[Tools][Expand/Collapse All]Note that automatic extraction of ActionScript 3 is still pretty much unsupported by swfchan. AS1/AS2 works okay most of the time.Frame 1 (8 B)
Instance of Symbol 61 MovieClip "loader_bg" in Frame 1 (199 B)
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
i = 0;
while (i < 5) {
aa = random(50) + 10;
xx = random(1000) - 500;
_root.loader_bg["line" + i]._x = xx;
_root.loader_bg["line" + i]._alpha = aa;
Instance of Symbol 65 MovieClip in Frame 1 (69 B)
on (press) {
getURL ("http://yellowmoon.keenspace.com", "_blank");
Instance of Symbol 66 MovieClip in Frame 1 (614 B)
onClipEvent (load) {
total = _root.getBytesTotal();
cc = 0;
maxWidth = _root.progBar.prog._width;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
cc = cc + 0.5;
download = _root.getBytesLoaded() + " bytes";
bytesleft = (_root.getBytesTotal() - _root.getBytesLoaded()) + " bytes";
percent = (_root.getBytesLoaded() / _root.getBytesTotal()) * 100;
_root.tnk._x = 300 + (((_root.getBytesLoaded() / _root.getBytesTotal()) * 100) * 4);
if (percent <= 100) {
_root.progBar.prog._width = (percent / 100) * maxWidth;
_root.percentTxt.text = Math.round(percent) + "%";
if (percent >= 100) {
Instance of Symbol 87 MovieClip in Frame 1 (63 B)
on (press) {
getURL ("http://www.armorgames.com", "_blank");
Frame 35 (54 B)
s = new Sound();
Frame 41 (54 B)
s = new Sound();
Frame 88 (117.61 KiB) ● ● ● ●
function pwd_eval(pwd) {
invalid = 0;
letter_0 = "0";
letter_1 = "0";
letter_2 = "0";
letter_3 = "0";
letter_4 = "0";
pwd_letter = [0, 0, 0, 0, 0];
i = 0;
while (i < 5) {
switch (pwd.charAt(i)) {
case "0" :
_root["letter_" + i] = "0000";
case "1" :
_root["letter_" + i] = "0001";
case "2" :
_root["letter_" + i] = "0010";
case "3" :
_root["letter_" + i] = "0011";
case "4" :
_root["letter_" + i] = "0100";
case "5" :
_root["letter_" + i] = "0101";
case "6" :
_root["letter_" + i] = "0110";
case "7" :
_root["letter_" + i] = "0111";
case "8" :
_root["letter_" + i] = "1000";
case "9" :
_root["letter_" + i] = "1001";
case "A" :
_root["letter_" + i] = "1010";
case "B" :
_root["letter_" + i] = "1011";
case "C" :
_root["letter_" + i] = "1100";
case "D" :
_root["letter_" + i] = "1101";
case "E" :
_root["letter_" + i] = "1110";
case "F" :
_root["letter_" + i] = "1111";
default :
invalid = 1;
decode = "";
decode = (((letter_0 + letter_1) + letter_2) + letter_3) + letter_4;
if (decode.charAt(0) == "0") {
house = 0;
if (decode.charAt(0) == "1") {
house = 1;
if ((decode.charAt(0) != "0") && (decode.charAt(0) != "1")) {
invalid = 1;
if (decode.charAt(1) == "1") {
ai_delay = easy_delay;
if (decode.charAt(2) == "1") {
ai_delay = norm_delay;
if (decode.charAt(3) == "1") {
ai_delay = hard_delay;
if (((decode.charAt(1) != "1") && (decode.charAt(2) != "1")) && (decode.charAt(3) != "1")) {
invalid = 1;
if (pwd.length != 5) {
invalid = 1;
if (invalid == 0) {
i = 0;
while (i < 14) {
if (decode.charAt(19 - i) == "1") {
_root.mentat_screen["reg_" + (i + 1)].ai = 0;
if (invalid == 0) {
_root.startScreen._visible = 0;
function make_pwd(p) {
pwd_letter = [0, 0, 0, 0, 0];
pass_word = ["0", "0", "0", "0", "0"];
i = 0;
while (i < 5) {
ex = 0;
j = i * 4;
while (j < ((i * 4) + 4)) {
pwd_letter[4 - i] = pwd_letter[4 - i] + (p[19 - j] * Math.pow(2, ex));
i = 0;
while (i < 5) {
if (pwd_letter[i] >= 10) {
switch (pwd_letter[i]) {
case 10 :
pass_word[i] = "A";
case 11 :
pass_word[i] = "B";
case 12 :
pass_word[i] = "C";
case 13 :
pass_word[i] = "D";
case 14 :
pass_word[i] = "E";
case 15 :
pass_word[i] = "F";
} else {
pass_word[i] = pwd_letter[i];
_root.mentat_screen.pwd_txt.text = (((("" + pass_word[0]) + pass_word[1]) + pass_word[2]) + pass_word[3]) + pass_word[4];
function show_fv() {
_root.fv_screen.tos_fv._visible = 0;
_root.fv_screen.nha_fv._visible = 0;
if (house == 0) {
_root.fv_screen.victory_txt.text = "Finally the Temple's hold on power shattered. Without centralized guidance and support all pockets of resistance collapsed. Now that the world is safe from the snake-worshipping menace New Hope Alliance can continue rebuilding the devastated world. While New Hope never did find who exactly the leaders of the Temple of Snakes were it is widely assumed most of them were killed in the final attack on Serpent City. Even if some of them did manage to survive without support, money, weapons and natural resources it would be impossible for them to threaten civilization ever again!";
_root.fv_screen.tos_fv._visible = 0;
_root.fv_screen.nha_fv._visible = 1;
if (house == 1) {
_root.fv_screen.victory_txt.text = "After a long and bloody struggle the Temple of Snakes emerges victorious. New Hope Alliance forces were overwhelmed by the relentless onslaught of Temple soldiers. Finally a new, better world order can commence, a more rational order, guided by the wisdom of The Great Serpent. The supporters of the Alliance, for example, will be used as free labour force as reconstruction begins. And by the time they... expire, the situation will have stabilized sufficiently such that they will no longer be necessary.";
_root.fv_screen.nha_fv._visible = 0;
_root.fv_screen.tos_fv._visible = 1;
if ((house != 0) && (house != 1)) {
trace("house: " + house);
_root.fv_screen._visible = 1;
function hide_fv() {
_root.fv_screen._visible = 0;
function show_mentat_screen() {
if (house == 0) {
_root.mentat_screen.snake_mentat._visible = 0;
_root.mentat_screen.nhope_mentat._visible = 1;
_root.mentat_screen.snake_bg._visible = 0;
_root.mentat_screen.nhope_bg._visible = 1;
_root.interface.tos_bg._visible = 0;
_root.interface.nha_bg._visible = 1;
if (house == 1) {
_root.mentat_screen.snake_mentat._visible = 1;
_root.mentat_screen.nhope_mentat._visible = 0;
_root.mentat_screen.snake_bg._visible = 1;
_root.mentat_screen.nhope_bg._visible = 0;
_root.interface.tos_bg._visible = 1;
_root.interface.nha_bg._visible = 0;
_root.interface._visible = 0;
_root.AI.active = 0;
_root.mentat_screen._visible = 1;
function hide_mentat_screen() {
_root.mentat_screen._visible = 0;
function hide_tiles() {
i = 1;
while (i <= 14) {
_root["tile" + i]._visible = 0;
function show_tiles() {
i = 1;
while (i <= 14) {
_root["tile" + i]._visible = 1;
function select_region(r) {
if (_root.mentat_screen["reg_" + r].ai != 0) {
if (_root.mentat_screen["reg_" + r].available == 1) {
cur_reg = r;
init_mission(r + (house * 100));
} else {
message("not accesable");
} else {
message("already owned");
function initialise_regions(h) {
var def_colour = {ra:"100", ga:"100", ba:"100", rb:"100", gb:"100", bb:"100"};
i = 1;
while (i <= 14) {
var colour = new Color(_root.mentat_screen["reg_" + i]);
var colour = new Color(_root.mentat_screen[("reg_" + i) + "_bg"]);
i = 1;
while (i <= 14) {
_root.mentat_screen["reg_" + i].ai = -1;
if (h == 0) {
_root.mentat_screen.reg_4.ai = 0;
i = 9;
while (i <= 14) {
_root.mentat_screen["reg_" + i].ai = 1;
if (h == 1) {
_root.mentat_screen.reg_13.ai = 0;
i = 1;
while (i <= 6) {
_root.mentat_screen["reg_" + i].ai = 1;
function paint_regions(h) {
empire_money = 0;
cur_pwd = [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0];
if (h == 1) {
var hu_colour = {ra:"100", ga:"-100", ba:"-100", rb:"100", gb:"100", bb:"100"};
var ai_colour = {ra:"100", ga:"50", ba:"-100", rb:"100", gb:"100", bb:"100"};
} else {
var ai_colour = {ra:"100", ga:"-100", ba:"-100", rb:"100", gb:"100", bb:"100"};
var hu_colour = {ra:"100", ga:"50", ba:"-100", rb:"100", gb:"100", bb:"100"};
i = 1;
while (i <= 14) {
if (_root.mentat_screen["reg_" + i].ai == 0) {
var colour = new Color(_root.mentat_screen["reg_" + i]);
var colour0 = new Color(_root.mentat_screen[("reg_" + i) + "_bg"]);
_root.mentat_screen["reg_" + i]._make_available();
if (_root.mentat_screen["reg_" + i].iron == 1) {
iron = 1;
if (_root.mentat_screen["reg_" + i].oil == 1) {
oil = 1;
if (_root.mentat_screen["reg_" + i].gold == 1) {
gold = 1;
empire_money = empire_money + 1500;
if (_root.mentat_screen["reg_" + i].sil == 1) {
sil = 1;
if (_root.mentat_screen["reg_" + i].alu == 1) {
alu = 1;
if (_root.mentat_screen["reg_" + i].ura == 1) {
ura = 1;
empire_money = empire_money + 1500;
cur_pwd[20 - i] = 1;
if (_root.mentat_screen["reg_" + i].ai == 1) {
var colour = new Color(_root.mentat_screen["reg_" + i]);
var colour0 = new Color(_root.mentat_screen[("reg_" + i) + "_bg"]);
if (gold == 1) {
_root.mentat_screen.gold_res._alpha = 100;
} else {
_root.mentat_screen.gold_res._alpha = 0;
if (oil == 1) {
_root.mentat_screen.oil_res._alpha = 100;
} else {
_root.mentat_screen.oil_res._alpha = 0;
if (iron == 1) {
_root.mentat_screen.iron_res._alpha = 100;
} else {
_root.mentat_screen.iron_res._alpha = 0;
if (sil == 1) {
_root.mentat_screen.sil_res._alpha = 100;
} else {
_root.mentat_screen.sil_res._alpha = 0;
if (alu == 1) {
_root.mentat_screen.alu_res._alpha = 100;
} else {
_root.mentat_screen.alu_res._alpha = 0;
if (ura == 1) {
_root.mentat_screen.ura_res._alpha = 100;
} else {
_root.mentat_screen.ura_res._alpha = 0;
cur_pwd[0] = house;
if (ai_delay == easy_delay) {
cur_pwd[1] = 1;
if (ai_delay == norm_delay) {
cur_pwd[2] = 1;
if (ai_delay == hard_delay) {
cur_pwd[3] = 1;
function show_mentat_speech() {
if (house == 0) {
switch (cur_reg) {
case 0 :
_root.mentat_screen.mentat_speech_txt.text = "Welcome to the New Hope Alliance. For too long local warlords have been plaguing this land. We, on the other hand, offer peace and stability. Most local people support us, however the warlords would not cede their power without a fight. Moreover many are now emboldened and supplied by an insidius snake-worshiping cult. Until their capital city is taken and their vile temple destroyed no civilized person can rest easy!";
case 1 :
_root.mentat_screen.mentat_speech_txt.text = "Now the northern part of the continent is secure and we have unrestricted access to the aluminium, which will allow us to start deploying aircraft.";
case 2 :
_root.mentat_screen.mentat_speech_txt.text = "The incursion of the cultists has been repelled, which should allow many of our people breathe a little easier. We should pursue the enemy further west and into the mountains, they have no escape from there and the region has valuble aluminium.";
case 3 :
_root.mentat_screen.mentat_speech_txt.text = "Now that the economy is looking better due to the cold trading, we can lobby the government for more funds for the war effort.";
case 4 :
_root.mentat_screen.mentat_speech_txt.text = "";
case 5 :
_root.mentat_screen.mentat_speech_txt.text = "We now control the oilfields. This region is a good place to launch an assault against the cultists, we can land in the relatively poorly defended southern province. This move will give us a foothold on their continent as well as access to iron.";
case 6 :
_root.mentat_screen.mentat_speech_txt.text = "Now that the hi-tech industry is thriving we can produce some more advanced weapons. This region is also a good spot to attck Durnador Island.";
case 7 :
_root.mentat_screen.mentat_speech_txt.text = "Now that we have secured uranium we can use DU penetrators. Unfortunately more evidence seems to suggest that the Temple of Snakes is now in posession of nuclear weapons. Be prepared to build some ABM Lasers.";
case 8 :
_root.mentat_screen.mentat_speech_txt.text = "Durnador City is now within striking range! We must push on in order to capture the uranium mines. It is unfortunate that it has to come to that but we can not risk it. Some reports suggest that the temple fanatics already aquired enough material to construct a small number of nuclear missiles, we must prevent them from building any more!";
case 9 :
_root.mentat_screen.mentat_speech_txt.text = "Finally, most of the continent was liberated from the cultists! We are relatively safe from them now, but they must not be allowed to recover! Strike at their capital!";
case 10 :
_root.mentat_screen.mentat_speech_txt.text = "Now that we control the enemy gold mines even more funds will be made available for each mission.";
case 11 :
_root.mentat_screen.mentat_speech_txt.text = "The Serpent City is being surronded by our forces, only a matter of time until the snake worshipers fall!";
case 12 :
_root.mentat_screen.mentat_speech_txt.text = "While this western province is not very significant per se, it does provide us with some additional funds for our missions.";
case 13 :
_root.mentat_screen.mentat_speech_txt.text = "You win";
case 14 :
_root.mentat_screen.mentat_speech_txt.text = "The important foothold has been captured. Also tanks are now available and the enemy capital is within striking distance. We may attack it now, but they will likely try to put up sidnificant resistance, it may be prudent to secure more provinces to make more funds available for the attack and maybe some additional resources.";
if (house == 1) {
switch (cur_reg) {
case 0 :
_root.mentat_screen.mentat_speech_txt.text = "Ah yes, Temple of Snakes has a very important task for you... We have just gained enough strength to begin a military compaign. We are the only people who stand for true greatness and power, others are either petty or naively believe that all can live in peace once they destroy those they see as wicked. Thus, we must crush the many rebel groups to wrestle resorces from them, then destroy the New Hope Alliance capital to show all thier folly.";
case 1 :
_root.mentat_screen.mentat_speech_txt.text = "Excellent! We now posess aluminum and significant portion of enemy territory is under our control. Aircraft can now be produced.";
case 2 :
_root.mentat_screen.mentat_speech_txt.text = "This narrow strip of land may seem useless, but from it we can attack the mountains in the west, where aluminium mines are located.";
case 3 :
_root.mentat_screen.mentat_speech_txt.text = "We will put some of this gold to good use. Enemy capital is within striking range! Soon the New Hope Alliance will be crushed and will bow to the glory of the Temple of Snakes.";
case 4 :
_root.mentat_screen.mentat_speech_txt.text = "You win";
case 5 :
_root.mentat_screen.mentat_speech_txt.text = "Enemy oilfields are now ours. We can also use this region to attack the New Hope capital city to assure the supremacy of the Temple.";
case 6 :
_root.mentat_screen.mentat_speech_txt.text = "New Hope Alliance have often posited themselves as being more advanced, but now that their monopoly on silicon is over we can show them true meaning of advanced weaponry!";
case 7 :
_root.mentat_screen.mentat_speech_txt.text = "Now that the uranium is ours we can manufacture nuclear warheads. If other resources, needed to make missiles, are avilable the nuclear missile can be constructed as well.";
case 8 :
_root.mentat_screen.mentat_speech_txt.text = "Durnador City is vulnerable now, only a matter of time until the uranium is ours! The water is shallow to the east of here, and are not well patrolled. We can cross covertly and attack the southern province to capture the only known source of pure high quality silicon.";
case 9 :
_root.mentat_screen.mentat_speech_txt.text = "We can launch an attack against the New Hope Alliance territories from here.";
case 10 :
_root.mentat_screen.mentat_speech_txt.text = "Gold provides a good trading currency. And trade between our provinces can be taxed to provide for more war money.";
case 11 :
_root.mentat_screen.mentat_speech_txt.text = "Oil is, of course, used for gasoline and disel fuel for tanks. Gasoline is also a key ingredient in napalm employed by the flamethrowers. Useful to remember when you face hordes of enemy infantry.";
case 12 :
_root.mentat_screen.mentat_speech_txt.text = "We can attack Durnador from here. ";
case 13 :
_root.mentat_screen.mentat_speech_txt.text = "";
case 14 :
_root.mentat_screen.mentat_speech_txt.text = "The source of iron has been secured. If the oil supply is secured the tank production can start immidiately.";
function reset_stats() {
hu_gu_created = 0;
ai_gu_created = 0;
hu_au_created = 0;
ai_au_created = 0;
hu_ru_created = 0;
ai_ru_created = 0;
hu_iu_lost = 0;
ai_iu_lost = 0;
hu_vu_lost = 0;
ai_vu_lost = 0;
hu_au_lost = 0;
ai_au_lost = 0;
hu_ru_lost = 0;
ai_ru_lost = 0;
function show_stats() {
_root.stats_screen._visible = 1;
_root.stats_screen.reset_msg._visible = 0;
_root.stats_screen.hu_gu_cr_txt.text = hu_gu_created;
_root.stats_screen.ai_gu_cr_txt.text = ai_gu_created;
_root.stats_screen.hu_au_cr_txt.text = hu_au_created;
_root.stats_screen.ai_au_cr_txt.text = ai_au_created;
_root.stats_screen.hu_ru_cr_txt.text = hu_ru_created;
_root.stats_screen.ai_ru_cr_txt.text = ai_ru_created;
_root.stats_screen.hu_iu_lo_txt.text = hu_iu_lost;
_root.stats_screen.ai_iu_lo_txt.text = ai_iu_lost;
_root.stats_screen.hu_vu_lo_txt.text = hu_vu_lost;
_root.stats_screen.ai_vu_lo_txt.text = ai_vu_lost;
_root.stats_screen.hu_au_lo_txt.text = hu_au_lost;
_root.stats_screen.ai_au_lo_txt.text = ai_au_lost;
_root.stats_screen.hu_ru_lo_txt.text = hu_ru_lost;
_root.stats_screen.ai_ru_lo_txt.text = ai_ru_lost;
hu_survivers = (((hu_gu_created + hu_au_created) - hu_iu_lost) - hu_vu_lost) - hu_au_lost;
ai_survivers = (((ai_gu_created + ai_au_created) - ai_iu_lost) - ai_vu_lost) - ai_au_lost;
hu_casu = (hu_iu_lost + hu_vu_lost) + hu_au_lost;
ai_casu = (ai_iu_lost + ai_vu_lost) + ai_au_lost;
hu_total = hu_gu_created + hu_au_created;
ai_total = ai_gu_created + ai_au_created;
_root.stats_screen.hu_survive.text = Math.round((hu_survivers / hu_total) * 100) + "%";
_root.stats_screen.ai_survive.text = Math.round((ai_survivers / ai_total) * 100) + "%";
function hide_stats() {
_root.stats_screen._visible = 0;
function line_up() {
yaxis = 0;
xinit = -370;
xlast = 20;
xival = 40;
duplicateMovieClip (_root.interface_0, "interface", 600000);
_root.interface._x = 500;
_root.interface._y = 70;
_root.interface.active = 1;
_root.interface_0._visible = 0;
duplicateMovieClip (_root.border_0, "border0", 600001);
_root.border0._visible = 1;
_root.border_0._visible = 0;
xlast = xinit;
_root.interface.btn_bar_0._y = yaxis;
_root.interface.btn_bar_0._x = xlast;
xlast = xlast + xival;
_root.interface.btn_manu._y = yaxis;
_root.interface.btn_manu._x = xlast;
xlast = xlast + xival;
_root.interface.btn_air_0._y = yaxis;
_root.interface.btn_air_0._x = xlast;
xlast = xlast + xival;
_root.interface.btn_bank._y = yaxis;
_root.interface.btn_bank._x = xlast;
xlast = xlast + xival;
_root.interface.btn_mg_0._y = yaxis;
_root.interface.btn_mg_0._x = xlast;
xlast = xlast + xival;
_root.interface.btn_hawk_site._y = yaxis;
_root.interface.btn_hawk_site._x = xlast;
xlast = xlast + xival;
_root.interface.btn_hitech_0._y = yaxis;
_root.interface.btn_hitech_0._x = xlast;
xlast = xlast + xival;
_root.interface.btn_laser._y = yaxis;
_root.interface.btn_laser._x = xlast;
xlast = xlast + xival;
_root.interface.btn_hosp._y = yaxis;
_root.interface.btn_hosp._x = xlast;
xlast = xlast + xival;
_root.interface.btn_cancel._y = yaxis;
_root.interface.btn_cancel._x = xlast;
xlast = xlast + xival;
_root.interface.btn_repair._y = yaxis;
_root.interface.btn_repair._x = xlast;
xlast = xlast + xival;
_root.interface.btn_tnt._y = yaxis;
_root.interface.btn_tnt._x = xlast;
xlast = xlast + xival;
xlast = xinit;
_root.interface.btn_m16._y = yaxis;
_root.interface.btn_m16._x = xlast;
xlast = xlast + xival;
_root.interface.btn_sniper._y = yaxis;
_root.interface.btn_sniper._x = xlast;
xlast = xlast + xival;
_root.interface.btn_bazoo._y = yaxis;
_root.interface.btn_bazoo._x = xlast;
xlast = xlast + xival;
_root.interface.btn_moto._y = yaxis;
_root.interface.btn_moto._x = xlast;
xlast = xlast + xival;
xlast = xinit;
_root.interface.btn_atv._y = yaxis;
_root.interface.btn_atv._x = xlast;
xlast = xlast + xival;
_root.interface.btn_ifv._y = yaxis;
_root.interface.btn_ifv._x = xlast;
xlast = xlast + xival;
_root.interface.btn_armor._y = yaxis;
_root.interface.btn_armor._x = xlast;
xlast = xlast + xival;
_root.interface.btn_hawk._y = yaxis;
_root.interface.btn_hawk._x = xlast;
xlast = xlast + xival;
xlast = xinit;
_root.interface.btn_falcon._y = yaxis;
_root.interface.btn_falcon._x = xlast;
xlast = xlast + xival;
_root.interface.btn_stealth._y = yaxis;
_root.interface.btn_stealth._x = xlast;
xlast = xlast + xival;
xlast = xinit;
_root.interface.btn_subs._y = yaxis;
_root.interface.btn_subs._x = xlast;
xlast = xlast + xival;
xlast = xinit;
_root.interface.btn_kevlar0._y = yaxis;
_root.interface.btn_kevlar0._x = xlast;
xlast = xlast + xival;
_root.interface.btn_slat._y = yaxis;
_root.interface.btn_slat._x = xlast;
xlast = xlast + xival;
_root.interface.btn_jammer._y = yaxis;
_root.interface.btn_jammer._x = xlast;
_root.interface.btn_decept._y = yaxis;
_root.interface.btn_decept._x = xlast;
_root.interface.btn_ram._y = yaxis;
_root.interface.btn_ram._x = xlast;
xlast = xlast + xival;
_root.interface.btn_du._y = yaxis;
_root.interface.btn_du._x = xlast;
xlast = xlast + xival;
xlast = xinit;
_root.interface.btn_heal._y = yaxis;
_root.interface.btn_heal._x = xlast;
xlast = xlast + xival;
_root.interface.btn_gasmask._y = yaxis;
_root.interface.btn_gasmask._x = xlast;
xlast = xlast + xival;
xlast = xinit;
_root.interface.btn_bar_1._y = yaxis;
_root.interface.btn_bar_1._x = xlast;
xlast = xlast + xival;
_root.interface.btn_fac._y = yaxis;
_root.interface.btn_fac._x = xlast;
xlast = xlast + xival;
_root.interface.btn_air_1._y = yaxis;
_root.interface.btn_air_1._x = xlast;
xlast = xlast + xival;
_root.interface.btn_min_econ._y = yaxis;
_root.interface.btn_min_econ._x = xlast;
xlast = xlast + xival;
_root.interface.btn_mg_1._y = yaxis;
_root.interface.btn_mg_1._x = xlast;
xlast = xlast + xival;
_root.interface.btn_sam_site._y = yaxis;
_root.interface.btn_sam_site._x = xlast;
xlast = xlast + xival;
_root.interface.btn_hitech_1._y = yaxis;
_root.interface.btn_hitech_1._x = xlast;
xlast = xlast + xival;
_root.interface.btn_radar._y = yaxis;
_root.interface.btn_radar._x = xlast;
xlast = xlast + xival;
_root.interface.btn_lpad._y = yaxis;
_root.interface.btn_lpad._x = xlast;
xlast = xlast + xival;
xlast = xinit;
_root.interface.btn_ak74._y = yaxis;
_root.interface.btn_ak74._x = xlast;
xlast = xlast + xival;
_root.interface.btn_flame._y = yaxis;
_root.interface.btn_flame._x = xlast;
xlast = xlast + xival;
_root.interface.btn_rpg._y = yaxis;
_root.interface.btn_rpg._x = xlast;
xlast = xlast + xival;
xlast = xinit;
_root.interface.btn_ftank._y = yaxis;
_root.interface.btn_ftank._x = xlast;
xlast = xlast + xival;
_root.interface.btn_tank._y = yaxis;
_root.interface.btn_tank._x = xlast;
xlast = xlast + xival;
_root.interface.btn_sam._y = yaxis;
_root.interface.btn_sam._x = xlast;
xlast = xlast + xival;
xlast = xinit;
_root.interface.btn_inter._y = yaxis;
_root.interface.btn_inter._x = xlast;
xlast = xlast + xival;
_root.interface.btn_bomber._y = yaxis;
_root.interface.btn_bomber._x = xlast;
xlast = xlast + xival;
xlast = xinit;
_root.interface.btn_he_rocket._y = yaxis;
_root.interface.btn_he_rocket._x = xlast;
xlast = xlast + xival;
_root.interface.btn_ch_rocket._y = yaxis;
_root.interface.btn_ch_rocket._x = xlast;
xlast = xlast + xival;
_root.interface.btn_nu_rocket._y = yaxis;
_root.interface.btn_nu_rocket._x = xlast;
xlast = xlast + xival;
_root.interface.btn_launch._y = yaxis;
_root.interface.btn_launch._x = xlast;
xlast = xlast + xival;
xlast = xinit;
_root.interface.btn_tax._y = yaxis;
_root.interface.btn_tax._x = xlast;
xlast = xlast + xival;
xlast = xinit;
_root.interface.btn_kevlar1._y = yaxis;
_root.interface.btn_kevlar1._x = xlast;
xlast = xlast + xival;
_root.interface.btn_raexp._y = yaxis;
_root.interface.btn_raexp._x = xlast;
xlast = xlast + xival;
_root.interface.btn_napalm._y = yaxis;
_root.interface.btn_napalm._x = xlast;
xlast = xlast + xival;
_root.interface.btn_hollowpoint._y = yaxis;
_root.interface.btn_hollowpoint._x = xlast;
xlast = xlast + xival;
xlast = xinit;
_root.interface.btn_flare._y = yaxis;
_root.interface.btn_flare._x = xlast;
xlast = xlast + xival;
_root.interface.btn_hoj._y = yaxis;
_root.interface.btn_hoj._x = xlast;
_root.interface.btn_chirp._y = yaxis;
_root.interface.btn_chirp._x = xlast;
_root.interface.btn_fhss._y = yaxis;
_root.interface.btn_fhss._x = xlast;
xlast = xlast + xival;
function reset_game() {
bg_sound = new Sound();
bg_sound.onSoundComplete = function () {
game_sound = 1;
pause = 0;
skirmish = 0;
_root.interface._visible = 0;
_root.fv_screen._visible = 0;
_root.AI.active = 0;
house = 1;
cur_reg = 0;
init_money = 8500;
rep_price = 3;
easy_delay = 2.5;
norm_delay = 2;
hard_delay = 1.5;
ai_delay = 2.5;
_root.startScreen.btn_easy._visible = 0;
_root.startScreen.btn_norm._visible = 0;
_root.startScreen.btn_hard._visible = 0;
_root.startScreen.btn_nha._visible = 0;
_root.startScreen.btn_tos._visible = 0;
_root.startScreen.instr_screen._visible = 0;
_root.startScreen.pass_screen._visible = 0;
_root.startScreen.skirmish_screen._visible = 0;
_root.startScreen.op_screen._visible = 0;
_root.startScreen._visible = 1;
gold = 0;
oil = 0;
iron = 0;
sil = 0;
alu = 0;
ura = 0;
function init_vals() {
tile_sel = 0;
money = 0;
ros = 12;
tile_bright = 70;
tile_default = 10;
unitScale = 50;
leftBase = 200;
rightBase = 800;
ai_surv = 0;
hu_surv = 0;
bar_0_hp = 200;
air_0_hp = 500;
bank_hp = 400;
manu_hp = 550;
hawk_site_hp = 300;
laser_hp = 700;
hitech0_hp = 650;
hosp_hp = 500;
mg_0_hp = 150;
m16hp = 50;
m16range = 120;
m16speed = 1;
m16pow = 10;
m16acc = 2;
m16rof = 10;
m16harm = 30;
sniper_hp = 50;
sniper_range = 170;
sniper_speed = 1;
sniper_pow = 25;
sniper_acc = 10;
sniper_rof = 25;
sniper_harm = 30;
bazoo_hp = 50;
bazoo_range = 150;
bazoo_speed = 1;
bazoo_pow = 40;
bazoo_acc = 10;
bazoo_rof = 35;
bazoo_harm = 20;
moto_hp = 70;
moto_range = 100;
moto_speed = 2.5;
moto_pow = 4;
moto_acc = 8;
moto_rof = 10;
moto_harm = 40;
atv_hp = 100;
atv_range = 250;
atv_speed = 2;
atv_pow = 30;
atv_acc = 20;
atv_rof = 15;
atv_harm = 80;
ifv_hp = 170;
ifv_range = 150;
ifv_speed = 1.5;
ifv_pow = 6;
ifv_acc = 8;
ifv_rof = 10;
ifv_harm = 100;
armor_hp = 300;
armor_range = 220;
armor_speed = 1.5;
armor_pow = 45;
armor_acc = 10;
armor_rof = 15;
armor_harm = 200;
hawk_hp = 130;
hawk_range = 300;
hawk_speed = 1.2;
hawk_pow = 4;
hawk_acc = 8;
hawk_rof = 10;
hawk_harm = 40;
falcon_hp = 50;
falcon_range = 300;
falcon_speed = 6;
falcon_pow = 40;
falcon_acc = 30;
falcon_rof = 40;
falcon_ecm = 50;
stealth_hp = 100;
stealth_range = 100;
stealth_speed = 4;
stealth_pow = 4;
stealth_acc = 8;
stealth_rof = 10;
stealth_ecm = 300;
bar_1_hp = 120;
fac_1_hp = 550;
air_1_hp = 500;
min_econ_hp = 550;
sam_site_hp = 400;
radar_hp = 600;
hitech1_hp = 500;
lpad_hp = 900;
mg_1_hp = 150;
ak74hp = 30;
ak74range = 110;
ak74speed = 1;
ak74pow = 7;
ak74acc = 13;
ak74rof = 10;
ak74harm = 30;
flame_hp = 60;
flame_range = 100;
flame_speed = 0.9;
flame_pow = 20;
flame_acc = 15;
flame_rof = 30;
flame_harm = 90;
rpg_hp = 30;
rpg_range = 210;
rpg_speed = 1;
rpg_pow = 35;
rpg_acc = 20;
rpg_rof = 35;
rpg_harm = 30;
ftank_hp = 130;
ftank_range = 110;
ftank_speed = 1.2;
ftank_pow = 10;
ftank_acc = 15;
ftank_rof = 35;
ftank_harm = 200;
tank_hp = 280;
tank_range = 210;
tank_speed = 1.5;
tank_pow = 35;
tank_acc = 20;
tank_rof = 15;
tank_harm = 170;
sam_hp = 150;
sam_range = 210;
sam_speed = 1.1;
sam_pow = 5;
sam_acc = 10;
sam_rof = 7;
sam_harm = 50;
inter_hp = 40;
inter_range = 500;
inter_speed = 7;
inter_pow = 10;
inter_acc = 30;
inter_rof = 10;
inter_ecm = 50;
bomber_hp = 100;
bomber_range = 210;
bomber_speed = 5;
bomber_pow = 55;
bomber_acc = 20;
bomber_rof = 35;
bomber_ecm = 50;
hu_eccm = 1;
ai_eccm = 1;
flare_effect = 3;
heal_val = 0.2;
hu_slat = 0;
ai_slat = 0;
hu_raexp = 0;
ai_raexp = 0;
hu_med_heal = 0;
ai_med_heal = 0;
hu_flare_ready = 0;
ai_flare_ready = 0;
hu_kevlar = 0;
ai_kevlar = 0;
hu_gasmask = 0;
ai_gasmask = 0;
hu_du = 0;
ai_du = 0;
hu_jammer = 0;
ai_jammer = 0;
hu_decept = 0;
ai_decept = 0;
hu_ram = 0;
ai_ram = 0;
hu_napalm = 0;
ai_napalm = 0;
hu_hollowpoint = 0;
ai_hollowpoint = 0;
hu_hoj = 0;
ai_hoj = 0;
hu_chirp = 0;
ai_chirp = 0;
hu_fhss = 0;
ai_fhss = 0;
unit_depth_A = 10;
i_unit_depth_A = 10;
unit_depth_B = 510;
i_unit_depth_B = 510;
unit_depth_C = 1010;
i_unit_depth_C = 1010;
unit_depth_D = 1510;
i_unit_depth_D = 1510;
stru_depth = 2000;
sel_depth = 5000;
misk_depth = 5002;
air_unit_depth = 60000;
ai_num = 0;
hu_num = 0;
ai_air_num = 0;
hu_air_num = 0;
ai_r_num = 0;
hu_r_num = 0;
function set_prices() {
m16_price = 140;
sniper_price = 250;
bazoo_price = 170;
moto_price = 230;
atv_price = 300;
ifv_price = 370;
armor_price = 600;
hawk_price = 310;
falcon_price = 300;
stealth_price = 700;
ak74_price = 120;
flame_price = 200;
rpg_price = 170;
ftank_price = 300;
tank_price = 570;
sam_price = 470;
inter_price = 150;
bomber_price = 300;
bar0_price = 1000;
manu_price = 2500;
air0_price = 1700;
bank_price = 1800;
hawk_site_price = 750;
hitech0_price = 2500;
hosp_price = 1500;
laser_price = 3000;
mg0_price = 500;
bar1_price = 750;
fac_price = 2250;
air1_price = 1500;
min_econ_price = 1700;
sam_site_price = 1500;
hitech1_price = 2500;
radar_price = 2000;
lpad_price = 3500;
mg1_price = 500;
he_rocket_price = 310;
ch_rocket_price = 270;
nu_rocket_price = 770;
tax_price = 50;
tax_increment = 25;
subs_price = 100;
subs_increment = 50;
income = 5;
income_increment = 5;
kevlar0_price = 400;
slat_price = 500;
jammer_price = 700;
decept_price = 1500;
ram_price = 3000;
du_price = 2000;
heal_price = 500;
gasmask_price = 800;
kevlar1_price = 300;
raexp_price = 700;
hoj_price = 500;
chirp_price = 1500;
fhss_price = 3000;
napalm_price = 500;
hollowpoint_price = 200;
flare_price = 1800;
sks_price = 70;
pg_price = 100;
car_price = 200;
function reset_skirmish() {
skirmish_enemy_house = 0;
skirmish_house = 0;
skirmish_money = 10000;
skirmish_m16_pref = 4;
skirmish_sniper_pref = 6;
skirmish_bazoo_pref = 9;
skirmish_moto_pref = 10;
skirmish_atv_pref = 3;
skirmish_ifv_pref = 5;
skirmish_armor_pref = 9;
skirmish_hawk_pref = 10;
skirmish_falcon_pref = 7;
skirmish_stealth_pref = 10;
skirmish_ak74_pref = 3;
skirmish_flame_pref = 7;
skirmish_rpg_pref = 10;
skirmish_ftank_pref = 2;
skirmish_tank_pref = 7;
skirmish_sam_pref = 10;
skirmish_he_pref = 3;
skirmish_ch_pref = 7;
skirmish_nu_pref = 10;
skirmish_inter_pref = 5;
skirmish_bomber_pref = 10;
skirmish_bar_max = 2;
skirmish_air_max = 2;
skirmish_mgn_max = 2;
skirmish_fac_max = 2;
skirmish_sam_max = 2;
skirmish_hosp_max = 1;
skirmish_laser_max = 1;
skirmish_lpad_max = 1;
skirmish_radar_max = 1;
function message(txt) {
function sound_f(sn) {
if (_root.game_sound == 1) {
switch (sn) {
case "snd_inf_death_1" :
snd = new Sound();
snd.attachSound("snd_inf_death_" + random(3));
default :
snd = new Sound();
function create_stru(stru_name, ai, b_tile) {
switch (b_tile) {
case 3 :
s_depth = 0;
case 1 :
s_depth = 500;
case 5 :
s_depth = 501;
case 4 :
s_depth = 1000;
case 7 :
s_depth = 1001;
case 2 :
s_depth = 1500;
case 6 :
s_depth = 1501;
case 11 :
s_depth = 1;
case 9 :
s_depth = 502;
case 13 :
s_depth = 503;
case 10 :
s_depth = 1002;
case 14 :
s_depth = 1003;
case 8 :
s_depth = 1502;
case 12 :
s_depth = 1503;
duplicateMovieClip (_root[stru_name], "stru" + b_tile, s_depth);
_root["stru" + b_tile]._x = _root["tile" + b_tile]._x;
_root["stru" + b_tile]._y = _root["tile" + b_tile]._y;
_root["stru" + b_tile].name = "stru" + b_tile;
_root["stru" + b_tile].ai = ai;
_root["stru" + b_tile].active = 1;
_root["stru" + b_tile].base_tile = b_tile;
_root["tile" + b_tile]._visible = 0;
if (tile_sel == b_tile) {
function create_con_site_0(stru_name, ai, b_tile, value) {
duplicateMovieClip (_root.con_site_0, "cs" + b_tile, stru_depth);
_root["cs" + b_tile]._x = _root["tile" + b_tile]._x;
_root["cs" + b_tile]._y = _root["tile" + b_tile]._y;
_root["cs" + b_tile].ai = ai;
_root["cs" + b_tile].current = stru_name;
_root["cs" + b_tile].delay = value / 5;
_root["cs" + b_tile].delay_max = value / 5;
_root["cs" + b_tile].base_tile = b_tile;
_root["cs" + b_tile].active = 1;
_root["tile" + b_tile]._visible = 0;
if (ai == 0) {
function create_con_site_1(stru_name, ai, b_tile, value) {
duplicateMovieClip (_root.con_site_1, "cs" + b_tile, stru_depth);
_root["cs" + b_tile]._x = _root["tile" + b_tile]._x;
_root["cs" + b_tile]._y = _root["tile" + b_tile]._y;
_root["cs" + b_tile].ai = ai;
_root["cs" + b_tile].current = stru_name;
_root["cs" + b_tile].delay = value / 5;
_root["cs" + b_tile].delay_max = value / 5;
_root["cs" + b_tile].base_tile = b_tile;
_root["cs" + b_tile].active = 1;
_root["tile" + b_tile]._visible = 0;
function damage_base(val, b) {
found = 0;
if (b == 0) {
i = 1;
while (i <= 7) {
if (_root["stru" + i].hp > 0) {
_root["stru" + i].damage(val, 1);
found = 1;
} else {
i = 8;
while (i <= 14) {
if (_root["stru" + i].hp > 0) {
_root["stru" + i].damage(val, 1);
found = 1;
if (found == 0) {
if (b == 0) {
} else {
function end_level(v) {
_root.AI.active = 0;
_root.interface._visible = 0;
_root.sel_instance._x = -200;
if (v == 1) {
_root.mentat_screen["reg_" + cur_reg].ai = 0;
_root.stats_screen.proceed._visible = 1;
_root.stats_screen.result_txt.text = "VICTORY!";
} else {
_root.stats_screen.proceed._visible = 0;
_root.stats_screen.result_txt.text = "DEFEAT!";
if (skirmish == 1) {
_root.stats_screen.proceed._visible = 0;
function create_unit(unit_name, ai, unit_type, b_tile) {
if (ai == 0) {
name = (unit_type + "_") + hu_num;
dir = -1;
} else {
name = (("ai_" + unit_type) + "_") + ai_num;
dir = 1;
switch (b_tile) {
case 11 :
case 3 :
u_depth = unit_depth_A;
case 9 :
case 13 :
case 5 :
case 1 :
u_depth = unit_depth_B;
case 10 :
case 14 :
case 7 :
case 4 :
u_depth = unit_depth_C;
case 8 :
case 12 :
case 6 :
case 2 :
u_depth = unit_depth_D;
duplicateMovieClip (_root[unit_name], name, u_depth);
_root[name]._x = _root["stru" + b_tile]._x;
_root[name]._y = _root["stru" + b_tile]._y + 20;
_root[name].name = name;
_root[name].ai = ai;
_root[name].dir = dir;
_root[name].active = 1;
function create_air_unit(unit_name, ai, unit_type, b_tile) {
if (ai == 0) {
name = (unit_type + "_") + hu_air_num;
dir = -1;
} else {
name = (("ai_" + unit_type) + "_") + ai_air_num;
dir = 1;
duplicateMovieClip (_root[unit_name], name, air_unit_depth);
_root.sound_f("snd_jet_" + random(3));
_root[name]._x = _root["stru" + b_tile]._x + (200 * dir);
_root[name]._y = 150 + random(100);
_root[name].name = name;
_root[name].ai = ai;
_root[name].dir = dir;
_root[name].active = 1;
function create_r_unit(unit_name, ai, unit_type, b_tile) {
if (ai == 0) {
name = (unit_type + "_") + hu_r_num;
dir = -1;
} else {
name = (("ai_" + unit_type) + "_") + ai_r_num;
dir = 1;
duplicateMovieClip (_root[unit_name], name, air_unit_depth);
_root[name]._x = _root["stru" + b_tile]._x;
_root[name]._y = _root["stru" + b_tile]._y + 20;
_root[name].name = name;
_root[name].ai = ai;
_root[name].dir = dir;
_root[name].active = 1;
function select_tile(tt) {
_root.tile_sel = tt;
duplicateMovieClip (_root.sel, "sel_instance", _root.sel_depth);
_root.sel_instance._x = _root["tile" + tt]._x;
_root.sel_instance._y = _root["tile" + tt]._y;
_root.sel_instance.bars._visible = 0;
if (_root["tile" + tt]._visible == 1) {
if (house == 0) {
} else {
} else {
_root["stru" + tt].show_buttons();
function hide_all() {
_root.interface.build_txt.text = "";
_root.interface.btn_bar_0._visible = 0;
_root.interface.btn_manu._visible = 0;
_root.interface.btn_air_0._visible = 0;
_root.interface.btn_bank._visible = 0;
_root.interface.btn_hawk_site._visible = 0;
_root.interface.btn_hitech_0._visible = 0;
_root.interface.btn_laser._visible = 0;
_root.interface.btn_hosp._visible = 0;
_root.interface.btn_mg_0._visible = 0;
_root.interface.btn_tnt._visible = 0;
_root.interface.btn_cancel._visible = 0;
_root.interface.btn_repair._visible = 0;
_root.interface.btn_m16._visible = 0;
_root.interface.btn_m16.q_txt.text = "";
_root.interface.btn_sniper._visible = 0;
_root.interface.btn_sniper.q_txt.text = "";
_root.interface.btn_bazoo._visible = 0;
_root.interface.btn_bazoo.q_txt.text = "";
_root.interface.btn_moto._visible = 0;
_root.interface.btn_moto.q_txt.text = "";
_root.interface.btn_atv._visible = 0;
_root.interface.btn_atv.q_txt.text = "";
_root.interface.btn_ifv._visible = 0;
_root.interface.btn_ifv.q_txt.text = "";
_root.interface.btn_armor._visible = 0;
_root.interface.btn_armor.q_txt.text = "";
_root.interface.btn_hawk._visible = 0;
_root.interface.btn_hawk.q_txt.text = "";
_root.interface.btn_falcon._visible = 0;
_root.interface.btn_falcon.q_txt.text = "";
_root.interface.btn_stealth._visible = 0;
_root.interface.btn_stealth.q_txt.text = "";
_root.interface.btn_subs._visible = 0;
_root.interface.btn_kevlar0._visible = 0;
_root.interface.btn_slat._visible = 0;
_root.interface.btn_jammer._visible = 0;
_root.interface.btn_decept._visible = 0;
_root.interface.btn_ram._visible = 0;
_root.interface.btn_du._visible = 0;
_root.interface.btn_heal._visible = 0;
_root.interface.btn_gasmask._visible = 0;
_root.interface.btn_bar_1._visible = 0;
_root.interface.btn_fac._visible = 0;
_root.interface.btn_air_1._visible = 0;
_root.interface.btn_min_econ._visible = 0;
_root.interface.btn_sam_site._visible = 0;
_root.interface.btn_hitech_1._visible = 0;
_root.interface.btn_radar._visible = 0;
_root.interface.btn_lpad._visible = 0;
_root.interface.btn_mg_1._visible = 0;
_root.interface.btn_ak74._visible = 0;
_root.interface.btn_ak74.q_txt.text = "";
_root.interface.btn_flame._visible = 0;
_root.interface.btn_flame.q_txt.text = "";
_root.interface.btn_rpg._visible = 0;
_root.interface.btn_rpg.q_txt.text = "";
_root.interface.btn_ftank._visible = 0;
_root.interface.btn_ftank.q_txt.text = "";
_root.interface.btn_tank._visible = 0;
_root.interface.btn_tank.q_txt.text = "";
_root.interface.btn_sam._visible = 0;
_root.interface.btn_sam.q_txt.text = "";
_root.interface.btn_inter._visible = 0;
_root.interface.btn_inter.q_txt.text = "";
_root.interface.btn_bomber._visible = 0;
_root.interface.btn_bomber.q_txt.text = "";
_root.interface.btn_he_rocket._visible = 0;
_root.interface.btn_he_rocket.q_txt.text = "";
_root.interface.btn_ch_rocket._visible = 0;
_root.interface.btn_ch_rocket.q_txt.text = "";
_root.interface.btn_nu_rocket._visible = 0;
_root.interface.btn_nu_rocket.q_txt.text = "";
_root.interface.btn_launch._visible = 0;
_root.interface.btn_tax._visible = 0;
_root.interface.btn_kevlar1._visible = 0;
_root.interface.btn_raexp._visible = 0;
_root.interface.btn_napalm._visible = 0;
_root.interface.btn_hollowpoint._visible = 0;
_root.interface.btn_flare._visible = 0;
_root.interface.btn_hoj._visible = 0;
_root.interface.btn_chirp._visible = 0;
_root.interface.btn_fhss._visible = 0;
function show_build_0() {
_root.interface.build_txt.text = "Empty Tile";
_root.interface.btn_bar_0._visible = 1;
if (oil == 1) {
_root.interface.btn_manu._visible = 1;
if ((alu == 1) && (oil == 1)) {
_root.interface.btn_air_0._visible = 1;
if (gold == 1) {
_root.interface.btn_bank._visible = 1;
if ((alu == 1) && (oil == 1)) {
_root.interface.btn_hawk_site._visible = 1;
if (sil == 1) {
_root.interface.btn_hitech_0._visible = 1;
_root.interface.btn_laser._visible = 1;
_root.interface.btn_hosp._visible = 1;
_root.interface.btn_mg_0._visible = 1;
function show_build_1() {
_root.interface.build_txt.text = "Empty Tile";
_root.interface.btn_bar_1._visible = 1;
if ((oil == 1) && (iron == 1)) {
_root.interface.btn_fac._visible = 1;
if (gold == 1) {
_root.interface.btn_min_econ._visible = 1;
if ((oil == 1) && (alu == 1)) {
_root.interface.btn_air_1._visible = 1;
if (((oil == 1) && (alu == 1)) && (sil)) {
_root.interface.btn_sam_site._visible = 1;
_root.interface.btn_radar._visible = 1;
if (sil == 1) {
_root.interface.btn_hitech_1._visible = 1;
if ((oil == 1) && (alu == 1)) {
_root.interface.btn_lpad._visible = 1;
_root.interface.btn_mg_1._visible = 1;
function show_bar_0() {
_root.interface.build_txt.text = "Barracks";
_root.interface.btn_m16._visible = 1;
_root.interface.btn_sniper._visible = 1;
_root.interface.btn_bazoo._visible = 1;
if (oil == 1) {
_root.interface.btn_moto._visible = 1;
_root.interface.btn_cancel._visible = 1;
_root.interface.btn_repair._visible = 1;
_root.interface.btn_tnt._visible = 1;
function show_fac_0() {
_root.interface.build_txt.text = "Manufacturing Center";
_root.interface.btn_atv._visible = 1;
if (iron == 1) {
_root.interface.btn_ifv._visible = 1;
_root.interface.btn_armor._visible = 1;
_root.interface.btn_hawk._visible = 1;
_root.interface.btn_cancel._visible = 1;
_root.interface.btn_repair._visible = 1;
_root.interface.btn_tnt._visible = 1;
function show_air_0() {
_root.interface.build_txt.text = "Air Command";
_root.interface.btn_falcon._visible = 1;
if (sil == 1) {
_root.interface.btn_stealth._visible = 1;
_root.interface.btn_cancel._visible = 1;
_root.interface.btn_repair._visible = 1;
_root.interface.btn_tnt._visible = 1;
function show_bank() {
_root.interface.build_txt.text = "Financial Office";
_root.interface.btn_subs._visible = 1;
_root.interface.btn_repair._visible = 1;
_root.interface.btn_tnt._visible = 1;
function show_hawk_site() {
_root.interface.build_txt.text = "Air-Defense Site";
_root.interface.btn_repair._visible = 1;
_root.interface.btn_tnt._visible = 1;
function show_hitech0(s) {
if (s == 1) {
_root.interface.build_txt.text = "Field Lab";
if (_root.hu_kevlar == 0) {
_root.interface.btn_kevlar0._visible = 1;
if ((_root.hu_slat == 0) && (iron == 1)) {
_root.interface.btn_slat._visible = 1;
if (((_root.hu_du == 0) && (ura == 1)) && (iron == 1)) {
_root.interface.btn_du._visible = 1;
if (_root.hu_jammer == 0) {
_root.interface.btn_jammer._visible = 1;
if ((_root.hu_jammer == 1) && (hu_decept == 0)) {
_root.interface.btn_decept._visible = 1;
if (((_root.hu_jammer == 1) && (hu_decept == 1)) && (hu_ram == 0)) {
_root.interface.btn_ram._visible = 1;
_root.interface.btn_repair._visible = 1;
_root.interface.btn_tnt._visible = 1;
function show_hosp() {
_root.interface.build_txt.text = "Hospital";
if (_root.heal_val < 0.5) {
_root.interface.btn_heal._visible = 1;
if (_root.hu_gasmask == 0) {
_root.interface.btn_gasmask._visible = 1;
_root.interface.btn_repair._visible = 1;
_root.interface.btn_tnt._visible = 1;
function show_laser() {
_root.interface.build_txt.text = "Anti-missile Laser";
_root.interface.btn_repair._visible = 1;
_root.interface.btn_tnt._visible = 1;
function show_mg_0() {
_root.interface.build_txt.text = "Anti-tank Missile";
_root.interface.btn_repair._visible = 1;
_root.interface.btn_tnt._visible = 1;
function show_bar_1() {
_root.interface.build_txt.text = "Barracks";
_root.interface.btn_ak74._visible = 1;
if (oil == 1) {
_root.interface.btn_flame._visible = 1;
_root.interface.btn_rpg._visible = 1;
_root.interface.btn_cancel._visible = 1;
_root.interface.btn_repair._visible = 1;
_root.interface.btn_tnt._visible = 1;
function show_fac_1() {
_root.interface.build_txt.text = "Factory";
_root.interface.btn_ftank._visible = 1;
_root.interface.btn_tank._visible = 1;
if (sil == 1) {
_root.interface.btn_sam._visible = 1;
_root.interface.btn_cancel._visible = 1;
_root.interface.btn_repair._visible = 1;
_root.interface.btn_tnt._visible = 1;
function show_min_econ() {
_root.interface.build_txt.text = "Financial Committee";
_root.interface.btn_tax._visible = 1;
_root.interface.btn_repair._visible = 1;
_root.interface.btn_tnt._visible = 1;
function show_air_1() {
_root.interface.build_txt.text = "Air Control";
_root.interface.btn_inter._visible = 1;
_root.interface.btn_bomber._visible = 1;
_root.interface.btn_cancel._visible = 1;
_root.interface.btn_repair._visible = 1;
_root.interface.btn_tnt._visible = 1;
function show_sam_site() {
_root.interface.build_txt.text = "SAM Site";
_root.interface.btn_repair._visible = 1;
_root.interface.btn_tnt._visible = 1;
function show_mg_1() {
_root.interface.build_txt.text = "Anti-tank Missile";
_root.interface.btn_repair._visible = 1;
_root.interface.btn_tnt._visible = 1;
function show_hitech1() {
_root.interface.build_txt.text = "Field Research";
if (_root.hu_kevlar == 0) {
_root.interface.btn_kevlar1._visible = 1;
if (_root.hu_hollowpoint == 0) {
_root.interface.btn_hollowpoint._visible = 1;
if ((_root.hu_napalm == 0) && (oil == 1)) {
_root.interface.btn_napalm._visible = 1;
if (((_root.hu_raexp == 0) && (iron == 1)) && (oil == 1)) {
_root.interface.btn_raexp._visible = 1;
_root.interface.btn_repair._visible = 1;
_root.interface.btn_tnt._visible = 1;
function show_radar(s) {
if (s == 1) {
_root.interface.build_txt.text = "Radar";
if (_root.hu_flare_ready == 0) {
_root.interface.btn_flare._visible = 1;
if (_root.hu_hoj == 0) {
_root.interface.btn_hoj._visible = 1;
if ((_root.hu_hoj == 1) && (hu_chirp == 0)) {
_root.interface.btn_chirp._visible = 1;
if (((_root.hu_hoj == 1) && (hu_chirp == 1)) && (hu_fhss == 0)) {
_root.interface.btn_fhss._visible = 1;
_root.interface.btn_repair._visible = 1;
_root.interface.btn_tnt._visible = 1;
function show_lpad() {
_root.interface.build_txt.text = "Rocket Launch Site";
_root.interface.btn_he_rocket._visible = 1;
_root.interface.btn_ch_rocket._visible = 1;
if (ura == 1) {
_root.interface.btn_nu_rocket._visible = 1;
_root.interface.btn_cancel._visible = 1;
_root.interface.btn_repair._visible = 1;
_root.interface.btn_tnt._visible = 1;
function hide_desc() {
_root.interface.desc._visible = 0;
function description(dd) {
_root.interface.desc._visible = 1;
_root.interface.desc.price_txt.text = _root[dd + "_price"];
switch (dd) {
case "bar0" :
_root.interface.desc.name_txt.text = "Barracks";
_root.interface.desc.class_txt.text = "Recruits Infantry";
_root.interface.desc.brief_txt.text = "Barracks Allow deployement of infantry and motorcycle troopers";
_root.interface.desc.strong_txt.text = "NA";
_root.interface.desc.weak_txt.text = "NA";
case "manu" :
_root.interface.desc.name_txt.text = "Manufacturing Facility";
_root.interface.desc.class_txt.text = "Produces Vehicles";
_root.interface.desc.brief_txt.text = "Most ground vehicles are made here";
_root.interface.desc.strong_txt.text = "NA";
_root.interface.desc.weak_txt.text = "NA";
case "air0" :
