Frame 1 (172 B)
getURL ("FSCommand:showmenu", false, "GET");
fscommand ("showmenu", "false");
getURL ("FSCommand:trapallkeys", true, "GET");
fscommand ("trapallkeys", "true");
Frame 82 (8 B)
Frame 313 (8 B)
Frame 314 (48 B)
_root.pactime = 60;
_root.nopac = 10;
Instance of Symbol 156 MovieClip "pacman3" in Frame 314 (752 B)
onClipEvent (load) {
this.pcman.gotoAndStop(random(4) + 1);
gleftrand = random(4) + 2;
goleft = gleftrand;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
_x = (_x + goleft);
if ((this._currentframe == 34) && (_root.nopac > 0)) {
this.pcman.gotoAndStop(random(4) + 1);
gleftrand = random(4) + 2;
goleft = gleftrand;
_x = 170;
if (_x > 580) {
gleftrand = random(4) + 2;
goleft = gleftrand;
_x = 170;
this.pcman.gotoAndStop(random(4) + 1);
with (_root.player) {
if (this.pcman.hittest(_x, getBounds(_root).yMax, true)) {
if (_root.ftest == "yes") {
if (_root.nopac > 0) {
goleft = 0;;
suddenup = 25;
su = 3;
jump = true;
Instance of Symbol 156 MovieClip "pacman2" in Frame 314 (752 B)
onClipEvent (load) {
this.pcman.gotoAndStop(random(4) + 1);
gleftrand = random(4) + 2;
goleft = gleftrand;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
_x = (_x + goleft);
if ((this._currentframe == 34) && (_root.nopac > 0)) {
this.pcman.gotoAndStop(random(4) + 1);
gleftrand = random(4) + 2;
goleft = gleftrand;
_x = 170;
if (_x > 580) {
gleftrand = random(4) + 2;
goleft = gleftrand;
_x = 170;
this.pcman.gotoAndStop(random(4) + 1);
with (_root.player) {
if (this.pcman.hittest(_x, getBounds(_root).yMax, true)) {
if (_root.ftest == "yes") {
if (_root.nopac > 0) {
goleft = 0;;
suddenup = 25;
su = 3;
jump = true;
Instance of Symbol 156 MovieClip "pacman4" in Frame 314 (752 B)
onClipEvent (load) {
this.pcman.gotoAndStop(random(4) + 1);
gleftrand = random(4) + 2;
goleft = gleftrand;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
_x = (_x + goleft);
if ((this._currentframe == 34) && (_root.nopac > 0)) {
this.pcman.gotoAndStop(random(4) + 1);
gleftrand = random(4) + 2;
goleft = gleftrand;
_x = 170;
if (_x > 580) {
gleftrand = random(4) + 2;
goleft = gleftrand;
_x = 170;
this.pcman.gotoAndStop(random(4) + 1);
with (_root.player) {
if (this.pcman.hittest(_x, getBounds(_root).yMax, true)) {
if (_root.ftest == "yes") {
if (_root.nopac > 0) {
goleft = 0;;
suddenup = 25;
su = 3;
jump = true;
Instance of Symbol 156 MovieClip "pacman5" in Frame 314 (752 B)
onClipEvent (load) {
this.pcman.gotoAndStop(random(4) + 1);
gleftrand = random(4) + 2;
goleft = gleftrand;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
_x = (_x + goleft);
if ((this._currentframe == 34) && (_root.nopac > 0)) {
this.pcman.gotoAndStop(random(4) + 1);
gleftrand = random(4) + 2;
goleft = gleftrand;
_x = 170;
if (_x > 580) {
gleftrand = random(4) + 2;
goleft = gleftrand;
_x = 170;
this.pcman.gotoAndStop(random(4) + 1);
with (_root.player) {
if (this.pcman.hittest(_x, getBounds(_root).yMax, true)) {
if (_root.ftest == "yes") {
if (_root.nopac > 0) {
goleft = 0;;
suddenup = 25;
su = 3;
jump = true;
Instance of Symbol 156 MovieClip "pacman6" in Frame 314 (752 B)
onClipEvent (load) {
this.pcman.gotoAndStop(random(4) + 1);
gleftrand = random(4) + 2;
goleft = gleftrand;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
_x = (_x + goleft);
if ((this._currentframe == 34) && (_root.nopac > 0)) {
this.pcman.gotoAndStop(random(4) + 1);
gleftrand = random(4) + 2;
goleft = gleftrand;
_x = 170;
if (_x > 580) {
gleftrand = random(4) + 2;
goleft = gleftrand;
_x = 170;
this.pcman.gotoAndStop(random(4) + 1);
with (_root.player) {
if (this.pcman.hittest(_x, getBounds(_root).yMax, true)) {
if (_root.ftest == "yes") {
if (_root.nopac > 0) {
goleft = 0;;
suddenup = 25;
su = 3;
jump = true;
Instance of Symbol 156 MovieClip "pacman1" in Frame 314 (752 B)
onClipEvent (load) {
this.pcman.gotoAndStop(random(4) + 1);
gleftrand = random(4) + 2;
goleft = gleftrand;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
_x = (_x + goleft);
if ((this._currentframe == 34) && (_root.nopac > 0)) {
this.pcman.gotoAndStop(random(4) + 1);
gleftrand = random(4) + 2;
goleft = gleftrand;
_x = 170;
if (_x > 580) {
gleftrand = random(4) + 2;
goleft = gleftrand;
_x = 170;
this.pcman.gotoAndStop(random(4) + 1);
with (_root.player) {
if (this.pcman.hittest(_x, getBounds(_root).yMax, true)) {
if (_root.ftest == "yes") {
if (_root.nopac > 0) {
goleft = 0;;
suddenup = 25;
su = 3;
jump = true;
Instance of Symbol 156 MovieClip "pacman7" in Frame 314 (752 B)
onClipEvent (load) {
this.pcman.gotoAndStop(random(4) + 1);
gleftrand = random(4) + 2;
goleft = gleftrand;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
_x = (_x + goleft);
if ((this._currentframe == 34) && (_root.nopac > 0)) {
this.pcman.gotoAndStop(random(4) + 1);
gleftrand = random(4) + 2;
goleft = gleftrand;
_x = 170;
if (_x > 580) {
gleftrand = random(4) + 2;
goleft = gleftrand;
_x = 170;
this.pcman.gotoAndStop(random(4) + 1);
with (_root.player) {
if (this.pcman.hittest(_x, getBounds(_root).yMax, true)) {
if (_root.ftest == "yes") {
if (_root.nopac > 0) {
goleft = 0;;
suddenup = 25;
su = 3;
jump = true;
Instance of Symbol 156 MovieClip "pacman9" in Frame 314 (752 B)
onClipEvent (load) {
this.pcman.gotoAndStop(random(4) + 1);
gleftrand = random(4) + 2;
goleft = gleftrand;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
_x = (_x + goleft);
if ((this._currentframe == 34) && (_root.nopac > 0)) {
this.pcman.gotoAndStop(random(4) + 1);
gleftrand = random(4) + 2;
goleft = gleftrand;
_x = 170;
if (_x > 580) {
gleftrand = random(4) + 2;
goleft = gleftrand;
_x = 170;
this.pcman.gotoAndStop(random(4) + 1);
with (_root.player) {
if (this.pcman.hittest(_x, getBounds(_root).yMax, true)) {
if (_root.ftest == "yes") {
if (_root.nopac > 0) {
goleft = 0;;
suddenup = 25;
su = 3;
jump = true;
Instance of Symbol 156 MovieClip "pacman8" in Frame 314 (752 B)
onClipEvent (load) {
this.pcman.gotoAndStop(random(4) + 1);
gleftrand = random(4) + 2;
goleft = gleftrand;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
_x = (_x + goleft);
if ((this._currentframe == 34) && (_root.nopac > 0)) {
this.pcman.gotoAndStop(random(4) + 1);
gleftrand = random(4) + 2;
goleft = gleftrand;
_x = 170;
if (_x > 580) {
gleftrand = random(4) + 2;
goleft = gleftrand;
_x = 170;
this.pcman.gotoAndStop(random(4) + 1);
with (_root.player) {
if (this.pcman.hittest(_x, getBounds(_root).yMax, true)) {
if (_root.ftest == "yes") {
if (_root.nopac > 0) {
goleft = 0;;
suddenup = 25;
su = 3;
jump = true;
Instance of Symbol 156 MovieClip "pacman10" in Frame 314 (752 B)
onClipEvent (load) {
this.pcman.gotoAndStop(random(4) + 1);
gleftrand = random(4) + 2;
goleft = gleftrand;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
_x = (_x + goleft);
if ((this._currentframe == 34) && (_root.nopac > 0)) {
this.pcman.gotoAndStop(random(4) + 1);
gleftrand = random(4) + 2;
goleft = gleftrand;
_x = 170;
if (_x > 580) {
gleftrand = random(4) + 2;
goleft = gleftrand;
_x = 170;
this.pcman.gotoAndStop(random(4) + 1);
with (_root.player) {
if (this.pcman.hittest(_x, getBounds(_root).yMax, true)) {
if (_root.ftest == "yes") {
if (_root.nopac > 0) {
goleft = 0;;
suddenup = 25;
su = 3;
jump = true;
Instance of Symbol 156 MovieClip "pacman11" in Frame 314 (752 B)
onClipEvent (load) {
this.pcman.gotoAndStop(random(4) + 1);
gleftrand = random(4) + 2;
goleft = gleftrand;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
_x = (_x + goleft);
if ((this._currentframe == 34) && (_root.nopac > 0)) {
this.pcman.gotoAndStop(random(4) + 1);
gleftrand = random(4) + 2;
goleft = gleftrand;
_x = 170;
if (_x > 580) {
gleftrand = random(4) + 2;
goleft = gleftrand;
_x = 170;
this.pcman.gotoAndStop(random(4) + 1);
with (_root.player) {
if (this.pcman.hittest(_x, getBounds(_root).yMax, true)) {
if (_root.ftest == "yes") {
if (_root.nopac > 0) {
goleft = 0;;
suddenup = 25;
su = 3;
jump = true;
Instance of Symbol 156 MovieClip "pacman12" in Frame 314 (752 B)
onClipEvent (load) {
this.pcman.gotoAndStop(random(4) + 1);
gleftrand = random(4) + 2;
goleft = gleftrand;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
_x = (_x + goleft);
if ((this._currentframe == 34) && (_root.nopac > 0)) {
this.pcman.gotoAndStop(random(4) + 1);
gleftrand = random(4) + 2;
goleft = gleftrand;
_x = 170;
if (_x > 580) {
gleftrand = random(4) + 2;
goleft = gleftrand;
_x = 170;
this.pcman.gotoAndStop(random(4) + 1);
with (_root.player) {
if (this.pcman.hittest(_x, getBounds(_root).yMax, true)) {
if (_root.ftest == "yes") {
if (_root.nopac > 0) {
goleft = 0;;
suddenup = 25;
su = 3;
jump = true;
Instance of Symbol 156 MovieClip "pacman13" in Frame 314 (752 B)
onClipEvent (load) {
this.pcman.gotoAndStop(random(4) + 1);
gleftrand = random(4) + 2;
goleft = gleftrand;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
_x = (_x + goleft);
if ((this._currentframe == 34) && (_root.nopac > 0)) {
this.pcman.gotoAndStop(random(4) + 1);
gleftrand = random(4) + 2;
goleft = gleftrand;
_x = 170;
if (_x > 580) {
gleftrand = random(4) + 2;
goleft = gleftrand;
_x = 170;
this.pcman.gotoAndStop(random(4) + 1);
with (_root.player) {
if (this.pcman.hittest(_x, getBounds(_root).yMax, true)) {
if (_root.ftest == "yes") {
if (_root.nopac > 0) {
goleft = 0;;
suddenup = 25;
su = 3;
jump = true;
Instance of Symbol 156 MovieClip "pacman14" in Frame 314 (752 B)
onClipEvent (load) {
this.pcman.gotoAndStop(random(4) + 1);
gleftrand = random(4) + 2;
goleft = gleftrand;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
_x = (_x + goleft);
if ((this._currentframe == 34) && (_root.nopac > 0)) {
this.pcman.gotoAndStop(random(4) + 1);
gleftrand = random(4) + 2;
goleft = gleftrand;
_x = 170;
if (_x > 580) {
gleftrand = random(4) + 2;
goleft = gleftrand;
_x = 170;
this.pcman.gotoAndStop(random(4) + 1);
with (_root.player) {
if (this.pcman.hittest(_x, getBounds(_root).yMax, true)) {
if (_root.ftest == "yes") {
if (_root.nopac > 0) {
goleft = 0;;
suddenup = 25;
su = 3;
jump = true;
Instance of Symbol 156 MovieClip "pacman16" in Frame 314 (752 B)
onClipEvent (load) {
this.pcman.gotoAndStop(random(4) + 1);
gleftrand = random(4) + 2;
goleft = gleftrand;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
_x = (_x + goleft);
if ((this._currentframe == 34) && (_root.nopac > 0)) {
this.pcman.gotoAndStop(random(4) + 1);
gleftrand = random(4) + 2;
goleft = gleftrand;
_x = 170;
if (_x > 580) {
gleftrand = random(4) + 2;
goleft = gleftrand;
_x = 170;
this.pcman.gotoAndStop(random(4) + 1);
with (_root.player) {
if (this.pcman.hittest(_x, getBounds(_root).yMax, true)) {
if (_root.ftest == "yes") {
if (_root.nopac > 0) {
goleft = 0;;
suddenup = 25;
su = 3;
jump = true;
Instance of Symbol 156 MovieClip "pacman15" in Frame 314 (752 B)
onClipEvent (load) {
this.pcman.gotoAndStop(random(4) + 1);
gleftrand = random(4) + 2;
goleft = gleftrand;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
_x = (_x + goleft);
if ((this._currentframe == 34) && (_root.nopac > 0)) {
this.pcman.gotoAndStop(random(4) + 1);
gleftrand = random(4) + 2;
goleft = gleftrand;
_x = 170;
if (_x > 580) {
gleftrand = random(4) + 2;
goleft = gleftrand;
_x = 170;
this.pcman.gotoAndStop(random(4) + 1);
with (_root.player) {
if (this.pcman.hittest(_x, getBounds(_root).yMax, true)) {
if (_root.ftest == "yes") {
if (_root.nopac > 0) {
goleft = 0;;
suddenup = 25;
su = 3;
jump = true;
Instance of Symbol 156 MovieClip "pacman18" in Frame 314 (752 B)
onClipEvent (load) {
this.pcman.gotoAndStop(random(4) + 1);
gleftrand = random(4) + 2;
goleft = gleftrand;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
_x = (_x + goleft);
if ((this._currentframe == 34) && (_root.nopac > 0)) {
this.pcman.gotoAndStop(random(4) + 1);
gleftrand = random(4) + 2;
goleft = gleftrand;
_x = 170;
if (_x > 580) {
gleftrand = random(4) + 2;
goleft = gleftrand;
_x = 170;
this.pcman.gotoAndStop(random(4) + 1);
with (_root.player) {
if (this.pcman.hittest(_x, getBounds(_root).yMax, true)) {
if (_root.ftest == "yes") {
if (_root.nopac > 0) {
goleft = 0;;
suddenup = 25;
su = 3;
jump = true;
Instance of Symbol 156 MovieClip "pacman17" in Frame 314 (752 B)
onClipEvent (load) {
this.pcman.gotoAndStop(random(4) + 1);
gleftrand = random(4) + 2;
goleft = gleftrand;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
_x = (_x + goleft);
if ((this._currentframe == 34) && (_root.nopac > 0)) {
this.pcman.gotoAndStop(random(4) + 1);
gleftrand = random(4) + 2;
goleft = gleftrand;
_x = 170;
if (_x > 580) {
gleftrand = random(4) + 2;
goleft = gleftrand;
_x = 170;
this.pcman.gotoAndStop(random(4) + 1);
with (_root.player) {
if (this.pcman.hittest(_x, getBounds(_root).yMax, true)) {
if (_root.ftest == "yes") {
if (_root.nopac > 0) {
goleft = 0;;
suddenup = 25;
su = 3;
jump = true;
Instance of Symbol 173 MovieClip "player" in Frame 314 (1.22 KiB) ●
onClipEvent (load) {
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
_root.test = _x;
if (key.isdown(32) && (!jump)) {
if ((_root.pactime > 0) && (_currentframe < 2)) {
jumpsound = new Sound();
suddenup = 25;
su = 3;
jump = true;
if (key.isdown(37)) {
if ((_root.pactime > 0) && (_currentframe < 2)) {
_x = (_x - 6);
rot = 15;
this.ball._rotation = this.ball._rotation - rot;
if (_x < 215.35) {
rot = 0;
_x = 215.35;
if (key.isdown(39)) {
if ((_root.pactime > 0) && (_currentframe < 2)) {
_x = (_x + 6);
rot = 15;
this.ball._rotation = this.ball._rotation + rot;
if (_x > 541.35) {
rot = 0;
_x = 541.35;
if (jump) {
if ((_root.pactime > 0) && (_currentframe < 2)) {
suddenup = suddenup - su;
_y = (_y - suddenup);
if (suddenup < -19) {
suddenup = -19;
_root.test = suddenup;
if (_root.test < 0) {
_root.ftest = "yes";
} else {
_root.ftest = "no";
if (_y > 508.2) {
_root.smoke._x = _x;;
_y = 508.2;
jump = false;
_root.ftest = "no";
Instance of Symbol 187 MovieClip in Frame 314 (276 B)
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (_root.nopac <= 0) {
if (_root.pactime <= 0) {
with (_root.player) {
jump = false;
_root.smoke._visible = false;
suddenup = 0;
su = 0;
gleft = 0;
gright = 0;
Frame 315 (8 B)
Frame 316 (48 B)
_root.pactime = 50;
_root.nopac = 20;
Instance of Symbol 156 MovieClip "pacman3" in Frame 316 (752 B)
onClipEvent (load) {
this.pcman.gotoAndStop(random(4) + 1);
gleftrand = random(4) + 2;
goleft = gleftrand;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
_x = (_x + goleft);
if ((this._currentframe == 34) && (_root.nopac > 0)) {
this.pcman.gotoAndStop(random(4) + 1);
gleftrand = random(4) + 2;
goleft = gleftrand;
_x = 170;
if (_x > 580) {
gleftrand = random(4) + 2;
goleft = gleftrand;
_x = 170;
this.pcman.gotoAndStop(random(4) + 1);
with (_root.player) {
if (this.pcman.hittest(_x, getBounds(_root).yMax, true)) {
if (_root.ftest == "yes") {
if (_root.nopac > 0) {
goleft = 0;;
suddenup = 25;
su = 3;
jump = true;
Instance of Symbol 156 MovieClip "pacman2" in Frame 316 (752 B)
onClipEvent (load) {
this.pcman.gotoAndStop(random(4) + 1);
gleftrand = random(4) + 2;
goleft = gleftrand;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
_x = (_x + goleft);
if ((this._currentframe == 34) && (_root.nopac > 0)) {
this.pcman.gotoAndStop(random(4) + 1);
gleftrand = random(4) + 2;
goleft = gleftrand;
_x = 170;
if (_x > 580) {
gleftrand = random(4) + 2;
goleft = gleftrand;
_x = 170;
this.pcman.gotoAndStop(random(4) + 1);
with (_root.player) {
if (this.pcman.hittest(_x, getBounds(_root).yMax, true)) {
if (_root.ftest == "yes") {
if (_root.nopac > 0) {
goleft = 0;;
suddenup = 25;
su = 3;
jump = true;
Instance of Symbol 156 MovieClip "pacman4" in Frame 316 (752 B)
onClipEvent (load) {
this.pcman.gotoAndStop(random(4) + 1);
gleftrand = random(4) + 2;
goleft = gleftrand;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
_x = (_x + goleft);
if ((this._currentframe == 34) && (_root.nopac > 0)) {
this.pcman.gotoAndStop(random(4) + 1);
gleftrand = random(4) + 2;
goleft = gleftrand;
_x = 170;
if (_x > 580) {
gleftrand = random(4) + 2;
goleft = gleftrand;
_x = 170;
this.pcman.gotoAndStop(random(4) + 1);
with (_root.player) {
if (this.pcman.hittest(_x, getBounds(_root).yMax, true)) {
if (_root.ftest == "yes") {
if (_root.nopac > 0) {
goleft = 0;;
suddenup = 25;
su = 3;
jump = true;
Instance of Symbol 156 MovieClip "pacman5" in Frame 316 (752 B)
onClipEvent (load) {
this.pcman.gotoAndStop(random(4) + 1);
gleftrand = random(4) + 2;
goleft = gleftrand;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
_x = (_x + goleft);
if ((this._currentframe == 34) && (_root.nopac > 0)) {
this.pcman.gotoAndStop(random(4) + 1);
gleftrand = random(4) + 2;
goleft = gleftrand;
_x = 170;
if (_x > 580) {
gleftrand = random(4) + 2;
goleft = gleftrand;
_x = 170;
this.pcman.gotoAndStop(random(4) + 1);
with (_root.player) {
if (this.pcman.hittest(_x, getBounds(_root).yMax, true)) {
if (_root.ftest == "yes") {
if (_root.nopac > 0) {
goleft = 0;;
suddenup = 25;
su = 3;
jump = true;
Instance of Symbol 156 MovieClip "pacman6" in Frame 316 (752 B)
onClipEvent (load) {
this.pcman.gotoAndStop(random(4) + 1);
gleftrand = random(4) + 2;
goleft = gleftrand;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
_x = (_x + goleft);
if ((this._currentframe == 34) && (_root.nopac > 0)) {
this.pcman.gotoAndStop(random(4) + 1);
gleftrand = random(4) + 2;
goleft = gleftrand;
_x = 170;
if (_x > 580) {
gleftrand = random(4) + 2;
goleft = gleftrand;
_x = 170;
this.pcman.gotoAndStop(random(4) + 1);
with (_root.player) {
if (this.pcman.hittest(_x, getBounds(_root).yMax, true)) {
if (_root.ftest == "yes") {
if (_root.nopac > 0) {
goleft = 0;;
suddenup = 25;
su = 3;
jump = true;
Instance of Symbol 156 MovieClip "pacman1" in Frame 316 (752 B)
onClipEvent (load) {
this.pcman.gotoAndStop(random(4) + 1);
gleftrand = random(4) + 2;
goleft = gleftrand;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
_x = (_x + goleft);
if ((this._currentframe == 34) && (_root.nopac > 0)) {
this.pcman.gotoAndStop(random(4) + 1);
gleftrand = random(4) + 2;
goleft = gleftrand;
_x = 170;
if (_x > 580) {
gleftrand = random(4) + 2;
goleft = gleftrand;
_x = 170;
this.pcman.gotoAndStop(random(4) + 1);
with (_root.player) {
if (this.pcman.hittest(_x, getBounds(_root).yMax, true)) {
if (_root.ftest == "yes") {
if (_root.nopac > 0) {
goleft = 0;;
suddenup = 25;
su = 3;
jump = true;
Instance of Symbol 156 MovieClip "pacman7" in Frame 316 (752 B)
onClipEvent (load) {
this.pcman.gotoAndStop(random(4) + 1);
gleftrand = random(4) + 2;
goleft = gleftrand;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
_x = (_x + goleft);
if ((this._currentframe == 34) && (_root.nopac > 0)) {
this.pcman.gotoAndStop(random(4) + 1);
gleftrand = random(4) + 2;
goleft = gleftrand;
_x = 170;
if (_x > 580) {
gleftrand = random(4) + 2;
goleft = gleftrand;
_x = 170;
this.pcman.gotoAndStop(random(4) + 1);
with (_root.player) {
if (this.pcman.hittest(_x, getBounds(_root).yMax, true)) {
if (_root.ftest == "yes") {
if (_root.nopac > 0) {
goleft = 0;;
suddenup = 25;
su = 3;
jump = true;
Instance of Symbol 156 MovieClip "pacman9" in Frame 316 (752 B)
onClipEvent (load) {
this.pcman.gotoAndStop(random(4) + 1);
gleftrand = random(4) + 2;
goleft = gleftrand;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
_x = (_x + goleft);
if ((this._currentframe == 34) && (_root.nopac > 0)) {
this.pcman.gotoAndStop(random(4) + 1);
gleftrand = random(4) + 2;
goleft = gleftrand;
_x = 170;
if (_x > 580) {
gleftrand = random(4) + 2;
goleft = gleftrand;
_x = 170;
this.pcman.gotoAndStop(random(4) + 1);
with (_root.player) {
if (this.pcman.hittest(_x, getBounds(_root).yMax, true)) {
if (_root.ftest == "yes") {
if (_root.nopac > 0) {
goleft = 0;;
suddenup = 25;
su = 3;
jump = true;
Instance of Symbol 156 MovieClip "pacman8" in Frame 316 (752 B)
onClipEvent (load) {
this.pcman.gotoAndStop(random(4) + 1);
gleftrand = random(4) + 2;
goleft = gleftrand;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
_x = (_x + goleft);
if ((this._currentframe == 34) && (_root.nopac > 0)) {
this.pcman.gotoAndStop(random(4) + 1);
gleftrand = random(4) + 2;
goleft = gleftrand;
_x = 170;
if (_x > 580) {
gleftrand = random(4) + 2;
goleft = gleftrand;
_x = 170;
this.pcman.gotoAndStop(random(4) + 1);
with (_root.player) {
if (this.pcman.hittest(_x, getBounds(_root).yMax, true)) {
if (_root.ftest == "yes") {
if (_root.nopac > 0) {
goleft = 0;;
suddenup = 25;
su = 3;
jump = true;
Instance of Symbol 156 MovieClip "pacman10" in Frame 316 (752 B)
onClipEvent (load) {
this.pcman.gotoAndStop(random(4) + 1);
gleftrand = random(4) + 2;
goleft = gleftrand;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
_x = (_x + goleft);
if ((this._currentframe == 34) && (_root.nopac > 0)) {
this.pcman.gotoAndStop(random(4) + 1);
gleftrand = random(4) + 2;
goleft = gleftrand;
_x = 170;
if (_x > 580) {
gleftrand = random(4) + 2;
goleft = gleftrand;
_x = 170;
this.pcman.gotoAndStop(random(4) + 1);
with (_root.player) {
if (this.pcman.hittest(_x, getBounds(_root).yMax, true)) {
if (_root.ftest == "yes") {
if (_root.nopac > 0) {
goleft = 0;;
suddenup = 25;
su = 3;
jump = true;
Instance of Symbol 156 MovieClip "pacman11" in Frame 316 (752 B)
onClipEvent (load) {
this.pcman.gotoAndStop(random(4) + 1);
gleftrand = random(4) + 2;
goleft = gleftrand;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
_x = (_x + goleft);
if ((this._currentframe == 34) && (_root.nopac > 0)) {
this.pcman.gotoAndStop(random(4) + 1);
gleftrand = random(4) + 2;
goleft = gleftrand;
_x = 170;
if (_x > 580) {
gleftrand = random(4) + 2;
goleft = gleftrand;
_x = 170;
this.pcman.gotoAndStop(random(4) + 1);
with (_root.player) {
if (this.pcman.hittest(_x, getBounds(_root).yMax, true)) {
if (_root.ftest == "yes") {
if (_root.nopac > 0) {
goleft = 0;;
suddenup = 25;
su = 3;
jump = true;
Instance of Symbol 156 MovieClip "pacman12" in Frame 316 (752 B)
onClipEvent (load) {
this.pcman.gotoAndStop(random(4) + 1);
gleftrand = random(4) + 2;
goleft = gleftrand;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
_x = (_x + goleft);
if ((this._currentframe == 34) && (_root.nopac > 0)) {
this.pcman.gotoAndStop(random(4) + 1);
gleftrand = random(4) + 2;
goleft = gleftrand;
_x = 170;
if (_x > 580) {
gleftrand = random(4) + 2;
goleft = gleftrand;
_x = 170;
this.pcman.gotoAndStop(random(4) + 1);
with (_root.player) {
if (this.pcman.hittest(_x, getBounds(_root).yMax, true)) {
if (_root.ftest == "yes") {
if (_root.nopac > 0) {
goleft = 0;;
suddenup = 25;
su = 3;
jump = true;
Instance of Symbol 156 MovieClip "pacman13" in Frame 316 (752 B)
onClipEvent (load) {
this.pcman.gotoAndStop(random(4) + 1);
gleftrand = random(4) + 2;
goleft = gleftrand;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
_x = (_x + goleft);
if ((this._currentframe == 34) && (_root.nopac > 0)) {
this.pcman.gotoAndStop(random(4) + 1);
gleftrand = random(4) + 2;
goleft = gleftrand;
_x = 170;
if (_x > 580) {
gleftrand = random(4) + 2;
goleft = gleftrand;
_x = 170;
this.pcman.gotoAndStop(random(4) + 1);
with (_root.player) {
if (this.pcman.hittest(_x, getBounds(_root).yMax, true)) {
if (_root.ftest == "yes") {
if (_root.nopac > 0) {
goleft = 0;;
suddenup = 25;
su = 3;
jump = true;
Instance of Symbol 156 MovieClip "pacman14" in Frame 316 (752 B)
onClipEvent (load) {
this.pcman.gotoAndStop(random(4) + 1);
gleftrand = random(4) + 2;
goleft = gleftrand;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
_x = (_x + goleft);
if ((this._currentframe == 34) && (_root.nopac > 0)) {
this.pcman.gotoAndStop(random(4) + 1);
gleftrand = random(4) + 2;
goleft = gleftrand;
_x = 170;
if (_x > 580) {
gleftrand = random(4) + 2;
goleft = gleftrand;
_x = 170;
this.pcman.gotoAndStop(random(4) + 1);
with (_root.player) {
if (this.pcman.hittest(_x, getBounds(_root).yMax, true)) {
if (_root.ftest == "yes") {
if (_root.nopac > 0) {
goleft = 0;;
suddenup = 25;
su = 3;
jump = true;
Instance of Symbol 156 MovieClip "pacman16" in Frame 316 (752 B)
onClipEvent (load) {
this.pcman.gotoAndStop(random(4) + 1);
gleftrand = random(4) + 2;
goleft = gleftrand;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
_x = (_x + goleft);
if ((this._currentframe == 34) && (_root.nopac > 0)) {
this.pcman.gotoAndStop(random(4) + 1);
gleftrand = random(4) + 2;
goleft = gleftrand;
_x = 170;
if (_x > 580) {
gleftrand = random(4) + 2;
goleft = gleftrand;
_x = 170;
this.pcman.gotoAndStop(random(4) + 1);
with (_root.player) {
if (this.pcman.hittest(_x, getBounds(_root).yMax, true)) {
if (_root.ftest == "yes") {
if (_root.nopac > 0) {
goleft = 0;;
suddenup = 25;
su = 3;
jump = true;
Instance of Symbol 156 MovieClip "pacman15" in Frame 316 (752 B)
onClipEvent (load) {
this.pcman.gotoAndStop(random(4) + 1);
gleftrand = random(4) + 2;
goleft = gleftrand;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
_x = (_x + goleft);
if ((this._currentframe == 34) && (_root.nopac > 0)) {
this.pcman.gotoAndStop(random(4) + 1);
gleftrand = random(4) + 2;
goleft = gleftrand;
_x = 170;
if (_x > 580) {
gleftrand = random(4) + 2;
goleft = gleftrand;
_x = 170;
this.pcman.gotoAndStop(random(4) + 1);
with (_root.player) {
if (this.pcman.hittest(_x, getBounds(_root).yMax, true)) {
if (_root.ftest == "yes") {
if (_root.nopac > 0) {
goleft = 0;;
suddenup = 25;
su = 3;
jump = true;
Instance of Symbol 156 MovieClip "pacman18" in Frame 316 (752 B)
onClipEvent (load) {
this.pcman.gotoAndStop(random(4) + 1);
gleftrand = random(4) + 2;
goleft = gleftrand;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
_x = (_x + goleft);
if ((this._currentframe == 34) && (_root.nopac > 0)) {
this.pcman.gotoAndStop(random(4) + 1);
gleftrand = random(4) + 2;
