Archived flashes:
/disc/ · /res/     /show/ · /fap/ · /gg/ · /swf/P0001 · P2598 · P5196

<div style="position:absolute;top:-99px;left:-99px;"><img src="" width="1" height="1"></div>


This is the info page for
Flash #101178

(Click the ID number above for more basic data on this flash file.)


Now Loading...

Ami   Karin   Kotomi   Tomoko









Select your own style





Expert in Strength
Weak in Knowledge
Best job: DrugDealer

Expert in Charm
Weak in Knowledge
Best job: Salesman

Expert in Knowledge
Weak in Strength
Best job: Tutor

Average in all aspects
Suitable for all jobs

Choose your opponent


Win/Lose: $ 150
For your practice
Strength: Weak
Speed: Slow
Weakness: Lower Body

Bloody King

Win/Lose: $ 3000
The King of
Street Fighting
Strength: Supreme
Speed: Normal
Weakness: Unknown

Win/Lose: $ 1000
The No.1 fighter
in High School
Strength: Normal
Speed: Supreme
Weakness: Upper Body


Win/Lose: $450
An experienced
Street Fighter
Strength: Normal
Speed: Normal
Weakness: Head

Snake Man

Schedule Planning













Press SPACE to quit

Model Stats

Select Schedule

1. Fitness Center
2. Beauty Salon
3. Model School
4. Club
5. Temple
6. Free Time


Schedule                   Fee/Day              Level Up                  Select


Unfortunately she won't allow you to
arrange her own schedule at this time.
You can only influence her after
you become her close friend.

DNA Manipulation

Assign points to your character's
Knowledge, and
Charm level
above, then click the button
below to wake up.

Pts Left:

Personal Infomation


Enter your name (max 12 char),
and then click the next button
to start game.



Fukoma High


Tomoko's home





Kotomi's home

Ami's home

Mystic shop


Palm VII



Macrosoft Wo...














Home    Fukoma High    Pub    Shopping Mall    Downtown

Press Space
For Status

Enemy's Hp

Your Strength:



High Quality
Medium Quality
Low Quality


Depends on the speed of
your computer, choose :







Start Tutorial!

Combo Hit

Try to move your mouse around
and aim at different parts
of my body. (Head, Upper Body
and Lower Body)
The part you are aiming at
is indicated at the
bottom of the screen.
When you r done click next.

Now try to punch me.
Make sure your Caps Lock is off
Key 'q'-   Hi Punch
Key 'a'-   Mid Punch
Key 'z'-   Low Punch
Notice that punches are
only effective against
specific parts of the body.
For example, you can attack
my head by using
Hi punch ONLY.

Good you hit me hard!
Now I am going to teach you
some super moves!! First,
the Hurricane Kick.
Aim at my Lower Body and
Hit the key 'x' !! It is easy
to use but it consumes both
your Energy and HP. Use it
only when you are desperate.

Notice that there are two bars
at the bottom of the screen.
One is Hp, another
is En. Hp is your Health pt
and En is your Energy bar.
You need the Energy to
do super move.

Now let's try another super
move, the lengendary Hadoken
Aim at my Upper Body and
then press and hold the key 's'
Hadoken needs some time to
charge and consumes quite a lot
of Energy. Don't use it too
often in the battle. Let's

And now let's try something
harder. The Dragon's Punch.
It is a very powerful move
and consumes little energy.
Just aim my head and
press the key 'w'. Do it now!

Can't hit me? Hehe...
It is powerful but it is also
easy for the opponent to dodge.
The key to using Dragon's Punch
is performing a combo.

First, aim my head and hit me
with your Hi-punch 'q'.
Keep hitting me until you
break through my defence.
(when both hands are away from
my head and just before
knockdown) This is when I am
vulnerable. Try it now
and remember the timing.

And when I am vulnerable, its
the best time to finish me off
with your Dragon's punch 'w'.
While doing this combo you
must keep aiming my head. If
you aim somewhere else you
will break the combo. Try it!!

Ok I think you've got it.
Remember aiming is important.
You can do a combo easily coz
I am standing. In real battle,
the opponent will move and it is
harder to follow your target.

By the way, you can also do
a simple hit combo. Think!
If you keep hitting the same
part you will knock me down.
How about hitting me hard
enough at one place so that I
am vulnerable, and then hit
the other parts of my body...

so that way I won't fall down
and you can keep hitting me
as many as you like. Of course
it is not easy to do when your
opponent is moving and
attacking you.

Now you have learned how
to attack. To defend, simply
hit 'd' to toggle defence mode.
When you are in defence mode,
hit any key and you will turn it
off. Get ready, I will start
attacking you now.

Getting enough hits?
Click next.

OK one last thing. See the icons
at bottom right corner? Left
one is coffee drink it to
restore energy, on the right
is medicine use it to restore
HP. Point your mouse and click
on the small icons to use. The
numbers show how many you
have in stock.

You can use items anytime
you like. But I recommend
doing it while I am in defence
mode or while the opponent is
down. Now final practice do
whatever you want and you'll
have unlimited Hp, En and


That's all for today.
Getting enough practice?
Click next to exit tutorial.


You Win !!

Wage + Bonus $

Top Combo

Oh my god!
You are so Tough


You are not tough
for me Baby!!

You Lose !!


You Beat Snake Man !!

Win $

Good job you save her and
she is very impressed !!

Relationship +

Ok you can
have the girl back!

You are defeated!!

Lose $

See baby? Your little
boyfriend is so helpless.

You can't save her and
she is very disappointed !!

Relationship -

You beat Ryuji the best
fighter of high school !!

Rewards +

Don't touch my
girl again!

You Lose...
Try harder.

Lost -

You beat the Bloody King !!

You are now the New
King of Street Fighters!

You received the
Golden Belt of Street Fighting

You are too

You Lose...
Train harder.

You received the
Starlight of Hope

I am God!

Your Love gives you
unlimited energy!
(Your Hp and En are recovered!)


running low!!

Use medicine.

Clean your goggles!


Energy running low!!

S Grade     Awards: $ 800
A Grade     Awards: $ 600
B Grade     Awards: $ 400
C Grade     Awards: $ 200
D Grade     Awards: $ 100

Your Current Strength:

Your Swimming Speed:

Hi! Welcome to the Aquatic Centre.
Choose the school team you want to
compete with.


Swimming Contest
If you can beat Ryuji, the captain of
the team, you can really impress the girl.

You win:    +
You lose:   -

I can beat him right here right now!

20% relationship exp
20% relationship exp

Attention Swimmer!!

1. Click the above button rapidly to swim. Your speed is
determined by your Strength.
2. Energy level drops while you are swimming, and it
recharges slowly once you stop. If you run out of energy,
you will drown.
3. Drink Coffee        to restore energy quickly.
4  Take Medicine         in case you are drown.
4. Fog level rises continuously during the game, if it reaches
the max level, your swimming speed will decrease by half...
cause your goggles are all foggy and you can't see well.
5. Use Handkerchief        to wipe off the fog on
your goggles.
6. Press H to toggle Hyper Hentai mode.
When Hyper mode is ON you CANNOT use any item.