_root.interface.desc.name_txt.text = "Air Command";
_root.interface.desc.class_txt.text = "Summons Aircraft";
_root.interface.desc.brief_txt.text = "Air Command calls in airsrikes from off base";
_root.interface.desc.strong_txt.text = "NA";
_root.interface.desc.weak_txt.text = "NA";
case "bank" :
_root.interface.desc.name_txt.text = "Financial Office";
_root.interface.desc.class_txt.text = "Allows to increase Profits";
_root.interface.desc.brief_txt.text = "Handles financial aspect of the conflict";
_root.interface.desc.strong_txt.text = "NA";
_root.interface.desc.weak_txt.text = "NA";
case "mg0" :
_root.interface.desc.name_txt.text = "ATGM Site";
_root.interface.desc.class_txt.text = "Attacks Groung Units";
_root.interface.desc.brief_txt.text = "While poorly armored these sites can offer some protection against enemy vehicles. The missiles are not very maneuverable and tend to miss at close range.";
_root.interface.desc.strong_txt.text = "Vehicles";
_root.interface.desc.weak_txt.text = "Infantry";
case "hawk_site" :
_root.interface.desc.name_txt.text = "SAM Site PIM - 720";
_root.interface.desc.class_txt.text = "Intercepts Aircraft";
_root.interface.desc.brief_txt.text = "These IR-guided SAMs can provide some cover for the base, however, more then one of such sites requred to be effective";
_root.interface.desc.strong_txt.text = "Airplanes";
_root.interface.desc.weak_txt.text = "Flares";
case "hitech0" :
_root.interface.desc.name_txt.text = "Field Laboratory";
_root.interface.desc.class_txt.text = "Allows Upgrades";
_root.interface.desc.brief_txt.text = "This Field Lab provides some upgrades that usually help protect your units";
_root.interface.desc.strong_txt.text = "NA";
_root.interface.desc.weak_txt.text = "NA";
case "hosp" :
_root.interface.desc.name_txt.text = "Field Hospital";
_root.interface.desc.class_txt.text = "Heals Infantry";
_root.interface.desc.brief_txt.text = "Once built hospital automatically heals all infantry. Effects do not stack.";
_root.interface.desc.strong_txt.text = "NA";
_root.interface.desc.weak_txt.text = "NA";
case "laser" :
_root.interface.desc.name_txt.text = "ABM Laser";
_root.interface.desc.class_txt.text = "Shoots Down Ballistic Missiles";
_root.interface.desc.brief_txt.text = "Rapid-fire laser is the only thing that can provide defence against tactical missiles. It takes a long time to recharge once several shots were fired.";
_root.interface.desc.strong_txt.text = "Missiles";
_root.interface.desc.weak_txt.text = "NA";
case "m16" :
_root.interface.desc.name_txt.text = "Rifleman";
_root.interface.desc.class_txt.text = "Light Infantry";
_root.interface.desc.brief_txt.text = "Basic infantry for light assaults.";
_root.interface.desc.strong_txt.text = "Infantry";
_root.interface.desc.weak_txt.text = "Vehicles";
case "sniper" :
_root.interface.desc.name_txt.text = "Sniper";
_root.interface.desc.class_txt.text = "Support Unit";
_root.interface.desc.brief_txt.text = "Snipers can take out dangerous enemy infantry, such as flamethrowers.";
_root.interface.desc.strong_txt.text = "Infantry";
_root.interface.desc.weak_txt.text = "Vehicles";
case "bazoo" :
_root.interface.desc.name_txt.text = "Bazooka Trooper";
_root.interface.desc.class_txt.text = "Anti-tank Infantry";
_root.interface.desc.brief_txt.text = "Fires a guided AP-missile. He is vulnerable to regular infantry as the anti-tank weapons are not effective against them.";
_root.interface.desc.strong_txt.text = "Vehicles";
_root.interface.desc.weak_txt.text = "Infantry";
case "moto" :
_root.interface.desc.name_txt.text = "Motorcycle Trooper";
_root.interface.desc.class_txt.text = "Fast Base-assault Unit";
_root.interface.desc.brief_txt.text = "While not strong motorcycles are quite fast and can reach enemy base before stronger units can intercept them.";
_root.interface.desc.strong_txt.text = "Infantry";
_root.interface.desc.weak_txt.text = "Vehicles, Aircraft";
case "atv" :
_root.interface.desc.name_txt.text = "ATV - 4";
_root.interface.desc.class_txt.text = "Anti-tank Unit";
_root.interface.desc.brief_txt.text = "This light agile unit can destroy expensive tanks with relative ease, but it is vulnerable to infantry, especially RPG troopers";
_root.interface.desc.strong_txt.text = "Vehicles";
_root.interface.desc.weak_txt.text = "Infantry, Aircraft";
case "ifv" :
_root.interface.desc.name_txt.text = "IFV - M6";
_root.interface.desc.class_txt.text = "Support Unit";
_root.interface.desc.brief_txt.text = "Infantry Fighting Vehicle can engage all ground- and air- targets, but it is not very strong, thus making it more effective in numbers.";
_root.interface.desc.strong_txt.text = "Infantry, Aircraft";
_root.interface.desc.weak_txt.text = "Vehicles";
case "armor" :
_root.interface.desc.name_txt.text = "Armor - M67";
_root.interface.desc.class_txt.text = "Main Battle Tank";
_root.interface.desc.brief_txt.text = "Armor is reasonably effective agaist all ground units and base, but is defenceless against aircraft.";
_root.interface.desc.strong_txt.text = "Infantry, Vehicles";
_root.interface.desc.weak_txt.text = "Aircraft, RPG Troopers";
case "hawk" :
_root.interface.desc.name_txt.text = "Mobile SAM MIM - 720M";
_root.interface.desc.class_txt.text = "Anty-aircraft Unit";
_root.interface.desc.brief_txt.text = "Designed to provide cover to mobile formations this unit can intercept aircraft from afar, but does not have anti-ground weapons.";
_root.interface.desc.strong_txt.text = "Aircraft";
_root.interface.desc.weak_txt.text = "All Ground Units";
case "falcon" :
_root.interface.desc.name_txt.text = "Falcon F - 28";
_root.interface.desc.class_txt.text = "Strike Fighter";
_root.interface.desc.brief_txt.text = "Versatile aircraft, Falcon can engage other planes as well ground vehicles. Upon reachinf the base it drops one cluster bomb";
_root.interface.desc.strong_txt.text = "Aircraft, Vehicles, Base";
_root.interface.desc.weak_txt.text = "SAMs, AAAs";
case "stealth" :
_root.interface.desc.name_txt.text = "Stealth X - 3";
_root.interface.desc.class_txt.text = "Heavy Bomber";
_root.interface.desc.brief_txt.text = "In virtue of its shape and materials the Stealth has a low radar signature. Because of it enemy radar guided SAMs can not get good tracking signal resulting in poor accuracy.";
_root.interface.desc.strong_txt.text = "Base";
_root.interface.desc.weak_txt.text = "Interceptor";
case "subs" :
_root.interface.desc.name_txt.text = "Lobby For Funds";
_root.interface.desc.class_txt.text = "Increase Profit";
_root.interface.desc.brief_txt.text = "Many people are weary of paying too much for war, but a few experienced lobbyists should convince (or bribe) the government to make more funds available.";
_root.interface.desc.strong_txt.text = "NA";
_root.interface.desc.weak_txt.text = "NA";
_root.interface.desc.price_txt.text = tax_price;
case "kevlar0" :
_root.interface.desc.name_txt.text = "Body Armor";
_root.interface.desc.class_txt.text = "Protect Infantry";
_root.interface.desc.brief_txt.text = "Basic bullet-proof armor, optimised to protect against rifle rounds.";
_root.interface.desc.strong_txt.text = "Bullets";
_root.interface.desc.weak_txt.text = "NA";
case "slat" :
_root.interface.desc.name_txt.text = "Slat Armor";
_root.interface.desc.class_txt.text = "Protect Tanks";
_root.interface.desc.brief_txt.text = "A simple mash, but effective against shaped charges as it causes them to explode berore reaching the armor. Covers Armor and IFV.";
_root.interface.desc.strong_txt.text = "AP - rounds";
_root.interface.desc.weak_txt.text = "NA";
case "jammer" :
_root.interface.desc.name_txt.text = "Jamming Pods";
_root.interface.desc.class_txt.text = "Protect Aircraft";
_root.interface.desc.brief_txt.text = "Radar guided SAMs rely on radio signals that can be drowned in noise, resulting in poor accuracy. Used only on Falcons.";
_root.interface.desc.strong_txt.text = "SAMs";
_root.interface.desc.weak_txt.text = "NA";
case "decept" :
_root.interface.desc.name_txt.text = "Deception Jammer";
_root.interface.desc.class_txt.text = "Protect Aircraft";
_root.interface.desc.brief_txt.text = "Instead of simply generating noise deception jammer retransmits the signal back to the radar after modifying it so as to confuse the radar. Used on all aircraft.";
_root.interface.desc.strong_txt.text = "SAMs";
_root.interface.desc.weak_txt.text = "NA";
case "ram" :
_root.interface.desc.name_txt.text = "Radar Absorbant Materials";
_root.interface.desc.class_txt.text = "Protect Aircraft";
_root.interface.desc.brief_txt.text = "Reduce the amount of radiation reflected from all aircraft.";
_root.interface.desc.strong_txt.text = "SAMs";
_root.interface.desc.weak_txt.text = "NA";
case "du" :
_root.interface.desc.name_txt.text = "DU Penetrator";
_root.interface.desc.class_txt.text = "Increase Tank Power";
_root.interface.desc.brief_txt.text = "This round dramatically increases power of the Armor against conventional tanks, however it can be largely neutrolised by reactive armor on enemy tanks.";
_root.interface.desc.strong_txt.text = "Tanks";
_root.interface.desc.weak_txt.text = "Reactive Armor";
case "heal" :
_root.interface.desc.name_txt.text = "Improve Healing";
_root.interface.desc.class_txt.text = "Heals Infantry";
_root.interface.desc.brief_txt.text = "Makes infantry heal faster.";
_root.interface.desc.strong_txt.text = "NA";
_root.interface.desc.weak_txt.text = "NA";
case "gasmask" :
_root.interface.desc.name_txt.text = "HAZMAT Suits";
_root.interface.desc.class_txt.text = "Protect Infantry";
_root.interface.desc.brief_txt.text = "Useful if the enemy deploys biological or nuclear missiles.";
_root.interface.desc.strong_txt.text = "Biological Weapons";
_root.interface.desc.weak_txt.text = "NA";
case "cancel" :
_root.interface.desc.name_txt.text = "Cancel Queue";
_root.interface.desc.class_txt.text = "";
_root.interface.desc.brief_txt.text = "Cancels the queue. Unit that is currently being built will still be produced.";
_root.interface.desc.strong_txt.text = "NA";
_root.interface.desc.weak_txt.text = "NA";
case "repair" :
_root.interface.desc.name_txt.text = "Repair Structure";
_root.interface.desc.class_txt.text = "";
_root.interface.desc.brief_txt.text = "Repairs a damaged structure.";
_root.interface.desc.strong_txt.text = "NA";
_root.interface.desc.weak_txt.text = "NA";
case "tnt" :
_root.interface.desc.name_txt.text = "Demolish Structure";
_root.interface.desc.class_txt.text = "";
_root.interface.desc.brief_txt.text = "Destroys the structure to make room for something else.";
_root.interface.desc.strong_txt.text = "NA";
_root.interface.desc.weak_txt.text = "NA";
case "bar1" :
_root.interface.desc.name_txt.text = "Barracks";
_root.interface.desc.class_txt.text = "Conscripts Infantry";
_root.interface.desc.brief_txt.text = "This structure deploys all infantry.";
_root.interface.desc.strong_txt.text = "NA";
_root.interface.desc.weak_txt.text = "NA";
case "fac" :
_root.interface.desc.name_txt.text = "Tank Factory";
_root.interface.desc.class_txt.text = "Produces Vehicles";
_root.interface.desc.brief_txt.text = "All ground vehicles are made in the factory.";
_root.interface.desc.strong_txt.text = "NA";
_root.interface.desc.weak_txt.text = "NA";
case "air1" :
_root.interface.desc.name_txt.text = "Air Control";
_root.interface.desc.class_txt.text = "Calls Airstrikes";
_root.interface.desc.brief_txt.text = "The job of this structure is to guide the aircraft towards their targets.";
_root.interface.desc.strong_txt.text = "NA";
_root.interface.desc.weak_txt.text = "NA";
case "min_econ" :
_root.interface.desc.name_txt.text = "Economic Committee";
_root.interface.desc.class_txt.text = "Allows to increase Funds";
_root.interface.desc.brief_txt.text = "This committee handles war-effort resources.";
_root.interface.desc.strong_txt.text = "NA";
_root.interface.desc.weak_txt.text = "NA";
case "mg1" :
_root.interface.desc.name_txt.text = "ATGM Site";
_root.interface.desc.class_txt.text = "Attacks Groung Units";
_root.interface.desc.brief_txt.text = "While poorly armored these sites can offer some protection against enemy vehicles. The missiles are not very maneuverable and tend to miss at close range.";
_root.interface.desc.strong_txt.text = "Vehicles";
_root.interface.desc.weak_txt.text = "Infantry";
case "sam_site" :
_root.interface.desc.name_txt.text = "SAM Site S-700";
_root.interface.desc.class_txt.text = "Intercepts Aircraft";
_root.interface.desc.brief_txt.text = "Radar guidance gives the SAMs longer range, but makes them vulnerable to Stealth and ECM. To compensate for guidance errors that result from that, SAMs carry large shrapnel-filled warheads.";
_root.interface.desc.strong_txt.text = "Airplanes";
_root.interface.desc.weak_txt.text = "Stealth";
case "hitech1" :
_root.interface.desc.name_txt.text = "Field Research Bureau";
_root.interface.desc.class_txt.text = "Allows Upgrades";
_root.interface.desc.brief_txt.text = "One can often gain an advantage over the enemy by adopting a specific upgrade.";
_root.interface.desc.strong_txt.text = "NA";
_root.interface.desc.weak_txt.text = "NA";
case "lpad" :
_root.interface.desc.name_txt.text = "Launch Pad";
_root.interface.desc.class_txt.text = "Fires Rockets";
_root.interface.desc.brief_txt.text = "If the enemy air defenses are too heavy, or they deploy too many units a well-placed rocket can quickly turn the tables. While expensive, rockets are only vulnerable to lasers.";
_root.interface.desc.strong_txt.text = "NA";
_root.interface.desc.weak_txt.text = "NA";
case "radar" :
_root.interface.desc.name_txt.text = "Phased Array Radar";
_root.interface.desc.class_txt.text = "Helps Counter Stealth and ECM";
_root.interface.desc.brief_txt.text = "Using sophisticated radar system allows to mitigate the effects of ECM and Stealth by focusing the beam on the enemy to get strong reflection and to burn through ECMs. More radars improve detection.";
_root.interface.desc.strong_txt.text = "NA";
_root.interface.desc.weak_txt.text = "NA";
case "ak74" :
_root.interface.desc.name_txt.text = "Assault Trooper";
_root.interface.desc.class_txt.text = "Light Infantry";
_root.interface.desc.brief_txt.text = "While not too well protected Assault troopers carry powerful rifles that can deal serious damage to infantry and light vehicles.";
_root.interface.desc.strong_txt.text = "Infantry";
_root.interface.desc.weak_txt.text = "Vehicles";
case "flame" :
_root.interface.desc.name_txt.text = "Flamethrower Trooper";
_root.interface.desc.class_txt.text = "Support Unit";
_root.interface.desc.brief_txt.text = "Flame troopers are slower and have shorter range then riflemen, but their flame-stream can damage many units at once, making them ideal for fighting groups of enemy soldiers.";
_root.interface.desc.strong_txt.text = "Infantry, Light Vehicles";
_root.interface.desc.weak_txt.text = "Snipers, Heavy Vehicles";
case "rpg" :
_root.interface.desc.name_txt.text = "RPG Trooper";
_root.interface.desc.class_txt.text = "Anti-tank Infantry";
_root.interface.desc.brief_txt.text = "While relatively powerful against vehicles, these should be protected by other infantry.";
_root.interface.desc.strong_txt.text = "Vehicles";
_root.interface.desc.weak_txt.text = "Infantry";
case "ftank" :
_root.interface.desc.name_txt.text = "Flame Tank OT - 002";
_root.interface.desc.class_txt.text = "Anti-infantry Unit";
_root.interface.desc.brief_txt.text = "Flame tanks do even greater damage then the flame infantry, plus they are not as vulnerable to other infantry. If they manage to reach the enemy base they can do rather severe damage.";
_root.interface.desc.strong_txt.text = "Infantry, Base";
_root.interface.desc.weak_txt.text = "Vehicles, Aircraft";
case "sam" :
_root.interface.desc.name_txt.text = "Mobile Anti-air Platform ADP - 3";
_root.interface.desc.class_txt.text = "Support Unit";
_root.interface.desc.brief_txt.text = "This unit combines SAMs for long range interception with a dual machinegun to deal with threats up close. It is reasonably effective against infantry as well.";
_root.interface.desc.strong_txt.text = "Infantry, Aircraft";
_root.interface.desc.weak_txt.text = "Vehicles";
case "tank" :
_root.interface.desc.name_txt.text = "Tank T377";
_root.interface.desc.class_txt.text = "Main Battle Tank";
_root.interface.desc.brief_txt.text = "While good against most ground units as well as enemy base, the tank has no protection against aircraft and can be taken out by bazooka soldiers and ATVs.";
_root.interface.desc.strong_txt.text = "Infantry, Vehicles";
_root.interface.desc.weak_txt.text = "Aircraft, Bazooka Troopers";
case "inter" :
_root.interface.desc.name_txt.text = "I - 3";
_root.interface.desc.class_txt.text = "Interceptor";
_root.interface.desc.brief_txt.text = "The Interceptor uses two heavy cannons in its wings, because of it range suffers, but this low-tech solution is unaffected by stealth or ECMs.";
_root.interface.desc.strong_txt.text = "Aircraft";
_root.interface.desc.weak_txt.text = "SAMs, AAAs";
case "bomber" :
_root.interface.desc.name_txt.text = "B - 14";
_root.interface.desc.class_txt.text = "Bomber";
_root.interface.desc.brief_txt.text = "Bomber can not attack other airplanes, but is rather effective against vehicles and is fairly well-armored. Drops a bomb that will damage random enemy tile.";
_root.interface.desc.strong_txt.text = "Vehicles, Base";
_root.interface.desc.weak_txt.text = "Fighters, SAMs, AAAs";
case "tax" :
_root.interface.desc.name_txt.text = "Raise War Tax";
_root.interface.desc.class_txt.text = "Increase Income";
_root.interface.desc.brief_txt.text = "Victory is the most important thing. People do not need to buy luxuries while there is a war on.";
_root.interface.desc.strong_txt.text = "NA";
_root.interface.desc.weak_txt.text = "NA";
case "kevlar1" :
_root.interface.desc.name_txt.text = "Body Armor";
_root.interface.desc.class_txt.text = "Protect Infantry";
_root.interface.desc.brief_txt.text = "Assault and Flame troopers have powerful weapons, but they are easy to kill before they get to their targets. Body armor helps alleviate this problem.";
_root.interface.desc.strong_txt.text = "Bullets";
_root.interface.desc.weak_txt.text = "NA";
case "raexp" :
_root.interface.desc.name_txt.text = "Reactive Armor";
_root.interface.desc.class_txt.text = "Protect Tanks";
_root.interface.desc.brief_txt.text = "Helps protect tanks against bazookas, and air-defence platforms against AP-bombs dropped by aircraft.";
_root.interface.desc.strong_txt.text = "AP - rounds";
_root.interface.desc.weak_txt.text = "NA";
case "hoj" :
_root.interface.desc.name_txt.text = "Home-on-Jam";
_root.interface.desc.class_txt.text = "Improve SAM accuracy";
_root.interface.desc.brief_txt.text = "Jammers can make it difficult to use radar, but the missile can still direct itself towards the source of noise.";
_root.interface.desc.strong_txt.text = "NA";
_root.interface.desc.weak_txt.text = "NA";
case "chirp" :
_root.interface.desc.name_txt.text = "Linear Frequency Modulation";
_root.interface.desc.class_txt.text = "Improve SAM accuracy";
_root.interface.desc.brief_txt.text = "This technique allows to amplify radar signals while isolating background noise, such as jamming. Amplified signals also provide better stealth detection.";
_root.interface.desc.strong_txt.text = "NA";
_root.interface.desc.weak_txt.text = "NA";
case "fhss" :
_root.interface.desc.name_txt.text = "Frequency Hopping Spread Spectrum";
_root.interface.desc.class_txt.text = "Improve SAM accuracy";
_root.interface.desc.brief_txt.text = "Rapidly switching frequency significantly reduces interference. Lower frequences also improve stealth detection.";
_root.interface.desc.strong_txt.text = "NA";
_root.interface.desc.weak_txt.text = "NA";
case "hollowpoint" :
_root.interface.desc.name_txt.text = "Full Metal Jacket Rounds";
_root.interface.desc.class_txt.text = "Increase Infantry Power";
_root.interface.desc.brief_txt.text = "These have increased penetrating power allowing them to overcome body armor and light vehicle protection.";
_root.interface.desc.strong_txt.text = "Infantry";
_root.interface.desc.weak_txt.text = "NA";
case "napalm" :
_root.interface.desc.name_txt.text = "Metalized Napalm";
_root.interface.desc.class_txt.text = "Improve Damage Done by Fire";
_root.interface.desc.brief_txt.text = "Adding aluminum powder can increase burning temperature from 800C to 1200C, a 50% increase.";
_root.interface.desc.strong_txt.text = "Infantry";
_root.interface.desc.weak_txt.text = "NA";
case "flare" :
_root.interface.desc.name_txt.text = "Flare";
_root.interface.desc.class_txt.text = "Protect Aircraft";
_root.interface.desc.brief_txt.text = "Flares can confuse infra-red guided missiles meaning that if a salvo is fired at an airplane, at least some of the missiles will miss.";
_root.interface.desc.strong_txt.text = "IR guided Missiles";
_root.interface.desc.weak_txt.text = "NA";
case "he_rocket" :
_root.interface.desc.name_txt.text = "High Explosive Rocket";
_root.interface.desc.class_txt.text = "Ballistic Missile";
_root.interface.desc.brief_txt.text = "This is a relatively cheap, but inacurate rocket. It attacks one random tile.";
_root.interface.desc.strong_txt.text = "Base";
_root.interface.desc.weak_txt.text = "Laser";
case "ch_rocket" :
_root.interface.desc.name_txt.text = "Bacteriological Rocket";
_root.interface.desc.class_txt.text = "Ballistic Missile";
_root.interface.desc.brief_txt.text = "This is a defensive weapon: by comntaminating the area around the enemy base it will kill or damage ground units that attempt to leave it. Can be neutralized with HAZMAT suites.";
_root.interface.desc.strong_txt.text = "Ground Units";
_root.interface.desc.weak_txt.text = "Laser";
case "nu_rocket" :
_root.interface.desc.name_txt.text = "Nuclear Rocket";
_root.interface.desc.class_txt.text = "Ballistic Missile";
_root.interface.desc.brief_txt.text = "While rather costly this weapon does significant harm to all enemy structures.";
_root.interface.desc.strong_txt.text = "Base";
_root.interface.desc.weak_txt.text = "Laser";
function hide_reg_desc() {
_root.mentat_screen.reg_desc._visible = 0;
function reg_description(r) {
_root.mentat_screen.reg_desc._visible = 1;
switch (r) {
case 1 :
_root.mentat_screen.reg_desc.name_txt.text = "Snowfall";
case 2 :
_root.mentat_screen.reg_desc.name_txt.text = "Lowlands";
case 3 :
_root.mentat_screen.reg_desc.name_txt.text = "Etertine Valley";
case 4 :
_root.mentat_screen.reg_desc.name_txt.text = "Ishtar City";
case 5 :
_root.mentat_screen.reg_desc.name_txt.text = "Talus";
case 6 :
_root.mentat_screen.reg_desc.name_txt.text = "Southrock";
case 7 :
_root.mentat_screen.reg_desc.name_txt.text = "Durnador City";
case 8 :
_root.mentat_screen.reg_desc.name_txt.text = "Durnador East";
case 9 :
_root.mentat_screen.reg_desc.name_txt.text = "Serut";
case 10 :
_root.mentat_screen.reg_desc.name_txt.text = "Semmo";
case 11 :
_root.mentat_screen.reg_desc.name_txt.text = "Yatir";
case 12 :
_root.mentat_screen.reg_desc.name_txt.text = "Sedir";
case 13 :
_root.mentat_screen.reg_desc.name_txt.text = "Serpent City";
case 14 :
_root.mentat_screen.reg_desc.name_txt.text = "Ragash";
case 100 :
_root.mentat_screen.reg_desc.name_txt.text = "Aluminium";
case 101 :
_root.mentat_screen.reg_desc.name_txt.text = "Gold";
case 102 :
_root.mentat_screen.reg_desc.name_txt.text = "Oil";
case 103 :
_root.mentat_screen.reg_desc.name_txt.text = "Iron";
case 104 :
_root.mentat_screen.reg_desc.name_txt.text = "Silicon";
case 105 :
_root.mentat_screen.reg_desc.name_txt.text = "Uranium";
if (house == 0) {
if (_root.mentat_screen["reg_" + r].ai == 0) {
_root.mentat_screen.reg_desc.brief_txt.text = "This province has joined the New Hope Alliance.";
_root.mentat_screen.reg_desc.avail_txt.text = "";
} else {
switch (r) {
case 1 :
_root.mentat_screen.reg_desc.brief_txt.text = "There are several aluminium mines in this region. A large group of cultist bastards hold the town, they aparently split of from the group that attacked Lowlands.";
avail = "Not Accesable";
if (_root.mentat_screen["reg_" + r].available == 1) {
avail = "Accesable For Attack";
_root.mentat_screen.reg_desc.avail_txt.text = avail;
case 2 :
_root.mentat_screen.reg_desc.brief_txt.text = "The town is near the shore and the beaches are wide. The snake-worshippers saw this too and invaded. They have entranched here and present a significant danger as they kep on bringing in supplies through the town.";
avail = "Not Accesable";
if (_root.mentat_screen["reg_" + r].available == 1) {
avail = "Accesable For Attack";
_root.mentat_screen.reg_desc.avail_txt.text = avail;
case 3 :
_root.mentat_screen.reg_desc.brief_txt.text = "There is plenty of gold in this province. Initially the people here indicated willingness to join the Alliance. But the local warlorg, general Anthony, was bought over by the Temple of Snakes. They provided him with money and weapons to oppose us.";
avail = "Not Accesable";
if (_root.mentat_screen["reg_" + r].available == 1) {
avail = "Accesable For Attack";
_root.mentat_screen.reg_desc.avail_txt.text = avail;
case 4 :
_root.mentat_screen.reg_desc.brief_txt.text = "NH capital";
avail = "Not Accesable";
if (_root.mentat_screen["reg_" + r].available == 1) {
avail = "Accesable For Attack";
_root.mentat_screen.reg_desc.avail_txt.text = avail;
case 5 :
_root.mentat_screen.reg_desc.brief_txt.text = "We do not know who controls this region anymore. It was ruled by our ally, Chancellor Brown, who was killed by the agents of the Temple. They are still active and are using the oilfields to fuel their flamethrowers. I recomend using snipers.";
avail = "Not Accesable";
if (_root.mentat_screen["reg_" + r].available == 1) {
avail = "Accesable For Attack";
_root.mentat_screen.reg_desc.avail_txt.text = avail;
case 6 :
_root.mentat_screen.reg_desc.brief_txt.text = "Intelligence suggests that the Temple of Snakes was moving supplies through Durnador and into this southern province. Enemy aircraft was reportedly sighted here. I recomend that you capture aluminium and use it to produce Falcon fighters.";
avail = "Not Accesable";
if (_root.mentat_screen["reg_" + r].available == 1) {
avail = "Accesable For Attack";
_root.mentat_screen.reg_desc.avail_txt.text = avail;
case 7 :
_root.mentat_screen.reg_desc.brief_txt.text = "King Durnador IIV rules the island from here. This region also contains uranium mines. Normally we would not want to attack a neutral power, but there have been many reports showing dangerous cooperation between Durnador and the cultists.";
avail = "Not Accesable";
if (_root.mentat_screen["reg_" + r].available == 1) {
avail = "Accesable For Attack";
_root.mentat_screen.reg_desc.avail_txt.text = avail;
case 8 :
_root.mentat_screen.reg_desc.brief_txt.text = "This is an eastern province of Durnador. There have been many reports of the Temple fanatics using this area as a route to smuggle weapons and equipment to Southrock.";
avail = "Not Accesable";
if (_root.mentat_screen["reg_" + r].available == 1) {
avail = "Accesable For Attack";
_root.mentat_screen.reg_desc.avail_txt.text = avail;
case 9 :
_root.mentat_screen.reg_desc.brief_txt.text = "Temple of Snakes used this northern province to attack Lowlands and Snowfall. Capturing it will go long way to calm out population back home.";
avail = "Not Accesable";
if (_root.mentat_screen["reg_" + r].available == 1) {
avail = "Accesable For Attack";
_root.mentat_screen.reg_desc.avail_txt.text = avail;
case 10 :
_root.mentat_screen.reg_desc.brief_txt.text = "The gold in this area can be put to a good use.";
avail = "Not Accesable";
if (_root.mentat_screen["reg_" + r].available == 1) {
avail = "Accesable For Attack";
_root.mentat_screen.reg_desc.avail_txt.text = avail;
case 11 :
_root.mentat_screen.reg_desc.brief_txt.text = "Snake-worshippers get their oil from here. Not much else is knows about this province.";
avail = "Not Accesable";
if (_root.mentat_screen["reg_" + r].available == 1) {
avail = "Accesable For Attack";
_root.mentat_screen.reg_desc.avail_txt.text = avail;
case 12 :
_root.mentat_screen.reg_desc.brief_txt.text = "Many experts believe that weapons from here are moved to Durnador and from there to Southrock.";
avail = "Not Accesable";
if (_root.mentat_screen["reg_" + r].available == 1) {
avail = "Accesable For Attack";
_root.mentat_screen.reg_desc.avail_txt.text = avail;
case 13 :
_root.mentat_screen.reg_desc.brief_txt.text = "Enemy capital, and the heart of their evil empire. The head of the snake, as it were. It is no doubt well-fortified, but once we take it and destroy the accursed temple located there the remaining cultists will most likely become disorganised and either surrender or be destroyed.";
avail = "Not Accesable";
if (_root.mentat_screen["reg_" + r].available == 1) {
avail = "Accesable For Attack";
_root.mentat_screen.reg_desc.avail_txt.text = avail;
case 14 :
_root.mentat_screen.reg_desc.brief_txt.text = "This region makes an exellent point to attack the enemy territory. It also contains iron mines. We believe the region is not well defended sinse the Temple lost many soldiers fighting against local rebels. Nevertheless it is better to be prepared for significant resistance.";
avail = "Not Accesable";
if (_root.mentat_screen["reg_" + r].available == 1) {
avail = "Accesable For Attack";
_root.mentat_screen.reg_desc.avail_txt.text = avail;
case 100 :
_root.mentat_screen.reg_desc.brief_txt.text = "Aluminium is important for constructing light air frames. It is requred for construction of Falcons. Stealth bombers and SAM sites also requre it, along with silicon.";
_root.mentat_screen.reg_desc.avail_txt.text = "";
case 101 :
_root.mentat_screen.reg_desc.brief_txt.text = "Many people are weary of a long expensive, however if the military helped liberate some economically important regions it would be hard to deny us additional funds. Capturing gold allows construction of Economy Office.";
_root.mentat_screen.reg_desc.avail_txt.text = "";
case 102 :
_root.mentat_screen.reg_desc.brief_txt.text = "Needless to say all vehicles as well as aircraft require oil. By itself it allows motorcycle troopers and ATVs.";
_root.mentat_screen.reg_desc.avail_txt.text = "";
case 103 :
_root.mentat_screen.reg_desc.brief_txt.text = "Iron is needed for manufacture of heavily armored vehicles, such as tanks.";
_root.mentat_screen.reg_desc.avail_txt.text = "";
case 104 :
_root.mentat_screen.reg_desc.brief_txt.text = "Hi-tech weapons require this resource. Silicon allows SAM sites, stealth bombers as well as a variety of useful upgrades.";
_root.mentat_screen.reg_desc.avail_txt.text = "";
case 105 :
_root.mentat_screen.reg_desc.brief_txt.text = "While we mostly use uranium for peaceful power production it is not without use to the army. After refinement there is always large amounts of depleted uranium are left. DU can be used for tank shells making them considerably more powerful.";
_root.mentat_screen.reg_desc.avail_txt.text = "";
} else if (_root.mentat_screen["reg_" + r].ai == 0) {
_root.mentat_screen.reg_desc.brief_txt.text = "Yes, we own this region...";
_root.mentat_screen.reg_desc.avail_txt.text = "";
} else {
switch (r) {
case 1 :
_root.mentat_screen.reg_desc.brief_txt.text = "Nice cold place, plenty of mountains. Very beautiful, I have been told. But more importantly it has aluminium and is thus critical to aircraft production.";
avail = "Not Accesable";
if (_root.mentat_screen["reg_" + r].available == 1) {
avail = "Accesable For Attack";
_root.mentat_screen.reg_desc.avail_txt.text = avail;
case 2 :
_root.mentat_screen.reg_desc.brief_txt.text = "Nice wide sandy beaches, perfect for invasion. They probably will not be caught completely unprepared, though. I advice caution.";
avail = "Not Accesable";
if (_root.mentat_screen["reg_" + r].available == 1) {
avail = "Accesable For Attack";
_root.mentat_screen.reg_desc.avail_txt.text = avail;
case 3 :
_root.mentat_screen.reg_desc.brief_txt.text = "This province was ruled by general Anthony, he was sympathetic to our cause, unfortunately his insurrection was put down and region is now heavily fortified.";
avail = "Not Accesable";
if (_root.mentat_screen["reg_" + r].available == 1) {
avail = "Accesable For Attack";
_root.mentat_screen.reg_desc.avail_txt.text = avail;
case 4 :
_root.mentat_screen.reg_desc.brief_txt.text = "New Hope Alliace capital. All their leaders, documents and money are here. The struggle is probably going to be difficult bot once it is crushed New Hope Alliance is finished.";
avail = "Not Accesable";
if (_root.mentat_screen["reg_" + r].available == 1) {
avail = "Accesable For Attack";
_root.mentat_screen.reg_desc.avail_txt.text = avail;
case 5 :
_root.mentat_screen.reg_desc.brief_txt.text = "I believe that New Hope Alliance supplied variety of weapons and money to the rebels in Ragash. It is also well defended, but a determined effort can break through.";
avail = "Not Accesable";
if (_root.mentat_screen["reg_" + r].available == 1) {
avail = "Accesable For Attack";
_root.mentat_screen.reg_desc.avail_txt.text = avail;
case 6 :
_root.mentat_screen.reg_desc.brief_txt.text = "The pure silicon only found in this province makes New Hope electronics much better then any other. I recommend that we take it soon. Attack can be mounted through Durnador Island.";
avail = "Not Accesable";
if (_root.mentat_screen["reg_" + r].available == 1) {
avail = "Accesable For Attack";
_root.mentat_screen.reg_desc.avail_txt.text = avail;
case 7 :
_root.mentat_screen.reg_desc.brief_txt.text = "Ah, the crown seat of King Durnador, number eight or so... give or take. He has uranium, but refuses to sell it even though we offered him more then a fair deal. So, let us take it away from him by force.";
avail = "Not Accesable";
if (_root.mentat_screen["reg_" + r].available == 1) {
avail = "Accesable For Attack";
_root.mentat_screen.reg_desc.avail_txt.text = avail;
case 8 :
_root.mentat_screen.reg_desc.brief_txt.text = "Durnador Island eastern province is a good spot to attck both the Durnador Capital and Southrock.";
avail = "Not Accesable";
if (_root.mentat_screen["reg_" + r].available == 1) {
avail = "Accesable For Attack";
_root.mentat_screen.reg_desc.avail_txt.text = avail;
case 9 :
_root.mentat_screen.reg_desc.brief_txt.text = "These people believe that because they are far from Serpent City the rules somehow do not apply to them. But this place is useful for attcking Lowlands.";
avail = "Not Accesable";
if (_root.mentat_screen["reg_" + r].available == 1) {
avail = "Accesable For Attack";
_root.mentat_screen.reg_desc.avail_txt.text = avail;
case 10 :
_root.mentat_screen.reg_desc.brief_txt.text = "It is critical for our economy that we control this province. Unfortunately the rebels are very numerous here. I suggest securing the oil first. Flamethrowers are good for this type of situation.";
avail = "Not Accesable";
if (_root.mentat_screen["reg_" + r].available == 1) {
avail = "Accesable For Attack";
_root.mentat_screen.reg_desc.avail_txt.text = avail;
case 11 :
_root.mentat_screen.reg_desc.brief_txt.text = "The rebel leader here, whoever he is, believes that control of oil-fields gives him advantage sufficient to repel our attack. They even have civie cars with machineguns on them. I think a few RPGs can solve that problem...";
avail = "Not Accesable";
if (_root.mentat_screen["reg_" + r].available == 1) {
avail = "Accesable For Attack";
_root.mentat_screen.reg_desc.avail_txt.text = avail;
case 12 :
_root.mentat_screen.reg_desc.brief_txt.text = "This is a good place to attack Durnador from.";
avail = "Not Accesable";
if (_root.mentat_screen["reg_" + r].available == 1) {
avail = "Accesable For Attack";
_root.mentat_screen.reg_desc.avail_txt.text = avail;
case 13 :
_root.mentat_screen.reg_desc.brief_txt.text = "our capital";
avail = "Not Accesable";
if (_root.mentat_screen["reg_" + r].available == 1) {
avail = "Accesable For Attack";
_root.mentat_screen.reg_desc.avail_txt.text = avail;
case 14 :
_root.mentat_screen.reg_desc.brief_txt.text = "We must have this province. The iron found here is needed for the tanks. Unfortunately the rebels here are well fortified, we suspect that New Hope Alliance is smuggling weapons and money here.";
avail = "Not Accesable";
if (_root.mentat_screen["reg_" + r].available == 1) {
avail = "Accesable For Attack";
_root.mentat_screen.reg_desc.avail_txt.text = avail;
case 100 :
_root.mentat_screen.reg_desc.brief_txt.text = "All of our aircraft can be manufactured, once we have access to aluminium and oil. Aluminum is also used for missiles.";
_root.mentat_screen.reg_desc.avail_txt.text = "";
case 101 :
_root.mentat_screen.reg_desc.brief_txt.text = "Gold is paramount to our economy, since we do not yet manufacture consumer goods. Once gold begins to circulate we can tax the population to allow for greater war-funds. Allows Economic Committee.";
_root.mentat_screen.reg_desc.avail_txt.text = "";
case 102 :
_root.mentat_screen.reg_desc.brief_txt.text = "Oil is very useful as it is requred for production of most units. Early on it allows us to use flamethrowers which can aid in capture of other regions.";
_root.mentat_screen.reg_desc.avail_txt.text = "";
case 103 :
_root.mentat_screen.reg_desc.brief_txt.text = "You can not make a nice sturdy tank hull without steel. And steel is obviously made from iron.";
_root.mentat_screen.reg_desc.avail_txt.text = "";
case 104 :
_root.mentat_screen.reg_desc.brief_txt.text = "Any advanced electronic equipment requres silicon, we need it for many important weapon systems, such as SAMs, anti-stealth radars and various upgrades.";
_root.mentat_screen.reg_desc.avail_txt.text = "";
case 105 :
_root.mentat_screen.reg_desc.brief_txt.text = "We can use uranium to manufacture tactical nuclear warheads. Enough said.";
_root.mentat_screen.reg_desc.avail_txt.text = "";
function init_mission(m) {
switch (m) {
case -100 :
money = skirmish_money;
house = skirmish_house;
switch (ai_delay) {
case norm_delay :
ai_slat = 1;
ai_raexp = 1;
ai_flare_ready = 1;
ai_kevlar = 1;
ai_gasmask = 0;
ai_du = 0;
ai_jammer = 1;
ai_decept = 0;
ai_ram = 0;
ai_napalm = 0;
ai_hollowpoint = 1;
ai_hoj = 1;
ai_chirp = 0;
ai_fhss = 0;
case hard_delay :
ai_slat = 1;
ai_raexp = 1;
ai_flare_ready = 1;
ai_kevlar = 1;
ai_gasmask = 1;
ai_du = 1;
ai_jammer = 1;
ai_decept = 1;
ai_ram = 1;
ai_napalm = 1;
ai_hollowpoint = 1;
ai_hoj = 1;
ai_chirp = 1;
ai_fhss = 1;
gold = 1;
oil = 1;
alu = 1;
iron = 1;
ura = 1;
sil = 1;
m16_pref = skirmish_m16_pref;
sniper_pref = skirmish_sniper_pref;
bazoo_pref = skirmish_bazoo_pref;
moto_pref = skirmish_moto_pref;
atv_pref = skirmish_atv_pref;
ifv_pref = skirmish_ifv_pref;
armor_pref = skirmish_armor_pref;
hawk_pref = skirmish_hawk_pref;
falcon_pref = skirmish_falcon_pref;
stealth_pref = skirmish_stealth_pref;
ak74_pref = skirmish_ak74_pref;
flame_pref = skirmish_flame_pref;
rpg_pref = skirmish_rpg_pref;
tank_pref = skirmish_tank_pref;
ftank_pref = skirmish_ftank_pref;
sam_pref = skirmish_sam_pref;
he_pref = skirmish_he_pref;
ch_pref = skirmish_ch_pref;
nu_pref = skirmish_nu_pref;
inter_pref = skirmish_inter_pref;
bomber_pref = skirmish_bomber_pref;
if (skirmish_enemy_house == 0) {
_root.AI.barracks_0_max = skirmish_bar_max;
_root.AI.barracks_0_priority = 50;
_root.AI.barracks_0_prog = 150;
_root.AI.air_0_max = skirmish_air_max;
_root.AI.air_0_priority = 50;
_root.AI.air_0_prog = 150;
_root.AI.mg_0_max = skirmish_mgn_max;
_root.AI.mg_0_priority = 100;
_root.AI.mg_0_prog = 50;
_root.AI.manu_max = skirmish_fac_max;
_root.AI.manu_priority = 110;
_root.AI.manu_prog = 20;
_root.AI.hawk_site_max = skirmish_sam_max;
_root.AI.hawk_site_priority = 150;
_root.AI.hawk_site_prog = 70;
_root.AI.hosp_max = skirmish_hosp_max;
_root.AI.hosp_priority = 200;
_root.AI.hosp_prog = 15;
_root.AI.laser_max = skirmish_laser_max;
_root.AI.laser_priority = 200;
_root.AI.laser_prog = 15;
} else {
_root.AI.barracks_1_max = skirmish_bar_max;
_root.AI.barracks_1_priority = 50;
_root.AI.barracks_1_prog = 150;
_root.AI.air_1_max = skirmish_air_max;
_root.AI.air_1_priority = 50;
_root.AI.air_1_prog = 150;
_root.AI.mg_1_max = skirmish_mgn_max;
_root.AI.mg_1_priority = 100;
_root.AI.mg_1_prog = 50;
_root.AI.fac_max = skirmish_fac_max;
_root.AI.fac_priority = 110;
_root.AI.fac_prog = 20;
_root.AI.sam_site_max = skirmish_sam_max;
_root.AI.sam_site_priority = 150;
_root.AI.sam_site_prog = 70;
_root.AI.lpad_max = skirmish_lpad_max;
_root.AI.lpad_priority = 200;
_root.AI.lpad_prog = 15;
_root.AI.radar_max = skirmish_radar_max;
_root.AI.radar_priority = 200;
_root.AI.radar_prog = 15;
case 1 :
money = init_money + empire_money;
_root.bg_mount._visible = 1;
_root.AI.barracks_1_max = 3;
_root.AI.barracks_1_priority = 150;
_root.AI.barracks_1_prog = 1;
_root.AI.mg_1_max = 2;
_root.AI.mg_1_priority = 100;
_root.AI.mg_1_prog = 50;
_root.AI.fac_max = 1;
_root.AI.fac_priority = 110;
_root.AI.fac_prog = 20;
ak74_pref = 7;
flame_pref = 0;
rpg_pref = 10;
sks_pref = 5;
pg_pref = 10;
ftank_pref = 5;
tank_pref = 10;
sam_pref = 0;
inter_pref = 0;
bomber_pref = 10;
create_stru("mg_1", 1, 8);
create_stru("fac_1", 1, 11);
create_stru("barracks_1", 1, 14);
case 2 :
money = init_money + empire_money;
_root.bg_desert._visible = 1;
_root.AI.barracks_1_max = 2;
_root.AI.barracks_1_priority = 150;
_root.AI.barracks_1_prog = 1;
_root.AI.mg_1_max = 1;
_root.AI.mg_1_priority = 100;
_root.AI.mg_1_prog = 50;
_root.AI.fac_max = 1;
_root.AI.fac_priority = 110;
_root.AI.fac_prog = 20;
ak74_pref = 7;
flame_pref = 0;
rpg_pref = 10;
sks_pref = 5;
pg_pref = 10;
ftank_pref = 5;
tank_pref = 10;
sam_pref = 10;
create_stru("civ_2", 1, 8);
create_stru("civ_2", 1, 10);
create_stru("barracks_1", 1, 11);
case 3 :
money = init_money + empire_money;
_root.bg_island._visible = 1;
_root.AI.mg_1_max = 1;
_root.AI.mg_1_priority = 100;
_root.AI.mg_1_prog = 50;
ak74_pref = 7;
flame_pref = 0;
rpg_pref = 10;
sks_pref = 5;
pg_pref = 10;
car_pref = 10;
create_stru("civ_2", 1, 11);
create_stru("civ_2", 1, 9);
create_stru("civ_1", 1, 10);
create_stru("arm_mart", 1, 8);
create_stru("arm_mart", 1, 12);
create_stru("civ_0", 1, 13);
case 4 :
money = 40000;
case 5 :
money = init_money + empire_money;
_root.bg_desert._visible = 1;
_root.AI.barracks_1_max = 2;
_root.AI.barracks_1_priority = 150;
_root.AI.barracks_1_prog = 50;
ak74_pref = 5;
flame_pref = 10;
rpg_pref = 0;
sks_pref = 10;
pg_pref = 10;
create_stru("civ_2", 1, 8);
create_stru("barracks_1", 1, 10);
create_stru("civ_1", 1, 14);
case 6 :
money = init_money + empire_money;
_root.bg_mount._visible = 1;
_root.AI.barracks_1_max = 2;
_root.AI.barracks_1_priority = 150;
_root.AI.barracks_1_prog = 50;
_root.AI.sam_site_max = 1;
_root.AI.sam_site_priority = 150;
_root.AI.sam_site_prog = 70;
_root.AI.fac_max = 2;
_root.AI.fac_priority = 150;
_root.AI.fac_prog = 90;
_root.AI.air_1_max = 2;
_root.AI.air_1_priority = 150;
_root.AI.air_1_prog = 50;
ak74_pref = 3;
flame_pref = 7;
rpg_pref = 10;
sks_pref = 5;
pg_pref = 10;
ftank_pref = 3;
tank_pref = 6;
sam_pref = 10;
inter_pref = 0;
bomber_pref = 10;
create_stru("civ_1", 1, 12);
create_stru("civ_1", 1, 13);
case 7 :
money = init_money + empire_money;
_root.bg_winter._visible = 1;
ak74_pref = 3;
flame_pref = 5;
rpg_pref = 10;
ftank_pref = 5;
tank_pref = 7;
sam_pref = 10;
_root.AI.mg_1_max = 2;
_root.AI.mg_1_priority = 150;
_root.AI.mg_1_prog = 50;
_root.AI.barracks_1_max = 2;
_root.AI.barracks_1_priority = 150;
_root.AI.barracks_1_prog = 150;
_root.AI.fac_max = 1;
_root.AI.fac_priority = 200;
_root.AI.fac_prog = 250;
_root.AI.sam_site_max = 2;
_root.AI.sam_site_priority = 200;
_root.AI.sam_site_prog = 50;
create_stru("sam_site", 1, 9);
create_stru("sam_site", 1, 11);
create_stru("fac", 1, 12);
case 8 :
money = init_money + empire_money;
_root.bg_village._visible = 1;
sks_pref = 5;
pg_pref = 10;
car_perf = 10;
create_stru("civ_2", 1, 8);
create_stru("civ_2", 1, 13);
create_stru("veh_fac", 1, 14);
create_stru("veh_fac", 1, 12);
create_stru("civ_2", 1, 10);
_root.AI.mg_1_max = 2;
_root.AI.mg_1_priority = 150;
_root.AI.mg_1_prog = 50;
case 9 :
money = init_money + empire_money;
_root.bg_winter._visible = 1;
ak74_pref = 3;
flame_pref = 5;
rpg_pref = 10;
ftank_pref = 5;
tank_pref = 7;
sam_pref = 10;
_root.AI.mg_1_max = 2;
_root.AI.mg_1_priority = 150;
_root.AI.mg_1_prog = 5;
_root.AI.barracks_1_max = 2;
_root.AI.barracks_1_priority = 150;
_root.AI.barracks_1_prog = 15;
_root.AI.fac_max = 2;
_root.AI.fac_priority = 200;
_root.AI.fac_prog = 25;
_root.AI.sam_site_max = 1;
_root.AI.sam_site_priority = 200;
_root.AI.sam_site_prog = 5;
create_stru("sam_site", 1, 9);
create_stru("barracks_1", 1, 11);
create_stru("fac", 1, 12);
case 10 :
money = init_money + empire_money;
_root.bg_village._visible = 1;
ai_hoj = 1;
ai_raexp = 1;
ai_kevlar = 1;
ak74_pref = 3;
flame_pref = 5;
rpg_pref = 10;
ftank_pref = 5;
tank_pref = 7;
sam_pref = 10;
inter_pref = 5;
bomber_pref = 10;
he_pref = 8;
ch_pref = 10;
nu_pref = 10;
_root.AI.mg_1_max = 1;
_root.AI.mg_1_priority = 150;
_root.AI.mg_1_prog = 5;
_root.AI.barracks_1_max = 2;
_root.AI.barracks_1_priority = 150;
_root.AI.barracks_1_prog = 15;
_root.AI.fac_max = 1;
_root.AI.fac_priority = 200;
_root.AI.fac_prog = 25;
_root.AI.sam_site_max = 1;
_root.AI.sam_site_priority = 200;
_root.AI.sam_site_prog = 5;
_root.AI.lpad_max = 1;
_root.AI.lpad_priority = 200;
_root.AI.lpad_prog = 15;
_root.AI.air_1_max = 1;
_root.AI.air_1_priority = 200;
_root.AI.air_1_prog = 80;
case 11 :
money = init_money + empire_money;
_root.bg_desert._visible = 1;
ai_hoj = 1;
ai_raexp = 1;
ai_kevlar = 1;
ak74_pref = 3;
flame_pref = 5;
rpg_pref = 10;
ftank_pref = 5;
tank_pref = 7;
sam_pref = 10;
inter_pref = 5;
bomber_pref = 10;
he_pref = 10;
ch_pref = 10;
nu_pref = 10;
_root.AI.mg_1_max = 1;
_root.AI.mg_1_priority = 150;
_root.AI.mg_1_prog = 50;
_root.AI.barracks_1_max = 2;
_root.AI.barracks_1_priority = 150;
_root.AI.barracks_1_prog = 15;
