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Happy New Year!

<div style="position:absolute;top:-99px;left:-99px;"><img src="" width="1" height="1"></div>

Escape the Mansion - get outta the strange house as fast as you can.swf

This is the info page for
Flash #93147

(Click the ID number above for more basic data on this flash file.)

sir kyral was my name,
but i am not the same,
who i used to be.
watch me and be patient,
to achieve the key.








escape the mansion

<p align="center"><font face="Shlop" size="20" color="#000000" letterSpacing="0.000000" kerning="0"><a href="" target = "_blank">© 2009 by CodinSoft</a></font></p>




additional graphics


jens winterstein

design, graphics


kevin macleod

sketchup bonuspacks

skeletal raider

jens w. / wavsource


font ("shlop")

ray larabie

escape the mansion



The last thing you remember is that you were
driving through the woods. you felt tired and
decided to bring your car to a stop and take a nap...
you woke up in a strange place, Unbeknownst
who or what brought you there. You can't
believe it but This is not just a bad dream.
this place feels evil and creepy... you know
you have to get outta here as fast as possible!


below is a link to the walkthrough...
But you should only take a look if
you are on the verge of frustration :)
to close this screen, click the "?" again.

<p align="center"><font face="Shlop" size="22" color="#0000ff" letterSpacing="0.000000" kerning="0"><a href="" target = "_blank">- walkthrough -</a></font></p>

after the door slid open, you run as fast as you can.
fortunately your car is standing outside, keys plugged.
you start the engine and rush away.
as you take a look at the rear mirror you
see only trees and wilderness.
the mansion is mysteriously gone...

ActionScript [AS3]

