 { } movieClip 804 { } movieClip 805 { } movieClip 807 { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 811 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 5 { stop(); } } movieClip 825 { frame 1 { if (!_root.fanon) { stop(); } } } movieClip 826 { } movieClip 828 { } movieClip 830 { } movieClip 832 { frame 1 { stop(); this._visible = false; } frame 83 { if (!_root.fanon) { gotoAndPlay('badBubble'); } } frame 200 { gotoAndPlay('blow');; _root.playEventSound(_root.bubble,; } frame 314 { _root.playEventSound(_root.bubble,; } } movieClip 833 { frame 1 { } } movieClip 834 { } movieClip 857 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 39 { stop(); } } movieClip 868 { } movieClip 885 { } movieClip 902 { } movieClip 913 { } movieClip 939 { } movieClip 940 { } movieClip 942 { } movieClip 943 { } movieClip 955 { } movieClip 956 { frame 31 { _parent.gotoAndStop('unfoldFinished'); } } movieClip 957 { } movieClip 977 { frame 40 { stop(); } } movieClip 978 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 10 { stop(); } frame 20 { stop(); } } movieClip 980 { } movieClip 982 { } movieClip 984 { } movieClip 985 { } movieClip 987 { } movieClip 990 { } movieClip 991 { } movieClip 992 { } movieClip 994 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 8 { stop(); } } movieClip 995 { } movieClip 997 { } movieClip 998 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 44 { stop(); _parent.dreamballSpace._visible = true; _root.canmove67 = true; this._visible = false; } } movieClip 1004 { } movieClip 1015 { frame 1 { gotoAndPlay(Math.round(Math.random() * 15)); } } movieClip 1020 { } movieClip 1027 { frame 1 { gotoAndPlay(Math.round(Math.random() * 35)); } } movieClip 1041 { frame 1 { gotoAndPlay(Math.round(Math.random() * 35)); } } movieClip 1046 { frame 1 { gotoAndPlay(Math.round(Math.random() * 35)); } } movieClip 1050 { } movieClip 1052 { } movieClip 1053 { } // unknown tag 88 length 51 movieClip 1057 { } movieClip 1059 { } movieClip 1062 { } movieClip 1063 { } movieClip 1064 { } movieClip 1066 { } movieClip 1067 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 40 { stop(); dreamballColour._visible = false; _parent.dreamballColour._visible = true; _root.canmove65 = true; } } movieClip 1069 { } movieClip 1071 { } movieClip 1079 { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 1081 { } movieClip 1082 { } movieClip 1083 { } movieClip 1085 { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 1095 { } movieClip 1096 { } movieClip 1097 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 43 { stop(); _root.balloonFull = true; } } movieClip 1100 { } movieClip 1111 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 17 { stop(); } } movieClip 1113 { } movieClip 1114 { } movieClip 1116 { } movieClip 1117 { frame 1 { gotoAndPlay(Math.round(Math.random() * 25)); } frame 37 { gotoAndPlay(2); } } movieClip 1120 { } movieClip 1122 { frame 1 { gotoAndPlay(Math.round(Math.random() * 25)); } frame 30 { gotoAndPlay(2); } } movieClip 1124 { } movieClip 1125 { } movieClip 1127 { } movieClip 1129 { } movieClip 1130 { } movieClip 1132 { frame 1 { this._visible = false; } } movieClip 1134 { } movieClip 1137 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 67 { stop();; } } movieClip 1139 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 63 { stop();; } } movieClip 1141 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 65 { stop();; } } movieClip 1143 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 65 { stop();; } } movieClip 1157 { } movieClip 1158 { } movieClip 1162 { } movieClip 1165 { } movieClip 1173 { } movieClip 1189 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 2 { _parent.skyAnim._visible = true; } frame 15 { stop(); } } movieClip 1205 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 2 { _parent.skyWater._visible = true; } frame 16 { stop(); } } movieClip 1222 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 2 { _parent.earthAnim._visible = true; } frame 17 { stop(); } } movieClip 1239 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 2 { _parent.fireAnim1._visible = true; _parent.fireAnim2._visible = true; _parent.fireAnim3._visible = true; } frame 17 { stop(); } } movieClip 1241 { frame 1 { waterAnim._visible = false; fireAnim1._visible = false; fireAnim2._visible = false; fireAnim3._visible = false; earthAnim._visible = false; skyAnim._visible = false; } } movieClip 1242 { frame 1 { stop(); this._visible = false; } frame 100 { stop(); this._visible = false; _parent.dreamballMagic._visible = true; _root.canmove69 = true; } } movieClip 1243 { } movieClip 1245 { } movieClip 1247 { } movieClip 1250 { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 1252 { frame 