Frame 1
Instance of Symbol 32 MovieClip "constant" in Frame 1
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (j > 95300) {
j = 95000 /* 0x017318 */;
if (i > 95000) {
i = 90000 /* 0x015F90 */;
if (herohealth < 0) {
herohealth = 0;
if (herohealth > 100) {
herohealth = 100;
onClipEvent (load) {
soundvolume = 80;
herohealth = 100;
gold = 0;
zombiesleft = 20;
round = 1;
linktimer = 120;
max = 60;
min = 30;
explosion = 1;
bangy = 50;
bangx = 50;
j = 95000 /* 0x017318 */;
p = 3000;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (_root.isLinkPressed == true) {
linktimer = linktimer - 1;
if (linktimer < 0) {
_root.getURL("", "_blank");
_root.isLinkPressed = false;
Instance of Symbol 40 MovieClip "loadbar" in Frame 1
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
loaded = Math.round((_root.getBytesLoaded() / _root.getBytesTotal()) * 100);
_xscale = loaded;
if (loaded > 99) {
_alpha = (_alpha - 5);
timer = timer + 5;
if (timer > 99) {
onClipEvent (load) {
loaded = 0;
timer = 0;
_xscale = 0;
_alpha = 100;
Frame 2
function __com_mochibot__(swfid, mc, lv, trk) {
var x;
var g;
var s;
var fv;
var sb;
var u;
var res;
var mb;
var mbc;
mb = "__mochibot__";
mbc = "";
g = (_global ? (_global) : (_level0._root));
if (g[mb + swfid]) {
return(g[mb + swfid]);
s =;
x = mc._root.getSWFVersion;
fv = (x ? (mc.getSWFVersion()) : ((_global ? 6 : 5)));
if (!s) {
s = {};
sb = s.sandboxType;
if (sb == "localWithFile") {
x = s.allowDomain;
if (x) {
x = s.allowInsecureDomain;
if (x) {
u = (((((((((((("http://" + mbc) + "/my/core.swf?mv=7&fv=") + fv) + "&v=") + escape(getVersion())) + "&swfid=") + escape(swfid)) + "&l=") + lv) + "&f=") + mc) + (sb ? ("&sb=" + sb) : "")) + (trk ? "&t=1" : "");
lv = ((fv > 6) ? (mc.getNextHighestDepth()) : ((g[mb + "level"] ? (g[mb + "level"] + 1) : (lv))));
g[mb + "level"] = lv;
if (fv == 5) {
res = "_level" + lv;
if (!eval (res)) {
loadMovieNum (u, lv);
} else {
res = mc.createEmptyMovieClip(mb + swfid, lv);
__com_mochibot__("e3838de7", this, 10301, true);
Instance of Symbol 50 MovieClip "menu" in Frame 2
onClipEvent (load) {
_alpha = 0;
var intro_sound = new Sound();
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
_alpha = (_alpha + 1);
Instance of Symbol 52 MovieClip in Frame 2
onClipEvent (load) {
_alpha = 0;
starty = this._y;
instructionsy = this._y + 22;
creditsy = this._y + 44;
moregamesy = this._y + 66;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
_alpha = (_alpha + 1);
if (_root.nav == 1) {
this._y = this._y + ((starty - this._y) / 8);
} else if (_root.nav == 2) {
this._y = this._y + ((instructionsy - this._y) / 8);
} else if (_root.nav == 3) {
this._y = this._y + ((creditsy - this._y) / 8);
} else if (_root.nav == 4) {
this._y = this._y + ((moregamesy - this._y) / 8);
Instance of Symbol 57 MovieClip "quality" in Frame 2
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (_quality == "MEDIUM") {
gotoAndPlay (2);
if (_quality == "HIGH") {
gotoAndPlay (1);
if (_quality == "LOW") {
gotoAndPlay (3);
Frame 3
Instance of Symbol 418 MovieClip "orb" in Frame 3
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
movespeed = 2;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (_root.constant.herohealth > 0) {
if (Key.isDown(65)) {
_x = (_x - movespeed);
_rotation = 0;
if (Key.isDown(68)) {
_x = (_x + movespeed);
_rotation = 180;
if (Key.isDown(87)) {
_y = (_y - movespeed);
_rotation = 90;
if (Key.isDown(83)) {
_y = (_y + movespeed);
_rotation = -90;
if (Key.isDown(65) and Key.isDown(87)) {
_rotation = 45;
if (Key.isDown(65) and Key.isDown(83)) {
_rotation = -45;
if (Key.isDown(68) and Key.isDown(87)) {
_rotation = 135;
if (Key.isDown(68) and Key.isDown(83)) {
_rotation = -135;
Instance of Symbol 543 MovieClip "badorb" in Frame 3
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
_root.badorb._x = -50000;
_root.badorb._y = -50000;
_root.badorb100001._x = -50000;
_root.badorb100001._y = -50000;
onClipEvent (load) {
_y = -50;
_x = random(500);
yspeed = 0;
xspeed = 0;
pathtimer = 10;
raildeath = 0;
colour = 0;
i = 6000;
shottimer = 0;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
pathtimer = pathtimer - 1;
if (pathtimer < 0) {
pathtimer = 2;
_y = (_y + yspeed);
_x = (_x + xspeed);
if ((this._x > _root.orb._x) and (pathtimer == 0)) {
yspeed = (-Math.sin(Math.atan((this._y - _root.orb._y) / (this._x - _root.orb._x)))) * speed;
xspeed = (-Math.cos(Math.atan((this._y - _root.orb._y) / (this._x - _root.orb._x)))) * speed;
_rotation = ((Math.atan(yspeed / xspeed) * 57.2957795130823) + 90);
if ((this._x < _root.orb._x) and (pathtimer == 0)) {
yspeed = Math.sin(Math.atan((this._y - _root.orb._y) / (this._x - _root.orb._x))) * speed;
xspeed = Math.cos(Math.atan((this._y - _root.orb._y) / (this._x - _root.orb._x))) * speed;
_rotation = (((Math.atan(yspeed / xspeed) * 57.2957795130823) + 90) + 180);
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (_root._currentframe != 3) {
if (raildeath == 1) {
colour = colour + 1;
colorObj = new Color(this);
colorObj.setTransform({ra:250, rb:250, ga:250, gb:250, ba:250, bb:250});
_alpha = (_alpha - 5);
if (colour > 25) {
_root.constant.zombiesleft = _root.constant.zombiesleft - 1; = + 20;
if (health < 1) {
_root.constant.i = _root.constant.i + 1;
_root.zombiedeath.duplicateMovieClip("zombie" + _root.constant.i, _root.constant.i);
_root["zombie" + _root.constant.i]._x = _x;
_root["zombie" + _root.constant.i]._y = _y;
_root["zombie" + _root.constant.i]._rotation = _rotation;
_root["zombie" + _root.constant.i]._xscale = _xscale;
_root["zombie" + _root.constant.i]._yscale = _yscale;
_root["zombie" + _root.constant.i].gotoAndStop(1 + random(4));
if (_currentframe == 2) {
_root["zombie" + _root.constant.i].gotoAndStop(5 + random(3));
if (_currentframe == 3) {
_root["zombie" + _root.constant.i].gotoAndStop(8 + random(3));
_root.constant.zombiesleft = _root.constant.zombiesleft - 1; = + 20;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (_currentframe == 3) {
if (Math.sqrt(((this._y - _root.orb._y) * (this._y - _root.orb._y)) + ((this._x - _root.orb._x) * (this._x - _root.orb._x))) < 400) {
shottimer = shottimer - 1;
if (shottimer < 1) {
_root.constant.i = _root.constant.i + 1;
_root.acidshot.duplicateMovieClip("acidshot" + _root.constant.i, _root.constant.i);
_root["acidshot" + _root.constant.i]._x = _x;
_root["acidshot" + _root.constant.i]._y = _y;
_root["acidshot" + _root.constant.i].spray = 1;
shottimer = 300;
Instance of Symbol 545 MovieClip "square" in Frame 3
onClipEvent (load) {
q = 100000 /* 0x0186A0 */;
timer = 1;
badorb = [_root.badorb];
p = 0;
zombiecount = _root.constant.zombiesleft + 1;
_alpha = 0;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
timer = timer - 1;
if (((timer < 0) and (zombiecount > 0)) and (_root.constant.round == 1)) {
q = q + 1;
p = badorb.length;
_root.badorb.duplicateMovieClip("badorb" + q, q);
badorb[p] = "_root.badorb" + q;
_root["badorb" + q].speed = 0.5 + (random(100) / 200);
_root["badorb" + q].health = 50 + random(20);
_root["badorb" + q].gotoAndStop(4);
timer = 30 + random(20);
zombiecount = zombiecount - 1;
if (((timer < 0) and (zombiecount > 0)) and (_root.constant.round == 2)) {
q = q + 1;
p = badorb.length;
_root.badorb.duplicateMovieClip("badorb" + q, q);
badorb[p] = "_root.badorb" + q;
_root["badorb" + q].speed = 0.5 + (random(100) / 200);
_root["badorb" + q].health = 50 + random(20);
_root["badorb" + q].gotoAndStop(4);
timer = 30 + random(20);
zombiecount = zombiecount - 1;
if (((timer < 0) and (zombiecount > 0)) and (_root.constant.round == 3)) {
q = q + 1;
p = badorb.length;
_root.badorb.duplicateMovieClip("badorb" + q, q);
badorb[p] = "_root.badorb" + q;
_root["badorb" + q].speed = 0.5 + (random(100) / 200);
_root["badorb" + q].health = 50 + random(20);
_root["badorb" + q].gotoAndStop(4);
timer = 20 + random(30);
zombiecount = zombiecount - 1;
if (((timer < 0) and (zombiecount > 0)) and (_root.constant.round == 4)) {
q = q + 1;
p = badorb.length;
_root.badorb.duplicateMovieClip("badorb" + q, q);
badorb[p] = "_root.badorb" + q;
type = 1 + random(10);
if (type < 9) {
_root["badorb" + q].speed = 0.5 + (random(100) / 200);
_root["badorb" + q].health = 50 + random(20);
_root["badorb" + q].gotoAndStop(4);
if (type > 8) {
_root["badorb" + q].speed = 1.5 + (random(100) / 200);
_root["badorb" + q].health = 40 + random(20);
_root["badorb" + q].gotoAndStop(1);
timer = 20 + random(30);
zombiecount = zombiecount - 1;
if (((timer < 0) and (zombiecount > 0)) and (_root.constant.round == 5)) {
q = q + 1;
p = badorb.length;
_root.badorb.duplicateMovieClip("badorb" + q, q);
badorb[p] = "_root.badorb" + q;
type = 1 + random(10);
if (type < 6) {
_root["badorb" + q].speed = 0.5 + (random(100) / 200);
_root["badorb" + q].health = 50 + random(20);
_root["badorb" + q].gotoAndStop(4);
if (type > 5) {
_root["badorb" + q].speed = 1.5 + (random(100) / 200);
_root["badorb" + q].health = 50 + random(20);
_root["badorb" + q].gotoAndStop(1);
timer = 20 + random(30);
zombiecount = zombiecount - 1;
if (((timer < 0) and (zombiecount > 0)) and (_root.constant.round == 6)) {
q = q + 1;
p = badorb.length;
_root.badorb.duplicateMovieClip("badorb" + q, q);
badorb[p] = "_root.badorb" + q;
type = 1 + random(10);
if (type < 6) {
_root["badorb" + q].speed = 0.5 + (random(100) / 200);
_root["badorb" + q].health = 50 + random(20);
_root["badorb" + q].gotoAndStop(4);
if (type > 5) {
_root["badorb" + q].speed = 1.5 + (random(100) / 200);
_root["badorb" + q].health = 50 + random(20);
_root["badorb" + q].gotoAndStop(1);
timer = 30 + random(40);
zombiecount = zombiecount - 1;
if (((timer < 0) and (zombiecount > 0)) and (_root.constant.round == 7)) {
q = q + 1;
p = badorb.length;
_root.badorb.duplicateMovieClip("badorb" + q, q);
badorb[p] = "_root.badorb" + q;
type = 1 + random(10);
if (type < 6) {
_root["badorb" + q].speed = 0.5 + (random(100) / 200);
_root["badorb" + q].health = 50 + random(20);
_root["badorb" + q].gotoAndStop(4);
if (type > 5) {
_root["badorb" + q].speed = 1.5 + (random(100) / 200);
_root["badorb" + q].health = 50 + random(20);
_root["badorb" + q].gotoAndStop(1);
timer = 30 + random(40);
zombiecount = zombiecount - 1;
if (((timer < 0) and (zombiecount > 0)) and (_root.constant.round == 8)) {
q = q + 1;
p = badorb.length;
_root.badorb.duplicateMovieClip("badorb" + q, q);
badorb[p] = "_root.badorb" + q;
type = 1 + random(10);
if (type < 5) {
_root["badorb" + q].speed = 0.5 + (random(100) / 200);
_root["badorb" + q].health = 50 + random(20);
_root["badorb" + q].gotoAndStop(4);
if (type > 4) {
_root["badorb" + q].speed = 1.5 + (random(100) / 200);
_root["badorb" + q].health = 50 + random(20);
_root["badorb" + q].gotoAndStop(1);
timer = 30 + random(30);
zombiecount = zombiecount - 1;
if (((timer < 0) and (zombiecount > 0)) and (_root.constant.round == 9)) {
q = q + 1;
p = badorb.length;
_root.badorb.duplicateMovieClip("badorb" + q, q);
badorb[p] = "_root.badorb" + q;
type = 1 + random(10);
if (type < 4) {
_root["badorb" + q].speed = 0.5 + (random(100) / 200);
_root["badorb" + q].health = 50 + random(20);
_root["badorb" + q].gotoAndStop(4);
if (type > 3) {
_root["badorb" + q].speed = 1.5 + (random(100) / 200);
_root["badorb" + q].health = 50 + random(20);
_root["badorb" + q].gotoAndStop(1);
timer = 20 + random(30);
zombiecount = zombiecount - 1;
if (((timer < 0) and (zombiecount > 0)) and (_root.constant.round == 10)) {
q = q + 1;
p = badorb.length;
_root.badorb.duplicateMovieClip("badorb" + q, q);
badorb[p] = "_root.badorb" + q;
_root["badorb" + q].speed = 0.2 + (random(100) / 200);
_root["badorb" + q].health = 100 + random(50);
_root["badorb" + q].gotoAndStop(2);
timer = random(20);
zombiecount = zombiecount - 1;
if (((timer < 0) and (zombiecount > 0)) and (_root.constant.round == 11)) {
q = q + 1;
p = badorb.length;
_root.badorb.duplicateMovieClip("badorb" + q, q);
badorb[p] = "_root.badorb" + q;
type = 1 + random(10);
if ((type > 2) and (type < 9)) {
_root["badorb" + q].speed = 0.5 + (random(100) / 200);
_root["badorb" + q].health = 50 + random(20);
_root["badorb" + q].gotoAndStop(4);
if (type < 3) {
_root["badorb" + q].speed = 0.2 + (random(100) / 200);
_root["badorb" + q].health = 100 + random(50);
_root["badorb" + q].gotoAndStop(2);
if (type > 8) {
_root["badorb" + q].speed = 1.5 + (random(100) / 200);
_root["badorb" + q].health = 50 + random(20);
_root["badorb" + q].gotoAndStop(1);
timer = 20 + random(30);
zombiecount = zombiecount - 1;
if (((timer < 0) and (zombiecount > 0)) and (_root.constant.round == 12)) {
q = q + 1;
p = badorb.length;
_root.badorb.duplicateMovieClip("badorb" + q, q);
badorb[p] = "_root.badorb" + q;
type = 1 + random(10);
if ((type > 3) and (type < 8)) {
_root["badorb" + q].speed = 0.5 + (random(100) / 200);
_root["badorb" + q].health = 50 + random(20);
_root["badorb" + q].gotoAndStop(4);
if (type < 4) {
_root["badorb" + q].speed = 0.2 + (random(100) / 200);
_root["badorb" + q].health = 100 + random(50);
_root["badorb" + q].gotoAndStop(2);
if (type > 7) {
_root["badorb" + q].speed = 1.5 + (random(100) / 200);
_root["badorb" + q].health = 50 + random(20);
_root["badorb" + q].gotoAndStop(1);
zombiecount = zombiecount - 1;
timer = 20 + random(30);
if (((timer < 0) and (zombiecount > 0)) and (_root.constant.round == 13)) {
q = q + 1;
p = badorb.length;
_root.badorb.duplicateMovieClip("badorb" + q, q);
badorb[p] = "_root.badorb" + q;
type = 1 + random(10);
if ((type > 4) and (type < 7)) {
_root["badorb" + q].speed = 0.5 + (random(100) / 200);
_root["badorb" + q].health = 50 + random(20);
_root["badorb" + q].gotoAndStop(4);
if (type < 5) {
_root["badorb" + q].speed = 0.2 + (random(100) / 200);
_root["badorb" + q].health = 100 + random(50);
_root["badorb" + q].gotoAndStop(2);
if (type > 6) {
_root["badorb" + q].speed = 1.5 + (random(100) / 200);
_root["badorb" + q].health = 50 + random(20);
_root["badorb" + q].gotoAndStop(1);
timer = 20 + random(30);
zombiecount = zombiecount - 1;
if (((timer < 0) and (zombiecount > 0)) and (_root.constant.round == 14)) {
q = q + 1;
p = badorb.length;
_root.badorb.duplicateMovieClip("badorb" + q, q);
badorb[p] = "_root.badorb" + q;
type = 1 + random(10);
if ((type > 5) and (type < 6)) {
_root["badorb" + q].speed = 0.5 + (random(100) / 200);
_root["badorb" + q].health = 50 + random(20);
_root["badorb" + q].gotoAndStop(4);
if (type < 6) {
_root["badorb" + q].speed = 0.2 + (random(100) / 200);
_root["badorb" + q].health = 100 + random(50);
_root["badorb" + q].gotoAndStop(2);
if (type > 5) {
_root["badorb" + q].speed = 1.5 + (random(100) / 200);
_root["badorb" + q].health = 50 + random(20);
_root["badorb" + q].gotoAndStop(1);
timer = 20 + random(30);
zombiecount = zombiecount - 1;
if (((timer < 0) and (zombiecount > 0)) and (_root.constant.round == 15)) {
q = q + 1;
p = badorb.length;
_root.badorb.duplicateMovieClip("badorb" + q, q);
badorb[p] = "_root.badorb" + q;
_root["badorb" + q].speed = 0.5 + (random(100) / 200);
_root["badorb" + q].health = 50 + random(20);
_root["badorb" + q].gotoAndStop(3);
timer = 10 + random(30);
zombiecount = zombiecount - 1;
if (((timer < 0) and (zombiecount > 0)) and (_root.constant.round == 16)) {
q = q + 1;
p = badorb.length;
_root.badorb.duplicateMovieClip("badorb" + q, q);
badorb[p] = "_root.badorb" + q;
type = 1 + random(10);
if (type < 4) {
_root["badorb" + q].speed = 0.5 + (random(100) / 200);
_root["badorb" + q].health = 50 + random(20);
_root["badorb" + q].gotoAndStop(4);
if ((type > 3) and (type < 6)) {
_root["badorb" + q].speed = 0.2 + (random(100) / 200);
_root["badorb" + q].health = 100 + random(50);
_root["badorb" + q].gotoAndStop(2);
if ((type > 5) and (type < 8)) {
_root["badorb" + q].speed = 1.5 + (random(100) / 200);
_root["badorb" + q].health = 50 + random(20);
_root["badorb" + q].gotoAndStop(1);
if (type > 7) {
_root["badorb" + q].speed = 0.5 + (random(100) / 200);
_root["badorb" + q].health = 50 + random(20);
_root["badorb" + q].gotoAndStop(3);
timer = 20 + random(30);
zombiecount = zombiecount - 1;
if (((timer < 0) and (zombiecount > 0)) and (_root.constant.round == 17)) {
q = q + 1;
p = badorb.length;
_root.badorb.duplicateMovieClip("badorb" + q, q);
badorb[p] = "_root.badorb" + q;
type = 1 + random(10);
if (type < 4) {
_root["badorb" + q].speed = 0.5 + (random(100) / 200);
_root["badorb" + q].health = 50 + random(20);
_root["badorb" + q].gotoAndStop(4);
if ((type > 3) and (type < 6)) {
_root["badorb" + q].speed = 0.2 + (random(100) / 200);
_root["badorb" + q].health = 100 + random(50);
_root["badorb" + q].gotoAndStop(2);
if ((type > 5) and (type < 8)) {
_root["badorb" + q].speed = 1.5 + (random(100) / 200);
_root["badorb" + q].health = 50 + random(20);
_root["badorb" + q].gotoAndStop(1);
if (type > 7) {
_root["badorb" + q].speed = 0.5 + (random(100) / 200);
_root["badorb" + q].health = 50 + random(20);
_root["badorb" + q].gotoAndStop(3);
timer = 20 + random(30);
zombiecount = zombiecount - 1;
if (((timer < 0) and (zombiecount > 0)) and (_root.constant.round == 18)) {
q = q + 1;
p = badorb.length;
_root.badorb.duplicateMovieClip("badorb" + q, q);
badorb[p] = "_root.badorb" + q;
type = 1 + random(10);
if (type < 3) {
_root["badorb" + q].speed = 0.5 + (random(100) / 200);
_root["badorb" + q].health = 50 + random(20);
_root["badorb" + q].gotoAndStop(4);
if ((type > 2) and (type < 6)) {
_root["badorb" + q].speed = 0.2 + (random(100) / 200);
_root["badorb" + q].health = 100 + random(50);
_root["badorb" + q].gotoAndStop(2);
if ((type > 5) and (type < 8)) {
_root["badorb" + q].speed = 1.5 + (random(100) / 200);
_root["badorb" + q].health = 50 + random(20);
_root["badorb" + q].gotoAndStop(1);
if (type > 7) {
_root["badorb" + q].speed = 0.5 + (random(100) / 200);
_root["badorb" + q].health = 50 + random(20);
_root["badorb" + q].gotoAndStop(3);
timer = random(60);
zombiecount = zombiecount - 1;
if (((timer < 0) and (zombiecount > 0)) and (_root.constant.round == 19)) {
q = q + 1;
p = badorb.length;
_root.badorb.duplicateMovieClip("badorb" + q, q);
badorb[p] = "_root.badorb" + q;
type = 1 + random(10);
if (type < 2) {
_root["badorb" + q].speed = 0.5 + (random(100) / 200);
_root["badorb" + q].health = 50 + random(20);
_root["badorb" + q].gotoAndStop(4);
if ((type > 1) and (type < 5)) {
_root["badorb" + q].speed = 0.2 + (random(100) / 200);
_root["badorb" + q].health = 100 + random(50);
_root["badorb" + q].gotoAndStop(2);
if ((type > 4) and (type < 7)) {
_root["badorb" + q].speed = 1.5 + (random(100) / 200);
_root["badorb" + q].health = 50 + random(20);
_root["badorb" + q].gotoAndStop(1);
if (type > 6) {
_root["badorb" + q].speed = 0.5 + (random(100) / 200);
_root["badorb" + q].health = 50 + random(20);
_root["badorb" + q].gotoAndStop(3);
timer = random(40);
zombiecount = zombiecount - 1;
if (((timer < 0) and (zombiecount > 0)) and (_root.constant.round == 20)) {
q = q + 1;
p = badorb.length;
_root.badorb.duplicateMovieClip("badorb" + q, q);
badorb[p] = "_root.badorb" + q;
type = 1 + random(10);
if (type < 5) {
_root["badorb" + q].speed = 0.2 + (random(100) / 200);
_root["badorb" + q].health = 100 + random(50);
_root["badorb" + q].gotoAndStop(2);
if ((type > 4) and (type < 8)) {
_root["badorb" + q].speed = 1.5 + (random(100) / 200);
_root["badorb" + q].health = 50 + random(20);
_root["badorb" + q].gotoAndStop(1);
if (type > 7) {
_root["badorb" + q].speed = 0.5 + (random(100) / 200);
_root["badorb" + q].health = 50 + random(20);
_root["badorb" + q].gotoAndStop(3);
timer = random(20);
zombiecount = zombiecount - 1;
Instance of Symbol 586 MovieClip "gun" in Frame 3
onClipEvent (load) {
var python_sound = new Sound();
var ruger_sound = new Sound();
var beretta_sound = new Sound();
var deagle_sound = new Sound();
var vampire_sound = new Sound();
var sawnoff_sound = new Sound();
var ak47_sound = new Sound();
var rocket_sound = new Sound();
var m16_sound = new Sound();
var uzi_sound = new Sound();
var mp5_sound = new Sound();
var p90_sound = new Sound();
var shotgun_sound = new Sound();
var laser_sound = new Sound();
var lasergun_sound = new Sound();
var minigun_sound = new Sound();
var pulse_sound = new Sound();
var railgun_sound = new Sound();
var plasma_sound = new Sound();
var sniper_sound = new Sound();
var music_sound = new Sound();
distance = 25;
z = 8000;
bullet = [_root.bullet];
explosion = [_root.explosion];
p = 0;
weapon = 0;
shottimer = 0;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
i = 0;
while (i < _root.square.badorb.length) {
circleA = _root.square.badorb[i];
circleA = eval (circleA);
if (this.hitTest(circleA)) {
_root.constant.herohealth = _root.constant.herohealth - 1;
if (_root.constant.herohealth > 1) {
a = 0;
while (a < 6) {
_root.constant.i = _root.constant.i + 1;
_root.splatter.duplicateMovieClip("splatter" + _root.constant.i, _root.constant.i);
_root["splatter" + _root.constant.i]._x = _x + ((circleA._x - _x) / 2);
_root["splatter" + _root.constant.i]._y = _y + ((circleA._y - _y) / 2);
_root.constant.splatterrotation = random(360);
} else {
_root.constant.i = _root.constant.i + 1;
_root.splatter.duplicateMovieClip("splatter" + _root.constant.i, _root.constant.i);
_root["splatter" + _root.constant.i]._x = _x + ((circleA._x - _x) / 2);
_root["splatter" + _root.constant.i]._y = _y + ((circleA._y - _y) / 2);
_root.constant.splatterrotation = random(360);
rotation = _rotation;
_y = _root.orb._y;
_x = _root.orb._x;
adjacent = this._x - _root.cursor._x;
opposite = this._y - _root.cursor._y;
_rotation = (Math.atan(opposite / adjacent) * 57.2957795130823);
if (adjacent < 0) {
_rotation = (_rotation - 180);
shottimer = shottimer - 1;
onClipEvent (mouseUp) {
if (_root.constant.herohealth > 0) {
if (((((_root.panel.weapon == 1) and (shottimer < 0)) and (_root.cursor._x < 550)) and (_root.hud.rugerammo > 0)) and (_root.hud.reloading == 0)) {
z = z + 1;
_root.flash.duplicateMovieClip("flash" + z, z);
z = z + 1;
_root.casing.duplicateMovieClip("flash" + z, z);
hit = 0;
distance = 1;
point = new Object();
point.x = _root.gun.shelldispenser._x;
point.y = _root.gun.shelldispenser._y;
traceralpha = 40 + random(20);
rotation = _root.gun._rotation + ((random(100) / 50) - 1);
do {
_root.bullet._y = point.y + ((-Math.sin(rotation * (Math.PI/180))) * distance);
_root.bullet._x = point.x + ((-Math.cos(rotation * (Math.PI/180))) * distance);
bullethit = 0;
i = 0;
while (i < _root.square.badorb.length) {
circleA = _root.square.badorb[i];
circleA = eval (circleA);
if (_root.bullet.hitTest(circleA)) {
_root.constant.splatterrotation = Math.atan((circleA._y - _root.gun._y) / (circleA._x - _root.gun._x));
splatter = 20;
do {
_root.constant.i = _root.constant.i + 1;
_root.splatter.duplicateMovieClip("splatter" + _root.constant.i, _root.constant.i);
_root["splatter" + _root.constant.i]._x = _root.bullet._x;
_root["splatter" + _root.constant.i]._y = _root.bullet._y;
splatter = splatter - 1;
} while (splatter > 0);
point = new Object();
point.x = circleA._x;
point.y = circleA._y;
_root.constant.i = _root.constant.i + 1;
_root.background.attachMovie("zombieblood", "blood" + _root.constant.i, _root.constant.i);
_root.background["blood" + _root.constant.i]._x = point.x;
_root.background["blood" + _root.constant.i]._y = point.y;
_root.background["blood" + _root.constant.i]._rotation = random(360) - 180;
scale = 80 + random(40);
_root.background["blood" + _root.constant.i]._xscale = scale;
_root.background["blood" + _root.constant.i]._yscale = scale; = - (10 + random(5));
bullethit = 1;
_root.bullet._x = -1000;
if (bullethit == 1) {
hit = 1;
hitbadguy = 1;
} else if (distance > 500) {
hit = 1;
} else {
hit = 0;
distance = distance + 10;
traceralpha = traceralpha - 3;
if (traceralpha > 0) {
z = z + 1;
_root.tracer.duplicateMovieClip("laser" + z, z);
_root["laser" + z]._x = _root.bullet._x;
_root["laser" + z]._y = _root.bullet._y;
_root["laser" + z]._rotation = this._rotation;
_root["laser" + z]._alpha = traceralpha;
} while (hit == 0);
shottimer = 7;
_root.hud.rugerammo = _root.hud.rugerammo - 1;
if (((((_root.panel.weapon == 2) and (shottimer < 0)) and (_root.cursor._x < 550)) and (_root.hud.berettaammo > 0)) and (_root.hud.reloading == 0)) {
z = z + 1;
_root.flash.duplicateMovieClip("flash" + z, z);
z = z + 1;
_root.casing.duplicateMovieClip("flash" + z, z);
hit = 0;
hitbadguy = 0;
distance = 1;
point = new Object();
point.x = _root.gun.shelldispenser._x;
point.y = _root.gun.shelldispenser._y;
traceralpha = 40 + random(20);
rotation = _root.gun._rotation + ((random(100) / 50) - 1);
do {
_root.bullet._y = point.y + ((-Math.sin(rotation * (Math.PI/180))) * distance);
_root.bullet._x = point.x + ((-Math.cos(rotation * (Math.PI/180))) * distance);
bullethit = 0;
i = 0;
while (i < _root.square.badorb.length) {
circleA = _root.square.badorb[i];
circleA = eval (circleA);
if (_root.bullet.hitTest(circleA)) {
_root.constant.splatterrotation = Math.atan((circleA._y - _root.gun._y) / (circleA._x - _root.gun._x));
splatter = 20;
do {
_root.constant.i = _root.constant.i + 1;
_root.splatter.duplicateMovieClip("splatter" + _root.constant.i, _root.constant.i);
_root["splatter" + _root.constant.i]._x = _root.bullet._x;
_root["splatter" + _root.constant.i]._y = _root.bullet._y;
splatter = splatter - 1;
} while (splatter > 0);
point = new Object();
point.x = circleA._x;
point.y = circleA._y;
_root.constant.i = _root.constant.i + 1;
_root.background.attachMovie("zombieblood", "blood" + _root.constant.i, _root.constant.i);