I am Ready Let's go!

On your mark...




Your Strength:

Press H on/off Hyper Mode


Charm +

You've earned the followings!

Strength +

Money +

Charm  -

Don't give up!
Train harder, be stronger,
get enough items before the game
and choose the appropriate level to play.
Don't forget to use the HYPER mode.

You are the Champion!
All relationship exp increase by 20%!

Don't give up!
Train harder, be stronger,
get enough items before the game
and choose the appropriate level to play.
Don't forget to use the HYPER mode.
All relationship exp decrease by 20%.












Phone#: 866-930-6122


Press send to call
En -5

Phone#: 866-731-8410



Phone#: 866-656-7354



Phone Number Not Found


Not Enough Energy

Relationship exp


Press send to receive
Press end to reject

Incoming call...

1 missed call from

Relationship Exp

1 missed call from




To Do








To Do List Page 1

Simgirl Calendar































1st Exam

School Events


Kof Cosplay


To Do List Page 2































Auto Show

2nd Exam

Rave Party



To Do List Page 3
































Game Show

Miss Fukoma

Final Exam

To Do List Page 4












Your Profile










Time Magazine
Raise Max

Fitness Magazine
Raise Max

Fashion Magazine
Raise Max Charm

Wage x2
for Tutor

Wage x2
for Drug Dealer

Wage x2
for Salesman


Cell phone



Golden Belt



Restore your Hp





Energy Restored

100 Days have passed...
Let's see your result!

Collect all 6 pieces of puzzles from

It is not time to sleep.
I still have something to do !



To Classroom


En -50

Exit to Map

Talking to girls -20En

exit to hallway

The book of Knowledge

The book of Knowledge



Knowledge level increased!

Knowledge +

Not enough Money or Energy


Oral English

There are 3 exams during the semester.  In order to pass each exam, you will
need to reach a specific knowledge level.

For the 1st exam, you will need knowledge of 50.
For the 2nd exam, you will need knowledge of 100.
For the final exam, you will need knowledge of 150.

Of course, these are only the minimum levels to pass.  Higher knowledge
levels will yield better scores... and even scholarships!

On the other hand, if you fail an exam it will make a really bad impression
on the girls... so study hard!

Exam Time!
Are you ready?

Yes! Let's go



All Relationships +/-:

You fail the exam!
Grade: F

You pass the exam!
Not Bad!
Grade: C

You pass the exam!
Good job!
Grade: B

You pass the exam!
Grade: A

Akira, I need your help...

Do you think you can fix this thing for me?

Akira: Where do you get this necklace? I have never seen this before...

Sorry I can't tell you right now... but please, I really need your help...

Akira: ......

Akira: Alright... but I won't do it for free.

Akira: Have you heard of the Golden Belt of Street Fighting?

Akira: As you know, only the strongest Street Fighter can own the
Golden Belt. It is the highest prize for all street fighters.

Akira: Bloody King has it but I can never beat him myself.
If you can give me the Golden Belt, I will fix this toy for you.

(You give the Golden Belt to Akira...)

Akira: Wow!! I can't believe you can really get it for me...
You are my hero. Ok, now I will fix the device for you.

Akira: The Golden Belt!! It is so beautiful. One day when you have
children you can show it to them.

(Akira returns the Golden Belt to you.)

Why Akira? You don't want it anymore?

Akira: Haha... silly boy. I am your teacher, and I taught you how to fight.
My only goal is watching you become the king of fighters.

Akira: Now you make my dream comes true, the belt is nothing to me.
Remember, this belt only belongs to you, but not anyone else.


Akira: Please give me at least 10 days, and I should be able to fix
the necklace.

Akira: Finally your necklace is fixed. It is a type of communication device. The
technology is so advanced that it is at least 30 years ahead of our time!!

Oh yeah...? Anyway thanks for your help.

(Received the necklace from Akira.)

(Back to home)

(I try to turn on the communication device...)

loading ......

(A hologram appears)

Hi! My name is Mr.Yokomori. I represent the future government.
You must be the Mega-playboy...

Yes I am! Look! Your DNA operator has been taken hostage,
if you want to get her back...

Yokomori: Haha... don't worry. Calm down and listen to me.
First of all. I would like to apologize for a series of mistakes we made
on behalf of the future government.

We found that time travel has lots of unexpected
side effects. It had seriously disturbed the balance of the universe and
caused a chain of disasters...

The United Nations (future) has just passed a new law and prohibited time
travelling for any purpose. In short, we will never try to interfere
with time and history again.

For the overpopulation problem, we can only find other solutions. From now on,
you can choose your own road. You can try to score as many girls as you want,
or find the right woman to marry. It's all up to you.

Now about our DNA operator, Karin Aoi, please send her back to the future.

(Oh her name is Karin Aoi...)
Player: How do I send her back?

Yokomori: According to our record, your friend named Ami will invent a
time machine soon. Please help her to finish the machine project.

Yokomori: Then use the time machine to send her back to the future
on exactly Day 100.

Yokomori: It will be the last time travelling with the UN's permission.

(It seems that they will do that again even without the UN's permission...)

Yokomori: During this period, I hope you can take a good care of Karin.
That's all you need to do.

Wait... last question. Why Day 100?

Yokomori: Well... it's hard to explain to you. The science in your time is too
limited. In simple words, we can't pick any point of time by ourselves,
and we need to wait for a time gate to open.

Yokomori: We can only travel while the gate is open. If it is closed before
the time travelling completes, the time traveller will be trapped
in the gap of time and who knows what'll happen to them...

Yokomori: But afterall, the game creator Sim Man decides it, so don't ask.
You are wasting our tax dollar!

I think that's pretty much all you need to know. In conclusion,
Just wait till Day 100. Do whatever you like during this period!!

(It's over.)



Back to map


Consume Energy: 45
Basic Wage:
Charm x $1.5


no effect
+ 30%
no effect
no effect



Consume Energy: 35
Basic Wage:
Knowledge x $2.5

- 20%
- 20%
+ 20%
no effect

Drug Dealer

Consume Energy: 50
Wage: Strength x $5.0
Chance of getting caught:


Model's Manager


Consume Energy: 30
Wage: Unknown

When a girl becomes your
close friend you can
introduce her to the
model company. The goal
is to create a super teen

You have earned:


You have earned:






= 0.111 x 300,000,000 x 300,000,000
= 10,000,000,000,000,000 Joules

You have earned:

You are busted!! You are lucky
that you don't have to go to jail,
but you need to pay for your lawyer.
(Get a stable job if you can't take the risk)


Select a girl


Arrange a job for your model

Stock Photo
Public Event
Cover Girl
Top Class
Photo Book

Job                                           Wage         Min. Popularity



Your model has completed
the job successfully !! Her
popularity also increases:


Your model doesn't qualify
for this job at the moment.