_root.AI.fac_max = 1;
_root.AI.fac_priority = 200;
_root.AI.fac_prog = 25;
_root.AI.sam_site_max = 1;
_root.AI.sam_site_priority = 200;
_root.AI.sam_site_prog = 50;
_root.AI.lpad_max = 1;
_root.AI.lpad_priority = 200;
_root.AI.lpad_prog = 15;
_root.AI.air_1_max = 1;
_root.AI.air_1_priority = 200;
_root.AI.air_1_prog = 80;
case 12 :
money = init_money + empire_money;
_root.bg_mount._visible = 1;
ai_hoj = 1;
ai_raexp = 1;
ai_kevlar = 1;
ak74_pref = 3;
flame_pref = 5;
rpg_pref = 10;
ftank_pref = 5;
tank_pref = 7;
sam_pref = 10;
inter_pref = 5;
bomber_pref = 10;
he_pref = 8;
ch_pref = 10;
nu_pref = 10;
_root.AI.mg_1_max = 1;
_root.AI.mg_1_priority = 150;
_root.AI.mg_1_prog = 50;
_root.AI.barracks_1_max = 2;
_root.AI.barracks_1_priority = 150;
_root.AI.barracks_1_prog = 15;
_root.AI.fac_max = 1;
_root.AI.fac_priority = 200;
_root.AI.fac_prog = 25;
_root.AI.sam_site_max = 1;
_root.AI.sam_site_priority = 200;
_root.AI.sam_site_prog = 50;
_root.AI.lpad_max = 1;
_root.AI.lpad_priority = 200;
_root.AI.lpad_prog = 15;
_root.AI.air_1_max = 1;
_root.AI.air_1_priority = 200;
_root.AI.air_1_prog = 80;
create_stru("mg_1", 1, 8);
create_stru("fac", 1, 10);
case 13 :
money = init_money + empire_money;
_root.bg_village._visible = 1;
ai_flare_ready = 1;
ai_hoj = 1;
ai_chrp = 1;
ai_fhss = 1;
ai_napalm = 1;
ai_raexp = 1;
ai_hollowpoint = 1;
ai_kevlar = 1;
ak74_pref = 3;
flame_pref = 5;
rpg_pref = 10;
ftank_pref = 3;
tank_pref = 7;
sam_pref = 10;
inter_pref = 5;
bomber_pref = 10;
he_pref = 3;
ch_pref = 5;
nu_pref = 10;
_root.AI.mg_1_max = 1;
_root.AI.mg_1_priority = 150;
_root.AI.mg_1_prog = 50;
_root.AI.barracks_1_max = 2;
_root.AI.barracks_1_priority = 150;
_root.AI.barracks_1_prog = 15;
_root.AI.fac_max = 1;
_root.AI.fac_priority = 200;
_root.AI.fac_prog = 25;
_root.AI.sam_site_max = 1;
_root.AI.sam_site_priority = 200;
_root.AI.sam_site_prog = 50;
_root.AI.lpad_max = 1;
_root.AI.lpad_priority = 200;
_root.AI.lpad_prog = 15;
_root.AI.air_1_max = 1;
_root.AI.air_1_priority = 200;
_root.AI.air_1_prog = 80;
create_stru("mg_1", 1, 8);
create_stru("sam_site", 1, 9);
create_stru("sam_site", 1, 11);
create_stru("barracks_1", 1, 10);
create_stru("fac", 1, 12);
create_stru("air_1", 1, 13);
create_stru("lpad", 1, 14);
case 14 :
money = init_money + empire_money;
_root.bg_village._visible = 1;
ai_flare_ready = 1;
ai_hoj = 1;
ai_chrp = 1;
ai_raexp = 1;
ai_hollowpoint = 1;
ai_kevlar = 1;
ak74_pref = 3;
flame_pref = 5;
rpg_pref = 10;
ftank_pref = 5;
tank_pref = 7;
sam_pref = 10;
inter_pref = 5;
bomber_pref = 10;
he_pref = 6;
ch_pref = 9;
nu_pref = 10;
_root.AI.mg_1_max = 1;
_root.AI.mg_1_priority = 150;
_root.AI.mg_1_prog = 50;
_root.AI.barracks_1_max = 2;
_root.AI.barracks_1_priority = 150;
_root.AI.barracks_1_prog = 15;
_root.AI.fac_max = 1;
_root.AI.fac_priority = 200;
_root.AI.fac_prog = 25;
_root.AI.sam_site_max = 1;
_root.AI.sam_site_priority = 200;
_root.AI.sam_site_prog = 50;
_root.AI.lpad_max = 1;
_root.AI.lpad_priority = 200;
_root.AI.lpad_prog = 15;
_root.AI.air_1_max = 1;
_root.AI.air_1_priority = 200;
_root.AI.air_1_prog = 80;
create_stru("mg_1", 1, 13);
create_stru("sam_site", 1, 10);
create_stru("barracks_1", 1, 11);
create_stru("fac", 1, 8);
case 101 :
money = init_money + empire_money;
_root.bg_mount._visible = 1;
ai_gasmask = 1;
ai_slat = 1;
m16_pref = 1;
sniper_pref = 5;
bazoo_pref = 7;
moto_pref = 10;
atv_pref = 3;
ifv_pref = 5;
armor_pref = 8;
hawk_pref = 10;
_root.AI.barracks_0_max = 2;
_root.AI.barracks_0_priority = 150;
_root.AI.barracks_0_prog = 15;
_root.AI.manu_max = 2;
_root.AI.manu_priority = 200;
_root.AI.manu_prog = 25;
_root.AI.hosp_max = 1;
_root.AI.hosp_priority = 200;
_root.AI.hosp_prog = 50;
create_stru("manu", 1, 9);
create_stru("barracks_0", 1, 11);
create_stru("hosp", 1, 13);
_root.AI.hosp_num = 1;
case 102 :
money = init_money + empire_money;
_root.bg_desert._visible = 1;
m16_pref = 1;
sniper_pref = 5;
bazoo_pref = 7;
moto_pref = 10;
atv_pref = 3;
ifv_pref = 5;
armor_pref = 8;
hawk_pref = 10;
falcon_pref = 7;
stealth_pref = 10;
ai_slat = 1;
_root.AI.mg_0_max = 2;
_root.AI.mg_0_priority = 150;
_root.AI.mg_0_prog = 15;
_root.AI.barracks_0_max = 1;
_root.AI.barracks_0_priority = 150;
_root.AI.barracks_0_prog = 15;
_root.AI.manu_max = 2;
_root.AI.manu_priority = 200;
_root.AI.manu_prog = 25;
_root.AI.hosp_max = 1;
_root.AI.hosp_priority = 400;
_root.AI.hosp_prog = 150;
create_stru("barracks_0", 1, 12);
create_stru("barracks_0", 1, 10);
_root.AI.barracks_0_num = 2;
create_stru("hosp", 1, 13);
_root.AI.hosp_num = 1;
case 103 :
money = init_money + empire_money;
_root.bg_island._visible = 1;
ai_jammer = 1;
ai_decept = 1;
ai_gasmask = 1;
ai_du = 1;
m16_pref = 1;
sniper_pref = 5;
bazoo_pref = 7;
moto_pref = 10;
atv_pref = 3;
ifv_pref = 5;
armor_pref = 8;
hawk_pref = 10;
falcon_pref = 7;
stealth_pref = 10;
ai_jammer = 1;
ai_gasmask = 1;
ai_slat = 1;
_root.AI.laser_max = 1;
_root.AI.laser_priority = 150;
_root.AI.laser_prog = 35;
_root.AI.barracks_0_max = 2;
_root.AI.barracks_0_priority = 150;
_root.AI.barracks_0_prog = 15;
_root.AI.manu_max = 1;
_root.AI.manu_priority = 200;
_root.AI.manu_prog = 25;
_root.AI.hosp_max = 1;
_root.AI.hosp_priority = 200;
_root.AI.hosp_prog = 50;
_root.AI.air_0_max = 2;
_root.AI.air_0_priority = 200;
_root.AI.air_0_prog = 50;
create_stru("manu", 1, 8);
_root.AI.manu_num = 1;
create_stru("barracks_0", 1, 9);
create_stru("barracks_0", 1, 10);
_root.AI.barracks_0_num = 2;
create_stru("air_0", 1, 12);
_root.AI.air_0_num = 1;
create_stru("hosp", 1, 13);
_root.AI.hosp_num = 1;
create_stru("laser", 1, 14);
_root.AI.laser_num = 1;
case 104 :
money = init_money + empire_money;
_root.bg_desert._visible = 1;
ai_jammer = 1;
ai_ram = 1;
ai_decept = 1;
ai_gasmask = 1;
ai_slat = 1;
ai_du = 1;
m16_pref = 1;
sniper_pref = 5;
bazoo_pref = 7;
moto_pref = 10;
atv_pref = 3;
ifv_pref = 5;
armor_pref = 8;
hawk_pref = 10;
falcon_pref = 3;
stealth_pref = 10;
ai_jammer = 1;
ai_gasmask = 1;
ai_slat = 1;
_root.AI.laser_max = 1;
_root.AI.laser_priority = 150;
_root.AI.laser_prog = 35;
_root.AI.barracks_0_max = 1;
_root.AI.barracks_0_priority = 150;
_root.AI.barracks_0_prog = 15;
_root.AI.manu_max = 1;
_root.AI.manu_priority = 200;
_root.AI.manu_prog = 25;
_root.AI.hawk_site_max = 2;
_root.AI.hawk_site_priority = 200;
_root.AI.hawk_site_prog = 50;
_root.AI.air_0_max = 2;
_root.AI.air_0_priority = 200;
_root.AI.air_0_prog = 50;
create_stru("hawk_site", 1, 8);
create_stru("hawk_site", 1, 9);
create_stru("barracks_0", 1, 10);
create_stru("air_0", 1, 11);
create_stru("manu", 1, 12);
create_stru("air_0", 1, 13);
create_stru("laser", 1, 14);
case 105 :
money = init_money + empire_money;
_root.bg_desert._visible = 1;
m16_pref = 3;
sniper_pref = 5;
bazoo_pref = 7;
moto_pref = 10;
atv_pref = 3;
ifv_pref = 5;
armor_pref = 8;
hawk_pref = 10;
falcon_pref = 5;
stealth_pref = 10;
_root.AI.laser_max = 0;
_root.AI.laser_priority = 150;
_root.AI.laser_prog = 35;
_root.AI.barracks_0_max = 1;
_root.AI.barracks_0_priority = 150;
_root.AI.barracks_0_prog = 15;
_root.AI.manu_max = 1;
_root.AI.manu_priority = 200;
_root.AI.manu_prog = 25;
_root.AI.hawk_site_max = 0;
_root.AI.hawk_site_priority = 200;
_root.AI.hawk_site_prog = 50;
_root.AI.air_0_max = 2;
_root.AI.air_0_priority = 200;
_root.AI.air_0_prog = 50;
create_stru("hawk_site", 1, 10);
create_stru("hawk_site", 1, 11);
create_stru("manu", 1, 13);
create_stru("air_0", 1, 12);
create_stru("laser", 1, 14);
case 106 :
money = init_money + empire_money;
_root.bg_mount._visible = 1;
m16_pref = 3;
sniper_pref = 5;
bazoo_pref = 7;
moto_pref = 10;
atv_pref = 3;
ifv_pref = 5;
armor_pref = 8;
hawk_pref = 10;
falcon_pref = 10;
stealth_pref = 10;
_root.AI.mg_0_max = 2;
_root.AI.mg_0_priority = 150;
_root.AI.mg_0_prog = 50;
_root.AI.barracks_0_max = 1;
_root.AI.barracks_0_priority = 150;
_root.AI.barracks_0_prog = 15;
_root.AI.manu_max = 1;
_root.AI.manu_priority = 200;
_root.AI.manu_prog = 25;
_root.AI.hawk_site_max = 1;
_root.AI.hawk_site_priority = 200;
_root.AI.hawk_site_prog = 30;
_root.AI.air_0_max = 2;
_root.AI.air_0_priority = 200;
_root.AI.air_0_prog = 50;
create_stru("hawk_site", 1, 9);
create_stru("hawk_site", 1, 11);
create_stru("air_0", 1, 12);
case 107 :
money = init_money + empire_money;
_root.bg_winter._visible = 1;
m16_pref = 3;
sniper_pref = 5;
bazoo_pref = 7;
moto_pref = 10;
atv_pref = 3;
ifv_pref = 6;
armor_pref = 0;
hawk_pref = 10;
_root.AI.mg_0_max = 2;
_root.AI.mg_0_priority = 150;
_root.AI.mg_0_prog = 50;
_root.AI.barracks_0_max = 2;
_root.AI.barracks_0_priority = 150;
_root.AI.barracks_0_prog = 15;
_root.AI.manu_max = 1;
_root.AI.manu_priority = 200;
_root.AI.manu_prog = 25;
_root.AI.hawk_site_max = 0;
_root.AI.hawk_site_priority = 200;
_root.AI.hawk_site_prog = 50;
create_stru("hawk_site", 1, 9);
create_stru("hawk_site", 1, 11);
create_stru("manu", 1, 12);
case 108 :
money = init_money + empire_money;
_root.bg_village._visible = 1;
sks_pref = 5;
pg_pref = 10;
car_perf = 10;
create_stru("civ_2", 1, 8);
create_stru("civ_2", 1, 13);
create_stru("veh_fac", 1, 14);
create_stru("veh_fac", 1, 12);
create_stru("civ_2", 1, 10);
_root.AI.mg_0_max = 2;
_root.AI.mg_0_priority = 150;
_root.AI.mg_0_prog = 50;
case 109 :
money = init_money + empire_money;
_root.bg_winter._visible = 1;
sks_pref = 7;
pg_pref = 10;
create_stru("civ_0", 1, 9);
create_stru("civ_1", 1, 10);
create_stru("arm_mart", 1, 11);
create_stru("arm_mart", 1, 14);
create_stru("civ_0", 1, 12);
create_stru("civ_0", 1, 13);
case 110 :
money = init_money + empire_money;
_root.bg_village._visible = 1;
sks_pref = 7;
pg_pref = 10;
car_pref = 10;
_root.AI.mg_0_max = 1;
_root.AI.mg_0_priority = 100;
_root.AI.mg_0_prog = 50;
create_stru("civ_0", 1, 9);
create_stru("civ_2", 1, 8);
create_stru("civ_2", 1, 11);
create_stru("civ_2", 1, 12);
create_stru("arm_mart", 1, 14);
create_stru("arm_mart", 1, 13);
case 111 :
money = init_money + empire_money;
_root.bg_desert._visible = 1;
sks_pref = 7;
pg_pref = 10;
car_pref = 10;
create_stru("civ_0", 1, 9);
create_stru("civ_1", 1, 10);
create_stru("civ_2", 1, 11);
create_stru("veh_fac", 1, 14);
case 112 :
money = init_money + empire_money;
_root.bg_mount._visible = 1;
sks_pref = 7;
pg_pref = 10;
car_pref = 10;
create_stru("mg_1", 0, 1);
create_stru("barracks_1", 0, 3);
_root.AI.mg_0_max = 3;
_root.AI.mg_0_priority = 100;
_root.AI.mg_0_prog = 50;
create_stru("civ_2", 1, 8);
create_stru("civ_2", 1, 9);
create_stru("civ_1", 1, 13);
create_stru("civ_1", 1, 14);
create_stru("veh_fac", 1, 10);
create_stru("veh_fac", 1, 12);
case 113 :
money = 50000;
case 114 :
money = init_money + empire_money;
_root.bg_village._visible = 1;
m16_pref = 5;
sniper_pref = 8;
bazoo_pref = 0;
moto_pref = 10;
sks_pref = 7;
pg_pref = 10;
car_pref = 10;
_root.AI.barracks_0_max = 2;
_root.AI.barracks_0_priority = 150;
_root.AI.barracks_0_prog = 1;
create_stru("civ_2", 1, 11);
create_stru("civ_2", 1, 9);
create_stru("civ_1", 1, 10);
create_stru("arm_mart", 1, 8);
create_stru("veh_fac", 1, 12);
create_stru("civ_0", 1, 13);
if (house == 0) {
_root.interface.nha_bg._visible = 1;
_root.interface.tos_bg._visible = 0;
} else {
_root.interface.nha_bg._visible = 0;
_root.interface.tos_bg._visible = 1;
_root.interface._visible = 1;
_root.AI.active = 1;
function reset_priority() {
_root.AI.barracks_0_num = 0;
_root.AI.barracks_0_max = 0;
_root.AI.barracks_0_priority = 100;
_root.AI.barracks_0_prog = 1;
_root.AI.manu_num = 0;
_root.AI.manu_max = 0;
_root.AI.manu_priority = 100;
_root.AI.manu_prog = 1;
_root.AI.air_0_num = 0;
_root.AI.air_0_max = 0;
_root.AI.air_0_priority = 100;
_root.AI.air_0_prog = 1;
_root.AI.hawk_site_num = 0;
_root.AI.hawk_site_max = 0;
_root.AI.hawk_site_priority = 100;
_root.AI.hawk_site_prog = 1;
_root.AI.mg_0_num = 0;
_root.AI.mg_0_max = 0;
_root.AI.mg_0_priority = 100;
_root.AI.mg_0_prog = 1;
_root.AI.hosp_num = 0;
_root.AI.hosp_max = 0;
_root.AI.hosp_priority = 100;
_root.AI.hosp_prog = 1;
_root.AI.laser_num = 0;
_root.AI.laser_max = 0;
_root.AI.laser_priority = 100;
_root.AI.laser_prog = 1;
_root.AI.barracks_1_num = 0;
_root.AI.barracks_1_max = 0;
_root.AI.barracks_1_priority = 100;
_root.AI.barracks_1_prog = 1;
_root.AI.fac_num = 0;
_root.AI.fac_max = 0;
_root.AI.fac_priority = 100;
_root.AI.fac_prog = 1;
_root.AI.air_1_num = 0;
_root.AI.air_1_max = 0;
_root.AI.air_1_priority = 100;
_root.AI.air_1_prog = 1;
_root.AI.sam_site_num = 0;
_root.AI.sam_site_max = 0;
_root.AI.sam_site_priority = 100;
_root.AI.sam_site_prog = 1;
_root.AI.mg_1_num = 0;
_root.AI.mg_1_max = 0;
_root.AI.mg_1_priority = 100;
_root.AI.mg_1_prog = 1;
_root.AI.lpad_num = 0;
_root.AI.lpad_max = 0;
_root.AI.lpad_priority = 100;
_root.AI.lpad_prog = 1;
_root.AI.radar_num = 0;
_root.AI.radar_max = 0;
_root.AI.radar_priority = 100;
_root.AI.radar_prog = 1;
function hide_bg() {
_root.bg_village._visible = 0;
_root.bg_mount._visible = 0;
_root.bg_winter._visible = 0;
_root.bg_desert._visible = 0;
_root.bg_island._visible = 0;
_root.bg_mount._visible = 1;
function kill_all() {
i = 0;
while (i <= hu_num) {
if (_root["infantry_" + i].hp > 0) {
removeMovieClip(_root["infantry_" + i]);
if (_root["vehi_" + i].hp > 0) {
removeMovieClip(_root["vehi_" + i]);
i = 0;
while (i <= hu_air_num) {
if (_root["aircraft_" + i].hp > 0) {
removeMovieClip(_root["aircraft_" + i]);
i = 0;
while (i <= hu_r_num) {
if (_root["rocket_" + i].hp > 0) {
removeMovieClip(_root["rocket_" + i]);
i = 0;
while (i <= ai_num) {
if (_root["ai_infantry_" + i].hp > 0) {
removeMovieClip(_root["ai_infantry_" + i]);
if (_root["ai_vehi_" + i].hp > 0) {
removeMovieClip(_root["ai_vehi_" + i]);
i = 0;
while (i <= ai_air_num) {
if (_root["ai_aircraft_" + i].hp > 0) {
removeMovieClip(_root["ai_aircraft_" + i]);
i = 0;
while (i <= ai_r_num) {
if (_root["ai_rocket_" + i].hp > 0) {
removeMovieClip(_root["ai_rocket_" + i]);
i = 5002;
while (i <= misk_depth) {
if (_root["bmb" + i].active == 1) {
removeMovieClip(_root["bmb" + i]);
i = 1;
while (i <= 14) {
if (_root["stru" + i].hp > 0) {
removeMovieClip(_root["stru" + i]);
_root["tile" + i]._visible = 1;
if (_root["cs" + i].active == 1) {
removeMovieClip(_root["cs" + i]);
_root["tile" + i]._visible = 1;
Instance of Symbol 104 MovieClip "fab" in Frame 88 (1.4 KiB) ●
onClipEvent (load) {
power = 290;
speed = 1;
speed_max = 25;
turnspeed = 1;
turnspeed_max = 15;
p_thresh = 20;
lifetime = 85;
_visible = 0;
_global.active = 0;
_global.trgt_tile = 0;
_global.dir = 1;
if (dir == 1) {
_rotation = -90;
} else {
_rotation = 90;
_xscale = _root.unitScale;
_yscale = _root.unitScale;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if ((active == 1) && (_root.pause == 0)) {
if (turnspeed < turnspeed_max) {
turnspeed = turnspeed + 0.4;
if (speed < speed_max) {
speed = speed + 0.4;
if (lifetime <= 0) {
delta_x = _x - _root["tile" + trgt_tile]._x;
delta_y = _y - _root["tile" + trgt_tile]._y;
Rotation = (-Math.atan2(delta_x, delta_y)) / (Math.PI/180);
if (Math.abs(_rotation - Rotation) <= turnspeed) {
_rotation = Rotation;
} else if (_rotation < Rotation) {
_rotation = (_rotation + turnspeed);
} else {
_rotation = (_rotation - turnspeed);
_visible = 1;
proximity = Math.sqrt((delta_x * delta_x) + (delta_y * delta_y));
if (proximity > (_height / 2)) {
_y = (_y - (speed * Math.cos(_rotation * (Math.PI/180))));
_x = (_x + (speed * Math.sin(_rotation * (Math.PI/180))));
if (proximity < p_thresh) {
if (_root["stru" + trgt_tile].hp > 0) {
_root["stru" + trgt_tile].damage(random(200) + power, 1);
Instance of Symbol 106 MovieClip "mbl_sam_missile" in Frame 88 (2.45 KiB) ●
onClipEvent (load) {
power = 10;
acc = 10;
_global.ai = 0;
speed = 2;
speed_max = 20;
turnspeed = 1;
turnspeed_max = 15;
p_thresh = 50;
lifetime = 85;
_visible = 0;
_global.active = 0;
_global.trgt = "";
_global.dir = 1;
_global.inax = 0;
_global.inay = 0;
if (dir == 1) {
_rotation = -50;
} else {
_rotation = 50;
_xscale = _root.unitScale;
_yscale = _root.unitScale;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if ((active == 1) && (_root.pause == 0)) {
if (turnspeed < turnspeed_max) {
turnspeed = turnspeed + 0.4;
if (speed < speed_max) {
speed = speed + 0.5;
if (lifetime <= 0) {
if (_root[trgt].hp <= 0) {
duplicateMovieClip (_root.missile_exhaust, "mex" + _root.misk_depth, _root.misk_depth);
_root["mex" + _root.misk_depth]._x = _x;
_root["mex" + _root.misk_depth]._y = _y;
_root["mex" + _root.misk_depth].active = 1;
delta_x = _x - (_root[trgt]._x + inax);
delta_y = _y - (_root[trgt]._y + inay);
Rotation = (-Math.atan2(delta_x, delta_y)) / (Math.PI/180);
if (Math.abs(_rotation - Rotation) <= turnspeed) {
_rotation = Rotation;
} else if (_rotation < Rotation) {
_rotation = (_rotation + turnspeed);
} else {
_rotation = (_rotation - turnspeed);
_visible = 1;
proximity = Math.sqrt((delta_x * delta_x) + (delta_y * delta_y));
if (proximity > (_height / 2)) {
_y = (_y - (speed * Math.cos(_rotation * (Math.PI/180))));
_x = (_x + (speed * Math.sin(_rotation * (Math.PI/180))));
if (proximity < p_thresh) {
duplicateMovieClip (_root.sam_exp, "bl" + _root.air_unit_depth, _root.air_unit_depth);
_root["bl" + _root.air_unit_depth]._x = _x;
_root["bl" + _root.air_unit_depth]._y = _y;
_root["bl" + _root.air_unit_depth]._xscale = _root.unitScale;
_root["bl" + _root.air_unit_depth]._yscale = _root.unitScale;
_root["bl" + _root.air_unit_depth].active = 1;
duplicateMovieClip (_root.shrapnel, "bl" + _root.air_unit_depth, _root.air_unit_depth);
_root["bl" + _root.air_unit_depth]._x = _x;
_root["bl" + _root.air_unit_depth]._y = _y;
_root["bl" + _root.air_unit_depth].ai = ai;
_root["bl" + _root.air_unit_depth].power = power;
_root["bl" + _root.air_unit_depth].acc = acc;
_root["bl" + _root.air_unit_depth].active = 1;
Instance of Symbol 108 MovieClip "AI" in Frame 88 (5.88 KiB) ● ●
onClipEvent (load) {
function build_try(st, pr) {
tt = random(7) + 8;
if (_root["tile" + tt]._visible == 1) {
_root.create_con_site_0(st, 1, tt, pr);
_root.AI[st + "_num"] = _root.AI[st + "_num"] + 1;
} else if (_root["tile" + slot]._visible == 1) {
_root.create_con_site_0(st, 1, slot, pr);
_root.AI[st + "_num"] = _root.AI[st + "_num"] + 1;
pay_cooldown = 20;
pay = pay_cooldown;
_global.active = 0;
_global.feebleness = 1.3;
_global.barracks_0_num = 0;
_global.barracks_0_max = 0;
_global.barracks_0_priority = 0;
_global.barracks_0_prog = 0;
_global.manu_num = 0;
_global.manu_max = 0;
_global.manu_priority = 0;
_global.manu_prog = 0;
_global.air_0_num = 0;
_global.air_0_max = 0;
_global.air_0_priority = 0;
_global.air_0_prog = 0;
_global.hawk_site_num = 0;
_global.hawk_site_max = 0;
_global.hawk_site_priority = 0;
_global.hawk_site_prog = 0;
_global.mg_0_num = 0;
_global.mg_0_max = 0;
_global.mg_0_priority = 0;
_global.mg_0_prog = 0;
_global.hosp_num = 0;
_global.hosp_max = 0;
_global.hosp_priority = 0;
_global.hosp_prog = 0;
_global.laser_num = 0;
_global.laser_max = 0;
_global.laser_priority = 0;
_global.laser_prog = 0;
_global.barracks_1_num = 0;
_global.barracks_1_max = 0;
_global.barracks_1_priority = 0;
_global.barracks_1_prog = 0;
_global.fac_num = 0;
_global.fac_max = 0;
_global.fac_priority = 0;
_global.fac_prog = 0;
_global.air_1_num = 0;
_global.air_1_max = 0;
_global.air_1_priority = 0;
_global.air_1_prog = 0;
_global.sam_site_num = 0;
_global.sam_site_max = 0;
_global.sam_site_priority = 0;
_global.sam_site_prog = 0;
_global.mg_1_num = 0;
_global.mg_1_max = 0;
_global.mg_1_priority = 0;
_global.mg_1_prog = 0;
_global.lpad_num = 0;
_global.lpad_max = 0;
_global.lpad_priority = 0;
_global.lpad_prog = 0;
_global.radar_num = 0;
_global.radar_max = 0;
_global.radar_priority = 0;
_global.radar_prog = 0;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if ((active == 1) && (_root.pause == 0)) {
slot = -1;
i = 8;
while (i <= 14) {
if (_root["tile" + i]._visible == 1) {
slot = i;
if (slot != -1) {
if (barracks_0_num < barracks_0_max) {
if (manu_num < manu_max) {
if (air_0_num < air_0_max) {
if (hosp_num < hosp_max) {
if (hawk_site_num < hawk_site_max) {
if (mg_0_num < mg_0_max) {
if (laser_num < laser_max) {
if (barracks_1_num < barracks_1_max) {
if (fac_num < fac_max) {
if (air_1_num < air_1_max) {
if (lpad_num < lpad_max) {
if (sam_site_num < sam_site_max) {
if (mg_1_num < mg_1_max) {
if (laser_num < laser_max) {
if (barracks_0_prog <= 0) {
barracks_0_prog = barracks_0_priority * feebleness;
barracks_0_priority = barracks_0_priority * feebleness;
build_try("barracks_0", _root.bar0_price);
if (manu_prog <= 0) {
manu_prog = manu_priority * feebleness;
manu_priority = manu_priority * feebleness;
build_try("manu", _root.manu_price);
if (air_0_prog <= 0) {
air_0_prog = air_0_priority * feebleness;
air_0_priority = air_0_priority * feebleness;
build_try("air_0", _root.air0_price);
if (hawk_site_prog <= 0) {
hawk_site_prog = hawk_site_priority * feebleness;
hawk_site_priority = hawk_site_priority * feebleness;
build_try("hawk_site", _root.hawk_site_price);
if (hosp_prog <= 0) {
hosp_prog = hosp_priority * feebleness;
hosp_priority = hosp_priority * feebleness;
build_try("hosp", _root.hosp_price);
if (laser_prog <= 0) {
laser_prog = laser_priority * feebleness;
laser_priority = laser_priority * feebleness;
build_try("laser", _root.laser_price);
if (mg_0_prog <= 0) {
mg_0_prog = mg_0_priority * feebleness;
mg_0_priority = mg_0_priority * feebleness;
build_try("mg_0", _root.mg0_price);
if (barracks_1_prog <= 0) {
barracks_1_prog = barracks_1_priority * feebleness;
barracks_1_priority = barracks_1_priority * feebleness;
build_try("barracks_1", _root.bar1_price);
if (fac_prog <= 0) {
fac_prog = fac_priority * feebleness;
fac_priority = fac_priority * feebleness;
build_try("fac", _root.fac_price);
if (air_1_prog <= 0) {
air_1_prog = air_1_priority * feebleness;
air_1_priority = air_1_priority * feebleness;
build_try("air_1", _root.air1_price);
if (sam_site_prog <= 0) {
sam_site_prog = sam_site_priority * feebleness;
sam_site_priority = sam_site_priority * feebleness;
build_try("sam_site", _root.sam_site_price);
if (lpad_prog <= 0) {
lpad_prog = lpad_priority * feebleness;
lpad_priority = lpad_priority * feebleness;
build_try("lpad", _root.lpad_price);
if (radar_prog <= 0) {
radar_prog = radar_priority * feebleness;
radar_priority = radar_priority * feebleness;
build_try("radar", _root.radar_price);
if (mg_1_prog <= 0) {
mg_1_prog = mg_1_priority * feebleness;
mg_1_priority = mg_1_priority * feebleness;
build_try("mg_1", _root.mg1_price);
if (pay <= 0) {
pay = pay_cooldown;
_root.money = _root.money + _root.income;
ai_pop = _root.ai_gu_created - ((_root.ai_iu_lost + _root.ai_vu_lost) + _root.ai_surv);
_root.ai_pop_txt.text = ai_pop;
_root.ai_unit_num_txt.text = _root.ai_num;
hu_pop = _root.hu_gu_created - ((_root.hu_iu_lost + _root.hu_vu_lost) + _root.hu_surv);
_root.hu_pop_txt.text = hu_pop;
_root.hu_unit_num_txt.text = _root.hu_num;
if (ai_pop <= 0) {
_root.ai_num = 0;
if (hu_pop <= 0) {
_root.hu_num = 0;
Instance of Symbol 126 MovieClip "ak74" in Frame 88 (3.6 KiB) ●
onClipEvent (load) {
function damage(val, t) {
if ((t == 0) && (kevlar == 1)) {
val = val / 1.5;
if (t == 1) {
val = val / 2;
if (t == 2) {
val = val / 3;
if (t == 3) {
val = val * 2;
hp = hp - val;
if (hp <= 0) {
if (ai == 0) {
if (ai == 1) {
if (t != 3) {
duplicateMovieClip (_root.inf_1_death, "inf_d" + _root.misk_depth, _root.misk_depth);
} else {
duplicateMovieClip (_root.inf_f_death, "inf_d" + _root.misk_depth, _root.misk_depth);
_root["inf_d" + _root.misk_depth]._x = _x;
_root["inf_d" + _root.misk_depth]._y = _y;
_root["inf_d" + _root.misk_depth].dir = dir;
function fire_weapon(t, p) {
this.rfl_b.attachMovie("mg_shot", "msh" + _root.misk_depth, _root.misk_depth);
if (hollowpoint == 1) {
p = p * 1.7;
_root[t].damage(p + random(acc), 0);
hp = _root.ak74hp;
hp_max = hp;
speed = _root.ak74speed;
rof = _root.ak74rof;
power = _root.ak74pow;
acc = _root.ak74acc;
fire = rof;
harm = _root.ak74harm;
range = _root.ak74range;
ros = _root.ros;
scan = ros;
trgt = "";
_global.active = 0;
_global.ai = 0;
_global.dir = 1;
_global.name = "";
_xscale = (_root.unitScale * dir);
_yscale = _root.unitScale;
kevlar = 0;
if ((ai == 0) && (_root.hu_kevlar >= 1)) {
kevlar = 1;
if ((ai == 1) && (_root.ai_kevlar >= 1)) {
kevlar = 1;
hollowpoint = 0;
if ((ai == 0) && (_root.hu_hollowpoint >= 1)) {
hollowpoint = 1;
if ((ai == 1) && (_root.ai_hollowpoint >= 1)) {
hollowpoint = 1;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if ((active == 1) && (_root.pause == 0)) {
_x = (_x - (speed * dir));
if (dir == 1) {
if (_x <= _root.leftBase) {
_root.damage_base(harm, 0);
if (dir == -1) {
if (_x >= _root.rightBase) {
_root.damage_base(harm, 1);
if ((scan <= 0) && (trgt == "")) {
scan = ros;
if (ai == 0) {
enemy = "ai_infantry_";
max_i = _root.ai_num;
} else {
enemy = "infantry_";
max_i = _root.hu_num;
i = 0;
while (i < max_i) {
if (_root[enemy + i].hp > 0) {
if (Math.abs(_root[enemy + i]._x - _x) <= (range * 1.5)) {
trgt = enemy + i;
if (trgt == "") {
if (ai == 0) {
enemy = "ai_vehi_";
max_i = _root.ai_num;
} else {
enemy = "vehi_";
max_i = _root.hu_num;
i = 0;
while (i < max_i) {
if (_root[enemy + i].hp > 0) {
if (Math.abs(_root[enemy + i]._x - _x) <= (range * 1.5)) {
trgt = enemy + i;
if (trgt != "") {
if (_root[trgt].hp <= 0) {
trgt = "";
} else {
if ((_root[trgt]._y - _y) > speed) {
_y = (_y + speed);
if ((_y - _root[trgt]._y) > speed) {
_y = (_y - speed);
if (dir == -1) {
if (((_root[trgt]._x - _x) <= range) && ((_root[trgt]._x - _x) > 0)) {
if ((fire <= 0) && (Math.abs(_root[trgt]._y - _y) < 20)) {
fire = rof;
fire_weapon(trgt, power);
} else if (((_x - _root[trgt]._x) <= range) && ((_x - _root[trgt]._x) > 0)) {
if ((fire <= 0) && (Math.abs(_root[trgt]._y - _y) < 20)) {
fire = rof;
fire_weapon(trgt, power);
Instance of Symbol 135 MovieClip "m16" in Frame 88 (3.84 KiB) ●
onClipEvent (load) {
function damage(val, t) {
if ((t == 0) && (kevlar == 1)) {
val = val / 1.5;
if (t == 1) {
val = val / 2;
if (t == 2) {
val = val / 3;
if (t == 3) {
val = val * 2;
if ((t == 6) && (gasmask == 1)) {
val = val / 10;
hp = hp - val;
if (hp <= 0) {
if (ai == 0) {
if (ai == 1) {
if (t != 3) {
duplicateMovieClip (_root.inf_0_death, "inf_d" + _root.misk_depth, _root.misk_depth);
} else {
duplicateMovieClip (_root.inf_f_death, "inf_d" + _root.misk_depth, _root.misk_depth);
_root["inf_d" + _root.misk_depth]._x = _x;
_root["inf_d" + _root.misk_depth]._y = _y;
_root["inf_d" + _root.misk_depth].dir = dir;
function fire_weapon(t, p) {
this.rfl_b.attachMovie("mg_shot", "msh" + _root.misk_depth, _root.misk_depth);
_root[t].damage(p + random(acc), 0);
hp = _root.m16hp;
hp_max = hp;
speed = _root.m16speed;
rof = _root.m16rof;
power = _root.m16pow;
acc = _root.m16acc;
fire = rof;
harm = _root.m16harm;
range = _root.m16range;
ros = _root.ros;
scan = ros;
trgt = "";
_global.active = 0;
_global.ai = 0;
_global.dir = 1;
_global.name = "";
_xscale = (_root.unitScale * dir);
_yscale = _root.unitScale;
med_heal = 0;
if ((ai == 0) && (_root.hu_med_heal >= 1)) {
med_heal = 1;
if ((ai == 1) && (_root.ai_med_heal >= 1)) {
med_heal = 1;
kevlar = 0;
if ((ai == 0) && (_root.hu_kevlar >= 1)) {
kevlar = 1;
if ((ai == 1) && (_root.ai_kevlar >= 1)) {
kevlar = 1;
gasmask = 0;
if ((ai == 0) && (_root.hu_gasmask >= 1)) {
gasmask = 1;
if ((ai == 1) && (_root.ai_gasmask >= 1)) {
gasmask = 1;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if ((active == 1) && (_root.pause == 0)) {
_x = (_x - (speed * dir));
if ((med_heal == 1) && (hp < hp_max)) {
hp = hp + _root.heal_val;
if (dir == 1) {
if (_x <= _root.leftBase) {
_root.damage_base(harm, 0);
if (dir == -1) {
if (_x >= _root.rightBase) {
_root.damage_base(harm, 1);
if ((scan <= 0) && (trgt == "")) {
scan = ros;
if (ai == 0) {
enemy = "ai_infantry_";
max_i = _root.ai_num;
} else {
enemy = "infantry_";
max_i = _root.hu_num;
i = 0;
while (i < max_i) {
if (_root[enemy + i].hp > 0) {
if (Math.abs(_root[enemy + i]._x - _x) <= (range * 1.5)) {
trgt = enemy + i;
if (trgt == "") {
if (ai == 0) {
enemy = "ai_vehi_";
max_i = _root.ai_num;
} else {
enemy = "vehi_";
max_i = _root.hu_num;
i = 0;
while (i < max_i) {
if (_root[enemy + i].hp > 0) {
if (Math.abs(_root[enemy + i]._x - _x) <= (range * 1.5)) {
trgt = enemy + i;
if (trgt != "") {
if (_root[trgt].hp <= 0) {
trgt = "";
} else {
if ((_root[trgt]._y - _y) > speed) {
_y = (_y + speed);
if ((_y - _root[trgt]._y) > speed) {
_y = (_y - speed);
if (dir == -1) {
if (((_root[trgt]._x - _x) <= range) && ((_root[trgt]._x - _x) > 0)) {
if ((fire <= 0) && (Math.abs(_root[trgt]._y - _y) < 20)) {
fire = rof;
fire_weapon(trgt, power);
} else if (((_x - _root[trgt]._x) <= range) && ((_x - _root[trgt]._x) > 0)) {
if ((fire <= 0) && (Math.abs(_root[trgt]._y - _y) < 20)) {
fire = rof;
fire_weapon(trgt, power);
Instance of Symbol 138 MovieClip "tile3" in Frame 88 (133 B)
on (press) {
on (rollOver) {
_alpha = _root.tile_bright;
on (rollOut) {
_alpha = _root.tile_default;
Instance of Symbol 138 MovieClip "tile5" in Frame 88 (133 B)
on (press) {
on (rollOver) {
_alpha = _root.tile_bright;
on (rollOut) {
_alpha = _root.tile_default;
Instance of Symbol 138 MovieClip "tile1" in Frame 88 (133 B)
on (press) {
on (rollOver) {
_alpha = _root.tile_bright;
on (rollOut) {
_alpha = _root.tile_default;
Instance of Symbol 138 MovieClip "tile4" in Frame 88 (133 B)
on (press) {
on (rollOver) {
_alpha = _root.tile_bright;
on (rollOut) {
_alpha = _root.tile_default;
Instance of Symbol 138 MovieClip "tile7" in Frame 88 (133 B)
on (press) {
on (rollOver) {
_alpha = _root.tile_bright;
on (rollOut) {
_alpha = _root.tile_default;
Instance of Symbol 138 MovieClip "tile6" in Frame 88 (133 B)
on (press) {
on (rollOver) {
_alpha = _root.tile_bright;
on (rollOut) {
_alpha = _root.tile_default;
Instance of Symbol 138 MovieClip "tile2" in Frame 88 (133 B)
on (press) {
on (rollOver) {
_alpha = _root.tile_bright;
on (rollOut) {
_alpha = _root.tile_default;
Instance of Symbol 143 MovieClip "barracks_0" in Frame 88 (4.27 KiB) ●
onClipEvent (load) {
function damage(val, t) {
if (t == 2) {
val = val / 3;
if (t == 3) {
val = val * 2;
hp = hp - val;
if (t == 1) {
duplicateMovieClip (_root.he_blast, "hex" + _root.misk_depth, _root.misk_depth);
_root["hex" + _root.misk_depth]._x = _x;
_root["hex" + _root.misk_depth]._y = _y;
if (hp <= 0) {
_root["tile" + base_tile]._visible = 1;
if (base_tile == _root.tile_sel) {
_root.sel_instance.bars._visible = 0;
if ((ai == 0) && (_root.house == 0)) {
if ((ai == 0) && (_root.house == 1)) {
duplicateMovieClip (_root.stru_death, "stru_d" + _root.misk_depth, _root.misk_depth);
_root["stru_d" + _root.misk_depth]._x = _x;
_root["stru_d" + _root.misk_depth]._y = _y;
_root["stru_d" + _root.misk_depth].dir = dir;
if (ai == 1) {
function enqueue_unit(unit_name, unit_type, unit_value) {
if (delay == -1) {
if (_root.money >= unit_value) {
_root.money = _root.money - unit_value;
delay = unit_value;
delay_max = delay;
current = unit_name;
cur_type = unit_type;
} else {
q_size = 0;
} else if ((q_size < q_max) && (current == unit_name)) {
q_current = unit_name;
q_type = unit_type;
q_value = unit_value;
function show_buttons() {
hp = _root.bar_0_hp;
hp_max = hp;
_global.active = 0;
_global.ai = 0;
_global.base_tile = 0;
_global.repair = 0;
_global.name = "";
this.en_hp_bar._visible = 0;
this.en_hp_bar_bg._visible = 0;
delay = -1;
delay_max = -1;
current = "";
cur_type = "";
q_current = "";
q_type = "";
q_value = -1;
q_size = 0;
q_max = 9;
if ((active == 1) && (_root.tile_sel == base_tile)) {
on (press) {
if (ai == 0) {
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (((active == 1) && (_root.pause == 0)) && (ai == 0)) {
if (repair == 1) {
if ((_root.rep_price <= _root.money) && (hp < hp_max)) {
_root.money = _root.money - _root.rep_price;
} else {
repair = 0;
if (delay != -1) {
if (delay == 0) {
_root.create_unit(current, ai, cur_type, base_tile);
delay = -1;
delay_max = -1;
if (q_size > 0) {
enqueue_unit(q_current, q_type, q_value);
if (_root.tile_sel == base_tile) {
if (q_size > 0) {
_root.interface["btn_" + current].q_txt.text = q_size;
} else {
_root.interface["btn_" + current].q_txt.text = "";
_root.sel_instance.bars._visible = 1;
_root.sel_instance.bars.hp_bar._width = (hp / hp_max) * _root.sel_instance.bars.bg1._width;
_root.sel_instance.bars.prog_bar._width = (1 - (delay / delay_max)) * _root.sel_instance.bars.bg1._width;
if (((active == 1) && (_root.pause == 0)) && (ai == 1)) {
if (delay == -1) {
s = random(10);
if (s < _root.m16_pref) {
u = 0;
} else if (s < _root.sniper_pref) {
u = 1;
} else if (s < _root.bazoo_pref) {
u = 2;
} else {
u = 3;
switch (u) {
case 0 :
delay = _root.m16_price * _root.ai_delay;
current = "m16";
cur_type = "infantry";
case 1 :
delay = _root.sniper_price * _root.ai_delay;
current = "sniper";
cur_type = "infantry";
case 2 :
delay = _root.bazoo_price * _root.ai_delay;
current = "bazoo";
cur_type = "infantry";
case 3 :
delay = _root.moto_price * _root.ai_delay;
current = "moto";
cur_type = "vehi";
if (delay != -1) {
if (delay == 0) {
delay = -1;
_root.create_unit(current, ai, cur_type, base_tile);
on (rollOver) {
if (((active == 1) && (_root.pause == 0)) && (ai == 1)) {
this.en_hp_bar._visible = 1;
this.en_hp_bar_bg._visible = 1;
this.en_hp_bar._width = (hp / hp_max) * this.en_hp_bar_bg._width;
on (rollOut) {
if (((active == 1) && (_root.pause == 0)) && (ai == 1)) {
this.en_hp_bar._visible = 0;
this.en_hp_bar_bg._visible = 0;
Instance of Symbol 154 MovieClip "con_site_0" in Frame 88 (1.02 KiB) ●
onClipEvent (load) {
function damage(val, t) {
if (t == 2) {
val = val / 3;
if (t == 3) {
val = val * 2;
hp = hp - val;
if (hp <= 0) {
function show_buttons() {
_global.active = 0;
_global.ai = 0;
_global.base_tile = 0;
_global.name = "";
scaff._alpha = 0;
_global.delay = -1;
_global.delay_max = -1;
_global.current = "";
on (press) {
if (ai == 0) {
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if ((active == 1) && (_root.pause == 0)) {
if (delay != -1) {
scaff._alpha = (1 - (delay / delay_max)) * 100;
if (delay == 0) {
delay = -1;
delay_max = -1;
_root.create_stru(current, ai, base_tile);
if (_root.tile_sel == base_tile) {
_root.sel_instance.bars._visible = 1;
_root.sel_instance.bars.hp_bar._visible = 0;
_root.sel_instance.bars.bg0._visible = 0;
_root.sel_instance.bars.prog_bar._width = (1 - (delay / delay_max)) * _root.sel_instance.bars.bg1._width;
Instance of Symbol 156 MovieClip "sniper" in Frame 88 (3.87 KiB) ●
onClipEvent (load) {
function damage(val, t) {
if ((t == 0) && (kevlar == 1)) {
val = val / 1.5;
if (t == 1) {
val = val / 2;
if (t == 2) {
val = val / 3;
if (t == 3) {
val = val * 2;
if ((t == 6) && (gasmask == 1)) {
val = val / 10;
hp = hp - val;
if (hp <= 0) {
if (ai == 0) {
if (ai == 1) {
if (t != 3) {
duplicateMovieClip (_root.inf_0_death, "inf_d" + _root.misk_depth, _root.misk_depth);
} else {
duplicateMovieClip (_root.inf_f_death, "inf_d" + _root.misk_depth, _root.misk_depth);
_root["inf_d" + _root.misk_depth]._x = _x;
_root["inf_d" + _root.misk_depth]._y = _y;
_root["inf_d" + _root.misk_depth].dir = dir;
function fire_weapon(t, p) {
this.rfl_b.attachMovie("mg_shot", "msh" + _root.misk_depth, _root.misk_depth);
_root[t].damage(p + random(acc), 0);
hp = _root.sniper_hp;
hp_max = hp;
speed = _root.sniper_speed;
rof = _root.sniper_rof;
power = _root.sniper_pow;
acc = _root.sniper_acc;
fire = rof;
harm = _root.sniper_harm;
range = _root.sniper_range;
ros = _root.ros;
scan = ros;
trgt = "";
_global.active = 0;
_global.ai = 0;
_global.dir = 1;
_global.name = "";
_xscale = (_root.unitScale * dir);
_yscale = _root.unitScale;
med_heal = 0;
if ((ai == 0) && (_root.hu_med_heal >= 1)) {
med_heal = 1;
if ((ai == 1) && (_root.ai_med_heal >= 1)) {
med_heal = 1;
kevlar = 0;
if ((ai == 0) && (_root.hu_kevlar >= 1)) {
kevlar = 1;
if ((ai == 1) && (_root.ai_kevlar >= 1)) {
kevlar = 1;
gasmask = 0;
if ((ai == 0) && (_root.hu_gasmask >= 1)) {
gasmask = 1;
if ((ai == 1) && (_root.ai_gasmask >= 1)) {
gasmask = 1;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if ((active == 1) && (_root.pause == 0)) {
_x = (_x - (speed * dir));
if ((med_heal == 1) && (hp < hp_max)) {
hp = hp + _root.heal_val;
if (dir == 1) {
if (_x <= _root.leftBase) {
_root.damage_base(harm, 0);
if (dir == -1) {
if (_x >= _root.rightBase) {
_root.damage_base(harm, 1);
if ((scan <= 0) && (trgt == "")) {
scan = ros;
if (ai == 0) {
enemy = "ai_infantry_";
max_i = _root.ai_num;
} else {
enemy = "infantry_";
max_i = _root.hu_num;
i = 0;
while (i < max_i) {
if (_root[enemy + i].hp > 0) {
if (Math.abs(_root[enemy + i]._x - _x) <= (range * 1.5)) {
trgt = enemy + i;
if (trgt == "") {
if (ai == 0) {
enemy = "ai_vehi_";
max_i = _root.ai_num;
} else {
enemy = "vehi_";
max_i = _root.hu_num;
i = 0;
while (i < max_i) {
if (_root[enemy + i].hp > 0) {
if (Math.abs(_root[enemy + i]._x - _x) <= (range * 1.5)) {
trgt = enemy + i;
if (trgt != "") {
if (_root[trgt].hp <= 0) {
trgt = "";
} else {
if ((_root[trgt]._y - _y) > speed) {
_y = (_y + speed);
if ((_y - _root[trgt]._y) > speed) {
_y = (_y - speed);
if (dir == -1) {
if (((_root[trgt]._x - _x) <= range) && ((_root[trgt]._x - _x) > 0)) {
if ((fire <= 0) && (Math.abs(_root[trgt]._y - _y) < 20)) {
fire = rof;
fire_weapon(trgt, power);
} else if (((_x - _root[trgt]._x) <= range) && ((_x - _root[trgt]._x) > 0)) {
if ((fire <= 0) && (Math.abs(_root[trgt]._y - _y) < 20)) {
fire = rof;
fire_weapon(trgt, power);
Instance of Symbol 165 MovieClip "inf_1_death" in Frame 88 (122 B)
onClipEvent (load) {
_global.dir = 1;
_xscale = ((1.2 * _root.unitScale) * dir);
_yscale = (1.2 * _root.unitScale);
Instance of Symbol 174 MovieClip "con_site_1" in Frame 88 (1.02 KiB) ●
onClipEvent (load) {
function damage(val, t) {
if (t == 2) {
val = val / 3;
if (t == 3) {
val = val * 2;
hp = hp - val;
if (hp <= 0) {
function show_buttons() {
_global.active = 0;
_global.ai = 0;
_global.base_tile = 0;
_global.name = "";
scaff._alpha = 0;
_global.delay = -1;
_global.delay_max = -1;
_global.current = "";
on (press) {
if (ai == 0) {
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if ((active == 1) && (_root.pause == 0)) {
if (delay != -1) {
scaff._alpha = (1 - (delay / delay_max)) * 100;
if (delay == 0) {
delay = -1;
delay_max = -1;
_root.create_stru(current, ai, base_tile);
if (_root.tile_sel == base_tile) {
_root.sel_instance.bars._visible = 1;
_root.sel_instance.bars.hp_bar._visible = 0;
_root.sel_instance.bars.bg0._visible = 0;
_root.sel_instance.bars.prog_bar._width = (1 - (delay / delay_max)) * _root.sel_instance.bars.bg1._width;
Instance of Symbol 176 MovieClip "barracks_1" in Frame 88 (4.17 KiB) ●
onClipEvent (load) {
function damage(val, t) {
if (t == 2) {
val = val / 3;
if (t == 3) {
val = val * 2;
hp = hp - val;
if (t == 1) {
duplicateMovieClip (_root.he_blast, "hex" + _root.misk_depth, _root.misk_depth);
_root["hex" + _root.misk_depth]._x = _x;
_root["hex" + _root.misk_depth]._y = _y;
if (hp <= 0) {
_root["tile" + base_tile]._visible = 1;
if (base_tile == _root.tile_sel) {
_root.sel_instance.bars._visible = 0;
if ((ai == 0) && (_root.house == 0)) {
if ((ai == 0) && (_root.house == 1)) {
duplicateMovieClip (_root.stru_death, "stru_d" + _root.misk_depth, _root.misk_depth);
_root["stru_d" + _root.misk_depth]._x = _x;
_root["stru_d" + _root.misk_depth]._y = _y;
_root["stru_d" + _root.misk_depth].dir = dir;
if (ai == 1) {
function enqueue_unit(unit_name, unit_type, unit_value) {
if (delay == -1) {
if (_root.money >= unit_value) {
_root.money = _root.money - unit_value;
delay = unit_value;
delay_max = delay;
current = unit_name;
cur_type = unit_type;
} else {
q_size = 0;
} else if ((q_size < q_max) && (current == unit_name)) {
q_current = unit_name;
q_type = unit_type;
q_value = unit_value;
function show_buttons() {
hp = _root.bar_1_hp;
hp_max = hp;
_global.active = 0;
_global.ai = 0;
_global.base_tile = 0;
_global.repair = 0;
_global.name = "";
this.en_hp_bar._visible = 0;
this.en_hp_bar_bg._visible = 0;
delay = -1;
delay_max = -1;
current = "";
cur_type = "";
q_current = "";
q_type = "";
q_value = -1;
q_size = 0;
q_max = 9;
if ((active == 1) && (_root.tile_sel == base_tile)) {
on (press) {
if (ai == 0) {
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (((active == 1) && (_root.pause == 0)) && (ai == 0)) {
if (repair == 1) {
if ((_root.rep_price <= _root.money) && (hp < hp_max)) {
_root.money = _root.money - _root.rep_price;
} else {
repair = 0;
if (delay != -1) {
if (delay == 0) {
_root.create_unit(current, ai, cur_type, base_tile);
delay = -1;
delay_max = -1;
if (q_size > 0) {
enqueue_unit(q_current, q_type, q_value);
if (_root.tile_sel == base_tile) {
if (q_size > 0) {
_root.interface["btn_" + current].q_txt.text = q_size;
} else {
_root.interface["btn_" + current].q_txt.text = "";
_root.sel_instance.bars._visible = 1;
_root.sel_instance.bars.hp_bar._width = (hp / hp_max) * _root.sel_instance.bars.bg1._width;
_root.sel_instance.bars.prog_bar._width = (1 - (delay / delay_max)) * _root.sel_instance.bars.bg1._width;
if (((active == 1) && (_root.pause == 0)) && (ai == 1)) {
if (delay == -1) {
s = random(10);
if (s < _root.ak74_pref) {
u = 0;
} else if (s < _root.flame_pref) {
u = 1;
} else if (s < _root.rpg_pref) {
u = 2;
} else {
u = 3;
switch (u) {
case 0 :
delay = _root.ak74_price * _root.ai_delay;
current = "ak74";
cur_type = "infantry";
case 1 :
delay = _root.flame_price * _root.ai_delay;
current = "flame";
cur_type = "infantry";
case 2 :
delay = _root.rpg_price * _root.ai_delay;
current = "rpg";
cur_type = "infantry";
case 3 :
if (delay != -1) {
if (delay == 0) {
delay = -1;
_root.create_unit(current, ai, cur_type, base_tile);
on (rollOver) {
if (((active == 1) && (_root.pause == 0)) && (ai == 1)) {
this.en_hp_bar._visible = 1;
this.en_hp_bar_bg._visible = 1;
this.en_hp_bar._width = (hp / hp_max) * this.en_hp_bar_bg._width;
on (rollOut) {
if (((active == 1) && (_root.pause == 0)) && (ai == 1)) {
this.en_hp_bar._visible = 0;
this.en_hp_bar_bg._visible = 0;
Instance of Symbol 178 MovieClip "bazoo" in Frame 88 (4.37 KiB) ●
onClipEvent (load) {
function damage(val, t) {
if ((t == 0) && (kevlar == 1)) {
val = val / 1.5;
if (t == 1) {
val = val / 2;
if (t == 2) {
val = val / 3;
if (t == 3) {
val = val * 2;
if ((t == 6) && (gasmask == 1)) {
val = val / 10;
hp = hp - val;
if (hp <= 0) {
if (ai == 0) {
if (ai == 1) {
if (t != 3) {
duplicateMovieClip (_root.inf_0_death, "inf_d" + _root.misk_depth, _root.misk_depth);
} else {
duplicateMovieClip (_root.inf_f_death, "inf_d" + _root.misk_depth, _root.misk_depth);
_root["inf_d" + _root.misk_depth]._x = _x;
_root["inf_d" + _root.misk_depth]._y = _y;
_root["inf_d" + _root.misk_depth].dir = dir;
function fire_weapon(t, p) {
duplicateMovieClip (_root.tow_missile, "missile" + _root.misk_depth, _root.misk_depth);
_root["missile" + _root.misk_depth]._x = _x;
_root["missile" + _root.misk_depth]._y = _y - 5;
_root["missile" + _root.misk_depth].ai = ai;
_root["missile" + _root.misk_depth].dir = dir;
_root["missile" + _root.misk_depth].power = power + random(acc);
_root["missile" + _root.misk_depth].trgt = trgt;
_root["missile" + _root.misk_depth].active = 1;
hp = _root.bazoo_hp;
hp_max = hp;
speed = _root.bazoo_speed;
rof = _root.bazoo_rof;
power = _root.bazoo_pow;
acc = _root.bazoo_acc;
fire = rof;
harm = _root.bazoo_harm;
range = _root.bazoo_range;
ros = _root.ros;
scan = ros;
trgt = "";
_global.active = 0;
_global.ai = 0;
_global.dir = 1;
_global.name = "";
_xscale = (_root.unitScale * dir);
_yscale = _root.unitScale;
med_heal = 0;
if ((ai == 0) && (_root.hu_med_heal >= 1)) {
med_heal = 1;
if ((ai == 1) && (_root.ai_med_heal >= 1)) {
med_heal = 1;
kevlar = 0;
if ((ai == 0) && (_root.hu_kevlar >= 1)) {
kevlar = 1;
if ((ai == 1) && (_root.ai_kevlar >= 1)) {
kevlar = 1;
gasmask = 0;
if ((ai == 0) && (_root.hu_gasmask >= 1)) {
gasmask = 1;
if ((ai == 1) && (_root.ai_gasmask >= 1)) {
gasmask = 1;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if ((active == 1) && (_root.pause == 0)) {
_x = (_x - (speed * dir));
if ((med_heal == 1) && (hp < hp_max)) {
hp = hp + _root.heal_val;
if (dir == 1) {
if (_x <= _root.leftBase) {
_root.damage_base(harm, 0);
if (dir == -1) {
if (_x >= _root.rightBase) {
_root.damage_base(harm, 1);
if ((scan <= 0) && (trgt == "")) {
scan = ros;
if (ai == 0) {
enemy = "ai_vehi_";
max_i = _root.ai_num;
} else {
enemy = "vehi_";
max_i = _root.hu_num;
i = 0;
while (i < max_i) {
if (_root[enemy + i].hp > 0) {
if (Math.abs(_root[enemy + i]._x - _x) <= (range * 1.5)) {
trgt = enemy + i;
if (trgt == "") {
if (ai == 0) {
enemy = "ai_infantry_";
max_i = _root.ai_num;
} else {
enemy = "infantry_";
max_i = _root.hu_num;
i = 0;
while (i < max_i) {
if (_root[enemy + i].hp > 0) {
if (Math.abs(_root[enemy + i]._x - _x) <= (range * 1.5)) {
trgt = enemy + i;
if (trgt != "") {
if (dir == -1) {
if (_root[trgt]._x < _x) {
trgt = "";
if (dir == 1) {
if (_root[trgt]._x > _x) {
trgt = "";
if (_root[trgt].hp <= 0) {
trgt = "";
} else {
if ((_root[trgt]._y - _y) > speed) {
_y = (_y + speed);
if ((_y - _root[trgt]._y) > speed) {
_y = (_y - speed);
if (dir == -1) {
if (((_root[trgt]._x - _x) <= range) && ((_root[trgt]._x - _x) > 0)) {
if ((fire <= 0) && (Math.abs(_root[trgt]._y - _y) < 50)) {
fire = rof;
fire_weapon(trgt, power);
} else if (((_x - _root[trgt]._x) <= range) && ((_x - _root[trgt]._x) > 0)) {
if ((fire <= 0) && (Math.abs(_root[trgt]._y - _y) < 50)) {
fire = rof;
fire_weapon(trgt, power);
Instance of Symbol 181 MovieClip "fire_fire" in Frame 88 (877 B)
onClipEvent (load) {
_global.active = 0;
_global.ai = 0;
_global.dir = 1;
_global.power = 10;
_xscale = ((1.2 * _root.unitScale) * dir);
_yscale = (1.2 * _root.unitScale);
c = 0;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if ((active == 1) && (_root.pause == 0)) {
if (((c == 8) || (c == 4)) || (c == 14)) {
if (ai == 0) {
enemy = "ai_infantry_";
max_i = _root.ai_num;
} else {
enemy = "infantry_";
max_i = _root.hu_num;
i = 0;
while (i < max_i) {
if (this.hitTest(_root[enemy + i])) {
_root[enemy + i].damage(power, 3);
if (ai == 0) {
enemy = "ai_vehi_";
max_i = _root.ai_num;
} else {
enemy = "vehi_";
max_i = _root.hu_num;