_root.background["blood" + _root.constant.i]._x = point.x;
_root.background["blood" + _root.constant.i]._y = point.y;
_root.background["blood" + _root.constant.i]._rotation = random(360) - 180;
scale = 80 + random(40);
_root.background["blood" + _root.constant.i]._xscale = scale;
_root.background["blood" + _root.constant.i]._yscale = scale; = - (10 + random(5));
bullethit = 1;
_root.bullet._x = -1000;
if (bullethit == 1) {
hit = 1;
hitbadguy = 1;
} else if (distance > 500) {
hit = 1;
} else {
hit = 0;
distance = distance + 10;
traceralpha = traceralpha - 3;
if (traceralpha > 0) {
z = z + 1;
_root.tracer.duplicateMovieClip("laser" + z, z);
_root["laser" + z]._x = _root.bullet._x;
_root["laser" + z]._y = _root.bullet._y;
_root["laser" + z]._rotation = this._rotation;
_root["laser" + z]._alpha = traceralpha;
} while (hit == 0);
shottimer = 5;
_root.hud.berettaammo = _root.hud.berettaammo - 1;
if (((((_root.panel.weapon == 3) and (shottimer < 0)) and (_root.cursor._x < 550)) and (_root.hud.deagleammo > 0)) and (_root.hud.reloading == 0)) {
z = z + 1;
_root.flash.duplicateMovieClip("flash" + z, z);
z = z + 1;
_root.casing.duplicateMovieClip("flash" + z, z);
hit = 0;
hitbadguy = 0;
distance = 1;
point = new Object();
point.x = _root.gun.shelldispenser._x;
point.y = _root.gun.shelldispenser._y;
traceralpha = 40 + random(20);
rotation = _root.gun._rotation + ((random(100) / 50) - 1);
do {
_root.bullet._y = point.y + ((-Math.sin(rotation * (Math.PI/180))) * distance);
_root.bullet._x = point.x + ((-Math.cos(rotation * (Math.PI/180))) * distance);
bullethit = 0;
i = 0;
while (i < _root.square.badorb.length) {
circleA = _root.square.badorb[i];
circleA = eval (circleA);
if (_root.bullet.hitTest(circleA)) {
_root.constant.splatterrotation = Math.atan((circleA._y - _root.gun._y) / (circleA._x - _root.gun._x));
splatter = 20;
do {
_root.constant.i = _root.constant.i + 1;
_root.splatter.duplicateMovieClip("splatter" + _root.constant.i, _root.constant.i);
_root["splatter" + _root.constant.i]._x = _root.bullet._x;
_root["splatter" + _root.constant.i]._y = _root.bullet._y;
splatter = splatter - 1;
} while (splatter > 0);
point = new Object();
point.x = circleA._x;
point.y = circleA._y;
_root.constant.i = _root.constant.i + 1;
_root.background.attachMovie("zombieblood", "blood" + _root.constant.i, _root.constant.i);
_root.background["blood" + _root.constant.i]._x = point.x;
_root.background["blood" + _root.constant.i]._y = point.y;
_root.background["blood" + _root.constant.i]._rotation = random(360) - 180;
scale = 80 + random(40);
_root.background["blood" + _root.constant.i]._xscale = scale;
_root.background["blood" + _root.constant.i]._yscale = scale; = - (20 + random(10));
bullethit = 1;
_root.bullet._x = -1000;
if (bullethit == 1) {
hit = 1;
hitbadguy = 1;
} else if (distance > 500) {
hit = 1;
} else {
hit = 0;
distance = distance + 10;
traceralpha = traceralpha - 3;
if (traceralpha > 0) {
z = z + 1;
_root.tracer.duplicateMovieClip("laser" + z, z);
_root["laser" + z]._x = _root.bullet._x;
_root["laser" + z]._y = _root.bullet._y;
_root["laser" + z]._rotation = this._rotation;
_root["laser" + z]._alpha = traceralpha;
} while (hit == 0);
shottimer = 10;
_root.hud.deagleammo = _root.hud.deagleammo - 1;
if (((((_root.panel.weapon == 4) and (shottimer < 0)) and (_root.cursor._x < 550)) and (_root.hud.pythonammo > 0)) and (_root.hud.reloading == 0)) {
z = z + 1;
_root.flash.duplicateMovieClip("flash" + z, z);
z = z + 1;
_root.casing.duplicateMovieClip("flash" + z, z);
hit = 0;
hitbadguy = 0;
bullethit = 0;
distance = 1;
point = new Object();
point.x = _root.gun.shelldispenser._x;
point.y = _root.gun.shelldispenser._y;
traceralpha = 40 + random(20);
do {
_root.bullet._y = point.y + ((-Math.sin(_root.gun._rotation * (Math.PI/180))) * distance);
_root.bullet._x = point.x + ((-Math.cos(_root.gun._rotation * (Math.PI/180))) * distance);
i = 0;
while (i < _root.square.badorb.length) {
circleA = _root.square.badorb[i];
circleA = eval (circleA);
if (_root.bullet.hitTest(circleA)) {
_root.constant.splatterrotation = Math.atan((circleA._y - _root.gun._y) / (circleA._x - _root.gun._x));
splatter = 20;
do {
_root.constant.i = _root.constant.i + 1;
_root.splatter.duplicateMovieClip("splatter" + _root.constant.i, _root.constant.i);
_root["splatter" + _root.constant.i]._x = _root.bullet._x;
_root["splatter" + _root.constant.i]._y = _root.bullet._y;
splatter = splatter - 1;
} while (splatter > 0);
pointagain = new Object();
pointagain.x = circleA._x;
pointagain.y = circleA._y;
_root.constant.i = _root.constant.i + 1;
_root.background.attachMovie("zombieblood", "blood" + _root.constant.i, _root.constant.i);
_root.background["blood" + _root.constant.i]._x = pointagain.x;
_root.background["blood" + _root.constant.i]._y = pointagain.y;
_root.background["blood" + _root.constant.i]._rotation = random(360) - 180;
scale = 80 + random(40);
_root.background["blood" + _root.constant.i]._xscale = scale;
_root.background["blood" + _root.constant.i]._yscale = scale; = - (5 + random(5));
bullethit = bullethit + 1;
if (bullethit == 5) {
hit = 1;
_root.bullet._x = -1000;
hitbadguy = 1;
} else if (distance > 500) {
hit = 1;
_root.bullet._x = -1000;
} else {
hit = 0;
distance = distance + 10;
traceralpha = traceralpha - 3;
if (traceralpha > 0) {
z = z + 1;
_root.tracer.duplicateMovieClip("laser" + z, z);
_root["laser" + z]._x = _root.bullet._x;
_root["laser" + z]._y = _root.bullet._y;
_root["laser" + z]._rotation = this._rotation;
_root["laser" + z]._alpha = traceralpha;
} while (hit == 0);
shottimer = 15;
_root.hud.pythonammo = _root.hud.pythonammo - 1;
if (((((_root.panel.weapon == 5) and (shottimer < 0)) and (_root.cursor._x < 550)) and (_root.hud.laspistolammo > 0)) and (_root.hud.reloading == 0)) {
hit = 0;
z = z + 1;
_root.casing.duplicateMovieClip("flash" + z, z);
hitbadguy = 0;
distance = 1;
point = new Object();
point.x = _root.gun.shelldispenser._x;
point.y = _root.gun.shelldispenser._y;
do {
_root.bullet._y = point.y + ((-Math.sin(_root.gun._rotation * (Math.PI/180))) * distance);
_root.bullet._x = point.x + ((-Math.cos(_root.gun._rotation * (Math.PI/180))) * distance);
bullethit = 0;
i = 0;
while (i < _root.square.badorb.length) {
circleA = _root.square.badorb[i];
circleA = eval (circleA);
if (_root.bullet.hitTest(circleA)) {
_root.constant.splatterrotation = Math.atan((circleA._y - _root.gun._y) / (circleA._x - _root.gun._x));
p = 0;
while (p < 200) {
_root.constant.i = _root.constant.i + 1;
_root.laserdust.duplicateMovieClip("dust" + _root.constant.i, _root.constant.i);
_root["dust" + _root.constant.i]._x = circleA._x + (random(30) - 15);
_root["dust" + _root.constant.i]._y = circleA._y + (random(30) - 15);
point = new Object();
point.x = _root["dust" + _root.constant.i]._x;
point.y = _root["dust" + _root.constant.i]._y;
if (!circleA.hitTest(point.x, point.y, true)) {
_root["dust" + _root.constant.i].removeMovieClip();
_root["dust" + _root.constant.i].xspeed = (random(100) / 10) - 5;
_root["dust" + _root.constant.i].yspeed = (random(100) / 10) - 5;
distance = Math.sqrt(((_root["dust" + _root.constant.i]._y - _root.bullet._y) * (_root["dust" + _root.constant.i]._y - _root.bullet._y)) + ((_root["dust" + _root.constant.i]._x - _root.bullet._x) * (_root["dust" + _root.constant.i]._x - _root.bullet._x)));
_root["dust" + _root.constant.i].life = distance;
point = new Object();
point.x = circleA._x;
point.y = circleA._y;
_root.constant.i = _root.constant.i + 1;
_root.background.attachMovie("laserburn", "blood" + _root.constant.i, _root.constant.i);
_root.background["blood" + _root.constant.i]._x = point.x;
_root.background["blood" + _root.constant.i]._y = point.y;
_root.background["blood" + _root.constant.i]._rotation = random(360) - 180;
scale = 80 + random(40);
_root.background["blood" + _root.constant.i]._xscale = scale;
_root.background["blood" + _root.constant.i]._yscale = scale;
_root.constant.zombiesleft = _root.constant.zombiesleft - 1; = + 20;
bullethit = 1;
_root.bullet._x = -1000;
if (bullethit == 1) {
hit = 1;
hitbadguy = 1;
} else if (distance > 500) {
hit = 1;
} else {
hit = 0;
distance = distance + 10;
z = z + 1;
_root.laserbeam.duplicateMovieClip("laser" + z, z);
_root["laser" + z]._x = _root.bullet._x;
_root["laser" + z]._y = _root.bullet._y;
_root["laser" + z]._rotation = this._rotation;
} while (hit == 0);
shottimer = 15;
_root.hud.laspistolammo = _root.hud.laspistolammo - 1;
if (((((_root.panel.weapon == 17) and (shottimer < 0)) and (_root.cursor._x < 550)) and (_root.hud.sawnoffammo > 0)) and (_root.hud.reloading == 0)) {
z = z + 1;
_root.flash.duplicateMovieClip("flash" + z, z);
z = z + 1;
_root.casing.duplicateMovieClip("flash" + z, z);
j = 0;
while (j < 7) {
hit = 0;
hitbadguy = 0;
distance = 1;
point = new Object();
point.x = _root.gun.shelldispenser._x;
point.y = _root.gun.shelldispenser._y;
rotation2 = _root.gun._rotation + (random(50) - 25);
traceralpha = 40 + random(20);
do {
_root.bullet._y = point.y + ((-Math.sin(rotation2 * (Math.PI/180))) * distance);
_root.bullet._x = point.x + ((-Math.cos(rotation2 * (Math.PI/180))) * distance);
bullethit = 0;
i = 0;
while (i < _root.square.badorb.length) {
circleA = _root.square.badorb[i];
circleA = eval (circleA);
if (_root.bullet.hitTest(circleA)) {
_root.constant.splatterrotation = Math.atan((circleA._y - _root.gun._y) / (circleA._x - _root.gun._x));
splatter = 20;
do {
_root.constant.i = _root.constant.i + 1;
_root.splatter.duplicateMovieClip("splatter" + _root.constant.i, _root.constant.i);
_root["splatter" + _root.constant.i]._x = _root.bullet._x;
_root["splatter" + _root.constant.i]._y = _root.bullet._y;
splatter = splatter - 1;
} while (splatter > 0);
point = new Object();
point.x = circleA._x;
point.y = circleA._y;
_root.constant.i = _root.constant.i + 1;
_root.background.attachMovie("zombieblood", "blood" + _root.constant.i, _root.constant.i);
_root.background["blood" + _root.constant.i]._x = point.x;
_root.background["blood" + _root.constant.i]._y = point.y;
_root.background["blood" + _root.constant.i]._rotation = random(360) - 180;
scale = 80 + random(40);
_root.background["blood" + _root.constant.i]._xscale = scale;
_root.background["blood" + _root.constant.i]._yscale = scale; = - (10 + random(10));
bullethit = 1;
if (bullethit == 1) {
hit = 1;
hitbadguy = 1;
} else if (distance > 500) {
hit = 1;
} else {
hit = 0;
distance = distance + 10;
z = z + 1;
traceralpha = traceralpha - 3;
if (traceralpha > 0) {
z = z + 1;
_root.tracer.duplicateMovieClip("laser" + z, z);
_root["laser" + z]._x = _root.bullet._x;
_root["laser" + z]._y = _root.bullet._y;
_root["laser" + z]._rotation = this._rotation;
_root["laser" + z]._alpha = traceralpha;
} while (hit == 0);
shottimer = 1;
_root.hud.sawnoffammo = _root.hud.sawnoffammo - 1;
_root.bullet._x = -1000;
if (((((_root.panel.weapon == 8) and (shottimer < 0)) and (_root.cursor._x < 550)) and (_root.hud.benelliammo > 0)) and (_root.hud.reloading == 0)) {
z = z + 1;
_root.flash.duplicateMovieClip("flash" + z, z);
z = z + 1;
_root.casing.duplicateMovieClip("flash" + z, z);
j = 0;
while (j < 5) {
hit = 0;
hitbadguy = 0;
distance = 1;
point = new Object();
point.x = _root.gun.shelldispenser._x;
point.y = _root.gun.shelldispenser._y;
rotation2 = _root.gun._rotation + (random(20) - 10);
traceralpha = 40 + random(20);
do {
_root.bullet._y = point.y + ((-Math.sin(rotation2 * (Math.PI/180))) * distance);
_root.bullet._x = point.x + ((-Math.cos(rotation2 * (Math.PI/180))) * distance);
bullethit = 0;
i = 0;
while (i < _root.square.badorb.length) {
circleA = _root.square.badorb[i];
circleA = eval (circleA);
if (_root.bullet.hitTest(circleA)) {
_root.constant.splatterrotation = Math.atan((circleA._y - _root.gun._y) / (circleA._x - _root.gun._x));
splatter = 20;
do {
_root.constant.i = _root.constant.i + 1;
_root.splatter.duplicateMovieClip("splatter" + _root.constant.i, _root.constant.i);
_root["splatter" + _root.constant.i]._x = _root.bullet._x;
_root["splatter" + _root.constant.i]._y = _root.bullet._y;
splatter = splatter - 1;
} while (splatter > 0);
point = new Object();
point.x = circleA._x;
point.y = circleA._y;
_root.constant.i = _root.constant.i + 1;
_root.background.attachMovie("zombieblood", "blood" + _root.constant.i, _root.constant.i);
_root.background["blood" + _root.constant.i]._x = point.x;
_root.background["blood" + _root.constant.i]._y = point.y;
_root.background["blood" + _root.constant.i]._rotation = random(360) - 180;
scale = 80 + random(40);
_root.background["blood" + _root.constant.i]._xscale = scale;
_root.background["blood" + _root.constant.i]._yscale = scale; = - (10 + random(10));
bullethit = 1;
if (bullethit == 1) {
hit = 1;
hitbadguy = 1;
} else if (distance > 500) {
hit = 1;
} else {
hit = 0;
distance = distance + 10;
z = z + 1;
traceralpha = traceralpha - 3;
if (traceralpha > 0) {
z = z + 1;
_root.tracer.duplicateMovieClip("laser" + z, z);
_root["laser" + z]._x = _root.bullet._x;
_root["laser" + z]._y = _root.bullet._y;
_root["laser" + z]._rotation = this._rotation;
_root["laser" + z]._alpha = traceralpha;
} while (hit == 0);
shottimer = 30;
_root.hud.benelliammo = _root.hud.benelliammo - 1;
_root.bullet._x = -1000;
if (((((_root.panel.weapon == 9) and (shottimer < 0)) and (_root.cursor._x < 550)) and (_root.hud.lasgunammo > 0)) and (_root.hud.reloading == 0)) {
hit = 0;
z = z + 1;
_root.casing.duplicateMovieClip("flash" + z, z);
hitbadguy = 0;
distance = 1;
point = new Object();
point.x = _root.gun.shelldispenser._x;
point.y = _root.gun.shelldispenser._y;
laserlife = 25;
do {
_root.bullet._y = point.y + ((-Math.sin(_root.gun._rotation * (Math.PI/180))) * distance);
_root.bullet._x = point.x + ((-Math.cos(_root.gun._rotation * (Math.PI/180))) * distance);
bullethit = 0;
i = 0;
while (i < _root.square.badorb.length) {
circleA = _root.square.badorb[i];
circleA = eval (circleA);
if (_root.bullet.hitTest(circleA)) {
_root.constant.splatterrotation = Math.atan((circleA._y - _root.gun._y) / (circleA._x - _root.gun._x));
p = 0;
while (p < 150) {
_root.constant.i = _root.constant.i + 1;
_root.redlaserdust.duplicateMovieClip("dust" + _root.constant.i, _root.constant.i);
_root["dust" + _root.constant.i]._x = circleA._x + (random(30) - 15);
_root["dust" + _root.constant.i]._y = circleA._y + (random(30) - 15);
point = new Object();
point.x = _root["dust" + _root.constant.i]._x;
point.y = _root["dust" + _root.constant.i]._y;
if (!circleA.hitTest(point.x, point.y, true)) {
_root["dust" + _root.constant.i].removeMovieClip();
_root["dust" + _root.constant.i].xspeed = (random(100) / 10) - 5;
_root["dust" + _root.constant.i].yspeed = (random(100) / 10) - 5;
distance = Math.sqrt(((_root["dust" + _root.constant.i]._y - _root.bullet._y) * (_root["dust" + _root.constant.i]._y - _root.bullet._y)) + ((_root["dust" + _root.constant.i]._x - _root.bullet._x) * (_root["dust" + _root.constant.i]._x - _root.bullet._x)));
_root["dust" + _root.constant.i].life = distance;
point = new Object();
point.x = circleA._x;
point.y = circleA._y;
_root.constant.i = _root.constant.i + 1;
_root.background.attachMovie("laserburn", "blood" + _root.constant.i, _root.constant.i);
_root.background["blood" + _root.constant.i]._x = point.x;
_root.background["blood" + _root.constant.i]._y = point.y;
_root.background["blood" + _root.constant.i]._rotation = random(360) - 180;
scale = 80 + random(40);
_root.background["blood" + _root.constant.i]._xscale = scale;
_root.background["blood" + _root.constant.i]._yscale = scale;
_root.constant.zombiesleft = _root.constant.zombiesleft - 1; = + 20;
bullethit = 1;
_root.bullet._x = -1000;
if (bullethit == 1) {
hit = 1;
hitbadguy = 1;
} else if (distance > 500) {
hit = 1;
} else {
hit = 0;
distance = distance + 10;
z = z + 1;
_root.redlaserbeam.duplicateMovieClip("laser" + z, z);
_root["laser" + z]._x = _root.bullet._x;
_root["laser" + z]._y = _root.bullet._y;
_root["laser" + z]._rotation = this._rotation;
laserlife = laserlife + 1;
_root["laser" + z].life = laserlife;
} while (hit == 0);
shottimer = 30;
_root.hud.lasgunammo = _root.hud.lasgunammo - 1;
if (((((_root.panel.weapon == 13) and (shottimer < 0)) and (_root.cursor._x < 550)) and (_root.hud.rocketammo > 0)) and (_root.hud.reloading == 0)) {
z = z + 1;
_root.flash.duplicateMovieClip("flash" + z, z);
z = z + 1;
_root.casing.duplicateMovieClip("flash" + z, z);
point = new Object();
point.x = _root.gun.shelldispenser._x;
point.y = _root.gun.shelldispenser._y;
_root.constant.i = _root.constant.i + 1;
_root.rocket.duplicateMovieClip("rocket" + _root.constant.i, _root.constant.i);
_root["rocket" + _root.constant.i]._x = point.x;
_root["rocket" + _root.constant.i]._y = point.y;
_root["rocket" + _root.constant.i]._rotation = _rotation;
_root["rocket" + _root.constant.i].spray = 1;
shottimer = 15;
_root.hud.rocketammo = _root.hud.rocketammo - 1;
if (((((_root.panel.weapon == 20) and (shottimer < 0)) and (_root.cursor._x < 550)) and (_root.hud.plasmaammo > 0)) and (_root.hud.reloading == 0)) {
z = z + 1;
_root.flash.duplicateMovieClip("flash" + z, z);
colorObj = new Color(_root["flash" + z]);
colorObj.setTransform({ra:100, rb:0, ga:100, gb:0, ba:250, bb:250, aa:100, ab:0});
z = z + 1;
_root.casing.duplicateMovieClip("flash" + z, z);
point = new Object();
point.x = _root.gun.shelldispenser._x;
point.y = _root.gun.shelldispenser._y;
_root.constant.i = _root.constant.i + 1;
_root.pulse.duplicateMovieClip("rocket" + _root.constant.i, _root.constant.i);
_root["rocket" + _root.constant.i]._x = point.x;
_root["rocket" + _root.constant.i]._y = point.y;
_root["rocket" + _root.constant.i]._rotation = _rotation;
_root["rocket" + _root.constant.i].spray = 1;
shottimer = 3;
_root.hud.plasmaammo = _root.hud.plasmaammo - 1;
if (((((_root.panel.weapon == 14) and (shottimer < 0)) and (_root.cursor._x < 550)) and (_root.hud.sniperammo > 0)) and (_root.hud.reloading == 0)) {
z = z + 1;
_root.flash.duplicateMovieClip("flash" + z, z);
z = z + 1;
_root.casing.duplicateMovieClip("flash" + z, z);
hit = 0;
hitbadguy = 0;
bullethit = 0;
distance = 1;
point = new Object();
point.x = _root.gun.shelldispenser._x;
point.y = _root.gun.shelldispenser._y;
traceralpha = 40 + random(20);
do {
_root.bullet._y = point.y + ((-Math.sin(_root.gun._rotation * (Math.PI/180))) * distance);
_root.bullet._x = point.x + ((-Math.cos(_root.gun._rotation * (Math.PI/180))) * distance);
i = 0;
while (i < _root.square.badorb.length) {
circleA = _root.square.badorb[i];
circleA = eval (circleA);
if (_root.bullet.hitTest(circleA)) {
_root.constant.splatterrotation = Math.atan((circleA._y - _root.gun._y) / (circleA._x - _root.gun._x));
splatter = 20;
do {
_root.constant.i = _root.constant.i + 1;
_root.splatter.duplicateMovieClip("splatter" + _root.constant.i, _root.constant.i);
_root["splatter" + _root.constant.i]._x = _root.bullet._x;
_root["splatter" + _root.constant.i]._y = _root.bullet._y;
splatter = splatter - 1;
} while (splatter > 0);
pointagain = new Object();
pointagain.x = circleA._x;
pointagain.y = circleA._y;
_root.constant.i = _root.constant.i + 1;
_root.background.attachMovie("zombieblood", "blood" + _root.constant.i, _root.constant.i);
_root.background["blood" + _root.constant.i]._x = pointagain.x;
_root.background["blood" + _root.constant.i]._y = pointagain.y;
_root.background["blood" + _root.constant.i]._rotation = random(360) - 180;
scale = 80 + random(40);
_root.background["blood" + _root.constant.i]._xscale = scale;
_root.background["blood" + _root.constant.i]._yscale = scale; = - (30 + random(20));
bullethit = bullethit + 1;
if (bullethit == 30) {
hit = 1;
_root.bullet._x = -1000;
hitbadguy = 1;
} else if (distance > 500) {
hit = 1;
_root.bullet._x = -1000;
} else {
hit = 0;
distance = distance + 10;
traceralpha = traceralpha - 0.1;
if (traceralpha > 0) {
z = z + 1;
_root.tracer.duplicateMovieClip("laser" + z, z);
_root["laser" + z]._x = _root.bullet._x;
_root["laser" + z]._y = _root.bullet._y;
_root["laser" + z]._rotation = this._rotation;
_root["laser" + z]._alpha = traceralpha;
} while (hit == 0);
shottimer = 60;
_root.hud.sniperammo = _root.hud.sniperammo - 1;
if (((((_root.panel.weapon == 15) and (shottimer < 0)) and (_root.cursor._x < 550)) and (_root.hud.railgunammo > 0)) and (_root.hud.reloading == 0)) {
z = z + 1;
_root.flash.duplicateMovieClip("flash" + z, z);
z = z + 1;
_root.casing.duplicateMovieClip("flash" + z, z);
hit = 0;
hitbadguy = 0;
bullethit = 0;
distance = 1;
point = new Object();
point.x = _root.gun.shelldispenser._x;
point.y = _root.gun.shelldispenser._y;
do {
_root.bullet._y = point.y + ((-Math.sin(_root.gun._rotation * (Math.PI/180))) * distance);
_root.bullet._x = point.x + ((-Math.cos(_root.gun._rotation * (Math.PI/180))) * distance);
i = 0;
while (i < _root.square.badorb.length) {
circleA = _root.square.badorb[i];
circleA = eval (circleA);
if (_root.bullet.hitTest(circleA)) {
circleA.raildeath = 1;
bullethit = bullethit + 1;
if (bullethit == 30) {
hit = 1;
_root.bullet._x = -1000;
hitbadguy = 1;
} else if (distance > 500) {
hit = 1;
_root.bullet._x = -1000;
} else {
hit = 0;
distance = distance + 10;
z = z + 1;
_root.railbeam.duplicateMovieClip("laser" + z, z);
_root["laser" + z]._x = _root.bullet._x;
_root["laser" + z]._y = _root.bullet._y;
_root["laser" + z]._rotation = this._rotation;
} while (hit == 0);
shottimer = 15;
_root.hud.railgunammo = _root.hud.railgunammo - 1;
if (((((_root.panel.weapon == 21) and (shottimer < 0)) and (_root.cursor._x < 550)) and (_root.hud.vampireammo > 0)) and (_root.hud.reloading == 0)) {
z = z + 1;
_root.flash.duplicateMovieClip("flash" + z, z);
z = z + 1;
_root.casing.duplicateMovieClip("flash" + z, z);
hit = 0;
hitbadguy = 0;
bullethit = 0;
distance = 1;
point = new Object();
point.x = _root.gun.shelldispenser._x;
point.y = _root.gun.shelldispenser._y;
traceralpha = 60 + random(20);
do {
_root.bullet._y = point.y + ((-Math.sin(_root.gun._rotation * (Math.PI/180))) * distance);
_root.bullet._x = point.x + ((-Math.cos(_root.gun._rotation * (Math.PI/180))) * distance);
i = 0;
while (i < _root.square.badorb.length) {
circleA = _root.square.badorb[i];
circleA = eval (circleA);
if (_root.bullet.hitTest(circleA)) {
_root.constant.splatterrotation = Math.atan((circleA._y - _root.gun._y) / (circleA._x - _root.gun._x));
splatter = 20;
do {
_root.constant.i = _root.constant.i + 1;
_root.splatter.duplicateMovieClip("splatter" + _root.constant.i, _root.constant.i);
_root["splatter" + _root.constant.i]._x = _root.bullet._x;
_root["splatter" + _root.constant.i]._y = _root.bullet._y;
splatter = splatter - 1;
} while (splatter > 0);
point = new Object();
point.x = circleA._x;
point.y = circleA._y;
_root.constant.i = _root.constant.i + 1;
_root.background.attachMovie("zombieblood", "blood" + _root.constant.i, _root.constant.i);
_root.background["blood" + _root.constant.i]._x = point.x;
_root.background["blood" + _root.constant.i]._y = point.y;
_root.background["blood" + _root.constant.i]._rotation = random(360) - 180;
scale = 80 + random(40);
_root.background["blood" + _root.constant.i]._xscale = scale;
_root.background["blood" + _root.constant.i]._yscale = scale;
_root.constant.i = _root.constant.i + 1;
_root.vampireball.duplicateMovieClip("splatter" + _root.constant.i, _root.constant.i);
_root["splatter" + _root.constant.i]._x = _root.bullet._x;
_root["splatter" + _root.constant.i]._y = _root.bullet._y;
_root["splatter" + _root.constant.i].spray = 1; = - (10 + random(10));
bullethit = bullethit + 1;
if (bullethit == 1) {
hit = 1;
_root.bullet._x = -1000;
hitbadguy = 1;
} else if (distance > 500) {
hit = 1;
_root.bullet._x = -1000;
} else {
hit = 0;
distance = distance + 10;
traceralpha = traceralpha - 3;
if (traceralpha > 0) {
z = z + 1;
_root.tracer.duplicateMovieClip("laser" + z, z);
_root["laser" + z]._x = _root.bullet._x;
_root["laser" + z]._y = _root.bullet._y;
_root["laser" + z]._rotation = this._rotation;
_root["laser" + z]._alpha = traceralpha;
} while (hit == 0);
shottimer = 15;
_root.hud.vampireammo = _root.hud.vampireammo - 1;
onClipEvent (mouseDown) {
if (_root.constant.herohealth > 0) {
fire = 1;
onClipEvent (mouseUp) {
fire = 0;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if ((((((fire == 1) and (_root.panel.weapon == 6)) and (shottimer < 0)) and (_root.cursor._x < 550)) and (_root.hud.uziammo > 0)) and (_root.hud.reloading == 0)) {
z = z + 1;
_root.flash.duplicateMovieClip("flash" + z, z);
z = z + 1;
_root.casing.duplicateMovieClip("flash" + z, z);
hit = 0;
hitbadguy = 0;
distance = 1;
point = new Object();
point.x = _root.gun.shelldispenser._x;
point.y = _root.gun.shelldispenser._y;
rotation = _root.gun._rotation + (random(21) - 10);
traceralpha = 40 + random(20);
do {
_root.bullet._y = point.y + ((-Math.sin(rotation * (Math.PI/180))) * distance);
_root.bullet._x = point.x + ((-Math.cos(rotation * (Math.PI/180))) * distance);
bullethit = 0;
i = 0;
while (i < _root.square.badorb.length) {
circleA = _root.square.badorb[i];
circleA = eval (circleA);
if (_root.bullet.hitTest(circleA)) {
_root.constant.splatterrotation = Math.atan((circleA._y - _root.gun._y) / (circleA._x - _root.gun._x));
splatter = 20;
do {
_root.constant.i = _root.constant.i + 1;
_root.splatter.duplicateMovieClip("splatter" + _root.constant.i, _root.constant.i);
_root["splatter" + _root.constant.i]._x = _root.bullet._x;
_root["splatter" + _root.constant.i]._y = _root.bullet._y;
