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<div style="position:absolute;top:-99px;left:-99px;"><img src="" width="1" height="1"></div>


This is the info page for
Flash #97047

(Click the ID number above for more basic data on this flash file.)



This game is not suitable for
persons under the age of 18.
It contains scenes of strong nudity
and sexual themes.

While clicking on OK, I certify to have taken
knowledge of this warning and to be major in
accord with laws' of my country.

Ce jeu est exclusivement réservé
aux personnes agées de plus de
18 ans, il contient des images à
caractère sexuel.

En cliquant sur OK, je reconnais avoir pris
connaissance de cet avertissement et être
majeur selon les lois de mon pays.

Questo gioco non è appropriato
per persone sotto l'età di 18.
Contiene scene con nudità e temi

premendo su OK, io certifico avere preso
conoscenza di questo avvertimento ed
essere maggiore in accordo con leggi del
mio paese.


in a blue lagoon

" a late night at the office"

V 1.04

idée et scénario :

réalisation :

version italienne :

version anglaise :

son :






with contribution of:

Chunli_49 - Morgue - jf d - beni - Knight Who Says Ni - Cocker - mister…

aide et bons conseils:



Tu es seul, ce soir, au bureau avec Angela, la nouvelle secretaire...
Ton curseur est une main que tu peux utiliser, en cliquant, pour toucher Angela, pour la caresser à certains endroits (en remuant la souris) ou pour saisir un objet.

in a blue lagoon

La jauge, sur le coté droit, représente le plaisir que tu donne à Angela. cela te donne une indication sur l'efficacité de tes actions...

J'espère que tu passera un bon moment avec cette fille, même si le jeu n'est pas toujours facile...































ActionScript [AS1/AS2]

