Frame 1
function abs(x) {
if (x >= 0) {
function decir(clip, c, t) {
var _local4 = "";
if (_root["Bocadillo" + clip].apilar == 0) {
_root["Bocadillo" + clip].apilar++;
_local4 = "-";
var _local2 = _root.attachMovie("Bocadillo", ("Bocadillo" + clip) + _local4, _root.getNextHighestDepth());
_local2.tiempo = t;
_local2.texto = c;
_local2.clip = clip;
_local2.apilar = 0;
_local2._xscale = _root.abs(clip._xscale);
_local2._yscale = _root.abs(clip._yscale);
_global.Titulo = "SEX REALM";
_global.Version = "v0.31";
_global.keyA = 90;
_global.keyB = 88;
_global.keyC = 67;
_global.keyX = 65;
_global.keyY = 83;
_global.keyZ = 68;
_global.keyL = 81;
_global.keyR = 87;
_global.keyUP = 38;
_global.keyDO = 40;
_global.keyLE = 37;
_global.keyRI = 39;
_global.ITEMScOBJ = 4;
_global.ITEMScCLO = 3;
_global.ITEMScWPN = 3;
_global.ITEMSc = (_global.ITEMScOBJ + _global.ITEMScCLO) + _global.ITEMScWPN;
_global.ITEMSf = 3;
_global.MAXITEMS = _global.ITEMSc * _global.ITEMSf;
_global.MAXEQUIP = 9;
fscommand ("showmenu", "false");
str_preloader = "Warning:\nThis game contains animated violence and weird sex. It's absolutely not recommended for people under 18 and even for most people over.\n\nThis game is totally free. If you've paid for it, you are a dumbass.";
str_desc1 = "This is the amazing story of a gorgeous girl named Beth, and her dangerous travel to escape from a world of depravity and hazard.";
str_desc2 = "Beth is a beautiful girl that loves spending her time:";
str_desc3 = "reading and studing.\ngoing shopping.\npractising martial arts.\nplaying Warcraft.";
str_desc4 = "She likes looking:";
str_desc5 = "discrete.\nsexy.\nprovocative.";
str_desc6 = "The sex she has had until now is:";
str_desc7 = "with herself only.\nkissing and petting with a boyfriend she had.\ntried penetration and oral with a couple of boyfriends, and she liked it.";
str_intro1 = "One day, when Beth was going back home from class, she found one of her classmates. He was a shy boy who had never said more than five words to her before.";
str_intro2 = "Hi Beth. Can I ask you something?";
str_intro3 = "Sure. Go ahead.";
str_intro4 = "Would you like to go on a date with me?";
str_intro5 = "Mmmmmmmmmm, you must be fucking crazy. Hahahahahaha";
str_intro6 = "What a fucking bitch!";
str_intro7 = "\n\nActually, she was pretty unfair with him. But that day she had received a bad mark in a test and didn't feel any desire to be polite.";
str_intro8 = "And so, this angry boy started his evil vengeance plan.";
str_intro9 = "\n\nHe planned to use an old book he stole from the library of a university in Massachusetts a few years ago. This book contains the translation to pseudocode of ancient and unspeakable necromancy rituals. It also describes how to channel the archaic powers of those relics using a computer.";
str_intro10 = "He bought on eBay all the relics described in the book that he could find. Then, he programmed some malign subroutines to simulate a Virtual Reality environment based in the hentai games he had played. This virtual world was full of the obscene dangers he wanted her to suffer.\n\nHis evil plan was almost finished.";
str_intro11 = "Beth was at home with her computer when suddenly...";
str_intro12 = "\n...her laptop's webcam self-activated and shot a red light.";
str_intro13 = "\n\nWhen the light ceased, she had vanished.";
bytes_cargados = getBytesLoaded();
bytes_totales = getBytesTotal();
var c;
_root.barraCarga.b1 = bytes_cargados;
_root.barraCarga.b2 = 0;
_root.barraCarga.b3 = 0;
_root.barraCarga.Mb1 = bytes_totales;
_root.barraCarga.Mb2 = 1;
_root.barraCarga.Mb3 = 1;
c = (100 * bytes_cargados) / bytes_totales;
_global.carga = Math.round(c) + "%";
if (c > 20) {
_root.Warning._visible = true;
} else {
_root.Warning._visible = false;
if (c < 100) {
_root.Boton_over18._visible = false;
} else {
_root.Boton_over18._visible = true;
Frame 2
gotoAndPlay ("Preloader");
Frame 3
_global.inGameMenu = false;
_global.ColorParpado = 1;
_global.BasicAP = 0;
_global.Slut = 4;
_global.Rubor = 0;
_global.GeekBoca = 1;
_global.GeekMejillas = false;
_global.GeekMano = 1;
var obje = new Array();
var equip = new Array();
var i = 0;
while (i < _global.MAXITEMS) {
obje[i] = new item();
var i = 0;
while (i < _global.MAXEQUIP) {
equip[i] = new item();
_root.equip[6].N = "Item_Camiseta1";
_root.equip[7].N = "Item_Panta1";
_root.equip[3].N = "Item_Zapato1";
Frame 6
function round(x) {
var _local1 = Math.round(x);
if (_local1 > x) {
return(_local1 - 1);
function mod(x, y) {
return(round(x) - (round(y) * round(x / y)));
function max(x, y) {
if (y > x) {
x = y;
function dentrodelcamino(vx, vy) {
return(_root.Camino.hitTest(vx, vy, true));
function textoflotante(t, x, y, c) {
var _local3 = _root.attachMovie("TextoFlotante", "textoF" + _global.numtextos, _root.getNextHighestDepth());
_local3._x = x;
_local3._y = y;
_local3.t = t;
_local3.c = c;
if (_global.numtextos > 20) {
_global.numtextos = 0;
function heal(x, px, py) {
var _local2 = ("+" + x) + " HP";
_root.textoflotante(_local2, px, py, 3);
function da\u00F1o(x, y, px, py) {
x = x - y;
if (x < 0) {
x = 0;
var _local3 = ("-" + x) + " HP";
_root.textoflotante(_local3, px, py, 2);
function exp(x, px, py) {
var _local2 = ("+" + x) + " EXP";
_root.Beth.XP = _root.Beth.XP + x;
_root.textoflotante(_local2, px, py, 1);
if (_root.Beth.XP >= nextlevel(_root.Beth.level)) {
_root.textoflotante("LEVEL UP!", _root.Beth._x, _root.Beth._y, 3);
_root.Beth.MAP = _root.Beth.level * 10;
_root.Beth.MHP = (_root.Beth.level * 5) + 5;
if (_root.Beth.MMP > 0) {
_root.Beth.MMP = _root.Beth.level * 5;
} = 10 + _root.Beth.level;
_root.Beth.HP = _root.Beth.HP + 5;
function d(x, y) {
return(round(round(Math.random() * x) + y));
function barra(cl, sc, x, Mx, y, My, z, Mz) {
var _local1 = cl.attachMovie("Barras3", "Bar", cl.getNextHighestDepth());
_local1.b3 = 1;
_local1.Mb3 = 1;
_local1._xscale = sc;
_local1._yscale = sc;
_local1._y = (-cl._height) * 10;
_local1.b1 = x;
_local1.b2 = y;
_local1.b3 = z;
_local1.Mb1 = Mx;
_local1.Mb2 = My;
_local1.Mb3 = Mz;
function darSombra(cl) {
var _local3 = _root.Sombra.attachMovie("sombra", "sombra" + _global.SOMBRAS, _root.Sombra.getNextHighestDepth());
_local3.objetivo = cl;
function darSombraInmovil(cl) {
var _local3 = _root.Sombra.attachMovie("sombra_inmovil", "sombra" + _global.SOMBRAS, _root.Sombra.getNextHighestDepth());
_local3.objetivo = cl;
function nextlevel(x) {
if (x == 1) {
if (x == 2) {
if (x == 3) {
function distancia(c1, c2, vx, vy) {
return((Math.abs(c2._y - c1._y) < vy) && (Math.abs(c2._x - c1._x) < vx));
function darProfundidad(c) {
var _local3 = _root.ancla.getDepth() + c._y;
function lanzarConjuro(caster, altura, _arg5) {
var _local2 = 0;
while (_root.spell[_local2]._visible && (_local2 < MAXspell)) {
if (_local2 < MAXspell) {
_root.spell[_local2]._visible = true;
_root.spell[_local2]._xscale = caster._xscale * 10;
_root.spell[_local2]._x = caster._x + (caster._xscale * 2);
_root.spell[_local2]._y = caster._y;
_root.spell[_local2].vel = (caster._xscale * 4) / 10;
var _local4 = _root.spell[_local2].attachMovie("Spell_Fireball", "S_FB", _root.spell[_local2].getNextHighestDepth());
_local4._y = -altura;
_root.spell[_local2].clip = _local4;
_root.spell[_local2].fin = false;
_root.spell[_local2].timer = 30;
_root.spell[_local2]["da\u00F1o"] = _arg5;
function itemInv(c1, n) {
var _local6;
var _local4;
var _local3 = _root.Inventario.attachMovie(c1, "itemInv" + n, _root.Inventario.getNextHighestDepth());
_local6 = _local3._height;
_local4 = _local3._width;
_local4 = max(_local6, _local4);
_local3._height = (100 * _local3._height) / _local4;
_local3._width = (100 * _local3._width) / _local4;
_local3._x = (((100 - _local3.getBounds(_root.Inventario).xMax) - ((100 - _local3._width) / 2)) + 50) + (150 * _root.round(n / _global.ITEMSf));
_local3._y = (100 - _local3.getBounds(_root.Inventario).yMax) + (100 + (200 * _root.mod(n, _global.ITEMSf)));
_local3._visible = true;
_local3.onEnterFrame = _root.nula;
function addToInv(c, n, d, t, e) {
var _local3;
var _local4 = -1;
var _local5;
_local3 = _global.MAXITEMS - 1;
while (_local3 > -1) {
if (c == _root.obje[_local3].N) {
if (_root.obje[_local3].n > 0) {
_local4 = _local3;
if (_local4 > -1) {
_root.obje[_local4].n = _root.obje[_local4].n + n;
} else {
if (t == 0) {
_local5 = 0;
e = -1;
} else if (t == 1) {
_local5 = _global.ITEMScOBJ;
} else {
_local5 = _global.ITEMScOBJ + _global.ITEMScCLO;
_local5 = (_local5 * _global.ITEMSf) - 1;
_local3 = _global.MAXITEMS - 1;
while (_local3 > _local5) {
if (_root.obje[_local3].n == 0) {
_local4 = _local3;
_root.obje[_local4].clip = _root.itemInv(c, _local4);
_root.obje[_local4].n = n;
_root.obje[_local4].N = c;
_root.obje[_local4].d = d;
_root.obje[_local4].t = t;
_root.obje[_local4].e = e;
function equiparObjeto(i) {
var _local3 = obje[i].e;
if (obje[i].N == "Item_Remove") {
equip[8].N = "";
if (_global.Slut > 0) {
equip[3].N = "";
if (_global.Slut > 9) {
equip[6].N = "";
if (_global.Slut > 14) {
equip[7].N = "";
if (_global.Slut > 29) {
equip[1].N = "";
if (_global.Slut > 49) {
equip[2].N = "";
} else {
if (equip[_local3].N != "") {
equip[_local3].N = obje[i].N;
equip[_local3].clip = obje[i].clip.duplicateMovieClip("equip" + _local3, _root.Inventario.getNextHighestDepth());
equip[_local3].clip._x = 0;
equip[_local3].clip._y = 0;
equip[_local3].clip._xscale = equip[_local3].clip._xscale * 0.75;
equip[_local3].clip._yscale = equip[_local3].clip._yscale * 0.75;
equip[_local3].clip._x = (75 - equip[_local3].clip.getBounds(_root.Inventario).xMax) - ((75 - equip[_local3].clip._width) / 2);
equip[_local3].clip._y = 75 - equip[_local3].clip.getBounds(_root.Inventario).yMax;
equip[_local3].clip._x = equip[_local3].clip._x + (1560 + (355 * _root.round(_local3 / 4)));
equip[_local3].clip._y = equip[_local3].clip._y + (100 + (100 * _root.mod(_local3, 4)));
function usarObjeto(i) {
if (obje[i].N == "Mando") {
_root.Inventario.attachMovie("Menu_Setup", "Menu_Setup", _root.Inventario.getNextHighestDepth());
_global.inGameMenu = true;
} else if (obje[i].N == "Item_Champi") {
_root.Beth.HP = _root.Beth.HP + _root.heal(3, _root.Beth._x, _root.Beth._y);
} else if (obje[i].N == "Item_ChampiV") {
_root.Beth.HP = _root.Beth.HP - _root.da\u00F1o(5, 0, _root.Beth._x, _root.Beth._y);
} else if (obje[i].N == "Item_ChampiM") {
_root.Beth.HP = _root.Beth.HP + _root.heal(5, _root.Beth._x, _root.Beth._y);
} else if (obje[i].N == "Item_PotionHP1") {
_root.Beth.HP = _root.Beth.HP + _root.heal(5, _root.Beth._x, _root.Beth._y);
} else {
if (obje[i].n < 1) {
obje[i].N = "";
obje[i].d = "";
if (_root.Beth.HP > _root.Beth.MHP) {
_root.Beth.HP = _root.Beth.MHP;
function isItemInInv(it, cantidad) {
var _local3 = false;
var _local2;
_local2 = 0;
while (_local2 < _global.MAXITEMS) {
if (obje[_local2].N == it) {
if (obje[_local2].n >= cantidad) {
_local3 = true;
function removeItemInInv(it, cantidad) {
var _local5 = false;
var _local2;
var _local3 = -1;
_local2 = 0;
while (_local2 < _global.MAXITEMS) {
if (obje[_local2].N == it) {
_local3 = _local2;
if (_local3 >= 0) {
if (obje[_local3].n >= cantidad) {
obje[_local3].n = obje[_local3].n - cantidad;
if (obje[_local3].n < 1) {
obje[_local3].N = "";
obje[_local3].d = "";
function crearInventarioInicial() {
_root.addToInv("Mando", 1, "This option opens Setup menu.", 0, 1);
_root.addToInv("Item_Remove", 1, "This option removes clothes. The clothes I take off depend of how shy I feel.", 1, 1);
_root.addToInv("Item_SujeB", 1, "White and sexy underwear", 1, 1);
