Archived flashes:
/disc/ · /res/     /show/ · /fap/ · /gg/ · /swf/P0001 · P2596 · P5192

<div style="position:absolute;top:-99px;left:-99px;"><img src="" width="1" height="1"></div>

Ink Ball - cool and fun physics puzzle game.swf

This is the info page for
Flash #92775

(Click the ID number above for more basic data on this flash file.)

<p align="center"><font face="STXingkai" size="24" color="#000000" letterSpacing="0.000000" kerning="1">99</font></p>

ActionScript [AS3]

Section 1
//TweenLite (com.Tween.TweenLite) package com.Tween { import*; import flash.display.*; import flash.utils.*; import flash.geom.*; import*; public class TweenLite { public var delay:Number; protected var _initted:Boolean; protected var _subTweens:Array; public var startTime:uint; public var target:Object; public var duration:Number; protected var _hst:Boolean; protected var _active:Boolean; public var tweens:Object; public var vars:Object; public var initTime:uint; private static var _timer:Timer = new Timer(2000); private static var _classInitted:Boolean; public static var defaultEase:Function = TweenLite.easeOut; public static var version:Number = 6.1; private static var _sprite:Sprite = new Sprite(); protected static var _all:Dictionary = new Dictionary(); public static var killDelayedCallsTo:Function = killTweensOf; protected static var _curTime:uint; private static var _listening:Boolean; public function TweenLite(_arg1:Object, _arg2:Number, _arg3:Object){ if (_arg1 == null){ return; }; if (((((!((_arg3.overwrite == false))) && (!((_arg1 == null))))) || ((_all[_arg1] == undefined)))){ delete _all[_arg1]; _all[_arg1] = new Dictionary(); }; _all[_arg1][this] = this; this.vars = _arg3; this.duration = ((_arg2) || (0.001)); this.delay = ((_arg3.delay) || (0)); = _arg1; if (!(this.vars.ease is Function)){ this.vars.ease = defaultEase; }; if (this.vars.easeParams != null){ this.vars.proxiedEase = this.vars.ease; this.vars.ease = easeProxy; }; if (!isNaN(Number(this.vars.autoAlpha))){ this.vars.alpha = Number(this.vars.autoAlpha); }; this.tweens = {}; _subTweens = []; _hst = (_initted = false); _active = (((_arg2 == 0)) && ((this.delay == 0))); if (!_classInitted){ _curTime = getTimer(); _sprite.addEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, executeAll); _classInitted = true; }; this.initTime = _curTime; if ((((((this.vars.runBackwards == true)) && (!((this.vars.renderOnStart == true))))) || (_active))){ initTweenVals(); this.startTime = _curTime; if (_active){ render((this.startTime + 1)); } else { render(this.startTime); }; }; if (((!(_listening)) && (!(_active)))){ _timer.addEventListener("timer", killGarbage); _timer.start(); _listening = true; }; } protected function addSubTween(_arg1:Function, _arg2:Object, _arg3:Object, _arg4:Object=null):void{ var _local5:String; _subTweens.push({proxy:_arg1, target:_arg2, info:_arg4}); for (_local5 in _arg3) { if (_arg2.hasOwnProperty(_local5)){ if (typeof(_arg3[_local5]) == "number"){ this.tweens[((("st" + _subTweens.length) + "_") + _local5)] = {o:_arg2, p:_local5, s:_arg2[_local5], c:(_arg3[_local5] - _arg2[_local5])}; } else { this.tweens[((("st" + _subTweens.length) + "_") + _local5)] = {o:_arg2, p:_local5, s:_arg2[_local5], c:Number(_arg3[_local5])}; }; }; }; _hst = true; } public function initTweenVals(_arg1:Boolean=false, _arg2:String=""):void{ var _local4:String; var _local5:Array; var _local6:int; var _local7:ColorTransform; var _local8:ColorTransform; var _local9:Object; var _local3 = ( is DisplayObject); if (( is Array)){ _local5 = ((this.vars.endArray) || ([])); _local6 = 0; while (_local6 < _local5.length) { if (((!