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<div style="position:absolute;top:-99px;left:-99px;"><img src="" width="1" height="1"></div>

Furry Punching Nitro.swf

This is the info page for
Flash #6838

(Click the ID number above for more basic data on this flash file.)

Digging holes & eating berries...
Please Wait

Too Much Spare Time



Too Much Spare Time

Press Space
to begin

When Yiff meets Biff!

When Yiff meets Biff!


Press Space
to Begin

Dedicated to Feyn and Emmy, for contrasting reasons.

Game Title created by  the Video Game Name Generator
Concept and Design by  Andrew Kepple
Artwork and ActionScripting by  Andrew Kepple
Production time: March 4 - 8, 2008
Title Music by  Donald Kepple
Character Selection Music by  Cody Robertson
Game Music by  Mr. KSoft of Exploding Jellyfish
Game Over Music by  Andrew Kepple
Beta testing / Support crew / Special thanks:
Andreas Jorgensen AKA Hideous
Red Alien
The TIGSource forum

Press Space to Begin



High Scores

Select Your

Select Your

"Nitro", aka
Nitroglycerin, " a
heavy, colorless, oily,
explosive liquid obtained
by nitrating glycerol. In
its pure form, it is a
contact explosive
(physical shock can cause
it to explode) and
degrades over time to
even more unstable
(Source: Wikipedia)

"Nitro", aka
Nitroglycerin, " a
heavy, colorless, oily,
explosive liquid obtained
by nitrating glycerol. In
its pure form, it is a
contact explosive
(physical shock can cause
it to explode) and
degrades over time to
even more unstable
(Source: Wikipedia)

LoneWolf is a totally
serious-lookin' Furry. He
enjoys honing his martial
arts skills and brooding in
an ever-so-serious face
that makes all the ladies
he likes to think that he
carries the weight of the
world on his shoulders on
behalf of everyone who is
oppressed. He's bad-ass.

LoneWolf is a totally
serious-lookin' Furry. He
enjoys honing his martial
arts skills and brooding in
an ever-so-serious face
that makes all the ladies
he likes to think that he
carries the weight of the
world on his shoulders on
behalf of everyone who is
oppressed. He's bad-ass.

FOXXXY is a fun-lovin',
mischievous vixen whose
bubbly, flirty personality
is tempered only by her
firey red-hot rage when
she doesn't get what she
wants, just like every fox
character in every furry
internet fiction ever
written. she is everything
that every fursuiter
wishes they were,
and more!

FOXXXY is a fun-lovin',
mischievous vixen whose
bubbly, flirty personality
is tempered only by her
firey red-hot rage when
she doesn't get what she
wants, just like every fox
character in every furry
internet fiction ever
written. she is everything
that every fursuiter
wishes they were,
and more!

Arrows = Walk
Space = Punch

Press Space to Begin!

spacebar =  sit there and be dangerous





I wonder
what's for

I just figured
out the answer to the
question of Life, the
Universe and

Don't punch me!
It'll all end in

You fight
like a dairy

I wish I
had arms.

Cheat codes

Don't... even...
THINK about it,

Go ahead,
make my day.

Do you feel
lucky, punk?

I have


Momma said
there'd be days
like this...

I wish he'd just
gone with "Rocket-
Powered Janitor

This never
happened to

I can has

is overrated, it

If you punch me,
you'll never know
where I hid the


Wait! Don't
you recognise
your own son?

This does
not bode well for
our hero...

I've got a bad
feeling about

My nitro-senses
are tingling!

Can't we just
settle this over

Why isn't my
secret move

I think
I left the
oven on...

Oh no,
not again.

Why can't
we all just...
get along?


I don't hate
Furries... But I'm
about to kill one


Last night I
dreamed that this
would happen...

You are
on the way to

Calm blue ocean
Calm blue ocean
Calm blue ocean
Calm blue ocean
Calm blue ocean

This is
almost as bad as
Windows Vista!

Goodbye, cruel

What would
Batman do?...

Don't forget to

Go Go Gadget



Just my luck...

Oh no! I'll
never get to
see DNF!

saving throw!

Save me,

This never
happened to the
other guy.

It's just as the
fortune cookie



You are
Snape to my

And I just paid
off my student
loan. :(

Oh, shit.

This was NOT
mentioned in my

I hate

Double nuts!

Furries are


Yippee kai-yay,


I'll be back...

Oh, fffffffff...


Wait! I
haven't gotten
laid yet!

Tell my wife I
love her!

Eva... Auf

Come get

Shouldn't you be
off drawing zoophile
porn for DeviantArt
or something?

My name is Sue.
How do you do?
Now you're gonna

Mama mia!
Here I blow again!

It's true...
I'm secretly turned
on by you folk.

Veni, vidi, vici.

That's all,

Swim, swim,

9/11 was an
inside job! I have

Look behind you!
A three-headed

Hey sexy,
what's your

Hey! This
isn't what I
signed up


The Furry Died!

The Furry Died!



Game Over

Game Over

Okay you didn't die this time...
You went into the woods and
dug holes and ate berries and
yiffed happily ever after. :3

ActionScript [AS1/AS2]

