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Flash #8736

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[absurd whim]

It has come to my attention

that some people are not familiar

with the furry community.

So here's a primer.

fox [foks], noun.

1. any of several carnivores
of the genus Vulpes, having
a pointed, slightly upturned
muzzle, erect ears, and a
long, bushy tail.

2. a cunning or crafty person.

3. a being with the sexual drive of twenty men, the brain of
one half, an invariably submissive personality, poor elocution,
and a commonness approaching that of pigeons.

semen [see-muh n], noun.

1. the viscid, whitish fluid
produced in the male
reproductive organs,
containing spermatozoa.

2. a viscid, whitish fluid
produced upon orgasm in
unlimited quantities from
an as-yet unknown organ.

3. a delicious, nutritious, always-available meal-on-the-go.

(I am so, so sorry.)

Furries never get old.

They just become babyfurs.

The more outlandish the fetish,

The worse the art.


Furries like to see other furries die.

Coincidentally, so do non-furries.

Furries are not obligated to be able to draw.

Or spell.

Rule 34: There is porn of it.  No exceptions.


No. Exceptions.

Approximately 37% of all furries have anomalous X/Y chromosomes.

In English,

In English, hermaphrodites.

Stairs are a dragon's worst enemy.

Furries do not believe in the food chain.

Luckily, cannibalism is illegal.

To furries, skunk spray smells much like roses.

To furries, skunk spray smells much like roses.  Really.

They're not fat, they're just big-boned.

Oh, who am I kidding?

Furries are not an accurate source of bondage information.

Trust me.

Everything has legs.


Furries' spines are made of a malleable, non-bone-like substance.

A large number of furries are in high school or college.

Imagine that.

The average furry's vagina can stretch to over
twenty times its normal opening diameter.

Some furries aren't furry.

Or scaled properly.

War crimes are fine, as long as you're wearing the

latest in Hugo Boss fashions.

If you draw it, someone will find it sexy.

No exceptions.

If furries ever exist in real life,

If furries ever exist in real life, it'll be in either Love Canal,

If furries ever exist in real life, it'll be in either Love Canal, or Chernobyl.

Either one.

Furries are okay with being annoying, as long as you have a dick.

Too bad nobody else is.

Every day in the furry fandom is Caturday.

A VGCat is fine too.

Take every crappy daytime soap opera ever made.

Add a dash of even worse acting.

Take away the makeup.

The recipe?  Furry Drama.

All day, every day.

What have we learned?

Furries will take sex any way they can get it.

Maybe they're not so different, after all.

Truly, the Internet owes a debt to furries.

Without them, there'd be no Internet scapegoats.


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Special Tags

FileAttributes (69)Timeline Frame 1Access local files only, Metadata not present, AS1/AS2.
Created: 10/6 -2019 21:17:13 Last modified: 10/6 -2019 21:17:13 Server time: 11/03 -2025 12:01:37