i = 0;
while (i < max_i) {
if (this.hitTest(_root[enemy + i])) {
_root[enemy + i].damage(power, 3);
Instance of Symbol 183 MovieClip "flame" in Frame 88 (3.86 KiB) ●
onClipEvent (load) {
function damage(val, t) {
if ((t == 0) && (kevlar == 1)) {
val = val / 1.5;
if (t == 1) {
val = val / 2;
if (t == 2) {
val = val / 3;
if (t == 3) {
val = val * 2;
hp = hp - val;
if (hp <= 0) {
if (ai == 0) {
if (ai == 1) {
if (t != 3) {
duplicateMovieClip (_root.inf_1_death, "inf_d" + _root.misk_depth, _root.misk_depth);
} else {
duplicateMovieClip (_root.inf_f_death, "inf_d" + _root.misk_depth, _root.misk_depth);
_root["inf_d" + _root.misk_depth]._x = _x;
_root["inf_d" + _root.misk_depth]._y = _y;
_root["inf_d" + _root.misk_depth].dir = dir;
function fire_weapon(t, p) {
duplicateMovieClip (_root.fire_fire, "fire" + _root.misk_depth, _root.misk_depth);
_root["fire" + _root.misk_depth]._x = _x;
_root["fire" + _root.misk_depth]._y = _y;
_root["fire" + _root.misk_depth].ai = ai;
_root["fire" + _root.misk_depth].dir = dir;
if (napalm == 1) {
p = p * 1.7;
_root["fire" + _root.misk_depth].power = p + random(acc);
_root["fire" + _root.misk_depth].active = 1;
hp = _root.flame_hp;
hp_max = hp;
speed = _root.flame_speed;
rof = _root.flame_rof;
power = _root.flame_pow;
acc = _root.flame_acc;
fire = rof;
harm = _root.flame_harm;
range = _root.flame_range;
ros = _root.ros;
scan = ros;
trgt = "";
_global.active = 0;
_global.ai = 0;
_global.dir = 1;
_global.name = "";
_xscale = (_root.unitScale * dir);
_yscale = _root.unitScale;
kevlar = 0;
if ((ai == 0) && (_root.hu_kevlar >= 1)) {
kevlar = 1;
if ((ai == 1) && (_root.ai_kevlar >= 1)) {
kevlar = 1;
napalm = 0;
if ((ai == 0) && (_root.hu_napalm >= 1)) {
napalm = 1;
if ((ai == 1) && (_root.ai_napalm >= 1)) {
napalm = 1;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if ((active == 1) && (_root.pause == 0)) {
_x = (_x - (speed * dir));
if (dir == 1) {
if (_x <= _root.leftBase) {
_root.damage_base(harm, 0);
if (dir == -1) {
if (_x >= _root.rightBase) {
_root.damage_base(harm, 1);
if ((scan <= 0) && (trgt == "")) {
scan = ros;
if (ai == 0) {
enemy = "ai_infantry_";
max_i = _root.ai_num;
} else {
enemy = "infantry_";
max_i = _root.hu_num;
i = 0;
while (i < max_i) {
if (_root[enemy + i].hp > 0) {
if (Math.abs(_root[enemy + i]._x - _x) <= (range * 1.5)) {
trgt = enemy + i;
if (trgt == "") {
if (ai == 0) {
enemy = "ai_vehi_";
max_i = _root.ai_num;
} else {
enemy = "vehi_";
max_i = _root.hu_num;
i = 0;
while (i < max_i) {
if (_root[enemy + i].hp > 0) {
if (Math.abs(_root[enemy + i]._x - _x) <= (range * 1.5)) {
trgt = enemy + i;
if (trgt != "") {
if (_root[trgt].hp <= 0) {
trgt = "";
} else {
if ((_root[trgt]._y - _y) > speed) {
_y = (_y + speed);
if ((_y - _root[trgt]._y) > speed) {
_y = (_y - speed);
if (dir == -1) {
if (((_root[trgt]._x - _x) <= range) && ((_root[trgt]._x - _x) > 0)) {
if ((fire <= 0) && (Math.abs(_root[trgt]._y - _y) < 20)) {
fire = rof;
fire_weapon(trgt, power);
} else if (((_x - _root[trgt]._x) <= range) && ((_x - _root[trgt]._x) > 0)) {
if ((fire <= 0) && (Math.abs(_root[trgt]._y - _y) < 20)) {
fire = rof;
fire_weapon(trgt, power);
Instance of Symbol 185 MovieClip "rpg" in Frame 88 (3.88 KiB) ●
onClipEvent (load) {
function damage(val, t) {
if ((t == 0) && (kevlar == 1)) {
val = val / 1.5;
if (t == 1) {
val = val / 2;
if (t == 2) {
val = val / 3;
if (t == 3) {
val = val * 2;
hp = hp - val;
if (hp <= 0) {
if (ai == 0) {
if (ai == 1) {
if (t != 3) {
duplicateMovieClip (_root.inf_1_death, "inf_d" + _root.misk_depth, _root.misk_depth);
} else {
duplicateMovieClip (_root.inf_f_death, "inf_d" + _root.misk_depth, _root.misk_depth);
_root["inf_d" + _root.misk_depth]._x = _x;
_root["inf_d" + _root.misk_depth]._y = _y;
_root["inf_d" + _root.misk_depth].dir = dir;
function fire_weapon(t, p) {
duplicateMovieClip (_root.rpg_missile, "missile" + _root.misk_depth, _root.misk_depth);
_root["missile" + _root.misk_depth]._x = _x;
_root["missile" + _root.misk_depth]._y = _y - 5;
_root["missile" + _root.misk_depth].ai = ai;
_root["missile" + _root.misk_depth].dir = dir;
_root["missile" + _root.misk_depth].power = power + random(acc);
_root["missile" + _root.misk_depth].trgt = trgt;
_root["missile" + _root.misk_depth].active = 1;
hp = _root.rpg_hp;
hp_max = hp;
speed = _root.rpg_speed;
rof = _root.rpg_rof;
power = _root.rpg_pow;
acc = _root.rpg_acc;
fire = rof;
harm = _root.rpg_harm;
range = _root.rpg_range;
ros = _root.ros;
scan = ros;
trgt = "";
_global.active = 0;
_global.ai = 0;
_global.dir = 1;
_global.name = "";
_xscale = (_root.unitScale * dir);
_yscale = _root.unitScale;
kevlar = 0;
if ((ai == 0) && (_root.hu_kevlar >= 1)) {
kevlar = 1;
if ((ai == 1) && (_root.ai_kevlar >= 1)) {
kevlar = 1;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if ((active == 1) && (_root.pause == 0)) {
_x = (_x - (speed * dir));
if (dir == 1) {
if (_x <= _root.leftBase) {
_root.damage_base(harm, 0);
if (dir == -1) {
if (_x >= _root.rightBase) {
_root.damage_base(harm, 1);
if ((scan <= 0) && (trgt == "")) {
scan = ros;
if (ai == 0) {
enemy = "ai_vehi_";
max_i = _root.ai_num;
} else {
enemy = "vehi_";
max_i = _root.hu_num;
i = 0;
while (i < max_i) {
if (_root[enemy + i].hp > 0) {
if (Math.abs(_root[enemy + i]._x - _x) <= (range * 1.5)) {
trgt = enemy + i;
if (trgt == "") {
if (ai == 0) {
enemy = "ai_infantry_";
max_i = _root.ai_num;
} else {
enemy = "infantry_";
max_i = _root.hu_num;
i = 0;
while (i < max_i) {
if (_root[enemy + i].hp > 0) {
if (Math.abs(_root[enemy + i]._x - _x) <= (range * 1.5)) {
trgt = enemy + i;
if (trgt != "") {
if (dir == -1) {
if (_root[trgt]._x < _x) {
trgt = "";
if (dir == 1) {
if (_root[trgt]._x > _x) {
trgt = "";
if (_root[trgt].hp <= 0) {
trgt = "";
} else {
if ((_root[trgt]._y - _y) > speed) {
_y = (_y + speed);
if ((_y - _root[trgt]._y) > speed) {
_y = (_y - speed);
if (dir == -1) {
if (((_root[trgt]._x - _x) <= range) && ((_root[trgt]._x - _x) > 0)) {
if ((fire <= 0) && (Math.abs(_root[trgt]._y - _y) < 50)) {
fire = rof;
fire_weapon(trgt, power);
} else if (((_x - _root[trgt]._x) <= range) && ((_x - _root[trgt]._x) > 0)) {
if ((fire <= 0) && (Math.abs(_root[trgt]._y - _y) < 50)) {
fire = rof;
fire_weapon(trgt, power);
Instance of Symbol 200 MovieClip "inf_f_death" in Frame 88 (134 B)
onClipEvent (load) {
_global.dir = 1;
_xscale = ((1.2 * _root.unitScale) * dir);
_yscale = (1.2 * _root.unitScale);
speed = 2;
Instance of Symbol 202 MovieClip "moto" in Frame 88 (3.6 KiB) ●
onClipEvent (load) {
function damage(val, t) {
if (t == 2) {
val = val * 1.5;
if (t == 3) {
val = val * 1.5;
if ((t == 6) && (gasmask == 1)) {
val = val / 10;
hp = hp - val;
if (hp <= 0) {
if (ai == 0) {
if (ai == 1) {
duplicateMovieClip (_root.moto_0_death, "moto_d" + _root.misk_depth, _root.misk_depth);
_root["moto_d" + _root.misk_depth]._x = _x;
_root["moto_d" + _root.misk_depth]._y = _y;
_root["moto_d" + _root.misk_depth].dir = dir;
function fire_weapon(t, p) {
this.rfl_b.attachMovie("mg_shot", "msh" + _root.misk_depth, _root.misk_depth);
_root[t].damage(p + random(acc), 0);
hp = _root.moto_hp;
hp_max = hp;
speed = _root.moto_speed;
rof = _root.moto_rof;
power = _root.moto_pow;
acc = _root.moto_acc;
fire = rof;
harm = _root.moto_harm;
range = _root.moto_range;
ros = _root.ros;
scan = ros;
trgt = "";
_global.active = 0;
_global.ai = 0;
_global.dir = 1;
_global.name = "";
_xscale = (_root.unitScale * dir);
_yscale = _root.unitScale;
gasmask = 0;
if ((ai == 0) && (_root.hu_gasmask >= 1)) {
gasmask = 1;
if ((ai == 1) && (_root.ai_gasmask >= 1)) {
gasmask = 1;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if ((active == 1) && (_root.pause == 0)) {
_x = (_x - (speed * dir));
if (dir == 1) {
if (_x <= _root.leftBase) {
_root.damage_base(harm, 0);
if (dir == -1) {
if (_x >= _root.rightBase) {
_root.damage_base(harm, 1);
if ((scan <= 0) && (trgt == "")) {
scan = ros;
if (ai == 0) {
enemy = "ai_infantry_";
max_i = _root.ai_num;
} else {
enemy = "infantry_";
max_i = _root.hu_num;
i = 0;
while (i < max_i) {
if (_root[enemy + i].hp > 0) {
if (Math.abs(_root[enemy + i]._x - _x) <= (range * 1.5)) {
if (((dir == 1) && (_root[enemy + i]._x < _x)) || ((dir == -1) && (_root[enemy + i]._x > _x))) {
trgt = enemy + i;
if (trgt == "") {
if (ai == 0) {
enemy = "ai_vehi_";
max_i = _root.ai_num;
} else {
enemy = "vehi_";
max_i = _root.hu_num;
i = 0;
while (i < max_i) {
if (_root[enemy + i].hp > 0) {
if (Math.abs(_root[enemy + i]._x - _x) <= (range * 1.5)) {
if (((dir == 1) && (_root[enemy + i]._x < _x)) || ((dir == -1) && (_root[enemy + i]._x > _x))) {
trgt = enemy + i;
if (trgt != "") {
if (dir == -1) {
if (_root[trgt]._x < _x) {
trgt = "";
if (dir == 1) {
if (_root[trgt]._x > _x) {
trgt = "";
if (_root[trgt].hp <= 0) {
trgt = "";
} else {
if ((_root[trgt]._y - _y) > speed) {
_y = (_y + (speed / 2));
if ((_y - _root[trgt]._y) > speed) {
_y = (_y - (speed / 2));
if (dir == -1) {
if (((_root[trgt]._x - _x) <= range) && ((_root[trgt]._x - _x) > 0)) {
if ((fire <= 0) && (Math.abs(_root[trgt]._y - _y) < 20)) {
fire = rof;
fire_weapon(trgt, power);
} else if (((_x - _root[trgt]._x) <= range) && ((_x - _root[trgt]._x) > 0)) {
if ((fire <= 0) && (Math.abs(_root[trgt]._y - _y) < 20)) {
fire = rof;
fire_weapon(trgt, power);
Instance of Symbol 204 MovieClip "ftank" in Frame 88 (4.52 KiB) ●
onClipEvent (load) {
function damage(val, t) {
if (t == 0) {
val = val / 2;
if (t == 2) {
val = val * 3;
if (t == 3) {
val = val * 2;
hp = hp - val;
if (hp <= 0) {
if (ai == 0) {
if (ai == 1) {
duplicateMovieClip (_root.tank_death, "tnk_d" + _root.misk_depth, _root.misk_depth);
_root["tnk_d" + _root.misk_depth]._x = _x;
_root["tnk_d" + _root.misk_depth]._y = _y;
_root["tnk_d" + _root.misk_depth].dir = dir;
duplicateMovieClip (_root.fiery_blast, "f_d" + _root.misk_depth, _root.misk_depth);
_root["f_d" + _root.misk_depth]._x = _x;
_root["f_d" + _root.misk_depth]._y = _y;
_root["f_d" + _root.misk_depth].dir = dir;
function fire_weapon(t, p) {
duplicateMovieClip (_root.fire_fire, "fire" + _root.misk_depth, _root.misk_depth);
_root["fire" + _root.misk_depth]._x = _x - (7 * dir);
_root["fire" + _root.misk_depth]._y = _y + 5;
_root["fire" + _root.misk_depth].ai = ai;
_root["fire" + _root.misk_depth].dir = dir;
if (napalm == 1) {
p = p * 1.7;
_root["fire" + _root.misk_depth].power = p + random(acc);
_root["fire" + _root.misk_depth].active = 1;
duplicateMovieClip (_root.fire_fire, "fire" + _root.misk_depth, _root.misk_depth);
_root["fire" + _root.misk_depth]._x = _x - (7 * dir);
_root["fire" + _root.misk_depth]._y = _y - 7;
_root["fire" + _root.misk_depth].ai = ai;
_root["fire" + _root.misk_depth].dir = dir;
_root["fire" + _root.misk_depth].power = power + random(acc);
_root["fire" + _root.misk_depth].active = 1;
hp = _root.ftank_hp;
hp_max = hp;
speed = _root.ftank_speed;
rof = _root.ftank_rof;
power = _root.ftank_pow;
acc = _root.ftank_acc;
fire = rof;
harm = _root.ftank_harm;
range = _root.ftank_range;
ros = _root.ros;
scan = ros;
trgt = "";
_global.active = 0;
_global.ai = 0;
_global.dir = 1;
_global.name = "";
_xscale = (_root.unitScale * dir);
_yscale = _root.unitScale;
napalm = 0;
if ((ai == 0) && (_root.hu_napalm >= 1)) {
napalm = 1;
if ((ai == 1) && (_root.ai_napalm >= 1)) {
napalm = 1;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if ((active == 1) && (_root.pause == 0)) {
_x = (_x - (speed * dir));
if (dir == 1) {
if (_x <= _root.leftBase) {
_root.damage_base(harm, 0);
if (dir == -1) {
if (_x >= _root.rightBase) {
_root.damage_base(harm, 1);
if ((scan <= 0) && (trgt == "")) {
scan = ros;
if (ai == 0) {
enemy = "ai_infantry_";
max_i = _root.ai_num;
} else {
enemy = "infantry_";
max_i = _root.hu_num;
i = 0;
while (i < max_i) {
if (_root[enemy + i].hp > 0) {
if (Math.abs(_root[enemy + i]._x - _x) <= (range * 1.5)) {
if (((dir == 1) && (_root[enemy + i]._x < _x)) || ((dir == -1) && (_root[enemy + i]._x > _x))) {
trgt = enemy + i;
if (trgt == "") {
if (ai == 0) {
enemy = "ai_vehi_";
max_i = _root.ai_num;
} else {
enemy = "vehi_";
max_i = _root.hu_num;
i = 0;
while (i < max_i) {
if (_root[enemy + i].hp > 0) {
if (Math.abs(_root[enemy + i]._x - _x) <= (range * 1.5)) {
if (((dir == 1) && (_root[enemy + i]._x < _x)) || ((dir == -1) && (_root[enemy + i]._x > _x))) {
trgt = enemy + i;
if (trgt != "") {
if (dir == -1) {
if (_root[trgt]._x < _x) {
trgt = "";
if (dir == 1) {
if (_root[trgt]._x > _x) {
trgt = "";
if (_root[trgt].hp <= 0) {
trgt = "";
} else {
if ((_root[trgt]._y - _y) > speed) {
_y = (_y + speed);
if ((_y - _root[trgt]._y) > speed) {
_y = (_y - speed);
if (dir == -1) {
if (((_root[trgt]._x - _x) <= range) && ((_root[trgt]._x - _x) > 0)) {
if ((fire <= 0) && (Math.abs(_root[trgt]._y - _y) < 20)) {
fire = rof;
fire_weapon(trgt, power);
} else if (((_x - _root[trgt]._x) <= range) && ((_x - _root[trgt]._x) > 0)) {
if ((fire <= 0) && (Math.abs(_root[trgt]._y - _y) < 20)) {
fire = rof;
fire_weapon(trgt, power);
Instance of Symbol 209 MovieClip "moto_0_death" in Frame 88 (122 B)
onClipEvent (load) {
_global.dir = 1;
_xscale = ((1.2 * _root.unitScale) * dir);
_yscale = (1.2 * _root.unitScale);
Instance of Symbol 214 MovieClip "rpg_missile" in Frame 88 (1.55 KiB) ●
onClipEvent (load) {
_global.power = 1;
speed = 15;
turnspeed = 4;
lifetime = 45;
_visible = 0;
_global.active = 0;
_global.trgt = "";
_global.dir = 1;
if (dir == 1) {
_rotation = -90;
} else {
_rotation = 90;
_xscale = _root.unitScale;
_yscale = _root.unitScale;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if ((active == 1) && (_root.pause == 0)) {
if (lifetime <= 0) {
if (_root[trgt].hp <= 0) {
delta_x = _x - _root[trgt]._x;
delta_y = _y - _root[trgt]._y;
Rotation = (-Math.atan2(delta_x, delta_y)) / (Math.PI/180);
if (Math.abs(_rotation - Rotation) <= turnspeed) {
_rotation = Rotation;
} else if (_rotation < Rotation) {
_rotation = (_rotation + turnspeed);
} else {
_rotation = (_rotation - turnspeed);
_visible = 1;
proximity = Math.sqrt((delta_x * delta_x) + (delta_y * delta_y));
if (proximity > (_height / 2)) {
_y = (_y - (speed * Math.cos(_rotation * (Math.PI/180))));
_x = (_x + (speed * Math.sin(_rotation * (Math.PI/180))));
if (proximity < 20) {
_root[trgt].damage(power, 2);
duplicateMovieClip (_root.rpg_blast, "bl" + _root.misk_depth, _root.misk_depth);
_root["bl" + _root.misk_depth]._x = _x;
_root["bl" + _root.misk_depth]._y = _y;
_root["bl" + _root.misk_depth]._xscale = _root.unitScale;
_root["bl" + _root.misk_depth]._yscale = _root.unitScale;
_root["bl" + _root.misk_depth].active = 1;
Instance of Symbol 230 MovieClip "tank" in Frame 88 (3.88 KiB) ●
onClipEvent (load) {
function damage(val, t) {
if (t == 0) {
val = val / 3;
if (t == 2) {
if (this.raexp._visible == 0) {
val = val * 1.5;
} else {
val = val / 2;
if (t == 3) {
val = val * 1.2;
hp = hp - val;
if (hp <= 0) {
if (ai == 0) {
if (ai == 1) {
duplicateMovieClip (_root.tank_death, "t_d" + _root.misk_depth, _root.misk_depth);
_root["t_d" + _root.misk_depth]._x = _x;
_root["t_d" + _root.misk_depth]._y = _y;
_root["t_d" + _root.misk_depth].dir = dir;
function fire_weapon(t, p) {
this.rfl_b.attachMovie("tank_shot", "tsh" + _root.misk_depth, _root.misk_depth);
duplicateMovieClip (_root.he_blast, "hex" + _root.misk_depth, _root.misk_depth);
_root["hex" + _root.misk_depth]._x = _root[t]._x;
_root["hex" + _root.misk_depth]._y = _root[t]._y;
_root["hex" + _root.misk_depth].dir = dir;
_root[t].damage(p + random(acc), 1);
hp = _root.tank_hp;
hp_max = hp;
speed = _root.tank_speed;
rof = _root.tank_rof;
power = _root.tank_pow;
acc = _root.tank_acc;
fire = rof;
harm = _root.tank_harm;
range = _root.tank_range;
ros = _root.ros;
scan = ros;
trgt = "";
_global.active = 0;
_global.ai = 0;
_global.dir = 1;
_global.name = "";
_xscale = (_root.unitScale * dir);
_yscale = _root.unitScale;
this.raexp._visible = 0;
if (ai == 0) {
if (_root.hu_raexp == 1) {
this.raexp._visible = 1;
} else if (_root.ai_raexp == 1) {
this.raexp._visible = 1;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if ((active == 1) && (_root.pause == 0)) {
_x = (_x - (speed * dir));
if (dir == 1) {
if (_x <= _root.leftBase) {
_root.damage_base(harm, 0);
if (dir == -1) {
if (_x >= _root.rightBase) {
_root.damage_base(harm, 1);
if ((scan <= 0) && (trgt == "")) {
scan = ros;
if (ai == 0) {
enemy = "ai_vehi_";
max_i = _root.ai_num;
} else {
enemy = "vehi_";
max_i = _root.hu_num;
i = 0;
while (i < max_i) {
if (_root[enemy + i].hp > 0) {
if (Math.abs(_root[enemy + i]._x - _x) <= (range * 1.5)) {
if (((dir == 1) && (_root[enemy + i]._x < _x)) || ((dir == -1) && (_root[enemy + i]._x > _x))) {
trgt = enemy + i;
if (trgt == "") {
if (ai == 0) {
enemy = "ai_infantry_";
max_i = _root.ai_num;
} else {
enemy = "infantry_";
max_i = _root.hu_num;
i = 0;
while (i < max_i) {
if (_root[enemy + i].hp > 0) {
if (Math.abs(_root[enemy + i]._x - _x) <= (range * 1.5)) {
if (((dir == 1) && (_root[enemy + i]._x < _x)) || ((dir == -1) && (_root[enemy + i]._x > _x))) {
trgt = enemy + i;
if (trgt != "") {
if (dir == -1) {
if (_root[trgt]._x < _x) {
trgt = "";
if (dir == 1) {
if (_root[trgt]._x > _x) {
trgt = "";
if (_root[trgt].hp <= 0) {
trgt = "";
} else {
if ((_root[trgt]._y - _y) > speed) {
_y = (_y + (speed / 2));
if ((_y - _root[trgt]._y) > speed) {
_y = (_y - (speed / 2));
if (dir == -1) {
if (((_root[trgt]._x - _x) <= range) && ((_root[trgt]._x - _x) > 0)) {
if ((fire <= 0) && (Math.abs(_root[trgt]._y - _y) < 50)) {
fire = rof;
fire_weapon(trgt, power);
} else if (((_x - _root[trgt]._x) <= range) && ((_x - _root[trgt]._x) > 0)) {
if ((fire <= 0) && (Math.abs(_root[trgt]._y - _y) < 50)) {
fire = rof;
fire_weapon(trgt, power);
Instance of Symbol 236 MovieClip "ifv" in Frame 88 (4.96 KiB) ●
onClipEvent (load) {
function damage(val, t) {
if (t == 0) {
val = val / 3;
if (t == 2) {
if (this.slat._visible == 0) {
val = val * 1.5;
} else {
val = val / 2;
if (t == 3) {
val = val * 1.2;
if ((t == 6) && (gasmask == 1)) {
val = val / 10;
hp = hp - val;
if (hp <= 0) {
if (ai == 0) {
if (ai == 1) {
duplicateMovieClip (_root.tank_death, "t_d" + _root.misk_depth, _root.misk_depth);
_root["t_d" + _root.misk_depth]._x = _x;
_root["t_d" + _root.misk_depth]._y = _y;
_root["t_d" + _root.misk_depth].dir = dir;
function fire_weapon(t, p) {
this.cannon.rfl_b.attachMovie("mg_shot", "tsh" + _root.misk_depth, _root.misk_depth);
_root[t].damage(p + random(acc), 0);
hp = _root.ifv_hp;
hp_max = hp;
speed = _root.ifv_speed;
rof = _root.ifv_rof;
power = _root.ifv_pow;
acc = _root.ifv_acc;
fire = rof;
harm = _root.ifv_harm;
range = _root.ifv_range;
ros = _root.ros;
scan = ros;
trgt = "";
cannon._rotation = -90;
_global.active = 0;
_global.ai = 0;
_global.dir = 1;
_global.name = "";
_xscale = (_root.unitScale * dir);
_yscale = _root.unitScale;
this.slat._visible = 0;
if (ai == 0) {
if (_root.hu_slat == 1) {
this.slat._visible = 1;
} else if (_root.ai_slat == 1) {
this.slat._visible = 1;
gasmask = 0;
if ((ai == 0) && (_root.hu_gasmask >= 1)) {
gasmask = 1;
if ((ai == 1) && (_root.ai_gasmask >= 1)) {
gasmask = 1;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if ((active == 1) && (_root.pause == 0)) {
_x = (_x - (speed * dir));
if (dir == 1) {
if (_x <= _root.leftBase) {
_root.damage_base(harm, 0);
if (dir == -1) {
if (_x >= _root.rightBase) {
_root.damage_base(harm, 1);
if ((scan <= 0) && (trgt == "")) {
scan = ros;
if (ai == 0) {
enemy = "ai_aircraft_";
max_i = _root.ai_air_num;
} else {
enemy = "aircraft_";
max_i = _root.hu_air_num;
i = 0;
while (i < max_i) {
if (_root[enemy + i].hp > 0) {
if (Math.abs(_root[enemy + i]._x - _x) <= (range * 2.5)) {
if (((dir == 1) && (_root[enemy + i]._x < _x)) || ((dir == -1) && (_root[enemy + i]._x > _x))) {
trgt = enemy + i;
trgt_type = "air";
if (trgt == "") {
if (ai == 0) {
enemy = "ai_infantry_";
max_i = _root.ai_num;
} else {
enemy = "infantry_";
max_i = _root.hu_num;
i = 0;
while (i < max_i) {
if (_root[enemy + i].hp > 0) {
if (Math.abs(_root[enemy + i]._x - _x) <= (range * 1.5)) {
if (((dir == 1) && (_root[enemy + i]._x < _x)) || ((dir == -1) && (_root[enemy + i]._x > _x))) {
trgt = enemy + i;
trgt_type = "ground";
if (trgt == "") {
if (ai == 0) {
enemy = "ai_vehi_";
max_i = _root.ai_num;
} else {
enemy = "vehi_";
max_i = _root.hu_num;
i = 0;
while (i < max_i) {
if (_root[enemy + i].hp > 0) {
if (Math.abs(_root[enemy + i]._x - _x) <= (range * 1.5)) {
if (((dir == 1) && (_root[enemy + i]._x < _x)) || ((dir == -1) && (_root[enemy + i]._x > _x))) {
trgt = enemy + i;
trgt_type = "ground";
if (trgt != "") {
if (trgt_type == "air") {
dx = _x - _root[trgt]._x;
dy = _y - _root[trgt]._y;
tilt = ((-Math.atan2(dx, dy)) / (Math.PI/180)) * dir;
} else {
this.cannon._rotation = -90;
if (trgt != "") {
if (dir == -1) {
if (_root[trgt]._x < _x) {
trgt = "";
if (dir == 1) {
if (_root[trgt]._x > _x) {
trgt = "";
if (_root[trgt].hp <= 0) {
trgt = "";
} else {
if ((_root[trgt]._y - _y) > speed) {
if (trgt_type == "ground") {
_y = (_y + (speed / 2));
} else {
this.cannon._rotation = tilt;
if ((_y - _root[trgt]._y) > speed) {
if (trgt_type == "ground") {
_y = (_y - (speed / 2));
} else {
this.cannon._rotation = tilt;
if (dir == -1) {
if (((_root[trgt]._x - _x) <= range) && ((_root[trgt]._x - _x) > 0)) {
if ((fire <= 0) && ((Math.abs(_root[trgt]._y - _y) < 50) || (trgt_type == "air"))) {
fire = rof;
fire_weapon(trgt, power);
} else if (((_x - _root[trgt]._x) <= range) && ((_x - _root[trgt]._x) > 0)) {
if ((fire <= 0) && ((Math.abs(_root[trgt]._y - _y) < 50) || (trgt_type == "air"))) {
fire = rof;
fire_weapon(trgt, power);
on (press) {
Instance of Symbol 238 MovieClip "armor" in Frame 88 (4.3 KiB) ●
onClipEvent (load) {
function damage(val, t) {
if (t == 0) {
val = val / 3;
if (t == 2) {
if (this.slat._visible == 0) {
val = val * 1.5;
} else {
val = val / 2;
if (t == 3) {
val = val * 1.2;
if ((t == 6) && (gasmask == 1)) {
val = val / 10;
hp = hp - val;
if (hp <= 0) {
if (ai == 0) {
if (ai == 1) {
duplicateMovieClip (_root.tank_death, "t_d" + _root.misk_depth, _root.misk_depth);
_root["t_d" + _root.misk_depth]._x = _x;
_root["t_d" + _root.misk_depth]._y = _y;
_root["t_d" + _root.misk_depth].dir = dir;
function fire_weapon(t, p) {
this.rfl_b.attachMovie("tank_shot", "tsh" + _root.misk_depth, _root.misk_depth);
duplicateMovieClip (_root.he_blast, "hex" + _root.misk_depth, _root.misk_depth);
_root["hex" + _root.misk_depth]._x = _root[t]._x;
_root["hex" + _root.misk_depth]._y = _root[t]._y;
_root["hex" + _root.misk_depth].dir = dir;
tt = 1;
if (du == 1) {
tt = 2;
p = p * 1.7;
_root[t].damage(p + random(acc), tt);
hp = _root.armor_hp;
hp_max = hp;
speed = _root.armor_speed;
rof = _root.armor_rof;
power = _root.armor_pow;
acc = _root.armor_acc;
fire = rof;
harm = _root.armor_harm;
range = _root.armor_range;
ros = _root.ros;
scan = ros;
trgt = "";
_global.active = 0;
_global.ai = 0;
_global.dir = 1;
_global.name = "";
_xscale = (_root.unitScale * dir);
_yscale = _root.unitScale;
this.slat._visible = 0;
if (ai == 0) {
if (_root.hu_slat == 1) {
this.slat._visible = 1;
} else if (_root.ai_slat == 1) {
this.slat._visible = 1;
du = 0;
if ((ai == 0) && (_root.hu_du >= 1)) {
du = 1;
if ((ai == 1) && (_root.ai_du >= 1)) {
du = 1;
gasmask = 0;
if ((ai == 0) && (_root.hu_gasmask >= 1)) {
gasmask = 1;
if ((ai == 1) && (_root.ai_gasmask >= 1)) {
gasmask = 1;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if ((active == 1) && (_root.pause == 0)) {
_x = (_x - (speed * dir));
if (dir == 1) {
if (_x <= _root.leftBase) {
_root.damage_base(harm, 0);
if (dir == -1) {
if (_x >= _root.rightBase) {
_root.damage_base(harm, 1);
if ((scan <= 0) && (trgt == "")) {
scan = ros;
if (ai == 0) {
enemy = "ai_vehi_";
max_i = _root.ai_num;
} else {
enemy = "vehi_";
max_i = _root.hu_num;
i = 0;
while (i < max_i) {
if (_root[enemy + i].hp > 0) {
if (Math.abs(_root[enemy + i]._x - _x) <= (range * 1.5)) {
if (((dir == 1) && (_root[enemy + i]._x < _x)) || ((dir == -1) && (_root[enemy + i]._x > _x))) {
trgt = enemy + i;
if (trgt == "") {
if (ai == 0) {
enemy = "ai_infantry_";
max_i = _root.ai_num;
} else {
enemy = "infantry_";
max_i = _root.hu_num;
i = 0;
while (i < max_i) {
if (_root[enemy + i].hp > 0) {
if (Math.abs(_root[enemy + i]._x - _x) <= (range * 1.5)) {
if (((dir == 1) && (_root[enemy + i]._x < _x)) || ((dir == -1) && (_root[enemy + i]._x > _x))) {
trgt = enemy + i;
if (trgt != "") {
if (dir == -1) {
if (_root[trgt]._x < _x) {
trgt = "";
if (dir == 1) {
if (_root[trgt]._x > _x) {
trgt = "";
if (_root[trgt].hp <= 0) {
trgt = "";
} else {
if ((_root[trgt]._y - _y) > speed) {
_y = (_y + (speed / 2));
if ((_y - _root[trgt]._y) > speed) {
_y = (_y - (speed / 2));
if (dir == -1) {
if (((_root[trgt]._x - _x) <= range) && ((_root[trgt]._x - _x) > 0)) {
if ((fire <= 0) && (Math.abs(_root[trgt]._y - _y) < 50)) {
fire = rof;
fire_weapon(trgt, power);
} else if (((_x - _root[trgt]._x) <= range) && ((_x - _root[trgt]._x) > 0)) {
if ((fire <= 0) && (Math.abs(_root[trgt]._y - _y) < 50)) {
fire = rof;
fire_weapon(trgt, power);
Instance of Symbol 240 MovieClip "atv" in Frame 88 (3.92 KiB) ●
onClipEvent (load) {
function damage(val, t) {
if (t == 2) {
val = val * 1.5;
if (t == 3) {
val = val * 1.2;
if ((t == 6) && (gasmask == 1)) {
val = val / 10;
hp = hp - val;
if (hp <= 0) {
if (ai == 0) {
if (ai == 1) {
duplicateMovieClip (_root.atv_death, "a_d" + _root.misk_depth, _root.misk_depth);
_root["a_d" + _root.misk_depth]._x = _x;
_root["a_d" + _root.misk_depth]._y = _y;
_root["a_d" + _root.misk_depth].dir = dir;
function fire_weapon(t, p) {
duplicateMovieClip (_root.tow_missile, "missile" + _root.misk_depth, _root.misk_depth);
_root["missile" + _root.misk_depth]._x = _x;
_root["missile" + _root.misk_depth]._y = _y - 5;
_root["missile" + _root.misk_depth].ai = ai;
_root["missile" + _root.misk_depth].dir = dir;
_root["missile" + _root.misk_depth].power = power + random(acc);
_root["missile" + _root.misk_depth].trgt = trgt;
_root["missile" + _root.misk_depth].active = 1;
hp = _root.atv_hp;
hp_max = hp;
speed = _root.atv_speed;
rof = _root.atv_rof;
power = _root.atv_pow;
acc = _root.atv_acc;
fire = rof;
harm = _root.atv_harm;
range = _root.atv_range;
ros = _root.ros;
scan = ros;
trgt = "";
_global.active = 0;
_global.ai = 0;
_global.dir = 1;
_global.name = "";
_xscale = (_root.unitScale * dir);
_yscale = _root.unitScale;
gasmask = 0;
if ((ai == 0) && (_root.hu_gasmask >= 1)) {
gasmask = 1;
if ((ai == 1) && (_root.ai_gasmask >= 1)) {
gasmask = 1;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if ((active == 1) && (_root.pause == 0)) {
_x = (_x - (speed * dir));
if (dir == 1) {
if (_x <= _root.leftBase) {
_root.damage_base(harm, 0);
if (dir == -1) {
if (_x >= _root.rightBase) {
_root.damage_base(harm, 1);
if ((scan <= 0) && (trgt == "")) {
scan = ros;
if (ai == 0) {
enemy = "ai_vehi_";
max_i = _root.ai_num;
} else {
enemy = "vehi_";
max_i = _root.hu_num;
i = 0;
while (i < max_i) {
if (_root[enemy + i].hp > 0) {
if (Math.abs(_root[enemy + i]._x - _x) <= (range * 1.5)) {
if (((dir == 1) && (_root[enemy + i]._x < _x)) || ((dir == -1) && (_root[enemy + i]._x > _x))) {
trgt = enemy + i;
if (trgt == "") {
if (ai == 0) {
enemy = "ai_infantry_";
max_i = _root.ai_num;
} else {
enemy = "infantry_";
max_i = _root.hu_num;
i = 0;
while (i < max_i) {
if (_root[enemy + i].hp > 0) {
if (Math.abs(_root[enemy + i]._x - _x) <= (range * 1.5)) {
if (((dir == 1) && (_root[enemy + i]._x < _x)) || ((dir == -1) && (_root[enemy + i]._x > _x))) {
trgt = enemy + i;
if (trgt != "") {
if (dir == -1) {
if (_root[trgt]._x < _x) {
trgt = "";
if (dir == 1) {
if (_root[trgt]._x > _x) {
trgt = "";
if (_root[trgt].hp <= 0) {
trgt = "";
} else {
if ((_root[trgt]._y - _y) > speed) {
_y = (_y + speed);
if ((_y - _root[trgt]._y) > speed) {
_y = (_y - speed);
if (dir == -1) {
if (((_root[trgt]._x - _x) <= range) && ((_root[trgt]._x - _x) > 0)) {
if ((fire <= 0) && (Math.abs(_root[trgt]._y - _y) < 50)) {
fire = rof;
fire_weapon(trgt, power);
} else if (((_x - _root[trgt]._x) <= range) && ((_x - _root[trgt]._x) > 0)) {
if ((fire <= 0) && (Math.abs(_root[trgt]._y - _y) < 50)) {
fire = rof;
fire_weapon(trgt, power);
Instance of Symbol 242 MovieClip "fac" in Frame 88 (4.16 KiB) ●
onClipEvent (load) {
function damage(val, t) {
if (t == 2) {
val = val / 3;
if (t == 3) {
val = val * 2;
hp = hp - val;
if (t == 1) {
duplicateMovieClip (_root.he_blast, "hex" + _root.misk_depth, _root.misk_depth);
_root["hex" + _root.misk_depth]._x = _x;
_root["hex" + _root.misk_depth]._y = _y;
if (hp <= 0) {
_root["tile" + base_tile]._visible = 1;
if (base_tile == _root.tile_sel) {
_root.sel_instance.bars._visible = 0;
if ((ai == 0) && (_root.house == 0)) {
if ((ai == 0) && (_root.house == 1)) {
duplicateMovieClip (_root.stru_death, "stru_d" + _root.misk_depth, _root.misk_depth);
_root["stru_d" + _root.misk_depth]._x = _x;
_root["stru_d" + _root.misk_depth]._y = _y;
_root["stru_d" + _root.misk_depth].dir = dir;
if (ai == 1) {
function enqueue_unit(unit_name, unit_type, unit_value) {
if (delay == -1) {
if (_root.money >= unit_value) {
_root.money = _root.money - unit_value;
delay = unit_value;
delay_max = delay;
current = unit_name;
cur_type = unit_type;
} else {
q_size = 0;
} else if ((q_size < q_max) && (current == unit_name)) {
q_current = unit_name;
q_type = unit_type;
q_value = unit_value;
function show_buttons() {
hp = _root.fac_1_hp;
hp_max = hp;
_global.active = 0;
_global.ai = 0;
_global.base_tile = 0;
_global.repair = 0;
_global.name = "";
this.en_hp_bar._visible = 0;
this.en_hp_bar_bg._visible = 0;
delay = -1;
delay_max = -1;
current = "";
cur_type = "";
q_current = "";
q_type = "";
q_value = -1;
q_size = 0;
q_max = 9;
if ((active == 1) && (_root.tile_sel == base_tile)) {
on (press) {
if (ai == 0) {
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (((active == 1) && (_root.pause == 0)) && (ai == 0)) {
if (repair == 1) {
if ((_root.rep_price <= _root.money) && (hp < hp_max)) {
_root.money = _root.money - _root.rep_price;
} else {
repair = 0;
if (delay != -1) {
if (delay == 0) {
_root.create_unit(current, ai, cur_type, base_tile);
delay = -1;
delay_max = -1;
if (q_size > 0) {
enqueue_unit(q_current, q_type, q_value);
if (_root.tile_sel == base_tile) {
if (q_size > 0) {
_root.interface["btn_" + current].q_txt.text = q_size;
} else {
_root.interface["btn_" + current].q_txt.text = "";
_root.sel_instance.bars._visible = 1;
_root.sel_instance.bars.hp_bar._width = (hp / hp_max) * _root.sel_instance.bars.bg1._width;
_root.sel_instance.bars.prog_bar._width = (1 - (delay / delay_max)) * _root.sel_instance.bars.bg1._width;
if (((active == 1) && (_root.pause == 0)) && (ai == 1)) {
if (delay == -1) {
s = random(10);
if (s < _root.ftank_pref) {
u = 0;
} else if (s < _root.tank_pref) {
u = 1;
} else if (s < _root.sam_pref) {
u = 2;
} else {
u = 3;
switch (u) {
case 0 :
delay = _root.ftank_price * _root.ai_delay;
current = "ftank";
cur_type = "vehi";
case 1 :
delay = _root.tank_price * _root.ai_delay;
current = "tank";
cur_type = "vehi";
case 2 :
delay = _root.sam_price * _root.ai_delay;
current = "sam";
cur_type = "vehi";
case 3 :
if (delay != -1) {
if (delay == 0) {
delay = -1;
_root.create_unit(current, ai, cur_type, base_tile);
on (rollOver) {
if (((active == 1) && (_root.pause == 0)) && (ai == 1)) {
this.en_hp_bar._visible = 1;
this.en_hp_bar_bg._visible = 1;
this.en_hp_bar._width = (hp / hp_max) * this.en_hp_bar_bg._width;
on (rollOut) {
if (((active == 1) && (_root.pause == 0)) && (ai == 1)) {
this.en_hp_bar._visible = 0;
this.en_hp_bar_bg._visible = 0;
Instance of Symbol 244 MovieClip "manu" in Frame 88 (4.25 KiB) ●
onClipEvent (load) {
function damage(val, t) {
if (t == 2) {
val = val / 3;
if (t == 3) {
val = val * 2;
hp = hp - val;
if (t == 1) {
duplicateMovieClip (_root.he_blast, "hex" + _root.misk_depth, _root.misk_depth);
_root["hex" + _root.misk_depth]._x = _x;
_root["hex" + _root.misk_depth]._y = _y;
if (hp <= 0) {
_root["tile" + base_tile]._visible = 1;
if (base_tile == _root.tile_sel) {
_root.sel_instance.bars._visible = 0;
if ((ai == 0) && (_root.house == 0)) {
if ((ai == 0) && (_root.house == 1)) {
duplicateMovieClip (_root.stru_death, "stru_d" + _root.misk_depth, _root.misk_depth);
_root["stru_d" + _root.misk_depth]._x = _x;
_root["stru_d" + _root.misk_depth]._y = _y;
_root["stru_d" + _root.misk_depth].dir = dir;
if (ai == 1) {
function enqueue_unit(unit_name, unit_type, unit_value) {
if (delay == -1) {
if (_root.money >= unit_value) {
_root.money = _root.money - unit_value;
delay = unit_value;
delay_max = delay;
current = unit_name;
cur_type = unit_type;
} else {
q_size = 0;
} else if ((q_size < q_max) && (current == unit_name)) {
q_current = unit_name;
q_type = unit_type;
q_value = unit_value;
function show_buttons() {
hp = _root.manu_hp;
hp_max = hp;
_global.active = 0;
_global.ai = 0;
_global.base_tile = 0;
_global.repair = 0;
_global.name = "";
this.en_hp_bar._visible = 0;
this.en_hp_bar_bg._visible = 0;
delay = -1;
delay_max = -1;
current = "";
cur_type = "";
q_current = "";
q_type = "";
q_value = -1;
q_size = 0;
q_max = 9;
if ((active == 1) && (_root.tile_sel == base_tile)) {
on (press) {
if (ai == 0) {
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (((active == 1) && (_root.pause == 0)) && (ai == 0)) {
if (repair == 1) {
if ((_root.rep_price <= _root.money) && (hp < hp_max)) {
_root.money = _root.money - _root.rep_price;
} else {
repair = 0;
if (delay != -1) {
if (delay == 0) {
_root.create_unit(current, ai, cur_type, base_tile);
delay = -1;
delay_max = -1;
if (q_size > 0) {
enqueue_unit(q_current, q_type, q_value);
if (_root.tile_sel == base_tile) {
if (q_size > 0) {
_root.interface["btn_" + current].q_txt.text = q_size;
} else {
_root.interface["btn_" + current].q_txt.text = "";
_root.sel_instance.bars._visible = 1;
_root.sel_instance.bars.hp_bar._width = (hp / hp_max) * _root.sel_instance.bars.bg1._width;
_root.sel_instance.bars.prog_bar._width = (1 - (delay / delay_max)) * _root.sel_instance.bars.bg1._width;
if (((active == 1) && (_root.pause == 0)) && (ai == 1)) {
if (delay == -1) {
s = random(10);
if (s < _root.atv_pref) {
u = 0;
} else if (s < _root.ifv_pref) {
u = 1;
} else if (s < _root.armor_pref) {
u = 2;
} else {
u = 3;
switch (u) {
case 0 :
delay = _root.atv_price * _root.ai_delay;
current = "atv";
cur_type = "vehi";
case 1 :
delay = _root.ifv_price * _root.ai_delay;
current = "ifv";
cur_type = "vehi";
case 2 :
delay = _root.armor_price * _root.ai_delay;
current = "armor";
cur_type = "vehi";
case 3 :
delay = _root.hawk_price * _root.ai_delay;
current = "hawk";
cur_type = "vehi";
if (delay != -1) {
if (delay == 0) {
delay = -1;
_root.create_unit(current, ai, cur_type, base_tile);
on (rollOver) {
if (((active == 1) && (_root.pause == 0)) && (ai == 1)) {
this.en_hp_bar._visible = 1;
this.en_hp_bar_bg._visible = 1;
this.en_hp_bar._width = (hp / hp_max) * this.en_hp_bar_bg._width;
on (rollOut) {
if (((active == 1) && (_root.pause == 0)) && (ai == 1)) {
this.en_hp_bar._visible = 0;
this.en_hp_bar_bg._visible = 0;
Instance of Symbol 250 MovieClip "tank_death" in Frame 88 (106 B)
onClipEvent (load) {
_global.dir = 1;
_xscale = (_root.unitScale * dir);
_yscale = _root.unitScale;
Instance of Symbol 258 MovieClip "bank" in Frame 88 (3.23 KiB) ●
onClipEvent (load) {
function damage(val, t) {
if (t == 2) {
val = val / 3;
if (t == 3) {
val = val * 2;
hp = hp - val;
if (t == 1) {
duplicateMovieClip (_root.he_blast, "hex" + _root.misk_depth, _root.misk_depth);
_root["hex" + _root.misk_depth]._x = _x;
_root["hex" + _root.misk_depth]._y = _y;
if (hp <= 0) {
_root["tile" + base_tile]._visible = 1;
if (base_tile == _root.tile_sel) {
_root.sel_instance.bars._visible = 0;
if ((ai == 0) && (_root.house == 0)) {
if ((ai == 0) && (_root.house == 1)) {
duplicateMovieClip (_root.stru_death, "stru_d" + _root.misk_depth, _root.misk_depth);
_root["stru_d" + _root.misk_depth]._x = _x;
_root["stru_d" + _root.misk_depth]._y = _y;
_root["stru_d" + _root.misk_depth].dir = dir;
function enqueue_unit(unit_name, unit_type, unit_value) {
if (delay == -1) {
if (_root.money >= unit_value) {
_root.money = _root.money - unit_value;
delay = unit_value;
delay_max = delay;
current = unit_name;
cur_type = unit_type;
_root.tax_price = _root.tax_price + _root.tax_increment;
} else {
_root.message("In Progress...");
function show_buttons() {
hp = _root.bank_hp;
hp_max = hp;
_global.active = 0;
_global.ai = 0;
_global.base_tile = 0;
_global.repair = 0;
_global.name = "";
this.en_hp_bar._visible = 0;
this.en_hp_bar_bg._visible = 0;
delay = -1;
delay_max = -1;
current = "";
cur_type = "";
q_current = "";
q_type = "";
q_value = -1;
q_size = 0;
q_max = 9;
if ((active == 1) && (_root.tile_sel == base_tile)) {
on (press) {
if (ai == 0) {
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (((active == 1) && (_root.pause == 0)) && (ai == 0)) {
if (repair == 1) {
if ((_root.rep_price <= _root.money) && (hp < hp_max)) {
_root.money = _root.money - _root.rep_price;
} else {
repair = 0;
if (delay != -1) {
if (delay == 0) {
_root.income = _root.income + _root.income_increment;
delay = -1;
delay_max = -1;
if (q_size > 0) {
enqueue_unit(q_current, q_type, q_value);
if (_root.tile_sel == base_tile) {
if (q_size > 0) {
_root.interface["btn_" + current].q_txt.text = q_size;
} else {
_root.interface["btn_" + current].q_txt.text = "";
_root.sel_instance.bars._visible = 1;
_root.sel_instance.bars.hp_bar._width = (hp / hp_max) * _root.sel_instance.bars.bg1._width;
_root.sel_instance.bars.prog_bar._width = (1 - (delay / delay_max)) * _root.sel_instance.bars.bg1._width;
on (rollOver) {
if (((active == 1) && (_root.pause == 0)) && (ai == 1)) {
this.en_hp_bar._visible = 1;
this.en_hp_bar_bg._visible = 1;
this.en_hp_bar._width = (hp / hp_max) * this.en_hp_bar_bg._width;
on (rollOut) {
if (((active == 1) && (_root.pause == 0)) && (ai == 1)) {
this.en_hp_bar._visible = 0;
this.en_hp_bar_bg._visible = 0;
Instance of Symbol 264 MovieClip "min_econ" in Frame 88 (3.27 KiB) ●
onClipEvent (load) {
function damage(val, t) {
if (t == 2) {
val = val / 3;
if (t == 3) {
val = val * 2;
hp = hp - val;
if (t == 1) {
duplicateMovieClip (_root.he_blast, "hex" + _root.misk_depth, _root.misk_depth);
_root["hex" + _root.misk_depth]._x = _x;
_root["hex" + _root.misk_depth]._y = _y;
if (hp <= 0) {
_root["tile" + base_tile]._visible = 1;
if (base_tile == _root.tile_sel) {
_root.sel_instance.bars._visible = 0;
if ((ai == 0) && (_root.house == 0)) {
if ((ai == 0) && (_root.house == 1)) {
duplicateMovieClip (_root.stru_death, "stru_d" + _root.misk_depth, _root.misk_depth);
_root["stru_d" + _root.misk_depth]._x = _x;
_root["stru_d" + _root.misk_depth]._y = _y;
_root["stru_d" + _root.misk_depth].dir = dir;
function enqueue_unit(unit_name, unit_type, unit_value) {
if (delay == -1) {
if (_root.money >= unit_value) {
_root.money = _root.money - unit_value;
delay = unit_value;
delay_max = delay;
current = unit_name;
cur_type = unit_type;
_root.tax_price = _root.tax_price + _root.tax_increment;
} else {
_root.message("In Progress...");
function show_buttons() {
hp = _root.min_econ_hp;
hp_max = hp;
_global.active = 0;
_global.ai = 0;
_global.base_tile = 0;
_global.repair = 0;
_global.name = "";
this.en_hp_bar._visible = 0;
this.en_hp_bar_bg._visible = 0;
delay = -1;
delay_max = -1;
current = "";
cur_type = "";
q_current = "";
q_type = "";
q_value = -1;
q_size = 0;
q_max = 9;
if (((active == 1) && (_root.pause == 0)) && (_root.tile_sel == base_tile)) {
on (press) {
if (ai == 0) {
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (((active == 1) && (_root.pause == 0)) && (ai == 0)) {
if (repair == 1) {
if ((_root.rep_price <= _root.money) && (hp < hp_max)) {
_root.money = _root.money - _root.rep_price;
} else {
repair = 0;
if (delay != -1) {
if (delay == 0) {
_root.income = _root.income + _root.income_increment;
delay = -1;
delay_max = -1;
if (q_size > 0) {
enqueue_unit(q_current, q_type, q_value);
if (_root.tile_sel == base_tile) {
if (q_size > 0) {
_root.interface["btn_" + current].q_txt.text = q_size;
} else {
_root.interface["btn_" + current].q_txt.text = "";
_root.sel_instance.bars._visible = 1;
_root.sel_instance.bars.hp_bar._width = (hp / hp_max) * _root.sel_instance.bars.bg1._width;
_root.sel_instance.bars.prog_bar._width = (1 - (delay / delay_max)) * _root.sel_instance.bars.bg1._width;
on (rollOver) {
if (((active == 1) && (_root.pause == 0)) && (ai == 1)) {
this.en_hp_bar._visible = 1;
this.en_hp_bar_bg._visible = 1;
this.en_hp_bar._width = (hp / hp_max) * this.en_hp_bar_bg._width;
on (rollOut) {
if (((active == 1) && (_root.pause == 0)) && (ai == 1)) {
this.en_hp_bar._visible = 0;
this.en_hp_bar_bg._visible = 0;
Instance of Symbol 266 MovieClip "air_0" in Frame 88 (4.09 KiB) ●
onClipEvent (load) {
function damage(val, t) {
if (t == 2) {
val = val / 3;
if (t == 3) {
val = val * 2;
hp = hp - val;
if (t == 1) {
duplicateMovieClip (_root.he_blast, "hex" + _root.misk_depth, _root.misk_depth);
_root["hex" + _root.misk_depth]._x = _x;
_root["hex" + _root.misk_depth]._y = _y;
if (hp <= 0) {
_root["tile" + base_tile]._visible = 1;
if (base_tile == _root.tile_sel) {
_root.sel_instance.bars._visible = 0;
if ((ai == 0) && (_root.house == 0)) {
if ((ai == 0) && (_root.house == 1)) {
duplicateMovieClip (_root.stru_death, "stru_d" + _root.misk_depth, _root.misk_depth);
_root["stru_d" + _root.misk_depth]._x = _x;
_root["stru_d" + _root.misk_depth]._y = _y;
_root["stru_d" + _root.misk_depth].dir = dir;
if (ai == 1) {
function enqueue_unit(unit_name, unit_type, unit_value) {
if (delay == -1) {
if (_root.money >= unit_value) {
_root.money = _root.money - unit_value;
delay = unit_value;
delay_max = delay;
current = unit_name;
cur_type = unit_type;
} else {
q_size = 0;
} else if ((q_size < q_max) && (current == unit_name)) {
q_current = unit_name;
q_type = unit_type;
q_value = unit_value;
function show_buttons() {
hp = _root.air_0_hp;
hp_max = hp;
_global.active = 0;
_global.ai = 0;
_global.base_tile = 0;
_global.repair = 0;
_global.name = "";
this.en_hp_bar._visible = 0;
this.en_hp_bar_bg._visible = 0;
delay = -1;
delay_max = -1;
current = "";
cur_type = "";
q_current = "";
q_type = "";
q_value = -1;
q_size = 0;
q_max = 9;
if ((active == 1) && (_root.tile_sel == base_tile)) {
on (press) {
if (ai == 0) {
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (((active == 1) && (_root.pause == 0)) && (ai == 0)) {
if (repair == 1) {
if ((_root.rep_price <= _root.money) && (hp < hp_max)) {
_root.money = _root.money - _root.rep_price;
} else {
repair = 0;
if (delay != -1) {
if (delay == 0) {
_root.create_air_unit(current, ai, cur_type, base_tile);
delay = -1;
delay_max = -1;
if (q_size > 0) {
enqueue_unit(q_current, q_type, q_value);
if (_root.tile_sel == base_tile) {
if (q_size > 0) {
_root.interface["btn_" + current].q_txt.text = q_size;
} else {
_root.interface["btn_" + current].q_txt.text = "";
_root.sel_instance.bars._visible = 1;
_root.sel_instance.bars.hp_bar._width = (hp / hp_max) * _root.sel_instance.bars.bg1._width;
_root.sel_instance.bars.prog_bar._width = (1 - (delay / delay_max)) * _root.sel_instance.bars.bg1._width;
if (((active == 1) && (_root.pause == 0)) && (ai == 1)) {
if (delay == -1) {
s = random(10);
if (s < _root.falcon_pref) {
u = 0;
} else if (s < _root.stealth_pref) {
u = 1;
} else if (s < _root.xxx_pref) {
u = 2;
} else {
u = 3;
switch (u) {
case 0 :
delay = _root.falcon_price * _root.ai_delay;
current = "falcon";
cur_type = "aircraft";
case 1 :
delay = _root.stealth_price * _root.ai_delay;
current = "stealth";
cur_type = "aircraft";
case 2 :
case 3 :
if (delay != -1) {
if (delay == 0) {
delay = -1;
_root.create_air_unit(current, ai, cur_type, base_tile);
on (rollOver) {
if (((active == 1) && (_root.pause == 0)) && (ai == 1)) {
this.en_hp_bar._visible = 1;
this.en_hp_bar_bg._visible = 1;
this.en_hp_bar._width = (hp / hp_max) * this.en_hp_bar_bg._width;
on (rollOut) {
if (((active == 1) && (_root.pause == 0)) && (ai == 1)) {
this.en_hp_bar._visible = 0;
this.en_hp_bar_bg._visible = 0;
Instance of Symbol 268 MovieClip "air_1" in Frame 88 (4.09 KiB) ●
onClipEvent (load) {
function damage(val, t) {
if (t == 2) {
val = val / 3;
if (t == 3) {
val = val * 2;
hp = hp - val;
if (t == 1) {
duplicateMovieClip (_root.he_blast, "hex" + _root.misk_depth, _root.misk_depth);
_root["hex" + _root.misk_depth]._x = _x;
_root["hex" + _root.misk_depth]._y = _y;
if (hp <= 0) {
_root["tile" + base_tile]._visible = 1;
if (base_tile == _root.tile_sel) {
_root.sel_instance.bars._visible = 0;
if ((ai == 0) && (_root.house == 0)) {
if ((ai == 0) && (_root.house == 1)) {
duplicateMovieClip (_root.stru_death, "stru_d" + _root.misk_depth, _root.misk_depth);
_root["stru_d" + _root.misk_depth]._x = _x;
_root["stru_d" + _root.misk_depth]._y = _y;
_root["stru_d" + _root.misk_depth].dir = dir;
if (ai == 1) {
function enqueue_unit(unit_name, unit_type, unit_value) {
if (delay == -1) {
if (_root.money >= unit_value) {
_root.money = _root.money - unit_value;
delay = unit_value;
delay_max = delay;
current = unit_name;
cur_type = unit_type;
} else {
q_size = 0;
} else if ((q_size < q_max) && (current == unit_name)) {
q_current = unit_name;
q_type = unit_type;
q_value = unit_value;
function show_buttons() {
hp = _root.air_1_hp;
hp_max = hp;
_global.active = 0;
_global.ai = 0;
_global.base_tile = 0;
_global.repair = 0;
_global.name = "";
this.en_hp_bar._visible = 0;
this.en_hp_bar_bg._visible = 0;
delay = -1;
delay_max = -1;
current = "";
cur_type = "";
q_current = "";
q_type = "";
q_value = -1;
q_size = 0;
q_max = 9;
if ((active == 1) && (_root.tile_sel == base_tile)) {
on (press) {
if (ai == 0) {
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (((active == 1) && (_root.pause == 0)) && (ai == 0)) {
if (repair == 1) {
if ((_root.rep_price <= _root.money) && (hp < hp_max)) {
_root.money = _root.money - _root.rep_price;
} else {
repair = 0;
if (delay != -1) {
if (delay == 0) {
_root.create_air_unit(current, ai, cur_type, base_tile);
delay = -1;
delay_max = -1;
if (q_size > 0) {
enqueue_unit(q_current, q_type, q_value);
if (_root.tile_sel == base_tile) {