Frame 2
Frame 1102
gotoAndPlay ("title");
Instance of Symbol 122 MovieClip in Frame 1104
onClipEvent (load) { Mouse.hide(); startDrag (this, true); } onClipEvent (mouseMove) { updateAfterEvent(); }
Frame 1108
Frame 1126
Frame 1137
gotoAndPlay ("begin");
Frame 1156
blarg = Math.ceil(Math.random() * 4); if (blarg >= 3) { _root.fur = "0"; _root.splode = 248; } else { _root.fur = "1"; _root.splode = 300; } stop();
Frame 1167
gotoAndPlay ("begin");
Frame 1186
Instance of Symbol 122 MovieClip in Frame 1197
onClipEvent (load) {; }
Frame 1202
_root.leftbound = 200; _root.rightbound = 320; _root.fx = 30; _root.fy = 100; _root.fsx = 83; _root.bx = 484; _root.think = 0; _root.punch = 0; _root.walk = 0; _root.youwon = 0; _root.think = "0";
Frame 1203
setProperty(_root.tehfurry, _x , _root.fx); setProperty(_root.tehfurry, _y , _root.fy); setProperty(_root.tehfurry, _xscale , _root.fsx); setProperty(_root.bottle, _x , _root.bx);
Frame 1276
if (demo == "1") { gotoAndPlay ("nitro"); }
Frame 1277
setProperty(_root.tehfurry, _x , _root.fx); setProperty(_root.tehfurry, _y , _root.fy); setProperty(_root.tehfurry, _xscale , _root.fsx); if (Key.isDown(39)) { if (_root.fsx == "-83") { _root.fx = _root.fx - 166; } _root.fsx = 83; if (_root.fx > _root.rightbound) { _root.fx = _root.rightbound; } _root.walk = _root.walk + 2; if (_root.walk > 6) { _root.walk = 6; } } else if (Key.isDown(37)) { if (_root.fsx == "83") { _root.fx = _root.fx + 166; } _root.fsx = -83; if (_root.fx < _root.leftbound) { _root.fx = _root.leftbound; } _root.walk = _root.walk + 2; if (_root.walk > 6) { _root.walk = 6; } } else if (_root.walk > 0) { _root.walk = _root.walk - 2; } if (_root.walk < 0) { _root.walk = 0; } if (((_root.punch == "5") && (_root.fx >= splode)) && (_root.fsx > 0)) { _root.bx = _root.fx + 250; _root.youwon = "1"; gotoAndPlay ("youwin"); }
Frame 1278
gotoAndPlay ("game");
Frame 1280
setProperty(_root.tehfurry, _x , _root.fx); setProperty(_root.tehfurry, _y , _root.fy); setProperty(_root.tehfurry, _xscale , _root.fsx); if (_root.fx < (splode + 20)) { if (_root.fsx == "-83") { _root.fx = _root.fx - 166; } _root.fsx = 83; if (_root.fx > _root.rightbound) { _root.fx = _root.rightbound; } _root.walk = _root.walk + 2; if (_root.walk > 6) { _root.walk = 6; } } else { gotoAndPlay ("nitro2"); if (_root.walk > 0) { _root.walk = _root.walk - 2; } } if (_root.walk < 0) { _root.walk = 0; } if (((_root.punch == "5") && (_root.fx >= splode)) && (_root.fsx > 0)) { _root.bx = _root.fx + splode; _root.youwon = "1"; gotoAndPlay ("youwin"); }
Frame 1281
gotoAndPlay ("nitro");
Frame 1282
setProperty(_root.tehfurry, _x , _root.fx); setProperty(_root.tehfurry, _y , _root.fy); setProperty(_root.tehfurry, _xscale , _root.fsx); if (_root.walk > 0) { _root.walk = _root.walk - 2; } if (_root.walk <= 0) { _root.walk = 0; gotoAndPlay ("nitro3"); }
Frame 1283
gotoAndPlay ("nitro2");
Frame 1284
setProperty(_root.tehfurry, _x , _root.fx); setProperty(_root.tehfurry, _y , _root.fy); setProperty(_root.tehfurry, _xscale , _root.fsx); if (_root.walk > 0) { _root.walk = _root.walk - 2; } if (_root.walk <= 0) { _root.walk = 0; gotoAndPlay ("nitro3"); } if (((_root.punch == "5") && (_root.fx >= splode)) && (_root.fsx > 0)) { _root.bx = _root.fx + splode; _root.youwon = "1"; gotoAndPlay ("youwin"); }
Frame 1311
punch = 1;
Frame 1314
setProperty(_root.tehfurry, _x , _root.fx); setProperty(_root.tehfurry, _y , _root.fy); setProperty(_root.tehfurry, _xscale , _root.fsx); if (_root.walk > 0) { _root.walk = _root.walk - 2; } if (((_root.punch == "5") && (_root.fx >= splode)) && (_root.fsx > 0)) { _root.bx = _root.fx + splode; _root.youwon = "1"; gotoAndPlay ("youwin"); }
Frame 1315
gotoAndPlay ("nitro4");
Frame 1330
_root.punch = "5"; setProperty(_root.bottle, _x , _root.bx);
Frame 1739
gotoAndPlay ("scores");
Frame 1803
gotoAndPlay ("scores");
Symbol 11 Button
on (release) { getURL ("", "blank"); }
Symbol 18 Button
on (release) {; }
Symbol 19 MovieClip Frame 1
_root.stop(); PercentLoaded = (_root.getBytesLoaded() / _root.getBytesTotal()) * 100; if (PercentLoaded != 100) { setProperty(loading_bar, _xscale , PercentLoaded); } else { gotoAndStop (3); }
Symbol 19 MovieClip Frame 2
gotoAndPlay (1);
Symbol 53 MovieClip Frame 1882
gotoAndPlay (1);
Symbol 71 Button
on (release) { getURL ("", "blank"); }
Symbol 77 Button
on (release) { getURL ("", "blank"); }
Symbol 82 Button
on (keyPress "<Space>") { gotoAndPlay ("selection"); }
Symbol 89 Button
on (release) { getURL ("", "_blank"); }
Symbol 90 Button
on (release) { getURL ("", "_blank"); }
Symbol 91 Button
on (release) { getURL ("", "_blank"); }
Symbol 92 Button
on (release) { getURL ("", "_blank"); }
Symbol 113 Button
on (release) { _root.demo = "1"; gotoAndPlay ("selectnitro"); }
Symbol 117 Button
on (release) { _root.demo = "0"; _root.fur = "0"; _root.splode = 244; gotoAndPlay ("selectwolf"); }
Symbol 120 Button
on (release) { _root.demo = "0"; _root.fur = "1"; _root.splode = 318; gotoAndPlay ("selectfox"); }
Symbol 128 Button
on (keyPress "<Space>") { play(); }
Symbol 161 MovieClip Frame 1
if ((_root.walkcyc == "0") or (_root.walkcyc == "1")) { if (_root.punch == "0") { play(); } if (_root.punch == "1") { gotoAndPlay ("punch1a"); } if (_root.punch == "2") { gotoAndPlay ("punch2a"); } if (_root.punch == "3") { gotoAndPlay ("punch3a"); } if (_root.punch == "4") { gotoAndPlay ("punch4a"); } if ((_root.punch >= "5") && (_root.punch <= "8")) { gotoAndPlay ("punch5a"); } if (_root.punch >= "9") { _root.punch = 0; play(); } } if (_root.walkcyc == "2") { if (_root.punch == "0") { gotoAndPlay ("pose2"); } if (_root.punch == "1") { gotoAndPlay ("punch1b"); } if (_root.punch == "2") { gotoAndPlay ("punch2b"); } if (_root.punch == "3") { gotoAndPlay ("punch3b"); } if (_root.punch == "4") { gotoAndPlay ("punch4b"); } if ((_root.punch >= "5") && (_root.punch <= "8")) { gotoAndPlay ("punch5b"); } if (_root.punch >= "9") { _root.punch = 0; gotoAndPlay ("pose2"); } } if (_root.walkcyc == "3") { if (_root.punch == "0") { gotoAndPlay ("pose3"); } if (_root.punch == "1") { gotoAndPlay ("punch1c"); } if (_root.punch == "2") { gotoAndPlay ("punch2c"); } if (_root.punch == "3") { gotoAndPlay ("punch3c"); } if (_root.punch == "4") { gotoAndPlay ("punch4c"); } if ((_root.punch >= "5") && (_root.punch <= "8")) { gotoAndPlay ("punch5c"); } if (_root.punch >= "9") { _root.punch = 0; gotoAndPlay ("pose3"); } } if (_root.walkcyc == "4") { if (_root.punch == "0") { gotoAndPlay ("pose4"); } if (_root.punch == "1") { gotoAndPlay ("punch1d"); } if (_root.punch == "2") { gotoAndPlay ("punch2d"); } if (_root.punch == "3") { gotoAndPlay ("punch3d"); } if (_root.punch == "4") { gotoAndPlay ("punch4d"); } if ((_root.punch >= "5") && (_root.punch <= "8")) { gotoAndPlay ("punch5d"); } if (_root.punch >= "9") { _root.punch = 0; gotoAndPlay ("pose4"); } }
Symbol 161 MovieClip Frame 2
if ((_root.walkcyc == "0") or (_root.walkcyc == "1")) { if (_root.punch == "0") { gotoAndPlay ("pose1"); } if (_root.punch == "1") { gotoAndPlay ("punch1a"); } if (_root.punch == "2") { gotoAndPlay ("punch2a"); } if (_root.punch == "3") { gotoAndPlay ("punch3a"); } if (_root.punch == "4") { gotoAndPlay ("punch4a"); } if ((_root.punch >= "5") && (_root.punch <= "8")) { gotoAndPlay ("punch5a"); } if (_root.punch >= "9") { _root.punch = 0; gotoAndPlay (1); } } if (_root.walkcyc == "2") { if (_root.punch == "0") { gotoAndPlay ("pose2"); } if (_root.punch == "1") { gotoAndPlay ("punch1b"); } if (_root.punch == "2") { gotoAndPlay ("punch2b"); } if (_root.punch == "3") { gotoAndPlay ("punch3b"); } if (_root.punch == "4") { gotoAndPlay ("punch4b"); } if ((_root.punch >= "5") && (_root.punch <= "8")) { gotoAndPlay ("punch5b"); } if (_root.punch >= "9") { _root.punch = 0; gotoAndPlay ("pose2"); } } if (_root.walkcyc == "3") { if (_root.punch == "0") { gotoAndPlay ("pose3"); } if (_root.punch == "1") { gotoAndPlay ("punch1c"); } if (_root.punch == "2") { gotoAndPlay ("punch2c"); } if (_root.punch == "3") { gotoAndPlay ("punch3c"); } if (_root.punch == "4") { gotoAndPlay ("punch4c"); } if ((_root.punch >= "5") && (_root.punch <= "8")) { gotoAndPlay ("punch5c"); } if (_root.punch >= "9") { _root.punch = 0; gotoAndPlay ("pose3"); } } if (_root.walkcyc == "4") { if (_root.punch == "0") { gotoAndPlay ("pose4"); } if (_root.punch == "1") { gotoAndPlay ("punch1d"); } if (_root.punch == "2") { gotoAndPlay ("punch2d"); } if (_root.punch == "3") { gotoAndPlay ("punch3d"); } if (_root.punch == "4") { gotoAndPlay ("punch4d"); } if ((_root.punch >= "5") && (_root.punch <= "8")) { gotoAndPlay ("punch5d"); } if (_root.punch >= "9") { _root.punch = 0; gotoAndPlay ("pose4"); } }
Symbol 161 MovieClip Frame 3
if ((_root.walkcyc == "0") or (_root.walkcyc == "1")) { if (_root.punch == "0") { gotoAndPlay ("pose1"); } if (_root.punch == "1") { gotoAndPlay ("punch1a"); } if (_root.punch == "2") { gotoAndPlay ("punch2a"); } if (_root.punch == "3") { gotoAndPlay ("punch3a"); } if (_root.punch == "4") { gotoAndPlay ("punch4a"); } if ((_root.punch >= "5") && (_root.punch <= "8")) { gotoAndPlay ("punch5a"); } if (_root.punch >= "9") { _root.punch = 0; gotoAndPlay (1); } } if (_root.walkcyc == "2") { if (_root.punch == "0") { play(); } if (_root.punch == "1") { gotoAndPlay ("punch1b"); } if (_root.punch == "2") { gotoAndPlay ("punch2b"); } if (_root.punch == "3") { gotoAndPlay ("punch3b"); } if (_root.punch == "4") { gotoAndPlay ("punch4b"); } if ((_root.punch >= "5") && (_root.punch <= "8")) { gotoAndPlay ("punch5b"); } if (_root.punch >= "9") { _root.punch = 0; play(); } } if (_root.walkcyc == "3") { if (_root.punch == "0") { gotoAndPlay ("pose3"); } if (_root.punch == "1") { gotoAndPlay ("punch1c"); } if (_root.punch == "2") { gotoAndPlay ("punch2c"); } if (_root.punch == "3") { gotoAndPlay ("punch3c"); } if (_root.punch == "4") { gotoAndPlay ("punch4c"); } if ((_root.punch >= "5") && (_root.punch <= "8")) { gotoAndPlay ("punch5c"); } if (_root.punch >= "9") { _root.punch = 0; gotoAndPlay ("pose3"); } } if (_root.walkcyc == "4") { if (_root.punch == "0") { gotoAndPlay ("pose4"); } if (_root.punch == "1") { gotoAndPlay ("punch1d"); } if (_root.punch == "2") { gotoAndPlay ("punch2d"); } if (_root.punch == "3") { gotoAndPlay ("punch3d"); } if (_root.punch == "4") { gotoAndPlay ("punch4d"); } if ((_root.punch >= "5") && (_root.punch <= "8")) { gotoAndPlay ("punch5d"); } if (_root.punch >= "9") { _root.punch = 0; gotoAndPlay ("pose4"); } }
Symbol 161 MovieClip Frame 4
if ((_root.walkcyc == "0") or (_root.walkcyc == "1")) { if (_root.punch == "0") { gotoAndPlay ("pose1"); } if (_root.punch == "1") { gotoAndPlay ("punch1a"); } if (_root.punch == "2") { gotoAndPlay ("punch2a"); } if (_root.punch == "3") { gotoAndPlay ("punch3a"); } if (_root.punch == "4") { gotoAndPlay ("punch4a"); } if ((_root.punch >= "5") && (_root.punch <= "8")) { gotoAndPlay ("punch5a"); } if (_root.punch >= "9") { _root.punch = 0; gotoAndPlay (1); } } if (_root.walkcyc == "2") { if (_root.punch == "0") { gotoAndPlay ("pose2"); } if (_root.punch == "1") { gotoAndPlay ("punch1b"); } if (_root.punch == "2") { gotoAndPlay ("punch2b"); } if (_root.punch == "3") { gotoAndPlay ("punch3b"); } if (_root.punch == "4") { gotoAndPlay ("punch4b"); } if ((_root.punch >= "5") && (_root.punch <= "8")) { gotoAndPlay ("punch5b"); } if (_root.punch >= "9") { _root.punch = 0; gotoAndPlay ("pose2"); } } if (_root.walkcyc == "3") { if (_root.punch == "0") { gotoAndPlay ("pose3"); } if (_root.punch == "1") { gotoAndPlay ("punch1c"); } if (_root.punch == "2") { gotoAndPlay ("punch2c"); } if (_root.punch == "3") { gotoAndPlay ("punch3c"); } if (_root.punch == "4") { gotoAndPlay ("punch4c"); } if ((_root.punch >= "5") && (_root.punch <= "8")) { gotoAndPlay ("punch5c"); } if (_root.punch >= "9") { _root.punch = 0; gotoAndPlay ("pose3"); } } if (_root.walkcyc == "4") { if (_root.punch == "0") { gotoAndPlay ("pose4"); } if (_root.punch == "1") { gotoAndPlay ("punch1d"); } if (_root.punch == "2") { gotoAndPlay ("punch2d"); } if (_root.punch == "3") { gotoAndPlay ("punch3d"); } if (_root.punch == "4") { gotoAndPlay ("punch4d"); } if ((_root.punch >= "5") && (_root.punch <= "8")) { gotoAndPlay ("punch5d"); } if (_root.punch >= "9") { _root.punch = 0; gotoAndPlay ("pose4"); } }
Symbol 161 MovieClip Frame 5
if ((_root.walkcyc == "0") or (_root.walkcyc == "1")) { if (_root.punch == "0") { gotoAndPlay ("pose1"); } if (_root.punch == "1") { gotoAndPlay ("punch1a"); } if (_root.punch == "2") { gotoAndPlay ("punch2a"); } if (_root.punch == "3") { gotoAndPlay ("punch3a"); } if (_root.punch == "4") { gotoAndPlay ("punch4a"); } if ((_root.punch >= "5") && (_root.punch <= "8")) { gotoAndPlay ("punch5a"); } if (_root.punch >= "9") { _root.punch = 0; gotoAndPlay (1); } } if (_root.walkcyc == "2") { if (_root.punch == "0") { gotoAndPlay ("pose2"); } if (_root.punch == "1") { gotoAndPlay ("punch1b"); } if (_root.punch == "2") { gotoAndPlay ("punch2b"); } if (_root.punch == "3") { gotoAndPlay ("punch3b"); } if (_root.punch == "4") { gotoAndPlay ("punch4b"); } if ((_root.punch >= "5") && (_root.punch <= "8")) { gotoAndPlay ("punch5b"); } if (_root.punch >= "9") { _root.punch = 0; gotoAndPlay ("pose2"); } } if (_root.walkcyc == "3") { if (_root.punch == "0") { play(); } if (_root.punch == "1") { gotoAndPlay ("punch1c"); } if (_root.punch == "2") { gotoAndPlay ("punch2c"); } if (_root.punch == "3") { gotoAndPlay ("punch3c"); } if (_root.punch == "4") { gotoAndPlay ("punch4c"); } if ((_root.punch >= "5") && (_root.punch <= "8")) { gotoAndPlay ("punch5c"); } if (_root.punch >= "9") { _root.punch = 0; play(); } } if (_root.walkcyc == "4") { if (_root.punch == "0") { gotoAndPlay ("pose4"); } if (_root.punch == "1") { gotoAndPlay ("punch1d"); } if (_root.punch == "2") { gotoAndPlay ("punch2d"); } if (_root.punch == "3") { gotoAndPlay ("punch3d"); } if (_root.punch == "4") { gotoAndPlay ("punch4d"); } if ((_root.punch >= "5") && (_root.punch <= "8")) { gotoAndPlay ("punch5d"); } if (_root.punch >= "9") { _root.punch = 0; gotoAndPlay ("pose4"); } }
Symbol 161 MovieClip Frame 6
if ((_root.walkcyc == "0") or (_root.walkcyc == "1")) { if (_root.punch == "0") { gotoAndPlay ("pose1"); } if (_root.punch == "1") { gotoAndPlay ("punch1a"); } if (_root.punch == "2") { gotoAndPlay ("punch2a"); } if (_root.punch == "3") { gotoAndPlay ("punch3a"); } if (_root.punch == "4") { gotoAndPlay ("punch4a"); } if ((_root.punch >= "5") && (_root.punch <= "8")) { gotoAndPlay ("punch5a"); } if (_root.punch >= "9") { _root.punch = 0; gotoAndPlay (1); } } if (_root.walkcyc == "2") { if (_root.punch == "0") { gotoAndPlay ("pose2"); } if (_root.punch == "1") { gotoAndPlay ("punch1b"); } if (_root.punch == "2") { gotoAndPlay ("punch2b"); } if (_root.punch == "3") { gotoAndPlay ("punch3b"); } if (_root.punch == "4") { gotoAndPlay ("punch4b"); } if ((_root.punch >= "5") && (_root.punch <= "8")) { gotoAndPlay ("punch5b"); } if (_root.punch >= "9") { _root.punch = 0; gotoAndPlay ("pose2"); } } if (_root.walkcyc == "3") { if (_root.punch == "0") { gotoAndPlay ("pose3"); } if (_root.punch == "1") { gotoAndPlay ("punch1c"); } if (_root.punch == "2") { gotoAndPlay ("punch2c"); } if (_root.punch == "3") { gotoAndPlay ("punch3c"); } if (_root.punch == "4") { gotoAndPlay ("punch4c"); } if ((_root.punch >= "5") && (_root.punch <= "8")) { gotoAndPlay ("punch5c"); } if (_root.punch >= "9") { _root.punch = 0; gotoAndPlay ("pose3"); } } if (_root.walkcyc == "4") { if (_root.punch == "0") { gotoAndPlay ("pose4"); } if (_root.punch == "1") { gotoAndPlay ("punch1d"); } if (_root.punch == "2") { gotoAndPlay ("punch2d"); } if (_root.punch == "3") { gotoAndPlay ("punch3d"); } if (_root.punch == "4") { gotoAndPlay ("punch4d"); } if ((_root.punch >= "5") && (_root.punch <= "8")) { gotoAndPlay ("punch5d"); } if (_root.punch >= "9") { _root.punch = 0; gotoAndPlay ("pose4"); } }
Symbol 161 MovieClip Frame 7
if ((_root.walkcyc == "0") or (_root.walkcyc == "1")) { if (_root.punch == "0") { gotoAndPlay ("pose1"); } if (_root.punch == "1") { gotoAndPlay ("punch1a"); } if (_root.punch == "2") { gotoAndPlay ("punch2a"); } if (_root.punch == "3") { gotoAndPlay ("punch3a"); } if (_root.punch == "4") { gotoAndPlay ("punch4a"); } if ((_root.punch >= "5") && (_root.punch <= "8")) { gotoAndPlay ("punch5a"); } if (_root.punch >= "9") { _root.punch = 0; gotoAndPlay (1); } } if (_root.walkcyc == "2") { if (_root.punch == "0") { gotoAndPlay ("pose2"); } if (_root.punch == "1") { gotoAndPlay ("punch1b"); } if (_root.punch == "2") { gotoAndPlay ("punch2b"); } if (_root.punch == "3") { gotoAndPlay ("punch3b"); } if (_root.punch == "4") { gotoAndPlay ("punch4b"); } if ((_root.punch >= "5") && (_root.punch <= "8")) { gotoAndPlay ("punch5b"); } if (_root.punch >= "9") { _root.punch = 0; gotoAndPlay ("pose2"); } } if (_root.walkcyc == "3") { if (_root.punch == "0") { gotoAndPlay ("pose3"); } if (_root.punch == "1") { gotoAndPlay ("punch1c"); } if (_root.punch == "2") { gotoAndPlay ("punch2c"); } if (_root.punch == "3") { gotoAndPlay ("punch3c"); } if (_root.punch == "4") { gotoAndPlay ("punch4c"); } if ((_root.punch >= "5") && (_root.punch <= "8")) { gotoAndPlay ("punch5c"); } if (_root.punch >= "9") { _root.punch = 0; gotoAndPlay ("pose3"); } } if (_root.walkcyc == "4") { if (_root.punch == "0") { play(); } if (_root.punch == "1") { gotoAndPlay ("punch1d"); } if (_root.punch == "2") { gotoAndPlay ("punch2d"); } if (_root.punch == "3") { gotoAndPlay ("punch3d"); } if (_root.punch == "4") { gotoAndPlay ("punch4d"); } if ((_root.punch >= "5") && (_root.punch <= "8")) { gotoAndPlay ("punch5d"); } if (_root.punch >= "9") { _root.punch = 0; play(); } }
Symbol 161 MovieClip Frame 8
if ((_root.walkcyc == "0") or (_root.walkcyc == "1")) { if (_root.punch == "0") { gotoAndPlay ("pose1"); } if (_root.punch == "1") { gotoAndPlay ("punch1a"); } if (_root.punch == "2") { gotoAndPlay ("punch2a"); } if (_root.punch == "3") { gotoAndPlay ("punch3a"); } if (_root.punch == "4") { gotoAndPlay ("punch4a"); } if ((_root.punch >= "5") && (_root.punch <= "8")) { gotoAndPlay ("punch5a"); } if (_root.punch >= "9") { _root.punch = 0; gotoAndPlay (1); } } if (_root.walkcyc == "2") { if (_root.punch == "0") { gotoAndPlay ("pose2"); } if (_root.punch == "1") { gotoAndPlay ("punch1b"); } if (_root.punch == "2") { gotoAndPlay ("punch2b"); } if (_root.punch == "3") { gotoAndPlay ("punch3b"); } if (_root.punch == "4") { gotoAndPlay ("punch4b"); } if ((_root.punch >= "5") && (_root.punch <= "8")) { gotoAndPlay ("punch5b"); } if (_root.punch >= "9") { _root.punch = 0; gotoAndPlay ("pose2"); } } if (_root.walkcyc == "3") { if (_root.punch == "0") { gotoAndPlay ("pose3"); } if (_root.punch == "1") { gotoAndPlay ("punch1c"); } if (_root.punch == "2") { gotoAndPlay ("punch2c"); } if (_root.punch == "3") { gotoAndPlay ("punch3c"); } if (_root.punch == "4") { gotoAndPlay ("punch4c"); } if ((_root.punch >= "5") && (_root.punch <= "8")) { gotoAndPlay ("punch5c"); } if (_root.punch >= "9") { _root.punch = 0; gotoAndPlay ("pose3"); } } if (_root.walkcyc == "4") { if (_root.punch == "0") { gotoAndPlay ("pose4"); } if (_root.punch == "1") { gotoAndPlay ("punch1d"); } if (_root.punch == "2") { gotoAndPlay ("punch2d"); } if (_root.punch == "3") { gotoAndPlay ("punch3d"); } if (_root.punch == "4") { gotoAndPlay ("punch4d"); } if ((_root.punch >= "5") && (_root.punch <= "8")) { gotoAndPlay ("punch5d"); } if (_root.punch >= "9") { _root.punch = 0; gotoAndPlay ("pose4"); } }
Symbol 161 MovieClip Frame 10
_root.punch = _root.punch + 1; if ((_root.walkcyc == "0") or (_root.walkcyc == "1")) { if (_root.punch == "1") { gotoAndPlay ("punch1a"); } if (_root.punch == "2") { gotoAndPlay ("punch2a"); } if (_root.punch == "3") { gotoAndPlay ("punch3a"); } if (_root.punch == "4") { gotoAndPlay ("punch4a"); } if ((_root.punch >= "5") && (_root.punch <= "8")) { gotoAndPlay ("punch5a"); } if (_root.punch >= "9") { gotoAndPlay (1); } } if (_root.walkcyc == "2") { if (_root.punch == "1") { gotoAndPlay ("punch1b"); } if (_root.punch == "2") { gotoAndPlay ("punch2b"); } if (_root.punch == "3") { gotoAndPlay ("punch3b"); } if (_root.punch == "4") { gotoAndPlay ("punch4b"); } if ((_root.punch >= "5") && (_root.punch <= "8")) { gotoAndPlay ("punch5b"); } if (_root.punch >= "9") { gotoAndPlay ("pose2"); } } if (_root.walkcyc == "3") { if (_root.punch == "1") { gotoAndPlay ("punch1c"); } if (_root.punch == "2") { gotoAndPlay ("punch2c"); } if (_root.punch == "3") { gotoAndPlay ("punch3c"); } if (_root.punch == "4") { gotoAndPlay ("punch4c"); } if ((_root.punch >= "5") && (_root.punch <= "8")) { gotoAndPlay ("punch5c"); } if (_root.punch >= "9") { gotoAndPlay ("pose3"); } } if (_root.walkcyc == "4") { if (_root.punch == "1") { gotoAndPlay ("punch1d"); } if (_root.punch == "2") { gotoAndPlay ("punch2d"); } if (_root.punch == "3") { gotoAndPlay ("punch3d"); } if (_root.punch == "4") { gotoAndPlay ("punch4d"); } if ((_root.punch >= "5") && (_root.punch <= "8")) { gotoAndPlay ("punch5d"); } if (_root.punch >= "9") { gotoAndPlay ("pose4"); } } play();
Symbol 161 MovieClip Frame 12
_root.punch = _root.punch + 1; if ((_root.walkcyc == "0") or (_root.walkcyc == "1")) { if (_root.punch == "1") { gotoAndPlay ("punch1a"); } if (_root.punch == "2") { gotoAndPlay ("punch2a"); } if (_root.punch == "3") { gotoAndPlay ("punch3a"); } if (_root.punch == "4") { gotoAndPlay ("punch4a"); } if ((_root.punch >= "5") && (_root.punch <= "8")) { gotoAndPlay ("punch5a"); } if (_root.punch >= "9") { gotoAndPlay (1); } } if (_root.walkcyc == "2") { if (_root.punch == "1") { gotoAndPlay ("punch1b"); } if (_root.punch == "2") { gotoAndPlay ("punch2b"); } if (_root.punch == "3") { gotoAndPlay ("punch3b"); } if (_root.punch == "4") { gotoAndPlay ("punch4b"); } if ((_root.punch >= "5") && (_root.punch <= "8")) { gotoAndPlay ("punch5b"); } if (_root.punch >= "9") { gotoAndPlay ("pose2"); } } if (_root.walkcyc == "3") { if (_root.punch == "1") { gotoAndPlay ("punch1c"); } if (_root.punch == "2") { gotoAndPlay ("punch2c"); } if (_root.punch == "3") { gotoAndPlay ("punch3c"); } if (_root.punch == "4") { gotoAndPlay ("punch4c"); } if ((_root.punch >= "5") && (_root.punch <= "8")) { gotoAndPlay ("punch5c"); } if (_root.punch >= "9") { gotoAndPlay ("pose3"); } } if (_root.walkcyc == "4") { if (_root.punch == "1") { gotoAndPlay ("punch1d"); } if (_root.punch == "2") { gotoAndPlay ("punch2d"); } if (_root.punch == "3") { gotoAndPlay ("punch3d"); } if (_root.punch == "4") { gotoAndPlay ("punch4d"); } if ((_root.punch >= "5") && (_root.punch <= "8")) { gotoAndPlay ("punch5d"); } if (_root.punch >= "9") { gotoAndPlay ("pose4"); } } play();
Symbol 161 MovieClip Frame 14
_root.punch = _root.punch + 1; if ((_root.walkcyc == "0") or (_root.walkcyc == "1")) { if (_root.punch == "1") { gotoAndPlay ("punch1a"); } if (_root.punch == "2") { gotoAndPlay ("punch2a"); } if (_root.punch == "3") { gotoAndPlay ("punch3a"); } if (_root.punch == "4") { gotoAndPlay ("punch4a"); } if ((_root.punch >= "5") && (_root.punch <= "8")) { gotoAndPlay ("punch5a"); } if (_root.punch >= "9") { gotoAndPlay (1); } } if (_root.walkcyc == "2") { if (_root.punch == "1") { gotoAndPlay ("punch1b"); } if (_root.punch == "2") { gotoAndPlay ("punch2b"); } if (_root.punch == "3") { gotoAndPlay ("punch3b"); } if (_root.punch == "4") { gotoAndPlay ("punch4b"); } if ((_root.punch >= "5") && (_root.punch <= "8")) { gotoAndPlay ("punch5b"); } if (_root.punch >= "9") { gotoAndPlay ("pose2"); } } if (_root.walkcyc == "3") { if (_root.punch == "1") { gotoAndPlay ("punch1c"); } if (_root.punch == "2") { gotoAndPlay ("punch2c"); } if (_root.punch == "3") { gotoAndPlay ("punch3c"); } if (_root.punch == "4") { gotoAndPlay ("punch4c"); } if ((_root.punch >= "5") && (_root.punch <= "8")) { gotoAndPlay ("punch5c"); } if (_root.punch >= "9") { gotoAndPlay ("pose3"); } } if (_root.walkcyc == "4") { if (_root.punch == "1") { gotoAndPlay ("punch1d"); } if (_root.punch == "2") { gotoAndPlay ("punch2d"); } if (_root.punch == "3") { gotoAndPlay ("punch3d"); } if (_root.punch == "4") { gotoAndPlay ("punch4d"); } if ((_root.punch >= "5") && (_root.punch <= "8")) { gotoAndPlay ("punch5d"); } if (_root.punch >= "9") { gotoAndPlay ("pose4"); } } play();
Symbol 161 MovieClip Frame 16
_root.punch = _root.punch + 1; if ((_root.walkcyc == "0") or (_root.walkcyc == "1")) { if (_root.punch == "1") { gotoAndPlay ("punch1a"); } if (_root.punch == "2") { gotoAndPlay ("punch2a"); } if (_root.punch == "3") { gotoAndPlay ("punch3a"); } if (_root.punch == "4") { gotoAndPlay ("punch4a"); } if ((_root.punch >= "5") && (_root.punch <= "8")) { gotoAndPlay ("punch5a"); } if (_root.punch >= "9") { gotoAndPlay (1); } } if (_root.walkcyc == "2") { if (_root.punch == "1") { gotoAndPlay ("punch1b"); } if (_root.punch == "2") { gotoAndPlay ("punch2b"); } if (_root.punch == "3") { gotoAndPlay ("punch3b"); } if (_root.punch == "4") { gotoAndPlay ("punch4b"); } if ((_root.punch >= "5") && (_root.punch <= "8")) { gotoAndPlay ("punch5b"); } if (_root.punch >= "9") { gotoAndPlay ("pose2"); } } if (_root.walkcyc == "3") { if (_root.punch == "1") { gotoAndPlay ("punch1c"); } if (_root.punch == "2") { gotoAndPlay ("punch2c"); } if (_root.punch == "3") { gotoAndPlay ("punch3c"); } if (_root.punch == "4") { gotoAndPlay ("punch4c"); } if ((_root.punch >= "5") && (_root.punch <= "8")) { gotoAndPlay ("punch5c"); } if (_root.punch >= "9") { gotoAndPlay ("pose3"); } } if (_root.walkcyc == "4") { if (_root.punch == "1") { gotoAndPlay ("punch1d"); } if (_root.punch == "2") { gotoAndPlay ("punch2d"); } if (_root.punch == "3") { gotoAndPlay ("punch3d"); } if (_root.punch == "4") { gotoAndPlay ("punch4d"); } if ((_root.punch >= "5") && (_root.punch <= "8")) { gotoAndPlay ("punch5d"); } if (_root.punch >= "9") { gotoAndPlay ("pose4"); } } play();
Symbol 161 MovieClip Frame 18
