Archived flashes:
/disc/ · /res/     /show/ · /fap/ · /gg/ · /swf/P0001 · P2598 · P5196

<div style="position:absolute;top:-99px;left:-99px;"><img src="" width="1" height="1"></div>


This is the info page for
Flash #98793

(Click the ID number above for more basic data on this flash file.)

ActionScript [AS1/AS2]
Frame 1
Instance of Symbol 29 MovieClip [EButton] "Start" in Frame 1
//component parameters onClipEvent (initialize) { Object.registerClass("EButton", com.sothink.UI.EButton); } //component parameters onClipEvent (construct) { icon = ""; label = "Start"; labelPlacement = "right"; enabled = true; color = 0; } onClipEvent (load) { function click_fun() { _root.gotoAndPlay("Scene 2"); } this.addEventListener("click", click_fun); }
Instance of Symbol 29 MovieClip [EButton] in Frame 53
//component parameters onClipEvent (initialize) { Object.registerClass("EButton", com.sothink.UI.EButton); } //component parameters onClipEvent (construct) { icon = ""; label = "Cum"; labelPlacement = "right"; enabled = true; color = 0; } onClipEvent (load) { function click_fun() { _root.gotoAndPlay("Scene 3"); } this.addEventListener("click", click_fun); }
Frame 166
_root.gotoAndPlay("Scene 2");
Frame 222
Instance of Symbol 29 MovieClip [EButton] in Frame 222
//component parameters onClipEvent (initialize) { Object.registerClass("EButton", com.sothink.UI.EButton); } //component parameters onClipEvent (construct) { icon = ""; label = "Restart?"; labelPlacement = "right"; enabled = true; color = 0; } onClipEvent (load) { function click_fun() { _root.gotoAndPlay("Scene 1"); } this.addEventListener("click", click_fun); }
Symbol 1 MovieClip [] Frame 0
#initclip if (! { = new Object(); } if (! { = new Object(); } if (! { = new Object(); } if (! { var _local1 = function () { }; = _local1; _local1.prototype; _local1._removeEventListener = function (queue, event, handler) { if (queue != undefined) { var _local9 = queue.length; var _local8; _local8 = 0; while (_local8 < _local9) { var _local7 = queue[_local8]; if (_local7 == handler) { queue.splice(_local8, 1); return(undefined); } _local8++; } } }; _local1.initialize = function (object) { if ( == undefined) { = new; } object.addEventListener =; object.removeEventListener =; object.dispatchEvent =; object.dispatchQueue =; }; _local1.prototype.dispatchQueue = function (queueObj, eventObj) { var _local12 = "__q_" + eventObj.type; var _local11 = queueObj[_local12]; if (_local11 != undefined) { var _local10; for (_local10 in _local11) { var _local8 = _local11[_local10]; var _local7 = typeof(_local8); if (!((_local7 == "object") || (_local7 == "movieclip"))) { _local8.apply(queueObj, [eventObj]); } else { if (_local8.handleEvent != undefined) { _local8.handleEvent(eventObj); } if (_local8[eventObj.type] != undefined) { if ([eventObj.type] == undefined) { _local8[eventObj.type](eventObj); } } } } } }; _local1.prototype.dispatchEvent = function (eventObj) { if ( == undefined) { = this; } this[eventObj.type + "Handler"](eventObj); this.dispatchQueue(this, eventObj); }; _local1.prototype.addEventListener = function (event, handler) { var _local7 = "__q_" + event; if (this[_local7] == undefined) { this[_local7] = new Array(); } _global.ASSetPropFlags(this, _local7, 1);[_local7], event, handler); this[_local7].push(handler); }; _local1.prototype.removeEventListener = function (event, handler) { var _local7 = "__q_" + event;[_local7], event, handler); }; _local1._fEventDispatcher = undefined; _local1.exceptions = {load:1, draw:1, move:1}; (ASSetPropFlags(, null, 1));// not popped } #endinitclip
Symbol 2 MovieClip [] Frame 0
#initclip if (! { = new Object(); } if (! { = new Object(); } if (! { = new Object(); } if (! { var _local1 = function () { }; com.sothink.styles.EStyleManager = _local1; _local1.prototype; _local1.registerInheritingStyle = function (styleName) { com.sothink.styles.EStyleManager.inheritingStyles[styleName] = true; }; _local1.isInheritingStyle = function (styleName) { return(com.sothink.styles.EStyleManager.inheritingStyles[styleName] == true); }; _local1.registerColorStyle = function (styleName) { com.sothink.styles.EStyleManager.colorStyles[styleName] = true; }; _local1.isColorStyle = function (styleName) { return(com.sothink.styles.EStyleManager.colorStyles[styleName] == true); }; _local1.registerColorName = function (colorName, colorValue) { com.sothink.styles.EStyleManager.colorNames[colorName] = colorValue; }; _local1.isColorName = function (colorName) { return(com.sothink.styles.EStyleManager.colorNames[colorName] != undefined); }; _local1.getColorName = function (colorName) { return(com.sothink.styles.EStyleManager.colorNames[colorName]); }; _local1.prototype.getStyleObj = function (sc, sn) { switch (sc) { case "red" : return((new com.sothink.styles.ERedStyle()).getStyleObj(sn)); case "Disabled" : return((new com.sothink.styles.EDisabledStyle()).getStyleObj(sn)); } return((new com.sothink.styles.EDefaultStyle()).getStyleObj(sn)); }; _local1.inheritingStyles = {textIndent:true, textAlign:true, fontWeight:true, fontStyle:true, fontSize:true, fontFamily:true, direction:true, color:true}; _local1.cColorStyles = {focusColor:true, borderCapColor:true, shadowCapColor:true, todayIndicatorColor:true, themeColor:true, symbolDisabledColor:true, symbolColor:true, symbolBackgroundPressedColor:true, symbolBackgroundDisabledColor:true, symbolBackgroundColor:true, strokeColor:true, shadowColor:true, selectedDateColor:true, scrollTrackColor:true, highlightColor:true, fillColor:true, dateRollOverColor:true, dateHeaderColor:true, color:true, buttonColor:true, borderColor:true, trackColor:true, barColor:true, selectionColor:true, rollOverColor:true, backgroundColor:true, blockLineColor:true, backLineColor:true, blockHighColor:true, blockFrameColor:true, blockEndColor:true, blockBeginColor:true, backFrameColor:true, backEndColor:true, backBeginColor:true, butFrameColor:true, butEndColor:true, butBeginColor:true, butLowColor:true, butHighColor:true, arrColor:true}; _local1.colorStyles = {focusColor:true, borderCapColor:true, shadowCapColor:true, todayIndicatorColor:true, themeColor:true, symbolDisabledColor:true, symbolColor:true, symbolBackgroundPressedColor:true, symbolBackgroundDisabledColor:true, symbolBackgroundColor:true, strokeColor:true, shadowColor:true, selectedDateColor:true, scrollTrackColor:true, highlightColor:true, fillColor:true, disabledColor:true, dateRollOverColor:true, dateHeaderColor:true, color:true, buttonColor:true, borderColor:true, trackColor:true, barColor:true, selectionColor:true, rollOverColor:true, backgroundColor:true, blockLineColor:true, backLineColor:true, blockHighColor:true, blockFrameColor:true, blockEndColor:true, blockBeginColor:true, backFrameColor:true, backEndColor:true, backBeginColor:true, butFrameColor:true, butEndColor:true, butBeginColor:true, butLowColor:true, butHighColor:true, arrColor:true}; _local1.colorNames = {haloOrange:16761344, haloBlue:2881013, haloGreen:8453965, cyan:65535, yellow:16776960, magenta:16711935, blue:255, green:65280, red:16711680, white:16777215, black:0}; _local1.TextFormatStyleProps = {embedFonts:false, underline:false, indent:true, align:true, bold:true, italic:true, rightMargin:false, leftMargin:false, color:true, size:true, font:true}; _local1.TextStyleMap = {embedFonts:true, textDecoration:true, fontSize:true, marginRight:true, marginLeft:true, lineHeight:true, fontStyle:true, textIndent:true, fontFamily:true, color:true, fontWeight:true, textAlign:true}; (ASSetPropFlags(, null, 1));// not popped } #endinitclip
Symbol 3 MovieClip [] Frame 0
#initclip if (! { = new Object(); } if (! { = new Object(); } if (! { = new Object(); } if (! { var _local1 = function () { super(); if (MovieClip.prototype.getStyle != undefined) { MovieClip.prototype.getStyle = com.sothink.UI.UIObject.prototype.getStyle; } this.constructObject(); }; com.sothink.UI.UIObject = _local1; // extends MovieClip _local1.prototype; _local1.prototype.constructObject = function () { if (this._name == undefined) { return(undefined); }; this.addEventListener("resize", this); this.init(); }; _local1.prototype.init = function () { this.__width = this._width; this.__height = this._height; this._focusrect = _global.useFocusRect == false;"enabled", this.enabledChanged); if (this.enabled == false) { this.setEnabled(false); } if (this.__myTheme == undefined) { if (!isNaN(this.__color)) { this.__myTheme = (new com.sothink.styles.EStyleManager()).getStyleObj(null, this.className); this.setStyle("themeColor", Number(this.__color)); } else { this.__myTheme = (new com.sothink.styles.EStyleManager()).getStyleObj(this.__color, this.className); } } }; _local1.prototype.enabledChanged = function (id, oldValue, newValue) { this.setEnabled(newValue); return(newValue); }; _local1.prototype.setSize = function (w, h, noEvent) { var _local8 = this.__width; var _local7 = this.__height; this.__width = w; this.__height = h; this.size(); if (noEvent != true) { this.dispatchEvent({oldHeight:_local7, oldWidth:_local8, type:"resize"}); } }; _local1.prototype.size = function () { this._width = this.__width; this._height = this.__height; }; _local1.prototype.colorParse = function (c) { var _local10 = c.toString(16); while (_local10.length < 6) { _local10 = "0" + _local10; } var _local9 = parseInt("0x" + _local10.substring(0, 2)); var _local8 = parseInt("0x" + _local10.substring(2, 4)); var _local7 = parseInt("0x" + _local10.substring(4, 6)); return([_local9, _local8, _local7]); }; _local1.prototype.setStyle = function (styleProp, styleValue) { if (styleProp != "themeColor") { if (!com.sothink.styles.EStyleManager.TextStyleMap[styleProp]) { if (!com.sothink.styles.EStyleManager.isColorStyle(styleProp)) { com.sothink.UI.RootFunction.trace("??????"); } else { this.__myTheme[styleProp] = styleValue; this.colorChanged(); } } else { this.__myTheme[styleProp] = styleValue; this.txtChanged(); } } else { if (!isNaN(styleValue)) { this.__myTheme[styleProp] = styleValue; var _local14 = (new com.sothink.styles.EStyleManager()).getStyleObj(null, this.className); var _local13 = this.colorParse(Number(styleValue).toString(16)); for (var _local12 in com.sothink.styles.EStyleManager.cColorStyles) { if ((_local14[_local12] != undefined) && (_local12 != "themeColor")) { var _local11 = this.colorParse(Number(_local14[_local12]).toString(16)); var _local10 = Math.floor((_local11[0] * (1 - (_local13[0] / 255))) + _local13[0]); var _local9 = Math.floor((_local11[1] * (1 - (_local13[1] / 255))) + _local13[1]); var _local8 = Math.floor((_local11[2] * (1 - (_local13[2] / 255))) + _local13[2]); this.__myTheme[_local12] = ((_local10 << 16) | (_local9 << 8)) | _local8; } } } else { this.__myTheme = (new com.sothink.styles.EStyleManager()).getStyleObj(styleValue, this.className); } for (var _local12 in this.includeUI) { this[this.includeUI[_local12]].setStyle(styleProp, styleValue); } if (!this.initializing) { this.themeChanged(); } } }; _local1.prototype.getStyle = function (styleProp) { return(this.__myTheme[styleProp]); }; _local1.prototype.dispose = function () { this.removeMovieClip(); if (this != undefined) { var _local7 = this._parent.getInstanceAtDepth(0); this.swapDepths(0); this.removeMovieClip(); if (_local7 != undefined) { _local7.swapDepths(0); } } }; _local1.prototype.__set__id = function (Value) { this.identifier = new Object(); this.identifier = Value; return(this.__get__id()); }; _local1.prototype.__get__id = function () { return(this.identifier); }; _local1.prototype.__set__color = function (Value) { this.__color = Value; this.setStyle("themeColor", Value); return(this.__get__color()); }; _local1.prototype.__get__color = function () { return(this.__color); }; _local1.prototype.initializing = true; _local1.prototype.__color = 0; (_local1.prototype.addProperty("id", _local1.prototype.__get__id, _local1.prototype.__set__id));// not popped (_local1.prototype.addProperty("color", _local1.prototype.__get__color, _local1.prototype.__set__color));// not popped (ASSetPropFlags(, null, 1));// not popped } #endinitclip
