Frame 1 (373 B)
fscommand ("showmenu", false);
function readygo() {
function atloadtree() {
attachMovie("loadtree", "loadtree", 3);
loadtree._y = 400;
loadtree._x = 600;
function atltree() {
attachMovie("load_tree", "ltree", 2);
ltree.pt_0._xscale = 90;
ltree.pt_0._yscale = 90;
ltree.pt_0._y = 420;
ltree.pt_0._x = 500;
Frame 4 (13 B)
Frame 5 (18.66 KiB) ● ● ●
function ending() {
function refresh() {
b = 0;
while (b < 11) {
removeMovieClip("item" + b);
b = 0;
while (b < 500) {
removeMovieClip("bluebird" + b);
removeMovieClip("puti" + b);
b = 0;
while (b < 1000) {
removeMovieClip("green" + b);
removeMovieClip("akaha" + b);
removeMovieClip("bird" + b);
b = 0;
while (b < 80) {
removeMovieClip("mi" + b);
b = 0;
while (b < 500) {
removeMovieClip("tanp_tane" + b);
scsc = 40;
coldan = 5;
anum = 0;
fi = 0;
dr = 0;
nr = 0;
meguok = 0;
poi = 0;
poni = 0;
mii = 0;
gnum = 0;
pnum = 0;
land = 550;
blnum = 0;
slot1 = 0;
fnum = 0;
bnum = 0;
slot1 = 0;
cold = 450;
itemd = 1;
sheetd = 455;
colex = 0;
sheetex = 0;
slotlimit = 0;
tanpnum = 0;
function atslot() {
ptx = (Math.random() * 300) + 200;
pty = 550;
ptsc = 10 + scsc;
scsc = scsc + 5;
attachMovie("pt_col", "col", cold);
col.pt_0._x = ptx;
col.pt_0._y = pty;
col.pt_0._xscale = ptsc;
col.pt_0._yscale = col.pt_0._xscale;
col._alpha = ptsca;
function makesheet() {
attachMovie("sheet_3", "sheet", sheetd);
this.sheet._x =;
this.sheet._y =;
this.sheet._xscale =;
this.sheet._yscale =;
this.sheet._rotation =;
function atitem(iname) {
if (sheet.stby == 1) {
n = sheet.slot;
attachMovie(iname, "item" + itemd, itemd + 460);
this["item" + itemd].pt_0._x = sheet.ix;
this["item" + itemd].pt_0._y = sheet.iy;
this["item" + itemd].pt_0._xscale = sheet.isc;
this["item" + itemd].pt_0._yscale = sheet.isc;
this["item" + itemd].pt_0._rotation =;
this["item" + itemd].pt_0.rr = this["item" + itemd].pt_0._rotation;
this["item" + itemd].slot = n;
if (n == 1) {
slot1 = "item" + itemd;
} else if (n == 2) {
slot2 = "item" + itemd;
} else if (n == 3) {
slot3 = "item" + itemd;
} else if (n == 4) {
slot4 = "item" + itemd;
if (itemd >= 10) {
itemd = 1;
function delitem() {
n = sheet.dslot;
b = 0;
while (b < 11) {
if (this["item" + b].slot == n) {
dele(eval ("item" + b));
b = 0;
while (b < 1000) {
if (this["bird" + b].bbslot == n) {
this["bird" + b].del();
b = 0;
while (b < 500) {
if (this["bluebird" + b].blslot == n) {
this["bluebird" + b].del();
b = 0;
while (b < 1000) {
if (this["akaha" + b].aaslot == n) {
this["akaha" + b].del();
b = 0;
while (b < 1000) {
if (this["green" + b].ggslot == n) {
this["green" + b].del();
b = 0;
while (b < 80) {
if (this["mi" + b].ffslot == n) {
this["mi" + b].del();
function dele(targ) {
targ.xx = 4 - (Math.random() * 8);
targ.x = targ.xx * ((Math.random() * 1) + 1);
targ.y = -17 + (Math.random() * 3);
targ.g = 0.7;
targ.onEnterFrame = function () {
targ.y = targ.y + targ.g;
targ._x = targ._x + targ.x;
targ._y = targ._y + targ.y;
targ._rotation = targ._rotation + 0;
cold = 450;
itemd = 1;
sheetd = 455;
colex = 0;
sheetex = 0;
slotlimit = 0;
coldan = 5;
scsc = 40;
function goslot() {
sheet.coin.stp = 0;
sheet.coin.stpp = 0;
sheet.coin.stby = 0;
function bomball() {
if (sheet.stby == 1) {
function birdpos(slo) {
if (((slo == 1) && (eval (slot1).grw == 0)) && (eval (slot1).birdok == 1)) {
eval (slot1).birdy();
bbx = eval (slot1).bx;
bby = eval (slot1).by;
bslot = 1;
attachMovie("minibird", "bird" + bnum, bnum + 11000);
this["bird" + bnum]._x = 800 - (Math.random() * 900);
this["bird" + bnum]._y = (-Math.random()) * 100;
this["bird" + bnum]._xscale = 600;
this["bird" + bnum]._yscale = 600;
if (this["bird" + bnum]._x > 350) {
this["bird" + bnum]._xscale = -600;
} else if (((slo == 2) && (eval (slot2).grw == 0)) && (eval (slot2).birdok == 1)) {
eval (slot2).birdy();
bbx = eval (slot2).bx;
bby = eval (slot2).by;
bslot = 2;
attachMovie("minibird", "bird" + bnum, bnum + 11000);
this["bird" + bnum]._x = 800 - (Math.random() * 900);
this["bird" + bnum]._y = (-Math.random()) * 100;
this["bird" + bnum]._xscale = 600;
this["bird" + bnum]._yscale = 600;
if (this["bird" + bnum]._x > 350) {
this["bird" + bnum]._xscale = -600;
} else if (((slo == 3) && (eval (slot3).grw == 0)) && (eval (slot3).birdok == 1)) {
eval (slot3).birdy();
bbx = eval (slot3).bx;
bby = eval (slot3).by;
bslot = 3;
attachMovie("minibird", "bird" + bnum, bnum + 11000);
this["bird" + bnum]._x = 800 - (Math.random() * 900);
this["bird" + bnum]._y = (-Math.random()) * 100;
this["bird" + bnum]._xscale = 600;
this["bird" + bnum]._yscale = 600;
if (this["bird" + bnum]._x > 350) {
this["bird" + bnum]._xscale = -600;
if (bnum > 950) {
bnum = 0;
bnum = 0;
slot1 = 0;
function bluebirdpos(slo) {
if (((slo == 1) && (eval (slot1).grw == 0)) && (eval (slot1).birdok == 1)) {
eval (slot1).birdy();
blx = eval (slot1).bx;
bly = eval (slot1).by;
blslot = 1;
attachMovie("bluebird", "bluebird" + blnum, blnum + 11500);
this["bluebird" + blnum]._x = 800 - (Math.random() * 900);
this["bluebird" + blnum]._y = (-Math.random()) * 100;
this["bluebird" + blnum]._xscale = 600;
this["bluebird" + blnum]._yscale = 600;
if (this["bluebird" + blnum]._x > 350) {
this["bluebird" + blnum]._xscale = -600;
} else if (((slo == 2) && (eval (slot2).grw == 0)) && (eval (slot2).birdok == 1)) {
eval (slot2).birdy();
blx = eval (slot2).bx;
bly = eval (slot2).by;
blslot = 2;
attachMovie("bluebird", "bluebird" + blnum, blnum + 11500);
this["bluebird" + blnum]._x = 800 - (Math.random() * 900);
this["bluebird" + blnum]._y = (-Math.random()) * 100;
this["bluebird" + blnum]._xscale = 600;
this["bluebird" + blnum]._yscale = 600;
if (this["bluebird" + blnum]._x > 350) {
this["bluebird" + blnum]._xscale = -600;
} else if (((slo == 3) && (eval (slot3).grw == 0)) && (eval (slot3).birdok == 1)) {
eval (slot3).birdy();
blx = eval (slot3).bx;
bly = eval (slot3).by;
blslot = 3;
attachMovie("bluebird", "bluebird" + blnum, blnum + 11500);
this["bluebird" + blnum]._x = 800 - (Math.random() * 900);
this["bluebird" + blnum]._y = (-Math.random()) * 100;
this["bluebird" + blnum]._xscale = 600;
this["bluebird" + blnum]._yscale = 600;
if (this["bluebird" + blnum]._x > 350) {
this["bluebird" + blnum]._xscale = -600;
if (blnum > 450) {
blnum = 0;
function atfun(xx, yy) {
attachMovie("fun", "fun" + fnum, fnum + 6100);
this["fun" + fnum]._x = xx;
this["fun" + fnum]._y = yy;
if (fnum > 290) {
fnum = 0;
blnum = 0;
slot1 = 0;
fnum = 0;
function atdrip() {
if (spoit.meguok == 1) {
attachMovie("m_drip", "drip" + dr, 500 + dr);
this["drip" + dr]._x = spoit.dx;
this["drip" + dr]._y = spoit.dy;
if (dr > 20) {
dr = 0;
function atnamida(tar) {
attachMovie("namida", "namida" + nr, 600 + nr);
this["namida" + nr]._x = eval (tar).eye.nx;
this["namida" + nr]._y = eval (tar).eye.ny;
if (nr > 20) {
nr = 0;
dr = 0;
nr = 0;
meguok = 0;
function atmi() {
attachMovie("pt_fruit_mi", "mi" + mii, mii + 700);
this["mi" + mii]._x = fx;
this["mi" + mii]._y = fy;
this["mi" + mii]._xscale = fsc;
this["mi" + mii]._yscale = fsc;
this["mi" + mii]._rotation = fro;
this["mi" + mii].ffslot = fslot;
if (mii > 75) {
mii = 0;
function atpota() {
mi = 1;
i = 0;
while (i < 2) {
attachMovie("pt_splash_potane", "potane" + poni, poni + 800);
ran = Math.floor(Math.random() * 2) + 1;
xx = (Math.random() * 15) + 5;
this["potane" + poni]._x = sx + (xx * mi);
this["potane" + poni]._y = (sy + 15) - (Math.random() * 30);
this["potane" + poni].scp = ssc;
mi = -1;
if (poni > 75) {
poni = 0;
i = 0;
while (i <= 3) {
attachMovie("pt_splash_pota", "pota" + poi, poi + 900);
this["pota" + poi]._x = (sx + 30) - (Math.random() * 60);
this["pota" + poi]._y = (sy + 30) - (Math.random() * 60);
this["pota" + poi].scp = ssc;
if (poi > 75) {
poi = 0;
function atpota2() {
mi = 1;
i = 0;
while (i < 2) {
attachMovie("pt_splash_potane_2", "potane" + poni, poni + 800);
ran = Math.floor(Math.random() * 2) + 1;
xx = (Math.random() * 15) + 5;
this["potane" + poni]._x = sx + (xx * mi);
this["potane" + poni]._y = (sy + 15) - (Math.random() * 30);
this["potane" + poni].scp = ssc;
mi = -1;
if (poni > 75) {
poni = 0;
i = 0;
while (i <= 3) {
attachMovie("pt_splash_pota_2", "pota" + poi, poi + 900);
this["pota" + poi]._x = (sx + 30) - (Math.random() * 60);
this["pota" + poi]._y = (sy + 30) - (Math.random() * 60);
this["pota" + poi].scp = ssc;
if (poi > 75) {
poi = 0;
function atpota3() {
mi = 1;
i = 0;
while (i < 2) {
attachMovie("pt_splash_potane_3", "potane" + poni, poni + 800);
ran = Math.floor(Math.random() * 2) + 1;
xx = (Math.random() * 15) + 5;
this["potane" + poni]._x = sx + (xx * mi);
this["potane" + poni]._y = (sy + 15) - (Math.random() * 30);
this["potane" + poni].scp = ssc;
mi = -1;
if (poni > 75) {
poni = 0;
i = 0;
while (i <= 3) {
attachMovie("pt_splash_pota_3", "pota" + poi, poi + 900);
this["pota" + poi]._x = (sx + 30) - (Math.random() * 60);
this["pota" + poi]._y = (sy + 30) - (Math.random() * 60);
this["pota" + poi].scp = ssc;
if (poi > 75) {
poi = 0;
fi = 0;
poi = 0;
poni = 0;
mii = 0;
function akahapos(slo) {
k = 0;
while (k < 70) {
if (((slo == 1) && (eval (slot1).grw == 0)) && (eval (slot1).akahaok == 1)) {
eval (slot1).kouyo();
aslot = 1;
attachMovie("akaha", "akaha" + anum, anum + 1000);
this["akaha" + anum]._x = eval (slot1).ax + (Math.random() * 25);
this["akaha" + anum]._y = eval (slot1).ay - (Math.random() * 10);
rann = Math.floor(Math.random() * 2) + 1;
if (rann == 1) {
this["akaha" + anum]._xscale = eval (slot1).pt_0._xscale * 1.5;
} else {
this["akaha" + anum]._xscale = (-eval (slot1).pt_0._xscale) * 1.5;
this["akaha" + anum]._yscale = this["akaha" + anum]._xscale;
this["akaha" + anum]._rotation = (eval (slot1).pt_0._rotation + 15) - (Math.random() * 30);
} else if (((slo == 2) && (eval (slot2).grw == 0)) && (eval (slot2).akahaok == 1)) {
eval (slot2).kouyo();
aslot = 2;
attachMovie("akaha", "akaha" + anum, anum + 1000);
this["akaha" + anum]._x = eval (slot2).ax + (Math.random() * 25);
this["akaha" + anum]._y = eval (slot2).ay - (Math.random() * 10);
rann = Math.floor(Math.random() * 2) + 1;
if (rann == 1) {
this["akaha" + anum]._xscale = eval (slot2).pt_0._xscale * 1.5;
} else {
this["akaha" + anum]._xscale = (-eval (slot2).pt_0._xscale) * 1.5;
this["akaha" + anum]._yscale = this["akaha" + anum]._xscale;
this["akaha" + anum]._rotation = (eval (slot2).pt_0._rotation + 15) - (Math.random() * 30);
} else if (((slo == 3) && (eval (slot3).grw == 0)) && (eval (slot3).akahaok == 1)) {
eval (slot3).kouyo();
aslot = 3;
