Archived flashes:
/disc/ · /res/     /show/ · /fap/ · /gg/ · /swf/P0001 · P2596 · P5192

<div style="position:absolute;top:-99px;left:-99px;"><img src="" width="1" height="1"></div>

Vertical Drop Heroes - fun vertically scrolling platformer.swf

This is the info page for
Flash #93460

(Click the ID number above for more basic data on this flash file.)

ActionScript [AS1/AS2]
Combined Code
movieClip 12 blank { } frame 1 { function sitelock(urls_allowed) { lock = true; for (x in urls_allowed) { if (_url.indexOf(urls_allowed[x]) > 0) { lock = false; } } if (lock) { gotoAndStop('sitelock'); } return lock; } stop(); _quality = 'MEDIUM'; fscommand('allowscale', 'true'); fscommand('showmenu', 'false'); Stage.showMenu = false; _root.kongregateServices.connect(); var pct = 0; var pressSpace = true; var soundOn = true; urls_allowed = ['', '', 'Developers']; _level0.onEnterFrame = function () { loaderbar.gotoAndStop(pct); if (_level0.pct < 100) { _level0.pct = Math.round((_root.getBytesLoaded() / _root.getBytesTotal()) * 100); var v2 = Math.round(_level0.pct) + '%'; _level0.startmsg = 'Loading... ' + v2; } else { _level0.pct = 100; _level0.startmsg = 'Press Spacebar to start!'; } if (Key.isDown(32)) { if (!pds) { pds = true; if (_level0.pct == 100) { _level0.gotoAndStop('resources'); } } } else { pds = false; } }; } // unknown tag 88 length 95 // unknown tag 88 length 62 // unknown tag 88 length 83 // unknown tag 88 length 85 movieClip 25 missile_arrow { } movieClip 30 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 3 { stop(); } frame 13 { gotoAndPlay(3); } } movieClip 32 b_006 { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 34 h_006 { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 36 ab_006 { } movieClip 38 at_006 { } movieClip 41 h_005 { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 43 goldcoins { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 45 ab_005 { } movieClip 47 at_005 { } movieClip 50 ab_004 { } movieClip 52 at_004 { } movieClip 54 b_004 { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 56 h_004 { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 62 b_003 { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 64 h_003 { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 66 ab_003 { } movieClip 68 at_003 { } movieClip 71 b_011 { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 73 h_011 { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 75 ab_011 { } movieClip 77 at_011 { } movieClip 79 { } movieClip 81 tile_boom { } movieClip 83 { frame 1 { gotoAndStop(_level0.randbtwn(1, 6)); } } movieClip 87 b_002 { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 89 h_002 { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 91 at_002 { } movieClip 93 ab_002 { } movieClip 96 h_008 { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 98 ab_008 { } movieClip 101 h_009 { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 103 gem_blue { } movieClip 105 gem_red { } movieClip 107 gem_green { } movieClip 109 b_007 { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 111 at_007 { } movieClip 113 h_007 { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 115 ab_007 { } movieClip 119 ab_001 { } movieClip 121 b_001 { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 149 h_001 { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 151 at_001 { } movieClip 154 ironkey { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 159 { } movieClip 161 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 10 { _level0.gotoAndStop(this.nextframe); } frame 11 { _level0.faded = false; } } frame 2 { stop(); _level0.onEnterFrame = function () { stop(); }; } movieClip 165 { } // unknown tag 88 length 87 movieClip 171 { } instance of movieClip 171 { onClipEvent (release) { function __com_mochibot__(swfid, mc, lv, trk) { var x; var g; var s; var fv; var sb; var u; var res; var mb; var mbc; var pv; mb = '__mochibot__'; mbc = ''; g = _global ? _global : _level0._root; if (g[mb + swfid]) { return g[mb + swfid]; } s =; x = mc._root.getSWFVersion; fv = x ? mc.getSWFVersion() : (_global ? 6 : 5); if (!s) { s = {}; } sb = s.sandboxType; if (sb == 'localWithFile') { return null; } x = s.allowDomain; if (x) { s.allowDomain(mbc); } x = s.allowInsecureDomain; if (x) { s.allowInsecureDomain(mbc); } pv = (fv == 5) ? /:$version : System.capabilities.version; u = 'http://' + mbc + '/my/core.swf?mv=8&fv=' + fv + '&v=' + escape(pv) + '&swfid=' + escape(swfid) + '&l=' + lv + '&f=' + mc + (sb ? '&sb=' + sb : '') + (trk ? '&t=1' : ''); lv = fv > 6 ? mc.getNextHighestDepth() : (g[mb + 'level'] ? g[mb + 'level'] + 1 : lv); g[mb + 'level'] = lv; if (fv == 5) { res = '_level' + lv; if (!eval(res)) { loadMovieNum(u, lv); } return res; } res = mc.createEmptyMovieClip(mb + swfid, lv); res.loadMovie(u); return res; } var vertDropHeroes_Click = '421f93f0'; getURL('', '_blank'); __com_mochibot__(vertDropHeroes_Click, this, 10301, true); } } frame 3 { _level0.onEnterFrame = function () { stop(); }; } frame 3 { function shadeObj(anyped) { var v2 = new Color(anyped); var v1 = new Object(); v1 = {'ra': '0', 'rb': '0', 'ga': '0', 'gb': '0', 'ba': '0', 'bb': '0', 'aa': '100', 'ab': '0'}; v2.setTransform(v1); } function whiteoutObj(anyped) { var v2 = new Color(anyped); var v1 = new Object(); v1 = {'ra': '100', 'rb': '100', 'ga': '100', 'gb': '100', 'ba': '100', 'bb': '100', 'aa': '100', 'ab': '0'}; v2.setTransform(v1); } function unshadeObj(anyped) { var v2 = new Color(anyped); var v1 = new Object(); v1 = {'ra': '100', 'rb': '0', 'ga': '100', 'gb': '0', 'ba': '100', 'bb': '0', 'aa': '100', 'ab': '0'}; v2.setTransform(v1); } function makeFade(nextframe) { if (nextframe != '') { if (!faded) { faded = true; bigfader.nextframe = nextframe; bigfader.gotoAndPlay('out'); } else { faded = false; } } } function clearStage() { stage.removeMovieClip(); objCount = 0; propCount = 0; stage2.attachMovie('stage', 'stage', 100); stage = stage2.stage; } function toggleSound() { if (soundOn) { soundOn = false; soundicon.gotoAndStop(2); gSound = new Sound(); gSound.setVolume(0); } else { soundOn = true; soundicon.gotoAndStop(1); gSound = new Sound(); gSound.setVolume(100); } } function displayLongTime(seconds) { var v4 = 0; var v1 = 0; var v3 = 0; if (seconds > 0) { while (seconds >= 60) { seconds -= 60; v1 += 1; } } v4 = seconds; if (v1 > 0) { while (v1 >= 60) { v1 -= 60; v3 += 1; } } if (v1 < 10) { v1 = '0' + v1; } if (v4 < 10) { v4 = '0' + v4; } return v3 + ':' + v1 + ':' + v4; } function dd(ddnum) { if (ddnum < 10) { return '0' + ddnum; } else { return ddnum; } } function randbtwn(min, max) { return mRn(mRd() * (max - min)) + min; } function addDialog(dtxt, dchar) { dialogList.push(dtxt); dialogChar.push(dchar); } function getDialog() { dialogbox.fulltxt = dialogList.shift(); var v1 = dialogChar.shift(); if (v1 == undefined) { dialogbox.char = 'Dr Frix'; } else { dialogbox.char = v1; } dialogbox._visible = true; dialogCount = 0; } function checkDialog() { if (dialogList.length > 0 && !dialogbox._visible) { getDialog(); } if (dialogbox.fulltxt != '') { dialogbox.txt = dialogbox.fulltxt.slice(0, Math.min(dialogCount, dialogbox.fulltxt.length)); dialogCount += 1; if (dialogCount >= dialogbox.fulltxt.length + 60) { if (dialogList.length > 0) { getDialog(); } else { dialogbox.fulltxt = ''; dialogbox._visible = false; } } } } function spawnProp(objname, pos_x, pos_y, lyroffset) { if (propCount == undefined) { propCount = 0; } var v4 = false; var v3; dind = 0; while (dind <= propCount) { var v1; v1 = stage['prop' + dd(dind)]; if (v1.isDead) { v4 = true; v1.removeMovieClip(); stage.attachMovie(objname, 'prop' + dd(dind), dind + lyroffset); v3 = stage['prop' + dd(dind)]; v3.isDead = false; v3._visible = true; v3.defLayer = dind + lyroffset; v3.swapDepths(dind + lyroffset); dind = propCount + 999; } ++dind; } if (!v4) { stage.attachMovie(objname, 'prop' + dd(propCount), propCount + lyroffset); v3 = stage['prop' + dd(propCount)]; v3.isDead = false; v3.index = propCount; v3.defLayer = propCount + lyroffset; propCount += 1; } v3._x = pos_x; v3._y = pos_y; v3.objname = objname; return v3; } function removeProp(anyobj) { anyobj.isDead = true; anyobj._visible = false; tTiles[anyobj.tilex][anyobj.tiley + dyOffset] = undefined; if (anyobj.index == propCount - 1) { var v1 = propCount - 1; while (v1 >= 1) { var v2 = stage['prop' + dd(v1)]; if (v2.isDead) { removeMovieClip(v2); propCount -= 1; } else { v1 = -1; } --v1; } } } function spawnObject(objname, objclass, pos_x, pos_y, lyroffset) { if (objCount == undefined) { objCount = 0; } var v4 = false; var v3; dind = 0; while (dind <= objCount) { var v1; v1 = stage['obj' + dd(dind)]; if (v1.isDead) { v4 = true; v1.removeMovieClip(); stage.attachMovie(objname, 'obj' + dd(dind), dind + lyroffset); v3 = stage['obj' + dd(dind)]; v3.isDead = false; v3._visible = true; v3.defLayer = dind + lyroffset; v3.swapDepths(dind + lyroffset); dind = objCount + 999; } ++dind; } if (!v4) { stage.attachMovie(objname, 'obj' + dd(objCount), objCount + lyroffset); v3 = stage['obj' + dd(objCount)]; v3.isDead = false; v3.index = objCount; v3.defLayer = objCount + lyroffset; objCount += 1; } v3._x = pos_x; v3._y = pos_y; v3.objname = objname; v3.objclass = objclass; v3.dying = false; return v3; } function removeObject(anyobj) { anyobj.isDead = true; anyobj._visible = false; if (anyobj.index == objCount - 1) { var v1 = objCount - 1; while (v1 >= 1) { var v2 = stage['obj' + dd(v1)]; if (v2.isDead) { removeMovieClip(v2); objCount -= 1; } else { v1 = -1; } --v1; } } } function attachEffect(anyped, effectname) { if (fxCount == undefined) { fxCount = 0; } stage.attachMovie(effectname, 'sfx' + dd(fxCount), fxCount + 60000); var v1 = stage['sfx' + dd(fxCount)]; fxCount += 1; if (fxCount > 20) { fxCount = 0; } v1._x = anyped._x; v1._y = anyped._y; v1._rotation = randbtwn(0, 360); lastFx = v1; } function floatWords(anyped, wordtxt) { if (fxCount == undefined) { fxCount = 0; } stage.attachMovie('floatwords', 'sfx' + dd(fxCount), fxCount + 60000); var v1 = stage['sfx' + dd(fxCount)]; v1.word.txt = wordtxt; fxCount += 1; if (fxCount > 20) { fxCount = 0; } v1._x = anyped._x; v1._y = anyped._y - 20; } function setColor(rClip, rBase, gBase, bBase) { var v5 = rBase; var v6 = gBase; var v4 = bBase; var v2 = v5.toString(16); if (v5 < 16) { v2 = '0' + v2; } var v1 = v6.toString(16); if (v6 < 16) { v1 = '0' + v1; } var v3 = v4.toString(16); if (v4 < 16) { v3 = '0' + v3; } var v8 = v2 + v1 + v3; var v7 = parseInt(v8, 16); var v9 = new Color(rClip); v9.setRGB(v7); } function spitOne(anyarray) { var v1 = randbtwn(0, anyarray.length - 1); var v3 = anyarray[v1]; anyarray.splice(v1, 1); return v3; } function fireMissile(anyped, b_rot, b_type, b_hp) { var v1 = spawnObject('missile', 'missile', anyped._x, anyped._y, 50000); v1.attachMovie('missile_' + b_type, 'missile', 0); v1._x += 12 + anyped._xscale / 100; v1.hp = 1; v1.unblockable = false; v1.speed = 20; if (anyped.owner == 2) { v1.speed = 12; } if (b_type == 'shuriken' && anyped.owner != 1 && anyped.owner != 3) { v1.speed = 6; } if (b_type == 'fireball' && anyped.owner != 1 && anyped.owner != 3) { v1.speed = 8; v1.unblockable = true; } else { if (b_type == 'familiar') { v1.speed = 10; } else { if (b_type == 'scimitar') { v1.speed = 10; } else { if (b_type == 'geyser' && anyped.owner != 1 && anyped.owner != 3) { v1.speed = 4; v1.unblockable = true; } else { if (b_type == 'trunk') { v1.speed = 8; v1.unblockable = true; } else { if (b_type == 'snowball') { v1.speed = 8; v1.unblockable = true; } else { if (b_type == 'icebolt') { v1.speed = 12; v1.unblockable = true; } else { if (b_type == 'shadowbolt') { v1.speed = 10; v1.unblockable = true; } else { if (b_type == 'magmaball') { v1.speed = 5; } } } } } } } } } v1.owner = anyped.owner; v1._rotation = b_rot; v1.b_type = b_type; v1.hp = b_hp; if (anyped == eBoss) { v1._x -= 25 * anyped._xscale / 100; v1._y += 25; } return v1; } mRn = Math.round; mRd = Math.random; mSq = Math.sqrt; mPw = Math.pow; mMx = Math.max; mMn = Math.min; mAt = Math.atan; mPi = Math.PI; mSi = Math.sin; mCo = Math.cos; mFl = Math.floor; mAb = Math.abs; var dialogList = new Array(); var dialogChar = new Array(); var faded = false; soundicon.onRelease = function () { soundOn = !soundOn; if (!soundOn) { music.gotoAndStop(1); } else { if (gameMode == 1) { music.gotoAndStop('story'); } else { music.gotoAndStop('game'); } } }; } movieClip 174 { } movieClip 175 shield { } movieClip 177 h_011b { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 179 b_004b { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 181 b_008 { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 182 at_008 { } movieClip 184 { } movieClip 196 { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 207 { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 221 { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 231 { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 241 { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 252 { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 253 assaultrifle { frame 1 { this._xscale = _level0.randbtwn(80, 120); stop(); } } movieClip 254 { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 256 { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 258 { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 260 { } movieClip 262 { } movieClip 264 { } movieClip 265 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 5 { if (_parent._parent._parent.jump) { gotoAndPlay('flail'); } } frame 8 { if (_parent._parent._parent.jump) { gotoAndPlay('flail'); } } frame 11 { if (!_parent._parent._parent.jump) { gotoAndPlay('swing'); } else { gotoAndPlay('flail'); } } frame 18 { if (!_parent._parent._parent.jump) { gotoAndPlay('swing'); } else { gotoAndPlay('flail'); } } frame 29 { gotoAndStop(1); } } movieClip 266 { } movieClip 267 { } movieClip 268 char { } movieClip 269 tile_blank1 { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 271 { } movieClip 275 { } movieClip 277 { } movieClip 279 fx_bigexplosion { frame 30 { stop(); removeMovieClip(this); } } movieClip 281 { } movieClip 282 tile_spike { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 284 { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 285 { } movieClip 286 { } movieClip 288 { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 295 { frame 7 { stop(); } } movieClip 298 { } movieClip 300 fx_explosion { frame 8 { stop(); removeMovieClip(this); } } movieClip 302 { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 303 pickup { } movieClip 305 redpotion { frame 1 { stop(); } } // unknown tag 88 length 73 movieClip 309 { } movieClip 310 floatwords { frame 15 { removeMovieClip(this); } } movieClip 312 manapotion { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 316 tile_cage { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 319 effect_ninjasmoke { frame 11 { removeMovieClip(this); } } movieClip 320 missile { } // unknown tag 88 length 117 movieClip 331 { } movieClip 332 tile_start { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 338 missile_fireball { } movieClip 342 { } movieClip 344 tile_princess { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 346 b_009 { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 348 ab_009 { } movieClip 350 at_009 { } movieClip 352 missile_spear { } movieClip 356 missile_holybolt { } movieClip 363 ring_red { frame 7 { stop(); } } movieClip 365 { } movieClip 367 { frame 1 { gotoAndStop(_level0.randbtwn(1, 6)); } } movieClip 368 tile_blank2 { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 370 { } movieClip 371 { } movieClip 373 char_body1 { } movieClip 375 b_012 { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 377 ab_012 { } movieClip 379 at_012 { } movieClip 381 h_012 { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 383 { } movieClip 384 { } movieClip 385 char_body2 { } movieClip 387 b_013 { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 389 ab_013 { } movieClip 391 at_013 { } movieClip 393 h_013b { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 396 tile_sliding { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 398 grass1 { frame 1 { gotoAndStop(_level0.randbtwn(1, 6)); } } movieClip 400 grass2 { } movieClip 402 grass3 { } movieClip 404 grass6 { } movieClip 406 grass5 { } movieClip 408 grass4 { } movieClip 410 temple_floor4 { frame 1 { gotoAndStop(_level0.randbtwn(1, 6)); } } movieClip 412 temple_floor5 { frame 1 { gotoAndStop(_level0.randbtwn(1, 6)); } } movieClip 414 temple_floor6 { frame 1 { gotoAndStop(_level0.randbtwn(1, 6)); } } movieClip 416 temple_floor1 { frame 1 { gotoAndStop(_level0.randbtwn(1, 6)); } } movieClip 418 temple_floor2 { frame 1 { gotoAndStop(_level0.randbtwn(1, 6)); } } movieClip 424 torch { } movieClip 425 temple_floor3 { frame 1 { gotoAndStop(_level0.randbtwn(1, 6)); } } movieClip 427 ab_013b { } movieClip 429 h_013 { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 432 tile_idolhead { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 434 missile_dart { } movieClip 436 { } movieClip 438 { } movieClip 447 { frame 1 { gotoAndStop(_level0.randbtwn(1, 6)); } } movieClip 448 tile_blank3 { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 455 { frame 7 { stop(); } } movieClip 458 { } movieClip 460 fx_sandcloud { frame 8 { stop(); removeMovieClip(this); } } movieClip 462 b_014 { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 464 ab_014 { } movieClip 466 at_014 { } movieClip 468 h_014 { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 470 { } movieClip 471 missile_shuriken { } movieClip 478 { } movieClip 480 b_005 { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 482 b_010 { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 484 ab_010 { } movieClip 486 at_010 { } movieClip 488 h_010 { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 489 { } movieClip 491 tile_key { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 493 { } movieClip 494 tile_gold { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 496 { frame 1 { gotoAndStop(_level0.randbtwn(1, 6)); } } movieClip 497 tile_blank4 { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 499 b_015 { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 501 ab_015 { } movieClip 503 at_015 { } movieClip 505 h_015 { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 508 { } movieClip 509 tile_ice { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 512 { } movieClip 513 fx_iceexplosion { frame 30 { stop(); removeMovieClip(this); } } movieClip 515 snow1 { frame 1 { gotoAndStop(_level0.randbtwn(1, 6)); } } movieClip 517 snow2 { frame 1 { gotoAndStop(_level0.randbtwn(1, 6)); } } movieClip 519 snow3 { frame 1 { gotoAndStop(_level0.randbtwn(1, 6)); } } movieClip 521 snow4 { frame 1 { gotoAndStop(_level0.randbtwn(1, 6)); } } movieClip 526 { } movieClip 527 { } movieClip 528 { } movieClip 529 tile_exit { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 531 b_016 { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 533 ab_016 { } movieClip 535 at_016 { } movieClip 537 h_016 { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 539 b_005b { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 541 ab_005b { } movieClip 543 at_005b { } movieClip 545 h_005b { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 547 b_005c { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 549 ab_005c { } movieClip 551 at_005c { } movieClip 553 h_005c { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 555 b_006b { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 557 { } movieClip 559 ab_006b { } movieClip 561 at_006b { } movieClip 563 h_006b { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 565 b_006c { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 567 ab_006c { } movieClip 569 at_006c { } movieClip 571 h_006c { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 573 b_005d { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 575 ab_005d { } movieClip 577 at_005d { } movieClip 579 h_005d { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 582 b_010b { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 584 at_004b { } movieClip 586 h_010b { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 588 ab_004b { } movieClip 590 { } movieClip 592 missile_shadow { } movieClip 594 h_004b { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 596 missile_breaker { } movieClip 598 h_004c { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 600 h_004d { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 602 ab_011b { } movieClip 604 b_003b { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 606 h_003b { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 608 ab_003b { } movieClip 610 at_003b { } movieClip 612 b_003c { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 614 h_003c { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 616 ab_003c { } movieClip 618 at_003c { } movieClip 620 b_003d { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 622 b_003e { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 624 h_003e { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 659 { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 661 b_017 { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 663 ab_017 { } movieClip 665 at_017 { } movieClip 667 h_017 { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 669 ab_017b { } movieClip 671 h_017b { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 673 b_006d { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 675 ab_006d { } movieClip 677 at_006d { } movieClip 679 h_006d { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 681 tile_icicle { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 685 missile_icebolt { } movieClip 688 { } movieClip 689 missile_familiar { } movieClip 691 h_011d { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 693 b_011c { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 695 ab_011c { } movieClip 697 at_011c { } movieClip 699 h_011c { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 701 b_011e { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 703 h_011e { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 705 b_006e { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 707 ab_006e { } movieClip 708 at_006e { } movieClip 710 h_006e { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 712 b_005e { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 714 h_005e { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 716 b_011f { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 718 ab_011f { } movieClip 720 at_011f { } movieClip 722 h_011f { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 724 { } movieClip 725 missile_scimitar { } movieClip 727 b_018 { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 729 ab_018 { } movieClip 731 at_018 { } movieClip 733 h_018 { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 735 b_003f { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 737 h_003f { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 739 tile_geyser { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 744 missile_geyser { } movieClip 746 { } movieClip 748 { frame 1 { gotoAndStop(_level0.randbtwn(1, 6)); } } movieClip 749 tile_blank5 { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 751 { } movieClip 752 tile_bossledge { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 756 { } movieClip 760 { } movieClip 763 { } movieClip 764 boss1 { } movieClip 768 { } movieClip 771 { } movieClip 774 { } movieClip 775 boss2 { } movieClip 778 { } movieClip 779 missile_trunk { } movieClip 781 cave1 { frame 1 { gotoAndStop(_level0.randbtwn(1, 6)); } } movieClip 783 cave2 { frame 1 { gotoAndStop(_level0.randbtwn(1, 6)); } } movieClip 785 cave3 { frame 1 { gotoAndStop(_level0.randbtwn(1, 6)); } } movieClip 787 cave6 { frame 1 { gotoAndStop(_level0.randbtwn(1, 6)); } } movieClip 789 cave5 { frame 1 { gotoAndStop(_level0.randbtwn(1, 6)); } } movieClip 791 cave4 { frame 1 { gotoAndStop(_level0.randbtwn(1, 6)); } } movieClip 793 tile_magma { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 795 tile_firevent { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 802 { frame 7 { stop(); } } movieClip 804 { } movieClip 806 fx_steamcloud { frame 8 { stop(); removeMovieClip(this); } } movieClip 809 effect_slash { frame 3 { stop(); } } movieClip 813 { } movieClip 814 effect_berserk { } movieClip 817 fx_jumpcloud { frame 7 { stop(); removeMovieClip(this); } } movieClip 821 { } movieClip 825 { } movieClip 828 { } movieClip 829 boss3 { } movieClip 833 { } movieClip 835 { } movieClip 838 { } movieClip 839 boss4 { } movieClip 841 { } movieClip 842 tile_gold_sliding { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 845 missile_snowball { } movieClip 847 { } movieClip 848 fx_goldexplosion { frame 30 { stop(); removeMovieClip(this); } } movieClip 850 b_019 { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 852 ab_019 { } movieClip 853 at_019 { } movieClip 855 h_019 { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 860 missile_shadowbolt { } movieClip 865 missile_magmaball { } movieClip 867 { } movieClip 869 { frame 1 { gotoAndStop(_level0.randbtwn(1, 6)); } } movieClip 870 tile_blank6 { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 872 outpost1 { frame 1 { gotoAndStop(_level0.randbtwn(1, 6)); } } movieClip 873 outpost2 { frame 1 { gotoAndStop(_level0.randbtwn(1, 6)); } } movieClip 874 outpost3 { frame 1 { gotoAndStop(_level0.randbtwn(1, 6)); } } movieClip 877 playerindicator { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 879 b_001b { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 881 b_001c { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 885 { } movieClip 886 fx_explodemarker1 { frame 32 { stop(); removeMovieClip(this); } } movieClip 890 { } movieClip 892 fx_explodemarker2 { frame 32 { stop(); removeMovieClip(this); } } button 894 { on (release) { function __com_mochibot__(swfid, mc, lv, trk) { var x; var g; var s; var fv; var sb; var u; var res; var mb; var mbc; var pv; mb = '__mochibot__'; mbc = ''; g = _global ? _global : _level0._root; if (g[mb + swfid]) { return g[mb + swfid]; } s =; x = mc._root.getSWFVersion; fv = x ? mc.getSWFVersion() : (_global ? 6 : 5); if (!s) { s = {}; } sb = s.sandboxType; if (sb == 'localWithFile') { return null; } x = s.allowDomain; if (x) { s.allowDomain(mbc); } x = s.allowInsecureDomain; if (x) { s.allowInsecureDomain(mbc); } pv = (fv == 5) ? /:$version : System.capabilities.version; u = 'http://' + mbc + '/my/core.swf?mv=8&fv=' + fv + '&v=' + escape(pv) + '&swfid=' + escape(swfid) + '&l=' + lv + '&f=' + mc + (sb ? '&sb=' + sb : '') + (trk ? '&t=1' : ''); lv = fv > 6 ? mc.getNextHighestDepth() : (g[mb + 'level'] ? g[mb + 'level'] + 1 : lv); g[mb + 'level'] = lv; if (fv == 5) { res = '_level' + lv; if (!eval(res)) { loadMovieNum(u, lv); } return res; } res = mc.createEmptyMovieClip(mb + swfid, lv); res.loadMovie(u); return res; } var vertDropHeroes_Click = '421f93f0'; getURL('', '_blank'); __com_mochibot__(vertDropHeroes_Click, this, 10301, true); } } movieClip 897 { } movieClip 899 { } movieClip 901 { } movieClip 903 { } movieClip 905 { } movieClip 907 { } movieClip 920 { } movieClip 928 { } movieClip 931 { } movieClip 937 { } movieClip 938 { frame 1 { function __com_mochibot__(swfid, mc, lv, trk) { var x; var g; var s; var fv; var sb; var u; var res; var mb; var mbc; var pv; mb = '__mochibot__'; mbc = ''; g = _global ? _global : _level0._root; if (g[mb + swfid]) { return g[mb + swfid]; } s =; x = mc._root.getSWFVersion; fv = x ? mc.getSWFVersion() : (_global ? 6 : 5); if (!s) { s = {}; } sb = s.sandboxType; if (sb == 'localWithFile') { return null; } x = s.allowDomain; if (x) { s.allowDomain(mbc); } x = s.allowInsecureDomain; if (x) { s.allowInsecureDomain(mbc); } pv = (fv == 5) ? /:$version : System.capabilities.version; u = 'http://' + mbc + '/my/core.swf?mv=8&fv=' + fv + '&v=' + escape(pv) + '&swfid=' + escape(swfid) + '&l=' + lv + '&f=' + mc + (sb ? '&sb=' + sb : '') + (trk ? '&t=1' : ''); lv = fv > 6 ? mc.getNextHighestDepth() : (g[mb + 'level'] ? g[mb + 'level'] + 1 : lv); g[mb + 'level'] = lv; if (fv == 5) { res = '_level' + lv; if (!eval(res)) { loadMovieNum(u, lv); } return res; } res = mc.createEmptyMovieClip(mb + swfid, lv); res.loadMovie(u); return res; } var vertDropHeroes_Splash = '9e22fb7e'; __com_mochibot__(vertDropHeroes_Splash, this, 10301, true); } frame 199 { stop(); _level0.nextFrame(); } } frame 4 { var nerdook_skip = 0; var sOption = 1; var sfxLevel = 3; var qualityLevel = 2; _level0.onEnterFrame = function () { nerdook_skip += 1; if (nerdook_skip >= 80) { gotoAndStop('mainmenu'); } if (Key.isDown(32)) { if (!pds) { pds = true; if (_level0.pct == 100) { gotoAndStop('mainmenu'); } } } else { pds = false; } }; } movieClip 943 { } movieClip 953 { frame 30 { stop(); } } instance of movieClip 953 { onClipEvent (release) { getURL('', '_blank'); } } frame 5 { function loadData() { mData = SharedObject.getLocal(g_dataFile); var v2 = 1; while (v2 <= 30) { if (['trFound' + dd(v2)] == undefined) {['trFound' + dd(v2)] = false; } trFound[v2] =['trFound' + dd(v2)]; ++v2; } var v4 = 1; while (v4 <= 30) { if (['maskUnlocked' + dd(v4)] == undefined) {['maskUnlocked' + dd(v4)] = false; } maskUnlocked[v4] =['maskUnlocked' + dd(v4)]; ++v4; } var v3 = 1; while (v3 <= 6) { if (['selItem' + dd(v3)] == undefined) {['selItem' + dd(v3)] = 7; } _level0['selItem' + v3] =['selItem' + dd(v3)]; ++v3; } var v1 = 1; while (v1 <= 5) { if (['hScoreTotal' + dd(v1)] == undefined) {['hScoreName' + dd(v1)] = '-----';['hScoreTotal' + dd(v1)] = 0; } hScoreName[v1] =['hScoreName' + dd(v1)]; hScoreTotal[v1] =['hScoreTotal' + dd(v1)]; ++v1; } if ( == undefined) { = 0; = '-----'; = 0; } survMaxLevel =; survName =; survScore =; if ( == undefined) { = 'The Hero'; } playerName =; if ( == undefined) { = false; } gameComplete =; if ( == undefined) { = 0; } currentMask =; mData.flush(); } function saveData() { mData = SharedObject.getLocal(g_dataFile); var v2 = 1; while (v2 <= 30) {['trFound' + dd(v2)] = trFound[v2]; ++v2; } var v4 = 1; while (v4 <= 30) {['maskUnlocked' + dd(v4)] = maskUnlocked[v4]; ++v4; } var v3 = 1; while (v3 <= 6) {['selItem' + dd(v3)] = _level0['selItem' + v3]; ++v3; } var v1 = 1; while (v1 <= 5) {['hScoreName' + dd(v1)] = hScoreName[v1];['hScoreTotal' + dd(v1)] = hScoreTotal[v1]; ++v1; } = survMaxLevel; = survName; = survScore; = playerName; = gameComplete; = currentMask; mData.flush(); } stop(); var totalgold = 0; var cIcon = 1; var lives = 3; var totalgold = 0; var keys = 0; var firstLoad = false; var survivalMode = false; var twoPlayer = false; mainmenutxt = ''; var customHead = 1; var customBody = 1; var loseStreak = 0; var trFound = new Array(); var trName = new Array(); var trDesc = new Array(); var levelsCompleted = 0; selItem1 = 7; selItem2 = 7; selItem3 = 7; selItem4 = 7; selItem5 = 7; maxBosses = 4; bossNum = randbtwn(1, maxBosses); prevBossNum = bossNum; var hintShown = new Array(); trName[0] = 'Default'; trDesc[0] = 'No Artifact equipped for this hero.'; trName[1] = 'Shadow Scimitar'; trDesc[1] = 'Barbarian can create Shadow Clones of himself.'; trName[2] = 'Berserker Mask'; trDesc[2] = 'Barbarian can launch an invulnerable strike that teleports to all nearby enemies.'; trName[3] = 'Broadsword'; trDesc[3] = 'Barbarian can slice missiles and deflect them back at enemies.'; trName[4] = 'Summoned Swords'; trDesc[4] = 'Two rotating swords swirl around the barbarian.'; trName[5] = 'Bloodlust'; trDesc[5] = 'Killing enemies when berserk restores health and gives twice as much gold.'; trName[6] = 'Rune of Revenge'; trDesc[6] = 'All heroes gain 10 second invulnerability when down to 1 health.'; trName[7] = 'Necromancer Robes'; trDesc[7] = 'Mages can cast Soul Rip that kills every enemy within sight for an additional 1 gold per enemy.'; trName[8] = 'Icicle Staff'; trDesc[8] = 'Can turn enemies and normal blocks into smashable ice blocks.'; trName[9] = 'Warlock\'s Familiar'; trDesc[9] = 'Explosive familiar that can navigate independently.'; trName[10] = 'Staff of Flames'; trDesc[10] = 'Greatly increases the power of the Mage\'s fireball.'; trName[11] = 'Sanctuary Staff'; trDesc[11] = 'Fully restores hp and breaks every chest in view for 3 seconds.'; trName[12] = 'Rune of Energy'; trDesc[12] = 'Increases max mana by 15. Blue potions restore 10 mana.'; trName[13] = 'Dragonlance Boots'; trDesc[13] = 'Stomp affects every tile in view below the paladin.'; trName[14] = 'Platemail Armor'; trDesc[14] = 'Total invulnerability, but speed and jump height are halved. Can stomp for free.'; trName[15] = 'Ironmirror Shield'; trDesc[15] = 'Can deflect missiles back at enemies.'; trName[16] = 'Chainlink Armor'; trDesc[16] = 'Faster speed and jump height, but vulnerable to missiles.'; trName[17] = 'Holy Shield'; trDesc[17] = 'Gain a shield that acts like an extra hit point.'; trName[18] = 'Rune of Endurance'; trDesc[18] = 'All heroes will not be lost on damage, as long as they have mana remaining. Costs 5 mana per use.'; trName[19] = 'Shadow Arrows'; trDesc[19] = 'Arrows can pass through blocks and enemies.'; trName[20] = 'Stonebreaker Arrows'; trDesc[20] = 'Arrows can shatter a single block on impact. Gain 1 gold for each block destroyed.'; trName[21] = 'Cleric Robes'; trDesc[21] = 'Fires bolts that turn enemies into health potions.'; trName[22] = 'Arrows of the Hydra'; trDesc[22] = 'Fires 3 normal arrows at a spread angle.'; trName[23] = 'Raven Wings'; trDesc[23] = 'Enables infinite double jumps! Costs 1 mana per double jump.'; trName[24] = 'Rune of Rescue'; trDesc[24] = 'Missile weapons can break cages to reveal treasure and gain an additional 3 gold per cage.'; trName[25] = 'Assassin\'s Amulet'; trDesc[25] = 'Thief is invulnerable for 2 seconds after Escaping.'; trName[26] = 'Wristblade Daggers'; trDesc[26] = 'Thief gains a melee attack.'; trName[27] = 'Black Shuriken'; trDesc[27] = 'Thief loses Escape skill, but gains a missile attack.'; trName[28] = 'Pendant of Evasion'; trDesc[28] = 'Thief automatically Escapes just before taking damage.'; trName[29] = 'Robe of Shadows'; trDesc[29] = 'Thief can enter Shadow mode for 5 seconds, gaining 3 gold per second and making all blocks act like normal blocks.'; trName[30] = 'Rune of Greed'; trDesc[30] = 'All heroes gain 2 additional gold from treasure chest items.'; var bossName = new Array(); bossName[1] = 'Flaming Fox'; bossName[2] = 'Putrid Pig'; bossName[3] = 'Jinxed Jackal'; bossName[4] = 'Wicked Walrus'; var tnum = 1; while (tnum <= 30) { trFound[tnum] = false; ++tnum; } var top_gold = new Array(); top_gold[1] = 0; top_gold[2] = 0; top_gold[3] = 0; top_gold[4] = 0; var dead_heroes = new Array(); var dead_location = new Array(); var dead_method = new Array(); var dead_selItem1 = new Array(); var dead_selItem2 = new Array(); var dead_selItem3 = new Array(); var dead_selItem4 = new Array(); var dead_selItem5 = new Array(); var deadHero; var deadLoc; var deadMethod; var tIcon = new Array(); var tWalk1 = new Array(); var tWalk2 = new Array(); var tWalk3 = new Array(); var tWalk4 = new Array(); var tDecor = new Array(); var tBlockNum = new Array(); var tMainLine = new Array(); desertX = randbtwn(2, 4); desertY = randbtwn(2, 4); templeX1 = randbtwn(1, 3); templeY1 = randbtwn(1, 3); templeX2 = randbtwn(4, 6); templeY2 = randbtwn(1, 3); templeX3 = randbtwn(1, 3); templeY3 = randbtwn(4, 6); templeX4 = randbtwn(4, 6); templeY4 = randbtwn(4, 6); var templeX = new Array(); var templeY = new Array(); castleX = 6; mapCurX = 1; if (randbtwn(1, 10) <= 5) { mapCurX = 6; castleX = 1; } castleY = 6; mapCurY = 1; if (randbtwn(1, 10) <= 5) { mapCurY = 6; castleY = 1; } var wmx = 1; while (wmx <= 6) { tIcon[wmx] = new Array(); tWalk1[wmx] = new Array(); tWalk2[wmx] = new Array(); tWalk3[wmx] = new Array(); tWalk4[wmx] = new Array(); tDecor[wmx] = new Array(); tBlockNum[wmx] = new Array(); tMainLine[wmx] = new Array(); var wmy = 1; while (wmy <= 6) { tIcon[wmx][wmy] = 1; tBlockNum[wmx][wmy] = 0; if (wmx == templeX1 && wmy == templeY1) { tIcon[wmx][wmy] = 2; } else { if (wmx == templeX2 && wmy == templeY2) { tIcon[wmx][wmy] = 2; } else { if (wmx == templeX3 && wmy == templeY3) { tIcon[wmx][wmy] = 2; } else { if (wmx == templeX4 && wmy == templeY4) { tIcon[wmx][wmy] = 2; } else { if (wmx >= desertX && wmx < desertX + 3 && wmy >= desertY && wmy < desertY + 3 && randbtwn(1, 10) <= 7) { tIcon[wmx][wmy] = 3; } } } } } tWalk1[wmx][wmy] = true; if (randbtwn(2, 3) == 3) { tWalk1[wmx][wmy] = false; } tWalk2[wmx][wmy] = true; if (randbtwn(2, 3) == 3) { tWalk2[wmx][wmy] = false; } tWalk3[wmx][wmy] = true; if (randbtwn(2, 3) == 3) { tWalk3[wmx][wmy] = false; } tWalk4[wmx][wmy] = true; if (randbtwn(2, 3) == 3) { tWalk4[wmx][wmy] = false; } if (wmx == castleX && wmy == castleY) { tIcon[wmx][wmy] = 2; } if (tIcon[wmx][wmy] == 2) { tBlockNum[wmx][wmy] = -1; templeX.push(wmx); templeY.push(wmy); if (!tWalk1[wmx][wmy]) { if (!tWalk2[wmx][wmy]) { if (!tWalk3[wmx][wmy]) { if (!tWalk4[wmx][wmy]) { randblock = randbtwn(1, 4); _level0['tWalk' + randblock][wmx][wmy] = true; } } } } } tDecor[wmx][wmy] = 1; if (randbtwn(1, 10) <= 5) { if (tIcon[wmx][wmy] == 1) { tDecor[wmx][wmy] = randbtwn(2, 3); } else { if (tIcon[wmx][wmy] == 3) { tDecor[wmx][wmy] = randbtwn(6, 7); } else { if (tIcon[wmx][wmy] == 4) { tDecor[wmx][wmy] = randbtwn(10, 11); } } } } ++wmy; } ++wmx; } var levelsPlaced = 0; while (levelsPlaced < 8) { randx = randbtwn(1, 6); randy = randbtwn(1, 6); if (tBlockNum[randx][randy] == 0) { if (!(randx == 1 && randy == 1)) { if (!(randx == 1 && randy == 6)) { if (!(randx == 6 && randy == 1)) { if (!