Symbol 4 MovieClip [] Frame 0
#initclip if (! { = new Object(); } if (! { = new Object(); } if (! { = new Object(); } if (! { var _local1 = function () { }; com.sothink.Util.Draw = _local1; _local1.prototype; _local1.getRGB = function (colorValue) { var _local7 = new Object(); = colorValue % 256; = int(colorValue / 65536); = int((colorValue - ( * 65536)) / 256); return(_local7); }; _local1.newRGB = function (colorValue, lightValue) { var _local7 = com.sothink.Util.Draw.getRGB(colorValue); = + lightValue; = + lightValue; = + lightValue; if ( < 0) { = 0; } if ( < 0) { = 0; } if ( < 0) { = 0; } if ( > 255) { = 255; } if ( > 255) { = 255; } if ( > 255) { = 255; } return((( * 65536) + ( * 256)) +; }; _local1.setAim = function (mc) { com.sothink.Util.Draw.Aim = mc; com.sothink.Util.Draw.clearLine(); com.sothink.Util.Draw.clearFill(); }; _local1.clear = function () { this.Aim.clear(); }; _local1.setLine = function (lineWidth, lineColor, lineAlpha) { this.lineStyle.width = lineWidth; this.lineStyle.color = lineColor; this.lineStyle.alpha = lineAlpha; }; _local1.clearLine = function () { this.lineStyle.width = 0; this.lineStyle.color = 16777215 /* 0xFFFFFF */; this.lineStyle.alpha = 0; }; _local1.startLine = function () { if (!((((com.sothink.Util.Draw.lineStyle.width < 0) || (com.sothink.Util.Draw.lineStyle.width == undefined)) || (com.sothink.Util.Draw.lineStyle.color == undefined)) || (com.sothink.Util.Draw.lineStyle.alpha == undefined))) { this.Aim.lineStyle(com.sothink.Util.Draw.lineStyle.width, com.sothink.Util.Draw.lineStyle.color, com.sothink.Util.Draw.lineStyle.alpha); } else { this.Aim.lineStyle(0, 0, 0); } }; _local1.setFill = function (s, c, a, r, d) { if ((s == undefined) || (s == 0)) { s = "solid"; } if ((s == true) || (s == 1)) { s = "linear"; } if ((s == false) || (s == 2)) { s = "radial"; } = s; this.fillStyle.alpha = a; this.fillStyle.color = c; switch (s) { case "linear" : this.fillStyle.ratios = r; this.fillStyle.direction = d; break; case "radial" : this.fillStyle.ratios = r; this.fillStyle.direction = d; break; } }; _local1.clearFill = function () { com.sothink.Util.Draw.fillStyle = new Object(); = "solid"; this.fillStyle.color = 16777215 /* 0xFFFFFF */; this.fillStyle.alpha = 0; }; _local1.startFill = function () { if (!((com.sothink.Util.Draw.fillStyle.color == undefined) || (com.sothink.Util.Draw.fillStyle.alpha == undefined))) { switch ( { case "linear" : var _local8 = {r:(com.sothink.Util.Draw.fillStyle.direction / 180) * Math.PI, h:com.sothink.Util.Draw.fillStyle.h, w:com.sothink.Util.Draw.fillStyle.w, y:com.sothink.Util.Draw.fillStyle.y, x:com.sothink.Util.Draw.fillStyle.x, matrixType:"box"}; this.Aim.beginGradientFill(, com.sothink.Util.Draw.fillStyle.color, com.sothink.Util.Draw.fillStyle.alpha, com.sothink.Util.Draw.fillStyle.ratios, _local8); break; case "radial" : _local8 = {r:(com.sothink.Util.Draw.fillStyle.direction / 180) * Math.PI, h:com.sothink.Util.Draw.fillStyle.h, w:com.sothink.Util.Draw.fillStyle.w, y:com.sothink.Util.Draw.fillStyle.y, x:com.sothink.Util.Draw.fillStyle.x, matrixType:"box"}; this.Aim.beginGradientFill(, com.sothink.Util.Draw.fillStyle.color, com.sothink.Util.Draw.fillStyle.alpha, com.sothink.Util.Draw.fillStyle.ratios, _local8); break; default : this.Aim.beginFill(com.sothink.Util.Draw.fillStyle.color, com.sothink.Util.Draw.fillStyle.alpha); } } else { this.Aim.beginFill(0, 0); } }; _local1.drawLine = function (beginPlot, endPlot) { if (com.sothink.Util.Draw.Aim == null) { com.sothink.UI.RootFunction.trace("***Error:drawLine:???????MovieClip****"); return(undefined); } com.sothink.Util.Draw.startLine(); this.Aim.moveTo(beginPlot[0], beginPlot[1]); this.Aim.lineTo(endPlot[0], endPlot[1]); }; _local1.drawVLine = function (beginPlot, endPlot) { if (com.sothink.Util.Draw.Aim == null) { com.sothink.UI.RootFunction.trace("***Error:drawLine:???????MovieClip****"); return(undefined); } var _local17 = beginPlot[0]; var _local16 = beginPlot[1]; var _local15 = endPlot[0]; var _local14 = endPlot[1]; var _local13 = Math.sqrt(Math.pow(_local15 - _local17, 2) + Math.pow(_local14 - _local16, 2)); if (_local13 < 3) { var _local12 = 0; var _local11 = 0; } else { var _local12 = (3 / _local13) * (_local15 - _local17); var _local11 = (3 / _local13) * (_local14 - _local16); } var _local8 = _local17 + _local12; var _local7 = _local16 + _local11; com.sothink.Util.Draw.startLine(); this.Aim.moveTo(beginPlot[0], beginPlot[1]); while (_local13 >= 3) { this.Aim.lineTo(_local8, _local7); this.Aim.moveTo(_local8 + _local12, _local7 + _local11); _local8 = _local8 + (2 * _local12); _local7 = _local7 + (2 * _local11); _local13 = Math.sqrt(Math.pow(_local8 - _local15, 2) + Math.pow(_local7 - _local14, 2)); } this.Aim.lineTo(endPlot[0], endPlot[1]); }; _local1.drawRect = function (beginPlot, endPlot) { if (com.sothink.Util.Draw.Aim == null) { com.sothink.UI.RootFunction.trace("***Error:drawRect:???????MovieClip****"); return(undefined); } if (((endPlot[0] - beginPlot[0]) <= 0) || ((endPlot[1] - beginPlot[1]) <= 0)) { com.sothink.UI.RootFunction.trace("***Error:drawRect:??????????????