Instance of Symbol 20 MovieClip "mahojin_big" in Frame 1
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
Instance of Symbol 33 MovieClip "loading" in Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) {
barLength =;
totalSize = _root.getBytesTotal();
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
loadedSize = _root.getBytesLoaded();
nowLoadedSize = Math.round((loadedSize / totalSize) * 100);
persent = nowLoadedSize;
if (nowLoadedSize == 100) {;
gotoAndPlay ("flame_start_gamen");
} else if (nowLoadedSize < 100) {
point = barLength / 100;
this.yue_face_big._alpha = nowLoadedSize; = point * nowLoadedSize;
this.percent = nowLoadedSize;
Frame 10
Instance of Symbol 64 MovieClip in Frame 10
onClipEvent (load) {
start_flag = 0;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (this._visible == false) {
if (Key.isDown(13)) {
this._visible = false;
start_flag = 1;
gotoAndPlay (2);;
Instance of Symbol 68 MovieClip in Frame 10
on (press) {
if (this._parent.setumei_clip._alpha == 0) {
this._parent.setumei_clip._alpha = 100;
} else {
this._parent.setumei_clip._alpha = 0;
Instance of Symbol 84 MovieClip "setumei_clip" in Frame 10
onClipEvent (load) {
Frame 11
Instance of Symbol 85 MovieClip "haikei" in Frame 11
onClipEvent (load) {
Instance of Symbol 43 MovieClip "haikei_sc1" in Frame 11
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (this._parent.yue1.continue_flag == 1) {
if (print_flag == 2) {
this._visible = false;
} else if (print_flag == 1) {
if (this._parent.yue1.boss_start_flag == 0) {
this._x = this._x - 6;
} else {
if (move_num <= 0) {
move_num = move_num - 0.1;
this._x = this._x - move_num;
if (this._x <= -1500) {
this._x = 800;
onClipEvent (load) {
count_time = 0;
move_num = 6;
print_flag = 0;
Instance of Symbol 43 MovieClip "haikei_sc2" in Frame 11
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (this._parent.yue1.continue_flag == 1) {
if (print_flag == 2) {
this._visible = false;
} else if (print_flag == 1) {
if (this._parent.yue1.boss_start_flag == 0) {
this._x = this._x - 6;
} else {
if (move_num <= 0) {
move_num = move_num - 0.1;
this._x = this._x - move_num;
if (this._x <= -1500) {
this._x = 800;
onClipEvent (load) {
count_time = 0;
move_num = 6;
print_flag == 0;
Instance of Symbol 96 MovieClip "zero_mblade" in Frame 11
onClipEvent (load) {
this._visible = false;
count_time = 0;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (this._visible == false) {
if (this._parent.yue1.continue_flag == 1) {
if (this.atari_box.hitTest(this._parent.yue1.atari_box)) {
this._x = -100;
this._parent.yue1.miss = this._parent.yue1.miss + 1;
if (this._parent.sield._visible == true) {
this._parent.yue1.yue_hitpoint = this._parent.yue1.yue_hitpoint - 5;
} else {
this._parent.yue1.yue_hitpoint = this._parent.yue1.yue_hitpoint - 10;
speed = 10;
radians = (this._rotation * Math.PI) / 180;
_x = (_x - (speed * Math.cos(radians)));
_y = (_y - (speed * Math.sin(radians)));
count_time = count_time + 1;
if (count_time == 15) {
i = 0;
while (i <= 1) {
buff = this._parent.boss_zero.shot_num;
this._parent["zero_mblade" + buff]._x = this._x;
this._parent["zero_mblade" + buff]._y = this._y;
this._parent["zero_mblade" + buff]._visible = true;
this._parent["zero_mblade" + buff].count_time = 40;
if (i == 0) {
this._parent["zero_mblade" + buff]._rotation = 15 + this._rotation;
} else {
this._parent["zero_mblade" + buff]._rotation = -15 + this._rotation;
i = i + 1;
this._parent.boss_zero.shot_num = this._parent.boss_zero.shot_num + 1;
if (this._parent.boss_zero.shot_num >= (this._parent.boss_zero.default_shot_num * 2)) {
this._parent.boss_zero.shot_num = 0;
if ((((this._x < 0) || (this._x > 800)) || (this._y < 0)) || (this._y > 600)) {
this._rotation = 0;
count_time = 0;
_visible = false;
Instance of Symbol 99 MovieClip "enemy_g" in Frame 11
onClipEvent (load) {
this._visible = false;
rotate_value = 0;
shot_flag = 0;
hitpoint = 100;
up_flag = 0;
i_buff = 0;
speed = 4;
count_time = 0;
alpha_flag = 0;
alpha_speed = 2;
now_point = 0;
shikiichi = 50;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (this._visible == false) {
if (this._parent.yue1.continue_flag == 1) {
if (alpha_flag == 0) {
this._alpha = this._alpha + alpha_speed;
now_point = now_point + alpha_speed;
if (now_point >= shikiichi) {
alpha_flag = 1;
} else {
this._alpha = this._alpha - alpha_speed;
now_point = now_point - alpha_speed;
if (now_point <= (-shikiichi)) {
alpha_flag = 0;
if (this._x < (this._parent.yue1._x + 100)) {
if (this.atari_box.hitTest(this._parent.yue1.atari_box)) {
this._x = -150;
this._parent.yue1.yue_hitpoint = this._parent.yue1.yue_hitpoint - 25;
this._parent.yue1.miss = this._parent.yue1.miss + 1;
count_time = count_time + 1;
x_gap = (this._x + 15) - (this._parent.yue1._x + 35);
y_gap = (this._y + 45) - (this._parent.yue1._y + 20);
xy_gap = Math.pow(x_gap, 2) + Math.pow(y_gap, 2);
xy_gap = Math.sqrt(xy_gap);
sin = y_gap / xy_gap;
kakudo = (Math.asin(sin) * 180) / Math.PI;
rotate_value = kakudo + 0;
if (x_gap < 0) {
rotate_value = 180 - rotate_value;
if ((count_time > 20) && (count_time < 240)) {
speed = speed + 0.1;
rotate_gap = (rotate_value + 0) - (this._rotation % 360);
if (x_gap < 0) {
rotate_gap = (rotate_value - 180) - (this._rotation % 360);
if (Math.abs(rotate_gap) > 15) {
if (rotate_gap < 0) {
if (x_gap < 0) {
this._rotation = this._rotation + 15;
} else {
this._rotation = this._rotation - 15;
} else if (rotate_gap >= 0) {
if (x_gap < 0) {
this._rotation = this._rotation - 15;
} else {
this._rotation = this._rotation + 15;
} else {
this._rotation = rotate_value;
radians = (this._rotation * Math.PI) / 180;
this._x = this._x - (speed * Math.cos(radians));
this._y = this._y - (speed * Math.sin(radians));
combo = this._parent.yue1.combo_num;
bairitu = this._parent.yue1.bairitu;
i = 0;
while (i < (this._parent.yue1.default_shot_num * 2)) {
if ((this._x <= (this._parent["shot" + i]._x + 60)) && ((this._parent["shot" + i]._x + 60) <= (this._x + 60))) {
if ((hitTest(this._parent["shot" + i]) == 1) && (this._parent["shot" + i]._visible == true)) {
this._parent["shot" + i]._visible = false;
hitpoint = hitpoint - (5 * ((combo / bairitu) + 1));
buff_i = i;
i = i + 1;
i = buff_i;
if (this._parent.yue1.get_item5 == 1) {
buff_i = i + 1;
if (buff_i >= (this._parent.yue1.default_shot_num * 2)) {
buff_i = 0;
k = 0;
while (k < 3) {
if (hitTest(this._parent["shot_sub_top" + buff_i]) == 1) {
this._parent["shot_sub_top" + buff_i]._visible = false;
this._parent["shot_sub_top" + buff_i]._x = -100;
hitpoint = hitpoint - (2 * ((combo / bairitu) + 1));
buff_i = buff_i - 1;
if (buff_i < 0) {
buff_i = (this._parent.yue1.default_shot_num * 2) - 1;
k = k + 1;
if (this._parent.yue1.get_item6 == 1) {
buff_i = i + 1;
if (buff_i >= (this._parent.yue1.default_shot_num * 2)) {
buff_i = 0;
k = 0;
while (k < 3) {
if (hitTest(this._parent["shot_sub_botom" + buff_i]) == 1) {
this._parent["shot_sub_botom" + buff_i]._visible = false;
this._parent["shot_sub_botom" + buff_i]._x = -100;
hitpoint = hitpoint - (2 * ((combo / bairitu) + 1));
buff_i = buff_i - 1;
if (buff_i < 0) {
buff_i = (this._parent.yue1.default_shot_num * 2) - 1;
k = k + 1;
i = Math.floor(i / 2);
if (this._parent.yue1.get_item1 == 1) {
if (hitTest(this._parent["shot_down" + i]) == 1) {
this._parent["shot_down" + i]._visible = false;
this._parent["shot_down" + i]._x = -100;
hitpoint = hitpoint - (5 * ((combo / bairitu) + 1));
if (this._parent.yue1.get_item2 == 1) {
if (this._parent["shot_up" + i]._visible == true) {
if (hitTest(this._parent["shot_up" + i]) == 1) {
this._parent["shot_up" + i]._visible = false;
this._parent["shot_up" + i]._x = -100;
hitpoint = hitpoint - (5 * ((combo / bairitu) + 1));
if (hitpoint <= 0) {
rand = Math.floor(Math.random() * 4);
if ((rand == 0) || (rand == 3)) {
item_num = this._parent.yue1.item_lifeup_num;
this._parent["item_lifeup" + item_num]._visible = true;
this._parent["item_lifeup" + item_num]._x = this._x + 10;
this._parent["item_lifeup" + item_num]._y = this._y + 40;
this._parent.yue1.item_lifeup_num = this._parent.yue1.item_lifeup_num + 1;
if (this._parent.yue1.item_lifeup_num >= this._parent.yue1.default_item_num) {
this._parent.yue1.item_lifeup_num = 0;
item_num = this._parent.yue1.item_sield_num;
this._parent["item_sield" + item_num]._visible = true;
this._parent["item_sield" + item_num]._x = this._x + 20;
this._parent["item_sield" + item_num]._y = this._y + 0;
this._parent.yue1.item_sield_num = this._parent.yue1.item_sield_num + 1;
if (this._parent.yue1.item_sield_num >= this._parent.yue1.default_item_num) {
this._parent.yue1.item_sield_num = 0;
} else if ((rand == 1) || (rand == 2)) {
item_num = this._parent.yue1.item_lifeup_num;
this._parent["item_lifeup" + item_num]._visible = true;
this._parent["item_lifeup" + item_num]._x = this._x;
this._parent["item_lifeup" + item_num]._y = this._y + 20;
this._parent.yue1.item_lifeup_num = this._parent.yue1.item_lifeup_num + 1;
if (this._parent.yue1.item_lifeup_num >= this._parent.yue1.default_item_num) {
this._parent.yue1.item_lifeup_num = 0;
item_num = this._parent.yue1.item_sield_num;
this._parent["item_sield" + item_num]._visible = true;
this._parent["item_sield" + item_num]._x = this._x + 10;
this._parent["item_sield" + item_num]._y = this._y + 40;
this._parent.yue1.item_sield_num = this._parent.yue1.item_sield_num + 1;
if (this._parent.yue1.item_sield_num >= this._parent.yue1.default_item_num) {
this._parent.yue1.item_sield_num = 0;
this._parent.yue1.beat_enemy_num = this._parent.yue1.beat_enemy_num + 1;
this._parent.yue1.combo_num = this._parent.yue1.combo_num + 1;
this._parent.yue1.score = this._parent.yue1.score + (300 * ((this._parent.yue1.combo_num / 50) + 1));
rotate_value = 0;
this._x = -1000;
this._y = 200;
shot_flag = 0;
hitpoint = 100;
speed = 4;
count_time = 0;
_visible = false;
this._alpha = 100;
if ((((this._x < -200) || (this._y < -300)) || (this._y > 800)) || (this._x > 1500)) {
rotate_value = 0;
this._x = -1000;
this._y = 200;
shot_flag = 0;
hitpoint = 100;
speed = 4;
count_time = 0;
this._alpha = 100;
_visible = false;
Instance of Symbol 102 MovieClip "enemy_h" in Frame 11
onClipEvent (load) {
this._visible = false;
rotate_value = 0;
shot_flag = 0;
hitpoint = 70;
up_flag = 0;
i_buff = 0;
default_shot_num = 5;
speed = 15;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (this._visible == false) {
if (this._parent.yue1.continue_flag == 1) {
if (this._x < (this._parent.yue1._x + 100)) {
if (this.hitTest(this._parent.yue1.atari_box)) {
hitpoint = 0;
this._parent.yue1.yue_hitpoint = this._parent.yue1.yue_hitpoint - 5;
this._parent.yue1.miss = this._parent.yue1.miss + 1;
speed = speed - 0.2;
this._x = this._x - speed;
combo = this._parent.yue1.combo_num;
bairitu = this._parent.yue1.bairitu;
i = 0;
while (i < (this._parent.yue1.default_shot_num * 2)) {
if ((this._x <= (this._parent["shot" + i]._x + 60)) && ((this._parent["shot" + i]._x + 60) <= (this._x + 60))) {
if ((hitTest(this._parent["shot" + i]) == 1) && (this._parent["shot" + i]._visible == true)) {
this._parent["shot" + i]._visible = false;
hitpoint = hitpoint - (5 * ((combo / bairitu) + 1));
buff_i = i;
i = i + 1;
i = buff_i;
if (this._parent.yue1.get_item5 == 1) {
buff_i = i + 1;
if (buff_i >= (this._parent.yue1.default_shot_num * 2)) {
buff_i = 0;
k = 0;
while (k < 3) {
if (hitTest(this._parent["shot_sub_top" + buff_i]) == 1) {
this._parent["shot_sub_top" + buff_i]._visible = false;
this._parent["shot_sub_top" + buff_i]._x = -100;
hitpoint = hitpoint - (2 * ((combo / bairitu) + 1));
buff_i = buff_i - 1;
if (buff_i < 0) {
buff_i = (this._parent.yue1.default_shot_num * 2) - 1;
k = k + 1;
if (this._parent.yue1.get_item6 == 1) {
buff_i = i + 1;
if (buff_i >= (this._parent.yue1.default_shot_num * 2)) {
buff_i = 0;
k = 0;
while (k < 3) {
if (hitTest(this._parent["shot_sub_botom" + buff_i]) == 1) {
this._parent["shot_sub_botom" + buff_i]._visible = false;
this._parent["shot_sub_botom" + buff_i]._x = -100;
hitpoint = hitpoint - (2 * ((combo / bairitu) + 1));
buff_i = buff_i - 1;
if (buff_i < 0) {
buff_i = (this._parent.yue1.default_shot_num * 2) - 1;
k = k + 1;
i = Math.floor(i / 2);
if (this._parent.yue1.get_item1 == 1) {
if (hitTest(this._parent["shot_down" + i]) == 1) {
this._parent["shot_down" + i]._visible = false;
this._parent["shot_down" + i]._x = -100;
hitpoint = hitpoint - (5 * ((combo / bairitu) + 1));
if (this._parent.yue1.get_item2 == 1) {
if (this._parent["shot_up" + i]._visible == true) {
if (hitTest(this._parent["shot_up" + i]) == 1) {
this._parent["shot_up" + i]._visible = false;
this._parent["shot_up" + i]._x = -100;
hitpoint = hitpoint - (5 * ((combo / bairitu) + 1));
if ((speed <= 0) && (shot_flag == 0)) {
x_gap = this._x - this._parent.yue1._x;
y_gap = this._y - this._parent.yue1._y;
tan = y_gap / x_gap;
kakudo = (Math.atan(tan) * 180) / Math.PI;
buff = this._parent.yue1.enemy_h_shot_num * 3;
this._parent["shot_star" + buff]._x = this._x - 0;
this._parent["shot_star" + buff]._y = this._y + 20;
this._parent["shot_star" + buff]._visible = true;
this._parent["shot_star" + buff].rotate_value = kakudo;
buff = (this._parent.yue1.enemy_h_shot_num * 3) + 1;
this._parent["shot_star" + buff]._x = this._x - 0;
this._parent["shot_star" + buff]._y = this._y + 20;
this._parent["shot_star" + buff]._visible = true;
this._parent["shot_star" + buff].rotate_value = kakudo + 20;
buff = (this._parent.yue1.enemy_h_shot_num * 3) + 2;
this._parent["shot_star" + buff]._x = this._x - 0;
this._parent["shot_star" + buff]._y = this._y + 20;
this._parent["shot_star" + buff]._visible = true;
this._parent["shot_star" + buff].rotate_value = kakudo - 20;
buff = this._parent.yue1.enemy_h_shot_num * 2;
this._parent["shot_mstar" + buff]._x = this._x - 0;
this._parent["shot_mstar" + buff]._y = this._y + 20;
this._parent["shot_mstar" + buff]._visible = true;
this._parent["shot_mstar" + buff].rotate_value = kakudo + 10;
buff = (this._parent.yue1.enemy_h_shot_num * 2) + 1;
this._parent["shot_mstar" + buff]._x = this._x - 0;
this._parent["shot_mstar" + buff]._y = this._y + 20;
this._parent["shot_mstar" + buff]._visible = true;
this._parent["shot_mstar" + buff].rotate_value = kakudo - 10;
this._parent.yue1.enemy_h_shot_num = this._parent.yue1.enemy_h_shot_num + 1;
if (this._parent.yue1.enemy_h_shot_num >= default_shot_num) {
this._parent.yue1.enemy_h_shot_num = 0;
shot_flag = 1;
if (hitpoint <= 0) {
rand = Math.floor(Math.random() * 4);
if ((rand == 0) || (rand == 3)) {
item_num = this._parent.yue1.item_magic_num;
this._parent["item_magic" + item_num]._visible = true;
this._parent["item_magic" + item_num]._x = this._x;
this._parent["item_magic" + item_num]._y = this._y + 20;
this._parent.yue1.item_magic_num = this._parent.yue1.item_magic_num + 1;
if (this._parent.yue1.item_magic_num >= this._parent.yue1.default_item_num) {
this._parent.yue1.item_magic_num = 0;
item_num = this._parent.yue1.item_lifeup_num;
this._parent["item_lifeup" + item_num]._visible = true;
this._parent["item_lifeup" + item_num]._x = this._x + 10;
this._parent["item_lifeup" + item_num]._y = this._y + 40;
this._parent.yue1.item_lifeup_num = this._parent.yue1.item_lifeup_num + 1;
if (this._parent.yue1.item_lifeup_num >= this._parent.yue1.default_item_num) {
this._parent.yue1.item_lifeup_num = 0;
} else if (rand == 1) {
item_num = this._parent.yue1.item_sield_num;
this._parent["item_sield" + item_num]._visible = true;
this._parent["item_sield" + item_num]._x = this._x;
this._parent["item_sield" + item_num]._y = this._y + 20;
this._parent.yue1.item_sield_num = this._parent.yue1.item_sield_num + 1;
if (this._parent.yue1.item_sield_num >= this._parent.yue1.default_item_num) {
this._parent.yue1.item_sield_num = 0;
item_num = this._parent.yue1.item_lifeup_num;
this._parent["item_lifeup" + item_num]._visible = true;
this._parent["item_lifeup" + item_num]._x = this._x + 10;
this._parent["item_lifeup" + item_num]._y = this._y + 40;
this._parent.yue1.item_lifeup_num = this._parent.yue1.item_lifeup_num + 1;
if (this._parent.yue1.item_lifeup_num >= this._parent.yue1.default_item_num) {
this._parent.yue1.item_lifeup_num = 0;
} else if (rand == 2) {
item_num = this._parent.yue1.item_lifeup_num;
this._parent["item_lifeup" + item_num]._visible = true;
this._parent["item_lifeup" + item_num]._x = this._x;
this._parent["item_lifeup" + item_num]._y = this._y + 20;
this._parent.yue1.item_lifeup_num = this._parent.yue1.item_lifeup_num + 1;
if (this._parent.yue1.item_lifeup_num >= this._parent.yue1.default_item_num) {
this._parent.yue1.item_lifeup_num = 0;
this._parent.yue1.beat_enemy_num = this._parent.yue1.beat_enemy_num + 1;
this._parent.yue1.combo_num = this._parent.yue1.combo_num + 1;
this._parent.yue1.score = this._parent.yue1.score + (300 * ((this._parent.yue1.combo_num / 50) + 1));
rotate_value = 0;
this._x = -1000;
this._y = 200;
shot_flag = 0;
hitpoint = 70;
speed = 15;
_visible = false;
if ((((this._x < -100) || (this._y < -100)) || (this._y > 700)) || (this._x > 1500)) {
rotate_value = 0;
this._x = -1000;
this._y = 200;
shot_flag = 0;
hitpoint = 70;
speed = 15;
_visible = false;
Instance of Symbol 44 MovieClip in Frame 11
onClipEvent (load) {
this._visible = false;
Instance of Symbol 106 MovieClip "shot_up" in Frame 11
onClipEvent (load) {
this._visible = false;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (this._visible == true) {
_x = (_x + 30);
_y = (_y - 4.33);
if (_x > Stage.width) {
_visible = false;
this._x = -100;
Instance of Symbol 106 MovieClip "shot_down" in Frame 11
onClipEvent (load) {
this._visible = false;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (this._visible == true) {
_x = (_x + 30);
_y = (_y + 4.33);
if (_x > Stage.width) {
_visible = false;
this._x = -100;
Instance of Symbol 109 MovieClip "enemy_b" in Frame 11
onClipEvent (load) {
this._visible = false;
rotate_value = 0;
shot_flag = 0;
hitpoint = 5;
up_flag = 0;
buff_i = 0;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (this._visible == false) {
if (this._parent.yue1.continue_flag == 1) {
if (_visible) {
if (this.hitTest(this._parent.yue1.atari_box)) {
hitpoint = 0;
this._parent.yue1.yue_hitpoint = this._parent.yue1.yue_hitpoint - 5;
this._parent.yue1.miss = this._parent.yue1.miss + 1;
if (((this._x < 500) && (-90 < rotate_value)) && (rotate_value < 90)) {
if (up_flag == 1) {
rotate_value = rotate_value + 2;
} else {
rotate_value = rotate_value - 2;
radians = (rotate_value * Math.PI) / 180;
speed = 8;
_x = (_x - (speed * Math.cos(radians)));
_y = (_y - (speed * Math.sin(radians)));
if (this._x > 800) {
combo = this._parent.yue1.combo_num;
bairitu = this._parent.yue1.bairitu;
i = 0;
while (i < (this._parent.yue1.default_shot_num * 2)) {
if ((this._x <= (this._parent["shot" + i]._x + 60)) && ((this._parent["shot" + i]._x + 60) <= (this._x + 60))) {
if ((hitTest(this._parent["shot" + i]) == 1) && (this._parent["shot" + i]._visible == true)) {
this._parent["shot" + i]._visible = false;
hitpoint = hitpoint - (5 * ((combo / bairitu) + 1));
buff_i = i;
i = i + 1;
i = buff_i;
if (this._parent.yue1.get_item5 == 1) {
buff_i = i + 1;
if (buff_i >= (this._parent.yue1.default_shot_num * 2)) {
buff_i = 0;
k = 0;
while (k < 3) {
if (hitTest(this._parent["shot_sub_top" + buff_i]) == 1) {
this._parent["shot_sub_top" + buff_i]._visible = false;
this._parent["shot_sub_top" + buff_i]._x = -100;
hitpoint = hitpoint - (2 * ((combo / bairitu) + 1));
buff_i = buff_i - 1;
if (buff_i < 0) {
buff_i = (this._parent.yue1.default_shot_num * 2) - 1;
k = k + 1;
if (this._parent.yue1.get_item6 == 1) {
buff_i = i + 1;
if (buff_i >= (this._parent.yue1.default_shot_num * 2)) {
buff_i = 0;
k = 0;
while (k < 3) {
if (hitTest(this._parent["shot_sub_botom" + buff_i]) == 1) {
this._parent["shot_sub_botom" + buff_i]._visible = false;
this._parent["shot_sub_botom" + buff_i]._x = -100;
hitpoint = hitpoint - (2 * ((combo / bairitu) + 1));
buff_i = buff_i - 1;
if (buff_i < 0) {
buff_i = (this._parent.yue1.default_shot_num * 2) - 1;
k = k + 1;
i = Math.floor(i / 2);
if (this._parent.yue1.get_item1 == 1) {
if (hitTest(this._parent["shot_down" + i]) == 1) {
this._parent["shot_down" + i]._visible = false;
this._parent["shot_down" + i]._x = -100;
hitpoint = hitpoint - (5 * ((combo / bairitu) + 1));
if (this._parent.yue1.get_item2 == 1) {
if (this._parent["shot_up" + i]._visible == true) {
if (hitTest(this._parent["shot_up" + i]) == 1) {
this._parent["shot_up" + i]._visible = false;
this._parent["shot_up" + i]._x = -100;
hitpoint = hitpoint - (5 * ((combo / bairitu) + 1));
if (hitpoint <= 0) {
rand = Math.floor(Math.random() * 9);
if ((rand == 0) || (rand == 3)) {
item_num = this._parent.yue1.item_magic_num;
this._parent["item_magic" + item_num]._visible = true;
this._parent["item_magic" + item_num]._x = this._x;
this._parent["item_magic" + item_num]._y = this._y + 20;
this._parent.yue1.item_magic_num = this._parent.yue1.item_magic_num + 1;
if (this._parent.yue1.item_magic_num >= this._parent.yue1.default_item_num) {
this._parent.yue1.item_magic_num = 0;
} else if (rand == 1) {
item_num = this._parent.yue1.item_sield_num;
this._parent["item_sield" + item_num]._visible = true;
this._parent["item_sield" + item_num]._x = this._x;
this._parent["item_sield" + item_num]._y = this._y + 20;
this._parent.yue1.item_sield_num = this._parent.yue1.item_sield_num + 1;
if (this._parent.yue1.item_sield_num >= this._parent.yue1.default_item_num) {