Frame 1
Frame 2
stop(); nivgirl = 0; level = 0; sublevel1 = 0; sublevel2 = 0; i = 0; j = 0; k = 0; pos = 0; sonok = 0;
Frame 3
stop(); nivgirl = 0; level = 0; sublevel1 = 0; sublevel2 = 0; i = 0; j = 0; k = 0; pos = 0; sonok = 0;
Frame 4
stop(); nivgirl = 0; level = 0; sublevel1 = 0; sublevel2 = 0; i = 0; j = 0; k = 0; pos = 0; sonok = 0;
Frame 5
stopAllSounds(); music = new Sound(); music.attachSound("music"); music.start(0, 10000000); if (_root.langue == 0) { _root.texte01 = "with"; _root.texte02 = "presents"; } else if (_root.langue == 1) { _root.texte01 = "avec"; _root.texte02 = "presente"; } else if (_root.langue == 2) { _root.texte01 = "con"; _root.texte02 = "presenta"; }
Frame 50
if (_root.langue == 0) { _root.texte03 = "idea and scenario"; _root.texte04 = "realization"; _root.texte05 = "With the cooperation of"; _root.texte06 = "Italian version"; _root.texte07 = "English version"; _root.texte08 = "sound"; _root.texte09 = "Help and good advices:"; _root.boutstart = "play"; _root.bouthelp = "help"; } else if (_root.langue == 1) { _root.texte03 = "idée et scénario"; _root.texte04 = "réalisation"; _root.texte05 = "avec la participation de"; _root.texte06 = "version Italienne"; _root.texte07 = "version Anglaise"; _root.texte08 = "son"; _root.texte09 = "aide et bons conseils:"; _root.boutstart = "jouer"; _root.bouthelp = "aide"; } else if (_root.langue == 2) { _root.texte03 = "idea e scenario"; _root.texte04 = "realizzazione"; _root.texte05 = "con la cooperazione di "; _root.texte06 = "versione italiana"; _root.texte07 = "versione inglese"; _root.texte08 = "suono"; _root.texte09 = "Aiuto ed i buoni consigli:"; _root.boutstart = " gioco"; _root.bouthelp = " aiuto"; }
Frame 95
if (_root.langue == 0) { _root.texte03 = "idea and scenario"; _root.texte04 = "realization"; _root.texte05 = "With the cooperation of"; _root.texte06 = "Italian version"; _root.texte07 = "English version"; _root.texte08 = "sound"; _root.texte09 = "Help and good advices:"; _root.boutstart = "play"; _root.bouthelp = "help"; } else if (_root.langue == 1) { _root.texte03 = "idée et scénario"; _root.texte04 = "réalisation"; _root.texte05 = "avec la participation de"; _root.texte06 = "version Italienne"; _root.texte07 = "version Anglaise"; _root.texte08 = "son"; _root.texte09 = "aide et bons conseils:"; _root.boutstart = "jouer"; _root.bouthelp = "aide"; } else if (_root.langue == 2) { _root.texte03 = "idea e scenario"; _root.texte04 = "realizzazione"; _root.texte05 = "con la cooperazione di "; _root.texte06 = "versione italiana"; _root.texte07 = "versione inglese"; _root.texte08 = "suono"; _root.texte09 = "Aiuto ed i buoni consigli:"; _root.boutstart = " gioco"; _root.bouthelp = " aiuto"; } stop();
Frame 96
if (_root.langue == 0) { _root.texte11 = "You are alone, this evening, at the office with Angela, the new secretary ...Your cursor is a hand which you can use, by clicking, to touch Angela, to caress her in certain places (by moving the mouse) or to take an object."; _root.texte12 = "The gauge, to the right, represents Angela's pleasure. it gives you an indication onto the efficiency of your actions."; _root.texte13 = "I hope that you will spend a good moment with this girl, even if the game is not always easy..."; } else if (_root.langue == 1) { _root.texte11 = "Tu est seul, ce soir, au bureau avec Angela, la nouvelle secretaire...Ton curseur est une main que tu peux utiliser, en cliquant, pour toucher Angela, pour la caresser à certains endroits (en remuant la souris) ou pour saisir un objet."; _root.texte12 = "La jauge, sur le coté droit, représente le plaisir que tu donne à Angela. cela te donne une indication sur l'efficacité de tes actions"; _root.texte13 = "J'espère que tu passera un bon moment avec cette fille, même si le jeu n'est pas toujours facile..."; } else if (_root.langue == 2) { _root.texte11 = "Sei da solo in ufficio, questa sera, e c'è Angela la nuova segretaria...Il puntatore è una mano che puoi usare su Angela, premendo puoi toccarla, premendo e muovendo il mouse puoi accarezzarla, puoi anche prendere alcuni oggetti..."; _root.texte12 = "La barra a destra rappresenta il livello di godimento di Angela. Ti dà un'indicazione su quanto siano efficaci le tue azioni..."; _root.texte13 = "Spero che avrai dei bei momenti con questa ragazza, anche se il gioco non sarà sempre facilissimo..."; } stop();
Frame 101
if (_root.langue == 0) { _root.texte15 = "It's late, this evening, when you leave the office. The day was long and you’re tired..."; } else if (_root.langue == 1) { _root.texte15 = "il est tard, ce soir, lorsque tu quittes le bureau. La journée a été longue et éprouvante..."; } else if (_root.langue == 2) { _root.texte15 = "Questa sera è tardi quando esci dall'ufficio. La giornata è stata, al solito, lunga e faticosa..."; }
Frame 161
if (_root.langue == 0) { _root.texte15 = "Nevertheless, you notice that the lights are still on in one of the offices. It's Angela's office, the new secretary..."; } else if (_root.langue == 1) { _root.texte15 = "pourtant, tu remarques qu’un bureau est encore occupé, c’est celui d’Angela, la nouvelle secrétaire..."; } else if (_root.langue == 2) { _root.texte15 = "Ti accorgi che in ufficio c'è ancora qualcuno. È quello di Angela, la nuova segretaria..."; }
Frame 219
if (_root.langue == 0) { _root.texte15 = "Why not pay her a visit? She's a nice and pretty girl. It's about time you got acquainted..."; } else if (_root.langue == 1) { _root.texte15 = "pourquoi ne pas lui rendre une petite visite? C’est une fille sympathique et mignone. C’est le moment de faire connaissance..."; } else if (_root.langue == 2) { _root.texte15 = "Perché non farle visita? È una ragazza carina, potrebbe essere un buon momento per fare conoscenza..."; }
Frame 291
gotoAndPlay (292);
Instance of Symbol 186 MovieClip "gaugegirl" in Frame 292
onClipEvent (load) { _root.gaugegirl._height = _root.nivgirl; _root.gaugegirl._y = ((200 - _root.nivgirl) + (_root.nivgirl / 2)) + 13; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (0 < _root.nivgirl) { _root.nivgirl = _root.nivgirl - 1; } _root.gaugegirl._height = _root.nivgirl; _root.gaugegirl._y = ((200 - _root.nivgirl) + (_root.nivgirl / 2)) + 13; }
Frame 314
if (_root.langue == 1) { _root.texte = "bonsoir Angela, encore au travail? Il est tard pour rester seule ici ..."; } else if (_root.langue == 0) { _root.texte = "Good evening Angela, still at work?... It is late to remain alone here."; } else if (_root.langue == 2) { _root.texte = "Buona sera, Angela. Ancora al lavoro? Non è troppo tardi per restare qui da soli?"; }
Frame 390
if (_root.langue == 1) { _root.texte = "oh, bonsoir...c'est vrai qu'il est tard... je dois finir ces dossier, mais je suis vraiment fatiguée..."; } else if (_root.langue == 0) { _root.texte = "Oh, good evening... it is true that it's late ...I have to finish these files, but I am really tired..."; } else if (_root.langue == 2) { _root.texte = "Oh, buona sera... so che è tardi... dovrei terminare questo lavoro ma non riesco più a concentrarmi..."; }
Frame 479
if (_root.langue == 1) { _root.texte = "je comprend peux vous aider à vous détendre un peu..."; } else if (_root.langue == 0) { _root.texte = "I understand it… I can help you to relax a little..."; } else if (_root.langue == 2) { _root.texte = "Capisco... se vuoi, posso aiutarti a rilassarti un po'..."; }
Frame 541
Mouse.hide(); gotoAndPlay (542);
Frame 542
_root.sonok = 1; son.stop("mass1"); son.stop("mass2"); son.stop("groan1"); son.stop("groan2"); son.stop("groan3"); t = 0; code1 = 0; code2 = 0; code3 = 0; code4 = 0; code11 = 0; code12 = 0; code13 = 0; code14 = 0; code21 = 0; code22 = 0; code23 = 0; code24 = 0; code25 = 0; _root.code = ""; stop(); if (2 < _root.level) { fond._alpha = 40; } else { fond._alpha = 20; }
Instance of Symbol 16 MovieClip "fond" in Frame 542
onClipEvent (load) { _root.maincaresse._x = _xmouse; _root.maincaresse._y = _ymouse; _root.maincaresse._rotation = 0; _root.maincaresse.stop(); } onClipEvent (mouseMove) { _root.maincaresse._x = _xmouse; _root.maincaresse._y = _ymouse; _root.maincaresse._rotation = 0; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (40 < _root.i) { _root.i = 0; _root.j = random(3); } else if (_root.i == 10) { _root.j = random(3); _root.i = _root.i + 1; } else if (_root.i == 20) { _root.j = random(3); _root.k = random(2); _root.i = _root.i + 1; } else if (_root.i == 30) { _root.j = random(3); _root.i = _root.i + 1; } else { _root.i = _root.i + 1; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.j == 0) { _root.bras1._visible = true; _root.bras2._visible = false; _root.bras3._visible = false; } else if (_root.j == 1) { _root.bras1._visible = false; _root.bras2._visible = true; _root.bras3._visible = false; } else if (_root.j == 2) { _root.bras1._visible = false; _root.bras2._visible = false; _root.bras3._visible = true; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.i == 35) { _root.cligne._visible = true; } else { _root.cligne._visible = false; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.k == 0) { _root.bouchferm._visible = true; } else { _root.bouchferm._visible = false; } }
Instance of Symbol 186 MovieClip "gaugegirl" in Frame 542
onClipEvent (load) { _root.gaugegirl._height = _root.nivgirl; _root.gaugegirl._y = ((200 - _root.nivgirl) + (_root.nivgirl / 2)) + 13; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (0 < _root.nivgirl) { _root.nivgirl = _root.nivgirl - 1; } _root.gaugegirl._height = _root.nivgirl; _root.gaugegirl._y = ((200 - _root.nivgirl) + (_root.nivgirl / 2)) + 13; }
Instance of Symbol 224 MovieClip in Frame 542
onClipEvent (keyDown) { touche = Key.getAscii(); if ((_root.code1 == 0) and (touche == 104)) { _root.code1 = touche; } else if (((_root.code1 == 104) and (_root.code2 == 0)) and (touche == 101)) { _root.code2 = touche; } else if ((((_root.code1 == 104) and (_root.code2 == 101)) and (_root.code3 == 0)) and (touche == 108)) { _root.code3 = touche; } else if (((((_root.code1 == 104) and (_root.code2 == 101)) and (_root.code3 == 108)) and (_root.code4 == 0)) and (touche == 112)) { _root.code4 = touche; } else { _root.code1 = 0; _root.code2 = 0; _root.code3 = 0; _root.code4 = 0; } } onClipEvent (keyDown) { touche = Key.getAscii(); if ((_root.code11 == 0) and (touche == 97)) { _root.code11 = touche; } else if (((_root.code11 == 97) and (_root.code12 == 0)) and (touche == 105)) { _root.code12 = touche; } else if ((((_root.code11 == 97) and (_root.code12 == 105)) and (_root.code13 == 0)) and (touche == 100)) { _root.code13 = touche; } else if (((((_root.code11 == 97) and (_root.code12 == 105)) and (_root.code13 == 100)) and (_root.code14 == 0)) and (touche == 101)) { _root.code14 = touche; } else { _root.code11 = 0; _root.code12 = 0; _root.code13 = 0; _root.code14 = 0; } } onClipEvent (keyDown) { touche = Key.getAscii(); if ((_root.code21 == 0) and (touche == 97)) { _root.code21 = touche; } else if (((_root.code21 == 97) and (_root.code22 == 0)) and (touche == 105)) { _root.code22 = touche; } else if ((((_root.code21 == 97) and (_root.code22 == 105)) and (_root.code23 == 0)) and (touche == 117)) { _root.code23 = touche; } else if (((((_root.code21 == 97) and (_root.code22 == 105)) and (_root.code23 == 117)) and (_root.code24 == 0)) and (touche == 116)) { _root.code24 = touche; } else if ((((((_root.code21 == 97) and (_root.code22 == 105)) and (_root.code23 == 117)) and (_root.code24 == 116)) and (_root.code25 == 0)) and (touche == 111)) { _root.code25 = touche; } else { _root.code21 = 0; _root.code22 = 0; _root.code23 = 0; _root.code24 = 0; _root.code25 = 0; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (((((_root.code1 == 104) and (_root.code2 == 101)) and (_root.code3 == 108)) and (_root.code4 == 112)) and (_root.level == 0)) { _root.code = "Massage her shoulders so that she relaxes..."; } else if ((((((_root.code1 == 104) and (_root.code2 == 101)) and (_root.code3 == 108)) and (_root.code4 == 112)) and (_root.level == 1)) and (_root.sublevel1 == 0)) { _root.code = "Massage her shoulders so that she relaxes and her pleasure level rises..."; } else if (((((((_root.code1 == 104) and (_root.code2 == 101)) and (_root.code3 == 108)) and (_root.code4 == 112)) and (_root.level == 1)) and (_root.sublevel1 == 1)) and (_root.sublevel2 == 0)) { _root.code = "Try to remove her jacket..."; } else if (((((((_root.code1 == 104) and (_root.code2 == 101)) and (_root.code3 == 108)) and (_root.code4 == 112)) and (_root.level == 1)) and (_root.sublevel1 == 1)) and (_root.sublevel2 == 1)) { _root.code = "Massage her shoulders more..."; } else if (((((_root.code1 == 104) and (_root.code2 == 101)) and (_root.code3 == 108)) and (_root.code4 == 112)) and (_root.level == 2)) { _root.code = "Try to dim the light, and make things more intimate..."; } else if (((((_root.code1 == 104) and (_root.code2 == 101)) and (_root.code3 == 108)) and (_root.code4 == 112)) and (_root.level == 3)) { _root.code = "Massage her shoulders more..."; } else if (((((_root.code1 == 104) and (_root.code2 == 101)) and (_root.code3 == 108)) and (_root.code4 == 112)) and (_root.level == 4)) { _root.code = "Now, maybe try to remove her jacket..."; } else if (((((_root.code11 == 97) and (_root.code12 == 105)) and (_root.code13 == 100)) and (_root.code14 == 101)) and (_root.level == 0)) { _root.code = "Masse lui les épaules, elle sera plus détendue... "; } else if ((((((_root.code11 == 97) and (_root.code12 == 105)) and (_root.code13 == 100)) and (_root.code14 == 101)) and (_root.level == 1)) and (_root.sublevel1 == 0)) { _root.code = "Masse lui les épaules, elle sera plus détendue... ( fait monter son niveau de plaisir )"; } else if (((((((_root.code11 == 97) and (_root.code12 == 105)) and (_root.code13 == 100)) and (_root.code14 == 101)) and (_root.level == 1)) and (_root.sublevel1 == 1)) and (_root.sublevel2 == 0)) { _root.code = "Essaye de retirer sa veste..."; } else if (((((((_root.code11 == 97) and (_root.code12 == 105)) and (_root.code13 == 100)) and (_root.code14 == 101)) and (_root.level == 1)) and (_root.sublevel1 == 1)) and (_root.sublevel2 == 1)) { _root.code = "Masse lui encore un peu les épaules..."; } else if (((((_root.code11 == 97) and (_root.code12 == 105)) and (_root.code13 == 100)) and (_root.code14 == 101)) and (_root.level == 2)) { _root.code = "Tu devrais baisser la lumière, pour créer un peu d'intimité..."; } else if (((((_root.code11 == 97) and (_root.code12 == 105)) and (_root.code13 == 100)) and (_root.code14 == 101)) and (_root.level == 3)) { _root.code = "Masse encore un peu ses épaules..."; } else if (((((_root.code11 == 97) and (_root.code12 == 105)) and (_root.code13 == 100)) and (_root.code14 == 101)) and (_root.level == 4)) { _root.code = "Maintenant, je pense qu'elle a envie de retirer sa veste..."; } else if ((((((_root.code21 == 97) and (_root.code22 == 105)) and (_root.code23 == 117)) and (_root.code24 == 116)) and (_root.code25 == 111)) and (_root.level == 0)) { _root.code = "Massaggia le sue spalle, si rilasserà... "; } else if (((((((_root.code21 == 97) and (_root.code22 == 105)) and (_root.code23 == 117)) and (_root.code24 == 116)) and (_root.code25 == 111)) and (_root.level == 1)) and (_root.sublevel1 == 0)) { _root.code = "Massaggia le sue spalle, si rilasserà... (fai salire il suo livello di piacere)"; } else if ((((((((_root.code21 == 97) and (_root.code22 == 105)) and (_root.code23 == 117)) and (_root.code24 == 116)) and (_root.code25 == 111)) and (_root.level == 1)) and (_root.sublevel1 == 1)) and (_root.sublevel2 == 0)) { _root.code = "Prova a rimuovere la sua giacca..."; } else if ((((((((_root.code21 == 97) and (_root.code22 == 105)) and (_root.code23 == 117)) and (_root.code24 == 116)) and (_root.code25 == 111)) and (_root.level == 1)) and (_root.sublevel1 == 1)) and (_root.sublevel2 == 1)) { _root.code = "Massaggia ancora le sue spalle"; } else if ((((((_root.code21 == 97) and (_root.code22 == 105)) and (_root.code23 == 117)) and (_root.code24 == 116)) and (_root.code25 == 111)) and (_root.level == 2)) { _root.code = "Smorza la luce, crea un'atmosfera più intima..."; } else if ((((((_root.code21 == 97) and (_root.code22 == 105)) and (_root.code23 == 117)) and (_root.code24 == 116)) and (_root.code25 == 111)) and (_root.level == 3)) { _root.code = "Massaggia ancora le sue spalle"; } else if ((((((_root.code21 == 97) and (_root.code22 == 105)) and (_root.code23 == 117)) and (_root.code24 == 116)) and (_root.code25 == 111)) and (_root.level == 4)) { _root.code = "Penso che ora voglia togliersi la giacca..."; } else { _root.code = ""; } }
Frame 543
stop(); if (2 < _root.level) { fond._alpha = 40; } else { fond._alpha = 20; }
Instance of Symbol 16 MovieClip "fond" in Frame 543
onClipEvent (load) { _root.maincaresse._x = _xmouse; _root.maincaresse._y = _ymouse; _root.maincaresse._rotation = 150;; } onClipEvent (mouseMove) { _root.maincaresse._x = _xmouse; _root.maincaresse._y = _ymouse; _root.maincaresse._rotation = 150; if (sens == 10) { _root.maincaresse.stop(); } else {; } } onClipEvent (load) { Xx = _root.epauled._x; Yy = _root.epauled._y; Ax = _root.epauled._x - (_root.epauled._width / 2); Ay = _root.epauled._y - (_root.epauled._height / 2); Bx = _root.epauled._x + (_root.epauled._width / 2); By = _root.epauled._y + (_root.epauled._height / 2); } onClipEvent (mouseMove) { finx = _xmouse; finy = _ymouse; if ((((finx < Ax) or (Bx < finx)) or (finy < Ay)) or (By < finy)) { sens = 10; } else if (((finx - debx) < 0) && ((finy - deby) < 0)) { sens = 1; } else if (((finx - debx) == 0) && ((finy - deby) < 0)) { sens = 2; } else if ((0 < (finx - debx)) && ((finy - deby) < 0)) { sens = 3; } else if (((finx - debx) < 0) && ((finy - deby) == 0)) { sens = 4; } else if (((finx - debx) == 0) && ((finy - deby) == 0)) { sens = 5; } else if ((0 < (finx - debx)) && ((finy - deby) == 0)) { sens = 6; } else if (((finx - debx) < 0) && (0 < (finy - deby))) { sens = 7; } else if (((finx - debx) == 0) && (0 < (finy - deby))) { sens = 8; } else if ((0 < (finx - debx)) && (0 < (finy - deby))) { sens = 9; } debx = finx; deby = finy; } onClipEvent (mouseMove) { if (sens == 1) { newx = Xx - 1; newy = Yy - 1; } else if (sens == 2) { newx = Xx; newy = Yy - 2; } else if (sens == 3) { newx = Xx + 1; newy = Yy - 1; } else if (sens == 4) { newx = Xx - 2; newy = Yy; } else if (sens == 5) { newx = Xx; newy = Yy; } else if (sens == 6) { newx = Xx + 2; newy = Yy; } else if (sens == 7) { newx = Xx - 1; newy = Yy + 1; } else if (sens == 8) { newx = Xx; newy = Yy + 2; } else if (sens == 9) { newx = Xx + 1; newy = Yy + 1; } else { newx = Xx; newy = Yy; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { _root.epauled._x = newx; _root.epauled._y = newy; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (sens == 10) { _root.tete4._visible = true; _root.chev4._visible = true; _root.tete5._visible = false; _root.chev5._visible = false; } else { _root.tete4._visible = false; _root.chev4._visible = false; _root.tete5._visible = true; _root.chev5._visible = true; } } onClipEvent (mouseMove) { if ((sens != 10) and (_root.nivgirl < 100)) { _root.nivgirl = _root.nivgirl + 0.7; } else if ((sens != 10) and (_root.nivgirl < 150)) { _root.nivgirl = _root.nivgirl + 0.4; } else if ((sens != 10) and (_root.nivgirl < 180)) { _root.nivgirl = _root.nivgirl + 0.2; } if ((100 < _root.nivgirl) and (_root.level == 1)) { _root.sublevel1 = 1; } if (((_root.sublevel1 == 1) and (_root.sublevel2 == 1)) and (_root.level == 1)) { _root.level = 2; } if ((100 < _root.nivgirl) and (_root.level == 3)) { _root.level = 4; } }
Instance of Symbol 234 MovieClip in Frame 543
onClipEvent (load) { son = new Sound(); s = 0; s = random(2); if (s == 0) { son.attachSound("mass1"); } else if (s == 1) { son.attachSound("mass2"); } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if ((_root.t == 0) and (_root.sonok == 1)) { s = random(3); if (s == 0) { son.attachSound("mass1"); } else if (s == 1) { son.attachSound("mass2"); } son.stop("mass1"); son.stop("mass2"); son.start(); _root.t = _root.t + 1; } else { _root.t = _root.t + 1; } if (50 < _root.t) { _root.t = 0; } }
Frame 544
stop(); if (2 < _root.level) { fond._alpha = 40; } else { fond._alpha = 20; }
Instance of Symbol 16 MovieClip "fond" in Frame 544
onClipEvent (load) { _root.maincaresse._x = _xmouse; _root.maincaresse._y = _ymouse; _root.maincaresse._rotation = 190;; } onClipEvent (mouseMove) { _root.maincaresse._x = _xmouse; _root.maincaresse._y = _ymouse; _root.maincaresse._rotation = 190; if (sens == 10) { _root.maincaresse.stop(); } else {; } } onClipEvent (load) { Xx = _root.epauled._x; Yy = _root.epauled._y; Ax = _root.epauled._x - (_root.epauled._width / 2); Ay = _root.epauled._y - (_root.epauled._height / 2); Bx = _root.epauled._x + (_root.epauled._width / 2); By = _root.epauled._y + (_root.epauled._height / 2); } onClipEvent (mouseMove) { finx = _xmouse; finy = _ymouse; if ((((finx < Ax) or (Bx < finx)) or (finy < Ay)) or (By < finy)) { sens = 10; } else if (((finx - debx) < 0) && ((finy - deby) < 0)) { sens = 1; } else if (((finx - debx) == 0) && ((finy - deby) < 0)) { sens = 2; } else if ((0 < (finx - debx)) && ((finy - deby) < 0)) { sens = 3; } else if (((finx - debx) < 0) && ((finy - deby) == 0)) { sens = 4; } else if (((finx - debx) == 0) && ((finy - deby) == 0)) { sens = 5; } else if ((0 < (finx - debx)) && ((finy - deby) == 0)) { sens = 6; } else if (((finx - debx) < 0) && (0 < (finy - deby))) { sens = 7; } else if (((finx - debx) == 0) && (0 < (finy - deby))) { sens = 8; } else if ((0 < (finx - debx)) && (0 < (finy - deby))) { sens = 9; } debx = finx; deby = finy; } onClipEvent (mouseMove) { if (sens == 1) { newx = Xx - 1; newy = Yy - 1; } else if (sens == 2) { newx = Xx; newy = Yy - 2; } else if (sens == 3) { newx = Xx + 1; newy = Yy - 1; } else if (sens == 4) { newx = Xx - 2; newy = Yy; } else if (sens == 5) { newx = Xx; newy = Yy; } else if (sens == 6) { newx = Xx + 2; newy = Yy; } else if (sens == 7) { newx = Xx - 1; newy = Yy + 1; } else if (sens == 8) { newx = Xx; newy = Yy + 2; } else if (sens == 9) { newx = Xx + 1; newy = Yy + 1; } else { newx = Xx; newy = Yy; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { _root.epauled._x = newx; _root.epauled._y = newy; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (sens == 10) { _root.tete4._visible = true; _root.chev4._visible = true; _root.tete5._visible = false; _root.chev5._visible = false; } else { _root.tete4._visible = false; _root.chev4._visible = false; _root.tete5._visible = true; _root.chev5._visible = true; } } onClipEvent (mouseMove) { if ((sens != 10) and (_root.nivgirl < 100)) { _root.nivgirl = _root.nivgirl + 0.7; } else if ((sens != 10) and (_root.nivgirl < 150)) { _root.nivgirl = _root.nivgirl + 0.4; } else if ((sens != 10) and (_root.nivgirl < 180)) { _root.nivgirl = _root.nivgirl + 0.2; } if ((100 < _root.nivgirl) and (_root.level == 1)) { _root.sublevel1 = 1; } if (((_root.sublevel1 == 1) and (_root.sublevel2 == 1)) and (_root.level == 1)) { _root.level = 2; } if ((100 < _root.nivgirl) and (_root.level == 3)) { _root.level = 4; } }
Frame 545
_root.sonok = 1; son.stop("mass1"); son.stop("mass2"); son.stop("groan1"); son.stop("groan2"); son.stop("groan3"); t = 0; if (2 < _root.level) { fond._alpha = 40; } else { fond._alpha = 20; }
Instance of Symbol 16 MovieClip "fond" in Frame 545
onClipEvent (load) { _root.maincaresse._x = _xmouse; _root.maincaresse._y = _ymouse; _root.maincaresse._rotation = 0; _root.maincaresse.stop(); } onClipEvent (mouseMove) { _root.maincaresse._x = _xmouse; _root.maincaresse._y = _ymouse; _root.maincaresse._rotation = 0; }
Frame 553
if (_root.langue == 1) { _root.texte = "hmmm, ç'est tellement bon…"; } else if (_root.langue == 0) { _root.texte = "Humm, that's so good …"; } else if (_root.langue == 2) { _root.texte = "mmmmh, è molto piacevole..."; }
Frame 572
stop(); _root.level = 1; _root.sublevel1 = 0; _root.sublevel2 = 0; gotoAndPlay (542);
Frame 573
Frame 574
if (2 < _root.level) { fond._alpha = 40; } else { fond._alpha = 20; }
Instance of Symbol 16 MovieClip "fond" in Frame 574
onClipEvent (load) { _root.maincaresse._x = _xmouse; _root.maincaresse._y = _ymouse; _root.maincaresse.stop(); } onClipEvent (mouseMove) { _root.maincaresse._x = _xmouse; _root.maincaresse._y = _ymouse; }
Instance of Symbol 186 MovieClip "gaugegirl" in Frame 574
onClipEvent (load) { _root.gaugegirl._height = _root.nivgirl; _root.gaugegirl._y = ((200 - _root.nivgirl) + (_root.nivgirl / 2)) + 13; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (0 < _root.nivgirl) { _root.nivgirl = _root.nivgirl - 1; } _root.gaugegirl._height = _root.nivgirl; _root.gaugegirl._y = ((200 - _root.nivgirl) + (_root.nivgirl / 2)) + 13; }
Frame 591
gotoAndStop (542); _root.sublevel2 = 1;
Frame 592
Frame 593
if (2 < _root.level) { fond._alpha = 40; } else { fond._alpha = 20; }
Instance of Symbol 16 MovieClip "fond" in Frame 593
onClipEvent (load) { _root.maincaresse._x = _xmouse; _root.maincaresse._y = _ymouse; _root.maincaresse.stop(); } onClipEvent (mouseMove) { _root.maincaresse._x = _xmouse; _root.maincaresse._y = _ymouse; }
Instance of Symbol 186 MovieClip "gaugegirl" in Frame 593
onClipEvent (load) { _root.gaugegirl._height = _root.nivgirl; _root.gaugegirl._y = ((200 - _root.nivgirl) + (_root.nivgirl / 2)) + 13; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (0 < _root.nivgirl) { _root.nivgirl = _root.nivgirl - 1; } _root.gaugegirl._height = _root.nivgirl; _root.gaugegirl._y = ((200 - _root.nivgirl) + (_root.nivgirl / 2)) + 13; }
Frame 610
gotoAndStop (542); _root.sublevel2 = 1;
Frame 611
Frame 612
fond._alpha = 40;
Instance of Symbol 16 MovieClip "fond" in Frame 612
onClipEvent (load) { _root.maincaresse._x = _xmouse; _root.maincaresse._y = _ymouse; _root.maincaresse.stop(); } onClipEvent (mouseMove) { _root.maincaresse._x = _xmouse; _root.maincaresse._y = _ymouse; }
Instance of Symbol 186 MovieClip "gaugegirl" in Frame 612
onClipEvent (load) { _root.gaugegirl._height = _root.nivgirl; _root.gaugegirl._y = ((200 - _root.nivgirl) + (_root.nivgirl / 2)) + 13; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (0 < _root.nivgirl) { _root.nivgirl = _root.nivgirl - 1; } _root.gaugegirl._height = _root.nivgirl; _root.gaugegirl._y = ((200 - _root.nivgirl) + (_root.nivgirl / 2)) + 13; }
Frame 619
if (_root.langue == 1) { _root.texte = "quelle bonne idée… la lumière est vraiment très agressive dans ce bureau…"; } else if (_root.langue == 0) { _root.texte = "What a good idea ...the light is really very aggressive in this office …"; } else if (_root.langue == 2) { _root.texte = "Mi piace... quella luce è molto forte e mi dava fastidio..."; }
Frame 651
gotoAndStop (542);
Frame 652
Instance of Symbol 16 MovieClip in Frame 653
onClipEvent (load) { _root.maincaresse._x = _xmouse; _root.maincaresse._y = _ymouse; _root.maincaresse.stop(); } onClipEvent (mouseMove) { _root.maincaresse._x = _xmouse; _root.maincaresse._y = _ymouse; }
Instance of Symbol 186 MovieClip "gaugegirl" in Frame 653
onClipEvent (load) { _root.gaugegirl._height = _root.nivgirl; _root.gaugegirl._y = ((200 - _root.nivgirl) + (_root.nivgirl / 2)) + 13; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (0 < _root.nivgirl) { _root.nivgirl = _root.nivgirl - 1; } _root.gaugegirl._height = _root.nivgirl; _root.gaugegirl._y = ((200 - _root.nivgirl) + (_root.nivgirl / 2)) + 13; }
Frame 685
stop(); _root.level = 5; gotoAndPlay (687);
Frame 686
Frame 687
_root.sonok = 1; son.stop("mass1"); son.stop("mass2"); son.stop("groan1"); son.stop("groan2"); son.stop("groan3"); t = 0; code1 = 0; code2 = 0; code3 = 0; code4 = 0; code11 = 0; code12 = 0; code13 = 0; code14 = 0; code21 = 0; code22 = 0; code23 = 0; code24 = 0; code25 = 0; _root.code = ""; if ((_root.level == 7) or (_root.level == 8)) { _root.flamme._x = 362; } else { _root.flamme._x = 400; } stop(); if (_root.level == 8) { _root.feuboug._visible = true; } else { _root.feuboug._visible = false; }
Instance of Symbol 16 MovieClip "fond" in Frame 687
onClipEvent (load) { _root.maincaresse._x = _xmouse; _root.maincaresse._y = _ymouse; _root.maincaresse._rotation = 0; _root.maincaresse.stop(); } onClipEvent (mouseMove) { _root.maincaresse._x = _xmouse; _root.maincaresse._y = _ymouse; _root.maincaresse._rotation = 0; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (40 < _root.i) { _root.i = 0; _root.j = random(3); } else if (_root.i == 10) { _root.j = random(3); _root.i = _root.i + 1; } else if (_root.i == 20) { _root.j = random(3); _root.k = random(2); _root.i = _root.i + 1; } else if (_root.i == 30) { _root.j = random(3); _root.i = _root.i + 1; } else { _root.i = _root.i + 1; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.j == 0) { _root.bras1._visible = true; _root.bras2._visible = false; _root.bras3._visible = false; } else if (_root.j == 1) { _root.bras1._visible = false; _root.bras2._visible = true; _root.bras3._visible = false; } else if (_root.j == 2) { _root.bras1._visible = false; _root.bras2._visible = false; _root.bras3._visible = true; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.i == 35) { _root.cligne._visible = true; } else { _root.cligne._visible = false; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.k == 0) { _root.bouchferm._visible = true; } else { _root.bouchferm._visible = false; } }
Instance of Symbol 186 MovieClip "gaugegirl" in Frame 687
onClipEvent (load) { _root.gaugegirl._height = _root.nivgirl; _root.gaugegirl._y = ((200 - _root.nivgirl) + (_root.nivgirl / 2)) + 13; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (0 < _root.nivgirl) { _root.nivgirl = _root.nivgirl - 1; } _root.gaugegirl._height = _root.nivgirl; _root.gaugegirl._y = ((200 - _root.nivgirl) + (_root.nivgirl / 2)) + 13; }
Instance of Symbol 224 MovieClip in Frame 687
onClipEvent (keyDown) { touche = Key.getAscii(); if ((_root.code1 == 0) and (touche == 104)) { _root.code1 = touche; } else if (((_root.code1 == 104) and (_root.code2 == 0)) and (touche == 101)) { _root.code2 = touche; } else if ((((_root.code1 == 104) and (_root.code2 == 101)) and (_root.code3 == 0)) and (touche == 108)) { _root.code3 = touche; } else if (((((_root.code1 == 104) and (_root.code2 == 101)) and (_root.code3 == 108)) and (_root.code4 == 0)) and (touche == 112)) { _root.code4 = touche; } else { _root.code1 = 0; _root.code2 = 0; _root.code3 = 0; _root.code4 = 0; } } onClipEvent (keyDown) { touche = Key.getAscii(); if ((_root.code11 == 0) and (touche == 97)) { _root.code11 = touche; } else if (((_root.code11 == 97) and (_root.code12 == 0)) and (touche == 105)) { _root.code12 = touche; } else if ((((_root.code11 == 97) and (_root.code12 == 105)) and (_root.code13 == 0)) and (touche == 100)) { _root.code13 = touche; } else if (((((_root.code11 == 97) and (_root.code12 == 105)) and (_root.code13 == 100)) and (_root.code14 == 0)) and (touche == 101)) { _root.code14 = touche; } else { _root.code11 = 0; _root.code12 = 0; _root.code13 = 0; _root.code14 = 0; } } onClipEvent (keyDown) { touche = Key.getAscii(); if ((_root.code21 == 0) and (touche == 97)) { _root.code21 = touche; } else if (((_root.code21 == 97) and (_root.code22 == 0)) and (touche == 105)) { _root.code22 = touche; } else if ((((_root.code21 == 97) and (_root.code22 == 105)) and (_root.code23 == 0)) and (touche == 117)) { _root.code23 = touche; } else if (((((_root.code21 == 97) and (_root.code22 == 105)) and (_root.code23 == 117)) and (_root.code24 == 0)) and (touche == 116)) { _root.code24 = touche; } else if ((((((_root.code21 == 97) and (_root.code22 == 105)) and (_root.code23 == 117)) and (_root.code24 == 116)) and (_root.code25 == 0)) and (touche == 111)) { _root.code25 = touche; } else { _root.code21 = 0; _root.code22 = 0; _root.code23 = 0; _root.code24 = 0; _root.code25 = 0; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if ((((((_root.code1 == 104) and (_root.code2 == 101)) and (_root.code3 == 108)) and (_root.code4 == 112)) and (_root.level == 5)) and (_root.sublevel1 == 0)) { _root.code = "You should continue to massage her shoulders, she likes that..."; } else if (((((((_root.code1 == 104) and (_root.code2 == 101)) and (_root.code3 == 108)) and (_root.code4 == 112)) and (_root.level == 5)) and (_root.sublevel1 == 1)) and (_root.sublevel2 == 0)) { _root.code = "You can caress her breasts..."; } else if (((((((_root.code1 == 104) and (_root.code2 == 101)) and (_root.code3 == 108)) and (_root.code4 == 112)) and (_root.level == 5)) and (_root.sublevel1 == 1)) and (_root.sublevel2 == 1)) { _root.code = "Go, caress her breasts, better..."; } else if (((((_root.code1 == 104) and (_root.code2 == 101)) and (_root.code3 == 108)) and (_root.code4 == 112)) and (_root.level == 6)) { _root.code = "Caress her breasts more..."; } else if (((((_root.code1 == 104) and (_root.code2 == 101)) and (_root.code3 == 108)) and (_root.code4 == 112)) and (_root.level == 7)) { _root.code = "Try light the perfumed candle to make a more seductive atmosphere...A lighter is on the desk..."; } else if (((((_root.code1 == 104) and (_root.code2 == 101)) and (_root.code3 == 108)) and (_root.code4 == 112)) and (_root.level == 8)) { _root.code = "Caress her breasts, as soon as the first button opens, quickly open the second button..."; } else if ((((((_root.code11 == 97) and (_root.code12 == 105)) and (_root.code13 == 100)) and (_root.code14 == 101)) and (_root.level == 5)) and (_root.sublevel1 == 0)) { _root.code = "Tu devrais continuer à lui masser les épaules, elle adore ça..."; } else if (((((((_root.code11 == 97) and (_root.code12 == 105)) and (_root.code13 == 100)) and (_root.code14 == 101)) and (_root.level == 5)) and (_root.sublevel1 == 1)) and (_root.sublevel2 == 0)) { _root.code = "Tu peux lui caresser les seins..."; } else if (((((((_root.code11 == 97) and (_root.code12 == 105)) and (_root.code13 == 100)) and (_root.code14 == 101)) and (_root.level == 5)) and (_root.sublevel1 == 1)) and (_root.sublevel2 == 1)) { _root.code = "Allez, caresse lui les seins, plus que ça..."; } else if (((((_root.code11 == 97) and (_root.code12 == 105)) and (_root.code13 == 100)) and (_root.code14 == 101)) and (_root.level == 6)) { _root.code = "Allez, caresse lui les seins, plus que ça..."; } else if (((((_root.code11 == 97) and (_root.code12 == 105)) and (_root.code13 == 100)) and (_root.code14 == 101)) and (_root.level == 7)) { _root.code = "Tu devrais allumer la bougie parfumée pour créer une bonne ambiance...Il y a un briquet sur le bureau...."; } else if (((((_root.code11 == 97) and (_root.code12 == 105)) and (_root.code13 == 100)) and (_root.code14 == 101)) and (_root.level == 8)) { _root.code = "Tu caresses ses seins, et dès que le premier bouton du chemisier a sauté, tu ouvres le second bouton..."; } else if (((((((_root.code21 == 97) and (_root.code22 == 105)) and (_root.code23 == 117)) and (_root.code24 == 116)) and (_root.code25 == 111)) and (_root.level == 5)) and (_root.sublevel1 == 0)) { _root.code = "Continua a massaggiare le sue spalle, che le piace..."; } else if ((((((((_root.code21 == 97) and (_root.code22 == 105)) and (_root.code23 == 117)) and (_root.code24 == 116)) and (_root.code25 == 111)) and (_root.level == 5)) and (_root.sublevel1 == 1)) and (_root.sublevel2 == 0)) { _root.code = "Puoi accarezzare il suo seno..."; } else if ((((((((_root.code21 == 97) and (_root.code22 == 105)) and (_root.code23 == 117)) and (_root.code24 == 116)) and (_root.code25 == 111)) and (_root.level == 5)) and (_root.sublevel1 == 1)) and (_root.sublevel2 == 1)) { _root.code = "Toccale ancora il seno, fallo meglio..."; } else if ((((((_root.code21 == 97) and (_root.code22 == 105)) and (_root.code23 == 117)) and (_root.code24 == 116)) and (_root.code25 == 111)) and (_root.level == 6)) { _root.code = "Toccale ancora il seno, fallo meglio..."; } else if ((((((_root.code21 == 97) and (_root.code22 == 105)) and (_root.code23 == 117)) and (_root.code24 == 116)) and (_root.code25 == 111)) and (_root.level == 7)) { _root.code = "Dovresti accendere la candela profumata per migliorare l'atmosfera... C'è un accendino sul tavolo..."; } else if ((((((_root.code21 == 97) and (_root.code22 == 105)) and (_root.code23 == 117)) and (_root.code24 == 116)) and (_root.code25 == 111)) and (_root.level == 8)) { _root.code = "Puoi accarezzare il suo seno e slacciare i bottoni della sua blusa uno alla volta..."; } else { _root.code = ""; } }
Frame 688
_root.sublevel1 = 1; stop();
Instance of Symbol 16 MovieClip "fond" in Frame 688
onClipEvent (load) { _root.maincaresse._x = _xmouse; _root.maincaresse._y = _ymouse; _root.maincaresse._rotation = 150;; } onClipEvent (mouseMove) { _root.maincaresse._x = _xmouse; _root.maincaresse._y = _ymouse; _root.maincaresse._rotation = 150; if (sens == 10) { _root.maincaresse.stop(); } else {; } } onClipEvent (load) { Xx = _root.epauled._x; Yy = _root.epauled._y; Ax = _root.epauled._x - (_root.epauled._width / 2); Ay = _root.epauled._y - (_root.epauled._height / 2); Bx = _root.epauled._x + (_root.epauled._width / 2); By = _root.epauled._y + (_root.epauled._height / 2); } onClipEvent (mouseMove) { finx = _xmouse; finy = _ymouse; if ((((finx < Ax) or (Bx < finx)) or (finy < Ay)) or (By < finy)) { sens = 10; } else if (((finx - debx) < 0) && ((finy - deby) < 0)) { sens = 1; } else if (((finx - debx) == 0) && ((finy - deby) < 0)) { sens = 2; } else if ((0 < (finx - debx)) && ((finy - deby) < 0)) { sens = 3; } else if (((finx - debx) < 0) && ((finy - deby) == 0)) { sens = 4; } else if (((finx - debx) == 0) && ((finy - deby) == 0)) { sens = 5; } else if ((0 < (finx - debx)) && ((finy - deby) == 0)) { sens = 6; } else if (((finx - debx) < 0) && (0 < (finy - deby))) { sens = 7; } else if (((finx - debx) == 0) && (0 < (finy - deby))) { sens = 8; } else if ((0 < (finx - debx)) && (0 < (finy - deby))) { sens = 9; } debx = finx; deby = finy; } onClipEvent (mouseMove) { if (sens == 1) { newx = Xx - 1; newy = Yy - 1; } else if (sens == 2) { newx = Xx; newy = Yy - 2; } else if (sens == 3) { newx = Xx + 1; newy = Yy - 1; } else if (sens == 4) { newx = Xx - 2; newy = Yy; } else if (sens == 5) { newx = Xx; newy = Yy; } else if (sens == 6) { newx = Xx + 2; newy = Yy; } else if (sens == 7) { newx = Xx - 1; newy = Yy + 1; } else if (sens == 8) { newx = Xx; newy = Yy + 2; } else if (sens == 9) { newx = Xx + 1; newy = Yy + 1; } else { newx = Xx; newy = Yy; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { _root.epauled._x = newx; _root.epauled._y = newy; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (sens == 10) { _root.tete4._visible = true; _root.chev4._visible = true; _root.tete5._visible = false; _root.chev5._visible = false; } else { _root.tete4._visible = false; _root.chev4._visible = false; _root.tete5._visible = true; _root.chev5._visible = true; } } onClipEvent (mouseMove) { if ((sens != 10) and (_root.nivgirl < 100)) { _root.nivgirl = _root.nivgirl + 0.7; } else if ((sens != 10) and (_root.nivgirl < 150)) { _root.nivgirl = _root.nivgirl + 0.4; } else if ((sens != 10) and (_root.nivgirl < 180)) { _root.nivgirl = _root.nivgirl + 0.2; } }
Instance of Symbol 234 MovieClip in Frame 688
onClipEvent (load) { son = new Sound(); s = 0; s = random(2); if (s == 0) { son.attachSound("mass1"); } else if (s == 1) { son.attachSound("mass2"); } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if ((_root.t == 0) and (_root.sonok == 1)) { s = random(2); if (s == 0) { son.attachSound("mass1"); } else if (s == 1) { son.attachSound("mass2"); } son.stop("mass1"); son.stop("mass2"); son.start(); _root.t = _root.t + 1; } else { _root.t = _root.t + 1; } if (50 < _root.t) { _root.t = 0; } }
Frame 689
_root.sublevel1 = 1; stop();
Instance of Symbol 16 MovieClip "fond" in Frame 689
onClipEvent (load) { _root.maincaresse._x = _xmouse; _root.maincaresse._y = _ymouse; _root.maincaresse._rotation = 190;; } onClipEvent (mouseMove) { _root.maincaresse._x = _xmouse; _root.maincaresse._y = _ymouse; _root.maincaresse._rotation = 190; if (sens == 10) { _root.maincaresse.stop(); } else {; } } onClipEvent (load) { Xx = _root.epauled._x; Yy = _root.epauled._y; Ax = _root.epauled._x - (_root.epauled._width / 2); Ay = _root.epauled._y - (_root.epauled._height / 2); Bx = _root.epauled._x + (_root.epauled._width / 2); By = _root.epauled._y + (_root.epauled._height / 2); } onClipEvent (mouseMove) { finx = _xmouse; finy = _ymouse; if ((((finx < Ax) or (Bx < finx)) or (finy < Ay)) or (By < finy)) { sens = 10; } else if (((finx - debx) < 0) && ((finy - deby) < 0)) { sens = 1; } else if (((finx - debx) == 0) && ((finy - deby) < 0)) { sens = 2; } else if ((0 < (finx - debx)) && ((finy - deby) < 0)) { sens = 3; } else if (((finx - debx) < 0) && ((finy - deby) == 0)) { sens = 4; } else if (((finx - debx) == 0) && ((finy - deby) == 0)) { sens = 5; } else if ((0 < (finx - debx)) && ((finy - deby) == 0)) { sens = 6; } else if (((finx - debx) < 0) && (0 < (finy - deby))) { sens = 7; } else if (((finx - debx) == 0) && (0 < (finy - deby))) { sens = 8; } else if ((0 < (finx - debx)) && (0 < (finy - deby))) { sens = 9; } debx = finx; deby = finy; } onClipEvent (mouseMove) { if (sens == 1) { newx = Xx - 1; newy = Yy - 1; } else if (sens == 2) { newx = Xx; newy = Yy - 2; } else if (sens == 3) { newx = Xx + 1; newy = Yy - 1; } else if (sens == 4) { newx = Xx - 2; newy = Yy; } else if (sens == 5) { newx = Xx; newy = Yy; } else if (sens == 6) { newx = Xx + 2; newy = Yy; } else if (sens == 7) { newx = Xx - 1; newy = Yy + 1; } else if (sens == 8) { newx = Xx; newy = Yy + 2; } else if (sens == 9) { newx = Xx + 1; newy = Yy + 1; } else { newx = Xx; newy = Yy; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { _root.epauled._x = newx; _root.epauled._y = newy; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (sens == 10) { _root.tete4._visible = true; _root.chev4._visible = true; _root.tete5._visible = false; _root.chev5._visible = false; } else { _root.tete4._visible = false; _root.chev4._visible = false; _root.tete5._visible = true; _root.chev5._visible = true; } } onClipEvent (mouseMove) { if ((sens != 10) and (_root.nivgirl < 100)) { _root.nivgirl = _root.nivgirl + 0.7; } else if ((sens != 10) and (_root.nivgirl < 150)) { _root.nivgirl = _root.nivgirl + 0.4; } else if ((sens != 10) and (_root.nivgirl < 180)) { _root.nivgirl = _root.nivgirl + 0.2; } }
Frame 690
_root.sublevel2 = 1; if (((_root.sublevel1 == 1) and (_root.sublevel2 == 1)) and (_root.level < 6)) { _root.level = 6; } _root.chem1._visible = true; _root.chem2._visible = true; _root.chem3._visible = false; _root.chem4._visible = false; _root.bande1._visible = true; _root.bande2._visible = false; _root.boutonhaut._visible = true; stop();
Instance of Symbol 16 MovieClip "fond" in Frame 690
onClipEvent (load) { _root.maincaresse._x = _xmouse; _root.maincaresse._y = _ymouse; _root.maincaresse._rotation = 0;; } onClipEvent (mouseMove) { _root.maincaresse._x = _xmouse; _root.maincaresse._y = _ymouse; _root.maincaresse._rotation = 0; if (sens == 10) { _root.maincaresse.stop(); } else {; } } onClipEvent (load) { Xx = _root.epauled._x; Yy = _root.epauled._y; Ax = _root.epauled._x - (_root.epauled._width / 2); Ay = _root.epauled._y - (_root.epauled._height / 2); Bx = _root.epauled._x + (_root.epauled._width / 2); By = _root.epauled._y + (_root.epauled._height / 2); } onClipEvent (mouseMove) { finx = _xmouse; finy = _ymouse; if ((((finx < Ax) or (Bx < finx)) or (finy < Ay)) or (By < finy)) { sens = 10; } else if (((finx - debx) < 0) && ((finy - deby) < 0)) { sens = 1; } else if (((finx - debx) == 0) && ((finy - deby) < 0)) { sens = 2; } else if ((0 < (finx - debx)) && ((finy - deby) < 0)) { sens = 3; } else if (((finx - debx) < 0) && ((finy - deby) == 0)) { sens = 4; } else if (((finx - debx) == 0) && ((finy - deby) == 0)) { sens = 5; } else if ((0 < (finx - debx)) && ((finy - deby) == 0)) { sens = 6; } else if (((finx - debx) < 0) && (0 < (finy - deby))) { sens = 7; } else if (((finx - debx) == 0) && (0 < (finy - deby))) { sens = 8; } else if ((0 < (finx - debx)) && (0 < (finy - deby))) { sens = 9; } debx = finx; deby = finy; } onClipEvent (mouseMove) { if (sens == 1) { newx = Xx - 1; newy = Yy - 1; } else if (sens == 2) { newx = Xx; newy = Yy - 2; } else if (sens == 3) { newx = Xx + 1; newy = Yy - 1; } else if (sens == 4) { newx = Xx - 2; newy = Yy; } else if (sens == 5) { newx = Xx; newy = Yy; } else if (sens == 6) { newx = Xx + 2; newy = Yy; } else if (sens == 7) { newx = Xx - 1; newy = Yy + 1; } else if (sens == 8) { newx = Xx; newy = Yy + 2; } else if (sens == 9) { newx = Xx + 1; newy = Yy + 1; } else { newx = Xx; newy = Yy; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { _root.epauled._x = newx; _root.epauled._y = newy; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (sens == 10) { _root.tete4._visible = true; _root.chev4._visible = true; _root.tete5._visible = false; _root.chev5._visible = false; } else { _root.tete4._visible = false; _root.chev4._visible = false; _root.tete5._visible = true; _root.chev5._visible = true; } } onClipEvent (mouseMove) { if ((sens != 10) and (_root.nivgirl < 100)) { _root.nivgirl = _root.nivgirl + 0.7; } else if ((sens != 10) and (_root.nivgirl < 150)) { _root.nivgirl = _root.nivgirl + 0.4; } else if ((sens != 10) and (_root.nivgirl < 180)) { _root.nivgirl = _root.nivgirl + 0.2; } } onClipEvent (mouseMove) { if ((70 < _root.nivgirl) and (_root.level == 6)) { _root.chem1._visible = false; _root.chem2._visible = false; _root.chem3._visible = true; _root.chem4._visible = true; _root.bande1._visible = false; _root.bande2._visible = true; _root.boutonhaut._visible = false; _root.level = 61; } else if ((70 < _root.nivgirl) and (_root.level == 7)) { _root.chem1._visible = false; _root.chem2._visible = false; _root.chem3._visible = true; _root.chem4._visible = true; _root.bande1._visible = false; _root.bande2._visible = true; _root.boutonhaut._visible = false; _root.level = 71; } else if ((70 < _root.nivgirl) and (_root.level == 8)) { _root.chem1._visible = false; _root.chem2._visible = false; _root.chem3._visible = true; _root.chem4._visible = true; _root.bande1._visible = false; _root.bande2._visible = true; _root.boutonhaut._visible = false; _root.level = 81; } else { _root.chem1._visible = true; _root.chem2._visible = true; _root.chem3._visible = false; _root.chem4._visible = false; _root.bande1._visible = true; _root.bande2._visible = false; _root.boutonhaut._visible = true; } } onClipEvent (mouseMove) { if (((_root.level == 61) or (_root.level == 71)) or (_root.level == 81)) { _root.chem1._visible = false; _root.chem2._visible = false; _root.chem3._visible = true; _root.chem4._visible = true; _root.bande1._visible = false; _root.bande2._visible = true; _root.boutonhaut._visible = false; } }
Instance of Symbol 234 MovieClip in Frame 690
onClipEvent (load) { son = new Sound(); s = 0; s = random(3); if (s == 0) { son.attachSound("groan1"); } else if (s == 1) { son.attachSound("groan2"); } else if (s == 2) { son.attachSound("groan3"); } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if ((_root.t == 0) and (_root.sonok == 1)) { s = random(3); if (s == 0) { son.attachSound("groan1"); } else if (s == 1) { son.attachSound("groan2"); } else if (s == 2) { son.attachSound("groan3"); } son.stop("groan1"); son.stop("groan2"); son.stop("groan3"); son.start(); _root.t = _root.t + 1; } else { _root.t = _root.t + 1; } if (40 < _root.t) { _root.t = 0; } }
Frame 691
_root.sublevel2 = 1; if (((_root.sublevel1 == 1) and (_root.sublevel2 == 1)) and (_root.level < 6)) { _root.level = 6; } _root.chem1._visible = true; _root.chem2._visible = true; _root.chem3._visible = false; _root.chem4._visible = false; _root.bande1._visible = true; _root.bande2._visible = false; _root.boutonhaut._visible = true;
Frame 692
Frame 693
if (_root.level == 81) { _root.feuboug._visible = true; } else { _root.feuboug._visible = false; } if ((_root.level == 71) or (_root.level == 81)) { _root.flamme._x = 362; } else { _root.flamme._x = 400; }
Instance of Symbol 16 MovieClip "fond" in Frame 693
onClipEvent (load) { _root.maincaresse._x = _xmouse; _root.maincaresse._y = _ymouse; _root.maincaresse.stop(); } onClipEvent (mouseMove) { _root.maincaresse._x = _xmouse; _root.maincaresse._y = _ymouse; }
Instance of Symbol 186 MovieClip "gaugegirl" in Frame 693
onClipEvent (load) { _root.gaugegirl._height = _root.nivgirl; _root.gaugegirl._y = ((200 - _root.nivgirl) + (_root.nivgirl / 2)) + 13; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (0 < _root.nivgirl) { _root.nivgirl = _root.nivgirl - 1; } _root.gaugegirl._height = _root.nivgirl; _root.gaugegirl._y = ((200 - _root.nivgirl) + (_root.nivgirl / 2)) + 13; }
Frame 721
if (_root.level == 81) { _root.feuboug._visible = true; } else { _root.feuboug._visible = false; } if ((_root.level == 71) or (_root.level == 81)) { _root.flamme._x = 362; } else { _root.flamme._x = 400; }
Frame 722
if ((_root.level == 71) or (_root.level == 81)) { _root.flamme._x = 362; } else { _root.flamme._x = 400; }
Frame 734
if ((_root.level == 71) or (_root.level == 81)) { _root.flamme._x = 362; } else if (_root.level == 61) { _root.flamme._x = 367; _root.level = 71; } else { _root.flamme._x = 400; }
Frame 735
if ((_root.level == 71) or (_root.level == 81)) { _root.flamme._x = 362; } else if (_root.level == 61) { _root.flamme._x = 362; } else { _root.flamme._x = 400; }
Frame 760
stop(); if (_root.level == 61) { _root.level = 6; } else if (_root.level == 71) { _root.level = 7; } else if (_root.level == 81) { _root.level = 8; } gotoAndStop (687);
Frame 768
Frame 769
stop(); _root.feuboug._visible = false; _root.feu._visible = false;
Instance of Symbol 16 MovieClip "fond" in Frame 769
onClipEvent (load) { _root.maincaresse._x = _xmouse; _root.maincaresse._y = _ymouse; _root.maincaresse.stop(); _root.flamme._x = _xmouse; _root.flamme._y = _ymouse; _root.feu._x = _xmouse + 23; _root.feu._y = _ymouse - 37; } onClipEvent (mouseMove) { _root.maincaresse._x = _xmouse; _root.maincaresse._y = _ymouse; _root.flamme._x = _xmouse + 15; _root.flamme._y = _ymouse - 10; _root.feu._x = _xmouse + 23; _root.feu._y = _ymouse - 37; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (40 < _root.i) { _root.i = 0; _root.j = random(3); } else if (_root.i == 10) { _root.j = random(3); _root.i = _root.i + 1; } else if (_root.i == 20) { _root.j = random(3); _root.k = random(2); _root.i = _root.i + 1; } else if (_root.i == 30) { _root.j = random(3); _root.i = _root.i + 1; } else { _root.i = _root.i + 1; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.j == 0) { _root.bras1._visible = true; _root.bras2._visible = false; _root.bras3._visible = false; } else if (_root.j == 1) { _root.bras1._visible = false; _root.bras2._visible = true; _root.bras3._visible = false; } else if (_root.j == 2) { _root.bras1._visible = false; _root.bras2._visible = false; _root.bras3._visible = true; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.i == 35) { _root.cligne._visible = true; } else { _root.cligne._visible = false; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.k == 0) { _root.bouchferm._visible = true; } else { _root.bouchferm._visible = false; } }
Instance of Symbol 186 MovieClip "gaugegirl" in Frame 769
onClipEvent (load) { _root.gaugegirl._height = _root.nivgirl; _root.gaugegirl._y = ((200 - _root.nivgirl) + (_root.nivgirl / 2)) + 13; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (0 < _root.nivgirl) { _root.nivgirl = _root.nivgirl - 1; } _root.gaugegirl._height = _root.nivgirl; _root.gaugegirl._y = ((200 - _root.nivgirl) + (_root.nivgirl / 2)) + 13; }
Frame 770
stop(); _root.feuboug._visible = false; _root.feu._visible = true;
Frame 771
_root.flamme._x = 362; _root.feuboug._visible = true;
Instance of Symbol 16 MovieClip "fond" in Frame 771
onClipEvent (load) { _root.maincaresse._x = _xmouse; _root.maincaresse._y = _ymouse; _root.maincaresse._rotation = 0; _root.maincaresse.stop(); } onClipEvent (mouseMove) { _root.maincaresse._x = _xmouse; _root.maincaresse._y = _ymouse; _root.maincaresse._rotation = 0; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (40 < _root.i) { _root.i = 0; _root.j = random(3); } else if (_root.i == 10) { _root.j = random(3); _root.i = _root.i + 1; } else if (_root.i == 20) { _root.j = random(3); _root.k = random(2); _root.i = _root.i + 1; } else if (_root.i == 30) { _root.j = random(3); _root.i = _root.i + 1; } else { _root.i = _root.i + 1; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.j == 0) { _root.bras1._visible = true; _root.bras2._visible = false; _root.bras3._visible = false; } else if (_root.j == 1) { _root.bras1._visible = false; _root.bras2._visible = true; _root.bras3._visible = false; } else if (_root.j == 2) { _root.bras1._visible = false; _root.bras2._visible = false; _root.bras3._visible = true; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.i == 35) { _root.cligne._visible = true; } else { _root.cligne._visible = false; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.k == 0) { _root.bouchferm._visible = true; } else { _root.bouchferm._visible = false; } }
Frame 773
if (_root.langue == 1) { _root.texte = "excellente idée, cette bougie parfumée va aider à créer une athmosphere plus…intime…"; } else if (_root.langue == 0) { _root.texte = "Excellent idea, this fragrant candle is going to help to create an athmosphere more … intimate …"; } else if (_root.langue == 2) { _root.texte = "ancora meglio! Questa candela ha un profumo inebrianre e aiuterà a migliorare l'atmosfera... rendendola più intima..."; }
Frame 823
gotoAndStop (687);
Frame 824
Frame 825
_root.flamme._x = 362;
Instance of Symbol 16 MovieClip in Frame 825
onClipEvent (load) { _root.maincaresse._x = _xmouse; _root.maincaresse._y = _ymouse; _root.maincaresse.stop(); } onClipEvent (mouseMove) { _root.maincaresse._x = _xmouse; _root.maincaresse._y = _ymouse; }
Instance of Symbol 186 MovieClip "gaugegirl" in Frame 825
onClipEvent (load) { _root.gaugegirl._height = _root.nivgirl; _root.gaugegirl._y = ((200 - _root.nivgirl) + (_root.nivgirl / 2)) + 13; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (0 < _root.nivgirl) { _root.nivgirl = _root.nivgirl - 1; } _root.gaugegirl._height = _root.nivgirl; _root.gaugegirl._y = ((200 - _root.nivgirl) + (_root.nivgirl / 2)) + 13; }
Frame 862
stop(); _root.level = 9; _root.sublevel1 = 0; _root.sublevel2 = 0; gotoAndStop (864);
Frame 863
Frame 864
_root.sonok = 1; son.stop("mass1"); son.stop("mass2"); son.stop("groan1"); son.stop("groan2"); son.stop("groan3"); t = 0; code1 = 0; code2 = 0; code3 = 0; code4 = 0; code11 = 0; code12 = 0; code13 = 0; code14 = 0; code21 = 0; code22 = 0; code23 = 0; code24 = 0; code25 = 0; _root.code = ""; _root.flamme._x = 362; stop();
Instance of Symbol 16 MovieClip "fond" in Frame 864
onClipEvent (load) { _root.maincaresse._x = _xmouse; _root.maincaresse._y = _ymouse; _root.maincaresse._rotation = 0; _root.maincaresse.stop(); } onClipEvent (mouseMove) { _root.maincaresse._x = _xmouse; _root.maincaresse._y = _ymouse; _root.maincaresse._rotation = 0; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (40 < _root.i) { _root.i = 0; _root.j = random(5); _root.k = random(2); } else { _root.i = _root.i + 1; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.j == 1) { _root.reg1._visible = true; _root.reg2._visible = false; _root.cligne._visible = false; } else if (_root.j == 2) { _root.reg1._visible = false; _root.reg2._visible = true; _root.cligne._visible = false; } else { _root.reg1._visible = false; _root.reg2._visible = false; _root.cligne._visible = false; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.i == 35) { _root.cligne._visible = true; } else { _root.cligne._visible = false; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.k == 0) { _root.bouchferm._visible = true; } else { _root.bouchferm._visible = false; } }
Instance of Symbol 186 MovieClip "gaugegirl" in Frame 864
onClipEvent (load) { _root.gaugegirl._height = _root.nivgirl; _root.gaugegirl._y = ((200 - _root.nivgirl) + (_root.nivgirl / 2)) + 13; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (0 < _root.nivgirl) { _root.nivgirl = _root.nivgirl - 1; } _root.gaugegirl._height = _root.nivgirl; _root.gaugegirl._y = ((200 - _root.nivgirl) + (_root.nivgirl / 2)) + 13; }
Instance of Symbol 224 MovieClip in Frame 864
onClipEvent (keyDown) { touche = Key.getAscii(); if ((_root.code1 == 0) and (touche == 104)) { _root.code1 = touche; } else if (((_root.code1 == 104) and (_root.code2 == 0)) and (touche == 101)) { _root.code2 = touche; } else if ((((_root.code1 == 104) and (_root.code2 == 101)) and (_root.code3 == 0)) and (touche == 108)) { _root.code3 = touche; } else if (((((_root.code1 == 104) and (_root.code2 == 101)) and (_root.code3 == 108)) and (_root.code4 == 0)) and (touche == 112)) { _root.code4 = touche; } else { _root.code1 = 0; _root.code2 = 0; _root.code3 = 0; _root.code4 = 0; } } onClipEvent (keyDown) { touche = Key.getAscii(); if ((_root.code11 == 0) and (touche == 97)) { _root.code11 = touche; } else if (((_root.code11 == 97) and (_root.code12 == 0)) and (touche == 105)) { _root.code12 = touche; } else if ((((_root.code11 == 97) and (_root.code12 == 105)) and (_root.code13 == 0)) and (touche == 100)) { _root.code13 = touche; } else if (((((_root.code11 == 97) and (_root.code12 == 105)) and (_root.code13 == 100)) and (_root.code14 == 0)) and (touche == 101)) { _root.code14 = touche; } else { _root.code11 = 0; _root.code12 = 0; _root.code13 = 0; _root.code14 = 0; } } onClipEvent (keyDown) { touche = Key.getAscii(); if ((_root.code21 == 0) and (touche == 97)) { _root.code21 = touche; } else if (((_root.code21 == 97) and (_root.code22 == 0)) and (touche == 105)) { _root.code22 = touche; } else if ((((_root.code21 == 97) and (_root.code22 == 105)) and (_root.code23 == 0)) and (touche == 117)) { _root.code23 = touche; } else if (((((_root.code21 == 97) and (_root.code22 == 105)) and (_root.code23 == 117)) and (_root.code24 == 0)) and (touche == 116)) { _root.code24 = touche; } else if ((((((_root.code21 == 97) and (_root.code22 == 105)) and (_root.code23 == 117)) and (_root.code24 == 116)) and (_root.code25 == 0)) and (touche == 111)) { _root.code25 = touche; } else { _root.code21 = 0; _root.code22 = 0; _root.code23 = 0; _root.code24 = 0; _root.code25 = 0; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if ((((((_root.code1 == 104) and (_root.code2 == 101)) and (_root.code3 == 108)) and (_root.code4 == 112)) and (_root.level == 9)) and (_root.sublevel1 == 0)) { _root.code = "You can feel her breasts through her bra, continue to caress her breasts..."; } else if (((((((_root.code1 == 104) and (_root.code2 == 101)) and (_root.code3 == 108)) and (_root.code4 == 112)) and (_root.level == 9)) and (_root.sublevel1 == 1)) and (_root.sublevel2 == 0)) { _root.code = "Caress her thighs a little bit..."; } else if (((((_root.code1 == 104) and (_root.code2 == 101)) and (_root.code3 == 108)) and (_root.code4 == 112)) and (_root.level == 10)) { _root.code = "Try to be playful, and lift her skirt..."; } else if (((((_root.code1 == 104) and (_root.code2 == 101)) and (_root.code3 == 108)) and (_root.code4 == 112)) and (_root.level == 11)) { _root.code = "Now caress her breasts and get her pleasure level up..."; } else if ((((((_root.code11 == 97) and (_root.code12 == 105)) and (_root.code13 == 100)) and (_root.code14 == 101)) and (_root.level == 9)) and (_root.sublevel1 == 0)) { _root.code = "Le tissu de son soutient-gorge est très doux, caresse lui encore les seins..."; } else if (((((((_root.code11 == 97) and (_root.code12 == 105)) and (_root.code13 == 100)) and (_root.code14 == 101)) and (_root.level == 9)) and (_root.sublevel1 == 1)) and (_root.sublevel2 == 0)) { _root.code = "Ta main sur ses cuisses et tu caresses un peu..."; } else if (((((_root.code11 == 97) and (_root.code12 == 105)) and (_root.code13 == 100)) and (_root.code14 == 101)) and (_root.level == 10)) { _root.code = "Essaye de soulever un peu sa jupe, pour voir..."; } else if (((((_root.code11 == 97) and (_root.code12 == 105)) and (_root.code13 == 100)) and (_root.code14 == 101)) and (_root.level == 11)) { _root.code = "allez, maintenant, tu caresses ses seins un bon coup et tu fais monter le niveau de son plaisir..."; } else if (((((((_root.code21 == 97) and (_root.code22 == 105)) and (_root.code23 == 117)) and (_root.code24 == 116)) and (_root.code25 == 111)) and (_root.level == 9)) and (_root.sublevel1 == 0)) { _root.code = "Il tessuto del suo reggiseno è veramente dolce, continua ad accarezzarle il seno..."; } else if ((((((((_root.code21 == 97) and (_root.code22 == 105)) and (_root.code23 == 117)) and (_root.code24 == 116)) and (_root.code25 == 111)) and (_root.level == 9)) and (_root.sublevel1 == 1)) and (_root.sublevel2 == 0)) { _root.code = "Toccale le cosce e accarezzale un po'..."; } else if ((((((_root.code21 == 97) and (_root.code22 == 105)) and (_root.code23 == 117)) and (_root.code24 == 116)) and (_root.code25 == 111)) and (_root.level == 10)) { _root.code = "Prova ad alzarle un po' la gonna, tanto per guardare..."; } else if ((((((_root.code21 == 97) and (_root.code22 == 105)) and (_root.code23 == 117)) and (_root.code24 == 116)) and (_root.code25 == 111)) and (_root.level == 11)) { _root.code = "Ora toccale il seno per bene e fai in modo che salga il suo godimento..."; } else { _root.code = ""; } }
