Section 1
//btRep_4 (DreamJobWeek1_fla.btRep_4)
package DreamJobWeek1_fla {
import flash.display.*;
import flash.text.*;
public dynamic class btRep_4 extends MovieClip {
public var txt:TextField;
}//package DreamJobWeek1_fla
Section 2
//lblDialog_2 (DreamJobWeek1_fla.lblDialog_2)
package DreamJobWeek1_fla {
import flash.display.*;
import flash.text.*;
public dynamic class lblDialog_2 extends MovieClip {
public var txt:TextField;
}//package DreamJobWeek1_fla
Section 3
//MainTimeline (DreamJobWeek1_fla.MainTimeline)
package DreamJobWeek1_fla {
import flash.display.*;
import flash.text.*;
import adobe.utils.*;
import flash.accessibility.*;
import flash.errors.*;
import flash.external.*;
import flash.filters.*;
import flash.geom.*;
import flash.printing.*;
import flash.system.*;
import flash.ui.*;
import flash.utils.*;
import flash.xml.*;
public dynamic class MainTimeline extends MovieClip {
public var zone1;
public var zone2;
public var zone3;
public var bt2:MovieClip;
public var bt3:MovieClip;
public var bt1:MovieClip;
public var v0_31:MovieClip;
public var lblInstru:TextField;
public var v0_41:MovieClip;
public var btNext:SimpleButton;
public var v0_51:MovieClip;
public var btEn:SimpleButton;
public var lblDialog:MovieClip;
public var btRep1:MovieClip;
public var btRep2:MovieClip;
public var btRep3:MovieClip;
public var charge;
public var strPerdu;
public var btFr:SimpleButton;
public var En;
public var tcPerdu;
public var TCbt3;
public var TCbt1;
public var TCbt2;
public var la;
public var pgSuiv;
public var v0_1:MovieClip;
public var v0_2:MovieClip;
public var v0_4:MovieClip;
public var v0_5:MovieClip;
public var v0_6:MovieClip;
public var v0_0:MovieClip;
public var v0_3:MovieClip;
public var lblQuestion:TextField;
public function MainTimeline(){
addFrameScript(0, frame1, 1, frame2, 2, frame3, 3, frame4, 5, frame6, 6, frame7, 7, frame8, 12, frame13, 13, frame14, 14, frame15, 15, frame16, 16, frame17, 17, frame18, 18, frame19, 19, frame20, 20, frame21, 21, frame22, 22, frame23, 23, frame24, 24, frame25, 25, frame26, 26, frame27, 27, frame28, 28, frame29, 29, frame30, 30, frame31, 31, frame32, 32, frame33, 33, frame34, 34, frame35, 35, frame36, 36, frame37, 37, frame38, 38, frame39, 39, frame40);
public function v0_6bEvent(_arg1:Event){
if (v0_6.currentFrame >= v0_6.totalFrames){
v0_6.removeEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, v0_6bEvent);
lblDialog.txt.text = "";
tcPerdu = 30;
public function v0_41bEvent(_arg1:Event){
if (v0_41.currentFrame >= v0_41.totalFrames){
v0_41.removeEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, v0_41bEvent);
if (En){
strPerdu = "I'm sorry sir, we will have to let you go";
lblQuestion.text = "I'm in charge and I do want I want.";
btRep1.txt.text = "You're really superb!";
btRep2.txt.text = "Quick, give me the dress!";
btRep3.txt.text = "";
} else {
lblQuestion.text = "Et ben non, le slip d'abord.";
btRep1.txt.text = "Tu es vraiment superbe!";
btRep2.txt.text = "Donne moi vite ta robe!";
btRep3.txt.text = "";
strPerdu = "On ne va pas pouvoir vous garder, désolée.";
function frame14(){
TCbt1 = 15;
TCbt2 = 17;
TCbt3 = 17;
lblQuestion.text = "";
btRep1.visible = (btRep2.visible = (btRep3.visible = false));
v0_0.addEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, v0_0Event);
function frame16(){
TCbt1 = 18;
TCbt2 = tcPerdu;
TCbt3 = 13;
if (En){
lblQuestion.text = "It's a pity, such a good looking guy...";
strPerdu = "I'm sorry sir, we will have to let you go";
btRep1.txt.text = "Thanks, any laundry?";
btRep2.txt.text = "Don't start bitch!";
btRep3.txt.text = "";
} else {