attachMovie("akaha", "akaha" + anum, anum + 1000);
this["akaha" + anum]._x = eval (slot3).ax + (Math.random() * 25);
this["akaha" + anum]._y = eval (slot3).ay - (Math.random() * 10);
rann = Math.floor(Math.random() * 2) + 1;
if (rann == 1) {
this["akaha" + anum]._xscale = eval (slot3).pt_0._xscale * 1.5;
} else {
this["akaha" + anum]._xscale = (-eval (slot3).pt_0._xscale) * 1.5;
this["akaha" + anum]._yscale = this["akaha" + anum]._xscale;
this["akaha" + anum]._rotation = (eval (slot3).pt_0._rotation + 15) - (Math.random() * 30);
if (anum > 950) {
anum = 0;
function atkuri(kx, ky, kslot) {
attachMovie("pt_kuri", "akaha" + anum, anum + 1000);
this["akaha" + anum]._x = kx;
this["akaha" + anum]._y = ky;
this["akaha" + anum]._xscale = 100;
this["akaha" + anum]._yscale = 100;
this["akaha" + anum].aaslot = kslot;
if (anum > 950) {
anum = 0;
anum = 0;
function greenpos(slo) {
k = 0;
while (k < 70) {
if (((slo == 1) && (eval (slot1).grw == 0)) && (eval (slot1).greenok == 1)) {
eval (slot1).greeny();
gslot = 1;
attachMovie("green", "green" + gnum, gnum + 3000);
this["green" + gnum]._x = eval (slot1).gx + (Math.random() * 25);
this["green" + gnum]._y = eval (slot1).gy - (Math.random() * 10);
rann = Math.floor(Math.random() * 2) + 1;
if (rann == 1) {
this["green" + gnum]._xscale = eval (slot1).pt_0._xscale * 1.5;
} else {
this["green" + gnum]._xscale = (-eval (slot1).pt_0._xscale) * 1.5;
this["green" + gnum]._yscale = this["green" + gnum]._xscale;
this["green" + gnum]._rotation = (eval (slot1).pt_0._rotation + 15) - (Math.random() * 30);
} else if (((slo == 2) && (eval (slot2).grw == 0)) && (eval (slot2).greenok == 1)) {
eval (slot2).greeny();
gslot = 2;
attachMovie("green", "green" + gnum, gnum + 3000);
this["green" + gnum]._x = eval (slot2).gx + (Math.random() * 25);
this["green" + gnum]._y = eval (slot2).gy - (Math.random() * 10);
rann = Math.floor(Math.random() * 2) + 1;
if (rann == 1) {
this["green" + gnum]._xscale = eval (slot2).pt_0._xscale * 1.5;
} else {
this["green" + gnum]._xscale = (-eval (slot2).pt_0._xscale) * 1.5;
this["green" + gnum]._yscale = this["green" + gnum]._xscale;
this["green" + gnum]._rotation = (eval (slot2).pt_0._rotation + 15) - (Math.random() * 30);
} else if (((slo == 3) && (eval (slot3).grw == 0)) && (eval (slot3).greenok == 1)) {
eval (slot3).greeny();
gslot = 3;
attachMovie("green", "green" + gnum, gnum + 3000);
this["green" + gnum]._x = eval (slot3).gx + (Math.random() * 25);
this["green" + gnum]._y = eval (slot3).gy - (Math.random() * 10);
rann = Math.floor(Math.random() * 2) + 1;
if (rann == 1) {
this["green" + gnum]._xscale = eval (slot3).pt_0._xscale * 1.5;
} else {
this["green" + gnum]._xscale = (-eval (slot3).pt_0._xscale) * 1.5;
this["green" + gnum]._yscale = this["green" + gnum]._xscale;
this["green" + gnum]._rotation = (eval (slot3).pt_0._rotation + 15) - (Math.random() * 30);
if (gnum > 950) {
gnum = 0;
function atkinomi(gxx, gyy, ggsl) {
attachMovie("pt_kinomi", "green" + gnum, gnum + 1000);
this["green" + gnum]._x = gxx;
this["green" + gnum]._y = gyy;
this["green" + gnum]._xscale = 100;
this["green" + gnum]._yscale = 100;
this["green" + gnum].ggslot = ggsl;
if (gnum > 950) {
gnum = 0;
gnum = 0;
function attoge(xx, yy, co) {
if (co == 1) {
attachMovie("puti_toge_y", "puti" + pnum, pnum);
this["puti" + pnum]._x = xx;
this["puti" + pnum]._y = land;
this["puti" + pnum]._xscale = (Math.random() * 40) + 10;
this["puti" + pnum]._yscale = this["puti" + pnum]._xscale;
} else if (co == 2) {
attachMovie("puti_toge_r", "puti" + pnum, pnum);
this["puti" + pnum]._x = xx;
this["puti" + pnum]._y = land;
this["puti" + pnum]._xscale = (Math.random() * 40) + 10;
this["puti" + pnum]._yscale = this["puti" + pnum]._xscale;
} else if (co == 3) {
attachMovie("puti_toge_b", "puti" + pnum, pnum);
this["puti" + pnum]._x = xx;
this["puti" + pnum]._y = land;
this["puti" + pnum]._xscale = (Math.random() * 40) + 10;
this["puti" + pnum]._yscale = this["puti" + pnum]._xscale;
if (pnum > 400) {
pnum = 0;
function atakagi(xx, yy) {
attachMovie("puti_tree_pink", "puti" + pnum, pnum);
this["puti" + pnum].pt_0._x = xx;
this["puti" + pnum].pt_0._y = land;
this["puti" + pnum].pt_0._xscale = (Math.random() * 20) + 40;
this["puti" + pnum].pt_0._yscale = this["puti" + pnum].pt_0._xscale;
if (pnum > 400) {
pnum = 0;
function atbamboo(xx) {
attachMovie("puti_tree_long", "puti" + pnum, pnum);
this["puti" + pnum].pt_0._x = xx;
this["puti" + pnum].pt_0._y = land;
this["puti" + pnum].pt_0._xscale = (Math.random() * 20) + 20;
this["puti" + pnum].pt_0._yscale = this["puti" + pnum].pt_0._xscale;
if (pnum > 400) {
pnum = 0;
function atpeye(xx, yy) {
attachMovie("puti_eye", "puti" + pnum, pnum);
this["puti" + pnum]._x = xx;
this["puti" + pnum]._y = land;
this["puti" + pnum]._xscale = (Math.random() * 40) + 60;
this["puti" + pnum]._yscale = this["puti" + pnum]._xscale;
if (pnum > 400) {
pnum = 0;
function atpfan(xx, yy) {
ran = Math.floor(Math.random() * 5);
if (ran == 1) {
attachMovie("puti_fan", "puti" + pnum, pnum);
this["puti" + pnum]._x = xx;
this["puti" + pnum]._y = land;
this["puti" + pnum]._xscale = (Math.random() * 30) + 30;
this["puti" + pnum]._yscale = this["puti" + pnum]._xscale;
} else {
attachMovie("puti_me", "puti" + pnum, pnum);
this["puti" + pnum]._x = xx;
this["puti" + pnum]._y = land;
this["puti" + pnum]._xscale = (Math.random() * 30) + 30;
this["puti" + pnum]._yscale = this["puti" + pnum]._xscale;
if (pnum > 400) {
pnum = 0;
function atgreeny(xx, yy) {
attachMovie("puti_green", "puti" + pnum, pnum);
this["puti" + pnum].pt_0._x = xx;
this["puti" + pnum].pt_0._y = land;
this["puti" + pnum].pt_0._xscale = (Math.random() * 30) + 30;
this["puti" + pnum].pt_0._yscale = this["puti" + pnum].pt_0._xscale;
if (pnum > 400) {
pnum = 0;
pnum = 0;
land = 550;
function attanpo(xx, yy, ss) {
attachMovie("tanp_tane", "tanp_tane" + tanpnum, tanpnum + 7000);
this["tanp_tane" + tanpnum]._x = xx;
this["tanp_tane" + tanpnum]._y = yy;
this["tanp_tane" + tanpnum].side = ss;
if (tanpnum > 450) {
tanpnum = 0;
tanpnum = 0;
Instance of Symbol 444 MovieClip "birdmaker1" in Frame 5 (32 B)
onClipEvent (load) {
slo = 1;
Instance of Symbol 444 MovieClip "birdmaker2" in Frame 5 (32 B)
onClipEvent (load) {
slo = 2;
Instance of Symbol 444 MovieClip "birdmaker3" in Frame 5 (32 B)
onClipEvent (load) {
slo = 3;
Instance of Symbol 444 MovieClip "birdmaker4" in Frame 5 (32 B)
onClipEvent (load) {
slo = 4;
Frame 8 (13 B)
Symbol 15 MovieClip [pt_tree_y] Frame 1 (18 B)
gotoAndPlay (16);
Symbol 15 MovieClip [pt_tree_y] Frame 2 (18 B)
gotoAndPlay (19);
Symbol 15 MovieClip [pt_tree_y] Frame 3 (18 B)
gotoAndPlay (22);
Symbol 15 MovieClip [pt_tree_y] Frame 4 (18 B)
gotoAndPlay (25);
Symbol 15 MovieClip [pt_tree_y] Frame 18 (31 B)
grp = 1;
r = 0;
Symbol 15 MovieClip [pt_tree_y] Frame 21 (33 B)
grp = 1;
r = -10;
Symbol 15 MovieClip [pt_tree_y] Frame 24 (32 B)
grp = 1;
r = 10;
Symbol 15 MovieClip [pt_tree_y] Frame 27 (43 B)
grp = 2;
r = -25;
r2 = 25;
Symbol 24 MovieClip [pt_tree_b] Frame 1 (18 B)
gotoAndPlay (16);
Symbol 24 MovieClip [pt_tree_b] Frame 2 (18 B)
gotoAndPlay (19);
Symbol 24 MovieClip [pt_tree_b] Frame 3 (18 B)
gotoAndPlay (22);
Symbol 24 MovieClip [pt_tree_b] Frame 4 (18 B)
gotoAndPlay (25);
Symbol 24 MovieClip [pt_tree_b] Frame 18 (31 B)
grp = 1;
r = 0;
Symbol 24 MovieClip [pt_tree_b] Frame 21 (31 B)
grp = 1;
r = 0;
Symbol 24 MovieClip [pt_tree_b] Frame 24 (31 B)
grp = 1;
r = 0;
Symbol 24 MovieClip [pt_tree_b] Frame 27 (43 B)
grp = 2;
r = -25;
r2 = 25;
Symbol 25 MovieClip [pt_tree_brown] Frame 1 (310 B)
function kouyo() {
num = Math.floor(Math.random() * 70) + 17;
point = {x:0, y:0};
eval ("pt_" + num).localToGlobal(point);
ax = point.x;
ay = point.y;
parray = [];
scnum = 0.88;
pts = 100;
akahaok = 1;
n = 1;
while (n <= pts) {
maga = 3;
grw = 1;
rl = 800;
Symbol 25 MovieClip [pt_tree_brown] Frame 4 (2.02 KiB) ●
if (parray.length > 10) {
n = 0;
while (n < pts) {
if (this["pt_" + n].grp == 2) {
i = parray.shift();
point = {x:0, y:0};
eval ("pt_" + n).dummy1.localToGlobal(point);
attachMovie("pt_tree_b", "pt_" + i, i);
this["pt_" + i]._x = point.x;
this["pt_" + i]._y = point.y;
this["pt_" + i]._xscale = eval ("pt_" + n)._xscale * scnum;
this["pt_" + i]._yscale = eval ("pt_" + n)._yscale * scnum;
this["pt_" + i].rr = this["pt_" + i].rr + (this["pt_" + n].r + this["pt_" + n].rr);
this["pt_" + i]._rotation = this["pt_" + i].rr;
c = Math.floor(Math.random() * 4) + 1;
eval ("pt_" + i).gotoAndStop(c);
i = parray.shift();
point2 = {x:_x, y:_y};
eval ("pt_" + n).dummy2.localToGlobal(point2);
attachMovie("pt_tree_b", "pt_" + i, i);
this["pt_" + i]._x = point2.x;
this["pt_" + i]._y = point2.y;
this["pt_" + i]._xscale = eval ("pt_" + n)._xscale * scnum;
this["pt_" + i]._yscale = eval ("pt_" + n)._yscale * scnum;
this["pt_" + i].rr = this["pt_" + i].rr + (this["pt_" + n].r2 + this["pt_" + n].rr);
this["pt_" + i]._rotation = this["pt_" + i].rr;
c = Math.floor(Math.random() * 4) + 1;
eval ("pt_" + i).gotoAndStop(c);
this["pt_" + n].grp = 0;
if (this["pt_" + n].grp == 1) {
i = parray.shift();
point = {x:0, y:0};
eval ("pt_" + n).dummy.localToGlobal(point);
attachMovie("pt_tree_b", "pt_" + i, i);
this["pt_" + i]._x = point.x;
this["pt_" + i]._y = point.y;
this["pt_" + i]._xscale = eval ("pt_" + n)._xscale * scnum;
this["pt_" + i]._yscale = eval ("pt_" + n)._yscale * scnum;
this["pt_" + i].rr = this["pt_" + i].rr + (this["pt_" + n].r + this["pt_" + n].rr);
this["pt_" + i]._rotation = this["pt_" + i].rr;
if (n < maga) {
c = Math.floor(Math.random() * 3) + 1;
} else if (n == maga) {
c = 4;
} else {
c = Math.floor(Math.random() * 4) + 1;
eval ("pt_" + i).gotoAndStop(c);
this["pt_" + n].grp = 0;
gotoAndPlay (2);
} else {
gotoAndPlay (5);
Symbol 25 MovieClip [pt_tree_brown] Frame 7 (624 B)
grw = 0;
num = 40;
rand = Math.floor(Math.random() * 2) + 1;
i = 0;
while (i < rand) {
ran = Math.floor(Math.random() * 50) + num;
tar = "pt_" + ran;
point = {x:0, y:0};
eval (tar).localToGlobal(point);
kx = point.x;
ky = point.y;
kslot = slot;
_parent.atkuri(kx, ky, kslot);
if (slot == 1) {
} else if (slot == 2) {
} else if (slot == 3) {
} else if (slot == 4) {
if (_parent.sheet.kara.length > 0) {
} else {
Symbol 25 MovieClip [pt_tree_brown] Frame 10 (79 B)
if (_y > rl) {
gotoAndPlay(_currentframe - 1);
Symbol 35 MovieClip [pt_tree_p] Frame 1 (18 B)
gotoAndPlay (16);
Symbol 35 MovieClip [pt_tree_p] Frame 2 (18 B)
gotoAndPlay (19);
Symbol 35 MovieClip [pt_tree_p] Frame 3 (18 B)
