[Tools][Expand/Collapse All]Note that automatic extraction of ActionScript 3 is still pretty much unsupported by swfchan. AS1/AS2 works okay most of the time.Frame 1 (11.05 KiB) ● ●
function makeabot(bot) {
var _local3 = new Color(bot);
var _local4 = {ra:100, rb:Math.random() * 128, ga:100, gb:Math.random() * 256, ba:100, bb:Math.random() * 128, aa:100, ab:100};
bot.peles_txt.text = bot._name.substr(3, 5);
bot.peles_txt._visible = false;
bot.peles_energija._visible = false;
bot.rotator = (Math.random() * 20) + 15;
bot.acceleration = new Object();
bot.energija = new Number(50 + (Math.random() * 50));
bot.temp = new Number(0);
bot.kryptis = new Number((Math.random() * 360) - (Math.random() * 360));
bot.poilsis = new Number(10 + (Math.random() * 10));
bot.alkis = new Number(30 + (Math.random() * 20));
bot.paieskos_kampas = new Number((Math.random() * 90) - (Math.random() * 90));
bot.suris_x = new Object();
bot.suris_y = new Object();
bot.atmintis = new Object();
bot.air_point = new Object();
bot.ail_point = new Object();
bot.aif_point = new Object();
bot.aib_point = new Object();
bot.onEnterFrame = function () {
_root["atmintis" + this._name.substr(3, 5)]._x = this.suris_x;
_root["atmintis" + this._name.substr(3, 5)]._y = this.suris_y;
this.valgis._rotation = ((Math.atan2(this._y - this.suris_y, this._x - this.suris_x) * 180) / Math.PI) - this._rotation;
if (instrukcija._visible == true) {
this.acceleration = 0;
} else {
this.acceleration = 0.5 * (Math.sqrt(this.energija) + Math.pow((4 * this.energija) / Math.pow(this.energija, this.energija), 0.5));
this.energija = this.energija - 0.05;
if ((Math.round(this.energija) % 3) == 0) {
this.paieskos_kampas = (Math.random() * 90) - (Math.random() * 90);
if ((Math.round(this.energija) % 10) == 0) {
this.skaicius1 = Math.random();
this.skaicius2 = Math.random();
this.skaicius3 = Math.random();
this.skaicius4 = Math.random();
if (Math.round(this.energija) <= 0) {
this.energija = 0;
this.poilsis = this.poilsis - 0.1;
if (this.poilsis <= 0) {
this.poilsis = 10 + (Math.random() * 10);
this.energija = 30 + (Math.random() * 30);
this.kryptis = (Math.random() * 360) - (Math.random() * 360);
this.alkis = 30 + (Math.random() * 20);
this.peles_energija.text = Math.round(this.energija);
this.air_point.x = this.air_marker._x;
this.air_point.y = this.air_marker._y;
this.ail_point.x = this.ail_marker._x;
this.ail_point.y = this.ail_marker._y;
this.aif_point.x = this.aif_marker._x;
this.aif_point.y = this.aif_marker._y;
this.aib_point.x = this.aib_marker._x;
this.aib_point.y = this.aib_marker._y;
if (((((!track.hitTest(this.aif_point.x, this.aif_point.y, true)) and (!track.hitTest(this.air_point.x, this.air_point.y, true))) and (!track.hitTest(this.ail_point.x, this.ail_point.y, true))) and (!track.hitTest(this.aib_point.x, this.aib_point.y, true))) and this.flip) {
this.flip = false;
this._rotation = ((Math.atan2(this._y - startas._y, this._x - startas._x) * 180) / Math.PI) + this.paieskos_kampas;
if ((!track.hitTest(this.aif_point.x, this.aif_point.y, true)) and (!track.hitTest(this.air_point.x, this.air_point.y, true))) {
this.flip = true;
this._rotation = this._rotation - this.rotator;
if ((!track.hitTest(this.aif_point.x, this.aif_point.y, true)) and (!track.hitTest(this.ail_point.x, this.ail_point.y, true))) {
this.flip = true;
this._rotation = this._rotation + this.rotator;
if (track.hitTest(this.aif_point.x, this.aif_point.y, true)) {
if ((Math.round(Math.sqrt(Math.pow(this._x - finisas._x, 2) + Math.pow(this._y - finisas._y, 2))) <= spindulys) and ((track.hitTest(this.aif_point.x, this.aif_point.y, true) or track.hitTest(this.ail_point.x, this.ail_point.y, true)) or track.hitTest(this.air_point.x, this.air_point.y, true))) {
