Archived flashes:
/disc/ · /res/     /show/ · /fap/ · /gg/ · /swf/P0001 · P2598 · P5196

<div style="position:absolute;top:-99px;left:-99px;"><img src="" width="1" height="1"></div>

Oddlots Irregulars.swf

This is the info page for
Flash #5072

(Click the ID number above for more basic data on this flash file.)




Retarded students: Delthryn;  Raven's character:
Harvey;  Web-master: Magi;  Haiku Nom de Plum:
Riff & Raff;  Einhanders trademark: gas mask;  I'm
the ______: Fluffer;  Lil girl in the comic: Einhander;
Avatar in: Super scupley;  Zombie inspiration:
Pirates;  Name of the gun: Damocles;  "Unexpected
arrival": Cannibalism;  "Octane": City skyline;
Einhander holds: badminton racket;  Theme song:
benny hill; Artist for the quiz: Einhander;  Designer of
the quiz: Magi;  Site?: Oddlots Irregulars;  Most cans
in one: 36;        Pimps & Hoes is a: Musical;  How
many Hammers: 5;  Rude Delivers: Fatal blow;
Kitties name: Koneko Sekushi;  Einhanders sponsor:
Big snake;  Cylinder color: purple;  Comic artists: 5;
Magi's flash game: Fuyuko's Revenge;  Shot a fish:
Rude13;  Monkees song: Day dream believer;
Favorite game: Halo;  IR stands for: Invisible Rocket;
Color of the tentacles: green;  Einhander's recurring
'no idea' character: Umi;  What's wrong
with Santa: Deflated; Cola Bombs in
order: Cinder Rocket Sledge;

<p align="center"><font face="Eurostile Bold" size="13" color="#ffffff">Let&apos;s get started... click Go <sbr />whenever you&apos;re ready.</font></p>

<p align="center"><font face="Eurostile Bold" size="13" color="#ffffff">But, If you get 2 out of 3 <sbr />wrong, I&apos;m putting it all back <sbr />on and you&apos;ll have to start all <sbr />over again. So research your <sbr />answers carefully. </font></p>

<p align="center"><font face="Eurostile Bold" size="13" color="#ffffff">You know... to help. </font></p><p align="center"><font face="Eurostile Bold" size="13" color="#ffffff"><i>*giggle*</i></font></p>

<p align="center"><font face="Eurostile Bold" size="13" color="#ffffff">I&apos;ll ask you questions about <sbr />their <a href="">website</a> at <sbr /><a href="" target = "_blank"></a> &nbsp;<sbr />For every three answers</font></p><p align="center"><font face="Eurostile Bold" size="13" color="#ffffff">you get right, I&apos;ll take off</font></p><p align="center"><font face="Eurostile Bold" size="13" color="#ffffff">part of this suit.</font></p>

<p align="center"><font face="Eurostile Bold" size="13" color="#ffffff">They asked me to show off &nbsp;<sbr />their website but weren&apos;t <sbr />specific how. So I thought <sbr />we&apos;d play a little game. </font></p>

<p align="right"><font face="Eurostile Bold" size="13" color="#ffffff">Hi there! I&apos;m</font></p><p align="right"><font face="Eurostile Bold" size="13" color="#ffffff"> the new Intern for the <sbr />Oddlots Irregulars Crew.</font></p>

Question 3
line 2
Line 3

Question 2
line 2
Line 3

Question 1
line 2
Line 3





















We would like to thanks the rest of the Oddlots
Irregulars for all their support and playtesting...
lots of playtesting.... and more playtesting. Why
did it take so much playtesting? *muffled
response* Awww! No they weren't! Were they?
Well anyhow we would also like to thank new
grounds for giving us a venue to display this work.
And to all our fans who keep us going with all their
mail and support.
Don't forget to visit us at:


Credits & Thanks

Intern Quiz Creator:
Intern Illustrator:

Donations Button.