if (q_size > 0) {
_root.interface["btn_" + current].q_txt.text = q_size;
} else {
_root.interface["btn_" + current].q_txt.text = "";
_root.sel_instance.bars._visible = 1;
_root.sel_instance.bars.hp_bar._width = (hp / hp_max) * _root.sel_instance.bars.bg1._width;
_root.sel_instance.bars.prog_bar._width = (1 - (delay / delay_max)) * _root.sel_instance.bars.bg1._width;
if (((active == 1) && (_root.pause == 0)) && (ai == 1)) {
if (delay == -1) {
s = random(10);
if (s < _root.inter_pref) {
u = 0;
} else if (s < _root.bomber_pref) {
u = 1;
} else if (s < _root.xxx_pref) {
u = 2;
} else {
u = 3;
switch (u) {
case 0 :
delay = _root.inter_price * _root.ai_delay;
current = "inter";
cur_type = "aircraft";
case 1 :
delay = _root.bomber_price * _root.ai_delay;
current = "bomber";
cur_type = "aircraft";
case 2 :
case 3 :
if (delay != -1) {
if (delay == 0) {
delay = -1;
_root.create_air_unit(current, ai, cur_type, base_tile);
on (rollOver) {
if (((active == 1) && (_root.pause == 0)) && (ai == 1)) {
this.en_hp_bar._visible = 1;
this.en_hp_bar_bg._visible = 1;
this.en_hp_bar._width = (hp / hp_max) * this.en_hp_bar_bg._width;
on (rollOut) {
if (((active == 1) && (_root.pause == 0)) && (ai == 1)) {
this.en_hp_bar._visible = 0;
this.en_hp_bar_bg._visible = 0;
Instance of Symbol 272 MovieClip "falcon" in Frame 88 (4.76 KiB) ●
onClipEvent (load) {
function damage(val, t) {
hp = hp - val;
if (hp <= 0) {
if (ai == 0) {
if (ai == 1) {
duplicateMovieClip (_root.falcon_death, "falcon_d" + _root.misk_depth, _root.misk_depth);
_root["falcon_d" + _root.misk_depth]._x = _x;
_root["falcon_d" + _root.misk_depth]._y = _y;
_root["falcon_d" + _root.misk_depth].dir = dir;
function drop_bomb() {
duplicateMovieClip (_root.cluster_bomb, "bmb" + _root.misk_depth, _root.misk_depth);
_root["bmb" + _root.misk_depth]._x = _x;
_root["bmb" + _root.misk_depth]._y = _y + 5;
_root["bmb" + _root.misk_depth].ai = ai;
_root["bmb" + _root.misk_depth].dir = dir;
_root["bmb" + _root.misk_depth].active = 1;
function fire_weapon(t, p, ty) {
if (ty == "vehi") {
duplicateMovieClip (_root.maveric, "missile" + _root.misk_depth, _root.misk_depth);
} else {
duplicateMovieClip (_root.sparrow, "missile" + _root.misk_depth, _root.misk_depth);
_root["missile" + _root.misk_depth]._x = _x;
_root["missile" + _root.misk_depth]._y = _y + 5;
_root["missile" + _root.misk_depth].ai = ai;
_root["missile" + _root.misk_depth].dir = dir;
_root["missile" + _root.misk_depth].power = power + random(acc);
eccm = 1;
if (ai == 0) {
eccm = _root.hu_eccm;
} else {
eccm = _root.ai_eccm;
if (_root[trgt + "_flare"].hp == 1) {
if (random(_root.flare_effect) >= eccm) {
trgt = trgt + "_flare";
_root["missile" + _root.misk_depth].trgt = trgt;
_root["missile" + _root.misk_depth].active = 1;
hp = _root.falcon_hp;
hp_max = hp;
speed = _root.falcon_speed;
rof = _root.falcon_rof;
power = _root.falcon_pow;
acc = _root.falcon_acc;
fire = rof;
range = _root.falcon_range;
ecm = _root.falcon_ecm;
bomb_num = 1;
ros = _root.ros;
scan = ros;
trgt = "";
cur_type = "";
_global.active = 0;
_global.ai = 0;
_global.dir = 1;
_global.name = "";
_xscale = (_root.unitScale * dir);
_yscale = _root.unitScale;
if ((ai == 0) && (_root.hu_jammer >= 1)) {
ecm = ecm + 150;
if ((ai == 1) && (_root.ai_jammer >= 1)) {
ecm = ecm + 150;
if ((ai == 0) && (_root.hu_decept >= 1)) {
ecm = ecm + 150;
if ((ai == 1) && (_root.ai_decept >= 1)) {
ecm = ecm + 150;
if ((ai == 0) && (_root.hu_ram >= 1)) {
ecm = ecm + 200;
if ((ai == 1) && (_root.ai_ram >= 1)) {
ecm = ecm + 200;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if ((active == 1) && (_root.pause == 0)) {
_x = (_x - (speed * dir));
if (dir == 1) {
if (_x <= (_root.leftBase - 300)) {
if ((_x <= (_root.leftBase + 100)) && (bomb_num > 0)) {
if (dir == -1) {
if (_x >= (_root.rightBase + 300)) {
if ((_x >= (_root.rightBase - 100)) && (bomb_num > 0)) {
if ((scan <= 0) && (trgt == "")) {
scan = ros;
if (ai == 0) {
enemy = "ai_aircraft_";
max_i = _root.ai_air_num;
} else {
enemy = "aircraft_";
max_i = _root.hu_air_num;
i = 0;
while (i < max_i) {
if (_root[enemy + i].hp > 0) {
if (Math.abs(_root[enemy + i]._x - _x) <= (range * 2)) {
if (((dir == 1) && (_root[enemy + i]._x < _x)) || ((dir == -1) && (_root[enemy + i]._x > _x))) {
trgt = enemy + i;
cur_type = "aircraft";
if (trgt == "") {
if (ai == 0) {
enemy = "ai_vehi_";
max_i = _root.ai_num;
} else {
enemy = "vehi_";
max_i = _root.hu_num;
i = 0;
while (i < max_i) {
if (_root[enemy + i].hp > 0) {
if (Math.abs(_root[enemy + i]._x - _x) <= range) {
if (((dir == 1) && (_root[enemy + i]._x < _x)) || ((dir == -1) && (_root[enemy + i]._x > _x))) {
trgt = enemy + i;
cur_type = "vehi";
if (trgt != "") {
if (dir == -1) {
if (_root[trgt]._x < _x) {
trgt = "";
if (dir == 1) {
if (_root[trgt]._x > _x) {
trgt = "";
if (_root[trgt].hp <= 0) {
trgt = "";
} else if (dir == -1) {
if ((_root[trgt]._x - _x) > 0) {
if (fire <= 0) {
fire = rof;
fire_weapon(trgt, power, cur_type);
} else if ((_x - _root[trgt]._x) > 0) {
if (fire <= 0) {
fire = rof;
fire_weapon(trgt, power, cur_type);
Instance of Symbol 279 MovieClip "stealth" in Frame 88 (3.06 KiB) ●
onClipEvent (load) {
function damage(val, t) {
hp = hp - val;
if (hp <= 0) {
if (ai == 0) {
if (ai == 1) {
duplicateMovieClip (_root.stealth_death, "stealth_d" + _root.misk_depth, _root.misk_depth);
_root["stealth_d" + _root.misk_depth]._x = _x;
_root["stealth_d" + _root.misk_depth]._y = _y;
_root["stealth_d" + _root.misk_depth].dir = dir;
function drop_bomb() {
duplicateMovieClip (_root.cluster_bomb, "bmb" + _root.misk_depth, _root.misk_depth);
_root["bmb" + _root.misk_depth]._x = _x;
_root["bmb" + _root.misk_depth]._y = _y + 5;
_root["bmb" + _root.misk_depth].ai = ai;
_root["bmb" + _root.misk_depth].dir = dir;
_root["bmb" + _root.misk_depth].active = 1;
function fire_weapon(t, p, ty) {
if (ty == "vehi") {
duplicateMovieClip (_root.maveric, "missile" + _root.misk_depth, _root.misk_depth);
} else {
duplicateMovieClip (_root.sparrow, "missile" + _root.misk_depth, _root.misk_depth);
_root["missile" + _root.misk_depth]._x = _x;
_root["missile" + _root.misk_depth]._y = _y + 5;
_root["missile" + _root.misk_depth].ai = ai;
_root["missile" + _root.misk_depth].dir = dir;
_root["missile" + _root.misk_depth].power = power + random(acc);
eccm = 1;
if (ai == 0) {
eccm = _root.hu_eccm;
} else {
eccm = _root.ai_eccm;
if (_root[trgt + "_flare"].hp == 1) {
if (random(_root.flare_effect) >= eccm) {
trgt = trgt + "_flare";
_root["missile" + _root.misk_depth].trgt = trgt;
_root["missile" + _root.misk_depth].active = 1;
hp = _root.stealth_hp;
hp_max = hp;
speed = _root.stealth_speed;
rof = _root.stealth_rof;
power = _root.stealth_pow;
acc = _root.stealth_acc;
fire = rof;
range = _root.stealth_range;
ecm = _root.stealth_ecm;
bomb_num = 5;
bmb_cooldown = 15;
bmb = 0;
ros = _root.ros;
scan = ros;
trgt = "";
cur_type = "";
_global.active = 0;
_global.ai = 0;
_global.dir = 1;
_global.name = "";
_xscale = (_root.unitScale * dir);
_yscale = _root.unitScale;
if ((ai == 0) && (_root.hu_decept >= 1)) {
ecm = ecm + 150;
if ((ai == 1) && (_root.ai_decept >= 1)) {
ecm = ecm + 150;
if ((ai == 0) && (_root.hu_ram >= 1)) {
ecm = ecm + 200;
if ((ai == 1) && (_root.ai_ram >= 1)) {
ecm = ecm + 200;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if ((active == 1) && (_root.pause == 0)) {
_x = (_x - (speed * dir));
if (dir == 1) {
if (_x <= (_root.leftBase - 300)) {
if (((_x <= (_root.leftBase + 200)) && (bomb_num > 0)) && (bmb <= 0)) {
bmb = bmb_cooldown;
if (dir == -1) {
if (_x >= (_root.rightBase + 300)) {
if (((_x >= (_root.rightBase - 200)) && (bomb_num > 0)) && (bmb <= 0)) {
bmb = bmb_cooldown;
Instance of Symbol 283 MovieClip "inter" in Frame 88 (3.19 KiB) ●
onClipEvent (load) {
function damage(val, t) {
hp = hp - val;
if (hp <= 0) {
if (ai == 0) {
if (ai == 1) {
duplicateMovieClip (_root.inter_death, "inter_d" + _root.misk_depth, _root.misk_depth);
_root["inter_d" + _root.misk_depth]._x = _x;
_root["inter_d" + _root.misk_depth]._y = _y;
_root["inter_d" + _root.misk_depth].dir = dir;
function fire_weapon(t, p) {
this.rfl_b_0.attachMovie("mg_shot", "msh" + _root.misk_depth, _root.misk_depth);
this.rfl_b_1.attachMovie("mg_shot", "msh" + _root.misk_depth, _root.misk_depth);
_root[t].damage(p + random(acc), 0);
function deply_flare() {
duplicateMovieClip (_root.flare, name + "_flare", _root.misk_depth);
_root[name + "_flare"]._x = _x;
_root[name + "_flare"]._y = _y;
_root[name + "_flare"].dir = dir;
_root[name + "_flare"].name = name + "_flare";
_root[name + "_flare"].active = 1;
hp = _root.inter_hp;
hp_max = hp;
speed = _root.inter_speed;
rof = _root.inter_rof;
power = _root.inter_pow;
acc = _root.inter_acc;
fire = rof;
flare_rate = 35;
fl = 35;
range = _root.inter_range;
ecm = _root.inter_ecm;
ros = _root.ros;
scan = ros;
trgt = "";
cur_type = "";
_global.active = 0;
_global.ai = 0;
_global.dir = 1;
_global.name = "";
_xscale = (_root.unitScale * dir);
_yscale = _root.unitScale;
flare_ready = 0;
if ((ai == 0) && (_root.hu_flare_ready == 1)) {
flare_ready = 1;
if ((ai == 1) && (_root.ai_flare_ready == 1)) {
flare_ready = 1;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if ((active == 1) && (_root.pause == 0)) {
_x = (_x - (speed * dir));
if (dir == 1) {
if (_x <= (_root.leftBase - 300)) {
if (dir == -1) {
if (_x >= (_root.rightBase + 300)) {
if (flare_ready == 1) {
if ((fl <= 0) && (_root[name + "_flare"].hp != 1)) {
fl = flare_rate;
if ((scan <= 0) && (trgt == "")) {
scan = ros;
if (ai == 0) {
enemy = "ai_aircraft_";
max_i = _root.ai_air_num;
} else {
enemy = "aircraft_";
max_i = _root.hu_air_num;
i = 0;
while (i < max_i) {
if (_root[enemy + i].hp > 0) {
if (Math.abs(_root[enemy + i]._x - _x) <= range) {
if (((dir == 1) && (_root[enemy + i]._x < _x)) || ((dir == -1) && (_root[enemy + i]._x > _x))) {
trgt = enemy + i;
if (trgt != "") {
if (dir == -1) {
if (_root[trgt]._x < _x) {
trgt = "";
if (dir == 1) {
if (_root[trgt]._x > _x) {
trgt = "";
if (_root[trgt].hp <= 0) {
trgt = "";
} else if (dir == -1) {
if ((_root[trgt]._x - _x) > 0) {
if (fire <= 0) {
fire = rof;
fire_weapon(trgt, power, cur_type);
} else if ((_x - _root[trgt]._x) > 0) {
if (fire <= 0) {
fire = rof;
fire_weapon(trgt, power, cur_type);
Instance of Symbol 287 MovieClip "bomber" in Frame 88 (4.28 KiB) ●
onClipEvent (load) {
function damage(val, t) {
hp = hp - val;
if (hp <= 0) {
if (ai == 0) {
if (ai == 1) {
duplicateMovieClip (_root.bomber_death, "bomber_d" + _root.misk_depth, _root.misk_depth);
_root["bomber_d" + _root.misk_depth]._x = _x;
_root["bomber_d" + _root.misk_depth]._y = _y;
_root["bomber_d" + _root.misk_depth].dir = dir;
function deply_flare() {
duplicateMovieClip (_root.flare, name + "_flare", _root.misk_depth);
_root[name + "_flare"]._x = _x;
_root[name + "_flare"]._y = _y;
_root[name + "_flare"].dir = dir;
_root[name + "_flare"].name = name + "_flare";
_root[name + "_flare"].active = 1;
function drop_bomb() {
duplicateMovieClip (_root.fab, "bmb" + _root.misk_depth, _root.misk_depth);
_root["bmb" + _root.misk_depth]._x = _x;
_root["bmb" + _root.misk_depth]._y = _y + 5;
_root["bmb" + _root.misk_depth].ai = ai;
_root["bmb" + _root.misk_depth].dir = dir;
tt = random(7);
if (ai == 0) {
tt = tt + 8;
} else {
tt = tt + 1;
_root["bmb" + _root.misk_depth].trgt_tile = tt;
_root["bmb" + _root.misk_depth].active = 1;
function fire_weapon(t, p, ty) {
duplicateMovieClip (_root.xb_missile, "missile" + _root.misk_depth, _root.misk_depth);
_root["missile" + _root.misk_depth]._x = _x;
_root["missile" + _root.misk_depth]._y = _y + 5;
_root["missile" + _root.misk_depth].ai = ai;
_root["missile" + _root.misk_depth].dir = dir;
_root["missile" + _root.misk_depth].power = power + random(acc);
_root["missile" + _root.misk_depth].trgt = trgt;
_root["missile" + _root.misk_depth].active = 1;
hp = _root.bomber_hp;
hp_max = hp;
speed = _root.bomber_speed;
rof = _root.bomber_rof;
power = _root.bomber_pow;
acc = _root.bomber_acc;
fire = rof;
flare_rate = 35;
fl = 35;
range = _root.bomber_range;
ecm = _root.bomber_ecm;
ros = _root.ros;
scan = ros;
trgt = "";
cur_type = "";
bomb_num = 2;
bmb_cooldown = 20;
bmb = 0;
_global.active = 0;
_global.ai = 0;
_global.dir = 1;
_global.name = "";
_xscale = (_root.unitScale * dir);
_yscale = _root.unitScale;
flare_ready = 0;
if ((ai == 0) && (_root.hu_flare_ready == 1)) {
flare_ready = 1;
if ((ai == 1) && (_root.ai_flare_ready == 1)) {
flare_ready = 1;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if ((active == 1) && (_root.pause == 0)) {
_x = (_x - (speed * dir));
if (dir == 1) {
if (_x <= (_root.leftBase - 300)) {
if (((_x <= (_root.leftBase + 200)) && (bomb_num > 0)) && (bmb <= 0)) {
bmb = bmb_cooldown;
if (dir == -1) {
if (_x >= (_root.rightBase + 300)) {
if (((_x >= (_root.rightBase - 200)) && (bomb_num > 0)) && (bmb <= 0)) {
bmb = bmb_cooldown;
if (flare_ready == 1) {
if ((fl <= 0) && (_root[name + "_flare"].hp != 1)) {
fl = flare_rate;
if ((scan <= 0) && (trgt == "")) {
scan = ros;
if (ai == 0) {
enemy = "ai_vehi_";
max_i = _root.ai_num;
} else {
enemy = "vehi_";
max_i = _root.hu_num;
i = 0;
while (i < max_i) {
if (_root[enemy + i].hp > 0) {
if (Math.abs(_root[enemy + i]._x - _x) <= range) {
if (((dir == 1) && (_root[enemy + i]._x < _x)) || ((dir == -1) && (_root[enemy + i]._x > _x))) {
trgt = enemy + i;
if (trgt != "") {
if (dir == -1) {
if (_root[trgt]._x < _x) {
trgt = "";
if (dir == 1) {
if (_root[trgt]._x > _x) {
trgt = "";
if (_root[trgt].hp <= 0) {
trgt = "";
} else if (dir == -1) {
if ((_root[trgt]._x - _x) > 0) {
if (fire <= 0) {
fire = rof;
fire_weapon(trgt, power, cur_type);
} else if ((_x - _root[trgt]._x) > 0) {
if (fire <= 0) {
fire = rof;
fire_weapon(trgt, power, cur_type);
Instance of Symbol 289 MovieClip "sparrow" in Frame 88 (1.84 KiB) ●
onClipEvent (load) {
_global.power = 1;
speed = 25;
turnspeed = 15;
p_thresh = 20;
lifetime = 85;
_visible = 0;
_global.active = 0;
_global.trgt = "";
_global.dir = 1;
if (dir == 1) {
_rotation = -90;
} else {
_rotation = 90;
_xscale = _root.unitScale;
_yscale = _root.unitScale;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if ((active == 1) && (_root.pause == 0)) {
if (lifetime <= 0) {
if (_root[trgt].hp <= 0) {
duplicateMovieClip (_root.missile_exhaust, "mex" + _root.misk_depth, _root.misk_depth);
_root["mex" + _root.misk_depth]._x = _x;
_root["mex" + _root.misk_depth]._y = _y;
_root["mex" + _root.misk_depth].active = 1;
delta_x = _x - _root[trgt]._x;
delta_y = _y - _root[trgt]._y;
Rotation = (-Math.atan2(delta_x, delta_y)) / (Math.PI/180);
if (Math.abs(_rotation - Rotation) <= turnspeed) {
_rotation = Rotation;
} else if (_rotation < Rotation) {
_rotation = (_rotation + turnspeed);
} else {
_rotation = (_rotation - turnspeed);
_visible = 1;
proximity = Math.sqrt((delta_x * delta_x) + (delta_y * delta_y));
if (proximity > (_height / 2)) {
_y = (_y - (speed * Math.cos(_rotation * (Math.PI/180))));
_x = (_x + (speed * Math.sin(_rotation * (Math.PI/180))));
if (proximity < p_thresh) {
_root[trgt].damage(power, 2);
duplicateMovieClip (_root.sam_exp, "bl" + _root.air_unit_depth, _root.air_unit_depth);
_root["bl" + _root.air_unit_depth]._x = _x;
_root["bl" + _root.air_unit_depth]._y = _y;
_root["bl" + _root.air_unit_depth]._xscale = _root.unitScale;
_root["bl" + _root.air_unit_depth]._yscale = _root.unitScale;
_root["bl" + _root.air_unit_depth].active = 1;
Instance of Symbol 291 MovieClip "maveric" in Frame 88 (1.9 KiB) ●
onClipEvent (load) {
_global.power = 1;
speed = 15;
turnspeed = 1;
turnspeed_max = 15;
p_thresh = 20;
lifetime = 85;
_visible = 0;
_global.active = 0;
_global.trgt = "";
_global.dir = 1;
if (dir == 1) {
_rotation = -90;
} else {
_rotation = 90;
_xscale = _root.unitScale;
_yscale = _root.unitScale;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if ((active == 1) && (_root.pause == 0)) {
if (turnspeed < turnspeed_max) {
turnspeed = turnspeed + 0.4;
if (lifetime <= 0) {
if (_root[trgt].hp <= 0) {
duplicateMovieClip (_root.missile_exhaust, "mex" + _root.misk_depth, _root.misk_depth);
_root["mex" + _root.misk_depth]._x = _x;
_root["mex" + _root.misk_depth]._y = _y;
_root["mex" + _root.misk_depth].active = 1;
delta_x = _x - _root[trgt]._x;
delta_y = _y - _root[trgt]._y;
Rotation = (-Math.atan2(delta_x, delta_y)) / (Math.PI/180);
if (Math.abs(_rotation - Rotation) <= turnspeed) {
_rotation = Rotation;
} else if (_rotation < Rotation) {
_rotation = (_rotation + turnspeed);
} else {
_rotation = (_rotation - turnspeed);
_visible = 1;
proximity = Math.sqrt((delta_x * delta_x) + (delta_y * delta_y));
if (proximity > (_height / 2)) {
_y = (_y - (speed * Math.cos(_rotation * (Math.PI/180))));
_x = (_x + (speed * Math.sin(_rotation * (Math.PI/180))));
if (proximity < p_thresh) {
_root[trgt].damage(power, 2);
duplicateMovieClip (_root.rpg_blast, "bl" + _root.misk_depth, _root.misk_depth);
_root["bl" + _root.misk_depth]._x = _x;
_root["bl" + _root.misk_depth]._y = _y;
_root["bl" + _root.misk_depth]._xscale = _root.unitScale;
_root["bl" + _root.misk_depth]._yscale = _root.unitScale;
_root["bl" + _root.misk_depth].active = 1;
Instance of Symbol 304 MovieClip "falcon_death" in Frame 88 (106 B)
onClipEvent (load) {
_global.dir = 1;
_xscale = (_root.unitScale * dir);
_yscale = _root.unitScale;
Instance of Symbol 310 MovieClip "shrapnel" in Frame 88 (595 B)
onClipEvent (load) {
_global.active = 0;
_global.ai = 0;
_global.dir = 1;
_global.power = 10;
_global.acc = 10;
c = 0;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if ((active == 1) && (_root.pause == 0)) {
if (c == 2) {
power = power * 0.3;
if ((c == 1) || (c == 3)) {
if (ai == 0) {
enemy = "ai_aircraft_";
max_i = _root.ai_air_num;
} else {
enemy = "aircraft_";
max_i = _root.hu_air_num;
i = 0;
while (i < max_i) {
if (this.hitTest(_root[enemy + i])) {
_root[enemy + i].damage(power + random(acc), 1);
Instance of Symbol 312 MovieClip "stealth_death" in Frame 88 (106 B)
onClipEvent (load) {
_global.dir = 1;
_xscale = (_root.unitScale * dir);
_yscale = _root.unitScale;
Instance of Symbol 314 MovieClip "inter_death" in Frame 88 (106 B)
onClipEvent (load) {
_global.dir = 1;
_xscale = (_root.unitScale * dir);
_yscale = _root.unitScale;
Instance of Symbol 316 MovieClip "bomber_death" in Frame 88 (106 B)
onClipEvent (load) {
_global.dir = 1;
_xscale = (_root.unitScale * dir);
_yscale = _root.unitScale;
Instance of Symbol 318 MovieClip "xb_missile" in Frame 88 (1.9 KiB) ●
onClipEvent (load) {
_global.power = 1;
speed = 15;
turnspeed = 10;
turnspeed_max = 15;
p_thresh = 20;
lifetime = 85;
_visible = 0;
_global.active = 0;
_global.trgt = "";
_global.dir = 1;
if (dir == 1) {
_rotation = -90;
} else {
_rotation = 90;
_xscale = _root.unitScale;
_yscale = _root.unitScale;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if ((active == 1) && (_root.pause == 0)) {
if (turnspeed < turnspeed_max) {
turnspeed = turnspeed + 0.4;
if (lifetime <= 0) {
if (_root[trgt].hp <= 0) {
duplicateMovieClip (_root.missile_exhaust, "mex" + _root.misk_depth, _root.misk_depth);
_root["mex" + _root.misk_depth]._x = _x;
_root["mex" + _root.misk_depth]._y = _y;
_root["mex" + _root.misk_depth].active = 1;
delta_x = _x - _root[trgt]._x;
delta_y = _y - _root[trgt]._y;
Rotation = (-Math.atan2(delta_x, delta_y)) / (Math.PI/180);
if (Math.abs(_rotation - Rotation) <= turnspeed) {
_rotation = Rotation;
} else if (_rotation < Rotation) {
_rotation = (_rotation + turnspeed);
} else {
_rotation = (_rotation - turnspeed);
_visible = 1;
proximity = Math.sqrt((delta_x * delta_x) + (delta_y * delta_y));
if (proximity > (_height / 2)) {
_y = (_y - (speed * Math.cos(_rotation * (Math.PI/180))));
_x = (_x + (speed * Math.sin(_rotation * (Math.PI/180))));
if (proximity < p_thresh) {
_root[trgt].damage(power, 2);
duplicateMovieClip (_root.rpg_blast, "bl" + _root.misk_depth, _root.misk_depth);
_root["bl" + _root.misk_depth]._x = _x;
_root["bl" + _root.misk_depth]._y = _y;
_root["bl" + _root.misk_depth]._xscale = _root.unitScale;
_root["bl" + _root.misk_depth]._yscale = _root.unitScale;
_root["bl" + _root.misk_depth].active = 1;
Instance of Symbol 324 MovieClip "hawk_site" in Frame 88 (4.86 KiB) ●
onClipEvent (load) {
function damage(val, t) {
if (t == 2) {
val = val / 3;
if (t == 3) {
val = val * 2;
hp = hp - val;
if (t == 1) {
duplicateMovieClip (_root.he_blast, "hex" + _root.misk_depth, _root.misk_depth);
_root["hex" + _root.misk_depth]._x = _x;
_root["hex" + _root.misk_depth]._y = _y;
if (hp <= 0) {
_root["tile" + base_tile]._visible = 1;
if (base_tile == _root.tile_sel) {
_root.sel_instance.bars._visible = 0;
if ((ai == 0) && (_root.house == 0)) {
if ((ai == 0) && (_root.house == 1)) {
duplicateMovieClip (_root.stru_death, "stru_d" + _root.misk_depth, _root.misk_depth);
_root["stru_d" + _root.misk_depth]._x = _x;
_root["stru_d" + _root.misk_depth]._y = _y;
_root["stru_d" + _root.misk_depth].dir = dir;
if (ai == 1) {
function fire_weapon(t) {
duplicateMovieClip (_root.hawk_missile, "missile" + _root.misk_depth, _root.misk_depth);
_root["missile" + _root.misk_depth]._x = _x;
_root["missile" + _root.misk_depth]._y = _y - 5;
_root["missile" + _root.misk_depth].ai = ai;
_root["missile" + _root.misk_depth].dir = dir;
eccm = 1;
if (ai == 0) {
eccm = _root.hu_eccm;
} else {
eccm = _root.ai_eccm;
if (_root[trgt + "_flare"].hp == 1) {
if (random(_root.flare_effect) >= eccm) {
trgt = trgt + "_flare";
_root["missile" + _root.misk_depth].trgt = trgt;
_root["missile" + _root.misk_depth].active = 1;
function show_buttons() {
hp = _root.hawk_site_hp;
hp_max = hp;
range = 500;
ros = _root.ros;
scan = ros;
trgt = "";
_global.active = 0;
_global.ai = 0;
_global.base_tile = 0;
_global.repair = 0;
_global.name = "";
this.en_hp_bar._visible = 0;
this.en_hp_bar_bg._visible = 0;
dir = 1;
if ((active == 1) && (ai == 0)) {
this.turret._xscale = -100;
dir = -1;
MScooldown = 20;
MS = MScooldown;
MSmaxrel = 70;
MSreload = 70;
MSnumber = 2;
MSmaxnum = 2;
if ((active == 1) && (_root.tile_sel == base_tile)) {
on (press) {
if (ai == 0) {
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if ((active == 1) && (_root.pause == 0)) {
if (repair == 1) {
if ((_root.rep_price <= _root.money) && (hp < hp_max)) {
_root.money = _root.money - _root.rep_price;
} else {
repair = 0;
if (MSnumber < MSmaxnum) {
if (MSreload <= 0) {
MSreload = MSmaxrel;
this.turret["missile_" + MSnumber]._visible = 1;
if ((MS > 0) && (MSnumber > 0)) {
if ((scan <= 0) && (trgt == "")) {
scan = ros;
if (ai == 0) {
enemy = "ai_aircraft_";
max_i = _root.ai_air_num;
} else {
enemy = "aircraft_";
max_i = _root.hu_air_num;
i = 0;
while (i < max_i) {
if (_root[enemy + i].hp > 0) {
if (Math.abs(_root[enemy + i]._x - _x) <= range) {
if (((dir == 1) && (_root[enemy + i]._x < _x)) || ((dir == -1) && (_root[enemy + i]._x > _x))) {
trgt = enemy + i;
if (trgt != "") {
if (dir == -1) {
if (_root[trgt]._x < _x) {
trgt = "";
if (dir == 1) {
if (_root[trgt]._x > _x) {
trgt = "";
if (_root[trgt].hp <= 0) {
trgt = "";
} else if (dir == -1) {
if ((_root[trgt]._x - _x) > 0) {
if (MS <= 0) {
MS = MScooldown;
this.turret["missile_" + MSnumber]._visible = 0;
} else if ((_x - _root[trgt]._x) > 0) {
if (MS <= 0) {
MS = MScooldown;
this.turret["missile_" + MSnumber]._visible = 0;
if (_root.tile_sel == base_tile) {
if (q_size > 0) {
_root.interface["btn_" + current].q_txt.text = q_size;
} else {
_root.interface["btn_" + current].q_txt.text = "";
_root.sel_instance.bars._visible = 1;
_root.sel_instance.bars.hp_bar._width = (hp / hp_max) * _root.sel_instance.bars.bg1._width;
_root.sel_instance.bars.prog_bar._width = (1 - (delay / delay_max)) * _root.sel_instance.bars.bg1._width;
on (rollOver) {
if (((active == 1) && (_root.pause == 0)) && (ai == 1)) {
this.en_hp_bar._visible = 1;
this.en_hp_bar_bg._visible = 1;
this.en_hp_bar._width = (hp / hp_max) * this.en_hp_bar_bg._width;
on (rollOut) {
if (((active == 1) && (_root.pause == 0)) && (ai == 1)) {
this.en_hp_bar._visible = 0;
this.en_hp_bar_bg._visible = 0;
Instance of Symbol 326 MovieClip "hawk_missile" in Frame 88 (1.91 KiB) ●
onClipEvent (load) {
_global.power = 30;
_global.acc = 20;
speed = 15;
turnspeed = 1;
turnspeed_max = 15;
p_thresh = 50;
lifetime = 85;
_visible = 0;
_global.active = 0;
_global.trgt = "";
_global.dir = 1;
if (dir == 1) {
_rotation = -50;
} else {
_rotation = 50;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if ((active == 1) && (_root.pause == 0)) {
if (turnspeed < turnspeed_max) {
turnspeed = turnspeed + 0.4;
if (lifetime <= 0) {
if (_root[trgt].hp <= 0) {
duplicateMovieClip (_root.missile_exhaust, "mex" + _root.misk_depth, _root.misk_depth);
_root["mex" + _root.misk_depth]._x = _x;
_root["mex" + _root.misk_depth]._y = _y;
_root["mex" + _root.misk_depth].active = 1;
delta_x = _x - _root[trgt]._x;
delta_y = _y - _root[trgt]._y;
Rotation = (-Math.atan2(delta_x, delta_y)) / (Math.PI/180);
if (Math.abs(_rotation - Rotation) <= turnspeed) {
_rotation = Rotation;
} else if (_rotation < Rotation) {
_rotation = (_rotation + turnspeed);
} else {
_rotation = (_rotation - turnspeed);
_visible = 1;
proximity = Math.sqrt((delta_x * delta_x) + (delta_y * delta_y));
if (proximity > (_height / 2)) {
_y = (_y - (speed * Math.cos(_rotation * (Math.PI/180))));
_x = (_x + (speed * Math.sin(_rotation * (Math.PI/180))));
if (proximity < p_thresh) {
_root[trgt].damage(power + random(acc), 2);
duplicateMovieClip (_root.sam_exp, "bl" + _root.air_unit_depth, _root.air_unit_depth);
_root["bl" + _root.air_unit_depth]._x = _x;
_root["bl" + _root.air_unit_depth]._y = _y;
_root["bl" + _root.air_unit_depth]._xscale = _root.unitScale;
_root["bl" + _root.air_unit_depth]._yscale = _root.unitScale;
_root["bl" + _root.air_unit_depth].active = 1;
Instance of Symbol 328 MovieClip "sam_site" in Frame 88 (4.94 KiB) ●
onClipEvent (load) {
function damage(val, t) {
if (t == 2) {
val = val / 3;
if (t == 3) {
val = val * 2;
hp = hp - val;
if (t == 1) {
duplicateMovieClip (_root.he_blast, "hex" + _root.misk_depth, _root.misk_depth);
_root["hex" + _root.misk_depth]._x = _x;
_root["hex" + _root.misk_depth]._y = _y;
if (hp <= 0) {
_root["tile" + base_tile]._visible = 1;
if (base_tile == _root.tile_sel) {
_root.sel_instance.bars._visible = 0;
if ((ai == 0) && (_root.house == 0)) {
if ((ai == 0) && (_root.house == 1)) {
duplicateMovieClip (_root.stru_death, "stru_d" + _root.misk_depth, _root.misk_depth);
_root["stru_d" + _root.misk_depth]._x = _x;
_root["stru_d" + _root.misk_depth]._y = _y;
_root["stru_d" + _root.misk_depth].dir = dir;
if (ai == 1) {
function fire_weapon(t) {
duplicateMovieClip (_root.sam_missile, "missile" + _root.misk_depth, _root.misk_depth);
_root["missile" + _root.misk_depth]._x = _x - 10;
_root["missile" + _root.misk_depth]._y = _y - 5;
_root["missile" + _root.misk_depth].ai = ai;
_root["missile" + _root.misk_depth].dir = dir;
_root["missile" + _root.misk_depth].trgt = trgt;
eccm = 1;
if (ai == 0) {
eccm = _root.hu_eccm;
} else {
eccm = _root.ai_eccm;
_root["missile" + _root.misk_depth].inax = (random(_root[trgt].ecm) - (_root[trgt].ecm / 2)) / eccm;
_root["missile" + _root.misk_depth].inay = (random(_root[trgt].ecm) - (_root[trgt].ecm / 2)) / eccm;
_root["missile" + _root.misk_depth].active = 1;
function show_buttons() {
hp = _root.sam_site_hp;
hp_max = hp;
range = 700;
ros = _root.ros;
scan = ros;
trgt = "";
_global.active = 0;
_global.ai = 0;
_global.base_tile = 0;
_global.repair = 0;
_global.name = "";
this.en_hp_bar._visible = 0;
this.en_hp_bar_bg._visible = 0;
dir = 1;
if ((active == 1) && (ai == 0)) {
this.turret._xscale = -100;
dir = -1;
MScooldown = 20;
MS = MScooldown;
MSmaxrel = 80;
MSreload = 80;
MSnumber = 2;
MSmaxnum = 2;
if ((active == 1) && (_root.tile_sel == base_tile)) {
on (press) {
if (ai == 0) {
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if ((active == 1) && (_root.pause == 0)) {
if (repair == 1) {
if ((_root.rep_price <= _root.money) && (hp < hp_max)) {
_root.money = _root.money - _root.rep_price;
} else {
repair = 0;
if (MSnumber < MSmaxnum) {
if (MSreload <= 0) {
MSreload = MSmaxrel;
this.turret["missile_" + MSnumber]._visible = 1;
if ((MS > 0) && (MSnumber > 0)) {
if ((scan <= 0) && (trgt == "")) {
scan = ros;
if (ai == 0) {
enemy = "ai_aircraft_";
max_i = _root.ai_air_num;
} else {
enemy = "aircraft_";
max_i = _root.hu_air_num;
i = 0;
while (i < max_i) {
if (_root[enemy + i].hp > 0) {
if (Math.abs(_root[enemy + i]._x - _x) <= range) {
if (((dir == 1) && (_root[enemy + i]._x < _x)) || ((dir == -1) && (_root[enemy + i]._x > _x))) {
trgt = enemy + i;
if (trgt != "") {
if (dir == -1) {
if (_root[trgt]._x < _x) {
trgt = "";
if (dir == 1) {
if (_root[trgt]._x > _x) {
trgt = "";
if (_root[trgt].hp <= 0) {
trgt = "";
} else if (dir == -1) {
if ((_root[trgt]._x - _x) > 0) {
if (MS <= 0) {
MS = MScooldown;
this.turret["missile_" + MSnumber]._visible = 0;
} else if ((_x - _root[trgt]._x) > 0) {
if (MS <= 0) {
MS = MScooldown;
this.turret["missile_" + MSnumber]._visible = 0;
if (_root.tile_sel == base_tile) {
if (q_size > 0) {
_root.interface["btn_" + current].q_txt.text = q_size;
} else {
_root.interface["btn_" + current].q_txt.text = "";
_root.sel_instance.bars._visible = 1;
_root.sel_instance.bars.hp_bar._width = (hp / hp_max) * _root.sel_instance.bars.bg1._width;
_root.sel_instance.bars.prog_bar._width = (1 - (delay / delay_max)) * _root.sel_instance.bars.bg1._width;
on (rollOver) {
if (((active == 1) && (_root.pause == 0)) && (ai == 1)) {
this.en_hp_bar._visible = 1;
this.en_hp_bar_bg._visible = 1;
this.en_hp_bar._width = (hp / hp_max) * this.en_hp_bar_bg._width;
on (rollOut) {
if (((active == 1) && (_root.pause == 0)) && (ai == 1)) {
this.en_hp_bar._visible = 0;
this.en_hp_bar_bg._visible = 0;
Instance of Symbol 330 MovieClip "sam_missile" in Frame 88 (2.33 KiB) ●
onClipEvent (load) {
power = 20;
acc = 10;
_global.ai = 0;
speed = 2;
speed_max = 20;
turnspeed = 1;
turnspeed_max = 15;
p_thresh = 50;
lifetime = 85;
_visible = 0;
_global.active = 0;
_global.trgt = "";
_global.dir = 1;
_global.inax = 0;
_global.inay = 0;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if ((active == 1) && (_root.pause == 0)) {
if (turnspeed < turnspeed_max) {
turnspeed = turnspeed + 0.4;
if (speed < speed_max) {
speed = speed + 0.5;
if (lifetime <= 0) {
if (_root[trgt].hp <= 0) {
duplicateMovieClip (_root.missile_exhaust, "mex" + _root.misk_depth, _root.misk_depth);
_root["mex" + _root.misk_depth]._x = _x;
_root["mex" + _root.misk_depth]._y = _y;
_root["mex" + _root.misk_depth].active = 1;
delta_x = _x - (_root[trgt]._x + inax);
delta_y = _y - (_root[trgt]._y + inay);
Rotation = (-Math.atan2(delta_x, delta_y)) / (Math.PI/180);
if (Math.abs(_rotation - Rotation) <= turnspeed) {
_rotation = Rotation;
} else if (_rotation < Rotation) {
_rotation = (_rotation + turnspeed);
} else {
_rotation = (_rotation - turnspeed);
_visible = 1;
proximity = Math.sqrt((delta_x * delta_x) + (delta_y * delta_y));
if (proximity > (_height / 2)) {
_y = (_y - (speed * Math.cos(_rotation * (Math.PI/180))));
_x = (_x + (speed * Math.sin(_rotation * (Math.PI/180))));
if (proximity < p_thresh) {
duplicateMovieClip (_root.sam_exp, "bl" + _root.air_unit_depth, _root.air_unit_depth);
_root["bl" + _root.air_unit_depth]._x = _x;
_root["bl" + _root.air_unit_depth]._y = _y;
_root["bl" + _root.air_unit_depth]._xscale = _root.unitScale;
_root["bl" + _root.air_unit_depth]._yscale = _root.unitScale;
_root["bl" + _root.air_unit_depth].active = 1;
duplicateMovieClip (_root.shrapnel, "bl" + _root.air_unit_depth, _root.air_unit_depth);
_root["bl" + _root.air_unit_depth]._x = _x;
_root["bl" + _root.air_unit_depth]._y = _y;
_root["bl" + _root.air_unit_depth].ai = ai;
_root["bl" + _root.air_unit_depth].power = power;
_root["bl" + _root.air_unit_depth].acc = acc;
_root["bl" + _root.air_unit_depth].active = 1;
Instance of Symbol 334 MovieClip "flare" in Frame 88 (151 B)
onClipEvent (load) {
hp = 1;
_global.dir = 1;
_global.name = "";
_xscale = ((1.2 * _root.unitScale) * dir);
_yscale = (1.2 * _root.unitScale);
Instance of Symbol 338 MovieClip "atv_death" in Frame 88 (106 B)
onClipEvent (load) {
_global.dir = 1;
_xscale = (_root.unitScale * dir);
_yscale = _root.unitScale;
Instance of Symbol 342 MovieClip "cluster_bomb" in Frame 88 (1.04 KiB) ●
onClipEvent (load) {
function release_bomblet() {
duplicateMovieClip (_root.cluster_bomblet, "bb" + _root.misk_depth, _root.misk_depth);
_root["bb" + _root.misk_depth]._x = _x + (random(10) * dir);
_root["bb" + _root.misk_depth]._y = (_y + random(10)) - 5;
_root["bb" + _root.misk_depth].ai = ai;
_root["bb" + _root.misk_depth].dir = dir;
_root["bb" + _root.misk_depth].xspeed = random(5) + 1;
_root["bb" + _root.misk_depth].yspeed = random(2) + 1;
_root["bb" + _root.misk_depth].active = 1;
_global.active = 0;
_global.dir = 1;
_global.ai = 0;
lifetime = 30;
bomblet_num = 7;
_xscale = ((1.2 * _root.unitScale) * dir);
_yscale = (1.2 * _root.unitScale);
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if ((active == 1) && (_root.pause == 0)) {
_y = (_y + 1.5);
_x = (_x - (0.7 * dir));
if (_y >= 370) {
this.cover._visible = 0;
alpha = alpha - 3;
if (bomblet_num > 0) {
if (lifetime <= 0) {
Instance of Symbol 344 MovieClip "cluster_bomblet" in Frame 88 (625 B)
onClipEvent (load) {
power = 70;
_global.active = 0;
_global.dir = 1;
_global.ai = 0;
_global.xspeed = 1;
_global.yspeed = 1;
lifetime = 30;
_xscale = ((1.2 * _root.unitScale) * dir);
_yscale = (1.2 * _root.unitScale);
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if ((active == 1) && (_root.pause == 0)) {
_y = (_y + yspeed);
_x = (_x - (xspeed * dir));
if (lifetime <= 0) {
tt = random(7);
if (ai == 0) {
tt = tt + 8;
} else {
tt = tt + 1;
if (_root["stru" + tt].hp > 0) {
_root["stru" + tt].damage(random(20 + power), 1);
Instance of Symbol 350 MovieClip "sam" in Frame 88 (6.18 KiB) ● ●
onClipEvent (load) {
function fire_missile(t) {
duplicateMovieClip (_root.mbl_sam_missile, "missile" + _root.misk_depth, _root.misk_depth);
_root["missile" + _root.misk_depth]._x = _x;
_root["missile" + _root.misk_depth]._y = _y;
_root["missile" + _root.misk_depth].ai = ai;
_root["missile" + _root.misk_depth].dir = dir;
_root["missile" + _root.misk_depth].trgt = trgt;
eccm = 1;
if (ai == 0) {
eccm = _root.hu_eccm;
} else {
eccm = _root.ai_eccm;
_root["missile" + _root.misk_depth].inax = (random(_root[trgt].ecm) - (_root[trgt].ecm / 2)) / eccm;
_root["missile" + _root.misk_depth].inay = (random(_root[trgt].ecm) - (_root[trgt].ecm / 2)) / eccm;
_root["missile" + _root.misk_depth].active = 1;
function damage(val, t) {
if (t == 0) {
val = val / 3;
if (t == 2) {
if (this.raexp._visible == 0) {
val = val * 1.5;
} else {
val = val / 2;
if (t == 3) {
val = val * 1.2;
hp = hp - val;
if (hp <= 0) {
if (ai == 0) {
if (ai == 1) {
duplicateMovieClip (_root.tank_death, "t_d" + _root.misk_depth, _root.misk_depth);
_root["t_d" + _root.misk_depth]._x = _x;
_root["t_d" + _root.misk_depth]._y = _y;
_root["t_d" + _root.misk_depth].dir = dir;
function fire_weapon(t, p) {
this.cannon0.rfl_b.attachMovie("mg_shot", "tsh" + _root.misk_depth, _root.misk_depth);
this.cannon1.rfl_b.attachMovie("mg_shot", "tsh" + _root.misk_depth, _root.misk_depth);
_root[t].damage(p + random(acc), 0);
hp = _root.sam_hp;
hp_max = hp;
speed = _root.sam_speed;
rof = _root.sam_rof;
power = _root.sam_pow;
acc = _root.sam_acc;
fire = rof;
harm = _root.sam_harm;
range = _root.sam_range;
ros = _root.ros;
scan = ros;
trgt = "";
trgt_type = "air";
_global.active = 0;
_global.ai = 0;
_global.dir = 1;
_global.name = "";
_xscale = (_root.unitScale * dir);
_yscale = _root.unitScale;
cannon0._rotation = -90;
cannon1._rotation = -90;
this.raexp._visible = 0;
if (ai == 0) {
if (_root.hu_raexp == 1) {
this.raexp._visible = 1;
} else if (_root.ai_raexp == 1) {
this.raexp._visible = 1;
MScooldown = 20;
MS = MScooldown;
MSmaxrel = 80;
MSreload = 80;
MSnumber = 2;
MSmaxnum = 2;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if ((active == 1) && (_root.pause == 0)) {
_x = (_x - (speed * dir));
if (MSnumber < MSmaxnum) {
if (MSreload <= 0) {
MSreload = MSmaxrel;
this.turret["missile_" + MSnumber]._visible = 1;
if ((MS > 0) && (MSnumber > 0)) {
if ((trgt != "") && (trgt_type == "air")) {
if (MS <= 0) {
MS = MScooldown;
if (dir == 1) {
if (_x <= _root.leftBase) {
_root.damage_base(harm, 0);
if (dir == -1) {
if (_x >= _root.rightBase) {
_root.damage_base(harm, 1);
if ((scan <= 0) && (trgt == "")) {
scan = ros;
if (ai == 0) {
enemy = "ai_aircraft_";
max_i = _root.ai_air_num;
} else {
enemy = "aircraft_";
max_i = _root.hu_air_num;
i = 0;
while (i < max_i) {
if (_root[enemy + i].hp > 0) {
if (Math.abs(_root[enemy + i]._x - _x) <= (range * 2.5)) {
if (((dir == 1) && (_root[enemy + i]._x < _x)) || ((dir == -1) && (_root[enemy + i]._x > _x))) {
trgt = enemy + i;
trgt_type = "air";
if (trgt == "") {
if (ai == 0) {
enemy = "ai_infantry_";
max_i = _root.ai_num;
} else {
enemy = "infantry_";
max_i = _root.hu_num;
i = 0;
while (i < max_i) {
if (_root[enemy + i].hp > 0) {
if (Math.abs(_root[enemy + i]._x - _x) <= (range * 1.5)) {
if (((dir == 1) && (_root[enemy + i]._x < _x)) || ((dir == -1) && (_root[enemy + i]._x > _x))) {
trgt = enemy + i;
trgt_type = "ground";
if (trgt == "") {
if (ai == 0) {
enemy = "ai_vehi_";
max_i = _root.ai_num;
} else {
enemy = "vehi_";
max_i = _root.hu_num;
i = 0;
while (i < max_i) {
if (_root[enemy + i].hp > 0) {
if (Math.abs(_root[enemy + i]._x - _x) <= (range * 1.5)) {
if (((dir == 1) && (_root[enemy + i]._x < _x)) || ((dir == -1) && (_root[enemy + i]._x > _x))) {
trgt = enemy + i;
trgt_type = "ground";
if (trgt != "") {
if (trgt_type == "air") {
dx = _x - _root[trgt]._x;
dy = _y - _root[trgt]._y;
tilt = ((-Math.atan2(dx, dy)) / (Math.PI/180)) * dir;
} else {
this.cannon0._rotation = -90;
this.cannon1._rotation = -90;
if (trgt != "") {
if (dir == -1) {
if (_root[trgt]._x < _x) {
trgt = "";
if (dir == 1) {
if (_root[trgt]._x > _x) {
trgt = "";
if (_root[trgt].hp <= 0) {
trgt = "";
} else {
if ((_root[trgt]._y - _y) > speed) {
if (trgt_type == "ground") {
_y = (_y + (speed / 2));
} else {
this.cannon0._rotation = tilt;
this.cannon1._rotation = tilt;
if ((_y - _root[trgt]._y) > speed) {
if (trgt_type == "ground") {
_y = (_y - (speed / 2));
} else {
this.cannon0._rotation = tilt;
this.cannon1._rotation = tilt;
if (dir == -1) {
if (((_root[trgt]._x - _x) <= range) && ((_root[trgt]._x - _x) > 0)) {
if ((fire <= 0) && ((Math.abs(_root[trgt]._y - _y) < 50) || (trgt_type == "air"))) {
fire = rof;
fire_weapon(trgt, power);
} else if (((_x - _root[trgt]._x) <= range) && ((_x - _root[trgt]._x) > 0)) {
if ((fire <= 0) && ((Math.abs(_root[trgt]._y - _y) < 50) || (trgt_type == "air"))) {
fire = rof;
fire_weapon(trgt, power);
Instance of Symbol 352 MovieClip "hawk" in Frame 88 (3.44 KiB) ●
onClipEvent (load) {
function fire_missile(t) {
duplicateMovieClip (_root.hawk_missile, "missile" + _root.misk_depth, _root.misk_depth);
_root["missile" + _root.misk_depth]._x = _x;
_root["missile" + _root.misk_depth]._y = _y - 5;
_root["missile" + _root.misk_depth].ai = ai;
_root["missile" + _root.misk_depth].dir = dir;
eccm = 1;
if (ai == 0) {
eccm = _root.hu_eccm;
} else {
eccm = _root.ai_eccm;
if (_root[trgt + "_flare"].hp == 1) {
if (random(_root.flare_effect) >= eccm) {
trgt = trgt + "_flare";
_root["missile" + _root.misk_depth].trgt = trgt;
_root["missile" + _root.misk_depth].active = 1;
function damage(val, t) {
if (t == 0) {
val = val / 3;
if (t == 2) {
val = val * 1.5;
if (t == 3) {
val = val * 1.2;
if ((t == 6) && (gasmask == 1)) {
val = val / 10;
hp = hp - val;
if (hp <= 0) {
if (ai == 0) {
if (ai == 1) {
duplicateMovieClip (_root.hawk_death, "t_d" + _root.misk_depth, _root.misk_depth);
_root["t_d" + _root.misk_depth]._x = _x;
_root["t_d" + _root.misk_depth]._y = _y;
_root["t_d" + _root.misk_depth].dir = dir;
hp = _root.hawk_hp;
hp_max = hp;
speed = _root.hawk_speed;
rof = _root.hawk_rof;
power = _root.hawk_pow;
acc = _root.hawk_acc;
fire = rof;
harm = _root.hawk_harm;
range = _root.hawk_range;
ros = _root.ros;
scan = ros;
trgt = "";
_global.active = 0;
_global.ai = 0;
_global.dir = 1;
_global.name = "";
_xscale = (_root.unitScale * dir);
_yscale = _root.unitScale;
MScooldown = 20;
MS = MScooldown;
MSmaxrel = 80;
MSreload = 80;
MSnumber = 2;
MSmaxnum = 2;
gasmask = 0;
if ((ai == 0) && (_root.hu_gasmask >= 1)) {
gasmask = 1;
if ((ai == 1) && (_root.ai_gasmask >= 1)) {
gasmask = 1;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if ((active == 1) && (_root.pause == 0)) {
_x = (_x - (speed * dir));
if (MSnumber < MSmaxnum) {
if (MSreload <= 0) {
MSreload = MSmaxrel;
this["missile" + MSnumber]._visible = 1;
if ((MS > 0) && (MSnumber > 0)) {
if (trgt != "") {
if (MS <= 0) {
MS = MScooldown;
this["missile" + MSnumber]._visible = 0;
if (dir == 1) {
if (_x <= _root.leftBase) {
_root.damage_base(harm, 0);
if (dir == -1) {
if (_x >= _root.rightBase) {
_root.damage_base(harm, 1);
if ((scan <= 0) && (trgt == "")) {
scan = ros;
if (ai == 0) {
enemy = "ai_aircraft_";
max_i = _root.ai_air_num;
} else {
enemy = "aircraft_";
max_i = _root.hu_air_num;
i = 0;
while (i < max_i) {
if (_root[enemy + i].hp > 0) {
if (Math.abs(_root[enemy + i]._x - _x) <= (range * 2.5)) {
if (((dir == 1) && (_root[enemy + i]._x < _x)) || ((dir == -1) && (_root[enemy + i]._x > _x))) {
trgt = enemy + i;
if (trgt != "") {
if (dir == -1) {
if (_root[trgt]._x < _x) {
trgt = "";
if (dir == 1) {
if (_root[trgt]._x > _x) {
trgt = "";
if (_root[trgt].hp <= 0) {
trgt = "";
Instance of Symbol 358 MovieClip "hitech0" in Frame 88 (3.74 KiB) ●
onClipEvent (load) {
function damage(val, t) {
if (t == 2) {
val = val / 3;
if (t == 3) {
val = val * 2;
hp = hp - val;
if (t == 1) {
duplicateMovieClip (_root.he_blast, "hex" + _root.misk_depth, _root.misk_depth);
_root["hex" + _root.misk_depth]._x = _x;
_root["hex" + _root.misk_depth]._y = _y;
if (hp <= 0) {
_root["tile" + base_tile]._visible = 1;
if (base_tile == _root.tile_sel) {
_root.sel_instance.bars._visible = 0;
if ((ai == 0) && (_root.house == 0)) {
if ((ai == 0) && (_root.house == 1)) {
duplicateMovieClip (_root.stru_death, "stru_d" + _root.misk_depth, _root.misk_depth);
_root["stru_d" + _root.misk_depth]._x = _x;
_root["stru_d" + _root.misk_depth]._y = _y;
_root["stru_d" + _root.misk_depth].dir = dir;
_root.interface["btn_" + current].in_progress = 0;
function enqueue_unit(unit_name, unit_type, unit_value) {
if (delay == -1) {
if (_root.money >= unit_value) {
_root.money = _root.money - unit_value;
delay = unit_value;
delay_max = delay;
current = unit_name;
cur_type = unit_type;
_root.interface["btn_" + current].in_progress = 1;
} else {
_root.message("In Progress...");
function show_buttons() {
hp = _root.hitech0_hp;
hp_max = hp;
_global.active = 0;
_global.ai = 0;
_global.base_tile = 0;
_global.repair = 0;
_global.name = "";
this.en_hp_bar._visible = 0;
this.en_hp_bar_bg._visible = 0;
delay = -1;
delay_max = -1;
current = "";
cur_type = "";
q_current = "";
q_type = "";
q_value = -1;
q_size = 0;
q_max = 9;
if ((active == 1) && (_root.tile_sel == base_tile)) {
on (press) {
if (ai == 0) {
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (((active == 1) && (_root.pause == 0)) && (ai == 0)) {
if (repair == 1) {
if ((_root.rep_price <= _root.money) && (hp < hp_max)) {
_root.money = _root.money - _root.rep_price;
} else {
repair = 0;
if (delay != -1) {
if (_root.tile_sel == base_tile) {
if (delay == 0) {
_root.interface["btn_" + current].in_progress = 0;
_root.interface["btn_" + current]._visible = 0;
switch (current) {
case "kevlar0" :
_root.hu_kevlar = 1;
case "du" :
_root.hu_du = 1;
case "slat" :
_root.hu_slat = 1;
case "jammer" :
_root.hu_jammer = 1;
case "decept" :
_root.hu_decept = 1;
case "ram" :
_root.hu_ram = 1;
delay = -1;
delay_max = -1;
if (q_size > 0) {
enqueue_unit(q_current, q_type, q_value);
if (_root.tile_sel == base_tile) {
if (q_size > 0) {
_root.interface["btn_" + current].q_txt.text = q_size;
} else {
_root.interface["btn_" + current].q_txt.text = "";
_root.sel_instance.bars._visible = 1;
_root.sel_instance.bars.hp_bar._width = (hp / hp_max) * _root.sel_instance.bars.bg1._width;
_root.sel_instance.bars.prog_bar._width = (1 - (delay / delay_max)) * _root.sel_instance.bars.bg1._width;
on (rollOver) {
if (((active == 1) && (_root.pause == 0)) && (ai == 1)) {
this.en_hp_bar._visible = 1;
this.en_hp_bar_bg._visible = 1;
this.en_hp_bar._width = (hp / hp_max) * this.en_hp_bar_bg._width;
on (rollOut) {
if (((active == 1) && (_root.pause == 0)) && (ai == 1)) {
this.en_hp_bar._visible = 0;
this.en_hp_bar_bg._visible = 0;
Instance of Symbol 360 MovieClip "hosp" in Frame 88 (3.8 KiB) ●
onClipEvent (load) {
function damage(val, t) {
if (t == 2) {
val = val / 3;
if (t == 3) {
val = val * 2;
hp = hp - val;
if (t == 1) {
duplicateMovieClip (_root.he_blast, "hex" + _root.misk_depth, _root.misk_depth);
_root["hex" + _root.misk_depth]._x = _x;
_root["hex" + _root.misk_depth]._y = _y;
if (hp <= 0) {
_root["tile" + base_tile]._visible = 1;
if (base_tile == _root.tile_sel) {
_root.sel_instance.bars._visible = 0;
if ((ai == 0) && (_root.house == 0)) {
if ((ai == 0) && (_root.house == 1)) {
duplicateMovieClip (_root.stru_death, "stru_d" + _root.misk_depth, _root.misk_depth);
_root["stru_d" + _root.misk_depth]._x = _x;
_root["stru_d" + _root.misk_depth]._y = _y;
_root["stru_d" + _root.misk_depth].dir = dir;
if (ai == 0) {
_root.hu_med_heal = _root.hu_med_heal - 1;
} else {
_root.ai_med_heal = _root.ai_med_heal - 1;
_root.interface["btn_" + current].in_progress = 0;
if (ai == 1) {
function enqueue_unit(unit_name, unit_type, unit_value) {
if (delay == -1) {
if (_root.money >= unit_value) {
_root.money = _root.money - unit_value;
delay = unit_value;
delay_max = delay;
current = unit_name;
cur_type = unit_type;
_root.interface["btn_" + current].in_progress = 1;
} else {
_root.message("In Progress...");
function show_buttons() {
hp = _root.hosp_hp;
hp_max = hp;
_global.active = 0;
_global.ai = 0;
_global.base_tile = 0;
_global.repair = 0;
_global.name = "";
this.en_hp_bar._visible = 0;