_root.punch = _root.punch + 1; if ((_root.walkcyc == "0") or (_root.walkcyc == "1")) { if (_root.punch == "1") { gotoAndPlay ("punch1a"); } if (_root.punch == "2") { gotoAndPlay ("punch2a"); } if (_root.punch == "3") { gotoAndPlay ("punch3a"); } if (_root.punch == "4") { gotoAndPlay ("punch4a"); } if ((_root.punch >= "5") && (_root.punch <= "8")) { gotoAndPlay ("punch5a"); } if (_root.punch >= "9") { gotoAndPlay (1); } } if (_root.walkcyc == "2") { if (_root.punch == "1") { gotoAndPlay ("punch1b"); } if (_root.punch == "2") { gotoAndPlay ("punch2b"); } if (_root.punch == "3") { gotoAndPlay ("punch3b"); } if (_root.punch == "4") { gotoAndPlay ("punch4b"); } if ((_root.punch >= "5") && (_root.punch <= "8")) { gotoAndPlay ("punch5b"); } if (_root.punch >= "9") { gotoAndPlay ("pose2"); } } if (_root.walkcyc == "3") { if (_root.punch == "1") { gotoAndPlay ("punch1c"); } if (_root.punch == "2") { gotoAndPlay ("punch2c"); } if (_root.punch == "3") { gotoAndPlay ("punch3c"); } if (_root.punch == "4") { gotoAndPlay ("punch4c"); } if ((_root.punch >= "5") && (_root.punch <= "8")) { gotoAndPlay ("punch5c"); } if (_root.punch >= "9") { gotoAndPlay ("pose3"); } } if (_root.walkcyc == "4") { if (_root.punch == "1") { gotoAndPlay ("punch1d"); } if (_root.punch == "2") { gotoAndPlay ("punch2d"); } if (_root.punch == "3") { gotoAndPlay ("punch3d"); } if (_root.punch == "4") { gotoAndPlay ("punch4d"); } if ((_root.punch >= "5") && (_root.punch <= "8")) { gotoAndPlay ("punch5d"); } if (_root.punch >= "9") { gotoAndPlay ("pose4"); } } play();
Symbol 161 MovieClip Frame 20
_root.punch = _root.punch + 1; if ((_root.walkcyc == "0") or (_root.walkcyc == "1")) { if (_root.punch == "1") { gotoAndPlay ("punch1a"); } if (_root.punch == "2") { gotoAndPlay ("punch2a"); } if (_root.punch == "3") { gotoAndPlay ("punch3a"); } if (_root.punch == "4") { gotoAndPlay ("punch4a"); } if ((_root.punch >= "5") && (_root.punch <= "8")) { gotoAndPlay ("punch5a"); } if (_root.punch >= "9") { gotoAndPlay (1); } } if (_root.walkcyc == "2") { if (_root.punch == "1") { gotoAndPlay ("punch1b"); } if (_root.punch == "2") { gotoAndPlay ("punch2b"); } if (_root.punch == "3") { gotoAndPlay ("punch3b"); } if (_root.punch == "4") { gotoAndPlay ("punch4b"); } if ((_root.punch >= "5") && (_root.punch <= "8")) { gotoAndPlay ("punch5b"); } if (_root.punch >= "9") { gotoAndPlay ("pose2"); } } if (_root.walkcyc == "3") { if (_root.punch == "1") { gotoAndPlay ("punch1c"); } if (_root.punch == "2") { gotoAndPlay ("punch2c"); } if (_root.punch == "3") { gotoAndPlay ("punch3c"); } if (_root.punch == "4") { gotoAndPlay ("punch4c"); } if ((_root.punch >= "5") && (_root.punch <= "8")) { gotoAndPlay ("punch5c"); } if (_root.punch >= "9") { gotoAndPlay ("pose3"); } } if (_root.walkcyc == "4") { if (_root.punch == "1") { gotoAndPlay ("punch1d"); } if (_root.punch == "2") { gotoAndPlay ("punch2d"); } if (_root.punch == "3") { gotoAndPlay ("punch3d"); } if (_root.punch == "4") { gotoAndPlay ("punch4d"); } if ((_root.punch >= "5") && (_root.punch <= "8")) { gotoAndPlay ("punch5d"); } if (_root.punch >= "9") { gotoAndPlay ("pose4"); } } play();
Symbol 161 MovieClip Frame 22
_root.punch = _root.punch + 1; if ((_root.walkcyc == "0") or (_root.walkcyc == "1")) { if (_root.punch == "1") { gotoAndPlay ("punch1a"); } if (_root.punch == "2") { gotoAndPlay ("punch2a"); } if (_root.punch == "3") { gotoAndPlay ("punch3a"); } if (_root.punch == "4") { gotoAndPlay ("punch4a"); } if ((_root.punch >= "5") && (_root.punch <= "8")) { gotoAndPlay ("punch5a"); } if (_root.punch >= "9") { gotoAndPlay (1); } } if (_root.walkcyc == "2") { if (_root.punch == "1") { gotoAndPlay ("punch1b"); } if (_root.punch == "2") { gotoAndPlay ("punch2b"); } if (_root.punch == "3") { gotoAndPlay ("punch3b"); } if (_root.punch == "4") { gotoAndPlay ("punch4b"); } if ((_root.punch >= "5") && (_root.punch <= "8")) { gotoAndPlay ("punch5b"); } if (_root.punch >= "9") { gotoAndPlay ("pose2"); } } if (_root.walkcyc == "3") { if (_root.punch == "1") { gotoAndPlay ("punch1c"); } if (_root.punch == "2") { gotoAndPlay ("punch2c"); } if (_root.punch == "3") { gotoAndPlay ("punch3c"); } if (_root.punch == "4") { gotoAndPlay ("punch4c"); } if ((_root.punch >= "5") && (_root.punch <= "8")) { gotoAndPlay ("punch5c"); } if (_root.punch >= "9") { gotoAndPlay ("pose3"); } } if (_root.walkcyc == "4") { if (_root.punch == "1") { gotoAndPlay ("punch1d"); } if (_root.punch == "2") { gotoAndPlay ("punch2d"); } if (_root.punch == "3") { gotoAndPlay ("punch3d"); } if (_root.punch == "4") { gotoAndPlay ("punch4d"); } if ((_root.punch >= "5") && (_root.punch <= "8")) { gotoAndPlay ("punch5d"); } if (_root.punch >= "9") { gotoAndPlay ("pose4"); } } play();
Symbol 161 MovieClip Frame 24
_root.punch = _root.punch + 1; if ((_root.walkcyc == "0") or (_root.walkcyc == "1")) { if (_root.punch == "1") { gotoAndPlay ("punch1a"); } if (_root.punch == "2") { gotoAndPlay ("punch2a"); } if (_root.punch == "3") { gotoAndPlay ("punch3a"); } if (_root.punch == "4") { gotoAndPlay ("punch4a"); } if ((_root.punch >= "5") && (_root.punch <= "8")) { gotoAndPlay ("punch5a"); } if (_root.punch >= "9") { gotoAndPlay (1); } } if (_root.walkcyc == "2") { if (_root.punch == "1") { gotoAndPlay ("punch1b"); } if (_root.punch == "2") { gotoAndPlay ("punch2b"); } if (_root.punch == "3") { gotoAndPlay ("punch3b"); } if (_root.punch == "4") { gotoAndPlay ("punch4b"); } if ((_root.punch >= "5") && (_root.punch <= "8")) { gotoAndPlay ("punch5b"); } if (_root.punch >= "9") { gotoAndPlay ("pose2"); } } if (_root.walkcyc == "3") { if (_root.punch == "1") { gotoAndPlay ("punch1c"); } if (_root.punch == "2") { gotoAndPlay ("punch2c"); } if (_root.punch == "3") { gotoAndPlay ("punch3c"); } if (_root.punch == "4") { gotoAndPlay ("punch4c"); } if ((_root.punch >= "5") && (_root.punch <= "8")) { gotoAndPlay ("punch5c"); } if (_root.punch >= "9") { gotoAndPlay ("pose3"); } } if (_root.walkcyc == "4") { if (_root.punch == "1") { gotoAndPlay ("punch1d"); } if (_root.punch == "2") { gotoAndPlay ("punch2d"); } if (_root.punch == "3") { gotoAndPlay ("punch3d"); } if (_root.punch == "4") { gotoAndPlay ("punch4d"); } if ((_root.punch >= "5") && (_root.punch <= "8")) { gotoAndPlay ("punch5d"); } if (_root.punch >= "9") { gotoAndPlay ("pose4"); } } play();
Symbol 161 MovieClip Frame 26
_root.punch = _root.punch + 1; if ((_root.walkcyc == "0") or (_root.walkcyc == "1")) { if (_root.punch == "1") { gotoAndPlay ("punch1a"); } if (_root.punch == "2") { gotoAndPlay ("punch2a"); } if (_root.punch == "3") { gotoAndPlay ("punch3a"); } if (_root.punch == "4") { gotoAndPlay ("punch4a"); } if ((_root.punch >= "5") && (_root.punch <= "8")) { gotoAndPlay ("punch5a"); } if (_root.punch >= "9") { gotoAndPlay (1); } } if (_root.walkcyc == "2") { if (_root.punch == "1") { gotoAndPlay ("punch1b"); } if (_root.punch == "2") { gotoAndPlay ("punch2b"); } if (_root.punch == "3") { gotoAndPlay ("punch3b"); } if (_root.punch == "4") { gotoAndPlay ("punch4b"); } if ((_root.punch >= "5") && (_root.punch <= "8")) { gotoAndPlay ("punch5b"); } if (_root.punch >= "9") { gotoAndPlay ("pose2"); } } if (_root.walkcyc == "3") { if (_root.punch == "1") { gotoAndPlay ("punch1c"); } if (_root.punch == "2") { gotoAndPlay ("punch2c"); } if (_root.punch == "3") { gotoAndPlay ("punch3c"); } if (_root.punch == "4") { gotoAndPlay ("punch4c"); } if ((_root.punch >= "5") && (_root.punch <= "8")) { gotoAndPlay ("punch5c"); } if (_root.punch >= "9") { gotoAndPlay ("pose3"); } } if (_root.walkcyc == "4") { if (_root.punch == "1") { gotoAndPlay ("punch1d"); } if (_root.punch == "2") { gotoAndPlay ("punch2d"); } if (_root.punch == "3") { gotoAndPlay ("punch3d"); } if (_root.punch == "4") { gotoAndPlay ("punch4d"); } if ((_root.punch >= "5") && (_root.punch <= "8")) { gotoAndPlay ("punch5d"); } if (_root.punch >= "9") { gotoAndPlay ("pose4"); } } play();
Symbol 161 MovieClip Frame 28
_root.punch = _root.punch + 1; if ((_root.walkcyc == "0") or (_root.walkcyc == "1")) { if (_root.punch == "1") { gotoAndPlay ("punch1a"); } if (_root.punch == "2") { gotoAndPlay ("punch2a"); } if (_root.punch == "3") { gotoAndPlay ("punch3a"); } if (_root.punch == "4") { gotoAndPlay ("punch4a"); } if ((_root.punch >= "5") && (_root.punch <= "8")) { gotoAndPlay ("punch5a"); } if (_root.punch >= "9") { gotoAndPlay (1); } } if (_root.walkcyc == "2") { if (_root.punch == "1") { gotoAndPlay ("punch1b"); } if (_root.punch == "2") { gotoAndPlay ("punch2b"); } if (_root.punch == "3") { gotoAndPlay ("punch3b"); } if (_root.punch == "4") { gotoAndPlay ("punch4b"); } if ((_root.punch >= "5") && (_root.punch <= "8")) { gotoAndPlay ("punch5b"); } if (_root.punch >= "9") { gotoAndPlay ("pose2"); } } if (_root.walkcyc == "3") { if (_root.punch == "1") { gotoAndPlay ("punch1c"); } if (_root.punch == "2") { gotoAndPlay ("punch2c"); } if (_root.punch == "3") { gotoAndPlay ("punch3c"); } if (_root.punch == "4") { gotoAndPlay ("punch4c"); } if ((_root.punch >= "5") && (_root.punch <= "8")) { gotoAndPlay ("punch5c"); } if (_root.punch >= "9") { gotoAndPlay ("pose3"); } } if (_root.walkcyc == "4") { if (_root.punch == "1") { gotoAndPlay ("punch1d"); } if (_root.punch == "2") { gotoAndPlay ("punch2d"); } if (_root.punch == "3") { gotoAndPlay ("punch3d"); } if (_root.punch == "4") { gotoAndPlay ("punch4d"); } if ((_root.punch >= "5") && (_root.punch <= "8")) { gotoAndPlay ("punch5d"); } if (_root.punch >= "9") { gotoAndPlay ("pose4"); } } play();
Symbol 161 MovieClip Frame 30
_root.punch = _root.punch + 1; if ((_root.walkcyc == "0") or (_root.walkcyc == "1")) { if (_root.punch == "1") { gotoAndPlay ("punch1a"); } if (_root.punch == "2") { gotoAndPlay ("punch2a"); } if (_root.punch == "3") { gotoAndPlay ("punch3a"); } if (_root.punch == "4") { gotoAndPlay ("punch4a"); } if ((_root.punch >= "5") && (_root.punch <= "8")) { gotoAndPlay ("punch5a"); } if (_root.punch >= "9") { gotoAndPlay (1); } } if (_root.walkcyc == "2") { if (_root.punch == "1") { gotoAndPlay ("punch1b"); } if (_root.punch == "2") { gotoAndPlay ("punch2b"); } if (_root.punch == "3") { gotoAndPlay ("punch3b"); } if (_root.punch == "4") { gotoAndPlay ("punch4b"); } if ((_root.punch >= "5") && (_root.punch <= "8")) { gotoAndPlay ("punch5b"); } if (_root.punch >= "9") { gotoAndPlay ("pose2"); } } if (_root.walkcyc == "3") { if (_root.punch == "1") { gotoAndPlay ("punch1c"); } if (_root.punch == "2") { gotoAndPlay ("punch2c"); } if (_root.punch == "3") { gotoAndPlay ("punch3c"); } if (_root.punch == "4") { gotoAndPlay ("punch4c"); } if ((_root.punch >= "5") && (_root.punch <= "8")) { gotoAndPlay ("punch5c"); } if (_root.punch >= "9") { gotoAndPlay ("pose3"); } } if (_root.walkcyc == "4") { if (_root.punch == "1") { gotoAndPlay ("punch1d"); } if (_root.punch == "2") { gotoAndPlay ("punch2d"); } if (_root.punch == "3") { gotoAndPlay ("punch3d"); } if (_root.punch == "4") { gotoAndPlay ("punch4d"); } if ((_root.punch >= "5") && (_root.punch <= "8")) { gotoAndPlay ("punch5d"); } if (_root.punch >= "9") { gotoAndPlay ("pose4"); } } play();
Symbol 161 MovieClip Frame 32
_root.punch = _root.punch + 1; if ((_root.walkcyc == "0") or (_root.walkcyc == "1")) { if (_root.punch == "1") { gotoAndPlay ("punch1a"); } if (_root.punch == "2") { gotoAndPlay ("punch2a"); } if (_root.punch == "3") { gotoAndPlay ("punch3a"); } if (_root.punch == "4") { gotoAndPlay ("punch4a"); } if ((_root.punch >= "5") && (_root.punch <= "8")) { gotoAndPlay ("punch5a"); } if (_root.punch >= "9") { gotoAndPlay (1); } } if (_root.walkcyc == "2") { if (_root.punch == "1") { gotoAndPlay ("punch1b"); } if (_root.punch == "2") { gotoAndPlay ("punch2b"); } if (_root.punch == "3") { gotoAndPlay ("punch3b"); } if (_root.punch == "4") { gotoAndPlay ("punch4b"); } if ((_root.punch >= "5") && (_root.punch <= "8")) { gotoAndPlay ("punch5b"); } if (_root.punch >= "9") { gotoAndPlay ("pose2"); } } if (_root.walkcyc == "3") { if (_root.punch == "1") { gotoAndPlay ("punch1c"); } if (_root.punch == "2") { gotoAndPlay ("punch2c"); } if (_root.punch == "3") { gotoAndPlay ("punch3c"); } if (_root.punch == "4") { gotoAndPlay ("punch4c"); } if ((_root.punch >= "5") && (_root.punch <= "8")) { gotoAndPlay ("punch5c"); } if (_root.punch >= "9") { gotoAndPlay ("pose3"); } } if (_root.walkcyc == "4") { if (_root.punch == "1") { gotoAndPlay ("punch1d"); } if (_root.punch == "2") { gotoAndPlay ("punch2d"); } if (_root.punch == "3") { gotoAndPlay ("punch3d"); } if (_root.punch == "4") { gotoAndPlay ("punch4d"); } if ((_root.punch >= "5") && (_root.punch <= "8")) { gotoAndPlay ("punch5d"); } if (_root.punch >= "9") { gotoAndPlay ("pose4"); } } play();
Symbol 161 MovieClip Frame 34
_root.punch = _root.punch + 1; if ((_root.walkcyc == "0") or (_root.walkcyc == "1")) { if (_root.punch == "1") { gotoAndPlay ("punch1a"); } if (_root.punch == "2") { gotoAndPlay ("punch2a"); } if (_root.punch == "3") { gotoAndPlay ("punch3a"); } if (_root.punch == "4") { gotoAndPlay ("punch4a"); } if ((_root.punch >= "5") && (_root.punch <= "8")) { gotoAndPlay ("punch5a"); } if (_root.punch >= "9") { gotoAndPlay (1); } } if (_root.walkcyc == "2") { if (_root.punch == "1") { gotoAndPlay ("punch1b"); } if (_root.punch == "2") { gotoAndPlay ("punch2b"); } if (_root.punch == "3") { gotoAndPlay ("punch3b"); } if (_root.punch == "4") { gotoAndPlay ("punch4b"); } if ((_root.punch >= "5") && (_root.punch <= "8")) { gotoAndPlay ("punch5b"); } if (_root.punch >= "9") { gotoAndPlay ("pose2"); } } if (_root.walkcyc == "3") { if (_root.punch == "1") { gotoAndPlay ("punch1c"); } if (_root.punch == "2") { gotoAndPlay ("punch2c"); } if (_root.punch == "3") { gotoAndPlay ("punch3c"); } if (_root.punch == "4") { gotoAndPlay ("punch4c"); } if ((_root.punch >= "5") && (_root.punch <= "8")) { gotoAndPlay ("punch5c"); } if (_root.punch >= "9") { gotoAndPlay ("pose3"); } } if (_root.walkcyc == "4") { if (_root.punch == "1") { gotoAndPlay ("punch1d"); } if (_root.punch == "2") { gotoAndPlay ("punch2d"); } if (_root.punch == "3") { gotoAndPlay ("punch3d"); } if (_root.punch == "4") { gotoAndPlay ("punch4d"); } if ((_root.punch >= "5") && (_root.punch <= "8")) { gotoAndPlay ("punch5d"); } if (_root.punch >= "9") { gotoAndPlay ("pose4"); } } play();
Symbol 161 MovieClip Frame 36
_root.punch = _root.punch + 1; if ((_root.walkcyc == "0") or (_root.walkcyc == "1")) { if (_root.punch == "1") { gotoAndPlay ("punch1a"); } if (_root.punch == "2") { gotoAndPlay ("punch2a"); } if (_root.punch == "3") { gotoAndPlay ("punch3a"); } if (_root.punch == "4") { gotoAndPlay ("punch4a"); } if ((_root.punch >= "5") && (_root.punch <= "8")) { gotoAndPlay ("punch5a"); } if (_root.punch >= "9") { gotoAndPlay (1); } } if (_root.walkcyc == "2") { if (_root.punch == "1") { gotoAndPlay ("punch1b"); } if (_root.punch == "2") { gotoAndPlay ("punch2b"); } if (_root.punch == "3") { gotoAndPlay ("punch3b"); } if (_root.punch == "4") { gotoAndPlay ("punch4b"); } if ((_root.punch >= "5") && (_root.punch <= "8")) { gotoAndPlay ("punch5b"); } if (_root.punch >= "9") { gotoAndPlay ("pose2"); } } if (_root.walkcyc == "3") { if (_root.punch == "1") { gotoAndPlay ("punch1c"); } if (_root.punch == "2") { gotoAndPlay ("punch2c"); } if (_root.punch == "3") { gotoAndPlay ("punch3c"); } if (_root.punch == "4") { gotoAndPlay ("punch4c"); } if ((_root.punch >= "5") && (_root.punch <= "8")) { gotoAndPlay ("punch5c"); } if (_root.punch >= "9") { gotoAndPlay ("pose3"); } } if (_root.walkcyc == "4") { if (_root.punch == "1") { gotoAndPlay ("punch1d"); } if (_root.punch == "2") { gotoAndPlay ("punch2d"); } if (_root.punch == "3") { gotoAndPlay ("punch3d"); } if (_root.punch == "4") { gotoAndPlay ("punch4d"); } if ((_root.punch >= "5") && (_root.punch <= "8")) { gotoAndPlay ("punch5d"); } if (_root.punch >= "9") { gotoAndPlay ("pose4"); } } play();
Symbol 161 MovieClip Frame 38
_root.punch = _root.punch + 1; if ((_root.walkcyc == "0") or (_root.walkcyc == "1")) { if (_root.punch == "1") { gotoAndPlay ("punch1a"); } if (_root.punch == "2") { gotoAndPlay ("punch2a"); } if (_root.punch == "3") { gotoAndPlay ("punch3a"); } if (_root.punch == "4") { gotoAndPlay ("punch4a"); } if ((_root.punch >= "5") && (_root.punch <= "8")) { gotoAndPlay ("punch5a"); } if (_root.punch >= "9") { gotoAndPlay (1); } } if (_root.walkcyc == "2") { if (_root.punch == "1") { gotoAndPlay ("punch1b"); } if (_root.punch == "2") { gotoAndPlay ("punch2b"); } if (_root.punch == "3") { gotoAndPlay ("punch3b"); } if (_root.punch == "4") { gotoAndPlay ("punch4b"); } if ((_root.punch >= "5") && (_root.punch <= "8")) { gotoAndPlay ("punch5b"); } if (_root.punch >= "9") { gotoAndPlay ("pose2"); } } if (_root.walkcyc == "3") { if (_root.punch == "1") { gotoAndPlay ("punch1c"); } if (_root.punch == "2") { gotoAndPlay ("punch2c"); } if (_root.punch == "3") { gotoAndPlay ("punch3c"); } if (_root.punch == "4") { gotoAndPlay ("punch4c"); } if ((_root.punch >= "5") && (_root.punch <= "8")) { gotoAndPlay ("punch5c"); } if (_root.punch >= "9") { gotoAndPlay ("pose3"); } } if (_root.walkcyc == "4") { if (_root.punch == "1") { gotoAndPlay ("punch1d"); } if (_root.punch == "2") { gotoAndPlay ("punch2d"); } if (_root.punch == "3") { gotoAndPlay ("punch3d"); } if (_root.punch == "4") { gotoAndPlay ("punch4d"); } if ((_root.punch >= "5") && (_root.punch <= "8")) { gotoAndPlay ("punch5d"); } if (_root.punch >= "9") { gotoAndPlay ("pose4"); } } play();
Symbol 161 MovieClip Frame 40
_root.punch = _root.punch + 1; if ((_root.walkcyc == "0") or (_root.walkcyc == "1")) { if (_root.punch == "1") { gotoAndPlay ("punch1a"); } if (_root.punch == "2") { gotoAndPlay ("punch2a"); } if (_root.punch == "3") { gotoAndPlay ("punch3a"); } if (_root.punch == "4") { gotoAndPlay ("punch4a"); } if ((_root.punch >= "5") && (_root.punch <= "8")) { gotoAndPlay ("punch5a"); } if (_root.punch >= "9") { gotoAndPlay (1); } } if (_root.walkcyc == "2") { if (_root.punch == "1") { gotoAndPlay ("punch1b"); } if (_root.punch == "2") { gotoAndPlay ("punch2b"); } if (_root.punch == "3") { gotoAndPlay ("punch3b"); } if (_root.punch == "4") { gotoAndPlay ("punch4b"); } if ((_root.punch >= "5") && (_root.punch <= "8")) { gotoAndPlay ("punch5b"); } if (_root.punch >= "9") { gotoAndPlay ("pose2"); } } if (_root.walkcyc == "3") { if (_root.punch == "1") { gotoAndPlay ("punch1c"); } if (_root.punch == "2") { gotoAndPlay ("punch2c"); } if (_root.punch == "3") { gotoAndPlay ("punch3c"); } if (_root.punch == "4") { gotoAndPlay ("punch4c"); } if ((_root.punch >= "5") && (_root.punch <= "8")) { gotoAndPlay ("punch5c"); } if (_root.punch >= "9") { gotoAndPlay ("pose3"); } } if (_root.walkcyc == "4") { if (_root.punch == "1") { gotoAndPlay ("punch1d"); } if (_root.punch == "2") { gotoAndPlay ("punch2d"); } if (_root.punch == "3") { gotoAndPlay ("punch3d"); } if (_root.punch == "4") { gotoAndPlay ("punch4d"); } if ((_root.punch >= "5") && (_root.punch <= "8")) { gotoAndPlay ("punch5d"); } if (_root.punch >= "9") { gotoAndPlay ("pose4"); } } play();
Symbol 161 MovieClip Frame 42
_root.punch = _root.punch + 1; if ((_root.walkcyc == "0") or (_root.walkcyc == "1")) { if (_root.punch == "1") { gotoAndPlay ("punch1a"); } if (_root.punch == "2") { gotoAndPlay ("punch2a"); } if (_root.punch == "3") { gotoAndPlay ("punch3a"); } if (_root.punch == "4") { gotoAndPlay ("punch4a"); } if ((_root.punch >= "5") && (_root.punch <= "8")) { gotoAndPlay ("punch5a"); } if (_root.punch >= "9") { gotoAndPlay (1); } } if (_root.walkcyc == "2") { if (_root.punch == "1") { gotoAndPlay ("punch1b"); } if (_root.punch == "2") { gotoAndPlay ("punch2b"); } if (_root.punch == "3") { gotoAndPlay ("punch3b"); } if (_root.punch == "4") { gotoAndPlay ("punch4b"); } if ((_root.punch >= "5") && (_root.punch <= "8")) { gotoAndPlay ("punch5b"); } if (_root.punch >= "9") { gotoAndPlay ("pose2"); } } if (_root.walkcyc == "3") { if (_root.punch == "1") { gotoAndPlay ("punch1c"); } if (_root.punch == "2") { gotoAndPlay ("punch2c"); } if (_root.punch == "3") { gotoAndPlay ("punch3c"); } if (_root.punch == "4") { gotoAndPlay ("punch4c"); } if ((_root.punch >= "5") && (_root.punch <= "8")) { gotoAndPlay ("punch5c"); } if (_root.punch >= "9") { gotoAndPlay ("pose3"); } } if (_root.walkcyc == "4") { if (_root.punch == "1") { gotoAndPlay ("punch1d"); } if (_root.punch == "2") { gotoAndPlay ("punch2d"); } if (_root.punch == "3") { gotoAndPlay ("punch3d"); } if (_root.punch == "4") { gotoAndPlay ("punch4d"); } if ((_root.punch >= "5") && (_root.punch <= "8")) { gotoAndPlay ("punch5d"); } if (_root.punch >= "9") { gotoAndPlay ("pose4"); } } play();
Symbol 161 MovieClip Frame 44
_root.punch = _root.punch + 1; if ((_root.walkcyc == "0") or (_root.walkcyc == "1")) { if (_root.punch == "1") { gotoAndPlay ("punch1a"); } if (_root.punch == "2") { gotoAndPlay ("punch2a"); } if (_root.punch == "3") { gotoAndPlay ("punch3a"); } if (_root.punch == "4") { gotoAndPlay ("punch4a"); } if ((_root.punch >= "5") && (_root.punch <= "8")) { gotoAndPlay ("punch5a"); } if (_root.punch >= "9") { gotoAndPlay (1); } } if (_root.walkcyc == "2") { if (_root.punch == "1") { gotoAndPlay ("punch1b"); } if (_root.punch == "2") { gotoAndPlay ("punch2b"); } if (_root.punch == "3") { gotoAndPlay ("punch3b"); } if (_root.punch == "4") { gotoAndPlay ("punch4b"); } if ((_root.punch >= "5") && (_root.punch <= "8")) { gotoAndPlay ("punch5b"); } if (_root.punch >= "9") { gotoAndPlay ("pose2"); } } if (_root.walkcyc == "3") { if (_root.punch == "1") { gotoAndPlay ("punch1c"); } if (_root.punch == "2") { gotoAndPlay ("punch2c"); } if (_root.punch == "3") { gotoAndPlay ("punch3c"); } if (_root.punch == "4") { gotoAndPlay ("punch4c"); } if ((_root.punch >= "5") && (_root.punch <= "8")) { gotoAndPlay ("punch5c"); } if (_root.punch >= "9") { gotoAndPlay ("pose3"); } } if (_root.walkcyc == "4") { if (_root.punch == "1") { gotoAndPlay ("punch1d"); } if (_root.punch == "2") { gotoAndPlay ("punch2d"); } if (_root.punch == "3") { gotoAndPlay ("punch3d"); } if (_root.punch == "4") { gotoAndPlay ("punch4d"); } if ((_root.punch >= "5") && (_root.punch <= "8")) { gotoAndPlay ("punch5d"); } if (_root.punch >= "9") { gotoAndPlay ("pose4"); } } play();
Symbol 161 MovieClip Frame 46
_root.punch = _root.punch + 1; if ((_root.walkcyc == "0") or (_root.walkcyc == "1")) { if (_root.punch == "1") { gotoAndPlay ("punch1a"); } if (_root.punch == "2") { gotoAndPlay ("punch2a"); } if (_root.punch == "3") { gotoAndPlay ("punch3a"); } if (_root.punch == "4") { gotoAndPlay ("punch4a"); } if ((_root.punch >= "5") && (_root.punch <= "8")) { gotoAndPlay ("punch5a"); } if (_root.punch >= "9") { gotoAndPlay (1); } } if (_root.walkcyc == "2") { if (_root.punch == "1") { gotoAndPlay ("punch1b"); } if (_root.punch == "2") { gotoAndPlay ("punch2b"); } if (_root.punch == "3") { gotoAndPlay ("punch3b"); } if (_root.punch == "4") { gotoAndPlay ("punch4b"); } if ((_root.punch >= "5") && (_root.punch <= "8")) { gotoAndPlay ("punch5b"); } if (_root.punch >= "9") { gotoAndPlay ("pose2"); } } if (_root.walkcyc == "3") { if (_root.punch == "1") { gotoAndPlay ("punch1c"); } if (_root.punch == "2") { gotoAndPlay ("punch2c"); } if (_root.punch == "3") { gotoAndPlay ("punch3c"); } if (_root.punch == "4") { gotoAndPlay ("punch4c"); } if ((_root.punch >= "5") && (_root.punch <= "8")) { gotoAndPlay ("punch5c"); } if (_root.punch >= "9") { gotoAndPlay ("pose3"); } } if (_root.walkcyc == "4") { if (_root.punch == "1") { gotoAndPlay ("punch1d"); } if (_root.punch == "2") { gotoAndPlay ("punch2d"); } if (_root.punch == "3") { gotoAndPlay ("punch3d"); } if (_root.punch == "4") { gotoAndPlay ("punch4d"); } if ((_root.punch >= "5") && (_root.punch <= "8")) { gotoAndPlay ("punch5d"); } if (_root.punch >= "9") { gotoAndPlay ("pose4"); } } play();
Symbol 161 MovieClip Frame 48
_root.punch = _root.punch + 1; if ((_root.walkcyc == "0") or (_root.walkcyc == "1")) { if (_root.punch == "1") { gotoAndPlay ("punch1a"); } if (_root.punch == "2") { gotoAndPlay ("punch2a"); } if (_root.punch == "3") { gotoAndPlay ("punch3a"); } if (_root.punch == "4") { gotoAndPlay ("punch4a"); } if ((_root.punch >= "5") && (_root.punch <= "8")) { gotoAndPlay ("punch5a"); } if (_root.punch >= "9") { gotoAndPlay (1); } } if (_root.walkcyc == "2") { if (_root.punch == "1") { gotoAndPlay ("punch1b"); } if (_root.punch == "2") { gotoAndPlay ("punch2b"); } if (_root.punch == "3") { gotoAndPlay ("punch3b"); } if (_root.punch == "4") { gotoAndPlay ("punch4b"); } if ((_root.punch >= "5") && (_root.punch <= "8")) { gotoAndPlay ("punch5b"); } if (_root.punch >= "9") { gotoAndPlay ("pose2"); } } if (_root.walkcyc == "3") { if (_root.punch == "1") { gotoAndPlay ("punch1c"); } if (_root.punch == "2") { gotoAndPlay ("punch2c"); } if (_root.punch == "3") { gotoAndPlay ("punch3c"); } if (_root.punch == "4") { gotoAndPlay ("punch4c"); } if ((_root.punch >= "5") && (_root.punch <= "8")) { gotoAndPlay ("punch5c"); } if (_root.punch >= "9") { gotoAndPlay ("pose3"); } } if (_root.walkcyc == "4") { if (_root.punch == "1") { gotoAndPlay ("punch1d"); } if (_root.punch == "2") { gotoAndPlay ("punch2d"); } if (_root.punch == "3") { gotoAndPlay ("punch3d"); } if (_root.punch == "4") { gotoAndPlay ("punch4d"); } if ((_root.punch >= "5") && (_root.punch <= "8")) { gotoAndPlay ("punch5d"); } if (_root.punch >= "9") { gotoAndPlay ("pose4"); } } play();
Symbol 161 MovieClip Frame 71
_root.punch = _root.punch + 1; if ((_root.walkcyc == "0") or (_root.walkcyc == "1")) { if (_root.punch == "1") { play(); } if (_root.punch == "2") { gotoAndPlay ("punch2a"); } if (_root.punch == "3") { gotoAndPlay ("punch3a"); } if (_root.punch == "4") { gotoAndPlay ("punch4a"); } if ((_root.punch >= "5") && (_root.punch <= "8")) { gotoAndPlay ("punch5a"); } if (_root.punch >= "9") { gotoAndPlay (1); } } if (_root.walkcyc == "2") { if (_root.punch == "1") { gotoAndPlay ("punch1b"); } if (_root.punch == "2") { gotoAndPlay ("punch2b"); } if (_root.punch == "3") { gotoAndPlay ("punch3b"); } if (_root.punch == "4") { gotoAndPlay ("punch4b"); } if ((_root.punch >= "5") && (_root.punch <= "8")) { gotoAndPlay ("punch5b"); } if (_root.punch >= "9") { gotoAndPlay ("pose2"); } } if (_root.walkcyc == "3") { if (_root.punch == "1") { gotoAndPlay ("punch1c"); } if (_root.punch == "2") { gotoAndPlay ("punch2c"); } if (_root.punch == "3") { gotoAndPlay ("punch3c"); } if (_root.punch == "4") { gotoAndPlay ("punch4c"); } if ((_root.punch >= "5") && (_root.punch <= "8")) { gotoAndPlay ("punch5c"); } if (_root.punch >= "9") { gotoAndPlay ("pose3"); } } if (_root.walkcyc == "4") { if (_root.punch == "1") { gotoAndPlay ("punch1d"); } if (_root.punch == "2") { gotoAndPlay ("punch2d"); } if (_root.punch == "3") { gotoAndPlay ("punch3d"); } if (_root.punch == "4") { gotoAndPlay ("punch4d"); } if ((_root.punch >= "5") && (_root.punch <= "8")) { gotoAndPlay ("punch5d"); } if (_root.punch >= "9") { gotoAndPlay ("pose4"); } } play(); _root.punch = _root.punch + 1; if ((_root.walk == "0") or (_root.walk == "1")) { if (_root.punch == "1") { gotoAndPlay ("punch1a"); } if (_root.punch == "2") { gotoAndPlay ("punch2a"); } if (_root.punch == "3") { gotoAndPlay ("punch3a"); } if (_root.punch == "4") { gotoAndPlay ("punch4a"); } if ((_root.punch >= "5") && (_root.punch <= "8")) { gotoAndPlay ("punch5a"); } if (_root.punch == "9") { _root.punch = 0; gotoAndPlay (1); } } if (_root.walk == "2") { if (_root.punch == "1") { gotoAndPlay ("punch1b"); } if (_root.punch == "2") { gotoAndPlay ("punch2b"); } if (_root.punch == "3") { gotoAndPlay ("punch3b"); } if (_root.punch == "4") { gotoAndPlay ("punch4b"); } if ((_root.punch >= "5") && (_root.punch <= "8")) { gotoAndPlay ("punch5b"); } if (_root.punch == "9") { _root.punch = 0; gotoAndPlay ("pose2"); } } if (_root.walk == "3") { if (_root.punch == "1") { gotoAndPlay ("punch1c"); } if (_root.punch == "2") { gotoAndPlay ("punch2c"); } if (_root.punch == "3") { gotoAndPlay ("punch3c"); } if (_root.punch == "4") { gotoAndPlay ("punch4c"); } if ((_root.punch >= "5") && (_root.punch <= "8")) { gotoAndPlay ("punch5c"); } if (_root.punch == "9") { _root.punch = 0; gotoAndPlay ("pose3"); } } if (_root.walk == "4") { if (_root.punch == "1") { gotoAndPlay ("punch1d"); } if (_root.punch == "2") { gotoAndPlay ("punch2d"); } if (_root.punch == "3") { gotoAndPlay ("punch3d"); } if (_root.punch == "4") { gotoAndPlay ("punch4d"); } if ((_root.punch >= "5") && (_root.punch <= "8")) { gotoAndPlay ("punch5d"); } if (_root.punch == "9") { _root.punch = 0; gotoAndPlay ("pose4"); } } play();