_root.addToInv("Item_Braguitas", 1, "White and sexy underwear", 1, 2);
if (_root.equip[8].N == "Item_Gafas") {
_root.addToInv(_root.equip[8].N, 1, "Sexy graduated glasses. My vision isn't that bad so I don't really need them. Just for reading, but I like them.", 1, 8);
if (_root.equip[6].N == "Item_Camiseta1") {
_root.addToInv(_root.equip[6].N, 1, "Green T-Shirt with a pink heart on it.", 1, 6);
if (_root.equip[6].N == "Item_Camiseta3") {
_root.addToInv(_root.equip[6].N, 1, "Black T-Shirt with a purple skull.", 1, 6);
if (_root.equip[6].N == "Item_Top") {
_root.addToInv(_root.equip[6].N, 1, "Ultrasexy top.", 1, 6);
if (_root.equip[6].N == "Item_Top2") {
_root.addToInv(_root.equip[6].N, 1, "I love this top.", 1, 6);
if (_root.equip[7].N == "Item_Panta1") {
_root.addToInv(_root.equip[7].N, 1, "Short cute pants.", 1, 7);
if (_root.equip[7].N == "Item_Panta2") {
_root.addToInv(_root.equip[7].N, 1, "Fashion white pants.", 1, 7);
if (_root.equip[7].N == "Item_Panta3") {
_root.addToInv(_root.equip[7].N, 1, "My favourite jeans.", 1, 7);
if (_root.equip[7].N == "Item_Falda1") {
_root.addToInv(_root.equip[7].N, 1, "Short enough purple skirt.", 1, 7);
if (_root.equip[3].N == "Item_Zapato1") {
_root.addToInv(_root.equip[3].N, 1, "White shoes.", 1, 3);
if (_root.equip[3].N == "Item_Zapato2") {
_root.addToInv(_root.equip[3].N, 1, "Pink sport shoes.", 1, 3);
if (_root.equip[3].N == "Item_Zapato3") {
_root.addToInv(_root.equip[3].N, 1, "Black sandals.", 1, 3);
var _local3 = 0;
while (_local3 < _global.MAXITEMS) {
if (_root.obje[_local3].e >= 0) {
function nula() {
function addSprite(c) {
var _local1;
var _local2 = -1;
_local1 = 0;
while (_local1 < numsprites) {
if (c == sprite[_local1]) {
_local2 = _local1;
if (_local2 < 0) {
sprite[numsprites] = c;
function ordenarSprites() {
var _local2;
var _local1;
var _local3;
_local2 = 1;
while (_local2 < numsprites) {
if (sprite[_local2]._y < sprite[_local2 - 1]._y) {
_local1 = _local2;
while ((_local1 > 0) && (sprite[_local1]._y < sprite[_local1 - 1]._y)) {
_local3 = sprite[_local1];
sprite[_local1] = sprite[_local1 - 1];
sprite[_local1 - 1] = _local3;
_local2 = 1;
while (_local2 < numsprites) {
if (sprite[_local2].getDepth() < sprite[_local2 - 1].getDepth()) {
_local1 = _local2;
while ((_local1 > 0) && (sprite[_local1].getDepth() < sprite[_local1 - 1].getDepth())) {
sprite[_local1].swapDepths(sprite[_local1 - 1]);
function labelNumber(c, etiqueta) {
_global.numtextos = 0;
_global.SOMBRAS = 0;
_root.Camino._visible = false;
var numsprites = 0;
var sprite = new Array();
var MAXspell = 10;
var spell = new Array();
spell[0] = Spell0;
spell[1] = Spell1;
spell[2] = Spell2;
spell[3] = Spell3;
spell[4] = Spell4;
spell[5] = Spell5;
spell[6] = Spell6;
spell[7] = Spell7;
spell[8] = Spell8;
spell[9] = Spell9;
_root.RataBoss._visible = false;
_root.Gnomo._visible = false;
_root.cofre1_botin1._visible = false;
_root.cofre1_botin2._visible = false;
_root.cofre1_botin3._visible = false;
_root.cofre1_botin4._visible = false;
_global.muertesPorRata = 0;
Instance of Symbol 436 MovieClip "Beth" in Frame 6
onClipEvent (load) {
function mover_beth(xx, yy) {
var _local4;
var _local3;
var _local5;
_local4 = this._x + xx;
_local3 = this._y + yy;
_local5 = _root.dentrodelcamino(_local4, _local3);
if (_local5) {
if (xx > 0) {
this._xscale = 10;
if (xx < 0) {
this._xscale = -10;
this._x = _local4;
this._y = _local3;
if (!andando) {
andando = true;
ac = frame_andar1;
tecla = true;
function decir(c, t) {
_root.Bocadillo_Beth.tiempo = t;
_root.Bocadillo_Beth.texto = c;
function da\u00F1oPatadaBeth() {
if (AP < MAP) {
if ((Math.random() * MAP) > AP) {
return(_root.d(6, AP / 10));
function nosesale() {
if (this._xscale > 0) {
if (!_root.ZonaPatadas.hitTest(this._x, this._y, true)) {
while ((!_root.dentrodelcamino(this.getBounds(_root).xMax, this._y)) && (_root.dentrodelcamino(this._x, this._y))) {
this._x = this._x - 2;
if (!_root.dentrodelcamino(this._x, this._y)) {
this._x = this._x + 2;
} else if (!_root.ZonaPatadas.hitTest(this._x, this._y, true)) {
while ((!_root.dentrodelcamino(this.getBounds(_root).xMin, this._y)) && (_root.dentrodelcamino(this._x, this._y))) {
this._x = this._x + 2;
if (!_root.dentrodelcamino(this._x, this._y)) {
this._x = this._x - 2;
_global.sudor = 0;
_global.ojoD = 2;
_global.ojoI = 2;
_global.Boca = 2;
_global.CejaI = 1;
_global.CejaD = 1;
_global.Rubor = 0;
_global.ManoD = 1;
_global.interaccion = 0;
var frame_patada = _root.labelNumber(this, "patada");
var frame_respirar = _root.labelNumber(this, "fin_de_respiracion");
var frame_andar1 = _root.labelNumber(this, "andar");
var frame_andar2 = _root.labelNumber(this, "andar2");
var frame_andar_fin = _root.labelNumber(this, "fin_de_andar");
var frame_spell = _root.labelNumber(this, "spell");
var estado = 101;
var level = 1;
var HP = 10;
var MP = 0;
var SP = 0;
var XP = 0;
var AP = 0;
var CAF = 0;
var slut = _global.Slut;
var sexy = 10;
var MHP = 10;
var MMP = 1;
var MSP = 100;
var MAP = 10;
var vel = 3;
var vel_2 = 2;
var tecla = false;
var andando = false;
var stats = false;
_root.Stats._visible = false;
var inventario = false;
_root.Inventario._visible = false;
var nopress;
var sombra = _root.darSombra(this);
var velx2 = (vel * 2);
var gui\u00F1o = 0;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
var i;
var ac;
tecla = false;
if (!Key.isDown(nopress)) {
nopress = 0;
if (estado == 0) {
if (_root.Inventario._visible) {
if (nopress == 0) {
if (!_global.inGameMenu) {
if (Key.isDown(_global.keyRI)) {
i = _root.Inventario.selec + _global.ITEMSf;
if (i < _global.MAXITEMS) {
_root.Inventario.selec = i;
nopress = _global.keyRI;
if (Key.isDown(_global.keyLE)) {
i = _root.Inventario.selec - _global.ITEMSf;
if (i >= 0) {
_root.Inventario.selec = i;
nopress = _global.keyLE;
if (Key.isDown(_global.keyDO)) {
if (_root.mod(_root.Inventario.selec, _global.ITEMSf) < (_global.ITEMSf - 1)) {
nopress = _global.keyDO;
if (Key.isDown(_global.keyUP)) {
if (_root.mod(_root.Inventario.selec, _global.ITEMSf) > 0) {
nopress = _global.keyUP;
if (Key.isDown(_global.keyC)) {
if (_root.obje[_root.Inventario.selec].e >= 0) {
} else {
nopress = _global.keyC;
} else {
if (Key.isDown(_global.keyRI)) {
mover_beth(vel, 0);
if (Key.isDown(_global.keyLE)) {
mover_beth(-vel, 0);
if (Key.isDown(_global.keyDO)) {
mover_beth(0, vel_2);
if (Key.isDown(_global.keyUP)) {
mover_beth(0, -vel_2);
if (Key.isDown(_global.keyC)) {
gotoAndPlay ("patada");
estado = 3;
tecla = true;
ac = 0;
if (Key.isDown(_global.keyB)) {
if (nopress == 0) {
if (_root.equip[4].N != "") {
gotoAndPlay ("spell");
ac = 0;
estado = 10;
tecla = true;
} else {
_root.decir(this, "No Rune equiped.", 50);
nopress = _global.keyB;
} else if (Key.isDown(_global.keyA)) {
if (nopress == 0) {
estado = 18;
ac = 0;
tecla = false;
nopress = _global.keyA;
} else if (Key.isDown(_global.keyX)) {
if (nopress == 0) {
estado = 19;
ac = 0;
tecla = false;
nopress = _global.keyX;
if (!tecla) {
gotoAndStop ("parada");
andando = false;
if (gui\u00F1o == 0) {
i = Math.random();
if (i < 0.0001) {
Set("gui\u00F1o", 1);
} else if (!_root.dentrodelcamino(this._x, this._y)) {
mover_beth(velx2, -velx2);
mover_beth(velx2, velx2);
mover_beth(-velx2, -velx2);
mover_beth(-velx2, velx2);
} else if (estado == 3) {
if (ac > 8) {
estado = 0;
andando = false;
ac = -20;
} else if (estado == 10) {
if (ac == 3) {
} else if (ac > 10) {
estado = 0;
andando = false;
ac = -20;
} else if (ac == 7) {
if (MP > 1) {
_root.lanzarConjuro(this, 47, 5);
} else {
_root.decir(this, "This spell needs more magic power.", 50);
} else if (ac > 8) {
gotoAndStop((frame_spell - ac) + 12);
} else if (estado == 18) {
if (ac > 2) {
estado = 0;
} else if (estado == 19) {
if (ac > 2) {
estado = 0;
} else if (estado == 20) {
} else if (estado == 21) {
if (ac > 70) {
Set("gui\u00F1o", 0);
_global.Boca = 3;
} else if ((ac > 45) && (ac <= 70)) {
myColor = new Color(_root);
myColorTransform = new Object();
var col = ((ac - 45) * 4);
myColorTransform = {ra:col, rb:0, ga:col, gb:0, ba:col, bb:0, aa:100, ab:0};
_global.ojoD = 2;
_global.ojoI = 2;
} else if (ac == 45) {
gotoAndPlay ("intro");
if (MMP > 1) {
SP = 0;
} else if (estado == 101) {
gotoAndPlay ("intro");
AP = _global.BasicAP;
estado = 999;
} else if (estado == 102) {
if (ac > (frame_patada - 13)) {
Set("gui\u00F1o", 0);
_global.CejaI = 2;
_global.CejaD = 2;
_global.Boca = 4;
} else if (ac < 70) {
ac = 0;
estado = 103;
} else if (estado == 103) {
if (ac > 10) {
estado = 104;
var Eclip = _root.attachMovie("Screen_Muerte", "SM", _root.getNextHighestDepth());
Eclip._x = _root.Camara._x;
Eclip._y = _root.Camara._y;
} else if (estado == 104) {
if ((Key.isDown(_global.keyA) || Key.isDown(_global.keyB)) || Key.isDown(_global.keyC)) {
for (isMC in _root) {
if (typeof(_root[isMC]) == "movieclip") {
} else if (estado == 151) {
if ((ac > 10) && (ac < 35)) {
myColor = new Color(_root);
myColorTransform = new Object();
var col = ((35 - ac) * 4);
myColorTransform = {ra:col, rb:0, ga:col, gb:0, ba:col, bb:0, aa:100, ab:0};
} else if ((ac > 34) && (ac < 50)) {
myColor = new Color(_root);
myColorTransform = new Object();
myColorTransform = {ra:0, rb:0, ga:0, gb:0, ba:0, bb:0, aa:100, ab:0};
} else if (ac == 50) {
if ((_global.muertesPorRata > 1) && (_global.muertesPorRata < 4)) {
_root.Gnomo._visible = true;
this._x = _root.CamaGnomo._x;
this._y = _root.CamaGnomo._y;
if (this._xscale < 0) {
this._xscale = this._xscale * -1;
_global.ojoD = 2;
_global.ojoI = 2;
_global.Boca = 2;
if (MMP > 1) {
gotoAndPlay ("intro");
} else if (ac == 80) {
if (_global.muertesPorRata == 0) {
_root.decir(this, "How did I get here? I remember being attacked by rats.", 150);
} else if (_global.muertesPorRata == 1) {
_root.decir(this, "Once again, I'm here. What happened after I fainted?", 150);
} else if (_global.muertesPorRata == 2) {
_root.decir(this, "Who are you?", 50);
} else if (_global.muertesPorRata == 3) {
_root.decir(this, "It seems that the gnome saved me once again", 150);
} else if (ac == 95) {
if (_global.muertesPorRata == 3) {
_root.decir(_root.Gnomo, "I'm just a gnome that lives in this cave and have saved you from the rats three times.", 200);
_global.muertesPorRata = _global.muertesPorRata + 10;
if (_global.muertesPorRata == 4) {
_root.decir(_root.Gnomo, "Hi again, sexy lady.", 100);
_global.muertesPorRata = _global.muertesPorRata + 10;
if ((_global.muertesPorRata > 10) && (HP < 1)) {
estado = 104;
var Eclip = _root.attachMovie("Screen_Muerte", "SM", _root.getNextHighestDepth());
Eclip._x = _root.Camara._x;
Eclip._y = _root.Camara._y;
if (Key.isDown(_global.keyL)) {
if (nopress == 0) {
if (stats == false) {
stats = true;
} else {
stats = false;
_root.Stats._visible = stats;
nopress = _global.keyL;
if (Key.isDown(_global.keyR)) {
if (nopress == 0) {
if (!_global.inGameMenu) {
if (inventario == false) {
inventario = true;
} else {
inventario = false;
_root.Inventario._visible = inventario;
nopress = _global.keyR;
if (estado == 0) {
gotoAndStop ("parada");
andando = false;
if (gui\u00F1o > 0) {
if (gui\u00F1o < 6) {
_global.Boca = 5;
} else if (gui\u00F1o < 12) {
_global.CejaD = 3;
_global.ojoD = 2;
} else if (gui\u00F1o < 18) {
_global.CejaD = 1;
_global.ojoD = 1;
} else {
_global.Boca = 3;
Set("gui\u00F1o", 0);
if (estado == 0) {
if (!andando) {
if (ac < 1) {
} else if (ac < frame_respirar) {
} else if (ac < (frame_respirar + 10)) {
} else if (ac < ((frame_respirar + frame_respirar) + 10)) {
gotoAndStop(((frame_respirar + frame_respirar) + 10) - ac);
} else {
ac = -20;