Frame 865
Instance of Symbol 16 MovieClip "fond" in Frame 865
onClipEvent (load) { _root.maincaresse._x = _xmouse; _root.maincaresse._y = _ymouse;; } onClipEvent (mouseMove) { _root.maincaresse._x = _xmouse; _root.maincaresse._y = _ymouse; if (sens == 10) { _root.maincaresse.stop(); } else {; } } onClipEvent (load) { Xx = _root.epauled._x; Yy = _root.epauled._y; Ax = _root.epauled._x - (_root.epauled._width / 2); Ay = _root.epauled._y - (_root.epauled._height / 2); Bx = _root.epauled._x + (_root.epauled._width / 2); By = _root.epauled._y + (_root.epauled._height / 2); Zx = _root.bret1._x; } onClipEvent (mouseMove) { finx = _xmouse; finy = _ymouse; if ((((finx < Ax) or (Bx < finx)) or (finy < Ay)) or (By < finy)) { sens = 10; } else if (((finx - debx) < 0) && ((finy - deby) < 0)) { sens = 1; } else if (((finx - debx) == 0) && ((finy - deby) < 0)) { sens = 2; } else if ((0 < (finx - debx)) && ((finy - deby) < 0)) { sens = 3; } else if (((finx - debx) < 0) && ((finy - deby) == 0)) { sens = 4; } else if (((finx - debx) == 0) && ((finy - deby) == 0)) { sens = 5; } else if ((0 < (finx - debx)) && ((finy - deby) == 0)) { sens = 6; } else if (((finx - debx) < 0) && (0 < (finy - deby))) { sens = 7; } else if (((finx - debx) == 0) && (0 < (finy - deby))) { sens = 8; } else if ((0 < (finx - debx)) && (0 < (finy - deby))) { sens = 9; } debx = finx; deby = finy; } onClipEvent (mouseMove) { if (sens == 1) { newx = Xx - 1; newy = Yy - 1; _root.bret1._rotation = 4; newZx = Zx - 1; } else if (sens == 2) { newx = Xx; newy = Yy - 2; _root.bret1._rotation = 0; newZx = Zx; } else if (sens == 3) { newx = Xx + 1; newy = Yy - 1; _root.bret1._rotation = -4; newZx = Zx + 1; } else if (sens == 4) { newx = Xx - 2; newy = Yy; _root.bret1._rotation = 4; newZx = Zx - 1; } else if (sens == 5) { newx = Xx; newy = Yy; _root.bret1._rotation = 0; newZx = Zx; } else if (sens == 6) { newx = Xx + 2; newy = Yy; _root.bret1._rotation = -4; newZx = Zx + 1; } else if (sens == 7) { newx = Xx - 1; newy = Yy + 1; _root.bret1._rotation = 4; newZx = Zx - 1; } else if (sens == 8) { newx = Xx; newy = Yy + 2; _root.bret1._rotation = 0; newZx = Zx; } else if (sens == 9) { newx = Xx + 1; newy = Yy + 1; _root.bret1._rotation = -4; newZx = Zx + 1; } else { newx = Xx; newy = Yy; _root.bret1._rotation = 0; newZx = Zx; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { _root.epauled._x = newx; _root.epauled._y = newy; _root.bret1._x = newZx; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (sens == 10) { = false; _root.yf._visible = false; } else { = true; _root.yf._visible = true; } } onClipEvent (mouseMove) { if ((sens != 10) and (_root.nivgirl < 100)) { _root.nivgirl = _root.nivgirl + 0.7; } else if ((sens != 10) and (_root.nivgirl < 150)) { _root.nivgirl = _root.nivgirl + 0.4; } else if ((sens != 10) and (_root.nivgirl < 180)) { _root.nivgirl = _root.nivgirl + 0.2; } if ((_root.sublevel1 == 1) and (_root.sublevel2 == 1)) { _root.level = 10; } }
Instance of Symbol 234 MovieClip in Frame 865
onClipEvent (load) { son = new Sound(); s = 0; s = random(3); if (s == 0) { son.attachSound("groan1"); } else if (s == 1) { son.attachSound("groan2"); } else if (s == 2) { son.attachSound("groan3"); } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if ((_root.t == 0) and (_root.sonok == 1)) { s = random(3); if (s == 0) { son.attachSound("groan1"); } else if (s == 1) { son.attachSound("groan2"); } else if (s == 2) { son.attachSound("groan3"); } son.stop("groan1"); son.stop("groan2"); son.stop("groan3"); son.start(); _root.t = _root.t + 1; } else { _root.t = _root.t + 1; } if (25 < _root.t) { _root.t = 0; } }
Frame 866
Instance of Symbol 16 MovieClip "fond" in Frame 866
onClipEvent (load) { _root.maincaresse._x = _xmouse; _root.maincaresse._y = _ymouse;; } onClipEvent (mouseMove) { _root.maincaresse._x = _xmouse; _root.maincaresse._y = _ymouse; if (sens == 10) { _root.maincaresse.stop(); } else {; } } onClipEvent (load) { Xx = _root.epauled._x; Yy = _root.epauled._y; Ax = _root.epauled._x - (_root.epauled._width / 2); Ay = _root.epauled._y - (_root.epauled._height / 2); Bx = _root.epauled._x + (_root.epauled._width / 2); By = _root.epauled._y + (_root.epauled._height / 2); Zx = _root.bret2._x; } onClipEvent (mouseMove) { finx = _xmouse; finy = _ymouse; if ((((finx < Ax) or (Bx < finx)) or (finy < Ay)) or (By < finy)) { sens = 10; } else if (((finx - debx) < 0) && ((finy - deby) < 0)) { sens = 1; } else if (((finx - debx) == 0) && ((finy - deby) < 0)) { sens = 2; } else if ((0 < (finx - debx)) && ((finy - deby) < 0)) { sens = 3; } else if (((finx - debx) < 0) && ((finy - deby) == 0)) { sens = 4; } else if (((finx - debx) == 0) && ((finy - deby) == 0)) { sens = 5; } else if ((0 < (finx - debx)) && ((finy - deby) == 0)) { sens = 6; } else if (((finx - debx) < 0) && (0 < (finy - deby))) { sens = 7; } else if (((finx - debx) == 0) && (0 < (finy - deby))) { sens = 8; } else if ((0 < (finx - debx)) && (0 < (finy - deby))) { sens = 9; } debx = finx; deby = finy; } onClipEvent (mouseMove) { if (sens == 1) { newx = Xx - 1; newy = Yy - 1; _root.bret2._rotation = 4; newZx = Zx - 1; } else if (sens == 2) { newx = Xx; newy = Yy - 2; _root.bret2._rotation = 0; newZx = Zx; } else if (sens == 3) { newx = Xx + 1; newy = Yy - 1; _root.bret2._rotation = -4; newZx = Zx + 1; } else if (sens == 4) { newx = Xx - 2; newy = Yy; _root.bret2._rotation = 4; newZx = Zx - 1; } else if (sens == 5) { newx = Xx; newy = Yy; _root.bret2._rotation = 0; newZx = Zx; } else if (sens == 6) { newx = Xx + 2; newy = Yy; _root.bret2._rotation = -4; newZx = Zx + 1; } else if (sens == 7) { newx = Xx - 1; newy = Yy + 1; _root.bret2._rotation = 4; newZx = Zx - 1; } else if (sens == 8) { newx = Xx; newy = Yy + 2; _root.bret2._rotation = 0; newZx = Zx; } else if (sens == 9) { newx = Xx + 1; newy = Yy + 1; _root.bret2._rotation = -4; newZx = Zx + 1; } else { newx = Xx; newy = Yy; _root.bret2._rotation = 0; newZx = Zx; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { _root.epauled._x = newx; _root.epauled._y = newy; _root.bret2._x = newZx; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (sens == 10) { = false; _root.yf._visible = false; } else { = true; _root.yf._visible = true; } } onClipEvent (mouseMove) { if ((sens != 10) and (_root.nivgirl < 100)) { _root.nivgirl = _root.nivgirl + 0.7; } else if ((sens != 10) and (_root.nivgirl < 150)) { _root.nivgirl = _root.nivgirl + 0.4; } else if ((sens != 10) and (_root.nivgirl < 180)) { _root.nivgirl = _root.nivgirl + 0.2; } if ((_root.sublevel1 == 1) and (_root.sublevel2 == 1)) { _root.level = 10; } }
Frame 867
Instance of Symbol 16 MovieClip "fond" in Frame 867
onClipEvent (load) { _root.maincaresse._x = _xmouse; _root.maincaresse._y = _ymouse;; } onClipEvent (mouseMove) { _root.maincaresse._x = _xmouse; _root.maincaresse._y = _ymouse; if (sens == 10) { _root.maincaresse.stop(); } else {; } } onClipEvent (load) { Xx = _root.epauled._x; Yy = _root.epauled._y; Ax = _root.epauled._x - (_root.epauled._width / 2); Ay = _root.epauled._y - (_root.epauled._height / 2); Bx = _root.epauled._x + (_root.epauled._width / 2); By = _root.epauled._y + (_root.epauled._height / 2); } onClipEvent (mouseMove) { finx = _xmouse; finy = _ymouse; if ((((finx < Ax) or (Bx < finx)) or (finy < Ay)) or (By < finy)) { sens = 10; } else if (((finx - debx) < 0) && ((finy - deby) < 0)) { sens = 1; } else if (((finx - debx) == 0) && ((finy - deby) < 0)) { sens = 2; } else if ((0 < (finx - debx)) && ((finy - deby) < 0)) { sens = 3; } else if (((finx - debx) < 0) && ((finy - deby) == 0)) { sens = 4; } else if (((finx - debx) == 0) && ((finy - deby) == 0)) { sens = 5; } else if ((0 < (finx - debx)) && ((finy - deby) == 0)) { sens = 6; } else if (((finx - debx) < 0) && (0 < (finy - deby))) { sens = 7; } else if (((finx - debx) == 0) && (0 < (finy - deby))) { sens = 8; } else if ((0 < (finx - debx)) && (0 < (finy - deby))) { sens = 9; } debx = finx; deby = finy; } onClipEvent (mouseMove) { if (sens == 1) { newx = Xx - 1; newy = Yy - 1; } else if (sens == 2) { newx = Xx; newy = Yy - 2; } else if (sens == 3) { newx = Xx + 1; newy = Yy - 1; } else if (sens == 4) { newx = Xx - 2; newy = Yy; } else if (sens == 5) { newx = Xx; newy = Yy; } else if (sens == 6) { newx = Xx + 2; newy = Yy; } else if (sens == 7) { newx = Xx - 1; newy = Yy + 1; } else if (sens == 8) { newx = Xx; newy = Yy + 2; } else if (sens == 9) { newx = Xx + 1; newy = Yy + 1; } else { newx = Xx; newy = Yy; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { _root.epauled._x = newx; _root.epauled._y = newy; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (sens == 10) { _root.tete4._visible = true; _root.chev4._visible = true; _root.tete5._visible = false; _root.chev5._visible = false; } else { _root.tete4._visible = false; _root.chev4._visible = false; _root.tete5._visible = true; _root.chev5._visible = true; } } onClipEvent (mouseMove) { if ((sens != 10) and (_root.nivgirl < 100)) { _root.nivgirl = _root.nivgirl + 0.7; } else if ((sens != 10) and (_root.nivgirl < 150)) { _root.nivgirl = _root.nivgirl + 0.4; } else if ((sens != 10) and (_root.nivgirl < 180)) { _root.nivgirl = _root.nivgirl + 0.2; } if ((_root.sublevel1 == 1) and (_root.sublevel2 == 1)) { _root.level = 10; } }
Frame 869
Frame 870
_root.flamme._x = 362;
Instance of Symbol 16 MovieClip "fond" in Frame 870
onClipEvent (load) { _root.maincaresse._x = _xmouse; _root.maincaresse._y = _ymouse; _root.maincaresse.stop(); } onClipEvent (mouseMove) { _root.maincaresse._x = _xmouse; _root.maincaresse._y = _ymouse; }
Instance of Symbol 186 MovieClip "gaugegirl" in Frame 870
onClipEvent (load) { _root.gaugegirl._height = _root.nivgirl; _root.gaugegirl._y = ((200 - _root.nivgirl) + (_root.nivgirl / 2)) + 13; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (0 < _root.nivgirl) { _root.nivgirl = _root.nivgirl - 1; } _root.gaugegirl._height = _root.nivgirl; _root.gaugegirl._y = ((200 - _root.nivgirl) + (_root.nivgirl / 2)) + 13; }
Frame 896
stop(); _root.sublevel1 = 0; _root.sublevel2 = 0; _root.level = 11; gotoAndStop (864);
Frame 897
Frame 898
_root.flamme._x = 362;
Instance of Symbol 16 MovieClip "fond" in Frame 898
onClipEvent (load) { _root.maincaresse._x = _xmouse; _root.maincaresse._y = _ymouse; _root.maincaresse.stop(); } onClipEvent (mouseMove) { _root.maincaresse._x = _xmouse; _root.maincaresse._y = _ymouse; }
Instance of Symbol 186 MovieClip "gaugegirl" in Frame 898
onClipEvent (load) { _root.gaugegirl._height = _root.nivgirl; _root.gaugegirl._y = ((200 - _root.nivgirl) + (_root.nivgirl / 2)) + 13; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (0 < _root.nivgirl) { _root.nivgirl = _root.nivgirl - 1; } _root.gaugegirl._height = _root.nivgirl; _root.gaugegirl._y = ((200 - _root.nivgirl) + (_root.nivgirl / 2)) + 13; }
Frame 942
stop(); _root.level = 12; _root.sublevel1 = 0; _root.sublevel2 = 0; gotoAndStop (944);
Frame 943
Frame 944
code1 = 0; code2 = 0; code3 = 0; code4 = 0; code11 = 0; code12 = 0; code13 = 0; code14 = 0; code21 = 0; code22 = 0; code23 = 0; code24 = 0; code25 = 0; _root.code = ""; _root.flamme._x = 362; stop();
Instance of Symbol 16 MovieClip "fond" in Frame 944
onClipEvent (load) { _root.maincaresse._x = _xmouse; _root.maincaresse._y = _ymouse; _root.maincaresse._rotation = 0; _root.maincaresse.stop(); } onClipEvent (mouseMove) { _root.maincaresse._x = _xmouse; _root.maincaresse._y = _ymouse; _root.maincaresse._rotation = 0; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (40 < _root.i) { _root.i = 0; _root.j = random(5); _root.k = random(2); } else { _root.i = _root.i + 1; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.j == 1) { _root.reg1._visible = true; _root.reg2._visible = false; _root.cligne._visible = false; } else if (_root.j == 2) { _root.reg1._visible = false; _root.reg2._visible = true; _root.cligne._visible = false; } else { _root.reg1._visible = false; _root.reg2._visible = false; _root.cligne._visible = false; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.i == 35) { _root.cligne._visible = true; } else { _root.cligne._visible = false; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.k == 0) { _root.bouchferm._visible = true; } else { _root.bouchferm._visible = false; } }
Instance of Symbol 186 MovieClip "gaugegirl" in Frame 944
onClipEvent (load) { _root.gaugegirl._height = _root.nivgirl; _root.gaugegirl._y = ((200 - _root.nivgirl) + (_root.nivgirl / 2)) + 13; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (0 < _root.nivgirl) { _root.nivgirl = _root.nivgirl - 1; } _root.gaugegirl._height = _root.nivgirl; _root.gaugegirl._y = ((200 - _root.nivgirl) + (_root.nivgirl / 2)) + 13; }
Instance of Symbol 224 MovieClip in Frame 944
onClipEvent (keyDown) { touche = Key.getAscii(); if ((_root.code1 == 0) and (touche == 104)) { _root.code1 = touche; } else if (((_root.code1 == 104) and (_root.code2 == 0)) and (touche == 101)) { _root.code2 = touche; } else if ((((_root.code1 == 104) and (_root.code2 == 101)) and (_root.code3 == 0)) and (touche == 108)) { _root.code3 = touche; } else if (((((_root.code1 == 104) and (_root.code2 == 101)) and (_root.code3 == 108)) and (_root.code4 == 0)) and (touche == 112)) { _root.code4 = touche; } else { _root.code1 = 0; _root.code2 = 0; _root.code3 = 0; _root.code4 = 0; } } onClipEvent (keyDown) { touche = Key.getAscii(); if ((_root.code11 == 0) and (touche == 97)) { _root.code11 = touche; } else if (((_root.code11 == 97) and (_root.code12 == 0)) and (touche == 105)) { _root.code12 = touche; } else if ((((_root.code11 == 97) and (_root.code12 == 105)) and (_root.code13 == 0)) and (touche == 100)) { _root.code13 = touche; } else if (((((_root.code11 == 97) and (_root.code12 == 105)) and (_root.code13 == 100)) and (_root.code14 == 0)) and (touche == 101)) { _root.code14 = touche; } else { _root.code11 = 0; _root.code12 = 0; _root.code13 = 0; _root.code14 = 0; } } onClipEvent (keyDown) { touche = Key.getAscii(); if ((_root.code21 == 0) and (touche == 97)) { _root.code21 = touche; } else if (((_root.code21 == 97) and (_root.code22 == 0)) and (touche == 105)) { _root.code22 = touche; } else if ((((_root.code21 == 97) and (_root.code22 == 105)) and (_root.code23 == 0)) and (touche == 117)) { _root.code23 = touche; } else if (((((_root.code21 == 97) and (_root.code22 == 105)) and (_root.code23 == 117)) and (_root.code24 == 0)) and (touche == 116)) { _root.code24 = touche; } else if ((((((_root.code21 == 97) and (_root.code22 == 105)) and (_root.code23 == 117)) and (_root.code24 == 116)) and (_root.code25 == 0)) and (touche == 111)) { _root.code25 = touche; } else { _root.code21 = 0; _root.code22 = 0; _root.code23 = 0; _root.code24 = 0; _root.code25 = 0; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if ((((((_root.code1 == 104) and (_root.code2 == 101)) and (_root.code3 == 108)) and (_root.code4 == 112)) and (_root.level == 12)) and (_root.sublevel1 == 0)) { _root.code = "Now you can try remove her bra...I think she will allow you to..."; } else if (((((((_root.code1 == 104) and (_root.code2 == 101)) and (_root.code3 == 108)) and (_root.code4 == 112)) and (_root.level == 12)) and (_root.sublevel1 == 1)) and (_root.sublevel2 == 0)) { _root.code = "Caress her thighs a little bit..."; } else if (((((((_root.code1 == 104) and (_root.code2 == 101)) and (_root.code3 == 108)) and (_root.code4 == 112)) and (_root.level == 12)) and (_root.sublevel1 == 1)) and (_root.sublevel2 == 1)) { _root.code = "Caress her thighs a little bit..."; } else if (((((_root.code1 == 104) and (_root.code2 == 101)) and (_root.code3 == 108)) and (_root.code4 == 112)) and (_root.level == 13)) { _root.code = "Does the feather on the desk give you an idea? Pick it up, and try..."; } else if ((((((_root.code11 == 97) and (_root.code12 == 105)) and (_root.code13 == 100)) and (_root.code14 == 101)) and (_root.level == 12)) and (_root.sublevel1 == 0)) { _root.code = "Essaye de retirer son soutient-gorges, tu y es presque..."; } else if (((((((_root.code11 == 97) and (_root.code12 == 105)) and (_root.code13 == 100)) and (_root.code14 == 101)) and (_root.level == 12)) and (_root.sublevel1 == 1)) and (_root.sublevel2 == 0)) { _root.code = "Ta main sur ses cuisses et tu caresses un peu..."; } else if (((((((_root.code11 == 97) and (_root.code12 == 105)) and (_root.code13 == 100)) and (_root.code14 == 101)) and (_root.level == 12)) and (_root.sublevel1 == 1)) and (_root.sublevel2 == 1)) { _root.code = "Ta main sur ses cuisses et tu caresses un peu..."; } else if (((((_root.code11 == 97) and (_root.code12 == 105)) and (_root.code13 == 100)) and (_root.code14 == 101)) and (_root.level == 13)) { _root.code = "La plume, sur le bureau, ca ne te donne pas une idée ?... vas-y, prends la..."; } else if (((((((_root.code21 == 97) and (_root.code22 == 105)) and (_root.code23 == 117)) and (_root.code24 == 116)) and (_root.code25 == 111)) and (_root.level == 12)) and (_root.sublevel1 == 0)) { _root.code = "Prova a rimuovere il suo reggiseno, penso che lei sia d'accordo..."; } else if ((((((((_root.code21 == 97) and (_root.code22 == 105)) and (_root.code23 == 117)) and (_root.code24 == 116)) and (_root.code25 == 111)) and (_root.level == 12)) and (_root.sublevel1 == 1)) and (_root.sublevel2 == 0)) { _root.code = "Toccale le cosce e accarezzale un po'..."; } else if ((((((((_root.code21 == 97) and (_root.code22 == 105)) and (_root.code23 == 117)) and (_root.code24 == 116)) and (_root.code25 == 111)) and (_root.level == 12)) and (_root.sublevel1 == 1)) and (_root.sublevel2 == 1)) { _root.code = "Toccale le cosce e accarezzale un po'..."; } else if ((((((_root.code21 == 97) and (_root.code22 == 105)) and (_root.code23 == 117)) and (_root.code24 == 116)) and (_root.code25 == 111)) and (_root.level == 13)) { _root.code = "La piuma che è sul tavolo non ti suggerisce nulla? ... prova a prenderla..."; } else { _root.code = ""; } }
Frame 945
Instance of Symbol 16 MovieClip "fond" in Frame 945
onClipEvent (load) { _root.maincaresse._x = _xmouse; _root.maincaresse._y = _ymouse;; } onClipEvent (mouseMove) { _root.maincaresse._x = _xmouse; _root.maincaresse._y = _ymouse; if (sens == 10) { _root.maincaresse.stop(); } else {; } } onClipEvent (load) { Xx = _root.epauled._x; Yy = _root.epauled._y; Ax = _root.epauled._x - (_root.epauled._width / 2); Ay = _root.epauled._y - (_root.epauled._height / 2); Bx = _root.epauled._x + (_root.epauled._width / 2); By = _root.epauled._y + (_root.epauled._height / 2); } onClipEvent (mouseMove) { finx = _xmouse; finy = _ymouse; if ((((finx < Ax) or (Bx < finx)) or (finy < Ay)) or (By < finy)) { sens = 10; } else if (((finx - debx) < 0) && ((finy - deby) < 0)) { sens = 1; } else if (((finx - debx) == 0) && ((finy - deby) < 0)) { sens = 2; } else if ((0 < (finx - debx)) && ((finy - deby) < 0)) { sens = 3; } else if (((finx - debx) < 0) && ((finy - deby) == 0)) { sens = 4; } else if (((finx - debx) == 0) && ((finy - deby) == 0)) { sens = 5; } else if ((0 < (finx - debx)) && ((finy - deby) == 0)) { sens = 6; } else if (((finx - debx) < 0) && (0 < (finy - deby))) { sens = 7; } else if (((finx - debx) == 0) && (0 < (finy - deby))) { sens = 8; } else if ((0 < (finx - debx)) && (0 < (finy - deby))) { sens = 9; } debx = finx; deby = finy; } onClipEvent (mouseMove) { if (sens == 1) { newx = Xx - 1; newy = Yy - 1; } else if (sens == 2) { newx = Xx; newy = Yy - 2; } else if (sens == 3) { newx = Xx + 1; newy = Yy - 1; } else if (sens == 4) { newx = Xx - 2; newy = Yy; } else if (sens == 5) { newx = Xx; newy = Yy; } else if (sens == 6) { newx = Xx + 2; newy = Yy; } else if (sens == 7) { newx = Xx - 1; newy = Yy + 1; } else if (sens == 8) { newx = Xx; newy = Yy + 2; } else if (sens == 9) { newx = Xx + 1; newy = Yy + 1; } else { newx = Xx; newy = Yy; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { _root.epauled._x = newx; _root.epauled._y = newy; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (sens == 10) { _root.tete4._visible = true; _root.chev4._visible = true; _root.tete5._visible = false; _root.chev5._visible = false; } else { _root.tete4._visible = false; _root.chev4._visible = false; _root.tete5._visible = true; _root.chev5._visible = true; } } onClipEvent (mouseMove) { if ((sens != 10) and (_root.nivgirl < 100)) { _root.nivgirl = _root.nivgirl + 0.7; } else if ((sens != 10) and (_root.nivgirl < 150)) { _root.nivgirl = _root.nivgirl + 0.4; } else if ((sens != 10) and (_root.nivgirl < 180)) { _root.nivgirl = _root.nivgirl + 0.2; } if ((_root.sublevel1 == 1) and (_root.sublevel2 == 1)) { _root.level = 13; } }
Frame 946
Instance of Symbol 16 MovieClip "fond" in Frame 947
onClipEvent (load) { _root.maincaresse._x = _xmouse; _root.maincaresse._y = _ymouse; _root.maincaresse._rotation = 0; _root.maincaresse.stop(); } onClipEvent (mouseMove) { _root.maincaresse._x = _xmouse; _root.maincaresse._y = _ymouse; _root.maincaresse._rotation = 0; }
Frame 955
gotoAndStop (944);
Frame 956
Frame 957
_root.sonok = 1; son.stop("rire"); t = 0; code1 = 0; code2 = 0; code3 = 0; code4 = 0; code11 = 0; code12 = 0; code13 = 0; code14 = 0; code21 = 0; code22 = 0; code23 = 0; code24 = 0; code25 = 0; _root.code = ""; _root.flamme._x = 362; stop();
Instance of Symbol 16 MovieClip "fond" in Frame 957
onClipEvent (load) { _root.maincaresse._x = _xmouse; _root.maincaresse._y = _ymouse; _root.maincaresse._rotation = 0; _root.maincaresse.stop(); } onClipEvent (mouseMove) { _root.maincaresse._x = _xmouse; _root.maincaresse._y = _ymouse; _root.maincaresse._rotation = 0; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (40 < _root.i) { _root.i = 0; _root.j = random(5); _root.k = random(2); } else { _root.i = _root.i + 1; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.j == 1) { _root.reg1._visible = true; _root.reg2._visible = false; _root.cligne._visible = false; } else if (_root.j == 2) { _root.reg1._visible = false; _root.reg2._visible = true; _root.cligne._visible = false; } else { _root.reg1._visible = false; _root.reg2._visible = false; _root.cligne._visible = false; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.i == 35) { _root.cligne._visible = true; } else { _root.cligne._visible = false; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.k == 0) { _root.bouchferm._visible = true; } else { _root.bouchferm._visible = false; } }
Instance of Symbol 186 MovieClip "gaugegirl" in Frame 957
onClipEvent (load) { _root.gaugegirl._height = _root.nivgirl; _root.gaugegirl._y = ((200 - _root.nivgirl) + (_root.nivgirl / 2)) + 13; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (0 < _root.nivgirl) { _root.nivgirl = _root.nivgirl - 1; } _root.gaugegirl._height = _root.nivgirl; _root.gaugegirl._y = ((200 - _root.nivgirl) + (_root.nivgirl / 2)) + 13; }
Instance of Symbol 224 MovieClip in Frame 957
onClipEvent (keyDown) { touche = Key.getAscii(); if ((_root.code1 == 0) and (touche == 104)) { _root.code1 = touche; } else if (((_root.code1 == 104) and (_root.code2 == 0)) and (touche == 101)) { _root.code2 = touche; } else if ((((_root.code1 == 104) and (_root.code2 == 101)) and (_root.code3 == 0)) and (touche == 108)) { _root.code3 = touche; } else if (((((_root.code1 == 104) and (_root.code2 == 101)) and (_root.code3 == 108)) and (_root.code4 == 0)) and (touche == 112)) { _root.code4 = touche; } else { _root.code1 = 0; _root.code2 = 0; _root.code3 = 0; _root.code4 = 0; } } onClipEvent (keyDown) { touche = Key.getAscii(); if ((_root.code11 == 0) and (touche == 97)) { _root.code11 = touche; } else if (((_root.code11 == 97) and (_root.code12 == 0)) and (touche == 105)) { _root.code12 = touche; } else if ((((_root.code11 == 97) and (_root.code12 == 105)) and (_root.code13 == 0)) and (touche == 100)) { _root.code13 = touche; } else if (((((_root.code11 == 97) and (_root.code12 == 105)) and (_root.code13 == 100)) and (_root.code14 == 0)) and (touche == 101)) { _root.code14 = touche; } else { _root.code11 = 0; _root.code12 = 0; _root.code13 = 0; _root.code14 = 0; } } onClipEvent (keyDown) { touche = Key.getAscii(); if ((_root.code21 == 0) and (touche == 97)) { _root.code21 = touche; } else if (((_root.code21 == 97) and (_root.code22 == 0)) and (touche == 105)) { _root.code22 = touche; } else if ((((_root.code21 == 97) and (_root.code22 == 105)) and (_root.code23 == 0)) and (touche == 117)) { _root.code23 = touche; } else if (((((_root.code21 == 97) and (_root.code22 == 105)) and (_root.code23 == 117)) and (_root.code24 == 0)) and (touche == 116)) { _root.code24 = touche; } else if ((((((_root.code21 == 97) and (_root.code22 == 105)) and (_root.code23 == 117)) and (_root.code24 == 116)) and (_root.code25 == 0)) and (touche == 111)) { _root.code25 = touche; } else { _root.code21 = 0; _root.code22 = 0; _root.code23 = 0; _root.code24 = 0; _root.code25 = 0; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (((((_root.code1 == 104) and (_root.code2 == 101)) and (_root.code3 == 108)) and (_root.code4 == 112)) and (_root.level == 14)) { _root.code = "With the end of the feather, tickle her right breast, just above her bra (by moving the mouse)..."; } else if (((((_root.code11 == 97) and (_root.code12 == 105)) and (_root.code13 == 100)) and (_root.code14 == 101)) and (_root.level == 14)) { _root.code = "Avec le bout de la plume, chatouille son sein droit, juste au dessus du soutient-gorge (en bougeant la souris)..."; } else if ((((((_root.code21 == 97) and (_root.code22 == 105)) and (_root.code23 == 117)) and (_root.code24 == 116)) and (_root.code25 == 111)) and (_root.level == 14)) { _root.code = "Con la punta della piuma sfiorale il seno a destra, subito sopra il reggiseno (muovendo il mouse)..."; } else { _root.code = ""; } }
Instance of Symbol 234 MovieClip in Frame 957
onClipEvent (load) { son = new Sound(); son.attachSound("rire"); t = 0; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { son.stop("rire"); }
Frame 958
Instance of Symbol 16 MovieClip "fond" in Frame 958
onClipEvent (load) { _root.maincaresse._x = _xmouse; _root.maincaresse._y = _ymouse; _root.maincaresse._rotation = 0; } onClipEvent (mouseMove) { _root.maincaresse._x = _xmouse; _root.maincaresse._y = _ymouse; _root.maincaresse._rotation = 0; } onClipEvent (load) { Ax = _root.epauled._x - (_root.epauled._width / 2); Ay = _root.epauled._y - (_root.epauled._height / 2); Bx = _root.epauled._x + (_root.epauled._width / 2); By = _root.epauled._y + (_root.epauled._height / 2); } onClipEvent (mouseMove) { if ((((_xmouse < Ax) or (Bx < _xmouse)) or (_ymouse < Ay)) or (By < _ymouse)) { caresseok = 0; _root.maincaresse.stop(); = false; _root.yf._visible = false; } else { caresseok = 1;; = true; _root.yf._visible = true; } } onClipEvent (mouseMove) { if ((caresseok == 1) and (_root.nivgirl < 100)) { _root.nivgirl = _root.nivgirl + 0.7; } else if ((caresseok == 1) and (_root.nivgirl < 150)) { _root.nivgirl = _root.nivgirl + 0.4; } else if ((caresseok == 1) and (_root.nivgirl < 180)) { _root.nivgirl = _root.nivgirl + 0.2; } }
Instance of Symbol 186 MovieClip "gaugegirl" in Frame 958
onClipEvent (load) { _root.gaugegirl._height = _root.nivgirl; _root.gaugegirl._y = ((200 - _root.nivgirl) + (_root.nivgirl / 2)) + 13; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (0 < _root.nivgirl) { _root.nivgirl = _root.nivgirl; } _root.gaugegirl._height = _root.nivgirl; _root.gaugegirl._y = ((200 - _root.nivgirl) + (_root.nivgirl / 2)) + 13; }
Instance of Symbol 234 MovieClip in Frame 958
onClipEvent (load) { son = new Sound(); son.attachSound("rire"); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if ((_root.t == 0) and (_root.sonok == 1)) { son.stop("rire"); son.start(); _root.t = _root.t + 1; } else { _root.t = _root.t + 1; } if (110 < _root.t) { _root.t = 0; } }
Instance of Symbol 16 MovieClip "fond" in Frame 959
onClipEvent (load) { _root.maincaresse._x = _xmouse; _root.maincaresse._y = _ymouse; _root.maincaresse._rotation = 0; } onClipEvent (mouseMove) { _root.maincaresse._x = _xmouse; _root.maincaresse._y = _ymouse; _root.maincaresse._rotation = 0; }
Instance of Symbol 186 MovieClip "gaugegirl" in Frame 959
onClipEvent (load) { _root.gaugegirl._height = _root.nivgirl; _root.gaugegirl._y = ((200 - _root.nivgirl) + (_root.nivgirl / 2)) + 13; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (0 < _root.nivgirl) { _root.nivgirl = _root.nivgirl - 1; } _root.gaugegirl._height = _root.nivgirl; _root.gaugegirl._y = ((200 - _root.nivgirl) + (_root.nivgirl / 2)) + 13; }
Frame 968
_root.level = 15;
Frame 969
_root.sonok = 1; son.stop("rire"); t = 0; code1 = 0; code2 = 0; code3 = 0; code4 = 0; code11 = 0; code12 = 0; code13 = 0; code14 = 0; code21 = 0; code22 = 0; code23 = 0; code24 = 0; code25 = 0; _root.code = ""; stop();
Instance of Symbol 16 MovieClip "fond" in Frame 969
onClipEvent (load) { _root.maincaresse._x = _xmouse; _root.maincaresse._y = _ymouse; _root.maincaresse._rotation = 0; _root.maincaresse.stop(); } onClipEvent (mouseMove) { _root.maincaresse._x = _xmouse; _root.maincaresse._y = _ymouse; _root.maincaresse._rotation = 0; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (40 < _root.i) { _root.i = 0; _root.j = random(5); _root.k = random(2); } else { _root.i = _root.i + 1; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.j == 0) { _root.reg1._visible = true; _root.reg2._visible = false; _root.cligne._visible = false; } else if (_root.j == 1) { _root.reg1._visible = false; _root.reg2._visible = true; _root.cligne._visible = false; } else { _root.reg1._visible = false; _root.reg2._visible = false; _root.cligne._visible = false; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.i == 35) { _root.cligne._visible = true; } else { _root.cligne._visible = false; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.k == 0) { _root.bouchferm._visible = true; } else { _root.bouchferm._visible = false; } }
Instance of Symbol 224 MovieClip in Frame 969
onClipEvent (keyDown) { touche = Key.getAscii(); if ((_root.code1 == 0) and (touche == 104)) { _root.code1 = touche; } else if (((_root.code1 == 104) and (_root.code2 == 0)) and (touche == 101)) { _root.code2 = touche; } else if ((((_root.code1 == 104) and (_root.code2 == 101)) and (_root.code3 == 0)) and (touche == 108)) { _root.code3 = touche; } else if (((((_root.code1 == 104) and (_root.code2 == 101)) and (_root.code3 == 108)) and (_root.code4 == 0)) and (touche == 112)) { _root.code4 = touche; } else { _root.code1 = 0; _root.code2 = 0; _root.code3 = 0; _root.code4 = 0; } } onClipEvent (keyDown) { touche = Key.getAscii(); if ((_root.code11 == 0) and (touche == 97)) { _root.code11 = touche; } else if (((_root.code11 == 97) and (_root.code12 == 0)) and (touche == 105)) { _root.code12 = touche; } else if ((((_root.code11 == 97) and (_root.code12 == 105)) and (_root.code13 == 0)) and (touche == 100)) { _root.code13 = touche; } else if (((((_root.code11 == 97) and (_root.code12 == 105)) and (_root.code13 == 100)) and (_root.code14 == 0)) and (touche == 101)) { _root.code14 = touche; } else { _root.code11 = 0; _root.code12 = 0; _root.code13 = 0; _root.code14 = 0; } } onClipEvent (keyDown) { touche = Key.getAscii(); if ((_root.code21 == 0) and (touche == 97)) { _root.code21 = touche; } else if (((_root.code21 == 97) and (_root.code22 == 0)) and (touche == 105)) { _root.code22 = touche; } else if ((((_root.code21 == 97) and (_root.code22 == 105)) and (_root.code23 == 0)) and (touche == 117)) { _root.code23 = touche; } else if (((((_root.code21 == 97) and (_root.code22 == 105)) and (_root.code23 == 117)) and (_root.code24 == 0)) and (touche == 116)) { _root.code24 = touche; } else if ((((((_root.code21 == 97) and (_root.code22 == 105)) and (_root.code23 == 117)) and (_root.code24 == 116)) and (_root.code25 == 0)) and (touche == 111)) { _root.code25 = touche; } else { _root.code21 = 0; _root.code22 = 0; _root.code23 = 0; _root.code24 = 0; _root.code25 = 0; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (((((_root.code1 == 104) and (_root.code2 == 101)) and (_root.code3 == 108)) and (_root.code4 == 112)) and (_root.level == 15)) { _root.code = "With the end of the feather, tickle her left breast, just above her bra (by moving the mouse)..."; } else if (((((_root.code11 == 97) and (_root.code12 == 105)) and (_root.code13 == 100)) and (_root.code14 == 101)) and (_root.level == 15)) { _root.code = "Avec le bout de la plume, chatouille son sein gauche, juste au dessus du soutient-gorge (en bougeant la souris)..."; } else if ((((((_root.code21 == 97) and (_root.code22 == 105)) and (_root.code23 == 117)) and (_root.code24 == 116)) and (_root.code25 == 111)) and (_root.level == 15)) { _root.code = "Con la punta della piuma sfiorale il seno a sinistra, subito sopra il reggiseno (muovendo il mouse)..."; } else { _root.code = ""; } }
Instance of Symbol 234 MovieClip in Frame 969
onClipEvent (load) { son = new Sound(); son.attachSound("rire"); t = 0; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { son.stop("rire"); }
Frame 970
Instance of Symbol 16 MovieClip "fond" in Frame 970
onClipEvent (load) { _root.maincaresse._x = _xmouse; _root.maincaresse._y = _ymouse; _root.maincaresse._rotation = 0; } onClipEvent (mouseMove) { _root.maincaresse._x = _xmouse; _root.maincaresse._y = _ymouse; _root.maincaresse._rotation = 0; } onClipEvent (load) { Ax = _root.epauleg._x - (_root.epauleg._width / 2); Ay = _root.epauleg._y - (_root.epauleg._height / 2); Bx = _root.epauleg._x + (_root.epauleg._width / 2); By = _root.epauleg._y + (_root.epauleg._height / 2); } onClipEvent (mouseMove) { if ((((_xmouse < Ax) or (Bx < _xmouse)) or (_ymouse < Ay)) or (By < _ymouse)) { caresseok = 0; _root.maincaresse.stop(); = false; _root.yf._visible = false; } else { caresseok = 1;; = true; _root.yf._visible = true; } } onClipEvent (mouseMove) { if ((caresseok == 1) and (_root.nivgirl < 100)) { _root.nivgirl = _root.nivgirl + 0.7; } else if ((caresseok == 1) and (_root.nivgirl < 150)) { _root.nivgirl = _root.nivgirl + 0.4; } else if ((caresseok == 1) and (_root.nivgirl < 180)) { _root.nivgirl = _root.nivgirl + 0.2; } }
Instance of Symbol 186 MovieClip "gaugegirl" in Frame 970
onClipEvent (load) { _root.gaugegirl._height = _root.nivgirl; _root.gaugegirl._y = ((200 - _root.nivgirl) + (_root.nivgirl / 2)) + 13; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (0 < _root.nivgirl) { _root.nivgirl = _root.nivgirl; } _root.gaugegirl._height = _root.nivgirl; _root.gaugegirl._y = ((200 - _root.nivgirl) + (_root.nivgirl / 2)) + 13; }
Instance of Symbol 234 MovieClip in Frame 970
onClipEvent (load) { son = new Sound(); son.attachSound("rire"); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if ((_root.t == 0) and (_root.sonok == 1)) { son.stop("rire"); son.start(); _root.t = _root.t + 1; } else { _root.t = _root.t + 1; } if (110 < _root.t) { _root.t = 0; } }
Instance of Symbol 16 MovieClip "fond" in Frame 971
onClipEvent (load) { _root.maincaresse._x = _xmouse; _root.maincaresse._y = _ymouse; _root.maincaresse._rotation = 0; } onClipEvent (mouseMove) { _root.maincaresse._x = _xmouse; _root.maincaresse._y = _ymouse; _root.maincaresse._rotation = 0; }
Instance of Symbol 186 MovieClip "gaugegirl" in Frame 971
onClipEvent (load) { _root.gaugegirl._height = _root.nivgirl; _root.gaugegirl._y = ((200 - _root.nivgirl) + (_root.nivgirl / 2)) + 13; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (0 < _root.nivgirl) { _root.nivgirl = _root.nivgirl - 1; } _root.gaugegirl._height = _root.nivgirl; _root.gaugegirl._y = ((200 - _root.nivgirl) + (_root.nivgirl / 2)) + 13; }
Frame 980
_root.level = 16;
Frame 981
_root.sonok = 1; son.stop("rire"); t = 0; code1 = 0; code2 = 0; code3 = 0; code4 = 0; code11 = 0; code12 = 0; code13 = 0; code14 = 0; code21 = 0; code22 = 0; code23 = 0; code24 = 0; code25 = 0; _root.code = ""; stop();
Instance of Symbol 16 MovieClip "fond" in Frame 981
onClipEvent (load) { _root.maincaresse._x = _xmouse; _root.maincaresse._y = _ymouse; _root.maincaresse._rotation = 0; _root.maincaresse.stop(); } onClipEvent (mouseMove) { _root.maincaresse._x = _xmouse; _root.maincaresse._y = _ymouse; _root.maincaresse._rotation = 0; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (40 < _root.i) { _root.i = 0; _root.j = random(5); _root.k = random(2); } else { _root.i = _root.i + 1; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.j == 0) { _root.reg1._visible = true; _root.reg2._visible = false; _root.cligne._visible = false; } else if (_root.j == 1) { _root.reg1._visible = false; _root.reg2._visible = true; _root.cligne._visible = false; } else { _root.reg1._visible = false; _root.reg2._visible = false; _root.cligne._visible = false; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.i == 35) { _root.cligne._visible = true; } else { _root.cligne._visible = false; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.k == 0) { _root.bouchferm._visible = true; } else { _root.bouchferm._visible = false; } }
Instance of Symbol 224 MovieClip in Frame 981
onClipEvent (keyDown) { touche = Key.getAscii(); if ((_root.code1 == 0) and (touche == 104)) { _root.code1 = touche; } else if (((_root.code1 == 104) and (_root.code2 == 0)) and (touche == 101)) { _root.code2 = touche; } else if ((((_root.code1 == 104) and (_root.code2 == 101)) and (_root.code3 == 0)) and (touche == 108)) { _root.code3 = touche; } else if (((((_root.code1 == 104) and (_root.code2 == 101)) and (_root.code3 == 108)) and (_root.code4 == 0)) and (touche == 112)) { _root.code4 = touche; } else { _root.code1 = 0; _root.code2 = 0; _root.code3 = 0; _root.code4 = 0; } } onClipEvent (keyDown) { touche = Key.getAscii(); if ((_root.code11 == 0) and (touche == 97)) { _root.code11 = touche; } else if (((_root.code11 == 97) and (_root.code12 == 0)) and (touche == 105)) { _root.code12 = touche; } else if ((((_root.code11 == 97) and (_root.code12 == 105)) and (_root.code13 == 0)) and (touche == 100)) { _root.code13 = touche; } else if (((((_root.code11 == 97) and (_root.code12 == 105)) and (_root.code13 == 100)) and (_root.code14 == 0)) and (touche == 101)) { _root.code14 = touche; } else { _root.code11 = 0; _root.code12 = 0; _root.code13 = 0; _root.code14 = 0; } } onClipEvent (keyDown) { touche = Key.getAscii(); if ((_root.code21 == 0) and (touche == 97)) { _root.code21 = touche; } else if (((_root.code21 == 97) and (_root.code22 == 0)) and (touche == 105)) { _root.code22 = touche; } else if ((((_root.code21 == 97) and (_root.code22 == 105)) and (_root.code23 == 0)) and (touche == 117)) { _root.code23 = touche; } else if (((((_root.code21 == 97) and (_root.code22 == 105)) and (_root.code23 == 117)) and (_root.code24 == 0)) and (touche == 116)) { _root.code24 = touche; } else if ((((((_root.code21 == 97) and (_root.code22 == 105)) and (_root.code23 == 117)) and (_root.code24 == 116)) and (_root.code25 == 0)) and (touche == 111)) { _root.code25 = touche; } else { _root.code21 = 0; _root.code22 = 0; _root.code23 = 0; _root.code24 = 0; _root.code25 = 0; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (((((_root.code1 == 104) and (_root.code2 == 101)) and (_root.code3 == 108)) and (_root.code4 == 112)) and (_root.level == 16)) { _root.code = "Ok, now, use the feather to tickle her stomach, so that she leaves finally this f.. bra..."; } else if (((((_root.code11 == 97) and (_root.code12 == 105)) and (_root.code13 == 100)) and (_root.code14 == 101)) and (_root.level == 16)) { _root.code = "ok, maintenant, utilise la plume pour lui chatouiller le ventre, qu'elle lache enfin ce p... de soutient-gorge..."; } else if ((((((_root.code21 == 97) and (_root.code22 == 105)) and (_root.code23 == 117)) and (_root.code24 == 116)) and (_root.code25 == 111)) and (_root.level == 16)) { _root.code = "Adesso usa la piuma per stuzzicarle la pancia, così che finalmente le si tolga questo maledetto reggiseno..."; } else { _root.code = ""; } }
Instance of Symbol 234 MovieClip in Frame 981
onClipEvent (load) { son = new Sound(); son.attachSound("rire"); t = 0; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { son.stop("rire"); }
Frame 982
Instance of Symbol 16 MovieClip "fond" in Frame 982
onClipEvent (load) { _root.maincaresse._x = _xmouse; _root.maincaresse._y = _ymouse; _root.maincaresse._rotation = 0; } onClipEvent (mouseMove) { _root.maincaresse._x = _xmouse; _root.maincaresse._y = _ymouse; _root.maincaresse._rotation = 0; } onClipEvent (load) { Ax = _root.epauled._x - (_root.epauled._width / 2); Ay = _root.epauled._y - (_root.epauled._height / 2); Bx = _root.epauled._x + (_root.epauled._width / 2); By = _root.epauled._y + (_root.epauled._height / 2); } onClipEvent (mouseMove) { if ((((_xmouse < Ax) or (Bx < _xmouse)) or (_ymouse < Ay)) or (By < _ymouse)) { caresseok = 0; _root.maincaresse.stop(); = false; _root.yf._visible = false; } else { caresseok = 1;; = true; _root.yf._visible = true; } } onClipEvent (mouseMove) { if ((caresseok == 1) and (_root.nivgirl < 100)) { _root.nivgirl = _root.nivgirl + 0.7; } else if ((caresseok == 1) and (_root.nivgirl < 150)) { _root.nivgirl = _root.nivgirl + 0.4; } else if ((caresseok == 1) and (_root.nivgirl < 180)) { _root.nivgirl = _root.nivgirl + 0.2; } }
Instance of Symbol 186 MovieClip "gaugegirl" in Frame 982
onClipEvent (load) { _root.gaugegirl._height = _root.nivgirl; _root.gaugegirl._y = ((200 - _root.nivgirl) + (_root.nivgirl / 2)) + 13; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (0 < _root.nivgirl) { _root.nivgirl = _root.nivgirl; } _root.gaugegirl._height = _root.nivgirl; _root.gaugegirl._y = ((200 - _root.nivgirl) + (_root.nivgirl / 2)) + 13; }
Instance of Symbol 234 MovieClip in Frame 982
onClipEvent (load) { son = new Sound(); son.attachSound("rire"); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if ((_root.t == 0) and (_root.sonok == 1)) { son.stop("rire"); son.start(); _root.t = _root.t + 1; } else { _root.t = _root.t + 1; } if (110 < _root.t) { _root.t = 0; } }
Frame 983
_root.sonok = 1; son.stop("rire"); t = 0;
Instance of Symbol 16 MovieClip "fond" in Frame 983
onClipEvent (load) { _root.maincaresse._x = _xmouse; _root.maincaresse._y = _ymouse; _root.maincaresse._rotation = 0; } onClipEvent (mouseMove) { _root.maincaresse._x = _xmouse; _root.maincaresse._y = _ymouse; _root.maincaresse._rotation = 0; }
Instance of Symbol 186 MovieClip "gaugegirl" in Frame 983
onClipEvent (load) { _root.gaugegirl._height = _root.nivgirl; _root.gaugegirl._y = ((200 - _root.nivgirl) + (_root.nivgirl / 2)) + 13; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (0 < _root.nivgirl) { _root.nivgirl = _root.nivgirl - 1; } _root.gaugegirl._height = _root.nivgirl; _root.gaugegirl._y = ((200 - _root.nivgirl) + (_root.nivgirl / 2)) + 13; }
Instance of Symbol 234 MovieClip in Frame 988
onClipEvent (load) { son = new Sound(); son.attachSound("rire"); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if ((_root.t == 0) and (_root.sonok == 1)) { son.stop("rire"); _root.t = _root.t + 1; } else { _root.t = _root.t + 1; } if (110 < _root.t) { _root.t = 0; } }
Frame 1011
_root.maincaresse._x = _xmouse; _root.maincaresse._y = _ymouse; _root.maincaresse._rotation = 0; _root.maincaresse.stop(); _root.plume._x = _xmouse + 40; _root.plume._y = _ymouse - 80; _root.plume._rotation = 20; posxplume = _root.plume._x; posyplume = _root.plume._y; tauxdescente = (480 - _root.posyplume) / 4;
Frame 1012
_root.plume._x = _root.posxplume; _root.plume._y = _root.posyplume + _root.tauxdescente; _root.plume._rotation = 15; _root.posxplume = _root.plume._x; _root.posyplume = _root.plume._y;
Frame 1013
_root.plume._x = _root.posxplume; _root.plume._y = _root.posyplume + _root.tauxdescente; _root.plume._rotation = 10; _root.posxplume = _root.plume._x; _root.posyplume = _root.plume._y;
Frame 1014
_root.plume._x = _root.posxplume; _root.plume._y = _root.posyplume + _root.tauxdescente; _root.plume._rotation = 5; _root.posxplume = _root.plume._x; _root.posyplume = _root.plume._y;
Frame 1015
_root.plume._x = _root.posxplume; _root.plume._y = _root.posyplume + _root.tauxdescente; _root.plume._rotation = 0; _root.posxplume = _root.plume._x; _root.posyplume = _root.plume._y;
Frame 1016
_root.plume._x = _root.posxplume; _root.plume._y = _root.posyplume + _root.tauxdescente; _root.plume._rotation = -5; _root.posxplume = _root.plume._x; _root.posyplume = _root.plume._y;
Frame 1017
_root.plume._x = _root.posxplume; _root.plume._y = _root.posyplume + _root.tauxdescente; _root.plume._rotation = -10; _root.posxplume = _root.plume._x; _root.posyplume = _root.plume._y;
Frame 1021
_root.level = 17; _root.sublevel1 = 0; _root.sublevel2 = 0; gotoAndStop (1023);
Frame 1022
Frame 1023
_root.sonok = 1; son.stop("mass1"); son.stop("mass2"); son.stop("groan1"); son.stop("groan2"); son.stop("groan3"); t = 0; code1 = 0; code2 = 0; code3 = 0; code4 = 0; code11 = 0; code12 = 0; code13 = 0; code14 = 0; code21 = 0; code22 = 0; code23 = 0; code24 = 0; code25 = 0; _root.code = ""; _root.flamme._x = 362; stop();
Instance of Symbol 16 MovieClip "fond" in Frame 1023
onClipEvent (load) { _root.maincaresse._x = _xmouse; _root.maincaresse._y = _ymouse; _root.maincaresse._rotation = 0; _root.maincaresse.stop(); } onClipEvent (mouseMove) { _root.maincaresse._x = _xmouse; _root.maincaresse._y = _ymouse; _root.maincaresse._rotation = 0; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (40 < _root.i) { _root.i = 0; _root.j = random(5); _root.k = random(2); } else { _root.i = _root.i + 1; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.j == 1) { _root.reg1._visible = true; _root.reg2._visible = false; _root.cligne._visible = false; } else if (_root.j == 2) { _root.reg1._visible = false; _root.reg2._visible = true; _root.cligne._visible = false; } else { _root.reg1._visible = false; _root.reg2._visible = false; _root.cligne._visible = false; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.i == 35) { _root.cligne._visible = true; } else { _root.cligne._visible = false; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.k == 0) { _root.bouchferm._visible = true; } else { _root.bouchferm._visible = false; } }
Instance of Symbol 186 MovieClip "gaugegirl" in Frame 1023
onClipEvent (load) { _root.gaugegirl._height = _root.nivgirl; _root.gaugegirl._y = ((200 - _root.nivgirl) + (_root.nivgirl / 2)) + 13; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (0 < _root.nivgirl) { _root.nivgirl = _root.nivgirl - 1; } _root.gaugegirl._height = _root.nivgirl; _root.gaugegirl._y = ((200 - _root.nivgirl) + (_root.nivgirl / 2)) + 13; }
Instance of Symbol 224 MovieClip in Frame 1023
onClipEvent (keyDown) { touche = Key.getAscii(); if ((_root.code1 == 0) and (touche == 104)) { _root.code1 = touche; } else if (((_root.code1 == 104) and (_root.code2 == 0)) and (touche == 101)) { _root.code2 = touche; } else if ((((_root.code1 == 104) and (_root.code2 == 101)) and (_root.code3 == 0)) and (touche == 108)) { _root.code3 = touche; } else if (((((_root.code1 == 104) and (_root.code2 == 101)) and (_root.code3 == 108)) and (_root.code4 == 0)) and (touche == 112)) { _root.code4 = touche; } else { _root.code1 = 0; _root.code2 = 0; _root.code3 = 0; _root.code4 = 0; } } onClipEvent (keyDown) { touche = Key.getAscii(); if ((_root.code11 == 0) and (touche == 97)) { _root.code11 = touche; } else if (((_root.code11 == 97) and (_root.code12 == 0)) and (touche == 105)) { _root.code12 = touche; } else if ((((_root.code11 == 97) and (_root.code12 == 105)) and (_root.code13 == 0)) and (touche == 100)) { _root.code13 = touche; } else if (((((_root.code11 == 97) and (_root.code12 == 105)) and (_root.code13 == 100)) and (_root.code14 == 0)) and (touche == 101)) { _root.code14 = touche; } else { _root.code11 = 0; _root.code12 = 0; _root.code13 = 0; _root.code14 = 0; } } onClipEvent (keyDown) { touche = Key.getAscii(); if ((_root.code21 == 0) and (touche == 97)) { _root.code21 = touche; } else if (((_root.code21 == 97) and (_root.code22 == 0)) and (touche == 105)) { _root.code22 = touche; } else if ((((_root.code21 == 97) and (_root.code22 == 105)) and (_root.code23 == 0)) and (touche == 117)) { _root.code23 = touche; } else if (((((_root.code21 == 97) and (_root.code22 == 105)) and (_root.code23 == 117)) and (_root.code24 == 0)) and (touche == 116)) { _root.code24 = touche; } else if ((((((_root.code21 == 97) and (_root.code22 == 105)) and (_root.code23 == 117)) and (_root.code24 == 116)) and (_root.code25 == 0)) and (touche == 111)) { _root.code25 = touche; } else { _root.code21 = 0; _root.code22 = 0; _root.code23 = 0; _root.code24 = 0; _root.code25 = 0; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if ((((((_root.code1 == 104) and (_root.code2 == 101)) and (_root.code3 == 108)) and (_root.code4 == 112)) and (_root.level == 17)) and (_root.sublevel1 == 0)) { _root.code = "Titillate her nipples with your fingertips, she will certainly enjoy it..."; } else if (((((((_root.code1 == 104) and (_root.code2 == 101)) and (_root.code3 == 108)) and (_root.code4 == 112)) and (_root.level == 17)) and (_root.sublevel1 == 1)) and (_root.sublevel2 == 0)) { _root.code = "Another good breast massage is always pleasant..."; } else if (((((((_root.code1 == 104) and (_root.code2 == 101)) and (_root.code3 == 108)) and (_root.code4 == 112)) and (_root.level == 17)) and (_root.sublevel1 == 1)) and (_root.sublevel2 == 1)) { _root.code = "Another good breast massage is always pleasant..."; } else if (((((_root.code1 == 104) and (_root.code2 == 101)) and (_root.code3 == 108)) and (_root.code4 == 112)) and (_root.level == 18)) { _root.code = "Go ahead and try remove her skirt, it is time things got more serious..."; } else if ((((((_root.code11 == 97) and (_root.code12 == 105)) and (_root.code13 == 100)) and (_root.code14 == 101)) and (_root.level == 17)) and (_root.sublevel1 == 0)) { _root.code = "Avec le bout des doigts, titille lui les tétons, ça va lui plaire ..."; } else if (((((((_root.code11 == 97) and (_root.code12 == 105)) and (_root.code13 == 100)) and (_root.code14 == 101)) and (_root.level == 17)) and (_root.sublevel1 == 1)) and (_root.sublevel2 == 0)) { _root.code = "Encore un bon massage des seins, c'est toujours agréable..."; } else if (((((((_root.code11 == 97) and (_root.code12 == 105)) and (_root.code13 == 100)) and (_root.code14 == 101)) and (_root.level == 17)) and (_root.sublevel1 == 1)) and (_root.sublevel2 == 1)) { _root.code = "Encore un bon massage des seins, c'est toujours agréable..."; } else if (((((_root.code11 == 97) and (_root.code12 == 105)) and (_root.code13 == 100)) and (_root.code14 == 101)) and (_root.level == 18)) { _root.code = "Bon, allez, retire sa jupe, qu'on passe aux choses sérieuses..."; } else if (((((((_root.code21 == 97) and (_root.code22 == 105)) and (_root.code23 == 117)) and (_root.code24 == 116)) and (_root.code25 == 111)) and (_root.level == 17)) and (_root.sublevel1 == 0)) { _root.code = "Con la punta delle dita titilla i capezzoli, sono certo che le piacerà..."; } else if ((((((((_root.code21 == 97) and (_root.code22 == 105)) and (_root.code23 == 117)) and (_root.code24 == 116)) and (_root.code25 == 111)) and (_root.level == 17)) and (_root.sublevel1 == 1)) and (_root.sublevel2 == 0)) { _root.code = "Un altro bel massaggio al seno, è sempre piacevole..."; } else if ((((((((_root.code21 == 97) and (_root.code22 == 105)) and (_root.code23 == 117)) and (_root.code24 == 116)) and (_root.code25 == 111)) and (_root.level == 17)) and (_root.sublevel1 == 1)) and (_root.sublevel2 == 1)) { _root.code = "Un altro bel massaggio al seno, è sempre piacevole..."; } else if ((((((_root.code21 == 97) and (_root.code22 == 105)) and (_root.code23 == 117)) and (_root.code24 == 116)) and (_root.code25 == 111)) and (_root.level == 18)) { _root.code = "Rimuovi la sua gonna, è tempo di far cose più serie..."; } else { _root.code = ""; } }
Frame 1024
Instance of Symbol 16 MovieClip "fond" in Frame 1024
onClipEvent (load) { _root.maincaresse._x = _xmouse; _root.maincaresse._y = _ymouse;; } onClipEvent (mouseMove) { _root.maincaresse._x = _xmouse; _root.maincaresse._y = _ymouse; if (sens == 10) { _root.maincaresse.stop(); } else {; } } onClipEvent (load) { Xx = _root.epauled._x; Yy = _root.epauled._y; Ax = _root.epauled._x - (_root.epauled._width / 2); Ay = _root.epauled._y - (_root.epauled._height / 2); Bx = _root.epauled._x + (_root.epauled._width / 2); By = _root.epauled._y + (_root.epauled._height / 2); } onClipEvent (mouseMove) { finx = _xmouse; finy = _ymouse; if ((((finx < Ax) or (Bx < finx)) or (finy < Ay)) or (By < finy)) { sens = 10; } else if (((finx - debx) < 0) && ((finy - deby) < 0)) { sens = 1; } else if (((finx - debx) == 0) && ((finy - deby) < 0)) { sens = 2; } else if ((0 < (finx - debx)) && ((finy - deby) < 0)) { sens = 3; } else if (((finx - debx) < 0) && ((finy - deby) == 0)) { sens = 4; } else if (((finx - debx) == 0) && ((finy - deby) == 0)) { sens = 5; } else if ((0 < (finx - debx)) && ((finy - deby) == 0)) { sens = 6; } else if (((finx - debx) < 0) && (0 < (finy - deby))) { sens = 7; } else if (((finx - debx) == 0) && (0 < (finy - deby))) { sens = 8; } else if ((0 < (finx - debx)) && (0 < (finy - deby))) { sens = 9; } debx = finx; deby = finy; } onClipEvent (mouseMove) { if (sens == 1) { newx = Xx - 1; newy = Yy - 1; } else if (sens == 2) { newx = Xx; newy = Yy - 2; } else if (sens == 3) { newx = Xx + 1; newy = Yy - 1; } else if (sens == 4) { newx = Xx - 2; newy = Yy; } else if (sens == 5) { newx = Xx; newy = Yy; } else if (sens == 6) { newx = Xx + 2; newy = Yy; } else if (sens == 7) { newx = Xx - 1; newy = Yy + 1; } else if (sens == 8) { newx = Xx; newy = Yy + 2; } else if (sens == 9) { newx = Xx + 1; newy = Yy + 1; } else { newx = Xx; newy = Yy; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { _root.epauled._x = newx; _root.epauled._y = newy; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (sens == 10) { _root.tete4._visible = true; _root.chev4._visible = true; _root.tete5._visible = false; _root.chev5._visible = false; } else { _root.tete4._visible = false; _root.chev4._visible = false; _root.tete5._visible = true; _root.chev5._visible = true; } } onClipEvent (mouseMove) { if ((sens != 10) and (_root.nivgirl < 100)) { _root.nivgirl = _root.nivgirl + 0.7; } else if ((sens != 10) and (_root.nivgirl < 150)) { _root.nivgirl = _root.nivgirl + 0.4; } else if ((sens != 10) and (_root.nivgirl < 180)) { _root.nivgirl = _root.nivgirl + 0.2; } if ((_root.sublevel1 == 1) and (_root.sublevel2 == 1)) { _root.level = 18; } }
Instance of Symbol 234 MovieClip in Frame 1024
onClipEvent (load) { son = new Sound(); s = 0; s = random(3); if (s == 0) { son.attachSound("groan1"); } else if (s == 1) { son.attachSound("groan2"); } else if (s == 2) { son.attachSound("groan3"); } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if ((_root.t == 0) and (_root.sonok == 1)) { s = random(3); if (s == 0) { son.attachSound("groan1"); } else if (s == 1) { son.attachSound("groan2"); } else if (s == 2) { son.attachSound("groan3"); } son.stop("groan1"); son.stop("groan2"); son.stop("groan3"); son.start(); _root.t = _root.t + 1; } else { _root.t = _root.t + 1; } if (25 < _root.t) { _root.t = 0; } }
Frame 1028
Instance of Symbol 16 MovieClip "fond" in Frame 1028
onClipEvent (load) { _root.maincaresse._x = _xmouse; _root.maincaresse._y = _ymouse;; } onClipEvent (mouseMove) { _root.maincaresse._x = _xmouse; _root.maincaresse._y = _ymouse; if (sens == 10) { _root.maincaresse.stop(); } else {; } } onClipEvent (load) { Xx = _root.nip._x; Yy = _root.nip._y; Ax = _root.epauled._x - (_root.epauled._width / 2); Ay = _root.epauled._y - (_root.epauled._height / 2); Bx = _root.epauled._x + (_root.epauled._width / 2); By = _root.epauled._y + (_root.epauled._height / 2); } onClipEvent (mouseMove) { finx = _xmouse; finy = _ymouse; if ((((finx < Ax) or (Bx < finx)) or (finy < Ay)) or (By < finy)) { sens = 10; } else if (((finx - debx) < 0) && ((finy - deby) < 0)) { sens = 1; } else if (((finx - debx) == 0) && ((finy - deby) < 0)) { sens = 2; } else if ((0 < (finx - debx)) && ((finy - deby) < 0)) { sens = 3; } else if (((finx - debx) < 0) && ((finy - deby) == 0)) { sens = 4; } else if (((finx - debx) == 0) && ((finy - deby) == 0)) { sens = 5; } else if ((0 < (finx - debx)) && ((finy - deby) == 0)) { sens = 6; } else if (((finx - debx) < 0) && (0 < (finy - deby))) { sens = 7; } else if (((finx - debx) == 0) && (0 < (finy - deby))) { sens = 8; } else if ((0 < (finx - debx)) && (0 < (finy - deby))) { sens = 9; } debx = finx; deby = finy; } onClipEvent (mouseMove) { if (sens == 1) { newx = Xx - 1; newy = Yy - 1; } else if (sens == 2) { newx = Xx; newy = Yy - 2; } else if (sens == 3) { newx = Xx + 1; newy = Yy - 1; } else if (sens == 4) { newx = Xx - 2; newy = Yy; } else if (sens == 5) { newx = Xx; newy = Yy; } else if (sens == 6) { newx = Xx + 2; newy = Yy; } else if (sens == 7) { newx = Xx - 1; newy = Yy + 1; } else if (sens == 8) { newx = Xx; newy = Yy + 2; } else if (sens == 9) { newx = Xx + 1; newy = Yy + 1; } else { newx = Xx; newy = Yy; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { _root.nip._x = newx; _root.nip._y = newy; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (sens == 10) { _root.tete4._visible = true; _root.chev4._visible = true; _root.tete5._visible = false; _root.chev5._visible = false; } else { _root.tete4._visible = false; _root.chev4._visible = false; _root.tete5._visible = true; _root.chev5._visible = true; } } onClipEvent (mouseMove) { if ((sens != 10) and (_root.nivgirl < 100)) { _root.nivgirl = _root.nivgirl + 0.7; } else if ((sens != 10) and (_root.nivgirl < 150)) { _root.nivgirl = _root.nivgirl + 0.4; } else if ((sens != 10) and (_root.nivgirl < 180)) { _root.nivgirl = _root.nivgirl + 0.2; } if ((_root.sublevel1 == 1) and (_root.sublevel2 == 1)) { _root.level = 18; } }
Instance of Symbol 234 MovieClip in Frame 1028
onClipEvent (load) { son = new Sound(); s = 0; s = random(3); if (s == 0) { son.attachSound("groan1"); } else if (s == 1) { son.attachSound("groan2"); } else if (s == 2) { son.attachSound("groan3"); } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if ((_root.t == 0) and (_root.sonok == 1)) { s = random(3); if (s == 0) { son.attachSound("groan1"); } else if (s == 1) { son.attachSound("groan2"); } else if (s == 2) { son.attachSound("groan3"); } son.stop("groan1"); son.stop("groan2"); son.stop("groan3"); son.start(); _root.t = _root.t + 1; } else { _root.t = _root.t + 1; } if (25 < _root.t) { _root.t = 0; } }
Frame 1029
Frame 1030
Frame 1031
_root.flamme._x = 362;
Instance of Symbol 16 MovieClip "fond" in Frame 1031
onClipEvent (load) { _root.maincaresse._x = _xmouse; _root.maincaresse._y = _ymouse; _root.maincaresse._rotation = 0; _root.maincaresse.stop(); } onClipEvent (mouseMove) { _root.maincaresse._x = _xmouse; _root.maincaresse._y = _ymouse; _root.maincaresse._rotation = 0; }
Instance of Symbol 186 MovieClip "gaugegirl" in Frame 1031
onClipEvent (load) { _root.gaugegirl._height = _root.nivgirl; _root.gaugegirl._y = ((200 - _root.nivgirl) + (_root.nivgirl / 2)) + 13; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (0 < _root.nivgirl) { _root.nivgirl = _root.nivgirl - 1; } _root.gaugegirl._height = _root.nivgirl; _root.gaugegirl._y = ((200 - _root.nivgirl) + (_root.nivgirl / 2)) + 13; }
Frame 1090
stop(); _root.level = 19; _root.sublevel1 = 0; _root.sublevel2 = 0; gotoAndPlay (1092);
Frame 1091
Instance of Symbol 16 MovieClip "fond" in Frame 1092
onClipEvent (load) { _root.maincaresse._x = _xmouse; _root.maincaresse._y = _ymouse; _root.maincaresse._rotation = 0; _root.maincaresse.stop(); } onClipEvent (mouseMove) { _root.maincaresse._x = _xmouse; _root.maincaresse._y = _ymouse; _root.maincaresse._rotation = 0; }
Frame 1093
if (_root.langue == 1) { _root.texte = "Je ne sais pas si ce que nous faisons est très sérieux..."; } else if (_root.langue == 0) { _root.texte = "I don't know if what we are doing is very serious..."; } else if (_root.langue == 2) { _root.texte = "Non credo che quello che stiamo facendo sia corretto..."; }