goleft = gleftrand;
_x = 170;
if (_x > 580) {
gleftrand = random(4) + 2;
goleft = gleftrand;
_x = 170;
this.pcman.gotoAndStop(random(4) + 1);
with (_root.player) {
if (this.pcman.hittest(_x, getBounds(_root).yMax, true)) {
if (_root.ftest == "yes") {
if (_root.nopac > 0) {
goleft = 0;;
suddenup = 25;
su = 3;
jump = true;
Instance of Symbol 156 MovieClip "pacman17" in Frame 316 (752 B)
onClipEvent (load) {
this.pcman.gotoAndStop(random(4) + 1);
gleftrand = random(4) + 2;
goleft = gleftrand;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
_x = (_x + goleft);
if ((this._currentframe == 34) && (_root.nopac > 0)) {
this.pcman.gotoAndStop(random(4) + 1);
gleftrand = random(4) + 2;
goleft = gleftrand;
_x = 170;
if (_x > 580) {
gleftrand = random(4) + 2;
goleft = gleftrand;
_x = 170;
this.pcman.gotoAndStop(random(4) + 1);
with (_root.player) {
if (this.pcman.hittest(_x, getBounds(_root).yMax, true)) {
if (_root.ftest == "yes") {
if (_root.nopac > 0) {
goleft = 0;;
suddenup = 25;
su = 3;
jump = true;
Instance of Symbol 173 MovieClip "player" in Frame 316 (1.22 KiB) ●
onClipEvent (load) {
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
_root.test = _x;
if (key.isdown(32) && (!jump)) {
if ((_root.pactime > 0) && (_currentframe < 2)) {
jumpsound = new Sound();
suddenup = 25;
su = 3;
jump = true;
if (key.isdown(37)) {
if ((_root.pactime > 0) && (_currentframe < 2)) {
_x = (_x - 6);
rot = 15;
this.ball._rotation = this.ball._rotation - rot;
if (_x < 215.35) {
rot = 0;
_x = 215.35;
if (key.isdown(39)) {
if ((_root.pactime > 0) && (_currentframe < 2)) {
_x = (_x + 6);
rot = 15;
this.ball._rotation = this.ball._rotation + rot;
if (_x > 541.35) {
rot = 0;
_x = 541.35;
if (jump) {
if ((_root.pactime > 0) && (_currentframe < 2)) {
suddenup = suddenup - su;
_y = (_y - suddenup);
if (suddenup < -19) {
suddenup = -19;
_root.test = suddenup;
if (_root.test < 0) {
_root.ftest = "yes";
} else {
_root.ftest = "no";
if (_y > 508.2) {
_root.smoke._x = _x;;
_y = 508.2;
jump = false;
_root.ftest = "no";
Instance of Symbol 187 MovieClip in Frame 316 (276 B)
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (_root.nopac <= 0) {
if (_root.pactime <= 0) {
with (_root.player) {
jump = false;
_root.smoke._visible = false;
suddenup = 0;
su = 0;
gleft = 0;
gright = 0;
Frame 317 (8 B)
Frame 318 (48 B)
_root.pactime = 40;
_root.nopac = 30;
Instance of Symbol 156 MovieClip "pacman3" in Frame 318 (752 B)
onClipEvent (load) {
this.pcman.gotoAndStop(random(4) + 1);
gleftrand = random(4) + 2;
goleft = gleftrand;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
_x = (_x + goleft);
if ((this._currentframe == 34) && (_root.nopac > 0)) {
this.pcman.gotoAndStop(random(4) + 1);
gleftrand = random(4) + 2;
goleft = gleftrand;
_x = 170;
if (_x > 580) {
gleftrand = random(4) + 2;
goleft = gleftrand;
_x = 170;
this.pcman.gotoAndStop(random(4) + 1);
with (_root.player) {
if (this.pcman.hittest(_x, getBounds(_root).yMax, true)) {
if (_root.ftest == "yes") {
if (_root.nopac > 0) {
goleft = 0;;
suddenup = 25;
su = 3;
jump = true;
Instance of Symbol 156 MovieClip "pacman2" in Frame 318 (752 B)
onClipEvent (load) {
this.pcman.gotoAndStop(random(4) + 1);
gleftrand = random(4) + 2;
goleft = gleftrand;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
_x = (_x + goleft);
if ((this._currentframe == 34) && (_root.nopac > 0)) {
this.pcman.gotoAndStop(random(4) + 1);
gleftrand = random(4) + 2;
goleft = gleftrand;
_x = 170;
if (_x > 580) {
gleftrand = random(4) + 2;
goleft = gleftrand;
_x = 170;
this.pcman.gotoAndStop(random(4) + 1);
with (_root.player) {
if (this.pcman.hittest(_x, getBounds(_root).yMax, true)) {
if (_root.ftest == "yes") {
if (_root.nopac > 0) {
goleft = 0;;
suddenup = 25;
su = 3;
jump = true;
Instance of Symbol 156 MovieClip "pacman4" in Frame 318 (752 B)
onClipEvent (load) {
this.pcman.gotoAndStop(random(4) + 1);
gleftrand = random(4) + 2;
goleft = gleftrand;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
_x = (_x + goleft);
if ((this._currentframe == 34) && (_root.nopac > 0)) {
this.pcman.gotoAndStop(random(4) + 1);
gleftrand = random(4) + 2;
goleft = gleftrand;
_x = 170;
if (_x > 580) {
gleftrand = random(4) + 2;
goleft = gleftrand;
_x = 170;
this.pcman.gotoAndStop(random(4) + 1);
with (_root.player) {
if (this.pcman.hittest(_x, getBounds(_root).yMax, true)) {
if (_root.ftest == "yes") {
if (_root.nopac > 0) {
goleft = 0;;
suddenup = 25;
su = 3;
jump = true;
Instance of Symbol 156 MovieClip "pacman5" in Frame 318 (752 B)
onClipEvent (load) {
this.pcman.gotoAndStop(random(4) + 1);
gleftrand = random(4) + 2;
goleft = gleftrand;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
_x = (_x + goleft);
if ((this._currentframe == 34) && (_root.nopac > 0)) {
this.pcman.gotoAndStop(random(4) + 1);
gleftrand = random(4) + 2;
goleft = gleftrand;
_x = 170;
if (_x > 580) {
gleftrand = random(4) + 2;
goleft = gleftrand;
_x = 170;
this.pcman.gotoAndStop(random(4) + 1);
with (_root.player) {
if (this.pcman.hittest(_x, getBounds(_root).yMax, true)) {
if (_root.ftest == "yes") {
if (_root.nopac > 0) {
goleft = 0;;
suddenup = 25;
su = 3;
jump = true;
Instance of Symbol 156 MovieClip "pacman6" in Frame 318 (752 B)
onClipEvent (load) {
this.pcman.gotoAndStop(random(4) + 1);
gleftrand = random(4) + 2;
goleft = gleftrand;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
_x = (_x + goleft);
if ((this._currentframe == 34) && (_root.nopac > 0)) {
this.pcman.gotoAndStop(random(4) + 1);
gleftrand = random(4) + 2;
goleft = gleftrand;
_x = 170;
if (_x > 580) {
gleftrand = random(4) + 2;
goleft = gleftrand;
_x = 170;
this.pcman.gotoAndStop(random(4) + 1);
with (_root.player) {
if (this.pcman.hittest(_x, getBounds(_root).yMax, true)) {
if (_root.ftest == "yes") {
if (_root.nopac > 0) {
goleft = 0;;
suddenup = 25;
su = 3;
jump = true;
Instance of Symbol 156 MovieClip "pacman1" in Frame 318 (752 B)
onClipEvent (load) {
this.pcman.gotoAndStop(random(4) + 1);
gleftrand = random(4) + 2;
goleft = gleftrand;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
_x = (_x + goleft);
if ((this._currentframe == 34) && (_root.nopac > 0)) {
this.pcman.gotoAndStop(random(4) + 1);
gleftrand = random(4) + 2;
goleft = gleftrand;
_x = 170;
if (_x > 580) {
gleftrand = random(4) + 2;
goleft = gleftrand;
_x = 170;
this.pcman.gotoAndStop(random(4) + 1);
with (_root.player) {
if (this.pcman.hittest(_x, getBounds(_root).yMax, true)) {
if (_root.ftest == "yes") {
if (_root.nopac > 0) {
goleft = 0;;
suddenup = 25;
su = 3;
jump = true;
Instance of Symbol 156 MovieClip "pacman7" in Frame 318 (752 B)
onClipEvent (load) {
this.pcman.gotoAndStop(random(4) + 1);
gleftrand = random(4) + 2;
goleft = gleftrand;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
_x = (_x + goleft);
if ((this._currentframe == 34) && (_root.nopac > 0)) {
this.pcman.gotoAndStop(random(4) + 1);
gleftrand = random(4) + 2;
goleft = gleftrand;
_x = 170;
if (_x > 580) {
gleftrand = random(4) + 2;
goleft = gleftrand;
_x = 170;
this.pcman.gotoAndStop(random(4) + 1);
with (_root.player) {
if (this.pcman.hittest(_x, getBounds(_root).yMax, true)) {
if (_root.ftest == "yes") {
if (_root.nopac > 0) {
goleft = 0;;
suddenup = 25;
su = 3;
jump = true;
Instance of Symbol 156 MovieClip "pacman9" in Frame 318 (752 B)
onClipEvent (load) {
this.pcman.gotoAndStop(random(4) + 1);
gleftrand = random(4) + 2;
goleft = gleftrand;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
_x = (_x + goleft);
if ((this._currentframe == 34) && (_root.nopac > 0)) {
this.pcman.gotoAndStop(random(4) + 1);
gleftrand = random(4) + 2;
goleft = gleftrand;
_x = 170;
if (_x > 580) {
gleftrand = random(4) + 2;
goleft = gleftrand;
_x = 170;
this.pcman.gotoAndStop(random(4) + 1);
with (_root.player) {
if (this.pcman.hittest(_x, getBounds(_root).yMax, true)) {
if (_root.ftest == "yes") {
if (_root.nopac > 0) {
goleft = 0;;
suddenup = 25;
su = 3;
jump = true;
Instance of Symbol 156 MovieClip "pacman8" in Frame 318 (752 B)
onClipEvent (load) {
this.pcman.gotoAndStop(random(4) + 1);
gleftrand = random(4) + 2;
goleft = gleftrand;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
_x = (_x + goleft);
if ((this._currentframe == 34) && (_root.nopac > 0)) {
this.pcman.gotoAndStop(random(4) + 1);
gleftrand = random(4) + 2;
goleft = gleftrand;
_x = 170;
if (_x > 580) {
gleftrand = random(4) + 2;
goleft = gleftrand;
_x = 170;
this.pcman.gotoAndStop(random(4) + 1);
with (_root.player) {
if (this.pcman.hittest(_x, getBounds(_root).yMax, true)) {
if (_root.ftest == "yes") {
if (_root.nopac > 0) {
goleft = 0;;
suddenup = 25;
su = 3;
jump = true;
Instance of Symbol 156 MovieClip "pacman10" in Frame 318 (752 B)
onClipEvent (load) {
this.pcman.gotoAndStop(random(4) + 1);
gleftrand = random(4) + 2;
goleft = gleftrand;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
_x = (_x + goleft);
if ((this._currentframe == 34) && (_root.nopac > 0)) {
this.pcman.gotoAndStop(random(4) + 1);
gleftrand = random(4) + 2;
goleft = gleftrand;
_x = 170;
if (_x > 580) {
gleftrand = random(4) + 2;
goleft = gleftrand;
_x = 170;
this.pcman.gotoAndStop(random(4) + 1);
with (_root.player) {
if (this.pcman.hittest(_x, getBounds(_root).yMax, true)) {
if (_root.ftest == "yes") {
if (_root.nopac > 0) {
goleft = 0;;
suddenup = 25;
su = 3;
jump = true;
Instance of Symbol 156 MovieClip "pacman11" in Frame 318 (752 B)
onClipEvent (load) {
this.pcman.gotoAndStop(random(4) + 1);
gleftrand = random(4) + 2;
goleft = gleftrand;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
_x = (_x + goleft);
if ((this._currentframe == 34) && (_root.nopac > 0)) {
this.pcman.gotoAndStop(random(4) + 1);
gleftrand = random(4) + 2;
goleft = gleftrand;
_x = 170;
if (_x > 580) {
gleftrand = random(4) + 2;
goleft = gleftrand;
_x = 170;
this.pcman.gotoAndStop(random(4) + 1);
with (_root.player) {
if (this.pcman.hittest(_x, getBounds(_root).yMax, true)) {
if (_root.ftest == "yes") {
if (_root.nopac > 0) {
goleft = 0;;
suddenup = 25;
su = 3;
jump = true;
Instance of Symbol 156 MovieClip "pacman12" in Frame 318 (752 B)
onClipEvent (load) {
this.pcman.gotoAndStop(random(4) + 1);
gleftrand = random(4) + 2;
goleft = gleftrand;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
_x = (_x + goleft);
if ((this._currentframe == 34) && (_root.nopac > 0)) {
this.pcman.gotoAndStop(random(4) + 1);
gleftrand = random(4) + 2;
goleft = gleftrand;
_x = 170;
if (_x > 580) {
gleftrand = random(4) + 2;
goleft = gleftrand;
_x = 170;
this.pcman.gotoAndStop(random(4) + 1);
with (_root.player) {
if (this.pcman.hittest(_x, getBounds(_root).yMax, true)) {
if (_root.ftest == "yes") {
if (_root.nopac > 0) {
goleft = 0;;
suddenup = 25;
su = 3;
jump = true;
Instance of Symbol 156 MovieClip "pacman13" in Frame 318 (752 B)
onClipEvent (load) {
this.pcman.gotoAndStop(random(4) + 1);
gleftrand = random(4) + 2;
goleft = gleftrand;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
_x = (_x + goleft);
if ((this._currentframe == 34) && (_root.nopac > 0)) {
this.pcman.gotoAndStop(random(4) + 1);
gleftrand = random(4) + 2;
goleft = gleftrand;
_x = 170;
if (_x > 580) {
gleftrand = random(4) + 2;
goleft = gleftrand;
_x = 170;
this.pcman.gotoAndStop(random(4) + 1);
with (_root.player) {
if (this.pcman.hittest(_x, getBounds(_root).yMax, true)) {
if (_root.ftest == "yes") {
if (_root.nopac > 0) {
goleft = 0;;
suddenup = 25;
su = 3;
jump = true;
Instance of Symbol 156 MovieClip "pacman14" in Frame 318 (752 B)
onClipEvent (load) {
this.pcman.gotoAndStop(random(4) + 1);
gleftrand = random(4) + 2;
goleft = gleftrand;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
_x = (_x + goleft);
if ((this._currentframe == 34) && (_root.nopac > 0)) {
this.pcman.gotoAndStop(random(4) + 1);
gleftrand = random(4) + 2;
goleft = gleftrand;
_x = 170;
if (_x > 580) {
gleftrand = random(4) + 2;
goleft = gleftrand;
_x = 170;
this.pcman.gotoAndStop(random(4) + 1);
with (_root.player) {
if (this.pcman.hittest(_x, getBounds(_root).yMax, true)) {
if (_root.ftest == "yes") {
if (_root.nopac > 0) {
goleft = 0;;
suddenup = 25;
su = 3;
jump = true;
Instance of Symbol 156 MovieClip "pacman16" in Frame 318 (752 B)
onClipEvent (load) {
this.pcman.gotoAndStop(random(4) + 1);
gleftrand = random(4) + 2;
goleft = gleftrand;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
_x = (_x + goleft);
if ((this._currentframe == 34) && (_root.nopac > 0)) {
this.pcman.gotoAndStop(random(4) + 1);
gleftrand = random(4) + 2;
goleft = gleftrand;
_x = 170;
if (_x > 580) {
gleftrand = random(4) + 2;
goleft = gleftrand;
_x = 170;
this.pcman.gotoAndStop(random(4) + 1);
with (_root.player) {
if (this.pcman.hittest(_x, getBounds(_root).yMax, true)) {
if (_root.ftest == "yes") {
if (_root.nopac > 0) {
goleft = 0;;
suddenup = 25;
su = 3;
jump = true;
Instance of Symbol 156 MovieClip "pacman15" in Frame 318 (752 B)
onClipEvent (load) {
this.pcman.gotoAndStop(random(4) + 1);
gleftrand = random(4) + 2;
goleft = gleftrand;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
_x = (_x + goleft);
if ((this._currentframe == 34) && (_root.nopac > 0)) {
this.pcman.gotoAndStop(random(4) + 1);
gleftrand = random(4) + 2;
goleft = gleftrand;
_x = 170;
if (_x > 580) {
gleftrand = random(4) + 2;
goleft = gleftrand;
_x = 170;
this.pcman.gotoAndStop(random(4) + 1);
with (_root.player) {
if (this.pcman.hittest(_x, getBounds(_root).yMax, true)) {
if (_root.ftest == "yes") {
if (_root.nopac > 0) {
goleft = 0;;
suddenup = 25;
su = 3;
jump = true;
Instance of Symbol 156 MovieClip "pacman18" in Frame 318 (752 B)
onClipEvent (load) {
this.pcman.gotoAndStop(random(4) + 1);
gleftrand = random(4) + 2;
goleft = gleftrand;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
_x = (_x + goleft);
if ((this._currentframe == 34) && (_root.nopac > 0)) {
this.pcman.gotoAndStop(random(4) + 1);
gleftrand = random(4) + 2;
goleft = gleftrand;
_x = 170;
if (_x > 580) {
gleftrand = random(4) + 2;
goleft = gleftrand;
_x = 170;
this.pcman.gotoAndStop(random(4) + 1);
with (_root.player) {
if (this.pcman.hittest(_x, getBounds(_root).yMax, true)) {
if (_root.ftest == "yes") {
if (_root.nopac > 0) {
goleft = 0;;
suddenup = 25;
su = 3;
jump = true;
Instance of Symbol 156 MovieClip "pacman17" in Frame 318 (752 B)
onClipEvent (load) {
this.pcman.gotoAndStop(random(4) + 1);
gleftrand = random(4) + 2;
goleft = gleftrand;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
_x = (_x + goleft);
if ((this._currentframe == 34) && (_root.nopac > 0)) {
this.pcman.gotoAndStop(random(4) + 1);
gleftrand = random(4) + 2;
goleft = gleftrand;
_x = 170;
if (_x > 580) {
gleftrand = random(4) + 2;
goleft = gleftrand;
_x = 170;
this.pcman.gotoAndStop(random(4) + 1);
with (_root.player) {
if (this.pcman.hittest(_x, getBounds(_root).yMax, true)) {
if (_root.ftest == "yes") {
if (_root.nopac > 0) {
goleft = 0;;
suddenup = 25;
su = 3;
jump = true;
Instance of Symbol 173 MovieClip "player" in Frame 318 (1.22 KiB) ●
onClipEvent (load) {
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
_root.test = _x;
if (key.isdown(32) && (!jump)) {
if ((_root.pactime > 0) && (_currentframe < 2)) {
jumpsound = new Sound();
suddenup = 25;
su = 3;
jump = true;
if (key.isdown(37)) {
if ((_root.pactime > 0) && (_currentframe < 2)) {
_x = (_x - 6);
rot = 15;
this.ball._rotation = this.ball._rotation - rot;
if (_x < 215.35) {
rot = 0;
_x = 215.35;
if (key.isdown(39)) {
if ((_root.pactime > 0) && (_currentframe < 2)) {
_x = (_x + 6);
rot = 15;
this.ball._rotation = this.ball._rotation + rot;
if (_x > 541.35) {
rot = 0;
_x = 541.35;
if (jump) {
if ((_root.pactime > 0) && (_currentframe < 2)) {
suddenup = suddenup - su;
_y = (_y - suddenup);
if (suddenup < -19) {
suddenup = -19;
_root.test = suddenup;
if (_root.test < 0) {
_root.ftest = "yes";
} else {
_root.ftest = "no";
if (_y > 508.2) {
_root.smoke._x = _x;;
_y = 508.2;
jump = false;
_root.ftest = "no";
Instance of Symbol 187 MovieClip in Frame 318 (276 B)
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (_root.nopac <= 0) {
if (_root.pactime <= 0) {
with (_root.player) {
jump = false;
_root.smoke._visible = false;
suddenup = 0;
su = 0;
gleft = 0;
gright = 0;
Frame 319 (8 B)
Frame 320 (48 B)
_root.pactime = 50;
_root.nopac = 20;
Instance of Symbol 156 MovieClip "pacman3" in Frame 320 (797 B)
onClipEvent (load) {
this.pcman.gotoAndStop(random(4) + 1);
gleftrand = random(4) + 2;
goleft = gleftrand;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
_x = (_x + goleft);
if ((this._currentframe == 34) && (_root.nopac > 0)) {
this.pcman.gotoAndStop(random(4) + 1);
gleftrand = random(4) + 2;
goleft = gleftrand;
_x = 170;
if (_x > 580) {
gleftrand = random(4) + 2;
goleft = gleftrand;
_x = 170;
this.pcman.gotoAndStop(random(4) + 1);
with (_root.player) {
if (this.pcman.hittest(_x, getBounds(_root).yMax, true)) {
if (_root.ftest == "yes") {
if ((this.pcman._currentframe == 4) && (_root.nopac > 0)) {
goleft = 0;;
suddenup = 25;
su = 3;
jump = true;
Instance of Symbol 156 MovieClip "pacman2" in Frame 320 (797 B)
onClipEvent (load) {
this.pcman.gotoAndStop(random(4) + 1);
gleftrand = random(4) + 2;
goleft = gleftrand;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
_x = (_x + goleft);
if ((this._currentframe == 34) && (_root.nopac > 0)) {
this.pcman.gotoAndStop(random(4) + 1);
gleftrand = random(4) + 2;
goleft = gleftrand;
_x = 170;
if (_x > 580) {
gleftrand = random(4) + 2;
goleft = gleftrand;
_x = 170;
this.pcman.gotoAndStop(random(4) + 1);
with (_root.player) {
if (this.pcman.hittest(_x, getBounds(_root).yMax, true)) {
if (_root.ftest == "yes") {
if ((this.pcman._currentframe == 4) && (_root.nopac > 0)) {
goleft = 0;;
suddenup = 25;
su = 3;
jump = true;
Instance of Symbol 156 MovieClip "pacman1" in Frame 320 (797 B)
onClipEvent (load) {
this.pcman.gotoAndStop(random(4) + 1);
gleftrand = random(4) + 2;
goleft = gleftrand;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
_x = (_x + goleft);
if ((this._currentframe == 34) && (_root.nopac > 0)) {
this.pcman.gotoAndStop(random(4) + 1);
gleftrand = random(4) + 2;
goleft = gleftrand;
_x = 170;
if (_x > 580) {
gleftrand = random(4) + 2;
goleft = gleftrand;
_x = 170;
this.pcman.gotoAndStop(random(4) + 1);
with (_root.player) {
if (this.pcman.hittest(_x, getBounds(_root).yMax, true)) {
if (_root.ftest == "yes") {
if ((this.pcman._currentframe == 4) && (_root.nopac > 0)) {
goleft = 0;;
suddenup = 25;
su = 3;
jump = true;
Instance of Symbol 156 MovieClip "pacman4" in Frame 320 (797 B)
onClipEvent (load) {
this.pcman.gotoAndStop(random(4) + 1);
gleftrand = random(4) + 2;
goleft = gleftrand;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
_x = (_x + goleft);
if ((this._currentframe == 34) && (_root.nopac > 0)) {
this.pcman.gotoAndStop(random(4) + 1);
gleftrand = random(4) + 2;
goleft = gleftrand;
_x = 170;
if (_x > 580) {
gleftrand = random(4) + 2;
goleft = gleftrand;
_x = 170;
this.pcman.gotoAndStop(random(4) + 1);
with (_root.player) {
if (this.pcman.hittest(_x, getBounds(_root).yMax, true)) {
if (_root.ftest == "yes") {
if ((this.pcman._currentframe == 4) && (_root.nopac > 0)) {
goleft = 0;;
suddenup = 25;
su = 3;
jump = true;
Instance of Symbol 156 MovieClip "pacman5" in Frame 320 (797 B)
onClipEvent (load) {
this.pcman.gotoAndStop(random(4) + 1);
gleftrand = random(4) + 2;
goleft = gleftrand;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
_x = (_x + goleft);
if ((this._currentframe == 34) && (_root.nopac > 0)) {
this.pcman.gotoAndStop(random(4) + 1);
gleftrand = random(4) + 2;
goleft = gleftrand;
_x = 170;
if (_x > 580) {
gleftrand = random(4) + 2;
goleft = gleftrand;
_x = 170;
this.pcman.gotoAndStop(random(4) + 1);
with (_root.player) {
if (this.pcman.hittest(_x, getBounds(_root).yMax, true)) {
if (_root.ftest == "yes") {
if ((this.pcman._currentframe == 4) && (_root.nopac > 0)) {
goleft = 0;;
suddenup = 25;
su = 3;
jump = true;
Instance of Symbol 156 MovieClip "pacman8" in Frame 320 (797 B)
onClipEvent (load) {
this.pcman.gotoAndStop(random(4) + 1);
gleftrand = random(4) + 2;
goleft = gleftrand;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
_x = (_x + goleft);
if ((this._currentframe == 34) && (_root.nopac > 0)) {
this.pcman.gotoAndStop(random(4) + 1);
gleftrand = random(4) + 2;
goleft = gleftrand;
_x = 170;
if (_x > 580) {
gleftrand = random(4) + 2;
goleft = gleftrand;
_x = 170;
this.pcman.gotoAndStop(random(4) + 1);
with (_root.player) {
if (this.pcman.hittest(_x, getBounds(_root).yMax, true)) {
if (_root.ftest == "yes") {
if ((this.pcman._currentframe == 4) && (_root.nopac > 0)) {
goleft = 0;;
suddenup = 25;
su = 3;
jump = true;
Instance of Symbol 156 MovieClip "pacman7" in Frame 320 (797 B)
onClipEvent (load) {
this.pcman.gotoAndStop(random(4) + 1);
gleftrand = random(4) + 2;
goleft = gleftrand;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
_x = (_x + goleft);
if ((this._currentframe == 34) && (_root.nopac > 0)) {
this.pcman.gotoAndStop(random(4) + 1);
gleftrand = random(4) + 2;
goleft = gleftrand;
_x = 170;
if (_x > 580) {
gleftrand = random(4) + 2;
goleft = gleftrand;
_x = 170;
this.pcman.gotoAndStop(random(4) + 1);
with (_root.player) {
if (this.pcman.hittest(_x, getBounds(_root).yMax, true)) {
if (_root.ftest == "yes") {
if ((this.pcman._currentframe == 4) && (_root.nopac > 0)) {
goleft = 0;;
suddenup = 25;
su = 3;
jump = true;
Instance of Symbol 156 MovieClip "pacman6" in Frame 320 (797 B)
onClipEvent (load) {
this.pcman.gotoAndStop(random(4) + 1);
gleftrand = random(4) + 2;
goleft = gleftrand;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
_x = (_x + goleft);
if ((this._currentframe == 34) && (_root.nopac > 0)) {
this.pcman.gotoAndStop(random(4) + 1);
gleftrand = random(4) + 2;
goleft = gleftrand;
_x = 170;
if (_x > 580) {
gleftrand = random(4) + 2;
goleft = gleftrand;
_x = 170;
this.pcman.gotoAndStop(random(4) + 1);
with (_root.player) {
if (this.pcman.hittest(_x, getBounds(_root).yMax, true)) {
if (_root.ftest == "yes") {
if ((this.pcman._currentframe == 4) && (_root.nopac > 0)) {
goleft = 0;;
suddenup = 25;
su = 3;
jump = true;
Instance of Symbol 156 MovieClip "pacman9" in Frame 320 (797 B)
onClipEvent (load) {
this.pcman.gotoAndStop(random(4) + 1);
gleftrand = random(4) + 2;
goleft = gleftrand;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
_x = (_x + goleft);
if ((this._currentframe == 34) && (_root.nopac > 0)) {
this.pcman.gotoAndStop(random(4) + 1);
gleftrand = random(4) + 2;
goleft = gleftrand;
_x = 170;
if (_x > 580) {
gleftrand = random(4) + 2;
goleft = gleftrand;
_x = 170;
this.pcman.gotoAndStop(random(4) + 1);
with (_root.player) {
if (this.pcman.hittest(_x, getBounds(_root).yMax, true)) {
if (_root.ftest == "yes") {
if ((this.pcman._currentframe == 4) && (_root.nopac > 0)) {
goleft = 0;;
suddenup = 25;
su = 3;
jump = true;
Instance of Symbol 156 MovieClip "pacman10" in Frame 320 (797 B)
onClipEvent (load) {
this.pcman.gotoAndStop(random(4) + 1);
gleftrand = random(4) + 2;
goleft = gleftrand;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
_x = (_x + goleft);
if ((this._currentframe == 34) && (_root.nopac > 0)) {
this.pcman.gotoAndStop(random(4) + 1);
gleftrand = random(4) + 2;
goleft = gleftrand;
_x = 170;
if (_x > 580) {
gleftrand = random(4) + 2;
goleft = gleftrand;
_x = 170;
this.pcman.gotoAndStop(random(4) + 1);
with (_root.player) {
if (this.pcman.hittest(_x, getBounds(_root).yMax, true)) {
if (_root.ftest == "yes") {
if ((this.pcman._currentframe == 4) && (_root.nopac > 0)) {
goleft = 0;;
suddenup = 25;
su = 3;
jump = true;
Instance of Symbol 156 MovieClip "pacman11" in Frame 320 (797 B)
onClipEvent (load) {
this.pcman.gotoAndStop(random(4) + 1);
gleftrand = random(4) + 2;
goleft = gleftrand;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
_x = (_x + goleft);
if ((this._currentframe == 34) && (_root.nopac > 0)) {
this.pcman.gotoAndStop(random(4) + 1);
gleftrand = random(4) + 2;
goleft = gleftrand;
_x = 170;
if (_x > 580) {
gleftrand = random(4) + 2;
goleft = gleftrand;
_x = 170;
this.pcman.gotoAndStop(random(4) + 1);
with (_root.player) {
if (this.pcman.hittest(_x, getBounds(_root).yMax, true)) {
if (_root.ftest == "yes") {
if ((this.pcman._currentframe == 4) && (_root.nopac > 0)) {
goleft = 0;;
suddenup = 25;
su = 3;
jump = true;
Instance of Symbol 156 MovieClip "pacman14" in Frame 320 (797 B)
onClipEvent (load) {
this.pcman.gotoAndStop(random(4) + 1);
gleftrand = random(4) + 2;
goleft = gleftrand;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
_x = (_x + goleft);
if ((this._currentframe == 34) && (_root.nopac > 0)) {
this.pcman.gotoAndStop(random(4) + 1);
gleftrand = random(4) + 2;
goleft = gleftrand;
_x = 170;
if (_x > 580) {
gleftrand = random(4) + 2;
goleft = gleftrand;
_x = 170;
this.pcman.gotoAndStop(random(4) + 1);
with (_root.player) {
if (this.pcman.hittest(_x, getBounds(_root).yMax, true)) {
if (_root.ftest == "yes") {
if ((this.pcman._currentframe == 4) && (_root.nopac > 0)) {
goleft = 0;;
suddenup = 25;
su = 3;
jump = true;
Instance of Symbol 156 MovieClip "pacman13" in Frame 320 (797 B)
onClipEvent (load) {
this.pcman.gotoAndStop(random(4) + 1);
gleftrand = random(4) + 2;
goleft = gleftrand;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
_x = (_x + goleft);
if ((this._currentframe == 34) && (_root.nopac > 0)) {
this.pcman.gotoAndStop(random(4) + 1);
gleftrand = random(4) + 2;
goleft = gleftrand;
_x = 170;
if (_x > 580) {
gleftrand = random(4) + 2;
goleft = gleftrand;
_x = 170;
this.pcman.gotoAndStop(random(4) + 1);
with (_root.player) {
if (this.pcman.hittest(_x, getBounds(_root).yMax, true)) {