if (SP > 1) {
SP = SP - 2;
if (SP < 0) {
SP = 0;
} else {
if (ac < frame_andar) {
ac = frame_andar;
} else if (ac > frame_andar_fin) {
ac = frame_andar2;
if (SP > 0) {
if (this.HP < 1) {
if (estado < 100) {
ac = frame_patada - 2;
estado = 102;
Instance of Symbol 253 MovieClip [Barras3] "Barras_Beth" in Frame 6
onClipEvent (load) {
this._xscale = 20;
this._yscale = 10;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
this._x = _root.Camara._x - 68;
this._y = _root.Camara._y - 58;
this.b1 = _root.Beth.HP;
this.b2 = _root.Beth.MP;
this.b3 = _root.Beth.SP;
this.Mb1 = _root.Beth.MHP;
this.Mb2 = _root.Beth.MMP;
this.Mb3 = _root.Beth.MSP;
Instance of Symbol 770 MovieClip "Stats" in Frame 6
onClipEvent (load) {
this._xscale = 10;
this._yscale = 10;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
this._x = _root.Camara._x - 102;
this._y = _root.Camara._y - 80;
Instance of Symbol 782 MovieClip "Inventario" in Frame 6
onClipEvent (load) {
function cade(i) {
var _local1;
if (i > 0) {
_local1 = "x" + i;
} else {
_local1 = "";
this._xscale = 10;
this._yscale = 10;
var cuadroI = new Array();
var textoI = new Array();
var selec = 0;
var descripcion;
var i;
var j;
var k;
k = 0;
i = 0;
while (i < _global.ITEMSc) {
j = 0;
while (j < _global.ITEMSf) {
cuadroI[k] = this.attachMovie("cuadroinv", (("ci" + i) + "_") + j, this.getNextHighestDepth());
cuadroI[k]._x = 50 + (150 * i);
cuadroI[k]._y = 100 + (200 * j);
textoI[k] = this.attachMovie("textoinv", (("ti" + i) + "_") + j, this.getNextHighestDepth());
textoI[k]._x = 50 + (150 * i);
textoI[k]._y = 225 + (200 * j);
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
this._x = _root.Camara._x - 102;
this._y = _root.Camara._y;
Marco._x = 50 + (150 * _root.round(selec / _global.ITEMSf));
Marco._y = 100 + (200 * _root.mod(selec, _global.ITEMSf));
if (this._visible) {
i = 0;
while (i < _global.MAXITEMS) {
textoI[i].t = cade(_root.obje[i].n);
descripcion = _root.obje[selec].d;
Instance of Symbol 784 MovieClip "Camara" in Frame 6
onClipEvent (load) {
_global.camx = -100;
_global.camy = 300;
resetx = -100;
resety = 300;
reset = false;
this._width = 204;
this._height = 160;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (this._x < (_root.Beth._x - 30)) {
this._x = _root.Beth._x - 30;
if (this._x > (_root.Beth._x + 30)) {
this._x = _root.Beth._x + 30;
if (this._y < (_root.Beth._y - 50)) {
this._y = _root.Beth._y - 50;
if (this._y > (_root.Beth._y - 20)) {
this._y = _root.Beth._y - 20;
_root._x = this._x;
_root._y = this._y;
_root.Borde._x = this._x;
_root.Borde._y = this._y;
Instance of Symbol 786 MovieClip "Borde" in Frame 6
onClipEvent (load) {
this._xscale = 1000;
this._yscale = 1000;
Symbol 6 MovieClip Frame 1
var t;
var c;
Symbol 7 MovieClip [TextoFlotante] Frame 1
var t;
var c;
cuadro.t = t;
cuadro.c = c;
this._alpha = 100;
Symbol 7 MovieClip [TextoFlotante] Frame 35
Symbol 11 MovieClip [Bocadillo] Frame 1
function entrando() {
this._x = clip._x;
this._y = (clip._y - clip._height) - (this._height * apilar);
textoBocadillo.t = texto;
if (t > tiempo) {
var tiempo;
var clip;
var texto;
var t = 0;
var apilar = 0;
this.onEnterFrame = entrando;
Symbol 35 MovieClip Frame 1
function entrando() {
Camiseta1._visible = _root.equip[6].N == "Item_Camiseta1";
Camiseta3._visible = _root.equip[6].N == "Item_Camiseta3";
Camiseta1._alpha = 100;
Camiseta3._alpha = 100;
this.onEnterFrame = entrando;
Symbol 50 MovieClip Frame 1
function entrando() {
SujeB._visible = _root.equip[1].N == "Item_SujeB";
Camiseta1._visible = _root.equip[6].N == "Item_Camiseta1";
Camiseta2._visible = _root.equip[6].N == "Item_Camiseta2";
Camiseta3._visible = _root.equip[6].N == "Item_Camiseta3";
Top._visible = _root.equip[6].N == "Item_Top";
Top2._visible = _root.equip[6].N == "Item_Top2";
Camiseta1._alpha = 100;
Camiseta2._alpha = 100;
Camiseta3._alpha = 100;
Top._alpha = 100;
Top2._alpha = 100;
this.onEnterFrame = entrando;
Symbol 72 MovieClip Frame 1
function entrando() {
SujeB._visible = _root.equip[1].N == "Item_SujeB";
Camiseta1._visible = _root.equip[6].N == "Item_Camiseta1";
Camiseta2._visible = _root.equip[6].N == "Item_Camiseta2";
Camiseta3._visible = _root.equip[6].N == "Item_Camiseta3";
Top._visible = _root.equip[6].N == "Item_Top";
Top2._visible = _root.equip[6].N == "Item_Top2";
PezonDuro._visible = this._parent.SP > 30;
Camiseta1._alpha = 100;
Camiseta2._alpha = 100;
Camiseta3._alpha = 100;
Top._alpha = 100;
Top2._alpha = 100;
PezonDuro._alpha = 20;
this.onEnterFrame = entrando;
Symbol 86 MovieClip Frame 1
function entrando() {
SujeB._visible = _root.equip[1].N == "Item_SujeB";
Camiseta1._visible = _root.equip[6].N == "Item_Camiseta1";
Camiseta2._visible = _root.equip[6].N == "Item_Camiseta2";
Camiseta3._visible = _root.equip[6].N == "Item_Camiseta3";
Top._visible = _root.equip[6].N == "Item_Top";
Top2._visible = _root.equip[6].N == "Item_Top2";
PezonDuro._visible = this._parent.SP > 30;
Camiseta1._alpha = 100;
Camiseta2._alpha = 100;
Camiseta3._alpha = 100;
Top._alpha = 100;
Top2._alpha = 100;
PezonDuro._alpha = 20;
this.onEnterFrame = entrando;
Symbol 91 MovieClip [Item_Runa_Fuego] Frame 1
function entrando() {
if (this._visible) {
if (_root.distancia(_root.Beth, this, ds, ds)) {
_root.addToInv(clase, cantidad, descripcion, tipo, equ);
if (clase == "Item_Gold") {
var _local3 = ("+" + cantidad) + "g";
_root.textoflotante(_local3, this._x, this._y, 4);
this._visible = false;
var superponible = true;
var clase = "Item_Runa_Fuego";
var cantidad = 1;
var descripcion = "A rock with a symbol painted on.";
var tipo = 2;
var equ = 4;
var ds = 5;
if (this._parent == _root) {
if (superponible) {
this.onEnterFrame = entrando;
Symbol 92 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 94 MovieClip Frame 1
function entrando() {
if (pos == 1) {
if (_root.equip[4].N != "") {
gotoAndPlay (3);
if (_root.equip[4].N == "Item_Runa_Fuego") {
} else {
} else {
var pos;
this.onEnterFrame = entrando;
Symbol 95 MovieClip [Beth_Brazos_Carpeta] Frame 1
Symbol 95 MovieClip [Beth_Brazos_Carpeta] Frame 11
Symbol 113 MovieClip [LineaDeslizante] Frame 1
Symbol 115 MovieClip [sombra] Frame 1
function entrando() {
this._x = objetivo._x;
this._y = objetivo._y;
this._width = objetivo._width * 0.7;
this._height = this._width / 4;
this._visible = objetivo._visible;
var objetivo;
this._alpha = 40;
this.onEnterFrame = entrando;
Symbol 117 MovieClip Frame 1
function entrando() {
i = i + rot;
this._rotation = i;
var i = 0;
var rot;
this.onEnterFrame = entrando;
Symbol 120 MovieClip [Screen_Muerte] Frame 1
ef1.rot = 0.8;
ef2.rot = -0.8;
ef3.rot = 1.4;
ef4.rot = -1.4;
ef5.rot = 2;
ef6.rot = -2;
Symbol 135 MovieClip Frame 11
this._parent._parent.fin = true;
Symbol 136 MovieClip [Spell_Fireball] Frame 1
var efecto1 = this.attachMovie("Fireball_Efecto", "FE1", this.getNextHighestDepth());
var efecto2 = this.attachMovie("Fireball_Efecto", "FE2", this.getNextHighestDepth());
var efecto3 = this.attachMovie("Fireball_Efecto", "FE3", this.getNextHighestDepth());
efecto1._alpha = 20;
efecto2._alpha = 10;
efecto3._alpha = 10;
Estela2.gotoAndPlay(_root.d(10, 1));
Symbol 136 MovieClip [Spell_Fireball] Frame 2
Symbol 144 MovieClip [Spell] Frame 1
function entrando() {
if (this._visible) {
this._x = this._x + vel;
if ((!_root.dentrodelcamino(this._x, this._y)) || (timer < 0)) {
vel = 0;
if (fin) {
this._visible = false;
var sombra = _root.darSombra(this);
var vel = 0;
var da\u00F1o = 0;
var timer = 0;
var clip;
var fin = false;
this._visible = false;
this.onEnterFrame = entrando;
Symbol 146 MovieClip [Item_Zapato1] Frame 1
function entrando() {
if (this._visible) {
if (_root.distancia(_root.Beth, this, ds, ds)) {
_root.addToInv(clase, cantidad, descripcion, tipo, equ);
if (clase == "Item_Gold") {
var _local3 = ("+" + cantidad) + "g";
_root.textoflotante(_local3, this._x, this._y, 4);
this._visible = false;
var superponible = true;
var clase = "Item_Zapato1";
var cantidad = 1;
var descripcion = "White shoes.";
var tipo = 1;
var equ = 3;
var ds = 5;
if (this._parent == _root) {
if (superponible) {
this.onEnterFrame = entrando;
Symbol 148 MovieClip [Item_Zapato2] Frame 1
function entrando() {
if (this._visible) {
if (_root.distancia(_root.Beth, this, ds, ds)) {
_root.addToInv(clase, cantidad, descripcion, tipo, equ);
if (clase == "Item_Gold") {
var _local3 = ("+" + cantidad) + "g";
_root.textoflotante(_local3, this._x, this._y, 4);
this._visible = false;
var superponible = true;
var clase = "Item_Zapato2";
var cantidad = 1;
var descripcion = "Pink sport shoes.";
var tipo = 1;
var equ = 3;
var ds = 5;
if (this._parent == _root) {
if (superponible) {
this.onEnterFrame = entrando;
Symbol 150 MovieClip [Item_PotionHP1] Frame 1
function entrando() {
if (this._visible) {
if (_root.distancia(_root.Beth, this, ds, ds)) {
_root.addToInv(clase, cantidad, descripcion, tipo, equ);
if (clase == "Item_Gold") {
var _local3 = ("+" + cantidad) + "g";
_root.textoflotante(_local3, this._x, this._y, 4);
this._visible = false;
var superponible = true;
var clase = "Item_PotionHP1";
var cantidad = 1;
var descripcion = "Heals 5 HP";
var tipo = 0;
var equ = 0;
var ds = 5;
if (this._parent == _root) {
if (superponible) {
this.onEnterFrame = entrando;
Symbol 152 MovieClip [Item_Goldbag_L1] Frame 1
function entrando() {
if (this._visible) {
if (_root.distancia(_root.Beth, this, ds, ds)) {
_root.addToInv(clase, cantidad, descripcion, tipo, equ);
if (clase == "Item_Gold") {
var _local3 = ("+" + cantidad) + "g";
_root.textoflotante(_local3, this._x, this._y, 4);
this._visible = false;
var superponible = true;
var clase = "Item_Gold";
var cantidad = _root.d(10, 1);
var descripcion = "Gold coins";
var tipo = 0;
var equ = 0;
var ds = 5;
if (this._parent == _root) {
if (superponible) {
this.onEnterFrame = entrando;
Symbol 154 MovieClip [Item_ChampiV] Frame 1
function entrando() {
if (this._visible) {
if (_root.distancia(_root.Beth, this, ds, ds)) {
_root.addToInv(clase, cantidad, descripcion, tipo, equ);
if (clase == "Item_Gold") {
var _local3 = ("+" + cantidad) + "g";
_root.textoflotante(_local3, this._x, this._y, 4);
this._visible = false;
var superponible = true;
var clase = "Item_ChampiV";
var cantidad = 1;
var descripcion = "This mushroom doesn't seem good.";
var tipo = 0;
var equ = 0;
var ds = 5;
if (this._parent == _root) {
if (superponible) {
this.onEnterFrame = entrando;
Symbol 156 MovieClip [Item_ChampiM] Frame 1
function entrando() {
if (this._visible) {
if (_root.distancia(_root.Beth, this, ds, ds)) {
_root.addToInv(clase, cantidad, descripcion, tipo, equ);
if (clase == "Item_Gold") {
var _local3 = ("+" + cantidad) + "g";
_root.textoflotante(_local3, this._x, this._y, 4);
this._visible = false;
var superponible = true;
var clase = "Item_ChampiM";
var cantidad = 1;
var descripcion = "This mushroom seems delicious.";
var tipo = 0;
var equ = 0;
var ds = 5;
if (this._parent == _root) {
if (superponible) {
this.onEnterFrame = entrando;
Symbol 158 MovieClip [Item_Champi] Frame 1
function entrando() {
if (this._visible) {
if (_root.distancia(_root.Beth, this, ds, ds)) {
_root.addToInv(clase, cantidad, descripcion, tipo, equ);
if (clase == "Item_Gold") {
var _local3 = ("+" + cantidad) + "g";
_root.textoflotante(_local3, this._x, this._y, 4);
this._visible = false;
var superponible = true;
var clase = "Item_Champi";
var cantidad = 1;
var descripcion = "This mushroom seems fit to be eaten. But my intuition says I shouldn't eat it.";
var tipo = 0;
var equ = 0;
var ds = 5;
if (this._parent == _root) {
if (superponible) {