splatter = splatter - 1;
} while (splatter > 0);
point = new Object();
point.x = circleA._x;
point.y = circleA._y;
_root.constant.i = _root.constant.i + 1;
_root.background.attachMovie("zombieblood", "blood" + _root.constant.i, _root.constant.i);
_root.background["blood" + _root.constant.i]._x = point.x;
_root.background["blood" + _root.constant.i]._y = point.y;
_root.background["blood" + _root.constant.i]._rotation = random(360) - 180;
scale = 80 + random(40);
_root.background["blood" + _root.constant.i]._xscale = scale;
_root.background["blood" + _root.constant.i]._yscale = scale; = - (10 + random(10));
bullethit = 1;
_root.bullet._x = -1000;
if (bullethit == 1) {
hit = 1;
hitbadguy = 1;
} else if (distance > 500) {
hit = 1;
} else {
hit = 0;
distance = distance + 10;
traceralpha = traceralpha - 3;
if (traceralpha > 0) {
z = z + 1;
_root.tracer.duplicateMovieClip("laser" + z, z);
_root["laser" + z]._x = _root.bullet._x;
_root["laser" + z]._y = _root.bullet._y;
_root["laser" + z]._rotation = this._rotation;
_root["laser" + z]._alpha = traceralpha;
} while (hit == 0);
shottimer = 5;
_root.hud.uziammo = _root.hud.uziammo - 1;
if ((((((fire == 1) and (_root.panel.weapon == 7)) and (shottimer < 0)) and (_root.cursor._x < 550)) and (_root.hud.mp5ammo > 0)) and (_root.hud.reloading == 0)) {
z = z + 1;
_root.flash.duplicateMovieClip("flash" + z, z);
z = z + 1;
_root.casing.duplicateMovieClip("flash" + z, z);
hit = 0;
distance = 1;
point = new Object();
point.x = _root.gun.shelldispenser._x;
point.y = _root.gun.shelldispenser._y;
traceralpha = 40 + random(20);
rotation = _root.gun._rotation + (random(21) - 10);
do {
_root.bullet._y = point.y + ((-Math.sin(rotation * (Math.PI/180))) * distance);
_root.bullet._x = point.x + ((-Math.cos(rotation * (Math.PI/180))) * distance);
bullethit = 0;
i = 0;
while (i < _root.square.badorb.length) {
circleA = _root.square.badorb[i];
circleA = eval (circleA);
if (_root.bullet.hitTest(circleA)) {
_root.constant.splatterrotation = Math.atan((circleA._y - _root.gun._y) / (circleA._x - _root.gun._x));
splatter = 20;
do {
_root.constant.i = _root.constant.i + 1;
_root.splatter.duplicateMovieClip("splatter" + _root.constant.i, _root.constant.i);
_root["splatter" + _root.constant.i]._x = _root.bullet._x;
_root["splatter" + _root.constant.i]._y = _root.bullet._y;
splatter = splatter - 1;
} while (splatter > 0);
point = new Object();
point.x = circleA._x;
point.y = circleA._y;
_root.constant.i = _root.constant.i + 1;
_root.background.attachMovie("zombieblood", "blood" + _root.constant.i, _root.constant.i);
_root.background["blood" + _root.constant.i]._x = point.x;
_root.background["blood" + _root.constant.i]._y = point.y;
_root.background["blood" + _root.constant.i]._rotation = random(360) - 180;
scale = 80 + random(40);
_root.background["blood" + _root.constant.i]._xscale = scale;
_root.background["blood" + _root.constant.i]._yscale = scale; = - (10 + random(5));
bullethit = 1;
_root.bullet._x = -1000;
if (bullethit == 1) {
hit = 1;
} else if (distance > 500) {
hit = 1;
} else {
hit = 0;
distance = distance + 10;
traceralpha = traceralpha - 3;
if (traceralpha > 0) {
z = z + 1;
_root.tracer.duplicateMovieClip("laser" + z, z);
_root["laser" + z]._x = _root.bullet._x;
_root["laser" + z]._y = _root.bullet._y;
_root["laser" + z]._rotation = this._rotation;
_root["laser" + z]._alpha = traceralpha;
} while (hit == 0);
shottimer = 2;
_root.hud.mp5ammo = _root.hud.mp5ammo - 1;
if ((((((fire == 1) and (_root.panel.weapon == 16)) and (shottimer < 0)) and (_root.cursor._x < 550)) and (_root.hud.p90ammo > 0)) and (_root.hud.reloading == 0)) {
z = z + 1;
_root.flash.duplicateMovieClip("flash" + z, z);
z = z + 1;
_root.casing.duplicateMovieClip("flash" + z, z);
hit = 0;
distance = 1;
point = new Object();
point.x = _root.gun.shelldispenser._x;
point.y = _root.gun.shelldispenser._y;
traceralpha = 40 + random(20);
rotation = _root.gun._rotation + (random(21) - 10);
do {
_root.bullet._y = point.y + ((-Math.sin(rotation * (Math.PI/180))) * distance);
_root.bullet._x = point.x + ((-Math.cos(rotation * (Math.PI/180))) * distance);
bullethit = 0;
i = 0;
while (i < _root.square.badorb.length) {
circleA = _root.square.badorb[i];
circleA = eval (circleA);
if (_root.bullet.hitTest(circleA)) {
_root.constant.splatterrotation = Math.atan((circleA._y - _root.gun._y) / (circleA._x - _root.gun._x));
splatter = 20;
do {
_root.constant.i = _root.constant.i + 1;
_root.splatter.duplicateMovieClip("splatter" + _root.constant.i, _root.constant.i);
_root["splatter" + _root.constant.i]._x = _root.bullet._x;
_root["splatter" + _root.constant.i]._y = _root.bullet._y;
splatter = splatter - 1;
} while (splatter > 0);
point = new Object();
point.x = circleA._x;
point.y = circleA._y;
_root.constant.i = _root.constant.i + 1;
_root.background.attachMovie("zombieblood", "blood" + _root.constant.i, _root.constant.i);
_root.background["blood" + _root.constant.i]._x = point.x;
_root.background["blood" + _root.constant.i]._y = point.y;
_root.background["blood" + _root.constant.i]._rotation = random(360) - 180;
scale = 80 + random(40);
_root.background["blood" + _root.constant.i]._xscale = scale;
_root.background["blood" + _root.constant.i]._yscale = scale; = - (10 + random(5));
bullethit = 1;
_root.bullet._x = -1000;
if (bullethit == 1) {
hit = 1;
} else if (distance > 500) {
hit = 1;
} else {
hit = 0;
distance = distance + 10;
traceralpha = traceralpha - 3;
if (traceralpha > 0) {
z = z + 1;
_root.tracer.duplicateMovieClip("laser" + z, z);
_root["laser" + z]._x = _root.bullet._x;
_root["laser" + z]._y = _root.bullet._y;
_root["laser" + z]._rotation = this._rotation;
_root["laser" + z]._alpha = traceralpha;
} while (hit == 0);
shottimer = 2;
_root.hud.p90ammo = _root.hud.p90ammo - 1;
if ((((((fire == 1) and (_root.panel.weapon == 18)) and (shottimer < 0)) and (_root.cursor._x < 550)) and (_root.hud.spasammo > 0)) and (_root.hud.reloading == 0)) {
z = z + 1;
_root.flash.duplicateMovieClip("flash" + z, z);
z = z + 1;
_root.casing.duplicateMovieClip("flash" + z, z);
j = 0;
while (j < 5) {
hit = 0;
hitbadguy = 0;
distance = 1;
point = new Object();
point.x = _root.gun.shelldispenser._x;
point.y = _root.gun.shelldispenser._y;
rotation2 = _root.gun._rotation + (random(20) - 10);
traceralpha = 40 + random(20);
do {
_root.bullet._y = point.y + ((-Math.sin(rotation2 * (Math.PI/180))) * distance);
_root.bullet._x = point.x + ((-Math.cos(rotation2 * (Math.PI/180))) * distance);
bullethit = 0;
i = 0;
while (i < _root.square.badorb.length) {
circleA = _root.square.badorb[i];
circleA = eval (circleA);
if (_root.bullet.hitTest(circleA)) {
_root.constant.splatterrotation = Math.atan((circleA._y - _root.gun._y) / (circleA._x - _root.gun._x));
splatter = 20;
do {
_root.constant.i = _root.constant.i + 1;
_root.splatter.duplicateMovieClip("splatter" + _root.constant.i, _root.constant.i);
_root["splatter" + _root.constant.i]._x = _root.bullet._x;
_root["splatter" + _root.constant.i]._y = _root.bullet._y;
splatter = splatter - 1;
} while (splatter > 0);
point = new Object();
point.x = circleA._x;
point.y = circleA._y;
_root.constant.i = _root.constant.i + 1;
_root.background.attachMovie("zombieblood", "blood" + _root.constant.i, _root.constant.i);
_root.background["blood" + _root.constant.i]._x = point.x;
_root.background["blood" + _root.constant.i]._y = point.y;
_root.background["blood" + _root.constant.i]._rotation = random(360) - 180;
scale = 80 + random(40);
_root.background["blood" + _root.constant.i]._xscale = scale;
_root.background["blood" + _root.constant.i]._yscale = scale; = - (10 + random(10));
bullethit = 1;
if (bullethit == 1) {
hit = 1;
hitbadguy = 1;
} else if (distance > 500) {
hit = 1;
} else {
hit = 0;
distance = distance + 10;
z = z + 1;
traceralpha = traceralpha - 3;
if (traceralpha > 0) {
z = z + 1;
_root.tracer.duplicateMovieClip("laser" + z, z);
_root["laser" + z]._x = _root.bullet._x;
_root["laser" + z]._y = _root.bullet._y;
_root["laser" + z]._rotation = this._rotation;
_root["laser" + z]._alpha = traceralpha;
} while (hit == 0);
shottimer = 10;
_root.hud.spasammo = _root.hud.spasammo - 1;
_root.bullet._x = -1000;
if ((((((fire == 1) and (_root.panel.weapon == 10)) and (shottimer < 0)) and (_root.cursor._x < 550)) and (_root.hud.ak47ammo > 0)) and (_root.hud.reloading == 0)) {
z = z + 1;
_root.flash.duplicateMovieClip("flash" + z, z);
z = z + 1;
_root.casing.duplicateMovieClip("flash" + z, z);
hit = 0;
distance = 1;
point = new Object();
point.x = _root.gun.shelldispenser._x;
point.y = _root.gun.shelldispenser._y;
traceralpha = 40 + random(20);
rotation = _root.gun._rotation + (random(10) - 5);
do {
_root.bullet._y = point.y + ((-Math.sin(rotation * (Math.PI/180))) * distance);
_root.bullet._x = point.x + ((-Math.cos(rotation * (Math.PI/180))) * distance);
bullethit = 0;
i = 0;
while (i < _root.square.badorb.length) {
circleA = _root.square.badorb[i];
circleA = eval (circleA);
if (_root.bullet.hitTest(circleA)) {
_root.constant.splatterrotation = Math.atan((circleA._y - _root.gun._y) / (circleA._x - _root.gun._x));
splatter = 20;
do {
_root.constant.i = _root.constant.i + 1;
_root.splatter.duplicateMovieClip("splatter" + _root.constant.i, _root.constant.i);
_root["splatter" + _root.constant.i]._x = _root.bullet._x;
_root["splatter" + _root.constant.i]._y = _root.bullet._y;
splatter = splatter - 1;
} while (splatter > 0);
point = new Object();
point.x = circleA._x;
point.y = circleA._y;
_root.constant.i = _root.constant.i + 1;
_root.background.attachMovie("zombieblood", "blood" + _root.constant.i, _root.constant.i);
_root.background["blood" + _root.constant.i]._x = point.x;
_root.background["blood" + _root.constant.i]._y = point.y;
_root.background["blood" + _root.constant.i]._rotation = random(360) - 180;
scale = 80 + random(40);
_root.background["blood" + _root.constant.i]._xscale = scale;
_root.background["blood" + _root.constant.i]._yscale = scale; = - (15 + random(5));
bullethit = 1;
_root.bullet._x = -1000;
if (bullethit == 1) {
hit = 1;
} else if (distance > 500) {
hit = 1;
} else {
hit = 0;
distance = distance + 10;
traceralpha = traceralpha - 3;
if (traceralpha > 0) {
z = z + 1;
_root.tracer.duplicateMovieClip("laser" + z, z);
_root["laser" + z]._x = _root.bullet._x;
_root["laser" + z]._y = _root.bullet._y;
_root["laser" + z]._rotation = this._rotation;
_root["laser" + z]._alpha = traceralpha;
} while (hit == 0);
shottimer = 4;
_root.hud.ak47ammo = _root.hud.ak47ammo - 1;
if ((((((fire == 1) and (_root.panel.weapon == 11)) and (shottimer < 0)) and (_root.cursor._x < 550)) and (_root.hud.m16ammo > 0)) and (_root.hud.reloading == 0)) {
z = z + 1;
_root.flash.duplicateMovieClip("flash" + z, z);
z = z + 1;
_root.casing.duplicateMovieClip("flash" + z, z);
hit = 0;
distance = 1;
point = new Object();
point.x = _root.gun.shelldispenser._x;
point.y = _root.gun.shelldispenser._y;
traceralpha = 40 + random(20);
rotation = _root.gun._rotation + (random(10) - 5);
do {
_root.bullet._y = point.y + ((-Math.sin(rotation * (Math.PI/180))) * distance);
_root.bullet._x = point.x + ((-Math.cos(rotation * (Math.PI/180))) * distance);
bullethit = 0;
i = 0;
while (i < _root.square.badorb.length) {
circleA = _root.square.badorb[i];
circleA = eval (circleA);
if (_root.bullet.hitTest(circleA)) {
_root.constant.splatterrotation = Math.atan((circleA._y - _root.gun._y) / (circleA._x - _root.gun._x));
splatter = 20;
do {
_root.constant.i = _root.constant.i + 1;
_root.splatter.duplicateMovieClip("splatter" + _root.constant.i, _root.constant.i);
_root["splatter" + _root.constant.i]._x = _root.bullet._x;
_root["splatter" + _root.constant.i]._y = _root.bullet._y;
splatter = splatter - 1;
} while (splatter > 0);
point = new Object();
point.x = circleA._x;
point.y = circleA._y;
_root.constant.i = _root.constant.i + 1;
_root.background.attachMovie("zombieblood", "blood" + _root.constant.i, _root.constant.i);
_root.background["blood" + _root.constant.i]._x = point.x;
_root.background["blood" + _root.constant.i]._y = point.y;
_root.background["blood" + _root.constant.i]._rotation = random(360) - 180;
scale = 80 + random(40);
_root.background["blood" + _root.constant.i]._xscale = scale;
_root.background["blood" + _root.constant.i]._yscale = scale; = - (15 + random(5));
bullethit = 1;
_root.bullet._x = -1000;
if (bullethit == 1) {
hit = 1;
} else if (distance > 500) {
hit = 1;
} else {
hit = 0;
distance = distance + 10;
traceralpha = traceralpha - 3;
if (traceralpha > 0) {
z = z + 1;
_root.tracer.duplicateMovieClip("laser" + z, z);
_root["laser" + z]._x = _root.bullet._x;
_root["laser" + z]._y = _root.bullet._y;
_root["laser" + z]._rotation = this._rotation;
_root["laser" + z]._alpha = traceralpha;
} while (hit == 0);
shottimer = 2;
_root.hud.m16ammo = _root.hud.m16ammo - 1;
if ((((((fire == 1) and (_root.panel.weapon == 12)) and (shottimer < 0)) and (_root.cursor._x < 550)) and (_root.hud.minigunammo > 0)) and (_root.hud.reloading == 0)) {
z = z + 1;
_root.flash.duplicateMovieClip("flash" + z, z);
z = z + 1;
_root.casing.duplicateMovieClip("flash" + z, z);
hit = 0;
distance = 1;
point = new Object();
point.x = _root.gun.shelldispenser._x;
point.y = _root.gun.shelldispenser._y;
traceralpha = 40 + random(20);
rotation = _root.gun._rotation + (random(30) - 15);
do {
_root.bullet._y = point.y + ((-Math.sin(rotation * (Math.PI/180))) * distance);
_root.bullet._x = point.x + ((-Math.cos(rotation * (Math.PI/180))) * distance);
bullethit = 0;
i = 0;
while (i < _root.square.badorb.length) {
circleA = _root.square.badorb[i];
circleA = eval (circleA);
if (_root.bullet.hitTest(circleA)) {
_root.constant.splatterrotation = Math.atan((circleA._y - _root.gun._y) / (circleA._x - _root.gun._x));
splatter = 20;
do {
_root.constant.i = _root.constant.i + 1;
_root.splatter.duplicateMovieClip("splatter" + _root.constant.i, _root.constant.i);
_root["splatter" + _root.constant.i]._x = _root.bullet._x;
_root["splatter" + _root.constant.i]._y = _root.bullet._y;
splatter = splatter - 1;
} while (splatter > 0);
point = new Object();
point.x = circleA._x;
point.y = circleA._y;
_root.constant.i = _root.constant.i + 1;
_root.background.attachMovie("zombieblood", "blood" + _root.constant.i, _root.constant.i);
_root.background["blood" + _root.constant.i]._x = point.x;
_root.background["blood" + _root.constant.i]._y = point.y;
_root.background["blood" + _root.constant.i]._rotation = random(360) - 180;
scale = 80 + random(40);
_root.background["blood" + _root.constant.i]._xscale = scale;
_root.background["blood" + _root.constant.i]._yscale = scale; = - (10 + random(5));
bullethit = 1;
_root.bullet._x = -1000;
if (bullethit == 1) {
hit = 1;
} else if (distance > 500) {
hit = 1;
} else {
hit = 0;
distance = distance + 10;
traceralpha = traceralpha - 3;
if (traceralpha > 0) {
z = z + 1;
_root.tracer.duplicateMovieClip("laser" + z, z);
_root["laser" + z]._x = _root.bullet._x;
_root["laser" + z]._y = _root.bullet._y;
_root["laser" + z]._rotation = this._rotation;
_root["laser" + z]._alpha = traceralpha;
} while (hit == 0);
shottimer = 0;
_root.hud.minigunammo = _root.hud.minigunammo - 1;
if ((((((fire == 1) and (_root.panel.weapon == 19)) and (shottimer < 0)) and (_root.cursor._x < 550)) and (_root.hud.pulseammo > 0)) and (_root.hud.reloading == 0)) {
z = z + 1;
_root.flash.duplicateMovieClip("flash" + z, z);
colorObj = new Color(_root["flash" + z]);
colorObj.setTransform({ra:100, rb:0, ga:100, gb:0, ba:250, bb:250, aa:100, ab:0});
z = z + 1;
_root.casing.duplicateMovieClip("flash" + z, z);
point = new Object();
point.x = _root.gun.shelldispenser._x;
point.y = _root.gun.shelldispenser._y;
_root.constant.i = _root.constant.i + 1;
_root.pulse.duplicateMovieClip("rocket" + _root.constant.i, _root.constant.i);
_root["rocket" + _root.constant.i]._x = point.x;
_root["rocket" + _root.constant.i]._y = point.y;
_root["rocket" + _root.constant.i]._rotation = (_rotation + (1 + random(10))) - 5;
_root["rocket" + _root.constant.i].spray = 1;
shottimer = 3;
_root.hud.pulseammo = _root.hud.pulseammo - 1;
Instance of Symbol 588 MovieClip "bullet" in Frame 3
onClipEvent (load) {
_alpha = 0;
Instance of Symbol 637 MovieClip "explosion" in Frame 3
onClipEvent (load) {
var explosion_sound = new Sound();
timer = 49;
playsound = 0;
_rotation = (random(360) - 180);
if (_root.constant.explosion == 1) {
gotoAndStop (1);
if (_root.constant.explosion == 2) {
gotoAndStop (2);
if (_root.constant.explosion == 3) {
gotoAndStop (3);
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (explode == 1) {
i = 0;
while (i < _root.square.badorb.length) {
circleA = _root.square.badorb[i];
circleA = eval (circleA);
if (this.hitTest(circleA)) {
_root.constant.zombiesleft = _root.constant.zombiesleft - 1;
_root.constant.splatterrotation = Math.atan((circleA._y - this._y) / (circleA._x - this._x));
gibs = 100;
do {
_root.constant.i = _root.constant.i + 1;
_root.gibs.duplicateMovieClip("gibs" + _root.constant.i, _root.constant.i);
_root["gibs" + _root.constant.i]._x = circleA._x + ((random(100) / 5) - 10);
_root["gibs" + _root.constant.i]._y = circleA._y + ((random(100) / 5) - 10);
speed = 10 + (random(200) / 20);
_root["gibs" + _root.constant.i].yspeed = Math.sin(_root.constant.splatterrotation + ((random(200) / 200) - 0.5)) * speed;
_root["gibs" + _root.constant.i].xspeed = Math.cos(_root.constant.splatterrotation + ((random(200) / 200) - 0.5)) * speed;
if (circleA._x < this._x) {
_root["gibs" + _root.constant.i].yspeed = (-Math.sin(_root.constant.splatterrotation + ((random(200) / 200) - 0.5))) * speed;
_root["gibs" + _root.constant.i].xspeed = (-Math.cos(_root.constant.splatterrotation + ((random(200) / 200) - 0.5))) * speed;
gibs = gibs - 1;
} while (gibs > 0);
point = new Object();
point.x = circleA._x;
point.y = circleA._y;
splatter = 5;
do {
_root.constant.i = _root.constant.i + 1;
_root.background.attachMovie("zombieblood", "blood" + _root.constant.i, _root.constant.i);
_root.background["blood" + _root.constant.i]._x = point.x + ((random(100) / 5) - 10);
_root.background["blood" + _root.constant.i]._y = point.y + ((random(100) / 5) - 10);
_root.background["blood" + _root.constant.i]._rotation = random(360) - 180;
scale = 80 + random(40);
_root.background["blood" + _root.constant.i]._xscale = scale;
_root.background["blood" + _root.constant.i]._yscale = scale;
splatter = splatter - 1;
} while (splatter > 0);
circleA.removeMovieClip(); = + 20;
timer = timer - 1;
if (timer < 1) {
if ((explode == 1) and (playsound == 0)) {
playsound = 1;
Instance of Symbol 670 MovieClip "zombieblown" in Frame 3
onClipEvent (load) {
_x = _root.constant.zombiex;
_y = _root.constant.zombiey;
_root.zombieblown._x = -3000;
_rotation = _root.constant.zombierotation;
life = 100;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
_alpha = (_alpha - 1);
_root.zombieblown._alpha = 100; = 100;
life = life - 1;
if (life < 0) {
Instance of Symbol 673 MovieClip in Frame 3
onClipEvent (load) {
_alpha = 0;
timer = 200;
endtimer = 200;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (_root.constant.herohealth < 1) {
_alpha = (_alpha + 1);
_x = 80;
_y = 100;
endtimer = endtimer - 1;
if (endtimer < 50) {
_root.whiteout._alpha = _root.whiteout._alpha + 2;
if (endtimer < 1) {
_root.constant.herohealth = 100;
round = _root.constant.round;
if (_root.constant.round > 1) {
_root.constant.round = _root.constant.round - 1;
if (round == 1) {
} else {
if (_root.constant.zombiesleft < 1) {
_alpha = (_alpha + 1);
_x = 80;
_y = 100;
timer = timer - 1;
if (timer < 50) {
_root.whiteout._alpha = _root.whiteout._alpha + 2;
if (timer < 1) {
Instance of Symbol 676 MovieClip "acidshot" in Frame 3
onClipEvent (load) {
colorObj = new Color(this);
colorObj.setTransform({ra:100, rb:0, ga:100, gb:40 + random(40), ba:100, bb:0, aa:100, ab:0});
distance = 0;
theta = Math.atan((_y - _root.gun._y) / (_x - _root.gun._x));
speed = 5;
xspeed = Math.cos(theta) * speed;
yspeed = Math.sin(theta) * speed;
if (_x > _root.gun._x) {
xspeed = (-Math.cos(theta)) * speed;
yspeed = (-Math.sin(theta)) * speed;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
_root.acidshot._x = -5000;
if (spray == 1) {
_root.constant.i = _root.constant.i + 1;
_root.acidspray.duplicateMovieClip("acidspray" + _root.constant.i, _root.constant.i);
_root["acidspray" + _root.constant.i]._x = _x;
_root["acidspray" + _root.constant.i]._y = _y;
_x = (_x + xspeed);
_y = (_y + yspeed);
distance = distance + 1;
if (this.hitTest(_root.gun)) {
_root.constant.herohealth = _root.constant.herohealth - 20;
p = 0;
while (p < 20) {
_root.constant.i = _root.constant.i + 1;
_root.acidspray.duplicateMovieClip("acidspray" + _root.constant.i, _root.constant.i);
_root["acidspray" + _root.constant.i]._x = _x;
_root["acidspray" + _root.constant.i]._y = _y;
if (distance > 1000) {
Instance of Symbol 678 MovieClip "acidspray" in Frame 3
onClipEvent (load) {
colorObj = new Color(this);
colorObj.setTransform({ra:100, rb:0, ga:100, gb:40 + random(40), ba:100, bb:0, aa:100, ab:0});
_alpha = (50 + random(50));
life = _alpha;
yspeed = (random(100) / 50) - 1;
xspeed = (random(100) / 50) - 1;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
_alpha = (_alpha - 5);
life = life - 5;
_x = (_x + xspeed);
_y = (_y + yspeed);
if (life < 1) {
Instance of Symbol 680 MovieClip "lasersplatter" in Frame 3
onClipEvent (load) {
_x = _root.constant.zombiex;
_y = _root.constant.zombiey;
colorObj = new Color(this);
colorObj.setTransform({ra:100, rb:0, ga:100, gb:0, ba:100, bb:40 + random(40), aa:100, ab:0});
_root.splatter._x = -1000;
speed = 10 + (random(200) / 20);
yspeed = Math.sin(_root.constant.splatterrotation + ((random(200) / 200) - 0.5)) * speed;
xspeed = Math.cos(_root.constant.splatterrotation + ((random(200) / 200) - 0.5)) * speed;
if (_x < _root.gun._x) {
yspeed = (-Math.sin(_root.constant.splatterrotation + ((random(200) / 200) - 0.5))) * speed;
xspeed = (-Math.cos(_root.constant.splatterrotation + ((random(200) / 200) - 0.5))) * speed;
_alpha = (80 + random(20));
life = _alpha;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) { = 100000 /* 0x0186A0 */;
xspeed = xspeed / 1.5;
yspeed = yspeed / 1.5;
_x = (_x + xspeed);
_y = (_y + yspeed);
life = life - 5;
_alpha = (_alpha - 5);
if (life < 0) {
Instance of Symbol 682 MovieClip "laserdust" in Frame 3
onClipEvent (load) {
colour = 1;
alpha = 100;
_alpha = (50 + random(50));
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
yspeed = yspeed * 0.5;
xspeed = xspeed * 0.5;
_x = (_x + xspeed);
_y = (_y + yspeed);
life = life - 1;
if (life < 15) {
colorObj = new Color(this);
colorObj.setTransform({ra:100, rb:0, ga:100, gb:0, ba:100, bb:colour, aa:100, ab:0});
colour = colour + 10;
if (life < 0) {
colorObj = new Color(this);
colorObj.setTransform({ra:100, rb:0, ga:100, gb:0, ba:100, bb:colour, aa:alpha, ab:0});
alpha = alpha - 2;
if (life < -50) {
Instance of Symbol 683 MovieClip "redlaserdust" in Frame 3
onClipEvent (load) {
colour = 1;
alpha = 100;
_alpha = (50 + random(50));
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
yspeed = yspeed * 0.5;
xspeed = xspeed * 0.5;
_x = (_x + xspeed);
_y = (_y + yspeed);
life = life - 1;
if (life < 15) {
colorObj = new Color(this);
colorObj.setTransform({ra:100, rb:colour, ga:100, gb:0, ba:100, bb:0, aa:100, ab:0});
colour = colour + 10;
if (life < 0) {
colorObj = new Color(this);
colorObj.setTransform({ra:100, rb:colour, ga:100, gb:0, ba:100, bb:0, aa:alpha, ab:0});
alpha = alpha - 2;
if (life < -50) {
Instance of Symbol 685 MovieClip "rocketspray" in Frame 3
onClipEvent (load) {
green = random(255);
red = random(255);
if (green > red) {
green = red;
colorObj = new Color(this);
colorObj.setTransform({ra:100, rb:red, ga:100, gb:green, ba:100, bb:0, aa:100, ab:0});
_alpha = (50 + random(50));
life = _alpha;
yspeed = (random(100) / 50) - 1;
xspeed = (random(100) / 50) - 1;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
_alpha = (_alpha - 5);
life = life - 5;
_x = (_x + xspeed);
_y = (_y + yspeed);
if (life < 1) {
Instance of Symbol 687 MovieClip "rocket" in Frame 3
onClipEvent (load) {
speed = 5;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (spray == 1) {
speed = speed + 0.5;
i = 0;
while (i < 5) {
_root.constant.i = _root.constant.i + 1;
_root.rocketspray.duplicateMovieClip("rocketspray" + _root.constant.i, _root.constant.i);
_root["rocketspray" + _root.constant.i]._x = _x;
_root["rocketspray" + _root.constant.i]._y = _y;
xspeed = (-Math.cos(_rotation * (Math.PI/180))) * speed;
yspeed = (-Math.sin(_rotation * (Math.PI/180))) * speed;
_x = (_x + xspeed);
_y = (_y + yspeed);
i = 0;
while (i < _root.square.badorb.length) {
circleA = _root.square.badorb[i];
circleA = eval (circleA);
if (this.hitTest(circleA) or (speed > 50)) {
_root.constant.i = _root.constant.i + 1;
_root.explosion.duplicateMovieClip("explosion" + _root.constant.i, _root.constant.i);
_root["explosion" + _root.constant.i]._x = _x;
_root["explosion" + _root.constant.i]._y = _y;
_root["explosion" + _root.constant.i]._rotation = random(360) - 180;
_root["explosion" + _root.constant.i].explode = 1;
Instance of Symbol 689 MovieClip "plasmaspray" in Frame 3
onClipEvent (load) {
if (_root.panel.weapon == 20) {
xspeed = (random(100) / 5) - 10;
yspeed = (random(100) / 5) - 10;
_alpha = (50 + random(50));
life = _alpha;
if (_root.panel.weapon == 19) {