if (_root.ftest == "yes") {
if ((this.pcman._currentframe == 4) && (_root.nopac > 0)) {
goleft = 0;;
suddenup = 25;
su = 3;
jump = true;
Instance of Symbol 156 MovieClip "pacman12" in Frame 320 (797 B)
onClipEvent (load) {
this.pcman.gotoAndStop(random(4) + 1);
gleftrand = random(4) + 2;
goleft = gleftrand;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
_x = (_x + goleft);
if ((this._currentframe == 34) && (_root.nopac > 0)) {
this.pcman.gotoAndStop(random(4) + 1);
gleftrand = random(4) + 2;
goleft = gleftrand;
_x = 170;
if (_x > 580) {
gleftrand = random(4) + 2;
goleft = gleftrand;
_x = 170;
this.pcman.gotoAndStop(random(4) + 1);
with (_root.player) {
if (this.pcman.hittest(_x, getBounds(_root).yMax, true)) {
if (_root.ftest == "yes") {
if ((this.pcman._currentframe == 4) && (_root.nopac > 0)) {
goleft = 0;;
suddenup = 25;
su = 3;
jump = true;
Instance of Symbol 156 MovieClip "pacman15" in Frame 320 (797 B)
onClipEvent (load) {
this.pcman.gotoAndStop(random(4) + 1);
gleftrand = random(4) + 2;
goleft = gleftrand;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
_x = (_x + goleft);
if ((this._currentframe == 34) && (_root.nopac > 0)) {
this.pcman.gotoAndStop(random(4) + 1);
gleftrand = random(4) + 2;
goleft = gleftrand;
_x = 170;
if (_x > 580) {
gleftrand = random(4) + 2;
goleft = gleftrand;
_x = 170;
this.pcman.gotoAndStop(random(4) + 1);
with (_root.player) {
if (this.pcman.hittest(_x, getBounds(_root).yMax, true)) {
if (_root.ftest == "yes") {
if ((this.pcman._currentframe == 4) && (_root.nopac > 0)) {
goleft = 0;;
suddenup = 25;
su = 3;
jump = true;
Instance of Symbol 156 MovieClip "pacman16" in Frame 320 (797 B)
onClipEvent (load) {
this.pcman.gotoAndStop(random(4) + 1);
gleftrand = random(4) + 2;
goleft = gleftrand;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
_x = (_x + goleft);
if ((this._currentframe == 34) && (_root.nopac > 0)) {
this.pcman.gotoAndStop(random(4) + 1);
gleftrand = random(4) + 2;
goleft = gleftrand;
_x = 170;
if (_x > 580) {
gleftrand = random(4) + 2;
goleft = gleftrand;
_x = 170;
this.pcman.gotoAndStop(random(4) + 1);
with (_root.player) {
if (this.pcman.hittest(_x, getBounds(_root).yMax, true)) {
if (_root.ftest == "yes") {
if ((this.pcman._currentframe == 4) && (_root.nopac > 0)) {
goleft = 0;;
suddenup = 25;
su = 3;
jump = true;
Instance of Symbol 156 MovieClip "pacman17" in Frame 320 (797 B)
onClipEvent (load) {
this.pcman.gotoAndStop(random(4) + 1);
gleftrand = random(4) + 2;
goleft = gleftrand;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
_x = (_x + goleft);
if ((this._currentframe == 34) && (_root.nopac > 0)) {
this.pcman.gotoAndStop(random(4) + 1);
gleftrand = random(4) + 2;
goleft = gleftrand;
_x = 170;
if (_x > 580) {
gleftrand = random(4) + 2;
goleft = gleftrand;
_x = 170;
this.pcman.gotoAndStop(random(4) + 1);
with (_root.player) {
if (this.pcman.hittest(_x, getBounds(_root).yMax, true)) {
if (_root.ftest == "yes") {
if ((this.pcman._currentframe == 4) && (_root.nopac > 0)) {
goleft = 0;;
suddenup = 25;
su = 3;
jump = true;
Instance of Symbol 156 MovieClip "pacman18" in Frame 320 (797 B)
onClipEvent (load) {
this.pcman.gotoAndStop(random(4) + 1);
gleftrand = random(4) + 2;
goleft = gleftrand;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
_x = (_x + goleft);
if ((this._currentframe == 34) && (_root.nopac > 0)) {
this.pcman.gotoAndStop(random(4) + 1);
gleftrand = random(4) + 2;
goleft = gleftrand;
_x = 170;
if (_x > 580) {
gleftrand = random(4) + 2;
goleft = gleftrand;
_x = 170;
this.pcman.gotoAndStop(random(4) + 1);
with (_root.player) {
if (this.pcman.hittest(_x, getBounds(_root).yMax, true)) {
if (_root.ftest == "yes") {
if ((this.pcman._currentframe == 4) && (_root.nopac > 0)) {
goleft = 0;;
suddenup = 25;
su = 3;
jump = true;
Instance of Symbol 173 MovieClip "player" in Frame 320 (1.22 KiB) ●
onClipEvent (load) {
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
_root.test = _x;
if (key.isdown(32) && (!jump)) {
if ((_root.pactime > 0) && (_currentframe < 2)) {
jumpsound = new Sound();
suddenup = 25;
su = 3;
jump = true;
if (key.isdown(37)) {
if ((_root.pactime > 0) && (_currentframe < 2)) {
_x = (_x - 6);
rot = 15;
this.ball._rotation = this.ball._rotation - rot;
if (_x < 215.35) {
rot = 0;
_x = 215.35;
if (key.isdown(39)) {
if ((_root.pactime > 0) && (_currentframe < 2)) {
_x = (_x + 6);
rot = 15;
this.ball._rotation = this.ball._rotation + rot;
if (_x > 541.35) {
rot = 0;
_x = 541.35;
if (jump) {
if ((_root.pactime > 0) && (_currentframe < 2)) {
suddenup = suddenup - su;
_y = (_y - suddenup);
if (suddenup < -19) {
suddenup = -19;
_root.test = suddenup;
if (_root.test < 0) {
_root.ftest = "yes";
} else {
_root.ftest = "no";
if (_y > 508.2) {
_root.smoke._x = _x;;
_y = 508.2;
jump = false;
_root.ftest = "no";
Instance of Symbol 187 MovieClip in Frame 320 (276 B)
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (_root.nopac <= 0) {
if (_root.pactime <= 0) {
with (_root.player) {
jump = false;
_root.smoke._visible = false;
suddenup = 0;
su = 0;
gleft = 0;
gright = 0;
Frame 321 (8 B)
Frame 322 (48 B)
_root.pactime = 48;
_root.nopac = 20;
Instance of Symbol 156 MovieClip "pacman1" in Frame 322 (797 B)
onClipEvent (load) {
this.pcman.gotoAndStop(random(4) + 1);
gleftrand = random(4) + 2;
goleft = gleftrand;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
_x = (_x + goleft);
if ((this._currentframe == 34) && (_root.nopac > 0)) {
this.pcman.gotoAndStop(random(4) + 1);
gleftrand = random(4) + 2;
goleft = gleftrand;
_x = 170;
if (_x > 580) {
gleftrand = random(4) + 2;
goleft = gleftrand;
_x = 170;
this.pcman.gotoAndStop(random(4) + 1);
with (_root.player) {
if (this.pcman.hittest(_x, getBounds(_root).yMax, true)) {
if (_root.ftest == "yes") {
if ((this.pcman._currentframe == 3) && (_root.nopac > 0)) {
goleft = 0;;
suddenup = 25;
su = 3;
jump = true;
Instance of Symbol 156 MovieClip "pacman2" in Frame 322 (797 B)
onClipEvent (load) {
this.pcman.gotoAndStop(random(4) + 1);
gleftrand = random(4) + 2;
goleft = gleftrand;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
_x = (_x + goleft);
if ((this._currentframe == 34) && (_root.nopac > 0)) {
this.pcman.gotoAndStop(random(4) + 1);
gleftrand = random(4) + 2;
goleft = gleftrand;
_x = 170;
if (_x > 580) {
gleftrand = random(4) + 2;
goleft = gleftrand;
_x = 170;
this.pcman.gotoAndStop(random(4) + 1);
with (_root.player) {
if (this.pcman.hittest(_x, getBounds(_root).yMax, true)) {
if (_root.ftest == "yes") {
if ((this.pcman._currentframe == 3) && (_root.nopac > 0)) {
goleft = 0;;
suddenup = 25;
su = 3;
jump = true;
Instance of Symbol 156 MovieClip "pacman3" in Frame 322 (797 B)
onClipEvent (load) {
this.pcman.gotoAndStop(random(4) + 1);
gleftrand = random(4) + 2;
goleft = gleftrand;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
_x = (_x + goleft);
if ((this._currentframe == 34) && (_root.nopac > 0)) {
this.pcman.gotoAndStop(random(4) + 1);
gleftrand = random(4) + 2;
goleft = gleftrand;
_x = 170;
if (_x > 580) {
gleftrand = random(4) + 2;
goleft = gleftrand;
_x = 170;
this.pcman.gotoAndStop(random(4) + 1);
with (_root.player) {
if (this.pcman.hittest(_x, getBounds(_root).yMax, true)) {
if (_root.ftest == "yes") {
if ((this.pcman._currentframe == 3) && (_root.nopac > 0)) {
goleft = 0;;
suddenup = 25;
su = 3;
jump = true;
Instance of Symbol 156 MovieClip "pacman4" in Frame 322 (797 B)
onClipEvent (load) {
this.pcman.gotoAndStop(random(4) + 1);
gleftrand = random(4) + 2;
goleft = gleftrand;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
_x = (_x + goleft);
if ((this._currentframe == 34) && (_root.nopac > 0)) {
this.pcman.gotoAndStop(random(4) + 1);
gleftrand = random(4) + 2;
goleft = gleftrand;
_x = 170;
if (_x > 580) {
gleftrand = random(4) + 2;
goleft = gleftrand;
_x = 170;
this.pcman.gotoAndStop(random(4) + 1);
with (_root.player) {
if (this.pcman.hittest(_x, getBounds(_root).yMax, true)) {
if (_root.ftest == "yes") {
if ((this.pcman._currentframe == 3) && (_root.nopac > 0)) {
goleft = 0;;
suddenup = 25;
su = 3;
jump = true;
Instance of Symbol 156 MovieClip "pacman5" in Frame 322 (797 B)
onClipEvent (load) {
this.pcman.gotoAndStop(random(4) + 1);
gleftrand = random(4) + 2;
goleft = gleftrand;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
_x = (_x + goleft);
if ((this._currentframe == 34) && (_root.nopac > 0)) {
this.pcman.gotoAndStop(random(4) + 1);
gleftrand = random(4) + 2;
goleft = gleftrand;
_x = 170;
if (_x > 580) {
gleftrand = random(4) + 2;
goleft = gleftrand;
_x = 170;
this.pcman.gotoAndStop(random(4) + 1);
with (_root.player) {
if (this.pcman.hittest(_x, getBounds(_root).yMax, true)) {
if (_root.ftest == "yes") {
if ((this.pcman._currentframe == 3) && (_root.nopac > 0)) {
goleft = 0;;
suddenup = 25;
su = 3;
jump = true;
Instance of Symbol 156 MovieClip "pacman6" in Frame 322 (797 B)
onClipEvent (load) {
this.pcman.gotoAndStop(random(4) + 1);
gleftrand = random(4) + 2;
goleft = gleftrand;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
_x = (_x + goleft);
if ((this._currentframe == 34) && (_root.nopac > 0)) {
this.pcman.gotoAndStop(random(4) + 1);
gleftrand = random(4) + 2;
goleft = gleftrand;
_x = 170;
if (_x > 580) {
gleftrand = random(4) + 2;
goleft = gleftrand;
_x = 170;
this.pcman.gotoAndStop(random(4) + 1);
with (_root.player) {
if (this.pcman.hittest(_x, getBounds(_root).yMax, true)) {
if (_root.ftest == "yes") {
if ((this.pcman._currentframe == 3) && (_root.nopac > 0)) {
goleft = 0;;
suddenup = 25;
su = 3;
jump = true;
Instance of Symbol 156 MovieClip "pacman7" in Frame 322 (797 B)
onClipEvent (load) {
this.pcman.gotoAndStop(random(4) + 1);
gleftrand = random(4) + 2;
goleft = gleftrand;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
_x = (_x + goleft);
if ((this._currentframe == 34) && (_root.nopac > 0)) {
this.pcman.gotoAndStop(random(4) + 1);
gleftrand = random(4) + 2;
goleft = gleftrand;
_x = 170;
if (_x > 580) {
gleftrand = random(4) + 2;
goleft = gleftrand;
_x = 170;
this.pcman.gotoAndStop(random(4) + 1);
with (_root.player) {
if (this.pcman.hittest(_x, getBounds(_root).yMax, true)) {
if (_root.ftest == "yes") {
if ((this.pcman._currentframe == 3) && (_root.nopac > 0)) {
goleft = 0;;
suddenup = 25;
su = 3;
jump = true;
Instance of Symbol 156 MovieClip "pacman8" in Frame 322 (797 B)
onClipEvent (load) {
this.pcman.gotoAndStop(random(4) + 1);
gleftrand = random(4) + 2;
goleft = gleftrand;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
_x = (_x + goleft);
if ((this._currentframe == 34) && (_root.nopac > 0)) {
this.pcman.gotoAndStop(random(4) + 1);
gleftrand = random(4) + 2;
goleft = gleftrand;
_x = 170;
if (_x > 580) {
gleftrand = random(4) + 2;
goleft = gleftrand;
_x = 170;
this.pcman.gotoAndStop(random(4) + 1);
with (_root.player) {
if (this.pcman.hittest(_x, getBounds(_root).yMax, true)) {
if (_root.ftest == "yes") {
if ((this.pcman._currentframe == 3) && (_root.nopac > 0)) {
goleft = 0;;
suddenup = 25;
su = 3;
jump = true;
Instance of Symbol 156 MovieClip "pacman9" in Frame 322 (797 B)
onClipEvent (load) {
this.pcman.gotoAndStop(random(4) + 1);
gleftrand = random(4) + 2;
goleft = gleftrand;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
_x = (_x + goleft);
if ((this._currentframe == 34) && (_root.nopac > 0)) {
this.pcman.gotoAndStop(random(4) + 1);
gleftrand = random(4) + 2;
goleft = gleftrand;
_x = 170;
if (_x > 580) {
gleftrand = random(4) + 2;
goleft = gleftrand;
_x = 170;
this.pcman.gotoAndStop(random(4) + 1);
with (_root.player) {
if (this.pcman.hittest(_x, getBounds(_root).yMax, true)) {
if (_root.ftest == "yes") {
if ((this.pcman._currentframe == 3) && (_root.nopac > 0)) {
goleft = 0;;
suddenup = 25;
su = 3;
jump = true;
Instance of Symbol 156 MovieClip "pacman10" in Frame 322 (797 B)
onClipEvent (load) {
this.pcman.gotoAndStop(random(4) + 1);
gleftrand = random(4) + 2;
goleft = gleftrand;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
_x = (_x + goleft);
if ((this._currentframe == 34) && (_root.nopac > 0)) {
this.pcman.gotoAndStop(random(4) + 1);
gleftrand = random(4) + 2;
goleft = gleftrand;
_x = 170;
if (_x > 580) {
gleftrand = random(4) + 2;
goleft = gleftrand;
_x = 170;
this.pcman.gotoAndStop(random(4) + 1);
with (_root.player) {
if (this.pcman.hittest(_x, getBounds(_root).yMax, true)) {
if (_root.ftest == "yes") {
if ((this.pcman._currentframe == 3) && (_root.nopac > 0)) {
goleft = 0;;
suddenup = 25;
su = 3;
jump = true;
Instance of Symbol 156 MovieClip "pacman11" in Frame 322 (797 B)
onClipEvent (load) {
this.pcman.gotoAndStop(random(4) + 1);
gleftrand = random(4) + 2;
goleft = gleftrand;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
_x = (_x + goleft);
if ((this._currentframe == 34) && (_root.nopac > 0)) {
this.pcman.gotoAndStop(random(4) + 1);
gleftrand = random(4) + 2;
goleft = gleftrand;
_x = 170;
if (_x > 580) {
gleftrand = random(4) + 2;
goleft = gleftrand;
_x = 170;
this.pcman.gotoAndStop(random(4) + 1);
with (_root.player) {
if (this.pcman.hittest(_x, getBounds(_root).yMax, true)) {
if (_root.ftest == "yes") {
if ((this.pcman._currentframe == 3) && (_root.nopac > 0)) {
goleft = 0;;
suddenup = 25;
su = 3;
jump = true;
Instance of Symbol 156 MovieClip "pacman12" in Frame 322 (797 B)
onClipEvent (load) {
this.pcman.gotoAndStop(random(4) + 1);
gleftrand = random(4) + 2;
goleft = gleftrand;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
_x = (_x + goleft);
if ((this._currentframe == 34) && (_root.nopac > 0)) {
this.pcman.gotoAndStop(random(4) + 1);
gleftrand = random(4) + 2;
goleft = gleftrand;
_x = 170;
if (_x > 580) {
gleftrand = random(4) + 2;
goleft = gleftrand;
_x = 170;
this.pcman.gotoAndStop(random(4) + 1);
with (_root.player) {
if (this.pcman.hittest(_x, getBounds(_root).yMax, true)) {
if (_root.ftest == "yes") {
if ((this.pcman._currentframe == 3) && (_root.nopac > 0)) {
goleft = 0;;
suddenup = 25;
su = 3;
jump = true;
Instance of Symbol 156 MovieClip "pacman13" in Frame 322 (797 B)
onClipEvent (load) {
this.pcman.gotoAndStop(random(4) + 1);
gleftrand = random(4) + 2;
goleft = gleftrand;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
_x = (_x + goleft);
if ((this._currentframe == 34) && (_root.nopac > 0)) {
this.pcman.gotoAndStop(random(4) + 1);
gleftrand = random(4) + 2;
goleft = gleftrand;
_x = 170;
if (_x > 580) {
gleftrand = random(4) + 2;
goleft = gleftrand;
_x = 170;
this.pcman.gotoAndStop(random(4) + 1);
with (_root.player) {
if (this.pcman.hittest(_x, getBounds(_root).yMax, true)) {
if (_root.ftest == "yes") {
if ((this.pcman._currentframe == 3) && (_root.nopac > 0)) {
goleft = 0;;
suddenup = 25;
su = 3;
jump = true;
Instance of Symbol 156 MovieClip "pacman14" in Frame 322 (797 B)
onClipEvent (load) {
this.pcman.gotoAndStop(random(4) + 1);
gleftrand = random(4) + 2;
goleft = gleftrand;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
_x = (_x + goleft);
if ((this._currentframe == 34) && (_root.nopac > 0)) {
this.pcman.gotoAndStop(random(4) + 1);
gleftrand = random(4) + 2;
goleft = gleftrand;
_x = 170;
if (_x > 580) {
gleftrand = random(4) + 2;
goleft = gleftrand;
_x = 170;
this.pcman.gotoAndStop(random(4) + 1);
with (_root.player) {
if (this.pcman.hittest(_x, getBounds(_root).yMax, true)) {
if (_root.ftest == "yes") {
if ((this.pcman._currentframe == 3) && (_root.nopac > 0)) {
goleft = 0;;
suddenup = 25;
su = 3;
jump = true;
Instance of Symbol 156 MovieClip "pacman15" in Frame 322 (797 B)
onClipEvent (load) {
this.pcman.gotoAndStop(random(4) + 1);
gleftrand = random(4) + 2;
goleft = gleftrand;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
_x = (_x + goleft);
if ((this._currentframe == 34) && (_root.nopac > 0)) {
this.pcman.gotoAndStop(random(4) + 1);
gleftrand = random(4) + 2;
goleft = gleftrand;
_x = 170;
if (_x > 580) {
gleftrand = random(4) + 2;
goleft = gleftrand;
_x = 170;
this.pcman.gotoAndStop(random(4) + 1);
with (_root.player) {
if (this.pcman.hittest(_x, getBounds(_root).yMax, true)) {
if (_root.ftest == "yes") {
if ((this.pcman._currentframe == 3) && (_root.nopac > 0)) {
goleft = 0;;
suddenup = 25;
su = 3;
jump = true;
Instance of Symbol 156 MovieClip "pacman16" in Frame 322 (797 B)
onClipEvent (load) {
this.pcman.gotoAndStop(random(4) + 1);
gleftrand = random(4) + 2;
goleft = gleftrand;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
_x = (_x + goleft);
if ((this._currentframe == 34) && (_root.nopac > 0)) {
this.pcman.gotoAndStop(random(4) + 1);
gleftrand = random(4) + 2;
goleft = gleftrand;
_x = 170;
if (_x > 580) {
gleftrand = random(4) + 2;
goleft = gleftrand;
_x = 170;
this.pcman.gotoAndStop(random(4) + 1);
with (_root.player) {
if (this.pcman.hittest(_x, getBounds(_root).yMax, true)) {
if (_root.ftest == "yes") {
if ((this.pcman._currentframe == 3) && (_root.nopac > 0)) {
goleft = 0;;
suddenup = 25;
su = 3;
jump = true;
Instance of Symbol 156 MovieClip "pacman17" in Frame 322 (797 B)
onClipEvent (load) {
this.pcman.gotoAndStop(random(4) + 1);
gleftrand = random(4) + 2;
goleft = gleftrand;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
_x = (_x + goleft);
if ((this._currentframe == 34) && (_root.nopac > 0)) {
this.pcman.gotoAndStop(random(4) + 1);
gleftrand = random(4) + 2;
goleft = gleftrand;
_x = 170;
if (_x > 580) {
gleftrand = random(4) + 2;
goleft = gleftrand;
_x = 170;
this.pcman.gotoAndStop(random(4) + 1);
with (_root.player) {
if (this.pcman.hittest(_x, getBounds(_root).yMax, true)) {
if (_root.ftest == "yes") {
if ((this.pcman._currentframe == 3) && (_root.nopac > 0)) {
goleft = 0;;
suddenup = 25;
su = 3;
jump = true;
Instance of Symbol 156 MovieClip "pacman18" in Frame 322 (797 B)
onClipEvent (load) {
this.pcman.gotoAndStop(random(4) + 1);
gleftrand = random(4) + 2;
goleft = gleftrand;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
_x = (_x + goleft);
if ((this._currentframe == 34) && (_root.nopac > 0)) {
this.pcman.gotoAndStop(random(4) + 1);
gleftrand = random(4) + 2;
goleft = gleftrand;
_x = 170;
if (_x > 580) {
gleftrand = random(4) + 2;
goleft = gleftrand;
_x = 170;
this.pcman.gotoAndStop(random(4) + 1);
with (_root.player) {
if (this.pcman.hittest(_x, getBounds(_root).yMax, true)) {
if (_root.ftest == "yes") {
if ((this.pcman._currentframe == 3) && (_root.nopac > 0)) {
goleft = 0;;
suddenup = 25;
su = 3;
jump = true;
Instance of Symbol 173 MovieClip "player" in Frame 322 (1.22 KiB) ●
onClipEvent (load) {
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
_root.test = _x;
if (key.isdown(32) && (!jump)) {
if ((_root.pactime > 0) && (_currentframe < 2)) {
jumpsound = new Sound();
suddenup = 25;
su = 3;
jump = true;
if (key.isdown(37)) {
if ((_root.pactime > 0) && (_currentframe < 2)) {
_x = (_x - 6);
rot = 15;
this.ball._rotation = this.ball._rotation - rot;
if (_x < 215.35) {
rot = 0;
_x = 215.35;
if (key.isdown(39)) {
if ((_root.pactime > 0) && (_currentframe < 2)) {
_x = (_x + 6);
rot = 15;
this.ball._rotation = this.ball._rotation + rot;
if (_x > 541.35) {
rot = 0;
_x = 541.35;
if (jump) {
if ((_root.pactime > 0) && (_currentframe < 2)) {
suddenup = suddenup - su;
_y = (_y - suddenup);
if (suddenup < -19) {
suddenup = -19;
_root.test = suddenup;
if (_root.test < 0) {
_root.ftest = "yes";
} else {
_root.ftest = "no";
if (_y > 508.2) {
_root.smoke._x = _x;;
_y = 508.2;
jump = false;
_root.ftest = "no";
Instance of Symbol 187 MovieClip in Frame 322 (276 B)
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (_root.nopac <= 0) {
if (_root.pactime <= 0) {
with (_root.player) {
jump = false;
_root.smoke._visible = false;
suddenup = 0;
su = 0;
gleft = 0;
gright = 0;
Frame 323 (8 B)
Frame 324 (48 B)
_root.pactime = 48;
_root.nopac = 26;
Instance of Symbol 156 MovieClip "pacman5" in Frame 324 (797 B)
onClipEvent (load) {
this.pcman.gotoAndStop(random(4) + 1);
gleftrand = random(4) + 2;
goleft = gleftrand;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
_x = (_x + goleft);
if ((this._currentframe == 34) && (_root.nopac > 0)) {
this.pcman.gotoAndStop(random(4) + 1);
gleftrand = random(4) + 2;
goleft = gleftrand;
_x = 170;
if (_x > 580) {
gleftrand = random(4) + 2;
goleft = gleftrand;
_x = 170;
this.pcman.gotoAndStop(random(4) + 1);
with (_root.player) {
if (this.pcman.hittest(_x, getBounds(_root).yMax, true)) {
if (_root.ftest == "yes") {
if ((this.pcman._currentframe == 2) && (_root.nopac > 0)) {
goleft = 0;;
suddenup = 25;
su = 3;
jump = true;
Instance of Symbol 156 MovieClip "pacman1" in Frame 324 (797 B)
onClipEvent (load) {
this.pcman.gotoAndStop(random(4) + 1);
gleftrand = random(4) + 2;
goleft = gleftrand;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
_x = (_x + goleft);
if ((this._currentframe == 34) && (_root.nopac > 0)) {
this.pcman.gotoAndStop(random(4) + 1);
gleftrand = random(4) + 2;
goleft = gleftrand;
_x = 170;
if (_x > 580) {
gleftrand = random(4) + 2;
goleft = gleftrand;
_x = 170;
this.pcman.gotoAndStop(random(4) + 1);
with (_root.player) {
if (this.pcman.hittest(_x, getBounds(_root).yMax, true)) {
if (_root.ftest == "yes") {
if ((this.pcman._currentframe == 2) && (_root.nopac > 0)) {
goleft = 0;;
suddenup = 25;
su = 3;
jump = true;
Instance of Symbol 156 MovieClip "pacman2" in Frame 324 (797 B)
onClipEvent (load) {
this.pcman.gotoAndStop(random(4) + 1);
gleftrand = random(4) + 2;
goleft = gleftrand;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
_x = (_x + goleft);
if ((this._currentframe == 34) && (_root.nopac > 0)) {
this.pcman.gotoAndStop(random(4) + 1);
gleftrand = random(4) + 2;
goleft = gleftrand;
_x = 170;
if (_x > 580) {
gleftrand = random(4) + 2;
goleft = gleftrand;
_x = 170;
this.pcman.gotoAndStop(random(4) + 1);
with (_root.player) {
if (this.pcman.hittest(_x, getBounds(_root).yMax, true)) {
if (_root.ftest == "yes") {
if ((this.pcman._currentframe == 2) && (_root.nopac > 0)) {
goleft = 0;;
suddenup = 25;
su = 3;
jump = true;
Instance of Symbol 156 MovieClip "pacman3" in Frame 324 (797 B)
onClipEvent (load) {
this.pcman.gotoAndStop(random(4) + 1);
gleftrand = random(4) + 2;
goleft = gleftrand;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
_x = (_x + goleft);
if ((this._currentframe == 34) && (_root.nopac > 0)) {
this.pcman.gotoAndStop(random(4) + 1);
gleftrand = random(4) + 2;
goleft = gleftrand;
_x = 170;
if (_x > 580) {
gleftrand = random(4) + 2;
goleft = gleftrand;
_x = 170;
this.pcman.gotoAndStop(random(4) + 1);
with (_root.player) {
if (this.pcman.hittest(_x, getBounds(_root).yMax, true)) {
if (_root.ftest == "yes") {
if ((this.pcman._currentframe == 2) && (_root.nopac > 0)) {
goleft = 0;;
suddenup = 25;
su = 3;
jump = true;
Instance of Symbol 156 MovieClip "pacman6" in Frame 324 (797 B)
onClipEvent (load) {
this.pcman.gotoAndStop(random(4) + 1);
gleftrand = random(4) + 2;
goleft = gleftrand;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
_x = (_x + goleft);
if ((this._currentframe == 34) && (_root.nopac > 0)) {
this.pcman.gotoAndStop(random(4) + 1);
gleftrand = random(4) + 2;
goleft = gleftrand;
_x = 170;
if (_x > 580) {
gleftrand = random(4) + 2;
goleft = gleftrand;
_x = 170;
this.pcman.gotoAndStop(random(4) + 1);
with (_root.player) {
if (this.pcman.hittest(_x, getBounds(_root).yMax, true)) {
if (_root.ftest == "yes") {
if ((this.pcman._currentframe == 2) && (_root.nopac > 0)) {
goleft = 0;;
suddenup = 25;
su = 3;
jump = true;
Instance of Symbol 156 MovieClip "pacman4" in Frame 324 (797 B)
onClipEvent (load) {
this.pcman.gotoAndStop(random(4) + 1);
gleftrand = random(4) + 2;
goleft = gleftrand;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
_x = (_x + goleft);
if ((this._currentframe == 34) && (_root.nopac > 0)) {
this.pcman.gotoAndStop(random(4) + 1);
gleftrand = random(4) + 2;
goleft = gleftrand;
_x = 170;
if (_x > 580) {
gleftrand = random(4) + 2;
goleft = gleftrand;
_x = 170;
this.pcman.gotoAndStop(random(4) + 1);
with (_root.player) {
if (this.pcman.hittest(_x, getBounds(_root).yMax, true)) {
if (_root.ftest == "yes") {
if ((this.pcman._currentframe == 2) && (_root.nopac > 0)) {
goleft = 0;;
suddenup = 25;
su = 3;
jump = true;
Instance of Symbol 156 MovieClip "pacman9" in Frame 324 (797 B)
onClipEvent (load) {
this.pcman.gotoAndStop(random(4) + 1);
gleftrand = random(4) + 2;
goleft = gleftrand;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
_x = (_x + goleft);
if ((this._currentframe == 34) && (_root.nopac > 0)) {
this.pcman.gotoAndStop(random(4) + 1);
gleftrand = random(4) + 2;
goleft = gleftrand;
_x = 170;
if (_x > 580) {
gleftrand = random(4) + 2;
goleft = gleftrand;
_x = 170;
this.pcman.gotoAndStop(random(4) + 1);
with (_root.player) {
if (this.pcman.hittest(_x, getBounds(_root).yMax, true)) {
if (_root.ftest == "yes") {
if ((this.pcman._currentframe == 2) && (_root.nopac > 0)) {
goleft = 0;;
suddenup = 25;
su = 3;
jump = true;
Instance of Symbol 156 MovieClip "pacman11" in Frame 324 (797 B)
onClipEvent (load) {
this.pcman.gotoAndStop(random(4) + 1);
gleftrand = random(4) + 2;
goleft = gleftrand;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
_x = (_x + goleft);
if ((this._currentframe == 34) && (_root.nopac > 0)) {
this.pcman.gotoAndStop(random(4) + 1);
gleftrand = random(4) + 2;
goleft = gleftrand;
_x = 170;
if (_x > 580) {
gleftrand = random(4) + 2;
goleft = gleftrand;
_x = 170;
this.pcman.gotoAndStop(random(4) + 1);
with (_root.player) {
if (this.pcman.hittest(_x, getBounds(_root).yMax, true)) {
if (_root.ftest == "yes") {
if ((this.pcman._currentframe == 2) && (_root.nopac > 0)) {
goleft = 0;;
suddenup = 25;
su = 3;
jump = true;
Instance of Symbol 156 MovieClip "pacman8" in Frame 324 (797 B)