(randx == 6 && randy == 6)) { levelsPlaced += 1; tBlockNum[randx][randy] = 10; templeX.push(randx); templeY.push(randy); if (tIcon[randx][randy] == 1) { if (levelsPlaced < 4) { tIcon[randx][randy] = 4; tDecor[randx][randy] = randbtwn(10, 11); } else { if (levelsPlaced < 6) { tIcon[randx][randy] = 5; tDecor[randx][randy] = 99; } } } } } } } } } tIcon[mapCurX][mapCurY] = 1; tBlockNum[mapCurX][mapCurY] = 0; if (mapCurX == 1 && mapCurY == 1) { startX = 2; startY = 1; } else { if (mapCurX == 6 && mapCurY == 1) { startX = 6; startY = 2; } else { if (mapCurX == 6 && mapCurY == 6) { startX = 5; startY = 6; } else { if (mapCurX == 1 && mapCurY == 6) { startX = 1; startY = 5; } } } } castleReached = false; while (!castleReached) { if (randbtwn(1, 10) <= 5) { if (startX < castleX) { tWalk2[startX][startY] = true; tWalk4[startX + 1][startY] = true; startX += 1; } else { if (startX > castleX) { tWalk4[startX][startY] = true; tWalk2[startX - 1][startY] = true; startX -= 1; } } } else { if (startY < castleY) { tWalk3[startX][startY] = true; tWalk1[startX][startY + 1] = true; startY += 1; } else { if (startY > castleY) { tWalk1[startX][startY] = true; tWalk3[startX][startY - 1] = true; startY -= 1; } } } tMainLine[startX][startY] = true; if (startX == castleX) { if (startY == castleY) { castleReached = true; } } } while (templeX.length > 0) { thisTempleX = templeX.shift(); thisTempleY = templeY.shift(); startTempleX = thisTempleX; startTempleY = thisTempleY; mainLineReached = false; while (!mainLineReached) { if (randbtwn(1, 10) <= 5) { if (startTempleX <= 3) { tWalk2[thisTempleX][thisTempleY] = true; tWalk4[thisTempleX + 1][thisTempleY] = true; thisTempleX += 1; } else { tWalk4[thisTempleX][thisTempleY] = true; tWalk2[thisTempleX - 1][thisTempleY] = true; thisTempleX -= 1; } } else { if (startTempleY <= 3) { tWalk3[thisTempleX][thisTempleY] = true; tWalk1[thisTempleX][thisTempleY + 1] = true; thisTempleY += 1; } else { tWalk1[thisTempleX][thisTempleY] = true; tWalk3[thisTempleX][thisTempleY - 1] = true; thisTempleY -= 1; } } if (thisTempleY == 1) { startTempleY = 1; } else { if (thisTempleY == 6) { startTempleY = 6; } } if (thisTempleX == 1) { startTempleX = 1; } else { if (thisTempleX == 6) { startTempleX = 6; } } if (tMainLine[thisTempleX][thisTempleY]) { mainLineReached = true; } tMainLine[thisTempleX][thisTempleY] = true; } } if (mapCurX == 1 && mapCurY == 1) { tWalk2[1][1] = true; tWalk3[1][1] = false; tIcon[2][1] = 1; tBlockNum[2][1] = 13; tWalk4[2][1] = true; tWalk3[2][1] = true; } else { if (mapCurX == 6 && mapCurY == 1) { tWalk3[6][1] = true; tWalk4[6][1] = false; tIcon[6][2] = 1; tBlockNum[6][2] = 13; tWalk1[6][2] = true; tWalk4[6][2] = true; } else { if (mapCurX == 6 && mapCurY == 6) { tWalk4[6][6] = true; tWalk1[6][6] = false; tIcon[5][6] = 1; tBlockNum[5][6] = 13; tWalk2[5][6] = true; tWalk1[5][6] = true; } else { if (mapCurX == 1 && mapCurY == 6) { tWalk1[1][6] = true; tWalk2[1][6] = false; tIcon[1][5] = 1; tBlockNum[1][5] = 13; tWalk3[1][5] = true; tWalk2[1][5] = true; } } } } prevCurX = mapCurX; prevCurY = mapCurY; var hScoreName = new Array(); var hScoreTotal = new Array(); hScoreName[1] = '-----'; hScoreName[2] = '-----'; hScoreName[3] = '-----'; hScoreName[4] = '-----'; hScoreName[5] = '-----'; hScoreTotal[1] = 0; hScoreTotal[2] = 0; hScoreTotal[3] = 0; hScoreTotal[4] = 0; hScoreTotal[5] = 0; var survMaxLevel = 0; var survName = '-----'; var survScore = 0; var maskUnlocked = new Array(); var maskNew = new Array(); maskUnlocked[0] = true; currentMask = 0; g_dataFile = 'g_data'; loadData(); survivalMode = false; survivalRounds = 0; words.gotoAndStop(sOption); mainmenuDesc = new Array(); mainmenuDesc[1] = 'Starts a new Story Mode!'; mainmenuDesc[2] = 'Modify game options from here'; mainmenuDesc[3] = 'How long can your hero survive?'; mainmenuDesc[4] = 'Play a game with a friend or AI'; mainmenuDesc[5] = 'View the high score table'; mainmenuDesc[6] = 'Browse through unlocked Masks'; mainmenuDesc[7] = 'A short note from the developer'; mainmenuDesc[8] = 'Play more games from our sponsors!'; mainmenutxt = mainmenuDesc[sOption]; _level0.onEnterFrame = function () { if (Key.isDown(13)) { Selection.setFocus('_level0.hiddenbox'); } if (Selection.getFocus() != '_level0.pnamebox') { instructions = 'Type your name here and press Enter'; pnamebox._alpha = 50; words._alpha = 100; backdrop._alpha = 100; if (Key.isDown(38) || Key.isDown(87)) { if (!pdu) { pdu = true; sOption -= 1; if (sOption < 1) { sOption = 8; } mainmenutxt = mainmenuDesc[sOption]; words.gotoAndStop(sOption); } } else { pdu = false; } if (Key.isDown(40) || Key.isDown(83)) { if (!pdd) { pdd = true; sOption += 1; if (sOption > 8) { sOption = 1; } mainmenutxt = mainmenuDesc[sOption]; words.gotoAndStop(sOption); } } else { pdd = false; } if (Key.isDown(32)) { if (!pds) { pds = true; saveData(); if (sOption == 1) { makeFade('comic_opening'); survivalMode = false; firstLoad = true; } else { if (sOption == 2) { makeFade('options'); } else { if (sOption == 3) { survivalMode = true; lives = 0; makeFade('survival'); } else { if (sOption == 4) { twoPlayer = true; lives = 5; p1medals = 0; p2medals = 0; makeFade('2player'); } else { if (sOption == 5) { makeFade('highscore'); } else { if (sOption == 6) { makeFade('medals'); } else { if (sOption == 7) { makeFade('developer'); } else { if (sOption == 8) { var vertDropHeroes_Click = '421f93f0'; getURL('', '_blank'); __com_mochibot__(vertDropHeroes_Click, this, 10301, true); } } } } } } } } } } else { pds = false; } } else { instructions = 'Press Enter when done typing!'; pnamebox._alpha = 100; words._alpha = 50; backdrop._alpha = 50; } }; } movieClip 955 { } button 964 { on (rollOver) { _level0.sOption = 1; _level0.mainmenutxt = _level0.mainmenuDesc[_level0.sOption]; _level0.words.gotoAndStop(_level0.sOption); } on (release) { _level0.makeFade('comic_opening'); _level0.survivalMode = false; _level0.firstLoad = true; } } button 965 { on (rollOver) { _level0.sOption = 2; _level0.mainmenutxt = _level0.mainmenuDesc[_level0.sOption]; _level0.words.gotoAndStop(_level0.sOption); } on (release) { _level0.makeFade('options'); } } button 966 { on (rollOver) { _level0.sOption = 3; _level0.mainmenutxt = _level0.mainmenuDesc[_level0.sOption]; _level0.words.gotoAndStop(_level0.sOption); } on (release) { _level0.survivalMode = true; _level0.lives = 0; _level0.makeFade('survival'); } } button 967 { on (rollOver) { _level0.sOption = 4; _level0.mainmenutxt = _level0.mainmenuDesc[_level0.sOption]; _level0.words.gotoAndStop(_level0.sOption); } on (release) { _level0.twoPlayer = true; _level0.lives = 5; _level0.p1medals = 0; _level0.p2medals = 0; _level0.makeFade('2player'); } } button 968 { on (rollOver) { _level0.sOption = 5; _level0.mainmenutxt = _level0.mainmenuDesc[_level0.sOption]; _level0.words.gotoAndStop(_level0.sOption); } on (release) { _level0.makeFade('highscore'); } } button 969 { on (rollOver) { _level0.sOption = 6; _level0.mainmenutxt = _level0.mainmenuDesc[_level0.sOption]; _level0.words.gotoAndStop(_level0.sOption); } on (release) { _level0.makeFade('medals'); } } button 970 { on (rollOver) { _level0.sOption = 7; _level0.mainmenutxt = _level0.mainmenuDesc[_level0.sOption]; _level0.words.gotoAndStop(_level0.sOption); } on (release) { _level0.makeFade('developer'); } } button 971 { on (rollOver) { _level0.sOption = 8; _level0.mainmenutxt = _level0.mainmenuDesc[_level0.sOption]; _level0.words.gotoAndStop(_level0.sOption); } on (release) { function __com_mochibot__(swfid, mc, lv, trk) { var x; var g; var s; var fv; var sb; var u; var res; var mb; var mbc; var pv; mb = '__mochibot__'; mbc = ''; g = _global ? _global : _level0._root; if (g[mb + swfid]) { return g[mb + swfid]; } s =; x = mc._root.getSWFVersion; fv = x ? mc.getSWFVersion() : (_global ? 6 : 5); if (!s) { s = {}; } sb = s.sandboxType; if (sb == 'localWithFile') { return null; } x = s.allowDomain; if (x) { s.allowDomain(mbc); } x = s.allowInsecureDomain; if (x) { s.allowInsecureDomain(mbc); } pv = (fv == 5) ? /:$version : System.capabilities.version; u = 'http://' + mbc + '/my/core.swf?mv=8&fv=' + fv + '&v=' + escape(pv) + '&swfid=' + escape(swfid) + '&l=' + lv + '&f=' + mc + (sb ? '&sb=' + sb : '') + (trk ? '&t=1' : ''); lv = fv > 6 ? mc.getNextHighestDepth() : (g[mb + 'level'] ? g[mb + 'level'] + 1 : lv); g[mb + 'level'] = lv; if (fv == 5) { res = '_level' + lv; if (!eval(res)) { loadMovieNum(u, lv); } return res; } res = mc.createEmptyMovieClip(mb + swfid, lv); res.loadMovie(u); return res; } var vertDropHeroes_Click = '421f93f0'; getURL('', '_blank'); __com_mochibot__(vertDropHeroes_Click, this, 10301, true); } } movieClip 1028 { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 1035 { frame 1 { stop(); if (_level0.sfxLevel == 3) { gotoAndStop(2); } } } frame 6 { hero.head.gotoAndStop(currentMask + 1); _level0.onEnterFrame = function () { if (Key.isDown(32)) { if (!pds) { pds = true; makeFade('chaptermenu'); } } else { pds = false; } if (Key.isDown(81)) { if (!pdq) { pdq = true; heroDead = true; gotoAndStop('mainmenu'); } } else { pdq = false; } }; } movieClip 1046 { } button 1067 { on (release) { _level0.makeFade('chaptermenu'); } } button 1068 { on (release) { _level0.heroDead = true; _level0.gotoAndStop('mainmenu'); } } frame 7 { goldDisplay = 'x ' + mRn(totalgold) + ' gp'; lifeDisplay = 'x ' + lives; keyDisplay = 'x ' + keys; mapDestTile = _level0['x' + mapCurX + 'y' + mapCurY]; pchar_map._x = mapDestTile._x; pchar_map._y = mapDestTile._y; var levelLoad = false; var loadCD = 0; var numTemples = 0; warning = ''; if (heroDead) { mapDestTile = prevTile; mapCurX = prevCurX; mapCurY = prevCurY; attachEffect(pchar_map, 'effect_ninjasmoke'); } else { attachEffect(pchar_map, 'effect_ninjasmoke'); tBlockNum[mapCurX][mapCurY] = 0; } var wmx = 1; while (wmx <= 6) { var wmy = 1; while (wmy <= 6) { var mapTile = _level0['x' + wmx + 'y' + wmy]; mapTile.cIcon = tIcon[wmx][wmy]; mapTile.mapType = tBlockNum[wmx][wmy]; mapTile.tWalk1 = tWalk1[wmx][wmy]; mapTile.tWalk2 = tWalk2[wmx][wmy]; mapTile.tWalk3 = tWalk3[wmx][wmy]; mapTile.tWalk4 = tWalk4[wmx][wmy]; ++wmy; } ++wmx; } var wmx = 1; while (wmx <= 6) { var wmy = 1; while (wmy <= 6) { var mapTile = _level0['x' + wmx + 'y' + wmy]; mapTile.decor.gotoAndStop(tDecor[wmx][wmy]); mapTile.mid.gotoAndStop(mapTile.cIcon); mapTile.side1.gotoAndStop(mapTile.cIcon); mapTile.side2.gotoAndStop(mapTile.cIcon); mapTile.side3.gotoAndStop(mapTile.cIcon); mapTile.side4.gotoAndStop(mapTile.cIcon); mapTile.corner1.gotoAndStop(mapTile.cIcon); mapTile.corner2.gotoAndStop(mapTile.cIcon); mapTile.corner3.gotoAndStop(mapTile.cIcon); mapTile.corner4.gotoAndStop(mapTile.cIcon); var tTile = new Array(); tTile[1] = _level0['x' + wmx + 'y' + mRn(wmy - 1)]; tTile[2] = _level0['x' + mRn(wmx + 1) + 'y' + wmy]; tTile[3] = _level0['x' + wmx + 'y' + mRn(wmy + 1)]; tTile[4] = _level0['x' + mRn(wmx - 1) + 'y' + wmy]; var ctl = 1; while (ctl <= 4) { if (tTile[ctl].cIcon != mapTile.cIcon) { mapTile['side' + ctl].wiggle._visible = true; } else { mapTile['side' + ctl].wiggle._visible = false; } comp1 = ctl; comp2 = ctl - 1; if (comp2 < 1) { comp2 = 4; } if (tTile[comp1].cIcon != mapTile.cIcon && tTile[comp2].cIcon != mapTile.cIcon) { mapTile['corner' + ctl].wiggle.gotoAndStop(1); } else { if (tTile[comp1].cIcon != mapTile.cIcon && tTile[comp2].cIcon == mapTile.cIcon) { mapTile['corner' + ctl].wiggle.gotoAndStop(2); } } if (tTile[comp1].cIcon == mapTile.cIcon && tTile[comp2].cIcon != mapTile.cIcon) { mapTile['corner' + ctl].wiggle.gotoAndStop(3); } else { if (tTile[comp1].cIcon == mapTile.cIcon && tTile[comp2].cIcon == mapTile.cIcon) { mapTile['corner' + ctl].wiggle.gotoAndStop(4); } } comp3 = ctl + 2; if (comp3 > 4) { comp3 -= 4; } if (tTile[ctl]['tWalk' + comp3] && mapTile['tWalk' + ctl]) { mapTile['road' + ctl]._visible = true; } else { mapTile['road' + ctl]._visible = false; } ++ctl; } var noRoads = false; if (mapTile.road1._visible == false) { if (mapTile.road2._visible == false) { if (mapTile.road3._visible == false) { if (mapTile.road4._visible == false) { mapTile.roadmid.gotoAndStop(10); noRoads = true; } } } } if (!noRoads) { if (tBlockNum[wmx][wmy] != 0) { mapTile.roadmid.gotoAndStop(mapTile.cIcon + 1); if (mapTile.cIcon == 2) { numTemples += 1; } } else { if (mapTile.cIcon == 2) { mapTile.mid.gotoAndStop(10); mapTile.side1.gotoAndStop(10); mapTile.side2.gotoAndStop(10); mapTile.side3.gotoAndStop(10); mapTile.side4.gotoAndStop(10); mapTile.corner1.gotoAndStop(10); mapTile.corner2.gotoAndStop(10); mapTile.corner3.gotoAndStop(10); mapTile.corner4.gotoAndStop(10); } } } ++wmy; } ++wmx; } var kingBanter = new Array(); kingBanter[1] = 'You seem to be doing very well for a man of your abilities!'; kingBanter[2] = 'What\'s taking so long? Other heroes are racing their way up the high score table, you know!'; kingBanter[3] = 'Keep trying, and one day you might succeed.'; kingBanter[4] = 'Look behind you, it\'s a three headed monkey!'; desctxt = kingBanter[randbtwn(1, kingBanter.length - 1)];'h_012', 'head', 10);'b_012', 'body', 10);'at_012', 'arm', 10);'ab_012', 'arm', 10); lockSelItem1 = selItem1; lockSelItem2 = selItem2; lockSelItem3 = selItem3; lockSelItem4 = selItem4; lockSelItem5 = selItem5; dh = 0; while (dh <= 9) { if (dead_heroes[dh] != undefined) { selItem1 = dead_selItem1[dh]; selItem2 = dead_selItem2[dh]; selItem3 = dead_selItem3[dh]; selItem4 = dead_selItem4[dh]; selItem5 = dead_selItem5[dh]; var thisBody = bodypile.attachMovie('char_body' + dead_method[dh], 'c' + dh, dh + 10); dressHero(thisBody, dead_heroes[dh]); thisBody._x = 100 + dead_location[dh] % 25; if (dead_method[dh] == 1) { thisBody._rotation = 90 + ((dead_location[dh] % 10) / 9) * 10 - 5; } else { if (dead_method[dh] == 2) { thisBody._rotation = -90 + ((dead_location[dh] % 10) / 9) * 10 - 5; } } thisBody._y = -25 * dh; } ++dh; } selItem1 = lockSelItem1; selItem2 = lockSelItem2; selItem3 = lockSelItem3; selItem4 = lockSelItem4; selItem5 = lockSelItem5; princessDisplay = 'x ' + numTemples; _level0.onEnterFrame = function () { if (pchar_map._x != mapDestTile._x) { if (pchar_map._x < mapDestTile._x - 5) { pchar_map._x += 10; } else { if (pchar_map._x > mapDestTile._x + 5) { pchar_map._x -= 10; } else { pchar_map._x = mapDestTile._x; } } } if (pchar_map._y != mapDestTile._y) { if (pchar_map._y < mapDestTile._y - 5) { pchar_map._y += 10; } else { if (pchar_map._y > mapDestTile._y + 5) { pchar_map._y -= 10; } else { pchar_map._y = mapDestTile._y; } } } if (pchar_map._x == mapDestTile._x && pchar_map._y == mapDestTile._y) { if (tBlockNum[mapCurX][mapCurY] != 0 && !levelLoad) { levelLoad = true; } } if (levelLoad) { loadCD += 1; if (loadCD == 10) { makeFade('treasure'); } } mapDestTile = _level0['x' + mapCurX + 'y' + mapCurY]; if (mapDestTile.cIcon != undefined) { cIcon = mapDestTile.cIcon; cMapType = mapDestTile.mapType; } if (Key.isDown(38) || Key.isDown(87)) { if (!pdu) { pdu = true; if (pchar_map._x == mapDestTile._x && pchar_map._y == mapDestTile._y && !levelLoad) { var v1 = _level0['x' + mapCurX + 'y' + (mapCurY - 1)]; if (v1.cIcon == 2 && keys < 1 && tBlockNum[mapCurX][mapCurY - 1] != 0) { warning = 'You need a Key!'; } else { if (mapCurY > 1 && mapDestTile.road1._visible) { prevTile = mapDestTile; prevCurX = mapCurX; prevCurY = mapCurY; mapCurY -= 1; warning = ''; } } } refreshIcons(); } } else { pdu = false; } if (Key.isDown(40) || Key.isDown(83)) { if (!pdd) { pdd = true; if (pchar_map._x == mapDestTile._x && pchar_map._y == mapDestTile._y && !levelLoad) { var v1 = _level0['x' + mapCurX + 'y' + (mapCurY + 1)]; if (v1.cIcon == 2 && keys < 1 && tBlockNum[mapCurX][mapCurY + 1] != 0) { warning = 'You need a Key!'; } else { if (mapCurY < 6 && mapDestTile.road3._visible) { prevTile = mapDestTile; prevCurX = mapCurX; prevCurY = mapCurY; mapCurY += 1; warning = ''; } } } refreshIcons(); } } else { pdd = false; } if (Key.isDown(37) || Key.isDown(65)) { if (!pdl) { pdl = true; if (pchar_map._x == mapDestTile._x && pchar_map._y == mapDestTile._y && !levelLoad) { var v1 = _level0['x' + (mapCurX - 1) + 'y' + mapCurY]; if (v1.cIcon == 2 && keys < 1 && tBlockNum[mapCurX - 1][mapCurY] != 0) { warning = 'You need a Key!'; } else { if (mapCurX > 1 && mapDestTile.road4._visible) { prevTile = mapDestTile; prevCurX = mapCurX; prevCurY = mapCurY; mapCurX -= 1; warning = ''; } } } refreshIcons(); } } else { pdl = false; } if (Key.isDown(39) || Key.isDown(68)) { if (!pdt) { pdt = true; if (pchar_map._x == mapDestTile._x && pchar_map._y == mapDestTile._y && !levelLoad) { var v1 = _level0['x' + (mapCurX + 1) + 'y' + mapCurY]; if (v1.cIcon == 2 && keys < 1 && tBlockNum[mapCurX + 1][mapCurY] != 0) { warning = 'You need a Key!'; } else { if (mapCurX < 6 && mapDestTile.road2._visible) { prevTile = mapDestTile; prevCurX = mapCurX; prevCurY = mapCurY; mapCurX += 1; warning = ''; } } } refreshIcons(); } } else { pdt = false; } if (Key.isDown(81)) { if (!pdq) { pdq = true; heroDead = true; gotoAndStop('mainmenu'); } } else { pdq = false; } }; } movieClip 1072 { } movieClip 1075 { } movieClip 1076 { instance of movieClip 1075 { onClipEvent (release) { function __com_mochibot__(swfid, mc, lv, trk) { var x; var g; var s; var fv; var sb; var u; var res; var mb; var mbc; var pv; mb = '__mochibot__'; mbc = ''; g = _global ? _global : _level0._root; if (g[mb + swfid]) { return g[mb + swfid]; } s =; x = mc._root.getSWFVersion; fv = x ? mc.getSWFVersion() : (_global ? 6 : 5); if (!s) { s = {}; } sb = s.sandboxType; if (sb == 'localWithFile') { return null; } x = s.allowDomain; if (x) { s.allowDomain(mbc); } x = s.allowInsecureDomain; if (x) { s.allowInsecureDomain(mbc); } pv = (fv == 5) ? /:$version : System.capabilities.version; u = 'http://' + mbc + '/my/core.swf?mv=8&fv=' + fv + '&v=' + escape(pv) + '&swfid=' + escape(swfid) + '&l=' + lv + '&f=' + mc + (sb ? '&sb=' + sb : '') + (trk ? '&t=1' : ''); lv = fv > 6 ? mc.getNextHighestDepth() : (g[mb + 'level'] ? g[mb + 'level'] + 1 : lv); g[mb + 'level'] = lv; if (fv == 5) { res = '_level' + lv; if (!eval(res)) { loadMovieNum(u, lv); } return res; } res = mc.createEmptyMovieClip(mb + swfid, lv); res.loadMovie(u); return res; } var vertDropHeroes_Click = '421f93f0'; getURL('', '_blank'); __com_mochibot__(vertDropHeroes_Click, this, 10301, true); } } } movieClip 1080 { frame 1 { stop(); if (_level0.sfxLevel == 3) { gotoAndStop(2); } } } movieClip 1088 { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 1090 { } movieClip 1096 { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 1100 { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 1105 { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 1109 { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 1112 { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 1114 { } movieClip 1123 { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 1129 { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 1130 { } movieClip 1133 { } movieClip 1135 { } movieClip 1136 { } frame 8 { function refreshAllRows() { var v3 = 1; while (v3 <= 5) { var v1 = slide['row' + v3]; var v2 = 1; while (v2 <= 7) { invItem = v1['item' + v2]; invIndex = v2 + (v3 - 1) * 6; if (v2 == v1.selItem) { invItem._alpha = 100; if (v3 == activeRow) { invbox._y = invItem._y + v1._y + slide._y; if (trFound[invIndex]) { invbox.title = trName[invIndex]; invbox.desc = trDesc[invIndex]; _level0['selItem' + v3] = v1.selItem; } else { invbox.title = '???'; invbox.desc = 'You haven\'t found this Artifact yet! Explore more Temples.'; _level0['selItem' + v3] = 7; } } } else { invItem._alpha = 50; } if (trFound[invIndex]) { invItem.gotoAndStop(invIndex); } else { invItem.gotoAndStop(31); } if (v2 == 7) { invItem.gotoAndStop(32); if (v3 == activeRow && v2 == v1.selItem) { invbox.title = 'None'; invbox.desc = 'No special bonus for this character!'; } } v1.selectbox._x = v1['item' + v1.selItem]._x; v1.selectbox._y = v1['item' + v1.selItem]._y; ++v2; } ++v3; } } goldDisplay = 'x ' + mRn(totalgold) + ' gp'; lifeDisplay = 'x ' + lives; slide.row0.head.gotoAndStop(currentMask + 1); var inum = 1; while (inum <= 5) { var invRow = slide['row' + inum]; invRow.selItem = _level0['selItem' + inum]; ++inum; } activeRow = 0; refreshAllRows(); _level0.onEnterFrame = function () { var v1 = 0; while (v1 <= 6) { var v2 = slide['row' + v1]; if (v1 == activeRow) { v2._alpha = 100; } else { v2._alpha = 25; } ++v1; } if (activeRow >= 1 && activeRow <= 5) { invbox._visible = true; } else { invbox._visible = false; } if (Key.isDown(38) || Key.isDown(87)) { if (!pd4d) { pd4d = true; activeRow -= 1; if (activeRow < 0) { activeRow = 6; } refreshAllRows(); } } else { if (Key.isDown(40) || Key.isDown(83)) { if (!pd4d) { pd4d = true; activeRow += 1; if (activeRow > 6) { activeRow = 0; } refreshAllRows(); } } else { if (Key.isDown(39) || Key.isDown(68)) { if (!pd4d) { pd4d = true; var v4 = slide['row' + activeRow]; if (activeRow == 0) { var v3 = false; while (!v3) { currentMask += 1; if (currentMask > 25) { currentMask = 0; } if (maskUnlocked[currentMask]) { v3 = true; } } v4.head.gotoAndStop(currentMask + 1); } else { v4.selItem += 1; if (v4.selItem > 7) { v4.selItem = 1; } } refreshAllRows(); } } else { if (Key.isDown(37) || Key.isDown(65)) { if (!pd4d) { pd4d = true; var v4 = slide['row' + activeRow]; if (activeRow == 0) { var v3 = false; while (!v3) { currentMask -= 1; if (currentMask < 0) { currentMask = 25; } if (maskUnlocked[currentMask]) { v3 = true; } } v4.head.gotoAndStop(currentMask + 1); } else { v4.selItem -= 1; if (v4.selItem < 1) { v4.selItem = 7; } } refreshAllRows(); } } else { pd4d = false; } } } } if (Key.isDown(32)) { if (!pds) { pds = true; if (activeRow == 6) { if (firstLoad) { firstLoad = false; gotoAndStop('instructions'); } else { gotoAndStop('faux_loading'); } } else { activeRow = 6; } } } else { pds = false; } if (Key.isDown(81)) { if (!pdq) { pdq = true; heroDead = true; if (!survivalMode) { gotoAndStop('chaptermenu'); } else { gotoAndStop('mainmenu'); } } } else { pdq = false; } }; } movieClip 1157 { } movieClip 1158 { } movieClip 1161 { } movieClip 1163 { } movieClip 1165 { } movieClip 1167 { } movieClip 1169 { } movieClip 1173 { } movieClip 1174 { } movieClip 1176 { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 1185 { } movieClip 1188 { } button 1189 { on (release) { if (_level0.firstLoad) { _level0.firstLoad = false; _level0.gotoAndStop('instructions'); } else { _level0.gotoAndStop('faux_loading'); } } } button 1190 { on (release) { _level0.heroDead = true; if (!