this.en_hp_bar_bg._visible = 0;
delay = -1;
delay_max = -1;
current = "";
cur_type = "";
q_current = "";
q_type = "";
q_value = -1;
q_size = 0;
q_max = 9;
if ((active == 1) && (_root.pause == 0)) {
if (ai == 0) {
_root.hu_med_heal = _root.hu_med_heal + 1;
} else {
_root.ai_med_heal = _root.ai_med_heal + 1;
if ((active == 1) && (_root.tile_sel == base_tile)) {
on (press) {
if (ai == 0) {
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (((active == 1) && (_root.pause == 0)) && (ai == 0)) {
if (repair == 1) {
if ((_root.rep_price <= _root.money) && (hp < hp_max)) {
_root.money = _root.money - _root.rep_price;
} else {
repair = 0;
if (delay != -1) {
if (delay == 0) {
_root.interface["btn_" + current].in_progress = 0;
_root.interface["btn_" + current]._visible = 0;
switch (current) {
case "gasmask" :
_root.hu_gasmask = 1;
case "heal" :
_root.heal_val = 0.5;
delay = -1;
delay_max = -1;
if (q_size > 0) {
enqueue_unit(q_current, q_type, q_value);
if (_root.tile_sel == base_tile) {
if (q_size > 0) {
_root.interface["btn_" + current].q_txt.text = q_size;
} else {
_root.interface["btn_" + current].q_txt.text = "";
_root.sel_instance.bars._visible = 1;
_root.sel_instance.bars.hp_bar._width = (hp / hp_max) * _root.sel_instance.bars.bg1._width;
_root.sel_instance.bars.prog_bar._width = (1 - (delay / delay_max)) * _root.sel_instance.bars.bg1._width;
on (rollOver) {
if (((active == 1) && (_root.pause == 0)) && (ai == 1)) {
this.en_hp_bar._visible = 1;
this.en_hp_bar_bg._visible = 1;
this.en_hp_bar._width = (hp / hp_max) * this.en_hp_bar_bg._width;
on (rollOut) {
if (((active == 1) && (_root.pause == 0)) && (ai == 1)) {
this.en_hp_bar._visible = 0;
this.en_hp_bar_bg._visible = 0;
Instance of Symbol 366 MovieClip "laser" in Frame 88 (4.86 KiB) ●
onClipEvent (load) {
function damage(val, t) {
if (t == 2) {
val = val / 3;
if (t == 3) {
val = val * 2;
hp = hp - val;
if (t == 1) {
duplicateMovieClip (_root.he_blast, "hex" + _root.misk_depth, _root.misk_depth);
_root["hex" + _root.misk_depth]._x = _x;
_root["hex" + _root.misk_depth]._y = _y;
if (hp <= 0) {
_root["tile" + base_tile]._visible = 1;
if (base_tile == _root.tile_sel) {
_root.sel_instance.bars._visible = 0;
if ((ai == 0) && (_root.house == 0)) {
if ((ai == 0) && (_root.house == 1)) {
duplicateMovieClip (_root.stru_death, "stru_d" + _root.misk_depth, _root.misk_depth);
_root["stru_d" + _root.misk_depth]._x = _x;
_root["stru_d" + _root.misk_depth]._y = _y;
_root["stru_d" + _root.misk_depth].dir = dir;
if (ai == 1) {
function fire_weapon() {
this.turret.cannon.rfl_b.attachMovie("laser_shot", "lsh" + _root.misk_depth, _root.misk_depth);
_root[trgt].damage(power + random(acc), 0);
function show_buttons() {
hp = _root.laser_hp;
hp_max = hp;
power = 30;
acc = 30;
range = 500;
ros = _root.ros;
scan = ros;
trgt = "";
_global.active = 0;
_global.ai = 0;
_global.base_tile = 0;
_global.repair = 0;
_global.name = "";
this.en_hp_bar._visible = 0;
this.en_hp_bar_bg._visible = 0;
dir = 1;
if ((active == 1) && (ai == 0)) {
this.turret._xscale = -100;
dir = -1;
this.turret.cannon._rotation = -90;
MScooldown = 10;
MS = MScooldown;
MSmaxrel = 270;
MSreload = 270;
MSnumber = 4;
MSmaxnum = 4;
if ((active == 1) && (_root.tile_sel == base_tile)) {
on (press) {
if (ai == 0) {
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if ((active == 1) && (_root.pause == 0)) {
if (repair == 1) {
if ((_root.rep_price <= _root.money) && (hp < hp_max)) {
_root.money = _root.money - _root.rep_price;
} else {
repair = 0;
if (MSnumber < MSmaxnum) {
if (MSreload <= 0) {
MSreload = MSmaxrel;
this.turret["missile_" + MSnumber]._visible = 1;
if ((MS > 0) && (MSnumber > 0)) {
if ((scan <= 0) && (trgt == "")) {
scan = ros;
if (ai == 0) {
enemy = "ai_rocket_";
max_i = _root.ai_r_num;
} else {
enemy = "rocket_";
max_i = _root.hu_r_num;
i = 0;
while (i < max_i) {
if (_root[enemy + i].hp > 0) {
if (Math.abs(_root[enemy + i]._x - _x) <= range) {
if (((dir == 1) && (_root[enemy + i]._x < _x)) || ((dir == -1) && (_root[enemy + i]._x > _x))) {
trgt = enemy + i;
if (trgt != "") {
dx = _x - _root[trgt]._x;
dy = _y - _root[trgt]._y;
tilt = ((-Math.atan2(dx, dy)) / (Math.PI/180)) * dir;
if (Math.abs(this.turret.cannon._rotation - tilt) > 5) {
if ((this.turret.cannon._rotation - tilt) > 5) {
this.turret.cannon._rotation = this.turret.cannon._rotation - 5;
if ((tilt - this.turret.cannon._rotation) > 5) {
this.turret.cannon._rotation = this.turret.cannon._rotation + 5;
} else {
this.turret.cannon._rotation = tilt;
if (trgt != "") {
if (dir == -1) {
if (_root[trgt]._x < _x) {
trgt = "";
if (dir == 1) {
if (_root[trgt]._x > _x) {
trgt = "";
if (_root[trgt].hp <= 0) {
trgt = "";
} else if (dir == -1) {
if ((_root[trgt]._x - _x) > 0) {
if (MS <= 0) {
MS = MScooldown;
} else if ((_x - _root[trgt]._x) > 0) {
if (MS <= 0) {
MS = MScooldown;
if (_root.tile_sel == base_tile) {
if (q_size > 0) {
_root.interface["btn_" + current].q_txt.text = q_size;
} else {
_root.interface["btn_" + current].q_txt.text = "";
_root.sel_instance.bars._visible = 1;
_root.sel_instance.bars.hp_bar._width = (hp / hp_max) * _root.sel_instance.bars.bg1._width;
_root.sel_instance.bars.prog_bar._width = (1 - (delay / delay_max)) * _root.sel_instance.bars.bg1._width;
on (rollOver) {
if (((active == 1) && (_root.pause == 0)) && (ai == 1)) {
this.en_hp_bar._visible = 1;
this.en_hp_bar_bg._visible = 1;
this.en_hp_bar._width = (hp / hp_max) * this.en_hp_bar_bg._width;
on (rollOut) {
if (((active == 1) && (_root.pause == 0)) && (ai == 1)) {
this.en_hp_bar._visible = 0;
this.en_hp_bar_bg._visible = 0;
Instance of Symbol 370 MovieClip "radar" in Frame 88 (4.07 KiB) ●
onClipEvent (load) {
function damage(val, t) {
if (t == 2) {
val = val / 3;
if (t == 3) {
val = val * 2;
hp = hp - val;
if (t == 1) {
duplicateMovieClip (_root.he_blast, "hex" + _root.misk_depth, _root.misk_depth);
_root["hex" + _root.misk_depth]._x = _x;
_root["hex" + _root.misk_depth]._y = _y;
if (hp <= 0) {
_root["tile" + base_tile]._visible = 1;
if (base_tile == _root.tile_sel) {
_root.sel_instance.bars._visible = 0;
if ((ai == 0) && (_root.house == 0)) {
if ((ai == 0) && (_root.house == 1)) {
duplicateMovieClip (_root.stru_death, "stru_d" + _root.misk_depth, _root.misk_depth);
_root["stru_d" + _root.misk_depth]._x = _x;
_root["stru_d" + _root.misk_depth]._y = _y;
_root["stru_d" + _root.misk_depth].dir = dir;
if (ai == 0) {
_root.hu_eccm = _root.hu_eccm - electro;
} else {
_root.ai_eccm = _root.ai_eccm - electro;
_root.interface["btn_" + current].in_progress = 0;
if (ai == 1) {
function enqueue_unit(unit_name, unit_type, unit_value) {
if (delay == -1) {
if (_root.money >= unit_value) {
_root.money = _root.money - unit_value;
delay = unit_value;
delay_max = delay;
current = unit_name;
cur_type = unit_type;
_root.interface["btn_" + current].in_progress = 1;
} else {
_root.message("In Progress...");
function show_buttons() {
hp = _root.radar_hp;
hp_max = hp;
electro = 1;
_global.active = 0;
_global.ai = 0;
_global.base_tile = 0;
_global.repair = 0;
_global.name = "";
this.en_hp_bar._visible = 0;
this.en_hp_bar_bg._visible = 0;
delay = -1;
delay_max = -1;
current = "";
cur_type = "";
q_current = "";
q_type = "";
q_value = -1;
q_size = 0;
q_max = 9;
if (active == 1) {
if (ai == 0) {
_root.hu_eccm = _root.hu_eccm + electro;
} else {
_root.ai_eccm = _root.ai_eccm + electro;
if ((active == 1) && (_root.tile_sel == base_tile)) {
on (press) {
if (ai == 0) {
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (((active == 1) && (_root.pause == 0)) && (ai == 0)) {
if (repair == 1) {
if ((_root.rep_price <= _root.money) && (hp < hp_max)) {
_root.money = _root.money - _root.rep_price;
} else {
repair = 0;
if (delay != -1) {
if (_root.tile_sel == base_tile) {
if (delay == 0) {
_root.interface["btn_" + current].in_progress = 0;
_root.interface["btn_" + current]._visible = 0;
switch (current) {
case "flare" :
_root.hu_flare_ready = 1;
case "hoj" :
_root.hu_eccm = _root.hu_eccm + 1;
_root.hu_hoj = 1;
case "chirp" :
_root.hu_eccm = _root.hu_eccm + 2;
_root.hu_chirp = 1;
case "fhss" :
_root.hu_eccm = _root.hu_eccm + 3;
_root.hu_fhss = 1;
delay = -1;
delay_max = -1;
if (q_size > 0) {
enqueue_unit(q_current, q_type, q_value);
if (_root.tile_sel == base_tile) {
if (q_size > 0) {
_root.interface["btn_" + current].q_txt.text = q_size;
} else {
_root.interface["btn_" + current].q_txt.text = "";
_root.sel_instance.bars._visible = 1;
_root.sel_instance.bars.hp_bar._width = (hp / hp_max) * _root.sel_instance.bars.bg1._width;
_root.sel_instance.bars.prog_bar._width = (1 - (delay / delay_max)) * _root.sel_instance.bars.bg1._width;
on (rollOver) {
if (((active == 1) && (_root.pause == 0)) && (ai == 1)) {
this.en_hp_bar._visible = 1;
this.en_hp_bar_bg._visible = 1;
this.en_hp_bar._width = (hp / hp_max) * this.en_hp_bar_bg._width;
on (rollOut) {
if (((active == 1) && (_root.pause == 0)) && (ai == 1)) {
this.en_hp_bar._visible = 0;
this.en_hp_bar_bg._visible = 0;
Instance of Symbol 372 MovieClip "hitech1" in Frame 88 (3.58 KiB) ●
onClipEvent (load) {
function damage(val, t) {
if (t == 2) {
val = val / 3;
if (t == 3) {
val = val * 2;
hp = hp - val;
if (t == 1) {
duplicateMovieClip (_root.he_blast, "hex" + _root.misk_depth, _root.misk_depth);
_root["hex" + _root.misk_depth]._x = _x;
_root["hex" + _root.misk_depth]._y = _y;
if (hp <= 0) {
_root["tile" + base_tile]._visible = 1;
if (base_tile == _root.tile_sel) {
_root.sel_instance.bars._visible = 0;
if ((ai == 0) && (_root.house == 0)) {
if ((ai == 0) && (_root.house == 1)) {
duplicateMovieClip (_root.stru_death, "stru_d" + _root.misk_depth, _root.misk_depth);
_root["stru_d" + _root.misk_depth]._x = _x;
_root["stru_d" + _root.misk_depth]._y = _y;
_root["stru_d" + _root.misk_depth].dir = dir;
_root.interface["btn_" + current].in_progress = 0;
function enqueue_unit(unit_name, unit_type, unit_value) {
if (delay == -1) {
if (_root.money >= unit_value) {
_root.money = _root.money - unit_value;
delay = unit_value;
delay_max = delay;
current = unit_name;
cur_type = unit_type;
_root.interface["btn_" + current].in_progress = 1;
} else {
_root.message("In Progress...");
function show_buttons() {
hp = _root.hitech1_hp;
hp_max = hp;
_global.active = 0;
_global.ai = 0;
_global.base_tile = 0;
_global.repair = 0;
_global.name = "";
this.en_hp_bar._visible = 0;
this.en_hp_bar_bg._visible = 0;
delay = -1;
delay_max = -1;
current = "";
cur_type = "";
q_current = "";
q_type = "";
q_value = -1;
q_size = 0;
q_max = 9;
if ((active == 1) && (_root.tile_sel == base_tile)) {
on (press) {
if (ai == 0) {
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (((active == 1) && (_root.pause == 0)) && (ai == 0)) {
if (repair == 1) {
if ((_root.rep_price <= _root.money) && (hp < hp_max)) {
_root.money = _root.money - _root.rep_price;
} else {
repair = 0;
if (delay != -1) {
if (delay == 0) {
_root.interface["btn_" + current].in_progress = 0;
_root.interface["btn_" + current]._visible = 0;
switch (current) {
case "kevlar1" :
_root.hu_kevlar = 1;
case "hollowpoint" :
_root.hu_hollowpoint = 1;
case "napalm" :
_root.hu_napalm = 1;
case "raexp" :
_root.hu_raexp = 1;
delay = -1;
delay_max = -1;
if (q_size > 0) {
enqueue_unit(q_current, q_type, q_value);
if (_root.tile_sel == base_tile) {
if (q_size > 0) {
_root.interface["btn_" + current].q_txt.text = q_size;
} else {
_root.interface["btn_" + current].q_txt.text = "";
_root.sel_instance.bars._visible = 1;
_root.sel_instance.bars.hp_bar._width = (hp / hp_max) * _root.sel_instance.bars.bg1._width;
_root.sel_instance.bars.prog_bar._width = (1 - (delay / delay_max)) * _root.sel_instance.bars.bg1._width;
on (rollOver) {
if (((active == 1) && (_root.pause == 0)) && (ai == 1)) {
this.en_hp_bar._visible = 1;
this.en_hp_bar_bg._visible = 1;
this.en_hp_bar._width = (hp / hp_max) * this.en_hp_bar_bg._width;
on (rollOut) {
if (((active == 1) && (_root.pause == 0)) && (ai == 1)) {
this.en_hp_bar._visible = 0;
this.en_hp_bar_bg._visible = 0;
Instance of Symbol 380 MovieClip "lpad" in Frame 88 (4.42 KiB) ●
onClipEvent (load) {
function damage(val, t) {
if (t == 2) {
val = val / 3;
if (t == 3) {
val = val * 2;
hp = hp - val;
if (t == 1) {
duplicateMovieClip (_root.he_blast, "hex" + _root.misk_depth, _root.misk_depth);
_root["hex" + _root.misk_depth]._x = _x;
_root["hex" + _root.misk_depth]._y = _y;
if (hp <= 0) {
_root["tile" + base_tile]._visible = 1;
if (base_tile == _root.tile_sel) {
_root.sel_instance.bars._visible = 0;
if ((ai == 0) && (_root.house == 0)) {
if ((ai == 0) && (_root.house == 1)) {
duplicateMovieClip (_root.stru_death, "stru_d" + _root.misk_depth, _root.misk_depth);
_root["stru_d" + _root.misk_depth]._x = _x;
_root["stru_d" + _root.misk_depth]._y = _y;
_root["stru_d" + _root.misk_depth].dir = dir;
if (ai == 1) {
function enqueue_unit(unit_name, unit_type, unit_value) {
if (delay == -1) {
if (_root.money >= unit_value) {
_root.money = _root.money - unit_value;
delay = unit_value;
delay_max = delay;
current = unit_name;
cur_type = unit_type;
} else {
q_size = 0;
} else if ((q_size < q_max) && (current == unit_name)) {
q_current = unit_name;
q_type = unit_type;
q_value = unit_value;
function show_buttons() {
hp = _root.lpad_hp;
hp_max = hp;
_global.active = 0;
_global.ai = 0;
_global.base_tile = 0;
_global.repair = 0;
_global.name = "";
this.en_hp_bar._visible = 0;
this.en_hp_bar_bg._visible = 0;
delay = -1;
delay_max = -1;
current = "";
cur_type = "";
q_current = "";
q_type = "";
q_value = -1;
q_size = 0;
q_max = 9;
if ((active == 1) && (_root.tile_sel == base_tile)) {
on (press) {
if (ai == 0) {
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (((active == 1) && (_root.pause == 0)) && (ai == 0)) {
if (repair == 1) {
if ((_root.rep_price <= _root.money) && (hp < hp_max)) {
_root.money = _root.money - _root.rep_price;
} else {
repair = 0;
if (delay != -1) {
this[current + "_sp"]._alpha = 100 - ((delay / delay_max) * 100);
if (delay == 0) {
_root.create_r_unit(current, ai, cur_type, base_tile);
this[current + "_sp"]._alpha = 0;
delay = -1;
delay_max = -1;
if (q_size > 0) {
enqueue_unit(q_current, q_type, q_value);
if (_root.tile_sel == base_tile) {
if (q_size > 0) {
_root.interface["btn_" + current].q_txt.text = q_size;
} else {
_root.interface["btn_" + current].q_txt.text = "";
_root.sel_instance.bars._visible = 1;
_root.sel_instance.bars.hp_bar._width = (hp / hp_max) * _root.sel_instance.bars.bg1._width;
_root.sel_instance.bars.prog_bar._width = (1 - (delay / delay_max)) * _root.sel_instance.bars.bg1._width;
if (((active == 1) && (_root.pause == 0)) && (ai == 1)) {
if (delay == -1) {
s = random(10);
if (s < _root.he_pref) {
u = 0;
} else if (s < _root.ch_pref) {
u = 1;
} else if (s < _root.nu_pref) {
u = 2;
} else {
u = 3;
switch (u) {
case 0 :
delay = _root.he_rocket_price * _root.ai_delay;
current = "he_rocket";
cur_type = "rocket";
case 1 :
delay = _root.ch_rocket_price * _root.ai_delay;
current = "ch_rocket";
cur_type = "rocket";
case 2 :
delay = _root.nu_rocket_price * _root.ai_delay;
current = "nu_rocket";
cur_type = "rocket";
case 3 :
delay_max = delay;
if (delay != -1) {
this[current + "_sp"]._alpha = 100 - ((delay / delay_max) * 100);
if (delay == 0) {
this[current + "_sp"]._alpha = 0;
delay = -1;
_root.create_r_unit(current, ai, cur_type, base_tile);
on (rollOver) {
if (((active == 1) && (_root.pause == 0)) && (ai == 1)) {
this.en_hp_bar._visible = 1;
this.en_hp_bar_bg._visible = 1;
this.en_hp_bar._width = (hp / hp_max) * this.en_hp_bar_bg._width;
on (rollOut) {
if (((active == 1) && (_root.pause == 0)) && (ai == 1)) {
this.en_hp_bar._visible = 0;
this.en_hp_bar_bg._visible = 0;
Instance of Symbol 381 MovieClip "he_rocket" in Frame 88 (2.63 KiB) ●
onClipEvent (load) {
function damage(val, t) {
if (t == 2) {
val = val / 3;
if (t == 3) {
val = val * 2;
hp = hp - val;
if (hp <= 0) {
if (ai == 0) {
if (ai == 1) {
duplicateMovieClip (_root.rocket_death, "r_d" + _root.misk_depth, _root.misk_depth);
_root["r_d" + _root.misk_depth]._x = _x;
_root["r_d" + _root.misk_depth]._y = _y;
_root["r_d" + _root.misk_depth]._rotation = _rotation;
hp = 50;
hp_max = hp;
power = 150;
acc = 250;
_global.ai = 0;
speed = 1;
speed_max = 20;
turnspeed = 1;
turnspeed_max = 15;
p_thresh = 50;
lifetime = 85;
_visible = 0;
_global.active = 0;
_global.trgt_tile = 0;
_global.name = "";
_global.dir = 1;
trgt = "";
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if ((active == 1) && (_root.pause == 0)) {
if (turnspeed < turnspeed_max) {
turnspeed = turnspeed + 0.05;
if (speed < speed_max) {
speed = speed + 0.4;
if (trgt == "") {
tt = random(7);
if (ai == 0) {
tt = tt + 8;
} else {
tt = tt + 1;
trgt = "tile" + tt;
if (lifetime <= 45) {
} else {
duplicateMovieClip (_root.missile_exhaust, "mex" + _root.misk_depth, _root.misk_depth);
_root["mex" + _root.misk_depth]._x = _x;
_root["mex" + _root.misk_depth]._y = _y;
_root["mex" + _root.misk_depth].active = 1;
if (lifetime <= 0) {
delta_x = _x - _root[trgt]._x;
delta_y = _y - _root[trgt]._y;
Rotation = (-Math.atan2(delta_x, delta_y)) / (Math.PI/180);
if (Math.abs(_rotation - Rotation) <= turnspeed) {
_rotation = Rotation;
} else if (_rotation < Rotation) {
_rotation = (_rotation + turnspeed);
} else {
_rotation = (_rotation - turnspeed);
_visible = 1;
proximity = Math.sqrt((delta_x * delta_x) + (delta_y * delta_y));
if (proximity > (_height / 2)) {
_y = (_y - (speed * Math.cos(_rotation * (Math.PI/180))));
_x = (_x + (speed * Math.sin(_rotation * (Math.PI/180))));
if (proximity < p_thresh) {
if (_root["stru" + tt].hp > 0) {
_root["stru" + tt].damage(power + random(acc), 1);
duplicateMovieClip (_root.sam_exp, "bl" + _root.air_unit_depth, _root.air_unit_depth);
_root["bl" + _root.air_unit_depth]._x = _x;
_root["bl" + _root.air_unit_depth]._y = _y;
_root["bl" + _root.air_unit_depth]._xscale = _root.unitScale;
_root["bl" + _root.air_unit_depth]._yscale = _root.unitScale;
_root["bl" + _root.air_unit_depth].active = 1;
Instance of Symbol 382 MovieClip "ch_rocket" in Frame 88 (2.84 KiB) ●
onClipEvent (load) {
function damage(val, t) {
if (t == 2) {
val = val / 3;
if (t == 3) {
val = val * 2;
hp = hp - val;
if (hp <= 0) {
if (ai == 0) {
if (ai == 1) {
duplicateMovieClip (_root.rocket_death, "r_d" + _root.misk_depth, _root.misk_depth);
_root["r_d" + _root.misk_depth]._x = _x;
_root["r_d" + _root.misk_depth]._y = _y;
_root["r_d" + _root.misk_depth]._rotation = _rotation;
hp = 70;
hp_max = hp;
power = 150;
acc = 250;
_global.ai = 0;
speed = 1;
speed_max = 20;
turnspeed = 1;
turnspeed_max = 15;
p_thresh = 50;
lifetime = 85;
_visible = 0;
_global.active = 0;
_global.trgt_tile = 0;
_global.name = "";
_global.dir = 1;
trgt = "";
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if ((active == 1) && (_root.pause == 0)) {
if (turnspeed < turnspeed_max) {
turnspeed = turnspeed + 0.05;
if (speed < speed_max) {
speed = speed + 0.4;
if (trgt == "") {
if (ai == 0) {
tt = 10;
} else {
tt = 4;
trgt = "tile" + tt;
if (lifetime <= 45) {
} else {
duplicateMovieClip (_root.missile_exhaust, "mex" + _root.misk_depth, _root.misk_depth);
_root["mex" + _root.misk_depth]._x = _x;
_root["mex" + _root.misk_depth]._y = _y;
_root["mex" + _root.misk_depth].active = 1;
if (lifetime <= 0) {
delta_x = _x - _root[trgt]._x;
delta_y = _y - _root[trgt]._y;
Rotation = (-Math.atan2(delta_x, delta_y)) / (Math.PI/180);
if (Math.abs(_rotation - Rotation) <= turnspeed) {
_rotation = Rotation;
} else if (_rotation < Rotation) {
_rotation = (_rotation + turnspeed);
} else {
_rotation = (_rotation - turnspeed);
_visible = 1;
proximity = Math.sqrt((delta_x * delta_x) + (delta_y * delta_y));
if (proximity > (_height / 2)) {
_y = (_y - (speed * Math.cos(_rotation * (Math.PI/180))));
_x = (_x + (speed * Math.sin(_rotation * (Math.PI/180))));
if (proximity < p_thresh) {
duplicateMovieClip (_root.sam_exp, "bl" + _root.air_unit_depth, _root.air_unit_depth);
_root["bl" + _root.air_unit_depth]._x = _x;
_root["bl" + _root.air_unit_depth]._y = _y;
_root["bl" + _root.air_unit_depth]._xscale = _root.unitScale;
_root["bl" + _root.air_unit_depth]._yscale = _root.unitScale;
_root["bl" + _root.air_unit_depth].active = 1;
duplicateMovieClip (_root.bio, "bio_" + _root.air_unit_depth, _root.air_unit_depth);
_root["bio_" + _root.air_unit_depth]._x = _x;
_root["bio_" + _root.air_unit_depth]._y = _y;
_root["bio_" + _root.air_unit_depth].ai = ai;
_root["bio_" + _root.air_unit_depth].active = 1;
Instance of Symbol 383 MovieClip "nu_rocket" in Frame 88 (2.63 KiB) ●
onClipEvent (load) {
function damage(val, t) {
if (t == 2) {
val = val / 3;
if (t == 3) {
val = val * 2;
hp = hp - val;
if (hp <= 0) {
if (ai == 0) {
if (ai == 1) {
duplicateMovieClip (_root.rocket_death, "r_d" + _root.misk_depth, _root.misk_depth);
_root["r_d" + _root.misk_depth]._x = _x;
_root["r_d" + _root.misk_depth]._y = _y;
_root["r_d" + _root.misk_depth]._rotation = _rotation;
hp = 100;
hp_max = hp;
power = 100;
acc = 120;
_global.ai = 0;
speed = 1;
speed_max = 20;
turnspeed = 1;
turnspeed_max = 15;
p_thresh = 50;
lifetime = 85;
_visible = 0;
_global.active = 0;
_global.trgt_tile = 0;
_global.name = "";
_global.dir = 1;
trgt = "";
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if ((active == 1) && (_root.pause == 0)) {
if (turnspeed < turnspeed_max) {
turnspeed = turnspeed + 0.05;
if (speed < speed_max) {
speed = speed + 0.4;
if (trgt == "") {
if (ai == 0) {
tt = 10;
} else {
tt = 4;
trgt = "tile" + tt;
if (lifetime <= 45) {
} else {
duplicateMovieClip (_root.missile_exhaust, "mex" + _root.misk_depth, _root.misk_depth);
_root["mex" + _root.misk_depth]._x = _x;
_root["mex" + _root.misk_depth]._y = _y;
_root["mex" + _root.misk_depth].active = 1;
if (lifetime <= 0) {
delta_x = _x - _root[trgt]._x;
delta_y = _y - _root[trgt]._y;
Rotation = (-Math.atan2(delta_x, delta_y)) / (Math.PI/180);
if (Math.abs(_rotation - Rotation) <= turnspeed) {
_rotation = Rotation;
} else if (_rotation < Rotation) {
_rotation = (_rotation + turnspeed);
} else {
_rotation = (_rotation - turnspeed);
_visible = 1;
proximity = Math.sqrt((delta_x * delta_x) + (delta_y * delta_y));
if (proximity > (_height / 2)) {
_y = (_y - (speed * Math.cos(_rotation * (Math.PI/180))));
_x = (_x + (speed * Math.sin(_rotation * (Math.PI/180))));
if (proximity < p_thresh) {
if (ai == 0) {
i_init = 8;
} else {
i_init = 1;
i = i_init;
while (i < (i_init + 7)) {
if (_root["stru" + i].hp > 0) {
_root["stru" + i].damage(power + random(acc), 3);
duplicateMovieClip (_root.nu_exp, "bl" + _root.air_unit_depth, _root.air_unit_depth);
_root["bl" + _root.air_unit_depth]._x = _x;
_root["bl" + _root.air_unit_depth]._y = _y;
_root["bl" + _root.air_unit_depth].active = 1;
Instance of Symbol 385 MovieClip "bio" in Frame 88 (798 B)
onClipEvent (load) {
_global.active = 0;
_global.ai = 0;
_global.dir = 1;
_global.power = 10;
_xscale = (_xscale * 1.5);
_yscale = (_yscale * 1.5);
c = 0;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (active == 1) {
if ((c % 5) == 0) {
if (ai == 0) {
enemy = "ai_infantry_";
max_i = _root.ai_num;
} else {
enemy = "infantry_";
max_i = _root.hu_num;
i = 0;
while (i < max_i) {
if (this.hitTest(_root[enemy + i])) {
_root[enemy + i].damage(power, 6);
if (ai == 0) {
enemy = "ai_vehi_";
max_i = _root.ai_num;
} else {
enemy = "vehi_";
max_i = _root.hu_num;
i = 0;
while (i < max_i) {
if (this.hitTest(_root[enemy + i])) {
_root[enemy + i].damage(power, 6);
Instance of Symbol 398 MovieClip "hawk_death" in Frame 88 (106 B)
onClipEvent (load) {
_global.dir = 1;
_xscale = (_root.unitScale * dir);
_yscale = _root.unitScale;
Instance of Symbol 404 MovieClip "mg_0" in Frame 88 (5.2 KiB) ● ●
onClipEvent (load) {
function damage(val, t) {
if (t == 2) {
val = val / 3;
if (t == 3) {
val = val * 2;
hp = hp - val;
if (t == 1) {
duplicateMovieClip (_root.he_blast, "hex" + _root.misk_depth, _root.misk_depth);
_root["hex" + _root.misk_depth]._x = _x;
_root["hex" + _root.misk_depth]._y = _y;
if (hp <= 0) {
_root["tile" + base_tile]._visible = 1;
if (base_tile == _root.tile_sel) {
_root.sel_instance.bars._visible = 0;
if ((ai == 0) && (_root.house == 0)) {
if ((ai == 0) && (_root.house == 1)) {
duplicateMovieClip (_root.stru_death, "stru_d" + _root.misk_depth, _root.misk_depth);
_root["stru_d" + _root.misk_depth]._x = _x;
_root["stru_d" + _root.misk_depth]._y = _y;
_root["stru_d" + _root.misk_depth].dir = dir;
if (ai == 1) {
function fire_weapon(t) {
duplicateMovieClip (_root.tow_missile, "missile" + _root.misk_depth, _root.misk_depth);
_root["missile" + _root.misk_depth]._x = _x;
_root["missile" + _root.misk_depth]._y = _y;
_root["missile" + _root.misk_depth].ai = ai;
_root["missile" + _root.misk_depth].dir = dir;
_root["missile" + _root.misk_depth].power = power + random(acc);
_root["missile" + _root.misk_depth].trgt = trgt;
_root["missile" + _root.misk_depth].active = 1;
function show_buttons() {
hp = _root.mg_0_hp;
hp_max = hp;
power = 30;
acc = 30;
range = 400;
ros = _root.ros;
scan = ros;
trgt = "";
this.en_hp_bar._visible = 0;
this.en_hp_bar_bg._visible = 0;
_global.active = 0;
_global.ai = 0;
_global.base_tile = 0;
_global.repair = 0;
_global.name = "";
dir = 1;
if ((active == 1) && (ai == 0)) {
this.turret._xscale = -100;
dir = -1;
MScooldown = 10;
MS = MScooldown;
MSmaxrel = 40;
MSreload = 40;
MSnumber = 1;
MSmaxnum = 1;
if ((active == 1) && (_root.tile_sel == base_tile)) {
on (press) {
if (ai == 0) {
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if ((active == 1) && (_root.pause == 0)) {
if (repair == 1) {
if ((_root.rep_price <= _root.money) && (hp < hp_max)) {
_root.money = _root.money - _root.rep_price;
} else {
repair = 0;
if (MSnumber < MSmaxnum) {
if (MSreload <= 0) {
MSreload = MSmaxrel;
this.turret["missile_" + MSnumber]._visible = 1;
if ((MS > 0) && (MSnumber > 0)) {
if ((scan <= 0) && (trgt == "")) {
scan = ros;
if (ai == 0) {
enemy = "ai_vehi_";
max_i = _root.ai_num;
} else {
enemy = "vehi_";
max_i = _root.hu_num;
i = 0;
while (i < max_i) {
if (_root[enemy + i].hp > 0) {
if (Math.abs(_root[enemy + i]._x - _x) <= range) {
if (((dir == 1) && (_root[enemy + i]._x < _x)) || ((dir == -1) && (_root[enemy + i]._x > _x))) {
trgt = enemy + i;
if (trgt == "") {
if (ai == 0) {
enemy = "ai_infantry_";
max_i = _root.ai_num;
} else {
enemy = "infantry_";
max_i = _root.hu_num;
i = 0;
while (i < max_i) {
if (_root[enemy + i].hp > 0) {
if (Math.abs(_root[enemy + i]._x - _x) <= range) {
if (((dir == 1) && (_root[enemy + i]._x < _x)) || ((dir == -1) && (_root[enemy + i]._x > _x))) {
trgt = enemy + i;
if (trgt != "") {
if (dir == -1) {
if (_root[trgt]._x < _x) {
trgt = "";
if (dir == 1) {
if (_root[trgt]._x > _x) {
trgt = "";
if (_root[trgt].hp <= 0) {
trgt = "";
} else if (dir == -1) {
if ((_root[trgt]._x - _x) > 0) {
if (MS <= 0) {
MS = MScooldown;
this.turret["missile_" + MSnumber]._visible = 0;
} else if ((_x - _root[trgt]._x) > 0) {
if (MS <= 0) {
MS = MScooldown;
this.turret["missile_" + MSnumber]._visible = 0;
if (_root.tile_sel == base_tile) {
if (q_size > 0) {
_root.interface["btn_" + current].q_txt.text = q_size;
} else {
_root.interface["btn_" + current].q_txt.text = "";
_root.sel_instance.bars._visible = 1;
_root.sel_instance.bars.hp_bar._width = (hp / hp_max) * _root.sel_instance.bars.bg1._width;
_root.sel_instance.bars.prog_bar._width = (1 - (delay / delay_max)) * _root.sel_instance.bars.bg1._width;
on (rollOver) {
if (((active == 1) && (_root.pause == 0)) && (ai == 1)) {
this.en_hp_bar._visible = 1;
this.en_hp_bar_bg._visible = 1;
this.en_hp_bar._width = (hp / hp_max) * this.en_hp_bar_bg._width;
on (rollOut) {
if (((active == 1) && (_root.pause == 0)) && (ai == 1)) {
this.en_hp_bar._visible = 0;
this.en_hp_bar_bg._visible = 0;
Instance of Symbol 412 MovieClip "mg_1" in Frame 88 (5.2 KiB) ● ●
onClipEvent (load) {
function damage(val, t) {
if (t == 2) {
val = val / 3;
if (t == 3) {
val = val * 2;
hp = hp - val;
if (t == 1) {
duplicateMovieClip (_root.he_blast, "hex" + _root.misk_depth, _root.misk_depth);
_root["hex" + _root.misk_depth]._x = _x;
_root["hex" + _root.misk_depth]._y = _y;
if (hp <= 0) {
_root["tile" + base_tile]._visible = 1;
if (base_tile == _root.tile_sel) {
_root.sel_instance.bars._visible = 0;
if ((ai == 0) && (_root.house == 0)) {
if ((ai == 0) && (_root.house == 1)) {
duplicateMovieClip (_root.stru_death, "stru_d" + _root.misk_depth, _root.misk_depth);
_root["stru_d" + _root.misk_depth]._x = _x;
_root["stru_d" + _root.misk_depth]._y = _y;
_root["stru_d" + _root.misk_depth].dir = dir;
if (ai == 1) {
function fire_weapon(t) {
duplicateMovieClip (_root.malyutka, "missile" + _root.misk_depth, _root.misk_depth);
_root["missile" + _root.misk_depth]._x = _x;
_root["missile" + _root.misk_depth]._y = _y - 5;
_root["missile" + _root.misk_depth].ai = ai;
_root["missile" + _root.misk_depth].dir = dir;
_root["missile" + _root.misk_depth].power = power + random(acc);
_root["missile" + _root.misk_depth].trgt = trgt;
_root["missile" + _root.misk_depth].active = 1;
function show_buttons() {
hp = _root.mg_1_hp;
hp_max = hp;
power = 50;
acc = 30;
range = 300;
ros = _root.ros;
scan = ros;
trgt = "";
_global.active = 0;
_global.ai = 0;
_global.base_tile = 0;
_global.repair = 0;
_global.name = "";
this.en_hp_bar._visible = 0;
this.en_hp_bar_bg._visible = 0;
dir = 1;
if ((active == 1) && (ai == 0)) {
this.turret._xscale = -100;
dir = -1;
MScooldown = 20;
MS = MScooldown;
MSmaxrel = 100;
MSreload = 100;
MSnumber = 2;
MSmaxnum = 2;
if ((active == 1) && (_root.tile_sel == base_tile)) {
on (press) {
if (ai == 0) {
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if ((active == 1) && (_root.pause == 0)) {
if (repair == 1) {
if ((_root.rep_price <= _root.money) && (hp < hp_max)) {
_root.money = _root.money - _root.rep_price;
} else {
repair = 0;
if (MSnumber < MSmaxnum) {
if (MSreload <= 0) {
MSreload = MSmaxrel;
this.turret["missile_" + MSnumber]._visible = 1;
if ((MS > 0) && (MSnumber > 0)) {
if ((scan <= 0) && (trgt == "")) {
scan = ros;
if (ai == 0) {
enemy = "ai_vehi_";
max_i = _root.ai_num;
} else {
enemy = "vehi_";
max_i = _root.hu_num;
i = 0;
while (i < max_i) {
if (_root[enemy + i].hp > 0) {
if (Math.abs(_root[enemy + i]._x - _x) <= range) {
if (((dir == 1) && (_root[enemy + i]._x < _x)) || ((dir == -1) && (_root[enemy + i]._x > _x))) {
trgt = enemy + i;
if (trgt == "") {
if (ai == 0) {
enemy = "ai_infantry_";
max_i = _root.ai_num;
} else {
enemy = "infantry_";
max_i = _root.hu_num;
i = 0;
while (i < max_i) {
if (_root[enemy + i].hp > 0) {
if (Math.abs(_root[enemy + i]._x - _x) <= range) {
if (((dir == 1) && (_root[enemy + i]._x < _x)) || ((dir == -1) && (_root[enemy + i]._x > _x))) {
trgt = enemy + i;
if (trgt != "") {
if (dir == -1) {
if (_root[trgt]._x < _x) {
trgt = "";
if (dir == 1) {
if (_root[trgt]._x > _x) {
trgt = "";
if (_root[trgt].hp <= 0) {
trgt = "";
} else if (dir == -1) {
if ((_root[trgt]._x - _x) > 0) {
if (MS <= 0) {
MS = MScooldown;
this.turret["missile_" + MSnumber]._visible = 0;
} else if ((_x - _root[trgt]._x) > 0) {
if (MS <= 0) {
MS = MScooldown;
this.turret["missile_" + MSnumber]._visible = 0;
if (_root.tile_sel == base_tile) {
if (q_size > 0) {
_root.interface["btn_" + current].q_txt.text = q_size;
} else {
_root.interface["btn_" + current].q_txt.text = "";
_root.sel_instance.bars._visible = 1;
_root.sel_instance.bars.hp_bar._width = (hp / hp_max) * _root.sel_instance.bars.bg1._width;
_root.sel_instance.bars.prog_bar._width = (1 - (delay / delay_max)) * _root.sel_instance.bars.bg1._width;
on (rollOver) {
if (((active == 1) && (_root.pause == 0)) && (ai == 1)) {
this.en_hp_bar._visible = 1;
this.en_hp_bar_bg._visible = 1;
this.en_hp_bar._width = (hp / hp_max) * this.en_hp_bar_bg._width;
on (rollOut) {
if (((active == 1) && (_root.pause == 0)) && (ai == 1)) {
this.en_hp_bar._visible = 0;
this.en_hp_bar_bg._visible = 0;
Instance of Symbol 414 MovieClip "malyutka" in Frame 88 (1.49 KiB) ●
onClipEvent (load) {
_global.power = 1;
speed = 15;
turnspeed = 4;
lifetime = 45;
_visible = 0;
_global.active = 0;
_global.trgt = "";
_global.dir = 1;
if (dir == 1) {
_rotation = -90;
} else {
_rotation = 90;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if ((active == 1) && (_root.pause == 0)) {
if (lifetime <= 0) {
if (_root[trgt].hp <= 0) {
delta_x = _x - _root[trgt]._x;
delta_y = _y - _root[trgt]._y;
Rotation = (-Math.atan2(delta_x, delta_y)) / (Math.PI/180);
if (Math.abs(_rotation - Rotation) <= turnspeed) {
_rotation = Rotation;
} else if (_rotation < Rotation) {
_rotation = (_rotation + turnspeed);
} else {
_rotation = (_rotation - turnspeed);
_visible = 1;
proximity = Math.sqrt((delta_x * delta_x) + (delta_y * delta_y));
if (proximity > (_height / 2)) {
_y = (_y - (speed * Math.cos(_rotation * (Math.PI/180))));
_x = (_x + (speed * Math.sin(_rotation * (Math.PI/180))));
if (proximity < 20) {
_root[trgt].damage(power, 2);
duplicateMovieClip (_root.rpg_blast, "bl" + _root.misk_depth, _root.misk_depth);
_root["bl" + _root.misk_depth]._x = _x;
_root["bl" + _root.misk_depth]._y = _y;
_root["bl" + _root.misk_depth]._xscale = _root.unitScale;
_root["bl" + _root.misk_depth]._yscale = _root.unitScale;
_root["bl" + _root.misk_depth].active = 1;
Instance of Symbol 416 MovieClip "civ_0" in Frame 88 (3.92 KiB) ●
onClipEvent (load) {
function damage(val, t) {
if (t == 2) {
val = val / 3;
if (t == 3) {
val = val * 2;
hp = hp - val;
if (t == 1) {
duplicateMovieClip (_root.he_blast, "hex" + _root.misk_depth, _root.misk_depth);
_root["hex" + _root.misk_depth]._x = _x;
_root["hex" + _root.misk_depth]._y = _y;
if (hp <= 0) {
_root["tile" + base_tile]._visible = 1;
if (base_tile == _root.tile_sel) {
_root.sel_instance.bars._visible = 0;
if ((ai == 0) && (_root.house == 0)) {
if ((ai == 0) && (_root.house == 1)) {
duplicateMovieClip (_root.stru_death, "stru_d" + _root.misk_depth, _root.misk_depth);
_root["stru_d" + _root.misk_depth]._x = _x;
_root["stru_d" + _root.misk_depth]._y = _y;
_root["stru_d" + _root.misk_depth].dir = dir;
function enqueue_unit(unit_name, unit_type, unit_value) {
if (delay == -1) {
if (_root.money >= unit_value) {
_root.money = _root.money - unit_value;
delay = unit_value;
delay_max = delay;
current = unit_name;
cur_type = unit_type;
} else {
q_size = 0;
} else if ((q_size < q_max) && (current == unit_name)) {
q_current = unit_name;
q_type = unit_type;
q_value = unit_value;
function show_buttons() {
hp = 60;
hp_max = hp;
_global.active = 0;
_global.ai = 0;
_global.base_tile = 0;
_global.name = "";
this.en_hp_bar._visible = 0;
this.en_hp_bar_bg._visible = 0;
delay = -1;
delay_max = -1;
current = "";
cur_type = "";
q_current = "";
q_type = "";
q_value = -1;
q_size = 0;
q_max = 9;
if ((active == 1) && (_root.tile_sel == base_tile)) {
on (press) {
if (ai == 0) {
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (((active == 1) && (_root.pause == 0)) && (ai == 0)) {
if (delay != -1) {
if (delay == 0) {
_root.create_unit(current, ai, cur_type, base_tile);
delay = -1;
delay_max = -1;
if (q_size > 0) {
enqueue_unit(q_current, q_type, q_value);
if (_root.tile_sel == base_tile) {
if (q_size > 0) {
_root.interface["btn_" + current].q_txt.text = q_size;
} else {
_root.interface["btn_" + current].q_txt.text = "";
_root.sel_instance.bars._visible = 1;
_root.sel_instance.bars.hp_bar._width = (hp / hp_max) * _root.sel_instance.bars.bg1._width;
_root.sel_instance.bars.prog_bar._width = (1 - (delay / delay_max)) * _root.sel_instance.bars.bg1._width;
if (((active == 1) && (_root.pause == 0)) && (ai == 1)) {
if (delay == -1) {
s = random(10);
if (s < _root.sks_pref) {
u = 0;
} else if (s < _root.pg_pref) {
u = 1;
} else if (s < _root.zrk_pref) {
u = 2;
} else {
u = 3;
switch (u) {
case 0 :
delay = (_root.sks_price * _root.ai_delay) * 1.5;
current = "sks";
cur_type = "infantry";
case 1 :
delay = (_root.pg_price * _root.ai_delay) * 1.5;
current = "pg";
cur_type = "infantry";
case 2 :
delay = (_root.zrk_price * _root.ai_delay) * 1.5;
current = "zrk";
cur_type = "infantry";
case 3 :
if (delay != -1) {
if (delay == 0) {
delay = -1;
_root.create_unit(current, ai, cur_type, base_tile);
on (rollOver) {
if (((active == 1) && (_root.pause == 0)) && (ai == 1)) {
this.en_hp_bar._visible = 1;
this.en_hp_bar_bg._visible = 1;
this.en_hp_bar._width = (hp / hp_max) * this.en_hp_bar_bg._width;
on (rollOut) {
if (((active == 1) && (_root.pause == 0)) && (ai == 1)) {
this.en_hp_bar._visible = 0;
this.en_hp_bar_bg._visible = 0;
Instance of Symbol 418 MovieClip "civ_1" in Frame 88 (3.89 KiB) ●
onClipEvent (load) {
function damage(val, t) {
if (t == 2) {
val = val / 3;
if (t == 3) {
val = val * 2;
hp = hp - val;
if (t == 1) {
duplicateMovieClip (_root.he_blast, "hex" + _root.misk_depth, _root.misk_depth);
_root["hex" + _root.misk_depth]._x = _x;
_root["hex" + _root.misk_depth]._y = _y;
if (hp <= 0) {
_root["tile" + base_tile]._visible = 1;
if (base_tile == _root.tile_sel) {
_root.sel_instance.bars._visible = 0;
if ((ai == 0) && (_root.house == 0)) {
if ((ai == 0) && (_root.house == 1)) {
duplicateMovieClip (_root.stru_death, "stru_d" + _root.misk_depth, _root.misk_depth);
_root["stru_d" + _root.misk_depth]._x = _x;
_root["stru_d" + _root.misk_depth]._y = _y;
_root["stru_d" + _root.misk_depth].dir = dir;
function enqueue_unit(unit_name, unit_type, unit_value) {
if (delay == -1) {
if (_root.money >= unit_value) {
_root.money = _root.money - unit_value;
delay = unit_value;
delay_max = delay;
current = unit_name;
cur_type = unit_type;
} else {
q_size = 0;
} else if ((q_size < q_max) && (current == unit_name)) {
q_current = unit_name;
q_type = unit_type;
q_value = unit_value;
function show_buttons() {
hp = 160;
hp_max = hp;
_global.active = 0;
_global.ai = 0;
_global.base_tile = 0;
_global.name = "";
this.en_hp_bar._visible = 0;
this.en_hp_bar_bg._visible = 0;
delay = -1;
delay_max = -1;
current = "";
cur_type = "";
q_current = "";
q_type = "";
q_value = -1;
q_size = 0;
q_max = 9;
if ((active == 1) && (_root.tile_sel == base_tile)) {
on (press) {
if (ai == 0) {
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (((active == 1) && (_root.pause == 0)) && (ai == 0)) {
if (delay != -1) {
if (delay == 0) {
_root.create_unit(current, ai, cur_type, base_tile);
delay = -1;
delay_max = -1;
if (q_size > 0) {
enqueue_unit(q_current, q_type, q_value);
if (_root.tile_sel == base_tile) {
if (q_size > 0) {
_root.interface["btn_" + current].q_txt.text = q_size;
} else {
_root.interface["btn_" + current].q_txt.text = "";
_root.sel_instance.bars._visible = 1;
_root.sel_instance.bars.hp_bar._width = (hp / hp_max) * _root.sel_instance.bars.bg1._width;
_root.sel_instance.bars.prog_bar._width = (1 - (delay / delay_max)) * _root.sel_instance.bars.bg1._width;
if (((active == 1) && (_root.pause == 0)) && (ai == 1)) {
if (delay == -1) {
s = random(10);
if (s < _root.sks_pref) {
u = 0;
} else if (s < _root.pg_pref) {
u = 1;
} else if (s < _root.zrk_pref) {
u = 2;
} else {
u = 3;
switch (u) {
case 0 :
delay = _root.sks_price * _root.ai_delay;
current = "sks";
cur_type = "infantry";
case 1 :
delay = _root.pg_price * _root.ai_delay;
current = "pg";
cur_type = "infantry";
case 2 :
delay = _root.zrk_price * _root.ai_delay;
current = "zrk";
cur_type = "infantry";
case 3 :
if (delay != -1) {
if (delay == 0) {
delay = -1;
_root.create_unit(current, ai, cur_type, base_tile);
on (rollOver) {
if (((active == 1) && (_root.pause == 0)) && (ai == 1)) {
this.en_hp_bar._visible = 1;
this.en_hp_bar_bg._visible = 1;
this.en_hp_bar._width = (hp / hp_max) * this.en_hp_bar_bg._width;
on (rollOut) {
if (((active == 1) && (_root.pause == 0)) && (ai == 1)) {
this.en_hp_bar._visible = 0;
this.en_hp_bar_bg._visible = 0;
Instance of Symbol 420 MovieClip "civ_2" in Frame 88 (3.91 KiB) ●
onClipEvent (load) {
function damage(val, t) {
if (t == 2) {
val = val / 3;
if (t == 3) {
val = val * 2;
hp = hp - val;
if (t == 1) {
duplicateMovieClip (_root.he_blast, "hex" + _root.misk_depth, _root.misk_depth);
_root["hex" + _root.misk_depth]._x = _x;
_root["hex" + _root.misk_depth]._y = _y;
if (hp <= 0) {
_root["tile" + base_tile]._visible = 1;
if (base_tile == _root.tile_sel) {
_root.sel_instance.bars._visible = 0;
if ((ai == 0) && (_root.house == 0)) {
if ((ai == 0) && (_root.house == 1)) {
duplicateMovieClip (_root.stru_death, "stru_d" + _root.misk_depth, _root.misk_depth);
_root["stru_d" + _root.misk_depth]._x = _x;
_root["stru_d" + _root.misk_depth]._y = _y;
_root["stru_d" + _root.misk_depth].dir = dir;
function enqueue_unit(unit_name, unit_type, unit_value) {
if (delay == -1) {
if (_root.money >= unit_value) {
_root.money = _root.money - unit_value;
delay = unit_value;
delay_max = delay;
current = unit_name;
cur_type = unit_type;
} else {
q_size = 0;
} else if ((q_size < q_max) && (current == unit_name)) {
q_current = unit_name;
q_type = unit_type;
q_value = unit_value;
function show_buttons() {
hp = 120;
hp_max = hp;
_global.active = 0;
_global.ai = 0;
_global.base_tile = 0;
_global.name = "";
this.en_hp_bar._visible = 0;
this.en_hp_bar_bg._visible = 0;
delay = -1;
delay_max = -1;
current = "";
cur_type = "";
q_current = "";
q_type = "";
q_value = -1;
q_size = 0;
q_max = 9;
if ((active == 1) && (_root.tile_sel == base_tile)) {
on (press) {
if (ai == 0) {
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (((active == 1) && (_root.pause == 0)) && (ai == 0)) {
if (delay != -1) {
if (delay == 0) {
_root.create_unit(current, ai, cur_type, base_tile);
delay = -1;
delay_max = -1;
if (q_size > 0) {
enqueue_unit(q_current, q_type, q_value);
if (_root.tile_sel == base_tile) {
if (q_size > 0) {
_root.interface["btn_" + current].q_txt.text = q_size;
} else {
_root.interface["btn_" + current].q_txt.text = "";
_root.sel_instance.bars._visible = 1;
_root.sel_instance.bars.hp_bar._width = (hp / hp_max) * _root.sel_instance.bars.bg1._width;
_root.sel_instance.bars.prog_bar._width = (1 - (delay / delay_max)) * _root.sel_instance.bars.bg1._width;
if (((active == 1) && (_root.pause == 0)) && (ai == 1)) {
if (delay == -1) {
s = random(10);
if (s < _root.sks_pref) {
u = 0;
} else if (s < _root.pg_pref) {
u = 1;
} else if (s < _root.zrk_pref) {
u = 2;
} else {
u = 3;
switch (u) {
case 0 :
delay = (_root.sks_price * _root.ai_delay) * 3;
current = "sks";
cur_type = "infantry";
case 1 :
delay = (_root.pg_price * _root.ai_delay) * 3;
current = "pg";
cur_type = "infantry";
case 2 :
delay = (_root.zrk_price * _root.ai_delay) * 3;
current = "zrk";
cur_type = "infantry";
case 3 :
if (delay != -1) {
if (delay == 0) {
delay = -1;
_root.create_unit(current, ai, cur_type, base_tile);
on (rollOver) {
if (((active == 1) && (_root.pause == 0)) && (ai == 1)) {
this.en_hp_bar._visible = 1;
this.en_hp_bar_bg._visible = 1;
this.en_hp_bar._width = (hp / hp_max) * this.en_hp_bar_bg._width;
on (rollOut) {
if (((active == 1) && (_root.pause == 0)) && (ai == 1)) {
this.en_hp_bar._visible = 0;
this.en_hp_bar_bg._visible = 0;
Instance of Symbol 422 MovieClip "arm_mart" in Frame 88 (3.89 KiB) ●
onClipEvent (load) {
function damage(val, t) {
if (t == 2) {
val = val / 3;
if (t == 3) {
val = val * 2;
hp = hp - val;
if (t == 1) {
duplicateMovieClip (_root.he_blast, "hex" + _root.misk_depth, _root.misk_depth);
_root["hex" + _root.misk_depth]._x = _x;
_root["hex" + _root.misk_depth]._y = _y;
if (hp <= 0) {
_root["tile" + base_tile]._visible = 1;
if (base_tile == _root.tile_sel) {
_root.sel_instance.bars._visible = 0;
if ((ai == 0) && (_root.house == 0)) {
if ((ai == 0) && (_root.house == 1)) {
duplicateMovieClip (_root.stru_death, "stru_d" + _root.misk_depth, _root.misk_depth);
_root["stru_d" + _root.misk_depth]._x = _x;
_root["stru_d" + _root.misk_depth]._y = _y;
_root["stru_d" + _root.misk_depth].dir = dir;
function enqueue_unit(unit_name, unit_type, unit_value) {
if (delay == -1) {
if (_root.money >= unit_value) {
_root.money = _root.money - unit_value;
delay = unit_value;
delay_max = delay;
current = unit_name;
cur_type = unit_type;
} else {
q_size = 0;
} else if ((q_size < q_max) && (current == unit_name)) {
q_current = unit_name;
q_type = unit_type;
q_value = unit_value;
function show_buttons() {
hp = 90;
hp_max = hp;
_global.active = 0;
_global.ai = 0;
_global.base_tile = 0;
_global.name = "";
this.en_hp_bar._visible = 0;
this.en_hp_bar_bg._visible = 0;
delay = -1;
delay_max = -1;
current = "";
cur_type = "";
q_current = "";
q_type = "";
q_value = -1;
q_size = 0;
q_max = 9;
if ((active == 1) && (_root.tile_sel == base_tile)) {
on (press) {
if (ai == 0) {
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (((active == 1) && (_root.pause == 0)) && (ai == 0)) {
if (delay != -1) {
if (delay == 0) {
_root.create_unit(current, ai, cur_type, base_tile);
delay = -1;
delay_max = -1;
if (q_size > 0) {
enqueue_unit(q_current, q_type, q_value);
if (_root.tile_sel == base_tile) {
if (q_size > 0) {
_root.interface["btn_" + current].q_txt.text = q_size;
} else {
_root.interface["btn_" + current].q_txt.text = "";
_root.sel_instance.bars._visible = 1;
_root.sel_instance.bars.hp_bar._width = (hp / hp_max) * _root.sel_instance.bars.bg1._width;
_root.sel_instance.bars.prog_bar._width = (1 - (delay / delay_max)) * _root.sel_instance.bars.bg1._width;
if (((active == 1) && (_root.pause == 0)) && (ai == 1)) {
if (delay == -1) {
s = random(10);
if (s < _root.sks_pref) {
u = 0;
} else if (s < _root.pg_pref) {
u = 1;
} else if (s < _root.zrk_pref) {
u = 2;
} else {
u = 3;
switch (u) {
case 0 :
delay = _root.sks_price * _root.ai_delay;
current = "sks";
cur_type = "infantry";
case 1 :
delay = _root.pg_price * _root.ai_delay;
current = "pg";
cur_type = "infantry";
case 2 :
delay = _root.zrk_price * _root.ai_delay;
current = "zrk";
cur_type = "infantry";
case 3 :
if (delay != -1) {
if (delay == 0) {
delay = -1;
_root.create_unit(current, ai, cur_type, base_tile);
on (rollOver) {
if (((active == 1) && (_root.pause == 0)) && (ai == 1)) {
this.en_hp_bar._visible = 1;
this.en_hp_bar_bg._visible = 1;
this.en_hp_bar._width = (hp / hp_max) * this.en_hp_bar_bg._width;
on (rollOut) {
if (((active == 1) && (_root.pause == 0)) && (ai == 1)) {
this.en_hp_bar._visible = 0;