lblQuestion.text = "C'est dommage, un beau mec comme toi.";
strPerdu = "Désolée, je ne pense pas que cet emploi soit pour vous.";
btRep1.txt.text = "Merci, t'as du linge sale?";
btRep2.txt.text = "Commence pas salope!";
btRep3.txt.text = "";
function frame18(){
TCbt1 = 19;
TCbt2 = 22;
TCbt3 = tcPerdu;
lblQuestion.text = "";
btRep1.visible = (btRep2.visible = (btRep3.visible = false));
v0_1.addEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, v0_1Event);
public function v0_1Event(_arg1:Event){
if (v0_1.currentFrame >= v0_1.totalFrames){
v0_1.removeEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, v0_1Event);
if (En){
lblQuestion.text = "For the laundry? There's only what I'm wearing...";
strPerdu = "I'm sorry sir, we will have to let you go";
btRep1.txt.text = "I'll come back later.";
btRep2.txt.text = "You're a cheeky!";
btRep3.txt.text = "Stop behaving like a whore.";
} else {
lblQuestion.text = "Comme linge sale? J'ai juste ce que je porte... ";
strPerdu = "On ne va pas pouvoir vous garder, désolée.";
btRep1.txt.text = "Je reviendrai plus tard.";
btRep2.txt.text = "T'es vraiment une coquine!";
btRep3.txt.text = "Arrête un peu de faire ta pute.";
function frame15(){
TCbt1 = tcPerdu;
TCbt2 = 16;
TCbt3 = 16;
if (En){
lblQuestion.text = "Are you always that rude?";
btRep1.txt.text = "With bitches? Yes!";
btRep2.txt.text = "No, I'm not here to make friends.";
btRep3.txt.text = "I didn't mean to, sorry.";
strPerdu = "I'm sorry sir, we will have to let you go";
} else {
lblQuestion.text = "Vous êtes toujours si malpoli?";
strPerdu = "Désolée, je ne pense pas que cet emploi soit pour vous.";
btRep1.txt.text = "Avec les salopes? Oui!";
btRep2.txt.text = "Non, mais j'essaie d'être distant!";
btRep3.txt.text = "Je ne voulais pas être grossier!";
function frame3(){
if (En){
lblDialog.txt.text = "You were looking for a job when you found an advert to be a handy man at a girls college dorm.";
} else {
lblDialog.txt.text = "Etant au chômage, vous trouvez une annonce pour être homme à tout faire dans un internat de jeunes filles.";
tcPerdu = 20;
function frame4(){
if (En){
lblDialog.txt.text = "For first day and you have a meeting with your supervisor Miss Trick to talk about your duties.";
} else {
lblDialog.txt.text = "C'est votre premier jour et vous avez rendez vous avec Mlle Seck, votre superviseur.";
pgSuiv = 6;
function frame6(){
TCbt1 = 7;
TCbt2 = tcPerdu;
TCbt3 = 111;
if (En){
lblQuestion.text = "OK, so today you can collect all the laundry and take it to the cleaners and so you can meet some of the girls and get to know the place.";
strPerdu = "I'm sorry sir, we will have to let you go";
btRep1.txt.text = "I can do that.";
btRep2.txt.text = "";
btRep3.txt.text = "";
} else {
lblQuestion.text = "Aujourd'hui, pour vous familiariser avec votre nouvel environnement, allez chercher le linge sale et portez le aux femmes de ménage.";
btRep1.txt.text = "Très bien.";
btRep2.txt.text = "";
btRep3.txt.text = "";
function frame7(){
TCbt1 = 8;
TCbt2 = 12;
TCbt3 = 111;
if (En){
lblQuestion.text = "I just need to pre warn you about Sally Banksmith – she the daughter of the Universities Chancellor and we need her father to stay well respected.";
strPerdu = "I'm sorry sir, we will have to let you go";
btRep1.txt.text = "I see.";
btRep2.txt.text = "";
btRep3.txt.text = "";
} else {
lblQuestion.text = "Je dois vous prévenir pour Sally Banksmith... elle est la fille du doyen, un homme très respecté.";
btRep1.txt.text = "Je vois.";
btRep2.txt.text = "";
btRep3.txt.text = "";
function frame1(){
charge = false;
zone1 = false;
zone2 = false;
zone3 = false;