onClipEvent (load) {
this.pcman.gotoAndStop(random(4) + 1);
gleftrand = random(4) + 2;
goleft = gleftrand;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
_x = (_x + goleft);
if ((this._currentframe == 34) && (_root.nopac > 0)) {
this.pcman.gotoAndStop(random(4) + 1);
gleftrand = random(4) + 2;
goleft = gleftrand;
_x = 170;
if (_x > 580) {
gleftrand = random(4) + 2;
goleft = gleftrand;
_x = 170;
this.pcman.gotoAndStop(random(4) + 1);
with (_root.player) {
if (this.pcman.hittest(_x, getBounds(_root).yMax, true)) {
if (_root.ftest == "yes") {
if ((this.pcman._currentframe == 2) && (_root.nopac > 0)) {
goleft = 0;;
suddenup = 25;
su = 3;
jump = true;
Instance of Symbol 156 MovieClip "pacman10" in Frame 324 (797 B)
onClipEvent (load) {
this.pcman.gotoAndStop(random(4) + 1);
gleftrand = random(4) + 2;
goleft = gleftrand;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
_x = (_x + goleft);
if ((this._currentframe == 34) && (_root.nopac > 0)) {
this.pcman.gotoAndStop(random(4) + 1);
gleftrand = random(4) + 2;
goleft = gleftrand;
_x = 170;
if (_x > 580) {
gleftrand = random(4) + 2;
goleft = gleftrand;
_x = 170;
this.pcman.gotoAndStop(random(4) + 1);
with (_root.player) {
if (this.pcman.hittest(_x, getBounds(_root).yMax, true)) {
if (_root.ftest == "yes") {
if ((this.pcman._currentframe == 2) && (_root.nopac > 0)) {
goleft = 0;;
suddenup = 25;
su = 3;
jump = true;
Instance of Symbol 156 MovieClip "pacman14" in Frame 324 (797 B)
onClipEvent (load) {
this.pcman.gotoAndStop(random(4) + 1);
gleftrand = random(4) + 2;
goleft = gleftrand;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
_x = (_x + goleft);
if ((this._currentframe == 34) && (_root.nopac > 0)) {
this.pcman.gotoAndStop(random(4) + 1);
gleftrand = random(4) + 2;
goleft = gleftrand;
_x = 170;
if (_x > 580) {
gleftrand = random(4) + 2;
goleft = gleftrand;
_x = 170;
this.pcman.gotoAndStop(random(4) + 1);
with (_root.player) {
if (this.pcman.hittest(_x, getBounds(_root).yMax, true)) {
if (_root.ftest == "yes") {
if ((this.pcman._currentframe == 2) && (_root.nopac > 0)) {
goleft = 0;;
suddenup = 25;
su = 3;
jump = true;
Instance of Symbol 156 MovieClip "pacman7" in Frame 324 (797 B)
onClipEvent (load) {
this.pcman.gotoAndStop(random(4) + 1);
gleftrand = random(4) + 2;
goleft = gleftrand;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
_x = (_x + goleft);
if ((this._currentframe == 34) && (_root.nopac > 0)) {
this.pcman.gotoAndStop(random(4) + 1);
gleftrand = random(4) + 2;
goleft = gleftrand;
_x = 170;
if (_x > 580) {
gleftrand = random(4) + 2;
goleft = gleftrand;
_x = 170;
this.pcman.gotoAndStop(random(4) + 1);
with (_root.player) {
if (this.pcman.hittest(_x, getBounds(_root).yMax, true)) {
if (_root.ftest == "yes") {
if ((this.pcman._currentframe == 2) && (_root.nopac > 0)) {
goleft = 0;;
suddenup = 25;
su = 3;
jump = true;
Instance of Symbol 156 MovieClip "pacman12" in Frame 324 (797 B)
onClipEvent (load) {
this.pcman.gotoAndStop(random(4) + 1);
gleftrand = random(4) + 2;
goleft = gleftrand;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
_x = (_x + goleft);
if ((this._currentframe == 34) && (_root.nopac > 0)) {
this.pcman.gotoAndStop(random(4) + 1);
gleftrand = random(4) + 2;
goleft = gleftrand;
_x = 170;
if (_x > 580) {
gleftrand = random(4) + 2;
goleft = gleftrand;
_x = 170;
this.pcman.gotoAndStop(random(4) + 1);
with (_root.player) {
if (this.pcman.hittest(_x, getBounds(_root).yMax, true)) {
if (_root.ftest == "yes") {
if ((this.pcman._currentframe == 2) && (_root.nopac > 0)) {
goleft = 0;;
suddenup = 25;
su = 3;
jump = true;
Instance of Symbol 156 MovieClip "pacman13" in Frame 324 (797 B)
onClipEvent (load) {
this.pcman.gotoAndStop(random(4) + 1);
gleftrand = random(4) + 2;
goleft = gleftrand;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
_x = (_x + goleft);
if ((this._currentframe == 34) && (_root.nopac > 0)) {
this.pcman.gotoAndStop(random(4) + 1);
gleftrand = random(4) + 2;
goleft = gleftrand;
_x = 170;
if (_x > 580) {
gleftrand = random(4) + 2;
goleft = gleftrand;
_x = 170;
this.pcman.gotoAndStop(random(4) + 1);
with (_root.player) {
if (this.pcman.hittest(_x, getBounds(_root).yMax, true)) {
if (_root.ftest == "yes") {
if ((this.pcman._currentframe == 2) && (_root.nopac > 0)) {
goleft = 0;;
suddenup = 25;
su = 3;
jump = true;
Instance of Symbol 156 MovieClip "pacman15" in Frame 324 (797 B)
onClipEvent (load) {
this.pcman.gotoAndStop(random(4) + 1);
gleftrand = random(4) + 2;
goleft = gleftrand;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
_x = (_x + goleft);
if ((this._currentframe == 34) && (_root.nopac > 0)) {
this.pcman.gotoAndStop(random(4) + 1);
gleftrand = random(4) + 2;
goleft = gleftrand;
_x = 170;
if (_x > 580) {
gleftrand = random(4) + 2;
goleft = gleftrand;
_x = 170;
this.pcman.gotoAndStop(random(4) + 1);
with (_root.player) {
if (this.pcman.hittest(_x, getBounds(_root).yMax, true)) {
if (_root.ftest == "yes") {
if ((this.pcman._currentframe == 2) && (_root.nopac > 0)) {
goleft = 0;;
suddenup = 25;
su = 3;
jump = true;
Instance of Symbol 156 MovieClip "pacman16" in Frame 324 (797 B)
onClipEvent (load) {
this.pcman.gotoAndStop(random(4) + 1);
gleftrand = random(4) + 2;
goleft = gleftrand;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
_x = (_x + goleft);
if ((this._currentframe == 34) && (_root.nopac > 0)) {
this.pcman.gotoAndStop(random(4) + 1);
gleftrand = random(4) + 2;
goleft = gleftrand;
_x = 170;
if (_x > 580) {
gleftrand = random(4) + 2;
goleft = gleftrand;
_x = 170;
this.pcman.gotoAndStop(random(4) + 1);
with (_root.player) {
if (this.pcman.hittest(_x, getBounds(_root).yMax, true)) {
if (_root.ftest == "yes") {
if ((this.pcman._currentframe == 2) && (_root.nopac > 0)) {
goleft = 0;;
suddenup = 25;
su = 3;
jump = true;
Instance of Symbol 156 MovieClip "pacman17" in Frame 324 (797 B)
onClipEvent (load) {
this.pcman.gotoAndStop(random(4) + 1);
gleftrand = random(4) + 2;
goleft = gleftrand;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
_x = (_x + goleft);
if ((this._currentframe == 34) && (_root.nopac > 0)) {
this.pcman.gotoAndStop(random(4) + 1);
gleftrand = random(4) + 2;
goleft = gleftrand;
_x = 170;
if (_x > 580) {
gleftrand = random(4) + 2;
goleft = gleftrand;
_x = 170;
this.pcman.gotoAndStop(random(4) + 1);
with (_root.player) {
if (this.pcman.hittest(_x, getBounds(_root).yMax, true)) {
if (_root.ftest == "yes") {
if ((this.pcman._currentframe == 2) && (_root.nopac > 0)) {
goleft = 0;;
suddenup = 25;
su = 3;
jump = true;
Instance of Symbol 156 MovieClip "pacman18" in Frame 324 (797 B)
onClipEvent (load) {
this.pcman.gotoAndStop(random(4) + 1);
gleftrand = random(4) + 2;
goleft = gleftrand;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
_x = (_x + goleft);
if ((this._currentframe == 34) && (_root.nopac > 0)) {
this.pcman.gotoAndStop(random(4) + 1);
gleftrand = random(4) + 2;
goleft = gleftrand;
_x = 170;
if (_x > 580) {
gleftrand = random(4) + 2;
goleft = gleftrand;
_x = 170;
this.pcman.gotoAndStop(random(4) + 1);
with (_root.player) {
if (this.pcman.hittest(_x, getBounds(_root).yMax, true)) {
if (_root.ftest == "yes") {
if ((this.pcman._currentframe == 2) && (_root.nopac > 0)) {
goleft = 0;;
suddenup = 25;
su = 3;
jump = true;
Instance of Symbol 173 MovieClip "player" in Frame 324 (1.22 KiB) ●
onClipEvent (load) {
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
_root.test = _x;
if (key.isdown(32) && (!jump)) {
if ((_root.pactime > 0) && (_currentframe < 2)) {
jumpsound = new Sound();
suddenup = 25;
su = 3;
jump = true;
if (key.isdown(37)) {
if ((_root.pactime > 0) && (_currentframe < 2)) {
_x = (_x - 6);
rot = 15;
this.ball._rotation = this.ball._rotation - rot;
if (_x < 215.35) {
rot = 0;
_x = 215.35;
if (key.isdown(39)) {
if ((_root.pactime > 0) && (_currentframe < 2)) {
_x = (_x + 6);
rot = 15;
this.ball._rotation = this.ball._rotation + rot;
if (_x > 541.35) {
rot = 0;
_x = 541.35;
if (jump) {
if ((_root.pactime > 0) && (_currentframe < 2)) {
suddenup = suddenup - su;
_y = (_y - suddenup);
if (suddenup < -19) {
suddenup = -19;
_root.test = suddenup;
if (_root.test < 0) {
_root.ftest = "yes";
} else {
_root.ftest = "no";
if (_y > 508.2) {
_root.smoke._x = _x;;
_y = 508.2;
jump = false;
_root.ftest = "no";
Instance of Symbol 187 MovieClip in Frame 324 (276 B)
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (_root.nopac <= 0) {
if (_root.pactime <= 0) {
with (_root.player) {
jump = false;
_root.smoke._visible = false;
suddenup = 0;
su = 0;
gleft = 0;
gright = 0;
Frame 325 (8 B)
Frame 326 (48 B)
_root.pactime = 48;
_root.nopac = 28;
Instance of Symbol 156 MovieClip "pacman1" in Frame 326 (797 B)
onClipEvent (load) {
this.pcman.gotoAndStop(random(4) + 1);
gleftrand = random(4) + 2;
goleft = gleftrand;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
_x = (_x + goleft);
if ((this._currentframe == 34) && (_root.nopac > 0)) {
this.pcman.gotoAndStop(random(4) + 1);
gleftrand = random(4) + 2;
goleft = gleftrand;
_x = 170;
if (_x > 580) {
gleftrand = random(4) + 2;
goleft = gleftrand;
_x = 170;
this.pcman.gotoAndStop(random(4) + 1);
with (_root.player) {
if (this.pcman.hittest(_x, getBounds(_root).yMax, true)) {
if (_root.ftest == "yes") {
if ((this.pcman._currentframe == 1) && (_root.nopac > 0)) {
goleft = 0;;
suddenup = 25;
su = 3;
jump = true;
Instance of Symbol 156 MovieClip "pacman2" in Frame 326 (797 B)
onClipEvent (load) {
this.pcman.gotoAndStop(random(4) + 1);
gleftrand = random(4) + 2;
goleft = gleftrand;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
_x = (_x + goleft);
if ((this._currentframe == 34) && (_root.nopac > 0)) {
this.pcman.gotoAndStop(random(4) + 1);
gleftrand = random(4) + 2;
goleft = gleftrand;
_x = 170;
if (_x > 580) {
gleftrand = random(4) + 2;
goleft = gleftrand;
_x = 170;
this.pcman.gotoAndStop(random(4) + 1);
with (_root.player) {
if (this.pcman.hittest(_x, getBounds(_root).yMax, true)) {
if (_root.ftest == "yes") {
if ((this.pcman._currentframe == 1) && (_root.nopac > 0)) {
goleft = 0;;
suddenup = 25;
su = 3;
jump = true;
Instance of Symbol 156 MovieClip "pacman3" in Frame 326 (797 B)
onClipEvent (load) {
this.pcman.gotoAndStop(random(4) + 1);
gleftrand = random(4) + 2;
goleft = gleftrand;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
_x = (_x + goleft);
if ((this._currentframe == 34) && (_root.nopac > 0)) {
this.pcman.gotoAndStop(random(4) + 1);
gleftrand = random(4) + 2;
goleft = gleftrand;
_x = 170;
if (_x > 580) {
gleftrand = random(4) + 2;
goleft = gleftrand;
_x = 170;
this.pcman.gotoAndStop(random(4) + 1);
with (_root.player) {
if (this.pcman.hittest(_x, getBounds(_root).yMax, true)) {
if (_root.ftest == "yes") {
if ((this.pcman._currentframe == 1) && (_root.nopac > 0)) {
goleft = 0;;
suddenup = 25;
su = 3;
jump = true;
Instance of Symbol 156 MovieClip "pacman4" in Frame 326 (797 B)
onClipEvent (load) {
this.pcman.gotoAndStop(random(4) + 1);
gleftrand = random(4) + 2;
goleft = gleftrand;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
_x = (_x + goleft);
if ((this._currentframe == 34) && (_root.nopac > 0)) {
this.pcman.gotoAndStop(random(4) + 1);
gleftrand = random(4) + 2;
goleft = gleftrand;
_x = 170;
if (_x > 580) {
gleftrand = random(4) + 2;
goleft = gleftrand;
_x = 170;
this.pcman.gotoAndStop(random(4) + 1);
with (_root.player) {
if (this.pcman.hittest(_x, getBounds(_root).yMax, true)) {
if (_root.ftest == "yes") {
if ((this.pcman._currentframe == 1) && (_root.nopac > 0)) {
goleft = 0;;
suddenup = 25;
su = 3;
jump = true;
Instance of Symbol 156 MovieClip "pacman5" in Frame 326 (797 B)
onClipEvent (load) {
this.pcman.gotoAndStop(random(4) + 1);
gleftrand = random(4) + 2;
goleft = gleftrand;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
_x = (_x + goleft);
if ((this._currentframe == 34) && (_root.nopac > 0)) {
this.pcman.gotoAndStop(random(4) + 1);
gleftrand = random(4) + 2;
goleft = gleftrand;
_x = 170;
if (_x > 580) {
gleftrand = random(4) + 2;
goleft = gleftrand;
_x = 170;
this.pcman.gotoAndStop(random(4) + 1);
with (_root.player) {
if (this.pcman.hittest(_x, getBounds(_root).yMax, true)) {
if (_root.ftest == "yes") {
if ((this.pcman._currentframe == 1) && (_root.nopac > 0)) {
goleft = 0;;
suddenup = 25;
su = 3;
jump = true;
Instance of Symbol 156 MovieClip "pacman6" in Frame 326 (797 B)
onClipEvent (load) {
this.pcman.gotoAndStop(random(4) + 1);
gleftrand = random(4) + 2;
goleft = gleftrand;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
_x = (_x + goleft);
if ((this._currentframe == 34) && (_root.nopac > 0)) {
this.pcman.gotoAndStop(random(4) + 1);
gleftrand = random(4) + 2;
goleft = gleftrand;
_x = 170;
if (_x > 580) {
gleftrand = random(4) + 2;
goleft = gleftrand;
_x = 170;
this.pcman.gotoAndStop(random(4) + 1);
with (_root.player) {
if (this.pcman.hittest(_x, getBounds(_root).yMax, true)) {
if (_root.ftest == "yes") {
if ((this.pcman._currentframe == 1) && (_root.nopac > 0)) {
goleft = 0;;
suddenup = 25;
su = 3;
jump = true;
Instance of Symbol 156 MovieClip "pacman7" in Frame 326 (797 B)
onClipEvent (load) {
this.pcman.gotoAndStop(random(4) + 1);
gleftrand = random(4) + 2;
goleft = gleftrand;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
_x = (_x + goleft);
if ((this._currentframe == 34) && (_root.nopac > 0)) {
this.pcman.gotoAndStop(random(4) + 1);
gleftrand = random(4) + 2;
goleft = gleftrand;
_x = 170;
if (_x > 580) {
gleftrand = random(4) + 2;
goleft = gleftrand;
_x = 170;
this.pcman.gotoAndStop(random(4) + 1);
with (_root.player) {
if (this.pcman.hittest(_x, getBounds(_root).yMax, true)) {
if (_root.ftest == "yes") {
if ((this.pcman._currentframe == 1) && (_root.nopac > 0)) {
goleft = 0;;
suddenup = 25;
su = 3;
jump = true;
Instance of Symbol 156 MovieClip "pacman8" in Frame 326 (797 B)
onClipEvent (load) {
this.pcman.gotoAndStop(random(4) + 1);
gleftrand = random(4) + 2;
goleft = gleftrand;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
_x = (_x + goleft);
if ((this._currentframe == 34) && (_root.nopac > 0)) {
this.pcman.gotoAndStop(random(4) + 1);
gleftrand = random(4) + 2;
goleft = gleftrand;
_x = 170;
if (_x > 580) {
gleftrand = random(4) + 2;
goleft = gleftrand;
_x = 170;
this.pcman.gotoAndStop(random(4) + 1);
with (_root.player) {
if (this.pcman.hittest(_x, getBounds(_root).yMax, true)) {
if (_root.ftest == "yes") {
if ((this.pcman._currentframe == 1) && (_root.nopac > 0)) {
goleft = 0;;
suddenup = 25;
su = 3;
jump = true;
Instance of Symbol 156 MovieClip "pacman9" in Frame 326 (797 B)
onClipEvent (load) {
this.pcman.gotoAndStop(random(4) + 1);
gleftrand = random(4) + 2;
goleft = gleftrand;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
_x = (_x + goleft);
if ((this._currentframe == 34) && (_root.nopac > 0)) {
this.pcman.gotoAndStop(random(4) + 1);
gleftrand = random(4) + 2;
goleft = gleftrand;
_x = 170;
if (_x > 580) {
gleftrand = random(4) + 2;
goleft = gleftrand;
_x = 170;
this.pcman.gotoAndStop(random(4) + 1);
with (_root.player) {
if (this.pcman.hittest(_x, getBounds(_root).yMax, true)) {
if (_root.ftest == "yes") {
if ((this.pcman._currentframe == 1) && (_root.nopac > 0)) {
goleft = 0;;
suddenup = 25;
su = 3;
jump = true;
Instance of Symbol 156 MovieClip "pacman10" in Frame 326 (797 B)
onClipEvent (load) {
this.pcman.gotoAndStop(random(4) + 1);
gleftrand = random(4) + 2;
goleft = gleftrand;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
_x = (_x + goleft);
if ((this._currentframe == 34) && (_root.nopac > 0)) {
this.pcman.gotoAndStop(random(4) + 1);
gleftrand = random(4) + 2;
goleft = gleftrand;
_x = 170;
if (_x > 580) {
gleftrand = random(4) + 2;
goleft = gleftrand;
_x = 170;
this.pcman.gotoAndStop(random(4) + 1);
with (_root.player) {
if (this.pcman.hittest(_x, getBounds(_root).yMax, true)) {
if (_root.ftest == "yes") {
if ((this.pcman._currentframe == 1) && (_root.nopac > 0)) {
goleft = 0;;
suddenup = 25;
su = 3;
jump = true;
Instance of Symbol 156 MovieClip "pacman11" in Frame 326 (797 B)
onClipEvent (load) {
this.pcman.gotoAndStop(random(4) + 1);
gleftrand = random(4) + 2;
goleft = gleftrand;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
_x = (_x + goleft);
if ((this._currentframe == 34) && (_root.nopac > 0)) {
this.pcman.gotoAndStop(random(4) + 1);
gleftrand = random(4) + 2;
goleft = gleftrand;
_x = 170;
if (_x > 580) {
gleftrand = random(4) + 2;
goleft = gleftrand;
_x = 170;
this.pcman.gotoAndStop(random(4) + 1);
with (_root.player) {
if (this.pcman.hittest(_x, getBounds(_root).yMax, true)) {
if (_root.ftest == "yes") {
if ((this.pcman._currentframe == 1) && (_root.nopac > 0)) {
goleft = 0;;
suddenup = 25;
su = 3;
jump = true;
Instance of Symbol 156 MovieClip "pacman13" in Frame 326 (797 B)
onClipEvent (load) {
this.pcman.gotoAndStop(random(4) + 1);
gleftrand = random(4) + 2;
goleft = gleftrand;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
_x = (_x + goleft);
if ((this._currentframe == 34) && (_root.nopac > 0)) {
this.pcman.gotoAndStop(random(4) + 1);
gleftrand = random(4) + 2;
goleft = gleftrand;
_x = 170;
if (_x > 580) {
gleftrand = random(4) + 2;
goleft = gleftrand;
_x = 170;
this.pcman.gotoAndStop(random(4) + 1);
with (_root.player) {
if (this.pcman.hittest(_x, getBounds(_root).yMax, true)) {
if (_root.ftest == "yes") {
if ((this.pcman._currentframe == 1) && (_root.nopac > 0)) {
goleft = 0;;
suddenup = 25;
su = 3;
jump = true;
Instance of Symbol 156 MovieClip "pacman12" in Frame 326 (797 B)
onClipEvent (load) {
this.pcman.gotoAndStop(random(4) + 1);
gleftrand = random(4) + 2;
goleft = gleftrand;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
_x = (_x + goleft);
if ((this._currentframe == 34) && (_root.nopac > 0)) {
this.pcman.gotoAndStop(random(4) + 1);
gleftrand = random(4) + 2;
goleft = gleftrand;
_x = 170;
if (_x > 580) {
gleftrand = random(4) + 2;
goleft = gleftrand;
_x = 170;
this.pcman.gotoAndStop(random(4) + 1);
with (_root.player) {
if (this.pcman.hittest(_x, getBounds(_root).yMax, true)) {
if (_root.ftest == "yes") {
if ((this.pcman._currentframe == 1) && (_root.nopac > 0)) {
goleft = 0;;
suddenup = 25;
su = 3;
jump = true;
Instance of Symbol 156 MovieClip "pacman15" in Frame 326 (797 B)
onClipEvent (load) {
this.pcman.gotoAndStop(random(4) + 1);
gleftrand = random(4) + 2;
goleft = gleftrand;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
_x = (_x + goleft);
if ((this._currentframe == 34) && (_root.nopac > 0)) {
this.pcman.gotoAndStop(random(4) + 1);
gleftrand = random(4) + 2;
goleft = gleftrand;
_x = 170;
if (_x > 580) {
gleftrand = random(4) + 2;
goleft = gleftrand;
_x = 170;
this.pcman.gotoAndStop(random(4) + 1);
with (_root.player) {
if (this.pcman.hittest(_x, getBounds(_root).yMax, true)) {
if (_root.ftest == "yes") {
if ((this.pcman._currentframe == 1) && (_root.nopac > 0)) {
goleft = 0;;
suddenup = 25;
su = 3;
jump = true;
Instance of Symbol 156 MovieClip "pacman14" in Frame 326 (797 B)
onClipEvent (load) {
this.pcman.gotoAndStop(random(4) + 1);
gleftrand = random(4) + 2;
goleft = gleftrand;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
_x = (_x + goleft);
if ((this._currentframe == 34) && (_root.nopac > 0)) {
this.pcman.gotoAndStop(random(4) + 1);
gleftrand = random(4) + 2;
goleft = gleftrand;
_x = 170;
if (_x > 580) {
gleftrand = random(4) + 2;
goleft = gleftrand;
_x = 170;
this.pcman.gotoAndStop(random(4) + 1);
with (_root.player) {
if (this.pcman.hittest(_x, getBounds(_root).yMax, true)) {
if (_root.ftest == "yes") {
if ((this.pcman._currentframe == 1) && (_root.nopac > 0)) {
goleft = 0;;
suddenup = 25;
su = 3;
jump = true;
Instance of Symbol 156 MovieClip "pacman17" in Frame 326 (797 B)
onClipEvent (load) {
this.pcman.gotoAndStop(random(4) + 1);
gleftrand = random(4) + 2;
goleft = gleftrand;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
_x = (_x + goleft);
if ((this._currentframe == 34) && (_root.nopac > 0)) {
this.pcman.gotoAndStop(random(4) + 1);
gleftrand = random(4) + 2;
goleft = gleftrand;
_x = 170;
if (_x > 580) {
gleftrand = random(4) + 2;
goleft = gleftrand;
_x = 170;
this.pcman.gotoAndStop(random(4) + 1);
with (_root.player) {
if (this.pcman.hittest(_x, getBounds(_root).yMax, true)) {
if (_root.ftest == "yes") {
if ((this.pcman._currentframe == 1) && (_root.nopac > 0)) {
goleft = 0;;
suddenup = 25;
su = 3;
jump = true;
Instance of Symbol 156 MovieClip "pacman16" in Frame 326 (797 B)
onClipEvent (load) {
this.pcman.gotoAndStop(random(4) + 1);
gleftrand = random(4) + 2;
goleft = gleftrand;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
_x = (_x + goleft);
if ((this._currentframe == 34) && (_root.nopac > 0)) {
this.pcman.gotoAndStop(random(4) + 1);
gleftrand = random(4) + 2;
goleft = gleftrand;
_x = 170;
if (_x > 580) {
gleftrand = random(4) + 2;
goleft = gleftrand;
_x = 170;
this.pcman.gotoAndStop(random(4) + 1);
with (_root.player) {
if (this.pcman.hittest(_x, getBounds(_root).yMax, true)) {
if (_root.ftest == "yes") {
if ((this.pcman._currentframe == 1) && (_root.nopac > 0)) {
goleft = 0;;
suddenup = 25;
su = 3;
jump = true;
Instance of Symbol 156 MovieClip "pacman18" in Frame 326 (797 B)
onClipEvent (load) {
this.pcman.gotoAndStop(random(4) + 1);
gleftrand = random(4) + 2;
goleft = gleftrand;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
_x = (_x + goleft);
if ((this._currentframe == 34) && (_root.nopac > 0)) {
this.pcman.gotoAndStop(random(4) + 1);
gleftrand = random(4) + 2;
goleft = gleftrand;
_x = 170;
if (_x > 580) {
gleftrand = random(4) + 2;
goleft = gleftrand;
_x = 170;
this.pcman.gotoAndStop(random(4) + 1);
with (_root.player) {
if (this.pcman.hittest(_x, getBounds(_root).yMax, true)) {
if (_root.ftest == "yes") {
if ((this.pcman._currentframe == 1) && (_root.nopac > 0)) {
goleft = 0;;
suddenup = 25;
su = 3;
jump = true;
Instance of Symbol 173 MovieClip "player" in Frame 326 (1.22 KiB) ●
onClipEvent (load) {
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
_root.test = _x;
if (key.isdown(32) && (!jump)) {
if ((_root.pactime > 0) && (_currentframe < 2)) {
jumpsound = new Sound();
suddenup = 25;
su = 3;
jump = true;
if (key.isdown(37)) {
if ((_root.pactime > 0) && (_currentframe < 2)) {
_x = (_x - 6);
rot = 15;
this.ball._rotation = this.ball._rotation - rot;
if (_x < 215.35) {
rot = 0;
_x = 215.35;
if (key.isdown(39)) {
if ((_root.pactime > 0) && (_currentframe < 2)) {
_x = (_x + 6);
rot = 15;
this.ball._rotation = this.ball._rotation + rot;
if (_x > 541.35) {
rot = 0;
_x = 541.35;
if (jump) {
if ((_root.pactime > 0) && (_currentframe < 2)) {
suddenup = suddenup - su;
_y = (_y - suddenup);
if (suddenup < -19) {
suddenup = -19;
_root.test = suddenup;
if (_root.test < 0) {
_root.ftest = "yes";
} else {
_root.ftest = "no";
if (_y > 508.2) {
_root.smoke._x = _x;;
_y = 508.2;
jump = false;
_root.ftest = "no";
Instance of Symbol 187 MovieClip in Frame 326 (276 B)
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (_root.nopac <= 0) {
if (_root.pactime <= 0) {
with (_root.player) {
jump = false;
_root.smoke._visible = false;
suddenup = 0;
su = 0;
gleft = 0;
gright = 0;
Frame 327 (8 B)
Frame 328 (48 B)
_root.pactime = 60;
_root.nopac = 20;
Instance of Symbol 156 MovieClip "pacman3" in Frame 328 (752 B)
onClipEvent (load) {
this.pcman.gotoAndStop(random(4) + 1);
gleftrand = random(4) + 2;
goleft = gleftrand;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
_x = (_x + goleft);
if ((this._currentframe == 34) && (_root.nopac > 0)) {
this.pcman.gotoAndStop(random(4) + 1);
gleftrand = random(4) + 2;
goleft = gleftrand;
_x = 170;
if (_x > 580) {
gleftrand = random(4) + 2;
goleft = gleftrand;
_x = 170;
this.pcman.gotoAndStop(random(4) + 1);
with (_root.player) {
if (this.pcman.hittest(_x, getBounds(_root).yMax, true)) {
if (_root.ftest == "yes") {
if (_root.nopac > 0) {
goleft = 0;;
suddenup = 25;
su = 3;
jump = true;
Instance of Symbol 156 MovieClip "pacman2" in Frame 328 (752 B)
onClipEvent (load) {
this.pcman.gotoAndStop(random(4) + 1);
gleftrand = random(4) + 2;
goleft = gleftrand;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
_x = (_x + goleft);
if ((this._currentframe == 34) && (_root.nopac > 0)) {
this.pcman.gotoAndStop(random(4) + 1);
gleftrand = random(4) + 2;
goleft = gleftrand;
_x = 170;
if (_x > 580) {
gleftrand = random(4) + 2;
goleft = gleftrand;
_x = 170;
this.pcman.gotoAndStop(random(4) + 1);
with (_root.player) {
if (this.pcman.hittest(_x, getBounds(_root).yMax, true)) {
if (_root.ftest == "yes") {
if (_root.nopac > 0) {
goleft = 0;;
suddenup = 25;
su = 3;
jump = true;
Instance of Symbol 156 MovieClip "pacman4" in Frame 328 (752 B)
onClipEvent (load) {
this.pcman.gotoAndStop(random(4) + 1);
gleftrand = random(4) + 2;
goleft = gleftrand;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
_x = (_x + goleft);
if ((this._currentframe == 34) && (_root.nopac > 0)) {
this.pcman.gotoAndStop(random(4) + 1);
gleftrand = random(4) + 2;
goleft = gleftrand;
_x = 170;
if (_x > 580) {
gleftrand = random(4) + 2;
goleft = gleftrand;
_x = 170;
this.pcman.gotoAndStop(random(4) + 1);
with (_root.player) {
if (this.pcman.hittest(_x, getBounds(_root).yMax, true)) {
if (_root.ftest == "yes") {
if (_root.nopac > 0) {
goleft = 0;;
suddenup = 25;
su = 3;
jump = true;
Instance of Symbol 156 MovieClip "pacman5" in Frame 328 (752 B)
onClipEvent (load) {
this.pcman.gotoAndStop(random(4) + 1);
gleftrand = random(4) + 2;
goleft = gleftrand;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
_x = (_x + goleft);
if ((this._currentframe == 34) && (_root.nopac > 0)) {
this.pcman.gotoAndStop(random(4) + 1);