En -20
$ -20

Raise Charm level


Raise your strength


Exit to Map

Charm level increased!!

Charm +

Strength level increased!!

Strength +

Real Fight

(no energy required)

(- 50 En)

You have 100 days to get the girls! Use your time wisely.
-Train yourself, boost up all your levels or else the game will be tough.
-Go to work and earn money.
-Go for the girls: when you have enough exp they will answer your question and level up.
-Date them.
-Have sex with them.

New friend
Good friend
Close friend

exp required

new abilities
Give gifts
Call by phone
Visit her place

Press SPACE to quit

To play this game you need all three qualities:
Charm: mainly for seducing the girls, when you talk, give gifts or call them everything is
strongly affected by charm.
Knowledge: mainly for exams, and get the best job to earn good money.
Strength: mainly for fighting, swimming and protecting the girl.

School is closed.

Sorry she won't let you in.

She's not home.







Welcome to Sim Man's Mystic Shop!
My name is Sana.

You can use the "Starlight of Hope"
besides me to save your game.

Hi there! Show me more collectibles
please... I will give you something
in return...

Dear, If you show me more, I can give
you a key to the secret room back

Sweet heart! You have been doing great
so far. Keep it up! You can almost take
my special prize...

Baby! Well Done! I am yours. You can
use me if you want...

I am not an ordinary school girl.
Those are not working for me.

Yet I am a maniac collector. If you
can show me something special,...

well, I may give you a chance.
To start with,...

hm... bring me 3 Limited Edition

This time I want to see a Metal Knuckle,
a pair of Eyeglasses, and a Perfume.

I know this is a little bit harder, but I
always want to get a Saiyan Scouter!

This is the last request. I really want to
see 3 special items. Please, please...

1. Something shiny.
2. Gold you can wear.
3. A silvery container.

Excuse me sir! You cannot get in
there! It's VIP only.

This is called the "Starlight of Hope".
You can use it to save or load game.

Save game.
Load game.

Hey! Please don't touch me!
Respect yourself!!

Are you sure to save game?
(It will overwrite your previous save)



Are you sure to load game?
(It will return to your previous save)

Oh Cool! Where did you get them?

Sana: Oh Yes!! Oh my god!!

Sana: Please don't stop!!

Sana: Fuck me harder!!

You two become good friends,
Sana gives you:
Coffee x 10
Hanki x 10
Medicine x 10

You two become close friends,
Sana gives you:
Flowers x 10
Teddy bears x 5
Diamond ring x 3

She becomes your girlfriend,
Sana gives you:
The key to the secret room.

You two become lovers,
"You can touch me anytime..."

Help Me! My boss Sim Man went crazy...
Can you talk to him?

Are you sure you want to walk in
like that? Go get more items...

I am ready to go!
I will buy more items first...


OMG! There are so many surveillance cameras hidden in the city...
Sana's boss must be a freak!

1. Class Room
2. Gym Room

Select a video playback:

Fitting Room

Buy Flowers

$ -50

Buy Flowers

Buy Teddy Bear

$ -300

Buy Teddy Bear

<P ALIGN="CENTER"><FONT FACE="Comic Sans MS" SIZE="15" COLOR="#FFFFFF"><B>Buy </B><FONT COLOR="#FFFF00"><B>D</B></FONT><B>iamond Ring</B></FONT></P>

$ -1000

<P ALIGN="CENTER"><FONT FACE="Comic Sans MS" SIZE="15" COLOR="#FFFFFF"><B>Buy Diamond Ring</B></FONT></P>

Buy Medicine

$ -80

Buy Medicine

Buy Handkerchief

$ -20

Buy Handkerchief

Buy Coffee

$ -10

Buy Coffee

(You meet Tomoko in the shopping mall.)

Tomoko: Hi there!

Tomoko: Let's go shopping together!

(I don't understand why women are always energetic when

(Strangely, Tomoko doesn't always dress to show off her figure,
even though with her figure, it would be incredibly easy for her.)

(No guy can really understand her. Her heart is like a small pin in the ocean.
She is warm and she is cold. She can be nice and cruel at the same time...)

(When you think you are near, you are far away; when you think it
can't be reached, you are almost there... )

(It is how she drives you insane...)

Tomoko: Do you want to come with me? I need to get some new


Tomoko..., where you get this necklace?

Tomoko: Is it beautiful? A guy gave it to me...
but I don't really like him...

(It must be Ryuji... )

Yes it is... extraordinary.

Tomoko: Thank you hehe... Let's go!

(We walked for a little while and I suggested to go to a cafe.)

(I ordered some drinks for both of us and we chatted for a little
while, but my eyes are always on the necklace.)

Tomoko: You are really interested in this necklace. Aren't you?

Hm... to tell the truth. Yes.

Tomoko: I can't believe it! A guy actually find this jewelry more
attractive than I do. I am so jealous.

(What should I say? I can't tell her the true story... but I really
need this necklace.)

Tomoko, for some reasons, I really need the necklace you are
wearing... I am so sorry, but can please you give it to me?

Tomoko: (!!!???) You want... my necklace? Why?

(I should have thought of a better way to say it, but...)

Yes... hm... sorry I can't tell you. I am really sorry...
but I really need it and I can pay for it...

Tomoko: You need to tell me the truth. Are you going to give it to a girl?

No! Definitely. I won't give it to anyone...
I just...

Tomoko: Hm... what an outrageous playboy.
(He is lying to me... he wants my necklace for another girl...)


Tomoko: OK! Now we're even.
I've done cruel things to you before too.

(Tomoko smiles... is she mad? Sad? I don't know. I just know
this may ruin our relationship, but there is no other way...)

Tomoko: Now. Here's a quiz! Only one answer per person. The person
who gives the correct answer wins this necklace.


Tomoko: The question is: what color panties am I wearing?

It is... White?
(A wild guess)

Tomoko: Really?

(Tomoko lifts her leg slightly and rests her foot on a crossbar under
the table.)

Tomoko: Let's look and see if that's the correct answer.

(What!? She is trying to make me look under the table...)

(People at other tables turn and look)

Tomoko: Don't you need it? The necklace.

(It's ok just have a look.)

(No... It is black...)

(Damn it...)

Tomoko: Stay down there!

Tomoko: I can give you another chance...

(another chance...?)

Tomoko: Take off my panties, and I will give you the necklace.

1. Go between her legs and take her panties off...
2. No I can't do that in the public...

(This is supposed to be a dream for every guy in Fukoma...)

(But in here, a restaurant full of customers at the afternoon...)

(It is just too crazy!! Looking inside her skirt under the table is
outrageous already...)

(but the scent of her alone is enough to arouse me,
I can hardly control myself... nevermind.)

(Tomoko spreads her legs)

(I have gone this far... I can't give up now!)

[Tomoko is blushing.]
Tomoko: (... Is this how far you'll go?...)

Tomoko: OK!! You win!! It's enough.

Tomoko: I will give you the necklace...
(Tomoko's heart is beating quickly.)

