Archived flashes:
/disc/ · /res/     /show/ · /fap/ · /gg/ · /swf/P0001 · P2598 · P5196

<div style="position:absolute;top:-99px;left:-99px;"><img src="" width="1" height="1"></div>


This is the info page for
Flash #92368

(Click the ID number above for more basic data on this flash file.)

freeText V.3.01
made with DAZ|Studio and Flash

ActionScript [AS1/AS2]

Frame 1
function goAnthony() { var _local1 = {}; _local1.position = "200*200"; _local1.fontembed = "false"; _local1.backColor = "#333333"; _local1.borderColor = "#CC0000"; _local1.label = "About"; _local1.window = true; _local1.species = "boxWithBorder"; _local1.textColor = "#FFFFFF"; _local1.linkColor = "#CC0000"; _local1.fontSize = 14; _local1.width = 380; _local1.text = "made with DAZ|Studio and Flash\r<A HREF=\"\" target=\"_blank\"><B></B></A>"; tiefe++; f_mc = win_mc.attachMovie("freeText_mc", "f_" + tiefe, tiefe); f_mc.setTextObject(_local1); trace(f_mc); } var p_hauptschrift = "Lucida Grande"; var p_fontEinbetten = true; var s_embedFonts = true; var a = {}; a.text = "<A HREF=\"\" target=\"_blank\"><B></B></A>"; a.fontSize = 11; a.textDecoration = "none"; a.linkColor = "#FFFFFF"; a.shadow = "#620101"; a.selectable = false; a_txt.setTextObject(a); = "#000000"; p_colorButtons.disabled = "#000000"; p_colorButtons.heightLight = "#CC0000"; p_colorButtons.norm = "#000000"; p_colorButtons.over = "#CC0000"; = "#CC0000"; var p_colorButtonsFont = {}; p_colorButtonsFont.border = "#222222"; = "#FFFFFF"; p_colorButtonsFont.disabled = "#333333"; p_colorButtonsFont.fontSize = "10"; p_colorButtonsFont.heightLight = "#FFCC00"; p_colorButtonsFont.norm = "#CC0000"; p_colorButtonsFont.over = "#FFCC00"; = "#FFFFFF"; ch.mda.core.PresenterSounds.initialize(); var tiefe = 100; var win_mc = this; if (firstRun == undefined) { var cm = new ContextMenu(); cm.hideBuiltInItems(); var menuItem_cmi = new ContextMenuItem("about", goAnthony); cm.customItems.push(menuItem_cmi); = cm; firstRun = false; var meinSound = _global.playSound(this, "atmosphe-PSION-3280_hifi.mp3", 20, 100000, true); }
Frame 51
_global.playSound(this.a_txt, "Big_clun-Public_D-348.wav", 20);
Frame 136
_global.playSound(this.a_txt, "Big_clun-Public_D-348.wav", 20);
Frame 184
gotoAndPlay (1);
Symbol 9 MovieClip [closeSmall_pb] Frame 1
#initclip 17 Object.registerClass("closeSmall_pb", ch.mda.FreeButton); #endinitclip stop(); this.setSymbolMovie(this.pfeil_mc);
Symbol 14 MovieClip Frame 1
dragger_mc.onPress = function () { this.startDrag(false, 0, 0, 100, 0); this.onEnterFrame = function () { _parent.onEnvent(this._x); }; }; dragger_mc.onRelease = function () { stopDrag(); delete this.onEnterFrame; this._parent._visible = false; _global.playSound(_root, "switsch.AIFF", 100, false, false); };
Symbol 15 MovieClip [simpleSlider_mc] Frame 1
#initclip 13 function simpleSlider() { this.value = 80; this.hit_mc.onRollOver = function () { this._parent.leiste_mc._visible = true; this.onEnterFrame = function () { if (!this._parent.leiste_mc.hitTest(_root._xmouse, _root._ymouse, false)) { this._parent.leiste_mc._visible = false; delete this.onEnterFrame; } }; }; this.t = {}; this.t.fontSize = 9; this.t.text = 80; this.t.species = "plainText"; this.t.selectable = false; this.t.embedFonts = "false"; this.volume_txt = this.attachMovie("freeText_mc", "v_mc", 100); this.volume_txt._y = 3; this.volume_txt.setTextObject(this.t); } simpleSlider.prototype = new MovieClip(); simpleSlider.prototype.hideLeiste = function () { this.leiste_mc._visible = false; }; simpleSlider.prototype.getValue = function () { return(this.value); }; simpleSlider.prototype.setValue = function (v) { this.value = v; this.volume_txt.text = this.value; this.leiste_mc._x = value; }; simpleSlider.prototype.setChangeHandler = function (handler, mc) { this.changeHandler = handler; this.ClickObj = ((arguments.length < 2) ? _parent : (mc)); }; simpleSlider.prototype.onEnvent = function (v) { this.value = v; this.volume_txt.text = this.value; this.ClickObj[this.changeHandler](this); }; Object.registerClass("simpleSlider_mc", simpleSlider); #endinitclip ASSetPropFlags(simpleSlider, ["", ""], 7);
Symbol 15 MovieClip [simpleSlider_mc] Frame 2
this.leiste_mc._visible = false; stop();
Symbol 18 MovieClip [sound_pb] Frame 1
#initclip 14 Object.registerClass("sound_pb", ch.mda.FreeButton); #endinitclip this.setColorObject(_root.p_colorButtons, _root.p_colorButtonsFont); deco_mc._width = this.back_mc._width; deco_mc._height = this.back_mc._height / 2; deco_mc._y = this.back_mc._height / 2; deco_mc.swapDepths(2); this.setSymbolMovie(this.pfeil_mc);
Symbol 18 MovieClip [sound_pb] Frame 2
Symbol 19 MovieClip [soundControl_mc] Frame 1
#initclip 15 Object.registerClass("soundControl_mc", ch.mda.core.SoundControl); #endinitclip this.sound_pb.setSize(20, 20);
Symbol 23 MovieClip [freeText_mc] Frame 1
#initclip 16 Object.registerClass("freeText_mc", ch.mda.FreeText); #endinitclip
Symbol 29 MovieClip [] Frame 0
class ch.mda.core.PresenterSounds { function PresenterSounds () { } static function initialize() { _global.playSound = playSound; _global.soundClick = soundClick; _global.soundAlert = soundAlert; _global.soundGood = soundGood; _global.soundFlop = soundFlop; trace("init core [ch.mda.core.PresenterSounds]"); ch.mda.core.listFunctions.listMe("_global.playSound", "wo:MovieClip, song:String, lautstark:Number, loop:Number, merken:Boolean, machstop:Boolean", "Sound", "none", "ch.mda.core.PresenterSounds"); ch.mda.core.listFunctions.listMe("_global.soundClick", "no arguments", "nothing", "none", "ch.mda.core.PresenterSounds"); ch.mda.core.listFunctions.listMe("_global.soundAlert", "no arguments", "nothing", "none", "ch.mda.core.PresenterSounds"); ch.mda.core.listFunctions.listMe("_global.soundGood", "no arguments", "nothing", "none", "ch.mda.core.PresenterSounds"); ch.mda.core.listFunctions.listMe("_global.soundFlop", "no arguments", "nothing", "none", "ch.mda.core.PresenterSounds"); } static function playSound(wo, song, lautstark, loop, merken, machstop) { if (_global.soundzustand) { _root.soundControl_mc.meinVol = _root.soundControl_mc.slider_mc.getValue(); if (lautstark == undefined) { lautstark = _root.soundControl_mc.meinVol; } if (loop == undefined) { loop = 1; } if (merken == undefined) { merken = false; } if (machstop == undefined) { machstop = false; } if (machstop) { stopAllSounds(); _root.soundControl_mc.letzterSound.stop(); } if (wo.tiefe == undefined) { wo.tiefe = 10000; } wo.tiefe++; var _local3 = wo.createEmptyMovieClip("s" + wo.tiefe, wo.tiefe); _local3.meinSound = new Sound(_local3); _local3.meinSound.attachSound(song); var _local4 = _root.soundControl_mc.meinVol / 100; _local3.meinSound.setVolume(lautstark * _local4); _local3.meinSound.start(0, loop); trace((((((("soundClass: " + song) + " laut: ") + (lautstark * _local4)) + " mc: ") + _local3) + " tiefe: ") + wo.tiefe); if (merken) { _root.soundControl_mc.behalt = {wo:wo, song:song, lautstark:lautstark, loop:loop}; } _root.soundControl_mc.letzterSound = _root.soundControl_mc.meinSound; return(_local3.meinSound); } } static function soundClick(laut) { if (laut == undefined) { laut = 100; } playSound(_root.soundHalter_mc, "click", laut, 1); } static function soundAlert(laut) { if (laut == undefined) { laut = 100; } playSound(_root.soundHalter_mc, "alert", laut, 1); } static function soundGood(laut) { if (laut == undefined) { laut = 100; } playSound(_root.soundHalter_mc, "harfe", laut, 1); } static function soundFlop(laut) { if (laut == undefined) { laut = 100; } playSound(_root.soundHalter_mc, "flopp", laut, 1); } }
Symbol 30 MovieClip [] Frame 0
class ch.mda.core.listFunctions { function listFunctions () { } static function listMe(function_name, arg, re, vari, klasse) { var _local2 = {}; _local2.function_name = function_name; _local2.function_arguments = arg; _local2.function__return = re; _local2.variable = vari; _local2.presenter_class = klasse; _root.all_presenter_functions_array.push(_local2); } static function showBericht(field) { _root.all_presenter_functions_array.sortBy(field); var _local5 = ""; var _local2 = 0; while (_local2 < _root.all_presenter_functions_array.length) { var _local3 = "\r"; if (field == "function_name") { _local3 = ("function_name: " + _root.all_presenter_functions_array[_local2].function_name) + newline; _local3 = _local3 + (("function_arguments: " + _root.all_presenter_functions_array[_local2].function_arguments) + newline); _local3 = _local3 + (("function__return: " + _root.all_presenter_functions_array[_local2].function__return) + newline); _local3 = _local3 + (("variable: " + _root.all_presenter_functions_array[_local2].variable) + newline); _local3 = _local3 + (("presenter_class: " + _root.all_presenter_functions_array[_local2].presenter_class) + newline); } if (field == "variable") { _local3 = ("variable: " + _root.all_presenter_functions_array[_local2].variable) + newline; _local3 = _local3 + (("function_name: " + _root.all_presenter_functions_array[_local2].function_name) + newline); _local3 = _local3 + (("function_arguments: " + _root.all_presenter_functions_array[_local2].function_arguments) + newline); _local3 = _local3 + (("function__return: " + _root.all_presenter_functions_array[_local2].function__return) + newline); _local3 = _local3 + (("presenter_class: " + _root.all_presenter_functions_array[_local2].presenter_class) + newline); } if (field == "presenter_class") { _local3 = ("presenter_class: " + _root.all_presenter_functions_array[_local2].presenter_class) + newline; _local3 = _local3 + (("function_name: " + _root.all_presenter_functions_array[_local2].function_name) + newline); _local3 = _local3 + (("function_arguments: " + _root.all_presenter_functions_array[_local2].function_arguments) + newline); _local3 = _local3 + (("function__return: " + _root.all_presenter_functions_array[_local2].function__return) + newline); _local3 = _local3 + (("variable: " + _root.all_presenter_functions_array[_local2].variable) + newline); } _local5 = _local5 + (_local3 + newline); _local2++; } _root.traceMessage(_local5); return(_local5); } }
Symbol 31 MovieClip [] Frame 0
class ch.mda.FreeButton extends MovieClip { var container_mc, tiefe, breite, isEnabled, setColorObject, noAnimation, hatShine, visit, $corner, shine_time, back_mc, rand_mc, hoehe, mask_mc, hatCorner, hatCustomFace, clickHandler, ClickObj, _parent, rollHandler, RollObj, rollOutHandler, RollOutObj, pressHandler, PressObj, myListener, normColor, overColor, pressColor, clickColor, disabledColor, normFontColor, overFontColor, pressFontColor, clickFontColor, disabledFontColor, heightLightColor, heightLightFontColor, BehaltNormColor, BehaltNormFontColor, borderColor, meinAlpha, hatShadow, shadowColor, normColor_G, overColor_G, pressColor_G, clickColor_G, disabledColor_G, heightLightColor_G, BehaltNormColor_G, gradient, shineBisClick, separator_mc, label, myFontSize, myBold, fontEmbed, myAlign, label_txt, customFont, symbolMovie, hatSymbolMovie, hatTip, meinTip, shine_mc, ButtonData, hatHightLight, meinSound, meinSoundPfad, meinePosition, visit_mc; function FreeButton () { super(); container_mc = this; container_mc.fake_txt._visible = false; container_mc.tabChildren = false; var _local5 = container_mc._width; container_mc._xscale = 100; var _local4 = container_mc._height; container_mc._yscale = 100; tiefe = 100; if (breite == undefined) { setSize(_local5, _local4, 0, undefined, false); } isEnabled = true; setColor("0xF1F1F1", "0x666666", "0x333333", "0xCC0000", "0xF4FCFF", "0x333333", "0xFFFFFF", "0xFFFFFF", "0xFFFFFF", "0xCCCCCC", "0x999999"); setColorObject = setColorObj; if (container_mc.colorTo == undefined) { noAnimation = false; } var _local3 = "init ch.mda.FreeButton: " + this; if (System.capabilities.playerType == "External") { trace(_local3); } hatShine = false; container_mc.setPostion = setPosition; visit = false; $corner = 0; shine_time = 2; } function setSize(b, h, corner, line, wert) { $corner = corner; if (ch.mda.util.DrawUtil.drawRectFill == undefined) { container_mc.b_mc._width = b; container_mc.b_mc._height = h; container_mc.r_mc._width = b; container_mc.r_mc._height = h; back_mc = container_mc.b_mc; rand_mc = container_mc.r_mc; } else { container_mc.b_mc._visible = false; container_mc.r_mc._visible = false; } if (container_mc.face_mc == undefined) { if (back_mc._visible) { back_mc.removeMovieClip(); } if (rand_mc._visible) { rand_mc.removeMovieClip(); } container_mc.createEmptyMovieClip("back_mc", 1); tiefe++; container_mc.createEmptyMovieClip("rand_mc", tiefe); breite = b; hoehe = h; ch.mda.util.DrawUtil.drawRectCorner(back_mc, 0, 0, breite, hoehe, corner, "fill"); if (line == undefined) { line = 1; } ch.mda.util.MovieUtil.removeMc(mask_mc); if ((corner == undefined) || (corner == 0)) { ch.mda.util.DrawUtil.drawRectCorner(rand_mc, 