this._parent.yue1.item_sield_num = 0;
} else if (rand == 2) {
item_num = this._parent.yue1.item_lifeup_num;
this._parent["item_lifeup" + item_num]._visible = true;
this._parent["item_lifeup" + item_num]._x = this._x;
this._parent["item_lifeup" + item_num]._y = this._y + 20;
this._parent.yue1.item_lifeup_num = this._parent.yue1.item_lifeup_num + 1;
if (this._parent.yue1.item_lifeup_num >= this._parent.yue1.default_item_num) {
this._parent.yue1.item_lifeup_num = 0;
this._parent.yue1.beat_enemy_num = this._parent.yue1.beat_enemy_num + 1;
this._parent.yue1.combo_num = this._parent.yue1.combo_num + 1;
this._parent.yue1.score = this._parent.yue1.score + (100 * ((this._parent.yue1.combo_num / 50) + 1));
rotate_value = 0;
this._x = -1000;
this._y = 200;
shot_flag = 0;
hitpoint = 5;
_visible = false;
if (((this._x < -100) || (this._y < -100)) || (this._y > 500)) {
rotate_value = 0;
this._x = -1000;
this._y = 200;
shot_flag = 0;
hitpoint = 5;
_visible = false;
Instance of Symbol 111 MovieClip "item_magic" in Frame 11
onClipEvent (load) {
this._visible = false;
start_flag = 0;
return_point = 0;
speed = 5;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (this._parent.yue1.continue_flag == 1) {
if (_visible) {
if (this.hitTest(this._parent.yue1)) {
this._parent.yue1.score = this._parent.yue1.score + 20;
this._visible = false;
this._parent.yue1.yue_magic = this._parent.yue1.yue_magic + 1;
start_flag = 0;
speed = 5;
magicup_number = this._parent.yue1.yue_magic;
if (magicup_number >= 30) {
magicup_number = 30;
this._parent.yue_magicbar.mask._xscale = (magicup_number / 30) * 102;
if (start_flag == 0) {
return_point = this._x;
start_flag = 1;
if (((return_point + 40) < this._x) && (start_flag == 1)) {
start_flag = 2;
if (start_flag == 2) {
this._x = this._x - speed;
if (speed < 5) {
speed = speed / 0.9;
} else {
this._x = this._x + speed;
speed = speed * 0.9;
if (((this._x < 0) || (this._y < 0)) || (this._y > 600)) {
_visible = false;
start_flag = 0;
speed = 5;
Instance of Symbol 113 MovieClip "item_sield" in Frame 11
onClipEvent (load) {
this._visible = false;
start_flag = 0;
return_point = 0;
speed = 5;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (this._parent.yue1.continue_flag == 1) {
if (_visible) {
if (this.hitTest(this._parent.yue1)) {
this._parent.yue1.score = this._parent.yue1.score + 20;
this._visible = false;
this._parent.yue1.s_point = this._parent.yue1.s_point + 15;
this._parent.yue1.max_s_point = this._parent.yue1.max_s_point + 15;
start_flag = 0;
speed = 5;
this._parent.yue_shieldbar._width = this._parent.yue1.max_s_point / 4;
this._parent.yue_shieldbar.mask._xscale = (this._parent.yue1.s_point / this._parent.yue1.max_s_point) * 102;
if (start_flag == 0) {
return_point = this._x;
start_flag = 1;
if (((return_point + 40) < this._x) && (start_flag == 1)) {
start_flag = 2;
if (start_flag == 2) {
this._x = this._x - speed;
if (speed < 5) {
speed = speed / 0.9;
} else {
this._x = this._x + speed;
speed = speed * 0.9;
if (((this._x < 0) || (this._y < 0)) || (this._y > 600)) {
_visible = false;
start_flag = 0;
speed = 5;
Instance of Symbol 116 MovieClip "enemy_c" in Frame 11
onClipEvent (load) {
this._visible = false;
rotate_value = 0;
shot_flag = 0;
hitpoint = 20;
up_flag = 0;
buff_i = 0;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (this._visible == false) {
if (this._parent.yue1.continue_flag == 1) {
if (_visible) {
if (this.hitTest(this._parent.yue1.atari_box)) {
hitpoint = 0;
this._parent.yue1.yue_hitpoint = this._parent.yue1.yue_hitpoint - 5;
this._parent.yue1.miss = this._parent.yue1.miss + 1;
if (((this._x < 500) && (-90 < rotate_value)) && (rotate_value < 90)) {
if (up_flag == 1) {
rotate_value = rotate_value + 2;
} else {
rotate_value = rotate_value - 2;
radians = (rotate_value * Math.PI) / 180;
speed = 8;
_x = (_x - (speed * Math.cos(radians)));
_y = (_y - (speed * Math.sin(radians)));
combo = this._parent.yue1.combo_num;
bairitu = this._parent.yue1.bairitu;
i = 0;
while (i < (this._parent.yue1.default_shot_num * 2)) {
if ((this._x <= (this._parent["shot" + i]._x + 60)) && ((this._parent["shot" + i]._x + 60) <= (this._x + 60))) {
if ((hitTest(this._parent["shot" + i]) == 1) && (this._parent["shot" + i]._visible == true)) {
this._parent["shot" + i]._visible = false;
hitpoint = hitpoint - (5 * ((combo / bairitu) + 1));
buff_i = i;
i = i + 1;
i = buff_i;
if (this._parent.yue1.get_item5 == 1) {
buff_i = i + 1;
if (buff_i >= (this._parent.yue1.default_shot_num * 2)) {
buff_i = 0;
k = 0;
while (k < 3) {
if (hitTest(this._parent["shot_sub_top" + buff_i]) == 1) {
this._parent["shot_sub_top" + buff_i]._visible = false;
this._parent["shot_sub_top" + buff_i]._x = -100;
hitpoint = hitpoint - (2 * ((combo / bairitu) + 1));
buff_i = buff_i - 1;
if (buff_i < 0) {
buff_i = (this._parent.yue1.default_shot_num * 2) - 1;
k = k + 1;
if (this._parent.yue1.get_item6 == 1) {
buff_i = i + 1;
if (buff_i >= (this._parent.yue1.default_shot_num * 2)) {
buff_i = 0;
k = 0;
while (k < 3) {
if (hitTest(this._parent["shot_sub_botom" + buff_i]) == 1) {
this._parent["shot_sub_botom" + buff_i]._visible = false;
this._parent["shot_sub_botom" + buff_i]._x = -100;
hitpoint = hitpoint - (2 * ((combo / bairitu) + 1));
buff_i = buff_i - 1;
if (buff_i < 0) {
buff_i = (this._parent.yue1.default_shot_num * 2) - 1;
k = k + 1;
i = Math.floor(i / 2);
if (this._parent.yue1.get_item1 == 1) {
if (hitTest(this._parent["shot_down" + i]) == 1) {
this._parent["shot_down" + i]._visible = false;
this._parent["shot_down" + i]._x = -100;
hitpoint = hitpoint - (5 * ((combo / bairitu) + 1));
if (this._parent.yue1.get_item2 == 1) {
if (this._parent["shot_up" + i]._visible == true) {
if (hitTest(this._parent["shot_up" + i]) == 1) {
this._parent["shot_up" + i]._visible = false;
this._parent["shot_up" + i]._x = -100;
hitpoint = hitpoint - (5 * ((combo / bairitu) + 1));
if ((this._x < 700) && (shot_flag == 0)) {
x_gap = this._x - this._parent.yue1._x;
y_gap = this._y - this._parent.yue1._y;
tan = y_gap / x_gap;
kakudo = (Math.atan(tan) * 180) / Math.PI;
i = 0;
while (i < 3) {
buff = this._parent.yue1.enemy_c_shot_num;
this._parent["natumegu_shot" + buff]._x = this._x - 0;
this._parent["natumegu_shot" + buff]._y = this._y + 20;
this._parent["natumegu_shot" + buff]._visible = true;
this._parent["natumegu_shot" + buff]._rotation = 180 + kakudo;
if (i == 0) {
this._parent["natumegu_shot" + buff]._rotation = this._parent["natumegu_shot" + buff]._rotation + 15;
} else if (i == 1) {
this._parent["natumegu_shot" + buff]._rotation = this._parent["natumegu_shot" + buff]._rotation + -15;
this._parent.yue1.enemy_c_shot_num = this._parent.yue1.enemy_c_shot_num + 1;
if (this._parent.yue1.enemy_c_shot_num >= (this._parent.boss_natumegu.default_shot_num * 2)) {
this._parent.yue1.enemy_c_shot_num = 0;
i = i + 1;
shot_flag = 1;
if (hitpoint <= 0) {
rand = Math.floor(Math.random() * 4);
if ((rand == 0) || (rand == 3)) {
item_num = this._parent.yue1.item_magic_num;
this._parent["item_magic" + item_num]._visible = true;
this._parent["item_magic" + item_num]._x = this._x;
this._parent["item_magic" + item_num]._y = this._y + 20;
this._parent.yue1.item_magic_num = this._parent.yue1.item_magic_num + 1;
if (this._parent.yue1.item_magic_num >= this._parent.yue1.default_item_num) {
this._parent.yue1.item_magic_num = 0;
} else if (rand == 1) {
item_num = this._parent.yue1.item_sield_num;
this._parent["item_sield" + item_num]._visible = true;
this._parent["item_sield" + item_num]._x = this._x;
this._parent["item_sield" + item_num]._y = this._y + 20;
this._parent.yue1.item_sield_num = this._parent.yue1.item_sield_num + 1;
if (this._parent.yue1.item_sield_num >= this._parent.yue1.default_item_num) {
this._parent.yue1.item_sield_num = 0;
} else if (rand == 2) {
item_num = this._parent.yue1.item_lifeup_num;
this._parent["item_lifeup" + item_num]._visible = true;
this._parent["item_lifeup" + item_num]._x = this._x;
this._parent["item_lifeup" + item_num]._y = this._y + 20;
this._parent.yue1.item_lifeup_num = this._parent.yue1.item_lifeup_num + 1;
if (this._parent.yue1.item_lifeup_num >= this._parent.yue1.default_item_num) {
this._parent.yue1.item_lifeup_num = 0;
this._parent.yue1.beat_enemy_num = this._parent.yue1.beat_enemy_num + 1;
this._parent.yue1.combo_num = this._parent.yue1.combo_num + 1;
this._parent.yue1.score = this._parent.yue1.score + (200 * ((this._parent.yue1.combo_num / 50) + 1));
rotate_value = 0;
this._x = -1000;
this._y = 200;
shot_flag = 0;
hitpoint = 20;
_visible = false;
if ((((this._x < -100) || (this._y < -100)) || (this._y > 500)) || (this._x > 1200)) {
rotate_value = 0;
this._x = -1000;
this._y = 200;
shot_flag = 0;
hitpoint = 20;
_visible = false;
Instance of Symbol 118 MovieClip "item_lifeup" in Frame 11
onClipEvent (load) {
this._visible = false;
start_flag = 0;
return_point = 0;
speed = 5;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (this._parent.yue1.continue_flag == 1) {
if (_visible) {
if (this.hitTest(this._parent.yue1)) {
this._parent.yue1.score = this._parent.yue1.score + 20;
this._visible = false;
this._parent.yue1.yue_hitpoint = this._parent.yue1.yue_hitpoint + 7;
this._parent.yue1.max_hitpoint = this._parent.yue1.max_hitpoint + 5;
if (this._parent.yue1.yue_hitpoint > this._parent.yue1.max_hitpoint) {
this._parent.yue1.yue_hitpoint = this._parent.yue1.max_hitpoint;
this._parent.yue_life.mask._xscale = (this._parent.yue1.yue_hitpoint / this._parent.yue1.max_hitpoint) * 102;
this._parent.yue_life._width = this._parent.yue1.max_hitpoint / 2;
start_flag = 0;
speed = 5;
if (start_flag == 0) {
return_point = this._x;
start_flag = 1;
if (((return_point + 40) < this._x) && (start_flag == 1)) {
start_flag = 2;
if (start_flag == 2) {
this._x = this._x - speed;
if (speed < 5) {
speed = speed / 0.9;
} else {
this._x = this._x + speed;
speed = speed * 0.9;
if (((this._x < 0) || (this._y < 0)) || (this._y > 600)) {
_visible = false;
start_flag = 0;
speed = 5;
Instance of Symbol 121 MovieClip "enemy_e" in Frame 11
onClipEvent (load) {
this._visible = false;
rotate_value = 0;
shot_flag = 0;
hitpoint = 100;
up_flag = 0;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (this._visible == false) {
if (this._parent.yue1.continue_flag == 1) {
if (_visible) {
if (this.hitTest(this._parent.yue1.atari_box)) {
hitpoint = 0;
this._parent.yue1.yue_hitpoint = this._parent.yue1.yue_hitpoint - 5;
this._parent.yue1.miss = this._parent.yue1.miss + 1;
if ((this._x < 500) && (rotate_value < 180)) {
if (up_flag == 1) {
rotate_value = rotate_value + 4;
} else {
rotate_value = rotate_value - 4;
radians = (rotate_value * Math.PI) / 180;
speed = 8;
_x = (_x - (speed * Math.cos(radians)));
_y = (_y - (speed * Math.sin(radians)));
combo = this._parent.yue1.combo_num;
bairitu = this._parent.yue1.bairitu;
i = 0;
while (i < (this._parent.yue1.default_shot_num * 2)) {
if (this._parent["shot" + i]._visible == true) {
if (hitTest(this._parent["shot" + i]) == 1) {
this._parent["shot" + i]._visible = false;
hitpoint = hitpoint - (5 * ((combo / bairitu) + 1));
i = i + 1;
if (this._parent.yue1.get_item5 == 1) {
i = 0;
while (i < (this._parent.yue1.default_shot_num * 2)) {
if (this._parent["shot_sub_top" + i]._visible == true) {
if (hitTest(this._parent["shot_sub_top" + i]) == 1) {
this._parent["shot_sub_top" + i]._visible = false;
hitpoint = hitpoint - (2 * ((combo / bairitu) + 1));
i = i + 1;
if (this._parent.yue1.get_item6 == 1) {
i = 0;
while (i < (this._parent.yue1.default_shot_num * 2)) {
if (this._parent["shot_sub_botom" + i]._visible == true) {
if (hitTest(this._parent["shot_sub_botom" + i]) == 1) {
this._parent["shot_sub_botom" + i]._visible = false;
hitpoint = hitpoint - (2 * ((combo / bairitu) + 1));
i = i + 1;
if (this._parent.yue1.get_item1 == 1) {
i = 0;
while (i < this._parent.yue1.default_shot_num) {
if (this._parent["shot_down" + i]._visible == true) {
if (hitTest(this._parent["shot_down" + i]) == 1) {
this._parent["shot_down" + i]._visible = false;
hitpoint = hitpoint - (5 * ((combo / bairitu) + 1));
i = i + 1;
if (this._parent.yue1.get_item6 == 1) {
i = 0;
while (i < this._parent.yue1.default_shot_num) {
if (this._parent["shot_up" + i]._visible == true) {
if (hitTest(this._parent["shot_up" + i]) == 1) {
this._parent["shot_up" + i]._visible = false;
hitpoint = hitpoint - (5 * ((combo / bairitu) + 1));
i = i + 1;
if ((this._x < 700) && (shot_flag == 0)) {
x_gap = this._x - this._parent.yue1._x;
y_gap = this._y - this._parent.yue1._y;
tan = y_gap / x_gap;
kakudo = (Math.atan(tan) * 180) / Math.PI;
buff = this._parent.yue1.enemy_e_shot_num;
this._parent["mei_shot_long" + buff]._x = this._x - 0;
this._parent["mei_shot_long" + buff]._y = this._y + 20;
this._parent["mei_shot_long" + buff]._visible = true;
this._parent["mei_shot_long" + buff]._rotation = this._parent["mei_shot_long" + buff]._rotation + kakudo;
this._parent["mei_shot_long" + buff].shot_flag = 1;
this._parent["mei_shot_long" + buff].count_down = 20;
this._parent.yue1.enemy_e_shot_num = this._parent.yue1.enemy_e_shot_num + 1;
if (this._parent.yue1.enemy_e_shot_num > this._parent.boss_mei.default_shot_num) {
this._parent.yue1.enemy_e_shot_num = 0;
shot_flag = 1;
if (hitpoint <= 0) {
rand = Math.floor(Math.random() * 4);
if ((rand == 0) || (rand == 3)) {
item_num = this._parent.yue1.item_lifeup_num;
this._parent["item_lifeup" + item_num]._visible = true;
this._parent["item_lifeup" + item_num]._x = this._x + 10;
this._parent["item_lifeup" + item_num]._y = this._y + 40;
this._parent.yue1.item_lifeup_num = this._parent.yue1.item_lifeup_num + 1;
if (this._parent.yue1.item_lifeup_num >= this._parent.yue1.default_item_num) {
this._parent.yue1.item_lifeup_num = 0;
item_num = this._parent.yue1.item_sield_num;
this._parent["item_sield" + item_num]._visible = true;
this._parent["item_sield" + item_num]._x = this._x + 20;
this._parent["item_sield" + item_num]._y = this._y + 0;
this._parent.yue1.item_sield_num = this._parent.yue1.item_sield_num + 1;
if (this._parent.yue1.item_sield_num >= this._parent.yue1.default_item_num) {
this._parent.yue1.item_sield_num = 0;
} else if ((rand == 1) || (rand == 2)) {
item_num = this._parent.yue1.item_lifeup_num;
this._parent["item_lifeup" + item_num]._visible = true;
this._parent["item_lifeup" + item_num]._x = this._x;
this._parent["item_lifeup" + item_num]._y = this._y + 20;
this._parent.yue1.item_lifeup_num = this._parent.yue1.item_lifeup_num + 1;
if (this._parent.yue1.item_lifeup_num >= this._parent.yue1.default_item_num) {
this._parent.yue1.item_lifeup_num = 0;
item_num = this._parent.yue1.item_sield_num;
this._parent["item_sield" + item_num]._visible = true;
this._parent["item_sield" + item_num]._x = this._x + 10;
this._parent["item_sield" + item_num]._y = this._y + 40;
this._parent.yue1.item_sield_num = this._parent.yue1.item_sield_num + 1;
if (this._parent.yue1.item_sield_num >= this._parent.yue1.default_item_num) {
this._parent.yue1.item_sield_num = 0;
this._parent.yue1.beat_enemy_num = this._parent.yue1.beat_enemy_num + 1;
this._parent.yue1.combo_num = this._parent.yue1.combo_num + 1;
this._parent.yue1.score = this._parent.yue1.score + (300 * ((this._parent.yue1.combo_num / 50) + 1));
rotate_value = 0;
this._x = -1000;
this._y = 200;
shot_flag = 0;
hitpoint = 100;
_visible = false;
if ((((this._x < -100) || (this._y < -100)) || (this._y > 700)) || (this._x > 1200)) {
rotate_value = 0;
this._x = -1000;
this._y = 200;
shot_flag = 0;
hitpoint = 100;
_visible = false;
Instance of Symbol 124 MovieClip "yue1" in Frame 11
onClipEvent (load) {
function end_func() {
var _local2;
_local2 = Math.floor((beat_enemy_num / enemy_all_num) * 1000) / 10;
if ((stage_num == 1) && (clear_flag == 1)) {
this._parent.boss_mei._visible = false;
this._parent.boss_natumegu._visible = false;
this._parent.mei_life._visible = false;
this._parent.natumegu_life._visible = false;
this._parent.clear_txt._visible = true;
this._parent.gekitui._visible = true;
this._parent.total_miss._visible = true;
this._parent.stage_score._visible = true;
this._parent.miss_bonus._visible = true;
this._parent.life_bonus._visible = true;
this._parent.clear_score_text._visible = true;
score = score + 10000;
clear_flag = 1;
if (yue_hitpoint > 0) {
if (stage_num == 1) {
this._parent.clear_txt.text = "Stage1 Clear!";
} else if (stage_num == 2) {
this._parent.clear_txt.text = "Stage2 Clear!";
} else {
this._parent.clear_txt.text = "ALL Clear!";
this._parent.gekitui.text = _local2 + "\uFF05";
this._parent.stage_score.text = score;
if (miss == 0) {
miss_bonus = 30000;
} else if ((miss == 1) || (miss == 2)) {
miss_bonus = 10000;
} else if ((3 <= miss) && (miss <= 9)) {
miss_bonus = (10 - miss) * 500;
} else {
miss_bonus = 0;
life_bonus = Math.floor(yue_hitpoint) * 50;
this._parent.miss_bonus.text = miss_bonus;
this._parent.life_bonus.text = life_bonus;
this._parent.total_miss.text = score;
while (life_bonus >= 0) {
score = score + 50;
life_bonus = life_bonus - 50;
this._parent.total_miss.text = score;
while (miss_bonus >= 0) {
score = score + 100;
miss_bonus = miss_bonus - 100;
this._parent.total_miss.text = score;
if (stage_num == 2) {
this._parent.warning._visible = true;
if (stage_num != 4) {
this._parent.to_next_stage._visible = true;
} else {
this._parent.clear_score_text._visible = false;
if (continue_flag == 0) {
this._parent.clear_txt.text = "Game Over...";
this._parent.gekitui.text = "";
this._parent.total_miss.text = "";
this._parent.stage_score.text = "";
this._parent.miss_bonus.text = "";
this._parent.life_bonus.text = "";
this._parent.continue_mc._visible = true;
continue_flag = 1;
} else {
this._parent.continue_mc._visible = false;
function next_stage_func() {
boss_start_flag = 0;
clear_flag = 0;
miss = 0;
miss_buff = 0;
combo = 0;
if (stage_num == 1) {
flame_count = 3000;
sound11.start(0, 10);
this._parent.print_song_name.text = "\u266AParty Night";
print_name_flag = 1;
flame_buff_num = flame_count;
this._parent.boss_natumegu.move_speed = 0;
this._parent.boss_mei.shot_second_flag = 2;
with (this._parent.moon) {
this._parent.moon._alpha = 40;
i = 0;
while (i < this._parent.boss_mei.default_shot_num) {
this._parent["mei_shot" + i].removeMovieClip();
this._parent["mei_shot_chant" + i].removeMovieClip();
this._parent["mei_shot_30down" + i].removeMovieClip();
this._parent["mei_shot_30up" + i].removeMovieClip();
this._parent["natumegu_shot_chant" + i].removeMovieClip();
i = i + 1;
i = 0;
while (i < (this._parent.boss_mei.default_shot_num * 2)) {
this._parent["natumegu_shot" + i].removeMovieClip();
i = i + 1;
} else {
sound7.start(0, 100);
this._parent.print_song_name.text = "\u266A heat blow";
print_name_flag = 1;
flame_buff_num = flame_count;
boss_start_flag = 5;
i = 0;
while (i < this._parent.boss_zero.default_shot_num) {
this._parent["zero_blade_b" + i].removeMovieClip();
this._parent["zero_mblade" + i].removeMovieClip();
i = i + 1;
i = 0;
while (i < this._parent.boss_maru.default_shot_num) {
this._parent["missile" + i].removeMovieClip();
this._parent["smoke_a" + i].removeMovieClip();
this._parent["smoke_b" + i].removeMovieClip();
this._parent["smoke_c" + i].removeMovieClip();
this._parent["smoke_d" + i].removeMovieClip();
this._parent["smoke_e" + i].removeMovieClip();
this._parent["smoke_f" + i].removeMovieClip();
this._parent["rock_on" + i].removeMovieClip();
i = i + 1;
this._parent.black_hole._visible = true;
this._parent.black_hole._x = 560;
this._parent.black_hole._y = 260;
stage_num = stage_num + 1;
stage_num = stage_num + 1;
while (yue_hitpoint < max_hitpoint) {
yue_hitpoint = max_hitpoint;
this._parent.yue_life.mask._xscale = (yue_hitpoint / max_hitpoint) * 102;
this._parent.clear_txt._visible = false;
this._parent.gekitui._visible = false;
this._parent.total_miss._visible = false;
this._parent.stage_score._visible = false;
this._parent.miss_bonus._visible = false;
this._parent.life_bonus._visible = false;
this._parent.to_next_stage._visible = false;
this._parent.to_next_stage._visible = false;
this._parent.warning._visible = false;
this._parent.clear_score_text._visible = false;
function shot_speed_check(num) {
shot_up = 0;
shot_down = 0;
shot_right = 0;
shot_left = 0;
shot_speed[num][0] = shot_up;
shot_speed[num][1] = shot_down;
shot_speed[num][2] = shot_right;
shot_speed[num][3] = shot_left;
function remove_normal_enemy() {
i = 0;
while (i < default_enemy_num) {
this._parent["enemy_b" + i].removeMovieClip();
this._parent["enemy_i" + i].removeMovieClip();
i = i + 1;
i = 0;
while (i < (default_enemy_num / 2)) {
this._parent["enemy_c" + i].removeMovieClip();
this._parent["enemy_d" + i].removeMovieClip();
this._parent["enemy_e" + i].removeMovieClip();
this._parent["enemy_h" + i].removeMovieClip();
i = i + 1;
i = 0;
while (i < default_item_num) {
this._parent["item_magic" + i].removeMovieClip();
this._parent["item_sield" + i].removeMovieClip();
this._parent["item_lifeup" + i].removeMovieClip();
i = i + 1;
if (stage_num == 2) {
i = 0;
while (i < (this._parent.enemy_h.default_shot_num * 3)) {
this._parent["shot_star" + i].removeMovieClip();
i = i + 1;
i = 0;
while (i < (this._parent.enemy_h.default_shot_num * 2)) {
this._parent["shot_mstar" + i].removeMovieClip();
i = i + 1;
i = 0;
while (i < this._parent.boss_mei.default_shot_num) {
this._parent["mei_shot" + i].removeMovieClip();
i = i + 1;
i = 0;
while (i < (this._parent.boss_natumegu.default_shot_num * 2)) {
