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Frame 2
Frame 3
aQuestions_reading_writing = [["An example of persuasive writing is", 0, ["an advert", "a horror story", "a nonsense poem"], ["<y>That's right.</y><t>Adverts try to persuade you to buy things.</t>", "<n>That's not right.</n><t>A horror story is written to entertain you.</t>", "<n>That's not right.</n><t>A nonsense poem is written to entertain you.</t>"]], ["You probably won't find persuasive writing in", 2, ["a newspaper", "a catalogue", "a novel"], ["<n>That's not right.</n><t>Newspapers often contain articles that try to persuade you that a particular point of view is right.</t>", "<n>That's not right.</n><t>Catalogues are full of writing that will try to persuade you to buy something.</t>", "<y>That's right!</y><t>Novels are written to entertain you, not to persuade you that something is true.</t>"]], ["What's bias?", 1, ["being unfair", "putting forward one side of an argument", "having an argument"], ["<n>That's not right.</n><t>Bias may seem unfair, but that's not what it is.</t>", "<y>That's right.</y><t>You are biased if you only put forward one point of view.</t>", "<n>That's not right.</n><t>Being biased doesn't mean having an argument.</t>"]], ["When writing an advert you should", 0, ["make the thing you are selling sound as good as possible", "lie about how good the thing you are selling is", "tell the reader what is good and bad about the thing you are selling"], ["<y>That's right!</y><t>An advert is designed to sell things so you have to persuade the reader that things are worth buying.</t>", "<n>That's not right!</n><t>You may want the thing you are selling to sound good, but you mustn't tell lies about it.</t>", "<n>That's not right!</n><t>If you want people to buy something, you should concentrate on its good points.</t>"]], ["'Reasoned argument' means", 1, ["having a row with someone for a good reason", "putting forward your point of view in a well-thought-out way", "disagreeing with everything someone else says"], ["<n>That's not right.</n><t>Though you should use reasoned argument even when you are having a row.</t>", "<y>That's right.</y><t>It's important to stick to the facts and think carefully about what you write when debating something.</t>", "<n>That's not right.</n><t>You should put forward your point of view when you are debating something.</t>"]], ["When writing persuasively you should", 0, ["think about your audience and use language that they will respond to", "use long words to make your message sound more important", "write as much as you can to make it look as though you have a lot to say"], ["<y>That's right!</y><t>It's important to get your message across to your readers.</t>", "<n>That's not right.</n><t>Choose the <em>right</em> words, not the longest ones!</t>", "<n>That's not right.</n><t>It's <em>what</em> you write that matters.</t>"]], ["When planning persuasive writing", 1, ["always write all your thoughts down as quickly as you can", "list all the points you want to make", "always use a good quality pen"], ["<n>That's not right.</n><t>Speed doesn't matter nearly as much as <em>careful planning</em>.</t>", "<y>That's right.</y><t>This will help you make sure you put forward a clear, persuasive argument.</t>", "<n>That's not quite right.</n><t>It's <em>how carefully</em> you plan your writing that really matters.</t>"]], ["When reading persuasive writing you should", 2, ["believe everything you read, especially if it is in a newspaper", "assume the writer is lying, especially if you are reading an advert", "think about what the other side of the story may be"], ["<n>That's not right.</n><t>Just because something is printed, doesn't make it true.</t>", "<n>That's not right.</n><t>You should think carefully about the things you read, but you should always keep an open mind.</t>", "<y>That's right.</y><t>Always think about whether something is written from a particular point of view.</t>"]], ["If you are writing about something you feel strongly about", 0, ["make sure your writing is clear, calm and sensible", "use aggressive, angry words so the reader knows how strongly you feel", "write twice as much as normal to show how much you care"], ["<y>That's right.</y><t>However angry you may feel about something, you still need to write persuasively.</t>", "<n>That's not right.</n><t>Being aggressive probably won't be the best way to get your message across!</t>", "<n>That's not right.</n><t>It's what you write that matters.</t>"]], ["When responding to someone else's point of view you should", 2, ["tell your readers how stupid the other writer is", "put forward your own point of view", "use reasoned argument to answer each point the other writer has made"], ["<n>That's not right.</n><t>It's what the other author has written that's important, not what you think they are like.</t>", "<n>That's not quite right.</n><t>Your point of view is important, but you also need to respond to the other writer's point of view.</t>", "<y>That's right.</y><t>It's important to concentrate on what the other writer has said.</t>"]], ["When commenting on a piece of writing", 2, ["just say whether you like it or not", "only say what you like about it", "explain why you like it or don't like it"], ["<n>That's not right.</n><t>There's more to commenting on writing than that.</t>", "<n>That's not right.</n><t>There's more to commenting on writing than that.</t>", "<y>That's right.</y><t>Writing a good commentary is all about explaining your opinions.</t>"]], ["The first thing to do when reviewing a piece of writing is", 2, ["count how many pages of writing there are", "ask someone else what they think of the writer", "think about what the writer's purpose is"], ["<n>That's not right.</n><t>It's not the <em>quantity</em> (how much) that matters, it's the quality (how good).</t>", "<n>That's not right.</n><t>It's best to form your own opinions before getting other people's.</t>", "<y>That's right.</y><t>Once you have worked out what the writer is trying to do, it will be easier to work out whether their writing works or not.</t>"]], ["A good piece of writing always", 0, ["does the job it sets out to do", "uses long words", "makes you laugh"], ["<y>That's right.</y><t>Whether it is comedy, horror or factual, a good piece of writing does its particular job well.</t>", "<n>That's not right.</n><t>It's whether the author uses the right words for the job that matters.</t>", "<n>That's not quite right.</n><t>Not all writing is supposed to be funny.</t>"]], ["A piece of factual writing should always", 1, ["be as long as possible", "use clear language to get the facts across to the reader", "use technical language"], ["<n>That's not right.</n><t>It's how good the writing is that matters.</t>", "<y>That's right.</y><t>Good writing is all about making it easy for the reader to understand the writer's message.</t>", "<n>That's not right.</n><t>The writer should only use technical language if they need to (and should always explain what unfamiliar words mean).</t>"]], ["A good story should always", 2, ["be at least five chapters long", "end with a surprise", "keep your attention from beginning to end"], ["<n>That's not right.</n><t>It's the <em>quality</em> not the <em>quantity</em> that matters.</t>", "<n>That's not right.</n><t>A story doesn't have to be surprising to be good.</t>", "<y>That's right.</y><t>Whatever a story's subject, it should never be boring or hard to read.</t>"]], ["A good news story should", 0, ["give you the key facts first then the details", "give you just one point of view", "be as short as possible"], ["<y>That's right!</y><t>By giving you the facts first, you can then choose whether you want to read the whole story or not.</t>", "<n>That's not right.</n><t>A good news story should be balanced, not biased.</t>", "<n>That's not right.</n><t>It's not the <em>quantity</em> (how much) that matters, it's the <em>quality</em> (how good).</t>"]], ["Persuasive writing usually", 1, ["gives you all the facts", "concentrates on one point of view", "contains lies"], ["<n>That's not right.</n><t>Being persuasive isn't about presenting a balanced argument.</t>", "<y>That's right.</y><t>Persuasive writing is all about selling an idea or a thing.</t>", "<n>That's not right.</n><t>Persuasive writing may not contain all the facts, but it shouldn't contain lies.</t>"]], ["A good advert always", 2, ["makes you laugh", "tells you everything about the thing it is selling", "makes you want to buy the thing it is selling"], ["<n>That's not right.</n><t>Adverts don't have to be funny (though some of the best ones are).</t>", "<n>That's not right.</n><t>Adverts usually only tell you the good things about the products they are selling.</t>", "<y>That's right.</y><t>The only point of an advert is to sell something.</t>"]], ["What is a slogan?", 0, ["a catchy phrase", "a short paragraph", "a lie"], ["<y>Well done!</y><t>A good slogan sticks in your memory.</t>", "<n>No, that's not right.</n><t>Slogans are usually very short, only a few words or a sentence at most.</t>", "<n>No, that's not right.</n><t>Most adverts have a slogan, that is a rhyme or phrase which helps you to remember and possibly buy a product.</t>"]], ["When writing your comments", 1, ["use long words", "give examples to show your readers what you mean", "write as much as you can"], ["<n>That's not right.</n><t>It's using the right words that matters.</t>", "<y>That's right.</y><t>You should support each point you make with an example.</t>", "<n>That's not right.</n><t>It's what you write that matters.</t>"]], ["When reading a piece of writing, first", 0, ["think about what the writer is trying to do", "scan through it looking for keywords", "find out more about the author"], ["<y>That's right.</y><t>This will help you decide how to read it.</t>", "<n>That's not quite right.</n><t>Scanning is useful when looking for details, but isn't the way to read poems or stories, for example.</t>", "<n>That's not quite right.</n><t>It's what the writer has written that's important, not who they are.</t>"]], ["Writers use similes and metaphors to", 1, ["describe exactly what things are", "describe something through its similarity to something else", "make their stories longer"], ["<n>That's not quite right.</n><t>A writer would probably use adjectives and adverbs to describe things in detail.</t>", "<y>That's right.</y><t>Writers use metaphors to say a lot with just a few words.</t>", "<n>That's not right!</n><t>A writer <em>should</em> always use the right words for the job.</t>"]], ["When reading an illustrated book (a book with pictures and diagrams)", 2, ["just read the words - they are the important things", "just look at the pictures - they'll tell you everything you need to know quickly", "look at all the information on the page"], ["<n>That's not right.</n><t>There may be lots of other useful information on the page.</t>", "<n>That's not right.</n><t>The pictures probably won't give you the whole story by themselves.</t>", "<y>That's right.</y><t>Looking at all the information you\u00E2\u20AC\u2122ve got will help you get the most out of the book.</t>"]], ["A fictional story", 2, ["is always made up", "is always based on fact", "may be based on fact or made up"], ["<n>That's not quite right.</n><t>Fictional stories aren't always completely made up.</t>", "<n>That's not quite right.</n><t>Some stories are completely made up.</t>", "<y>That's right.</y><t>Every book is different!</t>"]], ["Non-fiction books", 1, ["always contain facts", "should contain facts", "are often made up"], ["<n>That's not quite right.</n><t>Just because something is in a non-fiction book, doesn't mean it is a fact. even the best writers make mistakes.</t>", "<y>That's right.</y><t>Remember that just because something is written down, it doesn\u00E2\u20AC\u2122t mean it is true. Writers make mistakes.</t>", "<n>That's not quite right.</n><t>Non-fiction books are usually (but not always) factual.</t>"]], ["The things you read on the Internet", 2, ["are completely true", "are all wrong", "may be right, or may be wrong"], ["<n>That's not right!</n><t>Information on the Internet doesn't get checked in the same way as it does when an author writes a book.</t>", "<n>That's not right.</n><t>Some Internet sites (for example, the BBC's!) are very reliable.</t>", "<y>That's right.</y><t>Some Internet sites are reliable, others aren't!</t>"]], ["A newspaper article", 0, ["may be written from a particular point of view", "will always give you a balanced view", "will give you all the facts about a particular subject"], ["<y>That's right.</y><t>Different writers may report the same story from different points of view.</t>", "<n>That's not quite right.</n><t>Newspapers can be biased.</t>", "<n>That's not quite right.</n><t>A newspaper story may only give you some of the facts.</t>"]], ["An advert will", 2, ["always tell you the whole truth about the thing it's selling", "tell lies about the thing it's selling", "usually only tell you what's good about the thing it's selling"], ["<n>That's not quite right.</n><t>Adverts won't tell you what's bad about something!</t>", "<n>That's not right.</n><t>An advert may not contain a balanced view, but it shouldn't tell lies!</t>", "<y>That's right.</y><t>After all, an advert is written to make you want to buy something.</t>"]], ["When reading non-fiction", 2, ["always read every single word - they are all important", "just read the chapter titles - they'll tell you everything you need to know", "scan pages to look for a particular piece of information"], ["<n>That's not quite right.</n><t>You'll often only be looking for a particular piece of information.</t>", "<n>That's not right.</n><t>Chapter titles just tell you what each chapter is about.</t>", "<y>That's right.</y><t>Scanning chapter titles and headings and looking for pictures and other clues will help you find what you need quickly.</t>"]], ["It's a good idea to find out what other people think about a source of information because", 0, ["it will help you decide how to read it yourself", "then you won't have to decide what you think about it", "you won't have to read it yourself"], ["<y>That's right.</y><t>The more information you can get about a source of information, the better.</t>", "<n>That's not right.</n><t>You should always form your own opinions about things.</t>", "<n>That's not right.</n><t>Asking someone about a source isn't the same as reading it yourself! That's very lazy!</t>"]], ["What is a dictionary?", 2, ["A list of words with pictures showing what the words mean", "A list of words and their meanings arranged in order of size", "A list of words and their meanings arranged alphabetically"], ["<n>That's not right.</n><t>That's not quite what a dictionary is.</t>", "<n>That's not right.</n><t>The words in a dictionary aren't arranged by size!</t>", "<y>That's right.</y><t>Some dictionaries are illustrated, and some are about specialist subjects, but all have words and definitions in alphabetical order.</t>"]], ["Roughly how many words are there in the English language?", 1, ["About 10,000", "More than 250,000", "About 1000"], ["<n>That's not right.</n><t>There are far more English words than that.</t>", "<y>That's right.</y><t>Fortunately we only use a very few of them regularly.</t>", "<n>That's not right!</n><t>There are many more English words than that. <br/>.</t>"]], ["A foreign language dictionary", 1, ["tells you what English words mean", "tells you which foreign word says the same thing as an English word", "teaches you how to speak a foreign language"], ["<n>That's not right.</n><t>That's what an English dictionary does.</t>", "<y>That's right.</y><t>A foreign language dictionary is all about translation.</t>", "<n>That's not right.</n><t>There's more to speaking a foreign language than looking up words in a dictionary!</t>"]], ["A thesaurus", 0, ["tells you other words with similar meanings", "is a huge, meat-eating dinosaur", "is a list of words and their meanings arranged alphabetically"], ["<y>That's right.</y><t>A thesaurus can help make your writing more interesting.</t>", "<n>That's not right!</n><t>It may sound like the name of a dinosaur, but it isn't!</t>", "<n>That's not right.</n><t>That's what an ordinary dictionary is.</t>"]], ["If you looked up the word 'lovely' in a thesaurus it may say", 2, ["adjective, very beautiful", "horrible, rotten, nasty, ugly", "pretty, attractive, gorgeous, very nice, wonderful"], ["<n>That's not quite right.</n><t>That's a definition, which you would find in an ordinary dictionary.</t>", "<n>That's not quite right.</n><t>That's the opposite of what the word means. Some thesauruses will tell you this, but it's not their main purpose.</t>", "<y>That's right.</y><t>A thesaurus tells you other words with similar meanings.</t>"]], ["A specialist dictionary", 2, ["tells you what different specialists do", "contains words only to do with science or history", "contains words and their definitions about a particular subject"], ["<n>That's not right!</n><t>That's not what a specialist dictionary is for!</t>", "<n>That's not right.</n><t>Some specialist dictionaries are about history and some about science, but they cover lots of other subjects as well.</t>", "<y>That's right.</y><t>A specialist dictionary concentrates on a particular subject.</t>"]], ["Some dictionaries contain pictures", 0, ["to help show what words mean", "so you don't have to read so much", "to make the dictionary look nicer"], ["<y>That's right.</y><t>Sometimes it helps to use a picture when defining what a word means.</t>", "<n>That's not right!</n><t>The pictures are there to work with the words in the dictionary, not replace them.</t>", "<n>That's not right.</n><t>Illustrations in a dictionary are there to do a job, not just to look nice.</t>"]], ["The big advantage of an electronic dictionary is", 1, ["the definitions are more likely to be right", "the definitions can include sounds and movies", "the definitions will be longer"], ["<n>That's not right.</n><t>An electronic dictionary isn't necessarily more accurate than a printed one.</t>", "<y>That's right.</y><t>A computer can play sounds and movies - a book can't.</t>", "<n>That's not right.</n><t>The definitions in an electronic dictionary won't necessarily be longer than those in a printed dictionary.</t>"]], ["Which of these words would come first in a dictionary?", 2, ["mountain", "frozen", "eagle"], ["<n>That's not right.</n><t>The words in a dictionary are in alphabetical order.</t>", "<n>That's not right.</n><t>The words in a dictionary are in alphabetical order.</t>", "<y>That's right.</y><t>The words in a dictionary are in alphabetical order. Because <em>e</em> comes before <em>f</em> or <em>m</em> in the alphabet, <em>eagle</em> will come first.</t>"]], ["Which of these words would come first in a dictionary?", 0, ["baboon", "balloon", "baby"], ["<y>That's right.</y><t>When words start with the same first letter, just find the next letter that's different.</t>", "<n>That's not right.</n><t>Look along the words until you find a letter that's different, and then work out which of the different letters comes first.</t>", "<n>That's not right.</n><t>Look along the words until you find a letter that's different, and then work out which of the different letters comes first.</t>"]], ["Instructions are used to", 1, ["sell things", "tell people how to do something", "persuade people to do something"], ["<n>That's not right.</n><t>That's not what instructions are for.</t>", "<y>That's right.</y><t>Instructions are all about how to do things, not about persuading people or selling things.</t>", "<n>That's not right.</n><t>That's not what instructions are for.</t>"]], ["Which of these isn't a set of instructions?", 1, ["A recipe", "A horror story", "Directions from one place to another"], ["<n>That's not right.</n><t>A recipe is a set of instructions telling you how to cook something.</t>", "<y>That's right.</y><t>A horror story is for entertainment, not to tell you how to do something.</t>", "<n>That's not right.</n><t>Directions are instructions that tell you how to get somewhere.</t>"]], ["Which of these is a set of instructions?", 1, ["A leaflet telling people about a new restaurant and the food it sells", "A leaflet included with a model showing you how to build it", "A leaflet asking people to join a campaign against litter"], ["<n>That's not right.</n><t>This is an advert, not a set of instructions.</t>", "<y>That's right.</y><t>These are a set of instructions.</t>", "<n>That's not right.</n><t>This would be persuading people.</t>"]], ["Well-written instructions should", 0, ["tell, or show, the reader what they are building", "make the reader laugh", "give the reader lots to read"], ["<y>That's right.</y><t>The reader needs to know what they are aiming at.</t>", "<n>That's not right.</n><t>Instructions shouldn't (necessarily) be funny.</t>", "<n>That's not right.</n><t>Instructions should be as short as possible while giving the reader all the information they need.</t>"]], ["Ingredients are", 2, ["small screws used for putting things together", "a price list showing you how much something will cost to make", "a list of the things you'll need when following a recipe"], ["<n>That's not right.</n><t>That's not what ingredients are.</t>", "<n>That's not right.</n><t>That's not what ingredients are.</t>", "<y>That's right.</y><t>Someone following a recipe needs to make sure they have everything they need before they start.</t>"]], ["If you are writing instructions it's important to", 0, ["list the right steps in the right order", "list the right steps in any order", "show the end result and let the reader work out the steps"], ["<y>That's right.</y><t>Clear, complete instructions are what's needed.</t>", "<n>That's not right.</n><t>It's no fun trying to get something done if the instructions aren't clear.</t>", "<n>That's not right.</n><t>People need clear, complete instructions to get a job done.</t>"]], ["Good instructions should be written using", 1, ["atmospheric, descriptive writing", "confident, direct writing", "exciting, action-packed writing"], ["<n>That's not right.</n><t>This sort of writing is best used in a story.</t>", "<y>That's right.</y><t>Instructions should get the job done using as few, accurate words as possible.</t>", "<n>That's not right.</n><t>This sort of writing is best used in a story.</t>"]], ["Diagrams are useful in instructions because", 2, ["they fill out lots of space", "they make the instructions look nice", "they give the reader lots of information"], ["<n>That's not right.</n><t>Diagrams have an important job to do. They're not just there to fill up space.</t>", "<n>That's not right.</n><t>Diagrams have an important job to do. They're not just there to look nice.</t>", "<y>That's right.</y><t>Sometimes a diagram can be much more useful than words.</t>"]], ["Diagrams in instructions should be", 0, ["clearly labelled so readers can see what's what", "bright and colourful so they catch the reader's eye", "in black and white so they don't distract the reader"], ["<y>That's right.</y><t>It's important to put all the information a reader needs into instructions.</t>", "<n>That's not right.</n><t>Diagrams aren't there just to look nice.</t>", "<n>That's not right.</n><t>A diagram can be coloured if it helps the user to see what is going on.</t>"]], ["When you have written a set of instructions, it's a good idea to", 1, ["re-read them to make sure they are funny enough", "ask a friend to try following them to see if they work", "go back and take half the steps out to make them easier to follow"], ["<n>That's not right.</n><t>Instructions aren't supposed to be funny!</t>", "<y>That's right.</y><t>It's always a good idea to check whether other people can understand them.</t>", "<n>That's not right.</n><t>You can't just take half the steps out! Your instructions won't make sense.</t>"]], ["If you want a letter to do its job, it's important to", 2, ["write it on pretty, coloured paper", "use red ink to make the letter look serious", "write clearly and accurately"], ["<n>That's not right.</n><t>Coloured paper can be nice, but it's not right for every sort of letter.</t>", "<n>That's not right.</n><t>Its usually best to use blue or black ink when writing a letter.</t>", "<y>That's right.</y><t>A clearly laid out, clearly written letter is much more likely to get you what you want than a badly written, badly organised letter.</t>"]], ["When writing a formal letter, put your address", 2, ["at the end of the letter", "in the top left-hand corner", "in the top right-hand corner"], ["<n>That's not right.</n><t>That's not where your address goes.</t>", "<n>That's not right.</n><t>That's not where your address goes.</t>", "<y>That's right.</y><t>It's important to give your address so the person you are writing to can reply to your letter.</t>"]], ["When writing a formal letter, put the date", 1, ["at the end of the letter", "under the address in the top right-hand corner", "just before your signature at the end of the letter"], ["<n>That's not right.</n><t>That's not where the date goes.</t>", "<y>That's right.</y><t>It's important to date your letter so the person you send it to knows when it was written.</t>", "<n>That's not right.</n><t>That's not where the date goes.</t>"]], ["If you don't know a person's name, start your letter with", 0, ["Dear Sir, Dear Madam or Dear Sir or Madam", "Dear Mr, Dear Mrs or Dear Mr or Mrs", "My dearest Sir, My dearest Madam or My dearest Sir or Madam"], ["<y>That's right.</y><t>The reader is much more likely to pay attention if you start off in the right way.</t>", "<n>That's not right.</n><t>That's not how you start a letter to someone you don't know.</t>", "<n>That's not right.</n><t>That's not how you write to someone you don't know.</t>"]], ["If you don't know the name of the person you are writing to,<br>finish your letter with", 1, ["With love from", "Yours faithfully", "Yours sincerely"], ["<n>That's not right.</n><t>That's not how you would finish a letter to someone you don't know.</t>", "<y>That's right.</y><t>The reader is much more likely to pay attention to your letter if you finish it off in the right way.</t>", "<n>That's not right.</n><t>That's not how you would finish a letter to someone you don't know.</t>"]], ["If you know the name of the person you are writing to,<br>start a formal letter with", 0, ["Dear Mr/Mrs (and put their name here)", "Just write their name with no 'Dear'", "Dear Sir or Dear Madam"], ["<y>That's right.</y><t>The reader is much more likely to pay attention to your letter if you start it off in the right way.</t>", "<n>That's not right.</n><t>That's not how you start a formal letter to someone whose name you know.</t>", "<n>That's not right.</n><t>That's not how you start a formal letter to someone whose name you know.</t>"]], ["When writing a formal letter to someone whose name you know, finish it with", 1, ["With love from", "Yours sincerely", "Yours faithfully"], ["<n>That's not right.</n><t>That's not how you end a formal letter to someone you know.</t>", "<y>That's right.</y><t>The reader is much more likely to pay attention to your letter if you finish it off in the right way.</t>", "<n>That's not right.</n><t>That's not how you end a formal letter to someone you know.</t>"]], ["It's a good idea to start a formal letter by", 0, ["saying why you are writing", "saying you hope the person you are writing to is well and happy", "telling the person you are writing to that you are well and happy"], ["<y>That's right.</y><t>By doing this, the person you are writing to will be more likely to pay attention to and understand the rest of your letter.</t>", "<n>That's not right.</n><t>That's not the right way to start a formal letter.</t>", "<n>That's not right.</n><t>That's not the right way to start a formal letter.</t>"]], ["It's a good idea to end a formal letter by saying", 2, ["how much you like the person you are writing to", "how nice you are", "what you would like to happen next"], ["<n>That's not right.</n><t>That's not how you end a formal letter.</t>", "<n>That's not right.</n><t>You may be very nice, but that's not how you end a formal letter.</t>", "<y>That's right.</y><t>This lets the person you are writing to know what you expect them to do.</t>"]], ["When writing an informal letter", 2, ["just scribble it down - you don't need to be neat and tidy", "always end the letter with Love and kisses from", "write neatly and use clear, simple English"], ["<n>That's not right.</n><t>However well you know someone, you still want them to be able to read what you have written.</t>", "<n>That's not quite right.</n><t>You'd only finish a letter like that if you know the person really well - and like them.</t>", "<y>That's right.</y><t>However informal your letter, you still want the person you are writing to to be able to read and understand it.</t>"]], ["An example of non-fiction is", 1, ["a cartoon", "a newspaper", "a ghost story"], ["<n>That's not quite right.</n><t>A cartoon could be about facts, but it could equally be fictional.</t>", "<y>That's right.</y><t>A newspaper <em>should</em> contain facts.</t>", "<n>That's not quite right.</n><t>A ghost story is usually fictional - unless someone is describing something that actually happened to them.</t>"]], ["History books are", 2, ["always non-fiction", "always fictional", "sometimes fiction, sometimes non-fiction"], ["<n>That's not quite right.</n><t>Although history books should be full of facts, they are often how people imagined the past to be.</t>", "<n>That's not quite right.</n><t>Some history books are based on historical facts.</t>", "<y>That's right.</y><t>Some history books are based on historical facts and some are how people imagined the past to be.</t>"]], ["A newspaper headline should", 2, ["catch your attention and make you laugh", "tell you all the facts about a story", "catch your attention and tell you what the story is about"], ["<n>That's not right.</n><t>Not all headlines should be funny.</t>", "<n>That's not right.</n><t>There isn't room to give you the whole story in a headline.</t>", "<y>That's right.</y><t>The job of the headline is to make you want to read the rest of the story.</t>"]], ["A newspaper story should", 0, ["summarise the story in the first paragraph", "give you some of the details - you can find all the facts somewhere else", "give an opinion at the beginning and all the facts at the end"], ["<y>That's right.</y><t>You only need to read the whole story if you have the time.</t>", "<n>That's not right.</n><t>A newspaper story should give you all the facts.</t>", "<n>That's not right.</n><t>A newspaper story may contain opinions and should contain facts, but not necessarily in that order.</t>"]], ["Newspapers are", 2, ["always biased (have a particular point of view)", "never biased", "sometimes biased"], ["<n>That's not right.</n><t>Newspapers can give a balanced point of view.</t>", "<n>That's not right.</n><t>Newspapers don't always give a balanced pint of view.</t>", "<y>That's right.</y><t>Each newspaper tends to have it's own style and point of view.</t>"]], ["Adverts use persuasive writing", 1, ["to teach you important things", "to make you want to buy things", "to make you laugh"], ["<n>That's not right.</n><t>Adverts aren't designed to teach you things.</t>", "<y>That's right.</y><t>The one job of an advert is to make you buy something.</t>", "<n>That's not right.</n><t>Some adverts are funny, but that's not what their job is.</t>"]], ["Adverts always", 1, ["give a balanced view of the things they are selling", "focus on the good things about the things they are selling", "contain lies"], ["<n>That's not quite right.</n><t>An advert won't usually tell you what's wrong with something.</t>", "<y>That's right.</y><t>After all, an advert's job is to make you want to buy things.</t>", "<n>That's not right.</n><t>An advert may not tell the whole truth, but it shouldn't contain lies.</t>"]], ["It is most important that a reference book is", 2, ["funny and entertaining", "mysterious and thrilling", "straightforward and accurate"], ["<n>That's not quite right.</n><t>A reference book could be funny and entertaining, but it's not the most important thing.</t>", "<n>That's not right.</n><t>A reference book could be thrilling, but it shouldn't be mysterious.</t>", "<y>That's right.</y><t>A reference book should be full of facts that are presented so they are easy to understand.</t>"]], ["The words in a dictionary are arranged", 1, ["by theme", "in alphabetical order", "in order of size"], ["<n>That's not right.</n><t>That's not how a dictionary is arranged.</t>", "<y>That's right.</y><t>The words are arranged alphabetically so it's easy to find the word you are looking for.</t>", "<n>That's not right.</n><t>That's not how a dictionary is arranged.</t>"]], ["A biography is a non-fiction book about", 2, ["how to draw charts and graphs", "the history of a particular country", "someone's life"], ["<n>That's not right.</n><t>That's not what a biography is.</t>", "<n>That's not right.</n><t>That's not what a biography is.</t>", "<y>That's right.</y><t>You'll find lots of biographies of politicians, artists, sports stars, explorers and other famous people in your library.</t>"]], ["A poem", 1, ["always rhymes", "uses imaginative language", "uses clear, simple language to get the facts across"], ["<n>That's not quite right.</n><t>Some poems rhyme, but not all.</t>", "<y>That's right.</y><t>A poem uses imaginative language to express feelings and ideas.</t>", "<n>That's not right.</n><t>That would be a non-fiction book.</t>"]], ["People used to use poems to tell stories because", 1, ["a poem is harder to remember than a story", "rhymes and the rhythm make poems easy to remember", "a poem is much longer than a story"], ["<n>That's not quite right.</n><t>That's not why poems were used to tell stories.</t>", "<y>That's right.</y><t>A poem that's used to tell a story is called a narrative poem.</t>", "<n>That's not right.</n><t>A poem isn't necessarily longer than a story - in fact, they are usually much shorter.</t>"]], ["Haiku is", 2, ["a type of small fish found in the Arctic ocean", "a form of Russian poetry", "a form of Japanese poetry"], ["<n>That's not right.</n><t>These questions are to do with poems, not fish! Do pay attention.</t>", "<n>That's not right.</n><t>That's a good guess though.</t>", "<y>That's right.</y><t>Haiku is a form of Japanese poetry with only three lines. The first line has 5 syllables, the second 7 syllables and the third 5 syllables.</t>"]], ["Poetry where the words are written to form a particular shape is called", 0, ["concrete poetry", "plastic poetry", "cake poetry"], ["<y>That's right.</y><t>Concrete poems are written in a shape that shows what the poem is about</t>", "<n>That's not right.</n><t>Close, but plastic just isn't right.</t>", "<n>That's not right.</n><t>There may well be poems about cakes, but that's not the answer we're looking for.</t>"]], ["Poetry that uses made-up words to describe things,<br>or just to make a nice sound is called", 2, ["fantabulous poetry", "inside-out poetry", "nonsense poetry"], ["<n>That's not right.</n><t>Fantabulous may be a good word to describe it, but that's not what it's called.</t>", "<n>That's not right.</n><t>What would inside-out poetry be like? Hard to read, that's for sure.