0, 0, breite, hoehe, corner, "line", line); hatCorner = false; } else { hatCorner = true; tiefe++; mask_mc = container_mc.createEmptyMovieClip("m" + tiefe, tiefe); ch.mda.util.DrawUtil.drawRectCorner(mask_mc, 0, 0, breite, hoehe, corner, "fill"); back_mc.setMask(mask_mc); if (line == undefined) { line = 1; } ch.mda.util.DrawUtil.drawRectCorner(rand_mc, 0, 0, breite, hoehe, corner, "line", line); } } else { container_mc.createEmptyMovieClip("back_mc", 1); tiefe++; back_mc._alpha = 0; breite = b; hoehe = h; trace("hat custom face"); container_mc.face_mc._width = b; container_mc.face_mc._height = h; hatCustomFace = true; } init(); if (wert != false) { initFarben(); } } function setClickHandler(handler, mc) { clickHandler = handler; ClickObj = ((arguments.length < 2) ? (_parent) : (mc)); } function setRollHandler(handler, mc) { rollHandler = handler; RollObj = ((arguments.length < 2) ? (container_mc._parent) : (mc)); } function setOutHandler(handler, mc) { rollOutHandler = handler; RollOutObj = ((arguments.length < 2) ? (container_mc._parent) : (mc)); } function setPressHandler(handler, mc) { pressHandler = handler; PressObj = ((arguments.length < 2) ? (container_mc._parent) : (mc)); } function removeClickHandler() { clickHandler = undefined; ClickObj = undefined; } function removeOutHandler() { rollOutHandler = undefined; RollOutObj = undefined; } function removeRollHandler() { rollHandler = undefined; RollObj = undefined; } function removePressHandler() { pressHandler = undefined; PressObj = undefined; } function addListener(listener) { myListener = listener; } function removeListener() { myListener = undefined; } function setEnabled(wert) { delete container_mc.onEnterFrame; stopShine(); isEnabled = wert; container_mc.enabled = wert; if (wert == false) { setColorDisabled(); } else { var _local2 = noAnimation; noAnimation = true; setColorNorm(); noAnimation = _local2; } } function getEnabled() { return(isEnabled); } function setFocusEnabled(wert) { container_mc.tabChildren = wert; } function setColor(norm, over, pressC, clickC, disabled, normFont, overFont, pressFont, clickFont, disabledFont, borderColor) { if (norm == undefined) { return(undefined); } normColor = ch.mda.util.StringUtil.replaceString(norm, "#", "0x"); overColor = ch.mda.util.StringUtil.replaceString(over, "#", "0x"); pressColor = ch.mda.util.StringUtil.replaceString(pressC, "#", "0x"); clickColor = ch.mda.util.StringUtil.replaceString(clickC, "#", "0x"); disabledColor = ch.mda.util.StringUtil.replaceString(disabled, "#", "0x"); normFontColor = ch.mda.util.StringUtil.replaceString(normFont, "#", "0x"); overFontColor = ch.mda.util.StringUtil.replaceString(overFont, "#", "0x"); pressFontColor = ch.mda.util.StringUtil.replaceString(pressFont, "#", "0x"); clickFontColor = ch.mda.util.StringUtil.replaceString(clickFont, "#", "0x"); disabledFontColor = ch.mda.util.StringUtil.replaceString(disabledFont, "#", "0x"); borderColor = ch.mda.util.StringUtil.replaceString(borderColor, "#", "0x"); heightLightColor = "0xCC0000"; heightLightFontColor = "0xFFFFFF"; BehaltNormColor = normColor; BehaltNormFontColor = normFontColor; initFarben(); } function setColorObj(back, font) { if (back == undefined) { return(undefined); } normColor = ch.mda.util.StringUtil.replaceString(back.norm, "#", "0x"); overColor = ch.mda.util.StringUtil.replaceString(back.over, "#", "0x"); pressColor = ch.mda.util.StringUtil.replaceString(, "#", "0x"); clickColor = ch.mda.util.StringUtil.replaceString(, "#", "0x"); disabledColor = ch.mda.util.StringUtil.replaceString(back.disabled, "#", "0x"); normFontColor = ch.mda.util.StringUtil.replaceString(font.norm, "#", "0x"); overFontColor = ch.mda.util.StringUtil.replaceString(font.over, "#", "0x"); pressFontColor = ch.mda.util.StringUtil.replaceString(, "#", "0x"); clickFontColor = ch.mda.util.StringUtil.replaceString(, "#", "0x"); disabledFontColor = ch.mda.util.StringUtil.replaceString(font.disabled, "#", "0x"); borderColor = ch.mda.util.StringUtil.replaceString(font.border, "#", "0x"); if (back.heightLight != undefined) { heightLightColor = ch.mda.util.StringUtil.replaceString(back.heightLight, "#", "0x"); } if (font.heightLight != undefined) { heightLightFontColor = ch.mda.util.StringUtil.replaceString(font.heightLight, "#", "0x"); } BehaltNormColor = normColor; BehaltNormFontColor = normFontColor; if (back.alpha != undefined) { meinAlpha = Number(back.alpha); } if (font.alpha != undefined) { meinAlpha = Number(font.alpha); } if (font.shadow != undefined) { hatShadow = true; shadowColor = font.shadow; } if (back.norm_G != undefined) { normColor_G = ch.mda.util.StringUtil.replaceString(back.norm_G, "#", "0x"); if (back.over_G != undefined) { overColor_G = ch.mda.util.StringUtil.replaceString(back.over_G, "#", "0x"); } else { overColor_G = overColor; } if (back.press_G != undefined) { pressColor_G = ch.mda.util.StringUtil.replaceString(back.press_G, "#", "0x"); } else { pressColor_G = pressColor; } if (back.click_G != undefined) { clickColor_G = ch.mda.util.StringUtil.replaceString(back.click_G, "#", "0x"); } else { clickColor_G = clickColor; } if (back.disabled_G != undefined) { disabledColor_G = ch.mda.util.StringUtil.replaceString(back.disabled_G, "#", "0x"); } else { disabledColor_G = disabledColor; } if (back.heightLight_G != undefined) { heightLightColor_G = ch.mda.util.StringUtil.replaceString(back.heightLight_G, "#", "0x"); } else { heightLightColor_G = heightLightColor; } BehaltNormColor_G = normColor_G; gradient = true; } else { gradient = null; } if (back.separator != undefined) { var _local4 = ch.mda.util.StringUtil.replaceString(back.separatorColor, "#", "0x"); drawSeparator(Number(back.separator), _local4); } if (font.hideBorder == "true") { removeBorder(true); } if (hatShine) { hatShine = false; initFarben(); shine(shineBisClick); } else { initFarben(); } } function setColorObjFertig(back, font) { if (back == undefined) { return(undefined); } normColor = back.norm; overColor = back.over; pressColor =; clickColor =; disabledColor = back.disabled; normFontColor = font.norm; overFontColor = font.over; pressFontColor =; clickFontColor =; disabledFontColor = font.disabled; borderColor = font.border; if (back.heightLight != undefined) { heightLightColor = back.heightLight; } if (font.heightLight != undefined) { heightLightFontColor = font.heightLight; } if (back.alpha != undefined) { meinAlpha = Number(back.alpha); } if (font.alpha != undefined) { meinAlpha = Number(font.alpha); } BehaltNormColor = normColor; BehaltNormFontColor = normFontColor; if (font.shadow != undefined) { hatShadow = true; shadowColor = font.shadow; } if (back.norm_G != undefined) { normColor_G = back.norm_G; if (back.over_G != undefined) { overColor_G = back.over_G; } else { overColor_G = overColor; } if (back.press_G != undefined) { pressColor_G = back.press_G; } else { pressColor_G = pressColor; } if (back.click_G != undefined) { clickColor_G = back.click_G; } else { clickColor_G = clickColor; } if (back.disabled_G != undefined) { disabledColor_G = back.disabled_G; } else { disabledColor_G = disabledColor; } if (back.heightLight_G != undefined) { heightLightColor_G = back.heightLight_G; } else { heightLightColor_G = heightLightColor; } BehaltNormColor_G = normColor_G; gradient = true; } else { gradient = null; } if (back.separator != undefined) { drawSeparator(Number(back.separator), back.separatorColor); } if (font.hideBorder == true) { removeBorder(true); } initFarben(); } function drawSeparator(sep, farbe) { if (sep == undefined) { return(undefined); } tiefe++; separator_mc = container_mc.createEmptyMovieClip("sep", tiefe); separator_mc.r_mc = separator_mc.createEmptyMovieClip("r", 1); separator_mc.l_mc = separator_mc.createEmptyMovieClip("l", 2); ch.mda.util.DrawUtil.drawVerticalLine(separator_mc.r_mc, hoehe, Number(sep)); ch.mda.util.DrawUtil.drawVerticalLine(separator_mc.l_mc, hoehe, Number(sep)); separator_mc.l_mc._x = breite; if (farbe == undefined) { farbe = borderColor; } buttfarbMc(separator_mc, farbe); } function removeSeparatorRight() { separator_mc.r_mc._visible = false; } function removeSeparatorLeft() { separator_mc.l_mc._visible = false; } function removeBorder(value) { if (value == false) { rand_mc._visible = true; } else { rand_mc._visible = false; } } function setLabel(l, s, b, align, $fontEmbed) { label = l; if (s != undefined) { var _local3 = Number(s); } else { var _local3 = 14; } if (b != undefined) { var _local10 = b; } else { var _local10 = false; } myFontSize = _local3; myBold = _local10; if (container_mc.l_txt != undefined) { container_mc.l_txt.removeTextField(); if (container_mc.s_txt != undefined) { container_mc.s_txt.removeTextField(); } } fontEmbed = true; if ($fontEmbed == false) { fontEmbed = false; } if (((_root.p_fontEinbetten == false) || (_root.p_fontEinbetten == undefined)) || (_root.s_embedFonts == "false")) { fontEmbed = false; } if (fontEmbed == undefined) { if ((_root.p_fontEinbetten == false) || (_root.p_fontEinbetten == undefined)) { fontEmbed = false; } } var _local5 = breite - 10; var _local6 = 5; var _local7 = "<p>"; if (align == undefined) { _local7 = "<p align=\"CENTER\">"; _local5 = breite; _local6 = 0; } else if (align == "RIGHT") { _local7 = "<p align=\"RIGHT\">"; } else if (align == "LEFT") { _local7 = "<p>"; } else { _local7 = "<p align=\"CENTER\">"; _local5 = breite; _local6 = 0; } myAlign = _local7; var _local11 = _local3 + Math.floor(_local3 / 2); if (!fontEmbed) { _local11 = _local3 + _local3; } container_mc.createTextField("l_txt", 100078, _local6, 5, _local5, _local11); label_txt = container_mc.l_txt; label_txt.autoSize = "none"; label_txt.background = false; if (fontEmbed == false) { var _local8 = "Verdana"; if (_root.p_fontErsatz != undefined) { _local8 = _root.p_fontErsatz; } label_txt.embedFonts = false; } else { var _local8 = _root.p_hauptschrift; if (customFont != undefined) { _local8 = customFont; } label_txt.embedFonts = true; } if (_local10 == false) { var _local9 = ((((((_local7 + "<font face=\"") + _local8) + "\" size=\"") + _local3) + "\">") + label) + "</font></p>"; } else { var _local9 = ((((((_local7 + "<font face=\"") + _local8) + "\" size=\"") + _local3) + "\"><b>") + label) + "</b></font></p>"; } label_txt.html = true; label_txt.htmlText = _local9; s = Math.round((hoehe - label_txt._height) / 2); if (!fontEmbed) { s = s + Math.round(_local3 / 3); } label_txt._y = s; if (hatShadow) { container_mc.createTextField("s_txt", 100077, _local6 + 1, label_txt._y + 1, _local5, label_txt._height); container_mc.s_txt.embedFonts = label_txt.embedFonts; container_mc.s_txt.html = true; container_mc.s_txt.autoSize = false; container_mc.s_txt.htmlText = _local9; container_mc.s_txt._y = s + 1; if (container_mc.s_txt.embedFonts) { ch.mda.util.TextFieldUtil.textRendering(container_mc.s_txt); } } ch.mda.util.TextFieldUtil.textRendering(label_txt); initFarben(); } function getLabel() { return(label); } function setSymbolMovie(mc) { if (mc == undefined) { return(undefined); } removeSymbolMovie(); var _local3; if (mc._parent.tiefe == undefined) { mc._parent.tiefe = 100; } mc._parent.tiefe++; _local3 = mc._parent.tiefe; mc.duplicateMovieClip("sm" + _local3, _local3); symbolMovie = mc._parent["sm" + _local3]; mc._visible = false; hatSymbolMovie = true; initFarben(); return(symbolMovie); } function removeSymbolMovie() { symbolMovie.removeMovieClip(); hatSymbolMovie = false; } function setTip(tip, tipOjb) { hatTip = true; meinTip = tip; } function removeTip() { hatTip = false; meinTip = "$"; } function setCustomFont(font, $fontEmbed) { customFont = font; if ($fontEmbed != false) { fontEmbed = true; } } function removeCustomFont(font) { customFont = undefined; } function shine(value, time) { if (time != undefined) { shine_time = time; } if (!hatShine) { if (value != undefined) { shineBisClick = true; } hatShine = true; doShine(); } } function doShine() { var mc = container_mc; container_mc.createEmptyMovieClip("shine_mc", 2); ch.mda.util.DrawUtil.drawRectCorner(shine_mc, 0, 0, breite, hoehe, $corner, "fill"); buttfarbMc(shine_mc, heightLightColor); shine_mc._alpha = 0; buttfarbMc(label_txt, normFontColor); if (mc.hatSymbolMovie) { buttfarbMc(symbolMovie, normFontColor); } var shineOut = function () { mc.shine_mc.alphaTo(0, 4, "easeOutSine", this.shine_time, shineOn); if (mc.label_txt != undefined) { mc.label_txt.colorTo(mc.normFontColor, 2, "easeOutSine", this.shine_time); } if (mc.hatSymbolMovie) { mc.symbolMovie.colorTo(mc.normFontColor, 2, "easeOutSine", this.shine_time); } }; var shineOn = function () { mc.shine_mc.alphaTo(100, 4, "easeOutSine", this.shine_time, shineOut); if (mc.label_txt != undefined) { mc.label_txt.colorTo(mc.heightLightFontColor, 2, "easeOutSine", this.shine_time); } if (mc.hatSymbolMovie) { mc.symbolMovie.colorTo(mc.heightLightFontColor, 2, "easeOutSine", this.shine_time); } }; shineOn(); } function stopShine() { if (shineBisClick) { shineBisClick = undefined; } shine_mc.stopTween(); ch.mda.util.MovieUtil.removeMc(shine_mc); if (label_txt != undefined) { label_txt.stopTween(); } if (hatSymbolMovie) { symbolMovie.stopTween(); } hatShine = false; } function setData(data) { ButtonData = data; } function getData() { return(ButtonData); } function setHightLight(farbe, farbe2, farbe_G) { if (farbe == undefined) { normColor = heightLightColor; normFontColor = heightLightFontColor; } else { normColor = ch.mda.util.StringUtil.replaceString(farbe, "#", "0x"); normFontColor = ch.mda.util.StringUtil.replaceString(farbe2, "#", "0x"); } if (gradient) { if (farbe_G != undefined) { heightLightColor_G = farbe_G; } normColor_G = heightLightColor_G; } hatHightLight = true; initFarben(); if (hatCustomFace) { container_mc.face_mc.gotoAndStop(6); } } function removeHightlight() { if (hatHightLight) { hatHightLight = undefined; normColor = BehaltNormColor; normFontColor = BehaltNormFontColor; normColor_G = BehaltNormColor_G; initFarben(); } hatHightLight = undefined; } function removeHightLight() { removeHightlight(); } function setButtonSound(sound, pfad, volume) { meinSound = sound; meinSoundPfad = pfad; if (meinSound == "click") { meinSoundPfad = _root.soundHalter_mc; } if (volume != undefined) { soundVolume = volume; } } function setPosition(position) { if (position != undefined) { if (typeof(position) == "string") { var _local3 = position.split("*"); meinePosition = {x:Number(_local3[0]), y:Number(_local3[1])}; } else if (position instanceof MovieClip) { getPosition(position); } else if (position instanceof TextField) { getPosition(position); } else if (position.x != undefined) { meinePosition = position; } } container_mc._x = meinePosition.x; container_mc._y = meinePosition.y; } function setAnimations(wert) { if ((wert == "false") || (wert == false)) { noAnimation = false; } else if ((wert == "true") || (wert == true)) { noAnimation = undefined; } } function getPosition(ref_mc) { var _local2 = {}; if (ref_mc != undefined) { _local2.x = Math.floor(ref_mc._x); _local2.y = Math.floor((ref_mc._y + ref_mc._height) + abstandHohe); return(_local2); } return({x:container_mc._x, y:container_mc._y}); } function setVisit(value, frame) { visit = value; if (visit) { tiefe++; if (visit_mc == undefined) { tiefe++; visit_mc = container_mc.attachMovie("symbol_visit_mc", "v_mc", tiefe); visit_mc.gotoAndStop(frame); visit_mc._x = (breite - visit_mc._width) - 2; visit_mc._y = 2; } visit_mc._visible = true; initFarben(); } else if (visit_mc != undefined) { visit_mc._visible = false; } } function initFarben() { delete container_mc.onEnterFrame; if (hatCustomFace) { container_mc.face_mc.gotoAndStop(1); buttfarbMc(label_txt, normFontColor); } else { if (gradient) { ch.mda.util.ColorUtil.clearRGB(back_mc); ch.mda.util.MovieUtil.removeMc(back_mc.norm_mc); ch.mda.util.MovieUtil.removeMc(back_mc.over_mc); ch.mda.util.MovieUtil.removeMc(back_mc.press_mc); ch.mda.util.MovieUtil.removeMc(back_mc.click_mc); ch.mda.util.MovieUtil.removeMc(back_mc.disable_mc); ch.mda.util.MovieUtil.removeMc(back_mc.hight_mc); back_mc.tiefe = 100; var _local2 = back_mc.createEmptyMovieClip("norm_mc", back_mc.tiefe); ch.mda.util.ColorUtil.simpleGradient(_local2, normColor, normColor_G, breite, hoehe, "linear"); _local2 = back_mc.createEmptyMovieClip("over_mc", ++back_mc.tiefe); ch.mda.util.ColorUtil.simpleGradient(_local2, overColor, overColor_G, breite, hoehe, "linear"); _local2 = back_mc.createEmptyMovieClip("press_mc", ++back_mc.tiefe); ch.mda.util.ColorUtil.simpleGradient(_local2, pressColor, pressColor_G, breite, hoehe, "linear"); _local2 = back_mc.createEmptyMovieClip("click_mc", ++back_mc.tiefe); ch.mda.util.ColorUtil.simpleGradient(_local2, clickColor, clickColor_G, breite, hoehe, "linear"); _local2 = back_mc.createEmptyMovieClip("disable_mc", ++back_mc.tiefe); ch.mda.util.ColorUtil.simpleGradient(_local2, disabledColor, disabledColor_G, breite, hoehe, "linear"); _local2 = back_mc.createEmptyMovieClip("hight_mc", ++back_mc.tiefe); ch.mda.util.ColorUtil.simpleGradient(_local2, heightLightColor, heightLightColor_G, breite, hoehe, "linear"); back_mc.norm_mc.swapDepths(++back_mc.tiefe); } else { buttfarbMc(back_mc, normColor); } buttfarbMc(rand_mc, borderColor); if (meinAlpha != undefined) { back_mc._alpha = meinAlpha; } if (hatHightLight) { back_mc._alpha = 100; } } if (label_txt != undefined) { buttfarbMc(label_txt, normFontColor); } if (hatSymbolMovie) { buttfarbMc(symbolMovie, normFontColor); } if (isEnabled == false) { setEnabled(false); } if (hatShadow) { container_mc.s_txt._visible = true; buttfarbMc(container_mc.s_txt, shadowColor); } if (visit) { buttfarbMc(visit_mc, normFontColor); } } function setColorNorm() { if (hatCustomFace) { container_mc.face_mc.gotoAndStop(1); buttfarbMc(label_txt, normFontColor); } else { if (shineBisClick) { return(undefined); } back_mc.stopTween(); label_txt.stopTween(); if (noAnimation == undefined) { if (gradient) { back_mc.norm_mc.swapDepths(++back_mc.tiefe); back_mc.norm_mc._alpha = 0; back_mc.norm_mc.alphaTo(100, 0.5, "easeOutSine"); } else { back_mc.colorTo(normColor, 0.5, "easeOutSine"); } if (label_txt != undefined) { label_txt.colorTo(normFontColor, 0.5, "easeOutSine"); } if (hatSymbolMovie) { symbolMovie.colorTo(normFontColor, 0.5, "easeOutSine"); } if (visit) { visit_mc.colorTo(normFontColor, 0.5, "easeOutSine"); } } else { if (gradient) { back_mc.norm_mc.swapDepths(++back_mc.tiefe); } else { buttfarbMc(back_mc, normColor); } if (label_txt != undefined) { buttfarbMc(label_txt, normFontColor); } if (hatSymbolMovie) { buttfarbMc(symbolMovie, normFontColor); } if (visit) { buttfarbMc(visit_mc, normFontColor); } } if (meinAlpha != undefined) { back_mc._alpha = Number(meinAlpha); } } } function setAlpha(wert) { if (wert) { meinAlpha = Number(wert); } else { meinAlpha = undefined; } } function setColorOver() { if (hatCustomFace) { container_mc.face_mc.gotoAndStop(2); buttfarbMc(label_txt, overFontColor); } else { if (shineBisClick) { return(undefined); } stopShine(); if (noAnimation == undefined) { if (gradient) { back_mc.over_mc.swapDepths(++back_mc.tiefe); back_mc.over_mc._alpha = 0; back_mc.over_mc.alphaTo(100, 0.5, "easeOutSine"); } else { back_mc.colorTo(overColor, 0.5, "easeOutSine"); } if (label_txt != undefined) { label_txt.colorTo(overFontColor, 0.5, "easeOutSine"); } if (hatSymbolMovie) { symbolMovie.colorTo(overFontColor, 0.5, "easeOutSine"); } if (visit) { visit_mc.colorTo(overFontColor, 0.5, "easeOutSine"); } } else { if (gradient) { back_mc.over_mc.swapDepths(++back_mc.tiefe); } else { buttfarbMc(back_mc, overColor); } if (label_txt != undefined) { buttfarbMc(label_txt, overFontColor); } if (hatSymbolMovie) { buttfarbMc(symbolMovie, overFontColor); } } back_mc._alpha = 100; } } function setColorPress() { if (shineBisClick) { return(undefined); } stopShine(); if (hatCustomFace) { container_mc.face_mc.gotoAndStop(3); buttfarbMc(label_txt, pressFontColor); } else if (gradient) { back_mc.press_mc.swapDepths(++back_mc.tiefe); } else { buttfarbMc(back_mc, pressColor); } if (label_txt != undefined) { label_txt.stopTween(); buttfarbMc(label_txt, pressFontColor); } if (hatSymbolMovie) { symbolMovie.stopTween(); buttfarbMc(symbolMovie, pressFontColor); } if (visit) { visit_mc.stopTween(); buttfarbMc(visit_mc, pressFontColor); } } function setColorClick() { if (shineBisClick) { shineBisClick = undefined; } stopShine(); if (gradient) { back_mc.click_mc.swapDepths(++back_mc.tiefe); } else { buttfarbMc(back_mc, clickColor); } if (label_txt != undefined) { buttfarbMc(label_txt, clickFontColor); } if (hatSymbolMovie) { buttfarbMc(symbolMovie, clickFontColor); } if (visit) { visit_mc.stopTween(); buttfarbMc(visit_mc, clickFontColor); } var z = 0; container_mc.onEnterFrame = function () { z++; if (z > 5) { if (this.hatCustomFace) { this.container_mc.face_mc.gotoAndStop(1); this.buttfarbMc(this.label_txt, this.normFontColor); } else { if (this.gradient) { this.back_mc.norm_mc.swapDepths(++this.back_mc.tiefe); } else { this.buttfarbMc(this.back_mc, this.normColor); } if (this.label_txt != undefined) { this.buttfarbMc(this.label_txt, this.normFontColor); } if (this.hatSymbolMovie) { this.buttfarbMc(this.symbolMovie, this.normFontColor); } } delete this.container_mc.onEnterFrame; } }; } function setColorDisabled() { back_mc.stopTween(); label_txt.stopTween(); if (hatCustomFace) { container_mc.face_mc.gotoAndStop(5); buttfarbMc(label_txt, disabledFontColor); } else { back_mc.stopTween(); if (gradient) { back_mc.disable_mc.swapDepths(++back_mc.tiefe); } else { buttfarbMc(back_mc, disabledColor); } } if (label_txt != undefined) { label_txt.stopTween(); buttfarbMc(label_txt, disabledFontColor); } if (hatSymbolMovie) { symbolMovie.stopTween(); buttfarbMc(symbolMovie, disabledFontColor); } if (visit) { visit_mc.stopTween(); buttfarbMc(visit_mc, disabledFontColor); } } function init() { container_mc.onPress = function () { if (this.hatHightLight == undefined) { this.setColorPress(); } if (this.pressHandler != undefined) { this.PressObj[this.pressHandler](this.container_mc); } if ( != undefined) {; } }; container_mc.onRelease = function () { if (this.waitAtClick) { trace("click zu schnell " + this.container_mc.isEnabled); return(undefined); } this.waitAtClick = true; var z = 0; var m_c = this.container_mc.createEmptyMovieClip("l", this.container_mc.getNextHighestDepth()); m_c.wirt = this.container_mc; this.setColorClick(); m_c.onEnterFrame = function () { z++; if (z == 8) { m_c.wirt.waitAtClick = false; delete this.onEnterFrame; } }; _global.removeTip(); if (this.clickHandler != undefined) { this.ClickObj[this.clickHandler](this.container_mc); } if (this.meinSound != undefined) { _global.playSound(this.meinSoundPfad, this.meinSound, this.soundVolume, 1); } if ( != undefined) {; } }; container_mc.onRollOver = function () { if (this.hatHightLight == undefined) { this.setColorOver(); } if (this.rollHandler != undefined) { this.RollObj[this.rollHandler](this.container_mc); } this._parent.aktiverButton = this.container_mc; if (this.hatTip) { _global.setTip(this.container_mc, this.meinTip, this.tipOjb); } else if (this.myListener.tip != undefined) { _global.setTip(this.container_mc, this.myListener.tip, this.tipOjb); } if (this.myListener.rollOver != undefined) { this.myListener.rollOver(this.container_mc); } }; container_mc.onRollOut = function () { if (this.hatHightLight == undefined) { this.setColorNorm(); } if (this.rollOutHandler != undefined) { this.RollOutObj[this.rollOutHandler](this.container_mc); } if (this.myListener.rollOut != undefined) { this.myListener.rollOut(this.container_mc); } _global.removeTip(); }; } var soundVolume = 100; var abstandHohe = 10; var classMember = "Button"; function buttfarbMc(mc, farbe) { if (farbe == undefined) { return(undefined); } var _local1 = new Color(mc); _local1.setRGB(farbe); } }
Symbol 32 MovieClip [] Frame 0