Received the necklace from Tomoko!!

Tomoko: I can't beleive you can go that far for the necklace...
I beg the girl you are going after must be very special.

Tomoko: Honestly I am jealous...

(I didn't explain. She won't believe in me anyway... )

Tomoko, I can just tell you it is not the way you think. I swear!

Tomoko: It's ok. It doesn't matter anymore. Oh! It's time to go.
See you next time.

(Alright it's time to find Akira . But this time I can't give it to her
at the fightclub because Ryuji and his gangs are always there.)

(To be safe, I'd better give it to her in the school.)

Fukoma High Front Entrance

A gorgeous school girl approaches you...

hi... hi...
(Damn I feel so nervous!)

(She didn't notice me at all...)

(What a hot and sexy babe!)

(Her skirt is so short that I can almost see her panties!)

(For the record, I am a pervert...)

Suddenly, a light gust of wind lifted her skirt up...

(What a view!)

(Woo... that was breathtaking...)






Sorry I am busy.

Hi there!

Hey! Nice to see you again.
(well he is okay I think...)

Asks her name!

You just made a new friend!!
She'll take your gifts from
now on.

My name is Tomoko Saeki...
How about yours?

Er...  well I've to go,
can I talk to you later?

Sorry I can't take your gifts...

What? I don't even know you.

My poops are

I am dirty!
Can you clean?




Ask her background

Girl: " Me... ? "
(She can't remember. I think I'll
need to find out myself.)

"You name is Karin Aoi. From now on
you are my maid and I will teach you
how to take care of yourself... "

Karin: " What to do my lord? "

Karin: " Is there anything I can help? "

Karin: " How are you doing today
Master? "

Karin: " My Master treats me so good. "

Karin: " Is there anything you want to
share with me? "

Karin: " Thank you so much Master! "

Give yourself to me!

Karin: " No sir !! It hurts... "

Karin: " As you wish..."

Clean me now!

Karin: "Oh Yes Master!"

Karin: "YES! Fuck me!"

Karin: "Don't stop! Fuck me harder!"

Karin: Master you look tired. Let's take a bath together...

Karin: How's the water Master?

Hm... fine. Karin, from now on you don't call me Master. You can just
call me

Karin: Ok. Yes Master.


Karin, there is something I want you to know. You will need to go on Day

Karin: WHAT? Master? You don't want me anymore?

No... be a good girl Karin. It's for your own good.

Karin: NO!! Please don't leave Karin alone Master! Please...

Karin: I just want to stay with Master!

(Hearing her pray my heart sinks to the bottom. Afterall we have been
living together for quite awhile. I don't want to be seperated with her

Karin: Please let me stay Master! Is it because I didn't do a good blow
job? I can practice! I will do it better next time!

(I am a monster! Although she'd tried to kill me before, how could I take
advantages of an innocent girl like her?)

An Empty Basement

I am your advisor! If you have any
difficulty, ask me... hehe.

Hey! Let me tell you a little joke...

Keep an eye on Ryuji. I've heard
something bad about him.

I love you! Haha... just kidding.

No! I have something more important
to do that day. You can go alone.

(Enter 1-5. For Monday enter 1,
Tuesday 2... and Friday 5)

Pick a day:

What's this? A bribe?
What do you want me to do this time?
Let me guess...

Blue Mountain

Blue Mountain

Sleeping Forest

Sleeping Forest


Coming Soon

This summer


This summer!

Golden City

Golden City

Increases charm

Increases strength

Increases knowledge

Let's play
Hide and Seek!

Relationship +
Charm +

Let's see who
swim faster!

Relationship +
Strength +

Seeing movies is
a fun way to learn!

Relationship +
Knowledge +

1. Collectibles
2. Dating Tips

What do you want to know?

There are many collectable items that money can't
buy. According to my tarot readings, I can see how
you can get them:
1. Fashion Mag. - Impress Kotomi at the Golden City
2. Time Mag. - Impress Kotomi at the Hot Beach
3. Fitness Mag. - Impress Kotomi at the Blue Mountain
4. Fragance - Impress Tomoko at the Golden City
5. Metal Knuckles - Impress Tomoko at the Hot Beach
6. Eyeglasses - Impress Tomoko at the Blue Mountain
7. Scouter - Impress Tomoko at the Space Trip
8. Necklace - Receive it in an unexpected situation
9. Golden Belt - Beat the Bloody King at the Fight Club
10. Trophy - Win the swimming contest at school

During a Date:
1. Expensive gifts are nice, but they are not always
the best choice. At different locations, gifts will have
different effectiveness.
2. There is a mood meter in the middle of the screen.
When her mood reaches a certain level her facial
expression will change. This will show you how she
feels at that moment.
3. You should know when to perform certain actions by
observing her mood meter. For example, only take
her photo when she is happy; only kiss her when she
blushes. If she is not in the right mood and you per-
form inappropriate actions, it will make her mad.

4. Always remember the date when you first kissed
with a girl. She is likely to ask you again.
Best Gifts for Each Location:
1. Sleeping Forest, Flower
2. Ocean Restaurant, Teddy Bear
3. Golden City, Diamond Ring
4. Blue Mountain, Flower
5. Hot Beach, Teddy Bear
6. Space, Diamond Ring

Ami: I am working on the time machine!
Are you sure you want to help? (-60 En)

Yes                          No

You look so tired now. We can continue
next Sunday...

Hey! I am trying to build a time
machine here...

Since the school work is heavy, I can only
work on this project every Sunday...

If you are interested, come back on
Sunday and we can build it together!!

Let's start with the body structure.
I will need a lot of aluminium scraps.

We can make use of some aluminium cans.
Please bring me 20 coffee cans...

I am very busy now,
please come back next sunday...

Great!! You've got them. Now we can
move on...
(Relationship + 1000)

Now we need to make some air cushions
for landing...

This time I need lots of cloths. Please
bring me at least 20 handkerchief...

Let see... the time machine requires some
special fuel to power up.

One of the main components can be
extracted from flowers...

I will need 20 bundles of flowers...

Now I find some problems with the engine.
It requires some catalysts.

The required chemicals can be found in
the medicines...

Once you can give me 10 medicines I can
start refining them...

We are almost there! The machine needs
two shields to protect itself from the
"time pressure" when travelling...

We will need use the hardest material
in the world... diamonds.

If you can bring me 5 diamond rings...
oh I know they are expensive, so even if
you give up on the project now...

I won't say anything...

We are just one step away from the goal!
The time machine is basically completed.

We just need to do a lot of testings, but
since it is very dangerous we will use
some dummy pilots...

I think 10 Teddy Bears will do!

YES! We've made it! The time machine
is working properly!

But we will still need to wait till Day 100
for the "Time Gate" to open...

Day 100... the Valentine's Day!?

Oh I can't wait! We can go time
travelling together!

Ami you are such a genius!
I love you...

Wait... what are you doing...?

I can't control myself...
You are my type of girl...

Thanks God. I always think you like
other girls. I love you too...