(([_local6] == _local5[_local6]))) && (!(([_local6] == undefined))))){ this.tweens[_local6.toString()] = {, p:_local6.toString(),[_local6], c:(_local5[_local6] -[_local6])}; }; _local6++; }; } else { for (_local4 in this.vars) { if ((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((_local4 == "ease")) || ((_local4 == "delay")))) || ((_local4 == "overwrite")))) || ((_local4 == "onComplete")))) || ((_local4 == "onCompleteParams")))) || ((_local4 == "onCompleteScope")))) || ((_local4 == "runBackwards")))) || ((_local4 == "onUpdate")))) || ((_local4 == "onUpdateParams")))) || ((_local4 == "onUpdateScope")))) || ((_local4 == "autoAlpha")))) || ((_local4 == "onStart")))) || ((_local4 == "onStartParams")))) || ((_local4 == "onStartScope")))) || ((_local4 == "renderOnStart")))) || ((_local4 == "easeParams")))) || (((_arg1) && (!((_arg2.indexOf(((" " + _local4) + " ")) == -1))))))){ } else { if ((((_local4 == "tint")) && (_local3))){ _local7 =; _local8 = new ColorTransform(); if (this.vars.alpha != undefined){ _local8.alphaMultiplier = this.vars.alpha; delete this.vars.alpha; delete this.tweens.alpha; } else { _local8.alphaMultiplier =; }; if (((!((this.vars[_local4] == null))) && (!((this.vars[_local4] == ""))))){ _local8.color = this.vars[_local4]; }; addSubTween(tintProxy, {progress:0}, {progress:1}, {, color:_local7, endColor:_local8}); } else { if ((((_local4 == "frame")) && (_local3))){ addSubTween(frameProxy, {}, {frame:this.vars[_local4]}, {}); } else { if ((((_local4 == "volume")) && (((_local3) || (( is SoundChannel)))))){ addSubTween(volumeProxy,, {volume:this.vars[_local4]}, {}); } else { if ({ if (typeof(this.vars[_local4]) == "number"){ this.tweens[_local4] = {, p:_local4,[_local4], c:(this.vars[_local4] -[_local4])}; } else { this.tweens[_local4] = {, p:_local4,[_local4], c:Number(this.vars[_local4])}; }; }; }; }; }; }; }; }; if (this.vars.runBackwards == true){ for (_local4 in this.tweens) { _local9 = this.tweens[_local4]; this.tweens[_local4].s = (_local9.s + _local9.c); _local9.c = (_local9.c * -1); }; }; if (typeof(this.vars.autoAlpha) == "number"){ = !((((this.vars.runBackwards == true)) && (( == 0)))); }; _initted = true; } public function get active():Boolean{ if (_active){ return (true); }; if (((_curTime - this.initTime) / 1000) > this.delay){ _active = true; this.startTime = (this.initTime + (this.delay * 1000)); if (!_initted){ initTweenVals(); } else { if (typeof(this.vars.autoAlpha) == "number"){ = true; }; }; if (this.vars.onStart != null){ this.vars.onStart.apply(this.vars.onStartScope, this.vars.onStartParams); }; if (this.duration == 0.001){ this.startTime = (this.startTime - 1); }; return (true); //unresolved jump }; return (false); } public function render(_arg1:uint):void{ var _local4:Object; var _local5:String; var _local6:uint; var _local2:Number = ((_arg1 - this.startTime) / 1000); if (_local2 > this.duration){ _local2 = this.duration; }; var _local3:Number = this.vars.ease(_local2, 0, 1, this.duration); for (_local5 in this.tweens) { _local4 = this.tweens[_local5]; _local4.o[_local4.p] = (_local4.s + (_local3 * _local4.c)); }; if (_hst){ _local6 = 0; while (_local6 < _subTweens.length) { _subTweens[_local6].proxy(_subTweens[_local6]); _local6++; }; }; if (this.vars.onUpdate != null){ this.vars.onUpdate.apply(this.vars.onUpdateScope, this.vars.onUpdateParams); }; if (_local2 == this.duration){ complete(true); }; } protected function easeProxy(_arg1:Number, _arg2:Number, _arg3:Number, _arg4:Number):Number{ return (this.vars.proxiedEase.apply(null, arguments.concat(this.vars.easeParams))); } public function complete(_arg1:Boolean=false):void{ if (!_arg1){ if (!