class ch.mda.util.DrawUtil { function DrawUtil () { } static function initialize() { _root.drawRectCorner = drawRectCorner; _root.drawRectLine = drawRectLine; _root.drawRectLine1 = drawRectLine1; _root.drawRectFill = drawRectFill; _root.drawRectFillPos = drawRectFillPos; _root.drawOvalFill = drawOvalFill; _root.goldenerSchnitt = goldenerSchnitt; _root.doGoldenRatio = doGoldenRatio; _root.drawHorizontalLine = drawHorizontalLine; _root.drawVerticalLine = drawVerticalLine; trace("init util [ch.mda.util.DrawUtil]"); } static function drawRectLine(mc, w, h) { var _local2 = 0; var _local1 = 0; mc.lineStyle(0); mc.moveTo(_local2, _local1); mc.lineTo(_local2 + w, _local1); mc.lineTo(_local2 + w, _local1 + h); mc.lineTo(_local2, _local1 + h); mc.lineTo(_local2, _local1); } static function drawRectLine1(mc, w, h) { var _local2 = 0; var _local1 = 0; mc.lineStyle(1); mc.moveTo(_local2, _local1); mc.lineTo(_local2 + w, _local1); mc.lineTo(_local2 + w, _local1 + h); mc.lineTo(_local2, _local1 + h); mc.lineTo(_local2, _local1); } static function drawRectFill(mc, w, h) { var _local3 = 0; var _local2 = 0; mc.lineStyle(0); mc.moveTo(_local3, _local2); mc.beginFill(0); mc.lineTo(_local3 + w, _local2); mc.lineTo(_local3 + w, _local2 + h); mc.lineTo(_local3, _local2 + h); mc.lineTo(_local3, _local2); mc.endFill(); } static function drawRectFillPos(mc, w, h, x, y) { mc.lineStyle(0); mc.moveTo(x, y); mc.beginFill(0); mc.lineTo(x + w, y); mc.lineTo(x + w, y + h); mc.lineTo(x, y + h); mc.lineTo(x, y); mc.endFill(); } static function drawOvalFill(mc, radius, yRadius) { var _local7 = 0; var _local6 = 0; if (arguments.length < 3) { return(undefined); } var _local5; var _local16; var _local15; var _local2; var _local4; var _local11; var _local10; var _local9; var _local8; if (yRadius == undefined) { yRadius = radius; } _local5 = (Math.PI/4); _local16 = radius / Math.cos(_local5 / 2); _local15 = yRadius / Math.cos(_local5 / 2); _local2 = 0; mc.moveTo(_local7 + radius, _local6); mc.beginFill(0); var _local3 = 0; while (_local3 < 8) { _local2 = _local2 + _local5; _local4 = _local2 - (_local5 / 2); _local9 = _local7 + (Math.cos(_local4) * _local16); _local8 = _local6 + (Math.sin(_local4) * _local15); _local11 = _local7 + (Math.cos(_local2) * radius); _local10 = _local6 + (Math.sin(_local2) * yRadius); mc.curveTo(_local9, _local8, _local11, _local10); _local3++; } mc.endFill(); } static function drawOval(mc, radius, yRadius, line) { var _local7 = 0; var _local6 = 0; if (line == undefined) { line = 0; } if (arguments.length < 3) { return(undefined); } var _local5; var _local16; var _local15; var _local2; var _local4; var _local11; var _local10; var _local9; var _local8; if (yRadius == undefined) { yRadius = radius; } _local5 = (Math.PI/4); _local16 = radius / Math.cos(_local5 / 2); _local15 = yRadius / Math.cos(_local5 / 2); _local2 = 0; mc.lineStyle(line); mc.moveTo(_local7 + radius, _local6); var _local3 = 0; while (_local3 < 8) { _local2 = _local2 + _local5; _local4 = _local2 - (_local5 / 2); _local9 = _local7 + (Math.cos(_local4) * _local16); _local8 = _local6 + (Math.sin(_local4) * _local15); _local11 = _local7 + (Math.cos(_local2) * radius); _local10 = _local6 + (Math.sin(_local2) * yRadius); mc.curveTo(_local9, _local8, _local11, _local10); _local3++; } } static function drawStarFill(mc, points, innerRadius, outerRadius, angle) { var _local9 = 0; var _local8 = 0; if (arguments.length < 3) { return(undefined); } if (angle == undefined) { angle = 0; } var _local13 = Math.abs(points); if (_local13 > 2) { var _local4; var _local11; var _local3; var _local2; var _local6; var _local5; _local4 = (Math.PI*2) / points; _local11 = _local4 / 2; _local3 = (angle / 180) * Math.PI; trace(_local3); mc.moveTo(_local9 + (Math.cos(_local3) * outerRadius), _local8 - (Math.sin(_local3) * outerRadius)); mc.beginFill(0); _local2 = 1; while (_local2 <= _local13) { _local6 = _local9 + (Math.cos((_local3 + (_local4 * _local2)) - _local11) * innerRadius); _local5 = _local8 - (Math.sin((_local3 + (_local4 * _local2)) - _local11) * innerRadius); mc.lineTo(_local6, _local5); trace(_local3); _local6 = _local9 + (Math.cos(_local3 + (_local4 * _local2)) * outerRadius); _local5 = _local8 - (Math.sin(_local3 + (_local4 * _local2)) * outerRadius); mc.lineTo(_local6, _local5); _local2++; } mc.endFill(); } } static function drawStarLine(mc, points, innerRadius, outerRadius, angle, line) { var _local8 = 0; var _local7 = 0; if (line == undefined) { line = 0; } if (arguments.length < 3) { return(undefined); } if (angle == undefined) { angle = 0; } var _local13 = Math.abs(points); if (_local13 > 2) { var _local4; var _local11; var _local3; var _local2; var _local6; var _local5; _local4 = (Math.PI*2) / points; _local11 = _local4 / 2; _local3 = (angle / 180) * Math.PI; trace(_local3); mc.lineStyle(line); mc.moveTo(_local8 + (Math.cos(_local3) * outerRadius), _local7 - (Math.sin(_local3) * outerRadius)); _local2 = 1; while (_local2 <= _local13) { _local6 = _local8 + (Math.cos((_local3 + (_local4 * _local2)) - _local11) * innerRadius); _local5 = _local7 - (Math.sin((_local3 + (_local4 * _local2)) - _local11) * innerRadius); mc.lineTo(_local6, _local5); trace(_local3); _local6 = _local8 + (Math.cos(_local3 + (_local4 * _local2)) * outerRadius); _local5 = _local7 - (Math.sin(_local3 + (_local4 * _local2)) * outerRadius); mc.lineTo(_local6, _local5); _local2++; } } } static function drawRectCorner(mc, x, y, w, h, cornerRadius, modus, line) { if (modus == "fill") { mc.beginFill(0); } else { mc.lineStyle(line); } if (arguments.length < 4) { return(undefined); } if (cornerRadius > 0) { var _local3; var _local4; var _local9; var _local8; var _local11; var _local10; if (cornerRadius > (Math.min(w, h) / 2)) { cornerRadius = Math.min(w, h) / 2; } _local3 = (Math.PI/4); mc.moveTo(x + cornerRadius, y); mc.lineTo((x + w) - cornerRadius, y); _local4 = -1.5707963267949; _local9 = ((x + w) - cornerRadius) + ((Math.cos(_local4 + (_local3 / 2)) * cornerRadius) / Math.cos(_local3 / 2)); _local8 = (y + cornerRadius) + ((Math.sin(_local4 + (_local3 / 2)) * cornerRadius) / Math.cos(_local3 / 2)); _local11 = ((x + w) - cornerRadius) + (Math.cos(_local4 + _local3) * cornerRadius); _local10 = (y + cornerRadius) + (Math.sin(_local4 + _local3) * cornerRadius); mc.curveTo(_local9, _local8, _local11, _local10); _local4 = _local4 + _local3; _local9 = ((x + w) - cornerRadius) + ((Math.cos(_local4 + (_local3 / 2)) * cornerRadius) / Math.cos(_local3 / 2)); _local8 = (y + cornerRadius) + ((Math.sin(_local4 + (_local3 / 2)) * cornerRadius) / Math.cos(_local3 / 2)); _local11 = ((x + w) - cornerRadius) + (Math.cos(_local4 + _local3) * cornerRadius); _local10 = (y + cornerRadius) + (Math.sin(_local4 + _local3) * cornerRadius); mc.curveTo(_local9, _local8, _local11, _local10); mc.lineTo(x + w, (y + h) - cornerRadius); _local4 = _local4 + _local3; _local9 = ((x + w) - cornerRadius) + ((Math.cos(_local4 + (_local3 / 2)) * cornerRadius) / Math.cos(_local3 / 2)); _local8 = ((y + h) - cornerRadius) + ((Math.sin(_local4 + (_local3 / 2)) * cornerRadius) / Math.cos(_local3 / 2)); _local11 = ((x + w) - cornerRadius) + (Math.cos(_local4 + _local3) * cornerRadius); _local10 = ((y + h) - cornerRadius) + (Math.sin(_local4 + _local3) * cornerRadius); mc.curveTo(_local9, _local8, _local11, _local10); _local4 = _local4 + _local3; _local9 = ((x + w) - cornerRadius) + ((Math.cos(_local4 + (_local3 / 2)) * cornerRadius) / Math.cos(_local3 / 2)); _local8 = ((y + h) - cornerRadius) + ((Math.sin(_local4 + (_local3 / 2)) * cornerRadius) / Math.cos(_local3 / 2)); _local11 = ((x + w) - cornerRadius) + (Math.cos(_local4 + _local3) * cornerRadius); _local10 = ((y + h) - cornerRadius) + (Math.sin(_local4 + _local3) * cornerRadius); mc.curveTo(_local9, _local8, _local11, _local10); mc.lineTo(x + cornerRadius, y + h); _local4 = _local4 + _local3; _local9 = (x + cornerRadius) + ((Math.cos(_local4 + (_local3 / 2)) * cornerRadius) / Math.cos(_local3 / 2)); _local8 = ((y + h) - cornerRadius) + ((Math.sin(_local4 + (_local3 / 2)) * cornerRadius) / Math.cos(_local3 / 2)); _local11 = (x + cornerRadius) + (Math.cos(_local4 + _local3) * cornerRadius); _local10 = ((y + h) - cornerRadius) + (Math.sin(_local4 + _local3) * cornerRadius); mc.curveTo(_local9, _local8, _local11, _local10); _local4 = _local4 + _local3; _local9 = (x + cornerRadius) + ((Math.cos(_local4 + (_local3 / 2)) * cornerRadius) / Math.cos(_local3 / 2)); _local8 = ((y + h) - cornerRadius) + ((Math.sin(_local4 + (_local3 / 2)) * cornerRadius) / Math.cos(_local3 / 2)); _local11 = (x + cornerRadius) + (Math.cos(_local4 + _local3) * cornerRadius); _local10 = ((y + h) - cornerRadius) + (Math.sin(_local4 + _local3) * cornerRadius); mc.curveTo(_local9, _local8, _local11, _local10); mc.lineTo(x, y + cornerRadius); _local4 = _local4 + _local3; _local9 = (x + cornerRadius) + ((Math.cos(_local4 + (_local3 / 2)) * cornerRadius) / Math.cos(_local3 / 2)); _local8 = (y + cornerRadius) + ((Math.sin(_local4 + (_local3 / 2)) * cornerRadius) / Math.cos(_local3 / 2)); _local11 = (x + cornerRadius) + (Math.cos(_local4 + _local3) * cornerRadius); _local10 = (y + cornerRadius) + (Math.sin(_local4 + _local3) * cornerRadius); mc.curveTo(_local9, _local8, _local11, _local10); _local4 = _local4 + _local3; _local9 = (x + cornerRadius) + ((Math.cos(_local4 + (_local3 / 2)) * cornerRadius) / Math.cos(_local3 / 2)); _local8 = (y + cornerRadius) + ((Math.sin(_local4 + (_local3 / 2)) * cornerRadius) / Math.cos(_local3 / 2)); _local11 = (x + cornerRadius) + (Math.cos(_local4 + _local3) * cornerRadius); _local10 = (y + cornerRadius) + (Math.sin(_local4 + _local3) * cornerRadius); mc.curveTo(_local9, _local8, _local11, _local10); } else { mc.moveTo(x, y); mc.lineTo(x + w, y); mc.lineTo(x + w, y + h); mc.lineTo(x, y + h); mc.lineTo(x, y); } if (modus == "fill") { mc.endFill(); } } static function goldenerSchnitt(wert) { var _local3 = Math.floor(wert / 1.618); var _local1 = wert - _local3; return({minor:_local1, major:_local3}); } static function doGoldenRatio(breite, hohe, mc1, m2, mc3) { var _local4 = goldenerSchnitt(breite).minor; var _local7 = goldenerSchnitt(breite).major; var _local1 = goldenerSchnitt(hohe).minor; var _local3 = goldenerSchnitt(hohe).major; mc1._width = breite; mc1._height = _local1; m2._y = _local1; m2._width = _local4; m2._height = _local3; mc3._y = _local1; mc3._x = _local4; mc3._width = _local7; mc3._height = _local3; } static function drawCross(mc, w, h) { var _local1; if (w < h) { _local1 = w / 4; } else { _local1 = h / 4; } var _local3 = 3 * _local1; var _local2 = _local1; var _local7 = (-(1.5 * _local1)) + _local1; var _local5 = (-(_local1 / 2)) - _local1; drawRectFillPos(mc, _local2, _local3, _local7, _local5); var _local6 = (-(_local1 / 2)) - _local1; var _local4 = (-(1.5 * _local1)) + _local1; drawRectFillPos(mc, _local3, _local2, _local6, _local4); } static function drawHorizontalLine(mc, h, line) { var _local1 = 0; var _local3 = 0; mc.lineStyle(line); mc.moveTo(_local1, _local3); mc.lineTo(h, _local1); } static function drawVerticalLine(mc, w, line) { var _local1 = 0; var _local3 = 0; mc.lineStyle(line); mc.moveTo(_local1, _local3); mc.lineTo(_local1, w); } static function drawSpeechBubble(target, rect, cornerRadius, point) { var _local4 = target; var _local1 = cornerRadius; var _local3 = rect.x; var _local2 = rect.y; var _local8 = rect.width; var _local7 = rect.height; var _local6 = point.x; var _local5 = point.y; var _local16 = 20; var _local11 = Math.min((_local8 - _local1) - _local1, Math.max(_local16, _local8 / 5)); var _local18 = ((_local6 <= (_local3 + (_local8 / 2))) ? (Math.max(_local3 + _local1, _local6)) : (Math.min(((_local3 + _local8) - _local1) - _local11, _local6 - _local11))); var _local15 = ((_local6 <= (_local3 + (_local8 / 2))) ? (Math.max((_local3 + _local1) + _local11, _local6 + _local11)) : (Math.min((_local3 + _local8) - _local1, _local6))); var _local12 = Math.min((_local7 - _local1) - _local1, Math.max(_local16, _local7 / 5)); var _local17 = ((_local5 < (_local2 + (_local7 / 2))) ? (Math.max(_local2 + _local1, _local5)) : (Math.min(((_local2 + _local7) - _local1) - _local12, _local5 - _local12))); var _local13 = ((_local5 < (_local2 + (_local7 / 2))) ? (Math.max((_local2 + _local1) + _local12, _local5 + _local12)) : (Math.min((_local2 + _local7) - _local1, _local5))); var _local10 = _local1 - (_local1 * 0.707106781186547); var _local9 = _local1 - (_local1 * 0.414213562373095); _local4.moveTo(_local3 + _local8, (_local2 + _local7) - _local1); if (_local1 > 0) { if (((_local6 > ((_local3 + _local8) - _local1)) && (_local5 > ((_local2 + _local7) - _local1))) && (Math.abs(((_local6 - _local3) - _local8) - ((_local5 - _local2) - _local7)) <= _local1)) { _local4.lineTo(_local6, _local5); _local4.lineTo((_local3 + _local8) - _local1, _local2 + _local7); } else { _local4.curveTo(_local3 + _local8, (_local2 + _local7) - _local9, (_local3 + _local8) - _local10, (_local2 + _local7) - _local10); _local4.curveTo((_local3 + _local8) - _local9, _local2 + _local7, (_local3 + _local8) - _local1, _local2 + _local7); } } if (((_local5 > (_local2 + _local7)) && (((_local6 - _local3) - _local8) < (((_local5 - _local2) - _local7) - _local1))) && ((((_local5 - _local2) - _local7) - _local1) > (_local3 - _local6))) { _local4.lineTo(_local15, _local2 + _local7); _local4.lineTo(_local6, _local5); _local4.lineTo(_local18, _local2 + _local7); } _local4.lineTo(_local3 + _local1, _local2 + _local7); if (_local1 > 0) { if (((_local6 < (_local3 + _local1)) && (_local5 > ((_local2 + _local7) - _local1))) && (Math.abs((_local6 - _local3) + ((_local5 - _local2) - _local7)) <= _local1)) { _local4.lineTo(_local6, _local5); _local4.lineTo(_local3, (_local2 + _local7) - _local1); } else { _local4.curveTo(_local3 + _local9, _local2 + _local7, _local3 + _local10, (_local2 + _local7) - _local10); _local4.curveTo(_local3, (_local2 + _local7) - _local9, _local3, (_local2 + _local7) - _local1); } } if (((_local6 < _local3) && ((((_local5 - _local2) - _local7) + _local1) < (_local3 - _local6))) && ((_local6 - _local3) < ((_local5 - _local2) - _local1))) { _local4.lineTo(_local3, _local13); _local4.lineTo(_local6, _local5); _local4.lineTo(_local3, _local17); } _local4.lineTo(_local3, _local2 + _local1); if (_local1 > 0) { if (((_local6 < (_local3 + _local1)) && (_local5 < (_local2 + _local1))) && (Math.abs((_local6 - _local3) - (_local5 - _local2)) <= _local1)) { _local4.lineTo(_local6, _local5); _local4.lineTo(_local3 + _local1, _local2); } else { _local4.curveTo(_local3, _local2 + _local9, _local3 + _local10, _local2 + _local10); _local4.curveTo(_local3 + _local9, _local2, _local3 + _local1, _local2); } } if (((_local5 < _local2) && ((_local6 - _local3) > ((_local5 - _local2) + _local1))) && (((_local5 - _local2) + _local1) < ((_local3 - _local6) + _local8))) { _local4.lineTo(_local18, _local2); _local4.lineTo(_local6, _local5); _local4.lineTo(_local15, _local2); } _local4.lineTo((_local3 + _local8) - _local1, _local2); if (_local1 > 0) { if (((_local6 > ((_local3 + _local8) - _local1)) && (_local5 < (_local2 + _local1))) && (Math.abs(((_local6 - _local3) - _local8) + (_local5 - _local2)) <= _local1)) { _local4.lineTo(_local6, _local5); _local4.lineTo(_local3 + _local8, _local2 + _local1); } else { _local4.curveTo((_local3 + _local8) - _local9, _local2, (_local3 + _local8) - _local10, _local2 + _local10); _local4.curveTo(_local3 + _local8, _local2 + _local9, _local3 + _local8, _local2 + _local1); } } if (((_local6 > (_local3 + _local8)) && (((_local5 - _local2) - _local1) > ((_local3 - _local6) + _local8))) && (((_local6 - _local3) - _local8) > (((_local5 - _local2) - _local7) + _local1))) { _local4.lineTo(_local3 + _local8, _local17); _local4.lineTo(_local6, _local5); _local4.lineTo(_local3 + _local8, _local13); } _local4.lineTo(_local3 + _local8, (_local2 + _local7) - _local1); } }