Symbol 161 MovieClip Frame 73
_root.punch = _root.punch + 1; if ((_root.walkcyc == "0") or (_root.walkcyc == "1")) { if (_root.punch == "1") { gotoAndPlay ("punch1a"); } if (_root.punch == "2") { play(); } if (_root.punch == "3") { gotoAndPlay ("punch3a"); } if (_root.punch == "4") { gotoAndPlay ("punch4a"); } if ((_root.punch >= "5") && (_root.punch <= "8")) { gotoAndPlay ("punch5a"); } if (_root.punch >= "9") { gotoAndPlay (1); } } if (_root.walkcyc == "2") { if (_root.punch == "1") { gotoAndPlay ("punch1b"); } if (_root.punch == "2") { gotoAndPlay ("punch2b"); } if (_root.punch == "3") { gotoAndPlay ("punch3b"); } if (_root.punch == "4") { gotoAndPlay ("punch4b"); } if ((_root.punch >= "5") && (_root.punch <= "8")) { gotoAndPlay ("punch5b"); } if (_root.punch >= "9") { gotoAndPlay ("pose2"); } } if (_root.walkcyc == "3") { if (_root.punch == "1") { gotoAndPlay ("punch1c"); } if (_root.punch == "2") { gotoAndPlay ("punch2c"); } if (_root.punch == "3") { gotoAndPlay ("punch3c"); } if (_root.punch == "4") { gotoAndPlay ("punch4c"); } if ((_root.punch >= "5") && (_root.punch <= "8")) { gotoAndPlay ("punch5c"); } if (_root.punch >= "9") { gotoAndPlay ("pose3"); } } if (_root.walkcyc == "4") { if (_root.punch == "1") { gotoAndPlay ("punch1d"); } if (_root.punch == "2") { gotoAndPlay ("punch2d"); } if (_root.punch == "3") { gotoAndPlay ("punch3d"); } if (_root.punch == "4") { gotoAndPlay ("punch4d"); } if ((_root.punch >= "5") && (_root.punch <= "8")) { gotoAndPlay ("punch5d"); } if (_root.punch >= "9") { gotoAndPlay ("pose4"); } } play();
Symbol 161 MovieClip Frame 75
_root.punch = _root.punch + 1; if ((_root.walkcyc == "0") or (_root.walkcyc == "1")) { if (_root.punch == "1") { gotoAndPlay ("punch1a"); } if (_root.punch == "2") { gotoAndPlay ("punch2a"); } if (_root.punch == "3") { play(); } if (_root.punch == "4") { gotoAndPlay ("punch4a"); } if ((_root.punch >= "5") && (_root.punch <= "8")) { gotoAndPlay ("punch5a"); } if (_root.punch >= "9") { gotoAndPlay (1); } } if (_root.walkcyc == "2") { if (_root.punch == "1") { gotoAndPlay ("punch1b"); } if (_root.punch == "2") { gotoAndPlay ("punch2b"); } if (_root.punch == "3") { gotoAndPlay ("punch3b"); } if (_root.punch == "4") { gotoAndPlay ("punch4b"); } if ((_root.punch >= "5") && (_root.punch <= "8")) { gotoAndPlay ("punch5b"); } if (_root.punch >= "9") { gotoAndPlay ("pose2"); } } if (_root.walkcyc == "3") { if (_root.punch == "1") { gotoAndPlay ("punch1c"); } if (_root.punch == "2") { gotoAndPlay ("punch2c"); } if (_root.punch == "3") { gotoAndPlay ("punch3c"); } if (_root.punch == "4") { gotoAndPlay ("punch4c"); } if ((_root.punch >= "5") && (_root.punch <= "8")) { gotoAndPlay ("punch5c"); } if (_root.punch >= "9") { gotoAndPlay ("pose3"); } } if (_root.walkcyc == "4") { if (_root.punch == "1") { gotoAndPlay ("punch1d"); } if (_root.punch == "2") { gotoAndPlay ("punch2d"); } if (_root.punch == "3") { gotoAndPlay ("punch3d"); } if (_root.punch == "4") { gotoAndPlay ("punch4d"); } if ((_root.punch >= "5") && (_root.punch <= "8")) { gotoAndPlay ("punch5d"); } if (_root.punch >= "9") { gotoAndPlay ("pose4"); } } play();
Symbol 161 MovieClip Frame 77
_root.punch = _root.punch + 1; if ((_root.walkcyc == "0") or (_root.walkcyc == "1")) { if (_root.punch == "1") { gotoAndPlay ("punch1a"); } if (_root.punch == "2") { gotoAndPlay ("punch2a"); } if (_root.punch == "3") { gotoAndPlay ("punch3a"); } if (_root.punch == "4") { play(); } if ((_root.punch >= "5") && (_root.punch <= "8")) { gotoAndPlay ("punch5a"); } if (_root.punch >= "9") { gotoAndPlay (1); } } if (_root.walkcyc == "2") { if (_root.punch == "1") { gotoAndPlay ("punch1b"); } if (_root.punch == "2") { gotoAndPlay ("punch2b"); } if (_root.punch == "3") { gotoAndPlay ("punch3b"); } if (_root.punch == "4") { gotoAndPlay ("punch4b"); } if ((_root.punch >= "5") && (_root.punch <= "8")) { gotoAndPlay ("punch5b"); } if (_root.punch >= "9") { gotoAndPlay ("pose2"); } } if (_root.walkcyc == "3") { if (_root.punch == "1") { gotoAndPlay ("punch1c"); } if (_root.punch == "2") { gotoAndPlay ("punch2c"); } if (_root.punch == "3") { gotoAndPlay ("punch3c"); } if (_root.punch == "4") { gotoAndPlay ("punch4c"); } if ((_root.punch >= "5") && (_root.punch <= "8")) { gotoAndPlay ("punch5c"); } if (_root.punch >= "9") { gotoAndPlay ("pose3"); } } if (_root.walkcyc == "4") { if (_root.punch == "1") { gotoAndPlay ("punch1d"); } if (_root.punch == "2") { gotoAndPlay ("punch2d"); } if (_root.punch == "3") { gotoAndPlay ("punch3d"); } if (_root.punch == "4") { gotoAndPlay ("punch4d"); } if ((_root.punch >= "5") && (_root.punch <= "8")) { gotoAndPlay ("punch5d"); } if (_root.punch >= "9") { gotoAndPlay ("pose4"); } } play();
Symbol 161 MovieClip Frame 79
_root.punch = _root.punch + 1; if ((_root.walkcyc == "0") or (_root.walkcyc == "1")) { if (_root.punch == "1") { gotoAndPlay ("punch1a"); } if (_root.punch == "2") { gotoAndPlay ("punch2a"); } if (_root.punch == "3") { gotoAndPlay ("punch3a"); } if (_root.punch == "4") { gotoAndPlay ("punch4a"); } if ((_root.punch >= "5") && (_root.punch <= "8")) { play(); } if (_root.punch >= "9") { gotoAndPlay (1); } } if (_root.walkcyc == "2") { if (_root.punch == "1") { gotoAndPlay ("punch1b"); } if (_root.punch == "2") { gotoAndPlay ("punch2b"); } if (_root.punch == "3") { gotoAndPlay ("punch3b"); } if (_root.punch == "4") { gotoAndPlay ("punch4b"); } if ((_root.punch >= "5") && (_root.punch <= "8")) { gotoAndPlay ("punch5b"); } if (_root.punch >= "9") { gotoAndPlay ("pose2"); } } if (_root.walkcyc == "3") { if (_root.punch == "1") { gotoAndPlay ("punch1c"); } if (_root.punch == "2") { gotoAndPlay ("punch2c"); } if (_root.punch == "3") { gotoAndPlay ("punch3c"); } if (_root.punch == "4") { gotoAndPlay ("punch4c"); } if ((_root.punch >= "5") && (_root.punch <= "8")) { gotoAndPlay ("punch5c"); } if (_root.punch >= "9") { gotoAndPlay ("pose3"); } } if (_root.walkcyc == "4") { if (_root.punch == "1") { gotoAndPlay ("punch1d"); } if (_root.punch == "2") { gotoAndPlay ("punch2d"); } if (_root.punch == "3") { gotoAndPlay ("punch3d"); } if (_root.punch == "4") { gotoAndPlay ("punch4d"); } if ((_root.punch >= "5") && (_root.punch <= "8")) { gotoAndPlay ("punch5d"); } if (_root.punch >= "9") { gotoAndPlay ("pose4"); } } play();
Symbol 161 MovieClip Frame 81
_root.punch = _root.punch + 1; if ((_root.walkcyc == "0") or (_root.walkcyc == "1")) { if (_root.punch == "1") { gotoAndPlay ("punch1a"); } if (_root.punch == "2") { gotoAndPlay ("punch2a"); } if (_root.punch == "3") { gotoAndPlay ("punch3a"); } if (_root.punch == "4") { gotoAndPlay ("punch4a"); } if ((_root.punch >= "5") && (_root.punch <= "8")) { gotoAndPlay ("punch5a"); } if (_root.punch >= "9") { gotoAndPlay (1); } } if (_root.walkcyc == "2") { if (_root.punch == "1") { play(); } if (_root.punch == "2") { gotoAndPlay ("punch2b"); } if (_root.punch == "3") { gotoAndPlay ("punch3b"); } if (_root.punch == "4") { gotoAndPlay ("punch4b"); } if ((_root.punch >= "5") && (_root.punch <= "8")) { gotoAndPlay ("punch5b"); } if (_root.punch >= "9") { gotoAndPlay ("pose2"); } } if (_root.walkcyc == "3") { if (_root.punch == "1") { gotoAndPlay ("punch1c"); } if (_root.punch == "2") { gotoAndPlay ("punch2c"); } if (_root.punch == "3") { gotoAndPlay ("punch3c"); } if (_root.punch == "4") { gotoAndPlay ("punch4c"); } if ((_root.punch >= "5") && (_root.punch <= "8")) { gotoAndPlay ("punch5c"); } if (_root.punch >= "9") { gotoAndPlay ("pose3"); } } if (_root.walkcyc == "4") { if (_root.punch == "1") { gotoAndPlay ("punch1d"); } if (_root.punch == "2") { gotoAndPlay ("punch2d"); } if (_root.punch == "3") { gotoAndPlay ("punch3d"); } if (_root.punch == "4") { gotoAndPlay ("punch4d"); } if ((_root.punch >= "5") && (_root.punch <= "8")) { gotoAndPlay ("punch5d"); } if (_root.punch >= "9") { gotoAndPlay ("pose4"); } } play();
Symbol 161 MovieClip Frame 83
_root.punch = _root.punch + 1; if ((_root.walkcyc == "0") or (_root.walkcyc == "1")) { if (_root.punch == "1") { gotoAndPlay ("punch1a"); } if (_root.punch == "2") { gotoAndPlay ("punch2a"); } if (_root.punch == "3") { gotoAndPlay ("punch3a"); } if (_root.punch == "4") { gotoAndPlay ("punch4a"); } if ((_root.punch >= "5") && (_root.punch <= "8")) { gotoAndPlay ("punch5a"); } if (_root.punch >= "9") { gotoAndPlay (1); } } if (_root.walkcyc == "2") { if (_root.punch == "1") { gotoAndPlay ("punch1b"); } if (_root.punch == "2") { play(); } if (_root.punch == "3") { gotoAndPlay ("punch3b"); } if (_root.punch == "4") { gotoAndPlay ("punch4b"); } if ((_root.punch >= "5") && (_root.punch <= "8")) { gotoAndPlay ("punch5b"); } if (_root.punch >= "9") { gotoAndPlay ("pose2"); } } if (_root.walkcyc == "3") { if (_root.punch == "1") { gotoAndPlay ("punch1c"); } if (_root.punch == "2") { gotoAndPlay ("punch2c"); } if (_root.punch == "3") { gotoAndPlay ("punch3c"); } if (_root.punch == "4") { gotoAndPlay ("punch4c"); } if ((_root.punch >= "5") && (_root.punch <= "8")) { gotoAndPlay ("punch5c"); } if (_root.punch >= "9") { gotoAndPlay ("pose3"); } } if (_root.walkcyc == "4") { if (_root.punch == "1") { gotoAndPlay ("punch1d"); } if (_root.punch == "2") { gotoAndPlay ("punch2d"); } if (_root.punch == "3") { gotoAndPlay ("punch3d"); } if (_root.punch == "4") { gotoAndPlay ("punch4d"); } if ((_root.punch >= "5") && (_root.punch <= "8")) { gotoAndPlay ("punch5d"); } if (_root.punch >= "9") { gotoAndPlay ("pose4"); } } play();
Symbol 161 MovieClip Frame 85
_root.punch = _root.punch + 1; if ((_root.walkcyc == "0") or (_root.walkcyc == "1")) { if (_root.punch == "1") { gotoAndPlay ("punch1a"); } if (_root.punch == "2") { gotoAndPlay ("punch2a"); } if (_root.punch == "3") { gotoAndPlay ("punch3a"); } if (_root.punch == "4") { gotoAndPlay ("punch4a"); } if ((_root.punch >= "5") && (_root.punch <= "8")) { gotoAndPlay ("punch5a"); } if (_root.punch >= "9") { gotoAndPlay (1); } } if (_root.walkcyc == "2") { if (_root.punch == "1") { gotoAndPlay ("punch1b"); } if (_root.punch == "2") { gotoAndPlay ("punch2b"); } if (_root.punch == "3") { play(); } if (_root.punch == "4") { gotoAndPlay ("punch4b"); } if ((_root.punch >= "5") && (_root.punch <= "8")) { gotoAndPlay ("punch5b"); } if (_root.punch >= "9") { gotoAndPlay ("pose2"); } } if (_root.walkcyc == "3") { if (_root.punch == "1") { gotoAndPlay ("punch1c"); } if (_root.punch == "2") { gotoAndPlay ("punch2c"); } if (_root.punch == "3") { gotoAndPlay ("punch3c"); } if (_root.punch == "4") { gotoAndPlay ("punch4c"); } if ((_root.punch >= "5") && (_root.punch <= "8")) { gotoAndPlay ("punch5c"); } if (_root.punch >= "9") { gotoAndPlay ("pose3"); } } if (_root.walkcyc == "4") { if (_root.punch == "1") { gotoAndPlay ("punch1d"); } if (_root.punch == "2") { gotoAndPlay ("punch2d"); } if (_root.punch == "3") { gotoAndPlay ("punch3d"); } if (_root.punch == "4") { gotoAndPlay ("punch4d"); } if ((_root.punch >= "5") && (_root.punch <= "8")) { gotoAndPlay ("punch5d"); } if (_root.punch >= "9") { gotoAndPlay ("pose4"); } } play();
Symbol 161 MovieClip Frame 87
_root.punch = _root.punch + 1; if ((_root.walkcyc == "0") or (_root.walkcyc == "1")) { if (_root.punch == "1") { gotoAndPlay ("punch1a"); } if (_root.punch == "2") { gotoAndPlay ("punch2a"); } if (_root.punch == "3") { gotoAndPlay ("punch3a"); } if (_root.punch == "4") { gotoAndPlay ("punch4a"); } if ((_root.punch >= "5") && (_root.punch <= "8")) { gotoAndPlay ("punch5a"); } if (_root.punch >= "9") { gotoAndPlay (1); } } if (_root.walkcyc == "2") { if (_root.punch == "1") { gotoAndPlay ("punch1b"); } if (_root.punch == "2") { gotoAndPlay ("punch2b"); } if (_root.punch == "3") { gotoAndPlay ("punch3b"); } if (_root.punch == "4") { play(); } if ((_root.punch >= "5") && (_root.punch <= "8")) { gotoAndPlay ("punch5b"); } if (_root.punch >= "9") { gotoAndPlay ("pose2"); } } if (_root.walkcyc == "3") { if (_root.punch == "1") { gotoAndPlay ("punch1c"); } if (_root.punch == "2") { gotoAndPlay ("punch2c"); } if (_root.punch == "3") { gotoAndPlay ("punch3c"); } if (_root.punch == "4") { gotoAndPlay ("punch4c"); } if ((_root.punch >= "5") && (_root.punch <= "8")) { gotoAndPlay ("punch5c"); } if (_root.punch >= "9") { gotoAndPlay ("pose3"); } } if (_root.walkcyc == "4") { if (_root.punch == "1") { gotoAndPlay ("punch1d"); } if (_root.punch == "2") { gotoAndPlay ("punch2d"); } if (_root.punch == "3") { gotoAndPlay ("punch3d"); } if (_root.punch == "4") { gotoAndPlay ("punch4d"); } if ((_root.punch >= "5") && (_root.punch <= "8")) { gotoAndPlay ("punch5d"); } if (_root.punch >= "9") { gotoAndPlay ("pose4"); } } play();
Symbol 161 MovieClip Frame 89
_root.punch = _root.punch + 1; if ((_root.walkcyc == "0") or (_root.walkcyc == "1")) { if (_root.punch == "1") { gotoAndPlay ("punch1a"); } if (_root.punch == "2") { gotoAndPlay ("punch2a"); } if (_root.punch == "3") { gotoAndPlay ("punch3a"); } if (_root.punch == "4") { gotoAndPlay ("punch4a"); } if ((_root.punch >= "5") && (_root.punch <= "8")) { gotoAndPlay ("punch5a"); } if (_root.punch >= "9") { gotoAndPlay (1); } } if (_root.walkcyc == "2") { if (_root.punch == "1") { gotoAndPlay ("punch1b"); } if (_root.punch == "2") { gotoAndPlay ("punch2b"); } if (_root.punch == "3") { gotoAndPlay ("punch3b"); } if (_root.punch == "4") { gotoAndPlay ("punch4b"); } if ((_root.punch >= "5") && (_root.punch <= "8")) { play(); } if (_root.punch >= "9") { gotoAndPlay ("pose2"); } } if (_root.walkcyc == "3") { if (_root.punch == "1") { gotoAndPlay ("punch1c"); } if (_root.punch == "2") { gotoAndPlay ("punch2c"); } if (_root.punch == "3") { gotoAndPlay ("punch3c"); } if (_root.punch == "4") { gotoAndPlay ("punch4c"); } if ((_root.punch >= "5") && (_root.punch <= "8")) { gotoAndPlay ("punch5c"); } if (_root.punch >= "9") { gotoAndPlay ("pose3"); } } if (_root.walkcyc == "4") { if (_root.punch == "1") { gotoAndPlay ("punch1d"); } if (_root.punch == "2") { gotoAndPlay ("punch2d"); } if (_root.punch == "3") { gotoAndPlay ("punch3d"); } if (_root.punch == "4") { gotoAndPlay ("punch4d"); } if ((_root.punch >= "5") && (_root.punch <= "8")) { gotoAndPlay ("punch5d"); } if (_root.punch >= "9") { gotoAndPlay ("pose4"); } } play();
Symbol 161 MovieClip Frame 91
_root.punch = _root.punch + 1; if ((_root.walkcyc == "0") or (_root.walkcyc == "1")) { if (_root.punch == "1") { gotoAndPlay ("punch1a"); } if (_root.punch == "2") { gotoAndPlay ("punch2a"); } if (_root.punch == "3") { gotoAndPlay ("punch3a"); } if (_root.punch == "4") { gotoAndPlay ("punch4a"); } if ((_root.punch >= "5") && (_root.punch <= "8")) { gotoAndPlay ("punch5a"); } if (_root.punch >= "9") { gotoAndPlay (1); } } if (_root.walkcyc == "2") { if (_root.punch == "1") { gotoAndPlay ("punch1b"); } if (_root.punch == "2") { gotoAndPlay ("punch2b"); } if (_root.punch == "3") { gotoAndPlay ("punch3b"); } if (_root.punch == "4") { gotoAndPlay ("punch4b"); } if ((_root.punch >= "5") && (_root.punch <= "8")) { gotoAndPlay ("punch5b"); } if (_root.punch >= "9") { gotoAndPlay ("pose2"); } } if (_root.walkcyc == "3") { if (_root.punch == "1") { play(); } if (_root.punch == "2") { gotoAndPlay ("punch2c"); } if (_root.punch == "3") { gotoAndPlay ("punch3c"); } if (_root.punch == "4") { gotoAndPlay ("punch4c"); } if ((_root.punch >= "5") && (_root.punch <= "8")) { gotoAndPlay ("punch5c"); } if (_root.punch >= "9") { gotoAndPlay ("pose3"); } } if (_root.walkcyc == "4") { if (_root.punch == "1") { gotoAndPlay ("punch1d"); } if (_root.punch == "2") { gotoAndPlay ("punch2d"); } if (_root.punch == "3") { gotoAndPlay ("punch3d"); } if (_root.punch == "4") { gotoAndPlay ("punch4d"); } if ((_root.punch >= "5") && (_root.punch <= "8")) { gotoAndPlay ("punch5d"); } if (_root.punch >= "9") { gotoAndPlay ("pose4"); } } play();
Symbol 161 MovieClip Frame 93
_root.punch = _root.punch + 1; if ((_root.walkcyc == "0") or (_root.walkcyc == "1")) { if (_root.punch == "1") { gotoAndPlay ("punch1a"); } if (_root.punch == "2") { gotoAndPlay ("punch2a"); } if (_root.punch == "3") { gotoAndPlay ("punch3a"); } if (_root.punch == "4") { gotoAndPlay ("punch4a"); } if ((_root.punch >= "5") && (_root.punch <= "8")) { gotoAndPlay ("punch5a"); } if (_root.punch >= "9") { gotoAndPlay (1); } } if (_root.walkcyc == "2") { if (_root.punch == "1") { gotoAndPlay ("punch1b"); } if (_root.punch == "2") { gotoAndPlay ("punch2b"); } if (_root.punch == "3") { gotoAndPlay ("punch3b"); } if (_root.punch == "4") { gotoAndPlay ("punch4b"); } if ((_root.punch >= "5") && (_root.punch <= "8")) { gotoAndPlay ("punch5b"); } if (_root.punch >= "9") { gotoAndPlay ("pose2"); } } if (_root.walkcyc == "3") { if (_root.punch == "1") { gotoAndPlay ("punch1c"); } if (_root.punch == "2") { play(); } if (_root.punch == "3") { gotoAndPlay ("punch3c"); } if (_root.punch == "4") { gotoAndPlay ("punch4c"); } if ((_root.punch >= "5") && (_root.punch <= "8")) { gotoAndPlay ("punch5c"); } if (_root.punch >= "9") { gotoAndPlay ("pose3"); } } if (_root.walkcyc == "4") { if (_root.punch == "1") { gotoAndPlay ("punch1d"); } if (_root.punch == "2") { gotoAndPlay ("punch2d"); } if (_root.punch == "3") { gotoAndPlay ("punch3d"); } if (_root.punch == "4") { gotoAndPlay ("punch4d"); } if ((_root.punch >= "5") && (_root.punch <= "8")) { gotoAndPlay ("punch5d"); } if (_root.punch >= "9") { gotoAndPlay ("pose4"); } } play();
Symbol 161 MovieClip Frame 95
_root.punch = _root.punch + 1; if ((_root.walkcyc == "0") or (_root.walkcyc == "1")) { if (_root.punch == "1") { gotoAndPlay ("punch1a"); } if (_root.punch == "2") { gotoAndPlay ("punch2a"); } if (_root.punch == "3") { gotoAndPlay ("punch3a"); } if (_root.punch == "4") { gotoAndPlay ("punch4a"); } if ((_root.punch >= "5") && (_root.punch <= "8")) { gotoAndPlay ("punch5a"); } if (_root.punch >= "9") { gotoAndPlay (1); } } if (_root.walkcyc == "2") { if (_root.punch == "1") { gotoAndPlay ("punch1b"); } if (_root.punch == "2") { gotoAndPlay ("punch2b"); } if (_root.punch == "3") { gotoAndPlay ("punch3b"); } if (_root.punch == "4") { gotoAndPlay ("punch4b"); } if ((_root.punch >= "5") && (_root.punch <= "8")) { gotoAndPlay ("punch5b"); } if (_root.punch >= "9") { gotoAndPlay ("pose2"); } } if (_root.walkcyc == "3") { if (_root.punch == "1") { gotoAndPlay ("punch1c"); } if (_root.punch == "2") { gotoAndPlay ("punch2c"); } if (_root.punch == "3") { play(); } if (_root.punch == "4") { gotoAndPlay ("punch4c"); } if ((_root.punch >= "5") && (_root.punch <= "8")) { gotoAndPlay ("punch5c"); } if (_root.punch >= "9") { gotoAndPlay ("pose3"); } } if (_root.walkcyc == "4") { if (_root.punch == "1") { gotoAndPlay ("punch1d"); } if (_root.punch == "2") { gotoAndPlay ("punch2d"); } if (_root.punch == "3") { gotoAndPlay ("punch3d"); } if (_root.punch == "4") { gotoAndPlay ("punch4d"); } if ((_root.punch >= "5") && (_root.punch <= "8")) { gotoAndPlay ("punch5d"); } if (_root.punch >= "9") { gotoAndPlay ("pose4"); } } play();
Symbol 161 MovieClip Frame 97
_root.punch = _root.punch + 1; if ((_root.walkcyc == "0") or (_root.walkcyc == "1")) { if (_root.punch == "1") { gotoAndPlay ("punch1a"); } if (_root.punch == "2") { gotoAndPlay ("punch2a"); } if (_root.punch == "3") { gotoAndPlay ("punch3a"); } if (_root.punch == "4") { gotoAndPlay ("punch4a"); } if ((_root.punch >= "5") && (_root.punch <= "8")) { gotoAndPlay ("punch5a"); } if (_root.punch >= "9") { gotoAndPlay (1); } } if (_root.walkcyc == "2") { if (_root.punch == "1") { gotoAndPlay ("punch1b"); } if (_root.punch == "2") { gotoAndPlay ("punch2b"); } if (_root.punch == "3") { gotoAndPlay ("punch3b"); } if (_root.punch == "4") { gotoAndPlay ("punch4b"); } if ((_root.punch >= "5") && (_root.punch <= "8")) { gotoAndPlay ("punch5b"); } if (_root.punch >= "9") { gotoAndPlay ("pose2"); } } if (_root.walkcyc == "3") { if (_root.punch == "1") { gotoAndPlay ("punch1c"); } if (_root.punch == "2") { gotoAndPlay ("punch2c"); } if (_root.punch == "3") { gotoAndPlay ("punch3c"); } if (_root.punch == "4") { play(); } if ((_root.punch >= "5") && (_root.punch <= "8")) { gotoAndPlay ("punch5c"); } if (_root.punch >= "9") { gotoAndPlay ("pose3"); } } if (_root.walkcyc == "4") { if (_root.punch == "1") { gotoAndPlay ("punch1d"); } if (_root.punch == "2") { gotoAndPlay ("punch2d"); } if (_root.punch == "3") { gotoAndPlay ("punch3d"); } if (_root.punch == "4") { gotoAndPlay ("punch4d"); } if ((_root.punch >= "5") && (_root.punch <= "8")) { gotoAndPlay ("punch5d"); } if (_root.punch >= "9") { gotoAndPlay ("pose4"); } } play();
Symbol 161 MovieClip Frame 99
_root.punch = _root.punch + 1; if ((_root.walkcyc == "0") or (_root.walkcyc == "1")) { if (_root.punch == "1") { gotoAndPlay ("punch1a"); } if (_root.punch == "2") { gotoAndPlay ("punch2a"); } if (_root.punch == "3") { gotoAndPlay ("punch3a"); } if (_root.punch == "4") { gotoAndPlay ("punch4a"); } if ((_root.punch >= "5") && (_root.punch <= "8")) { gotoAndPlay ("punch5a"); } if (_root.punch >= "9") { gotoAndPlay (1); } } if (_root.walkcyc == "2") { if (_root.punch == "1") { gotoAndPlay ("punch1b"); } if (_root.punch == "2") { gotoAndPlay ("punch2b"); } if (_root.punch == "3") { gotoAndPlay ("punch3b"); } if (_root.punch == "4") { gotoAndPlay ("punch4b"); } if ((_root.punch >= "5") && (_root.punch <= "8")) { gotoAndPlay ("punch5b"); } if (_root.punch >= "9") { gotoAndPlay ("pose2"); } } if (_root.walkcyc == "3") { if (_root.punch == "1") { gotoAndPlay ("punch1c"); } if (_root.punch == "2") { gotoAndPlay ("punch2c"); } if (_root.punch == "3") { gotoAndPlay ("punch3c"); } if (_root.punch == "4") { gotoAndPlay ("punch4c"); } if ((_root.punch >= "5") && (_root.punch <= "8")) { gotoAndPlay ("punch5c"); } if (_root.punch >= "9") { gotoAndPlay ("pose3"); } } if (_root.walkcyc == "4") { if (_root.punch == "1") { gotoAndPlay ("punch1d"); } if (_root.punch == "2") { gotoAndPlay ("punch2d"); } if (_root.punch == "3") { gotoAndPlay ("punch3d"); } if (_root.punch == "4") { gotoAndPlay ("punch4d"); } if ((_root.punch >= "5") && (_root.punch <= "8")) { play(); } if (_root.punch >= "9") { gotoAndPlay ("pose4"); } } play();
Symbol 161 MovieClip Frame 101
_root.punch = _root.punch + 1; if ((_root.walkcyc == "0") or (_root.walkcyc == "1")) { if (_root.punch == "1") { gotoAndPlay ("punch1a"); } if (_root.punch == "2") { gotoAndPlay ("punch2a"); } if (_root.punch == "3") { gotoAndPlay ("punch3a"); } if (_root.punch == "4") { gotoAndPlay ("punch4a"); } if ((_root.punch >= "5") && (_root.punch <= "8")) { gotoAndPlay ("punch5a"); } if (_root.punch >= "9") { gotoAndPlay (1); } } if (_root.walkcyc == "2") { if (_root.punch == "1") { gotoAndPlay ("punch1b"); } if (_root.punch == "2") { gotoAndPlay ("punch2b"); } if (_root.punch == "3") { gotoAndPlay ("punch3b"); } if (_root.punch == "4") { gotoAndPlay ("punch4b"); } if ((_root.punch >= "5") && (_root.punch <= "8")) { gotoAndPlay ("punch5b"); } if (_root.punch >= "9") { gotoAndPlay ("pose2"); } } if (_root.walkcyc == "3") { if (_root.punch == "1") { gotoAndPlay ("punch1c"); } if (_root.punch == "2") { gotoAndPlay ("punch2c"); } if (_root.punch == "3") { gotoAndPlay ("punch3c"); } if (_root.punch == "4") { gotoAndPlay ("punch4c"); } if ((_root.punch >= "5") && (_root.punch <= "8")) { gotoAndPlay ("punch5c"); } if (_root.punch >= "9") { gotoAndPlay ("pose3"); } } if (_root.walkcyc == "4") { if (_root.punch == "1") { play(); } if (_root.punch == "2") { gotoAndPlay ("punch2d"); } if (_root.punch == "3") { gotoAndPlay ("punch3d"); } if (_root.punch == "4") { gotoAndPlay ("punch4d"); } if ((_root.punch >= "5") && (_root.punch <= "8")) { gotoAndPlay ("punch5d"); } if (_root.punch >= "9") { gotoAndPlay ("pose4"); } } play();
Symbol 161 MovieClip Frame 103
_root.punch = _root.punch + 1; if ((_root.walkcyc == "0") or (_root.walkcyc == "1")) { if (_root.punch == "1") { gotoAndPlay ("punch1a"); } if (_root.punch == "2") { gotoAndPlay ("punch2a"); } if (_root.punch == "3") { gotoAndPlay ("punch3a"); } if (_root.punch == "4") { gotoAndPlay ("punch4a"); } if ((_root.punch >= "5") && (_root.punch <= "8")) { gotoAndPlay ("punch5a"); } if (_root.punch >= "9") { gotoAndPlay (1); } } if (_root.walkcyc == "2") { if (_root.punch == "1") { gotoAndPlay ("punch1b"); } if (_root.punch == "2") { gotoAndPlay ("punch2b"); } if (_root.punch == "3") { gotoAndPlay ("punch3b"); } if (_root.punch == "4") { gotoAndPlay ("punch4b"); } if ((_root.punch >= "5") && (_root.punch <= "8")) { gotoAndPlay ("punch5b"); } if (_root.punch >= "9") { gotoAndPlay ("pose2"); } } if (_root.walkcyc == "3") { if (_root.punch == "1") { gotoAndPlay ("punch1c"); } if (_root.punch == "2") { gotoAndPlay ("punch2c"); } if (_root.punch == "3") { gotoAndPlay ("punch3c"); } if (_root.punch == "4") { gotoAndPlay ("punch4c"); } if ((_root.punch >= "5") && (_root.punch <= "8")) { gotoAndPlay ("punch5c"); } if (_root.punch >= "9") { gotoAndPlay ("pose3"); } } if (_root.walkcyc == "4") { if (_root.punch == "1") { gotoAndPlay ("punch1d"); } if (_root.punch == "2") { play(); } if (_root.punch == "3") { gotoAndPlay ("punch3d"); } if (_root.punch == "4") { gotoAndPlay ("punch4d"); } if ((_root.punch >= "5") && (_root.punch <= "8")) { gotoAndPlay ("punch5d"); } if (_root.punch >= "9") { gotoAndPlay ("pose4"); } } play();
Symbol 161 MovieClip Frame 105