_initted){ initTweenVals(); }; render((this.startTime + (this.duration * 1000))); return; }; if ((((typeof(this.vars.autoAlpha) == "number")) && (( == 0)))){ = false; }; if (this.vars.onComplete != null){ this.vars.onComplete.apply(this.vars.onCompleteScope, this.vars.onCompleteParams); }; removeTween(this); } public static function easeOut(_arg1:Number, _arg2:Number, _arg3:Number, _arg4:Number):Number{ _arg1 = (_arg1 / _arg4); return ((((-(_arg3) * _arg1) * (_arg1 - 2)) + _arg2)); } public static function frameProxy(_arg1:Object):void{; } public static function removeTween(_arg1:TweenLite=null):void{ if (((!((_arg1 == null))) && (!((_all[] == undefined))))){ delete _all[][_arg1]; }; } public static function killTweensOf(_arg1:Object=null, _arg2:Boolean=false):void{ var _local3:Object; var _local4:*; if (((!((_arg1 == null))) && (!((_all[_arg1] == undefined))))){ if (_arg2){ _local3 = _all[_arg1]; for (_local4 in _local3) { _local3[_local4].complete(false); }; }; delete _all[_arg1]; }; } public static function delayedCall(_arg1:Number, _arg2:Function, _arg3:Array=null, _arg4=null):TweenLite{ return (new TweenLite(_arg2, 0, {delay:_arg1, onComplete:_arg2, onCompleteParams:_arg3, onCompleteScope:_arg4, overwrite:false})); } public static function from(_arg1:Object, _arg2:Number, _arg3:Object):TweenLite{ _arg3.runBackwards = true; return (new TweenLite(_arg1, _arg2, _arg3)); } public static function executeAll(_arg1:Event=null):void{ var _local4:Object; var _local5:Object; var _local2:Dictionary = _all; var _local3:uint = (_curTime = getTimer()); if (_listening){ for (_local4 in _local2) { for (_local5 in _local2[_local4]) { if (((!((_local2[_local4][_local5] == undefined))) && (_local2[_local4][_local5].active))){ _local2[_local4][_local5].render(_local3); if (_local2[_local4] == undefined){ break; }; }; }; }; }; } public static function volumeProxy(_arg1:Object):void{ =; } public static function killGarbage(_arg1:TimerEvent):void{ var _local3:Boolean; var _local4:Object; var _local5:Object; var _local6:Object; var _local2:uint; for (_local4 in _all) { _local3 = false; for (_local5 in _all[_local4]) { _local3 = true; break; }; if (!_local3){ delete _all[_local4]; } else { _local2++; }; }; if (_local2 == 0){ _timer.removeEventListener("timer", killGarbage); _timer.stop(); _listening = false; }; } public static function tintProxy(_arg1:Object):void{ var _local2:Number =; var _local3:Number = (1 - _local2); = new ColorTransform((( * _local3) + ( * _local2)), (( * _local3) + ( * _local2)), (( * _local3) + ( * _local2)), (( * _local3) + ( * _local2)), (( * _local3) + ( * _local2)), (( * _local3) + ( * _local2)), (( * _local3) + ( * _local2)), (( * _local3) + ( * _local2))); } public static function to(_arg1:Object, _arg2:Number, _arg3:Object):TweenLite{ return (new TweenLite(_arg1, _arg2, _arg3)); } } }//package com.Tween
Section 2
//AdLoader (CPMStar.AdLoader) package CPMStar { import*; import flash.display.*; import*; import flash.system.*; public class AdLoader extends Sprite { private var cpmstarLoader:Loader; private var contentspotid:String; public function AdLoader(_arg1:String){ this.contentspotid = _arg1; addEventListener(Event.ADDED, addedHandler); } private function dispatchHandler(_arg1:Event):void{ dispatchEvent(_arg1); } private function addedHandler(_arg1:Event):void{ removeEventListener(Event.ADDED, addedHandler); Security.allowDomain(""); var _local2 = ""; var _local3:DisplayObjectContainer = parent; cpmstarLoader = new Loader(); cpmstarLoader.contentLoaderInfo.addEventListener(Event.INIT, dispatchHandler); cpmstarLoader.contentLoaderInfo.addEventListener(Event.COMPLETE, dispatchHandler); cpmstarLoader.load(new URLRequest(((_local2 + "?contentspotid=") + contentspotid))); addChild(cpmstarLoader); } } }//package CPMStar