Symbol 33 MovieClip [] Frame 0
class ch.mda.util.MovieUtil { function MovieUtil () { } static function initialize() { _root.toLocal = toLocal; _root.toGlobal = toGlobal; _root.removeMc = removeMc; _root.testMc = testMc; _root.stopMc = stopMc; _root.playMc = playMc; _root.stopOrPlay = stopOrPlay; _root.makeBitmapSmoothed = makeBitmapSmoothed; _root.BipmapHit = BipmapHit; trace("init util [ch.mda.util.MovieUtil]"); ch.mda.core.listFunctions.listMe("_root.toLocal", "clip:MovieClip, x:Number, y:Number", "Object", "none", " ch.mda.util.MovieUtil"); ch.mda.core.listFunctions.listMe("_root.toGlobal", "clip:MovieClip, x:Number, y:Number", "Object", "none", " ch.mda.util.MovieUtil"); ch.mda.core.listFunctions.listMe("_root.removeMc", "o_mc:MovieClip", "undefined", "none", " ch.mda.util.MovieUtil"); ch.mda.core.listFunctions.listMe("_root.testMc", "o_mc:MovieClip", "Boolean", "none", " ch.mda.util.MovieUtil"); ch.mda.core.listFunctions.listMe("_root.playMc", "mc:MovieClip", "nothing", "none", " ch.mda.util.MovieUtil"); ch.mda.core.listFunctions.listMe("_root.playMc", "mc:MovieClip", "nothing", "none", " ch.mda.util.MovieUtil"); ch.mda.core.listFunctions.listMe("_root.stopOrPlay", "mc:MovieClip, command:Boolean", "nothing", "none", " ch.mda.util.MovieUtil"); ch.mda.core.listFunctions.listMe("_root.makeBitmapSmoothed", "source_mc:MovieClip, target_mc:MovieClip, $tiefe:Number, $fillColor:Number", "MovieClip", "none", " ch.mda.util.MovieUtil"); ch.mda.core.listFunctions.listMe("_root.BipmapHit", "_mc1:MovieClip, _mc2:MovieClip, _thresh:Number", "Boolean", "none", " ch.mda.util.MovieUtil"); } function orientar(mc, x, y) { mc.difx = mc._x - x; mc.dify = mc._y - y; var _local2 = Math.atan2(mc.dify, mc.difx); _local2 = (_local2 * 180) / Math.PI; _local2 = _local2 - 90; mc._rotation = _local2; } static function toLocal(clip, x, y) { var _local1 = {}; _local1.x = x; _local1.y = y; clip.globalToLocal(_local1); return({x:_local1.x, y:_local1.y}); } static function toGlobal(clip, x, y) { var _local1 = {}; _local1.x = x; _local1.y = y; clip.localToGlobal(_local1); return({x:_local1.x, y:_local1.y}); } static function removeMc(o_mc) { if (testMc(o_mc)) { o_mc.removeMovieClip(); return(undefined); } return(undefined); } static function testMc(o_mc) { if (o_mc._totalframes == undefined) { return(false); } return(true); } static function stopMc(mc) { for (var _local2 in mc) { if (typeof(mc[_local2]) == "movieclip") { mc[_local2].stop(); stopMc(mc[_local2]); } } } static function playMc(mc) { for (var _local2 in mc) { if (typeof(mc[_local2]) == "movieclip") { mc[_local2].play(); playMc(mc[_local2]); } } } static function stopOrPlay(mc, command) { if (command) { playMc(mc); } else { stopMc(mc); } } static function makeBitmapSmoothed(source_mc, target_mc, $tiefe, $fillColor) { if ($fillColor == undefined) { $fillColor = 0; } var _local3 = new flash.display.BitmapData(source_mc._width, source_mc._height, true, $fillColor); if ($tiefe == undefined) { $tiefe = target_mc.getNextHighestDepth(); } var _local1 = target_mc.createEmptyMovieClip("bmc" + $tiefe, $tiefe); _local1.attachBitmap(_local3, _local1.getNextHighestDepth(), "auto", true); _local3.draw(source_mc); return(_local1); } static function BipmapHit(_mc1, _mc2, _thresh) { if (_thresh == undefined) { _thresh = 1; } var _local1 = (_thresh ? (_thresh) : 1); _local1 = Math.max(_local1, 0); _local1 = Math.min(_local1, 255); var _local4 = new flash.display.BitmapData(_mc1._width, _mc1._height, true, 0); _local4.draw(_mc1); var _local5 = new flash.display.BitmapData(_mc2._width, _mc2._height, true, 0); _local5.draw(_mc2); return(_local4.hitTest(new flash.geom.Point(_mc1._x, _mc1._y), _local1, _local5, new flash.geom.Point(_mc2._x, _mc2._y), _local1)); } }
Symbol 34 MovieClip [] Frame 0
class ch.mda.util.StringUtil { function StringUtil () { } static function initialize() { _global.replaceString = replaceString; _global.stringToBoolean = stringToBoolean; _global.checkStringToNumber = checkStringToNumber; _root.checkStringToNumber = checkStringToNumber; _root.removeHTML = removeHTML; _root.testHTML = testHTML; _root.hasHTML = hasHTML; _root.rTrim = rTrim; _root.lTrim = lTrim; _root.Trim = Trim; _root.trim = Trim; trace("init util [ch.mda.util.StringUtil]"); ch.mda.core.listFunctions.listMe("_global.replaceString", "(texto:String,arg_search, arg_replace", "String", "none", "ch.mda.util.StringUtil"); ch.mda.core.listFunctions.listMe("_global.stringToBoolean ", "(value", "Boolean or undefined ", "none", "ch.mda.util.StringUtil"); ch.mda.core.listFunctions.listMe("_root.checkStringToNumber", "(value", "Boolean", "none", "ch.mda.util.StringUtil"); ch.mda.core.listFunctions.listMe("_root.removeHTML", "(htmlCode:String", "String", "none", "ch.mda.util.StringUtil"); ch.mda.core.listFunctions.listMe("_root.testHTML", "(htmlCode:String", "Boolean", "none", "ch.mda.util.StringUtil"); ch.mda.core.listFunctions.listMe("_root.hasHTML", "(htmlCode:String", "Boolean", "none", "ch.mda.util.StringUtil"); ch.mda.core.listFunctions.listMe("_root.rTrim", "(value:String", "String", "none", "ch.mda.util.StringUtil"); ch.mda.core.listFunctions.listMe("_root.lTrim", "(value:String", "String", "none", "ch.mda.util.StringUtil"); ch.mda.core.listFunctions.listMe("_root.Trim", "(value:String", "String", "none", "ch.mda.util.StringUtil"); } static function replaceString(texto) { if (typeof(texto) != "string") { _root.traceMessage(texto + " ist kein string [replaceString]"); return(texto); } var _local4; var _local7; var _local5; var _local3 = ""; var _local6 = ""; var _local8 = ""; _local4 = arguments[1]; if (_local4 == undefined) { return(texto); } _local7 = arguments[2]; if (_local7 == undefined) { return(texto); } if (_local4.length == 1) { return(texto.split(_local4).join(_local7)); } _local5 = texto.indexOf(_local4); if (_local5 == -1) { return(texto); } _local3 = texto; do { _local5 = _local3.indexOf(_local4); _local6 = _local3.substring(0, _local5); _local3 = _local3.substring(_local5 + _local4.length); _local8 = _local8 + (_local6 + _local7); } while (_local3.indexOf(_local4) != -1); _local8 = _local8 + _local3; return(_local8); } static function stringToBoolean(s) { if (s == "true") { return(true); } if (s == "false") { return(false); } if (typeof(s) == "boolean") { return(s); } return(undefined); } static function checkStringToNumber(z) { if (z == undefined) { return(false); } if (isNaN(z)) { return(false); } if (typeof(z) == "number") { return(true); } if (typeof(z) == "boolean") { return(false); } if (typeof(z) == "object") { return(false); } if (typeof(z) == "movieclip") { return(false); } var _local2 = Number(z); if (_local2.toString() == "NaN") { return(false); } return(true); } static function removeHTML(htmlCode) { if (htmlCode == undefined) { return(""); } if (typeof(htmlCode) != "string") { return(htmlCode); } if (testHTML(htmlCode) == false) { return(htmlCode); } var _local3 = htmlCode.indexOf("<"); var _local4 = htmlCode.indexOf(">"); var _local2 = ""; _local2 = _local2 + htmlCode.substr(0, _local3); htmlCode = htmlCode.substr(_local4 + 1); _local2 = _local2 + removeHTML(htmlCode); return(_local2); } static function testHTML(htmlCode) { if (htmlCode == undefined) { return(false); } if (typeof(htmlCode) != "string") { return(true); } var _local4 = new Array("font", "b", "i", "u", "a", "p", "br", "li", "img"); var _local12 = htmlCode.split("<"); var _local14 = htmlCode.split(">"); var _local9; if (_local12.length != _local14.length) { _local9 = true; } else if (_local12.length == 1) { return(false); } var _local10 = htmlCode.indexOf("<"); var _local8 = htmlCode.indexOf(">"); var _local7 = htmlCode.indexOf("/"); if (_local7 <= _local8) { if ((_local7 != -1) && (htmlCode.charAt(_local7 - 1) == "<")) { var _local11 = htmlCode.indexOf(" ", _local7); if ((_local11 != -1) && (_local11 < _local8)) { _local9 = true; } } } var _local3 = htmlCode.substr(_local10 + 1, _local8 - (_local10 + 1)); _local3 = _local3.toLowerCase(); if (_local3.indexOf("/") == -1) { if (_local3.indexOf(" ") != -1) { _local3 = _local3.substr(0, _local3.indexOf(" ")); } var _local6 = false; var _local2 = 0; while (_local2 < _local4.length) { if (_local4[_local2] == _local3) { _local6 = true; } _local2++; } if (!_local6) { _local9 = true; } } if (_local9) { var _local13 = ("Alert: HTML Tag incorrect: " + htmlCode) + "\n\n"; trace(_local13); _root.traceObject(_local13); return(false); } return(true); } static function hasHTML(htmlCode) { if (htmlCode == undefined) { return(false); } if (typeof(htmlCode) != "string") { return(false); } var _local1 = (Number = htmlCode.indexOf("<")); if (_local1 == -1) { trace("kein Html"); return(false); } return(true); } static function rTrim(input) { var _local3 = input.length; var _local1 = _local3; while (_local1 > 0) { if (input.charCodeAt(_local1 - 1) > 32) { return(input.substring(0, _local1)); } _local1--; } return(""); } static function lTrim(input) { var _local3 = input.length; var _local1 = 0; while (_local1 < _local3) { if (input.charCodeAt(_local1) > 32) { return(input.substring(_local1)); } _local1++; } return(""); } static function Trim(input) { var _local1 = input; _local1 = lTrim(_local1); _local1 = rTrim(_local1); return(_local1); } }
Symbol 35 MovieClip [] Frame 0
class ch.mda.util.TextFieldUtil { function TextFieldUtil () { } static function initialize() { _root.machFontDisplay = machFontDisplay; _global.typewriter = typewriter; _root.textRendering = textRendering; _root.showInput = showInput; _root.dropTextShadow = dropTextShadow; trace("init util [ch.mda.util.TextFieldUtil]"); ch.mda.core.listFunctions.listMe("_root.machFontDisplay", "textfield_txt:TextField", "nothing ", "none", "ch.mda.util.TextFieldUtil"); ch.mda.core.listFunctions.listMe("_global.typewriter", "movie, texto, textfield, zahl, func, song", "nothing ", "none", "ch.mda.util.TextFieldUtil"); ch.mda.core.listFunctions.listMe("_root.textRendering", "textField_txt:TextField", "nothing ", "none", "ch.mda.util.TextFieldUtil"); ch.mda.core.listFunctions.listMe("_root.showInput", "tf:TextField, mc:MovieClip, killhandler:String, changeHandler:String", "nothing ", "none", "ch.mda.util.TextFieldUtil"); ch.mda.core.listFunctions.listMe("_root.dropTextShadow", "(txtField, color, value:Number", "nothing ", "none", "ch.mda.util.TextFieldUtil"); } static function machFontDisplay(textfield_txt) { var _local2 = textfield_txt.getTextFormat(); if (_root.p_fontEinbetten == false) { textfield_txt.embedFonts = false; _local2.font = _root.p_fontReplace; textfield_txt.setTextFormat(_local2); } else { textfield_txt.embedFonts = true; _local2.font = _root.p_hauptschrift; textfield_txt.setTextFormat(_local2); textRendering(); } } static function showInput(tf, mc, killhandler, changeHandler) { tf.background = true; tf.border = true; tf.onSetFocus = function () { this.backgroundColor = "OxFFFFCC"; }; tf.onKillFocus = function () { this.backgroundColor = "OxFFFFFF"; if (mc != undefined) { if (killhandler != undefined) { mc[killhandler](); } } }; if (changeHandler != undefined) { tf.onChanged = function () { mc[changeHandler](); }; } } static function typewriter(movie, texto, textfield, zahl, func, song) { movie.fertig = false; var introZahl = 0; textfield.htmlText = ""; if (zahl == undefined) { zahl = 6; } var la = (texto.length + 1); var soundZahl = 0; textfield.html = true; movie.onEnterFrame = function () { if (introZahl < la) { textfield.htmlText = texto.substr(0, introZahl); introZahl = introZahl + zahl; if (song != undefined) { if (soundZahl == 0) { _global.playSound(movie, song, 100); } soundZahl++; if (soundZahl > 6) { soundZahl = 0; } } } if (introZahl >= la) { textfield.htmlText = texto; delete movie.onEnterFrame; movie.fertig = true; if (func != undefined) { movie[func](); } } }; } static function textRendering(textField_txt) { textField_txt.antiAliasType = "advanced"; textField_txt.gridFitType = "subpixel"; } static function dropTextShadow(txtField, color, value) { ch.mda.util.ColorUtil.dropShadow(txtField, color, value); } }