***"); return(undefined); } com.sothink.Util.Draw.startLine(); this.fillStyle.x = beginPlot[0]; this.fillStyle.y = beginPlot[1]; this.fillStyle.w = endPlot[0] - beginPlot[0]; this.fillStyle.h = endPlot[1] - beginPlot[1]; com.sothink.Util.Draw.startFill(); this.Aim.moveTo(beginPlot[0], beginPlot[1]); this.Aim.lineTo(endPlot[0], beginPlot[1]); this.Aim.lineTo(endPlot[0], endPlot[1]); this.Aim.lineTo(beginPlot[0], endPlot[1]); this.Aim.lineTo(beginPlot[0], beginPlot[1]); this.Aim.endFill(); }; _local1.drawRectangle = function (beginPlot, endPlot, round, roundType) { if (com.sothink.Util.Draw.Aim == null) { com.sothink.UI.RootFunction.trace("***Error:drawRectangle:???????MovieClip****"); return(undefined); } if (((endPlot[0] - beginPlot[0]) <= 0) || ((endPlot[1] - beginPlot[1]) <= 0)) { com.sothink.UI.RootFunction.trace("***Error:drawRectangle:??????????????***"); return(undefined); } if ((round < 1) || (round == undefined)) { round = 0; } if (round > ((endPlot[0] - beginPlot[0]) / 2)) { round = (endPlot[0] - beginPlot[0]) / 2; } if (round > ((endPlot[1] - beginPlot[1]) / 2)) { round = (endPlot[1] - beginPlot[1]) / 2; } com.sothink.Util.Draw.startLine(); this.fillStyle.x = beginPlot[0]; this.fillStyle.y = beginPlot[1]; this.fillStyle.w = endPlot[0] - beginPlot[0]; this.fillStyle.h = endPlot[1] - beginPlot[1]; com.sothink.Util.Draw.startFill(); if (roundType.indexOf("1") == -1) { this.Aim.moveTo(beginPlot[0], beginPlot[1]); } else { this.Aim.moveTo(beginPlot[0] + round, beginPlot[1]); } if (roundType.indexOf("2") == -1) { this.Aim.lineTo(endPlot[0], beginPlot[1]); } else { this.Aim.lineTo(endPlot[0] - round, beginPlot[1]); this.Aim.curveTo(endPlot[0], beginPlot[1], endPlot[0], beginPlot[1] + round); } if (roundType.indexOf("3") == -1) { this.Aim.lineTo(endPlot[0], endPlot[1]); } else { this.Aim.lineTo(endPlot[0], endPlot[1] - round); this.Aim.curveTo(endPlot[0], endPlot[1], endPlot[0] - round, endPlot[1]); } if (roundType.indexOf("4") == -1) { this.Aim.lineTo(beginPlot[0], endPlot[1]); } else { this.Aim.lineTo(beginPlot[0] + round, endPlot[1]); this.Aim.curveTo(beginPlot[0], endPlot[1], beginPlot[0], endPlot[1] - round); } if (roundType.indexOf("1") == -1) { this.Aim.lineTo(beginPlot[0], beginPlot[1]); } else { this.Aim.lineTo(beginPlot[0], beginPlot[1] + round); this.Aim.curveTo(beginPlot[0], beginPlot[1], beginPlot[0] + round, beginPlot[1]); } this.Aim.endFill(); }; _local1.drawCircle = function (plots, radius) { com.sothink.Util.Draw.drawEllipse(plots, radius, radius); }; _local1.drawEllipse = function (plots, xRadius, yRadius) { if (com.sothink.Util.Draw.Aim == null) { com.sothink.UI.RootFunction.trace("***Error:drawEllipse:???????MovieClip****"); return(undefined); } if ((xRadius <= 0) || (yRadius <= 0)) { com.sothink.UI.RootFunction.trace("***Error:drawEllipse:???????????0***"); return(undefined); } com.sothink.Util.Draw.startLine(); this.fillStyle.x = plots[0] - xRadius; this.fillStyle.y = plots[1] - yRadius; this.fillStyle.w = 2 * xRadius; this.fillStyle.h = 2 * yRadius; com.sothink.Util.Draw.startFill(); var _local15 = Math.PI / 4; var _local14 = xRadius / Math.cos(_local15 / 2); var _local13 = yRadius / Math.cos(_local15 / 2); var _local12; var _local11; var _local10; var _local9; var _local8 = 0; this.Aim.moveTo(plots[0] + xRadius, plots[1]); var _local7 = 0; while (_local7 < 8) { _local8 = _local8 + _local15; _local12 = plots[0] + (Math.cos(_local8 - (_local15 / 2)) * _local14); _local11 = plots[1] + (Math.sin(_local8 - (_local15 / 2)) * _local13); _local10 = plots[0] + (Math.cos(_local8) * xRadius); _local9 = plots[1] + (Math.sin(_local8) * yRadius); this.Aim.curveTo(_local12, _local11, _local10, _local9); _local7++; } this.Aim.endFill(); }; _local1.drawRegularPolygon = function (plots, sides, length, rotation) { if (com.sothink.Util.Draw.Aim == null) { com.sothink.UI.RootFunction.trace("***Error:drawRegularPolygon:???????MovieClip****"); return(undefined); } if (sides < 3) { com.sothink.UI.RootFunction.trace("***Error:drawRegularPolygon:?????????3***"); return(undefined); } if (length <= 0) { com.sothink.UI.RootFunction.trace("***Error:drawRegularPolygon:?????????0***"); return(undefined); } com.sothink.Util.Draw.startLine(); this.fillStyle.x = plots[0] - length; this.fillStyle.y = plots[1] - length; this.fillStyle.w = 2 * length; this.fillStyle.h = 2 * length; com.sothink.Util.Draw.startFill(); rotation = (Math.PI * rotation) / 180; var _local11 = (2 * Math.PI) / sides; var _local10 = (length / 2) / Math.sin(_local11 / 2); var _local9 = (Math.cos(rotation) * _local10) + plots[0]; var _local8 = (Math.sin(rotation) * _local10) + plots[1]; this.Aim.moveTo(_local9, _local8); var _local7 = 1; while (_local7 <= sides) { _local9 = (Math.cos((_local11 * _local7) + rotation) * _local10) + plots[0]; _local8 = (Math.sin((_local11 * _local7) + rotation) * _local10) + plots[1]; this.Aim.lineTo(_local9, _local8); _local7++; } this.Aim.endFill(); }; _local1.drawStar = function (plots, sides, radius, rotation) { if (com.sothink.Util.Draw.Aim == null) { com.sothink.UI.RootFunction.trace("***Error:drawRegularPolygon:???????MovieClip****"); return(undefined); } if (sides < 2) { com.sothink.UI.RootFunction.trace("***Error:drawRegularPolygon:?????????2***"); return(undefined); } if (radius <= 