</t>", "<y>That's right.</y><t>Lewis Carroll, Edward Lear and Spike Milligan are good authors to read if you like nonsense poetry.</t>"]], ["Rhyme is", 0, ["When two words sound alike", "When two words start with the same letter", "A type of Chinese poetry"], ["<y>That's right.</y><t>Hat, bat, rat, mat and fat all rhyme.</t>", "<n>That's not right.</n><t>You are thinking of another feature of poetry that just might crop up in the next question.</t>", "<n>That's not right.</n><t>There are lots of types of Chinese poetry, but none of them are called rhyme.</t>"]], ["Alliteration is", 2, ["another word for a tongue-twister", "a poem that's really hard to read", "two words together that start with the same sound"], ["<n>That's not quite right.</n><t>It may be hard to say alliteration, but it doesn't mean tongue twister.</t>", "<n>That's not right.</n><t>It may be a hard word to read, but that's not what it means.</t>", "<y>That's right.</y><t>For example, Perfect poems are particularly pleasing - all the 'p' words start with the same sound.</t>"]], ["Comparing one thing to another thing is called using a", 1, ["smile", "simile", "metaphor"], ["<n>That's not right.</n><t>Although a smile is a good thing, it's not the right answer.</t>", "<y>That's right.</y><t>A simile describes something by comparing it to another thing using <em>like</em> or <em></em>.</t>", "<n>That's not quite right.</n><t>That's a word that may well come up in the next question.</t>"]], ["Metaphor is", 0, ["describing something as if it were something else", "four metas in a row", "two words that rhyme and mean the same thing"], ["<y>That's right.</y><t>Metaphors can make poetry more interesting and are often used in other forms of writing.</t>", "<n>That's not right!</n><t>I'm not sure what 'a meta' is, and I certainly don't know what four of them are called!</t>", "<n>That's not right.</n><t>That's not what a metaphor is.</t>"]], ["Giving human feelings and actions to objects or ideas is called", 2, ["simplification", "magnification", "personification"], ["<n>That's not right.</n><t>That means to make something simpler.</t>", "<n>That's not right.</n><t>That means to magnify something (make something look bigger).</t>", "<y>That's right.</y><t>Poets often give human feelings and actions to objects or ideas.</t>"]], ["The beginning of a story is where", 2, ["you clear up any mysteries and tidy up any loose ends", "you tell your readers what's going to happen in your story", "you introduce your readers to your style, setting and characters"], ["<n>That's not right.</n><t>You don't do that at the beginning of a story.</t>", "<n>That's not right.</n><t>You'll probably want your readers to find that out by reading the story.</t>", "<y>That's right.</y><t>This will set the scene so your readers will understand what's happening when they read on.</t>"]], ["Giving characters a problem to solve at the beginning of a story", 0, ["makes the reader want to read more", "confuses the reader so they won't want to read more", "helps create a spooky atmosphere"], ["<y>That's right.</y><t>This keeps the reader interested - they'll want to find out what happens.</t>", "<n>That's not right.</n><t>This shouldn't confuse your readers!</t>", "<n>That's not right.</n><t>The type of language you use sets the atmosphere.</t>"]], ["The right adjectives will", 2, ["make your story funnier", "make your story longer and so make it better", "describe the nouns you use and make your writing more interesting"], ["<n>That's not quite right.</n><t>Adjectives won't always make your story funny!</t>", "<n>That's not right.</n><t>Adding adjectives may make your story a bit longer, but that's not why you use them.</t>", "<y>That's right.</y><t>Adjectives describe nouns and will help the reader picture what you are talking about in more detail.</t>"]], ["What sort of words would you use to describe the verbs in your story, making them more interesting?", 1, ["Adjectives", "Adverbs", "Conjunctions"], ["<n>That's not right.</n><t>Adjectives describe nouns.</t>", "<y>That's right.</y><t>Adverbs describe verbs. Using them will help your reader picture what's happening in your story.</t>", "<n>That's not right.</n><t>Conjunctions are used to link clauses.</t>"]], ["Dialogue is", 0, ["when you write down what people are saying", "a diary kept by a character in a novel", "a character in a story who tells the reader what's happening"], ["<y>That's right.</y><t>When you write dialogue, make sure it suits the person who is saying it.</t>", "<n>That's not right.</n><t>You are probably thinking of a log book, which is a type of diary.</t>", "<n>That's not right.</n><t>You are thinking of a narrator.</t>"]], ["The time and place where your story happens is called", 1, ["the atmosphere", "the setting", "the plot"], ["<n>That's not quite right.</n><t>Atmosphere is the feeling you give to your story.</t>", "<y>That's right.</y><t>Letting your readers know where and when your story is set will help them picture the scene.</t>", "<n>That's not right.</n><t>The plot is what happens in your story.</t>"]], ["You create the right atmosphere in a story by", 1, ["making sure your story is long enough", "choosing your words carefully", "making sure your plot makes sense"], ["<n>That's not right.</n><t>Your story could be very, very long and still not have the right atmosphere.</t>", "<y>That's right.</y><t>Using descriptive language and the right words will help you create the right atmosphere around your setting.</t>", "<n>That's not right.</n><t>It's important to have a good plot, but that won't help you create the right atmosphere.</t>"]], ["Giving characters descriptive names will", 1, ["make your readers laugh", "help readers imagine what the characters are like", "make your story's plot more exciting"], ["<n>That's not quite right.</n><t>Only particularly funny names would make readers laugh.</t>", "<y>That's right.</y><t>Authors such as Charles Dickens use descriptive names to help give the people in their stories strong characters.</t>", "<n>That's not right.</n><t>The character's names aren't going to affect the plot.</t>"]], ["At the end of a story you should", 0, ["clear up any mysteries and tie up loose ends", "introduce your characters", "set the scene and build up a convincing atmosphere"], ["<y>That's right.</y><t>Your readers will want to know what happens to the characters at the end of your story.</t>", "<n>That's not right.</n><t>You need to do that at the beginning!</t>", "<n>That's not right.</n><t>You need to do that at the beginning!</t>"]], ["A sequel is", 1, ["a squealing noise made by a seal", "a story that follows on from an existing story", "a story that tells what happened before an existing story"], ["<n>That's not right!</n><t>I don't know what noise seals make, but it isn't called a sequel.</t>", "<y>That's right.</y><t>Lots of books have sequels that tell you more about what happens to characters you have read about in other stories.</t>", "<n>That's not right.</n><t>That's called a prequel.</t>"]], ["Making a story plan will", 2, ["help you write longer stories", "make your stories more descriptive and atmospheric", "make your stories easier to write"], ["<n>That's not right.</n><t>It's how good your story is, not how long it is, that matters.</t>", "<n>That's not right.</n><t>It's the language you use that makes a story atmospheric.</t>", "<y>That's right.</y><t>Planning makes your story easier to write and much more interesting to read once you have written it.</t>"]], ["When planning a story", 0, ["it's fine to make rough notes", "always use your best pen and your best handwriting", "always use pencil"], ["<y>That's right.</y><t>As long as you can read your notes and use clear, neat writing in your final story.</t>", "<n>That's not right.</n><t>You don't have to use your best writing in a plan.</t>", "<n>That's not right.</n><t>You can use any sort of pen or pencil you like to write you plan, as long as you can read what you've written.</t>"]], ["At the beginning of a story", 1, ["make sure you tell readers what's going to happen", "it's a good idea to give characters a problem to solve", "use long, descriptive words"], ["<n>That's not right.</n><t>Don't give away what happens at the beginning!</t>", "<y>That's right.</y><t>This keeps the reader interested, as they'll want to find out what happens.</t>", "<n>That's not right.</n><t>You can use descriptive words anywhere in your story. (How long they are really doesn't matter.)</t>"]], ["In the middle of a story", 2, ["keep introducing new characters", "change the scene at least twice", "describe what happens to your characters"], ["<n>That's not quite right.</n><t>You can introduce new characters, but you don't have to.</t>", "<n>That's not quite right.</n><t>You can change the scene if you need to, but you don't have to.</t>", "<y>That's right.</y><t>You need to move your plot along and keep your readers interested.</t>"]], ["At the end of a story", 1, ["always leave your readers guessing what happens to your characters", "tell readers what happens to the characters", "make sure the story gets more interesting"], ["<n>That's not quite right.</n><t>You'd only do this if you are planning on writing a sequel (second part).</t>", "<y>That's right.</y><t>You can't leave readers with unanswered questions (unless you are planning a sequel).</t>", "<n>That's not right.</n><t>Your story should be interesting all the way through!</t>"]], ["In your story plan, it's a good idea to", 0, ["make a note of what all the characters are like", "describe all the characters in detail", "write out your character's dialogue "], ["<y>That's right.</y><t>This will help you describe them to your reader.</t>", "<n>That's not quite right.</n><t>You only need to make notes in your plan.</t>", "<n>That's not right.</n><t>You'll do that when you actually write the story.</t>"]], ["It's important to get the atmosphere right at the beginning of a story", 1, ["so you don't have to use descriptive language all the way through", "so readers get the feel of your story early on", "so readers don't have to read the whole story"], ["<n>That's not right.</n><t>You should use descriptive language wherever it's needed.</t>", "<y>That's right.</y><t>Readers need to get drawn into your story early on so that they'll want to keep reading.</t>", "<n>That's not right.</n><t>You want readers to read your whole story, not give up at the beginning!</t>"]], ["A good way to become a good writer is", 1, ["get someone else to write your stories for you", "read lots of books and think about what's special about the ones you like", "copy other people's stories"], ["<n>That's not right!</n><t>That's cheating!</t>", "<y>That's right.</y><t>You can learn a lot about writing by thinking about how your favourite authors write.</t>", "<n>That's not right!</n><t>Stealing someone else's writing and pretending it's yours is called <em>plagiarism</em> - it's a <em>very bad thing to do</em>.</t>"]], ["Reading your own stories through", 0, ["means you can spot mistakes and problems so you can fix them", "will make you feel happy that you are such a great writer", "will make you want to write shorter stories"], ["<y>That's right.</y><t>Pretend that someone else wrote the story and see how well you think the story is written.</t>", "<n>That's not quite right.</n><t>It will only make you feel happy if you really are a great writer. (Or you are easily pleased!)</t>", "<n>That's not right.</n><t>If you think your stories are too long, you should think about making them more interesting!</t>"]], ["Rewriting a story", 2, ["just means you are a useless writer", "means starting again from scratch", "will help make your stories better"], ["<n>That's not right!</n><t>A useless writer is more likely to be one who doesn't bother to re-write their stories.</t>", "<n>That's not right.</n><t>You'd only have to start from scratch if your story was <i>really</i> bad.</t>", "<y>That's right.</y><t>Even famous authors re-write their stories before they publish them.</t>"]]];
aQuestions_numbers = [["Which two numbers add up to make 100?", 1, ["38 and 52", "53 and 47", "22 and 77"], ["<n>Incorrect.</n><t>38 and 52 add up to make 90, not 100.</t>", "<y>Correct.</y><t>Did you add the 50 and the 40 to make 90, and the 3 and the 7 to make 10? Then it's easy to see that 90 and 10 make 100!</t>", "<n>Incorrect.</n><t>22 and 77 add up to make 99, not 100.</t>"]], ["What is the sum of 200, 300, 150 and 250?", 0, ["900", "850", "1000"], ["<y>Correct.</y><t>Great adding! Did you add the hundreds first and then add the two fiftys?</t>", "<n>Incorrect.</n><t>The sum of numbers just means the total of the numbers added together. Those numbers add together to make 900, not 850.</t>", "<n>Incorrect.</n><t>The sum of numbers just means the total of the numbers added together. Those numbers add together to make 900, not 1000.</t>"]], ["What is the missing number? 87\u00A0+\u00A0?\u00A0=\u00A0130", 2, ["35", "50", "43"], ["<n>Incorrect.</n><t>Find the difference between 87 and 130. The difference between 87 and 90 is 3, and between 90 and 130 is 40. 3\u00A0+\u00A040\u00A0=\u00A043</t>", "<n>Incorrect.</n><t>Find the difference between 87 and 130. The difference between 87 and 90 is 3, and between 90 and 130 is 40. 3\u00A0+\u00A040\u00A0=\u00A043</t>", "<y>Correct.</y><t>Good work! Did you add on 3 to the 87 to get to 90, and then work out the difference from 90 to 130? 3\u00A0+\u00A040\u00A0=\u00A043!</t>"]], ["What do you get if you increase 316 by 500?", 2, ["616", "800", "816"], ["<n>Incorrect.</n><t>To add 500 to a number, you just need to add 5 to the hundreds digit. 3\u00A0+\u00A05\u00A0=\u00A08. So the answer was 816.</t>", "<n>Incorrect.</n><t>To add 500 to a number, you just need to add 5 to the hundreds digit. 3\u00A0+\u00A05\u00A0=\u00A08. So the answer was 816.</t>", "<y>Correct.</y><t>Excellent! You worked out that all you needed to do was add 5 to the hundreds digit.</t>"]], ["What answer do you get if you add 436 to 523?", 0, ["959", "795", "946"], ["<y>Correct.</y><t>Well done. That was a tough one!</t>", "<n>Incorrect.</n><t>Adding 436 to 523 gives an answer of 959, not 795.</t>", "<n>Incorrect.</n><t>Adding 436 to 523 gives an answer of 959, not 946.</t>"]], ["What must be added to 378 to make 400?", 1, ["33", "22", "44"], ["<n>Incorrect.</n><t>Find the difference between 378 and 400. The difference between 378 and 380 is 2, and between 380 and 400 is 20. 2\u00A0+\u00A020\u00A0=\u00A022</t>", "<y>Correct.</y><t>Nice work! You worked out there is a difference of 22 between 378 and 400.</t>", "<n>Incorrect.</n><t>Find the difference between 378 and 400. The difference between 378 and 380 is 2, and between 380 and 400 is 20. 2\u00A0+\u00A020\u00A0=\u00A022</t>"]], ["What could you add to 3.7 to make 4?", 1, ["0.2", "0.3", "1.3"], ["<n>Incorrect.</n><t>Think of it as finding the difference between 3.7 and 4. The difference is 0.3.</t>", "<y>Correct.</y><t>You did it! You worked out there is a difference of 0.3 between 3.7 and 4.</t>", "<n>Inorrect.</n><t>Think of it as finding the difference between 3.7 and 4. The difference is 0.3.</t>"]], ["What can you add to 7.44 to make 8?", 0, ["0.56", "1.56", "0.46"], ["<y>Correct.</y><t>Great! You worked out there is a difference of 0.56 between 7.44 and 8.</t>", "<n>Incorrect.</n><t>Think of it as finding the difference between 7.44 and 8. The difference is 0.56.</t>", "<n>Incorrect.</n><t>Think of it as finding the difference between 7.44 and 8. The difference is 0.56.</t>"]], ["Which of these gives the biggest answer?", 0, ["40\u00A0+\u00A07", "30\u00A0+\u00A011", "20\u00A0+\u00A023"], ["<y>Correct.</y><t>Excellent! You worked out all the addition problems and found that 40\u00A0+\u00A07 gave the biggest answer, 47.</t>", "<n>Incorrect.</n><t>That gives an answer of 41. In fact, 40\u00A0+\u00A07 gives the biggest answer of 47.</t>", "<n>Incorrect.</n><t>That gives an answer of 43. In fact, 40\u00A0+\u00A07 gives the biggest answer of 47.</t>"]], ["Which is higher?", 2, ["7645\u00A0+\u00A03757", "3757\u00A0+\u00A07645", "They're both the same"], ["<n>Incorrect.</n><t>In fact, addition can be done in any order, so it doesn't matter which way around the sum is written.</t>", "<n>Incorrect.</n><t>In fact, addition can be done in any order, so it doesn't matter which way around the sum is written.</t>", "<y>Correct.</y><t>You got it! Addition can be done in any order, so it doesn't matter which way around the sum is written.</t>"]], ["Which decimal is equal to 7 hundreths?", 1, ["0.7", "0.07", "0.007"], ["<n>Incorrect.</n><t>0.7 is equal to 7 tenths, not 7 hundreths.</t>", "<y>Correct.</y><t>You realised 0.07 is equal to 7 hundreths because the 7 is in the hundreths position.</t>", "<n>Incorrect.</n><t>0.007 is equal to 7 thousandths, not 7 hundreths.</t>"]], ["Which decimal is equal to 114 thousandths?", 0, ["0.114", "1.14", "11.4"], ["<y>Correct.</y><t>You realised 0.114 is equal to 114 thousandths because the last digit is in the thousandths position.</t>", "<n>Incorrect.</n><t>1.14 is equal to 114 hundreths, not 114 thousandths.</t>", "<n>Incorrect.</n><t>11.4 is equal to 114 tenths, not 114 thousandths.</t>"]], ["Which number is 0.1 less than 3.0?", 0, ["2.9", "2.99", "2.999"], ["<y>Correct.</y><t>You realised that 3\u00A0-\u00A00.1\u00A0=\u00A02.9. Well done!</t>", "<n>Incorrect.</n><t>2.99 is 0.01 less than 3. The decimal that is 0.1 less than 3 is 2.9.</t>", "<n>Incorrect.</n><t>2.999 is 0.001 less than 3. The decimal that is 0.1 less than 3 is 2.9.</t>"]], ["What fraction is equal to 0.25?", 1, ["one half", "one quarter", "one fifth"], ["<n>Incorrect.</n><t>One half is equal to 0.5, not 0.25.</t>", "<y>Correct.</y><t>You remembered that 0.25 is equal to one quarter. Good work!</t>", "<n>Incorrect.</n><t>One fifth is equal to 0.2, not 0.25.</t>"]], ["Which is bigger, 0.03 or 0.30?", 1, ["0.03", "0.30", "Neither. They're both the same."], ["<n>Incorrect.</n><t>In 0.03, the 3 is in the hundreths column. In 0.30, the 3 is in the tenths column. So 0.30 is bigger.</t>", "<y>Correct.</y><t>You worked out that 0.30 was bigger because the 3 is in the tenths column.</t>", "<n>Incorrect.</n><t>In 0.03, the 3 is in the hundreths column. In 0.30, the 3 is in the tenths column. So 0.30 is bigger.</t>"]], ["Which decimal is NOT between 2.8 and 2.9?", 2, ["2.87", "2.81", "2.08"], ["<n>Incorrect.</n><t>2.87 IS between 2.8 and 2.9.</t>", "<n>Incorrect.</n><t>2.81 IS between 2.8 and 2.9.</t>", "<y>Correct.</y><t>Well done for working out that 2.08 is NOT between 2.8 and 2.9.</t>"]], ["Which set of decimals are in order, from smallest to largest?", 2, ["0.4, 0.43, 0.07", "0.4, 0.07, 0.43", "0.07, 0.4, 0.43"], ["<n>Incorrect.</n><t>They are not in the right order. 0.07 is the smallest decimal so it should come first.</t>", "<n>Incorrect.</n><t>They are not in the right order. 0.07 is the smallest decimal so it should come first.</t>", "<y>Correct.</y><t>Good work! 0.07 is the smallest decimal, 0.4 is the next largest and 0.43 is the largest.</t>"]], ["What must be added to 1.28 to make 1.3?", 0, ["0.02", "0.2", "2"], ["<y>Correct.</y><t>Well done for working out that 1.28\u00A0+\u00A00.02\u00A0=\u00A01.3.</t>", "<n>Incorrect.</n><t>If you added 0.2 to 1.28, you would get 1.48, not 1.3.</t>", "<n>Incorrect.</n><t>If you added 2 to 1.28, you would get 3.28, not 1.3.</t>"]], ["What is 2.4 plus 1.34?", 2, ["3.43", "3.8", "3.74"], ["<n>Incorrect.</n><t>2.4 plus 1.34 is equal to 3.74, not 3.43.</t>", "<n>Incorrect.</n><t>2.4 plus 1.34 is equal to 3.74, not 3.8.</t>", "<y>Correct.</y><t>Well done for working out that 2.4\u00A0+\u00A01.34\u00A0=\u00A03.74.</t>"]], ["Which percentage is equal to 0.6?", 1, ["6%", "60%", "600%"], ["<n>Incorrect.</n><t>To convert a decimal to a percentage, you multiply by 100. 0.6\u00A0x\u00A0100\u00A0=\u00A060%, not 6%.</t>", "<y>Correct.</y><t>Yes, to convert a decimal to a percentage, you multiply by 100. 0.6\u00A0x\u00A0100\u00A0=\u00A060%.</t>", "<n>Incorrect.</n><t>To convert a decimal to a percentage, you multiply by 100. 0.6\u00A0x\u00A0100\u00A0=\u00A060%, not 600%.</t>"]], ["Which of these division problems has the answer 8?", 0, ["32\u00A0÷\u00A04", "18\u00A0÷\u00A02", "27\u00A0÷\u00A03"], ["<y>Correct.</y><t>That's right. 32\u00A0÷\u00A04\u00A0=\u00A08. Did you work it out by remembering that 8\u00A0x\u00A04\u00A0=\u00A032?</t>", "<n>Incorrect.</n><t>18\u00A0÷\u00A02 gives an answer of 9, not 8.</t>", "<n>Incorrect.</n><t>27\u00A0÷\u00A03 gives an answer of 9, not 8.</t>"]], ["Which of these would give the biggest answer?", 2, ["905 divided by 5", "905 divided by 4", "905 divided by 3"], ["<n>Incorrect.</n><t>Dividing something by the smallest number will always give the biggest answer. So 905 divided by 3 will give the biggest answer.</t>", "<n>Incorrect.</n><t>Dividing something by the smallest number will always give the biggest answer. So 905 divided by 3 will give the biggest answer.</t>", "<y>Correct.</y><t>You worked out that dividing something by the smallest number will always give the biggest answer.</t>"]], [" What remainder do you get if you divide 90 by 7?", 2, ["4", "5", "6"], ["<n>Incorrect.</n><t>12\u00A0x\u00A07\u00A0=\u00A084. 90\u00A0-\u00A084\u00A0=\u00A06. So 90 divided by 7 gives an answer of 7 with a remainder of 6.</t>", "<n>Incorrect.</n><t>12\u00A0x\u00A07\u00A0=\u00A084. 90\u00A0-\u00A084\u00A0=\u00A06. So 90 divided by 7 gives an answer of 7 with a remainder of 6.</t>", "<y>Correct.</y><t>Did you work it out like this? 12\u00A0x\u00A07\u00A0=\u00A084. 90\u00A0-\u00A084\u00A0=\u00A06. So 90 divided by 7 gives an answer of 7 with a remainder of 6. Well done!</t>"]], ["4200 divided by what number equals 420?", 1, ["1", "10", "100"], ["<n>Incorrect.</n><t>4200 divided by 1 would give 4200, not 420.</t>", "<y>Correct.</y><t>Yes, when you divide by 10, you move the digits one place to the right. 4200\u00A0÷\u00A010\u00A0=\u00A0420.</t>", "<n>Incorrect.</n><t>4200 divided by 100 would give 42, not 420.</t>"]], ["What is 38 divided by 20?", 2, ["19", "0.19", "1.9"], ["<n>Incorrect.</n><t>To divide by 20, divide by 2 first and then by 10. 38\u00A0÷\u00A02\u00A0=\u00A019. 19\u00A0÷\u00A010\u00A0=\u00A01.9.</t>", "<n>Incorrect.</n><t>To divide by 20, divide by 2 first and then by 10. 38\u00A0÷\u00A02\u00A0=\u00A019. 19\u00A0÷\u00A010\u00A0=\u00A01.9.</t>", "<y>Correct.</y><t>Perfect! Did you work it out this way? 38\u00A0÷\u00A02\u00A0=\u00A019. 19\u00A0÷\u00A010\u00A0=\u00A01.9.</t>"]], ["If 37\u00A0x\u00A09\u00A0=\u00A0333, what is the answer to 333\u00A0÷\u00A09?", 1, ["9", "37", "333"], ["<n>Incorrect.</n><t>Division and multiplication are opposites. So if 37\u00A0x\u00A09\u00A0=\u00A0333, then 333\u00A0÷\u00A09\u00A0=\u00A037.</t>", "<y>Correct.</y><t>Well done for remembering that division and multiplication are opposites. So if 37\u00A0x\u00A09\u00A0=\u00A0333, then 333\u00A0÷\u00A09\u00A0=\u00A037.</t>", "<n>Incorrect.</n><t>Division and multiplication are opposites. So if 37\u00A0x\u00A09\u00A0=\u00A0333, then 333\u00A0÷\u00A09\u00A0=\u00A037.</t>"]], ["Ruby has 81 pound coins to share between 9 children.<br>How many pound coins will each child get?", 0, ["9", "10", "11"], ["<y>Correct.</y><t>That's right. When you see the word share, you know it is a division problem. 81\u00A0÷\u00A09\u00A0=\u00A09.</t>", "<n>Incorrect.</n><t>When you see the word share, you know it is a division problem. 81\u00A0÷\u00A09\u00A0=\u00A09.</t>", "<n>Incorrect.</n><t>When you see the word share, you know it is a division problem. 81\u00A0÷\u00A09\u00A0=\u00A09.</t>"]], ["Dan has 75 eggs to pack into boxes. Each box can hold 6 eggs.<br>How may boxes will Dan need?", 2, ["11", "12", "13"], ["<n>Incorrect.</n><t>If he only used 11 boxes, he would only be able to fit in 11\u00A0x\u00A06\u00A0=\u00A066 eggs. He will need 13 boxes to fit all 75 eggs.</t>", "<n>Incorrect.</n><t>If he only used 12 boxes, he would only be able to fit in 12\u00A0x\u00A06\u00A0=\u00A072 eggs. He will need 13 boxes to fit all 75 eggs.</t>", "<y>Correct.</y><t>That's right, Dan will need 13 boxes to fit all 75 eggs in.</t>"]], ["What is the missing number? 36\u00A0÷\u00A0?\u00A0=\u00A012.", 1, ["2", "3", "4"], ["<n>Incorrect.</n><t>You can find the right answer by working out how many times you must multiply 12 to get 36. 12\u00A0x\u00A03\u00A0=\u00A036. So 36\u00A0÷\u00A03\u00A0=\u00A012.</t>", "<y>Correct.</y><t>Did you get the right answer by working out how many times you must multiply 12 to get 36?</t>", "<n>Incorrect.</n><t>You can find the right answer by working out how many times you must multiply 12 to get 36. 12\u00A0x\u00A03\u00A0=\u00A036. So 36\u00A0÷\u00A03\u00A0=\u00A012.</t>"]], ["What remainder do you get if you divide 182 by 30?", 2, ["0", "1", "2"], ["<n>Incorrect.</n><t>One way to do this is to count in 30s\u00A0-\u00A030, 60, 90, 120, 150, 180. 182\u00A0-\u00A0180\u00A0=\u00A02. So 182 divided by 30 is 6 with a remainder of 2.</t>", "<n>Incorrect.</n><t>One way to do this is to count in 30s\u00A0-\u00A030, 60, 90, 120, 150, 180. 182\u00A0-\u00A0180\u00A0=\u00A02. So 182 divided by 30 is 6 with a remainder of 2.</t>", "<y>Correct.</y><t>You worked out that 30\u00A0x\u00A06\u00A0=\u00A0180 and 182\u00A0-\u00A0180\u00A0=\u00A02. So 182 divided by 30 is 6 with a remainder of 2.</t>"]], ["Which fraction is equal to 0.3?", 1, ["one third", "three tenths", "three fifths"], ["<n>Incorrect.</n><t>0.3 is equal to three tenths because the 3 is in the tenths column.</t>", "<y>Correct.</y><t>That's right. 0.3 is equal to three tenths because the 3 is in the tenths column.</t>", "<n>Incorrect.</n><t>0.3 is equal to three tenths because the 3 is in the tenths column.</t>"]], ["Which percentage is equal to three quarters?", 2, ["25%", "50%", "75%"], ["<n>Incorrect.</n><t>25% is equal to one quarter, not three quarters.</t>", "<n>Incorrect.</n><t>50% is equal to one half, not three quarters.</t>", "<y>Correct.</y><t>You remembered that 75% is equal to three quarters.</t>"]], ["Which fraction is equivalent to ten twelfths?", 0, ["five sixths", "three quarters", "five tenths"], ["<y>Correct.</y><t>Yes, because ten divided by 2 equals five, and twelve divided by 2 equals six.</t>", "<n>Incorrect.</n><t>The equivalent fraction five sixths can be made from ten twelfths by dividing the numerator (10) and the denominator (12) by 2.</t>", "<n>Incorrect.</n><t>The equivalent fraction five sixths can be made from ten twelfths by dividing the numerator (10) and the denominator (12) by 2.</t>"]], ["Which set of fractions are in order, from smallest to largest?", 0, ["one tenth, one fifth, one half", "one half, one tenth, one fifth", "one tenth, one half, one fifth"], ["<y>Correct.</y><t>You worked out that one tenth is the smallest fraction, one fifth is the next largest and one half is the largest fraction.</t>", "<n>Incorrect.</n><t>One tenth is the smallest so that should come first in the list.</t>", "<n>Incorrect.</n><t>One half is the largest so that should come last in the list.</t>"]], ["What is 1.5 equal to?", 1, ["1 and a fifth", "1 and a half", "1 and a third"], ["<n>Incorrect.</n><t>1.5 is equal to 1 and five tenths, which is equivalent to 1 and a half.</t>", "<y>Correct.</y><t>1.5 is equal to 1 and five tenths, which is equivalent to 1 and a half.</t>", "<n>Incorrect.</n><t>1.5 is equal to 1 and five tenths, which is equivalent to 1 and a half.</t>"]], ["Imagine a wall of 18 bricks. 3 of the bricks are painted white.<br>What fraction of the wall is white?", 1, ["one ninth", "one sixth", "one third"], ["<n>Incorrect.</n><t>3 out of 18 is equivalent to one sixth, not one ninth.</t>", "<y>Correct.</y><t>You worked out that 3 out of 18 is equivalent to one sixth.</t>", "<n>Incorrect.</n><t>3 out of 18 is equivalent to one sixth, not one third.</t>"]], ["Which mixed number is<br>the improper fraction 17 eighths equal to?", 1, ["3 and a half", "2 and an eighth", "1 and three eighths"], ["<n>Incorrect.</n><t>8 goes into 17 2 times with a remainder of 1. So 17 eighths is equal to 2 and an eighth.</t>", "<y>Correct.</y><t>8 goes into 17 2 times with a remainder of 1. So 17 eighths is equal to 2 and an eighth.</t>", "<n>Incorrect.</n><t>8 goes into 17 2 times with a remainder of 1. So 17 eighths is equal to 2 and an eighth.</t>"]], ["Which is the smallest?", 2, ["three quarters", "five sixths", "seven twelfths"], ["<n>Incorrect.</n><t>Three quarters is equivalent to nine twelfths. Five sixths is equivalent to ten twelfths. So seven twelfths is the smallest.</t>", "<n>Incorrect.</n><t>Three quarters is equivalent to nine twelfths. Five sixths is equivalent to ten twelfths. So seven twelfths is the smallest.</t>", "<y>Correct.</y><t>Well done. Did you work it out by changing all the fractions to twelfths?</t>"]], ["How many quarters are there in 3 and a half?", 2, ["4", "12", "14"], ["<n>Incorrect.</n><t>There are four quarters in 1 and so there are 14 quarters in 3 and a half.</t>", "<n>Incorrect.</n><t>There are four quarters in 1 and so there are 14 quarters in 3 and a half.</t>", "<y>Correct.</y><t>You got it! There are four quarters in 1 and so there are 14 quarters in 3 and a half.</t>"]], ["What is three quarters of <font face='Arial'>£</font>200?", 1, ["<font face='Arial'>£</font>50", "<font face='Arial'>£</font>150", "<font face='Arial'>£</font>175"], ["<n>Incorrect.</n><t>One quarter of <font face='Arial'>£</font>200 is <font face='Arial'>£</font>50. So three quarters of <font face='Arial'>£</font>200 is 50\u00A0x\u00A03\u00A0=\u00A0<font face='Arial'>£</font>150.</t>", "<y>Correct.</y><t>One quarter of <font face='Arial'>£</font>200 is <font face='Arial'>£</font>50. So three quarters of <font face='Arial'>£</font>200 is 50\u00A0x\u00A03\u00A0=\u00A0<font face='Arial'>£</font>150. Well worked out!</t>", "<n>Incorrect.</n><t>One quarter of <font face='Arial'>£</font>200 is <font face='Arial'>£</font>50. So three quarters of <font face='Arial'>£</font>200 is 50\u00A0x\u00A03\u00A0=\u00A0<font face='Arial'>£</font>150.</t>"]], ["Work out the answer. 45\u00A0+\u00A046\u00A0=\u00A0?", 2, ["89", "90", "91"], ["<n>Incorrect.</n><t>If you are adding together two numbers that are nearly the same, doubling one of them will help. 45\u00A0+\u00A046\u00A0=\u00A0double 45 add 1\u00A0=\u00A091.</t>", "<n>Incorrect.</n><t>If you are adding together two numbers that are nearly the same, doubling one of them will help. 45\u00A0+\u00A046\u00A0=\u00A0double 45 add 1\u00A0=\u00A091.</t>", "<y>Correct.</y><t>Well done. Did you work it out by doubling 45 and adding 1 to get 91?</t>"]], ["Kai buys a pair of shoes for <font face='Arial'>£</font>31 and a shirt for <font face='Arial'>£</font>67.<br>How much does he spend altogether?", 1, ["<font face='Arial'>£</font>90", "<font face='Arial'>£</font>98", "<font face='Arial'>£</font>108"], ["<n>Incorrect.</n><t>You could work this sum out by breaking down the numbers. 31\u00A0+\u00A067\u00A0=\u00A030\u00A0+\u00A060\u00A0+\u00A01\u00A0+\u00A07\u00A0=\u00A090\u00A0+\u00A08\u00A0=\u00A098.</t>", "<y>Correct.</y><t>Good work. Did you work it out by breaking down the numbers? 31\u00A0+\u00A067\u00A0=\u00A030\u00A0+\u00A060\u00A0+\u00A01\u00A0+\u00A07\u00A0=\u00A090\u00A0+\u00A08\u00A0=\u00A098.</t>", "<n>Incorrect.</n><t>You could work this sum out by breaking down the numbers. 31\u00A0+\u00A067\u00A0=\u00A030\u00A0+\u00A060\u00A0+\u00A01\u00A0+\u00A07\u00A0=\u00A090\u00A0+\u00A08\u00A0=\u00A098.</t>"]], ["Work out the answer. 68\u00A0-\u00A029\u00A0=\u00A0?", 2, ["29", "31", "39"], ["<n>Incorrect.</n><t>You could count on from 29 to 30 and keep that 1 in your head. Then count on from 30 to 68, which is 38. Add the 1 to make 39.</t>", "<n>Incorrect.</n><t>You could count on from 29 to 30 and keep that 1 in your head. Then count on from 30 to 68, which is 38. Add the 1 to make 39.</t>", "<y>Correct.</y><t>As addition and subtraction are opposites, subtraction can always be checked by addition. 39\u00A0+\u00A029\u00A0=\u00A068. Still right!</t>"]], ["A bike normally costs <font face='Arial'>£</font>260. Its price is reduced in a sale by <font face='Arial'>£</font>90.<br>What is the sale price of the bike?", 0, ["<font face='Arial'>£</font>170", "<font face='Arial'>£</font>190", "<font face='Arial'>£</font>260"], ["<y>Correct.</y><t>You worked out that 260\u00A0-\u00A090\u00A0=\u00A0170. So the sale price of the bike is <font face='Arial'>£</font>170.</t>", "<n>Incorrect.</n><t>To subtract 90 from 260, you could subtract 100 and then add 10. 260\u00A0-\u00A0100\u00A0=\u00A0160. 160\u00A0+\u00A010\u00A0=\u00A0170. So the sale price is <font face='Arial'>£</font>170.</t>", "<n>Incorrect.</n><t>To subtract 90 from 260, you could subtract 100 and then add 10. 260\u00A0-\u00A0100\u00A0=\u00A0160. 160\u00A0+\u00A010\u00A0=\u00A0170. So the sale price is <font face='Arial'>£</font>170.</t>"]], ["Work out the answer. 32\u00A0x\u00A030\u00A0=\u00A0?", 2, ["96", "900", "960"], ["<n>Incorrect.</n><t>To multiply a number by 30, you can multiply by 3 first and then multiply the answer by 10. 32\u00A0x\u00A03\u00A0=\u00A096. 96\u00A0x\u00A010\u00A0=\u00A0960.</t>", "<n>Incorrect.</n><t>To multiply a number by 30, you can multiply by 3 first and then multiply the answer by 10. 32\u00A0x\u00A03\u00A0=\u00A096. 96\u00A0x\u00A010\u00A0=\u00A0960.</t>", "<y>Correct.</y><t>Excellent! Did you work it out by multiplying by 3 first and then by 10? 32\u00A0x\u00A03\u00A0=\u00A096. 96\u00A0x\u00A010\u00A0=\u00A0960.</t>"]], ["A box holds 22 apples. How many apples are there in 20 boxes?", 0, ["440", "420", "400"], ["<y>Correct.</y><t>Good work! Did you work it out by multiplying by 2 first and then by 10? 22\u00A0x\u00A02\u00A0=\u00A044. 44\u00A0x\u00A010\u00A0=\u00A0440.</t>", "<n>Incorrect.</n><t>To multiply a number by 20, you can multiply by 2 first and then multiply the answer by 10. 22\u00A0x\u00A02\u00A0=\u00A044. 44\u00A0x\u00A010\u00A0=\u00A0440.</t>", "<n>Incorrect.</n><t>To multiply a number by 20, you can multiply by 2 first and then multiply the answer by 10. 22\u00A0x\u00A02\u00A0=\u00A044. 44\u00A0x\u00A010\u00A0=\u00A0440.</t>"]], ["Work out the answer. 490\u00A0÷\u00A07\u00A0=\u00A0?", 2, ["7", "60", "70"], ["<n>Incorrect.</n><t>You could work it out in this way. As 7\u00A0x\u00A07\u00A0=\u00A049, 7\u00A0x\u00A070\u00A0=\u00A0490. So 490\u00A0÷\u00A07\u00A0=\u00A070.</t>", "<n>Incorrect.</n><t>You could work it out in this way. As 7\u00A0x\u00A07\u00A0=\u00A049, 7\u00A0x\u00A070\u00A0=\u00A0490. So 490\u00A0÷\u00A07\u00A0=\u00A070.</t>", "<y>Correct.</y><t>Well done. Did you spot that as 7\u00A0x\u00A07\u00A0=\u00A049, 7\u00A0x\u00A070\u00A0=\u00A0490? So 490\u00A0÷\u00A07\u00A0=\u00A070.</t>"]], ["For a school show, 660 chairs are arranged equally in 30 rows.<br>How many chairs are in each row?", 2, ["220", "33", "22"], ["<n>Incorrect.</n><t>To divide a number by 30, you can divide by 10 first and then divide the answer by 3. 660\u00A0÷\u00A010\u00A0=\u00A066. 66\u00A0÷\u00A03\u00A0=\u00A022.</t>", "<n>Incorrect.</n><t>To divide a number by 30, you can divide by 10 first and then divide the answer by 3. 660\u00A0÷\u00A010\u00A0=\u00A066. 66\u00A0÷\u00A03\u00A0=\u00A022.</t>", "<y>Correct.</y><t>Did you work it out by dividing by 10 first and then by 3? 660\u00A0÷\u00A010\u00A0=\u00A066. 66\u00A0÷\u00A03\u00A0=\u00A022.</t>"]], ["A function machine changes 49 to 98 and changes 26 to 52.