<p align="center"><font face="Eurostile Bold" size="13" color="#ffffff"> Oh, and if you donate the <sbr />Oddlots Crew will send you <sbr />FREE stuff!</font></p>

<p align="center"><font face="Eurostile Bold" size="13" color="#ffffff">I know you did. </font></p><p align="center"><font face="Eurostile Bold" size="13" color="#ffffff"><i>*purrrrrr*</i></font></p>



<p align="center"><font face="Eurostile Bold" size="13" color="#ffffff">So to show my graditude I&apos;ll <sbr />let you look at any picture of <sbr />me that you want or even see <sbr />them in a slideshow. </font></p>

<p align="center"><font face="Eurostile Bold" size="13" color="#ffffff">I hope you found playing the <sbr />game with me worth it!</font></p>

<p align="center"><font face="Eurostile Bold" size="13" color="#ffffff">If you really liked this game <sbr />email <a href="">Magi</a> or <a href="">Einhander</a> and <sbr />let them know.</font></p>

<p align="right"><font face="Eurostile Bold" size="13" color="#ffffff">You were</font></p><p align="right"><font face="Eurostile Bold" size="13" color="#ffffff">sooooooo good!</font></p>

ActionScript [AS1/AS2]

Frame 1
function populatequestions() { i = 0; while (i < 3) { num = random(questions.length); good_num = 0; while (good_num == 0) { j = 0; while (j < usedquestions.length) { if (num == usedquestions[j]) { bad_num = 1; } j++; } if (bad_num == 1) { num = random(questions.length); bad_num = 0; } else { good_num = 1; usedquestions.push(num); if (i == 0) { x = num; } else if (i == 1) { y = num; } else { z = num; } } } i++; } q1 = " " + questions[x]; q2 = questions[y]; q3 = questions[z]; correct_q1 = random(3) + 1; if (correct_q1 == 1) { q1_a1 = rightanswer[x]; q1_a2 = wronganswer1[x]; q1_a3 = wronganswer2[x]; } else if (correct_q1 == 2) { q1_a1 = wronganswer1[x]; q1_a2 = rightanswer[x]; q1_a3 = wronganswer2[x]; } else { q1_a1 = wronganswer2[x]; q1_a2 = wronganswer1[x]; q1_a3 = rightanswer[x]; } correct_q2 = random(3) + 1; if (correct_q2 == 1) { q2_a1 = rightanswer[y]; q2_a2 = wronganswer1[y]; q2_a3 = wronganswer2[y]; } else if (correct_q2 == 2) { q2_a1 = wronganswer1[y]; q2_a2 = rightanswer[y]; q2_a3 = wronganswer2[y]; } else { q2_a1 = wronganswer2[y]; q2_a2 = wronganswer1[y]; q2_a3 = rightanswer[y]; } correct_q3 = random(3) + 1; if (correct_q3 == 1) { q3_a1 = rightanswer[z]; q3_a2 = wronganswer1[z]; q3_a3 = wronganswer2[z]; } else if (correct_q3 == 2) { q3_a1 = wronganswer1[z]; q3_a2 = rightanswer[z]; q3_a3 = wronganswer2[z]; } else { q3_a1 = wronganswer2[z]; q3_a2 = wronganswer1[z]; q3_a3 = rightanswer[z]; } } questions = new Array("Tell me what article of clothing is Einhander's trademark?", "What is the name of the main character in Raven's comic?", "What name appears on the butt of a rifle in one of Rude's comics?", "In Experiment 6: B.B. Cola just what does Rude13 'Deliver'?", "During the 'Aftermath' of Club Cola what TV theme song is playing?", "In one of Magi's comics what Monkeys song is referenced?", "How many hammers are there lined up in the beginning of Sledge Cola?", "Complete this line from Experiment 1: Cola Ball 'I'm the ______'.", "Who is the official sponsor of one of Einhander's comics?", "On the Oddlots Irregulars Portfolio page what is Einhander holding?", "Tell me what substance is Magi carving his Avatar out of?", "In Midnight Rendevous in Magi's Portfolio what color is the cylinder?", "Which