gleftrand = random(4) + 2;
goleft = gleftrand;
_x = 170;
if (_x > 580) {
gleftrand = random(4) + 2;
goleft = gleftrand;
_x = 170;
this.pcman.gotoAndStop(random(4) + 1);
with (_root.player) {
if (this.pcman.hittest(_x, getBounds(_root).yMax, true)) {
if (_root.ftest == "yes") {
if (_root.nopac > 0) {
goleft = 0;;
suddenup = 25;
su = 3;
jump = true;
Instance of Symbol 156 MovieClip "pacman6" in Frame 328 (752 B)
onClipEvent (load) {
this.pcman.gotoAndStop(random(4) + 1);
gleftrand = random(4) + 2;
goleft = gleftrand;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
_x = (_x + goleft);
if ((this._currentframe == 34) && (_root.nopac > 0)) {
this.pcman.gotoAndStop(random(4) + 1);
gleftrand = random(4) + 2;
goleft = gleftrand;
_x = 170;
if (_x > 580) {
gleftrand = random(4) + 2;
goleft = gleftrand;
_x = 170;
this.pcman.gotoAndStop(random(4) + 1);
with (_root.player) {
if (this.pcman.hittest(_x, getBounds(_root).yMax, true)) {
if (_root.ftest == "yes") {
if (_root.nopac > 0) {
goleft = 0;;
suddenup = 25;
su = 3;
jump = true;
Instance of Symbol 156 MovieClip "pacman1" in Frame 328 (752 B)
onClipEvent (load) {
this.pcman.gotoAndStop(random(4) + 1);
gleftrand = random(4) + 2;
goleft = gleftrand;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
_x = (_x + goleft);
if ((this._currentframe == 34) && (_root.nopac > 0)) {
this.pcman.gotoAndStop(random(4) + 1);
gleftrand = random(4) + 2;
goleft = gleftrand;
_x = 170;
if (_x > 580) {
gleftrand = random(4) + 2;
goleft = gleftrand;
_x = 170;
this.pcman.gotoAndStop(random(4) + 1);
with (_root.player) {
if (this.pcman.hittest(_x, getBounds(_root).yMax, true)) {
if (_root.ftest == "yes") {
if (_root.nopac > 0) {
goleft = 0;;
suddenup = 25;
su = 3;
jump = true;
Instance of Symbol 156 MovieClip "pacman7" in Frame 328 (752 B)
onClipEvent (load) {
this.pcman.gotoAndStop(random(4) + 1);
gleftrand = random(4) + 2;
goleft = gleftrand;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
_x = (_x + goleft);
if ((this._currentframe == 34) && (_root.nopac > 0)) {
this.pcman.gotoAndStop(random(4) + 1);
gleftrand = random(4) + 2;
goleft = gleftrand;
_x = 170;
if (_x > 580) {
gleftrand = random(4) + 2;
goleft = gleftrand;
_x = 170;
this.pcman.gotoAndStop(random(4) + 1);
with (_root.player) {
if (this.pcman.hittest(_x, getBounds(_root).yMax, true)) {
if (_root.ftest == "yes") {
if (_root.nopac > 0) {
goleft = 0;;
suddenup = 25;
su = 3;
jump = true;
Instance of Symbol 156 MovieClip "pacman9" in Frame 328 (752 B)
onClipEvent (load) {
this.pcman.gotoAndStop(random(4) + 1);
gleftrand = random(4) + 2;
goleft = gleftrand;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
_x = (_x + goleft);
if ((this._currentframe == 34) && (_root.nopac > 0)) {
this.pcman.gotoAndStop(random(4) + 1);
gleftrand = random(4) + 2;
goleft = gleftrand;
_x = 170;
if (_x > 580) {
gleftrand = random(4) + 2;
goleft = gleftrand;
_x = 170;
this.pcman.gotoAndStop(random(4) + 1);
with (_root.player) {
if (this.pcman.hittest(_x, getBounds(_root).yMax, true)) {
if (_root.ftest == "yes") {
if (_root.nopac > 0) {
goleft = 0;;
suddenup = 25;
su = 3;
jump = true;
Instance of Symbol 156 MovieClip "pacman8" in Frame 328 (752 B)
onClipEvent (load) {
this.pcman.gotoAndStop(random(4) + 1);
gleftrand = random(4) + 2;
goleft = gleftrand;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
_x = (_x + goleft);
if ((this._currentframe == 34) && (_root.nopac > 0)) {
this.pcman.gotoAndStop(random(4) + 1);
gleftrand = random(4) + 2;
goleft = gleftrand;
_x = 170;
if (_x > 580) {
gleftrand = random(4) + 2;
goleft = gleftrand;
_x = 170;
this.pcman.gotoAndStop(random(4) + 1);
with (_root.player) {
if (this.pcman.hittest(_x, getBounds(_root).yMax, true)) {
if (_root.ftest == "yes") {
if (_root.nopac > 0) {
goleft = 0;;
suddenup = 25;
su = 3;
jump = true;
Instance of Symbol 156 MovieClip "pacman10" in Frame 328 (752 B)
onClipEvent (load) {
this.pcman.gotoAndStop(random(4) + 1);
gleftrand = random(4) + 2;
goleft = gleftrand;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
_x = (_x + goleft);
if ((this._currentframe == 34) && (_root.nopac > 0)) {
this.pcman.gotoAndStop(random(4) + 1);
gleftrand = random(4) + 2;
goleft = gleftrand;
_x = 170;
if (_x > 580) {
gleftrand = random(4) + 2;
goleft = gleftrand;
_x = 170;
this.pcman.gotoAndStop(random(4) + 1);
with (_root.player) {
if (this.pcman.hittest(_x, getBounds(_root).yMax, true)) {
if (_root.ftest == "yes") {
if (_root.nopac > 0) {
goleft = 0;;
suddenup = 25;
su = 3;
jump = true;
Instance of Symbol 156 MovieClip "pacman11" in Frame 328 (752 B)
onClipEvent (load) {
this.pcman.gotoAndStop(random(4) + 1);
gleftrand = random(4) + 2;
goleft = gleftrand;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
_x = (_x + goleft);
if ((this._currentframe == 34) && (_root.nopac > 0)) {
this.pcman.gotoAndStop(random(4) + 1);
gleftrand = random(4) + 2;
goleft = gleftrand;
_x = 170;
if (_x > 580) {
gleftrand = random(4) + 2;
goleft = gleftrand;
_x = 170;
this.pcman.gotoAndStop(random(4) + 1);
with (_root.player) {
if (this.pcman.hittest(_x, getBounds(_root).yMax, true)) {
if (_root.ftest == "yes") {
if (_root.nopac > 0) {
goleft = 0;;
suddenup = 25;
su = 3;
jump = true;
Instance of Symbol 156 MovieClip "pacman12" in Frame 328 (752 B)
onClipEvent (load) {
this.pcman.gotoAndStop(random(4) + 1);
gleftrand = random(4) + 2;
goleft = gleftrand;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
_x = (_x + goleft);
if ((this._currentframe == 34) && (_root.nopac > 0)) {
this.pcman.gotoAndStop(random(4) + 1);
gleftrand = random(4) + 2;
goleft = gleftrand;
_x = 170;
if (_x > 580) {
gleftrand = random(4) + 2;
goleft = gleftrand;
_x = 170;
this.pcman.gotoAndStop(random(4) + 1);
with (_root.player) {
if (this.pcman.hittest(_x, getBounds(_root).yMax, true)) {
if (_root.ftest == "yes") {
if (_root.nopac > 0) {
goleft = 0;;
suddenup = 25;
su = 3;
jump = true;
Instance of Symbol 156 MovieClip "pacman13" in Frame 328 (752 B)
onClipEvent (load) {
this.pcman.gotoAndStop(random(4) + 1);
gleftrand = random(4) + 2;
goleft = gleftrand;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
_x = (_x + goleft);
if ((this._currentframe == 34) && (_root.nopac > 0)) {
this.pcman.gotoAndStop(random(4) + 1);
gleftrand = random(4) + 2;
goleft = gleftrand;
_x = 170;
if (_x > 580) {
gleftrand = random(4) + 2;
goleft = gleftrand;
_x = 170;
this.pcman.gotoAndStop(random(4) + 1);
with (_root.player) {
if (this.pcman.hittest(_x, getBounds(_root).yMax, true)) {
if (_root.ftest == "yes") {
if (_root.nopac > 0) {
goleft = 0;;
suddenup = 25;
su = 3;
jump = true;
Instance of Symbol 156 MovieClip "pacman14" in Frame 328 (752 B)
onClipEvent (load) {
this.pcman.gotoAndStop(random(4) + 1);
gleftrand = random(4) + 2;
goleft = gleftrand;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
_x = (_x + goleft);
if ((this._currentframe == 34) && (_root.nopac > 0)) {
this.pcman.gotoAndStop(random(4) + 1);
gleftrand = random(4) + 2;
goleft = gleftrand;
_x = 170;
if (_x > 580) {
gleftrand = random(4) + 2;
goleft = gleftrand;
_x = 170;
this.pcman.gotoAndStop(random(4) + 1);
with (_root.player) {
if (this.pcman.hittest(_x, getBounds(_root).yMax, true)) {
if (_root.ftest == "yes") {
if (_root.nopac > 0) {
goleft = 0;;
suddenup = 25;
su = 3;
jump = true;
Instance of Symbol 156 MovieClip "pacman16" in Frame 328 (752 B)
onClipEvent (load) {
this.pcman.gotoAndStop(random(4) + 1);
gleftrand = random(4) + 2;
goleft = gleftrand;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
_x = (_x + goleft);
if ((this._currentframe == 34) && (_root.nopac > 0)) {
this.pcman.gotoAndStop(random(4) + 1);
gleftrand = random(4) + 2;
goleft = gleftrand;
_x = 170;
if (_x > 580) {
gleftrand = random(4) + 2;
goleft = gleftrand;
_x = 170;
this.pcman.gotoAndStop(random(4) + 1);
with (_root.player) {
if (this.pcman.hittest(_x, getBounds(_root).yMax, true)) {
if (_root.ftest == "yes") {
if (_root.nopac > 0) {
goleft = 0;;
suddenup = 25;
su = 3;
jump = true;
Instance of Symbol 156 MovieClip "pacman15" in Frame 328 (752 B)
onClipEvent (load) {
this.pcman.gotoAndStop(random(4) + 1);
gleftrand = random(4) + 2;
goleft = gleftrand;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
_x = (_x + goleft);
if ((this._currentframe == 34) && (_root.nopac > 0)) {
this.pcman.gotoAndStop(random(4) + 1);
gleftrand = random(4) + 2;
goleft = gleftrand;
_x = 170;
if (_x > 580) {
gleftrand = random(4) + 2;
goleft = gleftrand;
_x = 170;
this.pcman.gotoAndStop(random(4) + 1);
with (_root.player) {
if (this.pcman.hittest(_x, getBounds(_root).yMax, true)) {
if (_root.ftest == "yes") {
if (_root.nopac > 0) {
goleft = 0;;
suddenup = 25;
su = 3;
jump = true;
Instance of Symbol 156 MovieClip "pacman18" in Frame 328 (752 B)
onClipEvent (load) {
this.pcman.gotoAndStop(random(4) + 1);
gleftrand = random(4) + 2;
goleft = gleftrand;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
_x = (_x + goleft);
if ((this._currentframe == 34) && (_root.nopac > 0)) {
this.pcman.gotoAndStop(random(4) + 1);
gleftrand = random(4) + 2;
goleft = gleftrand;
_x = 170;
if (_x > 580) {
gleftrand = random(4) + 2;
goleft = gleftrand;
_x = 170;
this.pcman.gotoAndStop(random(4) + 1);
with (_root.player) {
if (this.pcman.hittest(_x, getBounds(_root).yMax, true)) {
if (_root.ftest == "yes") {
if (_root.nopac > 0) {
goleft = 0;;
suddenup = 25;
su = 3;
jump = true;
Instance of Symbol 156 MovieClip "pacman17" in Frame 328 (752 B)
onClipEvent (load) {
this.pcman.gotoAndStop(random(4) + 1);
gleftrand = random(4) + 2;
goleft = gleftrand;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
_x = (_x + goleft);
if ((this._currentframe == 34) && (_root.nopac > 0)) {
this.pcman.gotoAndStop(random(4) + 1);
gleftrand = random(4) + 2;
goleft = gleftrand;
_x = 170;
if (_x > 580) {
gleftrand = random(4) + 2;
goleft = gleftrand;
_x = 170;
this.pcman.gotoAndStop(random(4) + 1);
with (_root.player) {
if (this.pcman.hittest(_x, getBounds(_root).yMax, true)) {
if (_root.ftest == "yes") {
if (_root.nopac > 0) {
goleft = 0;;
suddenup = 25;
su = 3;
jump = true;
Instance of Symbol 247 MovieClip "blackpac1" in Frame 328 (274 B)
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
with (_root.player) {
if (this.hittest(_x, getBounds(_root).yMax, true)) {
if (_root.ftest == "yes") {
jump = false;
_root.smoke._visible = false;
suddenup = 0;
su = 0;
gleft = 0;
gright = 0;
Instance of Symbol 173 MovieClip "player" in Frame 328 (1.22 KiB) ●
onClipEvent (load) {
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
_root.test = _x;
if (key.isdown(32) && (!jump)) {
if ((_root.pactime > 0) && (_currentframe < 2)) {
jumpsound = new Sound();
suddenup = 25;
su = 3;
jump = true;
if (key.isdown(37)) {
if ((_root.pactime > 0) && (_currentframe < 2)) {
_x = (_x - 6);
rot = 15;
this.ball._rotation = this.ball._rotation - rot;
if (_x < 215.35) {
rot = 0;
_x = 215.35;
if (key.isdown(39)) {
if ((_root.pactime > 0) && (_currentframe < 2)) {
_x = (_x + 6);
rot = 15;
this.ball._rotation = this.ball._rotation + rot;
if (_x > 541.35) {
rot = 0;
_x = 541.35;
if (jump) {
if ((_root.pactime > 0) && (_currentframe < 2)) {
suddenup = suddenup - su;
_y = (_y - suddenup);
if (suddenup < -19) {
suddenup = -19;
_root.test = suddenup;
if (_root.test < 0) {
_root.ftest = "yes";
} else {
_root.ftest = "no";
if (_y > 508.2) {
_root.smoke._x = _x;;
_y = 508.2;
jump = false;
_root.ftest = "no";
Instance of Symbol 187 MovieClip in Frame 328 (276 B)
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (_root.nopac <= 0) {
if (_root.pactime <= 0) {
with (_root.player) {
jump = false;
_root.smoke._visible = false;
suddenup = 0;
su = 0;
gleft = 0;
gright = 0;
Frame 329 (8 B)
Frame 330 (48 B)
_root.pactime = 40;
_root.nopac = 30;
Instance of Symbol 156 MovieClip "pacman3" in Frame 330 (752 B)
onClipEvent (load) {
this.pcman.gotoAndStop(random(4) + 1);
gleftrand = random(4) + 2;
goleft = gleftrand;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
_x = (_x + goleft);
if ((this._currentframe == 34) && (_root.nopac > 0)) {
this.pcman.gotoAndStop(random(4) + 1);
gleftrand = random(4) + 2;
goleft = gleftrand;
_x = 170;
if (_x > 580) {
gleftrand = random(4) + 2;
goleft = gleftrand;
_x = 170;
this.pcman.gotoAndStop(random(4) + 1);
with (_root.player) {
if (this.pcman.hittest(_x, getBounds(_root).yMax, true)) {
if (_root.ftest == "yes") {
if (_root.nopac > 0) {
goleft = 0;;
suddenup = 25;
su = 3;
jump = true;
Instance of Symbol 156 MovieClip "pacman2" in Frame 330 (752 B)
onClipEvent (load) {
this.pcman.gotoAndStop(random(4) + 1);
gleftrand = random(4) + 2;
goleft = gleftrand;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
_x = (_x + goleft);
if ((this._currentframe == 34) && (_root.nopac > 0)) {
this.pcman.gotoAndStop(random(4) + 1);
gleftrand = random(4) + 2;
goleft = gleftrand;
_x = 170;
if (_x > 580) {
gleftrand = random(4) + 2;
goleft = gleftrand;
_x = 170;
this.pcman.gotoAndStop(random(4) + 1);
with (_root.player) {
if (this.pcman.hittest(_x, getBounds(_root).yMax, true)) {
if (_root.ftest == "yes") {
if (_root.nopac > 0) {
goleft = 0;;
suddenup = 25;
su = 3;
jump = true;
Instance of Symbol 156 MovieClip "pacman4" in Frame 330 (752 B)
onClipEvent (load) {
this.pcman.gotoAndStop(random(4) + 1);
gleftrand = random(4) + 2;
goleft = gleftrand;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
_x = (_x + goleft);
if ((this._currentframe == 34) && (_root.nopac > 0)) {
this.pcman.gotoAndStop(random(4) + 1);
gleftrand = random(4) + 2;
goleft = gleftrand;
_x = 170;
if (_x > 580) {
gleftrand = random(4) + 2;
goleft = gleftrand;
_x = 170;
this.pcman.gotoAndStop(random(4) + 1);
with (_root.player) {
if (this.pcman.hittest(_x, getBounds(_root).yMax, true)) {
if (_root.ftest == "yes") {
if (_root.nopac > 0) {
goleft = 0;;
suddenup = 25;
su = 3;
jump = true;
Instance of Symbol 156 MovieClip "pacman5" in Frame 330 (752 B)
onClipEvent (load) {
this.pcman.gotoAndStop(random(4) + 1);
gleftrand = random(4) + 2;
goleft = gleftrand;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
_x = (_x + goleft);
if ((this._currentframe == 34) && (_root.nopac > 0)) {
this.pcman.gotoAndStop(random(4) + 1);
gleftrand = random(4) + 2;
goleft = gleftrand;
_x = 170;
if (_x > 580) {
gleftrand = random(4) + 2;
goleft = gleftrand;
_x = 170;
this.pcman.gotoAndStop(random(4) + 1);
with (_root.player) {
if (this.pcman.hittest(_x, getBounds(_root).yMax, true)) {
if (_root.ftest == "yes") {
if (_root.nopac > 0) {
goleft = 0;;
suddenup = 25;
su = 3;
jump = true;
Instance of Symbol 156 MovieClip "pacman6" in Frame 330 (752 B)
onClipEvent (load) {
this.pcman.gotoAndStop(random(4) + 1);
gleftrand = random(4) + 2;
goleft = gleftrand;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
_x = (_x + goleft);
if ((this._currentframe == 34) && (_root.nopac > 0)) {
this.pcman.gotoAndStop(random(4) + 1);
gleftrand = random(4) + 2;
goleft = gleftrand;
_x = 170;
if (_x > 580) {
gleftrand = random(4) + 2;
goleft = gleftrand;
_x = 170;
this.pcman.gotoAndStop(random(4) + 1);
with (_root.player) {
if (this.pcman.hittest(_x, getBounds(_root).yMax, true)) {
if (_root.ftest == "yes") {
if (_root.nopac > 0) {
goleft = 0;;
suddenup = 25;
su = 3;
jump = true;
Instance of Symbol 156 MovieClip "pacman1" in Frame 330 (752 B)
onClipEvent (load) {
this.pcman.gotoAndStop(random(4) + 1);
gleftrand = random(4) + 2;
goleft = gleftrand;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
_x = (_x + goleft);
if ((this._currentframe == 34) && (_root.nopac > 0)) {
this.pcman.gotoAndStop(random(4) + 1);
gleftrand = random(4) + 2;
goleft = gleftrand;
_x = 170;
if (_x > 580) {
gleftrand = random(4) + 2;
goleft = gleftrand;
_x = 170;
this.pcman.gotoAndStop(random(4) + 1);
with (_root.player) {
if (this.pcman.hittest(_x, getBounds(_root).yMax, true)) {
if (_root.ftest == "yes") {
if (_root.nopac > 0) {
goleft = 0;;
suddenup = 25;
su = 3;
jump = true;
Instance of Symbol 156 MovieClip "pacman7" in Frame 330 (752 B)
onClipEvent (load) {
this.pcman.gotoAndStop(random(4) + 1);
gleftrand = random(4) + 2;
goleft = gleftrand;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
_x = (_x + goleft);
if ((this._currentframe == 34) && (_root.nopac > 0)) {
this.pcman.gotoAndStop(random(4) + 1);
gleftrand = random(4) + 2;
goleft = gleftrand;
_x = 170;
if (_x > 580) {
gleftrand = random(4) + 2;
goleft = gleftrand;
_x = 170;
this.pcman.gotoAndStop(random(4) + 1);
with (_root.player) {
if (this.pcman.hittest(_x, getBounds(_root).yMax, true)) {
if (_root.ftest == "yes") {
if (_root.nopac > 0) {
goleft = 0;;
suddenup = 25;
su = 3;
jump = true;
Instance of Symbol 156 MovieClip "pacman9" in Frame 330 (752 B)
onClipEvent (load) {
this.pcman.gotoAndStop(random(4) + 1);
gleftrand = random(4) + 2;
goleft = gleftrand;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
_x = (_x + goleft);
if ((this._currentframe == 34) && (_root.nopac > 0)) {
this.pcman.gotoAndStop(random(4) + 1);
gleftrand = random(4) + 2;
goleft = gleftrand;
_x = 170;
if (_x > 580) {
gleftrand = random(4) + 2;
goleft = gleftrand;
_x = 170;
this.pcman.gotoAndStop(random(4) + 1);
with (_root.player) {
if (this.pcman.hittest(_x, getBounds(_root).yMax, true)) {
if (_root.ftest == "yes") {
if (_root.nopac > 0) {
goleft = 0;;
suddenup = 25;
su = 3;
jump = true;
Instance of Symbol 156 MovieClip "pacman8" in Frame 330 (752 B)
onClipEvent (load) {
this.pcman.gotoAndStop(random(4) + 1);
gleftrand = random(4) + 2;
goleft = gleftrand;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
_x = (_x + goleft);
if ((this._currentframe == 34) && (_root.nopac > 0)) {
this.pcman.gotoAndStop(random(4) + 1);
gleftrand = random(4) + 2;
goleft = gleftrand;
_x = 170;
if (_x > 580) {
gleftrand = random(4) + 2;
goleft = gleftrand;
_x = 170;
this.pcman.gotoAndStop(random(4) + 1);
with (_root.player) {
if (this.pcman.hittest(_x, getBounds(_root).yMax, true)) {
if (_root.ftest == "yes") {
if (_root.nopac > 0) {
goleft = 0;;
suddenup = 25;
su = 3;
jump = true;
Instance of Symbol 156 MovieClip "pacman10" in Frame 330 (752 B)
onClipEvent (load) {
this.pcman.gotoAndStop(random(4) + 1);
gleftrand = random(4) + 2;
goleft = gleftrand;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
_x = (_x + goleft);
if ((this._currentframe == 34) && (_root.nopac > 0)) {
this.pcman.gotoAndStop(random(4) + 1);
gleftrand = random(4) + 2;
goleft = gleftrand;
_x = 170;
if (_x > 580) {
gleftrand = random(4) + 2;
goleft = gleftrand;
_x = 170;
this.pcman.gotoAndStop(random(4) + 1);
with (_root.player) {
if (this.pcman.hittest(_x, getBounds(_root).yMax, true)) {
if (_root.ftest == "yes") {
if (_root.nopac > 0) {
goleft = 0;;
suddenup = 25;
su = 3;
jump = true;
Instance of Symbol 156 MovieClip "pacman11" in Frame 330 (752 B)
onClipEvent (load) {
this.pcman.gotoAndStop(random(4) + 1);
gleftrand = random(4) + 2;
goleft = gleftrand;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
_x = (_x + goleft);
if ((this._currentframe == 34) && (_root.nopac > 0)) {
this.pcman.gotoAndStop(random(4) + 1);
gleftrand = random(4) + 2;
goleft = gleftrand;
_x = 170;
if (_x > 580) {
gleftrand = random(4) + 2;
goleft = gleftrand;
_x = 170;
this.pcman.gotoAndStop(random(4) + 1);
with (_root.player) {
if (this.pcman.hittest(_x, getBounds(_root).yMax, true)) {
if (_root.ftest == "yes") {
if (_root.nopac > 0) {
goleft = 0;;
suddenup = 25;
su = 3;
jump = true;
Instance of Symbol 156 MovieClip "pacman12" in Frame 330 (752 B)
onClipEvent (load) {
this.pcman.gotoAndStop(random(4) + 1);
gleftrand = random(4) + 2;
goleft = gleftrand;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
_x = (_x + goleft);
if ((this._currentframe == 34) && (_root.nopac > 0)) {
this.pcman.gotoAndStop(random(4) + 1);
gleftrand = random(4) + 2;
goleft = gleftrand;
_x = 170;
if (_x > 580) {
gleftrand = random(4) + 2;
goleft = gleftrand;
_x = 170;
this.pcman.gotoAndStop(random(4) + 1);
with (_root.player) {
if (this.pcman.hittest(_x, getBounds(_root).yMax, true)) {
if (_root.ftest == "yes") {
if (_root.nopac > 0) {
goleft = 0;;
suddenup = 25;
su = 3;
jump = true;
Instance of Symbol 156 MovieClip "pacman13" in Frame 330 (752 B)
onClipEvent (load) {
this.pcman.gotoAndStop(random(4) + 1);
gleftrand = random(4) + 2;
goleft = gleftrand;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
_x = (_x + goleft);
if ((this._currentframe == 34) && (_root.nopac > 0)) {
this.pcman.gotoAndStop(random(4) + 1);
gleftrand = random(4) + 2;
goleft = gleftrand;
_x = 170;
if (_x > 580) {
gleftrand = random(4) + 2;
goleft = gleftrand;
_x = 170;
this.pcman.gotoAndStop(random(4) + 1);
with (_root.player) {
if (this.pcman.hittest(_x, getBounds(_root).yMax, true)) {
if (_root.ftest == "yes") {
if (_root.nopac > 0) {
goleft = 0;;
suddenup = 25;
su = 3;
jump = true;
Instance of Symbol 156 MovieClip "pacman14" in Frame 330 (752 B)
onClipEvent (load) {
this.pcman.gotoAndStop(random(4) + 1);
gleftrand = random(4) + 2;
goleft = gleftrand;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
_x = (_x + goleft);
if ((this._currentframe == 34) && (_root.nopac > 0)) {
this.pcman.gotoAndStop(random(4) + 1);
gleftrand = random(4) + 2;
goleft = gleftrand;
_x = 170;
if (_x > 580) {
gleftrand = random(4) + 2;
goleft = gleftrand;
_x = 170;
this.pcman.gotoAndStop(random(4) + 1);
with (_root.player) {
if (this.pcman.hittest(_x, getBounds(_root).yMax, true)) {
if (_root.ftest == "yes") {
if (_root.nopac > 0) {
goleft = 0;;
suddenup = 25;
su = 3;
jump = true;
Instance of Symbol 156 MovieClip "pacman16" in Frame 330 (752 B)
onClipEvent (load) {
this.pcman.gotoAndStop(random(4) + 1);
gleftrand = random(4) + 2;
goleft = gleftrand;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
_x = (_x + goleft);
if ((this._currentframe == 34) && (_root.nopac > 0)) {
this.pcman.gotoAndStop(random(4) + 1);
gleftrand = random(4) + 2;
goleft = gleftrand;
_x = 170;
if (_x > 580) {
gleftrand = random(4) + 2;
goleft = gleftrand;
_x = 170;
this.pcman.gotoAndStop(random(4) + 1);
with (_root.player) {
if (this.pcman.hittest(_x, getBounds(_root).yMax, true)) {
if (_root.ftest == "yes") {
if (_root.nopac > 0) {
goleft = 0;;
suddenup = 25;
su = 3;
jump = true;
Instance of Symbol 156 MovieClip "pacman15" in Frame 330 (752 B)
onClipEvent (load) {
this.pcman.gotoAndStop(random(4) + 1);
gleftrand = random(4) + 2;
goleft = gleftrand;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
_x = (_x + goleft);
if ((this._currentframe == 34) && (_root.nopac > 0)) {
this.pcman.gotoAndStop(random(4) + 1);
gleftrand = random(4) + 2;
goleft = gleftrand;
_x = 170;
if (_x > 580) {
gleftrand = random(4) + 2;
goleft = gleftrand;
_x = 170;
this.pcman.gotoAndStop(random(4) + 1);
with (_root.player) {
if (this.pcman.hittest(_x, getBounds(_root).yMax, true)) {
if (_root.ftest == "yes") {
if (_root.nopac > 0) {
goleft = 0;;
suddenup = 25;
su = 3;
jump = true;
Instance of Symbol 156 MovieClip "pacman18" in Frame 330 (752 B)
onClipEvent (load) {
this.pcman.gotoAndStop(random(4) + 1);
gleftrand = random(4) + 2;
goleft = gleftrand;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
_x = (_x + goleft);
if ((this._currentframe == 34) && (_root.nopac > 0)) {
this.pcman.gotoAndStop(random(4) + 1);
gleftrand = random(4) + 2;
goleft = gleftrand;
_x = 170;
if (_x > 580) {
gleftrand = random(4) + 2;
goleft = gleftrand;
_x = 170;
this.pcman.gotoAndStop(random(4) + 1);
with (_root.player) {
if (this.pcman.hittest(_x, getBounds(_root).yMax, true)) {
if (_root.ftest == "yes") {
if (_root.nopac > 0) {
goleft = 0;;
suddenup = 25;
su = 3;
jump = true;
Instance of Symbol 156 MovieClip "pacman17" in Frame 330 (752 B)
onClipEvent (load) {
this.pcman.gotoAndStop(random(4) + 1);
gleftrand = random(4) + 2;
goleft = gleftrand;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
_x = (_x + goleft);
if ((this._currentframe == 34) && (_root.nopac > 0)) {
this.pcman.gotoAndStop(random(4) + 1);
gleftrand = random(4) + 2;
goleft = gleftrand;
_x = 170;
if (_x > 580) {
gleftrand = random(4) + 2;
goleft = gleftrand;
_x = 170;
this.pcman.gotoAndStop(random(4) + 1);
with (_root.player) {
if (this.pcman.hittest(_x, getBounds(_root).yMax, true)) {
if (_root.ftest == "yes") {
if (_root.nopac > 0) {
goleft = 0;;
suddenup = 25;
su = 3;
jump = true;
Instance of Symbol 247 MovieClip "blackpac1" in Frame 330 (274 B)
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
with (_root.player) {
if (this.hittest(_x, getBounds(_root).yMax, true)) {
if (_root.ftest == "yes") {
jump = false;
_root.smoke._visible = false;
suddenup = 0;
su = 0;
gleft = 0;
gright = 0;
Instance of Symbol 247 MovieClip "blackpac1" in Frame 330 (274 B)
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
with (_root.player) {
if (this.hittest(_x, getBounds(_root).yMax, true)) {
if (_root.ftest == "yes") {
jump = false;
_root.smoke._visible = false;
suddenup = 0;
su = 0;
gleft = 0;
gright = 0;
Instance of Symbol 247 MovieClip "blackpac1" in Frame 330 (274 B)
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
with (_root.player) {
if (this.hittest(_x, getBounds(_root).yMax, true)) {
if (_root.ftest == "yes") {
jump = false;
_root.smoke._visible = false;
suddenup = 0;
su = 0;
gleft = 0;
gright = 0;
Instance of Symbol 173 MovieClip "player" in Frame 330 (1.22 KiB) ●
onClipEvent (load) {
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
_root.test = _x;
if (key.isdown(32) && (!jump)) {
if ((_root.pactime > 0) && (_currentframe < 2)) {
jumpsound = new Sound();
suddenup = 25;
su = 3;
jump = true;
if (key.isdown(37)) {
if ((_root.pactime > 0) && (_currentframe < 2)) {
_x = (_x - 6);
rot = 15;