<br>What function is the machine carrying out on each number?", 2, ["Adding 49", "Adding 26", "Doubling the number"], ["<n>Incorrect.</n><t>A machine that adds 49 to each number would change 26 to 75, not to 52.</t>", "<n>Incorrect.</n><t>A machine that adds 26 to each number would change 49 to 75, not to 98.</t>", "<y>Correct.</y><t>That's right! Double 49 is 98 and double 26 is 52.</t>"]], ["What number fills the gap? 35\u00A0x\u00A0?\u00A0=\u00A0105", 0, ["3", "4", "5"], ["<y>Correct.</y><t>Perfect! 35\u00A0x\u00A03\u00A0=\u00A0105.</t>", "<n>Incorrect.</n><t>The answer is 3 as 35\u00A0x\u00A03\u00A0=\u00A0105.</t>", "<n>Incorrect.</n><t>The answer is 3 as 35\u00A0x\u00A03\u00A0=\u00A0105.</t>"]], ["What number multiplied by 9 equals 72?", 1, ["7", "8", "9"], ["<n>Incorrect.</n><t>Use your knowledge of the 9 times table to remember that 9\u00A0x\u00A08\u00A0=\u00A072.</t>", "<y>Correct.</y><t>You used your knowledge of the 9 times table to remember that 9\u00A0x\u00A08\u00A0=\u00A072.</t>", "<n>Incorrect.</n><t>Use your knowledge of the 9 times table to remember that 9\u00A0x\u00A08\u00A0=\u00A072.</t>"]], ["Which of these gives the smallest answer?", 2, ["5\u00A0x\u00A08", "7\u00A0x\u00A06", "9\u00A0x\u00A04"], ["<n>Incorrect.</n><t>5\u00A0x\u00A08\u00A0=\u00A040. 9\u00A0x\u00A04\u00A0=\u00A036. 7\u00A0x\u00A06\u00A0=\u00A042. So 9\u00A0x\u00A04 gives the smallest answer.</t>", "<n>Incorrect.</n><t>5\u00A0x\u00A08\u00A0=\u00A040. 9\u00A0x\u00A04\u00A0=\u00A036. 7\u00A0x\u00A06\u00A0=\u00A042. So 9\u00A0x\u00A04 gives the smallest answer.</t>", "<y>Correct.</y><t>You worked out that 9\u00A0x\u00A04\u00A0=\u00A036, which is smaller than both 5\u00A0x\u00A08 and 7\u00A0x\u00A06.</t>"]], ["If one apple costs 17p, how much do 4 apples cost?", 2, ["28p", "34p", "68p"], ["<n>Incorrect.</n><t>You need to work out 17\u00A0x\u00A04. Because 4\u00A0=\u00A02\u00A0x\u00A02, you could multiply by 2 twice. 17\u00A0x\u00A02\u00A0=\u00A034. 34\u00A0x\u00A02\u00A0=\u00A068.</t>", "<n>Incorrect.</n><t>You need to work out 17\u00A0x\u00A04. Because 4\u00A0=\u00A02\u00A0x\u00A02, you could multiply by 2 twice. 17\u00A0x\u00A02\u00A0=\u00A034. 34\u00A0x\u00A02\u00A0=\u00A068.</t>", "<y>Correct.</y><t>Did you work it out by multiplying 17 by 2 twice? 17\u00A0x\u00A02\u00A0=\u00A034. 34\u00A0x\u00A02\u00A0=\u00A068.</t>"]], ["What is the answer to 99\u00A0x\u00A05?", 0, ["495", "500", "505"], ["<y>Correct.</y><t>Did you see that multiplying 99 by 5 is the same as multiplying 100 by 5 but then subtracting 5?</t>", "<n>Incorrect.</n><t>Multiplying 99 by 5 is the same as multiplying 100 by 5 but then subtracting 5. 500\u00A0-\u00A05\u00A0=\u00A0495.</t>", "<n>Incorrect.</n><t>Multiplying 99 by 5 is the same as multiplying 100 by 5 but then subtracting 5. 500\u00A0-\u00A05\u00A0=\u00A0495.</t>"]], ["For a school show, 7 rows of chairs are set up. Each row has 21 chairs. How many chairs are there altogether?", 2, ["140", "142", "147"], ["<n>Incorrect.</n><t>You need to work out 7\u00A0x\u00A021. This is the same as (7\u00A0x\u00A020)\u00A0+\u00A0(7\u00A0x\u00A01). 140\u00A0+\u00A07\u00A0=\u00A0147.</t>", "<n>Incorrect.</n><t>You need to work out 7\u00A0x\u00A021. This is the same as (7\u00A0x\u00A020)\u00A0+\u00A0(7\u00A0x\u00A01). 140\u00A0+\u00A07\u00A0=\u00A0147.</t>", "<y>Correct.</y><t>Did you work it out this way? (7\u00A0x\u00A020)\u00A0+\u00A0(7\u00A0x\u00A01)\u00A0=\u00A0140\u00A0+\u00A07\u00A0=\u00A0147</t>"]], ["What is 0.6 multiplied by 2000?", 1, ["120", "1200", "6000"], ["<n>Incorrect.</n><t>To multiply by 2000, multiply by 2 first and then by 1000. 0.6\u00A0x\u00A02\u00A0=\u00A01.2. 1.2\u00A0x\u00A01000\u00A0=\u00A01200.</t>", "<y>Correct.</y><t>Did you work it out by multiplying by 2 first and then by 1000? 0.6\u00A0x\u00A02\u00A0=\u00A01.2. 1.2\u00A0x\u00A01000\u00A0=\u00A01200.</t>", "<n>Incorrect.</n><t>To multiply by 2000, multiply by 2 first and then by 1000. 0.6\u00A0x\u00A02\u00A0=\u00A01.2. 1.2\u00A0x\u00A01000\u00A0=\u00A01200.</t>"]], ["Tia used 7 boxes of eggs to make cakes for the school fair. Each box holds 6 eggs. How many eggs has she used?", 0, ["42", "40", "36"], ["<y>Correct.</y><t>Well done! You used your knowledge of the 7 times table to remember that 7\u00A0x\u00A06\u00A0=\u00A042.</t>", "<n>Incorrect.</n><t>You need to work out 7\u00A0x\u00A06. Use your knowledge of the 7 times table to remember that 7\u00A0x\u00A06\u00A0=\u00A042.</t>", "<n>Incorrect.</n><t>You need to work out 7\u00A0x\u00A06. Use your knowledge of the 7 times table to remember that 7\u00A0x\u00A06\u00A0=\u00A042.</t>"]], ["Jess multiplied a number by itself and got 64.<br>What was the number?", 1, ["7", "8", "9"], ["<n>Incorrect.</n><t>7\u00A0x\u00A07\u00A0=\u00A049. 49 is lower than 64, so try starting with a higher number. 8\u00A0x\u00A08\u00A0=\u00A064.</t>", "<y>Correct.</y><t>8\u00A0x\u00A08\u00A0=\u00A064. So the number Jess was thinking of must have been 8.</t>", "<n>Incorrect.</n><t>9\u00A0x\u00A09\u00A0=\u00A081. 81 is higher than 64, so try starting with a lower number. 8\u00A0x\u00A08\u00A0=\u00A064.</t>"]], ["Which gives the biggest answer: 3\u00A0x\u00A0238\u00A0x\u00A0175 or 238\u00A0x\u00A03\u00A0x\u00A0175?", 2, ["3\u00A0x\u00A0238\u00A0x\u00A0175", "238\u00A0x\u00A03\u00A0x\u00A0175", "They both give the same answer"], ["<n>Incorrect.</n><t>Remember that the order in which you multiply numbers doesn't matter.</t>", "<n>Incorrect.</n><t>Remember that the order in which you multiply numbers doesn't matter.</t>", "<y>Correct.</y><t>You remembered that the order in which you multiply numbers doesn't matter.</t>"]], ["If 64\u00A0x\u00A025 is 1600, what is 32\u00A0x\u00A025?", 2, ["3200", "900", "800"], ["<n>Incorrect.</n><t>As 32 is half of 64, the answer will be half of 1600, or 800.</t>", "<n>Incorrect.</n><t>As 32 is half of 64, the answer will be half of 1600, or 800.</t>", "<y>Correct.</y><t>You worked out that as 32 is half of 64, the answer is half of 1600. Good maths skills!</t>"]], ["Is 302,689 an odd or an even number?", 0, ["Odd", "Even", "Neither"], ["<y>Correct.</y><t>You remembered that odd numbers always end with a 1, 3, 5, 7, or 9. Any number that ends with a 9 is an odd number.</t>", "<n>Incorrect.</n><t>Even numbers always end with a 0, 2, 4, 6, 8. Any number that ends with a 9 is an odd number.</t>", "<n>Incorrect.</n><t>Every number is either an odd or an even number. Any number that ends with a 9 is an odd number.</t>"]], ["Which of these numbers is NOT a multiple of 5?", 1, ["3775", "4291", "3830"], ["<n>Incorrect.</n><t>That IS a multiple of 5. You can tell because it ends with a 5. All multiples of 5 end with a 5 or a 0.</t>", "<y>Correct.</y><t>You worked out that 4291 is NOT a multiple of 5 because it doesn't end with a 5 or a 0. Well done!</t>", "<n>Incorrect.</n><t>That IS a multiple of 5. You can tell because it ends with a 0. All multiples of 5 end with a 5 or a 0.</t>"]], ["Which number has both the factors 4 and 6?", 0, ["12", "18", "20"], ["<y>Correct.</y><t>Both 4 and 6 can divide exactly into 12, so they are both factors of 12.</t>", "<n>Incorrect.</n><t>Although 6 is a factor of 18, 4 is NOT a factor of 18. 4 cannot divide exactly into 18.</t>", "<n>Incorrect.</n><t>Although 4 is a factor of 20, 6 is NOT a factor of 20. 6 cannot divide exactly into 20.</t>"]], ["Which of these is NOT a prime number?", 2, ["13", "17", "21"], ["<n>Incorrect.</n><t>13 IS a prime number because it can only be divided exactly by 1 and 13.</t>", "<n>Incorrect.</n><t>17 IS a prime number because it can only be divided exactly by 1 and 17.</t>", "<y>Correct.</y><t>You worked out that 21 is NOT a prime number. It can be divided by 3 and 7 as well as 1 and 21.</t>"]], ["How many square numbers are there below 30?", 1, ["4", "5", "6"], ["<n>Incorrect.</n><t>There are 5 square numbers below 30: 1 (1 squared), 4 (2 squared), 9 (3 squared), 16 (4 squared) and 25 (5 squared).</t>", "<y>Correct.</y><t>The 5 square numbers below 30 are 1 (1 squared), 4 (2 squared), 9 (3 squared), 16 (4 squared) and 25 (5 squared).</t>", "<n>Incorrect.</n><t>There are 5 square numbers below 30: 1 (1 squared), 4 (2 squared), 9 (3 squared), 16 (4 squared) and 25 (5 squared).</t>"]], ["What is the square root of 64?", 0, ["8", "9", "10"], ["<y>Correct.</y><t>8 multiplied by itself makes 64 and so 8 is the square root of 64.</t>", "<n>Incorrect.</n><t>Think of what number multiplied by itself makes 64. 9 multiplied by itself makes 81, not 64.</t>", "<n>Incorrect.</n><t>Think of what number multiplied by itself makes 64. 10 multiplied by itself makes 100, not 64.</t>"]], ["What is the next number in the sequence? 12, 16, 21, 27 ...", 2, ["31", "33", "34"], ["<n>Incorrect.</n><t>The rule is to add one more each time (add 4, add 5, add 6). So you must add 7 to get the next number. 27\u00A0+\u00A07\u00A0=\u00A034.</t>", "<n>Incorrect.</n><t>The rule is to add one more each time (add 4, add 5, add 6). So you must add 7 to get the next number. 27\u00A0+\u00A07\u00A0=\u00A034.</t>", "<y>Correct.</y><t>The rule is to add one more each time (add 4, add 5, add 6). So you added 7 to get the next number. 27\u00A0+\u00A07\u00A0=\u00A034. Good work!</t>"]], ["What is the next number in the sequence? 47, 38, 29, 20 ...?", 0, ["11", "12", "13"], ["<y>Correct.</y><t>You worked out the rule is to subtract 9. So you subtracted 9 to get the next number. 20\u00A0-\u00A09\u00A0=\u00A011. Well done!</t>", "<n>Incorrect.</n><t>The rule is to subtract 9. So you must subtract 9 to get the next number. 20\u00A0-\u00A09\u00A0=\u00A011.</t>", "<n>Incorrect.</n><t>The rule is to subtract 9. So you must subtract 9 to get the next number. 20\u00A0-\u00A09\u00A0=\u00A011.</t>"]], ["What is the rule for this sequence? 12, 6, 3, 1.5", 0, ["halve the previous number", "subtract 6 from the previous number", "subtract 3 from the previous number"], ["<y>Correct.</y><t>Yes the rule was to halve a number to get the next number in the sequence. Well worked out.</t>", "<n>Incorrect.</n><t>That might work to get from the 1st to the 2nd number, but it doesn't work for the rest. The rule is to halve the number.</t>", "<n>Incorrect.</n><t>That might work to get from the 2nd to the 3rd numbers, but it doesn't work for the rest. The rule is to halve the number.</t>"]], ["To make the next number in her sequence, Jo doubles a number and adds two. She has written 2, 6, 14. What is the next number she will write?", 2, ["28", "29", "30"], ["<n>Incorrect.</n><t>To work out the next number, you need to use Jo's rule on the number 14. Double 14 makes 28. Then add 2 to make 30.</t>", "<n>Incorrect.</n><t>To work out the next number, you need to use Jo's rule on the number 14. Double 14 makes 28. Then add 2 to make 30.</t>", "<y>Correct.</y><t>You used Jo's rule perfectly! You doubled 14 to make 28. Then you added 2 to make 30.</t>"]], ["In a block of 100 flats, 35 flats have a blue front door. What percentage of the flats have a blue front door?", 1, ["3.5%", "35%", "70%"], ["<n>Incorrect.</n><t>35 out of 100 is equal to 35%, not 3.5%.</t>", "<y>Correct.</y><t>Yes, 35 out of 100 is equal to 35%.</t>", "<n>Incorrect.</n><t>35 out of 100 is equal to 35%, not 70%.</t>"]], ["What is 40% as a fraction?", 0, ["two fifths", "one fifth", "one half"], ["<y>Correct.</y><t>40% is the same as 40 over 100. 40 over 100 can be simplified to two fifths. Well worked out!</t>", "<n>Incorrect.</n><t>40% is the same as 40 over 100. 40 over 100 can be simplified to two fifths.</t>", "<n>Incorrect.</n><t>40% is the same as 40 over 100. 40 over 100 can be simplified to two fifths.</t>"]], ["What is one quarter as a percentage?", 0, ["25%", "20%", "4%"], ["<y>Correct.</y><t>One quarter is the same as 0.25, which is the same as 25%.</t>", "<n>Incorrect.</n><t>20% is equal to one fifth, not one quarter. One quarter is the same as 25%.</t>", "<n>Incorrect.</n><t>One quarter is the same as 0.25, which is the same as 25%.</t>"]], ["Joe got 15 out of 25 in a maths test. Emma got 65%.<br>Who got the better result?", 1, ["Joe", "Emma", "They both got the same result"], ["<n>Incorrect.</n><t>15 out of 25 is the same as 60%. So Joe got 60% and Emma got 65%. So Emma got the better result.</t>", "<y>Correct.</y><t>Yes, 15 out of 25 is the same as 60%. So Joe got 60% and Emma got 65%.</t>", "<n>Incorrect.</n><t>15 out of 25 is the same as 60%. So Joe got 60% and Emma got 65%. So Emma got the better result.</t>"]], ["75% of the children in a football team are boys.<br>What percentage are girls?", 2, ["75%", "50%", "25%"], ["<n>Incorrect.</n><t>Think of the whole football team as 100%. If 75% are boys, then 25% must be girls. 100%\u00A0-\u00A075%\u00A0=\u00A025%.</t>", "<n>Incorrect.</n><t>Think of the whole football team as 100%. If 75% are boys, then 25% must be girls. 100%\u00A0-\u00A075%\u00A0=\u00A025%.</t>", "<y>Correct.</y><t>You worked out that if 75% are boys, then 25% must be girls. 100%\u00A0-\u00A075%\u00A0=\u00A025%. Well done!</t>"]], ["What is 88% as a decimal?", 2, ["88", "8.8", "0.88"], ["<n>Incorrect.</n><t>Remember, to change a percentage to a decimal, just divide by 100.</t>", "<n>Incorrect.</n><t>Remember, to change a percentage to a decimal, just divide by 100.</t>", "<y>Correct.</y><t>You remembered that to change a percentage to a decimal, you just divide by 100.</t>"]], ["What is 1% of 500?", 1, ["1", "5", "50"], ["<n>Incorrect.</n><t>To find 1% of anything, just divide by 100. 500\u00A0÷\u00A0100\u00A0=\u00A05</t>", "<y>Correct.</y><t>You remembered that to find 1% of anything, you can just divide by 100. 500\u00A0÷\u00A0100\u00A0=\u00A05. Good work!</t>", "<n>Incorrect.</n><t>To find 1% of anything, just divide by 100. 500\u00A0÷\u00A0100\u00A0=\u00A05</t>"]], ["What is 50% of <font face='Arial'>£</font>80?", 0, ["<font face='Arial'>£</font>40", "<font face='Arial'>£</font>50", "<font face='Arial'>£</font>80"], ["<y>Correct.</y><t>You worked out that 50% is the same as a half. One half of <font face='Arial'>£</font>80 is <font face='Arial'>£</font>40.</t>", "<n>Incorrect.</n><t>50% is the same as a half. One half of <font face='Arial'>£</font>80 is <font face='Arial'>£</font>40.</t>", "<n>Incorrect.</n><t>50% is the same as a half. One half of <font face='Arial'>£</font>80 is <font face='Arial'>£</font>40.</t>"]], ["A 150 gram chocolate bar says it contains 20% cocoa.<br>What is the weight of the cocoa in grams?", 0, ["30 grams", "40 grams", "50 grams"], ["<y>Correct.</y><t>You worked out that 20% is the same as one fifth. One fifth of 150 grams is 30 grams.</t>", "<n>Incorrect.</n><t>20% is the same as one fifth. One fifth of 150 grams is 30 grams.</t>", "<n>Incorrect.</n><t>20% is the same as one fifth. One fifth of 150 grams is 30 grams.</t>"]], ["In a survey, 15 out of 50 children had a pet cat.<br>What percentage is this?", 2, ["7.5%", "15%", "30%"], ["<n>Incorrect.</n><t>15 out of 50 is the same as 30 out of 100 or 30%.</t>", "<n>Incorrect.</n><t>15 out of 50 is the same as 30 out of 100 or 30%.</t>", "<y>Correct.</y><t>You worked out that 15 out of 50 is the same as 30 out of 100 or 30%.</t>"]], ["A box of chocolates costs <font face='Arial'>£</font>3.65. Alicia buys two boxes and pays with a <font face='Arial'>£</font>10 note. How much change does she get?", 2, ["<font face='Arial'>£</font>7.30", "<font face='Arial'>£</font>3.65", "<font face='Arial'>£</font>2.70"], ["<n>Incorrect.</n><t>Two times <font face='Arial'>£</font>3.65 equals <font face='Arial'>£</font>7.30. But then you must take away <font face='Arial'>£</font>7.30 from <font face='Arial'>£</font>10. <font face='Arial'>£</font>10.00\u00A0-\u00A0<font face='Arial'>£</font>7.30\u00A0=\u00A0<font face='Arial'>£</font>2.70.</t>", "<n>Incorrect.</n><t>Two times <font face='Arial'>£</font>3.65 equals <font face='Arial'>£</font>7.30. You must then take away <font face='Arial'>£</font>7.30 from <font face='Arial'>£</font>10. <font face='Arial'>£</font>10.00\u00A0-\u00A0<font face='Arial'>£</font>7.30\u00A0=\u00A0<font face='Arial'>£</font>2.70.</t>", "<y>Correct.</y><t>You worked out that two times <font face='Arial'>£</font>3.65 equals <font face='Arial'>£</font>7.30. You then took away <font face='Arial'>£</font>7.30 from <font face='Arial'>£</font>10 to leave <font face='Arial'>£</font>2.70. Good work!</t>"]], ["A seven night holiday in a hotel costs <font face='Arial'>£</font>350.<br>How much does it cost per night?", 2, ["<font face='Arial'>£</font>35", "<font face='Arial'>£</font>40", "<font face='Arial'>£</font>50"], ["<n>Incorrect.</n><t>This problem can be worked out by dividing <font face='Arial'>£</font>350 by 7. <font face='Arial'>£</font>350\u00A0÷\u00A07\u00A0=\u00A0<font face='Arial'>£</font>50.</t>", "<n>Incorrect.</n><t>This problem can be worked out by dividing <font face='Arial'>£</font>350 by 7. <font face='Arial'>£</font>350\u00A0÷\u00A07\u00A0=\u00A0<font face='Arial'>£</font>50.</t>", "<y>Correct.</y><t>You worked it out by dividing <font face='Arial'>£</font>350 by 7. <font face='Arial'>£</font>350\u00A0÷\u00A07\u00A0=\u00A0<font face='Arial'>£</font>50.</t>"]], ["A bus ticket costs 30p.<br>What is the total cost for a class of 30 children to travel by bus?", 1, ["90p", "<font face='Arial'>£</font>9", "<font face='Arial'>£</font>900"], ["<n>Incorrect.</n><t>This problem can be worked out by multiplying 30p by 30. 30\u00A0x\u00A030\u00A0=\u00A0900p or <font face='Arial'>£</font>9.</t>", "<y>Correct.</y><t>You worked it out by multiplying 30p by 30. 30\u00A0x\u00A030\u00A0=\u00A0900p or <font face='Arial'>£</font>9.</t>", "<n>Incorrect.</n><t>This problem can be worked out by multiplying 30p by 30. 30\u00A0x\u00A030\u00A0=\u00A0900p or <font face='Arial'>£</font>9.</t>"]], ["A family pack of raisins contains 25 boxes of raisins.<br>If each box weighs 20 g, what is the total weight of the pack?", 0, ["0.5 kg", "500 kg", "50 g"], ["<y>Correct.</y><t>You worked it out by multiplying 20 g by 25. 20\u00A0x\u00A025\u00A0=\u00A0500 g or 0.5 kg.</t>", "<n>Incorrect.</n><t>This problem can be worked out by multiplying 20 g by 25. 20\u00A0x\u00A025\u00A0=\u00A0500 g or 0.5 kg.</t>", "<n>Incorrect.</n><t>This problem can be worked out by multiplying 20 g by 25. 20\u00A0x\u00A025\u00A0=\u00A0500 g or 0.5 kg.</t>"]], ["A first class stamp costs 31p. A second class stamp costs 26p.<br>Which set of stamps would you put on a parcel that costs <font face='Arial'>£</font>1.19 to post?", 2, ["2 first class stamps and 2 second class stamps", "3 second class stamps and 1 first class stamp", "3 first class stamps and 1 second class stamp"], ["<n>Incorrect.</n><t>2 first class stamps and 2 second class stamps would total 31\u00A0+\u00A031\u00A0+\u00A026\u00A0+\u00A026\u00A0=\u00A0114 p or <font face='Arial'>£</font>1.14. That's not enough postage!</t>", "<n>Incorrect.</n><t>3 second class stamps and 1 first class stamp would total 26\u00A0+\u00A026\u00A0+\u00A026\u00A0+\u00A031\u00A0=\u00A0109 p or <font face='Arial'>£</font>1.09. That's not enough postage!</t>", "<y>Correct.</y><t>3 first class stamps and 1 second class stamp would total 31\u00A0+\u00A031\u00A0+\u00A031\u00A0+\u00A026\u00A0=\u00A0119 p or <font face='Arial'>£</font>1.19. Perfect postage!</t>"]], ["To make a fruit cocktail, Audrey mixes 550 ml of orange juice,<br>350 ml of cranberry juice and 400 ml of apple juice.<br>How much cocktail does she make?", 1, ["1.3 millilitres", "1.3 litres", "1100 millilitres"], ["<n>Incorrect.</n><t>The total volume of fruit cocktail is 550\u00A0+\u00A0350\u00A0+\u00A0400\u00A0=\u00A01300 millilitres or 1.3 litres.</t>", "<y>Correct.</y><t>Yes, the total volume of fruit cocktail is 550\u00A0+\u00A0350\u00A0+\u00A0400\u00A0=\u00A01300 millilitres or 1.3 litres.</t>", "<n>Incorrect.</n><t>The total volume of fruit cocktail is 550\u00A0+\u00A0350\u00A0+\u00A0400\u00A0=\u00A01300 millilitres or 1.3 litres.</t>"]], ["You can buy a pack of four apples for <font face='Arial'>£</font>1.36 or individual apples for 35p. Is it cheaper to buy a pack of four apples or four individual apples?", 0, ["Pack of four apples", "Four individual apples", "They would both cost the same"], ["<y>Correct.</y><t>Yes, four individual apples would cost 4\u00A0x\u00A035p\u00A0=\u00A0<font face='Arial'>£</font>1.40. So it's cheaper to buy a pack of four apples for <font face='Arial'>£</font>1.36.</t>", "<n>Incorrect.</n><t>Four individual apples would cost 4\u00A0x\u00A035p\u00A0=\u00A0<font face='Arial'>£</font>1.40. So it's cheaper to buy a pack of four apples for <font face='Arial'>£</font>1.36.</t>", "<n>Incorrect.</n><t>Four individual apples would cost 4\u00A0x\u00A035p\u00A0=\u00A0<font face='Arial'>£</font>1.40. So it's cheaper to buy a pack of four apples for <font face='Arial'>£</font>1.36.</t>"]], ["A coach takes 2 hours 50 minutes to travel from Leeds to London.<br>If it leaves Leeds at 11:30, what time does it arrive in London?", 1, ["02:20", "14:20", "13:80"], ["<n>Incorrect.</n><t>It arrives at 2.20 in the afternoon, which is written as 14:20, not 02:20.</t>", "<y>Correct.</y><t>Yes, it arrives at 2.20 in the afternoon, which is written as 14:20.</t>", "<n>Incorrect.</n><t>There are only 60 minutes in an hour, so a time of 13:80 (13 hours and 80 minutes) doesn't make sense!</t>"]], ["Mina can run one lap of the running track in 3 minutes, 30 seconds. How many complete laps can she complete in 10 minutes?", 1, ["1 lap", "2 laps", "3 laps"], ["<n>Incorrect.</n><t>Mina can run more than 1 lap in 10 minutes.</t>", "<y>Correct.</y><t>Yes, 2 laps will take Mina 7 minutes, but 3 laps would take her 10 minutes 30 seconds.</t>", "<n>Incorrect.</n><t>Running 3 laps will take Mina 10 minutes 30 seconds. She will only be able to run 2 complete laps in 10 minutes.</t>"]], ["The instructions on a chicken say cook for 25 minutes per kg, plus an extra 15 minutes. How long should you cook a 3 kg chicken for?", 0, ["1.5 hours", "1 hour 15 minutes", "9 hours"], ["<y>Correct.</y><t>You worked out that 25\u00A0x\u00A03\u00A0=\u00A075. 75\u00A0+\u00A015\u00A0=\u00A090. 90 minutes is equal to one and a half hours or 1.5 hours. Good work!</t>", "<n>Incorrect.</n><t>You need to multiply 25 by 3 and then add 15. 25\u00A0x\u00A03\u00A0=\u00A075. 75\u00A0+\u00A015\u00A0=\u00A090. 90 minutes is equal to one and a half hours or 1.5 hours.</t>", "<n>Incorrect.</n><t>You need to multiply 25 by 3 and then add 15. 25\u00A0x\u00A03\u00A0=\u00A075. 75\u00A0+\u00A015\u00A0=\u00A090. 90 minutes is equal to one and a half hours or 1.5 hours.</t>"]], ["Which of these pairs of numbers has a difference of 21?", 2, ["83 and 66", "52 and 71", "94 and 73"], ["<n>Incorrect.</n><t>83 and 66 have a difference of 17, not 21.</t>", "<n>Incorrect.</n><t>52 and 71 have a difference of 19, not 21.</t>", "<y>Correct.</y><t>Yes, 94 and 73 have a difference of 21 exactly!</t>"]], ["A games console is <font face='Arial'>£</font>395. In a sale, it is reduced by <font face='Arial'>£</font>150.<br>What is its sale price?", 0, ["<font face='Arial'>£</font>245", "<font face='Arial'>£</font>295", "<font face='Arial'>£</font>145"], ["<y>Correct.</y><t>You worked out that <font face='Arial'>£</font>395 minus <font face='Arial'>£</font>150 equals <font face='Arial'>£</font>245. Well done!</t>", "<n>Incorrect.</n><t>You need to subtract <font face='Arial'>£</font>150 from <font face='Arial'>£</font>395. 395\u00A0-\u00A0150\u00A0=\u00A0<font face='Arial'>£</font>245.</t>", "<n>Incorrect.</n><t>You need to subtract <font face='Arial'>£</font>150 from <font face='Arial'>£</font>395. 395\u00A0-\u00A0150\u00A0=\u00A0<font face='Arial'>£</font>245.</t>"]], ["What is the missing number? 92\u00A0-\u00A0?\u00A0=\u00A057", 0, ["35", "36", "37"], ["<y>Correct.</y><t>Did you work it out by finding what needs to be added to 57 to make 92? 57\u00A0+\u00A035\u00A0=\u00A092. So the answer is 35. Good work!</t>", "<n>Incorrect.</n><t>Find out what needs to be added to 57 to make 92. 57\u00A0+\u00A035\u00A0=\u00A092. So the answer is 35.</t>", "<n>Incorrect.</n><t>Find out what needs to be added to 57 to make 92. 57\u00A0+\u00A035\u00A0=\u00A092. So the answer is 35.</t>"]], ["What do you get if you decrease 486 by 200?", 2, ["686", "486", "286"], ["<n>Incorrect.</n><t>The word decrease means it is a subtraction problem. 486\u00A0-\u00A0200\u00A0=\u00A0286.</t>", "<n>Incorrect.</n><t>The word decrease means it is a subtraction problem. 486\u00A0-\u00A0200\u00A0=\u00A0286.</t>", "<y>Correct.</y><t>Yes, the word decrease means it is a subtraction problem. 486\u00A0-\u00A0200\u00A0=\u00A0286.</t>"]], ["Lily is 91. Her great grandaughter Emma is 79 years younger.<br>How old is Emma?", 1, ["11 years old", "12 years old", "13 years old"], ["<n>Incorrect.</n><t>You can work it out by finding the difference between 79 and 91. There is a difference of 12.</t>", "<y>Correct.</y><t>Yes, you worked it out by finding the difference between 79 and 91. There is a difference of 12.</t>", "<n>Incorrect.</n><t>You can work it out by finding the difference between 79 and 91. There is a difference of 12.</t>"]], ["What must be taken away from 519 to make 400?", 1, ["19", "119", "129"], ["<n>Incorrect.</n><t>You could look at this another way. What must be added to 400 to make 519? 400\u00A0+\u00A0119\u00A0=\u00A0519. So the answer is 119.</t>", "<y>Correct.</y><t>Did you work it out by finding what must be added to 400 to make 519? 400\u00A0+\u00A0119\u00A0=\u00A0519. So the answer is 119.</t>", "<n>Incorrect.</n><t>You could look at this another way. What must be added to 400 to make 519? 400\u00A0+\u00A0119\u00A0=\u00A0519. So the answer is 119.</t>"]], ["What decimal can you take away from 3.7<br>to give the answer 3.2?", 1, ["0.2", "0.5", "0.7"], ["<n>Incorrect.</n><t>3.7 take away 0.2 would equal 3.5, not 3.2.</t>", "<y>Correct.</y><t>Yes, 3.7 take away 0.5 equals 3.2. Good work!</t>", "<n>Incorrect.</n><t>3.7 take away 0.7 would equal 3.0, not 3.2.</t>"]], ["What can you take away from 7.24 to make 6.99?", 2, ["1.01", "0.2", "0.25"], ["<n>Incorrect.</n><t>You need to find the difference between 7.24 and 6.99. The difference is 0.25.</t>", "<n>Incorrect.</n><t>You need to find the difference between 7.24 and 6.99. The difference is 0.25.</t>", "<y>Correct.</y><t>You worked out the difference between 7.24 and 6.99 is 0.25. Good work!</t>"]], ["Which of these gives the smallest answer?", 1, ["49\u00A0-\u00A025", "62\u00A0-\u00A041", "83\u00A0-\u00A061"], ["<n>Incorrect.</n><t>49\u00A0-\u00A025\u00A0=\u00A024. This is not the smallest of the three answers.</t>", "<y>Correct.</y><t>62\u00A0-\u00A041\u00A0=\u00A021. This is the smallest of the three answers.</t>", "<n>Incorrect.</n><t>83\u00A0-\u00A061\u00A0=\u00A022. This is not the smallest of the three answers.</t>"]], ["Joseph has 195 coins. Edward has 65 fewer.<br>How many coins does Edward have?", 0, ["130", "150", "165"], ["<y>Correct.</y><t>Yes, the word fewer means it is a subtraction problem. 195\u00A0-\u00A065\u00A0=\u00A0130.</t>", "<n>Incorrect.</n><t>The word fewer means it is a subtraction problem. 195\u00A0-\u00A065\u00A0=\u00A0130.</t>", "<n>Incorrect.</n><t>The word fewer means it is a subtraction problem. 195\u00A0-\u00A065\u00A0=\u00A0130.</t>"]], ["Which number is the same as<br>thirty-five thousand, six hundred and eighty?", 1, ["3568", "35680", "35608"], ["<n>Incorrect.</n><t>3568 is three thousand, five hundred and sixty-eight.</t>", "<y>Correct.</y><t>Yes, 3 is in the ten thousands place, 5 is in the thousands place, 6 is in the hundreds place and 8 is in the tens place.</t>", "<n>Incorrect.</n><t>35608 is thirty-five thousand, six hundred and eight.</t>"]], ["Which number is the same as five thousand and four?", 0, ["5004", "504", "5040"], ["<y>Correct.</y><t>Yes, 5 is in the thousands place and 4 is in the units place.</t>", "<n>Incorrect.</n><t>504 is five hundred and four.</t>", "<n>Incorrect.</n><t>5040 is five thousand and forty.</t>"]], ["What is the value of the 4 in the number 62421?", 2, ["4 thousands", "4 units", "4 hundreds"], ["<n>Incorrect.</n><t>The 4 is in the 3rd place from the right, the hundreds place. So it has a value of 4 hundreds.</t>", "<n>Incorrect.</n><t>The 4 is in the 3rd place from the right, the hundreds place. So it has a value of 4 hundreds.</t>", "<y>Correct.</y><t>Yes, the 4 is in the 3rd place from the right, the hundreds place. So it has a value of 4 hundreds.</t>"]], ["What is 77.64 multiplied by 10?", 2, ["7.764", "7764", "776.4"], ["<n>Incorrect.</n><t>When you multiply by 10, you move all the digits one place to the left.</t>", "<n>Incorrect.</n><t>When you multiply by 10, you move all the digits one place to the left.</t>", "<y>Correct.</y><t>Yes, when you multiply by 10, you move all the digits one place to the left.</t>"]], ["What is 3082 divided by 1000?", 0, ["3.082", "0.3082", "3.82"], ["<y>Correct.</y><t>Yes, when you divide by 1000, you move all the digits 3 places to the right.</t>", "<n>Incorrect.</n><t>When you divide by 1000, you move all the digits 3 places to the right.</t>", "<n>Incorrect.</n><t>When you divide by 1000, you move all the digits 3 places to the right.</t>"]], ["Which set of numbers are in order, from lowest to highest?", 1, ["1.073, 0.731, 1.703, 1.307", "0.731, 1.073, 1.307, 1.703", "1.307, 1.703, 0.731, 1.073"], ["<n>Incorrect.</n><t>They are not in the right order. 0.731 is the lowest number so it should come first.</t>", "<y>Correct.</y><t>Good work! 0.731 is the lowest number, 1.073 is the next highest, 1.307 is the next highest and 1.703 is the highest.</t>", "<n>Incorrect.</n><t>They are not in the right order. 0.731 is the lowest number so it should come first.</t>"]], ["Which set of numbers are in order, from lowest to highest?", 0, ["2743, 20743, 27034, 27043", "27034, 2743, 20743, 27043", "27043, 27034, 2743, 20743"], ["<y>Correct.</y><t>Good work! 2743 is the lowest number, 20743 is the next highest, 27034 is the next highest and 27043 is the highest.</t>", "<n>Incorrect.</n><t>They are not in the right order. 2743 is the lowest number so it should come first.</t>", "<n>Incorrect.</n><t>They are not in the right order. 2743 is the lowest number so it should come first.</t>"]], ["Which set of numbers are in order, from lowest to highest?", 0, ["-195, -159, 591, 951.", "591, -159, 951, -195", "-159, 951, -195, 591"], ["<y>Correct.</y><t>Excellent! -195 is the lowest number, -159 is the next highest, 591 is the next highest and 951 is the highest.</t>", "<n>Incorrect.</n><t>They are not in the right order. -195 is the lowest number so it should come first.</t>", "<n>Incorrect.</n><t>They are not in the right order. -195 is the lowest number so it should come first.</t>"]], ["What is 2764 rounded to the nearest hundred?", 1, ["2700", "2800", "2760"], ["<n>Incorrect.</n><t>You rounded down to 2700 when you should have rounded up to 2800.</t>", "<y>Correct.</y><t>You looked at the tens digit in 2764. It was a 6, so you rounded the hundreds digit up by one. Well done!</t>", "<n>Incorrect.</n><t>That is 2764 rounded to the nearest ten, not to the nearest hundred.</t>"]], ["What is 484 rounded to the nearest ten?", 2, ["500", "490", "480"], ["<n>Incorrect.</n><t>That is 484 rounded to the nearest hundred, not to the nearest ten.</t>", "<n>Incorrect.</n><t>You rounded up to 490 when you should have rounded down to 480.</t>", "<y>Correct.</y><t>You looked at the units digit in 484. It was a 4, so you rounded the tens digit down by one. Good work!</t>"]], ["Use a calculator to work out<br>the square root of 338.56.", 0, ["18.4", "23.35", "31"], ["<y>Correct.</y><t>Well done. Did you use the square root button?</t>", "<n>Incorrect.</n><t>To find the square root of any number on a calculator, you just need to use the square root button.</t>", "<n>Incorrect.</n><t>To find the square root of any number on a calculator, you just need to use the square root button.</t>"]], ["Use a calculator to work out 215 squared.", 1, ["14.66", "46225", "430"], ["<n>Incorrect.</n><t>That's the square root of 215. To work out 215 squared on a calculator, just press 215\u00A0x\u00A0215 =</t>", "<y>Correct.</y><t>Good work! Did you work it out by pressing 215\u00A0x\u00A0215 =</t>", "<n>Incorrect.</n><t>To work out 215 squared on a calculator, just press 215\u00A0x\u00A0215 =</t>"]], ["Which is greater, three sevenths or four ninths?<br>Use a calculator to find out.", 2, ["they're both the same", "three sevenths", "four ninths"], ["<n>Incorrect.</n><t>Change three sevenths into a decimal by pressing 3\u00A0÷\u00A07 =. Do the same for four ninths and then compare the two decimals.</t>", "<n>Incorrect.</n><t>Change three sevenths into a decimal by pressing 3\u00A0÷\u00A07 =. Do the same for four ninths and then compare the two decimals.</t>", "<y>Correct.</y><t>Well done. Did you change them both to decimals using a calculator and then compare the two decimals?</t>"]], ["Use a calculator to find 39% of <font face='Arial'>£</font>620.", 1, ["<font face='Arial'>£</font>241.8", "<font face='Arial'>£</font>241.80", "<font face='Arial'>£</font>2418"], ["<n>Incorrect.</n><t>When you work out money problems on a calculator, you sometimes need to add a zero. You should read 241.8 as <font face='Arial'>£</font>241.80.</t>", "<y>Correct.</y><t>Did you work it out by pressing 0.39\u00A0x\u00A0620? Or did you use the percentage button by pressing 620\u00A0x\u00A039%? Either way, well done.</t>", "<n>Incorrect.</n><t>To work this out, you could either press 0.39\u00A0x\u00A0620. Or you could use the percentage button by pressing 620\u00A0x\u00A039%.</t>"]], ["Use a calculator to work out the answer to<br>(13\u00A0x\u00A023)\u00A0+\u00A0(189\u00A0÷\u00A07).", 0, ["326", "69.71", "299"], ["<y>Correct.</y><t>Well done, you remembered to work out the parts inside the brackets first.</t>", "<n>Incorrect.</n><t>Looks like you didn't take any notice of the brackets. Remember you must ALWAYS work out the parts inside the brackets first.</t>", "<n>Incorrect.</n><t>Remember you must ALWAYS work out the parts inside the brackets first.</t>"]], ["Use a calculator to work out the answer to<br>4(5(6.3\u00A0+\u00A05)).", 2, ["131", "197", "226"], ["<n>Incorrect.</n><t>Looks like you didn't take any notice of the brackets. Remember you must ALWAYS work out the parts inside the brackets first.</t>", "<n>Incorrect.</n><t>Remember you must ALWAYS work out the parts inside the brackets first.</t>", "<y>Correct.</y><t>Well done, you remembered to work out the parts inside the brackets first.</t>"]], ["Use a calculator to work out<br>(65.55\u00A0+\u00A072.91)\u00A0÷\u00A0(7.09\u00A0-\u00A05.97)\u00A0=\u00A0?", 0, ["123.625", "94.39", "13.56"], ["<y>Correct.</y><t>Well done, you remembered to work out the parts inside the brackets first.</t>", "<n>Incorrect.</n><t>Remember you must ALWAYS work out the parts inside the brackets first.</t>", "<n>Incorrect.</n><t>Looks like you didn't take any notice of the brackets. Remember you must ALWAYS work out the parts inside the brackets first.</t>"]], ["What is two sevenths as a decimal to two decimal<br>places? Use a calculator to work it out.", 1, ["3.5", "0.29", "0.14"], ["<n>Incorrect.</n><t>Looks like you divided 7 by 2 instead of dividing 2 by 7.</t>", "<y>Correct.</y><t>You used the calculator to divide 2 by 7. Well done!</t>", "<n>Incorrect.</n><t>To work out two sevenths as a decimal, you need to divide 2 by 7.</t>"]], ["What is two ninths as a decimal to two decimal<br>places? Use a calculator to work it out.", 2, ["4.5", "0.34", "0.22"], ["<n>Incorrect.</n><t>Looks like you divided 9 by 2 instead of dividing 2 by 9.</t>", "<n>Incorrect.</n><t>To work out two ninths as a decimal, you need to divide 2 by 9.</t>", "<y>Correct.</y><t>You used the calculator to divide 2 by 9. Well done!</t>"]], ["Use a calculator to work out the answer to<br>three eighths plus four fifths as a decimal.", 0, ["1.175", "1.035", "0.86"], ["<y>Correct.</y><t>You changed three eigths and four fifths to decimals and then added the two decimals together. Good calculator work!</t>", "<n>Incorrect.</n><t>To work this out, you need to change three eigths and four fifths to decimals. Then add the two decimals together.</t>", "<n>Incorrect.</n><t>To work this out, you need to change three eigths and four fifths to decimals. Then add the two decimals together.</t>"]]];