this.suris_x = finisas._x + ((this.skaicius1 * Math.round(Math.sqrt(Math.pow(this._x - finisas._x, 2) + Math.pow(this._y - finisas._y, 2)))) - (this.skaicius2 * Math.round(Math.sqrt(Math.pow(this._x - finisas._x, 2) + Math.pow(this._y - finisas._y, 2)))));
this.suris_y = finisas._y + ((this.skaicius3 * Math.round(Math.sqrt(Math.pow(this._x - finisas._x, 2) + Math.pow(this._y - finisas._y, 2)))) - (this.skaicius4 * Math.round(Math.sqrt(Math.pow(this._x - finisas._x, 2) + Math.pow(this._y - finisas._y, 2)))));
if (this.energija >= 100) {
this._rotation = this.kryptis;
if (this.energija <= this.alkis) {
this._rotation = ((Math.atan2(this._y - this.suris_y, this._x - this.suris_x) * 180) / Math.PI) + this.paieskos_kampas;
if (_root["atmintis" + this._name.substr(3, 4)].hitTest(this.kunelis)) {
_root["atmintis" + this._name.substr(3, 4)]._x = -200;
_root["atmintis" + this._name.substr(3, 4)]._y = -200;
delete this.suris_x;
delete this.suris_y;
if (finisas.hitTest(this.kunelis)) {
this.suris_x = finisas._x;
this.suris_y = finisas._y;
if (this.energija <= 100) {
this.energija = this.energija + 10;
if (((((this.energija <= this.alkis) and (Math.round(Math.sqrt(Math.pow(this._x - this.suris_x, 2) + Math.pow(this._y - this.suris_y, 2))) > 100)) and (Math.round(Math.sqrt(Math.pow(this._x - finisas._x, 2) + Math.pow(this._y - finisas._y, 2))) > spindulys)) and track.hitTest(this.aif_point.x, this.aif_point.y, true)) and track.hitTest(this.aib_point.x, this.aib_point.y, true)) {
this._rotation = ((Math.atan2(this._y - this.suris_y, this._x - this.suris_x) * 180) / Math.PI) + this.paieskos_kampas;
if (this.energija < this.alkis) {
this.valgis._visible = true;
if (this.energija > this.alkis) {
this.valgis._visible = false;
this._y = this._y - (this.acceleration * Math.sin(this._rotation / 57));
this._x = this._x - (this.acceleration * Math.cos(this._rotation / 57));
bot.onRollOver = function () {
naujas_mapas = false;
bot_vardas = "\u017Diurk\u0117" + bot._name.substr(3, 5);
onEnterFrame = function () {
if (!naujas_mapas) {
energija = Math.round(bot.energija);
alkis = Math.round(bot.alkis);
suris_x = "X: " + Math.round(bot.suris_x);
suris_y = "Y: " + Math.round(bot.suris_y);
if (isNaN(bot.suris_x)) {
suris_x = "X: ne\u017Eino";
suris_y = "Y: ne\u017Eino";
bot.onRollOut = function () {
_root["atmintis" + this._name.substr(3, 5)].gotoAndPlay(1);
bot.onPress = function () {
bot.temp = bot.energija;
bot.energija = 0;
bot.onReleaseOutside = function () {
bot.energija = bot.temp;
bot.onRelease = function () {
bot.energija = bot.temp;
function dotMe(bot) {
dot = _root.attachMovie("dot", this["dot" + _root.getNextHighestDepth()], _root.getNextHighestDepth());
dot._rotation = bot._rotation;
dot._x = bot._x;
dot._y = bot._y;
function dotMeRaud(bot) {
dot_r = _root.attachMovie("dot_r", this["dot_r" + _root.getNextHighestDepth()], _root.getNextHighestDepth());
dot_r._rotation = bot._rotation;
dot_r._x = bot._x;
dot_r._y = bot._y;
fscommand ("allowscale", true);
_global.turi_vieta = false;
_global.naujas_mapas = true;
_global.botu_skaicius = 8;
var taip_rodyklem = false;
var skaicius1;
var skaicius2;
var skaicius3;
var skaicius4 = Math.random();
var spindulys = 0;
_global.j = 1;
j = "1";
track = _root.attachMovie("1", "track", startas.getDepth() - 1);
spind_mc._visible = false;
var oValdymas = new Object();
_root.startas._x = 400;
_root.startas._y = 500;
_root.finisas._x = 440;
_root.finisas._y = 420;
i = 1;
while (i <= botu_skaicius) {
_root["bot" + i]._x = startas._x;
_root["bot" + i]._y = startas._y;
i = 1;
while (i <= botu_skaicius) {
_root["bot" + i].air_marker._visible = false;
_root["bot" + i].ail_marker._visible = false;
_root["bot" + i].aif_marker._visible = false;
_root["bot" + i].aib_marker._visible = false;
_root["bot" + i].valgis._visible = false;
onMouseMove = function () {
xk = "x: " + Math.round(_xmouse);
yk = "y: " + Math.round(_ymouse);
var k = 1;