_root.punch = _root.punch + 1; if ((_root.walkcyc == "0") or (_root.walkcyc == "1")) { if (_root.punch == "1") { gotoAndPlay ("punch1a"); } if (_root.punch == "2") { gotoAndPlay ("punch2a"); } if (_root.punch == "3") { gotoAndPlay ("punch3a"); } if (_root.punch == "4") { gotoAndPlay ("punch4a"); } if ((_root.punch >= "5") && (_root.punch <= "8")) { gotoAndPlay ("punch5a"); } if (_root.punch >= "9") { gotoAndPlay (1); } } if (_root.walkcyc == "2") { if (_root.punch == "1") { gotoAndPlay ("punch1b"); } if (_root.punch == "2") { gotoAndPlay ("punch2b"); } if (_root.punch == "3") { gotoAndPlay ("punch3b"); } if (_root.punch == "4") { gotoAndPlay ("punch4b"); } if ((_root.punch >= "5") && (_root.punch <= "8")) { gotoAndPlay ("punch5b"); } if (_root.punch >= "9") { gotoAndPlay ("pose2"); } } if (_root.walkcyc == "3") { if (_root.punch == "1") { gotoAndPlay ("punch1c"); } if (_root.punch == "2") { gotoAndPlay ("punch2c"); } if (_root.punch == "3") { gotoAndPlay ("punch3c"); } if (_root.punch == "4") { gotoAndPlay ("punch4c"); } if ((_root.punch >= "5") && (_root.punch <= "8")) { gotoAndPlay ("punch5c"); } if (_root.punch >= "9") { gotoAndPlay ("pose3"); } } if (_root.walkcyc == "4") { if (_root.punch == "1") { gotoAndPlay ("punch1d"); } if (_root.punch == "2") { gotoAndPlay ("punch2d"); } if (_root.punch == "3") { play(); } if (_root.punch == "4") { gotoAndPlay ("punch4d"); } if ((_root.punch >= "5") && (_root.punch <= "8")) { gotoAndPlay ("punch5d"); } if (_root.punch >= "9") { gotoAndPlay ("pose4"); } } play();
Symbol 161 MovieClip Frame 107
_root.punch = _root.punch + 1; if ((_root.walkcyc == "0") or (_root.walkcyc == "1")) { if (_root.punch == "1") { gotoAndPlay ("punch1a"); } if (_root.punch == "2") { gotoAndPlay ("punch2a"); } if (_root.punch == "3") { gotoAndPlay ("punch3a"); } if (_root.punch == "4") { gotoAndPlay ("punch4a"); } if ((_root.punch >= "5") && (_root.punch <= "8")) { gotoAndPlay ("punch5a"); } if (_root.punch >= "9") { gotoAndPlay (1); } } if (_root.walkcyc == "2") { if (_root.punch == "1") { gotoAndPlay ("punch1b"); } if (_root.punch == "2") { gotoAndPlay ("punch2b"); } if (_root.punch == "3") { gotoAndPlay ("punch3b"); } if (_root.punch == "4") { gotoAndPlay ("punch4b"); } if ((_root.punch >= "5") && (_root.punch <= "8")) { gotoAndPlay ("punch5b"); } if (_root.punch >= "9") { gotoAndPlay ("pose2"); } } if (_root.walkcyc == "3") { if (_root.punch == "1") { gotoAndPlay ("punch1c"); } if (_root.punch == "2") { gotoAndPlay ("punch2c"); } if (_root.punch == "3") { gotoAndPlay ("punch3c"); } if (_root.punch == "4") { gotoAndPlay ("punch4c"); } if ((_root.punch >= "5") && (_root.punch <= "8")) { gotoAndPlay ("punch5c"); } if (_root.punch >= "9") { gotoAndPlay ("pose3"); } } if (_root.walkcyc == "4") { if (_root.punch == "1") { gotoAndPlay ("punch1d"); } if (_root.punch == "2") { gotoAndPlay ("punch2d"); } if (_root.punch == "3") { gotoAndPlay ("punch3d"); } if (_root.punch == "4") { play(); } if ((_root.punch >= "5") && (_root.punch <= "8")) { gotoAndPlay ("punch5d"); } if (_root.punch >= "9") { gotoAndPlay ("pose4"); } } play();
Symbol 161 MovieClip Frame 109
_root.punch = _root.punch + 1; if ((_root.walkcyc == "0") or (_root.walkcyc == "1")) { if (_root.punch == "1") { gotoAndPlay ("punch1a"); } if (_root.punch == "2") { gotoAndPlay ("punch2a"); } if (_root.punch == "3") { gotoAndPlay ("punch3a"); } if (_root.punch == "4") { gotoAndPlay ("punch4a"); } if ((_root.punch >= "5") && (_root.punch <= "8")) { gotoAndPlay ("punch5a"); } if (_root.punch >= "9") { gotoAndPlay (1); } } if (_root.walkcyc == "2") { if (_root.punch == "1") { gotoAndPlay ("punch1b"); } if (_root.punch == "2") { gotoAndPlay ("punch2b"); } if (_root.punch == "3") { gotoAndPlay ("punch3b"); } if (_root.punch == "4") { gotoAndPlay ("punch4b"); } if ((_root.punch >= "5") && (_root.punch <= "8")) { gotoAndPlay ("punch5b"); } if (_root.punch >= "9") { gotoAndPlay ("pose2"); } } if (_root.walkcyc == "3") { if (_root.punch == "1") { gotoAndPlay ("punch1c"); } if (_root.punch == "2") { gotoAndPlay ("punch2c"); } if (_root.punch == "3") { gotoAndPlay ("punch3c"); } if (_root.punch == "4") { gotoAndPlay ("punch4c"); } if ((_root.punch >= "5") && (_root.punch <= "8")) { gotoAndPlay ("punch5c"); } if (_root.punch >= "9") { gotoAndPlay ("pose3"); } } if (_root.walkcyc == "4") { if (_root.punch == "1") { gotoAndPlay ("punch1d"); } if (_root.punch == "2") { gotoAndPlay ("punch2d"); } if (_root.punch == "3") { gotoAndPlay ("punch3d"); } if (_root.punch == "4") { gotoAndPlay ("punch4d"); } if ((_root.punch >= "5") && (_root.punch <= "8")) { play(); } if (_root.punch >= "9") { gotoAndPlay ("pose4"); } } play();
Symbol 162 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 162 MovieClip Frame 5
if (_root.punch == "5") { gotoAndPlay (1); }
Symbol 162 MovieClip Frame 6
gotoAndPlay (5);
Symbol 167 MovieClip Frame 1
_root.walkcyc = 2;
Symbol 167 MovieClip Frame 6
_root.walkcyc = 3;
Symbol 167 MovieClip Frame 12
_root.walkcyc = 4;
Symbol 167 MovieClip Frame 17
_root.walkcyc = 1;
Symbol 192 MovieClip Frame 1
if ((_root.walkcyc == "0") or (_root.walkcyc == "1")) { if (_root.punch == "0") { play(); } if (_root.punch == "1") { gotoAndPlay ("punch1a"); } if (_root.punch == "2") { gotoAndPlay ("punch2a"); } if (_root.punch == "3") { gotoAndPlay ("punch3a"); } if (_root.punch == "4") { gotoAndPlay ("punch4a"); } if ((_root.punch >= "5") && (_root.punch <= "8")) { gotoAndPlay ("punch5a"); } if (_root.punch >= "9") { _root.punch = 0; play(); } } if (_root.walkcyc == "2") { if (_root.punch == "0") { gotoAndPlay ("pose2"); } if (_root.punch == "1") { gotoAndPlay ("punch1b"); } if (_root.punch == "2") { gotoAndPlay ("punch2b"); } if (_root.punch == "3") { gotoAndPlay ("punch3b"); } if (_root.punch == "4") { gotoAndPlay ("punch4b"); } if ((_root.punch >= "5") && (_root.punch <= "8")) { gotoAndPlay ("punch5b"); } if (_root.punch >= "9") { _root.punch = 0; gotoAndPlay ("pose2"); } } if (_root.walkcyc == "3") { if (_root.punch == "0") { gotoAndPlay ("pose3"); } if (_root.punch == "1") { gotoAndPlay ("punch1c"); } if (_root.punch == "2") { gotoAndPlay ("punch2c"); } if (_root.punch == "3") { gotoAndPlay ("punch3c"); } if (_root.punch == "4") { gotoAndPlay ("punch4c"); } if ((_root.punch >= "5") && (_root.punch <= "8")) { gotoAndPlay ("punch5c"); } if (_root.punch >= "9") { _root.punch = 0; gotoAndPlay ("pose3"); } } if (_root.walkcyc == "4") { if (_root.punch == "0") { gotoAndPlay ("pose4"); } if (_root.punch == "1") { gotoAndPlay ("punch1d"); } if (_root.punch == "2") { gotoAndPlay ("punch2d"); } if (_root.punch == "3") { gotoAndPlay ("punch3d"); } if (_root.punch == "4") { gotoAndPlay ("punch4d"); } if ((_root.punch >= "5") && (_root.punch <= "8")) { gotoAndPlay ("punch5d"); } if (_root.punch >= "9") { _root.punch = 0; gotoAndPlay ("pose4"); } }
Symbol 192 MovieClip Frame 2
if ((_root.walkcyc == "0") or (_root.walkcyc == "1")) { if (_root.punch == "0") { gotoAndPlay ("pose1"); } if (_root.punch == "1") { gotoAndPlay ("punch1a"); } if (_root.punch == "2") { gotoAndPlay ("punch2a"); } if (_root.punch == "3") { gotoAndPlay ("punch3a"); } if (_root.punch == "4") { gotoAndPlay ("punch4a"); } if ((_root.punch >= "5") && (_root.punch <= "8")) { gotoAndPlay ("punch5a"); } if (_root.punch >= "9") { _root.punch = 0; gotoAndPlay (1); } } if (_root.walkcyc == "2") { if (_root.punch == "0") { gotoAndPlay ("pose2"); } if (_root.punch == "1") { gotoAndPlay ("punch1b"); } if (_root.punch == "2") { gotoAndPlay ("punch2b"); } if (_root.punch == "3") { gotoAndPlay ("punch3b"); } if (_root.punch == "4") { gotoAndPlay ("punch4b"); } if ((_root.punch >= "5") && (_root.punch <= "8")) { gotoAndPlay ("punch5b"); } if (_root.punch >= "9") { _root.punch = 0; gotoAndPlay ("pose2"); } } if (_root.walkcyc == "3") { if (_root.punch == "0") { gotoAndPlay ("pose3"); } if (_root.punch == "1") { gotoAndPlay ("punch1c"); } if (_root.punch == "2") { gotoAndPlay ("punch2c"); } if (_root.punch == "3") { gotoAndPlay ("punch3c"); } if (_root.punch == "4") { gotoAndPlay ("punch4c"); } if ((_root.punch >= "5") && (_root.punch <= "8")) { gotoAndPlay ("punch5c"); } if (_root.punch >= "9") { _root.punch = 0; gotoAndPlay ("pose3"); } } if (_root.walkcyc == "4") { if (_root.punch == "0") { gotoAndPlay ("pose4"); } if (_root.punch == "1") { gotoAndPlay ("punch1d"); } if (_root.punch == "2") { gotoAndPlay ("punch2d"); } if (_root.punch == "3") { gotoAndPlay ("punch3d"); } if (_root.punch == "4") { gotoAndPlay ("punch4d"); } if ((_root.punch >= "5") && (_root.punch <= "8")) { gotoAndPlay ("punch5d"); } if (_root.punch >= "9") { _root.punch = 0; gotoAndPlay ("pose4"); } }
Symbol 192 MovieClip Frame 3
if ((_root.walkcyc == "0") or (_root.walkcyc == "1")) { if (_root.punch == "0") { gotoAndPlay ("pose1"); } if (_root.punch == "1") { gotoAndPlay ("punch1a"); } if (_root.punch == "2") { gotoAndPlay ("punch2a"); } if (_root.punch == "3") { gotoAndPlay ("punch3a"); } if (_root.punch == "4") { gotoAndPlay ("punch4a"); } if ((_root.punch >= "5") && (_root.punch <= "8")) { gotoAndPlay ("punch5a"); } if (_root.punch >= "9") { _root.punch = 0; gotoAndPlay (1); } } if (_root.walkcyc == "2") { if (_root.punch == "0") { play(); } if (_root.punch == "1") { gotoAndPlay ("punch1b"); } if (_root.punch == "2") { gotoAndPlay ("punch2b"); } if (_root.punch == "3") { gotoAndPlay ("punch3b"); } if (_root.punch == "4") { gotoAndPlay ("punch4b"); } if ((_root.punch >= "5") && (_root.punch <= "8")) { gotoAndPlay ("punch5b"); } if (_root.punch >= "9") { _root.punch = 0; play(); } } if (_root.walkcyc == "3") { if (_root.punch == "0") { gotoAndPlay ("pose3"); } if (_root.punch == "1") { gotoAndPlay ("punch1c"); } if (_root.punch == "2") { gotoAndPlay ("punch2c"); } if (_root.punch == "3") { gotoAndPlay ("punch3c"); } if (_root.punch == "4") { gotoAndPlay ("punch4c"); } if ((_root.punch >= "5") && (_root.punch <= "8")) { gotoAndPlay ("punch5c"); } if (_root.punch >= "9") { _root.punch = 0; gotoAndPlay ("pose3"); } } if (_root.walkcyc == "4") { if (_root.punch == "0") { gotoAndPlay ("pose4"); } if (_root.punch == "1") { gotoAndPlay ("punch1d"); } if (_root.punch == "2") { gotoAndPlay ("punch2d"); } if (_root.punch == "3") { gotoAndPlay ("punch3d"); } if (_root.punch == "4") { gotoAndPlay ("punch4d"); } if ((_root.punch >= "5") && (_root.punch <= "8")) { gotoAndPlay ("punch5d"); } if (_root.punch >= "9") { _root.punch = 0; gotoAndPlay ("pose4"); } }
Symbol 192 MovieClip Frame 4
if ((_root.walkcyc == "0") or (_root.walkcyc == "1")) { if (_root.punch == "0") { gotoAndPlay ("pose1"); } if (_root.punch == "1") { gotoAndPlay ("punch1a"); } if (_root.punch == "2") { gotoAndPlay ("punch2a"); } if (_root.punch == "3") { gotoAndPlay ("punch3a"); } if (_root.punch == "4") { gotoAndPlay ("punch4a"); } if ((_root.punch >= "5") && (_root.punch <= "8")) { gotoAndPlay ("punch5a"); } if (_root.punch >= "9") { _root.punch = 0; gotoAndPlay (1); } } if (_root.walkcyc == "2") { if (_root.punch == "0") { gotoAndPlay ("pose2"); } if (_root.punch == "1") { gotoAndPlay ("punch1b"); } if (_root.punch == "2") { gotoAndPlay ("punch2b"); } if (_root.punch == "3") { gotoAndPlay ("punch3b"); } if (_root.punch == "4") { gotoAndPlay ("punch4b"); } if ((_root.punch >= "5") && (_root.punch <= "8")) { gotoAndPlay ("punch5b"); } if (_root.punch >= "9") { _root.punch = 0; gotoAndPlay ("pose2"); } } if (_root.walkcyc == "3") { if (_root.punch == "0") { gotoAndPlay ("pose3"); } if (_root.punch == "1") { gotoAndPlay ("punch1c"); } if (_root.punch == "2") { gotoAndPlay ("punch2c"); } if (_root.punch == "3") { gotoAndPlay ("punch3c"); } if (_root.punch == "4") { gotoAndPlay ("punch4c"); } if ((_root.punch >= "5") && (_root.punch <= "8")) { gotoAndPlay ("punch5c"); } if (_root.punch >= "9") { _root.punch = 0; gotoAndPlay ("pose3"); } } if (_root.walkcyc == "4") { if (_root.punch == "0") { gotoAndPlay ("pose4"); } if (_root.punch == "1") { gotoAndPlay ("punch1d"); } if (_root.punch == "2") { gotoAndPlay ("punch2d"); } if (_root.punch == "3") { gotoAndPlay ("punch3d"); } if (_root.punch == "4") { gotoAndPlay ("punch4d"); } if ((_root.punch >= "5") && (_root.punch <= "8")) { gotoAndPlay ("punch5d"); } if (_root.punch >= "9") { _root.punch = 0; gotoAndPlay ("pose4"); } }
Symbol 192 MovieClip Frame 5
if ((_root.walkcyc == "0") or (_root.walkcyc == "1")) { if (_root.punch == "0") { gotoAndPlay ("pose1"); } if (_root.punch == "1") { gotoAndPlay ("punch1a"); } if (_root.punch == "2") { gotoAndPlay ("punch2a"); } if (_root.punch == "3") { gotoAndPlay ("punch3a"); } if (_root.punch == "4") { gotoAndPlay ("punch4a"); } if ((_root.punch >= "5") && (_root.punch <= "8")) { gotoAndPlay ("punch5a"); } if (_root.punch >= "9") { _root.punch = 0; gotoAndPlay (1); } } if (_root.walkcyc == "2") { if (_root.punch == "0") { gotoAndPlay ("pose2"); } if (_root.punch == "1") { gotoAndPlay ("punch1b"); } if (_root.punch == "2") { gotoAndPlay ("punch2b"); } if (_root.punch == "3") { gotoAndPlay ("punch3b"); } if (_root.punch == "4") { gotoAndPlay ("punch4b"); } if ((_root.punch >= "5") && (_root.punch <= "8")) { gotoAndPlay ("punch5b"); } if (_root.punch >= "9") { _root.punch = 0; gotoAndPlay ("pose2"); } } if (_root.walkcyc == "3") { if (_root.punch == "0") { play(); } if (_root.punch == "1") { gotoAndPlay ("punch1c"); } if (_root.punch == "2") { gotoAndPlay ("punch2c"); } if (_root.punch == "3") { gotoAndPlay ("punch3c"); } if (_root.punch == "4") { gotoAndPlay ("punch4c"); } if ((_root.punch >= "5") && (_root.punch <= "8")) { gotoAndPlay ("punch5c"); } if (_root.punch >= "9") { _root.punch = 0; play(); } } if (_root.walkcyc == "4") { if (_root.punch == "0") { gotoAndPlay ("pose4"); } if (_root.punch == "1") { gotoAndPlay ("punch1d"); } if (_root.punch == "2") { gotoAndPlay ("punch2d"); } if (_root.punch == "3") { gotoAndPlay ("punch3d"); } if (_root.punch == "4") { gotoAndPlay ("punch4d"); } if ((_root.punch >= "5") && (_root.punch <= "8")) { gotoAndPlay ("punch5d"); } if (_root.punch >= "9") { _root.punch = 0; gotoAndPlay ("pose4"); } }
Symbol 192 MovieClip Frame 6
if ((_root.walkcyc == "0") or (_root.walkcyc == "1")) { if (_root.punch == "0") { gotoAndPlay ("pose1"); } if (_root.punch == "1") { gotoAndPlay ("punch1a"); } if (_root.punch == "2") { gotoAndPlay ("punch2a"); } if (_root.punch == "3") { gotoAndPlay ("punch3a"); } if (_root.punch == "4") { gotoAndPlay ("punch4a"); } if ((_root.punch >= "5") && (_root.punch <= "8")) { gotoAndPlay ("punch5a"); } if (_root.punch >= "9") { _root.punch = 0; gotoAndPlay (1); } } if (_root.walkcyc == "2") { if (_root.punch == "0") { gotoAndPlay ("pose2"); } if (_root.punch == "1") { gotoAndPlay ("punch1b"); } if (_root.punch == "2") { gotoAndPlay ("punch2b"); } if (_root.punch == "3") { gotoAndPlay ("punch3b"); } if (_root.punch == "4") { gotoAndPlay ("punch4b"); } if ((_root.punch >= "5") && (_root.punch <= "8")) { gotoAndPlay ("punch5b"); } if (_root.punch >= "9") { _root.punch = 0; gotoAndPlay ("pose2"); } } if (_root.walkcyc == "3") { if (_root.punch == "0") { gotoAndPlay ("pose3"); } if (_root.punch == "1") { gotoAndPlay ("punch1c"); } if (_root.punch == "2") { gotoAndPlay ("punch2c"); } if (_root.punch == "3") { gotoAndPlay ("punch3c"); } if (_root.punch == "4") { gotoAndPlay ("punch4c"); } if ((_root.punch >= "5") && (_root.punch <= "8")) { gotoAndPlay ("punch5c"); } if (_root.punch >= "9") { _root.punch = 0; gotoAndPlay ("pose3"); } } if (_root.walkcyc == "4") { if (_root.punch == "0") { gotoAndPlay ("pose4"); } if (_root.punch == "1") { gotoAndPlay ("punch1d"); } if (_root.punch == "2") { gotoAndPlay ("punch2d"); } if (_root.punch == "3") { gotoAndPlay ("punch3d"); } if (_root.punch == "4") { gotoAndPlay ("punch4d"); } if ((_root.punch >= "5") && (_root.punch <= "8")) { gotoAndPlay ("punch5d"); } if (_root.punch >= "9") { _root.punch = 0; gotoAndPlay ("pose4"); } }
Symbol 192 MovieClip Frame 7
if ((_root.walkcyc == "0") or (_root.walkcyc == "1")) { if (_root.punch == "0") { gotoAndPlay ("pose1"); } if (_root.punch == "1") { gotoAndPlay ("punch1a"); } if (_root.punch == "2") { gotoAndPlay ("punch2a"); } if (_root.punch == "3") { gotoAndPlay ("punch3a"); } if (_root.punch == "4") { gotoAndPlay ("punch4a"); } if ((_root.punch >= "5") && (_root.punch <= "8")) { gotoAndPlay ("punch5a"); } if (_root.punch >= "9") { _root.punch = 0; gotoAndPlay (1); } } if (_root.walkcyc == "2") { if (_root.punch == "0") { gotoAndPlay ("pose2"); } if (_root.punch == "1") { gotoAndPlay ("punch1b"); } if (_root.punch == "2") { gotoAndPlay ("punch2b"); } if (_root.punch == "3") { gotoAndPlay ("punch3b"); } if (_root.punch == "4") { gotoAndPlay ("punch4b"); } if ((_root.punch >= "5") && (_root.punch <= "8")) { gotoAndPlay ("punch5b"); } if (_root.punch >= "9") { _root.punch = 0; gotoAndPlay ("pose2"); } } if (_root.walkcyc == "3") { if (_root.punch == "0") { gotoAndPlay ("pose3"); } if (_root.punch == "1") { gotoAndPlay ("punch1c"); } if (_root.punch == "2") { gotoAndPlay ("punch2c"); } if (_root.punch == "3") { gotoAndPlay ("punch3c"); } if (_root.punch == "4") { gotoAndPlay ("punch4c"); } if ((_root.punch >= "5") && (_root.punch <= "8")) { gotoAndPlay ("punch5c"); } if (_root.punch >= "9") { _root.punch = 0; gotoAndPlay ("pose3"); } } if (_root.walkcyc == "4") { if (_root.punch == "0") { play(); } if (_root.punch == "1") { gotoAndPlay ("punch1d"); } if (_root.punch == "2") { gotoAndPlay ("punch2d"); } if (_root.punch == "3") { gotoAndPlay ("punch3d"); } if (_root.punch == "4") { gotoAndPlay ("punch4d"); } if ((_root.punch >= "5") && (_root.punch <= "8")) { gotoAndPlay ("punch5d"); } if (_root.punch >= "9") { _root.punch = 0; play(); } }
Symbol 192 MovieClip Frame 8
if ((_root.walkcyc == "0") or (_root.walkcyc == "1")) { if (_root.punch == "0") { gotoAndPlay ("pose1"); } if (_root.punch == "1") { gotoAndPlay ("punch1a"); } if (_root.punch == "2") { gotoAndPlay ("punch2a"); } if (_root.punch == "3") { gotoAndPlay ("punch3a"); } if (_root.punch == "4") { gotoAndPlay ("punch4a"); } if ((_root.punch >= "5") && (_root.punch <= "8")) { gotoAndPlay ("punch5a"); } if (_root.punch >= "9") { _root.punch = 0; gotoAndPlay (1); } } if (_root.walkcyc == "2") { if (_root.punch == "0") { gotoAndPlay ("pose2"); } if (_root.punch == "1") { gotoAndPlay ("punch1b"); } if (_root.punch == "2") { gotoAndPlay ("punch2b"); } if (_root.punch == "3") { gotoAndPlay ("punch3b"); } if (_root.punch == "4") { gotoAndPlay ("punch4b"); } if ((_root.punch >= "5") && (_root.punch <= "8")) { gotoAndPlay ("punch5b"); } if (_root.punch >= "9") { _root.punch = 0; gotoAndPlay ("pose2"); } } if (_root.walkcyc == "3") { if (_root.punch == "0") { gotoAndPlay ("pose3"); } if (_root.punch == "1") { gotoAndPlay ("punch1c"); } if (_root.punch == "2") { gotoAndPlay ("punch2c"); } if (_root.punch == "3") { gotoAndPlay ("punch3c"); } if (_root.punch == "4") { gotoAndPlay ("punch4c"); } if ((_root.punch >= "5") && (_root.punch <= "8")) { gotoAndPlay ("punch5c"); } if (_root.punch >= "9") { _root.punch = 0; gotoAndPlay ("pose3"); } } if (_root.walkcyc == "4") { if (_root.punch == "0") { gotoAndPlay ("pose4"); } if (_root.punch == "1") { gotoAndPlay ("punch1d"); } if (_root.punch == "2") { gotoAndPlay ("punch2d"); } if (_root.punch == "3") { gotoAndPlay ("punch3d"); } if (_root.punch == "4") { gotoAndPlay ("punch4d"); } if ((_root.punch >= "5") && (_root.punch <= "8")) { gotoAndPlay ("punch5d"); } if (_root.punch >= "9") { _root.punch = 0; gotoAndPlay ("pose4"); } }
Symbol 192 MovieClip Frame 10
_root.punch = _root.punch + 1; if (_root.walkcyc == "0") { if (_root.punch == "1") { gotoAndPlay ("punch1z"); } if (_root.punch == "2") { gotoAndPlay ("punch2z"); } if (_root.punch == "3") { gotoAndPlay ("punch3z"); } if (_root.punch == "4") { gotoAndPlay ("punch4z"); } if ((_root.punch >= "5") && (_root.punch <= "8")) { gotoAndPlay ("punch5z"); } if (_root.punch >= "9") { gotoAndPlay (1); } } if (_root.walkcyc == "1") { if (_root.punch == "1") { gotoAndPlay ("punch1a"); } if (_root.punch == "2") { gotoAndPlay ("punch2a"); } if (_root.punch == "3") { gotoAndPlay ("punch3a"); } if (_root.punch == "4") { gotoAndPlay ("punch4a"); } if ((_root.punch >= "5") && (_root.punch <= "8")) { gotoAndPlay ("punch5a"); } if (_root.punch >= "9") { gotoAndPlay (1); } } if (_root.walkcyc == "2") { if (_root.punch == "1") { gotoAndPlay ("punch1b"); } if (_root.punch == "2") { gotoAndPlay ("punch2b"); } if (_root.punch == "3") { gotoAndPlay ("punch3b"); } if (_root.punch == "4") { gotoAndPlay ("punch4b"); } if ((_root.punch >= "5") && (_root.punch <= "8")) { gotoAndPlay ("punch5b"); } if (_root.punch >= "9") { gotoAndPlay ("pose2"); } } if (_root.walkcyc == "3") { if (_root.punch == "1") { gotoAndPlay ("punch1c"); } if (_root.punch == "2") { gotoAndPlay ("punch2c"); } if (_root.punch == "3") { gotoAndPlay ("punch3c"); } if (_root.punch == "4") { gotoAndPlay ("punch4c"); } if ((_root.punch >= "5") && (_root.punch <= "8")) { gotoAndPlay ("punch5c"); } if (_root.punch >= "9") { gotoAndPlay ("pose3"); } } if (_root.walkcyc == "4") { if (_root.punch == "1") { gotoAndPlay ("punch1d"); } if (_root.punch == "2") { gotoAndPlay ("punch2d"); } if (_root.punch == "3") { gotoAndPlay ("punch3d"); } if (_root.punch == "4") { gotoAndPlay ("punch4d"); } if ((_root.punch >= "5") && (_root.punch <= "8")) { gotoAndPlay ("punch5d"); } if (_root.punch >= "9") { gotoAndPlay ("pose4"); } } play();
Symbol 192 MovieClip Frame 12
_root.punch = _root.punch + 1; if (_root.walkcyc == "0") { if (_root.punch == "1") { gotoAndPlay ("punch1z"); } if (_root.punch == "2") { gotoAndPlay ("punch2z"); } if (_root.punch == "3") { gotoAndPlay ("punch3z"); } if (_root.punch == "4") { gotoAndPlay ("punch4z"); } if ((_root.punch >= "5") && (_root.punch <= "8")) { gotoAndPlay ("punch5z"); } if (_root.punch >= "9") { gotoAndPlay (1); } } if (_root.walkcyc == "1") { if (_root.punch == "1") { gotoAndPlay ("punch1a"); } if (_root.punch == "2") { gotoAndPlay ("punch2a"); } if (_root.punch == "3") { gotoAndPlay ("punch3a"); } if (_root.punch == "4") { gotoAndPlay ("punch4a"); } if ((_root.punch >= "5") && (_root.punch <= "8")) { gotoAndPlay ("punch5a"); } if (_root.punch >= "9") { gotoAndPlay (1); } } if (_root.walkcyc == "2") { if (_root.punch == "1") { gotoAndPlay ("punch1b"); } if (_root.punch == "2") { gotoAndPlay ("punch2b"); } if (_root.punch == "3") { gotoAndPlay ("punch3b"); } if (_root.punch == "4") { gotoAndPlay ("punch4b"); } if ((_root.punch >= "5") && (_root.punch <= "8")) { gotoAndPlay ("punch5b"); } if (_root.punch >= "9") { gotoAndPlay ("pose2"); } } if (_root.walkcyc == "3") { if (_root.punch == "1") { gotoAndPlay ("punch1c"); } if (_root.punch == "2") { gotoAndPlay ("punch2c"); } if (_root.punch == "3") { gotoAndPlay ("punch3c"); } if (_root.punch == "4") { gotoAndPlay ("punch4c"); } if ((_root.punch >= "5") && (_root.punch <= "8")) { gotoAndPlay ("punch5c"); } if (_root.punch >= "9") { gotoAndPlay ("pose3"); } } if (_root.walkcyc == "4") { if (_root.punch == "1") { gotoAndPlay ("punch1d"); } if (_root.punch == "2") { gotoAndPlay ("punch2d"); } if (_root.punch == "3") { gotoAndPlay ("punch3d"); } if (_root.punch == "4") { gotoAndPlay ("punch4d"); } if ((_root.punch >= "5") && (_root.punch <= "8")) { gotoAndPlay ("punch5d"); } if (_root.punch >= "9") { gotoAndPlay ("pose4"); } } play();
Symbol 192 MovieClip Frame 14
_root.punch = _root.punch + 1; if (_root.walkcyc == "0") { if (_root.punch == "1") { gotoAndPlay ("punch1z"); } if (_root.punch == "2") { gotoAndPlay ("punch2z"); } if (_root.punch == "3") { gotoAndPlay ("punch3z"); } if (_root.punch == "4") { gotoAndPlay ("punch4z"); } if ((_root.punch >= "5") && (_root.punch <= "8")) { gotoAndPlay ("punch5z"); } if (_root.punch >= "9") { gotoAndPlay (1); } } if (_root.walkcyc == "1") { if (_root.punch == "1") { gotoAndPlay ("punch1a"); } if (_root.punch == "2") { gotoAndPlay ("punch2a"); } if (_root.punch == "3") { gotoAndPlay ("punch3a"); } if (_root.punch == "4") { gotoAndPlay ("punch4a"); } if ((_root.punch >= "5") && (_root.punch <= "8")) { gotoAndPlay ("punch5a"); } if (_root.punch >= "9") { gotoAndPlay (1); } } if (_root.walkcyc == "2") { if (_root.punch == "1") { gotoAndPlay ("punch1b"); } if (_root.punch == "2") { gotoAndPlay ("punch2b"); } if (_root.punch == "3") { gotoAndPlay ("punch3b"); } if (_root.punch == "4") { gotoAndPlay ("punch4b"); } if ((_root.punch >= "5") && (_root.punch <= "8")) { gotoAndPlay ("punch5b"); } if (_root.punch >= "9") { gotoAndPlay ("pose2"); } } if (_root.walkcyc == "3") { if (_root.punch == "1") { gotoAndPlay ("punch1c"); } if (_root.punch == "2") { gotoAndPlay ("punch2c"); } if (_root.punch == "3") { gotoAndPlay ("punch3c"); } if (_root.punch == "4") { gotoAndPlay ("punch4c"); } if ((_root.punch >= "5") && (_root.punch <= "8")) { gotoAndPlay ("punch5c"); } if (_root.punch >= "9") { gotoAndPlay ("pose3"); } } if (_root.walkcyc == "4") { if (_root.punch == "1") { gotoAndPlay ("punch1d"); } if (_root.punch == "2") { gotoAndPlay ("punch2d"); } if (_root.punch == "3") { gotoAndPlay ("punch3d"); } if (_root.punch == "4") { gotoAndPlay ("punch4d"); } if ((_root.punch >= "5") && (_root.punch <= "8")) { gotoAndPlay ("punch5d"); } if (_root.punch >= "9") { gotoAndPlay ("pose4"); } } play();
Symbol 192 MovieClip Frame 16
_root.punch = _root.punch + 1; if (_root.walkcyc == "0") { if (_root.punch == "1") { gotoAndPlay ("punch1z"); } if (_root.punch == "2") { gotoAndPlay ("punch2z"); } if (_root.punch == "3") { gotoAndPlay ("punch3z"); } if (_root.punch == "4") { gotoAndPlay ("punch4z"); } if ((_root.punch >= "5") && (_root.punch <= "8")) { gotoAndPlay ("punch5z"); } if (_root.punch >= "9") { gotoAndPlay (1); } } if (_root.walkcyc == "1") { if (_root.punch == "1") { gotoAndPlay ("punch1a"); } if (_root.punch == "2") { gotoAndPlay ("punch2a"); } if (_root.punch == "3") { gotoAndPlay ("punch3a"); } if (_root.punch == "4") { gotoAndPlay ("punch4a"); } if ((_root.punch >= "5") && (_root.punch <= "8")) { gotoAndPlay ("punch5a"); } if (_root.punch >= "9") { gotoAndPlay (1); } } if (_root.walkcyc == "2") { if (_root.punch == "1") { gotoAndPlay ("punch1b"); } if (_root.punch == "2") { gotoAndPlay ("punch2b"); } if (_root.punch == "3") { gotoAndPlay ("punch3b"); } if (_root.punch == "4") { gotoAndPlay ("punch4b"); } if ((_root.punch >= "5") && (_root.punch <= "8")) { gotoAndPlay ("punch5b"); } if (_root.punch >= "9") { gotoAndPlay ("pose2"); } } if (_root.walkcyc == "3") { if (_root.punch == "1") { gotoAndPlay ("punch1c"); } if (_root.punch == "2") { gotoAndPlay ("punch2c"); } if (_root.punch == "3") { gotoAndPlay ("punch3c"); } if (_root.punch == "4") { gotoAndPlay ("punch4c"); } if ((_root.punch >= "5") && (_root.punch <= "8")) { gotoAndPlay ("punch5c"); } if (_root.punch >= "9") { gotoAndPlay ("pose3"); } } if (_root.walkcyc == "4") { if (_root.punch == "1") { gotoAndPlay ("punch1d"); } if (_root.punch == "2") { gotoAndPlay ("punch2d"); } if (_root.punch == "3") { gotoAndPlay ("punch3d"); } if (_root.punch == "4") { gotoAndPlay ("punch4d"); } if ((_root.punch >= "5") && (_root.punch <= "8")) { gotoAndPlay ("punch5d"); } if (_root.punch >= "9") { gotoAndPlay ("pose4"); } } play();