aQuestions_living = [["What is a food chain?", 2, ["A process that starts with ingredients and ends with cooked food", "A long chain made of food", "How animals depend on plants and animals for their food and survival"], ["<n>Incorrect.</n><t>No, that's not a food chain!</t>", "<n>Incorrect.</n><t>No, that's not a food chain!</t>", "<y>Correct.</y><t>Yes, a food chain links plants and animals because each one depends on another in the chain for food.</t>"]], ["Which part of a food chain is affected by one animal becoming extinct?", 0, ["The whole food chain is affected", "Only animals at the top of the food chain are affected", "Only plants and animals at the bottom of the food chain are affected"], ["<y>Correct.</y><t>That's right, if one part of a food chain alters, the whole food chain is affected.</t>", "<n>Incorrect.</n><t>No, if one part of a food chain alters, the whole food chain is affected.</t>", "<n>Incorrect.</n><t>No, if one part of a food chain alters, the whole food chain is affected.</t>"]], ["What part do humans play in food chains?", 1, ["Producers", "Consumers", "Humans are not part of food chains"], ["<n>Incorrect.</n><t>No, humans are not producers as we cannot make our own food from light, water and air like plants can.</t>", "<y>Correct.</y><t>Yes, humans are consumers because we eat plants and other animals.</t>", "<n>Incorrect.</n><t>Humans are consumers in food chains because we eat plants and other animals.</t>"]], ["Which is an example of a consumer eating another consumer?", 1, ["A rabbit eating grass", "A hedgehog eating a spider", "A squirrel eating nuts"], ["<n>Incorrect.</n><t>That's an example of a consumer eating a producer.</t>", "<y>Correct.</y><t>Yes, both the hedgehog and the spider are consumers as they both eat plants or other animals for food.</t>", "<n>Incorrect.</n><t>That's an example of a consumer eating a producer.</t>"]], ["A producer uses energy from the Sun to make food.<br>Which of these is NOT a producer?", 2, ["An oak tree", "A stinging nettle", "A caterpillar"], ["<n>Incorrect.</n><t>All green plants are producers.</t>", "<n>Incorrect.</n><t>All green plants are producers.</t>", "<y>Correct.</y><t>A caterpillar is not a producer. It gets its food by eating other things.</t>"]], ["A consumer gets its food by eating other organisms.<br>Which of these is NOT a consumer?", 0, ["A holly bush", "An earthworm", "A hedgehog"], ["<y>Correct.</y><t>A holly bush does not get its food by eating other things and so is not a consumer.</t>", "<n>Incorrect.</n><t>An earthworm is a consumer. It eats dead plant material.</t>", "<n>Incorrect.</n><t>A hedgehog is a consumer. It eats snails, worms and insects.</t>"]], ["What do you always find at the start of a food chain or web?", 2, ["An insect", "A bird of prey", "A green plant"], ["<n>Incorrect.</n><t>Insects eat green plants or other insects, so they are not found at the start of a food chain.</t>", "<n>Incorrect.</n><t>Birds of prey eat small animals, so they are not found at the start of a food chain.</t>", "<y>Correct.</y><t>Yes, a food chain or web always starts with a green plant.</t>"]], ["Why do food chains and food webs start with green plants?", 0, ["Because plants can absorb the sun's energy to produce food", "Because most green plants are tasty", "Because most green plants eat other plants"], ["<y>Correct.</y><t>Most green plants make their own food using sunlight, air and water.</t>", "<n>Incorrect.</n><t>It is because most green plants produce their own food.</t>", "<n>Incorrect.</n><t>Most green plants make their own food. They do not eat other things.</t>"]], ["What do you call an animal that hunts and eats other animals?", 0, ["Predator", "Prey", "Producer"], ["<y>Correct.</y><t>Yes, an animal that hunts and eats other animals is called a predator.</t>", "<n>Incorrect.</n><t>No, prey are the animals that predators eat.</t>", "<n>Incorrect.</n><t>No, a producer is a plant that makes its own food.</t>"]], ["A wood mouse eats leaves for food. A badger eats wood mice for food.<br>Which animal is the prey in this food chain?", 1, ["Badger", "Wood mouse", "Neither animal"], ["<n>Incorrect.</n><t>No, the badger is the predator.</t>", "<y>Correct.</y><t>Yes, the wood mouse is the prey as it is an animal being eaten by another animal.</t>", "<n>Incorrect.</n><t>The wood mouse is the prey as it is an animal being eaten by another animal.</t>"]], ["Why is it not a good idea to eat a lot of sugary snacks?", 0, ["They fill you up so you don't get hungry for healthy meals", "They don't contain enough sugar", "They contain too many vitamins"], ["<y>Correct.</y><t>That's right. You don't get hungry for what your body really needs to eat.</t>", "<n>Incorrect.</n><t>They contain a lot of sugar.</t>", "<n>Incorrect.</n><t>They don't contain many vitamins at all.</t>"]], ["Which is not a good form of exercise?", 2, ["Cycling", "Swimming", "Watching television"], ["<n>Incorrect.</n><t>Cycling is a very good form of exercise.</t>", "<n>Incorrect.</n><t>Swimming is a very good form of exercise.</t>", "<y>Correct.</y><t>Watching television doesn't give your body a very good work out!</t>"]], ["Regular exercise makes us ...", 1, ["lethargic (sleepy and lacking in energy)", "fitter and stronger", "weaker and likely to become ill"], ["<n>Incorrect.</n><t>In fact, not exercising can make us feel lethargic.</t>", "<y>Correct.</y><t>Exercise makes us more alert as well as fitter and stronger.</t>", "<n>Incorrect.</n><t>In fact, not exercising can make us weaker.</t>"]], ["Which is the healthiest breakfast?", 1, ["A donut and a biscuit", "A banana and a bowl of cereal", "Nothing"], ["<n>Incorrect.</n><t>That breakfast has too much sugar and not enough protein and vitamins.</t>", "<y>Correct.</y><t>That would be a very tasty and healthy breakfast.</t>", "<n>Incorrect.</n><t>We need to eat a good breakfast so we can work and play well.</t>"]], ["Which is the healthiest lunch?", 1, ["Cake, apple pie, fizzy drink, crisps", "Cheese sandwich, apple, milk", "Biscuits, apple juice, chocolate"], ["<n>Incorrect.</n><t>That lunch would fill us up with the wrong type of foods.</t>", "<y>Correct.</y><t>That would be a very tasty and healthy lunch.</t>", "<n>Incorrect.</n><t>That lunch would fill us up with the wrong type of foods.</t>"]], ["When we are thirsty, we need ...", 0, ["water", "food", "exercise"], ["<y>Correct.</y><t>Being thirsty is a sign that our bodies need more water.</t>", "<n>Incorrect.</n><t>Being thirsty is a sign that our bodies need more water.</t>", "<n>Incorrect.</n><t>Being thirsty is a sign that our bodies need more water.</t>"]], ["How often should we eat fruit and vegetables?", 0, ["Every day", "Once a week", "Once a month"], ["<y>Correct.</y><t>Fruit and vegetables provide important vitamins that we need every day.</t>", "<n>Incorrect.</n><t>We need fruit and vegetables more often than that.</t>", "<n>Incorrect.</n><t>We need fruit and vegetables more often than that.</t>"]], ["How often do we need to sleep and rest?", 0, ["Every day", "Once a week", "Once a month"], ["<y>Correct.</y><t>This is so our bodies can repair and recharge themselves.</t>", "<n>Incorrect.</n><t>We need to sleep and rest more often than that.</t>", "<n>Incorrect.</n><t>We need to sleep and rest more often than that.</t>"]], ["What would happen to us if we didn't have any food or water?", 2, ["Nothing would happen to us", "We would become ill but then get better", "We would die"], ["<n>Incorrect.</n><t>We need food and water to survive.</t>", "<n>Incorrect.</n><t>We wouldn't get better if we didn't have any food or water.</t>", "<y>Correct.</y><t>All humans need to eat food and drink water to survive.</t>"]], ["It is best to eat ...", 2, ["the same thing every day", "as much as possible", "a wide variety of different foods"], ["<n>Incorrect.</n><t>This would not provide us with all the different things our bodies need.</t>", "<n>Incorrect.</n><t>Eating as much as possible isn't good for us!</t>", "<y>Correct.</y><t>A varied diet provides us with all the different things our bodies need.</t>"]], ["What will happen to a plant left in the dark?", 1, ["It will grow green and healthily", "It will turn yellow and spindly", "It will go to sleep"], ["<n>Incorrect.</n><t>Plants left in the dark won't grow healthily.</t>", "<y>Correct.</y><t>If a plant doesn't have enough light, it becomes yellow and sickly-looking.</t>", "<n>Incorrect.</n><t>Plants don't go to sleep like animals do!</t>"]], ["What will happen to a plant that is left un-watered?", 2, ["It will move to where there is water", "It will grow well and healthily", "It will wilt and eventually die"], ["<n>Incorrect.</n><t>Plants can't move like animals can.</t>", "<n>Incorrect.</n><t>A plant needs water to grow healthily.</t>", "<y>Correct.</y><t>A wilting plant doesn't have enough water for its stem to stay upright.</t>"]], ["Which three things do plants need to make food?", 1, ["Water, heat, oxygen", "Water, carbon dioxide, sunlight", "Water, sugar, air"], ["<n>Incorrect.</n><t>No, that's not right.</t>", "<y>Correct.</y><t>Yes, and the process by which plants make food is called photosynthesis.</t>", "<n>Incorrect.</n><t>No, that's not right.</t>"]], ["The more water a plant is given, the better it will grow.<br>Is this statement true or false?", 1, ["True", "False", "It's impossible to say"], ["<n>Incorrect.</n><t>The statement is false. Plants do need water, but too much water can kill a plant.</t>", "<y>Correct.</y><t>Too much water can kill a plant.</t>", "<n>Incorrect.</n><t>The statement is false. Too much water can kill a plant.</t>"]], ["The more warmth a plant is given, the better it will grow.<br>Is this statement true or false?", 1, ["True", "False", "It's impossible to say"], ["<n>Incorrect.</n><t>The statement is false. Very hot temperatures can stop a plant from growing well and can kill it.</t>", "<y>Correct.</y><t>Very hot temperatures can stop a plant from growing well and can kill it.</t>", "<n>Incorrect.</n><t>The statement is false. Very hot temperatures can stop a plant from growing well and can kill it.</t>"]], ["Grass does not grow as quickly during the winter<br>as it does during the summer. What could be a reason for this?", 0, ["It's colder in the winter", "It doesn't rain as much in the winter", "The grass is sulking"], ["<y>Correct.</y><t>Plants grow more slowly when they are kept in the cold.</t>", "<n>Incorrect.</n><t>The reason is that it's colder in the winter and plants grow more slowly when they are kept in the cold.</t>", "<n>Incorrect.</n><t>Grass doesn't sulk!</t>"]], ["What job does the stem of the plant NOT do?", 0, ["Breathes for the plant", "Holds the plant upright", "Carries water and minerals up to the leaves"], ["<y>Correct.</y><t>That's right, the stem does NOT breathe for the plant.</t>", "<n>Incorrect.</n><t>The stem DOES carry out that job.</t>", "<n>Incorrect.</n><t>The stem DOES carry out that job.</t>"]], ["Why would keeping one plant in a fridge and one on a windowsill<br>not be a fair test of how temperature affects the growth of plants?", 0, ["Because it will be cold AND dark in the fridge", "Because the plant in the fridge will have access to food", "Because the temperature will be the same in both positions"], ["<y>Correct.</y><t>That's right, the plant would be deprived of warmth AND light.</t>", "<n>Incorrect.</n><t>Plants don't eat food like we do; they make their own food.</t>", "<n>Incorrect.</n><t>The temperature will be lower inside the fridge than outside.</t>"]], ["Which part makes food for the plant?", 2, ["Roots", "Petals", "Leaves"], ["<n>Incorrect.</n><t>No. The roots don't make food.</t>", "<n>Incorrect.</n><t>No. The petals don't make food.</t>", "<y>Correct.</y><t>That's right. The leaves use light from the sun to make food for the plant. This process is called photosynthesis.</t>"]], ["What job do the roots of a plant NOT do?", 2, ["Take up water and nutrients from the soil", "Keep the plant steady and upright", "Make food and send it out to the rest of the plant"], ["<n>Incorrect.</n><t>The roots DO carry out that job.</t>", "<n>Incorrect.</n><t>The roots DO carry out that job.</t>", "<y>Correct.</y><t>Yes, food for the plant is made by the leaves, not the roots.</t>"]], ["What does your heart do?", 1, ["It pumps air around your body", "It pumps blood around your body", "It pumps blood to just your muscles"], ["<n>Incorrect.</n><t>Your heart pumps blood, not air, around your body.</t>", "<y>Correct.</y><t>Your heart pumps blood to every part of your body.</t>", "<n>Incorrect.</n><t>Your heart pumps blood to every part of your body, not just your muscles.</t>"]], ["Which of these would make your heart beat the fastest?", 2, ["Lying down", "Sitting on a chair", "Swimming"], ["<n>Incorrect.</n><t>Your heart would beat faster when you were exercising, not lying down.</t>", "<n>Incorrect.</n><t>Your heart would beat faster when you were exercising, not sitting on a chair.</t>", "<y>Correct.</y><t>Movement or exercise makes your heart beat faster.</t>"]], ["What does your pulse rate tell you?", 0, ["How fast your heart is beating", "How fast you are running ", "How old you are"], ["<y>Correct.</y><t>Your pulse rate tells you how many times your heart is beating in one minute.</t>", "<n>Incorrect.</n><t>Your pulse rate tells you how fast your heart is beating, not how fast you are running.</t>", "<n>Incorrect.</n><t>Your pulse rate tells you how fast your heart is beating, not how old you are.</t>"]], ["Why does your heart beat faster when you exercise?", 1, ["Because it gets excited", "To get oxygen to your muscles more quickly", "To make a louder noise"], ["<n>Incorrect.</n><t>Your heart beats faster to get oxygen to your muscles more quickly.</t>", "<y>Correct.</y><t>Your muscles need more oxygen when you exercise, and oxygen is carried in your blood.</t>", "<n>Incorrect.</n><t>Your heart beats faster to get oxygen to your muscles more quickly.</t>"]], ["Veins carry blood", 0, ["towards the heart", "away from the heart", "inside the heart"], ["<y>Correct.</y><t>Yes, veins carry blood from your muscles back to your heart to pick up more oxygen.</t>", "<n>Incorrect.</n><t>No, blood vessels called arteries take blood full of oxygen away from your heart.</t>", "<n>Incorrect.</n><t>No, veins carry blood from your muscles back to your heart to pick up more oxygen.</t>"]], ["James wants to become healthier.<br>Which of these would NOT help him?", 2, ["Regular exercise", "Eating a healthy diet", "Using the car more instead of walking"], ["<n>Incorrect.</n><t>Regular exercise certainly WOULD help James become healthier.</t>", "<n>Incorrect.</n><t>Eating a healthy diet certainly WOULD help James become healthier.</t>", "<y>Correct.</y><t>You're right. Using the car more would NOT help James become healthier. In fact, he should use the car LESS!</t>"]], ["Blood moves round your body in special tubes called blood vessels.<br>Which of these is NOT a blood vessel?", 2, ["A vein", "An artery", "A ventricle"], ["<n>Incorrect.</n><t>A vein IS a blood vessel. Veins carry blood from your body parts back to your heart.</t>", "<n>Incorrect.</n><t>An artery IS a blood vessel. Arteries carry blood from your heart to the rest of your body.</t>", "<y>Correct.</y><t>A ventricle is a compartment in the heart; it is not a blood vessel.</t>"]], ["What happens to your blood when it reaches your lungs?", 0, ["It picks up oxygen", "It picks up carbon dioxide", "Nothing"], ["<y>Correct.</y><t>In the lungs, your blood collects oxygen from the air you breathe.</t>", "<n>Incorrect.</n><t>In the lungs, your blood releases carbon dioxide. It does not collect it.</t>", "<n>Incorrect.</n><t>In the lungs, your blood collects oxygen from the air you breathe.</t>"]], ["What is the most important reason why smoking cigarettes is bad for you?", 1, ["Because cigarettes can burn your fingers", "Because cigarettes can harm your heart and lungs", "Because the smoke can get in your eyes"], ["<n>Incorrect.</n><t>Cigarettes can burn your fingers, but this is not the most important reason.</t>", "<y>Correct.</y><t>Cigarettes contain tar, which harms your lungs, and a drug called nicotine, which harms your heart.</t>", "<n>Incorrect.</n><t>The smoke can get in your eyes, but this is not the most important reason.</t>"]], ["Which is the most important reason<br>why you should NOT drink alcohol before driving a car?", 1, ["Because you might need to go to the toilet", "Because alcohol makes you less careful so you might have an accident", "Because you might get stopped by the police"], ["<n>Incorrect.</n><t>No, that's not the reason.</t>", "<y>Correct.</y><t>Absolutely. Alcohol makes you less careful and less able to make decisions.</t>", "<n>Incorrect.</n><t>That's true but there's a much more important reason than this.</t>"]], ["What is the female part of a flower called?", 1, ["The sepal", "The carpel", "The stamens"], ["<n>Incorrect.</n><t>A sepal is a special leaf that protects the flower while it is a bud.</t>", "<y>Correct.</y><t>The carpel is the female part of the flower, where the seeds are formed.</t>", "<n>Incorrect.</n><t>The stamens are the male parts of the flower.</t>"]], ["What do the stamens do?", 2, ["They attract insects", "They provide food for insects", "They make pollen"], ["<n>Incorrect.</n><t>The petals attract insects, not the stamens.</t>", "<n>Incorrect.</n><t>The nectaries provide food for insects, not the stamens.</t>", "<y>Correct.</y><t>Pollen is made in the anthers, the top part of the stamens.</t>"]], ["The movement of pollen from the stamens to the carpel has a special name.<br>What is it?", 0, ["Pollination", "Fertilisation", "Germination"], ["<y>Correct.</y><t>Pollination is the movement of pollen from the stamens to the carpel.</t>", "<n>Incorrect.</n><t>Fertilisation is when a pollen grain joins with an ovule.</t>", "<n>Incorrect.</n><t>Germination is when a seed sprouts and begins to grow.</t>"]], ["Which of these is true?", 0, ["After pollination, the pollen grain travels down inside the carpel", "All flowers are pollinated by insects", "All flowers are pollinated by pollen from a different flower"], ["<y>Correct.</y><t>The pollen tube travels down to the ovary, where it joins with the ovule.</t>", "<n>Incorrect.</n><t>Some flowers are pollinated by insects; others are pollinated by other animals, or by the wind or rain.</t>", "<n>Incorrect.</n><t>Some flowers are pollinated by the same flower; some by a different flower of the same type.</t>"]], ["When an ovule is fertilised, it turns into ...", 2, ["a bud", "a leaf", "a seed"], ["<n>Incorrect.</n><t>The ovule becomes a seed, not a bud.</t>", "<n>Incorrect.</n><t>The ovule becomes a seed, not a bud.</t>", "<y>Correct.</y><t>Yes, the ovule becomes a seed, which can grow into a new plant.</t>"]], ["Which of these is NOT true about how seeds are dispersed?", 2, ["Some seeds are eaten by animals and deposited somewhere else", "Some seeds are blown by the wind", "Some seeds grow legs and walk"], ["<n>Incorrect.</n><t>Some seeds ARE dispersed by animals.</t>", "<n>Incorrect.</n><t>Some seeds ARE dispersed by the wind.</t>", "<y>Correct.</y><t>You're quite right, seeds do not grow legs and walk!</t>"]], ["Which of these is the correct order for the life cycle of a plant?", 2, ["Pollination - germination - fertilisation - seed dispersal", "Germination - fertilisation - seed dispersal - pollination", "Germination - pollination - fertilisation - seed dispersal"], ["<n>Incorrect.</n><t>A plant needs to germinate and grow before pollination can take place.</t>", "<n>Incorrect.</n><t>A flower needs to be pollinated before fertilisation can take place.</t>", "<y>Correct.</y><t>Yes! This is the right order.</t>"]], ["What is the main job of the petals?", 0, ["To attract insects", "To provide food for insects", "To make pollen"], ["<y>Correct.</y><t>Petals are often very brightly coloured to attract insects, such as bees or butterflies, into the flower.</t>", "<n>Incorrect.</n><t>The nectaries provide food for insects.</t>", "<n>Incorrect.</n><t>Pollen is made in the anthers (the top part of the stamens).</t>"]], ["Where are the nectaries of a flower usually found?", 2, ["On the outside of the flower", "On the stalk", "Deep in the centre of the flower"], ["<n>Incorrect.</n><t>Nectaries are usually found deep in the centre of a flower.</t>", "<n>Incorrect.</n><t>Nectaries are usually found deep in the centre of a flower.</t>", "<y>Correct.</y><t>This means insects have to reach deep into the flower to find the nectar and pick up pollen as they do so.</t>"]], ["What would happen if plants and animals didn't reproduce?", 1, ["Plants would take over the world", "All life on Earth would eventually die out", "All living things would just get older and older"], ["<n>Incorrect.</n><t>All plants and animals would die out.</t>", "<y>Correct.</y><t>That's right, all living things would die out.</t>", "<n>Incorrect.</n><t>Everything would die eventually.</t>"]], ["Most microorganisms cannot be seen without a ...", 2, ["Telescope", "Periscope", "Microscope"], ["<n>Incorrect.</n><t>A telescope is for looking at things that are far away.</t>", "<n>Incorrect.</n><t>A periscope is for looking at things round corners.</t>", "<y>Correct.</y><t>A microscope is for looking at tiny things like microorganisms.</t>"]], ["Which of these is NOT true about microorganisms? ", 0, ["They are all harmful", "They feed and grow", "They reproduce"], ["<y>Correct.</y><t>Some microorganisms can be harmful; some can be useful.</t>", "<n>Incorrect.</n><t>Microorganisms DO feed and grow, like other living things.</t>", "<n>Incorrect.</n><t>Microorganisms DO reproduce, like other living things.</t>"]], ["What is yeast used for?", 1, ["To cure chickenpox", "To make bread rise", "To make yoghurt"], ["<n>Incorrect.</n><t>Yeast is not used to cure chickenpox.</t>", "<y>Correct.</y><t>Yeast is a microorganism that helps bread rise.</t>", "<n>Incorrect.</n><t>Yeast is not used to make yoghurt.</t>"]], ["Why should cooked and uncooked foods be stored separately?", 2, ["Because bacteria only like cooked food", "Because bacteria only like uncooked food", "To stop bacteria spreading from one to the other"], ["<n>Incorrect.</n><t>Bacteria like both cooked and uncooked food.</t>", "<n>Incorrect.</n><t>Bacteria like both cooked and uncooked food.</t>", "<y>Correct.</y><t>Bacteria can spread from uncooked to cooked food.</t>"]], ["Which of these is NOT caused by a microorganism?", 1, ["Measles", "A sprained ankle", "Tooth decay"], ["<n>Incorrect.</n><t>Measles is caused by a microorganism called a virus.</t>", "<y>Correct.</y><t>A sprained ankle is usually the result of an accident; it is not caused by a microorganism.</t>", "<n>Incorrect.</n><t>Tooth decay is caused by microorganisms living in the mouth.</t>"]], ["Which of these microorganisms is useful?", 0, ["Bacteria that decompose leaves", "Salmonella", "Chickenpox virus"], ["<y>Correct.</y><t>These bacteria break leaves down into useful substances for other organisms to use.</t>", "<n>Incorrect.</n><t>Salmonella is a microorganism that can cause food poisoning.</t>", "<n>Incorrect.</n><t>Chickenpox virus is a microorganism that causes chickenpox!</t>"]], ["Which of these microorganisms is harmful?", 2, ["Yeast", "Bacteria in yoghurt", "Fruit mould"], ["<n>Incorrect.</n><t>Yeast is useful. It is used to make bread and alcoholic drinks.</t>", "<n>Incorrect.</n><t>Bacteria in yoghurt are useful. They help to make the yoghurt and are good for your gut.</t>", "<y>Correct.</y><t>Fruit mould is harmful. It rots fruit and can cause food poisoning.</t>"]], ["Bacteria and viruses are both types of microorganisms.<br>Which is smaller?", 1, ["Bacteria", "Viruses", "They are both the same size"], ["<n>Incorrect.</n><t>Viruses are smaller than bacteria.</t>", "<y>Correct.</y><t>Right, viruses are smaller.</t>", "<n>Incorrect.</n><t>Viruses are smaller than bacteria.</t>"]], ["Cleaning your teeth regularly helps prevent tooth decay because ...", 1, ["Microorganisms don't like the taste of toothpaste", "Brushing removes sugar that microorganisms like to eat", "Brushing removes all microorganisms from your mouth"], ["<n>Incorrect.</n><t>It has nothing to do with the taste of the toothpaste!</t>", "<y>Correct.</y><t>Microorganisms that cause decay live off sugar on your teeth, turning it to acid.</t>", "<n>Incorrect.</n><t>There are always lots of microorganisms in your mouth.</t>"]], ["Which of these is true?", 0, ["Microorganisms are all around us", "Microorganisms are only found in the kitchen", "All microorganisms cause illness"], ["<y>Correct.</y><t>There are microorganisms almost everywhere \u2013 we just can't see them.</t>", "<n>Incorrect.</n><t>Microorganisms are all around us, and inside our bodies too.</t>", "<n>Incorrect.</n><t>Some microorganisms cause illness. But microorganisms can be useful too.</t>"]], ["During the stage called puberty", 2, ["a baby develops inside the mother's body", "a baby grows into a child", "a child grows into an adolescent"], ["<n>Incorrect.</n><t>No, puberty is when a child grows into an adolescent.</t>", "<n>Incorrect.</n><t>No, puberty is when a child grows into an adolescent.</t>", "<y>Correct.</y><t>Yes, puberty is when your body begins to develop and change as you move from child to adult.</t>"]], ["Which part of your skeleton protects your brain?", 0, ["Your skull", "Your ribs", "Your pelvis"], ["<y>Correct.</y><t>Your skull forms a hard case around your brain.</t>", "<n>Incorrect.</n><t>Your ribs protect your heart and lungs, not your brain.</t>", "<n>Incorrect.</n><t>Your pelvis protects the lower part of your body, not your brain.</t>"]], ["Which part of your skeleton protects your heart and lungs?", 0, ["Ribs", "Backbone", "Skull"], ["<y>Correct.</y><t>That's it! Your heart and lungs are protected by your ribs.</t>", "<n>Incorrect.</n><t>No, your backbone protects your spinal cord, not your heart and lungs.</t>", "<n>Incorrect.</n><t>No, your skull protects your brain, not your heart and lungs.</t>"]], ["As you grow, your skeleton ...", 0, ["grows", "stays the same size", "gets smaller"], ["<y>Correct.</y><t>Your bones keep growing inside you until you are an adult.</t>", "<n>Incorrect.</n><t>Your bones keep growing as you grow.</t>", "<n>Incorrect.</n><t>Your bones keep growing as you grow.</t>"]], ["Which of these animals has its skeleton on the outside of its body?", 0, ["An ant", "A horse", "A fish"], ["<y>Correct.</y><t>An ant's skeleton is the hard outer shell of its body.</t>", "<n>Incorrect.</n><t>A horse's skeleton is inside its body.</t>", "<n>Incorrect.</n><t>A fish's skeleton is inside its body.</t>"]], ["How does your arm bend up and down?", 0, ["One muscle pulls your arm up and another muscle pulls your arm down", "One muscle pulls your arm up and the same muscle pushes your arm down again", "The bones inside your arm move on their own"], ["<y>Correct.</y><t>Muscles usually work in pairs. One muscle contracts to lift your arm up. Another muscle contracts to pull your arm down again.</t>", "<n>Incorrect.</n><t>No. Muscles can only pull, they cannot push.</t>", "<n>Incorrect.</n><t>No. Bones cannot move on their own.</t>"]], ["Muscles always work in pairs. When one contracts, the other", 2, ["contracts", "expands", "relaxes"], ["<n>Incorrect.</n><t>No, when one muscle in a pair contracts, the other muscle relaxes.</t>", "<n>Incorrect.</n><t>No, muscles cannot expand, they can only contract or relax. When one muscle in a pair contracts, the other muscle relaxes.</t>", "<y>Correct.</y><t>That's right. When one muscle in a pair contracts, the other muscle relaxes.</t>"]], ["How long does it take for a human baby to fully grow inside its mother's womb?", 1, ["6 months", "9 months", "12 months"], ["<n>Incorrect.</n><t>No, it takes 9 months for a baby to grow inside its mother.</t>", "<y>Correct.</y><t>That's right. A baby starts off as an embryo inside its mother. After 9 months, the baby is born.</t>", "<n>Incorrect.</n><t>No, it takes 9 months for a baby to grow inside its mother.</t>"]], ["Which of these things is NOT true about your skeleton?", 1, ["It supports and protects your body", "It makes you grow", "It helps you move"], ["<n>Incorrect.</n><t>Your skeleton DOES support and protect your body.</t>", "<y>Correct.</y><t>Your skeleton doesn't make you grow, although it does grow with you.</t>", "<n>Incorrect.</n><t>Your skeleton works with your muscles to make you move.</t>"]], ["Why do you think some animals, like crabs and insects,<br>shed their outer skeletons?", 2, ["Because they get too hot", "Because their skeletons get too loose", "Because their skeletons don't grow"], ["<n>Incorrect.</n><t>These animals shed their skeletons when they outgrow them, and then grow bigger skeletons.</t>", "<n>Incorrect.</n><t>These animals shed their skeletons when they outgrow them, and then grow bigger skeletons.</t>", "<y>Correct.</y><t>These animals shed their skeletons when they outgrow them, and then grow bigger skeletons.</t>"]], ["Which of these things are you NOT likely to find in a park or garden?", 2, ["An earthworm", "An oak tree", "A crab"], ["<n>Incorrect.</n><t>You might find an earthworm in a patch of soil in a park or garden.</t>", "<n>Incorrect.</n><t>You might see an oak tree growing in a park or garden.</t>", "<y>Correct.</y><t>Crabs live in the sea, not in parks or gardens.</t>"]], ["Which of these animals is most likely to live in a pond?", 0, ["A water spider", "A caterpillar", "An ant"], ["<y>Correct.</y><t>That's right. Water spiders live in ponds and rivers.</t>", "<n>Incorrect.</n><t>No. Caterpillars live on the leaves of plants, not in water.</t>", "<n>Incorrect.</n><t>No. Ants prefer to live in dry places, not in water.</t>"]], ["Which of these is most likely to grow in woodland?", 1, ["Algae", "An oak tree", "A cactus"], ["<n>Incorrect.</n><t>No. You are more likely to find algae in a pond or in the sea.</t>", "<y>Correct.</y><t>Yes. Oak trees grow in woodlands or in open spaces.</t>", "<n>Incorrect.</n><t>No. You are more likely to find a cactus in a desert.</t>"]], ["A habitat is", 2, ["an animal behaviour", "a shop where animals go to buy things for their homes", "a place where animals and plants live"], ["<n>Incorrect.</n><t>No, a habitat is a place where animals and plants live.</t>", "<n>Incorrect.</n><t>Animals don't visit shops! A habitat is a place where animals and plants live.</t>", "<y>Correct.</y><t>Yes, a habitat provides a collection of animals and plants with everything they need to live and survive.</t>"]], ["Which collection of animals might you find in a seashore habitat?", 2, ["Zebras, lions and elephants", "Owls, caterpillars, oak trees", "Barnacles, seagulls, crabs"], ["<n>Incorrect.</n><t>No, those animals live in a habitat of dry grassland with scattered trees called a savannah.</t>", "<n>Incorrect.</n><t>No, those animals live in a woodland habitat.</t>", "<y>Correct.</y><t>Yes, barnacles, seagulls and crabs are all adapted to live in a seashore habitat.</t>"]], ["A frog is adapted to its pond habitat by", 1, ["being brightly coloured", "having webbed feet", "growing into an adult frog"], ["<n>Incorrect.</n><t>No, frogs are usually dull green or brown to blend in with their surroundings.</t>", "<y>Correct.</y><t>Yes, a frog has webbed feet so it can swim well in water.</t>", "<n>Incorrect.</n><t>No, all living things grow. That is not how a frog is adapted to its habitat.</t>"]], ["Why does a heron have a long sharp beak?", 0, ["To catch fish", "To look cool", "To fly faster"], ["<y>Correct.</y><t>Yes, herons wade into the shallow edges of ponds and rivers, then catch passing fish with their long sharp beaks.</t>", "<n>Incorrect.</n><t>No, that's not why a heron has a long sharp beak!</t>", "<n>Incorrect.</n><t>No, its long beak does not help the heron to fly any faster.</t>"]], ["Why do African elephants have big ears?", 0, ["To keep cool", "To hear better", "To fly"], ["<y>Correct.</y><t>Their huge ears are full of tiny blood vessels so when they flap their ears, they can lose heat from their blood.</t>", "<n>Incorrect.</n><t>No, they have big ears to keep cool, not to hear better.</t>", "<n>Incorrect.</n><t>No, only cartoon elephants fly!</t>"]], ["Where would you expect to find a woodlouse?", 1, ["In a hot, sunny place", "In a dark, damp place", "In a dark, dry place"], ["<n>Incorrect.</n><t>Woodlice prefer dark, damp places, like under logs and stones.</t>", "<y>Correct.</y><t>Woodlice prefer dark, damp places, like under logs and stones.</t>", "<n>Incorrect.</n><t>Woodlice prefer dark, damp places, like under logs and stones.</t>"]], ["Which habitat does a rabbit live in?", 1, ["Desert", "Meadow", "River"], ["<n>Incorrect.</n><t>No, a desert would be too hot for a rabbit to survive.</t>", "<y>Correct.</y><t>That's right. Rabbits are adapted to a meadow habitat where they can burrow and eat grasses and wild plants.</t>", "<n>Incorrect.</n><t>No, a rabbit is not adapted to living in water.</t>"]], ["Do all animals have teeth?", 0, ["No, some animals such as birds don't have teeth", "Yes, all animals have teeth", "No animals have teeth"], ["<y>Correct.</y><t>Yes, some animals have mechanisms other than teeth to crush their food.</t>", "<n>Incorrect.</n><t>A lot of animals have teeth but not all of them do.</t>", "<n>Incorrect.</n><t>A lot of animals do have teeth.</t>"]], ["Why do we have teeth?", 2, ["To look good when we smile", "To protect out mouths", "To cut, tear and crush our food before we swallow it"], ["<n>Incorrect.</n><t>That's not the reason we have teeth.</t>", "<n>Incorrect.</n><t>That's not the reason we have teeth.</t>", "<y>Correct.</y><t>Our teeth break food down into little pieces that we can swallow.</t>"]], ["How many sets of teeth do we get in our lifetime?", 1, ["One", "Two", "Three"], ["<n>Incorrect.</n><t>Our first set of teeth (milk teeth) is replaced at around 5 years of age.</t>", "<y>Correct.</y><t>That's right, our second set of teeth, our adult teeth, has to last!</t>", "<n>Incorrect.</n><t>We don't get another set of teeth after our adult teeth have come through.</t>"]], ["Humans are omnivores.<br>What type of food should we eat to keep healthy?", 0, ["A varied diet with lots of different types of food", "Only meat", "Only vegetables"], ["<y>Correct.</y><t>That's right, we must eat lots of different types of food to keep healthy.</t>", "<n>Incorrect.</n><t>We need to eat a bigger variety of foods than just meat.</t>", "<n>Incorrect.</n><t>We need to eat a bigger variety of foods than just vegetables.</t>"]], ["A lion is a carnivore.