this.en_hp_bar_bg._visible = 0;
Instance of Symbol 424 MovieClip "veh_fac" in Frame 88 (3.72 KiB) ●
onClipEvent (load) {
function damage(val, t) {
if (t == 2) {
val = val / 3;
if (t == 3) {
val = val * 2;
hp = hp - val;
if (t == 1) {
duplicateMovieClip (_root.he_blast, "hex" + _root.misk_depth, _root.misk_depth);
_root["hex" + _root.misk_depth]._x = _x;
_root["hex" + _root.misk_depth]._y = _y;
if (hp <= 0) {
_root["tile" + base_tile]._visible = 1;
if (base_tile == _root.tile_sel) {
_root.sel_instance.bars._visible = 0;
if ((ai == 0) && (_root.house == 0)) {
if ((ai == 0) && (_root.house == 1)) {
duplicateMovieClip (_root.stru_death, "stru_d" + _root.misk_depth, _root.misk_depth);
_root["stru_d" + _root.misk_depth]._x = _x;
_root["stru_d" + _root.misk_depth]._y = _y;
_root["stru_d" + _root.misk_depth].dir = dir;
function enqueue_unit(unit_name, unit_type, unit_value) {
if (delay == -1) {
if (_root.money >= unit_value) {
_root.money = _root.money - unit_value;
delay = unit_value;
delay_max = delay;
current = unit_name;
cur_type = unit_type;
} else {
q_size = 0;
} else if ((q_size < q_max) && (current == unit_name)) {
q_current = unit_name;
q_type = unit_type;
q_value = unit_value;
function show_buttons() {
hp = 200;
hp_max = hp;
_global.active = 0;
_global.ai = 0;
_global.base_tile = 0;
_global.name = "";
this.en_hp_bar._visible = 0;
this.en_hp_bar_bg._visible = 0;
delay = -1;
delay_max = -1;
current = "";
cur_type = "";
q_current = "";
q_type = "";
q_value = -1;
q_size = 0;
q_max = 9;
if ((active == 1) && (_root.tile_sel == base_tile)) {
on (press) {
if (ai == 0) {
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (((active == 1) && (_root.pause == 0)) && (ai == 0)) {
if (delay != -1) {
if (delay == 0) {
_root.create_unit(current, ai, cur_type, base_tile);
delay = -1;
delay_max = -1;
if (q_size > 0) {
enqueue_unit(q_current, q_type, q_value);
if (_root.tile_sel == base_tile) {
if (q_size > 0) {
_root.interface["btn_" + current].q_txt.text = q_size;
} else {
_root.interface["btn_" + current].q_txt.text = "";
_root.sel_instance.bars._visible = 1;
_root.sel_instance.bars.hp_bar._width = (hp / hp_max) * _root.sel_instance.bars.bg1._width;
_root.sel_instance.bars.prog_bar._width = (1 - (delay / delay_max)) * _root.sel_instance.bars.bg1._width;
if (((active == 1) && (_root.pause == 0)) && (ai == 1)) {
if (delay == -1) {
s = random(10);
if (s < _root.car_pref) {
u = 0;
} else if (s < _root.xxx_pref) {
u = 1;
} else if (s < _root.xxx_pref) {
u = 2;
} else {
u = 3;
switch (u) {
case 0 :
delay = (_root.sks_price * _root.ai_delay) * random(3);
current = "car";
cur_type = "vehi";
case 1 :
case 2 :
case 3 :
if (delay != -1) {
if (delay == 0) {
delay = -1;
_root.create_unit(current, ai, cur_type, base_tile);
on (rollOver) {
if (((active == 1) && (_root.pause == 0)) && (ai == 1)) {
this.en_hp_bar._visible = 1;
this.en_hp_bar_bg._visible = 1;
this.en_hp_bar._width = (hp / hp_max) * this.en_hp_bar_bg._width;
on (rollOut) {
if (((active == 1) && (_root.pause == 0)) && (ai == 1)) {
this.en_hp_bar._visible = 0;
this.en_hp_bar_bg._visible = 0;
Instance of Symbol 426 MovieClip "sks" in Frame 88 (3.77 KiB) ●
onClipEvent (load) {
function damage(val, t) {
if ((t == 0) && (kevlar == 1)) {
val = val / 1.5;
if (t == 1) {
val = val / 2;
if (t == 2) {
val = val / 3;
if (t == 3) {
val = val * 2;
if ((t == 6) && (gasmask == 1)) {
val = val / 10;
hp = hp - val;
if (hp <= 0) {
if (ai == 0) {
if (ai == 1) {
if (t != 3) {
duplicateMovieClip (_root.inf_c_death, "inf_d" + _root.misk_depth, _root.misk_depth);
} else {
duplicateMovieClip (_root.inf_f_death, "inf_d" + _root.misk_depth, _root.misk_depth);
_root["inf_d" + _root.misk_depth]._x = _x;
_root["inf_d" + _root.misk_depth]._y = _y;
_root["inf_d" + _root.misk_depth].dir = dir;
function fire_weapon(t, p) {
this.rfl_b.attachMovie("mg_shot", "msh" + _root.misk_depth, _root.misk_depth);
_root[t].damage(p + random(acc), 0);
hp = 30;
hp_max = hp;
speed = 1;
rof = 15;
power = 10;
acc = 2;
fire = rof;
harm = 30;
range = 100;
ros = _root.ros;
scan = ros;
trgt = "";
_global.active = 0;
_global.ai = 0;
_global.dir = 1;
_global.name = "";
_xscale = (_root.unitScale * dir);
_yscale = _root.unitScale;
med_heal = 0;
if ((ai == 0) && (_root.hu_med_heal >= 1)) {
med_heal = 1;
if ((ai == 1) && (_root.ai_med_heal >= 1)) {
med_heal = 1;
kevlar = 0;
if ((ai == 0) && (_root.hu_kevlar >= 1)) {
kevlar = 1;
if ((ai == 1) && (_root.ai_kevlar >= 1)) {
kevlar = 1;
gasmask = 0;
if ((ai == 0) && (_root.hu_gasmask >= 1)) {
gasmask = 1;
if ((ai == 1) && (_root.ai_gasmask >= 1)) {
gasmask = 1;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if ((active == 1) && (_root.pause == 0)) {
_x = (_x - (speed * dir));
if ((med_heal == 1) && (hp < hp_max)) {
hp = hp + _root.heal_val;
if (dir == 1) {
if (_x <= _root.leftBase) {
_root.damage_base(harm, 0);
if (dir == -1) {
if (_x >= _root.rightBase) {
_root.damage_base(harm, 1);
if ((scan <= 0) && (trgt == "")) {
scan = ros;
if (ai == 0) {
enemy = "ai_infantry_";
max_i = _root.ai_num;
} else {
enemy = "infantry_";
max_i = _root.hu_num;
i = 0;
while (i < max_i) {
if (_root[enemy + i].hp > 0) {
if (Math.abs(_root[enemy + i]._x - _x) <= (range * 1.5)) {
trgt = enemy + i;
if (trgt == "") {
if (ai == 0) {
enemy = "ai_vehi_";
max_i = _root.ai_num;
} else {
enemy = "vehi_";
max_i = _root.hu_num;
i = 0;
while (i < max_i) {
if (_root[enemy + i].hp > 0) {
if (Math.abs(_root[enemy + i]._x - _x) <= (range * 1.5)) {
trgt = enemy + i;
if (trgt != "") {
if (_root[trgt].hp <= 0) {
trgt = "";
} else {
if ((_root[trgt]._y - _y) > speed) {
_y = (_y + speed);
if ((_y - _root[trgt]._y) > speed) {
_y = (_y - speed);
if (dir == -1) {
if (((_root[trgt]._x - _x) <= range) && ((_root[trgt]._x - _x) > 0)) {
if ((fire <= 0) && (Math.abs(_root[trgt]._y - _y) < 20)) {
fire = rof;
fire_weapon(trgt, power);
} else if (((_x - _root[trgt]._x) <= range) && ((_x - _root[trgt]._x) > 0)) {
if ((fire <= 0) && (Math.abs(_root[trgt]._y - _y) < 20)) {
fire = rof;
fire_weapon(trgt, power);
Instance of Symbol 428 MovieClip "pg" in Frame 88 (4.28 KiB) ●
onClipEvent (load) {
function damage(val, t) {
if ((t == 0) && (kevlar == 1)) {
val = val / 1.5;
if (t == 1) {
val = val / 2;
if (t == 2) {
val = val / 3;
if (t == 3) {
val = val * 2;
if ((t == 6) && (gasmask == 1)) {
val = val / 10;
hp = hp - val;
if (hp <= 0) {
if (ai == 0) {
if (ai == 1) {
if (t != 3) {
duplicateMovieClip (_root.inf_c_death, "inf_d" + _root.misk_depth, _root.misk_depth);
} else {
duplicateMovieClip (_root.inf_f_death, "inf_d" + _root.misk_depth, _root.misk_depth);
_root["inf_d" + _root.misk_depth]._x = _x;
_root["inf_d" + _root.misk_depth]._y = _y;
_root["inf_d" + _root.misk_depth].dir = dir;
function fire_weapon(t, p) {
duplicateMovieClip (_root.tow_missile, "missile" + _root.misk_depth, _root.misk_depth);
_root["missile" + _root.misk_depth]._x = _x;
_root["missile" + _root.misk_depth]._y = _y - 5;
_root["missile" + _root.misk_depth].ai = ai;
_root["missile" + _root.misk_depth].dir = dir;
_root["missile" + _root.misk_depth].power = power + random(acc);
_root["missile" + _root.misk_depth].trgt = trgt;
_root["missile" + _root.misk_depth].active = 1;
hp = 30;
hp_max = hp;
speed = 1;
rof = 50;
power = 20;
acc = 20;
fire = rof;
harm = 30;
range = 100;
ros = _root.ros;
scan = ros;
trgt = "";
_global.active = 0;
_global.ai = 0;
_global.dir = 1;
_global.name = "";
_xscale = (_root.unitScale * dir);
_yscale = _root.unitScale;
med_heal = 0;
if ((ai == 0) && (_root.hu_med_heal >= 1)) {
med_heal = 1;
if ((ai == 1) && (_root.ai_med_heal >= 1)) {
med_heal = 1;
kevlar = 0;
if ((ai == 0) && (_root.hu_kevlar >= 1)) {
kevlar = 1;
if ((ai == 1) && (_root.ai_kevlar >= 1)) {
kevlar = 1;
gasmask = 0;
if ((ai == 0) && (_root.hu_gasmask >= 1)) {
gasmask = 1;
if ((ai == 1) && (_root.ai_gasmask >= 1)) {
gasmask = 1;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if ((active == 1) && (_root.pause == 0)) {
_x = (_x - (speed * dir));
if ((med_heal == 1) && (hp < hp_max)) {
hp = hp + _root.heal_val;
if (dir == 1) {
if (_x <= _root.leftBase) {
_root.damage_base(harm, 0);
if (dir == -1) {
if (_x >= _root.rightBase) {
_root.damage_base(harm, 1);
if ((scan <= 0) && (trgt == "")) {
scan = ros;
if (ai == 0) {
enemy = "ai_vehi_";
max_i = _root.ai_num;
} else {
enemy = "vehi_";
max_i = _root.hu_num;
i = 0;
while (i < max_i) {
if (_root[enemy + i].hp > 0) {
if (Math.abs(_root[enemy + i]._x - _x) <= (range * 1.5)) {
trgt = enemy + i;
if (trgt == "") {
if (ai == 0) {
enemy = "ai_infantry_";
max_i = _root.ai_num;
} else {
enemy = "infantry_";
max_i = _root.hu_num;
i = 0;
while (i < max_i) {
if (_root[enemy + i].hp > 0) {
if (Math.abs(_root[enemy + i]._x - _x) <= (range * 1.5)) {
trgt = enemy + i;
if (trgt != "") {
if (dir == -1) {
if (_root[trgt]._x < _x) {
trgt = "";
if (dir == 1) {
if (_root[trgt]._x > _x) {
trgt = "";
if (_root[trgt].hp <= 0) {
trgt = "";
} else {
if ((_root[trgt]._y - _y) > speed) {
_y = (_y + speed);
if ((_y - _root[trgt]._y) > speed) {
_y = (_y - speed);
if (dir == -1) {
if (((_root[trgt]._x - _x) <= range) && ((_root[trgt]._x - _x) > 0)) {
if ((fire <= 0) && (Math.abs(_root[trgt]._y - _y) < 50)) {
fire = rof;
fire_weapon(trgt, power);
} else if (((_x - _root[trgt]._x) <= range) && ((_x - _root[trgt]._x) > 0)) {
if ((fire <= 0) && (Math.abs(_root[trgt]._y - _y) < 50)) {
fire = rof;
fire_weapon(trgt, power);
Instance of Symbol 436 MovieClip "inf_c_death" in Frame 88 (122 B)
onClipEvent (load) {
_global.dir = 1;
_xscale = ((1.2 * _root.unitScale) * dir);
_yscale = (1.2 * _root.unitScale);
Instance of Symbol 444 MovieClip "inf_0_death" in Frame 88 (122 B)
onClipEvent (load) {
_global.dir = 1;
_xscale = ((1.2 * _root.unitScale) * dir);
_yscale = (1.2 * _root.unitScale);
Instance of Symbol 446 MovieClip "car" in Frame 88 (3.54 KiB) ●
onClipEvent (load) {
function damage(val, t) {
if (t == 0) {
val = val / 2;
if (t == 2) {
val = val * 3;
if (t == 3) {
val = val * 2;
hp = hp - val;
if (hp <= 0) {
if (ai == 0) {
if (ai == 1) {
duplicateMovieClip (_root.car_death, "car_d" + _root.misk_depth, _root.misk_depth);
_root["car_d" + _root.misk_depth]._x = _x;
_root["car_d" + _root.misk_depth]._y = _y;
_root["car_d" + _root.misk_depth].dir = dir;
duplicateMovieClip (_root.fiery_blast, "f_d" + _root.misk_depth, _root.misk_depth);
_root["f_d" + _root.misk_depth]._x = _x;
_root["f_d" + _root.misk_depth]._y = _y;
_root["f_d" + _root.misk_depth].dir = dir;
function fire_weapon(t, p) {
this.rfl_b.attachMovie("mg_shot", "msh" + _root.misk_depth, _root.misk_depth);
_root[t].damage(p + random(acc), 0);
hp = 90;
hp_max = hp;
speed = 2;
rof = 15;
power = 10;
acc = 25;
fire = rof;
harm = 60;
range = 120;
ros = _root.ros;
scan = ros;
trgt = "";
_global.active = 0;
_global.ai = 0;
_global.dir = 1;
_global.name = "";
_xscale = (_root.unitScale * dir);
_yscale = _root.unitScale;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if ((active == 1) && (_root.pause == 0)) {
_x = (_x - (speed * dir));
if (dir == 1) {
if (_x <= _root.leftBase) {
_root.damage_base(harm, 0);
if (dir == -1) {
if (_x >= _root.rightBase) {
_root.damage_base(harm, 1);
if ((scan <= 0) && (trgt == "")) {
scan = ros;
if (ai == 0) {
enemy = "ai_infantry_";
max_i = _root.ai_num;
} else {
enemy = "infantry_";
max_i = _root.hu_num;
i = 0;
while (i < max_i) {
if (_root[enemy + i].hp > 0) {
if (Math.abs(_root[enemy + i]._x - _x) <= (range * 1.5)) {
if (((dir == 1) && (_root[enemy + i]._x < _x)) || ((dir == -1) && (_root[enemy + i]._x > _x))) {
trgt = enemy + i;
if (trgt == "") {
if (ai == 0) {
enemy = "ai_vehi_";
max_i = _root.ai_num;
} else {
enemy = "vehi_";
max_i = _root.hu_num;
i = 0;
while (i < max_i) {
if (_root[enemy + i].hp > 0) {
if (Math.abs(_root[enemy + i]._x - _x) <= (range * 1.5)) {
if (((dir == 1) && (_root[enemy + i]._x < _x)) || ((dir == -1) && (_root[enemy + i]._x > _x))) {
trgt = enemy + i;
if (trgt != "") {
if (dir == -1) {
if (_root[trgt]._x < _x) {
trgt = "";
if (dir == 1) {
if (_root[trgt]._x > _x) {
trgt = "";
if (_root[trgt].hp <= 0) {
trgt = "";
} else {
if ((_root[trgt]._y - _y) > speed) {
_y = (_y + speed);
if ((_y - _root[trgt]._y) > speed) {
_y = (_y - speed);
if (dir == -1) {
if (((_root[trgt]._x - _x) <= range) && ((_root[trgt]._x - _x) > 0)) {
if ((fire <= 0) && (Math.abs(_root[trgt]._y - _y) < 20)) {
fire = rof;
fire_weapon(trgt, power);
} else if (((_x - _root[trgt]._x) <= range) && ((_x - _root[trgt]._x) > 0)) {
if ((fire <= 0) && (Math.abs(_root[trgt]._y - _y) < 20)) {
fire = rof;
fire_weapon(trgt, power);
Instance of Symbol 451 MovieClip "car_death" in Frame 88 (118 B)
onClipEvent (load) {
_global.dir = 1;
_xscale = ((1 * _root.unitScale) * dir);
_yscale = (1 * _root.unitScale);
Instance of Symbol 461 MovieClip "rocket_death" in Frame 88 (186 B)
onClipEvent (load) {
speed = 15;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
_y = (_y - (speed * Math.cos(_rotation * (Math.PI/180))));
_x = (_x + (speed * Math.sin(_rotation * (Math.PI/180))));
Instance of Symbol 660 MovieClip "interface_0" in Frame 88 (151 B)
onClipEvent (load) {
_global.active = 0;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (active == 1) {
_root.interface.income_txt.text = "+" + _root.income;
Instance of Symbol 662 MovieClip "tow_missile" in Frame 88 (1.55 KiB) ●
onClipEvent (load) {
_global.power = 1;
speed = 15;
turnspeed = 3;
lifetime = 45;
_visible = 0;
_global.active = 0;
_global.trgt = "";
_global.dir = 1;
if (dir == 1) {
_rotation = -90;
} else {
_rotation = 90;
_xscale = _root.unitScale;
_yscale = _root.unitScale;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if ((active == 1) && (_root.pause == 0)) {
if (lifetime <= 0) {
if (_root[trgt].hp <= 0) {
delta_x = _x - _root[trgt]._x;
delta_y = _y - _root[trgt]._y;
Rotation = (-Math.atan2(delta_x, delta_y)) / (Math.PI/180);
if (Math.abs(_rotation - Rotation) <= turnspeed) {
_rotation = Rotation;
} else if (_rotation < Rotation) {
_rotation = (_rotation + turnspeed);
} else {
_rotation = (_rotation - turnspeed);
_visible = 1;
proximity = Math.sqrt((delta_x * delta_x) + (delta_y * delta_y));
if (proximity > (_height / 2)) {
_y = (_y - (speed * Math.cos(_rotation * (Math.PI/180))));
_x = (_x + (speed * Math.sin(_rotation * (Math.PI/180))));
if (proximity < 20) {
_root[trgt].damage(power, 2);
duplicateMovieClip (_root.rpg_blast, "bl" + _root.misk_depth, _root.misk_depth);
_root["bl" + _root.misk_depth]._x = _x;
_root["bl" + _root.misk_depth]._y = _y;
_root["bl" + _root.misk_depth]._xscale = _root.unitScale;
_root["bl" + _root.misk_depth]._yscale = _root.unitScale;
_root["bl" + _root.misk_depth].active = 1;
Instance of Symbol 795 MovieClip in Frame 88 (35 B)
on (press) {
Instance of Symbol 917 MovieClip "startScreen" in Frame 88 (254 B)
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (_root.startScreen._visible == 1) {
i = 0;
while (i < 5) {
aa = random(50) + 10;
xx = random(1000) - 500;
_root.startScreen["line" + i]._x = xx;
_root.startScreen["line" + i]._alpha = aa;
Symbol 41 MovieClip [mg_shot] Frame 1 (140 B)
_alpha = (_alpha - 15);
_xscale = 150;
if (_root.game_sound == 1) {
snd = new Sound();
Symbol 41 MovieClip [mg_shot] Frame 3 (25 B)
_alpha = (_alpha - 15);
Symbol 41 MovieClip [mg_shot] Frame 5 (25 B)
_alpha = (_alpha - 15);
Symbol 41 MovieClip [mg_shot] Frame 7 (25 B)
_alpha = (_alpha - 15);
Symbol 41 MovieClip [mg_shot] Frame 9 (23 B)
Symbol 45 MovieClip [tank_shot] Frame 1 (103 B)
if (_root.game_sound == 1) {
snd = new Sound();
Symbol 45 MovieClip [tank_shot] Frame 8 (23 B)
Symbol 49 MovieClip [laser_shot] Frame 8 (23 B)
Symbol 165 MovieClip Frame 31 (23 B)
Symbol 172 MovieClip Frame 18 (23 B)
Symbol 181 MovieClip Frame 20 (23 B)
Symbol 200 MovieClip Frame 28 (23 B)
Symbol 209 MovieClip Frame 18 (23 B)
Symbol 212 MovieClip Frame 10 (23 B)
Symbol 226 MovieClip Frame 18 (23 B)
Symbol 250 MovieClip Frame 18 (23 B)
Symbol 254 MovieClip Frame 21 (23 B)
Symbol 293 MovieClip Frame 17 (23 B)
Symbol 303 MovieClip Frame 25 (23 B)
Symbol 304 MovieClip Frame 22 (23 B)
Symbol 308 MovieClip Frame 16 (23 B)
Symbol 310 MovieClip Frame 6 (23 B)
Symbol 312 MovieClip Frame 22 (23 B)
Symbol 314 MovieClip Frame 23 (23 B)
Symbol 316 MovieClip Frame 22 (23 B)
Symbol 334 MovieClip Frame 26 (23 B)
Symbol 338 MovieClip Frame 16 (23 B)
Symbol 385 MovieClip Frame 76 (23 B)
Symbol 391 MovieClip Frame 71 (23 B)
Symbol 392 MovieClip Frame 71 (23 B)
Symbol 398 MovieClip Frame 17 (23 B)
Symbol 436 MovieClip Frame 31 (23 B)
Symbol 444 MovieClip Frame 31 (23 B)
Symbol 451 MovieClip Frame 17 (23 B)
Symbol 461 MovieClip Frame 17 (23 B)
Instance of Symbol 653 MovieClip in Symbol 658 MovieClip Frame 1 (462 B)
on (press) {
_parent._visible = 0;
var colour = new Color(this);
var trans = {ra:"100", rb:"0", ga:"100", gb:"0", ba:"100", bb:"0"};
on (rollOver) {
var colour = new Color(this);
var trans = {ra:"100", rb:"50", ga:"100", gb:"50", ba:"100", bb:"50"};
on (rollOut) {
var colour = new Color(this);
var trans = {ra:"100", rb:"0", ga:"100", gb:"0", ba:"100", bb:"0"};
Instance of Symbol 657 MovieClip in Symbol 658 MovieClip Frame 1 (736 B)
on (press) {
_root.AI.active = 0;
_root.interface._visible = 0;
_root.sel_instance._x = -200;
_parent._visible = 0;
_root.interface.op_screen._visible = 0;
_root.stats_screen._visible = 0;
_root.mentat_screen._visible = 0;
var colour = new Color(this);
var trans = {ra:"100", rb:"0", ga:"100", gb:"0", ba:"100", bb:"0"};
on (rollOver) {
var colour = new Color(this);
var trans = {ra:"100", rb:"50", ga:"100", gb:"50", ba:"100", bb:"50"};
on (rollOut) {
var colour = new Color(this);
var trans = {ra:"100", rb:"0", ga:"100", gb:"0", ba:"100", bb:"0"};
Instance of Symbol 632 MovieClip in Symbol 659 MovieClip Frame 1 (460 B)
on (press) {
_quality = "BEST";
var colour = new Color(this);
var trans = {ra:"100", rb:"0", ga:"100", gb:"0", ba:"100", bb:"0"};
on (rollOver) {
var colour = new Color(this);
var trans = {ra:"100", rb:"50", ga:"100", gb:"50", ba:"100", bb:"50"};
on (rollOut) {
var colour = new Color(this);
var trans = {ra:"100", rb:"0", ga:"100", gb:"0", ba:"100", bb:"0"};
Instance of Symbol 635 MovieClip in Symbol 659 MovieClip Frame 1 (462 B)
on (press) {
_quality = "MEDIUM";
var colour = new Color(this);
var trans = {ra:"100", rb:"0", ga:"100", gb:"0", ba:"100", bb:"0"};
on (rollOver) {
var colour = new Color(this);
var trans = {ra:"100", rb:"50", ga:"100", gb:"50", ba:"100", bb:"50"};
on (rollOut) {
var colour = new Color(this);
var trans = {ra:"100", rb:"0", ga:"100", gb:"0", ba:"100", bb:"0"};
Instance of Symbol 638 MovieClip in Symbol 659 MovieClip Frame 1 (459 B)
on (press) {
_quality = "LOW";
var colour = new Color(this);
var trans = {ra:"100", rb:"0", ga:"100", gb:"0", ba:"100", bb:"0"};
on (rollOver) {
var colour = new Color(this);
var trans = {ra:"100", rb:"50", ga:"100", gb:"50", ba:"100", bb:"50"};
on (rollOut) {
var colour = new Color(this);
var trans = {ra:"100", rb:"0", ga:"100", gb:"0", ba:"100", bb:"0"};
Instance of Symbol 641 MovieClip in Symbol 659 MovieClip Frame 1 (487 B)
on (press) {
_root.game_sound = 1;
var colour = new Color(this);
var trans = {ra:"100", rb:"0", ga:"100", gb:"0", ba:"100", bb:"0"};
on (rollOver) {
var colour = new Color(this);
var trans = {ra:"100", rb:"50", ga:"100", gb:"50", ba:"100", bb:"50"};
on (rollOut) {
var colour = new Color(this);
var trans = {ra:"100", rb:"0", ga:"100", gb:"0", ba:"100", bb:"0"};
Instance of Symbol 644 MovieClip in Symbol 659 MovieClip Frame 1 (486 B)
on (press) {
_root.game_sound = 0;
var colour = new Color(this);
var trans = {ra:"100", rb:"0", ga:"100", gb:"0", ba:"100", bb:"0"};
on (rollOver) {
var colour = new Color(this);
var trans = {ra:"100", rb:"50", ga:"100", gb:"50", ba:"100", bb:"50"};
on (rollOut) {
var colour = new Color(this);
var trans = {ra:"100", rb:"0", ga:"100", gb:"0", ba:"100", bb:"0"};
Instance of Symbol 646 MovieClip in Symbol 659 MovieClip Frame 1 (472 B)
on (press) {
_parent.reset_msg._visible = 1;
var colour = new Color(this);
var trans = {ra:"100", rb:"0", ga:"100", gb:"0", ba:"100", bb:"0"};
on (rollOver) {
var colour = new Color(this);
var trans = {ra:"100", rb:"50", ga:"100", gb:"50", ba:"100", bb:"50"};
on (rollOut) {
var colour = new Color(this);
var trans = {ra:"100", rb:"0", ga:"100", gb:"0", ba:"100", bb:"0"};
Instance of Symbol 648 MovieClip in Symbol 659 MovieClip Frame 1 (480 B)
on (press) {
_root.pause = 0;
_parent._visible = 0;
var colour = new Color(this);
var trans = {ra:"100", rb:"0", ga:"100", gb:"0", ba:"100", bb:"0"};
on (rollOver) {
var colour = new Color(this);
var trans = {ra:"100", rb:"50", ga:"100", gb:"50", ba:"100", bb:"50"};
on (rollOut) {
var colour = new Color(this);
var trans = {ra:"100", rb:"0", ga:"100", gb:"0", ba:"100", bb:"0"};
Instance of Symbol 465 MovieClip "tos_bg" in Symbol 660 MovieClip Frame 1 (75 B)
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
_root.interface.money_txt.text = _root.money;
Instance of Symbol 467 MovieClip "btn_bar_0" in Symbol 660 MovieClip Frame 1 (685 B)
on (press) {
if (_root.money >= _root.bar0_price) {
_root.money = _root.money - _root.bar0_price;
_root.create_con_site_0("barracks_0", 0, _root.tile_sel, _root.bar0_price);
var colour = new Color(this);
var trans = {ra:"100", rb:"00", ga:"100", gb:"00", ba:"100", bb:"00"};
on (rollOver) {
var colour = new Color(this);
var trans = {ra:"100", rb:"85", ga:"100", gb:"80", ba:"100", bb:"40"};
on (rollOut) {
var colour = new Color(this);
var trans = {ra:"100", rb:"00", ga:"100", gb:"00", ba:"100", bb:"00"};
Instance of Symbol 470 MovieClip "btn_m16" in Symbol 660 MovieClip Frame 1 (594 B)
on (press) {
_root["stru" + _root.tile_sel].enqueue_unit("m16", "infantry", _root.m16_price);
var colour = new Color(this);
var trans = {ra:"100", rb:"00", ga:"100", gb:"00", ba:"100", bb:"00"};
on (rollOver) {
var colour = new Color(this);
var trans = {ra:"100", rb:"85", ga:"100", gb:"80", ba:"100", bb:"40"};
on (rollOut) {
var colour = new Color(this);
var trans = {ra:"100", rb:"00", ga:"100", gb:"00", ba:"100", bb:"00"};
Instance of Symbol 472 MovieClip "btn_tnt" in Symbol 660 MovieClip Frame 1 (561 B)
on (press) {
_root["stru" + _root.tile_sel].damage(5000, 1);
var colour = new Color(this);
var trans = {ra:"100", rb:"00", ga:"100", gb:"00", ba:"100", bb:"00"};
on (rollOver) {
var colour = new Color(this);
var trans = {ra:"100", rb:"85", ga:"100", gb:"80", ba:"100", bb:"40"};
on (rollOut) {
var colour = new Color(this);
var trans = {ra:"100", rb:"00", ga:"100", gb:"00", ba:"100", bb:"00"};
Instance of Symbol 476 MovieClip "btn_sniper" in Symbol 660 MovieClip Frame 1 (603 B)
on (press) {
_root["stru" + _root.tile_sel].enqueue_unit("sniper", "infantry", _root.sniper_price);
var colour = new Color(this);
var trans = {ra:"100", rb:"00", ga:"100", gb:"00", ba:"100", bb:"00"};
on (rollOver) {
var colour = new Color(this);
var trans = {ra:"100", rb:"85", ga:"100", gb:"80", ba:"100", bb:"40"};
on (rollOut) {
var colour = new Color(this);
var trans = {ra:"100", rb:"00", ga:"100", gb:"00", ba:"100", bb:"00"};
Instance of Symbol 478 MovieClip "btn_bar_1" in Symbol 660 MovieClip Frame 1 (685 B)
on (press) {
if (_root.money >= _root.bar1_price) {
_root.money = _root.money - _root.bar1_price;
_root.create_con_site_1("barracks_1", 0, _root.tile_sel, _root.bar1_price);
var colour = new Color(this);
var trans = {ra:"100", rb:"00", ga:"100", gb:"00", ba:"100", bb:"00"};
on (rollOver) {
var colour = new Color(this);
var trans = {ra:"100", rb:"85", ga:"100", gb:"80", ba:"100", bb:"40"};
on (rollOut) {
var colour = new Color(this);
var trans = {ra:"100", rb:"00", ga:"100", gb:"00", ba:"100", bb:"00"};
Instance of Symbol 481 MovieClip "btn_ak74" in Symbol 660 MovieClip Frame 1 (597 B)
on (press) {
_root["stru" + _root.tile_sel].enqueue_unit("ak74", "infantry", _root.ak74_price);
var colour = new Color(this);
var trans = {ra:"100", rb:"00", ga:"100", gb:"00", ba:"100", bb:"00"};
on (rollOver) {
var colour = new Color(this);
var trans = {ra:"100", rb:"85", ga:"100", gb:"80", ba:"100", bb:"40"};
on (rollOut) {
var colour = new Color(this);
var trans = {ra:"100", rb:"00", ga:"100", gb:"00", ba:"100", bb:"00"};
Instance of Symbol 484 MovieClip "btn_flame" in Symbol 660 MovieClip Frame 1 (600 B)
on (press) {
_root["stru" + _root.tile_sel].enqueue_unit("flame", "infantry", _root.flame_price);
var colour = new Color(this);
var trans = {ra:"100", rb:"00", ga:"100", gb:"00", ba:"100", bb:"00"};
on (rollOver) {
var colour = new Color(this);
var trans = {ra:"100", rb:"85", ga:"100", gb:"80", ba:"100", bb:"40"};
on (rollOut) {
var colour = new Color(this);
var trans = {ra:"100", rb:"00", ga:"100", gb:"00", ba:"100", bb:"00"};
Instance of Symbol 487 MovieClip "btn_bazoo" in Symbol 660 MovieClip Frame 1 (600 B)
on (press) {
_root["stru" + _root.tile_sel].enqueue_unit("bazoo", "infantry", _root.bazoo_price);
var colour = new Color(this);
var trans = {ra:"100", rb:"00", ga:"100", gb:"00", ba:"100", bb:"00"};
on (rollOver) {
var colour = new Color(this);
var trans = {ra:"100", rb:"85", ga:"100", gb:"80", ba:"100", bb:"40"};
on (rollOut) {
var colour = new Color(this);
var trans = {ra:"100", rb:"00", ga:"100", gb:"00", ba:"100", bb:"00"};
Instance of Symbol 490 MovieClip "btn_rpg" in Symbol 660 MovieClip Frame 1 (594 B)
on (press) {
_root["stru" + _root.tile_sel].enqueue_unit("rpg", "infantry", _root.rpg_price);
var colour = new Color(this);
var trans = {ra:"100", rb:"00", ga:"100", gb:"00", ba:"100", bb:"00"};
on (rollOver) {
var colour = new Color(this);
var trans = {ra:"100", rb:"85", ga:"100", gb:"80", ba:"100", bb:"40"};
on (rollOut) {
var colour = new Color(this);
var trans = {ra:"100", rb:"00", ga:"100", gb:"00", ba:"100", bb:"00"};
Instance of Symbol 492 MovieClip "btn_manu" in Symbol 660 MovieClip Frame 1 (679 B)
on (press) {
if (_root.money >= _root.manu_price) {
_root.money = _root.money - _root.manu_price;
_root.create_con_site_0("manu", 0, _root.tile_sel, _root.manu_price);
var colour = new Color(this);
var trans = {ra:"100", rb:"00", ga:"100", gb:"00", ba:"100", bb:"00"};
on (rollOver) {
var colour = new Color(this);
var trans = {ra:"100", rb:"85", ga:"100", gb:"80", ba:"100", bb:"40"};
on (rollOut) {
var colour = new Color(this);
var trans = {ra:"100", rb:"00", ga:"100", gb:"00", ba:"100", bb:"00"};
Instance of Symbol 495 MovieClip "btn_moto" in Symbol 660 MovieClip Frame 1 (593 B)
on (press) {
_root["stru" + _root.tile_sel].enqueue_unit("moto", "vehi", _root.moto_price);
var colour = new Color(this);
var trans = {ra:"100", rb:"00", ga:"100", gb:"00", ba:"100", bb:"00"};
on (rollOver) {
var colour = new Color(this);
var trans = {ra:"100", rb:"85", ga:"100", gb:"80", ba:"100", bb:"40"};
on (rollOut) {
var colour = new Color(this);
var trans = {ra:"100", rb:"00", ga:"100", gb:"00", ba:"100", bb:"00"};
Instance of Symbol 497 MovieClip "btn_fac" in Symbol 660 MovieClip Frame 1 (674 B)
on (press) {
if (_root.money >= _root.fac_price) {
_root.money = _root.money - _root.fac_price;
_root.create_con_site_1("fac", 0, _root.tile_sel, _root.fac_price);
var colour = new Color(this);
var trans = {ra:"100", rb:"00", ga:"100", gb:"00", ba:"100", bb:"00"};
on (rollOver) {
var colour = new Color(this);
var trans = {ra:"100", rb:"85", ga:"100", gb:"80", ba:"100", bb:"40"};
on (rollOut) {
var colour = new Color(this);
var trans = {ra:"100", rb:"00", ga:"100", gb:"00", ba:"100", bb:"00"};
Instance of Symbol 500 MovieClip "btn_ftank" in Symbol 660 MovieClip Frame 1 (596 B)
on (press) {
_root["stru" + _root.tile_sel].enqueue_unit("ftank", "vehi", _root.ftank_price);
var colour = new Color(this);
var trans = {ra:"100", rb:"00", ga:"100", gb:"00", ba:"100", bb:"00"};
on (rollOver) {
var colour = new Color(this);
var trans = {ra:"100", rb:"85", ga:"100", gb:"80", ba:"100", bb:"40"};
on (rollOut) {
var colour = new Color(this);
var trans = {ra:"100", rb:"00", ga:"100", gb:"00", ba:"100", bb:"00"};
Instance of Symbol 503 MovieClip "btn_atv" in Symbol 660 MovieClip Frame 1 (590 B)
on (press) {
_root["stru" + _root.tile_sel].enqueue_unit("atv", "vehi", _root.atv_price);
var colour = new Color(this);
var trans = {ra:"100", rb:"00", ga:"100", gb:"00", ba:"100", bb:"00"};
on (rollOver) {
var colour = new Color(this);
var trans = {ra:"100", rb:"85", ga:"100", gb:"80", ba:"100", bb:"40"};
on (rollOut) {
var colour = new Color(this);
var trans = {ra:"100", rb:"00", ga:"100", gb:"00", ba:"100", bb:"00"};
Instance of Symbol 506 MovieClip "btn_ifv" in Symbol 660 MovieClip Frame 1 (590 B)
on (press) {
_root["stru" + _root.tile_sel].enqueue_unit("ifv", "vehi", _root.ifv_price);
var colour = new Color(this);
var trans = {ra:"100", rb:"00", ga:"100", gb:"00", ba:"100", bb:"00"};
on (rollOver) {
var colour = new Color(this);
var trans = {ra:"100", rb:"85", ga:"100", gb:"80", ba:"100", bb:"40"};
on (rollOut) {
var colour = new Color(this);
var trans = {ra:"100", rb:"00", ga:"100", gb:"00", ba:"100", bb:"00"};
Instance of Symbol 509 MovieClip "btn_armor" in Symbol 660 MovieClip Frame 1 (596 B)
on (press) {
_root["stru" + _root.tile_sel].enqueue_unit("armor", "vehi", _root.armor_price);
var colour = new Color(this);
var trans = {ra:"100", rb:"00", ga:"100", gb:"00", ba:"100", bb:"00"};
on (rollOver) {
var colour = new Color(this);
var trans = {ra:"100", rb:"85", ga:"100", gb:"80", ba:"100", bb:"40"};
on (rollOut) {
var colour = new Color(this);
var trans = {ra:"100", rb:"00", ga:"100", gb:"00", ba:"100", bb:"00"};
Instance of Symbol 512 MovieClip "btn_hawk" in Symbol 660 MovieClip Frame 1 (593 B)
on (press) {
_root["stru" + _root.tile_sel].enqueue_unit("hawk", "vehi", _root.hawk_price);
var colour = new Color(this);
var trans = {ra:"100", rb:"00", ga:"100", gb:"00", ba:"100", bb:"00"};
on (rollOver) {
var colour = new Color(this);
var trans = {ra:"100", rb:"85", ga:"100", gb:"80", ba:"100", bb:"40"};
on (rollOut) {
var colour = new Color(this);
var trans = {ra:"100", rb:"00", ga:"100", gb:"00", ba:"100", bb:"00"};
Instance of Symbol 515 MovieClip "btn_tank" in Symbol 660 MovieClip Frame 1 (593 B)
on (press) {
_root["stru" + _root.tile_sel].enqueue_unit("tank", "vehi", _root.tank_price);
var colour = new Color(this);
var trans = {ra:"100", rb:"00", ga:"100", gb:"00", ba:"100", bb:"00"};
on (rollOver) {
var colour = new Color(this);
var trans = {ra:"100", rb:"85", ga:"100", gb:"80", ba:"100", bb:"40"};
on (rollOut) {
var colour = new Color(this);
var trans = {ra:"100", rb:"00", ga:"100", gb:"00", ba:"100", bb:"00"};
Instance of Symbol 518 MovieClip "btn_sam" in Symbol 660 MovieClip Frame 1 (590 B)
on (press) {
_root["stru" + _root.tile_sel].enqueue_unit("sam", "vehi", _root.sam_price);
var colour = new Color(this);
var trans = {ra:"100", rb:"00", ga:"100", gb:"00", ba:"100", bb:"00"};
on (rollOver) {
var colour = new Color(this);
var trans = {ra:"100", rb:"85", ga:"100", gb:"80", ba:"100", bb:"40"};
on (rollOut) {
var colour = new Color(this);
var trans = {ra:"100", rb:"00", ga:"100", gb:"00", ba:"100", bb:"00"};
Instance of Symbol 520 MovieClip "btn_bank" in Symbol 660 MovieClip Frame 1 (679 B)
on (press) {
if (_root.money >= _root.bank_price) {
_root.money = _root.money - _root.bank_price;
_root.create_con_site_0("bank", 0, _root.tile_sel, _root.bank_price);
var colour = new Color(this);
var trans = {ra:"100", rb:"00", ga:"100", gb:"00", ba:"100", bb:"00"};
on (rollOver) {
var colour = new Color(this);
var trans = {ra:"100", rb:"85", ga:"100", gb:"80", ba:"100", bb:"40"};
on (rollOut) {
var colour = new Color(this);
var trans = {ra:"100", rb:"00", ga:"100", gb:"00", ba:"100", bb:"00"};
Instance of Symbol 522 MovieClip "btn_min_econ" in Symbol 660 MovieClip Frame 1 (699 B)
on (press) {
if (_root.money >= _root.min_econ_price) {
_root.money = _root.money - _root.min_econ_price;
_root.create_con_site_1("min_econ", 0, _root.tile_sel, _root.min_econ_price);
var colour = new Color(this);
var trans = {ra:"100", rb:"00", ga:"100", gb:"00", ba:"100", bb:"00"};
on (rollOver) {
var colour = new Color(this);
var trans = {ra:"100", rb:"85", ga:"100", gb:"80", ba:"100", bb:"40"};
on (rollOut) {
var colour = new Color(this);
var trans = {ra:"100", rb:"00", ga:"100", gb:"00", ba:"100", bb:"00"};
Instance of Symbol 524 MovieClip "btn_air_0" in Symbol 660 MovieClip Frame 1 (680 B)
on (press) {
if (_root.money >= _root.air0_price) {
_root.money = _root.money - _root.air0_price;
_root.create_con_site_0("air_0", 0, _root.tile_sel, _root.air0_price);
var colour = new Color(this);
var trans = {ra:"100", rb:"00", ga:"100", gb:"00", ba:"100", bb:"00"};
on (rollOver) {
var colour = new Color(this);
var trans = {ra:"100", rb:"85", ga:"100", gb:"80", ba:"100", bb:"40"};
on (rollOut) {
var colour = new Color(this);
var trans = {ra:"100", rb:"00", ga:"100", gb:"00", ba:"100", bb:"00"};
Instance of Symbol 526 MovieClip "btn_air_1" in Symbol 660 MovieClip Frame 1 (680 B)
on (press) {
if (_root.money >= _root.air1_price) {
_root.money = _root.money - _root.air1_price;
_root.create_con_site_1("air_1", 0, _root.tile_sel, _root.air1_price);
var colour = new Color(this);
var trans = {ra:"100", rb:"00", ga:"100", gb:"00", ba:"100", bb:"00"};
on (rollOver) {
var colour = new Color(this);
var trans = {ra:"100", rb:"85", ga:"100", gb:"80", ba:"100", bb:"40"};
on (rollOut) {
var colour = new Color(this);
var trans = {ra:"100", rb:"00", ga:"100", gb:"00", ba:"100", bb:"00"};
Instance of Symbol 529 MovieClip "btn_falcon" in Symbol 660 MovieClip Frame 1 (603 B)
on (press) {
_root["stru" + _root.tile_sel].enqueue_unit("falcon", "aircraft", _root.falcon_price);
var colour = new Color(this);
var trans = {ra:"100", rb:"00", ga:"100", gb:"00", ba:"100", bb:"00"};
on (rollOver) {
var colour = new Color(this);
var trans = {ra:"100", rb:"85", ga:"100", gb:"80", ba:"100", bb:"40"};
on (rollOut) {
var colour = new Color(this);
var trans = {ra:"100", rb:"00", ga:"100", gb:"00", ba:"100", bb:"00"};
Instance of Symbol 532 MovieClip "btn_stealth" in Symbol 660 MovieClip Frame 1 (606 B)
on (press) {
_root["stru" + _root.tile_sel].enqueue_unit("stealth", "aircraft", _root.stealth_price);
var colour = new Color(this);
var trans = {ra:"100", rb:"00", ga:"100", gb:"00", ba:"100", bb:"00"};
on (rollOver) {
var colour = new Color(this);
var trans = {ra:"100", rb:"85", ga:"100", gb:"80", ba:"100", bb:"40"};
on (rollOut) {
var colour = new Color(this);
var trans = {ra:"100", rb:"00", ga:"100", gb:"00", ba:"100", bb:"00"};
Instance of Symbol 535 MovieClip "btn_inter" in Symbol 660 MovieClip Frame 1 (600 B)
on (press) {
_root["stru" + _root.tile_sel].enqueue_unit("inter", "aircraft", _root.inter_price);
var colour = new Color(this);
var trans = {ra:"100", rb:"00", ga:"100", gb:"00", ba:"100", bb:"00"};
on (rollOver) {
var colour = new Color(this);
var trans = {ra:"100", rb:"85", ga:"100", gb:"80", ba:"100", bb:"40"};
on (rollOut) {
var colour = new Color(this);
var trans = {ra:"100", rb:"00", ga:"100", gb:"00", ba:"100", bb:"00"};
Instance of Symbol 538 MovieClip "btn_bomber" in Symbol 660 MovieClip Frame 1 (603 B)
on (press) {
_root["stru" + _root.tile_sel].enqueue_unit("bomber", "aircraft", _root.bomber_price);
var colour = new Color(this);
var trans = {ra:"100", rb:"00", ga:"100", gb:"00", ba:"100", bb:"00"};
on (rollOver) {
var colour = new Color(this);
var trans = {ra:"100", rb:"85", ga:"100", gb:"80", ba:"100", bb:"40"};
on (rollOut) {
var colour = new Color(this);
var trans = {ra:"100", rb:"00", ga:"100", gb:"00", ba:"100", bb:"00"};
Instance of Symbol 540 MovieClip "btn_hawk_site" in Symbol 660 MovieClip Frame 1 (704 B)
on (press) {
if (_root.money >= _root.hawk_site_price) {
_root.money = _root.money - _root.hawk_site_price;
_root.create_con_site_0("hawk_site", 0, _root.tile_sel, _root.hawk_site_price);
var colour = new Color(this);
var trans = {ra:"100", rb:"00", ga:"100", gb:"00", ba:"100", bb:"00"};
on (rollOver) {
var colour = new Color(this);
var trans = {ra:"100", rb:"85", ga:"100", gb:"80", ba:"100", bb:"40"};
on (rollOut) {
var colour = new Color(this);
var trans = {ra:"100", rb:"00", ga:"100", gb:"00", ba:"100", bb:"00"};
Instance of Symbol 542 MovieClip "btn_sam_site" in Symbol 660 MovieClip Frame 1 (699 B)
on (press) {
if (_root.money >= _root.sam_site_price) {
_root.money = _root.money - _root.sam_site_price;
_root.create_con_site_1("sam_site", 0, _root.tile_sel, _root.sam_site_price);
var colour = new Color(this);
var trans = {ra:"100", rb:"00", ga:"100", gb:"00", ba:"100", bb:"00"};
on (rollOver) {
var colour = new Color(this);
var trans = {ra:"100", rb:"85", ga:"100", gb:"80", ba:"100", bb:"40"};
on (rollOut) {
var colour = new Color(this);
var trans = {ra:"100", rb:"00", ga:"100", gb:"00", ba:"100", bb:"00"};
Instance of Symbol 544 MovieClip "btn_hitech_0" in Symbol 660 MovieClip Frame 1 (694 B)
on (press) {
if (_root.money >= _root.hitech0_price) {
_root.money = _root.money - _root.hitech0_price;
_root.create_con_site_0("hitech0", 0, _root.tile_sel, _root.hitech0_price);
var colour = new Color(this);
var trans = {ra:"100", rb:"00", ga:"100", gb:"00", ba:"100", bb:"00"};
on (rollOver) {
var colour = new Color(this);
var trans = {ra:"100", rb:"85", ga:"100", gb:"80", ba:"100", bb:"40"};
on (rollOut) {
var colour = new Color(this);
var trans = {ra:"100", rb:"00", ga:"100", gb:"00", ba:"100", bb:"00"};
Instance of Symbol 546 MovieClip "btn_hitech_1" in Symbol 660 MovieClip Frame 1 (694 B)
on (press) {
if (_root.money >= _root.hitech1_price) {
_root.money = _root.money - _root.hitech1_price;
_root.create_con_site_1("hitech1", 0, _root.tile_sel, _root.hitech1_price);
var colour = new Color(this);
var trans = {ra:"100", rb:"00", ga:"100", gb:"00", ba:"100", bb:"00"};
on (rollOver) {
var colour = new Color(this);
var trans = {ra:"100", rb:"85", ga:"100", gb:"80", ba:"100", bb:"40"};
on (rollOut) {
var colour = new Color(this);
var trans = {ra:"100", rb:"00", ga:"100", gb:"00", ba:"100", bb:"00"};
Instance of Symbol 548 MovieClip "btn_hosp" in Symbol 660 MovieClip Frame 1 (679 B)
on (press) {
if (_root.money >= _root.hosp_price) {
_root.money = _root.money - _root.hosp_price;
_root.create_con_site_0("hosp", 0, _root.tile_sel, _root.hosp_price);
var colour = new Color(this);
var trans = {ra:"100", rb:"00", ga:"100", gb:"00", ba:"100", bb:"00"};
on (rollOver) {
var colour = new Color(this);
var trans = {ra:"100", rb:"85", ga:"100", gb:"80", ba:"100", bb:"40"};
on (rollOut) {
var colour = new Color(this);
var trans = {ra:"100", rb:"00", ga:"100", gb:"00", ba:"100", bb:"00"};
Instance of Symbol 550 MovieClip "btn_radar" in Symbol 660 MovieClip Frame 1 (684 B)
on (press) {
if (_root.money >= _root.radar_price) {
_root.money = _root.money - _root.radar_price;
_root.create_con_site_1("radar", 0, _root.tile_sel, _root.radar_price);
var colour = new Color(this);
var trans = {ra:"100", rb:"00", ga:"100", gb:"00", ba:"100", bb:"00"};
on (rollOver) {
var colour = new Color(this);
var trans = {ra:"100", rb:"85", ga:"100", gb:"80", ba:"100", bb:"40"};
on (rollOut) {
var colour = new Color(this);
var trans = {ra:"100", rb:"00", ga:"100", gb:"00", ba:"100", bb:"00"};
Instance of Symbol 552 MovieClip "btn_laser" in Symbol 660 MovieClip Frame 1 (684 B)
on (press) {
if (_root.money >= _root.laser_price) {
_root.money = _root.money - _root.laser_price;
_root.create_con_site_0("laser", 0, _root.tile_sel, _root.laser_price);
var colour = new Color(this);
var trans = {ra:"100", rb:"00", ga:"100", gb:"00", ba:"100", bb:"00"};
on (rollOver) {
var colour = new Color(this);
var trans = {ra:"100", rb:"85", ga:"100", gb:"80", ba:"100", bb:"40"};
on (rollOut) {
var colour = new Color(this);
var trans = {ra:"100", rb:"00", ga:"100", gb:"00", ba:"100", bb:"00"};
Instance of Symbol 554 MovieClip "btn_lpad" in Symbol 660 MovieClip Frame 1 (679 B)
on (press) {
if (_root.money >= _root.lpad_price) {
_root.money = _root.money - _root.lpad_price;
_root.create_con_site_1("lpad", 0, _root.tile_sel, _root.lpad_price);
var colour = new Color(this);
var trans = {ra:"100", rb:"00", ga:"100", gb:"00", ba:"100", bb:"00"};
on (rollOver) {
var colour = new Color(this);
var trans = {ra:"100", rb:"85", ga:"100", gb:"80", ba:"100", bb:"40"};
on (rollOut) {
var colour = new Color(this);
var trans = {ra:"100", rb:"00", ga:"100", gb:"00", ba:"100", bb:"00"};
Instance of Symbol 556 MovieClip "btn_subs" in Symbol 660 MovieClip Frame 1 (593 B)
on (press) {
_root["stru" + _root.tile_sel].enqueue_unit("tax", "update", _root.tax_price);
var colour = new Color(this);
var trans = {ra:"100", rb:"00", ga:"100", gb:"00", ba:"100", bb:"00"};
on (rollOver) {
var colour = new Color(this);
var trans = {ra:"100", rb:"85", ga:"100", gb:"80", ba:"100", bb:"40"};
on (rollOut) {
var colour = new Color(this);
var trans = {ra:"100", rb:"00", ga:"100", gb:"00", ba:"100", bb:"00"};
Instance of Symbol 557 MovieClip "btn_tax" in Symbol 660 MovieClip Frame 1 (592 B)
on (press) {
_root["stru" + _root.tile_sel].enqueue_unit("tax", "update", _root.tax_price);
var colour = new Color(this);
var trans = {ra:"100", rb:"00", ga:"100", gb:"00", ba:"100", bb:"00"};
on (rollOver) {
var colour = new Color(this);
var trans = {ra:"100", rb:"85", ga:"100", gb:"80", ba:"100", bb:"40"};
on (rollOut) {
var colour = new Color(this);
var trans = {ra:"100", rb:"00", ga:"100", gb:"00", ba:"100", bb:"00"};
Instance of Symbol 559 MovieClip "btn_kevlar0" in Symbol 660 MovieClip Frame 1 (682 B)
onClipEvent (load) {
_global.in_progress = 0;
on (press) {
if (in_progress == 0) {
_root["stru" + _root.tile_sel].enqueue_unit("kevlar0", "update", _root.kevlar0_price);
var colour = new Color(this);
var trans = {ra:"100", rb:"00", ga:"100", gb:"00", ba:"100", bb:"00"};
on (rollOver) {
var colour = new Color(this);
var trans = {ra:"100", rb:"85", ga:"100", gb:"80", ba:"100", bb:"40"};
on (rollOut) {
var colour = new Color(this);
var trans = {ra:"100", rb:"00", ga:"100", gb:"00", ba:"100", bb:"00"};
Instance of Symbol 561 MovieClip "btn_kevlar1" in Symbol 660 MovieClip Frame 1 (682 B)
onClipEvent (load) {
_global.in_progress = 0;
on (press) {
if (in_progress == 0) {
_root["stru" + _root.tile_sel].enqueue_unit("kevlar1", "update", _root.kevlar1_price);
var colour = new Color(this);
var trans = {ra:"100", rb:"00", ga:"100", gb:"00", ba:"100", bb:"00"};
on (rollOver) {
var colour = new Color(this);
var trans = {ra:"100", rb:"85", ga:"100", gb:"80", ba:"100", bb:"40"};
on (rollOut) {
var colour = new Color(this);
var trans = {ra:"100", rb:"00", ga:"100", gb:"00", ba:"100", bb:"00"};
Instance of Symbol 563 MovieClip "btn_slat" in Symbol 660 MovieClip Frame 1 (673 B)
onClipEvent (load) {
_global.in_progress = 0;
on (press) {
if (in_progress == 0) {
_root["stru" + _root.tile_sel].enqueue_unit("slat", "update", _root.slat_price);
var colour = new Color(this);
var trans = {ra:"100", rb:"00", ga:"100", gb:"00", ba:"100", bb:"00"};
on (rollOver) {
var colour = new Color(this);
var trans = {ra:"100", rb:"85", ga:"100", gb:"80", ba:"100", bb:"40"};
on (rollOut) {
var colour = new Color(this);
var trans = {ra:"100", rb:"00", ga:"100", gb:"00", ba:"100", bb:"00"};
Instance of Symbol 565 MovieClip "btn_jammer" in Symbol 660 MovieClip Frame 1 (679 B)
onClipEvent (load) {
_global.in_progress = 0;
on (press) {
if (in_progress == 0) {
_root["stru" + _root.tile_sel].enqueue_unit("jammer", "update", _root.jammer_price);
var colour = new Color(this);
var trans = {ra:"100", rb:"00", ga:"100", gb:"00", ba:"100", bb:"00"};
on (rollOver) {
var colour = new Color(this);
var trans = {ra:"100", rb:"85", ga:"100", gb:"80", ba:"100", bb:"40"};
on (rollOut) {
var colour = new Color(this);
var trans = {ra:"100", rb:"00", ga:"100", gb:"00", ba:"100", bb:"00"};
Instance of Symbol 567 MovieClip "btn_du" in Symbol 660 MovieClip Frame 1 (667 B)
onClipEvent (load) {
_global.in_progress = 0;
on (press) {
if (in_progress == 0) {
_root["stru" + _root.tile_sel].enqueue_unit("du", "update", _root.du_price);
var colour = new Color(this);
var trans = {ra:"100", rb:"00", ga:"100", gb:"00", ba:"100", bb:"00"};
on (rollOver) {
var colour = new Color(this);
var trans = {ra:"100", rb:"85", ga:"100", gb:"80", ba:"100", bb:"40"};
on (rollOut) {
var colour = new Color(this);
var trans = {ra:"100", rb:"00", ga:"100", gb:"00", ba:"100", bb:"00"};
Instance of Symbol 569 MovieClip "btn_heal" in Symbol 660 MovieClip Frame 1 (673 B)
onClipEvent (load) {
_global.in_progress = 0;
on (press) {
if (in_progress == 0) {
_root["stru" + _root.tile_sel].enqueue_unit("heal", "update", _root.heal_price);
var colour = new Color(this);
var trans = {ra:"100", rb:"00", ga:"100", gb:"00", ba:"100", bb:"00"};
on (rollOver) {
var colour = new Color(this);
var trans = {ra:"100", rb:"85", ga:"100", gb:"80", ba:"100", bb:"40"};
on (rollOut) {
var colour = new Color(this);
var trans = {ra:"100", rb:"00", ga:"100", gb:"00", ba:"100", bb:"00"};
Instance of Symbol 571 MovieClip "btn_gasmask" in Symbol 660 MovieClip Frame 1 (682 B)
onClipEvent (load) {
_global.in_progress = 0;
on (press) {
if (in_progress == 0) {
_root["stru" + _root.tile_sel].enqueue_unit("gasmask", "update", _root.gasmask_price);
var colour = new Color(this);
var trans = {ra:"100", rb:"00", ga:"100", gb:"00", ba:"100", bb:"00"};
on (rollOver) {
var colour = new Color(this);
var trans = {ra:"100", rb:"85", ga:"100", gb:"80", ba:"100", bb:"40"};
on (rollOut) {
var colour = new Color(this);
var trans = {ra:"100", rb:"00", ga:"100", gb:"00", ba:"100", bb:"00"};
Instance of Symbol 573 MovieClip "btn_hollowpoint" in Symbol 660 MovieClip Frame 1 (694 B)
onClipEvent (load) {
_global.in_progress = 0;
on (press) {
if (in_progress == 0) {
_root["stru" + _root.tile_sel].enqueue_unit("hollowpoint", "update", _root.hollowpoint_price);
var colour = new Color(this);
var trans = {ra:"100", rb:"00", ga:"100", gb:"00", ba:"100", bb:"00"};
on (rollOver) {
var colour = new Color(this);
var trans = {ra:"100", rb:"85", ga:"100", gb:"80", ba:"100", bb:"40"};
on (rollOut) {
var colour = new Color(this);
var trans = {ra:"100", rb:"00", ga:"100", gb:"00", ba:"100", bb:"00"};