while (k <= botu_skaicius) {
makeabot(_root["bot" + k]);
rank.onPress = function () {
if (_root.instrukcija._visible != true) {
startDrag (this, true, _root.rank_fonas._x, _root.rank_fonas._y, _root.rank_fonas._x + _root.rank_fonas._width, _root.rank_fonas._y);
rank.onRollOut = function () {
rank.onRollOver = function () {
_root.spind_mc._visible = true;
rank.onMouseMove = function () {
jega_rodom = 8 * Math.round(Math.abs(rank._x - _root.rank_fonas._x));
_root.spind_mc._xscale = jega_rodom;
_root.spind_mc._yscale = jega_rodom;
spindulys = jega_rodom / 2;
rank.onRelease = function () {
rank.onReleaseOutside = function () {
oValdymas.onKeyDown = function () {
switch (Key.getCode()) {
case 78 :
i = 1;
while (i <= botu_skaicius) {
_root["bot" + i].peles_txt._visible = !_root["bot" + i].peles_txt._visible;
case 84 :
case 72 :
instrukcija._visible = !instrukcija._visible;
case 82 :
taip_rodyklem = !taip_rodyklem;
i = 1;
while (i <= botu_skaicius) {
if (taip_rodyklem) {
_root["bot" + i].valgis._alpha = -100;
if (!taip_rodyklem) {
_root["bot" + i].valgis._alpha = 100;
case 77 :
i = 1;
while (i <= botu_skaicius) {
_root["bot" + i].air_marker._visible = !_root["bot" + i].air_marker._visible;
_root["bot" + i].ail_marker._visible = !_root["bot" + i].ail_marker._visible;
_root["bot" + i].aif_marker._visible = !_root["bot" + i].aif_marker._visible;
_root["bot" + i].aib_marker._visible = !_root["bot" + i].aib_marker._visible;
case 65 :
i = 1;
while (i <= botu_skaicius) {
_root["atmintis" + i]._visible = !_root["atmintis" + i]._visible;
case 69 :
i = 1;
while (i <= botu_skaicius) {
_root["bot" + i].peles_energija._visible = !_root["bot" + i].peles_energija._visible;
case 90 :
spind_mc._visible = !spind_mc._visible;
case 83 :
startas._visible = !startas._visible;
case 80 :
i = 1;
if (i > botu_skaicius) {
_root["bot_vieta" + i].text = ("<vieta" + i) + ">";
_root["bot" + i].turi_vieta = false;
_root["bot" + i]._x = startas._x;
_root["bot" + i]._y = startas._y;
Instance of Symbol 26 MovieClip "startas" in Frame 1 (207 B)
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
i = 1;
this.onPress = function () {
this.onRelease = function () {
this.onReleaseOutside = function () {
Instance of Symbol 42 MovieClip "bot1" in Frame 1 (2.09 KiB) ●
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if ((this.kunelis.hitTest(_root.finisas) and (_root.bot_vieta1.text == "<vieta1>")) and (turi_vieta == false)) {
turi_vieta = true;
_root.bot_vieta1.text = "\u017Diurk\u0117" + this._name.substr(3, 5);
if ((this.kunelis.hitTest(_root.finisas) and (_root.bot_vieta2.text == "<vieta2>")) and (turi_vieta == false)) {
turi_vieta = true;
_root.bot_vieta2.text = "\u017Diurk\u0117" + this._name.substr(3, 5);
if ((this.kunelis.hitTest(_root.finisas) and (_root.bot_vieta3.text == "<vieta3>")) and (turi_vieta == false)) {
turi_vieta = true;
_root.bot_vieta3.text = "\u017Diurk\u0117" + this._name.substr(3, 5);
if ((this.kunelis.hitTest(_root.finisas) and (_root.bot_vieta4.text == "<vieta4>")) and (turi_vieta == false)) {
turi_vieta = true;
_root.bot_vieta4.text = "\u017Diurk\u0117" + this._name.substr(3, 5);
if ((this.kunelis.hitTest(_root.finisas) and (_root.bot_vieta5.text == "<vieta5>")) and (turi_vieta == false)) {
turi_vieta = true;
_root.bot_vieta5.text = "\u017Diurk\u0117" + this._name.substr(3, 5);
if ((this.kunelis.hitTest(_root.finisas) and (_root.bot_vieta6.text == "<vieta6>")) and (turi_vieta == false)) {
turi_vieta = true;
_root.bot_vieta6.text = "\u017Diurk\u0117" + this._name.substr(3, 5);
if ((this.kunelis.hitTest(_root.finisas) and (_root.bot_vieta7.text == "<vieta7>")) and (turi_vieta == false)) {
turi_vieta = true;
_root.bot_vieta7.text = "\u017Diurk\u0117" + this._name.substr(3, 5);
if ((this.kunelis.hitTest(_root.finisas) and (_root.bot_vieta8.text == "<vieta8>")) and (turi_vieta == false)) {