Symbol 192 MovieClip Frame 18
_root.punch = _root.punch + 1; if (_root.walkcyc == "0") { if (_root.punch == "1") { gotoAndPlay ("punch1z"); } if (_root.punch == "2") { gotoAndPlay ("punch2z"); } if (_root.punch == "3") { gotoAndPlay ("punch3z"); } if (_root.punch == "4") { gotoAndPlay ("punch4z"); } if ((_root.punch >= "5") && (_root.punch <= "8")) { gotoAndPlay ("punch5z"); } if (_root.punch >= "9") { gotoAndPlay (1); } } if (_root.walkcyc == "1") { if (_root.punch == "1") { gotoAndPlay ("punch1a"); } if (_root.punch == "2") { gotoAndPlay ("punch2a"); } if (_root.punch == "3") { gotoAndPlay ("punch3a"); } if (_root.punch == "4") { gotoAndPlay ("punch4a"); } if ((_root.punch >= "5") && (_root.punch <= "8")) { gotoAndPlay ("punch5a"); } if (_root.punch >= "9") { gotoAndPlay (1); } } if (_root.walkcyc == "2") { if (_root.punch == "1") { gotoAndPlay ("punch1b"); } if (_root.punch == "2") { gotoAndPlay ("punch2b"); } if (_root.punch == "3") { gotoAndPlay ("punch3b"); } if (_root.punch == "4") { gotoAndPlay ("punch4b"); } if ((_root.punch >= "5") && (_root.punch <= "8")) { gotoAndPlay ("punch5b"); } if (_root.punch >= "9") { gotoAndPlay ("pose2"); } } if (_root.walkcyc == "3") { if (_root.punch == "1") { gotoAndPlay ("punch1c"); } if (_root.punch == "2") { gotoAndPlay ("punch2c"); } if (_root.punch == "3") { gotoAndPlay ("punch3c"); } if (_root.punch == "4") { gotoAndPlay ("punch4c"); } if ((_root.punch >= "5") && (_root.punch <= "8")) { gotoAndPlay ("punch5c"); } if (_root.punch >= "9") { gotoAndPlay ("pose3"); } } if (_root.walkcyc == "4") { if (_root.punch == "1") { gotoAndPlay ("punch1d"); } if (_root.punch == "2") { gotoAndPlay ("punch2d"); } if (_root.punch == "3") { gotoAndPlay ("punch3d"); } if (_root.punch == "4") { gotoAndPlay ("punch4d"); } if ((_root.punch >= "5") && (_root.punch <= "8")) { gotoAndPlay ("punch5d"); } if (_root.punch >= "9") { gotoAndPlay ("pose4"); } } play();
Symbol 192 MovieClip Frame 20
_root.punch = _root.punch + 1; if (_root.walkcyc == "0") { if (_root.punch == "1") { gotoAndPlay ("punch1z"); } if (_root.punch == "2") { gotoAndPlay ("punch2z"); } if (_root.punch == "3") { gotoAndPlay ("punch3z"); } if (_root.punch == "4") { gotoAndPlay ("punch4z"); } if ((_root.punch >= "5") && (_root.punch <= "8")) { gotoAndPlay ("punch5z"); } if (_root.punch >= "9") { gotoAndPlay (1); } } if (_root.walkcyc == "1") { if (_root.punch == "1") { gotoAndPlay ("punch1a"); } if (_root.punch == "2") { gotoAndPlay ("punch2a"); } if (_root.punch == "3") { gotoAndPlay ("punch3a"); } if (_root.punch == "4") { gotoAndPlay ("punch4a"); } if ((_root.punch >= "5") && (_root.punch <= "8")) { gotoAndPlay ("punch5a"); } if (_root.punch >= "9") { gotoAndPlay (1); } } if (_root.walkcyc == "2") { if (_root.punch == "1") { gotoAndPlay ("punch1b"); } if (_root.punch == "2") { gotoAndPlay ("punch2b"); } if (_root.punch == "3") { gotoAndPlay ("punch3b"); } if (_root.punch == "4") { gotoAndPlay ("punch4b"); } if ((_root.punch >= "5") && (_root.punch <= "8")) { gotoAndPlay ("punch5b"); } if (_root.punch >= "9") { gotoAndPlay ("pose2"); } } if (_root.walkcyc == "3") { if (_root.punch == "1") { gotoAndPlay ("punch1c"); } if (_root.punch == "2") { gotoAndPlay ("punch2c"); } if (_root.punch == "3") { gotoAndPlay ("punch3c"); } if (_root.punch == "4") { gotoAndPlay ("punch4c"); } if ((_root.punch >= "5") && (_root.punch <= "8")) { gotoAndPlay ("punch5c"); } if (_root.punch >= "9") { gotoAndPlay ("pose3"); } } if (_root.walkcyc == "4") { if (_root.punch == "1") { gotoAndPlay ("punch1d"); } if (_root.punch == "2") { gotoAndPlay ("punch2d"); } if (_root.punch == "3") { gotoAndPlay ("punch3d"); } if (_root.punch == "4") { gotoAndPlay ("punch4d"); } if ((_root.punch >= "5") && (_root.punch <= "8")) { gotoAndPlay ("punch5d"); } if (_root.punch >= "9") { gotoAndPlay ("pose4"); } } play();
Symbol 192 MovieClip Frame 22
_root.punch = _root.punch + 1; if (_root.walkcyc == "0") { if (_root.punch == "1") { gotoAndPlay ("punch1z"); } if (_root.punch == "2") { gotoAndPlay ("punch2z"); } if (_root.punch == "3") { gotoAndPlay ("punch3z"); } if (_root.punch == "4") { gotoAndPlay ("punch4z"); } if ((_root.punch >= "5") && (_root.punch <= "8")) { gotoAndPlay ("punch5z"); } if (_root.punch >= "9") { gotoAndPlay (1); } } if (_root.walkcyc == "1") { if (_root.punch == "1") { gotoAndPlay ("punch1a"); } if (_root.punch == "2") { gotoAndPlay ("punch2a"); } if (_root.punch == "3") { gotoAndPlay ("punch3a"); } if (_root.punch == "4") { gotoAndPlay ("punch4a"); } if ((_root.punch >= "5") && (_root.punch <= "8")) { gotoAndPlay ("punch5a"); } if (_root.punch >= "9") { gotoAndPlay (1); } } if (_root.walkcyc == "2") { if (_root.punch == "1") { gotoAndPlay ("punch1b"); } if (_root.punch == "2") { gotoAndPlay ("punch2b"); } if (_root.punch == "3") { gotoAndPlay ("punch3b"); } if (_root.punch == "4") { gotoAndPlay ("punch4b"); } if ((_root.punch >= "5") && (_root.punch <= "8")) { gotoAndPlay ("punch5b"); } if (_root.punch >= "9") { gotoAndPlay ("pose2"); } } if (_root.walkcyc == "3") { if (_root.punch == "1") { gotoAndPlay ("punch1c"); } if (_root.punch == "2") { gotoAndPlay ("punch2c"); } if (_root.punch == "3") { gotoAndPlay ("punch3c"); } if (_root.punch == "4") { gotoAndPlay ("punch4c"); } if ((_root.punch >= "5") && (_root.punch <= "8")) { gotoAndPlay ("punch5c"); } if (_root.punch >= "9") { gotoAndPlay ("pose3"); } } if (_root.walkcyc == "4") { if (_root.punch == "1") { gotoAndPlay ("punch1d"); } if (_root.punch == "2") { gotoAndPlay ("punch2d"); } if (_root.punch == "3") { gotoAndPlay ("punch3d"); } if (_root.punch == "4") { gotoAndPlay ("punch4d"); } if ((_root.punch >= "5") && (_root.punch <= "8")) { gotoAndPlay ("punch5d"); } if (_root.punch >= "9") { gotoAndPlay ("pose4"); } } play();
Symbol 192 MovieClip Frame 24
_root.punch = _root.punch + 1; if (_root.walkcyc == "0") { if (_root.punch == "1") { gotoAndPlay ("punch1z"); } if (_root.punch == "2") { gotoAndPlay ("punch2z"); } if (_root.punch == "3") { gotoAndPlay ("punch3z"); } if (_root.punch == "4") { gotoAndPlay ("punch4z"); } if ((_root.punch >= "5") && (_root.punch <= "8")) { gotoAndPlay ("punch5z"); } if (_root.punch >= "9") { gotoAndPlay (1); } } if (_root.walkcyc == "1") { if (_root.punch == "1") { gotoAndPlay ("punch1a"); } if (_root.punch == "2") { gotoAndPlay ("punch2a"); } if (_root.punch == "3") { gotoAndPlay ("punch3a"); } if (_root.punch == "4") { gotoAndPlay ("punch4a"); } if ((_root.punch >= "5") && (_root.punch <= "8")) { gotoAndPlay ("punch5a"); } if (_root.punch >= "9") { gotoAndPlay (1); } } if (_root.walkcyc == "2") { if (_root.punch == "1") { gotoAndPlay ("punch1b"); } if (_root.punch == "2") { gotoAndPlay ("punch2b"); } if (_root.punch == "3") { gotoAndPlay ("punch3b"); } if (_root.punch == "4") { gotoAndPlay ("punch4b"); } if ((_root.punch >= "5") && (_root.punch <= "8")) { gotoAndPlay ("punch5b"); } if (_root.punch >= "9") { gotoAndPlay ("pose2"); } } if (_root.walkcyc == "3") { if (_root.punch == "1") { gotoAndPlay ("punch1c"); } if (_root.punch == "2") { gotoAndPlay ("punch2c"); } if (_root.punch == "3") { gotoAndPlay ("punch3c"); } if (_root.punch == "4") { gotoAndPlay ("punch4c"); } if ((_root.punch >= "5") && (_root.punch <= "8")) { gotoAndPlay ("punch5c"); } if (_root.punch >= "9") { gotoAndPlay ("pose3"); } } if (_root.walkcyc == "4") { if (_root.punch == "1") { gotoAndPlay ("punch1d"); } if (_root.punch == "2") { gotoAndPlay ("punch2d"); } if (_root.punch == "3") { gotoAndPlay ("punch3d"); } if (_root.punch == "4") { gotoAndPlay ("punch4d"); } if ((_root.punch >= "5") && (_root.punch <= "8")) { gotoAndPlay ("punch5d"); } if (_root.punch >= "9") { gotoAndPlay ("pose4"); } } play();
Symbol 192 MovieClip Frame 26
_root.punch = _root.punch + 1; if (_root.walkcyc == "0") { if (_root.punch == "1") { gotoAndPlay ("punch1z"); } if (_root.punch == "2") { gotoAndPlay ("punch2z"); } if (_root.punch == "3") { gotoAndPlay ("punch3z"); } if (_root.punch == "4") { gotoAndPlay ("punch4z"); } if ((_root.punch >= "5") && (_root.punch <= "8")) { gotoAndPlay ("punch5z"); } if (_root.punch >= "9") { gotoAndPlay (1); } } if (_root.walkcyc == "1") { if (_root.punch == "1") { gotoAndPlay ("punch1a"); } if (_root.punch == "2") { gotoAndPlay ("punch2a"); } if (_root.punch == "3") { gotoAndPlay ("punch3a"); } if (_root.punch == "4") { gotoAndPlay ("punch4a"); } if ((_root.punch >= "5") && (_root.punch <= "8")) { gotoAndPlay ("punch5a"); } if (_root.punch >= "9") { gotoAndPlay (1); } } if (_root.walkcyc == "2") { if (_root.punch == "1") { gotoAndPlay ("punch1b"); } if (_root.punch == "2") { gotoAndPlay ("punch2b"); } if (_root.punch == "3") { gotoAndPlay ("punch3b"); } if (_root.punch == "4") { gotoAndPlay ("punch4b"); } if ((_root.punch >= "5") && (_root.punch <= "8")) { gotoAndPlay ("punch5b"); } if (_root.punch >= "9") { gotoAndPlay ("pose2"); } } if (_root.walkcyc == "3") { if (_root.punch == "1") { gotoAndPlay ("punch1c"); } if (_root.punch == "2") { gotoAndPlay ("punch2c"); } if (_root.punch == "3") { gotoAndPlay ("punch3c"); } if (_root.punch == "4") { gotoAndPlay ("punch4c"); } if ((_root.punch >= "5") && (_root.punch <= "8")) { gotoAndPlay ("punch5c"); } if (_root.punch >= "9") { gotoAndPlay ("pose3"); } } if (_root.walkcyc == "4") { if (_root.punch == "1") { gotoAndPlay ("punch1d"); } if (_root.punch == "2") { gotoAndPlay ("punch2d"); } if (_root.punch == "3") { gotoAndPlay ("punch3d"); } if (_root.punch == "4") { gotoAndPlay ("punch4d"); } if ((_root.punch >= "5") && (_root.punch <= "8")) { gotoAndPlay ("punch5d"); } if (_root.punch >= "9") { gotoAndPlay ("pose4"); } } play();
Symbol 192 MovieClip Frame 28
_root.punch = _root.punch + 1; if (_root.walkcyc == "0") { if (_root.punch == "1") { gotoAndPlay ("punch1z"); } if (_root.punch == "2") { gotoAndPlay ("punch2z"); } if (_root.punch == "3") { gotoAndPlay ("punch3z"); } if (_root.punch == "4") { gotoAndPlay ("punch4z"); } if ((_root.punch >= "5") && (_root.punch <= "8")) { gotoAndPlay ("punch5z"); } if (_root.punch >= "9") { gotoAndPlay (1); } } if (_root.walkcyc == "1") { if (_root.punch == "1") { gotoAndPlay ("punch1a"); } if (_root.punch == "2") { gotoAndPlay ("punch2a"); } if (_root.punch == "3") { gotoAndPlay ("punch3a"); } if (_root.punch == "4") { gotoAndPlay ("punch4a"); } if ((_root.punch >= "5") && (_root.punch <= "8")) { gotoAndPlay ("punch5a"); } if (_root.punch >= "9") { gotoAndPlay (1); } } if (_root.walkcyc == "2") { if (_root.punch == "1") { gotoAndPlay ("punch1b"); } if (_root.punch == "2") { gotoAndPlay ("punch2b"); } if (_root.punch == "3") { gotoAndPlay ("punch3b"); } if (_root.punch == "4") { gotoAndPlay ("punch4b"); } if ((_root.punch >= "5") && (_root.punch <= "8")) { gotoAndPlay ("punch5b"); } if (_root.punch >= "9") { gotoAndPlay ("pose2"); } } if (_root.walkcyc == "3") { if (_root.punch == "1") { gotoAndPlay ("punch1c"); } if (_root.punch == "2") { gotoAndPlay ("punch2c"); } if (_root.punch == "3") { gotoAndPlay ("punch3c"); } if (_root.punch == "4") { gotoAndPlay ("punch4c"); } if ((_root.punch >= "5") && (_root.punch <= "8")) { gotoAndPlay ("punch5c"); } if (_root.punch >= "9") { gotoAndPlay ("pose3"); } } if (_root.walkcyc == "4") { if (_root.punch == "1") { gotoAndPlay ("punch1d"); } if (_root.punch == "2") { gotoAndPlay ("punch2d"); } if (_root.punch == "3") { gotoAndPlay ("punch3d"); } if (_root.punch == "4") { gotoAndPlay ("punch4d"); } if ((_root.punch >= "5") && (_root.punch <= "8")) { gotoAndPlay ("punch5d"); } if (_root.punch >= "9") { gotoAndPlay ("pose4"); } } play();
Symbol 192 MovieClip Frame 30
_root.punch = _root.punch + 1; if (_root.walkcyc == "0") { if (_root.punch == "1") { gotoAndPlay ("punch1z"); } if (_root.punch == "2") { gotoAndPlay ("punch2z"); } if (_root.punch == "3") { gotoAndPlay ("punch3z"); } if (_root.punch == "4") { gotoAndPlay ("punch4z"); } if ((_root.punch >= "5") && (_root.punch <= "8")) { gotoAndPlay ("punch5z"); } if (_root.punch >= "9") { gotoAndPlay (1); } } if (_root.walkcyc == "1") { if (_root.punch == "1") { gotoAndPlay ("punch1a"); } if (_root.punch == "2") { gotoAndPlay ("punch2a"); } if (_root.punch == "3") { gotoAndPlay ("punch3a"); } if (_root.punch == "4") { gotoAndPlay ("punch4a"); } if ((_root.punch >= "5") && (_root.punch <= "8")) { gotoAndPlay ("punch5a"); } if (_root.punch >= "9") { gotoAndPlay (1); } } if (_root.walkcyc == "2") { if (_root.punch == "1") { gotoAndPlay ("punch1b"); } if (_root.punch == "2") { gotoAndPlay ("punch2b"); } if (_root.punch == "3") { gotoAndPlay ("punch3b"); } if (_root.punch == "4") { gotoAndPlay ("punch4b"); } if ((_root.punch >= "5") && (_root.punch <= "8")) { gotoAndPlay ("punch5b"); } if (_root.punch >= "9") { gotoAndPlay ("pose2"); } } if (_root.walkcyc == "3") { if (_root.punch == "1") { gotoAndPlay ("punch1c"); } if (_root.punch == "2") { gotoAndPlay ("punch2c"); } if (_root.punch == "3") { gotoAndPlay ("punch3c"); } if (_root.punch == "4") { gotoAndPlay ("punch4c"); } if ((_root.punch >= "5") && (_root.punch <= "8")) { gotoAndPlay ("punch5c"); } if (_root.punch >= "9") { gotoAndPlay ("pose3"); } } if (_root.walkcyc == "4") { if (_root.punch == "1") { gotoAndPlay ("punch1d"); } if (_root.punch == "2") { gotoAndPlay ("punch2d"); } if (_root.punch == "3") { gotoAndPlay ("punch3d"); } if (_root.punch == "4") { gotoAndPlay ("punch4d"); } if ((_root.punch >= "5") && (_root.punch <= "8")) { gotoAndPlay ("punch5d"); } if (_root.punch >= "9") { gotoAndPlay ("pose4"); } } play();
Symbol 192 MovieClip Frame 32
_root.punch = _root.punch + 1; if (_root.walkcyc == "0") { if (_root.punch == "1") { gotoAndPlay ("punch1z"); } if (_root.punch == "2") { gotoAndPlay ("punch2z"); } if (_root.punch == "3") { gotoAndPlay ("punch3z"); } if (_root.punch == "4") { gotoAndPlay ("punch4z"); } if ((_root.punch >= "5") && (_root.punch <= "8")) { gotoAndPlay ("punch5z"); } if (_root.punch >= "9") { gotoAndPlay (1); } } if (_root.walkcyc == "1") { if (_root.punch == "1") { gotoAndPlay ("punch1a"); } if (_root.punch == "2") { gotoAndPlay ("punch2a"); } if (_root.punch == "3") { gotoAndPlay ("punch3a"); } if (_root.punch == "4") { gotoAndPlay ("punch4a"); } if ((_root.punch >= "5") && (_root.punch <= "8")) { gotoAndPlay ("punch5a"); } if (_root.punch >= "9") { gotoAndPlay (1); } } if (_root.walkcyc == "2") { if (_root.punch == "1") { gotoAndPlay ("punch1b"); } if (_root.punch == "2") { gotoAndPlay ("punch2b"); } if (_root.punch == "3") { gotoAndPlay ("punch3b"); } if (_root.punch == "4") { gotoAndPlay ("punch4b"); } if ((_root.punch >= "5") && (_root.punch <= "8")) { gotoAndPlay ("punch5b"); } if (_root.punch >= "9") { gotoAndPlay ("pose2"); } } if (_root.walkcyc == "3") { if (_root.punch == "1") { gotoAndPlay ("punch1c"); } if (_root.punch == "2") { gotoAndPlay ("punch2c"); } if (_root.punch == "3") { gotoAndPlay ("punch3c"); } if (_root.punch == "4") { gotoAndPlay ("punch4c"); } if ((_root.punch >= "5") && (_root.punch <= "8")) { gotoAndPlay ("punch5c"); } if (_root.punch >= "9") { gotoAndPlay ("pose3"); } } if (_root.walkcyc == "4") { if (_root.punch == "1") { gotoAndPlay ("punch1d"); } if (_root.punch == "2") { gotoAndPlay ("punch2d"); } if (_root.punch == "3") { gotoAndPlay ("punch3d"); } if (_root.punch == "4") { gotoAndPlay ("punch4d"); } if ((_root.punch >= "5") && (_root.punch <= "8")) { gotoAndPlay ("punch5d"); } if (_root.punch >= "9") { gotoAndPlay ("pose4"); } } play();
Symbol 192 MovieClip Frame 34
_root.punch = _root.punch + 1; if (_root.walkcyc == "0") { if (_root.punch == "1") { gotoAndPlay ("punch1z"); } if (_root.punch == "2") { gotoAndPlay ("punch2z"); } if (_root.punch == "3") { gotoAndPlay ("punch3z"); } if (_root.punch == "4") { gotoAndPlay ("punch4z"); } if ((_root.punch >= "5") && (_root.punch <= "8")) { gotoAndPlay ("punch5z"); } if (_root.punch >= "9") { gotoAndPlay (1); } } if (_root.walkcyc == "1") { if (_root.punch == "1") { gotoAndPlay ("punch1a"); } if (_root.punch == "2") { gotoAndPlay ("punch2a"); } if (_root.punch == "3") { gotoAndPlay ("punch3a"); } if (_root.punch == "4") { gotoAndPlay ("punch4a"); } if ((_root.punch >= "5") && (_root.punch <= "8")) { gotoAndPlay ("punch5a"); } if (_root.punch >= "9") { gotoAndPlay (1); } } if (_root.walkcyc == "2") { if (_root.punch == "1") { gotoAndPlay ("punch1b"); } if (_root.punch == "2") { gotoAndPlay ("punch2b"); } if (_root.punch == "3") { gotoAndPlay ("punch3b"); } if (_root.punch == "4") { gotoAndPlay ("punch4b"); } if ((_root.punch >= "5") && (_root.punch <= "8")) { gotoAndPlay ("punch5b"); } if (_root.punch >= "9") { gotoAndPlay ("pose2"); } } if (_root.walkcyc == "3") { if (_root.punch == "1") { gotoAndPlay ("punch1c"); } if (_root.punch == "2") { gotoAndPlay ("punch2c"); } if (_root.punch == "3") { gotoAndPlay ("punch3c"); } if (_root.punch == "4") { gotoAndPlay ("punch4c"); } if ((_root.punch >= "5") && (_root.punch <= "8")) { gotoAndPlay ("punch5c"); } if (_root.punch >= "9") { gotoAndPlay ("pose3"); } } if (_root.walkcyc == "4") { if (_root.punch == "1") { gotoAndPlay ("punch1d"); } if (_root.punch == "2") { gotoAndPlay ("punch2d"); } if (_root.punch == "3") { gotoAndPlay ("punch3d"); } if (_root.punch == "4") { gotoAndPlay ("punch4d"); } if ((_root.punch >= "5") && (_root.punch <= "8")) { gotoAndPlay ("punch5d"); } if (_root.punch >= "9") { gotoAndPlay ("pose4"); } } play();
Symbol 192 MovieClip Frame 36
_root.punch = _root.punch + 1; if (_root.walkcyc == "0") { if (_root.punch == "1") { gotoAndPlay ("punch1z"); } if (_root.punch == "2") { gotoAndPlay ("punch2z"); } if (_root.punch == "3") { gotoAndPlay ("punch3z"); } if (_root.punch == "4") { gotoAndPlay ("punch4z"); } if ((_root.punch >= "5") && (_root.punch <= "8")) { gotoAndPlay ("punch5z"); } if (_root.punch >= "9") { gotoAndPlay (1); } } if (_root.walkcyc == "1") { if (_root.punch == "1") { gotoAndPlay ("punch1a"); } if (_root.punch == "2") { gotoAndPlay ("punch2a"); } if (_root.punch == "3") { gotoAndPlay ("punch3a"); } if (_root.punch == "4") { gotoAndPlay ("punch4a"); } if ((_root.punch >= "5") && (_root.punch <= "8")) { gotoAndPlay ("punch5a"); } if (_root.punch >= "9") { gotoAndPlay (1); } } if (_root.walkcyc == "2") { if (_root.punch == "1") { gotoAndPlay ("punch1b"); } if (_root.punch == "2") { gotoAndPlay ("punch2b"); } if (_root.punch == "3") { gotoAndPlay ("punch3b"); } if (_root.punch == "4") { gotoAndPlay ("punch4b"); } if ((_root.punch >= "5") && (_root.punch <= "8")) { gotoAndPlay ("punch5b"); } if (_root.punch >= "9") { gotoAndPlay ("pose2"); } } if (_root.walkcyc == "3") { if (_root.punch == "1") { gotoAndPlay ("punch1c"); } if (_root.punch == "2") { gotoAndPlay ("punch2c"); } if (_root.punch == "3") { gotoAndPlay ("punch3c"); } if (_root.punch == "4") { gotoAndPlay ("punch4c"); } if ((_root.punch >= "5") && (_root.punch <= "8")) { gotoAndPlay ("punch5c"); } if (_root.punch >= "9") { gotoAndPlay ("pose3"); } } if (_root.walkcyc == "4") { if (_root.punch == "1") { gotoAndPlay ("punch1d"); } if (_root.punch == "2") { gotoAndPlay ("punch2d"); } if (_root.punch == "3") { gotoAndPlay ("punch3d"); } if (_root.punch == "4") { gotoAndPlay ("punch4d"); } if ((_root.punch >= "5") && (_root.punch <= "8")) { gotoAndPlay ("punch5d"); } if (_root.punch >= "9") { gotoAndPlay ("pose4"); } } play();
Symbol 192 MovieClip Frame 38
_root.punch = _root.punch + 1; if (_root.walkcyc == "0") { if (_root.punch == "1") { gotoAndPlay ("punch1z"); } if (_root.punch == "2") { gotoAndPlay ("punch2z"); } if (_root.punch == "3") { gotoAndPlay ("punch3z"); } if (_root.punch == "4") { gotoAndPlay ("punch4z"); } if ((_root.punch >= "5") && (_root.punch <= "8")) { gotoAndPlay ("punch5z"); } if (_root.punch >= "9") { gotoAndPlay (1); } } if (_root.walkcyc == "1") { if (_root.punch == "1") { gotoAndPlay ("punch1a"); } if (_root.punch == "2") { gotoAndPlay ("punch2a"); } if (_root.punch == "3") { gotoAndPlay ("punch3a"); } if (_root.punch == "4") { gotoAndPlay ("punch4a"); } if ((_root.punch >= "5") && (_root.punch <= "8")) { gotoAndPlay ("punch5a"); } if (_root.punch >= "9") { gotoAndPlay (1); } } if (_root.walkcyc == "2") { if (_root.punch == "1") { gotoAndPlay ("punch1b"); } if (_root.punch == "2") { gotoAndPlay ("punch2b"); } if (_root.punch == "3") { gotoAndPlay ("punch3b"); } if (_root.punch == "4") { gotoAndPlay ("punch4b"); } if ((_root.punch >= "5") && (_root.punch <= "8")) { gotoAndPlay ("punch5b"); } if (_root.punch >= "9") { gotoAndPlay ("pose2"); } } if (_root.walkcyc == "3") { if (_root.punch == "1") { gotoAndPlay ("punch1c"); } if (_root.punch == "2") { gotoAndPlay ("punch2c"); } if (_root.punch == "3") { gotoAndPlay ("punch3c"); } if (_root.punch == "4") { gotoAndPlay ("punch4c"); } if ((_root.punch >= "5") && (_root.punch <= "8")) { gotoAndPlay ("punch5c"); } if (_root.punch >= "9") { gotoAndPlay ("pose3"); } } if (_root.walkcyc == "4") { if (_root.punch == "1") { gotoAndPlay ("punch1d"); } if (_root.punch == "2") { gotoAndPlay ("punch2d"); } if (_root.punch == "3") { gotoAndPlay ("punch3d"); } if (_root.punch == "4") { gotoAndPlay ("punch4d"); } if ((_root.punch >= "5") && (_root.punch <= "8")) { gotoAndPlay ("punch5d"); } if (_root.punch >= "9") { gotoAndPlay ("pose4"); } } play();
Symbol 192 MovieClip Frame 40
_root.punch = _root.punch + 1; if (_root.walkcyc == "0") { if (_root.punch == "1") { gotoAndPlay ("punch1z"); } if (_root.punch == "2") { gotoAndPlay ("punch2z"); } if (_root.punch == "3") { gotoAndPlay ("punch3z"); } if (_root.punch == "4") { gotoAndPlay ("punch4z"); } if ((_root.punch >= "5") && (_root.punch <= "8")) { gotoAndPlay ("punch5z"); } if (_root.punch >= "9") { gotoAndPlay (1); } } if (_root.walkcyc == "1") { if (_root.punch == "1") { gotoAndPlay ("punch1a"); } if (_root.punch == "2") { gotoAndPlay ("punch2a"); } if (_root.punch == "3") { gotoAndPlay ("punch3a"); } if (_root.punch == "4") { gotoAndPlay ("punch4a"); } if ((_root.punch >= "5") && (_root.punch <= "8")) { gotoAndPlay ("punch5a"); } if (_root.punch >= "9") { gotoAndPlay (1); } } if (_root.walkcyc == "2") { if (_root.punch == "1") { gotoAndPlay ("punch1b"); } if (_root.punch == "2") { gotoAndPlay ("punch2b"); } if (_root.punch == "3") { gotoAndPlay ("punch3b"); } if (_root.punch == "4") { gotoAndPlay ("punch4b"); } if ((_root.punch >= "5") && (_root.punch <= "8")) { gotoAndPlay ("punch5b"); } if (_root.punch >= "9") { gotoAndPlay ("pose2"); } } if (_root.walkcyc == "3") { if (_root.punch == "1") { gotoAndPlay ("punch1c"); } if (_root.punch == "2") { gotoAndPlay ("punch2c"); } if (_root.punch == "3") { gotoAndPlay ("punch3c"); } if (_root.punch == "4") { gotoAndPlay ("punch4c"); } if ((_root.punch >= "5") && (_root.punch <= "8")) { gotoAndPlay ("punch5c"); } if (_root.punch >= "9") { gotoAndPlay ("pose3"); } } if (_root.walkcyc == "4") { if (_root.punch == "1") { gotoAndPlay ("punch1d"); } if (_root.punch == "2") { gotoAndPlay ("punch2d"); } if (_root.punch == "3") { gotoAndPlay ("punch3d"); } if (_root.punch == "4") { gotoAndPlay ("punch4d"); } if ((_root.punch >= "5") && (_root.punch <= "8")) { gotoAndPlay ("punch5d"); } if (_root.punch >= "9") { gotoAndPlay ("pose4"); } } play();
Symbol 192 MovieClip Frame 42
_root.punch = _root.punch + 1; if (_root.walkcyc == "0") { if (_root.punch == "1") { gotoAndPlay ("punch1z"); } if (_root.punch == "2") { gotoAndPlay ("punch2z"); } if (_root.punch == "3") { gotoAndPlay ("punch3z"); } if (_root.punch == "4") { gotoAndPlay ("punch4z"); } if ((_root.punch >= "5") && (_root.punch <= "8")) { gotoAndPlay ("punch5z"); } if (_root.punch >= "9") { gotoAndPlay (1); } } if (_root.walkcyc == "1") { if (_root.punch == "1") { gotoAndPlay ("punch1a"); } if (_root.punch == "2") { gotoAndPlay ("punch2a"); } if (_root.punch == "3") { gotoAndPlay ("punch3a"); } if (_root.punch == "4") { gotoAndPlay ("punch4a"); } if ((_root.punch >= "5") && (_root.punch <= "8")) { gotoAndPlay ("punch5a"); } if (_root.punch >= "9") { gotoAndPlay (1); } } if (_root.walkcyc == "2") { if (_root.punch == "1") { gotoAndPlay ("punch1b"); } if (_root.punch == "2") { gotoAndPlay ("punch2b"); } if (_root.punch == "3") { gotoAndPlay ("punch3b"); } if (_root.punch == "4") { gotoAndPlay ("punch4b"); } if ((_root.punch >= "5") && (_root.punch <= "8")) { gotoAndPlay ("punch5b"); } if (_root.punch >= "9") { gotoAndPlay ("pose2"); } } if (_root.walkcyc == "3") { if (_root.punch == "1") { gotoAndPlay ("punch1c"); } if (_root.punch == "2") { gotoAndPlay ("punch2c"); } if (_root.punch == "3") { gotoAndPlay ("punch3c"); } if (_root.punch == "4") { gotoAndPlay ("punch4c"); } if ((_root.punch >= "5") && (_root.punch <= "8")) { gotoAndPlay ("punch5c"); } if (_root.punch >= "9") { gotoAndPlay ("pose3"); } } if (_root.walkcyc == "4") { if (_root.punch == "1") { gotoAndPlay ("punch1d"); } if (_root.punch == "2") { gotoAndPlay ("punch2d"); } if (_root.punch == "3") { gotoAndPlay ("punch3d"); } if (_root.punch == "4") { gotoAndPlay ("punch4d"); } if ((_root.punch >= "5") && (_root.punch <= "8")) { gotoAndPlay ("punch5d"); } if (_root.punch >= "9") { gotoAndPlay ("pose4"); } } play();
Symbol 192 MovieClip Frame 44
_root.punch = _root.punch + 1; if (_root.walkcyc == "0") { if (_root.punch == "1") { gotoAndPlay ("punch1z"); } if (_root.punch == "2") { gotoAndPlay ("punch2z"); } if (_root.punch == "3") { gotoAndPlay ("punch3z"); } if (_root.punch == "4") { gotoAndPlay ("punch4z"); } if ((_root.punch >= "5") && (_root.punch <= "8")) { gotoAndPlay ("punch5z"); } if (_root.punch >= "9") { gotoAndPlay (1); } } if (_root.walkcyc == "1") { if (_root.punch == "1") { gotoAndPlay ("punch1a"); } if (_root.punch == "2") { gotoAndPlay ("punch2a"); } if (_root.punch == "3") { gotoAndPlay ("punch3a"); } if (_root.punch == "4") { gotoAndPlay ("punch4a"); } if ((_root.punch >= "5") && (_root.punch <= "8")) { gotoAndPlay ("punch5a"); } if (_root.punch >= "9") { gotoAndPlay (1); } } if (_root.walkcyc == "2") { if (_root.punch == "1") { gotoAndPlay ("punch1b"); } if (_root.punch == "2") { gotoAndPlay ("punch2b"); } if (_root.punch == "3") { gotoAndPlay ("punch3b"); } if (_root.punch == "4") { gotoAndPlay ("punch4b"); } if ((_root.punch >= "5") && (_root.punch <= "8")) { gotoAndPlay ("punch5b"); } if (_root.punch >= "9") { gotoAndPlay ("pose2"); } } if (_root.walkcyc == "3") { if (_root.punch == "1") { gotoAndPlay ("punch1c"); } if (_root.punch == "2") { gotoAndPlay ("punch2c"); } if (_root.punch == "3") { gotoAndPlay ("punch3c"); } if (_root.punch == "4") { gotoAndPlay ("punch4c"); } if ((_root.punch >= "5") && (_root.punch <= "8")) { gotoAndPlay ("punch5c"); } if (_root.punch >= "9") { gotoAndPlay ("pose3"); } } if (_root.walkcyc == "4") { if (_root.punch == "1") { gotoAndPlay ("punch1d"); } if (_root.punch == "2") { gotoAndPlay ("punch2d"); } if (_root.punch == "3") { gotoAndPlay ("punch3d"); } if (_root.punch == "4") { gotoAndPlay ("punch4d"); } if ((_root.punch >= "5") && (_root.punch <= "8")) { gotoAndPlay ("punch5d"); } if (_root.punch >= "9") { gotoAndPlay ("pose4"); } } play();