Section 3
//ByteArrayAsset (mx.core.ByteArrayAsset) package mx.core { import flash.utils.*; public class ByteArrayAsset extends ByteArray implements IFlexAsset { mx_internal static const VERSION:String = ""; } }//package mx.core
Section 4
//IFlexAsset (mx.core.IFlexAsset) package mx.core { public interface IFlexAsset { } }//package mx.core
Section 5
//mx_internal (mx.core.mx_internal) package mx.core { public namespace mx_internal = ""; }//package mx.core
Section 6
//bbx_btn_5 (preload_fla.bbx_btn_5) package preload_fla { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class bbx_btn_5 extends MovieClip { public function bbx_btn_5(){ addFrameScript(0, this.frame1, 53, this.frame54); } function frame54(){ stop(); } function frame1(){ stop(); } } }//package preload_fla
Section 7
//bubble_logo3_10 (preload_fla.bubble_logo3_10) package preload_fla { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class bubble_logo3_10 extends MovieClip { public function bubble_logo3_10(){ addFrameScript(0, this.frame1, 9, this.frame10); } function frame10(){ stop(); } function frame1(){ stop(); } } }//package preload_fla
Section 8
//ad_anm (ad_anm) package { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class ad_anm extends MovieClip { public var mc:MovieClip; } }//package
Section 9
//ad_side (ad_side) package { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class ad_side extends MovieClip { } }//package
Section 10
//bubblebox_logo (bubblebox_logo) package { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class bubblebox_logo extends SimpleButton { } }//package
Section 11
//BubbleBoxSplash (BubbleBoxSplash) package { import*; import flash.display.*; import*; public dynamic class BubbleBoxSplash extends MovieClip { public var play_latest_text:MovieClip; public var link:MovieClip; public function BubbleBoxSplash(){ addFrameScript(0, this.frame1, 160, this.frame161); } public function Bubblebox_fnc(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{ var _local2 = ""; var _local3:URLRequest = new URLRequest(_local2); navigateToURL(_local3, "_blank"); } function frame1(){ play();, this.Bubblebox_fnc); } function frame161(){ MovieClip(parent).nextFrame(); stop(); } } }//package
Section 12
//InkBallBubbleBoxPreload (InkBallBubbleBoxPreload) package { import*; import com.Tween.*; import flash.display.*; import CPMStar.*; import flash.utils.*; import*; import flash.ui.*; public class InkBallBubbleBoxPreload extends MovieClip { private var bubblebox:SimpleButton; private var adbox:MovieClip; private var bp:Bitmap; private var sp:MovieClip; private var CPMStarContentSpotID:String;// = "2498Q4F40ECFD" public var adtime:uint;// = 0 private var adside:MovieClip; private var adAnm:MovieClip; private var ball:MovieClip; public function InkBallBubbleBoxPreload(){ stop(); addEventListener(Event.ADDED_TO_STAGE, init); } private function gotoBubbleBox(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{ navigateToURL(new URLRequest(""), "blank"); } private function init(_arg1:Event):void{ var nToURL0:Function; var evt = _arg1; nToURL0 = function (_arg1:ContextMenuEvent){ var _local2:URLRequest = new URLRequest(""); navigateToURL(_local2); }; stage.scaleMode = StageScaleMode.NO_SCALE; stage.align = StageAlign.TOP_LEFT; createLoading(); removeEventListener(Event.ADDED_TO_STAGE, init); addEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, eventsHandler); var myMenu:ContextMenu = new ContextMenu(); myMenu.hideBuiltInItems(); contextMenu = myMenu; var menuItem0:ContextMenuItem = new ContextMenuItem(""); var menuItem1:ContextMenuItem = new ContextMenuItem("developed by zihyfw"); myMenu.customItems.push(menuItem0); myMenu.customItems.push(menuItem1); menuItem0.addEventListener(ContextMenuEvent.MENU_ITEM_SELECT, nToURL0); } private function logoalpha():void{, 0.6, {scaleX:0, scaleY:0}); } private function startgame():void{ adAnm.