turi_vieta = true;
_root.bot_vieta8.text = "\u017Diurk\u0117" + this._name.substr(3, 5);
if ((((((this.kunelis.hitTest(_root.bot2.kunelis) or this.kunelis.hitTest(_root.bot3.kunelis)) or this.kunelis.hitTest(_root.bot4.kunelis)) or this.kunelis.hitTest(_root.bot5.kunelis)) or this.kunelis.hitTest(_root.bot6.kunelis)) or this.kunelis.hitTest(_root.bot7.kunelis)) or this.kunelis.hitTest(_root.bot8.kunelis)) {
this._rotation = this._rotation + this.paieskos_kampas;
Instance of Symbol 42 MovieClip "bot2" in Frame 1 (2.09 KiB) ●
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if ((this.kunelis.hitTest(_root.finisas) and (_root.bot_vieta1.text == "<vieta1>")) and (turi_vieta == false)) {
turi_vieta = true;
_root.bot_vieta1.text = "\u017Diurk\u0117" + this._name.substr(3, 5);
if ((this.kunelis.hitTest(_root.finisas) and (_root.bot_vieta2.text == "<vieta2>")) and (turi_vieta == false)) {
turi_vieta = true;
_root.bot_vieta2.text = "\u017Diurk\u0117" + this._name.substr(3, 5);
if ((this.kunelis.hitTest(_root.finisas) and (_root.bot_vieta3.text == "<vieta3>")) and (turi_vieta == false)) {
turi_vieta = true;
_root.bot_vieta3.text = "\u017Diurk\u0117" + this._name.substr(3, 5);
if ((this.kunelis.hitTest(_root.finisas) and (_root.bot_vieta4.text == "<vieta4>")) and (turi_vieta == false)) {
turi_vieta = true;
_root.bot_vieta4.text = "\u017Diurk\u0117" + this._name.substr(3, 5);
if ((this.kunelis.hitTest(_root.finisas) and (_root.bot_vieta5.text == "<vieta5>")) and (turi_vieta == false)) {
turi_vieta = true;
_root.bot_vieta5.text = "\u017Diurk\u0117" + this._name.substr(3, 5);
if ((this.kunelis.hitTest(_root.finisas) and (_root.bot_vieta6.text == "<vieta6>")) and (turi_vieta == false)) {
turi_vieta = true;
_root.bot_vieta6.text = "\u017Diurk\u0117" + this._name.substr(3, 5);
if ((this.kunelis.hitTest(_root.finisas) and (_root.bot_vieta7.text == "<vieta7>")) and (turi_vieta == false)) {
turi_vieta = true;
_root.bot_vieta7.text = "\u017Diurk\u0117" + this._name.substr(3, 5);
if ((this.kunelis.hitTest(_root.finisas) and (_root.bot_vieta8.text == "<vieta8>")) and (turi_vieta == false)) {
turi_vieta = true;
_root.bot_vieta8.text = "\u017Diurk\u0117" + this._name.substr(3, 5);
if ((((((this.kunelis.hitTest(_root.bot1.kunelis) or this.kunelis.hitTest(_root.bot3.kunelis)) or this.kunelis.hitTest(_root.bot4.kunelis)) or this.kunelis.hitTest(_root.bot5.kunelis)) or this.kunelis.hitTest(_root.bot6.kunelis)) or this.kunelis.hitTest(_root.bot7.kunelis)) or this.kunelis.hitTest(_root.bot8.kunelis)) {
this._rotation = this._rotation + this.paieskos_kampas;
Instance of Symbol 42 MovieClip "bot3" in Frame 1 (2.09 KiB) ●
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if ((this.kunelis.hitTest(_root.finisas) and (_root.bot_vieta1.text == "<vieta1>")) and (turi_vieta == false)) {
turi_vieta = true;
_root.bot_vieta1.text = "\u017Diurk\u0117" + this._name.substr(3, 5);
if ((this.kunelis.hitTest(_root.finisas) and (_root.bot_vieta2.text == "<vieta2>")) and (turi_vieta == false)) {
turi_vieta = true;
_root.bot_vieta2.text = "\u017Diurk\u0117" + this._name.substr(3, 5);
if ((this.kunelis.hitTest(_root.finisas) and (_root.bot_vieta3.text == "<vieta3>")) and (turi_vieta == false)) {
turi_vieta = true;
_root.bot_vieta3.text = "\u017Diurk\u0117" + this._name.substr(3, 5);
if ((this.kunelis.hitTest(_root.finisas) and (_root.bot_vieta4.text == "<vieta4>")) and (turi_vieta == false)) {
turi_vieta = true;
_root.bot_vieta4.text = "\u017Diurk\u0117" + this._name.substr(3, 5);
if ((this.kunelis.hitTest(_root.finisas) and (_root.bot_vieta5.text == "<vieta5>")) and (turi_vieta == false)) {
turi_vieta = true;
_root.bot_vieta5.text = "\u017Diurk\u0117" + this._name.substr(3, 5);
if ((this.kunelis.hitTest(_root.finisas) and (_root.bot_vieta6.text == "<vieta6>")) and (turi_vieta == false)) {