Symbol 192 MovieClip Frame 46
_root.punch = _root.punch + 1; if (_root.walkcyc == "0") { if (_root.punch == "1") { gotoAndPlay ("punch1z"); } if (_root.punch == "2") { gotoAndPlay ("punch2z"); } if (_root.punch == "3") { gotoAndPlay ("punch3z"); } if (_root.punch == "4") { gotoAndPlay ("punch4z"); } if ((_root.punch >= "5") && (_root.punch <= "8")) { gotoAndPlay ("punch5z"); } if (_root.punch >= "9") { gotoAndPlay (1); } } if (_root.walkcyc == "1") { if (_root.punch == "1") { gotoAndPlay ("punch1a"); } if (_root.punch == "2") { gotoAndPlay ("punch2a"); } if (_root.punch == "3") { gotoAndPlay ("punch3a"); } if (_root.punch == "4") { gotoAndPlay ("punch4a"); } if ((_root.punch >= "5") && (_root.punch <= "8")) { gotoAndPlay ("punch5a"); } if (_root.punch >= "9") { gotoAndPlay (1); } } if (_root.walkcyc == "2") { if (_root.punch == "1") { gotoAndPlay ("punch1b"); } if (_root.punch == "2") { gotoAndPlay ("punch2b"); } if (_root.punch == "3") { gotoAndPlay ("punch3b"); } if (_root.punch == "4") { gotoAndPlay ("punch4b"); } if ((_root.punch >= "5") && (_root.punch <= "8")) { gotoAndPlay ("punch5b"); } if (_root.punch >= "9") { gotoAndPlay ("pose2"); } } if (_root.walkcyc == "3") { if (_root.punch == "1") { gotoAndPlay ("punch1c"); } if (_root.punch == "2") { gotoAndPlay ("punch2c"); } if (_root.punch == "3") { gotoAndPlay ("punch3c"); } if (_root.punch == "4") { gotoAndPlay ("punch4c"); } if ((_root.punch >= "5") && (_root.punch <= "8")) { gotoAndPlay ("punch5c"); } if (_root.punch >= "9") { gotoAndPlay ("pose3"); } } if (_root.walkcyc == "4") { if (_root.punch == "1") { gotoAndPlay ("punch1d"); } if (_root.punch == "2") { gotoAndPlay ("punch2d"); } if (_root.punch == "3") { gotoAndPlay ("punch3d"); } if (_root.punch == "4") { gotoAndPlay ("punch4d"); } if ((_root.punch >= "5") && (_root.punch <= "8")) { gotoAndPlay ("punch5d"); } if (_root.punch >= "9") { gotoAndPlay ("pose4"); } } play();
Symbol 192 MovieClip Frame 48
_root.punch = _root.punch + 1; if (_root.walkcyc == "0") { if (_root.punch == "1") { gotoAndPlay ("punch1z"); } if (_root.punch == "2") { gotoAndPlay ("punch2z"); } if (_root.punch == "3") { gotoAndPlay ("punch3z"); } if (_root.punch == "4") { gotoAndPlay ("punch4z"); } if ((_root.punch >= "5") && (_root.punch <= "8")) { gotoAndPlay ("punch5z"); } if (_root.punch >= "9") { gotoAndPlay (1); } } if (_root.walkcyc == "1") { if (_root.punch == "1") { gotoAndPlay ("punch1a"); } if (_root.punch == "2") { gotoAndPlay ("punch2a"); } if (_root.punch == "3") { gotoAndPlay ("punch3a"); } if (_root.punch == "4") { gotoAndPlay ("punch4a"); } if ((_root.punch >= "5") && (_root.punch <= "8")) { gotoAndPlay ("punch5a"); } if (_root.punch >= "9") { gotoAndPlay (1); } } if (_root.walkcyc == "2") { if (_root.punch == "1") { gotoAndPlay ("punch1b"); } if (_root.punch == "2") { gotoAndPlay ("punch2b"); } if (_root.punch == "3") { gotoAndPlay ("punch3b"); } if (_root.punch == "4") { gotoAndPlay ("punch4b"); } if ((_root.punch >= "5") && (_root.punch <= "8")) { gotoAndPlay ("punch5b"); } if (_root.punch >= "9") { gotoAndPlay ("pose2"); } } if (_root.walkcyc == "3") { if (_root.punch == "1") { gotoAndPlay ("punch1c"); } if (_root.punch == "2") { gotoAndPlay ("punch2c"); } if (_root.punch == "3") { gotoAndPlay ("punch3c"); } if (_root.punch == "4") { gotoAndPlay ("punch4c"); } if ((_root.punch >= "5") && (_root.punch <= "8")) { gotoAndPlay ("punch5c"); } if (_root.punch >= "9") { gotoAndPlay ("pose3"); } } if (_root.walkcyc == "4") { if (_root.punch == "1") { gotoAndPlay ("punch1d"); } if (_root.punch == "2") { gotoAndPlay ("punch2d"); } if (_root.punch == "3") { gotoAndPlay ("punch3d"); } if (_root.punch == "4") { gotoAndPlay ("punch4d"); } if ((_root.punch >= "5") && (_root.punch <= "8")) { gotoAndPlay ("punch5d"); } if (_root.punch >= "9") { gotoAndPlay ("pose4"); } } play();
Symbol 192 MovieClip Frame 50
_root.punch = _root.punch + 1; if (_root.walkcyc == "0") { if (_root.punch == "1") { gotoAndPlay ("punch1z"); } if (_root.punch == "2") { gotoAndPlay ("punch2z"); } if (_root.punch == "3") { gotoAndPlay ("punch3z"); } if (_root.punch == "4") { gotoAndPlay ("punch4z"); } if ((_root.punch >= "5") && (_root.punch <= "8")) { gotoAndPlay ("punch5z"); } if (_root.punch >= "9") { gotoAndPlay (1); } } if (_root.walkcyc == "1") { if (_root.punch == "1") { gotoAndPlay ("punch1a"); } if (_root.punch == "2") { gotoAndPlay ("punch2a"); } if (_root.punch == "3") { gotoAndPlay ("punch3a"); } if (_root.punch == "4") { gotoAndPlay ("punch4a"); } if ((_root.punch >= "5") && (_root.punch <= "8")) { gotoAndPlay ("punch5a"); } if (_root.punch >= "9") { gotoAndPlay (1); } } if (_root.walkcyc == "2") { if (_root.punch == "1") { gotoAndPlay ("punch1b"); } if (_root.punch == "2") { gotoAndPlay ("punch2b"); } if (_root.punch == "3") { gotoAndPlay ("punch3b"); } if (_root.punch == "4") { gotoAndPlay ("punch4b"); } if ((_root.punch >= "5") && (_root.punch <= "8")) { gotoAndPlay ("punch5b"); } if (_root.punch >= "9") { gotoAndPlay ("pose2"); } } if (_root.walkcyc == "3") { if (_root.punch == "1") { gotoAndPlay ("punch1c"); } if (_root.punch == "2") { gotoAndPlay ("punch2c"); } if (_root.punch == "3") { gotoAndPlay ("punch3c"); } if (_root.punch == "4") { gotoAndPlay ("punch4c"); } if ((_root.punch >= "5") && (_root.punch <= "8")) { gotoAndPlay ("punch5c"); } if (_root.punch >= "9") { gotoAndPlay ("pose3"); } } if (_root.walkcyc == "4") { if (_root.punch == "1") { gotoAndPlay ("punch1d"); } if (_root.punch == "2") { gotoAndPlay ("punch2d"); } if (_root.punch == "3") { gotoAndPlay ("punch3d"); } if (_root.punch == "4") { gotoAndPlay ("punch4d"); } if ((_root.punch >= "5") && (_root.punch <= "8")) { gotoAndPlay ("punch5d"); } if (_root.punch >= "9") { gotoAndPlay ("pose4"); } } play();
Symbol 192 MovieClip Frame 52
_root.punch = _root.punch + 1; if (_root.walkcyc == "0") { if (_root.punch == "1") { gotoAndPlay ("punch1z"); } if (_root.punch == "2") { gotoAndPlay ("punch2z"); } if (_root.punch == "3") { gotoAndPlay ("punch3z"); } if (_root.punch == "4") { gotoAndPlay ("punch4z"); } if ((_root.punch >= "5") && (_root.punch <= "8")) { gotoAndPlay ("punch5z"); } if (_root.punch >= "9") { gotoAndPlay (1); } } if (_root.walkcyc == "1") { if (_root.punch == "1") { gotoAndPlay ("punch1a"); } if (_root.punch == "2") { gotoAndPlay ("punch2a"); } if (_root.punch == "3") { gotoAndPlay ("punch3a"); } if (_root.punch == "4") { gotoAndPlay ("punch4a"); } if ((_root.punch >= "5") && (_root.punch <= "8")) { gotoAndPlay ("punch5a"); } if (_root.punch >= "9") { gotoAndPlay (1); } } if (_root.walkcyc == "2") { if (_root.punch == "1") { gotoAndPlay ("punch1b"); } if (_root.punch == "2") { gotoAndPlay ("punch2b"); } if (_root.punch == "3") { gotoAndPlay ("punch3b"); } if (_root.punch == "4") { gotoAndPlay ("punch4b"); } if ((_root.punch >= "5") && (_root.punch <= "8")) { gotoAndPlay ("punch5b"); } if (_root.punch >= "9") { gotoAndPlay ("pose2"); } } if (_root.walkcyc == "3") { if (_root.punch == "1") { gotoAndPlay ("punch1c"); } if (_root.punch == "2") { gotoAndPlay ("punch2c"); } if (_root.punch == "3") { gotoAndPlay ("punch3c"); } if (_root.punch == "4") { gotoAndPlay ("punch4c"); } if ((_root.punch >= "5") && (_root.punch <= "8")) { gotoAndPlay ("punch5c"); } if (_root.punch >= "9") { gotoAndPlay ("pose3"); } } if (_root.walkcyc == "4") { if (_root.punch == "1") { gotoAndPlay ("punch1d"); } if (_root.punch == "2") { gotoAndPlay ("punch2d"); } if (_root.punch == "3") { gotoAndPlay ("punch3d"); } if (_root.punch == "4") { gotoAndPlay ("punch4d"); } if ((_root.punch >= "5") && (_root.punch <= "8")) { gotoAndPlay ("punch5d"); } if (_root.punch >= "9") { gotoAndPlay ("pose4"); } } play();
Symbol 192 MovieClip Frame 54
_root.punch = _root.punch + 1; if (_root.walkcyc == "0") { if (_root.punch == "1") { gotoAndPlay ("punch1z"); } if (_root.punch == "2") { gotoAndPlay ("punch2z"); } if (_root.punch == "3") { gotoAndPlay ("punch3z"); } if (_root.punch == "4") { gotoAndPlay ("punch4z"); } if ((_root.punch >= "5") && (_root.punch <= "8")) { gotoAndPlay ("punch5z"); } if (_root.punch >= "9") { gotoAndPlay (1); } } if (_root.walkcyc == "1") { if (_root.punch == "1") { gotoAndPlay ("punch1a"); } if (_root.punch == "2") { gotoAndPlay ("punch2a"); } if (_root.punch == "3") { gotoAndPlay ("punch3a"); } if (_root.punch == "4") { gotoAndPlay ("punch4a"); } if ((_root.punch >= "5") && (_root.punch <= "8")) { gotoAndPlay ("punch5a"); } if (_root.punch >= "9") { gotoAndPlay (1); } } if (_root.walkcyc == "2") { if (_root.punch == "1") { gotoAndPlay ("punch1b"); } if (_root.punch == "2") { gotoAndPlay ("punch2b"); } if (_root.punch == "3") { gotoAndPlay ("punch3b"); } if (_root.punch == "4") { gotoAndPlay ("punch4b"); } if ((_root.punch >= "5") && (_root.punch <= "8")) { gotoAndPlay ("punch5b"); } if (_root.punch >= "9") { gotoAndPlay ("pose2"); } } if (_root.walkcyc == "3") { if (_root.punch == "1") { gotoAndPlay ("punch1c"); } if (_root.punch == "2") { gotoAndPlay ("punch2c"); } if (_root.punch == "3") { gotoAndPlay ("punch3c"); } if (_root.punch == "4") { gotoAndPlay ("punch4c"); } if ((_root.punch >= "5") && (_root.punch <= "8")) { gotoAndPlay ("punch5c"); } if (_root.punch >= "9") { gotoAndPlay ("pose3"); } } if (_root.walkcyc == "4") { if (_root.punch == "1") { gotoAndPlay ("punch1d"); } if (_root.punch == "2") { gotoAndPlay ("punch2d"); } if (_root.punch == "3") { gotoAndPlay ("punch3d"); } if (_root.punch == "4") { gotoAndPlay ("punch4d"); } if ((_root.punch >= "5") && (_root.punch <= "8")) { gotoAndPlay ("punch5d"); } if (_root.punch >= "9") { gotoAndPlay ("pose4"); } } play();
Symbol 192 MovieClip Frame 56
_root.punch = _root.punch + 1; if (_root.walkcyc == "0") { if (_root.punch == "1") { gotoAndPlay ("punch1z"); } if (_root.punch == "2") { gotoAndPlay ("punch2z"); } if (_root.punch == "3") { gotoAndPlay ("punch3z"); } if (_root.punch == "4") { gotoAndPlay ("punch4z"); } if ((_root.punch >= "5") && (_root.punch <= "8")) { gotoAndPlay ("punch5z"); } if (_root.punch >= "9") { gotoAndPlay (1); } } if (_root.walkcyc == "1") { if (_root.punch == "1") { gotoAndPlay ("punch1a"); } if (_root.punch == "2") { gotoAndPlay ("punch2a"); } if (_root.punch == "3") { gotoAndPlay ("punch3a"); } if (_root.punch == "4") { gotoAndPlay ("punch4a"); } if ((_root.punch >= "5") && (_root.punch <= "8")) { gotoAndPlay ("punch5a"); } if (_root.punch >= "9") { gotoAndPlay (1); } } if (_root.walkcyc == "2") { if (_root.punch == "1") { gotoAndPlay ("punch1b"); } if (_root.punch == "2") { gotoAndPlay ("punch2b"); } if (_root.punch == "3") { gotoAndPlay ("punch3b"); } if (_root.punch == "4") { gotoAndPlay ("punch4b"); } if ((_root.punch >= "5") && (_root.punch <= "8")) { gotoAndPlay ("punch5b"); } if (_root.punch >= "9") { gotoAndPlay ("pose2"); } } if (_root.walkcyc == "3") { if (_root.punch == "1") { gotoAndPlay ("punch1c"); } if (_root.punch == "2") { gotoAndPlay ("punch2c"); } if (_root.punch == "3") { gotoAndPlay ("punch3c"); } if (_root.punch == "4") { gotoAndPlay ("punch4c"); } if ((_root.punch >= "5") && (_root.punch <= "8")) { gotoAndPlay ("punch5c"); } if (_root.punch >= "9") { gotoAndPlay ("pose3"); } } if (_root.walkcyc == "4") { if (_root.punch == "1") { gotoAndPlay ("punch1d"); } if (_root.punch == "2") { gotoAndPlay ("punch2d"); } if (_root.punch == "3") { gotoAndPlay ("punch3d"); } if (_root.punch == "4") { gotoAndPlay ("punch4d"); } if ((_root.punch >= "5") && (_root.punch <= "8")) { gotoAndPlay ("punch5d"); } if (_root.punch >= "9") { gotoAndPlay ("pose4"); } } play();
Symbol 192 MovieClip Frame 58
_root.punch = _root.punch + 1; if (_root.walkcyc == "0") { if (_root.punch == "1") { gotoAndPlay ("punch1z"); } if (_root.punch == "2") { gotoAndPlay ("punch2z"); } if (_root.punch == "3") { gotoAndPlay ("punch3z"); } if (_root.punch == "4") { gotoAndPlay ("punch4z"); } if ((_root.punch >= "5") && (_root.punch <= "8")) { gotoAndPlay ("punch5z"); } if (_root.punch >= "9") { gotoAndPlay (1); } } if (_root.walkcyc == "1") { if (_root.punch == "1") { gotoAndPlay ("punch1a"); } if (_root.punch == "2") { gotoAndPlay ("punch2a"); } if (_root.punch == "3") { gotoAndPlay ("punch3a"); } if (_root.punch == "4") { gotoAndPlay ("punch4a"); } if ((_root.punch >= "5") && (_root.punch <= "8")) { gotoAndPlay ("punch5a"); } if (_root.punch >= "9") { gotoAndPlay (1); } } if (_root.walkcyc == "2") { if (_root.punch == "1") { gotoAndPlay ("punch1b"); } if (_root.punch == "2") { gotoAndPlay ("punch2b"); } if (_root.punch == "3") { gotoAndPlay ("punch3b"); } if (_root.punch == "4") { gotoAndPlay ("punch4b"); } if ((_root.punch >= "5") && (_root.punch <= "8")) { gotoAndPlay ("punch5b"); } if (_root.punch >= "9") { gotoAndPlay ("pose2"); } } if (_root.walkcyc == "3") { if (_root.punch == "1") { gotoAndPlay ("punch1c"); } if (_root.punch == "2") { gotoAndPlay ("punch2c"); } if (_root.punch == "3") { gotoAndPlay ("punch3c"); } if (_root.punch == "4") { gotoAndPlay ("punch4c"); } if ((_root.punch >= "5") && (_root.punch <= "8")) { gotoAndPlay ("punch5c"); } if (_root.punch >= "9") { gotoAndPlay ("pose3"); } } if (_root.walkcyc == "4") { if (_root.punch == "1") { gotoAndPlay ("punch1d"); } if (_root.punch == "2") { gotoAndPlay ("punch2d"); } if (_root.punch == "3") { gotoAndPlay ("punch3d"); } if (_root.punch == "4") { gotoAndPlay ("punch4d"); } if ((_root.punch >= "5") && (_root.punch <= "8")) { gotoAndPlay ("punch5d"); } if (_root.punch >= "9") { gotoAndPlay ("pose4"); } } play();
Symbol 192 MovieClip Frame 60
_root.punch = _root.punch + 1; if (_root.walkcyc == "0") { if (_root.punch == "1") { gotoAndPlay ("punch1z"); } if (_root.punch == "2") { gotoAndPlay ("punch2z"); } if (_root.punch == "3") { gotoAndPlay ("punch3z"); } if (_root.punch == "4") { gotoAndPlay ("punch4z"); } if ((_root.punch >= "5") && (_root.punch <= "8")) { gotoAndPlay ("punch5z"); } if (_root.punch >= "9") { gotoAndPlay (1); } } if (_root.walkcyc == "1") { if (_root.punch == "1") { gotoAndPlay ("punch1a"); } if (_root.punch == "2") { gotoAndPlay ("punch2a"); } if (_root.punch == "3") { gotoAndPlay ("punch3a"); } if (_root.punch == "4") { gotoAndPlay ("punch4a"); } if ((_root.punch >= "5") && (_root.punch <= "8")) { gotoAndPlay ("punch5a"); } if (_root.punch >= "9") { gotoAndPlay (1); } } if (_root.walkcyc == "2") { if (_root.punch == "1") { gotoAndPlay ("punch1b"); } if (_root.punch == "2") { gotoAndPlay ("punch2b"); } if (_root.punch == "3") { gotoAndPlay ("punch3b"); } if (_root.punch == "4") { gotoAndPlay ("punch4b"); } if ((_root.punch >= "5") && (_root.punch <= "8")) { gotoAndPlay ("punch5b"); } if (_root.punch >= "9") { gotoAndPlay ("pose2"); } } if (_root.walkcyc == "3") { if (_root.punch == "1") { gotoAndPlay ("punch1c"); } if (_root.punch == "2") { gotoAndPlay ("punch2c"); } if (_root.punch == "3") { gotoAndPlay ("punch3c"); } if (_root.punch == "4") { gotoAndPlay ("punch4c"); } if ((_root.punch >= "5") && (_root.punch <= "8")) { gotoAndPlay ("punch5c"); } if (_root.punch >= "9") { gotoAndPlay ("pose3"); } } if (_root.walkcyc == "4") { if (_root.punch == "1") { gotoAndPlay ("punch1d"); } if (_root.punch == "2") { gotoAndPlay ("punch2d"); } if (_root.punch == "3") { gotoAndPlay ("punch3d"); } if (_root.punch == "4") { gotoAndPlay ("punch4d"); } if ((_root.punch >= "5") && (_root.punch <= "8")) { gotoAndPlay ("punch5d"); } if (_root.punch >= "9") { gotoAndPlay ("pose4"); } } play();
Symbol 192 MovieClip Frame 62
_root.punch = _root.punch + 1; if (_root.walkcyc == "0") { if (_root.punch == "1") { gotoAndPlay ("punch1z"); } if (_root.punch == "2") { gotoAndPlay ("punch2z"); } if (_root.punch == "3") { gotoAndPlay ("punch3z"); } if (_root.punch == "4") { gotoAndPlay ("punch4z"); } if ((_root.punch >= "5") && (_root.punch <= "8")) { gotoAndPlay ("punch5z"); } if (_root.punch >= "9") { gotoAndPlay (1); } } if (_root.walkcyc == "1") { if (_root.punch == "1") { gotoAndPlay ("punch1a"); } if (_root.punch == "2") { gotoAndPlay ("punch2a"); } if (_root.punch == "3") { gotoAndPlay ("punch3a"); } if (_root.punch == "4") { gotoAndPlay ("punch4a"); } if ((_root.punch >= "5") && (_root.punch <= "8")) { gotoAndPlay ("punch5a"); } if (_root.punch >= "9") { gotoAndPlay (1); } } if (_root.walkcyc == "2") { if (_root.punch == "1") { gotoAndPlay ("punch1b"); } if (_root.punch == "2") { gotoAndPlay ("punch2b"); } if (_root.punch == "3") { gotoAndPlay ("punch3b"); } if (_root.punch == "4") { gotoAndPlay ("punch4b"); } if ((_root.punch >= "5") && (_root.punch <= "8")) { gotoAndPlay ("punch5b"); } if (_root.punch >= "9") { gotoAndPlay ("pose2"); } } if (_root.walkcyc == "3") { if (_root.punch == "1") { gotoAndPlay ("punch1c"); } if (_root.punch == "2") { gotoAndPlay ("punch2c"); } if (_root.punch == "3") { gotoAndPlay ("punch3c"); } if (_root.punch == "4") { gotoAndPlay ("punch4c"); } if ((_root.punch >= "5") && (_root.punch <= "8")) { gotoAndPlay ("punch5c"); } if (_root.punch >= "9") { gotoAndPlay ("pose3"); } } if (_root.walkcyc == "4") { if (_root.punch == "1") { gotoAndPlay ("punch1d"); } if (_root.punch == "2") { gotoAndPlay ("punch2d"); } if (_root.punch == "3") { gotoAndPlay ("punch3d"); } if (_root.punch == "4") { gotoAndPlay ("punch4d"); } if ((_root.punch >= "5") && (_root.punch <= "8")) { gotoAndPlay ("punch5d"); } if (_root.punch >= "9") { gotoAndPlay ("pose4"); } } play();
Symbol 192 MovieClip Frame 64
_root.punch = _root.punch + 1; if (_root.walkcyc == "0") { if (_root.punch == "1") { gotoAndPlay ("punch1z"); } if (_root.punch == "2") { gotoAndPlay ("punch2z"); } if (_root.punch == "3") { gotoAndPlay ("punch3z"); } if (_root.punch == "4") { gotoAndPlay ("punch4z"); } if ((_root.punch >= "5") && (_root.punch <= "8")) { gotoAndPlay ("punch5z"); } if (_root.punch >= "9") { gotoAndPlay (1); } } if (_root.walkcyc == "1") { if (_root.punch == "1") { gotoAndPlay ("punch1a"); } if (_root.punch == "2") { gotoAndPlay ("punch2a"); } if (_root.punch == "3") { gotoAndPlay ("punch3a"); } if (_root.punch == "4") { gotoAndPlay ("punch4a"); } if ((_root.punch >= "5") && (_root.punch <= "8")) { gotoAndPlay ("punch5a"); } if (_root.punch >= "9") { gotoAndPlay (1); } } if (_root.walkcyc == "2") { if (_root.punch == "1") { gotoAndPlay ("punch1b"); } if (_root.punch == "2") { gotoAndPlay ("punch2b"); } if (_root.punch == "3") { gotoAndPlay ("punch3b"); } if (_root.punch == "4") { gotoAndPlay ("punch4b"); } if ((_root.punch >= "5") && (_root.punch <= "8")) { gotoAndPlay ("punch5b"); } if (_root.punch >= "9") { gotoAndPlay ("pose2"); } } if (_root.walkcyc == "3") { if (_root.punch == "1") { gotoAndPlay ("punch1c"); } if (_root.punch == "2") { gotoAndPlay ("punch2c"); } if (_root.punch == "3") { gotoAndPlay ("punch3c"); } if (_root.punch == "4") { gotoAndPlay ("punch4c"); } if ((_root.punch >= "5") && (_root.punch <= "8")) { gotoAndPlay ("punch5c"); } if (_root.punch >= "9") { gotoAndPlay ("pose3"); } } if (_root.walkcyc == "4") { if (_root.punch == "1") { gotoAndPlay ("punch1d"); } if (_root.punch == "2") { gotoAndPlay ("punch2d"); } if (_root.punch == "3") { gotoAndPlay ("punch3d"); } if (_root.punch == "4") { gotoAndPlay ("punch4d"); } if ((_root.punch >= "5") && (_root.punch <= "8")) { gotoAndPlay ("punch5d"); } if (_root.punch >= "9") { gotoAndPlay ("pose4"); } } play();
Symbol 192 MovieClip Frame 66
_root.punch = _root.punch + 1; if (_root.walkcyc == "0") { if (_root.punch == "1") { gotoAndPlay ("punch1z"); } if (_root.punch == "2") { gotoAndPlay ("punch2z"); } if (_root.punch == "3") { gotoAndPlay ("punch3z"); } if (_root.punch == "4") { gotoAndPlay ("punch4z"); } if ((_root.punch >= "5") && (_root.punch <= "8")) { gotoAndPlay ("punch5z"); } if (_root.punch >= "9") { gotoAndPlay (1); } } if (_root.walkcyc == "1") { if (_root.punch == "1") { gotoAndPlay ("punch1a"); } if (_root.punch == "2") { gotoAndPlay ("punch2a"); } if (_root.punch == "3") { gotoAndPlay ("punch3a"); } if (_root.punch == "4") { gotoAndPlay ("punch4a"); } if ((_root.punch >= "5") && (_root.punch <= "8")) { gotoAndPlay ("punch5a"); } if (_root.punch >= "9") { gotoAndPlay (1); } } if (_root.walkcyc == "2") { if (_root.punch == "1") { gotoAndPlay ("punch1b"); } if (_root.punch == "2") { gotoAndPlay ("punch2b"); } if (_root.punch == "3") { gotoAndPlay ("punch3b"); } if (_root.punch == "4") { gotoAndPlay ("punch4b"); } if ((_root.punch >= "5") && (_root.punch <= "8")) { gotoAndPlay ("punch5b"); } if (_root.punch >= "9") { gotoAndPlay ("pose2"); } } if (_root.walkcyc == "3") { if (_root.punch == "1") { gotoAndPlay ("punch1c"); } if (_root.punch == "2") { gotoAndPlay ("punch2c"); } if (_root.punch == "3") { gotoAndPlay ("punch3c"); } if (_root.punch == "4") { gotoAndPlay ("punch4c"); } if ((_root.punch >= "5") && (_root.punch <= "8")) { gotoAndPlay ("punch5c"); } if (_root.punch >= "9") { gotoAndPlay ("pose3"); } } if (_root.walkcyc == "4") { if (_root.punch == "1") { gotoAndPlay ("punch1d"); } if (_root.punch == "2") { gotoAndPlay ("punch2d"); } if (_root.punch == "3") { gotoAndPlay ("punch3d"); } if (_root.punch == "4") { gotoAndPlay ("punch4d"); } if ((_root.punch >= "5") && (_root.punch <= "8")) { gotoAndPlay ("punch5d"); } if (_root.punch >= "9") { gotoAndPlay ("pose4"); } } play();
Symbol 192 MovieClip Frame 68
_root.punch = _root.punch + 1; if (_root.walkcyc == "0") { if (_root.punch == "1") { gotoAndPlay ("punch1z"); } if (_root.punch == "2") { gotoAndPlay ("punch2z"); } if (_root.punch == "3") { gotoAndPlay ("punch3z"); } if (_root.punch == "4") { gotoAndPlay ("punch4z"); } if ((_root.punch >= "5") && (_root.punch <= "8")) { gotoAndPlay ("punch5z"); } if (_root.punch >= "9") { gotoAndPlay (1); } } if (_root.walkcyc == "1") { if (_root.punch == "1") { gotoAndPlay ("punch1a"); } if (_root.punch == "2") { gotoAndPlay ("punch2a"); } if (_root.punch == "3") { gotoAndPlay ("punch3a"); } if (_root.punch == "4") { gotoAndPlay ("punch4a"); } if ((_root.punch >= "5") && (_root.punch <= "8")) { gotoAndPlay ("punch5a"); } if (_root.punch >= "9") { gotoAndPlay (1); } } if (_root.walkcyc == "2") { if (_root.punch == "1") { gotoAndPlay ("punch1b"); } if (_root.punch == "2") { gotoAndPlay ("punch2b"); } if (_root.punch == "3") { gotoAndPlay ("punch3b"); } if (_root.punch == "4") { gotoAndPlay ("punch4b"); } if ((_root.punch >= "5") && (_root.punch <= "8")) { gotoAndPlay ("punch5b"); } if (_root.punch >= "9") { gotoAndPlay ("pose2"); } } if (_root.walkcyc == "3") { if (_root.punch == "1") { gotoAndPlay ("punch1c"); } if (_root.punch == "2") { gotoAndPlay ("punch2c"); } if (_root.punch == "3") { gotoAndPlay ("punch3c"); } if (_root.punch == "4") { gotoAndPlay ("punch4c"); } if ((_root.punch >= "5") && (_root.punch <= "8")) { gotoAndPlay ("punch5c"); } if (_root.punch >= "9") { gotoAndPlay ("pose3"); } } if (_root.walkcyc == "4") { if (_root.punch == "1") { gotoAndPlay ("punch1d"); } if (_root.punch == "2") { gotoAndPlay ("punch2d"); } if (_root.punch == "3") { gotoAndPlay ("punch3d"); } if (_root.punch == "4") { gotoAndPlay ("punch4d"); } if ((_root.punch >= "5") && (_root.punch <= "8")) { gotoAndPlay ("punch5d"); } if (_root.punch >= "9") { gotoAndPlay ("pose4"); } } play();
Symbol 193 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 193 MovieClip Frame 5
if (_root.punch == "5") { gotoAndPlay (1); }
Symbol 193 MovieClip Frame 6
gotoAndPlay (5);
Symbol 198 MovieClip Frame 1
_root.walkcyc = 4;
Symbol 198 MovieClip Frame 6
_root.walkcyc = 1;
Symbol 198 MovieClip Frame 11
_root.walkcyc = 2;
Symbol 198 MovieClip Frame 16
_root.walkcyc = 3;
Symbol 199 MovieClip Frame 1
if (_root.fur == "1") { gotoAndPlay ("fox"); } play();
Symbol 199 MovieClip Frame 2
_root.walkcyc = 0; play();
Symbol 199 MovieClip Frame 3
if (_root.walk > 0) { gotoAndPlay ("walking"); } else { gotoAndPlay ("wolfy"); }
Symbol 199 MovieClip Frame 4
_root.fx = _root.fx + (_root.walk * (83 / _root.fsx));
Symbol 199 MovieClip Frame 5
if (_root.walk > 0) { gotoAndPlay ("walking"); } else { gotoAndPlay ("wolfy"); }
Symbol 199 MovieClip Frame 10
_root.walkcyc = 0; play();
Symbol 199 MovieClip Frame 11
if (_root.walk > 0) { gotoAndPlay ("walking2"); } else { gotoAndPlay ("fox"); }
Symbol 199 MovieClip Frame 12
_root.fx = _root.fx + (_root.walk * (83 / _root.fsx));
Symbol 199 MovieClip Frame 13
if (_root.walk > 0) { gotoAndPlay ("walking2"); } else { gotoAndPlay ("fox"); }
Symbol 213 MovieClip Frame 1
if (_root.youwon == "1") { gotoAndPlay (3); } play();
Symbol 213 MovieClip Frame 2
gotoAndPlay (1);
Symbol 213 MovieClip Frame 4
Symbol 219 Button
on (release) { getURL ("", "blank"); }
Symbol 228 MovieClip Frame 1
_root.walkcyc = 0; play();
Symbol 228 MovieClip Frame 2
if (_root.walk > 0) { gotoAndPlay ("walking"); } else { gotoAndPlay (1); }
Symbol 228 MovieClip Frame 3
_root.fx = _root.fx + (_root.walk * (83 / _root.fsx));
Symbol 228 MovieClip Frame 4
if (_root.walk > 0) { gotoAndPlay ("walking"); } else { gotoAndPlay (1); }
Symbol 233 Button
on (keyPress "<Space>") { if (_root.punch == "0") { _root.punch = 1; } }
Symbol 237 MovieClip Frame 1
if (_root.punch == "2") { if ((_root.fx >= _root.splode) && (_root.fsx > 0)) { gotoAndPlay ("whoosh2"); } else { gotoAndPlay ("whoosh1"); } } play();
Symbol 237 MovieClip Frame 2
gotoAndPlay (1);
Symbol 237 MovieClip Frame 5
gotoAndPlay (1);
Symbol 237 MovieClip Frame 9
gotoAndPlay (1);
Symbol 323 MovieClip Frame 1
if (_root.think == "1") { gotoAndPlay (8); }
Symbol 323 MovieClip Frame 2
gotoAndPlay (1);
Symbol 323 MovieClip Frame 16
gotoAndStop(Math.ceil(Math.random() * 81) + 16);
Symbol 324 Button
on (keyPress "<Space>") { if (_root.think == "0") { _root.think = 1; } }
Symbol 344 MovieClip Frame 1
if (_root.fur == "0") { stop(); }
Symbol 344 MovieClip Frame 30
Symbol 350 Button
on (press) { gotoAndPlay ("winrarz"); }