this.onEnterFrame = entrando;
Symbol 176 MovieClip [sombra_inmovil] Frame 1
var objetivo;
this._alpha = 40;
this._x = objetivo._x;
this._y = objetivo._y + 2;
this._width = objetivo._width * 0.7;
this._height = this._width / 4;
Symbol 178 MovieClip [Item_Zapato3] Frame 1
function entrando() {
if (this._visible) {
if (_root.distancia(_root.Beth, this, ds, ds)) {
_root.addToInv(clase, cantidad, descripcion, tipo, equ);
if (clase == "Item_Gold") {
var _local3 = ("+" + cantidad) + "g";
_root.textoflotante(_local3, this._x, this._y, 4);
this._visible = false;
var superponible = false;
var clase = "Item_Zapato3";
var cantidad = 1;
var descripcion = "Black sandals.";
var tipo = 1;
var equ = 3;
var ds = 5;
if (this._parent == _root) {
if (superponible) {
this.onEnterFrame = entrando;
Symbol 180 MovieClip [Item_Panta2] Frame 1
function entrando() {
if (this._visible) {
if (_root.distancia(_root.Beth, this, ds, ds)) {
_root.addToInv(clase, cantidad, descripcion, tipo, equ);
if (clase == "Item_Gold") {
var _local3 = ("+" + cantidad) + "g";
_root.textoflotante(_local3, this._x, this._y, 4);
this._visible = false;
var superponible = false;
var clase = "Item_Panta2";
var cantidad = 1;
var descripcion = "Fashion white pants.";
var tipo = 1;
var equ = 7;
var ds = 5;
if (this._parent == _root) {
if (superponible) {
this.onEnterFrame = entrando;
Symbol 182 MovieClip [Item_Panta3] Frame 1
function entrando() {
if (this._visible) {
if (_root.distancia(_root.Beth, this, ds, ds)) {
_root.addToInv(clase, cantidad, descripcion, tipo, equ);
if (clase == "Item_Gold") {
var _local3 = ("+" + cantidad) + "g";
_root.textoflotante(_local3, this._x, this._y, 4);
this._visible = false;
var superponible = false;
var clase = "Item_Panta3";
var cantidad = 1;
var descripcion = "My favourite jeans.";
var tipo = 1;
var equ = 7;
var ds = 5;
if (this._parent == _root) {
if (superponible) {
this.onEnterFrame = entrando;
Symbol 184 MovieClip [Item_Panta1] Frame 1
function entrando() {
if (this._visible) {
if (_root.distancia(_root.Beth, this, ds, ds)) {
_root.addToInv(clase, cantidad, descripcion, tipo, equ);
if (clase == "Item_Gold") {
var _local3 = ("+" + cantidad) + "g";
_root.textoflotante(_local3, this._x, this._y, 4);
this._visible = false;
var superponible = false;
var clase = "Item_Panta1";
var cantidad = 1;
var descripcion = "Short cute pants.";
var tipo = 1;
var equ = 7;
var ds = 5;
if (this._parent == _root) {
if (superponible) {
this.onEnterFrame = entrando;
Symbol 186 MovieClip [Item_Falda1] Frame 1
function entrando() {
if (this._visible) {
if (_root.distancia(_root.Beth, this, ds, ds)) {
_root.addToInv(clase, cantidad, descripcion, tipo, equ);
if (clase == "Item_Gold") {
var _local3 = ("+" + cantidad) + "g";
_root.textoflotante(_local3, this._x, this._y, 4);
this._visible = false;
var superponible = false;
var clase = "Item_Falda1";
var cantidad = 1;
var descripcion = "Short enough purple skirt.";
var tipo = 1;
var equ = 7;
var ds = 5;
if (this._parent == _root) {
if (superponible) {
this.onEnterFrame = entrando;
Symbol 188 MovieClip [Item_Camiseta3] Frame 1
function entrando() {
if (this._visible) {
if (_root.distancia(_root.Beth, this, ds, ds)) {
_root.addToInv(clase, cantidad, descripcion, tipo, equ);
if (clase == "Item_Gold") {
var _local3 = ("+" + cantidad) + "g";
_root.textoflotante(_local3, this._x, this._y, 4);
this._visible = false;
var superponible = false;
var clase = "Item_Camiseta3";
var cantidad = 1;
var descripcion = "Black T-Shirt with a purple skull.";
var tipo = 1;
var equ = 6;
var ds = 5;
if (this._parent == _root) {
if (superponible) {
this.onEnterFrame = entrando;
Symbol 190 MovieClip [Item_Top2] Frame 1
function entrando() {
if (this._visible) {
if (_root.distancia(_root.Beth, this, ds, ds)) {
_root.addToInv(clase, cantidad, descripcion, tipo, equ);
if (clase == "Item_Gold") {
var _local3 = ("+" + cantidad) + "g";
_root.textoflotante(_local3, this._x, this._y, 4);
this._visible = false;
var superponible = false;
var clase = "Item_Top2";
var cantidad = 1;
var descripcion = "I love this top.";
var tipo = 1;
var equ = 6;
var ds = 5;
if (this._parent == _root) {
if (superponible) {
this.onEnterFrame = entrando;
Symbol 192 MovieClip [Item_Top] Frame 1
function entrando() {
if (this._visible) {
if (_root.distancia(_root.Beth, this, ds, ds)) {
_root.addToInv(clase, cantidad, descripcion, tipo, equ);
if (clase == "Item_Gold") {
var _local3 = ("+" + cantidad) + "g";
_root.textoflotante(_local3, this._x, this._y, 4);
this._visible = false;
var superponible = false;
var clase = "Item_Top";
var cantidad = 1;
var descripcion = "Ultrasexy top.";
var tipo = 1;
var equ = 6;
var ds = 5;
if (this._parent == _root) {
if (superponible) {
this.onEnterFrame = entrando;
Symbol 194 MovieClip [Item_Camiseta2] Frame 1
function entrando() {
if (this._visible) {
if (_root.distancia(_root.Beth, this, ds, ds)) {
_root.addToInv(clase, cantidad, descripcion, tipo, equ);
if (clase == "Item_Gold") {
var _local3 = ("+" + cantidad) + "g";
_root.textoflotante(_local3, this._x, this._y, 4);
this._visible = false;
var superponible = false;
var clase = "Item_Camiseta2";
var cantidad = 1;
var descripcion = "White provocative shirt.";
var tipo = 1;
var equ = 6;
var ds = 5;
if (this._parent == _root) {
if (superponible) {
this.onEnterFrame = entrando;
Symbol 196 MovieClip [Item_Gafas] Frame 1
function entrando() {
if (this._visible) {
if (_root.distancia(_root.Beth, this, ds, ds)) {
_root.addToInv(clase, cantidad, descripcion, tipo, equ);
if (clase == "Item_Gold") {
var _local3 = ("+" + cantidad) + "g";
_root.textoflotante(_local3, this._x, this._y, 4);
this._visible = false;
var superponible = false;
var clase = "Item_Gafas";
var cantidad = 1;
var descripcion = "Sexy graduated glasses. My vision isn't that bad so I don't really need them. Just for reading, but I like them.";
var tipo = 1;
var equ = 8;
var ds = 5;
if (this._parent == _root) {
if (superponible) {
this.onEnterFrame = entrando;
Symbol 198 MovieClip [Item_Camiseta1] Frame 1
function entrando() {
if (this._visible) {
if (_root.distancia(_root.Beth, this, ds, ds)) {
_root.addToInv(clase, cantidad, descripcion, tipo, equ);
if (clase == "Item_Gold") {
var _local3 = ("+" + cantidad) + "g";
_root.textoflotante(_local3, this._x, this._y, 4);
this._visible = false;
var superponible = false;
var clase = "Item_Camiseta1";
var cantidad = 1;
var descripcion = "Green T-Shirt with a pink heart on it.";
var tipo = 1;
var equ = 6;
var ds = 5;
if (this._parent == _root) {
if (superponible) {
this.onEnterFrame = entrando;
Symbol 200 MovieClip [Item_SujeB] Frame 1
function entrando() {
if (this._visible) {
if (_root.distancia(_root.Beth, this, ds, ds)) {
_root.addToInv(clase, cantidad, descripcion, tipo, equ);
if (clase == "Item_Gold") {
var _local3 = ("+" + cantidad) + "g";
_root.textoflotante(_local3, this._x, this._y, 4);
this._visible = false;
var superponible = false;
var clase = "Item_SujeB";
var cantidad = 1;
var descripcion = "White and sexy underwear.";
var tipo = 1;
var equ = 1;
var ds = 5;
if (this._parent == _root) {
if (superponible) {
this.onEnterFrame = entrando;
Symbol 204 MovieClip [Item_Braguitas] Frame 1
function entrando() {
if (this._visible) {
if (_root.distancia(_root.Beth, this, ds, ds)) {
_root.addToInv(clase, cantidad, descripcion, tipo, equ);
if (clase == "Item_Gold") {
var _local3 = ("+" + cantidad) + "g";
_root.textoflotante(_local3, this._x, this._y, 4);
this._visible = false;
var superponible = false;
var clase = "Item_Braguitas";
var cantidad = 1;
var descripcion = "White and sexy underwear";
var tipo = 1;
var equ = 2;
var ds = 5;
if (this._parent == _root) {
if (superponible) {
this.onEnterFrame = entrando;
Symbol 224 Button
on (release) {
ejecutar_opcion(3, 0);
Symbol 225 Button
on (release) {
ejecutar_opcion(1, 1);
Symbol 226 Button
on (release) {
ejecutar_opcion(1, 2);
Symbol 227 Button
on (release) {
ejecutar_opcion(2, 0);
Symbol 228 Button
on (release) {
ejecutar_opcion(2, 1);
Symbol 229 Button
on (release) {
ejecutar_opcion(1, 0);
Symbol 242 MovieClip [Menu_Setup] Frame 1
function ponerTextos() {
var _local1;
_local1 = 0;
while (_local1 < 12) {
keyTx1[_local1].t = keyN[_local1];
keyTx2[_local1].t = codigoDeTecla(keyC[_local1]);
function codigoDeTecla(x) {
var _local1;
if (x == 38) {
_local1 = "Up";
} else if (x == 40) {
_local1 = "Down";
} else if (x == 37) {
_local1 = "Left";
} else if (x == 39) {
_local1 = "Right";
} else if (x == 32) {
_local1 = "Space";
} else if (x == 17) {
_local1 = "CTRL";
} else if (x == 46) {
_local1 = "Del";
} else if (x == 13) {
_local1 = "Enter";
} else if (x == 16) {
_local1 = "Shift";
} else if (x == 45) {
_local1 = "Ins";
} else if (x == 8) {
_local1 = "Bspc";
} else if (x == 27) {
_local1 = "Esc";
} else if (x == 9) {
_local1 = "Tab";
} else {
_local1 = String.fromCharCode(x);
function ejecutar_opcion(f, c) {
if (redefinir < 0) {
if (f == 0) {
redefinir = c;
if ((f == 1) && (c == 0)) {
_root._quality = "LOW";
if ((f == 1) && (c == 1)) {
_root._quality = "MEDIUM";
if ((f == 1) && (c == 2)) {
_root._quality = "HIGH";
if ((f == 2) && (c == 0)) {
fscommand ("fullscreen", "false");
if ((f == 2) && (c == 1)) {
fscommand ("fullscreen", "true");
if (f == 3) {
_global.keyUP = keyC[0];
_global.keyDO = keyC[1];
_global.keyLE = keyC[2];
_global.keyRI = keyC[3];
_global.keyA = keyC[4];
_global.keyB = keyC[5];
_global.keyC = keyC[6];
_global.keyX = keyC[7];
_global.keyY = keyC[8];
_global.keyZ = keyC[9];
_global.keyL = keyC[10];
_global.keyR = keyC[11];
if (_global.inGameMenu) {
_global.inGameMenu = false;
_root.Beth.nopress = _global.keyC;
} else {
function cargando() {
function entrando() {
if (opF == 0) {
if (opC > 11) {
opC = 0;
if (opF == 1) {
if (opC > 2) {
opC = 0;
if (opF == 2) {
if (opC > 1) {
opC = 0;
if (opF == 0) {
clipSelec._visible = true;
clipSelec._x = 100 + (75 * opC);
clipSelec._y = 350;
t = keyD[opC];
} else {
clipSelec._visible = false;
Marcador._x = 300 + (150 * opC);
if (opF == 1) {
Marcador._y = 550;
} else if (opF == 2) {
Marcador._y = 600;
} else {
Marcador._y = 700;
Marcador._x = 150;
if (opF == 3) {
t = "Save changes and Exit to Main Menu.";
} else {
t = "";
Marcador._visible = 1 - clipSelec._visible;
var opF = 0;
var opC = 0;
var redefinir = -1;
var clipSelec = MovieClip;
var keyD = new Array();
var keyN = new Array();
var keyC = new Array();
var keyBoton = new Array();
var keyClip = new Array();
var keyClip2 = new Array();
var keyTx1 = new Array();
var keyTx2 = new Array();
keyN[0] = "Up";
keyN[1] = "Down";
keyN[2] = "Left";
keyN[3] = "Right";
keyN[4] = "A";
keyN[5] = "B";
keyN[6] = "C";
keyN[7] = "X";
keyN[8] = "Y";
keyN[9] = "Z";
keyN[10] = "L";
keyN[11] = "R";
keyD[0] = "Move Up.";
keyD[1] = "Move Down.";
keyD[2] = "Move Left.";
keyD[3] = "Move Right.";
keyD[4] = "Open/Close/Use/Social interaction with target.";
keyD[5] = "Magical attack. Depends of the rune equipped.";
keyD[6] = "Physical attack. Depends of the weapon equipped. On Inventory, Equip or use items.";
keyD[7] = "Sexual interaction with target.";
keyD[8] = "not used in the current version.";
keyD[9] = "not used in the current version.";
keyD[10] = "Open/Close stats.";
keyD[11] = "Open/Close Inventory.";
keyC[0] = _global.keyUP;
keyC[1] = _global.keyDO;
keyC[2] = _global.keyLE;
keyC[3] = _global.keyRI;
keyC[4] = _global.keyA;
keyC[5] = _global.keyB;
keyC[6] = _global.keyC;
keyC[7] = _global.keyX;
keyC[8] = _global.keyY;
keyC[9] = _global.keyZ;
keyC[10] = _global.keyL;
keyC[11] = _global.keyR;