this._parent["natumegu_shot" + i].removeMovieClip();
i = i + 1;
boss_start_flag = 1;
function set_next_stage_mc() {
set_num = set_num + 1;
if ((stage_num == 1) && (boss_start_flag == 0)) {
i = 0;
while (i < this._parent.boss_mei.default_shot_num) {
this._parent.mei_shot_b.duplicateMovieClip("mei_shot" + i, object_num, this._parent.mei_shot_b);
this._parent["mei_shot" + i]._visible = false;
this._parent["mei_shot" + i]._x = this._x;
this._parent["mei_shot" + i]._y = this._y;
i = i + 1;
object_num = object_num + 1;
i = 0;
while (i < (this._parent.boss_natumegu.default_shot_num * 2)) {
this._parent.natumegu_shot_b.duplicateMovieClip("natumegu_shot" + i, object_num, this._parent.natumegu_shot_b);
this._parent["natumegu_shot" + i]._visible = false;
this._parent["natumegu_shot" + i]._x = this._x;
this._parent["natumegu_shot" + i]._y = this._y;
i = i + 1;
object_num = object_num + 1;
} else if ((stage_num == 1) && (boss_start_flag == 1)) {
i = 0;
while (i < this._parent.boss_mei.default_shot_num) {
this._parent.mei_shot_long_b.duplicateMovieClip("mei_shot_long" + i, object_num, this._parent.mei_shot_long_b);
this._parent["mei_shot_long" + i]._visible = false;
this._parent["mei_shot_long" + i]._x = this._x;
this._parent["mei_shot_long" + i]._y = this._y;
i = i + 1;
object_num = object_num + 1;
i = 0;
while (i < this._parent.boss_mei.default_shot_num) {
this._parent.mei_shot_chant.duplicateMovieClip("mei_shot_chant" + i, object_num, this._parent.mei_shot_chant);
this._parent["mei_shot_chant" + i]._visible = false;
this._parent["mei_shot_chant" + i]._x = this._x;
this._parent["mei_shot_chant" + i]._y = this._y;
i = i + 1;
object_num = object_num + 1;
i = 0;
while (i < this._parent.boss_mei.default_shot_num) {
this._parent.mei_shot_30down.duplicateMovieClip("mei_shot_30down" + i, object_num, this._parent.mei_shot_30down);
this._parent["mei_shot_30down" + i]._visible = false;
this._parent["mei_shot_30down" + i]._x = this._x;
this._parent["mei_shot_30down" + i]._y = this._y;
i = i + 1;
object_num = object_num + 1;
i = 0;
while (i < this._parent.boss_mei.default_shot_num) {
this._parent.mei_shot_30up.duplicateMovieClip("mei_shot_30up" + i, object_num, this._parent.mei_shot_30up);
this._parent["mei_shot_30up" + i]._visible = false;
this._parent["mei_shot_30up" + i]._x = this._x;
this._parent["mei_shot_30up" + i]._y = this._y;
i = i + 1;
object_num = object_num + 1;
i = 0;
while (i < this._parent.boss_natumegu.default_shot_num) {
this._parent.natumegu_shot.duplicateMovieClip("natumegu_shot_chant" + i, object_num, this._parent.natumegu_shot);
this._parent["natumegu_shot_chant" + i]._visible = false;
this._parent["natumegu_shot_chant" + i]._x = this._x;
this._parent["natumegu_shot_chant" + i]._y = this._y;
i = i + 1;
object_num = object_num + 1;
} else if ((stage_num == 2) && (boss_start_flag == 0)) {
i = 0;
while (i < (default_enemy_num / 2)) {
this._parent.enemy_h.duplicateMovieClip("enemy_h" + i, object_num, this._parent.enemy_h);
this._parent["enemy_h" + i]._visible = false;
this._parent["enemy_h" + i]._x = -1000;
this._parent["enemy_h" + i]._y = -1000;
i = i + 1;
object_num = object_num + 1;
i = 0;
while (i < (default_enemy_num / 2)) {
this._parent.enemy_f.duplicateMovieClip("enemy_d" + i, object_num, this._parent.enemy_f);
this._parent["enemy_d" + i]._visible = false;
this._parent["enemy_d" + i]._x = -1000;
this._parent["enemy_d" + i]._y = -1000;
i = i + 1;
object_num = object_num + 1;
i = 0;
while (i < (default_enemy_num / 2)) {
this._parent.enemy_g.duplicateMovieClip("enemy_e" + i, object_num, this._parent.enemy_g);
this._parent["enemy_e" + i]._visible = false;
this._parent["enemy_e" + i]._x = -1000;
this._parent["enemy_e" + i]._y = -1000;
i = i + 1;
object_num = object_num + 1;
i = 0;
while (i < default_enemy_num) {
this._parent.enemy_i.duplicateMovieClip("enemy_i" + i, object_num, this._parent.enemy_i);
this._parent["enemy_i" + i]._visible = false;
this._parent["enemy_i" + i]._x = -1000;
this._parent["enemy_i" + i]._y = -1000;
i = i + 1;
object_num = object_num + 1;
i = 0;
while (i < default_item_num) {
this._parent.item_magic.duplicateMovieClip("item_magic" + i, object_num, this._parent.item_magic);
this._parent["item_magic" + i]._visible = false;
this._parent["item_magic" + i]._x = -1000;
this._parent["item_magic" + i]._y = -1000;
i = i + 1;
object_num = object_num + 1;
i = 0;
while (i < default_item_num) {
this._parent.item_sield.duplicateMovieClip("item_sield" + i, object_num, this._parent.item_sield);
this._parent["item_sield" + i]._visible = false;
this._parent["item_sield" + i]._x = -1000;
this._parent["item_sield" + i]._y = -1000;
i = i + 1;
object_num = object_num + 1;
i = 0;
while (i < default_item_num) {
this._parent.item_lifeup.duplicateMovieClip("item_lifeup" + i, object_num, this._parent.item_lifeup);
this._parent["item_lifeup" + i]._visible = false;
this._parent["item_lifeup" + i]._x = -1000;
this._parent["item_lifeup" + i]._y = -1000;
i = i + 1;
object_num = object_num + 1;
i = 0;
while (i < (this._parent.enemy_h.default_shot_num * 3)) {
this._parent.shot_star.duplicateMovieClip("shot_star" + i, object_num, this._parent.shot_star);
this._parent["shot_star" + i]._visible = false;
this._parent["shot_star" + i]._x = -1000;
this._parent["shot_star" + i]._y = -1000;
i = i + 1;
object_num = object_num + 1;
i = 0;
while (i < (this._parent.enemy_h.default_shot_num * 2)) {
this._parent.shot_mstar.duplicateMovieClip("shot_mstar" + i, object_num, this._parent.shot_mstar);
this._parent["shot_mstar" + i]._visible = false;
this._parent["shot_mstar" + i]._x = -1000;
this._parent["shot_mstar" + i]._y = -1000;
i = i + 1;
object_num = object_num + 1;
if ((stage_num == 2) && (boss_start_flag == 1)) {
i = 0;
while (i < this._parent.boss_zero.default_shot_num) {
this._parent.zero_blade_b.duplicateMovieClip("zero_blade_b" + i, object_num, this._parent.zero_blade_b);
this._parent["zero_blade_b" + i]._visible = false;
this._parent["zero_blade_b" + i]._x = this._x;
this._parent["zero_blade_b" + i]._y = this._y;
if ((i % 6) == 0) {
with (this._parent["zero_blade_b" + i]) {
} else if ((i % 6) == 1) {
with (this._parent["zero_blade_b" + i]) {
} else if ((i % 6) == 2) {
with (this._parent["zero_blade_b" + i]) {
} else if ((i % 6) == 3) {
with (this._parent["zero_blade_b" + i]) {
} else if ((i % 6) == 4) {
with (this._parent["zero_blade_b" + i]) {
} else if ((i % 6) == 5) {
with (this._parent["zero_blade_b" + i]) {
i = i + 1;
object_num = object_num + 1;
i = 0;
while (i < (this._parent.boss_zero.default_shot_num * 2)) {
this._parent.zero_mblade.duplicateMovieClip("zero_mblade" + i, object_num, this._parent.zero_mblade);
this._parent["zero_mblade" + i]._visible = false;
this._parent["zero_mblade" + i]._x = this._x;
this._parent["zero_mblade" + i]._y = this._y;
i = i + 1;
object_num = object_num + 1;
i = 0;
while (i < this._parent.boss_maru.default_shot_num) {
this._parent.missile.duplicateMovieClip("missile" + i, object_num, this._parent.missile);
this._parent["missile" + i]._visible = false;
this._parent["missile" + i]._x = this._x;
this._parent["missile" + i]._y = this._y;
i = i + 1;
object_num = object_num + 1;
i = 0;
while (i < this._parent.boss_maru.default_shot_num) {
this._parent.smoke_a.duplicateMovieClip("smoke_a" + i, object_num, this._parent.smoke_a);
this._parent["smoke_a" + i]._visible = false;
this._parent["smoke_a" + i]._x = this._x + 800;
this._parent["smoke_a" + i]._y = this._y;
i = i + 1;
object_num = object_num + 1;
i = 0;
while (i < this._parent.boss_maru.default_shot_num) {
this._parent.smoke_b.duplicateMovieClip("smoke_b" + i, object_num, this._parent.smoke_b);
this._parent["smoke_b" + i]._visible = false;
this._parent["smoke_b" + i]._x = this._x + 800;
this._parent["smoke_b" + i]._y = this._y;
i = i + 1;
object_num = object_num + 1;
i = 0;
while (i < this._parent.boss_maru.default_shot_num) {
this._parent.smoke_c.duplicateMovieClip("smoke_c" + i, object_num, this._parent.smoke_c);
this._parent["smoke_c" + i]._visible = false;
this._parent["smoke_c" + i]._x = this._x + 800;
this._parent["smoke_c" + i]._y = this._y;
i = i + 1;
object_num = object_num + 1;
i = 0;
while (i < this._parent.boss_maru.default_shot_num) {
this._parent.smoke_d.duplicateMovieClip("smoke_d" + i, object_num, this._parent.smoke_d);
this._parent["smoke_d" + i]._visible = false;
this._parent["smoke_d" + i]._x = this._x + 800;
this._parent["smoke_d" + i]._y = this._y;
i = i + 1;
object_num = object_num + 1;
i = 0;
while (i < this._parent.boss_maru.default_shot_num) {
this._parent.smoke_e.duplicateMovieClip("smoke_e" + i, object_num, this._parent.smoke_e);
this._parent["smoke_e" + i]._visible = false;
this._parent["smoke_e" + i]._x = this._x + 800;
this._parent["smoke_e" + i]._y = this._y;
i = i + 1;
object_num = object_num + 1;
i = 0;
while (i < this._parent.boss_maru.default_shot_num) {
this._parent.smoke_f.duplicateMovieClip("smoke_f" + i, object_num, this._parent.smoke_f);
this._parent["smoke_f" + i]._visible = false;
this._parent["smoke_f" + i]._x = this._x + 800;
this._parent["smoke_f" + i]._y = this._y;
i = i + 1;
object_num = object_num + 1;
i = 0;
while (i < this._parent.boss_maru.default_shot_num) {
this._parent.rock_on.duplicateMovieClip("rock_on" + i, object_num, this._parent.rock_on);
this._parent["rock_on" + i]._visible = false;
this._parent["rock_on" + i]._x = this._x;
this._parent["rock_on" + i]._y = this._y;
i = i + 1;
object_num = object_num + 1;
} else if (boss_start_flag == 5) {
i = 0;
while (i < (this._parent.boss_spoo.default_shot_num * 3)) {
this._parent.poison_p.duplicateMovieClip("poison_p" + i, object_num, this._parent.poison_p);
this._parent["poison_p" + i]._visible = false;
this._parent["poison_p" + i]._x = this._x;
this._parent["poison_p" + i]._y = this._y;
i = i + 1;
object_num = object_num + 1;
i = 0;
while (i < ((this._parent.boss_spoo.default_shot_num * 3) + 1)) {
this._parent.spoo_energy.duplicateMovieClip("spoo_energy" + i, object_num, this._parent.spoo_energy);
this._parent["spoo_energy" + i]._visible = false;
this._parent["spoo_energy" + i]._x = this._x;
this._parent["spoo_energy" + i]._y = this._y;
i = i + 1;
object_num = object_num + 1;
i = i - 1;
this._parent.spoo_laser_big.swapDepths(this._parent["spoo_energy" + i]);
i = 0;
while (i < this._parent.spoo_a.default_shot_num) {
this._parent.poison_p_dummy.duplicateMovieClip("poison_p_dummy_a" + i, object_num, this._parent.poison_p_dummy);
this._parent["poison_p_dummy_a" + i]._visible = false;
this._parent["poison_p_dummy_a" + i]._x = this._x;
this._parent["poison_p_dummy_a" + i]._y = this._y;
i = i + 1;
object_num = object_num + 1;
function swap_status_mc() {
this._parent.yueface_gazo.duplicateMovieClip("yueface_gazo" + gazo_num, object_num, this._parent.yueface_gazo);
object_num = object_num + 1;
this._parent.waku_gazo.swapDepths(this._parent["yueface_gazo" + gazo_num]);
this._parent["yueface_gazo" + gazo_num].removeMovieClip();
gazo_num = gazo_num + 1;
this._parent.yueface_gazo.duplicateMovieClip("yueface_gazo" + gazo_num, object_num, this._parent.yueface_gazo);
object_num = object_num + 1;
this._parent.mahojin_gazo.swapDepths(this._parent["yueface_gazo" + gazo_num]);
this._parent["yueface_gazo" + gazo_num].removeMovieClip();
gazo_num = gazo_num + 1;
this._parent.yueface_gazo.duplicateMovieClip("yueface_gazo" + gazo_num, object_num, this._parent.yueface_gazo);
object_num = object_num + 1;
this._parent.yueface_gazo.swapDepths(this._parent["yueface_gazo" + gazo_num]);
this._parent["yueface_gazo" + gazo_num].removeMovieClip();
gazo_num = gazo_num + 1;
this._parent.yueface_gazo.duplicateMovieClip("yueface_gazo" + gazo_num, object_num, this._parent.yueface_gazo);
object_num = object_num + 1;
this._parent.yue_life.swapDepths(this._parent["yueface_gazo" + gazo_num]);
this._parent["yueface_gazo" + gazo_num].removeMovieClip();
gazo_num = gazo_num + 1;
this._parent.yueface_gazo.duplicateMovieClip("yueface_gazo" + gazo_num, object_num, this._parent.yueface_gazo);
object_num = object_num + 1;
this._parent.yue_magicbar.swapDepths(this._parent["yueface_gazo" + gazo_num]);
this._parent["yueface_gazo" + gazo_num].removeMovieClip();
gazo_num = gazo_num + 1;
this._parent.yueface_gazo.duplicateMovieClip("yueface_gazo" + gazo_num, object_num, this._parent.yueface_gazo);
object_num = object_num + 1;
this._parent.yue_shieldbar.swapDepths(this._parent["yueface_gazo" + gazo_num]);
this._parent["yueface_gazo" + gazo_num].removeMovieClip();
gazo_num = gazo_num + 1;
this._parent.yueface_gazo.duplicateMovieClip("yueface_gazo" + gazo_num, object_num, this._parent.yueface_gazo);
object_num = object_num + 1;
this._parent.mei_life.swapDepths(this._parent["yueface_gazo" + gazo_num]);
this._parent["yueface_gazo" + gazo_num].removeMovieClip();
gazo_num = gazo_num + 1;
this._parent.yueface_gazo.duplicateMovieClip("yueface_gazo" + gazo_num, object_num, this._parent.yueface_gazo);
object_num = object_num + 1;
this._parent.natumegu_life.swapDepths(this._parent["yueface_gazo" + gazo_num]);
this._parent["yueface_gazo" + gazo_num].removeMovieClip();
gazo_num = gazo_num + 1;
this._parent.yueface_gazo.duplicateMovieClip("yueface_gazo" + gazo_num, object_num, this._parent.yueface_gazo);
object_num = object_num + 1;
this._parent.boss_zero_life.swapDepths(this._parent["yueface_gazo" + gazo_num]);
this._parent["yueface_gazo" + gazo_num].removeMovieClip();
gazo_num = gazo_num + 1;
this._parent.yueface_gazo.duplicateMovieClip("yueface_gazo" + gazo_num, object_num, this._parent.yueface_gazo);
object_num = object_num + 1;
this._parent.boss_spoo_life.swapDepths(this._parent["yueface_gazo" + gazo_num]);
this._parent["yueface_gazo" + gazo_num].removeMovieClip();
gazo_num = gazo_num + 1;
this._parent.yueface_gazo.duplicateMovieClip("yueface_gazo" + gazo_num, object_num, this._parent.yueface_gazo);
object_num = object_num + 1;
this._parent.spoo_a_life.swapDepths(this._parent["yueface_gazo" + gazo_num]);
this._parent["yueface_gazo" + gazo_num].removeMovieClip();
gazo_num = gazo_num + 1;
this._parent.yueface_gazo.duplicateMovieClip("yueface_gazo" + gazo_num, object_num, this._parent.yueface_gazo);
object_num = object_num + 1;
this._parent.spoo_b_life.swapDepths(this._parent["yueface_gazo" + gazo_num]);
this._parent["yueface_gazo" + gazo_num].removeMovieClip();
gazo_num = gazo_num + 1;
this._parent.yueface_gazo.duplicateMovieClip("yueface_gazo" + gazo_num, object_num, this._parent.yueface_gazo);
object_num = object_num + 1;
this._parent.spoo_c_life.swapDepths(this._parent["yueface_gazo" + gazo_num]);
this._parent["yueface_gazo" + gazo_num].removeMovieClip();
gazo_num = gazo_num + 1;
this._parent.yueface_gazo.duplicateMovieClip("yueface_gazo" + gazo_num, object_num, this._parent.yueface_gazo);
object_num = object_num + 1;
this._parent.continue_mc.swapDepths(this._parent["yueface_gazo" + gazo_num]);
this._parent["yueface_gazo" + gazo_num].removeMovieClip();
gazo_num = gazo_num + 1;
this._parent.mei_life._visible = false;
this._parent.natumegu_life._visible = false;
this._parent.boss_zero_life._visible = false;
this._parent.yueface_gazo.duplicateMovieClip("yueface_gazo" + gazo_num, object_num, this._parent.yueface_gazo);
object_num = object_num + 1;
this._parent.text_matome_clip.swapDepths(this._parent["yueface_gazo" + gazo_num]);
this._parent["yueface_gazo" + gazo_num].removeMovieClip();
gazo_num = gazo_num + 1;
this._parent.clear_txt._visible = false;
this._parent.gekitui._visible = false;
this._parent.total_miss._visible = false;
this._parent.stage_score._visible = false;
this._parent.miss_bonus._visible = false;
this._parent.life_bonus._visible = false;
this._parent.clear_score_text._visible = false;
this._parent.continue_mc._visible = false;
continue_flag = 0;
this._parent.yue_damage._visible = false;
this._parent.yue2_damage._visible = false;
var sound1 = new Sound();
var sound2 = new Sound();
var sound3 = new Sound();
var sound4 = new Sound();
var sound5 = new Sound();
var sound6 = new Sound();
var sound7 = new Sound();
var sound8 = new Sound();
sound5.start(0, 40);
var sound9 = new Sound();
var sound10 = new Sound();
var sound11 = new Sound();
special_sound = 0;
shot_sound_flag = 0;
duplicate_check = 0;
set_num = 0;
gazo_num = 0;
yue_hitpoint = 50;
max_hitpoint = 50;
this._parent.yue_life0._width = max_hitpoint;
this._parent.yue_life0.mask._xscale = (yue_hitpoint / max_hitpoint) * 100;
spoo_flag = 0;
stage_num = 1;
clear_flag = 0;
get_code = 0;
shot_num = 0;
default_shot_num = 6;
default_enemy_num = 20;
count_time = -55;
now_shot = 5;
yue_speed = 10;
miss = 0;
score = 0;
yue_magic = 1;
this._parent.yue_magicbar.mask._xscale = (yue_magic / 30) * 102;
s_point = 100;
max_s_point = 100;
this._parent.yue_magicbar0.mask._xscale = 0;
this._parent.yue_shieldbar0.mask._xscale = (s_point / max_s_point) * 100;
get_item1 = 0;
get_item2 = 0;
get_item3 = 0;
get_item4 = 0;
get_item5 = 0;
get_item6 = 0;
flame_count = 0;
flame_buff_num = 0;
print_name_flag = 1;
charge = 0;
shot_up = 0;
shot_down = 0;
shot_right = 0;
shot_left = 0;
miss_buff = 0;
flame_buff = 0;
delete_num = 0;
damage_flag = 0;
enemy_b_shot_num = 0;
enemy_b_num = 0;
enemy_c_shot_num = 0;
enemy_c_num = 0;
enemy_d_shot_num = 0;
enemy_d_num = 0;
enemy_e_shot_num = 0;
enemy_e_num = 0;
enemy_h_shot_num = 0;
enemy_h_num = 0;
enemy_i_num = 0;
item_magic_num = 0;
item_sield_num = 0;
item_lifeup_num = 0;
default_item_num = 12;
beat_enemy_num = 0;
enemy_all_num = 0;
combo_num = 0;
bairitu = 150;
boss_start_flag = 0;
shot_speed = new Array();
i = 0;
while (i < 5) {
shot_speed[i] = new Array();
j = 0;
while (j < 4) {
shot_speed[i][j] = 0;
object_num = 0;
i = 0;
while (i < default_enemy_num) {
this._parent.enemy_b.duplicateMovieClip("enemy_b" + i, object_num, this._parent.enemy_b);
this._parent["enemy_b" + i]._visible = false;
this._parent["enemy_b" + i]._x = -1000;
this._parent["enemy_b" + i]._y = -1000;
i = i + 1;
object_num = object_num + 1;
i = 0;
while (i < (default_enemy_num / 2)) {
this._parent.enemy_c.duplicateMovieClip("enemy_c" + i, object_num, this._parent.enemy_c);
this._parent["enemy_c" + i]._visible = false;
this._parent["enemy_c" + i]._x = -1000;
this._parent["enemy_c" + i]._y = -1000;
i = i + 1;
object_num = object_num + 1;
i = 0;
while (i < (default_enemy_num / 2)) {
this._parent.enemy_d.duplicateMovieClip("enemy_d" + i, object_num, this._parent.enemy_d);
this._parent["enemy_d" + i]._visible = false;
this._parent["enemy_d" + i]._x = -1000;
this._parent["enemy_d" + i]._y = -1000;
i = i + 1;
object_num = object_num + 1;
i = 0;
while (i < default_item_num) {
this._parent.item_magic.duplicateMovieClip("item_magic" + i, object_num, this._parent.item_magic);
this._parent["item_magic" + i]._visible = false;
this._parent["item_magic" + i]._x = -1000;
this._parent["item_magic" + i]._y = -1000;
i = i + 1;
object_num = object_num + 1;
i = 0;
while (i < default_item_num) {
this._parent.item_sield.duplicateMovieClip("item_sield" + i, object_num, this._parent.item_sield);
this._parent["item_sield" + i]._visible = false;
this._parent["item_sield" + i]._x = -1000;
this._parent["item_sield" + i]._y = -1000;
i = i + 1;
object_num = object_num + 1;
i = 0;
while (i < default_item_num) {
this._parent.item_lifeup.duplicateMovieClip("item_lifeup" + i, object_num, this._parent.item_lifeup);
this._parent["item_lifeup" + i]._visible = false;
this._parent["item_lifeup" + i]._x = -1000;
this._parent["item_lifeup" + i]._y = -1000;
i = i + 1;
object_num = object_num + 1;
i = 0;
while (i < (default_shot_num * 2)) {
this._parent.shot.duplicateMovieClip("shot" + i, object_num, this._parent.shot);
this._parent["shot" + i]._visible = false;
this._parent["shot" + i]._x = 1000;
this._parent["shot" + i]._y = 1000;
i = i + 1;
object_num = object_num + 1;
i = 0;
while (i < (default_shot_num * 2)) {
this._parent.shot_sub_top.duplicateMovieClip("shot_sub_top" + i, object_num, this._parent.shot_sub_top);
this._parent["shot_sub_top" + i]._visible = false;
this._parent["shot_sub_top" + i]._x = 1000;
this._parent["shot_sub_top" + i]._y = 1000;
i = i + 1;
object_num = object_num + 1;
i = 0;
while (i < (default_shot_num * 2)) {
this._parent.shot_sub_botom.duplicateMovieClip("shot_sub_botom" + i, object_num, this._parent.shot_sub_botom);
this._parent["shot_sub_botom" + i]._visible = false;
this._parent["shot_sub_botom" + i]._x = 1000;
this._parent["shot_sub_botom" + i]._y = 1000;
i = i + 1;
object_num = object_num + 1;
i = 0;
while (i < default_shot_num) {
this._parent.shot_up.duplicateMovieClip("shot_up" + i, object_num, this._parent.shot_up);
this._parent["shot_up" + i]._visible = false;
this._parent["shot_up" + i]._x = 1000;
this._parent["shot_up" + i]._y = 1000;
i = i + 1;
object_num = object_num + 1;
i = 0;
while (i < default_shot_num) {
this._parent.shot_down.duplicateMovieClip("shot_down" + i, object_num, this._parent.shot_down);
this._parent["shot_down" + i]._visible = false;
this._parent["shot_down" + i]._x = 1000;
this._parent["shot_down" + i]._y = 1000;
i = i + 1;
object_num = object_num + 1;
duplicate_check = duplicate_check + 1;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (print_name_flag == 1) {
if ((flame_buff_num + 210) < flame_count) {
this._parent.print_song_name.text = "";
print_name_flag = 0;
if (spoo_flag == 3) {
boss_start_flag = 5;
this._parent.boss_spoo._x = this._parent.boss_spoo._x - 534;
this._parent.spoo_a._x = this._parent.spoo_a._x - 534;