_level0.survivalMode) { _level0.gotoAndStop('chaptermenu'); } else { _level0.gotoAndStop('mainmenu'); } } } frame 9 { var load_time = 0; var loadText = new Array(); var thisText = 0; loadText[0] = 'Loading level...'; loadText[1] = 'Clearing cache...'; loadText[2] = 'Generating world...'; loadText[3] = 'Recalculating terrain...'; loadText[4] = 'Loading variables...'; loadText[5] = 'Game loaded!'; loadtxt = 'Loading...'; _level0.onEnterFrame = function () { load_time += 1; if (load_time % 5 == 0) { thisText += 1; loadtxt = loadText[thisText]; } if (load_time >= 30) { gotoAndStop('game_main'); } }; } movieClip 1192 { frame 1 { stop(); if (_level0.sfxLevel == 3) { gotoAndStop(2); } } } frame 10 { function checkStrike(anytarget, anyped) { if (anyped.omniStrike > 0 && anyped.omniCool == 0) { anyped.omniStrike -= 1; anyped.omniCool = 5; attachEffect(anyped, 'effect_ninjasmoke'); anyped.x = anytarget.xloc * 50 + 25; anyped.y = anytarget.yloc * 50 + 25; attachEffect(anyped, 'effect_ninjasmoke'); floatWords(anyped, 'strike!'); anyped.jump = true; anyped.ymove = 3; anyped._x = anyped.x; anyped._y = anyped.y; anyped.berserk = true; attachEffect(anyped, 'ring_red'); anyped.hit = 30; anyped.cd_anim = 10; anyped.container.attachMovie('effect_berserk', 'effect', 0); if (anytarget == eBoss) { bossHit(1); } else { attachEffect(anytarget, 'effect_slash'); += anytarget.bounty; killEnemy(anytarget); } } } function checkHint(hintnum) { if (!hintShown[hintnum]) { hintShown[hintnum] = true; return true; } else { return false; } } function unlockMask(maskNum) { if (!maskUnlocked[maskNum]) { unlockedMask = true; maskUnlocked[maskNum] = true; maskNew[maskNum] = true; } } function killEnemy(anyped) { noKills = false; enemiesKilled += 1; attachEffect(anyped, 'fx_explosion'); gold += anyped.bounty; floatWords(anyped, '+' + anyped.bounty + ' gp!'); snd_poof.start(); if (anyped.c_type == 'shade') { shadeNum -= 1; } removeObject(anyped); } function addTip(anytip, anyhero) { if (!survivalMode && !twoPlayer) { tipshow = 200; tipbox.txt = anytip; if (anyhero != '') { dressHero(tipbox.char, anyhero); } } } function breakBlock(anytile) { tBlocked[anytile.tilex][anytile.tiley + dyOffset] = false; if (anytile.tileType == 'ice' || anytile.tileType == 'icicle') { attachEffect(anytile, 'fx_iceexplosion'); snd_glass.start(); smashIce += 1; } else { if (anytile.tileType == 'bossgold') { attachEffect(anytile, 'fx_goldexplosion'); } else { attachEffect(anytile, 'fx_bigexplosion'); } } if (anytile.tileType == 'normal') { snd_pop.start(); smashBlock += 1; } lastFx._x += 25; anytile.tileType = ''; removeProp(anytile); limboBlock += 1; } function bossHit(dmg) { if (eBoss.hit == 0) { eBoss.hp -= dmg; eBoss.hit = 60; attachEffect(eBoss, 'effect_ninjasmoke'); snd_poof.start(); var v1 = randbtwn(1, 10); if (v1 <= 2 && pchar.hp < hpmax) { spawnPickup('redpotion', eBoss.xloc, eBoss.yloc); } else { if (v1 <= 4 && pchar.mana <= pchar.maxMana - 5) { spawnPickup('manapotion', eBoss.xloc, eBoss.yloc); } else { if (v1 == 5) { spawnPickup('gem_green', eBoss.xloc, eBoss.yloc); } else { if (v1 == 6) { spawnPickup('gem_blue', eBoss.xloc, eBoss.yloc); } else { if (v1 == 7) { spawnPickup('gem_red', eBoss.xloc, eBoss.yloc); } else { spawnPickup('goldcoins', eBoss.xloc, eBoss.yloc); } } } } } if (eBoss.hp <= 0) { snd_pop.start(); attachEffect(eBoss, 'fx_explosion'); gold += eBoss.bounty; floatWords(pchar, 'DEMON KILL! +' + eBoss.bounty + ' gp!'); removeObject(eBoss); snd_cash.start(); eBoss = undefined; } else { if (eBoss._xscale == 100) { eBoss._xscale = -100; eBoss.x = 450; } else { eBoss._xscale = 100; eBoss.x = 100; } } } } function makePickup(anytile) { var v2 = randbtwn(1, 10); if (v2 <= 2 && pchar.hp < hpmax) { spawnPickup('redpotion', anytile.tilex, anytile.tiley + 1); } else { if (v2 <= 4 && pchar.mana <= pchar.maxMana - 5) { spawnPickup('manapotion', anytile.tilex, anytile.tiley + 1); } else { if (v2 == 5) { spawnPickup('gem_green', anytile.tilex, anytile.tiley + 1); } else { if (v2 == 6) { spawnPickup('gem_blue', anytile.tilex, anytile.tiley + 1); } else { if (v2 == 7) { spawnPickup('gem_red', anytile.tilex, anytile.tiley + 1); } else { spawnPickup('goldcoins', anytile.tilex, anytile.tiley + 1); } } } } } } function specialAbility(anyped) { if (twoPlayer) { var v4 = new Array(); if (anyped == pchar) { v4 = p1SelItem; } else { if (anyped == schar) { v4 = p2SelItem; } } selectItem1 = v4[1]; selectItem2 = v4[2]; selectItem3 = v4[3]; selectItem4 = v4[4]; selectItem5 = v4[5]; } if (anyped.hero == 'paladin') { if (tBlocked[anyped.xloc][anyped.yloc + dyOffset + 1]) { var v5 = tTiles[anyped.xloc][anyped.yloc + dyOffset + 1]; if (!v5.isDead && v5.tileType == 'normal') { var v3 = 3; if (selectItem3 == 1) { v3 = 5; } else { if (selectItem3 == 2) { v3 = 0; } } if (anyped.mana >= v3) { anyped.mana -= v3; floatWords(anyped, 'stomp!');'attack_melee'); anyped.cd_anim = 10; breakBlock(v5); if (selectItem3 == 1) { dblock = 1; while (dblock <= 5) { var v2 = tTiles[anyped.xloc][anyped.yloc + dyOffset + 1 + dblock]; if (v2.tileType == 'normal') { breakBlock(v2); } else { if (v2.tileType == 'explosive') { breakBlock(v2); makePickup(v2); } } ++dblock; } } anyped.jump = true; anyped._y -= 1; anyped.ymove = -10; } else { floatWords(anyped, 'no mana!'); } } } } else { if (anyped.hero == 'ranger') { var v3 = 1; if (selectItem4 == 3) { v3 = 2; } if (anyped.mana >= v3) { anyped.mana -= v3;'attack_melee'); anyped.cd_anim = 10; if (selectItem4 == 1) { if (anyped._xscale > 0) { fireMissile(anyped, 0, 'shadow', 9); } else { fireMissile(anyped, 180, 'shadow', 9); } } else { if (selectItem4 == 2) { if (anyped._xscale > 0) { fireMissile(anyped, 0, 'breaker', 1); } else { fireMissile(anyped, 180, 'breaker', 1); } } else { if (selectItem4 == 3) { if (anyped._xscale > 0) { fireMissile(anyped, 0, 'holybolt', 1); } else { fireMissile(anyped, 180, 'holybolt', 1); } } else { if (selectItem4 == 4) { if (anyped._xscale > 0) { fireMissile(anyped, -45, 'arrow', 1); fireMissile(anyped, 0, 'arrow', 1); fireMissile(anyped, 45, 'arrow', 1); } else { fireMissile(anyped, 135, 'arrow', 1); fireMissile(anyped, 180, 'arrow', 1); fireMissile(anyped, 225, 'arrow', 1); } } else { if (anyped._xscale > 0) { fireMissile(anyped, 0, 'arrow', 1); } else { fireMissile(anyped, 180, 'arrow', 1); } } } } } } else { floatWords(anyped, 'no mana!'); } } else { if (anyped.hero == 'thief') { var v3 = 3; if (selectItem5 == 3) { v3 = 2; } if (selectItem5 == 5) { v3 = 10; } if (shadowCount == 0) { if (anyped.mana >= v3) { anyped.mana -= v3; if (selectItem5 == 3) { if (anyped._xscale > 0) { fireMissile(anyped, 0, 'shuriken', 3); } else { fireMissile(anyped, 180, 'shuriken', 3); } } else { if (selectItem5 == 5) { shadeObj(stage); shadowCount = 150; backdrop.gotoAndStop(10); attachEffect(anyped, 'effect_ninjasmoke'); snd_poof.start(); shadowCaster = anyped; } else { escapeThief(anyped); } } } else { floatWords(anyped, 'no mana!'); } } } else { if (anyped.hero == 'mage') { var v3 = 3; if (selectItem2 == 1) { v3 = 3; } else { if (selectItem2 == 2) { v3 = 1; } else { if (selectItem2 == 3) { v3 = 3; } else { if (selectItem2 == 4) { v3 = 4; } else { if (selectItem2 == 5) { v3 = 10; } } } } } if (anyped.mana >= v3) { anyped.mana -= v3;'attack_melee'); anyped.cd_anim = 10; if (selectItem2 == 1) { if (necroSpecial == 0) { necroSpecial = 30; shadeObj(stage); backdrop.gotoAndStop(9); necroCaster = anyped; } } else { if (selectItem2 == 2) { if (anyped._xscale > 0) { fireMissile(anyped, 0, 'icebolt', 1); } else { fireMissile(anyped, 180, 'icebolt', 1); } } else { if (selectItem2 == 3) { if (anyped._xscale > 0) { fireMissile(anyped, 0, 'familiar', 10); } else { fireMissile(anyped, 180, 'familiar', 10); } } else { if (selectItem2 == 5) { if (sancSpecial == 0) { anyped.hp = hpmax; sancSpecial = 90; backdrop.gotoAndStop(8); } } else { if (selectItem2 == 4) { fireMissile(anyped, 0, 'fireball', 2); fireMissile(anyped, -90, 'fireball', 2); fireMissile(anyped, -45, 'fireball', 2); fireMissile(anyped, -135, 'fireball', 2); fireMissile(anyped, 180, 'fireball', 2); } else { if (anyped._xscale > 0) { fireMissile(anyped, 0, 'fireball', 3); } else { fireMissile(anyped, 180, 'fireball', 3); } } } } } } } else { floatWords(anyped, 'no mana!'); } } else { if (anyped.hero == 'barbarian') { var v3 = 10; if (selectItem1 == 1) { v3 = 5; } else { if (selectItem1 == 2) { v3 = 5; } else { if (selectItem1 == 4) { v3 = 1; } } } if (anyped.mana >= v3) { if (selectItem1 == 1) { anyped.mana -= v3;'attack_melee'); anyped.cd_anim = 10; newClone = spawnChar('anyped', anyped.xloc, anyped.yloc + 1); newClone.owner = 1; dressHero(newClone, 'barbarian'); newClone._alpha = 50; newClone.basespeed = 3; newClone.canJump = 15; newClone.xmove = (anyped._xscale / 100) * newClone.basespeed; attachEffect(newClone, 'effect_ninjasmoke'); newClone = spawnChar('anyped', anyped.xloc, anyped.yloc + 1); newClone.owner = 1; dressHero(newClone, 'barbarian'); newClone._alpha = 50; newClone.basespeed = -3; newClone.canJump = 15; newClone.xmove = (anyped._xscale / 100) * newClone.basespeed; attachEffect(newClone, 'effect_ninjasmoke'); snd_poof.start();'attack_melee'); anyped.cd_anim = 10; } else { if (selectItem1 == 2) { if (anyped.omniStrike == 0) { anyped.mana -= v3; anyped.omniStrike = 12; anyped.omniStop = 60; anyped.berserk = true; floatWords(anyped, 'berserk!'); attachEffect(anyped, 'ring_red'); anyped.hit = 30; anyped.cd_anim = 10; anyped.container.attachMovie('effect_berserk', 'effect', 0); } } else { if (selectItem1 == 4) { anyped.mana -= v3; blade1 = fireMissile(anyped, 0, 'scimitar', 1); blade2 = fireMissile(anyped, 180, 'scimitar', 1); if (anyped._xscale > 0) { blade1.spindir = 6; blade2.spindir = 6; } else { blade1.spindir = -6; blade2.spindir = -6; } } else { if (anyped.hit == 0) { anyped.mana -= v3; anyped.berserk = true; floatWords(anyped, 'berserk!'); attachEffect(anyped, 'ring_red'); anyped.hit = 150;'attack_melee'); anyped.cd_anim = 10; anyped.container.attachMovie('effect_berserk', 'effect', 0); } } } } } else { floatWords(anyped, 'no mana!'); } } } } } } } function spawnChar(c_type, c_x, c_y) { var v1; if (c_type == 'pchar') { v1 = spawnObject('char', 'char', c_x * 50 + 25, c_y * 50 - 25, 51000); } else { v1 = spawnObject('char', 'char', c_x * 50 + 25, c_y * 50 - 25, 50000); } v1.jump = false; v1.jump2 = false; v1.actwidth = 14; v1.actheight = 22; v1.c_type = c_type; v1.x = v1._x; v1.y = v1._y; v1.cd_anim = 0; v1.owner = 2; v1.noStomp = false; v1.canJump = 0; v1.armed = true; v1.bounty = 1; v1.basespeed = 1; v1.ranged = ''; if (c_type == 'pchar') {'h_001', 'head', 10);'b_001', 'body', 10);'at_001', 'arm', 10);'ab_001', 'arm', 10); v1.armed = false; v1.jumpstrength = 20; v1.hero = 'normal'; canfall(v1); return v1; } if (c_type == 'goblin') {'h_002', 'head', 10);'b_002', 'body', 10);'at_002', 'arm', 10);'ab_002', 'arm', 10); v1.ranged = ''; v1.xmove = 1; v1.bounty = 2; if (randbtwn(1, 10) <= 5) { v1.xmove = -1; } canfall(v1); return v1; } if (c_type == 'troll') {'h_008', 'head', 10);'b_008', 'body', 10);'at_008', 'arm', 10);'ab_008', 'arm', 10); v1.ranged = 'spear'; v1.xmove = 1; v1.canJump = 12; v1.bounty = 2; if (randbtwn(1, 10) <= 5) { v1.xmove = -1; } canfall(v1); return v1; } if (c_type == 'shaman') {'h_009', 'head', 10);'b_009', 'body', 10);'at_009', 'arm', 10);'ab_009', 'arm', 10); v1.ranged = 'spear'; v1.noStomp = true; v1.xmove = 1; v1.bounty = 3; v1.canJump = 12; if (randbtwn(1, 10) <= 5) { v1.xmove = -1; } canfall(v1); return v1; } if (c_type == 'skeleton') {'h_013b', 'head', 10);'b_013', 'body', 10);'at_013', 'arm', 10);'ab_013', 'arm', 10); v1.ranged = ''; v1.xmove = 1; v1.bounty = 2; if (randbtwn(1, 10) <= 5) { v1.xmove = -1; } canfall(v1); return v1; } if (c_type == 'skarcher') {'h_013', 'head', 10);'b_013', 'body', 10);'at_013', 'arm', 10);'ab_013b', 'arm', 10); v1.ranged = 'arrow'; v1.xmove = 1; v1.bounty = 2; if (randbtwn(1, 10) <= 5) { v1.xmove = -1; } canfall(v1); return v1; } if (c_type == 'sandwarrior') {'h_014', 'head', 10);'b_014', 'body', 10);'at_014', 'arm', 10);'ab_014', 'arm', 10); v1.ranged = 'shuriken'; v1.xmove = 1; v1.bounty = 2; v1.canJump = 15; if (randbtwn(1, 10) <= 5) { v1.xmove = -1; } canfall(v1); return v1; } if (c_type == 'cactus') {'h_016', 'head', 10);'b_016', 'body', 10);'at_016', 'arm', 10);'ab_016', 'arm', 10); v1.ranged = ''; v1.xmove = 1; v1.bounty = 3; v1.canJump = 12; if (randbtwn(1, 10) <= 5) { v1.xmove = -1; } canfall(v1); return v1; } if (c_type == 'yeti') {'h_015', 'head', 10);'b_015', 'body', 10);'at_015', 'arm', 10);'ab_015', 'arm', 10); v1.ranged = ''; v1.xmove = 1; v1.bounty = 3; v1.canJump = 12; if (randbtwn(1, 10) <= 5) { v1.xmove = -1; } canfall(v1); return v1; } if (c_type == 's_goblin') {'h_017b', 'head', 10);'b_017', 'body', 10);'at_017', 'arm', 10);'ab_017b', 'arm', 10); v1.ranged = ''; v1.xmove = 1; v1.bounty = 2; if (randbtwn(1, 10) <= 5) { v1.xmove = -1; } canfall(v1); return v1; } if (c_type == 's_troll') {'h_017', 'head', 10);'b_017', 'body', 10);'at_017', 'arm', 10);'ab_017', 'arm', 10); v1.ranged = 'spear'; v1.xmove = 1; v1.canJump = 12; v1.bounty = 2; if (randbtwn(1, 10) <= 5) { v1.xmove = -1; } canfall(v1); return v1; } if (c_type == 'shade') {'h_019', 'head', 10);'b_019', 'body', 10);'at_019', 'arm', 10);'ab_019', 'arm', 10); v1.ranged = ''; v1.xmove = 3; v1.bounty = 2; v1.basespeed = 3; v1.canJump = 15; if (randbtwn(1, 10) <= 5) { v1.xmove = -3; } } canfall(v1); return v1; } function spawnPickup(p_type, p_x, p_y) { var v1; v1 = spawnObject('pickup', 'pickup', p_x * 50 + 25, p_y * 50 - 5, 50000); v1.icon.attachMovie(p_type, 'icon', 0); v1.ptype = p_type; } function newMap() { clearStage(); stage._y = 220; pchar = spawnChar('pchar', 4, 1); pchar.owner = 1; pchar.hp = hpmax; pchar.maxMana = 15; dressHero(pchar, 'normal'); if (selectItem2 == 6) { pchar.maxMana = 30; } pchar.mana = pchar.maxMana; pchar.xspeed = 3; pchar.hit = 0; pchar.doublejump = false; pchar.omniStrike = 0; pchar.omniCool = 0; if (twoPlayer) { pchar.container.attachMovie('playerindicator', 'pi', 100); pchar.container.pi.gotoAndStop(1);'b_001b', 'body', 10); pchar.x -= 25; = 0; schar = spawnChar('pchar', 4, 1); schar.owner = 3; schar.hp = hpmax; schar.x += 25; schar.maxMana = 15; dressHero(schar, 'normal'); if (selectItem2 == 6) { schar.maxMana = 30; } schar.mana = schar.maxMana; schar.xspeed = 3; schar.container.attachMovie('playerindicator', 'pi', 100); schar.container.pi.gotoAndStop(2);'b_001c', 'body', 10); schar.hit = 0; schar.doublejump = false; = 0; schar.omniStrike = 0; schar.omniCool = 0; if (aiBuddy) { schar.xmove = (schar._xscale / 100) * schar.basespeed; } } tTiles[4][1] = spawnProp('tile_start', 200, 50, 49999); tTiles[4][1].instructions.txt = gameObj1; tBlocked[4][1] = true; var v1 = 1; while (v1 <= 25) { replaceTile(-randbtwn(4, 13)); ++v1; } if (checkHint(1)) { addTip('Press UP to jump, and arrow keys to move. Collect as much gold as you can and reach the exit at the bottom.', 'normal'); } } function dressHero(anytile, herotype) { if (herotype == 'normal') {'h_001', 'head', 10);'b_001', 'body', 10);'at_001', 'arm', 10);'ab_001', 'arm', 10); anytile.jumpstrength = 20; anytile.hero = 'normal'; anytile.armed = false; anytile.xspeed = 3; anytile.doublejump = false; + 1); if (anytile == pchar || anytile == schar) { attachEffect(anytile, 'effect_ninjasmoke'); } if (twoPlayer) { if (anytile == pchar) { + 1);'b_001b', 'body', 10); } else { if (anytile == schar) { + 1);'b_001c', 'body', 10); } } } } else { if (herotype == 'paladin') {'h_003', 'head', 10);'b_003', 'body', 10);'at_003', 'arm', 10);'ab_003', 'arm', 10); anytile.jumpstrength = 15; anytile.hero = 'paladin'; anytile.armed = true; anytile.xspeed = 2.5; anytile.doublejump = false; if (anytile == pchar) { if (checkHint(2)) { addTip('Paladins are slow but good at combat. Press Spacebar to STOMP and break the block you are standing on.', 'paladin'); } } if (selectItem3 == 1) {'h_003b', 'head', 10);'b_003b', 'body', 10);'at_003b', 'arm', 10);'ab_003b', 'arm', 10); if (anytile == pchar) { if (checkHint(51)) { addTip('Dragonlance Boots allows your Paladin to stomp more blocks at once.', 'paladin'); } } } else { if (selectItem3 == 2) {'h_003c', 'head', 10);'b_003c', 'body', 10);'at_003c', 'arm', 10);'ab_003c', 'arm', 10); anytile.xspeed = 1.5; anytile.jumpstrength = 8; if (anytile == pchar) { if (checkHint(52)) { addTip('Platemail makes your Paladin invulnerable, but at the cost of mobility.', 'paladin'); } } } else { if (selectItem3 == 3) {'b_003d', 'body', 10); if (anytile == pchar) { if (checkHint(53)) { addTip('The Ironmirror Shield allows your Paladin to deflect most missiles back at the enemy.', 'paladin'); } } } else { if (selectItem3 == 4) {'h_003e', 'head', 10);'b_003e', 'body', 10); anytile.xspeed = 3.5; anytile.jumpstrength = 20; if (anytile == pchar) { if (checkHint(54)) { addTip('Chainmail Paladins are more agile, but cannot block missiles.', 'paladin'); } } } else { if (selectItem3 == 5) {'h_003f', 'head', 10);'b_003f', 'body', 10); if (anytile == pchar) { if (checkHint(55)) { addTip('Holy Shield grants you an additional shield whenever you rescue a Paladin.', 'paladin'); } } } } } } } } else { if (herotype == 'ranger') {'h_004', 'head', 10);'b_004', 'body', 10);'at_004', 'arm', 10);'ab_004', 'arm', 10); anytile.jumpstrength = 15; anytile.hero = 'ranger'; anytile.armed = false; anytile.xspeed = 3; anytile.doublejump = true; if (anytile == pchar) { if (checkHint(3)) { addTip('Rangers are agile and have a ranged attack. Press Spacebar to fire ARROWs. Rangers can double jump.', 'ranger'); } } if (selectItem4 == 1) {'h_010b', 'head', 10);'b_010b', 'body', 10);'at_004b', 'arm', 10);'ab_004b', 'arm', 10); if (anytile == pchar) { if (checkHint(56)) { addTip('Shadow arrows can penetrate blocks and enemies.', 'ranger'); } } } else { if (selectItem4 == 2) {'h_004b', 'head', 10); if (anytile == pchar) { if (checkHint(57)) { addTip('Stonebreaker arrows can smash blocks for 1 gp each.', 'ranger'); } } } } if (selectItem4 == 3) {'h_010', 'head', 10);'b_010', 'body', 10);'at_010', 'arm', 10);'ab_010', 'arm', 10); if (anytile == pchar) { if (checkHint(58)) { addTip('Enemies killed by the cleric will turn into health potions.', 'ranger'); } } } else { if (selectItem4 == 4) {'h_004d', 'head', 10); if (anytile == pchar) { if (checkHint(59)) { addTip('Hydra arrows allows you to fire three arrows at once.', 'ranger'); } } } } if (selectItem4 == 5) {'h_004c', 'head', 10);'b_004b', 'body', 10); if (anytile == pchar) { if (checkHint(60)) { addTip('Raven Wings allows your hero to have multiple double jumps, for 1 mana each.', 'ranger'); } } } } else { if (herotype == 'thief') {'h_005', 'head', 10);'b_005', 'body', 10);'at_005', 'arm', 10);'ab_005', 'arm', 10); anytile.jumpstrength = 22; anytile.hero = 'thief'; anytile.armed = false; anytile.xspeed = 5; anytile.doublejump = true; if (anytile == pchar) { if (checkHint(4)) { addTip('Thieves are the fastest and most agile hero. Press Spacear to ESCAPE to a random location nearby. Thieves can double jump.', 'thief'); } } if (selectItem5 == 1 || selectItem5 == 3) {'h_005b', 'head', 10);'b_005b', 'body', 10); if (anytile == pchar) { if (checkHint(61)) { addTip('The Assassin\'s Amulet makes your Thief invulnerable for 2 seconds after escaping.', 'thief'); } } } else { if (selectItem5 == 2) {'h_005d', 'head', 10);'b_005d', 'body', 10);'at_005d', 