one of the Oddlots crew designed and maintains the website?", "What is the name of the website this quiz is based off of?", "How many Oddlots members draw strips for the Comic a Day section?", "Take your eyes off my boobs for a sec and tell me who Illustrated them.", "Quit eyein' my panties and tell me who designed and built this quiz.", "What's the name of Magi's flash game staring a angry japanese peasant?", "What is the Oddlots Crew's favorite video game? (as a group)", "What movie inspired Super Witty Big Titty Zombie Kitty?", "What is Super Witty Big Titty Space Kitty's real name?", "Whose comic has a little girl as one of the main characters?", "Which of the Oddlots crew is the most likely to shoot a fish in anger?", "In 'The Strangler' what color are all of the tentacles?", "What's the subject of Rude13's 'The Unexpected Arrival'?", "In the blog archives find out just what IS wrong with Santa?", "Search through the blog archives and find who's students are retarded?", "Tell me, what does the acronym 'IR' in IR Ball stand for?", "What is the record for number of Cola Cans used in one experiment?", "Put these Cola Bombs in order by length: Sledge, Cinder, Rocket.", "Who is the recurring character in Einhander's 'No idea' comics?", "What Nome de plumes does Raven often use for his Haikus?", "In Einhander's Portfolio what is the subject of 'Octane'?", "What type of production is Einhander's 'Pimps N' Hoes'?"); rightanswer = new Array("Gas mask", "Harvey", "Damocles Mk IV", "Fatal Blow", "Benny Hill", "Day Dream Believer", "Five", "Fluffer", "Big Snake", "Badminton Racket", "Super Scupley", "Purple", "Magi", "Oddlots Irregulars", "Five", "Einhander", "Magi", "Fuyuko's Revenge", "Halo", "Pirates of the Carribean", "Koneko Sekushi", "Einhander", "Rude13", "Green", "Cannibalism in reverse", "He's Deflated", "Delthryn", "Invisible Rocket", "Thirty-six", "Cinder, Rocket, Sledge", "Umi", "Riff & Raff", "City skyline", "A Musical"); wronganswer1 = new Array("Baseball cap", "Harold", "Verra", "Bacon Pizza", "Farscape", "I'm a Believer", "Six", "Bashinator", "Acme", "Sword", "Polymere Clay", "Black", "Rude13", "Cola Bomb", "Four", "Rude13", "Rude13", "Hitomie's Revenge", "FFX2", "Resident Evil", "Neko Tsurabari", "Rude13", "Raven", "Brown", "Malnourished dachsunds", "Too much Eggnog", "Rude13", "Infra Red", "Twenty-four", "Rocket, Cinder, Sledge", "S.W.B.T.S.K.", "Wolf & Drum", "A Hotrod", "A video montage"); wronganswer2 = new Array("Biker gloves", "Hank", "Peacemaker 9000", "Metal Slug", "Firefly", "Closer", "Four", "Sexiest Man Alive!", "Mac Hall", "2x4 with nails", "Wood", "Green", "Raven", "", "Six", "Raven", "Raven", "Kasumi's Revenge", "DOA2: Hardcore", "Day of the Dead", "Ayane Matsumoto", "Raven", "Magi", "Off-white", "Mother-in-Law", "Enemy of open markets", "Magi", "Icky Rat", "Fourty-eight", "Cinder, Sledge, Rocket", "Goober", "Uther & Marx", "Fire Storm", "An Installation Piece"); usedquestions = new Array(); stop();
Frame 2
Frame 3
radbuttons1.gotoAndStop(1); radbuttons2.gotoAndStop(1); radbuttons3.gotoAndStop(1); stop();
Frame 4
Frame 5
radbuttons1.gotoAndStop(1); radbuttons2.gotoAndStop(1); radbuttons3.gotoAndStop(1); stop();
Frame 6
Frame 7
radbuttons1.gotoAndStop(1); radbuttons2.gotoAndStop(1); radbuttons3.gotoAndStop(1); stop();
Frame 8
Frame 9
radbuttons1.gotoAndStop(1); radbuttons2.gotoAndStop(1); radbuttons3.gotoAndStop(1); stop();