var i;
i = 0;
while (i < 12) {
keyBoton[i] = this.attachMovie("botonSetup", "boton_" + i, this.getNextHighestDepth());
keyBoton[i]._x = 100 + (75 * i);
keyBoton[i]._y = 350;
keyClip[i] = this.attachMovie("cuadroSetup", "key1_" + i, this.getNextHighestDepth());
keyClip[i]._x = 100 + (75 * i);
keyClip[i]._y = 350;
keyClip[i].onMouseDown = function () {
if (this.hitTest(_root._xmouse, _root._ymouse, true)) {
redefinir = Math.round(((_parent._xmouse - 68) / 75) - 0.5);
keyClip2[i] = this.attachMovie("cuadroSetup", "key2_" + i, this.getNextHighestDepth());
keyClip2[i]._x = 100 + (75 * i);
keyClip2[i]._y = 390;
clipSelec = this.attachMovie("cuadroSetupSelect", "CSet", this.getNextHighestDepth());
clipSelec._visible = false;
i = 0;
while (i < 12) {
keyTx1[i] = this.attachMovie("cuadroSetupTextoN", "tx1_" + i, this.getNextHighestDepth());
keyTx1[i]._x = keyClip[i]._x;
keyTx1[i]._y = keyClip[i]._y + 2;
keyTx2[i] = this.attachMovie("cuadroSetupTextoR", "tx2_" + i, this.getNextHighestDepth());
keyTx2[i]._x = keyClip2[i]._x;
keyTx2[i]._y = keyClip2[i]._y + 2;
keyListener = new Object();
keyListener.onKeyDown = function () {
var _local2 = Key.getCode();
if (redefinir < 0) {
if (_local2 == _global.keyDO) {
if (opF > 3) {
opF = 0;
if (_local2 == _global.keyUP) {
if (opF < 0) {
opF = 3;
if (_local2 == _global.keyRI) {
if (opC > 11) {
opC = 0;
if (_local2 == _global.keyLE) {
if (opC < 0) {
opC = 11;
if (((_local2 == _global.keyA) || (_local2 == _global.keyB)) || (_local2 == _global.keyC)) {
ejecutar_opcion(opF, opC);
} else {
keyC[redefinir] = _local2;
redefinir = -1;
this.load = cargando;
this.onEnterFrame = entrando;
Symbol 253 MovieClip [Barras3] Frame 1
if (b1 < 1) {
b1 = 0;
if (b2 < 1) {
b2 = 0;
barra2._visible = false;
} else {
barra2._visible = true;
if (b3 < 1) {
b3 = 0;
barra3._visible = false;
} else {
barra3._visible = true;
relleno1._xscale = (100 * b1) / Mb1;
relleno2._xscale = (100 * b2) / Mb2;
relleno3._xscale = (100 * b3) / Mb3;
if (this._parent._xscale < 0) {
this._xscale = -Math.abs(this._xscale);
} else {
this._xscale = Math.abs(this._xscale);
Symbol 253 MovieClip [Barras3] Frame 2
gotoAndPlay (1);
Symbol 263 Button
on (release) {
gotoAndPlay ("Menu");
Symbol 787 MovieClip [__Packages.item] Frame 0
class item
var clip, n, N, d, t, e;
function item () {
clip = null;
n = 0;
N = "";
d = "";
t = 0;
e = -1;
Symbol 264 MovieClip Frame 1
function round(x) {
var _local1 = Math.round(x);
if (_local1 > x) {
return(_local1 - 1);
function d(x, y) {
return(round(round(Math.random() * x) + y));
function leer_color(z) {
var _local1;
_local1 = cuadro_color[z];
function asignar_color(z, cz) {
cuadro_color2[z] = cz;
function aplicar_cambios() {
var _local1;
j = 0;
while (j < ALTO) {
_local1 = j * ANCHO;
i = 0;
while (i < ANCHO) {
cuadro_color[_local1 + i] = cuadro_color2[_local1 + i];
function automata(x, y) {
var _local3;
var _local2;
var _local5;
var _local4 = y * ANCHO;
var _local1 = _local4 + x;
_local3 = leer_color(_local1);
_local5 = d(3, -1);
asignar_color((_local1 - ANCHO) + _local5, _local3 - d(15, 0));
_local2 = ((leer_color(_local1 + ANCHO) + leer_color(_local1 + 1)) + leer_color(_local1 - 1)) / 3;
if (_local2 < 10) {
_local2 = 0;
asignar_color(_local1, _local2);
function aplicar_colores() {
var _local1;
var _local2;
j = 0;
while (j < ALTO) {
_local2 = j * ANCHO;
i = 0;
while (i < ANCHO) {
_local1 = leer_color(_local2 + i);
_local1 = (_local1 - 50) * 2;
myColor = new Color(cuadro_clip[_local2 + i]);
myColorTransform = new Object();
if (_local1 < 0) {
myColorTransform = {ra:0, rb:0, ga:100 + _local1, gb:0, ba:0, bb:0, aa:100, ab:0};
} else {
myColorTransform = {ra:_local1, rb:0, ga:100, gb:0, ba:_local1, bb:0, aa:100, ab:0};
function cargando() {
function entrando() {
j = 1;
while (j < (ALTO - 1)) {
i = 0;
while (i < ANCHO) {
automata(i, j);
var ANCHO = 27;
var ALTO = 20;
this._width = 38;
this._height = 37;
var cuadro_clip = new Array();
var cuadro_color = new Array();
var cuadro_color2 = new Array();
var i;
var j;
var c;
i = 0;
while (i < ANCHO) {
j = 0;
while (j < ALTO) {
cuadro_clip[(j * ANCHO) + i] = this.attachMovie("Cuadrito", (("cx" + i) + "y") + j, this.getNextHighestDepth());
cuadro_clip[(j * ANCHO) + i]._x = i * 10;
cuadro_clip[(j * ANCHO) + i]._y = j * 10;
cuadro_color[(j * ANCHO) + i] = 0;
cuadro_color2[(j * ANCHO) + i] = 0;
c = ANCHO * (ALTO - 1);
i = 0;
while (i < ANCHO) {
cuadro_color[c + i] = 100;
cuadro_color2[c + i] = 100;
this.load = cargando;
this.onEnterFrame = entrando;
Symbol 267 Button
on (release) {
Symbol 268 Button
on (release) {
Symbol 269 Button
on (release) {
Symbol 270 Button
on (release) {
Symbol 276 MovieClip Frame 1
function ejecutarOpcion(x) {
if (x == 1) {
if (x == 2) {
if (x == 4) {
function cargando() {
function entrando() {
if (t < 13) {
if (t < 6) {
_xscale = (20 * t);
} else if (t < 11) {
_yscale = (20 * (t - 5));
} else if (t < 12) {
gotoAndStop ("op1");
var op = 1;
var t = 0;
_xscale = 1;
_yscale = 1;
keyListener = new Object();
keyListener.onKeyDown = function () {
if (t > 11) {
if (Key.getCode() == _global.keyDO) {
if (op > 4) {
op = 1;
if (Key.getCode() == _global.keyUP) {
if (op < 1) {
op = 4;
if (((Key.getCode() == _global.keyA) || (Key.getCode() == _global.keyB)) || (Key.getCode() == _global.keyC)) {
gotoAndStop(1 + op);
this.load = cargando;
this.onEnterFrame = entrando;
Symbol 283 Button
on (release) {
if (Screen_Thanks._visible == false) {
Screen_Thanks._visible = true;
} else {
Screen_Thanks._visible = false;
Symbol 294 Button
on (release) {
getURL ("");
Symbol 297 Button
on (release) {
getURL ("");
Symbol 300 Button
on (release) {
getURL ("");
Symbol 303 Button
on (release) {
getURL ("");
Symbol 306 Button
on (release) {
getURL ("");
Symbol 309 Button
on (release) {
getURL ("");
Symbol 312 Button
on (release) {
getURL ("");
Symbol 315 Button
on (release) {
getURL ("");
Symbol 318 Button
on (release) {
getURL ("");
Symbol 321 Button
on (release) {
getURL ("");
Symbol 324 Button
on (release) {
getURL ("");
Symbol 327 Button
on (release) {
getURL ("");
Symbol 330 Button
on (release) {
getURL ("");
Symbol 333 MovieClip Frame 1
function cargando() {
function entrando() {
if (this._visible == true) {
if (this._xscale < 91) {
this._xscale = this._xscale + 10;
this._yscale = this._xscale;
} else {
this._xscale = 10;
this._yscale = 10;
this._visible = false;
this.cacheAsBitmap = true;
this.load = cargando;
this.onEnterFrame = entrando;
Instance of Symbol 280 MovieClip in Symbol 334 MovieClip Frame 1
on (release) {
getURL ("");
Symbol 345 MovieClip Frame 1
function entrando() {
Zapato1._visible = _root.equip[3].N == "Item_Zapato1";
Zapato2._visible = _root.equip[3].N == "Item_Zapato2";
Zapato3._visible = _root.equip[3].N == "Item_Zapato3";
Zapato1._alpha = 100;
Zapato2._alpha = 100;
Zapato3._alpha = 100;
this.onEnterFrame = entrando;
Symbol 351 MovieClip Frame 1
function entrando() {
Panta2._visible = _root.equip[7].N == "Item_Panta2";
Panta3._visible = _root.equip[7].N == "Item_Panta3";
Panta2._alpha = 100;
Panta3._alpha = 100;
this.onEnterFrame = entrando;
Symbol 361 MovieClip Frame 1
function entrando() {
Panta1._visible = _root.equip[7].N == "Item_Panta1";
Panta2._visible = _root.equip[7].N == "Item_Panta2";
Panta3._visible = _root.equip[7].N == "Item_Panta3";
Falda1._visible = _root.equip[7].N == "Item_Falda1";
BraguitasB._alpha = 100;
Panta1._alpha = 100;
Panta2._alpha = 100;
Panta3._alpha = 100;
Falda1._alpha = 100;
this.onEnterFrame = entrando;
Symbol 371 MovieClip Frame 1
function entrando() {
Panta1._visible = _root.equip[7].N == "Item_Panta1";
Panta2._visible = _root.equip[7].N == "Item_Panta2";
Panta3._visible = _root.equip[7].N == "Item_Panta3";
Falda1._visible = _root.equip[7].N == "Item_Falda1";
Panta1._alpha = 100;
Panta2._alpha = 100;
Panta3._alpha = 100;
Falda1._alpha = 100;
this.onEnterFrame = entrando;
Symbol 385 MovieClip Frame 1
function entrando() {
BraguitasB._visible = _root.equip[2].N == "Item_Braguitas";
Panta1._visible = _root.equip[7].N == "Item_Panta1";
Panta2._visible = _root.equip[7].N == "Item_Panta2";
Panta3._visible = _root.equip[7].N == "Item_Panta3";
if (_root.equip[7].N == "Item_Falda1") {
Falda1._visible = true;
Falda1["Apa\u00F1o"]._visible = this._parent.estado == 3;
} else {
Falda1._visible = false;
BraguitasB._alpha = 100;
Panta1._alpha = 100;
Panta2._alpha = 100;
Panta3._alpha = 100;
Falda1._alpha = 100;
Falda1["Apa\u00F1o"]._alpha = 100;
this.onEnterFrame = entrando;
Symbol 400 MovieClip Frame 1
function entrando() {
this.onEnterFrame = entrando;
Symbol 408 MovieClip Frame 1
function entrando() {
this.onEnterFrame = entrando;
Symbol 412 MovieClip Frame 1
function entrando() {
this.onEnterFrame = entrando;
Symbol 418 MovieClip Frame 1
function entrando() {
this.onEnterFrame = entrando;
Symbol 428 MovieClip Frame 1
function entrando() {
this.onEnterFrame = entrando;
Symbol 432 MovieClip Frame 1
function entrando() {
this.onEnterFrame = entrando;
Symbol 435 MovieClip Frame 1
function entrando() {
Gafas._visible = _root.equip[8].N == "Item_Gafas";
Rubor._visible = _global.Rubor > 0;
Gafas._alpha = 100;
this.onEnterFrame = entrando;
Symbol 436 MovieClip Frame 1
md.pos = 0;
mi.pos = 1;
Symbol 436 MovieClip Frame 43
_root.decir(this, "Hmmmmmmmm", 50);
Symbol 436 MovieClip Frame 75
_global.ojoD = 1;
_global.ojoI = 1;
_global.CejaI = 1;
_global.CejaD = 1;
if (estado == 999) {
_root.decir(this, "Where am I? I don't know this forest", 100);
Symbol 436 MovieClip Frame 106
estado = 0;
while (!_root.dentrodelcamino(this._x, this._y)) {
this._y = this._y + 2;
Symbol 436 MovieClip Frame 117
estado = 0;
andando = false;
Symbol 436 MovieClip Frame 122
Symbol 442 MovieClip Frame 1
function entrando() {
Tick._visible = _parent.tick;
Selec._visible = _parent.selec;
this.onEnterFrame = entrando;
Symbol 443 Button
on (release) {
op1 = 1;
Symbol 444 Button
on (release) {
op1 = 2;
Symbol 445 Button
on (release) {
op1 = 3;
Symbol 446 Button
on (release) {
op1 = 4;
Symbol 447 Button
on (release) {
op2 = 1;
Symbol 448 Button
on (release) {
op2 = 2;
Symbol 449 Button
on (release) {
op2 = 3;
Symbol 450 Button
on (release) {
op3 = 1;
Symbol 451 Button
on (release) {
op3 = 2;
Symbol 452 Button
on (release) {
op3 = 3;
Symbol 460 Button
on (release) {
ac = 0;
Symbol 476 MovieClip Frame 1
var sombra = _root.darSombraInmovil(this);
Symbol 480 MovieClip Frame 1
var sombra = _root.darSombraInmovil(this);
Symbol 485 MovieClip Frame 1
var sombra = _root.darSombraInmovil(this);
Symbol 501 MovieClip Frame 1
function entrando() {
this.onEnterFrame = entrando;
Symbol 537 MovieClip Frame 1
function entrando() {
Mejillas._visible = _global.GeekMejillas;
this.onEnterFrame = entrando;
Symbol 546 MovieClip Frame 25
gotoAndPlay ("andar2");
Symbol 574 MovieClip Frame 1
var i;
var Cuadro = new Array();
i = 0;
while (i < 30) {
Cuadro[i] = Laptop.attachMovie("Cuadrito2", "C" + i, Laptop.getNextHighestDepth());
Cuadro[i]._alpha = 2;
Cuadro[i]._xscale = (200 * i) + 10;
Cuadro[i]._yscale = (200 * i) + 10;
Cuadro[i]._x = (-Cuadro[i]._xscale) / 20;
Cuadro[i]._y = (-(Cuadro[i]._yscale / 20)) - 30;
Symbol 583 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 598 MovieClip Frame 1
function darSombra(cl) {
var _local2 = Sombra.attachMovie("sombra", "sombra" + _global.SOMBRAS, Sombra.getNextHighestDepth());
_local2.objetivo = cl;
function apareceObj(i, c, vx, vy, s) {
var _local2 = 100 - i;
c._alpha = i;
c._x = ((Math.cos(i / 5) * _local2) * 4) + vx;
c._y = ((Math.sin(i / 5) * _local2) * 4) + vy;
c._xscale = s + (_local2 * 5);