gotoAndPlay (22);
Symbol 35 MovieClip [pt_tree_p] Frame 4 (18 B)
gotoAndPlay (25);
Symbol 35 MovieClip [pt_tree_p] Frame 18 (31 B)
grp = 1;
r = 0;
Symbol 35 MovieClip [pt_tree_p] Frame 21 (33 B)
grp = 1;
r = -10;
Symbol 35 MovieClip [pt_tree_p] Frame 24 (32 B)
grp = 1;
r = 10;
Symbol 35 MovieClip [pt_tree_p] Frame 27 (43 B)
grp = 2;
r = -25;
r2 = 25;
Symbol 36 MovieClip [pt_tree_yellow] Frame 1 (311 B)
function greeny() {
num = Math.floor(Math.random() * 70) + 17;
point = {x:0, y:0};
eval ("pt_" + num).localToGlobal(point);
gx = point.x;
gy = point.y;
parray = [];
scnum = 0.88;
pts = 100;
greenok = 1;
n = 1;
while (n <= pts) {
maga = 3;
grw = 1;
rl = 800;
Symbol 36 MovieClip [pt_tree_yellow] Frame 4 (2.02 KiB) ●
if (parray.length > 10) {
n = 0;
while (n < pts) {
if (this["pt_" + n].grp == 2) {
i = parray.shift();
point = {x:0, y:0};
eval ("pt_" + n).dummy1.localToGlobal(point);
attachMovie("pt_tree_y", "pt_" + i, i);
this["pt_" + i]._x = point.x;
this["pt_" + i]._y = point.y;
this["pt_" + i]._xscale = eval ("pt_" + n)._xscale * scnum;
this["pt_" + i]._yscale = eval ("pt_" + n)._yscale * scnum;
this["pt_" + i].rr = this["pt_" + i].rr + (this["pt_" + n].r + this["pt_" + n].rr);
this["pt_" + i]._rotation = this["pt_" + i].rr;
c = Math.floor(Math.random() * 4) + 1;
eval ("pt_" + i).gotoAndStop(c);
i = parray.shift();
point2 = {x:_x, y:_y};
eval ("pt_" + n).dummy2.localToGlobal(point2);
attachMovie("pt_tree_y", "pt_" + i, i);
this["pt_" + i]._x = point2.x;
this["pt_" + i]._y = point2.y;
this["pt_" + i]._xscale = eval ("pt_" + n)._xscale * scnum;
this["pt_" + i]._yscale = eval ("pt_" + n)._yscale * scnum;
this["pt_" + i].rr = this["pt_" + i].rr + (this["pt_" + n].r2 + this["pt_" + n].rr);
this["pt_" + i]._rotation = this["pt_" + i].rr;
c = Math.floor(Math.random() * 4) + 1;
eval ("pt_" + i).gotoAndStop(c);
this["pt_" + n].grp = 0;
if (this["pt_" + n].grp == 1) {
i = parray.shift();
point = {x:0, y:0};
eval ("pt_" + n).dummy.localToGlobal(point);
attachMovie("pt_tree_y", "pt_" + i, i);
this["pt_" + i]._x = point.x;
this["pt_" + i]._y = point.y;
this["pt_" + i]._xscale = eval ("pt_" + n)._xscale * scnum;
this["pt_" + i]._yscale = eval ("pt_" + n)._yscale * scnum;
this["pt_" + i].rr = this["pt_" + i].rr + (this["pt_" + n].r + this["pt_" + n].rr);
this["pt_" + i]._rotation = this["pt_" + i].rr;
if (n < maga) {
c = Math.floor(Math.random() * 3) + 1;
} else if (n == maga) {
c = 4;
} else {
c = Math.floor(Math.random() * 4) + 1;
eval ("pt_" + i).gotoAndStop(c);
this["pt_" + n].grp = 0;
gotoAndPlay (2);
} else {
gotoAndPlay (5);
Symbol 36 MovieClip [pt_tree_yellow] Frame 7 (628 B)
grw = 0;
num = 40;
rand = Math.floor(Math.random() * 2) + 1;
i = 0;
while (i < rand) {
ran = Math.floor(Math.random() * 50) + num;
tar = "pt_" + ran;
point = {x:0, y:0};
eval (tar).localToGlobal(point);
gxx = point.x;
gyy = point.y;
ggsl = slot;
_parent.atkinomi(gxx, gyy, ggsl);
if (slot == 1) {
} else if (slot == 2) {
} else if (slot == 3) {
} else if (slot == 4) {
if (_parent.sheet.kara.length > 0) {
} else {
Symbol 36 MovieClip [pt_tree_yellow] Frame 10 (79 B)
if (_y > rl) {
gotoAndPlay(_currentframe - 1);
Symbol 41 MovieClip Frame 1 (202 B)
ran = Math.floor(Math.random() * 3);
if (ran == 1) {
_xscale = 200;
_yscale = 200;
gotoAndPlay (2);
if (ran == 2) {
_xscale = -200;
_yscale = 200;
gotoAndPlay (2);
Symbol 41 MovieClip Frame 14 (13 B)
Symbol 48 MovieClip [puti_tree_l] Frame 1 (18 B)
gotoAndPlay (16);
Symbol 48 MovieClip [puti_tree_l] Frame 2 (18 B)
gotoAndPlay (21);
Symbol 48 MovieClip [puti_tree_l] Frame 3 (18 B)
gotoAndPlay (26);
Symbol 48 MovieClip [puti_tree_l] Frame 4 (18 B)
gotoAndPlay (31);
Symbol 48 MovieClip [puti_tree_l] Frame 20 (31 B)
grp = 1;
r = 0;
Symbol 48 MovieClip [puti_tree_l] Frame 25 (31 B)
grp = 1;
r = 0;
Symbol 48 MovieClip [puti_tree_l] Frame 30 (31 B)
grp = 1;
r = 0;
Symbol 48 MovieClip [puti_tree_l] Frame 35 (31 B)
grp = 1;
r = 0;
Symbol 49 MovieClip [puti_tree_long] Frame 1 (121 B)
parray = [];
scnum = 0.95;
pts = 35;
n = 1;
while (n <= pts) {
maga = 18;
rl = 800;
Symbol 49 MovieClip [puti_tree_long] Frame 4 (878 B)
if (parray.length > 2) {
n = 0;
while (n < pts) {
if (this["pt_" + n].grp == 1) {
i = parray.shift();
point = {x:0, y:0};
eval ("pt_" + n).dummy.localToGlobal(point);
attachMovie("puti_tree_l", "pt_" + i, i);
this["pt_" + i]._x = point.x;
this["pt_" + i]._y = point.y;
this["pt_" + i]._xscale = eval ("pt_" + n)._xscale * scnum;
this["pt_" + i]._yscale = eval ("pt_" + n)._yscale * scnum;
this["pt_" + i].rr = this["pt_" + i].rr + (this["pt_" + n].r + this["pt_" + n].rr);
this["pt_" + i]._rotation = this["pt_" + i].rr;
if (n < maga) {
c = Math.floor(Math.random() * 3) + 1;
} else if (n == maga) {
c = 4;
} else {
c = Math.floor(Math.random() * 4) + 1;
eval ("pt_" + i).gotoAndStop(c);
this["pt_" + n].grp = 0;
gotoAndPlay (2);
} else {
gotoAndPlay (5);
Symbol 49 MovieClip [puti_tree_long] Frame 7 (13 B)
Symbol 49 MovieClip [puti_tree_long] Frame 10 (79 B)
if (_y > rl) {
gotoAndPlay(_currentframe - 1);
Symbol 59 MovieClip [puti_tree_p] Frame 1 (18 B)
gotoAndPlay (16);
Symbol 59 MovieClip [puti_tree_p] Frame 2 (18 B)
gotoAndPlay (21);
Symbol 59 MovieClip [puti_tree_p] Frame 3 (18 B)
gotoAndPlay (26);
Symbol 59 MovieClip [puti_tree_p] Frame 4 (18 B)
gotoAndPlay (31);
Symbol 59 MovieClip [puti_tree_p] Frame 20 (31 B)
grp = 1;
r = 0;
Symbol 59 MovieClip [puti_tree_p] Frame 25 (33 B)
grp = 1;
r = -10;
Symbol 59 MovieClip [puti_tree_p] Frame 30 (32 B)
grp = 1;
r = 10;
Symbol 59 MovieClip [puti_tree_p] Frame 35 (43 B)
grp = 2;
r = -25;
r2 = 25;
Symbol 60 MovieClip [puti_tree_pink] Frame 1 (130 B)
parray = [];
scnum = 0.88;
pts = 35;
n = 1;
while (n <= pts) {
maga = 5;
grw = 1;
rl = 800;
Symbol 60 MovieClip [puti_tree_pink] Frame 4 (2.03 KiB) ●
if (parray.length > 2) {
n = 0;
while (n < pts) {
if (this["pt_" + n].grp == 2) {
i = parray.shift();
point = {x:0, y:0};
eval ("pt_" + n).dummy1.localToGlobal(point);
attachMovie("puti_tree_p", "pt_" + i, i);
this["pt_" + i]._x = point.x;
this["pt_" + i]._y = point.y;
this["pt_" + i]._xscale = eval ("pt_" + n)._xscale * scnum;
this["pt_" + i]._yscale = eval ("pt_" + n)._yscale * scnum;
this["pt_" + i].rr = this["pt_" + i].rr + (this["pt_" + n].r + this["pt_" + n].rr);
this["pt_" + i]._rotation = this["pt_" + i].rr;
c = Math.floor(Math.random() * 4) + 1;
eval ("pt_" + i).gotoAndStop(c);
i = parray.shift();
point2 = {x:_x, y:_y};
eval ("pt_" + n).dummy2.localToGlobal(point2);
attachMovie("puti_tree_p", "pt_" + i, i);
this["pt_" + i]._x = point2.x;
this["pt_" + i]._y = point2.y;
this["pt_" + i]._xscale = eval ("pt_" + n)._xscale * scnum;
this["pt_" + i]._yscale = eval ("pt_" + n)._yscale * scnum;
this["pt_" + i].rr = this["pt_" + i].rr + (this["pt_" + n].r2 + this["pt_" + n].rr);
this["pt_" + i]._rotation = this["pt_" + i].rr;
c = Math.floor(Math.random() * 4) + 1;
eval ("pt_" + i).gotoAndStop(c);
this["pt_" + n].grp = 0;
if (this["pt_" + n].grp == 1) {
i = parray.shift();
point = {x:0, y:0};
eval ("pt_" + n).dummy.localToGlobal(point);
attachMovie("puti_tree_p", "pt_" + i, i);
this["pt_" + i]._x = point.x;
this["pt_" + i]._y = point.y;
this["pt_" + i]._xscale = eval ("pt_" + n)._xscale * scnum;
this["pt_" + i]._yscale = eval ("pt_" + n)._yscale * scnum;
this["pt_" + i].rr = this["pt_" + i].rr + (this["pt_" + n].r + this["pt_" + n].rr);
this["pt_" + i]._rotation = this["pt_" + i].rr;
if (n < maga) {
c = Math.floor(Math.random() * 3) + 1;
} else if (n == maga) {
c = 4;
} else {
c = Math.floor(Math.random() * 4) + 1;
eval ("pt_" + i).gotoAndStop(c);
this["pt_" + n].grp = 0;
gotoAndPlay (2);
} else {
gotoAndPlay (5);
Symbol 60 MovieClip [puti_tree_pink] Frame 7 (23 B)
grw = 0;
Symbol 60 MovieClip [puti_tree_pink] Frame 10 (79 B)
if (_y > rl) {
gotoAndPlay(_currentframe - 1);
Symbol 70 MovieClip [load_pt] Frame 1 (18 B)
gotoAndPlay (16);
Symbol 70 MovieClip [load_pt] Frame 2 (18 B)
gotoAndPlay (21);
Symbol 70 MovieClip [load_pt] Frame 3 (18 B)
gotoAndPlay (26);
Symbol 70 MovieClip [load_pt] Frame 4 (18 B)
gotoAndPlay (31);
Symbol 70 MovieClip [load_pt] Frame 20 (31 B)
grp = 1;
r = 0;
Symbol 70 MovieClip [load_pt] Frame 25 (33 B)
grp = 1;
r = -10;
Symbol 70 MovieClip [load_pt] Frame 30 (32 B)
grp = 1;
r = 10;
Symbol 70 MovieClip [load_pt] Frame 35 (43 B)
grp = 2;
r = -25;
r2 = 25;
Symbol 71 MovieClip [load_tree] Frame 1 (2 KiB) ●
function maketree() {
if (this["pt_" + n].grp == 2) {
i = parray.shift();
point = {x:0, y:0};
eval ("pt_" + n).dummy1.localToGlobal(point);
attachMovie("load_pt", "pt_" + i, i);
this["pt_" + i]._x = point.x;
this["pt_" + i]._y = point.y;
this["pt_" + i]._xscale = eval ("pt_" + n)._xscale * scnum;
this["pt_" + i]._yscale = eval ("pt_" + n)._yscale * scnum;
this["pt_" + i].rr = this["pt_" + i].rr + (this["pt_" + n].r + this["pt_" + n].rr);
this["pt_" + i]._rotation = this["pt_" + i].rr;
c = Math.floor(Math.random() * 4) + 1;
eval ("pt_" + i).gotoAndStop(c);
i = parray.shift();
point2 = {x:_x, y:_y};
eval ("pt_" + n).dummy2.localToGlobal(point2);
attachMovie("load_pt", "pt_" + i, i);
this["pt_" + i]._x = point2.x;
this["pt_" + i]._y = point2.y;
this["pt_" + i]._xscale = eval ("pt_" + n)._xscale * scnum;
this["pt_" + i]._yscale = eval ("pt_" + n)._yscale * scnum;
this["pt_" + i].rr = this["pt_" + i].rr + (this["pt_" + n].r2 + this["pt_" + n].rr);
this["pt_" + i]._rotation = this["pt_" + i].rr;
c = Math.floor(Math.random() * 4) + 1;
eval ("pt_" + i).gotoAndStop(c);
this["pt_" + n].grp = 0;
if (this["pt_" + n].grp == 1) {
i = parray.shift();
point = {x:0, y:0};
eval ("pt_" + n).dummy.localToGlobal(point);
attachMovie("load_pt", "pt_" + i, i);
this["pt_" + i]._x = point.x;
this["pt_" + i]._y = point.y;
this["pt_" + i]._xscale = eval ("pt_" + n)._xscale * scnum;
this["pt_" + i]._yscale = eval ("pt_" + n)._yscale * scnum;
this["pt_" + i].rr = this["pt_" + i].rr + (this["pt_" + n].r + this["pt_" + n].rr);
this["pt_" + i]._rotation = this["pt_" + i].rr;
if (n < maga) {
c = Math.floor(Math.random() * 3) + 1;
} else if (n == maga) {
c = 4;
} else {
c = Math.floor(Math.random() * 4) + 1;
eval ("pt_" + i).gotoAndStop(c);
this["pt_" + n].grp = 0;
parray = [];
scnum = 0.88;
pts = 100;
n = 1;
while (n <= pts) {
maga = 3;
n = 0;
Symbol 71 MovieClip [load_tree] Frame 4 (13 B)
Symbol 72 MovieClip [pt_tree_pink] Frame 1 (308 B)
function birdy() {
num = Math.floor(Math.random() * 83) + 5;
point = {x:0, y:0};
eval ("pt_" + num).localToGlobal(point);
bx = point.x;
by = point.y;