Frame 10
Frame 11
radbuttons1.gotoAndStop(1); radbuttons2.gotoAndStop(1); radbuttons3.gotoAndStop(1); stop();
Frame 12
Frame 13
radbuttons1.gotoAndStop(1); radbuttons2.gotoAndStop(1); radbuttons3.gotoAndStop(1); stop();
Frame 14
Frame 15
radbuttons1.gotoAndStop(1); radbuttons2.gotoAndStop(1); radbuttons3.gotoAndStop(1); stop();
Frame 16
Frame 17
radbuttons1.gotoAndStop(1); radbuttons2.gotoAndStop(1); radbuttons3.gotoAndStop(1); passattempt = 0; stop();
Frame 18
Frame 19
Frame 30
gotoAndPlay ("slideshow");
Symbol 7 Button
on (release, keyPress "<Enter>") { populatequestions(); gotoAndStop ("q1"); }
Symbol 11 Button
on (rollOver) { answers_mc._alpha = 100; } on (rollOut) { answers_mc._alpha = 0; }
Symbol 32 Button
on (release, keyPress "<Enter>") { if (((answer_q1 == 0) || (answer_q2 == 0)) || (answer_q3 == 0)) { } else if ((answer_q2 == correct_q2) && (answer_q3 == correct_q3)) { populatequestions(); gotoAndStop ("q2"); } else if ((answer_q1 == correct_q1) && (answer_q2 == correct_q2)) { populatequestions(); gotoAndStop ("q2"); } else if ((answer_q1 == correct_q1) && (answer_q3 == correct_q3)) { populatequestions(); gotoAndStop ("q2"); } else { gotoAndStop ("start"); } }
Symbol 35 Button
on (release) { gotoAndStop (4); }
Symbol 36 Button
on (release) { gotoAndStop (3); }
Symbol 37 Button
on (release) { gotoAndStop (2); }
Symbol 40 MovieClip Frame 1
_parent.answer_q1 = 0; stop();
Symbol 40 MovieClip Frame 2
_parent.answer_q1 = 1; stop();
Symbol 40 MovieClip Frame 3
_parent.answer_q1 = 2; stop();
Symbol 40 MovieClip Frame 4
_parent.answer_q1 = 3; stop();
Symbol 41 MovieClip Frame 1
_parent.answer_q2 = 0; stop();
Symbol 41 MovieClip Frame 2
_parent.answer_q2 = 1; stop();
Symbol 41 MovieClip Frame 3
_parent.answer_q2 = 2; stop();
Symbol 41 MovieClip Frame 4
_parent.answer_q2 = 3; stop();
Symbol 42 MovieClip Frame 1
_parent.answer_q3 = 0; stop();
Symbol 42 MovieClip Frame 2
_parent.answer_q3 = 1; stop();
Symbol 42 MovieClip Frame 3
_parent.answer_q3 = 2; stop();
Symbol 42 MovieClip Frame 4
_parent.answer_q3 = 3; stop();
Symbol 58 Button
on (release, keyPress "<Enter>") { if (((answer_q1 == 0) || (answer_q2 == 0)) || (answer_q3 == 0)) { } else if ((answer_q2 == correct_q2) && (answer_q3 == correct_q3)) { populatequestions(); gotoAndStop ("q3"); } else if ((answer_q1 == correct_q1) && (answer_q2 == correct_q2)) { populatequestions(); gotoAndStop ("q3"); } else if ((answer_q1 == correct_q1) && (answer_q3 == correct_q3)) { populatequestions(); gotoAndStop ("q3"); } else { gotoAndStop ("start"); } }
Symbol 61 Button
on (release, keyPress "<Enter>") { if (((answer_q1 == 0) || (answer_q2 == 0)) || (answer_q3 == 0)) { } else if ((answer_q2 == correct_q2) && (answer_q3 == correct_q3)) { populatequestions(); gotoAndStop ("q4"); } else if ((answer_q1 == correct_q1) && (answer_q2 == correct_q2)) { populatequestions(); gotoAndStop ("q4"); } else if ((answer_q1 == correct_q1) && (answer_q3 == correct_q3)) { populatequestions(); gotoAndStop ("q4"); } else { gotoAndStop ("start"); } }
Symbol 64 Button
on (release, keyPress "<Enter>") { if (((answer_q1 == 0) || (answer_q2 == 0)) || (answer_q3 == 0)) { } else if ((answer_q2 == correct_q2) && (answer_q3 == correct_q3)) { populatequestions(); gotoAndStop ("q5"); } else if ((answer_q1 == correct_q1) && (answer_q2 == correct_q2)) { populatequestions(); gotoAndStop ("q5"); } else if ((answer_q1 == correct_q1) && (answer_q3 == correct_q3)) { populatequestions(); gotoAndStop ("q5"); } else { gotoAndStop ("start"); } }