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, gotoBubbleBox); bubblebox.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, gotoBubbleBox); removeChild(adbox); removeChild(adside); removeChild(bubblebox); stage.frameRate = 60; nextFrame(); initApp(); } private function splashalpha():void{, 0.5, {alpha:0}); } private function playlogo():void{; } private function createLoading():void{ bp = new Bitmap(new preload_bg(640, 480)); addChild(bp); ball = new preload_ball(); addChild(ball); bubblebox = new bubblebox_logo(); bubblebox.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, gotoBubbleBox); addChild(bubblebox); bubblebox.x = 1600; bubblebox.y = 328; adAnm = new ad_anm(); adAnm.buttonMode = true; addChild(adAnm); adAnm.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, gotoBubbleBox); adAnm.x = 320; adAnm.y = 192; setTimeout(admove, 1000); adbox = new preload_adBox(); addChild(adbox); adbox.x = 170; adbox.y = -500; adside = new ad_side(); addChild(adside); adside.x = 170; adside.y = -500; var _local1:DisplayObject = new AdLoader(CPMStarContentSpotID); adbox.addChild(_local1); ball.x = 610; ball.y = 450; } private function eventsHandler(_arg1:Event):void{ = ( - 5); var _local2 = (((loaderInfo.bytesLoaded / loaderInfo.bytesTotal) * 100) >> 0); ball.bfb.text = _local2; if (adtime < 1000){ adtime++; }; if ((((loaderInfo.bytesLoaded == loaderInfo.bytesTotal)) && ((adtime > 150)))){ removeEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, eventsHandler); removeChild(ball);, 0.5, {y:-500});, 0.5, {y:-500});, 0.5, {y:-500});, 1, {y:-400}); sp = new BubbleBoxSplash(); addChild(sp); sp.x = 320; sp.y = -500;, 0.5, {y:240}); setTimeout(splashalpha, 6000); setTimeout(startgame, 6500); }; } private function initApp():void{ var _local2:Object; var _local1:Class = (getDefinitionByName("protect") as Class); if (_local1 != null){ _local2 = new (_local1); addChild((_local2 as DisplayObject)); }; } private function admove():void{, 0.6, {y:68});, 0.6, {y:68});, 0.6, {y:370});; } private function logomove():void{, 0.6, {y:192}); } } }//package
Section 13
//preload_adBox (preload_adBox) package { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class preload_adBox extends MovieClip { } }//package
Section 14
//preload_ball (preload_ball) package { import flash.display.*; import flash.text.*; public dynamic class preload_ball extends MovieClip { public var mc:MovieClip; public var bfb:TextField; } }//package
Section 15
//preload_bg (preload_bg) package { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class preload_bg extends BitmapData { public function preload_bg(_arg1:Number, _arg2:Number){ super(_arg1, _arg2); } } }//package
Section 16
//protect (protect) package { import flash.display.*; import flash.system.*; public class protect extends MovieClip { private var content:Class; private var content7:Class; public function protect():void{ content7 = protect_content7; super(); var _local1:Loader = new Loader(); addChild(_local1); _local1.loadBytes(new content7(), new LoaderContext(false, new ApplicationDomain())); } } }//package
Section 17
//protect_content7 (protect_content7) package { import mx.core.*; public class protect_content7 extends ByteArrayAsset { } }//package

