Section 1
//MainTimeline (DreamJobweek1_2_fla.MainTimeline)
package DreamJobweek1_2_fla {
import flash.display.*;
import flash.text.*;
import adobe.utils.*;
import flash.accessibility.*;
import flash.errors.*;
import flash.external.*;
import flash.filters.*;
import flash.geom.*;
import flash.printing.*;
import flash.profiler.*;
import flash.sampler.*;
import flash.system.*;
import flash.ui.*;
import flash.utils.*;
import flash.xml.*;
public dynamic class MainTimeline extends MovieClip {
public var v0_51:MovieClip;
public var v0_5:MovieClip;
public var btRep3:MovieClip;
public var btNext:SimpleButton;
public var btFr:SimpleButton;
public var lblQuestion:TextField;
public var lblInstru:TextField;
public var lblDialog:MovieClip;
public var bt1:MovieClip;
public var v1_0:MovieClip;
public var bt2:MovieClip;
public var v1_1:MovieClip;
public var v0_0:MovieClip;
public var btEn:SimpleButton;
public var bt3:MovieClip;
public var v1_2:MovieClip;
public var v0_1:MovieClip;
public var bt4:MovieClip;
public var v1_3:MovieClip;
public var v0_2:MovieClip;
public var btLogo:SimpleButton;
public var v1_4:MovieClip;
public var v0_3:MovieClip;
public var btRep1:MovieClip;
public var v0_4:MovieClip;
public var btRep2:MovieClip;
public var charge;
public var vol;
public var zone1;
public var zone2;
public var zone3;
public var strPerdu;
public var la;
public var En;
public var pgSuiv;
public var TCbt1;
public var TCbt2;
public var TCbt3;
public var TCbt4;
public var tcPerdu;
public function MainTimeline(){
addFrameScript(0, frame1, 1, frame2, 2, frame3, 3, frame4, 4, frame5, 5, frame6, 6, frame7, 7, frame8, 8, frame9, 9, frame10, 10, frame11, 11, frame12, 12, frame13, 13, frame14, 14, frame15, 15, frame16, 16, frame17, 17, frame18, 18, frame19, 19, frame20, 20, frame21, 21, frame22, 22, frame23, 23, frame24, 24, frame25, 25, frame26, 26, frame27, 27, frame28);
public function loadProgress(_arg1:Event){
var _local2:int = this.root.loaderInfo.bytesLoaded;
var _local3:int = this.root.loaderInfo.bytesTotal;
var _local4:int = ((100 * _local2) / _local3);
if (En){
lblDialog.txt.text = (("Please Wait: " + _local4) + "%");
} else {
lblDialog.txt.text = (("Patientez: " + _local4) + "%");
if (_local2 >= _local3){
charge = true;
removeEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, loadProgress);
btNext.visible = true;
lblDialog.visible = false;
lblInstru.text = "Click on NEXT.";
public function btEnClick(_arg1:MouseEvent){
if (!En){
En = true;
public function btFrClick(_arg1:MouseEvent){
if (En){
En = false;
public function affText(){
if (charge){
if (lblInstru.text != ""){
if (En){
lblInstru.text = "Click on NEXT.";
} else {
lblInstru.text = "Cliquer sur NEXT.";
public function fixBtRep(){
SoundMixer.soundTransform = new SoundTransform(0);
if (En){
lblInstru.text = "Choose one answer.";
} else {
lblInstru.text = "Choisir une réponse.";
lblQuestion.visible = true;
lblDialog.visible = false;
lblDialog.txt.text = "";
bt1.visible = (bt2.visible = (bt3.visible = false));
lblInstru.visible = true;
btNext.visible = false;
btRep3.mouseChildren = (btRep2.mouseChildren = (btRep1.mouseChildren = false));
btRep3.buttonMode = (btRep2.buttonMode = (btRep1.buttonMode = true));
btRep3.useHandCursor = (btRep2.useHandCursor = (btRep1.useHandCursor = true));
if (btRep1.txt.text == ""){
btRep1.visible = false;
} else {
btRep1.visible = true;
btRep1.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, btRep1_Click);
if (btRep2.txt.text == ""){
btRep2.visible = false;
} else {
btRep2.visible = true;
btRep2.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, btRep2_Click);
if (btRep3.txt.text == ""){
btRep3.visible = false;
} else {
btRep3.visible = true;
btRep3.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, btRep3_Click);
public function btRep1_Click(_arg1:MouseEvent){