this._parent.spoo_b._x = this._parent.spoo_b._x - 534;
this._parent.spoo_c._x = this._parent.spoo_c._x - 534;
this._parent.boss_spoo._visible = true;
this._parent.spoo_a._visible = true;
this._parent.spoo_b._visible = true;
this._parent.spoo_c._visible = true;
this._parent.boss_spoo_life._visible = true;
this._parent.spoo_a_life._visible = true;
this._parent.spoo_b_life._visible = true;
this._parent.spoo_c_life._visible = true;
flame_count = 5500;
sound7.start(0, 10);
spoo_flag = 0;
if (continue_flag == 1) {
if (Key.isDown(38)) {
this._parent.continue_mc.kamo._y = 5;
} else if (Key.isDown(40)) {
this._parent.continue_mc.kamo._y = 82;
if (Key.isDown(32)) {
if (this._parent.continue_mc.kamo._y == 5) {
yue_hitpoint = max_hitpoint;
this._parent.yue_life.mask._xscale = (yue_hitpoint / max_hitpoint) * 102;
score = 0;
this._visible = true;
this._parent.continue_mc._visible = false;
this._parent.clear_txt._visible = false;
continue_flag = 0;
clear_flag = 0;
} else {
continue_flag = 2;
if (this._visible == false) {
this._parent.yue2._visible = false;
this._parent.yue_damage._visible = false;
this._parent.yue2_damage._visible = false;
if (duplicate_check == 3) {
duplicate_check = 4;
if (boss_start_flag == 1) {
if (stage_num == 1) {
if (this.atari_box.hitTest(this._parent.boss_mei)) {
yue_hitpoint = yue_hitpoint - 0.5;
miss = miss + 1;
if (this.atari_box.hitTest(this._parent.boss_natumegu)) {
yue_hitpoint = yue_hitpoint - 0.5;
miss = miss + 1;
} else if (stage_num == 2) {
if (this.atari_box.hitTest(this._parent.boss_zero.atari_box2)) {
yue_hitpoint = yue_hitpoint - 40;
miss = miss + 1;
special_sound = 2;
} else if (this.atari_box.hitTest(this._parent.boss_zero.atari_box)) {
yue_hitpoint = yue_hitpoint - 5;
miss = miss + 1;
special_sound = 2;
} else if (boss_start_flag == 5) {
if (this.atari_box.hitTest(this._parent.boss_spoo.atari_box) && (this._parent.boss_spoo._visible == true)) {
if (this._parent.boss_spoo.tackle_f == 1) {
yue_hitpoint = yue_hitpoint - 50;
} else {
yue_hitpoint = yue_hitpoint - 3;
miss = miss + 1;
if (this.atari_box.hitTest(this._parent.spoo_a.atari_box) && (this._parent.spoo_a._visible == true)) {
yue_hitpoint = yue_hitpoint - 1;
miss = miss + 1;
if (this.atari_box.hitTest(this._parent.spoo_b.atari_box) && (this._parent.spoo_b._visible == true)) {
if (this._parent.boss_spoo.tackle_f == 1) {
yue_hitpoint = yue_hitpoint - 25;
} else {
yue_hitpoint = yue_hitpoint - 1;
miss = miss + 1;
if (this.atari_box.hitTest(this._parent.spoo_c.atari_box) && (this._parent.spoo_c._visible == true)) {
yue_hitpoint = yue_hitpoint - 1;
miss = miss + 1;
if (spoo_flag == 1) {
stage_num = 3;
spoo_flag = 0;
shot_up = 0;
shot_down = 0;
shot_right = 0;
shot_left = 0;
flame_count = flame_count + 1;
count_time = count_time - 4;
if ((stage_num == 1) && (flame_count == 2400)) {
if ((stage_num == 1) && (flame_count == 2500)) {
this._parent.boss_mei._visible = true;
this._parent.mei_life._visible = true;
this._parent.boss_mei.shot_second_flag = 0;
sound6.start(0, 100);
this._parent.print_song_name.text = "\u266A Duel The Dual";
print_name_flag = 1;
flame_buff_num = flame_count;
if ((stage_num == 1) && (boss_start_flag == 0)) {
if ((((((((((flame_count == 50) || (flame_count == 150)) || (flame_count == 301)) || (flame_count == 400)) || (flame_count == 800)) || (flame_count == 901)) || (flame_count == 1101)) || (flame_count == 1200)) || (flame_count == 1700)) || (flame_count == 1800)) {
i = 0;
while (i < 7) {
this._parent["enemy_b" + enemy_b_num]._visible = true;
this._parent["enemy_b" + enemy_b_num]._x = 800 + (80 * i);
if ((flame_count % 100) == 0) {
this._parent["enemy_b" + enemy_b_num]._y = 400;
this._parent["enemy_b" + enemy_b_num].up_flag = 1;
} else {
this._parent["enemy_b" + enemy_b_num]._y = 100;
this._parent["enemy_b" + enemy_b_num].up_flag = 0;
enemy_b_num = enemy_b_num + 1;
i = i + 1;
enemy_all_num = enemy_all_num + 1;
if (enemy_b_num >= default_enemy_num) {
enemy_b_num = 0;
if ((((((flame_count == 250) || (flame_count == 801)) || (flame_count == 1000)) || (flame_count == 1201)) || (flame_count == 1601)) || (flame_count == 1900)) {
i = 0;
while (i < 5) {
this._parent["enemy_c" + enemy_c_num]._visible = true;
this._parent["enemy_c" + enemy_c_num]._x = 800 + (80 * i);
if ((flame_count % 100) == 0) {
this._parent["enemy_c" + enemy_c_num]._y = 100 + (40 * i);
this._parent["enemy_c" + enemy_c_num].up_flag = -1;
} else {
this._parent["enemy_c" + enemy_c_num]._y = 400 - (40 * i);
this._parent["enemy_c" + enemy_c_num].up_flag = 1;
enemy_c_num = enemy_c_num + 1;
i = i + 1;
enemy_all_num = enemy_all_num + 1;
if (enemy_c_num >= (default_enemy_num / 2)) {
enemy_c_num = 0;
if (((((flame_count == 600) || (flame_count == 1301)) || (flame_count == 1800)) || (flame_count == 2001)) || (flame_count == 2100)) {
i = 0;
while (i < 5) {
this._parent["enemy_d" + enemy_d_num]._visible = true;
this._parent["enemy_d" + enemy_d_num]._x = 800 + (80 * i);
if ((flame_count % 100) == 0) {
this._parent["enemy_d" + enemy_d_num]._y = 100 + (40 * i);
this._parent["enemy_d" + enemy_d_num].up_flag = -1;
} else {
this._parent["enemy_d" + enemy_d_num]._y = 400 - (40 * i);
this._parent["enemy_d" + enemy_d_num].up_flag = 1;
enemy_d_num = enemy_d_num + 1;
i = i + 1;
enemy_all_num = enemy_all_num + 1;
if (enemy_d_num >= (default_enemy_num / 2)) {
enemy_d_num = 0;
if (stage_num == 2) {
if (((((flame_count == 3300) || (flame_count == 3601)) || (flame_count == 4100)) || (flame_count == 4901)) || (flame_count == 5200)) {
i = 0;
while (i < 5) {
rand = Math.floor(Math.random() * 5);
this._parent["enemy_h" + enemy_h_num]._visible = true;
this._parent["enemy_h" + enemy_h_num]._x = 900 + (80 * i);
if ((flame_count % 200) == 0) {
rand = rand - 2;
this._parent["enemy_h" + enemy_h_num]._y = 250 + (50 * rand);
this._parent["enemy_h" + enemy_h_num].up_flag = 1;
} else if ((flame_count % 100) == 0) {
this._parent["enemy_h" + enemy_h_num]._y = 100 + (50 * rand);
this._parent["enemy_h" + enemy_h_num].up_flag = -1;
} else {
this._parent["enemy_h" + enemy_h_num]._y = 400 - (50 * rand);
this._parent["enemy_h" + enemy_h_num].up_flag = 1;
enemy_h_num = enemy_h_num + 1;
i = i + 1;
enemy_all_num = enemy_all_num + 1;
if (enemy_h_num >= (default_enemy_num / 2)) {
enemy_h_num = 0;
if ((((((flame_count == 3100) || (flame_count == 3400)) || (flame_count == 3750)) || (flame_count == 4201)) || (flame_count == 4501)) || (flame_count == 5000)) {
i = 0;
while (i < 5) {
rand = Math.floor(Math.random() * 5);
this._parent["enemy_d" + enemy_d_num]._visible = true;
this._parent["enemy_d" + enemy_d_num]._x = 800 + (80 * i);
if ((flame_count % 100) == 0) {
this._parent["enemy_d" + enemy_d_num]._y = 100 + (40 * rand);
this._parent["enemy_d" + enemy_d_num].up_flag = -1;
} else {
this._parent["enemy_d" + enemy_d_num]._y = 400 - (40 * rand);
this._parent["enemy_d" + enemy_d_num].up_flag = 1;
enemy_d_num = enemy_d_num + 1;
i = i + 1;
enemy_all_num = enemy_all_num + 1;
if (enemy_d_num >= (default_enemy_num / 2)) {
enemy_d_num = 0;
if (((((flame_count == 3900) || (flame_count == 4401)) || (flame_count == 4700)) || (flame_count == 5101)) || (flame_count == 5251)) {
i = 0;
while (i < 4) {
this._parent["enemy_e" + enemy_e_num]._visible = true;
this._parent["enemy_e" + enemy_e_num].rotate_value = 0;
this._parent["enemy_e" + enemy_e_num]._x = 800 + (80 * i);
if ((flame_count % 100) == 0) {
this._parent["enemy_e" + enemy_e_num]._y = 100 + (40 * i);
this._parent["enemy_e" + enemy_e_num].up_flag = -1;
} else {
this._parent["enemy_e" + enemy_e_num]._y = 400 - (40 * i);
this._parent["enemy_e" + enemy_e_num].up_flag = 1;
enemy_e_num = enemy_e_num + 1;
i = i + 1;
enemy_all_num = enemy_all_num + 1;
if (enemy_e_num >= (default_enemy_num / 2)) {
enemy_e_num = 0;
if (((((flame_count == 3400) || (flame_count == 3750)) || (flame_count == 4501)) || (flame_count == 5000)) || (flame_count == 5300)) {
i = 0;
while (i < 10) {
rand = Math.floor(Math.random() * 5);
this._parent["enemy_i" + enemy_i_num]._visible = true;
this._parent["enemy_i" + enemy_i_num]._x = 900 + (70 * i);
this._parent["enemy_i" + enemy_i_num]._y = 100;
this._parent["enemy_i" + enemy_i_num].up_flag = -1;
this._parent["enemy_i" + enemy_i_num].rotate_value = 0;
enemy_i_num = enemy_i_num + 1;
enemy_all_num = enemy_all_num + 1;
if (enemy_i_num >= default_enemy_num) {
enemy_i_num = 0;
this._parent["enemy_i" + enemy_i_num]._visible = true;
this._parent["enemy_i" + enemy_i_num]._x = 900 + (70 * i);
this._parent["enemy_i" + enemy_i_num]._y = 400;
this._parent["enemy_i" + enemy_i_num].up_flag = 1;
this._parent["enemy_i" + enemy_i_num].rotate_value = 0;
enemy_i_num = enemy_i_num + 1;
i = i + 1;
enemy_all_num = enemy_all_num + 1;
if (enemy_i_num >= default_enemy_num) {
enemy_i_num = 0;
if ((stage_num == 2) && (flame_count == 5600)) {
if ((stage_num == 2) && (flame_count == 5650)) {
if ((stage_num == 2) && (flame_count == 5700)) {
this._parent.boss_zero._visible = true;
this._parent.boss_zero_life._visible = true;
sound8.start(0, 100);
this._parent.print_song_name.text = "\u266A Fade into Zero -Eliminator's high sty.-";
print_name_flag = 1;
flame_buff_num = flame_count;
if (this._parent.boss_mei.down_num == 2) {
sound6.start(0, 100);
this._parent.boss_mei._visible = true;
this._parent.mei_life._visible = true;
this._parent.boss_natumegu._visible = true;
this._parent.natumegu_life._visible = true;
this._parent.boss_mei._x = this._parent.boss_natumegu._x;
this._parent.boss_mei._y = this._parent.boss_natumegu._y - 50;
this._parent.boss_mei.down_num = 3;
this._parent.boss_mei.count_time = 20;
if ((miss_buff != miss) && (clear_flag == 0)) {
combo_num = 0;
this._parent.yue_life.mask._xscale = (yue_hitpoint / max_hitpoint) * 102;
if (yue_hitpoint <= 0) {
this._parent.yue2._visible = false;
this._parent.yue_damage._visible = false;
this._parent.yue2_damage._visible = false;
this._visible = false;
this._parent.yue_damage._visible = true;
this._parent.yue_damage._alpha = 100;
flame_buff = flame_count;
damage_flag = 1;
if (special_sound == 0) {
} else if (special_sound == 1) {
} else if (special_sound == 2) {
special_sound = 0;
miss_buff = miss;
if (damage_flag == 1) {
if (this._parent.yue_damage._alpha > 30) {
this._parent.yue_damage._alpha = this._parent.yue_damage._alpha - 10;
} else {
this._parent.yue_damage._alpha = 100;
if ((flame_buff + 35) < flame_count) {
this._parent.yue_damage._visible = false;
damage_flag = 0;
if (yue_magic >= 10) {
get_item1 = 1;
get_item2 = 1;
if (yue_magic >= 30) {
get_item5 = 1;
get_item6 = 1;
if (Key.isDown(38)) {
if (this._y >= 25) {
this._y = this._y - yue_speed;
} else {
this._y = 15;
} else if (Key.isDown(40)) {
if (this._y <= 425) {
this._y = this._y + yue_speed;
} else {
this._y = 440;
if (Key.isDown(39)) {
if (this._x <= 702) {
this._x = this._x + yue_speed;
} else if (Key.isDown(37)) {
if (this._x >= 30) {
this._x = this._x - yue_speed;
this._parent.yue2._x = this._x;
this._parent.yue2._y = this._y;
this._parent.yue_damage._x = this._x;
this._parent.yue_damage._y = this._y;
this._parent.yue2_damage._x = this._x;
this._parent.yue2_damage._y = this._y;
this._parent.sield._x = (this._x - 10) + 42;
this._parent.sield._y = (this._y - 15) + 42;
if (Key.isDown(88)) {
if (s_point > 0) {
this._parent.sield._visible = true;
s_point = s_point - 4;
this._parent.sield._rotation = this._parent.sield._rotation + 4;
this._parent.yue_shieldbar.mask._xscale = (s_point / max_s_point) * 102;
} else {
this._parent.sield._visible = false;
} else {
if (s_point <= max_s_point) {
s_point = s_point + 0.5;
this._parent.yue_shieldbar.mask._xscale = (s_point / max_s_point) * 102;
this._parent.sield._visible = false;
if (Key.isDown(90)) {
} else {
shot_sound_flag = 0;
if (Key.isDown(88)) {
shot_sound_flag = 0;
if (Key.isDown(90) && (count_time < -10)) {
count_time = 10;
if (shot_sound_flag == 0) {
sound4.start(0, 1000);
shot_sound_flag = 1;
buff = ((shot_num + 1) * 2) - 2;
this._parent["shot" + buff]._x = this._x + 30;
this._parent["shot" + buff]._y = this._y + 20;
this._parent["shot" + buff]._visible = true;
if (get_item5 == 1) {
buff = ((shot_num + 1) * 2) - 2;
this._parent["shot_sub_top" + buff]._x = this._x + 30;
this._parent["shot_sub_top" + buff]._y = this._y - 0;
this._parent["shot_sub_top" + buff]._visible = true;
if (get_item6 == 1) {
buff = ((shot_num + 1) * 2) - 2;
this._parent["shot_sub_botom" + buff]._x = this._x + 30;
this._parent["shot_sub_botom" + buff]._y = this._y + 40;
this._parent["shot_sub_botom" + buff]._visible = true;
if (get_item1 == 1) {
this._parent["shot_up" + shot_num]._x = this._x + 30;
this._parent["shot_up" + shot_num]._y = this._y + 20;
this._parent["shot_up" + shot_num]._visible = true;
if (get_item2 == 1) {
this._parent["shot_down" + shot_num]._x = this._x + 30;
this._parent["shot_down" + shot_num]._y = this._y + 20;
this._parent["shot_down" + shot_num]._visible = true;
shot_num = shot_num + 1;
if (shot_num >= default_shot_num) {
shot_num = 0;
} else if ((-1 < count_time) && (count_time < 3)) {
buff = ((shot_num + 1) * 2) - 1;
this._parent["shot" + buff]._x = this._x + 0;
this._parent["shot" + buff]._y = this._y + 20;
this._parent["shot" + buff]._visible = true;
if (get_item5 == 1) {
buff = ((shot_num + 1) * 2) - 1;
this._parent["shot_sub_top" + buff]._x = this._x + 0;
this._parent["shot_sub_top" + buff]._y = this._y - 0;
this._parent["shot_sub_top" + buff]._visible = true;
if (get_item6 == 1) {
buff = ((shot_num + 1) * 2) - 1;
this._parent["shot_sub_botom" + buff]._x = this._x + 0;
this._parent["shot_sub_botom" + buff]._y = this._y + 40;
this._parent["shot_sub_botom" + buff]._visible = true;
Instance of Symbol 127 MovieClip "shot" in Frame 11
onClipEvent (load) {
this._visible = false;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if ((-100 < this._x) && (this._x < 950)) {
this._x = this._x + 30;
if (this._x > 800) {
_visible = false;
this._x = -150;
Instance of Symbol 129 MovieClip "yue2" in Frame 11
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (this._parent.yue1.count_time > -50) {
this._visible = true;
if (this._parent.yue_damage._visible == true) {
this._parent.yue2_damage._visible = true;
this._parent.yue2_damage._alpha = this._parent.yue_damage._alpha;
} else {
this._parent.yue2_damage._visible = false;
} else {
this._visible = false;
this._parent.yue2_damage._visible = false;
Instance of Symbol 137 MovieClip "sield" in Frame 11
onClipEvent (load) {
this._visible = false;
i = 0;
plus_flag == 1;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (this._visible == true) {
i = 0;
while (i < this._parent.boss_mei.default_shot_num) {
if (this._parent["mei_shot" + i]._visible == true) {
if (this.hitTest(this._parent["mei_shot" + i].atari_box)) {
this._parent["mei_shot" + i]._x = -150;
if (this._parent["mei_shot_long" + i]._visible == true) {
if (this.hitTest(this._parent["mei_shot_long" + i].atari_box)) {
this._parent["mei_shot_long" + i]._x = -150;
if (this._parent["mei_shot_chant" + i]._visible == true) {
if (this.hitTest(this._parent["mei_shot_chant" + i].atari_box)) {
this._parent["mei_shot_chant" + i]._x = -150;
if (this._parent["natumegu_shot_chant" + i]._visible == true) {
if (this.hitTest(this._parent["natumegu_shot_chant" + i].atari_box)) {
this._parent["natumegu_shot_chant" + i]._x = -150;
if (this._parent["mei_shot_30up" + i]._visible == true) {
if (this.hitTest(this._parent["mei_shot_30up" + i].atari_box)) {
this._parent["mei_shot_30up" + i]._x = -150;
if (this._parent["mei_shot_30down" + i]._visible == true) {
if (this.hitTest(this._parent["mei_shot_30down" + i].atari_box)) {
this._parent["mei_shot_30down" + i]._x = -150;
i = i + 1;
i = 0;
while (i < (this._parent.boss_natumegu.default_shot_num * 2)) {
if (this._parent["natumegu_shot" + i]._visible == true) {
if (this.hitTest(this._parent["natumegu_shot" + i].atari_box)) {
this._parent["natumegu_shot" + i]._x = -150;
i = i + 1;
if (this._parent.yue1.boss_start_flag == 0) {
i = 0;
while (i < this._parent.yue1.default_enemy_num) {
if (this._parent["enemy_b" + i]._visible == true) {
if (this.hitTest(this._parent["enemy_b" + i])) {
this._parent["enemy_b" + i]._x = -150;
i = i + 1;
i = 0;
while (i < (this._parent.yue1.default_enemy_num / 2)) {
if (this._parent["enemy_c" + i]._visible == true) {
if (this.hitTest(this._parent["enemy_c" + i])) {
this._parent["enemy_c" + i]._x = -150;
if (this._parent["enemy_d" + i]._visible == true) {
if (this.hitTest(this._parent["enemy_d" + i])) {
this._parent["enemy_d" + i]._x = -150;
if (this._parent["enemy_h" + i]._visible == true) {
if (this.hitTest(this._parent["enemy_h" + i])) {
this._parent["enemy_h" + i]._x = -150;
if (this._parent["enemy_i" + i]._visible == true) {
if (this.hitTest(this._parent["enemy_i" + i])) {
this._parent["enemy_i" + i]._x = -150;
i = i + 1;
i = 0;
while (i < (this._parent.enemy_h.default_shot_num * 3)) {
if (this._parent["shot_star" + i]._visible == true) {
if (this.hitTest(this._parent["shot_star" + i])) {
this._parent["shot_star" + i]._x = -150;
i = i + 1;
i = 0;
while (i < (this._parent.enemy_h.default_shot_num * 2)) {
if (this._parent["shot_mstar" + i]._visible == true) {
if (this.hitTest(this._parent["shot_mstar" + i])) {
this._parent["shot_mstar" + i]._x = -150;
i = i + 1;
if ((this._alpha < 30) && (plus_flag == 1)) {
this._alpha = this._alpha + 1;
i = this._alpha;
} else {
plus_flag = 0;
this._alpha = this._alpha - 1;
i = this._alpha;
if (i <= 10) {
plus_flag = 1;
Instance of Symbol 146 MovieClip "shot_sub_top" in Frame 11
onClipEvent (load) {
this._visible = false;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (this._visible == true) {
_x = (_x + 30);
if (_x > Stage.width) {
_visible = false;
this._x = -100;
Instance of Symbol 146 MovieClip "shot_sub_botom" in Frame 11
onClipEvent (load) {
this._visible = false;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (this._visible == true) {
_x = (_x + 30);
if (_x > Stage.width) {
_visible = false;
this._x = -100;
Instance of Symbol 159 MovieClip "boss_mei" in Frame 11
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (this._parent.yue1.continue_flag == 1) {
if ((mei_hitpoint <= 0) && (end_flag == 0)) {
if (down_num == 0) {
this._parent.yue1.score = this._parent.yue1.score + 3000;
down_num = 1;
this._parent.mei_life._visible = false;
mei_hitpoint = 1;
max_hitpoint = 3000;
} else {
this._x = this._x + 2;
if (this._visible == true) {
this._visible = false;
} else if ((this._visible == false) && (this._x < 900)) {
this._visible = true;
if (this._parent.boss_natumegu.natumegu_hitpoint <= 0) {
end_flag = 1;
if (down_num == 1) {
this._parent.clear_txt._visible = true;
if (this._x < 900) {
this._parent.clear_txt.text = "Clear!!";
} else {
this._parent.clear_txt.text = "Clear??";
this._x = this._x + 2;
if (this._visible == true) {
this._visible = false;
} else {
this._visible = true;
if (this._x > 1000) {
this._parent.clear_txt._visible = false;
down_num = 2;
move_flag = 0;
shikiichi = 170;
now_ichi = 0;
move_num = 0;
move_speed = 0;
shot_second_flag = 0;
shot_num = 0;
count_time = 20;
shot_go_flag = 0;
end_flag = 0;
with (this) {
if (this._visible == false) {
this._parent.mei_life.mask._xscale = (mei_hitpoint / max_hitpoint) * 102;
if (this._x > 650) {
this._x = this._x - 2;
if (mei_hitpoint < max_hitpoint) {
mei_hitpoint = mei_hitpoint + 35;
if (down_num == 3) {
with (this) {
} else {
with (this) {
if (move_speed == 0) {
if (down_num == 3) {
with (this) {
} else {
with (this) {
} else if (down_num == 3) {
with (this) {
} else {
with (this) {
combo = this._parent.yue1.combo_num;
bairitu = this._parent.yue1.bairitu;
i = 0;
while (i < (this._parent.yue1.default_shot_num * 2)) {
if ((this._x <= (this._parent["shot" + i]._x + 60)) && ((this._parent["shot" + i]._x + 60) <= (this._x + 80))) {
if ((hitTest(this._parent["shot" + i]) == 1) && (this._parent["shot" + i]._visible == true)) {
this._parent["shot" + i]._visible = false;
mei_hitpoint = mei_hitpoint - (5 * ((combo / bairitu) + 1));
buff_i = i;
i = i + 1;
i = buff_i;
if (this._parent.yue1.get_item5 == 1) {
buff_i = i + 1;
if (buff_i >= (this._parent.yue1.default_shot_num * 2)) {
buff_i = 0;
k = 0;
while (k < 3) {
if (hitTest(this._parent["shot_sub_top" + buff_i]) == 1) {
this._parent["shot_sub_top" + buff_i]._visible = false;
this._parent["shot_sub_top" + buff_i]._x = -100;
mei_hitpoint = mei_hitpoint - (2 * ((combo / bairitu) + 1));
buff_i = buff_i - 1;
if (buff_i < 0) {
buff_i = (this._parent.yue1.default_shot_num * 2) - 1;
k = k + 1;
if (this._parent.yue1.get_item6 == 1) {
buff_i = i + 1;
if (buff_i >= (this._parent.yue1.default_shot_num * 2)) {
buff_i = 0;
k = 0;
while (k < 3) {
if (hitTest(this._parent["shot_sub_botom" + buff_i]) == 1) {
this._parent["shot_sub_botom" + buff_i]._visible = false;
this._parent["shot_sub_botom" + buff_i]._x = -100;
mei_hitpoint = mei_hitpoint - (2 * ((combo / bairitu) + 1));
buff_i = buff_i - 1;
if (buff_i < 0) {
buff_i = (this._parent.yue1.default_shot_num * 2) - 1;
k = k + 1;
i = Math.floor(i / 2);
if (this._parent.yue1.get_item1 == 1) {
if (hitTest(this._parent["shot_down" + i]) == 1) {
this._parent["shot_down" + i]._visible = false;
this._parent["shot_down" + i]._x = -100;
mei_hitpoint = mei_hitpoint - (5 * ((combo / bairitu) + 1));
if (this._parent.yue1.get_item2 == 1) {
if (hitTest(this._parent["shot_up" + i]) == 1) {
this._parent["shot_up" + i]._visible = false;
this._parent["shot_up" + i]._x = -100;
mei_hitpoint = mei_hitpoint - (5 * ((combo / bairitu) + 1));