<br>What type of food do carnivores eat?", 0, ["Only meat", "Only plants", "Both meat and plants"], ["<y>Correct.</y><t>Carnivores only eat meat and have teeth for killing and tearing animals.</t>", "<n>Incorrect.</n><t>Carnivores don't eat plants.</t>", "<n>Incorrect.</n><t>Carnivores don't eat plants.</t>"]], ["A sheep is a herbivore.<br>What type of food do herbivores eat?", 1, ["Only meat", "Only plants", "Both meat and plants"], ["<n>Incorrect.</n><t>Herbivores don't eat meat.</t>", "<y>Correct.</y><t>Herbivores only eat plants and have teeth for cutting and grinding.</t>", "<n>Incorrect.</n><t>Herbivores don't eat meat.</t>"]], ["Which teeth are used for crushing and grinding food?", 1, ["Incisors", "Molars", "Canines"], ["<n>Incorrect.</n><t>Incisors are used to snip and cut food.</t>", "<y>Correct.</y><t>Molars at the back of the mouth are used to crush and grind food.</t>", "<n>Incorrect.</n><t>Canines are used to rip and tear food.</t>"]], ["Which teeth are used to rip and tear food?", 2, ["Incisors", "Molars", "Canines"], ["<n>Incorrect.</n><t>Incisors are used to snip and cut food.</t>", "<n>Incorrect.</n><t>Molars are used to crush and grind food.</t>", "<y>Correct.</y><t>Canines are long, sharp teeth used to rip and tear food.</t>"]], ["What is the job of incisor teeth?", 0, ["Snipping and cutting off bite-sized pieces of food", "Ripping and tearing food", "Crushing and chewing food"], ["<y>Correct.</y><t>Incisors are our front teeth used to snip and cut food.</t>", "<n>Incorrect.</n><t>Ripping and tearing food is the job of canine teeth.</t>", "<n>Incorrect.</n><t>Crushing and chewing food is the job of molar teeth.</t>"]], ["Which teeth are sometimes missing in herbivores?", 2, ["Incisors", "Molars", "Canines"], ["<n>Incorrect.</n><t>Herbivores need incisor teeth to cut and snip their food.</t>", "<n>Incorrect.</n><t>Herbivores need molar teeth to crush and grind their food.</t>", "<y>Correct.</y><t>This is because herbivores don't need to rip and tear meat.</t>"]], ["Which of these things is false?", 2, ["Plants have roots", "Plants have leaves", "Plants have legs"], ["<n>Incorrect.</n><t>Plants DO have roots. They anchor the plant to the ground.</t>", "<n>Incorrect.</n><t>Plants DO have leaves. They help the plant make food.</t>", "<y>Correct.</y><t>That's right! Plants do not have legs.</t>"]], ["Which of these things is NOT an animal?", 1, ["A bee", "A buttercup", "A human"], ["<n>Incorrect.</n><t>A bee IS an animal. It moves, eats and grows like all animals.</t>", "<y>Correct.</y><t>Yes, a buttercup has leaves and flowers. It is a plant, not an animal.</t>", "<n>Incorrect.</n><t>Humans ARE animals. We move, eat and grow like all animals.</t>"]], ["All humans ...", 0, ["have two eyes", "have curly hair", "grow to the same height"], ["<y>Correct.</y><t>That's right! All humans have two eyes.</t>", "<n>Incorrect.</n><t>Humans can have curly, wavy or straight hair.</t>", "<n>Incorrect.</n><t>Humans are all different heights - tall, short or in between.</t>"]], ["How are birds and insects different?", 1, ["Birds have wings, insects do not", "Birds have feathers, insects do not", "Birds have legs, insects do not"], ["<n>Incorrect.</n><t>Birds have wings and some insects have wings too.</t>", "<y>Correct.</y><t>That's right, insects do not have feathers.</t>", "<n>Incorrect.</n><t>Birds and insects both have legs.</t>"]], ["Which of these animals can fly?", 2, ["A penguin", "A squirrel", "A thrush"], ["<n>Incorrect.</n><t>A penguin is a bird, but it cannot fly.</t>", "<n>Incorrect.</n><t>Squirrels can leap from tree to tree, but they cannot fly.</t>", "<y>Correct.</y><t>A thrush is a type of bird, and it can fly.</t>"]], ["How many legs does a bee have?", 0, ["Six", "Four", "None"], ["<y>Correct.</y><t>Like all insects, bees have six legs.</t>", "<n>Incorrect.</n><t>Bees are insects, so they have six legs.</t>", "<n>Incorrect.</n><t>Bees are insects, so they have six legs.</t>"]], ["Which of these is true?", 2, ["All animals have tails", "All animals can swim", "All animals move"], ["<n>Incorrect.</n><t>Not all animals have tails.</t>", "<n>Incorrect.</n><t>Not all animals can swim.</t>", "<y>Correct.</y><t>That's right, all animals move.</t>"]], ["What is the main difference between a buttercup and an oak tree?", 2, ["A buttercup is a plant; an oak tree is not", "An oak tree is a plant; a buttercup is not", "An oak tree grows much taller"], ["<n>Incorrect.</n><t>Buttercups and oak trees are both plants.</t>", "<n>Incorrect.</n><t>Buttercups and oak trees are both plants.</t>", "<y>Correct.</y><t>Oak trees grow very tall; buttercups are small flowers.</t>"]], ["How are humans and birds the same?", 1, ["They both have two arms", "They both have two legs", "They both have feathers "], ["<n>Incorrect.</n><t>Birds have wings, not arms.</t>", "<y>Correct.</y><t>Yes, both humans and birds have two legs.</t>", "<n>Incorrect.</n><t>Humans don't have feathers.</t>"]], ["Which of these things would be easiest to change?", 1, ["The colour of your eyes", "The length of your hair", "The shape of your face"], ["<n>Incorrect.</n><t>It would not be easy to change the colour of your eyes.</t>", "<y>Correct.</y><t>You can change the length of your hair by cutting it or letting it grow.</t>", "<n>Incorrect.</n><t>It would not be easy to change the shape of your face.</t>"]]];
aQuestions_shapes = [["How many degrees are there in one full turn?", 2, ["180", "90", "360"], ["<n>Incorrect.</n><t>180 is the number of degrees in a half-turn. There are 360 degrees in a full turn.</t>", "<n>Incorrect.</n><t>90 is the number of degrees in a quarter-turn. There are 360 degrees in a full turn.</t>", "<y>Correct.</y><t>Perfect! There are 360 degrees in a full turn.</t>"]], ["Imagine you're facing north. You turn clockwise<br>through 90 degrees. Which direction are you facing now?", 0, ["East", "South", "West"], ["<y>Correct.</y><t>You're absolutely right. 90 degrees is a quarter turn. Turning 90 degrees clockwise would turn you from facing north to facing east.</t>", "<n>Incorrect.</n><t>You would need to turn clockwise through 180 degrees to face south. A 90 degree clockwise turn would leave you facing east.</t>", "<n>Incorrect.</n><t>You would need to turn anticlockwise through 90 degrees to face west. A 90 degree clockwise turn would leave you facing east.</t>"]], ["Imagine the capital letter M. What letter does it look like<br>when it's rotated 180 degrees?", 1, ["E", "W", "M"], ["<n>Incorrect.</n><t>180 degrees is a half turn. Rotating an M through a half turn would turn it into a W, not an E.</t>", "<y>Correct.</y><t>180 degrees is a half turn. Rotating an M through a half turn would turn it into a W.</t>", "<n>Incorrect.</n><t>It would stay as an M if you rotated it by 360 degrees (a full turn). When rotated 180 degrees, it would look like a W.</t>"]], ["An angle less than 90 degrees is", 1, ["obtuse", "acute", "reflex"], ["<n>Incorrect.</n><t>An obtuse angle is an angle between 90 degrees and 180 degrees. Any angle smaller than 90 degrees is called an acute angle.</t>", "<y>Correct.</y><t>Yes, any angle between 0 degrees and 90 degrees is called an acute angle.</t>", "<n>Incorrect.</n><t>A reflex angle is an angle that is bigger than 180 degrees. An angle that is smaller than 90 degrees is called an acute angle.</t>"]], ["Which of these is a reflex angle?", 2, ["145 degrees", "45 degrees", "245 degrees"], ["<n>Inorrect.</n><t>That is an obtuse angle. A reflex angle is any angle between 180 degrees and 360 degrees.</t>", "<n>Incorrect.</n><t>That is an acute angle. A reflex angle is any angle between 180 degrees and 360 degrees.</t>", "<y>Correct.</y><t>A reflex angle is any angle between 180 degrees and 360 degrees.</t>"]], ["An angle between 90 degrees and 180 degrees is", 0, ["obtuse", "acute", "reflex"], ["<y>Correct.</y><t>Yes, any angle between 90 degrees and 180 degrees is called an obtuse angle.</t>", "<n>Incorrect.</n><t>An acute angle is an angle smaller than 90 degrees. Any angle between 90 degrees and 180 degrees is called an obtuse angle.</t>", "<n>Incorrect.</n><t>A reflex angle is an angle that is bigger than 180 degrees. Any angle between 90 degrees and 180 degrees is called an obtuse angle.</t>"]], ["If two of the angles inside a triangle are 90 degrees<br>and 50 degrees, what is the third angle?", 1, ["90 degrees", "40 degrees", "140 degrees"], ["<n>Incorrect.</n><t>It couldn't be 90 degrees as the three angles inside a triangle always add up to 180 degrees.</t>", "<y>Correct.</y><t>Absolutely right! The three angles inside a triangle always add up to 180 degrees. So it had to be 40, as 90 + 50 + 40 = 180.</t>", "<n>Incorrect.</n><t>It couldn't be 140 degrees as the three angles inside a triangle always add up to 180 degrees.</t>"]], ["Are the lines in the capital letter L parallel<br>or perpendicular?", 1, ["Parallel", "Perpendicular", "Neither"], ["<n>Incorrect.</n><t>Parallel lines never meet. The lines in an L meet at right angles to each other, so they are perpendicular lines.</t>", "<y>Correct.</y><t>That's it! You realised that the lines in an L meet at right angles to each other, so they must be perpendicular lines.</t>", "<n>Incorrect.</n><t>The lines in an L meet at right angles to each other, so they are perpendicular lines.</t>"]], ["Will two parallel lines ever cross?", 1, ["Yes", "No", "Depends on how they are drawn"], ["<n>Incorrect.</n><t>Parallel lines are always the same distance apart from one another and never cross.</t>", "<y>Correct.</y><t>Well done! You remembered that parallel lines are always the same distance apart from one another and never cross.</t>", "<n>Incorrect.</n><t>Parallel lines are always the same distance apart from one another and never cross.</t>"]], ["Angles are measured using a", 2, ["compass", "ruler", "protractor"], ["<n>Incorrect.</n><t>A compass measures direction (north, south, east, west). Angles are measured using a protractor.</t>", "<n>Incorrect.</n><t>A ruler measures length. Angles are measured using a protractor.</t>", "<y>Correct.</y><t>Yes, angles can be measured using a protractor.</t>"]], ["You're standing at position (4,5) on a grid. You move one step<br>to the east (right). What position are you standing at now?", 0, ["(5,5)", "(4,6)", "(3,5)"], ["<y>Correct.</y><t>That's right. Moving one step to the east would increase the x coordinate by 1.</t>", "<n>Incorrect.</n><t>Moving one step to the east would increase the x coordinate by 1. So you would be standing at (5,5).</t>", "<n>Incorrect.</n><t>Moving one step to the east would increase the x coordinate by 1. So you would be standing at (5,5).</t>"]], ["You're standing at position (-1,-4) on a grid. You move one step<br>south (down). What position are you standing at now?", 0, ["(-1,-5)", "(-1,-3)", "(-2,-4)"], ["<y>Correct.</y><t>That's right. Moving one step south would decrease the y coordinate by 1.</t>", "<n>Incorrect.</n><t>Moving one step south would decrease the y coordinate by 1. So you would be standing at (-1,-5).</t>", "<n>Incorrect.</n><t>Moving one step south would decrease the y coordinate by 1. So you would be standing at (-1,-5).</t>"]], ["You're standing at position (0,0) on a grid. You move one step<br>west (left) and one step north (up). What position are you standing at now?", 2, ["(1,1)", "(-1,-1)", "(-1, 1)"], ["<n>Incorrect.</n><t>Moving one step to the west and one step north would decrease the x coordinate by 1 and increase the y coordinate by 1.</t>", "<n>Incorrect.</n><t>Moving one step to the west and one step north would decrease the x coordinate by 1 and increase the y coordinate by 1.</t>", "<y>Correct.</y><t>Yes, moving one step to the west and one step north would decrease the x coordinate by 1 and increase the y coordinate by 1.</t>"]], ["Imagine the point (3,3) on a grid.<br>How far is the point from the x-axis?", 1, ["0 units", "3 units", "6 units"], ["<n>Incorrect.</n><t>At the x-axis, the y coordinate is 0. So (3,3) is 3 units from the x axis.</t>", "<y>Correct.</y><t>Perfect answer! At the x-axis, the y coordinate is 0. So (3,3) is 3 units from the x axis.</t>", "<n>Incorrect.</n><t>At the x-axis, the y coordinate is 0. So (3,3) is 3 units from the x axis.</t>"]], ["Imagine the point (1,8) on a grid.<br>How far is the point from the y-axis?", 0, ["1 unit", "8 units", "9 units"], ["<y>Correct.</y><t>That's it! At the y-axis, the x coordinate is 0. So (1,8) is 1 unit from the y axis.</t>", "<n>Incorrect.</n><t>At the y-axis, the x coordinate is 0. So (1,8) is 1 unit from the y axis.</t>", "<n>Incorrect.</n><t>At the y-axis, the x coordinate is 0. So (1,8) is 1 unit from the y axis.</t>"]], ["Imagine the point (-2,5) on a grid.<br>How far is the point from the y-axis?", 2, ["0 units", "5 units.", "2 units"], ["<n>Incorrect.</n><t>At the y-axis, the x coordinate is 0. So (-2,5) is 2 units from the y axis.</t>", "<n>Incorrect.</n><t>At the y-axis, the x coordinate is 0. So (-2,5) is 2 units from the y axis.</t>", "<y>Correct.</y><t>Yes! At the y-axis, the x coordinate is 0. So (-2,5) is 2 units from the y axis.</t>"]], ["How far apart are the points (4,7) and (7,7) on a grid?", 0, ["3 units", "4 units", "6 units"], ["<y>Correct.</y><t>That's right. The points share the same y coordinate but there is a difference of 3 in their x coordinates.</t>", "<n>Incorrect.</n><t>The points share the same y coordinate but there is a difference of 3 in their x coordinates. So they are 3 units apart.</t>", "<n>Incorrect.</n><t>The points share the same y coordinate but there is a difference of 3 in their x coordinates. So they are 3 units apart.</t>"]], ["How far apart are the points (2,5) and (2,-5) on a grid?", 2, ["0 units", "5 units", "10 units"], ["<n>Incorrect.</n><t>The points share the same x coordinate but there is a difference of 10 in their y coordinates. So they are 10 units apart.</t>", "<n>Incorrect.</n><t>The points share the same x coordinate but there is a difference of 10 in their y coordinates. So they are 10 units apart.</t>", "<y>Correct.</y><t>Absolutely! The points share the same x coordinate but there is a difference of 10 in their y coordinates.</t>"]], ["Imagine the point (2,2) on a grid.<br>Which of these points is it closer to?", 2, ["(0,0)", "(2,7)", "(3,3)"], ["<n>Incorrect.</n><t>The point (2,2) is closer to (3,3) than (0,0).</t>", "<n>Incorrect.</n><t>The point (2,2) is closer to (3,3) than (2,7).</t>", "<y>Correct.</y><t>Absolutely right! The point (2,2) is closer to (3,3) than either (0,0) or (2,7). Well worked out!</t>"]], ["Imagine the point (-4,-3) on a grid.<br>Which of these points is it closer to?", 0, ["(-5,-4)", "(4,3)", "(-4,3)"], ["<y>Correct.</y><t>Yes! The point (-4,-3) is closer to (-5,-4) than either (4,3) or (-4,3). Well imagined!</t>", "<n>Incorrect.</n><t>The point (-4,-3) is closer to (-5,-4) than (4,3).</t>", "<n>Incorrect.</n><t>The point (-4,-3) is closer to (-5,-4) than (-4,3).</t>"]], ["Which is the shortest distance?", 2, ["5 kilometres", "5 miles", "4800 metres"], ["<n>Incorrect.</n><t>5 kilometres is 5000 metres. So 4800 metres is a shorter distance than 5 kilometres.</t>", "<n>Incorrect.</n><t>4800 metres is a shorter distance than both 5 kilometres (5000 metres) and 5 miles (around 8000 metres).</t>", "<y>Correct.</y><t>4800 metres is a shorter distance than both 5 kilometres (5000 metres) and 5 miles (around 8000 metres).</t>"]], ["Finn's birthday is on April 8th. If it's March 28th today,<br>how many days does Finn have to wait until it's his birthday?", 1, ["9", "11", "13"], ["<n>Incorrect.</n><t>There are 3 days from the 28th March to the end of the month. Then add on the 8 days in April to make a total of 11 days.</t>", "<y>Correct.</y><t>Yes! There are 3 days from the 28th March to the end of the month. Then add on the 8 days in April to make a total of 11 days.</t>", "<n>Incorrect.</n><t>There are 3 days from the 28th March to the end of the month. Then add on the 8 days in April to make a total of 11 days.</t>"]], ["If it is 18:00 now, what time was it 45 minutes ago?", 2, ["18:45", "17:45", "17:15"], ["<n>Incorrect.</n><t>18:45 is 45 minutes after 18:00, not 45 minutes before.</t>", "<n>Incorrect.</n><t>17:45 is 15 minutes before 18:00, not 45 minutes before.</t>", "<y>Correct.</y><t>That's right. 45 minutes before 18:00 is 17:15.</t>"]], ["Which of these might you measure in millimetres?", 1, ["The distance from Manchester to Glasgow", "The width of a button", "The distance from your front door to your bedroom"], ["<n>Incorrect.</n><t>It would be better to measure that distance in kilometres, not millimetres.</t>", "<y>Correct.</y><t>Yes, that is a very small distance so it would be best to measure it in millimetres.</t>", "<n>Incorrect.</n><t>It would be better to measure that distance in metres, not millimetres.</t>"]], ["How many grams are there in 1.8 kilograms?", 2, ["180", "1080", "1800"], ["<n>Incorrect.</n><t>There are 1000 grams in a kilogram, so there are 1800 grams in 1.8 kilograms.</t>", "<n>Incorrect.</n><t>There are 1000 grams in a kilogram, so there are 1800 grams in 1.8 kilograms.</t>", "<y>Correct.</y><t>There are 1000 grams in a kilogram, so there are 1800 grams in 1.8 kilograms. Excellent working!</t>"]], ["If you pour one litre of orange juice into 5 glasses,<br>how much orange juice will each glass contain?", 1, ["20 ml", "200 ml", "20 l"], ["<n>Incorrect.</n><t>There are 1000 millilitres in a litre. 1000 ÷ 5 = 200 millilitres or 200 ml.</t>", "<y>Correct.</y><t>You remembered there are 1000 millilitres in a litre. 1000 ÷ 5 = 200 millilitres or 200 ml.</t>", "<n>Incorrect.</n><t>There are 1000 millilitres in a litre. 1000 ÷ 5 = 200 millilitres or 200 ml.</t>"]], ["How would 3.35 pm be written as a 24-hour time?", 2, ["03:35", "13:35", "15:35"], ["<n>Incorrect.</n><t>03:35 means it is 3.35 am. In the afternoon, you must add 12 to change analogue time to 24-hour time. So 3.35 pm becomes 15.35.</t>", "<n>Incorrect.</n><t>13:35 means it is 1.35 pm. In the afternoon, you must add 12 to change analogue time to 24-hour time. So 3.35 pm becomes 15.35.</t>", "<y>Correct.</y><t>You remembered that to change an afternoon time to 24-hour time, you must add 12. So 3.35 pm becomes 15.35.</t>"]], ["A film is 150 minutes long. How long is the film in hours?", 1, ["15 hours", "2.5 hours", "1.5 hours"], ["<n>Incorrect.</n><t>There are 60 minutes in an hour. 150 ÷ 60 = 2.5. So the film is 2.5 hours long.</t>", "<y>Correct.</y><t>You remembered there are 60 minutes in an hour. 150 ÷ 60 = 2.5. So the film is 2.5 hours long. Good working out!</t>", "<n>Incorrect.</n><t>There are 60 minutes in an hour. 150 ÷ 60 = 2.5. So the film is 2.5 hours long.</t>"]], ["A recipe for milkshake needs 2 pints of milk.<br>Roughly how many litres of milk is this?", 0, ["1 litre", "2 litres", "4 litres"], ["<y>Correct.</y><t>Yes! A pint is equal to just over half a litre. So 2 pints is roughly equal to 1 litre.</t>", "<n>Incorrect.</n><t>A pint is equal to just over half a litre. So 2 pints is roughly equal to 1 litre.</t>", "<n>Incorrect.</n><t>A pint is equal to just over half a litre. So 2 pints is roughly equal to 1 litre.</t>"]], ["Which weighs more?", 2, ["A kilogram of feathers", "A kilogram of rocks", "They both weigh the same"], ["<n>Incorrect.</n><t>Think about this carefully. They both weigh a kilogram so they both weigh the same!</t>", "<n>Incorrect.</n><t>Think about this carefully. They both weigh a kilogram so they both weigh the same!</t>", "<y>Correct.</y><t>We can't trick you! They both weigh a kilogram so they both weigh the same!</t>"]], ["A triangle with three equal sides is called", 0, ["an equilateral triangle", "an isosceles triangles", "a scalene triangle"], ["<y>Correct.</y><t>Yes, an equilateral triangle has three equal sides and three equal angles.</t>", "<n>Incorrect.</n><t>An isosceles triangle only has two equal sides.</t>", "<n>Incorrect.</n><t>A scalene triangle has no equal sides. All its sides are different lengths.</t>"]], ["A triangle with two equal angles is called", 1, ["an equilateral triangle", "an isosceles triangle", "a scalene triangle"], ["<n>Incorrect.</n><t>An equilateral triangle has three equal angles.</t>", "<y>Correct.</y><t>Yes, an isosceles triangle has two equal angles and two equal sides.</t>", "<n>Incorrect.</n><t>A scalene triangle has no equal angles.</t>"]], ["Which of these shapes has no lines of symmetry?", 2, ["Square", "Rectangle", "Scalene triangle"], ["<n>Incorrect.</n><t>A square has four lines of symmetry.</t>", "<n>Incorrect.</n><t>A rectangle has two lines of symmetry.</t>", "<y>Correct.</y><t>Yes, a scalene triangle has no equal sides, no equal angles and no lines of symmetry.</t>"]], ["I have four equal sides and four right angles. What am I?", 0, ["Square", "Rectangle", "Rhombus"], ["<y>Correct.</y><t>Yes, a square has four equal sides and four right angles.</t>", "<n>Incorrect.</n><t>A rectangle does have four right angles, but it does not have four equal sides. It has two pairs of equal sides.</t>", "<n>Incorrect.</n><t>A rhombus does have four equal sides, but it does not have four right angles.</t>"]], ["I have two pairs of equal sides. My opposite sides are parallel.<br>I have no right angles. What am I?", 2, ["Rectangle", "Kite", "Parallelogram"], ["<n>Incorrect.</n><t>A rectangle does have two pairs of equal sides, but it DOES have right angles. It has four right angles.</t>", "<n>Incorrect.</n><t>A kite does have two pairs of equal sides, but it does not have any parallel sides.</t>", "<y>Correct.</y><t>Yes, a parallelogram has two pairs of equal sides and its opposite sides and angles are equal.</t>"]], ["The distance halfway across a circle is called", 1, ["the circumference", "the radius", "the diameter"], ["<n>Incorrect.</n><t>The circumference is the distance all the way around a circle.</t>", "<y>Correct.</y><t>Yes, the radius is the distance from the outside of the circle to the middle point of the circle.</t>", "<n>Incorrect.</n><t>The diameter is the distance all the way across a circle.</t>"]], ["A rectangle has sides of 6 cm and 2 cm. What is its perimeter?", 1, ["12 cm", "16 cm", "24 cm"], ["<n>Incorrect.</n><t>The perimeter is the distance all the way around a shape. The perimeter of this rectangle is 6 + 2 + 6 + 2 = 16 cm.</t>", "<y>Correct.</y><t>Yes, the perimeter is the distance all the way around a shape. The perimeter of this rectangle is 6 + 2 + 6 + 2 = 16 cm.</t>", "<n>Incorrect.</n><t>The perimeter is the distance all the way around a shape. The perimeter of this rectangle is 6 + 2 + 6 + 2 = 16 cm.</t>"]], ["A 2D shape with 6 sides is called", 2, ["a quadrilateral", "a pentagon", "a hexagon"], ["<n>Incorrect.</n><t>A quadrilateral is a 2D shape with 4 sides.</t>", "<n>Incorrect.</n><t>A pentagon is a 2D shape with 5 sides.</t>", "<y>Correct.</y><t>You got it! A 2D shape with 6 sides is called a hexagon.</t>"]], ["How many vertices does a square-based pyramid have?", 2, ["8", "6", "5"], ["<n>Incorrect.</n><t>Vertices is another word for corners. A square-based pyramid has 5 vertices (four at the bottom, one at the top).</t>", "<n>Incorrect.</n><t>Vertices is another word for corners. A square-based pyramid has 5 vertices (four at the bottom, one at the top).</t>", "<y>Correct.</y><t>You remembered that vertices is another word for corners and that a square-based pyramid has 5 vertices (four at the bottom, one at the top).</t>"]], ["A square has sides of 5 cm. What is its area?", 0, ["25 square cm", "20 square cm", "10 square cm"], ["<y>Correct.</y><t>You remembered the area of a square is worked out by multiplying its length by its width. 5 x 5 = 25.</t>", "<n>Incorrect.</n><t>The area of a square is worked out by multiplying its length by its width. 5 x 5 = 25.</t>", "<n>Incorrect.</n><t>The area of a square is worked out by multiplying its length by its width. 5 x 5 = 25.</t>"]], ["A translation ...", 1, ["flips a shape", "slides a shape", "turns a shape"], ["<n>Incorrect.</n><t>A reflection flips a shape. A translation slides a shape.</t>", "<y>Correct.</y><t>Yes, a translation slides a shape from one place to another, without turning it.</t>", "<n>Incorrect.</n><t>A rotation turns a shape. A translation slides a shape.</t>"]], ["A reflection ...", 0, ["flips a shape", "slides a shape", "turns a shape"], ["<y>Correct.</y><t>Yes, a reflection flips a shape about a mirror line.</t>", "<n>Incorrect.</n><t>A translation slides a shape. A reflection flips a shape.</t>", "<n>Incorrect.</n><t>A rotation turns a shape. A reflection flips a shape.</t>"]], ["What rotation would turn the capital letter Z<br>into a capital N?", 1, ["360 degrees", "90 degrees", "180 degrees"], ["<n>Incorrect.</n><t>360 degrees is a full turn. If a Z was rotated a full turn, it would still look like a Z.</t>", "<y>Correct.</y><t>Yes, a rotation of 90 degrees would turn a Z into an N!</t>", "<n>Incorrect.</n><t>180 degrees is a half turn. If a Z was rotated a half turn, it would still look like a Z. Look at a Z upside down to check!</t>"]], ["A triangle on a grid is rotated 90 degrees about the centre<br>of the grid. The distance between the tip of the triangle<br>and the centre of the grid ...", 1, ["increases", "stays the same", "decreases"], ["<n>Incorrect.</n><t>The distance from any point on a shape being rotated to the centre of rotation never changes.</t>", "<y>Correct.</y><t>You remembered that the distance from any point on a shape being rotated to the centre of rotation never changes.</t>", "<n>Incorrect.</n><t>The distance from any point on a shape being rotated to the centre of rotation never changes.</t>"]], ["A drawing of a stick-man is reflected in a mirror line.<br>The eye of the reflected man is ...", 0, ["the same distance from the mirror line as the original shape", "further from the mirror line than the original shape", "nearer the mirror line than the original shape"], ["<y>Correct.</y><t>You remembered that when a shape is reflected, the reflection is the same distance from the mirror line as the original shape.</t>", "<n>Incorrect.</n><t>When a shape is reflected in a mirror line, the reflection is the same distance from the mirror line as the original shape.</t>", "<n>Incorrect.</n><t>When a shape is reflected in a mirror line, the reflection is the same distance from the mirror line as the original shape.</t>"]], ["A dot at position (4,3) on a grid is translated four squares<br>to the right. What are its new coordinates?", 2, ["(0,3)", "(4,3)", "(8,3)"], ["<n>Incorrect.</n><t>A translation of four squares to the right just means sliding four squares to the right. So the x coordinate will increase by four.</t>", "<n>Incorrect.</n><t>A translation of four squares to the right just means sliding four squares to the right. So the x coordinate will increase by four.</t>", "<y>Correct.</y><t>That's right, a translation of four squares to the right just means sliding four squares to the right.</t>"]], ["A dot at position (0,0) on a grid is translated one square<br>to the right and two squares up. What are its new coordinates?", 2, ["(0,0)", "(2,1)", "(1,2)"], ["<n>Incorrect.</n><t>Sliding 1 square to the right will increase the x coordinate by 1. Sliding 2 squares up will increase the y coordinate by 2.</t>", "<n>Incorrect.</n><t>Sliding 1 square to the right will increase the x coordinate by 1. Sliding 2 squares up will increase the y coordinate by 2.</t>", "<y>Correct.</y><t>Sliding 1 square to the right will increase the x coordinate by 1. Sliding 2 squares up will increase the y coordinate by 2. Well done!</t>"]], ["Which of these techniques can transform the letter b into<br>the letter d?", 0, ["Reflection", "Rotation", "Translation"], ["<y>Correct.</y><t>Yes, a reflection in a mirror line to the left of a b would turn it into a d!</t>", "<n>Incorrect.</n><t>No matter how far you rotated a b, it would never look like a d.</t>", "<n>Incorrect.</n><t>Translating a b would slide it to a different place, but it would still look like a b!</t>"]], ["Which of these techniques can transform the letter d into<br>the letter p?", 1, ["Reflection", "Rotation", "Translation"], ["<n>Incorrect.</n><t>No matter where you put the mirror line, you could never transform a d into a p with a reflection.</t>", "<y>Correct.</y><t>That's right. A rotation of 180 degrees or a half turn would transform a d into a p. Look at a d upside down to check!</t>", "<n>Incorrect.</n><t>Translating a d would slide it to a different place, but it would still look like a d!</t>"]], ["Which of these techniques can NOT transform the letter M into<br>the letter W?", 2, ["Reflection", "Rotation", "Translation"], ["<n>Incorrect.</n><t>A reflection in a mirror line underneath the letter M WOULD transform it into the letter W!</t>", "<n>Incorrect.</n><t>A rotation of 180 degrees or a half turn WOULD transform the letter M into the letter W. Look at a M upside down to check!</t>", "<y>Correct.</y><t>That's right, a translation could slide the letter M to a different place, but it would always look like an M!</t>"]]];
aQuestions_materials = [["What happens during evaporation?", 2, ["A gas changes to a liquid", "A solid changes to a liquid", "A liquid changes to a gas"], ["<n>Incorrect.</n><t>A gas changes to a liquid during condensation, not evaporation.</t>", "<n>Incorrect.</n><t>A solid changes to a liquid during melting, not evaporation.</t>", "<y>Correct.</y><t>Yes, when a liquid is heated, it changes to a gas. This change is called evaporation.</t>"]], ["Butter going soft and runny on a hot day is an example of", 1, ["freezing", "melting", "condensing"], ["<n>Incorrect.</n><t>Freezing is when a liquid is cooled and changes to a solid.</t>", "<y>Correct.</y><t>Yes, melting is when a solid is heated and changes to a liquid. The butter is changing from a solid to a liquid.</t>", "<n>Incorrect.</n><t>No, condensation is when a gas is cooled and changes to a liquid.</t>"]], ["What is the missing word? When water is...., it starts to change from a liquid to a solid.", 0, ["cooled", "heated", "boiled"], ["<y>Correct.</y><t>That's right. When water is cooled, it changes from a liquid to a solid (ice).</t>", "<n>Incorrect.</n><t>No, when water is heated it changes from a liquid to a gas.</t>", "<n>Incorrect.</n><t>No, when water is boiled, it changes from a liquid to a gas.</t>"]], ["Clouds are formed by", 2, ["rain falling", "hot air rising", "water vapour condensing"], ["<n>Incorrect.</n><t>Rain falls when the clouds get heavy, but that's not how clouds form.</t>", "<n>Incorrect.</n><t>Hot air does rise, but clouds aren't made of hot air.</t>", "<y>Correct.</y><t>Yes, clouds form when water vapour in the air cools and condenses into tiny drops of liquid water.</t>"]], ["We use the same water today that dinosaurs used when they lived on the earth. Is this true or false?", 0, ["True", "False", "Neither"], ["<y>Correct.</y><t>Yes, it's true because the water cycle has been happening for millions of years.</t>", "<n>Incorrect.</n><t>No, in fact it's true because the water cycle has been happening for millions of years.</t>", "<n>Incorrect.</n><t>No, in fact it's true because the water cycle has been happening for millions of years.</t>"]], ["A gas condenses into a liquid when it is...", 0, ["cooled ", "warmed", "boiled"], ["<y>Correct.</y><t>Yes, a gas needs to be cooled before it will condense.</t>", "<n>Incorrect.</n><t>A gas condenses when it is cooled.</t>", "<n>Incorrect.</n><t>A gas condenses when it is cooled.</t>"]], ["Which process is the opposite of condensation?", 2, ["Melting", "Freezing", "Evaporation"], ["<n>Incorrect.</n><t>No, melting is the opposite of freezing.</t>", "<n>Incorrect.</n><t>No, freezing is the opposite of melting.</t>", "<y>Correct.</y><t>Yes, condensation turns a gas into liquid. Evaporation does the opposite!</t>"]], ["Which of these statements is FALSE?", 1, ["Evaporation is a change that can be reversed", "Evaporation only happens at 100°C", "Evaporation is helped by heat and by wind"], ["<n>Incorrect.</n><t>That is true. When water has evaporated, it can be cooled to condense it again.</t>", "<y>Correct.</y><t>Evaporation can happen at any temperature, although it's faster at higher temperatures.</t>", "<n>Incorrect.</n><t>That is true. That is why clothes dry best on a sunny, windy day!</t>"]], ["The movement of water around and around our world is called...", 1, ["condensation", "the water cycle", "evaporation"], ["<n>Incorrect.</n><t>It is called the water cycle and condensation is just part of this process.</t>", "<y>Correct.</y><t>That's it! The water is cycled around by evaporation and condensation.</t>", "<n>Incorrect.</n><t>It is called the water cycle and evaporation is just part of this process.</t>"]], ["Which of these is NOT a part of the water cycle?", 2, ["The sun evaporates water on the Earth's surface into water vapour", "The water vapour rises, and cools and condenses into clouds", "When it rains, the water runs uphill to the mountains"], ["<n>Incorrect.</n><t>That IS part of the water cycle.</t>", "<n>Incorrect.</n><t>That IS part of the water cycle.</t>", "<y>Correct.</y><t>Rainwater actually runs downwards to the seas and oceans.</t>"]], ["Why couldn't you use a plastic towel?", 1, ["It would be too bendy", "It wouldn't be absorbent", "It wouldn't conduct heat"], ["<n>Incorrect.</n><t>A towel needs to be bendy so that's not the reason.</t>", "<y>Correct.</y><t>A towel must be absorbent to mop up water, and plastic isn't absorbent.</t>", "<n>Incorrect.</n><t>A towel doesn't need to conduct heat.</t>"]], ["Why wouldn't you sit on a glass chair?", 0, ["It might shatter", "It wouldn't be absorbent", "It would be transparent"], ["<y>Correct.</y><t>That's right. Glass can shatter easily.</t>", "<n>Incorrect.</n><t>Glass isn't absorbent but that wouldn't be a problem with a glass chair.</t>", "<n>Incorrect.</n><t>Glass is transparent but that wouldn't be a problem with a glass chair.</t>"]], ["Where do metals come from?", 0, ["From rocks called ores", "From fibres woven together", "From trees"], ["<y>Correct.</y><t>Metals come from rocks underground called ores.</t>", "<n>Incorrect.</n><t>That's how fabrics are made.</t>", "<n>Incorrect.</n><t>That's where paper comes from.</t>"]], ["How is glass made?", 0, ["By heating sand", "By mashing up wood from trees", "By weaving fibres together"], ["<y>Correct.</y><t>Glass is made by heating sand until it melts.</t>", "<n>Incorrect.</n><t>That's how paper is made.</t>", "<n>Incorrect.</n><t>That's how fabrics are made.</t>"]], ["How is paper made?", 1, ["By heating sand", "By mashing up wood from trees", "By weaving fibres together"], ["<n>Incorrect.</n><t>That's how glass is made.</t>", "<y>Correct.</y><t>Paper is made by mashing up ground wood from trees.</t>", "<n>Incorrect.</n><t>That's how fabrics are made.</t>"]], ["Metal is used for nails because it ...", 2, ["rusts", "is shiny", "does not bend easily"], ["<n>Incorrect.</n><t>Metal can rust but that's not why it's used for nails.</t>", "<n>Incorrect.</n><t>Metal is shiny but that's not why it's used for nails.</t>", "<y>Correct.</y><t>It's important that nails do not bend. That's why they are made from metal.</t>"]], ["Wood is used for matches because it ...", 2, ["floats", "rots", "burns"], ["<n>Incorrect.</n><t>Wood does float but that's not why it's used for matches.</t>", "<n>Incorrect.</n><t>Wood can rot, but that's not why it's used for matches.</t>", "<y>Correct.