this.ball._rotation = this.ball._rotation - rot;
if (_x < 215.35) {
rot = 0;
_x = 215.35;
if (key.isdown(39)) {
if ((_root.pactime > 0) && (_currentframe < 2)) {
_x = (_x + 6);
rot = 15;
this.ball._rotation = this.ball._rotation + rot;
if (_x > 541.35) {
rot = 0;
_x = 541.35;
if (jump) {
if ((_root.pactime > 0) && (_currentframe < 2)) {
suddenup = suddenup - su;
_y = (_y - suddenup);
if (suddenup < -19) {
suddenup = -19;
_root.test = suddenup;
if (_root.test < 0) {
_root.ftest = "yes";
} else {
_root.ftest = "no";
if (_y > 508.2) {
_root.smoke._x = _x;;
_y = 508.2;
jump = false;
_root.ftest = "no";
Instance of Symbol 187 MovieClip in Frame 330 (276 B)
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (_root.nopac <= 0) {
if (_root.pactime <= 0) {
with (_root.player) {
jump = false;
_root.smoke._visible = false;
suddenup = 0;
su = 0;
gleft = 0;
gright = 0;
Frame 331 (8 B)
Frame 332 (47 B)
_root.pactime = 30;
_root.nopac = 3;
Instance of Symbol 267 MovieClip "button3" in Frame 332 (387 B)
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
with (_root.player) {
if (this.hittest(_x, getBounds(_root).yMax, true)) {
if ((_root.ftest == "yes") and (this._currentframe == 1)) {;
suddenup = 25;
su = 3;
jump = true;
} else if (_root.ftest == "yes") {;
suddenup = 25;
su = 3;
jump = true;
Instance of Symbol 267 MovieClip "button2" in Frame 332 (387 B)
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
with (_root.player) {
if (this.hittest(_x, getBounds(_root).yMax, true)) {
if ((_root.ftest == "yes") and (this._currentframe == 1)) {;
suddenup = 25;
su = 3;
jump = true;
} else if (_root.ftest == "yes") {;
suddenup = 25;
su = 3;
jump = true;
Instance of Symbol 267 MovieClip "button1" in Frame 332 (387 B)
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
with (_root.player) {
if (this.hittest(_x, getBounds(_root).yMax, true)) {
if ((_root.ftest == "yes") and (this._currentframe == 1)) {;
suddenup = 25;
su = 3;
jump = true;
} else if (_root.ftest == "yes") {;
suddenup = 25;
su = 3;
jump = true;
Instance of Symbol 156 MovieClip "pacman1" in Frame 332 (696 B)
onClipEvent (load) {
this.pcman.gotoAndStop(random(4) + 1);
gleftrand = random(4) + 2;
goleft = gleftrand;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
_x = (_x + goleft);
if ((this._currentframe == 34) && (_root.nopac > 0)) {
this.pcman.gotoAndStop(random(4) + 1);
gleftrand = random(4) + 2;
goleft = gleftrand;
_x = 170;
if (_x > 580) {
gleftrand = random(4) + 2;
goleft = gleftrand;
_x = 170;
this.pcman.gotoAndStop(random(4) + 1);
with (_root.player) {
if (this.pcman.hittest(_x, getBounds(_root).yMax, true)) {
if (_root.ftest == "yes") {
goleft = 0;;
suddenup = 25;
su = 3;
jump = true;
Instance of Symbol 156 MovieClip "pacman2" in Frame 332 (696 B)
onClipEvent (load) {
this.pcman.gotoAndStop(random(4) + 1);
gleftrand = random(4) + 2;
goleft = gleftrand;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
_x = (_x + goleft);
if ((this._currentframe == 34) && (_root.nopac > 0)) {
this.pcman.gotoAndStop(random(4) + 1);
gleftrand = random(4) + 2;
goleft = gleftrand;
_x = 170;
if (_x > 580) {
gleftrand = random(4) + 2;
goleft = gleftrand;
_x = 170;
this.pcman.gotoAndStop(random(4) + 1);
with (_root.player) {
if (this.pcman.hittest(_x, getBounds(_root).yMax, true)) {
if (_root.ftest == "yes") {
goleft = 0;;
suddenup = 25;
su = 3;
jump = true;
Instance of Symbol 156 MovieClip "pacman3" in Frame 332 (696 B)
onClipEvent (load) {
this.pcman.gotoAndStop(random(4) + 1);
gleftrand = random(4) + 2;
goleft = gleftrand;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
_x = (_x + goleft);
if ((this._currentframe == 34) && (_root.nopac > 0)) {
this.pcman.gotoAndStop(random(4) + 1);
gleftrand = random(4) + 2;
goleft = gleftrand;
_x = 170;
if (_x > 580) {
gleftrand = random(4) + 2;
goleft = gleftrand;
_x = 170;
this.pcman.gotoAndStop(random(4) + 1);
with (_root.player) {
if (this.pcman.hittest(_x, getBounds(_root).yMax, true)) {
if (_root.ftest == "yes") {
goleft = 0;;
suddenup = 25;
su = 3;
jump = true;
Instance of Symbol 156 MovieClip "pacman9" in Frame 332 (696 B)
onClipEvent (load) {
this.pcman.gotoAndStop(random(4) + 1);
gleftrand = random(4) + 2;
goleft = gleftrand;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
_x = (_x + goleft);
if ((this._currentframe == 34) && (_root.nopac > 0)) {
this.pcman.gotoAndStop(random(4) + 1);
gleftrand = random(4) + 2;
goleft = gleftrand;
_x = 170;
if (_x > 580) {
gleftrand = random(4) + 2;
goleft = gleftrand;
_x = 170;
this.pcman.gotoAndStop(random(4) + 1);
with (_root.player) {
if (this.pcman.hittest(_x, getBounds(_root).yMax, true)) {
if (_root.ftest == "yes") {
goleft = 0;;
suddenup = 25;
su = 3;
jump = true;
Instance of Symbol 156 MovieClip "pacman4" in Frame 332 (696 B)
onClipEvent (load) {
this.pcman.gotoAndStop(random(4) + 1);
gleftrand = random(4) + 2;
goleft = gleftrand;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
_x = (_x + goleft);
if ((this._currentframe == 34) && (_root.nopac > 0)) {
this.pcman.gotoAndStop(random(4) + 1);
gleftrand = random(4) + 2;
goleft = gleftrand;
_x = 170;
if (_x > 580) {
gleftrand = random(4) + 2;
goleft = gleftrand;
_x = 170;
this.pcman.gotoAndStop(random(4) + 1);
with (_root.player) {
if (this.pcman.hittest(_x, getBounds(_root).yMax, true)) {
if (_root.ftest == "yes") {
goleft = 0;;
suddenup = 25;
su = 3;
jump = true;
Instance of Symbol 156 MovieClip "pacman7" in Frame 332 (696 B)
onClipEvent (load) {
this.pcman.gotoAndStop(random(4) + 1);
gleftrand = random(4) + 2;
goleft = gleftrand;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
_x = (_x + goleft);
if ((this._currentframe == 34) && (_root.nopac > 0)) {
this.pcman.gotoAndStop(random(4) + 1);
gleftrand = random(4) + 2;
goleft = gleftrand;
_x = 170;
if (_x > 580) {
gleftrand = random(4) + 2;
goleft = gleftrand;
_x = 170;
this.pcman.gotoAndStop(random(4) + 1);
with (_root.player) {
if (this.pcman.hittest(_x, getBounds(_root).yMax, true)) {
if (_root.ftest == "yes") {
goleft = 0;;
suddenup = 25;
su = 3;
jump = true;
Instance of Symbol 156 MovieClip "pacman6" in Frame 332 (696 B)
onClipEvent (load) {
this.pcman.gotoAndStop(random(4) + 1);
gleftrand = random(4) + 2;
goleft = gleftrand;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
_x = (_x + goleft);
if ((this._currentframe == 34) && (_root.nopac > 0)) {
this.pcman.gotoAndStop(random(4) + 1);
gleftrand = random(4) + 2;
goleft = gleftrand;
_x = 170;
if (_x > 580) {
gleftrand = random(4) + 2;
goleft = gleftrand;
_x = 170;
this.pcman.gotoAndStop(random(4) + 1);
with (_root.player) {
if (this.pcman.hittest(_x, getBounds(_root).yMax, true)) {
if (_root.ftest == "yes") {
goleft = 0;;
suddenup = 25;
su = 3;
jump = true;
Instance of Symbol 156 MovieClip "pacman5" in Frame 332 (696 B)
onClipEvent (load) {
this.pcman.gotoAndStop(random(4) + 1);
gleftrand = random(4) + 2;
goleft = gleftrand;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
_x = (_x + goleft);
if ((this._currentframe == 34) && (_root.nopac > 0)) {
this.pcman.gotoAndStop(random(4) + 1);
gleftrand = random(4) + 2;
goleft = gleftrand;
_x = 170;
if (_x > 580) {
gleftrand = random(4) + 2;
goleft = gleftrand;
_x = 170;
this.pcman.gotoAndStop(random(4) + 1);
with (_root.player) {
if (this.pcman.hittest(_x, getBounds(_root).yMax, true)) {
if (_root.ftest == "yes") {
goleft = 0;;
suddenup = 25;
su = 3;
jump = true;
Instance of Symbol 156 MovieClip "pacman10" in Frame 332 (696 B)
onClipEvent (load) {
this.pcman.gotoAndStop(random(4) + 1);
gleftrand = random(4) + 2;
goleft = gleftrand;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
_x = (_x + goleft);
if ((this._currentframe == 34) && (_root.nopac > 0)) {
this.pcman.gotoAndStop(random(4) + 1);
gleftrand = random(4) + 2;
goleft = gleftrand;
_x = 170;
if (_x > 580) {
gleftrand = random(4) + 2;
goleft = gleftrand;
_x = 170;
this.pcman.gotoAndStop(random(4) + 1);
with (_root.player) {
if (this.pcman.hittest(_x, getBounds(_root).yMax, true)) {
if (_root.ftest == "yes") {
goleft = 0;;
suddenup = 25;
su = 3;
jump = true;
Instance of Symbol 156 MovieClip "pacman11" in Frame 332 (696 B)
onClipEvent (load) {
this.pcman.gotoAndStop(random(4) + 1);
gleftrand = random(4) + 2;
goleft = gleftrand;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
_x = (_x + goleft);
if ((this._currentframe == 34) && (_root.nopac > 0)) {
this.pcman.gotoAndStop(random(4) + 1);
gleftrand = random(4) + 2;
goleft = gleftrand;
_x = 170;
if (_x > 580) {
gleftrand = random(4) + 2;
goleft = gleftrand;
_x = 170;
this.pcman.gotoAndStop(random(4) + 1);
with (_root.player) {
if (this.pcman.hittest(_x, getBounds(_root).yMax, true)) {
if (_root.ftest == "yes") {
goleft = 0;;
suddenup = 25;
su = 3;
jump = true;
Instance of Symbol 156 MovieClip "pacman12" in Frame 332 (696 B)
onClipEvent (load) {
this.pcman.gotoAndStop(random(4) + 1);
gleftrand = random(4) + 2;
goleft = gleftrand;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
_x = (_x + goleft);
if ((this._currentframe == 34) && (_root.nopac > 0)) {
this.pcman.gotoAndStop(random(4) + 1);
gleftrand = random(4) + 2;
goleft = gleftrand;
_x = 170;
if (_x > 580) {
gleftrand = random(4) + 2;
goleft = gleftrand;
_x = 170;
this.pcman.gotoAndStop(random(4) + 1);
with (_root.player) {
if (this.pcman.hittest(_x, getBounds(_root).yMax, true)) {
if (_root.ftest == "yes") {
goleft = 0;;
suddenup = 25;
su = 3;
jump = true;
Instance of Symbol 156 MovieClip "pacman17" in Frame 332 (696 B)
onClipEvent (load) {
this.pcman.gotoAndStop(random(4) + 1);
gleftrand = random(4) + 2;
goleft = gleftrand;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
_x = (_x + goleft);
if ((this._currentframe == 34) && (_root.nopac > 0)) {
this.pcman.gotoAndStop(random(4) + 1);
gleftrand = random(4) + 2;
goleft = gleftrand;
_x = 170;
if (_x > 580) {
gleftrand = random(4) + 2;
goleft = gleftrand;
_x = 170;
this.pcman.gotoAndStop(random(4) + 1);
with (_root.player) {
if (this.pcman.hittest(_x, getBounds(_root).yMax, true)) {
if (_root.ftest == "yes") {
goleft = 0;;
suddenup = 25;
su = 3;
jump = true;
Instance of Symbol 156 MovieClip "pacman13" in Frame 332 (696 B)
onClipEvent (load) {
this.pcman.gotoAndStop(random(4) + 1);
gleftrand = random(4) + 2;
goleft = gleftrand;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
_x = (_x + goleft);
if ((this._currentframe == 34) && (_root.nopac > 0)) {
this.pcman.gotoAndStop(random(4) + 1);
gleftrand = random(4) + 2;
goleft = gleftrand;
_x = 170;
if (_x > 580) {
gleftrand = random(4) + 2;
goleft = gleftrand;
_x = 170;
this.pcman.gotoAndStop(random(4) + 1);
with (_root.player) {
if (this.pcman.hittest(_x, getBounds(_root).yMax, true)) {
if (_root.ftest == "yes") {
goleft = 0;;
suddenup = 25;
su = 3;
jump = true;
Instance of Symbol 156 MovieClip "pacman14" in Frame 332 (696 B)
onClipEvent (load) {
this.pcman.gotoAndStop(random(4) + 1);
gleftrand = random(4) + 2;
goleft = gleftrand;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
_x = (_x + goleft);
if ((this._currentframe == 34) && (_root.nopac > 0)) {
this.pcman.gotoAndStop(random(4) + 1);
gleftrand = random(4) + 2;
goleft = gleftrand;
_x = 170;
if (_x > 580) {
gleftrand = random(4) + 2;
goleft = gleftrand;
_x = 170;
this.pcman.gotoAndStop(random(4) + 1);
with (_root.player) {
if (this.pcman.hittest(_x, getBounds(_root).yMax, true)) {
if (_root.ftest == "yes") {
goleft = 0;;
suddenup = 25;
su = 3;
jump = true;
Instance of Symbol 156 MovieClip "pacman8" in Frame 332 (696 B)
onClipEvent (load) {
this.pcman.gotoAndStop(random(4) + 1);
gleftrand = random(4) + 2;
goleft = gleftrand;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
_x = (_x + goleft);
if ((this._currentframe == 34) && (_root.nopac > 0)) {
this.pcman.gotoAndStop(random(4) + 1);
gleftrand = random(4) + 2;
goleft = gleftrand;
_x = 170;
if (_x > 580) {
gleftrand = random(4) + 2;
goleft = gleftrand;
_x = 170;
this.pcman.gotoAndStop(random(4) + 1);
with (_root.player) {
if (this.pcman.hittest(_x, getBounds(_root).yMax, true)) {
if (_root.ftest == "yes") {
goleft = 0;;
suddenup = 25;
su = 3;
jump = true;
Instance of Symbol 156 MovieClip "pacman16" in Frame 332 (696 B)
onClipEvent (load) {
this.pcman.gotoAndStop(random(4) + 1);
gleftrand = random(4) + 2;
goleft = gleftrand;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
_x = (_x + goleft);
if ((this._currentframe == 34) && (_root.nopac > 0)) {
this.pcman.gotoAndStop(random(4) + 1);
gleftrand = random(4) + 2;
goleft = gleftrand;
_x = 170;
if (_x > 580) {
gleftrand = random(4) + 2;
goleft = gleftrand;
_x = 170;
this.pcman.gotoAndStop(random(4) + 1);
with (_root.player) {
if (this.pcman.hittest(_x, getBounds(_root).yMax, true)) {
if (_root.ftest == "yes") {
goleft = 0;;
suddenup = 25;
su = 3;
jump = true;
Instance of Symbol 156 MovieClip "pacman15" in Frame 332 (696 B)
onClipEvent (load) {
this.pcman.gotoAndStop(random(4) + 1);
gleftrand = random(4) + 2;
goleft = gleftrand;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
_x = (_x + goleft);
if ((this._currentframe == 34) && (_root.nopac > 0)) {
this.pcman.gotoAndStop(random(4) + 1);
gleftrand = random(4) + 2;
goleft = gleftrand;
_x = 170;
if (_x > 580) {
gleftrand = random(4) + 2;
goleft = gleftrand;
_x = 170;
this.pcman.gotoAndStop(random(4) + 1);
with (_root.player) {
if (this.pcman.hittest(_x, getBounds(_root).yMax, true)) {
if (_root.ftest == "yes") {
goleft = 0;;
suddenup = 25;
su = 3;
jump = true;
Instance of Symbol 156 MovieClip "pacman18" in Frame 332 (696 B)
onClipEvent (load) {
this.pcman.gotoAndStop(random(4) + 1);
gleftrand = random(4) + 2;
goleft = gleftrand;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
_x = (_x + goleft);
if ((this._currentframe == 34) && (_root.nopac > 0)) {
this.pcman.gotoAndStop(random(4) + 1);
gleftrand = random(4) + 2;
goleft = gleftrand;
_x = 170;
if (_x > 580) {
gleftrand = random(4) + 2;
goleft = gleftrand;
_x = 170;
this.pcman.gotoAndStop(random(4) + 1);
with (_root.player) {
if (this.pcman.hittest(_x, getBounds(_root).yMax, true)) {
if (_root.ftest == "yes") {
goleft = 0;;
suddenup = 25;
su = 3;
jump = true;
Instance of Symbol 173 MovieClip "player" in Frame 332 (1.22 KiB) ●
onClipEvent (load) {
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
_root.test = _x;
if (key.isdown(32) && (!jump)) {
if ((_root.pactime > 0) && (_currentframe < 2)) {
jumpsound = new Sound();
suddenup = 25;
su = 3;
jump = true;
if (key.isdown(37)) {
if ((_root.pactime > 0) && (_currentframe < 2)) {
_x = (_x - 6);
rot = 15;
this.ball._rotation = this.ball._rotation - rot;
if (_x < 215.35) {
rot = 0;
_x = 215.35;
if (key.isdown(39)) {
if ((_root.pactime > 0) && (_currentframe < 2)) {
_x = (_x + 6);
rot = 15;
this.ball._rotation = this.ball._rotation + rot;
if (_x > 541.35) {
rot = 0;
_x = 541.35;
if (jump) {
if ((_root.pactime > 0) && (_currentframe < 2)) {
suddenup = suddenup - su;
_y = (_y - suddenup);
if (suddenup < -19) {
suddenup = -19;
_root.test = suddenup;
if (_root.test < 0) {
_root.ftest = "yes";
} else {
_root.ftest = "no";
if (_y > 508.2) {
_root.smoke._x = _x;;
_y = 508.2;
jump = false;
_root.ftest = "no";
Instance of Symbol 187 MovieClip in Frame 332 (276 B)
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (_root.nopac <= 0) {
if (_root.pactime <= 0) {
with (_root.player) {
jump = false;
_root.smoke._visible = false;
suddenup = 0;
su = 0;
gleft = 0;
gright = 0;
Frame 333 (8 B)
Frame 334 (29 B)
_root.pactime = 60;
Instance of Symbol 300 MovieClip "cball1" in Frame 334 (394 B)
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (fall) {
sup = sup - 2;
this._y = this._y - sup;
if (_y > 508.2) {
_y = 508.2;
fall = false;
sup = 0;
with (_root.player) {
if (this.cannon.hittest(_x, getBounds(_root).yMax, true)) {
if (_root.ftest == "yes") {;
fall = true;
suddenup = 25;
su = 3;
jump = true;
Instance of Symbol 302 MovieClip "cball2" in Frame 334 (394 B)
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (fall) {
sup = sup - 2;
this._y = this._y - sup;
if (_y > 508.2) {
_y = 508.2;
fall = false;
sup = 0;
with (_root.player) {
if (this.cannon.hittest(_x, getBounds(_root).yMax, true)) {
if (_root.ftest == "yes") {;
fall = true;
suddenup = 25;
su = 3;
jump = true;
Instance of Symbol 156 MovieClip "pacman4" in Frame 334 (703 B)
onClipEvent (load) {
this.pcman.gotoAndStop(random(4) + 1);
gleftrand = random(4) + 2;
goleft = gleftrand;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
_x = (_x + goleft);
if ((this._currentframe == 34) && ( > 10)) {
this.pcman.gotoAndStop(random(4) + 1);
gleftrand = random(4) + 2;
goleft = gleftrand;
_x = 170;
if (_x > 580) {
gleftrand = random(4) + 2;
goleft = gleftrand;
_x = 170;
this.pcman.gotoAndStop(random(4) + 1);
with (_root.player) {
if (this.pcman.hittest(_x, getBounds(_root).yMax, true)) {
if (_root.ftest == "yes") {
goleft = 0;;
suddenup = 25;
su = 3;
jump = true;
Instance of Symbol 156 MovieClip "pacman5" in Frame 334 (703 B)
onClipEvent (load) {
this.pcman.gotoAndStop(random(4) + 1);
gleftrand = random(4) + 2;
goleft = gleftrand;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
_x = (_x + goleft);
if ((this._currentframe == 34) && ( > 10)) {
this.pcman.gotoAndStop(random(4) + 1);
gleftrand = random(4) + 2;
goleft = gleftrand;
_x = 170;
if (_x > 580) {
gleftrand = random(4) + 2;
goleft = gleftrand;
_x = 170;
this.pcman.gotoAndStop(random(4) + 1);
with (_root.player) {
if (this.pcman.hittest(_x, getBounds(_root).yMax, true)) {
if (_root.ftest == "yes") {
goleft = 0;;
suddenup = 25;
su = 3;
jump = true;
Instance of Symbol 156 MovieClip "pacman6" in Frame 334 (703 B)
onClipEvent (load) {
this.pcman.gotoAndStop(random(4) + 1);
gleftrand = random(4) + 2;
goleft = gleftrand;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
_x = (_x + goleft);
if ((this._currentframe == 34) && ( > 10)) {
this.pcman.gotoAndStop(random(4) + 1);
gleftrand = random(4) + 2;
goleft = gleftrand;
_x = 170;
if (_x > 580) {
gleftrand = random(4) + 2;
goleft = gleftrand;
_x = 170;
this.pcman.gotoAndStop(random(4) + 1);
with (_root.player) {
if (this.pcman.hittest(_x, getBounds(_root).yMax, true)) {
if (_root.ftest == "yes") {
goleft = 0;;
suddenup = 25;
su = 3;
jump = true;
Instance of Symbol 156 MovieClip "pacman3" in Frame 334 (703 B)
onClipEvent (load) {
this.pcman.gotoAndStop(random(4) + 1);
gleftrand = random(4) + 2;
goleft = gleftrand;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
_x = (_x + goleft);
if ((this._currentframe == 34) && ( > 10)) {
this.pcman.gotoAndStop(random(4) + 1);
gleftrand = random(4) + 2;
goleft = gleftrand;
_x = 170;
if (_x > 580) {
gleftrand = random(4) + 2;
goleft = gleftrand;
_x = 170;
this.pcman.gotoAndStop(random(4) + 1);
with (_root.player) {
if (this.pcman.hittest(_x, getBounds(_root).yMax, true)) {
if (_root.ftest == "yes") {
goleft = 0;;
suddenup = 25;
su = 3;
jump = true;
Instance of Symbol 156 MovieClip "pacman2" in Frame 334 (703 B)
onClipEvent (load) {
this.pcman.gotoAndStop(random(4) + 1);
gleftrand = random(4) + 2;
goleft = gleftrand;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
_x = (_x + goleft);
if ((this._currentframe == 34) && ( > 10)) {
this.pcman.gotoAndStop(random(4) + 1);
gleftrand = random(4) + 2;
goleft = gleftrand;
_x = 170;
if (_x > 580) {
gleftrand = random(4) + 2;
goleft = gleftrand;
_x = 170;
this.pcman.gotoAndStop(random(4) + 1);
with (_root.player) {
if (this.pcman.hittest(_x, getBounds(_root).yMax, true)) {
if (_root.ftest == "yes") {
goleft = 0;;
suddenup = 25;
su = 3;
jump = true;
Instance of Symbol 156 MovieClip "pacman1" in Frame 334 (703 B)
onClipEvent (load) {
this.pcman.gotoAndStop(random(4) + 1);
gleftrand = random(4) + 2;
goleft = gleftrand;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
_x = (_x + goleft);
if ((this._currentframe == 34) && ( > 10)) {
this.pcman.gotoAndStop(random(4) + 1);
gleftrand = random(4) + 2;
goleft = gleftrand;
_x = 170;
if (_x > 580) {
gleftrand = random(4) + 2;
goleft = gleftrand;
_x = 170;
this.pcman.gotoAndStop(random(4) + 1);
with (_root.player) {
if (this.pcman.hittest(_x, getBounds(_root).yMax, true)) {
if (_root.ftest == "yes") {
goleft = 0;;
suddenup = 25;
su = 3;
jump = true;
Instance of Symbol 156 MovieClip "pacman7" in Frame 334 (703 B)
onClipEvent (load) {
this.pcman.gotoAndStop(random(4) + 1);
gleftrand = random(4) + 2;
goleft = gleftrand;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
_x = (_x + goleft);
if ((this._currentframe == 34) && ( > 10)) {
this.pcman.gotoAndStop(random(4) + 1);
gleftrand = random(4) + 2;
goleft = gleftrand;
_x = 170;
if (_x > 580) {
gleftrand = random(4) + 2;
goleft = gleftrand;
_x = 170;
this.pcman.gotoAndStop(random(4) + 1);
with (_root.player) {
if (this.pcman.hittest(_x, getBounds(_root).yMax, true)) {
if (_root.ftest == "yes") {
goleft = 0;;
suddenup = 25;
su = 3;
jump = true;
Instance of Symbol 156 MovieClip "pacman8" in Frame 334 (703 B)
onClipEvent (load) {
this.pcman.gotoAndStop(random(4) + 1);
gleftrand = random(4) + 2;
goleft = gleftrand;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
_x = (_x + goleft);
if ((this._currentframe == 34) && ( > 10)) {
this.pcman.gotoAndStop(random(4) + 1);
gleftrand = random(4) + 2;
goleft = gleftrand;
_x = 170;
if (_x > 580) {
gleftrand = random(4) + 2;
goleft = gleftrand;
_x = 170;
this.pcman.gotoAndStop(random(4) + 1);
with (_root.player) {
if (this.pcman.hittest(_x, getBounds(_root).yMax, true)) {
if (_root.ftest == "yes") {
goleft = 0;;
suddenup = 25;
su = 3;
jump = true;
Instance of Symbol 156 MovieClip "pacman11" in Frame 334 (703 B)
onClipEvent (load) {
this.pcman.gotoAndStop(random(4) + 1);
gleftrand = random(4) + 2;
goleft = gleftrand;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
_x = (_x + goleft);
if ((this._currentframe == 34) && ( > 10)) {
this.pcman.gotoAndStop(random(4) + 1);
gleftrand = random(4) + 2;
goleft = gleftrand;
_x = 170;
if (_x > 580) {
gleftrand = random(4) + 2;
goleft = gleftrand;
_x = 170;
this.pcman.gotoAndStop(random(4) + 1);
with (_root.player) {
if (this.pcman.hittest(_x, getBounds(_root).yMax, true)) {
if (_root.ftest == "yes") {
goleft = 0;;
suddenup = 25;
su = 3;
jump = true;
Instance of Symbol 156 MovieClip "pacman9" in Frame 334 (703 B)
onClipEvent (load) {
this.pcman.gotoAndStop(random(4) + 1);
gleftrand = random(4) + 2;
goleft = gleftrand;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
_x = (_x + goleft);
if ((this._currentframe == 34) && ( > 10)) {
this.pcman.gotoAndStop(random(4) + 1);
gleftrand = random(4) + 2;
goleft = gleftrand;
_x = 170;
if (_x > 580) {
gleftrand = random(4) + 2;
goleft = gleftrand;
_x = 170;
this.pcman.gotoAndStop(random(4) + 1);
with (_root.player) {
if (this.pcman.hittest(_x, getBounds(_root).yMax, true)) {
if (_root.ftest == "yes") {
goleft = 0;;
suddenup = 25;
su = 3;
jump = true;
Instance of Symbol 156 MovieClip "pacman10" in Frame 334 (703 B)
onClipEvent (load) {
this.pcman.gotoAndStop(random(4) + 1);
gleftrand = random(4) + 2;
goleft = gleftrand;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
_x = (_x + goleft);
if ((this._currentframe == 34) && ( > 10)) {
this.pcman.gotoAndStop(random(4) + 1);
gleftrand = random(4) + 2;
goleft = gleftrand;
_x = 170;
if (_x > 580) {
gleftrand = random(4) + 2;
goleft = gleftrand;
_x = 170;
this.pcman.gotoAndStop(random(4) + 1);
with (_root.player) {
if (this.pcman.hittest(_x, getBounds(_root).yMax, true)) {
if (_root.ftest == "yes") {
goleft = 0;;
suddenup = 25;
su = 3;
jump = true;
Instance of Symbol 310 MovieClip in Frame 334 (250 B)
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
with (_root.player) {
if (this.hittest(_x, getBounds(_root).yMax, true)) {
if ((_root.ftest == "yes") && (_currentframe < 2)) {;
suddenup = 25;
su = 3;
jump = true;
Instance of Symbol 359 MovieClip "kingpacman" in Frame 334 (2.67 KiB) ●
onClipEvent (load) {
allkingspeed = 3;
rkingspeed = allkingspeed;
goright = true;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
_root.lspeeds = goleft;
_root.rspeeds = goright;
with (_root.cball1) {
if (this.hittest(_x, getBounds(_root).yMax + 20, true)) {
if ((this._currentframe == 1) && ( <= 0)) {
this.goleft = false;
this.goright = false;
this.allkingspeed = 0;
} else if ((this._currentframe == 2) && ( <= 0)) {
this.goleft = false;
this.goright = false;
this.allkingspeed = 0;
if (this._currentframe == 1) {
allkingspeed = allkingspeed + 0.5;
fall = false;
sup = 0;
goleft = false;
this.gotoAndStop(4); = int( - 50;
} else if (this._currentframe == 2) {
allkingspeed = allkingspeed + 0.5;
fall = false;
sup = 0;
goright = false;
this.gotoAndStop(3); = int( - 50;
with (_root.cball2) {
if (this.hittest(_x, getBounds(_root).yMax + 20, true)) {
if (this._currentframe == 1) {
allkingspeed = allkingspeed + 0.5;
fall = false;
sup = 0;
goleft = false;
this.gotoAndStop(4); = int( - 50;
} else if (this._currentframe == 2) {
allkingspeed = allkingspeed + 0.5;
fall = false;
sup = 0;
goright = false;
this.gotoAndStop(3); = int( - 50;
with (_root.player) {
if (this.hittest(getBounds(_root).xMax - 40, _y, true)) {
jump = false;
_root.smoke._visible = false;
suddenup = 0;
su = 0;
gleft = 0;
gright = 0;
if (this.hittest(getBounds(_root).xMin + 40, _y, true)) {
jump = false;
_root.smoke._visible = false;
suddenup = 0;
su = 0;
gleft = 0;
gright = 0;
if (this.hittest(_x, getBounds(_root).yMax - 40, true)) {
jump = false;
_root.smoke._visible = false;
suddenup = 0;
su = 0;
gleft = 0;
gright = 0;
if (this.hittest(_x, getBounds(_root).yMin + 40, true)) {
jump = false;
_root.smoke._visible = false;
suddenup = 0;
su = 0;