if (move_flag == 0) {
this._y = this._y + move_speed;
now_ichi = now_ichi + move_speed;
if (now_ichi >= shikiichi) {
move_flag = 1;
} else {
if (now_ichi > 0) {
this._x = this._x - move_speed;
} else {
this._x = this._x + move_speed;
this._y = this._y - move_speed;
now_ichi = now_ichi - move_speed;
if ((now_ichi == 0) && (move_speed != 0)) {
move_num = move_num + 1;
if (move_num == 3) {
move_speed = 0;
shot_second_flag = 1;
shikiichi = 100;
shot_num = 0;
count_time = 0;
} else if (move_num == 8) {
move_speed = 0;
shikiichi = 170;
shot_second_flag = 2;
shot_num = 0;
count_time = 0;
} else if (move_num == 11) {
move_speed = 0;
move_num = 0;
shikiichi = 170;
shot_second_flag = 0;
shot_num = 0;
count_time = 0;
if (now_ichi <= (-shikiichi)) {
move_flag = 0;
if ((shot_second_flag == 0) && (count_time < -140)) {
move_speed = 4;
if ((shot_second_flag == 1) && (count_time < -260)) {
move_speed = 5;
count_time = 30;
if ((shot_second_flag == 2) && (count_time < -260)) {
move_speed = 10;
count_time = 30;
count_time = count_time - 2;
if ((count_time < -10) && (move_speed == 4)) {
count_time = 10;
buff = shot_num;
this._parent["mei_shot" + buff]._x = this._x - 0;
this._parent["mei_shot" + buff]._y = this._y + 20;
this._parent["mei_shot" + buff]._visible = true;
if (hosei_y == 1) {
buff = shot_num;
this._parent["mei_shot_30up" + buff]._x = this._x - 0;
this._parent["mei_shot_30up" + buff]._y = this._y + 20;
this._parent["mei_shot_30up" + buff]._visible = true;
buff = shot_num;
this._parent["mei_shot_30down" + buff]._x = this._x - 0;
this._parent["mei_shot_30down" + buff]._y = this._y + 20;
this._parent["mei_shot_30down" + buff]._visible = true;
shot_num = shot_num + 1;
if (shot_num >= default_shot_num) {
shot_num = 0;
} else if ((move_speed == 5) || (move_speed == 10)) {
if (((((((count_time == -20) || (count_time == -14)) || (count_time == -8)) || (count_time == -2)) || (count_time == 4)) || (count_time == 10)) || (count_time == 16)) {
if (((count_time == 10) || (count_time == 16)) && (((move_speed == 5) == move_speed) == 10)) {
x_gap = this._x - this._parent.yue1._x;
y_gap = this._y - this._parent.yue1._y;
tan = y_gap / x_gap;
tan = Math.abs(tan);
kakudo = (Math.atan(tan) * 180) / Math.PI;
if (x_gap < 0) {
kakudo = kakudo + 180;
if (y_gap >= 0) {
kakudo = -kakudo;
} else if (y_gap < 0) {
kakudo = -kakudo;
shot_go_flag = 0;
buff = shot_num;
this._parent["mei_shot_long" + buff]._x = this._x + 30;
this._parent["mei_shot_long" + buff]._y = this._y + 20;
this._parent["mei_shot_long" + buff]._visible = true;
this._parent["mei_shot_long" + buff]._rotation = this._parent["mei_shot_long" + buff]._rotation + kakudo;
rand = Math.floor(Math.random() * 9);
if ((rand % 2) == 0) {
this._parent["mei_shot_long" + buff]._rotation = this._parent["mei_shot_long" + buff]._rotation + (rand * 5);
} else {
this._parent["mei_shot_long" + buff]._rotation = this._parent["mei_shot_long" + buff]._rotation - (rand * 5);
if (((count_time == -20) || (count_time == -8)) || (count_time == 4)) {
buff = shot_num;
this._parent["mei_shot" + buff]._x = this._x - 0;
this._parent["mei_shot" + buff]._y = this._y + 20;
this._parent["mei_shot" + buff]._visible = true;
rand = Math.floor(Math.random() * 9);
if ((rand % 2) == 0) {
this._parent["mei_shot" + buff]._rotation = this._parent["mei_shot" + buff]._rotation + (rand * 5);
} else {
this._parent["mei_shot" + buff]._rotation = this._parent["mei_shot" + buff]._rotation - (rand * 5);
shot_num = shot_num + 1;
if (shot_num >= default_shot_num) {
shot_num = 0;
if (count_time <= -20) {
count_time = 30;
shot_go_flag = 1;
if (shot_num >= default_shot_num) {
shot_num = 0;
} else if (move_speed == 0) {
i = 0;
while (i < shot_num) {
this._parent["mei_shot_chant" + i]._rotation = this._parent["mei_shot_chant" + i]._rotation + 5;
i = i + 1;
if ((count_time % 20) == 0) {
buff = shot_num;
this._parent["mei_shot_chant" + buff]._x = this._x + 25;
this._parent["mei_shot_chant" + buff]._y = this._y + 80;
this._parent["mei_shot_chant" + buff]._visible = true;
this._parent["mei_shot_chant" + buff]._rotation = 180;
shot_num = shot_num + 1;
if (shot_num >= default_shot_num) {
shot_num = 0;
onClipEvent (load) {
this._visible = false;
this._parent.mei_life0._visible = false;
var sound1 = new Sound();
buff_i = 0;
down_num = 0;
mei_hitpoint = 1500;
max_hitpoint = 1500;
hosei_y = 0;
shot_speed = 3;
move_flag = 0;
shikiichi = 170;
now_ichi = 0;
move_num = 0;
move_speed = 0;
shot_second_flag = 2;
end_flag = 0;
default_shot_num = 14;
shot_num = 0;
count_time = 20;
shot_go_flag = 0;
this._parent.yue1.duplicate_check = this._parent.yue1.duplicate_check + 1;
this._parent.print.text = this._parent.mei_shot_long0._rotation;
Instance of Symbol 163 MovieClip "mei_shot" in Frame 11
onClipEvent (load) {
this._visible = false;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (this._visible == false) {
if (_visible) {
_x = (_x - 5);
if ((((this._x < 0) || (this._x > 800)) || (this._y < 0)) || (this._y > 600)) {
_visible = false;
Instance of Symbol 163 MovieClip "mei_shot_30up" in Frame 11
onClipEvent (load) {
this._visible = false;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (this._visible == false) {
if (this._parent.yue1.continue_flag == 1) {
if (this._x < (this._parent.yue1._x + 100)) {
if (this.atari_box.hitTest(this._parent.yue1.atari_box)) {
this._visible = false;
this._parent.yue1.yue_hitpoint = this._parent.yue1.yue_hitpoint - 5;
this._parent.yue1.miss = this._parent.yue1.miss + 1;
_x = (_x - 5);
_y = (_y - 2.5);
if ((((this._x < 0) || (this._x > 800)) || (this._y < 0)) || (this._y > 600)) {
this._x = 1000;
_visible = false;
Instance of Symbol 163 MovieClip "mei_shot_30down" in Frame 11
onClipEvent (load) {
this._visible = false;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (this._visible == false) {
if (this._parent.yue1.continue_flag == 1) {
if (this._x < (this._parent.yue1._x + 100)) {
if (this.atari_box.hitTest(this._parent.yue1.atari_box)) {
this._visible = false;
this._parent.yue1.yue_hitpoint = this._parent.yue1.yue_hitpoint - 5;
this._parent.yue1.miss = this._parent.yue1.miss + 1;
_x = (_x - 5);
_y = (_y + 2.5);
if ((_x < 0) || (this._y > 500)) {
this._x = 1000;
_visible = false;
Instance of Symbol 169 MovieClip "mei_shot_long" in Frame 11
onClipEvent (load) {
this._visible = false;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (this._parent.boss_mei._visible == false) {
this._visible = false;
if (_visible) {
if ((this._parent.boss_mei.shot_go_flag == 1) || (this._x < (this._parent.boss_mei._x - 60))) {
_x = (_x - 30);
if (_x < 0) {
_visible = false;
Instance of Symbol 169 MovieClip "mei_shot_long_b" in Frame 11
onClipEvent (load) {
this._visible = false;
speed = 20;
count_down = 20;
shot_flag = 0;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (this._visible == false) {
if (this._parent.yue1.continue_flag == 1) {
if ((this._parent.boss_mei._visible == false) && (this._parent.yue1.boss_start_flag == 1)) {
this._visible = false;
if ((this._x - 100) > this._parent.yue1._x) {
if (this.atari_box.hitTest(this._parent.yue1.atari_box)) {
this._rotation = 180;
count_down = 20;
shot_flag = 0;
this._visible = false;
this._parent.yue1.yue_hitpoint = this._parent.yue1.yue_hitpoint - 15;
this._parent.yue1.miss = this._parent.yue1.miss + 1;
if (this._parent.boss_mei.shot_second_flag == 2) {
speed = 25;
} else {
speed = 15;
if (this._parent.boss_mei.down_num == 0) {
speed = 10;
if ((this._parent.yue1.boss_start_flag == 1) && ((this._parent.boss_mei.shot_go_flag == 1) || (this._x < (this._parent.boss_mei._x - 30)))) {
radians = ((this._rotation - 180) * Math.PI) / 180;
_x = (_x - (speed * Math.cos(radians)));
_y = (_y - (speed * Math.sin(radians)));
} else if ((this._parent.yue1.boss_start_flag == 0) && (shot_flag == 1)) {
count_down = count_down - 1;
if (count_down <= 0) {
speed = 25;
radians = ((this._rotation - 180) * Math.PI) / 180;
_x = (_x - (speed * Math.cos(radians)));
_y = (_y - (speed * Math.sin(radians)));
if ((((this._x < 0) || (this._x > 800)) || (this._y < 0)) || (this._y > 600)) {
this._rotation = 180;
count_down = 20;
shot_flag = 0;
_visible = false;
Instance of Symbol 163 MovieClip "mei_shot_b" in Frame 11
onClipEvent (load) {
this._visible = false;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (this._visible == false) {
if (this._parent.yue1.continue_flag == 1) {
if (this._x < (this._parent.yue1._x + 100)) {
if (this.atari_box.hitTest(this._parent.yue1.atari_box)) {
this._rotation = 180;
this._visible = false;
this._parent.yue1.yue_hitpoint = this._parent.yue1.yue_hitpoint - 5;
this._parent.yue1.miss = this._parent.yue1.miss + 1;
radians = ((this._rotation - 180) * Math.PI) / 180;
speed = 5;
if (this._parent.boss_mei.move_speed == 5) {
speed = 10;
} else if (this._parent.boss_mei.shot_second_flag == 2) {
speed = 15;
_x = (_x - (speed * Math.cos(radians)));
_y = (_y - (speed * Math.sin(radians)));
if ((((this._x < 0) || (this._x > 800)) || (this._y < 0)) || (this._y > 600)) {
this._x = 1000;
this._rotation = 180;
_visible = false;
Instance of Symbol 163 MovieClip "mei_shot_chant" in Frame 11
onClipEvent (load) {
this._visible = false;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (this._visible == false) {
if (this._parent.yue1.continue_flag == 1) {
if (this._x < (this._parent.yue1._x + 100)) {
if (this.atari_box.hitTest(this._parent.yue1.atari_box)) {
this._rotation = 180;
this._visible = false;
this._parent.yue1.yue_hitpoint = this._parent.yue1.yue_hitpoint - 1;
this._parent.yue1.miss = this._parent.yue1.miss + 1;
radians = ((this._rotation - 180) * Math.PI) / 180;
speed = 5;
_x = (_x - (speed * Math.cos(radians)));
_y = (_y - (speed * Math.sin(radians)));
if ((((this._x < 0) || (this._x > 800)) || (this._y < 0)) || (this._y > 600)) {
this._x = 1000;
this._rotation = 180;
_visible = false;
Instance of Symbol 176 MovieClip "boss_natumegu" in Frame 11
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (this._parent.yue1.continue_flag == 1) {
if ((natumegu_hitpoint <= 0) && (end_flag == 0)) {
this._x = this._x + 2;
if (this._visible == true) {
this._visible = false;
} else if ((this._visible == false) && (this._x < 900)) {
this._visible = true;
if (this._parent.boss_mei.mei_hitpoint <= 0) {
end_flag = 1;
if (this._visible == false) {
if ((this._x > 650) && (move_flag == -1)) {
this._x = this._x - 2;
with (this) {
if (this._x <= 650) {
move_flag = 0;
if (move_speed == 0) {
with (this) {
} else {
with (this) {
combo = this._parent.yue1.combo_num;
bairitu = this._parent.yue1.bairitu;
i = 0;
while (i < (this._parent.yue1.default_shot_num * 2)) {
if ((this._x <= (this._parent["shot" + i]._x + 60)) && ((this._parent["shot" + i]._x + 60) <= (this._x + 80))) {
if ((hitTest(this._parent["shot" + i]) == 1) && (this._parent["shot" + i]._visible == true)) {
this._parent["shot" + i]._visible = false;
natumegu_hitpoint = natumegu_hitpoint - (5 * ((combo / bairitu) + 1));
buff_i = i;
i = i + 1;
i = buff_i;
if (this._parent.yue1.get_item5 == 1) {
buff_i = i + 1;
if (buff_i >= (this._parent.yue1.default_shot_num * 2)) {
buff_i = 0;
k = 0;
while (k < 3) {
if (hitTest(this._parent["shot_sub_top" + buff_i]) == 1) {
this._parent["shot_sub_top" + buff_i]._visible = false;
this._parent["shot_sub_top" + buff_i]._x = -100;
natumegu_hitpoint = natumegu_hitpoint - (2 * ((combo / bairitu) + 1));
buff_i = buff_i - 1;
if (buff_i < 0) {
buff_i = (this._parent.yue1.default_shot_num * 2) - 1;
k = k + 1;
if (this._parent.yue1.get_item6 == 1) {
buff_i = i + 1;
if (buff_i >= (this._parent.yue1.default_shot_num * 2)) {
buff_i = 0;
k = 0;
while (k < 3) {
if (hitTest(this._parent["shot_sub_botom" + buff_i]) == 1) {
this._parent["shot_sub_botom" + buff_i]._visible = false;
this._parent["shot_sub_botom" + buff_i]._x = -100;
natumegu_hitpoint = natumegu_hitpoint - (2 * ((combo / bairitu) + 1));
buff_i = buff_i - 1;
if (buff_i < 0) {
buff_i = (this._parent.yue1.default_shot_num * 2) - 1;
k = k + 1;
i = Math.floor(i / 2);
if (this._parent.yue1.get_item1 == 1) {
if (hitTest(this._parent["shot_down" + i]) == 1) {
this._parent["shot_down" + i]._visible = false;
this._parent["shot_down" + i]._x = -100;
natumegu_hitpoint = natumegu_hitpoint - (5 * ((combo / bairitu) + 1));
if (this._parent.yue1.get_item2 == 1) {
if (hitTest(this._parent["shot_up" + i]) == 1) {
this._parent["shot_up" + i]._visible = false;
this._parent["shot_up" + i]._x = -100;
natumegu_hitpoint = natumegu_hitpoint - (5 * ((combo / bairitu) + 1));
if (move_flag == 0) {
if (now_ichi >= 0) {
this._x = this._x - move_speed;
} else {
this._x = this._x + move_speed;
this._y = this._y + move_speed;
now_ichi = now_ichi + move_speed;
if (now_ichi >= shikiichi) {
move_flag = 1;
} else {
this._y = this._y - move_speed;
now_ichi = now_ichi - move_speed;
if ((now_ichi == 0) && (move_speed != 0)) {
move_num = move_num + 1;
if (move_num == 3) {
move_speed = 0;
shot_second_flag = 1;
shikiichi = 100;
shot_num = 0;
count_time = 0;
} else if (move_num == 8) {
move_speed = 0;
shikiichi = 170;
shot_second_flag = 2;
shot_num = 0;
count_time = 0;
} else if (move_num == 11) {
move_speed = 0;
move_num = 0;
shikiichi = 170;
shot_second_flag = 0;
shot_num = 0;
count_time = 0;
if (now_ichi <= (-shikiichi)) {
move_flag = 0;
if ((shot_second_flag == 0) && (count_time < -140)) {
move_speed = 4;
if ((shot_second_flag == 1) && (count_time < -260)) {
move_speed = 5;
count_time = 30;
if ((shot_second_flag == 2) && (count_time < -260)) {
move_speed = 10;
count_time = 60;
count_time = count_time - 2;
if (((count_time < -10) || (count_time == 50)) && (move_speed == 4)) {
if (count_time == 50) {
} else {
count_time = 70;
i = 0;
while (i < 8) {
buff = shot_num;
this._parent["natumegu_shot" + buff]._x = this._x - 0;
this._parent["natumegu_shot" + buff]._y = this._y + 20;
this._parent["natumegu_shot" + buff]._visible = true;
this._parent["natumegu_shot" + buff]._rotation = this._parent["natumegu_shot" + buff]._rotation - (45 * i);
if (count_time == 50) {
this._parent["natumegu_shot" + buff]._rotation = this._parent["natumegu_shot" + buff]._rotation - 22.5;
i = i + 1;
shot_num = shot_num + 1;
if (shot_num >= (default_shot_num * 2)) {
shot_num = 0;
} else if ((move_speed == 5) || (move_speed == 10)) {
if (((((count_time == -20) || (count_time == -14)) || (count_time == -8)) || (count_time == -2)) || (count_time == 4)) {
shot_go_flag = 0;
buff = shot_num;
this._parent["natumegu_shot" + buff]._x = this._x - 0;
this._parent["natumegu_shot" + buff]._y = this._y + 20;
this._parent["natumegu_shot" + buff]._visible = true;
rand = Math.floor(Math.random() * 10);
this._parent["natumegu_shot" + buff]._rotation = this._parent["natumegu_shot" + buff]._rotation - ((rand + 5) * 5);
shot_num = shot_num + 1;
if (shot_num >= (default_shot_num * 2)) {
shot_num = 0;
if (count_time <= -20) {
count_time = 30;
shot_go_flag = 1;
if (shot_num >= default_shot_num) {
shot_num = 0;
} else if (move_speed == 0) {
i = 0;
while (i < shot_num) {
this._parent["natumegu_shot_chant" + i]._rotation = this._parent["natumegu_shot_chant" + i]._rotation + 5;
i = i + 1;
if ((count_time % 20) == 0) {
buff = shot_num;
this._parent["natumegu_shot_chant" + buff]._x = this._x + 25;
this._parent["natumegu_shot_chant" + buff]._y = this._y + 80;
this._parent["natumegu_shot_chant" + buff]._visible = true;
shot_num = shot_num + 1;
if (shot_num >= default_shot_num) {
shot_num = 0;
this._parent.natumegu_life.mask._xscale = (natumegu_hitpoint / 3000) * 102;
onClipEvent (load) {
this._visible = false;
this._parent.natumegu_life0._visible = false;
buff_i = 0;
natumegu_hitpoint = 3000;
hosei_y = 0;
shot_speed = 3;
move_flag = -1;
shikiichi = 170;
now_ichi = 0;
move_num = 0;
move_speed = 0;
shot_second_flag = 0;
end_flag = 0;
default_shot_num = 14;
shot_num = 0;
count_time = 20;
shot_go_flag = 0;
this._parent.yue1.duplicate_check = this._parent.yue1.duplicate_check + 1;
Instance of Symbol 179 MovieClip "natumegu_shot" in Frame 11
onClipEvent (load) {
this._visible = false;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (this._visible == false) {
if (this._parent.yue1.continue_flag == 1) {
if (this._x < (this._parent.yue1._x + 100)) {
if (this.atari_box.hitTest(this._parent.yue1.atari_box)) {
this._rotation = 180;
this._visible = false;
this._parent.yue1.yue_hitpoint = this._parent.yue1.yue_hitpoint - 5;
this._parent.yue1.miss = this._parent.yue1.miss + 1;
radians = ((this._rotation - 180) * Math.PI) / 180;
speed = 5;
_x = (_x - (speed * Math.cos(radians)));
_y = (_y - (speed * Math.sin(radians)));
if ((((this._x < 0) || (this._x > 800)) || (this._y < 0)) || (this._y > 600)) {
this._x = 1000;
this._rotation = 180;
_visible = false;
Instance of Symbol 179 MovieClip "natumegu_shot_b" in Frame 11
onClipEvent (load) {
this._visible = false;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (this._visible == false) {
if (this._parent.yue1.continue_flag == 1) {
if (this._x < (this._parent.yue1._x + 100)) {
if (this.atari_box.hitTest(this._parent.yue1.atari_box)) {
this._rotation = 180;
this._visible = false;
this._parent.yue1.miss = this._parent.yue1.miss + 1;
if ((this._parent.boss_natumegu.move_speed == 5) || (this._parent.boss_natumegu.move_speed == 10)) {
this._parent.yue1.yue_hitpoint = this._parent.yue1.yue_hitpoint - 6;
} else {
this._parent.yue1.yue_hitpoint = this._parent.yue1.yue_hitpoint - 3;
speed = 10;
if ((this._parent.boss_natumegu.move_speed == 5) || (this._parent.boss_natumegu.move_speed == 10)) {
this._rotation = this._rotation + 2;
speed = 12;
radians = ((this._rotation - 180) * Math.PI) / 180;
_x = (_x - (speed * Math.cos(radians)));
_y = (_y - (speed * Math.sin(radians)));
if ((((this._x < 0) || (this._x > 800)) || (this._y < 0)) || (this._y > 600)) {
this._x = 1000;
this._rotation = 180;
_visible = false;
Instance of Symbol 182 MovieClip "enemy_d" in Frame 11
onClipEvent (load) {
this._visible = false;
rotate_value = 0;
shot_flag = 0;
hitpoint = 50;
up_flag = 0;
buff_i = 0;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (this._visible == false) {
if (this._parent.yue1.continue_flag == 1) {
if (_visible) {
if (this.hitTest(this._parent.yue1.atari_box)) {
hitpoint = 0;
this._parent.yue1.yue_hitpoint = this._parent.yue1.yue_hitpoint - 5;
this._parent.yue1.miss = this._parent.yue1.miss + 1;
if (((this._x < 500) && (-90 < rotate_value)) && (rotate_value < 90)) {
if (up_flag == 1) {
rotate_value = rotate_value + 2;
} else {
rotate_value = rotate_value - 2;
radians = (rotate_value * Math.PI) / 180;
speed = 8;
_x = (_x - (speed * Math.cos(radians)));
_y = (_y - (speed * Math.sin(radians)));
combo = this._parent.yue1.combo_num;
bairitu = this._parent.yue1.bairitu;
i = 0;
while (i < (this._parent.yue1.default_shot_num * 2)) {
if ((this._x <= (this._parent["shot" + i]._x + 60)) && ((this._parent["shot" + i]._x + 60) <= (this._x + 60))) {
if ((hitTest(this._parent["shot" + i]) == 1) && (this._parent["shot" + i]._visible == true)) {
this._parent["shot" + i]._visible = false;
hitpoint = hitpoint - (5 * ((combo / bairitu) + 1));
buff_i = i;
i = i + 1;
i = buff_i;
if (this._parent.yue1.get_item5 == 1) {
buff_i = i + 1;
if (buff_i >= (this._parent.yue1.default_shot_num * 2)) {
buff_i = 0;
k = 0;
while (k < 3) {
if (hitTest(this._parent["shot_sub_top" + buff_i]) == 1) {
this._parent["shot_sub_top" + buff_i]._visible = false;
this._parent["shot_sub_top" + buff_i]._x = -100;
hitpoint = hitpoint - (2 * ((combo / bairitu) + 1));
buff_i = buff_i - 1;
if (buff_i < 0) {
buff_i = (this._parent.yue1.default_shot_num * 2) - 1;
k = k + 1;
if (this._parent.yue1.get_item6 == 1) {
buff_i = i + 1;
if (buff_i >= (this._parent.yue1.default_shot_num * 2)) {
buff_i = 0;
k = 0;
while (k < 3) {
if (hitTest(this._parent["shot_sub_botom" + buff_i]) == 1) {
this._parent["shot_sub_botom" + buff_i]._visible = false;
this._parent["shot_sub_botom" + buff_i]._x = -100;
hitpoint = hitpoint - (2 * ((combo / bairitu) + 1));
buff_i = buff_i - 1;
if (buff_i < 0) {
buff_i = (this._parent.yue1.default_shot_num * 2) - 1;
k = k + 1;
i = Math.floor(i / 2);
if (this._parent.yue1.get_item1 == 1) {
if (hitTest(this._parent["shot_down" + i]) == 1) {
this._parent["shot_down" + i]._visible = false;
this._parent["shot_down" + i]._x = -100;
hitpoint = hitpoint - (5 * ((combo / bairitu) + 1));
if (this._parent.yue1.get_item2 == 1) {
if (this._parent["shot_up" + i]._visible == true) {
if (hitTest(this._parent["shot_up" + i]) == 1) {
this._parent["shot_up" + i]._visible = false;
this._parent["shot_up" + i]._x = -100;
hitpoint = hitpoint - (5 * ((combo / bairitu) + 1));
if ((this._x < 700) && (shot_flag == 0)) {
x_gap = this._x - this._parent.yue1._x;
y_gap = this._y - this._parent.yue1._y;
tan = y_gap / x_gap;
kakudo = (Math.atan(tan) * 180) / Math.PI;
i = 0;
while (i < 3) {
buff = this._parent.yue1.enemy_d_shot_num;
this._parent["mei_shot" + buff]._x = this._x - 0;
this._parent["mei_shot" + buff]._y = this._y + 20;
this._parent["mei_shot" + buff]._visible = true;
this._parent["mei_shot" + buff]._rotation = this._parent["mei_shot" + buff]._rotation + kakudo;
if (i == 0) {
this._parent["mei_shot" + buff]._rotation = this._parent["mei_shot" + buff]._rotation + 15;
} else if (i == 1) {
this._parent["mei_shot" + buff]._rotation = this._parent["mei_shot" + buff]._rotation + -15;
this._parent.yue1.enemy_d_shot_num = this._parent.yue1.enemy_d_shot_num + 1;