c._yscale = c._xscale;
function limpiar(x) {
x.tick = false;
x.selec = false;
function entrando() {
if (frameactual < 2) {
if (op1 == 1) {
Tick1_1.tick = true;
_global.BasicAP = 2;
_root.equip[8].N = "Item_Gafas";
_root.equip[6].N = "Item_Camiseta1";
_root.equip[7].N = "Item_Panta1";
_root.equip[3].N = "Item_Zapato1";
} else if (op1 == 2) {
Tick1_2.tick = true;
_root.equip[8].N = "";
_root.equip[6].N = "Item_Top2";
_root.equip[7].N = "Item_Panta2";
_root.equip[3].N = "Item_Zapato1";
} else if (op1 == 3) {
Tick1_3.tick = true;
_global.BasicAP = 10;
_root.equip[8].N = "";
_root.equip[6].N = "Item_Top";
_root.equip[7].N = "Item_Panta3";
_root.equip[3].N = "Item_Zapato2";
} else {
Tick1_4.tick = true;
_global.BasicAP = 4;
_root.equip[8].N = "Item_Gafas";
_root.equip[6].N = "Item_Camiseta3";
_root.equip[7].N = "Item_Falda1";
_root.equip[3].N = "Item_Zapato3";
if (op2 == 1) {
Tick2_1.tick = true;
_global.ColorParpado = 3;
} else if (op2 == 2) {
Tick2_2.tick = true;
_global.ColorParpado = 2;
} else {
Tick2_3.tick = true;
_global.ColorParpado = 1;
if (op3 == 1) {
Tick3_1.tick = true;
_global.Slut = 0;
} else if (op3 == 2) {
Tick3_2.tick = true;
_global.Slut = 3;
} else {
Tick3_3.tick = true;
_global.Slut = 7;
if (sel == 1) {
Tick1_1.selec = true;
} else if (sel == 2) {
Tick1_2.selec = true;
} else if (sel == 3) {
Tick1_3.selec = true;
} else if (sel == 4) {
Tick1_4.selec = true;
} else if (sel == 5) {
Tick2_1.selec = true;
} else if (sel == 6) {
Tick2_2.selec = true;
} else if (sel == 7) {
Tick2_3.selec = true;
} else if (sel == 8) {
Tick3_1.selec = true;
} else if (sel == 9) {
Tick3_2.selec = true;
} else if (sel == 10) {
Tick3_3.selec = true;
} else {
botonNext.selec = true;
} else if (frameactual == 2) {
if (ac == 1) {
botonNext.selec = true;
TEXTO = _root.str_intro1;
Beth._visible = false;
Beth.bdu._visible = false;
Beth.bdd._visible = false; = false;
Beth.biu._visible = false; = false;
Beth.mi._visible = false;
BethBrazo = Beth.attachMovie("Beth_Brazos_Carpeta", "Beth_Brazos_Carpeta" + _global.numtextos, Beth.getNextHighestDepth());
BethBrazo.SP = 0;
Beth._visible = true;
var _local5 = darSombra(Beth);
var _local4 = darSombra(Geek);
Hierba1._x = -64;
Hierba1._y = 700;
Hierba2._x = -32;
Hierba2._y = 715;
Hierba3._x = -16;
Hierba3._y = 730;
Hierba4._x = -80;
Hierba4._y = 745;
Hierba5._x = -40;
Hierba5._y = 760;
Hierba6._x = -70;
Hierba6._y = 775;
Hierba7._x = -90;
Hierba7._y = 790;
Hierba8._x = -100;
Hierba8._y = 805;
i = 0;
while (i < NL) {
linea[i] = Baldosas.attachMovie("LineaDeslizante", "Lin" + i, Baldosas.getNextHighestDepth());
linea[i]._x = i * 100;
linea[i]._y = 0;
linea[i].gotoAndStop(linea[i]._x / 5);
linea[i]._alpha = 20;
linea[i]._xscale = 100;
linea[i]._yscale = 140;
if (ac < 120) {
Hierba1._x = Hierba1._x - 5;
Hierba2._x = Hierba2._x - 6;
Hierba3._x = Hierba3._x - 7;
Hierba4._x = Hierba4._x - 8;
Hierba5._x = Hierba5._x - 9;
Hierba6._x = Hierba6._x - 10;
Hierba7._x = Hierba7._x - 11;
Hierba8._x = Hierba8._x - 12;
Beth._x = Beth._x + 3;
Geek._x = Geek._x - 6;
if (Beth._currentframe >= frame_andar_fin) {
i = 0;
while (i < NL) {
linea[i]._x = linea[i]._x - 2;
linea[i].gotoAndStop(linea[i]._x / 2);
Horizonte._x = Horizonte._x - 0.5;
} else if (ac == 135) {
GeekBocadillo = _root.decir(Geek, _root.str_intro2, 120);
} else if (ac == 185) {
BethBocadillo = _root.decir(Beth, _root.str_intro3, 50);
} else if (ac == 235) {
GeekBocadillo = _root.decir(Geek, _root.str_intro4, 120);
_global.GeekBoca = 3;
_global.GeekMejillas = true;
} else if (ac == 335) {
BethBocadillo = _root.decir(Beth, _root.str_intro5, 120);
_global.Boca = 1;
_global.GeekBoca = 4;
} else if (ac == 400) {
} else if ((ac > 400) && (ac < 520)) {
Beth._x = Beth._x + 6;
if (ac < 410) {
Beth._y = Beth._y + 2;
if (Beth._currentframe >= frame_andar_fin) {
} else if (ac == 560) {
GeekBocadillo = _root.decir(Geek, _root.str_intro6, 80);
_global.GeekBoca = 2;
_global.GeekMano = 2;
TEXTO = TEXTO + _root.str_intro7;
} else if (ac > 700) {
ac = 0;
} else {
} else if (frameactual == 3) {
if (ac < 2) {
TEXTO = "";
_global.GeekMano = 2;
} else if (ac > 150) {
ac = 0;
} else if (frameactual == 4) {
if (ac < 2) {
TEXTO = _root.str_intro8;
HCx = Esc4.Hellcube._x;
HCy = Esc4.Hellcube._y;
HCs = Esc4.Hellcube._xscale;
HBx = Esc4.Hellbook._x;
HBy = Esc4.Hellbook._y;
HBs = Esc4.Hellbook._xscale;
} else if (ac == 150) {
TEXTO = TEXTO + _root.str_intro9;
} else if ((ac > 150) && (ac < 251)) {
apareceObj(ac - 150, Esc4.Hellbook, HBx, HBy, HBs);
} else if (ac == 500) {
TEXTO = _root.str_intro10;
} else if ((ac > 500) && (ac < 601)) {
apareceObj(ac - 500, Esc4.Hellcube, HCx, HCy, HCs);
} else if (ac > 900) {
ac = 0;
} else if (frameactual == 5) {
if (ac < 2) {
TEXTO = _root.str_intro11;
_global.Boca = 5;
_global.ManoD = 2;
Esc5.Beth.TetaD.PezonDuro._alpha = 0;
Esc5.Beth.TetaI.PezonDuro._alpha = 0;
} else if (ac == 100) {
TEXTO = TEXTO + _root.str_intro12;
Esc5.HAL.Brillo._alpha = 0;
Esc5.HAL._alpha = 100;
} else if ((ac > 150) && (ac <= 200)) {
_global.CejaI = 2;
_global.CejaD = 2;
_global.Boca = 4;
Esc5.HAL.Brillo._alpha = 2 * (ac - 150);
Esc5.Rayo._alpha = Esc5.HAL.Brillo._alpha;
} else if ((ac > 200) && (ac <= 250)) {
myColor = new Color(Esc5.Beth);
myColorTransform = new Object();
var _local3 = (250 - ac) * 2;
myColorTransform = {ra:100, rb:0, ga:_local3, gb:0, ba:_local3, bb:0, aa:100, ab:0};
} else if ((ac > 250) && (ac <= 300)) {
Esc5.Beth._alpha = (300 - ac) * 2;
Esc5.HAL.Brillo._alpha = Esc5.Beth._alpha;
Esc5.Rayo._alpha = Esc5.HAL.Brillo._alpha;
} else if (ac == 301) {
TEXTO = TEXTO + _root.str_intro13;
} else if (ac > 450) {
ac = 0;
} else {
_global.Boca = 5;
_global.ManoD = 1;
_global.BasicAP = 0;
_global.Slut = 0;
var op1 = 1;
var op2 = 3;
var op3 = 1;
var sel = 1;
var frameactual = 1;
var ac = 0;
var linea = new Array();
var NL = 13;
var i;
var frame_andar_fin = Beth._currentFrame;
var BethBrazo;
var BethBocadillo;
var GeekBocadillo;
Borde._x = 0;
Borde._y = 0;
Borde._xscale = 1024;
Borde._yscale = 800;
var HCx;
var HCy;
var HCs;
var HBx;
var HBy;
var HBs;
Beth.SP = 0;
keyListener = new Object();
keyListener.onKeyDown = function () {
var _local2 = Key.getCode();
if (frameactual == 1) {
if (_local2 == _global.keyDO) {
if (sel > 10) {
sel = 0;
if (_local2 == _global.keyUP) {
if (sel < 0) {
sel = 10;
} else {
sel = 0;
if (((_local2 == _global.keyA) || (_local2 == _global.keyB)) || (_local2 == _global.keyC)) {
if ((frameactual > 1) || (sel == 0)) {
ac = 0;
if (sel == 1) {
op1 = 1;
} else if (sel == 2) {
op1 = 2;
} else if (sel == 3) {
op1 = 3;
} else if (sel == 4) {
op1 = 4;
} else if (sel == 5) {
op2 = 1;
} else if (sel == 6) {
op2 = 2;
} else if (sel == 7) {
op2 = 3;
} else if (sel == 8) {
op3 = 1;
} else if (sel == 9) {
op3 = 2;
} else if (sel == 10) {
op3 = 3;
this.onEnterFrame = entrando;
Symbol 598 MovieClip Frame 2
if (op2 == 2) {
} else if (op2 == 3) {
if (op2 == 2) {
} else if (op2 == 3) {
_global.Slut = _global.Slut + 3;
Symbol 614 MovieClip Frame 1
function cargando() {
function entrando() {
fram = fram + dir;
if (fram > 14) {
dir = -1;
if (fram < 2) {
dir = 1;
var fram = 1;
var dir = 1;
this.load = cargando;
this.onEnterFrame = entrando;
Symbol 617 MovieClip Frame 1
this.cacheAsBitmap = true;
Symbol 619 MovieClip Frame 1
this.cacheAsBitmap = true;
Symbol 626 MovieClip Frame 1
this.cacheAsBitmap = true;
Symbol 628 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 639 MovieClip Frame 1
function reset_barrita() {
barrita.b3 = 1;
barrita.Mb3 = 1;
barrita._y = 0;
barrita.b3 = SP;
barrita.Mb3 = MSP;
barrita._y = (-this._height) * 10;
function mover(xx, yy) {
if (_root.dentrodelcamino(this._x + xx, this._y + yy)) {
this._x = this._x + xx;
this._y = this._y + yy;
function cargando() {
function entrando() {
if (!_root.Inventario._visible) {
if (_root.distancia(_root.Beth, this, 80, 60)) {
if (estado < 2) {
estado = 2;
barrita._visible = true;
} else if (estado == 2) {
estado = 0;
if (estado < 4) {
var _local4 = false;
var _local3;
if (_root.Beth.estado == 3) {
if (_root.distancia(_root.Beth, this, 20, 6)) {
if (((_root.Beth._xscale > 0) && (this._x > (_root.Beth._x - 2))) || ((_root.Beth._xscale < 0) && (this._x < (_root.Beth._x + 2)))) {
_local4 = true;
this._xscale = -_root.Beth._xscale;
HP = HP - _root.da\u00F1o(_root.Beth.da\u00F1oPatadaBeth(), CAF, this._x, this._y);
_local3 = 0;
while (_local3 < _root.MAXspell) {
if (_root.spell[_local3]._visible) {
if (_root.distancia(_root.spell[_local3], this, 10, 10)) {
_root.spell[_local3].timer = 0;
_local4 = true;
this._xscale = (-_root.spell[_local3]._xscale) / 10;
HP = HP - _root.da\u00F1o(_root.spell[_local3]["da\u00F1o"], RF, this._x, this._y);
if (_local4) {
estado = 4;
andando = 0;
h = 0;
gotoAndStop ("vacio");
lanzadaClip = this.attachMovie(lanzadaN, "lanzada", this.getNextHighestDepth());
lanzadaClip._x = 0;
lanzadaClip._y = 0;
ac = 9;
if (estado == 0) {
andando = 0;
gotoAndStop ("parada");
barrita._visible = false;
if (ac < 0) {
estado = 1;
} else if (estado == 1) {
if (ac < 0) {
dir = _root.round(Math.random() * 8);
ac = _root.round(Math.random() * 20);
} else {
if (dir == 0) {
mover(0, vel2);
if (dir == 1) {
mover(0, -vel2);
if (dir == 2) {
mover(vel2, vel2);
if (dir == 3) {
mover(vel2, 0);
if (dir == 4) {
mover(vel2, -vel2);
if (dir == 5) {
mover(-vel2, -vel2);
if (dir == 6) {
mover(-vel2, 0);
if (dir == 7) {
mover(-vel2, vel2);
if (dir > 1) {
if (dir > 4) {
this._xscale = -10;
} else {
this._xscale = 10;
if (dir == 8) {
estado = 0;
if (andando == 0) {
andando = 1;
gotoAndPlay ("andar");
} else if (estado == 2) {
if (_root.Beth.estado < 20) {
if ((Math.abs(this._y - _root.Beth._y) < 4) && (Math.abs(this._x - _root.Beth._x) < 8)) {
estado = 3;
ac = 0;
atacando = false;
} else {
if (this._y > _root.Beth._y) {
mover(0, -vel);
if (this._y < _root.Beth._y) {
mover(0, vel);
if (this._x > _root.Beth._x) {
this._xscale = -10;
mover(-vel, 0);
if (this._x < _root.Beth._x) {
this._xscale = 10;
mover(vel, 0);
if (andando == 0) {
andando = 1;
gotoAndPlay ("andar");
} else if (_root.Beth.estado == 103) {
if (fatality > 0) {
_root.Beth.estado = fatality;
} else {
estado = 0;
} else if (estado == 3) {
if (ac < 3) {
if (!atacando) {
gotoAndPlay ("atacar");
andando = 0;
} else if (ac == 3) {
_root.Beth.HP = _root.Beth.HP - _root.da\u00F1o(_root.d(da\u00F1o, nivel), _root.Beth.CAF, _root.Beth._x, _root.Beth._y);
} else if (!atacando) {
estado = 0;
} else if (estado == 4) {
gotoAndStop ("vacio");
lanzadaClip._y = (-h) * 10;
ac = ac - 1;
h = h + ac;
mover(((-this._xscale) * 3) / 10, 0);
if (ac == -8) {
estado = 100;
gotoAndStop ("muerta");
ac = 0;
} else if (estado == 100) {
if (ac > 30) {
if (HP > 0) {
estado = 0;
} else {
_root.exp(XP, this._x, this._y);
estado = 101;
ac = 0;
this._visible = false;
barrita._visible = false;
} else if (estado == 101) {
if (respawn > 0) {
if (ac > respawn) {
estado = 0;
if (MMP > 1) {
this._visible = true;
barrita.b1 = HP;
var vel = 2;
var vel2 = 1;
var nivel = 1;
var da\u00F1o = 3;
var MHP = 6;
var MMP = 1;
var MSP = 1;
var CAF = 0;
var RF = 0;
var XP = 1;
var fatality = -1;
var lanzadaN = "rata_volando";
var produce_sombra = true;
var respawn = 1000;
vel = 2;
vel2 = 1;
nivel = 1;
Set("da\u00F1o", 3);
MHP = 6;
MMP = 1;
MSP = 1;
XP = 1;
CAF = 0;
RF = 0;
fatality = 151;
lanzadaN = "rata_volando";
produce_sombra = true;
respawn = 1000;
var HP = MHP;
var MP;
var SP = 0;
if (MMP < 2) {
MP = 0;
var andando = 0;
var estado = 0;
if (!this._visible) {
estado = 101;
var ac = 0;
var h;
var dir = 0;