</y><t>Wood burns easily and that is why it makes a good material for a match.</t>"]], ["Rubber is used for wellington boots because it ...", 2, ["floats", "is opaque", "is waterproof"], ["<n>Incorrect.</n><t>Rubber does float but that's not why it's used for wellington boots.</t>", "<n>Incorrect.</n><t>Rubber is usually opaque but that's not why it's used for wellington boots.</t>", "<y>Correct.</y><t>Because it's waterproof, it prevents your feet from getting wet!</t>"]], ["Which spoon is it safer to stir very hot soup with?", 1, ["A metal spoon", "A wooden spoon", "A paper spoon"], ["<n>Incorrect.</n><t>A metal spoon might get too hot to hold.</t>", "<y>Correct.</y><t>A wooden spoon wouldn't get too hot to hold.</t>", "<n>Incorrect.</n><t>A paper spoon would flop into the hot soup!</t>"]], ["Material A is stretchy but not absorbent. Material B is very absorbent but does not stretch. Which makes the best swimwear?", 0, ["Material A", "Material B", "Both Material A and Material B make good swimwear"], ["<y>Correct.</y><t>That's right. Swimwear must be stretchy and not absorbent.</t>", "<n>Incorrect.</n><t>If swimwear was absorbent, it'd become sodden and heavy with water.</t>", "<n>Incorrect.</n><t>Material B wouldn't make very good swimwear.</t>"]], ["Which of the following is NOT a gas?", 2, ["Air", "Car exhaust fumes", "The sea"], ["<n>Incorrect.</n><t>Air is a gas. In fact, it is a mixture of several gases.</t>", "<n>Incorrect.</n><t>Car exhaust fumes are gases, a mixture of gases.</t>", "<y>Correct.</y><t>The sea is a liquid.</t>"]], ["You blow up a balloon. Is it heavier or lighter than the uninflated balloon?", 0, ["Heavier", "Lighter", "They weigh the same"], ["<y>Correct.</y><t>It's heavier than the uninflated balloon because it contains more air.</t>", "<n>Incorrect.</n><t>In fact, it's heavier than the uninflated balloon.</t>", "<n>Incorrect.</n><t>In fact, it's heavier than the uninflated balloon.</t>"]], ["When you squeeze a sponge under water, what are the bubbles that escape?", 1, ["Pieces of sponge", "Air coming from the spaces in the sponge", "Water"], ["<n>Incorrect.</n><t>The bubbles are air coming from the spaces in the sponge.</t>", "<y>Correct.</y><t>The gaps in a sponge are full of air.</t>", "<n>Incorrect.</n><t>The bubbles are air coming from the spaces in the sponge.</t>"]], ["Which material is a liquid?", 1, ["Sponge", "Shampoo", "Salt"], ["<n>Incorrect.</n><t>No, sponge is a solid.</t>", "<y>Correct.</y><t>Yes, shampoo is a liquid! It can be poured and takes the shape of the container it is in.</t>", "<n>Incorrect.</n><t>No, each particle of salt is a solid.</t>"]], ["Which material is a solid?", 2, ["Syrup", "Cooking oil", "Cotton wool"], ["<n>Incorrect.</n><t>No, syrup is a liquid.</t>", "<n>Incorrect.</n><t>No, cooking oil is a liquid.</t>", "<y>Correct.</y><t>That's right, cotton wool is a solid! It stays in one place and is easy to hold.</t>"]], ["To change a solid metal to a liquid, you would", 0, ["heat it", "cool it", "bend it"], ["<y>Correct.</y><t>Yes, heating a metal would turn it into a liquid. Most metals need a lot of heat before they turn into liquids.</t>", "<n>Incorrect.</n><t>No, cooling a metal wouldn't change it to a liquid.</t>", "<n>Incorrect.</n><t>No, that would change the metal's shape but it wouldn't change it into a liquid.</t>"]], ["Which of these is NOT an example of a solid?", 1, ["Dust", "Runny honey", "Gravel"], ["<n>Incorrect.</n><t>No, dust IS a solid. Each particle of dust is solid.</t>", "<y>Correct.</y><t>That's right. Runny honey is not a solid, it's a liquid.</t>", "<n>Incorrect.</n><t>No, gravel IS a solid.</t>"]], ["Which one of these best describes a solid?", 0, ["My particles are packed tightly together. I keep my shape.", "My particles are loosely packed. I take the shape of my container.", "My particles have lots of room. I try to spread out in every direction."], ["<y>Correct.</y><t>That's right. This describes a solid.</t>", "<n>Incorrect.</n><t>No. This describes a liquid.</t>", "<n>Incorrect.</n><t>No. This describes a gas.</t>"]], ["Which one of these best describes a liquid?", 1, ["My particles are packed tightly together. I keep my shape.", "My particles are loosely packed. I take the shape of my container.", "My particles have lots of room. I try to spread out in every direction."], ["<n>Incorrect.</n><t>No. This describes a solid.</t>", "<y>Correct.</y><t>That's right. This describes a liquid.</t>", "<n>Incorrect.</n><t>No. This describes a gas.</t>"]], ["Which one of these best describes a gas?", 2, ["My particles are packed tightly together. I keep my shape.", "My particles are loosely packed. I take the shape of my container.", "My particles have lots of room. I try to spread out in every direction."], ["<n>Incorrect.</n><t>This describes a solid.</t>", "<n>Incorrect.</n><t>This describes a liquid.</t>", "<y>Correct.</y><t>That's right, this describes a gas.</t>"]], ["The temperature of something is best measured with ...", 1, ["your hands", "a thermometer", "a clock"], ["<n>Incorrect.</n><t>Your hands aren't always a reliable guide of temperature.</t>", "<y>Correct.</y><t>A thermometer can measure temperature very accurately.</t>", "<n>Incorrect.</n><t>A clock measures time not temperature!</t>"]], ["Temperature is measured in", 2, ["kilograms", "degrees", "degrees Celsius"], ["<n>Incorrect.</n><t>No, mass is measured in kilograms. Temperature is measured in degrees Celsius.</t>", "<n>Incorrect.</n><t>No, angles are measured in degrees. Temperature is measured in degrees Celsius.</t>", "<y>Correct.</y><t>Yes, temperature is measured in degrees Celsius. Ice melts at 0 degrees Celsius and water boils at 100 degrees Celsius.</t>"]], ["What do we call materials that let heat pass through them easily?", 0, ["Thermal conductors", "Thermal insulators", "Transparent"], ["<y>Correct.</y><t>Thermal conductors let heat pass through them easily.</t>", "<n>Incorrect.</n><t>Thermal insulators don't let heat pass through them easily.</t>", "<n>Incorrect.</n><t>Transparent materials let light, not heat, pass through them.</t>"]], ["Which of these is a good thermal conductor?", 2, ["Plastic", "Wood", "Steel"], ["<n>Incorrect.</n><t>Plastic does not let heat pass through it easily. It's a thermal insulator.</t>", "<n>Incorrect.</n><t>Wood does not let heat pass through it easily. It's a thermal insulator.</t>", "<y>Correct.</y><t>Steel lets heat pass through it easily, making it a good thermal conductor.</t>"]], ["What do we call materials that do NOT let heat pass through them easily?", 1, ["Thermal conductors", "Thermal insulators", "Opaque"], ["<n>Incorrect.</n><t>Thermal conductors do let heat pass through them easily.</t>", "<y>Correct.</y><t>Thermal insulators do not let heat pass through them easily.</t>", "<n>Incorrect.</n><t>Opaque materials do not allow LIGHT to pass through them.</t>"]], ["Which of these is a good thermal insulator?", 2, ["Steel", "Iron", "Polystyrene"], ["<n>Incorrect.</n><t>Steel does let heat pass through it easily. It's a thermal conductor.</t>", "<n>Incorrect.</n><t>Iron does let heat pass through it easily. It's a thermal conductor.</t>", "<y>Correct.</y><t>Polystyrene does not let heat pass through it easily.</t>"]], ["Which one of these things can a thermal insulator NOT do?", 1, ["Keep warm things warm", "Make cold things hot", "Keep cold things cold"], ["<n>Incorrect.</n><t>It can keep warm things warm by not letting heat travel easily through it.</t>", "<y>Correct.</y><t>That's right, you would need a source of heat to do this!</t>", "<n>Incorrect.</n><t>It can keep cold things cold by not letting heat travel easily through it.</t>"]], ["To save on heating bills, do you think the roof of a building should be lined with ...", 1, ["a thermal conductor", "a thermal insulator", "nothing"], ["<n>Incorrect.</n><t>A thermal conductor would allow heat to travel easily out of the building.</t>", "<y>Correct.</y><t>A thermal insulator would keep heat in the building.</t>", "<n>Incorrect.</n><t>If the roof were lined with nothing, heat would easily escape.</t>"]], ["A room at a temperature of 20 degrees Celsius would feel colder than a room at a temperature of -20 degrees Celsius. True or false?", 1, ["True", "False", "They would both feel equally cold"], ["<n>Incorrect.</n><t>No, a negative temperature is very cold. So a room at 20 degrees Celsius would feel warmer than a room at -20 degrees Celsius.</t>", "<y>Correct.</y><t>Yes, a negative temperature is very cold. So a room at 20 degrees Celsius would feel warmer than a room at -20 degrees Celsius.</t>", "<n>Incorrect.</n><t>No, a negative temperature is very cold. So a room at 20 degrees Celsius would feel warmer than a room at -20 degrees Celsius.</t>"]], ["How does heat travel?", 1, ["From cold things to hotter things", "From hot things to colder things", "Between things of the same temperature"], ["<n>Incorrect.</n><t>Heat only travels from hot things to colder things.</t>", "<y>Correct.</y><t>That's right, heat only ever travels from hot things to colder things.</t>", "<n>Incorrect.</n><t>Heat only travels from hot things to colder things.</t>"]], ["Which substance can dissolve completely in water?", 2, ["Sand", "Flour", "Salt"], ["<n>Incorrect.</n><t>Sand cannot dissolve in water.</t>", "<n>Incorrect.</n><t>Flour cannot dissolve in water.</t>", "<y>Correct.</y><t>Salt can dissolve completely in water to form a solution of salt in water.</t>"]], ["Substances that dissolve in water are called", 2, ["solutions", "insoluble", "soluble"], ["<n>Incorrect.</n><t>No, a solution is the transparent (see-through) liquid that is made when a substance dissolves in water.</t>", "<n>Incorrect.</n><t>No, an insoluble substance is one that does NOT dissolve in water.</t>", "<y>Correct.</y><t>Yes, they are called soluble. Soluble substances such as sugar and salt dissolve in water to make solutions.</t>"]], ["How could you separate a mixture of sand and salt?", 0, ["Mix with water, filter, and then evaporate", "Mix with water, evaporate and then filter", "Filter and then mix with water"], ["<y>Correct.</y><t>The salt dissolves in the water, the sand filters off and the water evaporates to leave the salt.</t>", "<n>Incorrect.</n><t>Evaporating straight after adding the water would just leave the sand and salt mixture again.</t>", "<n>Incorrect.</n><t>Sand and salt have similar sized grains, so filtering first would not separate them.</t>"]], ["Will the steam from seawater be salty?", 1, ["Yes", "No", "Some of the steam will be salty"], ["<n>Incorrect.</n><t>Remember that only the water will evaporate; the salt will be left behind.</t>", "<y>Correct.</y><t>Only the water will evaporate and the salt will be left behind.</t>", "<n>Incorrect.</n><t>Remember that only the water will evaporate; the salt will be left behind.</t>"]], ["Are melting, freezing, boiling, evaporating and condensing ALWAYS reversible changes?", 1, ["No", "Yes", "Only sometimes"], ["<n>Incorrect.</n><t>These are always reversible changes. All can be reversed by either heating or cooling.</t>", "<y>Correct.</y><t>Melting, boiling and evaporating can always be reversed by cooling. Freezing and condensing can be reversed by heating.</t>", "<n>Incorrect.</n><t>These are always reversible changes. All can be reversed by either heating or cooling.</t>"]], ["Which of these is a reversible change?", 2, ["Metal rusting", "Baking a cake", "Freezing orange juice to make an ice lolly"], ["<n>Incorrect.</n><t>That is an irreversible change. You can't change rusted metal back into its original state.</t>", "<n>Incorrect.</n><t>That is an irreversible change. You can't change a baked cake back into its ingredients.</t>", "<y>Correct.</y><t>That is a reversible change. You can change an ice lolly back into juice by heating it.</t>"]], ["Which of these is an irreversible change?", 1, ["Candle wax melting", "Candle wax burning", "Ice cream melting"], ["<n>Incorrect.</n><t>That is a reversible change. You can change melted wax back to hard wax by cooling it.</t>", "<y>Correct.</y><t>That is an irreversible change that creates new materials as well as heat and light.</t>", "<n>Incorrect.</n><t>That is a reversible change. You can change melted ice cream back to hard ice cream by cooling it.</t>"]], ["What new materials are formed when a candle burns?", 1, ["Melted wax", "Water and carbon dioxide and soot", "No new materials are formed"], ["<n>Incorrect.</n><t>Melted wax is not a new material and it is formed when a candle melts, not burns.</t>", "<y>Correct.</y><t>A candle burning is an irreversible change and forms these new materials.</t>", "<n>Incorrect.</n><t>New materials are always formed when something burns.</t>"]], ["How could you change burnt paper back into its original form?", 2, ["Cool it", "Scrape off the soot", "You can't"], ["<n>Incorrect.</n><t>Burning paper is an irreversible chemical change and you cannot change it back to its original form.</t>", "<n>Incorrect.</n><t>Burning paper is an irreversible chemical change and you cannot change it back to its original form.</t>", "<y>Correct.</y><t>Burning paper is an irreversible chemical change and you cannot change it back to its original form.</t>"]], ["Which of these statements is FALSE?", 0, ["A reversible reaction produces new materials", "Heating a substance can cause both reversible and irreversible changes", "Dissolving is a reversible change"], ["<y>Correct.</y><t>That's right. This is false. A reversible reaction does not produce new materials.</t>", "<n>Incorrect.</n><t>No. This is true. Heating ice, for example, causes a reversible change. But heating an egg causes an irreversible change.</t>", "<n>Incorrect.</n><t>No. This is true. Dissolving is a reversible change.</t>"]], ["Which of the following rocks is permeable?", 2, ["Slate", "Marble", "Chalk"], ["<n>Incorrect.</n><t>Slate is impermeable. It does not allow water to soak through.</t>", "<n>Incorrect.</n><t>Marble is impermeable. It does not allow water to soak through.</t>", "<y>Correct.</y><t>That's right, chalk is permeable. It allows water to soak through.</t>"]], ["Which rock splits easily into thin sheets?", 1, ["Marble", "Slate", "Granite"], ["<n>Incorrect.</n><t>Marble breaks in chunks; it does not easily split into thin sheets.</t>", "<y>Correct.</y><t>Yes, slate is formed from many thin layers and so splits easily into thin sheets.</t>", "<n>Incorrect.</n><t>Granite breaks in chunks; it does not easily split into thin sheets.</t>"]], ["Which is the only rock that floats?", 0, ["Pumice", "Slate", "Granite"], ["<y>Correct.</y><t>Pumice is a very light rock and is the only rock that floats.</t>", "<n>Incorrect.</n><t>Slate doesn't float.</t>", "<n>Incorrect.</n><t>Granite doesn't float.</t>"]], ["What would be a good rock to tile a roof with?", 1, ["Chalk", "Slate", "Pumice"], ["<n>Incorrect.</n><t>Chalk wouldn't be a good choice, as rainwater would wear it away.</t>", "<y>Correct.</y><t>Yes, because slate splits easily into thin sheets and is impermeable to rain.</t>", "<n>Incorrect.</n><t>Pumice couldn't easily be split into thin sheets.</t>"]], ["Chalk is used to write on blackboards because ...", 0, ["it wears away easily", "it's permeable", "it doesn't float"], ["<y>Correct.</y><t>It wears away as you write leaving a white mark on the blackboard.</t>", "<n>Incorrect.</n><t>Chalk is permeable but that's not why it's used to write on blackboards.</t>", "<n>Incorrect.</n><t>Chalk doesn't float, but that's not why it's used to write on blackboards.</t>"]], ["Granite is often used for steps because ...", 1, ["it's permeable", "it doesn't wear away easily", "it doesn't float"], ["<n>Incorrect.</n><t>Granite is impermeable.</t>", "<y>Correct.</y><t>Yes, steps must be made from a hardwearing stone such as granite.</t>", "<n>Incorrect.</n><t>Granite doesn't float, but that's not why it's used for steps.</t>"]], ["Marble is often used for statues or grand buildings because ...", 0, ["it has attractive textures and colours", "it splits easily into thin sheets", "it wears away easily"], ["<y>Correct.</y><t>Marble is a beautiful stone and so makes attractive statues or buildings.</t>", "<n>Incorrect.</n><t>Marble doesn't split easily into thin sheets.</t>", "<n>Incorrect.</n><t>Marble doesn't wear away easily. If it did, it wouldn't make a good statue.</t>"]], ["Which rock is the solidified lava froth from a volcano?", 2, ["Granite", "Sandstone", "Pumice"], ["<n>Incorrect.</n><t>It's pumice that is the solidified lava froth from a volcano.</t>", "<n>Incorrect.</n><t>It's pumice that is the solidified lava froth from a volcano.</t>", "<y>Correct.</y><t>Yes! Because the froth contained bubbles of gas, pumice is peppered with holes.</t>"]], ["What could be a problem with a monument made from chalk?", 2, ["It wouldn't float", "It couldn't be shaped", "It could crumble over time"], ["<n>Incorrect.</n><t>Chalk doesn't float but then monuments don't usually need to!</t>", "<n>Incorrect.</n><t>Chalk can be shaped fairly easily.</t>", "<y>Correct.</y><t>Because chalk is such a soft stone, it would crumble easily.</t>"]], ["Flint and sandstone are two rocks. Sandstone can be scratched with a steel nail. Flint cannot. Which is the hardest rock?", 0, ["Flint", "Sandstone", "It's impossible to tell"], ["<y>Correct.</y><t>That's right, this test proves that flint must be harder than sandstone.</t>", "<n>Incorrect.</n><t>A rock that can be scratched is softer than one that cannot.</t>", "<n>Incorrect.</n><t>This test does show which rock is hardest.</t>"]], ["I can be 'got hold of'. I don't change shape when you move me. What am I?", 0, ["A solid", "A liquid", "Neither a solid nor a liquid"], ["<y>Correct.</y><t>Solids can also be cut or shaped and most cannot be poured.</t>", "<n>Incorrect.</n><t>Liquids do change shape when moved.</t>", "<n>Incorrect.</n><t>This describes a solid.</t>"]], ["I cannot be picked up. I take the shape of any container. What am I?", 1, ["A solid", "A liquid", "Neither a solid nor a liquid."], ["<n>Incorrect.</n><t>Solids can be picked up.</t>", "<y>Correct.</y><t>Liquids are also runny and can be poured.</t>", "<n>Incorrect.</n><t>This describes a liquid.</t>"]], ["Which of the following are examples of liquids?", 1, ["Wood and paper", "Shampoo and oil", "Shoes and socks"], ["<n>Incorrect.</n><t>Wood and paper are examples of solids.</t>", "<y>Correct.</y><t>Shampoo and oil are both examples of liquids.</t>", "<n>Incorrect.</n><t>Shoes and socks are examples of solids!</t>"]], ["Sugar and sand can be poured. Are they examples of solids or liquids?", 0, ["Solids", "Liquids", "Neither"], ["<y>Correct.</y><t>They are solids because each tiny piece of sand or sugar holds its shape.</t>", "<n>Incorrect.</n><t>Although most things that pour are liquids, sugar and sand are solids.</t>", "<n>Incorrect.</n><t>They are solids because each tiny piece of sand or sugar holds its shape.</t>"]], ["When a solid is heated, it turns into a liquid. This is called ...", 2, ["dissolving", "freezing", "melting"], ["<n>Incorrect.</n><t>Dissolving is when a solid mixes and combines with water.</t>", "<n>Incorrect.</n><t>Freezing is when a liquid is cooled and it turns into a solid.</t>", "<y>Correct.</y><t>When a solid turns to a liquid, we say it has melted.</t>"]], ["When a liquid is cooled, it turns into a solid. This is called ...", 1, ["dissolving", "freezing", "melting"], ["<n>Incorrect.</n><t>Dissolving is when a solid mixes and combines with water.</t>", "<y>Correct.</y><t>When a liquid turns to a solid, we say it has frozen.</t>", "<n>Incorrect.</n><t>Melting is when a solid is heated and turns into a liquid.</t>"]], ["Evaporation is when", 1, ["a gas is cooled and changes to a liquid", "a liquid is heated and changes to a gas", "a solid is heated and changes to a liquid"], ["<n>Incorrect.</n><t>No, that change is called condensation, not evaporation.</t>", "<y>Correct.</y><t>Yes, a liquid evaporates into a gas when it is heated.</t>", "<n>Incorrect.</n><t>No, that change is called melting not evaporation.</t>"]], ["Once a solid has turned to a liquid, can it be changed back to a solid again?", 2, ["No, it can never be turned back into a solid", "Yes, by heating it", "Yes, by cooling it"], ["<n>Incorrect.</n><t>Liquids can be turned back to solids again by cooling.</t>", "<n>Incorrect.</n><t>Heating a liquid would turn it into a gas, not a solid.</t>", "<y>Correct.</y><t>Liquids can be turned back to solids again by cooling.</t>"]], ["Condensation happens when", 0, ["a gas is cooled", "a liquid is cooled", "a solid is cooled"], ["<y>Correct.</y><t>Yes, if a gas is cooled enough, it changes to a liquid. This change is called condensation.</t>", "<n>Incorrect.</n><t>No, when a liquid is cooled, it changes to a solid. This change is called freezing, not condensation.</t>", "<n>Incorrect.</n><t>No, condensation happens when a gas is cooled and changes to a liquid.</t>"]], ["How would you stop butter melting on a hot day?", 2, ["Leave it on the table", "Put it in the oven", "Put it in the fridge"], ["<n>Incorrect.</n><t>The heat would cause it to melt.</t>", "<n>Incorrect.</n><t>The heat from the oven would cause it to melt even faster!</t>", "<y>Correct.</y><t>The fridge would keep the butter cool and solid.</t>"]]];
aQuestions_data = [["22 children were asked whether they walked to school. 11 children said yes. What fraction of a pie chart would be taken up by the Yes segment?", 2, ["one quarter", "one third", "one half"], ["<n>Incorrect.</n><t>11 out of 22 is one half. As one half of the children said yes, one half of a pie chart would be taken up by the Yes segment.</t>", "<n>Incorrect.</n><t>11 out of 22 is one half. As one half of the children said yes, one half of a pie chart would be taken up by the Yes segment.</t>", "<y>Correct.</y><t>11 out of 22 is one half. As one half of the children said yes, one half of a pie chart would be taken up by the Yes segment. Well done!</t>"]], ["In a survey of 18 children, 12 had brown eyes and 6 had blue eyes. What fraction of a pie chart would be taken up by the segment for blue eyes?", 1, ["one quarter", "one third", "one half"], ["<n>Incorrect.</n><t>6 out of 18 is one third. As one third of the children had blue eyes, one third of a pie chart would be taken up by the blue eyes segment.</t>", "<y>Correct.</y><t>6 out of 18 is one third. As one third of the children had blue eyes, one third of a pie chart would be taken up by the blue eyes segment.</t>", "<n>Incorrect.</n><t>6 out of 18 is one third. As one third of the children had blue eyes, one third of a pie chart would be taken up by the blue eyes segment.</t>"]], ["In one year, 300 Tourer bikes were sold. On a pictogram where 1 wheel represents 50 bikes, how many wheels would you put on the Tourer line?", 1, ["1", "6", "300"], ["<n>Incorrect.</n><t>1 wheel represents just 50 bikes. To represent 300 bikes, you would need to put 6 wheels on the pictogram.</t>", "<y>Correct.</y><t>Yes, 6 wheels would represent 6 x 50 = 300 bikes.</t>", "<n>Incorrect.</n><t>If 1 wheel represents 50 bikes, 300 wheels would represent 300 x 50 = 15000 bikes!</t>"]], ["In a pictogram of favourite sandwich fillings, a face represents 4 children. The line for jam shows 7.5 faces. How many children prefer jam fillings?", 0, ["30", "28", "7.5"], ["<y>Correct.</y><t>Yes, if 1 face represents 4 children, then 7.5 faces represent 7.5 x 4 = 30 children.</t>", "<n>Incorrect.</n><t>If 1 face represents 4 children, then 7.5 faces represent 7.5 x 4 = 30 children.</t>", "<n>Incorrect.</n><t>If 1 face represents 4 children, then 7.5 faces represent 7.5 x 4 = 30 children.</t>"]], ["Which of these would be best at showing how the temperature of a pie changes over time when it is put in the oven?", 1, ["Pie chart", "Line graph", "Bar chart"], ["<n>Incorrect.</n><t>A pie chart is good for showing things as proportions. But a line graph is better for showing how something changes over time.</t>", "<y>Correct.</y><t>Excellent choice! A line graph would be best for showing how the temperature of the pie changes over time.</t>", "<n>Incorrect.</n><t>A line graph is better for showing how something changes over time.</t>"]], ["240 people were asked what they'd had for breakfast. A pie chart was drawn of the results. Toast took up one quarter of the chart. This shows", 0, ["60 people had toast for breakfast", "90 people had toast for breakfast", "most people like toast for breakfast"], ["<y>Correct.</y><t>Yes, one quarter of 240 is 60. So 60 people had toast for breakfast.</t>", "<n>Incorrect.</n><t>As one quarter of the pie chart was filled with the Toast segment, one quarter of 240 people must have had toast for breakfast.</t>", "<n>Incorrect.</n><t>As one quarter of the pie chart was filled with the Toast segment, one quarter of 240 people must have had toast for breakfast.</t>"]], ["What is it NOT important to do when looking at information in a bar chart.", 1, ["Read the title and words on the chart to find out what it's telling you", "Measure the width of each of the bars", "Look carefully at the scale of the bar chart and read the height of each bar on the scale"], ["<n>Incorrect.</n><t>It IS important to read the title of a bar chart and to read all the labels and words on the chart.</t>", "<y>Correct.</y><t>That's right. The width of all the bars on a bar chart is the same and is not important.</t>", "<n>Incorrect.</n><t>It IS important to read the heights of each bar and look carefully at the scale. Each mark on the scale might mean 1, 5, or 100!</t>"]], ["Emily drew a bar chart to show the number of different birds she saw on holiday. There was no bar above the label Puffin. What does this mean?", 0, ["She didn't see any puffins on holiday", "No puffins exist in this country", "She had made a mistake"], ["<y>Correct.</y><t>Yes, if a label has no bar on a bar chart, you read the height as 0. So Emily saw 0 puffins on holiday.</t>", "<n>Incorrect.</n><t>No, it doesn't mean that! The chart only shows how many birds Emily saw on holiday.</t>", "<n>Incorrect.</n><t>No, it doesn't mean that! If a label has no bar on a bar chart, you read the height as 0. So Emily saw 0 puffins on holiday.</t>"]], ["Lee made a bar chart to show how many bikes he sold each day. Each day had its own bar. We could find out the total number of bikes Lee sold by", 2, ["counting the number of bars", "finding the height of the tallest bar", "adding together the heights of all the bars in the chart"], ["<n>Incorrect.</n><t>No, the number of bars would tell us the number of different days.</t>", "<n>Incorrect.</n><t>No, the height of the tallest bar would tell us the largest number of bikes Lee sold in one day.</t>", "<y>Correct.</y><t>Yes, adding together the heights of the bars would tell us the total number of bikes sold.</t>"]], ["Tally marks are usually drawn in groups of", 2, ["1", "2", "5"], ["<n>Incorrect.</n><t>Tally marks are usually drawn in groups of 5 to make them easier to count.</t>", "<n>Incorrect.</n><t>Tally marks are usually drawn in groups of 5 to make them easier to count.</t>", "<y>Correct.</y><t>Yes, tally marks are usually drawn in groups of 5 to make them easier to count.</t>"]], ["Asam took 7 maths tests and got scores of 68, 71, 71, 84, 53, 62 and 67. What was Asam's mode score?", 2, ["63", "68", "71"], ["<n>Incorrect.</n><t>Put the values in order and look for the value that appears the most. 71 appears the most and so 71 is the mode score.</t>", "<n>Incorrect.</n><t>Put the values in order and look for the value that appears the most. 71 appears the most and so 71 is the mode score.</t>", "<y>Correct.</y><t>That's right. The value 71 appears twice, more than any other number and so 71 is the mode score.</t>"]], ["What is the mean average of these numbers: 18, 12, 10, 10, 25?", 2, ["10", "12", "15"], ["<n>Incorrect.</n><t>To work out the mean, add the numbers together to get 75. And then divide 75 by how many numbers there are. 75 ÷ 5 = 15.</t>", "<n>Incorrect.</n><t>To work out the mean, add the numbers together to get 75. And then divide 75 by how many numbers there are. 75 ÷ 5 = 15.</t>", "<y>Correct.</y><t>Excellent! You added the numbers together to get 75. And then you divided 75 by how many numbers there are. 75 ÷ 5 = 15.</t>"]], ["The mean average of three numbers is 8. Two of the numbers are 11 and 7. What is the third number?", 0, ["6", "7", "8"], ["<y>Correct.</y><t>Well done! You worked out that if the mean average of three numbers is 8, then the numbers added together must equal 24.</t>", "<n>Incorrect.</n><t>If the mean average of three numbers is 8, then the numbers added together must equal 24. 24 - 11 - 7 = 6</t>", "<n>Incorrect.</n><t>If the mean average of three numbers is 8, then the numbers added together must equal 24. 24 - 11 - 7 = 6</t>"]], ["The temperature in degrees Celsius over 4 days in July was 21, 21, 19 and 19. What was the mean temperature?", 1, ["19 degrees Celsius", "20 degrees Celsius", "21 degrees Celsius"], ["<n>Incorrect.</n><t>To work out the mean, add the numbers together to get 80. And then divide 80 by how many numbers there are. 80 ÷ 4 = 20.</t>", "<y>Correct.</y><t>You added the numbers together to get 80. And then you divided 80 by how many numbers there are. 80 ÷ 4 = 20. Good work!</t>", "<n>Incorrect.</n><t>To work out the mean, add the numbers together to get 80. And then divide 80 by how many numbers there are. 80 ÷ 4 = 20.</t>"]], ["What is the mode of these numbers: 75, 78, 75, 71, 78, 25, 75, 29?", 1, ["25", "75", "78"], ["<n>Incorrect.</n><t>Put the values in order and look for the value that appears the most. The value 75 appears the most and so 75 is the mode.</t>", "<y>Correct.</y><t>The value 75 appears the most and so 75 is the mode. Good work!</t>", "<n>Incorrect.</n><t>Put the values in order and look for the value that appears the most. The value 75 appears the most and so 75 is the mode.</t>"]], ["Five children have heights of 138 cm, 135 cm, 140 cm, 139 cm and 141 cm. What is the range of their heights?", 0, ["6 cm", "7 cm", "8 cm."], ["<y>Correct.</y><t>Well done. You remembered that the range is the difference between the smallest and the biggest number.</t>", "<n>Incorrect.</n><t>Remember, the range is the difference between the smallest and the biggest number.</t>", "<n>Incorrect.</n><t>Remember, the range is the difference between the smallest and the biggest number.</t>"]], ["What is the median of these numbers: 2.4, 2.8, 2.3, 2.9, 2.9?", 1, ["2.3", "2.8", "2.9"], ["<n>Incorrect.</n><t>Remember the median is the middle number when the numbers are put in order.</t>", "<y>Correct.</y><t>Fantastic! You remembered the median is the middle number when the numbers are put in order.</t>", "<n>Incorrect.</n><t>Remember the median is the middle number when the numbers are put in order.</t>"]], ["The cost of five cakes is 28p, 19p, 45p, 45p, 15p. What is the median cost?", 0, ["28p", "15p", "45p"], ["<y>Correct.</y><t>You remembered the median is the middle number when the numbers are put in order. Good work!</t>", "<n>Incorrect.</n><t>Remember the median is the middle number when the numbers are put in order.</t>", "<n>Incorrect.</n><t>Remember the median is the middle number when the numbers are put in order.</t>"]], ["What is the range of this group of numbers: 75, 39, 75, 71, 79, 55, 75, 59?", 0, ["40", "71", "75"], ["<y>Correct.</y><t>You remembered that the range is the difference between the smallest and the biggest number. Well done.</t>", "<n>Incorrect.</n><t>Remember, the range is the difference between the smallest and the biggest number.</t>", "<n>Incorrect.</n><t>Remember, the range is the difference between the smallest and the biggest number.</t>"]], ["What is the median of these numbers: 10, 3, 6, 10, 4, 8?", 1, ["6", "7", "8"], ["<n>Incorrect.</n><t>The median is the middle number. But if there are two middle values, the median is halfway between them.</t>", "<y>Correct.</y><t>You remembered that if there are two middle values, the median is halfway between them. Halfway between 6 and 8 is 7.</t>", "<n>Incorrect.</n><t>The median is the middle number. But if there are two middle values, the median is halfway between them.</t>"]], ["Something that is unlikely to happen has a probability of between", 0, ["0 and 0.5", "0.5 and 1", "1 and 2"], ["<y>Correct.</y><t>Yes, something that is unlikely to happen has a probability of less than a half.</t>", "<n>Incorrect.</n><t>Something that is unlikely has a low probability. It has a probability of less than a half.</t>", "<n>Incorrect.</n><t>All probabilities are between 0 (which means impossible) and 1 (which means certain).</t>"]], ["Something that is likely to happen has a probability of between", 1, ["0 and 0.5", "0.5 and 1", "1 and 2"], ["<n>Incorrect.</n><t>Something that is likely has a high probability. It has a probability of more than a half.</t>", "<y>Correct.</y><t>Yes, something that is likely to happen has a probability of more than a half.</t>", "<n>Incorrect.</n><t>All probabilities are between 0 (which means impossible) and 1 (which means certain).</t>"]], ["What is the probability of rolling a 4 with a dice?", 0, ["one sixth", "one", "zero"], ["<y>Correct.</y><t>Only one of the six sides of the dice has a 4 on. So the probability of rolling a 4 is 1 in 6 or one sixth.</t>", "<n>Incorrect.</n><t>There are 6 possible sides the dice could land on. Only one side has a 4 on. So the probability of rolling a 4 is 1 in 6 or one sixth.</t>", "<n>Incorrect.</n><t>There are 6 possible sides the dice could land on. Only one side has a 4 on. So the probability of rolling a 4 is 1 in 6 or one sixth.</t>"]], ["What is the probability of getting 'heads' when you toss a coin?", 1, ["1", "0.5", "0.2"], ["<n>Incorrect.</n><t>There are 2 sides the coin could land on. Only one side is heads. So the probability of getting heads is one half, or 0.5.</t>", "<y>Correct.</y><t>Yes, only one of the coin's two sides is heads. So the probability of getting heads is one half, or 0.5.</t>", "<n>Incorrect.</n><t>There are 2 sides the coin could land on. Only one side is heads. So the probability of getting heads is one half, or 0.5.</t>"]], ["What is the probability of rolling an odd number with a dice?", 2, ["one sixth", "one third", "one half"], ["<n>Incorrect.</n><t>Three of the six sides of the dice have an odd number (1, 3 and 5). So the probability of rolling an odd number is 3 out of 6 or one half.</t>", "<n>Incorrect.</n><t>Three of the six sides of the dice have an odd number (1, 3 and 5). So the probability of rolling an odd number is 3 out of 6 or one half.</t>", "<y>Correct.</y><t>Three of the six sides of the dice have an odd number (1, 3 and 5). So the probability of rolling an odd number is 3 out of 6 or one half.</t>"]], ["A coin is thrown three times. It lands on heads twice and tails once. What is the probability that the coin will land on tails with the next throw?", 1, ["1", "one half", "0"], ["<n>Incorrect.</n><t>Every time the coin is thrown, the probability of landing on tails is the same - one half. It doesn't matter what has happened before!</t>", "<y>Correct.</y><t>Yes, every time the coin is thrown, the probability of landing on tails is the same - one half.</t>", "<n>Incorrect.</n><t>Every time the coin is thrown, the probability of landing on tails is the same - one half. It doesn't matter what has happened before!</t>"]], ["A bag contains 7 buttons. 3 of them are green. What is the probability of picking a green button from the bag?", 2, ["one seventh", "two sevenths", "three sevenths"], ["<n>Incorrect.</n><t>The probability of picking a green button is 3 out of 7 or three sevenths.</t>", "<n>Incorrect.</n><t>The probability of picking a green button is 3 out of 7 or three sevenths.</t>", "<y>Correct.</y><t>Yes, the probability of picking a green button is 3 out of 7 or three sevenths.</t>"]], ["Something that has an even chance of happening has a probability of", 1, ["100%", "50%", "0%"], ["<n>Incorrect.</n><t>An even chance means that something is as likely to happen as it is not to happen. It has a probability of one half or 50%.</t>", "<y>Correct.</y><t>Yes, an even chance means that something is as likely to happen as it is not to happen. It has a probability of one half or 50%.</t>", "<n>Incorrect.</n><t>An even chance means that something is as likely to happen as it is not to happen. It has a probability of one half or 50%.</t>"]], ["A bag contains just 5 buttons, all of which are blue. What is the probability of picking a red button from the bag?", 0, ["0", "0.5", "1"], ["<y>Correct.</y><t>Yes, picking a red button from this bag is impossible and so has a probability of 0.</t>", "<n>Incorrect.</n><t>Picking a red button from this bag is impossible and so has a probability of 0.</t>", "<n>Incorrect.</n><t>Picking a red button from this bag is impossible and so has a probability of 0.</t>"]], ["A bag contains 4 white buttons. How many black buttons must be added so there is an even chance of picking a white button?", 0, ["4", "8", "0"], ["<y>Correct.</y><t>Yes, adding 4 black buttons to this bag would mean there were 8 buttons in total, 4 black buttons and 4 white buttons.</t>", "<n>Incorrect.</n><t>There must be an equal number of black and white buttons in the bag for there to be an even chance of picking a white button.</t>", "<n>Incorrect.</n><t>There must be an equal number of black and white buttons in the bag for there to be an even chance of picking a white button.</t>"]]];