parray = [];
scnum = 0.88;
pts = 100;
birdok = 1;
n = 1;
while (n <= pts) {
maga = 3;
grw = 1;
rl = 800;
Symbol 72 MovieClip [pt_tree_pink] Frame 4 (2.02 KiB) ●
if (parray.length > 10) {
n = 0;
while (n < pts) {
if (this["pt_" + n].grp == 2) {
i = parray.shift();
point = {x:0, y:0};
eval ("pt_" + n).dummy1.localToGlobal(point);
attachMovie("pt_tree_p", "pt_" + i, i);
this["pt_" + i]._x = point.x;
this["pt_" + i]._y = point.y;
this["pt_" + i]._xscale = eval ("pt_" + n)._xscale * scnum;
this["pt_" + i]._yscale = eval ("pt_" + n)._yscale * scnum;
this["pt_" + i].rr = this["pt_" + i].rr + (this["pt_" + n].r + this["pt_" + n].rr);
this["pt_" + i]._rotation = this["pt_" + i].rr;
c = Math.floor(Math.random() * 4) + 1;
eval ("pt_" + i).gotoAndStop(c);
i = parray.shift();
point2 = {x:_x, y:_y};
eval ("pt_" + n).dummy2.localToGlobal(point2);
attachMovie("pt_tree_p", "pt_" + i, i);
this["pt_" + i]._x = point2.x;
this["pt_" + i]._y = point2.y;
this["pt_" + i]._xscale = eval ("pt_" + n)._xscale * scnum;
this["pt_" + i]._yscale = eval ("pt_" + n)._yscale * scnum;
this["pt_" + i].rr = this["pt_" + i].rr + (this["pt_" + n].r2 + this["pt_" + n].rr);
this["pt_" + i]._rotation = this["pt_" + i].rr;
c = Math.floor(Math.random() * 4) + 1;
eval ("pt_" + i).gotoAndStop(c);
this["pt_" + n].grp = 0;
if (this["pt_" + n].grp == 1) {
i = parray.shift();
point = {x:0, y:0};
eval ("pt_" + n).dummy.localToGlobal(point);
attachMovie("pt_tree_p", "pt_" + i, i);
this["pt_" + i]._x = point.x;
this["pt_" + i]._y = point.y;
this["pt_" + i]._xscale = eval ("pt_" + n)._xscale * scnum;
this["pt_" + i]._yscale = eval ("pt_" + n)._yscale * scnum;
this["pt_" + i].rr = this["pt_" + i].rr + (this["pt_" + n].r + this["pt_" + n].rr);
this["pt_" + i]._rotation = this["pt_" + i].rr;
if (n < maga) {
c = Math.floor(Math.random() * 3) + 1;
} else if (n == maga) {
c = 4;
} else {
c = Math.floor(Math.random() * 4) + 1;
eval ("pt_" + i).gotoAndStop(c);
this["pt_" + n].grp = 0;
gotoAndPlay (2);
} else {
gotoAndPlay (5);
Symbol 72 MovieClip [pt_tree_pink] Frame 7 (388 B)
grw = 0;
if (slot == 1) {
} else if (slot == 2) {
} else if (slot == 3) {
} else if (slot == 4) {
if (_parent.sheet.kara.length > 0) {
} else {
Symbol 72 MovieClip [pt_tree_pink] Frame 10 (79 B)
if (_y > rl) {
gotoAndPlay(_currentframe - 1);
Symbol 73 MovieClip [pt_fruit_mi] Frame 1 (50 B)
function del() {
gotoAndPlay (8);
rl = 800;
Symbol 73 MovieClip [pt_fruit_mi] Frame 4 (566 B)
n = 0;
ran = Math.floor(Math.random() * 3) + 1;
if (ran == 1) {
attachMovie("pt_splash_fruit", "pt_" + i, i);
} else if (ran == 2) {
attachMovie("pt_splash_fruit_2", "pt_" + i, i);
} else if (ran == 3) {
attachMovie("pt_splash_fruit_3", "pt_" + i, i);
} else {
attachMovie("pt_splash_fruit", "pt_" + i, i);
this["pt_" + i]._x = pt_0._x;
this["pt_" + i]._y = pt_0._y;
this["pt_" + i]._xscale = pt_0._xscale;
this["pt_" + i]._yscale = pt_0._yscale;
this["pt_" + i]._rotation = this["pt_" + i]._rotation + (pt_0._rotation + 180);
gotoAndPlay (5);
Symbol 73 MovieClip [pt_fruit_mi] Frame 7 (114 B)
if (_parent.sheet.kara.length > 0) {
} else {
Symbol 73 MovieClip [pt_fruit_mi] Frame 8 (109 B)
xx = 4 - (Math.random() * 8);
x = xx * ((Math.random() * 1) + 1);
y = -17 + (Math.random() * 3);
g = 0.7;
Symbol 73 MovieClip [pt_fruit_mi] Frame 9 (76 B)
y = y + g;
_x = (_x + x);
_y = (_y + y);
_rotation = (_rotation + 0);
Symbol 73 MovieClip [pt_fruit_mi] Frame 10 (79 B)
if (_y > rl) {
gotoAndPlay(_currentframe - 1);
Symbol 75 MovieClip [pt_eye_] Frame 1 (84 B)
ready = 0;
ran = Math.floor(Math.random() * 20);
_xscale = _parent.pt_0._xscale;
Symbol 75 MovieClip [pt_eye_] Frame 2 (81 B)
_yscale = (_yscale + ((((_parent.pt_0._yscale + ran) - _yscale) * 0.3) + 0.1));
Symbol 75 MovieClip [pt_eye_] Frame 3 (158 B)
if (_yscale < (_parent.pt_0._yscale + ran)) {
gotoAndPlay(_currentframe - 1);
} else {
_yscale = (_parent.pt_0._yscale + ran);
gotoAndPlay (4);
Symbol 75 MovieClip [pt_eye_] Frame 5 (43 B)
ready = 1;
Symbol 76 MovieClip [pt_eye] Frame 1 (167 B)
function ateye() {
attachMovie("pt_eye_0", "eye", 2);
point = {x:0, y:0};
eye._x = point.x;
eye._y = point.y;
rl = 800;
Symbol 76 MovieClip [pt_eye] Frame 4 (316 B)
n = 0;
i = 1;
point = {x:0, y:0};
attachMovie("pt_eye_", "pt_" + i, 1);
this["pt_" + i]._x = point.x;
this["pt_" + i]._y = point.y;
this["pt_" + i]._xscale = 1;
this["pt_" + i]._yscale = 1;
this["pt_" + i]._rotation = this["pt_" + i]._rotation + pt_0._rotation;
gotoAndPlay (5);
Symbol 76 MovieClip [pt_eye] Frame 7 (114 B)
if (_parent.sheet.kara.length > 0) {
} else {
Symbol 76 MovieClip [pt_eye] Frame 10 (79 B)
if (_y > rl) {
gotoAndPlay(_currentframe - 1);
Symbol 88 MovieClip Frame 1 (18 B)
gotoAndPlay (16);
Symbol 88 MovieClip Frame 2 (18 B)
gotoAndPlay (21);
Symbol 88 MovieClip Frame 3 (18 B)
gotoAndPlay (26);
Symbol 88 MovieClip Frame 4 (18 B)
gotoAndPlay (31);
Symbol 88 MovieClip Frame 5 (18 B)
gotoAndPlay (36);
Symbol 88 MovieClip Frame 6 (18 B)
gotoAndPlay (41);
Symbol 88 MovieClip Frame 20 (23 B)
grp = 1;
Symbol 88 MovieClip Frame 25 (23 B)
grp = 1;
Symbol 88 MovieClip Frame 30 (23 B)
grp = 1;
Symbol 88 MovieClip Frame 35 (33 B)
grp = 1;
r = -30;
Symbol 88 MovieClip Frame 40 (33 B)
grp = 1;
r = -30;
Symbol 88 MovieClip Frame 45 (33 B)
grp = 1;
r = -30;
Symbol 89 MovieClip [pt_kuru_toge] Frame 1 (266 B)
function birdy() {
num = Math.floor(Math.random() * 40);
point = {x:0, y:0};
eval ("pt_" + num).localToGlobal(point);
bx = point.x;
by = point.y;
parray = [];
pts = 50;
grw = 1;
birdok = 1;
n = 1;
while (n <= pts) {
Symbol 89 MovieClip [pt_kuru_toge] Frame 4 (831 B)
if (parray.length > 3) {
n = 0;
while (n < pts) {
if (this["pt_" + n].grp == 1) {
i = parray.shift();
point = {x:0, y:0};
eval ("pt_" + n).dummy.localToGlobal(point);
attachMovie("pt_kuru_t", "pt_" + i, i);
this["pt_" + i]._x = point.x;
this["pt_" + i]._y = point.y;
this["pt_" + i]._xscale = eval ("pt_" + n)._xscale * 0.92;
this["pt_" + i]._yscale = eval ("pt_" + n)._yscale * 0.92;
this["pt_" + i].rr = this["pt_" + i].rr + (this["pt_" + n].r + this["pt_" + n].rr);
this["pt_" + i]._rotation = this["pt_" + i].rr;
if (n < 3) {
c = Math.floor(Math.random() * 3) + 1;
} else {
c = Math.floor(Math.random() * 3) + 4;
eval ("pt_" + i).gotoAndStop(c);
this["pt_" + n].grp = 0;
gotoAndPlay (2);
} else {
gotoAndPlay (5);
Symbol 89 MovieClip [pt_kuru_toge] Frame 7 (23 B)
grw = 0;
Symbol 89 MovieClip [pt_kuru_toge] Frame 10 (80 B)
if (_y > 500) {
gotoAndPlay(_currentframe - 1);
Symbol 101 MovieClip [pt_fruit_pt] Frame 1 (18 B)
gotoAndPlay (16);
Symbol 101 MovieClip [pt_fruit_pt] Frame 2 (18 B)
gotoAndPlay (19);
Symbol 101 MovieClip [pt_fruit_pt] Frame 3 (18 B)
gotoAndPlay (22);
Symbol 101 MovieClip [pt_fruit_pt] Frame 4 (18 B)
gotoAndPlay (25);
Symbol 101 MovieClip [pt_fruit_pt] Frame 5 (18 B)
gotoAndPlay (28);
Symbol 101 MovieClip [pt_fruit_pt] Frame 6 (18 B)
gotoAndPlay (31);
Symbol 101 MovieClip [pt_fruit_pt] Frame 7 (18 B)
gotoAndPlay (34);
Symbol 101 MovieClip [pt_fruit_pt] Frame 8 (18 B)
gotoAndPlay (37);
Symbol 101 MovieClip [pt_fruit_pt] Frame 18 (32 B)
grp = 1;
r = 30;
Symbol 101 MovieClip [pt_fruit_pt] Frame 21 (32 B)
grp = 1;
r = 30;
Symbol 101 MovieClip [pt_fruit_pt] Frame 24 (32 B)
grp = 1;
r = 30;
Symbol 101 MovieClip [pt_fruit_pt] Frame 27 (32 B)
grp = 1;
r = 30;
Symbol 101 MovieClip [pt_fruit_pt] Frame 30 (33 B)
grp = 1;
r = -30;
Symbol 101 MovieClip [pt_fruit_pt] Frame 33 (33 B)
grp = 1;
r = -30;
Symbol 101 MovieClip [pt_fruit_pt] Frame 36 (33 B)
grp = 1;
r = -30;
Symbol 101 MovieClip [pt_fruit_pt] Frame 39 (33 B)
grp = 1;
r = -30;
Symbol 102 MovieClip [pt_fruit] Frame 1 (93 B)
parray = [];
pts = 30;
grw = 1;
n = 1;
while (n <= pts) {
Symbol 102 MovieClip [pt_fruit] Frame 4 (830 B)
if (parray.length > 3) {
n = 0;
while (n < pts) {
if (this["pt_" + n].grp == 1) {
i = parray.shift();
point = {x:0, y:0};
eval ("pt_" + n).dummy.localToGlobal(point);
attachMovie("pt_fruit_pt", "pt_" + i, i);
this["pt_" + i]._x = point.x;
this["pt_" + i]._y = point.y;
this["pt_" + i]._xscale = eval ("pt_" + n)._xscale * 0.95;
this["pt_" + i]._yscale = eval ("pt_" + n)._yscale * 0.95;
this["pt_" + i].rr = this["pt_" + i].rr + (this["pt_" + n].r + this["pt_" + n].rr);
this["pt_" + i]._rotation = this["pt_" + i].rr;
if (n % 2) {
c = Math.floor(Math.random() * 4) + 1;
} else {
c = Math.floor(Math.random() * 4) + 5;
eval ("pt_" + i).gotoAndStop(c);
this["pt_" + n].grp = 0;
gotoAndPlay (2);
} else {
gotoAndPlay (5);
Symbol 102 MovieClip [pt_fruit] Frame 7 (627 B)
point = {x:0, y:0};
num = 2;
i = 0;
while (i < 3) {
ran = Math.floor(Math.random() * 3) + num;
tar = "pt_" + ran;
point = {x:0, y:0};
eval (tar).localToGlobal(point);
_parent.fx = point.x;
_parent.fy = point.y;
ran = Math.floor(Math.random() * 2) + 1;
if (ran == 1) {
_parent.fsc = eval (tar)._xscale * 2;
} else {
_parent.fsc = (-eval (tar)._xscale) * 2;
_parent.fro = eval (tar)._rotation + 90;
_parent.fslot = slot;
num = num + 4;
grw = 0;
if (_parent.sheet.kara.length > 0) {
} else {
Symbol 102 MovieClip [pt_fruit] Frame 10 (79 B)
if (_y > rl) {
gotoAndPlay(_currentframe - 1);
Symbol 121 MovieClip [puti_green_pt] Frame 1 (18 B)
gotoAndPlay (12);
Symbol 121 MovieClip [puti_green_pt] Frame 2 (18 B)
gotoAndPlay (16);
Symbol 121 MovieClip [puti_green_pt] Frame 3 (18 B)
gotoAndPlay (21);
Symbol 121 MovieClip [puti_green_pt] Frame 4 (18 B)
gotoAndPlay (26);
Symbol 121 MovieClip [puti_green_pt] Frame 5 (18 B)
gotoAndPlay (31);
Symbol 121 MovieClip [puti_green_pt] Frame 6 (18 B)
gotoAndPlay (36);
Symbol 121 MovieClip [puti_green_pt] Frame 7 (18 B)
gotoAndPlay (41);
Symbol 121 MovieClip [puti_green_pt] Frame 8 (18 B)
gotoAndPlay (46);
Symbol 121 MovieClip [puti_green_pt] Frame 9 (18 B)
gotoAndPlay (51);
Symbol 121 MovieClip [puti_green_pt] Frame 15 (31 B)
grp = 1;
r = 0;
Symbol 121 MovieClip [puti_green_pt] Frame 20 (32 B)
grp = 1;
r = 30;
Symbol 121 MovieClip [puti_green_pt] Frame 25 (32 B)
grp = 1;
r = 30;
Symbol 121 MovieClip [puti_green_pt] Frame 30 (32 B)
grp = 1;
r = 30;
Symbol 121 MovieClip [puti_green_pt] Frame 35 (32 B)
grp = 1;
r = 30;
Symbol 121 MovieClip [puti_green_pt] Frame 40 (33 B)
grp = 1;
r = -30;
Symbol 121 MovieClip [puti_green_pt] Frame 45 (33 B)
grp = 1;
r = -30;
Symbol 121 MovieClip [puti_green_pt] Frame 50 (33 B)
grp = 1;
r = -30;
Symbol 121 MovieClip [puti_green_pt] Frame 55 (33 B)
grp = 1;
r = -30;
Symbol 122 MovieClip [puti_green] Frame 1 (98 B)
parray = [];
scnum = 0.92;
pts = 50;
n = 1;
while (n <= pts) {