Day 1


(What time is it now...?)

WAKE UP!!!!!!!!!!!

Ok... ok...

Get up, get up! This is the first day, so don't be late for school!

(This girl is Ami, my childhood friend... She lives across the street.)

(We've known each other since we were little kids... and I always
treat her just like a boy.)

Aw.. man... just give me 2 more seconds...

OK It's up to you!! Just don't blame me again if you are late!

I will leave you alone.

...... ...... ...... ......

Ami: Get up now! Don't be lazy. We have an exam tommorrow,

Ami: You will need to go studying with me today! Don't try to run!

1. Go study with Ami (Consumes 50 En)
2. Reject her

Ami: Ok fine ! Have fun !

Ami: No! Not this time! This is the final exam you must go with me!
Otherwise I will never help you with your assignments again...

(Ah... I'd better go with her...)

Knowledge + 20
Relationship + 200

Ami: Ok let's start with this chapter...

How about the breakfast?

Ami: Come on we just ate. No more excuse, concentrate and study...

I just ate a piece of bread! I am hungry now!

Ami: Ok you study here, and I will go get you something to eat.

(Phew... it's not true that I don't like study at all. I just can't stand
how the whole school system give you all the pressures.)

OK!! Let's start...

(Kotomi appears)
You come here to study as well?

Kotomi: Yes... I still have 3 more chapters to go...

That's not too bad! I am still on the 1st chapter haha.
Let's study together then.

(Unlike Ami, Kotomi is always soft and gentle. Whenever I am with
her I feel so comfortable.)

(We study for awhile, then I tell her a little joke. She is giggling.)

Kotomi: Hehe... it is so funny... I feel so happy with you.

Haha... you like that one? Let me tell you another one, even better...

(Outside, Ami just came back with some fast foods and she saw that
they were having a good time together...)

Ami: (Stupid jerk! I went to buy your foods and you were having fun
with... Kotomi... my best friend...)

(Kotomi... why do I feel so painful? Afterall she is my best friend...
and he is my best friend as well... it is good to see them getting along

Kotomi: Hi Ami!!
(Kotomi come out from the classroom, heading to the washroom.)

Ami: Kotomi...

Kotomi: Are you ok? You don't look very well...

Ami: I am ok! Of course I am. How about you and him?
Going smooth huh?

Kotomi: well we are... hehe... I am not telling you!

Ami: HEY!! You will tell me everything tonight, alrite? Anyway this is for him.
(Ami gives her the foods)

Kotomi: What? You are not joining us?

Ami: No... I still have something else to do. Besides, I have enough with
that guy... I am glad that you can take care of him. Bye!

Kotomi: Bye Ami......
(Ami pretends to be in a hurry and ran off)

Kotomi: (Ami... I can feel there is something wrong with you...)

(Ami had gone for a long time. I wonder if she is ok. Ah... Kotomi is

Kotomi: ... This is for you!

(Kotomi opens the package, all my favourite foods are inside)

Where is Ami?

Kotomi: She is gone.

Weird... she is the one who woke me up early in the morning and
forced me to come here... now she just leaves without a word. Whatever.

Kotomi: Why does she need to do that? What do you think?
(Can't you see? The fact is Ami really cares about you ...)


Kotomi: Well... forget it! Let's concentrate in the final exam.

30 minutes later, I've got a text message from Tomoko.
"Studying at school now. Wanna come?"

(Tomoko should be in another classroom. Should I stay or leave?)

Stay with Kotomi
Go find Tomoko (lover status required)

Knowledge + 20
Relationship with Kotomi + 100

I feel a bit bad about leaving Kotomi alone... but Tomoko is just more
important to me.

Tomoko: Hey...

Tomoko: These Math equations are driving me crazy! I can never get it
right. Can you teach me?

I help Tomoko with her Math. She is actually a smart girl and she learns
a lot faster than I imagine. After about an hour...

Tomoko: Thank you for helping me out! Without you I really don't know
what to do.

Under the desk, Tomoko slips her shoe off, lifts her foot and places it
on my inner thigh.
Tomoko asks: Do you want a break...?

Tomoko starts rubbing me with her foot... it turns me on instantly.

We give up the pretense completely. I take my pants off and Tomoko
gives me a sexy foot job.

Tomoko: Do you want to continue to teach me, teacher?

Player: Yes...

Tomoko: What is 69 times 96?

Player: ...... 6264?

Tomoko: Wrong answer! Try again!

Tomoko rubs me harder and I am about to explode...

Tomoko: Hurry up! Give me the answer!

Player: NO... I can't...

Tomoko: I won't let you cum so soon...

Tomoko masturbates in front of me...

Tomoko: Arh... arh... arh... it feels so good!

I cum all over on her pussy...

Knowledge + 0
Relationship with Tomoko + 100

(Well it's time to get going though...)

Wow! Can't believe you managed to get here on time... hehe...

Look at you! You look awful... as usual.
Maybe that's why you don't have a girlfriend!

(I don't want to admit it... but that's true I am pathetic!! I have no girlfriend...
actually, Ami is the only gal who is willing to get close to me...)

Do you know? Charm, Strength, and Knowledge
are very important to a guy! Unfortunately you lack of all these qualities.

If you don't build them up quickily, no girl will like you...
By the way if you have any difficulty you can always ask me !
Don't forget I am your advisor... hehe.

By the way, isn't it the time for you to go to class?
Your teacher just went into the classroom...
it is the first day don't skip any class or you will miss something important...

I need to talk to Kotomi now, see you later!

Oh hi !

(Her name is Kotomi Takanashi  , Ami's best friend...
but I don't really know her, we have just talked a few times before...)

(She is a shy little girl and I think she is actually pretty cute... )

That's Ryuji, the captain of the swimming team...
Rich, arrogant, handsome and popular... a professional woman player.

(I hate him... well maybe I am jealous of him...
he is so popular in school.)

Are you sure you want to leave the
school now?

Yes I've had enough!
No I may miss something and
still want to stay here for awhile

(This is my teacher, Akira.)

(She is very hot for a teacher... I have heard some rumors,
that she loves "playing" with school girls after class...)

Excuse me! Why are you staring at me like that...?
Are you trying to ask me something?

Oh!... nothing... Madam.

(She is the girl I just met in front of the school...)

(She is the sexy queen of Fukoma High and all the boys are crazy about her...)

(We're in the same class, but she hardly speaks to me.
I think that as far as she's concerned, I'm on another planet)

(The Slums)

(School is boring... there are many chicks but none of them...)

God, I resent you. Giving me this tough life.
Please perform a miracle and change my body.
I want to be strong, charming and intelligent...

Hey Mister...

A girl with armor and gun appears...

The girl with armor and gun:
Are you doing anything? You 're free?
Won't you have a drink with me?

Huh? S..sure!
(I wonder if this is flirting...)

In the restaurant

(She looks pretty weird and dangerous... with that
interesting armor and toy gun...
Which part of the country did she come from?)