aQuestions_physics = [["In a simple series circuit, why does the bulb light when you close the switch?", 1, ["Because the switch produces electricity", "Because closing the switch completes the circuit", "Because closing the switch breaks the circuit"], ["<n>Incorrect.</n><t>No, the battery provides electricity.</t>", "<y>Correct.</y><t>That's right. Closing the switch completes the circuit so electricity can flow.</t>", "<n>Incorrect.</n><t>If the circuit was broken, the bulb wouldn't light.</t>"]], ["In a simple series circuit, why does the bulb go out when you open the switch?", 1, ["Because the battery goes flat", "Because opening the switch breaks the circuit", "Because too much electricity flows through the bulb"], ["<n>Incorrect.</n><t>If the battery was flat, the bulb wouldn't light even if the switch was closed.</t>", "<y>Correct.</y><t>Yes, opening the switch breaks the circuit so electricity cannot flow to the bulb.</t>", "<n>Incorrect.</n><t>No electricity can flow to the bulb if the switch is open.</t>"]], ["Imagine a simple series circuit with one 1.5V battery and one bulb. When the 1.5V battery is replaced with a 3V battery ...", 0, ["the bulb gets brighter", "the bulb gets dimmer", "the bulb stays at the same level of brightness"], ["<y>Correct.</y><t>That's right, the higher the voltage of the battery, the brighter the bulb.</t>", "<n>Incorrect.</n><t>The bulb would only get dimmer if a lower voltage of battery was used.</t>", "<n>Incorrect.</n><t>Changing the voltage of the battery does affect the brightness of the bulb.</t>"]], ["Imagine a circuit with a 1.5V battery and one bulb. Imagine a similar circuit with a 3V battery and two bulbs. Which has the brightest bulbs?", 2, ["The circuit with a 1.5V battery and one bulb", "The circuit with a 3V battery and two bulbs", "The bulbs in both circuits are of similar brightness levels"], ["<n>Incorrect.</n><t>The bulbs in both circuits will have similar brightness levels.</t>", "<n>Incorrect.</n><t>The bulbs in both circuits will have similar brightness levels.</t>", "<y>Correct.</y><t>That's right, the bulbs in both circuits will have similar brightness levels.</t>"]], ["Why might a bulb flash and go out when a 1.5V battery and a 3V battery are both connected across it in a simple series circuit?", 1, ["There is not enough electricity flowing around the circuit", "Too much electricity flows through the bulb's filament and the bulb blows", "The batteries are flat"], ["<n>Incorrect.</n><t>Together, the batteries provide plenty of electricity.</t>", "<y>Correct.</y><t>That's right, the bulb's filament heats up so much that it burns out.</t>", "<n>Incorrect.</n><t>If the batteries were flat, the bulb wouldn't flash.</t>"]], ["What is the effect of changing the wire in a circuit from a straight thick wire to a straight thin wire?", 0, ["The bulbs become dimmer", "The bulbs become brighter", "The bulbs stay at the same level of brightness"], ["<y>Correct.</y><t>This is because thin wire provides more resistance than thick wire.</t>", "<n>Incorrect.</n><t>In fact the bulbs become dimmer because thin wire provides more resistance than thick wire.</t>", "<n>Incorrect.</n><t>In fact the bulbs become dimmer because thin wire provides more resistance than thick wire.</t>"]], ["What is the effect of changing the wire in a circuit from a straight thick wire to a longer (coiled) thick wire?", 0, ["The bulbs become dimmer", "The bulbs become brighter", "The bulbs stay at the same level of brightness"], ["<y>Correct.</y><t>This is because long wire provides more resistance than short wire.</t>", "<n>Incorrect.</n><t>No. In fact the bulbs become dimmer because long wire provides more resistance than short wire.</t>", "<n>Incorrect.</n><t>No. In fact the bulbs become dimmer because long wire provides more resistance than short wire.</t>"]], ["In a circuit diagram, what does a circle with a cross inside it represent?", 0, ["A light bulb", "A motor", "A battery"], ["<y>Correct.</y><t>That's right! A circle with a cross inside it is the symbol for a light bulb.</t>", "<n>Incorrect.</n><t>A motor is represented by a circle with an M inside.</t>", "<n>Incorrect.</n><t>A battery is represented by two lines; a long line and a short line.</t>"]], ["What do the long straight lines represent in a circuit diagram?", 2, ["Motors", "Light bulbs", "Wires"], ["<n>Incorrect.</n><t>A motor is represented by a circle with an M inside.</t>", "<n>Incorrect.</n><t>A light bulb is represented by a circle with a cross inside.</t>", "<y>Correct.</y><t>That's right! The long straight lines in a circuit diagram represent electrical connecting wires.</t>"]], ["How is a battery represented in a circuit diagram?", 2, ["A circle with a cross inside it", "A circle with an M inside it", "A long line and a short line"], ["<n>Incorrect.</n><t>That symbol represents a light bulb.</t>", "<n>Incorrect.</n><t>That symbol represents a motor.</t>", "<y>Correct.</y><t>The long line represents the positive terminal of the battery; the short line, the negative terminal.</t>"]], ["Which of these statements is FALSE?", 2, ["Whenever a sound is made, something vibrates", "The pitch of a sound means how high or low the sound is", "Sound can only travel through air, not through solids or liquids"], ["<n>Incorrect.</n><t>That is TRUE.</t>", "<n>Incorrect.</n><t>That is TRUE.</t>", "<y>Correct.</y><t>Sounds CAN travel through solids such as brick walls or liquids such as water.</t>"]], ["Evie hits a cymbal to make a loud sound. She then holds the edge of the cymbal tightly between her fingers. What happens to the sound?", 0, ["It stops", "It gets louder", "It becomes higher in pitch"], ["<y>Correct.</y><t>Yes, the sound was made by the cymbal vibrating. So when Evie stops the cymbal vibrating, the sound stops.</t>", "<n>Incorrect.</n><t>Remember that sound is only made when an object vibrates.</t>", "<n>Incorrect.</n><t>Remember that sound is only made when an object vibrates.</t>"]], ["The harder you hit a drum ...", 0, ["the louder the sound", "the higher the pitch of the sound", "the lower the pitch of the sound"], ["<y>Correct.</y><t>The sound gets louder because the vibrations get bigger.</t>", "<n>Incorrect.</n><t>The pitch of the sound stays the same.</t>", "<n>Incorrect.</n><t>The pitch of the sound stays the same.</t>"]], ["As you tighten a drum skin, the sound made when you hit it ...", 1, ["gets lower in pitch", "gets higher in pitch", "stays the same"], ["<n>Incorrect.</n><t>The tighter the drum skin, the HIGHER the pitch of the sound.</t>", "<y>Correct.</y><t>The tighter the drum skin, the higher the pitch of the sound.</t>", "<n>Incorrect.</n><t>The tighter the drum skin, the HIGHER the pitch of the sound.</t>"]], ["As you fill a bottle with water, the sound made when you BLOW over the top of it ...", 1, ["gets lower in pitch", "gets higher in pitch", "stays the same"], ["<n>Incorrect.</n><t>The pitch of the sound actually gets higher.</t>", "<y>Correct.</y><t>The sound is made by the air column vibrating and this is getting shorter.</t>", "<n>Incorrect.</n><t>The pitch of the sound actually gets higher.</t>"]], ["As you fill a bottle with water, the sound you make when you TAP it ...", 0, ["gets lower in pitch", "gets higher in pitch", "stays the same"], ["<y>Correct.</y><t>The sound is made by the water column vibrating and this is getting longer.</t>", "<n>Inorrect.</n><t>The pitch of the sound actually gets lower.</t>", "<n>Incorrect.</n><t>The pitch of the sound actually gets lower.</t>"]], ["An astronaut picks up a stone from the moon and throws it hard against another stone. He doesn't hear any sound. Why not?", 1, ["Because your ears don't work on the moon", "Because there is no air on the moon and so the sound cannot travel", "Because rocks are soft and squashy on the moon"], ["<n>Incorrect.</n><t>Your ears don't suddenly stop working on the moon!</t>", "<y>Correct.</y><t>Yes, sound is carried by something vibrating. So if there is no air to vibrate, the sound cannot travel.</t>", "<n>Incorrect.</n><t>No, the rocks aren't soft and squashy on the moon!</t>"]], ["As you tighten a string, the sound made when you pluck it ...", 1, ["gets lower in pitch", "gets higher in pitch", "stays the same"], ["<n>Incorrect.</n><t>The pitch of the sound actually gets higher.</t>", "<y>Correct.</y><t>The tighter the string, the higher the pitch of the sound.</t>", "<n>Incorrect.</n><t>The pitch of the sound actually gets higher.</t>"]], ["Why do people using large noisy drills often wear ear muffs?", 2, ["Because they think they look nice", "Because their ears are cold", "Because very loud sounds can damage your ears"], ["<n>Incorrect.</n><t>They might look nice, but that's not the reason!</t>", "<n>Incorrect.</n><t>They might keep their ears warm, but that's not the reason!</t>", "<y>Correct.</y><t>The eardrum is delicate and thin and can be damaged by very loud noises.</t>"]], ["What would be a good material to lay on a floor to muffle the sound of footsteps?", 0, ["Carpet", "Metal", "Wood"], ["<y>Correct.</y><t>Carpet would be a good choice because it's soft and would soak up the vibrations of the sound.</t>", "<n>Incorrect.</n><t>Metal would not be a good choice because sound vibrations could travel through it quite easily.</t>", "<n>Incorrect.</n><t>Wood would not be the best choice because sound vibrations could travel through it quite easily.</t>"]], ["A material that lets electricity pass through it is called ...", 0, ["an electrical conductor", "an electrical insulator", "an electrical appliance"], ["<y>Correct.</y><t>Right! Conductors are materials, such as metals, that allow electricity to pass through them.</t>", "<n>Incorrect.</n><t>No, insulators are materials that do not let electricity pass through them.</t>", "<n>Incorrect.</n><t>No, a material that lets electricity pass through it is called a conductor.</t>"]], ["A material that does NOT let electricity pass through it is called ...", 1, ["an electrical conductor", "an electrical insulator", "an electrical appliance"], ["<n>Incorrect.</n><t>No, conductors are materials that DO let electricity pass through them.</t>", "<y>Correct.</y><t>Right! Insulators are materials, such as plastics, that do not allow electricity to pass through them.</t>", "<n>Incorrect.</n><t>No, a material that does not let electricity pass through it is called an insulator.</t>"]], ["Which of the following materials is an electrical conductor?", 0, ["Silver", "Silver-coloured plastic", "Cork"], ["<y>Correct.</y><t>That's right. Silver is a metal and all metals are good conductors of electricity.</t>", "<n>Incorrect.</n><t>No, just because something is silver coloured doesn't mean it is an electrical conductor.</t>", "<n>Incorrect.</n><t>Cork is an insulator. It does not allow electricity to pass through it.</t>"]], ["Which of the following materials is an electrical insulator?", 2, ["Aluminium", "Gold", "Rubber"], ["<n>Incorrect.</n><t>No, aluminium is a metal and metals are electrical conductors.</t>", "<n>Incorrect.</n><t>No, gold is a metal and metals are electrical conductors.</t>", "<y>Correct.</y><t>Yes! Rubber does not allow electricity to pass through it and it is therefore an insulator.</t>"]], ["In which circuit will the bulb or bulbs glow brightest?", 1, ["A simple circuit with one bulb and one battery", "A simple circuit with one bulb and two batteries", "A simple circuit with two bulbs and one battery"], ["<n>Incorrect.</n><t>The bulb will glow brightest if there is a second battery in the circuit.</t>", "<y>Correct.</y><t>That's right, two batteries provide a greater flow of electricity than one.</t>", "<n>Incorrect.</n><t>The bulbs will glow brightest if there are more batteries than bulbs in the circuit.</t>"]], ["Why is a bulb brighter when it is powered by two batteries rather than one?", 2, ["Because the flow of electricity in the circuit is less", "Because the flow of electricity in the circuit is the same", "Because the flow of electricity in the circuit is greater"], ["<n>Incorrect.</n><t>The flow of electricity in the circuit is greater, not less.</t>", "<n>Incorrect.</n><t>The flow of electricity in the circuit is greater, not the same.</t>", "<y>Correct.</y><t>Yes, two batteries provide a greater flow of electricity than one.</t>"]], ["Ruby has connected two bulbs across two batteries in a simple circuit. How can she make the bulbs dimmer?", 0, ["Replace one of the batteries with a section of wire", "Replace one of the batteries with a cork", "Replace one of the bulbs with a section of wire"], ["<y>Correct.</y><t>This will decrease the flow of electricity around the circuit and so the bulbs will dim.</t>", "<n>Incorrect.</n><t>Cork is an insulator, so there will be a break in the circuit and the bulbs will not light at all.</t>", "<n>Incorrect.</n><t>If she does this, the remaining bulb will shine even brighter.</t>"]], ["Ruby makes a complete simple circuit with one bulb and three batteries. The bulb lights for an instant and then goes out. Why?", 1, ["Not enough electricity flows around the circuit", "Too much electricity flows through the bulb's filament", "The batteries are flat"], ["<n>Incorrect.</n><t>No, three batteries provide a large flow of electricity.</t>", "<y>Correct.</y><t>Such a strong flow of electricity flows through the bulb's filament that the filament blows (burns out).</t>", "<n>Incorrect.</n><t>If the batteries were flat, the bulb wouldn't light up even for an instant.</t>"]], ["Why is electrical wiring usually made from copper?", 1, ["Because copper is shiny", "Because copper conducts electricity", "Because copper is not magnetic"], ["<n>Incorrect.</n><t>Just because copper is shiny doesn't make it a good material for electrical wiring.</t>", "<y>Correct.</y><t>This property makes it a good material for electrical wiring.</t>", "<n>Incorrect.</n><t>That isn't why electrical wiring is made from copper.</t>"]], ["Why is electrical wiring usually covered with a layer of plastic?", 2, ["To make it look pretty", "To help electricity flow along the wire", "To make it safe"], ["<n>Incorrect.</n><t>No. That isn't why electrical wiring is covered in plastic.</t>", "<n>Incorrect.</n><t>Remember that plastic is an insulator and does not allow electricity to flow through it.</t>", "<y>Correct.</y><t>Plastic is an insulator and so prevents the electricity from flowing anywhere else but through the wires.</t>"]], ["What shape are the Earth, Sun and Moon?", 2, ["Round and flat", "Cuboid", "Roughly spherical"], ["<n>Incorrect.</n><t>The Earth, Sun and Moon are roughly spherical.</t>", "<n>Incorrect.</n><t>The Earth, Sun and Moon are roughly spherical.</t>", "<y>Correct.</y><t>The Earth, Sun and Moon are roughly spherical.</t>"]], ["Which is largest, the Earth, Sun or Moon?", 1, ["The Earth", "The Sun", "The Moon"], ["<n>Incorrect.</n><t>The Earth is much smaller than the Sun.</t>", "<y>Correct.</y><t>The Sun is around 100 times bigger than the Earth, and around 400 times bigger than the Moon.</t>", "<n>Incorrect.</n><t>The Moon is the smallest of the three.</t>"]], ["How long does it take the Earth to travel once around the Sun?", 2, ["24 hours", "28 days", "12 months"], ["<n>Incorrect.</n><t>It takes a year for the Earth to travel around the Sun.</t>", "<n>Incorrect.</n><t>It takes a year for the Earth to travel around the Sun.</t>", "<y>Correct.</y><t>That's right! It takes one year for the Earth to travel around the Sun.</t>"]], ["How long does it take the Moon to travel once around the Earth?", 1, ["24 hours", "28 days", "12 months"], ["<n>Incorrect.</n><t>It takes about 28 days for the Moon to travel around the Earth.</t>", "<y>Correct.</y><t>Right! It takes about 28 days for the Moon to travel around the Earth.</t>", "<n>Incorrect.</n><t>It takes about 28 days for the Moon to travel around the Earth.</t>"]], ["How long does it take the Earth to turn once on its axis?", 0, ["24 hours", "12 hours", "6 hours"], ["<y>Correct.</y><t>Yes, it takes 24 hours for the Earth to make one complete turn on its axis.</t>", "<n>Incorrect.</n><t>It takes 24 hours.</t>", "<n>Incorrect.</n><t>It takes 24 hours.</t>"]], ["Which part of the Earth is in daylight?", 0, ["The part facing the Sun ", "The part facing away from the Sun", "The part facing the Moon"], ["<y>Correct.</y><t>Right! The part of the Earth facing the Sun at any time is in daylight.</t>", "<n>Incorrect.</n><t>No, the part of the Earth facing away from the Sun at any time is in darkness.</t>", "<n>Incorrect.</n><t>The part of the Earth facing the Moon could be in daylight or in darkness.</t>"]], ["Which of these is NOT true?", 2, ["The Sun rises in the east and sets in the west", "The Sun is highest in the sky at midday", "The Sun moves westwards around the Earth"], ["<n>Incorrect.</n><t>No, this is true.</t>", "<n>Incorrect.</n><t>No, this is true.</t>", "<y>Correct.</y><t>Right! The Sun does not move around the Earth. It only seems to because the Earth spins.</t>"]], ["Why does the Moon seem to change shape?", 1, ["Because it gets bigger and smaller", "Because we only see the part of the Moon that is lit by the Sun", "Because sometimes it is cloudy"], ["<n>Incorrect.</n><t>The Moon does not change size or shape.</t>", "<y>Correct.</y><t>We see different amounts of this side depending on the Moon's position.</t>", "<n>Incorrect.</n><t>Clouds can block our view of the Moon, but they are not the reason it appears to change shape.</t>"]], ["Imagine you were standing underneath a tree. When would the shadow of the tree be shortest?", 1, ["At sunrise", "At midday", "At sunset"], ["<n>Incorrect.</n><t>At sunrise the shadow would be long because the Sun would be low in the sky.</t>", "<y>Correct.</y><t>At midday the Sun is at its highest in the sky, so the shadows it makes are at their shortest.</t>", "<n>Incorrect.</n><t>At sunset the shadow would be long because the Sun would be low in the sky.</t>"]], ["Why, in some parts of the world, are the days longer in the summer than in the winter?", 0, ["Because the Earth is tilted as it moves around the Sun", "Because the Sun gets brighter in the summer", "Because the Earth spins more slowly in the summer"], ["<y>Correct.</y><t>The Earth's tilt means different parts get more or less sunshine at different times of the year.</t>", "<n>Incorrect.</n><t>The Sun does not get brighter in the summer.</t>", "<n>Incorrect.</n><t>The Earth spins at a constant speed.</t>"]], ["A girl stands still holding a racket on a tennis court. A ball is coming towards her. Which two forces are balanced?", 0, ["Her weight and a reaction force from the ground", "Air resistance on the ball and gravity", "The force of her opponent's hit on the ball and air resistance"], ["<y>Correct.</y><t>Yes, those two forces must balanced as the girl is not moving up or down.</t>", "<n>Incorrect.</n><t>If those two forces were balanced, the ball would be stationary.</t>", "<n>Incorrect.</n><t>If those two forces were balanced, the ball would be stationary.</t>"]], ["When an object falls, air resistance ...", 0, ["acts in the opposite direction to the weight", "acts in the same direction to the weight", "does not act at all"], ["<y>Correct.</y><t>When an object falls, air resistance acts upwards and weight acts downwards.</t>", "<n>Incorrect.</n><t>In fact air resistance acts in the opposite direction to the weight.</t>", "<n>Incorrect.</n><t>In fact air resistance acts in the opposite direction to the weight.</t>"]], ["Weight is a force and is measured in ...", 0, ["Newtons", "kilograms", "metres"], ["<y>Correct.</y><t>All forces are measured in Newtons, or N for short.</t>", "<n>Incorrect.</n><t>Kilograms measure mass. Weight is a force and is measured in the unit of force, Newtons.</t>", "<n>Incorrect.</n><t>Metres measure length, not the force of weight.</t>"]], ["Where would you feel heaviest?", 0, ["The Earth", "The moon", "You would feel equally heavy on both"], ["<y>Correct.</y><t>The Earth is bigger than the moon. The force of gravity is stronger so you'd feel heavier.</t>", "<n>Incorrect.</n><t>The moon is smaller than the Earth. The force of gravity is less so you wouldn't feel so strong a pull.</t>", "<n>Incorrect.</n><t>The Earth is bigger than the moon. The force of gravity is stronger so you'd feel heavier.</t>"]], ["Which of the following is TRUE?", 2, ["Gravity only acts through air, not through water or land", "Gravity does not act on aeroplanes flying in the sky", "Gravity always acts towards the centre of the earth"], ["<n>Incorrect.</n><t>Gravity acts towards the centre of the earth, whether that's through air, land or sea!</t>", "<n>Incorrect.</n><t>Gravity does act on aeroplanes, but they create a lifting force that matches it.</t>", "<y>Correct.</y><t>Gravity pulls you down whether you're in the air, in water or standing on the ground!</t>"]], ["If gravity pulls you towards the centre of the earth, why don't you fall through the pavement?", 1, ["Because gravity doesn't act through pavements", "The pavement exerts an equal force in the opposite direction", "Because gravity runs out"], ["<n>Incorrect.</n><t>Gravity acts through everything, towards the centre of the earth.</t>", "<y>Correct.</y><t>The pavement provides an upthrust, which keeps you standing rather than falling.</t>", "<n>Incorrect.</n><t>Gravity doesn't ever run out. It constantly acts towards the centre of the earth.</t>"]], ["Which gives the smallest reading on a forcemeter?", 0, ["An apple suspended in water", "An apple suspended in air", "They both give the same reading"], ["<y>Correct.</y><t>The water provides an upthrust, which cancels out some of the force of gravity.</t>", "<n>Incorrect.</n><t>The apple in water will give the smallest reading because of the upthrust from the water acting on it.</t>", "<n>Incorrect.</n><t>They both feel the same pull of gravity, but the water provides a bigger upthrust on the apple.</t>"]], ["Which of these is not a force?", 2, ["Friction", "Weight", "Height"], ["<n>Incorrect.</n><t>Friction IS a force.</t>", "<n>Incorrect.</n><t>Weight IS a force.</t>", "<y>Correct.</y><t>Height is not a force, it is a measure of length.</t>"]], ["Which of these is FALSE?", 1, ["A moving object carries on moving until a force stops it", "A moving object eventually runs out of force and slows down", "A moving object travels in a line until a force changes its direction"], ["<n>Incorrect.</n><t>That is true.</t>", "<y>Correct.</y><t>Objects don't run out of force, but they might meet another force acting in the opposite direction.</t>", "<n>Incorrect.</n><t>That is true.</t>"]], ["When an object is at rest/stationary ...", 1, ["There are no forces acting on it", "There are forces acting on it but these forces are balanced", "There is just one force acting on it, gravity"], ["<n>Incorrect.</n><t>There might still be forces acting on a stationary object but the forces are balanced.</t>", "<y>Correct.</y><t>When forces are balanced, they cancel each other out and the object doesn't move.</t>", "<n>Incorrect.</n><t>An object with just the force of gravity acting on it would continually fall.</t>"]], ["A puck slides along an icy surface. What makes it slow down?", 1, ["It runs out of push", "It rubs against the ice", "It runs out of electricity"], ["<n>Incorrect.</n><t>Another force acts in the opposite direction to the push.</t>", "<y>Correct.</y><t>The puck and the ice rub against each other, creating friction.</t>", "<n>Incorrect.</n><t>The puck isn't powered by electricity!</t>"]], ["A boy sits halfway down a grassy slope.<br>What force stops him sliding down?", 2, ["Weight", "Gravity", "Friction"], ["<n>Incorrect.</n><t>In fact the boy's weight acts down the slope.</t>", "<n>Incorrect.</n><t>In fact gravity acts down the slope.</t>", "<y>Correct.</y><t>Yes, the force of friction between the boy and the grass stops him moving.</t>"]], ["On which surface will a toy sledge travel the furthest?", 2, ["Carpet", "Polished wood", "Ice"], ["<n>Incorrect.</n><t>Friction will be high and will prevent the sledge from travelling far.</t>", "<n>Incorrect.</n><t>It will travel further on wood than on carpet but not as far as on ice.</t>", "<y>Correct.</y><t>Ice produces the least friction so the sledge will travel far.</t>"]], ["On which surface will a toy sledge travel the least distance?", 0, ["Carpet", "Polished wood", "Ice"], ["<y>Correct.</y><t>Carpet produces the most friction so the sledge won't travel far.</t>", "<n>Incorrect.</n><t>The sledge will travel the least distance on carpet.</t>", "<n>Incorrect.</n><t>Friction will be low and the sledge will travel a long way.</t>"]], ["The rougher the surface, ...", 0, ["the greater the friction", "the less the friction", "the same the level of friction"], ["<y>Correct.</y><t>That's right, rough surfaces will produce greater friction.</t>", "<n>Incorrect.</n><t>Friction is lessened on smoother surfaces, not rougher surfaces.</t>", "<n>Incorrect.</n><t>The level of friction does change as a surface becomes rougher.</t>"]], ["Which of the following is an example of trying to increase friction?", 1, ["Squirting oil into door hinges", "Spreading grit on icy roads", "Waxing the underneath of skis"], ["<n>Incorrect.</n><t>This is trying to decrease the friction between the parts of the hinge.</t>", "<y>Correct.</y><t>This increases friction to prevent cars from sliding on the ice.</t>", "<n>Incorrect.</n><t>This is trying to decrease the friction between the skis and the snow.</t>"]], ["Which of the following statements is true?", 2, ["Friction is a force that only occurs between solids", "Friction is a force that only occurs on rough surfaces", "Friction is a force that only occurs when surfaces touch each other"], ["<n>Incorrect.</n><t>This is false. Friction can occur between solids, liquids or gases.</t>", "<n>Incorrect.</n><t>This is false. Friction occurs on every surface, rough and smooth.</t>", "<y>Correct.</y><t>This is true. Whenever two surfaces touch, friction is in action!</t>"]], ["Which of the following statements is false?", 1, ["Friction can only slow things down", "Friction is never useful", "Friction can stop things from moving"], ["<n>Incorrect.</n><t>This is true. Friction acts as a slowing force.</t>", "<y>Correct.</y><t>Yes, this is FALSE. Friction can be very useful, in car brakes for example.</t>", "<n>Incorrect.</n><t>This is true. Friction can stop things from moving.</t>"]], ["Air resistance and water resistance are both types of friction. Is this true or false?", 0, ["True", "False", "Neither true nor false"], ["<y>Correct.</y><t>Yes, it is true. An object moving through air or water is slowed by friction.</t>", "<n>Incorrect.</n><t>The statement is true.</t>", "<n>Incorrect.</n><t>The statement is true.</t>"]], ["If you poured oil onto a wooden surface, the friction would ...", 0, ["be reduced", "be increased", "remain the same"], ["<y>Correct.</y><t>Adding oil to a surface is called lubrication and reduces friction.</t>", "<n>Incorrect.</n><t>In fact, adding oil to a surface reduces friction.</t>", "<n>Incorrect.</n><t>In fact, adding oil to a surface reduces friction.</t>"]], ["When light bounces back off a surface, we say it has been ...", 0, ["reflected", "absorbed", "bent"], ["<y>Correct.</y><t>We use the word reflect to describe light bouncing off something.</t>", "<n>Incorrect.</n><t>When light is absorbed by a surface, it doesn't bounce back.</t>", "<n>Incorrect.</n><t>When light bounces back off a surface, we say it has been reflected.</t>"]], ["What types of surfaces reflect light well?", 0, ["Smooth and shiny", "Dull and dark", "Soft and squidgy"], ["<y>Correct.</y><t>Smooth and shiny surfaces reflect light very well.</t>", "<n>Incorrect.</n><t>Dull and dark surfaces do not reflect light well at all.</t>", "<n>Incorrect.</n><t>Soft and squidgy surfaces do not reflect light well.</t>"]], ["Which of these objects would reflect the most light?", 2, ["A rusty metal key", "A wooden spoon", "A polished metal knife"], ["<n>Incorrect.</n><t>Polished metal reflects light much better than rusty metal.</t>", "<n>Incorrect.</n><t>Metal reflects light much better than wood.</t>", "<y>Correct.</y><t>A polished metal knife is smooth and shiny and would reflect the most light.</t>"]], ["How do mirrors work?", 0, ["By reflecting the light that hits them", "By absorbing the light that hits them", "By letting through the light that hits them"], ["<y>Correct.</y><t>Mirrors have a shiny, silver backing covered with glass and reflect the light that hits them.</t>", "<n>Incorrect.</n><t>Mirrors do not absorb light; they reflect it.</t>", "<n>Incorrect.</n><t>Mirrors do not let through light; they reflect it.</t>"]], ["Why do scissors look shiny?", 1, ["Because they are sharp", "Because they reflect light", "Because they give out light"], ["<n>Incorrect.</n><t>Shiny things look shiny because they reflect light.</t>", "<y>Correct.</y><t>Shiny things look shiny because they reflect light well.</t>", "<n>Incorrect.</n><t>Shiny things do not make light; they just reflect the light that hits them.</t>"]], ["To make a wall reflect as much light as possible, you should paint it ...", 1, ["black", "white", "yellow"], ["<n>Incorrect.</n><t>A black wall would absorb a lot of light; it would reflect the least light.</t>", "<y>Correct.</y><t>Houses in hot countries are often painted white to reflect the light from the sun so they do not get too hot.</t>", "<n>Incorrect.</n><t>A yellow wall would reflect more light than a black wall, but a white wall would reflect the most.</t>"]], ["How are shadows formed?", 2, ["By light passing through an object", "By light reflecting from a shiny object", "By an opaque object blocking the path of light"], ["<n>Incorrect.</n><t>Shadows are formed by an object blocking the path of light.</t>", "<n>Incorrect.</n><t>When light reflects, it forms a reflection, like when you look in a mirror. This is different to a shadow.</t>", "<y>Correct.</y><t>When light from a source is blocked, a shadow is formed.</t>"]], ["How do we see a tree?", 0, ["By light reflecting off the tree and entering our eyes", "By light travelling from our eyes and reflecting off the tree", "By light reflecting off our eyes and entering the tree"], ["<y>Correct.</y><t>Light from the sun reflects from the tree and the reflected light enters our eyes.</t>", "<n>Incorrect.</n><t>Our eyes do not send out light; they are not a source of light.</t>", "<n>Incorrect.</n><t>We see a tree because light reflects off the tree and enters our eyes.</t>"]], ["Which of these is FALSE?", 2, ["Light travels in straight lines", "Light travels very fast", "Light can pass through any material"], ["<n>Incorrect.</n><t>That is TRUE. Light does always travel in straight lines.</t>", "<n>Incorrect.</n><t>That is TRUE. Light travels at a speed of 300 million metres every second!</t>", "<y>Correct.</y><t>Yes, that is FALSE. Light can be reflected or absorbed by some materials.</t>"]], ["A beam of light hitting a mirror at an angle is reflected off at ...", 1, ["a smaller angle", "the same angle", "a larger angle"], ["<n>Incorrect.</n><t>Light is always reflected back from a surface at the same angle it hits the surface.</t>", "<y>Correct.</y><t>Light is always reflected back from a surface at the same angle it hits the surface.</t>", "<n>Incorrect.</n><t>Light is always reflected back from a surface at the same angle it hits the surface.</t>"]], ["When is a shadow formed?", 1, ["When the light is turned off ", "When the path of light is blocked by an object", "When an object falls to the floor"], ["<n>Incorrect.</n><t>If there's no light source, there will be no shadow.</t>", "<y>Correct.</y><t>When light from a source is blocked, a shadow is formed.</t>", "<n>Incorrect.</n><t>Shadows are formed when light is blocked.</t>"]], ["When an object blocks the path of light, what shape of shadow is formed?", 0, ["A shadow similar in shape to the object", "A dark blob", "No shadow is formed"], ["<y>Correct.</y><t>A shadow is always similar in shape to the object that formed it.</t>", "<n>Incorrect.</n><t>Shadows are all different in shape. They aren't all dark blobs!</t>", "<n>Incorrect.</n><t>A shadow is always formed when an object blocks a path of light.</t>"]], ["When an object moves closer to a light source, its shadow...", 0, ["gets bigger", "gets smaller", "stays the same size"], ["<y>Correct.</y><t>The closer the light source to the object, the bigger the shadow.</t>", "<n>Incorrect.</n><t>The shadow gets smaller as the object moves away from the light source.</t>", "<n>Incorrect.</n><t>The shadow does change in size if the object moves.</t>"]], ["Which will make the best shadow? Light shining on a...", 2, ["sheet of thin tissue paper", "glass window", "wooden chopping board"], ["<n>Incorrect.</n><t>This won't make the best shadow as it lets some light through.</t>", "<n>Incorrect.</n><t>This won't make the best shadow as it lets light through.</t>", "<y>Correct.</y><t>This would make the best shadow as light can't pass through wood.</t>"]], ["Materials that light can pass through are called...", 0, ["transparent", "translucent", "opaque"], ["<y>Correct.</y><t>Yes, transparent materials are ones we can see through such as glass.</t>", "<n>Incorrect.</n><t>Translucent materials let a little light through but block some light as well.</t>", "<n>Incorrect.