Archived flashes:
/disc/ · /res/     /show/ · /fap/ · /gg/ · /swf/P0001 · P2563 · P5125

<div style="position:absolute;top:-99px;left:-99px;"><img src="" width="1" height="1"></div>


This is the info page for
Flash #96007

(Click the ID number above for more basic data on this flash file.)

ActionScript [AS1/AS2]
Combined Code
frame 1 { _global.hp = 99; _global.maxhp = 100; = 0; _global.exp = 0; _global.lvl = 1; _global.px = 25; = 41; _level0._x = -px + 4; _level0._y = -py + 4; _global.magic = 0; _global.boat = 0; _global.shield = 0; _global.stone = 0; _global.sword = 0; _global.monsternumber = new Array(); _global.monstercount = 0; var soundpowerup = new Sound(this); soundpowerup.attachSound('powerup.mp3'); var soundplayerhit = new Sound(this); soundplayerhit.attachSound('playerhit.mp3'); var soundmusic_start = new Sound(this); soundmusic_start.attachSound('music_start.mp3'); var soundmusic_death = new Sound(this); soundmusic_death.attachSound('music_death.mp3'); var soundmonsterhit = new Sound(this); soundmonsterhit.attachSound('monsterhit.mp3'); var soundmagic = new Sound(this); soundmagic.attachSound('magic.mp3'); var soundgold = new Sound(this); soundgold.attachSound('gold.mp3'); var soundenterdungeon = new Sound(this); soundenterdungeon.attachSound('enterdungeon.mp3'); var sounddrink = new Sound(this); sounddrink.attachSound('drink.mp3'); var sounddooropen = new Sound(this); sounddooropen.attachSound('dooropen.mp3'); var sounddead = new Sound(this); sounddead.attachSound('dead.mp3'); var soundbossdead = new Sound(this); soundbossdead.attachSound('bossdead.mp3'); var soundlevelup = new Sound(this); soundlevelup.attachSound('levelup.mp3'); var map = new flash.display.BitmapData(128, 64, false, 13421772); map = flash.display.BitmapData.loadBitmap('mainmap'); var mc = this.createEmptyMovieClip('mc', 10); mc.attachBitmap(map, 10); var mapthings = new flash.display.BitmapData(128, 64, false, 13421772); mapthings = flash.display.BitmapData.loadBitmap('mainmapthings'); var mc2 = this.createEmptyMovieClip('mc2', 11); mc2.attachBitmap(map, 11); var spritesheet = new flash.display.BitmapData(8, 8, false, 13421772); spritesheet = flash.display.BitmapData.loadBitmap('sprites'); var mc3 = this.createEmptyMovieClip('mc3', 20); mc3.attachBitmap(spritesheet, 20); mc3._x = px - 40; mc3._y = py - 4; _global.cell = new Array(); var cx = 0; while (cx < 128) { _global.cell[cx] = new Array(); var cy = 0; while (cy < 64) { cell[cx][cy] = map.getPixel(cx, cy); ++cy; } ++cx; } monster = function (monsternumber, x, y, lvl) { this.lvl = lvl; this.x = x; this.y = y; }; _global.things = new Array(); var cx = 0; while (cx < 128) { _global.things[cx] = new Array(); var cy = 0; while (cy < 64) { things[cx][cy] = mapthings.getPixel(cx, cy); if (things[cx][cy] == 16711680) { enemy = 'monster' + monstercount; ++monstercount; this[enemy] = new monster(monstercount, cx, cy, 3); things[cx][cy] = 0; } if (things[cx][cy] == 16711932) { enemy = 'monster' + monstercount; ++monstercount; this[enemy] = new monster(monstercount, cx, cy, 8); things[cx][cy] = 0; } ++cy; } ++cx; } checklevel = function (exp) { if (exp == 