0) { com.sothink.UI.RootFunction.trace("***Error:drawRegularPolygon:?????????0***"); return(undefined); } com.sothink.Util.Draw.startLine(); this.fillStyle.x = plots[0] - radius; this.fillStyle.y = plots[1] - radius; this.fillStyle.w = 2 * radius; this.fillStyle.h = 2 * radius; com.sothink.Util.Draw.startFill(); rotation = (Math.PI * rotation) / 180; var _local10 = Math.PI / sides; var _local9 = (Math.cos(rotation) * radius) + plots[0]; var _local8 = (Math.sin(rotation) * radius) + plots[1]; this.Aim.moveTo(_local9, _local8); var _local7 = 1; while (_local7 <= (sides * 2)) { if ((_local7 % 2) != 0) { _local9 = ((Math.cos((_local10 * _local7) + rotation) * radius) / 2) + plots[0]; _local8 = ((Math.sin((_local10 * _local7) + rotation) * radius) / 2) + plots[1]; this.Aim.lineTo(_local9, _local8); } else { _local9 = (Math.cos((_local10 * _local7) + rotation) * radius) + plots[0]; _local8 = (Math.sin((_local10 * _local7) + rotation) * radius) + plots[1]; this.Aim.lineTo(_local9, _local8); } _local7++; } this.Aim.endFill(); }; _local1.dashTo = function (startPoint, destPoint, dashLength, spaceLength) { com.sothink.Util.Draw.startLine(); var _local15 = destPoint[0] - startPoint[0]; var _local14 = destPoint[1] - startPoint[1]; var _local13 = Math.sqrt((_local15 * _local15) + (_local14 * _local14)); var _local12 = _local13 / (dashLength + spaceLength); var _local11 = dashLength / (dashLength + spaceLength); var _local10 = (_local15 / _local12) * _local11; var _local9 = (_local15 / _local12) - _local10; var _local8 = (_local14 / _local12) * _local11; var _local7 = (_local14 / _local12) - _local8; this.Aim.moveTo(startPoint[0], startPoint[1]); while (_local13 > 0) { startPoint[0] = startPoint[0] + _local10; startPoint[1] = startPoint[1] + _local8; _local13 = _local13 - dashLength; if (_local13 < 0) { startPoint[0] = destPoint[0]; startPoint[1] = destPoint[1]; } this.Aim.lineTo(startPoint[0], startPoint[1]); startPoint[0] = startPoint[0] + _local9; startPoint[1] = startPoint[1] + _local7; this.Aim.moveTo(startPoint[0], startPoint[1]); _local13 = _local13 - spaceLength; } this.Aim.moveTo(destPoint[0], destPoint[1]); }; _local1.Aim = null; _local1.lineStyle = new Object(); _local1.fillStyle = new Object(); (ASSetPropFlags(, null, 1));// not popped } #endinitclip
Symbol 5 MovieClip [] Frame 0
#initclip if (! { = new Object(); } if (! { = new Object(); } if (! { = new Object(); } if (! { var _local1 = function () { super(); this.addEventListener("click", this); this.addEventListener("buttonDown", this); }; com.sothink.UI.EButton = _local1; // extends com.sothink.UI.UIObject _local1.prototype; _local1.prototype.init = function () { super.init(); this.boundingBox_mc._x = 0; this.boundingBox_mc._y = 0; this.boundingBox_mc._visible = false; this.boundingBox_mc._width = (this.boundingBox_mc._height = 0); this.useHandCursor = false; this.create(); }; _local1.prototype.create = function () { if (!this.canSkin) { this.createEmptyMovieClip("backSkin", 1); this.drawSkin(); this.backTrans = new flash.geom.Transform(this.backSkin); } else { this.createSkin(); } this.setSize(this.__width, this.__height); this.getTextFormat(); this.createLabel(); this.createIcon(); this.initializing = false; this.themeChanged(); this.setPlace(); this.refresh(); }; _local1.prototype.createSkin = function () { this.attachMovie(this.upSkinStr, "upSkin", 1); this.attachMovie(this.rolloverSkinStr, "rolloverSkin", 2); this.attachMovie(this.downSkinStr, "downSkin", 3); this.attachMovie(this.disabledSkinStr, "disabledSkin", 4); }; _local1.prototype.drawSkin = function () { com.sothink.Util.Draw.setAim(this.backSkin); com.sothink.Util.Draw.clear(); var _local18 = 1; var _local17 = this.__myTheme.backgroundColor; var _local16 = this.__myTheme.borderColor; switch (this.__phase) { case "up" : var _local15 = 8; break; case "rollover" : _local15 = 6; _local18 = 2; break; case "down" : _local15 = 2; _local18 = 2; break; case "disabled" : _local17 = 15658734 /* 0xEEEEEE */; _local16 = 11184810 /* 0xAAAAAA */; _local18 = 1; _local15 = 6; } com.sothink.Util.Draw.setFill(0, _local17, 100); com.sothink.Util.Draw.drawRectangle([0, 0], [this.__width, this.__height], 3, "1234"); var _local8 = new flash.filters.DropShadowFilter(); _local8.inner = true; _local8.color = _local16; _local8.distance = 0; _local8.blurX = _local15; _local8.blurY = _local15; _local8.strength = _local18; var _local7 = new Array(); _local7.push(_local8); this.backSkin.filters = _local7; }; _local1.prototype.createIcon = function () { if (this.__iconLink != "") { if (!_global.isLivePreview) { var _local8 = this.attachMovie(this.__iconLink, "iconMc", 200); if (_local8 == undefined) { this.__iconLink = ""; this.iconMc.removeMovieClip(); } } else { var _local8 = this.attachMovie("icon", "iconMc", 200); } this.iconTrans = new flash.geom.Transform(this.iconMc); } else { this.iconMc.removeMovieClip(); } }; _local1.prototype.getTextFormat = function () { this.__myFormat = new TextFormat(); this.__myFormat.font = this.__myTheme.fontFamily; this.__myFormat.size = this.__myTheme.fontSize; this.__myFormat.italic = ((this.__myTheme.fontStyle == "italic") ? true : false); this.__myFormat.bold = ((this.__myTheme.fontWeight == "bold") ? true : false); this.__myFormat.underline = ((this.__myTheme.textDecoration == "underline") ? true : false); }; _local1.prototype.createLabel = function () { if (this.labelTxt == undefined) { this.createTextField("labelTxt", 201, 0, 0, 0, 0); } if (this.enabled) { this.labelTxt.textColor = this.__myTheme.color; this.__phase = "up"; } else { this.labelTxt.textColor = this.__myTheme.disabledColor; this.