Section 1
//HelpScreen_38 (ETM_fla.HelpScreen_38) package ETM_fla { import flash.display.*; import flash.text.*; public dynamic class HelpScreen_38 extends MovieClip { public var walkLink:TextField; } }//package ETM_fla
Section 2
//Outfader_99 (ETM_fla.Outfader_99) package ETM_fla { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class Outfader_99 extends MovieClip { public function Outfader_99(){ addFrameScript(0, frame1, 60, frame61); } function frame1(){ stop(); } function frame61(){ stop(); ETM(root).nextFrame(); } } }//package ETM_fla
Section 3
//PentaWithBg_60 (ETM_fla.PentaWithBg_60) package ETM_fla { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class PentaWithBg_60 extends MovieClip { public function PentaWithBg_60(){ addFrameScript(0, frame1, 39, frame40); } function frame1(){ stop(); } function frame40(){ stop(); } } }//package ETM_fla
Section 4
//RedEyes_18 (ETM_fla.RedEyes_18) package ETM_fla { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class RedEyes_18 extends MovieClip { public function RedEyes_18(){ addFrameScript(0, frame1, 100, frame101); } function frame1(){ stop(); } function frame101(){ stop(); } } }//package ETM_fla
Section 5
//Rune1_65 (ETM_fla.Rune1_65) package ETM_fla { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class Rune1_65 extends MovieClip { public function Rune1_65(){ addFrameScript(0, frame1, 1, frame2); } function frame1(){ stop(); } function frame2(){ stop(); } } }//package ETM_fla
Section 6
//Rune2_68 (ETM_fla.Rune2_68) package ETM_fla { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class Rune2_68 extends MovieClip { public function Rune2_68(){ addFrameScript(0, frame1, 1, frame2); } function frame1(){ stop(); } function frame2(){ stop(); } } }//package ETM_fla
Section 7
//Rune3_71 (ETM_fla.Rune3_71) package ETM_fla { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class Rune3_71 extends MovieClip { public function Rune3_71(){ addFrameScript(0, frame1, 1, frame2); } function frame1(){ stop(); } function frame2(){ stop(); } } }//package ETM_fla
Section 8
//Rune4_74 (ETM_fla.Rune4_74) package ETM_fla { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class Rune4_74 extends MovieClip { public function Rune4_74(){ addFrameScript(0, frame1, 1, frame2); } function frame1(){ stop(); } function frame2(){ stop(); } } }//package ETM_fla
Section 9
//Rune5_77 (ETM_fla.Rune5_77) package ETM_fla { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class Rune5_77 extends MovieClip { public function Rune5_77(){ addFrameScript(0, frame1, 1, frame2); } function frame1(){ stop(); } function frame2(){ stop(); } } }//package ETM_fla
Section 10
//Rune6_80 (ETM_fla.Rune6_80) package ETM_fla { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class Rune6_80 extends MovieClip { public function Rune6_80(){ addFrameScript(0, frame1, 1, frame2); } function frame1(){ stop(); } function frame2(){ stop(); } } }//package ETM_fla
Section 11
//Rune7_83 (ETM_fla.Rune7_83) package ETM_fla { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class Rune7_83 extends MovieClip { public function Rune7_83(){ addFrameScript(0, frame1, 1, frame2); } function frame1(){ stop(); } function frame2(){ stop(); } } }//package ETM_fla
Section 12
//Rune8_86 (ETM_fla.Rune8_86) package ETM_fla { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class Rune8_86 extends MovieClip { public function Rune8_86(){ addFrameScript(0, frame1, 1, frame2); } function frame1(){ stop(); } function frame2(){ stop(); } } }//package ETM_fla
Section 13
//Scene1_Ghost_36 (ETM_fla.Scene1_Ghost_36) package ETM_fla { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class Scene1_Ghost_36 extends MovieClip { public function Scene1_Ghost_36(){ addFrameScript(79, frame80, 109, frame110); } function frame80(){ gotoAndPlay("start"); } function frame110(){ stop(); } } }//package ETM_fla
Section 14
//StarFlash_17 (ETM_fla.StarFlash_17) package ETM_fla { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class StarFlash_17 extends MovieClip { public function StarFlash_17(){ addFrameScript(0, frame1, 25, frame26); } function frame1(){ stop(); } function frame26(){ stop(); } } }//package ETM_fla
Section 15
//ThunderMovie_93 (ETM_fla.ThunderMovie_93) package ETM_fla { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class ThunderMovie_93 extends MovieClip { public function ThunderMovie_93(){ addFrameScript(0, frame1, 37, frame38); } function frame1(){ stop(); } function frame38(){ stop(); } } }//package ETM_fla
Section 16
//Umriss_19 (ETM_fla.Umriss_19) package ETM_fla { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class Umriss_19 extends MovieClip { public function Umriss_19(){ addFrameScript(0, frame1, 100, frame101); } function frame1(){ stop(); } function frame101(){ stop(); } } }//package ETM_fla
Section 17
//MochiAd (mochi.as3.MochiAd) package mochi.as3 { import flash.display.*; import*; import flash.utils.*; import*; import flash.system.*; public class MochiAd { public static function getVersion():String{ return ("3.02 as3"); } public static function showClickAwayAd(_arg1:Object):void{ var DEFAULTS:Object; var clip:Object; var ad_timeout:Number; var mc:MovieClip; var wh:Array; var w:Number; var h:Number; var chk:MovieClip; var sendHostProgress:Boolean; var options = _arg1; DEFAULTS = {ad_timeout:2000, regpt:"o", method:"showClickAwayAd", res:"300x250", no_bg:true, ad_started:function ():void{ }, ad_finished:function ():void{ }, ad_loaded:function (_arg1:Number, _arg2:Number):void{ }, ad_failed:function ():void{ trace("[MochiAd] Couldn't load an ad, make sure your game's local security sandbox is configured for Access Network Only and that you are not using ad blocking software"); }, ad_skipped:function ():void{ }}; options = MochiAd._parseOptions(options, DEFAULTS); clip = options.clip; ad_timeout = options.ad_timeout; delete options.ad_timeout; if (!MochiAd.load(options)){ options.ad_failed(); options.ad_finished(); return; }; options.ad_started(); mc = clip._mochiad; mc["onUnload"] = function ():void{ MochiAd._cleanup(mc); options.ad_finished(); }; wh = MochiAd._getRes(options, clip); w = wh[0]; h = wh[1]; mc.x = (w * 0.5); mc.y = (h * 0.5); chk = createEmptyMovieClip(mc, "_mochiad_wait", 3); chk.ad_timeout = ad_timeout; chk.started = getTimer(); chk.showing = false; mc.unloadAd = function ():void{ MochiAd.unload(clip); }; mc.adLoaded = options.ad_loaded; mc.adSkipped = options.ad_skipped; mc.rpc = function (_arg1:Number, _arg2:Object):void{ MochiAd.rpc(clip, _arg1, _arg2); }; sendHostProgress = false; mc.regContLC = function (_arg1:String):void{ mc._containerLCName = _arg1; }; chk["onEnterFrame"] = function ():void{ var _local1:Object; var _local2:Number; var _local3:Boolean; var _local4:Number; if (!this.parent){ delete this.onEnterFrame; return; }; _local1 = this.parent._mochiad_ctr; _local2 = (getTimer() - this.started); _local3 = false; if (!chk.showing){ _local4 = this.parent._mochiad_ctr.contentLoaderInfo.bytesTotal; if (_local4 > 0){ chk.showing = true; _local3 = true; chk.started = getTimer(); } else { if (_local2 > chk.ad_timeout){ options.ad_failed(); _local3 = true; }; }; }; if (this.root == null){ _local3 = true; }; if (_local3){ delete this.onEnterFrame; }; }; doOnEnterFrame(chk); } public static function _isNetworkAvailable():Boolean{ return (!((Security.sandboxType == "localWithFile"))); } public static function _allowDomains(_arg1:String):String{ var _local2:String; _local2 = _arg1.split("/")[2].split(":")[0]; if (Security.sandboxType == "application"){ return (_local2); }; Security.allowDomain("*"); Security.allowDomain(_local2); Security.allowInsecureDomain("*"); Security.allowInsecureDomain(_local2); return (_local2); } public static function unload(_arg1:Object):Boolean{ if (((_arg1.clip) && (_arg1.clip._mochiad))){ _arg1 = _arg1.clip; }; if (_arg1.origFrameRate != undefined){ _arg1.stage.frameRate = _arg1.origFrameRate; }; if (!_arg1._mochiad){ return (false); }; if (_arg1._mochiad._containerLCName != undefined){, "notify", {id:"unload"}); }; if (_arg1._mochiad.onUnload){ _arg1._mochiad.onUnload(); }; delete _arg1._mochiad_loaded; delete _arg1._mochiad; return (true); } public static function showInterLevelAd(_arg1:Object):void{ var DEFAULTS:Object; var clip:Object; var ad_msec:Number; var ad_timeout:Number; var fadeout_time:Number; var mc:MovieClip; var wh:Array; var w:Number; var h:Number; var chk:MovieClip; var options = _arg1; DEFAULTS = {ad_timeout:2000, fadeout_time:250, regpt:"o", method:"showTimedAd", ad_started:function ():void{ if ((this.clip is MovieClip)){ this.clip.stop(); } else { throw (new Error("MochiAd.showInterLevelAd requires a clip that is a MovieClip or is an instance of a class that extends MovieClip. If your clip is a Sprite, then you must provide custom ad_started and ad_finished handlers.")); }; }, ad_finished:function ():void{ if ((this.clip is MovieClip)){; } else { throw (new Error("MochiAd.showInterLevelAd requires a clip that is a MovieClip or is an instance of a class that extends MovieClip. If your clip is a Sprite, then you must provide custom ad_started and ad_finished handlers.")); }; }, ad_loaded:function (_arg1:Number, _arg2:Number):void{ }, ad_failed:function ():void{ trace("[MochiAd] Couldn't load an ad, make sure your game's local security sandbox is configured for Access Network Only and that you are not using ad blocking software"); }, ad_skipped:function ():void{ }}; options = MochiAd._parseOptions(options, DEFAULTS); clip = options.clip; ad_msec = 11000; ad_timeout = options.ad_timeout; delete options.ad_timeout; fadeout_time = options.fadeout_time; delete options.fadeout_time; if (!MochiAd.load(options)){ options.ad_failed(); options.ad_finished(); return; }; options.ad_started(); mc = clip._mochiad; mc["onUnload"] = function ():void{ MochiAd._cleanup(mc); options.ad_finished(); }; wh = MochiAd._getRes(options, clip); w = wh[0]; h = wh[1]; mc.x = (w * 0.5); mc.y = (h * 0.5); chk = createEmptyMovieClip(mc, "_mochiad_wait", 3); chk.ad_msec = ad_msec; chk.ad_timeout = ad_timeout; chk.started = getTimer(); chk.showing = false; chk.fadeout_time = fadeout_time; chk.fadeFunction = function ():void{ var _local1:Number; if (!this.parent){ delete this.onEnterFrame; delete this.fadeFunction; return; }; _local1 = (100 * (1 - ((getTimer() - this.fadeout_start) / this.fadeout_time))); if (_local1 > 0){ this.parent.alpha = (_local1 * 0.01); } else { MochiAd.unload(clip); delete this["onEnterFrame"]; }; }; mc.unloadAd = function ():void{ MochiAd.unload(clip); }; mc.adLoaded = options.ad_loaded; mc.adSkipped = options.ad_skipped; mc.adjustProgress = function (_arg1:Number):void{ var _local2:Object; _local2 = mc._mochiad_wait; _local2.server_control = true; _local2.showing = true; _local2.started = getTimer(); _local2.ad_msec = (_arg1 - 250); }; mc.rpc = function (_arg1:Number, _arg2:Object):void{ MochiAd.rpc(clip, _arg1, _arg2); }; chk["onEnterFrame"] = function ():void{ var _local1:Object; var _local2:Number; var _local3:Boolean; var _local4:Number; if (!this.parent){ delete this.onEnterFrame; delete this.fadeFunction; return; }; _local1 = this.parent._mochiad_ctr; _local2 = (getTimer() - this.started); _local3 = false; if (!chk.showing){ _local4 = this.parent._mochiad_ctr.contentLoaderInfo.bytesTotal; if (_local4 > 0){ chk.showing = true; chk.started = getTimer(); MochiAd.adShowing(clip); } else { if (_local2 > chk.ad_timeout){ options.ad_failed(); _local3 = true; }; }; }; if (_local2 > chk.ad_msec){ _local3 = true; }; if (_local3){ if (this.server_control){ delete this.onEnterFrame; } else { this.fadeout_start = getTimer(); this.onEnterFrame = this.fadeFunction; }; }; }; doOnEnterFrame(chk); } public static function _parseOptions(_arg1:Object, _arg2:Object):Object{ var _local3:Object; var _local4:String; var _local5:Array; var _local6:Number; var _local7:Array; _local3 = {}; for (_local4 in _arg2) { _local3[_local4] = _arg2[_local4]; }; if (_arg1){ for (_local4 in _arg1) { _local3[_local4] = _arg1[_local4]; }; }; if (_local3.clip == undefined){ throw (new Error("MochiAd is missing the 'clip' parameter. This should be a MovieClip, Sprite or an instance of a class that extends MovieClip or Sprite.")); }; _arg1 = _local3.clip.loaderInfo.parameters.mochiad_options; if (_arg1){ _local5 = _arg1.split("&"); _local6 = 0; while (_local6 < _local5.length) { _local7 = _local5[_local6].split("="); _local3[unescape(_local7[0])] = unescape(_local7[1]); _local6++; }; }; if ( == "test"){ trace("[MochiAd] WARNING: Using the MochiAds test identifier, make sure to use the code from your dashboard, not this example!"); }; return (_local3); } public static function _cleanup(_arg1:Object):void{ var idx:Number; var k:String; var lc:LocalConnection; var f:Function; var mc = _arg1; if (("lc" in mc)){ lc =; f = function ():void{ try { lc.client = null; lc.close(); } catch(e:Error) { }; }; setTimeout(f, 0); }; idx = DisplayObjectContainer(mc).numChildren; while (idx > 0) { idx = (idx - 1); DisplayObjectContainer(mc).removeChildAt(idx); }; for (k in mc) { delete mc[k]; }; } public static function load(_arg1:Object):MovieClip{ var DEFAULTS:Object; var clip:Object; var depth:Number; var mc:MovieClip; var wh:Array; var lv:URLVariables; var k:String; var server:String; var hostname:String; var lc:LocalConnection; var name:String; var loader:Loader; var g:Function; var req:URLRequest; var v:Object; var options = _arg1; DEFAULTS = {server:"", method:"load", depth:10333, id:"_UNKNOWN_"}; options = MochiAd._parseOptions(options, DEFAULTS); options.swfv = 9; options.mav = MochiAd.getVersion(); clip = options.clip; if (!MochiAd._isNetworkAvailable()){ return (null); }; try { if (clip._mochiad_loaded){ return (null); }; } catch(e:Error) { throw (new Error("MochiAd requires a clip that is an instance of a dynamic class. If your class extends Sprite or MovieClip, you must make it dynamic.")); }; depth = options.depth; delete options.depth; mc = createEmptyMovieClip(clip, "_mochiad", depth); wh = MochiAd._getRes(options, clip); options.res = ((wh[0] + "x") + wh[1]); options.server = (options.server +; delete; clip._mochiad_loaded = true; if (clip.loaderInfo.loaderURL.indexOf("http") == 0){ options.as3_swf = clip.loaderInfo.loaderURL; } else { trace("[MochiAd] NOTE: Security Sandbox Violation errors below are normal"); }; lv = new URLVariables(); for (k in options) { v = options[k]; if (!(v is Function)){ lv[k] = v; }; }; server = lv.server; delete lv.server; hostname = _allowDomains(server); lc = new LocalConnection(); lc.client = mc; name = ["", Math.floor(new Date().getTime()), Math.floor((Math.random() * 999999))].join("_"); lc.allowDomain("*", "localhost"); lc.allowInsecureDomain("*", "localhost"); lc.connect(name); = lc; mc.lcName = name; = name; = getTimer(); loader = new Loader(); g = function (_arg1:Object):void{, arguments.callee); MochiAd.unload(clip); }; loader.contentLoaderInfo.addEventListener(Event.UNLOAD, g); req = new URLRequest(((server + ".swf?cacheBust=") + new Date().getTime())); req.contentType = "application/x-www-form-urlencoded"; req.method = URLRequestMethod.POST; = lv; loader.contentLoaderInfo.addEventListener(IOErrorEvent.IO_ERROR, function (_arg1:IOErrorEvent):void{ trace("[MochiAds] Blocked URL"); }); loader.load(req); mc.addChild(loader); mc._mochiad_ctr = loader; return (mc); } public static function runMethod(_arg1:Object, _arg2:String, _arg3:Array):Object{ var _local4:Array; var _local5:Number; _local4 = _arg2.split("."); _local5 = 0; while (_local5 < (_local4.length - 1)) { if ((((_arg1[_local4[_local5]] == undefined)) || ((_arg1[_local4[_local5]] == null)))){ return (undefined); }; _arg1 = _arg1[_local4[_local5]]; _local5++; }; if (typeof(_arg1[_local4[_local5]]) == "function"){ return (_arg1[_local4[_local5]].apply(_arg1, _arg3)); }; return (undefined); } public static function createEmptyMovieClip(_arg1:Object, _arg2:String, _arg3:Number):MovieClip{ var _local4:MovieClip; _local4 = new MovieClip(); if (((false) && (_arg3))){ _arg1.addChildAt(_local4, _arg3); } else { _arg1.addChild(_local4); }; _arg1[_arg2] = _local4; _local4["_name"] = _arg2; return (_local4); } public static function _getRes(_arg1:Object, _arg2:Object):Array{ var _local3:Object; var _local4:Number; var _local5:Number; var _local6:Array; _local3 = _arg2.getBounds(_arg2.root); _local4 = 0; _local5 = 0; if (typeof(_arg1.res) != "undefined"){ _local6 = _arg1.res.split("x"); _local4 = parseFloat(_local6[0]); _local5 = parseFloat(_local6[1]); } else { _local4 = (_local3.xMax - _local3.xMin); _local5 = (_local3.yMax - _local3.yMin); }; if ((((_local4 == 0)) || ((_local5 == 0)))){ _local4 = _arg2.stage.stageWidth; _local5 = _arg2.stage.stageHeight; }; return ([_local4, _local5]); } public static function adShowing(_arg1:Object):void{ _arg1.origFrameRate = _arg1.stage.frameRate; _arg1.stage.frameRate = 30; } public static function getValue(_arg1:Object, _arg2:String):Object{ var _local3:Array; var _local4:Number; _local3 = _arg2.split("."); _local4 = 0; while (_local4 < (_local3.length - 1)) { if ((((_arg1[_local3[_local4]] == undefined)) || ((_arg1[_local3[_local4]] == null)))){ return (undefined); }; _arg1 = _arg1[_local3[_local4]]; _local4++; }; return (_arg1[_local3[_local4]]); } public static function rpc(_arg1:Object, _arg2:Number, _arg3:Object):void{ var _local4:Object; var _local5:Object; switch ({ case "setValue": MochiAd.setValue(_arg1, _arg3.objectName, _arg3.value); break; case "getValue": _local4 = MochiAd.getValue(_arg1, _arg3.objectName);, "rpcResult", _arg2, _local4); break; case "runMethod": _local5 = MochiAd.runMethod(_arg1, _arg3.method, _arg3.args);, "rpcResult", _arg2, _local5); break; default: trace(("[mochiads rpc] unknown rpc id: " +; }; } public static function setValue(_arg1:Object, _arg2:String, _arg3:Object):void{ var _local4:Array; var _local5:Number; _local4 = _arg2.split("."); _local5 = 0; while (_local5 < (_local4.length - 1)) { if ((((_arg1[_local4[_local5]] == undefined)) || ((_arg1[_local4[_local5]] == null)))){ return; }; _arg1 = _arg1[_local4[_local5]]; _local5++; }; _arg1[_local4[_local5]] = _arg3; } public static function showPreGameAd(_arg1:Object):void{ var DEFAULTS:Object; var clip:Object; var ad_msec:Number; var ad_timeout:Number; var fadeout_time:Number; var mc:MovieClip; var wh:Array; var w:Number; var h:Number; var chk:MovieClip; var bar:MovieClip; var bar_color:Number; var bar_background:Number; var bar_outline:Number; var backing_mc:MovieClip; var backing:Object; var inside_mc:MovieClip; var inside:Object; var outline_mc:MovieClip; var outline:Object; var complete:Boolean; var unloaded:Boolean; var f:Function; var sendHostProgress:Boolean; var fn:Function; var r:MovieClip; var options = _arg1; DEFAULTS = {ad_timeout:3000, fadeout_time:250, regpt:"o", method:"showPreloaderAd", color:0xFF8A00, background:16777161, outline:13994812, no_progress_bar:false, ad_started:function ():void{ if ((this.clip is MovieClip)){ this.clip.stop(); } else { throw (new Error("MochiAd.showPreGameAd requires a clip that is a MovieClip or is an instance of a class that extends MovieClip. If your clip is a Sprite, then you must provide custom ad_started and ad_finished handlers.")); }; }, ad_finished:function ():void{ if ((this.clip is MovieClip)){; } else { throw (new Error("MochiAd.showPreGameAd requires a clip that is a MovieClip or is an instance of a class that extends MovieClip. If your clip is a Sprite, then you must provide custom ad_started and ad_finished handlers.")); }; }, ad_loaded:function (_arg1:Number, _arg2:Number):void{ }, ad_failed:function ():void{ trace("[MochiAd] Couldn't load an ad, make sure your game's local security sandbox is configured for Access Network Only and that you are not using ad blocking software"); }, ad_skipped:function ():void{ }, ad_progress:function (_arg1:Number):void{ }}; options = MochiAd._parseOptions(options, DEFAULTS); if ("c862232051e0a94e1c3609b3916ddb17".substr(0) == "dfeada81ac97cde83665f81c12da7def"){ options.ad_started(); fn = function ():void{ options.ad_finished(); }; setTimeout(fn, 100); return; }; clip = options.clip; ad_msec = 11000; ad_timeout = options.ad_timeout; delete options.ad_timeout; fadeout_time = options.fadeout_time; delete options.fadeout_time; if (!MochiAd.load(options)){ options.ad_failed(); options.ad_finished(); return; }; options.ad_started(); mc = clip._mochiad; mc["onUnload"] = function ():void{ var fn:Function; MochiAd._cleanup(mc); fn = function ():void{ options.ad_finished(); }; setTimeout(fn, 100); }; wh = MochiAd._getRes(options, clip); w = wh[0]; h = wh[1]; mc.x = (w * 0.5); mc.y = (h * 0.5); chk = createEmptyMovieClip(mc, "_mochiad_wait", 3); chk.x = (w * -0.5); chk.y = (h * -0.5); bar = createEmptyMovieClip(chk, "_mochiad_bar", 4); if (options.no_progress_bar){ bar.visible = false; delete options.no_progress_bar; } else { bar.x = 10; bar.y = (h - 20); }; bar_color = options.color; delete options.color; bar_background = options.background; delete options.background; bar_outline = options.outline; delete options.outline; backing_mc = createEmptyMovieClip(bar, "_outline", 1); backing =; backing.beginFill(bar_background); backing.moveTo(0, 0); backing.lineTo((w - 20), 0); backing.lineTo((w - 20), 10); backing.lineTo(0, 10); backing.lineTo(0, 0); backing.endFill(); inside_mc = createEmptyMovieClip(bar, "_inside", 2); inside =; inside.beginFill(bar_color); inside.moveTo(0, 0); inside.lineTo((w - 20), 0); inside.lineTo((w - 20), 10); inside.lineTo(0, 10); inside.lineTo(0, 0); inside.endFill(); inside_mc.scaleX = 0; outline_mc = createEmptyMovieClip(bar, "_outline", 3); outline =; outline.lineStyle(0, bar_outline, 100); outline.moveTo(0, 0); outline.lineTo((w - 20), 0); outline.lineTo((w - 20), 10); outline.lineTo(0, 10); outline.lineTo(0, 0); chk.ad_msec = ad_msec; chk.ad_timeout = ad_timeout; chk.started = getTimer(); chk.showing = false; chk.last_pcnt = 0; chk.fadeout_time = fadeout_time; chk.fadeFunction = function ():void{ var _local1:Number; _local1 = (100 * (1 - ((getTimer() - this.fadeout_start) / this.fadeout_time))); if (_local1 > 0){ this.parent.alpha = (_local1 * 0.01); } else { MochiAd.unload(clip); delete this["onEnterFrame"]; }; }; complete = false; unloaded = false; f = function (_arg1:Event):void{, arguments.callee); complete = true; if (unloaded){ MochiAd.unload(clip); }; }; if (clip.loaderInfo.bytesLoaded == clip.loaderInfo.bytesTotal){ complete = true; } else { if ((clip.root is MovieClip)){ r = (clip.root as MovieClip); if (r.framesLoaded >= r.totalFrames){ complete = true; } else { clip.loaderInfo.addEventListener(Event.COMPLETE, f); }; } else { clip.loaderInfo.addEventListener(Event.COMPLETE, f); }; }; mc.unloadAd = function ():void{ unloaded = true; if (complete){ MochiAd.unload(clip); }; }; mc.adLoaded = options.ad_loaded; mc.adSkipped = options.ad_skipped; mc.adjustProgress = function (_arg1:Number):void{ var _local2:Object; _local2 = mc._mochiad_wait; _local2.server_control = true; _local2.showing = true; _local2.started = getTimer(); _local2.ad_msec = _arg1; }; mc.rpc = function (_arg1:Number, _arg2:Object):void{ MochiAd.rpc(clip, _arg1, _arg2); }; mc.rpcTestFn = function (_arg1:String):Object{ trace(("[MOCHIAD rpcTestFn] " + _arg1)); return (_arg1); }; mc.regContLC = function (_arg1:String):void{ mc._containerLCName = _arg1; }; sendHostProgress = false; mc.sendHostLoadProgress = function (_arg1:String):void{ sendHostProgress = true; }; chk["onEnterFrame"] = function ():void{ var _local1:Object; var _local2:Object; var _local3:Number; var _local4:Boolean; var _local5:Number; var _local6:Number; var _local7:Number; var _local8:Number; var _local9:Object; var _local10:Number; var _local11:Number; if (((!(this.parent)) || (!(this.parent.parent)))){ delete this["onEnterFrame"]; return; }; _local1 = this.parent.parent.root; _local2 = this.parent._mochiad_ctr; _local3 = (getTimer() - this.started); _local4 = false; _local5 = _local1.loaderInfo.bytesTotal; _local6 = _local1.loaderInfo.bytesLoaded; if (complete){ _local6 = Math.max(1, _local6); _local5 = _local6; }; _local7 = ((100 * _local6) / _local5); _local8 = ((100 * _local3) / chk.ad_msec); _local9 = this._mochiad_bar._inside; _local10 = Math.min(100, Math.min(((_local7) || (0)), _local8)); _local10 = Math.max(this.last_pcnt, _local10); this.last_pcnt = _local10; _local9.scaleX = (_local10 * 0.01); options.ad_progress(_local10); if (sendHostProgress){, "notify", {id:"hostLoadPcnt", pcnt:_local7}); if (_local7 == 100){ sendHostProgress = false; }; }; if (!chk.showing){ _local11 = this.parent._mochiad_ctr.contentLoaderInfo.bytesTotal; if (_local11 > 0){ chk.showing = true; chk.started = getTimer(); MochiAd.adShowing(clip); } else { if ((((_local3 > chk.ad_timeout)) && ((_local7 == 100)))){ options.ad_failed(); _local4 = true; }; }; }; if (_local3 > chk.ad_msec){ _local4 = true; }; if (((complete) && (_local4))){ if (this.server_control){ delete this.onEnterFrame; } else { this.fadeout_start = getTimer(); this.onEnterFrame = chk.fadeFunction; }; }; }; doOnEnterFrame(chk); } public static function showPreloaderAd(_arg1:Object):void{ trace("[MochiAd] DEPRECATED: showPreloaderAd was renamed to showPreGameAd in 2.0"); MochiAd.showPreGameAd(_arg1); } public static function showTimedAd(_arg1:Object):void{ trace("[MochiAd] DEPRECATED: showTimedAd was renamed to showInterLevelAd in 2.0"); MochiAd.showInterLevelAd(_arg1); } public static function doOnEnterFrame(_arg1:MovieClip):void{ var f:Function; var mc = _arg1; f = function (_arg1:Object):void{ if (((("onEnterFrame" in mc)) && (mc.onEnterFrame))){ mc.onEnterFrame(); } else {, arguments.callee); }; }; mc.addEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, f); } } }//package mochi.as3
Section 18
//MochiDigits (mochi.as3.MochiDigits) package mochi.as3 { public final class MochiDigits { private var Sibling:MochiDigits; private var Fragment:Number; private var Encoder:Number; public function MochiDigits(_arg1:Number=0, _arg2:uint=0):void{ Encoder = 0; setValue(_arg1, _arg2); } public function set value(_arg1:Number):void{ setValue(_arg1); } public function reencode():void{ var _local1:uint; _local1 = int((2147483647 * Math.random())); Fragment = (Fragment ^ (_local1 ^ Encoder)); Encoder = _local1; } public function toString():String{ var _local1:String; _local1 = String.fromCharCode((Fragment ^ Encoder)); if (Sibling != null){ _local1 = (_local1 + Sibling.toString()); }; return (_local1); } public function get value():Number{ return (Number(this.toString())); } public function setValue(_arg1:Number=0, _arg2:uint=0):void{ var _local3:String; _local3 = _arg1.toString(); var _temp1 = _arg2; _arg2 = (_arg2 + 1); Fragment = (_local3.charCodeAt(_temp1) ^ Encoder); if (_arg2 < _local3.length){ Sibling = new MochiDigits(_arg1, _arg2); } else { Sibling = null; }; reencode(); } public function addValue(_arg1:Number):void{ value = (value + _arg1); } } }//package mochi.as3
Section 19
//MochiScores (mochi.as3.MochiScores) package mochi.as3 { import flash.display.*; import flash.text.*; public class MochiScores { private static var boardID:String; public static var onErrorHandler:Object; public static var onCloseHandler:Object; public static function showLeaderboard(_arg1:Object=null):void{ var n:Number; var options = _arg1; if (options != null){ if (options.clip != null){ if ((options.clip is Sprite)){ MochiServices.setContainer(options.clip); }; delete options.clip; } else { MochiServices.setContainer(); }; MochiServices.stayOnTop(); if ( != null){ if (( is TextField)){ if ( > 0){ =; }; }; }; if (options.score != null){ if ((options.score is TextField)){ if (options.score.text.length > 0){ options.score = options.score.text; }; } else { if ((options.score is MochiDigits)){ options.score = options.score.value; }; }; n = Number(options.score); if (isNaN(n)){ trace((("ERROR: Submitted score '" + options.score) + "' will be rejected, score is 'Not a Number'")); } else { if ((((n == Number.NEGATIVE_INFINITY)) || ((n == Number.POSITIVE_INFINITY)))){ trace((("ERROR: Submitted score '" + options.score) + "' will be rejected, score is an infinite")); } else { if (Math.floor(n) != n){ trace((("WARNING: Submitted score '" + options.score) + "' will be truncated")); }; options.score = n; }; }; }; if (options.onDisplay != null){ options.onDisplay(); } else { if (MochiServices.clip != null){ if ((MochiServices.clip is MovieClip)){ MochiServices.clip.stop(); } else { trace("Warning: Container is not a MovieClip, cannot call default onDisplay."); }; }; }; } else { options = {}; if ((MochiServices.clip is MovieClip)){ MochiServices.clip.stop(); } else { trace("Warning: Container is not a MovieClip, cannot call default onDisplay."); }; }; if (options.onClose != null){ onCloseHandler = options.onClose; } else { onCloseHandler = function ():void{ if ((MochiServices.clip is MovieClip)){; } else { trace("Warning: Container is not a MovieClip, cannot call default onClose."); }; }; }; if (options.onError != null){ onErrorHandler = options.onError; } else { onErrorHandler = null; }; if (options.boardID == null){ if (MochiScores.boardID != null){ options.boardID = MochiScores.boardID; }; }; MochiServices.warnID(options.boardID, true); trace("[MochiScores] NOTE: Security Sandbox Violation errors below are normal"); MochiServices.send("scores_showLeaderboard", {options:options}, null, onClose); } public static function closeLeaderboard():void{ MochiServices.send("scores_closeLeaderboard"); } public static function getPlayerInfo(_arg1:Object, _arg2:Object=null):void{ MochiServices.send("scores_getPlayerInfo", null, _arg1, _arg2); } public static function requestList(_arg1:Object, _arg2:Object=null):void{ MochiServices.send("scores_requestList", null, _arg1, _arg2); } public static function scoresArrayToObjects(_arg1:Object):Object{ var _local2:Object; var _local3:Number; var _local4:Number; var _local5:Object; var _local6:Object; var _local7:String; var _local8:String; _local2 = {}; for (_local7 in _arg1) { if (typeof(_arg1[_local7]) == "object"){ if (((!((_arg1[_local7].cols == null))) && (!((_arg1[_local7].rows == null))))){ _local2[_local7] = []; _local5 = _arg1[_local7]; _local4 = 0; while (_local4 < _local5.rows.length) { _local6 = {}; _local3 = 0; while (_local3 < _local5.cols.length) { _local6[_local5.cols[_local3]] = _local5.rows[_local4][_local3]; _local3++; }; _local2[_local7].push(_local6); _local4++; }; } else { _local2[_local7] = {}; for (_local8 in _arg1[_local7]) { _local2[_local7][_local8] = _arg1[_local7][_local8]; }; }; } else { _local2[_local7] = _arg1[_local7]; }; }; return (_local2); } public static function submit(_arg1:Number, _arg2:String, _arg3:Object=null, _arg4:Object=null):void{ _arg1 = Number(_arg1); if (isNaN(_arg1)){ trace((("ERROR: Submitted score '" + String(_arg1)) + "' will be rejected, score is 'Not a Number'")); } else { if ((((_arg1 == Number.NEGATIVE_INFINITY)) || ((_arg1 == Number.POSITIVE_INFINITY)))){ trace((("ERROR: Submitted score '" + String(_arg1)) + "' will be rejected, score is an infinite")); } else { if (Math.floor(_arg1) != _arg1){ trace((("WARNING: Submitted score '" + String(_arg1)) + "' will be truncated")); }; _arg1 = Number(_arg1); }; }; MochiServices.send("scores_submit", {score:_arg1, name:_arg2}, _arg3, _arg4); } public static function onClose(_arg1:Object=null):void{ if (_arg1 != null){ if (_arg1.error != null){ if (_arg1.error == true){ if (onErrorHandler != null){ if (_arg1.errorCode == null){ _arg1.errorCode = "IOError"; }; onErrorHandler(_arg1.errorCode); MochiServices.doClose(); return; }; }; }; }; onCloseHandler(); MochiServices.doClose(); } public static function setBoardID(_arg1:String):void{ MochiServices.warnID(_arg1, true); MochiScores.boardID = _arg1; MochiServices.send("scores_setBoardID", {boardID:_arg1}); } } }//package mochi.as3
Section 20
//MochiServices (mochi.as3.MochiServices) package mochi.as3 { import flash.display.*; import*; import flash.utils.*; import*; import flash.system.*; import flash.geom.*; public class MochiServices { private static var _container:Object; private static var _connected:Boolean = false; private static var _swfVersion:String; public static var netupAttempted:Boolean = false; private static var _sendChannel:LocalConnection; private static var _clip:MovieClip; private static var _loader:Loader; private static var _id:String; private static var _listenChannel:LocalConnection; public static var widget:Boolean = false; private static var _timer:Timer; private static var _sendChannelName:String; private static var _connecting:Boolean = false; public static var onError:Object; private static var _listenChannelName:String = "__ms_"; private static var _servicesURL:String = ""; public static var netup:Boolean = true; public static function isNetworkAvailable():Boolean{ return (!((Security.sandboxType == "localWithFile"))); } public static function get connected():Boolean{ return (_connected); } private static function flush(_arg1:Boolean):void{ var _local2:Object; var _local3:Object; if (_clip != null){ if (_clip._queue != null){ while (_clip._queue.length > 0) { _local2 = _clip._queue.shift(); _local3 = null; if (_local2 != null){ if (_local2.callbackID != null){ _local3 = _clip._callbacks[_local2.callbackID]; }; delete _clip._callbacks[_local2.callbackID]; if (((_arg1) && (!((_local3 == null))))){ handleError(_local2.args, _local3.callbackObject, _local3.callbackMethod); }; }; }; }; }; } public static function send(_arg1:String, _arg2:Object=null, _arg3:Object=null, _arg4:Object=null):void{ if (_connected){ _sendChannel.send(_sendChannelName, "onReceive", {methodName:_arg1, args:_arg2, callbackID:_clip._nextcallbackID}); } else { if ((((_clip == null)) || (!(_connecting)))){ onError("NotConnected"); handleError(_arg2, _arg3, _arg4); flush(true); return; }; _clip._queue.push({methodName:_arg1, args:_arg2, callbackID:_clip._nextcallbackID}); }; if (_clip != null){ if (((!((_clip._callbacks == null))) && (!((_clip._nextcallbackID == null))))){ _clip._callbacks[_clip._nextcallbackID] = {callbackObject:_arg3, callbackMethod:_arg4}; _clip._nextcallbackID++; }; }; } private static function init(_arg1:String, _arg2:Object):void{ _id = _arg1; if (_arg2 != null){ _container = _arg2; loadCommunicator(_arg1, _container); }; } public static function get childClip():Object{ return (_clip); } private static function clickMovie(_arg1:String, _arg2:Function):MovieClip{ var _local3:Array; var _local4:int; var _local5:Array; var _local6:Array; var _local7:MovieClip; var _local8:LocalConnection; var _local9:String; var _local10:ByteArray; var _local11:ByteArray; var _local12:uint; var _local13:uint; var _local14:Loader; _local3 = [150, 21, 0, 7, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 98, 116, 110, 0, 7, 2, 0, 0, 0, 0, 116, 104, 105, 115, 0, 28, 150, 22, 0, 0, 99, 114, 101, 97, 116, 101, 69, 109, 112, 116, 121, 77, 111, 118, 105, 101, 67, 108, 105, 112, 0, 82, 135, 1, 0, 0, 23, 150, 13, 0, 4, 0, 0, 111, 110, 82, 101, 108, 101, 97, 115, 101, 0, 142, 8, 0, 0, 0, 0, 2, 42, 0, 114, 0, 150, 17, 0, 0, 32, 0, 7, 1, 0, 0, 0, 8, 0, 0, 115, 112, 108, 105, 116, 0, 82, 135, 1, 0, 1, 23, 150, 7, 0, 4, 1, 7, 0, 0, 0, 0, 78, 150, 8, 0, 0, 95, 98, 108, 97, 110, 107, 0, 154, 1, 0, 0, 150, 7, 0, 0, 99, 108, 105, 99, 107, 0, 150, 7, 0, 4, 1, 7, 1, 0, 0, 0, 78, 150, 27, 0, 7, 2, 0, 0, 0, 7, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 76, 111, 99, 97, 108, 67, 111, 110, 110, 101, 99, 116, 105, 111, 110, 0, 64, 150, 6, 0, 0, 115, 101, 110, 100, 0, 82, 79, 150, 15, 0, 4, 0, 0, 95, 97, 108, 112, 104, 97, 0, 7, 0, 0, 0, 0, 79, 150, 23, 0, 7, 0xFF, 0, 0xFF, 0, 7, 1, 0, 0, 0, 4, 0, 0, 98, 101, 103, 105, 110, 70, 105, 108, 108, 0, 82, 23, 150, 25, 0, 7, 0, 0, 0, 0, 7, 0, 0, 0, 0, 7, 2, 0, 0, 0, 4, 0, 0, 109, 111, 118, 101, 84, 111, 0, 82, 23, 150, 25, 0, 7, 100, 0, 0, 0, 7, 0, 0, 0, 0, 7, 2, 0, 0, 0, 4, 0, 0, 108, 105, 110, 101, 84, 111, 0, 82, 23, 150, 25, 0, 7, 100, 0, 0, 0, 7, 100, 0, 0, 0, 7, 2, 0, 0, 0, 4, 0, 0, 108, 105, 110, 101, 84, 111, 0, 82, 23, 150, 25, 0, 7, 0, 0, 0, 0, 7, 100, 0, 0, 0, 7, 2, 0, 0, 0, 4, 0, 0, 108, 105, 110, 101, 84, 111, 0, 82, 23, 150, 25, 0, 7, 0, 0, 0, 0, 7, 0, 0, 0, 0, 7, 2, 0, 0, 0, 4, 0, 0, 108, 105, 110, 101, 84, 111, 0, 82, 23, 150, 16, 0, 7, 0, 0, 0, 0, 4, 0, 0, 101, 110, 100, 70, 105, 108, 108, 0, 82, 23]; _local5 = [104, 0, 31, 64, 0, 7, 208, 0, 0, 12, 1, 0, 67, 2, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 63, 3]; _local6 = [0, 64, 0, 0, 0]; _local7 = new MovieClip(); _local8 = new LocalConnection(); _local9 = ((("_click_" + Math.floor((Math.random() * 999999))) + "_") + Math.floor(new Date().getTime())); _local8 = new LocalConnection(); = _local8; = _arg2; _local8.client = _local7; _local8.connect(_local9); _local10 = new ByteArray(); _local11 = new ByteArray(); _local11.endian = Endian.LITTLE_ENDIAN; _local11.writeShort(1); _local11.writeUTFBytes(((_arg1 + " ") + _local9)); _local11.writeByte(0); _local12 = ((_local3.length + _local11.length) + 4); _local13 = (_local12 + 35); _local10.endian = Endian.LITTLE_ENDIAN; _local10.writeUTFBytes("FWS"); _local10.writeByte(8); _local10.writeUnsignedInt(_local13); for each (_local4 in _local5) { _local10.writeByte(_local4); }; _local10.writeUnsignedInt(_local12); _local10.writeByte(136); _local10.writeShort(_local11.length); _local10.writeBytes(_local11); for each (_local4 in _local3) { _local10.writeByte(_local4); }; for each (_local4 in _local6) { _local10.writeByte(_local4); }; _local14 = new Loader(); _local14.loadBytes(_local10); _local7.addChild(_local14); return (_local7); } public static function stayOnTop():void{ _container.addEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, MochiServices.bringToTop, false, 0, true); if (_clip != null){ _clip.visible = true; }; } public static function addLinkEvent(_arg1:String, _arg2:String, _arg3:DisplayObjectContainer, _arg4:Function=null):void{ var vars:Object; var avm1Click:DisplayObject; var s:String; var i:Number; var x:String; var req:URLRequest; var loader:Loader; var setURL:Function; var err:Function; var complete:Function; var url = _arg1; var burl = _arg2; var btn = _arg3; var onClick = _arg4; vars = new Object(); vars["mav"] = getVersion(); vars["swfv"] = "9"; vars["swfurl"] = btn.loaderInfo.loaderURL; vars["fv"] = Capabilities.version; vars["os"] = Capabilities.os; vars["lang"] = Capabilities.language; vars["scres"] = ((Capabilities.screenResolutionX + "x") + Capabilities.screenResolutionY); s = "?"; i = 0; for (x in vars) { if (i != 0){ s = (s + "&"); }; i = (i + 1); s = (((s + x) + "=") + escape(vars[x])); }; req = new URLRequest(""); loader = new Loader(); setURL = function (_arg1:String):void{ var _local2:Rectangle; if (avm1Click){ btn.removeChild(avm1Click); }; avm1Click = clickMovie(_arg1, onClick); _local2 = btn.getBounds(btn); btn.addChild(avm1Click); avm1Click.x = _local2.x; avm1Click.y = _local2.y; avm1Click.scaleX = (0.01 * _local2.width); avm1Click.scaleY = (0.01 * _local2.height); }; err = function (_arg1:Object):void{ netup = false;, arguments.callee); setURL(burl); }; complete = function (_arg1:Object):void{, arguments.callee); }; if (netup){ setURL((url + s)); } else { setURL(burl); }; if (!((netupAttempted) || (_connected))){ netupAttempted = true; loader.contentLoaderInfo.addEventListener(IOErrorEvent.IO_ERROR, err); loader.contentLoaderInfo.addEventListener(Event.COMPLETE, complete); loader.load(req); }; } public static function warnID(_arg1:String, _arg2:Boolean):void{ var _local3:Number; _arg1 = _arg1.toLowerCase(); if (_arg1.length != 16){ trace((("WARNING: " + (_arg2) ? "board" : "game") + " ID is not the appropriate length")); return; } else { if (_arg1 == "1e113c7239048b3f"){ if (_arg2){ trace("WARNING: Using testing board ID"); } else { trace("WARNING: Using testing board ID as game ID"); }; return; } else { if (_arg1 == "84993a1de4031cd8"){ if (_arg2){ trace("WARNING: Using testing game ID as board ID"); } else { trace("WARNING: Using testing game ID"); }; return; }; }; }; _local3 = 0; while (_local3 < _arg1.length) { switch (_arg1.charAt(_local3)){ case "0": case "1": case "2": case "3": case "4": case "5": case "6": case "7": case "8": case "9": case "a": case "b": case "c": case "d": case "e": case "f": break; default: trace(("WARNING: Board ID contains illegal characters: " + _arg1)); return; }; _local3++; }; } public static function disconnect():void{ if (((_connected) || (_connecting))){ if (_clip != null){ if (_clip.parent != null){ if ((_clip.parent is Sprite)){ Sprite(_clip.parent).removeChild(_clip); _clip = null; }; }; }; _connecting = (_connected = false); flush(true); try { _listenChannel.close(); } catch(error:Error) { }; }; if (_timer != null){ try { _timer.stop(); } catch(error:Error) { }; }; } public static function allowDomains(_arg1:String):String{ var _local2:String; if (Security.sandboxType != "application"){ Security.allowDomain("*"); Security.allowInsecureDomain("*"); }; if (_arg1.indexOf("http://") != -1){ _local2 = _arg1.split("/")[2].split(":")[0]; if (Security.sandboxType != "application"){ Security.allowDomain(_local2); Security.allowInsecureDomain(_local2); }; }; return (_local2); } public static function getVersion():String{ return ("3.02 as3"); } public static function doClose():void{ _container.removeEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, MochiServices.bringToTop); if (_clip.parent != null){ Sprite(_clip.parent).removeChild(_clip); }; } private static function onStatus(_arg1:StatusEvent):void{ switch (_arg1.level){ case "error": _connected = false; _listenChannel.connect(_listenChannelName); break; }; } public static function get id():String{ return (_id); } private static function urlOptions(_arg1:Object):Object{ var _local2:Object; var _local3:String; var _local4:Array; var _local5:Number; var _local6:Array; _local2 = {}; _local3 = _arg1.loaderInfo.parameters.mochiad_options; if (_local3){ _local4 = _local3.split("&"); _local5 = 0; while (_local5 < _local4.length) { _local6 = _local4[_local5].split("="); _local2[unescape(_local6[0])] = unescape(_local6[1]); _local5++; }; }; return (_local2); } public static function setContainer(_arg1:Object=null, _arg2:Boolean=true):void{ if (_arg1 != null){ if ((_arg1 is Sprite)){ _container = _arg1; }; }; if (_arg2){ if ((_container is Sprite)){ Sprite(_container).addChild(_clip); }; }; } private static function handleError(_arg1:Object, _arg2:Object, _arg3:Object):void{ var args = _arg1; var callbackObject = _arg2; var callbackMethod = _arg3; if (args != null){ if (args.onError != null){ args.onError.apply(null, ["NotConnected"]); }; if (((!((args.options == null))) && (!((args.options.onError == null))))){ args.options.onError.apply(null, ["NotConnected"]); }; }; if (callbackMethod != null){ args = {}; args.error = true; args.errorCode = "NotConnected"; if (((!((callbackObject == null))) && ((callbackMethod is String)))){ try { var _local5 = callbackObject; _local5[callbackMethod](args); } catch(error:Error) { }; } else { if (callbackMethod != null){ try { callbackMethod.apply(args); } catch(error:Error) { }; }; }; }; } private static function initComChannels():void{ if (!_connected){ _sendChannel.addEventListener(StatusEvent.STATUS, MochiServices.onStatus); _sendChannel.send(_sendChannelName, "onReceive", {methodName:"handshakeDone"}); _sendChannel.send(_sendChannelName, "onReceive", {methodName:"registerGame", id:_id, clip:_container, version:getVersion(), parentURL:_container.loaderInfo.loaderURL}); _listenChannel.addEventListener(StatusEvent.STATUS, MochiServices.onStatus); _clip.onReceive = function (_arg1:Object):void{ var cb:String; var cblst:Object; var method:*; var methodName:String; var obj:Object; var pkg = _arg1; cb = pkg.callbackID; cblst = this.client._callbacks[cb]; if (!cblst){ return; }; method = cblst.callbackMethod; methodName = ""; obj = cblst.callbackObject; if (((obj) && ((typeof(method) == "string")))){ methodName = method; if (obj[method] != null){ method = obj[method]; } else { trace((("Error: Method " + method) + " does not exist.")); }; }; if (method != undefined){ try { method.apply(obj, pkg.args); } catch(error:Error) { trace(((("Error invoking callback method '" + methodName) + "': ") + error.toString())); }; } else { if (obj != null){ try { obj(pkg.args); } catch(error:Error) { trace(("Error invoking method on object: " + error.toString())); }; }; }; delete this.client._callbacks[cb]; }; _clip.onError = function ():void{ MochiServices.onError("IOError"); }; trace("connected!"); _connecting = false; _connected = true; while (_clip._queue.length > 0) { _sendChannel.send(_sendChannelName, "onReceive", _clip._queue.shift()); }; }; } private static function listen():void{ _listenChannel = new LocalConnection(); _listenChannel.client = _clip; _clip.handshake = function (_arg1:Object):void{ MochiServices.comChannelName = _arg1.newChannel; }; _listenChannel.allowDomain("*", "localhost"); _listenChannel.allowInsecureDomain("*", "localhost"); _listenChannel.connect(_listenChannelName); trace("Waiting for MochiAds services to connect..."); } public static function set comChannelName(_arg1:String):void{ if (_arg1 != null){ if (_arg1.length > 3){ _sendChannelName = (_arg1 + "_fromgame"); initComChannels(); }; }; } private static function loadCommunicator(_arg1:String, _arg2:Object):MovieClip{ var clipname:String; var f:Function; var req:URLRequest; var vars:URLVariables; var id = _arg1; var clip = _arg2; clipname = ("_mochiservices_com_" + id); if (_clip != null){ return (_clip); }; if (!MochiServices.isNetworkAvailable()){ return (null); }; if (urlOptions(clip).servicesURL != undefined){ _servicesURL = urlOptions(clip).servicesURL; }; MochiServices.allowDomains(_servicesURL); _clip = createEmptyMovieClip(clip, clipname, 10336, false); _loader = new Loader(); f = function (_arg1:Object):void{ _clip._mochiad_ctr_failed = true; trace("MochiServices could not load."); MochiServices.disconnect(); MochiServices.onError("IOError"); }; _listenChannelName = (_listenChannelName + ((Math.floor(new Date().getTime()) + "_") + Math.floor((Math.random() * 99999)))); _loader.contentLoaderInfo.addEventListener(IOErrorEvent.IO_ERROR, f); req = new URLRequest(_servicesURL); vars = new URLVariables(); vars.listenLC = _listenChannelName; vars.mochiad_options = clip.loaderInfo.parameters.mochiad_options; if (widget){ vars.widget = true; }; = vars; listen(); _loader.load(req); _clip.addChild(_loader); _clip._mochiservices_com = _loader; _sendChannel = new LocalConnection(); _clip._queue = []; _clip._nextcallbackID = 0; _clip._callbacks = {}; _timer = new Timer(10000, 1); _timer.addEventListener(TimerEvent.TIMER, connectWait); _timer.start(); return (_clip); } public static function get clip():Object{ return (_container); } public static function bringToTop(_arg1:Event):void{ var e = _arg1; if (MochiServices.clip != null){ if (MochiServices.childClip != null){ try { if (MochiServices.clip.numChildren > 1){ MochiServices.clip.setChildIndex(MochiServices.childClip, (MochiServices.clip.numChildren - 1)); }; } catch(errorObject:Error) { trace("Warning: Depth sort error."); _container.removeEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, MochiServices.bringToTop); }; }; }; } public static function connect(_arg1:String, _arg2:Object, _arg3:Object=null):void{ var id = _arg1; var clip = _arg2; var onError = _arg3; warnID(id, false); if ((clip is DisplayObject)){ if (((!(_connected)) && ((_clip == null)))){ trace("MochiServices Connecting..."); _connecting = true; init(id, clip); }; } else { trace("Error, MochiServices requires a Sprite, Movieclip or instance of the stage."); }; if (onError != null){ MochiServices.onError = onError; } else { if (MochiServices.onError == null){ MochiServices.onError = function (_arg1:String):void{ trace(_arg1); }; }; }; } public static function createEmptyMovieClip(_arg1:Object, _arg2:String, _arg3:Number, _arg4:Boolean=true):MovieClip{ var mc:MovieClip; var parent = _arg1; var name = _arg2; var depth = _arg3; var doAdd = _arg4; mc = new MovieClip(); if (doAdd){ if (((false) && (depth))){ parent.addChildAt(mc, depth); } else { parent.addChild(mc); }; }; try { parent[name] = mc; } catch(e:Error) { throw (new Error("MochiServices requires a clip that is an instance of a dynamic class. If your class extends Sprite or MovieClip, you must make it dynamic.")); }; mc["_name"] = name; return (mc); } public static function connectWait(_arg1:TimerEvent):void{ if (!_connected){ _clip._mochiad_ctr_failed = true; trace("MochiServices could not load. (timeout)"); MochiServices.disconnect(); MochiServices.onError("IOError"); }; } } }//package mochi.as3
Section 21
//BloodDrip (BloodDrip) package { import*; public dynamic class BloodDrip extends Sound { } }//package
Section 22
//ClickSound (ClickSound) package { import*; public dynamic class ClickSound extends Sound { } }//package
Section 23
//DoorCreakSound (DoorCreakSound) package { import*; public dynamic class DoorCreakSound extends Sound { } }//package
Section 24
//DoorSound (DoorSound) package { import*; public dynamic class DoorSound extends Sound { } }//package
Section 25