xspeed = (random(100) / 10) - 5;
yspeed = (random(100) / 10) - 5;
_alpha = random(50);
life = _alpha;
if (_root.panel.weapon == 21) {
xspeed = (random(100) / 10) - 5;
yspeed = (random(100) / 10) - 5;
_alpha = (80 + random(20));
life = _alpha;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
_y = (_y + yspeed);
_x = (_x + xspeed);
xspeed = xspeed / 2;
yspeed = yspeed / 2;
_alpha = (_alpha - 5);
life = life - 5;
if (life < 0) {
Instance of Symbol 692 MovieClip "pulse" in Frame 3
onClipEvent (load) {
speed = 5;
if (_root.panel.weapon == 19) {
if (_root.panel.weapon == 20) {
red = random(255);
blue = random(255);
green = random(255);
colorObj = new Color(this);
colorObj.setTransform({ra:100, rb:red, ga:100, gb:green, ba:100, bb:blue, aa:100, ab:0});
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if ((spray == 1) and (_root.panel.weapon == 19)) {
speed = speed + 1;
xspeed = (-Math.cos(_rotation * (Math.PI/180))) * speed;
yspeed = (-Math.sin(_rotation * (Math.PI/180))) * speed;
_x = (_x + xspeed);
_y = (_y + yspeed);
i = 0;
while (i < _root.square.badorb.length) {
circleA = _root.square.badorb[i];
circleA = eval (circleA);
if (this.hitTest(circleA) or (speed > 50)) {
_root.constant.splatterrotation = Math.atan((circleA._y - _root.gun._y) / (circleA._x - _root.gun._x));
splatter = 20;
do {
_root.constant.i = _root.constant.i + 1;
_root.splatter.duplicateMovieClip("splatter" + _root.constant.i, _root.constant.i);
_root["splatter" + _root.constant.i]._x = _x;
_root["splatter" + _root.constant.i]._y = _y;
splatter = splatter - 1;
} while (splatter > 0); = - (30 + random(20));
if ((spray == 1) and (_root.panel.weapon == 20)) {
speed = speed + 1;
i = 0;
while (i < 5) {
_root.constant.i = _root.constant.i + 1;
_root.plasmaspray.duplicateMovieClip("rocketspray" + _root.constant.i, _root.constant.i);
_root["rocketspray" + _root.constant.i]._x = _x;
_root["rocketspray" + _root.constant.i]._y = _y;
colour = random(100) - 50;
colorObj = new Color(_root["rocketspray" + _root.constant.i]);
colorObj.setTransform({ra:100, rb:red + colour, ga:100, gb:green + colour, ba:100, bb:blue + colour, aa:100, ab:0});
xspeed = (-Math.cos(_rotation * (Math.PI/180))) * 10;
yspeed = (-Math.sin(_rotation * (Math.PI/180))) * 10;
_x = (_x + xspeed);
_y = (_y + yspeed);
i = 0;
while (i < _root.square.badorb.length) {
circleA = _root.square.badorb[i];
circleA = eval (circleA);
if (this.hitTest(circleA)) {
_root.constant.splatterrotation = Math.atan((circleA._y - _root.gun._y) / (circleA._x - _root.gun._x));
splatter = 50;
do {
_root.constant.i = _root.constant.i + 1;
_root.plasmaspray.duplicateMovieClip("splatter" + _root.constant.i, _root.constant.i);
colour = random(100) - 50;
colorObj = new Color(_root["splatter" + _root.constant.i]);
colorObj.setTransform({ra:100, rb:red + colour, ga:100, gb:green + colour, ba:100, bb:blue + colour, aa:100, ab:0});
_root["splatter" + _root.constant.i]._x = (_x + (1 + random(20))) - 10;
_root["splatter" + _root.constant.i]._y = (_y + (1 + random(20))) - 10;
splatter = splatter - 1;
} while (splatter > 0);
point = new Object();
point.x = circleA._x;
point.y = circleA._y;
_root.constant.i = _root.constant.i + 1;
_root.background.attachMovie("laserburn", "blood" + _root.constant.i, _root.constant.i);
_root.background["blood" + _root.constant.i]._x = point.x;
_root.background["blood" + _root.constant.i]._y = point.y;
_root.background["blood" + _root.constant.i]._rotation = random(360) - 180;
_root.constant.zombiesleft = _root.constant.zombiesleft - 1; = + 20;
} else if (speed > 50) {
Instance of Symbol 694 MovieClip "vampireball" in Frame 3
onClipEvent (load) {
xspeed = (random(100) / 2) - 25;
yspeed = (random(100) / 2) - 25;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (spray == 1) {
_x = (_x + xspeed);
_y = (_y + yspeed);
xdif = this._x - _root.gun._x;
ydif = this._y - _root.gun._y;
theta = Math.atan(xdif / ydif);
xchange = Math.sin(theta);
ychange = Math.cos(theta);
xspeed = xspeed * 0.95;
yspeed = yspeed * 0.95;
if (_y < _root.gun._y) {
xspeed = xspeed + (xchange / 2);
yspeed = yspeed + (ychange / 2);
if (_y > _root.gun._y) {
xspeed = xspeed - (xchange / 2);
yspeed = yspeed - (ychange / 2);
if (this.hitTest(_root.gun)) {
_root.constant.herohealth = (_root.constant.herohealth + 1) + random(5);
splatter = 20;
do {
_root.constant.i = _root.constant.i + 1;
_root.plasmaspray.duplicateMovieClip("splatter" + _root.constant.i, _root.constant.i);
colour = random(250);
red = colour + random(100);
colorObj = new Color(_root["splatter" + _root.constant.i]);
colorObj.setTransform({ra:100, rb:colour + red, ga:100, gb:colour, ba:100, bb:colour, aa:100, ab:0});
_root["splatter" + _root.constant.i]._x = (_x + (1 + random(20))) - 10;
_root["splatter" + _root.constant.i]._y = (_y + (1 + random(20))) - 10;
_root["splatter" + _root.constant.i].life = 100;
splatter = splatter - 1;
} while (splatter > 0);
Instance of Symbol 696 MovieClip "splatter" in Frame 3
onClipEvent (load) {
colorObj = new Color(this);
colorObj.setTransform({ra:40 + random(40), rb:0, ga:100, gb:0, ba:100, bb:0, aa:100, ab:0});
_root.splatter._x = -1000;
speed = 10 + (random(200) / 20);
yspeed = Math.sin(_root.constant.splatterrotation + ((random(200) / 200) - 0.5)) * speed;
xspeed = Math.cos(_root.constant.splatterrotation + ((random(200) / 200) - 0.5)) * speed;
if (_x < _root.gun._x) {
yspeed = (-Math.sin(_root.constant.splatterrotation + ((random(200) / 200) - 0.5))) * speed;
xspeed = (-Math.cos(_root.constant.splatterrotation + ((random(200) / 200) - 0.5))) * speed;
life = 100;
_alpha = 100;
scale = random(100);
_xscale = scale;
_yscale = scale;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) { = 100000 /* 0x0186A0 */;
xspeed = xspeed / 1.5;
yspeed = yspeed / 1.5;
_x = (_x + xspeed);
_y = (_y + yspeed);
life = life - 7;
_xscale = (_xscale * 0.99);
_yscale = (_yscale * 0.99);
if (life < 0) {
Instance of Symbol 698 MovieClip "zombiechunksdisabled" in Frame 3
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
colorObj = new Color(this);
colorObj.setTransform({ra:40 + random(40), rb:0, ga:100, gb:0, ba:100, bb:0, aa:100, ab:0});
_y = (_y + yspeed);
_x = (_x + xspeed);
xspeed = xspeed * 0.99;
yspeed = yspeed * 0.99;
life = life - 1;
_rotation = (_rotation + rotat);
if (life == 0) {
onClipEvent (load) {
life = 100;
rotat = (1 + random(5)) - 2.5;
Instance of Symbol 699 MovieClip "gibs" in Frame 3
onClipEvent (load) {
colorObj = new Color(this);
colorObj.setTransform({ra:10 + random(70), rb:0, ga:100, gb:0, ba:100, bb:0, aa:100, ab:0});
life = 100;
_alpha = 100;
_xscale = random(200);
_yscale = random(200);
rotat = (1 + random(10)) - 5;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
_rotation = (_rotation + rotat);
xspeed = xspeed / 1.5;
yspeed = yspeed / 1.5;
_x = (_x + xspeed);
_y = (_y + yspeed);
life = life - 4;
_alpha = life;
_xscale = (_xscale * 0.99);
_yscale = (_yscale * 0.99);
if (life < 0) {
Instance of Symbol 380 MovieClip [zombiedeath] "zombiedeath" in Frame 3
onClipEvent (load) {
timer = 60;
_alpha = 100;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
timer = timer - 1;
if (timer < 30) {
_alpha = (_alpha - 3);
if (timer < 0) {
Instance of Symbol 711 MovieClip "flash" in Frame 3
onClipEvent (load) {
this.gotoAndPlay(1 + random(5));
life = 100;
_xscale = (80 + random(30));
_yscale = (80 + random(30));
life = 100;
_alpha = 100;
point = new Object();
point.x = _root.gun.shelldispenser._x;
point.y = _root.gun.shelldispenser._y;
_x = point.x;
_y = point.y;
_rotation = _root.gun._rotation;
_root.flash._x = -1000;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
_alpha = (_alpha - 10);
life = life - 10;
if (life < 0) {
Instance of Symbol 713 MovieClip "laserbeam" in Frame 3
onClipEvent (load) {
life = 25;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
life = life - 1;
if (life < 0) {
Instance of Symbol 735 MovieClip "hud" in Frame 3
onClipEvent (load) {
rugerammo = 15;
berettaammo = 15;
deagleammo = 7;
pythonammo = 6;
laspistolammo = 1;
uziammo = 32;
mp5ammo = 30;
benelliammo = 12;
lasgunammo = 3;
ak47ammo = 32;
m16ammo = 32;
minigunammo = 200;
rocketammo = 3;
sniperammo = 8;
railgunammo = 1;
p90ammo = 50;
sawnoffammo = 2;
spasammo = 12;
pulseammo = 30;
plasmaammo = 5;
vampireammo = 6;
reloading = 0;
var pistolreload_sound = new Sound();
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (Key.isDown(82) and (reloading == 0)) {
reloading = 1;
if (_root.panel.weapon == 1) {
reloadtimer = 50;
reloadtimermax = reloadtimer;
if (_root.panel.weapon == 2) {
reloadtimer = 50;
reloadtimermax = reloadtimer;
if (_root.panel.weapon == 3) {
reloadtimer = 50;
reloadtimermax = reloadtimer;
if (_root.panel.weapon == 4) {
reloadtimer = 80;
reloadtimermax = reloadtimer;
if (_root.panel.weapon == 5) {
reloadtimer = 50;
reloadtimermax = reloadtimer;
if (_root.panel.weapon == 6) {
reloadtimer = 80;
reloadtimermax = reloadtimer;
if (_root.panel.weapon == 7) {
reloadtimer = 120;
reloadtimermax = reloadtimer;
if (_root.panel.weapon == 8) {
reloadtimer = 120;
reloadtimermax = reloadtimer;
if (_root.panel.weapon == 9) {
reloadtimer = 120;
reloadtimermax = reloadtimer;
if (_root.panel.weapon == 10) {
reloadtimer = 130;
reloadtimermax = reloadtimer;
if (_root.panel.weapon == 11) {
reloadtimer = 130;
reloadtimermax = reloadtimer;
if (_root.panel.weapon == 12) {
reloadtimer = 130;
reloadtimermax = reloadtimer;
if (_root.panel.weapon == 13) {
reloadtimer = 240;
reloadtimermax = reloadtimer;
if (_root.panel.weapon == 14) {
reloadtimer = 180;
reloadtimermax = reloadtimer;
if (_root.panel.weapon == 15) {
reloadtimer = 120;
reloadtimermax = reloadtimer;
if (_root.panel.weapon == 16) {
reloadtimer = 120;
reloadtimermax = reloadtimer;
if (_root.panel.weapon == 17) {
reloadtimer = 50;
reloadtimermax = reloadtimer;
if (_root.panel.weapon == 18) {
reloadtimer = 120;
reloadtimermax = reloadtimer;
if (_root.panel.weapon == 19) {
reloadtimer = 120;
reloadtimermax = reloadtimer;
if (_root.panel.weapon == 20) {
reloadtimer = 120;
reloadtimermax = reloadtimer;
if (_root.panel.weapon == 21) {
reloadtimer = 120;
reloadtimermax = reloadtimer;
if (reloading == 1) {
reloadtimer = reloadtimer - 1;
if ((reloadtimer < 1) and (_root.panel.weapon == 1)) {
rugerammo = 15;
reloading = 0;
if ((reloadtimer < 1) and (_root.panel.weapon == 2)) {
berettaammo = 15;
reloading = 0;
if ((reloadtimer < 1) and (_root.panel.weapon == 3)) {
deagleammo = 7;
reloading = 0;
if ((reloadtimer < 1) and (_root.panel.weapon == 4)) {
pythonammo = 6;
reloading = 0;
if ((reloadtimer < 1) and (_root.panel.weapon == 5)) {
laspistolammo = 1;
reloading = 0;
if ((reloadtimer < 1) and (_root.panel.weapon == 6)) {
uziammo = 32;
reloading = 0;
if ((reloadtimer < 1) and (_root.panel.weapon == 7)) {
mp5ammo = 30;
reloading = 0;
if ((reloadtimer < 1) and (_root.panel.weapon == 8)) {
benelliammo = 12;
reloading = 0;
if ((reloadtimer < 1) and (_root.panel.weapon == 9)) {
lasgunammo = 3;
reloading = 0;
if ((reloadtimer < 1) and (_root.panel.weapon == 10)) {
ak47ammo = 32;
reloading = 0;
if ((reloadtimer < 1) and (_root.panel.weapon == 11)) {
m16ammo = 32;
reloading = 0;
if ((reloadtimer < 1) and (_root.panel.weapon == 12)) {
minigunammo = 200;
reloading = 0;
if ((reloadtimer < 1) and (_root.panel.weapon == 13)) {
rocketammo = 3;
reloading = 0;
if ((reloadtimer < 1) and (_root.panel.weapon == 14)) {
sniperammo = 8;
reloading = 0;
if ((reloadtimer < 1) and (_root.panel.weapon == 15)) {
railgunammo = 1;
reloading = 0;
if ((reloadtimer < 1) and (_root.panel.weapon == 16)) {
p90ammo = 50;
reloading = 0;
if ((reloadtimer < 1) and (_root.panel.weapon == 17)) {
sawnoffammo = 2;
reloading = 0;
if ((reloadtimer < 1) and (_root.panel.weapon == 18)) {
spasammo = 12;
reloading = 0;
if ((reloadtimer < 1) and (_root.panel.weapon == 19)) {
pulseammo = 30;
reloading = 0;
if ((reloadtimer < 1) and (_root.panel.weapon == 20)) {
plasmaammo = 5;
reloading = 0;
if ((reloadtimer < 1) and (_root.panel.weapon == 21)) {
vampireammo = 6;
reloading = 0;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (_root.panel.weapon == 1) {
ammo = rugerammo;
if (_root.panel.weapon == 2) {
ammo = berettaammo;
if (_root.panel.weapon == 3) {
ammo = deagleammo;
if (_root.panel.weapon == 4) {
ammo = pythonammo;
if (_root.panel.weapon == 5) {
ammo = laspistolammo;
if (_root.panel.weapon == 6) {
ammo = uziammo;
if (_root.panel.weapon == 7) {
ammo = mp5ammo;
if (_root.panel.weapon == 8) {
ammo = benelliammo;
if (_root.panel.weapon == 9) {
ammo = lasgunammo;
if (_root.panel.weapon == 10) {
ammo = ak47ammo;
if (_root.panel.weapon == 11) {
ammo = m16ammo;
if (_root.panel.weapon == 12) {
ammo = minigunammo;
if (_root.panel.weapon == 13) {
ammo = rocketammo;
if (_root.panel.weapon == 14) {
ammo = sniperammo;
if (_root.panel.weapon == 15) {
ammo = railgunammo;
if (_root.panel.weapon == 16) {
ammo = p90ammo;
if (_root.panel.weapon == 17) {
ammo = sawnoffammo;
if (_root.panel.weapon == 18) {
ammo = spasammo;
if (_root.panel.weapon == 19) {
ammo = pulseammo;
if (_root.panel.weapon == 20) {
ammo = plasmaammo;
if (_root.panel.weapon == 21) {
ammo = vampireammo;
Instance of Symbol 737 MovieClip in Frame 3
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
loaded = Math.round((_root.hud.reloadtimer / _root.hud.reloadtimermax) * 100);
_xscale = loaded;
Instance of Symbol 741 MovieClip in Frame 3
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (_root.hud.reloading == 0) {
if (_root.hud.reloading == 1) {
if (_root.hud.ammo < 1) {
Instance of Symbol 752 MovieClip "ammocounter" in Frame 3
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
this.gotoAndStop(_root.hud.ammo + 1);
Instance of Symbol 754 MovieClip "casing" in Frame 3
onClipEvent (load) {
_root.casing._x = -1000;
_x = _root.ammocounter._x;
_y = _root.ammocounter._y;
_alpha = 100;
speed = 5 + (random(100) / 50);
xspeed = speed / 2;
yspeed = -speed;
life = 100;
_rotation = 0;
spin = -10 + (random(100) / 5);
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
yspeed = yspeed + 1;
_rotation = (_rotation + spin);
_y = (_y + yspeed);
_x = (_x + xspeed);
life = life - 10;
_alpha = (_alpha - 10);
if (life < 0) {
Instance of Symbol 756 MovieClip "tracer" in Frame 3
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (_root.panel.weapon == 7) {
_alpha = (_alpha - 50);
life = life - 50;
} else {
_alpha = (_alpha - 20);
life = life - 20;
if (life < 0) {
onClipEvent (load) {
life = 100;
Instance of Symbol 758 MovieClip "redlaserbeam" in Frame 3
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
life = life - 1;
if (life == 20) {
if (life < 0) {
Instance of Symbol 761 MovieClip "railbeam" in Frame 3
onClipEvent (load) {
life = 25;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
life = life - 1;
if (life < 0) {
Instance of Symbol 884 MovieClip "panel" in Frame 3
onClipEvent (load) {
weapon = 1;
Instance of Symbol 886 MovieClip "cursor" in Frame 3
onClipEvent (load) {
startDrag ("_root.cursor", true);
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (!((this._xmouse < 20) and (this._xmouse > -20))) {
_x = -1000;
Instance of Symbol 908 MovieClip in Frame 3
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
_alpha = (_alpha - 2);
onClipEvent (load) {
var transition_sound = new Sound();
if (_root._currentframe == 3) {
onClipEvent (load) {
_alpha = 100;
Frame 4
Instance of Symbol 1072 MovieClip in Frame 4
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
_alpha = (_alpha - 2);
onClipEvent (load) {
_alpha = 100;
Frame 5
Instance of Symbol 418 MovieClip "orb" in Frame 5
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
movespeed = 2;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (Key.isDown(65)) {
_x = (_x - movespeed);
_rotation = 0;
if (Key.isDown(68)) {
_x = (_x + movespeed);
_rotation = 180;
if (Key.isDown(87)) {
_y = (_y - movespeed);
_rotation = 90;
if (Key.isDown(83)) {
_y = (_y + movespeed);
_rotation = -90;
if (Key.isDown(65) and Key.isDown(87)) {
_rotation = 45;
if (Key.isDown(65) and Key.isDown(83)) {
_rotation = -45;
if (Key.isDown(68) and Key.isDown(87)) {
_rotation = 135;
if (Key.isDown(68) and Key.isDown(83)) {
_rotation = -135;
Frame 6
Instance of Symbol 586 MovieClip "gun" in Frame 6
onClipEvent (load) {
var python_sound = new Sound();
var ruger_sound = new Sound();
var beretta_sound = new Sound();
var deagle_sound = new Sound();
var vampire_sound = new Sound();
var sawnoff_sound = new Sound();
var m16_sound = new Sound();
var uzi_sound = new Sound();
var mp5_sound = new Sound();
var shotgun_sound = new Sound();
distance = 25;
z = 8000;
bullet = [_root.bullet];
explosion = [_root.explosion];
p = 0;
weapon = 0;
shottimer = 0;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
i = 0;
while (i < _root.square.badorb.length) {
circleA = _root.square.badorb[i];
circleA = eval (circleA);
if (this.hitTest(circleA)) {
_root.constant.herohealth = _root.constant.herohealth - 1;
rotation = _rotation;
_y = _root.orb._y;
_x = _root.orb._x;
adjacent = this._x - _root.cursor._x;
opposite = this._y - _root.cursor._y;
_rotation = (Math.atan(opposite / adjacent) * 57.2957795130823);
if (adjacent < 0) {
_rotation = (_rotation - 180);
shottimer = shottimer - 1;
onClipEvent (mouseUp) {
if (((((_root.panel.weapon == 1) and (shottimer < 0)) and (_root.cursor._x < 550)) and (_root.hud.rugerammo > 0)) and (_root.hud.reloading == 0)) {
z = z + 1;
_root.flash.duplicateMovieClip("flash" + z, z);
z = z + 1;
_root.casing.duplicateMovieClip("flash" + z, z);
hit = 0;
distance = 1;
point = new Object();
point.x = _root.gun.shelldispenser._x;
point.y = _root.gun.shelldispenser._y;
traceralpha = 40 + random(20);
rotation = _root.gun._rotation + ((random(100) / 50) - 1);
do {
_root.bullet._y = point.y + ((-Math.sin(rotation * (Math.PI/180))) * distance);
_root.bullet._x = point.x + ((-Math.cos(rotation * (Math.PI/180))) * distance);
bullethit = 0;
i = 0;
while (i < _root.square.badorb.length) {
circleA = _root.square.badorb[i];
circleA = eval (circleA);
if (_root.bullet.hitTest(circleA)) {
_root.constant.splatterrotation = Math.atan((circleA._y - _root.gun._y) / (circleA._x - _root.gun._x));
splatter = 20;
do {
_root.constant.i = _root.constant.i + 1;
_root.splatter.duplicateMovieClip("splatter" + _root.constant.i, _root.constant.i);
_root["splatter" + _root.constant.i]._x = _root.bullet._x;
_root["splatter" + _root.constant.i]._y = _root.bullet._y;
splatter = splatter - 1;
} while (splatter > 0); = - (10 + random(5));
bullethit = 1;
_root.bullet._x = -1000;
if (bullethit == 1) {
hit = 1;
hitbadguy = 1;
} else if (distance > 500) {
hit = 1;
} else {
hit = 0;
distance = distance + 10;
traceralpha = traceralpha - 3;
if (traceralpha > 0) {
z = z + 1;
_root.tracer.duplicateMovieClip("laser" + z, z);
_root["laser" + z]._x = _root.bullet._x;
_root["laser" + z]._y = _root.bullet._y;
_root["laser" + z]._rotation = this._rotation;
_root["laser" + z]._alpha = traceralpha;
} while (hit == 0);
shottimer = 7;
_root.hud.rugerammo = _root.hud.rugerammo - 1;
if (((((_root.panel.weapon == 2) and (shottimer < 0)) and (_root.cursor._x < 550)) and (_root.hud.berettaammo > 0)) and (_root.hud.reloading == 0)) {
z = z + 1;
_root.flash.duplicateMovieClip("flash" + z, z);
z = z + 1;
_root.casing.duplicateMovieClip("flash" + z, z);
hit = 0;
hitbadguy = 0;
distance = 1;
point = new Object();
point.x = _root.gun.shelldispenser._x;
point.y = _root.gun.shelldispenser._y;
traceralpha = 40 + random(20);
rotation = _root.gun._rotation + ((random(100) / 50) - 1);
do {
_root.bullet._y = point.y + ((-Math.sin(rotation * (Math.PI/180))) * distance);
_root.bullet._x = point.x + ((-Math.cos(rotation * (Math.PI/180))) * distance);
bullethit = 0;
i = 0;
while (i < _root.square.badorb.length) {
circleA = _root.square.badorb[i];
circleA = eval (circleA);
if (_root.bullet.hitTest(circleA)) {
_root.constant.splatterrotation = Math.atan((circleA._y - _root.gun._y) / (circleA._x - _root.gun._x));
splatter = 20;
do {
_root.constant.i = _root.constant.i + 1;
_root.splatter.duplicateMovieClip("splatter" + _root.constant.i, _root.constant.i);
_root["splatter" + _root.constant.i]._x = _root.bullet._x;
_root["splatter" + _root.constant.i]._y = _root.bullet._y;
splatter = splatter - 1;
} while (splatter > 0); = - (10 + random(5));
bullethit = 1;
_root.bullet._x = -1000;
if (bullethit == 1) {
hit = 1;
hitbadguy = 1;
} else if (distance > 500) {
hit = 1;
} else {
hit = 0;
distance = distance + 10;
traceralpha = traceralpha - 3;
if (traceralpha > 0) {
z = z + 1;
_root.tracer.duplicateMovieClip("laser" + z, z);
_root["laser" + z]._x = _root.bullet._x;
_root["laser" + z]._y = _root.bullet._y;
_root["laser" + z]._rotation = this._rotation;
_root["laser" + z]._alpha = traceralpha;
} while (hit == 0);
shottimer = 5;
_root.hud.berettaammo = _root.hud.berettaammo - 1;
if (((((_root.panel.weapon == 3) and (shottimer < 0)) and (_root.cursor._x < 550)) and (_root.hud.deagleammo > 0)) and (_root.hud.reloading == 0)) {
z = z + 1;
_root.flash.duplicateMovieClip("flash" + z, z);
z = z + 1;
_root.casing.duplicateMovieClip("flash" + z, z);
hit = 0;
hitbadguy = 0;
distance = 1;
point = new Object();
point.x = _root.gun.shelldispenser._x;
point.y = _root.gun.shelldispenser._y;
traceralpha = 40 + random(20);
rotation = _root.gun._rotation + ((random(100) / 50) - 1);
do {
_root.bullet._y = point.y + ((-Math.sin(rotation * (Math.PI/180))) * distance);
_root.bullet._x = point.x + ((-Math.cos(rotation * (Math.PI/180))) * distance);
bullethit = 0;
i = 0;
while (i < _root.square.badorb.length) {
circleA = _root.square.badorb[i];
circleA = eval (circleA);
if (_root.bullet.hitTest(circleA)) {
_root.constant.splatterrotation = Math.atan((circleA._y - _root.gun._y) / (circleA._x - _root.gun._x));
splatter = 20;
do {
_root.constant.i = _root.constant.i + 1;
_root.splatter.duplicateMovieClip("splatter" + _root.constant.i, _root.constant.i);
_root["splatter" + _root.constant.i]._x = _root.bullet._x;
_root["splatter" + _root.constant.i]._y = _root.bullet._y;
splatter = splatter - 1;
} while (splatter > 0); = - (15 + random(10));
bullethit = 1;
_root.bullet._x = -1000;
if (bullethit == 1) {
hit = 1;
hitbadguy = 1;
} else if (distance > 500) {
hit = 1;
} else {
hit = 0;
distance = distance + 10;
traceralpha = traceralpha - 3;
if (traceralpha > 0) {
z = z + 1;
_root.tracer.duplicateMovieClip("laser" + z, z);
_root["laser" + z]._x = _root.bullet._x;
_root["laser" + z]._y = _root.bullet._y;
_root["laser" + z]._rotation = this._rotation;
_root["laser" + z]._alpha = traceralpha;
} while (hit == 0);
shottimer = 10;
_root.hud.deagleammo = _root.hud.deagleammo - 1;
if (((((_root.panel.weapon == 4) and (shottimer < 0)) and (_root.cursor._x < 550)) and (_root.hud.pythonammo > 0)) and (_root.hud.reloading == 0)) {
z = z + 1;
_root.flash.duplicateMovieClip("flash" + z, z);
z = z + 1;
_root.casing.duplicateMovieClip("flash" + z, z);
hit = 0;
hitbadguy = 0;
bullethit = 0;
distance = 1;
point = new Object();
point.x = _root.gun.shelldispenser._x;
point.y = _root.gun.shelldispenser._y;
traceralpha = 40 + random(20);
do {
_root.bullet._y = point.y + ((-Math.sin(_root.gun._rotation * (Math.PI/180))) * distance);
_root.bullet._x = point.x + ((-Math.cos(_root.gun._rotation * (Math.PI/180))) * distance);
i = 0;
while (i < _root.square.badorb.length) {
circleA = _root.square.badorb[i];
circleA = eval (circleA);
if (_root.bullet.hitTest(circleA)) {
_root.constant.splatterrotation = Math.atan((circleA._y - _root.gun._y) / (circleA._x - _root.gun._x));
splatter = 20;
do {
_root.constant.i = _root.constant.i + 1;
_root.splatter.duplicateMovieClip("splatter" + _root.constant.i, _root.constant.i);
_root["splatter" + _root.constant.i]._x = _root.bullet._x;
_root["splatter" + _root.constant.i]._y = _root.bullet._y;
splatter = splatter - 1;
} while (splatter > 0); = - (10 + random(5));
bullethit = bullethit + 1;
if (bullethit == 5) {
hit = 1;
_root.bullet._x = -1000;
hitbadguy = 1;
} else if (distance > 500) {
hit = 1;
_root.bullet._x = -1000;
} else {
hit = 0;
distance = distance + 10;
traceralpha = traceralpha - 3;
if (traceralpha > 0) {
z = z + 1;
_root.tracer.duplicateMovieClip("laser" + z, z);
_root["laser" + z]._x = _root.bullet._x;
_root["laser" + z]._y = _root.bullet._y;
_root["laser" + z]._rotation = this._rotation;
_root["laser" + z]._alpha = traceralpha;
} while (hit == 0);
shottimer = 15;
_root.hud.pythonammo = _root.hud.pythonammo - 1;
if (((((_root.panel.weapon == 5) and (shottimer < 0)) and (_root.cursor._x < 550)) and (_root.hud.laspistolammo > 0)) and (_root.hud.reloading == 0)) {
hit = 0;
z = z + 1;
_root.casing.duplicateMovieClip("flash" + z, z);
hitbadguy = 0;
distance = 1;
point = new Object();
point.x = _root.gun.shelldispenser._x;
point.y = _root.gun.shelldispenser._y;
do {
_root.bullet._y = point.y + ((-Math.sin(_root.gun._rotation * (Math.PI/180))) * distance);
_root.bullet._x = point.x + ((-Math.cos(_root.gun._rotation * (Math.PI/180))) * distance);
bullethit = 0;
i = 0;
while (i < _root.square.badorb.length) {
circleA = _root.square.badorb[i];
circleA = eval (circleA);
if (_root.bullet.hitTest(circleA)) {
_root.constant.splatterrotation = Math.atan((circleA._y - _root.gun._y) / (circleA._x - _root.gun._x));
p = 0;
while (p < 200) {
_root.constant.i = _root.constant.i + 1;
_root.laserdust.duplicateMovieClip("dust" + _root.constant.i, _root.constant.i);