if (this._parent.yue1.enemy_d_shot_num >= this._parent.boss_mei.default_shot_num) {
this._parent.yue1.enemy_d_shot_num = 0;
i = i + 1;
shot_flag = 1;
if (hitpoint <= 0) {
rand = Math.floor(Math.random() * 4);
if ((rand == 0) || (rand == 3)) {
item_num = this._parent.yue1.item_magic_num;
this._parent["item_magic" + item_num]._visible = true;
this._parent["item_magic" + item_num]._x = this._x;
this._parent["item_magic" + item_num]._y = this._y + 20;
this._parent.yue1.item_magic_num = this._parent.yue1.item_magic_num + 1;
if (this._parent.yue1.item_magic_num >= this._parent.yue1.default_item_num) {
this._parent.yue1.item_magic_num = 0;
} else if ((rand == 1) || (rand == 2)) {
item_num = this._parent.yue1.item_lifeup_num;
this._parent["item_lifeup" + item_num]._visible = true;
this._parent["item_lifeup" + item_num]._x = this._x;
this._parent["item_lifeup" + item_num]._y = this._y + 20;
this._parent.yue1.item_lifeup_num = this._parent.yue1.item_lifeup_num + 1;
if (this._parent.yue1.item_lifeup_num >= this._parent.yue1.default_item_num) {
this._parent.yue1.item_lifeup_num = 0;
this._parent.yue1.beat_enemy_num = this._parent.yue1.beat_enemy_num + 1;
this._parent.yue1.combo_num = this._parent.yue1.combo_num + 1;
this._parent.yue1.score = this._parent.yue1.score + (300 * ((this._parent.yue1.combo_num / 50) + 1));
rotate_value = 0;
this._x = -1000;
this._y = 200;
shot_flag = 0;
hitpoint = 50;
_visible = false;
if ((((this._x < -100) || (this._y < -100)) || (this._y > 500)) || (this._x > 1200)) {
rotate_value = 0;
this._x = -1000;
this._y = 200;
shot_flag = 0;
hitpoint = 50;
_visible = false;
Instance of Symbol 61 MovieClip "yueface_gazo" in Frame 11
on (press) {
if (this._parent.haikei_sc1.print_flag == 0) {
this._parent.haikei_sc1.print_flag = 1;
this._parent.haikei_sc2.print_flag = 1;
} else if (this._parent.haikei_sc1.print_flag == 1) {
this._parent.haikei._visible = false;
this._parent.haikei_sc1._visible = false;
this._parent.haikei_sc2._visible = false;
this._parent.haikei_sc1.print_flag = 2;
this._parent.haikei_sc2.print_flag = 2;
} else {
this._parent.haikei._visible = true;
this._parent.haikei_sc1._visible = true;
this._parent.haikei_sc2._visible = true;
this._parent.haikei_sc1.print_flag = 0;
this._parent.haikei_sc2.print_flag = 0;
Instance of Symbol 186 MovieClip "spoo_a" in Frame 11
onClipEvent (load) {
this._visible = false;
spoo_hitpoint = 1000;
max_hitpoint = 1000;
shikiichi = 276;
move_mode = 0;
now_ichi = 0;
speed = 6;
count_kakudo = 0;
kakudo_flag = 0;
default_shot_num = 14;
shot_num = 0;
count_time = -200;
shot_go_flag = 0;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (this._visible == false) {
if (this._parent.yue1.continue_flag == 1) {
if (this._parent.boss_spoo._visible == false) {
this._visible = false;
if (this._parent.black_hole._visible == true) {
combo = this._parent.yue1.combo_num;
bairitu = this._parent.yue1.bairitu;
i = 0;
while (i < (this._parent.yue1.default_shot_num * 2)) {
if (this._parent["shot" + i]._visible == true) {
if ((this._x <= this._parent["shot" + i]._x) && (this._parent["shot" + i]._x <= (this._x + 200))) {
if (this.atari_box.hitTest(this._parent["shot" + i]) == 1) {
this._parent["shot" + i]._visible = false;
spoo_hitpoint = spoo_hitpoint - (5 * ((combo / bairitu) + 1));
if (this._parent.yue1.get_item5 == 1) {
if (this._parent["shot_sub_top" + i]._visible == true) {
if ((this._x <= this._parent["shot_sub_top" + i]._x) && (this._parent["shot_sub_top" + i]._x <= (this._x + 200))) {
if (this.atari_box.hitTest(this._parent["shot_sub_top" + i]) == 1) {
this._parent["shot_sub_top" + i]._visible = false;
spoo_hitpoint = spoo_hitpoint - (2 * ((combo / bairitu) + 1));
if (this._parent.yue1.get_item6 == 1) {
if (this._parent["shot_sub_botom" + i]._visible == true) {
if ((this._x <= this._parent["shot_sub_botom" + i]._x) && (this._parent["shot_sub_botom" + i]._x <= (this._x + 200))) {
if (this.atari_box.hitTest(this._parent["shot_sub_botom" + i]) == 1) {
this._parent["shot_sub_botom" + i]._visible = false;
spoo_hitpoint = spoo_hitpoint - (2 * ((combo / bairitu) + 1));
if ((this._parent.yue1.get_item1 == 1) && (i < this._parent.yue1.default_shot_num)) {
if (this._parent["shot_down" + i]._visible == true) {
if ((this._x <= this._parent["shot_down" + i]._x) && (this._parent["shot_down" + i]._x <= (this._x + 200))) {
if (this.atari_box.hitTest(this._parent["shot_down" + i]) == 1) {
this._parent["shot_down" + i]._visible = false;
spoo_hitpoint = spoo_hitpoint - (5 * ((combo / bairitu) + 1));
if ((this._parent.yue1.get_item6 == 1) && (i < this._parent.yue1.default_shot_num)) {
if (this._parent["shot_up" + i]._visible == true) {
if ((this._x <= this._parent["shot_up" + i]._x) && (this._parent["shot_up" + i]._x <= (this._x + 200))) {
if (this.atari_box.hitTest(this._parent["shot_up" + i]) == 1) {
this._parent["shot_up" + i]._visible = false;
spoo_hitpoint = spoo_hitpoint - (5 * ((combo / bairitu) + 1));
i = i + 1;
this._parent.spoo_a_life.mask._xscale = (spoo_hitpoint / max_hitpoint) * 102;
if (spoo_hitpoint <= 0) {
this._visible = false;
count_time = this._parent.boss_spoo.count_time;
if ((((count_time % 12) == 0) && (count_time <= 280)) && (count_time >= 0)) {
buff = shot_num;
i = 0;
while (i <= 0) {
buff = shot_num;
this._parent["poison_p_dummy_a" + buff]._x = this._x + 40;
this._parent["poison_p_dummy_a" + buff]._y = this._y + 40;
this._parent["poison_p_dummy_a" + buff]._visible = true;
rand = Math.floor(Math.random() * 10);
rand = rand - 5;
this._parent["poison_p_dummy_a" + buff]._rotation = this._parent["poison_p_dummy_a" + buff]._rotation - ((count_kakudo * 7) + rand);
shot_num = shot_num + 1;
if (shot_num >= default_shot_num) {
shot_num = 0;
i = i + 1;
if (kakudo_flag == 1) {
count_kakudo = count_kakudo + 1;
if (count_kakudo == 3) {
kakudo_flag = 0;
} else {
count_kakudo = count_kakudo - 1;
if (count_kakudo == -3) {
kakudo_flag = 1;
if (move_mode == 0) {
this._x = this._x - speed;
now_ichi = now_ichi - speed;
if (now_ichi <= (-shikiichi)) {
move_mode = 1;
now_ichi = 0;
} else if (move_mode == 1) {
this._x = this._x + (speed / 2);
this._y = this._y - speed;
now_ichi = now_ichi - speed;
if (now_ichi <= (-shikiichi)) {
move_mode = 2;
now_ichi = 0;
} else if (move_mode == 2) {
this._x = this._x + (speed / 2);
this._y = this._y + speed;
now_ichi = now_ichi - speed;
if (now_ichi <= (-shikiichi)) {
move_mode = 0;
now_ichi = 0;
Instance of Symbol 186 MovieClip "spoo_c" in Frame 11
onClipEvent (load) {
this._visible = false;
spoo_hitpoint = 1000;
max_hitpoint = 1000;
shikiichi = 276;
move_mode = 2;
now_ichi = 0;
speed = 6;
count_kakudo = 0;
kakudo_flag = 0;
default_shot_num = 14;
shot_num = 0;
count_time = -200;
shot_go_flag = 0;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (this._visible == false) {
if (this._parent.yue1.continue_flag == 1) {
if (this._parent.boss_spoo._visible == false) {
this._visible = false;
if (this._parent.black_hole._visible == true) {
combo = this._parent.yue1.combo_num;
bairitu = this._parent.yue1.bairitu;
i = 0;
while (i < (this._parent.yue1.default_shot_num * 2)) {
if (this._parent["shot" + i]._visible == true) {
if ((this._x <= this._parent["shot" + i]._x) && (this._parent["shot" + i]._x <= (this._x + 200))) {
if (this.atari_box.hitTest(this._parent["shot" + i]) == 1) {
this._parent["shot" + i]._visible = false;
spoo_hitpoint = spoo_hitpoint - (5 * ((combo / bairitu) + 1));
if (this._parent.yue1.get_item5 == 1) {
if (this._parent["shot_sub_top" + i]._visible == true) {
if ((this._x <= this._parent["shot_sub_top" + i]._x) && (this._parent["shot_sub_top" + i]._x <= (this._x + 200))) {
if (this.atari_box.hitTest(this._parent["shot_sub_top" + i]) == 1) {
this._parent["shot_sub_top" + i]._visible = false;
spoo_hitpoint = spoo_hitpoint - (2 * ((combo / bairitu) + 1));
if (this._parent.yue1.get_item6 == 1) {
if (this._parent["shot_sub_botom" + i]._visible == true) {
if ((this._x <= this._parent["shot_sub_botom" + i]._x) && (this._parent["shot_sub_botom" + i]._x <= (this._x + 200))) {
if (this.atari_box.hitTest(this._parent["shot_sub_botom" + i]) == 1) {
this._parent["shot_sub_botom" + i]._visible = false;
spoo_hitpoint = spoo_hitpoint - (2 * ((combo / bairitu) + 1));
if ((this._parent.yue1.get_item1 == 1) && (i < this._parent.yue1.default_shot_num)) {
if (this._parent["shot_down" + i]._visible == true) {
if ((this._x <= this._parent["shot_down" + i]._x) && (this._parent["shot_down" + i]._x <= (this._x + 200))) {
if (this.atari_box.hitTest(this._parent["shot_down" + i]) == 1) {
this._parent["shot_down" + i]._visible = false;
spoo_hitpoint = spoo_hitpoint - (5 * ((combo / bairitu) + 1));
if ((this._parent.yue1.get_item6 == 1) && (i < this._parent.yue1.default_shot_num)) {
if (this._parent["shot_up" + i]._visible == true) {
if ((this._x <= this._parent["shot_up" + i]._x) && (this._parent["shot_up" + i]._x <= (this._x + 200))) {
if (this.atari_box.hitTest(this._parent["shot_up" + i]) == 1) {
this._parent["shot_up" + i]._visible = false;
spoo_hitpoint = spoo_hitpoint - (5 * ((combo / bairitu) + 1));
i = i + 1;
this._parent.spoo_c_life.mask._xscale = (spoo_hitpoint / max_hitpoint) * 102;
if (spoo_hitpoint <= 0) {
this._visible = false;
count_time = this._parent.boss_spoo.count_time;
if ((((count_time % 12) == 0) && (count_time <= 280)) && (count_time >= 0)) {
buff = shot_num;
i = 0;
while (i <= 0) {
buff = shot_num;
this._parent["poison_p_dummy_c" + buff]._x = this._x + 40;
this._parent["poison_p_dummy_c" + buff]._y = this._y + 40;
this._parent["poison_p_dummy_c" + buff]._visible = true;
rand = Math.floor(Math.random() * 10);
rand = rand - 5;
this._parent["poison_p_dummy_c" + buff]._rotation = this._parent["poison_p_dummy_c" + buff]._rotation - ((count_kakudo * 7) + rand);
shot_num = shot_num + 1;
if (shot_num >= default_shot_num) {
shot_num = 0;
i = i + 1;
if (kakudo_flag == 1) {
count_kakudo = count_kakudo + 1;
if (count_kakudo == 3) {
kakudo_flag = 0;
} else {
count_kakudo = count_kakudo - 1;
if (count_kakudo == -3) {
kakudo_flag = 1;
if (move_mode == 0) {
this._x = this._x - speed;
now_ichi = now_ichi - speed;
if (now_ichi <= (-shikiichi)) {
move_mode = 1;
now_ichi = 0;
} else if (move_mode == 1) {
this._x = this._x + (speed / 2);
this._y = this._y - speed;
now_ichi = now_ichi - speed;
if (now_ichi <= (-shikiichi)) {
move_mode = 2;
now_ichi = 0;
} else if (move_mode == 2) {
this._x = this._x + (speed / 2);
this._y = this._y + speed;
now_ichi = now_ichi - speed;
if (now_ichi <= (-shikiichi)) {
move_mode = 0;
now_ichi = 0;
Instance of Symbol 186 MovieClip "spoo_b" in Frame 11
onClipEvent (load) {
this._visible = false;
spoo_hitpoint = 1000;
max_hitpoint = 1000;
shikiichi = 276;
move_mode = 1;
now_ichi = 0;
speed = 6;
count_kakudo = 0;
kakudo_flag = 0;
default_shot_num = 14;
shot_num = 0;
count_time = -200;
shot_go_flag = 0;
buff_x = this._x;
move_x = 40;
complete_f = 1;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (this._visible == false) {
if (this._parent.yue1.continue_flag == 1) {
if (this._parent.boss_spoo._visible == false) {
this._visible = false;
if (this._parent.black_hole._visible == true) {
combo = this._parent.yue1.combo_num;
bairitu = this._parent.yue1.bairitu;
i = 0;
while (i < (this._parent.yue1.default_shot_num * 2)) {
if (this._parent["shot" + i]._visible == true) {
if ((this._x <= this._parent["shot" + i]._x) && (this._parent["shot" + i]._x <= (this._x + 200))) {
if (this.atari_box.hitTest(this._parent["shot" + i]) == 1) {
this._parent["shot" + i]._visible = false;
spoo_hitpoint = spoo_hitpoint - (5 * ((combo / bairitu) + 1));
if (this._parent.yue1.get_item5 == 1) {
if (this._parent["shot_sub_top" + i]._visible == true) {
if ((this._x <= this._parent["shot_sub_top" + i]._x) && (this._parent["shot_sub_top" + i]._x <= (this._x + 200))) {
if (this.atari_box.hitTest(this._parent["shot_sub_top" + i]) == 1) {
this._parent["shot_sub_top" + i]._visible = false;
spoo_hitpoint = spoo_hitpoint - (2 * ((combo / bairitu) + 1));
if (this._parent.yue1.get_item6 == 1) {
if (this._parent["shot_sub_botom" + i]._visible == true) {
if ((this._x <= this._parent["shot_sub_botom" + i]._x) && (this._parent["shot_sub_botom" + i]._x <= (this._x + 200))) {
if (this.atari_box.hitTest(this._parent["shot_sub_botom" + i]) == 1) {
this._parent["shot_sub_botom" + i]._visible = false;
spoo_hitpoint = spoo_hitpoint - (2 * ((combo / bairitu) + 1));
if ((this._parent.yue1.get_item1 == 1) && (i < this._parent.yue1.default_shot_num)) {
if (this._parent["shot_down" + i]._visible == true) {
if ((this._x <= this._parent["shot_down" + i]._x) && (this._parent["shot_down" + i]._x <= (this._x + 200))) {
if (this.atari_box.hitTest(this._parent["shot_down" + i]) == 1) {
this._parent["shot_down" + i]._visible = false;
spoo_hitpoint = spoo_hitpoint - (5 * ((combo / bairitu) + 1));
if ((this._parent.yue1.get_item6 == 1) && (i < this._parent.yue1.default_shot_num)) {
if (this._parent["shot_up" + i]._visible == true) {
if ((this._x <= this._parent["shot_up" + i]._x) && (this._parent["shot_up" + i]._x <= (this._x + 200))) {
if (this.atari_box.hitTest(this._parent["shot_up" + i]) == 1) {
this._parent["shot_up" + i]._visible = false;
spoo_hitpoint = spoo_hitpoint - (5 * ((combo / bairitu) + 1));
i = i + 1;
this._parent.spoo_b_life.mask._xscale = (spoo_hitpoint / max_hitpoint) * 102;
if (spoo_hitpoint <= 0) {
this._visible = false;
count_time = this._parent.boss_spoo.count_time;
if ((((count_time % 12) == 0) && (count_time <= 280)) && (count_time >= 0)) {
buff = shot_num;
i = 0;
while (i <= 0) {
buff = shot_num;
this._parent["poison_p_dummy_b" + buff]._x = this._x + 40;
this._parent["poison_p_dummy_b" + buff]._y = this._y + 40;
this._parent["poison_p_dummy_b" + buff]._visible = true;
rand = Math.floor(Math.random() * 10);
rand = rand - 5;
this._parent["poison_p_dummy_b" + buff]._rotation = this._parent["poison_p_dummy_b" + buff]._rotation - ((count_kakudo * 7) + rand);
shot_num = shot_num + 1;
if (shot_num >= default_shot_num) {
shot_num = 0;
i = i + 1;
if (kakudo_flag == 1) {
count_kakudo = count_kakudo + 1;
if (count_kakudo == 3) {
kakudo_flag = 0;
} else {
count_kakudo = count_kakudo - 1;
if (count_kakudo == -3) {
kakudo_flag = 1;
if (count_time == 470) {
complete_f = 0;
if (((count_time >= 470) && (count_time <= 900)) && (complete_f == 0)) {
if (move_x == 40) {
this._x = this._x - move_x;
} else if (((buff_x - 10) <= this._x) && (this._x <= (buff_x + 10))) {
this._x = buff_x;
complete_f = 1;
move_x = 40;
} else {
this._x = this._x - move_x;
if (this._x < -100) {
this._x = 806.5;
move_x = 10;
if (move_mode == 0) {
buff_x = buff_x - speed;
if (complete_f == 1) {
this._x = buff_x;
now_ichi = now_ichi - speed;
if (now_ichi <= (-shikiichi)) {
move_mode = 1;
now_ichi = 0;
} else if (move_mode == 1) {
buff_x = buff_x + (speed / 2);
if (complete_f == 1) {
this._x = buff_x;
this._y = this._y - speed;
now_ichi = now_ichi - speed;
if (now_ichi <= (-shikiichi)) {
move_mode = 2;
now_ichi = 0;
} else if (move_mode == 2) {
buff_x = buff_x + (speed / 2);
if (complete_f == 1) {
this._x = buff_x;
this._y = this._y + speed;
now_ichi = now_ichi - speed;
if (now_ichi <= (-shikiichi)) {
move_mode = 0;
now_ichi = 0;
Instance of Symbol 188 MovieClip "poison_g" in Frame 11
onClipEvent (load) {
this._visible = false;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (_visible) {
radians = ((this._rotation - 180) * Math.PI) / 180;
speed = 5;
_x = (_x - (speed * Math.cos(radians)));
_y = (_y - (speed * Math.sin(radians)));
if ((((this._x < 0) || (this._x > 800)) || (this._y < 0)) || (this._y > 600)) {
this._rotation = 180;
hosei_y = 0;
_visible = false;
Instance of Symbol 191 MovieClip "poison_p" in Frame 11
onClipEvent (load) {
this._visible = false;
speed = 10;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (this._parent.boss_spoo._visible == false) {
this._visible = false;
if (this._parent.yue1.continue_flag == 1) {
if (_visible) {
if (this.atari_box.hitTest(this._parent.yue1.atari_box)) {
if (this._parent.sield._visible == true) {
damage = 1.5;
} else {
damage = 3;
this._parent.yue1.yue_hitpoint = this._parent.yue1.yue_hitpoint - damage;
this._parent.yue1.miss = this._parent.yue1.miss + 1;
this._alpha = this._alpha - 2;
if (this._alpha <= 0) {
this._x = -100;
radians = (this._rotation * Math.PI) / 180;
speed = speed - 0.07;
this._alpha = this._alpha - 0.5;
this._width = this._width + 0.695;
this._height = this._height + 0.385;
_x = (_x - (speed * Math.cos(radians)));
_y = (_y - (speed * Math.sin(radians)));
if ((((this._x < 0) || (this._x > 800)) || (this._y < 0)) || (this._y > 600)) {
this._rotation = 0;
this._width = 69.5;
this._height = 38.5;
speed = 10;
this._alpha = 90;
_visible = false;
Instance of Symbol 193 MovieClip "poison_p_dummy" in Frame 11
onClipEvent (load) {
this._visible = false;
speed = 10;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (this._parent.spoo_a._visible == false) {
this._visible = false;
if (this._parent.yue1.continue_flag == 1) {
if (_visible) {
radians = (this._rotation * Math.PI) / 180;
speed = speed - 0.05;
this._alpha = this._alpha - 0.5;
_x = (_x - (speed * Math.cos(radians)));
_y = (_y - (speed * Math.sin(radians)));
if ((((this._x < 0) || (this._x > 800)) || (this._y < 0)) || (this._y > 600)) {
this._rotation = 0;
hosei_y = 0;
speed = 10;
this._alpha = 90;
_visible = false;
Instance of Symbol 195 MovieClip "spoo_laser_big" in Frame 11
onClipEvent (load) {
this._visible = false;
speed = 4;
speed_x = 0;
speed_y = 0;
y_size = 38;
bairitu = 1.005;
count_time = 0;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (this._parent.yue1.continue_flag == 1) {
if (_visible) {
if (hitTest(this._parent.yue1.atari_box)) {
if (this._parent.sield._visible == true) {
damage = 15;
} else {
damage = 30;
this._parent.yue1.yue_hitpoint = this._parent.yue1.yue_hitpoint - (damage * (this._alpha / 100));
this._parent.yue1.miss = this._parent.yue1.miss + 1;
if (this._height < y_size) {
this._height = this._height + 8;
} else if (count_time < 15) {
count_time = count_time + 1;
} else if (this._height < 800) {
this._height = this._height * bairitu;
bairitu = bairitu * 1.005;
this._alpha = this._alpha - 2;
} else {
this._alpha = 0;
this._y = this._parent.boss_spoo._y + 95;
if (this._alpha <= 0) {
this._visible = false;
this._alpha = 100;
this._height = 10;
bairitu = 1.005;
count_time = 0;
Instance of Symbol 197 MovieClip "spoo_raser_small_c" in Frame 11
onClipEvent (load) {
this._visible = false;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (this._parent.spoo_c._visible == false) {
this._visible = false;
if (this._parent.yue1.continue_flag == 1) {
if (this._parent.spoo_laser_big._visible == true) {
this._visible = true;
this._alpha = 100;
} else {
this._visible = false;
if (_visible) {
if (hitTest(this._parent.yue1.atari_box)) {
if (this._parent.sield._visible == true) {
damage = 5;
} else {
damage = 10;
this._parent.yue1.yue_hitpoint = this._parent.yue1.yue_hitpoint - (damage * (this._alpha / 100));
this._parent.yue1.miss = this._parent.yue1.miss + 1;
this._alpha = this._parent.spoo_laser_big._alpha;
this._x = this._parent.spoo_c._x + 25;
this._y = this._parent.spoo_c._y + 40;
Instance of Symbol 199 MovieClip "spoo_energy" in Frame 11
onClipEvent (load) {
this._visible = false;
speed = 3;
speed_x = 0;
speed_y = 0;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (this._parent.spoo_laser_big._visible == true) {
speed = 3;
this._alpha = 15;
this._visible = false;
if (this._parent.yue1.continue_flag == 1) {
if (this._parent.boss_spoo._visible == false) {
this._visible = false;
if (this._visible == false) {
if (_visible) {
this._alpha = this._alpha + 1;
if (this._x < (this._parent.boss_spoo._x + 65)) {
speed_x = speed;
} else {
speed_x = -speed;
this._x = this._x + speed_x;
if (this._y < (this._parent.boss_spoo._y + 85)) {
speed_y = speed;
} else {
speed_y = -speed;
this._y = this._y + speed_y;
if ((((this._parent.boss_spoo._x + 55) - 10) <= this._x) && (this._x <= ((this._parent.boss_spoo._x + 55) + 10))) {
if ((((this._parent.boss_spoo._y + 75) - 10) <= this._y) && (this._y <= ((this._parent.boss_spoo._y + 75) + 10))) {
speed = 0;
if ((((this._parent.boss_spoo._y + 75) - 10) <= this._y) && (this._y <= ((this._parent.boss_spoo._y + 75) + 10))) {
if ((((this._parent.boss_spoo._x + 55) - 10) <= this._x) && (this._x <= ((this._parent.boss_spoo._x + 55) + 10))) {
speed = 0;
if ((((this._x < 0) || (this._x > 800)) || (this._y < 0)) || (this._y > 600)) {
this._rotation = 0;
speed = 3;
this._alpha = 15;
_visible = false;
Instance of Symbol 210 MovieClip "boss_spoo" in Frame 11
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (this._visible == false) {
this._parent.boss_spoo_life._visible = false;
this._parent.spoo_a_life._visible = false;
this._parent.spoo_b_life._visible = false;
this._parent.spoo_c_life._visible = false;
if (this._parent.yue1.continue_flag == 1) {
if (this._parent.yue1.boss_start_flag != 5) {
this._visible = false;
if (this._parent.black_hole._visible == true) {
combo = this._parent.yue1.combo_num;
bairitu = this._parent.yue1.bairitu;
i = 0;
while (i < (this._parent.yue1.default_shot_num * 2)) {
if (this._parent["shot" + i]._visible == true) {
if ((this._x <= this._parent["shot" + i]._x) && (this._parent["shot" + i]._x <= (this._x + 200))) {
if (this.atari_box_weak.hitTest(this._parent["shot" + i]) == 1) {
