Symbol 4 MovieClip Frame 10
Symbol 8 MovieClip Frame 1
cell._visible = 1;
cellNum = 48;
i = 1;
while (i < cellNum) {
cell.duplicateMovieClip("cell" + i, i);
this["cell" + i].iNum = i;
goStop = Math.round((10 / cellNum) * i);
this["cell" + i].inCell.gotoAndStop(goStop);
cell._visible = 0;
countdown = 100;
Symbol 8 MovieClip Frame 2
xmouse = _xmouse;
ymouse = _ymouse;
centerDiff = Math.sqrt(Math.pow(Math.abs(xmouse + 0.01), 2) + Math.pow(Math.abs(ymouse + 0.01), 2)) + 0.001;
cSmooth = cSmooth + Math.round((centerDiff - cSmooth) / 20);
maxCenter = 200;
radDeg = 57.2957795130823;
x = _xmouse + 0.01;
y = _ymouse + 0.01;
velHyp = Math.sqrt(Math.abs(x ^ 2) + Math.abs(y ^ 2));
if ((0 >= x) and (y >= 0)) {
Q = 1;
if ((0 >= x) and (0 >= y)) {
Q = 2;
if ((x >= 0) and (0 >= y)) {
Q = 3;
if ((x >= 0) and (y >= 0)) {
Q = 4;
if ((prevQ == 4) and (Q == 1)) {
if ((prevQ == 1) and (Q == 4)) {
if (y < 0) {
arcSide = 180;
} else {
arcSide = 0;
if (x >= 0) {
arcSide = 360;
ballRot = (((Math.atan(x / y) * -1) * radDeg) + arcSide) + (t * 360);
dialRot = dialRot + ((ballRot - dialRot) / 180);
oldBallRot = ballRot;
prevQ = Q;
spinDiv = 8;
if (0 < countdown) {
countdown = countdown - 1;
i = 0;
while (i < cellNum) {
iNum = this["cell" + i].iNum;
iOpp = i;
iii = i + ii;
iiim = i - ii;
nN = Math.abs(ymouse) / _ymouse;
cellY = iNum * ((centerDiff * nN) / cellNum);
avDiv = (i / cellNum) * -1;
mHeight = (cSmooth * avDiv) + ((Math.sin(iii / 16) * (cSmooth / 20)) * avDiv);
thisScale = (((Math.abs(200 + (Math.sin((Math.sin(iii / 8) * Math.PI) / 16) * 200)) + (iNum * 6)) * i) / 40) - (countdown * 8);
if (thisScale < 0) {
thisScale = 0;
this["cell" + i].inCell._xscale = thisScale;
this["cell" + i].inCell._yscale = thisScale;
this["cell" + i].inCell._y = (mHeight / 0.8) + ((Math.cos(iiim / 7.85398163397448) * avDiv) * 40);
this["cell" + i]._rotation = (((dialRot * i) / 4) / 2) + (i / 20);
this["cell" + i]._alpha = (I * 2) - 10;
Symbol 8 MovieClip Frame 3
gotoAndPlay(_currentframe - 1);