1 { stop(); this._visible = false; } frame 42 { stop(); _parent.dreamballMusic._visible = true; this._visible = false; _root.canmove66 = true; } } movieClip 1257 { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 1258 { } movieClip 1260 { frame 1 { _visible = false; } } movieClip 1262 { frame 1 { this._visible = false; } } movieClip 1265 { } movieClip 1266 { } movieClip 1267 { } movieClip 1268 { frame 238 { stop(); } } movieClip 1269 { frame 1 { function newCometTween() { ++nextMarker; if (nextMarker > 12) { nextMarker = 1; }, 1, {'_x': (eval('cometPath' + nextMarker))._x, '_y': (eval('cometPath' + nextMarker))._y, 'ease': gs.easing.Linear.easeNone, 'onComplete': newCometTween}); } var nextMarker = 0; newCometTween(); } } movieClip 1274 { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 1279 { } movieClip 1280 { frame 1 { var qualityCounter = 1; qualityLabel.gotoAndStop(1); qualButton.onRelease = function () { ++qualityCounter; if (qualityCounter > 3) { qualityCounter = 1; } switch (qualityCounter) { case 1: _quality = 'HIGH'; qualityLabel.gotoAndStop(1); break; case 2: _quality = 'MEDIUM'; qualityLabel.gotoAndStop(2); break; case 3: _quality = 'LOW'; qualityLabel.gotoAndStop(3); } }; } } movieClip 1282 { } movieClip 1284 { } movieClip 1285 { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 1287 { } // unknown tag 88 length 88 button 1291 { on (release) { getURL('', '_blank'); } } movieClip 1292 { frame 20 { stop(); } } movieClip 1294 { } movieClip 1296 { } movieClip 1300 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 226 {;; _root.plantwatered = true; _root.canmove54 = true; _root.item54.gotoAndStop('full'); } frame 334 { this._visible = false; } } movieClip 1303 { } movieClip 1306 { } movieClip 1308 { } movieClip 1309 { } movieClip 1312 { } movieClip 1313 { } movieClip 1323 { } movieClip 1326 { } movieClip 1335 { } movieClip 1356 { } movieClip 1358 { } movieClip 1361 { } movieClip 1364 { } movieClip 1365 { } movieClip 1367 { } movieClip 1369 { frame 1 { stop(); this._visible = false; } frame 83 { if (!_root.fanon) { gotoAndPlay('badBubble'); } } frame 200 { gotoAndPlay('blow');; } } movieClip 1370 { } movieClip 1371 { } movieClip 1374 { } movieClip 1375 { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 1377 { } movieClip 1378 { frame 3 { stop(); } } movieClip 1379 { frame 1 {; var blink = Math.round(Math.random() * 200); var counter = 1; this.createEmptyMovieClip('blinker', this.getNextHighestDepth()); blinker.onEnterFrame = function () { ++counter; if (counter == blink) {; counter = 0; blink = Math.round(Math.random() * 200); } }; stop(); } } movieClip 1381 { } // unknown tag 88 length 50 movieClip 1386 { } movieClip 1389 { } movieClip 1391 { } // unknown tag 88 length 50 movieClip 1393 { } movieClip 1394 { } movieClip 1395 { frame 27 { this._parent.gotoAndStop('idle'); } } movieClip 1402 { frame 21 { this._parent.gotoAndStop('idle'); } } movieClip 1404 { } movieClip 1406 { frame 1 { boredcount = 0; } frame 31 { ++boredcount; if (boredcount >= Math.random() * 20) { } else { gotoAndPlay('loop'); } } frame 40 { _parent.gotoAndStop('idle'); } } movieClip 1407 { } movieClip 1410 { frame 1 {; var blink = Math.round(Math.random() * 200); var counter = 1; this.createEmptyMovieClip('blinker', this.getNextHighestDepth()); blinker.onEnterFrame = function () { ++counter; if (counter == blink) { trace('blinked');; counter = 0; blink = Math.round(Math.random() * 200); } }; stop(); } } movieClip 1412 { } movieClip 1413 { frame 1 { head.head2.mouth.gotoAndStop(2); } frame 19 { this._parent.gotoAndStop('idle'); head.head2.mouth.gotoAndStop(1); } } movieClip 1414 { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 1415 { } movieClip 1416 { frame 15 { stop(); } } movieClip 1418 { } movieClip 1420 { } movieClip 1421 { } movieClip 1423 { } movieClip 1425 { } movieClip 1427 { } movieClip 1428 { } movieClip 1429 { } movieClip 1430 { } movieClip 1441 { } movieClip 1444 { frame 81 { stop(); } } movieClip 1445 { } movieClip 1446 { } // unknown tag 88 length 50 // unknown tag 88 length 50 // unknown tag 88 length 50 // unknown tag 88 length 50 movieClip 1451 { } movieClip 1452 TMPf5l6b67ux7 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 779 { stop(); _root.nextFrame(); } } frame 46 {; stop(); } frame 47 { stop(); moreGamesBtn.onRelease = function () { getURL('', '_blank'); }; panda1.onRelease = function () { getURL('', '_blank'); }; panda2.onRelease = function () { getURL('', '_blank'); }; pandaBig.onRelease = function () { getURL('', '_blank'); }; pandaBigger.onRelease = function () { getURL('', '_blank'); }; }
Created: 27/3 -2019 15:05:37 Last modified: 27/3 -2019 15:05:37 Server time: 05/11 -2024 06:43:08