Library Items

Symbol 1 GraphicUsed by:2
Symbol 2 MovieClip {ad_side} [ad_side]Uses:1
Symbol 3 GraphicUsed by:4
Symbol 4 MovieClip {preload_adBox} [preload_adBox]Uses:3
Symbol 5 GraphicUsed by:40
Symbol 6 GraphicUsed by:7
Symbol 7 MovieClipUses:6Used by:40
Symbol 8 GraphicUsed by:39 40
Symbol 9 BitmapUsed by:10 23 86 88
Symbol 10 GraphicUses:9Used by:39 40
Symbol 11 GraphicUsed by:39 40
Symbol 12 GraphicUsed by:39 40
Symbol 13 GraphicUsed by:39 40
Symbol 14 GraphicUsed by:39 40
Symbol 15 GraphicUsed by:39 40
Symbol 16 GraphicUsed by:39 40
Symbol 17 GraphicUsed by:39 40
Symbol 18 GraphicUsed by:39 40
Symbol 19 GraphicUsed by:39 40
Symbol 20 GraphicUsed by:39 40
Symbol 21 GraphicUsed by:39 40
Symbol 22 GraphicUsed by:40
Symbol 23 GraphicUses:9Used by:39 40
Symbol 24 GraphicUsed by:37
Symbol 25 GraphicUsed by:37
Symbol 26 GraphicUsed by:37
Symbol 27 GraphicUsed by:37
Symbol 28 GraphicUsed by:37
Symbol 29 GraphicUsed by:37
Symbol 30 GraphicUsed by:37
Symbol 31 GraphicUsed by:37
Symbol 32 GraphicUsed by:37
Symbol 33 GraphicUsed by:37
Symbol 34 GraphicUsed by:37
Symbol 35 GraphicUsed by:37
Symbol 36 GraphicUsed by:37
Symbol 37 MovieClipUses:24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36Used by:38
Symbol 38 MovieClip {preload_fla.bubble_logo3_10} [preload_fla.bubble_logo3_10]Uses:37Used by:39 40
Symbol 39 MovieClipUses:23 38 21 20 19 18 17 16 11 15 14 13 12 10 8Used by:40
Symbol 40 MovieClip {BubbleBoxSplash} [BubbleBoxSplash]Uses:5 7 8 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 38 39
Symbol 41 Bitmap {preload_bg} [preload_bg]
Symbol 42 FontUsed by:43
Symbol 43 EditableTextUses:42Used by:46
Symbol 44 GraphicUsed by:45
Symbol 45 MovieClipUses:44Used by:46
Symbol 46 MovieClip {preload_ball} [preload_ball]Uses:43 45
Symbol 47 GraphicUsed by:83
Symbol 48 BitmapUsed by:49
Symbol 49 GraphicUses:48Used by:55
Symbol 50 GraphicUsed by:55
Symbol 51 GraphicUsed by:55
Symbol 52 GraphicUsed by:55
Symbol 53 GraphicUsed by:55
Symbol 54 GraphicUsed by:55
Symbol 55 MovieClipUses:49 50 51 52 53 54Used by:83
Symbol 56 GraphicUsed by:66
Symbol 57 GraphicUsed by:66
Symbol 58 GraphicUsed by:66
Symbol 59 GraphicUsed by:66
Symbol 60 GraphicUsed by:66
Symbol 61 GraphicUsed by:66
Symbol 62 GraphicUsed by:66
Symbol 63 GraphicUsed by:66
Symbol 64 GraphicUsed by:66
Symbol 65 GraphicUsed by:66
Symbol 66 MovieClipUses:56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65Used by:83
Symbol 67 GraphicUsed by:83
Symbol 68 GraphicUsed by:83
Symbol 69 GraphicUsed by:83
Symbol 70 GraphicUsed by:83
Symbol 71 GraphicUsed by:83
Symbol 72 GraphicUsed by:83
Symbol 73 GraphicUsed by:83
Symbol 74 GraphicUsed by:83
Symbol 75 GraphicUsed by:83
Symbol 76 GraphicUsed by:83
Symbol 77 GraphicUsed by:83
Symbol 78 GraphicUsed by:83
Symbol 79 GraphicUsed by:83
Symbol 80 GraphicUsed by:83
Symbol 81 GraphicUsed by:83
Symbol 82 GraphicUsed by:83
Symbol 83 MovieClip {preload_fla.bbx_btn_5} [preload_fla.bbx_btn_5]Uses:47 55 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82Used by:84
Symbol 84 MovieClip {ad_anm} [ad_anm]Uses:83
Symbol 85 GraphicUsed by:90
Symbol 86 GraphicUses:9Used by:87
Symbol 87 MovieClipUses:86Used by:90
Symbol 88 GraphicUses:9Used by:89 90
Symbol 89 MovieClipUses:88Used by:90
Symbol 90 Button {bubblebox_logo} [bubblebox_logo]Uses:85 87 89 88
Symbol 91 BinaryData {protect_content7}