strPerdu = "";
btRep1.visible = (btRep2.visible = (btRep3.visible = false));
lblQuestion.text = "";
btEn.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, btEnClick);
btFr.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, btFrClick);
la =;
En = true;
if (la == "0"){
En = false;
lblInstru.text = "";
pgSuiv = 27;
TCbt1 = 0;
TCbt2 = 0;
TCbt3 = 0;
tcPerdu = 20;
btNext.visible = false;
addEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, loadProgress);
btNext.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, btNext_Click);
function frame19(){
TCbt1 = 20;
TCbt2 = 21;
TCbt3 = 22;
if (En){
lblQuestion.text = "Stay, I won't make you come twice.";
strPerdu = "I'm sorry sir, we will have to let you go";
btRep1.txt.text = "No, I'll return later.";
btRep2.txt.text = "OK, hurry up.";
btRep3.txt.text = "You're really horny you!";
} else {
lblQuestion.text = "Reste! Je vais pas te faire déplacer 2 fois.";
strPerdu = "On ne va pas pouvoir vous garder, désolée.";
btRep1.txt.text = "Non, je préfère repasser.";
btRep2.txt.text = "OK, dépèche toi.";
btRep3.txt.text = "T'es vraiment chaude toi!";
function frame23(){
TCbt1 = 24;
TCbt2 = 25;
TCbt3 = 25;
lblQuestion.text = "";
btRep1.visible = (btRep2.visible = (btRep3.visible = false));
v0_2.addEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, v0_2bEvent);
function frame24(){
TCbt1 = 26;
TCbt2 = 27;
TCbt3 = 27;
lblQuestion.text = "";
btRep1.visible = (btRep2.visible = (btRep3.visible = false));
v0_3.addEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, v0_3bEvent);
function frame25(){
TCbt1 = 27;
TCbt2 = 26;
TCbt3 = 27;
lblQuestion.text = "";
btRep1.visible = (btRep2.visible = (btRep3.visible = false));
v0_31.addEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, v0_31bEvent);
function frame13(){
if (En){
lblDialog.txt.text = "You arrive in front of Sally's door, it's half open, so you enter.";
} else {
lblDialog.txt.text = "Vous arrivez devant la chambre de Sally. Comme c'est entrouvert, vous entrez.";
tcPerdu = 30;
function frame21(){
TCbt1 = 23;
TCbt2 = 23;
TCbt3 = 111;
if (En){
strPerdu = "I'm sorry sir, we will have to let you go";
lblQuestion.text = "Calm down, we've got all the time in the world.";
btRep1.txt.text = "I'm working!";
btRep2.txt.text = "OK";
btRep3.txt.text = "";
} else {
lblQuestion.text = "Pourquoi faire vite? On a tout notre temps...";
strPerdu = "On ne va pas pouvoir vous garder, désolée.";
btRep1.txt.text = "Je bosse moi.";
btRep2.txt.text = "OK, vas-y.";
btRep3.txt.text = "";
function frame2(){
pgSuiv = 3;
function frame17(){
TCbt1 = 29;
TCbt2 = 18;
TCbt3 = 15;
if (En){
lblQuestion.text = "Hi you, who are you? Come closer!";
strPerdu = "I'm sorry sir, we will have to let you go";
btRep1.txt.text = "I'm coming and I'll fuck you!";
btRep2.txt.text = "I come for the laundry.";
btRep3.txt.text = "To get me fired?";
} else {
lblQuestion.text = "Salut toi, qui es tu? Approche!";
strPerdu = "Désolée, je ne pense pas que cet emploi soit pour vous.";
btRep1.txt.text = "J'arrive, je vais te defoncer!";
btRep2.txt.text = "Je viens pour le linge sale.";
btRep3.txt.text = "Pour me faire virer salope!";
function frame29(){
if (En){
lblQuestion.text = "Calm down perv, I call your boss!";
} else {
lblQuestion.text = "Calme toi pervers, j'appelle la directrice.";
lblDialog.txt.text = "";
pgSuiv = 31;
btNext.visible = true;
btRep1.visible = (btRep2.visible = (btRep3.visible = false));
lblInstru.visible = true;
function frame22(){
TCbt1 = 23;
TCbt2 = 20;
TCbt3 = 111;
if (En){
lblQuestion.text = "So, do you want your strip tease, my puppet?";