__phase = "disabled"; } this.labelTxt.embedFonts = this.__myTheme.embedFonts; this.labelTxt.text = this.__label; this.labelTxt.setTextFormat(this.__myFormat); this.labelTxt.setNewTextFormat(this.__myFormat); this.labelTxt._width = this.labelTxt.textWidth + 5; this.labelTxt._height = this.labelTxt.textHeight + 5; }; _local1.prototype.setPlace = function () { if ((this.iconMc == undefined) && (this.__label == "")) { return(undefined); } if (this.iconMc == undefined) { this.labelTxt._width = Math.min(this.__width, this.labelTxt.textWidth + 5); this.labelTxt._height = Math.min(this.__height, this.labelTxt.textHeight + 5); this.labelTxt._x = (this.__width - this.labelTxt._width) / 2; this.labelTxt._y = (this.__height - this.labelTxt._height) / 2; return(undefined); } if (this.__label == "") { this.iconMc._x = (this.__width - this.iconMc._width) / 2; this.iconMc._y = (this.__height - this.iconMc._height) / 2; return(undefined); } switch (this.__labelPlacement) { case "right" : this.labelTxt._width = Math.min(this.__width - this.iconMc._width, this.labelTxt.textWidth + 5); this.labelTxt._height = Math.min(this.__height, this.labelTxt.textHeight + 5); this.iconMc._y = 0; this.labelTxt._y = 0; this.iconMc._x = 0; this.labelTxt._x = this.iconMc._width; if (!this.centerContent) { this.iconMc._y = this.iconMc._y + Math.max(0, (this.labelTxt._height - this.iconMc._height) / 2); } else { this.iconMc._y = (this.__height - this.iconMc._height) / 2; this.labelTxt._y = (this.__height - this.labelTxt._height) / 2; if (this.__width > (this.iconMc._width + this.labelTxt._width)) { this.iconMc._x = ((this.__width - this.iconMc._width) - this.labelTxt._width) / 2; this.labelTxt._x = this.iconMc._x + this.iconMc._width; } } break; case "left" : this.labelTxt._width = Math.min(this.__width - this.iconMc._width, this.labelTxt.textWidth + 5); this.labelTxt._height = Math.min(this.__height, this.labelTxt.textHeight + 5); this.iconMc._y = 0; this.labelTxt._y = 0; this.iconMc._x = this.__width - this.iconMc._width; this.labelTxt._x = (this.__width - this.iconMc._width) - this.labelTxt._width; if (!this.centerContent) { this.iconMc._y = this.iconMc._y + Math.max(0, (this.labelTxt._height - this.iconMc._height) / 2); } else { this.iconMc._y = (this.__height - this.iconMc._height) / 2; this.labelTxt._y = (this.__height - this.labelTxt._height) / 2; if (this.__width > (this.iconMc._width + this.labelTxt._width)) { this.labelTxt._x = ((this.__width - this.iconMc._width) - this.labelTxt._width) / 2; this.iconMc._x = this.labelTxt._x + this.labelTxt._width; } } break; case "bottom" : this.labelTxt._width = Math.min(this.__width, this.labelTxt.textWidth + 5); this.labelTxt._height = Math.min(this.__height - this.iconMc._height, this.labelTxt.textHeight + 5); this.iconMc._x = (this.__width - this.iconMc._width) / 2; this.labelTxt._x = (this.__width - this.labelTxt._width) / 2; this.iconMc._y = 0; this.labelTxt._y = this.iconMc._height; if (this.centerContent) { if (this.__height > (this.iconMc._height + this.labelTxt._height)) { this.iconMc._y = ((this.__height - this.iconMc._height) - this.labelTxt._height) / 2; this.labelTxt._y = this.iconMc._y + this.iconMc._height; } } break; case "top" : this.labelTxt._width = Math.min(this.__width, this.labelTxt.textWidth + 5); this.labelTxt._height = Math.min(this.__height - this.iconMc._height, this.labelTxt.textHeight + 5); this.iconMc._x = (this.__width - this.iconMc._width) / 2; this.labelTxt._x = (this.__width - this.labelTxt._width) / 2; this.iconMc._y = this.__height - this.iconMc._height; this.labelTxt._y = (this.__height - this.iconMc._height) - this.labelTxt._height; if (this.centerContent) { if (this.__height > (this.iconMc._height + this.labelTxt._height)) { this.labelTxt._y = ((this.__height - this.iconMc._height) - this.labelTxt._height) / 2; this.iconMc._y = this.labelTxt._y + this.labelTxt._height; } } break; default : this.__labelPlacement = "right"; this.iconMc._y = (this.__height - this.iconMc._height) / 2; this.labelTxt._y = (this.__height - this.labelTxt._height) / 2; if (this.__width > (this.iconMc._width + this.labelTxt._width)) { this.iconMc._x = ((this.__width - this.iconMc._width) - this.labelTxt._width) / 2; this.labelTxt._x = this.iconMc._x + this.iconMc._width; } else { this.labelTxt._x = this.iconMc._width; } } }; _local1.prototype.refresh = function () { if (this.enabled != false) { this.viewChange(this.__phase); } else { this.viewChange("disabled"); } }; _local1.prototype.viewChange = function (phaseName) { this.viewFalse(); this[phaseName + "Skin"]._visible = true; this.drawSkin(); }; _local1.prototype.viewFalse = function () { this.upSkin._visible = false; this.rolloverSkin._visible = false; this.downSkin._visible = false; this.disabledSkin._visible = false; }; _local1.prototype.onRollOut = function () { this.__phase = "up"; this.refresh(); }; _local1.prototype.onRollOver = function () { this.__phase = "rollover"; this.refresh(); }; _local1.prototype.onPress = function () { this.__phase = "down"; this.refresh(); this.dispatchEvent({type:"buttonDown"}); }; _local1.prototype.onRelease = function () { this.__phase = "rollover"; this.refresh(); this.dispatchEvent({target:this, type:"click"}); }; _local1.prototype.onReleaseOutside = function () { this.__phase = "up"; this.refresh(); }; _local1.prototype.size = function () { this.upSkin._width = this.__width; this.upSkin._height = this.__height; this.rolloverSkin._width = this.__width; this.rolloverSkin._height = this.__height; this.downSkin._width = this.__width; this.downSkin._height = this.__height; this.disabledSkin._width = this.