btRep1.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, btRep1_Click);
btRep2.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, btRep2_Click);
btRep3.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, btRep3_Click);
lblInstru.visible = false;
public function btRep2_Click(_arg1:MouseEvent){
btRep1.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, btRep1_Click);
btRep2.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, btRep2_Click);
btRep3.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, btRep3_Click);
lblInstru.visible = false;
public function btRep3_Click(_arg1:MouseEvent){
btRep1.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, btRep1_Click);
btRep2.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, btRep2_Click);
btRep3.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, btRep3_Click);
lblInstru.visible = false;
public function naration(){
SoundMixer.soundTransform = new SoundTransform(0);
lblQuestion.text = "";
lblInstru.visible = (lblDialog.visible = true);
pgSuiv = (this.currentFrame + 1);
btNext.visible = true;
btRep1.visible = (btRep2.visible = (btRep3.visible = false));
bt1.visible = (bt2.visible = (bt3.visible = false));
if (En){
lblInstru.text = "Click on NEXT to continue.";
} else {
lblInstru.text = "Cliquer sur NEXT pour continuer.";
public function vidZone(){
SoundMixer.soundTransform = new SoundTransform(0);
btRep1.visible = (btRep2.visible = (btRep3.visible = false));
lblQuestion.visible = (lblDialog.visible = (btNext.visible = (bt1.visible = (bt2.visible = (bt3.visible = false)))));
lblInstru.text = "";
public function btNext_Click(_arg1:MouseEvent){
btNext.visible = false;
bt1.visible = (bt2.visible = (bt3.visible = false));
public function bt1Click(_arg1:MouseEvent){
bt1.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, bt1Click);
bt2.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, bt2Click);
bt3.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, bt3Click);
bt4.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, bt4Click);
bt1.visible = (bt2.visible = (bt3.visible = (bt4.visible = false)));
lblInstru.text = "";
public function bt2Click(_arg1:MouseEvent){
bt1.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, bt1Click);
bt2.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, bt2Click);
bt3.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, bt3Click);
bt4.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, bt4Click);
bt1.visible = (bt2.visible = (bt3.visible = (bt4.visible = false)));
lblInstru.text = "";
public function bt3Click(_arg1:MouseEvent){
bt1.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, bt1Click);
bt2.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, bt2Click);
bt3.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, bt3Click);
bt4.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, bt4Click);
bt1.visible = (bt2.visible = (bt3.visible = (bt4.visible = false)));
lblInstru.text = "";
public function bt4Click(_arg1:MouseEvent){
bt1.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, bt1Click);
bt2.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, bt2Click);
bt3.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, bt3Click);
bt4.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, bt4Click);
bt1.visible = (bt2.visible = (bt3.visible = (bt4.visible = false)));
lblInstru.text = "";
public function v0_0Event(_arg1:Event){
if (v0_0.currentFrame >= v0_0.totalFrames){
v0_0.removeEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, v0_0Event);
if (En){
strPerdu = "I'm sorry sir, we will have to let you go";
lblQuestion.text = "Hi, you're the new guy?";
btRep1.txt.text = "No, I'm the Pope!";
btRep2.txt.text = "Yes, I bring the laundry.";
btRep3.txt.text = "";
} else {
strPerdu = "Désolée, je ne pense pas que cet emploi soit pour vous.";