Symbol 67 Button
on (release, keyPress "<Enter>") { if (((answer_q1 == 0) || (answer_q2 == 0)) || (answer_q3 == 0)) { } else if ((answer_q2 == correct_q2) && (answer_q3 == correct_q3)) { populatequestions(); gotoAndStop ("q6"); } else if ((answer_q1 == correct_q1) && (answer_q2 == correct_q2)) { populatequestions(); gotoAndStop ("q6"); } else if ((answer_q1 == correct_q1) && (answer_q3 == correct_q3)) { populatequestions(); gotoAndStop ("q6"); } else { gotoAndStop ("start"); } }
Symbol 70 Button
on (release, keyPress "<Enter>") { if (((answer_q1 == 0) || (answer_q2 == 0)) || (answer_q3 == 0)) { } else if ((answer_q2 == correct_q2) && (answer_q3 == correct_q3)) { populatequestions(); gotoAndStop ("q7"); } else if ((answer_q1 == correct_q1) && (answer_q2 == correct_q2)) { populatequestions(); gotoAndStop ("q7"); } else if ((answer_q1 == correct_q1) && (answer_q3 == correct_q3)) { populatequestions(); gotoAndStop ("q7"); } else { gotoAndStop ("start"); } }
Symbol 73 Button
on (release, keyPress "<Enter>") { if (((answer_q1 == 0) || (answer_q2 == 0)) || (answer_q3 == 0)) { } else if ((answer_q2 == correct_q2) && (answer_q3 == correct_q3)) { populatequestions(); gotoAndStop ("q8"); } else if ((answer_q1 == correct_q1) && (answer_q2 == correct_q2)) { populatequestions(); gotoAndStop ("q8"); } else if ((answer_q1 == correct_q1) && (answer_q3 == correct_q3)) { populatequestions(); gotoAndStop ("q8"); } else { gotoAndStop ("start"); } }
Symbol 76 Button
on (release, keyPress "<Enter>") { if (((answer_q1 == 0) || (answer_q2 == 0)) || (answer_q3 == 0)) { } else if ((answer_q2 == correct_q2) && (answer_q3 == correct_q3)) { populatequestions(); gotoAndStop ("end"); } else if ((answer_q1 == correct_q1) && (answer_q2 == correct_q2)) { populatequestions(); gotoAndStop ("end"); } else if ((answer_q1 == correct_q1) && (answer_q3 == correct_q3)) { populatequestions(); gotoAndStop ("end"); } else { gotoAndStop ("start"); } }
Symbol 80 Button
on (press) { stop(); }
Symbol 92 Button
on (press) { gotoAndStop (29); }
Symbol 93 Button
on (press) { gotoAndStop (28); }
Symbol 94 Button
on (press) { gotoAndStop (27); }
Symbol 95 Button
on (press) { gotoAndStop (26); }
Symbol 96 Button
on (press) { gotoAndStop (25); }
Symbol 97 Button
on (press) { gotoAndStop (24); }
Symbol 98 Button
on (press) { gotoAndStop (23); }
Symbol 99 Button
on (press) { gotoAndStop (22); }
Symbol 100 Button
on (press) { gotoAndStop (21); }
Symbol 102 Button
on (press) { gotoAndStop (20); }
Symbol 105 Button
on (press) { play(); }
Symbol 106 Button
on (release) { gotoAndStop(_currentframe + 1); }
Symbol 109 Button
on (rollOver) { credits_mc._alpha = 100; } on (rollOut) { credits_mc._alpha = 0; }
Symbol 119 Button
on (press) { getURL ("", "_blank"); }
Symbol 131 Button
on (release) { gotoAndStop ("slideshow"); }

Library Items

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Instance Names

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Special Tags

Protect (24)Timeline Frame 131 bytes "..$1$qx$AStqGkS5tJ7WR1nk/lM1m1."


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Dynamic Text Variables

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Created: 16/6 -2019 04:50:50 Last modified: 6/12 -2019 15:00:43 Server time: 11/03 -2025 12:09:01