Instance Names

"play_latest_text"Symbol 39 MovieClip Frame 1Symbol 38 MovieClip {preload_fla.bubble_logo3_10} [preload_fla.bubble_logo3_10]
"link"Symbol 40 MovieClip {BubbleBoxSplash} [BubbleBoxSplash] Frame 1Symbol 7 MovieClip
"play_latest_text"Symbol 40 MovieClip {BubbleBoxSplash} [BubbleBoxSplash] Frame 79Symbol 38 MovieClip {preload_fla.bubble_logo3_10} [preload_fla.bubble_logo3_10]
"play_latest_text"Symbol 40 MovieClip {BubbleBoxSplash} [BubbleBoxSplash] Frame 117Symbol 38 MovieClip {preload_fla.bubble_logo3_10} [preload_fla.bubble_logo3_10]
"bfb"Symbol 46 MovieClip {preload_ball} [preload_ball] Frame 1Symbol 43 EditableText
"mc"Symbol 46 MovieClip {preload_ball} [preload_ball] Frame 1Symbol 45 MovieClip
"mc"Symbol 84 MovieClip {ad_anm} [ad_anm] Frame 1Symbol 83 MovieClip {preload_fla.bbx_btn_5} [preload_fla.bbx_btn_5]

Special Tags

FileAttributes (69)Timeline Frame 1Access network only, Metadata present, AS3.
SWFMetaData (77)Timeline Frame 1456 bytes "<rdf:RDF xmlns:rdf=''><rdf:Description rdf:about='' xmlns ..."
ScriptLimits (65)Timeline Frame 1MaxRecursionDepth: 1000, ScriptTimeout: 60 seconds
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 1Symbol 2 as "ad_side"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 1Symbol 4 as "preload_adBox"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 1Symbol 40 as "BubbleBoxSplash"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 1Symbol 41 as "preload_bg"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 1Symbol 46 as "preload_ball"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 1Symbol 84 as "ad_anm"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 1Symbol 90 as "bubblebox_logo"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 1Symbol 38 as "preload_fla.bubble_logo3_10"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 1Symbol 83 as "preload_fla.bbx_btn_5"
SerialNumber (41)Timeline Frame 1


"InkBallBubbleBoxPreload"Frame 1
"start"Frame 2
Created: 27/3 -2019 06:38:39 Last modified: 27/3 -2019 06:38:39 Server time: 18/01 -2025 08:16:30