strPerdu = "I'm sorry sir, we will have to let you go";
btRep1.txt.text = "Sure.";
btRep2.txt.text = "No, I'd rather go.";
btRep3.txt.text = "";
} else {
lblQuestion.text = "Tu le veux ton strip tease mon cochon?";
strPerdu = "On ne va pas pouvoir vous garder, désolée.";
btRep1.txt.text = "Bien sûr.";
btRep2.txt.text = "Non, je préfère y aller.";
btRep3.txt.text = "";
function frame26(){
TCbt1 = 28;
TCbt2 = 29;
TCbt3 = 27;
lblQuestion.text = "";
btRep1.visible = (btRep2.visible = (btRep3.visible = false));
v0_4.addEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, v0_4bEvent);
function frame8(){
TCbt1 = 13;
TCbt2 = 13;
TCbt3 = 111;
if (En){
lblQuestion.text = "She can be, well, a little bit of a 'handful' the little minx – she used to get up to all sorts with the last guy – and you need to be especially well behaved around her.";
strPerdu = "I'm sorry sir, we will have to let you go";
btRep1.txt.text = "OK. See you later.";
btRep2.txt.text = "";
btRep3.txt.text = "";
} else {
lblQuestion.text = "Elle peut parfois être un peu... provocatrice, ne rentrez pas dans son jeu et restez à distance.";
btRep1.txt.text = "Noté, à plus tard.";
btRep2.txt.text = "";
btRep3.txt.text = "";
function frame27(){
TCbt1 = 28;
TCbt2 = 32;
TCbt3 = 27;
lblQuestion.text = "";
btRep1.visible = (btRep2.visible = (btRep3.visible = false));
v0_41.addEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, v0_41bEvent);
function frame32(){
TCbt1 = 34;
TCbt2 = 33;
TCbt3 = 27;
lblQuestion.text = "";
btRep1.visible = (btRep2.visible = (btRep3.visible = false));
v0_51.addEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, v0_51bEvent);
public function btRep1_Click(_arg1:MouseEvent){
btRep1.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, btRep1_Click);
btRep2.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, btRep2_Click);
btRep3.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, btRep3_Click);
lblInstru.visible = false;
function frame30(){
if (En){
lblQuestion.text = "It's enough I call Miss Trick.";
} else {
lblQuestion.text = "Ca suffit, j'appelle la directrice.";
lblDialog.txt.text = "";
pgSuiv = 31;
btNext.visible = true;
btRep1.visible = (btRep2.visible = (btRep3.visible = false));
lblInstru.visible = true;
function frame33(){
TCbt1 = 34;
TCbt2 = 38;
TCbt3 = 12;
if (En){
strPerdu = "I'm sorry sir, we will have to let you go";
lblQuestion.text = "Already, are you sure?";
btRep1.txt.text = "Well, I've got 5 minutes.";
btRep2.txt.text = "Yes I'm sure.";
btRep3.txt.text = "";
} else {
lblQuestion.text = "Déjà, tu es sûr?";
strPerdu = "On ne va pas pouvoir vous garder, désolée.";
btRep1.txt.text = "Bof, j'ai bien 5 minutes.";
btRep2.txt.text = "Tout à fait sûr.";
btRep3.txt.text = "";
public function v0_3bEvent(_arg1:Event){
if (v0_3.currentFrame >= v0_3.totalFrames){
v0_3.removeEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, v0_3bEvent);
if (En){
strPerdu = "I'm sorry sir, we will have to let you go";
lblQuestion.text = "Or the top?";
btRep1.txt.text = "The panties!";
btRep2.txt.text = "OK the top!";
btRep3.txt.text = "";
} else {
lblQuestion.text = "Ou par le haut?";
btRep1.txt.text = "Par le bas!";
btRep2.txt.text = "OK le haut!";
btRep3.txt.text = "";
strPerdu = "On ne va pas pouvoir vous garder, désolée.";
function frame35(){
TCbt1 = 36;
TCbt2 = 38;
TCbt3 = 12;
if (En){
strPerdu = "I'm sorry sir, we will have to let you go";
lblQuestion.text = "That? It's my toy.";
btRep1.txt.text = "Can you show me?";
btRep2.txt.text = "";
btRep3.txt.text = "";
} else {
lblQuestion.text = "Ca? C'est mon jouet.";
strPerdu = "On ne va pas pouvoir vous garder, désolée.";