Frame 1123
if (_root.langue == 1) { _root.texte = "...mais c'est vraiment très excitant..."; } else if (_root.langue == 0) { _root.texte = "...but it is really very exciting..."; } else if (_root.langue == 2) { _root.texte = "...Ma mi eccita molto..."; }
Frame 1149
if (_root.langue == 1) { _root.texte = "Pourvu que personne ne nous surprenne, j'aurais vraiment trop honte..."; } else if (_root.langue == 0) { _root.texte = "If somebody surprised us, I would really be too much ashamed..."; } else if (_root.langue == 2) { _root.texte = "Se qualcuno ci scoprisse potrei morire di vergogna..."; }
Frame 1196
stop(); _root.level = 19; gotoAndPlay (1198);
Frame 1197
Frame 1198
_root.sonok = 1; t = 0; code1 = 0; code2 = 0; code3 = 0; code4 = 0; code11 = 0; code12 = 0; code13 = 0; code14 = 0; code21 = 0; code22 = 0; code23 = 0; code24 = 0; code25 = 0; _root.code = ""; _root.flamme._x = 362; stop();
Instance of Symbol 16 MovieClip "fond" in Frame 1198
onClipEvent (load) { _root.maincaresse._x = _xmouse; _root.maincaresse._y = _ymouse; _root.maincaresse._rotation = 0; _root.maincaresse.stop(); } onClipEvent (mouseMove) { _root.maincaresse._x = _xmouse; _root.maincaresse._y = _ymouse; _root.maincaresse._rotation = 0; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (40 < _root.i) { _root.i = 0; _root.j = random(5); _root.k = random(2); } else { _root.i = _root.i + 1; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.j == 1) { _root.reg1._visible = true; _root.reg2._visible = false; _root.cligne._visible = false; } else if (_root.j == 2) { _root.reg1._visible = false; _root.reg2._visible = true; _root.cligne._visible = false; } else { _root.reg1._visible = false; _root.reg2._visible = false; _root.cligne._visible = false; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.i == 35) { _root.cligne._visible = true; } else { _root.cligne._visible = false; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.k == 0) { _root.bouchferm._visible = true; } else { _root.bouchferm._visible = false; } }
Instance of Symbol 186 MovieClip "gaugegirl" in Frame 1198
onClipEvent (load) { _root.gaugegirl._height = _root.nivgirl; _root.gaugegirl._y = ((200 - _root.nivgirl) + (_root.nivgirl / 2)) + 13; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (0 < _root.nivgirl) { _root.nivgirl = _root.nivgirl - 1; } _root.gaugegirl._height = _root.nivgirl; _root.gaugegirl._y = ((200 - _root.nivgirl) + (_root.nivgirl / 2)) + 13; }
Instance of Symbol 224 MovieClip in Frame 1198
onClipEvent (keyDown) { touche = Key.getAscii(); if ((_root.code1 == 0) and (touche == 104)) { _root.code1 = touche; } else if (((_root.code1 == 104) and (_root.code2 == 0)) and (touche == 101)) { _root.code2 = touche; } else if ((((_root.code1 == 104) and (_root.code2 == 101)) and (_root.code3 == 0)) and (touche == 108)) { _root.code3 = touche; } else if (((((_root.code1 == 104) and (_root.code2 == 101)) and (_root.code3 == 108)) and (_root.code4 == 0)) and (touche == 112)) { _root.code4 = touche; } else { _root.code1 = 0; _root.code2 = 0; _root.code3 = 0; _root.code4 = 0; } } onClipEvent (keyDown) { touche = Key.getAscii(); if ((_root.code11 == 0) and (touche == 97)) { _root.code11 = touche; } else if (((_root.code11 == 97) and (_root.code12 == 0)) and (touche == 105)) { _root.code12 = touche; } else if ((((_root.code11 == 97) and (_root.code12 == 105)) and (_root.code13 == 0)) and (touche == 100)) { _root.code13 = touche; } else if (((((_root.code11 == 97) and (_root.code12 == 105)) and (_root.code13 == 100)) and (_root.code14 == 0)) and (touche == 101)) { _root.code14 = touche; } else { _root.code11 = 0; _root.code12 = 0; _root.code13 = 0; _root.code14 = 0; } } onClipEvent (keyDown) { touche = Key.getAscii(); if ((_root.code21 == 0) and (touche == 97)) { _root.code21 = touche; } else if (((_root.code21 == 97) and (_root.code22 == 0)) and (touche == 105)) { _root.code22 = touche; } else if ((((_root.code21 == 97) and (_root.code22 == 105)) and (_root.code23 == 0)) and (touche == 117)) { _root.code23 = touche; } else if (((((_root.code21 == 97) and (_root.code22 == 105)) and (_root.code23 == 117)) and (_root.code24 == 0)) and (touche == 116)) { _root.code24 = touche; } else if ((((((_root.code21 == 97) and (_root.code22 == 105)) and (_root.code23 == 117)) and (_root.code24 == 116)) and (_root.code25 == 0)) and (touche == 111)) { _root.code25 = touche; } else { _root.code21 = 0; _root.code22 = 0; _root.code23 = 0; _root.code24 = 0; _root.code25 = 0; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if ((((((_root.code1 == 104) and (_root.code2 == 101)) and (_root.code3 == 108)) and (_root.code4 == 112)) and (_root.level == 19)) and (_root.sublevel1 == 0)) { _root.code = "Titillate her nipples again with your fingertips, girls usually like that..."; } else if (((((((_root.code1 == 104) and (_root.code2 == 101)) and (_root.code3 == 108)) and (_root.code4 == 112)) and (_root.level == 19)) and (_root.sublevel1 == 1)) and (_root.sublevel2 == 0)) { _root.code = "Try to touch her pussy through the thin material of her panties..."; } else if (((((((_root.code1 == 104) and (_root.code2 == 101)) and (_root.code3 == 108)) and (_root.code4 == 112)) and (_root.level == 19)) and (_root.sublevel1 == 1)) and (_root.sublevel2 == 1)) { _root.code = "Get her pleasure level up, and she will be ready for you..."; } else if (((((_root.code1 == 104) and (_root.code2 == 101)) and (_root.code3 == 108)) and (_root.code4 == 112)) and (_root.level == 200)) { _root.code = "Touch her panties, do you feel that it's hot?"; } else if ((((((_root.code11 == 97) and (_root.code12 == 105)) and (_root.code13 == 100)) and (_root.code14 == 101)) and (_root.level == 19)) and (_root.sublevel1 == 0)) { _root.code = "Avec le bout des doigts, titille lui les tétons, en général, les filles adorent ça ..."; } else if (((((((_root.code11 == 97) and (_root.code12 == 105)) and (_root.code13 == 100)) and (_root.code14 == 101)) and (_root.level == 19)) and (_root.sublevel1 == 1)) and (_root.sublevel2 == 0)) { _root.code = "Si tu essayais de toucher son sex à travers la fine étoffe de sa culotte ?..."; } else if (((((((_root.code11 == 97) and (_root.code12 == 105)) and (_root.code13 == 100)) and (_root.code14 == 101)) and (_root.level == 19)) and (_root.sublevel1 == 1)) and (_root.sublevel2 == 1)) { _root.code = "Fais monter le niveau de son plaisir, cette fille est à toi..."; } else if (((((_root.code11 == 97) and (_root.code12 == 105)) and (_root.code13 == 100)) and (_root.code14 == 101)) and (_root.level == 200)) { _root.code = "Touche sa culotte... tu sens comme c'est chaud ?"; } else if (((((((_root.code21 == 97) and (_root.code22 == 105)) and (_root.code23 == 117)) and (_root.code24 == 116)) and (_root.code25 == 111)) and (_root.level == 19)) and (_root.sublevel1 == 0)) { _root.code = "Con la punta delle dita titilla i capezzoli, generalmente piace alle ragazze..."; } else if ((((((((_root.code21 == 97) and (_root.code22 == 105)) and (_root.code23 == 117)) and (_root.code24 == 116)) and (_root.code25 == 111)) and (_root.level == 19)) and (_root.sublevel1 == 1)) and (_root.sublevel2 == 0)) { _root.code = "Vuoi provare a toccare la sua vagina attraverso la sottile stoffa delle sue mutande?"; } else if ((((((((_root.code21 == 97) and (_root.code22 == 105)) and (_root.code23 == 117)) and (_root.code24 == 116)) and (_root.code25 == 111)) and (_root.level == 19)) and (_root.sublevel1 == 1)) and (_root.sublevel2 == 1)) { _root.code = "Aumenta il suo livello di piacere, la ragazza è pronta per te..."; } else if ((((((_root.code21 == 97) and (_root.code22 == 105)) and (_root.code23 == 117)) and (_root.code24 == 116)) and (_root.code25 == 111)) and (_root.level == 200)) { _root.code = "Tocca le sue mutandine, pensi che sia calda?"; } else { _root.code = ""; } }
Frame 1199
Instance of Symbol 16 MovieClip "fond" in Frame 1199
onClipEvent (load) { _root.maincaresse._x = _xmouse; _root.maincaresse._y = _ymouse;; } onClipEvent (mouseMove) { _root.maincaresse._x = _xmouse; _root.maincaresse._y = _ymouse; if (sens == 10) { _root.maincaresse.stop(); } else {; } } onClipEvent (load) { Xx = _root.epauled._x; Yy = _root.epauled._y; Ax = _root.epauled._x - (_root.epauled._width / 2); Ay = _root.epauled._y - (_root.epauled._height / 2); Bx = _root.epauled._x + (_root.epauled._width / 2); By = _root.epauled._y + (_root.epauled._height / 2); } onClipEvent (mouseMove) { finx = _xmouse; finy = _ymouse; if ((((finx < Ax) or (Bx < finx)) or (finy < Ay)) or (By < finy)) { sens = 10; } else if (((finx - debx) < 0) && ((finy - deby) < 0)) { sens = 1; } else if (((finx - debx) == 0) && ((finy - deby) < 0)) { sens = 2; } else if ((0 < (finx - debx)) && ((finy - deby) < 0)) { sens = 3; } else if (((finx - debx) < 0) && ((finy - deby) == 0)) { sens = 4; } else if (((finx - debx) == 0) && ((finy - deby) == 0)) { sens = 5; } else if ((0 < (finx - debx)) && ((finy - deby) == 0)) { sens = 6; } else if (((finx - debx) < 0) && (0 < (finy - deby))) { sens = 7; } else if (((finx - debx) == 0) && (0 < (finy - deby))) { sens = 8; } else if ((0 < (finx - debx)) && (0 < (finy - deby))) { sens = 9; } debx = finx; deby = finy; } onClipEvent (mouseMove) { if (sens == 1) { newx = Xx - 1; newy = Yy - 1; } else if (sens == 2) { newx = Xx; newy = Yy - 2; } else if (sens == 3) { newx = Xx + 1; newy = Yy - 1; } else if (sens == 4) { newx = Xx - 2; newy = Yy; } else if (sens == 5) { newx = Xx; newy = Yy; } else if (sens == 6) { newx = Xx + 2; newy = Yy; } else if (sens == 7) { newx = Xx - 1; newy = Yy + 1; } else if (sens == 8) { newx = Xx; newy = Yy + 2; } else if (sens == 9) { newx = Xx + 1; newy = Yy + 1; } else { newx = Xx; newy = Yy; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { _root.epauled._x = newx; _root.epauled._y = newy; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (sens == 10) { = false; _root.yf._visible = false; } else { = true; _root.yf._visible = true; } } onClipEvent (mouseMove) { if ((sens != 10) and (_root.nivgirl < 100)) { _root.nivgirl = _root.nivgirl + 0.7; } else if ((sens != 10) and (_root.nivgirl < 150)) { _root.nivgirl = _root.nivgirl + 0.4; } else if ((sens != 10) and (_root.nivgirl < 180)) { _root.nivgirl = _root.nivgirl + 0.2; } if (((_root.sublevel1 == 1) and (_root.sublevel2 == 1)) and (80 < _root.nivgirl)) { _root.level = 200; } }
Instance of Symbol 234 MovieClip in Frame 1199
onClipEvent (load) { son = new Sound(); s = 0; s = random(3); if (s == 0) { son.attachSound("groan1"); } else if (s == 1) { son.attachSound("groan2"); } else if (s == 2) { son.attachSound("groan3"); } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if ((_root.t == 0) and (_root.sonok == 1)) { s = random(3); if (s == 0) { son.attachSound("groan1"); } else if (s == 1) { son.attachSound("groan2"); } else if (s == 2) { son.attachSound("groan3"); } son.stop("groan1"); son.stop("groan2"); son.stop("groan3"); son.start(); _root.t = _root.t + 1; } else { _root.t = _root.t + 1; } if (20 < _root.t) { _root.t = 0; } }
Frame 1200
Frame 1201
Frame 1202
Instance of Symbol 16 MovieClip "fond" in Frame 1202
onClipEvent (load) { _root.maincaresse._x = _xmouse; _root.maincaresse._y = _ymouse;; } onClipEvent (mouseMove) { _root.maincaresse._x = _xmouse; _root.maincaresse._y = _ymouse; if (sens == 10) { _root.maincaresse.stop(); } else {; } } onClipEvent (load) { Xx = _root.nip._x; Yy = _root.nip._y; Ax = _root.epauled._x - (_root.epauled._width / 2); Ay = _root.epauled._y - (_root.epauled._height / 2); Bx = _root.epauled._x + (_root.epauled._width / 2); By = _root.epauled._y + (_root.epauled._height / 2); } onClipEvent (mouseMove) { finx = _xmouse; finy = _ymouse; if ((((finx < Ax) or (Bx < finx)) or (finy < Ay)) or (By < finy)) { sens = 10; } else if (((finx - debx) < 0) && ((finy - deby) < 0)) { sens = 1; } else if (((finx - debx) == 0) && ((finy - deby) < 0)) { sens = 2; } else if ((0 < (finx - debx)) && ((finy - deby) < 0)) { sens = 3; } else if (((finx - debx) < 0) && ((finy - deby) == 0)) { sens = 4; } else if (((finx - debx) == 0) && ((finy - deby) == 0)) { sens = 5; } else if ((0 < (finx - debx)) && ((finy - deby) == 0)) { sens = 6; } else if (((finx - debx) < 0) && (0 < (finy - deby))) { sens = 7; } else if (((finx - debx) == 0) && (0 < (finy - deby))) { sens = 8; } else if ((0 < (finx - debx)) && (0 < (finy - deby))) { sens = 9; } debx = finx; deby = finy; } onClipEvent (mouseMove) { if (sens == 1) { newx = Xx - 1; newy = Yy - 1; } else if (sens == 2) { newx = Xx; newy = Yy - 2; } else if (sens == 3) { newx = Xx + 1; newy = Yy - 1; } else if (sens == 4) { newx = Xx - 2; newy = Yy; } else if (sens == 5) { newx = Xx; newy = Yy; } else if (sens == 6) { newx = Xx + 2; newy = Yy; } else if (sens == 7) { newx = Xx - 1; newy = Yy + 1; } else if (sens == 8) { newx = Xx; newy = Yy + 2; } else if (sens == 9) { newx = Xx + 1; newy = Yy + 1; } else { newx = Xx; newy = Yy; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { _root.nip._x = newx; _root.nip._y = newy; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (sens == 10) { = false; _root.yf._visible = false; } else { = true; _root.yf._visible = true; } } onClipEvent (mouseMove) { if ((sens != 10) and (_root.nivgirl < 100)) { _root.nivgirl = _root.nivgirl + 0.7; } else if ((sens != 10) and (_root.nivgirl < 150)) { _root.nivgirl = _root.nivgirl + 0.4; } else if ((sens != 10) and (_root.nivgirl < 180)) { _root.nivgirl = _root.nivgirl + 0.2; } if (((_root.sublevel1 == 1) and (_root.sublevel2 == 1)) and (80 < _root.nivgirl)) { _root.level = 200; } }
Frame 1203
Frame 1204
Frame 1205
code1 = 0; code2 = 0; code3 = 0; code4 = 0; code11 = 0; code12 = 0; code13 = 0; code14 = 0; code21 = 0; code22 = 0; code23 = 0; code24 = 0; code25 = 0; _root.code = ""; _root.flamme._x = 362;
Instance of Symbol 16 MovieClip "fond" in Frame 1205
onClipEvent (load) { _root.maincaresse._x = _xmouse; _root.maincaresse._y = _ymouse; _root.maincaresse._rotation = 0; _root.maincaresse.stop(); } onClipEvent (mouseMove) { _root.maincaresse._x = _xmouse; _root.maincaresse._y = _ymouse; _root.maincaresse._rotation = 0; }
Instance of Symbol 186 MovieClip "gaugegirl" in Frame 1205
onClipEvent (load) { _root.gaugegirl._height = _root.nivgirl; _root.gaugegirl._y = ((200 - _root.nivgirl) + (_root.nivgirl / 2)) + 13; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (0 < _root.nivgirl) { _root.nivgirl = _root.nivgirl - 1; } _root.gaugegirl._height = _root.nivgirl; _root.gaugegirl._y = ((200 - _root.nivgirl) + (_root.nivgirl / 2)) + 13; }
Instance of Symbol 224 MovieClip in Frame 1205
onClipEvent (keyDown) { touche = Key.getAscii(); if ((_root.code1 == 0) and (touche == 104)) { _root.code1 = touche; } else if (((_root.code1 == 104) and (_root.code2 == 0)) and (touche == 101)) { _root.code2 = touche; } else if ((((_root.code1 == 104) and (_root.code2 == 101)) and (_root.code3 == 0)) and (touche == 108)) { _root.code3 = touche; } else if (((((_root.code1 == 104) and (_root.code2 == 101)) and (_root.code3 == 108)) and (_root.code4 == 0)) and (touche == 112)) { _root.code4 = touche; } else { _root.code1 = 0; _root.code2 = 0; _root.code3 = 0; _root.code4 = 0; } } onClipEvent (keyDown) { touche = Key.getAscii(); if ((_root.code11 == 0) and (touche == 97)) { _root.code11 = touche; } else if (((_root.code11 == 97) and (_root.code12 == 0)) and (touche == 105)) { _root.code12 = touche; } else if ((((_root.code11 == 97) and (_root.code12 == 105)) and (_root.code13 == 0)) and (touche == 100)) { _root.code13 = touche; } else if (((((_root.code11 == 97) and (_root.code12 == 105)) and (_root.code13 == 100)) and (_root.code14 == 0)) and (touche == 101)) { _root.code14 = touche; } else { _root.code11 = 0; _root.code12 = 0; _root.code13 = 0; _root.code14 = 0; } } onClipEvent (keyDown) { touche = Key.getAscii(); if ((_root.code21 == 0) and (touche == 97)) { _root.code21 = touche; } else if (((_root.code21 == 97) and (_root.code22 == 0)) and (touche == 105)) { _root.code22 = touche; } else if ((((_root.code21 == 97) and (_root.code22 == 105)) and (_root.code23 == 0)) and (touche == 117)) { _root.code23 = touche; } else if (((((_root.code21 == 97) and (_root.code22 == 105)) and (_root.code23 == 117)) and (_root.code24 == 0)) and (touche == 116)) { _root.code24 = touche; } else if ((((((_root.code21 == 97) and (_root.code22 == 105)) and (_root.code23 == 117)) and (_root.code24 == 116)) and (_root.code25 == 0)) and (touche == 111)) { _root.code25 = touche; } else { _root.code21 = 0; _root.code22 = 0; _root.code23 = 0; _root.code24 = 0; _root.code25 = 0; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (((((_root.code1 == 104) and (_root.code2 == 101)) and (_root.code3 == 108)) and (_root.code4 == 112)) and (_root.level == 200)) { _root.code = "Caress her breasts, she's ready to have an orgasm..."; } else if (((((_root.code11 == 97) and (_root.code12 == 105)) and (_root.code13 == 100)) and (_root.code14 == 101)) and (_root.level == 200)) { _root.code = "Caresse lui les seins, elle est prête à avoir un orgasme ..."; } else if ((((((_root.code21 == 97) and (_root.code22 == 105)) and (_root.code23 == 117)) and (_root.code24 == 116)) and (_root.code25 == 111)) and (_root.level == 200)) { _root.code = "Accarezza il suo seno, è pronta a raggiungere un orgasmo..."; } else { _root.code = ""; } }
Frame 1228
_root.sonok = 1; son.stop("mass1"); son.stop("mass2"); son.stop("groan1"); son.stop("groan2"); son.stop("groan3"); t = 0;
Instance of Symbol 16 MovieClip "fond" in Frame 1229
onClipEvent (load) { _root.maincaresse._x = _xmouse; _root.maincaresse._y = _ymouse; _root.maincaresse._rotation = 0; _root.maincaresse.stop(); } onClipEvent (mouseMove) { _root.maincaresse._x = _xmouse; _root.maincaresse._y = _ymouse; _root.maincaresse._rotation = 0; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.nivgirl < 150) { _root.nivgirl = _root.nivgirl + 1.5; } }
Instance of Symbol 234 MovieClip in Frame 1229
onClipEvent (load) { son = new Sound(); son.attachSound("groan4"); _root.t = _root.t + 1; if (_root.t == 1) { son.stop("mass1"); son.stop("mass2"); son.stop("groan1"); son.stop("groan2"); son.stop("groan3"); son.start(); } else if (_root.t == 3) { _root.t = 0; } }
Frame 1233
if (196 < _root.nivgirl) { gotoAndPlay (1244); } else { gotoAndPlay (1229); }
Instance of Symbol 16 MovieClip "fond" in Frame 1234
onClipEvent (load) { _root.maincaresse._x = _xmouse; _root.maincaresse._y = _ymouse;; } onClipEvent (mouseMove) { _root.maincaresse._x = _xmouse; _root.maincaresse._y = _ymouse; if (sens == 10) { _root.maincaresse.stop(); } else {; } } onClipEvent (load) { Xx = _root.breast1._x; Yy = _root.breast1._y; Ax = _root.breast1._x - (_root.breast1._width / 2); Ay = _root.breast1._y - (_root.breast1._height / 2); Bx = _root.breast1._x + (_root.breast1._width / 2); By = _root.breast1._y + (_root.breast1._height / 2); } onClipEvent (mouseMove) { finx = _xmouse; finy = _ymouse; if ((((finx < Ax) or (Bx < finx)) or (finy < Ay)) or (By < finy)) { sens = 10; } else if (((finx - debx) < 0) && ((finy - deby) < 0)) { sens = 1; } else if (((finx - debx) == 0) && ((finy - deby) < 0)) { sens = 2; } else if ((0 < (finx - debx)) && ((finy - deby) < 0)) { sens = 3; } else if (((finx - debx) < 0) && ((finy - deby) == 0)) { sens = 4; } else if (((finx - debx) == 0) && ((finy - deby) == 0)) { sens = 5; } else if ((0 < (finx - debx)) && ((finy - deby) == 0)) { sens = 6; } else if (((finx - debx) < 0) && (0 < (finy - deby))) { sens = 7; } else if (((finx - debx) == 0) && (0 < (finy - deby))) { sens = 8; } else if ((0 < (finx - debx)) && (0 < (finy - deby))) { sens = 9; } debx = finx; deby = finy; } onClipEvent (mouseMove) { if (sens == 1) { newx = Xx - 1; newy = Yy - 1; } else if (sens == 2) { newx = Xx; newy = Yy - 2; } else if (sens == 3) { newx = Xx + 1; newy = Yy - 1; } else if (sens == 4) { newx = Xx - 2; newy = Yy; } else if (sens == 5) { newx = Xx; newy = Yy; } else if (sens == 6) { newx = Xx + 2; newy = Yy; } else if (sens == 7) { newx = Xx - 1; newy = Yy + 1; } else if (sens == 8) { newx = Xx; newy = Yy + 2; } else if (sens == 9) { newx = Xx + 1; newy = Yy + 1; } else { newx = Xx; newy = Yy; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { _root.breast1._x = newx; _root.breast1._y = newy; } onClipEvent (mouseMove) { if ((sens != 10) and (_root.nivgirl < 200)) { _root.nivgirl = _root.nivgirl + 1.5; } }
Instance of Symbol 186 MovieClip "gaugegirl" in Frame 1234
onClipEvent (load) { _root.gaugegirl._height = _root.nivgirl; _root.gaugegirl._y = ((200 - _root.nivgirl) + (_root.nivgirl / 2)) + 13; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (0 < _root.nivgirl) { _root.nivgirl = _root.nivgirl; } _root.gaugegirl._height = _root.nivgirl; _root.gaugegirl._y = ((200 - _root.nivgirl) + (_root.nivgirl / 2)) + 13; }
Instance of Symbol 234 MovieClip in Frame 1234
onClipEvent (load) { son = new Sound(); son.attachSound("groan4"); _root.t = _root.t + 1; if (_root.t == 1) { son.stop("mass1"); son.stop("mass2"); son.stop("groan1"); son.stop("groan2"); son.stop("groan3"); son.start(); } else if (_root.t == 3) { _root.t = 0; } }
Frame 1238
if (196 < _root.nivgirl) { gotoAndPlay (1244); } else { gotoAndPlay (1234); }
Instance of Symbol 16 MovieClip "fond" in Frame 1239
onClipEvent (load) { _root.maincaresse._x = _xmouse; _root.maincaresse._y = _ymouse;; } onClipEvent (mouseMove) { _root.maincaresse._x = _xmouse; _root.maincaresse._y = _ymouse; if (sens == 10) { _root.maincaresse.stop(); } else {; } } onClipEvent (load) { Xx = _root.breast2._x; Yy = _root.breast2._y; Ax = _root.breast2._x - (_root.breast2._width / 2); Ay = _root.breast2._y - (_root.breast2._height / 2); Bx = _root.breast2._x + (_root.breast2._width / 2); By = _root.breast2._y + (_root.breast2._height / 2); } onClipEvent (mouseMove) { finx = _xmouse; finy = _ymouse; if ((((finx < Ax) or (Bx < finx)) or (finy < Ay)) or (By < finy)) { sens = 10; } else if (((finx - debx) < 0) && ((finy - deby) < 0)) { sens = 1; } else if (((finx - debx) == 0) && ((finy - deby) < 0)) { sens = 2; } else if ((0 < (finx - debx)) && ((finy - deby) < 0)) { sens = 3; } else if (((finx - debx) < 0) && ((finy - deby) == 0)) { sens = 4; } else if (((finx - debx) == 0) && ((finy - deby) == 0)) { sens = 5; } else if ((0 < (finx - debx)) && ((finy - deby) == 0)) { sens = 6; } else if (((finx - debx) < 0) && (0 < (finy - deby))) { sens = 7; } else if (((finx - debx) == 0) && (0 < (finy - deby))) { sens = 8; } else if ((0 < (finx - debx)) && (0 < (finy - deby))) { sens = 9; } debx = finx; deby = finy; } onClipEvent (mouseMove) { if (sens == 1) { newx = Xx - 1; newy = Yy - 1; } else if (sens == 2) { newx = Xx; newy = Yy - 2; } else if (sens == 3) { newx = Xx + 1; newy = Yy - 1; } else if (sens == 4) { newx = Xx - 2; newy = Yy; } else if (sens == 5) { newx = Xx; newy = Yy; } else if (sens == 6) { newx = Xx + 2; newy = Yy; } else if (sens == 7) { newx = Xx - 1; newy = Yy + 1; } else if (sens == 8) { newx = Xx; newy = Yy + 2; } else if (sens == 9) { newx = Xx + 1; newy = Yy + 1; } else { newx = Xx; newy = Yy; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { _root.breast2._x = newx; _root.breast2._y = newy; } onClipEvent (mouseMove) { if ((sens != 10) and (_root.nivgirl < 200)) { _root.nivgirl = _root.nivgirl + 1.5; } }
Instance of Symbol 234 MovieClip in Frame 1239
onClipEvent (load) { son = new Sound(); son.attachSound("groan4"); _root.t = _root.t + 1; if (_root.t == 1) { son.stop("mass1"); son.stop("mass2"); son.stop("groan1"); son.stop("groan2"); son.stop("groan3"); son.start(); } else if (_root.t == 3) { _root.t = 0; } }
Frame 1243
if (196 < _root.nivgirl) { gotoAndPlay (1244); } else { gotoAndPlay (1239); }
Instance of Symbol 16 MovieClip "fond" in Frame 1244
onClipEvent (load) { _root.maincaresse._x = _xmouse; _root.maincaresse._y = _ymouse; _root.maincaresse.stop(); } onClipEvent (mouseMove) { _root.maincaresse._x = _xmouse; _root.maincaresse._y = _ymouse; }
Instance of Symbol 186 MovieClip "gaugegirl" in Frame 1244
onClipEvent (load) { _root.gaugegirl._height = 200; _root.gaugegirl._y = ((200 - _root.nivgirl) + (_root.nivgirl / 2)) + 13; }
Instance of Symbol 234 MovieClip in Frame 1246
onClipEvent (load) { son.stop("mass1"); son.stop("mass2"); son.stop("groan1"); son.stop("groan2"); son.stop("groan3"); son.stop("groan4"); son = new Sound(); son.attachSound("orgasm"); son.start(2); }
Instance of Symbol 186 MovieClip "gaugegirl" in Frame 1295
onClipEvent (load) { _root.gaugegirl._height = _root.nivgirl; _root.gaugegirl._y = ((200 - _root.nivgirl) + (_root.nivgirl / 2)) + 13; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (0 < _root.nivgirl) { _root.nivgirl = _root.nivgirl - 1; } _root.gaugegirl._height = _root.nivgirl; _root.gaugegirl._y = ((200 - _root.nivgirl) + (_root.nivgirl / 2)) + 13; }
Frame 1304
stop(); _root.sublevel1 = 0; _root.sublevel2 = 0; _root.level = 210; gotoAndPlay (1306);
Frame 1305
Frame 1306
_root.sonok = 1; t = 0; code1 = 0; code2 = 0; code3 = 0; code4 = 0; code11 = 0; code12 = 0; code13 = 0; code14 = 0; code21 = 0; code22 = 0; code23 = 0; code24 = 0; code25 = 0; _root.code = ""; _root.flamme._x = 362; stop();
Instance of Symbol 16 MovieClip "fond" in Frame 1306
onClipEvent (load) { _root.maincaresse._x = _xmouse; _root.maincaresse._y = _ymouse; _root.maincaresse._rotation = 0; _root.maincaresse.stop(); } onClipEvent (mouseMove) { _root.maincaresse._x = _xmouse; _root.maincaresse._y = _ymouse; _root.maincaresse._rotation = 0; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (40 < _root.i) { _root.i = 0; _root.j = random(5); _root.k = random(2); } else { _root.i = _root.i + 1; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.j == 1) { _root.reg1._visible = true; _root.reg2._visible = false; _root.cligne._visible = false; } else if (_root.j == 2) { _root.reg1._visible = false; _root.reg2._visible = true; _root.cligne._visible = false; } else { _root.reg1._visible = false; _root.reg2._visible = false; _root.cligne._visible = false; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.i == 35) { _root.cligne._visible = true; } else { _root.cligne._visible = false; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.k == 0) { _root.bouchferm._visible = true; } else { _root.bouchferm._visible = false; } }
Instance of Symbol 186 MovieClip "gaugegirl" in Frame 1306
onClipEvent (load) { _root.gaugegirl._height = _root.nivgirl; _root.gaugegirl._y = ((200 - _root.nivgirl) + (_root.nivgirl / 2)) + 13; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (0 < _root.nivgirl) { _root.nivgirl = _root.nivgirl - 1; } _root.gaugegirl._height = _root.nivgirl; _root.gaugegirl._y = ((200 - _root.nivgirl) + (_root.nivgirl / 2)) + 13; }
Instance of Symbol 224 MovieClip in Frame 1306
onClipEvent (keyDown) { touche = Key.getAscii(); if ((_root.code1 == 0) and (touche == 104)) { _root.code1 = touche; } else if (((_root.code1 == 104) and (_root.code2 == 0)) and (touche == 101)) { _root.code2 = touche; } else if ((((_root.code1 == 104) and (_root.code2 == 101)) and (_root.code3 == 0)) and (touche == 108)) { _root.code3 = touche; } else if (((((_root.code1 == 104) and (_root.code2 == 101)) and (_root.code3 == 108)) and (_root.code4 == 0)) and (touche == 112)) { _root.code4 = touche; } else { _root.code1 = 0; _root.code2 = 0; _root.code3 = 0; _root.code4 = 0; } } onClipEvent (keyDown) { touche = Key.getAscii(); if ((_root.code11 == 0) and (touche == 97)) { _root.code11 = touche; } else if (((_root.code11 == 97) and (_root.code12 == 0)) and (touche == 105)) { _root.code12 = touche; } else if ((((_root.code11 == 97) and (_root.code12 == 105)) and (_root.code13 == 0)) and (touche == 100)) { _root.code13 = touche; } else if (((((_root.code11 == 97) and (_root.code12 == 105)) and (_root.code13 == 100)) and (_root.code14 == 0)) and (touche == 101)) { _root.code14 = touche; } else { _root.code11 = 0; _root.code12 = 0; _root.code13 = 0; _root.code14 = 0; } } onClipEvent (keyDown) { touche = Key.getAscii(); if ((_root.code21 == 0) and (touche == 97)) { _root.code21 = touche; } else if (((_root.code21 == 97) and (_root.code22 == 0)) and (touche == 105)) { _root.code22 = touche; } else if ((((_root.code21 == 97) and (_root.code22 == 105)) and (_root.code23 == 0)) and (touche == 117)) { _root.code23 = touche; } else if (((((_root.code21 == 97) and (_root.code22 == 105)) and (_root.code23 == 117)) and (_root.code24 == 0)) and (touche == 116)) { _root.code24 = touche; } else if ((((((_root.code21 == 97) and (_root.code22 == 105)) and (_root.code23 == 117)) and (_root.code24 == 116)) and (_root.code25 == 0)) and (touche == 111)) { _root.code25 = touche; } else { _root.code21 = 0; _root.code22 = 0; _root.code23 = 0; _root.code24 = 0; _root.code25 = 0; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if ((((((_root.code1 == 104) and (_root.code2 == 101)) and (_root.code3 == 108)) and (_root.code4 == 112)) and (_root.level == 210)) and (_root.sublevel1 == 0)) { _root.code = "Caress her breasts a little more..."; } else if (((((((_root.code1 == 104) and (_root.code2 == 101)) and (_root.code3 == 108)) and (_root.code4 == 112)) and (_root.level == 210)) and (_root.sublevel1 == 1)) and (_root.sublevel2 == 0)) { _root.code = "Touch her pussy through the fabric of her panties, she waits only for that..."; } else if (((((((_root.code1 == 104) and (_root.code2 == 101)) and (_root.code3 == 108)) and (_root.code4 == 112)) and (_root.level == 210)) and (_root.sublevel1 == 1)) and (_root.sublevel2 == 1)) { _root.code = "Increase her pleasure level, you are on the right track..."; } else if (((((_root.code1 == 104) and (_root.code2 == 101)) and (_root.code3 == 108)) and (_root.code4 == 112)) and (_root.level == 20)) { _root.code = "It's time to try remove her panties..."; } else if (((((_root.code1 == 104) and (_root.code2 == 101)) and (_root.code3 == 108)) and (_root.code4 == 112)) and (_root.level == 21)) { _root.code = "This girl likes games, try to be sly...maybe pick up the flower?..."; } else if ((((((_root.code11 == 97) and (_root.code12 == 105)) and (_root.code13 == 100)) and (_root.code14 == 101)) and (_root.level == 210)) and (_root.sublevel1 == 0)) { _root.code = "Encore une petite caresse sur les seins s'il te plait..."; } else if (((((((_root.code11 == 97) and (_root.code12 == 105)) and (_root.code13 == 100)) and (_root.code14 == 101)) and (_root.level == 210)) and (_root.sublevel1 == 1)) and (_root.sublevel2 == 0)) { _root.code = "Caresse son sexe à travers le tissu de sa culotte,elle n'attend que ça ..."; } else if (((((((_root.code11 == 97) and (_root.code12 == 105)) and (_root.code13 == 100)) and (_root.code14 == 101)) and (_root.level == 210)) and (_root.sublevel1 == 1)) and (_root.sublevel2 == 1)) { _root.code = "Fais monter le niveau de son plaisir, tu es sur la bonne voie.."; } else if (((((_root.code11 == 97) and (_root.code12 == 105)) and (_root.code13 == 100)) and (_root.code14 == 101)) and (_root.level == 20)) { _root.code = "Essaye de baisser sa culotte, c'est le moment..."; } else if (((((_root.code11 == 97) and (_root.code12 == 105)) and (_root.code13 == 100)) and (_root.code14 == 101)) and (_root.level == 21)) { _root.code = "ok, cette fille aime jouer, il va falloir ruser... prends la fleur dans le vase..."; } else if (((((((_root.code21 == 97) and (_root.code22 == 105)) and (_root.code23 == 117)) and (_root.code24 == 116)) and (_root.code25 == 111)) and (_root.level == 210)) and (_root.sublevel1 == 0)) { _root.code = "Un'altra carezza sul seno non sarebbe male..."; } else if ((((((((_root.code21 == 97) and (_root.code22 == 105)) and (_root.code23 == 117)) and (_root.code24 == 116)) and (_root.code25 == 111)) and (_root.level == 210)) and (_root.sublevel1 == 1)) and (_root.sublevel2 == 0)) { _root.code = "Tocca la sua vagina attraverso le mutandine, lei lo desidera..."; } else if ((((((((_root.code21 == 97) and (_root.code22 == 105)) and (_root.code23 == 117)) and (_root.code24 == 116)) and (_root.code25 == 111)) and (_root.level == 210)) and (_root.sublevel1 == 1)) and (_root.sublevel2 == 1)) { _root.code = "Fai crescere il suo livello di piacere, sei sulla buona strada..."; } else if ((((((_root.code21 == 97) and (_root.code22 == 105)) and (_root.code23 == 117)) and (_root.code24 == 116)) and (_root.code25 == 111)) and (_root.level == 20)) { _root.code = "Prova a rimuovere le sue mutandine, è il momento giusto..."; } else if ((((((_root.code21 == 97) and (_root.code22 == 105)) and (_root.code23 == 117)) and (_root.code24 == 116)) and (_root.code25 == 111)) and (_root.level == 21)) { _root.code = "Ok, a questa ragazza piace giocare, non essere rude... prendi il fiore..."; } else { _root.code = ""; } }
Frame 1307
Instance of Symbol 16 MovieClip "fond" in Frame 1307
onClipEvent (load) { _root.maincaresse._x = _xmouse; _root.maincaresse._y = _ymouse;; } onClipEvent (mouseMove) { _root.maincaresse._x = _xmouse; _root.maincaresse._y = _ymouse; if (sens == 10) { _root.maincaresse.stop(); } else {; } } onClipEvent (load) { Xx = _root.epauled._x; Yy = _root.epauled._y; Ax = _root.epauled._x - (_root.epauled._width / 2); Ay = _root.epauled._y - (_root.epauled._height / 2); Bx = _root.epauled._x + (_root.epauled._width / 2); By = _root.epauled._y + (_root.epauled._height / 2); } onClipEvent (mouseMove) { finx = _xmouse; finy = _ymouse; if ((((finx < Ax) or (Bx < finx)) or (finy < Ay)) or (By < finy)) { sens = 10; } else if (((finx - debx) < 0) && ((finy - deby) < 0)) { sens = 1; } else if (((finx - debx) == 0) && ((finy - deby) < 0)) { sens = 2; } else if ((0 < (finx - debx)) && ((finy - deby) < 0)) { sens = 3; } else if (((finx - debx) < 0) && ((finy - deby) == 0)) { sens = 4; } else if (((finx - debx) == 0) && ((finy - deby) == 0)) { sens = 5; } else if ((0 < (finx - debx)) && ((finy - deby) == 0)) { sens = 6; } else if (((finx - debx) < 0) && (0 < (finy - deby))) { sens = 7; } else if (((finx - debx) == 0) && (0 < (finy - deby))) { sens = 8; } else if ((0 < (finx - debx)) && (0 < (finy - deby))) { sens = 9; } debx = finx; deby = finy; } onClipEvent (mouseMove) { if (sens == 1) { newx = Xx - 1; newy = Yy - 1; } else if (sens == 2) { newx = Xx; newy = Yy - 2; } else if (sens == 3) { newx = Xx + 1; newy = Yy - 1; } else if (sens == 4) { newx = Xx - 2; newy = Yy; } else if (sens == 5) { newx = Xx; newy = Yy; } else if (sens == 6) { newx = Xx + 2; newy = Yy; } else if (sens == 7) { newx = Xx - 1; newy = Yy + 1; } else if (sens == 8) { newx = Xx; newy = Yy + 2; } else if (sens == 9) { newx = Xx + 1; newy = Yy + 1; } else { newx = Xx; newy = Yy; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { _root.epauled._x = newx; _root.epauled._y = newy; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (sens == 10) { = false; _root.yf._visible = false; } else { = true; _root.yf._visible = true; } } onClipEvent (mouseMove) { if ((sens != 10) and (_root.nivgirl < 100)) { _root.nivgirl = _root.nivgirl + 0.7; } else if ((sens != 10) and (_root.nivgirl < 150)) { _root.nivgirl = _root.nivgirl + 0.4; } else if ((sens != 10) and (_root.nivgirl < 180)) { _root.nivgirl = _root.nivgirl + 0.2; } if (((_root.sublevel1 == 1) and (_root.sublevel2 == 1)) and (80 < _root.nivgirl)) { _root.level = 20; } }
Instance of Symbol 234 MovieClip in Frame 1307
onClipEvent (load) { son = new Sound(); s = 0; s = random(3); if (s == 0) { son.attachSound("groan1"); } else if (s == 1) { son.attachSound("groan2"); } else if (s == 2) { son.attachSound("groan3"); } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if ((_root.t == 0) and (_root.sonok == 1)) { s = random(3); if (s == 0) { son.attachSound("groan1"); } else if (s == 1) { son.attachSound("groan2"); } else if (s == 2) { son.attachSound("groan3"); } son.stop("groan1"); son.stop("groan2"); son.stop("groan3"); son.start(); _root.t = _root.t + 1; } else { _root.t = _root.t + 1; } if (20 < _root.t) { _root.t = 0; } }
Frame 1308
Frame 1309
Frame 1310
Frame 1311
_root.flamme._x = 362;
Instance of Symbol 16 MovieClip "fond" in Frame 1311
onClipEvent (load) { _root.maincaresse._x = _xmouse; _root.maincaresse._y = _ymouse; _root.maincaresse._rotation = 0; _root.maincaresse.stop(); } onClipEvent (mouseMove) { _root.maincaresse._x = _xmouse; _root.maincaresse._y = _ymouse; _root.maincaresse._rotation = 0; }
Instance of Symbol 186 MovieClip "gaugegirl" in Frame 1311
onClipEvent (load) { _root.gaugegirl._height = _root.nivgirl; _root.gaugegirl._y = ((200 - _root.nivgirl) + (_root.nivgirl / 2)) + 13; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (0 < _root.nivgirl) { _root.nivgirl = _root.nivgirl - 1; } _root.gaugegirl._height = _root.nivgirl; _root.gaugegirl._y = ((200 - _root.nivgirl) + (_root.nivgirl / 2)) + 13; }
Frame 1329
stop(); _root.level = 21; _root.sublevel1 = 0; _root.sublevel2 = 0; gotoAndStop (1306);
Frame 1330
Frame 1331
_root.sonok = 1; son.stop("rire"); t = 0; code1 = 0; code2 = 0; code3 = 0; code4 = 0; code11 = 0; code12 = 0; code13 = 0; code14 = 0; code21 = 0; code22 = 0; code23 = 0; code24 = 0; code25 = 0; _root.code = ""; _root.flamme._x = 362; stop();
Instance of Symbol 16 MovieClip "fond" in Frame 1331
onClipEvent (load) { _root.maincaresse._x = _xmouse; _root.maincaresse._y = _ymouse; _root.maincaresse._rotation = 0; _root.maincaresse.stop(); } onClipEvent (mouseMove) { _root.maincaresse._x = _xmouse; _root.maincaresse._y = _ymouse; _root.maincaresse._rotation = 0; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (40 < _root.i) { _root.i = 0; _root.j = random(5); _root.k = random(2); } else { _root.i = _root.i + 1; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.j == 1) { _root.reg1._visible = true; _root.reg2._visible = false; _root.cligne._visible = false; } else if (_root.j == 2) { _root.reg1._visible = false; _root.reg2._visible = true; _root.cligne._visible = false; } else { _root.reg1._visible = false; _root.reg2._visible = false; _root.cligne._visible = false; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.i == 35) { _root.cligne._visible = true; } else { _root.cligne._visible = false; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.k == 0) { _root.bouchferm._visible = true; } else { _root.bouchferm._visible = false; } }
Instance of Symbol 186 MovieClip "gaugegirl" in Frame 1331
onClipEvent (load) { _root.gaugegirl._height = _root.nivgirl; _root.gaugegirl._y = ((200 - _root.nivgirl) + (_root.nivgirl / 2)) + 13; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (0 < _root.nivgirl) { _root.nivgirl = _root.nivgirl - 1; } _root.gaugegirl._height = _root.nivgirl; _root.gaugegirl._y = ((200 - _root.nivgirl) + (_root.nivgirl / 2)) + 13; }
Instance of Symbol 224 MovieClip in Frame 1331
onClipEvent (keyDown) { touche = Key.getAscii(); if ((_root.code1 == 0) and (touche == 104)) { _root.code1 = touche; } else if (((_root.code1 == 104) and (_root.code2 == 0)) and (touche == 101)) { _root.code2 = touche; } else if ((((_root.code1 == 104) and (_root.code2 == 101)) and (_root.code3 == 0)) and (touche == 108)) { _root.code3 = touche; } else if (((((_root.code1 == 104) and (_root.code2 == 101)) and (_root.code3 == 108)) and (_root.code4 == 0)) and (touche == 112)) { _root.code4 = touche; } else { _root.code1 = 0; _root.code2 = 0; _root.code3 = 0; _root.code4 = 0; } } onClipEvent (keyDown) { touche = Key.getAscii(); if ((_root.code11 == 0) and (touche == 97)) { _root.code11 = touche; } else if (((_root.code11 == 97) and (_root.code12 == 0)) and (touche == 105)) { _root.code12 = touche; } else if ((((_root.code11 == 97) and (_root.code12 == 105)) and (_root.code13 == 0)) and (touche == 100)) { _root.code13 = touche; } else if (((((_root.code11 == 97) and (_root.code12 == 105)) and (_root.code13 == 100)) and (_root.code14 == 0)) and (touche == 101)) { _root.code14 = touche; } else { _root.code11 = 0; _root.code12 = 0; _root.code13 = 0; _root.code14 = 0; } } onClipEvent (keyDown) { touche = Key.getAscii(); if ((_root.code21 == 0) and (touche == 97)) { _root.code21 = touche; } else if (((_root.code21 == 97) and (_root.code22 == 0)) and (touche == 105)) { _root.code22 = touche; } else if ((((_root.code21 == 97) and (_root.code22 == 105)) and (_root.code23 == 0)) and (touche == 117)) { _root.code23 = touche; } else if (((((_root.code21 == 97) and (_root.code22 == 105)) and (_root.code23 == 117)) and (_root.code24 == 0)) and (touche == 116)) { _root.code24 = touche; } else if ((((((_root.code21 == 97) and (_root.code22 == 105)) and (_root.code23 == 117)) and (_root.code24 == 116)) and (_root.code25 == 0)) and (touche == 111)) { _root.code25 = touche; } else { _root.code21 = 0; _root.code22 = 0; _root.code23 = 0; _root.code24 = 0; _root.code25 = 0; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (((((_root.code1 == 104) and (_root.code2 == 101)) and (_root.code3 == 108)) and (_root.code4 == 112)) and (_root.level == 22)) { _root.code = "Use the flower to tickle her breasts..."; } else if (((((_root.code1 == 104) and (_root.code2 == 101)) and (_root.code3 == 108)) and (_root.code4 == 112)) and (_root.level == 220)) { _root.code = "If she wants to play, we shall play... tickle her sex with the flower, without stopping..."; } else if (((((_root.code11 == 97) and (_root.code12 == 105)) and (_root.code13 == 100)) and (_root.code14 == 101)) and (_root.level == 22)) { _root.code = "Utilise la fleur pour lui chatouiller les seins..."; } else if (((((_root.code11 == 97) and (_root.code12 == 105)) and (_root.code13 == 100)) and (_root.code14 == 101)) and (_root.level == 220)) { _root.code = "Si elle veut jouer, on va jouer...chatouille lui le sexe avec la fleur, sans t'arrêter..."; } else if ((((((_root.code21 == 97) and (_root.code22 == 105)) and (_root.code23 == 117)) and (_root.code24 == 116)) and (_root.code25 == 111)) and (_root.level == 22)) { _root.code = "Usa il fiore per stuzzicarle il seno..."; } else if ((((((_root.code21 == 97) and (_root.code22 == 105)) and (_root.code23 == 117)) and (_root.code24 == 116)) and (_root.code25 == 111)) and (_root.level == 220)) { _root.code = "Se lei vuole giocare ancora noi siamo a sua disposizione... stuzzicale la sua vagina con il fiore, senza fermarti.."; } else { _root.code = ""; } }
Instance of Symbol 234 MovieClip in Frame 1331
onClipEvent (load) { son = new Sound(); son.attachSound("rire"); t = 0; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { son.stop("rire"); }
Frame 1332
Instance of Symbol 16 MovieClip "fond" in Frame 1332
onClipEvent (load) { _root.maincaresse._x = _xmouse; _root.maincaresse._y = _ymouse; _root.maincaresse._rotation = 0; } onClipEvent (mouseMove) { _root.maincaresse._x = _xmouse; _root.maincaresse._y = _ymouse; _root.maincaresse._rotation = 0; } onClipEvent (load) { Ax = _root.epauled._x - (_root.epauled._width / 2); Ay = _root.epauled._y - (_root.epauled._height / 2); Bx = _root.epauled._x + (_root.epauled._width / 2); By = _root.epauled._y + (_root.epauled._height / 2); } onClipEvent (mouseMove) { if ((((_xmouse < Ax) or (Bx < _xmouse)) or (_ymouse < Ay)) or (By < _ymouse)) { _root.maincaresse.stop(); = false; _root.yf._visible = false; } else {; = true; _root.yf._visible = true; } } onClipEvent (mouseMove) { if ((sens != 10) and (_root.nivgirl < 100)) { _root.nivgirl = _root.nivgirl + 0.7; } else if ((sens != 10) and (_root.nivgirl < 150)) { _root.nivgirl = _root.nivgirl + 0.4; } else if ((sens != 10) and (_root.nivgirl < 180)) { _root.nivgirl = _root.nivgirl + 0.2; } }
Instance of Symbol 234 MovieClip in Frame 1332
onClipEvent (load) { son = new Sound(); son.attachSound("rire"); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if ((_root.t == 0) and (_root.sonok == 1)) { son.stop("rire"); son.start(); _root.t = _root.t + 1; } else { _root.t = _root.t + 1; } if (110 < _root.t) { _root.t = 0; } }
Instance of Symbol 16 MovieClip "fond" in Frame 1334
onClipEvent (load) { _root.maincaresse._x = _xmouse; _root.maincaresse._y = _ymouse; _root.maincaresse._rotation = 0; _root.maincaresse.stop(); } onClipEvent (mouseMove) { _root.maincaresse._x = _xmouse; _root.maincaresse._y = _ymouse; _root.maincaresse._rotation = 0; } onClipEvent (mouseMove) { if ((sens != 10) and (_root.nivgirl < 180)) { _root.nivgirl = _root.nivgirl + 0.7; } }
Instance of Symbol 234 MovieClip in Frame 1334
onClipEvent (load) { son = new Sound(); son.attachSound("rire"); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if ((_root.t == 0) and (_root.sonok == 1)) { son.stop("rire"); son.start(); _root.t = _root.t + 1; } else { _root.t = _root.t + 1; } if (110 < _root.t) { _root.t = 0; } }
Instance of Symbol 186 MovieClip "gaugegirl" in Frame 1339
onClipEvent (load) { _root.gaugegirl._height = _root.nivgirl; _root.gaugegirl._y = ((200 - _root.nivgirl) + (_root.nivgirl / 2)) + 13; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { _root.gaugegirl._height = _root.nivgirl; _root.gaugegirl._y = ((200 - _root.nivgirl) + (_root.nivgirl / 2)) + 13; }
Frame 1345
if ((120 < _root.nivgirl) and (_root.level == 220)) { gotoAndPlay (1353); } else { gotoAndPlay (1338); }
Frame 1347
_root.sonok = 1; son.stop("rire"); t = 0;
Instance of Symbol 16 MovieClip "fond" in Frame 1347
onClipEvent (load) { _root.maincaresse._x = _xmouse; _root.maincaresse._y = _ymouse; _root.maincaresse._rotation = 0; _root.maincaresse.stop(); } onClipEvent (mouseMove) { _root.maincaresse._x = _xmouse; _root.maincaresse._y = _ymouse; _root.maincaresse._rotation = 0; }
Instance of Symbol 186 MovieClip "gaugegirl" in Frame 1347
onClipEvent (load) { _root.gaugegirl._height = _root.nivgirl; _root.gaugegirl._y = ((200 - _root.nivgirl) + (_root.nivgirl / 2)) + 13; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (0 < _root.nivgirl) { _root.nivgirl = _root.nivgirl - 1; } _root.gaugegirl._height = _root.nivgirl; _root.gaugegirl._y = ((200 - _root.nivgirl) + (_root.nivgirl / 2)) + 13; }
Instance of Symbol 234 MovieClip in Frame 1347
onClipEvent (load) { son = new Sound(); son.attachSound("rire"); t = 0; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { son.stop("rire"); }
Frame 1351
gotoAndStop (1331);
Frame 1352
Frame 1353
_root.flamme._x = 362;
Instance of Symbol 16 MovieClip "fond" in Frame 1353
onClipEvent (load) { _root.maincaresse._x = _xmouse; _root.maincaresse._y = _ymouse; _root.maincaresse._rotation = 0; _root.maincaresse.stop(); } onClipEvent (mouseMove) { _root.maincaresse._x = _xmouse; _root.maincaresse._y = _ymouse; _root.maincaresse._rotation = 0; }
Instance of Symbol 186 MovieClip "gaugegirl" in Frame 1353
onClipEvent (load) { _root.gaugegirl._height = _root.nivgirl; _root.gaugegirl._y = ((200 - _root.nivgirl) + (_root.nivgirl / 2)) + 13; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (0 < _root.nivgirl) { _root.nivgirl = _root.nivgirl - 1; } _root.gaugegirl._height = _root.nivgirl; _root.gaugegirl._y = ((200 - _root.nivgirl) + (_root.nivgirl / 2)) + 13; }
Frame 1356
_root.sonok = 1; son.stop("rire"); t = 0;
Instance of Symbol 234 MovieClip in Frame 1356
onClipEvent (load) { son = new Sound(); son.attachSound("rire"); t = 0; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { son.stop("rire"); }
Frame 1418
if (_root.langue == 1) { _root.texte = "oh mon dieu !"; } else if (_root.langue == 0) { _root.texte = "oh my god !"; } else if (_root.langue == 2) { _root.texte = "Oh, no!"; }
Frame 1436
if (_root.langue == 1) { _root.texte = "j'ai mouillé ma culotte !"; } else if (_root.langue == 0) { _root.texte = "I've wet my panties !"; } else if (_root.langue == 2) { _root.texte = "Mi sono bagnata !"; }
Frame 1472
stop(); _root.level = 23; _root.sublevel1 = 0; _root.sublevel2 = 0; gotoAndPlay (1474);
Frame 1473
Frame 1474
if ((_root.level == 23) and (_root.langue == 1)) { _root.texte = "j'ai pissé dans ma culotte comme une petite fille... J'ai honte..."; } else if ((_root.level == 23) and (_root.langue == 0)) { _root.texte = "I pee my panties like a little girl...I am really shameful..."; } else if ((_root.level == 23) and (_root.langue == 2)) { _root.texte = "Me la sono fatta sotto come una bambina... Non mi sono comportata bene..."; } if ((_root.level == 29) and (_root.langue == 1)) { _root.texte = "... et le reste aussi..."; } else if ((_root.level == 29) and (_root.langue == 0)) { _root.texte = "...and something else also..."; } else if ((_root.level == 29) and (_root.langue == 2)) { _root.texte = "...e sono diventata molto calda..."; }
Instance of Symbol 16 MovieClip "fond" in Frame 1474
onClipEvent (load) { _root.maincaresse._x = _xmouse; _root.maincaresse._y = _ymouse; _root.maincaresse._rotation = 0; _root.maincaresse.stop(); } onClipEvent (mouseMove) { _root.maincaresse._x = _xmouse; _root.maincaresse._y = _ymouse; _root.maincaresse._rotation = 0; }
Instance of Symbol 186 MovieClip "gaugegirl" in Frame 1474
onClipEvent (load) { _root.gaugegirl._height = _root.nivgirl; _root.gaugegirl._y = ((200 - _root.nivgirl) + (_root.nivgirl / 2)) + 13; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (0 < _root.nivgirl) { _root.nivgirl = _root.nivgirl - 1; } _root.gaugegirl._height = _root.nivgirl; _root.gaugegirl._y = ((200 - _root.nivgirl) + (_root.nivgirl / 2)) + 13; }
Frame 1493
if ((_root.level == 23) and (_root.langue == 1)) { _root.texte = "j'ai pissé dans ma culotte comme une petite fille... J'ai honte..."; } else if ((_root.level == 23) and (_root.langue == 0)) { _root.texte = "I pee my panties like a little girl...I am really shameful..."; } else if ((_root.level == 23) and (_root.langue == 2)) { _root.texte = "Me la sono fatta sotto come una bambina... Non mi sono comportata bene..."; } if ((_root.level == 29) and (_root.langue == 1)) { _root.texte = "... et le reste aussi..."; } else if ((_root.level == 29) and (_root.langue == 0)) { _root.texte = "...and something else also..."; } else if ((_root.level == 29) and (_root.langue == 2)) { _root.texte = "...e sono diventata molto calda..."; }
Frame 1511
if ((_root.level == 23) and (_root.langue == 1)) { _root.texte = "Je suis vraiment une mauvaise fille...Je mériterais une fessée...."; } else if ((_root.level == 23) and (_root.langue == 0)) { _root.texte = "I'm a bad should have to spank me..."; } else if ((_root.level == 23) and (_root.langue == 2)) { _root.texte = "Sono una ragazza cattiva... Dovresti punirmi..."; } if ((_root.level == 29) and (_root.langue == 1)) { _root.texte = "Je vais m'asseoir un moment..."; } else if ((_root.level == 29) and (_root.langue == 0)) { _root.texte = "I'm going to sit down one moment..."; } else if ((_root.level == 29) and (_root.langue == 2)) { _root.texte = "ho bisogno di sedermi..."; }
Frame 1558
stop(); if (_root.level == 23) { gotoAndPlay (1560); } if (_root.level == 29) { gotoAndStop (1703); }
Frame 1559
Frame 1560
_root.flamme._x = 362;
Instance of Symbol 16 MovieClip "fond" in Frame 1560
onClipEvent (load) { _root.maincaresse._x = _xmouse; _root.maincaresse._y = _ymouse; _root.maincaresse._rotation = -120; _root.maincaresse.stop(); } onClipEvent (mouseMove) { _root.maincaresse._x = _xmouse; _root.maincaresse._y = _ymouse; _root.maincaresse._rotation = -120; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { _root.maincaresse._x = _xmouse; _root.maincaresse._y = _ymouse; _root.maincaresse._rotation = -120; }
Instance of Symbol 186 MovieClip "gaugegirl" in Frame 1560
onClipEvent (load) { _root.gaugegirl._height = _root.nivgirl; _root.gaugegirl._y = ((200 - _root.nivgirl) + (_root.nivgirl / 2)) + 13; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (0 < _root.nivgirl) { _root.nivgirl = _root.nivgirl - 1; } _root.gaugegirl._height = _root.nivgirl; _root.gaugegirl._y = ((200 - _root.nivgirl) + (_root.nivgirl / 2)) + 13; }
Frame 1574
_root.sonok = 1; t = 0; code1 = 0; code2 = 0; code3 = 0; code4 = 0; code11 = 0; code12 = 0; code13 = 0; code14 = 0; code21 = 0; code22 = 0; code23 = 0; code24 = 0; code25 = 0; _root.code = ""; _root.flamme._x = 362; stop(); if (_root.marque1._alpha < 15) { _root.marque1._alpha = _root.sublevel1 * 4; } if (_root.marque2._alpha < 15) { _root.marque2._alpha = _root.sublevel2 * 4; } if ((15 < _root.marque1._alpha) and (15 < _root.marque2._alpha)) { _root.level = 24; }
Instance of Symbol 224 MovieClip in Frame 1574
onClipEvent (keyDown) { touche = Key.getAscii(); if ((_root.code1 == 0) and (touche == 104)) { _root.code1 = touche; } else if (((_root.code1 == 104) and (_root.code2 == 0)) and (touche == 101)) { _root.code2 = touche; } else if ((((_root.code1 == 104) and (_root.code2 == 101)) and (_root.code3 == 0)) and (touche == 108)) { _root.code3 = touche; } else if (((((_root.code1 == 104) and (_root.code2 == 101)) and (_root.code3 == 108)) and (_root.code4 == 0)) and (touche == 112)) { _root.code4 = touche; } else { _root.code1 = 0; _root.code2 = 0; _root.code3 = 0; _root.code4 = 0; } } onClipEvent (keyDown) { touche = Key.getAscii(); if ((_root.code11 == 0) and (touche == 97)) { _root.code11 = touche; } else if (((_root.code11 == 97) and (_root.code12 == 0)) and (touche == 105)) { _root.code12 = touche; } else if ((((_root.code11 == 97) and (_root.code12 == 105)) and (_root.code13 == 0)) and (touche == 100)) { _root.code13 = touche; } else if (((((_root.code11 == 97) and (_root.code12 == 105)) and (_root.code13 == 100)) and (_root.code14 == 0)) and (touche == 101)) { _root.code14 = touche; } else { _root.code11 = 0; _root.code12 = 0; _root.code13 = 0; _root.code14 = 0; } } onClipEvent (keyDown) { touche = Key.getAscii(); if ((_root.code21 == 0) and (touche == 97)) { _root.code21 = touche; } else if (((_root.code21 == 97) and (_root.code22 == 0)) and (touche == 105)) { _root.code22 = touche; } else if ((((_root.code21 == 97) and (_root.code22 == 105)) and (_root.code23 == 0)) and (touche == 117)) { _root.code23 = touche; } else if (((((_root.code21 == 97) and (_root.code22 == 105)) and (_root.code23 == 117)) and (_root.code24 == 0)) and (touche == 116)) { _root.code24 = touche; } else if ((((((_root.code21 == 97) and (_root.code22 == 105)) and (_root.code23 == 117)) and (_root.code24 == 116)) and (_root.code25 == 0)) and (touche == 111)) { _root.code25 = touche; } else { _root.code21 = 0; _root.code22 = 0; _root.code23 = 0; _root.code24 = 0; _root.code25 = 0; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (((((((_root.code1 == 104) and (_root.code2 == 101)) and (_root.code3 == 108)) and (_root.code4 == 112)) and (_root.level == 23)) and (_root.sublevel1 == 0)) and (_root.sublevel2 == 0)) { _root.code = "She wants to be spanked? Why not... go... several times and on both buttocks ..."; } else if ((((((_root.code1 == 104) and (_root.code2 == 101)) and (_root.code3 == 108)) and (_root.code4 == 112)) and (_root.level == 23)) and ((_root.sublevel1 != 0) or (_root.sublevel2 != 0))) { _root.code = "Continue, she likes it... and you do too..."; } else if (((((((_root.code11 == 97) and (_root.code12 == 105)) and (_root.code13 == 100)) and (_root.code14 == 101)) and (_root.level == 23)) and (_root.sublevel1 == 0)) and (_root.sublevel2 == 0)) { _root.code = "Elle a envie d'une fessée ?, pourquoi pas... vas y... plusieurs fois et sur les deux fesses..."; } else if ((((((_root.code11 == 97) and (_root.code12 == 105)) and (_root.code13 == 100)) and (_root.code14 == 101)) and (_root.level == 23)) and ((_root.sublevel1 != 0) or (_root.sublevel2 != 0))) { _root.code = "Continu, elle aime ça et toi aussi..."; } else if ((((((((_root.code21 == 97) and (_root.code22 == 105)) and (_root.code23 == 117)) and (_root.code24 == 116)) and (_root.code25 == 111)) and (_root.level == 23)) and (_root.sublevel1 == 0)) and (_root.sublevel2 == 0)) { _root.code = "Vuole essere sculacciata? Perché no? vai... alcune volte su entrambe le natiche..."; } else if (((((((_root.code21 == 97) and (_root.code22 == 105)) and (_root.code23 == 117)) and (_root.code24 == 116)) and (_root.code25 == 111)) and (_root.level == 23)) and ((_root.sublevel1 != 0) or (_root.sublevel2 != 0))) { _root.code = "Continua, le piace... ed anche a te..."; } else { _root.code = ""; } }
Instance of Symbol 234 MovieClip in Frame 1578
onClipEvent (load) { son = new Sound(); s = 0; s = random(3); if (s == 0) { son.attachSound("spank1"); } else if (s == 1) { son.attachSound("spank2"); } else if (s == 2) { son.attachSound("spank3"); } } onClipEvent (load) { s = random(3); if (s == 0) { son.attachSound("spank1"); } else if (s == 1) { son.attachSound("spank2"); } else if (s == 2) { son.attachSound("spank3"); } son.stop(spank1); son.stop(spank2); son.stop(spank3); son.start(); }
Frame 1580
if (_root.nivgirl < 100) { _root.nivgirl = _root.nivgirl + 20; } else if (_root.nivgirl < 150) { _root.nivgirl = _root.nivgirl + 10; }
Frame 1582
if (_root.level == 24) { gotoAndPlay (1584); } else { gotoAndStop (1574); }
Frame 1583
Frame 1584
_root.flamme._x = 362;
Instance of Symbol 16 MovieClip "fond" in Frame 1584
onClipEvent (load) { _root.maincaresse._x = _xmouse; _root.maincaresse._y = _ymouse; _root.maincaresse._rotation = -120; _root.maincaresse.stop(); } onClipEvent (mouseMove) { _root.maincaresse._x = _xmouse; _root.maincaresse._y = _ymouse; _root.maincaresse._rotation = -120; }
Instance of Symbol 186 MovieClip "gaugegirl" in Frame 1584
onClipEvent (load) { _root.gaugegirl._height = _root.nivgirl; _root.gaugegirl._y = ((200 - _root.nivgirl) + (_root.nivgirl / 2)) + 13; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (0 < _root.nivgirl) { _root.nivgirl = _root.nivgirl - 1; } _root.gaugegirl._height = _root.nivgirl; _root.gaugegirl._y = ((200 - _root.nivgirl) + (_root.nivgirl / 2)) + 13; }
Frame 1611
stop(); _root.level = 25; _root.sublevel1 = 0; _root.sublevel2 = 0; gotoAndStop (1613);
Frame 1612
Frame 1613
_root.sonok = 1; t = 0; code1 = 0; code2 = 0; code3 = 0; code4 = 0; code11 = 0; code12 = 0; code13 = 0; code14 = 0; code21 = 0; code22 = 0; code23 = 0; code24 = 0; code25 = 0; _root.code = ""; _root.flamme._x = 362; stop();
Instance of Symbol 16 MovieClip "fond" in Frame 1613
onClipEvent (load) { _root.maincaresse._x = _xmouse; _root.maincaresse._y = _ymouse; _root.maincaresse._rotation = 0; _root.maincaresse.stop(); } onClipEvent (mouseMove) { _root.maincaresse._x = _xmouse; _root.maincaresse._y = _ymouse; _root.maincaresse._rotation = 0; }
Instance of Symbol 186 MovieClip "gaugegirl" in Frame 1613
onClipEvent (load) { _root.gaugegirl._height = _root.nivgirl; _root.gaugegirl._y = ((200 - _root.nivgirl) + (_root.nivgirl / 2)) + 13; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (0 < _root.nivgirl) { _root.nivgirl = _root.nivgirl - 1; } _root.gaugegirl._height = _root.nivgirl; _root.gaugegirl._y = ((200 - _root.nivgirl) + (_root.nivgirl / 2)) + 13; }
Instance of Symbol 224 MovieClip in Frame 1613