'arm', 10);'ab_005d', 'arm', 10); anytile.armed = true; if (anytile == pchar) { if (checkHint(62)) { addTip('The Wristblades grant your Thief the ability to kill enemies at close range.', 'thief'); } } } else { if (selectItem5 == 4) {'h_005e', 'head', 10);'b_005e', 'body', 10); if (anytile == pchar) { if (checkHint(63)) { addTip('The Pendant allows your Thief to teleport away just before taking damage.', 'thief'); } } } else { if (selectItem5 == 5) {'h_005c', 'head', 10);'b_005c', 'body', 10);'at_005c', 'arm', 10);'ab_005c', 'arm', 10); if (anytile == pchar) { if (checkHint(64)) { addTip('The Robe of Shadows allows the Thief to enter Shadow Mode.', 'thief'); } } } } } } } else { if (herotype == 'mage') {'h_006', 'head', 10);'b_006', 'body', 10);'at_006', 'arm', 10);'ab_006', 'arm', 10); anytile.jumpstrength = 20; anytile.hero = 'mage'; anytile.armed = false; anytile.xspeed = 3; anytile.doublejump = false; if (anytile == pchar) { if (checkHint(5)) { addTip('Mages can press Spacebar to cast a FIREBALL that breaks blocks and smashes enemies.', 'mage'); } } if (selectItem2 == 1) {'h_006d', 'head', 10);'b_006d', 'body', 10);'at_006d', 'arm', 10);'ab_006d', 'arm', 10); if (anytile == pchar) { if (checkHint(65)) { addTip('Necromancers can instantly kill every enemy on screen for a small mana cost.', 'mage'); } } } else { if (selectItem2 == 2) {'h_006c', 'head', 10);'b_006c', 'body', 10);'at_006c', 'arm', 10);'ab_006c', 'arm', 10); if (anytile == pchar) { if (checkHint(66)) { addTip('The Icicle Staff can turn blocks and enemies into ice.', 'mage'); } } } else { if (selectItem2 == 3) {'h_006e', 'head', 10);'b_006e', 'body', 10);'at_006e', 'arm', 10);'ab_006e', 'arm', 10); if (anytile == pchar) { if (checkHint(67)) { addTip('The Familiar will destroy enemies, chests and normal blocks. Flies around in an erratic pattern.', 'mage'); } } } else { if (selectItem2 == 4) {'h_006b', 'head', 10);'b_006b', 'body', 10);'at_006b', 'arm', 10);'ab_006b', 'arm', 10); if (anytile == pchar) { if (checkHint(68)) { addTip('The Staff of Flames allows the Mage to shoot 5 fireballs in a wide arc around himself.', 'mage'); } } } else { if (selectItem2 == 5) {'h_006c', 'head', 10);'b_006c', 'body', 10);'at_006c', 'arm', 10);'ab_006c', 'arm', 10); if (anytile == pchar) { if (checkHint(69)) { addTip('The Sanctuary Staff instantly heals the Mage to full health and destroys all chests in sight.', 'mage'); } } } } } } } } else { if (herotype == 'barbarian') {'h_011', 'head', 10);'b_011', 'body', 10);'at_011', 'arm', 10);'ab_011', 'arm', 10); anytile.jumpstrength = 12; anytile.hero = 'barbarian'; anytile.armed = true; anytile.xspeed = 3; anytile.doublejump = true; if (anytile == pchar) { if (checkHint(18)) { addTip('Barbarians can press Spacebar to go BERSERK where he is immune to all damage for 5 seconds. Can double jump.', 'barbarian'); } } if (selectItem1 == 1) {'h_011f', 'head', 10);'b_011f', 'body', 10);'at_011f', 'arm', 10);'ab_011f', 'arm', 10); if (anytile == pchar) { if (checkHint(70)) { addTip('The Shadow Scimitar allows the Barbarian to summon two clones of himself.', 'barbarian'); } } } else { if (selectItem1 == 2) {'h_011e', 'head', 10); if (anytile == pchar) { if (checkHint(71)) { addTip('The Berserker Mask allows the Barbarian to teleport to every enemy in sight and eliminate them quickly.', 'barbarian'); } } } else { if (selectItem1 == 3) {'h_011b', 'head', 10);'ab_011b', 'arm', 10); if (anytile == pchar) { if (checkHint(72)) { addTip('The Broadsword allows the Barbarian to slice most missiles in half.', 'barbarian'); } } } else { if (selectItem1 == 4) {'h_011c', 'head', 10);'b_011c', 'body', 10);'at_011c', 'arm', 10);'ab_011c', 'arm', 10); if (anytile == pchar) { if (checkHint(73)) { addTip('The Barbarian can now summon two magical Blades that swirl around, killing enemies and opening chests.', 'barbarian'); } } } else { if (selectItem1 == 5) {'h_011d', 'head', 10); if (anytile == pchar) { if (checkHint(74)) { addTip('With bloodlust, the Barbarian gains extra health and gold from enemy kills when berserk.', 'barbarian'); } } } } } } } } else { if (herotype == 'princess1') {'h_007', 'head', 10);'b_007', 'body', 10);'at_007', 'arm', 10);'ab_007', 'arm', 10); } } } } } } } anytile.canJump = anytile.jumpstrength; anytile.basespeed = anytile.xspeed;; } function replaceTile(oriY) { spaceFound = false; var v3 = randbtwn(1, 9); var v1 = randbtwn(16, 16); for (;;) { if (!(tBlocked[v3][oriY + v1 + dyOffset] || tTiles[v3][oriY + v1 + dyOffset].tileType == 'key' || tTiles[v3][oriY + v1 + dyOffset].tileType == 'boss' || oriY + v1 + dyOffset == 1 || tTiles[v3][oriY + v1 + dyOffset] != undefined)) break; v3 = randbtwn(1, 9); v1 = randbtwn(15, 17); } tType = randbtwn(2, 60); nextChest += 1; if (nextChest >= 5) { nextChest = 0; tType = 1; } if (thisDepth >= targetDepth - 30 && !princessSpawned) { princessSpawned = true; tType = 0; if (cIcon == 2) { if (checkHint(9)) { addTip('You have found the Princess! Find a way to rescue her!', 'normal'); } } else { if (checkHint(81)) { addTip('Get to the exit to escape from this location!', 'normal'); } } } if (!survivalMode && !twoPlayer && cIcon == 2 && levelsCompleted > 4 || survivalMode && levelsCompleted % 5 == 4 || twoPlayer && cIcon > 1) { if (thisDepth >= mRn(targetDepth * 0.7) && !bossSpawned) { bossSpawned = true; tType = -10; } } if (tType == -10) { var v5 = new Array(); v5[1] = 1; v5[2] = 2; v5[3] = 8; v5[4] = 9; v5[5] = randbtwn(3, 4); v5[6] = randbtwn(6, 7); v5[7] = randbtwn(3, 6); v5[8] = randbtwn(4, 7); v5[9] = 5; v5[10] = 3; v5[11] = 4; v5[12] = 5; v5[13] = 6; v5[14] = 7; var v4 = new Array(); v4[1] = 0; v4[2] = 0; v4[3] = 0; v4[4] = 0; v4[5] = randbtwn(0, 1); v4[6] = randbtwn(0, 1); v4[7] = -2; v4[8] = -2; v4[9] = 1; v4[10] = 1; v4[11] = 2; v4[12] = 2; v4[13] = 2; v4[14] = 1; sweep = 1; while (sweep <= 14) { xSw = v5[sweep]; yVar = v4[sweep]; if (tBlocked[xSw][oriY + v1 + dyOffset + yVar]) { sideTile = tTiles[xSw][oriY + v1 + dyOffset + yVar]; removeProp(sideTile); tBlocked[xSw][oriY + v1 + dyOffset + yVar] = false; limboBlock += 1; } if (sweep <= 4) { tTiles[xSw][oriY + v1 + dyOffset + yVar] = spawnProp('tile_bossledge', xSw * 50, (oriY + v1 + yVar) * 50, 10); } else { tTiles[xSw][oriY + v1 + dyOffset + yVar] = spawnProp('tile_gold', xSw * 50, (oriY + v1 + yVar) * 50, 10); } if (sweep > 4) { tTiles[xSw][oriY + v1 + dyOffset + yVar].tileType = 'bossgold'; } else { tTiles[xSw][oriY + v1 + dyOffset + yVar].tileType = 'solidgold'; } tTiles[xSw][oriY + v1 + dyOffset + yVar].tilex = xSw; tTiles[xSw][oriY + v1 + dyOffset + yVar].tiley = oriY + v1 + yVar; tTiles[xSw][oriY + v1 + dyOffset + yVar].swapDepths(50000 - (xSw + (oriY + v1 + yVar) * 10)); tBlocked[xSw][oriY + v1 + dyOffset + yVar] = true; limboBlock -= 1; if (tBlocked[xSw][oriY + v1 + dyOffset - 1 + yVar]) { sideTile = tTiles[xSw][oriY + v1 + dyOffset - 1 + yVar]; removeProp(sideTile); tBlocked[xSw][oriY + v1 + dyOffset - 1 + yVar] = false; limboBlock += 1; } if (sweep <= 4) { if (tBlocked[xSw][oriY + v1 + dyOffset - 2 + yVar]) { sideTile = tTiles[xSw][oriY + v1 + dyOffset - 2 + yVar]; removeProp(sideTile); tBlocked[xSw][oriY + v1 + dyOffset - 2 + yVar] = false; limboBlock += 1; } } ++sweep; } eBoss = spawnObject('boss' + bossNum, 'char', 75, (oriY + v1) * 50 - 50, 50000); eBoss.actwidth = 50; eBoss.actheight = 50; eBoss.x = eBoss._x; eBoss.y = eBoss._y; eBoss.owner = 2; eBoss.noStomp = false; eBoss.canJump = 0; eBoss.maxhp = 4; eBoss.hp = eBoss.maxhp; eBoss.cd_anim = 0; eBoss.armed = true; eBoss.bounty = 25; eBoss.basespeed = 0; eBoss.hit = 0; if (bossNum == 1) { eBoss.ranged = 'fireball'; } else { if (bossNum == 2) { eBoss.ranged = 'trunk'; } else { if (bossNum == 3) { eBoss.ranged = 'shadowbolt'; } else { if (bossNum == 4) { eBoss.ranged = 'snowball'; } } } } } else { if (tType == 0) { if (cIcon == 2 && !survivalMode && !twoPlayer || twoPlayer && cIcon == 5) { var v6 = spawnProp('tile_princess', v3 * 50, (oriY + v1) * 50, 10); } else { var v6 = spawnProp('tile_exit', v3 * 50, (oriY + v1) * 50, 10); } dressHero(v6, 'princess1'); tBlocked[v3][oriY + v1 + dyOffset] = true; v6.tileType = 'cage'; v6.heroType = 'princess'; wrongTile2 = tTiles[v3][oriY + v1 + dyOffset - 1]; removeProp(wrongTile2); tBlocked[v3][oriY + v1 + dyOffset - 1] = false; closex = 1; while (closex <= 9) { sideWing = tTiles[closex][oriY + v1 + dyOffset + 1]; removeProp(sideWing); tTiles[closex][oriY + v1 + dyOffset + 1] = spawnProp('tile_gold', closex * 50, (oriY + v1 + 1) * 50, 10); tBlocked[closex][oriY + v1 + dyOffset + 1] = true; tTiles[closex][oriY + v1 + dyOffset + 1].tileType = 'solidgold'; tTiles[closex][oriY + v1 + dyOffset + 1].swapDepths(50000 - (closex + (oriY + v1 + 1) * 10)); ++closex; } if ((cIcon != 2 || survivalMode || twoPlayer) && !(twoPlayer && cIcon == 5)) { tBlocked[v3][oriY + v1 + dyOffset] = false; v6.tileType = 'key'; } } else { if (tType == 1) { var v6 = spawnProp('tile_boom', v3 * 50, (oriY + v1) * 50, 10); tBlocked[v3][oriY + v1 + dyOffset] = true; v6.tileType = 'explosive'; } else { if (tType <= 20 && nextSpecialBlock >= 3) { nextSpecialBlock = 0; var v6 = spawnProp('tile_cage', v3 * 50, (oriY + v1) * 50, 10); tBlocked[v3][oriY + v1 + dyOffset] = true; v6.tileType = 'cage'; v6.heroType = lastHero; while (v6.heroType == lastHero) { htype = randbtwn(1, 10); if (htype <= 2) { v6.heroType = 'paladin'; } else { if (htype <= 4) { v6.heroType = 'ranger'; } else { if (htype <= 6) { v6.heroType = 'thief'; } else { if (htype <= 8) { v6.heroType = 'mage'; } else { if (htype <= 10) { v6.heroType = 'barbarian'; } } } } } } lastHero = v6.heroType; if (twoPlayer) { selectItem1 = 7; selectItem2 = 7; selectItem3 = 7; selectItem4 = 7; selectItem5 = 7; } dressHero(v6, v6.heroType); } else { if (tType <= 30 && nextSpecialBlock >= 3 && cMapType != 13) { nextSpecialBlock = 0; var v6 = spawnProp('tile_spike', v3 * 50, (oriY + v1) * 50, 10); tBlocked[v3][oriY + v1 + dyOffset] = true; v6.tileType = 'spike'; } else { if (cIcon == 2 && tType <= 40 && nextSpecialBlock >= 3) { nextSpecialBlock = 0; var v6 = spawnProp('tile_sliding', v3 * 50, (oriY + v1) * 50, 10); tBlocked[v3][oriY + v1 + dyOffset] = true; v6.tileType = 'sliding'; v6.count = 0; v6.tileStatus = true; } else { if (cIcon == 2 && tType <= 50 && nextSpecialBlock >= 3) { nextSpecialBlock = 0; var v6 = spawnProp('tile_idolhead', v3 * 50, (oriY + v1) * 50, 10); tBlocked[v3][oriY + v1 + dyOffset] = true; v6.tileType = 'idolhead'; v6.count = 0; v6.owner = 2; if (v3 > 5) { v6.tileStatus = true; } else { v6.tileStatus = false; v6.gotoAndStop(2); } } else { if (cIcon == 4 && tType <= 40 && nextSpecialBlock >= 3) { nextSpecialBlock = 0; var v6 = spawnProp('tile_icicle', v3 * 50, (oriY + v1) * 50, 10); tBlocked[v3][oriY + v1 + dyOffset] = true; v6.tileType = 'icicle'; v6.count = 0; v6.tileStatus = true; } else { if (cIcon == 4 && tType <= 50 && nextSpecialBlock >= 3) { nextSpecialBlock = 0; var v6 = spawnProp('tile_geyser', v3 * 50, (oriY + v1) * 50, 10); tBlocked[v3][oriY + v1 + dyOffset] = true; v6.tileType = 'geyser'; v6.count = 0; v6.tileStatus = true; } else { if (cIcon == 5 && tType <= 40 && nextSpecialBlock >= 3) { nextSpecialBlock = 0; var v6 = spawnProp('tile_magma', v3 * 50, (oriY + v1) * 50, 10); tBlocked[v3][oriY + v1 + dyOffset] = true; v6.tileType = 'magma'; v6.count = 0; v6.tileStatus = true; } else { if (cIcon == 5 && tType <= 50 && nextSpecialBlock >= 3) { nextSpecialBlock = 0; var v6 = spawnProp('tile_firevent', v3 * 50, (oriY + v1) * 50, 10); tBlocked[v3][oriY + v1 + dyOffset] = true; v6.tileType = 'firevent'; v6.count = 0; v6.tileStatus = true; } else { nextSpecialBlock += 1; var v6 = spawnProp('tile_blank' + cIcon, v3 * 50, (oriY + v1) * 50, 10); v6.block._rotation = randbtwn(0, 3) * 90; tBlocked[v3][oriY + v1 + dyOffset] = true; if (randbtwn(0, 10) <= 5) { v6.block.txt = ''; } v6.tileType = 'normal'; v6.sand = false; v6.count = 0; if (randbtwn(1, 20) <= 5 && !tBlocked[v3][oriY + v1 - 1 + dyOffset]) { if (thisDepth > 50) { var v7 = randbtwn(1, 5); if (thisDepth < 100) { v7 = 1; } if (cIcon == 1) { if (v7 <= 2) { spawnChar('goblin', v3, oriY + v1); } else { if (v7 <= 4) { spawnChar('troll', v3, oriY + v1); } else { if (cMapType != 13) { spawnChar('shaman', v3, oriY + v1); } } } } else { if (cIcon == 2) { if (v7 <= 3) { spawnChar('skeleton', v3, oriY + v1); } else { spawnChar('skarcher', v3, oriY + v1); } } else { if (cIcon == 3) { if (v7 <= 3) { spawnChar('sandwarrior', v3, oriY + v1); } else { spawnChar('cactus', v3, oriY + v1); } } else { if (cIcon == 4) { if (v7 <= 2) { spawnChar('s_goblin', v3, oriY + v1); } else { if (v7 <= 4) { spawnChar('s_troll', v3, oriY + v1); } else { spawnChar('yeti', v3, oriY + v1); } } } else { if (cIcon == 5) { if (v7 <= 2) { spawnChar('goblin', v3, oriY + v1); } else { if (v7 <= 4) { spawnChar('troll', v3, oriY + v1); } else { spawnChar('shaman', v3, oriY + v1); } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } v6.tilex = v3; v6.tiley = oriY + v1; tTiles[v3][oriY + v1 + dyOffset] = v6; v6.swapDepths(50000 - (v3 + (oriY + v1) * 10)); checkTop(v6); if (cIcon == 3) { if (v6.tileType == 'normal') { if (randbtwn(1, 10) <= 3) { if (!tBlocked[tx][ty - 1 + dyOffset]) { v6.gotoAndStop(3); v6.sand = false; } } } } } function checkTop(anytile) { tx = anytile.tilex; ty = anytile.tiley; anytile.count = 2; if (anytile.tileType == 'normal') { if (tBlocked[tx][ty + 1 + dyOffset]) { if (tTiles[tx][ty + 1 + dyOffset].tileType == 'normal') { tTiles[tx][ty + 1 + dyOffset].gotoAndStop(1); tTiles[tx][ty + 1 + dyOffset].sand = false; } if (tTiles[tx][ty + 1 + dyOffset].tileType == 'spike' || tTiles[tx][ty + 1 + dyOffset].tileType == 'cage') { tBlocked[tx][ty + dyOffset] = false; removeProp(anytile); limboBlock += 1; } } if (!tBlocked[tx][ty - 1 + dyOffset]) { anytile.gotoAndStop(2); if (cIcon == 3) { anytile.sand = true; } if (cIcon == 1) { anytile.subblock.attachMovie('grass' + randbtwn(1, 6), 'subblock', 0); } else { if (cIcon == 2) { anytile.subblock.attachMovie('temple_floor' + randbtwn(1, 6), 'subblock', 0); } else { if (cIcon == 4) { anytile.subblock.attachMovie('snow' + randbtwn(1, 5), 'subblock', 0); } else { if (cIcon == 5) { anytile.subblock.attachMovie('cave' + randbtwn(1, 6), 'subblock', 0); } } } } } } else { if (anytile.tileType == 'spike' || anytile.tileType == 'cage') { if (tBlocked[tx][ty - 1 + dyOffset] && tTiles[tx][ty - 1 + dyOffset].tileType != 'solidgold' && tTiles[tx][ty - 1 + dyOffset].tileType != 'cage') { tBlocked[tx][ty - 1 + dyOffset] = false; removeProp(tTiles[tx][ty - 1 + dyOffset]); limboBlock += 1; } if (anytile.tileType == 'spike' && tTiles[tx][ty + 1 + dyOffset].tileType == 'cage') { tBlocked[tx][ty + dyOffset] = false; removeProp(anytile); limboBlock += 1; } } } } function openCage(anytile, anyped) { gold += 3; += 3; scrollSpeed = 0.3; floatWords(anytile, '+5 mana +3 gp!'); anytile.tileType = ''; attachEffect(anytile, 'fx_explosion'); anytile.gotoAndStop(3); attachEffect(anyped, 'effect_ninjasmoke'); snd_box.start(); anyped.jump = true; anyped.ymove = -8; anyped.berserk = false; anyped.container.effect.removeMovieClip(); anyped.hit = 0; noRescue = false; if (twoPlayer) { var v3 = new Array(); if (anyped == pchar) { v3 = p1SelItem; } else { if (anyped == schar) { v3 = p2SelItem; } } selectItem1 = v3[1]; selectItem2 = v3[2]; selectItem3 = v3[3]; selectItem4 = v3[4]; selectItem5 = v3[5]; } anyped.mana += 5; if (anyped.mana > anyped.maxMana) { anyped.mana = anyped.maxMana; } if (anytile.heroType == 'paladin') { if (selectItem3 == 5) { anyped.attachMovie('shield', 'fx_shield', 0); anyped.shield = true; } } if (sameHeroName == '') { sameHeroName = anytile.heroType; } else { if (sameHeroName != anytile.heroType) { sameHero = false; } } if (anytile.heroType == 'princess') { levelComplete = true; deadHero = pchar.hero; makeFade('gameover'); anyped.dead = true; _level0.onEnterFrame = null; } else { if (anytile.heroType != anyped.hero) { comboBonus = 1; dressHero(anyped, anytile.heroType); } else { comboBonus += 1; gold += 3 * comboBonus; += 3 * comboBonus; floatWords(anyped, 'combo bonus! +' + 3 * comboBonus + ' gp'); if (checkHint(13)) { addTip('If you open a cage with a hero of the same class as you, you will gain a cumulative combo bonus!', 'normal'); } } } tBlocked[anytile.tilex][anytile.tiley + dyOffset] = false; } function spawnBlock() { if (randbtwn(1, 10) <= 9) { replaceTile(-dyOffset - 2); limboBlock -= 1; } var v1 = 1; while (v1 <= 20) { if (limboBlock > 0 && randbtwn(1, 10) <= 7) { replaceTile(-dyOffset - 2); limboBlock -= 1; } else { v1 = 99; } ++v1; } } function twoplayerDeath(anyped) { floatWords(anyped, 'oops!'); attachEffect(anyped, 'effect_ninjasmoke'); snd_warp.start(); if (anyped == pchar) { prandx = schar.xloc; prandy = schar.yloc; } else { prandx = pchar.xloc; prandy = pchar.yloc; } anyped.x = prandx * 50 + 25; anyped.y = prandy * 50 + 25; escapeDone = true; anyped.jump = true; anyped.ymove = 3; anyped.berserk = true; anyped._alpha = 100; anyped.hit = 30; anyped._x = anyped.x; anyped._y = anyped.y; if (anyped == pchar) { attachEffect(anyped, 'fx_explodemarker1'); } else { attachEffect(anyped, 'fx_explodemarker2'); } } function escapeThief(anyped) { escapeDone = false; while (!escapeDone) { prandx = randbtwn(1, 9); prandy = -dyOffset + randbtwn(3, 9); if (!tBlocked[prandx][prandy + dyOffset - 1] && tBlocked[prandx][prandy + dyOffset]) { if (selectItem5 == 1) { anyped.berserk = true; floatWords(anyped, 'amulet!'); attachEffect(anyped, 'ring_red'); anyped.container.attachMovie('effect_berserk', 'effect', 0); anyped.hit = 60; anyped.cd_anim = 10; } attachEffect(pchar, 'effect_ninjasmoke'); snd_poof.start(); anyped.x = prandx * 50 + 25; anyped.y = prandy * 50 - 25; attachEffect(anyped, 'effect_ninjasmoke'); floatWords(anyped, 'escape!'); escapeDone = true; anyped.jump = true; anyped.ymove = 3; anyped._x = anyped.x; anyped._y = anyped.y; attachEffect(anyped, 'effect_ninjasmoke'); } } } function loseHP(anyped) { if (twoPlayer) { selectItem1 = 7; selectItem2 = 7; selectItem3 = 7; selectItem4 = 7; selectItem5 = 7; var v2 = new Array(); if (anyped == pchar) { v2 = p1SelItem; } else { if (anyped == schar) { v2 = p2SelItem; } } selectItem1 = v2[1]; selectItem2 = v2[2]; selectItem3 = v2[3]; selectItem4 = v2[4]; selectItem5 = v2[5]; } if (anyped.shield) { anyped.shield = false; anyped.fx_shield.removeMovieClip(); } else { if (!