Symbol 122 MovieClip [puti_green] Frame 4 (837 B)
if (parray.length > 3) {
n = 0;
while (n < pts) {
if (this["pt_" + n].grp == 1) {
i = parray.shift();
point = {x:0, y:0};
eval ("pt_" + n).dummy.localToGlobal(point);
attachMovie("puti_green_pt", "pt_" + i, i);
this["pt_" + i]._x = point.x;
this["pt_" + i]._y = point.y;
this["pt_" + i]._xscale = eval ("pt_" + n)._xscale * scnum;
this["pt_" + i]._yscale = eval ("pt_" + n)._yscale * scnum;
this["pt_" + i].rr = this["pt_" + i].rr + (this["pt_" + n].r + this["pt_" + n].rr);
this["pt_" + i]._rotation = this["pt_" + i].rr;
if (n < 4) {
c = Math.floor(Math.random() * 4) + 2;
} else {
c = Math.floor(Math.random() * 4) + 6;
eval ("pt_" + i).gotoAndStop(c);
this["pt_" + n].grp = 0;
gotoAndPlay (2);
} else {
gotoAndPlay (5);
Symbol 122 MovieClip [puti_green] Frame 7 (13 B)
Symbol 132 MovieClip [pt_c] Frame 1 (18 B)
gotoAndPlay (16);
Symbol 132 MovieClip [pt_c] Frame 2 (18 B)
gotoAndPlay (19);
Symbol 132 MovieClip [pt_c] Frame 3 (18 B)
gotoAndPlay (22);
Symbol 132 MovieClip [pt_c] Frame 4 (18 B)
gotoAndPlay (25);
Symbol 132 MovieClip [pt_c] Frame 18 (31 B)
grp = 1;
r = 0;
Symbol 132 MovieClip [pt_c] Frame 21 (31 B)
grp = 1;
r = 0;
Symbol 132 MovieClip [pt_c] Frame 24 (31 B)
grp = 1;
r = 0;
Symbol 132 MovieClip [pt_c] Frame 27 (31 B)
grp = 1;
r = 0;
Symbol 133 MovieClip [pt_col] Frame 1 (158 B)
function dels() {
gotoAndPlay (8);
_parent.colex = 1;
parray = [];
pnum = _parent.coldan;
n = 1;
while (n <= pnum) {
Symbol 133 MovieClip [pt_col] Frame 4 (996 B)
if (parray.length > 1) {
n = 0;
while (n < pnum) {
if (this["pt_" + n].grp == 1) {
i = parray.shift();
point = {x:0, y:0};
eval ("pt_" + n).dummy.localToGlobal(point);
attachMovie("pt_c", "pt_" + i, i);
this["pt_" + i]._x = point.x;
this["pt_" + i]._y = point.y;
this["pt_" + i]._xscale = eval ("pt_" + n)._xscale * 0.95;
this["pt_" + i]._yscale = this["pt_" + i]._xscale;
this["pt_" + i].rr = this["pt_" + n].r + this["pt_" + n].rr;
this["pt_" + i]._rotation = this["pt_" + i].rr;
c = Math.floor(Math.random() * 4) + 1;
eval ("pt_" + i).gotoAndStop(c);
this["pt_" + n].grp = 0;
gotoAndPlay (2);
} else {
n = 0;
while (n < pnum) {
this["pt_" + n].grp = 0;
point = {x:0, y:0};
eval ("pt_" + n).dummy.localToGlobal(point);
cx = point.x;
cy = point.y;
cr = this["pt_" + n].r + this["pt_" + n].rr;
csc = this["pt_" + n]._xscale;
gotoAndPlay (5);
Symbol 133 MovieClip [pt_col] Frame 7 (13 B)
Symbol 133 MovieClip [pt_col] Frame 10 (128 B)
if (_y > 600) {
_parent.colex = 0;
gotoAndPlay(_currentframe - 1);
Symbol 139 Button (26 B)
on (release) {
stp = 1;
Symbol 146 MovieClip Frame 50 (17 B)
gotoAndPlay (2);
Symbol 161 MovieClip Frame 54 (57 B)
Symbol 164 MovieClip Frame 35 (18 B)
gotoAndPlay (21);
Symbol 171 MovieClip Frame 1 (562 B)
if (_parent.bombok == 1) {
gotoAndPlay (13);
_parent.dtype = "bomb";
} else {
ran = Math.floor(Math.random() * 6) + 1;
if (ran == 1) {
gotoAndPlay (2);
_parent.dtype = "bird";
} else if (ran == 2) {
gotoAndPlay (7);
_parent.dtype = "akaha";
} else if (ran == 3) {
gotoAndPlay (4);
_parent.dtype = "eye";
} else if (ran == 4) {
gotoAndPlay (10);
_parent.dtype = "green";
} else if (ran == 5) {
gotoAndPlay (16);
_parent.dtype = "fruit";
} else if (ran == 6) {
gotoAndPlay (19);
_parent.dtype = "fan";
Symbol 171 MovieClip Frame 3 (13 B)
Symbol 171 MovieClip Frame 6 (13 B)
Symbol 171 MovieClip Frame 9 (13 B)
Symbol 171 MovieClip Frame 12 (13 B)
Symbol 171 MovieClip Frame 15 (13 B)
Symbol 171 MovieClip Frame 18 (13 B)
Symbol 171 MovieClip Frame 21 (13 B)
Symbol 187 MovieClip Frame 1 (58 B)
stp = 0;
stpp = 0;
stby = 0;
bombok = 0;
_alpha = 0;
Symbol 187 MovieClip Frame 2 (89 B)
if (_parent.stby == 1) {
_alpha = 100;
gotoAndPlay (4);
_alpha = (_alpha + 6);
Symbol 187 MovieClip Frame 3 (32 B)
gotoAndPlay(_currentframe - 1);
Symbol 187 MovieClip Frame 12 (537 B)
if (stpp == 1) {
stby = 1;
if (dtype == "bird") {
} else if (dtype == "eye") {
} else if (dtype == "fruit") {
} else if (dtype == "water") {
} else if (dtype == "bomb") {
} else if (dtype == "akaha") {
} else if (dtype == "green") {
} else if (dtype == "fan") {
Symbol 187 MovieClip Frame 20 (49 B)
if (stp == 1) {
stpp = 1;
gotoAndPlay (4);
Symbol 197 MovieClip [sheet_3] Frame 1 (449 B)
function dels() {
if (fnum == 1) {
gotoAndPlay (48);
} else if (fnum == 2) {
gotoAndPlay (73);
} else if (fnum == 3) {
gotoAndPlay (98);
} else if (fnum == 0) {
gotoAndPlay (23);
_parent.sheetex = 0;
ran = Math.floor(Math.random() * 5);
rl = 800;
if (ran == 0) {
gotoAndPlay (2);
} else if (ran == 1) {
gotoAndPlay (26);
} else if (ran == 2) {
gotoAndPlay (51);
} else if (ran == 3) {
gotoAndPlay (76);
Symbol 197 MovieClip [sheet_3] Frame 2 (1.09 KiB) ●
function itempos(iname) {
if (kara.length > 0) {
ran = Math.floor(Math.random() * 2) + 1;
if (ran == 1) {
pla = kara.shift();
} else {
pla = kara.pop();
ran = Math.floor(Math.random() * 2) + 1;
if (ran == 1) {
} else {
point = {x:0, y:0};
eval (pla).localToGlobal(point);
ix = point.x;
iy = point.y;
isc = _xscale;
if (pla == "dummy1") {
slot = 1;
ir = _rotation;
function delpos() {
if (plant.length > 0) {
ran = Math.floor(Math.random() * 2) + 1;
if (ran == 1) {
del = plant.shift();
} else {
del = plant.pop();
ran = Math.floor(Math.random() * 2) + 1;
if (ran == 1) {
} else {
if (del == "dummy1") {
dslot = 1;
stby = 0;
snum = 1;
kara = [];
plant = [];
n = 1;
while (n <= snum) {
ran = Math.floor(Math.random() * 2) + 1;
if (ran == 1) {
kara.push("dummy" + n);
} else {
kara.unshift("dummy" + n);
Symbol 197 MovieClip [sheet_3] Frame 22 (43 B)
fnum = 0;
r = 0;
stby = 1;
Symbol 197 MovieClip [sheet_3] Frame 23 (10 B)
stby = 0;
Symbol 197 MovieClip [sheet_3] Frame 24 (69 B)
if (_y > rl) {
_parent.sheetex = 0;
Symbol 197 MovieClip [sheet_3] Frame 25 (32 B)
gotoAndPlay(_currentframe - 1);
Symbol 197 MovieClip [sheet_3] Frame 26 (1.21 KiB) ●
function itempos(iname) {
if (kara.length > 0) {
ran = Math.floor(Math.random() * 2) + 1;
if (ran == 1) {
pla = kara.shift();
} else {
pla = kara.pop();
ran = Math.floor(Math.random() * 2) + 1;
if (ran == 1) {
} else {
point = {x:0, y:0};
eval (pla).localToGlobal(point);
ix = point.x;
iy = point.y;
isc = _xscale;
if (pla == "dummy1") {
slot = 1;
ir = _rotation - 45;
} else if (pla == "dummy2") {
slot = 2;
ir = _rotation + 45;
function delpos() {
if (plant.length > 0) {
ran = Math.floor(Math.random() * 2) + 1;
if (ran == 1) {
del = plant.shift();
} else {
del = plant.pop();
ran = Math.floor(Math.random() * 2) + 1;
if (ran == 1) {
} else {
if (del == "dummy1") {
dslot = 1;
} else if (del == "dummy2") {
dslot = 2;
stby = 0;
snum = 2;
kara = [];
plant = [];
n = 1;
while (n <= snum) {
ran = Math.floor(Math.random() * 2) + 1;
if (ran == 1) {
kara.push("dummy" + n);
} else {
kara.unshift("dummy" + n);
Symbol 197 MovieClip [sheet_3] Frame 47 (43 B)
fnum = 1;
r = 0;
stby = 1;
Symbol 197 MovieClip [sheet_3] Frame 48 (10 B)
stby = 0;
Symbol 197 MovieClip [sheet_3] Frame 49 (69 B)
if (_y > rl) {
_parent.sheetex = 0;
Symbol 197 MovieClip [sheet_3] Frame 50 (32 B)
gotoAndPlay(_currentframe - 1);
Symbol 197 MovieClip [sheet_3] Frame 51 (1.21 KiB) ●
function itempos(iname) {
if (kara.length > 0) {
ran = Math.floor(Math.random() * 2) + 1;
if (ran == 1) {
pla = kara.shift();
} else {
pla = kara.pop();
ran = Math.floor(Math.random() * 2) + 1;
if (ran == 1) {
} else {
point = {x:0, y:0};
eval (pla).localToGlobal(point);
ix = point.x;
iy = point.y;
isc = _xscale;
if (pla == "dummy1") {
slot = 1;
ir = _rotation - 90;
} else if (pla == "dummy2") {
slot = 2;
ir = _rotation + 90;
function delpos() {
if (plant.length > 0) {
ran = Math.floor(Math.random() * 2) + 1;
if (ran == 1) {
del = plant.shift();
} else {
del = plant.pop();
ran = Math.floor(Math.random() * 2) + 1;
if (ran == 1) {
} else {
if (del == "dummy1") {
dslot = 1;
} else if (del == "dummy2") {
dslot = 2;
stby = 0;
snum = 2;
kara = [];
plant = [];
n = 1;
while (n <= snum) {
ran = Math.floor(Math.random() * 2) + 1;
if (ran == 1) {
kara.push("dummy" + n);
} else {
kara.unshift("dummy" + n);
Symbol 197 MovieClip [sheet_3] Frame 72 (43 B)
fnum = 2;
r = 0;
stby = 1;
Symbol 197 MovieClip [sheet_3] Frame 73 (10 B)
stby = 0;
Symbol 197 MovieClip [sheet_3] Frame 74 (69 B)
if (_y > rl) {
_parent.sheetex = 0;
Symbol 197 MovieClip [sheet_3] Frame 75 (32 B)
gotoAndPlay(_currentframe - 1);
Symbol 197 MovieClip [sheet_3] Frame 76 (1.32 KiB) ●
function itempos(iname) {
if (kara.length > 0) {
ran = Math.floor(Math.random() * 2) + 1;
if (ran == 1) {
pla = kara.shift();
} else {
pla = kara.pop();
ran = Math.floor(Math.random() * 2) + 1;
if (ran == 1) {
} else {
point = {x:0, y:0};
eval (pla).localToGlobal(point);
ix = point.x;
iy = point.y;
isc = _xscale;
if (pla == "dummy1") {
slot = 1;
ir = _rotation;
} else if (pla == "dummy2") {
slot = 2;
ir = _rotation - 60;
} else if (pla == "dummy3") {
slot = 3;
ir = _rotation + 60;
function delpos() {
if (plant.length > 0) {
ran = Math.floor(Math.random() * 2) + 1;
if (ran == 1) {
del = plant.shift();
} else {
del = plant.pop();
ran = Math.floor(Math.random() * 2) + 1;
if (ran == 1) {
} else {
if (del == "dummy1") {
dslot = 1;
} else if (del == "dummy2") {
dslot = 2;
} else if (del == "dummy3") {
dslot = 3;
stby = 0;
snum = 3;
kara = [];
plant = [];
n = 1;
while (n <= snum) {
ran = Math.floor(Math.random() * 2) + 1;
if (ran == 1) {
kara.push("dummy" + n);
} else {
kara.unshift("dummy" + n);
Symbol 197 MovieClip [sheet_3] Frame 97 (43 B)
fnum = 3;
r = 0;
stby = 1;
Symbol 197 MovieClip [sheet_3] Frame 98 (10 B)
stby = 0;
Symbol 197 MovieClip [sheet_3] Frame 99 (69 B)
if (_y > rl) {
_parent.sheetex = 0;
Symbol 197 MovieClip [sheet_3] Frame 100 (32 B)
gotoAndPlay(_currentframe - 1);
Symbol 197 MovieClip [sheet_3] Frame 101 (1.44 KiB) ●
function itempos(iname) {
if (kara.length > 0) {
ran = Math.floor(Math.random() * 2) + 1;
if (ran == 1) {
pla = kara.shift();
} else {
pla = kara.pop();
ran = Math.floor(Math.random() * 2) + 1;
if (ran == 1) {
} else {
point = {x:0, y:0};
eval (pla).localToGlobal(point);
ix = point.x;
iy = point.y;
isc = _xscale;
if (pla == "dummy1") {
slot = 1;
ir = _rotation - 45;
} else if (pla == "dummy2") {
slot = 2;
ir = _rotation - 135;
} else if (pla == "dummy3") {
slot = 3;
ir = _rotation + 135;
} else if (pla == "dummy4") {
slot = 4;
ir = _rotation + 45;
function delpos() {
if (plant.length > 0) {
ran = Math.floor(Math.random() * 2) + 1;
if (ran == 1) {
del = plant.shift();
} else {
del = plant.pop();