this._parent["shot" + i]._visible = false;
spoo_hitpoint = spoo_hitpoint - (10 * ((combo / bairitu) + 1));
} else if (this.atari_box.hitTest(this._parent["shot" + i]) == 1) {
this._parent["shot" + i]._visible = false;
spoo_hitpoint = spoo_hitpoint - (0.5 * ((combo / bairitu) + 1));
if (this._parent.yue1.get_item5 == 1) {
if (this._parent["shot_sub_top" + i]._visible == true) {
if ((this._x <= this._parent["shot_sub_top" + i]._x) && (this._parent["shot_sub_top" + i]._x <= (this._x + 200))) {
if (this.atari_box_weak.hitTest(this._parent["shot_sub_top" + i]) == 1) {
this._parent["shot_sub_top" + i]._visible = false;
spoo_hitpoint = spoo_hitpoint - (5 * ((combo / bairitu) + 1));
} else if (this.atari_box.hitTest(this._parent["shot_sub_top" + i]) == 1) {
this._parent["shot_sub_top" + i]._visible = false;
spoo_hitpoint = spoo_hitpoint - (0.25 * ((combo / bairitu) + 1));
if (this._parent.yue1.get_item6 == 1) {
if (this._parent["shot_sub_botom" + i]._visible == true) {
if ((this._x <= this._parent["shot_sub_botom" + i]._x) && (this._parent["shot_sub_botom" + i]._x <= (this._x + 200))) {
if (this.atari_box_weak.hitTest(this._parent["shot_sub_botom" + i]) == 1) {
this._parent["shot_sub_botom" + i]._visible = false;
spoo_hitpoint = spoo_hitpoint - (5 * ((combo / bairitu) + 1));
} else if (this.atari_box.hitTest(this._parent["shot_sub_botom" + i]) == 1) {
this._parent["shot_sub_botom" + i]._visible = false;
spoo_hitpoint = spoo_hitpoint - (0.25 * ((combo / bairitu) + 1));
if ((this._parent.yue1.get_item1 == 1) && (i < this._parent.yue1.default_shot_num)) {
if (this._parent["shot_down" + i]._visible == true) {
if ((this._x <= this._parent["shot_down" + i]._x) && (this._parent["shot_down" + i]._x <= (this._x + 200))) {
if (this.atari_box_weak.hitTest(this._parent["shot_down" + i]) == 1) {
this._parent["shot_down" + i]._visible = false;
spoo_hitpoint = spoo_hitpoint - (10 * ((combo / bairitu) + 1));
} else if (this.atari_box.hitTest(this._parent["shot_down" + i]) == 1) {
this._parent["shot_down" + i]._visible = false;
spoo_hitpoint = spoo_hitpoint - (0.5 * ((combo / bairitu) + 1));
if ((this._parent.yue1.get_item6 == 1) && (i < this._parent.yue1.default_shot_num)) {
if (this._parent["shot_up" + i]._visible == true) {
if ((this._x <= this._parent["shot_up" + i]._x) && (this._parent["shot_up" + i]._x <= (this._x + 200))) {
if (this.atari_box_weak.hitTest(this._parent["shot_up" + i]) == 1) {
this._parent["shot_up" + i]._visible = false;
spoo_hitpoint = spoo_hitpoint - (10 * ((combo / bairitu) + 1));
} else if (this.atari_box.hitTest(this._parent["shot_up" + i]) == 1) {
this._parent["shot_up" + i]._visible = false;
spoo_hitpoint = spoo_hitpoint - (0.5 * ((combo / bairitu) + 1));
i = i + 1;
this._parent.boss_spoo_life.mask._xscale = (spoo_hitpoint / max_hitpoint) * 102;
if (spoo_hitpoint <= 0) {
this._visible = false;
if (rand_plus_y == 0) {
if (move_flag == 0) {
this._y = this._y + move_speed;
now_ichi = now_ichi + move_speed;
if (now_ichi == shikiichi) {
move_flag = 1;
} else {
this._y = this._y - move_speed;
now_ichi = now_ichi - move_speed;
if (now_ichi == (-shikiichi)) {
move_flag = 0;
buff_y = this._y;
if (((count_time == -50) || (count_time == 420)) || (count_time == 1020)) {
with (this) {
rand = Math.floor(Math.random() * 5);
if (rand == 0) {
count_time = -50;
} else if ((rand == 1) || (rand == 2)) {
count_time = 420;
tackle_f = 1;
} else {
count_time = 1020;
count_time = count_time + 1;
if (count_time == 320) {
with (this) {
if (count_time == 470) {
with (this) {
rand_plus_y = Math.floor(Math.random() * 12);
rand_plus_y = rand_plus_y - 6;
if ((count_time >= 470) && (count_time <= 900)) {
this._x = this._x - move_x;
if (this._x < -200) {
this._y = buff_y;
this._x = 906.5;
rand_plus_y = 0;
move_x = 10;
tackle_f = 0;
} else {
this._y = this._y + rand_plus_y;
if ((move_x == 10) && (this._x == 466.5)) {
count_time = 900;
with (this) {
move_x = 40;
if ((((count_time % 5) == 0) && (count_time <= 280)) && (count_time >= 0)) {
buff = shot_num;
this._parent["poison_p" + buff]._x = this._x + 65;
this._parent["poison_p" + buff]._y = this._y + 95;
this._parent["poison_p" + buff]._visible = true;
rand = Math.floor(Math.random() * 10);
rand = rand - 5;
this._parent["poison_p" + buff]._rotation = this._parent["poison_p" + buff]._rotation - ((((t - 1) * 15) + (count_kakudo * 7)) + rand);
shot_num = shot_num + 1;
if (shot_num >= (default_shot_num * 3)) {
shot_num = 0;
t = t + 1;
if (t >= 3) {
t = 0;
if ((kakudo_flag == 1) && (i == 0)) {
count_kakudo = count_kakudo + 1;
if (count_kakudo == 3) {
kakudo_flag = 0;
} else if ((kakudo_flag == 0) && (i == 0)) {
count_kakudo = count_kakudo - 1;
if (count_kakudo == -3) {
kakudo_flag = 1;
if (count_time == 1050) {
if ((((count_time % 5) == 0) && (count_time >= 1050)) && (count_time < 1100)) {
move_speed = 0;
buff = energy_num;
rand = Math.floor(Math.random() * 80);
this._parent["spoo_energy" + buff]._x = (this._x + 65) - rand;
this._parent["spoo_energy" + buff]._y = (this._y + 95) - ((rand * 2) - 80);
this._parent["spoo_energy" + buff]._visible = true;
energy_num = energy_num + 1;
if (energy_num >= (default_shot_num * 3)) {
energy_num = 0;
if (count_time == 1120) {
this._parent.spoo_laser_big._x = this._x + 45;
this._parent.spoo_laser_big._y = this._y + 95;
this._parent.spoo_laser_big._visible = true;
if (count_time == 1230) {
count_time = -200;
move_speed = 0.5;
with (this) {
if (count_time == 2000) {
ougi_flag = 1;
if ((ougi_flag == 1) && ((count_time % 10) == 0)) {
onClipEvent (load) {
this._visible = false;
i = 0;
t = 0;
ougi_flag = 0;
var sound1 = new Sound();
var sound2 = new Sound();
var sound3 = new Sound();
var sound4 = new Sound();
down_num = 0;
spoo_hitpoint = 5000;
max_hitpoint = 5000;
shot_speed = 3;
move_flag = 0;
shikiichi = 16;
now_ichi = 0;
move_num = 0;
move_speed = 0.5;
shot_second_flag = 0;
end_flag = 0;
count_kakudo = 0;
kakudo_flag = 0;
move_x = 40;
default_shot_num = 8;
shot_num = 0;
energy_num = 0;
count_time = -200;
shot_go_flag = 0;
buff_y = this._y;
rand_plus_y = 0;
tackle_f = 0;
Instance of Symbol 53 MovieClip "boss_spoo_life" in Frame 11
onClipEvent (load) {
this._visible = false;
Instance of Symbol 53 MovieClip "spoo_a_life" in Frame 11
onClipEvent (load) {
this._visible = false;
Instance of Symbol 53 MovieClip "spoo_b_life" in Frame 11
onClipEvent (load) {
this._visible = false;
Instance of Symbol 53 MovieClip "spoo_c_life" in Frame 11
onClipEvent (load) {
this._visible = false;
Instance of Symbol 212 MovieClip "to_next_stage" in Frame 11
onClipEvent (load) {
this._visible = false;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (this._visible == false) {
if (Key.isDown(32)) {
if (this._parent.yue1.stage_num != 3) {
Instance of Symbol 220 MovieClip in Frame 11
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (this._visible == false) {
this._rotation = this._rotation + 40;
if (this._x < -100) {
this._x = 900;
rotate_value = rotate_value + 6;
radians = (rotate_value * Math.PI) / 180;
speed = 20;
_x = (_x - (speed * Math.cos(radians)));
_y = (_y - (speed * Math.sin(radians)));
onClipEvent (load) {
rotate_value = 0;
speed = 20;
this._visible = false;
Instance of Symbol 231 MovieClip "boss_zero" in Frame 11
onClipEvent (load) {
var sound1 = new Sound();
i_buff = 0;
this._visible = false;
move_flag = 0;
shikiichi = 180;
now_ichi = 0;
move_speed = 5;
count_time = 0;
count_time_buff = 0;
zero_hitpoint = 4000;
max_hitpoint = 4000;
speed = 55;
move_mode = 0;
x_plus = 0;
y_plus = 10;
this._parent.zero_shadow1._x = this._x;
this._parent.zero_shadow1._y = this._y;
this._parent.zero_shadow2._x = this._x;
this._parent.zero_shadow2._y = this._y;
this._parent.zero_shadow3._x = this._x;
this._parent.zero_shadow3._y = this._y;
this._parent.zero_shadow4._x = this._x;
this._parent.zero_shadow4._y = this._y;
rand = 0;
rand_buff = 0;
default_shot_num = 20;
shot_num = 0;
atack_mode = -1;
atack_num = 0;
nokori = 0;
with (this) {
this._parent.zero_shadow1._visible = true;
this._parent.zero_shadow2._visible = true;
this._parent.zero_shadow3._visible = true;
this._parent.zero_shadow4._visible = true;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (this._visible == false) {
if (this._parent.yue1.continue_flag == 1) {
if (atack_mode != -1) {
combo = this._parent.yue1.combo_num;
bairitu = this._parent.yue1.bairitu;
i = 0;
while (i < (this._parent.yue1.default_shot_num * 2)) {
if ((this._x <= (this._parent["shot" + i]._x + 60)) && ((this._parent["shot" + i]._x + 60) <= (this._x + 60))) {
if ((hitTest(this._parent["shot" + i]) == 1) && (this._parent["shot" + i]._visible == true)) {
this._parent["shot" + i]._visible = false;
zero_hitpoint = zero_hitpoint - (5 * ((combo / bairitu) + 1));
buff_i = i;
i = i + 1;
i = buff_i;
if (this._parent.yue1.get_item5 == 1) {
buff_i = i + 1;
if (buff_i >= (this._parent.yue1.default_shot_num * 2)) {
buff_i = 0;
k = 0;
while (k < 3) {
if (hitTest(this._parent["shot_sub_top" + buff_i]) == 1) {
this._parent["shot_sub_top" + buff_i]._visible = false;
this._parent["shot_sub_top" + buff_i]._x = -100;
zero_hitpoint = zero_hitpoint - (2 * ((combo / bairitu) + 1));
buff_i = buff_i - 1;
if (buff_i < 0) {
buff_i = (this._parent.yue1.default_shot_num * 2) - 1;
k = k + 1;
if (this._parent.yue1.get_item6 == 1) {
buff_i = i + 1;
if (buff_i >= (this._parent.yue1.default_shot_num * 2)) {
buff_i = 0;
k = 0;
while (k < 3) {
if (hitTest(this._parent["shot_sub_botom" + buff_i]) == 1) {
this._parent["shot_sub_botom" + buff_i]._visible = false;
this._parent["shot_sub_botom" + buff_i]._x = -100;
zero_hitpoint = zero_hitpoint - (2 * ((combo / bairitu) + 1));
buff_i = buff_i - 1;
if (buff_i < 0) {
buff_i = (this._parent.yue1.default_shot_num * 2) - 1;
k = k + 1;
i = Math.floor(i / 2);
if (this._parent.yue1.get_item1 == 1) {
if (hitTest(this._parent["shot_down" + i]) == 1) {
this._parent["shot_down" + i]._visible = false;
this._parent["shot_down" + i]._x = -100;
zero_hitpoint = zero_hitpoint - (5 * ((combo / bairitu) + 1));
if (this._parent.yue1.get_item2 == 1) {
if (this._parent["shot_up" + i]._visible == true) {
if (hitTest(this._parent["shot_up" + i]) == 1) {
this._parent["shot_up" + i]._visible = false;
this._parent["shot_up" + i]._x = -100;
zero_hitpoint = zero_hitpoint - (5 * ((combo / bairitu) + 1));
this._parent.boss_zero_life.mask._xscale = (zero_hitpoint / max_hitpoint) * 102;
if (zero_hitpoint <= 0) {
this._visible = false;
this._parent.zero_shadow1._visible = false;
this._parent.zero_shadow2._visible = false;
this._parent.zero_shadow3._visible = false;
this._parent.zero_shadow4._visible = false;
this._parent.boss_zero_life._visible = false;
end_flag = 1;
count_time = count_time + 1;
if (atack_mode == -1) {
this._y = 240;
this._x = this._x - 3;
if (this._x <= 649) {
atack_mode = 1;
atack_num = 0;
this._rotation = -90;
move_mode = 0;
count_time = -1;
} else if (atack_mode == 0) {
if (count_time >= 0) {
this._parent.zero_shadow4._x = this._parent.zero_shadow3._x;
this._parent.zero_shadow4._y = this._parent.zero_shadow3._y;
this._parent.zero_shadow4._rotation = this._parent.zero_shadow3._rotation;
this._parent.zero_shadow3._x = this._parent.zero_shadow2._x;
this._parent.zero_shadow3._y = this._parent.zero_shadow2._y;
this._parent.zero_shadow3._rotation = this._parent.zero_shadow2._rotation;
this._parent.zero_shadow2._x = this._parent.zero_shadow1._x;
this._parent.zero_shadow2._y = this._parent.zero_shadow1._y;
this._parent.zero_shadow2._rotation = this._parent.zero_shadow1._rotation;
this._parent.zero_shadow1._x = this._x;
this._parent.zero_shadow1._y = this._y;
this._parent.zero_shadow1._rotation = this._rotation;
this._x = this._x + x_plus;
this._y = this._y + y_plus;
if ((move_mode == 0) && (this._y > 485)) {
move_mode = 1;
this._rotation = 0;
x_plus = -12;
y_plus = 0;
this._y = 458;
} else if ((move_mode == 1) && (this._x < 18)) {
move_mode = 2;
this._rotation = 90;
x_plus = 0;
y_plus = -12;
this._x = 45;
} else if ((move_mode == 2) && (this._y < 15)) {
move_mode = 3;
this._rotation = 180;
x_plus = 12;
y_plus = 0;
this._y = 42;
} else if ((move_mode == 3) && (this._x > 779)) {
move_mode = 0;
this._rotation = -90;
x_plus = 0;
y_plus = 12;
this._x = 752;
} else {
this._rotation = 0;
if ((count_time + 1) == 0) {
this._rotation = -90;
if ((((count_time % 10) == 0) && (count_time >= 0)) && (nokori < 20)) {
if (count_time == 0) {
shot_num = 0;
buff = shot_num;
if (move_mode == 1) {
this._parent["zero_blade_b" + buff]._y = this._y - 0;
} else {
this._parent["zero_blade_b" + buff]._y = this._y + 0;
if (move_mode == 2) {
this._parent["zero_blade_b" + buff]._x = this._x + 20;
} else {
this._parent["zero_blade_b" + buff]._x = this._x - 20;
this._parent["zero_blade_b" + buff]._visible = true;
this._parent["zero_blade_b" + buff].blade_number = buff % 6;
this._parent["zero_blade_b" + buff].shot_start_flag = 0;
this._parent["zero_blade_b" + buff]._rotation = this._rotation + 90;
shot_num = shot_num + 1;
nokori = nokori + 1;
if (shot_num >= default_shot_num) {
if (count_time > 198) {
count_time = -400;
this._y = 240;
this._parent.zero_shadow1._x = this._x;
this._parent.zero_shadow1._y = this._y;
this._parent.zero_shadow2._x = this._x;
this._parent.zero_shadow2._y = this._y;
this._parent.zero_shadow3._x = this._x;
this._parent.zero_shadow3._y = this._y;
this._parent.zero_shadow4._x = this._x;
this._parent.zero_shadow4._y = this._y;
this._rotation = 0;
this._parent.zero_shadow1._rotation = this._rotation;
this._parent.zero_shadow2._rotation = this._rotation;
this._parent.zero_shadow3._rotation = this._rotation;
this._parent.zero_shadow4._rotation = this._rotation;
if ((((count_time % 10) == 0) && (count_time < -180)) && (nokori != 0)) {
rand = Math.floor(Math.random() * shot_num);
i = 0;
do {
if (this._parent["zero_blade_b" + rand].shot_start_flag == 0) {
rand = Math.floor(Math.random() * shot_num);
i = i + 1;
} while (i <= 1000);
this._parent["zero_blade_b" + rand].shot_start_flag = 1;
nokori = nokori - 1;
if (nokori == 0) {
shot_num = 0;
count_time = -70;
atack_num = atack_num + 1;
if (atack_num >= 2) {
atack_num = 0;
atack_mode = 2;
count_time = -30;
with (this) {
} else if (atack_mode == 1) {
this._parent.zero_shadow4._x = this._parent.zero_shadow3._x;
this._parent.zero_shadow4._y = this._parent.zero_shadow3._y;
this._parent.zero_shadow4._rotation = this._parent.zero_shadow3._rotation;
this._parent.zero_shadow3._x = this._parent.zero_shadow2._x;
this._parent.zero_shadow3._y = this._parent.zero_shadow2._y;
this._parent.zero_shadow3._rotation = this._parent.zero_shadow2._rotation;
this._parent.zero_shadow2._x = this._parent.zero_shadow1._x;
this._parent.zero_shadow2._y = this._parent.zero_shadow1._y;
this._parent.zero_shadow2._rotation = this._parent.zero_shadow1._rotation;
this._parent.zero_shadow1._x = this._x;
this._parent.zero_shadow1._y = this._y;
this._parent.zero_shadow1._rotation = this._rotation;
this._rotation = 0;
if (move_flag == 0) {
this._y = this._y + move_speed;
now_ichi = now_ichi + move_speed;
radians = (now_ichi * Math.PI) / 180;
this._x = 649 + (Math.sin(radians) * 90);
if (now_ichi == shikiichi) {
move_flag = 1;
move_speed = 5;
} else {
this._y = this._y - move_speed;
now_ichi = now_ichi - move_speed;
radians = ((-now_ichi) * Math.PI) / 180;
this._x = 649 + (Math.sin(radians) * 90);
if (now_ichi == (-shikiichi)) {
move_flag = 0;
move_speed = 5;
if (((count_time % 60) == 0) && (count_time >= 0)) {
i = 0;
while (i <= 2) {
buff = shot_num;
this._parent["zero_mblade" + buff]._x = this._x - 0;
this._parent["zero_mblade" + buff]._y = this._y + 20;
this._parent["zero_mblade" + buff]._visible = true;
this._parent["zero_mblade" + buff]._rotation = ((i - 1) * 15) + this._rotation;
i = i + 1;
shot_num = shot_num + 1;
if (shot_num >= (default_shot_num * 2)) {
shot_num = 0;
atack_num = atack_num + 1;
if (atack_num > 6) {
atack_mode = 1.5;
} else if (atack_mode == 1.5) {
if (this._x < 749) {
this._x = this._x + 5;
if (this._x > 749) {
this._x = this._x - 5;
if (this._y < 240) {
this._y = this._y + 5;
if (this._y > 240) {
this._y = this._y - 5;
if ((744 < this._x) && (this._x < 754)) {
this._x = 749;
if ((235 < this._y) && (this._y < 245)) {
this._y = 240;
this._parent.zero_shadow4._x = this._parent.zero_shadow3._x;
this._parent.zero_shadow4._y = this._parent.zero_shadow3._y;
this._parent.zero_shadow4._rotation = this._parent.zero_shadow3._rotation;
this._parent.zero_shadow3._x = this._parent.zero_shadow2._x;
this._parent.zero_shadow3._y = this._parent.zero_shadow2._y;
this._parent.zero_shadow3._rotation = this._parent.zero_shadow2._rotation;
this._parent.zero_shadow2._x = this._parent.zero_shadow1._x;
this._parent.zero_shadow2._y = this._parent.zero_shadow1._y;
this._parent.zero_shadow2._rotation = this._parent.zero_shadow1._rotation;
this._parent.zero_shadow1._x = this._x;
this._parent.zero_shadow1._y = this._y;
this._parent.zero_shadow1._rotation = this._rotation;
if ((this._x == 749) && (this._y == 240)) {
atack_mode = 0;
atack_num = 0;
shot_num = 0;
nokori = 0;
count_time = -10;
now_ichi = 0;
move_flag = 0;
} else if (atack_mode == 2) {
if (count_time < (count_time_buff + 7)) {
this._parent.zero_shadow4._alpha = this._parent.zero_shadow4._alpha - 20;
this._parent.zero_shadow3._alpha = this._parent.zero_shadow3._alpha - 20;
this._parent.zero_shadow2._alpha = this._parent.zero_shadow2._alpha - 20;
this._parent.zero_shadow1._alpha = this._parent.zero_shadow1._alpha - 20;
this._parent.zero_shadow4._alpha = 20;
this._parent.zero_shadow3._alpha = 40;
this._parent.zero_shadow2._alpha = 60;
this._parent.zero_shadow1._alpha = 80;
this._parent.zero_shadow4._x = this._parent.zero_shadow3._x;
this._parent.zero_shadow4._y = this._parent.zero_shadow3._y;
this._parent.zero_shadow3._x = this._parent.zero_shadow2._x;
this._parent.zero_shadow3._y = this._parent.zero_shadow2._y;
this._parent.zero_shadow2._x = this._parent.zero_shadow1._x;
this._parent.zero_shadow2._y = this._parent.zero_shadow1._y;
this._parent.zero_shadow1._x = this._x;
this._parent.zero_shadow1._y = this._y;
radians = ((this._rotation - 0) * Math.PI) / 180;
this._x = this._x - (speed * Math.cos(radians));
this._y = this._y - (speed * Math.sin(radians));
if (atack_num <= 15) {
if (this._x < 18) {
this._x = 17;
if (this._x > 779) {
this._x = 780;
if (this._y < 15) {
this._y = 14;
if (this._y > 485) {
this._y = 486;
speed = speed - 0.3;
if (((((this._x < 18) || (this._x > 779)) || (this._y < 15)) || (this._y > 485)) && (atack_num <= 15)) {
count_time_buff = count_time;
x_gap = this._x - (this._parent.yue1._x + 35);
y_gap = (this._y + 20) - (this._parent.yue1._y + 20);
xy_gap = Math.pow(x_gap, 2) + Math.pow(y_gap, 2);
xy_gap = Math.sqrt(xy_gap);
sin = y_gap / xy_gap;
kakudo = (Math.asin(sin) * 180) / Math.PI;
this._rotation = kakudo + 0;
if (x_gap < 0) {
this._rotation = 180 - this._rotation;
this._parent.zero_shadow1._rotation = this._rotation;
this._parent.zero_shadow2._rotation = this._rotation;
this._parent.zero_shadow3._rotation = this._rotation;
this._parent.zero_shadow4._rotation = this._rotation;
if (this._x < 18) {
this._x = 38;
} else if (this._x > 779) {
this._x = 759;
} else if (this._y < 15) {
this._y = 35;
} else if (this._y > 485) {
this._y = 465;
speed = 55;
atack_num = atack_num + 1;
if (((((this._x < -200) || (this._x > 1000)) || (this._y < -200)) || (this._y > 700)) && (atack_num > 15)) {
atack_mode = 3;
this._parent.boss_maru.count_time = 0;
this._rotation = 0;
this._x = 900;
this._y = 800;
count_time_buff = 0;
with (this) {
Instance of Symbol 234 MovieClip "kensen" in Frame 11
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
this._rotation = this._rotation + 40;
if (this._x < -100) {
this._x = 900;
rotate_value = rotate_value + rand_plus;
radians = (rotate_value * Math.PI) / 180;
speed = 25;
_x = (_x - (speed * Math.cos(radians)));
_y = (_y - (speed * Math.sin(radians)));
if (this._x < 0) {
this._visible = false;
rotate_value = 0;
if (this._y < 0) {
this._visible = false;
rotate_value = 0;
onClipEvent (load) {
this._visible = false;
rotate_value = 0;
speed = 20;
rand_plus = 0;
Instance of Symbol 247 MovieClip "zero_blade_b" in Frame 11
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (this._visible == false) {
if (this._parent.yue1.continue_flag == 1) {
if (this._parent.boss_zero._visible == false) {
this._visible = false;
if ((shot_start_flag == 0) || (shot_start_flag == -1)) {
if (this.atari_box.hitTest(this._parent.yue1.atari_box)) {
this._visible = false;
rotate_value = 0;
this._rotation = 0;
shot_start_flag = -1;
count_time = 0;
if (this._parent.sield._visible == true) {
this._parent.yue1.yue_hitpoint = this._parent.yue1.yue_hitpoint - 10;
if (((blade_number == 2) || (blade_number == 4)) || (blade_number == 5)) {
this._parent.yue1.yue_hitpoint = this._parent.yue1.yue_hitpoint - 10;
} else {
this._parent.yue1.yue_hitpoint = this._parent.yue1.yue_hitpoint - 20;
if (((blade_number == 2) || (blade_number == 4)) || (blade_number == 5)) {
this._parent.yue1.yue_hitpoint = this._parent.yue1.yue_hitpoint - 15;
this._parent.yue1.miss = this._parent.yue1.miss + 1;
this._parent.yue1.special_sound = 2;
if (shot_start_flag == 1) {
x_gap = this._x - (this._parent.yue1._x + 35);
y_gap = this._y - (this._parent.yue1._y + 20);
xy_gap = Math.pow(x_gap, 2) + Math.pow(y_gap, 2);
xy_gap = Math.sqrt(xy_gap);
sin = y_gap / xy_gap;
kakudo = (Math.asin(sin) * 180) / Math.PI;
rotate_value = kakudo + 0;