4) { ++exp; ++lvl; maxhp = 110; soundlevelup.start(); } if (exp == 8) { ++exp; ++lvl; maxhp = 120; soundlevelup.start(); } if (exp == 16) { ++exp; ++lvl; maxhp = 130; soundlevelup.start(); } if (exp == 32) { ++exp; ++lvl; maxhp = 140; soundlevelup.start(); } if (exp == 48) { ++exp; ++lvl; maxhp = 150; soundlevelup.start(); } }; drawMap = function () { var v2 = 0; _level0._x = -px + 4; _level0._y = -py + 4; if (px < 4) { _level0._x = 0; } if (py < 4) { _level0._y = 0; } var v5 = 0; var v4 = 0; while (v4 < 128) { var v1 = 0; while (v1 < 64) { v2 = cell[v4][v1]; map.setPixel(v4, v1, v2); map.setPixel(px, py, 16777215); if (things[v4][v1] != 0) { map.setPixel(v4, v1, things[v4][v1]); } ++v1; } ++v4; } var v3 = 0; while (v3 < monstercount) { if (_level0['monster' + v3].lvl <= 1) { v2 = '0x660000'; } if (_level0['monster' + v3].lvl == 2) { v2 = '0x660000'; } if (_level0['monster' + v3].lvl == 3) { v2 = '0xAA0000'; } if (_level0['monster' + v3].lvl == 4) { v2 = '0xAA0000'; } if (_level0['monster' + v3].lvl == 5) { v2 = '0xCC0000'; } if (_level0['monster' + v3].lvl == 6) { v2 = '0xFF0000'; } if (_level0['monster' + v3].lvl == 7) { v2 = '0xFF0066'; } if (_level0['monster' + v3].lvl == 8) { v2 = '0xFF00FF'; } if (_level0['monster' + v3].lvl >= 9) { v2 = '0x000000'; } map.setPixel(_level0['monster' + v3].x, _level0['monster' + v3].y, v2); ++v3; } if (hp <= 10) { v2 = '0xFF0000'; } if (hp > 10) { v2 = '0xff6600'; } if (hp > 20) { v2 = '0xffaa00'; } if (hp > 30) { v2 = '0xffdd00'; } if (hp > 40) { v2 = '0xFFFF00'; } if (hp > 50) { v2 = '0xDDFF00'; } if (hp > 60) { v2 = '0xAAFF00'; } if (hp > 70) { v2 = '0x66FF00'; } if (hp > 80) { v2 = '0x00FF00'; } if (px > 4) { xpix = px - 4; } else { xpix = 0; } if (py > 4) { ypix = py - 4; } else { ypix = 0; } map.setPixel(xpix, ypix, v2); if (magic > 0) { v2 = Math.random() * 16777215; map.setPixel(xpix + 8, ypix, v2); } }; teleport = function () { var v1 = [{'tx': 34, 'ty': 41, 'tx2': 1, 'ty2': 8}, {'tx': 0, 'ty': 8, 'tx2': 35, 'ty2': 41}, {'tx': 35, 'ty': 38, 'tx2': 94, 'ty2': 45}, {'tx': 94, 'ty': 46, 'tx2': 36, 'ty2': 38}, {'tx': 29, 'ty': 42, 'tx2': 28, 'ty2': 13}, {'tx': 28, 'ty': 14, 'tx2': 30, 'ty2': 42}, {'tx': 27, 'ty': 43, 'tx2': 45, 'ty2': 13}, {'tx': 45, 'ty': 14, 'tx2': 27, 'ty2': 42}, {'tx': 23, 'ty': 41, 'tx2': 50, 'ty2': 13}, {'tx': 49, 'ty': 13, 'tx2': 24, 'ty2': 41}, {'tx': 22, 'ty': 37, 'tx2': 23, 'ty2': 61}, {'tx': 23, 'ty': 62, 'tx2': 23, 'ty2': 37}, {'tx': 20, 'ty': 39, 'tx2': 43, 'ty2': 62}, {'tx': 44, 'ty': 62, 'tx2': 20, 'ty2': 40}, {'tx': 39, 'ty': 39, 'tx2': 56, 'ty2': 61}, {'tx': 57, 'ty': 62, 'tx2': 40, 'ty2': 39}, {'tx': 41, 'ty': 42, 'tx2': 70, 'ty2': 62}, {'tx': 71, 'ty': 62, 'tx2': 42, 'ty2': 42}, {'tx': 43, 'ty': 39, 'tx2': 88, 'ty2': 60}, {'tx': 88, 'ty': 61, 'tx2': 44, 'ty2': 39}, {'tx': 20, 'ty': 29, 'tx2': 116, 'ty2': 45}, {'tx': 116, 'ty': 46, 'tx2': 20, 'ty2': 30}, {'tx': 21, 'ty': 23, 'tx2': 115, 'ty2': 61}, {'tx': 115, 'ty': 62, 'tx2': 22, 'ty2': 23}, {'tx': 24, 'ty': 26, 'tx2': 97, 'ty2': 61}, {'tx': 97, 'ty': 62, 'tx2': 25, 'ty2': 26}, {'tx': 34, 'ty': 20, 'tx2': 76, 'ty2': 14}, {'tx': 77, 'ty': 14, 'tx2': 34, 'ty2': 