turi_vieta = true;
_root.bot_vieta6.text = "\u017Diurk\u0117" + this._name.substr(3, 5);
if ((this.kunelis.hitTest(_root.finisas) and (_root.bot_vieta7.text == "<vieta7>")) and (turi_vieta == false)) {
turi_vieta = true;
_root.bot_vieta7.text = "\u017Diurk\u0117" + this._name.substr(3, 5);
if ((this.kunelis.hitTest(_root.finisas) and (_root.bot_vieta8.text == "<vieta8>")) and (turi_vieta == false)) {
turi_vieta = true;
_root.bot_vieta8.text = "\u017Diurk\u0117" + this._name.substr(3, 5);
if ((((((this.kunelis.hitTest(_root.bot1.kunelis) or this.kunelis.hitTest(_root.bot2.kunelis)) or this.kunelis.hitTest(_root.bot4.kunelis)) or this.kunelis.hitTest(_root.bot5.kunelis)) or this.kunelis.hitTest(_root.bot6.kunelis)) or this.kunelis.hitTest(_root.bot7.kunelis)) or this.kunelis.hitTest(_root.bot8.kunelis)) {
this._rotation = this._rotation + this.paieskos_kampas;
Instance of Symbol 42 MovieClip "bot4" in Frame 1 (2.09 KiB) ●
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if ((this.kunelis.hitTest(_root.finisas) and (_root.bot_vieta1.text == "<vieta1>")) and (turi_vieta == false)) {
turi_vieta = true;
_root.bot_vieta1.text = "\u017Diurk\u0117" + this._name.substr(3, 5);
if ((this.kunelis.hitTest(_root.finisas) and (_root.bot_vieta2.text == "<vieta2>")) and (turi_vieta == false)) {
turi_vieta = true;
_root.bot_vieta2.text = "\u017Diurk\u0117" + this._name.substr(3, 5);
if ((this.kunelis.hitTest(_root.finisas) and (_root.bot_vieta3.text == "<vieta3>")) and (turi_vieta == false)) {
turi_vieta = true;
_root.bot_vieta3.text = "\u017Diurk\u0117" + this._name.substr(3, 5);
if ((this.kunelis.hitTest(_root.finisas) and (_root.bot_vieta4.text == "<vieta4>")) and (turi_vieta == false)) {
turi_vieta = true;
_root.bot_vieta4.text = "\u017Diurk\u0117" + this._name.substr(3, 5);
if ((this.kunelis.hitTest(_root.finisas) and (_root.bot_vieta5.text == "<vieta5>")) and (turi_vieta == false)) {
turi_vieta = true;
_root.bot_vieta5.text = "\u017Diurk\u0117" + this._name.substr(3, 5);
if ((this.kunelis.hitTest(_root.finisas) and (_root.bot_vieta6.text == "<vieta6>")) and (turi_vieta == false)) {
turi_vieta = true;
_root.bot_vieta6.text = "\u017Diurk\u0117" + this._name.substr(3, 5);
if ((this.kunelis.hitTest(_root.finisas) and (_root.bot_vieta7.text == "<vieta7>")) and (turi_vieta == false)) {
turi_vieta = true;
_root.bot_vieta7.text = "\u017Diurk\u0117" + this._name.substr(3, 5);
if ((this.kunelis.hitTest(_root.finisas) and (_root.bot_vieta8.text == "<vieta8>")) and (turi_vieta == false)) {
turi_vieta = true;
_root.bot_vieta8.text = "\u017Diurk\u0117" + this._name.substr(3, 5);
if ((((((this.kunelis.hitTest(_root.bot1.kunelis) or this.kunelis.hitTest(_root.bot2.kunelis)) or this.kunelis.hitTest(_root.bot3.kunelis)) or this.kunelis.hitTest(_root.bot5.kunelis)) or this.kunelis.hitTest(_root.bot6.kunelis)) or this.kunelis.hitTest(_root.bot7.kunelis)) or this.kunelis.hitTest(_root.bot8.kunelis)) {
this._rotation = this._rotation + this.paieskos_kampas;
Instance of Symbol 42 MovieClip "bot5" in Frame 1 (2.09 KiB) ●
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if ((this.kunelis.hitTest(_root.finisas) and (_root.bot_vieta1.text == "<vieta1>")) and (turi_vieta == false)) {
turi_vieta = true;
_root.bot_vieta1.text = "\u017Diurk\u0117" + this._name.substr(3, 5);
if ((this.kunelis.hitTest(_root.finisas) and (_root.bot_vieta2.text == "<vieta2>")) and (turi_vieta == false)) {
turi_vieta = true;
_root.bot_vieta2.text = "\u017Diurk\u0117" + this._name.substr(3, 5);
if ((this.kunelis.hitTest(_root.finisas) and (_root.bot_vieta3.text == "<vieta3>")) and (turi_vieta == false)) {
turi_vieta = true;
_root.bot_vieta3.text = "\u017Diurk\u0117" + this._name.substr(3, 5);
if ((this.kunelis.hitTest(_root.finisas) and (_root.bot_vieta4.text == "<vieta4>")) and (turi_vieta == false)) {
turi_vieta = true;