var barrita = _root.barra(this, 50, HP, MHP, MP, MMP, SP, MSP);
var lanzadaClip;
var sombra;
var atacando = false;
if (produce_sombra) {
sombra = _root.darSombra(this);
this.load = cargando;
this.onEnterFrame = entrando;
Symbol 639 MovieClip Frame 2
Symbol 639 MovieClip Frame 10
gotoAndPlay ("andar");
Symbol 639 MovieClip Frame 11
atacando = true;
Symbol 639 MovieClip Frame 16
atacando = false;
Symbol 639 MovieClip Frame 17
Symbol 639 MovieClip Frame 18
Symbol 640 MovieClip Frame 1
function reset_barrita() {
barrita.b3 = 1;
barrita.Mb3 = 1;
barrita._y = 0;
barrita.b3 = SP;
barrita.Mb3 = MSP;
barrita._y = (-this._height) * 10;
function mover(xx, yy) {
if (_root.dentrodelcamino(this._x + xx, this._y + yy)) {
this._x = this._x + xx;
this._y = this._y + yy;
function cargando() {
function entrando() {
if (!_root.Inventario._visible) {
if (_root.distancia(_root.Beth, this, 80, 60)) {
if (estado < 2) {
estado = 2;
barrita._visible = true;
} else if (estado == 2) {
estado = 0;
if (estado < 4) {
var _local4 = false;
var _local3;
if (_root.Beth.estado == 3) {
if (_root.distancia(_root.Beth, this, 20, 6)) {
if (((_root.Beth._xscale > 0) && (this._x > (_root.Beth._x - 2))) || ((_root.Beth._xscale < 0) && (this._x < (_root.Beth._x + 2)))) {
_local4 = true;
this._xscale = -_root.Beth._xscale;
HP = HP - _root.da\u00F1o(_root.Beth.da\u00F1oPatadaBeth(), CAF, this._x, this._y);
_local3 = 0;
while (_local3 < _root.MAXspell) {
if (_root.spell[_local3]._visible) {
if (_root.distancia(_root.spell[_local3], this, 10, 10)) {
_root.spell[_local3].timer = 0;
_local4 = true;
this._xscale = (-_root.spell[_local3]._xscale) / 10;
HP = HP - _root.da\u00F1o(_root.spell[_local3]["da\u00F1o"], RF, this._x, this._y);
if (_local4) {
estado = 4;
andando = 0;
h = 0;
gotoAndStop ("vacio");
lanzadaClip = this.attachMovie(lanzadaN, "lanzada", this.getNextHighestDepth());
lanzadaClip._x = 0;
lanzadaClip._y = 0;
ac = 9;
if (estado == 0) {
andando = 0;
gotoAndStop ("parada");
barrita._visible = false;
if (ac < 0) {
estado = 1;
} else if (estado == 1) {
if (ac < 0) {
dir = _root.round(Math.random() * 8);
ac = _root.round(Math.random() * 20);
} else {
if (dir == 0) {
mover(0, vel2);
if (dir == 1) {
mover(0, -vel2);
if (dir == 2) {
mover(vel2, vel2);
if (dir == 3) {
mover(vel2, 0);
if (dir == 4) {
mover(vel2, -vel2);
if (dir == 5) {
mover(-vel2, -vel2);
if (dir == 6) {
mover(-vel2, 0);
if (dir == 7) {
mover(-vel2, vel2);
if (dir > 1) {
if (dir > 4) {
this._xscale = -10;
} else {
this._xscale = 10;
if (dir == 8) {
estado = 0;
if (andando == 0) {
andando = 1;
gotoAndPlay ("andar");
} else if (estado == 2) {
if (_root.Beth.estado < 20) {
if ((Math.abs(this._y - _root.Beth._y) < 4) && (Math.abs(this._x - _root.Beth._x) < 8)) {
estado = 3;
ac = 0;
atacando = false;
} else {
if (this._y > _root.Beth._y) {
mover(0, -vel);
if (this._y < _root.Beth._y) {
mover(0, vel);
if (this._x > _root.Beth._x) {
this._xscale = -10;
mover(-vel, 0);
if (this._x < _root.Beth._x) {
this._xscale = 10;
mover(vel, 0);
if (andando == 0) {
andando = 1;
gotoAndPlay ("andar");
} else if (_root.Beth.estado == 103) {
if (fatality > 0) {
_root.Beth.estado = fatality;
} else {
estado = 0;
} else if (estado == 3) {
if (ac < 3) {
if (!atacando) {
gotoAndPlay ("atacar");
andando = 0;
} else if (ac == 3) {
_root.Beth.HP = _root.Beth.HP - _root.da\u00F1o(_root.d(da\u00F1o, nivel), _root.Beth.CAF, _root.Beth._x, _root.Beth._y);
} else if (!atacando) {
estado = 0;
} else if (estado == 4) {
gotoAndStop ("vacio");
lanzadaClip._y = (-h) * 10;
ac = ac - 1;
h = h + ac;
mover(((-this._xscale) * 3) / 10, 0);
if (ac == -8) {
estado = 100;
gotoAndStop ("muerta");
ac = 0;
} else if (estado == 100) {
if (ac > 30) {
if (HP > 0) {
estado = 0;
} else {
_root.exp(XP, this._x, this._y);
estado = 101;
ac = 0;
this._visible = false;
barrita._visible = false;
} else if (estado == 101) {
if (respawn > 0) {
if (ac > respawn) {
estado = 0;
if (MMP > 1) {
this._visible = true;
barrita.b1 = HP;
var vel = 2;
var vel2 = 1;
var nivel = 1;
var da\u00F1o = 3;
var MHP = 6;
var MMP = 1;
var MSP = 1;
var CAF = 0;
var RF = 0;
var XP = 1;
var fatality = -1;
var lanzadaN = "rata_volando";
var produce_sombra = true;
var respawn = 1000;
vel = 3;
vel2 = 3;
nivel = 3;
Set("da\u00F1o", 3);
MHP = 10;
MMP = 1;
MSP = 1;
XP = 5;
CAF = 2;
lanzadaN = "rataBoss_volando";
produce_sombra = true;
respawn = 0;
var HP = MHP;
var MP;
var SP = 0;
if (MMP < 2) {
MP = 0;
var andando = 0;
var estado = 0;
if (!this._visible) {
estado = 101;
var ac = 0;
var h;
var dir = 0;
var barrita = _root.barra(this, 50, HP, MHP, MP, MMP, SP, MSP);
var lanzadaClip;
var sombra;
var atacando = false;
if (produce_sombra) {
sombra = _root.darSombra(this);
this.load = cargando;
this.onEnterFrame = entrando;
Symbol 640 MovieClip Frame 2
Symbol 640 MovieClip Frame 10
gotoAndPlay ("andar");
Symbol 640 MovieClip Frame 11
atacando = true;
Symbol 640 MovieClip Frame 16
atacando = false;
Symbol 640 MovieClip Frame 17
Symbol 640 MovieClip Frame 18
Symbol 655 MovieClip Frame 1
function reset_barrita() {
barrita.b3 = 1;
barrita.Mb3 = 1;
barrita._y = 0;
barrita.b3 = SP;
barrita.Mb3 = MSP;
barrita._y = (-this._height) * 10;
function mover(xx, yy) {
if (_root.dentrodelcamino(this._x + xx, this._y + yy)) {
this._x = this._x + xx;
this._y = this._y + yy;
function cargando() {
function entrando() {
if (!_root.Inventario._visible) {
if (_root.distancia(_root.Beth, this, 80, 60)) {
if (estado < 2) {
estado = 2;
barrita._visible = true;
} else if (estado == 2) {
estado = 0;
if (estado < 4) {
var _local4 = false;
var _local3;
if (_root.Beth.estado == 3) {
if (_root.distancia(_root.Beth, this, 20, 6)) {
if (((_root.Beth._xscale > 0) && (this._x > (_root.Beth._x - 2))) || ((_root.Beth._xscale < 0) && (this._x < (_root.Beth._x + 2)))) {
_local4 = true;
this._xscale = -_root.Beth._xscale;
HP = HP - _root.da\u00F1o(_root.Beth.da\u00F1oPatadaBeth(), CAF, this._x, this._y);
_local3 = 0;
while (_local3 < _root.MAXspell) {
if (_root.spell[_local3]._visible) {
if (_root.distancia(_root.spell[_local3], this, 10, 10)) {
_root.spell[_local3].timer = 0;
_local4 = true;
this._xscale = (-_root.spell[_local3]._xscale) / 10;
HP = HP - _root.da\u00F1o(_root.spell[_local3]["da\u00F1o"], RF, this._x, this._y);
if (_local4) {
estado = 4;
andando = 0;
h = 0;
gotoAndStop ("vacio");
lanzadaClip = this.attachMovie(lanzadaN, "lanzada", this.getNextHighestDepth());
lanzadaClip._x = 0;
lanzadaClip._y = 0;
ac = 9;
if (estado == 0) {
andando = 0;
gotoAndStop ("parada");
barrita._visible = false;
if (ac < 0) {
estado = 1;
} else if (estado == 1) {
if (ac < 0) {
dir = _root.round(Math.random() * 8);
ac = _root.round(Math.random() * 20);
} else {
if (dir == 0) {
mover(0, vel2);
if (dir == 1) {
mover(0, -vel2);
if (dir == 2) {
mover(vel2, vel2);
if (dir == 3) {
mover(vel2, 0);
if (dir == 4) {
mover(vel2, -vel2);
if (dir == 5) {
mover(-vel2, -vel2);
if (dir == 6) {
mover(-vel2, 0);
if (dir == 7) {
mover(-vel2, vel2);
if (dir > 1) {
if (dir > 4) {
this._xscale = -10;
} else {
this._xscale = 10;
if (dir == 8) {
estado = 0;
if (andando == 0) {
andando = 1;
gotoAndPlay ("andar");
} else if (estado == 2) {
if (_root.Beth.estado < 20) {
if ((Math.abs(this._y - _root.Beth._y) < 4) && (Math.abs(this._x - _root.Beth._x) < 8)) {
estado = 3;
ac = 0;
atacando = false;
} else {
if (this._y > _root.Beth._y) {
mover(0, -vel);
if (this._y < _root.Beth._y) {
mover(0, vel);
if (this._x > _root.Beth._x) {
this._xscale = -10;
mover(-vel, 0);
if (this._x < _root.Beth._x) {
this._xscale = 10;
mover(vel, 0);
if (andando == 0) {
andando = 1;
gotoAndPlay ("andar");
} else if (_root.Beth.estado == 103) {
if (fatality > 0) {
_root.Beth.estado = fatality;
} else {
estado = 0;
} else if (estado == 3) {
if (ac < 3) {
if (!atacando) {
gotoAndPlay ("atacar");
andando = 0;
} else if (ac == 3) {
_root.Beth.HP = _root.Beth.HP - _root.da\u00F1o(_root.d(da\u00F1o, nivel), _root.Beth.CAF, _root.Beth._x, _root.Beth._y);
} else if (!atacando) {
estado = 0;
} else if (estado == 4) {
gotoAndStop ("vacio");
lanzadaClip._y = (-h) * 10;
ac = ac - 1;
h = h + ac;
mover(((-this._xscale) * 3) / 10, 0);
if (ac == -8) {
estado = 100;
gotoAndStop ("muerta");
ac = 0;
} else if (estado == 100) {
if (ac > 30) {
if (HP > 0) {
estado = 0;
} else {
_root.exp(XP, this._x, this._y);
estado = 101;
ac = 0;
this._visible = false;
barrita._visible = false;
} else if (estado == 101) {
if (respawn > 0) {
if (ac > respawn) {
estado = 0;
if (MMP > 1) {
this._visible = true;
barrita.b1 = HP;
var vel = 2;
var vel2 = 1;
var nivel = 1;
var da\u00F1o = 3;
var MHP = 6;
var MMP = 1;
var MSP = 1;
var CAF = 0;
var RF = 0;
var XP = 1;
var fatality = -1;
var lanzadaN = "rata_volando";
var produce_sombra = true;
var respawn = 1000;
vel = 4;
vel2 = 4;
nivel = 1;
Set("da\u00F1o", 1);
MHP = 6;
MMP = 1;
MSP = 1;
XP = 2;
CAF = 1;
lanzadaN = "Snake_volando";
produce_sombra = false;
respawn = 1000;
var HP = MHP;
var MP;
var SP = 0;
if (MMP < 2) {
MP = 0;
var andando = 0;
var estado = 0;
if (!this._visible) {
estado = 101;
var ac = 0;
var h;
var dir = 0;
var barrita = _root.barra(this, 50, HP, MHP, MP, MMP, SP, MSP);
var lanzadaClip;
var sombra;
var atacando = false;
if (produce_sombra) {
sombra = _root.darSombra(this);
this.load = cargando;
this.onEnterFrame = entrando;
Symbol 655 MovieClip Frame 9
this._x = this._x - ((11.3 * this._xscale) / 10);
gotoAndPlay ("andar");
Symbol 655 MovieClip Frame 10
atacando = true;
Symbol 655 MovieClip Frame 13
atacando = false;
Symbol 657 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 659 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 662 MovieClip Frame 1
function entrando() {
if (_root.Beth._y < this._y) {
gotoAndStop ("b");
} else {
gotoAndStop ("a");
this.onEnterFrame = entrando;
Symbol 664 MovieClip Frame 1
var sombra = _root.darSombraInmovil(this);
Symbol 666 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 668 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 683 MovieClip Frame 1
function entrando() {
if (this._visible) {
if (estado == 0) {
if (_root.distancia(_root.Beth, this, 15, 7)) {
if (_root.Beth.estado == 18) {
_root.Beth.estado = 20;
estado = 1;
ac = 0;
_root.decir(this, "Hello, young lady. Could you please help me?", 50);
} else if (estado == 1) {
if (ac == 50) {
_root.decir(this, "I need 10 red mushrooms, but my arthritis makes me too difficult to find them. Could you please find them for me?", 250);
_root.Beth.estado = 0;
} else if (ac > 300) {
ac = 0;
estado = 2;
} else if (estado == 2) {
if (_root.distancia(_root.Beth, this, 15, 7)) {
if (_root.Beth.estado == 18) {
if (_root.isItemInInv("Item_Champi", 10)) {
_root.decir(this, "Thanks a lot, young lady!", 50);
_root.removeItemInInv("Item_Champi", 10);
_root.exp(10, this._x, this._y);
_root.Beth.estado = 0;
estado = 3;
} else {
_root.decir(this, "You don't have 10 red mushrooms.", 70);
_root.Beth.estado = 0;
} else if (estado == 3) {
if (_root.distancia(_root.Beth, this, 15, 7)) {
if (_root.Beth.estado == 18) {
_root.Beth.estado = 20;
estado = 4;
ac = 0;
_root.decir(this, "Young lady, could you please help me once Again? A huge grey rat eats my food while I'm not at home.", 250);
} else if (estado == 4) {
if (ac == 250) {
_root.decir(this, "You'll find the rat going West. Please, kill it and be careful.", 250);
if (ac > 250) {
_root.RataBoss.estado = 0;
_root.RataBoss._visible = true;
_root.Beth.estado = 0;
estado = 5;
} else if (estado == 5) {
if (_root.distancia(_root.Beth, this, 15, 7)) {
if (_root.Beth.estado == 18) {