btRep1.txt.text = "Tu me montres?";
btRep2.txt.text = "";
btRep3.txt.text = "";
function frame36(){
lblDialog.txt.text = "";
tcPerdu = 30;
lblQuestion.visible = true;
if (En){
lblQuestion.text = "Of course!";
} else {
lblQuestion.text = "OK, avec plaisir.";
function frame20(){
TCbt1 = 21;
TCbt2 = 39;
TCbt3 = 111;
if (En){
lblQuestion.text = "Do your job! Watch and shut up!";
strPerdu = "I'm sorry sir, we will have to let you go";
btRep1.txt.text = "All right.";
btRep2.txt.text = "No, I prefer to leave.";
btRep3.txt.text = "";
} else {
lblQuestion.text = "Fais ton boulot! Mate et ferme la!";
strPerdu = "On ne va pas pouvoir vous garder, désolée.";
btRep1.txt.text = "Très bien.";
btRep2.txt.text = "Non, je préfère partir";
btRep3.txt.text = "";
function frame38(){
if (En){
lblDialog.txt.text = "It's time to bring the laundry to the cleaning lady. End of this Episode.";
} else {
lblDialog.txt.text = "Il est temps d'apporter le linge à la femme de ménage. - Fin de l'épisode -";
tcPerdu = 30;
pgSuiv = 3;
if (En){
lblInstru.text = "Click on NEXT to start again.";
} else {
lblInstru.text = "Cliquer sur NEXT pour recommencer.";
function frame31(){
lblQuestion.text = strPerdu;
btNext.visible = true;
pgSuiv = 13;
btRep1.visible = (btRep2.visible = (btRep3.visible = false));
lblInstru.visible = true;
pgSuiv = 13;
if (En){
lblInstru.text = "Click on NEXT to start again.";
} else {
lblInstru.text = "Cliquer sur NEXT pour recommencer.";
function frame34(){
TCbt1 = 35;
TCbt2 = 38;
TCbt3 = 12;
if (En){
strPerdu = "I'm sorry sir, we will have to let you go";
lblQuestion.text = "Great!";
btRep1.txt.text = "What's on the table?";
btRep2.txt.text = "No... I go.";
btRep3.txt.text = "";
} else {
lblQuestion.text = "Super!";
strPerdu = "On ne va pas pouvoir vous garder, désolée.";
btRep1.txt.text = "C'est quoi sur ta table?";
btRep2.txt.text = "Non... J'y vais.";
btRep3.txt.text = "";
function frame39(){
if (En){
lblDialog.txt.text = "You go to see the cleaning lady without the laundry.";
} else {
lblDialog.txt.text = "Vous allez donc voir la femme de ménage les mains vides.";
tcPerdu = 30;
function frame28(){
TCbt1 = 34;
TCbt2 = 33;
TCbt3 = 27;
lblQuestion.text = "";
btRep1.visible = (btRep2.visible = (btRep3.visible = false));
v0_5.addEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, v0_5bEvent);
public function bt1Click(_arg1:MouseEvent){
bt1.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, bt1Click);
bt2.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, bt2Click);
bt3.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, bt3Click);
bt1.visible = (bt2.visible = (bt3.visible = false));
lblInstru.text = "";
function frame37(){
TCbt1 = 34;
TCbt2 = 33;
TCbt3 = 37;
lblQuestion.text = "";
btRep1.visible = (btRep2.visible = (btRep3.visible = false));
v0_6.addEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, v0_6bEvent);
function frame40(){
TCbt1 = 31;
TCbt2 = 38;
TCbt3 = 22;
if (En){
lblQuestion.text = "You've got the girls laundry?";
strPerdu = "You didn't do your job, you're fired!";
btRep1.txt.text = "Ah, no...";
btRep2.txt.text = "";
btRep3.txt.text = "";
} else {
lblQuestion.text = "T'as le linge de la petite?";
strPerdu = "Vous ne faites pas votre travail? Vous êtes viré!";
btRep1.txt.text = "Ben non...";
btRep2.txt.text = "";
btRep3.txt.text = "";
public function v0_5bEvent(_arg1:Event){
if (v0_5.currentFrame >= v0_5.totalFrames){
v0_5.removeEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, v0_5bEvent);
if (En){
strPerdu = "I'm sorry sir, we will have to let you go";
lblQuestion.text = "Thanks! You like what you see?";