_root["dust" + _root.constant.i]._x = circleA._x + (random(30) - 15);
_root["dust" + _root.constant.i]._y = circleA._y + (random(30) - 15);
point = new Object();
point.x = _root["dust" + _root.constant.i]._x;
point.y = _root["dust" + _root.constant.i]._y;
if (!circleA.hitTest(point.x, point.y, true)) {
_root["dust" + _root.constant.i].removeMovieClip();
_root["dust" + _root.constant.i].xspeed = (random(100) / 10) - 5;
_root["dust" + _root.constant.i].yspeed = (random(100) / 10) - 5;
distance = Math.sqrt(((_root["dust" + _root.constant.i]._y - _root.bullet._y) * (_root["dust" + _root.constant.i]._y - _root.bullet._y)) + ((_root["dust" + _root.constant.i]._x - _root.bullet._x) * (_root["dust" + _root.constant.i]._x - _root.bullet._x)));
_root["dust" + _root.constant.i].life = distance;
_root.constant.zombiesleft = _root.constant.zombiesleft - 1; = + 20;
bullethit = 1;
_root.bullet._x = -1000;
if (bullethit == 1) {
hit = 1;
hitbadguy = 1;
} else if (distance > 500) {
hit = 1;
} else {
hit = 0;
distance = distance + 10;
z = z + 1;
_root.laserbeam.duplicateMovieClip("laser" + z, z);
_root["laser" + z]._x = _root.bullet._x;
_root["laser" + z]._y = _root.bullet._y;
_root["laser" + z]._rotation = this._rotation;
} while (hit == 0);
shottimer = 15;
_root.hud.laspistolammo = _root.hud.laspistolammo - 1;
if (((((_root.panel.weapon == 17) and (shottimer < 0)) and (_root.cursor._x < 550)) and (_root.hud.sawnoffammo > 0)) and (_root.hud.reloading == 0)) {
z = z + 1;
_root.flash.duplicateMovieClip("flash" + z, z);
z = z + 1;
_root.casing.duplicateMovieClip("flash" + z, z);
j = 0;
while (j < 7) {
hit = 0;
hitbadguy = 0;
distance = 1;
point = new Object();
point.x = _root.gun.shelldispenser._x;
point.y = _root.gun.shelldispenser._y;
rotation2 = _root.gun._rotation + (random(50) - 25);
traceralpha = 40 + random(20);
do {
_root.bullet._y = point.y + ((-Math.sin(rotation2 * (Math.PI/180))) * distance);
_root.bullet._x = point.x + ((-Math.cos(rotation2 * (Math.PI/180))) * distance);
bullethit = 0;
i = 0;
while (i < _root.square.badorb.length) {
circleA = _root.square.badorb[i];
circleA = eval (circleA);
if (_root.bullet.hitTest(circleA)) {
_root.constant.splatterrotation = Math.atan((circleA._y - _root.gun._y) / (circleA._x - _root.gun._x));
splatter = 20;
do {
_root.constant.i = _root.constant.i + 1;
_root.splatter.duplicateMovieClip("splatter" + _root.constant.i, _root.constant.i);
_root["splatter" + _root.constant.i]._x = _root.bullet._x;
_root["splatter" + _root.constant.i]._y = _root.bullet._y;
splatter = splatter - 1;
} while (splatter > 0); = - (10 + random(10));
bullethit = 1;
if (bullethit == 1) {
hit = 1;
hitbadguy = 1;
} else if (distance > 500) {
hit = 1;
} else {
hit = 0;
distance = distance + 10;
z = z + 1;
traceralpha = traceralpha - 3;
if (traceralpha > 0) {
z = z + 1;
_root.tracer.duplicateMovieClip("laser" + z, z);
_root["laser" + z]._x = _root.bullet._x;
_root["laser" + z]._y = _root.bullet._y;
_root["laser" + z]._rotation = this._rotation;
_root["laser" + z]._alpha = traceralpha;
} while (hit == 0);
shottimer = 1;
_root.hud.sawnoffammo = _root.hud.sawnoffammo - 1;
_root.bullet._x = -1000;
if (((((_root.panel.weapon == 8) and (shottimer < 0)) and (_root.cursor._x < 550)) and (_root.hud.benelliammo > 0)) and (_root.hud.reloading == 0)) {
z = z + 1;
_root.flash.duplicateMovieClip("flash" + z, z);
z = z + 1;
_root.casing.duplicateMovieClip("flash" + z, z);
j = 0;
while (j < 5) {
hit = 0;
hitbadguy = 0;
distance = 1;
point = new Object();
point.x = _root.gun.shelldispenser._x;
point.y = _root.gun.shelldispenser._y;
rotation2 = _root.gun._rotation + (random(20) - 10);
traceralpha = 40 + random(20);
do {
_root.bullet._y = point.y + ((-Math.sin(rotation2 * (Math.PI/180))) * distance);
_root.bullet._x = point.x + ((-Math.cos(rotation2 * (Math.PI/180))) * distance);
bullethit = 0;
i = 0;
while (i < _root.square.badorb.length) {
circleA = _root.square.badorb[i];
circleA = eval (circleA);
if (_root.bullet.hitTest(circleA)) {
_root.constant.splatterrotation = Math.atan((circleA._y - _root.gun._y) / (circleA._x - _root.gun._x));
splatter = 20;
do {
_root.constant.i = _root.constant.i + 1;
_root.splatter.duplicateMovieClip("splatter" + _root.constant.i, _root.constant.i);
_root["splatter" + _root.constant.i]._x = _root.bullet._x;
_root["splatter" + _root.constant.i]._y = _root.bullet._y;
splatter = splatter - 1;
} while (splatter > 0); = - (10 + random(10));
bullethit = 1;
if (bullethit == 1) {
hit = 1;
hitbadguy = 1;
} else if (distance > 500) {
hit = 1;
} else {
hit = 0;
distance = distance + 10;
z = z + 1;
traceralpha = traceralpha - 3;
if (traceralpha > 0) {
z = z + 1;
_root.tracer.duplicateMovieClip("laser" + z, z);
_root["laser" + z]._x = _root.bullet._x;
_root["laser" + z]._y = _root.bullet._y;
_root["laser" + z]._rotation = this._rotation;
_root["laser" + z]._alpha = traceralpha;
} while (hit == 0);
shottimer = 30;
_root.hud.benelliammo = _root.hud.benelliammo - 1;
_root.bullet._x = -1000;
if (((((_root.panel.weapon == 9) and (shottimer < 0)) and (_root.cursor._x < 550)) and (_root.hud.lasgunammo > 0)) and (_root.hud.reloading == 0)) {
hit = 0;
z = z + 1;
_root.casing.duplicateMovieClip("flash" + z, z);
hitbadguy = 0;
distance = 1;
point = new Object();
point.x = _root.gun.shelldispenser._x;
point.y = _root.gun.shelldispenser._y;
laserlife = 25;
do {
_root.bullet._y = point.y + ((-Math.sin(_root.gun._rotation * (Math.PI/180))) * distance);
_root.bullet._x = point.x + ((-Math.cos(_root.gun._rotation * (Math.PI/180))) * distance);
bullethit = 0;
i = 0;
while (i < _root.square.badorb.length) {
circleA = _root.square.badorb[i];
circleA = eval (circleA);
if (_root.bullet.hitTest(circleA)) {
_root.constant.splatterrotation = Math.atan((circleA._y - _root.gun._y) / (circleA._x - _root.gun._x));
p = 0;
while (p < 150) {
_root.constant.i = _root.constant.i + 1;
_root.redlaserdust.duplicateMovieClip("dust" + _root.constant.i, _root.constant.i);
_root["dust" + _root.constant.i]._x = circleA._x + (random(30) - 15);
_root["dust" + _root.constant.i]._y = circleA._y + (random(30) - 15);
point = new Object();
point.x = _root["dust" + _root.constant.i]._x;
point.y = _root["dust" + _root.constant.i]._y;
if (!circleA.hitTest(point.x, point.y, true)) {
_root["dust" + _root.constant.i].removeMovieClip();
_root["dust" + _root.constant.i].xspeed = (random(100) / 10) - 5;
_root["dust" + _root.constant.i].yspeed = (random(100) / 10) - 5;
distance = Math.sqrt(((_root["dust" + _root.constant.i]._y - _root.bullet._y) * (_root["dust" + _root.constant.i]._y - _root.bullet._y)) + ((_root["dust" + _root.constant.i]._x - _root.bullet._x) * (_root["dust" + _root.constant.i]._x - _root.bullet._x)));
_root["dust" + _root.constant.i].life = distance;
_root.constant.zombiesleft = _root.constant.zombiesleft - 1; = + 20;
bullethit = 1;
_root.bullet._x = -1000;
if (bullethit == 1) {
hit = 1;
hitbadguy = 1;
} else if (distance > 500) {
hit = 1;
} else {
hit = 0;
distance = distance + 10;
z = z + 1;
_root.redlaserbeam.duplicateMovieClip("laser" + z, z);
_root["laser" + z]._x = _root.bullet._x;
_root["laser" + z]._y = _root.bullet._y;
_root["laser" + z]._rotation = this._rotation;
laserlife = laserlife + 1;
_root["laser" + z].life = laserlife;
} while (hit == 0);
shottimer = 30;
_root.hud.lasgunammo = _root.hud.lasgunammo - 1;
if (((((_root.panel.weapon == 13) and (shottimer < 0)) and (_root.cursor._x < 550)) and (_root.hud.rocketammo > 0)) and (_root.hud.reloading == 0)) {
z = z + 1;
_root.flash.duplicateMovieClip("flash" + z, z);
z = z + 1;
_root.casing.duplicateMovieClip("flash" + z, z);
point = new Object();
point.x = _root.gun.shelldispenser._x;
point.y = _root.gun.shelldispenser._y;
_root.constant.i = _root.constant.i + 1;
_root.rocket.duplicateMovieClip("rocket" + _root.constant.i, _root.constant.i);
_root["rocket" + _root.constant.i]._x = point.x;
_root["rocket" + _root.constant.i]._y = point.y;
_root["rocket" + _root.constant.i]._rotation = _rotation;
_root["rocket" + _root.constant.i].spray = 1;
shottimer = 15;
_root.hud.rocketammo = _root.hud.rocketammo - 1;
if (((((_root.panel.weapon == 20) and (shottimer < 0)) and (_root.cursor._x < 550)) and (_root.hud.plasmaammo > 0)) and (_root.hud.reloading == 0)) {
z = z + 1;
_root.flash.duplicateMovieClip("flash" + z, z);
colorObj = new Color(_root["flash" + z]);
colorObj.setTransform({ra:100, rb:0, ga:100, gb:0, ba:250, bb:250, aa:100, ab:0});
z = z + 1;
_root.casing.duplicateMovieClip("flash" + z, z);
point = new Object();
point.x = _root.gun.shelldispenser._x;
point.y = _root.gun.shelldispenser._y;
_root.constant.i = _root.constant.i + 1;
_root.pulse.duplicateMovieClip("rocket" + _root.constant.i, _root.constant.i);
_root["rocket" + _root.constant.i]._x = point.x;
_root["rocket" + _root.constant.i]._y = point.y;
_root["rocket" + _root.constant.i]._rotation = _rotation;
_root["rocket" + _root.constant.i].spray = 1;
shottimer = 3;
_root.hud.plasmaammo = _root.hud.plasmaammo - 1;
if (((((_root.panel.weapon == 14) and (shottimer < 0)) and (_root.cursor._x < 550)) and (_root.hud.sniperammo > 0)) and (_root.hud.reloading == 0)) {
z = z + 1;
_root.flash.duplicateMovieClip("flash" + z, z);
z = z + 1;
_root.casing.duplicateMovieClip("flash" + z, z);
hit = 0;
hitbadguy = 0;
bullethit = 0;
distance = 1;
point = new Object();
point.x = _root.gun.shelldispenser._x;
point.y = _root.gun.shelldispenser._y;
traceralpha = 40 + random(20);
do {
_root.bullet._y = point.y + ((-Math.sin(_root.gun._rotation * (Math.PI/180))) * distance);
_root.bullet._x = point.x + ((-Math.cos(_root.gun._rotation * (Math.PI/180))) * distance);
i = 0;
while (i < _root.square.badorb.length) {
circleA = _root.square.badorb[i];
circleA = eval (circleA);
if (_root.bullet.hitTest(circleA)) {
_root.constant.splatterrotation = Math.atan((circleA._y - _root.gun._y) / (circleA._x - _root.gun._x));
splatter = 20;
do {
_root.constant.i = _root.constant.i + 1;
_root.splatter.duplicateMovieClip("splatter" + _root.constant.i, _root.constant.i);
_root["splatter" + _root.constant.i]._x = _root.bullet._x;
_root["splatter" + _root.constant.i]._y = _root.bullet._y;
splatter = splatter - 1;
} while (splatter > 0); = - (30 + random(20));
bullethit = bullethit + 1;
if (bullethit == 30) {
hit = 1;
_root.bullet._x = -1000;
hitbadguy = 1;
} else if (distance > 500) {
hit = 1;
_root.bullet._x = -1000;
} else {
hit = 0;
distance = distance + 10;
traceralpha = traceralpha - 1;
if (traceralpha > 0) {
z = z + 1;
_root.tracer.duplicateMovieClip("laser" + z, z);
_root["laser" + z]._x = _root.bullet._x;
_root["laser" + z]._y = _root.bullet._y;
_root["laser" + z]._rotation = this._rotation;
_root["laser" + z]._alpha = traceralpha;
} while (hit == 0);
shottimer = 60;
_root.hud.sniperammo = _root.hud.sniperammo - 1;
if (((((_root.panel.weapon == 15) and (shottimer < 0)) and (_root.cursor._x < 550)) and (_root.hud.railgunammo > 0)) and (_root.hud.reloading == 0)) {
z = z + 1;
_root.flash.duplicateMovieClip("flash" + z, z);
z = z + 1;
_root.casing.duplicateMovieClip("flash" + z, z);
hit = 0;
hitbadguy = 0;
bullethit = 0;
distance = 1;
point = new Object();
point.x = _root.gun.shelldispenser._x;
point.y = _root.gun.shelldispenser._y;
do {
_root.bullet._y = point.y + ((-Math.sin(_root.gun._rotation * (Math.PI/180))) * distance);
_root.bullet._x = point.x + ((-Math.cos(_root.gun._rotation * (Math.PI/180))) * distance);
i = 0;
while (i < _root.square.badorb.length) {
circleA = _root.square.badorb[i];
circleA = eval (circleA);
if (_root.bullet.hitTest(circleA)) {
circleA.raildeath = 1;
bullethit = bullethit + 1;
if (bullethit == 30) {
hit = 1;
_root.bullet._x = -1000;
hitbadguy = 1;
} else if (distance > 500) {
hit = 1;
_root.bullet._x = -1000;
} else {
hit = 0;
distance = distance + 10;
z = z + 1;
_root.railbeam.duplicateMovieClip("laser" + z, z);
_root["laser" + z]._x = _root.bullet._x;
_root["laser" + z]._y = _root.bullet._y;
_root["laser" + z]._rotation = this._rotation;
} while (hit == 0);
shottimer = 15;
_root.hud.railgunammo = _root.hud.railgunammo - 1;
if (((((_root.panel.weapon == 21) and (shottimer < 0)) and (_root.cursor._x < 550)) and (_root.hud.vampireammo > 0)) and (_root.hud.reloading == 0)) {
z = z + 1;
_root.flash.duplicateMovieClip("flash" + z, z);
z = z + 1;
_root.casing.duplicateMovieClip("flash" + z, z);
hit = 0;
hitbadguy = 0;
bullethit = 0;
distance = 1;
point = new Object();
point.x = _root.gun.shelldispenser._x;
point.y = _root.gun.shelldispenser._y;
traceralpha = 60 + random(20);
do {
_root.bullet._y = point.y + ((-Math.sin(_root.gun._rotation * (Math.PI/180))) * distance);
_root.bullet._x = point.x + ((-Math.cos(_root.gun._rotation * (Math.PI/180))) * distance);
i = 0;
while (i < _root.square.badorb.length) {
circleA = _root.square.badorb[i];
circleA = eval (circleA);
if (_root.bullet.hitTest(circleA)) {
_root.constant.splatterrotation = Math.atan((circleA._y - _root.gun._y) / (circleA._x - _root.gun._x));
splatter = 20;
do {
_root.constant.i = _root.constant.i + 1;
_root.splatter.duplicateMovieClip("splatter" + _root.constant.i, _root.constant.i);
_root["splatter" + _root.constant.i]._x = _root.bullet._x;
_root["splatter" + _root.constant.i]._y = _root.bullet._y;
splatter = splatter - 1;
} while (splatter > 0);
_root.constant.i = _root.constant.i + 1;
_root.vampireball.duplicateMovieClip("splatter" + _root.constant.i, _root.constant.i);
_root["splatter" + _root.constant.i]._x = _root.bullet._x;
_root["splatter" + _root.constant.i]._y = _root.bullet._y;
_root["splatter" + _root.constant.i].spray = 1; = - (10 + random(10));
bullethit = bullethit + 1;
if (bullethit == 1) {
hit = 1;
_root.bullet._x = -1000;
hitbadguy = 1;
} else if (distance > 500) {
hit = 1;
_root.bullet._x = -1000;
} else {
hit = 0;
distance = distance + 10;
traceralpha = traceralpha - 3;
if (traceralpha > 0) {
z = z + 1;
_root.tracer.duplicateMovieClip("laser" + z, z);
_root["laser" + z]._x = _root.bullet._x;
_root["laser" + z]._y = _root.bullet._y;
_root["laser" + z]._rotation = this._rotation;
_root["laser" + z]._alpha = traceralpha;
} while (hit == 0);
shottimer = 15;
_root.hud.vampireammo = _root.hud.vampireammo - 1;
onClipEvent (mouseDown) {
fire = 1;
onClipEvent (mouseUp) {
fire = 0;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if ((((((fire == 1) and (_root.panel.weapon == 6)) and (shottimer < 0)) and (_root.cursor._x < 550)) and (_root.hud.uziammo > 0)) and (_root.hud.reloading == 0)) {
z = z + 1;
_root.flash.duplicateMovieClip("flash" + z, z);
z = z + 1;
_root.casing.duplicateMovieClip("flash" + z, z);
hit = 0;
hitbadguy = 0;
distance = 1;
point = new Object();
point.x = _root.gun.shelldispenser._x;
point.y = _root.gun.shelldispenser._y;
rotation = _root.gun._rotation + (random(21) - 10);
traceralpha = 40 + random(20);
do {
_root.bullet._y = point.y + ((-Math.sin(rotation * (Math.PI/180))) * distance);
_root.bullet._x = point.x + ((-Math.cos(rotation * (Math.PI/180))) * distance);
bullethit = 0;
i = 0;
while (i < _root.square.badorb.length) {
circleA = _root.square.badorb[i];
circleA = eval (circleA);
if (_root.bullet.hitTest(circleA)) {
_root.constant.splatterrotation = Math.atan((circleA._y - _root.gun._y) / (circleA._x - _root.gun._x));
splatter = 20;
do {
_root.constant.i = _root.constant.i + 1;
_root.splatter.duplicateMovieClip("splatter" + _root.constant.i, _root.constant.i);
_root["splatter" + _root.constant.i]._x = _root.bullet._x;
_root["splatter" + _root.constant.i]._y = _root.bullet._y;
splatter = splatter - 1;
} while (splatter > 0); = - (10 + random(15));
bullethit = 1;
_root.bullet._x = -1000;
if (bullethit == 1) {
hit = 1;
hitbadguy = 1;
} else if (distance > 500) {
hit = 1;
} else {
hit = 0;
distance = distance + 10;
traceralpha = traceralpha - 3;
if (traceralpha > 0) {
z = z + 1;
_root.tracer.duplicateMovieClip("laser" + z, z);
_root["laser" + z]._x = _root.bullet._x;
_root["laser" + z]._y = _root.bullet._y;
_root["laser" + z]._rotation = this._rotation;
_root["laser" + z]._alpha = traceralpha;
} while (hit == 0);
shottimer = 5;
_root.hud.uziammo = _root.hud.uziammo - 1;
if ((((((fire == 1) and (_root.panel.weapon == 7)) and (shottimer < 0)) and (_root.cursor._x < 550)) and (_root.hud.mp5ammo > 0)) and (_root.hud.reloading == 0)) {
z = z + 1;
_root.flash.duplicateMovieClip("flash" + z, z);
z = z + 1;
_root.casing.duplicateMovieClip("flash" + z, z);
hit = 0;
distance = 1;
point = new Object();
point.x = _root.gun.shelldispenser._x;
point.y = _root.gun.shelldispenser._y;
traceralpha = 40 + random(20);
rotation = _root.gun._rotation + (random(21) - 10);
do {
_root.bullet._y = point.y + ((-Math.sin(rotation * (Math.PI/180))) * distance);
_root.bullet._x = point.x + ((-Math.cos(rotation * (Math.PI/180))) * distance);
bullethit = 0;
i = 0;
while (i < _root.square.badorb.length) {
circleA = _root.square.badorb[i];
circleA = eval (circleA);
if (_root.bullet.hitTest(circleA)) {
_root.constant.splatterrotation = Math.atan((circleA._y - _root.gun._y) / (circleA._x - _root.gun._x));
splatter = 20;
do {
_root.constant.i = _root.constant.i + 1;
_root.splatter.duplicateMovieClip("splatter" + _root.constant.i, _root.constant.i);
_root["splatter" + _root.constant.i]._x = _root.bullet._x;
_root["splatter" + _root.constant.i]._y = _root.bullet._y;
splatter = splatter - 1;
} while (splatter > 0); = - (10 + random(20));
bullethit = 1;
_root.bullet._x = -1000;
if (bullethit == 1) {
hit = 1;
} else if (distance > 500) {
hit = 1;
} else {
hit = 0;
distance = distance + 10;
traceralpha = traceralpha - 3;
if (traceralpha > 0) {
z = z + 1;
_root.tracer.duplicateMovieClip("laser" + z, z);
_root["laser" + z]._x = _root.bullet._x;
_root["laser" + z]._y = _root.bullet._y;
_root["laser" + z]._rotation = this._rotation;
_root["laser" + z]._alpha = traceralpha;
} while (hit == 0);
shottimer = 2;
_root.hud.mp5ammo = _root.hud.mp5ammo - 1;
if ((((((fire == 1) and (_root.panel.weapon == 16)) and (shottimer < 0)) and (_root.cursor._x < 550)) and (_root.hud.p90ammo > 0)) and (_root.hud.reloading == 0)) {
z = z + 1;
_root.flash.duplicateMovieClip("flash" + z, z);
z = z + 1;
_root.casing.duplicateMovieClip("flash" + z, z);
hit = 0;
distance = 1;
point = new Object();
point.x = _root.gun.shelldispenser._x;
point.y = _root.gun.shelldispenser._y;
traceralpha = 40 + random(20);
rotation = _root.gun._rotation + (random(21) - 10);
do {
_root.bullet._y = point.y + ((-Math.sin(rotation * (Math.PI/180))) * distance);
_root.bullet._x = point.x + ((-Math.cos(rotation * (Math.PI/180))) * distance);
bullethit = 0;
i = 0;
while (i < _root.square.badorb.length) {
circleA = _root.square.badorb[i];
circleA = eval (circleA);
if (_root.bullet.hitTest(circleA)) {
_root.constant.splatterrotation = Math.atan((circleA._y - _root.gun._y) / (circleA._x - _root.gun._x));
splatter = 20;
do {
_root.constant.i = _root.constant.i + 1;
_root.splatter.duplicateMovieClip("splatter" + _root.constant.i, _root.constant.i);
_root["splatter" + _root.constant.i]._x = _root.bullet._x;
_root["splatter" + _root.constant.i]._y = _root.bullet._y;
splatter = splatter - 1;
} while (splatter > 0); = - (10 + random(20));
bullethit = 1;
_root.bullet._x = -1000;
if (bullethit == 1) {
hit = 1;
} else if (distance > 500) {
hit = 1;
} else {
hit = 0;
distance = distance + 10;
traceralpha = traceralpha - 3;
if (traceralpha > 0) {
z = z + 1;
_root.tracer.duplicateMovieClip("laser" + z, z);
_root["laser" + z]._x = _root.bullet._x;
_root["laser" + z]._y = _root.bullet._y;
_root["laser" + z]._rotation = this._rotation;
_root["laser" + z]._alpha = traceralpha;
} while (hit == 0);
shottimer = 2;
_root.hud.p90ammo = _root.hud.p90ammo - 1;
if ((((((fire == 1) and (_root.panel.weapon == 18)) and (shottimer < 0)) and (_root.cursor._x < 550)) and (_root.hud.spasammo > 0)) and (_root.hud.reloading == 0)) {
z = z + 1;
_root.flash.duplicateMovieClip("flash" + z, z);
z = z + 1;
_root.casing.duplicateMovieClip("flash" + z, z);
j = 0;
while (j < 5) {
hit = 0;
hitbadguy = 0;
distance = 1;
point = new Object();
point.x = _root.gun.shelldispenser._x;
point.y = _root.gun.shelldispenser._y;
rotation2 = _root.gun._rotation + (random(20) - 10);
traceralpha = 40 + random(20);
do {
_root.bullet._y = point.y + ((-Math.sin(rotation2 * (Math.PI/180))) * distance);
_root.bullet._x = point.x + ((-Math.cos(rotation2 * (Math.PI/180))) * distance);
bullethit = 0;
i = 0;
while (i < _root.square.badorb.length) {
circleA = _root.square.badorb[i];
circleA = eval (circleA);
if (_root.bullet.hitTest(circleA)) {
_root.constant.splatterrotation = Math.atan((circleA._y - _root.gun._y) / (circleA._x - _root.gun._x));
splatter = 20;
do {
_root.constant.i = _root.constant.i + 1;
_root.splatter.duplicateMovieClip("splatter" + _root.constant.i, _root.constant.i);
_root["splatter" + _root.constant.i]._x = _root.bullet._x;
_root["splatter" + _root.constant.i]._y = _root.bullet._y;
splatter = splatter - 1;
} while (splatter > 0); = - (10 + random(10));
bullethit = 1;
if (bullethit == 1) {
hit = 1;
hitbadguy = 1;
} else if (distance > 500) {
hit = 1;
} else {
hit = 0;
distance = distance + 10;
z = z + 1;
traceralpha = traceralpha - 3;
if (traceralpha > 0) {
z = z + 1;
_root.tracer.duplicateMovieClip("laser" + z, z);
_root["laser" + z]._x = _root.bullet._x;
_root["laser" + z]._y = _root.bullet._y;
_root["laser" + z]._rotation = this._rotation;
_root["laser" + z]._alpha = traceralpha;
} while (hit == 0);
shottimer = 10;
_root.hud.spasammo = _root.hud.spasammo - 1;
_root.bullet._x = -1000;
if ((((((fire == 1) and (_root.panel.weapon == 10)) and (shottimer < 0)) and (_root.cursor._x < 550)) and (_root.hud.ak47ammo > 0)) and (_root.hud.reloading == 0)) {
z = z + 1;
_root.flash.duplicateMovieClip("flash" + z, z);
z = z + 1;
_root.casing.duplicateMovieClip("flash" + z, z);
hit = 0;
distance = 1;
point = new Object();
point.x = _root.gun.shelldispenser._x;
point.y = _root.gun.shelldispenser._y;
traceralpha = 40 + random(20);
rotation = _root.gun._rotation + (random(10) - 5);
do {
_root.bullet._y = point.y + ((-Math.sin(rotation * (Math.PI/180))) * distance);
_root.bullet._x = point.x + ((-Math.cos(rotation * (Math.PI/180))) * distance);
bullethit = 0;
i = 0;
while (i < _root.square.badorb.length) {
circleA = _root.square.badorb[i];
circleA = eval (circleA);
if (_root.bullet.hitTest(circleA)) {
_root.constant.splatterrotation = Math.atan((circleA._y - _root.gun._y) / (circleA._x - _root.gun._x));
splatter = 20;
do {
_root.constant.i = _root.constant.i + 1;
_root.splatter.duplicateMovieClip("splatter" + _root.constant.i, _root.constant.i);
_root["splatter" + _root.constant.i]._x = _root.bullet._x;
_root["splatter" + _root.constant.i]._y = _root.bullet._y;
splatter = splatter - 1;
} while (splatter > 0); = - (15 + random(5));
bullethit = 1;
_root.bullet._x = -1000;
if (bullethit == 1) {
hit = 1;
} else if (distance > 500) {
hit = 1;
} else {
hit = 0;
distance = distance + 10;
traceralpha = traceralpha - 3;
if (traceralpha > 0) {
z = z + 1;
_root.tracer.duplicateMovieClip("laser" + z, z);
_root["laser" + z]._x = _root.bullet._x;
_root["laser" + z]._y = _root.bullet._y;
_root["laser" + z]._rotation = this._rotation;
_root["laser" + z]._alpha = traceralpha;
} while (hit == 0);
shottimer = 4;
_root.hud.ak47ammo = _root.hud.ak47ammo - 1;
if ((((((fire == 1) and (_root.panel.weapon == 11)) and (shottimer < 0)) and (_root.cursor._x < 550)) and (_root.hud.m16ammo > 0)) and (_root.hud.reloading == 0)) {
z = z + 1;
_root.flash.duplicateMovieClip("flash" + z, z);
z = z + 1;
_root.casing.duplicateMovieClip("flash" + z, z);
hit = 0;
distance = 1;
point = new Object();
point.x = _root.gun.shelldispenser._x;
point.y = _root.gun.shelldispenser._y;
traceralpha = 40 + random(20);
rotation = _root.gun._rotation + (random(10) - 5);
do {
_root.bullet._y = point.y + ((-Math.sin(rotation * (Math.PI/180))) * distance);
_root.bullet._x = point.x + ((-Math.cos(rotation * (Math.PI/180))) * distance);
bullethit = 0;
i = 0;
while (i < _root.square.badorb.length) {
circleA = _root.square.badorb[i];
circleA = eval (circleA);
if (_root.bullet.hitTest(circleA)) {
_root.constant.splatterrotation = Math.atan((circleA._y - _root.gun._y) / (circleA._x - _root.gun._x));
splatter = 20;
do {
_root.constant.i = _root.constant.i + 1;
_root.splatter.duplicateMovieClip("splatter" + _root.constant.i, _root.constant.i);
_root["splatter" + _root.constant.i]._x = _root.bullet._x;
_root["splatter" + _root.constant.i]._y = _root.bullet._y;
splatter = splatter - 1;
} while (splatter > 0); = - (15 + random(5));
bullethit = 1;
_root.bullet._x = -1000;
if (bullethit == 1) {
hit = 1;
} else if (distance > 500) {
hit = 1;
} else {
hit = 0;
distance = distance + 10;
traceralpha = traceralpha - 3;
if (traceralpha > 0) {
z = z + 1;
_root.tracer.duplicateMovieClip("laser" + z, z);
_root["laser" + z]._x = _root.bullet._x;
_root["laser" + z]._y = _root.bullet._y;
_root["laser" + z]._rotation = this._rotation;
_root["laser" + z]._alpha = traceralpha;
} while (hit == 0);
shottimer = 2;
_root.hud.m16ammo = _root.hud.m16ammo - 1;
if ((((((fire == 1) and (_root.panel.weapon == 12)) and (shottimer < 0)) and (_root.cursor._x < 550)) and (_root.hud.minigunammo > 0)) and (_root.hud.reloading == 0)) {
z = z + 1;
_root.flash.duplicateMovieClip("flash" + z, z);
z = z + 1;
_root.casing.duplicateMovieClip("flash" + z, z);
hit = 0;
distance = 1;
point = new Object();