gleft = 0;
gright = 0;
if (goright) {
lkingspeed = 0;
rkingspeed = allkingspeed;
_x = (_x + rkingspeed);
if (goleft) {
rkingspeed = 0;
lkingspeed = allkingspeed;
_x = (_x - lkingspeed);
if (_x > 624.5) {
goright = false;
goleft = true;
if (_x < 140.2) {
goleft = false;
goright = true;
Instance of Symbol 173 MovieClip "player" in Frame 334 (1.2 KiB) ●
onClipEvent (load) {
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (key.isdown(32) && (!jump)) {
if ((_root.pactime > 0) && (_currentframe < 2)) {
jumpsound = new Sound();
suddenup = 25;
su = 3;
jump = true;
if (key.isdown(37)) {
if ((_root.pactime > 0) && (_currentframe < 2)) {
_x = (_x - 6);
rot = 15;
this.ball._rotation = this.ball._rotation - rot;
if (_x < 215.35) {
rot = 0;
_x = 215.35;
if (key.isdown(39)) {
if ((_root.pactime > 0) && (_currentframe < 2)) {
_x = (_x + 6);
rot = 15;
this.ball._rotation = this.ball._rotation + rot;
if (_x > 541.35) {
rot = 0;
_x = 541.35;
if (jump) {
if ((_root.pactime > 0) && (_currentframe < 2)) {
suddenup = suddenup - su;
_y = (_y - suddenup);
if (suddenup < -19) {
suddenup = -19;
_root.test = suddenup;
if (_root.test < 0) {
_root.ftest = "yes";
} else {
_root.ftest = "no";
if (_y > 508.2) {
_root.smoke._x = _x;;
_y = 508.2;
jump = false;
_root.ftest = "no";
Instance of Symbol 187 MovieClip "timeadd" in Frame 334 (611 B)
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
with (_root.kingpacman) {
if ((_currentframe == 1) && ( <= 10)) { = false;
goleft = false;
tgoright = false;
allkingspeed = 0;
} else if ((_currentframe == 2) && ( <= 10)) { = false;
goleft = false;
goright = false;
allkingspeed = 0;
if (_root.pactime <= 0) {
with (_root.player) {
jump = false;
_root.smoke._visible = false;
suddenup = 0;
su = 0;
gleft = 0;
gright = 0;
Frame 524 (8 B)
Frame 525 (8 B)
Instance of Symbol 310 MovieClip in Frame 525 (250 B)
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
with (_root.player) {
if (this.hittest(_x, getBounds(_root).yMax, true)) {
if ((_root.ftest == "yes") && (_currentframe < 2)) {;
suddenup = 25;
su = 3;
jump = true;
Instance of Symbol 310 MovieClip in Frame 525 (250 B)
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
with (_root.player) {
if (this.hittest(_x, getBounds(_root).yMax, true)) {
if ((_root.ftest == "yes") && (_currentframe < 2)) {;
suddenup = 25;
su = 3;
jump = true;
Instance of Symbol 310 MovieClip in Frame 525 (250 B)
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
with (_root.player) {
if (this.hittest(_x, getBounds(_root).yMax, true)) {
if ((_root.ftest == "yes") && (_currentframe < 2)) {;
suddenup = 25;
su = 3;
jump = true;
Instance of Symbol 310 MovieClip in Frame 525 (250 B)
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
with (_root.player) {
if (this.hittest(_x, getBounds(_root).yMax, true)) {
if ((_root.ftest == "yes") && (_currentframe < 2)) {;
suddenup = 25;
su = 3;
jump = true;
Instance of Symbol 310 MovieClip in Frame 525 (250 B)
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
with (_root.player) {
if (this.hittest(_x, getBounds(_root).yMax, true)) {
if ((_root.ftest == "yes") && (_currentframe < 2)) {;
suddenup = 25;
su = 3;
jump = true;
Instance of Symbol 310 MovieClip in Frame 525 (250 B)
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
with (_root.player) {
if (this.hittest(_x, getBounds(_root).yMax, true)) {
if ((_root.ftest == "yes") && (_currentframe < 2)) {;
suddenup = 25;
su = 3;
jump = true;
Instance of Symbol 310 MovieClip in Frame 525 (250 B)
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
with (_root.player) {
if (this.hittest(_x, getBounds(_root).yMax, true)) {
if ((_root.ftest == "yes") && (_currentframe < 2)) {;
suddenup = 25;
su = 3;
jump = true;
Instance of Symbol 310 MovieClip in Frame 525 (250 B)
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
with (_root.player) {
if (this.hittest(_x, getBounds(_root).yMax, true)) {
if ((_root.ftest == "yes") && (_currentframe < 2)) {;
suddenup = 25;
su = 3;
jump = true;
Instance of Symbol 156 MovieClip "pacman1" in Frame 525 (696 B)
onClipEvent (load) {
this.pcman.gotoAndStop(random(4) + 1);
gleftrand = random(4) + 2;
goleft = gleftrand;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
_x = (_x + goleft);
if ((this._currentframe == 34) && (_root.nopac > 0)) {
this.pcman.gotoAndStop(random(4) + 1);
gleftrand = random(4) + 2;
goleft = gleftrand;
_x = 170;
if (_x > 580) {
gleftrand = random(4) + 2;
goleft = gleftrand;
_x = 170;
this.pcman.gotoAndStop(random(4) + 1);
with (_root.player) {
if (this.pcman.hittest(_x, getBounds(_root).yMax, true)) {
if (_root.ftest == "yes") {
goleft = 0;;
suddenup = 25;
su = 3;
jump = true;
Instance of Symbol 156 MovieClip "pacman2" in Frame 525 (696 B)
onClipEvent (load) {
this.pcman.gotoAndStop(random(4) + 1);
gleftrand = random(4) + 2;
goleft = gleftrand;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
_x = (_x + goleft);
if ((this._currentframe == 34) && (_root.nopac > 0)) {
this.pcman.gotoAndStop(random(4) + 1);
gleftrand = random(4) + 2;
goleft = gleftrand;
_x = 170;
if (_x > 580) {
gleftrand = random(4) + 2;
goleft = gleftrand;
_x = 170;
this.pcman.gotoAndStop(random(4) + 1);
with (_root.player) {
if (this.pcman.hittest(_x, getBounds(_root).yMax, true)) {
if (_root.ftest == "yes") {
goleft = 0;;
suddenup = 25;
su = 3;
jump = true;
Instance of Symbol 156 MovieClip "pacman3" in Frame 525 (696 B)
onClipEvent (load) {
this.pcman.gotoAndStop(random(4) + 1);
gleftrand = random(4) + 2;
goleft = gleftrand;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
_x = (_x + goleft);
if ((this._currentframe == 34) && (_root.nopac > 0)) {
this.pcman.gotoAndStop(random(4) + 1);
gleftrand = random(4) + 2;
goleft = gleftrand;
_x = 170;
if (_x > 580) {
gleftrand = random(4) + 2;
goleft = gleftrand;
_x = 170;
this.pcman.gotoAndStop(random(4) + 1);
with (_root.player) {
if (this.pcman.hittest(_x, getBounds(_root).yMax, true)) {
if (_root.ftest == "yes") {
goleft = 0;;
suddenup = 25;
su = 3;
jump = true;
Instance of Symbol 156 MovieClip "pacman9" in Frame 525 (696 B)
onClipEvent (load) {
this.pcman.gotoAndStop(random(4) + 1);
gleftrand = random(4) + 2;
goleft = gleftrand;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
_x = (_x + goleft);
if ((this._currentframe == 34) && (_root.nopac > 0)) {
this.pcman.gotoAndStop(random(4) + 1);
gleftrand = random(4) + 2;
goleft = gleftrand;
_x = 170;
if (_x > 580) {
gleftrand = random(4) + 2;
goleft = gleftrand;
_x = 170;
this.pcman.gotoAndStop(random(4) + 1);
with (_root.player) {
if (this.pcman.hittest(_x, getBounds(_root).yMax, true)) {
if (_root.ftest == "yes") {
goleft = 0;;
suddenup = 25;
su = 3;
jump = true;
Instance of Symbol 156 MovieClip "pacman4" in Frame 525 (696 B)
onClipEvent (load) {
this.pcman.gotoAndStop(random(4) + 1);
gleftrand = random(4) + 2;
goleft = gleftrand;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
_x = (_x + goleft);
if ((this._currentframe == 34) && (_root.nopac > 0)) {
this.pcman.gotoAndStop(random(4) + 1);
gleftrand = random(4) + 2;
goleft = gleftrand;
_x = 170;
if (_x > 580) {
gleftrand = random(4) + 2;
goleft = gleftrand;
_x = 170;
this.pcman.gotoAndStop(random(4) + 1);
with (_root.player) {
if (this.pcman.hittest(_x, getBounds(_root).yMax, true)) {
if (_root.ftest == "yes") {
goleft = 0;;
suddenup = 25;
su = 3;
jump = true;
Instance of Symbol 156 MovieClip "pacman7" in Frame 525 (696 B)
onClipEvent (load) {
this.pcman.gotoAndStop(random(4) + 1);
gleftrand = random(4) + 2;
goleft = gleftrand;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
_x = (_x + goleft);
if ((this._currentframe == 34) && (_root.nopac > 0)) {
this.pcman.gotoAndStop(random(4) + 1);
gleftrand = random(4) + 2;
goleft = gleftrand;
_x = 170;
if (_x > 580) {
gleftrand = random(4) + 2;
goleft = gleftrand;
_x = 170;
this.pcman.gotoAndStop(random(4) + 1);
with (_root.player) {
if (this.pcman.hittest(_x, getBounds(_root).yMax, true)) {
if (_root.ftest == "yes") {
goleft = 0;;
suddenup = 25;
su = 3;
jump = true;
Instance of Symbol 156 MovieClip "pacman6" in Frame 525 (696 B)
onClipEvent (load) {
this.pcman.gotoAndStop(random(4) + 1);
gleftrand = random(4) + 2;
goleft = gleftrand;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
_x = (_x + goleft);
if ((this._currentframe == 34) && (_root.nopac > 0)) {
this.pcman.gotoAndStop(random(4) + 1);
gleftrand = random(4) + 2;
goleft = gleftrand;
_x = 170;
if (_x > 580) {
gleftrand = random(4) + 2;
goleft = gleftrand;
_x = 170;
this.pcman.gotoAndStop(random(4) + 1);
with (_root.player) {
if (this.pcman.hittest(_x, getBounds(_root).yMax, true)) {
if (_root.ftest == "yes") {
goleft = 0;;
suddenup = 25;
su = 3;
jump = true;
Instance of Symbol 156 MovieClip "pacman5" in Frame 525 (696 B)
onClipEvent (load) {
this.pcman.gotoAndStop(random(4) + 1);
gleftrand = random(4) + 2;
goleft = gleftrand;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
_x = (_x + goleft);
if ((this._currentframe == 34) && (_root.nopac > 0)) {
this.pcman.gotoAndStop(random(4) + 1);
gleftrand = random(4) + 2;
goleft = gleftrand;
_x = 170;
if (_x > 580) {
gleftrand = random(4) + 2;
goleft = gleftrand;
_x = 170;
this.pcman.gotoAndStop(random(4) + 1);
with (_root.player) {
if (this.pcman.hittest(_x, getBounds(_root).yMax, true)) {
if (_root.ftest == "yes") {
goleft = 0;;
suddenup = 25;
su = 3;
jump = true;
Instance of Symbol 156 MovieClip "pacman10" in Frame 525 (696 B)
onClipEvent (load) {
this.pcman.gotoAndStop(random(4) + 1);
gleftrand = random(4) + 2;
goleft = gleftrand;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
_x = (_x + goleft);
if ((this._currentframe == 34) && (_root.nopac > 0)) {
this.pcman.gotoAndStop(random(4) + 1);
gleftrand = random(4) + 2;
goleft = gleftrand;
_x = 170;
if (_x > 580) {
gleftrand = random(4) + 2;
goleft = gleftrand;
_x = 170;
this.pcman.gotoAndStop(random(4) + 1);
with (_root.player) {
if (this.pcman.hittest(_x, getBounds(_root).yMax, true)) {
if (_root.ftest == "yes") {
goleft = 0;;
suddenup = 25;
su = 3;
jump = true;
Instance of Symbol 156 MovieClip "pacman11" in Frame 525 (696 B)
onClipEvent (load) {
this.pcman.gotoAndStop(random(4) + 1);
gleftrand = random(4) + 2;
goleft = gleftrand;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
_x = (_x + goleft);
if ((this._currentframe == 34) && (_root.nopac > 0)) {
this.pcman.gotoAndStop(random(4) + 1);
gleftrand = random(4) + 2;
goleft = gleftrand;
_x = 170;
if (_x > 580) {
gleftrand = random(4) + 2;
goleft = gleftrand;
_x = 170;
this.pcman.gotoAndStop(random(4) + 1);
with (_root.player) {
if (this.pcman.hittest(_x, getBounds(_root).yMax, true)) {
if (_root.ftest == "yes") {
goleft = 0;;
suddenup = 25;
su = 3;
jump = true;
Instance of Symbol 156 MovieClip "pacman12" in Frame 525 (696 B)
onClipEvent (load) {
this.pcman.gotoAndStop(random(4) + 1);
gleftrand = random(4) + 2;
goleft = gleftrand;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
_x = (_x + goleft);
if ((this._currentframe == 34) && (_root.nopac > 0)) {
this.pcman.gotoAndStop(random(4) + 1);
gleftrand = random(4) + 2;
goleft = gleftrand;
_x = 170;
if (_x > 580) {
gleftrand = random(4) + 2;
goleft = gleftrand;
_x = 170;
this.pcman.gotoAndStop(random(4) + 1);
with (_root.player) {
if (this.pcman.hittest(_x, getBounds(_root).yMax, true)) {
if (_root.ftest == "yes") {
goleft = 0;;
suddenup = 25;
su = 3;
jump = true;
Instance of Symbol 156 MovieClip "pacman17" in Frame 525 (696 B)
onClipEvent (load) {
this.pcman.gotoAndStop(random(4) + 1);
gleftrand = random(4) + 2;
goleft = gleftrand;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
_x = (_x + goleft);
if ((this._currentframe == 34) && (_root.nopac > 0)) {
this.pcman.gotoAndStop(random(4) + 1);
gleftrand = random(4) + 2;
goleft = gleftrand;
_x = 170;
if (_x > 580) {
gleftrand = random(4) + 2;
goleft = gleftrand;
_x = 170;
this.pcman.gotoAndStop(random(4) + 1);
with (_root.player) {
if (this.pcman.hittest(_x, getBounds(_root).yMax, true)) {
if (_root.ftest == "yes") {
goleft = 0;;
suddenup = 25;
su = 3;
jump = true;
Instance of Symbol 156 MovieClip "pacman13" in Frame 525 (696 B)
onClipEvent (load) {
this.pcman.gotoAndStop(random(4) + 1);
gleftrand = random(4) + 2;
goleft = gleftrand;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
_x = (_x + goleft);
if ((this._currentframe == 34) && (_root.nopac > 0)) {
this.pcman.gotoAndStop(random(4) + 1);
gleftrand = random(4) + 2;
goleft = gleftrand;
_x = 170;
if (_x > 580) {
gleftrand = random(4) + 2;
goleft = gleftrand;
_x = 170;
this.pcman.gotoAndStop(random(4) + 1);
with (_root.player) {
if (this.pcman.hittest(_x, getBounds(_root).yMax, true)) {
if (_root.ftest == "yes") {
goleft = 0;;
suddenup = 25;
su = 3;
jump = true;
Instance of Symbol 156 MovieClip "pacman14" in Frame 525 (696 B)
onClipEvent (load) {
this.pcman.gotoAndStop(random(4) + 1);
gleftrand = random(4) + 2;
goleft = gleftrand;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
_x = (_x + goleft);
if ((this._currentframe == 34) && (_root.nopac > 0)) {
this.pcman.gotoAndStop(random(4) + 1);
gleftrand = random(4) + 2;
goleft = gleftrand;
_x = 170;
if (_x > 580) {
gleftrand = random(4) + 2;
goleft = gleftrand;
_x = 170;
this.pcman.gotoAndStop(random(4) + 1);
with (_root.player) {
if (this.pcman.hittest(_x, getBounds(_root).yMax, true)) {
if (_root.ftest == "yes") {
goleft = 0;;
suddenup = 25;
su = 3;
jump = true;
Instance of Symbol 156 MovieClip "pacman8" in Frame 525 (696 B)
onClipEvent (load) {
this.pcman.gotoAndStop(random(4) + 1);
gleftrand = random(4) + 2;
goleft = gleftrand;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
_x = (_x + goleft);
if ((this._currentframe == 34) && (_root.nopac > 0)) {
this.pcman.gotoAndStop(random(4) + 1);
gleftrand = random(4) + 2;
goleft = gleftrand;
_x = 170;
if (_x > 580) {
gleftrand = random(4) + 2;
goleft = gleftrand;
_x = 170;
this.pcman.gotoAndStop(random(4) + 1);
with (_root.player) {
if (this.pcman.hittest(_x, getBounds(_root).yMax, true)) {
if (_root.ftest == "yes") {
goleft = 0;;
suddenup = 25;
su = 3;
jump = true;
Instance of Symbol 156 MovieClip "pacman16" in Frame 525 (696 B)
onClipEvent (load) {
this.pcman.gotoAndStop(random(4) + 1);
gleftrand = random(4) + 2;
goleft = gleftrand;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
_x = (_x + goleft);
if ((this._currentframe == 34) && (_root.nopac > 0)) {
this.pcman.gotoAndStop(random(4) + 1);
gleftrand = random(4) + 2;
goleft = gleftrand;
_x = 170;
if (_x > 580) {
gleftrand = random(4) + 2;
goleft = gleftrand;
_x = 170;
this.pcman.gotoAndStop(random(4) + 1);
with (_root.player) {
if (this.pcman.hittest(_x, getBounds(_root).yMax, true)) {
if (_root.ftest == "yes") {
goleft = 0;;
suddenup = 25;
su = 3;
jump = true;
Instance of Symbol 156 MovieClip "pacman15" in Frame 525 (696 B)
onClipEvent (load) {
this.pcman.gotoAndStop(random(4) + 1);
gleftrand = random(4) + 2;
goleft = gleftrand;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
_x = (_x + goleft);
if ((this._currentframe == 34) && (_root.nopac > 0)) {
this.pcman.gotoAndStop(random(4) + 1);
gleftrand = random(4) + 2;
goleft = gleftrand;
_x = 170;
if (_x > 580) {
gleftrand = random(4) + 2;
goleft = gleftrand;
_x = 170;
this.pcman.gotoAndStop(random(4) + 1);
with (_root.player) {
if (this.pcman.hittest(_x, getBounds(_root).yMax, true)) {
if (_root.ftest == "yes") {
goleft = 0;;
suddenup = 25;
su = 3;
jump = true;
Instance of Symbol 156 MovieClip "pacman18" in Frame 525 (696 B)
onClipEvent (load) {
this.pcman.gotoAndStop(random(4) + 1);
gleftrand = random(4) + 2;
goleft = gleftrand;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
_x = (_x + goleft);
if ((this._currentframe == 34) && (_root.nopac > 0)) {
this.pcman.gotoAndStop(random(4) + 1);
gleftrand = random(4) + 2;
goleft = gleftrand;
_x = 170;
if (_x > 580) {
gleftrand = random(4) + 2;
goleft = gleftrand;
_x = 170;
this.pcman.gotoAndStop(random(4) + 1);
with (_root.player) {
if (this.pcman.hittest(_x, getBounds(_root).yMax, true)) {
if (_root.ftest == "yes") {
goleft = 0;;
suddenup = 25;
su = 3;
jump = true;
Instance of Symbol 173 MovieClip "player" in Frame 525 (931 B)
onClipEvent (load) {
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
_root.test = _x;
if (key.isdown(32) && (!jump)) {
jumpsound = new Sound();
suddenup = 25;
su = 3;
jump = true;
if (key.isdown(37)) {
_x = (_x - 6);
rot = 15;
this.ball._rotation = this.ball._rotation - rot;
if (_x < 215.35) {
rot = 0;
_x = 215.35;
if (key.isdown(39)) {
_x = (_x + 6);
rot = 15;
this.ball._rotation = this.ball._rotation + rot;
if (_x > 541.35) {
rot = 0;
_x = 541.35;
if (jump) {
suddenup = suddenup - su;
_y = (_y - suddenup);
if (suddenup < -19) {
suddenup = -19;
_root.test = suddenup;
if (_root.test < 0) {
_root.ftest = "yes";
} else {
_root.ftest = "no";
if (_y > 508.2) {
_root.smoke._x = _x;;
_y = 508.2;
jump = false;
_root.ftest = "no";
Frame 526 (81 B)
_root.tyme1 = 0;
_root.tyme2 = 0;
_root.tyme3 = 0;
_root.tyme4 = 0;
Instance of Symbol 156 MovieClip "pacman1" in Frame 526 (696 B)
onClipEvent (load) {
this.pcman.gotoAndStop(random(4) + 1);
gleftrand = random(4) + 2;
goleft = gleftrand;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
_x = (_x + goleft);
if ((this._currentframe == 34) && (_root.nopac > 0)) {
this.pcman.gotoAndStop(random(4) + 1);
gleftrand = random(4) + 2;
goleft = gleftrand;
_x = 170;
if (_x > 580) {
gleftrand = random(4) + 2;
goleft = gleftrand;
_x = 170;
this.pcman.gotoAndStop(random(4) + 1);
with (_root.player) {
if (this.pcman.hittest(_x, getBounds(_root).yMax, true)) {
if (_root.ftest == "yes") {
goleft = 0;;
suddenup = 25;
su = 3;
jump = true;
Instance of Symbol 156 MovieClip "pacman2" in Frame 526 (696 B)
onClipEvent (load) {
this.pcman.gotoAndStop(random(4) + 1);
gleftrand = random(4) + 2;
goleft = gleftrand;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
_x = (_x + goleft);
if ((this._currentframe == 34) && (_root.nopac > 0)) {
this.pcman.gotoAndStop(random(4) + 1);
gleftrand = random(4) + 2;
goleft = gleftrand;
_x = 170;
if (_x > 580) {
gleftrand = random(4) + 2;
goleft = gleftrand;
_x = 170;
this.pcman.gotoAndStop(random(4) + 1);
with (_root.player) {
if (this.pcman.hittest(_x, getBounds(_root).yMax, true)) {
if (_root.ftest == "yes") {
goleft = 0;;
suddenup = 25;
su = 3;
jump = true;
Instance of Symbol 156 MovieClip "pacman3" in Frame 526 (696 B)
onClipEvent (load) {
this.pcman.gotoAndStop(random(4) + 1);
gleftrand = random(4) + 2;
goleft = gleftrand;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
_x = (_x + goleft);
if ((this._currentframe == 34) && (_root.nopac > 0)) {
this.pcman.gotoAndStop(random(4) + 1);
gleftrand = random(4) + 2;
goleft = gleftrand;
_x = 170;
if (_x > 580) {
gleftrand = random(4) + 2;
goleft = gleftrand;
_x = 170;
this.pcman.gotoAndStop(random(4) + 1);
with (_root.player) {
if (this.pcman.hittest(_x, getBounds(_root).yMax, true)) {
if (_root.ftest == "yes") {
goleft = 0;;
suddenup = 25;
su = 3;
jump = true;
Instance of Symbol 156 MovieClip "pacman9" in Frame 526 (696 B)
onClipEvent (load) {
this.pcman.gotoAndStop(random(4) + 1);
gleftrand = random(4) + 2;
goleft = gleftrand;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
_x = (_x + goleft);
if ((this._currentframe == 34) && (_root.nopac > 0)) {
this.pcman.gotoAndStop(random(4) + 1);
gleftrand = random(4) + 2;
goleft = gleftrand;
_x = 170;
if (_x > 580) {
gleftrand = random(4) + 2;
goleft = gleftrand;
_x = 170;
this.pcman.gotoAndStop(random(4) + 1);
with (_root.player) {
if (this.pcman.hittest(_x, getBounds(_root).yMax, true)) {
if (_root.ftest == "yes") {
goleft = 0;;
suddenup = 25;
su = 3;
jump = true;
Instance of Symbol 156 MovieClip "pacman4" in Frame 526 (696 B)
onClipEvent (load) {
this.pcman.gotoAndStop(random(4) + 1);
gleftrand = random(4) + 2;
goleft = gleftrand;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
_x = (_x + goleft);
if ((this._currentframe == 34) && (_root.nopac > 0)) {
this.pcman.gotoAndStop(random(4) + 1);
gleftrand = random(4) + 2;
goleft = gleftrand;
_x = 170;
if (_x > 580) {
gleftrand = random(4) + 2;
goleft = gleftrand;
_x = 170;
this.pcman.gotoAndStop(random(4) + 1);
with (_root.player) {
if (this.pcman.hittest(_x, getBounds(_root).yMax, true)) {
if (_root.ftest == "yes") {
goleft = 0;;
suddenup = 25;
su = 3;
jump = true;
Instance of Symbol 156 MovieClip "pacman7" in Frame 526 (696 B)
onClipEvent (load) {
this.pcman.gotoAndStop(random(4) + 1);
gleftrand = random(4) + 2;
goleft = gleftrand;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
_x = (_x + goleft);
if ((this._currentframe == 34) && (_root.nopac > 0)) {
this.pcman.gotoAndStop(random(4) + 1);
gleftrand = random(4) + 2;
goleft = gleftrand;
_x = 170;
if (_x > 580) {
gleftrand = random(4) + 2;
goleft = gleftrand;
_x = 170;
this.pcman.gotoAndStop(random(4) + 1);
with (_root.player) {
if (this.pcman.hittest(_x, getBounds(_root).yMax, true)) {
if (_root.ftest == "yes") {
goleft = 0;;
suddenup = 25;
su = 3;
jump = true;
Instance of Symbol 156 MovieClip "pacman6" in Frame 526 (696 B)
onClipEvent (load) {
this.pcman.gotoAndStop(random(4) + 1);
gleftrand = random(4) + 2;
goleft = gleftrand;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
_x = (_x + goleft);
if ((this._currentframe == 34) && (_root.nopac > 0)) {
this.pcman.gotoAndStop(random(4) + 1);
gleftrand = random(4) + 2;
goleft = gleftrand;
_x = 170;
if (_x > 580) {
gleftrand = random(4) + 2;
goleft = gleftrand;
_x = 170;
this.pcman.gotoAndStop(random(4) + 1);
with (_root.player) {
if (this.pcman.hittest(_x, getBounds(_root).yMax, true)) {
if (_root.ftest == "yes") {
goleft = 0;;
suddenup = 25;
su = 3;
jump = true;
Instance of Symbol 156 MovieClip "pacman5" in Frame 526 (696 B)
onClipEvent (load) {
this.pcman.gotoAndStop(random(4) + 1);
gleftrand = random(4) + 2;
goleft = gleftrand;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
_x = (_x + goleft);
if ((this._currentframe == 34) && (_root.nopac > 0)) {
this.pcman.gotoAndStop(random(4) + 1);
gleftrand = random(4) + 2;
goleft = gleftrand;
_x = 170;
if (_x > 580) {
gleftrand = random(4) + 2;
goleft = gleftrand;
_x = 170;
this.pcman.gotoAndStop(random(4) + 1);
with (_root.player) {
if (this.pcman.hittest(_x, getBounds(_root).yMax, true)) {
if (_root.ftest == "yes") {
goleft = 0;;
suddenup = 25;
su = 3;
jump = true;
Instance of Symbol 156 MovieClip "pacman10" in Frame 526 (696 B)
onClipEvent (load) {
this.pcman.gotoAndStop(random(4) + 1);
gleftrand = random(4) + 2;
goleft = gleftrand;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
_x = (_x + goleft);
if ((this._currentframe == 34) && (_root.nopac > 0)) {
this.pcman.gotoAndStop(random(4) + 1);
gleftrand = random(4) + 2;
goleft = gleftrand;
_x = 170;
if (_x > 580) {
gleftrand = random(4) + 2;
goleft = gleftrand;
_x = 170;
this.pcman.gotoAndStop(random(4) + 1);
with (_root.player) {
if (this.pcman.hittest(_x, getBounds(_root).yMax, true)) {
if (_root.ftest == "yes") {
goleft = 0;;
suddenup = 25;
su = 3;
jump = true;
Instance of Symbol 156 MovieClip "pacman11" in Frame 526 (696 B)
onClipEvent (load) {
this.pcman.gotoAndStop(random(4) + 1);
gleftrand = random(4) + 2;
goleft = gleftrand;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
_x = (_x + goleft);
if ((this._currentframe == 34) && (_root.nopac > 0)) {
this.pcman.gotoAndStop(random(4) + 1);
gleftrand = random(4) + 2;
goleft = gleftrand;
_x = 170;
if (_x > 580) {
gleftrand = random(4) + 2;
goleft = gleftrand;
_x = 170;
this.pcman.gotoAndStop(random(4) + 1);
with (_root.player) {
if (this.pcman.hittest(_x, getBounds(_root).yMax, true)) {
if (_root.ftest == "yes") {
goleft = 0;;
suddenup = 25;
su = 3;
jump = true;
Instance of Symbol 156 MovieClip "pacman12" in Frame 526 (696 B)
onClipEvent (load) {
this.pcman.gotoAndStop(random(4) + 1);
gleftrand = random(4) + 2;
goleft = gleftrand;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
_x = (_x + goleft);
if ((this._currentframe == 34) && (_root.nopac > 0)) {
this.pcman.gotoAndStop(random(4) + 1);
gleftrand = random(4) + 2;
goleft = gleftrand;
_x = 170;
if (_x > 580) {
gleftrand = random(4) + 2;
goleft = gleftrand;
_x = 170;
this.pcman.gotoAndStop(random(4) + 1);
with (_root.player) {
if (this.pcman.hittest(_x, getBounds(_root).yMax, true)) {
if (_root.ftest == "yes") {
goleft = 0;;
suddenup = 25;
su = 3;
jump = true;
Instance of Symbol 156 MovieClip "pacman17" in Frame 526 (696 B)
onClipEvent (load) {
this.pcman.gotoAndStop(random(4) + 1);
gleftrand = random(4) + 2;
goleft = gleftrand;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
_x = (_x + goleft);
if ((this._currentframe == 34) && (_root.nopac > 0)) {
this.pcman.gotoAndStop(random(4) + 1);
gleftrand = random(4) + 2;
goleft = gleftrand;
_x = 170;
if (_x > 580) {
gleftrand = random(4) + 2;
goleft = gleftrand;
_x = 170;
this.pcman.gotoAndStop(random(4) + 1);
with (_root.player) {
if (this.pcman.hittest(_x, getBounds(_root).yMax, true)) {
if (_root.ftest == "yes") {
goleft = 0;;
suddenup = 25;
su = 3;
jump = true;
Instance of Symbol 156 MovieClip "pacman13" in Frame 526 (696 B)
onClipEvent (load) {
this.pcman.gotoAndStop(random(4) + 1);
gleftrand = random(4) + 2;
goleft = gleftrand;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
_x = (_x + goleft);
if ((this._currentframe == 34) && (_root.nopac > 0)) {
this.pcman.gotoAndStop(random(4) + 1);
gleftrand = random(4) + 2;
goleft = gleftrand;
_x = 170;
if (_x > 580) {
gleftrand = random(4) + 2;
goleft = gleftrand;
_x = 170;
this.pcman.gotoAndStop(random(4) + 1);
with (_root.player) {