onClipEvent (keyDown) { touche = Key.getAscii(); if ((_root.code1 == 0) and (touche == 104)) { _root.code1 = touche; } else if (((_root.code1 == 104) and (_root.code2 == 0)) and (touche == 101)) { _root.code2 = touche; } else if ((((_root.code1 == 104) and (_root.code2 == 101)) and (_root.code3 == 0)) and (touche == 108)) { _root.code3 = touche; } else if (((((_root.code1 == 104) and (_root.code2 == 101)) and (_root.code3 == 108)) and (_root.code4 == 0)) and (touche == 112)) { _root.code4 = touche; } else { _root.code1 = 0; _root.code2 = 0; _root.code3 = 0; _root.code4 = 0; } } onClipEvent (keyDown) { touche = Key.getAscii(); if ((_root.code11 == 0) and (touche == 97)) { _root.code11 = touche; } else if (((_root.code11 == 97) and (_root.code12 == 0)) and (touche == 105)) { _root.code12 = touche; } else if ((((_root.code11 == 97) and (_root.code12 == 105)) and (_root.code13 == 0)) and (touche == 100)) { _root.code13 = touche; } else if (((((_root.code11 == 97) and (_root.code12 == 105)) and (_root.code13 == 100)) and (_root.code14 == 0)) and (touche == 101)) { _root.code14 = touche; } else { _root.code11 = 0; _root.code12 = 0; _root.code13 = 0; _root.code14 = 0; } } onClipEvent (keyDown) { touche = Key.getAscii(); if ((_root.code21 == 0) and (touche == 97)) { _root.code21 = touche; } else if (((_root.code21 == 97) and (_root.code22 == 0)) and (touche == 105)) { _root.code22 = touche; } else if ((((_root.code21 == 97) and (_root.code22 == 105)) and (_root.code23 == 0)) and (touche == 117)) { _root.code23 = touche; } else if (((((_root.code21 == 97) and (_root.code22 == 105)) and (_root.code23 == 117)) and (_root.code24 == 0)) and (touche == 116)) { _root.code24 = touche; } else if ((((((_root.code21 == 97) and (_root.code22 == 105)) and (_root.code23 == 117)) and (_root.code24 == 116)) and (_root.code25 == 0)) and (touche == 111)) { _root.code25 = touche; } else { _root.code21 = 0; _root.code22 = 0; _root.code23 = 0; _root.code24 = 0; _root.code25 = 0; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if ((((((_root.code1 == 104) and (_root.code2 == 101)) and (_root.code3 == 108)) and (_root.code4 == 112)) and (_root.level == 25)) and (_root.sublevel1 == 0)) { _root.code = "Rub her buttocks, they are burning..."; } else if (((((((_root.code1 == 104) and (_root.code2 == 101)) and (_root.code3 == 108)) and (_root.code4 == 112)) and (_root.level == 25)) and (_root.sublevel1 == 1)) and (_root.sublevel2 == 0)) { _root.code = "Keep rubbing both her buttocks, it seems to turn her on..."; } else if (((((((_root.code1 == 104) and (_root.code2 == 101)) and (_root.code3 == 108)) and (_root.code4 == 112)) and (_root.level == 25)) and (_root.sublevel1 == 1)) and (_root.sublevel2 == 1)) { _root.code = "Continue to increase her pleasure level..."; } else if (((((_root.code1 == 104) and (_root.code2 == 101)) and (_root.code3 == 108)) and (_root.code4 == 112)) and (_root.level == 26)) { _root.code = "Well, we can resume the session... take the ruler on the desk ( near the pencils )..."; } else if ((((((_root.code11 == 97) and (_root.code12 == 105)) and (_root.code13 == 100)) and (_root.code14 == 101)) and (_root.level == 25)) and (_root.sublevel1 == 0)) { _root.code = "Frotte lui un peu les fesses, elles sont brulantes..."; } else if (((((((_root.code11 == 97) and (_root.code12 == 105)) and (_root.code13 == 100)) and (_root.code14 == 101)) and (_root.level == 25)) and (_root.sublevel1 == 1)) and (_root.sublevel2 == 0)) { _root.code = "Continue à lui frotter les fesses (les deux) ça a l'air de l'exciter..."; } else if (((((((_root.code11 == 97) and (_root.code12 == 105)) and (_root.code13 == 100)) and (_root.code14 == 101)) and (_root.level == 25)) and (_root.sublevel1 == 1)) and (_root.sublevel2 == 1)) { _root.code = "Continue, fais monter le niveau de son plaisir..."; } else if (((((_root.code11 == 97) and (_root.code12 == 105)) and (_root.code13 == 100)) and (_root.code14 == 101)) and (_root.level == 26)) { _root.code = "Bien, on peut reprendre la séance... prends la règle sur le bureau ( à coté des crayons )..."; } else if (((((((_root.code21 == 97) and (_root.code22 == 105)) and (_root.code23 == 117)) and (_root.code24 == 116)) and (_root.code25 == 111)) and (_root.level == 25)) and (_root.sublevel1 == 0)) { _root.code = "Strofina le sue natiche, stanno bruciando..."; } else if ((((((((_root.code21 == 97) and (_root.code22 == 105)) and (_root.code23 == 117)) and (_root.code24 == 116)) and (_root.code25 == 111)) and (_root.level == 25)) and (_root.sublevel1 == 1)) and (_root.sublevel2 == 0)) { _root.code = "COntinua a toccarle entrambe le natiche, sembra che la ecciti..."; } else if ((((((((_root.code21 == 97) and (_root.code22 == 105)) and (_root.code23 == 117)) and (_root.code24 == 116)) and (_root.code25 == 111)) and (_root.level == 25)) and (_root.sublevel1 == 1)) and (_root.sublevel2 == 1)) { _root.code = "Continua, aumenta il suo livello di piacere..."; } else if ((((((_root.code21 == 97) and (_root.code22 == 105)) and (_root.code23 == 117)) and (_root.code24 == 116)) and (_root.code25 == 111)) and (_root.level == 26)) { _root.code = "Ok, possiamo continuare... prendi il righello dalla scrivania (è vicino le penne)..."; } else { _root.code = ""; } }
Frame 1614
Instance of Symbol 16 MovieClip "fond" in Frame 1614
onClipEvent (load) { _root.maincaresse._x = _xmouse; _root.maincaresse._y = _ymouse;; } onClipEvent (mouseMove) { _root.maincaresse._x = _xmouse; _root.maincaresse._y = _ymouse; if (sens == 10) { _root.maincaresse.stop(); } else {; } } onClipEvent (load) { Xx = _root.epauled._x; Yy = _root.epauled._y; Ax = _root.epauled._x - (_root.epauled._width / 2); Ay = _root.epauled._y - (_root.epauled._height / 2); Bx = _root.epauled._x + (_root.epauled._width / 2); By = _root.epauled._y + (_root.epauled._height / 2); } onClipEvent (mouseMove) { finx = _xmouse; finy = _ymouse; if ((((finx < Ax) or (Bx < finx)) or (finy < Ay)) or (By < finy)) { sens = 10; } else if (((finx - debx) < 0) && ((finy - deby) < 0)) { sens = 1; } else if (((finx - debx) == 0) && ((finy - deby) < 0)) { sens = 2; } else if ((0 < (finx - debx)) && ((finy - deby) < 0)) { sens = 3; } else if (((finx - debx) < 0) && ((finy - deby) == 0)) { sens = 4; } else if (((finx - debx) == 0) && ((finy - deby) == 0)) { sens = 5; } else if ((0 < (finx - debx)) && ((finy - deby) == 0)) { sens = 6; } else if (((finx - debx) < 0) && (0 < (finy - deby))) { sens = 7; } else if (((finx - debx) == 0) && (0 < (finy - deby))) { sens = 8; } else if ((0 < (finx - debx)) && (0 < (finy - deby))) { sens = 9; } debx = finx; deby = finy; } onClipEvent (mouseMove) { if (sens == 1) { newx = Xx - 1; newy = Yy - 1; } else if (sens == 2) { newx = Xx; newy = Yy - 2; } else if (sens == 3) { newx = Xx + 1; newy = Yy - 1; } else if (sens == 4) { newx = Xx - 2; newy = Yy; } else if (sens == 5) { newx = Xx; newy = Yy; } else if (sens == 6) { newx = Xx + 2; newy = Yy; } else if (sens == 7) { newx = Xx - 1; newy = Yy + 1; } else if (sens == 8) { newx = Xx; newy = Yy + 2; } else if (sens == 9) { newx = Xx + 1; newy = Yy + 1; } else { newx = Xx; newy = Yy; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { _root.epauled._x = newx; _root.epauled._y = newy; } onClipEvent (mouseMove) { if ((sens != 10) and (_root.nivgirl < 100)) { _root.nivgirl = _root.nivgirl + 0.7; } else if ((sens != 10) and (_root.nivgirl < 150)) { _root.nivgirl = _root.nivgirl + 0.4; } else if ((sens != 10) and (_root.nivgirl < 180)) { _root.nivgirl = _root.nivgirl + 0.2; } if (((_root.sublevel1 == 1) and (_root.sublevel2 == 1)) and (80 < _root.nivgirl)) { _root.level = 26; } }
Instance of Symbol 234 MovieClip in Frame 1614
onClipEvent (load) { son = new Sound(); s = 0; s = random(3); if (s == 0) { son.attachSound("groan1"); } else if (s == 1) { son.attachSound("groan2"); } else if (s == 2) { son.attachSound("groan3"); } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if ((_root.t == 0) and (_root.sonok == 1)) { s = random(3); if (s == 0) { son.attachSound("groan1"); } else if (s == 1) { son.attachSound("groan2"); } else if (s == 2) { son.attachSound("groan3"); } son.stop(groan1); son.stop(groan2); son.stop(groan3); son.start(); _root.t = _root.t + 1; } else { _root.t = _root.t + 1; } if (20 < _root.t) { _root.t = 0; } }
Frame 1615
Instance of Symbol 16 MovieClip "fond" in Frame 1615
onClipEvent (load) { _root.maincaresse._x = _xmouse; _root.maincaresse._y = _ymouse;; } onClipEvent (mouseMove) { _root.maincaresse._x = _xmouse; _root.maincaresse._y = _ymouse; if (sens == 10) { _root.maincaresse.stop(); } else {; } } onClipEvent (load) { Xx = _root.epauled._x; Yy = _root.epauled._y; Ax = _root.epauled._x - (_root.epauled._width / 2); Ay = _root.epauled._y - (_root.epauled._height / 2); Bx = _root.epauled._x + (_root.epauled._width / 2); By = _root.epauled._y + (_root.epauled._height / 2); Zx = _root.bret2._x; } onClipEvent (mouseMove) { finx = _xmouse; finy = _ymouse; if ((((finx < Ax) or (Bx < finx)) or (finy < Ay)) or (By < finy)) { sens = 10; } else if (((finx - debx) < 0) && ((finy - deby) < 0)) { sens = 1; } else if (((finx - debx) == 0) && ((finy - deby) < 0)) { sens = 2; } else if ((0 < (finx - debx)) && ((finy - deby) < 0)) { sens = 3; } else if (((finx - debx) < 0) && ((finy - deby) == 0)) { sens = 4; } else if (((finx - debx) == 0) && ((finy - deby) == 0)) { sens = 5; } else if ((0 < (finx - debx)) && ((finy - deby) == 0)) { sens = 6; } else if (((finx - debx) < 0) && (0 < (finy - deby))) { sens = 7; } else if (((finx - debx) == 0) && (0 < (finy - deby))) { sens = 8; } else if ((0 < (finx - debx)) && (0 < (finy - deby))) { sens = 9; } debx = finx; deby = finy; } onClipEvent (mouseMove) { if (sens == 1) { newx = Xx - 1; newy = Yy - 1; _root.bret2._rotation = 4; newZx = Zx - 1; } else if (sens == 2) { newx = Xx; newy = Yy - 2; _root.bret2._rotation = 0; newZx = Zx; } else if (sens == 3) { newx = Xx + 1; newy = Yy - 1; _root.bret2._rotation = -4; newZx = Zx + 1; } else if (sens == 4) { newx = Xx - 2; newy = Yy; _root.bret2._rotation = 4; newZx = Zx - 1; } else if (sens == 5) { newx = Xx; newy = Yy; _root.bret2._rotation = 0; newZx = Zx; } else if (sens == 6) { newx = Xx + 2; newy = Yy; _root.bret2._rotation = -4; newZx = Zx + 1; } else if (sens == 7) { newx = Xx - 1; newy = Yy + 1; _root.bret2._rotation = 4; newZx = Zx - 1; } else if (sens == 8) { newx = Xx; newy = Yy + 2; _root.bret2._rotation = 0; newZx = Zx; } else if (sens == 9) { newx = Xx + 1; newy = Yy + 1; _root.bret2._rotation = -4; newZx = Zx + 1; } else { newx = Xx; newy = Yy; _root.bret2._rotation = 0; newZx = Zx; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { _root.epauled._x = newx; _root.epauled._y = newy; _root.bret2._x = newZx; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (sens == 10) { = false; _root.yf._visible = false; } else { = true; _root.yf._visible = true; } } onClipEvent (mouseMove) { if ((sens != 10) and (_root.nivgirl < 100)) { _root.nivgirl = _root.nivgirl + 0.7; } else if ((sens != 10) and (_root.nivgirl < 150)) { _root.nivgirl = _root.nivgirl + 0.4; } else if ((sens != 10) and (_root.nivgirl < 180)) { _root.nivgirl = _root.nivgirl + 0.2; } if (((_root.sublevel1 == 1) and (_root.sublevel2 == 1)) and (80 < _root.nivgirl)) { _root.level = 26; } }
Frame 1616
Frame 1617
_root.sonok = 1; t = 0; code1 = 0; code2 = 0; code3 = 0; code4 = 0; code11 = 0; code12 = 0; code13 = 0; code14 = 0; code21 = 0; code22 = 0; code23 = 0; code24 = 0; code25 = 0; _root.code = ""; _root.flamme._x = 362; stop(); if (_root.sublevel1 == 0) { _root.marqued1._visible = false; _root.marqued2._visible = false; _root.marqued3._visible = false; } if (_root.sublevel2 == 0) { _root.marqueg1._visible = false; _root.marqueg2._visible = false; _root.marqueg3._visible = false; } if (_root.sublevel1 == 1) { _root.marqued1._visible = true; } if (_root.sublevel1 == 2) { _root.marqued2._visible = true; } if (_root.sublevel1 == 3) { _root.marqued3._visible = true; } if (_root.sublevel2 == 1) { _root.marqueg1._visible = true; } if (_root.sublevel2 == 2) { _root.marqueg2._visible = true; } if (_root.sublevel2 == 3) { _root.marqueg3._visible = true; } if ((_root.sublevel1 == 3) and (_root.sublevel2 == 3)) { _root.level = 28; }
Instance of Symbol 16 MovieClip "fond" in Frame 1617
onClipEvent (load) { _root.maincaresse._x = _xmouse; _root.maincaresse._y = _ymouse; _root.maincaresse._rotation = 30; _root.maincaresse.stop(); } onClipEvent (mouseMove) { _root.maincaresse._x = _xmouse; _root.maincaresse._y = _ymouse; _root.maincaresse._rotation = 30; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { _root.maincaresse._x = _xmouse; _root.maincaresse._y = _ymouse; _root.maincaresse._rotation = 30; }
Instance of Symbol 186 MovieClip "gaugegirl" in Frame 1617
onClipEvent (load) { _root.gaugegirl._height = _root.nivgirl; _root.gaugegirl._y = ((200 - _root.nivgirl) + (_root.nivgirl / 2)) + 13; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (0 < _root.nivgirl) { _root.nivgirl = _root.nivgirl - 1; } _root.gaugegirl._height = _root.nivgirl; _root.gaugegirl._y = ((200 - _root.nivgirl) + (_root.nivgirl / 2)) + 13; }
Instance of Symbol 224 MovieClip in Frame 1617
onClipEvent (keyDown) { touche = Key.getAscii(); if ((_root.code1 == 0) and (touche == 104)) { _root.code1 = touche; } else if (((_root.code1 == 104) and (_root.code2 == 0)) and (touche == 101)) { _root.code2 = touche; } else if ((((_root.code1 == 104) and (_root.code2 == 101)) and (_root.code3 == 0)) and (touche == 108)) { _root.code3 = touche; } else if (((((_root.code1 == 104) and (_root.code2 == 101)) and (_root.code3 == 108)) and (_root.code4 == 0)) and (touche == 112)) { _root.code4 = touche; } else { _root.code1 = 0; _root.code2 = 0; _root.code3 = 0; _root.code4 = 0; } } onClipEvent (keyDown) { touche = Key.getAscii(); if ((_root.code11 == 0) and (touche == 97)) { _root.code11 = touche; } else if (((_root.code11 == 97) and (_root.code12 == 0)) and (touche == 105)) { _root.code12 = touche; } else if ((((_root.code11 == 97) and (_root.code12 == 105)) and (_root.code13 == 0)) and (touche == 100)) { _root.code13 = touche; } else if (((((_root.code11 == 97) and (_root.code12 == 105)) and (_root.code13 == 100)) and (_root.code14 == 0)) and (touche == 101)) { _root.code14 = touche; } else { _root.code11 = 0; _root.code12 = 0; _root.code13 = 0; _root.code14 = 0; } } onClipEvent (keyDown) { touche = Key.getAscii(); if ((_root.code21 == 0) and (touche == 97)) { _root.code21 = touche; } else if (((_root.code21 == 97) and (_root.code22 == 0)) and (touche == 105)) { _root.code22 = touche; } else if ((((_root.code21 == 97) and (_root.code22 == 105)) and (_root.code23 == 0)) and (touche == 117)) { _root.code23 = touche; } else if (((((_root.code21 == 97) and (_root.code22 == 105)) and (_root.code23 == 117)) and (_root.code24 == 0)) and (touche == 116)) { _root.code24 = touche; } else if ((((((_root.code21 == 97) and (_root.code22 == 105)) and (_root.code23 == 117)) and (_root.code24 == 116)) and (_root.code25 == 0)) and (touche == 111)) { _root.code25 = touche; } else { _root.code21 = 0; _root.code22 = 0; _root.code23 = 0; _root.code24 = 0; _root.code25 = 0; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (((((((_root.code1 == 104) and (_root.code2 == 101)) and (_root.code3 == 108)) and (_root.code4 == 112)) and (_root.level == 27)) and (_root.sublevel1 == 0)) and (_root.sublevel2 == 0)) { _root.code = "Just a light hit with the ruler, that seems to be what she likes..."; } else if ((((((_root.code1 == 104) and (_root.code2 == 101)) and (_root.code3 == 108)) and (_root.code4 == 112)) and (_root.level == 27)) and ((_root.sublevel1 != 0) or (_root.sublevel2 != 0))) { _root.code = "Continue, it is turning her on..."; } else if (((((((_root.code11 == 97) and (_root.code12 == 105)) and (_root.code13 == 100)) and (_root.code14 == 101)) and (_root.level == 27)) and (_root.sublevel1 == 0)) and (_root.sublevel2 == 0)) { _root.code = "Un petit coup de règle sur les fesses, puisqu'elle aime ça..."; } else if ((((((_root.code11 == 97) and (_root.code12 == 105)) and (_root.code13 == 100)) and (_root.code14 == 101)) and (_root.level == 27)) and ((_root.sublevel1 != 0) or (_root.sublevel2 != 0))) { _root.code = "Continu, ça l'excite ..."; } else if ((((((((_root.code21 == 97) and (_root.code22 == 105)) and (_root.code23 == 117)) and (_root.code24 == 116)) and (_root.code25 == 111)) and (_root.level == 27)) and (_root.sublevel1 == 0)) and (_root.sublevel2 == 0)) { _root.code = "Un piccolo colpo di righello sulle natiche, mi sa che le piace..."; } else if (((((((_root.code21 == 97) and (_root.code22 == 105)) and (_root.code23 == 117)) and (_root.code24 == 116)) and (_root.code25 == 111)) and (_root.level == 27)) and ((_root.sublevel1 != 0) or (_root.sublevel2 != 0))) { _root.code = "Continua, la eccita..."; } else { _root.code = ""; } }
Instance of Symbol 234 MovieClip in Frame 1621
onClipEvent (load) { son = new Sound(); s = 0; s = random(3); if (s == 0) { son.attachSound("spank1"); } else if (s == 1) { son.attachSound("spank2"); } else if (s == 2) { son.attachSound("spank3"); } } onClipEvent (load) { s = random(3); if (s == 0) { son.attachSound("spank1"); } else if (s == 1) { son.attachSound("spank2"); } else if (s == 2) { son.attachSound("spank3"); } son.stop("spank1"); son.stop("spank2"); son.stop("spank3"); son.start(); }
Frame 1623
if (_root.nivgirl < 100) { _root.nivgirl = _root.nivgirl + 20; } else if (_root.nivgirl < 150) { _root.nivgirl = _root.nivgirl + 10; }
Frame 1625
if (_root.level == 28) { gotoAndPlay (1627); } else { gotoAndStop (1617); }
Frame 1626
Frame 1627
_root.flamme._x = 362;
Instance of Symbol 16 MovieClip "fond" in Frame 1627
onClipEvent (load) { _root.maincaresse._x = _xmouse; _root.maincaresse._y = _ymouse; _root.maincaresse._rotation = 30; _root.maincaresse.stop(); } onClipEvent (mouseMove) { _root.maincaresse._x = _xmouse; _root.maincaresse._y = _ymouse; _root.maincaresse._rotation = 30; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { _root.maincaresse._x = _xmouse; _root.maincaresse._y = _ymouse; _root.maincaresse._rotation = 30; }
Instance of Symbol 186 MovieClip "gaugegirl" in Frame 1627
onClipEvent (load) { _root.gaugegirl._height = _root.nivgirl; _root.gaugegirl._y = ((200 - _root.nivgirl) + (_root.nivgirl / 2)) + 13; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (0 < _root.nivgirl) { _root.nivgirl = _root.nivgirl - 1; } _root.gaugegirl._height = _root.nivgirl; _root.gaugegirl._y = ((200 - _root.nivgirl) + (_root.nivgirl / 2)) + 13; }
Frame 1672
if (_root.langue == 1) { _root.texte = "whaouuu! mes fesses sont brulantes... !"; } else if (_root.langue == 0) { _root.texte = "Whaouuu! My buttocks are burning..."; } else if (_root.langue == 2) { _root.texte = "Ahi! Il mio sedere brucia..."; }
Frame 1701
stop(); _root.sublevel1 = 0; _root.sublevel2 = 0; _root.level = 29; gotoAndPlay (1493);
Frame 1702
Frame 1703
_root.sonok = 1; t = 0; code1 = 0; code2 = 0; code3 = 0; code4 = 0; code11 = 0; code12 = 0; code13 = 0; code14 = 0; code21 = 0; code22 = 0; code23 = 0; code24 = 0; code25 = 0; _root.code = ""; stop();
Instance of Symbol 16 MovieClip "fond" in Frame 1703
onClipEvent (load) { _root.maincaresse._x = _xmouse; _root.maincaresse._y = _ymouse; _root.maincaresse._rotation = 0; _root.maincaresse.stop(); } onClipEvent (mouseMove) { _root.maincaresse._x = _xmouse; _root.maincaresse._y = _ymouse; _root.maincaresse._rotation = 0; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (40 < _root.i) { _root.i = 0; _root.j = random(5); _root.k = random(2); } else { _root.i = _root.i + 1; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.j == 1) { _root.reg1._visible = true; _root.reg2._visible = false; _root.cligne._visible = false; } else if (_root.j == 2) { _root.reg1._visible = false; _root.reg2._visible = true; _root.cligne._visible = false; } else { _root.reg1._visible = false; _root.reg2._visible = false; _root.cligne._visible = false; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.i == 35) { _root.cligne._visible = true; } else { _root.cligne._visible = false; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.k == 0) { _root.bouchferm._visible = true; } else { _root.bouchferm._visible = false; } }
Instance of Symbol 186 MovieClip "gaugegirl" in Frame 1703
onClipEvent (load) { _root.gaugegirl._height = _root.nivgirl; _root.gaugegirl._y = ((200 - _root.nivgirl) + (_root.nivgirl / 2)) + 13; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (0 < _root.nivgirl) { _root.nivgirl = _root.nivgirl - 1; } _root.gaugegirl._height = _root.nivgirl; _root.gaugegirl._y = ((200 - _root.nivgirl) + (_root.nivgirl / 2)) + 13; }
Instance of Symbol 224 MovieClip in Frame 1703
onClipEvent (keyDown) { touche = Key.getAscii(); if ((_root.code1 == 0) and (touche == 104)) { _root.code1 = touche; } else if (((_root.code1 == 104) and (_root.code2 == 0)) and (touche == 101)) { _root.code2 = touche; } else if ((((_root.code1 == 104) and (_root.code2 == 101)) and (_root.code3 == 0)) and (touche == 108)) { _root.code3 = touche; } else if (((((_root.code1 == 104) and (_root.code2 == 101)) and (_root.code3 == 108)) and (_root.code4 == 0)) and (touche == 112)) { _root.code4 = touche; } else { _root.code1 = 0; _root.code2 = 0; _root.code3 = 0; _root.code4 = 0; } } onClipEvent (keyDown) { touche = Key.getAscii(); if ((_root.code11 == 0) and (touche == 97)) { _root.code11 = touche; } else if (((_root.code11 == 97) and (_root.code12 == 0)) and (touche == 105)) { _root.code12 = touche; } else if ((((_root.code11 == 97) and (_root.code12 == 105)) and (_root.code13 == 0)) and (touche == 100)) { _root.code13 = touche; } else if (((((_root.code11 == 97) and (_root.code12 == 105)) and (_root.code13 == 100)) and (_root.code14 == 0)) and (touche == 101)) { _root.code14 = touche; } else { _root.code11 = 0; _root.code12 = 0; _root.code13 = 0; _root.code14 = 0; } } onClipEvent (keyDown) { touche = Key.getAscii(); if ((_root.code21 == 0) and (touche == 97)) { _root.code21 = touche; } else if (((_root.code21 == 97) and (_root.code22 == 0)) and (touche == 105)) { _root.code22 = touche; } else if ((((_root.code21 == 97) and (_root.code22 == 105)) and (_root.code23 == 0)) and (touche == 117)) { _root.code23 = touche; } else if (((((_root.code21 == 97) and (_root.code22 == 105)) and (_root.code23 == 117)) and (_root.code24 == 0)) and (touche == 116)) { _root.code24 = touche; } else if ((((((_root.code21 == 97) and (_root.code22 == 105)) and (_root.code23 == 117)) and (_root.code24 == 116)) and (_root.code25 == 0)) and (touche == 111)) { _root.code25 = touche; } else { _root.code21 = 0; _root.code22 = 0; _root.code23 = 0; _root.code24 = 0; _root.code25 = 0; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if ((((((_root.code1 == 104) and (_root.code2 == 101)) and (_root.code3 == 108)) and (_root.code4 == 112)) and (_root.level == 29)) and (_root.sublevel1 == 0)) { _root.code = "Caress her breasts, it's always a good thing to do..."; } else if (((((((_root.code1 == 104) and (_root.code2 == 101)) and (_root.code3 == 108)) and (_root.code4 == 112)) and (_root.level == 29)) and (_root.sublevel1 == 1)) and (_root.sublevel2 == 0)) { _root.code = "You want her to spread her thighs? Caress her pussy and hope she will get the message..."; } else if (((((((_root.code1 == 104) and (_root.code2 == 101)) and (_root.code3 == 108)) and (_root.code4 == 112)) and (_root.level == 29)) and (_root.sublevel1 == 1)) and (_root.sublevel2 == 1)) { _root.code = "Increase her pleasure level, she is almost ready..."; } else if (((((_root.code1 == 104) and (_root.code2 == 101)) and (_root.code3 == 108)) and (_root.code4 == 112)) and (_root.level == 30)) { _root.code = "Just caress her sex a bit, and you will win..."; } else if ((((((_root.code11 == 97) and (_root.code12 == 105)) and (_root.code13 == 100)) and (_root.code14 == 101)) and (_root.level == 29)) and (_root.sublevel1 == 0)) { _root.code = "Caresse ses seins, ça marche toujours..."; } else if (((((((_root.code11 == 97) and (_root.code12 == 105)) and (_root.code13 == 100)) and (_root.code14 == 101)) and (_root.level == 29)) and (_root.sublevel1 == 1)) and (_root.sublevel2 == 0)) { _root.code = "Tu as envie qu'elle écarte les cuisses ? caresse son sexe, pour le lui faire comprendre..."; } else if (((((((_root.code11 == 97) and (_root.code12 == 105)) and (_root.code13 == 100)) and (_root.code14 == 101)) and (_root.level == 29)) and (_root.sublevel1 == 1)) and (_root.sublevel2 == 1)) { _root.code = "Fais monter le niveau de son plaisir, elle est prête..."; } else if (((((_root.code11 == 97) and (_root.code12 == 105)) and (_root.code13 == 100)) and (_root.code14 == 101)) and (_root.level == 30)) { _root.code = "une petite caresse sur son sexe et c'est gagné..."; } else if (((((((_root.code21 == 97) and (_root.code22 == 105)) and (_root.code23 == 117)) and (_root.code24 == 116)) and (_root.code25 == 111)) and (_root.level == 29)) and (_root.sublevel1 == 0)) { _root.code = "Accarezza il suo seno, è sempre una cosa buona e giusta..."; } else if ((((((((_root.code21 == 97) and (_root.code22 == 105)) and (_root.code23 == 117)) and (_root.code24 == 116)) and (_root.code25 == 111)) and (_root.level == 29)) and (_root.sublevel1 == 1)) and (_root.sublevel2 == 0)) { _root.code = "Vuoi che allarghi le cosce? Accarezza la sua vagina, così capirà..."; } else if ((((((((_root.code21 == 97) and (_root.code22 == 105)) and (_root.code23 == 117)) and (_root.code24 == 116)) and (_root.code25 == 111)) and (_root.level == 29)) and (_root.sublevel1 == 1)) and (_root.sublevel2 == 1)) { _root.code = "Fai aumentare il suo livello di piacere, è pronta..."; } else if ((((((_root.code21 == 97) and (_root.code22 == 105)) and (_root.code23 == 117)) and (_root.code24 == 116)) and (_root.code25 == 111)) and (_root.level == 30)) { _root.code = "Una piccola carezza si genitali e avrai vinto..."; } else { _root.code = ""; } }
Frame 1704
Instance of Symbol 16 MovieClip "fond" in Frame 1704
onClipEvent (load) { _root.maincaresse._x = _xmouse; _root.maincaresse._y = _ymouse;; } onClipEvent (mouseMove) { _root.maincaresse._x = _xmouse; _root.maincaresse._y = _ymouse; if (sens == 10) { _root.maincaresse.stop(); } else {; } } onClipEvent (load) { Xx = _root.epauled._x; Yy = _root.epauled._y; Ax = _root.epauled._x - (_root.epauled._width / 2); Ay = _root.epauled._y - (_root.epauled._height / 2); Bx = _root.epauled._x + (_root.epauled._width / 2); By = _root.epauled._y + (_root.epauled._height / 2); } onClipEvent (mouseMove) { finx = _xmouse; finy = _ymouse; if ((((finx < Ax) or (Bx < finx)) or (finy < Ay)) or (By < finy)) { sens = 10; } else if (((finx - debx) < 0) && ((finy - deby) < 0)) { sens = 1; } else if (((finx - debx) == 0) && ((finy - deby) < 0)) { sens = 2; } else if ((0 < (finx - debx)) && ((finy - deby) < 0)) { sens = 3; } else if (((finx - debx) < 0) && ((finy - deby) == 0)) { sens = 4; } else if (((finx - debx) == 0) && ((finy - deby) == 0)) { sens = 5; } else if ((0 < (finx - debx)) && ((finy - deby) == 0)) { sens = 6; } else if (((finx - debx) < 0) && (0 < (finy - deby))) { sens = 7; } else if (((finx - debx) == 0) && (0 < (finy - deby))) { sens = 8; } else if ((0 < (finx - debx)) && (0 < (finy - deby))) { sens = 9; } debx = finx; deby = finy; } onClipEvent (mouseMove) { if (sens == 1) { newx = Xx - 1; newy = Yy - 1; } else if (sens == 2) { newx = Xx; newy = Yy - 2; } else if (sens == 3) { newx = Xx + 1; newy = Yy - 1; } else if (sens == 4) { newx = Xx - 2; newy = Yy; } else if (sens == 5) { newx = Xx; newy = Yy; } else if (sens == 6) { newx = Xx + 2; newy = Yy; } else if (sens == 7) { newx = Xx - 1; newy = Yy + 1; } else if (sens == 8) { newx = Xx; newy = Yy + 2; } else if (sens == 9) { newx = Xx + 1; newy = Yy + 1; } else { newx = Xx; newy = Yy; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { _root.epauled._x = newx; _root.epauled._y = newy; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (sens == 10) { = false; _root.yf._visible = false; } else { = true; _root.yf._visible = true; } } onClipEvent (mouseMove) { if ((sens != 10) and (_root.nivgirl < 100)) { _root.nivgirl = _root.nivgirl + 0.7; } else if ((sens != 10) and (_root.nivgirl < 150)) { _root.nivgirl = _root.nivgirl + 0.4; } else if ((sens != 10) and (_root.nivgirl < 180)) { _root.nivgirl = _root.nivgirl + 0.2; } if (((_root.sublevel1 == 1) and (_root.sublevel2 == 1)) and (80 < _root.nivgirl)) { _root.level = 30; } }
Instance of Symbol 234 MovieClip in Frame 1704
onClipEvent (load) { son = new Sound(); s = 0; s = random(3); if (s == 0) { son.attachSound("groan1"); } else if (s == 1) { son.attachSound("groan2"); } else if (s == 2) { son.attachSound("groan3"); } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if ((_root.t == 0) and (_root.sonok == 1)) { s = random(3); if (s == 0) { son.attachSound("groan1"); } else if (s == 1) { son.attachSound("groan2"); } else if (s == 2) { son.attachSound("groan3"); } son.stop("groan1"); son.stop("groan2"); son.stop("groan3"); son.start(); _root.t = _root.t + 1; } else { _root.t = _root.t + 1; } if (20 < _root.t) { _root.t = 0; } }
Frame 1705
Frame 1706
Instance of Symbol 16 MovieClip "fond" in Frame 1706
onClipEvent (load) { _root.maincaresse._x = _xmouse; _root.maincaresse._y = _ymouse;; } onClipEvent (mouseMove) { _root.maincaresse._x = _xmouse; _root.maincaresse._y = _ymouse; if (sens == 10) { _root.maincaresse.stop(); } else {; } } onClipEvent (load) { Xx = _root.pussy._x; Yy = _root.pussy._y; Ax = _root.epauled._x - (_root.epauled._width / 2); Ay = _root.epauled._y - (_root.epauled._height / 2); Bx = _root.epauled._x + (_root.epauled._width / 2); By = _root.epauled._y + (_root.epauled._height / 2); } onClipEvent (mouseMove) { finx = _xmouse; finy = _ymouse; if ((((finx < Ax) or (Bx < finx)) or (finy < Ay)) or (By < finy)) { sens = 10; } else if (((finx - debx) < 0) && ((finy - deby) < 0)) { sens = 1; } else if (((finx - debx) == 0) && ((finy - deby) < 0)) { sens = 2; } else if ((0 < (finx - debx)) && ((finy - deby) < 0)) { sens = 3; } else if (((finx - debx) < 0) && ((finy - deby) == 0)) { sens = 4; } else if (((finx - debx) == 0) && ((finy - deby) == 0)) { sens = 5; } else if ((0 < (finx - debx)) && ((finy - deby) == 0)) { sens = 6; } else if (((finx - debx) < 0) && (0 < (finy - deby))) { sens = 7; } else if (((finx - debx) == 0) && (0 < (finy - deby))) { sens = 8; } else if ((0 < (finx - debx)) && (0 < (finy - deby))) { sens = 9; } debx = finx; deby = finy; } onClipEvent (mouseMove) { if (sens == 1) { newx = Xx - 0.5; newy = Yy - 0.5; } else if (sens == 2) { newx = Xx; newy = Yy - 1; } else if (sens == 3) { newx = Xx + 0.5; newy = Yy - 0.5; } else if (sens == 4) { newx = Xx - 1; newy = Yy; } else if (sens == 5) { newx = Xx; newy = Yy; } else if (sens == 6) { newx = Xx + 1; newy = Yy; } else if (sens == 7) { newx = Xx - 0.5; newy = Yy + 0.5; } else if (sens == 8) { newx = Xx; newy = Yy + 1; } else if (sens == 9) { newx = Xx + 0.5; newy = Yy + 0.5; } else { newx = Xx; newy = Yy; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { _root.pussy._x = newx; _root.pussy._y = newy; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (sens == 10) { = false; _root.yf._visible = false; } else { = true; _root.yf._visible = true; } } onClipEvent (mouseMove) { if ((sens != 10) and (_root.nivgirl < 100)) { _root.nivgirl = _root.nivgirl + 0.7; } else if ((sens != 10) and (_root.nivgirl < 150)) { _root.nivgirl = _root.nivgirl + 0.4; } else if ((sens != 10) and (_root.nivgirl < 180)) { _root.nivgirl = _root.nivgirl + 0.2; } if (((_root.sublevel1 == 1) and (_root.sublevel2 == 1)) and (80 < _root.nivgirl)) { _root.level = 30; } }
Frame 1707
Instance of Symbol 16 MovieClip "fond" in Frame 1708
onClipEvent (load) { _root.maincaresse._x = _xmouse; _root.maincaresse._y = _ymouse; _root.maincaresse._rotation = 0; _root.maincaresse.stop(); } onClipEvent (mouseMove) { _root.maincaresse._x = _xmouse; _root.maincaresse._y = _ymouse; _root.maincaresse._rotation = 0; }
Instance of Symbol 186 MovieClip "gaugegirl" in Frame 1708
onClipEvent (load) { _root.gaugegirl._height = _root.nivgirl; _root.gaugegirl._y = ((200 - _root.nivgirl) + (_root.nivgirl / 2)) + 13; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (0 < _root.nivgirl) { _root.nivgirl = _root.nivgirl - 1; } _root.gaugegirl._height = _root.nivgirl; _root.gaugegirl._y = ((200 - _root.nivgirl) + (_root.nivgirl / 2)) + 13; }
Frame 1722
stop(); _root.level = 31; _root.sublevel1 = 0; _root.sublevel2 = 0; gotoAndStop (1724);
Frame 1723
Frame 1724
_root.sonok = 1; t = 0; code1 = 0; code2 = 0; code3 = 0; code4 = 0; code11 = 0; code12 = 0; code13 = 0; code14 = 0; code21 = 0; code22 = 0; code23 = 0; code24 = 0; code25 = 0; _root.code = ""; stop();
Instance of Symbol 16 MovieClip "fond" in Frame 1724
onClipEvent (load) { _root.maincaresse._x = _xmouse; _root.maincaresse._y = _ymouse; _root.maincaresse._rotation = 0; _root.maincaresse.stop(); } onClipEvent (mouseMove) { _root.maincaresse._x = _xmouse; _root.maincaresse._y = _ymouse; _root.maincaresse._rotation = 0; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (40 < _root.i) { _root.i = 0; _root.j = random(5); _root.k = random(2); } else { _root.i = _root.i + 1; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.j == 1) { _root.reg1._visible = true; _root.reg2._visible = false; _root.cligne._visible = false; } else if (_root.j == 2) { _root.reg1._visible = false; _root.reg2._visible = true; _root.cligne._visible = false; } else { _root.reg1._visible = false; _root.reg2._visible = false; _root.cligne._visible = false; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.i == 35) { _root.cligne._visible = true; } else { _root.cligne._visible = false; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.k == 0) { _root.bouchferm._visible = true; } else { _root.bouchferm._visible = false; } }
Instance of Symbol 186 MovieClip "gaugegirl" in Frame 1724
onClipEvent (load) { _root.gaugegirl._height = _root.nivgirl; _root.gaugegirl._y = ((200 - _root.nivgirl) + (_root.nivgirl / 2)) + 13; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (0 < _root.nivgirl) { _root.nivgirl = _root.nivgirl - 1; } _root.gaugegirl._height = _root.nivgirl; _root.gaugegirl._y = ((200 - _root.nivgirl) + (_root.nivgirl / 2)) + 13; }
Instance of Symbol 224 MovieClip in Frame 1724
onClipEvent (keyDown) { touche = Key.getAscii(); if ((_root.code1 == 0) and (touche == 104)) { _root.code1 = touche; } else if (((_root.code1 == 104) and (_root.code2 == 0)) and (touche == 101)) { _root.code2 = touche; } else if ((((_root.code1 == 104) and (_root.code2 == 101)) and (_root.code3 == 0)) and (touche == 108)) { _root.code3 = touche; } else if (((((_root.code1 == 104) and (_root.code2 == 101)) and (_root.code3 == 108)) and (_root.code4 == 0)) and (touche == 112)) { _root.code4 = touche; } else { _root.code1 = 0; _root.code2 = 0; _root.code3 = 0; _root.code4 = 0; } } onClipEvent (keyDown) { touche = Key.getAscii(); if ((_root.code11 == 0) and (touche == 97)) { _root.code11 = touche; } else if (((_root.code11 == 97) and (_root.code12 == 0)) and (touche == 105)) { _root.code12 = touche; } else if ((((_root.code11 == 97) and (_root.code12 == 105)) and (_root.code13 == 0)) and (touche == 100)) { _root.code13 = touche; } else if (((((_root.code11 == 97) and (_root.code12 == 105)) and (_root.code13 == 100)) and (_root.code14 == 0)) and (touche == 101)) { _root.code14 = touche; } else { _root.code11 = 0; _root.code12 = 0; _root.code13 = 0; _root.code14 = 0; } } onClipEvent (keyDown) { touche = Key.getAscii(); if ((_root.code21 == 0) and (touche == 97)) { _root.code21 = touche; } else if (((_root.code21 == 97) and (_root.code22 == 0)) and (touche == 105)) { _root.code22 = touche; } else if ((((_root.code21 == 97) and (_root.code22 == 105)) and (_root.code23 == 0)) and (touche == 117)) { _root.code23 = touche; } else if (((((_root.code21 == 97) and (_root.code22 == 105)) and (_root.code23 == 117)) and (_root.code24 == 0)) and (touche == 116)) { _root.code24 = touche; } else if ((((((_root.code21 == 97) and (_root.code22 == 105)) and (_root.code23 == 117)) and (_root.code24 == 116)) and (_root.code25 == 0)) and (touche == 111)) { _root.code25 = touche; } else { _root.code21 = 0; _root.code22 = 0; _root.code23 = 0; _root.code24 = 0; _root.code25 = 0; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if ((((((_root.code1 == 104) and (_root.code2 == 101)) and (_root.code3 == 108)) and (_root.code4 == 112)) and (_root.level == 31)) and (_root.sublevel1 == 0)) { _root.code = "Caress her breasts, it's always a good thing to do..."; } else if (((((((_root.code1 == 104) and (_root.code2 == 101)) and (_root.code3 == 108)) and (_root.code4 == 112)) and (_root.level == 31)) and (_root.sublevel1 == 1)) and (_root.sublevel2 == 0)) { _root.code = "She offers you her ardent sex, you have dreamed to put your fingers inside, so do it!"; } else if (((((((_root.code1 == 104) and (_root.code2 == 101)) and (_root.code3 == 108)) and (_root.code4 == 112)) and (_root.level == 31)) and (_root.sublevel1 == 1)) and (_root.sublevel2 == 1)) { _root.code = "Use your fingers to increase her desire..."; } else if (((((_root.code1 == 104) and (_root.code2 == 101)) and (_root.code3 == 108)) and (_root.code4 == 112)) and (_root.level == 32)) { _root.code = "Use your fingers to increase her desire..."; } else if ((((((_root.code11 == 97) and (_root.code12 == 105)) and (_root.code13 == 100)) and (_root.code14 == 101)) and (_root.level == 31)) and (_root.sublevel1 == 0)) { _root.code = "Caresse ses seins, ça marche toujours..."; } else if (((((((_root.code11 == 97) and (_root.code12 == 105)) and (_root.code13 == 100)) and (_root.code14 == 101)) and (_root.level == 31)) and (_root.sublevel1 == 1)) and (_root.sublevel2 == 0)) { _root.code = "Elle t'offre son sexe brulant, tu rève d'y enfoncer tes doigts... alors vas-y..."; } else if (((((((_root.code11 == 97) and (_root.code12 == 105)) and (_root.code13 == 100)) and (_root.code14 == 101)) and (_root.level == 31)) and (_root.sublevel1 == 1)) and (_root.sublevel2 == 1)) { _root.code = "Allez, donne lui du plaisirs, utilise tes doigts et fais monter son désir..."; } else if (((((_root.code11 == 97) and (_root.code12 == 105)) and (_root.code13 == 100)) and (_root.code14 == 101)) and (_root.level == 32)) { _root.code = "Allez, donne lui du plaisirs, utilise tes doigts et fais monter son désir..."; } else if (((((((_root.code21 == 97) and (_root.code22 == 105)) and (_root.code23 == 117)) and (_root.code24 == 116)) and (_root.code25 == 111)) and (_root.level == 31)) and (_root.sublevel1 == 0)) { _root.code = "Accarezza il suo seno, è sempre una cosa buona e giusta..."; } else if ((((((((_root.code21 == 97) and (_root.code22 == 105)) and (_root.code23 == 117)) and (_root.code24 == 116)) and (_root.code25 == 111)) and (_root.level == 31)) and (_root.sublevel1 == 1)) and (_root.sublevel2 == 0)) { _root.code = "Ti offre di far sesso, sogni di mettere le tue dita dentro di lei... Comincia..."; } else if ((((((((_root.code21 == 97) and (_root.code22 == 105)) and (_root.code23 == 117)) and (_root.code24 == 116)) and (_root.code25 == 111)) and (_root.level == 31)) and (_root.sublevel1 == 1)) and (_root.sublevel2 == 1)) { _root.code = "Dài piacere alla ragazzza, usa le tue dita e fai accrescere il suo desiderio..."; } else if ((((((_root.code21 == 97) and (_root.code22 == 105)) and (_root.code23 == 117)) and (_root.code24 == 116)) and (_root.code25 == 111)) and (_root.level == 32)) { _root.code = "Dài piacere alla ragazzza, usa le tue dita e fai accrescere il suo desiderio..."; } else { _root.code = ""; } }
Frame 1725
Instance of Symbol 16 MovieClip "fond" in Frame 1725
onClipEvent (load) { _root.maincaresse._x = _xmouse; _root.maincaresse._y = _ymouse;; } onClipEvent (mouseMove) { _root.maincaresse._x = _xmouse; _root.maincaresse._y = _ymouse; if (sens == 10) { _root.maincaresse.stop(); } else {; } } onClipEvent (load) { Xx = _root.epauled._x; Yy = _root.epauled._y; Ax = _root.epauled._x - (_root.epauled._width / 2); Ay = _root.epauled._y - (_root.epauled._height / 2); Bx = _root.epauled._x + (_root.epauled._width / 2); By = _root.epauled._y + (_root.epauled._height / 2); } onClipEvent (mouseMove) { finx = _xmouse; finy = _ymouse; if ((((finx < Ax) or (Bx < finx)) or (finy < Ay)) or (By < finy)) { sens = 10; } else if (((finx - debx) < 0) && ((finy - deby) < 0)) { sens = 1; } else if (((finx - debx) == 0) && ((finy - deby) < 0)) { sens = 2; } else if ((0 < (finx - debx)) && ((finy - deby) < 0)) { sens = 3; } else if (((finx - debx) < 0) && ((finy - deby) == 0)) { sens = 4; } else if (((finx - debx) == 0) && ((finy - deby) == 0)) { sens = 5; } else if ((0 < (finx - debx)) && ((finy - deby) == 0)) { sens = 6; } else if (((finx - debx) < 0) && (0 < (finy - deby))) { sens = 7; } else if (((finx - debx) == 0) && (0 < (finy - deby))) { sens = 8; } else if ((0 < (finx - debx)) && (0 < (finy - deby))) { sens = 9; } debx = finx; deby = finy; } onClipEvent (mouseMove) { if (sens == 1) { newx = Xx - 1; newy = Yy - 1; } else if (sens == 2) { newx = Xx; newy = Yy - 2; } else if (sens == 3) { newx = Xx + 1; newy = Yy - 1; } else if (sens == 4) { newx = Xx - 2; newy = Yy; } else if (sens == 5) { newx = Xx; newy = Yy; } else if (sens == 6) { newx = Xx + 2; newy = Yy; } else if (sens == 7) { newx = Xx - 1; newy = Yy + 1; } else if (sens == 8) { newx = Xx; newy = Yy + 2; } else if (sens == 9) { newx = Xx + 1; newy = Yy + 1; } else { newx = Xx; newy = Yy; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { _root.epauled._x = newx; _root.epauled._y = newy; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (sens == 10) { = false; _root.yf._visible = false; } else { = true; _root.yf._visible = true; } } onClipEvent (mouseMove) { if ((sens != 10) and (_root.nivgirl < 100)) { _root.nivgirl = _root.nivgirl + 0.7; } else if ((sens != 10) and (_root.nivgirl < 150)) { _root.nivgirl = _root.nivgirl + 0.4; } else if ((sens != 10) and (_root.nivgirl < 180)) { _root.nivgirl = _root.nivgirl + 0.2; } if ((_root.sublevel1 == 1) and (_root.sublevel2 == 1)) { _root.level = 32; } }
Instance of Symbol 234 MovieClip in Frame 1725
onClipEvent (load) { son = new Sound(); s = 0; s = random(3); if (s == 0) { son.attachSound("groan1"); } else if (s == 1) { son.attachSound("groan2"); } else if (s == 2) { son.attachSound("groan3"); } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if ((_root.t == 0) and (_root.sonok == 1)) { s = random(3); if (s == 0) { son.attachSound("groan1"); } else if (s == 1) { son.attachSound("groan2"); } else if (s == 2) { son.attachSound("groan3"); } son.stop("groan1"); son.stop("groan2"); son.stop("groan3"); son.start(); _root.t = _root.t + 1; } else { _root.t = _root.t + 1; } if (20 < _root.t) { _root.t = 0; } }
Frame 1726
Frame 1727
Instance of Symbol 16 MovieClip "fond" in Frame 1727
onClipEvent (load) { _root.maincaresse._x = _xmouse; _root.maincaresse._y = _ymouse;; } onClipEvent (mouseMove) { if (((297 < _xmouse) and (_xmouse < 317)) and (sens == 1)) { _root.maincaresse._x = 317; } else if (((297 < _xmouse) and (_xmouse < 317)) and (sens == 2)) { _root.maincaresse._x = 319; } else if (((297 < _xmouse) and (_xmouse < 317)) and (sens == 3)) { _root.maincaresse._x = 321; } else if (((297 < _xmouse) and (_xmouse < 317)) and (sens == 4)) { _root.maincaresse._x = 317; } else if (((297 < _xmouse) and (_xmouse < 317)) and (sens == 5)) { _root.maincaresse._x = 319; } else if (((297 < _xmouse) and (_xmouse < 317)) and (sens == 6)) { _root.maincaresse._x = 321; } else if (((297 < _xmouse) and (_xmouse < 317)) and (sens == 7)) { _root.maincaresse._x = 317; } else if (((297 < _xmouse) and (_xmouse < 317)) and (sens == 8)) { _root.maincaresse._x = 319; } else if (((297 < _xmouse) and (_xmouse < 317)) and (sens == 9)) { _root.maincaresse._x = 321; } else if (((321 < _xmouse) and (_xmouse < 341)) and (sens == 1)) { _root.maincaresse._x = 317; } else if (((321 < _xmouse) and (_xmouse < 341)) and (sens == 2)) { _root.maincaresse._x = 319; } else if (((321 < _xmouse) and (_xmouse < 341)) and (sens == 3)) { _root.maincaresse._x = 321; } else if (((321 < _xmouse) and (_xmouse < 341)) and (sens == 4)) { _root.maincaresse._x = 317; } else if (((321 < _xmouse) and (_xmouse < 341)) and (sens == 5)) { _root.maincaresse._x = 319; } else if (((321 < _xmouse) and (_xmouse < 341)) and (sens == 6)) { _root.maincaresse._x = 321; } else if (((321 < _xmouse) and (_xmouse < 341)) and (sens == 7)) { _root.maincaresse._x = 317; } else if (((321 < _xmouse) and (_xmouse < 341)) and (sens == 8)) { _root.maincaresse._x = 319; } else if (((321 < _xmouse) and (_xmouse < 341)) and (sens == 9)) { _root.maincaresse._x = 321; } else { _root.maincaresse._x = _xmouse; } if ((_ymouse < 375) and (355 < _ymouse)) { _root.maincaresse._y = 375; } else { _root.maincaresse._y = _ymouse; } } onClipEvent (load) { lip1x = _root.lip1._x; lip1w = _root.lip1._width; lip2x = _root.lip2._x; lip2w = _root.lip2._width; lip3x = _root.lip3._x; lip3w = _root.lip3._width; lip4x = _root.lip4._x; lip4w = _root.lip4._width; Ax = 298; Ay = 356; Bx = 340; By = 390; } onClipEvent (mouseMove) { finx = _xmouse; finy = _ymouse; if ((((finx < Ax) or (Bx < finx)) or (finy < Ay)) or (By < finy)) { sens = 10; } else if (((finx - debx) < 0) && ((finy - deby) < 0)) { sens = 1; } else if (((finx - debx) == 0) && ((finy - deby) < 0)) { sens = 2; } else if ((0 < (finx - debx)) && ((finy - deby) < 0)) { sens = 3; } else if (((finx - debx) < 0) && ((finy - deby) == 0)) { sens = 4; } else if (((finx - debx) == 0) && ((finy - deby) == 0)) { sens = 5; } else if ((0 < (finx - debx)) && ((finy - deby) == 0)) { sens = 6; } else if (((finx - debx) < 0) && (0 < (finy - deby))) { sens = 7; } else if (((finx - debx) == 0) && (0 < (finy - deby))) { sens = 8; } else if ((0 < (finx - debx)) && (0 < (finy - deby))) { sens = 9; } debx = finx; deby = finy; } onClipEvent (mouseMove) { if (sens == 1) { _root.lip1._x = lip1x - 0.5; _root.lip1._width = lip1w + 0.5; _root.lip2._x = lip2x; _root.lip2._width = lip2w; _root.lip3._x = lip3x - 0.5; _root.lip3._width = lip3w + 0.5; _root.lip4._x = lip4x; _root.lip4._width = lip4w; } else if (sens == 3) { _root.lip1._x = lip1x; _root.lip1._width = lip1w; _root.lip2._x = lip2x + 0.5; _root.lip2._width = lip2w + 0.5; _root.lip3._x = lip3x; _root.lip3._width = lip3w; _root.lip4._x = lip4x + 0.5; _root.lip4._width = lip4w + 0.5; } else if (sens == 4) { _root.lip1._x = lip1x - 1; _root.lip1._width = lip1w + 1; _root.lip2._x = lip2x; _root.lip2._width = lip2w; _root.lip3._x = lip3x - 1; _root.lip3._width = lip3w + 1; _root.lip4._x = lip4x; _root.lip4._width = lip4w; } else if (sens == 6) { _root.lip1._x = lip1x; _root.lip1._width = lip1w; _root.lip2._x = lip2x + 1; _root.lip2._width = lip2w + 1; _root.lip3._x = lip3x; _root.lip3._width = lip3w; _root.lip4._x = lip4x + 1; _root.lip4._width = lip4w + 1; } else if (sens == 7) { _root.lip1._x = lip1x - 0.5; _root.lip1._width = lip1w + 0.5; _root.lip2._x = lip2x; _root.lip2._width = lip2w; _root.lip3._x = lip3x - 0.5; _root.lip3._width = lip3w + 0.5; _root.lip4._x = lip4x; _root.lip4._width = lip4w; } else if (sens == 9) { _root.lip1._x = lip1x; _root.lip1._width = lip1w; _root.lip2._x = lip2x + 0.5; _root.lip2._width = lip2w + 0.5; _root.lip3._x = lip3x; _root.lip3._width = lip3w; _root.lip4._x = lip4x + 0.5; _root.lip4._width = lip4w + 0.5; } else { _root.lip1._x = lip1x; _root.lip1._width = lip1w; _root.lip2._x = lip2x; _root.lip2._width = lip2w; _root.lip3._x = lip3x; _root.lip3._width = lip3w; _root.lip4._x = lip4x; _root.lip4._width = lip4w; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (sens == 10) { _root.cache1._visible = false; _root.cache2._visible = false; _root.cache3._visible = false; _root.cache4._visible = false; _root.cache5._visible = false; _root.cache6._visible = false; _root.lip3._visible = false; _root.lip4._visible = false; } else { _root.cache1._visible = true; _root.cache2._visible = true; _root.cache3._visible = true; _root.cache4._visible = true; _root.cache5._visible = true; _root.cache6._visible = true; _root.lip3._visible = true; _root.lip4._visible = true; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (sens == 10) { = false; _root.yf._visible = false; } else { = true; _root.yf._visible = true; } } onClipEvent (mouseMove) { if ((sens != 10) and (_root.nivgirl < 100)) { _root.nivgirl = _root.nivgirl + 0.7; } else if ((sens != 10) and (_root.nivgirl < 150)) { _root.nivgirl = _root.nivgirl + 0.4; } else if ((sens != 10) and (_root.nivgirl < 180)) { _root.nivgirl = _root.nivgirl + 0.2; } if ((_root.sublevel1 == 1) and (_root.sublevel2 == 1)) { _root.level = 32; } }
Frame 1728
Frame 1729
code1 = 0; code2 = 0; code3 = 0; code4 = 0; code11 = 0; code12 = 0; code13 = 0; code14 = 0; code21 = 0; code22 = 0; code23 = 0; code24 = 0; code25 = 0; _root.code = "";
Instance of Symbol 16 MovieClip "fond" in Frame 1729
onClipEvent (load) { _root.maincaresse._x = _xmouse; _root.maincaresse._y = _ymouse; _root.maincaresse._rotation = 0; _root.maincaresse.stop(); } onClipEvent (mouseMove) { _root.maincaresse._x = _xmouse; _root.maincaresse._y = _ymouse; _root.maincaresse._rotation = 0; }
Instance of Symbol 186 MovieClip "gaugegirl" in Frame 1729
onClipEvent (load) { _root.gaugegirl._height = _root.nivgirl; _root.gaugegirl._y = ((200 - _root.nivgirl) + (_root.nivgirl / 2)) + 13; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (0 < _root.nivgirl) { _root.nivgirl = _root.nivgirl - 1; } _root.gaugegirl._height = _root.nivgirl; _root.gaugegirl._y = ((200 - _root.nivgirl) + (_root.nivgirl / 2)) + 13; }
Instance of Symbol 224 MovieClip in Frame 1729
onClipEvent (keyDown) { touche = Key.getAscii(); if ((_root.code1 == 0) and (touche == 104)) { _root.code1 = touche; } else if (((_root.code1 == 104) and (_root.code2 == 0)) and (touche == 101)) { _root.code2 = touche; } else if ((((_root.code1 == 104) and (_root.code2 == 101)) and (_root.code3 == 0)) and (touche == 108)) { _root.code3 = touche; } else if (((((_root.code1 == 104) and (_root.code2 == 101)) and (_root.code3 == 108)) and (_root.code4 == 0)) and (touche == 112)) { _root.code4 = touche; } else { _root.code1 = 0; _root.code2 = 0; _root.code3 = 0; _root.code4 = 0; } } onClipEvent (keyDown) { touche = Key.getAscii(); if ((_root.code11 == 0) and (touche == 97)) { _root.code11 = touche; } else if (((_root.code11 == 97) and (_root.code12 == 0)) and (touche == 105)) { _root.code12 = touche; } else if ((((_root.code11 == 97) and (_root.code12 == 105)) and (_root.code13 == 0)) and (touche == 100)) { _root.code13 = touche; } else if (((((_root.code11 == 97) and (_root.code12 == 105)) and (_root.code13 == 100)) and (_root.code14 == 0)) and (touche == 101)) { _root.code14 = touche; } else { _root.code11 = 0; _root.code12 = 0; _root.code13 = 0; _root.code14 = 0; } } onClipEvent (keyDown) { touche = Key.getAscii(); if ((_root.code21 == 0) and (touche == 97)) { _root.code21 = touche; } else if (((_root.code21 == 97) and (_root.code22 == 0)) and (touche == 105)) { _root.code22 = touche; } else if ((((_root.code21 == 97) and (_root.code22 == 105)) and (_root.code23 == 0)) and (touche == 117)) { _root.code23 = touche; } else if (((((_root.code21 == 97) and (_root.code22 == 105)) and (_root.code23 == 117)) and (_root.code24 == 0)) and (touche == 116)) { _root.code24 = touche; } else if ((((((_root.code21 == 97) and (_root.code22 == 105)) and (_root.code23 == 117)) and (_root.code24 == 116)) and (_root.code25 == 0)) and (touche == 111)) { _root.code25 = touche; } else { _root.code21 = 0; _root.code22 = 0; _root.code23 = 0; _root.code24 = 0; _root.code25 = 0; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (((((_root.code1 == 104) and (_root.code2 == 101)) and (_root.code3 == 108)) and (_root.code4 == 112)) and (_root.level == 33)) { _root.code = "You want to make things more exciting?... Switch off the candle with your fingers and pick it up..."; } else if (((((_root.code11 == 97) and (_root.code12 == 105)) and (_root.code13 == 100)) and (_root.code14 == 101)) and (_root.level == 33)) { _root.code = "Tu n'as pas envie de participer ?... Eteint la bougie du bout des doigts et prends la..."; } else if ((((((_root.code21 == 97) and (_root.code22 == 105)) and (_root.code23 == 117)) and (_root.code24 == 116)) and (_root.code25 == 111)) and (_root.level == 33)) { _root.code = "Non vuoi partecipare? Spegni la candela con le dita e prendila..."; } else { _root.code = ""; } }
Frame 1742
_root.sonok = 1; t = 0;
Instance of Symbol 16 MovieClip "fond" in Frame 1743
onClipEvent (load) { _root.maincaresse._x = _xmouse; _root.maincaresse._y = _ymouse; _root.maincaresse._rotation = 0; _root.maincaresse.stop(); } onClipEvent (mouseMove) { _root.maincaresse._x = _xmouse; _root.maincaresse._y = _ymouse; _root.maincaresse._rotation = 0; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.nivgirl < 150) { _root.nivgirl = _root.nivgirl + 1.5; } }
Instance of Symbol 234 MovieClip in Frame 1743
onClipEvent (load) { son = new Sound(); son.attachSound("groan4"); _root.t = _root.t + 1; if (_root.t == 1) { son.start(); } else if (_root.t == 4) { _root.t = 0; } }
Frame 1747
stop(); gotoAndPlay (1743);
Instance of Symbol 16 MovieClip "fond" in Frame 1748
onClipEvent (load) { _root.maincaresse._x = _xmouse; _root.maincaresse._y = _ymouse;; } onClipEvent (mouseMove) { _root.maincaresse._x = _xmouse; _root.maincaresse._y = _ymouse; if (sens == 10) { _root.maincaresse.stop(); } else {; } } onClipEvent (load) { Xx = _root.epauled._x; Yy = _root.epauled._y; Ax = _root.epauled._x - (_root.epauled._width / 2); Ay = _root.epauled._y - (_root.epauled._height / 2); Bx = _root.epauled._x + (_root.epauled._width / 2); By = _root.epauled._y + (_root.epauled._height / 2); } onClipEvent (mouseMove) { finx = _xmouse; finy = _ymouse; if ((((finx < Ax) or (Bx < finx)) or (finy < Ay)) or (By < finy)) { sens = 10; } else if (((finx - debx) < 0) && ((finy - deby) < 0)) { sens = 1; } else if (((finx - debx) == 0) && ((finy - deby) < 0)) { sens = 2; } else if ((0 < (finx - debx)) && ((finy - deby) < 0)) { sens = 3; } else if (((finx - debx) < 0) && ((finy - deby) == 0)) { sens = 4; } else if (((finx - debx) == 0) && ((finy - deby) == 0)) { sens = 5; } else if ((0 < (finx - debx)) && ((finy - deby) == 0)) { sens = 6; } else if (((finx - debx) < 0) && (0 < (finy - deby))) { sens = 7; } else if (((finx - debx) == 0) && (0 < (finy - deby))) { sens = 8; } else if ((0 < (finx - debx)) && (0 < (finy - deby))) { sens = 9; } debx = finx; deby = finy; } onClipEvent (mouseMove) { if (sens == 1) { newx = Xx - 1; newy = Yy - 1; } else if (sens == 2) { newx = Xx; newy = Yy - 2; } else if (sens == 3) { newx = Xx + 1; newy = Yy - 1; } else if (sens == 4) { newx = Xx - 2; newy = Yy; } else if (sens == 5) { newx = Xx; newy = Yy; } else if (sens == 6) { newx = Xx + 2; newy = Yy; } else if (sens == 7) { newx = Xx - 1; newy = Yy + 1; } else if (sens == 8) { newx = Xx; newy = Yy + 2; } else if (sens == 9) { newx = Xx + 1; newy = Yy + 1; } else { newx = Xx; newy = Yy; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { _root.epauled._x = newx; _root.epauled._y = newy; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (sens == 10) { = false; _root.yf._visible = false; } else { = true; _root.yf._visible = true; } } onClipEvent (mouseMove) { if ((sens != 10) and (_root.nivgirl < 100)) { _root.nivgirl = _root.nivgirl + 0.7; } else if ((sens != 10) and (_root.nivgirl < 150)) { _root.nivgirl = _root.nivgirl + 0.4; } else if ((sens != 10) and (149 < _root.nivgirl)) { _root.nivgirl = _root.nivgirl + 0.2; } if ((_root.sublevel1 == 1) and (_root.sublevel2 == 1)) { _root.level = 32; } }
Instance of Symbol 234 MovieClip in Frame 1748
onClipEvent (load) { son = new Sound(); son.attachSound("groan4"); _root.t = _root.t + 1; if (_root.t == 1) { son.start(); } else if (_root.t == 4) { _root.t = 0; } }
Frame 1752
stop(); gotoAndPlay (1748);
Instance of Symbol 234 MovieClip in Frame 1753
onClipEvent (load) { son = new Sound(); son.attachSound("groan4"); _root.t = _root.t + 1; if (_root.t == 1) { son.start(); } else if (_root.t == 4) { _root.t = 0; } }
Frame 1757
stop(); gotoAndPlay (1753);
Instance of Symbol 16 MovieClip "fond" in Frame 1758
onClipEvent (load) { _root.maincaresse._x = _xmouse; _root.maincaresse._y = _ymouse; _root.maincaresse._rotation = -30; _root.maincaresse.stop(); } onClipEvent (mouseMove) { _root.maincaresse._x = _xmouse; _root.maincaresse._y = _ymouse; _root.maincaresse._rotation = -30; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.nivgirl < 150) { _root.nivgirl = _root.nivgirl + 1.5; } }
Instance of Symbol 224 MovieClip in Frame 1758
onClipEvent (keyDown) { touche = Key.getAscii(); if ((_root.code1 == 0) and (touche == 104)) { _root.code1 = touche; } else if (((_root.code1 == 104) and (_root.code2 == 0)) and (touche == 101)) { _root.code2 = touche; } else if ((((_root.code1 == 104) and (_root.code2 == 101)) and (_root.code3 == 0)) and (touche == 108)) { _root.code3 = touche; } else if (((((_root.code1 == 104) and (_root.code2 == 101)) and (_root.code3 == 108)) and (_root.code4 == 0)) and (touche == 112)) { _root.code4 = touche; } else { _root.code1 = 0; _root.code2 = 0; _root.code3 = 0; _root.code4 = 0; } } onClipEvent (keyDown) { touche = Key.getAscii(); if ((_root.code11 == 0) and (touche == 97)) { _root.code11 = touche; } else if (((_root.code11 == 97) and (_root.code12 == 0)) and (touche == 105)) { _root.code12 = touche; } else if ((((_root.code11 == 97) and (_root.code12 == 105)) and (_root.code13 == 0)) and (touche == 100)) { _root.code13 = touche; } else if (((((_root.code11 == 97) and (_root.code12 == 105)) and (_root.code13 == 100)) and (_root.code14 == 0)) and (touche == 101)) { _root.code14 = touche; } else { _root.code11 = 0; _root.code12 = 0; _root.code13 = 0; _root.code14 = 0; } } onClipEvent (keyDown) { touche = Key.getAscii(); if ((_root.code21 == 0) and (touche == 97)) { _root.code21 = touche; } else if (((_root.code21 == 97) and (_root.code22 == 0)) and (touche == 105)) { _root.code22 = touche; } else if ((((_root.code21 == 97) and (_root.code22 == 105)) and (_root.code23 == 0)) and (touche == 117)) { _root.code23 = touche; } else if (((((_root.code21 == 97) and (_root.code22 == 105)) and (_root.code23 == 117)) and (_root.code24 == 0)) and (touche == 116)) { _root.code24 = touche; } else if ((((((_root.code21 == 97) and (_root.code22 == 105)) and (_root.code23 == 117)) and (_root.code24 == 116)) and (_root.code25 == 0)) and (touche == 111)) { _root.code25 = touche; } else { _root.code21 = 0; _root.code22 = 0; _root.code23 = 0; _root.code24 = 0; _root.code25 = 0; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (((((_root.code1 == 104) and (_root.code2 == 101)) and (_root.code3 == 108)) and (_root.code4 == 112)) and (_root.level == 35)) { _root.code = "Go , put the candle in her pussy and move it... You are going to drive her to orgasm "; } else if (((((_root.code11 == 97) and (_root.code12 == 105)) and (_root.code13 == 100)) and (_root.code14 == 101)) and (_root.level == 35)) { _root.code = "Allez, vas-y...enfonce lui la bougie dans la chatte et branle bien... Tu vas la conduire vers l'orgasme..."; } else if ((((((_root.code21 == 97) and (_root.code22 == 105)) and (_root.code23 == 117)) and (_root.code24 == 116)) and (_root.code25 == 111)) and (_root.level == 35)) { _root.code = "Metti la candela nella sua vagina e muovila... stai per provocarle un orgasmo..."; } else { _root.code = ""; } }
Instance of Symbol 234 MovieClip in Frame 1758
onClipEvent (load) { son = new Sound(); son.attachSound("groan4"); _root.t = _root.t + 1; if (_root.t == 1) { son.start(); } else if (_root.t == 4) { _root.t = 0; } }
Frame 1762
stop(); gotoAndPlay (1758);
Frame 1763
Frame 1764
_root.sonok = 1; stopAllSounds(); t = 0;
Instance of Symbol 16 MovieClip "fond" in Frame 1764
onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.nivgirl < 150) { _root.nivgirl = _root.nivgirl + 1.5; } }
Instance of Symbol 186 MovieClip "gaugegirl" in Frame 1764
onClipEvent (load) { _root.gaugegirl._height = _root.nivgirl; _root.gaugegirl._y = ((200 - _root.nivgirl) + (_root.nivgirl / 2)) + 13; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (0 < _root.nivgirl) { _root.nivgirl = _root.nivgirl - 1; } _root.gaugegirl._height = _root.nivgirl; _root.gaugegirl._y = ((200 - _root.nivgirl) + (_root.nivgirl / 2)) + 13; }
Instance of Symbol 234 MovieClip in Frame 1771
onClipEvent (load) { son = new Sound(); son.attachSound("groan3"); son.start(); }
Frame 1792
_root.maincaresse._y = _root.yyy;
Instance of Symbol 16 MovieClip "fond" in Frame 1792
onClipEvent (mouseMove) { finx = _xmouse; finy = _ymouse; if (((finx - debx) < 0) && ((finy - deby) < 0)) { sens = 1; } else if (((finx - debx) == 0) && ((finy - deby) < 0)) { sens = 2; } else if ((0 < (finx - debx)) && ((finy - deby) < 0)) { sens = 3; } else if (((finx - debx) < 0) && ((finy - deby) == 0)) { sens = 4; } else if (((finx - debx) == 0) && ((finy - deby) == 0)) { sens = 5; } else if ((0 < (finx - debx)) && ((finy - deby) == 0)) { sens = 6; } else if (((finx - debx) < 0) && (0 < (finy - deby))) { sens = 7; } else if (((finx - debx) == 0) && (0 < (finy - deby))) { sens = 8; } else if ((0 < (finx - debx)) && (0 < (finy - deby))) { sens = 9; } debx = finx; deby = finy; } onClipEvent (mouseMove) { _root.maincaresse._x = 313.5; if ((((380 < _root.maincaresse._y) and (_root.maincaresse._y < 405)) and (sens == 1)) and (_root.pos == 1)) { _root.maincaresse._y = _root.maincaresse._y - 1; } if ((((380 < _root.maincaresse._y) and (_root.maincaresse._y < 405)) and (sens == 2)) and (_root.pos == 1)) { _root.maincaresse._y = _root.maincaresse._y - 1; } if ((((380 < _root.maincaresse._y) and (_root.maincaresse._y < 405)) and (sens == 3)) and (_root.pos == 1)) { _root.maincaresse._y = _root.maincaresse._y - 1; } if ((((380 < _root.maincaresse._y) and (_root.maincaresse._y < 405)) and (sens == 7)) and (_root.pos == 1)) { _root.maincaresse._y = _root.maincaresse._y + 1; } if ((((380 < _root.maincaresse._y) and (_root.maincaresse._y < 405)) and (sens == 8)) and (_root.pos == 1)) { _root.maincaresse._y = _root.maincaresse._y + 1; } if ((((380 < _root.maincaresse._y) and (_root.maincaresse._y < 405)) and (sens == 9)) and (_root.pos == 1)) { _root.maincaresse._y = _root.maincaresse._y + 1; } if (_root.maincaresse._y < 381) { _root.maincaresse._y = 381; } if (404 < _root.maincaresse._y) { _root.maincaresse._y = 404; } _root.yyy = _root.maincaresse._y; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.nivgirl < 150) { _root.nivgirl = _root.nivgirl + 1.5; } } onClipEvent (mouseMove) { if ((_root.pos == 1) and (_root.nivgirl < 150)) { _root.nivgirl = _root.nivgirl + 0.2; } else if ((_root.pos == 1) and (_root.nivgirl < 200)) { _root.nivgirl = _root.nivgirl + 1.2; } }