//ETM (ETM) package { import flash.display.*; import*; import mochi.as3.*; import flash.text.*; import*; import flash.utils.*; import flash.ui.*; import flash.system.*; public dynamic class ETM extends MovieClip { private var ironKeyBool:Boolean;// = false public var menuMusic:Sound; private var creepyFont:Font; private var waddedNoteBool:Boolean;// = false public var credit_btn:SimpleButton; private var starTimer:Timer; private var growlTimer:Timer; public var ghostDieSound:Sound; public var windowwBox_Scene2:MovieClip; public var stairsBox_Scene2:MovieClip; public var toiletBox_Scene2:MovieClip; public var glassSplinter:GlassSplinter; private var ironKeyUsedOnDoor:uint;// = 0 public var plancBox_Scene3:MovieClip; public var rune1:MovieClip; public var rune2:MovieClip; public var rune3:MovieClip; public var rune4:MovieClip; public var rune5:MovieClip; public var rune6:MovieClip; public var rune7:MovieClip; public var rune8:MovieClip; private var statusText:TextField; public var pentaBox_Scene2:MovieClip; private var starNumber:Number;// = 0 public var vaseBox_Scene2:MovieClip; private var rune8Bool:Boolean;// = false private var frontDoorOpen:Boolean;// = false public var clickSound:Sound; public var ironKey:MovieClip; public var towelDown_Scene2:MovieClip; public var booksBox_Scene1:MovieClip; private var scoreTime:Number;// = 0 public var ironKeyPicture:MovieClip; public var doorBox_Scene2:MovieClip; public var doorBox_Scene3:MovieClip; public var doorBox_Scene1:MovieClip; private var towelBool:Boolean;// = false public var tableBox_Scene2:MovieClip; public var tableBox_Scene3:MovieClip; private var skeletonMouse:MovieClip; public var endText:MovieClip; private var bloodEvent:Boolean;// = false private var eyeNumber:Number;// = 0 private var rune7Bool:Boolean;// = false private var musicPlays:Boolean;// = true public var stairsSound:Sound; public var clockBox_Scene3:MovieClip; private var spawnKey:Boolean;// = false private var plancDone:Boolean;// = false public var pillowSlit_Scene1:MovieClip; public var voodooDoll:MovieClip; public var basinNearBox_Scene2:MovieClip; private var glassSplinterDragged:Boolean;// = false private var ironKeyDragged:Boolean;// = false public var soundChannel:SoundChannel; public var skeletalArm:MovieClip; private var towelDragged:Boolean;// = false private var myMenu:ContextMenu; private var textFormat2:TextFormat; public var washthingBox_Scene2:MovieClip; public var gameMusic:Sound; private var goldDoorUnlocked:Boolean;// = false public var umriss:MovieClip; private var goldKeyBool:Boolean;// = false private var rune6Bool:Boolean;// = false public var skullBox_Scene2:MovieClip; public var arrowBackToScene2Main:MovieClip; public var bedBox_Scene1:MovieClip; public var towelBox_Scene2:MovieClip; private var timeText:TextField; private var runesCorrect:Boolean;// = false public var armBox_Scene2:MovieClip; public var lightSwitchBox_Scene1:MovieClip; public var lightBox2_Scene3:MovieClip; private var keyTime:uint;// = 20 public var helpButton:HelpButton; public var growlSound:Sound; public var pictureBox_Scene1:MovieClip; private var sanctumDone:Boolean;// = false public var basket_Scene1:MovieClip; public var goldKey:MovieClip; public var pictureBox_Scene2:MovieClip; private var rune5Bool:Boolean;// = false private var towelUsed:Boolean;// = false public var pillowBox_Scene1:MovieClip; public var huchSound:Sound; public var redEyes1:MovieClip; public var redEyes2:MovieClip; public var doorSound:Sound; public var bookBox_Scene2:MovieClip; public var arrowBackToScene1Main:MovieClip; public var ironKeyBox_Scene1:MovieClip; public var window2Box_Scene3:MovieClip; private var ghostBool:Boolean;// = false private var mochiScoreViewed:Boolean;// = false public var slitSound:Sound; public var lampBox_Scene1:MovieClip; public var lampBox_Scene2:MovieClip; public var bathdoorBox_Scene2:MovieClip; private var rune4Bool:Boolean;// = false public var washBox_Scene2:MovieClip; public var windowBox_Scene1:MovieClip; public var windowBox_Scene2:MovieClip; public var arrowBackToScene2Floor:MovieClip; public var anotherDoorBox_Scene2:MovieClip; public var waddedNote:WaddedNote; private var bloodBasinReach:uint;// = 0 private var starTimer2:Timer; private var voodooDollDragged:Boolean;// = false public var ghost:MovieClip; public var thunderSound:Sound; private var eyeNumber2:Number;// = 0 private var score:Number;// = 0 public var waddedNoteRead:WaddedNote; private var glassSplinterBool:Boolean;// = false private var goldKeyDragged:Boolean;// = false public var doorCreakSound:Sound; private var ghostJustDied:Boolean;// = false private var rune3Bool:Boolean;// = false public var arrowBackToScene2Bath:MovieClip; public var lightning:MovieClip; public var outFader:MovieClip; public var play_btn:SimpleButton; public var chairBox_Scene1:MovieClip; public var muteButton2:MuteButton; public var pageflipSound:Sound; private var myMenuItem:ContextMenuItem; private var growlPlayed:Boolean;// = false public var bloodDripSound:Sound; public var towel:Towel; public var back_btn:SimpleButton; public var bathtubBox_Scene2:MovieClip; public var ouchSound:Sound; public var helpScreen:MovieClip; public var pictureZoomBox_Scene1:MovieClip; public var starflash1:MovieClip; public var starflash3:MovieClip; public var starflash4:MovieClip; public var starflash5:MovieClip; public var starflash2:MovieClip; public var musicChannel:SoundChannel; private var eyeTimer2:Timer; public var starflash6:MovieClip; public var score_btn:SimpleButton; public var klimperSound:Sound; private var starNumber2:Number;// = 0 public var mirrorBox_Scene2:MovieClip; private var rune2Bool:Boolean;// = false public var window1Box_Scene3:MovieClip; private var armBool:Boolean;// = false private var gameFont:Font; public var hiddenBox_Scene1:MovieClip; private var textFormat:TextFormat; private var eyeTimer:Timer; public var skip_btn:SimpleButton; private var voodooDollBool:Boolean;// = false public var ufoSound:Sound; public var ghostSound:Sound; private var rune1Bool:Boolean;// = false private var armDragged:Boolean;// = false private var scoreTimer:Timer; public var tubeBox_Scene2:MovieClip; public var lightBox_Scene3:MovieClip; public function ETM(){ myMenu = new ContextMenu(); myMenuItem = new ContextMenuItem("© 2009 by CodinSoft"); starTimer = new Timer(4000); starNumber = 0; eyeTimer = new Timer(7000); eyeNumber = 0; starTimer2 = new Timer(4000); starNumber2 = 0; eyeTimer2 = new Timer(7000); eyeNumber2 = 0; growlTimer = new Timer(1000, 1); skeletonMouse = new SkeletonMouse(); statusText = new TextField(); timeText = new TextField(); textFormat = new TextFormat(); textFormat2 = new TextFormat(); gameFont = new Verdana_ETM(); creepyFont = new Shlop_ETM(); scoreTime = 0; score = 0; keyTime = 20; ironKeyUsedOnDoor = 0; ghostJustDied = false; bloodBasinReach = 0; musicPlays = true; bloodEvent = false; spawnKey = false; growlPlayed = false; sanctumDone = false; rune1Bool = false; rune2Bool = false; rune3Bool = false; rune4Bool = false; rune5Bool = false; rune6Bool = false; rune7Bool = false; rune8Bool = false; runesCorrect = false; plancDone = false; frontDoorOpen = false; mochiScoreViewed = false; glassSplinterBool = false; glassSplinterDragged = false; waddedNoteBool = false; voodooDollBool = false; voodooDollDragged = false; ironKeyBool = false; ironKeyDragged = false; ghostBool = false; towelBool = false; towelDragged = false; towelUsed = false; goldKeyBool = false; goldKeyDragged = false; goldDoorUnlocked = false; armBool = false; armDragged = false; scoreTimer = new Timer(1000); super(); addFrameScript(0, frame1, 2, frame3, 3, frame4, 4, frame5, 5, frame6, 6, frame7, 7, frame8, 8, frame9, 9, frame10, 10, frame11, 11, frame12, 12, frame13, 13, frame14, 14, frame15); } public function basinNearBoxDownHandler(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{ if ((((((((((((glassSplinterDragged == false)) && ((voodooDollDragged == false)))) && ((ironKeyDragged == false)))) && ((towelDragged == false)))) && ((goldKeyDragged == false)))) && ((armDragged == false)))){ bloodBasinReach++; if (bloodBasinReach == 1){ statusText.text = "Haha no, I won't reach into it."; statusText.setTextFormat(textFormat); } else { if (bloodBasinReach == 2){ statusText.text = "I said no. I don't wanna do this."; statusText.setTextFormat(textFormat); } else { if (bloodBasinReach == 3){ statusText.text = "Hmm. Something useful could be in there."; statusText.setTextFormat(textFormat); } else { if (bloodBasinReach == 4){ statusText.text = "But what if I find a severed head?"; statusText.setTextFormat(textFormat); } else { if (bloodBasinReach == 5){ statusText.text = "Man... this is so hard to decide!"; statusText.setTextFormat(textFormat); } else { if (bloodBasinReach == 6){ statusText.text = "NO!! JUST NO!! ... Ok, I'll do it."; statusText.setTextFormat(textFormat); } else { if (bloodBasinReach == 7){ statusText.text = "Let's see. I found... nothing. There's just blood."; statusText.setTextFormat(textFormat);; bloodEvent = true; } else { if (bloodBasinReach >= 8){ statusText.text = "That was creepy. Nothing in there."; statusText.setTextFormat(textFormat); }; }; }; }; }; }; }; }; } else { if (glassSplinterDragged == true){ statusText.text = "I don't wanna put it in there."; statusText.setTextFormat(textFormat); glassSplinterDragged = false; } else { if (voodooDollDragged == true){ statusText.text = "It has no effect."; statusText.setTextFormat(textFormat); voodooDollDragged = false; } else { if (ironKeyDragged == true){ statusText.text = "That doesn't need to be unlocked."; statusText.setTextFormat(textFormat); ironKeyDragged = false; } else { if (towelDragged == true){ statusText.text = "I don't wanna ruin the towel."; statusText.setTextFormat(textFormat); towelDragged = false; } else { if (goldKeyDragged == true){ statusText.text = "Nah. Come on."; statusText.setTextFormat(textFormat); goldKeyDragged = false; } else { if (armDragged == true){ statusText.text = "I don't know how."; statusText.setTextFormat(textFormat); armDragged = false; }; }; }; }; }; }; }; } public function doorBox2OverHandler(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{ if ((((((((((((glassSplinterDragged == false)) && ((voodooDollDragged == false)))) && ((ironKeyDragged == false)))) && ((towelDragged == false)))) && ((goldKeyDragged == false)))) && ((armDragged == false)))){ if (goldDoorUnlocked == false){ statusText.text = "A door."; statusText.setTextFormat(textFormat); } else { if (goldDoorUnlocked == true){ statusText.text = "To the sanctum."; statusText.setTextFormat(textFormat); }; }; } else { if (glassSplinterDragged == true){ statusText.text = "Use glass splinter with door."; statusText.setTextFormat(textFormat); } else { if (voodooDollDragged == true){ statusText.text = "Use voodoo doll with door."; statusText.setTextFormat(textFormat); } else { if (ironKeyDragged == true){ statusText.text = "Use iron key with door."; statusText.setTextFormat(textFormat); } else { if (towelDragged == true){ statusText.text = "Use towel with door."; statusText.setTextFormat(textFormat); } else { if (goldKeyDragged == true){ statusText.text = "Use golden key with door."; statusText.setTextFormat(textFormat); } else { if (armDragged == true){ statusText.text = "Use skeletal arm with door."; statusText.setTextFormat(textFormat); }; }; }; }; }; }; }; } public function arrowBackToScene2MainOverHandler(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{ statusText.text = "Back."; statusText.setTextFormat(textFormat); } public function window2BoxOverHandler(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{ if ((((((((((((glassSplinterDragged == false)) && ((voodooDollDragged == false)))) && ((ironKeyDragged == false)))) && ((towelDragged == false)))) && ((goldKeyDragged == false)))) && ((armDragged == false)))){ statusText.text = "A massive window."; statusText.setTextFormat(textFormat); } else { if (glassSplinterDragged == true){ statusText.text = "Use glass splinter with window."; statusText.setTextFormat(textFormat); } else { if (voodooDollDragged == true){ statusText.text = "Use voodoo doll with window."; statusText.setTextFormat(textFormat); } else { if (ironKeyDragged == true){ statusText.text = "Use iron key with window."; statusText.setTextFormat(textFormat); } else { if (towelDragged == true){ statusText.text = "Use towel with window."; statusText.setTextFormat(textFormat); } else { if (goldKeyDragged == true){ statusText.text = "Use golden key with window."; statusText.setTextFormat(textFormat); } else { if (armDragged == true){ statusText.text = "Use skeletal arm with window."; statusText.setTextFormat(textFormat); }; }; }; }; }; }; }; } public function lightSwitchBoxDownHandler(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{ if ((((((glassSplinterDragged == false)) && ((voodooDollDragged == false)))) && ((ironKeyDragged == false)))){; statusText.text = "It doesn't work... well at least it's not dark."; statusText.setTextFormat(textFormat); } else { if (glassSplinterDragged == true){ statusText.text = "That makes no sense."; statusText.setTextFormat(textFormat); glassSplinterDragged = false; } else { if (voodooDollDragged == true){ statusText.text = "It has no effect."; statusText.setTextFormat(textFormat); voodooDollDragged = false; } else { if (ironKeyDragged == true){ statusText.text = "That doesn't need to be unlocked."; statusText.setTextFormat(textFormat); ironKeyDragged = false; }; }; }; }; } public function ghostOutHandler(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{ if ((((((glassSplinterDragged == false)) && ((voodooDollDragged == false)))) && ((ironKeyDragged == false)))){ statusText.text = ""; statusText.setTextFormat(textFormat); } else { if (glassSplinterDragged == true){ statusText.text = "Use glass splinter with"; statusText.setTextFormat(textFormat); } else { if (voodooDollDragged == true){ statusText.text = "Use voodoo doll with"; statusText.setTextFormat(textFormat); } else { if (ironKeyDragged == true){ statusText.text = "Use iron key with"; statusText.setTextFormat(textFormat); }; }; }; }; } public function pentaBoxOverHandler(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{ if ((((((((((((glassSplinterDragged == false)) && ((voodooDollDragged == false)))) && ((ironKeyDragged == false)))) && ((towelDragged == false)))) && ((goldKeyDragged == false)))) && ((armDragged == false)))){ statusText.text = "A pentagram."; statusText.setTextFormat(textFormat); } else { if (glassSplinterDragged == true){ statusText.text = "Use glass splinter with pentagram."; statusText.setTextFormat(textFormat); } else { if (voodooDollDragged == true){ statusText.text = "Use voodoo doll with pentagram."; statusText.setTextFormat(textFormat); } else { if (ironKeyDragged == true){ statusText.text = "Use iron key with pentagram."; statusText.setTextFormat(textFormat); } else { if (towelDragged == true){ statusText.text = "Use towel with pentagram."; statusText.setTextFormat(textFormat); } else { if (goldKeyDragged == true){ statusText.text = "Use golden key with pentagram."; statusText.setTextFormat(textFormat); } else { if (armDragged == true){ statusText.text = "Use skeletal arm with pentagram."; statusText.setTextFormat(textFormat); }; }; }; }; }; }; }; } public function bookBoxOutHandler(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{ if ((((((((((((glassSplinterDragged == false)) && ((voodooDollDragged == false)))) && ((ironKeyDragged == false)))) && ((towelDragged == false)))) && ((goldKeyDragged == false)))) && ((armDragged == false)))){ statusText.text = ""; statusText.setTextFormat(textFormat); } else { if (glassSplinterDragged == true){ statusText.text = "Use glass splinter with"; statusText.setTextFormat(textFormat); } else { if (voodooDollDragged == true){ statusText.text = "Use voodoo doll with"; statusText.setTextFormat(textFormat); } else { if (ironKeyDragged == true){ statusText.text = "Use iron key with"; statusText.setTextFormat(textFormat); } else { if (towelDragged == true){ statusText.text = "Use towel with"; statusText.setTextFormat(textFormat); } else { if (goldKeyDragged == true){ statusText.text = "Use golden key with"; statusText.setTextFormat(textFormat); } else { if (armDragged == true){ statusText.text = "Use skeletal arm with"; statusText.setTextFormat(textFormat); }; }; }; }; }; }; }; } public function tubeBoxOutHandler(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{ if ((((((((((((glassSplinterDragged == false)) && ((voodooDollDragged == false)))) && ((ironKeyDragged == false)))) && ((towelDragged == false)))) && ((goldKeyDragged == false)))) && ((armDragged == false)))){ statusText.text = ""; statusText.setTextFormat(textFormat); } else { if (glassSplinterDragged == true){ statusText.text = "Use glass splinter with"; statusText.setTextFormat(textFormat); } else { if (voodooDollDragged == true){ statusText.text = "Use voodoo doll with"; statusText.setTextFormat(textFormat); } else { if (ironKeyDragged == true){ statusText.text = "Use iron key with"; statusText.setTextFormat(textFormat); } else { if (towelDragged == true){ statusText.text = "Use towel with"; statusText.setTextFormat(textFormat); } else { if (goldKeyDragged == true){ statusText.text = "Use golden key with"; statusText.setTextFormat(textFormat); } else { if (armDragged == true){ statusText.text = "Use skeletal arm with"; statusText.setTextFormat(textFormat); }; }; }; }; }; }; }; } public function window1BoxOverHandler2(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{ if ((((((((((((glassSplinterDragged == false)) && ((voodooDollDragged == false)))) && ((ironKeyDragged == false)))) && ((towelDragged == false)))) && ((goldKeyDragged == false)))) && ((armDragged == false)))){ statusText.text = "A massive window."; statusText.setTextFormat(textFormat); } else { if (glassSplinterDragged == true){ statusText.text = "Use glass splinter with window."; statusText.setTextFormat(textFormat); } else { if (voodooDollDragged == true){ statusText.text = "Use voodoo doll with window."; statusText.setTextFormat(textFormat); } else { if (ironKeyDragged == true){ statusText.text = "Use iron key with window."; statusText.setTextFormat(textFormat); } else { if (towelDragged == true){ statusText.text = "Use towel with window."; statusText.setTextFormat(textFormat); } else { if (goldKeyDragged == true){ statusText.text = "Use golden key with window."; statusText.setTextFormat(textFormat); } else { if (armDragged == true){ statusText.text = "Use skeletal arm with window."; statusText.setTextFormat(textFormat); }; }; }; }; }; }; }; } public function skipBtnHandler(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{ skip_btn.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, skipBtnHandler); musicChannel.stop(); musicChannel = null; starTimer.stop(); starTimer.removeEventListener(TimerEvent.TIMER, starTimerHandler); eyeTimer.stop(); eyeTimer.removeEventListener(TimerEvent.TIMER, eyeTimerHandler); scoreTime = 0; glassSplinterBool = false; glassSplinterDragged = false; waddedNoteBool = false; voodooDollBool = false; voodooDollDragged = false; ironKeyBool = false; ironKeyDragged = false; ghostBool = false; towelBool = false; towelDragged = false; towelUsed = false; goldKeyBool = false; goldKeyDragged = false; goldDoorUnlocked = false; armBool = false; armDragged = false; keyTime = 20; ironKeyUsedOnDoor = 0; ghostJustDied = false; bloodBasinReach = 0; bloodEvent = false; spawnKey = false; growlPlayed = false; sanctumDone = false; rune1Bool = false; rune2Bool = false; rune3Bool = false; rune4Bool = false; rune5Bool = false; rune6Bool = false; rune7Bool = false; rune8Bool = false; runesCorrect = false; plancDone = false; frontDoorOpen = false; gotoAndPlay("game"); } public function lightBoxDownHandler(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{ if ((((((((((((glassSplinterDragged == false)) && ((voodooDollDragged == false)))) && ((ironKeyDragged == false)))) && ((towelDragged == false)))) && ((goldKeyDragged == false)))) && ((armDragged == false)))){ if (plancDone == false){ statusText.text = "Let there be light!"; statusText.setTextFormat(textFormat);; nextFrame(); } else { if (plancDone == true){ statusText.text = ""; statusText.setTextFormat(textFormat);; nextFrame(); nextFrame(); }; }; } else { if (glassSplinterDragged == true){ statusText.text = "I could use my hand."; statusText.setTextFormat(textFormat); glassSplinterDragged = false; } else { if (voodooDollDragged == true){ statusText.text = "I could use my hand."; statusText.setTextFormat(textFormat); voodooDollDragged = false; } else { if (ironKeyDragged == true){ statusText.text = "That doesn't need to be unlocked."; statusText.setTextFormat(textFormat); ironKeyDragged = false; } else { if (towelDragged == true){ statusText.text = "I could use my hand."; statusText.setTextFormat(textFormat); towelDragged = false; } else { if (goldKeyDragged == true){ statusText.text = "That doesn't need to be unlocked."; statusText.setTextFormat(textFormat); goldKeyDragged = false; } else { if (armDragged == true){ statusText.text = "I could use my own hand."; statusText.setTextFormat(textFormat); armDragged = false; }; }; }; }; }; }; }; } public function pillowBoxOverHandler(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{ if ((((((glassSplinterDragged == false)) && ((voodooDollDragged == false)))) && ((ironKeyDragged == false)))){ statusText.text = "A pillow. I guess I slept on it last night."; statusText.setTextFormat(textFormat); } else { if (glassSplinterDragged == true){ statusText.text = "Use glass splinter with pillow."; statusText.setTextFormat(textFormat); } else { if (voodooDollDragged == true){ statusText.text = "Use voodoo doll with pillow."; statusText.setTextFormat(textFormat); } else { if (ironKeyDragged == true){ statusText.text = "Use iron key with pillow."; statusText.setTextFormat(textFormat); }; }; }; }; } public function rune7Handler(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{ if ((((((((((((glassSplinterDragged == false)) && ((voodooDollDragged == false)))) && ((ironKeyDragged == false)))) && ((towelDragged == false)))) && ((goldKeyDragged == false)))) && ((armDragged == false)))){ if (rune7Bool == false){ rune7Bool = true; rune7.nextFrame(); } else { if (rune7Bool == true){ rune7Bool = false; rune7.prevFrame(); }; };; }; } function frame14(){ stop(); Mausi(); statusText.text = "I'm glad the light switch is still working."; statusText.setTextFormat(textFormat); plancBox_Scene3.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_OVER, plancBoxOverHandler2); plancBox_Scene3.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, plancBoxDownHandler2); plancBox_Scene3.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_OUT, plancBoxOutHandler2); lightBox2_Scene3.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_OVER, lightBox2OverHandler2); lightBox2_Scene3.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, lightBox2DownHandler2); lightBox2_Scene3.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_OUT, lightBox2OutHandler2); doorBox_Scene3.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_OVER, doorBox3OverHandler2); doorBox_Scene3.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, doorBox3DownHandler2); doorBox_Scene3.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_OUT, doorBox3OutHandler2); window1Box_Scene3.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_OVER, window1BoxOverHandler2); window1Box_Scene3.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, window1BoxDownHandler2); window1Box_Scene3.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_OUT, window1BoxOutHandler2); window2Box_Scene3.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_OVER, window2BoxOverHandler2); window2Box_Scene3.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, window2BoxDownHandler2); window2Box_Scene3.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_OUT, window2BoxOutHandler2); clockBox_Scene3.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_OVER, clockBoxOverHandler2); clockBox_Scene3.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, clockBoxDownHandler2); clockBox_Scene3.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_OUT, clockBoxOutHandler2); tableBox_Scene3.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_OVER, tableBox3OverHandler2); tableBox_Scene3.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, tableBox3DownHandler2); tableBox_Scene3.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_OUT, tableBox3OutHandler2); } public function rune7OutHandler(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{ if ((((((((((((glassSplinterDragged == false)) && ((voodooDollDragged == false)))) && ((ironKeyDragged == false)))) && ((towelDragged == false)))) && ((goldKeyDragged == false)))) && ((armDragged == false)))){ statusText.text = ""; statusText.setTextFormat(textFormat); }; } public function checkRunes(_arg1:Event):void{ if ((((((((((((((((rune1Bool == true)) && ((rune2Bool == true)))) && ((rune4Bool == true)))) && ((rune5Bool == true)))) && ((rune6Bool == true)))) && ((rune8Bool == true)))) && ((rune3Bool == false)))) && ((rune7Bool == false)))){ runesCorrect = true; } else { runesCorrect = false; }; } public function doorBoxOverHandler(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{ if ((((((glassSplinterDragged == false)) && ((voodooDollDragged == false)))) && ((ironKeyDragged == false)))){ statusText.text = "A massive wooden door."; statusText.setTextFormat(textFormat); } else { if (glassSplinterDragged == true){ statusText.text = "Use glass splinter with door."; statusText.setTextFormat(textFormat); } else { if (voodooDollDragged == true){ statusText.text = "Use voodoo doll with door."; statusText.setTextFormat(textFormat); } else { if (ironKeyDragged == true){ statusText.text = "Use iron key with door."; statusText.setTextFormat(textFormat); }; }; }; }; } public function bookBoxOverHandler(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{ if ((((((((((((glassSplinterDragged == false)) && ((voodooDollDragged == false)))) && ((ironKeyDragged == false)))) && ((towelDragged == false)))) && ((goldKeyDragged == false)))) && ((armDragged == false)))){ statusText.text = "A heavy book. Huh?! It's covered in human skin!"; statusText.setTextFormat(textFormat); } else { if (glassSplinterDragged == true){ statusText.text = "Use glass splinter with Necronomicon."; statusText.setTextFormat(textFormat); } else { if (voodooDollDragged == true){ statusText.text = "Use voodoo doll with Necronomicon."; statusText.setTextFormat(textFormat); } else { if (ironKeyDragged == true){ statusText.text = "Use iron key with Necronomicon."; statusText.setTextFormat(textFormat); } else { if (towelDragged == true){ statusText.text = "Use towel with Necronomicon."; statusText.setTextFormat(textFormat); } else { if (goldKeyDragged == true){ statusText.text = "Use golden key with Necronomicon."; statusText.setTextFormat(textFormat); } else { if (armDragged == true){ statusText.text = "Use skeletal arm with Necronomicon."; statusText.setTextFormat(textFormat); }; }; }; }; }; }; }; } function frame11(){ stop(); Mausi(); statusText.text = ""; statusText.setTextFormat(textFormat); rune1.gotoAndStop(1); rune2.gotoAndStop(1); rune3.gotoAndStop(1); rune4.gotoAndStop(1); rune5.gotoAndStop(1); rune6.gotoAndStop(1); rune7.gotoAndStop(1); rune8.gotoAndStop(1); rune1Bool = false; rune2Bool = false; rune3Bool = false; rune4Bool = false; rune5Bool = false; rune6Bool = false; rune7Bool = false; rune8Bool = false; if (sanctumDone == true){ pentaBox_Scene2.gotoAndStop("done"); }; if (armBool == true){ armBox_Scene2.visible = false; armBox_Scene2.mouseEnabled = false; }; armBox_Scene2.selectable = false; arrowBackToScene2Floor.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_OVER, arrowBackToScene2FloorOverHandler); arrowBackToScene2Floor.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, arrowBackToScene2FloorDownHandler); arrowBackToScene2Floor.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_OUT, arrowBackToScene2FloorOutHandler); rune1.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, rune1Handler); rune2.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, rune2Handler); rune3.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, rune3Handler); rune4.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, rune4Handler); rune5.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, rune5Handler); rune6.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, rune6Handler); rune7.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, rune7Handler); rune8.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, rune8Handler); rune1.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_OVER, rune1OverHandler); rune2.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_OVER, rune2OverHandler); rune3.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_OVER, rune3OverHandler); rune4.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_OVER, rune4OverHandler); rune5.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_OVER, rune5OverHandler); rune6.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_OVER, rune6OverHandler); rune7.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_OVER, rune7OverHandler); rune8.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_OVER, rune8OverHandler); rune1.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_OUT, rune1OutHandler); rune2.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_OUT, rune2OutHandler); rune3.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_OUT, rune3OutHandler); rune4.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_OUT, rune4OutHandler); rune5.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_OUT, rune5OutHandler); rune6.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_OUT, rune6OutHandler); rune7.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_OUT, rune7OutHandler); rune8.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_OUT, rune8OutHandler); skullBox_Scene2.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_OVER, skullBoxOverHandler); skullBox_Scene2.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, skullBoxDownHandler); skullBox_Scene2.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_OUT, skullBoxOutHandler); if (armBool == false){ armBox_Scene2.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_OVER, armBoxOverHandler); armBox_Scene2.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, armBoxDownHandler); armBox_Scene2.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_OUT, armBoxOutHandler); }; bookBox_Scene2.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_OVER, bookBoxOverHandler); bookBox_Scene2.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, bookBoxDownHandler); bookBox_Scene2.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_OUT, bookBoxOutHandler); windowwBox_Scene2.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_OVER, windowwBoxOverHandler); windowwBox_Scene2.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, windowwBoxDownHandler); windowwBox_Scene2.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_OUT, windowwBoxOutHandler); if (sanctumDone == false){ pentaBox_Scene2.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_OVER, pentaBoxOverHandler); pentaBox_Scene2.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, pentaBoxDownHandler); pentaBox_Scene2.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_OUT, pentaBoxOutHandler); }; if (sanctumDone == false){ addEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, checkRunes); }; skeletalArm.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_OVER, skeletalArmOverHandler); skeletalArm.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, skeletalArmDownHandler); skeletalArm.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_OUT, skeletalArmOutHandler); } public function glassSplinterDownHandler(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{ glassSplinterDragged = true; voodooDollDragged = false; ironKeyDragged = false; towelDragged = false; goldKeyDragged = false; armDragged = false; statusText.text = "Use glass splinter with"; statusText.setTextFormat(textFormat); } public function pentaBoxDownHandler(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{ if ((((((((((((glassSplinterDragged == false)) && ((voodooDollDragged == false)))) && ((ironKeyDragged == false)))) && ((towelDragged == false)))) && ((goldKeyDragged == false)))) && ((armDragged == false)))){ statusText.text = "I can feel a strange presence coming from the pentagram."; statusText.setTextFormat(textFormat); } else { if (glassSplinterDragged == true){ statusText.text = "It has no effect."; statusText.setTextFormat(textFormat); glassSplinterDragged = false; } else { if (voodooDollDragged == true){ if (runesCorrect == false){ statusText.text = "I think this could work. But what's with the symbols?"; statusText.setTextFormat(textFormat); voodooDollDragged = false; } else { if (runesCorrect == true){ statusText.text = "I think I removed the barriere! Excellent!"; statusText.setTextFormat(textFormat); voodooDollDragged = false; sanctumDone = true;; pentaBox_Scene2.gotoAndPlay("anim"); pentaBox_Scene2.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, pentaBoxDownHandler); pentaBox_Scene2.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_OVER, pentaBoxOverHandler); pentaBox_Scene2.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_OUT, pentaBoxOutHandler); removeEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, checkRunes); }; }; } else { if (ironKeyDragged == true){ statusText.text = "I can't unlock this."; statusText.setTextFormat(textFormat); ironKeyDragged = false; } else { if (towelDragged == true){ statusText.text = "That makes no sense."; statusText.setTextFormat(textFormat); towelDragged = false; } else { if (goldKeyDragged == true){ statusText.text = "I can't unlock this."; statusText.setTextFormat(textFormat); goldKeyDragged = false; } else { if (armDragged == true){ statusText.text = "I don't know how."; statusText.setTextFormat(textFormat); armDragged = false; }; }; }; }; }; }; }; } public function bedBoxDownHandler(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{ if ((((((glassSplinterDragged == false)) && ((voodooDollDragged == false)))) && ((ironKeyDragged == false)))){ statusText.text = "I'm too scared to sleep."; statusText.setTextFormat(textFormat); } else { if (glassSplinterDragged == true){ statusText.text = "It's not worth the effort."; statusText.setTextFormat(textFormat); glassSplinterDragged = false; } else { if (voodooDollDragged == true){ statusText.text = "It has no effect."; statusText.setTextFormat(textFormat); voodooDollDragged = false; } else { if (ironKeyDragged == true){ statusText.text = "That doesn't need to be unlocked."; statusText.setTextFormat(textFormat); ironKeyDragged = false; }; }; }; }; } public function window2BoxDownHandler(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{ var thunderHandler2:Function; var evt = _arg1; if ((((((((((((glassSplinterDragged == false)) && ((voodooDollDragged == false)))) && ((ironKeyDragged == false)))) && ((towelDragged == false)))) && ((goldKeyDragged == false)))) && ((armDragged == false)))){ thunderHandler2 = function (_arg1:Event):void{ prevFrame(); }; statusText.text = "My eyes! What's going on?!"; statusText.setTextFormat(textFormat); soundChannel =; cleanUpListeners4(); plancDone = true; lightning.gotoAndPlay(2); soundChannel.addEventListener(Event.SOUND_COMPLETE, thunderHandler2); } else { if (glassSplinterDragged == true){ statusText.text = "That's not worth the effort."; statusText.setTextFormat(textFormat); glassSplinterDragged = false; } else { if (voodooDollDragged == true){ statusText.text = "I don't know how."; statusText.setTextFormat(textFormat); voodooDollDragged = false; } else { if (ironKeyDragged == true){ statusText.text = "I don't see a lock."; statusText.setTextFormat(textFormat); ironKeyDragged = false; } else { if (towelDragged == true){ statusText.text = "I don't know how to open it."; statusText.setTextFormat(textFormat); towelDragged = false; } else { if (goldKeyDragged == true){ statusText.text = "I don't see a lock."; statusText.setTextFormat(textFormat); goldKeyDragged = false; } else { if (armDragged == true){ statusText.text = "I don't know how to open it."; statusText.setTextFormat(textFormat); armDragged = false; }; }; }; }; }; }; }; } function frame5(){ stop(); Mausi(); skip_btn.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, skipBtnHandler); } function frame6(){ stop(); Mausi(); helpScreen.visible = false; helpScreen.mouseEnabled = false; helpScreen.selectable = false; if (keyTime < 20){ keyTime = 20; }; if (musicPlays == true){ if (musicChannel == null){ musicChannel =; musicChannel.addEventListener(Event.SOUND_COMPLETE, repeatGameMusic); }; }; scoreTimer.addEventListener(TimerEvent.TIMER, scoreTimerHandler); scoreTimer.start(); helpButton.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, helpButtonDownHandler); helpScreen.walkLink.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, linkDownHandler); muteButton2.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, muteButton2Handler); if (glassSplinterBool == false){ glassSplinter.visible = false; glassSplinter.mouseEnabled = false; glassSplinter.selectable = false; }; if (waddedNoteBool == false){ waddedNote.visible = false; waddedNote.mouseEnabled = false; waddedNote.selectable = false; }; waddedNoteRead.visible = false; waddedNoteRead.mouseEnabled = false; waddedNoteRead.selectable = false; if (voodooDollBool == false){ voodooDoll.visible = false; voodooDoll.mouseEnabled = false; voodooDoll.selectable = false; hiddenBox_Scene1.selectable = false; } else { if (voodooDollBool == true){ hiddenBox_Scene1.alpha = 0.6; hiddenBox_Scene1.selectable = true; }; }; if (ironKeyBool == false){ ironKey.visible = false; ironKey.mouseEnabled = false; ironKey.selectable = false; }; if (towelBool == false){ towel.visible = false; towel.mouseEnabled = false; towel.selectable = false; }; if (goldKeyBool == false){ goldKey.visible = false; goldKey.mouseEnabled = false; goldKey.selectable = false; }; if (armBool == false){ skeletalArm.visible = false; skeletalArm.mouseEnabled = false; skeletalArm.selectable = false; }; if (ghostBool == false){ ghost.visible = false; ghost.mouseEnabled = false; ghost.selectable = false; } else { if (ghostBool == true){ ghost.visible = true; ghost.mouseEnabled = true;; ghost.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_OVER, ghostOverHandler); ghost.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, ghostDownHandler); ghost.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_OUT, ghostOutHandler); }; }; hiddenBox_Scene1.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_OVER, hiddenBoxOverHandler); hiddenBox_Scene1.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, hiddenBoxDownHandler); hiddenBox_Scene1.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_OUT, hiddenBoxOutHandler); lampBox_Scene1.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_OVER, lampBoxOverHandler); lampBox_Scene1.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, lampBoxDownHandler); lampBox_Scene1.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_OUT, lampBoxOutHandler); bedBox_Scene1.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_OVER, bedBoxOverHandler); bedBox_Scene1.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, bedBoxDownHandler); bedBox_Scene1.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_OUT, bedBoxOutHandler); chairBox_Scene1.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_OVER, chairBoxOverHandler); chairBox_Scene1.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, chairBoxDownHandler); chairBox_Scene1.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_OUT, chairBoxOutHandler); if (ghost.visible == false){ doorBox_Scene1.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_OVER, doorBoxOverHandler); doorBox_Scene1.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, doorBoxDownHandler); doorBox_Scene1.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_OUT, doorBoxOutHandler); }; booksBox_Scene1.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_OVER, booksBoxOverHandler); booksBox_Scene1.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, booksBoxDownHandler); booksBox_Scene1.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_OUT, booksBoxOutHandler); windowBox_Scene1.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_OVER, windowBoxOverHandler); windowBox_Scene1.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, windowBoxDownHandler); windowBox_Scene1.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_OUT, windowBoxOutHandler); pictureBox_Scene1.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_OVER, pictureBoxOverHandler); pictureBox_Scene1.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, pictureBoxDownHandler); pictureBox_Scene1.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_OUT, pictureBoxOutHandler); pillowBox_Scene1.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_OVER, pillowBoxOverHandler); pillowBox_Scene1.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, pillowBoxDownHandler); pillowBox_Scene1.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_OUT, pillowBoxOutHandler); lightSwitchBox_Scene1.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_OVER, lightSwitchBoxOverHandler); lightSwitchBox_Scene1.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, lightSwitchBoxDownHandler); lightSwitchBox_Scene1.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_OUT, lightSwitchBoxOutHandler); basket_Scene1.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_OVER, basketOverHandler); basket_Scene1.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, basketDownHandler); basket_Scene1.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_OUT, basketOutHandler); glassSplinter.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_OVER, glassSplinterOverHandler); glassSplinter.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, glassSplinterDownHandler); glassSplinter.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_OUT, glassSplinterOutHandler); voodooDoll.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_OVER, voodooDollOverHandler); voodooDoll.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, voodooDollDownHandler); voodooDoll.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_OUT, voodooDollOutHandler); waddedNote.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_OVER, waddedNoteOverHandler); waddedNote.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, waddedNoteDownHandler); waddedNote.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_OUT, waddedNoteOutHandler); startScene(); } function frame1(){ MochiAd.showPreGameAd({clip:root, id:"bfeca16e2ed6b3e0", res:"640x480", background:5592400, color:15275285, outline:5571074, no_bg:false}); MochiServices.connect("459734cfa79d73d7", root); MochiBot.track(this, "1cbead94"); myMenu.customItems.push(myMenuItem); myMenu.hideBuiltInItems(); this.contextMenu = myMenu; Mausi(); } public function arrowBackToScene2MainDownHandler(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{ if ((((((((((((glassSplinterDragged == false)) && ((voodooDollDragged == false)))) && ((ironKeyDragged == false)))) && ((towelDragged == false)))) && ((goldKeyDragged == false)))) && ((armDragged == false)))){ arrowBackToScene2Main.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_OVER, arrowBackToScene2MainOverHandler); arrowBackToScene2Main.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, arrowBackToScene2MainDownHandler); arrowBackToScene2Main.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_OUT, arrowBackToScene2MainOutHandler); cleanUpListeners2(); prevFrame(); } else { if (glassSplinterDragged == true){ glassSplinterDragged = false; statusText.text = ""; statusText.setTextFormat(textFormat); prevFrame(); } else { if (voodooDollDragged == true){ voodooDollDragged = false; statusText.text = ""; statusText.setTextFormat(textFormat); prevFrame(); } else { if (ironKeyDragged == true){ ironKeyDragged = false; statusText.text = ""; statusText.setTextFormat(textFormat); prevFrame(); } else { if (towelDragged == true){ towelDragged = false; statusText.text = ""; statusText.setTextFormat(textFormat); prevFrame(); } else { if (goldKeyDragged == true){ statusText.text = ""; statusText.setTextFormat(textFormat); goldKeyDragged = false; prevFrame(); } else { if (armDragged == true){ statusText.text = ""; statusText.setTextFormat(textFormat); armDragged = false; prevFrame(); }; }; }; }; }; }; }; } function frame7(){ stop(); Mausi(); ironKeyPicture.visible = false; ironKeyPicture.mouseEnabled = false; ironKeyPicture.selectable = false; ironKeyBox_Scene1.visible = false; ironKeyBox_Scene1.mouseEnabled = false; ironKeyBox_Scene1.selectable = false; if ((((ironKeyBool == false)) && ((waddedNoteBool == true)))){ keyTime = 0; stage.addEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, keyTimeHandler); }; ironKeyBox_Scene1.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_OVER, ironKeyBoxOverHandler); ironKeyBox_Scene1.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, ironKeyBoxDownHandler); ironKeyBox_Scene1.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_OUT, ironKeyBoxOutHandler); pictureZoomBox_Scene1.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_OVER, pictureZoomBoxOverHandler); pictureZoomBox_Scene1.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, pictureZoomBoxDownHandler); pictureZoomBox_Scene1.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_OUT, pictureZoomBoxOutHandler); ironKey.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_OVER, ironKeyOverHandler); ironKey.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, ironKeyDownHandler); ironKey.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_OUT, ironKeyOutHandler); arrowBackToScene1Main.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_OVER, arrowBackToScene1MainOverHandler); arrowBackToScene1Main.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, arrowBackToScene1MainDownHandler); arrowBackToScene1Main.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_OUT, arrowBackToScene1MainOutHandler); } public function doorBox2DownHandler(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{ var goldDoorHandler2:Function; var goldDoorHandler:Function; var evt = _arg1; if ((((((((((((glassSplinterDragged == false)) && ((voodooDollDragged == false)))) && ((ironKeyDragged == false)))) && ((towelDragged == false)))) && ((goldKeyDragged == false)))) && ((armDragged == false)))){ if (goldDoorUnlocked == false){ statusText.text = "It's locked."; statusText.setTextFormat(textFormat);; } else { if (goldDoorUnlocked == true){ goldDoorHandler2 = function (_arg1:Event):void{ soundChannel.removeEventListener(Event.SOUND_COMPLETE, goldDoorHandler2); nextFrame(); nextFrame(); nextFrame(); }; statusText.text = "To the sanctum."; statusText.setTextFormat(textFormat); cleanUpListeners3(); soundChannel =; soundChannel.addEventListener(Event.SOUND_COMPLETE, goldDoorHandler2); }; }; } else { if (glassSplinterDragged == true){ statusText.text = "I can't open it with the glass splinter."; statusText.setTextFormat(textFormat); glassSplinterDragged = false; } else { if (voodooDollDragged == true){ statusText.text = "I can't use this here."; statusText.setTextFormat(textFormat); voodooDollDragged = false; } else { if (ironKeyDragged == true){ statusText.text = "The key doesn't fit."; statusText.setTextFormat(textFormat); ironKeyDragged = false;; } else { if (towelDragged == true){ statusText.text = "I don't need to do that."; statusText.setTextFormat(textFormat); towelDragged = false; } else { if (goldKeyDragged == true){ if (goldDoorUnlocked == false){ goldDoorHandler = function (_arg1:Event):void{ soundChannel.removeEventListener(Event.SOUND_COMPLETE, goldDoorHandler); nextFrame(); nextFrame(); nextFrame(); }; statusText.text = "The key fits. Let's see what awaits..."; statusText.setTextFormat(textFormat); goldKeyDragged = false; soundChannel =; goldDoorUnlocked = true; cleanUpListeners3(); soundChannel.addEventListener(Event.SOUND_COMPLETE, goldDoorHandler); } else { if (goldDoorUnlocked == true){ statusText.text = "I already unlocked it."; statusText.setTextFormat(textFormat); goldKeyDragged = false; }; }; } else { if (armDragged == true){ statusText.text = "I don't need to do that."; statusText.setTextFormat(textFormat); armDragged = false; }; }; }; }; }; }; }; } public function helpButtonDownHandler(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{ if (waddedNoteRead.visible == true){ waddedNoteRead.visible = false; waddedNoteRead.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, waddedNoteReadDownHandler); }; if (helpScreen.visible == false){ helpScreen.visible = true; helpScreen.mouseEnabled = true; } else { if (helpScreen.visible == true){ helpScreen.visible = false; helpScreen.mouseEnabled = false; }; }; } function frame9(){ stop(); Mausi(); statusText.text = ""; statusText.setTextFormat(textFormat); towelBox_Scene2.visible = false; towelBox_Scene2.mouseEnabled = false; towelBox_Scene2.selectable = false; arrowBackToScene2Main.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_OVER, arrowBackToScene2MainOverHandler); arrowBackToScene2Main.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, arrowBackToScene2MainDownHandler); arrowBackToScene2Main.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_OUT, arrowBackToScene2MainOutHandler); if (towelBool == false){ towelBox_Scene2.visible = true; towelBox_Scene2.mouseEnabled = true; towelBox_Scene2.selectable = true; towelBox_Scene2.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_OVER, towelBoxOverHandler); towelBox_Scene2.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, towelBoxDownHandler); towelBox_Scene2.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_OUT, towelBoxOutHandler); }; if (towelUsed == false){ towel.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_OVER, towelOverHandler); towel.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, towelDownHandler); towel.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_OUT, towelOutHandler); }; bathtubBox_Scene2.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_OVER, bathtubBoxOverHandler); bathtubBox_Scene2.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, bathtubBoxDownHandler); bathtubBox_Scene2.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_OUT, bathtubBoxOutHandler); windowBox_Scene2.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_OVER, windowBox2OverHandler); windowBox_Scene2.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, windowBox2DownHandler); windowBox_Scene2.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_OUT, windowBox2OutHandler); toiletBox_Scene2.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_OVER, toiletBoxOverHandler); toiletBox_Scene2.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, toiletBoxDownHandler); toiletBox_Scene2.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_OUT, toiletBoxOutHandler); lampBox_Scene2.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_OVER, lampBox2OverHandler); lampBox_Scene2.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, lampBox2DownHandler); lampBox_Scene2.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_OUT, lampBox2OutHandler); mirrorBox_Scene2.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_OVER, mirrorBoxOverHandler); mirrorBox_Scene2.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, mirrorBoxDownHandler); mirrorBox_Scene2.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_OUT, mirrorBoxOutHandler); washthingBox_Scene2.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_OVER, washthingBoxOverHandler); washthingBox_Scene2.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, washthingBoxDownHandler); washthingBox_Scene2.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_OUT, washthingBoxOutHandler); washBox_Scene2.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_OVER, washBoxOverHandler); washBox_Scene2.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, washBoxDownHandler); washBox_Scene2.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_OUT, washBoxOutHandler); if (bloodEvent == true){ bloodEvent = false; spawnKey = true;; washBox_Scene2.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_OUT, washBoxOutHandler); washBox_Scene2.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, washBoxDownHandler); washBox_Scene2.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_OVER, washBoxOverHandler); washthingBox_Scene2.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_OUT, washthingBoxOutHandler); washthingBox_Scene2.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, washthingBoxDownHandler); washthingBox_Scene2.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_OVER, washthingBoxOverHandler); mirrorBox_Scene2.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_OUT, mirrorBoxOutHandler); mirrorBox_Scene2.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, mirrorBoxDownHandler); mirrorBox_Scene2.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_OVER, mirrorBoxOverHandler); bathtubBox_Scene2.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_OUT, bathtubBoxOutHandler); bathtubBox_Scene2.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, bathtubBoxDownHandler); bathtubBox_Scene2.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_OVER, bathtubBoxOverHandler); windowBox_Scene2.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_OUT, windowBox2OutHandler); windowBox_Scene2.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, windowBox2DownHandler); windowBox_Scene2.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_OVER, windowBox2OverHandler); toiletBox_Scene2.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_OUT, toiletBoxOutHandler); toiletBox_Scene2.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, toiletBoxDownHandler); toiletBox_Scene2.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_OVER, toiletBoxOverHandler); lampBox_Scene2.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_OUT, lampBox2OutHandler); lampBox_Scene2.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, lampBox2DownHandler); lampBox_Scene2.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_OVER, lampBox2OverHandler); if (waddedNoteRead.visible == true){ waddedNoteRead.visible = false; waddedNoteRead.