ran = Math.floor(Math.random() * 2) + 1;
if (ran == 1) {
} else {
if (del == "dummy1") {
dslot = 1;
} else if (del == "dummy2") {
dslot = 2;
} else if (del == "dummy3") {
dslot = 3;
} else if (del == "dummy4") {
dslot = 4;
stby = 0;
snum = 4;
kara = [];
plant = [];
n = 1;
while (n <= snum) {
ran = Math.floor(Math.random() * 2) + 1;
if (ran == 1) {
kara.push("dummy" + n);
} else {
kara.unshift("dummy" + n);
Symbol 197 MovieClip [sheet_3] Frame 122 (43 B)
fnum = 4;
r = 0;
stby = 1;
Symbol 197 MovieClip [sheet_3] Frame 123 (10 B)
stby = 0;
Symbol 197 MovieClip [sheet_3] Frame 124 (69 B)
if (_y > rl) {
_parent.sheetex = 1;
Symbol 197 MovieClip [sheet_3] Frame 125 (32 B)
gotoAndPlay(_currentframe - 1);
Symbol 204 Button (24 B)
on (release) {
Symbol 209 MovieClip [bluebird] Frame 1 (1.12 KiB) ●
function del() {
if (chk == 0) {
ran = Math.floor(Math.random() * 2);
if (ran == 1) {
xx = (-Math.random()) * 100;
} else {
xx = 700 + (Math.random() * 100);
yy = ((-Math.random()) * 100) - 100;
gotoAndPlay (9);
this.onEnterFrame = function () {
_x = (_x + ((xx - _x) * 0.04));
_y = (_y + ((yy - _y) * 0.04));
if ((Math.abs(_x - xx) < 10) && (Math.abs(_y - yy) < 10)) {
function umu() {
ran = Math.floor(Math.random() * 2);
if (ran == 1) {
xx = (-Math.random()) * 100;
} else {
xx = 700 + (Math.random() * 100);
yy = ((-Math.random()) * 100) - 100;
gotoAndPlay (12);
xm = xx - _x;
chk = 1;
if (xm > 0) {
_xscale = Math.abs(_xscale);
} else {
_xscale = (-Math.abs(_xscale));
this.onEnterFrame = function () {
_x = (_x + ((xx - _x) * 0.02));
_y = (_y + ((yy - _y) * 0.01));
if ((Math.abs(_x - xx) < 10) && (Math.abs(_y - yy) < 10)) {
xx = _parent.blx;
yy = _parent.bly;
blslot = _parent.blslot;
sw = 0;
tim = 0;
chk = 0;
Symbol 209 MovieClip [bluebird] Frame 2 (156 B)
_x = (_x + ((xx - _x) * 0.03));
_y = (_y + ((yy - _y) * 0.03));
if (_yscale > 50) {
_xscale = (_xscale * 0.95);
_yscale = (_yscale * 0.95);
Symbol 209 MovieClip [bluebird] Frame 3 (156 B)
_x = (_x + ((xx - _x) * 0.03));
_y = (_y + ((yy - _y) * 0.03));
if (_yscale > 50) {
_xscale = (_xscale * 0.95);
_yscale = (_yscale * 0.95);
Symbol 209 MovieClip [bluebird] Frame 4 (123 B)
if ((Math.abs(_x - xx) < 5) && (Math.abs(_y - yy) < 5)) {
gotoAndPlay (5);
} else {
gotoAndPlay (2);
Symbol 209 MovieClip [bluebird] Frame 8 (13 B)
Symbol 209 MovieClip [bluebird] Frame 11 (17 B)
gotoAndPlay (9);
Symbol 209 MovieClip [bluebird] Frame 13 (170 B)
if (_y > 0) {
ran = Math.floor(Math.random() * 10);
if ((ran == 1) && (sw < 2)) {
xxx = _x;
yyy = _y;
_parent.atfun(xxx, yyy);
Symbol 209 MovieClip [bluebird] Frame 14 (18 B)
gotoAndPlay (12);
Symbol 214 Button (25 B)
on (rollOver) {
Symbol 215 MovieClip [minibird] Frame 1 (400 B)
function del() {
xx = 800 - (Math.random() * 900);
yy = ((-Math.random()) * 100) - 100;
gotoAndPlay (9);
this.onEnterFrame = function () {
_x = (_x + ((xx - _x) * 0.04));
_y = (_y + ((yy - _y) * 0.04));
if ((Math.abs(_x - xx) < 10) && (Math.abs(_y - yy) < 10)) {
xx = _parent.bbx;
yy = _parent.bby;
bbslot = _parent.bslot;
Symbol 215 MovieClip [minibird] Frame 2 (154 B)
_x = (_x + ((xx - _x) * 0.06));
_y = (_y + ((yy - _y) * 0.06));
if (_yscale > 50) {
_xscale = (_xscale * 0.9);
_yscale = (_yscale * 0.9);
Symbol 215 MovieClip [minibird] Frame 3 (154 B)
_x = (_x + ((xx - _x) * 0.06));
_y = (_y + ((yy - _y) * 0.06));
if (_yscale > 50) {
_xscale = (_xscale * 0.9);
_yscale = (_yscale * 0.9);
Symbol 215 MovieClip [minibird] Frame 4 (123 B)
if ((Math.abs(_x - xx) < 5) && (Math.abs(_y - yy) < 5)) {
gotoAndPlay (5);
} else {
gotoAndPlay (2);
Symbol 215 MovieClip [minibird] Frame 8 (13 B)
Symbol 215 MovieClip [minibird] Frame 11 (17 B)
gotoAndPlay (9);
Symbol 236 MovieClip [pt_eye_0] Frame 1 (110 B)
num = 0;
ran = (_parent.pt_1._yscale * 1) + 10;
_xscale = 1;
_yscale = 1;
Symbol 236 MovieClip [pt_eye_0] Frame 3 (78 B)
_yscale = (_yscale + (((ran - _yscale) * 0.12) + 0.1));
_xscale = _yscale;
Symbol 236 MovieClip [pt_eye_0] Frame 4 (130 B)
if (_yscale < ran) {
gotoAndPlay(_currentframe - 1);
} else {
_yscale = ran;
_xscale = _yscale;
gotoAndPlay (6);
Symbol 236 MovieClip [pt_eye_0] Frame 18 (60 B)
if (num < 2) {
} else {
gotoAndPlay (24);
Symbol 236 MovieClip [pt_eye_0] Frame 23 (18 B)
gotoAndPlay (11);
Symbol 236 MovieClip [pt_eye_0] Frame 54 (218 B)
point = {x:0, Y:0};
nx = point.x;
ny = point.y;
if (_parent._parent.sheet.kara.length > 0) {
} else {
Symbol 236 MovieClip [pt_eye_0] Frame 61 (13 B)
Symbol 240 MovieClip [m_drip] Frame 1 (19 B)
yy = 5;
dl = 700;
Symbol 240 MovieClip [m_drip] Frame 2 (1.38 KiB) ●
_y = (_y + yy);
if (this.hitTest(_parent.item1.eye.eyehit)) {
gotoAndPlay (4);
if (this.hitTest(_parent.item2.eye.eyehit)) {
gotoAndPlay (4);
if (this.hitTest(_parent.item3.eye.eyehit)) {
gotoAndPlay (4);
if (this.hitTest(_parent.item4.eye.eyehit)) {
gotoAndPlay (4);
if (this.hitTest(_parent.item5.eye.eyehit)) {
gotoAndPlay (4);
if (this.hitTest(_parent.item6.eye.eyehit)) {
gotoAndPlay (4);
if (this.hitTest(_parent.item7.eye.eyehit)) {
gotoAndPlay (4);
if (this.hitTest(_parent.item8.eye.eyehit)) {
gotoAndPlay (4);
if (this.hitTest(_parent.item9.eye.eyehit)) {
gotoAndPlay (4);
if (this.hitTest(_parent.item10.eye.eyehit)) {
gotoAndPlay (4);
Symbol 240 MovieClip [m_drip] Frame 3 (80 B)
gotoAndPlay(_currentframe - 1);
if (_y > dl) {
Symbol 240 MovieClip [m_drip] Frame 19 (32 B)
Symbol 245 MovieClip [fun] Frame 1 (19 B)
dl = 550;
yy = 5;
Symbol 245 MovieClip [fun] Frame 2 (24 B)
_y = (_y + yy);
Symbol 245 MovieClip [fun] Frame 3 (96 B)
if (_y > dl) {
_y = dl;
gotoAndPlay (4);
} else {
gotoAndPlay(_currentframe - 1);
Symbol 245 MovieClip [fun] Frame 34 (60 B)
Symbol 247 MovieClip [namida] Frame 1 (49 B)
_xscale = 1;
_yscale = 1;
yy = 3;
dl = 550;
Symbol 247 MovieClip [namida] Frame 2 (132 B)
_xscale = (_xscale * 1.1);
_yscale = _xscale;
if (_xscale > 100) {
_xscale = 100;
_yscale = 100;
gotoAndPlay (4);
Symbol 247 MovieClip [namida] Frame 3 (32 B)
gotoAndPlay(_currentframe - 1);
Symbol 247 MovieClip [namida] Frame 4 (15 B)
_xscale = 70;
Symbol 247 MovieClip [namida] Frame 5 (86 B)
_y = (_y + yy);
yy = yy * 1.1;
if (_y > dl) {
_y = dl;
gotoAndPlay (7);
Symbol 247 MovieClip [namida] Frame 6 (32 B)
gotoAndPlay(_currentframe - 1);
Symbol 247 MovieClip [namida] Frame 9 (49 B)
_xscale = (_xscale * 0.9);
_yscale = _xscale;
Symbol 247 MovieClip [namida] Frame 10 (120 B)
if (_xscale < 5) {
_parent.atpeye(_x, _y);
} else {
gotoAndPlay(_currentframe - 1);
Symbol 259 Button (35 B)
on (rollOver) {
gotoAndPlay (5);
Symbol 263 MovieClip Frame 1 (310 B)
if (big == 1) {
_x = ((Math.random() * 10) + 4);
} else {
_x = (((-Math.random()) * 10) - 4);
_y = ((Math.random() * 15) + 45);
_alpha = 0;
ul = _parent.dummy._y;
dl = _parent.dummy2._y;
upnum = ((Math.random() * 7) + 7) / 100;
this.onEnterFrame = function () {
_alpha = (_alpha + 4);
Symbol 263 MovieClip Frame 4 (42 B)
_y = (_y + (((ul - 0.2) - _y) * upnum));
Symbol 263 MovieClip Frame 5 (84 B)
if (_y < ul) {
gotoAndPlay (8);
} else {
gotoAndPlay(_currentframe - 1);
Symbol 263 MovieClip Frame 10 (39 B)
_y = (_y + (((dl + 2) - _y) * 0.03));
Symbol 263 MovieClip Frame 11 (84 B)
if (_y > dl) {
gotoAndPlay (2);
} else {
gotoAndPlay(_currentframe - 1);
Symbol 265 Button (36 B)
on (rollOver) {
gotoAndPlay (27);
Symbol 268 Button (36 B)
on (rollOver) {
gotoAndPlay (65);
Symbol 270 MovieClip Frame 15 (13 B)
Symbol 272 MovieClip Frame 11 (13 B)
Symbol 274 MovieClip [pt_splash_fruit_3] Frame 1 (29 B)
_yscale = 1;
_xscale = 1;
Symbol 274 MovieClip [pt_splash_fruit_3] Frame 2 (95 B)
_yscale = (_yscale + (((_parent.pt_0._yscale - _yscale) * 0.12) + 0.1));
_xscale = _yscale;
Symbol 274 MovieClip [pt_splash_fruit_3] Frame 3 (177 B)
if (_yscale < _parent.pt_0._yscale) {
gotoAndPlay(_currentframe - 1);
} else {
_yscale = _parent.pt_0._yscale;
_xscale = _parent.pt_0._xscale;
gotoAndPlay (4);
Symbol 274 MovieClip [pt_splash_fruit_3] Frame 4 (13 B)
Symbol 274 MovieClip [pt_splash_fruit_3] Frame 26 (13 B)
Instance of Symbol 263 MovieClip in Symbol 274 MovieClip [pt_splash_fruit_3] Frame 26 (32 B)
onClipEvent (load) {
big = 1;
Symbol 274 MovieClip [pt_splash_fruit_3] Frame 64 (13 B)
Symbol 274 MovieClip [pt_splash_fruit_3] Frame 65 (176 B)
point = {x:0, y:0};
dummy3.localToGlobal(point); = point.x; = point.y;
_parent._parent.ssc = _xscale / 2;
Symbol 274 MovieClip [pt_splash_fruit_3] Frame 78 (13 B)
Symbol 286 Button (35 B)
on (rollOver) {
gotoAndPlay (5);
Symbol 290 MovieClip [pt_splash_tane_2] Frame 1 (310 B)
if (big == 1) {
_x = ((Math.random() * 10) + 4);
} else {
_x = (((-Math.random()) * 10) - 4);
_y = ((Math.random() * 15) + 45);
_alpha = 0;
ul = _parent.dummy._y;
dl = _parent.dummy2._y;
upnum = ((Math.random() * 7) + 7) / 100;
this.onEnterFrame = function () {
_alpha = (_alpha + 4);
Symbol 290 MovieClip [pt_splash_tane_2] Frame 4 (42 B)
_y = (_y + (((ul - 0.2) - _y) * upnum));
Symbol 290 MovieClip [pt_splash_tane_2] Frame 5 (84 B)
if (_y < ul) {
gotoAndPlay (8);
} else {
gotoAndPlay(_currentframe - 1);
Symbol 290 MovieClip [pt_splash_tane_2] Frame 10 (39 B)
_y = (_y + (((dl + 2) - _y) * 0.03));
Symbol 290 MovieClip [pt_splash_tane_2] Frame 11 (84 B)
if (_y > dl) {
gotoAndPlay (2);
} else {
gotoAndPlay(_currentframe - 1);
Symbol 292 Button (36 B)
on (rollOver) {
gotoAndPlay (27);
Symbol 294 Button (36 B)
on (rollOver) {
gotoAndPlay (65);
Symbol 296 MovieClip Frame 15 (13 B)
Symbol 298 MovieClip [pt_splash_yabure2_2] Frame 11 (13 B)
Symbol 300 MovieClip [pt_splash_fruit_2] Frame 1 (29 B)
_yscale = 1;
_xscale = 1;
Symbol 300 MovieClip [pt_splash_fruit_2] Frame 2 (95 B)
_yscale = (_yscale + (((_parent.pt_0._yscale - _yscale) * 0.12) + 0.1));
_xscale = _yscale;
Symbol 300 MovieClip [pt_splash_fruit_2] Frame 3 (177 B)
if (_yscale < _parent.pt_0._yscale) {
gotoAndPlay(_currentframe - 1);
} else {
_yscale = _parent.pt_0._yscale;
_xscale = _parent.pt_0._xscale;
gotoAndPlay (4);
Symbol 300 MovieClip [pt_splash_fruit_2] Frame 4 (13 B)
Symbol 300 MovieClip [pt_splash_fruit_2] Frame 26 (13 B)
Instance of Symbol 290 MovieClip [pt_splash_tane_2] in Symbol 300 MovieClip [pt_splash_fruit_2] Frame 26 (32 B)
onClipEvent (load) {
big = 1;
Symbol 300 MovieClip [pt_splash_fruit_2] Frame 64 (13 B)
Symbol 300 MovieClip [pt_splash_fruit_2] Frame 65 (176 B)
point = {x:0, y:0};
dummy3.localToGlobal(point); = point.x; = point.y;
_parent._parent.ssc = _xscale / 2;
Symbol 300 MovieClip [pt_splash_fruit_2] Frame 78 (13 B)
Symbol 312 Button (35 B)
on (rollOver) {
gotoAndPlay (5);