if (_root.RataBoss.estado == 101) {
_root.decir(this, "Thanks again, young lady! As reward, take this key. It opens a metal chest. Consider all in the chest as a present for your help", 300);
_root.addToInv("Item_Llave1", 1, "A key for a metal chest.", 0, 0);
_root.exp(5, this._x, this._y);
_root.Beth.MMP = _root.Beth.level * 5;
_root.Beth.MP = _root.Beth.MMP;
estado = 6;
} else {
_root.decir(this, "The grey rat is still alive. Plese, kill it.", 100);
_root.Beth.estado = 0;
} else if (estado == 6) {
if (_root.distancia(_root.Beth, this, 15, 7)) {
if (_root.Beth.estado == 18) {
_root.decir(this, "You'll find the chest going South. Inside it, there is a strange rock. It's a rune. It will allow you to use arcane powers. But beware of snakes in the way", 300);
_root.Beth.estado = 0;
var estado = 0;
var ac = 0;
var sombra = _root.darSombraInmovil(this);
this.onEnterFrame = entrando;
Symbol 686 MovieClip Frame 1
function entrando() {
if (abierto == 0) {
if (_root.Beth.estado == 18) {
if (_root.distancia(_root.Beth, this, 24, 8)) {
_root.Beth.estado = 0;
abierto = 1;
gotoAndStop (2);
i = 0;
while (i < 5) {
j = _root.d(4, 0);
if (j == 0) {
c = _root.ItemFijo_Goldbag_L1;
} else if (j == 1) {
c = _root.ItemFijo_PotionHP1;
} else {
c = null;
if (c != null) {
c._x = (this._x + (12 * i)) - 24;
c._y = this._y + 12;
c._visible = true;
var abierto = 0;
var i;
var j;
var c;
this.onEnterFrame = entrando;
Symbol 693 MovieClip Frame 1
function entrando() {
if (abierto == 0) {
if (_root.Beth.estado == 18) {
if (_root.distancia(_root.Beth, this, 24, 8)) {
if (_root.isItemInInv("Item_Llave1", 1)) {
_root.Beth.estado = 0;
_root.removeItemInInv("Item_Llave1", 1);
abierto = 1;
gotoAndStop (2);
_root.cofre1_botin1._visible = true;
_root.cofre1_botin2._visible = true;
_root.cofre1_botin3._visible = true;
_root.cofre1_botin4._visible = true;
} else {
_root.decir(_root.Beth, "It's locked.", 50);
var abierto = 0;
this.onEnterFrame = entrando;
Symbol 695 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 697 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 699 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 701 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 703 MovieClip Frame 1
function entrando() {
if (this._visible) {
if (_root.distancia(_root.Beth, this, 44, 28)) {
if (_root.Beth.estado == 18) { = _root.Beth.frame_patada - 15;
_root.Beth.estado = 21;
_root.Beth._x = this._x;
_root.Beth._y = this._y;
_root.Beth._xscale = this._xscale;
_root.decir(_root.Beth, "I think I need some sleep.", 100);
this.onEnterFrame = entrando;
Symbol 707 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 728 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 728 MovieClip Frame 7
Symbol 734 MovieClip Frame 1
function entrando() {
if (this._visible) {
if (estado == 0) {
if (_root.distancia(_root.Beth, this, 15, 7)) {
if (_root.Beth.estado == 18) {
_root.Beth.estado = 0;
estado = 1;
_root.decir(this, "I've saved you 3 times. Don't you think I deserve any reward?", 150);
} else if (estado == 1) {
if (_root.distancia(_root.Beth, this, 15, 7)) {
if (_root.Beth.estado == 18) {
_root.Beth.estado = 0;
estado = 2;
_root.decir(_root.Beth, "What can I do for you?", 150);
_root.decir(this, "Could you let me touch you boobies? Just a little?", 150);
} else if (estado == 2) {
if (_root.distancia(_root.Beth, this, 15, 7)) {
if (_root.Beth.estado == 18) {
_root.Beth.estado = 0;
_root.decir(_root.Beth, "Sorry, but I don't feel confortable with that.", 150);
if (_root.Beth.estado == 19) {
_root.Beth.estado = 20;
estado = 3;
ac = 0;
_root.decir(_root.Beth, "Ok, go ahead.", 100);
_root.Beth._xscale = 10;
this._xscale = -_root.Beth._xscale;
} else if (estado == 3) {
if (ac == 30) {
gotoAndPlay ("andar");
} else if (ac == 31) {
bc = 0;
ac = 30;
if (this._y < (_root.Beth._y - 1)) {
this._y = this._y + 2;
} else if (this._y > (_root.Beth._y + 1)) {
this._y = this._y - 2;
} else {
if (this._x < (_root.Beth._x + 26)) {
this._x = this._x + 2;
} else if (this._x > (_root.Beth._x + 28)) {
this._x = this._x - 2;
} else {
if (bc > 1) {
this._xscale = 10;
this._x = _root.Beth._x + 27;
this._y = _root.Beth._y + 1;
gotoAndPlay ("sacarTaburete");
ac = 31;
} else if (ac == 70) {
gotoAndPlay ("girar");
} else if (ac == 90) {
_global.Rubor = 1;
_global.CejaI = 2;
_global.CejaD = 2;
_root.Beth.SP = 20;
} else if ((ac > 90) && (ac < 1000)) {
if (MDc == 0) {
if (_root.d(5, 0) == 0) {
MDc = _root.d(5, 3);
if (MIc == 0) {
if (_root.d(5, 0) == 0) {
MIc = _root.d(5, 3);
if (MDc > 0) {
} else {
if (MIc > 0) {
} else {
if (_root.Beth.SP > 40) {
_global.Boca = 4;
Cadera.Paquete._alpha = 100;
Cadera.Paquete._xscale = (_root.Beth._xscale * (_root.Beth.SP - 30)) / 5;
if (_root.Beth.SP > 60) {
_global.ojoI = 2;
_global.ojoD = 2;
_global.Boca = 6;
if (_root.Beth.SP > 80) {
ac = 1000;
_global.ojoI = 1;
_global.ojoD = 1;
framegnomo = this._currentframe;
} else if ((ac > 1000) && (ac < 1045)) {
} else if (ac == 1045) {
_root.decir(this, "Errrrr.... Sorry... I must go... I have a lot of things to do... See you!", 200);
_global.Boca = 4;
} else if (ac == 1200) {
gotoAndPlay ("andar");
} else if ((ac > 1200) && (ac < 1300)) {
if (this._y < _root.EntradaCueva1._y) {
this._y = this._y + 4;
if (this._x < (_root.EntradaCueva1._x - 3)) {
this._x = this._x + 4;
this._xscale = 10;
} else if (this._x > (_root.EntradaCueva1._x + 3)) {
this._x = this._x - 4;
this._xscale = -10;
} else if (ac == 1300) {
Cadera.Paquete._visible = false;
this._visible = false;
this._x = _root.CamaGnomo._x + 60;
this._y = _root.CamaGnomo._y;
this._xscale = 10;
gotoAndStop ("parado");
_root.decir(_root.Beth, "Fucking gnome! I was horny and he just goes!", 150);
_global.ojoI = 1;
_global.ojoD = 1;
_global.Boca = 3;
_global.Rubor = 0;
_global.CejaI = 1;
_global.CejaD = 1;
_root.Beth.estado = 0;
_global.muertesPorRata = 3;
estado = 4;
} else if (estado == 4) {
if (_root.distancia(_root.Beth, this, 15, 7)) {
if (_root.Beth.estado == 18) {
_root.Beth.estado = 0;
estado = 5;
_root.decir(_root.Beth, "I suppose you want another reward for rescuing me from the rats, right? What is now?", 200);
_root.decir(this, "Could I rub your thighs and hips?", 100);
} else if (estado == 5) {
if (_root.distancia(_root.Beth, this, 15, 7)) {
if (_root.Beth.estado == 18) {
_root.Beth.estado = 0;
_root.decir(_root.Beth, "Sorry, but I don't feel confortable with that.", 150);
if (_root.Beth.estado == 19) {
_root.Beth.estado = 20;
estado = 6;
ac = 0;
_root.decir(_root.Beth, "Ok, go ahead.", 100);
_root.Beth._xscale = 10;
this._xscale = -_root.Beth._xscale;
} else if (estado == 6) {
if (ac == 30) {
gotoAndPlay ("andar");
} else if (ac == 31) {
var bc = 0;
ac = 30;
if (this._y < (_root.Beth._y - 1)) {
this._y = this._y + 2;
} else if (this._y > (_root.Beth._y + 1)) {
this._y = this._y - 2;
} else {
if (this._x < (_root.Beth._x + 26)) {
this._x = this._x + 2;
} else if (this._x > (_root.Beth._x + 28)) {
this._x = this._x - 2;
} else {
if (bc > 1) {
this._xscale = 10;
this._x = _root.Beth._x + 27;
this._y = _root.Beth._y + 1;
gotoAndPlay ("sacarTaburete");
ac = 31;
} else if (ac == 70) {
gotoAndPlay ("girar");
} else if ((ac > 70) && (ac < 80)) {
if (this._currentframe > 57) {
gotoAndPlay ("inclinarse");
ac = 80;
} else if (ac == 90) {
_root.equip[7].N = "";
Cadera.Paquete._visible = true;
Cadera.Paquete._alpha = 100;
_global.Rubor = 1;
_global.CejaI = 2;
_global.CejaD = 2;
_root.Beth.SP = 20;
_root.decir(_root.Beth, "I can't believe I let this happens once again.", 150);
bc = 74;
ic = 1;
} else if ((ac > 90) && (ac < 250)) {
bc = bc + ic;
if (bc > 84) {
ic = -1;
if (bc < 76) {
ic = 1;
} else if (ac == 250) {
_root.decir(_root.Beth, "Mmmmmmmm.", 100);
_global.ojoI = 2;
_global.ojoD = 2;
_global.Boca = 6;
gotoAndPlay ("sobeteo2");
bc = 94;
ic = 1;
MIc = 0;
} else if ((ac > 260) && (ac < 450)) {
bc = bc + ic;
if (bc > 103) {
ic = -1;
_root.Beth.SP = _root.Beth.SP + 1;
if (bc < 96) {
ic = 1;
if (MIc == 0) {
if (_root.d(5, 0) == 0) {
MIc = _root.d(5, 3);
_root.Beth.SP = _root.Beth.SP + 1;
if (MIc > 0) {
} else {
} else if (ac == 450) {
_root.decir(_root.Beth, "Oh my god!\nMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM", 100);
_global.Boca = 5;
bc = 104;
ic = 1;
} else if ((ac > 460) && (ac < 800)) {
bc = bc + ic;
if (bc > 114) {
ic = -1;
_root.Beth.SP = _root.Beth.SP + 2;
if (bc < 106) {
ic = 1;
if (MIc == 0) {
if (_root.d(5, 0) == 0) {
MIc = _root.d(5, 3);
_root.Beth.SP = _root.Beth.SP + 1;
if (MIc > 0) {
} else {
if (_root.Beth.SP > 100) {
_root.Beth.SP = 100;
_root.decir(_root.Beth, "AHHHHHHHHH!\nI'm cummiiiiiiiing!", 100);
ac = 899;
framegnomo = 59;
bc = 106;
} else if ((ac > 900) && (ac < 1000)) {
_global.Boca = 4;
if (bc > 94) {
if ((bc % 4) == 0) {
if (bc > 96) {
gotoAndStop(bc - 30);
} else if ((ac > 1000) && (ac < 1045)) {
} else if (ac == 1045) {
_root.decir(this, "Errrrr.... Sorry... I must go again... See you!", 150);
} else if (ac == 1150) {
gotoAndPlay ("andar");
} else if ((ac > 1150) && (ac < 1250)) {
if (this._y < _root.EntradaCueva1._y) {
this._y = this._y + 4;
if (this._x < (_root.EntradaCueva1._x - 3)) {
this._x = this._x + 4;
this._xscale = 10;
} else if (this._x > (_root.EntradaCueva1._x + 3)) {
this._x = this._x - 4;
this._xscale = -10;
} else if (ac == 1250) {
Cadera.Paquete._visible = false;
this._visible = false;
this._x = _root.CamaGnomo._x + 60;
this._y = _root.CamaGnomo._y;
this._xscale = 10;
gotoAndStop ("parado");
_root.decir(_root.Beth, "I can't believe I cummed!", 100);
_global.ojoI = 1;
_global.ojoD = 1;
_global.Boca = 3;
_global.Rubor = 0;
_global.CejaI = 1;
_global.CejaD = 1;
estado = 7;
Cadera.Paquete._xscale = (_root.Beth._xscale * (_root.Beth.SP - 30)) / 5;
var estado = 0;
var ac = 0;
var bc = 0;
var ic = 0;
var MDc = 0;
var MIc = 0;
var framegnomo = 0;
var sombra = _root.darSombra(this);
this.onEnterFrame = entrando;
Symbol 734 MovieClip Frame 22
gotoAndPlay ("andar");
Symbol 734 MovieClip Frame 51
Symbol 734 MovieClip Frame 52
Symbol 734 MovieClip Frame 53
Symbol 734 MovieClip Frame 54
Symbol 734 MovieClip Frame 55
Symbol 734 MovieClip Frame 56
Symbol 734 MovieClip Frame 57
Symbol 734 MovieClip Frame 66
Symbol 734 MovieClip Frame 75
Symbol 734 MovieClip Frame 85
Symbol 734 MovieClip Frame 95
Symbol 743 MovieClip Frame 1
this.cacheAsBitmap = true;
Symbol 745 MovieClip Frame 1
this.cacheAsBitmap = true;
Symbol 747 MovieClip Frame 1
this.cacheAsBitmap = true;
Symbol 770 MovieClip Frame 1
var health = ((_root.Beth.HP + "/") + _root.Beth.MHP);
var magic = ((_root.Beth.MP + "/") + _root.Beth.MMP);
var AP = ((_root.Beth.AP + "/") + _root.Beth.MAP);
var Nexp = _root.nextlevel(_root.Beth.level);
var horny = ((_root.Beth.SP + "/") + _root.Beth.MSP);
Symbol 770 MovieClip Frame 2
gotoAndPlay (1);
Symbol 784 MovieClip Frame 1
function camControl() {
var _local3 = sX / this._width;
var _local4 = sY / this._height;
_parent._x = cX - (this._x * _local3);
_parent._y = cY - (this._y * _local4);
_parent._xscale = 100 * _local3;
_parent._yscale = 100 * _local4;
function resetStage() {
var _local2 = {ra:100, rb:0, ga:100, gb:0, ba:100, bb:0, aa:100, ab:0};
_parent._xscale = 100;
_parent._yscale = 100;
_parent._x = 0;
_parent._y = 0;
this._visible = false;
var oldMode = Stage.scaleMode;
Stage.scaleMode = "exactFit";
var cX = (Stage.width / 2);
var cY = (Stage.height / 2);
var sX = Stage.width;
var sY = Stage.height;
Stage.scaleMode = oldMode;
var camColor = new Color(this);
var parentColor = new Color(_parent);
this.onEnterFrame = camControl;
this.onUnload = resetStage;