Instance of Symbol 186 MovieClip "gaugegirl" in Frame 1792
onClipEvent (load) { _root.gaugegirl._height = _root.nivgirl; _root.gaugegirl._y = ((200 - _root.nivgirl) + (_root.nivgirl / 2)) + 13; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (0 < _root.nivgirl) { _root.nivgirl = _root.nivgirl; } _root.gaugegirl._height = _root.nivgirl; _root.gaugegirl._y = ((200 - _root.nivgirl) + (_root.nivgirl / 2)) + 13; }
Instance of Symbol 234 MovieClip in Frame 1792
onClipEvent (load) { son = new Sound(); son.attachSound("groan4"); _root.t = _root.t + 1; if (_root.t == 1) { son.start(); } else if (_root.t == 4) { _root.t = 0; } }
Frame 1793
_root.maincaresse._y = _root.yyy;
Frame 1794
_root.maincaresse._y = _root.yyy;
Frame 1795
_root.maincaresse._y = _root.yyy;
Frame 1796
if (196 < _root.nivgirl) { gotoAndPlay (1797); } else { gotoAndPlay (1792); } _root.maincaresse._y = _root.yyy;
Frame 1797
_root.maincaresse._y = _root.yyy;
Instance of Symbol 186 MovieClip "gaugegirl" in Frame 1797
onClipEvent (load) { _root.gaugegirl._height = 200; _root.gaugegirl._y = ((200 - _root.nivgirl) + (_root.nivgirl / 2)) + 13; }
Instance of Symbol 234 MovieClip in Frame 1797
onClipEvent (load) { son = new Sound(); son.attachSound("orgasm"); son.stop("groan4"); son.start(); }
Instance of Symbol 186 MovieClip "gaugegirl" in Frame 1873
onClipEvent (load) { _root.gaugegirl._height = _root.nivgirl; _root.gaugegirl._y = ((200 - _root.nivgirl) + (_root.nivgirl / 2)) + 13; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (0 < _root.nivgirl) { _root.nivgirl = _root.nivgirl - 1; } _root.gaugegirl._height = _root.nivgirl; _root.gaugegirl._y = ((200 - _root.nivgirl) + (_root.nivgirl / 2)) + 13; }
Frame 1903
stop(); _root.level = 37; _root.sublevel1 = 0; _root.sublevel2 = 0; gotoAndPlay (1905);
Frame 1904
Instance of Symbol 16 MovieClip "fond" in Frame 1905
onClipEvent (load) { _root.maincaresse._x = _xmouse; _root.maincaresse._y = _ymouse; _root.maincaresse._height = 90.2; _root.maincaresse._width = 54.3; _root.maincaresse.stop(); } onClipEvent (mouseMove) { _root.maincaresse._x = _xmouse; _root.maincaresse._y = _ymouse; }
Instance of Symbol 186 MovieClip "gaugegirl" in Frame 1905
onClipEvent (load) { _root.gaugegirl._height = _root.nivgirl; _root.gaugegirl._y = ((200 - _root.nivgirl) + (_root.nivgirl / 2)) + 13; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (0 < _root.nivgirl) { _root.nivgirl = _root.nivgirl - 1; } _root.gaugegirl._height = _root.nivgirl; _root.gaugegirl._y = ((200 - _root.nivgirl) + (_root.nivgirl / 2)) + 13; }
Frame 1910
if (_root.langue == 1) { _root.texte = "Hummm....c'était vraiment trés agréable..."; } else if (_root.langue == 0) { _root.texte = "Hummm....That felt very good..."; } else if (_root.langue == 2) { _root.texte = "Mmmmh... È stato molto piacevole..."; }
Frame 1944
if (_root.langue == 1) { _root.texte = "Maintenant, tu sais, j'ai très envie de toi..."; } else if (_root.langue == 0) { _root.texte = "but now I am ready for more..."; } else if (_root.langue == 2) { _root.texte = "ora però ti voglio..."; }
Instance of Symbol 16 MovieClip "fond" in Frame 1977
onClipEvent (load) { _root.maincaresse._x = _xmouse; _root.maincaresse._y = _ymouse; _root.maincaresse._height = 86.2; _root.maincaresse._width = 52.6; _root.maincaresse.stop(); } onClipEvent (mouseMove) { _root.maincaresse._x = _xmouse; _root.maincaresse._y = _ymouse; }
Instance of Symbol 16 MovieClip "fond" in Frame 1978
onClipEvent (load) { _root.maincaresse._x = _xmouse; _root.maincaresse._y = _ymouse; _root.maincaresse._height = 83.2; _root.maincaresse._width = 50.6; _root.maincaresse.stop(); } onClipEvent (mouseMove) { _root.maincaresse._x = _xmouse; _root.maincaresse._y = _ymouse; }
Instance of Symbol 16 MovieClip "fond" in Frame 1979
onClipEvent (load) { _root.maincaresse._x = _xmouse; _root.maincaresse._y = _ymouse; _root.maincaresse._height = 80.2; _root.maincaresse._width = 48.6; _root.maincaresse.stop(); } onClipEvent (mouseMove) { _root.maincaresse._x = _xmouse; _root.maincaresse._y = _ymouse; }
Instance of Symbol 16 MovieClip "fond" in Frame 1980
onClipEvent (load) { _root.maincaresse._x = _xmouse; _root.maincaresse._y = _ymouse; _root.maincaresse._height = 77.2; _root.maincaresse._width = 46.6; _root.maincaresse.stop(); } onClipEvent (mouseMove) { _root.maincaresse._x = _xmouse; _root.maincaresse._y = _ymouse; }
Instance of Symbol 16 MovieClip "fond" in Frame 1981
onClipEvent (load) { _root.maincaresse._x = _xmouse; _root.maincaresse._y = _ymouse; _root.maincaresse._height = 74.2; _root.maincaresse._width = 44.6; _root.maincaresse.stop(); } onClipEvent (mouseMove) { _root.maincaresse._x = _xmouse; _root.maincaresse._y = _ymouse; }
Frame 2014
Instance of Symbol 16 MovieClip "fond" in Frame 2014
onClipEvent (load) { _root.maincaresse._x = _xmouse; _root.maincaresse._y = _ymouse; _root.maincaresse._height = 74.2; _root.maincaresse._width = 44.6; _root.maincaresse._rotation = 0; _root.maincaresse.stop(); } onClipEvent (mouseMove) { _root.maincaresse._x = _xmouse; _root.maincaresse._y = _ymouse; _root.maincaresse._rotation = 0; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (40 < _root.i) { _root.i = 0; _root.j = random(5); _root.k = random(2); } else { _root.i = _root.i + 1; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.j == 1) { _root.reg1._visible = true; _root.reg2._visible = false; _root.cligne._visible = false; } else if (_root.j == 2) { _root.reg1._visible = false; _root.reg2._visible = true; _root.cligne._visible = false; } else { _root.reg1._visible = false; _root.reg2._visible = false; _root.cligne._visible = false; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.i == 35) { _root.cligne._visible = true; } else { _root.cligne._visible = false; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.k == 0) { _root.bouchferm._visible = true; } else { _root.bouchferm._visible = false; } }
Frame 2015
Instance of Symbol 16 MovieClip "fond" in Frame 2016
onClipEvent (load) { _root.maincaresse._x = _xmouse; _root.maincaresse._y = _ymouse; _root.maincaresse._rotation = 0; _root.maincaresse.stop(); } onClipEvent (mouseMove) { _root.maincaresse._x = _xmouse; _root.maincaresse._y = _ymouse; _root.maincaresse._rotation = 0; }
Instance of Symbol 186 MovieClip "gaugegirl" in Frame 2016
onClipEvent (load) { _root.gaugegirl._height = _root.nivgirl; _root.gaugegirl._y = ((200 - _root.nivgirl) + (_root.nivgirl / 2)) + 13; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (0 < _root.nivgirl) { _root.nivgirl = _root.nivgirl - 1; } _root.gaugegirl._height = _root.nivgirl; _root.gaugegirl._y = ((200 - _root.nivgirl) + (_root.nivgirl / 2)) + 13; }
Frame 2027
if (_root.langue == 1) { _root.texte = "Ok, viens...Je suis vraiment trop excitée..."; } else if (_root.langue == 0) { _root.texte = "Ok, come on...I am more than ready..."; } else if (_root.langue == 2) { _root.texte = "Dài, vieni... Sono troppo eccitata..."; }
Frame 2086
stop(); _root.level = 37; _root.sublevel1 = 0; _root.sublevel2 = 0; gotoAndPlay (2088);
Frame 2087
Frame 2088
_root.sonok = 1; t = 0; code1 = 0; code2 = 0; code3 = 0; code4 = 0; code11 = 0; code12 = 0; code13 = 0; code14 = 0; code21 = 0; code22 = 0; code23 = 0; code24 = 0; code25 = 0; _root.code = ""; stop();
Instance of Symbol 16 MovieClip "fond" in Frame 2088
onClipEvent (load) { _root.maincaresse._x = _xmouse; _root.maincaresse._y = _ymouse; _root.maincaresse._rotation = 0; _root.maincaresse.stop(); } onClipEvent (mouseMove) { _root.maincaresse._x = _xmouse; _root.maincaresse._y = _ymouse; _root.maincaresse._rotation = 0; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (40 < _root.i) { _root.i = 0; _root.j = random(5); _root.k = random(2); } else { _root.i = _root.i + 1; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.j == 1) { _root.reg1._visible = true; _root.reg2._visible = false; _root.cligne._visible = false; } else if (_root.j == 2) { _root.reg1._visible = false; _root.reg2._visible = true; _root.cligne._visible = false; } else { _root.reg1._visible = false; _root.reg2._visible = false; _root.cligne._visible = false; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.i == 35) { _root.cligne._visible = true; } else { _root.cligne._visible = false; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.k == 0) { _root.bouchferm._visible = true; } else { _root.bouchferm._visible = false; } }
Instance of Symbol 186 MovieClip "gaugegirl" in Frame 2088
onClipEvent (load) { _root.gaugegirl._height = _root.nivgirl; _root.gaugegirl._y = ((200 - _root.nivgirl) + (_root.nivgirl / 2)) + 13; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (0 < _root.nivgirl) { _root.nivgirl = _root.nivgirl - 1; } _root.gaugegirl._height = _root.nivgirl; _root.gaugegirl._y = ((200 - _root.nivgirl) + (_root.nivgirl / 2)) + 13; }
Instance of Symbol 224 MovieClip in Frame 2088
onClipEvent (keyDown) { touche = Key.getAscii(); if ((_root.code1 == 0) and (touche == 104)) { _root.code1 = touche; } else if (((_root.code1 == 104) and (_root.code2 == 0)) and (touche == 101)) { _root.code2 = touche; } else if ((((_root.code1 == 104) and (_root.code2 == 101)) and (_root.code3 == 0)) and (touche == 108)) { _root.code3 = touche; } else if (((((_root.code1 == 104) and (_root.code2 == 101)) and (_root.code3 == 108)) and (_root.code4 == 0)) and (touche == 112)) { _root.code4 = touche; } else { _root.code1 = 0; _root.code2 = 0; _root.code3 = 0; _root.code4 = 0; } } onClipEvent (keyDown) { touche = Key.getAscii(); if ((_root.code11 == 0) and (touche == 97)) { _root.code11 = touche; } else if (((_root.code11 == 97) and (_root.code12 == 0)) and (touche == 105)) { _root.code12 = touche; } else if ((((_root.code11 == 97) and (_root.code12 == 105)) and (_root.code13 == 0)) and (touche == 100)) { _root.code13 = touche; } else if (((((_root.code11 == 97) and (_root.code12 == 105)) and (_root.code13 == 100)) and (_root.code14 == 0)) and (touche == 101)) { _root.code14 = touche; } else { _root.code11 = 0; _root.code12 = 0; _root.code13 = 0; _root.code14 = 0; } } onClipEvent (keyDown) { touche = Key.getAscii(); if ((_root.code21 == 0) and (touche == 97)) { _root.code21 = touche; } else if (((_root.code21 == 97) and (_root.code22 == 0)) and (touche == 105)) { _root.code22 = touche; } else if ((((_root.code21 == 97) and (_root.code22 == 105)) and (_root.code23 == 0)) and (touche == 117)) { _root.code23 = touche; } else if (((((_root.code21 == 97) and (_root.code22 == 105)) and (_root.code23 == 117)) and (_root.code24 == 0)) and (touche == 116)) { _root.code24 = touche; } else if ((((((_root.code21 == 97) and (_root.code22 == 105)) and (_root.code23 == 117)) and (_root.code24 == 116)) and (_root.code25 == 0)) and (touche == 111)) { _root.code25 = touche; } else { _root.code21 = 0; _root.code22 = 0; _root.code23 = 0; _root.code24 = 0; _root.code25 = 0; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (((((_root.code1 == 104) and (_root.code2 == 101)) and (_root.code3 == 108)) and (_root.code4 == 112)) and (_root.level == 37)) { _root.code = "Increase her pleasure gauge to he maximum, then caress her cheek tenderly..."; } else if (((((_root.code1 == 104) and (_root.code2 == 101)) and (_root.code3 == 108)) and (_root.code4 == 112)) and (_root.level == 38)) { _root.code = "Touch her pussy... it's warm and wet... I think that she's waiting for you..."; } else if (((((_root.code11 == 97) and (_root.code12 == 105)) and (_root.code13 == 100)) and (_root.code14 == 101)) and (_root.level == 37)) { _root.code = "Fais monter sa jauge de plaisir au maximum, puis une petite caresse sur la joue...pour la tendresse ..."; } else if (((((_root.code11 == 97) and (_root.code12 == 105)) and (_root.code13 == 100)) and (_root.code14 == 101)) and (_root.level == 38)) { _root.code = "Touche son minou.... c'est chaud et mouillé... je crois qu'elle t'attend..."; } else if ((((((_root.code21 == 97) and (_root.code22 == 105)) and (_root.code23 == 117)) and (_root.code24 == 116)) and (_root.code25 == 111)) and (_root.level == 37)) { _root.code = "Fa salire il suo livello di piacere al massimo, poi accarezzala sulle guance... sii tenero..."; } else if ((((((_root.code21 == 97) and (_root.code22 == 105)) and (_root.code23 == 117)) and (_root.code24 == 116)) and (_root.code25 == 111)) and (_root.level == 38)) { _root.code = "Tocca la sua vagina... è calda e umida... ti sta aspettando..."; } else { _root.code = ""; } }
Frame 2089
Instance of Symbol 16 MovieClip "fond" in Frame 2089
onClipEvent (load) { _root.maincaresse._x = _xmouse; _root.maincaresse._y = _ymouse;; } onClipEvent (mouseMove) { _root.maincaresse._x = _xmouse; _root.maincaresse._y = _ymouse; if (sens == 10) { _root.maincaresse.stop(); } else {; } } onClipEvent (load) { Xx = _root.epauled._x; Yy = _root.epauled._y; Ax = _root.epauled._x - (_root.epauled._width / 2); Ay = _root.epauled._y - (_root.epauled._height / 2); Bx = _root.epauled._x + (_root.epauled._width / 2); By = _root.epauled._y + (_root.epauled._height / 2); } onClipEvent (mouseMove) { finx = _xmouse; finy = _ymouse; if ((((finx < Ax) or (Bx < finx)) or (finy < Ay)) or (By < finy)) { sens = 10; } else if (((finx - debx) < 0) && ((finy - deby) < 0)) { sens = 1; } else if (((finx - debx) == 0) && ((finy - deby) < 0)) { sens = 2; } else if ((0 < (finx - debx)) && ((finy - deby) < 0)) { sens = 3; } else if (((finx - debx) < 0) && ((finy - deby) == 0)) { sens = 4; } else if (((finx - debx) == 0) && ((finy - deby) == 0)) { sens = 5; } else if ((0 < (finx - debx)) && ((finy - deby) == 0)) { sens = 6; } else if (((finx - debx) < 0) && (0 < (finy - deby))) { sens = 7; } else if (((finx - debx) == 0) && (0 < (finy - deby))) { sens = 8; } else if ((0 < (finx - debx)) && (0 < (finy - deby))) { sens = 9; } debx = finx; deby = finy; } onClipEvent (mouseMove) { if (sens == 1) { newx = Xx - 1; newy = Yy - 1; } else if (sens == 2) { newx = Xx; newy = Yy - 2; } else if (sens == 3) { newx = Xx + 1; newy = Yy - 1; } else if (sens == 4) { newx = Xx - 2; newy = Yy; } else if (sens == 5) { newx = Xx; newy = Yy; } else if (sens == 6) { newx = Xx + 2; newy = Yy; } else if (sens == 7) { newx = Xx - 1; newy = Yy + 1; } else if (sens == 8) { newx = Xx; newy = Yy + 2; } else if (sens == 9) { newx = Xx + 1; newy = Yy + 1; } else { newx = Xx; newy = Yy; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { _root.epauled._x = newx; _root.epauled._y = newy; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (sens == 10) { = false; _root.yf._visible = false; } else { = true; _root.yf._visible = true; } } onClipEvent (mouseMove) { if ((sens != 10) and (_root.nivgirl < 100)) { _root.nivgirl = _root.nivgirl + 0.7; } else if ((sens != 10) and (_root.nivgirl < 150)) { _root.nivgirl = _root.nivgirl + 0.4; } else if ((sens != 10) and (_root.nivgirl < 180)) { _root.nivgirl = _root.nivgirl + 0.2; } }
Instance of Symbol 234 MovieClip in Frame 2089
onClipEvent (load) { son = new Sound(); s = 0; s = random(3); if (s == 0) { son.attachSound("groan1"); } else if (s == 1) { son.attachSound("groan2"); } else if (s == 2) { son.attachSound("groan3"); } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if ((_root.t == 0) and (_root.sonok == 1)) { s = random(3); if (s == 0) { son.attachSound("groan1"); } else if (s == 1) { son.attachSound("groan2"); } else if (s == 2) { son.attachSound("groan3"); } son.stop("groan1"); son.stop("groan2"); son.stop("groan3"); son.start(); _root.t = _root.t + 1; } else { _root.t = _root.t + 1; } if (20 < _root.t) { _root.t = 0; } }
Frame 2090
Frame 2091
Instance of Symbol 16 MovieClip "fond" in Frame 2091
onClipEvent (load) { _root.maincaresse._x = _xmouse; _root.maincaresse._y = _ymouse;; } onClipEvent (mouseMove) { _root.maincaresse._x = _xmouse; _root.maincaresse._y = _ymouse; if (sens == 10) { _root.maincaresse.stop(); } else {; } } onClipEvent (load) { lip1x = _root.lip1._x; lip1w = _root.lip1._width; lip2x = _root.lip2._x; lip2w = _root.lip2._width; lip3x = _root.lip3._x; lip3w = _root.lip3._width; lip4x = _root.lip4._x; lip4w = _root.lip4._width; Ax = 303; Ay = 348; Bx = 343; By = 388; } onClipEvent (mouseMove) { finx = _xmouse; finy = _ymouse; if ((((finx < Ax) or (Bx < finx)) or (finy < Ay)) or (By < finy)) { sens = 10; } else if (((finx - debx) < 0) && ((finy - deby) < 0)) { sens = 1; } else if (((finx - debx) == 0) && ((finy - deby) < 0)) { sens = 2; } else if ((0 < (finx - debx)) && ((finy - deby) < 0)) { sens = 3; } else if (((finx - debx) < 0) && ((finy - deby) == 0)) { sens = 4; } else if (((finx - debx) == 0) && ((finy - deby) == 0)) { sens = 5; } else if ((0 < (finx - debx)) && ((finy - deby) == 0)) { sens = 6; } else if (((finx - debx) < 0) && (0 < (finy - deby))) { sens = 7; } else if (((finx - debx) == 0) && (0 < (finy - deby))) { sens = 8; } else if ((0 < (finx - debx)) && (0 < (finy - deby))) { sens = 9; } debx = finx; deby = finy; } onClipEvent (mouseMove) { if (sens == 1) { _root.lip1._x = lip1x - 0.5; _root.lip1._width = lip1w + 0.5; _root.lip2._x = lip2x; _root.lip2._width = lip2w; _root.lip3._x = lip3x - 0.5; _root.lip3._width = lip3w + 0.5; _root.lip4._x = lip4x; _root.lip4._width = lip4w; } else if (sens == 3) { _root.lip1._x = lip1x; _root.lip1._width = lip1w; _root.lip2._x = lip2x + 0.5; _root.lip2._width = lip2w + 0.5; _root.lip3._x = lip3x; _root.lip3._width = lip3w; _root.lip4._x = lip4x + 0.5; _root.lip4._width = lip4w + 0.5; } else if (sens == 4) { _root.lip1._x = lip1x - 1; _root.lip1._width = lip1w + 1; _root.lip2._x = lip2x; _root.lip2._width = lip2w; _root.lip3._x = lip3x - 1; _root.lip3._width = lip3w + 1; _root.lip4._x = lip4x; _root.lip4._width = lip4w; } else if (sens == 6) { _root.lip1._x = lip1x; _root.lip1._width = lip1w; _root.lip2._x = lip2x + 1; _root.lip2._width = lip2w + 1; _root.lip3._x = lip3x; _root.lip3._width = lip3w; _root.lip4._x = lip4x + 1; _root.lip4._width = lip4w + 1; } else if (sens == 7) { _root.lip1._x = lip1x - 0.5; _root.lip1._width = lip1w + 0.5; _root.lip2._x = lip2x; _root.lip2._width = lip2w; _root.lip3._x = lip3x - 0.5; _root.lip3._width = lip3w + 0.5; _root.lip4._x = lip4x; _root.lip4._width = lip4w; } else if (sens == 9) { _root.lip1._x = lip1x; _root.lip1._width = lip1w; _root.lip2._x = lip2x + 0.5; _root.lip2._width = lip2w + 0.5; _root.lip3._x = lip3x; _root.lip3._width = lip3w; _root.lip4._x = lip4x + 0.5; _root.lip4._width = lip4w + 0.5; } else { _root.lip1._x = lip1x; _root.lip1._width = lip1w; _root.lip2._x = lip2x; _root.lip2._width = lip2w; _root.lip3._x = lip3x; _root.lip3._width = lip3w; _root.lip4._x = lip4x; _root.lip4._width = lip4w; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (sens == 10) { = false; _root.yf._visible = false; } else { = true; _root.yf._visible = true; } } onClipEvent (mouseMove) { if ((sens != 10) and (_root.nivgirl < 100)) { _root.nivgirl = _root.nivgirl + 0.7; } else if ((sens != 10) and (_root.nivgirl < 150)) { _root.nivgirl = _root.nivgirl + 0.4; } else if ((sens != 10) and (_root.nivgirl < 180)) { _root.nivgirl = _root.nivgirl + 0.2; } }
Instance of Symbol 16 MovieClip "fond" in Frame 2092
onClipEvent (load) { _root.maincaresse._x = _xmouse; _root.maincaresse._y = _ymouse;; } onClipEvent (mouseMove) { _root.maincaresse._x = _xmouse; _root.maincaresse._y = _ymouse; if (sens == 10) { _root.maincaresse.stop(); } else {; } }
Frame 2094
Frame 2096
gotoAndPlay (2088);
Frame 2098
code1 = 0; code2 = 0; code3 = 0; code4 = 0; code11 = 0; code12 = 0; code13 = 0; code14 = 0; code21 = 0; code22 = 0; code23 = 0; code24 = 0; code25 = 0; _root.code = "";
Instance of Symbol 16 MovieClip "fond" in Frame 2098
onClipEvent (load) { _root.maincaresse._x = _xmouse; _root.maincaresse._y = _ymouse; _root.maincaresse._height = 74.2; _root.maincaresse._width = 44.6; _root.maincaresse.stop(); } onClipEvent (mouseMove) { _root.maincaresse._x = _xmouse; _root.maincaresse._y = _ymouse; }
Instance of Symbol 16 MovieClip "fond" in Frame 2099
onClipEvent (load) { _root.maincaresse._x = _xmouse; _root.maincaresse._y = _ymouse; _root.maincaresse._height = 77.2; _root.maincaresse._width = 46.6; _root.maincaresse.stop(); } onClipEvent (mouseMove) { _root.maincaresse._x = _xmouse; _root.maincaresse._y = _ymouse; }
Instance of Symbol 16 MovieClip "fond" in Frame 2100
onClipEvent (load) { _root.maincaresse._x = _xmouse; _root.maincaresse._y = _ymouse; _root.maincaresse._height = 80.2; _root.maincaresse._width = 48.6; _root.maincaresse.stop(); } onClipEvent (mouseMove) { _root.maincaresse._x = _xmouse; _root.maincaresse._y = _ymouse; }
Instance of Symbol 16 MovieClip "fond" in Frame 2101
onClipEvent (load) { _root.maincaresse._x = _xmouse; _root.maincaresse._y = _ymouse; _root.maincaresse._height = 83.2; _root.maincaresse._width = 50.6; _root.maincaresse.stop(); } onClipEvent (mouseMove) { _root.maincaresse._x = _xmouse; _root.maincaresse._y = _ymouse; }
Instance of Symbol 16 MovieClip "fond" in Frame 2102
onClipEvent (load) { _root.maincaresse._x = _xmouse; _root.maincaresse._y = _ymouse; _root.maincaresse._height = 86.2; _root.maincaresse._width = 52.6; _root.maincaresse.stop(); } onClipEvent (mouseMove) { _root.maincaresse._x = _xmouse; _root.maincaresse._y = _ymouse; }
Instance of Symbol 16 MovieClip "fond" in Frame 2103
onClipEvent (load) { _root.maincaresse._x = _xmouse; _root.maincaresse._y = _ymouse; _root.maincaresse._height = 90.2; _root.maincaresse._width = 54.3; _root.maincaresse.stop(); } onClipEvent (mouseMove) { _root.maincaresse._x = _xmouse; _root.maincaresse._y = _ymouse; }
Frame 2126
_root.level = 39;
Instance of Symbol 224 MovieClip in Frame 2136
onClipEvent (keyDown) { touche = Key.getAscii(); if ((_root.code1 == 0) and (touche == 104)) { _root.code1 = touche; } else if (((_root.code1 == 104) and (_root.code2 == 0)) and (touche == 101)) { _root.code2 = touche; } else if ((((_root.code1 == 104) and (_root.code2 == 101)) and (_root.code3 == 0)) and (touche == 108)) { _root.code3 = touche; } else if (((((_root.code1 == 104) and (_root.code2 == 101)) and (_root.code3 == 108)) and (_root.code4 == 0)) and (touche == 112)) { _root.code4 = touche; } else { _root.code1 = 0; _root.code2 = 0; _root.code3 = 0; _root.code4 = 0; } } onClipEvent (keyDown) { touche = Key.getAscii(); if ((_root.code11 == 0) and (touche == 97)) { _root.code11 = touche; } else if (((_root.code11 == 97) and (_root.code12 == 0)) and (touche == 105)) { _root.code12 = touche; } else if ((((_root.code11 == 97) and (_root.code12 == 105)) and (_root.code13 == 0)) and (touche == 100)) { _root.code13 = touche; } else if (((((_root.code11 == 97) and (_root.code12 == 105)) and (_root.code13 == 100)) and (_root.code14 == 0)) and (touche == 101)) { _root.code14 = touche; } else { _root.code11 = 0; _root.code12 = 0; _root.code13 = 0; _root.code14 = 0; } } onClipEvent (keyDown) { touche = Key.getAscii(); if ((_root.code21 == 0) and (touche == 97)) { _root.code21 = touche; } else if (((_root.code21 == 97) and (_root.code22 == 0)) and (touche == 105)) { _root.code22 = touche; } else if ((((_root.code21 == 97) and (_root.code22 == 105)) and (_root.code23 == 0)) and (touche == 117)) { _root.code23 = touche; } else if (((((_root.code21 == 97) and (_root.code22 == 105)) and (_root.code23 == 117)) and (_root.code24 == 0)) and (touche == 116)) { _root.code24 = touche; } else if ((((((_root.code21 == 97) and (_root.code22 == 105)) and (_root.code23 == 117)) and (_root.code24 == 116)) and (_root.code25 == 0)) and (touche == 111)) { _root.code25 = touche; } else { _root.code21 = 0; _root.code22 = 0; _root.code23 = 0; _root.code24 = 0; _root.code25 = 0; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (((((_root.code1 == 104) and (_root.code2 == 101)) and (_root.code3 == 108)) and (_root.code4 == 112)) and (_root.level == 39)) { _root.code = "Increase her pleasure gauge to maximum, then quickly titillate her clit with your finger..."; } else if (((((_root.code11 == 97) and (_root.code12 == 105)) and (_root.code13 == 100)) and (_root.code14 == 101)) and (_root.level == 39)) { _root.code = "Caresse ses seins, pour faire monter sa jauge au maximum, puis, immédiatement, titille lui le clito avec ton doigt..."; } else if ((((((_root.code21 == 97) and (_root.code22 == 105)) and (_root.code23 == 117)) and (_root.code24 == 116)) and (_root.code25 == 111)) and (_root.level == 39)) { _root.code = "Accarezza il suo seno finché non raggiunge il massimo piacere, e poi titilla il suo clitoride con le tue dita..."; } else { _root.code = ""; } }
Instance of Symbol 234 MovieClip in Frame 2136
onClipEvent (load) { son = new Sound(); son.attachSound("groan2"); _root.t = _root.t + 1; if (_root.t == 1) { son.start(); } else if (_root.t == 2) { _root.t = 0; } }
Instance of Symbol 16 MovieClip "fond" in Frame 2137
onClipEvent (load) { _root.maincaresse._x = _xmouse; _root.maincaresse._y = _ymouse; _root.maincaresse._height = 90.2; _root.maincaresse._width = 54.3; _root.maincaresse.stop(); } onClipEvent (mouseMove) { _root.maincaresse._x = _xmouse; _root.maincaresse._y = _ymouse; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.nivgirl < 100) { _root.nivgirl = _root.nivgirl + 1.5; } }
Frame 2143
gotoAndPlay (2136);
Frame 2144
code1 = 0; code2 = 0; code3 = 0; code4 = 0; code11 = 0; code12 = 0; code13 = 0; code14 = 0; code21 = 0; code22 = 0; code23 = 0; code24 = 0; code25 = 0; _root.code = "";
Instance of Symbol 16 MovieClip "fond" in Frame 2144
onClipEvent (load) { _root.maincaresse._x = _xmouse; _root.maincaresse._y = _ymouse; _root.maincaresse._height = 90.2; _root.maincaresse._width = 54.3;; } onClipEvent (mouseMove) { _root.maincaresse._x = _xmouse; _root.maincaresse._y = _ymouse; if (sens == 10) { _root.maincaresse.stop(); } else {; } } onClipEvent (load) { Xx = _root.epauled._x; Yy = _root.epauled._y; Ax = _root.epauled._x - (_root.epauled._width / 2); Ay = _root.epauled._y - (_root.epauled._height / 2); Bx = _root.epauled._x + (_root.epauled._width / 2); By = _root.epauled._y + (_root.epauled._height / 2); } onClipEvent (mouseMove) { finx = _xmouse; finy = _ymouse; if ((((finx < Ax) or (Bx < finx)) or (finy < Ay)) or (By < finy)) { sens = 10; } else if (((finx - debx) < 0) && ((finy - deby) < 0)) { sens = 1; } else if (((finx - debx) == 0) && ((finy - deby) < 0)) { sens = 2; } else if ((0 < (finx - debx)) && ((finy - deby) < 0)) { sens = 3; } else if (((finx - debx) < 0) && ((finy - deby) == 0)) { sens = 4; } else if (((finx - debx) == 0) && ((finy - deby) == 0)) { sens = 5; } else if ((0 < (finx - debx)) && ((finy - deby) == 0)) { sens = 6; } else if (((finx - debx) < 0) && (0 < (finy - deby))) { sens = 7; } else if (((finx - debx) == 0) && (0 < (finy - deby))) { sens = 8; } else if ((0 < (finx - debx)) && (0 < (finy - deby))) { sens = 9; } debx = finx; deby = finy; } onClipEvent (mouseMove) { if (sens == 1) { newx = Xx - 1; newy = Yy - 1; } else if (sens == 2) { newx = Xx; newy = Yy - 2; } else if (sens == 3) { newx = Xx + 1; newy = Yy - 1; } else if (sens == 4) { newx = Xx - 2; newy = Yy; } else if (sens == 5) { newx = Xx; newy = Yy; } else if (sens == 6) { newx = Xx + 2; newy = Yy; } else if (sens == 7) { newx = Xx - 1; newy = Yy + 1; } else if (sens == 8) { newx = Xx; newy = Yy + 2; } else if (sens == 9) { newx = Xx + 1; newy = Yy + 1; } else { newx = Xx; newy = Yy; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { _root.epauled._x = newx; _root.epauled._y = newy; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if ((sens != 10) and (_root.nivgirl < 170)) { _root.nivgirl = _root.nivgirl + 2; } }
Instance of Symbol 186 MovieClip "gaugegirl" in Frame 2144
onClipEvent (load) { _root.gaugegirl._height = _root.nivgirl; _root.gaugegirl._y = ((200 - _root.nivgirl) + (_root.nivgirl / 2)) + 13; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (0 < _root.nivgirl) { _root.nivgirl = _root.nivgirl; } _root.gaugegirl._height = _root.nivgirl; _root.gaugegirl._y = ((200 - _root.nivgirl) + (_root.nivgirl / 2)) + 13; }
Instance of Symbol 234 MovieClip in Frame 2144
onClipEvent (load) { son = new Sound(); son.attachSound("groan4"); _root.t = _root.t + 1; if (_root.t == 1) { son.start(); } else if (_root.t == 2) { _root.t = 0; } }
Frame 2150
gotoAndPlay (2144);
Frame 2151
code1 = 0; code2 = 0; code3 = 0; code4 = 0; code11 = 0; code12 = 0; code13 = 0; code14 = 0; code21 = 0; code22 = 0; code23 = 0; code24 = 0; code25 = 0; _root.code = "";
Instance of Symbol 234 MovieClip in Frame 2151
onClipEvent (load) { son = new Sound(); son.attachSound("groan4"); _root.t = _root.t + 1; if (_root.t == 1) { son.start(); } else if (_root.t == 2) { _root.t = 0; } }
Frame 2157
gotoAndPlay (2151);
Frame 2158
code1 = 0; code2 = 0; code3 = 0; code4 = 0; code11 = 0; code12 = 0; code13 = 0; code14 = 0; code21 = 0; code22 = 0; code23 = 0; code24 = 0; code25 = 0; _root.code = "";
Instance of Symbol 16 MovieClip "fond" in Frame 2158
onClipEvent (load) { _root.maincaresse._x = _xmouse; _root.maincaresse._y = _ymouse; _root.maincaresse._height = 90.2; _root.maincaresse._width = 54.3;; } onClipEvent (mouseMove) { _root.maincaresse._x = _xmouse; _root.maincaresse._y = _ymouse; if (sens == 10) { _root.maincaresse.stop(); } else {; } } onClipEvent (load) { Xx = _root.clito._x; Yy = _root.clito._y; Ax = _root.epauled._x - (_root.epauled._width / 2); Ay = _root.epauled._y - (_root.epauled._height / 2); Bx = _root.epauled._x + (_root.epauled._width / 2); By = _root.epauled._y + (_root.epauled._height / 2); } onClipEvent (mouseMove) { finx = _xmouse; finy = _ymouse; if ((((finx < Ax) or (Bx < finx)) or (finy < Ay)) or (By < finy)) { sens = 10; } else if (((finx - debx) < 0) && ((finy - deby) < 0)) { sens = 1; } else if (((finx - debx) == 0) && ((finy - deby) < 0)) { sens = 2; } else if ((0 < (finx - debx)) && ((finy - deby) < 0)) { sens = 3; } else if (((finx - debx) < 0) && ((finy - deby) == 0)) { sens = 4; } else if (((finx - debx) == 0) && ((finy - deby) == 0)) { sens = 5; } else if ((0 < (finx - debx)) && ((finy - deby) == 0)) { sens = 6; } else if (((finx - debx) < 0) && (0 < (finy - deby))) { sens = 7; } else if (((finx - debx) == 0) && (0 < (finy - deby))) { sens = 8; } else if ((0 < (finx - debx)) && (0 < (finy - deby))) { sens = 9; } debx = finx; deby = finy; } onClipEvent (mouseMove) { if (sens == 1) { newx = Xx - 1; newy = Yy - 1; } else if (sens == 2) { newx = Xx; newy = Yy - 2; } else if (sens == 3) { newx = Xx + 1; newy = Yy - 1; } else if (sens == 4) { newx = Xx - 2; newy = Yy; } else if (sens == 5) { newx = Xx; newy = Yy; } else if (sens == 6) { newx = Xx + 2; newy = Yy; } else if (sens == 7) { newx = Xx - 1; newy = Yy + 1; } else if (sens == 8) { newx = Xx; newy = Yy + 2; } else if (sens == 9) { newx = Xx + 1; newy = Yy + 1; } else { newx = Xx; newy = Yy; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { _root.clito._x = newx; _root.clito._y = newy; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if ((sens != 10) and (_root.nivgirl < 151)) { _root.nivgirl = _root.nivgirl + 1; } else if (((sens != 10) and (150 < _root.nivgirl)) and (_root.nivgirl < 200)) { _root.nivgirl = _root.nivgirl + 3; } }
Instance of Symbol 234 MovieClip in Frame 2158
onClipEvent (load) { son = new Sound(); son.attachSound("groan4"); _root.t = _root.t + 1; if (_root.t == 1) { son.start(); } else if (_root.t == 2) { _root.t = 0; } }
Frame 2164
if (195 < _root.nivgirl) { gotoAndPlay (2166); } else { gotoAndPlay (2158); }
Frame 2165
Frame 2166
_root.sonok = 1; t = 0;
Instance of Symbol 16 MovieClip "fond" in Frame 2166
onClipEvent (load) { _root.maincaresse._x = _xmouse; _root.maincaresse._y = _ymouse; _root.maincaresse._height = 90.2; _root.maincaresse._width = 54.3; _root.maincaresse._rotation = 0; _root.maincaresse.stop(); } onClipEvent (mouseMove) { _root.maincaresse._x = _xmouse; _root.maincaresse._y = _ymouse; _root.maincaresse._rotation = 0; }
Instance of Symbol 186 MovieClip "gaugegirl" in Frame 2166
onClipEvent (load) { _root.gaugegirl._height = 200; _root.gaugegirl._y = ((200 - _root.nivgirl) + (_root.nivgirl / 2)) + 13; }
Instance of Symbol 234 MovieClip in Frame 2167
onClipEvent (load) { son = new Sound(); son.attachSound("groan4"); son.stop("groan1"); son.stop("groan2"); son.stop("groan3"); son.stop("groan4"); son.start(0, 5); }
Instance of Symbol 234 MovieClip in Frame 2209
onClipEvent (load) { son = new Sound(); son.attachSound("orgasm"); son.stop("groan4"); son.start(); }
Instance of Symbol 186 MovieClip "gaugegirl" in Frame 2271
onClipEvent (load) { _root.gaugegirl._height = _root.nivgirl; _root.gaugegirl._y = ((200 - _root.nivgirl) + (_root.nivgirl / 2)) + 13; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (0 < _root.nivgirl) { _root.nivgirl = _root.nivgirl - 1; } _root.gaugegirl._height = _root.nivgirl; _root.gaugegirl._y = ((200 - _root.nivgirl) + (_root.nivgirl / 2)) + 13; }
Instance of Symbol 16 MovieClip "fond" in Frame 2330
onClipEvent (load) { _root.maincaresse._x = _xmouse; _root.maincaresse._y = _ymouse; _root.maincaresse._height = 90.2; _root.maincaresse._width = 54.3; _root.maincaresse.stop(); } onClipEvent (mouseMove) { _root.maincaresse._x = _xmouse; _root.maincaresse._y = _ymouse; }
Instance of Symbol 16 MovieClip "fond" in Frame 2331
onClipEvent (load) { _root.maincaresse._x = _xmouse; _root.maincaresse._y = _ymouse; _root.maincaresse._height = 86.2; _root.maincaresse._width = 52.6; _root.maincaresse.stop(); } onClipEvent (mouseMove) { _root.maincaresse._x = _xmouse; _root.maincaresse._y = _ymouse; }
Instance of Symbol 16 MovieClip "fond" in Frame 2332
onClipEvent (load) { _root.maincaresse._x = _xmouse; _root.maincaresse._y = _ymouse; _root.maincaresse._height = 83.2; _root.maincaresse._width = 50.6; _root.maincaresse.stop(); } onClipEvent (mouseMove) { _root.maincaresse._x = _xmouse; _root.maincaresse._y = _ymouse; }
Instance of Symbol 16 MovieClip "fond" in Frame 2333
onClipEvent (load) { _root.maincaresse._x = _xmouse; _root.maincaresse._y = _ymouse; _root.maincaresse._height = 80.2; _root.maincaresse._width = 48.6; _root.maincaresse.stop(); } onClipEvent (mouseMove) { _root.maincaresse._x = _xmouse; _root.maincaresse._y = _ymouse; }
Instance of Symbol 16 MovieClip "fond" in Frame 2334
onClipEvent (load) { _root.maincaresse._x = _xmouse; _root.maincaresse._y = _ymouse; _root.maincaresse._height = 77.2; _root.maincaresse._width = 46.6; _root.maincaresse.stop(); } onClipEvent (mouseMove) { _root.maincaresse._x = _xmouse; _root.maincaresse._y = _ymouse; }
Instance of Symbol 16 MovieClip "fond" in Frame 2335
onClipEvent (load) { _root.maincaresse._x = _xmouse; _root.maincaresse._y = _ymouse; _root.maincaresse._height = 74.2; _root.maincaresse._width = 44.6; _root.maincaresse.stop(); } onClipEvent (mouseMove) { _root.maincaresse._x = _xmouse; _root.maincaresse._y = _ymouse; }
Frame 2350
stop(); gotoAndStop (3164);
Frame 2351
Instance of Symbol 16 MovieClip "fond" in Frame 2352
onClipEvent (load) { _root.maincaresse._x = _xmouse; _root.maincaresse._y = _ymouse; _root.maincaresse._rotation = 0; _root.maincaresse.stop(); } onClipEvent (mouseMove) { _root.maincaresse._x = _xmouse; _root.maincaresse._y = _ymouse; _root.maincaresse._rotation = 0; }
Instance of Symbol 186 MovieClip "gaugegirl" in Frame 2352
onClipEvent (load) { _root.gaugegirl._height = _root.nivgirl; _root.gaugegirl._y = ((200 - _root.nivgirl) + (_root.nivgirl / 2)) + 13; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (0 < _root.nivgirl) { _root.nivgirl = _root.nivgirl - 1; } _root.gaugegirl._height = _root.nivgirl; _root.gaugegirl._y = ((200 - _root.nivgirl) + (_root.nivgirl / 2)) + 13; }
Frame 2363
if (_root.langue == 1) { _root.texte = "ok...Je veux bien essayer par derrière... mais si tu vas tout doucement..."; } else if (_root.langue == 0) { _root.texte = "Well... If you really want to, we can try it from behind, but please go slowly..."; } else if (_root.langue == 2) { _root.texte = "Va bene... Lo prenderò da dietro, ma solo se ci metterai dolcezza..."; }
Frame 2422
stop(); _root.level = 37; _root.sublevel1 = 0; _root.sublevel2 = 0; gotoAndPlay (2424);
Frame 2423
Frame 2424
_root.sonok = 1; t = 0; code1 = 0; code2 = 0; code3 = 0; code4 = 0; code11 = 0; code12 = 0; code13 = 0; code14 = 0; code21 = 0; code22 = 0; code23 = 0; code24 = 0; code25 = 0; _root.code = ""; _root.flamme._x = 362; stop(); if (_root.level == 41) { _root.level = 400; if (_root.level == 43) { _root.level = 420; } }
Instance of Symbol 16 MovieClip "fond" in Frame 2424
onClipEvent (load) { _root.maincaresse._x = _xmouse; _root.maincaresse._y = _ymouse; _root.maincaresse._rotation = 0; _root.maincaresse.stop(); } onClipEvent (mouseMove) { _root.maincaresse._x = _xmouse; _root.maincaresse._y = _ymouse; _root.maincaresse._rotation = 0; }
Instance of Symbol 186 MovieClip "gaugegirl" in Frame 2424
onClipEvent (load) { _root.gaugegirl._height = _root.nivgirl; _root.gaugegirl._y = ((200 - _root.nivgirl) + (_root.nivgirl / 2)) + 13; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (0 < _root.nivgirl) { _root.nivgirl = _root.nivgirl - 1; } _root.gaugegirl._height = _root.nivgirl; _root.gaugegirl._y = ((200 - _root.nivgirl) + (_root.nivgirl / 2)) + 13; }
Instance of Symbol 224 MovieClip in Frame 2424
onClipEvent (keyDown) { touche = Key.getAscii(); if ((_root.code1 == 0) and (touche == 104)) { _root.code1 = touche; } else if (((_root.code1 == 104) and (_root.code2 == 0)) and (touche == 101)) { _root.code2 = touche; } else if ((((_root.code1 == 104) and (_root.code2 == 101)) and (_root.code3 == 0)) and (touche == 108)) { _root.code3 = touche; } else if (((((_root.code1 == 104) and (_root.code2 == 101)) and (_root.code3 == 108)) and (_root.code4 == 0)) and (touche == 112)) { _root.code4 = touche; } else { _root.code1 = 0; _root.code2 = 0; _root.code3 = 0; _root.code4 = 0; } } onClipEvent (keyDown) { touche = Key.getAscii(); if ((_root.code11 == 0) and (touche == 97)) { _root.code11 = touche; } else if (((_root.code11 == 97) and (_root.code12 == 0)) and (touche == 105)) { _root.code12 = touche; } else if ((((_root.code11 == 97) and (_root.code12 == 105)) and (_root.code13 == 0)) and (touche == 100)) { _root.code13 = touche; } else if (((((_root.code11 == 97) and (_root.code12 == 105)) and (_root.code13 == 100)) and (_root.code14 == 0)) and (touche == 101)) { _root.code14 = touche; } else { _root.code11 = 0; _root.code12 = 0; _root.code13 = 0; _root.code14 = 0; } } onClipEvent (keyDown) { touche = Key.getAscii(); if ((_root.code21 == 0) and (touche == 97)) { _root.code21 = touche; } else if (((_root.code21 == 97) and (_root.code22 == 0)) and (touche == 105)) { _root.code22 = touche; } else if ((((_root.code21 == 97) and (_root.code22 == 105)) and (_root.code23 == 0)) and (touche == 117)) { _root.code23 = touche; } else if (((((_root.code21 == 97) and (_root.code22 == 105)) and (_root.code23 == 117)) and (_root.code24 == 0)) and (touche == 116)) { _root.code24 = touche; } else if ((((((_root.code21 == 97) and (_root.code22 == 105)) and (_root.code23 == 117)) and (_root.code24 == 116)) and (_root.code25 == 0)) and (touche == 111)) { _root.code25 = touche; } else { _root.code21 = 0; _root.code22 = 0; _root.code23 = 0; _root.code24 = 0; _root.code25 = 0; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (((((_root.code1 == 104) and (_root.code2 == 101)) and (_root.code3 == 108)) and (_root.code4 == 112)) and (_root.level == 37)) { _root.code = "Increase her pleasure gauge to maximum by caressing her pussy..."; } else if (((((_root.code1 == 104) and (_root.code2 == 101)) and (_root.code3 == 108)) and (_root.code4 == 112)) and (_root.level == 40)) { _root.code = "If you want to try an anal penetration, begin by putting the finger..."; } else if (((((_root.code1 == 104) and (_root.code2 == 101)) and (_root.code3 == 108)) and (_root.code4 == 112)) and (_root.level == 400)) { _root.code = "As soon as she turns her head towards you, put your finger in her mouth so that she wets it..."; } else if (((((_root.code1 == 104) and (_root.code2 == 101)) and (_root.code3 == 108)) and (_root.code4 == 112)) and (_root.level == 42)) { _root.code = "Push your wet finger in her ass ,to moisten it a little..."; } else if (((((_root.code11 == 97) and (_root.code12 == 105)) and (_root.code13 == 100)) and (_root.code14 == 101)) and (_root.level == 37)) { _root.code = "Fais monter sa jauge de plaisir au maximum en caressant son sexe ..."; } else if (((((_root.code11 == 97) and (_root.code12 == 105)) and (_root.code13 == 100)) and (_root.code14 == 101)) and (_root.level == 40)) { _root.code = "Si tu as envie d'essayer une pénétration anale, commence par y mettre le doigt..."; } else if (((((_root.code11 == 97) and (_root.code12 == 105)) and (_root.code13 == 100)) and (_root.code14 == 101)) and (_root.level == 400)) { _root.code = "Dès qu'elle tourne la tête vers toi, mets lui le doigt dans la bouche pour qu'elle le mouille..."; } else if (((((_root.code11 == 97) and (_root.code12 == 105)) and (_root.code13 == 100)) and (_root.code14 == 101)) and (_root.level == 42)) { _root.code = "Enfonce ton doigt mouillé dans son cul...ça va l'humecter un peu..."; } else if ((((((_root.code21 == 97) and (_root.code22 == 105)) and (_root.code23 == 117)) and (_root.code24 == 116)) and (_root.code25 == 111)) and (_root.level == 37)) { _root.code = "Fa salire il suo livello di piacere accarezzandole la vagina..."; } else if ((((((_root.code21 == 97) and (_root.code22 == 105)) and (_root.code23 == 117)) and (_root.code24 == 116)) and (_root.code25 == 111)) and (_root.level == 40)) { _root.code = "Se vuoi provare ad avere un rapporto anale comincia con le dita..."; } else if ((((((_root.code21 == 97) and (_root.code22 == 105)) and (_root.code23 == 117)) and (_root.code24 == 116)) and (_root.code25 == 111)) and (_root.level == 400)) { _root.code = "Appena girerà la testa verso di te metti le tue dita nella sua bocca, in modo da bagnarle..."; } else if ((((((_root.code21 == 97) and (_root.code22 == 105)) and (_root.code23 == 117)) and (_root.code24 == 116)) and (_root.code25 == 111)) and (_root.level == 42)) { _root.code = "Metti le tue dita bagnate nel suo culo, in modo da umidificarlo un po'..."; } else { _root.code = ""; } }
Frame 2425
Instance of Symbol 16 MovieClip "fond" in Frame 2425
onClipEvent (load) { _root.maincaresse._x = _xmouse; _root.maincaresse._y = _ymouse;; } onClipEvent (mouseMove) { _root.maincaresse._x = _xmouse; _root.maincaresse._y = _ymouse; if (sens == 10) { _root.maincaresse.stop(); } else {; } } onClipEvent (load) { lip1x = _root.lip1._x; lip1w = _root.lip1._width; lip2x = _root.lip2._x; lip2w = _root.lip2._width; lip3x = _root.lip3._x; lip3w = _root.lip3._width; lip4x = _root.lip4._x; lip4w = _root.lip4._width; Ax = 304.7; Ay = 393.2; Bx = 334.7; By = 433.2; } onClipEvent (mouseMove) { finx = _xmouse; finy = _ymouse; if ((((finx < Ax) or (Bx < finx)) or (finy < Ay)) or (By < finy)) { sens = 10; } else if (((finx - debx) < 0) && ((finy - deby) < 0)) { sens = 1; } else if (((finx - debx) == 0) && ((finy - deby) < 0)) { sens = 2; } else if ((0 < (finx - debx)) && ((finy - deby) < 0)) { sens = 3; } else if (((finx - debx) < 0) && ((finy - deby) == 0)) { sens = 4; } else if (((finx - debx) == 0) && ((finy - deby) == 0)) { sens = 5; } else if ((0 < (finx - debx)) && ((finy - deby) == 0)) { sens = 6; } else if (((finx - debx) < 0) && (0 < (finy - deby))) { sens = 7; } else if (((finx - debx) == 0) && (0 < (finy - deby))) { sens = 8; } else if ((0 < (finx - debx)) && (0 < (finy - deby))) { sens = 9; } debx = finx; deby = finy; } onClipEvent (mouseMove) { if (sens == 1) { _root.lip1._x = lip1x - 0.5; _root.lip1._width = lip1w + 0.5; _root.lip2._x = lip2x; _root.lip2._width = lip2w; _root.lip3._x = lip3x - 0.5; _root.lip3._width = lip3w + 0.5; _root.lip4._x = lip4x; _root.lip4._width = lip4w; } else if (sens == 3) { _root.lip1._x = lip1x; _root.lip1._width = lip1w; _root.lip2._x = lip2x + 0.5; _root.lip2._width = lip2w + 0.5; _root.lip3._x = lip3x; _root.lip3._width = lip3w; _root.lip4._x = lip4x + 0.5; _root.lip4._width = lip4w + 0.5; } else if (sens == 4) { _root.lip1._x = lip1x - 1; _root.lip1._width = lip1w + 1; _root.lip2._x = lip2x; _root.lip2._width = lip2w; _root.lip3._x = lip3x - 1; _root.lip3._width = lip3w + 1; _root.lip4._x = lip4x; _root.lip4._width = lip4w; } else if (sens == 6) { _root.lip1._x = lip1x; _root.lip1._width = lip1w; _root.lip2._x = lip2x + 1; _root.lip2._width = lip2w + 1; _root.lip3._x = lip3x; _root.lip3._width = lip3w; _root.lip4._x = lip4x + 1; _root.lip4._width = lip4w + 1; } else if (sens == 7) { _root.lip1._x = lip1x - 0.5; _root.lip1._width = lip1w + 0.5; _root.lip2._x = lip2x; _root.lip2._width = lip2w; _root.lip3._x = lip3x - 0.5; _root.lip3._width = lip3w + 0.5; _root.lip4._x = lip4x; _root.lip4._width = lip4w; } else if (sens == 9) { _root.lip1._x = lip1x; _root.lip1._width = lip1w; _root.lip2._x = lip2x + 0.5; _root.lip2._width = lip2w + 0.5; _root.lip3._x = lip3x; _root.lip3._width = lip3w; _root.lip4._x = lip4x + 0.5; _root.lip4._width = lip4w + 0.5; } else { _root.lip1._x = lip1x; _root.lip1._width = lip1w; _root.lip2._x = lip2x; _root.lip2._width = lip2w; _root.lip3._x = lip3x; _root.lip3._width = lip3w; _root.lip4._x = lip4x; _root.lip4._width = lip4w; } } onClipEvent (mouseMove) { if ((sens != 10) and (_root.nivgirl < 100)) { _root.nivgirl = _root.nivgirl + 1; } else if ((sens != 10) and (_root.nivgirl < 150)) { _root.nivgirl = _root.nivgirl + 0.5; } else if ((sens != 10) and (_root.nivgirl < 180)) { _root.nivgirl = _root.nivgirl + 0.2; } if (80 < _root.nivgirl) { _root.level = 40; } }
Instance of Symbol 234 MovieClip in Frame 2425
onClipEvent (load) { son = new Sound(); s = 0; s = random(3); if (s == 0) { son.attachSound("groan1"); } else if (s == 1) { son.attachSound("groan2"); } else if (s == 2) { son.attachSound("groan3"); } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if ((_root.t == 0) and (_root.sonok == 1)) { s = random(3); if (s == 0) { son.attachSound("groan1"); } else if (s == 1) { son.attachSound("groan2"); } else if (s == 2) { son.attachSound("groan3"); } son.stop("groan1"); son.stop("groan2"); son.stop("groan3"); son.start(); _root.t = _root.t + 1; } else { _root.t = _root.t + 1; } if (20 < _root.t) { _root.t = 0; } }
Frame 2426
Instance of Symbol 16 MovieClip "fond" in Frame 2426
onClipEvent (load) { _root.maincaresse._x = _xmouse; _root.maincaresse._y = _ymouse;; } onClipEvent (mouseMove) { _root.maincaresse._x = _xmouse; _root.maincaresse._y = _ymouse; } onClipEvent (load) { Xx = _root.epauled._x; Yy = _root.epauled._y; Ax = 307.7; Ay = 385.2; Bx = 327.7; By = 405.2; } onClipEvent (mouseMove) { finx = _xmouse; finy = _ymouse; if ((((finx < Ax) or (Bx < finx)) or (finy < Ay)) or (By < finy)) { sens = 10; } else if (((finx - debx) < 0) && ((finy - deby) < 0)) { sens = 1; } else if (((finx - debx) == 0) && ((finy - deby) < 0)) { sens = 2; } else if ((0 < (finx - debx)) && ((finy - deby) < 0)) { sens = 3; } else if (((finx - debx) < 0) && ((finy - deby) == 0)) { sens = 4; } else if (((finx - debx) == 0) && ((finy - deby) == 0)) { sens = 5; } else if ((0 < (finx - debx)) && ((finy - deby) == 0)) { sens = 6; } else if (((finx - debx) < 0) && (0 < (finy - deby))) { sens = 7; } else if (((finx - debx) == 0) && (0 < (finy - deby))) { sens = 8; } else if ((0 < (finx - debx)) && (0 < (finy - deby))) { sens = 9; } debx = finx; deby = finy; } onClipEvent (mouseMove) { if (sens == 1) { newx = Xx - 0.5; newy = Yy - 0.5; } else if (sens == 2) { newx = Xx; newy = Yy - 1; } else if (sens == 3) { newx = Xx + 0.5; newy = Yy - 0.5; } else if (sens == 4) { newx = Xx - 1; newy = Yy; } else if (sens == 5) { newx = Xx; newy = Yy; } else if (sens == 6) { newx = Xx + 1; newy = Yy; } else if (sens == 7) { newx = Xx - 0.5; newy = Yy + 0.5; } else if (sens == 8) { newx = Xx; newy = Yy + 1; } else if (sens == 9) { newx = Xx + 0.5; newy = Yy + 0.5; } else { newx = Xx; newy = Yy; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { _root.epauled._x = newx; _root.epauled._y = newy; } onClipEvent (mouseMove) { if ((sens != 10) and (_root.nivgirl < 100)) { _root.nivgirl = _root.nivgirl + 1; } else if ((sens != 10) and (_root.nivgirl < 150)) { _root.nivgirl = _root.nivgirl + 0.4; } else if ((sens != 10) and (_root.nivgirl < 180)) { _root.nivgirl = _root.nivgirl + 0.2; } }
Frame 2427
Instance of Symbol 16 MovieClip "fond" in Frame 2427
onClipEvent (load) { _root.maincaresse._x = _xmouse; _root.maincaresse._y = _ymouse; _root.maincaresse._rotation = 0; penet = 0; _root.tcul._visible = false; } onClipEvent (mouseMove) { _root.maincaresse._x = _xmouse; _root.maincaresse._y = _ymouse; _root.maincaresse._rotation = 0; } onClipEvent (mouseMove) { if ((((313 < _xmouse) and (_xmouse < 324)) and (384 < _ymouse)) and (_ymouse < 397.2)) { _root.penet = 1; } else if (397.1 < _ymouse) { _root.penet = 0; } if ((_ymouse < 384.1) and (_root.penet == 1)) { _root.maincaresse._y = 384.1; } if (_root.penet == 1) { _root.maincaresse._x = 318.4; } if ((_ymouse < 397.2) and (394 < _ymouse)) { _root.tcul._y = _ymouse - 36; } else if (_ymouse < 394.1) { _root.tcul._y = 358.1; } else if (397.1 < _ymouse) { _root.tcul._y = 361.1; } if (_root.penet == 1) { _root.tcul._visible = true; } else { _root.tcul._visible = false; } if (((_root.penet == 1) and (_ymouse < 380)) and (_root.level == 40)) { _root.level = 41; } else if (((_root.penet == 1) and (_ymouse < 380)) and (_root.level == 400)) { _root.level = 41; } else if (((_root.penet == 1) and (_ymouse < 380)) and (_root.level == 42)) { _root.level = 43; } else if (((_root.penet == 1) and (_ymouse < 380)) and (_root.level == 420)) { _root.level = 43; } }
Frame 2428
Instance of Symbol 16 MovieClip "fond" in Frame 2429
onClipEvent (load) { _root.maincaresse._x = _xmouse; _root.maincaresse._y = _ymouse; _root.maincaresse._height = 74.2; _root.maincaresse._width = 44.6; _root.maincaresse.stop(); } onClipEvent (mouseMove) { _root.maincaresse._x = _xmouse; _root.maincaresse._y = _ymouse; }
Instance of Symbol 186 MovieClip "gaugegirl" in Frame 2429
onClipEvent (load) { _root.gaugegirl._height = _root.nivgirl; _root.gaugegirl._y = ((200 - _root.nivgirl) + (_root.nivgirl / 2)) + 13; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (0 < _root.nivgirl) { _root.nivgirl = _root.nivgirl - 1; } _root.gaugegirl._height = _root.nivgirl; _root.gaugegirl._y = ((200 - _root.nivgirl) + (_root.nivgirl / 2)) + 13; }
Instance of Symbol 16 MovieClip "fond" in Frame 2430
onClipEvent (load) { _root.maincaresse._x = _xmouse; _root.maincaresse._y = _ymouse; _root.maincaresse._height = 77.2; _root.maincaresse._width = 46.6; _root.maincaresse.stop(); } onClipEvent (mouseMove) { _root.maincaresse._x = _xmouse; _root.maincaresse._y = _ymouse; }
Instance of Symbol 16 MovieClip "fond" in Frame 2431
onClipEvent (load) { _root.maincaresse._x = _xmouse; _root.maincaresse._y = _ymouse; _root.maincaresse._height = 80.2; _root.maincaresse._width = 48.6; _root.maincaresse.stop(); } onClipEvent (mouseMove) { _root.maincaresse._x = _xmouse; _root.maincaresse._y = _ymouse; }
Instance of Symbol 16 MovieClip "fond" in Frame 2432
onClipEvent (load) { _root.maincaresse._x = _xmouse; _root.maincaresse._y = _ymouse; _root.maincaresse._height = 83.2; _root.maincaresse._width = 50.6; _root.maincaresse.stop(); } onClipEvent (mouseMove) { _root.maincaresse._x = _xmouse; _root.maincaresse._y = _ymouse; }
Instance of Symbol 16 MovieClip "fond" in Frame 2433
onClipEvent (load) { _root.maincaresse._x = _xmouse; _root.maincaresse._y = _ymouse; _root.maincaresse._height = 86.2; _root.maincaresse._width = 52.6; _root.maincaresse.stop(); } onClipEvent (mouseMove) { _root.maincaresse._x = _xmouse; _root.maincaresse._y = _ymouse; }
Frame 2434
stop(); if (_root.level == 43) { gotoAndPlay (2515); } else { gotoAndPlay (2435); }
Instance of Symbol 234 MovieClip in Frame 2455
onClipEvent (load) { son = new Sound(); son.attachSound("cry"); son.start(); }
Frame 2483
stop(); gotoAndPlay (2503);
Frame 2484
Frame 2486
_root.level = 42;
Instance of Symbol 16 MovieClip "fond" in Frame 2486
onClipEvent (load) { _root.maincaresse.stop(); }
Instance of Symbol 186 MovieClip "gaugegirl" in Frame 2486
onClipEvent (load) { _root.gaugegirl._height = _root.nivgirl; _root.gaugegirl._y = ((200 - _root.nivgirl) + (_root.nivgirl / 2)) + 13; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (0 < _root.nivgirl) { _root.nivgirl = _root.nivgirl - 1; } _root.gaugegirl._height = _root.nivgirl; _root.gaugegirl._y = ((200 - _root.nivgirl) + (_root.nivgirl / 2)) + 13; }
Instance of Symbol 16 MovieClip "fond" in Frame 2498
onClipEvent (load) { _root.maincaresse._x = _xmouse; _root.maincaresse._y = _ymouse; _root.maincaresse._rotation = 0; _root.maincaresse.stop(); } onClipEvent (mouseMove) { _root.maincaresse._x = _xmouse; _root.maincaresse._y = _ymouse; _root.maincaresse._rotation = 0; }
Instance of Symbol 16 MovieClip "fond" in Frame 2507
onClipEvent (load) { _root.maincaresse._x = _xmouse; _root.maincaresse._y = _ymouse; _root.maincaresse._height = 86.2; _root.maincaresse._width = 52.6; _root.maincaresse.stop(); } onClipEvent (mouseMove) { _root.maincaresse._x = _xmouse; _root.maincaresse._y = _ymouse; }
Instance of Symbol 16 MovieClip "fond" in Frame 2508
onClipEvent (load) { _root.maincaresse._x = _xmouse; _root.maincaresse._y = _ymouse; _root.maincaresse._height = 83.2; _root.maincaresse._width = 50.6; _root.maincaresse.stop(); } onClipEvent (mouseMove) { _root.maincaresse._x = _xmouse; _root.maincaresse._y = _ymouse; }
Instance of Symbol 16 MovieClip "fond" in Frame 2509
onClipEvent (load) { _root.maincaresse._x = _xmouse; _root.maincaresse._y = _ymouse; _root.maincaresse._height = 80.2; _root.maincaresse._width = 48.6; _root.maincaresse.stop(); } onClipEvent (mouseMove) { _root.maincaresse._x = _xmouse; _root.maincaresse._y = _ymouse; }
Instance of Symbol 16 MovieClip "fond" in Frame 2510
onClipEvent (load) { _root.maincaresse._x = _xmouse; _root.maincaresse._y = _ymouse; _root.maincaresse._height = 77.2; _root.maincaresse._width = 46.6; _root.maincaresse.stop(); } onClipEvent (mouseMove) { _root.maincaresse._x = _xmouse; _root.maincaresse._y = _ymouse; }
Instance of Symbol 16 MovieClip "fond" in Frame 2511
onClipEvent (load) { _root.maincaresse._x = _xmouse; _root.maincaresse._y = _ymouse; _root.maincaresse._height = 74.2; _root.maincaresse._width = 44.6; _root.maincaresse.stop(); } onClipEvent (mouseMove) { _root.maincaresse._x = _xmouse; _root.maincaresse._y = _ymouse; }
Instance of Symbol 16 MovieClip "fond" in Frame 2512
onClipEvent (load) { _root.maincaresse._x = _xmouse; _root.maincaresse._y = _ymouse; _root.maincaresse._rotation = 0; } onClipEvent (mouseMove) { _root.maincaresse._x = _xmouse; _root.maincaresse._y = _ymouse; _root.maincaresse._rotation = 0; }
Frame 2513
gotoAndStop (2424);
Frame 2514
Frame 2515
code1 = 0; code2 = 0; code3 = 0; code4 = 0; code11 = 0; code12 = 0; code13 = 0; code14 = 0; code21 = 0; code22 = 0; code23 = 0; code24 = 0; code25 = 0; _root.code = "";
Instance of Symbol 16 MovieClip "fond" in Frame 2515
onClipEvent (load) { _root.maincaresse._x = _xmouse; _root.maincaresse._y = _ymouse; _root.maincaresse._rotation = 0; } onClipEvent (mouseMove) { _root.maincaresse._x = _xmouse; _root.maincaresse._y = _ymouse; _root.maincaresse._rotation = 0; }
Instance of Symbol 186 MovieClip "gaugegirl" in Frame 2515
onClipEvent (load) { _root.gaugegirl._height = _root.nivgirl; _root.gaugegirl._y = ((200 - _root.nivgirl) + (_root.nivgirl / 2)) + 13; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (0 < _root.nivgirl) { _root.nivgirl = _root.nivgirl - 1; } _root.gaugegirl._height = _root.nivgirl; _root.gaugegirl._y = ((200 - _root.nivgirl) + (_root.nivgirl / 2)) + 13; }
Instance of Symbol 234 MovieClip in Frame 2548
onClipEvent (load) { son = new Sound(); son.attachSound("cry"); son.stop("groan2"); son.stop("cry"); son.start(); }
Frame 2553
_root.level = 44;
Instance of Symbol 16 MovieClip "fond" in Frame 2564
onClipEvent (load) { _root.maincaresse._x = _xmouse; _root.maincaresse._y = _ymouse; _root.maincaresse._rotation = 0; } onClipEvent (mouseMove) { _root.maincaresse._x = _xmouse; _root.maincaresse._y = _ymouse; _root.maincaresse._rotation = 0; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.nivgirl < 100) { _root.nivgirl = _root.nivgirl + 1.5; } else if (_root.nivgirl < 150) { _root.nivgirl = _root.nivgirl + 1.2; } else if (_root.nivgirl < 180) { _root.nivgirl = _root.nivgirl + 0.2; } }
Instance of Symbol 224 MovieClip in Frame 2564
onClipEvent (keyDown) { touche = Key.getAscii(); if ((_root.code1 == 0) and (touche == 104)) { _root.code1 = touche; } else if (((_root.code1 == 104) and (_root.code2 == 0)) and (touche == 101)) { _root.code2 = touche; } else if ((((_root.code1 == 104) and (_root.code2 == 101)) and (_root.code3 == 0)) and (touche == 108)) { _root.code3 = touche; } else if (((((_root.code1 == 104) and (_root.code2 == 101)) and (_root.code3 == 108)) and (_root.code4 == 0)) and (touche == 112)) { _root.code4 = touche; } else { _root.code1 = 0; _root.code2 = 0; _root.code3 = 0; _root.code4 = 0; } } onClipEvent (keyDown) { touche = Key.getAscii(); if ((_root.code11 == 0) and (touche == 97)) { _root.code11 = touche; } else if (((_root.code11 == 97) and (_root.code12 == 0)) and (touche == 105)) { _root.code12 = touche; } else if ((((_root.code11 == 97) and (_root.code12 == 105)) and (_root.code13 == 0)) and (touche == 100)) { _root.code13 = touche; } else if (((((_root.code11 == 97) and (_root.code12 == 105)) and (_root.code13 == 100)) and (_root.code14 == 0)) and (touche == 101)) { _root.code14 = touche; } else { _root.code11 = 0; _root.code12 = 0; _root.code13 = 0; _root.code14 = 0; } } onClipEvent (keyDown) { touche = Key.getAscii(); if ((_root.code21 == 0) and (touche == 97)) { _root.code21 = touche; } else if (((_root.code21 == 97) and (_root.code22 == 0)) and (touche == 105)) { _root.code22 = touche; } else if ((((_root.code21 == 97) and (_root.code22 == 105)) and (_root.code23 == 0)) and (touche == 117)) { _root.code23 = touche; } else if (((((_root.code21 == 97) and (_root.code22 == 105)) and (_root.code23 == 117)) and (_root.code24 == 0)) and (touche == 116)) { _root.code24 = touche; } else if ((((((_root.code21 == 97) and (_root.code22 == 105)) and (_root.code23 == 117)) and (_root.code24 == 116)) and (_root.code25 == 0)) and (touche == 111)) { _root.code25 = touche; } else { _root.code21 = 0; _root.code22 = 0; _root.code23 = 0; _root.code24 = 0; _root.code25 = 0; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if ((((_root.code1 == 104) and (_root.code2 == 101)) and (_root.code3 == 108)) and (_root.code4 == 112)) { _root.code = "Caress her breasts, she's ready to have an orgasm..."; } else if ((((_root.code11 == 97) and (_root.code12 == 105)) and (_root.code13 == 100)) and (_root.code14 == 101)) { _root.code = "Caresse lui les seins, elle est prête à avoir un orgasme ..."; } else if (((((_root.code21 == 97) and (_root.code22 == 105)) and (_root.code23 == 117)) and (_root.code24 == 116)) and (_root.code25 == 111)) { _root.code = "Accarezza il suo seno, è pronta ad avere un orgasmo..."; } else { _root.code = ""; } }
Instance of Symbol 234 MovieClip in Frame 2564
onClipEvent (load) { son = new Sound(); son.attachSound("groan2"); son.stop("groan2"); son.stop("cry"); son.start(); }
Frame 2572
gotoAndPlay (2564);
Frame 2573
code1 = 0; code2 = 0; code3 = 0; code4 = 0; code11 = 0; code12 = 0; code13 = 0; code14 = 0; code21 = 0; code22 = 0; code23 = 0; code24 = 0; code25 = 0; _root.code = "";
Instance of Symbol 16 MovieClip "fond" in Frame 2573
onClipEvent (load) { _root.maincaresse._x = _xmouse; _root.maincaresse._y = _ymouse; _root.main1._x = _xmouse; _root.main1._y = _ymouse; _root.maincaresse._visible = false; } onClipEvent (mouseMove) { _root.maincaresse._x = _xmouse; _root.maincaresse._y = _ymouse; _root.main1._x = _xmouse; _root.main1._y = _ymouse; } onClipEvent (load) { A1x = _root.zone1._x - (_root.zone1._width / 2); A1y = _root.zone1._y - (_root.zone1._height / 2); B1x = _root.zone1._x + (_root.zone1._width / 2); B1y = _root.zone1._y + (_root.zone1._height / 2); } onClipEvent (mouseMove) { finx = _xmouse; finy = _ymouse; if ((((A1x < finx) and (finx < B1x)) and (A1y < finy)) and (finy < B1y)) { sens = 1; } else { sens = 10; } } onClipEvent (mouseMove) { if (sens == 1) { _root.maincaresse._visible = false; _root.main1._visible = true; } else { _root.maincaresse._visible = true; _root.main1._visible = false; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.nivgirl < 100) { _root.nivgirl = _root.nivgirl + 1.5; } else if (_root.nivgirl < 150) { _root.nivgirl = _root.nivgirl + 1.2; } else if (149 < _root.nivgirl) { _root.nivgirl = _root.nivgirl + 0.2; } } onClipEvent (mouseMove) { if ((sens != 10) and (_root.nivgirl < 200)) { _root.nivgirl = _root.nivgirl + 0.6; } }