(selectItem3 == 2 && anyped.hero == 'paladin')) { noHurt = false; anyped.hp -= 1; anyped.hit = 60; snd_squeak.start(); attachEffect(anyped, 'effect_ninjasmoke'); shadowCount = 0; if (selectItem3 == 6 && anyped.mana >= 5) { anyped.mana -= 5; } else { if (anyped.hp > 0) { if (anyped.hero != 'normal') { dressHero(anyped, 'normal'); if (checkHint(80)) { addTip('Beware: if you are injured, you will lose the powers of the current Hero.', 'normal'); } } } } if (anyped.hp == 1) { if (selectItem1 == 6) { anyped.berserk = true; attachEffect(anyped, 'ring_red'); anyped.hit = 300; anyped.cd_anim = 10; anyped.container.attachMovie('effect_berserk', 'effect', 0); } } } } } function removeLine() { var v2 = 0; while (v2 <= 17) { if (v2 == -1) { var v1 = 1; while (v1 <= 9) { tBlocked[v1][v2] = false; tTiles[rx][ry] = undefined; ++v1; } } else { var v1 = 1; while (v1 <= 9) { tBlocked[v1][v2] = tBlocked[v1][v2 + 1]; tTiles[v1][v2] = tTiles[v1][v2 + 1]; tTiles[v1][v2 + 1] = undefined; ++v1; } } ++v2; } } function corners(actx, acty, act) { actwidth = act.actwidth; actheight = act.actheight; act.x1 = Math.ceil((actx - actwidth) / 50) - 1; act.x2 = Math.ceil((actx + actwidth - 1) / 50) - 1; act.y1 = Math.ceil((acty - actheight) / 50) - 1; act.y2 = Math.ceil((acty + actheight - 1) / 50) - 1; act.ym = Math.ceil(acty / 50) - 1; act.cULi = canwalk(act.x1, act.y1); act.cURi = canwalk(act.x2, act.y1); act.cMLi = canwalk(act.x1, act.ym); act.cMRi = canwalk(act.x2, act.ym); act.cBLi = canwalk(act.x1, act.y2); act.cBRi = canwalk(act.x2, act.y2); } function canfall(act) { if (!act.jump) { corners(act.x, act.y + 2, act); if (act.cBRi and act.cBLi) { act.ymove = 3; act.jump = true; } } } function canwalk(tilex, tiley) { if (!tBlocked[tilex][tiley + dyOffset]) { return true; } else { return false; } } function activateTile(anyped, tilex, tiley) { var v2 = tTiles[tilex][tiley + dyOffset]; if (!v2.isDead && v2 != undefined && v2.tileType != '') { if (v2.tileType == 'explosive') { snd_box.start(); breakBlock(v2); chestsOpened += 1; if (anyped.objclass == 'char') { anyped.jump = true; anyped._y -= 1; anyped.ymove = -12; } makePickup(v2); if (checkHint(7)) { addTip('Breaking open chests will always reveal potions, gold coins, or other useful items!', 'normal'); } } else { if (v2.tileType == 'icicle') { breakBlock(v2); if (anyped.objclass == 'char') { anyped.jump = true; anyped._y -= 1; anyped.ymove = -12; } } else { if (v2.tileType == 'ice') { enemyChar = spawnChar('yeti', tilex, tiley); enemyChar.y += 120; enemyChar._y = enemyChar._y; breakBlock(v2); if (anyped.objclass == 'char') { anyped.jump = true; anyped.y -= 20; anyped.ymove = -12; } if (checkHint(32)) { addTip('Watch out, breaking the ice will release the enemy inside!', 'normal'); } } else { if (v2.tileType == 'spike') { if (anyped.objclass == 'char') { if (selectItem5 == 4 && anyped.hero == 'thief' && anyped.mana >= 5) { anyped.mana -= 5; escapeThief(anyped); } else { if (anyped.hit == 0) { loseHP(anyped); } anyped.jump = true; anyped._y -= 1; anyped.ymove = -12; } if (checkHint(14)) { addTip('Avoid jumping on spikes: touching them takes away 1 health point.', 'normal'); } } } else { if (v2.tileType == 'magma') { if (anyped.objclass == 'char') { anyped.jump = true; anyped._y -= 1; anyped.ymove = -20; attachEffect(anyped, 'fx_steamcloud'); } } else { if (v2.tileType == 'cage') { if (anyped.objclass == 'missile') { anyped.hp -= 1; if (selectItem4 == 6 && v2.heroType != 'princess') { gold += 3; makePickup(v2); floatWords(v2, '+3 gp!'); v2.tileType = ''; attachEffect(v2, 'fx_explosion'); v2.gotoAndStop(3); snd_box.start(); tBlocked[v2.tilex][v2.tiley + dyOffset] = false; } } } else { if (v2.tileType == 'normal') { if (cIcon == 3) { if (v2.sand) { if (v2.count <= 0) { attachEffect(v2, 'fx_sandcloud'); lastFx._x += 25; tBlocked[tilex][tiley + dyOffset] = false; removeProp(v2); limboBlock += 1; if (checkHint(26)) { addTip('Desert sands are treacherously unstable: try to stay on the solid rocks!', 'normal'); } } else { v2.count -= 1; } } } if (anyped.objclass == 'missile') { if (anyped.b_type == 'fireball' || anyped.b_type == 'familiar') { breakBlock(v2); } else { if (anyped.b_type == 'breaker') { breakBlock(v2); gold += 1; if (anyped.owner == 1) { += 1; } else { if (anyped.owner == 3) { += 1; } } floatWords(v2, '+1 gp!'); snd_cash.start(); } else { if (anyped.b_type == 'icebolt') { tBlocked[tilex][tiley + dyOffset] = false; v2.tileType = ''; removeProp(v2); var v5 = spawnProp('tile_icicle', tilex * 50, tiley * 50, 10); tBlocked[tilex][tiley + dyOffset] = true; v5.tileType = 'icicle'; v5.tilex = tilex; v5.tiley = tiley; tTiles[tilex][tiley + dyOffset] = v5; v5.swapDepths(50000 - (tilex + tiley * 10)); } } } } } } } } } } } if (anyped.objclass == 'missile' && v2.tileType != 'boss') { if (anyped.b_type == 'shuriken') { anyped._rotation = randbtwn(0, 360); } if (anyped.b_type != 'shadow' && anyped.b_type != 'scimitar') { anyped.hp -= 1; } if (anyped.hp == 0) { attachEffect(anyped, 'fx_explosion'); removeObject(anyped); } } } } function togglePause() { gamePaused = !gamePaused; if (gamePaused) { whiteoutObj(stage); backdrop._alpha = 50; bigbigwords = 'Game Paused!'; pausetxt = 'Press P to Unpause'; } else { unshadeObj(stage); backdrop._alpha = 100; bigbigwords = ''; pausetxt = ''; } } function makeJump(anyped) { if (!anyped.jump) { if (scrollSpeed == 0) { scrollSpeed = 0.3; } snd_jump.start(); anyped.jump = true; anyped._y -= 1; anyped.ymove = -anyped.jumpstrength; timesJumped += 1; } else { if (anyped.doublejump) { if (!anyped.jump2) { snd_jump.start(); timesDJumped += 1; if (selectItem4 == 5 && anyped.hero == 'ranger' && anyped.mana >= 1) { anyped.mana -= 1; anyped.ymove = -10; } else { anyped.jump2 = true; anyped.ymove = -12; attachEffect(anyped, 'fx_jumpcloud'); lastFx._y += 15; } } } } } stop(); musiccontrol.gotoAndStop(2); snd_btn = new Sound(this); snd_btn.attachSound('btn_down'); snd_jump = new Sound(this); snd_jump.attachSound('jumpsound'); snd_cash = new Sound(this); snd_cash.attachSound('cashregister'); snd_poof = new Sound(this); snd_poof.attachSound('rocket'); snd_box = new Sound(this); snd_box.attachSound('sodamachine'); snd_squeak = new Sound(this); snd_squeak.attachSound('squeak'); snd_pop = new Sound(this); snd_pop.attachSound('pop'); snd_glass = new Sound(this); snd_glass.attachSound('glassbreak'); snd_warp = new Sound(this); snd_warp.attachSound('warp'); snd_badnews = new Sound(this); snd_badnews.attachSound('badnews'); backdrop.gotoAndStop(cIcon); var frames = 0; var objCount = 0; var topLayer = 0; var princessSpawned = false; var bossSpawned = false; var necroSpecial = 0; var sancSpecial = 0; var hpmax = 4; var lockScrolling = false; var p1gold = 0; var p2gold = 0; var selectItem1 = selItem1; var selectItem2 = selItem2; var selectItem3 = selItem3; var selectItem4 = selItem4; var selectItem5 = selItem5; if (twoPlayer) { selectItem1 = 7; selectItem2 = 7; selectItem3 = 7; selectItem4 = 7; selectItem5 = 7; } var tBlocked = new Array(); var tTiles = new Array(); var targetDepth = 500; var seconds = 0; var shadowCount = 0; var omniStrike = 0; var omniCool = 0; var omniStop = 0; var eBoss = undefined; var shadeNum = 0; var gamePaused = false; var pausetxt = ''; var autoPauseTime = 0; if (cIcon == 2 && !survivalMode && !twoPlayer) { targetDepth = 600; targetDepth += 20 * levelsCompleted; gameObj1 = 'Rescue the Princess!'; gameObj2 = 'Princess'; gameObj3 = 'You Failed to Save the Princess!'; gameObj4 = 'You Rescued the Princess!'; } else { if (cIcon == 1) { targetDepth = 400; } else { if (cIcon == 3) { targetDepth = 450; } else { if (cIcon == 4) { targetDepth = 500; } } } targetDepth += 15 * levelsCompleted; gameObj1 = 'Get to the Exit!'; gameObj2 = 'Exit'; gameObj3 = 'You Failed to Reach the Exit!'; gameObj4 = 'You Got to the Exit!'; if (survivalMode) { gameObj1 = 'Survival Round ' + mRn(levelsCompleted + 1); } } if (twoPlayer) { musiccontrol.gotoAndStop(2); targetDepth *= 3; cIcon = levelsCompleted + 1; backdrop.gotoAndStop(cIcon); if (sfxLevel == 3) { musiccontrol.gotoAndStop(cIcon + 2); } } else { if (sfxLevel == 3) { musiccontrol.gotoAndStop(cIcon + 2); } } var gGravity = 0.85; var gTerminal = 16; var dyOffset = 0; var prevOffset = 0; var nextMarker = 0; var limboBlock = 0; var nextSpecialBlock = 3; var scrollSpeed = 0; var key = 3; var gold = 0; var thisDepth = 0; var nextChest = 0; var upScroll = 0; var levelComplete = false; var currentY = 0; var lastHero = 'normal'; var heroDead = false; var tipshow = 0; var prevGold = 0; var unlockedMask = false; var i = 1; while (i <= 10) { tBlocked[i - 1] = new Array(); tTiles[i - 1] = new Array(); ++i; } var targetGold = mRn((targetDepth / 5 - 20) / 5 - 2) * 5; targetbox.txt = targetGold + ' gold'; targettxt = 'Target: ' + targetGold; if (survivalMode) { targettxt = 'Target: ' + mRn(targetGold + totalgold); } var noKills = true; var noHurt = true; var noRescue = true; var smashBlock = 0; var smashIce = 0; var chestsOpened = 0; var timesJumped = 0; var timesDJumped = 0; var enemiesKilled = 0; var cloudDeath = false; var sameHeroName = ''; var sameHero = true; newMap(); _level0.onEnterFrame = function () { if (Key.isDown(80)) { if (!pdp) { pdp = true; togglePause(); } } else { pdp = false; } if (!gamePaused) { hpbar.gotoAndStop(pchar.hp + 1); manaTxt = pchar.mana + '/' + pchar.maxMana; manabar._xscale = (pchar.mana / pchar.maxMana) * 100; if (twoPlayer) { hpbar2.gotoAndStop(schar.hp + 1); manaTxt2 = schar.mana + '/' + schar.maxMana; manabar2._xscale = (schar.mana / schar.maxMana) * 100; goldbox1._visible = true; goldbox1.txt = + ' gp'; goldbox2._visible = true; goldbox2.txt = + ' gp'; medalbox1._visible = true; medalbox1.txt = 'x ' + p1medals; medalbox2._visible = true; medalbox2.txt = 'x ' + p2medals; p1gold =; p2gold =; lifeDisplay = 'x ' + lives; } else { hpbar2._visible = false; manaTxt2 = ''; manabar2._visible = false; goldbox1._visible = false; goldbox2._visible = false; medalbox1._visible = false; medalbox2._visible = false; } if (pchar.mana == 0) { if (checkHint(75)) { addTip('When you run out of mana, you can wait for it to regenerate, or look for blue potions.', 'normal'); } } keybar.gotoAndStop(mRn(key + 1)); if (pchar.hit > 0) { pchar.hit -= 1; if (pchar.berserk) { if (pchar.hit == 0) { pchar.berserk = false; pchar.container.effect.removeMovieClip(); } else { if (frames % 15 == 0) { attachEffect(pchar, 'ring_red'); } } } else { blink = pchar.hit % 2; if (blink == 1) { pchar._alpha = 20; } else { pchar._alpha = 100; } } } else { pchar._alpha = 100; } if (twoPlayer) { if (schar.hit > 0) { schar.hit -= 1; if (schar.berserk) { if (schar.hit == 0) { schar.berserk = false; schar.container.effect.removeMovieClip(); } else { if (frames % 15 == 0) { attachEffect(schar, 'ring_red'); } } } else { blink = schar.hit % 2; if (blink == 1) { schar._alpha = 20; } else { schar._alpha = 100; } } } else { schar._alpha = 100; } } if (shadowCount > 0) { shadowCount -= 1; if (frames % 10 == 0) { gold += 1; += 1; } } if (necroSpecial > 0) { necroSpecial -= 1; if (necroSpecial <= 0) { unshadeObj(stage); backdrop.gotoAndStop(cIcon); } } if (sancSpecial > 0) { sancSpecial -= 1; if (sancSpecial <= 0) { backdrop.gotoAndStop(cIcon); } } if (pchar.omniCool > 0) { pchar.omniCool -= 1; } if (pchar.omniStop > 0) { pchar.omniStop -= 1; if (pchar.omniStop == 0) { pchar.omniStrike = 0; } } if (schar.omniCool > 0) { schar.omniCool -= 1; } if (schar.omniStop > 0) { schar.omniStop -= 1; if (schar.omniStop == 0) { schar.omniStrike = 0; } } if (prevshadowcount > 0) { if (shadowCount <= 0) { unshadeObj(stage); backdrop.gotoAndStop(cIcon); } } prevshadowcount = shadowCount; if (stage._y < 0) { dyOffset = Math.ceil(stage._y / 50) - 1; if (prevOffset > dyOffset) { removeLine(); if (limboBlock > 0) { spawnBlock(); } } } frames -= 1; if (frames <= 0) { frames = 30; seconds += 1; if (seconds % 2 == 0) { if (pchar.mana < pchar.maxMana) { pchar.mana += 1; } if (schar.mana < schar.maxMana) { schar.mana += 1; } } if (scrollSpeed > 0) { upScroll += 1; } if (seconds >= 3) { targetbox._visible = false; } } clocktxt = displayLongTime(seconds); if (upScroll >= 7 && !princessSpawned) { upScroll = 0; scrollSpeed += 0.1; if (tipshow == 0) { if (scrollSpeed > 1) { if (survivalMode) { if (checkHint(22)) { addTip('The map will gradually scroll faster and faster: rescue heroes to slow it down.', 'normal'); } } } } } nextMarker += 1; if (tipshow > 0) { tipbox._visible = true; tipshow -= 1; tipbox._y = Math.max(pchar._y + stage._y, 200); } else { tipbox._visible = false; } if (Key.isDown(37) || Key.isDown(65) && !twoPlayer) { pchar._xscale = -100; pchar.xmove = -pchar.xspeed; if (scrollSpeed == 0) { scrollSpeed = 0.3; } } else { if (Key.isDown(39) || Key.isDown(68) && !twoPlayer) { pchar._xscale = 100; pchar.xmove = pchar.xspeed; if (scrollSpeed == 0) { scrollSpeed = 0.3; } } else { pchar.xmove = 0; } } if (Key.isDown(38) || Key.isDown(87) && !twoPlayer) { if (!pup) { pup = true; makeJump(pchar); } } else { pup = false; } if (twoPlayer && !aiBuddy) { if (Key.isDown(65)) { schar._xscale = -100; schar.xmove = -schar.xspeed; if (scrollSpeed == 0) { scrollSpeed = 0.3; } } else { if (Key.isDown(68)) { schar._xscale = 100; schar.xmove = schar.xspeed; if (scrollSpeed == 0) { scrollSpeed = 0.3; } } else { schar.xmove = 0; } } if (Key.isDown(87)) { if (!p2up) { p2up = true; makeJump(schar); } } else { p2up = false; } } spacebar._visible = false; spacebar.txt = ''; var v20 = tTiles[pchar.xloc][pchar.yloc + dyOffset + 1]; var v21 = tTiles[pchar.xloc][pchar.yloc + dyOffset]; if (twoPlayer) { var v18 = tTiles[schar.xloc][schar.yloc + dyOffset + 1]; var v22 = tTiles[schar.xloc][schar.yloc + dyOffset]; } if (v21.tileType == 'key' || v22.tileType == 'key') { levelComplete = true; deadHero = pchar.hero; makeFade('gameover'); pchar.dead = true; backdrop.gotoAndStop(7); _level0.onEnterFrame = function () { if (pchar._xscale > 0) { pchar._xscale -= 10; } else { pchar._xscale += 10; } pchar._yscale -= 10; pchar._rotation += 10; }; } if (v20.tileType == 'cage' && pchar.ymove <= 3) { rescue_sign._x = pchar._x + stage._x; rescue_sign._y = pchar._y + stage._y; if (checkHint(8)) { addTip('When standing on a cage, press DOWN to open it and free the hero inside!', 'normal'); } } else { rescue_sign._y = -200; } if (twoPlayer) { if (v18.tileType == 'cage' && schar.ymove <= 3) { rescue_sign2._x = schar._x + stage._x; rescue_sign2._y = schar._y + stage._y; if (checkHint(8)) { addTip('When standing on a cage, press DOWN to open it and free the hero inside! You will gain gold and mana.', 'normal'); } } else { rescue_sign2._y = -200; } } if (Key.isDown(40) || Key.isDown(83) && !twoPlayer) { if (!pdown) { pdown = true; if (v20.tileType == 'cage' && pchar.ymove <= 3) { openCage(v20, pchar); } } } else { pdown = false; } if (twoPlayer) { if (Key.isDown(83)) { if (!p2down) { p2down = true; if (v18.tileType == 'cage' && schar.ymove <= 3) { openCage(v18, schar); } } } else { p2down = false; } } if (aiBuddy) { if (v18.tileType == 'cage') { openCage(v18, schar); } } if (pchar.hero == 'ranger') { spacebar._visible = true; spacebar.txt = 'Shoot Arrow (1 Mana)'; if (selectItem4 == 3) { spacebar.txt = 'Holy Bolt (2 Mana)'; } } else { if (pchar.hero == 'paladin' && v20.tileType == 'normal') { if (pchar.ymove <= 3) { spacebar._visible = true; spacebar.txt = 'Stomp (3 Mana)'; if (selectItem3 == 1) { spacebar.txt = 'Dragon Stomp (5 Mana)'; } if (selectItem3 == 2) { spacebar.txt = 'Platemail Stomp (0 Mana)'; } } } else { if (pchar.hero == 'thief') { spacebar._visible = true; spacebar.txt = 'Escape (3 Mana)'; if (selectItem5 == 3) { spacebar.txt = 'Shuriken (2 Mana)'; } else { if (selectItem5 == 5) { spacebar.txt = 'Shadow (10 Mana)'; } } } else { if (pchar.hero == 'mage') { spacebar._visible = true; spacebar.txt = 'Fireball (3 Mana)'; if (selectItem2 == 1) { spacebar.txt = 'Soul Rip (3 Mana)'; } else { if (selectItem2 == 2) { spacebar.txt = 'Ice Bolt (1 Mana)'; } else { if (selectItem2 == 3) { spacebar.txt = 'Familiar (3 Mana)'; } else { if (selectItem2 == 4) { spacebar.txt = 'Flame Fan (4 Mana)'; } else { if (selectItem2 == 5) { spacebar.txt = 'Sanctuary (10 Mana)'; } } } } } } else { if (pchar.hero == 'barbarian') { if (pchar.hit == 0) { spacebar._visible = true; spacebar.txt = 'Berserk (10 Mana)'; } if (selectItem1 == 1) { spacebar.txt = 'Shadow Clone (5 Mana)'; } else { if (selectItem1 == 2) { spacebar.txt = 'Omnistrike (5 Mana)'; } else { if (selectItem1 == 4) { spacebar.txt = 'Summon Blades (1 Mana)'; } } } } } } } } if (Key.isDown(81)) { if (!pdq) { pdq = true; heroDead = true; deathNote = 'You gave up!'; deadMethod = 1; attachEffect(pchar, 'fx_explosion'); pchar.dead = true; deadHero = pchar.hero; deadLoc = thisDepth; deadMethod = 2; makeFade('gameover'); _level0.onEnterFrame = null; } } else { pdq = false; } if (twoPlayer) { if (Key.isDown(13) || Key.isDown(32)) { if (!pds1) { pds1 = true; specialAbility(pchar); } } else { pds1 = false; } if (Key.isDown(16)) { if (!pds2) { pds2 = true; specialAbility(schar); } } else { pds2 = false; } } else { if (Key.isDown(32)) { if (!pds) { pds = true; specialAbility(pchar); } } else { pds = false; } } if (eBoss.hit > 0) { eBoss.hit -= 1; eblink = eBoss.hit % 2; if (eblink == 1) { eBoss._alpha = 20; } else { eBoss._alpha = 100; } } else { eBoss._alpha = 100; } if (bossSpawned && eBoss != undefined && eBoss._y + stage._y < 500) { boss_bar._visible = true; boss_bar.txtname = bossName[bossNum]; boss_bar.lifebar._xscale = (eBoss.hp / eBoss.maxhp) * 100; stage._y -= (eBoss._y + stage._y - 275) / 20; } else { boss_bar._visible = false; lockSpot = 220; var v19; if (twoPlayer) { if (pchar.y > schar.y) { v19 = pchar; } else { v19 = schar; } } else { v19 = pchar; } if (!lockScrolling) { if (v19._y + stage._y > lockSpot) { stage._y -= (v19._y + stage._y - lockSpot) / 15; startScroll = true; } } if (startScroll && survivalMode) { stage._y -= scrollSpeed * 2; } else { if (shadowCount > 0) { stage._y -= 2; } } } if (!pchar.dead) { thisDepth = mRn((-stage._y + 300) / 10); if (thisDepth < targetDepth) { thisDepthtxt = mRn(targetDepth - thisDepth) + ' m to go!'; } else { thisDepthtxt = ''; } if (thisDepth > targetDepth) { bigbigwords = gameObj1; } else { if (thisDepth >= targetDepth - 50) { bigbigwords = mRn(targetDepth - thisDepth) + ' m to the ' + gameObj2 + '!'; backdrop._alpha = 40; } else { bigbigwords = ''; } } } if (!twoPlayer) { if (!pchar.dead) { if (pchar._y + stage._y < 0 && !pchar.jump || pchar._y + stage._y < -30 || pchar._y + stage._y > 525 || pchar.hp <= 0) { deadHero = pchar.hero; deadLoc = thisDepth; if (pchar.hp <= 0) { deathNote = 'Your Hero was Killed!'; heroDead = true; deadMethod = 2; } else { if (pchar._y + stage._y < 0 && !pchar.jump || pchar._y + stage._y < -30) { deathNote = 'Your Hero Was Too Slow!'; deadMethod = 2; heroDead = true; cloudDeath = true; } else { if (pchar._y + stage._y > 525) { deathNote = 'Your Hero Fell To His Death!'; heroDead = true; deadMethod = 1; } } } attachEffect(pchar, 'fx_explosion'); pchar.dead = true; makeFade('gameover'); _level0.onEnterFrame = null; } } } else { if (!pchar.dead) { if (pchar._y + stage._y < 25 || pchar.hp <= 0) { twoplayerDeath(pchar); } if (pchar.hp <= 0) { snd_badnews.start(); lives -= 1; pchar.hp = hpmax; dressHero(pchar, 'normal'); penalty = mRn( / 4); -= penalty; floatWords(pchar, 'PENALTY -' + penalty + 'gp!'); += penalty; floatWords(schar, 'BONUS +' + penalty + 'gp!'); } } if (!schar.dead) { if (schar._y + stage._y < 25 || schar.hp <= 0) { twoplayerDeath(schar); } if (schar.hp <= 0) { snd_badnews.start(); lives -= 1; schar.hp = hpmax; dressHero(schar, 'normal'); penalty = mRn( / 4); -= penalty; floatWords(schar, 'PENALTY -' + penalty + 'gp!'); += penalty; floatWords(pchar, 'BONUS +' + penalty + 'gp!'); } } if (lives < 0) { deathNote = 'You ran out of lives!'; heroDead = true; deadMethod = 2; attachEffect(pchar, 'fx_explosion'); attachEffect(schar, 'fx_explosion'); pchar.dead = true; schar.dead = true; makeFade('gameover'); _level0.onEnterFrame = null; } } if (!survivalMode) { goldDisplay = 'x ' + mRn(gold) + ' gp'; } else { goldDisplay = 'x ' + mRn(gold + totalgold) + ' gp'; } goldBroken = false; bossClearance = false; var v12 = 0; while (v12 <= propCount) { var v3 = stage['prop' + dd(v12)]; if (!v3.isDead) { if (v3.tileType == 'explosive') { if (sancSpecial > 0 && v3._y + stage._y < 500) { v3.isDead = true; breakBlock(v3); makePickup(v3); snd_pop.start(); } } if (bossSpawned && eBoss == undefined) { if (!goldBroken && frames % 10 == 0) { if (v3.tileType == 'bossgold' && v3._y + stage._y < 500) { v3.isDead = true; breakBlock(v3); goldBroken = true; snd_pop.start(); } } } if (bossSpawned && eBoss != undefined && eBoss._y + stage._y < 350) { if (!bossClearance && frames % 15 == 0) { if (v3.tileType != 'bossgold' && v3.tileType != 'solidgold' && v3.tileType != 'icicle' && v3._y + stage._y < 500) { v3.isDead = true; breakBlock(v3); bossClearance = true; } } } if (v3.tileType == 'sliding') { v3.count += 1; if (v3.count >= 90) { v3.count = 0; v3.tileStatus = !v3.tileStatus; if (v3.tileStatus) { v3.gotoAndStop(1); tBlocked[v3.tilex][v3.tiley + dyOffset] = true; if (pchar.xloc == v3.tilex) { if (pchar.yloc == v3.tiley) { pchar.jump = true; pchar.ymove = -12; } } } else { v3.gotoAndStop(2); tBlocked[v3.tilex][v3.tiley + dyOffset] = false; } } } if (v3.tileType == 