point.x = _root.gun.shelldispenser._x;
point.y = _root.gun.shelldispenser._y;
traceralpha = 40 + random(20);
rotation = _root.gun._rotation + (random(30) - 15);
do {
_root.bullet._y = point.y + ((-Math.sin(rotation * (Math.PI/180))) * distance);
_root.bullet._x = point.x + ((-Math.cos(rotation * (Math.PI/180))) * distance);
bullethit = 0;
i = 0;
while (i < _root.square.badorb.length) {
circleA = _root.square.badorb[i];
circleA = eval (circleA);
if (_root.bullet.hitTest(circleA)) {
_root.constant.splatterrotation = Math.atan((circleA._y - _root.gun._y) / (circleA._x - _root.gun._x));
splatter = 20;
do {
_root.constant.i = _root.constant.i + 1;
_root.splatter.duplicateMovieClip("splatter" + _root.constant.i, _root.constant.i);
_root["splatter" + _root.constant.i]._x = _root.bullet._x;
_root["splatter" + _root.constant.i]._y = _root.bullet._y;
splatter = splatter - 1;
} while (splatter > 0); = - (10 + random(5));
bullethit = 1;
_root.bullet._x = -1000;
if (bullethit == 1) {
hit = 1;
} else if (distance > 500) {
hit = 1;
} else {
hit = 0;
distance = distance + 10;
traceralpha = traceralpha - 3;
if (traceralpha > 0) {
z = z + 1;
_root.tracer.duplicateMovieClip("laser" + z, z);
_root["laser" + z]._x = _root.bullet._x;
_root["laser" + z]._y = _root.bullet._y;
_root["laser" + z]._rotation = this._rotation;
_root["laser" + z]._alpha = traceralpha;
} while (hit == 0);
shottimer = 0;
_root.hud.minigunammo = _root.hud.minigunammo - 1;
if ((((((fire == 1) and (_root.panel.weapon == 19)) and (shottimer < 0)) and (_root.cursor._x < 550)) and (_root.hud.pulseammo > 0)) and (_root.hud.reloading == 0)) {
z = z + 1;
_root.flash.duplicateMovieClip("flash" + z, z);
colorObj = new Color(_root["flash" + z]);
colorObj.setTransform({ra:100, rb:0, ga:100, gb:0, ba:250, bb:250, aa:100, ab:0});
z = z + 1;
_root.casing.duplicateMovieClip("flash" + z, z);
point = new Object();
point.x = _root.gun.shelldispenser._x;
point.y = _root.gun.shelldispenser._y;
_root.constant.i = _root.constant.i + 1;
_root.pulse.duplicateMovieClip("rocket" + _root.constant.i, _root.constant.i);
_root["rocket" + _root.constant.i]._x = point.x;
_root["rocket" + _root.constant.i]._y = point.y;
_root["rocket" + _root.constant.i]._rotation = (_rotation + (1 + random(10))) - 5;
_root["rocket" + _root.constant.i].spray = 1;
shottimer = 3;
_root.hud.pulseammo = _root.hud.pulseammo - 1;
Frame 7
Instance of Symbol 735 MovieClip "hud" in Frame 7
onClipEvent (load) {
rugerammo = 15;
berettaammo = 15;
deagleammo = 7;
pythonammo = 6;
laspistolammo = 1;
uziammo = 32;
mp5ammo = 30;
benelliammo = 12;
lasgunammo = 3;
ak47ammo = 32;
m16ammo = 32;
minigunammo = 200;
rocketammo = 3;
sniperammo = 8;
railgunammo = 1;
p90ammo = 50;
sawnoffammo = 2;
spasammo = 12;
pulseammo = 30;
plasmaammo = 5;
vampireammo = 6;
reloading = 0;
var pistolreload_sound = new Sound();
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (Key.isDown(82) and (reloading == 0)) {
reloading = 1;
if (_root.panel.weapon == 1) {
reloadtimer = 50;
reloadtimermax = reloadtimer;
if (_root.panel.weapon == 2) {
reloadtimer = 50;
reloadtimermax = reloadtimer;
if (_root.panel.weapon == 3) {
reloadtimer = 50;
reloadtimermax = reloadtimer;
if (_root.panel.weapon == 4) {
reloadtimer = 70;
reloadtimermax = reloadtimer;
if (_root.panel.weapon == 5) {
reloadtimer = 120;
reloadtimermax = reloadtimer;
if (_root.panel.weapon == 6) {
reloadtimer = 60;
reloadtimermax = reloadtimer;
if (_root.panel.weapon == 7) {
reloadtimer = 120;
reloadtimermax = reloadtimer;
if (_root.panel.weapon == 8) {
reloadtimer = 120;
reloadtimermax = reloadtimer;
if (_root.panel.weapon == 9) {
reloadtimer = 160;
reloadtimermax = reloadtimer;
if (_root.panel.weapon == 10) {
reloadtimer = 130;
reloadtimermax = reloadtimer;
if (_root.panel.weapon == 11) {
reloadtimer = 130;
reloadtimermax = reloadtimer;
if (_root.panel.weapon == 12) {
reloadtimer = 130;
reloadtimermax = reloadtimer;
if (_root.panel.weapon == 13) {
reloadtimer = 240;
reloadtimermax = reloadtimer;
if (_root.panel.weapon == 14) {
reloadtimer = 180;
reloadtimermax = reloadtimer;
if (_root.panel.weapon == 15) {
reloadtimer = 120;
reloadtimermax = reloadtimer;
if (_root.panel.weapon == 16) {
reloadtimer = 120;
reloadtimermax = reloadtimer;
if (_root.panel.weapon == 17) {
reloadtimer = 50;
reloadtimermax = reloadtimer;
if (_root.panel.weapon == 18) {
reloadtimer = 120;
reloadtimermax = reloadtimer;
if (_root.panel.weapon == 19) {
reloadtimer = 120;
reloadtimermax = reloadtimer;
if (_root.panel.weapon == 20) {
reloadtimer = 120;
reloadtimermax = reloadtimer;
if (_root.panel.weapon == 21) {
reloadtimer = 120;
reloadtimermax = reloadtimer;
if (reloading == 1) {
reloadtimer = reloadtimer - 1;
if ((reloadtimer < 1) and (_root.panel.weapon == 1)) {
rugerammo = 15;
reloading = 0;
if ((reloadtimer < 1) and (_root.panel.weapon == 2)) {
berettaammo = 15;
reloading = 0;
if ((reloadtimer < 1) and (_root.panel.weapon == 3)) {
deagleammo = 7;
reloading = 0;
if ((reloadtimer < 1) and (_root.panel.weapon == 4)) {
pythonammo = 6;
reloading = 0;
if ((reloadtimer < 1) and (_root.panel.weapon == 5)) {
laspistolammo = 1;
reloading = 0;
if ((reloadtimer < 1) and (_root.panel.weapon == 6)) {
uziammo = 32;
reloading = 0;
if ((reloadtimer < 1) and (_root.panel.weapon == 7)) {
mp5ammo = 30;
reloading = 0;
if ((reloadtimer < 1) and (_root.panel.weapon == 8)) {
benelliammo = 12;
reloading = 0;
if ((reloadtimer < 1) and (_root.panel.weapon == 9)) {
lasgunammo = 3;
reloading = 0;
if ((reloadtimer < 1) and (_root.panel.weapon == 10)) {
ak47ammo = 32;
reloading = 0;
if ((reloadtimer < 1) and (_root.panel.weapon == 11)) {
m16ammo = 32;
reloading = 0;
if ((reloadtimer < 1) and (_root.panel.weapon == 12)) {
minigunammo = 200;
reloading = 0;
if ((reloadtimer < 1) and (_root.panel.weapon == 13)) {
rocketammo = 3;
reloading = 0;
if ((reloadtimer < 1) and (_root.panel.weapon == 14)) {
sniperammo = 8;
reloading = 0;
if ((reloadtimer < 1) and (_root.panel.weapon == 15)) {
railgunammo = 1;
reloading = 0;
if ((reloadtimer < 1) and (_root.panel.weapon == 16)) {
p90ammo = 50;
reloading = 0;
if ((reloadtimer < 1) and (_root.panel.weapon == 17)) {
sawnoffammo = 2;
reloading = 0;
if ((reloadtimer < 1) and (_root.panel.weapon == 18)) {
spasammo = 12;
reloading = 0;
if ((reloadtimer < 1) and (_root.panel.weapon == 19)) {
pulseammo = 30;
reloading = 0;
if ((reloadtimer < 1) and (_root.panel.weapon == 20)) {
plasmaammo = 5;
reloading = 0;
if ((reloadtimer < 1) and (_root.panel.weapon == 21)) {
vampireammo = 6;
reloading = 0;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (_root.panel.weapon == 1) {
ammo = rugerammo;
if (_root.panel.weapon == 2) {
ammo = berettaammo;
if (_root.panel.weapon == 3) {
ammo = deagleammo;
if (_root.panel.weapon == 4) {
ammo = pythonammo;
if (_root.panel.weapon == 5) {
ammo = laspistolammo;
if (_root.panel.weapon == 6) {
ammo = uziammo;
if (_root.panel.weapon == 7) {
ammo = mp5ammo;
if (_root.panel.weapon == 8) {
ammo = benelliammo;
if (_root.panel.weapon == 9) {
ammo = lasgunammo;
if (_root.panel.weapon == 10) {
ammo = ak47ammo;
if (_root.panel.weapon == 11) {
ammo = m16ammo;
if (_root.panel.weapon == 12) {
ammo = minigunammo;
if (_root.panel.weapon == 13) {
ammo = rocketammo;
if (_root.panel.weapon == 14) {
ammo = sniperammo;
if (_root.panel.weapon == 15) {
ammo = railgunammo;
if (_root.panel.weapon == 16) {
ammo = p90ammo;
if (_root.panel.weapon == 17) {
ammo = sawnoffammo;
if (_root.panel.weapon == 18) {
ammo = spasammo;
if (_root.panel.weapon == 19) {
ammo = pulseammo;
if (_root.panel.weapon == 20) {
ammo = plasmaammo;
if (_root.panel.weapon == 21) {
ammo = vampireammo;
Instance of Symbol 737 MovieClip in Frame 7
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
loaded = Math.round((_root.hud.reloadtimer / _root.hud.reloadtimermax) * 100);
_xscale = loaded;
Instance of Symbol 741 MovieClip in Frame 7
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (_root.hud.reloading == 0) {
if (_root.hud.reloading == 1) {
if (_root.hud.ammo < 1) {
Instance of Symbol 752 MovieClip "ammocounter" in Frame 7
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
this.gotoAndStop(_root.hud.ammo + 1);
Instance of Symbol 754 MovieClip "casing" in Frame 7
onClipEvent (load) {
_root.casing._x = -1000;
_x = _root.ammocounter._x;
_y = _root.ammocounter._y;
_alpha = 100;
speed = 5 + (random(100) / 50);
xspeed = speed / 2;
yspeed = -speed;
life = 100;
_rotation = 0;
spin = -10 + (random(100) / 5);
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
yspeed = yspeed + 1;
_rotation = (_rotation + spin);
_y = (_y + yspeed);
_x = (_x + xspeed);
life = life - 10;
_alpha = (_alpha - 10);
if (life < 0) {
Instance of Symbol 884 MovieClip "panel" in Frame 7
onClipEvent (load) {
weapon = 1;
Instance of Symbol 711 MovieClip "flash" in Frame 7
onClipEvent (load) {
this.gotoAndPlay(1 + random(5));
life = 100;
_xscale = (80 + random(30));
_yscale = (80 + random(30));
life = 100;
_alpha = 100;
point = new Object();
point.x = _root.gun.shelldispenser._x;
point.y = _root.gun.shelldispenser._y;
_x = point.x;
_y = point.y;
_rotation = _root.gun._rotation;
_root.flash._x = -1000;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
_alpha = (_alpha - 10);
life = life - 10;
if (life < 0) {
Frame 8
Instance of Symbol 586 MovieClip "gun" in Frame 8
onClipEvent (load) {
var python_sound = new Sound();
var ruger_sound = new Sound();
var beretta_sound = new Sound();
var deagle_sound = new Sound();
var vampire_sound = new Sound();
var sawnoff_sound = new Sound();
var m16_sound = new Sound();
var uzi_sound = new Sound();
var mp5_sound = new Sound();
var shotgun_sound = new Sound();
var laser_sound = new Sound();
var ak47_sound = new Sound();
distance = 25;
z = 8000;
bullet = [_root.bullet];
explosion = [_root.explosion];
p = 0;
weapon = 0;
shottimer = 0;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
i = 0;
while (i < _root.square.badorb.length) {
circleA = _root.square.badorb[i];
circleA = eval (circleA);
if (this.hitTest(circleA)) {
_root.constant.herohealth = _root.constant.herohealth - 1;
rotation = _rotation;
_y = _root.orb._y;
_x = _root.orb._x;
adjacent = this._x - _root.cursor._x;
opposite = this._y - _root.cursor._y;
_rotation = (Math.atan(opposite / adjacent) * 57.2957795130823);
if (adjacent < 0) {
_rotation = (_rotation - 180);
shottimer = shottimer - 1;
onClipEvent (mouseUp) {
if (((((_root.panel.weapon == 1) and (shottimer < 0)) and (_root.cursor._x < 550)) and (_root.hud.rugerammo > 0)) and (_root.hud.reloading == 0)) {
z = z + 1;
_root.flash.duplicateMovieClip("flash" + z, z);
z = z + 1;
_root.casing.duplicateMovieClip("flash" + z, z);
hit = 0;
distance = 1;
point = new Object();
point.x = _root.gun.shelldispenser._x;
point.y = _root.gun.shelldispenser._y;
traceralpha = 40 + random(20);
rotation = _root.gun._rotation + ((random(100) / 50) - 1);
do {
_root.bullet._y = point.y + ((-Math.sin(rotation * (Math.PI/180))) * distance);
_root.bullet._x = point.x + ((-Math.cos(rotation * (Math.PI/180))) * distance);
bullethit = 0;
i = 0;
while (i < _root.square.badorb.length) {
circleA = _root.square.badorb[i];
circleA = eval (circleA);
if (_root.bullet.hitTest(circleA)) {
_root.constant.splatterrotation = Math.atan((circleA._y - _root.gun._y) / (circleA._x - _root.gun._x));
splatter = 20;
do {
_root.constant.i = _root.constant.i + 1;
_root.splatter.duplicateMovieClip("splatter" + _root.constant.i, _root.constant.i);
_root["splatter" + _root.constant.i]._x = _root.bullet._x;
_root["splatter" + _root.constant.i]._y = _root.bullet._y;
splatter = splatter - 1;
} while (splatter > 0); = - (10 + random(5));
bullethit = 1;
_root.bullet._x = -1000;
if (bullethit == 1) {
hit = 1;
hitbadguy = 1;
} else if (distance > 500) {
hit = 1;
} else {
hit = 0;
distance = distance + 10;
traceralpha = traceralpha - 3;
if (traceralpha > 0) {
z = z + 1;
_root.tracer.duplicateMovieClip("laser" + z, z);
_root["laser" + z]._x = _root.bullet._x;
_root["laser" + z]._y = _root.bullet._y;
_root["laser" + z]._rotation = this._rotation;
_root["laser" + z]._alpha = traceralpha;
} while (hit == 0);
shottimer = 7;
_root.hud.rugerammo = _root.hud.rugerammo - 1;
if (((((_root.panel.weapon == 2) and (shottimer < 0)) and (_root.cursor._x < 550)) and (_root.hud.berettaammo > 0)) and (_root.hud.reloading == 0)) {
z = z + 1;
_root.flash.duplicateMovieClip("flash" + z, z);
z = z + 1;
_root.casing.duplicateMovieClip("flash" + z, z);
hit = 0;
hitbadguy = 0;
distance = 1;
point = new Object();
point.x = _root.gun.shelldispenser._x;
point.y = _root.gun.shelldispenser._y;
traceralpha = 40 + random(20);
rotation = _root.gun._rotation + ((random(100) / 50) - 1);
do {
_root.bullet._y = point.y + ((-Math.sin(rotation * (Math.PI/180))) * distance);
_root.bullet._x = point.x + ((-Math.cos(rotation * (Math.PI/180))) * distance);
bullethit = 0;
i = 0;
while (i < _root.square.badorb.length) {
circleA = _root.square.badorb[i];
circleA = eval (circleA);
if (_root.bullet.hitTest(circleA)) {
_root.constant.splatterrotation = Math.atan((circleA._y - _root.gun._y) / (circleA._x - _root.gun._x));
splatter = 20;
do {
_root.constant.i = _root.constant.i + 1;
_root.splatter.duplicateMovieClip("splatter" + _root.constant.i, _root.constant.i);
_root["splatter" + _root.constant.i]._x = _root.bullet._x;
_root["splatter" + _root.constant.i]._y = _root.bullet._y;
splatter = splatter - 1;
} while (splatter > 0); = - (10 + random(5));
bullethit = 1;
_root.bullet._x = -1000;
if (bullethit == 1) {
hit = 1;
hitbadguy = 1;
} else if (distance > 500) {
hit = 1;
} else {
hit = 0;
distance = distance + 10;
traceralpha = traceralpha - 3;
if (traceralpha > 0) {
z = z + 1;
_root.tracer.duplicateMovieClip("laser" + z, z);
_root["laser" + z]._x = _root.bullet._x;
_root["laser" + z]._y = _root.bullet._y;
_root["laser" + z]._rotation = this._rotation;
_root["laser" + z]._alpha = traceralpha;
} while (hit == 0);
shottimer = 5;
_root.hud.berettaammo = _root.hud.berettaammo - 1;
if (((((_root.panel.weapon == 3) and (shottimer < 0)) and (_root.cursor._x < 550)) and (_root.hud.deagleammo > 0)) and (_root.hud.reloading == 0)) {
z = z + 1;
_root.flash.duplicateMovieClip("flash" + z, z);
z = z + 1;
_root.casing.duplicateMovieClip("flash" + z, z);
hit = 0;
hitbadguy = 0;
distance = 1;
point = new Object();
point.x = _root.gun.shelldispenser._x;
point.y = _root.gun.shelldispenser._y;
traceralpha = 40 + random(20);
rotation = _root.gun._rotation + ((random(100) / 50) - 1);
do {
_root.bullet._y = point.y + ((-Math.sin(rotation * (Math.PI/180))) * distance);
_root.bullet._x = point.x + ((-Math.cos(rotation * (Math.PI/180))) * distance);
bullethit = 0;
i = 0;
while (i < _root.square.badorb.length) {
circleA = _root.square.badorb[i];
circleA = eval (circleA);
if (_root.bullet.hitTest(circleA)) {
_root.constant.splatterrotation = Math.atan((circleA._y - _root.gun._y) / (circleA._x - _root.gun._x));
splatter = 20;
do {
_root.constant.i = _root.constant.i + 1;
_root.splatter.duplicateMovieClip("splatter" + _root.constant.i, _root.constant.i);
_root["splatter" + _root.constant.i]._x = _root.bullet._x;
_root["splatter" + _root.constant.i]._y = _root.bullet._y;
splatter = splatter - 1;
} while (splatter > 0); = - (15 + random(10));
bullethit = 1;
_root.bullet._x = -1000;
if (bullethit == 1) {
hit = 1;
hitbadguy = 1;
} else if (distance > 500) {
hit = 1;
} else {
hit = 0;
distance = distance + 10;
traceralpha = traceralpha - 3;
if (traceralpha > 0) {
z = z + 1;
_root.tracer.duplicateMovieClip("laser" + z, z);
_root["laser" + z]._x = _root.bullet._x;
_root["laser" + z]._y = _root.bullet._y;
_root["laser" + z]._rotation = this._rotation;
_root["laser" + z]._alpha = traceralpha;
} while (hit == 0);
shottimer = 10;
_root.hud.deagleammo = _root.hud.deagleammo - 1;
if (((((_root.panel.weapon == 4) and (shottimer < 0)) and (_root.cursor._x < 550)) and (_root.hud.pythonammo > 0)) and (_root.hud.reloading == 0)) {
z = z + 1;
_root.flash.duplicateMovieClip("flash" + z, z);
z = z + 1;
_root.casing.duplicateMovieClip("flash" + z, z);
hit = 0;
hitbadguy = 0;
bullethit = 0;
distance = 1;
point = new Object();
point.x = _root.gun.shelldispenser._x;
point.y = _root.gun.shelldispenser._y;
traceralpha = 40 + random(20);
do {
_root.bullet._y = point.y + ((-Math.sin(_root.gun._rotation * (Math.PI/180))) * distance);
_root.bullet._x = point.x + ((-Math.cos(_root.gun._rotation * (Math.PI/180))) * distance);
i = 0;
while (i < _root.square.badorb.length) {
circleA = _root.square.badorb[i];
circleA = eval (circleA);
if (_root.bullet.hitTest(circleA)) {
_root.constant.splatterrotation = Math.atan((circleA._y - _root.gun._y) / (circleA._x - _root.gun._x));
splatter = 20;
do {
_root.constant.i = _root.constant.i + 1;
_root.splatter.duplicateMovieClip("splatter" + _root.constant.i, _root.constant.i);
_root["splatter" + _root.constant.i]._x = _root.bullet._x;
_root["splatter" + _root.constant.i]._y = _root.bullet._y;
splatter = splatter - 1;
} while (splatter > 0); = - (10 + random(5));
bullethit = bullethit + 1;
if (bullethit == 5) {
hit = 1;
_root.bullet._x = -1000;
hitbadguy = 1;
} else if (distance > 500) {
hit = 1;
_root.bullet._x = -1000;
} else {
hit = 0;
distance = distance + 10;
traceralpha = traceralpha - 3;
if (traceralpha > 0) {
z = z + 1;
_root.tracer.duplicateMovieClip("laser" + z, z);
_root["laser" + z]._x = _root.bullet._x;
_root["laser" + z]._y = _root.bullet._y;
_root["laser" + z]._rotation = this._rotation;
_root["laser" + z]._alpha = traceralpha;
} while (hit == 0);
shottimer = 15;
_root.hud.pythonammo = _root.hud.pythonammo - 1;
if (((((_root.panel.weapon == 5) and (shottimer < 0)) and (_root.cursor._x < 550)) and (_root.hud.laspistolammo > 0)) and (_root.hud.reloading == 0)) {
hit = 0;
z = z + 1;
_root.casing.duplicateMovieClip("flash" + z, z);
hitbadguy = 0;
distance = 1;
point = new Object();
point.x = _root.gun.shelldispenser._x;
point.y = _root.gun.shelldispenser._y;
do {
_root.bullet._y = point.y + ((-Math.sin(_root.gun._rotation * (Math.PI/180))) * distance);
_root.bullet._x = point.x + ((-Math.cos(_root.gun._rotation * (Math.PI/180))) * distance);
bullethit = 0;
i = 0;
while (i < _root.square.badorb.length) {
circleA = _root.square.badorb[i];
circleA = eval (circleA);
if (_root.bullet.hitTest(circleA)) {
_root.constant.splatterrotation = Math.atan((circleA._y - _root.gun._y) / (circleA._x - _root.gun._x));
p = 0;
while (p < 200) {
_root.constant.i = _root.constant.i + 1;
_root.laserdust.duplicateMovieClip("dust" + _root.constant.i, _root.constant.i);
_root["dust" + _root.constant.i]._x = circleA._x + (random(30) - 15);
_root["dust" + _root.constant.i]._y = circleA._y + (random(30) - 15);
point = new Object();
point.x = _root["dust" + _root.constant.i]._x;
point.y = _root["dust" + _root.constant.i]._y;
if (!circleA.hitTest(point.x, point.y, true)) {
_root["dust" + _root.constant.i].removeMovieClip();
_root["dust" + _root.constant.i].xspeed = (random(100) / 10) - 5;
_root["dust" + _root.constant.i].yspeed = (random(100) / 10) - 5;
distance = Math.sqrt(((_root["dust" + _root.constant.i]._y - _root.bullet._y) * (_root["dust" + _root.constant.i]._y - _root.bullet._y)) + ((_root["dust" + _root.constant.i]._x - _root.bullet._x) * (_root["dust" + _root.constant.i]._x - _root.bullet._x)));
_root["dust" + _root.constant.i].life = distance;
_root.constant.zombiesleft = _root.constant.zombiesleft - 1; = + 20;
bullethit = 1;
_root.bullet._x = -1000;
if (bullethit == 1) {
hit = 1;
hitbadguy = 1;
} else if (distance > 500) {
hit = 1;
} else {
hit = 0;
distance = distance + 10;
z = z + 1;
_root.laserbeam.duplicateMovieClip("laser" + z, z);
_root["laser" + z]._x = _root.bullet._x;
_root["laser" + z]._y = _root.bullet._y;
_root["laser" + z]._rotation = this._rotation;
} while (hit == 0);
shottimer = 15;
_root.hud.laspistolammo = _root.hud.laspistolammo - 1;
if (((((_root.panel.weapon == 17) and (shottimer < 0)) and (_root.cursor._x < 550)) and (_root.hud.sawnoffammo > 0)) and (_root.hud.reloading == 0)) {
z = z + 1;
_root.flash.duplicateMovieClip("flash" + z, z);
z = z + 1;
_root.casing.duplicateMovieClip("flash" + z, z);
j = 0;
while (j < 7) {
hit = 0;
hitbadguy = 0;
distance = 1;
point = new Object();
point.x = _root.gun.shelldispenser._x;
point.y = _root.gun.shelldispenser._y;
rotation2 = _root.gun._rotation + (random(50) - 25);
traceralpha = 40 + random(20);
do {
_root.bullet._y = point.y + ((-Math.sin(rotation2 * (Math.PI/180))) * distance);
_root.bullet._x = point.x + ((-Math.cos(rotation2 * (Math.PI/180))) * distance);
bullethit = 0;
i = 0;
while (i < _root.square.badorb.length) {
circleA = _root.square.badorb[i];
circleA = eval (circleA);
if (_root.bullet.hitTest(circleA)) {
_root.constant.splatterrotation = Math.atan((circleA._y - _root.gun._y) / (circleA._x - _root.gun._x));
splatter = 20;
do {
_root.constant.i = _root.constant.i + 1;
_root.splatter.duplicateMovieClip("splatter" + _root.constant.i, _root.constant.i);
_root["splatter" + _root.constant.i]._x = _root.bullet._x;
_root["splatter" + _root.constant.i]._y = _root.bullet._y;
splatter = splatter - 1;
} while (splatter > 0); = - (10 + random(10));
bullethit = 1;
if (bullethit == 1) {
hit = 1;
hitbadguy = 1;
} else if (distance > 500) {
hit = 1;
} else {
hit = 0;
distance = distance + 10;
z = z + 1;
traceralpha = traceralpha - 3;
if (traceralpha > 0) {
z = z + 1;
_root.tracer.duplicateMovieClip("laser" + z, z);
_root["laser" + z]._x = _root.bullet._x;
_root["laser" + z]._y = _root.bullet._y;
_root["laser" + z]._rotation = this._rotation;
_root["laser" + z]._alpha = traceralpha;
} while (hit == 0);
shottimer = 1;
_root.hud.sawnoffammo = _root.hud.sawnoffammo - 1;
_root.bullet._x = -1000;
if (((((_root.panel.weapon == 8) and (shottimer < 0)) and (_root.cursor._x < 550)) and (_root.hud.benelliammo > 0)) and (_root.hud.reloading == 0)) {
z = z + 1;
_root.flash.duplicateMovieClip("flash" + z, z);
z = z + 1;
_root.casing.duplicateMovieClip("flash" + z, z);
j = 0;
while (j < 5) {
hit = 0;
hitbadguy = 0;
distance = 1;
point = new Object();
point.x = _root.gun.shelldispenser._x;
point.y = _root.gun.shelldispenser._y;
rotation2 = _root.gun._rotation + (random(20) - 10);
traceralpha = 40 + random(20);
do {
_root.bullet._y = point.y + ((-Math.sin(rotation2 * (Math.PI/180))) * distance);
_root.bullet._x = point.x + ((-Math.cos(rotation2 * (Math.PI/180))) * distance);
bullethit = 0;
i = 0;
while (i < _root.square.badorb.length) {
circleA = _root.square.badorb[i];
circleA = eval (circleA);
if (_root.bullet.hitTest(circleA)) {
_root.constant.splatterrotation = Math.atan((circleA._y - _root.gun._y) / (circleA._x - _root.gun._x));
splatter = 20;
do {
_root.constant.i = _root.constant.i + 1;
_root.splatter.duplicateMovieClip("splatter" + _root.constant.i, _root.constant.i);
_root["splatter" + _root.constant.i]._x = _root.bullet._x;
_root["splatter" + _root.constant.i]._y = _root.bullet._y;
splatter = splatter - 1;
} while (splatter > 0); = - (10 + random(10));
bullethit = 1;
if (bullethit == 1) {
hit = 1;
hitbadguy = 1;
} else if (distance > 500) {
hit = 1;
} else {
hit = 0;
distance = distance + 10;
z = z + 1;
traceralpha = traceralpha - 3;
if (traceralpha > 0) {
z = z + 1;
_root.tracer.duplicateMovieClip("laser" + z, z);
_root["laser" + z]._x = _root.bullet._x;
_root["laser" + z]._y = _root.bullet._y;
_root["laser" + z]._rotation = this._rotation;
_root["laser" + z]._alpha = traceralpha;
} while (hit == 0);
shottimer = 30;
_root.hud.benelliammo = _root.hud.benelliammo - 1;
_root.bullet._x = -1000;
if (((((_root.panel.weapon == 9) and (shottimer < 0)) and (_root.cursor._x < 550)) and (_root.hud.lasgunammo > 0)) and (_root.hud.reloading == 0)) {
hit = 0;
z = z + 1;
_root.casing.duplicateMovieClip("flash" + z, z);
hitbadguy = 0;
distance = 1;
point = new Object();
point.x = _root.gun.shelldispenser._x;
point.y = _root.gun.shelldispenser._y;
laserlife = 25;
do {
_root.bullet._y = point.y + ((-Math.sin(_root.gun._rotation * (Math.PI/180))) * distance);
_root.bullet._x = point.x + ((-Math.cos(_root.gun._rotation * (Math.PI/180))) * distance);
bullethit = 0;
i = 0;
while (i < _root.square.badorb.length) {
circleA = _root.square.badorb[i];
circleA = eval (circleA);
if (_root.bullet.hitTest(circleA)) {
_root.constant.splatterrotation = Math.atan((circleA._y - _root.gun._y) / (circleA._x - _root.gun._x));
p = 0;
while (p < 150) {
_root.constant.i = _root.constant.i + 1;
_root.redlaserdust.duplicateMovieClip("dust" + _root.constant.i, _root.constant.i);
_root["dust" + _root.constant.i]._x = circleA._x + (random(30) - 15);
_root["dust" + _root.constant.i]._y = circleA._y + (random(30) - 15);
point = new Object();
point.x = _root["dust" + _root.constant.i]._x;
point.y = _root["dust" + _root.constant.i]._y;
if (!circleA.hitTest(point.x, point.y, true)) {
_root["dust" + _root.constant.i].removeMovieClip();
_root["dust" + _root.constant.i].xspeed = (random(100) / 10) - 5;
_root["dust" + _root.constant.i].yspeed = (random(100) / 10) - 5;
distance = Math.sqrt(((_root["dust" + _root.constant.i]._y - _root.bullet._y) * (_root["dust" + _root.constant.i]._y - _root.bullet._y)) + ((_root["dust" + _root.constant.i]._x - _root.bullet._x) * (_root["dust" + _root.constant.i]._x - _root.bullet._x)));
_root["dust" + _root.constant.i].life = distance;
_root.constant.zombiesleft = _root.constant.zombiesleft - 1; = + 20;