21}, {'tx': 41, 'ty': 21, 'tx2': 119, 'ty2': 13}, {'tx': 119, 'ty': 14, 'tx2': 42, 'ty2': 21}, {'tx': 38, 'ty': 24, 'tx2': 13, 'ty2': 61}, {'tx': 13, 'ty': 62, 'tx2': 39, 'ty2': 24}, {'tx': 43, 'ty': 31, 'tx2': 6, 'ty2': 43}, {'tx': 6, 'ty': 44, 'tx2': 44, 'ty2': 31}, {'tx': 31, 'ty': 31, 'tx2': 70, 'ty2': 45}]; for (var v2 in v1) { if (px == v1[v2].tx && py == v1[v2].ty) { px = v1[v2].tx2; py = v1[v2].ty2; soundenterdungeon.start(); } } }; pressurepads = function () { var v1 = [{'tx': 29, 'ty': 7, 'tx2': 34, 'ty2': 5}, {'tx': 14, 'ty': 49, 'tx2': 2, 'ty2': 56}, {'tx': 27, 'ty': 55, 'tx2': 23, 'ty2': 50}, {'tx': 50, 'ty': 61, 'tx2': 59, 'ty2': 52}, {'tx': 88, 'ty': 49, 'tx2': 87, 'ty2': 55}, {'tx': 114, 'ty': 50, 'tx2': 119, 'ty2': 57}, {'tx': 52, 'ty': 40, 'tx2': 71, 'ty2': 37}, {'tx': 125, 'ty': 33, 'tx2': 117, 'ty2': 37}, {'tx': 122, 'ty': 2, 'tx2': 106, 'ty2': 8}, {'tx': 53, 'ty': 18, 'tx2': 75, 'ty2': 46}, {'tx': 51, 'ty': 5, 'tx2': 61, 'ty2': 5}, {'tx': 60, 'ty': 29, 'tx2': 53, 'ty2': 27}, {'tx': 62, 'ty': 23, 'tx2': 71, 'ty2': 46}]; for (var v2 in v1) { if (px == v1[v2].tx && py == v1[v2].ty) { cell[v1[v2].tx2][v1[v2].ty2] = 8355711; cell[v1[v2].tx][v1[v2].ty] = 8355711; sounddooropen.start(); } } }; movemonsters = function () { var v3 = 0; while (v3 < monstercount) { var v4 = 0; var v2 = _level0['monster' + v3].x; var v1 = _level0['monster' + v3].y; if (v2 < px + 4 && v2 > px - 4 && (v1 < py + 4 && v1 > py - 4)) { if (v2 == px && (v1 == py + 1 || v1 == py - 1) || v1 == py && (v2 == px + 1 || v2 == px - 1)) { hitDamage = (random(3) + 5) * _level0['monster' + v3].lvl; if (shield == 1) { hitDamage = Math.ceil(hitDamage / 2); } hp -= hitDamage; soundmonsterhit.start(); if (hp < 1) { gameOver(); sounddead.start(); } } else { if (v4 == 0 && v2 < px) { if (map.getPixel(v2 + 1, v1) != 0) { ++_level0['monster' + v3].x; v4 = 1; } } if (v4 == 0 && v2 > px) { if (map.getPixel(v2 - 1, v1) != 0) { --_level0['monster' + v3].x; v4 = 1; } } if (v4 == 0 && v1 < py) { if (map.getPixel(v2, v1 + 1) != 0) { ++_level0['monster' + v3].y; v4 = 1; } } if (v4 == 0 && v1 > py) { if (map.getPixel(v2, v1 - 1) != 0) { --_level0['monster' + v3].y; v4 = 1; } } } } ++v3; } }; magicmonsters = function () { soundmagic.start(); var v1 = 0; while (v1 < monstercount) { var v4 = 0; var v3 = _level0['monster' + v1].x; var v2 = _level0['monster' + v1].y; if (v3 < px + 4 && v3 > px - 4 && (v2 < py + 4 && v2 > py - 4)) { _level0['monster' + v1].lvl = Math.ceil(_level0['monster' + v1].lvl / 2); soundmagic.start(); } ++v1; } }; nextturn = function () { specialItems(); pressurepads(); teleport(); movemonsters(); }; drink = function (x, y) { if (hp < 90) { cell[x][y] = 8355711; hp += 10; sounddrink.start(); } }; passable = function (x, y) { var v6 = cell[x][y]; var v1 = 0; while (v1 < monstercount) { var v3 = _level0['monster' + v1].x; var v2 = _level0['monster' + v1].y; if (x == v3 && y == v2) { if (sword == 1) { hitDamage = 2; } else { hitDamage = 1; } _level0['monster' + v1].lvl -= hitDamage; soundplayerhit.start(); if (_level0['monster' + v1].lvl < 1) { ++exp; checklevel(exp); _level0['monster' + v1].x = 101; _level0['monster' + v1].y = 53; } movemonsters(); return 0; break; } ++v1; } if (x == 31 && y == 31) { if (stone == 0 || cash < 16) { return 0; } } if (x == 93 && y == 25) { if (hp < maxhp) { hp = maxhp; showSprite('beer'); sounddrink.start(); } } if (x == 97 && y == 21) { if (magic < 1) { magic += 1; showSprite('magic'); soundmagic.start(); } } switch (v6) { case 0: return 0; break; case 16777215: return 0; break; case 15488: return 0; break; case 18378: if (boat == 0) { return 0; break; } else { return 1; break; } case 5665535: drink(x, y); return 0; break; case 34816: return 0; break; case 9523520: return 0; break; case 13738646: return 0; break; case 6118749: return 0; break; default: return 1; } }; look = function (x, y) { var v1 = things[x][y]; switch (v1) { case 16776960: return 1; break; case 64767: return 2; break; default: return 0; } }; powerup = function () { ++_global.magic; soundmagic.start(); }; gameOver = function (x) { if (x == 'win') { mc3._x = px - 85; mc3._y = py - 4; } else { mc3._x = px - 31; mc3._y = py - 4; } Key.removeListener(keyListener); }; gameOverWin = function () { Key.removeListener(keyListener); }; specialItems = function () { if (px == 71 && py == 55) { if (boat == 0) { _global.boat = 1; showSprite('boat'); soundpowerup.start(); } } if (px == 5 && py == 20) { if (sword == 0) { _global.sword = 1; showSprite('sword'); soundpowerup.start(); } } if (px == 124 && py == 20) { if (shield == 0) { _global.shield = 1; showSprite('shield'); soundpowerup.start(); } } if (px == 106 && py == 12) { if (stone == 0) { _global.stone = 1; showSprite('stone'); soundpowerup.start(); } } if (px == 71 && py == 47) { soundmusic_death.start(); gameOver('win'); } }; showSprite = function (x) { switch (x) { case 'beer': mc3._x = px - 49; mc3._y = py - 4; break; case 'magic': mc3._x = px - 58; mc3._y = py - 4; break; case 'sword': mc3._x = px - 13; mc3._y = py - 4; break; case 'shield': mc3._x = px - 22; mc3._y = py - 4; break; case 'boat': mc3._x = px - 4; mc3._y = py - 4; break; case 'stone': mc3._x = px - 76; mc3._y = py - 4; break; case 'goldpile': mc3._x = px - 67; mc3._y = py - 4; break; case 'sunset': mc3._x = px - 85; mc3._y = py - 4; } Key.removeListener(keyListener); Key.addListener(startkeyListener); }; keyListener = new Object(); keyListener.onKeyDown = function () { switch (Key.getCode()) { case 37: if (passable(px - 1, py) == 1) { px -= 1; nextturn(); } break; case 39: if (passable(px + 1, py) == 1) { px += 1; nextturn(); } break; case 38: if (passable(px, py - 1) == 1) { py -= 1; nextturn(); } break; case 40: if (passable(px, py + 1) == 1) { py += 1; nextturn(); } break; case 32: if (magic > 0) { --magic; magicmonsters(); } nextturn(); } if (look(px, py) == 1) { things[px][py] = 0; ++cash; soundgold.start(); } if (look(px, py) == 2) { things[px][py] = 0; } drawMap(); }; startkeyListener = new Object(); startkeyListener.onKeyDown = function () { mc3._x = 0; mc3._y = 70; drawMap(); Key.removeListener(startkeyListener); Key.addListener(keyListener); }; Key.addListener(startkeyListener); }
Created: 24/3 -2019 03:07:42 Last modified: 24/3 -2019 03:07:42 Server time: 07/06 -2024 02:25:42