if (x_gap < 0) {
rotate_value = 180 - rotate_value;
this._rotation = rotate_value;
shot_start_flag = 2;
count_time = 10;
count_time = count_time - 1;
if (count_time > 0) {
radians = (this._rotation * Math.PI) / 180;
speed = 20;
this._x = this._x - (speed * Math.cos(radians));
this._y = this._y - (speed * Math.sin(radians));
if ((((this._x < -100) || (this._x > 900)) || (this._y < -100)) || (this._y > 700)) {
this._visible = false;
rotate_value = 0;
this._rotation = 0;
shot_start_flag = -1;
count_time = 0;
blade_number = 0;
onClipEvent (load) {
rotate_value = 0;
speed = 20;
rand_plus = 0;
shot_start_flag = -1;
count_time = 0;
blade_number = 0;
Instance of Symbol 53 MovieClip "boss_zero_life" in Frame 11
onClipEvent (load) {
this._visible = false;
Instance of Symbol 254 MovieClip "boss_maru" in Frame 11
onClipEvent (load) {
var sound1 = new Sound();
move_flag = 0;
shikiichi = 3;
now_ichi = 0;
move_speed = 0.25;
count_time = 600;
i = 0;
default_shot_num = 7;
come_flag = 0;
atack_num = 0;
i = 0;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (this._parent.yue1.continue_flag == 1) {
if (move_flag == 0) {
this._y = this._y + move_speed;
now_ichi = now_ichi + move_speed;
if (now_ichi == shikiichi) {
move_flag = 1;
} else {
this._y = this._y - move_speed;
now_ichi = now_ichi - move_speed;
if (now_ichi == (-shikiichi)) {
move_flag = 0;
if (come_flag == 2) {
this._y = this._y - 2;
if (this._y < -150) {
come_flag = 0;
atack_num = 0;
this._y = 600;
if (this._parent.boss_zero.atack_mode != 3) {
if ((this._y > 200) && (come_flag == 0)) {
this._y = this._y - 2;
if (this._y <= 200) {
come_flag = 1;
count_time = 90;
count_time = count_time + 1;
if (((count_time >= 100) && (count_time <= 260)) && ((count_time % 10) == 0)) {
rand = Math.floor(Math.random() * 20);
rand = rand - 10;
this._parent["missile" + i]._visible = true;
this._parent["missile" + i]._x = this._x + 40;
this._parent["missile" + i]._y = this._y + 50;
this._parent["missile" + i]._rotation = 135 - rand;
this._parent["smoke_a" + i]._visible = true;
this._parent["smoke_b" + i]._visible = true;
this._parent["smoke_c" + i]._visible = true;
this._parent["smoke_d" + i]._visible = true;
this._parent["smoke_e" + i]._visible = true;
this._parent["smoke_f" + i]._visible = true;
this._parent["missile" + i].smoke_num = i;
i = i + 1;
if (i >= default_shot_num) {
atack_num = atack_num + 1;
if (atack_num >= 1) {
come_flag = 2;
this._parent.boss_zero.atack_mode = -1;
i = 0;
count_time = 270;
if (count_time >= 600) {
count_time = 0;
Instance of Symbol 257 MovieClip "missile" in Frame 11
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (this._visible == false) {
if (this._parent.yue1.continue_flag == 1) {
if (this.atari_box.hitTest(this._parent.yue1.atari_box)) {
rotate_value = 0;
this._rotation = 0;
this._x = -100;
if (this._parent.sield._visible == true) {
this._parent.yue1.yue_hitpoint = this._parent.yue1.yue_hitpoint - 10;
} else {
this._parent.yue1.yue_hitpoint = this._parent.yue1.yue_hitpoint - 25;
this._parent.yue1.miss = this._parent.yue1.miss + 1;
this._parent.yue1.special_sound = 1;
count_time = count_time - 1;
if (this._x < 0) {
this._x = 900;
this._y = 50;
this._parent["smoke_f" + smoke_num]._x = this._parent["smoke_e" + smoke_num]._x;
this._parent["smoke_f" + smoke_num]._y = this._parent["smoke_e" + smoke_num]._y;
this._parent["smoke_f" + smoke_num]._rotation = this._parent["smoke_e" + smoke_num]._rotation;
this._parent["smoke_e" + smoke_num]._x = this._parent["smoke_d" + smoke_num]._x;
this._parent["smoke_e" + smoke_num]._y = this._parent["smoke_d" + smoke_num]._y;
this._parent["smoke_e" + smoke_num]._rotation = this._parent["smoke_d" + smoke_num]._rotation;
this._parent["smoke_d" + smoke_num]._x = this._parent["smoke_c" + smoke_num]._x;
this._parent["smoke_d" + smoke_num]._y = this._parent["smoke_c" + smoke_num]._y;
this._parent["smoke_d" + smoke_num]._rotation = this._parent["smoke_c" + smoke_num]._rotation;
this._parent["smoke_c" + smoke_num]._x = this._parent["smoke_b" + smoke_num]._x;
this._parent["smoke_c" + smoke_num]._y = this._parent["smoke_b" + smoke_num]._y;
this._parent["smoke_c" + smoke_num]._rotation = this._parent["smoke_b" + smoke_num]._rotation;
this._parent["smoke_b" + smoke_num]._x = this._parent["smoke_a" + smoke_num]._x;
this._parent["smoke_b" + smoke_num]._y = this._parent["smoke_a" + smoke_num]._y;
this._parent["smoke_b" + smoke_num]._rotation = this._parent["smoke_a" + smoke_num]._rotation;
this._parent["smoke_a" + smoke_num]._x = this._x;
this._parent["smoke_a" + smoke_num]._y = this._y;
this._parent["smoke_a" + smoke_num]._rotation = this._rotation;
this._parent["rock_on" + smoke_num]._x = this._parent.yue1._x;
this._parent["rock_on" + smoke_num]._y = this._parent.yue1._y;
x_gap = this._x - (this._parent.yue1._x + 35);
y_gap = this._y - (this._parent.yue1._y + 20);
xy_gap = Math.pow(x_gap, 2) + Math.pow(y_gap, 2);
xy_gap = Math.sqrt(xy_gap);
sin = y_gap / xy_gap;
kakudo = (Math.asin(sin) * 180) / Math.PI;
rotate_value = kakudo + 0;
if (x_gap < 0) {
rotate_value = 180 - rotate_value;
if ((count_time < -20) && (count_time > -280)) {
this._parent["rock_on" + smoke_num]._visible = true;
rotate_gap = (rotate_value + 0) - (this._rotation % 360);
if (x_gap < 0) {
rotate_gap = (rotate_value - 180) - (this._rotation % 360);
if (Math.abs(rotate_gap) > 10) {
if (rotate_gap < 0) {
if (x_gap < 0) {
this._rotation = this._rotation + 10;
} else {
this._rotation = this._rotation - 10;
} else if (rotate_gap >= 0) {
if (x_gap < 0) {
this._rotation = this._rotation - 10;
} else {
this._rotation = this._rotation + 10;
} else {
this._rotation = rotate_value;
} else {
if (count_time > -20) {
this._rotation = this._rotation - 5;
this._parent["rock_on" + smoke_num]._visible = false;
radians = (this._rotation * Math.PI) / 180;
speed = 12;
this._x = this._x - (speed * Math.cos(radians));
this._y = this._y - (speed * Math.sin(radians));
if ((((this._x < 0) || (this._y < 0)) || (this._x > 850)) || (this._y > 600)) {
this._visible = false;
this._parent["rock_on" + smoke_num]._visible = false;
this._parent["smoke_a" + smoke_num]._visible = false;
this._parent["smoke_b" + smoke_num]._visible = false;
this._parent["smoke_c" + smoke_num]._visible = false;
this._parent["smoke_d" + smoke_num]._visible = false;
this._parent["smoke_e" + smoke_num]._visible = false;
this._parent["smoke_f" + smoke_num]._visible = false;
rotate_value = 0;
this._rotation = 0;
count_time = 0;
missile_hitpoint = 200;
this._x = 800;
this._y = 50;
this._parent["smoke_a" + smoke_num]._x = 800;
this._parent["smoke_b" + smoke_num]._x = 800;
this._parent["smoke_c" + smoke_num]._x = 800;
this._parent["smoke_d" + smoke_num]._x = 800;
this._parent["smoke_e" + smoke_num]._x = 800;
this._parent["smoke_f" + smoke_num]._x = 800;
onClipEvent (load) {
this._visible = false;
missile_hitpoint = 200;
rotate_value = 0;
speed = 20;
rand_plus = 0;
count_time = 0;
smoke_num = 0;
Instance of Symbol 260 MovieClip "smoke_a" in Frame 11
onClipEvent (load) {
this._visible = false;
Instance of Symbol 266 MovieClip "black_hole" in Frame 11
onClipEvent (load) {
this._visible = false;
this._width = 0;
this._height = 0;
bigger_flag = 0;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (this._visible == false) {
if (bigger_flag != 1) {
this._width = this._width + 5;
this._height = this._height + 5;
if ((this._width >= 150) && (bigger_flag == 0)) {
bigger_flag = 1;
if ((this._width >= 400) && (bigger_flag == 2)) {
this._parent.boss_spoo._visible = true;
this._parent.boss_spoo._x = 466.5;
this._parent.boss_spoo._y = 184;
this._parent.boss_spoo_life._visible = true;
this._parent.spoo_a._visible = true;
this._parent.spoo_a._x = 650.5;
this._parent.spoo_a._y = 336.6;
this._parent.spoo_a_life._visible = true;
this._parent.spoo_b._visible = true;
this._parent.spoo_b._x = 374.5;
this._parent.spoo_b._y = 336.6;
this._parent.spoo_b_life._visible = true;
this._parent.spoo_c._visible = true;
this._parent.spoo_c._x = 512.5;
this._parent.spoo_c._y = 60.6;
this._parent.spoo_c_life._visible = true;
bigger_flag = 3;
if (bigger_flag == 3) {
this._alpha = this._alpha - 5;
if (this._alpha <= 0) {
this._visible = false;
} else {
this._width = this._width - 5;
this._height = this._height - 5;
if (this._width <= 90) {
bigger_flag = 2;
Instance of Symbol 269 MovieClip "warning" in Frame 11
onClipEvent (load) {
this._visible = false;
Instance of Symbol 272 MovieClip "enemy_f" in Frame 11
onClipEvent (load) {
this._visible = false;
rotate_value = 0;
shot_flag = 0;
hitpoint = 50;
up_flag = 0;
i_buff = 0;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (this._visible == false) {
if (this._parent.yue1.continue_flag == 1) {
if (this._x < (this._parent.yue1._x + 100)) {
if (this.hitTest(this._parent.yue1.atari_box)) {
hitpoint = 0;
this._parent.yue1.yue_hitpoint = this._parent.yue1.yue_hitpoint - 5;
this._parent.yue1.miss = this._parent.yue1.miss + 1;
if ((this._x < 500) && (rotate_value < 90)) {
if (up_flag == 1) {
rotate_value = rotate_value + 2;
} else {
rotate_value = rotate_value - 2;
radians = (rotate_value * Math.PI) / 180;
speed = 8;
_x = (_x - (speed * Math.cos(radians)));
_y = (_y - (speed * Math.sin(radians)));
combo = this._parent.yue1.combo_num;
bairitu = this._parent.yue1.bairitu;
i = 0;
while (i < (this._parent.yue1.default_shot_num * 2)) {
if ((this._x <= (this._parent["shot" + i]._x + 60)) && ((this._parent["shot" + i]._x + 60) <= (this._x + 60))) {
if ((hitTest(this._parent["shot" + i]) == 1) && (this._parent["shot" + i]._visible == true)) {
this._parent["shot" + i]._visible = false;
hitpoint = hitpoint - (5 * ((combo / bairitu) + 1));
buff_i = i;
i = i + 1;
i = buff_i;
if (this._parent.yue1.get_item5 == 1) {
buff_i = i + 1;
if (buff_i >= (this._parent.yue1.default_shot_num * 2)) {
buff_i = 0;
k = 0;
while (k < 3) {
if (hitTest(this._parent["shot_sub_top" + buff_i]) == 1) {
this._parent["shot_sub_top" + buff_i]._visible = false;
this._parent["shot_sub_top" + buff_i]._x = -100;
hitpoint = hitpoint - (2 * ((combo / bairitu) + 1));
buff_i = buff_i - 1;
if (buff_i < 0) {
buff_i = (this._parent.yue1.default_shot_num * 2) - 1;
k = k + 1;
if (this._parent.yue1.get_item6 == 1) {
buff_i = i + 1;
if (buff_i >= (this._parent.yue1.default_shot_num * 2)) {
buff_i = 0;
k = 0;
while (k < 3) {
if (hitTest(this._parent["shot_sub_botom" + buff_i]) == 1) {
this._parent["shot_sub_botom" + buff_i]._visible = false;
this._parent["shot_sub_botom" + buff_i]._x = -100;
hitpoint = hitpoint - (2 * ((combo / bairitu) + 1));
buff_i = buff_i - 1;
if (buff_i < 0) {
buff_i = (this._parent.yue1.default_shot_num * 2) - 1;
k = k + 1;
i = Math.floor(i / 2);
if (this._parent.yue1.get_item1 == 1) {
if (hitTest(this._parent["shot_down" + i]) == 1) {
this._parent["shot_down" + i]._visible = false;
this._parent["shot_down" + i]._x = -100;
hitpoint = hitpoint - (5 * ((combo / bairitu) + 1));
if (this._parent.yue1.get_item2 == 1) {
if (this._parent["shot_up" + i]._visible == true) {
if (hitTest(this._parent["shot_up" + i]) == 1) {
this._parent["shot_up" + i]._visible = false;
this._parent["shot_up" + i]._x = -100;
hitpoint = hitpoint - (5 * ((combo / bairitu) + 1));
if ((this._x < 700) && (shot_flag == 0)) {
x_gap = this._x - this._parent.yue1._x;
y_gap = this._y - this._parent.yue1._y;
tan = y_gap / x_gap;
kakudo = (Math.atan(tan) * 180) / Math.PI;
buff = this._parent.yue1.enemy_d_shot_num;
this._parent["mei_shot_long" + buff]._x = this._x - 0;
this._parent["mei_shot_long" + buff]._y = this._y + 20;
this._parent["mei_shot_long" + buff]._visible = true;
this._parent["mei_shot_long" + buff]._rotation = this._parent["mei_shot_long" + buff]._rotation + kakudo;
this._parent["mei_shot_long" + buff].shot_flag = 1;
this._parent["mei_shot_long" + buff].count_down = 20;
this._parent.yue1.enemy_d_shot_num = this._parent.yue1.enemy_d_shot_num + 1;
if (this._parent.yue1.enemy_d_shot_num > this._parent.boss_mei.default_shot_num) {
this._parent.yue1.enemy_d_shot_num = 0;
shot_flag = 1;
if (hitpoint <= 0) {
rand = Math.floor(Math.random() * 4);
if ((rand == 0) || (rand == 3)) {
item_num = this._parent.yue1.item_magic_num;
this._parent["item_magic" + item_num]._visible = true;
this._parent["item_magic" + item_num]._x = this._x;
this._parent["item_magic" + item_num]._y = this._y + 20;
this._parent.yue1.item_magic_num = this._parent.yue1.item_magic_num + 1;
if (this._parent.yue1.item_magic_num >= this._parent.yue1.default_item_num) {
this._parent.yue1.item_magic_num = 0;
} else if ((rand == 1) || (rand == 2)) {
item_num = this._parent.yue1.item_lifeup_num;
this._parent["item_lifeup" + item_num]._visible = true;
this._parent["item_lifeup" + item_num]._x = this._x;
this._parent["item_lifeup" + item_num]._y = this._y + 20;
this._parent.yue1.item_lifeup_num = this._parent.yue1.item_lifeup_num + 1;
if (this._parent.yue1.item_lifeup_num >= this._parent.yue1.default_item_num) {
this._parent.yue1.item_lifeup_num = 0;
this._parent.yue1.beat_enemy_num = this._parent.yue1.beat_enemy_num + 1;
this._parent.yue1.combo_num = this._parent.yue1.combo_num + 1;
this._parent.yue1.score = this._parent.yue1.score + (200 * ((this._parent.yue1.combo_num / 50) + 1));
rotate_value = 0;
this._x = -1000;
this._y = 200;
shot_flag = 0;
hitpoint = 50;
_visible = false;
if ((((this._x < -100) || (this._y < -100)) || (this._y > 700)) || (this._x > 1500)) {
rotate_value = 0;
this._x = -1000;
this._y = 200;
shot_flag = 0;
hitpoint = 50;
_visible = false;
Instance of Symbol 275 MovieClip "enemy_i" in Frame 11
onClipEvent (load) {
this._visible = false;
rotate_value = 0;
shot_flag = 0;
hitpoint = 5;
up_flag = 0;
i_buff = 0;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (this._visible == false) {
if (this._parent.yue1.continue_flag == 1) {
if (this._x < (this._parent.yue1._x + 100)) {
if (this.hitTest(this._parent.yue1.atari_box)) {
hitpoint = 0;
this._parent.yue1.yue_hitpoint = this._parent.yue1.yue_hitpoint - 5;
this._parent.yue1.miss = this._parent.yue1.miss + 1;
if ((this._x < 500) && (rotate_value < 90)) {
if (up_flag == 1) {
rotate_value = rotate_value + 2;
} else {
rotate_value = rotate_value - 2;
radians = (rotate_value * Math.PI) / 180;
speed = 10;
_x = (_x - (speed * Math.cos(radians)));
_y = (_y - (speed * Math.sin(radians)));
combo = this._parent.yue1.combo_num;
bairitu = this._parent.yue1.bairitu;
i = 0;
while (i < (this._parent.yue1.default_shot_num * 2)) {
if ((this._x <= (this._parent["shot" + i]._x + 60)) && ((this._parent["shot" + i]._x + 60) <= (this._x + 60))) {
if (this._parent["shot" + i]._visible == true) {
if (hitTest(this._parent["shot" + i]) == 1) {
this._parent["shot" + i]._visible = false;
hitpoint = hitpoint - (5 * ((combo / bairitu) + 1));
buff_i = i;
i = i + 1;
i = buff_i;
if (this._parent.yue1.get_item5 == 1) {
buff_i = i + 1;
if (buff_i >= (this._parent.yue1.default_shot_num * 2)) {
buff_i = 0;
k = 0;
while (k < 2) {
if (this._parent["shot_sub_top" + buff_i]._visible == true) {
if (hitTest(this._parent["shot_sub_top" + buff_i]) == 1) {
this._parent["shot_sub_top" + buff_i]._visible = false;
this._parent["shot_sub_top" + buff_i]._x = -100;
hitpoint = hitpoint - (2 * ((combo / bairitu) + 1));
buff_i = buff_i - 1;
if (buff_i < 0) {
buff_i = (this._parent.yue1.default_shot_num * 2) - 1;
k = k + 1;
if (this._parent.yue1.get_item6 == 1) {
buff_i = i + 1;
if (buff_i >= (this._parent.yue1.default_shot_num * 2)) {
buff_i = 0;
k = 0;
while (k < 2) {
if (this._parent["shot_sub_botom" + buff_i]._visible == true) {
if (hitTest(this._parent["shot_sub_botom" + buff_i]) == 1) {
this._parent["shot_sub_botom" + buff_i]._visible = false;
this._parent["shot_sub_botom" + buff_i]._x = -100;
hitpoint = hitpoint - (2 * ((combo / bairitu) + 1));
buff_i = buff_i - 1;
if (buff_i < 0) {
buff_i = (this._parent.yue1.default_shot_num * 2) - 1;
k = k + 1;
i = Math.floor(i / 2);
if (this._parent.yue1.get_item1 == 1) {
if (this._parent["shot_down" + i]._visible == true) {
if (hitTest(this._parent["shot_down" + i]) == 1) {
this._parent["shot_down" + i]._visible = false;
this._parent["shot_down" + i]._x = -100;
hitpoint = hitpoint - (5 * ((combo / bairitu) + 1));
if (this._parent.yue1.get_item2 == 1) {
if (this._parent["shot_up" + i]._visible == true) {
if (hitTest(this._parent["shot_up" + i]) == 1) {
this._parent["shot_up" + i]._visible = false;
this._parent["shot_up" + i]._x = -100;
hitpoint = hitpoint - (5 * ((combo / bairitu) + 1));
if (hitpoint <= 0) {
this._parent.yue1.beat_enemy_num = this._parent.yue1.beat_enemy_num + 1;
this._parent.yue1.combo_num = this._parent.yue1.combo_num + 1;
this._parent.yue1.score = this._parent.yue1.score + (100 * ((this._parent.yue1.combo_num / 50) + 1));
rotate_value = 0;
this._x = -1000;
this._y = 200;
shot_flag = 0;
hitpoint = 5;
_visible = false;
if (((this._x < -100) || (this._y < -100)) || (this._y > 700)) {
rotate_value = 0;
this._x = -1000;
this._y = 200;
shot_flag = 0;
hitpoint = 5;
_visible = false;
Instance of Symbol 278 MovieClip "shot_star" in Frame 11
onClipEvent (load) {
this._visible = false;
rotate_value = 0;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (this._visible == false) {
if (this._parent.yue1.continue_flag == 1) {
this._rotation = this._rotation + 8;
if (this._x > this._parent.yue1._x) {
if (hitTest(this._parent.yue1.atari_box)) {
this._rotation = 0;
this._visible = false;
this._parent.yue1.yue_hitpoint = this._parent.yue1.yue_hitpoint - 10;
this._parent.yue1.miss = this._parent.yue1.miss + 1;
radians = (rotate_value * Math.PI) / 180;
speed = 12;
_x = (_x - (speed * Math.cos(radians)));
_y = (_y - (speed * Math.sin(radians)));
if ((((this._x < 0) || (this._x > 800)) || (this._y < 0)) || (this._y > 600)) {
this._rotation = 0;
rotate_value = 0;
_visible = false;
Instance of Symbol 281 MovieClip "shot_mstar" in Frame 11
onClipEvent (load) {
this._visible = false;
rotate_value = 0;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (this._visible == false) {
if (this._parent.yue1.continue_flag == 1) {
if (this._x > this._parent.yue1._x) {
if (hitTest(this._parent.yue1.atari_box)) {
this._rotation = 0;
this._visible = false;
this._parent.yue1.yue_hitpoint = this._parent.yue1.yue_hitpoint - 3;
this._parent.yue1.miss = this._parent.yue1.miss + 1;
radians = (rotate_value * Math.PI) / 180;
speed = 12;
_x = (_x - (speed * Math.cos(radians)));
_y = (_y - (speed * Math.sin(radians)));
if ((((this._x < 0) || (this._x > 800)) || (this._y < 0)) || (this._y > 600)) {
this._rotation = 0;
rotate_value = 0;
_visible = false;
Instance of Symbol 284 MovieClip "spoo_dance" in Frame 11
onClipEvent (load) {
this._visible = false;
rotate_value = 0;
radians = 0;
set_y = 0;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (this._visible == false) {
if (this._parent.boss_spoo._visible == false) {
this._visible = false;
if (this.atari_box.hitTest(this._parent.yue1.atari_box)) {
if (this._parent.sield._visible == true) {
damage = 3;
} else {
damage = 8;
this._parent.yue1.yue_hitpoint = this._parent.yue1.yue_hitpoint - damage;
this._parent.yue1.miss = this._parent.yue1.miss + 1;
radians = (rotate_value * Math.PI) / 180;
this._x = this._x + 8;
this._y = (Math.sin(radians) * 300) + set_y;
rotate_value = rotate_value + 2;
if (this._x < -100) {
rotate_value = 0;
radians = 0;
set_y = 0;
this._visible = false;
Symbol 90 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 90 MovieClip Frame 2
Instance of Symbol 95 MovieClip "atari_box" in Symbol 96 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
this._visible = false;
Instance of Symbol 95 MovieClip "atari_box" in Symbol 99 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) {
this._visible = false;
Symbol 159 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 159 MovieClip Frame 2
Symbol 159 MovieClip Frame 3
Symbol 159 MovieClip Frame 4
Symbol 159 MovieClip Frame 5
Symbol 159 MovieClip Frame 6
Instance of Symbol 95 MovieClip "atari_box" in Symbol 163 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
this._visible = false;
Instance of Symbol 95 MovieClip "atari_box" in Symbol 169 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
this._visible = false;
Symbol 176 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 176 MovieClip Frame 2
Symbol 176 MovieClip Frame 3
Instance of Symbol 95 MovieClip "atari_box" in Symbol 179 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
this._visible = false;
Symbol 210 MovieClip Frame 33
gotoAndPlay ("flame1");
Symbol 210 MovieClip Frame 65
Symbol 210 MovieClip Frame 75
gotoAndPlay ("flame3");
Symbol 217 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 217 MovieClip Frame 2
Symbol 231 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 231 MovieClip Frame 2
Symbol 231 MovieClip Frame 13
gotoAndStop ("flame1");
Symbol 231 MovieClip Frame 20
Instance of Symbol 95 MovieClip "atari_box2" in Symbol 231 MovieClip Frame 20
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
this._visible = false;
Symbol 247 MovieClip Frame 1
Instance of Symbol 95 MovieClip "atari_box" in Symbol 247 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
this._visible = false;
Symbol 247 MovieClip Frame 2
Symbol 247 MovieClip Frame 3
Symbol 247 MovieClip Frame 4
Symbol 247 MovieClip Frame 5
Symbol 247 MovieClip Frame 6
Instance of Symbol 95 MovieClip "atari_box" in Symbol 257 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
this._visible = false;