Symbol 36 MovieClip [] Frame 0
class ch.mda.util.ColorUtil { function ColorUtil () { } static function initialize() { _global.farbMc = farbMc; _global.clearRGB = clearRGB; _root.dropShadow = dropShadow; _root.testHex = testHex; _root.getDesaturationFilter = getDesaturationFilter; trace("init util [ch.mda.util.StringUtil]"); ch.mda.core.listFunctions.listMe("_global.farbMc", "mc:movieclip, color", "nothing ", "none", "ch.mda.util.ColorUtil"); ch.mda.core.listFunctions.listMe("_global.clearRGB", "mc:movieclip", "nothing ", "none", "ch.mda.util.ColorUtil"); ch.mda.core.listFunctions.listMe("_root.dropShadow", "mc, color, value:Number", "nothing ", "none", "ch.mda.util.ColorUtil"); ch.mda.core.listFunctions.listMe("_root.testHex", "test:String", "Boolean ", "none", "none", "ch.mda.util.ColorUtil"); ch.mda.core.listFunctions.listMe("_root.getDesaturationFilter", "t:Number", "BitmapFilter", "none", "ch.mda.util.ColorUtil"); } static function farbMc(mc, dieFarbe) { if (dieFarbe == undefined) { _root.traceMessage(mc + ": farbe nicht definiert[farbMc]"); return(undefined); } if (mc == undefined) { _root.traceMessage(dieFarbe + ": mc nicht definiert[farbMc]"); return(undefined); } var _local3 = changeToNumber(dieFarbe); var _local5 = new Color(mc); _local5.setRGB(_local3); } static function changeToNumber(dieFarbe) { var _local1 = Number(dieFarbe); var _local4 = _local1.toString(); if (_local4 != "NaN") { var _local2 = dieFarbe; } else { var _local2 = ch.mda.util.StringUtil.replaceString(dieFarbe, "#", "0x"); } return(_local2); } static function clearRGB(mc) { var _local1 = new Color(mc); _local1.setTransform({ra:100, ga:100, ba:100, rb:0, gb:0, bb:0}); } static function toHExNumber(color) { var _local1 = ch.mda.util.StringUtil.replaceString(color, "#", "0x"); var _local2 = parseInt(_local1, 16); return(_local2); } static function RGBtoHEX(farbe) { if (_root.tiefe == undefined) { _root.tiefe = 100; } _root.tiefe++; var _local4 = _root.createEmptyMovieClip("prov_mc" + _root.tiefe, _root.tiefe); var _local5 = new Color(_local4); _local5.setRGB(farbe); var _local3 = _local5.getTransform(); var _local2 = {r:_local3.rb,,}; _local4.removeMovieClip(); if (_local2.r < 0) { _local2.r = 0; } if (_local2.g < 0) { _local2.g = 0; } if (_local2.b < 0) { _local2.b = 0; } var _local7 = ((_local2.r.toString(16).length < 2) ? ("0" + _local2.r.toString(16).toUpperCase()) : (_local2.r.toString(16).toUpperCase())); var _local8 = ((_local2.g.toString(16).length < 2) ? ("0" + _local2.g.toString(16).toUpperCase()) : (_local2.g.toString(16).toUpperCase())); var _local6 = ((_local2.b.toString(16).length < 2) ? ("0" + _local2.b.toString(16).toUpperCase()) : (_local2.b.toString(16).toUpperCase())); return((("#" + _local7) + _local8) + _local6); } static function dropShadow(mc, color, value, angle) { if (value == undefined) { value = 3; } if (color == undefined) { color = 3355443 /* 0x333333 */; } if (angle == undefined) { angle = 35; } color = Number(changeToNumber(color)); var _local1 = new flash.filters.DropShadowFilter(); _local1.blurX = value; _local1.blurY = value; _local1.distance = value; _local1.angle = angle; _local1.quality = 3; _local1.alpha = 0.5; _local1.color = color; _local1.strength = 1; mc.filters = [_local1]; } static function removeShadow(mc) { mc.filters = []; } static function testHex(test) { var _local1 = test.substring(0, 1); if (_local1 == "#") { return(true); } return(false); } static function simpleGradient(mc, f1, f2, wSize, hSize, fype) { if (mc == undefined) { _root.traceMessage("mc undefined [simpleGradient]"); return(undefined); } if (f1 == undefined) { _root.traceMessage(mc + " f1 undefined [simpleGradient]"); } if (f2 == undefined) { _root.traceMessage(mc + " f2 undefined [simpleGradient]"); } clearRGB(mc); mc.clear(); var _local3 = "linear"; if (fype != undefined) { _local3 = fype; } var _local8 = [changeToNumber(f1), changeToNumber(f2)]; var _local4 = [100, 100]; var _local9 = [0, 255]; var _local6 = {matrixType:"box", x:0, y:0, w:wSize, h:hSize, r:(Math.PI/2)}; mc.lineStyle(0, 16777215, 0); mc.beginGradientFill(_local3, _local8, _local4, _local9, _local6); mc.lineTo(wSize, 0); mc.lineTo(wSize, hSize); mc.lineTo(0, hSize); mc.lineTo(0, 0); mc.endFill(); } static function getDesaturationFilter(t) { t = ((t == undefined) ? 1 : (t)); var _local3 = 0.212671; var _local4 = 0.71516; var _local2 = 0.072169; return(new flash.filters.ColorMatrixFilter([((t * _local3) + 1) - t, t * _local4, t * _local2, 0, 0, t * _local3, ((t * _local4) + 1) - t, t * _local2, 0, 0, t * _local3, t * _local4, ((t * _local2) + 1) - t, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0])); } }
Symbol 37 MovieClip [] Frame 0
class ch.mda.core.SoundControl extends MovieClip { var oberSound, meinVol, lister_array, stop, slider_mc, behalt, durchstreich_mc, sound_pb; function SoundControl () { super(); _root.soundControl_mc = this; _global.soundzustand = true; oberSound = new Sound(); meinVol = 80; lister_array = new Array(); var _local5 = "ch.mda.core.SoundControl: " + this; if (System.capabilities.playerType == "External") { trace(_local5); } (stop());// not popped ch.mda.core.listFunctions.listMe("_root.soundControl_mc.setSoundState", "value:Boolean", "nothing ", "_global.soundzustand", "ch.mda.core.SoundControle"); ch.mda.core.listFunctions.listMe("_root.soundControl_mc.addListener", "mc:MovieClip", "nothing ", "none", "ch.mda.core.SoundControle"); ch.mda.core.listFunctions.listMe("_root.soundControl_mc.removeListener", "mc:MovieClip", "nothing ", "none", "ch.mda.core.SoundControle"); } function machLaut() { meinVol = slider_mc.getValue(); oberSound.setVolume(meinVol); } function mikro() { if (_global.soundzustand) { setSoundState(false); } else { setSoundState(true); } if (_global.soundzustand) { _global.soundClick(100); if (behalt != undefined) { ch.mda.core.PresenterSounds.playSound(_root.soundControl_mc.behalt.wo,, _root.soundControl_mc.behalt.lautstark, _root.soundControl_mc.behalt.loop, true); } } else if (!_global.soundzustand) { var _local4 = 0; while (_local4 < lister_array.length) { lister_array[_local4].setSoundState(false); _local4++; } } } function setSoundState(value) { _global.soundzustand = value; if (_global.soundzustand) { slider_mc.setEnabled(true); durchstreich_mc._visible = false; } else { slider_mc.setEnabled(false); durchstreich_mc._visible = true; stopAllSounds(); } } function addListener(mc) { lister_array.push(mc); } function removeListener(mc) { var _local2 = 0; while (_local2 < lister_array.length) { if (lister_array[_local2] == mc) { lister_array.splice(_local2, 1); break; } _local2++; } } function onLoad() { sound_pb.setClickHandler("mikro", this); sound_pb.setTip(_root.t_soundinfo); durchstreich_mc._visible = false; slider_mc.setChangeHandler("machLaut", this); } }
Symbol 38 MovieClip [] Frame 0
class ch.mda.FreeText extends MovieClip { var container_mc, fake_mc, myFontErsatz, scrollerBreite, tiefe, boxAbstand, linkColorOver, linkColor, id, obj, meinePositions, species, hatBox, textFarbe, boxTextFarbe, hatBorder, meinSize, borderFarbe, meineBreite, fontEinbetten, fontPlain, meinText, myFont, hatScroll, $hoehe, winText_mc, meinTextfeld_txt, my_styleSheet, textShadow, hatLabel, labelColor, labelWinText_mc, createEmptyMovieClip, meinLabel_txt, label_styleSheet, labelBack_mc, $randLabel_mc, backFarbe, $back_mc, $rand_mc, myScrollBar, hatDelay, hatTween, dInterval, meinTextFormat, c_btn, sInterval, abstandHohe, label; function FreeText () { super(); container_mc = this; resettMich(); fake_mc._visible = false; container_mc.back_mc._visible = false; container_mc.rand_mc._visible = false; myFontErsatz = "Verdana"; scrollerBreite = 15; tiefe = 100; boxAbstand = 8; var _local3 = "init ch.mda.FreeText: " + container_mc; if (System.capabilities.playerType == "External") { trace(_local3); } linkColorOver = "#FF0000"; linkColor = "#0000FF"; } function setText(content, breite, position, c_species, fontSize, textColor, backColor, borderColor, maxHoehe, minHoehe, fontEinbinden, selectable, animation, typewriter, label, $labelColor, delay, window, $obj) { resettMich(); id =; obj = $obj; var _local33; if (content == "$") { return(undefined); } if (content == undefined) { trace(container_mc + ": kein Text"); return(undefined); } if (obj.boxSpace != undefined) { boxAbstand = Number(obj.boxSpace); } container_mc._visible = true; if (position != undefined) { if (typeof(position) == "string") { var _local20 = position.split("*"); meinePositions = {x:Number(_local20[0]), y:Number(_local20[1])}; } else if (position instanceof MovieClip) { meinePositions = getPosition(position); } else if (position instanceof TextField) { meinePositions = getPosition(position); } else if (position.x != undefined) { meinePositions = position; } container_mc._x = meinePositions.x; container_mc._y = meinePositions.y; } else { meinePositions = {x:container_mc._x, y:container_mc._y}; } if (c_species != undefined) { species = c_species; } if (species == "plainText") { hatBox = false; } if (species == "box") { hatBox = true; textFarbe = boxTextFarbe; } if (species == "boxWithBorder") { hatBox = true; hatBorder = true; } if (species == "bubble") { hatBox = true; hatBorder = false; } if (fontSize != undefined) { meinSize = Number(fontSize); } if (obj.textSize != undefined) { meinSize = Number(obj.textSize); } if (textColor != undefined) { textFarbe = textColor; } if (borderColor != undefined) { borderFarbe = borderColor; } var _local42 = 0; var _local39 = 0; if (breite != undefined) { meineBreite = Number(breite); } if (hatBox) { var _local13 = meineBreite - boxAbstand; } else { var _local13 = meineBreite; } if ((_root.p_fontEinbetten == false) || (_root.p_fontEinbetten == undefined)) { fontEinbetten = false; } if (_root.s_embedFonts == false) { fontEinbetten = false; } else if (_root.s_embedFonts == true) { fontEinbetten = true; } if (fontEinbinden == "false") { fontEinbetten = false; } else if (fontEinbinden == "true") { fontEinbetten = true; } if (_root.p_fontErsatz != undefined) { myFontErsatz = _root.p_fontErsatz; } if (_root.s_fontReplacement != undefined) { myFontErsatz = _root.s_fontReplacement; } fontPlain = _root.p_hauptschrift; if (obj.fontReplacement != undefined) { myFontErsatz = obj.fontReplacement; fontPlain = obj.fontReplacement; } meinText = content; if (obj.bold == "true") { content = ("<B>" + content) + "<B>"; } if (fontEinbetten) { myFont = fontPlain; } else { myFont = myFontErsatz; } if (maxHoehe != undefined) { hatScroll = true; $hoehe = Number(maxHoehe); var _local13 = _local13 - scrollerBreite; } else { hatScroll = false; $hoehe = 24; } tiefe++; winText_mc = container_mc.createEmptyMovieClip("w", tiefe); winText_mc.jump = function (wert) { var _local2 = wert.split("*"); if (_local2[1] == undefined) { _local2 = wert.split("|"); } _global.jumpChapter(_local2[0], Number(_local2[1])); }; var _local27 = 10; winText_mc.createTextField("t_txt", 2, 0, 0, _local13, _local27); meinTextfeld_txt = winText_mc.t_txt; if (hatScroll) { meinTextfeld_txt.autoSize = "left"; } else { meinTextfeld_txt.autoSize = "left"; } meinTextfeld_txt.multiline = true; meinTextfeld_txt.wordWrap = true; meinTextfeld_txt.html = true; if (_root.s_selectable == "false") { meinTextfeld_txt.selectable = false; } else if (selectable == false) { meinTextfeld_txt.selectable = false; } else if (selectable == "false") { meinTextfeld_txt.selectable = false; } meinTextFormat = new TextFormat(); meinTextFormat.leading = 2; if (obj.leading != undefined) { meinTextFormat.leading = Number(obj.leading); } if (fontEinbetten) { meinTextfeld_txt.embedFonts = true; ch.mda.util.TextFieldUtil.textRendering(meinTextfeld_txt); } else if (fontEinbetten == false) { meinTextfeld_txt.embedFonts = false; } if (obj.html == "false") { meinTextFormat.font = fontPlain; meinTextFormat.size = Number(meinSize); meinTextFormat.color = Number(ch.mda.util.StringUtil.replaceString(textFarbe, "#", "0x")); meinTextfeld_txt.html = false; meinTextfeld_txt.text = content; meinTextfeld_txt.setTextFormat(meinTextFormat); } else { if (_root.p_mainColors.linkColorOver != undefined) { linkColorOver = _root.p_mainColors.linkColorOver; } if (obj.linkColorOver != undefined) { linkColorOver = obj.linkColorOver; } if (_root.p_mainColors.linkColor != undefined) { linkColor = _root.p_mainColors.linkColor; } if (obj.linkColor != undefined) { linkColor = obj.linkColor; } my_styleSheet = new TextField.StyleSheet(); var _local8 = ("a:hover{ color: " + linkColorOver) + ";}"; var _local17 = "underline"; if (_root.p_textDecoration != undefined) { _local17 = _root.p_textDecoration; } if ((obj.textDecoration == "none") || (obj.textDecoration == "false")) { _local17 = "none"; } _local8 = _local8 + (((("a{ color: " + linkColor) + "; text-decoration: ") + _local17) + ";}"); _local8 = _local8 + "body {"; _local8 = _local8 + (("font-family: " + myFont) + ";"); _local8 = _local8 + (("fontSize: " + meinSize) + ";"); _local8 = _local8 + (("color: " + textFarbe) + ";"); if (obj.textAlign != undefined) { _local8 = _local8 + (("text-align: " + obj.textAlign) + ";"); } _local8 = _local8 + "}"; if (my_styleSheet.parseCSS(_local8)) { meinTextfeld_txt.styleSheet = my_styleSheet; meinText = ("<body>" + content) + "</body>"; } meinTextfeld_txt.htmlText = meinText; meinTextfeld_txt.setTextFormat(meinTextFormat); } if (ch.mda.util.ColorUtil.testHex(obj.shadow)) { if (obj.shadowBlur == undefined) { winText_mc.createTextField("t1_txt", 1, 1, 1, _local13, $hoehe); winText_mc.t1_txt.selectable = false; winText_mc.t1_txt.multiline = true; winText_mc.t1_txt.wordWrap = true; winText_mc.t1_txt.html = true; winText_mc.t1_txt.autoSize = "left"; winText_mc.t1_txt.setTextFormat(meinTextFormat); if (fontEinbetten) { winText_mc.t1_txt.embedFonts = true; } else if (fontEinbetten == false) { winText_mc.t1_txt.embedFonts = false; } winText_mc.t1_txt.styleSheet = my_styleSheet; winText_mc.t1_txt.htmlText = meinText; ch.mda.util.TextFieldUtil.textRendering(winText_mc.t1_txt); ch.mda.util.ColorUtil.farbMc(winText_mc.t1_txt, obj.shadow); var _local29 = true; textShadow = winText_mc.t1_txt; } else { v = Number(obj.shadowBlur); ch.mda.util.ColorUtil.dropShadow(meinTextfeld_txt, obj.shadow, v); } } var _local9 = Math.round(winText_mc._height); if (typewriter != undefined) { if (typewriter != false) { if (typewriter != "false") { meinTextfeld_txt.htmlText = ""; } } } var _local4 = 0; if (label != undefined) { if (label != "undefined") { if (label != "$") { hatLabel = true; if (ch.mda.util.ColorUtil.testHex($labelColor)) { labelColor = $labelColor; } if (obj.species == "boxWithBorder") { } labelWinText_mc = createEmptyMovieClip("w1", 1000); labelWinText_mc.createTextField("l_txt", 20, 6, 1, meineBreite - 4, 11); meinLabel_txt = labelWinText_mc.l_txt; meinLabel_txt.autoSize = "left"; meinLabel_txt.multiline = true; meinLabel_txt.wordWrap = true; meinLabel_txt.html = true; if (_root.s_selectable == "false") { meinLabel_txt.selectable = false; } else if (selectable == false) { meinLabel_txt.selectable = false; } var meinTextFormat = new TextFormat(); meinTextFormat.leading = 2; meinLabel_txt.setTextFormat(meinTextFormat); if (fontEinbetten) { meinLabel_txt.embedFonts = true; } else if (fontEinbetten == false) { meinLabel_txt.embedFonts = false; } label_styleSheet = new TextField.StyleSheet(); var _local8 = "body {"; _local8 = _local8 + (("font-family: " + myFont) + ";"); _local8 = _local8 + (("fontSize: " + meinSize) + ";"); _local8 = _local8 + (("color: " + labelColor) + ";"); _local8 = _local8 + "}"; if (label_styleSheet.parseCSS(_local8)) { meinLabel_txt.styleSheet = label_styleSheet; var _local32 = ("<body>" + label) + "</body>"; } meinLabel_txt.htmlText = _local32; ch.mda.util.TextFieldUtil.textRendering(meinLabel_txt); if (ch.mda.util.ColorUtil.testHex(obj.labelShadow)) { if (obj.shadowBlur == undefined) { labelWinText_mc.createTextField("l2_txt", 1, 7, 2, meineBreite - 4, 11); labelWinText_mc.l2_txt.autoSize = "left"; labelWinText_mc.l2_txt.multiline = true; labelWinText_mc.l2_txt.wordWrap = true; labelWinText_mc.l2_txt.html = true; labelWinText_mc.l2_txt.selectable = false; if (fontEinbetten) { labelWinText_mc.l2_txt.embedFonts = true; } else if (fontEinbetten == false) { labelWinText_mc.l2_txt.embedFonts = false; } labelWinText_mc.l2_txt.styleSheet = label_styleSheet; labelWinText_mc.l2_txt.htmlText = label; labelWinText_mc.l2_txt.setTextFormat(meinTextFormat); ch.mda.util.TextFieldUtil.textRendering(labelWinText_mc.l2_txt); ch.mda.util.ColorUtil.farbMc(labelWinText_mc.l2_txt, obj.labelShadow); } else { v = Number(obj.shadowBlur); ch.mda.util.ColorUtil.dropShadow(meinLabel_txt, obj.labelShadow, v); } } _local4 = Math.round(labelWinText_mc._height); meinTextfeld_txt._y = 2; winText_mc._y = _local4; winText_mc.lineStyle(1, 0, 0); winText_mc.lineTo(0, 10); tiefe++; container_mc.createEmptyMovieClip("labelBack_mc", tiefe); ch.mda.util.DrawUtil.drawRectFill(labelBack_mc, meineBreite, _local4); var _local18 = borderFarbe; if (obj.backColorLabel != undefined) { ch.mda.util.ColorUtil.farbMc(labelBack_mc, obj.backColorLabel); $randLabel_mc = labelWinText_mc.createEmptyMovieClip("rand_mc", 10); ch.mda.util.DrawUtil.drawRectLine($randLabel_mc, meineBreite, _local4); ch.mda.util.ColorUtil.farbMc($randLabel_mc, borderFarbe); _local18 = obj.backColorLabel; } else { ch.mda.util.ColorUtil.farbMc(labelBack_mc, borderFarbe); } if (obj.backColorLabel_G != undefined) { ch.mda.util.ColorUtil.simpleGradient(labelBack_mc, _local18, obj.backColorLabel_G, meineBreite, _local4); } } } } if (hatBox) { if (backColor != undefined) { backFarbe = backColor; } var _local34 = boxAbstand / 2; if (_local9 > 30) { _local34 = (boxAbstand / 2) + boxAbstand; } container_mc.createEmptyMovieClip("$back_mc", 1); if (species == "bubble") { var _local24 = ch.mda.util.ColorUtil.changeToNumber(backFarbe); var _local22 = _local24; if (obj.backColor_G != undefined) { _local22 = ch.mda.util.ColorUtil.changeToNumber(obj.backColor_G); } var _local36 = ch.mda.util.ColorUtil.changeToNumber(borderFarbe); var _local31 = ch.mda.util.StringUtil.checkStringToNumber(obj.bubble_startX); var _local26; if (_local31) { _local26 = Number(obj.bubble_startX); } var _local35; var _local30 = ch.mda.util.StringUtil.checkStringToNumber(obj.bubble_endY); if (_local30) { _local35 = Number(obj.bubble_endY); } var _local15 = _local9 - 10; if (hatLabel) { _local15 = _local15 + _local4; } var _local21 = 2; if (obj.lineStyle != undefined) { _local21 = Number(obj.lineStyle); } drawBallon($back_mc, meineBreite - 20, _local15, _local24, _local22, _local36, _local21, _local26, _local35); if (obj.bubble_top == "true") { $back_mc._yscale = -100; $back_mc._y = _local9 + 10; if (hatLabel) { $back_mc._y = $back_mc._y + _local4; } } } else { ch.mda.util.DrawUtil.drawRectFill($back_mc, meineBreite, _local9 + _local34, backFarbe); ch.mda.util.ColorUtil.farbMc($back_mc, backFarbe); } if (obj.alpha != undefined) { var _local37 = ch.mda.util.StringUtil.checkStringToNumber(obj.alpha); if (_local37) { $back_mc._alpha = Number(obj.alpha); } } if (minHoehe != undefined) { minHoehe = Number(minHoehe); if ($back_mc._height < minHoehe) { $back_mc._height = minHoehe; } } meinTextfeld_txt._x = boxAbstand / 2; meinTextfeld_txt._y = boxAbstand / 2; if (_local29) { winText_mc.t1_txt._x = (boxAbstand / 2) + 1; winText_mc.t1_txt._y = (boxAbstand / 2) + 1; } if (ch.mda.util.ColorUtil.testHex(obj.shadowBox)) { var v = 5; if (obj.shadowBoxBlur != undefined) { v = Number(obj.shadowBoxBlur); } ch.mda.util.ColorUtil.dropShadow(container_mc, obj.shadowBox, v); } } if (hatScroll) { $back_mc._height = $hoehe; } if (obj.backColor_G != undefined) { if (species != "bubble") { ch.mda.util.ColorUtil.simpleGradient($back_mc, backFarbe, obj.backColor_G, $back_mc._width, $back_mc._height); } } if (hatBorder) { container_mc.createEmptyMovieClip("$rand_mc", 98765543); ch.mda.util.DrawUtil.drawRectLine($rand_mc, $back_mc._width, $back_mc._height); ch.mda.util.ColorUtil.farbMc($rand_mc, borderFarbe); if (hatLabel) { if (obj.species == "boxWithBorder") { $back_mc._y = _local4; $rand_mc._y = _local4; } } } if (hatScroll) { if (meinTextfeld_txt._height > $hoehe) { trace(container_mc + " scoller wird gesetzt"); if (myScrollBar == undefined) { tiefe++; myScrollBar = container_mc.attachMovie("ultimateScroller", "scroller", tiefe); } else { tiefe++; myScrollBar._visible = true; myScrollBar.swapDepths(tiefe); } myScrollBar._y = $back_mc._y; myScrollBar._x = meineBreite - (scrollerBreite - 1); myScrollBar.scrollWidth = scrollerBreite; myScrollBar.face = 15658734 /* 0xEEEEEE */; myScrollBar.scrollTrack = 16053492 /* 0xF4F4F4 */; var h = $back_mc._height; if (h == undefined) { h = $hoehe; } if ($back_mc._height < 60) { $back_mc._height = 60; $rand_mc._height = $back_mc._height; } myScrollBar.size = h; myScrollBar.useMask = true; myScrollBar.scrollTarget = winText_mc; } } container_mc._alpha = 100; if (delay != undefined) { if (delay != "undefined") { if (delay != "false") { if (delay != false) { var _local19 = ch.mda.util.StringUtil.checkStringToNumber(delay); if (_local19) { hatDelay = true; } } } } } if (animation != undefined) { if (animation != false) { if (animation != "false") { if (animation != "undefined") { container_mc._visible = false; var _local19 = ch.mda.util.StringUtil.checkStringToNumber(animation); if (_local19) { var _local23 = Number(animation); } else { var _local23 = 2; } if (hatDelay == false) { if (obj.displayOnEvent != "true") { machTween(_local23); } } else { hatTween = _local23; } } } } } if (typewriter != undefined) { if (typewriter != false) { if (typewriter != "false") { if (typewriter != "undefined") { var _local19 = ch.mda.util.StringUtil.checkStringToNumber(typewriter); if (_local19) { var _local23 = Number(typewriter); if (_local19 == 0) { _local23 = 1; } } else { var _local23 = 1; } if (hatDelay == false) { machTypeWriter(_local23); } else { _local33 = _local23; } } } } } if (hatDelay) { if (obj.displayOnEvent != "true") { container_mc._visible = false; var mc = container_mc; var d = Number(delay); var c = 0; var h = hatTween; var t = _local33; var _local28 = function () { c = c + 500; if ((c / 1000) >= d) { clearInterval(dInt); mc._visible = true; if (h != undefined) { mc.machTween(h); } if (t != undefined) { mc.machTypeWriter(t); } } }; dInterval = setInterval(_local28, 500); var dInt = dInterval; } } if ((window == "true") || (window == true)) { if (label != undefined) { treatAsWindow(true); } } if (obj.rotation != undefined) { container_mc._rotation = Number(obj.rotation); } if (obj.displayOnEvent == "true") { container_mc._alpha = 0; _root.content_mc.buildDisplayList(container_mc, "displayOnEvent"); _root.navigations_mc.navi_pb.stopShine(); _root.navigations_mc.navi_pb.shine(); } else { moreTweens(); } } function setTextObject(s) { var _local6 = ch.mda.util.StringUtil.checkStringToNumber(s.width); if (_local6) { var _local5 = Number(s.width); } _local6 = ch.mda.util.StringUtil.checkStringToNumber(s.height); if (_local6) { var _local8 = Number(s.height); } _local6 = ch.mda.util.StringUtil.checkStringToNumber(s.heightAbs); if (_local6) { var _local7 = Number(s.heightAbs); } var _local4 = ch.mda.util.StringUtil.stringToBoolean(s.selectable); for (var _local3 in s) { if (s[_local3] == "") { delete s[_local3]; } if (s[_local3] == "undefined") { s[_local3] = undefined; } } setText(s.text, _local5, s.position, s.species, s.fontSize, s.textColor, s.backColor, s.borderColor, _local8, _local7, s.embedFonts, _local4, s.animation, s.typeWriter, s.label, s.labelColor, s.delay, s.window, s); } function setTextFormat(t) { setTextObject(t); container_mc._visible = false; } function changeText(content, label) { if (obj.html == "false") { meinTextfeld_txt.text = content; meinTextfeld_txt.setTextFormat(meinTextFormat); } else { meinText = ("<body>" + content) + "</body>"; meinTextfeld_txt.htmlText = meinText; } if (label != undefined) { if (label != "$") { var _local3 = ("<body>" + label) + "</body>"; meinLabel_txt.htmlText = _local3; } } } function set text(content) { changeText(content); //return(text); } function setInput(wert) { if (wert) { meinTextfeld_txt.type = "input"; meinTextfeld_txt.selectable = true; } else { meinTextfeld_txt.type = "dynamic"; } } function setSelectable(wert) { meinTextfeld_txt.selectable = wert; } function getText() { return(meinTextfeld_txt.text); } function get text() { var _local2 = getText(); return(_local2); } function getTextfeld() { return(meinTextfeld_txt); } function getHTMLText() { return(meinTextfeld_txt.htmlText); } function treatAsWindow(wert) { meinLabel_txt.selectable = false; var _local4 = Math.floor((labelBack_mc._height - 14) / 2); var _local3 = {_x:container_mc._width - 20, _y:_local4}; var _local2 = labelBack_mc.getDepth() + 100; c_btn = container_mc.attachMovie("closeSmall_pb", "close_btn", _local2, _local3); c_btn.setClickHandler("removeMich", container_mc); if ((wert == false) || (wert == undefined)) { } else { labelBack_mc.onPress = function () { this._parent.startDrag(false, 160, 100, 1022 - this._parent._width, 600); this._parent._parent.tiefe++; this._parent.swapDepths(this._parent._parent.tiefe); }; labelBack_mc.onRelease = function () { (this.stopDrag());// not popped }; labelBack_mc.onReleaseOutside = function () { (this.stopDrag());// not popped }; } } function removeMich() { container_mc._visible = false; container_mc._x = meinePositions.x; container_mc._y = meinePositions.y; container_mc.removeMovieClip(); } function displayOnEvent() { var _local2 = 1; if (obj.animation != undefined) { if (obj.animation != "true") { if (obj.animation != "false") { _local2 = Number(obj.animation); } } } machTween(_local2); moreTweens(); } function resettMich() { if (sInterval != undefined) { clearInterval(sInterval); } if (dInterval != undefined) { clearInterval(dInterval); } meinText = undefined; $back_mc.removeMovieClip(); $rand_mc.removeMovieClip(); delete my_styleSheet; delete label_styleSheet; meinePositions = {x:container_mc._x, y:container_mc._y}; meineBreite = 280; ch.mda.core.componentStandarts.makeToStandard(container_mc, "meineBreite", _root.s_secondColumWidth); textFarbe = "#000000"; ch.mda.core.componentStandarts.makeToStandard(container_mc, "textFarbe", _root.s_textColor); boxTextFarbe = "#000000"; ch.mda.core.componentStandarts.makeToStandard(container_mc, "boxTextFarbe", _root.s_boxTextColor); backFarbe = "#F4F4F4"; ch.mda.core.componentStandarts.makeToStandard(container_mc, "backFarbe", _root.s_boxColor); borderFarbe = "#666666"; ch.mda.core.componentStandarts.makeToStandard(container_mc, "borderFarbe", _root.s_boxBorderColor); meinSize = 15; ch.mda.core.componentStandarts.makeToStandard(container_mc, "meinSize", _root.s_fontSize); species = "plainText"; abstandHohe = 10; ch.mda.core.componentStandarts.makeToStandard(container_mc, "abstandHohe", _root.s_spacing); $hoehe = 24; container_mc._visible = false; fontEinbetten = true; hatDelay = false; labelColor = "#FFFFFF"; ch.mda.core.componentStandarts.makeToStandard(container_mc, "labelColor", _root.s_boxLabelColor); if (hatLabel) { labelBack_mc.removeMovieClip(); labelWinText_mc.removeMovieClip(); c_btn.removeMovieClip(); } label = undefined; hatLabel = undefined; if (hatScroll) { if (myScrollBar != undefined) { trace("mache weg " + myScrollBar); myScrollBar.targetClip.setMask(null); myScrollBar.borderObj.removeMovieClip(); myScrollBar._visible = false; } } hatScroll = false; winText_mc.removeMovieClip(); textShadow = undefined; container_mc._rotation = 0; hatTween = undefined; } function getPosition(ref_mc) { var _local2 = {}; if (ref_mc != undefined) { _local2.x = Math.round(ref_mc._x); _local2.y = Math.round((ref_mc._y + ref_mc._height) + abstandHohe); return(_local2); } return({x:container_mc._x, y:container_mc._y}); } function machTween(zahl) { container_mc._visible = true; container_mc._alpha = 0; container_mc.alphaTo(100, zahl, "easeInOutQuad"); } function machTypeWriter(zahler) { if (textShadow != undefined) { textShadow._visible = false; var sh = textShadow; } var _local2 = function () { ti_txt.htmlText = texto.substring(0, count); count = count + zahler; if (count > texto.length) { clearInterval(sInt); ti_txt.htmlText = texto; sh._visible = true; } trace(count); }; var count = (meinText.indexOf(">") + 1); var zahler = zahler; var ti_txt = meinTextfeld_txt; var texto = meinText; sInterval = setInterval(_local2, 100); var sInt = sInterval; } function moreTweens() { ch.mda.util.tweenUtils.moreTweens(container_mc, obj, meinePositions); delete container_mc.onEnterFrame; } function onUnload() { clearInterval(sInterval); clearInterval(dInterval); delete my_styleSheet; delete label_styleSheet; container_mc.stopTween(); } function drawBallon(m_mc, bTxtW, bTxtH, backColor1, backColor2, borderColor, line, startX, endY) { if (startX == undefined) { startX = 25; } if (endY == undefined) { endY = 30; } trace("startX: " + startX); trace("endY: " + endY); var fillType = "linear"; var colors = [backColor1, backColor2]; var alphas = [100, 100]; var ratios = [0, 255]; var matrix = {matrixType:"box", x:0, y:0, w:bTxtW, h:bTxtH + 20, r:(Math.PI/2)}; with (m_mc) { m_mc.beginGradientFill(fillType, colors, alphas, ratios, matrix); lineStyle(line, borderColor, 100); moveTo(20, 0); lineTo(bTxtW, 0); curveTo(bTxtW + 20, 0, bTxtW + 20, 20); lineTo(bTxtW + 20, bTxtH); curveTo(bTxtW + 20, bTxtH + 20, bTxtW, bTxtH + 20); lineTo(30, bTxtH + 20); lineTo(startX, bTxtH + endY); lineTo(20, bTxtH + 20); lineTo(20, bTxtH + 20); curveTo(0, bTxtH + 20, 0, bTxtH); lineTo(0, 20); curveTo(0, 0, 20, 0); endFill(); } } }
Symbol 39 MovieClip [] Frame 0
class ch.mda.core.componentStandarts { function componentStandarts () { } static function makeToStandard(customer, variable, zielwert) { if ((zielwert != undefined) && (zielwert != "undefined")) { customer[variable] = zielwert; } } }
Symbol 40 MovieClip [] Frame 0
class ch.mda.util.tweenUtils { function tweenUtils () { } static function machTween(container_mc, obj) { if (obj.animation != undefined) { if (obj.animation != "false") { var _local3 = ch.mda.util.StringUtil.checkStringToNumber(obj.animation); if (_local3) { var _local5 = Number(obj.animation); } else { var _local5 = 3; } if (obj.delay == undefined) { var _local4 = 0.2; } else { var _local4 = Number(obj.delay); } container_mc._visible = true; container_mc._alpha = 0; container_mc.alphaTo(100, _local5, "easeInQuad", _local4); } } } static function moreTweens(container_mc, obj, meinePosition) { if (obj.delay == undefined) { var _local3 = 0.2; } else { var _local3 = Number(obj.delay); } if (obj.tweenX != undefined) { if (obj.tweenXStart == undefined) { var _local7 = 1022 + container_mc._width; } else { var _local7 = Number(obj.tweenXStart); } var _local9 = meinePosition.x; container_mc._x = _local7; container_mc.tween("_x", _local9, Number(obj.tweenX), "easeInQuad", _local3); } if (obj.tweenY != undefined) { if (obj.tweenYStart == undefined) { var _local6 = 700 + container_mc._height; } else { var _local6 = Number(obj.tweenYStart); } var _local8 = meinePosition.y; container_mc._y = _local6; container_mc.tween("_y", _local8, Number(obj.tweenY), "easeInQuad", _local3); } if (obj.tweenScale != undefined) { if (obj.tweenScaleStart == undefined) { var _local5 = 0; } else { var _local5 = Number(obj.tweenScaleStart); } var _local9 = 100; container_mc._xscale = _local5; container_mc._yscale = _local5; container_mc.scaleTo(_local9, Number(obj.tweenScale), "easeInQuad", _local3); } if (obj.tweenRotate != undefined) { if (obj.tweenRotateStart == undefined) { var _local10 = -90; } else { var _local10 = Number(obj.tweenRotateStart); } var _local9 = 0; container_mc._rotation = _local10; container_mc.tween("_rotation", _local9, Number(obj.tweenRotate), "easeInQuad", _local3); } if (obj.alphaAnimation != undefined) { var _local4 = {}; _local4.animation = obj.alphaAnimation; _local4.delay = obj.delay; machTween(container_mc, _local4); } } static function doDelay(container_mc, obj) { var mc = container_mc; if (obj.delay != undefined) { if (obj.delay != "undefined") { if (obj.delay != "false") { if (obj.delay != false) { var _local4 = ch.mda.util.StringUtil.checkStringToNumber(obj.delay); if (_local4) { container_mc._visible = false; var d = Number(obj.delay); var c = 0; var _local3 = function () { c = c + 500; if ((c / 1000) >= d) { mc._visible = true; clearInterval(dasInterval); } }; var dasInterval = setInterval(_local3, 500); container_mc.onUnload = function () { clearInterval(dasInterval); }; return(dasInterval); } } } } } } }

Library Items

Symbol 1 Sound [Big_clun-Public_D-348.wav]
Symbol 2 Sound [atmosphe-PSION-3280_hifi.mp3]
Symbol 3 GraphicUsed by:4 13
Symbol 4 MovieClip [_back_mc]Uses:3Used by:9 14 15 18 23  Timeline
Symbol 5 GraphicUsed by:6
Symbol 6 MovieClip [_rand_mc]Uses:5Used by:9 15 18 23
Symbol 7 GraphicUsed by:8
Symbol 8 MovieClipUses:7Used by:9 19
Symbol 9 MovieClip [closeSmall_pb]Uses:4 6 8
Symbol 10 GraphicUsed by:11
Symbol 11 MovieClipUses:10Used by:15
Symbol 12 GraphicUsed by:14
Symbol 13 MovieClipUses:3Used by:14
Symbol 14 MovieClipUses:4 12 13Used by:15
Symbol 15 MovieClip [simpleSlider_mc]Uses:4 6 11 14Used by:19
Symbol 16 GraphicUsed by:17
Symbol 17 MovieClipUses:16Used by:18
Symbol 18 MovieClip [sound_pb]Uses:4 6 17Used by:19
Symbol 19 MovieClip [soundControl_mc]Uses:18 15 8Used by:Timeline
Symbol 20 FontUsed by:21
Symbol 21 EditableTextUses:20Used by:22
Symbol 22 MovieClipUses:21Used by:23
Symbol 23 MovieClip [freeText_mc]Uses:4 6 22Used by:Timeline
Symbol 24 FontUsed by:25
Symbol 25 EditableTextUses:24Used by:Timeline
Symbol 26 FontUsed by:27
Symbol 27 EditableTextUses:26Used by:Timeline
Symbol 28 VideoUsed by:Timeline
Symbol 29 MovieClip []
Symbol 30 MovieClip []
Symbol 31 MovieClip []
Symbol 32 MovieClip []
Symbol 33 MovieClip []
Symbol 34 MovieClip []
Symbol 35 MovieClip []
Symbol 36 MovieClip []
Symbol 37 MovieClip []
Symbol 38 MovieClip []
Symbol 39 MovieClip []
Symbol 40 MovieClip []

Instance Names

"soundHalter_mc"Frame 1Symbol 4 MovieClip [_back_mc]
"a_txt"Frame 1Symbol 23 MovieClip [freeText_mc]
"soundControl_mc"Frame 1Symbol 19 MovieClip [soundControl_mc]
"b_mc"Symbol 9 MovieClip [closeSmall_pb] Frame 1Symbol 4 MovieClip [_back_mc]
"r_mc"Symbol 9 MovieClip [closeSmall_pb] Frame 1Symbol 6 MovieClip [_rand_mc]
"pfeil_mc"Symbol 9 MovieClip [closeSmall_pb] Frame 1Symbol 8 MovieClip
"back2_mc"Symbol 14 MovieClip Frame 1Symbol 4 MovieClip [_back_mc]
"back_mc"Symbol 14 MovieClip Frame 1Symbol 4 MovieClip [_back_mc]
"lin_mc"Symbol 14 MovieClip Frame 1Symbol 4 MovieClip [_back_mc]
"dragger_mc"Symbol 14 MovieClip Frame 1Symbol 13 MovieClip
"b_mc"Symbol 15 MovieClip [simpleSlider_mc] Frame 1Symbol 4 MovieClip [_back_mc]
"hit_mc"Symbol 15 MovieClip [simpleSlider_mc] Frame 1Symbol 4 MovieClip [_back_mc]
"r_mc"Symbol 15 MovieClip [simpleSlider_mc] Frame 1Symbol 6 MovieClip [_rand_mc]
"pfeil_mc"Symbol 15 MovieClip [simpleSlider_mc] Frame 1Symbol 11 MovieClip
"leiste_mc"Symbol 15 MovieClip [simpleSlider_mc] Frame 2Symbol 14 MovieClip
"b_mc"Symbol 18 MovieClip [sound_pb] Frame 1Symbol 4 MovieClip [_back_mc]
"r_mc"Symbol 18 MovieClip [sound_pb] Frame 1Symbol 6 MovieClip [_rand_mc]
"pfeil_mc"Symbol 18 MovieClip [sound_pb] Frame 1Symbol 17 MovieClip
"sound_pb"Symbol 19 MovieClip [soundControl_mc] Frame 1Symbol 18 MovieClip [sound_pb]
"slider_mc"Symbol 19 MovieClip [soundControl_mc] Frame 1Symbol 15 MovieClip [simpleSlider_mc]
"durchstreich_mc"Symbol 19 MovieClip [soundControl_mc] Frame 1Symbol 8 MovieClip
"fake_txt"Symbol 22 MovieClip Frame 1Symbol 21 EditableText
"back_mc"Symbol 23 MovieClip [freeText_mc] Frame 1Symbol 4 MovieClip [_back_mc]
"rand_mc"Symbol 23 MovieClip [freeText_mc] Frame 1Symbol 6 MovieClip [_rand_mc]
"fake_mc"Symbol 23 MovieClip [freeText_mc] Frame 1Symbol 22 MovieClip

Special Tags

FileAttributes (69)Timeline Frame 1Access local files only, Metadata not present, AS1/AS2.
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 1Symbol 1 as "Big_clun-Public_D-348.wav"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 1Symbol 2 as "atmosphe-PSION-3280_hifi.mp3"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 1Symbol 4 as "_back_mc"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 1Symbol 6 as "_rand_mc"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 1Symbol 9 as "closeSmall_pb"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 1Symbol 15 as "simpleSlider_mc"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 1Symbol 18 as "sound_pb"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 1Symbol 19 as "soundControl_mc"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 1Symbol 23 as "freeText_mc"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 1Symbol 29 as ""
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 1Symbol 30 as ""
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 1Symbol 31 as ""
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 1Symbol 32 as ""
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 1Symbol 33 as ""
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 1Symbol 34 as ""
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 1Symbol 35 as ""
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 1Symbol 36 as ""
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 1Symbol 37 as ""
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 1Symbol 38 as ""
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 1Symbol 39 as ""
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 1Symbol 40 as ""
Created: 27/3 -2019 11:29:57 Last modified: 27/3 -2019 11:29:57 Server time: 11/03 -2025 13:09:28