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, waddedNoteReadDownHandler); }; statusText.text = "Woah! I heard a strange sound coming from the floor."; statusText.setTextFormat(textFormat); }; } public function lightSwitchBoxOutHandler(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{ if ((((((glassSplinterDragged == false)) && ((voodooDollDragged == false)))) && ((ironKeyDragged == false)))){ statusText.text = ""; statusText.setTextFormat(textFormat); } else { if (glassSplinterDragged == true){ statusText.text = "Use glass splinter with"; statusText.setTextFormat(textFormat); } else { if (voodooDollDragged == true){ statusText.text = "Use voodoo doll with"; statusText.setTextFormat(textFormat); } else { if (ironKeyDragged == true){ statusText.text = "Use iron key with"; statusText.setTextFormat(textFormat); }; }; }; }; } public function goldKeyOverHandler(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{ if ((((((((((((glassSplinterDragged == false)) && ((voodooDollDragged == false)))) && ((ironKeyDragged == false)))) && ((towelDragged == false)))) && ((goldKeyDragged == false)))) && ((armDragged == false)))){ statusText.text = "A golden key."; statusText.setTextFormat(textFormat); }; } public function bathdoorBoxOverHandler(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{ if ((((((((((((glassSplinterDragged == false)) && ((voodooDollDragged == false)))) && ((ironKeyDragged == false)))) && ((towelDragged == false)))) && ((goldKeyDragged == false)))) && ((armDragged == false)))){ statusText.text = "To the bathroom I guess."; statusText.setTextFormat(textFormat); } else { if (glassSplinterDragged == true){ statusText.text = "Use glass splinter with bathroom."; statusText.setTextFormat(textFormat); } else { if (voodooDollDragged == true){ statusText.text = "Use voodoo doll with bathroom."; statusText.setTextFormat(textFormat); } else { if (ironKeyDragged == true){ statusText.text = "Use iron key with bathroom."; statusText.setTextFormat(textFormat); } else { if (towelDragged == true){ statusText.text = "Use towel with bathroom."; statusText.setTextFormat(textFormat); } else { if (goldKeyDragged == true){ statusText.text = "Use golden key with bathroom."; statusText.setTextFormat(textFormat); } else { if (armDragged == true){ statusText.text = "Use skeletal arm with bathroom."; statusText.setTextFormat(textFormat); }; }; }; }; }; }; }; } public function toiletBoxOverHandler(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{ if ((((((((((((glassSplinterDragged == false)) && ((voodooDollDragged == false)))) && ((ironKeyDragged == false)))) && ((towelDragged == false)))) && ((goldKeyDragged == false)))) && ((armDragged == false)))){ statusText.text = "A toilet."; statusText.setTextFormat(textFormat); } else { if (glassSplinterDragged == true){ statusText.text = "Use glass splinter with toilet."; statusText.setTextFormat(textFormat); } else { if (voodooDollDragged == true){ statusText.text = "Use voodoo doll with toilet."; statusText.setTextFormat(textFormat); } else { if (ironKeyDragged == true){ statusText.text = "Use iron key with toilet."; statusText.setTextFormat(textFormat); } else { if (towelDragged == true){ statusText.text = "Use towel with toilet."; statusText.setTextFormat(textFormat); } else { if (goldKeyDragged == true){ statusText.text = "Use golden key with toilet."; statusText.setTextFormat(textFormat); } else { if (armDragged == true){ statusText.text = "Use skeletal arm with toilet."; statusText.setTextFormat(textFormat); }; }; }; }; }; }; }; } public function tableBoxOverHandler(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{ if ((((((((((((glassSplinterDragged == false)) && ((voodooDollDragged == false)))) && ((ironKeyDragged == false)))) && ((towelDragged == false)))) && ((goldKeyDragged == false)))) && ((armDragged == false)))){ statusText.text = "A table with a lamp on it."; statusText.setTextFormat(textFormat); } else { if (glassSplinterDragged == true){ statusText.text = "Use glass splinter with table."; statusText.setTextFormat(textFormat); } else { if (voodooDollDragged == true){ statusText.text = "Use voodoo doll with table."; statusText.setTextFormat(textFormat); } else { if (ironKeyDragged == true){ statusText.text = "Use iron key with table."; statusText.setTextFormat(textFormat); } else { if (towelDragged == true){ statusText.text = "Use towel with table."; statusText.setTextFormat(textFormat); } else { if (goldKeyDragged == true){ statusText.text = "Use golden key with table."; statusText.setTextFormat(textFormat); } else { if (armDragged == true){ statusText.text = "Use skeletal arm with table."; statusText.setTextFormat(textFormat); }; }; }; }; }; }; }; } function frame3(){ stop(); stage.focus = stage; Mausi(); play_btn.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, playBtnHandler); score_btn.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, scoreBtnHandler); credit_btn.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, creditBtnHandler); menuMusic = new MenuMusic(); gameMusic = new GameMusic(); if (musicChannel == null){ musicChannel =; musicChannel.addEventListener(Event.SOUND_COMPLETE, repeatMenuMusic); }; starTimer.addEventListener(TimerEvent.TIMER, starTimerHandler); starTimer.start(); eyeTimer.addEventListener(TimerEvent.TIMER, eyeTimerHandler); eyeTimer.start(); clickSound = new ClickSound(); doorSound = new DoorSound(); slitSound = new SlitSound(); ghostSound = new GhostSound(); huchSound = new HuchSound(); pageflipSound = new PageflipSound(); ghostDieSound = new GhostDieSound(); doorCreakSound = new DoorCreakSound(); bloodDripSound = new BloodDrip(); klimperSound = new KlimperSound(); growlSound = new GrowlSound(); ouchSound = new OuchSound(); ufoSound = new UfoSound(); stairsSound = new StairsSound(); thunderSound = new ThunderSound(); } function frame13(){ stop(); Mausi(); statusText.text = "Let there be light!"; statusText.setTextFormat(textFormat); lightning.mouseEnabled = false; lightning.selectable = false; lightBox2_Scene3.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_OVER, lightBox2OverHandler); lightBox2_Scene3.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, lightBox2DownHandler); lightBox2_Scene3.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_OUT, lightBox2OutHandler); doorBox_Scene3.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_OVER, doorBox3OverHandler); doorBox_Scene3.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, doorBox3DownHandler); doorBox_Scene3.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_OUT, doorBox3OutHandler); window1Box_Scene3.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_OVER, window1BoxOverHandler); window1Box_Scene3.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, window1BoxDownHandler); window1Box_Scene3.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_OUT, window1BoxOutHandler); window2Box_Scene3.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_OVER, window2BoxOverHandler); window2Box_Scene3.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, window2BoxDownHandler); window2Box_Scene3.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_OUT, window2BoxOutHandler); clockBox_Scene3.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_OVER, clockBoxOverHandler); clockBox_Scene3.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, clockBoxDownHandler); clockBox_Scene3.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_OUT, clockBoxOutHandler); tableBox_Scene3.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_OVER, tableBox3OverHandler); tableBox_Scene3.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, tableBox3DownHandler); tableBox_Scene3.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_OUT, tableBox3OutHandler); } public function rune2OverHandler(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{ if ((((((((((((glassSplinterDragged == false)) && ((voodooDollDragged == false)))) && ((ironKeyDragged == false)))) && ((towelDragged == false)))) && ((goldKeyDragged == false)))) && ((armDragged == false)))){ statusText.text = "Nic"; statusText.setTextFormat(textFormat); }; } public function lampBox2OverHandler(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{ if ((((((((((((glassSplinterDragged == false)) && ((voodooDollDragged == false)))) && ((ironKeyDragged == false)))) && ((towelDragged == false)))) && ((goldKeyDragged == false)))) && ((armDragged == false)))){ statusText.text = "An ugly lamp."; statusText.setTextFormat(textFormat); } else { if (glassSplinterDragged == true){ statusText.text = "Use glass splinter with lamp."; statusText.setTextFormat(textFormat); } else { if (voodooDollDragged == true){ statusText.text = "Use voodoo doll with lamp."; statusText.setTextFormat(textFormat); } else { if (ironKeyDragged == true){ statusText.text = "Use iron key with lamp."; statusText.setTextFormat(textFormat); } else { if (towelDragged == true){ statusText.text = "Use towel with lamp."; statusText.setTextFormat(textFormat); } else { if (goldKeyDragged == true){ statusText.text = "Use golden key with lamp."; statusText.setTextFormat(textFormat); } else { if (armDragged == true){ statusText.text = "Use skeletal arm with lamp."; statusText.setTextFormat(textFormat); }; }; }; }; }; }; }; } public function washthingBoxOverHandler(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{ if ((((((((((((glassSplinterDragged == false)) && ((voodooDollDragged == false)))) && ((ironKeyDragged == false)))) && ((towelDragged == false)))) && ((goldKeyDragged == false)))) && ((armDragged == false)))){ statusText.text = "A dashboard."; statusText.setTextFormat(textFormat); } else { if (glassSplinterDragged == true){ statusText.text = "Use glass splinter with dashboard."; statusText.setTextFormat(textFormat); } else { if (voodooDollDragged == true){ statusText.text = "Use voodoo doll with dashboard."; statusText.setTextFormat(textFormat); } else { if (ironKeyDragged == true){ statusText.text = "Use iron key with dashboard."; statusText.setTextFormat(textFormat); } else { if (towelDragged == true){ statusText.text = "Use towel with dashboard."; statusText.setTextFormat(textFormat); } else { if (goldKeyDragged == true){ statusText.text = "Use golden key with dashboard."; statusText.setTextFormat(textFormat); } else { if (armDragged == true){ statusText.text = "Use skeletal arm with dashboard."; statusText.setTextFormat(textFormat); }; }; }; }; }; }; }; } public function pentaBoxOutHandler(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{ if ((((((((((((glassSplinterDragged == false)) && ((voodooDollDragged == false)))) && ((ironKeyDragged == false)))) && ((towelDragged == false)))) && ((goldKeyDragged == false)))) && ((armDragged == false)))){ statusText.text = ""; statusText.setTextFormat(textFormat); } else { if (glassSplinterDragged == true){ statusText.text = "Use glass splinter with"; statusText.setTextFormat(textFormat); } else { if (voodooDollDragged == true){ statusText.text = "Use voodoo doll with"; statusText.setTextFormat(textFormat); } else { if (ironKeyDragged == true){ statusText.text = "Use iron key with"; statusText.setTextFormat(textFormat); } else { if (towelDragged == true){ statusText.text = "Use towel with"; statusText.setTextFormat(textFormat); } else { if (goldKeyDragged == true){ statusText.text = "Use golden key with"; statusText.setTextFormat(textFormat); } else { if (armDragged == true){ statusText.text = "Use skeletal arm with"; statusText.setTextFormat(textFormat); }; }; }; }; }; }; }; } function frame8(){ stop(); Mausi(); statusText.text = ""; statusText.setTextFormat(textFormat); if (towelUsed == false){ towelDown_Scene2.visible = false; towelDown_Scene2.mouseEnabled = false; towelDown_Scene2.selectable = false; }; bathdoorBox_Scene2.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_OVER, bathdoorBoxOverHandler); bathdoorBox_Scene2.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, bathdoorBoxDownHandler); bathdoorBox_Scene2.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_OUT, bathdoorBoxOutHandler); vaseBox_Scene2.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_OVER, vaseBoxOverHandler); vaseBox_Scene2.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, vaseBoxDownHandler); vaseBox_Scene2.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_OUT, vaseBoxOutHandler); stairsBox_Scene2.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_OVER, stairsBoxOverHandler); stairsBox_Scene2.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, stairsBoxDownHandler); stairsBox_Scene2.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_OUT, stairsBoxOutHandler); pictureBox_Scene2.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_OVER, pictureBox2OverHandler); pictureBox_Scene2.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, pictureBox2DownHandler); pictureBox_Scene2.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_OUT, pictureBox2OutHandler); anotherDoorBox_Scene2.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_OVER, anotherDoorBoxOverHandler); anotherDoorBox_Scene2.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, anotherDoorBoxDownHandler); anotherDoorBox_Scene2.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_OUT, anotherDoorBoxOutHandler); doorBox_Scene2.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_OVER, doorBox2OverHandler); doorBox_Scene2.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, doorBox2DownHandler); doorBox_Scene2.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_OUT, doorBox2OutHandler); tableBox_Scene2.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_OVER, tableBoxOverHandler); tableBox_Scene2.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, tableBoxDownHandler); tableBox_Scene2.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_OUT, tableBoxOutHandler); goldKey.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_OVER, goldKeyOverHandler); goldKey.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, goldKeyDownHandler); goldKey.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_OUT, goldKeyOutHandler); } public function bathdoorBoxOutHandler(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{ if ((((((((((((glassSplinterDragged == false)) && ((voodooDollDragged == false)))) && ((ironKeyDragged == false)))) && ((towelDragged == false)))) && ((goldKeyDragged == false)))) && ((armDragged == false)))){ statusText.text = ""; statusText.setTextFormat(textFormat); } else { if (glassSplinterDragged == true){ statusText.text = "Use glass splinter with"; statusText.setTextFormat(textFormat); } else { if (voodooDollDragged == true){ statusText.text = "Use voodoo doll with"; statusText.setTextFormat(textFormat); } else { if (ironKeyDragged == true){ statusText.text = "Use iron key with"; statusText.setTextFormat(textFormat); } else { if (towelDragged == true){ statusText.text = "Use towel with"; statusText.setTextFormat(textFormat); } else { if (goldKeyDragged == true){ statusText.text = "Use golden key with"; statusText.setTextFormat(textFormat); } else { if (armDragged == true){ statusText.text = "Use skeletal arm with"; statusText.setTextFormat(textFormat); }; }; }; }; }; }; }; } public function repeatMenuMusic(_arg1:Event):void{ musicChannel =; } public function clockBoxDownHandler2(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{ if ((((((((((((glassSplinterDragged == false)) && ((voodooDollDragged == false)))) && ((ironKeyDragged == false)))) && ((towelDragged == false)))) && ((goldKeyDragged == false)))) && ((armDragged == false)))){ statusText.text = "The clock doesn't work."; statusText.setTextFormat(textFormat); } else { if (glassSplinterDragged == true){ statusText.text = "That doesn't help."; statusText.setTextFormat(textFormat); glassSplinterDragged = false; } else { if (voodooDollDragged == true){ statusText.text = "That doesn't help."; statusText.setTextFormat(textFormat); voodooDollDragged = false; } else { if (ironKeyDragged == true){ statusText.text = "I can't unlock this."; statusText.setTextFormat(textFormat); ironKeyDragged = false; } else { if (towelDragged == true){ statusText.text = "That doesn't help."; statusText.setTextFormat(textFormat); towelDragged = false; } else { if (goldKeyDragged == true){ statusText.text = "I can't unlock this."; statusText.setTextFormat(textFormat); goldKeyDragged = false; } else { if (armDragged == true){ statusText.text = "That doesn't help."; statusText.setTextFormat(textFormat); armDragged = false; }; }; }; }; }; }; }; } public function pictureBox2OverHandler(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{ if ((((((((((((glassSplinterDragged == false)) && ((voodooDollDragged == false)))) && ((ironKeyDragged == false)))) && ((towelDragged == false)))) && ((goldKeyDragged == false)))) && ((armDragged == false)))){ statusText.text = "A picture with many eyes."; statusText.setTextFormat(textFormat); } else { if (glassSplinterDragged == true){ statusText.text = "Use glass splinter with picture."; statusText.setTextFormat(textFormat); } else { if (voodooDollDragged == true){ statusText.text = "Use voodoo doll with picture."; statusText.setTextFormat(textFormat); } else { if (ironKeyDragged == true){ statusText.text = "Use iron key with picture."; statusText.setTextFormat(textFormat); } else { if (towelDragged == true){ statusText.text = "Use towel with picture."; statusText.setTextFormat(textFormat); } else { if (goldKeyDragged == true){ statusText.text = "Use golden key with picture."; statusText.setTextFormat(textFormat); } else { if (armDragged == true){ statusText.text = "Use skeletal arm with picture."; statusText.setTextFormat(textFormat); }; }; }; }; }; }; }; } public function rune5OverHandler(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{ if ((((((((((((glassSplinterDragged == false)) && ((voodooDollDragged == false)))) && ((ironKeyDragged == false)))) && ((towelDragged == false)))) && ((goldKeyDragged == false)))) && ((armDragged == false)))){ statusText.text = "Kla"; statusText.setTextFormat(textFormat); }; } public function vaseBoxOverHandler(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{ if ((((((((((((glassSplinterDragged == false)) && ((voodooDollDragged == false)))) && ((ironKeyDragged == false)))) && ((towelDragged == false)))) && ((goldKeyDragged == false)))) && ((armDragged == false)))){ statusText.text = "A vase."; statusText.setTextFormat(textFormat); } else { if (glassSplinterDragged == true){ statusText.text = "Use glass splinter with vase."; statusText.setTextFormat(textFormat); } else { if (voodooDollDragged == true){ statusText.text = "Use voodoo doll with vase."; statusText.setTextFormat(textFormat); } else { if (ironKeyDragged == true){ statusText.text = "Use iron key with vase."; statusText.setTextFormat(textFormat); } else { if (towelDragged == true){ statusText.text = "Use towel with vase."; statusText.setTextFormat(textFormat); } else { if (goldKeyDragged == true){ statusText.text = "Use golden key with vase."; statusText.setTextFormat(textFormat); } else { if (armDragged == true){ statusText.text = "Use skeletal arm with vase."; statusText.setTextFormat(textFormat); }; }; }; }; }; }; }; } public function rune8OverHandler(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{ if ((((((((((((glassSplinterDragged == false)) && ((voodooDollDragged == false)))) && ((ironKeyDragged == false)))) && ((towelDragged == false)))) && ((goldKeyDragged == false)))) && ((armDragged == false)))){ statusText.text = "Ver"; statusText.setTextFormat(textFormat); }; } public function bathtubBoxOutHandler(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{ if ((((((((((((glassSplinterDragged == false)) && ((voodooDollDragged == false)))) && ((ironKeyDragged == false)))) && ((towelDragged == false)))) && ((goldKeyDragged == false)))) && ((armDragged == false)))){ statusText.text = ""; statusText.setTextFormat(textFormat); } else { if (glassSplinterDragged == true){ statusText.text = "Use glass splinter with"; statusText.setTextFormat(textFormat); } else { if (voodooDollDragged == true){ statusText.text = "Use voodoo doll with"; statusText.setTextFormat(textFormat); } else { if (ironKeyDragged == true){ statusText.text = "Use iron key with"; statusText.setTextFormat(textFormat); } else { if (towelDragged == true){ statusText.text = "Use towel with"; statusText.setTextFormat(textFormat); } else { if (goldKeyDragged == true){ statusText.text = "Use golden key with"; statusText.setTextFormat(textFormat); } else { if (armDragged == true){ statusText.text = "Use skeletal arm with"; statusText.setTextFormat(textFormat); }; }; }; }; }; }; }; } function frame4(){ stop(); Mausi(); if (mochiScoreViewed == true){ mochiScoreViewed = false; prevFrame(); }; back_btn.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, backBtnHandler); } public function anotherDoorBoxOverHandler(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{ if ((((((((((((glassSplinterDragged == false)) && ((voodooDollDragged == false)))) && ((ironKeyDragged == false)))) && ((towelDragged == false)))) && ((goldKeyDragged == false)))) && ((armDragged == false)))){ if (growlPlayed == false){ statusText.text = "Another door."; statusText.setTextFormat(textFormat); } else { if (growlPlayed == true){ statusText.text = "Wrong way."; statusText.setTextFormat(textFormat); }; }; } else { if (glassSplinterDragged == true){ statusText.text = "Use glass splinter with another door."; statusText.setTextFormat(textFormat); } else { if (voodooDollDragged == true){ statusText.text = "Use voodoo doll with another door."; statusText.setTextFormat(textFormat); } else { if (ironKeyDragged == true){ statusText.text = "Use iron key with another door."; statusText.setTextFormat(textFormat); } else { if (towelDragged == true){ statusText.text = "Use towel with another door."; statusText.setTextFormat(textFormat); } else { if (goldKeyDragged == true){ statusText.text = "Use golden key with another door."; statusText.setTextFormat(textFormat); } else { if (armDragged == true){ statusText.text = "Use skeletal arm with another door."; statusText.setTextFormat(textFormat); }; }; }; }; }; }; }; } public function pillowBoxDownHandler(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{ if (waddedNoteBool == false){ if ((((((glassSplinterDragged == false)) && ((voodooDollDragged == false)))) && ((ironKeyDragged == false)))){ statusText.text = "Feels like something is inside."; statusText.setTextFormat(textFormat); } else { if (glassSplinterDragged == true){ pillowSlit_Scene1.visible = true; statusText.text = "A wadded note was inside."; statusText.setTextFormat(textFormat); glassSplinterDragged = false;; waddedNoteBool = true; waddedNote.visible = true; waddedNote.mouseEnabled = true; } else { if (voodooDollDragged == true){ statusText.text = "It has no effect."; statusText.setTextFormat(textFormat); voodooDollDragged = false; } else { if (ironKeyDragged == true){ statusText.text = "That doesn't need to be unlocked."; statusText.setTextFormat(textFormat); ironKeyDragged = false; }; }; }; }; } else { if (waddedNoteBool == true){ if ((((((glassSplinterDragged == false)) && ((voodooDollDragged == false)))) && ((ironKeyDragged == false)))){ statusText.text = "Nothing useful here anymore."; statusText.setTextFormat(textFormat); } else { if (glassSplinterDragged == true){ statusText.text = "The pillow is already finished."; statusText.setTextFormat(textFormat); glassSplinterDragged = false; } else { if (voodooDollDragged == true){ statusText.text = "It has no effect."; statusText.setTextFormat(textFormat); voodooDollDragged = false; } else { if (ironKeyDragged == true){ statusText.text = "That doesn't need to be unlocked."; statusText.setTextFormat(textFormat); ironKeyDragged = false; }; }; }; }; }; }; } public function clockBoxOutHandler2(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{ if ((((((((((((glassSplinterDragged == false)) && ((voodooDollDragged == false)))) && ((ironKeyDragged == false)))) && ((towelDragged == false)))) && ((goldKeyDragged == false)))) && ((armDragged == false)))){ statusText.text = ""; statusText.setTextFormat(textFormat); } else { if (glassSplinterDragged == true){ statusText.text = "Use glass splinter with"; statusText.setTextFormat(textFormat); } else { if (voodooDollDragged == true){ statusText.text = "Use voodoo doll with"; statusText.setTextFormat(textFormat); } else { if (ironKeyDragged == true){ statusText.text = "Use iron key with"; statusText.setTextFormat(textFormat); } else { if (towelDragged == true){ statusText.text = "Use towel with"; statusText.setTextFormat(textFormat); } else { if (goldKeyDragged == true){ statusText.text = "Use golden key with"; statusText.setTextFormat(textFormat); } else { if (armDragged == true){ statusText.text = "Use skeletal arm with"; statusText.setTextFormat(textFormat); }; }; }; }; }; }; }; } public function clockBoxOverHandler(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{ if ((((((((((((glassSplinterDragged == false)) && ((voodooDollDragged == false)))) && ((ironKeyDragged == false)))) && ((towelDragged == false)))) && ((goldKeyDragged == false)))) && ((armDragged == false)))){ statusText.text = "An old clock."; statusText.setTextFormat(textFormat); } else { if (glassSplinterDragged == true){ statusText.text = "Use glass splinter with clock."; statusText.setTextFormat(textFormat); } else { if (voodooDollDragged == true){ statusText.text = "Use voodoo doll with clock."; statusText.setTextFormat(textFormat); } else { if (ironKeyDragged == true){ statusText.text = "Use iron key with clock."; statusText.setTextFormat(textFormat); } else { if (towelDragged == true){ statusText.text = "Use towel with clock."; statusText.setTextFormat(textFormat); } else { if (goldKeyDragged == true){ statusText.text = "Use golden key with clock."; statusText.setTextFormat(textFormat); } else { if (armDragged == true){ statusText.text = "Use skeletal arm with clock."; statusText.setTextFormat(textFormat); }; }; }; }; }; }; }; } function frame12(){ stop(); Mausi(); if (plancDone == false){ statusText.text = "Uhh. It's a little dark."; statusText.setTextFormat(textFormat); } else { if (plancDone == true){ statusText.text = "Damnit! Dark again..."; statusText.setTextFormat(textFormat); }; }; lightBox_Scene3.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_OVER, lightBoxOverHandler); lightBox_Scene3.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, lightBoxDownHandler); lightBox_Scene3.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_OUT, lightBoxOutHandler); } public function doorBox3DownHandler2(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{ var endHandler:Function; var evt = _arg1; if ((((((((((((glassSplinterDragged == false)) && ((voodooDollDragged == false)))) && ((ironKeyDragged == false)))) && ((towelDragged == false)))) && ((goldKeyDragged == false)))) && ((armDragged == false)))){ if (frontDoorOpen == false){ statusText.text = "There is no way to open it."; statusText.setTextFormat(textFormat); } else { if (frontDoorOpen == true){ endHandler = function (_arg1:Event):void{ statusText.text = ""; statusText.setTextFormat(textFormat); removeChild(timeText); }; statusText.text = "It slides open!!"; statusText.setTextFormat(textFormat); soundChannel =; cleanUpListeners5(); score = scoreTime; scoreTimer.stop(); outFader.gotoAndPlay(2); soundChannel.addEventListener(Event.SOUND_COMPLETE, endHandler); }; }; } else { if (glassSplinterDragged == true){ statusText.text = "No, sir."; statusText.setTextFormat(textFormat); glassSplinterDragged = false; } else { if (voodooDollDragged == true){ statusText.text = "I don't know how."; statusText.setTextFormat(textFormat); voodooDollDragged = false; } else { if (ironKeyDragged == true){ statusText.text = "I don't see a lock."; statusText.setTextFormat(textFormat); ironKeyDragged = false; } else { if (towelDragged == true){ statusText.text = "I don't know how to open it."; statusText.setTextFormat(textFormat); towelDragged = false; } else { if (goldKeyDragged == true){ statusText.text = "I don't see a lock."; statusText.setTextFormat(textFormat); goldKeyDragged = false; } else { if (armDragged == true){ statusText.text = "I don't know how to open it."; statusText.setTextFormat(textFormat); armDragged = false; }; }; }; }; }; }; }; } public function bookBoxDownHandler(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{ if ((((((((((((glassSplinterDragged == false)) && ((voodooDollDragged == false)))) && ((ironKeyDragged == false)))) && ((towelDragged == false)))) && ((goldKeyDragged == false)))) && ((armDragged == false)))){ statusText.text = "Klaatu, Verata... Necktie. Nectar? Nickel!? I can't read the last word."; statusText.setTextFormat(textFormat); } else { if (glassSplinterDragged == true){ statusText.text = "I won't even try to cut this."; statusText.setTextFormat(textFormat); glassSplinterDragged = false; } else { if (voodooDollDragged == true){ statusText.text = "I won't even try it."; statusText.setTextFormat(textFormat); voodooDollDragged = false; } else { if (ironKeyDragged == true){ statusText.text = "That doesn't need to be unlocked."; statusText.setTextFormat(textFormat); ironKeyDragged = false; } else { if (towelDragged == true){ statusText.text = "I don't need to do this."; statusText.setTextFormat(textFormat); towelDragged = false; } else { if (goldKeyDragged == true){ statusText.text = "That doesn't need to be unlocked."; statusText.setTextFormat(textFormat); goldKeyDragged = false; } else { if (armDragged == true){ statusText.text = "That makes no sense."; statusText.setTextFormat(textFormat); armDragged = false; }; }; }; }; }; }; }; } public function tubeBoxOverHandler(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{ if ((((((((((((glassSplinterDragged == false)) && ((voodooDollDragged == false)))) && ((ironKeyDragged == false)))) && ((towelDragged == false)))) && ((goldKeyDragged == false)))) && ((armDragged == false)))){ statusText.text = "A tap."; statusText.setTextFormat(textFormat); } else { if (glassSplinterDragged == true){ statusText.text = "Use glass splinter with tap."; statusText.setTextFormat(textFormat); } else { if (voodooDollDragged == true){ statusText.text = "Use voodoo doll with tap."; statusText.setTextFormat(textFormat); } else { if (ironKeyDragged == true){ statusText.text = "Use iron key with tap."; statusText.setTextFormat(textFormat); } else { if (towelDragged == true){ statusText.text = "Use towel with tap."; statusText.setTextFormat(textFormat); } else { if (goldKeyDragged == true){ statusText.text = "Use golden key with tap."; statusText.setTextFormat(textFormat); } else { if (armDragged == true){ statusText.text = "Use skeletal arm with tap."; statusText.setTextFormat(textFormat); }; }; }; }; }; }; }; } public function plancBoxDownHandler2(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{ if ((((((((((((glassSplinterDragged == false)) && ((voodooDollDragged == false)))) && ((ironKeyDragged == false)))) && ((towelDragged == false)))) && ((goldKeyDragged == false)))) && ((armDragged == false)))){ if (frontDoorOpen == false){ statusText.text = "Something unlocked..."; statusText.setTextFormat(textFormat);; frontDoorOpen = true; } else { if (frontDoorOpen == true){ statusText.text = "Nothing special anymore..."; statusText.setTextFormat(textFormat); }; }; } else { if (glassSplinterDragged == true){ statusText.text = "That doesn't help."; statusText.setTextFormat(textFormat); glassSplinterDragged = false; } else { if (voodooDollDragged == true){ statusText.text = "I don't know how."; statusText.setTextFormat(textFormat); voodooDollDragged = false; } else { if (ironKeyDragged == true){ statusText.text = "I can't unlock this."; statusText.setTextFormat(textFormat); ironKeyDragged = false; } else { if (towelDragged == true){ statusText.text = "That doesn't help."; statusText.setTextFormat(textFormat); towelDragged = false; } else { if (goldKeyDragged == true){ statusText.text = "I can't unlock this."; statusText.setTextFormat(textFormat); goldKeyDragged = false; } else { if (armDragged == true){ statusText.text = "That doesn't help."; statusText.setTextFormat(textFormat); armDragged = false; }; }; }; }; }; }; }; } public function doorBoxDownHandler(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{ var nextSceneHandler:Function; var evt = _arg1; if ((((((glassSplinterDragged == false)) && ((voodooDollDragged == false)))) && ((ironKeyDragged == false)))){ statusText.text = "Locked. What else?"; statusText.setTextFormat(textFormat);; } else { if (glassSplinterDragged == true){ statusText.text = "It's not worth the effort."; statusText.setTextFormat(textFormat); glassSplinterDragged = false; } else { if (voodooDollDragged == true){ statusText.text = "It has no effect."; statusText.setTextFormat(textFormat); voodooDollDragged = false; } else { if (ironKeyDragged == true){ statusText.text = "Hell! It doesn't work! I can't turn it..."; statusText.setTextFormat(textFormat); ironKeyDragged = false; ironKeyUsedOnDoor++; if (ironKeyUsedOnDoor < 2){; } else { if (ironKeyUsedOnDoor >= 2){ nextSceneHandler = function (_arg1:Event):void{ nextFrame(); nextFrame(); }; statusText.text = "Argh, I just tried to turn it into the wrong direction."; statusText.setTextFormat(textFormat); ironKeyDragged = false; soundChannel =; cleanUpListeners(); soundChannel.addEventListener(Event.SOUND_COMPLETE, nextSceneHandler); }; }; }; }; }; }; } public function tableBox3DownHandler2(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{ if ((((((((((((glassSplinterDragged == false)) && ((voodooDollDragged == false)))) && ((ironKeyDragged == false)))) && ((towelDragged == false)))) && ((goldKeyDragged == false)))) && ((armDragged == false)))){ statusText.text = "Nothing special here."; statusText.setTextFormat(textFormat); } else { if (glassSplinterDragged == true){ statusText.text = "I don't wanna cut the table."; statusText.setTextFormat(textFormat); glassSplinterDragged = false; } else { if (voodooDollDragged == true){ statusText.text = "That doesn't help."; statusText.setTextFormat(textFormat); voodooDollDragged = false; } else { if (ironKeyDragged == true){ statusText.text = "I can't unlock this."; statusText.setTextFormat(textFormat); ironKeyDragged = false; } else { if (towelDragged == true){ statusText.text = "That doesn't help."; statusText.setTextFormat(textFormat); towelDragged = false; } else { if (goldKeyDragged == true){ statusText.text = "I can't unlock this."; statusText.setTextFormat(textFormat); goldKeyDragged = false; } else { if (armDragged == true){ statusText.text = "That doesn't help."; statusText.setTextFormat(textFormat); armDragged = false; }; }; }; }; }; }; }; } function frame10(){ stop(); Mausi(); statusText.text = ""; statusText.setTextFormat(textFormat); arrowBackToScene2Bath.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_OVER, arrowBackToScene2BathOverHandler); arrowBackToScene2Bath.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, arrowBackToScene2BathDownHandler); arrowBackToScene2Bath.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_OUT, arrowBackToScene2BathOutHandler); tubeBox_Scene2.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_OVER, tubeBoxOverHandler); tubeBox_Scene2.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, tubeBoxDownHandler); tubeBox_Scene2.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_OUT, tubeBoxOutHandler); basinNearBox_Scene2.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_OVER, basinNearBoxOverHandler); basinNearBox_Scene2.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, basinNearBoxDownHandler); basinNearBox_Scene2.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_OUT, basinNearBoxOutHandler); } public function rune3Handler(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{ if ((((((((((((glassSplinterDragged == false)) && ((voodooDollDragged == false)))) && ((ironKeyDragged == false)))) && ((towelDragged == false)))) && ((goldKeyDragged == false)))) && ((armDragged == false)))){ if (rune3Bool == false){ rune3Bool = true; rune3.nextFrame(); } else { if (rune3Bool == true){ rune3Bool = false; rune3.prevFrame(); }; };; }; } public function towelOverHandler(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{ if ((((((((((((glassSplinterDragged == false)) && ((voodooDollDragged == false)))) && ((ironKeyDragged == false)))) && ((towelDragged == false)))) && ((goldKeyDragged == false)))) && ((armDragged == false)))){ statusText.text = "A towel."; statusText.setTextFormat(textFormat); }; } public function waddedNoteReadDownHandler(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{ waddedNoteRead.visible = false; waddedNoteRead.mouseEnabled = false; waddedNoteRead.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, waddedNoteReadDownHandler); } public function endBtnHandler(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{ var o:Object; var boardID:String; var evt = _arg1; skip_btn.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, endBtnHandler); removeChild(skip_btn); removeChild(endText); musicChannel.stop(); musicChannel = null; starTimer2.stop(); starTimer2.removeEventListener(TimerEvent.TIMER, starTimerHandler2); eyeTimer2.stop(); eyeTimer2.removeEventListener(TimerEvent.TIMER, eyeTimerHandler2);; o = {n:[15, 7, 11, 14, 4, 0, 10, 13, 9, 0, 11, 4, 0, 3, 1, 8], f:function (_arg1:Number, _arg2:String):String{ if (_arg2.length == 16){ return (_arg2); }; return (this.f((_arg1 + 1), (_arg2 + this.n[_arg1].toString(16)))); }}; boardID = o.f(0, ""); MochiScores.showLeaderboard({boardID:boardID, score:score}); } public function arrowBackToScene2FloorOutHandler(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{ if ((((((((((((glassSplinterDragged == false)) && ((voodooDollDragged == false)))) && ((ironKeyDragged == false)))) && ((towelDragged == false)))) && ((goldKeyDragged == false)))) && ((armDragged == false)))){ statusText.text = ""; statusText.setTextFormat(textFormat); } else { if (glassSplinterDragged == true){ statusText.text = "Use glass splinter with"; statusText.setTextFormat(textFormat); } else { if (voodooDollDragged == true){ statusText.text = "Use voodoo doll with"; statusText.setTextFormat(textFormat); } else { if (ironKeyDragged == true){ statusText.text = "Use iron key with"; statusText.setTextFormat(textFormat); } else { if (towelDragged == true){ statusText.text = "Use towel with"; statusText.setTextFormat(textFormat); } else { if (goldKeyDragged == true){ statusText.text = "Use golden key with"; statusText.setTextFormat(textFormat); } else { if (armDragged == true){ statusText.text = "Use skeletal arm with"; statusText.setTextFormat(textFormat); }; }; }; }; }; }; }; } public function pillowBoxOutHandler(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{ if ((((((glassSplinterDragged == false)) && ((voodooDollDragged == false)))) && ((ironKeyDragged == false)))){ statusText.text = ""; statusText.setTextFormat(textFormat); } else { if (glassSplinterDragged == true){ statusText.text = "Use glass splinter with"; statusText.setTextFormat(textFormat); } else { if (voodooDollDragged == true){ statusText.text = "Use voodoo doll with"; statusText.setTextFormat(textFormat); } else { if (ironKeyDragged == true){ statusText.text = "Use iron key with"; statusText.setTextFormat(textFormat); }; }; }; }; } function frame15(){ stop(); Mausi(); starTimer2.addEventListener(TimerEvent.TIMER, starTimerHandler2); starTimer2.start(); eyeTimer2.addEventListener(TimerEvent.TIMER, eyeTimerHandler2); eyeTimer2.start(); skip_btn.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, endBtnHandler); } public function toiletBoxDownHandler(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{ if ((((((((((((glassSplinterDragged == false)) && ((voodooDollDragged == false)))) && ((ironKeyDragged == false)))) && ((towelDragged == false)))) && ((goldKeyDragged == false)))) && ((armDragged == false)))){ statusText.text = "It's already in my pants..."; statusText.setTextFormat(textFormat); } else { if (glassSplinterDragged == true){ statusText.text = "I don't wanna flush that down."; statusText.setTextFormat(textFormat); glassSplinterDragged = false; } else { if (voodooDollDragged == true){ statusText.text = "I don't wanna flush that down."; statusText.setTextFormat(textFormat); voodooDollDragged = false; } else { if (ironKeyDragged == true){ statusText.text = "I don't wanna flush that down."; statusText.setTextFormat(textFormat); ironKeyDragged = false; } else { if (towelDragged == true){ statusText.text = "I don't wanna flush that down."; statusText.setTextFormat(textFormat); towelDragged = false; } else { if (goldKeyDragged == true){ statusText.text = "I don't wanna flush that down."; statusText.setTextFormat(textFormat); goldKeyDragged = false; } else { if (armDragged == true){ statusText.text = "I don't wanna flush that down."; statusText.setTextFormat(textFormat); armDragged = false; }; }; }; }; }; }; }; } public function tableBoxDownHandler(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{ if ((((((((((((glassSplinterDragged == false)) && ((voodooDollDragged == false)))) && ((ironKeyDragged == false)))) && ((towelDragged == false)))) && ((goldKeyDragged == false)))) && ((armDragged == false)))){ statusText.text = "Nothing special here."; statusText.setTextFormat(textFormat); } else { if (glassSplinterDragged == true){ statusText.text = "It has no effect."; statusText.setTextFormat(textFormat); glassSplinterDragged = false; } else { if (voodooDollDragged == true){ statusText.text = "It has no effect."; statusText.setTextFormat(textFormat); voodooDollDragged = false; } else { if (ironKeyDragged == true){ statusText.text = "That doesn't need to be unlocked."; statusText.setTextFormat(textFormat); ironKeyDragged = false; } else { if (towelDragged == true){ statusText.text = "Hmmmmmmmmmmm no."; statusText.setTextFormat(textFormat); towelDragged = false; } else { if (goldKeyDragged == true){ statusText.text = "Nah. Come on."; statusText.setTextFormat(textFormat); goldKeyDragged = false; } else { if (armDragged == true){ statusText.text = "Try something else."; statusText.setTextFormat(textFormat); armDragged = false; }; }; }; }; }; }; }; } public function waddedNoteOutHandler(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{ if ((((((((((((glassSplinterDragged == false)) && ((voodooDollDragged == false)))) && ((ironKeyDragged == false)))) && ((towelDragged == false)))) && ((goldKeyDragged == false)))) && ((armDragged == false)))){ statusText.text = ""; statusText.setTextFormat(textFormat); }; } public function goldKeyDownHandler(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{ goldKeyDragged = true; glassSplinterDragged = false; voodooDollDragged = false; ironKeyDragged = false; towelDragged = false; armDragged = false; statusText.text = "Use golden key with"; statusText.setTextFormat(textFormat); } public function voodooDollOverHandler(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{ if ((((((((((((glassSplinterDragged == false)) && ((voodooDollDragged == false)))) && ((ironKeyDragged == false)))) && ((towelDragged == false)))) && ((goldKeyDragged == false)))) && ((armDragged == false)))){ statusText.text = "A voodoo doll."; statusText.setTextFormat(textFormat); }; } public function bathdoorBoxDownHandler(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{ if ((((((((((((glassSplinterDragged == false)) && ((voodooDollDragged == false)))) && ((ironKeyDragged == false)))) && ((towelDragged == false)))) && ((goldKeyDragged == false)))) && ((armDragged == false)))){ statusText.text = ""; statusText.setTextFormat(textFormat); if (waddedNoteRead.visible == true){ waddedNoteRead.visible = false; waddedNoteRead.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, waddedNoteReadDownHandler); }; nextFrame(); } else { if (glassSplinterDragged == true){ statusText.text = "I don't wanna cut the bathroom."; statusText.setTextFormat(textFormat); glassSplinterDragged = false; } else { if (voodooDollDragged == true){ statusText.text = "Take this bathroom! And this!! has no effect."; statusText.setTextFormat(textFormat); voodooDollDragged = false; } else { if (ironKeyDragged == true){ statusText.text = "The door is already open."; statusText.setTextFormat(textFormat); ironKeyDragged = false; } else { if (towelDragged == true){ statusText.text = "No, I wanna keep it."; statusText.setTextFormat(textFormat); towelDragged = false; } else { if (goldKeyDragged == true){ statusText.text = "The door is already open."; statusText.setTextFormat(textFormat); goldKeyDragged = false; } else { if (armDragged == true){ statusText.text = "That makes no sense."; statusText.setTextFormat(textFormat); armDragged = false; }; }; }; }; }; }; }; } public function windowwBoxOutHandler(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{ if ((((((((((((glassSplinterDragged == false)) && ((voodooDollDragged == false)))) && ((ironKeyDragged == false)))) && ((towelDragged == false)))) && ((goldKeyDragged == false)))) && ((armDragged == false)))){ statusText.text = ""; statusText.setTextFormat(textFormat); } else { if (glassSplinterDragged == true){ statusText.text = "Use glass splinter with"; statusText.setTextFormat(textFormat); } else { if (voodooDollDragged == true){ statusText.text = "Use voodoo doll with"; statusText.setTextFormat(textFormat); } else { if (ironKeyDragged == true){ statusText.text = "Use iron key with"; statusText.setTextFormat(textFormat); } else { if (towelDragged == true){ statusText.text = "Use towel with"; statusText.setTextFormat(textFormat); } else { if (goldKeyDragged == true){ statusText.text = "Use golden key with"; statusText.setTextFormat(textFormat); } else { if (armDragged == true){ statusText.text = "Use skeletal arm with"; statusText.setTextFormat(textFormat); }; }; }; }; }; }; }; } public function lampBox2DownHandler(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{ if ((((((((((((glassSplinterDragged == false)) && ((voodooDollDragged == false)))) && ((ironKeyDragged == false)))) && ((towelDragged == false)))) && ((goldKeyDragged == false)))) && ((armDragged == false)))){ statusText.text = "I'm glad it's not dark."; statusText.setTextFormat(textFormat); } else { if (glassSplinterDragged == true){ statusText.text = "I don't wanna cut the lamp."; statusText.setTextFormat(textFormat); glassSplinterDragged = false; } else { if (voodooDollDragged == true){ statusText.text = "It has no effect."; statusText.setTextFormat(textFormat); voodooDollDragged = false; } else { if (ironKeyDragged == true){ statusText.text = "That doesn't need to be unlocked."; statusText.setTextFormat(textFormat); ironKeyDragged = false; } else { if (towelDragged == true){ statusText.text = "I don't wanna put that there."; statusText.setTextFormat(textFormat); towelDragged = false; } else { if (goldKeyDragged == true){ statusText.text = "That doesn't need to be unlocked."; statusText.setTextFormat(textFormat); goldKeyDragged = false; } else { if (armDragged == true){ statusText.text = "No, sir."; statusText.setTextFormat(textFormat); armDragged = false; }; }; }; }; }; }; }; } public function tableBox3OutHandler2(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{ if ((((((((((((glassSplinterDragged == false)) && ((voodooDollDragged == false)))) && ((ironKeyDragged == false)))) && ((towelDragged == false)))) && ((goldKeyDragged == false)))) && ((armDragged == false)))){ statusText.text = ""; statusText.setTextFormat(textFormat); } else { if (glassSplinterDragged == true){ statusText.text = "Use glass splinter with"; statusText.setTextFormat(textFormat); } else { if (voodooDollDragged == true){ statusText.text = "Use voodoo doll with"; statusText.setTextFormat(textFormat); } else { if (ironKeyDragged == true){ statusText.text = "Use iron key with"; statusText.setTextFormat(textFormat); } else { if (towelDragged == true){ statusText.text = "Use towel with"; statusText.setTextFormat(textFormat); } else { if (goldKeyDragged == true){ statusText.text = "Use golden key with"; statusText.setTextFormat(textFormat); } else { if (armDragged == true){ statusText.text = "Use skeletal arm with"; statusText.setTextFormat(textFormat); }; }; }; }; }; }; }; } public function vaseBoxOutHandler(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{ if ((((((((((((glassSplinterDragged == false)) && ((voodooDollDragged == false)))) && ((ironKeyDragged == false)))) && ((towelDragged == false)))) && ((goldKeyDragged == false)))) && ((armDragged == false)))){ statusText.text = ""; statusText.setTextFormat(textFormat); } else { if (glassSplinterDragged == true){ statusText.text = "Use glass splinter with"; statusText.setTextFormat(textFormat); } else { if (voodooDollDragged == true){ statusText.text = "Use voodoo doll with"; statusText.setTextFormat(textFormat); } else { if (ironKeyDragged == true){ statusText.text = "Use iron key with"; statusText.setTextFormat(textFormat); } else { if (towelDragged == true){ statusText.text = "Use towel with"; statusText.setTextFormat(textFormat); } else { if (goldKeyDragged == true){ statusText.text = "Use golden key with"; statusText.setTextFormat(textFormat); } else { if (armDragged == true){ statusText.text = "Use skeletal arm with"; statusText.setTextFormat(textFormat); }; }; }; }; }; }; }; } public function washthingBoxDownHandler(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{ if ((((((((((((glassSplinterDragged == false)) && ((voodooDollDragged == false)))) && ((ironKeyDragged == false)))) && ((towelDragged == false)))) && ((goldKeyDragged == false)))) && ((armDragged == false)))){ statusText.text = "Nothing to use here."; statusText.setTextFormat(textFormat); } else { if (glassSplinterDragged == true){ statusText.text = "I don't need to cut that."; statusText.setTextFormat(textFormat); glassSplinterDragged = false; } else { if (voodooDollDragged == true){ statusText.text = "It has no effect."; statusText.setTextFormat(textFormat); voodooDollDragged = false; } else { if (ironKeyDragged == true){ statusText.text = "That doesn't need to be unlocked."; statusText.setTextFormat(textFormat); ironKeyDragged = false; } else { if (towelDragged == true){ statusText.text = "I don't need to clean that."; statusText.setTextFormat(textFormat); towelDragged = false; } else { if (goldKeyDragged == true){ statusText.text = "That doesn't need to be unlocked."; statusText.setTextFormat(textFormat); goldKeyDragged = false; } else { if (armDragged == true){ statusText.text = "I don't know how."; statusText.setTextFormat(textFormat); armDragged = false; }; }; }; }; }; }; }; } public function ironKeyBoxOutHandler(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{ if ((((((glassSplinterDragged == false)) && ((voodooDollDragged == false)))) && ((ironKeyDragged == false)))){ statusText.text = ""; statusText.setTextFormat(textFormat); } else { if (glassSplinterDragged == true){ statusText.text = "Use glass splinter with"; statusText.setTextFormat(textFormat); } else { if (voodooDollDragged == true){ statusText.text = "Use voodoo doll with"; statusText.setTextFormat(textFormat); } else { if (ironKeyDragged == true){ statusText.text = "Use iron key with"; statusText.setTextFormat(textFormat); }; }; }; }; } public function vaseBoxDownHandler(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{ if ((((((((((((glassSplinterDragged == false)) && ((voodooDollDragged == false)))) && ((ironKeyDragged == false)))) && ((towelDragged == false)))) && ((goldKeyDragged == false)))) && ((armDragged == false)))){ if (goldKeyBool == false){ if (spawnKey == false){ statusText.text = "The vase is empty."; statusText.setTextFormat(textFormat); } else { if (spawnKey == true){ statusText.text = "Another key! But how did it come in there?"; statusText.setTextFormat(textFormat);; goldKey.visible = true; goldKey.mouseEnabled = true; goldKeyBool = true; }; }; } else { if (goldKeyBool == true){ statusText.text = "The vase is empty again."; statusText.setTextFormat(textFormat); }; }; } else { if (glassSplinterDragged == true){ statusText.text = "I don't wanna cut this."; statusText.setTextFormat(textFormat); glassSplinterDragged = false; } else { if (voodooDollDragged == true){ statusText.text = "No, the vase won't hurt me."; statusText.setTextFormat(textFormat); voodooDollDragged = false; } else { if (ironKeyDragged == true){ statusText.text = "That doesn't need to be unlocked."; statusText.setTextFormat(textFormat); ironKeyDragged = false; } else { if (towelDragged == true){ statusText.text = "That makes no sense."; statusText.setTextFormat(textFormat); towelDragged = false; } else { if (goldKeyDragged == true){ statusText.text = "Why? I got it from there."; statusText.setTextFormat(textFormat); goldKeyDragged = false; } else { if (armDragged == true){ statusText.text = "I don't need to do that."; statusText.setTextFormat(textFormat); armDragged = false; }; }; }; }; }; }; }; } public function doorBox3OutHandler2(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{ if ((((((((((((glassSplinterDragged == false)) && ((voodooDollDragged == false)))) && ((ironKeyDragged == false)))) && ((towelDragged == false)))) && ((goldKeyDragged == false)))) && ((armDragged == false)))){ statusText.text = ""; statusText.setTextFormat(textFormat); } else { if (glassSplinterDragged == true){ statusText.text = "Use glass splinter with"; statusText.setTextFormat(textFormat); } else { if (voodooDollDragged == true){ statusText.text = "Use voodoo doll with"; statusText.setTextFormat(textFormat); } else { if (ironKeyDragged == true){ statusText.text = "Use iron key with"; statusText.setTextFormat(textFormat); } else { if (towelDragged == true){ statusText.text = "Use towel with"; statusText.setTextFormat(textFormat); } else { if (goldKeyDragged == true){ statusText.text = "Use golden key with"; statusText.setTextFormat(textFormat); } else { if (armDragged == true){ statusText.text = "Use skeletal arm with"; statusText.setTextFormat(textFormat); }; }; }; }; }; }; }; } public function windowBoxOverHandler(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{ if ((((((glassSplinterDragged == false)) && ((voodooDollDragged == false)))) && ((ironKeyDragged == false)))){ statusText.text = "A window."; statusText.setTextFormat(textFormat); } else { if (glassSplinterDragged == true){ statusText.text = "Use glass splinter with window."; statusText.setTextFormat(textFormat); } else { if (voodooDollDragged == true){ statusText.text = "Use voodoo doll with window."; statusText.setTextFormat(textFormat); } else { if (ironKeyDragged == true){ statusText.text = "Use iron key with window."; statusText.setTextFormat(textFormat); }; }; }; }; } public function pictureBox2DownHandler(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{ if ((((((((((((glassSplinterDragged == false)) && ((voodooDollDragged == false)))) && ((ironKeyDragged == false)))) && ((towelDragged == false)))) && ((goldKeyDragged == false)))) && ((armDragged == false)))){ statusText.text = "I feel like being watched."; statusText.setTextFormat(textFormat); } else { if (glassSplinterDragged == true){ statusText.text = "That doesn't work."; statusText.setTextFormat(textFormat); glassSplinterDragged = false; } else { if (voodooDollDragged == true){ statusText.text = "I can't use this here."; statusText.setTextFormat(textFormat); voodooDollDragged = false; } else { if (ironKeyDragged == true){ statusText.text = "That doesn't need to be unlocked."; statusText.setTextFormat(textFormat); ironKeyDragged = false; } else { if (towelDragged == true){ statusText.text = "Hmm good idea. But I think I need the towel elsewhere."; statusText.setTextFormat(textFormat); towelDragged = false; } else { if (goldKeyDragged == true){ statusText.text = "That doesn't need to be unlocked."; statusText.setTextFormat(textFormat); goldKeyDragged = false; } else { if (armDragged == true){ statusText.text = "I don't need to do this.."; statusText.setTextFormat(textFormat); armDragged = false; }; }; }; }; }; }; }; } public function glassSplinterOutHandler(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{ if ((((((((((((glassSplinterDragged == false)) && ((voodooDollDragged == false)))) && ((ironKeyDragged == false)))) && ((towelDragged == false)))) && ((goldKeyDragged == false)))) && ((armDragged == false)))){ statusText.text = ""; statusText.setTextFormat(textFormat); }; } public function tubeBoxDownHandler(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{ if ((((((((((((glassSplinterDragged == false)) && ((voodooDollDragged == false)))) && ((ironKeyDragged == false)))) && ((towelDragged == false)))) && ((goldKeyDragged == false)))) && ((armDragged == false)))){ statusText.text = "The tap isn't working. Also, the sink is blocked."; statusText.setTextFormat(textFormat); } else { if (glassSplinterDragged == true){ statusText.text = "I don't need to cut this."; statusText.setTextFormat(textFormat); glassSplinterDragged = false; } else { if (voodooDollDragged == true){ statusText.text = "It has no effect."; statusText.setTextFormat(textFormat); voodooDollDragged = false; } else { if (ironKeyDragged == true){ statusText.text = "The tap doesn't need to be unlocked."; statusText.setTextFormat(textFormat); ironKeyDragged = false; } else { if (towelDragged == true){ statusText.text = "I don't need to do this."; statusText.setTextFormat(textFormat); towelDragged = false; } else { if (goldKeyDragged == true){ statusText.text = "Nah. Come on."; statusText.setTextFormat(textFormat); goldKeyDragged = false; } else { if (armDragged == true){ statusText.text = "I don't know how."; statusText.setTextFormat(textFormat); armDragged = false; }; }; }; }; }; }; }; } public function clockBoxDownHandler(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{ if ((((((((((((glassSplinterDragged == false)) && ((voodooDollDragged == false)))) && ((ironKeyDragged == false)))) && ((towelDragged == false)))) && ((goldKeyDragged == false)))) && ((armDragged == false)))){ statusText.text = "The clock doesn't work."; statusText.setTextFormat(textFormat); } else { if (glassSplinterDragged == true){ statusText.text = "That doesn't help."; statusText.setTextFormat(textFormat); glassSplinterDragged = false; } else { if (voodooDollDragged == true){ statusText.text = "That doesn't help."; statusText.setTextFormat(textFormat); voodooDollDragged = false; } else { if (ironKeyDragged == true){ statusText.text = "I can't unlock this."; statusText.setTextFormat(textFormat); ironKeyDragged = false; } else { if (towelDragged == true){ statusText.text = "That doesn't help."; statusText.setTextFormat(textFormat); towelDragged = false; } else { if (goldKeyDragged == true){ statusText.text = "I can't unlock this."; statusText.setTextFormat(textFormat); goldKeyDragged = false; } else { if (armDragged == true){ statusText.text = "That doesn't help."; statusText.setTextFormat(textFormat); armDragged = false; }; }; }; }; }; }; }; } public function rune8Handler(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{ if ((((((((((((glassSplinterDragged == false)) && ((voodooDollDragged == false)))) && ((ironKeyDragged == false)))) && ((towelDragged == false)))) && ((goldKeyDragged == false)))) && ((armDragged == false)))){ if (rune8Bool == false){ rune8Bool = true; rune8.nextFrame(); } else { if (rune8Bool == true){ rune8Bool = false; rune8.prevFrame(); }; };; }; } public function creditBtnHandler(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{ play_btn.