</n><t>Opaque materials block light, they don't let any light through.</t>"]], ["Materials through which light cannot pass are called...", 2, ["transparent", "translucent", "opaque"], ["<n>Incorrect.</n><t>Transparent materials allow light to pass through them.</t>", "<n>Incorrect.</n><t>Translucent materials let a little light through but block some light as well.</t>", "<y>Correct.</y><t>Opaque materials block light, they don't let any light through.</t>"]], ["Where would be a shady place to stand on a sunny day?", 1, ["In the sea", "Under a tree", "In the middle of a football pitch"], ["<n>Incorrect.</n><t>No, there wouldn't be many things around to cast shadows!</t>", "<y>Correct.</y><t>Yes, the tree would block the sunlight and cast a shadow on the ground.</t>", "<n>Incorrect.</n><t>No, there wouldn't be many things around to cast shadows!</t>"]], ["Why do shadows made by the sun move over the course of a day?", 2, ["Because the weather changes", "Because the objects keep moving", "Because the sun appears to move across the sky each day"], ["<n>Incorrect.</n><t>The weather isn't the reason that shadows move.</t>", "<n>Incorrect.</n><t>Even if an object stays still, its shadow still moves as time passes.</t>", "<y>Correct.</y><t>As the sun appears to move, the shadows it creates move too.</t>"]], ["When the sun is behind you, your shadow is...", 2, ["behind you", "above you", "in front of you"], ["<n>Incorrect.</n><t>A shadow would only be made behind you if the sun was in front of you.</t>", "<n>Incorrect.</n><t>Your shadow made by the sun is never above you.</t>", "<y>Correct.</y><t>Your shadow is always the opposite side to you from the sun.</t>"]], ["Shadows made by the sun are shortest...", 1, ["in the morning, when the sun is rising", "at midday, when the sun is directly overhead", "in the evening, when the sun is setting"], ["<n>Incorrect.</n><t>When the sun is low in the sky, long shadows are made.</t>", "<y>Correct.</y><t>When the sun is high and overhead, short shadows are made.</t>", "<n>Incorrect.</n><t>When the sun is low in the sky, long shadows are made.</t>"]], ["When is a shadow formed?", 1, ["When the light is turned off ", "When the path of light is blocked by an object", "When an object falls to the floor"], ["<n>Incorrect.</n><t>If there's no light source, there will be no shadow.</t>", "<y>Correct.</y><t>When light from a source is blocked, a shadow is formed.</t>", "<n>Incorrect.</n><t>Shadows are formed when light is blocked.</t>"]], ["When an object blocks the path of light, what shape of shadow is formed?", 0, ["A shadow similar in shape to the object", "A dark blob", "No shadow is formed"], ["<y>Correct.</y><t>A shadow is always similar in shape to the object that formed it.</t>", "<n>Incorrect.</n><t>Shadows are all different in shape. They aren't all dark blobs!</t>", "<n>Incorrect.</n><t>A shadow is always formed when an object blocks a path of light.</t>"]], ["When an object moves closer to a light source, its shadow ...", 0, ["gets bigger", "gets smaller", "stays the same size"], ["<y>Correct.</y><t>The closer the light source to the object, the bigger the shadow.</t>", "<n>Incorrect.</n><t>The shadow gets smaller as the object moves away from the light source.</t>", "<n>Incorrect.</n><t>The shadow does change in size if the object moves.</t>"]], ["Which will make the best shadow? Light shining on a ...", 2, ["sheet of thin tissue paper", "glass window", "wooden chopping board"], ["<n>Incorrect.</n><t>This won't make the best shadow as it lets some light through.</t>", "<n>Incorrect.</n><t>This won't make the best shadow as it lets light through.</t>", "<y>Correct.</y><t>This would make the best shadow as light can't pass through wood.</t>"]], ["Materials that light can pass through are called ...", 0, ["transparent", "translucent", "opaque"], ["<y>Correct.</y><t>Yes, transparent materials are ones we can see through such as glass.</t>", "<n>Incorrect.</n><t>Translucent materials let a little light through but block some light as well.</t>", "<n>Incorrect.</n><t>Opaque materials block light, they don't let any light through.</t>"]], ["Materials through which light cannot pass are called ...", 2, ["transparent", "translucent", "opaque"], ["<n>Incorrect.</n><t>Transparent materials allow light to pass through them.</t>", "<n>Incorrect.</n><t>Translucent materials let a little light through but block some light as well.</t>", "<y>Correct.</y><t>Opaque materials block light, they don't let any light through.</t>"]], ["Where would be a shady place to stand on a sunny day?", 1, ["In the sea", "Under a tree", "In the middle of a football pitch"], ["<n>Incorrect.</n><t>No, there wouldn't be many things around to cast shadows!</t>", "<y>Correct.</y><t>Yes, the tree would block the sunlight and cast a shadow on the ground.</t>", "<n>Incorrect.</n><t>No, there wouldn't be many things around to cast shadows!</t>"]], ["Why do shadows made by the sun move over the course of a day?", 2, ["Because the weather changes", "Because the objects keep moving", "Because the sun appears to move across the sky each day"], ["<n>Incorrect.</n><t>The weather isn't the reason that shadows move.</t>", "<n>Incorrect.</n><t>Even if an object stays still, its shadow still moves as time passes.</t>", "<y>Correct.</y><t>As the sun appears to move, the shadows it creates move too.</t>"]], ["When the sun is behind you, your shadow is ...", 2, ["behind you", "above you", "in front of you"], ["<n>Incorrect.</n><t>A shadow would only be made behind you if the sun was in front of you.</t>", "<n>Incorrect.</n><t>Your shadow made by the sun is never above you.</t>", "<y>Correct.</y><t>Your shadow is always the opposite side to you from the sun.</t>"]], ["Shadows made by the sun are shortest ....", 1, ["in the morning, when the sun is rising", "at midday, when the sun is directly overhead", "in the evening, when the sun is setting"], ["<n>Incorrect.</n><t>When the sun is low in the sky, long shadows are made.</t>", "<y>Correct.</y><t>When the sun is high and overhead, short shadows are made.</t>", "<n>Incorrect.</n><t>When the sun is low in the sky, long shadows are made.</t>"]], ["Which of these objects would be attracted to a magnet?", 1, ["A leather purse", "A steel key", "A wooden ruler"], ["<n>Incorrect.</n><t>Leather is not magnetic.</t>", "<y>Correct.</y><t>Steel is magnetic and so would be attracted to a magnet.</t>", "<n>Incorrect.</n><t>Wood is not magnetic.</t>"]], ["Magnet A can hold three steel paperclips; Magnet B can hold five. Which is the strongest?", 1, ["Magnet A", "Magnet B", "They are both equally strong"], ["<n>Incorrect.</n><t>Magnet A cannot hold as many paperclips as Magnet B.</t>", "<y>Correct.</y><t>Magnet B must be stronger as it can hold more paperclips than Magnet A.</t>", "<n>Incorrect.</n><t>They're not equally strong as they can hold different numbers of paperclips.</t>"]], ["Two magnets are placed next to each other and push (repel) each other apart. What is a possible explanation for this?", 0, ["The north poles of both magnets are facing one another", "One magnet is made of gold", "The north pole of one magnet is facing the south pole of the other magnet"], ["<y>Correct.</y><t>Yes, two magnets with the same poles pointing towards one another will repel each other.</t>", "<n>Incorrect.</n><t>Gold is not a magnetic material and so cannot be made into a magnet.</t>", "<n>Incorrect.</n><t>No, two magnets with different poles pointing towards one another will attract (pull towards) not repel each other.</t>"]], ["The pushing or pulling force of a magnet is", 1, ["strongest in the middle of the magnet", "strongest at the ends of the magnet", "the same all the way through the magnet"], ["<n>Incorrect.</n><t>No, the force is strongest at the ends of the magnet, the north pole and the south pole.</t>", "<y>Correct.</y><t>That's right, the force is strongest at the ends of the magnet, the north pole and the south pole.</t>", "<n>Incorrect.</n><t>No, the force is strongest at the ends of the magnet, the north pole and the south pole.</t>"]], ["Which two metals will be attracted by a magnet?", 0, ["Iron and steel", "Gold and silver", "Aluminium and lead"], ["<y>Correct.</y><t>Iron and steel are magnetic and will attract a magnet.</t>", "<n>Incorrect.</n><t>Gold and silver are metals but they are not magnetic.</t>", "<n>Incorrect.</n><t>Aluminium and lead are metals but they are not magnetic.</t>"]], ["When two magnets repel each other, they ...", 0, ["push away from each other", "pull towards each other", "neither push nor pull"], ["<y>Correct.</y><t>Repelling magnets push away from each other.</t>", "<n>Incorrect.</n><t>Repelling magnets push away from each other.</t>", "<n>Incorrect.</n><t>There is always either a pushing or a pulling force between two magnets.</t>"]], ["When two magnets attract each other, they ...", 1, ["push away from each other", "pull towards each other", "neither push nor pull"], ["<n>Incorrect.</n><t>Attracting magnets pull towards each other.</t>", "<y>Correct.</y><t>Attracting magnets pull towards each other.</t>", "<n>Incorrect.</n><t>There is always either a pushing or a pulling force between two magnets.</t>"]], ["Magnetism is a type of ...", 2, ["electricity", "gravity", "force"], ["<n>Incorrect.</n><t>Magnetism is a type of force, not a type of electricity.</t>", "<n>Incorrect.</n><t>Magnetism is a type of force, not a type of gravity.</t>", "<y>Correct.</y><t>Magnetism is a force that can make things move.</t>"]], ["When you squash a spring down with your hand, you feel ...", 0, ["an upward push on your hand", "a downward push on your hand", "no push or pull at all"], ["<y>Correct.</y><t>The spring pushes up, trying to move back to its normal length.</t>", "<n>Incorrect.</n><t>You will feel an upward push on your hand.</t>", "<n>Incorrect.</n><t>You will feel an upward push on your hand.</t>"]], ["The more you squash or compress a spring down with your hand ...", 2, ["the bigger the downward force on your hand", "the smaller the upward force on your hand", "the bigger the upward force on your hand"], ["<n>Incorrect.</n><t>There is an upward force on your hand, not a downward force.</t>", "<n>Incorrect.</n><t>The upward force gets bigger the more you squash a spring down.</t>", "<y>Correct.</y><t>The more you squash, the bigger the upward force from the spring</t>"]]];
aQuestions_grammar = [["An adverb is", 1, ["a word that describes an adjective", "a word that describes a verb", "a word that describes noun"], ["<n>That's not right.</n><t>Adverbs don't describe adjectives!</t>", "<y>That's right.</y><t>For example the word 'quickly' in the sentence 'He quickly finished the test' is an adverb.</t>", "<n>That's not right.</n><t>An adjective describes a noun.</t>"]], ["An adjective is", 1, ["a doing word", "a word that describes a noun", "when you use two words together that start with the same sound"], ["<n>That's not right.</n><t>A verb is a doing word.</t>", "<y>Thats it!</y><t>The word brilliant in the sentence 'The brilliant student got all the answers right' is an adjective.</t>", "<n>That's not right!</n><t>You're thinking of alliteration.</t>"]], ["Which word in this sentence is an adverb? 'The baby gurgled happily in her pram'", 2, ["baby", "gurgled", "happily"], ["<n>No, that's not right.</n><t>The correct answer was 'happily'. Adverbs have the 'ly' ending!</t>", "<n>No, that's not right.</n><t>The correct answer was 'happily'. Adverbs have the 'ly' ending!</t>", "<y>That's right.</y><t>Remember to use adverbs in writing your own sentences.</t>"]], ["Which of these words is an adverb?", 2, ["big", "hat", "quietly"], ["<n>That's not right!</n><t>That's an adjective.</t>", "<n>That's not right!</n><t>That's a noun.</t>", "<y>That's it!</y><t>Quietly is an adverb - it's used to describe a verb.</t>"]], ["What sort of word is 'nose'?", 0, ["A noun", "An adverb", "An adjective"], ["<y>That's right.</y><t>Sorry - that was a bit of a trick question! I know these questions are about adjectives and adverbs, but 'nose' is a noun.</t>", "<n>That's not right.</n><t>'Nose' doesn't describe a verb.</t>", "<n>That's not right.</n><t>'Nose' doesn't describe a noun.</t>"]], ["Which word in this sentence is an adverb? 'Bravely, the firefighter approached the burning building'", 0, ["bravely", "building", "firefighter"], ["<y>That's right.</y><t>Remember to use adverbs in writing your own sentences.</t>", "<n>Wrong!</n><t>The correct answer was 'bravely'. Adverbs have the 'ly' ending!</t>", "<n>Wrong!</n><t>The correct answer was 'bravely'. Adverbs have the 'ly' ending!</t>"]], ["If you want to describe a noun in detail<br>you can", 0, ["use more than one adjective", "use an adverbial phrase", "use an adverb and an adjective"], ["<y>That's right.</y><t>When you use a list of adjectives to describe something, separate them with commas.</t>", "<n>That's not right.</n><t>An adverbial phrase is more than one word doing the job of an adverb.</t>", "<n>That's not right.</n><t>You can't use an adverb and an adjective together.</t>"]], ["Which word in this sentence is an adverb? 'Suddenly a bright light appeared.'", 0, ["suddenly", "bright", "light"], ["<y>That's right.</y><t>Remember to use adverbs in writing your own sentences.</t>", "<n>Wrong!</n><t>The correct answer was 'bravely'. Adverbs have the 'ly' ending!</t>", "<n>Wrong!</n><t>The correct answer was 'bravely'. Adverbs have the 'ly' ending!</t>"]], ["When using an adjective", 0, ["you usually put it before the noun it describes", "you can put it before or after the verb it describes", "you always put it after the verb it describes"], ["<y>That's right.</y><t>There are times when the adjective comes after the noun,<br>but they are quite rare.</t>", "<n>That's not right.</n><t>Adjectives describe nouns not verbs!</t>", "<n>That's not right.</n><t>Adjectives describe nouns not verbs!</t>"]], ["Using adverbs and adjectives will", 1, ["make you a great writer", "make your writing more descriptive and more interesting to read", "make your writing less descriptive and less interesting"], ["<n>That's not necessarily true.</n><t>There's more to being a <em>great</em> writer than just using adverbs and adjectives.</t>", "<y>That's right!</y><t>Using the right adverbs and adjectives can really bring your writing to life.</t>", "<n>That's not right!</n><t>Unless you use the wrong adverbs and adjectives that is.</t>"]], ["The word Wales is", 1, ["a common noun", "a proper noun", "an adjective"], ["<n>That's not right.</n><t>A common noun is the name of a type of thing, not a specific thing.</t>", "<y>That's right.</y><t>A proper noun is the name of a particular person, place or thing, and always begins with a capital letter.</t>", "<n>That's not right.</n><t>An adjective is a word that describes a noun.</t>"]], ["A pronoun is", 0, ["a word that takes the place of a noun", "the name of a place, a person or a thing", "a word that describes a noun"], ["<y>That's right.</y><t>Examples of pronouns are <em>he</em>, <em>she</em>, <em>them</em>, <em>there</em> and <em>it</em>.</t>", "<n>That's not right.</n><t>That would be a noun.</t>", "<n>That's not right.</n><t>That would be an adjective.</t>"]], ["Every sentence should contain", 2, ["a comma", "an adjective", "a verb"], ["<n>That's not right.</n><t>You don't have to put a comma in a sentence - only use them when you need to.</t>", "<n>That's not right.</n><t>An adjective describes a noun - you don't have to use them, though they can make your writing more interesting.</t>", "<y>That's right.</y><t>A verb tells us what's happening - every sentence should have one.</t>"]], ["Every sentence should end with", 1, ["a full stop, a question mark or a comma", "a full stop, an exclamation mark or a question mark", "a question mark or an exclamation mark at the end"], ["<n>That's not right.</n><t>You can't end a sentence with a comma.</t>", "<y>That's right.</y><t>You should always end a sentence with one of these.</t>", "<n>That's not right.</n><t>You only end a sentence with these if the sentence is a question or an exclamation.</t>"]], ["The word yellow is", 0, ["an adjective", "an adverb", "a pronoun"], ["<y>That's right.</y><t>An adjective is a word that describes a noun. For example, a yellow cat.</t>", "<n>That's not right.</n><t>An adverb is a word that describes a verb.</t>", "<n>That's not right.</n><t>A pronoun is a word that can replace a noun.</t>"]], ["The word slow is", 1, ["an adverb", "an adjective", "a pronoun"], ["<n>That's not right!</n><t>An adverb describes a verb.</t>", "<y>That's right.</y><t>An adjective describes a noun. For example, a slow cat.</t>", "<n>That's not right.</n><t>A pronoun is a word that replaces a noun.</t>"]], ["The word inside is a", 2, ["verb", "adjective", "preposition"], ["<n>That's not right.</n><t>A verb is a doing word.</t>", "<n>That's not right.</n><t>An adjective describes a noun.</t>", "<y>That's right.</y><t>A preposition is a word that tells you where or when something is in relation to something else.</t>"]], ["An article (e.g. a, an, the) ", 0, ["tells you whether a noun is specific or general", "is a doing word", "describes a verb"], ["<y>That's right.</y><t>An article is a word that tells you whether a noun is specific or general, for example <em>a</em>, <em>an</em> or <em>the</em>.</t>", "<n>That's not right.</n><t>You're thinking of a verb.</t>", "<n>That's not right.</n><t>You're thinking of a verb.</t>"]], ["A clause is", 2, ["something you find on a cat's paw", "a doing word", "a short sentence"], ["<n>That's not right.</n><t>The things on a cat's paws are <em>claws</em>. That was a very bad joke, sorry.</t>", "<n>That's not right.</n><t>A doing word is a verb.</t>", "<y>That's right.</y><t>Some sentences can be broken up into smaller sentences called clauses.</t>"]], ["Conjunctions like 'and, but, so' are ", 1, ["two words joined together to make one word", "a word that joins two sentences or clauses", "a word that replaces a noun"], ["<n>That's not right.</n><t>It is to do with joining things, but not words.</t>", "<y>That's right.</y><t>Examples of conjunctions are <em>and</em>, <em>but</em>, <em>although</em> and <em>whenever</em>.</t>", "<n>That's not right.</n><t>You're thinking of a pronoun.</t>"]], ["A phrase is", 0, ["a group of words that could be replaced by a single part of speech", "a group of words that start with a capital letter and end with a full stop", "a group of words containing a verb, a noun or a pronoun"], ["<y>That's right.</y><t>Phrases can make your writing more descriptive.</t>", "<n>That's not right.</n><t>That's not what a phrase is.</t>", "<n>That's not right.</n><t>That's not what a phrase is.</t>"]], ["A sentence always", 2, ["contains three or more phrases", "contains more than one paragraph", "ends with a full stop, a question mark or an exclamation mark."], ["<n>That's not right.</n><t>That's not what a sentence is.</t>", "<n>That's not right.</n><t>That's not what a sentence is.</t>", "<y>That's right.</y><t>Correct punctuation makes writing easier to understand.</t>"]], ["A sentence must", 1, ["have at least two verbs in it", "have a verb in it and it must make complete sense all on its own", "not have a verb in it"], ["<n>That's not right.</n><t>A sentence doesn't have to have two verbs.</t>", "<y>That's right.</y><t>The verb tells your reader what is happening - every sentence needs at least one.</t>", "<n>That's not right.</n><t>If you don't have a verb, how will your reader know what's happening?</t>"]], ["A clause is a", 0, ["simple sentence", "a sentence without a verb", "a sentence with no adverbs or adjectives"], ["<y>That's right.</y><t>You join clauses together to make more interesting sentences.</t>", "<n>That's not right.</n><t>All sentences need a verb.</t>", "<n>That's not right.</n><t>That's not what a clause is.</t>"]], ["You can join clauses together using", 1, ["consonants", "conjunctions", "junctions"], ["<n>That's not right.</n><t>A consonant is a type of letter.</t>", "<y>That's right.</y><t>Conjunctions you can use to join clauses together include and, but, although, when, whenever and because.</t>", "<n>That's not right.</n><t>A junction is where two roads meet.</t>"]], ["You can use conjunctions to", 2, ["make sentences shorter and snappier", "replace the verbs in a sentence", "make your writing easier to read"], ["<n>That's not right.</n><t>Conjunctions don't make sentences shorter.</t>", "<n>That's not right.</n><t>You can't replace a verb with a conjunction.</t>", "<y>That's right.</y><t>Joining clauses together using conjunctions makes sentences that can be easier to read than lots of short sentences.</t>"]], ["A statement is", 0, ["a sentence that simply tells the reader something", "something said with force", "something surprising or funny"], ["<y>That's right.</y><t>A statement is simple and functional (gets the job done).</t>", "<n>That's not quite right.</n><t>A statement could be forceful, but it doesn't have to be.</t>", "<n>That's not quite right.</n><t>A statement could be surprising or funny, but it doesn't have to be.</t>"]], ["You only use a question mark?", 1, ["at the beginning of a question", "at the end of a question", "at the end of a question or a funny statement"], ["<n>That's not right.</n><t>You can't use a question mark there.</t>", "<y>That's right.</y><t>That's the only place you can use a question mark.</t>", "<n>That's not right.</n><t>You wouldn't use a question mark at the end of a funny statement.</t>"]], ["A command", 2, ["always ends with an exlamation mark", "shows you are angry about something", "tells someone to do something"], ["<n>That's not right.</n><t>A command doesn't have to end with an exclamation mark, though it could if it is said forcefully.</t>", "<n>That's not right.</n><t>That's not what a command is - though you could give a command angrily.</t>", "<y>That's right.</y><t>Commands usually start with a verb (a doing word) and are used when you are writing instructions or telling someone to do something.</t>"]], ["A paragraph is", 2, ["a diagram drawn using coloured bars", "four sentences collected together", "a collection of sentences about the same thing"], ["<n>That's not right.</n><t>That's not what a paragraph is - you're confusing it with a graph, which is a different thing altogether.</t>", "<n>That's not quite right.</n><t>A paragraph could have four sentences in it, but it doesn't have to.</t>", "<y>That's right.</y><t>Collecting your sentences into paragraphs makes your writing easier to read.</t>"]], ["A full stop", 0, ["shows that you have finished a sentence", "shows that there is another sentence to follow", "shows that something is surprising or forceful"], ["<y>That's right.</y><t>Every sentence must end with a full stop, a question mark or an exclamation mark.</t>", "<n>That's not right.</n><t>That's not what a full stop does.</t>", "<n>That's not right.</n><t>That's not what a full stop does.</t>"]], ["To show a question has been asked,<br>put a question mark", 1, ["at the beginning of a sentence", "at the end of a sentence", "at the beginning and the end of a sentence"], ["<n>That's not right.</n><t>That's not where a question mark goes.</t>", "<y>That's right.</y><t>If a sentence asks a question, use a question mark at the end instead of a full stop.</t>", "<n>That's not right.</n><t>That's not where question marks go.</t>"]], ["An exclamation mark shows", 2, ["that you've asked a question forcefully", "you've said something funny", "that something is surprising or forceful"], ["<n>That's not right.</n><t>You'd use a question mark for that.</t>", "<n>That's not right.</n><t>You could use an exclamation mark there, but not always.</t>", "<y>That's right.</y><t>An exclamation mark is used to show when something is surprising or forceful.</t>"]], ["You can use a comma", 0, ["between clauses", "at the end of a sentence", "instead of quote marks"], ["<y>That's right.</y><t>You can use commas between clauses to break up compound sentences and make them easier to read.</t>", "<n>That's not right.</n><t>You have to end a sentence with a full stop, a question mark or an exclamation mark.</t>", "<n>That's not right.</n><t>You can't use commas like that.</t>"]], ["You can also use commas", 0, ["in the place of brackets", "at the start of a sentence that asks a question", "around something someone has said"], ["<y>That's right.</y><t>In a long sentence, you can use commas to separate out extra information and make the sentence easier to read.</t>", "<n>That's not right.</n><t>You can't use a comma there.</t>", "<n>That's not right.</n><t>You can't use a comma there.</t>"]], ["What punctuation do you use around<br>something someone has said?", 2, ["Commas", "Reversed commas", "Inverted commas"], ["<n>That's not right.</n><t>You don't use commas.</t>", "<n>That's not right.</n><t>Close - but that's not what they are called.</t>", "<y>That's right.</y><t>Inverted commas show the reader that what's been written was spoken by someone.</t>"]], ["An apostrophe can be used to show that", 0, ["one thing belongs to another (possession)", "something was said by someone", "part of a sentence is missing"], ["<y>That's right.</y><t>For example, <em>It was the teacher's book</em>.</t>", "<n>That's not right.</n><t>An apostrophe looks like an inverted comma, but it isn't the same thing.</t>", "<n>That's not right.</n><t>You can't use an apostrophe for that.</t>"]], ["An apostrophe can also be used", 2, ["in the place of brackets to show that something is extra information", "around something funny to show it is meant as a joke and not serious", "to show you have omitted letters in a word, or when joining words"], ["<n>That's not right.</n><t>You're thinking of commas.</t>", "<n>That's not right.</n><t>You can't use an apostrophe like that.</t>", "<y>That's right.</y><t>For example, we have can be written as we've.</t>"]], ["Which of these sentences has the wrong punctuation in it?", 1, ["'That's John's apple!' he shouted.", "All the shop's are closed on Christmas day.", "My cat's name is very silly."], ["<n>That's not right.</n><t>The punctuation in this sentence is fine.</t>", "<y>That's right.</y><t>There's no apostrophe in <em>shops</em> - it's a plural, not a possessive.</t>", "<n>That's not right.</n><t>The punctuation in this sentence is fine.</t>"]], ["Which of these sentences has the wrong punctuation in it?", 0, ["This question isn't easy", "Is this the right answer?", "'I hope I get this one right,' she said to herself."], ["<y>That's right.</y><t>This sentence should end with a full stop.</t>", "<n>That's not right.</n><t>The punctuation in this sentence is fine.</t>", "<n>That's not right.</n><t>The punctuation in this sentence is fine.</t>"]], ["English is", 1, ["built on rules that make it easy to work out how to spell words", "a tricky language full of spellings that don't follow the rules", "a language where how you spell words doesn't matter"], ["<n>That's not right.</n><t>There are spelling rules, but also lots of exceptions to them.</t>", "<y>That's right.</y><t>There are rules and tricks that will help you, but there are some spellings that you just have to learn.</t>", "<n>That's not right.</n><t>If you don't spell words correctly, people won't know what you mean.</t>"]], ["Which of these letters is a vowel?", 0, ["A", "B", "C"], ["<y>That's right.</y><t>A, E, I, O and U are all vowels.</t>", "<n>That's not right.</n><t>The letter B isn't a vowel, it's a consonant.</t>", "<n>That's not right.</n><t>The letter C isn't a vowel, it's a consonant.</t>"]], ["A syllable is", 0, ["a unit of pronunciation", "a percussion instrument found in an orchestra", "a word with two or more sounds in it"], ["<y>That's right.</y><t>Words can be made up of one or more syllables.</t>", "<n>That's not right.</n><t>You're thinking of cymbals!</t>", "<n>That's not right.</n><t>That's not what a syllable is.</t>"]], ["Which of these words has a long vowel sound on the first e?", 0, ["Here", "Hello", "Help"], ["<y>That's right.</y><t>Say the word and you'll hear the letter <em>e</em> has a long, breathy sound.</t>", "<n>That's not right.</n><t>That word has a short <em>e</em> sound.</t>", "<n>That's not right.</n><t>That word has a short <em>e</em> sound.</t>"]], ["If a word has a short vowel sound, and has more<br>than one syllable, the vowel is often followed by", 1, ["a single consonant", "a double consonant", "another vowel"], ["<n>That's not quite right.</n><t>This does happen sometimes, but those are the exceptions.</t>", "<y>That's right.</y><t>A double consonant often changes a long vowel sound into a short one.</t>", "<n>That's not right.</n><t>Another vowel won't give the first vowel a short vowel sound.</t>"]], ["A magic e on the end of a word", 0, ["changes a short vowel into a long one", "changes it from a plural into a singular", "makes it mean the opposite of what it meant before"], ["<y>That's right.</y><t>You can often change a short vowel into a long one by adding a magic e.</t>", "<n>That's not right.</n><t>That's not what a <em>magic e</em> does.</t>", "<n>That's not right.</n><t>That's not what a <em>magic e</em> does.</t>"]], ["Two vowels together", 2, ["make the same sound as a consonant", "usually make three sounds rather than two", "usually make one sound rather than two"], ["<n>That's not right.</n><t>That's not what happens when you put two vowels together.</t>", "<n>That's not right.</n><t>That's not what happens when you put two vowels together.</t>", "<y>That's right.</y><t>Words are often spelt with two vowels together. When this happens, the vowels usually make one sound rather than two.</t>"]], ["An easy way to remember which way round<br>to put i and e when you find them together is", 2, ["i after e except after c", "i after e except after d", "i before e except after c"], ["<n>That's not right.</n><t>That's not the right way around!</t>", "<n>That's not right.</n><t>There's something wrong there.</t>", "<y>That's right.</y><t>Though as with most spelling rules in English, there are exceptions.</t>"]], ["To make a word ending in f plural", 0, ["change the f to a v and add es", "just add es", "change the f to a v and add ies"], ["<y>That's right.</y><t>For example, half becomes halves.</t>", "<n>That's not right.</n><t>That's not how it works.</t>", "<n>That's not right.</n><t>That's not how it works.</t>"]], ["Homophones are words that sound the same but have different meanings. Which of the following are not homophones?", 0, ["thought - fort", "whale - wail", "stamp - stamp"], ["<y>Well done. </y><t>These are not homophones. 'Fought' and 'Fort' would be homophones as they sound the same but mean different things.</t>", "<n>That's not right.</n><t>These are homophones. They sound the same but mean different things.</t>", "<n>That's not right.</n><t>These are homophones. A stamp goes on a letter and you can stamp your foot!</t>"]]];
aLevels = ["reading_writing", "numbers", "living", "shapes", "materials", "data", "physics", "grammar"];
loadLevel = function (n) {
_global.otazka = 0;
levelNumber = n;
levelID = aLevels[n - 1];
levelFile = levelID + ".swf";
trace((((("LOAD LEVEL: " + levelFile) + " LEV:") + LEVEL) + " PRELOAD:") + PRELOAD);
if (PRELOAD == undefined) {
MENU._visible = false;
} else {
trace("using preloaded level" + PRELOAD);
trace("LEVEL:" + LEVEL);
if ((LEVEL == LEVEL1) and (LEVEL1.getDepth() < LEVEL2.getDepth())) {
PRELOAD = undefined;
if (levelNumber == 1) {
MENU.menuhra._visible = true;
MENU.stage.gotoAndStop(n + 1);
_root.aQuestions = eval ("aQuestions_" + levelID);
_global.cisloOtazky = -1;
trace((((("???" + LEVEL.getBytesLoaded()) + " ") + LEVEL.getBytesTotal()) + " ") + LEVEL._url);
if (LEVEL.getBytesLoaded() < LEVEL.getBytesTotal()) {
logo._visible = true;
loader._visible = true;
loader.loadText = "0%";
loader.loadBar._width = 0.001;
loader.onEnterFrame = function () {
var _local2 = this._parent.LEVEL.getBytesLoaded();
trace((this._parent.LEVEL + " ") + _local2);
if (_local2 > 8) {
var _local3 = this._parent.LEVEL.getBytesTotal();
trace((((this._parent.LEVEL + " bytes_loaded:") + _local2) + " bytes_total:") + _local3);
var _local4 = _local2 / _local3;
this.loadBar._width = _local4 * 100;
this.loadText = Math.round(_local4 * 100) + "%";
if (_local2 == _local3) {;
this._parent.MENU._visible = true;
delete this.onEnterFrame;
this._visible = false;
this._parent.logo._visible = false;
tellTarget (this._parent) {
if (PRELOAD == undefined) {
trace("???" + aLevels[n]);
if (aLevels[n] == undefined) {
trace("Preloading END into: " + PRELOAD);
} else {
PRELOAD.loadMovie(aLevels[n] + ".swf");
trace((("Preloading " + aLevels[n]) + " into: ") + PRELOAD);
} else {;
trace("starting preloaded " + LEVEL);
MENU._visible = true;
if (aLevels[n] == undefined) {
trace("Preloading END into: " + PRELOAD);
} else {
PRELOAD.loadMovie(aLevels[n] + ".swf");
trace((("Preloading " + aLevels[n]) + " into: ") + PRELOAD);
loadEnd = function () {
onKeyDown = function () {
if (Key.isDown(17) && (Key.getCode() == 32)) {
_global.endOfLevel = function () {
trace(("end of level: " + levelID) + " ....odlet");
_global.dalsiLevel = function (caller) {
trace((("DALSI LEVEL num." + (levelNumber + 1)) + " caller:") + caller);
if (levelNumber < aLevels.length) {
loadLevel(levelNumber + 1);
} else {
trace("KONEC HRY");
MENU._visible = false;
Array.prototype.shuffle = function () {
var _local5 = this.length;
var _local2 = 0;
while (_local2 < _local5) {
var _local3 = Math.floor(Math.random() * _local5);
var _local4 = this[_local2];
this[_local2] = this[_local3];
this[_local3] = _local4;
_global.vyberOtazku = function () {
if (cisloOtazky >= aQuestions.length) {
trace("repeat questions!");
cisloOtazky = 0;
trace((("VyberOtazku: " + cisloOtazky) + " / ") + aQuestions.length);
levelID = 0;
levelNumber = 0;
PRELOAD.loadMovie(aLevels[0] + ".swf");
Instance of Symbol 103 MovieClip "MENU" in Frame 3
onClipEvent (load) {
this.menuhra._visible = false;
Symbol 9 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 23 Button
on (rollOver) {
gotoAndPlay ("s");
Symbol 49 MovieClip Frame 94
gotoAndPlay (1);
Symbol 55 Button
on (release) {
logo._visible = false;;
Symbol 61 MovieClip Frame 27
gotoAndPlay (1);
Symbol 61 MovieClip Frame 30
Symbol 64 MovieClip Frame 27
gotoAndPlay (1);
Symbol 64 MovieClip Frame 30
Symbol 67 MovieClip Frame 27
gotoAndPlay (1);
Symbol 67 MovieClip Frame 30
Symbol 70 MovieClip Frame 27
gotoAndPlay (1);
Symbol 70 MovieClip Frame 30
Symbol 73 MovieClip Frame 27
gotoAndPlay (1);
Symbol 73 MovieClip Frame 30
Symbol 74 MovieClip Frame 1
bub = false;
_root.odlet = false;
Symbol 74 MovieClip Frame 19
this.bub = this.bub1;
Symbol 74 MovieClip Frame 36
this.bub = this.bub2;
Symbol 74 MovieClip Frame 52
this.bub = this.bub3;
Symbol 74 MovieClip Frame 67
this.bub = this.bub4;
Symbol 74 MovieClip Frame 68
_root.odlet = true;
Symbol 74 MovieClip Frame 84
Symbol 82 MovieClip Frame 14
Symbol 84 Button
on (rollOut) {
gotoAndPlay (2);
Symbol 85 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 98 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 100 Button
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gotoAndPlay ("zap");
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gotoAndStop ("vyp");
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Symbol 102 MovieClip Frame 1
vypnuto = false;
Symbol 102 MovieClip Frame 29
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