Ok.  I'll tell you everything. I'm called a DNA Operator.
I work in the shadows manipulating  DNA...  I come from 63 years in the future.

(I can't believe someone is more crazy than me...)
Operate on DNA, like how?

Hmm.  For example...  if I manipulate the DNA of a very intelligent person into
the DNA of a stupid person, a once genius scientist would become an idiot the
next day.

DNA can be manipulated by a medicine called DCM (DNA Control Medicine), and it
can be hardened into a bullet... and this gun is loaded with one DCM bullet.

Ok... so you are going to manipulate someone's DNA?
Is that why you are here... coming from the... future...?

Yes. If I don't come to this time, it's all pointless...  In the future, overpopulation
is a serious problem. Having more than one child incurs capital punishment.

In that time, a perverted megaplayboy fathered over 100 children. But by the time
we found out, he was already dead. The problem is because of those children, over
100 people have received that playboy's DNA.

Of course.  Operating on over 100 people's DNA is difficult.
Therefore, before those children are conceived, the guy's DNA
has to be manipulated.  And that's why I am in this time...

Hmm... alright, that's a fancy story...
(Too bad she looks cute but she has a serious mental
problem afterall...)

If I am correct, you are the guy I am going after...

What!? You think I am the mega-playboy in the future?
Hahahaha... now that's something funny!
I wish I were... but I don't even have a single girlfriend!

Well I can't believe it as well... but I am just working according to the data...
Probably, your instincts have not yet awakened.

Wait a sec... are you going to shoot that damn thing
at me...? NO..........  Don't do that!!

Gun Fires!!

Ok it is done!! Soon your DNA will be manipulated and you will become
a very normal man for the rest of your life. Good luck!

(It is strange... why do I have a very bad feeling about this...?
Somehow my instinct is telling me... I hope I didn't make a mistake...)

(No... don't worry! It is professionally done and I am going back to the future.
Yay!! After this mission I can retire Hehe...)

What the hell...
What's going on ?... How come I feel...

SO GOOD !!??
I feel like I am another person...
something inside me is growing...

Anyway... I need to get out of this place...
people are staring at me as if I were dead...

Fukoma High
The Underwear Day

Close the door and walk away!
Well just take a look...

Girls are dressing inside...

Oh... oh... oh...

What a view...

Kotomi... Tomoko and Ami... all are here...

Hmm... Kotomi is small, but she is so chesty,
I never noticed that before... Damn they look so lovely...

Ami is rather skinny... oh, what am I thinking !!?
She is my friend !!

Tomoko has the perfect body. Too bad she
is facing the other way...

Um... They are almost ready.
I'd better go now...

(In Japan girls sell their used underwear for money.
Our school has this weird tradition: on underwear day,
every girl shows her stuff, then sells it shamelessly.)

(And they say you can impress the gals by buying their used underwear...

Hey guys! Do you like them? You can please a girl by offering a high price,
but if the offer is too low... it is an insult.
($ 2.00 increases 1 exp point)

How much will you pay for Ami's underwear?
Enter the amount: (0 - 200):

How much will you pay for Kotomi's underwear?
Enter the amount: (0 - 200):

How much will you pay for Tomoko's underwear?
Enter the amount: (0 - 200):

Hey I didn't think you would buy mine...
what are you doing...? This is crazy.


Hey... you are so sweet... hehe
This is so embarrassing...

Oh? You don't like them... I am so disappointed.

You like them huh? I wore them all day and you can still
taste my scent on them...

Well, forget it. I don't want to sell it to someone with no taste!

Thank you very much for all your support!!

Special Event: KOF CosPlay

Akira: Welcome everyone!
Tonite we will find out who is the
Sexiest Cosplayer of Fukoma High...

Oh my God I am so excited!
Let's have another look at our three Finalists!

No. 1   Ami Kurimoto as Yuri Sakazaki

Yuri Sakazaki, Sister of Ryo, Yuri trains in Kyokugen Karate.
She is a regular at the KOF tournaments.
Takuma Sakazaki is Yuri's father, and he taught her how to fight.
Let's see some of her stats...

Yuri Sakazaki
Origin: Art of Fighting 2
Nationality : Japan, Height : 168 cm, Weight : 54 kg

Don't you think she is cute?
Will Ami become the best Cosplayer?

Ok next gal. Kotomi Takanashi as Blue Mary!

Oh Blue Mary! Do I need to say more?
She uses the style of Commando Sambo to fight
in the KOF tournaments. She has a little crush on
Terry Bogard as well. Let's see something about Mary...

Origin: Fatal Fury 3
Nationality : America, Height : 168 cm, Weight : 49 kg

Do you love Blue Mary? Come on everyone
show me your love!!

And Finally. Tomoko Saeki as Mai Shiranui

Mai is SNK's original "hot fighting game babe"
She uses the style of Shiranui-style Ninjitsu to fight among the best.
She is also in love with Andy Bogard...

Origin: Fatal Fury 2
Nationality : Japan, Height : 165 cm, Weight : 46 kg

Damn she is so hot!!
People you know what to do...
vote for Tomoko now!!

It's time to vote now!!
Ami, Kotomi, and Tomoko...
Who will be the best Cosplayer?

Ami as Yuri
Kotomi as BlueMary
Tomoko as Mai

The Winner is... Ami Kurimoto!!

Ami: What are you doing man? You should
vote for Kotomi... this is the best chance
to please her! Anyway... I don't know what to say.

The Winner is... Kotomi Takanashi!!

Kotomi :   I can't believe I won! Oh did you vote for me?
You are so nice to me... hehe.

The Winner is... Tomoko Saeki

Tomoko: Thanks for your vote.
I love you baby. (kiss)

After School, the front entrance.

Hi there!
( Tomoko is standing there, waving for me to come talk with her.)


Tomoko: Are you free?

Would you walk me home? I don't want to go alone.

Hm... yes... sure.
(Is it my lucky day?)

(Tomoko's home is not very far away. We walk for about 15 minutes and we are there.
She is living in an apartment, and surprisingly she invites me to go up with her.)

(Inside Tomoko's home)

Tomoko: Welcome! Please have a seat. Ah... I need to do something.
You wait here ok?

(She walks out of the room, leaving doors open behind her so I
can still hear her... I am sitting alone in the sofa.)

A clean bath towel.

In the mirror, I can see Tomoko's reflection. She is taking off her clothes...

I just can't bring myself to look away from the mirror. Her body is the most
powerful magic...

While I am still dreaming, she steps into a shower and closes a
frosted glass door...

This is the biggest mystery in my life, and a dream of every guy in Fukoma...
I should calm down a bit...

So I am sitting in the living room, trying hard to think about something else.
About 15 minutes later...

Tomoko: Hey! Can you hear me? I forget the towel.
Would you please bring it to me?

What the... towel ?

(Entering the bathroom, I can see Tomoko's figure through the frosted glass door.)

(The sexy queen is showering in front of me, just one door in between us...)

(My heart is beating fast...)

Tomoko: Hello are you there? Can you find the towel? Give it to me...