Instance of Symbol 186 MovieClip "gaugegirl" in Frame 2573
onClipEvent (load) { _root.gaugegirl._height = _root.nivgirl; _root.gaugegirl._y = ((200 - _root.nivgirl) + (_root.nivgirl / 2)) + 13; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (0 < _root.nivgirl) { _root.nivgirl = _root.nivgirl; } _root.gaugegirl._height = _root.nivgirl; _root.gaugegirl._y = ((200 - _root.nivgirl) + (_root.nivgirl / 2)) + 13; }
Instance of Symbol 234 MovieClip in Frame 2573
onClipEvent (load) { son = new Sound(); son.attachSound("groan2"); son.stop("groan2"); son.stop("cry"); son.start(); }
Frame 2581
if (195 < _root.nivgirl) { gotoAndPlay (2592); } else { gotoAndPlay (2573); }
Frame 2582
code1 = 0; code2 = 0; code3 = 0; code4 = 0; code11 = 0; code12 = 0; code13 = 0; code14 = 0; code21 = 0; code22 = 0; code23 = 0; code24 = 0; code25 = 0; _root.code = "";
Instance of Symbol 234 MovieClip in Frame 2582
onClipEvent (load) { son = new Sound(); son.attachSound("groan2"); son.stop("groan2"); son.stop("cry"); son.start(); }
Frame 2590
if (195 < _root.nivgirl) { gotoAndPlay (2592); } else { gotoAndPlay (2582); }
Frame 2591
Instance of Symbol 16 MovieClip "fond" in Frame 2592
onClipEvent (load) { _root.maincaresse._x = _xmouse; _root.maincaresse._y = _ymouse; _root.maincaresse._rotation = 0; _root.maincaresse._height = 86.2; _root.maincaresse._width = 52.6; } onClipEvent (mouseMove) { _root.maincaresse._x = _xmouse; _root.maincaresse._y = _ymouse; _root.maincaresse._rotation = 0; }
Instance of Symbol 186 MovieClip "gaugegirl" in Frame 2592
onClipEvent (load) { _root.gaugegirl._height = 200; _root.gaugegirl._y = ((200 - _root.nivgirl) + (_root.nivgirl / 2)) + 13; }
Instance of Symbol 234 MovieClip in Frame 2601
onClipEvent (load) { son = new Sound(); son.attachSound("orgasm"); son.stop("groan1"); son.stop("groan2"); son.stop("groan3"); son.stop("cry"); son.start(); }
Instance of Symbol 186 MovieClip "gaugegirl" in Frame 2720
onClipEvent (load) { _root.gaugegirl._height = _root.nivgirl; _root.gaugegirl._y = ((200 - _root.nivgirl) + (_root.nivgirl / 2)) + 13; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (0 < _root.nivgirl) { _root.nivgirl = _root.nivgirl - 1; } _root.gaugegirl._height = _root.nivgirl; _root.gaugegirl._y = ((200 - _root.nivgirl) + (_root.nivgirl / 2)) + 13; }
Instance of Symbol 16 MovieClip "fond" in Frame 2746
onClipEvent (load) { _root.maincaresse._x = _xmouse; _root.maincaresse._y = _ymouse; _root.maincaresse._height = 86.2; _root.maincaresse._width = 52.6; _root.maincaresse.stop(); } onClipEvent (mouseMove) { _root.maincaresse._x = _xmouse; _root.maincaresse._y = _ymouse; }
Instance of Symbol 16 MovieClip "fond" in Frame 2747
onClipEvent (load) { _root.maincaresse._x = _xmouse; _root.maincaresse._y = _ymouse; _root.maincaresse._height = 83.2; _root.maincaresse._width = 50.6; _root.maincaresse.stop(); } onClipEvent (mouseMove) { _root.maincaresse._x = _xmouse; _root.maincaresse._y = _ymouse; }
Instance of Symbol 16 MovieClip "fond" in Frame 2748
onClipEvent (load) { _root.maincaresse._x = _xmouse; _root.maincaresse._y = _ymouse; _root.maincaresse._height = 80.2; _root.maincaresse._width = 48.6; _root.maincaresse.stop(); } onClipEvent (mouseMove) { _root.maincaresse._x = _xmouse; _root.maincaresse._y = _ymouse; }
Instance of Symbol 16 MovieClip "fond" in Frame 2749
onClipEvent (load) { _root.maincaresse._x = _xmouse; _root.maincaresse._y = _ymouse; _root.maincaresse._height = 77.2; _root.maincaresse._width = 46.6; _root.maincaresse.stop(); } onClipEvent (mouseMove) { _root.maincaresse._x = _xmouse; _root.maincaresse._y = _ymouse; }
Instance of Symbol 16 MovieClip "fond" in Frame 2750
onClipEvent (load) { _root.maincaresse._x = _xmouse; _root.maincaresse._y = _ymouse; _root.maincaresse._height = 74.2; _root.maincaresse._width = 44.6; _root.maincaresse.stop(); } onClipEvent (mouseMove) { _root.maincaresse._x = _xmouse; _root.maincaresse._y = _ymouse; }
Instance of Symbol 16 MovieClip "fond" in Frame 2751
onClipEvent (load) { _root.maincaresse._x = _xmouse; _root.maincaresse._y = _ymouse; _root.maincaresse._rotation = 0; } onClipEvent (mouseMove) { _root.maincaresse._x = _xmouse; _root.maincaresse._y = _ymouse; _root.maincaresse._rotation = 0; }
Frame 2811
stop(); gotoAndStop (3164);
Frame 2812
Instance of Symbol 16 MovieClip "fond" in Frame 2813
onClipEvent (load) { _root.maincaresse._x = _xmouse; _root.maincaresse._y = _ymouse; _root.maincaresse._rotation = 0; _root.maincaresse.stop(); } onClipEvent (mouseMove) { _root.maincaresse._x = _xmouse; _root.maincaresse._y = _ymouse; _root.maincaresse._rotation = 0; }
Instance of Symbol 186 MovieClip "gaugegirl" in Frame 2813
onClipEvent (load) { _root.gaugegirl._height = _root.nivgirl; _root.gaugegirl._y = ((200 - _root.nivgirl) + (_root.nivgirl / 2)) + 13; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (0 < _root.nivgirl) { _root.nivgirl = _root.nivgirl - 1; } _root.gaugegirl._height = _root.nivgirl; _root.gaugegirl._y = ((200 - _root.nivgirl) + (_root.nivgirl / 2)) + 13; }
Frame 2824
if (_root.langue == 1) { _root.texte = " suis certaine de savoir ce que tu aime..."; } else if (_root.langue == 0) { _root.texte = "Ok... I think I know what you would like..."; } else if (_root.langue == 2) { _root.texte = "Ok... Sono sicura di sapere quello che ti piace..."; }
Frame 2883
stop(); _root.level = 37; _root.sublevel1 = 0; _root.sublevel2 = 0; gotoAndPlay (2885);
Frame 2884
Frame 2885
_root.sonok = 1; t = 0; code1 = 0; code2 = 0; code3 = 0; code4 = 0; code11 = 0; code12 = 0; code13 = 0; code14 = 0; code21 = 0; code22 = 0; code23 = 0; code24 = 0; code25 = 0; _root.code = ""; _root.flamme._x = 362; stop();
Instance of Symbol 16 MovieClip "fond" in Frame 2885
onClipEvent (load) { _root.maincaresse._x = _xmouse; _root.maincaresse._y = _ymouse; _root.maincaresse._rotation = 0; _root.maincaresse.stop(); } onClipEvent (mouseMove) { _root.maincaresse._x = _xmouse; _root.maincaresse._y = _ymouse; _root.maincaresse._rotation = 0; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (40 < _root.i) { _root.i = 0; _root.j = random(5); _root.k = random(2); } else { _root.i = _root.i + 1; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.j == 1) { _root.reg1._visible = true; _root.reg2._visible = false; _root.cligne._visible = false; } else if (_root.j == 2) { _root.reg1._visible = false; _root.reg2._visible = true; _root.cligne._visible = false; } else { _root.reg1._visible = false; _root.reg2._visible = false; _root.cligne._visible = false; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.i == 35) { _root.cligne._visible = true; } else { _root.cligne._visible = false; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.k == 0) { _root.bouchferm._visible = true; } else { _root.bouchferm._visible = false; } }
Instance of Symbol 186 MovieClip "gaugegirl" in Frame 2885
onClipEvent (load) { _root.gaugegirl._height = _root.nivgirl; _root.gaugegirl._y = ((200 - _root.nivgirl) + (_root.nivgirl / 2)) + 13; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (0 < _root.nivgirl) { _root.nivgirl = _root.nivgirl - 1; } _root.gaugegirl._height = _root.nivgirl; _root.gaugegirl._y = ((200 - _root.nivgirl) + (_root.nivgirl / 2)) + 13; }
Instance of Symbol 224 MovieClip in Frame 2885
onClipEvent (keyDown) { touche = Key.getAscii(); if ((_root.code1 == 0) and (touche == 104)) { _root.code1 = touche; } else if (((_root.code1 == 104) and (_root.code2 == 0)) and (touche == 101)) { _root.code2 = touche; } else if ((((_root.code1 == 104) and (_root.code2 == 101)) and (_root.code3 == 0)) and (touche == 108)) { _root.code3 = touche; } else if (((((_root.code1 == 104) and (_root.code2 == 101)) and (_root.code3 == 108)) and (_root.code4 == 0)) and (touche == 112)) { _root.code4 = touche; } else { _root.code1 = 0; _root.code2 = 0; _root.code3 = 0; _root.code4 = 0; } } onClipEvent (keyDown) { touche = Key.getAscii(); if ((_root.code11 == 0) and (touche == 97)) { _root.code11 = touche; } else if (((_root.code11 == 97) and (_root.code12 == 0)) and (touche == 105)) { _root.code12 = touche; } else if ((((_root.code11 == 97) and (_root.code12 == 105)) and (_root.code13 == 0)) and (touche == 100)) { _root.code13 = touche; } else if (((((_root.code11 == 97) and (_root.code12 == 105)) and (_root.code13 == 100)) and (_root.code14 == 0)) and (touche == 101)) { _root.code14 = touche; } else { _root.code11 = 0; _root.code12 = 0; _root.code13 = 0; _root.code14 = 0; } } onClipEvent (keyDown) { touche = Key.getAscii(); if ((_root.code21 == 0) and (touche == 97)) { _root.code21 = touche; } else if (((_root.code21 == 97) and (_root.code22 == 0)) and (touche == 105)) { _root.code22 = touche; } else if ((((_root.code21 == 97) and (_root.code22 == 105)) and (_root.code23 == 0)) and (touche == 117)) { _root.code23 = touche; } else if (((((_root.code21 == 97) and (_root.code22 == 105)) and (_root.code23 == 117)) and (_root.code24 == 0)) and (touche == 116)) { _root.code24 = touche; } else if ((((((_root.code21 == 97) and (_root.code22 == 105)) and (_root.code23 == 117)) and (_root.code24 == 116)) and (_root.code25 == 0)) and (touche == 111)) { _root.code25 = touche; } else { _root.code21 = 0; _root.code22 = 0; _root.code23 = 0; _root.code24 = 0; _root.code25 = 0; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if ((((((_root.code1 == 104) and (_root.code2 == 101)) and (_root.code3 == 108)) and (_root.code4 == 112)) and (_root.level == 37)) and (_root.sublevel1 == 0)) { _root.code = "Titillate her nipples with your fingertips, usually girls like that..."; } else if (((((((_root.code1 == 104) and (_root.code2 == 101)) and (_root.code3 == 108)) and (_root.code4 == 112)) and (_root.level == 37)) and (_root.sublevel1 == 1)) and (_root.sublevel2 == 0)) { _root.code = "Use your fingers on her clit a bit..."; } else if (((((_root.code1 == 104) and (_root.code2 == 101)) and (_root.code3 == 108)) and (_root.code4 == 112)) and (_root.level == 51)) { _root.code = "Caress her breasts to increase her pleasure gauge"; } else if ((((((_root.code11 == 97) and (_root.code12 == 105)) and (_root.code13 == 100)) and (_root.code14 == 101)) and (_root.level == 37)) and (_root.sublevel1 == 0)) { _root.code = "Avec le bout des doigts, titille lui les tétons, en général, les filles adorent ça ..."; } else if (((((((_root.code11 == 97) and (_root.code12 == 105)) and (_root.code13 == 100)) and (_root.code14 == 101)) and (_root.level == 37)) and (_root.sublevel1 == 1)) and (_root.sublevel2 == 0)) { _root.code = "Excite un peu son clito du bout des doigts..."; } else if (((((_root.code11 == 97) and (_root.code12 == 105)) and (_root.code13 == 100)) and (_root.code14 == 101)) and (_root.level == 51)) { _root.code = "Fais monter le niveau de son plaisir,en lui caressant les seins..."; } else if (((((((_root.code21 == 97) and (_root.code22 == 105)) and (_root.code23 == 117)) and (_root.code24 == 116)) and (_root.code25 == 111)) and (_root.level == 37)) and (_root.sublevel1 == 0)) { _root.code = "Con la punta delle tue dita, titilla i suoi capezzoli, generalmente è una cosa che piace alle donne..."; } else if ((((((((_root.code21 == 97) and (_root.code22 == 105)) and (_root.code23 == 117)) and (_root.code24 == 116)) and (_root.code25 == 111)) and (_root.level == 37)) and (_root.sublevel1 == 1)) and (_root.sublevel2 == 0)) { _root.code = "Eccita il suo clitoride con le tue dita un altro po'..."; } else if ((((((_root.code21 == 97) and (_root.code22 == 105)) and (_root.code23 == 117)) and (_root.code24 == 116)) and (_root.code25 == 111)) and (_root.level == 51)) { _root.code = "Accarezza il suo seno per alzare il suo livello di godimento"; } else { _root.code = ""; } }
Frame 2886
Instance of Symbol 16 MovieClip "fond" in Frame 2886
onClipEvent (load) { _root.maincaresse._x = _xmouse; _root.maincaresse._y = _ymouse;; } onClipEvent (mouseMove) { _root.maincaresse._x = _xmouse; _root.maincaresse._y = _ymouse; if (sens == 10) { _root.maincaresse.stop(); } else {; } } onClipEvent (load) { Xx = _root.epauled._x; Yy = _root.epauled._y; Ax = _root.epauled._x - (_root.epauled._width / 2); Ay = _root.epauled._y - (_root.epauled._height / 2); Bx = _root.epauled._x + (_root.epauled._width / 2); By = _root.epauled._y + (_root.epauled._height / 2); } onClipEvent (mouseMove) { finx = _xmouse; finy = _ymouse; if ((((finx < Ax) or (Bx < finx)) or (finy < Ay)) or (By < finy)) { sens = 10; } else if (((finx - debx) < 0) && ((finy - deby) < 0)) { sens = 1; } else if (((finx - debx) == 0) && ((finy - deby) < 0)) { sens = 2; } else if ((0 < (finx - debx)) && ((finy - deby) < 0)) { sens = 3; } else if (((finx - debx) < 0) && ((finy - deby) == 0)) { sens = 4; } else if (((finx - debx) == 0) && ((finy - deby) == 0)) { sens = 5; } else if ((0 < (finx - debx)) && ((finy - deby) == 0)) { sens = 6; } else if (((finx - debx) < 0) && (0 < (finy - deby))) { sens = 7; } else if (((finx - debx) == 0) && (0 < (finy - deby))) { sens = 8; } else if ((0 < (finx - debx)) && (0 < (finy - deby))) { sens = 9; } debx = finx; deby = finy; } onClipEvent (mouseMove) { if (sens == 1) { newx = Xx - 1; newy = Yy - 1; } else if (sens == 2) { newx = Xx; newy = Yy - 2; } else if (sens == 3) { newx = Xx + 1; newy = Yy - 1; } else if (sens == 4) { newx = Xx - 2; newy = Yy; } else if (sens == 5) { newx = Xx; newy = Yy; } else if (sens == 6) { newx = Xx + 2; newy = Yy; } else if (sens == 7) { newx = Xx - 1; newy = Yy + 1; } else if (sens == 8) { newx = Xx; newy = Yy + 2; } else if (sens == 9) { newx = Xx + 1; newy = Yy + 1; } else { newx = Xx; newy = Yy; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { _root.epauled._x = newx; _root.epauled._y = newy; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (sens == 10) { = false; _root.yf._visible = false; } else { = true; _root.yf._visible = true; } } onClipEvent (mouseMove) { if ((sens != 10) and (_root.nivgirl < 100)) { _root.nivgirl = _root.nivgirl + 0.7; } else if ((sens != 10) and (_root.nivgirl < 150)) { _root.nivgirl = _root.nivgirl + 0.4; } else if ((sens != 10) and (_root.nivgirl < 180)) { _root.nivgirl = _root.nivgirl + 0.2; } if ((_root.level == 51) and (80 < _root.nivgirl)) { _root.level = 52; } }
Instance of Symbol 234 MovieClip in Frame 2886
onClipEvent (load) { son = new Sound(); s = 0; s = random(3); if (s == 0) { son.attachSound("groan1"); } else if (s == 1) { son.attachSound("groan2"); } else if (s == 2) { son.attachSound("groan3"); } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if ((_root.t == 0) and (_root.sonok == 1)) { s = random(3); if (s == 0) { son.attachSound("groan1"); } else if (s == 1) { son.attachSound("groan2"); } else if (s == 2) { son.attachSound("groan3"); } son.stop("groan1"); son.stop("groan2"); son.stop("groan3"); son.start(); _root.t = _root.t + 1; } else { _root.t = _root.t + 1; } if (20 < _root.t) { _root.t = 0; } }
Frame 2887
Frame 2888
Instance of Symbol 16 MovieClip "fond" in Frame 2888
onClipEvent (load) { _root.maincaresse._x = _xmouse; _root.maincaresse._y = _ymouse;; } onClipEvent (mouseMove) { _root.maincaresse._x = _xmouse; _root.maincaresse._y = _ymouse; if (sens == 10) { _root.maincaresse.stop(); } else {; } } onClipEvent (load) { Xx = _root.pussy._x; Yy = _root.pussy._y; Ax = _root.epauled._x - (_root.epauled._width / 2); Ay = _root.epauled._y - (_root.epauled._height / 2); Bx = _root.epauled._x + (_root.epauled._width / 2); By = _root.epauled._y + (_root.epauled._height / 2); } onClipEvent (mouseMove) { finx = _xmouse; finy = _ymouse; if ((((finx < Ax) or (Bx < finx)) or (finy < Ay)) or (By < finy)) { sens = 10; } else if (((finx - debx) < 0) && ((finy - deby) < 0)) { sens = 1; } else if (((finx - debx) == 0) && ((finy - deby) < 0)) { sens = 2; } else if ((0 < (finx - debx)) && ((finy - deby) < 0)) { sens = 3; } else if (((finx - debx) < 0) && ((finy - deby) == 0)) { sens = 4; } else if (((finx - debx) == 0) && ((finy - deby) == 0)) { sens = 5; } else if ((0 < (finx - debx)) && ((finy - deby) == 0)) { sens = 6; } else if (((finx - debx) < 0) && (0 < (finy - deby))) { sens = 7; } else if (((finx - debx) == 0) && (0 < (finy - deby))) { sens = 8; } else if ((0 < (finx - debx)) && (0 < (finy - deby))) { sens = 9; } debx = finx; deby = finy; } onClipEvent (mouseMove) { if (sens == 1) { newx = Xx - 0.5; newy = Yy - 0.5; } else if (sens == 2) { newx = Xx; newy = Yy - 1; } else if (sens == 3) { newx = Xx + 0.5; newy = Yy - 0.5; } else if (sens == 4) { newx = Xx - 1; newy = Yy; } else if (sens == 5) { newx = Xx; newy = Yy; } else if (sens == 6) { newx = Xx + 1; newy = Yy; } else if (sens == 7) { newx = Xx - 0.5; newy = Yy + 0.5; } else if (sens == 8) { newx = Xx; newy = Yy + 1; } else if (sens == 9) { newx = Xx + 0.5; newy = Yy + 0.5; } else { newx = Xx; newy = Yy; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { _root.pussy._x = newx; _root.pussy._y = newy; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (sens == 10) { = false; _root.yf._visible = false; } else { = true; _root.yf._visible = true; } } onClipEvent (mouseMove) { if ((sens != 10) and (_root.nivgirl < 100)) { _root.nivgirl = _root.nivgirl + 0.7; } else if ((sens != 10) and (_root.nivgirl < 150)) { _root.nivgirl = _root.nivgirl + 0.4; } else if ((sens != 10) and (_root.nivgirl < 180)) { _root.nivgirl = _root.nivgirl + 0.2; } if (((_root.sublevel1 == 1) and (_root.sublevel2 == 1)) and (_root.level == 37)) { _root.level = 51; } }
Frame 2889
Instance of Symbol 16 MovieClip "fond" in Frame 2889
onClipEvent (load) { _root.maincaresse._x = _xmouse; _root.maincaresse._y = _ymouse;; } onClipEvent (mouseMove) { _root.maincaresse._x = _xmouse; _root.maincaresse._y = _ymouse; if (sens == 10) { _root.maincaresse.stop(); } else {; } } onClipEvent (load) { Xx = _root.nip._x; Yy = _root.nip._y; Ax = _root.epauled._x - (_root.epauled._width / 2); Ay = _root.epauled._y - (_root.epauled._height / 2); Bx = _root.epauled._x + (_root.epauled._width / 2); By = _root.epauled._y + (_root.epauled._height / 2); } onClipEvent (mouseMove) { finx = _xmouse; finy = _ymouse; if ((((finx < Ax) or (Bx < finx)) or (finy < Ay)) or (By < finy)) { sens = 10; } else if (((finx - debx) < 0) && ((finy - deby) < 0)) { sens = 1; } else if (((finx - debx) == 0) && ((finy - deby) < 0)) { sens = 2; } else if ((0 < (finx - debx)) && ((finy - deby) < 0)) { sens = 3; } else if (((finx - debx) < 0) && ((finy - deby) == 0)) { sens = 4; } else if (((finx - debx) == 0) && ((finy - deby) == 0)) { sens = 5; } else if ((0 < (finx - debx)) && ((finy - deby) == 0)) { sens = 6; } else if (((finx - debx) < 0) && (0 < (finy - deby))) { sens = 7; } else if (((finx - debx) == 0) && (0 < (finy - deby))) { sens = 8; } else if ((0 < (finx - debx)) && (0 < (finy - deby))) { sens = 9; } debx = finx; deby = finy; } onClipEvent (mouseMove) { if (sens == 1) { newx = Xx - 1; newy = Yy - 1; } else if (sens == 2) { newx = Xx; newy = Yy - 2; } else if (sens == 3) { newx = Xx + 1; newy = Yy - 1; } else if (sens == 4) { newx = Xx - 2; newy = Yy; } else if (sens == 5) { newx = Xx; newy = Yy; } else if (sens == 6) { newx = Xx + 2; newy = Yy; } else if (sens == 7) { newx = Xx - 1; newy = Yy + 1; } else if (sens == 8) { newx = Xx; newy = Yy + 2; } else if (sens == 9) { newx = Xx + 1; newy = Yy + 1; } else { newx = Xx; newy = Yy; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { _root.nip._x = newx; _root.nip._y = newy; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (sens == 10) { = false; _root.yf._visible = false; } else { = true; _root.yf._visible = true; } } onClipEvent (mouseMove) { if ((sens != 10) and (_root.nivgirl < 100)) { _root.nivgirl = _root.nivgirl + 0.7; } else if ((sens != 10) and (_root.nivgirl < 150)) { _root.nivgirl = _root.nivgirl + 0.4; } else if ((sens != 10) and (_root.nivgirl < 180)) { _root.nivgirl = _root.nivgirl + 0.2; } if (((_root.sublevel1 == 1) and (_root.sublevel2 == 1)) and (_root.level == 37)) { _root.level = 51; } }
Frame 2890
Frame 2891
Frame 2892
_root.sonok = 1; t = 0; code1 = 0; code2 = 0; code3 = 0; code4 = 0; code11 = 0; code12 = 0; code13 = 0; code14 = 0; code21 = 0; code22 = 0; code23 = 0; code24 = 0; code25 = 0; _root.code = ""; _root.flamme._x = 362; act = 0; timer = 0; _root.sublevel1 = 0; _root.sublevel2 = 0;
Instance of Symbol 16 MovieClip "fond" in Frame 2892
onClipEvent (load) { _root.maincaresse._x = _xmouse; _root.maincaresse._y = _ymouse; _root.maincaresse._height = 74.2; _root.maincaresse._width = 44.6; _root.maincaresse.stop(); } onClipEvent (mouseMove) { _root.maincaresse._x = _xmouse; _root.maincaresse._y = _ymouse; }
Instance of Symbol 186 MovieClip "gaugegirl" in Frame 2892
onClipEvent (load) { _root.gaugegirl._height = _root.nivgirl; _root.gaugegirl._y = ((200 - _root.nivgirl) + (_root.nivgirl / 2)) + 13; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (0 < _root.nivgirl) { _root.nivgirl = _root.nivgirl - 1; } _root.gaugegirl._height = _root.nivgirl; _root.gaugegirl._y = ((200 - _root.nivgirl) + (_root.nivgirl / 2)) + 13; }
Instance of Symbol 16 MovieClip "fond" in Frame 2894
onClipEvent (load) { _root.maincaresse._x = _xmouse; _root.maincaresse._y = _ymouse; _root.maincaresse._height = 79.2; _root.maincaresse._width = 47.6; _root.maincaresse.stop(); } onClipEvent (mouseMove) { _root.maincaresse._x = _xmouse; _root.maincaresse._y = _ymouse; }
Instance of Symbol 16 MovieClip "fond" in Frame 2895
onClipEvent (load) { _root.maincaresse._x = _xmouse; _root.maincaresse._y = _ymouse; _root.maincaresse._height = 84.2; _root.maincaresse._width = 50.6; _root.maincaresse.stop(); } onClipEvent (mouseMove) { _root.maincaresse._x = _xmouse; _root.maincaresse._y = _ymouse; }
Instance of Symbol 16 MovieClip "fond" in Frame 2896
onClipEvent (load) { _root.maincaresse._x = _xmouse; _root.maincaresse._y = _ymouse; _root.maincaresse._height = 89.2; _root.maincaresse._width = 53.6; _root.maincaresse.stop(); } onClipEvent (mouseMove) { _root.maincaresse._x = _xmouse; _root.maincaresse._y = _ymouse; }
Instance of Symbol 16 MovieClip "fond" in Frame 2897
onClipEvent (load) { _root.maincaresse._x = _xmouse; _root.maincaresse._y = _ymouse; _root.maincaresse._height = 92.2; _root.maincaresse._width = 56.6; _root.maincaresse.stop(); } onClipEvent (mouseMove) { _root.maincaresse._x = _xmouse; _root.maincaresse._y = _ymouse; }
Instance of Symbol 16 MovieClip "fond" in Frame 2898
onClipEvent (load) { _root.maincaresse._x = _xmouse; _root.maincaresse._y = _ymouse; _root.maincaresse._height = 97.2; _root.maincaresse._width = 59.6; _root.maincaresse.stop(); } onClipEvent (mouseMove) { _root.maincaresse._x = _xmouse; _root.maincaresse._y = _ymouse; }
Instance of Symbol 16 MovieClip "fond" in Frame 2927
onClipEvent (load) { _root.maincaresse._x = _xmouse; _root.maincaresse._y = _ymouse; _root.maincaresse._rotation = 0; _root.maincaresse._height = 97.2; _root.maincaresse._width = 59.6; _root.maincaresse.stop(); } onClipEvent (mouseMove) { _root.maincaresse._x = _xmouse; _root.maincaresse._y = _ymouse; _root.maincaresse._rotation = 0; } onClipEvent (load) { if (8 < _root.i) { _root.i = 0; _root.j = random(2); _root.k = random(2); } else { _root.i = _root.i + 1; } } onClipEvent (load) { if (_root.i == 7) { _root.cligne._visible = true; } else { _root.cligne._visible = false; } } onClipEvent (load) { if (_root.j == 1) { _root.sour._visible = false; } else { _root.sour._visible = true; } } onClipEvent (load) { if (_root.k == 1) { _root.yb._visible = false; } else { _root.yb._visible = true; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.nivgirl < 100) { _root.nivgirl = _root.nivgirl + 1.5; } else if (_root.nivgirl < 150) { _root.nivgirl = _root.nivgirl + 1.2; } else if (_root.nivgirl < 180) { _root.nivgirl = _root.nivgirl + 0.2; } } onClipEvent (load) { if ((_root.sublevel1 == 1) and (_root.sublevel2 == 1)) { _root.level = 53; } if (_root.level == 53) { _root.timer = _root.timer + 1; } else { _root.timer = 0; } }
Instance of Symbol 224 MovieClip in Frame 2927
onClipEvent (keyDown) { touche = Key.getAscii(); if ((_root.code1 == 0) and (touche == 104)) { _root.code1 = touche; } else if (((_root.code1 == 104) and (_root.code2 == 0)) and (touche == 101)) { _root.code2 = touche; } else if ((((_root.code1 == 104) and (_root.code2 == 101)) and (_root.code3 == 0)) and (touche == 108)) { _root.code3 = touche; } else if (((((_root.code1 == 104) and (_root.code2 == 101)) and (_root.code3 == 108)) and (_root.code4 == 0)) and (touche == 112)) { _root.code4 = touche; } else { _root.code1 = 0; _root.code2 = 0; _root.code3 = 0; _root.code4 = 0; } } onClipEvent (keyDown) { touche = Key.getAscii(); if ((_root.code11 == 0) and (touche == 97)) { _root.code11 = touche; } else if (((_root.code11 == 97) and (_root.code12 == 0)) and (touche == 105)) { _root.code12 = touche; } else if ((((_root.code11 == 97) and (_root.code12 == 105)) and (_root.code13 == 0)) and (touche == 100)) { _root.code13 = touche; } else if (((((_root.code11 == 97) and (_root.code12 == 105)) and (_root.code13 == 100)) and (_root.code14 == 0)) and (touche == 101)) { _root.code14 = touche; } else { _root.code11 = 0; _root.code12 = 0; _root.code13 = 0; _root.code14 = 0; } } onClipEvent (keyDown) { touche = Key.getAscii(); if ((_root.code21 == 0) and (touche == 97)) { _root.code21 = touche; } else if (((_root.code21 == 97) and (_root.code22 == 0)) and (touche == 105)) { _root.code22 = touche; } else if ((((_root.code21 == 97) and (_root.code22 == 105)) and (_root.code23 == 0)) and (touche == 117)) { _root.code23 = touche; } else if (((((_root.code21 == 97) and (_root.code22 == 105)) and (_root.code23 == 117)) and (_root.code24 == 0)) and (touche == 116)) { _root.code24 = touche; } else if ((((((_root.code21 == 97) and (_root.code22 == 105)) and (_root.code23 == 117)) and (_root.code24 == 116)) and (_root.code25 == 0)) and (touche == 111)) { _root.code25 = touche; } else { _root.code21 = 0; _root.code22 = 0; _root.code23 = 0; _root.code24 = 0; _root.code25 = 0; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if ((((((_root.code1 == 104) and (_root.code2 == 101)) and (_root.code3 == 108)) and (_root.code4 == 112)) and (_root.level == 52)) and (_root.sublevel1 == 0)) { _root.code = "Touch her mouth..."; } else if (((((((_root.code1 == 104) and (_root.code2 == 101)) and (_root.code3 == 108)) and (_root.code4 == 112)) and (_root.level == 52)) and (_root.sublevel1 == 1)) and (_root.sublevel2 == 0)) { _root.code = "How about a massage with her breasts?..."; } else if (((((((_root.code1 == 104) and (_root.code2 == 101)) and (_root.code3 == 108)) and (_root.code4 == 112)) and (_root.level == 19)) and (_root.sublevel1 == 1)) and (_root.sublevel2 == 1)) { _root.code = "When her pleasure level increases, this girl will be ready for you..."; } else if (((((_root.code1 == 104) and (_root.code2 == 101)) and (_root.code3 == 108)) and (_root.code4 == 112)) and (_root.level == 53)) { _root.code = "Now, don't touch anything, and just let her finish..."; } else if ((((((_root.code11 == 97) and (_root.code12 == 105)) and (_root.code13 == 100)) and (_root.code14 == 101)) and (_root.level == 52)) and (_root.sublevel1 == 0)) { _root.code = "Touche sa bouche, c'est de ça que tu as envie, non ? "; } else if (((((((_root.code11 == 97) and (_root.code12 == 105)) and (_root.code13 == 100)) and (_root.code14 == 101)) and (_root.level == 52)) and (_root.sublevel1 == 1)) and (_root.sublevel2 == 0)) { _root.code = "Un petit massage avec ses seins, ça te dit pas? ..."; } else if (((((((_root.code11 == 97) and (_root.code12 == 105)) and (_root.code13 == 100)) and (_root.code14 == 101)) and (_root.level == 52)) and (_root.sublevel1 == 1)) and (_root.sublevel2 == 1)) { _root.code = "quand son plaisir sera au max, cette fille sera à toi"; } else if (((((_root.code11 == 97) and (_root.code12 == 105)) and (_root.code13 == 100)) and (_root.code14 == 101)) and (_root.level == 53)) { _root.code = "Maintenant, tu touches plus à rien et tu la laisses faire..."; } else if (((((((_root.code21 == 97) and (_root.code22 == 105)) and (_root.code23 == 117)) and (_root.code24 == 116)) and (_root.code25 == 111)) and (_root.level == 52)) and (_root.sublevel1 == 0)) { _root.code = "Tocca la sua bocca, la vuoi no?"; } else if ((((((((_root.code21 == 97) and (_root.code22 == 105)) and (_root.code23 == 117)) and (_root.code24 == 116)) and (_root.code25 == 111)) and (_root.level == 52)) and (_root.sublevel1 == 1)) and (_root.sublevel2 == 0)) { _root.code = "Un massaggio al suo seno non ti interessa?"; } else if ((((((((_root.code21 == 97) and (_root.code22 == 105)) and (_root.code23 == 117)) and (_root.code24 == 116)) and (_root.code25 == 111)) and (_root.level == 52)) and (_root.sublevel1 == 1)) and (_root.sublevel2 == 1)) { _root.code = "Alza il suo livello di piacere, la ragazza è pronta per te..."; } else if ((((((_root.code21 == 97) and (_root.code22 == 105)) and (_root.code23 == 117)) and (_root.code24 == 116)) and (_root.code25 == 111)) and (_root.level == 53)) { _root.code = "Ora non toccare nulla e lasciala fare..."; } else { _root.code = ""; } }
Instance of Symbol 16 MovieClip "fond" in Frame 2928
onClipEvent (load) { _root.maincaresse._x = _xmouse; _root.maincaresse._y = _ymouse; _root.maincaresse._rotation = 0; _root.maincaresse._height = 97.2; _root.maincaresse._width = 59.6; _root.maincaresse.stop(); } onClipEvent (mouseMove) { _root.maincaresse._x = _xmouse; _root.maincaresse._y = _ymouse; _root.maincaresse._rotation = 0; } onClipEvent (load) { if (_root.k == 1) { _root.yb._visible = false; } else { _root.yb._visible = true; } } onClipEvent (load) { if (_root.j == 1) { _root.sour._visible = false; } else { _root.sour._visible = true; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.nivgirl < 100) { _root.nivgirl = _root.nivgirl + 1.5; } else if (_root.nivgirl < 150) { _root.nivgirl = _root.nivgirl + 1.2; } else if (_root.nivgirl < 180) { _root.nivgirl = _root.nivgirl + 0.2; } }
Frame 2933
if (_root.timer == 50) { gotoAndPlay (3007); } else { gotoAndPlay (2927); }
Frame 2934
Frame 2935
_root.sonok = 1; t = 0; code1 = 0; code2 = 0; code3 = 0; code4 = 0; code11 = 0; code12 = 0; code13 = 0; code14 = 0; code21 = 0; code22 = 0; code23 = 0; code24 = 0; code25 = 0; _root.code = "";
Instance of Symbol 16 MovieClip "fond" in Frame 2935
onClipEvent (load) { _root.maincaresse._x = _xmouse; _root.maincaresse._y = _ymouse; _root.maincaresse._height = 97.2; _root.maincaresse._width = 59.6; _root.maincaresse.stop(); } onClipEvent (mouseMove) { _root.maincaresse._x = _xmouse; _root.maincaresse._y = _ymouse; }
Instance of Symbol 186 MovieClip "gaugegirl" in Frame 2935
onClipEvent (load) { _root.gaugegirl._height = _root.nivgirl; _root.gaugegirl._y = ((200 - _root.nivgirl) + (_root.nivgirl / 2)) + 13; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (0 < _root.nivgirl) { _root.nivgirl = _root.nivgirl - 1; } _root.gaugegirl._height = _root.nivgirl; _root.gaugegirl._y = ((200 - _root.nivgirl) + (_root.nivgirl / 2)) + 13; }
Instance of Symbol 16 MovieClip "fond" in Frame 2954
onClipEvent (load) { _root.maincaresse._x = _xmouse; _root.maincaresse._y = _ymouse; _root.maincaresse._height = 97.2; _root.maincaresse._width = 59.6; _root.maincaresse.stop(); } onClipEvent (mouseMove) { _root.maincaresse._x = _xmouse; _root.maincaresse._y = _ymouse; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.nivgirl < 100) { _root.nivgirl = _root.nivgirl + 1.5; } else if (_root.nivgirl < 150) { _root.nivgirl = _root.nivgirl + 1.2; } else if (_root.nivgirl < 180) { _root.nivgirl = _root.nivgirl + 0.2; } }
Instance of Symbol 224 MovieClip in Frame 2954
onClipEvent (keyDown) { touche = Key.getAscii(); if ((_root.code1 == 0) and (touche == 104)) { _root.code1 = touche; } else if (((_root.code1 == 104) and (_root.code2 == 0)) and (touche == 101)) { _root.code2 = touche; } else if ((((_root.code1 == 104) and (_root.code2 == 101)) and (_root.code3 == 0)) and (touche == 108)) { _root.code3 = touche; } else if (((((_root.code1 == 104) and (_root.code2 == 101)) and (_root.code3 == 108)) and (_root.code4 == 0)) and (touche == 112)) { _root.code4 = touche; } else { _root.code1 = 0; _root.code2 = 0; _root.code3 = 0; _root.code4 = 0; } } onClipEvent (keyDown) { touche = Key.getAscii(); if ((_root.code11 == 0) and (touche == 97)) { _root.code11 = touche; } else if (((_root.code11 == 97) and (_root.code12 == 0)) and (touche == 105)) { _root.code12 = touche; } else if ((((_root.code11 == 97) and (_root.code12 == 105)) and (_root.code13 == 0)) and (touche == 100)) { _root.code13 = touche; } else if (((((_root.code11 == 97) and (_root.code12 == 105)) and (_root.code13 == 100)) and (_root.code14 == 0)) and (touche == 101)) { _root.code14 = touche; } else { _root.code11 = 0; _root.code12 = 0; _root.code13 = 0; _root.code14 = 0; } } onClipEvent (keyDown) { touche = Key.getAscii(); if ((_root.code21 == 0) and (touche == 97)) { _root.code21 = touche; } else if (((_root.code21 == 97) and (_root.code22 == 0)) and (touche == 105)) { _root.code22 = touche; } else if ((((_root.code21 == 97) and (_root.code22 == 105)) and (_root.code23 == 0)) and (touche == 117)) { _root.code23 = touche; } else if (((((_root.code21 == 97) and (_root.code22 == 105)) and (_root.code23 == 117)) and (_root.code24 == 0)) and (touche == 116)) { _root.code24 = touche; } else if ((((((_root.code21 == 97) and (_root.code22 == 105)) and (_root.code23 == 117)) and (_root.code24 == 116)) and (_root.code25 == 0)) and (touche == 111)) { _root.code25 = touche; } else { _root.code21 = 0; _root.code22 = 0; _root.code23 = 0; _root.code24 = 0; _root.code25 = 0; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if ((((_root.code1 == 104) and (_root.code2 == 101)) and (_root.code3 == 108)) and (_root.code4 == 112)) { _root.code = "Continue, you have choice : her mouth or her hand..."; } else if ((((_root.code11 == 97) and (_root.code12 == 105)) and (_root.code13 == 100)) and (_root.code14 == 101)) { _root.code = "Continue, tu as le choix entre sa bouche ou sa main ..."; } else if (((((_root.code21 == 97) and (_root.code22 == 105)) and (_root.code23 == 117)) and (_root.code24 == 116)) and (_root.code25 == 111)) { _root.code = "Continua, hai due scelte: la bocca o la mano..."; } else { _root.code = ""; } }
Frame 2960
gotoAndPlay (2954);
Frame 2969
code1 = 0; code2 = 0; code3 = 0; code4 = 0; code11 = 0; code12 = 0; code13 = 0; code14 = 0; code21 = 0; code22 = 0; code23 = 0; code24 = 0; code25 = 0; _root.code = ""; if (_root.act == 0) { gotoAndPlay (2927); } if (_root.act == 2) { gotoAndPlay (2971); }
Frame 2970
Frame 2971
code1 = 0; code2 = 0; code3 = 0; code4 = 0; code11 = 0; code12 = 0; code13 = 0; code14 = 0; code21 = 0; code22 = 0; code23 = 0; code24 = 0; code25 = 0; _root.code = "";
Instance of Symbol 16 MovieClip "fond" in Frame 2971
onClipEvent (load) { _root.maincaresse._x = _xmouse; _root.maincaresse._y = _ymouse; _root.maincaresse._height = 97.2; _root.maincaresse._width = 59.6; _root.maincaresse.stop(); } onClipEvent (mouseMove) { _root.maincaresse._x = _xmouse; _root.maincaresse._y = _ymouse; }
Instance of Symbol 186 MovieClip "gaugegirl" in Frame 2971
onClipEvent (load) { _root.gaugegirl._height = _root.nivgirl; _root.gaugegirl._y = ((200 - _root.nivgirl) + (_root.nivgirl / 2)) + 13; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (0 < _root.nivgirl) { _root.nivgirl = _root.nivgirl - 1; } _root.gaugegirl._height = _root.nivgirl; _root.gaugegirl._y = ((200 - _root.nivgirl) + (_root.nivgirl / 2)) + 13; }
Instance of Symbol 16 MovieClip "fond" in Frame 2994
onClipEvent (load) { _root.maincaresse._x = _xmouse; _root.maincaresse._y = _ymouse; _root.maincaresse._height = 97.2; _root.maincaresse._width = 59.6; _root.maincaresse.stop(); } onClipEvent (mouseMove) { _root.maincaresse._x = _xmouse; _root.maincaresse._y = _ymouse; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.nivgirl < 100) { _root.nivgirl = _root.nivgirl + 1.5; } else if (_root.nivgirl < 150) { _root.nivgirl = _root.nivgirl + 1.2; } else if (_root.nivgirl < 180) { _root.nivgirl = _root.nivgirl + 0.2; } }
Instance of Symbol 224 MovieClip in Frame 2994
onClipEvent (keyDown) { touche = Key.getAscii(); if ((_root.code1 == 0) and (touche == 104)) { _root.code1 = touche; } else if (((_root.code1 == 104) and (_root.code2 == 0)) and (touche == 101)) { _root.code2 = touche; } else if ((((_root.code1 == 104) and (_root.code2 == 101)) and (_root.code3 == 0)) and (touche == 108)) { _root.code3 = touche; } else if (((((_root.code1 == 104) and (_root.code2 == 101)) and (_root.code3 == 108)) and (_root.code4 == 0)) and (touche == 112)) { _root.code4 = touche; } else { _root.code1 = 0; _root.code2 = 0; _root.code3 = 0; _root.code4 = 0; } } onClipEvent (keyDown) { touche = Key.getAscii(); if ((_root.code11 == 0) and (touche == 97)) { _root.code11 = touche; } else if (((_root.code11 == 97) and (_root.code12 == 0)) and (touche == 105)) { _root.code12 = touche; } else if ((((_root.code11 == 97) and (_root.code12 == 105)) and (_root.code13 == 0)) and (touche == 100)) { _root.code13 = touche; } else if (((((_root.code11 == 97) and (_root.code12 == 105)) and (_root.code13 == 100)) and (_root.code14 == 0)) and (touche == 101)) { _root.code14 = touche; } else { _root.code11 = 0; _root.code12 = 0; _root.code13 = 0; _root.code14 = 0; } } onClipEvent (keyDown) { touche = Key.getAscii(); if ((_root.code21 == 0) and (touche == 97)) { _root.code21 = touche; } else if (((_root.code21 == 97) and (_root.code22 == 0)) and (touche == 105)) { _root.code22 = touche; } else if ((((_root.code21 == 97) and (_root.code22 == 105)) and (_root.code23 == 0)) and (touche == 117)) { _root.code23 = touche; } else if (((((_root.code21 == 97) and (_root.code22 == 105)) and (_root.code23 == 117)) and (_root.code24 == 0)) and (touche == 116)) { _root.code24 = touche; } else if ((((((_root.code21 == 97) and (_root.code22 == 105)) and (_root.code23 == 117)) and (_root.code24 == 116)) and (_root.code25 == 0)) and (touche == 111)) { _root.code25 = touche; } else { _root.code21 = 0; _root.code22 = 0; _root.code23 = 0; _root.code24 = 0; _root.code25 = 0; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if ((((_root.code1 == 104) and (_root.code2 == 101)) and (_root.code3 == 108)) and (_root.code4 == 112)) { _root.code = "Raise her head, she is going to suffocate !..."; } else if ((((_root.code11 == 97) and (_root.code12 == 105)) and (_root.code13 == 100)) and (_root.code14 == 101)) { _root.code = "Relève lui la tête, elle va s'étouffer !..."; } else if (((((_root.code21 == 97) and (_root.code22 == 105)) and (_root.code23 == 117)) and (_root.code24 == 116)) and (_root.code25 == 111)) { _root.code = "Alza la sua testa, sta per soffocare!"; } else { _root.code = ""; } }
Frame 3000
gotoAndPlay (2994);
Frame 3005
code1 = 0; code2 = 0; code3 = 0; code4 = 0; code11 = 0; code12 = 0; code13 = 0; code14 = 0; code21 = 0; code22 = 0; code23 = 0; code24 = 0; code25 = 0; _root.code = ""; _root.act = 0; gotoAndPlay (2927);
Frame 3006
Frame 3007
_root.sonok = 1; t = 0; code1 = 0; code2 = 0; code3 = 0; code4 = 0; code11 = 0; code12 = 0; code13 = 0; code14 = 0; _root.code = "";
Instance of Symbol 16 MovieClip "fond" in Frame 3007
onClipEvent (load) { _root.maincaresse._x = _xmouse; _root.maincaresse._y = _ymouse; _root.maincaresse._rotation = 0; _root.maincaresse._height = 97.2; _root.maincaresse._width = 59.6; _root.maincaresse.stop(); } onClipEvent (mouseMove) { _root.maincaresse._x = _xmouse; _root.maincaresse._y = _ymouse; _root.maincaresse._rotation = 0; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.nivgirl < 100) { _root.nivgirl = _root.nivgirl + 1.5; } else if (_root.nivgirl < 150) { _root.nivgirl = _root.nivgirl + 1.2; } else if (_root.nivgirl < 180) { _root.nivgirl = _root.nivgirl + 0.2; } }
Instance of Symbol 186 MovieClip "gaugegirl" in Frame 3007
onClipEvent (load) { _root.gaugegirl._height = _root.nivgirl; _root.gaugegirl._y = ((200 - _root.nivgirl) + (_root.nivgirl / 2)) + 13; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (0 < _root.nivgirl) { _root.nivgirl = _root.nivgirl - 1; } _root.gaugegirl._height = _root.nivgirl; _root.gaugegirl._y = ((200 - _root.nivgirl) + (_root.nivgirl / 2)) + 13; }
Instance of Symbol 224 MovieClip in Frame 3007
onClipEvent (keyDown) { touche = Key.getAscii(); if ((_root.code1 == 0) and (touche == 104)) { _root.code1 = touche; } else if (((_root.code1 == 104) and (_root.code2 == 0)) and (touche == 101)) { _root.code2 = touche; } else if ((((_root.code1 == 104) and (_root.code2 == 101)) and (_root.code3 == 0)) and (touche == 108)) { _root.code3 = touche; } else if (((((_root.code1 == 104) and (_root.code2 == 101)) and (_root.code3 == 108)) and (_root.code4 == 0)) and (touche == 112)) { _root.code4 = touche; } else { _root.code1 = 0; _root.code2 = 0; _root.code3 = 0; _root.code4 = 0; } } onClipEvent (keyDown) { touche = Key.getAscii(); if ((_root.code11 == 0) and (touche == 97)) { _root.code11 = touche; } else if (((_root.code11 == 97) and (_root.code12 == 0)) and (touche == 105)) { _root.code12 = touche; } else if ((((_root.code11 == 97) and (_root.code12 == 105)) and (_root.code13 == 0)) and (touche == 100)) { _root.code13 = touche; } else if (((((_root.code11 == 97) and (_root.code12 == 105)) and (_root.code13 == 100)) and (_root.code14 == 0)) and (touche == 101)) { _root.code14 = touche; } else { _root.code11 = 0; _root.code12 = 0; _root.code13 = 0; _root.code14 = 0; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if ((((((_root.code1 == 104) and (_root.code2 == 101)) and (_root.code3 == 108)) and (_root.code4 == 112)) and (_root.level == 19)) and (_root.sublevel1 == 0)) { _root.code = "With the fingertips, titillate her nipples, usually, the girls like it..."; } else if (((((((_root.code1 == 104) and (_root.code2 == 101)) and (_root.code3 == 108)) and (_root.code4 == 112)) and (_root.level == 19)) and (_root.sublevel1 == 1)) and (_root.sublevel2 == 0)) { _root.code = "If you would try to touch her pussy through the thin stuff of her panties ?..."; } else if (((((((_root.code1 == 104) and (_root.code2 == 101)) and (_root.code3 == 108)) and (_root.code4 == 112)) and (_root.level == 19)) and (_root.sublevel1 == 1)) and (_root.sublevel2 == 1)) { _root.code = "Rise her pleasure level, this girl is ready for you......"; } else if (((((_root.code1 == 104) and (_root.code2 == 101)) and (_root.code3 == 108)) and (_root.code4 == 112)) and (_root.level == 200)) { _root.code = "Touch her panties, you feel as it's hot ?"; } else if ((((((_root.code11 == 97) and (_root.code12 == 105)) and (_root.code13 == 100)) and (_root.code14 == 101)) and (_root.level == 19)) and (_root.sublevel1 == 0)) { _root.code = "Avec le bout des doigts, titille lui les tétons, en général, les filles adorent ça ..."; } else if (((((((_root.code11 == 97) and (_root.code12 == 105)) and (_root.code13 == 100)) and (_root.code14 == 101)) and (_root.level == 19)) and (_root.sublevel1 == 1)) and (_root.sublevel2 == 0)) { _root.code = "Si tu essayais de toucher son sex à travers la fine étoffe de sa culotte ?..."; } else if (((((((_root.code11 == 97) and (_root.code12 == 105)) and (_root.code13 == 100)) and (_root.code14 == 101)) and (_root.level == 19)) and (_root.sublevel1 == 1)) and (_root.sublevel2 == 1)) { _root.code = "Fais monter le niveau de son plaisir, cette fille est à toi..."; } else if (((((_root.code11 == 97) and (_root.code12 == 105)) and (_root.code13 == 100)) and (_root.code14 == 101)) and (_root.level == 200)) { _root.code = "Touche sa culotte... tu sens comme c'est chaud ?"; } else { _root.code = ""; } }
Instance of Symbol 16 MovieClip "fond" in Frame 3032
onClipEvent (load) { _root.maincaresse._x = _xmouse; _root.maincaresse._y = _ymouse; _root.maincaresse._rotation = 0; _root.maincaresse._height = 97.2; _root.maincaresse._width = 59.6; _root.maincaresse.stop(); } onClipEvent (mouseMove) { _root.maincaresse._x = _xmouse; _root.maincaresse._y = _ymouse; _root.maincaresse._rotation = 0; }
Frame 3091
stop(); gotoAndPlay (3092);
Instance of Symbol 16 MovieClip "fond" in Frame 3092
onClipEvent (load) { _root.maincaresse._x = _xmouse; _root.maincaresse._y = _ymouse; _root.maincaresse._rotation = 0; _root.maincaresse.stop(); } onClipEvent (mouseMove) { _root.maincaresse._x = _xmouse; _root.maincaresse._y = _ymouse; _root.maincaresse._rotation = 0; }
Instance of Symbol 186 MovieClip "gaugegirl" in Frame 3092
onClipEvent (load) { _root.gaugegirl._height = _root.nivgirl; _root.gaugegirl._y = ((200 - _root.nivgirl) + (_root.nivgirl / 2)) + 13; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (0 < _root.nivgirl) { _root.nivgirl = _root.nivgirl - 1; } _root.gaugegirl._height = _root.nivgirl; _root.gaugegirl._y = ((200 - _root.nivgirl) + (_root.nivgirl / 2)) + 13; }
Frame 3103
if (_root.langue == 1) { _root.texte = "he ! on dirait que tu as vraiment aimé ça...."; } else if (_root.langue == 0) { _root.texte = "Hey ! It looks like you really enjoyed that..."; } else if (_root.langue == 2) { _root.texte = "Ma guarda! Sembra che ti sia piaciuto veramente molto..."; }
Frame 3162
stop(); gotoAndStop (3164);
Frame 3163
Frame 3164
if (_root.langue == 0) { _root.boutnew = "AGAIN"; _root.boutmore = "MORE GAMES"; } else if (_root.langue == 1) { _root.boutnew = "REJOUER"; _root.boutmore = "+ DE JEUX"; } else if (_root.langue == 2) { _root.boutnew = "ANCORA"; _root.boutmore = "PIU GIOCHI"; } if (_root.langue == 0) { _root.texte1 = "Well done, you have finished the game...Angela has to finish her work now, but you know where you can find her..."; _root.texte2 = "You can also find all her friends on this website..."; _root.texte3 = "They have participated in conception and realization of this game:"; } else if (_root.langue == 1) { _root.texte1 = "Bravo, tu as terminé le jeu...Angéla doit finir ses dossiers mais tu sais que tu peux la retrouver si tu en as envie..."; _root.texte2 = "Tu peux aussi retrouver toutes ses copines sur le site:"; _root.texte3 = "Ont participé à la conception et à la réalisation de ce jeu:"; } else if (_root.langue == 2) { _root.texte1 = "Complimenti, hai terminato il gioco... Angela dovrà completare il suo lavoro ma tu sai che, se ne hai voglia, la troverai qui..."; _root.texte2 = "Puoi anche trovare alcune delle sue amiche su questo sito:"; _root.texte3 = "Hanno partecipato alla realizzazione del gioco:"; }; stop();
Instance of Symbol 16 MovieClip "fond" in Frame 3164
onClipEvent (load) { _root.maincaresse._x = _xmouse; _root.maincaresse._y = _ymouse; _root.maincaresse._rotation = 0; _root.maincaresse.stop(); } onClipEvent (mouseMove) { _root.maincaresse._x = _xmouse; _root.maincaresse._y = _ymouse; _root.maincaresse._rotation = 0; }
Symbol 17 MovieClip Frame 1
_root.bytes_totales = _level0.getBytesTotal(); _root["bytes_chargées"] = _level0.getBytesLoaded(); _root.bytes_rapport = Math.round((_root["bytes_chargées"] / _root.bytes_totales) * 100); _root.bytes_chargement_affichage = Math.round(_root.bytes_rapport) add " %"; if (_root.bytes_rapport == 100) {; stop(); } tellTarget (_root.barre_chargement_bytes) { gotoAndPlay(_root.bytes_rapport); };
Symbol 20 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 20 MovieClip Frame 101
Symbol 27 Button
on (press, release) { gotoAndStop (2); }
Symbol 29 Button
on (press, release) { gotoAndStop (3); }
Symbol 31 Button
on (press, release) { gotoAndStop (4); }
Symbol 36 Button
on (release) { langue = 0; gotoAndPlay (5); }
Symbol 42 Button
on (release) { langue = 1; gotoAndPlay (5); }
Symbol 45 Button
on (release) { langue = 2; gotoAndPlay (5); }
Symbol 168 Button
on (release) { gotoAndStop (96); }
Symbol 169 Button
on (release) { gotoAndPlay (97); }
Symbol 214 Button
on (press) { gotoAndStop (543); }
Symbol 215 Button
on (press) { gotoAndStop (544); }
Symbol 216 Button
on (press) { if (_root.level == 4) { gotoAndPlay (653); } else { gotoAndPlay (574); } }
Symbol 217 Button
on (press) { if (_root.level == 4) { gotoAndPlay (653); } else { gotoAndPlay (593); } }
Symbol 218 Button
on (press) { if (_root.level == 2) { _root.level = 3; _root.sublevel1 = 0; _root.sublevel2 = 0; gotoAndPlay (612); } }
Symbol 221 MovieClip Frame 3
Symbol 233 Button
on (rollOver, rollOut, press, release, dragOut, dragOver, releaseOutside) { if (_root.level == 0) { gotoAndPlay (545); } else { gotoAndPlay (542); } }
Symbol 262 Button
on (press) { gotoAndStop (688); }
Symbol 263 Button
on (press) { gotoAndStop (689); }
Symbol 264 Button
on (press) { gotoAndStop (690); }
Symbol 265 Button
on (press) { gotoAndStop (691); }
Symbol 266 Button
on (press) { if (_root.level == 7) { gotoAndStop (769); } }
Symbol 270 Button
on (rollOver, rollOut, press, release, dragOut, dragOver, releaseOutside) { if (_root.level == 61) { gotoAndPlay (721); } else if (_root.level == 71) { gotoAndPlay (721); } else if (_root.level == 81) { gotoAndPlay (693); } else { gotoAndPlay (687); } }
Symbol 278 Button
on (press, release) { stop(); gotoAndPlay (825); }
Symbol 279 Button
on (press) { gotoAndStop (770); }
Symbol 282 Button
on (release) { if (_root.level == 8) { gotoAndPlay (771); } }
Symbol 283 Button
on (rollOver, rollOut) { if ((_root.feu._visible = true)) { _root.feuboug._visible = true; _root.level = 8; } }
Symbol 295 Button
on (press) { gotoAndStop (867); _root.sublevel2 = 1; }
Symbol 296 Button
on (press) { gotoAndStop (868); _root.sublevel2 = 1; }
Symbol 297 Button
on (press) { gotoAndStop (865); _root.sublevel1 = 1; }
Symbol 298 Button
on (press) { gotoAndStop (866); _root.sublevel1 = 1; }
Symbol 299 Button
on (press) { if (_root.level == 10) { gotoAndPlay (870); } }
Symbol 302 Button
on (rollOver, rollOut, press, release, dragOut, dragOver, releaseOutside) { if ((_root.level == 11) and (70 < _root.nivgirl)) { gotoAndPlay (898); } else { gotoAndPlay (864); } }
Symbol 305 Button
on (rollOver, rollOut, press, release, dragOut, dragOver, releaseOutside) { gotoAndPlay (864); }
Symbol 306 Button
on (press) { _root.sublevel2 = 1; gotoAndStop (945); }
Symbol 307 Button
on (press) { _root.sublevel2 = 1; gotoAndStop (946); }
Symbol 308 Button
on (press) { _root.sublevel1 = 1; gotoAndPlay (947); }
Symbol 309 Button
on (press) { if (_root.level == 13) { _root.level = 14; gotoAndStop (957); } }
Symbol 311 Button
on (rollOver, rollOut, press, release, dragOut, dragOver, releaseOutside) { gotoAndPlay (944); }
Symbol 314 Button
on (press) { gotoAndStop (958); }
Symbol 322 Button
on (rollOver, rollOut, press, release, dragOut, dragOver, releaseOutside) { if (50 < _root.nivgirl) { _root.maincaresse.stop(); gotoAndPlay (959); } else { _root.maincaresse.stop(); gotoAndPlay (957); } }
Symbol 323 Button
on (press) { gotoAndStop (970); }
Symbol 325 Button
on (rollOver, rollOut, press, release, dragOut, dragOver, releaseOutside) { if (50 < _root.nivgirl) { _root.maincaresse.stop(); gotoAndPlay (971); } else { _root.maincaresse.stop(); gotoAndPlay (969); } }
Symbol 327 Button
on (press) { gotoAndStop (982); }
Symbol 329 Button
on (rollOver, rollOut, press, release, dragOut, dragOver, releaseOutside) { if (50 < _root.nivgirl) { _root.maincaresse.stop(); gotoAndPlay (983); } else { _root.maincaresse.stop(); gotoAndPlay (981); } }
Symbol 333 Button
on (press) { gotoAndStop (1026); }
Symbol 334 Button
on (press) { gotoAndStop (1027); }
Symbol 335 Button
on (press) { _root.sublevel2 = 1; gotoAndStop (1024); }
Symbol 336 Button
on (press) { _root.sublevel2 = 1; gotoAndStop (1025); }
Symbol 337 Button
on (press) { if (_root.level == 18) { gotoAndPlay (1031); } }
Symbol 338 Button
on (press) { gotoAndStop (1028); _root.sublevel1 = 1; }
Symbol 339 Button
on (press) { gotoAndStop (1029); _root.sublevel1 = 1; }
Symbol 342 Button
on (rollOver, rollOut, press, release, dragOut, dragOver, releaseOutside) { gotoAndPlay (1023); }
Symbol 364 Button
on (press) { if (_root.level == 200) { gotoAndPlay (1205); } else { _root.sublevel2 = 1; gotoAndStop (1201); } }
Symbol 365 Button
on (press) { if (_root.level == 21) { _root.level == 22; gotoAndStop (1331); } }
Symbol 366 Button
on (press) { _root.sublevel1 = 1; gotoAndStop (1202); }
Symbol 367 Button
on (press) { _root.sublevel1 = 1; gotoAndStop (1203); }
Symbol 368 Button
on (press) { gotoAndStop (1199); }
Symbol 369 Button
on (press) { gotoAndStop (1200); }
Symbol 371 Button
on (rollOver, rollOut, press, release, dragOut, dragOver, releaseOutside) { gotoAndPlay (1198); }
Symbol 375 Button
on (press) { gotoAndPlay (1234); }
Symbol 376 Button
on (press) { gotoAndPlay (1239); }
Symbol 377 Button
on (press) { gotoAndPlay (1235); }
Symbol 378 Button
on (press) { gotoAndPlay (1240); }
Symbol 379 Button
on (press) { gotoAndPlay (1236); }
Symbol 380 Button
on (press) { gotoAndPlay (1241); }
Symbol 381 Button
on (press) { gotoAndPlay (1237); }
Symbol 382 Button
on (press) { gotoAndPlay (1242); }
Symbol 383 Button
on (press) { gotoAndPlay (1238); }
Symbol 384 Button
on (press) { gotoAndPlay (1243); }
Symbol 385 Button
on (rollOver, rollOut, press, release, dragOut, dragOver, releaseOutside) { gotoAndPlay (1229); }
Symbol 389 Button
on (press) { _root.sublevel1 = 1; gotoAndStop (1307); }
Symbol 390 Button
on (press) { _root.sublevel1 = 1; gotoAndStop (1308); }
Symbol 391 Button
on (press) { if (_root.level == 20) { gotoAndPlay (1311); } else { _root.sublevel2 = 1; gotoAndStop (1309); } }
Symbol 392 Button
on (press) { if (_root.level == 21) { _root.level = 22; gotoAndStop (1331); } }
Symbol 394 Button
on (rollOver, rollOut, press, release, dragOut, dragOver, releaseOutside) { gotoAndPlay (1306); }
Symbol 398 Button
on (press) { _root.level = 220; gotoAndStop (1332); }
Symbol 399 Button
on (press) { gotoAndPlay (1334); }
Symbol 403 Button
on (rollOver, rollOut, press, release, dragOut, dragOver, releaseOutside) { gotoAndPlay (1331); }
Symbol 406 Button
on (rollOver, rollOut, press, release, dragOut, dragOver, releaseOutside) { gotoAndPlay (1347); }
Symbol 473 MovieClip Frame 7
Symbol 478 Button
on (press) {; _root.sublevel1 = _root.sublevel1 + 1; gotoAndPlay (1575); }
Symbol 479 Button
on (press) {; _root.sublevel2 = _root.sublevel2 + 1; gotoAndPlay (1575); }
Symbol 486 Button
on (press) { _root.sublevel1 = 1; gotoAndStop (1614); }
Symbol 487 Button
on (press) { _root.sublevel2 = 1; gotoAndStop (1615); }
Symbol 488 Button
on (press) { if (_root.level == 26) { _root.level = 27; _root.sublevel1 = 0; _root.sublevel2 = 0; gotoAndStop (1617); } }
Symbol 492 Button
on (rollOver, rollOut, press, release, dragOut, dragOver, releaseOutside) { gotoAndPlay (1613); }
Symbol 495 Button
on (press) {; if (_root.sublevel1 < 3) { _root.sublevel1 = _root.sublevel1 + 1; } gotoAndPlay (1618); }
Symbol 496 Button
on (press) {; if (_root.sublevel2 < 3) { _root.sublevel2 = _root.sublevel2 + 1; } gotoAndPlay (1618); }
Symbol 503 MovieClip Frame 7
Symbol 523 Button
on (press) { _root.sublevel1 = 1; gotoAndStop (1704); }
Symbol 524 Button
on (press) { _root.sublevel1 = 1; gotoAndStop (1705); }
Symbol 525 Button
on (press) { if (_root.level == 30) { gotoAndPlay (1708); } else { _root.sublevel2 = 1; gotoAndStop (1706); } }
Symbol 527 Button
on (rollOver, rollOut, press, release, dragOut, dragOver, releaseOutside) { gotoAndPlay (1703); }
Symbol 536 Button
on (press) { _root.sublevel1 = 1; gotoAndStop (1725); }
Symbol 537 Button
on (press) { _root.sublevel1 = 1; gotoAndStop (1726); }
Symbol 538 Button
on (press) { _root.sublevel2 = 1; gotoAndStop (1727); }
Symbol 540 Button
on (rollOver, rollOut, press, release, dragOut, dragOver, releaseOutside) { gotoAndPlay (1724); }
Symbol 541 Button
on (rollOver, rollOut, press, release, dragOut, dragOver, releaseOutside) { if ((_root.level == 32) and (80 < _root.nivgirl)) { _root.level = 33; _root.sublevel1 = 0; _root.sublevel2 = 0; gotoAndPlay (1729); } else { gotoAndPlay (1724); } }
Symbol 553 Button
on (press) { if (_root.level == 34) { code1 = 0; code2 = 0; code3 = 0; code4 = 0; code11 = 0; code12 = 0; code13 = 0; code14 = 0; _root.code = ""; _root.level = 35; gotoAndPlay (1758); } if (_root.level == 33) { _root.feuboug._visible = false; _root.level = 34; } }
Symbol 554 Button
on (press) { gotoAndPlay (1748); }
Symbol 555 Button
on (press) { gotoAndPlay (1753); }
Symbol 557 Button
on (rollOver, rollOut, press, release, dragOut, dragOver, releaseOutside) { gotoAndPlay (1743); }
Symbol 558 Button
on (press) { _root.level = 36; gotoAndPlay (1771); }
Symbol 565 Button
on (press) { _root.pos = 1; } on (release) { _root.pos = 0; }
Symbol 578 Button
on (press) { gotoAndPlay (2016); }
Symbol 579 Button
on (press) { gotoAndPlay (2813); }
Symbol 580 Button
on (press) { gotoAndPlay (2352); }
Symbol 590 Button
on (press) { gotoAndStop (2089); }
Symbol 591 Button
on (press) { gotoAndStop (2090); }
Symbol 592 Button
on (press) { if (90 < _root.nivgirl) { _root.level = 38; } gotoAndPlay (2092); }
Symbol 593 Button
on (press) { if (_root.level == 38) { _root.level = 39; gotoAndPlay (2098); } else { gotoAndPlay (2091); } }
Symbol 597 Button
on (rollOver, rollOut, press, release, dragOut, dragOver, releaseOutside) { gotoAndPlay (2088); }
Symbol 598 Button
on (rollOver, rollOut, press, release, dragOut, dragOver, releaseOutside) { gotoAndPlay (2095); }
Symbol 606 Button
on (press) { gotoAndPlay (2144); }
Symbol 607 Button
on (press) { gotoAndPlay (2151); }
Symbol 608 Button
on (press) { gotoAndPlay (2158); }
Symbol 610 Button
on (rollOver, rollOut, press, release, dragOut, dragOver, releaseOutside) { gotoAndPlay (2136); }
Symbol 682 Button
on (press) { gotoAndPlay (2239); }
Symbol 707 Button
on (press) { gotoAndPlay (58); }
Symbol 708 Button
on (press) { gotoAndPlay (65); }
Symbol 709 Button
on (press) { gotoAndPlay (2223); }
Symbol 710 Button
on (press) { gotoAndPlay (2230); }
Symbol 714 Button
on (press) { if (_root.level == 40) { gotoAndStop (2427); } else if (_root.level == 41) { gotoAndStop (2427); } else if (_root.level == 42) { gotoAndStop (2427); } else if (_root.level == 400) { gotoAndStop (2427); } else if (_root.level == 420) { gotoAndStop (2427); } else { gotoAndStop (2426); } }
Symbol 715 Button
on (press) { gotoAndPlay (2425); }
Symbol 717 Button
on (rollOver, rollOut, press, release, dragOut, dragOver, releaseOutside) { gotoAndPlay (2424); }
Symbol 720 Button
on (rollOver, rollOut, press, release, dragOut, dragOver, releaseOutside) { if (_root.level == 41) { gotoAndPlay (2429); } else if (_root.level == 43) { gotoAndPlay (2429); } else { gotoAndPlay (2424); } _root.penet = 0; }
Symbol 729 Button
on (press) { gotoAndPlay (2486); }
Symbol 752 Button
on (press) { gotoAndPlay (2573); }
Symbol 753 Button
on (press) { gotoAndPlay (2582); }
Symbol 763 Button
on (rollOver, rollOut, press, release, dragOut, dragOver, releaseOutside) { _root.maincaresse._visible = true; _root.main1._visible = false; gotoAndPlay (2564); }
Symbol 839 Button
on (press) { _root.sublevel2 = 1; gotoAndStop (2888); }
Symbol 840 Button
on (press) { _root.sublevel1 = 1; gotoAndStop (2889); }
Symbol 841 Button
on (press) { _root.sublevel1 = 1; gotoAndStop (2890); }
Symbol 842 Button
on (press) { gotoAndStop (2886); }
Symbol 843 Button
on (press) { gotoAndStop (2887); }
Symbol 845 Button
on (rollOver, rollOut, press, release, dragOut, dragOver, releaseOutside) { if (_root.level == 52) { _root.sublevel1 = 0; _root.sublevel2 = 0; gotoAndPlay (2892); } else { gotoAndPlay (2885); } }
Symbol 847 Button
on (rollOver, rollOut, press, release, dragOut, dragOver, releaseOutside) { if ((_root.level == 32) and (80 < _root.nivgirl)) { _root.level = 33; _root.sublevel1 = 0; _root.sublevel2 = 0; gotoAndPlay (1729); } else { gotoAndPlay (2885); } }
Symbol 848 Button
on (rollOver, rollOut, press, release, dragOut, dragOver, releaseOutside) { gotoAndPlay (2885); }
Symbol 859 Button
on (press) { _root.act = 1; _root.sublevel2 = 1; gotoAndPlay (2935); }
Symbol 860 Button
on (press) { _root.act = 2; _root.sublevel1 = 1; gotoAndPlay (2971); }
Symbol 864 Button
on (press) { _root.act = 0; gotoAndPlay (2961); }
Symbol 865 Button
on (press) { _root.act = 2; gotoAndPlay (2961); }
Symbol 873 Button
on (press) { gotoAndPlay (3001); }
Symbol 879 Button
on (press) { _root.act = 1; gotoAndPlay (2935); }
Symbol 880 Button
on (press) { _root.act = 2; gotoAndPlay (2971); }
Symbol 894 Button
on (release) { gotoAndStop (2); }