_root.bot_vieta4.text = "\u017Diurk\u0117" + this._name.substr(3, 5);
if ((this.kunelis.hitTest(_root.finisas) and (_root.bot_vieta5.text == "<vieta5>")) and (turi_vieta == false)) {
turi_vieta = true;
_root.bot_vieta5.text = "\u017Diurk\u0117" + this._name.substr(3, 5);
if ((this.kunelis.hitTest(_root.finisas) and (_root.bot_vieta6.text == "<vieta6>")) and (turi_vieta == false)) {
turi_vieta = true;
_root.bot_vieta6.text = "\u017Diurk\u0117" + this._name.substr(3, 5);
if ((this.kunelis.hitTest(_root.finisas) and (_root.bot_vieta7.text == "<vieta7>")) and (turi_vieta == false)) {
turi_vieta = true;
_root.bot_vieta7.text = "\u017Diurk\u0117" + this._name.substr(3, 5);
if ((this.kunelis.hitTest(_root.finisas) and (_root.bot_vieta8.text == "<vieta8>")) and (turi_vieta == false)) {
turi_vieta = true;
_root.bot_vieta8.text = "\u017Diurk\u0117" + this._name.substr(3, 5);
if ((((((this.kunelis.hitTest(_root.bot1.kunelis) or this.kunelis.hitTest(_root.bot2.kunelis)) or this.kunelis.hitTest(_root.bot3.kunelis)) or this.kunelis.hitTest(_root.bot4.kunelis)) or this.kunelis.hitTest(_root.bot6.kunelis)) or this.kunelis.hitTest(_root.bot7.kunelis)) or this.kunelis.hitTest(_root.bot8.kunelis)) {
this._rotation = this._rotation + this.paieskos_kampas;
Instance of Symbol 42 MovieClip "bot6" in Frame 1 (2.09 KiB) ●
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if ((this.kunelis.hitTest(_root.finisas) and (_root.bot_vieta1.text == "<vieta1>")) and (turi_vieta == false)) {
turi_vieta = true;
_root.bot_vieta1.text = "\u017Diurk\u0117" + this._name.substr(3, 5);
if ((this.kunelis.hitTest(_root.finisas) and (_root.bot_vieta2.text == "<vieta2>")) and (turi_vieta == false)) {
turi_vieta = true;
_root.bot_vieta2.text = "\u017Diurk\u0117" + this._name.substr(3, 5);
if ((this.kunelis.hitTest(_root.finisas) and (_root.bot_vieta3.text == "<vieta3>")) and (turi_vieta == false)) {
turi_vieta = true;
_root.bot_vieta3.text = "\u017Diurk\u0117" + this._name.substr(3, 5);
if ((this.kunelis.hitTest(_root.finisas) and (_root.bot_vieta4.text == "<vieta4>")) and (turi_vieta == false)) {
turi_vieta = true;
_root.bot_vieta4.text = "\u017Diurk\u0117" + this._name.substr(3, 5);
if ((this.kunelis.hitTest(_root.finisas) and (_root.bot_vieta5.text == "<vieta5>")) and (turi_vieta == false)) {
turi_vieta = true;
_root.bot_vieta5.text = "\u017Diurk\u0117" + this._name.substr(3, 5);
if ((this.kunelis.hitTest(_root.finisas) and (_root.bot_vieta6.text == "<vieta6>")) and (turi_vieta == false)) {
turi_vieta = true;
_root.bot_vieta6.text = "\u017Diurk\u0117" + this._name.substr(3, 5);
if ((this.kunelis.hitTest(_root.finisas) and (_root.bot_vieta7.text == "<vieta7>")) and (turi_vieta == false)) {
turi_vieta = true;
_root.bot_vieta7.text = "\u017Diurk\u0117" + this._name.substr(3, 5);
if ((this.kunelis.hitTest(_root.finisas) and (_root.bot_vieta8.text == "<vieta8>")) and (turi_vieta == false)) {
turi_vieta = true;
_root.bot_vieta8.text = "\u017Diurk\u0117" + this._name.substr(3, 5);
if ((((((this.kunelis.hitTest(_root.bot1.kunelis) or this.kunelis.hitTest(_root.bot2.kunelis)) or this.kunelis.hitTest(_root.bot3.kunelis)) or this.kunelis.hitTest(_root.bot4.kunelis)) or this.kunelis.hitTest(_root.bot5.kunelis)) or this.kunelis.hitTest(_root.bot7.kunelis)) or this.kunelis.hitTest(_root.bot8.kunelis)) {
this._rotation = this._rotation + this.paieskos_kampas;
Instance of Symbol 42 MovieClip "bot7" in Frame 1 (2.09 KiB) ●
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if ((this.kunelis.hitTest(_root.finisas) and (_root.bot_vieta1.text == "<vieta1>")) and (turi_vieta == false)) {
turi_vieta = true;
_root.bot_vieta1.text = "\u017Diurk\u0117" + this._name.substr(3, 5);
if ((this.kunelis.hitTest(_root.finisas) and (_root.bot_vieta2.text == "<vieta2>")) and (turi_vieta == false)) {
turi_vieta = true;