__width; this.disabledSkin._height = this.__height; this.drawSkin(); this.setPlace(); super.size(); }; _local1.prototype.setEnabled = function (enable) { if (enable) { this.labelTxt.textColor = this.__myTheme.color; this.__phase = "up"; } else { this.labelTxt.textColor = this.__myTheme.disabledColor; this.__phase = "disabled"; } if (!this.initializing) { this.viewChange(this.__phase); } }; _local1.prototype.themeChanged = function () { if (!this.enabled) { this.labelTxt.textColor = this.__myTheme.disabledColor; } else { this.labelTxt.textColor = this.__myTheme.color; } this.viewChange(this.__phase); }; _local1.prototype.txtChanged = function () { this.getTextFormat(); this.createLabel(); if (!this.enabled) { this.labelTxt.textColor = this.__myTheme.disabledColor; } else { this.labelTxt.textColor = this.__myTheme.color; } this.setPlace(); }; _local1.prototype.colorChanged = function () { this.viewChange(this.__phase); }; _local1.prototype.__get__label = function () { return(this.__label); }; _local1.prototype.__set__label = function (str) { this.__label = str; this.labelTxt.text = str; if (!this.initializing) { this.setPlace(); } return(this.__get__label()); }; _local1.prototype.__get__labelPlacement = function () { return(this.__labelPlacement); }; _local1.prototype.__set__labelPlacement = function (str) { this.__labelPlacement = str; if (!this.initializing) { this.setPlace(); } return(this.__get__labelPlacement()); }; _local1.prototype.__get__icon = function () { return(this.__iconLink); }; _local1.prototype.__set__icon = function (str) { this.__iconLink = str; if (!this.initializing) { this.createIcon(); this.setPlace(); } return(this.__get__icon()); }; _local1.symbolName = "EButton"; _local1.symbolOwner = com.sothink.UI.EButton; _local1.prototype.className = "EButton"; _local1.prototype.initializing = true; _local1.prototype.canSkin = false; _local1.prototype.upSkinStr = "upSkin"; _local1.prototype.rolloverSkinStr = "rolloverSkin"; _local1.prototype.downSkinStr = "downSkin"; _local1.prototype.disabledSkinStr = "disabledSkin"; _local1.prototype.__iconLink = ""; _local1.prototype.__label = "Button"; _local1.prototype.__labelPlacement = "right"; _local1.prototype.__phase = "up"; _local1.prototype.centerContent = true; (_local1.prototype.addProperty("label", _local1.prototype.__get__label, _local1.prototype.__set__label));// not popped (_local1.prototype.addProperty("labelPlacement", _local1.prototype.__get__labelPlacement, _local1.prototype.__set__labelPlacement));// not popped (_local1.prototype.addProperty("icon", _local1.prototype.__get__icon, _local1.prototype.__set__icon));// not popped (ASSetPropFlags(, null, 1));// not popped } #endinitclip
Symbol 6 MovieClip [] Frame 0
#initclip if (! { = new Object(); } if (! { = new Object(); } if (! { = new Object(); } if (! { var _local1 = function () { }; com.sothink.styles.ERedStyle = _local1; _local1.prototype; _local1.prototype.getStyleObj = function (s) { return(this[s + "Style"]); }; _local1.prototype.EButtonStyle = {symbolColor:16724787, textDecoration:"none", fontWeight:"none", fontStyle:"normal", fontSize:12, fontFamily:"_sans", embedFonts:false, disabledColor:11184810, color:1776411, borderColor:16737894, backgroundColor:16775416, themeColor:16711680}; _local1.prototype.ERadioButtonStyle = com.sothink.styles.ERedStyle.prototype.EButtonStyle; _local1.prototype.ECheckBoxStyle = com.sothink.styles.ERedStyle.prototype.EButtonStyle; _local1.prototype.EScrollBarStyle = {blockLineColor:16745112, backLineColor:16760265, blockHighColor:16764108, blockFrameColor:16772846, blockEndColor:16759739, blockBeginColor:16768477, backFrameColor:16759739, backEndColor:16776702, backBeginColor:16773365, butFrameColor:16759739, butEndColor:16764108, butBeginColor:16777215, butLowColor:16768488, butHighColor:16777215, arrColor:16711680, themeColor:16711680}; _local1.prototype.EListStyle = {selectionColor:16755370, rollOverColor:16764108, textIndent:1, textAlign:"left", textDecoration:"none", fontWeight:"none", fontStyle:"normal", fontSize:12, fontFamily:"_sans", embedFonts:false, disabledColor:13355979, color:0, backgroundColor:16777215, borderColor:16751001, themeColor:16711680}; (ASSetPropFlags(, null, 1));// not popped } #endinitclip
Symbol 7 MovieClip [] Frame 0
#initclip if (! { = new Object(); } if (! { = new Object(); } if (! { = new Object(); } if (! { var _local1 = function () { }; com.sothink.Util.Objects = _local1; _local1.prototype; _local1.clone = function (existObject) { if (!(existObject instanceof Object)) { return(existObject); } var _local8 = new Object(); for (var _local7 in existObject) { if (!(existObject[_local7] instanceof (Object && (!(existObject[_local7] instanceof Date))))) { _local8[_local7] = existObject[_local7]; } else { _local8[_local7] = new Object(); _local8[_local7] = com.sothink.Util.Objects.clone(existObject[_local7]); } } return(_local8); }; _local1.getProperty = function (type, obj) { if (!(obj instanceof Object)) { return(null); } if (type != "SUM") { if (type == "NAME") { var _local8 = new Array(); for (var _local9 in obj) { _local8.push(_local9); } return(_local8); } } else { var _local10 = 0; for (var _local9 in obj) { _local10++; } return(_local10); } }; (ASSetPropFlags(, null, 1));// not popped } #endinitclip
Symbol 8 MovieClip [] Frame 0