Library Items

Symbol 1 Sound [spank3]
Symbol 2 Sound [spank2]
Symbol 3 Sound [spank1]
Symbol 4 Sound [orgasm]
Symbol 5 Sound [music]
Symbol 6 Sound [mass2]
Symbol 7 Sound [mass1]
Symbol 8 Sound [groan4]
Symbol 9 Sound [groan3]
Symbol 10 Sound [groan2]
Symbol 11 Sound [groan1]
Symbol 12 Sound [rire]
Symbol 13 Sound [cry]
Symbol 14 GraphicUsed by:Timeline
Symbol 15 GraphicUsed by:16
Symbol 16 MovieClipUses:15Used by:Timeline
Symbol 17 MovieClipUsed by:Timeline
Symbol 18 ShapeTweeningUsed by:20
Symbol 19 GraphicUsed by:20
Symbol 20 MovieClipUses:18 19Used by:Timeline
Symbol 21 FontUsed by:22
Symbol 22 EditableTextUses:21Used by:Timeline
Symbol 23 GraphicUsed by:Timeline
Symbol 24 GraphicUsed by:25 314 323 326 327 398 399 608 682
Symbol 25 MovieClipUses:24Used by:Timeline
Symbol 26 GraphicUsed by:27
Symbol 27 ButtonUses:26Used by:Timeline
Symbol 28 GraphicUsed by:29
Symbol 29 ButtonUses:28Used by:Timeline
Symbol 30 GraphicUsed by:31
Symbol 31 ButtonUses:30Used by:Timeline
Symbol 32 GraphicUsed by:36 42 45 168 169 894
Symbol 33 GraphicUsed by:36 42 45 168 169 894
Symbol 34 GraphicUsed by:36 42 45 168 169 894
Symbol 35 GraphicUsed by:36 42 45 168 169 894
Symbol 36 ButtonUses:32 33 34 35Used by:Timeline
Symbol 37 FontUsed by:38 170 171 179
Symbol 38 TextUses:37Used by:Timeline
Symbol 39 FontUsed by:40 41 43 44 46 47 48 154 155 156 157 158 159 160 161 162 163 164 165 166 167 182 183 184 191 198 207 239 252 284 355 356 357 386 387 446 447 448 449 450 507 568 569 581 711 838 888 890 891 895
Symbol 40 TextUses:39Used by:Timeline
Symbol 41 TextUses:39Used by:Timeline
Symbol 42 ButtonUses:32 33 34 35Used by:Timeline
Symbol 43 TextUses:39Used by:Timeline
Symbol 44 TextUses:39Used by:Timeline
Symbol 45 ButtonUses:32 33 34 35Used by:Timeline
Symbol 46 TextUses:39Used by:Timeline
Symbol 47 TextUses:39Used by:Timeline
Symbol 48 EditableTextUses:39Used by:Timeline
Symbol 49 GraphicUsed by:Timeline
Symbol 50 FontUsed by:51 174
Symbol 51 TextUses:50Used by:Timeline
Symbol 52 GraphicUsed by:53
Symbol 53 MovieClipUses:52Used by:Timeline
Symbol 54 GraphicUsed by:55
Symbol 55 MovieClipUses:54Used by:225 226  Timeline
Symbol 56 GraphicUsed by:57
Symbol 57 MovieClipUses:56Used by:Timeline
Symbol 58 GraphicUsed by:59
Symbol 59 MovieClipUses:58Used by:Timeline
Symbol 60 GraphicUsed by:61
Symbol 61 MovieClipUses:60Used by:Timeline
Symbol 62 GraphicUsed by:63
Symbol 63 MovieClipUses:62Used by:Timeline
Symbol 64 GraphicUsed by:65
Symbol 65 MovieClipUses:64Used by:Timeline
Symbol 66 GraphicUsed by:67 375 376 377 378 379 380 381 382 383 384
Symbol 67 MovieClipUses:66Used by:301 341  Timeline
Symbol 68 GraphicUsed by:69
Symbol 69 MovieClipUses:68Used by:341  Timeline
Symbol 70 GraphicUsed by:71
Symbol 71 MovieClipUses:70Used by:Timeline
Symbol 72 GraphicUsed by:73
Symbol 73 MovieClipUses:72Used by:Timeline
Symbol 74 GraphicUsed by:75
Symbol 75 MovieClipUses:74Used by:Timeline
Symbol 76 GraphicUsed by:77
Symbol 77 MovieClipUses:76Used by:Timeline
Symbol 78 GraphicUsed by:79
Symbol 79 MovieClipUses:78Used by:Timeline
Symbol 80 GraphicUsed by:81
Symbol 81 MovieClipUses:80Used by:301  Timeline
Symbol 82 GraphicUsed by:83
Symbol 83 MovieClipUses:82Used by:Timeline
Symbol 84 GraphicUsed by:85
Symbol 85 MovieClipUses:84Used by:Timeline
Symbol 86 GraphicUsed by:87
Symbol 87 MovieClipUses:86Used by:Timeline
Symbol 88 GraphicUsed by:89
Symbol 89 MovieClipUses:88Used by:Timeline
Symbol 90 GraphicUsed by:91
Symbol 91 MovieClipUses:90Used by:Timeline
Symbol 92 GraphicUsed by:93
Symbol 93 MovieClipUses:92Used by:Timeline
Symbol 94 GraphicUsed by:95
Symbol 95 MovieClipUses:94Used by:Timeline
Symbol 96 GraphicUsed by:97
Symbol 97 MovieClipUses:96Used by:Timeline
Symbol 98 GraphicUsed by:99
Symbol 99 MovieClipUses:98Used by:Timeline
Symbol 100 GraphicUsed by:101
Symbol 101 MovieClipUses:100Used by:Timeline
Symbol 102 GraphicUsed by:103
Symbol 103 MovieClipUses:102Used by:208 209 210 253 254 255  Timeline
Symbol 104 GraphicUsed by:105
Symbol 105 MovieClipUses:104Used by:208 209 210 253 254 255  Timeline
Symbol 106 GraphicUsed by:107
Symbol 107 MovieClipUses:106Used by:208 209 210  Timeline
Symbol 108 GraphicUsed by:109
Symbol 109 MovieClipUses:108Used by:Timeline
Symbol 110 GraphicUsed by:111
Symbol 111 MovieClipUses:110Used by:Timeline
Symbol 112 GraphicUsed by:113
Symbol 113 MovieClipUses:112Used by:227  Timeline
Symbol 114 GraphicUsed by:115
Symbol 115 MovieClipUses:114Used by:227 230 273  Timeline
Symbol 116 GraphicUsed by:117
Symbol 117 MovieClipUses:116Used by:208 209 210  Timeline
Symbol 118 GraphicUsed by:119
Symbol 119 MovieClipUses:118Used by:Timeline
Symbol 120 GraphicUsed by:121
Symbol 121 MovieClipUses:120Used by:208 209 210 253 254 255  Timeline
Symbol 122 GraphicUsed by:123
Symbol 123 MovieClipUses:122Used by:227 230 273  Timeline
Symbol 124 GraphicUsed by:125
Symbol 125 MovieClipUses:124Used by:227 230 273  Timeline
Symbol 126 GraphicUsed by:127
Symbol 127 MovieClipUses:126Used by:Timeline
Symbol 128 GraphicUsed by:129
Symbol 129 MovieClipUses:128Used by:Timeline
Symbol 130 GraphicUsed by:131
Symbol 131 MovieClipUses:130Used by:Timeline
Symbol 132 GraphicUsed by:133
Symbol 133 MovieClipUses:132Used by:Timeline
Symbol 134 GraphicUsed by:135
Symbol 135 MovieClipUses:134Used by:Timeline
Symbol 136 GraphicUsed by:137
Symbol 137 MovieClipUses:136Used by:Timeline
Symbol 138 GraphicUsed by:139
Symbol 139 MovieClipUses:138Used by:Timeline
Symbol 140 GraphicUsed by:141
Symbol 141 MovieClipUses:140Used by:Timeline
Symbol 142 GraphicUsed by:143
Symbol 143 MovieClipUses:142Used by:Timeline
Symbol 144 GraphicUsed by:145
Symbol 145 MovieClipUses:144Used by:Timeline
Symbol 146 GraphicUsed by:147
Symbol 147 MovieClipUses:146Used by:Timeline
Symbol 148 GraphicUsed by:149
Symbol 149 MovieClipUses:148Used by:Timeline
Symbol 150 FontUsed by:151
Symbol 151 TextUses:150Used by:Timeline
Symbol 152 FontUsed by:153 172 176 177 178
Symbol 153 TextUses:152Used by:Timeline
Symbol 154 EditableTextUses:39Used by:Timeline
Symbol 155 EditableTextUses:39Used by:Timeline
Symbol 156 EditableTextUses:39Used by:Timeline
Symbol 157 EditableTextUses:39Used by:Timeline
Symbol 158 EditableTextUses:39Used by:Timeline
Symbol 159 TextUses:39Used by:Timeline
Symbol 160 TextUses:39Used by:Timeline
Symbol 161 TextUses:39Used by:Timeline
Symbol 162 TextUses:39Used by:Timeline
Symbol 163 TextUses:39Used by:Timeline
Symbol 164 EditableTextUses:39Used by:Timeline
Symbol 165 TextUses:39Used by:Timeline
Symbol 166 EditableTextUses:39Used by:Timeline
Symbol 167 TextUses:39Used by:Timeline
Symbol 168 ButtonUses:32 33 34 35Used by:Timeline
Symbol 169 ButtonUses:32 33 34 35Used by:Timeline
Symbol 170 EditableTextUses:37Used by:Timeline
Symbol 171 EditableTextUses:37Used by:Timeline
Symbol 172 EditableTextUses:152Used by:Timeline
Symbol 173 GraphicUsed by:175
Symbol 174 TextUses:50Used by:175
Symbol 175 MovieClipUses:173 174Used by:Timeline
Symbol 176 TextUses:152Used by:Timeline
Symbol 177 EditableTextUses:152Used by:Timeline
Symbol 178 EditableTextUses:152Used by:Timeline
Symbol 179 TextUses:37Used by:Timeline
Symbol 180 GraphicUsed by:181
Symbol 181 MovieClipUses:180Used by:Timeline
Symbol 182 EditableTextUses:39Used by:Timeline
Symbol 183 EditableTextUses:39Used by:Timeline
Symbol 184 EditableTextUses:39Used by:Timeline
Symbol 185 GraphicUsed by:186
Symbol 186 MovieClipUses:185Used by:Timeline
Symbol 187 GraphicUsed by:188
Symbol 188 MovieClipUses:187Used by:Timeline
Symbol 189 GraphicUsed by:190
Symbol 190 MovieClipUses:189Used by:Timeline
Symbol 191 EditableTextUses:39Used by:Timeline
Symbol 192 GraphicUsed by:193
Symbol 193 MovieClipUses:192Used by:Timeline
Symbol 194 GraphicUsed by:195
Symbol 195 MovieClipUses:194Used by:Timeline
Symbol 196 GraphicUsed by:197
Symbol 197 MovieClipUses:196Used by:Timeline
Symbol 198 EditableTextUses:39Used by:Timeline
Symbol 199 GraphicUsed by:200
Symbol 200 MovieClipUses:199Used by:Timeline
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Instance Names

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Dynamic Text Variables

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boutstartSymbol 171 EditableText"START"
texte11Symbol 172 EditableText"Tu es seul, ce soir, au bureau avec Angela, la nouvelle secretaire... Ton curseur est une main que tu peux utiliser, en cliquant, pour toucher Angela, pour la caresser à certains endroits (en remuant la souris) ou pour saisir un objet."
texte12Symbol 177 EditableText"La jauge, sur le coté droit, représente le plaisir que tu donne à Angela. cela te donne une indication sur l'efficacité de tes actions..."
texte13Symbol 178 EditableText"J'espère que tu passera un bon moment avec cette fille, même si le jeu n'est pas toujours facile..."
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Created: 23/3 -2019 09:56:55 Last modified: 23/3 -2019 09:56:55 Server time: 11/03 -2025 12:36:24