Instance of Symbol 575 MovieClip "btn_napalm" in Symbol 660 MovieClip Frame 1 (679 B)
onClipEvent (load) {
_global.in_progress = 0;
on (press) {
if (in_progress == 0) {
_root["stru" + _root.tile_sel].enqueue_unit("napalm", "update", _root.napalm_price);
var colour = new Color(this);
var trans = {ra:"100", rb:"00", ga:"100", gb:"00", ba:"100", bb:"00"};
on (rollOver) {
var colour = new Color(this);
var trans = {ra:"100", rb:"85", ga:"100", gb:"80", ba:"100", bb:"40"};
on (rollOut) {
var colour = new Color(this);
var trans = {ra:"100", rb:"00", ga:"100", gb:"00", ba:"100", bb:"00"};
Instance of Symbol 577 MovieClip "btn_raexp" in Symbol 660 MovieClip Frame 1 (676 B)
onClipEvent (load) {
_global.in_progress = 0;
on (press) {
if (in_progress == 0) {
_root["stru" + _root.tile_sel].enqueue_unit("raexp", "update", _root.raexp_price);
var colour = new Color(this);
var trans = {ra:"100", rb:"00", ga:"100", gb:"00", ba:"100", bb:"00"};
on (rollOver) {
var colour = new Color(this);
var trans = {ra:"100", rb:"85", ga:"100", gb:"80", ba:"100", bb:"40"};
on (rollOut) {
var colour = new Color(this);
var trans = {ra:"100", rb:"00", ga:"100", gb:"00", ba:"100", bb:"00"};
Instance of Symbol 579 MovieClip "btn_flare" in Symbol 660 MovieClip Frame 1 (676 B)
onClipEvent (load) {
_global.in_progress = 0;
on (press) {
if (in_progress == 0) {
_root["stru" + _root.tile_sel].enqueue_unit("flare", "update", _root.flare_price);
var colour = new Color(this);
var trans = {ra:"100", rb:"00", ga:"100", gb:"00", ba:"100", bb:"00"};
on (rollOver) {
var colour = new Color(this);
var trans = {ra:"100", rb:"85", ga:"100", gb:"80", ba:"100", bb:"40"};
on (rollOut) {
var colour = new Color(this);
var trans = {ra:"100", rb:"00", ga:"100", gb:"00", ba:"100", bb:"00"};
Instance of Symbol 581 MovieClip "btn_hoj" in Symbol 660 MovieClip Frame 1 (670 B)
onClipEvent (load) {
_global.in_progress = 0;
on (press) {
if (in_progress == 0) {
_root["stru" + _root.tile_sel].enqueue_unit("hoj", "update", _root.hoj_price);
var colour = new Color(this);
var trans = {ra:"100", rb:"00", ga:"100", gb:"00", ba:"100", bb:"00"};
on (rollOver) {
var colour = new Color(this);
var trans = {ra:"100", rb:"85", ga:"100", gb:"80", ba:"100", bb:"40"};
on (rollOut) {
var colour = new Color(this);
var trans = {ra:"100", rb:"00", ga:"100", gb:"00", ba:"100", bb:"00"};
Instance of Symbol 584 MovieClip "btn_he_rocket" in Symbol 660 MovieClip Frame 1 (610 B)
on (press) {
_root["stru" + _root.tile_sel].enqueue_unit("he_rocket", "rocket", _root.he_rocket_price);
var colour = new Color(this);
var trans = {ra:"100", rb:"00", ga:"100", gb:"00", ba:"100", bb:"00"};
on (rollOver) {
var colour = new Color(this);
var trans = {ra:"100", rb:"85", ga:"100", gb:"80", ba:"100", bb:"40"};
on (rollOut) {
var colour = new Color(this);
var trans = {ra:"100", rb:"00", ga:"100", gb:"00", ba:"100", bb:"00"};
Instance of Symbol 587 MovieClip "btn_ch_rocket" in Symbol 660 MovieClip Frame 1 (610 B)
on (press) {
_root["stru" + _root.tile_sel].enqueue_unit("ch_rocket", "rocket", _root.ch_rocket_price);
var colour = new Color(this);
var trans = {ra:"100", rb:"00", ga:"100", gb:"00", ba:"100", bb:"00"};
on (rollOver) {
var colour = new Color(this);
var trans = {ra:"100", rb:"85", ga:"100", gb:"80", ba:"100", bb:"40"};
on (rollOut) {
var colour = new Color(this);
var trans = {ra:"100", rb:"00", ga:"100", gb:"00", ba:"100", bb:"00"};
Instance of Symbol 590 MovieClip "btn_nu_rocket" in Symbol 660 MovieClip Frame 1 (610 B)
on (press) {
_root["stru" + _root.tile_sel].enqueue_unit("nu_rocket", "rocket", _root.nu_rocket_price);
var colour = new Color(this);
var trans = {ra:"100", rb:"00", ga:"100", gb:"00", ba:"100", bb:"00"};
on (rollOver) {
var colour = new Color(this);
var trans = {ra:"100", rb:"85", ga:"100", gb:"80", ba:"100", bb:"40"};
on (rollOut) {
var colour = new Color(this);
var trans = {ra:"100", rb:"00", ga:"100", gb:"00", ba:"100", bb:"00"};
Instance of Symbol 592 MovieClip "btn_launch" in Symbol 660 MovieClip Frame 1 (564 B)
on (press) {
_root["stru" + _root.tile_sel].launch_rocket();
var colour = new Color(this);
var trans = {ra:"100", rb:"00", ga:"100", gb:"00", ba:"100", bb:"00"};
on (rollOver) {
var colour = new Color(this);
var trans = {ra:"100", rb:"85", ga:"100", gb:"80", ba:"100", bb:"40"};
on (rollOut) {
var colour = new Color(this);
var trans = {ra:"100", rb:"00", ga:"100", gb:"00", ba:"100", bb:"00"};
Instance of Symbol 607 MovieClip "btn_chirp" in Symbol 660 MovieClip Frame 1 (676 B)
onClipEvent (load) {
_global.in_progress = 0;
on (press) {
if (in_progress == 0) {
_root["stru" + _root.tile_sel].enqueue_unit("chirp", "update", _root.chirp_price);
var colour = new Color(this);
var trans = {ra:"100", rb:"00", ga:"100", gb:"00", ba:"100", bb:"00"};
on (rollOver) {
var colour = new Color(this);
var trans = {ra:"100", rb:"85", ga:"100", gb:"80", ba:"100", bb:"40"};
on (rollOut) {
var colour = new Color(this);
var trans = {ra:"100", rb:"00", ga:"100", gb:"00", ba:"100", bb:"00"};
Instance of Symbol 609 MovieClip "btn_fhss" in Symbol 660 MovieClip Frame 1 (673 B)
onClipEvent (load) {
_global.in_progress = 0;
on (press) {
if (in_progress == 0) {
_root["stru" + _root.tile_sel].enqueue_unit("fhss", "update", _root.fhss_price);
var colour = new Color(this);
var trans = {ra:"100", rb:"00", ga:"100", gb:"00", ba:"100", bb:"00"};
on (rollOver) {
var colour = new Color(this);
var trans = {ra:"100", rb:"85", ga:"100", gb:"80", ba:"100", bb:"40"};
on (rollOut) {
var colour = new Color(this);
var trans = {ra:"100", rb:"00", ga:"100", gb:"00", ba:"100", bb:"00"};
Instance of Symbol 611 MovieClip "btn_decept" in Symbol 660 MovieClip Frame 1 (679 B)
onClipEvent (load) {
_global.in_progress = 0;
on (press) {
if (in_progress == 0) {
_root["stru" + _root.tile_sel].enqueue_unit("decept", "update", _root.decept_price);
var colour = new Color(this);
var trans = {ra:"100", rb:"00", ga:"100", gb:"00", ba:"100", bb:"00"};
on (rollOver) {
var colour = new Color(this);
var trans = {ra:"100", rb:"85", ga:"100", gb:"80", ba:"100", bb:"40"};
on (rollOut) {
var colour = new Color(this);
var trans = {ra:"100", rb:"00", ga:"100", gb:"00", ba:"100", bb:"00"};
Instance of Symbol 613 MovieClip "btn_ram" in Symbol 660 MovieClip Frame 1 (670 B)
onClipEvent (load) {
_global.in_progress = 0;
on (press) {
if (in_progress == 0) {
_root["stru" + _root.tile_sel].enqueue_unit("ram", "update", _root.ram_price);
var colour = new Color(this);
var trans = {ra:"100", rb:"00", ga:"100", gb:"00", ba:"100", bb:"00"};
on (rollOver) {
var colour = new Color(this);
var trans = {ra:"100", rb:"85", ga:"100", gb:"80", ba:"100", bb:"40"};
on (rollOut) {
var colour = new Color(this);
var trans = {ra:"100", rb:"00", ga:"100", gb:"00", ba:"100", bb:"00"};
Instance of Symbol 615 MovieClip "btn_mg_0" in Symbol 660 MovieClip Frame 1 (675 B)
on (press) {
if (_root.money >= _root.mg0_price) {
_root.money = _root.money - _root.mg0_price;
_root.create_con_site_0("mg_0", 0, _root.tile_sel, _root.mg0_price);
var colour = new Color(this);
var trans = {ra:"100", rb:"00", ga:"100", gb:"00", ba:"100", bb:"00"};
on (rollOver) {
var colour = new Color(this);
var trans = {ra:"100", rb:"85", ga:"100", gb:"80", ba:"100", bb:"40"};
on (rollOut) {
var colour = new Color(this);
var trans = {ra:"100", rb:"00", ga:"100", gb:"00", ba:"100", bb:"00"};
Instance of Symbol 617 MovieClip "btn_mg_1" in Symbol 660 MovieClip Frame 1 (675 B)
on (press) {
if (_root.money >= _root.mg1_price) {
_root.money = _root.money - _root.mg1_price;
_root.create_con_site_1("mg_1", 0, _root.tile_sel, _root.mg1_price);
var colour = new Color(this);
var trans = {ra:"100", rb:"00", ga:"100", gb:"00", ba:"100", bb:"00"};
on (rollOver) {
var colour = new Color(this);
var trans = {ra:"100", rb:"85", ga:"100", gb:"80", ba:"100", bb:"40"};
on (rollOut) {
var colour = new Color(this);
var trans = {ra:"100", rb:"00", ga:"100", gb:"00", ba:"100", bb:"00"};
Instance of Symbol 619 MovieClip "btn_cancel" in Symbol 660 MovieClip Frame 1 (559 B)
on (press) {
_root["stru" + _root.tile_sel].q_size = 0;
var colour = new Color(this);
var trans = {ra:"100", rb:"00", ga:"100", gb:"00", ba:"100", bb:"00"};
on (rollOver) {
var colour = new Color(this);
var trans = {ra:"100", rb:"85", ga:"100", gb:"80", ba:"100", bb:"40"};
on (rollOut) {
var colour = new Color(this);
var trans = {ra:"100", rb:"00", ga:"100", gb:"00", ba:"100", bb:"00"};
Instance of Symbol 621 MovieClip "btn_repair" in Symbol 660 MovieClip Frame 1 (559 B)
on (press) {
_root["stru" + _root.tile_sel].repair = 1;
var colour = new Color(this);
var trans = {ra:"100", rb:"00", ga:"100", gb:"00", ba:"100", bb:"00"};
on (rollOver) {
var colour = new Color(this);
var trans = {ra:"100", rb:"85", ga:"100", gb:"80", ba:"100", bb:"40"};
on (rollOut) {
var colour = new Color(this);
var trans = {ra:"100", rb:"00", ga:"100", gb:"00", ba:"100", bb:"00"};
Instance of Symbol 626 MovieClip in Symbol 660 MovieClip Frame 1 (202 B)
on (press) {
if (_root.pause == 0) {
_root.pause = 1;
_parent.op_screen._visible = 1;
} else {
_root.pause = 0;
_parent.op_screen._visible = 0;
_parent.op_screen.reset_msg._visible = 0;
Instance of Symbol 659 MovieClip "op_screen" in Symbol 660 MovieClip Frame 1 (72 B)
onClipEvent (load) {
this._visible = 0;
this.reset_msg._visible = 0;
Instance of Symbol 692 MovieClip "proceed" in Symbol 697 MovieClip Frame 1 (741 B)
on (press) {
_root.stats_screen._visible = 0;
fv = 0;
if ((_root.house == 0) && (_root.cur_reg == 13)) {
fv = 1;
if ((_root.house == 1) && (_root.cur_reg == 4)) {
fv = 1;
if (fv == 0) {
} else {
var colour = new Color(this);
var trans = {ra:"100", rb:"0", ga:"100", gb:"0", ba:"100", bb:"0"};
on (rollOver) {
var colour = new Color(this);
var trans = {ra:"100", rb:"50", ga:"100", gb:"50", ba:"100", bb:"50"};
on (rollOut) {
var colour = new Color(this);
var trans = {ra:"100", rb:"0", ga:"100", gb:"0", ba:"100", bb:"0"};
Instance of Symbol 694 MovieClip in Symbol 697 MovieClip Frame 1 (483 B)
on (press) {
_root.stats_screen.reset_msg._visible = 1;
var colour = new Color(this);
var trans = {ra:"100", rb:"0", ga:"100", gb:"0", ba:"100", bb:"0"};
on (rollOver) {
var colour = new Color(this);
var trans = {ra:"100", rb:"50", ga:"100", gb:"50", ba:"100", bb:"50"};
on (rollOut) {
var colour = new Color(this);
var trans = {ra:"100", rb:"0", ga:"100", gb:"0", ba:"100", bb:"0"};
Instance of Symbol 764 MovieClip "reg_1" in Symbol 793 MovieClip Frame 1 (379 B)
onClipEvent (load) {
function _make_available() {
if (ai == 0) {
_root.mentat_screen.reg_2.available = 1;
_global.ai = -1;
_global.available = 0;
alu = 1;
on (press) {
this._alpha = 40;
on (rollOver) {
this._alpha = 90;
on (rollOut) {
this._alpha = 40;
Instance of Symbol 764 MovieClip "reg_2" in Symbol 793 MovieClip Frame 1 (413 B)
onClipEvent (load) {
function _make_available() {
if (ai == 0) {
_root.mentat_screen.reg_1.available = 1;
_root.mentat_screen.reg_3.available = 1;
_global.ai = -1;
_global.available = 0;
on (press) {
this._alpha = 40;
on (rollOver) {
this._alpha = 90;
on (rollOut) {
this._alpha = 40;
Instance of Symbol 764 MovieClip "reg_3" in Symbol 793 MovieClip Frame 1 (468 B)
onClipEvent (load) {
function _make_available() {
if (ai == 0) {
_root.mentat_screen.reg_2.available = 1;
_root.mentat_screen.reg_4.available = 1;
_root.mentat_screen.reg_5.available = 1;
_global.ai = -1;
_global.available = 0;
gold = 1;
on (press) {
this._alpha = 40;
on (rollOver) {
this._alpha = 90;
on (rollOut) {
this._alpha = 40;
Instance of Symbol 764 MovieClip "reg_5" in Symbol 793 MovieClip Frame 1 (512 B)
onClipEvent (load) {
function _make_available() {
if (ai == 0) {
_root.mentat_screen.reg_3.available = 1;
_root.mentat_screen.reg_4.available = 1;
_root.mentat_screen.reg_6.available = 1;
_root.mentat_screen.reg_14.available = 1;
_global.ai = -1;
_global.available = 0;
oil = 1;
on (press) {
this._alpha = 40;
on (rollOver) {
this._alpha = 90;
on (rollOut) {
this._alpha = 40;
Instance of Symbol 764 MovieClip "reg_6" in Symbol 793 MovieClip Frame 1 (423 B)
onClipEvent (load) {
function _make_available() {
if (ai == 0) {
_root.mentat_screen.reg_5.available = 1;
_root.mentat_screen.reg_8.available = 1;
_global.ai = -1;
_global.available = 0;
sil = 1;
on (press) {
this._alpha = 40;
on (rollOver) {
this._alpha = 90;
on (rollOut) {
this._alpha = 40;
Instance of Symbol 764 MovieClip "reg_8" in Symbol 793 MovieClip Frame 1 (413 B)
onClipEvent (load) {
function _make_available() {
if (ai == 0) {
_root.mentat_screen.reg_7.available = 1;
_root.mentat_screen.reg_6.available = 1;
_global.ai = -1;
_global.available = 0;
on (press) {
this._alpha = 40;
on (rollOver) {
this._alpha = 90;
on (rollOut) {
this._alpha = 40;
Instance of Symbol 764 MovieClip "reg_12" in Symbol 793 MovieClip Frame 1 (506 B)
onClipEvent (load) {
function _make_available() {
if (ai == 0) {
_root.mentat_screen.reg_10.available = 1;
_root.mentat_screen.reg_13.available = 1;
_root.mentat_screen.reg_8.available = 1;
_root.mentat_screen.reg_14.available = 1;
_global.ai = -1;
_global.available = 0;
on (press) {
this._alpha = 40;
on (rollOver) {
this._alpha = 90;
on (rollOut) {
this._alpha = 40;
Instance of Symbol 764 MovieClip "reg_14" in Symbol 793 MovieClip Frame 1 (473 B)
onClipEvent (load) {
function _make_available() {
if (ai == 0) {
_root.mentat_screen.reg_11.available = 1;
_root.mentat_screen.reg_12.available = 1;
_root.mentat_screen.reg_13.available = 1;
_global.ai = -1;
_global.available = 0;
iron = 1;
on (press) {
this._alpha = 40;
on (rollOver) {
this._alpha = 90;
on (rollOut) {
this._alpha = 40;
Instance of Symbol 764 MovieClip "reg_11" in Symbol 793 MovieClip Frame 1 (472 B)
onClipEvent (load) {
function _make_available() {
if (ai == 0) {
_root.mentat_screen.reg_10.available = 1;
_root.mentat_screen.reg_13.available = 1;
_root.mentat_screen.reg_14.available = 1;
_global.ai = -1;
_global.available = 0;
oil = 1;
on (press) {
this._alpha = 40;
on (rollOver) {
this._alpha = 90;
on (rollOut) {
this._alpha = 40;
Instance of Symbol 764 MovieClip "reg_10" in Symbol 793 MovieClip Frame 1 (517 B)
onClipEvent (load) {
function _make_available() {
if (ai == 0) {
_root.mentat_screen.reg_9.available = 1;
_root.mentat_screen.reg_11.available = 1;
_root.mentat_screen.reg_12.available = 1;
_root.mentat_screen.reg_13.available = 1;
_global.ai = -1;
_global.available = 0;
gold = 1;
on (press) {
this._alpha = 40;
on (rollOver) {
this._alpha = 90;
on (rollOut) {
this._alpha = 40;
Instance of Symbol 764 MovieClip "reg_9" in Symbol 793 MovieClip Frame 1 (414 B)
onClipEvent (load) {
function _make_available() {
if (ai == 0) {
_root.mentat_screen.reg_2.available = 1;
_root.mentat_screen.reg_10.available = 1;
_global.ai = -1;
_global.available = 0;
on (press) {
this._alpha = 40;
on (rollOver) {
this._alpha = 90;
on (rollOut) {
this._alpha = 40;
Instance of Symbol 766 MovieClip "reg_13" in Symbol 793 MovieClip Frame 1 (525 B)
onClipEvent (load) {
function _make_available() {
if (ai == 0) {
_root.mentat_screen.reg_10.available = 1;
_root.mentat_screen.reg_11.available = 1;
_root.mentat_screen.reg_12.available = 1;
_root.mentat_screen.reg_14.available = 1;
_global.ai = -1;
_global.available = 0;
tos_capital = 1;
on (press) {
this._alpha = 40;
on (rollOver) {
this._alpha = 90;
on (rollOut) {
this._alpha = 40;
Instance of Symbol 766 MovieClip "reg_4" in Symbol 793 MovieClip Frame 1 (431 B)
onClipEvent (load) {
function _make_available() {
if (ai == 0) {
_root.mentat_screen.reg_3.available = 1;
_root.mentat_screen.reg_5.available = 1;
_global.ai = -1;
_global.available = 0;
nha_capital = 1;
on (press) {
this._alpha = 40;
on (rollOver) {
this._alpha = 90;
on (rollOut) {
this._alpha = 40;
Instance of Symbol 766 MovieClip "reg_7" in Symbol 793 MovieClip Frame 1 (379 B)
onClipEvent (load) {
function _make_available() {
if (ai == 0) {
_root.mentat_screen.reg_8.available = 1;
_global.ai = -1;
_global.available = 0;
ura = 1;
on (press) {
this._alpha = 40;
on (rollOver) {
this._alpha = 90;
on (rollOut) {
this._alpha = 40;
Instance of Symbol 770 MovieClip in Symbol 793 MovieClip Frame 1 (522 B)
on (press) {
var colour = new Color(this);
var trans = {ra:"100", rb:"00", ga:"100", gb:"00", ba:"100", bb:"00"};
on (rollOver) {
var colour = new Color(this);
var trans = {ra:"100", rb:"85", ga:"100", gb:"80", ba:"100", bb:"40"};
on (rollOut) {
var colour = new Color(this);
var trans = {ra:"100", rb:"00", ga:"100", gb:"00", ba:"100", bb:"00"};
Instance of Symbol 770 MovieClip in Symbol 793 MovieClip Frame 1 (522 B)
on (press) {
var colour = new Color(this);
var trans = {ra:"100", rb:"00", ga:"100", gb:"00", ba:"100", bb:"00"};
on (rollOver) {
var colour = new Color(this);
var trans = {ra:"100", rb:"85", ga:"100", gb:"80", ba:"100", bb:"40"};
on (rollOut) {
var colour = new Color(this);
var trans = {ra:"100", rb:"00", ga:"100", gb:"00", ba:"100", bb:"00"};
Instance of Symbol 772 MovieClip in Symbol 793 MovieClip Frame 1 (522 B)
on (press) {
var colour = new Color(this);
var trans = {ra:"100", rb:"00", ga:"100", gb:"00", ba:"100", bb:"00"};
on (rollOver) {
var colour = new Color(this);
var trans = {ra:"100", rb:"85", ga:"100", gb:"80", ba:"100", bb:"40"};
on (rollOut) {
var colour = new Color(this);
var trans = {ra:"100", rb:"00", ga:"100", gb:"00", ba:"100", bb:"00"};
Instance of Symbol 774 MovieClip in Symbol 793 MovieClip Frame 1 (522 B)
on (press) {
var colour = new Color(this);
var trans = {ra:"100", rb:"00", ga:"100", gb:"00", ba:"100", bb:"00"};
on (rollOver) {
var colour = new Color(this);
var trans = {ra:"100", rb:"85", ga:"100", gb:"80", ba:"100", bb:"40"};
on (rollOut) {
var colour = new Color(this);
var trans = {ra:"100", rb:"00", ga:"100", gb:"00", ba:"100", bb:"00"};
Instance of Symbol 776 MovieClip in Symbol 793 MovieClip Frame 1 (522 B)
on (press) {
var colour = new Color(this);
var trans = {ra:"100", rb:"00", ga:"100", gb:"00", ba:"100", bb:"00"};
on (rollOver) {
var colour = new Color(this);
var trans = {ra:"100", rb:"85", ga:"100", gb:"80", ba:"100", bb:"40"};
on (rollOut) {
var colour = new Color(this);
var trans = {ra:"100", rb:"00", ga:"100", gb:"00", ba:"100", bb:"00"};
Instance of Symbol 778 MovieClip in Symbol 793 MovieClip Frame 1 (522 B)
on (press) {
var colour = new Color(this);
var trans = {ra:"100", rb:"00", ga:"100", gb:"00", ba:"100", bb:"00"};
on (rollOver) {
var colour = new Color(this);
var trans = {ra:"100", rb:"85", ga:"100", gb:"80", ba:"100", bb:"40"};
on (rollOut) {
var colour = new Color(this);
var trans = {ra:"100", rb:"00", ga:"100", gb:"00", ba:"100", bb:"00"};
Instance of Symbol 778 MovieClip in Symbol 793 MovieClip Frame 1 (522 B)
on (press) {
var colour = new Color(this);
var trans = {ra:"100", rb:"00", ga:"100", gb:"00", ba:"100", bb:"00"};
on (rollOver) {
var colour = new Color(this);
var trans = {ra:"100", rb:"85", ga:"100", gb:"80", ba:"100", bb:"40"};
on (rollOut) {
var colour = new Color(this);
var trans = {ra:"100", rb:"00", ga:"100", gb:"00", ba:"100", bb:"00"};
Instance of Symbol 783 MovieClip in Symbol 793 MovieClip Frame 1 (522 B)
on (press) {
var colour = new Color(this);
var trans = {ra:"100", rb:"00", ga:"100", gb:"00", ba:"100", bb:"00"};
on (rollOver) {
var colour = new Color(this);
var trans = {ra:"100", rb:"85", ga:"100", gb:"80", ba:"100", bb:"40"};
on (rollOut) {
var colour = new Color(this);
var trans = {ra:"100", rb:"00", ga:"100", gb:"00", ba:"100", bb:"00"};
Instance of Symbol 694 MovieClip in Symbol 805 MovieClip Frame 1 (529 B)
on (press) {
_root.stats_screen._visible = 0;
_root.mentat_screen._visible = 0;
var colour = new Color(this);
var trans = {ra:"100", rb:"0", ga:"100", gb:"0", ba:"100", bb:"0"};
on (rollOver) {
var colour = new Color(this);
var trans = {ra:"100", rb:"50", ga:"100", gb:"50", ba:"100", bb:"50"};
on (rollOut) {
var colour = new Color(this);
var trans = {ra:"100", rb:"0", ga:"100", gb:"0", ba:"100", bb:"0"};
Instance of Symbol 657 MovieClip in Symbol 898 MovieClip Frame 1 (391 B)
on (press) {
_root.skirmish = 1;
_root.startScreen._visible = 0;
on (rollOver) {
var colour = new Color(this);
var trans = {ra:"100", rb:"50", ga:"100", gb:"50", ba:"100", bb:"50"};
on (rollOut) {
var colour = new Color(this);
var trans = {ra:"100", rb:"0", ga:"100", gb:"0", ba:"100", bb:"0"};
Instance of Symbol 851 MovieClip "btn_skir_nha" in Symbol 898 MovieClip Frame 1 (513 B)
on (press) {
_root.skirmish_house = 0;
on (rollOver) {
var colour = new Color(this);
var trans = {ra:"100", rb:"50", ga:"100", gb:"50", ba:"100", bb:"50"};
on (rollOut) {
var colour = new Color(this);
var trans = {ra:"100", rb:"0", ga:"100", gb:"0", ba:"100", bb:"0"};
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (_root.startScreen._visible == 1) {
if (_root.skirmish_house == 0) {
this.glow._visible = 1;
} else {
this.glow._visible = 0;
Instance of Symbol 853 MovieClip "btn_skir_tos" in Symbol 898 MovieClip Frame 1 (513 B)
on (press) {
_root.skirmish_house = 1;
on (rollOver) {
var colour = new Color(this);
var trans = {ra:"100", rb:"50", ga:"100", gb:"50", ba:"100", bb:"50"};
on (rollOut) {
var colour = new Color(this);
var trans = {ra:"100", rb:"0", ga:"100", gb:"0", ba:"100", bb:"0"};
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (_root.startScreen._visible == 1) {
if (_root.skirmish_house == 1) {
this.glow._visible = 1;
} else {
this.glow._visible = 0;
Instance of Symbol 851 MovieClip "btn_skir_nha_en" in Symbol 898 MovieClip Frame 1 (525 B)
on (press) {
_root.skirmish_enemy_house = 0;
on (rollOver) {
var colour = new Color(this);
var trans = {ra:"100", rb:"50", ga:"100", gb:"50", ba:"100", bb:"50"};
on (rollOut) {
var colour = new Color(this);
var trans = {ra:"100", rb:"0", ga:"100", gb:"0", ba:"100", bb:"0"};
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (_root.startScreen._visible == 1) {
if (_root.skirmish_enemy_house == 0) {
this.glow._visible = 1;
} else {
this.glow._visible = 0;
Instance of Symbol 853 MovieClip "btn_skir_tos_en" in Symbol 898 MovieClip Frame 1 (525 B)
on (press) {
_root.skirmish_enemy_house = 1;
on (rollOver) {
var colour = new Color(this);
var trans = {ra:"100", rb:"50", ga:"100", gb:"50", ba:"100", bb:"50"};
on (rollOut) {
var colour = new Color(this);
var trans = {ra:"100", rb:"0", ga:"100", gb:"0", ba:"100", bb:"0"};
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (_root.startScreen._visible == 1) {
if (_root.skirmish_enemy_house == 1) {
this.glow._visible = 1;
} else {
this.glow._visible = 0;
Instance of Symbol 855 MovieClip "btn_money_0" in Symbol 898 MovieClip Frame 1 (493 B)
on (press) {
this.glow._visible = 1;
_parent.btn_money_1.glow._visible = 0;
_parent.btn_money_2.glow._visible = 0;
_root.skirmish_money = 5000;
on (rollOver) {
var colour = new Color(this);
var trans = {ra:"100", rb:"50", ga:"100", gb:"50", ba:"100", bb:"50"};
on (rollOut) {
var colour = new Color(this);
var trans = {ra:"100", rb:"0", ga:"100", gb:"0", ba:"100", bb:"0"};
onClipEvent (load) {
this.glow._visible = 0;
Instance of Symbol 857 MovieClip "btn_money_1" in Symbol 898 MovieClip Frame 1 (446 B)
on (press) {
this.glow._visible = 1;
_parent.btn_money_0.glow._visible = 0;
_parent.btn_money_2.glow._visible = 0;
_root.skirmish_money = 10000;
on (rollOver) {
var colour = new Color(this);
var trans = {ra:"100", rb:"50", ga:"100", gb:"50", ba:"100", bb:"50"};
on (rollOut) {
var colour = new Color(this);
var trans = {ra:"100", rb:"0", ga:"100", gb:"0", ba:"100", bb:"0"};
Instance of Symbol 859 MovieClip "btn_money_2" in Symbol 898 MovieClip Frame 1 (494 B)
on (press) {
this.glow._visible = 1;
_parent.btn_money_0.glow._visible = 0;
_parent.btn_money_1.glow._visible = 0;
_root.skirmish_money = 30000;
on (rollOver) {
var colour = new Color(this);
var trans = {ra:"100", rb:"50", ga:"100", gb:"50", ba:"100", bb:"50"};
on (rollOut) {
var colour = new Color(this);
var trans = {ra:"100", rb:"0", ga:"100", gb:"0", ba:"100", bb:"0"};
onClipEvent (load) {
this.glow._visible = 0;
Instance of Symbol 861 MovieClip "btn_en_0" in Symbol 898 MovieClip Frame 1 (1.34 KiB) ●
on (press) {
this.glow._visible = 1;
_parent.btn_en_1.glow._visible = 0;
_parent.btn_en_2.glow._visible = 0;
_parent.btn_en_3.glow._visible = 0;
_root.skirmish_m16_pref = 4;
_root.skirmish_sniper_pref = 6;
_root.skirmish_bazoo_pref = 9;
_root.skirmish_moto_pref = 10;
_root.skirmish_atv_pref = 3;
_root.skirmish_ifv_pref = 5;
_root.skirmish_armor_pref = 9;
_root.skirmish_hawk_pref = 10;
_root.skirmish_falcon_pref = 7;
_root.skirmish_stealth_pref = 10;
_root.skirmish_ak74_pref = 3;
_root.skirmish_flame_pref = 7;
_root.skirmish_rpg_pref = 10;
_root.skirmish_tank_pref = 3;
_root.skirmish_ftank_pref = 7;
_root.skirmish_sam_pref = 10;
_root.skirmish_he_pref = 3;
_root.skirmish_ch_pref = 7;
_root.skirmish_nu_pref = 10;
_root.skirmish_inter_pref = 5;
_root.skirmish_bomber_pref = 10;
_root.skirmish_bar_max = 2;
_root.skirmish_air_max = 2;
_root.skirmish_mgn_max = 2;
_root.skirmish_fac_max = 2;
_root.skirmish_sam_max = 2;
_root.skirmish_hosp_max = 1;
_root.skirmish_laser_max = 1;
_root.skirmish_lpad_max = 1;
_root.skirmish_radar_max = 1;
on (rollOver) {
var colour = new Color(this);
var trans = {ra:"100", rb:"50", ga:"100", gb:"50", ba:"100", bb:"50"};
on (rollOut) {
var colour = new Color(this);
var trans = {ra:"100", rb:"0", ga:"100", gb:"0", ba:"100", bb:"0"};
Instance of Symbol 863 MovieClip "btn_en_1" in Symbol 898 MovieClip Frame 1 (1.39 KiB) ●
on (press) {
this.glow._visible = 1;
_parent.btn_en_0.glow._visible = 0;
_parent.btn_en_2.glow._visible = 0;
_parent.btn_en_3.glow._visible = 0;
_root.skirmish_m16_pref = 4;
_root.skirmish_sniper_pref = 6;
_root.skirmish_bazoo_pref = 9;
_root.skirmish_moto_pref = 10;
_root.skirmish_atv_pref = 3;
_root.skirmish_ifv_pref = 5;
_root.skirmish_armor_pref = 9;
_root.skirmish_hawk_pref = 10;
_root.skirmish_falcon_pref = 7;
_root.skirmish_stealth_pref = 10;
_root.skirmish_ak74_pref = 3;
_root.skirmish_flame_pref = 7;
_root.skirmish_rpg_pref = 10;
_root.skirmish_tank_pref = 3;
_root.skirmish_ftank_pref = 7;
_root.skirmish_sam_pref = 10;
_root.skirmish_he_pref = 3;
_root.skirmish_ch_pref = 7;
_root.skirmish_nu_pref = 10;
_root.skirmish_inter_pref = 5;
_root.skirmish_bomber_pref = 10;
_root.skirmish_bar_max = 3;
_root.skirmish_air_max = 1;
_root.skirmish_mgn_max = 0;
_root.skirmish_fac_max = 0;
_root.skirmish_sam_max = 2;
_root.skirmish_hosp_max = 1;
_root.skirmish_laser_max = 1;
_root.skirmish_lpad_max = 0;
_root.skirmish_radar_max = 0;
on (rollOver) {
var colour = new Color(this);
var trans = {ra:"100", rb:"50", ga:"100", gb:"50", ba:"100", bb:"50"};
on (rollOut) {
var colour = new Color(this);
var trans = {ra:"100", rb:"0", ga:"100", gb:"0", ba:"100", bb:"0"};
onClipEvent (load) {
this.glow._visible = 0;
Instance of Symbol 865 MovieClip "btn_en_2" in Symbol 898 MovieClip Frame 1 (1.39 KiB) ●
on (press) {
this.glow._visible = 1;
_parent.btn_en_0.glow._visible = 0;
_parent.btn_en_1.glow._visible = 0;
_parent.btn_en_3.glow._visible = 0;
_root.skirmish_m16_pref = 4;
_root.skirmish_sniper_pref = 6;
_root.skirmish_bazoo_pref = 9;
_root.skirmish_moto_pref = 10;
_root.skirmish_atv_pref = 3;
_root.skirmish_ifv_pref = 5;
_root.skirmish_armor_pref = 9;
_root.skirmish_hawk_pref = 10;
_root.skirmish_falcon_pref = 7;
_root.skirmish_stealth_pref = 10;
_root.skirmish_ak74_pref = 3;
_root.skirmish_flame_pref = 7;
_root.skirmish_rpg_pref = 10;
_root.skirmish_tank_pref = 3;
_root.skirmish_ftank_pref = 7;
_root.skirmish_sam_pref = 10;
_root.skirmish_he_pref = 3;
_root.skirmish_ch_pref = 7;
_root.skirmish_nu_pref = 10;
_root.skirmish_inter_pref = 5;
_root.skirmish_bomber_pref = 10;
_root.skirmish_bar_max = 0;
_root.skirmish_air_max = 1;
_root.skirmish_mgn_max = 0;
_root.skirmish_fac_max = 4;
_root.skirmish_sam_max = 2;
_root.skirmish_hosp_max = 0;
_root.skirmish_laser_max = 1;
_root.skirmish_lpad_max = 0;
_root.skirmish_radar_max = 0;
on (rollOver) {
var colour = new Color(this);
var trans = {ra:"100", rb:"50", ga:"100", gb:"50", ba:"100", bb:"50"};
on (rollOut) {
var colour = new Color(this);
var trans = {ra:"100", rb:"0", ga:"100", gb:"0", ba:"100", bb:"0"};
onClipEvent (load) {
this.glow._visible = 0;
Instance of Symbol 867 MovieClip "btn_en_3" in Symbol 898 MovieClip Frame 1 (1.39 KiB) ●
on (press) {
this.glow._visible = 1;
_parent.btn_en_0.glow._visible = 0;
_parent.btn_en_1.glow._visible = 0;
_parent.btn_en_2.glow._visible = 0;
_root.skirmish_m16_pref = 4;
_root.skirmish_sniper_pref = 6;
_root.skirmish_bazoo_pref = 9;
_root.skirmish_moto_pref = 10;
_root.skirmish_atv_pref = 3;
_root.skirmish_ifv_pref = 5;
_root.skirmish_armor_pref = 9;
_root.skirmish_hawk_pref = 10;
_root.skirmish_falcon_pref = 7;
_root.skirmish_stealth_pref = 10;
_root.skirmish_ak74_pref = 3;
_root.skirmish_flame_pref = 7;
_root.skirmish_rpg_pref = 10;
_root.skirmish_tank_pref = 3;
_root.skirmish_ftank_pref = 7;
_root.skirmish_sam_pref = 10;
_root.skirmish_he_pref = 3;
_root.skirmish_ch_pref = 7;
_root.skirmish_nu_pref = 10;
_root.skirmish_inter_pref = 5;
_root.skirmish_bomber_pref = 10;
_root.skirmish_bar_max = 0;
_root.skirmish_air_max = 3;
_root.skirmish_mgn_max = 1;
_root.skirmish_fac_max = 1;
_root.skirmish_sam_max = 1;
_root.skirmish_hosp_max = 0;
_root.skirmish_laser_max = 1;
_root.skirmish_lpad_max = 2;
_root.skirmish_radar_max = 1;
on (rollOver) {
var colour = new Color(this);
var trans = {ra:"100", rb:"50", ga:"100", gb:"50", ba:"100", bb:"50"};
on (rollOut) {
var colour = new Color(this);
var trans = {ra:"100", rb:"0", ga:"100", gb:"0", ba:"100", bb:"0"};
onClipEvent (load) {
this.glow._visible = 0;
Instance of Symbol 869 MovieClip in Symbol 898 MovieClip Frame 1 (666 B)
on (press) {
_root.ai_delay = _root.easy_delay;
on (rollOver) {
var colour = new Color(this);
var trans = {ra:"100", rb:"50", ga:"100", gb:"50", ba:"100", bb:"50"};
on (rollOut) {
var colour = new Color(this);
var trans = {ra:"100", rb:"0", ga:"100", gb:"0", ba:"100", bb:"0"};
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (_root.startScreen._visible == 1) {
if (_root.ai_delay == _root.easy_delay) {
_parent.dif_txt.text = "Easy";
if (_root.ai_delay == _root.norm_delay) {
_parent.dif_txt.text = "Normal";
if (_root.ai_delay == _root.hard_delay) {
_parent.dif_txt.text = "Hard";
Instance of Symbol 871 MovieClip in Symbol 898 MovieClip Frame 1 (346 B)
on (press) {
_root.ai_delay = _root.hard_delay;
on (rollOver) {
var colour = new Color(this);
var trans = {ra:"100", rb:"50", ga:"100", gb:"50", ba:"100", bb:"50"};
on (rollOut) {
var colour = new Color(this);
var trans = {ra:"100", rb:"0", ga:"100", gb:"0", ba:"100", bb:"0"};
Instance of Symbol 873 MovieClip in Symbol 898 MovieClip Frame 1 (346 B)
on (press) {
_root.ai_delay = _root.norm_delay;
on (rollOver) {
var colour = new Color(this);
var trans = {ra:"100", rb:"50", ga:"100", gb:"50", ba:"100", bb:"50"};
on (rollOut) {
var colour = new Color(this);
var trans = {ra:"100", rb:"0", ga:"100", gb:"0", ba:"100", bb:"0"};
Instance of Symbol 887 MovieClip "btn_bg_0" in Symbol 898 MovieClip Frame 1 (580 B)
on (press) {
this.glow._visible = 1;
_parent.btn_bg_1.glow._visible = 0;
_parent.btn_bg_2.glow._visible = 0;
_parent.btn_bg_3.glow._visible = 0;
_parent.btn_bg_4.glow._visible = 0;
_root.bg_desert._visible = 1;
on (rollOver) {
var colour = new Color(this);
var trans = {ra:"100", rb:"50", ga:"100", gb:"50", ba:"100", bb:"50"};
on (rollOut) {
var colour = new Color(this);
var trans = {ra:"100", rb:"0", ga:"100", gb:"0", ba:"100", bb:"0"};
onClipEvent (load) {
this.glow._visible = 0;
Instance of Symbol 889 MovieClip "btn_bg_1" in Symbol 898 MovieClip Frame 1 (580 B)
on (press) {
this.glow._visible = 1;
_parent.btn_bg_0.glow._visible = 0;
_parent.btn_bg_2.glow._visible = 0;
_parent.btn_bg_3.glow._visible = 0;
_parent.btn_bg_4.glow._visible = 0;
_root.bg_island._visible = 1;
on (rollOver) {
var colour = new Color(this);
var trans = {ra:"100", rb:"50", ga:"100", gb:"50", ba:"100", bb:"50"};
on (rollOut) {
var colour = new Color(this);
var trans = {ra:"100", rb:"0", ga:"100", gb:"0", ba:"100", bb:"0"};
onClipEvent (load) {
this.glow._visible = 0;
Instance of Symbol 891 MovieClip "btn_bg_2" in Symbol 898 MovieClip Frame 1 (580 B)
on (press) {
this.glow._visible = 1;
_parent.btn_bg_0.glow._visible = 0;
_parent.btn_bg_1.glow._visible = 0;
_parent.btn_bg_3.glow._visible = 0;
_parent.btn_bg_4.glow._visible = 0;
_root.bg_winter._visible = 1;
on (rollOver) {
var colour = new Color(this);
var trans = {ra:"100", rb:"50", ga:"100", gb:"50", ba:"100", bb:"50"};
on (rollOut) {
var colour = new Color(this);
var trans = {ra:"100", rb:"0", ga:"100", gb:"0", ba:"100", bb:"0"};
onClipEvent (load) {
this.glow._visible = 0;
Instance of Symbol 893 MovieClip "btn_bg_3" in Symbol 898 MovieClip Frame 1 (531 B)
on (press) {
this.glow._visible = 1;
_parent.btn_bg_0.glow._visible = 0;
_parent.btn_bg_1.glow._visible = 0;
_parent.btn_bg_2.glow._visible = 0;
_parent.btn_bg_4.glow._visible = 0;
_root.bg_mount._visible = 1;
on (rollOver) {
var colour = new Color(this);
var trans = {ra:"100", rb:"50", ga:"100", gb:"50", ba:"100", bb:"50"};
on (rollOut) {
var colour = new Color(this);
var trans = {ra:"100", rb:"0", ga:"100", gb:"0", ba:"100", bb:"0"};
Instance of Symbol 895 MovieClip "btn_bg_4" in Symbol 898 MovieClip Frame 1 (581 B)
on (press) {
this.glow._visible = 1;
_parent.btn_bg_0.glow._visible = 0;
_parent.btn_bg_1.glow._visible = 0;
_parent.btn_bg_2.glow._visible = 0;
_parent.btn_bg_3.glow._visible = 0;
_root.bg_village._visible = 1;
on (rollOver) {
var colour = new Color(this);
var trans = {ra:"100", rb:"50", ga:"100", gb:"50", ba:"100", bb:"50"};
on (rollOut) {
var colour = new Color(this);
var trans = {ra:"100", rb:"0", ga:"100", gb:"0", ba:"100", bb:"0"};
onClipEvent (load) {
this.glow._visible = 0;
Instance of Symbol 904 MovieClip in Symbol 907 MovieClip Frame 1 (502 B)
on (press) {
var colour = new Color(this);
var trans = {ra:"100", rb:"0", ga:"100", gb:"0", ba:"100", bb:"0"};
on (rollOver) {
var colour = new Color(this);
var trans = {ra:"100", rb:"50", ga:"100", gb:"50", ba:"100", bb:"50"};
on (rollOut) {
var colour = new Color(this);
var trans = {ra:"100", rb:"0", ga:"100", gb:"0", ba:"100", bb:"0"};
Instance of Symbol 653 MovieClip in Symbol 907 MovieClip Frame 1 (541 B)
on (press) {
_root.startScreen.pass_screen._visible = 0;
_root.startScreen.pass_screen.pwd_input.text = "00000";
var colour = new Color(this);
var trans = {ra:"100", rb:"0", ga:"100", gb:"0", ba:"100", bb:"0"};
on (rollOver) {
var colour = new Color(this);
var trans = {ra:"100", rb:"50", ga:"100", gb:"50", ba:"100", bb:"50"};
on (rollOut) {
var colour = new Color(this);
var trans = {ra:"100", rb:"0", ga:"100", gb:"0", ba:"100", bb:"0"};
Instance of Symbol 657 MovieClip in Symbol 909 MovieClip Frame 1 (482 B)
on (press) {
_root.startScreen.op_screen._visible = 0;
var colour = new Color(this);
var trans = {ra:"100", rb:"0", ga:"100", gb:"0", ba:"100", bb:"0"};
on (rollOver) {
var colour = new Color(this);
var trans = {ra:"100", rb:"50", ga:"100", gb:"50", ba:"100", bb:"50"};
on (rollOut) {
var colour = new Color(this);
var trans = {ra:"100", rb:"0", ga:"100", gb:"0", ba:"100", bb:"0"};
Instance of Symbol 632 MovieClip in Symbol 909 MovieClip Frame 1 (460 B)
on (press) {
_quality = "BEST";
var colour = new Color(this);
var trans = {ra:"100", rb:"0", ga:"100", gb:"0", ba:"100", bb:"0"};
on (rollOver) {
var colour = new Color(this);
var trans = {ra:"100", rb:"50", ga:"100", gb:"50", ba:"100", bb:"50"};
on (rollOut) {
var colour = new Color(this);
var trans = {ra:"100", rb:"0", ga:"100", gb:"0", ba:"100", bb:"0"};
Instance of Symbol 635 MovieClip in Symbol 909 MovieClip Frame 1 (462 B)
on (press) {
_quality = "MEDIUM";
var colour = new Color(this);
var trans = {ra:"100", rb:"0", ga:"100", gb:"0", ba:"100", bb:"0"};
on (rollOver) {
var colour = new Color(this);
var trans = {ra:"100", rb:"50", ga:"100", gb:"50", ba:"100", bb:"50"};
on (rollOut) {
var colour = new Color(this);
var trans = {ra:"100", rb:"0", ga:"100", gb:"0", ba:"100", bb:"0"};
Instance of Symbol 638 MovieClip in Symbol 909 MovieClip Frame 1 (459 B)
on (press) {
_quality = "LOW";
var colour = new Color(this);
var trans = {ra:"100", rb:"0", ga:"100", gb:"0", ba:"100", bb:"0"};
on (rollOver) {
var colour = new Color(this);
var trans = {ra:"100", rb:"50", ga:"100", gb:"50", ba:"100", bb:"50"};
on (rollOut) {
var colour = new Color(this);
var trans = {ra:"100", rb:"0", ga:"100", gb:"0", ba:"100", bb:"0"};
Instance of Symbol 641 MovieClip in Symbol 909 MovieClip Frame 1 (487 B)
on (press) {
_root.game_sound = 1;
var colour = new Color(this);
var trans = {ra:"100", rb:"0", ga:"100", gb:"0", ba:"100", bb:"0"};
on (rollOver) {
var colour = new Color(this);
var trans = {ra:"100", rb:"50", ga:"100", gb:"50", ba:"100", bb:"50"};
on (rollOut) {
var colour = new Color(this);
var trans = {ra:"100", rb:"0", ga:"100", gb:"0", ba:"100", bb:"0"};
Instance of Symbol 644 MovieClip in Symbol 909 MovieClip Frame 1 (486 B)
on (press) {
_root.game_sound = 0;
var colour = new Color(this);
var trans = {ra:"100", rb:"0", ga:"100", gb:"0", ba:"100", bb:"0"};
on (rollOver) {
var colour = new Color(this);
var trans = {ra:"100", rb:"50", ga:"100", gb:"50", ba:"100", bb:"50"};
on (rollOut) {
var colour = new Color(this);
var trans = {ra:"100", rb:"0", ga:"100", gb:"0", ba:"100", bb:"0"};
Instance of Symbol 811 MovieClip "btn_new" in Symbol 917 MovieClip Frame 1 (825 B)
on (press) {
_root.startScreen.instr_screen._visible = 0;
_root.startScreen.pass_screen._visible = 0;
_root.startScreen.skirmish_screen._visible = 0;
_root.startScreen.op_screen._visible = 0;
_root.startScreen.btn_easy._visible = 1;
_root.startScreen.btn_easy._alpha = 0;
_root.startScreen.btn_norm._visible = 1;
_root.startScreen.btn_norm._alpha = -20;
_root.startScreen.btn_hard._visible = 1;
_root.startScreen.btn_hard._alpha = -50;
_root.startScreen.btn_nha._visible = 0;
_root.startScreen.btn_tos._visible = 0;
on (rollOver) {
var colour = new Color(this);
var trans = {ra:"100", rb:"50", ga:"100", gb:"50", ba:"100", bb:"50"};
on (rollOut) {
var colour = new Color(this);
var trans = {ra:"100", rb:"0", ga:"100", gb:"0", ba:"100", bb:"0"};
Instance of Symbol 813 MovieClip "btn_pass" in Symbol 917 MovieClip Frame 1 (754 B)
on (press) {
_root.startScreen.instr_screen._visible = 0;
_root.startScreen.pass_screen._visible = 1;
_root.startScreen.skirmish_screen._visible = 0;
_root.startScreen.op_screen._visible = 0;
_root.startScreen.btn_easy._visible = 0;
_root.startScreen.btn_norm._visible = 0;
_root.startScreen.btn_hard._visible = 0;
_root.startScreen.btn_nha._visible = 0;
_root.startScreen.btn_tos._visible = 0;
on (rollOver) {
var colour = new Color(this);
var trans = {ra:"100", rb:"50", ga:"100", gb:"50", ba:"100", bb:"50"};
on (rollOut) {
var colour = new Color(this);
var trans = {ra:"100", rb:"0", ga:"100", gb:"0", ba:"100", bb:"0"};
Instance of Symbol 815 MovieClip "btn_skirmish" in Symbol 917 MovieClip Frame 1 (701 B)
on (press) {
_root.startScreen.instr_screen._visible = 0;
_root.startScreen.pass_screen._visible = 0;
_root.startScreen.skirmish_screen._visible = 1;
_root.startScreen.op_screen._visible = 0;
_root.startScreen.btn_easy._visible = 0;
_root.startScreen.btn_norm._visible = 0;
_root.startScreen.btn_hard._visible = 0;
_root.startScreen.btn_nha._visible = 0;
_root.startScreen.btn_tos._visible = 0;
on (rollOver) {
var colour = new Color(this);
var trans = {ra:"100", rb:"50", ga:"100", gb:"50", ba:"100", bb:"50"};
on (rollOut) {
var colour = new Color(this);
var trans = {ra:"100", rb:"0", ga:"100", gb:"0", ba:"100", bb:"0"};
Instance of Symbol 817 MovieClip "btn_instr" in Symbol 917 MovieClip Frame 1 (701 B)
on (press) {
_root.startScreen.instr_screen._visible = 1;
_root.startScreen.pass_screen._visible = 0;
_root.startScreen.skirmish_screen._visible = 0;
_root.startScreen.op_screen._visible = 0;
_root.startScreen.btn_easy._visible = 0;
_root.startScreen.btn_norm._visible = 0;
_root.startScreen.btn_hard._visible = 0;
_root.startScreen.btn_nha._visible = 0;
_root.startScreen.btn_tos._visible = 0;
on (rollOver) {
var colour = new Color(this);
var trans = {ra:"100", rb:"50", ga:"100", gb:"50", ba:"100", bb:"50"};
on (rollOut) {
var colour = new Color(this);
var trans = {ra:"100", rb:"0", ga:"100", gb:"0", ba:"100", bb:"0"};
Instance of Symbol 819 MovieClip "btn_op" in Symbol 917 MovieClip Frame 1 (701 B)
on (press) {
_root.startScreen.instr_screen._visible = 0;
_root.startScreen.pass_screen._visible = 0;
_root.startScreen.skirmish_screen._visible = 0;
_root.startScreen.op_screen._visible = 1;
_root.startScreen.btn_easy._visible = 0;
_root.startScreen.btn_norm._visible = 0;
_root.startScreen.btn_hard._visible = 0;
_root.startScreen.btn_nha._visible = 0;
_root.startScreen.btn_tos._visible = 0;
on (rollOver) {
var colour = new Color(this);
var trans = {ra:"100", rb:"50", ga:"100", gb:"50", ba:"100", bb:"50"};
on (rollOut) {
var colour = new Color(this);
var trans = {ra:"100", rb:"0", ga:"100", gb:"0", ba:"100", bb:"0"};
Instance of Symbol 821 MovieClip "btn_nha" in Symbol 917 MovieClip Frame 1 (699 B)
on (press) {
_root.house = 0;
_root.startScreen._visible = 0;
_root.startScreen.nha_cover.reveal = 0;
on (rollOver) {
_root.startScreen.nha_cover.reveal = 1;
var colour = new Color(this);
var trans = {ra:"100", rb:"50", ga:"100", gb:"50", ba:"100", bb:"50"};
on (rollOut) {
_root.startScreen.nha_cover.reveal = 0;
var colour = new Color(this);
var trans = {ra:"100", rb:"0", ga:"100", gb:"0", ba:"100", bb:"0"};
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if ((_visible == 1) && (_alpha < 100)) {
_alpha = (_alpha + 7);
Instance of Symbol 823 MovieClip "btn_tos" in Symbol 917 MovieClip Frame 1 (699 B)
on (press) {
_root.house = 1;
_root.startScreen._visible = 0;
_root.startScreen.tos_cover.reveal = 0;
on (rollOver) {
_root.startScreen.tos_cover.reveal = 1;
var colour = new Color(this);
var trans = {ra:"100", rb:"50", ga:"100", gb:"50", ba:"100", bb:"50"};
on (rollOut) {
_root.startScreen.tos_cover.reveal = 0;
var colour = new Color(this);
var trans = {ra:"100", rb:"0", ga:"100", gb:"0", ba:"100", bb:"0"};
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if ((_visible == 1) && (_alpha < 100)) {
_alpha = (_alpha + 7);
Instance of Symbol 830 MovieClip "nha_cover" in Symbol 917 MovieClip Frame 1 (299 B)
onClipEvent (load) {
_global.reveal = 0;
inval = 2;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (_root.startScreen._visible == 1) {
if ((reveal == 1) && (_alpha > 0)) {
_alpha = (_alpha - inval);
if ((reveal == 0) && (_alpha < 100)) {
_alpha = (_alpha + inval);
Instance of Symbol 832 MovieClip "tos_cover" in Symbol 917 MovieClip Frame 1 (299 B)
onClipEvent (load) {
_global.reveal = 0;
inval = 2;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (_root.startScreen._visible == 1) {
if ((reveal == 1) && (_alpha > 0)) {
_alpha = (_alpha - inval);
if ((reveal == 0) && (_alpha < 100)) {
_alpha = (_alpha + inval);
Instance of Symbol 869 MovieClip "btn_easy" in Symbol 917 MovieClip Frame 1 (747 B)
on (press) {
_root.ai_delay = _root.easy_delay;
_root.startScreen.btn_nha._visible = 1;
_root.startScreen.btn_nha._alpha = -20;
_root.startScreen.btn_tos._visible = 1;
_root.startScreen.btn_tos._alpha = -50;
_root.startScreen.btn_easy._visible = 0;
_root.startScreen.btn_norm._visible = 0;
_root.startScreen.btn_hard._visible = 0;
on (rollOver) {
var colour = new Color(this);
var trans = {ra:"100", rb:"50", ga:"100", gb:"50", ba:"100", bb:"50"};
on (rollOut) {
var colour = new Color(this);
var trans = {ra:"100", rb:"0", ga:"100", gb:"0", ba:"100", bb:"0"};
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if ((_visible == 1) && (_alpha < 100)) {
_alpha = (_alpha + 7);
Instance of Symbol 873 MovieClip "btn_norm" in Symbol 917 MovieClip Frame 1 (747 B)
on (press) {
_root.ai_delay = _root.norm_delay;
_root.startScreen.btn_nha._visible = 1;
_root.startScreen.btn_nha._alpha = -20;
_root.startScreen.btn_tos._visible = 1;
_root.startScreen.btn_tos._alpha = -50;
_root.startScreen.btn_easy._visible = 0;
_root.startScreen.btn_norm._visible = 0;
_root.startScreen.btn_hard._visible = 0;
on (rollOver) {
var colour = new Color(this);
var trans = {ra:"100", rb:"50", ga:"100", gb:"50", ba:"100", bb:"50"};
on (rollOut) {
var colour = new Color(this);
var trans = {ra:"100", rb:"0", ga:"100", gb:"0", ba:"100", bb:"0"};
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if ((_visible == 1) && (_alpha < 100)) {
_alpha = (_alpha + 7);
Instance of Symbol 871 MovieClip "btn_hard" in Symbol 917 MovieClip Frame 1 (747 B)
on (press) {
_root.ai_delay = _root.hard_delay;
_root.startScreen.btn_nha._visible = 1;
_root.startScreen.btn_nha._alpha = -20;
_root.startScreen.btn_tos._visible = 1;
_root.startScreen.btn_tos._alpha = -50;
_root.startScreen.btn_easy._visible = 0;
_root.startScreen.btn_norm._visible = 0;
_root.startScreen.btn_hard._visible = 0;
on (rollOver) {
var colour = new Color(this);
var trans = {ra:"100", rb:"50", ga:"100", gb:"50", ba:"100", bb:"50"};
on (rollOut) {
var colour = new Color(this);
var trans = {ra:"100", rb:"0", ga:"100", gb:"0", ba:"100", bb:"0"};
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if ((_visible == 1) && (_alpha < 100)) {
_alpha = (_alpha + 7);
Instance of Symbol 913 MovieClip in Symbol 917 MovieClip Frame 1 (488 B)
on (press) {
getURL ("http://www.armorgames.com", "_blank");
var colour = new Color(this);
var trans = {ra:"100", rb:"0", ga:"100", gb:"0", ba:"100", bb:"0"};
on (rollOver) {
var colour = new Color(this);
var trans = {ra:"100", rb:"50", ga:"100", gb:"50", ba:"100", bb:"50"};
on (rollOut) {
var colour = new Color(this);
var trans = {ra:"100", rb:"0", ga:"100", gb:"0", ba:"100", bb:"0"};
Instance of Symbol 916 MovieClip in Symbol 917 MovieClip Frame 1 (221 B)
onClipEvent (load) {
this.star._visible = 0;
on (rollOver) {
this.star._visible = 1;
on (rollOut) {
this.star._visible = 0;
on (press) {
getURL ("http://www.armorgames.com", "_blank");
this.star._visible = 0;