lblQuestion.text = "Salut, tu es le nouveau?";
btRep1.txt.text = "Non, je suis le Pape!";
btRep2.txt.text = "Oui, j'apporte le linge.";
btRep3.txt.text = "";
public function v0_1Event(_arg1:Event){
if (v0_1.currentFrame >= v0_1.totalFrames){
v0_1.removeEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, v0_1Event);
if (En){
strPerdu = "I'm sorry sir, we will have to let you go";
lblQuestion.text = "So, you've met this little bitch?";
btRep1.txt.text = "Of course, Sally...";
btRep2.txt.text = "The boss? Indeed!";
btRep3.txt.text = "";
} else {
strPerdu = "Désolée, je ne pense pas que cet emploi soit pour vous.";
lblQuestion.text = "Alors, t'as vu cette petite salope?";
btRep1.txt.text = "M'en parles pas, Sally...";
btRep2.txt.text = "La patronne? En effet!";
btRep3.txt.text = "";
public function v0_2Event(_arg1:Event){
if (v0_2.currentFrame >= v0_2.totalFrames){
v0_2.removeEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, v0_2Event);
btNext.visible = true;
pgSuiv = (13 + 1);
btRep1.visible = (btRep2.visible = (btRep3.visible = false));
lblQuestion.text = "";
lblInstru.visible = true;
if (En){
lblInstru.text = "Click on NEXT to continue.";
} else {
lblInstru.text = "Cliquer sur NEXT pour continuer.";
public function v0_3Event(_arg1:Event){
if (v0_3.currentFrame >= v0_3.totalFrames){
v0_3.removeEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, v0_3Event);
if (En){
strPerdu = "I'm sorry sir, we will have to let you go";
lblQuestion.text = ".....the ladder?!";
btRep1.txt.text = "I get it!";
btRep2.txt.text = "";
btRep3.txt.text = "";
} else {
strPerdu = "Désolée, je ne pense pas que cet emploi soit pour vous.";
lblQuestion.text = "Et cet escabeau?";
btRep1.txt.text = "Ah oui, de suite!";
btRep2.txt.text = "";
btRep3.txt.text = "";
public function v0_4Event(_arg1:Event){
if (v0_4.currentFrame >= v0_4.totalFrames){
v0_4.removeEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, v0_4Event);
if (En){
strPerdu = "I'm sorry sir, we will have to let you go";
lblQuestion.text = "Having a good look, aren't you?";
btRep1.txt.text = "Not at all!";
btRep2.txt.text = "I have no choice!";
btRep3.txt.text = "";
} else {
strPerdu = "Désolée, je ne pense pas que cet emploi soit pour vous.";
lblQuestion.text = "Tu serais pas en train de me mater?";
btRep1.txt.text = "Non, du tout!";
btRep2.txt.text = "J'ai le choix?";
btRep3.txt.text = "";
public function v0_5Event(_arg1:Event){
if (v0_5.currentFrame >= v0_5.totalFrames){
v0_5.removeEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, v0_5Event);
if (En){
strPerdu = "I'm sorry sir, we will have to let you go";
lblQuestion.text = "I quite fancy you as well.";
btRep1.txt.text = "Thank you.";
btRep2.txt.text = "";
btRep3.txt.text = "";
} else {
strPerdu = "Désolée, je ne pense pas que cet emploi soit pour vous.";
lblQuestion.text = "Tu me plais bien aussi.";
btRep1.txt.text = "Merci.";
btRep2.txt.text = "";
btRep3.txt.text = "";
public function v0_51Event(_arg1:Event){
if (v0_51.currentFrame >= v0_51.totalFrames){
v0_51.removeEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, v0_51Event);
if (En){
strPerdu = "I'm sorry sir, we will have to let you go";
lblQuestion.text = "So, I can touch myself in front of you, you don't care?";
btRep1.txt.text = "Go on, we will see.";
btRep2.txt.text = "";
btRep3.txt.text = "";
} else {
strPerdu = "Désolée, je ne pense pas que cet emploi soit pour vous.";
lblQuestion.text = "Quand je me touches devant toi, tu t'en fous?";
btRep1.txt.text = "Continue, on verra!";
btRep2.txt.text = "";
btRep3.txt.text = "";
public function v1_0bEvent(_arg1:Event){
if (v1_0.currentFrame >= v1_0.totalFrames){
v1_0.removeEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, v1_0bEvent);
if (En){
strPerdu = "I'm sorry sir, we will have to let you go";