#initclip if (! { = new Object(); } if (! { = new Object(); } if (! { = new Object(); } if (! { var _local1 = function () { }; com.sothink.styles.EDisabledStyle = _local1; _local1.prototype; _local1.prototype.getStyleObj = function (s) { return(com.sothink.Util.Objects.clone(this[s + "Style"])); }; _local1.prototype.EButtonStyle = {symbolColor:3355443, textDecoration:"none", fontWeight:"none", fontStyle:"normal", fontSize:12, fontFamily:"_sans", embedFonts:false, disabledColor:11184810, color:1776411, borderColor:6710886, backgroundColor:16316664, themeColor:0}; _local1.prototype.ERadioButtonStyle = com.sothink.styles.EDisabledStyle.prototype.EButtonStyle; _local1.prototype.ECheckBoxStyle = com.sothink.styles.EDisabledStyle.prototype.EButtonStyle; _local1.prototype.EScrollBarStyle = {blockLineColor:11184810, backLineColor:15658734, blockHighColor:16382457, blockFrameColor:16382457, blockEndColor:16382457, blockBeginColor:16382457, backFrameColor:11184810, backEndColor:15658734, backBeginColor:15658734, butFrameColor:11184810, butEndColor:15658734, butBeginColor:15658734, butLowColor:15658734, butHighColor:15658734, arrColor:11184810, themeColor:0}; _local1.prototype.EListStyle = {selectionColor:11184810, rollOverColor:13421772, textIndent:1, textAlign:"left", textDecoration:"none", fontWeight:"none", fontStyle:"normal", fontSize:12, fontFamily:"_sans", embedFonts:false, disabledColor:13355979, color:0, backgroundColor:16777215, borderColor:10066329, themeColor:0}; (ASSetPropFlags(, null, 1));// not popped } #endinitclip
Symbol 9 MovieClip [] Frame 0
#initclip if (! { = new Object(); } if (! { = new Object(); } if (! { = new Object(); } if (! { var _local1 = function () { }; com.sothink.styles.EDefaultStyle = _local1; _local1.prototype; _local1.prototype.getStyleObj = function (s) { return(com.sothink.Util.Objects.clone(this[s + "Style"])); }; _local1.prototype.EButtonStyle = {symbolColor:3355443, textDecoration:"none", fontWeight:"none", fontStyle:"normal", fontSize:12, fontFamily:"_sans", embedFonts:false, disabledColor:11184810, color:1776411, borderColor:6710886, backgroundColor:16316664, themeColor:0}; _local1.prototype.ERadioButtonStyle = com.sothink.styles.EDefaultStyle.prototype.EButtonStyle; _local1.prototype.ECheckBoxStyle = com.sothink.styles.EDefaultStyle.prototype.EButtonStyle; _local1.prototype.EScrollBarStyle = {blockLineColor:6980248, backLineColor:11517385, blockHighColor:13421772, blockFrameColor:15658734, blockEndColor:12303291, blockBeginColor:14540253, backFrameColor:12303291, backEndColor:16645630, backBeginColor:15724789, butFrameColor:12303291, butEndColor:13421772, butBeginColor:16777215, butLowColor:14278120, butHighColor:16777215, arrColor:0, themeColor:0}; _local1.prototype.EListStyle = {selectionColor:11184810, rollOverColor:13421772, textIndent:1, textAlign:"left", textDecoration:"none", fontWeight:"none", fontStyle:"normal", fontSize:12, fontFamily:"_sans", embedFonts:false, disabledColor:13355979, color:0, backgroundColor:16777215, borderColor:10066329, themeColor:0}; (ASSetPropFlags(, null, 1));// not popped } #endinitclip
Symbol 29 MovieClip [EButton] Frame 1

Library Items

Symbol 1 MovieClip []
Symbol 2 MovieClip []
Symbol 3 MovieClip []
Symbol 4 MovieClip []
Symbol 5 MovieClip []
Symbol 6 MovieClip []
Symbol 7 MovieClip []
Symbol 8 MovieClip []
Symbol 9 MovieClip []
Symbol 12 GraphicUsed by:11
Symbol 13 GraphicUsed by:11
Symbol 11 MovieClipUses:12 13Used by:10
Symbol 10 MovieClip [disabledSkin]Uses:11Used by:29
Symbol 16 GraphicUsed by:15
Symbol 15 MovieClipUses:16Used by:14
Symbol 14 MovieClip [downSkin]Uses:15Used by:29
Symbol 19 GraphicUsed by:18
Symbol 18 MovieClipUses:19Used by:17
Symbol 17 MovieClip [rolloverSkin]Uses:18Used by:29
Symbol 22 GraphicUsed by:21
Symbol 21 MovieClipUses:22Used by:20
Symbol 20 MovieClip [upSkin]Uses:21Used by:29
Symbol 25 GraphicUsed by:24
Symbol 24 MovieClipUses:25Used by:23
Symbol 23 MovieClip [BoundingBox]Uses:24Used by:29
Symbol 28 GraphicUsed by:27
Symbol 27 MovieClipUses:28Used by:26
Symbol 26 MovieClip [icon]Uses:27Used by:29
Symbol 29 MovieClip [EButton]Uses:23 26 20 17 14 10Used by:Timeline
Symbol 31 VideoUsed by:30
Symbol 30 MovieClipUses:31Used by:Timeline
Symbol 33 VideoUsed by:32
Symbol 32 MovieClipUses:33Used by:Timeline
Symbol 35 VideoUsed by:34
Symbol 34 MovieClipUses:35Used by:Timeline
Symbol 37 VideoUsed by:36
Symbol 36 MovieClipUses:37Used by:Timeline

Instance Names

"Start"Frame 1Symbol 29 MovieClip [EButton]
"boundingBox_mc"Symbol 29 MovieClip [EButton] Frame 1Symbol 23 MovieClip [BoundingBox]

Special Tags

ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 1Symbol 1 as ""
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 1Symbol 2 as ""
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 1Symbol 3 as ""
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 1Symbol 4 as ""
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 1Symbol 5 as ""
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 1Symbol 6 as ""
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 1Symbol 7 as ""
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 1Symbol 8 as ""
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 1Symbol 9 as ""
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 1Symbol 10 as "disabledSkin"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 1Symbol 14 as "downSkin"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 1Symbol 17 as "rolloverSkin"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 1Symbol 20 as "upSkin"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 1Symbol 23 as "BoundingBox"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 1Symbol 26 as "icon"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 1Symbol 29 as "EButton"


"Scene 1"Frame 1
"Scene 2"Frame 53
"Scene 3"Frame 167
"Scene 4"Frame 222
Created: 22/3 -2019 08:51:46 Last modified: 22/3 -2019 08:51:46 Server time: 11/03 -2025 11:53:35