bullethit = 1;
_root.bullet._x = -1000;
if (bullethit == 1) {
hit = 1;
hitbadguy = 1;
} else if (distance > 500) {
hit = 1;
} else {
hit = 0;
distance = distance + 10;
z = z + 1;
_root.redlaserbeam.duplicateMovieClip("laser" + z, z);
_root["laser" + z]._x = _root.bullet._x;
_root["laser" + z]._y = _root.bullet._y;
_root["laser" + z]._rotation = this._rotation;
laserlife = laserlife + 1;
_root["laser" + z].life = laserlife;
} while (hit == 0);
shottimer = 30;
_root.hud.lasgunammo = _root.hud.lasgunammo - 1;
if (((((_root.panel.weapon == 13) and (shottimer < 0)) and (_root.cursor._x < 550)) and (_root.hud.rocketammo > 0)) and (_root.hud.reloading == 0)) {
z = z + 1;
_root.flash.duplicateMovieClip("flash" + z, z);
z = z + 1;
_root.casing.duplicateMovieClip("flash" + z, z);
point = new Object();
point.x = _root.gun.shelldispenser._x;
point.y = _root.gun.shelldispenser._y;
_root.constant.i = _root.constant.i + 1;
_root.rocket.duplicateMovieClip("rocket" + _root.constant.i, _root.constant.i);
_root["rocket" + _root.constant.i]._x = point.x;
_root["rocket" + _root.constant.i]._y = point.y;
_root["rocket" + _root.constant.i]._rotation = _rotation;
_root["rocket" + _root.constant.i].spray = 1;
shottimer = 15;
_root.hud.rocketammo = _root.hud.rocketammo - 1;
if (((((_root.panel.weapon == 20) and (shottimer < 0)) and (_root.cursor._x < 550)) and (_root.hud.plasmaammo > 0)) and (_root.hud.reloading == 0)) {
z = z + 1;
_root.flash.duplicateMovieClip("flash" + z, z);
colorObj = new Color(_root["flash" + z]);
colorObj.setTransform({ra:100, rb:0, ga:100, gb:0, ba:250, bb:250, aa:100, ab:0});
z = z + 1;
_root.casing.duplicateMovieClip("flash" + z, z);
point = new Object();
point.x = _root.gun.shelldispenser._x;
point.y = _root.gun.shelldispenser._y;
_root.constant.i = _root.constant.i + 1;
_root.pulse.duplicateMovieClip("rocket" + _root.constant.i, _root.constant.i);
_root["rocket" + _root.constant.i]._x = point.x;
_root["rocket" + _root.constant.i]._y = point.y;
_root["rocket" + _root.constant.i]._rotation = _rotation;
_root["rocket" + _root.constant.i].spray = 1;
shottimer = 3;
_root.hud.plasmaammo = _root.hud.plasmaammo - 1;
if (((((_root.panel.weapon == 14) and (shottimer < 0)) and (_root.cursor._x < 550)) and (_root.hud.sniperammo > 0)) and (_root.hud.reloading == 0)) {
z = z + 1;
_root.flash.duplicateMovieClip("flash" + z, z);
z = z + 1;
_root.casing.duplicateMovieClip("flash" + z, z);
hit = 0;
hitbadguy = 0;
bullethit = 0;
distance = 1;
point = new Object();
point.x = _root.gun.shelldispenser._x;
point.y = _root.gun.shelldispenser._y;
traceralpha = 40 + random(20);
do {
_root.bullet._y = point.y + ((-Math.sin(_root.gun._rotation * (Math.PI/180))) * distance);
_root.bullet._x = point.x + ((-Math.cos(_root.gun._rotation * (Math.PI/180))) * distance);
i = 0;
while (i < _root.square.badorb.length) {
circleA = _root.square.badorb[i];
circleA = eval (circleA);
if (_root.bullet.hitTest(circleA)) {
_root.constant.splatterrotation = Math.atan((circleA._y - _root.gun._y) / (circleA._x - _root.gun._x));
splatter = 20;
do {
_root.constant.i = _root.constant.i + 1;
_root.splatter.duplicateMovieClip("splatter" + _root.constant.i, _root.constant.i);
_root["splatter" + _root.constant.i]._x = _root.bullet._x;
_root["splatter" + _root.constant.i]._y = _root.bullet._y;
splatter = splatter - 1;
} while (splatter > 0); = - (30 + random(20));
bullethit = bullethit + 1;
if (bullethit == 30) {
hit = 1;
_root.bullet._x = -1000;
hitbadguy = 1;
} else if (distance > 500) {
hit = 1;
_root.bullet._x = -1000;
} else {
hit = 0;
distance = distance + 10;
traceralpha = traceralpha - 1;
if (traceralpha > 0) {
z = z + 1;
_root.tracer.duplicateMovieClip("laser" + z, z);
_root["laser" + z]._x = _root.bullet._x;
_root["laser" + z]._y = _root.bullet._y;
_root["laser" + z]._rotation = this._rotation;
_root["laser" + z]._alpha = traceralpha;
} while (hit == 0);
shottimer = 60;
_root.hud.sniperammo = _root.hud.sniperammo - 1;
if (((((_root.panel.weapon == 15) and (shottimer < 0)) and (_root.cursor._x < 550)) and (_root.hud.railgunammo > 0)) and (_root.hud.reloading == 0)) {
z = z + 1;
_root.flash.duplicateMovieClip("flash" + z, z);
z = z + 1;
_root.casing.duplicateMovieClip("flash" + z, z);
hit = 0;
hitbadguy = 0;
bullethit = 0;
distance = 1;
point = new Object();
point.x = _root.gun.shelldispenser._x;
point.y = _root.gun.shelldispenser._y;
do {
_root.bullet._y = point.y + ((-Math.sin(_root.gun._rotation * (Math.PI/180))) * distance);
_root.bullet._x = point.x + ((-Math.cos(_root.gun._rotation * (Math.PI/180))) * distance);
i = 0;
while (i < _root.square.badorb.length) {
circleA = _root.square.badorb[i];
circleA = eval (circleA);
if (_root.bullet.hitTest(circleA)) {
circleA.raildeath = 1;
bullethit = bullethit + 1;
if (bullethit == 30) {
hit = 1;
_root.bullet._x = -1000;
hitbadguy = 1;
} else if (distance > 500) {
hit = 1;
_root.bullet._x = -1000;
} else {
hit = 0;
distance = distance + 10;
z = z + 1;
_root.railbeam.duplicateMovieClip("laser" + z, z);
_root["laser" + z]._x = _root.bullet._x;
_root["laser" + z]._y = _root.bullet._y;
_root["laser" + z]._rotation = this._rotation;
} while (hit == 0);
shottimer = 15;
_root.hud.railgunammo = _root.hud.railgunammo - 1;
if (((((_root.panel.weapon == 21) and (shottimer < 0)) and (_root.cursor._x < 550)) and (_root.hud.vampireammo > 0)) and (_root.hud.reloading == 0)) {
z = z + 1;
_root.flash.duplicateMovieClip("flash" + z, z);
z = z + 1;
_root.casing.duplicateMovieClip("flash" + z, z);
hit = 0;
hitbadguy = 0;
bullethit = 0;
distance = 1;
point = new Object();
point.x = _root.gun.shelldispenser._x;
point.y = _root.gun.shelldispenser._y;
traceralpha = 60 + random(20);
do {
_root.bullet._y = point.y + ((-Math.sin(_root.gun._rotation * (Math.PI/180))) * distance);
_root.bullet._x = point.x + ((-Math.cos(_root.gun._rotation * (Math.PI/180))) * distance);
i = 0;
while (i < _root.square.badorb.length) {
circleA = _root.square.badorb[i];
circleA = eval (circleA);
if (_root.bullet.hitTest(circleA)) {
_root.constant.splatterrotation = Math.atan((circleA._y - _root.gun._y) / (circleA._x - _root.gun._x));
splatter = 20;
do {
_root.constant.i = _root.constant.i + 1;
_root.splatter.duplicateMovieClip("splatter" + _root.constant.i, _root.constant.i);
_root["splatter" + _root.constant.i]._x = _root.bullet._x;
_root["splatter" + _root.constant.i]._y = _root.bullet._y;
splatter = splatter - 1;
} while (splatter > 0);
_root.constant.i = _root.constant.i + 1;
_root.vampireball.duplicateMovieClip("splatter" + _root.constant.i, _root.constant.i);
_root["splatter" + _root.constant.i]._x = _root.bullet._x;
_root["splatter" + _root.constant.i]._y = _root.bullet._y;
_root["splatter" + _root.constant.i].spray = 1; = - (10 + random(10));
bullethit = bullethit + 1;
if (bullethit == 1) {
hit = 1;
_root.bullet._x = -1000;
hitbadguy = 1;
} else if (distance > 500) {
hit = 1;
_root.bullet._x = -1000;
} else {
hit = 0;
distance = distance + 10;
traceralpha = traceralpha - 3;
if (traceralpha > 0) {
z = z + 1;
_root.tracer.duplicateMovieClip("laser" + z, z);
_root["laser" + z]._x = _root.bullet._x;
_root["laser" + z]._y = _root.bullet._y;
_root["laser" + z]._rotation = this._rotation;
_root["laser" + z]._alpha = traceralpha;
} while (hit == 0);
shottimer = 15;
_root.hud.vampireammo = _root.hud.vampireammo - 1;
onClipEvent (mouseDown) {
fire = 1;
onClipEvent (mouseUp) {
fire = 0;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if ((((((fire == 1) and (_root.panel.weapon == 6)) and (shottimer < 0)) and (_root.cursor._x < 550)) and (_root.hud.uziammo > 0)) and (_root.hud.reloading == 0)) {
z = z + 1;
_root.flash.duplicateMovieClip("flash" + z, z);
z = z + 1;
_root.casing.duplicateMovieClip("flash" + z, z);
hit = 0;
hitbadguy = 0;
distance = 1;
point = new Object();
point.x = _root.gun.shelldispenser._x;
point.y = _root.gun.shelldispenser._y;
rotation = _root.gun._rotation + (random(21) - 10);
traceralpha = 40 + random(20);
do {
_root.bullet._y = point.y + ((-Math.sin(rotation * (Math.PI/180))) * distance);
_root.bullet._x = point.x + ((-Math.cos(rotation * (Math.PI/180))) * distance);
bullethit = 0;
i = 0;
while (i < _root.square.badorb.length) {
circleA = _root.square.badorb[i];
circleA = eval (circleA);
if (_root.bullet.hitTest(circleA)) {
_root.constant.splatterrotation = Math.atan((circleA._y - _root.gun._y) / (circleA._x - _root.gun._x));
splatter = 20;
do {
_root.constant.i = _root.constant.i + 1;
_root.splatter.duplicateMovieClip("splatter" + _root.constant.i, _root.constant.i);
_root["splatter" + _root.constant.i]._x = _root.bullet._x;
_root["splatter" + _root.constant.i]._y = _root.bullet._y;
splatter = splatter - 1;
} while (splatter > 0); = - (10 + random(15));
bullethit = 1;
_root.bullet._x = -1000;
if (bullethit == 1) {
hit = 1;
hitbadguy = 1;
} else if (distance > 500) {
hit = 1;
} else {
hit = 0;
distance = distance + 10;
traceralpha = traceralpha - 3;
if (traceralpha > 0) {
z = z + 1;
_root.tracer.duplicateMovieClip("laser" + z, z);
_root["laser" + z]._x = _root.bullet._x;
_root["laser" + z]._y = _root.bullet._y;
_root["laser" + z]._rotation = this._rotation;
_root["laser" + z]._alpha = traceralpha;
} while (hit == 0);
shottimer = 5;
_root.hud.uziammo = _root.hud.uziammo - 1;
if ((((((fire == 1) and (_root.panel.weapon == 7)) and (shottimer < 0)) and (_root.cursor._x < 550)) and (_root.hud.mp5ammo > 0)) and (_root.hud.reloading == 0)) {
z = z + 1;
_root.flash.duplicateMovieClip("flash" + z, z);
z = z + 1;
_root.casing.duplicateMovieClip("flash" + z, z);
hit = 0;
distance = 1;
point = new Object();
point.x = _root.gun.shelldispenser._x;
point.y = _root.gun.shelldispenser._y;
traceralpha = 40 + random(20);
rotation = _root.gun._rotation + (random(21) - 10);
do {
_root.bullet._y = point.y + ((-Math.sin(rotation * (Math.PI/180))) * distance);
_root.bullet._x = point.x + ((-Math.cos(rotation * (Math.PI/180))) * distance);
bullethit = 0;
i = 0;
while (i < _root.square.badorb.length) {
circleA = _root.square.badorb[i];
circleA = eval (circleA);
if (_root.bullet.hitTest(circleA)) {
_root.constant.splatterrotation = Math.atan((circleA._y - _root.gun._y) / (circleA._x - _root.gun._x));
splatter = 20;
do {
_root.constant.i = _root.constant.i + 1;
_root.splatter.duplicateMovieClip("splatter" + _root.constant.i, _root.constant.i);
_root["splatter" + _root.constant.i]._x = _root.bullet._x;
_root["splatter" + _root.constant.i]._y = _root.bullet._y;
splatter = splatter - 1;
} while (splatter > 0); = - (10 + random(20));
bullethit = 1;
_root.bullet._x = -1000;
if (bullethit == 1) {
hit = 1;
} else if (distance > 500) {
hit = 1;
} else {
hit = 0;
distance = distance + 10;
traceralpha = traceralpha - 3;
if (traceralpha > 0) {
z = z + 1;
_root.tracer.duplicateMovieClip("laser" + z, z);
_root["laser" + z]._x = _root.bullet._x;
_root["laser" + z]._y = _root.bullet._y;
_root["laser" + z]._rotation = this._rotation;
_root["laser" + z]._alpha = traceralpha;
} while (hit == 0);
shottimer = 2;
_root.hud.mp5ammo = _root.hud.mp5ammo - 1;
if ((((((fire == 1) and (_root.panel.weapon == 16)) and (shottimer < 0)) and (_root.cursor._x < 550)) and (_root.hud.p90ammo > 0)) and (_root.hud.reloading == 0)) {
z = z + 1;
_root.flash.duplicateMovieClip("flash" + z, z);
z = z + 1;
_root.casing.duplicateMovieClip("flash" + z, z);
hit = 0;
distance = 1;
point = new Object();
point.x = _root.gun.shelldispenser._x;
point.y = _root.gun.shelldispenser._y;
traceralpha = 40 + random(20);
rotation = _root.gun._rotation + (random(21) - 10);
do {
_root.bullet._y = point.y + ((-Math.sin(rotation * (Math.PI/180))) * distance);
_root.bullet._x = point.x + ((-Math.cos(rotation * (Math.PI/180))) * distance);
bullethit = 0;
i = 0;
while (i < _root.square.badorb.length) {
circleA = _root.square.badorb[i];
circleA = eval (circleA);
if (_root.bullet.hitTest(circleA)) {
_root.constant.splatterrotation = Math.atan((circleA._y - _root.gun._y) / (circleA._x - _root.gun._x));
splatter = 20;
do {
_root.constant.i = _root.constant.i + 1;
_root.splatter.duplicateMovieClip("splatter" + _root.constant.i, _root.constant.i);
_root["splatter" + _root.constant.i]._x = _root.bullet._x;
_root["splatter" + _root.constant.i]._y = _root.bullet._y;
splatter = splatter - 1;
} while (splatter > 0); = - (10 + random(20));
bullethit = 1;
_root.bullet._x = -1000;
if (bullethit == 1) {
hit = 1;
} else if (distance > 500) {
hit = 1;
} else {
hit = 0;
distance = distance + 10;
traceralpha = traceralpha - 3;
if (traceralpha > 0) {
z = z + 1;
_root.tracer.duplicateMovieClip("laser" + z, z);
_root["laser" + z]._x = _root.bullet._x;
_root["laser" + z]._y = _root.bullet._y;
_root["laser" + z]._rotation = this._rotation;
_root["laser" + z]._alpha = traceralpha;
} while (hit == 0);
shottimer = 2;
_root.hud.p90ammo = _root.hud.p90ammo - 1;
if ((((((fire == 1) and (_root.panel.weapon == 18)) and (shottimer < 0)) and (_root.cursor._x < 550)) and (_root.hud.spasammo > 0)) and (_root.hud.reloading == 0)) {
z = z + 1;
_root.flash.duplicateMovieClip("flash" + z, z);
z = z + 1;
_root.casing.duplicateMovieClip("flash" + z, z);
j = 0;
while (j < 5) {
hit = 0;
hitbadguy = 0;
distance = 1;
point = new Object();
point.x = _root.gun.shelldispenser._x;
point.y = _root.gun.shelldispenser._y;
rotation2 = _root.gun._rotation + (random(20) - 10);
traceralpha = 40 + random(20);
do {
_root.bullet._y = point.y + ((-Math.sin(rotation2 * (Math.PI/180))) * distance);
_root.bullet._x = point.x + ((-Math.cos(rotation2 * (Math.PI/180))) * distance);
bullethit = 0;
i = 0;
while (i < _root.square.badorb.length) {
circleA = _root.square.badorb[i];
circleA = eval (circleA);
if (_root.bullet.hitTest(circleA)) {
_root.constant.splatterrotation = Math.atan((circleA._y - _root.gun._y) / (circleA._x - _root.gun._x));
splatter = 20;
do {
_root.constant.i = _root.constant.i + 1;
_root.splatter.duplicateMovieClip("splatter" + _root.constant.i, _root.constant.i);
_root["splatter" + _root.constant.i]._x = _root.bullet._x;
_root["splatter" + _root.constant.i]._y = _root.bullet._y;
splatter = splatter - 1;
} while (splatter > 0); = - (10 + random(10));
bullethit = 1;
if (bullethit == 1) {
hit = 1;
hitbadguy = 1;
} else if (distance > 500) {
hit = 1;
} else {
hit = 0;
distance = distance + 10;
z = z + 1;
traceralpha = traceralpha - 3;
if (traceralpha > 0) {
z = z + 1;
_root.tracer.duplicateMovieClip("laser" + z, z);
_root["laser" + z]._x = _root.bullet._x;
_root["laser" + z]._y = _root.bullet._y;
_root["laser" + z]._rotation = this._rotation;
_root["laser" + z]._alpha = traceralpha;
} while (hit == 0);
shottimer = 10;
_root.hud.spasammo = _root.hud.spasammo - 1;
_root.bullet._x = -1000;
if ((((((fire == 1) and (_root.panel.weapon == 10)) and (shottimer < 0)) and (_root.cursor._x < 550)) and (_root.hud.ak47ammo > 0)) and (_root.hud.reloading == 0)) {
z = z + 1;
_root.flash.duplicateMovieClip("flash" + z, z);
z = z + 1;
_root.casing.duplicateMovieClip("flash" + z, z);
hit = 0;
distance = 1;
point = new Object();
point.x = _root.gun.shelldispenser._x;
point.y = _root.gun.shelldispenser._y;
traceralpha = 40 + random(20);
rotation = _root.gun._rotation + (random(10) - 5);
do {
_root.bullet._y = point.y + ((-Math.sin(rotation * (Math.PI/180))) * distance);
_root.bullet._x = point.x + ((-Math.cos(rotation * (Math.PI/180))) * distance);
bullethit = 0;
i = 0;
while (i < _root.square.badorb.length) {
circleA = _root.square.badorb[i];
circleA = eval (circleA);
if (_root.bullet.hitTest(circleA)) {
_root.constant.splatterrotation = Math.atan((circleA._y - _root.gun._y) / (circleA._x - _root.gun._x));
splatter = 20;
do {
_root.constant.i = _root.constant.i + 1;
_root.splatter.duplicateMovieClip("splatter" + _root.constant.i, _root.constant.i);
_root["splatter" + _root.constant.i]._x = _root.bullet._x;
_root["splatter" + _root.constant.i]._y = _root.bullet._y;
splatter = splatter - 1;
} while (splatter > 0); = - (15 + random(5));
bullethit = 1;
_root.bullet._x = -1000;
if (bullethit == 1) {
hit = 1;
} else if (distance > 500) {
hit = 1;
} else {
hit = 0;
distance = distance + 10;
traceralpha = traceralpha - 3;
if (traceralpha > 0) {
z = z + 1;
_root.tracer.duplicateMovieClip("laser" + z, z);
_root["laser" + z]._x = _root.bullet._x;
_root["laser" + z]._y = _root.bullet._y;
_root["laser" + z]._rotation = this._rotation;
_root["laser" + z]._alpha = traceralpha;
} while (hit == 0);
shottimer = 4;
_root.hud.ak47ammo = _root.hud.ak47ammo - 1;
if ((((((fire == 1) and (_root.panel.weapon == 11)) and (shottimer < 0)) and (_root.cursor._x < 550)) and (_root.hud.m16ammo > 0)) and (_root.hud.reloading == 0)) {
z = z + 1;
_root.flash.duplicateMovieClip("flash" + z, z);
z = z + 1;
_root.casing.duplicateMovieClip("flash" + z, z);
hit = 0;
distance = 1;
point = new Object();
point.x = _root.gun.shelldispenser._x;
point.y = _root.gun.shelldispenser._y;
traceralpha = 40 + random(20);
rotation = _root.gun._rotation + (random(10) - 5);
do {
_root.bullet._y = point.y + ((-Math.sin(rotation * (Math.PI/180))) * distance);
_root.bullet._x = point.x + ((-Math.cos(rotation * (Math.PI/180))) * distance);
bullethit = 0;
i = 0;
while (i < _root.square.badorb.length) {
circleA = _root.square.badorb[i];
circleA = eval (circleA);
if (_root.bullet.hitTest(circleA)) {
_root.constant.splatterrotation = Math.atan((circleA._y - _root.gun._y) / (circleA._x - _root.gun._x));
splatter = 20;
do {
_root.constant.i = _root.constant.i + 1;
_root.splatter.duplicateMovieClip("splatter" + _root.constant.i, _root.constant.i);
_root["splatter" + _root.constant.i]._x = _root.bullet._x;
_root["splatter" + _root.constant.i]._y = _root.bullet._y;
splatter = splatter - 1;
} while (splatter > 0); = - (15 + random(5));
bullethit = 1;
_root.bullet._x = -1000;
if (bullethit == 1) {
hit = 1;
} else if (distance > 500) {
hit = 1;
} else {
hit = 0;
distance = distance + 10;
traceralpha = traceralpha - 3;
if (traceralpha > 0) {
z = z + 1;
_root.tracer.duplicateMovieClip("laser" + z, z);
_root["laser" + z]._x = _root.bullet._x;
_root["laser" + z]._y = _root.bullet._y;
_root["laser" + z]._rotation = this._rotation;
_root["laser" + z]._alpha = traceralpha;
} while (hit == 0);
shottimer = 2;
_root.hud.m16ammo = _root.hud.m16ammo - 1;
if ((((((fire == 1) and (_root.panel.weapon == 12)) and (shottimer < 0)) and (_root.cursor._x < 550)) and (_root.hud.minigunammo > 0)) and (_root.hud.reloading == 0)) {
z = z + 1;
_root.flash.duplicateMovieClip("flash" + z, z);
z = z + 1;
_root.casing.duplicateMovieClip("flash" + z, z);
hit = 0;
distance = 1;
point = new Object();
point.x = _root.gun.shelldispenser._x;
point.y = _root.gun.shelldispenser._y;
traceralpha = 40 + random(20);
rotation = _root.gun._rotation + (random(30) - 15);
do {
_root.bullet._y = point.y + ((-Math.sin(rotation * (Math.PI/180))) * distance);
_root.bullet._x = point.x + ((-Math.cos(rotation * (Math.PI/180))) * distance);
bullethit = 0;
i = 0;
while (i < _root.square.badorb.length) {
circleA = _root.square.badorb[i];
circleA = eval (circleA);
if (_root.bullet.hitTest(circleA)) {
_root.constant.splatterrotation = Math.atan((circleA._y - _root.gun._y) / (circleA._x - _root.gun._x));
splatter = 20;
do {
_root.constant.i = _root.constant.i + 1;
_root.splatter.duplicateMovieClip("splatter" + _root.constant.i, _root.constant.i);
_root["splatter" + _root.constant.i]._x = _root.bullet._x;
_root["splatter" + _root.constant.i]._y = _root.bullet._y;
splatter = splatter - 1;
} while (splatter > 0); = - (10 + random(5));
bullethit = 1;
_root.bullet._x = -1000;
if (bullethit == 1) {
hit = 1;
} else if (distance > 500) {
hit = 1;
} else {
hit = 0;
distance = distance + 10;
traceralpha = traceralpha - 3;
if (traceralpha > 0) {
z = z + 1;
_root.tracer.duplicateMovieClip("laser" + z, z);
_root["laser" + z]._x = _root.bullet._x;
_root["laser" + z]._y = _root.bullet._y;
_root["laser" + z]._rotation = this._rotation;
_root["laser" + z]._alpha = traceralpha;
} while (hit == 0);
shottimer = 0;
_root.hud.minigunammo = _root.hud.minigunammo - 1;
if ((((((fire == 1) and (_root.panel.weapon == 19)) and (shottimer < 0)) and (_root.cursor._x < 550)) and (_root.hud.pulseammo > 0)) and (_root.hud.reloading == 0)) {
z = z + 1;
_root.flash.duplicateMovieClip("flash" + z, z);
colorObj = new Color(_root["flash" + z]);
colorObj.setTransform({ra:100, rb:0, ga:100, gb:0, ba:250, bb:250, aa:100, ab:0});
z = z + 1;
_root.casing.duplicateMovieClip("flash" + z, z);
point = new Object();
point.x = _root.gun.shelldispenser._x;
point.y = _root.gun.shelldispenser._y;
_root.constant.i = _root.constant.i + 1;
_root.pulse.duplicateMovieClip("rocket" + _root.constant.i, _root.constant.i);
_root["rocket" + _root.constant.i]._x = point.x;
_root["rocket" + _root.constant.i]._y = point.y;
_root["rocket" + _root.constant.i]._rotation = (_rotation + (1 + random(10))) - 5;
_root["rocket" + _root.constant.i].spray = 1;
shottimer = 3;
_root.hud.pulseammo = _root.hud.pulseammo - 1;
Instance of Symbol 884 MovieClip "panel" in Frame 8
onClipEvent (load) {
weapon = 1;
Frame 9
Frame 10
Instance of Symbol 32 MovieClip "constant" in Frame 10
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (j > 95300) {
j = 95000 /* 0x017318 */;
if (i > 95000) {
i = 90000 /* 0x015F90 */;
if (herohealth < 0) {
herohealth = 0;
if (herohealth > 100) {
herohealth = 100;
onClipEvent (load) {
soundvolume = 80;
herohealth = 100;
gold = 0;
zombiesleft = 20;
round = 1;
max = 60;
min = 30;
explosion = 1;
bangy = 50;
bangx = 50;
j = 95000 /* 0x017318 */;
p = 3000;
Instance of Symbol 52 MovieClip in Frame 10
onClipEvent (load) {
_alpha = 0;
starty = this._y;
instructionsy = this._y + 22;
creditsy = this._y + 44;
moregamesy = this._y + 66;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
_alpha = (_alpha + 1);
if (_root.nav == 1) {
this._y = this._y + ((starty - this._y) / 8);
} else if (_root.nav == 2) {
this._y = this._y + ((instructionsy - this._y) / 8);
} else if (_root.nav == 3) {
this._y = this._y + ((creditsy - this._y) / 8);
} else if (_root.nav == 4) {
this._y = this._y + ((moregamesy - this._y) / 8);
Instance of Symbol 1095 MovieClip "menu" in Frame 10
onClipEvent (load) {
_alpha = 0;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
_alpha = (_alpha + 1);
Symbol 29 Button
on (press) {
_root.getURL("", "_self");
_root.isLinkPressed = true;
Symbol 30 MovieClip [Symbol 345] Frame 1
Symbol 43 Button
on (release) {
_root.constant.herohealth = 100; = 0;
_root.constant.zombiesleft = 20;
_root.constant.round = 1;
_root.constant.max = 60;
_root.constant.min = 30;
_root.constant.i = 90000 /* 0x015F90 */;
_root.constant.p = 3000;
on (rollOver) {
_root.nav = 1;
Symbol 45 Button
on (release) {
on (rollOver) {
_root.nav = 2;
Symbol 47 Button
on (rollOver) {
_root.nav = 3;
on (release) {
Symbol 49 Button
on (rollOver) {
_root.nav = 4;
on (press) {
_root.getURL("", "_self");
_root.isLinkPressed = true;
Symbol 57 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 57 MovieClip Frame 2
Symbol 57 MovieClip Frame 3
Symbol 59 Button
on (release) {
if (_root.quality._currentframe == 1) {
_quality = "MEDIUM";
if (_root.quality._currentframe == 2) {
_quality = "LOW";
if (_root.quality._currentframe == 3) {
_quality = "HIGH";
Symbol 64 MovieClip [zombieblood] Frame 1
Symbol 96 MovieClip Frame 31
Symbol 128 MovieClip Frame 31
Symbol 159 MovieClip Frame 31
Symbol 190 MovieClip Frame 31
Symbol 222 MovieClip Frame 31
Symbol 254 MovieClip Frame 31
Symbol 285 MovieClip Frame 31
Symbol 317 MovieClip Frame 31
Symbol 348 MovieClip Frame 31
Symbol 379 MovieClip Frame 31
Symbol 380 MovieClip [zombiedeath] Frame 1
Symbol 380 MovieClip [zombiedeath] Frame 2
Symbol 380 MovieClip [zombiedeath] Frame 3
Symbol 380 MovieClip [zombiedeath] Frame 4
Symbol 380 MovieClip [zombiedeath] Frame 5
Symbol 380 MovieClip [zombiedeath] Frame 6
Symbol 380 MovieClip [zombiedeath] Frame 7
Symbol 380 MovieClip [zombiedeath] Frame 8
Symbol 380 MovieClip [zombiedeath] Frame 9
Symbol 380 MovieClip [zombiedeath] Frame 10
Symbol 417 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 417 MovieClip Frame 2
Symbol 418 MovieClip Frame 1
Instance of Symbol 417 MovieClip in Symbol 418 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (((Key.isDown(87) or Key.isDown(65)) or Key.isDown(83)) or Key.isDown(68)) {
gotoAndStop (2);
} else {
gotoAndStop (1);
Symbol 543 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 543 MovieClip Frame 2
Symbol 543 MovieClip Frame 3
Symbol 543 MovieClip Frame 4
Symbol 582 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 582 MovieClip Frame 2
Symbol 586 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 588 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 636 MovieClip Frame 45
Symbol 637 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 637 MovieClip Frame 2
Symbol 637 MovieClip Frame 3
Symbol 669 MovieClip Frame 31
Symbol 673 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 673 MovieClip Frame 2
Symbol 692 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 703 Button
on (rollOver) {
if (_root.moregames._currentframe == 1) {
Symbol 711 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 711 MovieClip Frame 2
Symbol 711 MovieClip Frame 3
Symbol 711 MovieClip Frame 4
Symbol 711 MovieClip Frame 5
Symbol 713 MovieClip Frame 20
Symbol 735 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 735 MovieClip Frame 2
Symbol 735 MovieClip Frame 3