lblQuestion.text = "I'm gonna show you what I can do!";
btRep1.txt.text = "OK!";
btRep2.txt.text = "";
btRep3.txt.text = "";
} else {
lblQuestion.text = "Je vais te montrer ce que je sais faire!";
btRep1.txt.text = "OK!";
btRep2.txt.text = "";
btRep3.txt.text = "";
strPerdu = "On ne va pas pouvoir vous garder, désolée.";
public function v1_1Event(_arg1:Event){
if (v1_1.currentFrame >= v1_1.totalFrames){
v1_1.removeEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, v1_1Event);
lblDialog.txt.text = "";
pgSuiv = (23 + 1);
public function v1_2Event(_arg1:Event){
if (v1_2.currentFrame >= v1_2.totalFrames){
v1_2.removeEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, v1_2Event);
lblDialog.txt.text = "";
pgSuiv = (23 + 1);
public function v1_3Event(_arg1:Event){
if (v1_3.currentFrame >= v1_3.totalFrames){
v1_3.removeEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, v1_3Event);
lblDialog.txt.text = "";
pgSuiv = (23 + 1);
public function v1_4Event(_arg1:Event){
if (v1_4.currentFrame >= v1_4.totalFrames){
v1_4.removeEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, v1_4Event);
lblDialog.txt.text = "";
pgSuiv = (23 + 1);
function frame1(){
charge = false;
vol = 1;
zone1 = false;
zone2 = false;
zone3 = false;
strPerdu = "";
btRep1.visible = (btRep2.visible = (btRep3.visible = false));
lblQuestion.text = "";
btEn.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, btEnClick);
btFr.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, btFrClick);
la =;
En = true;
if (la == "0"){
En = false;
lblInstru.text = "";
pgSuiv = 27;
TCbt1 = 0;
TCbt2 = 0;
TCbt3 = 0;
TCbt4 = 0;
tcPerdu = 20;
btNext.visible = false;
addEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, loadProgress);
btNext.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, btNext_Click);
function frame2(){
pgSuiv = 3;
function frame3(){
if (En){
lblQuestion.text = "In the first part, for your first day as a caretaker in the girl's dorm, you manage to get the laundry from the very naugthy Sally... You have just now to bring it to the cleaning lady.";
} else {
lblQuestion.text = "Dans le premier épisode, pour votre premier jour comme homme à tout faire dans le dortoir de jeune fille, vous avez réussi à collecter le linge sale chez cette coquine de Sally. Vous n'avez plus qu'à l'apporter à la femme de ménage.";
btNext.visible = true;
pgSuiv = 4;
btRep1.visible = (btRep2.visible = (btRep3.visible = false));
lblInstru.visible = true;
function frame4(){
TCbt1 = 5;
TCbt2 = 6;
TCbt3 = 8;
lblQuestion.text = "";
btRep1.visible = (btRep2.visible = (btRep3.visible = false));
v0_0.addEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, v0_0Event);
function frame5(){
TCbt1 = 6;
TCbt2 = 7;
TCbt3 = (7 + 1);
if (En){
strPerdu = "I'm sorry sir, we will have to let you go";
lblQuestion.text = "Very funny! You've got the laundry?";
btRep1.txt.text = "Of course!";
btRep2.txt.text = "";
btRep3.txt.text = "";
} else {
strPerdu = "Désolée, je ne pense pas que cet emploi soit pour vous.";
lblQuestion.text = "Très drôle! T'as le linge sale?";
btRep1.txt.text = "Bien sûr!";
btRep2.txt.text = "";
btRep3.txt.text = "";
function frame6(){
TCbt1 = (7 + 1);
TCbt2 = (6 + 1);
TCbt3 = (7 + 1);
lblQuestion.text = "";
btRep1.visible = (btRep2.visible = (btRep3.visible = false));
v0_1.addEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, v0_1Event);
function frame7(){
TCbt1 = (21 + 1);
TCbt2 = (7 + 1);
TCbt3 = (13 + 1);
if (En){
strPerdu = "I'm sorry sir, we will have to let you go.";
lblQuestion.text = "Speak like that of the boss, it's not acceptable.";
btRep1.txt.text = "You didn't see her little show.";
btRep2.txt.text = "I'm kidding, but for Sally...";
btRep3.txt.text = "";
} else {
lblQuestion.text = "Parler comme ça des supérieurs c'est inacceptable.";