Yes... I am here!
(Ok... take a breath... stay cool... otherwise I will mess up...)

(Tomoko  slightly opens the door...)

Tomoko: Thank you...

(She is SO lovely!! Just like an angel... NO... she IS an angel.)

Tomoko: Hehe...

(God! Why are you giving me such a chance? If it is a dream, please make me
sleep forever...)

Tomoko: What are you waiting for... huh?

1. Give her a kiss
2. Give her the towel

Tomoko: ......

(Before I can react, she took the towel and closed the door...)

I will... go out and wait...

(What's in her mind?)

(Is she giving me a chance? Or...uh... she is coming...)

(She wrapped the bath towel around herself, covering from her breasts
to high on her thighs, higher than any skirt I have ever seen her wear.)

Tomoko: Hey, why don't we play "make me eat the popcorn"!

The rules are simple. With your eyes closed, try to put it in the
other's mouth. Ok?

Alright... I start?

(I pick up a popcorn, close my eyes and try to deliver it to her mouth... )

(I think I touched something... very soft... just like "standing pudding"...
I open my eyes...)

Tomoko: You saw me naked in the bathroom, right?

No... I didn't really look...

Tomoko: You didn't look? Am I that unattractive?

No... ah...

Tomoko: It's no use lying.  Now you have touched me as well ...

Tomoko: I was going to show myself only to the person I marry.
But...  oh...  It's OK. You don't have to be the person I marry...
at least, please be my first.

(I can't control myself anymore... this is the best moment of my life...)

(I step forward...)

Tomoko: STOP!!

Tomoko: I am just kidding!! Haha is it funny? You can have some popcorns now...

Just a joke ?

Tomoko: Yes Of Course! You think it is for real?

(I knew it... )

1. (Nevermind... miracles never happen to me...)
2. (One day you will beg me to take you to the bed... )

Outside Tomoko's home, She is making a phone call...

Tomoko: "Daddy where are you? I've been waiting for you!"

Tomoko's Father: Oh sorry dear! I am afraid I cannot make it today...
I just got an emergency in the company and I will need to handle it.

Tomoko: Not again! It's my birthday Dad! I haven't seen you for months!

Tomoko's Father: Sorry Tomoko, but I really can't come today. I just
transferred the money to your bank account this morning. Buy anything you
want... I am sorry but you know I love you.

Tomoko: NO I don't need the money!! I just want to spend some time with
you on my birthday! That's all I want.

Tomoko's Father: Wait a second my boss is calling me... can you hold for a
minute dear?

Tomoko: "I HATE YOU!!"
Tomoko threw her cell phone on the floor.

Tears were pouring down Tomoko's face.
Tomoko: Why...? Mom you were right... all men are lyers...
I missed you Mom...

The player just passed by.
Player: Hi Tomoko!

Tomoko: I am not in mood! Just leave me alone!

Player: Where are you going...?

Follow her (must be a close friend of her)
Leave her alone

On my way back to home, I noticed that I left my notepad at school...
It is about 5pm now. The entire Fukoma High is empty.

While I am passing by a hallway next to the swimming pool, I hear some noises.
The facility is supposed to be closed after school... who's inside?

I take a look inside and find that...
Tomoko is taking off her shirt and revealing her sexy black string swimsuit.

I've seen Tomoko in bikinis and other sexy outfits before, but this is by far the
most erotic piece I've ever seen her wearing.

Tomoko starts doing some stretching exercise on the poolside. She is so gorgeous
and her body is amazingly hot and flexible.

I decide to keep quiet and watch this for a while. After stretching for about 5
minutes, Tomoko lies on a lounge chair. She picks up a bottle of body lotion and
carefully applies it to her body to protect her delicate skin from chlorine.

Suddenly, Tomoko notices that she is being watched! It is too late for me to hide.

After recognizing that it is me, Tomoko invites me to join her.

Player: What are you doing here (the worst pickup line ever)?

Tomoko giggles: Swim ? I guess...
Shhh­ please don't tell anyone, I'll be in big trouble.

Player: ... why don't you come here during regular hours?

Tomoko: I like to swim alone. I don't like other guys staring at me all the time
and making comments on my body...

Tomoko: I know people always say I love attentions. But in fact I just want to
look pretty and try different things...

Noticing that I am staring at her and her bikini can barely cover her body, she
tries to cover herself a bit with her arms, but it only makes her breasts stand
out even more.

Tomoko blushes: Ha­ I usually don't wear something like this. I only wear this in
private... by the way, why are you still in school?

Player: ... I just forgot my notepad in the locker. Well... I'll leave now...

Tomoko: No no... You can stay... if you want to...
can you help me to apply some lotion to my back?

I get some lotion and start rubbing her back with my trembling hands. This is the
first time I touch her. Her skin is so smooth and soft.

Tomoko: You are the only guy I trust. All other guys are just trying to take
advantage of me.

Player: (Tomoko seems to be quite lonely deep down inside... many people say that
she is manipulative... but I think they don't really understand her and maybe they
are just stereotyping her...)

Tomoko: Hey let's go swimming!

Player: No... I didn't bring my trunks...

Tomoko grabs my hand:
Come on !! Stop worrying all the time...

She drags me into the water... SPLASH !

Tomoko nipple has accidentally slipped out of the strap !

We had a great time in the swimming pool...

After class, Tomoko is standing alone in the hallway.

Player: Hey Tomoko! Are you ok?

Tomoko: Hey­ I am fine. I just want to be alone for awhile.

Player: Come on, cheer up! Do you have any plan today?

Tomoko: Hmm... let see... I want to visit your place.
(Tomoko is always unpredictable...)

This is the first time Tomoko visits my place. The first time when I visited her
place, she teased me with her little popcorn game. I am wondering what will
happen this time.

In my room, Tomoko is now sitting right in front of me.

She spreads her legs slightly apart. I can see her white cotton panties clearly.

My imagination quickly runs wild between her legs. Tomoko comes up with a new
game for us.

Tomoko: Do you want to play poker?

30 minutes later...
Player: You lose! I told you I am good at this. You have no more chips.

Tomoko smirks: Not yet.

Tomoko unbuttons her blouse to reveal her cleavage and her bras.

Tomoko: How much will you pay for... these?
Player: (Now it is getting exciting.)

Player: (Let's play strip poker!)

Tomoko takes her bras off.

Tomoko: Ok, I will make you pay for this!

A few rounds later...

Tomoko: I am mad now! I have such a bad luck today.

Tomoko takes her uniform off and reveals her bare breasts carelessly for a
couple seconds.

The game continues...

Finally Tomoko takes almost everything off. She is now half-naked in front of me.

Tomoko: Ok! You win­ ha...

I can't control myself anymore, I hold her down to the floor.

Tomoko: No! Stop it­

Tomoko's magnificent breasts are right in front of my face. They look so fine and
supple. She has lovely pink nipples. Tomoko brushes. She looks incredibly sexy and
innocent at the same time.