'geyser') { v3.count += 1; if (v3.count >= 100) { v3.count = 0; var v15 = fireMissile(v3, -90, 'geyser', 1); attachEffect(v3, 'fx_explosion'); v15._y -= 50; v15._x += 12; lastFx._y += 25; lastFx._x += 25; } } if (v3.tileType == 'firevent') { v3.count += 1; if (v3.count >= 100) { v3.count = 0; v15 = fireMissile(v3, -45, 'magmaball', 1); v15._y -= 50; v15._x += 12; v15 = fireMissile(v3, 225, 'magmaball', 1); v15._y -= 50; v15._x += 12; attachEffect(v3, 'fx_explosion'); lastFx._y += 25; lastFx._x += 25; } } if (v3.tileType == 'idolhead') { v3.count += 1; if (v3.count >= 100) { v3.count = 0; if (v3.tileStatus) { v15 = fireMissile(v3, 180, 'dart', 1); } else { v15 = fireMissile(v3, 0, 'dart', 1); } attachEffect(v3, 'fx_explosion'); v15._y += 25; lastFx._y += 25; lastFx._x += 25; } } if (v3.heroType == 'princess' || v3.tileType == 'key') { if (v3._y + stage._y <= 400) { lockScrolling = true; } } if (v3._y + stage._y < -50) { currentY = v3.tiley; limboBlock += 1; v3.isDead = true; removeProp(v3); if (v3.heroType == 'princess' || v3.tileType == 'key') { heroDead = true; deadHero = pchar.hero; makeFade('gameover'); pchar.dead = true; _level0.onEnterFrame = null; deathNote = gameObj3; } } } ++v12; } var v16 = false; var v17 = true; var v14 = false; var v13 = 0; if (objCount == undefined) { objCount = 0; } var v11 = 0; while (v11 <= objCount) { var v1 = stage['obj' + dd(v11)]; if (!v1.isDead) { v1.xTile = Math.ceil((v1._x + v1._xscale / 100) / 50) - 1; v1.yTile = Math.ceil((v1._y + 1) / 50) - 1; v1.bodyTile = Math.ceil((v1._y - 5) / 50) - 1; v1.nextTile = Math.ceil((v1._x + 12 * v1._xscale / 100) / 50) - 1; v1.landTile = Math.ceil((v1._y + 25) / 50) - 1; if (v1.objclass == 'missile') { var v10 = v1._rotation; v10 = (v10 / 180) * mPi; v1._x += v1.speed * mCo(v10) * v1._xscale / 100; v1._y += v1.speed * mSi(v10) * v1._xscale / 100; if (v1._x < -50 || v1._x > 550 || v1._y + stage._y > 550 || v1._y + stage._y < -50) { removeObject(v1); } if (v1.owner == 1 || v1.owner == 3) { activateTile(v1, v1.xTile, v1.yTile); } else { if (tBlocked[v1.xTile][v1.yTile + dyOffset] && v1.b_type != 'dart' && v1.b_type != 'geyser' && v1.b_type != 'icebolt' && v1.b_type != 'fireball' && v1.b_type != 'snowball' && v1.b_type != 'trunk') { v1.hp = 0; } if (v1.b_type == 'snowball') { if (tTiles[v1.xTile][v1.yTile + dyOffset].tileType == 'icicle' || tTiles[v1.xTile][v1.yTile + dyOffset].tileType == 'normal') { breakBlock(tTiles[v1.xTile][v1.yTile + dyOffset]); limboBlock += 1; } else { if (!tBlocked[v1.xTile][v1.yTile + dyOffset]) { if (randbtwn(1, 30) == 2) { if (v1.xTile >= 3 && v1.xTile <= 7 && v1._y + stage._y > 150) { var v6 = spawnProp('tile_icicle', v1.xTile * 50, v1.yTile * 50, 10); tBlocked[v1.xTile][v1.yTile + dyOffset] = true; v6.tileType = 'icicle'; v6.tilex = v1.xTile; v6.tiley = v1.yTile; tTiles[v1.xTile][v1.yTile + dyOffset] = v6; v6.swapDepths(50000 - (v1.xTile + v1.yTile * 10)); limboBlock -= 1; removeObject(v1); } } } } } } if (v1.b_type == 'familiar') { if (v1._rotation == 0) { if (tBlocked[v1.xTile + 1][v1.yTile + dyOffset] || v1.xTile == 9) { activateTile(v1, v1.xTile + 1, v1.yTile); v1._rotation = randbtwn(0, 3) * 90; } } else { if (v1._rotation == 90) { if (tBlocked[v1.xTile][v1.yTile + dyOffset + 1]) { activateTile(v1, v1.xTile, v1.yTile + 1); v1._rotation = randbtwn(0, 3) * 90; } } else { if (v1._rotation == 180) { if (tBlocked[v1.xTile - 1][v1.yTile + dyOffset] || v1.xTile == 1) { activateTile(v1, v1.xTile - 1, v1.yTile); v1._rotation = randbtwn(0, 3) * 90; } } else { if (v1._rotation == 270) { if (tBlocked[v1.xTile][v1.yTile + dyOffset - 1]) { activateTile(v1, v1.xTile, v1.yTile - 1); v1._rotation = randbtwn(0, 3) * 90; } } } } } } if (v1.b_type == 'scimitar') { v1._rotation += v1.spindir; } if (v1.hp <= 0) { attachEffect(v1, 'fx_explosion'); removeObject(v1); } if (v1.yloc == schar.yloc && Math.abs(v1.xloc - schar.xloc) <= 2) { v16 = true; } } if (v1.objclass == 'char') { corners(v1.x, v1.y + v1.ymove, v1); v1.xloc = int(v1.x / 50); v1.yloc = int((v1.y + v1.ymove) / 50); if (v1.ymove < -2) { v1.ymove *= gGravity; if (v1.ymove > -2) { v1.ymove = -v1.ymove; } } else { if (v1.ymove < gTerminal) { v1.ymove += 0.1; v1.ymove *= 2 - gGravity; } } if (v1.ymove < 0) { if (v1.cURi && v1.cULi) { v1.y += v1.ymove; } else { v1.y = v1.yloc * 50 + v1.actheight; v1.ymove = 2; } } else { if (v1.ymove > 0) { if (v1.cBLi && v1.cBRi) { v1.y += v1.ymove; } else { v1.y = (v1.yloc + 1) * 50 - v1.actheight; v1.ymove = 0; v1.jump = false; v1.jump2 = false; if (v1.owner == 1 || v1.owner == 3) { if (shadowCount == 0) { activateTile(v1, v1.xTile, v1.yTile + 1); } } } } } corners(v1.x + v1.xmove, v1.y, v1); v1.xloc = int(v1.x / 50); v1.yloc = int(v1.y / 50); if (v1.cd_anim > 0) { v1.cd_anim -= 1; } if (v1.xmove == 0) { if (!v1.jump && v1.cd_anim == 0) {; } v1.legs.gotoAndStop(1); } else { if (v1.xmove < 0) { if (!v1.armed) {; }; if (v1.cULi && v1.cMLi && v1.cBLi && v1._x > 50 + v1.actwidth) { v1._xscale = -100; v1.x += v1.xmove; canfall(v1); } else {} } else { if (v1.xmove > 0) { if (!v1.armed) {; }; if (v1.cURi && v1.cMRi && v1.cBRi && v1._x < 500 - v1.actwidth) { v1._xscale = 100; v1.x += v1.xmove; canfall(v1); } else {} } } } v1._x = v1.x; v1._y = v1.y; } if (v1.objclass == 'pickup') { if (v1.xloc == schar.xloc) { v14 = true; } } if (v1 != pchar && (v1 != schar || aiBuddy) && v1.objclass == 'char') { if (v1 != schar) { if (v1._y + stage._y < 0 || v1._y + stage._y > 850) { removeObject(v1); } } if (randbtwn(1, 60) == 1) { v1.xmove = (randbtwn(0, 2) - 1) * v1.basespeed; } if (v1.owner == 2) { if (v1.yloc == schar.yloc) { if (v1.xloc == schar.xloc) { v17 = true; } } if (thiObj.yloc == schar.yloc) { if (v1.xloc < schar.xloc) { v13 = -1; } else { if (v1.xloc > schar.xloc) { v13 = 1; } } } if (necroSpecial > 0) { if (v1 == eBoss) { bossHit(1); } else { if (v1._y + stage._y < 500) { += v1.bounty; killEnemy(v1); } } } if (v1._y + stage._y < 500) { checkStrike(v1, pchar); checkStrike(v1, schar); } if (!v1.jump) { if (!v1.cMRi && !v1.cLRi && !v1.cMLi && !v1.cLLi) { removeObject(v1); } } } if (v1.canJump > 0) { if (randbtwn(1, 60) == 1) { if (!v1.jump) { v1.jump = true; v1.ymove = -v1.canJump; } } } if (v1 == schar) { var v4 = new Array(); var v7 = new Array(); var v8 = new Array(); aib = 1; while (aib <= 3) { v4[aib] = ''; v7[aib] = false; v8[aib] = false; aibx = 1; while (aibx <= 5) { if (tBlocked[schar.xloc + aib - 2][schar.yloc + dyOffset + aibx]) { v4[aib] = tTiles[schar.xloc + aib - 2][schar.yloc + dyOffset + aibx].tileType; if (v4[aib] == 'spike' || v4[aib] == 'firevent') { v7[aib] = true; } else { if (v4[aib] == 'cage' || v4[aib] == 'explosive') { v8[aib] = true; } } aibx = 99; } ++aibx; } ++aib; } if (v1.ranged != '' && v1.mana > 3) { if (v13 == -1) { v1._xscale = -100; specialAbility(v1); } else { if (v13 == 1) { v1._xscale = 100; specialAbility(v1); } } } if (randbtwn(1, 10) == 3) { if (v1.yloc > pchar.yloc + 2) { if (v1.xmove != 0 || v14) { v1.xmove = 0; } else { if (randbtwn(1, 60) == 2) { v1.xmove = v1.basespeed; if (randbtwn(1, 10) <= 5) { v1.xmove = -v1.xmove; } } } } else { if (v14) { v1.xmove = 0; } if (randbtwn(1, 10) <= 5) { if (v1.xmove == 0) { v1.xmove = v1.basespeed; if (randbtwn(1, 10) <= 5) { v1.xmove = -v1.xmove; } } } if (randbtwn(1, 20) == 5 || v16 || v17 && v1.yloc > -dyOffset + 3) { makeJump(v1); } } if (randbtwn(1, 5) == 3 && v1.mana > 5) { specialAbility(v1); } if (v7[1] && v1.xmove < 0) { v1.xmove = -v1.xmove; } if (v7[2] && v1.xmove == 0) { v1.xmove = v1.basespeed; if (randbtwn(1, 10) <= 5) { v1.xmove = -v1.xmove; } } if (v7[3] && v1.xmove > 0) { v1.xmove = -v1.xmove; } if (v8[1] && v1.xmove >= 0) { v1.xmove = -v1.basespeed; } if (v8[2] && v1.xmove != 0) { v1.xmove = 0; } if (v8[3] && v1.xmove <= 0) { v1.xmove = v1.basespeed; } } } if (v1.objclass == 'char') { if (!v1.jump) { if (v1.xmove < 0 && (v1.cBLi || !v1.cMLi) || v1.xmove > 0 && (v1.cBRi || !v1.cMRi)) { if (v1.owner != 1 && v1.owner != 3 || randbtwn(1, 10) == 2) { v1.xmove = -v1.xmove; } else { if (v1 == schar) { if (randbtwn(1, 10) == 3) { makeJump(v1); } } else { v1.jump = true; v1.ymove = -v1.canJump; } } if (v1.owner == 1 || v1.owner == 3) { if (v1.xmove < 0 && v1._x <= 70) { v1.xmove = -v1.xmove; } else { if (v1.xmove > 0 && v1._x >= 480) { v1.xmove = -v1.xmove; } } } } } } if (v1._y + stage._y < 500) { if (v1.ranged != '') { if (v1.cd_anim == 0) { v1.cd_anim = 90;'attack_melee'); if (v1 == eBoss) { if (v1._xscale > 0) { if (bossNum == 1) { fireMissile(v1, 45, v1.ranged, 1); fireMissile(v1, 0, v1.ranged, 1); fireMissile(v1, -45, v1.ranged, 1); } else { if (bossNum == 2) { mis1 = fireMissile(v1, 0, v1.ranged, 1); mis2 = fireMissile(v1, -90, v1.ranged, 1); } else { if (bossNum == 3) { fireMissile(v1, -45, v1.ranged, 1); fireMissile(v1, 0, v1.ranged, 1); if (shadeNum < 3) { newShade = spawnChar('shade', randbtwn(3, 9), -dyOffset + randbtwn(4, 6)); shadeNum += 1; } attachEffect(newShade, 'effect_ninjasmoke'); } else { if (bossNum == 4) { fireMissile(v1, -45, 'icebolt', 1); fireMissile(v1, 0, 'icebolt', 1); fireMissile(v1, 30, v1.ranged, 1); fireMissile(v1, 60, v1.ranged, 1); } } } } } else { if (bossNum == 1) { fireMissile(v1, 225, v1.ranged, 1); fireMissile(v1, 180, v1.ranged, 1); fireMissile(v1, 135, v1.ranged, 1); } else { if (bossNum == 2) { mis1 = fireMissile(v1, 180, v1.ranged, 1); mis2 = fireMissile(v1, -90, v1.ranged, 1); } else { if (bossNum == 3) { fireMissile(v1, 225, v1.ranged, 1); fireMissile(v1, 180, v1.ranged, 1); if (shadeNum < 3) { newShade = spawnChar('shade', randbtwn(3, 9), -dyOffset + randbtwn(4, 6)); shadeNum += 1; } attachEffect(newShade, 'effect_ninjasmoke'); } else { if (bossNum == 4) { fireMissile(v1, 225, 'icebolt', 1); fireMissile(v1, 180, 'icebolt', 1); fireMissile(v1, 150, v1.ranged, 1); fireMissile(v1, 120, v1.ranged, 1); } } } } } if (bossNum == 2) { mis1._rotation = 90; mis1._x = randbtwn(3, 4) * 50 + 25; mis1._y = -stage._y + 75; mis2._rotation = 90; mis2._x = randbtwn(6, 7) * 50 + 25; mis2._y = -stage._y + 75; } } else { if (v1._xscale > 0) { fireMissile(v1, 0, v1.ranged, 1); } else { fireMissile(v1, 180, v1.ranged, 1); } } } } } } var v9 = 1; while (v9 <= objCount) { var v2 = stage['obj' + dd(v9)]; if (shadowCount == 0) { if (!v2.isDead) { if (v1.owner == 1 || v1.owner == 3) { if (v1 != v2) { if (v1.owner != v2.owner) { if ( { if (twoPlayer) { selectItem1 = 7; selectItem2 = 7; selectItem3 = 7; selectItem4 = 7; selectItem5 = 7; var v5 = new Array(); if (v1 == pchar) { v5 = p1SelItem; } else { if (v1 == schar) { v5 = p2SelItem; } } selectItem1 = v5[1]; selectItem2 = v5[2]; selectItem3 = v5[3]; selectItem4 = v5[4]; selectItem5 = v5[5]; } if (v1.objclass == 'missile') { if (v1.owner == 1 && v2.owner == 3 || v1.owner == 3 && v2.owner == 1) { v2.jump = true; v2.ymove = -10; } else { if (v2.objclass == 'char') { if (v2 == eBoss) { bossHit(1); v1.hp = 0; } else { if (v1.b_type == 'holybolt') { spawnPickup('redpotion', v2.xloc, v2.yloc + 1); } else { if (v1.b_type == 'icebolt') { v6 = spawnProp('tile_icicle', v2.xloc * 50, v2.yloc * 50, 10); tBlocked[v2.xloc][v2.yloc + dyOffset] = true; v6.tileType = 'icicle'; v6.tilex = v2.xloc; v6.tiley = v2.yloc; tTiles[v2.xloc][v2.yloc + dyOffset] = v6; v6.swapDepths(50000 - (v2.xloc + v2.yloc * 10)); limboBlock -= 1; removeObject(v1); } } if (v1.b_type == 'shuriken') { v1._rotation = randbtwn(0, 360); } else { v1.hp -= 1; } if (v1.owner == 1) { += v2.bounty; } else { if (v1.owner == 3) { += v2.bounty; } } killEnemy(v2); } } } } else { if (v2.objclass == 'missile') { if (v1.owner == 1 && v2.owner == 3 || v1.owner == 3 && v2.owner == 1) { v1.jump = true; v1.ymove = -10; } else { if (v1.hit == 0) { if (v2.b_type == 'geyser' || v2.b_type == 'snowball') { v1.jump = true; v1.ymove = -15; } else { if (selectItem5 == 4 && v1.hero == 'thief' && v1.mana >= 5) { v1.mana -= 5; escapeThief(v1); } else { if (v1.hero == 'paladin' && selectItem3 == 3 && !v2.unblockable) { v2.hp = 0; fireMissile(v1, v2._rotation + 180, v2.b_type, 1);'attack_melee'); v1.cd_anim = 10; } else { if (v1.hero == 'barbarian' && selectItem1 == 3 && !v2.unblockable) { v2.hp = 0; fireMissile(v1, v2._rotation - 45 + 180, v2.b_type, 1); fireMissile(v1, v2._rotation + 45 + 180, v2.b_type, 1);'attack_melee'); v1.cd_anim = 10; } else { if (v1.hero != 'paladin' || v1._xscale > 0 && v2._rotation == 0 || v1._xscale < 0 && v2._rotation == 180 || selectItem3 == 4) { loseHP(v1); } } } } } v2.hp = 0; } } } else { if (v2.objclass == 'char') { if (v1.owner == 1 && v2.owner == 3 || v1.owner == 3 && v2.owner == 1) { if (v1.ymove > 3 && v1._y < v2._y && (!v2.jump || v2.jump && v2.ymove < 0)) { v1.jump = true; v1.ymove = -10; if (v2.jump) { v2.ymove = 3; } } else { if (v2.ymove > 3 && v2._y < v1._y && (!v1.jump || v1.jump && v1.ymove < 0)) { v2.jump = true; v2.ymove = -10; if (v1.jump) { v1.ymove = 3; } } } } else { if (v1.armed) { if (v2 == eBoss) { if (eBoss.hit == 0) { bossHit(1);'attack_melee'); v1.cd_anim = 10; } else { if (selectItem5 == 4 && v1.hero == 'thief' && v1.mana >= 5) { v1.mana -= 5; escapeThief(v1); } else { if (v1.hit == 0) { loseHP(v1); v1.jump = true; v1.ymove = -10; } } } } else { attachEffect(v2, 'effect_slash');'attack_melee'); v1.cd_anim = 10; if (selectItem1 == 5) { if (v1.hero == 'barbarian') { if (v1.berserk) { gold += v2.bounty; += v2.bounty; floatWords(v2, '+' + v2.bounty + ' gp!'); if (v1.hp < hpmax) { v1.hp += 1; } } } } += v2.bounty; killEnemy(v2); } } else { if (v1.ymove > 0 && v1._y < v2._y - 5) { if (!v2.noStomp) { if (v2 == eBoss) { bossHit(1); } else { += v2.bounty; killEnemy(v2); if (selectItem1 == 5) { if (v1.hero == 'barbarian') { if (v1.berserk) { if (v1.hp < hpmax) { v1.hp += 1; } } } } } } else { if (selectItem5 == 4 && v1.hero == 'thief' && v1.mana >= 5) { v1.mana -= 5; escapeThief(v1); } else { if (v1.hit == 0) { loseHP(v1); } } if (checkHint(21)) { addTip('Watch out: these enemies hurt you if you try to jump on their heads.', 'normal'); } } v1.jump = true; v1.ymove = -10; if (checkHint(12)) { addTip('Most (but not all!) enemies can be killed by jumping on their heads.', 'normal'); } } else { if (selectItem5 == 4 && v1.hero == 'thief' && v1.mana >= 5) { v1.mana -= 5; escapeThief(v1); } else { if (v1.hit == 0) { loseHP(v1);'attack_melee'); v2.cd_anim = 10; } } } } } } else { if (v2.objclass == 'pickup') { attachEffect(v2, 'fx_explosion'); if (v2.ptype == 'redpotion') { floatWords(pchar, '+hp!'); snd_btn.start(); if (v1.hp < hpmax) { v1.hp += 1; } } else { if (v2.ptype == 'manapotion') { snd_btn.start(); floatWords(v1, '+mana!'); v1.mana += 5; if (selectItem2 == 6) { v1.mana += 5; } if (v1.mana > pchar.maxMana) { v1.mana = pchar.maxMana; } } else { if (v2.ptype == 'goldcoins') { if (selectItem5 == 6) { floatWords(v1, '+3 gp!'); gold += 3; += 3; } else { floatWords(v1, '+1 gp!'); gold += 1; += 1; } snd_cash.start(); } else { if (v2.ptype == 'gem_green') { if (selectItem5 == 6) { floatWords(v1, '+4 gp!'); gold += 4; += 4; } else { floatWords(v1, '+2 gp!'); gold += 2; += 2; } snd_cash.start(); } else { if (v2.ptype == 'gem_blue') { if (selectItem5 == 6) { floatWords(v1, '+5 gp!'); gold += 5; += 5; } else { floatWords(v1, '+3 gp!'); gold += 3; += 3; } snd_cash.start(); } else { if (v2.ptype == 'gem_red') { if (selectItem5 == 6) { floatWords(v1, '+7 gp!'); gold += 7; += 7; } else { floatWords(v1, '+5 gp!'); gold += 5; += 5; } snd_cash.start(); } } } } } } removeObject(v2); } } } } } } } } } } ++v9; } } ++v11; } } prevOffset = dyOffset; }; } movieClip 1209 { } movieClip 1213 { } movieClip 1215 { frame 1 { stop(); } } // unknown tag 88 length 51 movieClip 1218 stage { } movieClip 1222 { } movieClip 1225 { } movieClip 1229 { } movieClip 1231 { } movieClip 1233 { } movieClip 1240 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 2 { stop(); } } movieClip 1245 { } movieClip 1249 { } movieClip 1252 { } movieClip 1256 { } movieClip 1264 { } movieClip 1268 { } movieClip 1269 { } movieClip 1279 { } movieClip 1283 { } movieClip 1287 { } frame 11 { stop(); targetDone.gotoAndStop(1); if (heroDead) { snd_badnews.start(); if (survivalMode) { totalgold += gold; } gold = 0; if (dead_heroes.length > 9) { dead_heroes.splice(0, 1); dead_location.splice(0, 1); dead_method.splice(0, 1); dead_selItem1.splice(0, 1); dead_selItem2.splice(0, 1); dead_selItem3.splice(0, 1); dead_selItem4.splice(0, 1); dead_selItem5.splice(0, 1); } dead_heroes.push(deadHero); dead_location.push(deadLoc); dead_method.push(deadMethod); dead_selItem1.push(selItem1); dead_selItem2.push(selItem2); dead_selItem3.push(selItem3); dead_selItem4.push(selItem4); dead_selItem5.push(selItem5); lives -= 1; resulttxt = 'Try again!'; } goldtxt = 'Total Gold Earned: ' + gold + ' gp'; timetxt = 'Time Taken: ' + displayLongTime(seconds); targetDone._visible = false; keyShow._visible = false; if (levelComplete) { loseStreak = 0; bigmsg = gameObj4; rescued[cIcon] = true; resulttxt = 'Great job!'; levelsCompleted += 1; totalgold += gold; _root.kongregateStats.submit('01_Level_Complete', 1); if (gold >= targetGold) { _root.kongregateStats.submit('02_Gold_Target', 1); targetDone._visible = true; if (twoPlayer) { lives += 2; targetDone.reward = '2 Extra Lives Awarded!'; } else { if (!survivalMode) { lives += 1; targetDone.reward = 'Extra Life Awarded'; } else { targetDone.reward = '25 Bonus Gold!'; totalgold += 25; } } } else { if (survivalMode) { resulttxt = 'Not enough gold!'; targetDone.reward = 'You failed to reach the target!'; lives -= 1; targetDone._visible = true; targetDone.gotoAndStop(2); } } if (twoPlayer) { targetDone._visible = true; targetDone.gotoAndStop(4); targetDone.p1goldtxt = p1gold + ' gp'; targetDone.p2goldtxt = p2gold + ' gp'; if (p1gold > p2gold) { p1medals += 1; targetDone.medal.gotoAndStop(2); } else { if (p2gold > p1gold) { p2medals += 1; targetDone.medal.gotoAndStop(3); } } } if (!survivalMode) { if (cIcon != 2) { keys += 1; keyShow._visible = true; keyShow.gotoAndStop(1); } else { keys -= 1; keyShow._visible = true; keyShow.gotoAndStop(2); keyShow.head.gotoAndStop(currentMask + 1); } } if (bossSpawned) { bossNum = randbtwn(1, maxBosses); while (bossNum == prevBossNum) { bossNum = randbtwn(1, maxBosses); } prevBossNum = bossNum; if (!twoPlayer) { unlockMask(18); } } if (!twoPlayer) { if (gold > targetGold * 1.5 && !survivalMode) { unlockMask(1); } if (gold >= targetGold) { if (cIcon == 1) { unlockMask(21); } else { if (cIcon == 2) { unlockMask(25); } else { if (cIcon == 3) { unlockMask(22); } else { if (cIcon == 4) { unlockMask(23); } else { if (cIcon == 5) { unlockMask(24); } } } } } } if (seconds <= 30) { unlockMask(19); } else { if (seconds >= 120) { unlockMask(20); } } if (sameHero) { if (deadHero == 'mage') { unlockMask(6); } else { if (deadHero == 'barbarian') { unlockMask(7); } else { if (deadHero == 'ranger') { unlockMask(8); } else { if (deadHero == 'paladin') { unlockMask(9); } else { if (deadHero == 'thief') { unlockMask(10); } } } } } } if (noKills) { unlockMask(2); } if (noHurt) { unlockMask(3); } if (noRescue) { unlockMask(4); } if (smashBlock >= 25) { unlockMask(5); } if (chestsOpened >= 25) { unlockMask(12); } if (timesJumped >= 25) { unlockMask(13); } if (timesDJumped >= 25) { unlockMask(14); } if (enemiesKilled >= 15) { unlockMask(15); } } } else { loseStreak += 1; bigmsg = deathNote; targetDone._visible = true; targetDone.gotoAndStop(3); if (cloudDeath) { unlockMask(16); } if (loseStreak >= 3) { unlockMask(11); } } saveData(); _level0.onEnterFrame = function () { if (Key.isDown(32)) { if (!pds) { pds = true; if (twoPlayer) { if (levelComplete) { if (cIcon == 5) { makeFade('winscreen'); } else { makeFade('game_main'); } } else { makeFade('mainmenu'); } } else { if (lives < 0) { if (unlockedMask) { makeFade('medals'); } else { makeFade('end'); } } else { if (survivalMode) { cIcon = levelsCompleted % 5 + 1; if (unlockedMask) { makeFade('medals'); } else { makeFade('game_main'); } } else { if (levelComplete && cIcon == 2) { if (numTemples == 1) { makeFade('winscreen'); } else { makeFade('artifact'); } } else { if (gold >= targetGold) { makeFade('artifact'); } else { if (unlockedMask) { makeFade('medals'); } else { makeFade('chaptermenu'); } } } } } } } } else { pds = false; } }; } movieClip 1291 { frame 1 { stop(); if (_level0.sfxLevel == 3) { gotoAndStop(2); } } } movieClip 1306 { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 1307 { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 1312 { frame 1 { stop(); } } frame 12 { goldDisplay = mRn(totalgold) + ' gp'; saveScore = true; head.gotoAndStop(currentMask + 1); _level0.onEnterFrame = function () { if (Key.isDown(32)) { if (!pds) { pds = true; gotoAndStop('highscore'); } } else { pds = false; } }; } movieClip 1319 { frame 1 { stop(); if (_level0.sfxLevel == 3) { gotoAndStop(2); } } } movieClip 1330 { } instance of movieClip 1330 { onClipEvent (release) { function __com_mochibot__(swfid, mc, lv, trk) { var x; var g; var s; var fv; var sb; var u; var res; var mb; var mbc; var pv; mb = '__mochibot__'; mbc = ''; g = _global ? _global : _level0._root; if (g[mb + swfid]) { return g[mb + swfid]; } s =; x = mc._root.getSWFVersion; fv = x ? mc.getSWFVersion() : (_global ? 