Symbol 316 MovieClip Frame 1 (310 B)
if (big == 1) {
_x = ((Math.random() * 10) + 4);
} else {
_x = (((-Math.random()) * 10) - 4);
_y = ((Math.random() * 15) + 45);
_alpha = 0;
ul = _parent.dummy._y;
dl = _parent.dummy2._y;
upnum = ((Math.random() * 7) + 7) / 100;
this.onEnterFrame = function () {
_alpha = (_alpha + 4);
Symbol 316 MovieClip Frame 4 (42 B)
_y = (_y + (((ul - 0.2) - _y) * upnum));
Symbol 316 MovieClip Frame 5 (84 B)
if (_y < ul) {
gotoAndPlay (8);
} else {
gotoAndPlay(_currentframe - 1);
Symbol 316 MovieClip Frame 10 (39 B)
_y = (_y + (((dl + 2) - _y) * 0.03));
Symbol 316 MovieClip Frame 11 (84 B)
if (_y > dl) {
gotoAndPlay (2);
} else {
gotoAndPlay(_currentframe - 1);
Symbol 318 Button (36 B)
on (rollOver) {
gotoAndPlay (27);
Symbol 320 Button (36 B)
on (rollOver) {
gotoAndPlay (65);
Symbol 322 MovieClip Frame 15 (13 B)
Symbol 324 MovieClip Frame 11 (13 B)
Symbol 326 MovieClip [pt_splash_fruit] Frame 1 (29 B)
_yscale = 1;
_xscale = 1;
Symbol 326 MovieClip [pt_splash_fruit] Frame 2 (95 B)
_yscale = (_yscale + (((_parent.pt_0._yscale - _yscale) * 0.12) + 0.1));
_xscale = _yscale;
Symbol 326 MovieClip [pt_splash_fruit] Frame 3 (177 B)
if (_yscale < _parent.pt_0._yscale) {
gotoAndPlay(_currentframe - 1);
} else {
_yscale = _parent.pt_0._yscale;
_xscale = _parent.pt_0._xscale;
gotoAndPlay (4);
Symbol 326 MovieClip [pt_splash_fruit] Frame 4 (13 B)
Symbol 326 MovieClip [pt_splash_fruit] Frame 26 (13 B)
Instance of Symbol 316 MovieClip in Symbol 326 MovieClip [pt_splash_fruit] Frame 26 (32 B)
onClipEvent (load) {
big = 1;
Symbol 326 MovieClip [pt_splash_fruit] Frame 64 (13 B)
Symbol 326 MovieClip [pt_splash_fruit] Frame 65 (175 B)
point = {x:0, y:0};
dummy3.localToGlobal(point); = point.x; = point.y;
_parent._parent.ssc = _xscale / 2;
Symbol 326 MovieClip [pt_splash_fruit] Frame 78 (13 B)
Symbol 328 MovieClip [pt_splash_potane_3] Frame 1 (143 B)
dnum = (Math.random() * 3) + 4;
dl = 550;
xsc = ((Math.random() * 1) / 2) + 1;
_xscale = (scp * xsc);
_yscale = _xscale;
_yscale = sc;
Symbol 328 MovieClip [pt_splash_potane_3] Frame 2 (37 B)
_y = (_y + dnum);
dnum = dnum + 1;
Symbol 328 MovieClip [pt_splash_potane_3] Frame 3 (96 B)
if (_y > dl) {
_y = dl;
gotoAndPlay (4);
} else {
gotoAndPlay(_currentframe - 1);
Symbol 328 MovieClip [pt_splash_potane_3] Frame 7 (24 B)
_alpha = (_alpha - 4);
Symbol 328 MovieClip [pt_splash_potane_3] Frame 8 (133 B)
if (_alpha < 1) {
co = 3;
_parent.attoge(_x, _y, co);
} else {
gotoAndPlay(_currentframe - 1);
Symbol 329 MovieClip [pt_splash_potane_2] Frame 1 (143 B)
dnum = (Math.random() * 3) + 4;
dl = 550;
xsc = ((Math.random() * 1) / 2) + 1;
_xscale = (scp * xsc);
_yscale = _xscale;
_yscale = sc;
Symbol 329 MovieClip [pt_splash_potane_2] Frame 2 (37 B)
_y = (_y + dnum);
dnum = dnum + 1;
Symbol 329 MovieClip [pt_splash_potane_2] Frame 3 (96 B)
if (_y > dl) {
_y = dl;
gotoAndPlay (4);
} else {
gotoAndPlay(_currentframe - 1);
Symbol 329 MovieClip [pt_splash_potane_2] Frame 7 (24 B)
_alpha = (_alpha - 4);
Symbol 329 MovieClip [pt_splash_potane_2] Frame 8 (133 B)
if (_alpha < 1) {
co = 1;
_parent.attoge(_x, _y, co);
} else {
gotoAndPlay(_currentframe - 1);
Symbol 332 Button (34 B)
on (release) {
gotoAndPlay (2);
Symbol 333 MovieClip [pt_kinomi] Frame 1 (97 B)
function del() {
gotoAndPlay (9);
dnum = (Math.random() * 2) + 2;
dl = 550;
Symbol 333 MovieClip [pt_kinomi] Frame 2 (37 B)
_y = (_y + dnum);
dnum = dnum + 1;
Symbol 333 MovieClip [pt_kinomi] Frame 3 (96 B)
if (_y > dl) {
_y = dl;
gotoAndPlay (4);
} else {
gotoAndPlay(_currentframe - 1);
Symbol 333 MovieClip [pt_kinomi] Frame 7 (24 B)
_alpha = (_alpha - 4);
Symbol 333 MovieClip [pt_kinomi] Frame 8 (121 B)
if (_alpha < 1) {
_parent.atgreeny(_x, _y);
} else {
gotoAndPlay(_currentframe - 1);
Symbol 333 MovieClip [pt_kinomi] Frame 10 (70 B)
_xscale = (_xscale - 4);
_yscale = (_yscale - 4);
_y = (_y + 4);
Symbol 333 MovieClip [pt_kinomi] Frame 11 (94 B)
if (_xscale < 1) {
} else {
gotoAndPlay(_currentframe - 1);
Symbol 335 Button (34 B)
on (release) {
gotoAndPlay (2);
Symbol 336 MovieClip [pt_kuri] Frame 1 (97 B)
function del() {
gotoAndPlay (9);
dnum = (Math.random() * 2) + 2;
dl = 550;
Symbol 336 MovieClip [pt_kuri] Frame 2 (37 B)
_y = (_y + dnum);
dnum = dnum + 1;
Symbol 336 MovieClip [pt_kuri] Frame 3 (96 B)
if (_y > dl) {
_y = dl;
gotoAndPlay (4);
} else {
gotoAndPlay(_currentframe - 1);
Symbol 336 MovieClip [pt_kuri] Frame 7 (24 B)
_alpha = (_alpha - 4);
Symbol 336 MovieClip [pt_kuri] Frame 8 (120 B)
if (_alpha < 1) {
_parent.atakagi(_x, _y);
} else {
gotoAndPlay(_currentframe - 1);
Symbol 336 MovieClip [pt_kuri] Frame 10 (70 B)
_xscale = (_xscale - 4);
_yscale = (_yscale - 4);
_y = (_y + 4);
Symbol 336 MovieClip [pt_kuri] Frame 11 (94 B)
if (_xscale < 1) {
} else {
gotoAndPlay(_currentframe - 1);
Symbol 338 MovieClip [pt_splash_potane] Frame 1 (143 B)
dnum = (Math.random() * 3) + 4;
dl = 550;
xsc = ((Math.random() * 1) / 2) + 1;
_xscale = (scp * xsc);
_yscale = _xscale;
_yscale = sc;
Symbol 338 MovieClip [pt_splash_potane] Frame 2 (37 B)
_y = (_y + dnum);
dnum = dnum + 1;
Symbol 338 MovieClip [pt_splash_potane] Frame 3 (96 B)
if (_y > dl) {
_y = dl;
gotoAndPlay (4);
} else {
gotoAndPlay(_currentframe - 1);
Symbol 338 MovieClip [pt_splash_potane] Frame 7 (24 B)
_alpha = (_alpha - 4);
Symbol 338 MovieClip [pt_splash_potane] Frame 8 (133 B)
if (_alpha < 1) {
co = 2;
_parent.attoge(_x, _y, co);
} else {
gotoAndPlay(_currentframe - 1);
Symbol 340 MovieClip [pt_splash_pota_3] Frame 1 (129 B)
dnum = (Math.random() * 3) + 4;
dl = 560;
xsc = ((Math.random() * 1) / 2) + 0.5;
_xscale = (scp * xsc);
_yscale = _xscale;
Symbol 340 MovieClip [pt_splash_pota_3] Frame 2 (64 B)
_y = (_y + dnum);
dnum = dnum + 1;
_yscale = (_yscale + 2);
Symbol 340 MovieClip [pt_splash_pota_3] Frame 3 (96 B)
if (_y > dl) {
_y = dl;
gotoAndPlay (4);
} else {
gotoAndPlay(_currentframe - 1);
Symbol 340 MovieClip [pt_splash_pota_3] Frame 4 (55 B)
_yscale = (_yscale / 2);
_xscale = (_xscale * 1.5);
Symbol 340 MovieClip [pt_splash_pota_3] Frame 7 (78 B)
_xscale = (_xscale + 3);
_yscale = (_yscale - 3);
_alpha = (_alpha - 4);
Symbol 340 MovieClip [pt_splash_pota_3] Frame 8 (93 B)
if (_alpha < 1) {
} else {
gotoAndPlay(_currentframe - 1);
Symbol 342 MovieClip [pt_splash_pota_2] Frame 1 (129 B)
dnum = (Math.random() * 3) + 4;
dl = 560;
xsc = ((Math.random() * 1) / 2) + 0.5;
_xscale = (scp * xsc);
_yscale = _xscale;
Symbol 342 MovieClip [pt_splash_pota_2] Frame 2 (64 B)
_y = (_y + dnum);
dnum = dnum + 1;
_yscale = (_yscale + 2);
Symbol 342 MovieClip [pt_splash_pota_2] Frame 3 (96 B)
if (_y > dl) {
_y = dl;
gotoAndPlay (4);
} else {
gotoAndPlay(_currentframe - 1);
Symbol 342 MovieClip [pt_splash_pota_2] Frame 4 (55 B)
_yscale = (_yscale / 2);
_xscale = (_xscale * 1.5);
Symbol 342 MovieClip [pt_splash_pota_2] Frame 7 (78 B)
_xscale = (_xscale + 3);
_yscale = (_yscale - 3);
_alpha = (_alpha - 4);
Symbol 342 MovieClip [pt_splash_pota_2] Frame 8 (93 B)
if (_alpha < 1) {
} else {
gotoAndPlay(_currentframe - 1);
Symbol 344 MovieClip [pt_splash_pota] Frame 1 (129 B)
dnum = (Math.random() * 3) + 4;
dl = 560;
xsc = ((Math.random() * 1) / 2) + 0.5;
_xscale = (scp * xsc);
_yscale = _xscale;
Symbol 344 MovieClip [pt_splash_pota] Frame 2 (64 B)
_y = (_y + dnum);
dnum = dnum + 1;
_yscale = (_yscale + 2);
Symbol 344 MovieClip [pt_splash_pota] Frame 3 (96 B)
if (_y > dl) {
_y = dl;
gotoAndPlay (4);
} else {
gotoAndPlay(_currentframe - 1);
Symbol 344 MovieClip [pt_splash_pota] Frame 4 (55 B)
_yscale = (_yscale / 2);
_xscale = (_xscale * 1.5);
Symbol 344 MovieClip [pt_splash_pota] Frame 7 (78 B)
_xscale = (_xscale + 3);
_yscale = (_yscale - 3);
_alpha = (_alpha - 4);
Symbol 344 MovieClip [pt_splash_pota] Frame 8 (93 B)
if (_alpha < 1) {
} else {
gotoAndPlay(_currentframe - 1);
Symbol 348 MovieClip Frame 1 (166 B)
ran = Math.floor(Math.random() * 3) + 1;
if (ran == 1) {
gotoAndPlay (2);
} else if (ran == 2) {
gotoAndPlay (4);
} else if (ran == 3) {
gotoAndPlay (6);
Symbol 348 MovieClip Frame 3 (13 B)
Symbol 348 MovieClip Frame 5 (13 B)
Symbol 348 MovieClip Frame 7 (13 B)
Symbol 349 Button (36 B)
on (rollOver) {
gotoAndPlay (13);
Symbol 350 MovieClip [green] Frame 1 (87 B)
function del() {
gotoAndPlay (13);
rl = 800;
dl = 750;
ggslot = _parent.gslot;
Symbol 350 MovieClip [green] Frame 12 (13 B)
Symbol 350 MovieClip [green] Frame 13 (124 B)
xx = 4 - (Math.random() * 8);
x = xx * ((Math.random() * 1) + 1);
ran = ((Math.random() * 2) + 1) / 100;
_rotation = 0;
Symbol 350 MovieClip [green] Frame 14 (155 B)
y = (rl - _y) * ran;
num = Math.floor(Math.random() * 50);
if (num == 1) {
x = -x;
_x = (_x + x);
_y = (_y + y);
_rotation = (_rotation + 1);
Symbol 350 MovieClip [green] Frame 15 (76 B)
if (_y > dl) {
} else {
gotoAndPlay (14);
Symbol 354 MovieClip Frame 1 (166 B)
ran = Math.floor(Math.random() * 3) + 1;
if (ran == 1) {
gotoAndPlay (2);
} else if (ran == 2) {
gotoAndPlay (4);
} else if (ran == 3) {
gotoAndPlay (6);
Symbol 354 MovieClip Frame 3 (13 B)
Symbol 354 MovieClip Frame 5 (13 B)
Symbol 354 MovieClip Frame 7 (13 B)
Symbol 355 Button (36 B)
on (rollOver) {
gotoAndPlay (13);
Symbol 356 MovieClip [akaha] Frame 1 (87 B)
function del() {
gotoAndPlay (13);
aaslot = _parent.aslot;
rl = 800;
dl = 750;
Symbol 356 MovieClip [akaha] Frame 12 (13 B)
Symbol 356 MovieClip [akaha] Frame 13 (124 B)
xx = 4 - (Math.random() * 8);
x = xx * ((Math.random() * 1) + 1);
ran = ((Math.random() * 2) + 1) / 100;
_rotation = 0;
Symbol 356 MovieClip [akaha] Frame 14 (155 B)
y = (rl - _y) * ran;
num = Math.floor(Math.random() * 50);
if (num == 1) {
x = -x;
_x = (_x + x);
_y = (_y + y);
_rotation = (_rotation + 1);
Symbol 356 MovieClip [akaha] Frame 15 (76 B)
if (_y > dl) {
} else {
gotoAndPlay (14);
Symbol 363 MovieClip Frame 1 (148 B)
ran = Math.floor(Math.random() * 3);
if (ran == 1) {
gotoAndPlay (2);
} else if (ran == 2) {
gotoAndPlay (5);
} else {
gotoAndPlay (8);
Instance of Symbol 359 MovieClip in Symbol 363 MovieClip Frame 1 (59 B)
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
_rotation = (_rotation + 5);
Symbol 363 MovieClip Frame 4 (13 B)
Symbol 363 MovieClip Frame 7 (13 B)
Symbol 363 MovieClip Frame 10 (13 B)
Symbol 364 MovieClip [puti_fan] Frame 21 (13 B)
Symbol 368 MovieClip Frame 25 (77 B)
ran = Math.floor(Math.random() * 3);
if (ran == 1) {
gotoAndPlay (27);
Symbol 368 MovieClip Frame 26 (17 B)
gotoAndPlay (1);
Symbol 371 MovieClip [puti_eye] Frame 21 (13 B)
Symbol 376 MovieClip [puti_toge_b] Frame 21 (13 B)