strPerdu = "Désolée, je ne pense pas que cet emploi soit pour vous.";
btRep1.txt.text = "T'as pas vu son petit show.";
btRep2.txt.text = "Je déconne, par contre, Sally!";
btRep3.txt.text = "";
function frame8(){
TCbt1 = (8 + 1);
TCbt2 = (9 + 1);
TCbt3 = (5 + 1);
if (En){
lblQuestion.text = "You've seen this little whore? Be careful with your job!";
strPerdu = "I'm sorry sir, we will have to let you go";
btRep1.txt.text = "I've just seen her naked!";
btRep2.txt.text = "What happend with the last guy?";
btRep3.txt.text = "";
} else {
lblQuestion.text = "Elle est chaude, hein? Mais fais gaffe pour ton job!";
strPerdu = "Désolée, je ne pense pas que cet emploi soit pour vous.";
btRep1.txt.text = "Je l'ai juste vue à poil!";
btRep2.txt.text = "Il s'est passé quoi pour le type avant moi?.";
btRep3.txt.text = "";
function frame9(){
btNext.visible = true;
pgSuiv = (21 + 1);
btRep1.visible = (btRep2.visible = (btRep3.visible = false));
lblInstru.visible = true;
if (En){
lblQuestion.text = "It's a big deal, I have to tell the boss!";
lblInstru.text = "Click on NEXT to continue.";
} else {
lblQuestion.text = "C'est grave! Je dois en parler à la boss!";
lblInstru.text = "Cliquer sur NEXT pour continuer.";
function frame10(){
TCbt1 = (10 + 1);
TCbt2 = (8 + 1);
TCbt3 = (12 + 1);
if (En){
lblQuestion.text = "She masturbated while he was watching, what a perv!";
strPerdu = "I'm sorry sir, we will have to let you go";
btRep1.txt.text = "I can't believe it.";
btRep2.txt.text = "She did the same to me!";
btRep3.txt.text = "";
} else {
lblQuestion.text = "Elle s'est masturbée pendant qu'il mattait, quel pervers!";
strPerdu = "On ne va pas pouvoir vous garder, désolée.";
btRep1.txt.text = "Odieux!";
btRep2.txt.text = "Elle m'a fait pareil!";
btRep3.txt.text = "";
function frame11(){
btNext.visible = true;
pgSuiv = (11 + 1);
btRep1.visible = (btRep2.visible = (btRep3.visible = false));
lblInstru.visible = true;
if (En){
lblQuestion.text = "Can you grab the ladder for me?";
lblInstru.text = "Click on NEXT to continue.";
} else {
lblQuestion.text = "Tu veux pas m'attraper l'escabeau!";
lblInstru.text = "Cliquer sur NEXT pour continuer.";
function frame12(){
lblInstru.visible = true;
if (En){
lblInstru.text = "Click on the picture to play";
} else {
lblInstru.text = "Cliquez sur l'image";
bt1.visible = true;
TCbt1 = (15 + 1);
bt1.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, bt1Click);
bt2.visible = true;
TCbt2 = (12 + 1);
bt2.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, bt2Click);
function frame13(){
TCbt1 = (4 + 1);
TCbt2 = (5 + 1);
TCbt3 = (7 + 1);
lblQuestion.text = "";
btRep1.visible = (btRep2.visible = (btRep3.visible = false));
v0_2.addEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, v0_2Event);
function frame14(){
TCbt1 = (14 + 1);
TCbt2 = (5 + 1);
TCbt3 = (7 + 1);
lblQuestion.text = "";
btRep1.visible = (btRep2.visible = (btRep3.visible = false));
v0_3.addEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, v0_3Event);
function frame15(){
lblInstru.visible = true;
if (En){
lblInstru.text = "Click on the picture to play";
} else {
lblInstru.text = "Cliquez sur l'image";
bt1.visible = true;
TCbt1 = (15 + 1);
bt1.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, bt1Click);
function frame16(){
TCbt1 = (16 + 1);
TCbt2 = (16 + 1);
TCbt3 = (7 + 1);
lblQuestion.text = "";
btRep1.visible = (btRep2.visible = (btRep3.visible = false));
v0_4.addEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, v0_4Event);
function frame17(){
TCbt1 = (17 + 1);
TCbt2 = (7 + 1);
TCbt3 = (13 + 1);
if (En){
strPerdu = "I'm sorry sir, we will have to let you go";
lblQuestion.text = "Calm down, with me it's alright, it's legal.";
btRep1.txt.text = "Cool.";
btRep2.txt.text = "";
btRep3.txt.text = "";
} else {
strPerdu = "Désolée, je ne pense pas que cet emploi soit pour vous.";