6 : 5); if (!s) { s = {}; } sb = s.sandboxType; if (sb == 'localWithFile') { return null; } x = s.allowDomain; if (x) { s.allowDomain(mbc); } x = s.allowInsecureDomain; if (x) { s.allowInsecureDomain(mbc); } pv = (fv == 5) ? /:$version : System.capabilities.version; u = 'http://' + mbc + '/my/core.swf?mv=8&fv=' + fv + '&v=' + escape(pv) + '&swfid=' + escape(swfid) + '&l=' + lv + '&f=' + mc + (sb ? '&sb=' + sb : '') + (trk ? '&t=1' : ''); lv = fv > 6 ? mc.getNextHighestDepth() : (g[mb + 'level'] ? g[mb + 'level'] + 1 : lv); g[mb + 'level'] = lv; if (fv == 5) { res = '_level' + lv; if (!eval(res)) { loadMovieNum(u, lv); } return res; } res = mc.createEmptyMovieClip(mb + swfid, lv); res.loadMovie(u); return res; } var vertDropHeroes_Click = '421f93f0'; getURL('', '_blank'); __com_mochibot__(vertDropHeroes_Click, this, 10301, true); } } frame 13 { randTr = randbtwn(1, 30); head.gotoAndStop(currentMask + 1); watchDog = 0; for (;;) { if (!(trFound[randTr] && watchDog < 100)) break; watchDog += 1; randTr = randbtwn(1, 30); if (!trFound[randTr]) { watchDog = 1000; } } no_Artifacts = 0; var arn = 1; while (arn <= 30) { if (trFound[arn]) { no_Artifacts += 1; } ++arn; } _root.kongregateStats.submit('04_Artifacts_Unlocked', no_Artifacts); if (watchdog == 100) { treasureicon.gotoAndStop(33); artifactName = 'Giant Golden Statue'; desc = 'Adds 50 gold to your total gold count.'; } else { treasureicon.gotoAndStop(randTr); artifactName = trName[randTr]; desc = trDesc[randTr]; trFound[randTr] = true; } _level0.onEnterFrame = function () { if (Key.isDown(32)) { if (!pds) { pds = true; if (unlockedMask) { makeFade('medals'); } else { makeFade('chaptermenu'); } } } else { pds = false; } }; saveData(); } frame 14 { totalgold += lives * 100; goldDisplay = mRn(totalgold) + ' gp'; gameComplete = true; saveScore = true; singleCompletion = true; if (!twoPlayer) { unlockMask(17); winmsg = 'Your Hero married the Princess and they lived happily ever after!'; _root.kongregateStats.submit('05_Game_Won_Story', 1); } else { _root.kongregateStats.submit('06_Game_Won_2Player', 1); if (p1medals > p2medals) { body.attachMovie('b_001b', 'body', 10); winmsg = 'Player 1 married the Princess and they lived happily ever after!'; } else { body.attachMovie('b_001c', 'body', 10); winmsg = 'Player 2 married the Princess and they lived happily ever after!'; } } _level0.onEnterFrame = function () { if (Key.isDown(32)) { if (!pds) { pds = true; if (unlockedMask) { makeFade('medals'); } else { makeFade('highscore'); } } } else { pds = false; } }; } instance of movieClip 1330 { onClipEvent (release) { function __com_mochibot__(swfid, mc, lv, trk) { var x; var g; var s; var fv; var sb; var u; var res; var mb; var mbc; var pv; mb = '__mochibot__'; mbc = ''; g = _global ? _global : _level0._root; if (g[mb + swfid]) { return g[mb + swfid]; } s =; x = mc._root.getSWFVersion; fv = x ? mc.getSWFVersion() : (_global ? 6 : 5); if (!s) { s = {}; } sb = s.sandboxType; if (sb == 'localWithFile') { return null; } x = s.allowDomain; if (x) { s.allowDomain(mbc); } x = s.allowInsecureDomain; if (x) { s.allowInsecureDomain(mbc); } pv = (fv == 5) ? /:$version : System.capabilities.version; u = 'http://' + mbc + '/my/core.swf?mv=8&fv=' + fv + '&v=' + escape(pv) + '&swfid=' + escape(swfid) + '&l=' + lv + '&f=' + mc + (sb ? '&sb=' + sb : '') + (trk ? '&t=1' : ''); lv = fv > 6 ? mc.getNextHighestDepth() : (g[mb + 'level'] ? g[mb + 'level'] + 1 : lv); g[mb + 'level'] = lv; if (fv == 5) { res = '_level' + lv; if (!eval(res)) { loadMovieNum(u, lv); } return res; } res = mc.createEmptyMovieClip(mb + swfid, lv); res.loadMovie(u); return res; } var vertDropHeroes_Click = '421f93f0'; getURL('', '_blank'); __com_mochibot__(vertDropHeroes_Click, this, 10301, true); } } button 1350 { on (release) { if (_level0.unlockedMask) { _level0.makeFade('medals'); } else { _level0.makeFade('highscore'); } } } frame 15 { newBox._y = -500; singleCompletion = false; if (survivalMode) { if (totalgold > survScore) { survMaxLevel = levelsCompleted; survName = playerName; survScore = totalgold; newBox._y = survival._y; _root.kongregateStats.submit('High_Score_Survival', totalgold); } } else { if (saveScore) { if (twoPlayer) { survName = '2-Player'; } sbox = 1; while (sbox <= 5) { if (totalgold > hScoreTotal[sbox]) { ubox = 5; while (ubox > sbox) { hScoreName[ubox] = hScoreName[ubox - 1]; hScoreTotal[ubox] = hScoreTotal[ubox - 1]; --ubox; } _root.kongregateStats.submit('High_Score_Story', totalgold); hScoreName[sbox] = playerName; hScoreTotal[sbox] = totalgold; thisBox = _level0['story' + sbox]; newBox._y = thisBox._y; sbox = 99; } ++sbox; } } } sbox = 1; while (sbox <= 5) { thisBox = _level0['story' + sbox]; thisBox.txt1 = sbox; thisBox.txt2 = hScoreName[sbox]; thisBox.txt3 = hScoreTotal[sbox] + ' gp'; ++sbox; } survival.txt1 = 'Lvl ' + survMaxLevel; survival.txt2 = survName; survival.txt3 = survScore; saveData(); saveScore = false; _level0.onEnterFrame = function () { if (Key.isDown(32)) { if (!pds) { pds = true; makeFade('mainmenu'); } } else { pds = false; } }; } movieClip 1357 { } movieClip 1361 { } button 1362 { on (release) { _level0.makeFade('mainmenu'); } } frame 16 { _level0.onEnterFrame = function () { if (Key.isDown(32)) { if (!pds) { pds = true; makeFade('treasure'); } } else { pds = false; } if (Key.isDown(81)) { if (!pdq) { pdq = true; heroDead = true; gotoAndStop('mainmenu'); } } else { pdq = false; } }; } button 1374 { on (release) { _level0.makeFade('treasure'); } } frame 17 { function refreshMedalSelect() { medalx = 1; while (medalx <= 5) { medaly = 1; while (medaly <= 5) { thisMedal = _level0['medal' + medalx + '' + medaly]; if (medaly == maskCurY && medalx == maskCurX) { var v1 = medalx + (medaly - 1) * 5; thisMedal._alpha = 100; if (maskUnlocked[v1]) { maskname = maskNames[v1]; maskdesc = maskDesc[v1]; } else { maskname = '?? Locked ??'; maskdesc = maskDesc[v1]; } } else { thisMedal._alpha = 25; } ++medaly; } ++medalx; } } maskCurX = 1; maskCurY = 1; no_Masks = 0; medalx = 1; while (medalx <= 5) { medaly = 1; while (medaly <= 5) { thisMedal = _level0['medal' + medalx + '' + medaly]; maskIndex = medalx + (medaly - 1) * 5; thisMedal.mdx = medalx; thisMedal.mdy = medaly; thisMedal.head.gotoAndStop(maskIndex + 1); if (!maskUnlocked[maskIndex]) { thisMedal.head.gotoAndStop(30); } else { no_Masks += 1; } if (maskNew[maskIndex]) { thisMedal.gotoAndStop(2); maskCurX = medalx; maskCurY = medaly; } thisMedal.onRollOver = function () { maskCurX = this.mdx; maskCurY = this.mdy; refreshMedalSelect(); }; ++medaly; } ++medalx; } _root.kongregateStats.submit('03_Masks_Unlocked', no_Masks); thisMedal = _level0['medal' + medalx + '' + medaly]; var maskNames = new Array(); var maskDesc = new Array(); maskNames[1] = 'Top Hat'; maskDesc[1] = 'Complete a level with at least 150% of the gold target.'; maskNames[2] = 'Bear Hat'; maskDesc[2] = 'Complete a level without killing any enemies.'; maskNames[3] = 'Cool Shades'; maskDesc[3] = 'Complete a level without taking any damage.'; maskNames[4] = 'Cowboy Hat'; maskDesc[4] = 'Complete a level without rescuing any heroes.'; maskNames[5] = 'Safety Helmet'; maskDesc[5] = 'Complete a level after smashing at least 25 normal blocks.'; maskNames[6] = 'Nerd Glasses'; maskDesc[6] = 'Complete a level as a Mage, without using other heroes.'; maskNames[7] = 'Red Headband'; maskDesc[7] = 'Complete a level as a Barbarian, without using other heroes.'; maskNames[8] = 'Leaf Headband'; maskDesc[8] = 'Complete a level as a Ranger, without using other heroes.'; maskNames[9] = 'Iron Helmet'; maskDesc[9] = 'Complete a level as a Paladin, without using other heroes.'; maskNames[10] = 'Thief Mask'; maskDesc[10] = 'Complete a level as a Thief, without using other heroes.'; maskNames[11] = 'Jester Hat'; maskDesc[11] = 'Fail to complete a level 3 times in a row.'; maskNames[12] = 'Pirate Hat'; maskDesc[12] = 'Complete a level after opening 25 chests.'; maskNames[13] = 'Beanie Hat'; maskDesc[13] = 'Complete a level after jumping 25 times.'; maskNames[14] = 'Aviator Goggles'; maskDesc[14] = 'Complete a level after double jumping 25 times.'; maskNames[15] = 'Hockey Mask'; maskDesc[15] = 'Complete a level after killing 15 enemies.'; maskNames[16] = 'Gas Mask'; maskDesc[16] = 'Get killed by the purple cloud.'; maskNames[17] = 'Royal Crown'; maskDesc[17] = 'Rescue the princess and complete the game.'; maskNames[18] = 'Lion Skin'; maskDesc[18] = 'Complete a level after defeating a Boss.'; maskNames[19] = 'Cheetah Mask'; maskDesc[19] = 'Complete a level in 30 seconds or less.'; maskNames[20] = 'Turtle Shell'; maskDesc[20] = 'Complete a level after 2 minutes.'; maskNames[21] = 'Leafy Laurel'; maskDesc[21] = 'Complete and achieve the gold target on a Forest level.'; maskNames[22] = 'Cloth Headgear'; maskDesc[22] = 'Complete and achieve the gold target on a Desert level.'; maskNames[23] = 'Reindeer Mask'; maskDesc[23] = 'Complete and achieve the gold target on a Snow level.'; maskNames[24] = 'Scorched Face'; maskDesc[24] = 'Complete and achieve the gold target on a Volcano level.'; maskNames[25] = 'Golden Mask'; maskDesc[25] = 'Complete and achieve the gold target on a Temple level.'; saveData(); refreshMedalSelect(); _level0.onEnterFrame = function () { if (Key.isDown(38) || Key.isDown(87)) { if (!pd4d) { pd4d = true; if (maskCurY > 1) { maskCurY -= 1; } refreshMedalSelect(); } } else { if (Key.isDown(40) || Key.isDown(83)) { if (!pd4d) { pd4d = true; if (maskCurY < 5) { maskCurY += 1; } refreshMedalSelect(); } } else { if (Key.isDown(39) || Key.isDown(68)) { if (!pd4d) { pd4d = true; if (maskCurX < 5) { maskCurX += 1; } refreshMedalSelect(); } } else { if (Key.isDown(37) || Key.isDown(65)) { if (!pd4d) { pd4d = true; if (maskCurX > 1) { maskCurX -= 1; } refreshMedalSelect(); } } else { pd4d = false; } } } } if (Key.isDown(32)) { if (!pds) { pds = true; var v1 = 1; while (v1 <= 30) { maskNew[v1] = false; ++v1; } if (unlockedMask) { unlockedMask = false; if (singleCompletion) { makeFade('highscore'); } else { if (lives < 0) { makeFade('end'); } else { if (survivalMode) { makeFade('game_main'); } else { makeFade('chaptermenu'); } } } } else { makeFade('mainmenu'); } } } else { pds = false; } }; } movieClip 1379 { frame 1 { stop(); } } button 1386 { on (release) { var maski = 1; while (maski <= 30) { _level0.maskNew[maski] = false; ++maski; } if (_level0.unlockedMask) { _level0.unlockedMask = false; if (_level0.singleCompletion) { _level0.makeFade('highscore'); } else { if (_level0.lives < 0) { _level0.makeFade('end'); } else { if (_level0.survivalMode) { _level0.makeFade('game_main'); } else { _level0.makeFade('chaptermenu'); } } } } else { _level0.makeFade('mainmenu'); } } } frame 18 { _level0.onEnterFrame = function () { if (Key.isDown(32)) { if (!pds) { pds = true; makeFade('mainmenu'); } } else { pds = false; } }; } // unknown tag 88 length 79 movieClip 1394 { } frame 19 { optChoice = 1; _level0['optbox' + optChoice].gotoAndStop(2); optxt3 = 'Reset all Data'; _level0.onEnterFrame = function () { if (sfxLevel == 1) { optxt1 = 'Sounds: Off'; gSound = new Sound(); gSound.setVolume(0); } else { gSound = new Sound(); gSound.setVolume(100); if (sfxLevel == 2) { optxt1 = 'Sounds: SFX only'; } else { if (sfxLevel == 3) { optxt1 = 'Sounds: SFX & Music'; } } } if (qualityLevel == 1) { _quality = 'LOW'; optxt2 = 'Quality: Low'; } else { if (qualityLevel == 2) { _quality = 'MEDIUM'; optxt2 = 'Quality: Medium'; } else { if (qualityLevel == 3) { _quality = 'HIGH'; optxt2 = 'Quality: High'; } } } if (Key.isDown(38) || Key.isDown(87)) { if (!pd4d) { pd4d = true; optxt3 = 'Reset all Data'; _level0['optbox' + optChoice].gotoAndStop(1); optChoice -= 1; if (optChoice < 1) { optChoice = 4; } _level0['optbox' + optChoice].gotoAndStop(2); } } else { if (Key.isDown(40) || Key.isDown(83)) { if (!pd4d) { pd4d = true; optxt3 = 'Reset all Data'; _level0['optbox' + optChoice].gotoAndStop(1); optChoice += 1; if (optChoice > 4) { optChoice = 1; } _level0['optbox' + optChoice].gotoAndStop(2); } } else { pd4d = false; } } if (Key.isDown(32)) { if (!pds) { pds = true; if (optChoice == 1) { sfxLevel -= 1; if (sfxLevel < 1) { sfxLevel = 3; } } else { if (optChoice == 2) { qualityLevel -= 1; if (qualityLevel < 1) { qualityLevel = 3; } } else { if (optChoice == 3) { if (optxt3 == 'Reset all Data') { optxt3 = 'Confirm Reset?'; } else { mData = SharedObject.getLocal(g_dataFile); mData.clear(); optxt3 = 'Data deleted.'; sOption = 1; makeFade('mainmenu'); } } else { if (optChoice == 4) { makeFade('mainmenu'); } } } } } } else { pds = false; } }; } movieClip 1398 { frame 1 { stop(); } } instance optbox1 of movieClip 1398 { onClipEvent (rollOver) { _level0.optxt3 = 'Reset all Data'; _level0['optbox' + _level0.optChoice].gotoAndStop(1); _level0.optChoice = 1; _level0['optbox' + _level0.optChoice].gotoAndStop(2); } onClipEvent (release) { _level0.sfxLevel -= 1; if (_level0.sfxLevel < 1) { _level0.sfxLevel = 3; } } } instance optbox2 of movieClip 1398 { onClipEvent (rollOver) { _level0.optxt3 = 'Reset all Data'; _level0['optbox' + _level0.optChoice].gotoAndStop(1); _level0.optChoice = 2; _level0['optbox' + _level0.optChoice].gotoAndStop(2); } onClipEvent (release) { _level0.qualityLevel -= 1; if (_level0.qualityLevel < 1) { _level0.qualityLevel = 3; } } } instance optbox3 of movieClip 1398 { onClipEvent (rollOver) { _level0.optxt3 = 'Reset all Data'; _level0['optbox' + _level0.optChoice].gotoAndStop(1); _level0.optChoice = 3; _level0['optbox' + _level0.optChoice].gotoAndStop(2); } onClipEvent (release) { if (_level0.optxt3 == 'Reset all Data') { _level0.optxt3 = 'Confirm Reset?'; } else { _level0.mData = SharedObject.getLocal(_level0.g_dataFile); _level0.mData.clear(); _level0.optxt3 = 'Data deleted.'; _level0.sOption = 1; _level0.makeFade('mainmenu'); } } } instance optbox4 of movieClip 1398 { onClipEvent (rollOver) { _level0.optxt3 = 'Reset all Data'; _level0['optbox' + _level0.optChoice].gotoAndStop(1); _level0.optChoice = 4; _level0['optbox' + _level0.optChoice].gotoAndStop(2); } onClipEvent (release) { _level0.makeFade('mainmenu'); } } frame 20 { _level0.onEnterFrame = function () { if (Key.isDown(32)) { if (!pds) { pds = true; makeFade('faux_loading'); } } else { pds = false; } }; } // unknown tag 88 length 70 button 1425 { on (release) { _level0.makeFade('faux_loading'); } } frame 21 { _level0.onEnterFrame = function () { if (Key.isDown(32)) { if (!pds) { pds = true; makeFade('2playersetup'); } } else { pds = false; } }; } button 1441 { on (release) { _level0.makeFade('2playersetup'); } } frame 22 { function refreshAll2P() { var v2 = 1; while (v2 <= 2) { var v1 = 0; while (v1 <= 5) { thisBox = _level0['box' + v2 + '' + v1]; thisInvBox = _level0['invbox' + v2]; thisBoxIndex = (v1 - 1) * 6 + _level0['p' + v2 + 'SelItem'][v1]; if (v1 == 0) { thisBox.head.gotoAndStop(_level0['p' + v2 + 'Mask'] + 1); } else { thisBox.icon.gotoAndStop(thisBoxIndex); if (_level0['p' + v2 + 'SelItem'][v1] == 7) { thisBox.icon.gotoAndStop(32); thisBoxIndex = 0; } } if (v1 == _level0['p' + v2 + '_selection']) { thisBox._alpha = 100; thisInvBox._y = thisBox._y; thisInvBox.title = trName[thisBoxIndex]; thisInvBox.desc = trDesc[thisBoxIndex]; } else { thisBox._alpha = 50; } if (_level0['p' + v2 + '_selection'] == 0) { thisInvBox._y = -200; } ++v1; } ++v2; } } var aiBuddy = false; ai_box._visible = aiBuddy; p1_selection = 0; p2_selection = 0; p1SelItem = new Array(); p2SelItem = new Array(); p1SelItem[1] = 7; p1SelItem[2] = 7; p1SelItem[3] = 7; p1SelItem[4] = 7; p1SelItem[5] = 7; p1Mask = 0; p2SelItem[1] = 7; p2SelItem[2] = 7; p2SelItem[3] = 7; p2SelItem[4] = 7; p2SelItem[5] = 7; p2Mask = 0; refreshAll2P(); _level0.onEnterFrame = function () { if (Key.isDown(38)) { if (!pd4d) { pd4d = true; p1_selection -= 1; if (p1_selection < 0) { p1_selection = 5; } refreshAll2P(); } } else { if (Key.isDown(40)) { if (!pd4d) { pd4d = true; p1_selection += 1; if (p1_selection > 5) { p1_selection = 0; } refreshAll2P(); } } else { if (Key.isDown(39)) { if (!pd4d) { pd4d = true; var v1 = slide['row' + activeRow]; if (p1_selection == 0) { p1Mask += 1; if (p1Mask > 25) { p1Mask = 0; } } else { p1SelItem[p1_selection] += 1; if (p1SelItem[p1_selection] > 7) { p1SelItem[p1_selection] = 1; } } refreshAll2P(); } } else { if (Key.isDown(37)) { if (!pd4d) { pd4d = true; var v1 = slide['row' + activeRow]; if (p1_selection == 0) { p1Mask -= 1; if (p1Mask < 0) { p1Mask = 25; } } else { p1SelItem[p1_selection] -= 1; if (p1SelItem[p1_selection] < 1) { p1SelItem[p1_selection] = 7; } } refreshAll2P(); } } else { pd4d = false; } } } } if (Key.isDown(87)) { if (!pd4db) { pd4db = true; p2_selection -= 1; if (p2_selection < 0) { p2_selection = 5; } refreshAll2P(); } } else { if (Key.isDown(83)) { if (!pd4db) { pd4db = true; p2_selection += 1; if (p2_selection > 5) { p2_selection = 0; } refreshAll2P(); } } else { if (Key.isDown(68)) { if (!pd4db) { pd4db = true; var v1 = slide['row' + activeRow]; if (p2_selection == 0) { p2Mask += 1; if (p2Mask > 25) { p2Mask = 0; } } else { p2SelItem[p2_selection] += 1; if (p2SelItem[p2_selection] > 7) { p2SelItem[p2_selection] = 1; } } refreshAll2P(); } } else { if (Key.isDown(65)) { if (!pd4db) { pd4db = true; if (p2_selection == 0) { p2Mask -= 1; if (p2Mask < 0) { p2Mask = 25; } } else { p2SelItem[p2_selection] -= 1; if (p2SelItem[p2_selection] < 1) { p2SelItem[p2_selection] = 7; } } refreshAll2P(); } } else { pd4db = false; } } } } if (Key.isDown(32)) { if (!pds) { pds = true; makeFade('faux_loading'); } } else { pds = false; } if (Key.isDown(80)) { if (!pdq) { pdq = true; aiBuddy = !aiBuddy; ai_box._visible = aiBuddy; p2SelItem[1] = randbtwn(1, 7); p2SelItem[2] = randbtwn(1, 7); p2SelItem[3] = randbtwn(1, 7); p2SelItem[4] = randbtwn(1, 7); p2SelItem[5] = randbtwn(1, 7); p2Mask = randbtwn(0, 25); } } else { pdq = false; } if (Key.isDown(81)) { p1SelItem[1] = randbtwn(1, 7); p1SelItem[2] = randbtwn(1, 7); p1SelItem[3] = randbtwn(1, 7); p1SelItem[4] = randbtwn(1, 7); p1SelItem[5] = randbtwn(1, 7); p1Mask = randbtwn(0, 25); p2SelItem[1] = randbtwn(1, 7); p2SelItem[2] = randbtwn(1, 7); p2SelItem[3] = randbtwn(1, 7); p2SelItem[4] = randbtwn(1, 7); p2SelItem[5] = randbtwn(1, 7); p2Mask = randbtwn(0, 25); refreshAll2P(); } }; } movieClip 1458 { } movieClip 1460 { } movieClip 1462 { } movieClip 1463 { } movieClip 1464 { } movieClip 1465 { } movieClip 1468 { } movieClip 1470 { } movieClip 1472 { } movieClip 1474 { } movieClip 1476 { } movieClip 1478 { } movieClip 1480 { } movieClip 1482 { } movieClip 1485 { }
Created: 10/8 -2019 20:21:49 Last modified: 10/8 -2019 20:21:49 Server time: 18/01 -2025 08:31:07