Symbol 735 MovieClip Frame 4
Symbol 735 MovieClip Frame 5
Symbol 735 MovieClip Frame 6
Symbol 735 MovieClip Frame 7
Symbol 735 MovieClip Frame 8
Symbol 735 MovieClip Frame 9
Symbol 735 MovieClip Frame 10
Symbol 735 MovieClip Frame 11
Symbol 735 MovieClip Frame 12
Symbol 735 MovieClip Frame 13
Symbol 735 MovieClip Frame 14
Symbol 735 MovieClip Frame 15
Symbol 735 MovieClip Frame 16
Symbol 735 MovieClip Frame 17
Symbol 735 MovieClip Frame 18
Symbol 735 MovieClip Frame 19
Symbol 735 MovieClip Frame 20
Symbol 735 MovieClip Frame 21
Symbol 741 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 741 MovieClip Frame 2
Symbol 741 MovieClip Frame 3
Symbol 752 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 752 MovieClip Frame 2
Symbol 752 MovieClip Frame 3
Symbol 752 MovieClip Frame 4
Symbol 752 MovieClip Frame 5
Symbol 752 MovieClip Frame 6
Symbol 752 MovieClip Frame 7
Symbol 752 MovieClip Frame 8
Symbol 752 MovieClip Frame 9
Symbol 752 MovieClip Frame 10
Symbol 752 MovieClip Frame 11
Symbol 758 MovieClip Frame 5
Symbol 758 MovieClip Frame 20
Symbol 761 MovieClip Frame 25
Symbol 770 Button
on (release) {
_root.hud.reloading = 0;
_root.panel.weapon = 2;
_root.hud.reloadtimer = _root.hud.reloadtimermax;
Symbol 771 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 771 MovieClip Frame 2
Symbol 775 Button
on (release) {
_root.hud.reloading = 0;
_root.panel.weapon = 3;
_root.hud.reloadtimer = _root.hud.reloadtimermax;
Symbol 776 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 776 MovieClip Frame 2
Symbol 780 Button
on (release) {
_root.hud.reloading = 0;
_root.panel.weapon = 4;
_root.hud.reloadtimer = _root.hud.reloadtimermax;
Symbol 781 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 781 MovieClip Frame 2
Symbol 785 Button
on (release) {
_root.hud.reloading = 0;
_root.panel.weapon = 5;
_root.hud.reloadtimer = _root.hud.reloadtimermax;
Symbol 786 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 786 MovieClip Frame 2
Symbol 788 Button
on (release) {
_root.hud.reloading = 0;
_root.panel.weapon = 1;
_root.hud.reloadtimer = _root.hud.reloadtimermax;
Symbol 794 Button
on (release) {
if (_root.panel.m16._x > 80) {
_root.panel.beretta.newx = _root.panel.beretta.newx - 80;
_root.panel.ruger.newx = _root.panel.ruger.newx - 80;
_root.panel.deserteagle.newx = _root.panel.deserteagle.newx - 80;
_root.panel.python.newx = _root.panel.python.newx - 80;
_root.panel.laserpistol.newx = _root.panel.laserpistol.newx - 80;
_root.panel.vampire.newx = _root.panel.vampire.newx - 80;
_root.panel.uzi.newx = _root.panel.uzi.newx - 80;
_root.panel.mp5.newx = _root.panel.mp5.newx - 80;
_root.panel.shotgun.newx = _root.panel.shotgun.newx - 80;
_root.panel.sawnoff.newx = _root.panel.sawnoff.newx - 80;
_root.panel.spas.newx = _root.panel.spas.newx - 80;
_root.panel.p90.newx = _root.panel.p90.newx - 80;
_root.panel.lasgun.newx = _root.panel.lasgun.newx - 80;
_root.panel.ak47.newx = _root.panel.ak47.newx - 80;
_root.panel.m16.newx = _root.panel.m16.newx - 80;
_root.panel.pulse.newx = _root.panel.pulse.newx - 80;
_root.panel.plasma.newx = _root.panel.plasma.newx - 80;
_root.panel.minigun.newx = _root.panel.minigun.newx - 80;
_root.panel.rocket.newx = _root.panel.rocket.newx - 80;
_root.panel.sniper.newx = _root.panel.sniper.newx - 80;
_root.panel.railgun.newx = _root.panel.railgun.newx - 80;
Symbol 797 Button
on (release) {
if (_root.panel.beretta._x < -80) {
_root.panel.beretta.newx = _root.panel.beretta.newx + 80;
_root.panel.ruger.newx = _root.panel.ruger.newx + 80;
_root.panel.deserteagle.newx = _root.panel.deserteagle.newx + 80;
_root.panel.python.newx = _root.panel.python.newx + 80;
_root.panel.laserpistol.newx = _root.panel.laserpistol.newx + 80;
_root.panel.vampire.newx = _root.panel.vampire.newx + 80;
_root.panel.uzi.newx = _root.panel.uzi.newx + 80;
_root.panel.mp5.newx = _root.panel.mp5.newx + 80;
_root.panel.shotgun.newx = _root.panel.shotgun.newx + 80;
_root.panel.sawnoff.newx = _root.panel.sawnoff.newx + 80;
_root.panel.spas.newx = _root.panel.spas.newx + 80;
_root.panel.p90.newx = _root.panel.p90.newx + 80;
_root.panel.lasgun.newx = _root.panel.lasgun.newx + 80;
_root.panel.ak47.newx = _root.panel.ak47.newx + 80;
_root.panel.m16.newx = _root.panel.m16.newx + 80;
_root.panel.pulse.newx = _root.panel.pulse.newx + 80;
_root.panel.plasma.newx = _root.panel.plasma.newx + 80;
_root.panel.minigun.newx = _root.panel.minigun.newx + 80;
_root.panel.rocket.newx = _root.panel.rocket.newx + 80;
_root.panel.sniper.newx = _root.panel.sniper.newx + 80;
_root.panel.railgun.newx = _root.panel.railgun.newx + 80;
Symbol 801 Button
on (release) {
_root.hud.reloading = 0;
_root.panel.weapon = 6;
_root.hud.reloadtimer = _root.hud.reloadtimermax;
Symbol 802 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 802 MovieClip Frame 2
Symbol 806 Button
on (release) {
_root.hud.reloading = 0;
_root.panel.weapon = 7;
_root.hud.reloadtimer = _root.hud.reloadtimermax;
Symbol 807 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 807 MovieClip Frame 2
Symbol 812 Button
on (release) {
_root.hud.reloading = 0;
_root.panel.weapon = 8;
_root.hud.reloadtimer = _root.hud.reloadtimermax;
Symbol 813 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 813 MovieClip Frame 2
Symbol 817 Button
on (release) {
_root.hud.reloading = 0;
_root.panel.weapon = 9;
_root.hud.reloadtimer = _root.hud.reloadtimermax;
Symbol 818 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 818 MovieClip Frame 2
Symbol 822 Button
on (release) {
_root.hud.reloading = 0;
_root.panel.weapon = 10;
_root.hud.reloadtimer = _root.hud.reloadtimermax;
Symbol 823 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 823 MovieClip Frame 2
Symbol 827 Button
on (release) {
_root.hud.reloading = 0;
_root.panel.weapon = 11;
_root.hud.reloadtimer = _root.hud.reloadtimermax;
Symbol 828 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 828 MovieClip Frame 2
Symbol 832 Button
on (release) {
_root.hud.reloading = 0;
_root.panel.weapon = 12;
_root.hud.reloadtimer = _root.hud.reloadtimermax;
Symbol 833 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 833 MovieClip Frame 2
Symbol 837 Button
on (release) {
_root.hud.reloading = 0;
_root.panel.weapon = 13;
_root.hud.reloadtimer = _root.hud.reloadtimermax;
Symbol 838 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 838 MovieClip Frame 2
Symbol 842 Button
on (release) {
_root.hud.reloading = 0;
_root.panel.weapon = 14;
_root.hud.reloadtimer = _root.hud.reloadtimermax;
Symbol 843 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 843 MovieClip Frame 2
Symbol 847 Button
on (release) {
_root.hud.reloading = 0;
_root.panel.weapon = 15;
_root.hud.reloadtimer = _root.hud.reloadtimermax;
Symbol 848 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 848 MovieClip Frame 2
Symbol 852 Button
on (release) {
_root.hud.reloading = 0;
_root.panel.weapon = 16;
_root.hud.reloadtimer = _root.hud.reloadtimermax;
Symbol 853 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 853 MovieClip Frame 2
Symbol 857 Button
on (release) {
_root.hud.reloading = 0;
_root.panel.weapon = 17;
_root.hud.reloadtimer = _root.hud.reloadtimermax;
Symbol 858 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 858 MovieClip Frame 2
Symbol 862 Button
on (release) {
_root.hud.reloading = 0;
_root.panel.weapon = 18;
_root.hud.reloadtimer = _root.hud.reloadtimermax;
Symbol 863 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 863 MovieClip Frame 2
Symbol 867 Button
on (release) {
_root.hud.reloading = 0;
_root.panel.weapon = 21;
_root.hud.reloadtimer = _root.hud.reloadtimermax;
Symbol 868 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 868 MovieClip Frame 2
Symbol 872 Button
on (release) {
_root.hud.reloading = 0;
_root.panel.weapon = 20;
_root.hud.reloadtimer = _root.hud.reloadtimermax;
Symbol 873 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 873 MovieClip Frame 2
Symbol 877 Button
on (release) {
_root.hud.reloading = 0;
_root.panel.weapon = 19;
_root.hud.reloadtimer = _root.hud.reloadtimermax;
Symbol 878 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 878 MovieClip Frame 2
Symbol 884 MovieClip Frame 1
Instance of Symbol 771 MovieClip "beretta" in Symbol 884 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (available == 1) {
onClipEvent (load) {
available = 0;
onClipEvent (load) {
newx = this._x;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
this._x = this._x + ((newx - this._x) / 4);
Instance of Symbol 776 MovieClip "deserteagle" in Symbol 884 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (available == 1) {
onClipEvent (load) {
available = 0;
onClipEvent (load) {
newx = this._x;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
this._x = this._x + ((newx - this._x) / 4);
Instance of Symbol 781 MovieClip "python" in Symbol 884 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (available == 1) {
onClipEvent (load) {
available = 0;
onClipEvent (load) {
newx = this._x;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
this._x = this._x + ((newx - this._x) / 4);
Instance of Symbol 786 MovieClip "laserpistol" in Symbol 884 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (available == 1) {
onClipEvent (load) {
available = 0;
onClipEvent (load) {
newx = this._x;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
this._x = this._x + ((newx - this._x) / 4);
Instance of Symbol 789 MovieClip "ruger" in Symbol 884 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) {
newx = this._x;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
this._x = this._x + ((newx - this._x) / 4);
Instance of Symbol 802 MovieClip "uzi" in Symbol 884 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (available == 1) {
onClipEvent (load) {
available = 0;
onClipEvent (load) {
newx = this._x;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
this._x = this._x + ((newx - this._x) / 4);
Instance of Symbol 807 MovieClip "mp5" in Symbol 884 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (available == 1) {
onClipEvent (load) {
available = 0;
onClipEvent (load) {
newx = this._x;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
this._x = this._x + ((newx - this._x) / 4);
Instance of Symbol 813 MovieClip "shotgun" in Symbol 884 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (available == 1) {
onClipEvent (load) {
available = 0;
onClipEvent (load) {
newx = this._x;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
this._x = this._x + ((newx - this._x) / 4);
Instance of Symbol 818 MovieClip "lasgun" in Symbol 884 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (available == 1) {
onClipEvent (load) {
available = 0;
onClipEvent (load) {
newx = this._x;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
this._x = this._x + ((newx - this._x) / 4);
Instance of Symbol 823 MovieClip "ak47" in Symbol 884 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (available == 1) {
onClipEvent (load) {
available = 0;
onClipEvent (load) {
newx = this._x;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
this._x = this._x + ((newx - this._x) / 4);
Instance of Symbol 828 MovieClip "m16" in Symbol 884 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (available == 1) {
onClipEvent (load) {
available = 0;
onClipEvent (load) {
newx = this._x;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
this._x = this._x + ((newx - this._x) / 4);
Instance of Symbol 833 MovieClip "minigun" in Symbol 884 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (available == 1) {
onClipEvent (load) {
available = 0;
onClipEvent (load) {
newx = this._x;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
this._x = this._x + ((newx - this._x) / 4);
Instance of Symbol 838 MovieClip "rocket" in Symbol 884 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (available == 1) {
onClipEvent (load) {
available = 0;
onClipEvent (load) {
newx = this._x;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
this._x = this._x + ((newx - this._x) / 4);
Instance of Symbol 843 MovieClip "sniper" in Symbol 884 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (available == 1) {
onClipEvent (load) {
available = 0;
onClipEvent (load) {
newx = this._x;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
this._x = this._x + ((newx - this._x) / 4);
Instance of Symbol 848 MovieClip "railgun" in Symbol 884 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (available == 1) {
onClipEvent (load) {
available = 0;
onClipEvent (load) {
newx = this._x;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
this._x = this._x + ((newx - this._x) / 4);
Instance of Symbol 853 MovieClip "p90" in Symbol 884 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (available == 1) {
onClipEvent (load) {
available = 0;
onClipEvent (load) {
newx = this._x;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
this._x = this._x + ((newx - this._x) / 4);
Instance of Symbol 858 MovieClip "sawnoff" in Symbol 884 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (available == 1) {
onClipEvent (load) {
available = 0;
onClipEvent (load) {
newx = this._x;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
this._x = this._x + ((newx - this._x) / 4);
Instance of Symbol 863 MovieClip "spas" in Symbol 884 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (available == 1) {
onClipEvent (load) {
available = 0;
onClipEvent (load) {
newx = this._x;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
this._x = this._x + ((newx - this._x) / 4);
Instance of Symbol 868 MovieClip "vampire" in Symbol 884 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (available == 1) {
onClipEvent (load) {
available = 0;
onClipEvent (load) {
newx = this._x;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
this._x = this._x + ((newx - this._x) / 4);
Instance of Symbol 873 MovieClip "plasma" in Symbol 884 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (available == 1) {
onClipEvent (load) {
available = 0;
onClipEvent (load) {
newx = this._x;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
this._x = this._x + ((newx - this._x) / 4);
Instance of Symbol 878 MovieClip "pulse" in Symbol 884 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (available == 1) {
onClipEvent (load) {
available = 0;
onClipEvent (load) {
newx = this._x;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
this._x = this._x + ((newx - this._x) / 4);
Instance of Symbol 883 MovieClip in Symbol 884 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
_xscale = _root.constant.herohealth;
Symbol 908 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 908 MovieClip Frame 2
Symbol 908 MovieClip Frame 3
Symbol 908 MovieClip Frame 4
Symbol 908 MovieClip Frame 5
Symbol 908 MovieClip Frame 6
Symbol 908 MovieClip Frame 7
Symbol 908 MovieClip Frame 8
Symbol 908 MovieClip Frame 9
Symbol 908 MovieClip Frame 10
Symbol 908 MovieClip Frame 11
Symbol 908 MovieClip Frame 12
Symbol 908 MovieClip Frame 13
Symbol 908 MovieClip Frame 14
Symbol 908 MovieClip Frame 15
Symbol 908 MovieClip Frame 16
Symbol 908 MovieClip Frame 17
Symbol 908 MovieClip Frame 18
Symbol 908 MovieClip Frame 19
Symbol 908 MovieClip Frame 20
Symbol 914 Button
on (release) {
if (_root.constant.round == 1) {
_root.constant.round = 2;
_root.constant.zombiesleft = 20;
} else if (_root.constant.round == 2) {
_root.constant.round = 3;
_root.constant.zombiesleft = 30;
} else if (_root.constant.round == 3) {
_root.constant.round = 4;
_root.constant.zombiesleft = 20;
} else if (_root.constant.round == 4) {
_root.constant.round = 5;
_root.constant.zombiesleft = 30;
} else if (_root.constant.round == 5) {
_root.constant.round = 6;
_root.constant.zombiesleft = 30;
} else if (_root.constant.round == 6) {
_root.constant.round = 7;
_root.constant.zombiesleft = 35;
} else if (_root.constant.round == 7) {
_root.constant.round = 8;
_root.constant.zombiesleft = 40;
} else if (_root.constant.round == 8) {
_root.constant.round = 9;
_root.constant.zombiesleft = 40;
} else if (_root.constant.round == 9) {
_root.constant.round = 10;
_root.constant.zombiesleft = 20;
} else if (_root.constant.round == 10) {
_root.constant.round = 11;
_root.constant.zombiesleft = 25;
} else if (_root.constant.round == 11) {
_root.constant.round = 12;
_root.constant.zombiesleft = 30;
} else if (_root.constant.round == 12) {
_root.constant.round = 13;
_root.constant.zombiesleft = 35;
} else if (_root.constant.round == 13) {
_root.constant.round = 14;
_root.constant.zombiesleft = 40;
} else if (_root.constant.round == 14) {
_root.constant.round = 15;
_root.constant.zombiesleft = 20;
} else if (_root.constant.round == 15) {
_root.constant.round = 16;
_root.constant.zombiesleft = 30;
} else if (_root.constant.round == 16) {
_root.constant.round = 17;
_root.constant.zombiesleft = 40;
} else if (_root.constant.round == 17) {
_root.constant.round = 18;
_root.constant.zombiesleft = 50;
} else if (_root.constant.round == 18) {
_root.constant.round = 19;
_root.constant.zombiesleft = 60;
} else if (_root.constant.round == 19) {
_root.constant.round = 20;
_root.constant.zombiesleft = 200;
} else if (_root.constant.round == 20) {
Symbol 916 Button
on (release) {
Symbol 919 Button
on (release) {
Symbol 924 Button
on (release) {
if (( > 999) and ( == 1)) {
_root.constant.herohealth = 100; = - 1000;
Symbol 927 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 927 MovieClip Frame 2
Symbol 933 Button
on (release) {
if (( > 199) and ( == 1)) {
_root.panel.beretta.available = 1; = - 200;;
Symbol 936 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 936 MovieClip Frame 2
Symbol 942 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 942 MovieClip Frame 2
Symbol 945 Button
on (release) {
if (( > 499) and ( == 1)) {
_root.panel.deserteagle.available = 1; = - 500;;
Symbol 949 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 949 MovieClip Frame 2
Symbol 952 Button
on (release) {
if (( > 799) and ( == 1)) {
_root.panel.python.available = 1; = - 800;;
Symbol 957 Button
on (release) {
if (( > 1199) and ( == 1)) {
_root.panel.laserpistol.available = 1; = - 1200;;
Symbol 959 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 959 MovieClip Frame 2
Symbol 964 Button
on (release) {
if (( > 2499) and ( == 1)) {
_root.panel.vampire.available = 1; = - 2500;;
Symbol 966 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 966 MovieClip Frame 2
Symbol 971 Button
on (release) {
if (( > 999) and ( == 1)) {
_root.panel.uzi.available = 1; = - 1000;;
Symbol 973 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 973 MovieClip Frame 2
Symbol 978 Button
on (release) {
if (( > 1499) and ( == 1)) {
_root.panel.mp5.available = 1; = - 1500;;
Symbol 980 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 980 MovieClip Frame 2
Symbol 985 Button
on (release) {
if (( > 1699) and ( == 1)) {
_root.panel.p90.available = 1; = - 1700;;
Symbol 987 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 987 MovieClip Frame 2
Symbol 991 Button
on (release) {
if (( > 1699) and ( == 1)) {
_root.panel.sawnoff.available = 1; = - 1700;;
Symbol 993 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 993 MovieClip Frame 2
Symbol 998 Button
on (release) {
if (( > 1799) and ( == 1)) {
_root.panel.shotgun.available = 1; = - 1800;;
Symbol 1000 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 1000 MovieClip Frame 2
Symbol 1005 Button
on (release) {
if (( > 2999) and ( == 1)) {
_root.panel.spas.available = 1; = - 3000;;
Symbol 1007 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 1007 MovieClip Frame 2
Symbol 1011 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 1011 MovieClip Frame 2
Symbol 1014 Button
on (release) {
if (( > 1999) and ( == 1)) {
_root.panel.lasgun.available = 1; = - 2000;;
Symbol 1019 Button
on (release) {
if (( > 1999) and ( == 1)) {
_root.panel.ak47.available = 1; = - 2000;;
Symbol 1021 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 1021 MovieClip Frame 2
Symbol 1025 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 1025 MovieClip Frame 2
Symbol 1028 Button
on (release) {
if (( > 2499) and ( == 1)) {
_root.panel.m16.available = 1; = - 2500;;
Symbol 1033 Button
on (release) {
if (( > 4999) and ( == 1)) {
_root.panel.minigun.available = 1; = - 5000;;
Symbol 1036 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 1036 MovieClip Frame 2
Symbol 1041 Button
on (release) {
if (( > 4999) and ( == 1)) {
_root.panel.plasma.available = 1; = - 5000;;
Symbol 1043 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 1043 MovieClip Frame 2
Symbol 1048 Button
on (release) {
if (( > 2999) and ( == 1)) {
_root.panel.pulse.available = 1; = - 3000;;
Symbol 1049 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 1049 MovieClip Frame 2
Symbol 1053 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 1053 MovieClip Frame 2
Symbol 1056 Button
on (release) {
if (( > 3999) and ( == 1)) {
_root.panel.sniper.available = 1; = - 4000;;
Symbol 1061 Button
on (release) {
if (( > 4999) and ( == 1)) {
_root.panel.rocket.available = 1; = - 5000;;
Symbol 1062 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 1062 MovieClip Frame 2
Symbol 1067 Button
on (release) {
if (( > 5999) and ( == 1)) {
_root.panel.railgun.available = 1; = - 6000;;
Symbol 1069 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 1069 MovieClip Frame 2
Symbol 1070 MovieClip Frame 1
Instance of Symbol 927 MovieClip "healthsold" in Symbol 1070 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (_root.constant.herohealth < 100) {
gotoAndStop (1);
} else {
gotoAndStop (2);
Symbol 1070 MovieClip Frame 2
Instance of Symbol 936 MovieClip "berettasold" in Symbol 1070 MovieClip Frame 2
onClipEvent (load) {
if (_root.panel.beretta.available == 1) {
Symbol 1070 MovieClip Frame 3
Instance of Symbol 942 MovieClip "deserteaglesold" in Symbol 1070 MovieClip Frame 3
onClipEvent (load) {
if (_root.panel.deserteagle.available == 1) {
Symbol 1070 MovieClip Frame 4
Instance of Symbol 949 MovieClip "pythonsold" in Symbol 1070 MovieClip Frame 4
onClipEvent (load) {
if (_root.panel.python.available == 1) {
Symbol 1070 MovieClip Frame 5
Instance of Symbol 959 MovieClip "laserpistolsold" in Symbol 1070 MovieClip Frame 5
onClipEvent (load) {
if (_root.panel.laserpistol.available == 1) {
Symbol 1070 MovieClip Frame 6
Instance of Symbol 966 MovieClip "vampiresold" in Symbol 1070 MovieClip Frame 6
onClipEvent (load) {
if (_root.panel.vampire.available == 1) {
Symbol 1070 MovieClip Frame 7
Instance of Symbol 973 MovieClip "uzisold" in Symbol 1070 MovieClip Frame 7
onClipEvent (load) {
if (_root.panel.uzi.available == 1) {
Symbol 1070 MovieClip Frame 8
Instance of Symbol 980 MovieClip "mp5sold" in Symbol 1070 MovieClip Frame 8
onClipEvent (load) {
if (_root.panel.mp5.available == 1) {
Symbol 1070 MovieClip Frame 9
Instance of Symbol 987 MovieClip in Symbol 1070 MovieClip Frame 9
onClipEvent (load) {
if (_root.panel.p90.available == 1) {
Symbol 1070 MovieClip Frame 10
Instance of Symbol 993 MovieClip "sawnoffsold" in Symbol 1070 MovieClip Frame 10
onClipEvent (load) {
if (_root.panel.sawnoff.available == 1) {
Symbol 1070 MovieClip Frame 11
Instance of Symbol 1000 MovieClip "shotgunsold" in Symbol 1070 MovieClip Frame 11
onClipEvent (load) {
if (_root.panel.shotgun.available == 1) {
Symbol 1070 MovieClip Frame 12
Instance of Symbol 1007 MovieClip "spassold" in Symbol 1070 MovieClip Frame 12
onClipEvent (load) {
if (_root.panel.spas.available == 1) {
Symbol 1070 MovieClip Frame 13
Instance of Symbol 1011 MovieClip "lasgunsold" in Symbol 1070 MovieClip Frame 13
onClipEvent (load) {
if (_root.panel.lasgun.available == 1) {
Symbol 1070 MovieClip Frame 14
Instance of Symbol 1021 MovieClip "ak47sold" in Symbol 1070 MovieClip Frame 14
onClipEvent (load) {
if (_root.panel.ak47.available == 1) {
Symbol 1070 MovieClip Frame 15
Instance of Symbol 1025 MovieClip "m16sold" in Symbol 1070 MovieClip Frame 15
onClipEvent (load) {
if (_root.panel.m16.available == 1) {
Symbol 1070 MovieClip Frame 16
Instance of Symbol 1036 MovieClip in Symbol 1070 MovieClip Frame 16
onClipEvent (load) {
if (_root.panel.minigun.available == 1) {
Symbol 1070 MovieClip Frame 17
Instance of Symbol 1043 MovieClip "plasmasold" in Symbol 1070 MovieClip Frame 17
onClipEvent (load) {
if (_root.panel.plasma.available == 1) {
Symbol 1070 MovieClip Frame 18
Instance of Symbol 1049 MovieClip "pulsesold" in Symbol 1070 MovieClip Frame 18
onClipEvent (load) {
if (_root.panel.pulse.available == 1) {
Symbol 1070 MovieClip Frame 19
Instance of Symbol 1053 MovieClip "snipersold" in Symbol 1070 MovieClip Frame 19
onClipEvent (load) {
if (_root.panel.sniper.available == 1) {
Symbol 1070 MovieClip Frame 20
Instance of Symbol 1062 MovieClip "rocketsold" in Symbol 1070 MovieClip Frame 20
onClipEvent (load) {
if (_root.panel.rocket.available == 1) {
Symbol 1070 MovieClip Frame 21
Instance of Symbol 1069 MovieClip "railgunsold" in Symbol 1070 MovieClip Frame 21
onClipEvent (load) {
if (_root.panel.railgun.available == 1) {
Symbol 1075 Button
on (release) {
gotoAndStop (2);
Symbol 1077 Button
on (release) {
Symbol 1080 Button
on (release) {
Symbol 1084 Button
on (release) {
gotoAndStop (2);
Symbol 1091 Button
on (rollOver) {
_root.nav = 1;
on (release) {
Symbol 1093 Button
on (rollOver) {
_root.nav = 2;
on (release) {
Symbol 1094 Button
on (rollOver) {
_root.nav = 3;
on (press) {
_root.getURL("", "_self");
_root.isLinkPressed = true;