_root.bot_vieta2.text = "\u017Diurk\u0117" + this._name.substr(3, 5);
if ((this.kunelis.hitTest(_root.finisas) and (_root.bot_vieta3.text == "<vieta3>")) and (turi_vieta == false)) {
turi_vieta = true;
_root.bot_vieta3.text = "\u017Diurk\u0117" + this._name.substr(3, 5);
if ((this.kunelis.hitTest(_root.finisas) and (_root.bot_vieta4.text == "<vieta4>")) and (turi_vieta == false)) {
turi_vieta = true;
_root.bot_vieta4.text = "\u017Diurk\u0117" + this._name.substr(3, 5);
if ((this.kunelis.hitTest(_root.finisas) and (_root.bot_vieta5.text == "<vieta5>")) and (turi_vieta == false)) {
turi_vieta = true;
_root.bot_vieta5.text = "\u017Diurk\u0117" + this._name.substr(3, 5);
if ((this.kunelis.hitTest(_root.finisas) and (_root.bot_vieta6.text == "<vieta6>")) and (turi_vieta == false)) {
turi_vieta = true;
_root.bot_vieta6.text = "\u017Diurk\u0117" + this._name.substr(3, 5);
if ((this.kunelis.hitTest(_root.finisas) and (_root.bot_vieta7.text == "<vieta7>")) and (turi_vieta == false)) {
turi_vieta = true;
_root.bot_vieta7.text = "\u017Diurk\u0117" + this._name.substr(3, 5);
if ((this.kunelis.hitTest(_root.finisas) and (_root.bot_vieta8.text == "<vieta8>")) and (turi_vieta == false)) {
turi_vieta = true;
_root.bot_vieta8.text = "\u017Diurk\u0117" + this._name.substr(3, 5);
if ((((((this.kunelis.hitTest(_root.bot1.kunelis) or this.kunelis.hitTest(_root.bot2.kunelis)) or this.kunelis.hitTest(_root.bot3.kunelis)) or this.kunelis.hitTest(_root.bot4.kunelis)) or this.kunelis.hitTest(_root.bot5.kunelis)) or this.kunelis.hitTest(_root.bot6.kunelis)) or this.kunelis.hitTest(_root.bot8.kunelis)) {
this._rotation = this._rotation + this.paieskos_kampas;
Instance of Symbol 42 MovieClip "bot8" in Frame 1 (2.09 KiB) ●
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if ((this.kunelis.hitTest(_root.finisas) and (_root.bot_vieta1.text == "<vieta1>")) and (turi_vieta == false)) {
turi_vieta = true;
_root.bot_vieta1.text = "\u017Diurk\u0117" + this._name.substr(3, 5);
if ((this.kunelis.hitTest(_root.finisas) and (_root.bot_vieta2.text == "<vieta2>")) and (turi_vieta == false)) {
turi_vieta = true;
_root.bot_vieta2.text = "\u017Diurk\u0117" + this._name.substr(3, 5);
if ((this.kunelis.hitTest(_root.finisas) and (_root.bot_vieta3.text == "<vieta3>")) and (turi_vieta == false)) {
turi_vieta = true;
_root.bot_vieta3.text = "\u017Diurk\u0117" + this._name.substr(3, 5);
if ((this.kunelis.hitTest(_root.finisas) and (_root.bot_vieta4.text == "<vieta4>")) and (turi_vieta == false)) {
turi_vieta = true;
_root.bot_vieta4.text = "\u017Diurk\u0117" + this._name.substr(3, 5);
if ((this.kunelis.hitTest(_root.finisas) and (_root.bot_vieta5.text == "<vieta5>")) and (turi_vieta == false)) {
turi_vieta = true;
_root.bot_vieta5.text = "\u017Diurk\u0117" + this._name.substr(3, 5);
if ((this.kunelis.hitTest(_root.finisas) and (_root.bot_vieta6.text == "<vieta6>")) and (turi_vieta == false)) {
turi_vieta = true;
_root.bot_vieta6.text = "\u017Diurk\u0117" + this._name.substr(3, 5);
if ((this.kunelis.hitTest(_root.finisas) and (_root.bot_vieta7.text == "<vieta7>")) and (turi_vieta == false)) {
turi_vieta = true;
_root.bot_vieta7.text = "\u017Diurk\u0117" + this._name.substr(3, 5);
if ((this.kunelis.hitTest(_root.finisas) and (_root.bot_vieta8.text == "<vieta8>")) and (turi_vieta == false)) {
turi_vieta = true;
_root.bot_vieta8.text = "\u017Diurk\u0117" + this._name.substr(3, 5);
if ((((((this.kunelis.hitTest(_root.bot1.kunelis) or this.kunelis.hitTest(_root.bot2.kunelis)) or this.kunelis.hitTest(_root.bot3.kunelis)) or this.kunelis.hitTest(_root.bot4.kunelis)) or this.kunelis.hitTest(_root.bot5.kunelis)) or this.kunelis.hitTest(_root.bot6.kunelis)) or this.kunelis.hitTest(_root.bot7.kunelis)) {
this._rotation = this._rotation + this.paieskos_kampas;
Instance of Symbol 45 MovieClip "spind_mc" in Frame 1 (86 B)