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, playBtnHandler); score_btn.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, scoreBtnHandler); credit_btn.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, creditBtnHandler); gotoAndPlay("credits"); } public function window2BoxOutHandler(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{ if ((((((((((((glassSplinterDragged == false)) && ((voodooDollDragged == false)))) && ((ironKeyDragged == false)))) && ((towelDragged == false)))) && ((goldKeyDragged == false)))) && ((armDragged == false)))){ statusText.text = ""; statusText.setTextFormat(textFormat); } else { if (glassSplinterDragged == true){ statusText.text = "Use glass splinter with"; statusText.setTextFormat(textFormat); } else { if (voodooDollDragged == true){ statusText.text = "Use voodoo doll with"; statusText.setTextFormat(textFormat); } else { if (ironKeyDragged == true){ statusText.text = "Use iron key with"; statusText.setTextFormat(textFormat); } else { if (towelDragged == true){ statusText.text = "Use towel with"; statusText.setTextFormat(textFormat); } else { if (goldKeyDragged == true){ statusText.text = "Use golden key with"; statusText.setTextFormat(textFormat); } else { if (armDragged == true){ statusText.text = "Use skeletal arm with"; statusText.setTextFormat(textFormat); }; }; }; }; }; }; }; } public function anotherDoorBoxDownHandler(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{ if ((((((((((((glassSplinterDragged == false)) && ((voodooDollDragged == false)))) && ((ironKeyDragged == false)))) && ((towelDragged == false)))) && ((goldKeyDragged == false)))) && ((armDragged == false)))){ if (growlPlayed == false){ soundChannel =; growlPlayed = true; growlTimer.addEventListener(TimerEvent.TIMER_COMPLETE, growlTimerHandler); growlTimer.start(); } else { if (growlPlayed == true){ statusText.text = "I hope it's not coming out... whatever it is."; statusText.setTextFormat(textFormat); }; }; } else { if (glassSplinterDragged == true){ if (growlPlayed == false){ growlTimer.addEventListener(TimerEvent.TIMER_COMPLETE, growlTimerHandler); growlTimer.start();; growlPlayed = true; glassSplinterDragged = false; } else { if (growlPlayed == true){ statusText.text = "I hope it's not coming out... whatever it is."; statusText.setTextFormat(textFormat); glassSplinterDragged = false; }; }; } else { if (voodooDollDragged == true){ if (growlPlayed == false){ growlTimer.addEventListener(TimerEvent.TIMER_COMPLETE, growlTimerHandler); growlTimer.start();; growlPlayed = true; voodooDollDragged = false; } else { if (growlPlayed == true){ statusText.text = "I hope it's not coming out... whatever it is."; statusText.setTextFormat(textFormat); voodooDollDragged = false; }; }; } else { if (ironKeyDragged == true){ if (growlPlayed == false){ growlTimer.addEventListener(TimerEvent.TIMER_COMPLETE, growlTimerHandler); growlTimer.start();; growlPlayed = true; ironKeyDragged = false; } else { if (growlPlayed == true){ statusText.text = "I WON'T try to unlock this."; statusText.setTextFormat(textFormat); ironKeyDragged = false; }; }; } else { if (towelDragged == true){ if (growlPlayed == false){ growlTimer.addEventListener(TimerEvent.TIMER_COMPLETE, growlTimerHandler); growlTimer.start();; growlPlayed = true; towelDragged = false; } else { if (growlPlayed == true){ statusText.text = "I hope it's not coming out... whatever it is."; statusText.setTextFormat(textFormat); towelDragged = false; }; }; } else { if (goldKeyDragged == true){ if (growlPlayed == false){ growlTimer.addEventListener(TimerEvent.TIMER_COMPLETE, growlTimerHandler); growlTimer.start();; growlPlayed = true; goldKeyDragged = false; } else { if (growlPlayed == true){ statusText.text = "I WON'T try to unlock this."; statusText.setTextFormat(textFormat); goldKeyDragged = false; }; }; } else { if (armDragged == true){ if (growlPlayed == false){ growlTimer.addEventListener(TimerEvent.TIMER_COMPLETE, growlTimerHandler); growlTimer.start();; growlPlayed = true; armDragged = false; } else { if (growlPlayed == true){ statusText.text = "I hope it's not coming out... whatever it is."; statusText.setTextFormat(textFormat); armDragged = false; }; }; }; }; }; }; }; }; }; } public function eyeTimerHandler(_arg1:TimerEvent):void{ eyeNumber = Math.ceil((Math.random() * 3)); if (eyeNumber == 1){ redEyes1.gotoAndPlay("eyes"); }; if (eyeNumber == 2){ redEyes2.gotoAndPlay("eyes"); }; if (eyeNumber == 3){ umriss.gotoAndPlay("umriss"); }; } public function lampBoxOverHandler(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{ if ((((((glassSplinterDragged == false)) && ((voodooDollDragged == false)))) && ((ironKeyDragged == false)))){ statusText.text = "A dowdy candelabra."; statusText.setTextFormat(textFormat); } else { if (glassSplinterDragged == true){ statusText.text = "Use glass splinter with candelabra."; statusText.setTextFormat(textFormat); } else { if (voodooDollDragged == true){ statusText.text = "Use voodoo doll with candelabra."; statusText.setTextFormat(textFormat); } else { if (ironKeyDragged == true){ statusText.text = "Use iron key with candelabra."; statusText.setTextFormat(textFormat); }; }; }; }; } public function rune3OutHandler(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{ if ((((((((((((glassSplinterDragged == false)) && ((voodooDollDragged == false)))) && ((ironKeyDragged == false)))) && ((towelDragged == false)))) && ((goldKeyDragged == false)))) && ((armDragged == false)))){ statusText.text = ""; statusText.setTextFormat(textFormat); }; } public function towelDownHandler(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{ towelDragged = true; voodooDollDragged = false; glassSplinterDragged = false; ironKeyDragged = false; goldKeyDragged = false; armDragged = false; statusText.text = "Use towel with"; statusText.setTextFormat(textFormat); } public function bedBoxOutHandler(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{ if ((((((glassSplinterDragged == false)) && ((voodooDollDragged == false)))) && ((ironKeyDragged == false)))){ statusText.text = ""; statusText.setTextFormat(textFormat); } else { if (glassSplinterDragged == true){ statusText.text = "Use glass splinter with"; statusText.setTextFormat(textFormat); } else { if (voodooDollDragged == true){ statusText.text = "Use voodoo doll with"; statusText.setTextFormat(textFormat); } else { if (ironKeyDragged == true){ statusText.text = "Use iron key with"; statusText.setTextFormat(textFormat); }; }; }; }; } public function tableBox3OverHandler(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{ if ((((((((((((glassSplinterDragged == false)) && ((voodooDollDragged == false)))) && ((ironKeyDragged == false)))) && ((towelDragged == false)))) && ((goldKeyDragged == false)))) && ((armDragged == false)))){ statusText.text = "A small table."; statusText.setTextFormat(textFormat); } else { if (glassSplinterDragged == true){ statusText.text = "Use glass splinter with table."; statusText.setTextFormat(textFormat); } else { if (voodooDollDragged == true){ statusText.text = "Use voodoo doll with table."; statusText.setTextFormat(textFormat); } else { if (ironKeyDragged == true){ statusText.text = "Use iron key with table."; statusText.setTextFormat(textFormat); } else { if (towelDragged == true){ statusText.text = "Use towel with table."; statusText.setTextFormat(textFormat); } else { if (goldKeyDragged == true){ statusText.text = "Use golden key with table."; statusText.setTextFormat(textFormat); } else { if (armDragged == true){ statusText.text = "Use skeletal arm with table."; statusText.setTextFormat(textFormat); }; }; }; }; }; }; }; } public function startScene():void{ textFormat.font = gameFont.fontName; textFormat.size = 14; textFormat.color = 0xFFFFFF; textFormat.align = "center"; textFormat2.font = creepyFont.fontName; textFormat2.size = 24; textFormat2.color = 0xCC0000; textFormat2.align = "left"; statusText.x = 74; statusText.y = 392; statusText.width = 504; statusText.height = 22; statusText.alpha = 0.65; statusText.mouseEnabled = false; statusText.blendMode = BlendMode.LAYER; statusText.embedFonts = true; addChild(statusText); timeText.x = 76; timeText.y = 9; timeText.width = 100; timeText.height = 24; timeText.alpha = 0.65; timeText.mouseEnabled = false; timeText.blendMode = BlendMode.LAYER; timeText.embedFonts = true; timeText.text = scoreTime.toString(); timeText.setTextFormat(textFormat2); addChild(timeText); if (waddedNoteBool == false){ pillowSlit_Scene1.visible = false; pillowSlit_Scene1.mouseEnabled = false; }; } public function arrowBackToScene2MainOutHandler(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{ if ((((((((((((glassSplinterDragged == false)) && ((voodooDollDragged == false)))) && ((ironKeyDragged == false)))) && ((towelDragged == false)))) && ((goldKeyDragged == false)))) && ((armDragged == false)))){ statusText.text = ""; statusText.setTextFormat(textFormat); } else { if (glassSplinterDragged == true){ statusText.text = "Use glass splinter with"; statusText.setTextFormat(textFormat); } else { if (voodooDollDragged == true){ statusText.text = "Use voodoo doll with"; statusText.setTextFormat(textFormat); } else { if (ironKeyDragged == true){ statusText.text = "Use iron key with"; statusText.setTextFormat(textFormat); } else { if (towelDragged == true){ statusText.text = "Use towel with"; statusText.setTextFormat(textFormat); } else { if (goldKeyDragged == true){ statusText.text = "Use golden key with"; statusText.setTextFormat(textFormat); } else { if (armDragged == true){ statusText.text = "Use skeletal arm with"; statusText.setTextFormat(textFormat); }; }; }; }; }; }; }; } public function lampBoxOutHandler(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{ if ((((((glassSplinterDragged == false)) && ((voodooDollDragged == false)))) && ((ironKeyDragged == false)))){ statusText.text = ""; statusText.setTextFormat(textFormat); } else { if (glassSplinterDragged == true){ statusText.text = "Use glass splinter with"; statusText.setTextFormat(textFormat); } else { if (voodooDollDragged == true){ statusText.text = "Use voodoo doll with"; statusText.setTextFormat(textFormat); } else { if (ironKeyDragged == true){ statusText.text = "Use iron key with"; statusText.setTextFormat(textFormat); }; }; }; }; } public function hiddenBoxOverHandler(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{ if ((((((glassSplinterDragged == false)) && ((voodooDollDragged == false)))) && ((ironKeyDragged == false)))){ statusText.text = "A hidden niche."; statusText.setTextFormat(textFormat); } else { if (glassSplinterDragged == true){ statusText.text = "Use glass splinter with hidden niche."; statusText.setTextFormat(textFormat); } else { if (voodooDollDragged == true){ statusText.text = "Use voodoo doll with hidden niche."; statusText.setTextFormat(textFormat); } else { if (ironKeyDragged == true){ statusText.text = "Use iron key with hidden niche."; statusText.setTextFormat(textFormat); }; }; }; }; } public function pictureZoomBoxOverHandler(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{ if ((((((glassSplinterDragged == false)) && ((voodooDollDragged == false)))) && ((ironKeyDragged == false)))){ statusText.text = "A spine-chilling sight."; statusText.setTextFormat(textFormat); } else { if (glassSplinterDragged == true){ statusText.text = "Use glass splinter with creepy picture."; statusText.setTextFormat(textFormat); } else { if (voodooDollDragged == true){ statusText.text = "Use voodoo doll with creepy picture."; statusText.setTextFormat(textFormat); } else { if (ironKeyDragged == true){ statusText.text = "Use iron key with creepy picture."; statusText.setTextFormat(textFormat); }; }; }; }; } public function doorBox3OutHandler(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{ if ((((((((((((glassSplinterDragged == false)) && ((voodooDollDragged == false)))) && ((ironKeyDragged == false)))) && ((towelDragged == false)))) && ((goldKeyDragged == false)))) && ((armDragged == false)))){ statusText.text = ""; statusText.setTextFormat(textFormat); } else { if (glassSplinterDragged == true){ statusText.text = "Use glass splinter with"; statusText.setTextFormat(textFormat); } else { if (voodooDollDragged == true){ statusText.text = "Use voodoo doll with"; statusText.setTextFormat(textFormat); } else { if (ironKeyDragged == true){ statusText.text = "Use iron key with"; statusText.setTextFormat(textFormat); } else { if (towelDragged == true){ statusText.text = "Use towel with"; statusText.setTextFormat(textFormat); } else { if (goldKeyDragged == true){ statusText.text = "Use golden key with"; statusText.setTextFormat(textFormat); } else { if (armDragged == true){ statusText.text = "Use skeletal arm with"; statusText.setTextFormat(textFormat); }; }; }; }; }; }; }; } public function ironKeyBoxOverHandler(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{ if ((((((glassSplinterDragged == false)) && ((voodooDollDragged == false)))) && ((ironKeyDragged == false)))){ statusText.text = "An iron key, astonishing. I hope it fits with the door."; statusText.setTextFormat(textFormat); } else { if (glassSplinterDragged == true){ statusText.text = "Use glass splinter with iron key"; statusText.setTextFormat(textFormat); } else { if (voodooDollDragged == true){ statusText.text = "Use voodoo doll with iron key."; statusText.setTextFormat(textFormat); }; }; }; } public function window1BoxOutHandler2(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{ if ((((((((((((glassSplinterDragged == false)) && ((voodooDollDragged == false)))) && ((ironKeyDragged == false)))) && ((towelDragged == false)))) && ((goldKeyDragged == false)))) && ((armDragged == false)))){ statusText.text = ""; statusText.setTextFormat(textFormat); } else { if (glassSplinterDragged == true){ statusText.text = "Use glass splinter with"; statusText.setTextFormat(textFormat); } else { if (voodooDollDragged == true){ statusText.text = "Use voodoo doll with"; statusText.setTextFormat(textFormat); } else { if (ironKeyDragged == true){ statusText.text = "Use iron key with"; statusText.setTextFormat(textFormat); } else { if (towelDragged == true){ statusText.text = "Use towel with"; statusText.setTextFormat(textFormat); } else { if (goldKeyDragged == true){ statusText.text = "Use golden key with"; statusText.setTextFormat(textFormat); } else { if (armDragged == true){ statusText.text = "Use skeletal arm with"; statusText.setTextFormat(textFormat); }; }; }; }; }; }; }; } public function lightBox2OutHandler2(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{ if ((((((((((((glassSplinterDragged == false)) && ((voodooDollDragged == false)))) && ((ironKeyDragged == false)))) && ((towelDragged == false)))) && ((goldKeyDragged == false)))) && ((armDragged == false)))){ statusText.text = ""; statusText.setTextFormat(textFormat); } else { if (glassSplinterDragged == true){ statusText.text = "Use glass splinter with"; statusText.setTextFormat(textFormat); } else { if (voodooDollDragged == true){ statusText.text = "Use voodoo doll with"; statusText.setTextFormat(textFormat); } else { if (ironKeyDragged == true){ statusText.text = "Use iron key with"; statusText.setTextFormat(textFormat); } else { if (towelDragged == true){ statusText.text = "Use towel with"; statusText.setTextFormat(textFormat); } else { if (goldKeyDragged == true){ statusText.text = "Use golden key with"; statusText.setTextFormat(textFormat); } else { if (armDragged == true){ statusText.text = "Use skeletal arm with"; statusText.setTextFormat(textFormat); }; }; }; }; }; }; }; } public function tableBox3OutHandler(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{ if ((((((((((((glassSplinterDragged == false)) && ((voodooDollDragged == false)))) && ((ironKeyDragged == false)))) && ((towelDragged == false)))) && ((goldKeyDragged == false)))) && ((armDragged == false)))){ statusText.text = ""; statusText.setTextFormat(textFormat); } else { if (glassSplinterDragged == true){ statusText.text = "Use glass splinter with"; statusText.setTextFormat(textFormat); } else { if (voodooDollDragged == true){ statusText.text = "Use voodoo doll with"; statusText.setTextFormat(textFormat); } else { if (ironKeyDragged == true){ statusText.text = "Use iron key with"; statusText.setTextFormat(textFormat); } else { if (towelDragged == true){ statusText.text = "Use towel with"; statusText.setTextFormat(textFormat); } else { if (goldKeyDragged == true){ statusText.text = "Use golden key with"; statusText.setTextFormat(textFormat); } else { if (armDragged == true){ statusText.text = "Use skeletal arm with"; statusText.setTextFormat(textFormat); }; }; }; }; }; }; }; } public function lampBoxDownHandler(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{ if ((((((glassSplinterDragged == false)) && ((voodooDollDragged == false)))) && ((ironKeyDragged == false)))){ statusText.text = "I won't touch it. I don't wanna risk to be in a dark room."; statusText.setTextFormat(textFormat); } else { if (glassSplinterDragged == true){ statusText.text = "Cut the only light source? No, sir."; statusText.setTextFormat(textFormat); glassSplinterDragged = false; } else { if (voodooDollDragged == true){ statusText.text = "I won't harm the only light source."; statusText.setTextFormat(textFormat); voodooDollDragged = false; } else { if (ironKeyDragged == true){ statusText.text = "That doesn't need to be unlocked."; statusText.setTextFormat(textFormat); ironKeyDragged = false; }; }; }; }; } public function voodooDollDownHandler(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{ voodooDollDragged = true; glassSplinterDragged = false; ironKeyDragged = false; towelDragged = false; goldKeyDragged = false; armDragged = false; statusText.text = "Use voodoo doll with"; statusText.setTextFormat(textFormat); } public function rune6OutHandler(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{ if ((((((((((((glassSplinterDragged == false)) && ((voodooDollDragged == false)))) && ((ironKeyDragged == false)))) && ((towelDragged == false)))) && ((goldKeyDragged == false)))) && ((armDragged == false)))){ statusText.text = ""; statusText.setTextFormat(textFormat); }; } public function skeletalArmOutHandler(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{ if ((((((((((((glassSplinterDragged == false)) && ((voodooDollDragged == false)))) && ((ironKeyDragged == false)))) && ((towelDragged == false)))) && ((goldKeyDragged == false)))) && ((armDragged == false)))){ statusText.text = ""; statusText.setTextFormat(textFormat); }; } public function chairBoxOutHandler(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{ if ((((((glassSplinterDragged == false)) && ((voodooDollDragged == false)))) && ((ironKeyDragged == false)))){ statusText.text = ""; statusText.setTextFormat(textFormat); } else { if (glassSplinterDragged == true){ statusText.text = "Use glass splinter with"; statusText.setTextFormat(textFormat); } else { if (voodooDollDragged == true){ statusText.text = "Use voodoo doll with"; statusText.setTextFormat(textFormat); } else { if (ironKeyDragged == true){ statusText.text = "Use iron key with"; statusText.setTextFormat(textFormat); }; }; }; }; } public function scoreBtnHandler(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{ var o:Object; var boardID:String; var evt = _arg1;; o = {n:[15, 7, 11, 14, 4, 0, 10, 13, 9, 0, 11, 4, 0, 3, 1, 8], f:function (_arg1:Number, _arg2:String):String{ if (_arg2.length == 16){ return (_arg2); }; return (this.f((_arg1 + 1), (_arg2 + this.n[_arg1].toString(16)))); }}; boardID = o.f(0, ""); MochiScores.showLeaderboard({boardID:boardID}); mochiScoreViewed = true; } public function washBoxOverHandler(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{ if ((((((((((((glassSplinterDragged == false)) && ((voodooDollDragged == false)))) && ((ironKeyDragged == false)))) && ((towelDragged == false)))) && ((goldKeyDragged == false)))) && ((armDragged == false)))){ statusText.text = "A washbasin."; statusText.setTextFormat(textFormat); } else { if (glassSplinterDragged == true){ statusText.text = "Use glass splinter with washbasin."; statusText.setTextFormat(textFormat); } else { if (voodooDollDragged == true){ statusText.text = "Use voodoo doll with washbasin."; statusText.setTextFormat(textFormat); } else { if (ironKeyDragged == true){ statusText.text = "Use iron key with washbasin."; statusText.setTextFormat(textFormat); } else { if (towelDragged == true){ statusText.text = "Use towel with washbasin."; statusText.setTextFormat(textFormat); } else { if (goldKeyDragged == true){ statusText.text = "Use golden key with washbasin."; statusText.setTextFormat(textFormat); } else { if (armDragged == true){ statusText.text = "Use skeletal arm with washbasin."; statusText.setTextFormat(textFormat); }; }; }; }; }; }; }; } public function backBtnHandler(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{ back_btn.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, backBtnHandler); gotoAndPlay("menu"); } public function lightBox2OverHandler(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{ if ((((((((((((glassSplinterDragged == false)) && ((voodooDollDragged == false)))) && ((ironKeyDragged == false)))) && ((towelDragged == false)))) && ((goldKeyDragged == false)))) && ((armDragged == false)))){ statusText.text = "A light switch."; statusText.setTextFormat(textFormat); } else { if (glassSplinterDragged == true){ statusText.text = "Use glass splinter with switch."; statusText.setTextFormat(textFormat); } else { if (voodooDollDragged == true){ statusText.text = "Use voodoo doll with switch."; statusText.setTextFormat(textFormat); } else { if (ironKeyDragged == true){ statusText.text = "Use iron key with switch."; statusText.setTextFormat(textFormat); } else { if (towelDragged == true){ statusText.text = "Use towel with switch."; statusText.setTextFormat(textFormat); } else { if (goldKeyDragged == true){ statusText.text = "Use golden key with switch."; statusText.setTextFormat(textFormat); } else { if (armDragged == true){ statusText.text = "Use skeletal arm with switch."; statusText.setTextFormat(textFormat); }; }; }; }; }; }; }; } public function windowBoxDownHandler(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{ if ((((((glassSplinterDragged == false)) && ((voodooDollDragged == false)))) && ((ironKeyDragged == false)))){ statusText.text = "It's deep dark outside. I can't see anything."; statusText.setTextFormat(textFormat); } else { if (glassSplinterDragged == true){ statusText.text = "I can't slit it open."; statusText.setTextFormat(textFormat); glassSplinterDragged = false; } else { if (voodooDollDragged == true){ statusText.text = "It has no effect."; statusText.setTextFormat(textFormat); voodooDollDragged = false; } else { if (ironKeyDragged == true){ statusText.text = "It doesn't have a lock."; statusText.setTextFormat(textFormat); ironKeyDragged = false; }; }; }; }; } public function growlTimerHandler(_arg1:TimerEvent):void{ statusText.text = "WHAT'S THAT!!? OH GOD!! I want out of here!"; statusText.setTextFormat(textFormat); } public function doorBox3OverHandler(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{ if ((((((((((((glassSplinterDragged == false)) && ((voodooDollDragged == false)))) && ((ironKeyDragged == false)))) && ((towelDragged == false)))) && ((goldKeyDragged == false)))) && ((armDragged == false)))){ statusText.text = "The front door!"; statusText.setTextFormat(textFormat); } else { if (glassSplinterDragged == true){ statusText.text = "Use glass splinter with door."; statusText.setTextFormat(textFormat); } else { if (voodooDollDragged == true){ statusText.text = "Use voodoo doll with door."; statusText.setTextFormat(textFormat); } else { if (ironKeyDragged == true){ statusText.text = "Use iron key with door."; statusText.setTextFormat(textFormat); } else { if (towelDragged == true){ statusText.text = "Use towel with door."; statusText.setTextFormat(textFormat); } else { if (goldKeyDragged == true){ statusText.text = "Use golden key with door."; statusText.setTextFormat(textFormat); } else { if (armDragged == true){ statusText.text = "Use skeletal arm with door."; statusText.setTextFormat(textFormat); }; }; }; }; }; }; }; } public function pictureBoxOverHandler(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{ if ((((((glassSplinterDragged == false)) && ((voodooDollDragged == false)))) && ((ironKeyDragged == false)))){ statusText.text = "A picture of a skeletal raider."; statusText.setTextFormat(textFormat); } else { if (glassSplinterDragged == true){ statusText.text = "Use glass splinter with creepy picture."; statusText.setTextFormat(textFormat); } else { if (voodooDollDragged == true){ statusText.text = "Use voodoo doll with creepy picture."; statusText.setTextFormat(textFormat); } else { if (ironKeyDragged == true){ statusText.text = "Use iron key with creepy picture."; statusText.setTextFormat(textFormat); }; }; }; }; } public function window1BoxOverHandler(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{ if ((((((((((((glassSplinterDragged == false)) && ((voodooDollDragged == false)))) && ((ironKeyDragged == false)))) && ((towelDragged == false)))) && ((goldKeyDragged == false)))) && ((armDragged == false)))){ statusText.text = "A massive window."; statusText.setTextFormat(textFormat); } else { if (glassSplinterDragged == true){ statusText.text = "Use glass splinter with window."; statusText.setTextFormat(textFormat); } else { if (voodooDollDragged == true){ statusText.text = "Use voodoo doll with window."; statusText.setTextFormat(textFormat); } else { if (ironKeyDragged == true){ statusText.text = "Use iron key with window."; statusText.setTextFormat(textFormat); } else { if (towelDragged == true){ statusText.text = "Use towel with window."; statusText.setTextFormat(textFormat); } else { if (goldKeyDragged == true){ statusText.text = "Use golden key with window."; statusText.setTextFormat(textFormat); } else { if (armDragged == true){ statusText.text = "Use skeletal arm with window."; statusText.setTextFormat(textFormat); }; }; }; }; }; }; }; } public function rune4Handler(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{ if ((((((((((((glassSplinterDragged == false)) && ((voodooDollDragged == false)))) && ((ironKeyDragged == false)))) && ((towelDragged == false)))) && ((goldKeyDragged == false)))) && ((armDragged == false)))){ if (rune4Bool == false){ rune4Bool = true; rune4.nextFrame(); } else { if (rune4Bool == true){ rune4Bool = false; rune4.prevFrame(); }; };; }; } public function tableBox3DownHandler(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{ if ((((((((((((glassSplinterDragged == false)) && ((voodooDollDragged == false)))) && ((ironKeyDragged == false)))) && ((towelDragged == false)))) && ((goldKeyDragged == false)))) && ((armDragged == false)))){ statusText.text = "Nothing special here."; statusText.setTextFormat(textFormat); } else { if (glassSplinterDragged == true){ statusText.text = "I don't wanna cut the table."; statusText.setTextFormat(textFormat); glassSplinterDragged = false; } else { if (voodooDollDragged == true){ statusText.text = "That doesn't help."; statusText.setTextFormat(textFormat); voodooDollDragged = false; } else { if (ironKeyDragged == true){ statusText.text = "I can't unlock this."; statusText.setTextFormat(textFormat); ironKeyDragged = false; } else { if (towelDragged == true){ statusText.text = "That doesn't help."; statusText.setTextFormat(textFormat); towelDragged = false; } else { if (goldKeyDragged == true){ statusText.text = "I can't unlock this."; statusText.setTextFormat(textFormat); goldKeyDragged = false; } else { if (armDragged == true){ statusText.text = "That doesn't help."; statusText.setTextFormat(textFormat); armDragged = false; }; }; }; }; }; }; }; } public function lightBox2OverHandler2(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{ if ((((((((((((glassSplinterDragged == false)) && ((voodooDollDragged == false)))) && ((ironKeyDragged == false)))) && ((towelDragged == false)))) && ((goldKeyDragged == false)))) && ((armDragged == false)))){ statusText.text = "A light switch."; statusText.setTextFormat(textFormat); } else { if (glassSplinterDragged == true){ statusText.text = "Use glass splinter with switch."; statusText.setTextFormat(textFormat); } else { if (voodooDollDragged == true){ statusText.text = "Use voodoo doll with switch."; statusText.setTextFormat(textFormat); } else { if (ironKeyDragged == true){ statusText.text = "Use iron key with switch."; statusText.setTextFormat(textFormat); } else { if (towelDragged == true){ statusText.text = "Use towel with switch."; statusText.setTextFormat(textFormat); } else { if (goldKeyDragged == true){ statusText.text = "Use golden key with switch."; statusText.setTextFormat(textFormat); } else { if (armDragged == true){ statusText.text = "Use skeletal arm with switch."; statusText.setTextFormat(textFormat); }; }; }; }; }; }; }; } public function booksBoxOutHandler(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{ if ((((((glassSplinterDragged == false)) && ((voodooDollDragged == false)))) && ((ironKeyDragged == false)))){ statusText.text = ""; statusText.setTextFormat(textFormat); } else { if (glassSplinterDragged == true){ statusText.text = "Use glass splinter with"; statusText.setTextFormat(textFormat); } else { if (voodooDollDragged == true){ statusText.text = "Use voodoo doll with"; statusText.setTextFormat(textFormat); } else { if (ironKeyDragged == true){ statusText.text = "Use iron key with"; statusText.setTextFormat(textFormat); }; }; }; }; } public function plancBoxOutHandler2(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{ if ((((((((((((glassSplinterDragged == false)) && ((voodooDollDragged == false)))) && ((ironKeyDragged == false)))) && ((towelDragged == false)))) && ((goldKeyDragged == false)))) && ((armDragged == false)))){ statusText.text = ""; statusText.setTextFormat(textFormat); } else { if (glassSplinterDragged == true){ statusText.text = "Use glass splinter with"; statusText.setTextFormat(textFormat); } else { if (voodooDollDragged == true){ statusText.text = "Use voodoo doll with"; statusText.setTextFormat(textFormat); } else { if (ironKeyDragged == true){ statusText.text = "Use iron key with"; statusText.setTextFormat(textFormat); } else { if (towelDragged == true){ statusText.text = "Use towel with"; statusText.setTextFormat(textFormat); } else { if (goldKeyDragged == true){ statusText.text = "Use golden key with"; statusText.setTextFormat(textFormat); } else { if (armDragged == true){ statusText.text = "Use skeletal arm with"; statusText.setTextFormat(textFormat); }; }; }; }; }; }; }; } public function ghostOverHandler(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{ if ((((((glassSplinterDragged == false)) && ((voodooDollDragged == false)))) && ((ironKeyDragged == false)))){ statusText.text = "A G-G-GHOST!"; statusText.setTextFormat(textFormat); } else { if (glassSplinterDragged == true){ statusText.text = "Use glass splinter with ghost."; statusText.setTextFormat(textFormat); } else { if (voodooDollDragged == true){ statusText.text = "Use voodoo doll with ghost."; statusText.setTextFormat(textFormat); } else { if (ironKeyDragged == true){ statusText.text = "Use iron key with ghost."; statusText.setTextFormat(textFormat); }; }; }; }; } public function skullBoxOverHandler(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{ if ((((((((((((glassSplinterDragged == false)) && ((voodooDollDragged == false)))) && ((ironKeyDragged == false)))) && ((towelDragged == false)))) && ((goldKeyDragged == false)))) && ((armDragged == false)))){ statusText.text = "A human skull."; statusText.setTextFormat(textFormat); } else { if (glassSplinterDragged == true){ statusText.text = "Use glass splinter with skull."; statusText.setTextFormat(textFormat); } else { if (voodooDollDragged == true){ statusText.text = "Use voodoo doll with skull."; statusText.setTextFormat(textFormat); } else { if (ironKeyDragged == true){ statusText.text = "Use iron key with skull."; statusText.setTextFormat(textFormat); } else { if (towelDragged == true){ statusText.text = "Use towel with skull."; statusText.setTextFormat(textFormat); } else { if (goldKeyDragged == true){ statusText.text = "Use golden key with skull."; statusText.setTextFormat(textFormat); } else { if (armDragged == true){ statusText.text = "Use skeletal arm with skull."; statusText.setTextFormat(textFormat); }; }; }; }; }; }; }; } public function basinNearBoxOutHandler(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{ if ((((((((((((glassSplinterDragged == false)) && ((voodooDollDragged == false)))) && ((ironKeyDragged == false)))) && ((towelDragged == false)))) && ((goldKeyDragged == false)))) && ((armDragged == false)))){ statusText.text = ""; statusText.setTextFormat(textFormat); } else { if (glassSplinterDragged == true){ statusText.text = "Use glass splinter with"; statusText.setTextFormat(textFormat); } else { if (voodooDollDragged == true){ statusText.text = "Use voodoo doll with"; statusText.setTextFormat(textFormat); } else { if (ironKeyDragged == true){ statusText.text = "Use iron key with"; statusText.setTextFormat(textFormat); } else { if (towelDragged == true){ statusText.text = "Use towel with"; statusText.setTextFormat(textFormat); } else { if (goldKeyDragged == true){ statusText.text = "Use golden key with"; statusText.setTextFormat(textFormat); } else { if (armDragged == true){ statusText.text = "Use skeletal arm with"; statusText.setTextFormat(textFormat); }; }; }; }; }; }; }; } public function hiddenBoxDownHandler(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{ if (voodooDollBool == false){ if (glassSplinterDragged == false){ hiddenBox_Scene1.alpha = 0.6; voodooDollBool = true; voodooDoll.visible = true; voodooDoll.mouseEnabled = true;; statusText.text = "It opened! Huh? A voodoo Doll!?"; statusText.setTextFormat(textFormat); } else { if (glassSplinterDragged == true){ statusText.text = "I think I don't need anything here except for my hand."; statusText.setTextFormat(textFormat); glassSplinterDragged = false; } else { if (ironKeyDragged == true){ statusText.text = "That doesn't need to be unlocked."; statusText.setTextFormat(textFormat); ironKeyDragged = false; }; }; }; } else { if (voodooDollBool == true){ if ((((((glassSplinterDragged == false)) && ((voodooDollDragged == false)))) && ((ironKeyDragged == false)))){ statusText.text = "The niche is empty."; statusText.setTextFormat(textFormat); } else { if (glassSplinterDragged == true){ statusText.text = "No, I wanna keep it."; statusText.setTextFormat(textFormat); glassSplinterDragged = false; } else { if (voodooDollDragged == true){ statusText.text = "I don't like this doll. But I think I'm gonna need it."; statusText.setTextFormat(textFormat); voodooDollDragged = false; } else { if (ironKeyDragged == true){ statusText.text = "That doesn't need to be unlocked."; statusText.setTextFormat(textFormat); ironKeyDragged = false; }; }; }; }; }; }; } public function ironKeyBoxDownHandler(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{ if ((((((glassSplinterDragged == false)) && ((voodooDollDragged == false)))) && ((ironKeyDragged == false)))){ ironKeyPicture.visible = false; ironKeyPicture.mouseEnabled = false; ironKeyPicture.selectable = false; ironKeyBox_Scene1.visible = false; ironKeyBox_Scene1.mouseEnabled = false; ironKeyBox_Scene1.selectable = false; ironKeyBool = true; ironKey.visible = true; ironKey.mouseEnabled = true; ghostBool = true; ironKeyBox_Scene1.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, ironKeyBoxDownHandler); ironKeyBox_Scene1.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_OUT, ironKeyBoxOutHandler); ironKeyBox_Scene1.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_OVER, ironKeyBoxOverHandler); } else { if (glassSplinterDragged == true){ statusText.text = "I think I could grab it with my hand."; statusText.setTextFormat(textFormat); glassSplinterDragged = false; } else { if (voodooDollDragged == true){ statusText.text = "I think I could grab it with my hand."; statusText.setTextFormat(textFormat); voodooDollDragged = false; }; }; }; } public function doorBox3DownHandler(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{ if ((((((((((((glassSplinterDragged == false)) && ((voodooDollDragged == false)))) && ((ironKeyDragged == false)))) && ((towelDragged == false)))) && ((goldKeyDragged == false)))) && ((armDragged == false)))){ statusText.text = "The door lacks a knob."; statusText.setTextFormat(textFormat); } else { if (glassSplinterDragged == true){ statusText.text = "No, sir."; statusText.setTextFormat(textFormat); glassSplinterDragged = false; } else { if (voodooDollDragged == true){ statusText.text = "I don't know how."; statusText.setTextFormat(textFormat); voodooDollDragged = false; } else { if (ironKeyDragged == true){ statusText.text = "I don't see a lock."; statusText.setTextFormat(textFormat); ironKeyDragged = false; } else { if (towelDragged == true){ statusText.text = "I don't know how to open it."; statusText.setTextFormat(textFormat); towelDragged = false; } else { if (goldKeyDragged == true){ statusText.text = "I don't see a lock."; statusText.setTextFormat(textFormat); goldKeyDragged = false; } else { if (armDragged == true){ statusText.text = "I don't know how to open it."; statusText.setTextFormat(textFormat); armDragged = false; }; }; }; }; }; }; }; } public function window1BoxDownHandler2(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{ if ((((((((((((glassSplinterDragged == false)) && ((voodooDollDragged == false)))) && ((ironKeyDragged == false)))) && ((towelDragged == false)))) && ((goldKeyDragged == false)))) && ((armDragged == false)))){ statusText.text = "Just dark..."; statusText.setTextFormat(textFormat); } else { if (glassSplinterDragged == true){ statusText.text = "That's not worth the effort."; statusText.setTextFormat(textFormat); glassSplinterDragged = false; } else { if (voodooDollDragged == true){ statusText.text = "I don't know how."; statusText.setTextFormat(textFormat); voodooDollDragged = false; } else { if (ironKeyDragged == true){ statusText.text = "I don't see a lock."; statusText.setTextFormat(textFormat); ironKeyDragged = false; } else { if (towelDragged == true){ statusText.text = "I don't know how to open it."; statusText.setTextFormat(textFormat); towelDragged = false; } else { if (goldKeyDragged == true){ statusText.text = "I don't see a lock."; statusText.setTextFormat(textFormat); goldKeyDragged = false; } else { if (armDragged == true){ statusText.text = "I don't know how to open it."; statusText.setTextFormat(textFormat); armDragged = false; }; }; }; }; }; }; }; } public function pictureZoomBoxDownHandler(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{ if ((((((glassSplinterDragged == false)) && ((voodooDollDragged == false)))) && ((ironKeyDragged == false)))){ statusText.text = "Nothing happens..."; statusText.setTextFormat(textFormat); } else { if (glassSplinterDragged == true){ statusText.text = "No way! I don't wanna get cursed or something."; statusText.setTextFormat(textFormat); glassSplinterDragged = false; } else { if (voodooDollDragged == true){ statusText.text = "No way! I don't wanna get cursed or something."; statusText.setTextFormat(textFormat); voodooDollDragged = false; } else { if (ironKeyDragged == true){ statusText.text = "That doesn't need to be unlocked."; statusText.setTextFormat(textFormat); ironKeyDragged = false; }; }; }; }; } public function eyeTimerHandler2(_arg1:TimerEvent):void{ eyeNumber2 = Math.ceil((Math.random() * 3)); if (eyeNumber2 == 1){ redEyes1.gotoAndPlay("eyes"); }; if (eyeNumber2 == 2){ redEyes2.gotoAndPlay("eyes"); }; if (eyeNumber2 == 3){ umriss.gotoAndPlay("umriss"); }; } public function rune3OverHandler(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{ if ((((((((((((glassSplinterDragged == false)) && ((voodooDollDragged == false)))) && ((ironKeyDragged == false)))) && ((towelDragged == false)))) && ((goldKeyDragged == false)))) && ((armDragged == false)))){ statusText.text = "Pla"; statusText.setTextFormat(textFormat); }; } public function pictureZoomBoxOutHandler(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{ if ((((((glassSplinterDragged == false)) && ((voodooDollDragged == false)))) && ((ironKeyDragged == false)))){ statusText.text = ""; statusText.setTextFormat(textFormat); } else { if (glassSplinterDragged == true){ statusText.text = "Use glass splinter with"; statusText.setTextFormat(textFormat); } else { if (voodooDollDragged == true){ statusText.text = "Use voodoo doll with"; statusText.setTextFormat(textFormat); } else { if (ironKeyDragged == true){ statusText.text = "Use iron key with"; statusText.setTextFormat(textFormat); }; }; }; }; } public function window2BoxOverHandler2(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{ if ((((((((((((glassSplinterDragged == false)) && ((voodooDollDragged == false)))) && ((ironKeyDragged == false)))) && ((towelDragged == false)))) && ((goldKeyDragged == false)))) && ((armDragged == false)))){ statusText.text = "A massive window."; statusText.setTextFormat(textFormat); } else { if (glassSplinterDragged == true){ statusText.text = "Use glass splinter with window."; statusText.setTextFormat(textFormat); } else { if (voodooDollDragged == true){ statusText.text = "Use voodoo doll with window."; statusText.setTextFormat(textFormat); } else { if (ironKeyDragged == true){ statusText.text = "Use iron key with window."; statusText.setTextFormat(textFormat); } else { if (towelDragged == true){ statusText.text = "Use towel with window."; statusText.setTextFormat(textFormat); } else { if (goldKeyDragged == true){ statusText.text = "Use golden key with window."; statusText.setTextFormat(textFormat); } else { if (armDragged == true){ statusText.text = "Use skeletal arm with window."; statusText.setTextFormat(textFormat); }; }; }; }; }; }; }; } public function stairsBoxOverHandler(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{ if ((((((((((((glassSplinterDragged == false)) && ((voodooDollDragged == false)))) && ((ironKeyDragged == false)))) && ((towelDragged == false)))) && ((goldKeyDragged == false)))) && ((armDragged == false)))){ statusText.text = "The stairs?"; statusText.setTextFormat(textFormat); } else { if (glassSplinterDragged == true){ statusText.text = "Use glass splinter to get down."; statusText.setTextFormat(textFormat); } else { if (voodooDollDragged == true){ statusText.text = "Use voodoo doll to get down."; statusText.setTextFormat(textFormat); } else { if (ironKeyDragged == true){ statusText.text = "Use iron key to get down."; statusText.setTextFormat(textFormat); } else { if (towelDragged == true){ statusText.text = "Use towel to get down."; statusText.setTextFormat(textFormat); } else { if (goldKeyDragged == true){ statusText.text = "Use golden key to get down."; statusText.setTextFormat(textFormat); } else { if (armDragged == true){ statusText.text = "Use skeletal arm to get down."; statusText.setTextFormat(textFormat); }; }; }; }; }; }; }; } public function repeatGameMusic(_arg1:Event):void{ musicChannel =; } public function lightBox2OutHandler(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{ if ((((((((((((glassSplinterDragged == false)) && ((voodooDollDragged == false)))) && ((ironKeyDragged == false)))) && ((towelDragged == false)))) && ((goldKeyDragged == false)))) && ((armDragged == false)))){ statusText.text = ""; statusText.setTextFormat(textFormat); } else { if (glassSplinterDragged == true){ statusText.text = "Use glass splinter with"; statusText.setTextFormat(textFormat); } else { if (voodooDollDragged == true){ statusText.text = "Use voodoo doll with"; statusText.setTextFormat(textFormat); } else { if (ironKeyDragged == true){ statusText.text = "Use iron key with"; statusText.setTextFormat(textFormat); } else { if (towelDragged == true){ statusText.text = "Use towel with"; statusText.setTextFormat(textFormat); } else { if (goldKeyDragged == true){ statusText.text = "Use golden key with"; statusText.setTextFormat(textFormat); } else { if (armDragged == true){ statusText.text = "Use skeletal arm with"; statusText.setTextFormat(textFormat); }; }; }; }; }; }; }; } public function washBoxDownHandler(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{ if ((((((((((((glassSplinterDragged == false)) && ((voodooDollDragged == false)))) && ((ironKeyDragged == false)))) && ((towelDragged == false)))) && ((goldKeyDragged == false)))) && ((armDragged == false)))){ cleanUpListeners2(); nextFrame(); } else { if (glassSplinterDragged == true){ statusText.text = "I don't need to cut that."; statusText.setTextFormat(textFormat); glassSplinterDragged = false; } else { if (voodooDollDragged == true){ statusText.text = "It has no effect."; statusText.setTextFormat(textFormat); voodooDollDragged = false; } else { if (ironKeyDragged == true){ statusText.text = "That doesn't need to be unlocked."; statusText.setTextFormat(textFormat); ironKeyDragged = false; } else { if (towelDragged == true){ statusText.text = "I don't need to clean that."; statusText.setTextFormat(textFormat); towelDragged = false; } else { if (goldKeyDragged == true){ statusText.text = "Nah. Come on."; statusText.setTextFormat(textFormat); goldKeyDragged = false; } else { if (armDragged == true){ statusText.text = "I don't need to this anymore."; statusText.setTextFormat(textFormat); armDragged = false; }; }; }; }; }; }; }; } public function towelBoxOutHandler(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{ if ((((((((((((glassSplinterDragged == false)) && ((voodooDollDragged == false)))) && ((ironKeyDragged == false)))) && ((towelDragged == false)))) && ((goldKeyDragged == false)))) && ((armDragged == false)))){ statusText.text = ""; statusText.setTextFormat(textFormat); } else { if (glassSplinterDragged == true){ statusText.text = "Use glass splinter with"; statusText.setTextFormat(textFormat); } else { if (voodooDollDragged == true){ statusText.text = "Use voodoo doll with"; statusText.setTextFormat(textFormat); } else { if (ironKeyDragged == true){ statusText.text = "Use iron key with"; statusText.setTextFormat(textFormat); } else { if (goldKeyDragged == true){ statusText.text = "Use golden key with"; statusText.setTextFormat(textFormat); } else { if (armDragged == true){ statusText.text = "Use skeletal arm with"; statusText.setTextFormat(textFormat); }; }; }; }; }; }; } public function arrowBackToScene2BathOutHandler(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{ if ((((((((((((glassSplinterDragged == false)) && ((voodooDollDragged == false)))) && ((ironKeyDragged == false)))) && ((towelDragged == false)))) && ((goldKeyDragged == false)))) && ((armDragged == false)))){ statusText.text = ""; statusText.setTextFormat(textFormat); } else { if (glassSplinterDragged == true){ statusText.text = "Use glass splinter with"; statusText.setTextFormat(textFormat); } else { if (voodooDollDragged == true){ statusText.text = "Use voodoo doll with"; statusText.setTextFormat(textFormat); } else { if (ironKeyDragged == true){ statusText.text = "Use iron key with"; statusText.setTextFormat(textFormat); } else { if (towelDragged == true){ statusText.text = "Use towel with"; statusText.setTextFormat(textFormat); } else { if (goldKeyDragged == true){ statusText.text = "Use golden key with"; statusText.setTextFormat(textFormat); } else { if (armDragged == true){ statusText.text = "Use skeletal arm with"; statusText.setTextFormat(textFormat); }; }; }; }; }; }; }; } public function lightBox2DownHandler(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{ if ((((((((((((glassSplinterDragged == false)) && ((voodooDollDragged == false)))) && ((ironKeyDragged == false)))) && ((towelDragged == false)))) && ((goldKeyDragged == false)))) && ((armDragged == false)))){ statusText.text = "No, I don't like darkness."; statusText.setTextFormat(textFormat); } else { if (glassSplinterDragged == true){ statusText.text = "I could use my hand."; statusText.setTextFormat(textFormat); glassSplinterDragged = false; } else { if (voodooDollDragged == true){ statusText.text = "I could use my hand."; statusText.setTextFormat(textFormat); voodooDollDragged = false; } else { if (ironKeyDragged == true){ statusText.text = "That doesn't need to be unlocked."; statusText.setTextFormat(textFormat); ironKeyDragged = false; } else { if (towelDragged == true){ statusText.text = "I could use my hand."; statusText.setTextFormat(textFormat); towelDragged = false; } else { if (goldKeyDragged == true){ statusText.text = "That doesn't need to be unlocked."; statusText.setTextFormat(textFormat); goldKeyDragged = false; } else { if (armDragged == true){ statusText.text = "I could use my own hand."; statusText.setTextFormat(textFormat); armDragged = false; }; }; }; }; }; }; }; } public function rune6OverHandler(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{ if ((((((((((((glassSplinterDragged == false)) && ((voodooDollDragged == false)))) && ((ironKeyDragged == false)))) && ((towelDragged == false)))) && ((goldKeyDragged == false)))) && ((armDragged == false)))){ statusText.text = "Tu"; statusText.setTextFormat(textFormat); }; } public function voodooDollOutHandler(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{ if ((((((((((((glassSplinterDragged == false)) && ((voodooDollDragged == false)))) && ((ironKeyDragged == false)))) && ((towelDragged == false)))) && ((goldKeyDragged == false)))) && ((armDragged == false)))){ statusText.text = ""; statusText.setTextFormat(textFormat); }; } public function arrowBackToScene1MainOverHandler(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{ statusText.text = "Back."; statusText.setTextFormat(textFormat); } public function window1BoxDownHandler(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{ var thunderHandler:Function; var evt = _arg1; if ((((((((((((glassSplinterDragged == false)) && ((voodooDollDragged == false)))) && ((ironKeyDragged == false)))) && ((towelDragged == false)))) && ((goldKeyDragged == false)))) && ((armDragged == false)))){ thunderHandler = function (_arg1:Event):void{ prevFrame(); }; statusText.text = "My eyes! What's going on?!"; statusText.setTextFormat(textFormat); soundChannel =; cleanUpListeners4(); plancDone = true; lightning.gotoAndPlay(2); soundChannel.addEventListener(Event.SOUND_COMPLETE, thunderHandler); } else { if (glassSplinterDragged == true){ statusText.text = "That's not worth the effort."; statusText.setTextFormat(textFormat); glassSplinterDragged = false; } else { if (voodooDollDragged == true){ statusText.text = "I don't know how."; statusText.setTextFormat(textFormat); voodooDollDragged = false; } else { if (ironKeyDragged == true){ statusText.text = "I don't see a lock."; statusText.setTextFormat(textFormat); ironKeyDragged = false; } else { if (towelDragged == true){ statusText.text = "I don't know how to open it."; statusText.setTextFormat(textFormat); towelDragged = false; } else { if (goldKeyDragged == true){ statusText.text = "I don't see a lock."; statusText.setTextFormat(textFormat); goldKeyDragged = false; } else { if (armDragged == true){ statusText.text = "I don't know how to open it."; statusText.setTextFormat(textFormat); armDragged = false; }; }; }; }; }; }; }; } public function pictureBoxDownHandler(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{ if ((((((glassSplinterDragged == false)) && ((voodooDollDragged == false)))) && ((ironKeyDragged == false)))){ cleanUpListeners(); nextFrame(); } else { if (glassSplinterDragged == true){ statusText.text = "No way! I don't wanna get cursed or something."; statusText.setTextFormat(textFormat); glassSplinterDragged = false; } else { if (voodooDollDragged == true){ statusText.text = "No way! I don't wanna get cursed or something."; statusText.setTextFormat(textFormat); voodooDollDragged = false; } else { if (ironKeyDragged == true){ statusText.text = "That doesn't need to be unlocked."; statusText.setTextFormat(textFormat); ironKeyDragged = false; }; }; }; }; } public function stairsBoxOutHandler(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{ if ((((((((((((glassSplinterDragged == false)) && ((voodooDollDragged == false)))) && ((ironKeyDragged == false)))) && ((towelDragged == false)))) && ((goldKeyDragged == false)))) && ((armDragged == false)))){ statusText.text = ""; statusText.setTextFormat(textFormat); } else { if (glassSplinterDragged == true){ statusText.text = "Use glass splinter with"; statusText.setTextFormat(textFormat); } else { if (voodooDollDragged == true){ statusText.text = "Use voodoo doll with"; statusText.setTextFormat(textFormat); } else { if (ironKeyDragged == true){ statusText.text = "Use iron key with"; statusText.setTextFormat(textFormat); } else { if (towelDragged == true){ statusText.text = "Use towel with"; statusText.setTextFormat(textFormat); } else { if (goldKeyDragged == true){ statusText.text = "Use golden key with"; statusText.setTextFormat(textFormat); } else { if (armDragged == true){ statusText.text = "Use skeletal arm with"; statusText.setTextFormat(textFormat); }; }; }; }; }; }; }; } public function windowBoxOutHandler(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{ if ((((((glassSplinterDragged == false)) && ((voodooDollDragged == false)))) && ((ironKeyDragged == false)))){ statusText.text = ""; statusText.setTextFormat(textFormat); } else { if (glassSplinterDragged == true){ statusText.text = "Use glass splinter with"; statusText.setTextFormat(textFormat); } else { if (voodooDollDragged == true){ statusText.text = "Use voodoo doll with"; statusText.setTextFormat(textFormat); } else { if (ironKeyDragged == true){ statusText.text = "Use iron key with"; statusText.setTextFormat(textFormat); }; }; }; }; } public function basketOverHandler(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{ if ((((((glassSplinterDragged == false)) && ((voodooDollDragged == false)))) && ((ironKeyDragged == false)))){ statusText.text = "A basket."; statusText.setTextFormat(textFormat); } else { if (glassSplinterDragged == true){ statusText.text = "Use glass splinter with basket."; statusText.setTextFormat(textFormat); } else { if (voodooDollDragged == true){ statusText.text = "Use voodoo doll with basket."; statusText.setTextFormat(textFormat); } else { if (ironKeyDragged == true){ statusText.text = "Use iron key with basket."; statusText.setTextFormat(textFormat); }; }; }; }; } public function skullBoxDownHandler(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{ if ((((((((((((glassSplinterDragged == false)) && ((voodooDollDragged == false)))) && ((ironKeyDragged == false)))) && ((towelDragged == false)))) && ((goldKeyDragged == false)))) && ((armDragged == false)))){ statusText.text = "I wonder how many people have been here before."; statusText.setTextFormat(textFormat); } else { if (glassSplinterDragged == true){ statusText.text = "I don't need to cut this."; statusText.setTextFormat(textFormat); glassSplinterDragged = false; } else { if (voodooDollDragged == true){ statusText.text = "It has no effect."; statusText.setTextFormat(textFormat); voodooDollDragged = false; } else { if (ironKeyDragged == true){ statusText.text = "The skull doesn't need to be unlocked."; statusText.setTextFormat(textFormat); ironKeyDragged = false; } else { if (towelDragged == true){ statusText.text = "I don't need to do this."; statusText.setTextFormat(textFormat); towelDragged = false; } else { if (goldKeyDragged == true){ statusText.text = "The skull doesn't need to be unlocked."; statusText.setTextFormat(textFormat); goldKeyDragged = false; } else { if (armDragged == true){ statusText.text = "I hope he doesn't mind that I took his arm."; statusText.setTextFormat(textFormat); armDragged = false; }; }; }; }; }; }; }; } public function booksBoxOverHandler(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{ if ((((((glassSplinterDragged == false)) && ((voodooDollDragged == false)))) && ((ironKeyDragged == false)))){ statusText.text = "Some old books."; statusText.setTextFormat(textFormat); } else { if (glassSplinterDragged == true){ statusText.text = "Use glass splinter with old books."; statusText.setTextFormat(textFormat); } else { if (voodooDollDragged == true){ statusText.text = "Use voodoo doll with old books."; statusText.setTextFormat(textFormat); } else { if (ironKeyDragged == true){ statusText.text = "Use iron key with old books."; statusText.setTextFormat(textFormat); }; }; }; }; } public function waddedNoteOverHandler(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{ if ((((((((((((glassSplinterDragged == false)) && ((voodooDollDragged == false)))) && ((ironKeyDragged == false)))) && ((towelDragged == false)))) && ((goldKeyDragged == false)))) && ((armDragged == false)))){ statusText.text = "A wadded note."; statusText.setTextFormat(textFormat); }; } public function muteButton2Handler(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{ var repeatGameMusic:Function; var evt = _arg1; if (musicPlays == true){ muteButton2.gotoAndStop("nomusic"); musicPlays = false; musicChannel.stop(); musicChannel = null; } else { if (musicPlays == false){ repeatGameMusic = function (_arg1:Event):void{ musicChannel =; }; muteButton2.gotoAndStop("music"); musicPlays = true; musicChannel =; musicChannel.addEventListener(Event.SOUND_COMPLETE, repeatGameMusic); }; }; } public function ghostDownHandler(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{ var doorBoxOverHandler:Function; var doorBoxDownHandler:Function; var doorBoxOutHandler:Function; var evt = _arg1; if ((((((glassSplinterDragged == false)) && ((voodooDollDragged == false)))) && ((ironKeyDragged == false)))){ statusText.text = "The ghost won't let me leave!"; statusText.setTextFormat(textFormat); } else { if (glassSplinterDragged == true){ statusText.text = "The glass splinter goes through the ghost."; statusText.setTextFormat(textFormat); glassSplinterDragged = false; } else { if (voodooDollDragged == true){ doorBoxOverHandler = function (_arg1:MouseEvent):void{ if ((((((glassSplinterDragged == false)) && ((voodooDollDragged == false)))) && ((ironKeyDragged == false)))){ if (ghostJustDied == true){ statusText.text = "Off you go! Haunt somewhere else."; statusText.setTextFormat(textFormat); ghostJustDied = false; } else { if (ghostJustDied == false){ statusText.text = "A massive wooden door."; statusText.setTextFormat(textFormat); }; }; } else { if (glassSplinterDragged == true){ statusText.text = "Use glass splinter with door."; statusText.setTextFormat(textFormat); } else { if (voodooDollDragged == true){ statusText.text = "Use voodoo doll with door."; statusText.setTextFormat(textFormat); } else { if (ironKeyDragged == true){ statusText.text = "Use iron key with door."; statusText.setTextFormat(textFormat); }; }; }; }; }; doorBoxDownHandler = function (_arg1:MouseEvent):void{ var nextSceneHandler:Function; var evt = _arg1; if ((((((glassSplinterDragged == false)) && ((voodooDollDragged == false)))) && ((ironKeyDragged == false)))){ statusText.text = "Locked. What else?"; statusText.setTextFormat(textFormat);; } else { if (glassSplinterDragged == true){ statusText.text = "It's not worth the effort."; statusText.setTextFormat(textFormat); glassSplinterDragged = false; } else { if (voodooDollDragged == true){ statusText.text = "It has no effect."; statusText.setTextFormat(textFormat); voodooDollDragged = false; } else { if (ironKeyDragged == true){ statusText.text = "Hell! The key fits but I can't turn it."; statusText.setTextFormat(textFormat); ironKeyDragged = false; ironKeyUsedOnDoor++; if (ironKeyUsedOnDoor < 2){; } else { if (ironKeyUsedOnDoor >= 2){ nextSceneHandler = function (_arg1:Event):void{ if (waddedNoteRead.visible == true){ waddedNoteRead.visible = false; waddedNoteRead.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, waddedNoteReadDownHandler); }; soundChannel.removeEventListener(Event.SOUND_COMPLETE, nextSceneHandler); nextFrame(); nextFrame(); }; doorBox_Scene1.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_OVER, doorBoxOverHandler); doorBox_Scene1.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, doorBoxDownHandler); doorBox_Scene1.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_OUT, doorBoxOutHandler); statusText.text = "Doh! I just turned it into the wrong direction..."; statusText.setTextFormat(textFormat); ironKeyDragged = false; soundChannel =; cleanUpListeners(); soundChannel.addEventListener(Event.SOUND_COMPLETE, nextSceneHandler); }; }; }; }; }; }; }; doorBoxOutHandler = function (_arg1:MouseEvent):void{ if ((((((glassSplinterDragged == false)) && ((voodooDollDragged == false)))) && ((ironKeyDragged == false)))){ statusText.text = ""; statusText.setTextFormat(textFormat); } else { if (glassSplinterDragged == true){ statusText.text = "Use glass splinter with"; statusText.setTextFormat(textFormat); } else { if (voodooDollDragged == true){ statusText.text = "Use voodoo doll with"; statusText.setTextFormat(textFormat); } else { if (ironKeyDragged == true){ statusText.text = "Use iron key with"; statusText.setTextFormat(textFormat); }; }; }; }; }; voodooDollDragged = false; ghostBool = false; ghost.mouseEnabled = false; ghost.gotoAndPlay("ghostDie");; ghostJustDied = true; doorBox_Scene1.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_OVER, doorBoxOverHandler); doorBox_Scene1.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, doorBoxDownHandler); doorBox_Scene1.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_OUT, doorBoxOutHandler); } else { if (ironKeyDragged == true){ statusText.text = "That doesn't need to be unlocked."; statusText.setTextFormat(textFormat); ironKeyDragged = false; }; }; }; }; } public function stairsBoxDownHandler(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{ var stairsSoundHandler:Function; var evt = _arg1; if ((((((((((((glassSplinterDragged == false)) && ((voodooDollDragged == false)))) && ((ironKeyDragged == false)))) && ((towelDragged == false)))) && ((goldKeyDragged == false)))) && ((armDragged == false)))){ if (towelUsed == false){ statusText.text = "The stairs are gone, somehow. I need to find a way down."; statusText.setTextFormat(textFormat); } else { if (towelUsed == true){ statusText.text = "It's still too high to climb down. I need to find something else."; statusText.setTextFormat(textFormat); }; }; } else { if (glassSplinterDragged == true){ statusText.text = "I can't use this as a replacement of the stairs."; statusText.setTextFormat(textFormat); glassSplinterDragged = false; } else { if (voodooDollDragged == true){ statusText.text = "I can't use this as a replacement of the stairs."; statusText.setTextFormat(textFormat); voodooDollDragged = false; } else { if (ironKeyDragged == true){ statusText.text = "I can't use this as a replacement of the stairs."; statusText.setTextFormat(textFormat); ironKeyDragged = false; } else { if (towelDragged == true){ statusText.text = "Ok, good. But It's still too high to get down."; statusText.setTextFormat(textFormat); towelDragged = false; towelUsed = true; towel.visible = false; towel.mouseEnabled = false; towel.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_OVER, towelOverHandler); towel.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, towelDownHandler); towel.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_OUT, towelOutHandler); towelDown_Scene2.visible = true; } else { if (goldKeyDragged == true){ statusText.text = "I can't use this as a replacement of the stairs."; statusText.setTextFormat(textFormat); goldKeyDragged = false; } else { if (armDragged == true){ if (towelUsed == false){ statusText.text = "Good idea! But there's nothing to attach this arm."; statusText.setTextFormat(textFormat); armDragged = false; } else { if (towelUsed == true){ stairsSoundHandler = function (_arg1:Event):void{ soundChannel.removeEventListener(Event.SOUND_COMPLETE, stairsSoundHandler); nextFrame(); nextFrame(); nextFrame(); nextFrame(); }; statusText.text = "I tied it to the towel. Let's get down."; statusText.setTextFormat(textFormat); armDragged = false; skeletalArm.visible = false; skeletalArm.mouseEnabled = false; skeletalArm.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_OVER, skeletalArmOverHandler); skeletalArm.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, skeletalArmDownHandler); skeletalArm.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_OUT, skeletalArmOutHandler); cleanUpListeners3(); soundChannel =; soundChannel.addEventListener(Event.SOUND_COMPLETE, stairsSoundHandler); }; }; }; }; }; }; }; }; }; } public function arrowBackToScene2BathOverHandler(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{ statusText.text = "Back."; statusText.setTextFormat(textFormat); } public function rune2OutHandler(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{ if ((((((((((((glassSplinterDragged == false)) && ((voodooDollDragged == false)))) && ((ironKeyDragged == false)))) && ((towelDragged == false)))) && ((goldKeyDragged == false)))) && ((armDragged == false)))){ statusText.text = ""; statusText.setTextFormat(textFormat); }; } public function anotherDoorBoxOutHandler(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{ if ((((((((((((glassSplinterDragged == false)) && ((voodooDollDragged == false)))) && ((ironKeyDragged == false)))) && ((towelDragged == false)))) && ((goldKeyDragged == false)))) && ((armDragged == false)))){ statusText.text = ""; statusText.setTextFormat(textFormat); } else { if (glassSplinterDragged == true){ statusText.text = "Use glass splinter with"; statusText.setTextFormat(textFormat); } else { if (voodooDollDragged == true){ statusText.text = "Use voodoo doll with"; statusText.setTextFormat(textFormat); } else { if (ironKeyDragged == true){ statusText.text = "Use iron key with"; statusText.setTextFormat(textFormat); } else { if (towelDragged == true){ statusText.text = "Use towel with"; statusText.setTextFormat(textFormat); } else { if (goldKeyDragged == true){ statusText.text = "Use golden key with"; statusText.setTextFormat(textFormat); } else { if (armDragged == true){ statusText.text = "Use skeletal arm with"; statusText.setTextFormat(textFormat); }; }; }; }; }; }; }; } public function arrowBackToScene1MainDownHandler(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{ if ((((((glassSplinterDragged == false)) && ((voodooDollDragged == false)))) && ((ironKeyDragged == false)))){ pictureZoomBox_Scene1.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_OVER, pictureZoomBoxOverHandler); pictureZoomBox_Scene1.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, pictureZoomBoxDownHandler); pictureZoomBox_Scene1.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_OUT, pictureZoomBoxOutHandler); arrowBackToScene1Main.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_OVER, arrowBackToScene1MainOverHandler); arrowBackToScene1Main.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, arrowBackToScene1MainDownHandler); arrowBackToScene1Main.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_OUT, arrowBackToScene1MainOutHandler); ironKeyBox_Scene1.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_OVER, ironKeyBoxOverHandler); ironKeyBox_Scene1.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, ironKeyBoxDownHandler); ironKeyBox_Scene1.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_OUT, ironKeyBoxOutHandler); if (waddedNoteRead.visible == true){ waddedNoteRead.visible = false; waddedNoteRead.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, waddedNoteReadDownHandler); }; helpScreen.visible = false; helpScreen.mouseEnabled = false; helpScreen.selectable = false; statusText.text = ""; statusText.setTextFormat(textFormat); prevFrame(); } else { if (glassSplinterDragged == true){ glassSplinterDragged = false; statusText.text = ""; statusText.setTextFormat(textFormat); prevFrame(); } else { if (voodooDollDragged == true){ voodooDollDragged = false; statusText.text = ""; statusText.setTextFormat(textFormat); prevFrame(); } else { if (ironKeyDragged == true){ ironKeyDragged = false; statusText.text = ""; statusText.setTextFormat(textFormat); prevFrame(); }; }; }; }; } public function armBoxOverHandler(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{ if ((((((((((glassSplinterDragged == false)) && ((voodooDollDragged == false)))) && ((ironKeyDragged == false)))) && ((towelDragged == false)))) && ((goldKeyDragged == false)))){ statusText.text = "A skeletal arm."; statusText.setTextFormat(textFormat); } else { if (glassSplinterDragged == true){ statusText.text = "Use glass splinter with arm."; statusText.setTextFormat(textFormat); } else { if (voodooDollDragged == true){ statusText.text = "Use voodoo doll with arm."; statusText.setTextFormat(textFormat); } else { if (ironKeyDragged == true){ statusText.text = "Use iron key with arm."; statusText.setTextFormat(textFormat); } else { if (towelDragged == true){ statusText.text = "Use towel with arm."; statusText.setTextFormat(textFormat); } else { if (goldKeyDragged == true){ statusText.text = "Use golden key with arm."; statusText.setTextFormat(textFormat); }; }; }; }; }; }; } public function arrowBackToScene2FloorOverHandler(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{ statusText.text = "Back."; statusText.setTextFormat(textFormat); } public function basketOutHandler(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{ if ((((((glassSplinterDragged == false)) && ((voodooDollDragged == false)))) && ((ironKeyDragged == false)))){ statusText.text = ""; statusText.setTextFormat(textFormat); } else { if (glassSplinterDragged == true){ statusText.text = "Use glass splinter with"; statusText.setTextFormat(textFormat); } else { if (voodooDollDragged == true){ statusText.text = "Use voodoo doll with"; statusText.setTextFormat(textFormat); } else { if (ironKeyDragged == true){ statusText.text = "Use iron key with"; statusText.setTextFormat(textFormat); }; }; }; }; } public function rune5Handler(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{ if ((((((((((((glassSplinterDragged == false)) && ((voodooDollDragged == false)))) && ((ironKeyDragged == false)))) && ((towelDragged == false)))) && ((goldKeyDragged == false)))) && ((armDragged == false)))){ if (rune5Bool == false){ rune5Bool = true; rune5.nextFrame(); } else { if (rune5Bool == true){ rune5Bool = false; rune5.prevFrame(); }; };; }; } public function doorBox2OutHandler(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{ if ((((((((((((glassSplinterDragged == false)) && ((voodooDollDragged == false)))) && ((ironKeyDragged == false)))) && ((towelDragged == false)))) && ((goldKeyDragged == false)))) && ((armDragged == false)))){ statusText.text = ""; statusText.setTextFormat(textFormat); } else { if (glassSplinterDragged == true){ statusText.text = "Use glass splinter with"; statusText.setTextFormat(textFormat); } else { if (voodooDollDragged == true){ statusText.text = "Use voodoo doll with"; statusText.setTextFormat(textFormat); } else { if (ironKeyDragged == true){ statusText.text = "Use iron key with"; statusText.setTextFormat(textFormat); } else { if (towelDragged == true){ statusText.text = "Use towel with"; statusText.setTextFormat(textFormat); } else { if (goldKeyDragged == true){ statusText.text = "Use golden key with"; statusText.setTextFormat(textFormat); } else { if (armDragged == true){ statusText.text = "Use skeletal arm with"; statusText.setTextFormat(textFormat); }; }; }; }; }; }; }; } public function clockBoxOverHandler2(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{ if ((((((((((((glassSplinterDragged == false)) && ((voodooDollDragged == false)))) && ((ironKeyDragged == false)))) && ((towelDragged == false)))) && ((goldKeyDragged == false)))) && ((armDragged == false)))){ statusText.text = "An old clock."; statusText.setTextFormat(textFormat); } else { if (glassSplinterDragged == true){ statusText.text = "Use glass splinter with clock."; statusText.setTextFormat(textFormat); } else { if (voodooDollDragged == true){ statusText.text = "Use voodoo doll with clock."; statusText.setTextFormat(textFormat); } else { if (ironKeyDragged == true){ statusText.text = "Use iron key with clock."; statusText.setTextFormat(textFormat); } else { if (towelDragged == true){ statusText.text = "Use towel with clock."; statusText.setTextFormat(textFormat); } else { if (goldKeyDragged == true){ statusText.text = "Use golden key with clock."; statusText.setTextFormat(textFormat); } else { if (armDragged == true){ statusText.text = "Use skeletal arm with clock."; statusText.setTextFormat(textFormat); }; }; }; }; }; }; }; } public function basketDownHandler(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{ if ((((((glassSplinterDragged == false)) && ((voodooDollDragged == false)))) && ((ironKeyDragged == false)))){ if (glassSplinterBool == false){ glassSplinterBool = true; glassSplinter.visible = true; glassSplinter.mouseEnabled = true;; statusText.text = "Ouch! I found a glass splinter."; statusText.setTextFormat(textFormat); } else { if (glassSplinterBool == true){ statusText.text = "The basket is empty."; statusText.setTextFormat(textFormat); }; }; } else { if (glassSplinterDragged == true){ statusText.text = "No, I wanna keep it."; statusText.setTextFormat(textFormat); glassSplinterDragged = false; } else { if (voodooDollDragged == true){ statusText.text = "I don't like this doll. But I think I'm gonna need it."; statusText.setTextFormat(textFormat); voodooDollDragged = false; } else { if (ironKeyDragged == true){ statusText.text = "That doesn't need to be unlocked."; statusText.setTextFormat(textFormat); ironKeyDragged = false; }; }; }; }; } public function mirrorBoxOverHandler(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{ if ((((((((((((glassSplinterDragged == false)) && ((voodooDollDragged == false)))) && ((ironKeyDragged == false)))) && ((towelDragged == false)))) && ((goldKeyDragged == false)))) && ((armDragged == false)))){ statusText.text = "A smudgy and blood-daubed mirror."; statusText.setTextFormat(textFormat); } else { if (glassSplinterDragged == true){ statusText.text = "Use glass splinter with mirror."; statusText.setTextFormat(textFormat); } else { if (voodooDollDragged == true){ statusText.text = "Use voodoo doll with mirror."; statusText.setTextFormat(textFormat); } else { if (ironKeyDragged == true){ statusText.text = "Use iron key with mirror."; statusText.setTextFormat(textFormat); } else { if (towelDragged == true){ statusText.text = "Use towel with mirror."; statusText.setTextFormat(textFormat); } else { if (goldKeyDragged == true){ statusText.text = "Use golden key with mirror."; statusText.setTextFormat(textFormat); } else { if (armDragged == true){ statusText.text = "Use skeletal arm with mirror."; statusText.setTextFormat(textFormat); }; }; }; }; }; }; }; } public function rune5OutHandler(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{ if ((((((((((((glassSplinterDragged == false)) && ((voodooDollDragged == false)))) && ((ironKeyDragged == false)))) && ((towelDragged == false)))) && ((goldKeyDragged == false)))) && ((armDragged == false)))){ statusText.text = ""; statusText.setTextFormat(textFormat); }; } public function booksBoxDownHandler(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{ if ((((((glassSplinterDragged == false)) && ((voodooDollDragged == false)))) && ((ironKeyDragged == false)))){ statusText.text = "The books are about hidden niches in old mansions."; statusText.setTextFormat(textFormat); } else { if (glassSplinterDragged == true){ statusText.text = "I don't feel like cutting books."; statusText.setTextFormat(textFormat); glassSplinterDragged = false; } else { if (voodooDollDragged == true){ statusText.text = "No, I like old books."; statusText.setTextFormat(textFormat); voodooDollDragged = false; } else { if (ironKeyDragged == true){ statusText.text = "That doesn't need to be unlocked."; statusText.setTextFormat(textFormat); ironKeyDragged = false; }; }; }; }; } public function hiddenBoxOutHandler(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{ if ((((((glassSplinterDragged == false)) && ((voodooDollDragged == false)))) && ((ironKeyDragged == false)))){ statusText.text = ""; statusText.setTextFormat(textFormat); } else { if (glassSplinterDragged == true){ statusText.text = "Use glass splinter with"; statusText.setTextFormat(textFormat); } else { if (voodooDollDragged == true){ statusText.text = "Use voodoo doll with"; statusText.setTextFormat(textFormat); } else { if (ironKeyDragged == true){ statusText.text = "Use iron key with"; statusText.setTextFormat(textFormat); }; }; }; }; } public function waddedNoteDownHandler(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{ voodooDollDragged = false; glassSplinterDragged = false; ironKeyDragged = false; towelDragged = false; goldKeyDragged = false; armDragged = false;; waddedNoteRead.visible = true; waddedNoteRead.mouseEnabled = true; waddedNoteRead.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, waddedNoteReadDownHandler); } public function doorBox3OverHandler2(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{ if ((((((((((((glassSplinterDragged == false)) && ((voodooDollDragged == false)))) && ((ironKeyDragged == false)))) && ((towelDragged == false)))) && ((goldKeyDragged == false)))) && ((armDragged == false)))){ statusText.text = "The front door!"; statusText.setTextFormat(textFormat); } else { if (glassSplinterDragged == true){ statusText.text = "Use glass splinter with door."; statusText.setTextFormat(textFormat); } else { if (voodooDollDragged == true){ statusText.text = "Use voodoo doll with door."; statusText.setTextFormat(textFormat); } else { if (ironKeyDragged == true){ statusText.text = "Use iron key with door."; statusText.setTextFormat(textFormat); } else { if (towelDragged == true){ statusText.text = "Use towel with door."; statusText.setTextFormat(textFormat); } else { if (goldKeyDragged == true){ statusText.text = "Use golden key with door."; statusText.setTextFormat(textFormat); } else { if (armDragged == true){ statusText.text = "Use skeletal arm with door."; statusText.setTextFormat(textFormat); }; }; }; }; }; }; }; } public function skeletalArmOverHandler(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{ if ((((((((((((glassSplinterDragged == false)) && ((voodooDollDragged == false)))) && ((ironKeyDragged == false)))) && ((towelDragged == false)))) && ((goldKeyDragged == false)))) && ((armDragged == false)))){ statusText.text = "A skeletal arm."; statusText.setTextFormat(textFormat); }; } public function plancBoxOverHandler2(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{ if ((((((((((((glassSplinterDragged == false)) && ((voodooDollDragged == false)))) && ((ironKeyDragged == false)))) && ((towelDragged == false)))) && ((goldKeyDragged == false)))) && ((armDragged == false)))){ statusText.text = "A stuck out plank."; statusText.setTextFormat(textFormat); } else { if (glassSplinterDragged == true){ statusText.text = "Use glass splinter with plank."; statusText.setTextFormat(textFormat); } else { if (voodooDollDragged == true){ statusText.text = "Use voodoo doll with plank."; statusText.setTextFormat(textFormat); } else { if (ironKeyDragged == true){ statusText.text = "Use iron key with plank."; statusText.setTextFormat(textFormat); } else { if (towelDragged == true){ statusText.text = "Use towel with plank."; statusText.setTextFormat(textFormat); } else { if (goldKeyDragged == true){ statusText.text = "Use golden key with plank."; statusText.setTextFormat(textFormat); } else { if (armDragged == true){ statusText.text = "Use skeletal arm with plank."; statusText.setTextFormat(textFormat); }; }; }; }; }; }; }; } public function mirrorBoxOutHandler(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{ if ((((((((((((glassSplinterDragged == false)) && ((voodooDollDragged == false)))) && ((ironKeyDragged == false)))) && ((towelDragged == false)))) && ((goldKeyDragged == false)))) && ((armDragged == false)))){ statusText.text = ""; statusText.setTextFormat(textFormat); } else { if (glassSplinterDragged == true){ statusText.text = "Use glass splinter with"; statusText.setTextFormat(textFormat); } else { if (voodooDollDragged == true){ statusText.text = "Use voodoo doll with"; statusText.setTextFormat(textFormat); } else { if (ironKeyDragged == true){ statusText.text = "Use iron key with"; statusText.setTextFormat(textFormat); } else { if (towelDragged == true){ statusText.text = "Use towel with"; statusText.setTextFormat(textFormat); } else { if (goldKeyDragged == true){ statusText.text = "Use golden key with"; statusText.setTextFormat(textFormat); } else { if (armDragged == true){ statusText.text = "Use skeletal arm with"; statusText.setTextFormat(textFormat); }; }; }; }; }; }; }; } public function bathtubBoxOverHandler(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{ if ((((((((((((glassSplinterDragged == false)) && ((voodooDollDragged == false)))) && ((ironKeyDragged == false)))) && ((towelDragged == false)))) && ((goldKeyDragged == false)))) && ((armDragged == false)))){ statusText.text = "A bathtub."; statusText.setTextFormat(textFormat); } else { if (glassSplinterDragged == true){ statusText.text = "Use glass splinter with bathtub."; statusText.setTextFormat(textFormat); } else { if (voodooDollDragged == true){ statusText.text = "Use voodoo doll with bathtub."; statusText.setTextFormat(textFormat); } else { if (ironKeyDragged == true){ statusText.text = "Use iron key with bathtub."; statusText.setTextFormat(textFormat); } else { if (towelDragged == true){ statusText.text = "Use towel with bathtub."; statusText.setTextFormat(textFormat); } else { if (goldKeyDragged == true){ statusText.text = "Use golden key with bathtub."; statusText.setTextFormat(textFormat); } else { if (armDragged == true){ statusText.text = "Use skeletal arm with bathtub."; statusText.setTextFormat(textFormat); }; }; }; }; }; }; }; } public function lightBoxOutHandler(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{ if ((((((((((((glassSplinterDragged == false)) && ((voodooDollDragged == false)))) && ((ironKeyDragged == false)))) && ((towelDragged == false)))) && ((goldKeyDragged == false)))) && ((armDragged == false)))){ statusText.text = ""; statusText.setTextFormat(textFormat); } else { if (glassSplinterDragged == true){ statusText.text = "Use glass splinter with"; statusText.setTextFormat(textFormat); } else { if (voodooDollDragged == true){ statusText.text = "Use voodoo doll with"; statusText.setTextFormat(textFormat); } else { if (ironKeyDragged == true){ statusText.text = "Use iron key with"; statusText.setTextFormat(textFormat); } else { if (towelDragged == true){ statusText.text = "Use towel with"; statusText.setTextFormat(textFormat); } else { if (goldKeyDragged == true){ statusText.text = "Use golden key with"; statusText.setTextFormat(textFormat); } else { if (armDragged == true){ statusText.text = "Use skeletal arm with"; statusText.setTextFormat(textFormat); }; }; }; }; }; }; }; } public function arrowBackToScene2BathDownHandler(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{ if ((((((((((((glassSplinterDragged == false)) && ((voodooDollDragged == false)))) && ((ironKeyDragged == false)))) && ((towelDragged == false)))) && ((goldKeyDragged == false)))) && ((armDragged == false)))){ arrowBackToScene2Bath.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_OVER, arrowBackToScene2BathOverHandler); arrowBackToScene2Bath.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, arrowBackToScene2BathDownHandler); arrowBackToScene2Bath.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_OUT, arrowBackToScene2BathOutHandler); tubeBox_Scene2.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_OVER, tubeBoxOverHandler); tubeBox_Scene2.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, tubeBoxDownHandler); tubeBox_Scene2.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_OUT, tubeBoxOutHandler); basinNearBox_Scene2.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_OVER, basinNearBoxOverHandler); basinNearBox_Scene2.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, basinNearBoxDownHandler); basinNearBox_Scene2.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_OUT, basinNearBoxOutHandler); if (waddedNoteRead.visible == true){ waddedNoteRead.visible = false; waddedNoteRead.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, waddedNoteReadDownHandler); }; helpScreen.visible = false; helpScreen.mouseEnabled = false; helpScreen.selectable = false; statusText.text = ""; statusText.setTextFormat(textFormat); prevFrame(); } else { if (glassSplinterDragged == true){ glassSplinterDragged = false; statusText.text = ""; statusText.setTextFormat(textFormat); prevFrame(); } else { if (voodooDollDragged == true){ voodooDollDragged = false; statusText.text = ""; statusText.setTextFormat(textFormat); prevFrame(); } else { if (ironKeyDragged == true){ ironKeyDragged = false; statusText.text = ""; statusText.setTextFormat(textFormat); prevFrame(); } else { if (towelDragged == true){ towelDragged = false; statusText.text = ""; statusText.setTextFormat(textFormat); prevFrame(); } else { if (goldKeyDragged == true){ goldKeyDragged = false; statusText.text = ""; statusText.setTextFormat(textFormat); prevFrame(); } else { if (armDragged == true){ armDragged = false; statusText.text = ""; statusText.setTextFormat(textFormat); prevFrame(); }; }; }; }; }; }; }; } public function ironKeyOverHandler(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{ if ((((((((((((glassSplinterDragged == false)) && ((voodooDollDragged == false)))) && ((ironKeyDragged == false)))) && ((towelDragged == false)))) && ((goldKeyDragged == false)))) && ((armDragged == false)))){ statusText.text = "An iron key."; statusText.setTextFormat(textFormat); }; } public function clockBoxOutHandler(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{ if ((((((((((((glassSplinterDragged == false)) && ((voodooDollDragged == false)))) && ((ironKeyDragged == false)))) && ((towelDragged == false)))) && ((goldKeyDragged == false)))) && ((armDragged == false)))){ statusText.text = ""; statusText.setTextFormat(textFormat); } else { if (glassSplinterDragged == true){ statusText.text = "Use glass splinter with"; statusText.setTextFormat(textFormat); } else { if (voodooDollDragged == true){ statusText.text = "Use voodoo doll with"; statusText.setTextFormat(textFormat); } else { if (ironKeyDragged == true){ statusText.text = "Use iron key with"; statusText.setTextFormat(textFormat); } else { if (towelDragged == true){ statusText.text = "Use towel with"; statusText.setTextFormat(textFormat); } else { if (goldKeyDragged == true){ statusText.text = "Use golden key with"; statusText.setTextFormat(textFormat); } else { if (armDragged == true){ statusText.text = "Use skeletal arm with"; statusText.setTextFormat(textFormat); }; }; }; }; }; }; }; } public function arrowBackToScene2FloorDownHandler(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{ if (sanctumDone == true){ if ((((((((((((glassSplinterDragged == false)) && ((voodooDollDragged == false)))) && ((ironKeyDragged == false)))) && ((towelDragged == false)))) && ((goldKeyDragged == false)))) && ((armDragged == false)))){ arrowBackToScene2Bath.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_OVER, arrowBackToScene2BathOverHandler); arrowBackToScene2Bath.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, arrowBackToScene2BathDownHandler); arrowBackToScene2Bath.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_OUT, arrowBackToScene2BathOutHandler); if (waddedNoteRead.visible == true){ waddedNoteRead.visible = false; waddedNoteRead.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, waddedNoteReadDownHandler); }; helpScreen.visible = false; helpScreen.mouseEnabled = false; helpScreen.selectable = false; statusText.text = ""; statusText.setTextFormat(textFormat); prevFrame(); prevFrame(); prevFrame(); } else { if (glassSplinterDragged == true){ glassSplinterDragged = false; statusText.text = ""; statusText.setTextFormat(textFormat); prevFrame(); prevFrame(); prevFrame(); } else { if (voodooDollDragged == true){ voodooDollDragged = false; statusText.text = ""; statusText.setTextFormat(textFormat); prevFrame(); prevFrame(); prevFrame(); } else { if (ironKeyDragged == true){ ironKeyDragged = false; statusText.text = ""; statusText.setTextFormat(textFormat); prevFrame(); prevFrame(); prevFrame(); } else { if (towelDragged == true){ towelDragged = false; statusText.text = ""; statusText.setTextFormat(textFormat); prevFrame(); prevFrame(); prevFrame(); } else { if (goldKeyDragged == true){ goldKeyDragged = false; statusText.text = ""; statusText.setTextFormat(textFormat); prevFrame(); prevFrame(); prevFrame(); } else { if (armDragged == true){ armDragged = false; statusText.text = ""; statusText.setTextFormat(textFormat); prevFrame(); prevFrame(); prevFrame(); }; }; }; }; }; }; }; } else { if (sanctumDone == false){ statusText.text = "I can't leave. Some kind of an invisible barriere is blocking the way."; statusText.setTextFormat(textFormat); goldKeyDragged = false; towelDragged = false; ironKeyDragged = false; voodooDollDragged = false; glassSplinterDragged = false; }; }; } public function washthingBoxOutHandler(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{ if ((((((((((((glassSplinterDragged == false)) && ((voodooDollDragged == false)))) && ((ironKeyDragged == false)))) && ((towelDragged == false)))) && ((goldKeyDragged == false)))) && ((armDragged == false)))){ statusText.text = ""; statusText.setTextFormat(textFormat); } else { if (glassSplinterDragged == true){ statusText.text = "Use glass splinter with"; statusText.setTextFormat(textFormat); } else { if (voodooDollDragged == true){ statusText.text = "Use voodoo doll with"; statusText.setTextFormat(textFormat); } else { if (ironKeyDragged == true){ statusText.text = "Use iron key with"; statusText.setTextFormat(textFormat); } else { if (towelDragged == true){ statusText.text = "Use towel with"; statusText.setTextFormat(textFormat); } else { if (goldKeyDragged == true){ statusText.text = "Use golden key with"; statusText.setTextFormat(textFormat); } else { if (armDragged == true){ statusText.text = "Use skeletal arm with"; statusText.setTextFormat(textFormat); }; }; }; }; }; }; }; } public function tableBox3OverHandler2(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{ if ((((((((((((glassSplinterDragged == false)) && ((voodooDollDragged == false)))) && ((ironKeyDragged == false)))) && ((towelDragged == false)))) && ((goldKeyDragged == false)))) && ((armDragged == false)))){ statusText.text = "A small table."; statusText.setTextFormat(textFormat); } else { if (glassSplinterDragged == true){ statusText.text = "Use glass splinter with table."; statusText.setTextFormat(textFormat); } else { if (voodooDollDragged == true){ statusText.text = "Use voodoo doll with table."; statusText.setTextFormat(textFormat); } else { if (ironKeyDragged == true){ statusText.text = "Use iron key with table."; statusText.setTextFormat(textFormat); } else { if (towelDragged == true){ statusText.text = "Use towel with table."; statusText.setTextFormat(textFormat); } else { if (goldKeyDragged == true){ statusText.text = "Use golden key with table."; statusText.setTextFormat(textFormat); } else { if (armDragged == true){ statusText.text = "Use skeletal arm with table."; statusText.setTextFormat(textFormat); }; }; }; }; }; }; }; } public function towelBoxOverHandler(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{ if ((((((((((((glassSplinterDragged == false)) && ((voodooDollDragged == false)))) && ((ironKeyDragged == false)))) && ((towelDragged == false)))) && ((goldKeyDragged == false)))) && ((armDragged == false)))){ statusText.text = "A towel."; statusText.setTextFormat(textFormat); } else { if (glassSplinterDragged == true){ statusText.text = "Use glass splinter with towel."; statusText.setTextFormat(textFormat); } else { if (voodooDollDragged == true){ statusText.text = "Use voodoo doll with towel."; statusText.setTextFormat(textFormat); } else { if (ironKeyDragged == true){ statusText.text = "Use iron key with towel."; statusText.setTextFormat(textFormat); } else { if (goldKeyDragged == true){ statusText.text = "Use golden key with towel."; statusText.setTextFormat(textFormat); } else { if (armDragged == true){ statusText.text = "Use skeletal arm with towel."; statusText.setTextFormat(textFormat); }; }; }; }; }; }; } public function armBoxDownHandler(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{ if ((((((((((glassSplinterDragged == false)) && ((voodooDollDragged == false)))) && ((ironKeyDragged == false)))) && ((towelDragged == false)))) && ((goldKeyDragged == false)))){ armBool = true; armBox_Scene2.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, armBoxDownHandler); armBox_Scene2.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_OVER, armBoxOverHandler); armBox_Scene2.