if (this.pcman.hittest(_x, getBounds(_root).yMax, true)) {
if (_root.ftest == "yes") {
goleft = 0;;
suddenup = 25;
su = 3;
jump = true;
Instance of Symbol 156 MovieClip "pacman14" in Frame 526 (696 B)
onClipEvent (load) {
this.pcman.gotoAndStop(random(4) + 1);
gleftrand = random(4) + 2;
goleft = gleftrand;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
_x = (_x + goleft);
if ((this._currentframe == 34) && (_root.nopac > 0)) {
this.pcman.gotoAndStop(random(4) + 1);
gleftrand = random(4) + 2;
goleft = gleftrand;
_x = 170;
if (_x > 580) {
gleftrand = random(4) + 2;
goleft = gleftrand;
_x = 170;
this.pcman.gotoAndStop(random(4) + 1);
with (_root.player) {
if (this.pcman.hittest(_x, getBounds(_root).yMax, true)) {
if (_root.ftest == "yes") {
goleft = 0;;
suddenup = 25;
su = 3;
jump = true;
Instance of Symbol 156 MovieClip "pacman8" in Frame 526 (696 B)
onClipEvent (load) {
this.pcman.gotoAndStop(random(4) + 1);
gleftrand = random(4) + 2;
goleft = gleftrand;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
_x = (_x + goleft);
if ((this._currentframe == 34) && (_root.nopac > 0)) {
this.pcman.gotoAndStop(random(4) + 1);
gleftrand = random(4) + 2;
goleft = gleftrand;
_x = 170;
if (_x > 580) {
gleftrand = random(4) + 2;
goleft = gleftrand;
_x = 170;
this.pcman.gotoAndStop(random(4) + 1);
with (_root.player) {
if (this.pcman.hittest(_x, getBounds(_root).yMax, true)) {
if (_root.ftest == "yes") {
goleft = 0;;
suddenup = 25;
su = 3;
jump = true;
Instance of Symbol 156 MovieClip "pacman16" in Frame 526 (696 B)
onClipEvent (load) {
this.pcman.gotoAndStop(random(4) + 1);
gleftrand = random(4) + 2;
goleft = gleftrand;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
_x = (_x + goleft);
if ((this._currentframe == 34) && (_root.nopac > 0)) {
this.pcman.gotoAndStop(random(4) + 1);
gleftrand = random(4) + 2;
goleft = gleftrand;
_x = 170;
if (_x > 580) {
gleftrand = random(4) + 2;
goleft = gleftrand;
_x = 170;
this.pcman.gotoAndStop(random(4) + 1);
with (_root.player) {
if (this.pcman.hittest(_x, getBounds(_root).yMax, true)) {
if (_root.ftest == "yes") {
goleft = 0;;
suddenup = 25;
su = 3;
jump = true;
Instance of Symbol 156 MovieClip "pacman15" in Frame 526 (696 B)
onClipEvent (load) {
this.pcman.gotoAndStop(random(4) + 1);
gleftrand = random(4) + 2;
goleft = gleftrand;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
_x = (_x + goleft);
if ((this._currentframe == 34) && (_root.nopac > 0)) {
this.pcman.gotoAndStop(random(4) + 1);
gleftrand = random(4) + 2;
goleft = gleftrand;
_x = 170;
if (_x > 580) {
gleftrand = random(4) + 2;
goleft = gleftrand;
_x = 170;
this.pcman.gotoAndStop(random(4) + 1);
with (_root.player) {
if (this.pcman.hittest(_x, getBounds(_root).yMax, true)) {
if (_root.ftest == "yes") {
goleft = 0;;
suddenup = 25;
su = 3;
jump = true;
Instance of Symbol 156 MovieClip "pacman18" in Frame 526 (696 B)
onClipEvent (load) {
this.pcman.gotoAndStop(random(4) + 1);
gleftrand = random(4) + 2;
goleft = gleftrand;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
_x = (_x + goleft);
if ((this._currentframe == 34) && (_root.nopac > 0)) {
this.pcman.gotoAndStop(random(4) + 1);
gleftrand = random(4) + 2;
goleft = gleftrand;
_x = 170;
if (_x > 580) {
gleftrand = random(4) + 2;
goleft = gleftrand;
_x = 170;
this.pcman.gotoAndStop(random(4) + 1);
with (_root.player) {
if (this.pcman.hittest(_x, getBounds(_root).yMax, true)) {
if (_root.ftest == "yes") {
goleft = 0;;
suddenup = 25;
su = 3;
jump = true;
Instance of Symbol 173 MovieClip "player" in Frame 526 (1.03 KiB) ●
onClipEvent (load) {
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
_root.test = _x;
if (key.isdown(32) && (!jump)) {;
_root.tyme1 = 0;
_root.tyme2 = 0;
_root.tyme3 = 0;
_root.tyme4 = 0;
jumpsound = new Sound();
suddenup = 25;
su = 3;
jump = true;
if (key.isdown(37)) {
_x = (_x - 6);
rot = 15;
this.ball._rotation = this.ball._rotation - rot;
if (_x < 215.35) {
rot = 0;
_x = 215.35;
if (key.isdown(39)) {
_x = (_x + 6);
rot = 15;
this.ball._rotation = this.ball._rotation + rot;
if (_x > 541.35) {
rot = 0;
_x = 541.35;
if (jump) {
suddenup = suddenup - su;
_y = (_y - suddenup);
if (suddenup < -19) {
suddenup = -19;
_root.test = suddenup;
if (_root.test < 0) {
_root.ftest = "yes";
} else {
_root.ftest = "no";
if (_y > 508.2) {
_root.smoke._x = _x;;
_y = 508.2;
jump = false;
_root.ftest = "no";
Instance of Symbol 404 MovieClip "ball" in Frame 526 (335 B)
onClipEvent (load) {
cnt = 0;
b = 100;
counter = 1;
_root.nohit._visible = false;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
counter = counter + 1;
if (_root.tyme4 == 20) {
_root.tyme4 = 0;
if (_root.tyme3 == 60) {
_root.tyme3 = 0;
if (_root.tyme2 == 60) {
_root.tyme2 = 0;
Frame 527 (80 B)
_root.tyme1 = 0;
_root.tyme2 = 0;
_root.tyme3 = 0;
_root.tyme4 = 0;
Instance of Symbol 156 MovieClip "pacman1" in Frame 527 (696 B)
onClipEvent (load) {
this.pcman.gotoAndStop(random(4) + 1);
gleftrand = random(4) + 2;
goleft = gleftrand;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
_x = (_x + goleft);
if ((this._currentframe == 34) && (_root.nopac > 0)) {
this.pcman.gotoAndStop(random(4) + 1);
gleftrand = random(4) + 2;
goleft = gleftrand;
_x = 170;
if (_x > 580) {
gleftrand = random(4) + 2;
goleft = gleftrand;
_x = 170;
this.pcman.gotoAndStop(random(4) + 1);
with (_root.player) {
if (this.pcman.hittest(_x, getBounds(_root).yMax, true)) {
if (_root.ftest == "yes") {
goleft = 0;;
suddenup = 25;
su = 3;
jump = true;
Instance of Symbol 156 MovieClip "pacman2" in Frame 527 (696 B)
onClipEvent (load) {
this.pcman.gotoAndStop(random(4) + 1);
gleftrand = random(4) + 2;
goleft = gleftrand;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
_x = (_x + goleft);
if ((this._currentframe == 34) && (_root.nopac > 0)) {
this.pcman.gotoAndStop(random(4) + 1);
gleftrand = random(4) + 2;
goleft = gleftrand;
_x = 170;
if (_x > 580) {
gleftrand = random(4) + 2;
goleft = gleftrand;
_x = 170;
this.pcman.gotoAndStop(random(4) + 1);
with (_root.player) {
if (this.pcman.hittest(_x, getBounds(_root).yMax, true)) {
if (_root.ftest == "yes") {
goleft = 0;;
suddenup = 25;
su = 3;
jump = true;
Instance of Symbol 156 MovieClip "pacman3" in Frame 527 (696 B)
onClipEvent (load) {
this.pcman.gotoAndStop(random(4) + 1);
gleftrand = random(4) + 2;
goleft = gleftrand;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
_x = (_x + goleft);
if ((this._currentframe == 34) && (_root.nopac > 0)) {
this.pcman.gotoAndStop(random(4) + 1);
gleftrand = random(4) + 2;
goleft = gleftrand;
_x = 170;
if (_x > 580) {
gleftrand = random(4) + 2;
goleft = gleftrand;
_x = 170;
this.pcman.gotoAndStop(random(4) + 1);
with (_root.player) {
if (this.pcman.hittest(_x, getBounds(_root).yMax, true)) {
if (_root.ftest == "yes") {
goleft = 0;;
suddenup = 25;
su = 3;
jump = true;
Instance of Symbol 156 MovieClip "pacman9" in Frame 527 (696 B)
onClipEvent (load) {
this.pcman.gotoAndStop(random(4) + 1);
gleftrand = random(4) + 2;
goleft = gleftrand;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
_x = (_x + goleft);
if ((this._currentframe == 34) && (_root.nopac > 0)) {
this.pcman.gotoAndStop(random(4) + 1);
gleftrand = random(4) + 2;
goleft = gleftrand;
_x = 170;
if (_x > 580) {
gleftrand = random(4) + 2;
goleft = gleftrand;
_x = 170;
this.pcman.gotoAndStop(random(4) + 1);
with (_root.player) {
if (this.pcman.hittest(_x, getBounds(_root).yMax, true)) {
if (_root.ftest == "yes") {
goleft = 0;;
suddenup = 25;
su = 3;
jump = true;
Instance of Symbol 156 MovieClip "pacman4" in Frame 527 (696 B)
onClipEvent (load) {
this.pcman.gotoAndStop(random(4) + 1);
gleftrand = random(4) + 2;
goleft = gleftrand;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
_x = (_x + goleft);
if ((this._currentframe == 34) && (_root.nopac > 0)) {
this.pcman.gotoAndStop(random(4) + 1);
gleftrand = random(4) + 2;
goleft = gleftrand;
_x = 170;
if (_x > 580) {
gleftrand = random(4) + 2;
goleft = gleftrand;
_x = 170;
this.pcman.gotoAndStop(random(4) + 1);
with (_root.player) {
if (this.pcman.hittest(_x, getBounds(_root).yMax, true)) {
if (_root.ftest == "yes") {
goleft = 0;;
suddenup = 25;
su = 3;
jump = true;
Instance of Symbol 156 MovieClip "pacman7" in Frame 527 (696 B)
onClipEvent (load) {
this.pcman.gotoAndStop(random(4) + 1);
gleftrand = random(4) + 2;
goleft = gleftrand;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
_x = (_x + goleft);
if ((this._currentframe == 34) && (_root.nopac > 0)) {
this.pcman.gotoAndStop(random(4) + 1);
gleftrand = random(4) + 2;
goleft = gleftrand;
_x = 170;
if (_x > 580) {
gleftrand = random(4) + 2;
goleft = gleftrand;
_x = 170;
this.pcman.gotoAndStop(random(4) + 1);
with (_root.player) {
if (this.pcman.hittest(_x, getBounds(_root).yMax, true)) {
if (_root.ftest == "yes") {
goleft = 0;;
suddenup = 25;
su = 3;
jump = true;
Instance of Symbol 156 MovieClip "pacman10" in Frame 527 (696 B)
onClipEvent (load) {
this.pcman.gotoAndStop(random(4) + 1);
gleftrand = random(4) + 2;
goleft = gleftrand;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
_x = (_x + goleft);
if ((this._currentframe == 34) && (_root.nopac > 0)) {
this.pcman.gotoAndStop(random(4) + 1);
gleftrand = random(4) + 2;
goleft = gleftrand;
_x = 170;
if (_x > 580) {
gleftrand = random(4) + 2;
goleft = gleftrand;
_x = 170;
this.pcman.gotoAndStop(random(4) + 1);
with (_root.player) {
if (this.pcman.hittest(_x, getBounds(_root).yMax, true)) {
if (_root.ftest == "yes") {
goleft = 0;;
suddenup = 25;
su = 3;
jump = true;
Instance of Symbol 156 MovieClip "pacman11" in Frame 527 (696 B)
onClipEvent (load) {
this.pcman.gotoAndStop(random(4) + 1);
gleftrand = random(4) + 2;
goleft = gleftrand;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
_x = (_x + goleft);
if ((this._currentframe == 34) && (_root.nopac > 0)) {
this.pcman.gotoAndStop(random(4) + 1);
gleftrand = random(4) + 2;
goleft = gleftrand;
_x = 170;
if (_x > 580) {
gleftrand = random(4) + 2;
goleft = gleftrand;
_x = 170;
this.pcman.gotoAndStop(random(4) + 1);
with (_root.player) {
if (this.pcman.hittest(_x, getBounds(_root).yMax, true)) {
if (_root.ftest == "yes") {
goleft = 0;;
suddenup = 25;
su = 3;
jump = true;
Instance of Symbol 156 MovieClip "pacman17" in Frame 527 (696 B)
onClipEvent (load) {
this.pcman.gotoAndStop(random(4) + 1);
gleftrand = random(4) + 2;
goleft = gleftrand;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
_x = (_x + goleft);
if ((this._currentframe == 34) && (_root.nopac > 0)) {
this.pcman.gotoAndStop(random(4) + 1);
gleftrand = random(4) + 2;
goleft = gleftrand;
_x = 170;
if (_x > 580) {
gleftrand = random(4) + 2;
goleft = gleftrand;
_x = 170;
this.pcman.gotoAndStop(random(4) + 1);
with (_root.player) {
if (this.pcman.hittest(_x, getBounds(_root).yMax, true)) {
if (_root.ftest == "yes") {
goleft = 0;;
suddenup = 25;
su = 3;
jump = true;
Instance of Symbol 156 MovieClip "pacman13" in Frame 527 (696 B)
onClipEvent (load) {
this.pcman.gotoAndStop(random(4) + 1);
gleftrand = random(4) + 2;
goleft = gleftrand;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
_x = (_x + goleft);
if ((this._currentframe == 34) && (_root.nopac > 0)) {
this.pcman.gotoAndStop(random(4) + 1);
gleftrand = random(4) + 2;
goleft = gleftrand;
_x = 170;
if (_x > 580) {
gleftrand = random(4) + 2;
goleft = gleftrand;
_x = 170;
this.pcman.gotoAndStop(random(4) + 1);
with (_root.player) {
if (this.pcman.hittest(_x, getBounds(_root).yMax, true)) {
if (_root.ftest == "yes") {
goleft = 0;;
suddenup = 25;
su = 3;
jump = true;
Instance of Symbol 156 MovieClip "pacman15" in Frame 527 (696 B)
onClipEvent (load) {
this.pcman.gotoAndStop(random(4) + 1);
gleftrand = random(4) + 2;
goleft = gleftrand;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
_x = (_x + goleft);
if ((this._currentframe == 34) && (_root.nopac > 0)) {
this.pcman.gotoAndStop(random(4) + 1);
gleftrand = random(4) + 2;
goleft = gleftrand;
_x = 170;
if (_x > 580) {
gleftrand = random(4) + 2;
goleft = gleftrand;
_x = 170;
this.pcman.gotoAndStop(random(4) + 1);
with (_root.player) {
if (this.pcman.hittest(_x, getBounds(_root).yMax, true)) {
if (_root.ftest == "yes") {
goleft = 0;;
suddenup = 25;
su = 3;
jump = true;
Instance of Symbol 156 MovieClip "pacman18" in Frame 527 (696 B)
onClipEvent (load) {
this.pcman.gotoAndStop(random(4) + 1);
gleftrand = random(4) + 2;
goleft = gleftrand;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
_x = (_x + goleft);
if ((this._currentframe == 34) && (_root.nopac > 0)) {
this.pcman.gotoAndStop(random(4) + 1);
gleftrand = random(4) + 2;
goleft = gleftrand;
_x = 170;
if (_x > 580) {
gleftrand = random(4) + 2;
goleft = gleftrand;
_x = 170;
this.pcman.gotoAndStop(random(4) + 1);
with (_root.player) {
if (this.pcman.hittest(_x, getBounds(_root).yMax, true)) {
if (_root.ftest == "yes") {
goleft = 0;;
suddenup = 25;
su = 3;
jump = true;
Instance of Symbol 173 MovieClip "player" in Frame 527 (1.03 KiB) ●
onClipEvent (load) {
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
_root.test = _x;
if (key.isdown(32) && (!jump)) {;
_root.tyme1 = 0;
_root.tyme2 = 0;
_root.tyme3 = 0;
_root.tyme4 = 0;
jumpsound = new Sound();
suddenup = 25;
su = 3;
jump = true;
if (key.isdown(37)) {
_x = (_x - 6);
rot = 15;
this.ball._rotation = this.ball._rotation - rot;
if (_x < 215.35) {
rot = 0;
_x = 215.35;
if (key.isdown(39)) {
_x = (_x + 6);
rot = 15;
this.ball._rotation = this.ball._rotation + rot;
if (_x > 541.35) {
rot = 0;
_x = 541.35;
if (jump) {
suddenup = suddenup - su;
_y = (_y - suddenup);
if (suddenup < -19) {
suddenup = -19;
_root.test = suddenup;
if (_root.test < 0) {
_root.ftest = "yes";
} else {
_root.ftest = "no";
if (_y > 508.2) {
_root.smoke._x = _x;;
_y = 508.2;
jump = false;
_root.ftest = "no";
Instance of Symbol 404 MovieClip "ball" in Frame 527 (335 B)
onClipEvent (load) {
cnt = 0;
b = 100;
counter = 1;
_root.nohit._visible = false;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
counter = counter + 1;
if (_root.tyme4 == 20) {
_root.tyme4 = 0;
if (_root.tyme3 == 60) {
_root.tyme3 = 0;
if (_root.tyme2 == 60) {
_root.tyme2 = 0;
Frame 528 (80 B)
_root.tyme1 = 0;
_root.tyme2 = 0;
_root.tyme3 = 0;
_root.tyme4 = 0;
Instance of Symbol 156 MovieClip "pacman1" in Frame 528 (696 B)
onClipEvent (load) {
this.pcman.gotoAndStop(random(4) + 1);
gleftrand = random(4) + 2;
goleft = gleftrand;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
_x = (_x + goleft);
if ((this._currentframe == 34) && (_root.nopac > 0)) {
this.pcman.gotoAndStop(random(4) + 1);
gleftrand = random(4) + 2;
goleft = gleftrand;
_x = 170;
if (_x > 580) {
gleftrand = random(4) + 2;
goleft = gleftrand;
_x = 170;
this.pcman.gotoAndStop(random(4) + 1);
with (_root.player) {
if (this.pcman.hittest(_x, getBounds(_root).yMax, true)) {
if (_root.ftest == "yes") {
goleft = 0;;
suddenup = 25;
su = 3;
jump = true;
Instance of Symbol 156 MovieClip "pacman2" in Frame 528 (696 B)
onClipEvent (load) {
this.pcman.gotoAndStop(random(4) + 1);
gleftrand = random(4) + 2;
goleft = gleftrand;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
_x = (_x + goleft);
if ((this._currentframe == 34) && (_root.nopac > 0)) {
this.pcman.gotoAndStop(random(4) + 1);
gleftrand = random(4) + 2;
goleft = gleftrand;
_x = 170;
if (_x > 580) {
gleftrand = random(4) + 2;
goleft = gleftrand;
_x = 170;
this.pcman.gotoAndStop(random(4) + 1);
with (_root.player) {
if (this.pcman.hittest(_x, getBounds(_root).yMax, true)) {
if (_root.ftest == "yes") {
goleft = 0;;
suddenup = 25;
su = 3;
jump = true;
Instance of Symbol 156 MovieClip "pacman9" in Frame 528 (696 B)
onClipEvent (load) {
this.pcman.gotoAndStop(random(4) + 1);
gleftrand = random(4) + 2;
goleft = gleftrand;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
_x = (_x + goleft);
if ((this._currentframe == 34) && (_root.nopac > 0)) {
this.pcman.gotoAndStop(random(4) + 1);
gleftrand = random(4) + 2;
goleft = gleftrand;
_x = 170;
if (_x > 580) {
gleftrand = random(4) + 2;
goleft = gleftrand;
_x = 170;
this.pcman.gotoAndStop(random(4) + 1);
with (_root.player) {
if (this.pcman.hittest(_x, getBounds(_root).yMax, true)) {
if (_root.ftest == "yes") {
goleft = 0;;
suddenup = 25;
su = 3;
jump = true;
Instance of Symbol 156 MovieClip "pacman7" in Frame 528 (696 B)
onClipEvent (load) {
this.pcman.gotoAndStop(random(4) + 1);
gleftrand = random(4) + 2;
goleft = gleftrand;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
_x = (_x + goleft);
if ((this._currentframe == 34) && (_root.nopac > 0)) {
this.pcman.gotoAndStop(random(4) + 1);
gleftrand = random(4) + 2;
goleft = gleftrand;
_x = 170;
if (_x > 580) {
gleftrand = random(4) + 2;
goleft = gleftrand;
_x = 170;
this.pcman.gotoAndStop(random(4) + 1);
with (_root.player) {
if (this.pcman.hittest(_x, getBounds(_root).yMax, true)) {
if (_root.ftest == "yes") {
goleft = 0;;
suddenup = 25;
su = 3;
jump = true;
Instance of Symbol 156 MovieClip "pacman10" in Frame 528 (696 B)
onClipEvent (load) {
this.pcman.gotoAndStop(random(4) + 1);
gleftrand = random(4) + 2;
goleft = gleftrand;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
_x = (_x + goleft);
if ((this._currentframe == 34) && (_root.nopac > 0)) {
this.pcman.gotoAndStop(random(4) + 1);
gleftrand = random(4) + 2;
goleft = gleftrand;
_x = 170;
if (_x > 580) {
gleftrand = random(4) + 2;
goleft = gleftrand;
_x = 170;
this.pcman.gotoAndStop(random(4) + 1);
with (_root.player) {
if (this.pcman.hittest(_x, getBounds(_root).yMax, true)) {
if (_root.ftest == "yes") {
goleft = 0;;
suddenup = 25;
su = 3;
jump = true;
Instance of Symbol 156 MovieClip "pacman13" in Frame 528 (696 B)
onClipEvent (load) {
this.pcman.gotoAndStop(random(4) + 1);
gleftrand = random(4) + 2;
goleft = gleftrand;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
_x = (_x + goleft);
if ((this._currentframe == 34) && (_root.nopac > 0)) {
this.pcman.gotoAndStop(random(4) + 1);
gleftrand = random(4) + 2;
goleft = gleftrand;
_x = 170;
if (_x > 580) {
gleftrand = random(4) + 2;
goleft = gleftrand;
_x = 170;
this.pcman.gotoAndStop(random(4) + 1);
with (_root.player) {
if (this.pcman.hittest(_x, getBounds(_root).yMax, true)) {
if (_root.ftest == "yes") {
goleft = 0;;
suddenup = 25;
su = 3;
jump = true;
Instance of Symbol 156 MovieClip "pacman18" in Frame 528 (696 B)
onClipEvent (load) {
this.pcman.gotoAndStop(random(4) + 1);
gleftrand = random(4) + 2;
goleft = gleftrand;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
_x = (_x + goleft);
if ((this._currentframe == 34) && (_root.nopac > 0)) {
this.pcman.gotoAndStop(random(4) + 1);
gleftrand = random(4) + 2;
goleft = gleftrand;
_x = 170;
if (_x > 580) {
gleftrand = random(4) + 2;
goleft = gleftrand;
_x = 170;
this.pcman.gotoAndStop(random(4) + 1);
with (_root.player) {
if (this.pcman.hittest(_x, getBounds(_root).yMax, true)) {
if (_root.ftest == "yes") {
goleft = 0;;
suddenup = 25;
su = 3;
jump = true;
Instance of Symbol 173 MovieClip "player" in Frame 528 (1.03 KiB) ●
onClipEvent (load) {
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
_root.test = _x;
if (key.isdown(32) && (!jump)) {;
_root.tyme1 = 0;
_root.tyme2 = 0;
_root.tyme3 = 0;
_root.tyme4 = 0;
jumpsound = new Sound();
suddenup = 25;
su = 3;
jump = true;
if (key.isdown(37)) {
_x = (_x - 6);
rot = 15;
this.ball._rotation = this.ball._rotation - rot;
if (_x < 215.35) {
rot = 0;
_x = 215.35;
if (key.isdown(39)) {
_x = (_x + 6);
rot = 15;
this.ball._rotation = this.ball._rotation + rot;
if (_x > 541.35) {
rot = 0;
_x = 541.35;
if (jump) {
suddenup = suddenup - su;
_y = (_y - suddenup);
if (suddenup < -19) {
suddenup = -19;
_root.test = suddenup;
if (_root.test < 0) {
_root.ftest = "yes";
} else {
_root.ftest = "no";
if (_y > 508.2) {
_root.smoke._x = _x;;
_y = 508.2;
jump = false;
_root.ftest = "no";
Instance of Symbol 404 MovieClip "ball" in Frame 528 (335 B)
onClipEvent (load) {
cnt = 0;
b = 100;
counter = 1;
_root.nohit._visible = false;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
counter = counter + 1;
if (_root.tyme4 == 20) {
_root.tyme4 = 0;
if (_root.tyme3 == 60) {
_root.tyme3 = 0;
if (_root.tyme2 == 60) {
_root.tyme2 = 0;
Symbol 10 MovieClip Frame 1 (193 B)
PercentLoaded = (_root.getBytesLoaded() / _root.getBytesTotal()) * 100;
if (PercentLoaded != 100) {
setProperty(bar, _xscale , PercentLoaded);
} else {
gotoAndPlay (3);
Symbol 10 MovieClip Frame 2 (17 B)
gotoAndPlay (1);
Symbol 10 MovieClip Frame 3 (14 B);
Symbol 42 Button (53 B)
on (release) {
gotoAndPlay (83);
Symbol 48 Button (54 B)
on (release) {
gotoAndPlay (526);
Symbol 54 Button (54 B)
on (release) {
gotoAndPlay (525);
Symbol 60 Button (38 B)
on (release) {
Symbol 91 MovieClip Frame 16 (8 B)
Symbol 103 MovieClip Frame 231 (8 B)
Symbol 112 Button (48 B)
on (release) {
Symbol 155 MovieClip Frame 1 (8 B)
Symbol 155 MovieClip Frame 2 (8 B)
Symbol 155 MovieClip Frame 3 (8 B)
Symbol 155 MovieClip Frame 4 (8 B)
Symbol 156 MovieClip Frame 1 (8 B)
Symbol 156 MovieClip Frame 34 (8 B)
Symbol 173 MovieClip Frame 1 (8 B)
Symbol 173 MovieClip Frame 2 (37 B)
jump = true;
suddenup = 0;
su = 0;
Symbol 173 MovieClip Frame 10 (17 B)
Symbol 173 MovieClip Frame 21 (19 B)
Symbol 178 MovieClip Frame 1 (8 B)
Symbol 187 MovieClip Frame 20 (50 B)
if (_root.pactime > 0) {
Symbol 191 Button (53 B)
on (release) {
gotoAndStop (82);
Symbol 194 MovieClip Frame 1 (8 B)
Symbol 194 MovieClip Frame 2 (95 B)
if (_root.pacman1._currentframe == 1) {
_root.pacman1.goleft = 0;;
Symbol 194 MovieClip Frame 4 (95 B)
if (_root.pacman2._currentframe == 1) {
_root.pacman2.goleft = 0;;
Symbol 194 MovieClip Frame 6 (95 B)
if (_root.pacman3._currentframe == 1) {
_root.pacman3.goleft = 0;;
Symbol 194 MovieClip Frame 8 (95 B)
if (_root.pacman4._currentframe == 1) {
_root.pacman4.goleft = 0;;
Symbol 194 MovieClip Frame 10 (95 B)
if (_root.pacman5._currentframe == 1) {
_root.pacman5.goleft = 0;;
Symbol 194 MovieClip Frame 12 (95 B)
if (_root.pacman6._currentframe == 1) {
_root.pacman6.goleft = 0;;
Symbol 194 MovieClip Frame 14 (95 B)
if (_root.pacman7._currentframe == 1) {
_root.pacman7.goleft = 0;;
Symbol 194 MovieClip Frame 16 (95 B)
if (_root.pacman8._currentframe == 1) {
_root.pacman8.goleft = 0;;
Symbol 194 MovieClip Frame 18 (95 B)
if (_root.pacman9._currentframe == 1) {
_root.pacman9.goleft = 0;;
Symbol 194 MovieClip Frame 20 (98 B)
if (_root.pacman10._currentframe == 1) {
_root.pacman10.goleft = 0;;
Symbol 194 MovieClip Frame 22 (98 B)
if (_root.pacman11._currentframe == 1) {
_root.pacman11.goleft = 0;;
Symbol 194 MovieClip Frame 24 (98 B)
if (_root.pacman12._currentframe == 1) {
_root.pacman12.goleft = 0;;
Symbol 194 MovieClip Frame 26 (98 B)
if (_root.pacman13._currentframe == 1) {
_root.pacman13.goleft = 0;;
Symbol 194 MovieClip Frame 28 (98 B)
if (_root.pacman14._currentframe == 1) {
_root.pacman14.goleft = 0;;
Symbol 194 MovieClip Frame 30 (98 B)
if (_root.pacman15._currentframe == 1) {
_root.pacman15.goleft = 0;;
Symbol 194 MovieClip Frame 32 (98 B)
if (_root.pacman16._currentframe == 1) {
_root.pacman16.goleft = 0;;
Symbol 194 MovieClip Frame 34 (98 B)
if (_root.pacman17._currentframe == 1) {
_root.pacman17.goleft = 0;;
Symbol 194 MovieClip Frame 36 (98 B)
if (_root.pacman18._currentframe == 1) {
_root.pacman18.goleft = 0;;
Symbol 194 MovieClip Frame 50 (32 B)
Symbol 267 MovieClip Frame 1 (8 B)
Symbol 267 MovieClip Frame 2 (8 B)
Symbol 297 MovieClip Frame 17 (8 B)
Symbol 298 MovieClip Frame 59 (109 B)
with (_root.cball1) {;
fall = false;
_y = 315.95;
sup = 2;
Symbol 300 MovieClip Frame 1 (8 B)
Symbol 300 MovieClip Frame 2 (8 B)
Symbol 300 MovieClip Frame 3 (8 B)
Symbol 301 MovieClip Frame 59 (109 B)
with (_root.cball2) {;
fall = false;
_y = 315.95;
sup = 2;
Symbol 302 MovieClip Frame 1 (8 B)
Symbol 302 MovieClip Frame 2 (8 B)
Symbol 302 MovieClip Frame 3 (8 B)
Symbol 307 MovieClip Frame 1 (8 B)
Symbol 310 MovieClip Frame 1 (8 B)
Symbol 326 MovieClip Frame 9 (162 B)
if (_root.kingpacman.goleft == false) {
} else if (_root.kingpacman.goright == false) {
Symbol 358 MovieClip Frame 53 (67 B)
if (_root.pacman1._currentframe == 1) {;
Symbol 358 MovieClip Frame 55 (67 B)
if (_root.pacman2._currentframe == 1) {;
Symbol 358 MovieClip Frame 57 (67 B)
if (_root.pacman3._currentframe == 1) {;
Symbol 358 MovieClip Frame 59 (67 B)
if (_root.pacman4._currentframe == 1) {;
Symbol 358 MovieClip Frame 61 (67 B)
if (_root.pacman5._currentframe == 1) {;
Symbol 358 MovieClip Frame 63 (67 B)
if (_root.pacman6._currentframe == 1) {;
Symbol 358 MovieClip Frame 65 (67 B)
if (_root.pacman7._currentframe == 1) {;
Symbol 358 MovieClip Frame 67 (99 B)
if (_root.pacman8._currentframe == 1) {;
Symbol 358 MovieClip Frame 69 (67 B)
if (_root.pacman9._currentframe == 1) {;
Symbol 358 MovieClip Frame 71 (69 B)
if (_root.pacman10._currentframe == 1) {;
Symbol 358 MovieClip Frame 73 (69 B)
if (_root.pacman11._currentframe == 1) {;
Symbol 358 MovieClip Frame 90 (24 B);
Symbol 359 MovieClip Frame 1 (76 B)
_root.kingpacman.goleft = false;
_root.kingpacman.goright = true;
Symbol 359 MovieClip Frame 2 (76 B)
_root.kingpacman.goright = false;
_root.kingpacman.goleft = true;
Symbol 359 MovieClip Frame 3 (8 B)
Symbol 359 MovieClip Frame 4 (8 B)
Symbol 359 MovieClip Frame 5 (8 B)
Symbol 359 MovieClip Frame 6 (8 B)
Symbol 387 Button (53 B)
on (release) {
gotoAndStop (82);
Symbol 404 MovieClip Frame 1 (8 B)
Symbol 404 MovieClip Frame 3 (33 B)
gotoAndPlay (2);
Symbol 413 Button (54 B)
on (release) {
gotoAndStop (527);
Symbol 416 Button (54 B)
on (release) {
gotoAndPlay (528);
Symbol 428 Button (54 B)
on (release) {
gotoAndPlay (526);
Symbol 438 Button (54 B)
on (release) {
gotoAndPlay (527);