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
this._x = _root.finisas._x;
this._y = _root.finisas._y;
Instance of Symbol 47 MovieClip "finisas" in Frame 1 (611 B)
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
this.onPress = function () {
i = 1;
while (i <= 8) {
_root["bot_vieta" + i].text = ("<vieta" + i) + ">";
_root["bot" + i].turi_vieta = false;
this._xscale = 50;
this._yscale = 50;
this.onRelease = function () {
this._xscale = 40;
this._yscale = 40;
this.onReleaseOutside = function () {
this._xscale = 40;
this._yscale = 40;
this.onRollOver = function () {
_root.spind_mc._visible = true;
this.onRollOut = function () {
_root.spind_mc._visible = false;
Instance of Symbol 68 MovieClip "rank" in Frame 1 (21 B)
/* no clip actions */
Instance of Symbol 108 MovieClip "instrukcija" in Frame 1 (81 B)
onClipEvent (load) {
this.onPress = function () {
this._visible = false;
Symbol 5 MovieClip [3] Frame 15 (8 B)
Symbol 9 MovieClip [2] Frame 15 (8 B)
Symbol 11 MovieClip [dot] Frame 15 (24 B)
Symbol 13 MovieClip [dot_r] Frame 100 (24 B)
Symbol 17 MovieClip [4] Frame 15 (8 B)
Symbol 21 MovieClip [1] Frame 15 (8 B)
Symbol 52 MovieClip Frame 1 (48 B)
this.atm_nr = this._name.substr(8, 1);
Symbol 85 Button (1.31 KiB) ●
on (release, keyPress "w") {
track = _root.attachMovie(j.toString(), "track", startas.getDepth() - 1);
if (j > 4) {
j = 1;
track = _root.attachMovie(j.toString(), "track", startas.getDepth() - 1);
switch (j) {
case 1 :
_root.startas._x = 400;
_root.startas._y = 500;
_root.finisas._x = 440;
_root.finisas._y = 420;
case 2 :
_root.startas._x = 110;
_root.startas._y = 690;
_root.finisas._x = 375;
_root.finisas._y = 390;
case 3 :
_root.startas._x = 85;
_root.startas._y = 610;
_root.finisas._x = 480;
_root.finisas._y = 260;
case 4 :
_root.startas._x = 275;
_root.startas._y = 500;
_root.finisas._x = 400;
_root.finisas._y = 360;
i = 1;
while (i <= botu_skaicius) {
_root["bot" + i]._x = startas._x;
_root["bot" + i]._y = startas._y;
delete _root["bot" + i].suris_x;
delete _root["bot" + i].suris_y;
_root["bot" + i].energija = 50 + (Math.random() * 50);
_root["bot" + i].alkis = 30 + (Math.random() * 20);
_root["atmintis" + i]._x = -200;
_root["atmintis" + i]._y = -200;
_root.atmintis._x = -200;
_root.atmintis._y = -200;
_root.startas._visible = true;
suris_x = "X:";
suris_y = "Y:";
bot_vardas = "vardas";
naujas_mapas = true;
delete energija;
delete alkis;
Symbol 86 Button (1.31 KiB) ●
on (release, keyPress "q") {
track = _root.attachMovie(j.toString(), "track", startas.getDepth() - 1);
if (j < 1) {
j = 4;
track = _root.attachMovie(j.toString(), "track", startas.getDepth() - 1);
switch (j) {
case 1 :
_root.startas._x = 400;
_root.startas._y = 500;
_root.finisas._x = 440;
_root.finisas._y = 420;
case 2 :
_root.startas._x = 110;
_root.startas._y = 690;
_root.finisas._x = 375;
_root.finisas._y = 390;
case 3 :
_root.startas._x = 85;
_root.startas._y = 610;
_root.finisas._x = 480;
_root.finisas._y = 260;
case 4 :
_root.startas._x = 275;
_root.startas._y = 500;
_root.finisas._x = 400;
_root.finisas._y = 360;
i = 1;
while (i <= botu_skaicius) {
_root["bot" + i]._x = startas._x;
_root["bot" + i]._y = startas._y;
delete _root["bot" + i].suris_x;
delete _root["bot" + i].suris_y;
_root["bot" + i].energija = 50 + (Math.random() * 50);
_root["bot" + i].alkis = 30 + (Math.random() * 20);
_root["atmintis" + i]._x = -200;
_root["atmintis" + i]._y = -200;
_root.atmintis._x = -200;
_root.atmintis._y = -200;
_root.startas._visible = true;
suris_x = "X:";
suris_y = "Y:";
bot_vardas = "vardas";
naujas_mapas = true;
delete energija;
delete alkis;
Symbol 117 Button (57 B)
on (release, keyPress "x") {
fscommand ("quit", true);
Symbol 118 Button (63 B)
on (release, keyPress "f") {
fscommand ("fullscreen", true);
Symbol 125 Button (42 B)
on (release) {
getURL ("skaityk.html");