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_OUT, armBoxOutHandler); removeChild(armBox_Scene2); skeletalArm.visible = true; skeletalArm.mouseEnabled = true; statusText.text = "It's held together somehow. I think I can use it."; statusText.setTextFormat(textFormat); } else { if (glassSplinterDragged == true){ statusText.text = "I don't need to cut this."; statusText.setTextFormat(textFormat); glassSplinterDragged = false; } else { if (voodooDollDragged == true){ statusText.text = "It has no effect."; statusText.setTextFormat(textFormat); voodooDollDragged = false; } else { if (ironKeyDragged == true){ statusText.text = "That doesn't need to be unlocked."; statusText.setTextFormat(textFormat); ironKeyDragged = false; } else { if (towelDragged == true){ statusText.text = "No, sir."; statusText.setTextFormat(textFormat); towelDragged = false; } else { if (goldKeyDragged == true){ statusText.text = "That doesn't need to be unlocked."; statusText.setTextFormat(textFormat); goldKeyDragged = false; }; }; }; }; }; }; } public function rune8OutHandler(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{ if ((((((((((((glassSplinterDragged == false)) && ((voodooDollDragged == false)))) && ((ironKeyDragged == false)))) && ((towelDragged == false)))) && ((goldKeyDragged == false)))) && ((armDragged == false)))){ statusText.text = ""; statusText.setTextFormat(textFormat); }; } public function arrowBackToScene1MainOutHandler(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{ if ((((((((((((glassSplinterDragged == false)) && ((voodooDollDragged == false)))) && ((ironKeyDragged == false)))) && ((towelDragged == false)))) && ((goldKeyDragged == false)))) && ((armDragged == false)))){ statusText.text = ""; statusText.setTextFormat(textFormat); } else { if (glassSplinterDragged == true){ statusText.text = "Use glass splinter with"; statusText.setTextFormat(textFormat); } else { if (voodooDollDragged == true){ statusText.text = "Use voodoo doll with"; statusText.setTextFormat(textFormat); } else { if (ironKeyDragged == true){ statusText.text = "Use iron key with"; statusText.setTextFormat(textFormat); }; }; }; }; } public function tableBoxOutHandler(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{ if ((((((((((((glassSplinterDragged == false)) && ((voodooDollDragged == false)))) && ((ironKeyDragged == false)))) && ((towelDragged == false)))) && ((goldKeyDragged == false)))) && ((armDragged == false)))){ statusText.text = ""; statusText.setTextFormat(textFormat); } else { if (glassSplinterDragged == true){ statusText.text = "Use glass splinter with"; statusText.setTextFormat(textFormat); } else { if (voodooDollDragged == true){ statusText.text = "Use voodoo doll with"; statusText.setTextFormat(textFormat); } else { if (ironKeyDragged == true){ statusText.text = "Use iron key with"; statusText.setTextFormat(textFormat); } else { if (towelDragged == true){ statusText.text = "Use towel with"; statusText.setTextFormat(textFormat); } else { if (goldKeyDragged == true){ statusText.text = "Use golden key with"; statusText.setTextFormat(textFormat); } else { if (armDragged == true){ statusText.text = "Use skeletal arm with"; statusText.setTextFormat(textFormat); }; }; }; }; }; }; }; } public function rune1Handler(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{ if ((((((((((((glassSplinterDragged == false)) && ((voodooDollDragged == false)))) && ((ironKeyDragged == false)))) && ((towelDragged == false)))) && ((goldKeyDragged == false)))) && ((armDragged == false)))){ if (rune1Bool == false){ rune1Bool = true; rune1.nextFrame(); } else { if (rune1Bool == true){ rune1Bool = false; rune1.prevFrame(); }; };; }; } public function mirrorBoxDownHandler(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{ if ((((((((((((glassSplinterDragged == false)) && ((voodooDollDragged == false)))) && ((ironKeyDragged == false)))) && ((towelDragged == false)))) && ((goldKeyDragged == false)))) && ((armDragged == false)))){ statusText.text = "The blood seems fresh. Someone has been here quite recently."; statusText.setTextFormat(textFormat); } else { if (glassSplinterDragged == true){ statusText.text = "I don't need to cut the mirror."; statusText.setTextFormat(textFormat); glassSplinterDragged = false; } else { if (voodooDollDragged == true){ statusText.text = "It has no effect."; statusText.setTextFormat(textFormat); voodooDollDragged = false; } else { if (ironKeyDragged == true){ statusText.text = "The mirror doesn't need to be unlocked."; statusText.setTextFormat(textFormat); ironKeyDragged = false; } else { if (towelDragged == true){ statusText.text = "I don't wanna ruin the towel with blood."; statusText.setTextFormat(textFormat); towelDragged = false; } else { if (goldKeyDragged == true){ statusText.text = "The mirror doesn't need to be unlocked."; statusText.setTextFormat(textFormat); goldKeyDragged = false; } else { if (armDragged == true){ statusText.text = "I don't know how."; statusText.setTextFormat(textFormat); armDragged = false; }; }; }; }; }; }; }; } public function rune1OverHandler(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{ if ((((((((((((glassSplinterDragged == false)) && ((voodooDollDragged == false)))) && ((ironKeyDragged == false)))) && ((towelDragged == false)))) && ((goldKeyDragged == false)))) && ((armDragged == false)))){ statusText.text = "Ata"; statusText.setTextFormat(textFormat); }; } public function chairBoxOverHandler(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{ if ((((((glassSplinterDragged == false)) && ((voodooDollDragged == false)))) && ((ironKeyDragged == false)))){ statusText.text = "A chair."; statusText.setTextFormat(textFormat); } else { if (glassSplinterDragged == true){ statusText.text = "Use glass splinter with chair."; statusText.setTextFormat(textFormat); } else { if (voodooDollDragged == true){ statusText.text = "Use voodoo doll with chair."; statusText.setTextFormat(textFormat); } else { if (ironKeyDragged == true){ statusText.text = "Use iron key with chair"; statusText.setTextFormat(textFormat); }; }; }; }; } public function doorBoxOutHandler(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{ if ((((((glassSplinterDragged == false)) && ((voodooDollDragged == false)))) && ((ironKeyDragged == false)))){ statusText.text = ""; statusText.setTextFormat(textFormat); } else { if (glassSplinterDragged == true){ statusText.text = "Use glass splinter with"; statusText.setTextFormat(textFormat); } else { if (voodooDollDragged == true){ statusText.text = "Use voodoo doll with"; statusText.setTextFormat(textFormat); } else { if (ironKeyDragged == true){ statusText.text = "Use iron key with"; statusText.setTextFormat(textFormat); }; }; }; }; } public function rune4OverHandler(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{ if ((((((((((((glassSplinterDragged == false)) && ((voodooDollDragged == false)))) && ((ironKeyDragged == false)))) && ((towelDragged == false)))) && ((goldKeyDragged == false)))) && ((armDragged == false)))){ statusText.text = "Atu"; statusText.setTextFormat(textFormat); }; } public function lampBox2OutHandler(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{ if ((((((((((((glassSplinterDragged == false)) && ((voodooDollDragged == false)))) && ((ironKeyDragged == false)))) && ((towelDragged == false)))) && ((goldKeyDragged == false)))) && ((armDragged == false)))){ statusText.text = ""; statusText.setTextFormat(textFormat); } else { if (glassSplinterDragged == true){ statusText.text = "Use glass splinter with"; statusText.setTextFormat(textFormat); } else { if (voodooDollDragged == true){ statusText.text = "Use voodoo doll with"; statusText.setTextFormat(textFormat); } else { if (ironKeyDragged == true){ statusText.text = "Use iron key with"; statusText.setTextFormat(textFormat); } else { if (towelDragged == true){ statusText.text = "Use towel with"; statusText.setTextFormat(textFormat); } else { if (goldKeyDragged == true){ statusText.text = "Use golden key with"; statusText.setTextFormat(textFormat); } else { if (armDragged == true){ statusText.text = "Use skeletal arm with"; statusText.setTextFormat(textFormat); }; }; }; }; }; }; }; } public function skeletalArmDownHandler(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{ armDragged = true; glassSplinterDragged = false; voodooDollDragged = false; ironKeyDragged = false; towelDragged = false; goldKeyDragged = false; statusText.text = "Use skeletal arm with"; statusText.setTextFormat(textFormat); } public function toiletBoxOutHandler(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{ if ((((((((((((glassSplinterDragged == false)) && ((voodooDollDragged == false)))) && ((ironKeyDragged == false)))) && ((towelDragged == false)))) && ((goldKeyDragged == false)))) && ((armDragged == false)))){ statusText.text = ""; statusText.setTextFormat(textFormat); } else { if (glassSplinterDragged == true){ statusText.text = "Use glass splinter with"; statusText.setTextFormat(textFormat); } else { if (voodooDollDragged == true){ statusText.text = "Use voodoo doll with"; statusText.setTextFormat(textFormat); } else { if (ironKeyDragged == true){ statusText.text = "Use iron key with"; statusText.setTextFormat(textFormat); } else { if (towelDragged == true){ statusText.text = "Use towel with"; statusText.setTextFormat(textFormat); } else { if (goldKeyDragged == true){ statusText.text = "Use golden key with"; statusText.setTextFormat(textFormat); } else { if (armDragged == true){ statusText.text = "Use skeletal arm with"; statusText.setTextFormat(textFormat); }; }; }; }; }; }; }; } public function bathtubBoxDownHandler(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{ if ((((((((((((glassSplinterDragged == false)) && ((voodooDollDragged == false)))) && ((ironKeyDragged == false)))) && ((towelDragged == false)))) && ((goldKeyDragged == false)))) && ((armDragged == false)))){ statusText.text = "Nothing in there."; statusText.setTextFormat(textFormat); } else { if (glassSplinterDragged == true){ statusText.text = "Hmmmmmmm no."; statusText.setTextFormat(textFormat); glassSplinterDragged = false; } else { if (voodooDollDragged == true){ statusText.text = "It has no effect."; statusText.setTextFormat(textFormat); voodooDollDragged = false; } else { if (ironKeyDragged == true){ statusText.text = "That doesn't need to be unlocked."; statusText.setTextFormat(textFormat); ironKeyDragged = false; } else { if (towelDragged == true){ statusText.text = "I think I need the towel elsewhere."; statusText.setTextFormat(textFormat); towelDragged = false; } else { if (goldKeyDragged == true){ statusText.text = "That doesn't need to be unlocked."; statusText.setTextFormat(textFormat); goldKeyDragged = false; } else { if (armDragged == true){ statusText.text = "That makes no sense."; statusText.setTextFormat(textFormat); armDragged = false; }; }; }; }; }; }; }; } public function armBoxOutHandler(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{ if ((((((((((glassSplinterDragged == false)) && ((voodooDollDragged == false)))) && ((ironKeyDragged == false)))) && ((towelDragged == false)))) && ((goldKeyDragged == false)))){ statusText.text = ""; statusText.setTextFormat(textFormat); } else { if (glassSplinterDragged == true){ statusText.text = "Use glass splinter with"; statusText.setTextFormat(textFormat); } else { if (voodooDollDragged == true){ statusText.text = "Use voodoo doll with"; statusText.setTextFormat(textFormat); } else { if (ironKeyDragged == true){ statusText.text = "Use iron key with"; statusText.setTextFormat(textFormat); } else { if (towelDragged == true){ statusText.text = "Use towel with"; statusText.setTextFormat(textFormat); } else { if (goldKeyDragged == true){ statusText.text = "Use golden key with"; statusText.setTextFormat(textFormat); }; }; }; }; }; }; } public function windowBox2OutHandler(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{ if ((((((((((((glassSplinterDragged == false)) && ((voodooDollDragged == false)))) && ((ironKeyDragged == false)))) && ((towelDragged == false)))) && ((goldKeyDragged == false)))) && ((armDragged == false)))){ statusText.text = ""; statusText.setTextFormat(textFormat); } else { if (glassSplinterDragged == true){ statusText.text = "Use glass splinter with"; statusText.setTextFormat(textFormat); } else { if (voodooDollDragged == true){ statusText.text = "Use voodoo doll with"; statusText.setTextFormat(textFormat); } else { if (ironKeyDragged == true){ statusText.text = "Use iron key with"; statusText.setTextFormat(textFormat); } else { if (towelDragged == true){ statusText.text = "Use towel with"; statusText.setTextFormat(textFormat); } else { if (goldKeyDragged == true){ statusText.text = "Use golden key with"; statusText.setTextFormat(textFormat); } else { if (armDragged == true){ statusText.text = "Use skeletal arm with"; statusText.setTextFormat(textFormat); }; }; }; }; }; }; }; } public function ironKeyDownHandler(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{ ironKeyDragged = true; glassSplinterDragged = false; voodooDollDragged = false; goldKeyDragged = false; towelDragged = false; armDragged = false; statusText.text = "Use iron key with"; statusText.setTextFormat(textFormat); } public function goldKeyOutHandler(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{ if ((((((((((((glassSplinterDragged == false)) && ((voodooDollDragged == false)))) && ((ironKeyDragged == false)))) && ((towelDragged == false)))) && ((goldKeyDragged == false)))) && ((armDragged == false)))){ statusText.text = ""; statusText.setTextFormat(textFormat); }; } public function Mausi():void{ var mouseHandler:Function; var mouseLeaveHandler:Function; mouseHandler = function (_arg1:Event):void{ skeletonMouse.x = mouseX; skeletonMouse.y = mouseY; }; mouseLeaveHandler = function (_arg1:Event):void{ Mouse.hide(); }; Mouse.hide(); skeletonMouse.mouseEnabled = false; skeletonMouse.selectable = false; skeletonMouse.x = mouseX; skeletonMouse.y = mouseY; addChild(skeletonMouse); stage.addEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, mouseHandler); stage.addEventListener(Event.MOUSE_LEAVE, mouseLeaveHandler); } public function towelBoxDownHandler(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{ if ((((((((((((glassSplinterDragged == false)) && ((voodooDollDragged == false)))) && ((ironKeyDragged == false)))) && ((towelDragged == false)))) && ((goldKeyDragged == false)))) && ((armDragged == false)))){ statusText.text = "Don't panic. I got a towel now."; statusText.setTextFormat(textFormat); towelBox_Scene2.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, towelBoxDownHandler); towelBox_Scene2.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_OUT, towelBoxOutHandler); towelBox_Scene2.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_OVER, towelBoxOverHandler); removeChild(towelBox_Scene2); towelBool = true; towel.visible = true; towel.mouseEnabled = true; } else { if (glassSplinterDragged == true){ statusText.text = "I don't wanna cut this.."; statusText.setTextFormat(textFormat); glassSplinterDragged = false; } else { if (voodooDollDragged == true){ statusText.text = "It has no effect."; statusText.setTextFormat(textFormat); voodooDollDragged = false; } else { if (ironKeyDragged == true){ statusText.text = "That doesn't need to be unlocked."; statusText.setTextFormat(textFormat); ironKeyDragged = false; } else { if (goldKeyDragged == true){ statusText.text = "Nah. Come on."; statusText.setTextFormat(textFormat); goldKeyDragged = false; } else { if (armDragged == true){ statusText.text = "I don't need an extra arm to take this."; statusText.setTextFormat(textFormat); armDragged = false; }; }; }; }; }; }; } public function rune7OverHandler(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{ if ((((((((((((glassSplinterDragged == false)) && ((voodooDollDragged == false)))) && ((ironKeyDragged == false)))) && ((towelDragged == false)))) && ((goldKeyDragged == false)))) && ((armDragged == false)))){ statusText.text = "Klu"; statusText.setTextFormat(textFormat); }; } public function starTimerHandler2(_arg1:TimerEvent):void{ starNumber2 = Math.ceil((Math.random() * 6)); if (starNumber2 == 1){ starflash1.gotoAndPlay("flash"); }; if (starNumber2 == 2){ starflash2.gotoAndPlay("flash"); }; if (starNumber2 == 3){ starflash3.gotoAndPlay("flash"); }; if (starNumber2 == 4){ starflash4.gotoAndPlay("flash"); }; if (starNumber2 == 5){ starflash5.gotoAndPlay("flash"); }; if (starNumber2 == 6){ starflash6.gotoAndPlay("flash"); }; } public function rune6Handler(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{ if ((((((((((((glassSplinterDragged == false)) && ((voodooDollDragged == false)))) && ((ironKeyDragged == false)))) && ((towelDragged == false)))) && ((goldKeyDragged == false)))) && ((armDragged == false)))){ if (rune6Bool == false){ rune6Bool = true; rune6.nextFrame(); } else { if (rune6Bool == true){ rune6Bool = false; rune6.prevFrame(); }; };; }; } public function windowwBoxOverHandler(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{ if ((((((((((((glassSplinterDragged == false)) && ((voodooDollDragged == false)))) && ((ironKeyDragged == false)))) && ((towelDragged == false)))) && ((goldKeyDragged == false)))) && ((armDragged == false)))){ statusText.text = "A massive window."; statusText.setTextFormat(textFormat); } else { if (glassSplinterDragged == true){ statusText.text = "Use glass splinter with window."; statusText.setTextFormat(textFormat); } else { if (voodooDollDragged == true){ statusText.text = "Use voodoo doll with window."; statusText.setTextFormat(textFormat); } else { if (ironKeyDragged == true){ statusText.text = "Use iron key with ."; statusText.setTextFormat(textFormat); } else { if (towelDragged == true){ statusText.text = "Use towel with window."; statusText.setTextFormat(textFormat); } else { if (goldKeyDragged == true){ statusText.text = "Use golden key with window."; statusText.setTextFormat(textFormat); } else { if (armDragged == true){ statusText.text = "Use skeletal arm with window."; statusText.setTextFormat(textFormat); }; }; }; }; }; }; }; } public function basinNearBoxOverHandler(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{ if ((((((((((((glassSplinterDragged == false)) && ((voodooDollDragged == false)))) && ((ironKeyDragged == false)))) && ((towelDragged == false)))) && ((goldKeyDragged == false)))) && ((armDragged == false)))){ statusText.text = "A basin filled with blood... uuuuhh."; statusText.setTextFormat(textFormat); } else { if (glassSplinterDragged == true){ statusText.text = "Use glass splinter with basin."; statusText.setTextFormat(textFormat); } else { if (voodooDollDragged == true){ statusText.text = "Use voodoo doll with basin."; statusText.setTextFormat(textFormat); } else { if (ironKeyDragged == true){ statusText.text = "Use iron key with basin."; statusText.setTextFormat(textFormat); } else { if (towelDragged == true){ statusText.text = "Use towel with basin."; statusText.setTextFormat(textFormat); } else { if (goldKeyDragged == true){ statusText.text = "Use golden key with basin."; statusText.setTextFormat(textFormat); } else { if (armDragged == true){ statusText.text = "Use skeletal arm with basin."; statusText.setTextFormat(textFormat); }; }; }; }; }; }; }; } public function towelOutHandler(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{ if ((((((((((((glassSplinterDragged == false)) && ((voodooDollDragged == false)))) && ((ironKeyDragged == false)))) && ((towelDragged == false)))) && ((goldKeyDragged == false)))) && ((armDragged == false)))){ statusText.text = ""; statusText.setTextFormat(textFormat); }; } public function lightBox2DownHandler2(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{ if ((((((((((((glassSplinterDragged == false)) && ((voodooDollDragged == false)))) && ((ironKeyDragged == false)))) && ((towelDragged == false)))) && ((goldKeyDragged == false)))) && ((armDragged == false)))){ statusText.text = "No, I don't like darkness."; statusText.setTextFormat(textFormat); } else { if (glassSplinterDragged == true){ statusText.text = "I could use my hand."; statusText.setTextFormat(textFormat); glassSplinterDragged = false; } else { if (voodooDollDragged == true){ statusText.text = "I could use my hand."; statusText.setTextFormat(textFormat); voodooDollDragged = false; } else { if (ironKeyDragged == true){ statusText.text = "That doesn't need to be unlocked."; statusText.setTextFormat(textFormat); ironKeyDragged = false; } else { if (towelDragged == true){ statusText.text = "I could use my hand."; statusText.setTextFormat(textFormat); towelDragged = false; } else { if (goldKeyDragged == true){ statusText.text = "That doesn't need to be unlocked."; statusText.setTextFormat(textFormat); goldKeyDragged = false; } else { if (armDragged == true){ statusText.text = "I could use my own hand."; statusText.setTextFormat(textFormat); armDragged = false; }; }; }; }; }; }; }; } public function window1BoxOutHandler(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{ if ((((((((((((glassSplinterDragged == false)) && ((voodooDollDragged == false)))) && ((ironKeyDragged == false)))) && ((towelDragged == false)))) && ((goldKeyDragged == false)))) && ((armDragged == false)))){ statusText.text = ""; statusText.setTextFormat(textFormat); } else { if (glassSplinterDragged == true){ statusText.text = "Use glass splinter with"; statusText.setTextFormat(textFormat); } else { if (voodooDollDragged == true){ statusText.text = "Use voodoo doll with"; statusText.setTextFormat(textFormat); } else { if (ironKeyDragged == true){ statusText.text = "Use iron key with"; statusText.setTextFormat(textFormat); } else { if (towelDragged == true){ statusText.text = "Use towel with"; statusText.setTextFormat(textFormat); } else { if (goldKeyDragged == true){ statusText.text = "Use golden key with"; statusText.setTextFormat(textFormat); } else { if (armDragged == true){ statusText.text = "Use skeletal arm with"; statusText.setTextFormat(textFormat); }; }; }; }; }; }; }; } public function windowBox2OverHandler(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{ if ((((((((((((glassSplinterDragged == false)) && ((voodooDollDragged == false)))) && ((ironKeyDragged == false)))) && ((towelDragged == false)))) && ((goldKeyDragged == false)))) && ((armDragged == false)))){ statusText.text = "A small window."; statusText.setTextFormat(textFormat); } else { if (glassSplinterDragged == true){ statusText.text = "Use glass splinter with window."; statusText.setTextFormat(textFormat); } else { if (voodooDollDragged == true){ statusText.text = "Use voodoo doll with window."; statusText.setTextFormat(textFormat); } else { if (ironKeyDragged == true){ statusText.text = "Use iron key with window."; statusText.setTextFormat(textFormat); } else { if (towelDragged == true){ statusText.text = "Use towel with window."; statusText.setTextFormat(textFormat); } else { if (goldKeyDragged == true){ statusText.text = "Use golden key with window."; statusText.setTextFormat(textFormat); } else { if (armDragged == true){ statusText.text = "Use skeletal arm with window."; statusText.setTextFormat(textFormat); }; }; }; }; }; }; }; } public function lightSwitchBoxOverHandler(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{ if ((((((glassSplinterDragged == false)) && ((voodooDollDragged == false)))) && ((ironKeyDragged == false)))){ statusText.text = "A light switch."; statusText.setTextFormat(textFormat); } else { if (glassSplinterDragged == true){ statusText.text = "Use glass splinter with light switch."; statusText.setTextFormat(textFormat); } else { if (voodooDollDragged == true){ statusText.text = "Use voodoo doll with light switch."; statusText.setTextFormat(textFormat); } else { if (ironKeyDragged == true){ statusText.text = "Use iron key with light switch."; statusText.setTextFormat(textFormat); }; }; }; }; } public function playBtnHandler(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{ play_btn.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, playBtnHandler); score_btn.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, scoreBtnHandler); credit_btn.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, creditBtnHandler); gotoAndPlay("intro"); } public function chairBoxDownHandler(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{ if ((((((glassSplinterDragged == false)) && ((voodooDollDragged == false)))) && ((ironKeyDragged == false)))){ statusText.text = "No time to sit down. I wanna get outta here!"; statusText.setTextFormat(textFormat); } else { if (glassSplinterDragged == true){ statusText.text = "Maybe I could slit some other things open."; statusText.setTextFormat(textFormat); glassSplinterDragged = false; } else { if (voodooDollDragged == true){ statusText.text = "Take this chair! And this! Hmm... it has no effect."; statusText.setTextFormat(textFormat); voodooDollDragged = false; } else { if (ironKeyDragged == true){ statusText.text = "That doesn't need to be unlocked."; statusText.setTextFormat(textFormat); ironKeyDragged = false; }; }; }; }; } public function window2BoxOutHandler2(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{ if ((((((((((((glassSplinterDragged == false)) && ((voodooDollDragged == false)))) && ((ironKeyDragged == false)))) && ((towelDragged == false)))) && ((goldKeyDragged == false)))) && ((armDragged == false)))){ statusText.text = ""; statusText.setTextFormat(textFormat); } else { if (glassSplinterDragged == true){ statusText.text = "Use glass splinter with"; statusText.setTextFormat(textFormat); } else { if (voodooDollDragged == true){ statusText.text = "Use voodoo doll with"; statusText.setTextFormat(textFormat); } else { if (ironKeyDragged == true){ statusText.text = "Use iron key with"; statusText.setTextFormat(textFormat); } else { if (towelDragged == true){ statusText.text = "Use towel with"; statusText.setTextFormat(textFormat); } else { if (goldKeyDragged == true){ statusText.text = "Use golden key with"; statusText.setTextFormat(textFormat); } else { if (armDragged == true){ statusText.text = "Use skeletal arm with"; statusText.setTextFormat(textFormat); }; }; }; }; }; }; }; } public function rune1OutHandler(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{ if ((((((((((((glassSplinterDragged == false)) && ((voodooDollDragged == false)))) && ((ironKeyDragged == false)))) && ((towelDragged == false)))) && ((goldKeyDragged == false)))) && ((armDragged == false)))){ statusText.text = ""; statusText.setTextFormat(textFormat); }; } public function starTimerHandler(_arg1:TimerEvent):void{ starNumber = Math.ceil((Math.random() * 6)); if (starNumber == 1){ starflash1.gotoAndPlay("flash"); }; if (starNumber == 2){ starflash2.gotoAndPlay("flash"); }; if (starNumber == 3){ starflash3.gotoAndPlay("flash"); }; if (starNumber == 4){ starflash4.gotoAndPlay("flash"); }; if (starNumber == 5){ starflash5.gotoAndPlay("flash"); }; if (starNumber == 6){ starflash6.gotoAndPlay("flash"); }; } public function cleanUpListeners4():void{ tableBox_Scene3.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_OVER, tableBox3OverHandler); tableBox_Scene3.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_OUT, tableBox3OutHandler); tableBox_Scene3.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, tableBox3DownHandler); window1Box_Scene3.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_OVER, window1BoxOverHandler); window1Box_Scene3.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_OUT, window1BoxOutHandler); window1Box_Scene3.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, window1BoxDownHandler); window2Box_Scene3.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_OVER, window2BoxOverHandler); window2Box_Scene3.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_OUT, window2BoxOutHandler); window2Box_Scene3.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, window2BoxDownHandler); doorBox_Scene3.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_OVER, doorBox3OverHandler); doorBox_Scene3.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_OUT, doorBox3OutHandler); doorBox_Scene3.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, doorBox3DownHandler); clockBox_Scene3.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_OVER, clockBoxOverHandler); clockBox_Scene3.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_OUT, clockBoxOutHandler); clockBox_Scene3.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, clockBoxDownHandler); lightBox2_Scene3.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_OVER, lightBox2OverHandler); lightBox2_Scene3.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_OUT, lightBox2OutHandler); lightBox2_Scene3.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, lightBox2DownHandler); if (waddedNoteRead.visible == true){ waddedNoteRead.visible = false; waddedNoteRead.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, waddedNoteReadDownHandler); }; } public function window2BoxDownHandler2(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{ if ((((((((((((glassSplinterDragged == false)) && ((voodooDollDragged == false)))) && ((ironKeyDragged == false)))) && ((towelDragged == false)))) && ((goldKeyDragged == false)))) && ((armDragged == false)))){ statusText.text = "Just dark..."; statusText.setTextFormat(textFormat); } else { if (glassSplinterDragged == true){ statusText.text = "That's not worth the effort."; statusText.setTextFormat(textFormat); glassSplinterDragged = false; } else { if (voodooDollDragged == true){ statusText.text = "I don't know how."; statusText.setTextFormat(textFormat); voodooDollDragged = false; } else { if (ironKeyDragged == true){ statusText.text = "I don't see a lock."; statusText.setTextFormat(textFormat); ironKeyDragged = false; } else { if (towelDragged == true){ statusText.text = "I don't know how to open it."; statusText.setTextFormat(textFormat); towelDragged = false; } else { if (goldKeyDragged == true){ statusText.text = "I don't see a lock."; statusText.setTextFormat(textFormat); goldKeyDragged = false; } else { if (armDragged == true){ statusText.text = "I don't know how to open it."; statusText.setTextFormat(textFormat); armDragged = false; }; }; }; }; }; }; }; } public function cleanUpListeners3():void{ bathdoorBox_Scene2.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_OVER, bathdoorBoxOverHandler); bathdoorBox_Scene2.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_OUT, bathdoorBoxOutHandler); bathdoorBox_Scene2.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, bathdoorBoxDownHandler); tableBox_Scene2.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_OVER, tableBoxOverHandler); tableBox_Scene2.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, tableBoxDownHandler); tableBox_Scene2.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_OUT, tableBoxOutHandler); vaseBox_Scene2.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_OVER, vaseBoxOverHandler); vaseBox_Scene2.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, vaseBoxDownHandler); vaseBox_Scene2.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_OUT, vaseBoxOutHandler); doorBox_Scene2.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_OVER, doorBox2OverHandler); doorBox_Scene2.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_OUT, doorBox2OutHandler); doorBox_Scene2.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, doorBox2DownHandler); anotherDoorBox_Scene2.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_OVER, anotherDoorBoxOverHandler); anotherDoorBox_Scene2.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_OUT, anotherDoorBoxOutHandler); anotherDoorBox_Scene2.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, anotherDoorBoxDownHandler); pictureBox_Scene2.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_OVER, pictureBox2OverHandler); pictureBox_Scene2.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_OUT, pictureBox2OutHandler); pictureBox_Scene2.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, pictureBox2DownHandler); stairsBox_Scene2.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_OVER, stairsBoxOverHandler); stairsBox_Scene2.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, stairsBoxDownHandler); stairsBox_Scene2.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_OUT, stairsBoxOutHandler); if (waddedNoteRead.visible == true){ waddedNoteRead.visible = false; waddedNoteRead.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, waddedNoteReadDownHandler); }; } public function lightBoxOverHandler(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{ if ((((((((((((glassSplinterDragged == false)) && ((voodooDollDragged == false)))) && ((ironKeyDragged == false)))) && ((towelDragged == false)))) && ((goldKeyDragged == false)))) && ((armDragged == false)))){ statusText.text = "A switch."; statusText.setTextFormat(textFormat); } else { if (glassSplinterDragged == true){ statusText.text = "Use glass splinter with switch."; statusText.setTextFormat(textFormat); } else { if (voodooDollDragged == true){ statusText.text = "Use voodoo doll with switch."; statusText.setTextFormat(textFormat); } else { if (ironKeyDragged == true){ statusText.text = "Use iron key with switch."; statusText.setTextFormat(textFormat); } else { if (towelDragged == true){ statusText.text = "Use towel with switch."; statusText.setTextFormat(textFormat); } else { if (goldKeyDragged == true){ statusText.text = "Use golden key with switch."; statusText.setTextFormat(textFormat); } else { if (armDragged == true){ statusText.text = "Use skeletal arm with switch."; statusText.setTextFormat(textFormat); }; }; }; }; }; }; }; } public function cleanUpListeners2():void{ statusText.text = ""; statusText.setTextFormat(textFormat); washBox_Scene2.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_OUT, washBoxOutHandler); washBox_Scene2.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, washBoxDownHandler); washBox_Scene2.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_OVER, washBoxOverHandler); washthingBox_Scene2.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_OUT, washthingBoxOutHandler); washthingBox_Scene2.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, washthingBoxDownHandler); washthingBox_Scene2.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_OVER, washthingBoxOverHandler); mirrorBox_Scene2.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_OUT, mirrorBoxOutHandler); mirrorBox_Scene2.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, mirrorBoxDownHandler); mirrorBox_Scene2.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_OVER, mirrorBoxOverHandler); bathtubBox_Scene2.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_OUT, bathtubBoxOutHandler); bathtubBox_Scene2.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, bathtubBoxDownHandler); bathtubBox_Scene2.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_OVER, bathtubBoxOverHandler); windowBox_Scene2.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_OUT, windowBox2OutHandler); windowBox_Scene2.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, windowBox2DownHandler); windowBox_Scene2.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_OVER, windowBox2OverHandler); toiletBox_Scene2.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_OUT, toiletBoxOutHandler); toiletBox_Scene2.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, toiletBoxDownHandler); toiletBox_Scene2.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_OVER, toiletBoxOverHandler); lampBox_Scene2.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_OUT, lampBox2OutHandler); lampBox_Scene2.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, lampBox2DownHandler); lampBox_Scene2.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_OVER, lampBox2OverHandler); if (waddedNoteRead.visible == true){ waddedNoteRead.visible = false; waddedNoteRead.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, waddedNoteReadDownHandler); }; helpScreen.visible = false; helpScreen.mouseEnabled = false; helpScreen.selectable = false; } public function cleanUpListeners5():void{ plancBox_Scene3.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_OVER, plancBoxOverHandler2); plancBox_Scene3.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_OUT, plancBoxOutHandler2); plancBox_Scene3.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, plancBoxDownHandler2); tableBox_Scene3.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_OVER, tableBox3OverHandler2); tableBox_Scene3.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_OUT, tableBox3OutHandler2); tableBox_Scene3.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, tableBox3DownHandler2); window1Box_Scene3.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_OVER, window1BoxOverHandler2); window1Box_Scene3.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_OUT, window1BoxOutHandler2); window1Box_Scene3.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, window1BoxDownHandler2); window2Box_Scene3.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_OVER, window2BoxOverHandler2); window2Box_Scene3.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_OUT, window2BoxOutHandler2); window2Box_Scene3.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, window2BoxDownHandler2); doorBox_Scene3.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_OVER, doorBox3OverHandler2); doorBox_Scene3.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_OUT, doorBox3OutHandler2); doorBox_Scene3.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, doorBox3DownHandler2); clockBox_Scene3.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_OVER, clockBoxOverHandler2); clockBox_Scene3.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_OUT, clockBoxOutHandler2); clockBox_Scene3.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, clockBoxDownHandler2); lightBox2_Scene3.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_OVER, lightBox2OverHandler2); lightBox2_Scene3.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_OUT, lightBox2OutHandler2); lightBox2_Scene3.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, lightBox2DownHandler2); if (waddedNoteRead.visible == true){ waddedNoteRead.visible = false; waddedNoteRead.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, waddedNoteReadDownHandler); }; } public function cleanUpListeners():void{ pictureBox_Scene1.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_OVER, pictureBoxOverHandler); pictureBox_Scene1.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, pictureBoxDownHandler); pictureBox_Scene1.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_OUT, pictureBoxOutHandler); pillowBox_Scene1.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_OVER, pillowBoxOverHandler); pillowBox_Scene1.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, pillowBoxDownHandler); pillowBox_Scene1.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_OUT, pillowBoxOutHandler); lightSwitchBox_Scene1.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_OVER, lightSwitchBoxOverHandler); lightSwitchBox_Scene1.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, lightSwitchBoxDownHandler); lightSwitchBox_Scene1.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_OUT, lightSwitchBoxOutHandler); basket_Scene1.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_OVER, basketOverHandler); basket_Scene1.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, basketDownHandler); basket_Scene1.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_OUT, basketOutHandler); lampBox_Scene1.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_OVER, lampBoxOverHandler); lampBox_Scene1.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, lampBoxDownHandler); lampBox_Scene1.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_OUT, lampBoxOutHandler); bedBox_Scene1.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_OVER, bedBoxOverHandler); bedBox_Scene1.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, bedBoxDownHandler); bedBox_Scene1.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_OUT, bedBoxOutHandler); chairBox_Scene1.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_OVER, chairBoxOverHandler); chairBox_Scene1.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, chairBoxDownHandler); chairBox_Scene1.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_OUT, chairBoxOutHandler); doorBox_Scene1.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_OVER, doorBoxOverHandler); doorBox_Scene1.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, doorBoxDownHandler); doorBox_Scene1.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_OUT, doorBoxOutHandler); booksBox_Scene1.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_OVER, booksBoxOverHandler); booksBox_Scene1.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, booksBoxDownHandler); booksBox_Scene1.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_OUT, booksBoxOutHandler); windowBox_Scene1.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_OVER, windowBoxOverHandler); windowBox_Scene1.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, windowBoxDownHandler); windowBox_Scene1.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_OUT, windowBoxOutHandler); hiddenBox_Scene1.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_OVER, hiddenBoxOverHandler); hiddenBox_Scene1.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, hiddenBoxDownHandler); hiddenBox_Scene1.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_OUT, hiddenBoxOutHandler); if (waddedNoteRead.visible == true){ waddedNoteRead.visible = false; waddedNoteRead.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, waddedNoteReadDownHandler); }; helpScreen.visible = false; helpScreen.mouseEnabled = false; helpScreen.selectable = false; } public function keyTimeHandler(_arg1:Event):void{ if (keyTime == 15){ ironKeyPicture.visible = true; ironKeyBox_Scene1.visible = true; ironKeyBox_Scene1.mouseEnabled = true; stage.removeEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, keyTimeHandler); statusText.text = "What the... a key appeared!"; statusText.setTextFormat(textFormat);; if (waddedNoteRead.visible == true){ waddedNoteRead.visible = false; waddedNoteRead.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, waddedNoteReadDownHandler); }; }; } public function pictureBox2OutHandler(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{ if ((((((((((((glassSplinterDragged == false)) && ((voodooDollDragged == false)))) && ((ironKeyDragged == false)))) && ((towelDragged == false)))) && ((goldKeyDragged == false)))) && ((armDragged == false)))){ statusText.text = ""; statusText.setTextFormat(textFormat); } else { if (glassSplinterDragged == true){ statusText.text = "Use glass splinter with"; statusText.setTextFormat(textFormat); } else { if (voodooDollDragged == true){ statusText.text = "Use voodoo doll with"; statusText.setTextFormat(textFormat); } else { if (ironKeyDragged == true){ statusText.text = "Use iron key with"; statusText.setTextFormat(textFormat); } else { if (towelDragged == true){ statusText.text = "Use towel with"; statusText.setTextFormat(textFormat); } else { if (goldKeyDragged == true){ statusText.text = "Use golden key with"; statusText.setTextFormat(textFormat); } else { if (armDragged == true){ statusText.text = "Use skeletal arm with"; statusText.setTextFormat(textFormat); }; }; }; }; }; }; }; } public function windowwBoxDownHandler(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{ if ((((((((((((glassSplinterDragged == false)) && ((voodooDollDragged == false)))) && ((ironKeyDragged == false)))) && ((towelDragged == false)))) && ((goldKeyDragged == false)))) && ((armDragged == false)))){ statusText.text = "There is no way to open it."; statusText.setTextFormat(textFormat); } else { if (glassSplinterDragged == true){ statusText.text = "It's not worth the effort."; statusText.setTextFormat(textFormat); glassSplinterDragged = false; } else { if (voodooDollDragged == true){ statusText.text = "Why should I do that?"; statusText.setTextFormat(textFormat); voodooDollDragged = false; } else { if (ironKeyDragged == true){ statusText.text = "I can't unlock this."; statusText.setTextFormat(textFormat); ironKeyDragged = false; } else { if (towelDragged == true){ statusText.text = "That makes no sense."; statusText.setTextFormat(textFormat); towelDragged = false; } else { if (goldKeyDragged == true){ statusText.text = "I can't unlock this."; statusText.setTextFormat(textFormat); goldKeyDragged = false; } else { if (armDragged == true){ statusText.text = "No, sir."; statusText.setTextFormat(textFormat); armDragged = false; }; }; }; }; }; }; }; } public function washBoxOutHandler(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{ if ((((((((((((glassSplinterDragged == false)) && ((voodooDollDragged == false)))) && ((ironKeyDragged == false)))) && ((towelDragged == false)))) && ((goldKeyDragged == false)))) && ((armDragged == false)))){ statusText.text = ""; statusText.setTextFormat(textFormat); } else { if (glassSplinterDragged == true){ statusText.text = "Use glass splinter with"; statusText.setTextFormat(textFormat); } else { if (voodooDollDragged == true){ statusText.text = "Use voodoo doll with"; statusText.setTextFormat(textFormat); } else { if (ironKeyDragged == true){ statusText.text = "Use iron key with"; statusText.setTextFormat(textFormat); } else { if (towelDragged == true){ statusText.text = "Use towel with"; statusText.setTextFormat(textFormat); } else { if (goldKeyDragged == true){ statusText.text = "Use golden key with"; statusText.setTextFormat(textFormat); } else { if (armDragged == true){ statusText.text = "Use skeletal arm with"; statusText.setTextFormat(textFormat); }; }; }; }; }; }; }; } public function pictureBoxOutHandler(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{ if ((((((glassSplinterDragged == false)) && ((voodooDollDragged == false)))) && ((ironKeyDragged == false)))){ statusText.text = ""; statusText.setTextFormat(textFormat); } else { if (glassSplinterDragged == true){ statusText.text = "Use glass splinter with"; statusText.setTextFormat(textFormat); } else { if (voodooDollDragged == true){ statusText.text = "Use voodoo doll with"; statusText.setTextFormat(textFormat); } else { if (ironKeyDragged == true){ statusText.text = "Use voodoo doll with"; statusText.setTextFormat(textFormat); }; }; }; }; } public function bedBoxOverHandler(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{ if ((((((glassSplinterDragged == false)) && ((voodooDollDragged == false)))) && ((ironKeyDragged == false)))){ statusText.text = "An uncomfortable bed."; statusText.setTextFormat(textFormat); } else { if (glassSplinterDragged == true){ statusText.text = "Use glass splinter with bed."; statusText.setTextFormat(textFormat); } else { if (voodooDollDragged == true){ statusText.text = "Use voodoo doll with bed."; statusText.setTextFormat(textFormat); } else { if (ironKeyDragged == true){ statusText.text = "Use iron key with bed."; statusText.setTextFormat(textFormat); }; }; }; }; } public function glassSplinterOverHandler(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{ if ((((((((((((glassSplinterDragged == false)) && ((voodooDollDragged == false)))) && ((ironKeyDragged == false)))) && ((towelDragged == false)))) && ((goldKeyDragged == false)))) && ((armDragged == false)))){ statusText.text = "A glass splinter."; statusText.setTextFormat(textFormat); }; } public function linkDownHandler(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{ scoreTime = (scoreTime + 300); } public function rune2Handler(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{ if ((((((((((((glassSplinterDragged == false)) && ((voodooDollDragged == false)))) && ((ironKeyDragged == false)))) && ((towelDragged == false)))) && ((goldKeyDragged == false)))) && ((armDragged == false)))){ if (rune2Bool == false){ rune2Bool = true; rune2.nextFrame(); } else { if (rune2Bool == true){ rune2Bool = false; rune2.prevFrame(); }; };; }; } public function ironKeyOutHandler(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{ if ((((((((((((glassSplinterDragged == false)) && ((voodooDollDragged == false)))) && ((ironKeyDragged == false)))) && ((towelDragged == false)))) && ((goldKeyDragged == false)))) && ((armDragged == false)))){ statusText.text = ""; statusText.setTextFormat(textFormat); }; } public function scoreTimerHandler(_arg1:TimerEvent):void{ scoreTime++; timeText.text = scoreTime.toString(); timeText.setTextFormat(textFormat2); keyTime++; if (keyTime >= 1000){ keyTime = 20; }; } public function windowBox2DownHandler(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{ if ((((((((((((glassSplinterDragged == false)) && ((voodooDollDragged == false)))) && ((ironKeyDragged == false)))) && ((towelDragged == false)))) && ((goldKeyDragged == false)))) && ((armDragged == false)))){ statusText.text = "There is no way to open it."; statusText.setTextFormat(textFormat); } else { if (glassSplinterDragged == true){ statusText.text = "It's not worth the effort."; statusText.setTextFormat(textFormat); glassSplinterDragged = false; } else { if (voodooDollDragged == true){ statusText.text = "The window doesn't die."; statusText.setTextFormat(textFormat); voodooDollDragged = false; } else { if (ironKeyDragged == true){ statusText.text = "There is no way to unlock it."; statusText.setTextFormat(textFormat); ironKeyDragged = false; } else { if (towelDragged == true){ statusText.text = "I think I need the towel elsewhere."; statusText.setTextFormat(textFormat); towelDragged = false; } else { if (goldKeyDragged == true){ statusText.text = "There is no way to unlock it."; statusText.setTextFormat(textFormat); goldKeyDragged = false; } else { if (armDragged == true){ statusText.text = "I don't know how."; statusText.setTextFormat(textFormat); armDragged = false; }; }; }; }; }; }; }; } public function skullBoxOutHandler(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{ if ((((((((((((glassSplinterDragged == false)) && ((voodooDollDragged == false)))) && ((ironKeyDragged == false)))) && ((towelDragged == false)))) && ((goldKeyDragged == false)))) && ((armDragged == false)))){ statusText.text = ""; statusText.setTextFormat(textFormat); } else { if (glassSplinterDragged == true){ statusText.text = "Use glass splinter with"; statusText.setTextFormat(textFormat); } else { if (voodooDollDragged == true){ statusText.text = "Use voodoo doll with"; statusText.setTextFormat(textFormat); } else { if (ironKeyDragged == true){ statusText.text = "Use iron key with"; statusText.setTextFormat(textFormat); } else { if (towelDragged == true){ statusText.text = "Use towel with"; statusText.setTextFormat(textFormat); } else { if (goldKeyDragged == true){ statusText.text = "Use golden key with"; statusText.setTextFormat(textFormat); } else { if (armDragged == true){ statusText.text = "Use skeletal arm with"; statusText.setTextFormat(textFormat); }; }; }; }; }; }; }; } public function rune4OutHandler(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{ if ((((((((((((glassSplinterDragged == false)) && ((voodooDollDragged == false)))) && ((ironKeyDragged == false)))) && ((towelDragged == false)))) && ((goldKeyDragged == false)))) && ((armDragged == false)))){ statusText.text = ""; statusText.setTextFormat(textFormat); }; } } }//package
Section 26
//GameMusic (GameMusic) package { import*; public dynamic class GameMusic extends Sound { } }//package
Section 27
//GhostDieSound (GhostDieSound) package { import*; public dynamic class GhostDieSound extends Sound { } }//package
Section 28
//GhostSound (GhostSound) package { import*; public dynamic class GhostSound extends Sound { } }//package
Section 29
//GlassSplinter (GlassSplinter) package { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class GlassSplinter extends MovieClip { } }//package
Section 30
//GrowlSound (GrowlSound) package { import*; public dynamic class GrowlSound extends Sound { } }//package
Section 31
//HelpButton (HelpButton) package { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class HelpButton extends MovieClip { public function HelpButton(){ addFrameScript(0, frame1); } function frame1(){ stop(); } } }//package
Section 32
//HuchSound (HuchSound) package { import*; public dynamic class HuchSound extends Sound { } }//package
Section 33
//HUD (HUD) package { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class HUD extends MovieClip { } }//package
Section 34
//KlimperSound (KlimperSound) package { import*; public dynamic class KlimperSound extends Sound { } }//package
Section 35
//MenuMusic (MenuMusic) package { import*; public dynamic class MenuMusic extends Sound { } }//package
Section 36
//MochiBot (MochiBot) package { import flash.display.*; import*; import flash.system.*; public dynamic class MochiBot extends Sprite { public static function track(_arg1:Sprite, _arg2:String):MochiBot{ var _local3:MochiBot; var _local4:String; var _local5:URLVariables; var _local6:String; var _local7:URLRequest; var _local8:Loader; if (Security.sandboxType == "localWithFile"){ return (null); }; _local3 = new (MochiBot); _arg1.addChild(_local3); Security.allowDomain("*"); Security.allowInsecureDomain("*"); _local4 = ""; _local5 = new URLVariables(); _local5["sb"] = Security.sandboxType; _local5["v"] = Capabilities.version; _local5["swfid"] = _arg2; _local5["mv"] = "8"; _local5["fv"] = "9"; _local6 = _local3.root.loaderInfo.loaderURL; if (_local6.indexOf("http") == 0){ _local5["url"] = _local6; } else { _local5["url"] = "local"; }; _local7 = new URLRequest(_local4); _local7.contentType = "application/x-www-form-urlencoded"; _local7.method = URLRequestMethod.POST; = _local5; _local8 = new Loader(); _local3.addChild(_local8); _local8.load(_local7); return (_local3); } } }//package
Section 37
//MuteButton (MuteButton) package { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class MuteButton extends MovieClip { public function MuteButton(){ addFrameScript(0, frame1, 1, frame2); } function frame1(){ stop(); } function frame2(){ stop(); } } }//package
Section 38
//OuchSound (OuchSound) package { import*; public dynamic class OuchSound extends Sound { } }//package
Section 39
//PageflipSound (PageflipSound) package { import*; public dynamic class PageflipSound extends Sound { } }//package
Section 40
//Shlop_ETM (Shlop_ETM) package { import flash.text.*; public dynamic class Shlop_ETM extends Font { } }//package
Section 41
//SkeletonMouse (SkeletonMouse) package { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class SkeletonMouse extends MovieClip { } }//package
Section 42
//SlitSound (SlitSound) package { import*; public dynamic class SlitSound extends Sound { } }//package
Section 43
//StairsSound (StairsSound) package { import*; public dynamic class StairsSound extends Sound { } }//package
Section 44
//ThunderSound (ThunderSound) package { import*; public dynamic class ThunderSound extends Sound { } }//package
Section 45
//Towel (Towel) package { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class Towel extends MovieClip { } }//package
Section 46
//UfoSound (UfoSound) package { import*; public dynamic class UfoSound extends Sound { } }//package
Section 47
//WaddedNote (WaddedNote) package { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class WaddedNote extends MovieClip { } }//package
Section 48
//Verdana_ETM (Verdana_ETM) package { import flash.text.*; public dynamic class Verdana_ETM extends Font { } }//package