Symbol 381 MovieClip [puti_toge_r] Frame 21 (13 B)
Symbol 385 MovieClip [puti_toge_y] Frame 21 (13 B)
Symbol 389 MovieClip [loadtree] Frame 1 (109 B)
loadedSize = _parent.getBytesLoaded();
totalSize = _parent.getBytesTotal();
count = 0;
Symbol 389 MovieClip [loadtree] Frame 4 (266 B)
percent = (loadedSize / totalSize) * 100;
if (percent >= count) {
numnum.gdload = numnum.gdload + 1;
numnum._y = numnum._y - 2;
if (count > 100) {
numnum._y = -200;
numnum.gdload = 100;
gotoAndPlay (7);
Symbol 389 MovieClip [loadtree] Frame 5 (265 B)
percent = (loadedSize / totalSize) * 100;
if (percent >= count) {
numnum.gdload = numnum.gdload + 1;
numnum._y = numnum._y - 2;
if (count > 100) {
numnum._y = -200;
numnum.gdload = 100;
gotoAndPlay (7);
Symbol 389 MovieClip [loadtree] Frame 17 (43 B)
Symbol 390 MovieClip [pt_fan] Frame 1 (10 B)
rl = 800;
Symbol 390 MovieClip [pt_fan] Frame 4 (243 B)
n = 0;
i = 1;
point = {x:0, y:0};
attachMovie("pt_fan_fan", "fan", 1);
fan._x = point.x;
fan._y = point.y;
fan._xscale = 1;
fan._yscale = 1;
fan._rotation = fan._rotation + pt_0._rotation;
gotoAndPlay (5);
Symbol 390 MovieClip [pt_fan] Frame 7 (114 B)
if (_parent.sheet.kara.length > 0) {
} else {
Symbol 390 MovieClip [pt_fan] Frame 10 (79 B)
if (_y > rl) {
gotoAndPlay(_currentframe - 1);
Instance of Symbol 359 MovieClip in Symbol 394 MovieClip [pt_fan_fan] Frame 1 (60 B)
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
_rotation = (_rotation + 15);
Symbol 394 MovieClip [pt_fan_fan] Frame 2 (94 B)
_yscale = (_yscale + (((_parent.pt_0._yscale - _yscale) * 0.3) + 0.1));
_xscale = _yscale;
Symbol 394 MovieClip [pt_fan_fan] Frame 3 (164 B)
if (_yscale < _parent.pt_0._yscale) {
gotoAndPlay(_currentframe - 1);
} else {
_yscale = _parent.pt_0._yscale;
_xscale = _yscale;
gotoAndPlay (4);
Symbol 394 MovieClip [pt_fan_fan] Frame 5 (46 B)
Symbol 396 MovieClip [tanp_tane] Frame 1 (240 B)
if (side == 1) {
ranx = (50 + (Math.random() * 350)) + _x;
rany = ((-Math.random()) * 50) + _y;
} else {
ranx = (-50 - (Math.random() * 350)) + _x;
rany = ((-Math.random()) * 50) + _y;
dl = 550;
yyy = (Math.random() * 1) + 2;
Symbol 396 MovieClip [tanp_tane] Frame 2 (129 B)
_x = (_x + ((ranx - _x) * 0.05));
_y = (_y + ((rany - _y) * 0.05));
if (Math.abs(ranx - _x) < 10) {
gotoAndPlay (4);
Symbol 396 MovieClip [tanp_tane] Frame 3 (32 B)
gotoAndPlay(_currentframe - 1);
Symbol 396 MovieClip [tanp_tane] Frame 5 (59 B)
_y = (_y + yyy);
if (_y > dl) {
gotoAndPlay (7);
Symbol 396 MovieClip [tanp_tane] Frame 6 (32 B)
gotoAndPlay(_currentframe - 1);
Symbol 396 MovieClip [tanp_tane] Frame 8 (131 B)
_xscale = (_xscale - 5);
_yscale = (_yscale - 5);
if (_yscale < 1) {
_parent.atpfan(_x, _y);
Symbol 396 MovieClip [tanp_tane] Frame 9 (32 B)
gotoAndPlay(_currentframe - 1);
Symbol 398 MovieClip [puti_me] Frame 15 (13 B)
Symbol 400 MovieClip Frame 1 (77 B)
function readygo() {
gotoAndPlay (7);
yy = 420;
Symbol 400 MovieClip Frame 2 (39 B)
_y = (_y + (((yy + 5) - _y) * 0.15));
Symbol 400 MovieClip Frame 3 (85 B)
if (_y >= yy) {
gotoAndPlay (4);
} else {
gotoAndPlay(_currentframe - 1);
Symbol 400 MovieClip Frame 6 (13 B)
Symbol 400 MovieClip Frame 7 (10 B)
yy = 300;
Symbol 400 MovieClip Frame 8 (39 B)
_y = (_y + (((yy - 5) - _y) * 0.15));
Symbol 400 MovieClip Frame 9 (86 B)
if (_y <= yy) {
gotoAndPlay (10);
} else {
gotoAndPlay(_currentframe - 1);
Symbol 400 MovieClip Frame 17 (10 B)
yy = 550;
Symbol 400 MovieClip Frame 18 (39 B)
_y = (_y + (((yy + 5) - _y) * 0.15));
Symbol 400 MovieClip Frame 19 (98 B)
if (_y >= yy) {
_y = yy;
gotoAndPlay (20);
} else {
gotoAndPlay(_currentframe - 1);
Symbol 400 MovieClip Frame 31 (13 B)
Symbol 404 Button (34 B)
on (release) {
gotoAndPlay (8);
Symbol 405 Button (34 B)
on (release) {
gotoAndPlay (3);
Symbol 406 MovieClip Frame 1 (13 B)
Symbol 406 MovieClip Frame 6 (43 B)
Symbol 406 MovieClip Frame 9 (24 B)
_alpha = (_alpha - 5);
Symbol 406 MovieClip Frame 10 (98 B)
if (_alpha < 1) {
} else {
gotoAndPlay(_currentframe - 1);
Symbol 407 MovieClip Frame 1 (121 B)
function readygo() {
gotoAndPlay (7);
function ends() {
gotoAndPlay (34);
yy = 200;
Symbol 407 MovieClip Frame 2 (39 B)
_y = (_y + (((yy - 5) - _y) * 0.15));
Symbol 407 MovieClip Frame 3 (85 B)
if (_y <= yy) {
gotoAndPlay (4);
} else {
gotoAndPlay(_currentframe - 1);
Symbol 407 MovieClip Frame 6 (36 B)
Symbol 407 MovieClip Frame 7 (10 B)
yy = 300;
Symbol 407 MovieClip Frame 8 (39 B)
_y = (_y + (((yy + 5) - _y) * 0.15));
Symbol 407 MovieClip Frame 9 (120 B)
if (_y >= yy) {
gotoAndPlay (10);
} else {
gotoAndPlay(_currentframe - 1);
Symbol 407 MovieClip Frame 17 (10 B)
yy = 100;
Symbol 407 MovieClip Frame 18 (39 B)
_y = (_y + (((yy - 5) - _y) * 0.15));
Symbol 407 MovieClip Frame 19 (98 B)
if (_y <= yy) {
_y = yy;
gotoAndPlay (20);
} else {
gotoAndPlay(_currentframe - 1);
Symbol 407 MovieClip Frame 33 (44 B)
Symbol 407 MovieClip Frame 37 (10 B)
yy = 350;
Symbol 407 MovieClip Frame 38 (39 B)
_y = (_y + (((yy + 5) - _y) * 0.15));
Symbol 407 MovieClip Frame 39 (98 B)
if (_y >= yy) {
_y = yy;
gotoAndPlay (40);
} else {
gotoAndPlay(_currentframe - 1);
Symbol 407 MovieClip Frame 43 (13 B)
Symbol 407 MovieClip Frame 46 (10 B)
yy = 100;
Symbol 407 MovieClip Frame 47 (39 B)
_y = (_y + (((yy - 5) - _y) * 0.15));
Symbol 407 MovieClip Frame 48 (81 B)
if (_y <= yy) {
} else {
gotoAndPlay(_currentframe - 1);
Symbol 407 MovieClip Frame 49 (10 B)
yy = 550;
Symbol 407 MovieClip Frame 50 (39 B)
_y = (_y + (((yy + 5) - _y) * 0.15));
Symbol 407 MovieClip Frame 51 (119 B)
if (_y >= yy) {
_y = yy;
gotoAndPlay (52);
} else {
gotoAndPlay(_currentframe - 1);
Symbol 407 MovieClip Frame 58 (10 B)
yy = 100;
Symbol 407 MovieClip Frame 59 (39 B)
_y = (_y + (((yy - 5) - _y) * 0.15));
Symbol 407 MovieClip Frame 60 (113 B)
if (_y <= yy) {
_y = yy;
} else {
gotoAndPlay(_currentframe - 1);
Symbol 422 MovieClip Frame 9 (13 B)
Symbol 422 MovieClip Frame 13 (13 B)
Symbol 422 MovieClip Frame 17 (13 B)
Symbol 422 MovieClip Frame 21 (13 B)
Symbol 422 MovieClip Frame 25 (13 B)
Symbol 422 MovieClip Frame 29 (13 B)
Symbol 422 MovieClip Frame 35 (13 B)
Symbol 428 MovieClip Frame 1 (11 B)
limit = 5;
Symbol 428 MovieClip Frame 11 (13 B)
Symbol 428 MovieClip Frame 12 (63 B)
frnum = 5 - limit;
meter.gotoAndPlay("fr" + frnum);
Symbol 428 MovieClip Frame 24 (74 B)
if (limit <= 0) {
gotoAndPlay (26);
} else {
gotoAndPlay (11);
Symbol 428 MovieClip Frame 36 (18 B)
Symbol 429 MovieClip Frame 1 (520 B)
function megu() {
_parent.tanpopo.tanpp.gotoAndPlay("del"); = 0;
ck = 1;
gotoAndPlay (8);
function demegu() {
_x = -100;
_y = -100;
gotoAndPlay (4);
ck = 0;;
i = 0;
dubble = 0;
ck = 0;
this.onMouseDown = function () {
if (spoit1.limit > 0) {
point = {x:0, y:0};
dx = point.x;
dy = point.y;
Symbol 429 MovieClip Frame 4 (12 B)
meguok = 0;
Symbol 429 MovieClip Frame 7 (13 B)
Symbol 429 MovieClip Frame 8 (12 B)
meguok = 1;
Symbol 429 MovieClip Frame 10 (47 B)
_x = _parent._xmouse;
_y = _parent._ymouse;
Symbol 429 MovieClip Frame 11 (32 B)
gotoAndPlay(_currentframe - 1);
Symbol 438 MovieClip Frame 4 (13 B)
Symbol 438 MovieClip Frame 7 (143 B)
point = {x:0, y:0};
xx = point.x;
yy = point.y;
ss = _parent.ran;
_parent._parent._parent.attanpo(xx, yy, ss);
Symbol 438 MovieClip Frame 10 (143 B)
point = {x:0, y:0};
xx = point.x;
yy = point.y;
ss = _parent.ran;
_parent._parent._parent.attanpo(xx, yy, ss);
Symbol 438 MovieClip Frame 13 (143 B)
point = {x:0, y:0};
xx = point.x;
yy = point.y;
ss = _parent.ran;
_parent._parent._parent.attanpo(xx, yy, ss);
Symbol 438 MovieClip Frame 16 (143 B)
point = {x:0, y:0};
xx = point.x;
yy = point.y;
ss = _parent.ran;
_parent._parent._parent.attanpo(xx, yy, ss);
Symbol 438 MovieClip Frame 19 (143 B)
point = {x:0, y:0};
xx = point.x;
yy = point.y;
ss = _parent.ran;
_parent._parent._parent.attanpo(xx, yy, ss);
Symbol 438 MovieClip Frame 22 (143 B)
point = {x:0, y:0};
xx = point.x;
yy = point.y;
ss = _parent.ran;
_parent._parent._parent.attanpo(xx, yy, ss);
Symbol 438 MovieClip Frame 42 (46 B)
gotoAndPlay (1);
Symbol 439 MovieClip Frame 1 (10 B)
flew = 0;
Symbol 439 MovieClip Frame 11 (13 B)
Symbol 439 MovieClip Frame 13 (83 B)
ran = Math.floor(Math.random() * 2);
flew = 1;
aa = 1;
Symbol 439 MovieClip Frame 23 (13 B)
Symbol 439 MovieClip Frame 26 (39 B)
if (flew == 1) {
wata._alpha = 0;
Symbol 439 MovieClip Frame 29 (99 B)
_xscale = (_xscale - 5);
_yscale = (_yscale - 5);
if (_xscale < 1) {
gotoAndPlay (31);
Symbol 439 MovieClip Frame 30 (32 B)
gotoAndPlay(_currentframe - 1);
Symbol 439 MovieClip Frame 36 (36 B)
_parent.flowok = 0;
Symbol 442 MovieClip Frame 1 (344 B)
function tanp() {
_parent.spoit.spoit1.gotoAndPlay("del"); = 0;
if (flowok == 0) {
gotoAndPlay (8);
flowok = 1;
ck = 1;
function del() {
gotoAndPlay (4);
_x = -100;
_y = -100;
ck = 0;;
i = 0;
flowok = 0;
ck = 0;
Symbol 442 MovieClip Frame 7 (13 B)
Symbol 442 MovieClip Frame 10 (1.04 KiB) ●
_x = _parent._xmouse;
_y = _parent._ymouse;
if (tanphit.hitTest( {
gotoAndPlay (12);
if (tanphit.hitTest( {
gotoAndPlay (12);
if (tanphit.hitTest( {
gotoAndPlay (12);
if (tanphit.hitTest( {
gotoAndPlay (12);
if (tanphit.hitTest( {
gotoAndPlay (12);
if (tanphit.hitTest( {
gotoAndPlay (12);
if (tanphit.hitTest( {
gotoAndPlay (12);
if (tanphit.hitTest( {
gotoAndPlay (12);
if (tanphit.hitTest( {
gotoAndPlay (12);
if (tanphit.hitTest( {
gotoAndPlay (12);
Symbol 442 MovieClip Frame 11 (32 B)
gotoAndPlay(_currentframe - 1);
Symbol 442 MovieClip Frame 12 (47 B)
_x = _parent._xmouse;
_y = _parent._ymouse;
Symbol 442 MovieClip Frame 13 (32 B)
gotoAndPlay(_currentframe - 1);
Symbol 443 MovieClip Frame 1 (103 B)
function ckk() {
if (( == 1) || ( == 1)) {
Symbol 444 MovieClip Frame 3 (22 B)
bp = 0;
Symbol 444 MovieClip Frame 4 (12 B)
blimit = 0;
Symbol 444 MovieClip Frame 5 (88 B)
if (bp == 10) {
Symbol 444 MovieClip Frame 6 (88 B)
if (blimit < 30) {
gotoAndPlay(_currentframe - 1);
} else {
gotoAndPlay (1);
Symbol 445 MovieClip Frame 1 (54 B)
function gobomb() {
gotoAndPlay (4);
limit = 0;
Symbol 445 MovieClip Frame 3 (13 B)
Symbol 445 MovieClip Frame 31 (171 B)
if (limit > 4) {
_parent.sheet.coin.bombok = 1;
limit = 0;
gotoAndPlay (2);
} else {
gotoAndPlay (4);
Symbol 446 MovieClip Frame 2 (63 B)
function make() {
gotoAndPlay (6);
limit = 0;
num = 10;
Symbol 446 MovieClip Frame 5 (13 B)
Symbol 446 MovieClip Frame 22 (223 B)
if ((_parent.colex == 0) && (limit < num)) {
gotoAndPlay (4);
} else if ((_parent.colex == 0) && (limit >= num)) {
} else {
gotoAndPlay (6);