btRep1.txt.text = "A lot!";
btRep2.txt.text = "Yeah but I have to go!";
btRep3.txt.text = "";
} else {
lblQuestion.text = "Merci, et toute nue, je te plais?";
btRep1.txt.text = "Grave!";
btRep2.txt.text = "Oui mais là, j'y vais!";
btRep3.txt.text = "";
strPerdu = "On ne va pas pouvoir vous garder, désolée.";
public function btNext_Click(_arg1:MouseEvent){
btNext.visible = false;
bt1.visible = (bt2.visible = (bt3.visible = false));
public function v0_51bEvent(_arg1:Event){
if (v0_51.currentFrame >= v0_51.totalFrames){
v0_51.removeEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, v0_51bEvent);
if (En){
strPerdu = "I'm sorry sir, we will have to let you go";
lblQuestion.text = "You like what you see?";
btRep1.txt.text = "A lot!";
btRep2.txt.text = "Yeah but I have to go!";
btRep3.txt.text = "";
} else {
lblQuestion.text = "Voilà, je te plais?";
btRep1.txt.text = "Grave!";
btRep2.txt.text = "Oui mais là, j'y vais!";
btRep3.txt.text = "";
strPerdu = "On ne va pas pouvoir vous garder, désolée.";
public function btRep3_Click(_arg1:MouseEvent){
btRep1.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, btRep1_Click);
btRep2.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, btRep2_Click);
btRep3.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, btRep3_Click);
lblInstru.visible = false;
public function loadProgress(_arg1:Event){
var _local2:int;
var _local3:int;
var _local4:int;
_local2 = this.root.loaderInfo.bytesLoaded;
_local3 = this.root.loaderInfo.bytesTotal;
_local4 = ((100 * _local2) / _local3);
if (En){
lblDialog.txt.text = (("Please Wait: " + _local4) + "%");
} else {
lblDialog.txt.text = (("Patientez: " + _local4) + "%");
if (_local2 >= _local3){
charge = true;
removeEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, loadProgress);
btNext.visible = true;
lblDialog.visible = false;
public function naration(){
lblQuestion.text = "";
lblInstru.visible = (lblDialog.visible = true);
pgSuiv = (this.currentFrame + 1);
btNext.visible = true;
btRep1.visible = (btRep2.visible = (btRep3.visible = false));
bt1.visible = (bt2.visible = (bt3.visible = false));
if (En){
lblInstru.text = "Click on NEXT to continue.";
} else {
lblInstru.text = "Cliquer sur NEXT pour continuer.";
public function v0_2bEvent(_arg1:Event){
if (v0_2.currentFrame >= v0_2.totalFrames){
v0_2.removeEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, v0_2bEvent);
if (En){
lblQuestion.text = "Do I start with my panties?";
btRep1.txt.text = "Uumm..";
btRep2.txt.text = "No, the top!";
btRep3.txt.text = "";
strPerdu = "I'm sorry sir, we will have to let you go";
} else {
lblQuestion.text = "Je commence par le bas?";
btRep1.txt.text = "Euh..";
btRep2.txt.text = "Non, le haut!";
btRep3.txt.text = "";
strPerdu = "On ne va pas pouvoir vous garder, désolée.";
public function bt2Click(_arg1:MouseEvent){
bt1.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, bt1Click);
bt2.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, bt2Click);
bt3.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, bt3Click);
bt1.visible = (bt2.visible = (bt3.visible = false));
lblInstru.text = "";
public function v0_31bEvent(_arg1:Event){
if (v0_31.currentFrame >= v0_31.totalFrames){
v0_31.removeEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, v0_31bEvent);
if (En){
strPerdu = "I'm sorry sir, we will have to let you go";
lblQuestion.text = "Or the top?";
btRep1.txt.text = "Yes!";
btRep2.txt.text = "No, the panties!";
btRep3.txt.text = "";
} else {
lblQuestion.text = "Ou par le haut?";
btRep1.txt.text = "Oui!";
btRep2.txt.text = "Non, en fait, le bas!";