Library Items

Symbol 1 Font {Verdana_ETM}
Symbol 2 Font {Shlop_ETM}Used by:14 24 53 54 56 57 59 60 63 65 79 80 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 98 99 102 126 129 130 238
Symbol 3 Sound {GrowlSound}Used by:48
Symbol 4 BitmapUsed by:5
Symbol 5 GraphicUses:4Used by:6
Symbol 6 MovieClip {SkeletonMouse}Uses:5
Symbol 7 GraphicUsed by:8
Symbol 8 MovieClip {Towel}Uses:7Used by:48  Timeline
Symbol 9 GraphicUsed by:10
Symbol 10 MovieClip {GlassSplinter}Uses:9Used by:48  Timeline
Symbol 11 GraphicUsed by:12
Symbol 12 MovieClipUses:11Used by:48  Timeline
Symbol 13 GraphicUsed by:15
Symbol 14 TextUses:2Used by:15
Symbol 15 MovieClip {WaddedNote}Uses:13 14Used by:48  Timeline
Symbol 16 GraphicUsed by:19
Symbol 17 GraphicUsed by:18 108 109 233
Symbol 18 MovieClipUses:17Used by:19 27
Symbol 19 MovieClipUses:16 18Used by:48  Timeline
Symbol 20 GraphicUsed by:22
Symbol 21 GraphicUsed by:22
Symbol 22 MovieClip {MuteButton}Uses:20 21Used by:48  Timeline
Symbol 23 GraphicUsed by:25
Symbol 24 TextUses:2Used by:25
Symbol 25 MovieClip {HelpButton}Uses:23 24Used by:48  Timeline
Symbol 26 GraphicUsed by:27
Symbol 27 MovieClipUses:26 18Used by:48  Timeline
Symbol 28 GraphicUsed by:29
Symbol 29 MovieClipUses:28Used by:31
Symbol 30 GraphicUsed by:31
Symbol 31 MovieClipUses:29 30Used by:48  Timeline
Symbol 32 Sound {ThunderSound}Used by:48
Symbol 33 Sound {StairsSound}Used by:48
Symbol 34 Sound {UfoSound}Used by:48
Symbol 35 Sound {OuchSound}Used by:48
Symbol 36 Sound {KlimperSound}Used by:48
Symbol 37 Sound {BloodDrip}Used by:48
Symbol 38 Sound {DoorCreakSound}Used by:48
Symbol 39 Sound {GhostDieSound}Used by:48
Symbol 40 Sound {PageflipSound}Used by:48
Symbol 41 Sound {HuchSound}Used by:48
Symbol 42 Sound {SlitSound}Used by:48
Symbol 43 Sound {GhostSound}Used by:48
Symbol 44 Sound {DoorSound}Used by:48
Symbol 45 Sound {ClickSound}Used by:48
Symbol 46 Sound {MenuMusic}Used by:48
Symbol 47 Sound {GameMusic}Used by:48
Symbol 48 MovieClipUses:10 12 15 19 22 25 8 27 31 32 33 34 35 3 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47Used by:Timeline
Symbol 49 GraphicUsed by:Timeline
Symbol 50 BitmapUsed by:51
Symbol 51 GraphicUses:50Used by:Timeline
Symbol 52 GraphicUsed by:55 58 61 81 100
Symbol 53 TextUses:2Used by:55
Symbol 54 TextUses:2Used by:55
Symbol 55 ButtonUses:52 53 54Used by:Timeline
Symbol 56 TextUses:2Used by:58
Symbol 57 TextUses:2Used by:58
Symbol 58 ButtonUses:52 56 57Used by:Timeline
Symbol 59 TextUses:2Used by:61
Symbol 60 TextUses:2Used by:61
Symbol 61 ButtonUses:52 59 60Used by:Timeline
Symbol 62 GraphicUsed by:64
Symbol 63 TextUses:2Used by:64
Symbol 64 MovieClipUses:62 63Used by:Timeline
Symbol 65 EditableTextUses:2Used by:Timeline
Symbol 66 BitmapUsed by:67
Symbol 67 GraphicUses:66Used by:74
Symbol 68 BitmapUsed by:69
Symbol 69 GraphicUses:68Used by:74
Symbol 70 BitmapUsed by:71
Symbol 71 GraphicUses:70Used by:74
Symbol 72 BitmapUsed by:73
Symbol 73 GraphicUses:72Used by:74
Symbol 74 MovieClip {ETM_fla.StarFlash_17}Uses:67 69 71 73Used by:Timeline
Symbol 75 GraphicUsed by:76
Symbol 76 MovieClip {ETM_fla.RedEyes_18}Uses:75Used by:Timeline
Symbol 77 GraphicUsed by:78
Symbol 78 MovieClip {ETM_fla.Umriss_19}Uses:77Used by:Timeline
Symbol 79 TextUses:2Used by:81
Symbol 80 TextUses:2Used by:81
Symbol 81 ButtonUses:52 79 80Used by:Timeline
Symbol 82 GraphicUsed by:97
Symbol 83 TextUses:2Used by:97
Symbol 84 TextUses:2Used by:97
Symbol 85 TextUses:2Used by:97
Symbol 86 TextUses:2Used by:97
Symbol 87 TextUses:2Used by:97
Symbol 88 TextUses:2Used by:97
Symbol 89 TextUses:2Used by:97
Symbol 90 TextUses:2Used by:97
Symbol 91 TextUses:2Used by:97
Symbol 92 TextUses:2Used by:97
Symbol 93 TextUses:2Used by:97
Symbol 94 TextUses:2Used by:97
Symbol 95 TextUses:2Used by:97
Symbol 96 TextUses:2Used by:97
Symbol 97 MovieClipUses:82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96Used by:Timeline
Symbol 98 TextUses:2Used by:100
Symbol 99 TextUses:2Used by:100
Symbol 100 ButtonUses:52 98 99Used by:Timeline
Symbol 101 GraphicUsed by:103
Symbol 102 TextUses:2Used by:103
Symbol 103 MovieClipUses:101 102Used by:Timeline
Symbol 104 BitmapUsed by:105
Symbol 105 GraphicUses:104Used by:Timeline
Symbol 106 GraphicUsed by:107
Symbol 107 MovieClipUses:106Used by:Timeline
Symbol 108 MovieClipUses:17Used by:Timeline
Symbol 109 MovieClipUses:17Used by:Timeline
Symbol 110 GraphicUsed by:111
Symbol 111 MovieClipUses:110Used by:Timeline
Symbol 112 GraphicUsed by:113 114 115 116 117 118 119 134 143 144 145 146 147 148 149 152 153 154 155 159 160 161 164 165 173 216 220 223 229 230 231 232
Symbol 113 MovieClipUses:112Used by:Timeline
Symbol 114 MovieClipUses:112Used by:Timeline
Symbol 115 MovieClipUses:112Used by:Timeline
Symbol 116 MovieClipUses:112Used by:Timeline
Symbol 117 MovieClipUses:112Used by:Timeline
Symbol 118 MovieClipUses:112Used by:Timeline
Symbol 119 MovieClipUses:112Used by:Timeline
Symbol 120 GraphicUsed by:121
Symbol 121 MovieClipUses:120Used by:Timeline
Symbol 122 GraphicUsed by:124
Symbol 123 GraphicUsed by:124
Symbol 124 MovieClip {ETM_fla.Scene1_Ghost_36}Uses:122 123Used by:Timeline
Symbol 125 GraphicUsed by:127
Symbol 126 TextUses:2Used by:127
Symbol 127 MovieClip {HUD}Uses:125 126Used by:Timeline
Symbol 128 GraphicUsed by:131
Symbol 129 TextUses:2Used by:131
Symbol 130 EditableTextUses:2Used by:131
Symbol 131 MovieClip {ETM_fla.HelpScreen_38}Uses:128 129 130Used by:Timeline
Symbol 132 BitmapUsed by:133
Symbol 133 GraphicUses:132Used by:Timeline
Symbol 134 MovieClipUses:112Used by:Timeline
Symbol 135 GraphicUsed by:136
Symbol 136 MovieClipUses:135Used by:Timeline
Symbol 137 GraphicUsed by:138
Symbol 138 MovieClipUses:137Used by:Timeline
Symbol 139 BitmapUsed by:140
Symbol 140 GraphicUses:139Used by:Timeline
Symbol 141 GraphicUsed by:142
Symbol 142 MovieClipUses:141Used by:Timeline
Symbol 143 MovieClipUses:112Used by:Timeline
Symbol 144 MovieClipUses:112Used by:Timeline
Symbol 145 MovieClipUses:112Used by:Timeline
Symbol 146 MovieClipUses:112Used by:Timeline
Symbol 147 MovieClipUses:112Used by:Timeline
Symbol 148 MovieClipUses:112Used by:Timeline
Symbol 149 MovieClipUses:112Used by:Timeline
Symbol 150 BitmapUsed by:151
Symbol 151 GraphicUses:150Used by:Timeline
Symbol 152 MovieClipUses:112Used by:Timeline
Symbol 153 MovieClipUses:112Used by:Timeline
Symbol 154 MovieClipUses:112Used by:Timeline
Symbol 155 MovieClipUses:112Used by:Timeline
Symbol 156 BitmapUsed by:157
Symbol 157 GraphicUses:156Used by:158
Symbol 158 MovieClipUses:157Used by:Timeline
Symbol 159 MovieClipUses:112Used by:Timeline
Symbol 160 MovieClipUses:112Used by:Timeline
Symbol 161 MovieClipUses:112Used by:Timeline
Symbol 162 BitmapUsed by:163
Symbol 163 GraphicUses:162Used by:Timeline
Symbol 164 MovieClipUses:112Used by:Timeline
Symbol 165 MovieClipUses:112Used by:Timeline
Symbol 166 BitmapUsed by:167
Symbol 167 GraphicUses:166Used by:Timeline
Symbol 168 BitmapUsed by:169
Symbol 169 GraphicUses:168Used by:172
Symbol 170 GraphicUsed by:171
Symbol 171 MovieClipUses:170Used by:172
Symbol 172 MovieClip {ETM_fla.PentaWithBg_60}Uses:169 171Used by:Timeline
Symbol 173 MovieClipUses:112Used by:Timeline
Symbol 174 GraphicUsed by:178 182
Symbol 175 GraphicUsed by:178
Symbol 176 GraphicUsed by:178
Symbol 177 GraphicUsed by:178
Symbol 178 MovieClipUses:174 175 176 177Used by:Timeline
Symbol 179 GraphicUsed by:182
Symbol 180 GraphicUsed by:182
Symbol 181 GraphicUsed by:182
Symbol 182 MovieClipUses:179 180 174 181Used by:Timeline
Symbol 183 GraphicUsed by:184 188 192 196 200 204 208 212
Symbol 184 MovieClipUses:183Used by:187
Symbol 185 GraphicUsed by:186
Symbol 186 MovieClipUses:185Used by:187
Symbol 187 MovieClip {ETM_fla.Rune1_65}Uses:184 186Used by:Timeline
Symbol 188 MovieClipUses:183Used by:191
Symbol 189 GraphicUsed by:190
Symbol 190 MovieClipUses:189Used by:191
Symbol 191 MovieClip {ETM_fla.Rune2_68}Uses:188 190Used by:Timeline
Symbol 192 MovieClipUses:183Used by:195
Symbol 193 GraphicUsed by:194
Symbol 194 MovieClipUses:193Used by:195
Symbol 195 MovieClip {ETM_fla.Rune3_71}Uses:192 194Used by:Timeline
Symbol 196 MovieClipUses:183Used by:199
Symbol 197 GraphicUsed by:198
Symbol 198 MovieClipUses:197Used by:199
Symbol 199 MovieClip {ETM_fla.Rune4_74}Uses:196 198Used by:Timeline
Symbol 200 MovieClipUses:183Used by:203
Symbol 201 GraphicUsed by:202
Symbol 202 MovieClipUses:201Used by:203
Symbol 203 MovieClip {ETM_fla.Rune5_77}Uses:200 202Used by:Timeline
Symbol 204 MovieClipUses:183Used by:207
Symbol 205 GraphicUsed by:206
Symbol 206 MovieClipUses:205Used by:207
Symbol 207 MovieClip {ETM_fla.Rune6_80}Uses:204 206Used by:Timeline
Symbol 208 MovieClipUses:183Used by:211
Symbol 209 GraphicUsed by:210
Symbol 210 MovieClipUses:209Used by:211
Symbol 211 MovieClip {ETM_fla.Rune7_83}Uses:208 210Used by:Timeline
Symbol 212 MovieClipUses:183Used by:215
Symbol 213 GraphicUsed by:214
Symbol 214 MovieClipUses:213Used by:215
Symbol 215 MovieClip {ETM_fla.Rune8_86}Uses:212 214Used by:Timeline
Symbol 216 MovieClipUses:112Used by:Timeline
Symbol 217 BitmapUsed by:218
Symbol 218 GraphicUses:217Used by:219
Symbol 219 MovieClipUses:218Used by:Timeline
Symbol 220 MovieClipUses:112Used by:Timeline
Symbol 221 BitmapUsed by:222
Symbol 222 GraphicUses:221Used by:Timeline
Symbol 223 MovieClipUses:112Used by:Timeline
Symbol 224 BitmapUsed by:225
Symbol 225 GraphicUses:224Used by:Timeline
Symbol 226 GraphicUsed by:227
Symbol 227 MovieClipUses:226Used by:228
Symbol 228 MovieClip {ETM_fla.ThunderMovie_93}Uses:227Used by:Timeline
Symbol 229 MovieClipUses:112Used by:Timeline
Symbol 230 MovieClipUses:112Used by:Timeline
Symbol 231 MovieClipUses:112Used by:Timeline
Symbol 232 MovieClipUses:112Used by:Timeline
Symbol 233 MovieClipUses:17Used by:234
Symbol 234 MovieClip {ETM_fla.Outfader_99}Uses:233Used by:Timeline
Symbol 235 GraphicUsed by:236
Symbol 236 MovieClipUses:235Used by:Timeline
Symbol 237 GraphicUsed by:239
Symbol 238 TextUses:2Used by:239
Symbol 239 MovieClipUses:237 238Used by:Timeline

Instance Names

"play_btn"Frame 3Symbol 55 Button
"score_btn"Frame 3Symbol 58 Button
"credit_btn"Frame 3Symbol 61 Button
"starflash1"Frame 3Symbol 74 MovieClip {ETM_fla.StarFlash_17}
"starflash3"Frame 3Symbol 74 MovieClip {ETM_fla.StarFlash_17}
"starflash2"Frame 3Symbol 74 MovieClip {ETM_fla.StarFlash_17}
"starflash4"Frame 3Symbol 74 MovieClip {ETM_fla.StarFlash_17}
"starflash5"Frame 3Symbol 74 MovieClip {ETM_fla.StarFlash_17}
"starflash6"Frame 3Symbol 74 MovieClip {ETM_fla.StarFlash_17}
"redEyes1"Frame 3Symbol 76 MovieClip {ETM_fla.RedEyes_18}
"redEyes2"Frame 3Symbol 76 MovieClip {ETM_fla.RedEyes_18}
"umriss"Frame 3Symbol 78 MovieClip {ETM_fla.Umriss_19}
"starflash1"Frame 4Symbol 74 MovieClip {ETM_fla.StarFlash_17}
"starflash3"Frame 4Symbol 74 MovieClip {ETM_fla.StarFlash_17}
"starflash2"Frame 4Symbol 74 MovieClip {ETM_fla.StarFlash_17}
"starflash4"Frame 4Symbol 74 MovieClip {ETM_fla.StarFlash_17}
"starflash5"Frame 4Symbol 74 MovieClip {ETM_fla.StarFlash_17}
"starflash6"Frame 4Symbol 74 MovieClip {ETM_fla.StarFlash_17}
"redEyes1"Frame 4Symbol 76 MovieClip {ETM_fla.RedEyes_18}
"redEyes2"Frame 4Symbol 76 MovieClip {ETM_fla.RedEyes_18}
"umriss"Frame 4Symbol 78 MovieClip {ETM_fla.Umriss_19}
"back_btn"Frame 4Symbol 81 Button
"skip_btn"Frame 5Symbol 100 Button
"pillowSlit_Scene1"Frame 6Symbol 107 MovieClip
"lightSwitchBox_Scene1"Frame 6Symbol 108 MovieClip
"basket_Scene1"Frame 6Symbol 109 MovieClip
"pillowBox_Scene1"Frame 6Symbol 111 MovieClip
"pictureBox_Scene1"Frame 6Symbol 113 MovieClip
"windowBox_Scene1"Frame 6Symbol 114 MovieClip
"doorBox_Scene1"Frame 6Symbol 115 MovieClip
"booksBox_Scene1"Frame 6Symbol 116 MovieClip
"chairBox_Scene1"Frame 6Symbol 117 MovieClip
"lampBox_Scene1"Frame 6Symbol 118 MovieClip
"bedBox_Scene1"Frame 6Symbol 119 MovieClip
"hiddenBox_Scene1"Frame 6Symbol 121 MovieClip
"ghost"Frame 6Symbol 124 MovieClip {ETM_fla.Scene1_Ghost_36}
"glassSplinter"Frame 6Symbol 10 MovieClip {GlassSplinter}
"waddedNote"Frame 6Symbol 15 MovieClip {WaddedNote}
"waddedNoteRead"Frame 6Symbol 15 MovieClip {WaddedNote}
"voodooDoll"Frame 6Symbol 12 MovieClip
"ironKey"Frame 6Symbol 19 MovieClip
"towel"Frame 6Symbol 8 MovieClip {Towel}
"helpButton"Frame 6Symbol 25 MovieClip {HelpButton}
"muteButton2"Frame 6Symbol 22 MovieClip {MuteButton}
"goldKey"Frame 6Symbol 27 MovieClip
"skeletalArm"Frame 6Symbol 31 MovieClip
"helpScreen"Frame 6Symbol 131 MovieClip {ETM_fla.HelpScreen_38}
"pictureZoomBox_Scene1"Frame 7Symbol 134 MovieClip
"arrowBackToScene1Main"Frame 7Symbol 136 MovieClip
"ironKeyPicture"Frame 7Symbol 19 MovieClip
"ironKeyBox_Scene1"Frame 7Symbol 138 MovieClip
"towelDown_Scene2"Frame 8Symbol 142 MovieClip
"vaseBox_Scene2"Frame 8Symbol 143 MovieClip
"stairsBox_Scene2"Frame 8Symbol 144 MovieClip
"pictureBox_Scene2"Frame 8Symbol 145 MovieClip
"bathdoorBox_Scene2"Frame 8Symbol 146 MovieClip
"doorBox_Scene2"Frame 8Symbol 147 MovieClip
"anotherDoorBox_Scene2"Frame 8Symbol 148 MovieClip
"tableBox_Scene2"Frame 8Symbol 149 MovieClip
"arrowBackToScene2Main"Frame 9Symbol 136 MovieClip
"bathtubBox_Scene2"Frame 9Symbol 152 MovieClip
"windowBox_Scene2"Frame 9Symbol 153 MovieClip
"toiletBox_Scene2"Frame 9Symbol 154 MovieClip
"mirrorBox_Scene2"Frame 9Symbol 155 MovieClip
"towelBox_Scene2"Frame 9Symbol 158 MovieClip
"washthingBox_Scene2"Frame 9Symbol 159 MovieClip
"washBox_Scene2"Frame 9Symbol 160 MovieClip
"lampBox_Scene2"Frame 9Symbol 161 MovieClip
"arrowBackToScene2Bath"Frame 10Symbol 136 MovieClip
"tubeBox_Scene2"Frame 10Symbol 164 MovieClip
"basinNearBox_Scene2"Frame 10Symbol 165 MovieClip
"pentaBox_Scene2"Frame 11Symbol 172 MovieClip {ETM_fla.PentaWithBg_60}
"arrowBackToScene2Floor"Frame 11Symbol 136 MovieClip
"windowwBox_Scene2"Frame 11Symbol 173 MovieClip
"rune1"Frame 11Symbol 187 MovieClip {ETM_fla.Rune1_65}
"rune2"Frame 11Symbol 191 MovieClip {ETM_fla.Rune2_68}
"rune3"Frame 11Symbol 195 MovieClip {ETM_fla.Rune3_71}
"rune4"Frame 11Symbol 199 MovieClip {ETM_fla.Rune4_74}
"rune5"Frame 11Symbol 203 MovieClip {ETM_fla.Rune5_77}
"rune6"Frame 11Symbol 207 MovieClip {ETM_fla.Rune6_80}
"rune7"Frame 11Symbol 211 MovieClip {ETM_fla.Rune7_83}
"rune8"Frame 11Symbol 215 MovieClip {ETM_fla.Rune8_86}
"skullBox_Scene2"Frame 11Symbol 216 MovieClip
"armBox_Scene2"Frame 11Symbol 219 MovieClip
"bookBox_Scene2"Frame 11Symbol 220 MovieClip
"lightBox_Scene3"Frame 12Symbol 223 MovieClip
"lightning"Frame 13Symbol 228 MovieClip {ETM_fla.ThunderMovie_93}
"lightBox2_Scene3"Frame 13Symbol 223 MovieClip
"clockBox_Scene3"Frame 13Symbol 229 MovieClip
"doorBox_Scene3"Frame 13Symbol 230 MovieClip
"window1Box_Scene3"Frame 13Symbol 231 MovieClip
"window2Box_Scene3"Frame 13Symbol 231 MovieClip
"tableBox_Scene3"Frame 13Symbol 232 MovieClip
"outFader"Frame 14Symbol 234 MovieClip {ETM_fla.Outfader_99}
"plancBox_Scene3"Frame 14Symbol 236 MovieClip
"endText"Frame 15Symbol 239 MovieClip
"starflash1"Frame 15Symbol 74 MovieClip {ETM_fla.StarFlash_17}
"starflash3"Frame 15Symbol 74 MovieClip {ETM_fla.StarFlash_17}
"starflash2"Frame 15Symbol 74 MovieClip {ETM_fla.StarFlash_17}
"starflash4"Frame 15Symbol 74 MovieClip {ETM_fla.StarFlash_17}
"starflash5"Frame 15Symbol 74 MovieClip {ETM_fla.StarFlash_17}
"starflash6"Frame 15Symbol 74 MovieClip {ETM_fla.StarFlash_17}
"redEyes1"Frame 15Symbol 76 MovieClip {ETM_fla.RedEyes_18}
"redEyes2"Frame 15Symbol 76 MovieClip {ETM_fla.RedEyes_18}
"umriss"Frame 15Symbol 78 MovieClip {ETM_fla.Umriss_19}
"skip_btn"Frame 15Symbol 100 Button
"walkLink"Symbol 131 MovieClip {ETM_fla.HelpScreen_38} Frame 1Symbol 130 EditableText

Special Tags

FileAttributes (69)Timeline Frame 1Access local files only, Metadata present, AS3.
SWFMetaData (77)Timeline Frame 1204 bytes "<rdf:RDF xmlns:rdf=""><rdf:Description rdf:about="" xmlns ..."
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"game"Frame 6
"music"Symbol 22 MovieClip {MuteButton} Frame 1
"nomusic"Symbol 22 MovieClip {MuteButton} Frame 2
"flash"Symbol 74 MovieClip {ETM_fla.StarFlash_17} Frame 2
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"start"Symbol 124 MovieClip {ETM_fla.Scene1_Ghost_36} Frame 1
"end"Symbol 124 MovieClip {ETM_fla.Scene1_Ghost_36} Frame 80
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"done"Symbol 172 MovieClip {ETM_fla.PentaWithBg_60} Frame 40
Created: 27/3 -2019 02:11:46 Last modified: 27/3 -2019 02:11:46 Server time: 03/01 -2025 04:38:06