Library Items

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Symbol 14 MovieClipUses:13Used by:19
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Symbol 16 GraphicUsed by:18
Symbol 17 GraphicUsed by:18
Symbol 18 ButtonUses:15 16 17Used by:19
Symbol 19 MovieClipUses:3 11 12 14 18Used by:Timeline
Symbol 20 GraphicUsed by:Timeline
Symbol 21 GraphicUsed by:Timeline
Symbol 22 GraphicUsed by:113 120  Timeline
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Symbol 24 ShapeTweeningUsed by:Timeline
Symbol 25 ShapeTweeningUsed by:Timeline
Symbol 26 ShapeTweeningUsed by:Timeline
Symbol 27 ShapeTweeningUsed by:Timeline
Symbol 28 ShapeTweeningUsed by:Timeline
Symbol 29 ShapeTweeningUsed by:Timeline
Symbol 30 ShapeTweeningUsed by:Timeline
Symbol 31 ShapeTweeningUsed by:Timeline
Symbol 32 ShapeTweeningUsed by:Timeline
Symbol 33 ShapeTweeningUsed by:Timeline
Symbol 34 ShapeTweeningUsed by:Timeline
Symbol 35 ShapeTweeningUsed by:Timeline
Symbol 36 ShapeTweeningUsed by:Timeline
Symbol 37 ShapeTweeningUsed by:Timeline
Symbol 38 ShapeTweeningUsed by:Timeline
Symbol 39 ShapeTweeningUsed by:Timeline
Symbol 40 GraphicUsed by:Timeline
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Symbol 42 GraphicUsed by:Timeline
Symbol 43 GraphicUsed by:Timeline
Symbol 44 GraphicUsed by:Timeline
Symbol 45 GraphicUsed by:Timeline
Symbol 46 GraphicUsed by:Timeline
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Symbol 58 GraphicUsed by:Timeline
Symbol 59 GraphicUsed by:Timeline
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Symbol 62 TextUses:47Used by:Timeline
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Symbol 105 GraphicUsed by:Timeline
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Symbol 139 GraphicUsed by:161
Symbol 140 GraphicUsed by:161
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Symbol 146 GraphicUsed by:161
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Symbol 148 GraphicUsed by:161
Symbol 149 GraphicUsed by:161
Symbol 150 GraphicUsed by:161
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Symbol 153 GraphicUsed by:161
Symbol 154 GraphicUsed by:161
Symbol 155 GraphicUsed by:161
Symbol 156 GraphicUsed by:161
Symbol 157 GraphicUsed by:161
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Symbol 159 GraphicUsed by:161
Symbol 160 GraphicUsed by:161
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Symbol 165 GraphicUsed by:167
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Symbol 171 GraphicUsed by:192 228
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Symbol 173 GraphicUsed by:192
Symbol 174 GraphicUsed by:192
Symbol 175 GraphicUsed by:192
Symbol 176 GraphicUsed by:192
Symbol 177 GraphicUsed by:192
Symbol 178 GraphicUsed by:192
Symbol 179 GraphicUsed by:192
Symbol 180 GraphicUsed by:192
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Symbol 184 GraphicUsed by:192
Symbol 185 GraphicUsed by:192
Symbol 186 GraphicUsed by:192
Symbol 187 GraphicUsed by:192
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Symbol 189 GraphicUsed by:192
Symbol 190 GraphicUsed by:192
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Symbol 203 GraphicUsed by:Timeline
Symbol 204 GraphicUsed by:Timeline
Symbol 205 GraphicUsed by:Timeline
Symbol 206 GraphicUsed by:Timeline
Symbol 207 GraphicUsed by:Timeline
Symbol 208 GraphicUsed by:Timeline
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Symbol 214 GraphicUsed by:Timeline
Symbol 215 GraphicUsed by:Timeline
Symbol 216 GraphicUsed by:Timeline
Symbol 217 GraphicUsed by:219
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Symbol 221 GraphicUsed by:Timeline
Symbol 222 GraphicUsed by:Timeline
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Symbol 224 TextUses:96Used by:Timeline
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Symbol 226 GraphicUsed by:Timeline
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Symbol 236 SoundUsed by:237  Timeline
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Symbol 239 GraphicUsed by:323
Symbol 240 GraphicUsed by:323
Symbol 241 GraphicUsed by:323
Symbol 242 GraphicUsed by:323
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Symbol 325 ShapeTweeningUsed by:Timeline
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Symbol 327 GraphicUsed by:Timeline
Symbol 328 GraphicUsed by:Timeline
Symbol 329 GraphicUsed by:Timeline
Symbol 330 GraphicUsed by:Timeline
Symbol 331 GraphicUsed by:Timeline
Symbol 332 GraphicUsed by:Timeline
Symbol 333 GraphicUsed by:Timeline
Symbol 334 GraphicUsed by:Timeline
Symbol 335 TextUses:4Used by:Timeline
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Instance Names

"tehfurry"Frame 1202Symbol 199 MovieClip
"bottle"Frame 1203Symbol 213 MovieClip
"loading_bar"Symbol 19 MovieClip Frame 1Symbol 14 MovieClip


"title"Frame 203
"scores"Frame 942
"selection"Frame 1103
"selectwolf"Frame 1109
"selectnitro"Frame 1139
"selectfox"Frame 1169
"begin"Frame 1197
"game"Frame 1277
"nitro"Frame 1280
"nitro2"Frame 1282
"nitro3"Frame 1284
"nitro4"Frame 1314
"youwin"Frame 1330
"winrarz"Frame 1745
"pose1"Symbol 161 MovieClip Frame 1
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"pose3"Symbol 161 MovieClip Frame 5
"pose4"Symbol 161 MovieClip Frame 7
"punch1a"Symbol 161 MovieClip Frame 9
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"punch5a"Symbol 161 MovieClip Frame 17
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"punch5c"Symbol 161 MovieClip Frame 37
"punch1d"Symbol 161 MovieClip Frame 39
"punch2d"Symbol 161 MovieClip Frame 41
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"punch5d"Symbol 161 MovieClip Frame 47
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"punch5a"Symbol 192 MovieClip Frame 27
"punch1b"Symbol 192 MovieClip Frame 29
"punch2b"Symbol 192 MovieClip Frame 31
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"punch5b"Symbol 192 MovieClip Frame 37
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"punch3d"Symbol 192 MovieClip Frame 53
"punch4d"Symbol 192 MovieClip Frame 55
"punch5d"Symbol 192 MovieClip Frame 57
"wolfy"Symbol 199 MovieClip Frame 2
"walking"Symbol 199 MovieClip Frame 4
"fox"Symbol 199 MovieClip Frame 10
"walking2"Symbol 199 MovieClip Frame 12
"walking"Symbol 228 MovieClip Frame 3
"whoosh1"Symbol 237 MovieClip Frame 3
"whoosh2"Symbol 237 MovieClip Frame 6
Created: 13/6 -2019 11:57:51 Last modified: 13/6 -2019 11:57:51 Server time: 05/11 -2024 06:51:33