btRep3.txt.text = "";
strPerdu = "On ne va pas pouvoir vous garder, désolée.";
public function vidZone(){
btRep1.visible = (btRep2.visible = (btRep3.visible = false));
lblQuestion.visible = (lblDialog.visible = (btNext.visible = (bt1.visible = (bt2.visible = (bt3.visible = false)))));
lblInstru.text = "";
public function btFrClick(_arg1:MouseEvent){
if (En){
En = false;
public function btEnClick(_arg1:MouseEvent){
if (!En){
En = true;
public function v0_0Event(_arg1:Event){
if (v0_0.currentFrame >= v0_0.totalFrames){
v0_0.removeEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, v0_0Event);
if (En){
lblQuestion.text = "";
strPerdu = "I'm sorry sir, we will have to let you go";
btRep1.txt.text = "I'm the new guy. Any laundry?";
btRep2.txt.text = "Oh, sorry to wake you up.";
btRep3.txt.text = "Hi babe, were you dreaming of me?";
} else {
lblQuestion.text = "";
strPerdu = "Désolée, je ne pense pas que cet emploi soit pour vous.";
strPerdu = "On ne va pas pouvoir vous garder, désolée.";
btRep1.txt.text = "Je suis le nouveau, linge sale!";
btRep2.txt.text = "Désolé de t'avoir réveillée.";
btRep3.txt.text = "Salut bébé, tu rêvais de moi?";
public function affText(){
if (charge){
if (En){
lblInstru.text = "Click on NEXT to start.";
} else {
lblInstru.text = "Cliquer sur NEXT pour jouer.";
public function v0_4bEvent(_arg1:Event){
if (v0_4.currentFrame >= v0_4.totalFrames){
v0_4.removeEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, v0_4bEvent);
if (En){
strPerdu = "I'm sorry sir, we will have to let you go";
lblQuestion.text = "OK, as you wish.";
btRep1.txt.text = "You're really superb!";
btRep2.txt.text = "Quick, give me the dress!";
btRep3.txt.text = "";
} else {
lblQuestion.text = "OK, c'est toi qui voit.";
btRep1.txt.text = "Tu es vraiment superbe!";
btRep2.txt.text = "Donne moi vite ta robe!";
btRep3.txt.text = "";
strPerdu = "On ne va pas pouvoir vous garder, désolée.";
public function btRep2_Click(_arg1:MouseEvent){
btRep1.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, btRep1_Click);
btRep2.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, btRep2_Click);
btRep3.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, btRep3_Click);
lblInstru.visible = false;
public function fixBtRep(){
if (En){
lblInstru.text = "Choose one answer.";
} else {
lblInstru.text = "Choisir une réponse.";
lblQuestion.visible = true;
lblDialog.visible = false;
lblDialog.txt.text = "";
bt1.visible = (bt2.visible = (bt3.visible = false));
lblInstru.visible = true;
btNext.visible = false;
btRep3.mouseChildren = (btRep2.mouseChildren = (btRep1.mouseChildren = false));
btRep3.buttonMode = (btRep2.buttonMode = (btRep1.buttonMode = true));
btRep3.useHandCursor = (btRep2.useHandCursor = (btRep1.useHandCursor = true));
if (btRep1.txt.text == ""){
btRep1.visible = false;
} else {
btRep1.visible = true;
btRep1.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, btRep1_Click);
if (btRep2.txt.text == ""){
btRep2.visible = false;
} else {
btRep2.visible = true;
btRep2.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, btRep2_Click);
if (btRep3.txt.text == ""){
btRep3.visible = false;
} else {
btRep3.visible = true;
btRep3.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, btRep3_Click);
public function bt3Click(_arg1:MouseEvent){
bt1.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, bt1Click);
bt2.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, bt2Click);
bt3.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, bt3Click);
bt1.visible = (bt2.visible = (bt3.visible = false));
lblInstru.text = "";
}//package DreamJobWeek1_fla