lblQuestion.text = "Détends toi, avec moi, c'est pas grave, c'est légal.";
btRep1.txt.text = "Cool.";
btRep2.txt.text = "";
btRep3.txt.text = "";
function frame18(){
TCbt1 = (18 + 1);
TCbt2 = (20 + 1);
TCbt3 = (13 + 1);
if (En){
strPerdu = "I'm sorry sir, we will have to let you go";
lblQuestion.text = "You're the only guy between all this chicks, it's not easy.";
btRep1.txt.text = "I'm just interested in you.";
btRep2.txt.text = "I can manage, don't worry.";
btRep3.txt.text = "";
} else {
strPerdu = "Désolée, je ne pense pas que cet emploi soit pour vous.";
lblQuestion.text = "Tout seul avec toutes ces filles, c'est pas facile?";
btRep1.txt.text = "Y'a que toi qui me plaît.";
btRep2.txt.text = "Je peux me retenir.";
btRep3.txt.text = "";
function frame19(){
TCbt1 = (19 + 1);
TCbt2 = (8 + 1);
TCbt3 = (13 + 1);
if (En){
strPerdu = "I'm sorry sir, we will have to let you go";
lblQuestion.text = "Do you really mean that?";
btRep1.txt.text = "I do!";
btRep2.txt.text = "There's only you and Sally";
btRep3.txt.text = "";
} else {
strPerdu = "Désolée, je ne pense pas que cet emploi soit pour vous.";
lblQuestion.text = "Tu le penses vraiment?";
btRep1.txt.text = "Grave!";
btRep2.txt.text = "Y'a que toi et Sally!";
btRep3.txt.text = "";
function frame20(){
TCbt1 = (22 + 1);
TCbt2 = (5 + 1);
TCbt3 = (7 + 1);
lblQuestion.text = "";
btRep1.visible = (btRep2.visible = (btRep3.visible = false));
v0_5.addEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, v0_5Event);
function frame21(){
TCbt1 = (22 + 1);
TCbt2 = (5 + 1);
TCbt3 = (7 + 1);
lblQuestion.text = "";
btRep1.visible = (btRep2.visible = (btRep3.visible = false));
v0_51.addEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, v0_51Event);
function frame22(){
lblQuestion.text = strPerdu;
btNext.visible = true;
pgSuiv = 3;
btRep1.visible = (btRep2.visible = (btRep3.visible = false));
lblInstru.visible = true;
if (En){
lblInstru.text = "Click on NEXT to start again.";
} else {
lblInstru.text = "Cliquer sur NEXT pour recommencer.";
function frame23(){
TCbt1 = (23 + 1);
TCbt2 = (23 + 1);
TCbt3 = (17 + 1);
lblQuestion.text = "";
btRep1.visible = (btRep2.visible = (btRep3.visible = false));
v1_0.addEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, v1_0bEvent);
function frame24(){
lblInstru.visible = true;
if (En){
lblInstru.text = "Click on the picture to play";
} else {
lblInstru.text = "Cliquez sur l'image";
lblQuestion.visible = true;
if (En){
lblQuestion.text = "Work day over, well done! Enjoy the bonus videos and see you next week.";
} else {
lblQuestion.text = "Premier jour de travail terminé! Félicitation! A la semaine prochaine!";
bt1.visible = true;
TCbt1 = (24 + 1);
bt1.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, bt1Click);
bt2.visible = true;
TCbt2 = (25 + 1);
bt2.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, bt2Click);
bt3.visible = true;
TCbt3 = (26 + 1);
bt3.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, bt3Click);
bt4.visible = true;
TCbt4 = (27 + 1);
bt4.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, bt4Click);
function frame25(){
lblQuestion.text = "";
btRep1.visible = (btRep2.visible = (btRep3.visible = false));
v1_1.addEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, v1_1Event);
function frame26(){
lblQuestion.text = "";
btRep1.visible = (btRep2.visible = (btRep3.visible = false));
v1_2.addEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, v1_2Event);
function frame27(){
lblQuestion.text = "";
btRep1.visible = (btRep2.visible = (btRep3.visible = false));
v1_3.addEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, v1_3Event);
function frame28(){
lblQuestion.text = "";
btRep1.visible = (btRep2.visible = (btRep3.visible = false));
v1_4.addEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, v1_4Event);
}//package DreamJobweek1_2_fla