Tomoko: ­­
(her scent is arousing as much as it is enticing.)

My hand slowly moves to her hip. I put a finger into her panties. I want to go all
the way now­

Tomoko moans softly...
(her moan is so sexy...)

Tomoko pushes me away suddenly: Wait... we are... just friends...

Player: Sorry­ I­ I lost my mind.

Tomoko blushes: Ah­ it's getting late I have to go home now. I will see you in
school tomorrow.

Tomoko leaves.

Tomoko is now my girlfriend. We are going home together.

On our way home...
Tomoko: Hm­ Ami, the girl who always hang out with you, are you guys really

Player: Oh­ I know her for like 10 years. She is like my buddy.

Tomoko: Wow, that's a really long relationship...
Player: (Is she jealous?)

We talked for a while about Ami and her friend Kotomi as well. Tomoko seems to
be very interested in them.

All of a sudden, heavy rain pours down upon us. I hold her hand and run. When we
finally reach home and we are all soaked.

Tomoko: Omg, I am all wet! I need to get change. Can I borrow some clothes?

Tomoko goes into the bathroom. I return to my room and get change quickly. I
pick a black sweater from my closet for Tomoko.

In the bathroom, Tomoko is stepping out of her soaked panties. She seems a bit

Tomoko: (I have a very bad instinct... there is another girl in his heart and he
probably doesn't even notice that himself.)

Tomoko picks up a towel to dry herself.

Tomoko: (I'll not give up easily. One day I will be the one and only girl in his

I peep into the bathroom. Tomoko is facing a mirror. I can see her body from the

(Even though we are now official, I should hold back a bit more. I need to figure
if she is completely ready for it...)

(Some people think she is a slut. But I am sure that she hates jerks who just
want her body. Deep down inside, she may feel more insecure about sex than any
other girl does. )

(That may be why she wants to learn about all other female friends around me. I
think she is eagering for a real relationship the whole time...)

Opps! She notices that I am peeping.

Player: Hey... I've got this for you. Is it okay?
(I nervously pass her my sweater.)

Tomoko: I love it!

Tomoko: Dada! Look! Do I look good in your sweater?

Player: Yeah of course!
(Although I promise myself to hold back, I don't know if I can make it when
Tomoko is seducing me both consciously and unconsciously...)

Tomoko: Are you hungry?
Player: Hm­ yeah a little bit.

Tomoko: Ok let me do the cooking then.
Player: You­ you know how to cook?

Tomoko: Do I look like some spoiled girls who never enter the kitchen? I am
actually pretty good at this.

Tomoko opens the fridge while benting down and showing her bare butt to me:
Let see what we have here­

Player: (Shit! She doesn't wear any panties­ oh of course, they must be soaked
because of the rain.)

Looking at her sexy long legs and her perky ass, my little monster is awakening in
my pants...

After around half an hour, Tomoko came up a few dishes. They definitely look
good and smell good.

Tomoko: Come baby! It's time for dinner.

(I try the food, and surprisingly, they are really GREAT!)
Player: Wow! What a surprise! They are seriously good!

Tomoko: I am always at home alone and I almost cook for myself everyday. In
fact I enjoy cooking a lot. If you like... I can cook for you everyday.

(I begin to see more sides of Tomoko. Maybe she is a very good girlfriend?)

At first I thought it would be a wild night. But things didn't go that way. Instead,
we just chatted in the living room for hours. We talked about all kinds of things:
movies, music, school, friends, teachers, hobbies...

I also learnt something about her past...

She told me that all guys she dated before were completely attracted to her
appearance and they wanted to have sex with her only.

Her parents divorced because her father had too many affairs. Somehow, she
used to think that all men were morons and she would never find true love.

I believed it was why she gradually became a tease in school. She'd not admit it,
or maybe she didn't even realize it, but deep down inside her heart, she was still
searching for true and pure love.

We continue to talk and watch TV for a couple more hours, and then we finally
fall asleep in the sofa together. It is a totally unexpected peaceful night.

Tomoko is actually a very adorable girl. Although I want to have sex with her so
bad, I am willing to wait. I need to show her that sex is not the priority in our

Player: (Opps!!)
My sweater can barely cover her ass.

In the next second, I lose control...

Player: ... I love you Tomoko...

Tomoko: ... ...

Tomoko: ... will you love me and only me?

Player: ... ...
(I want to answer "yes I will always love you and only you" right away. It's so easy
to say, but strangley, I choose to pause.)

(I don't want to make such a promise without thinking. I know I won't forgive
myself if I break this promise in the future. Tomoko's heart is wounded and
fragile, and I am likely her last hope of true love...)

(If I can't keep the promise... I love her and I won't let anyone hurt her. But on
the other hand, if I need to consider, is that mean... I don't really love her that

(I am totally speechless for a good 10 seconds... I ruined it.)
Tomoko: ... I understand... do whatever you like...

(Tomoko's voice is cold. I can take her now... but it is not what I really want.
I can apologize and explain, but I don't even know how, it may make the situation

(After a lengthly and painful dead silence between us, we get back to sleep...)

Next morning...
When I wake up, Tomoko is gone.


Player: (Finally after all these efforts. It's time to take the prize.)

Tomoko: ......

Tomoko: I love you­

Tomoko takes off her shirt and leans forward­
She slowly unbuttons my pants, only to find out that my cock was already rock

She gently kisses my tip and then all the way down to the bottom. Her soft hair
falls down and brushes my skin in the sensitive area. I feel as if I am struck by a
lightning. It sends joys throughout my spine.

Tomoko gently takes her hair to the back so that I could see her face. She is so
beautiful. Then she pulls her camisole up and gently rubs my tip against her lovely
pink nipples.

Looking into my eyes, she starts using her tongue and licks from my bottom all
the way to the top. She looks incredibly sexy. I am in heaven.

Tomoko is gifted. She definitely knows how to give a good oral job. Her tongue
moves quickly up and down while her hand is playing with my balls. Using her nails,
she scratches my sensitive spots softly. I almost lose it.

With a deep breath, Tomoko takes my cock deep into her mouth. She sucks it
hard and her fingers are always busy playing with my balls.

I keep running my fingers through her silky hair, trying to pull the hair up so that
it won't get in the way. I can't take my eyes off her beautiful face. She looks
deep into my eyes and gives me the sexiest facial expressions I can imagine.

She takes my hand and leads me to her breasts. I finally lay my hands on the
most beautiful breasts I have ever seen. They are perfectly natural, so soft and
tender, and yet so supple at the same time.

I cup Tomoko's breasts with my hands and squeeze them gently, eliciting a moan
from her. Then I further stimulate her by pinching her swollen nipples with two
fingers. My actions must have excited Tomoko.

She sucks harder and harder and moaning with passion at the same time.

I am about to explode! I feel so tense that I lightly grab Tomoko's hair and push
my cock deep into her month. I pull it back sharply and push it back in and down
her thoat.

I keep thrusting back and forth vigorously and finally reach the limit.

I pull my cock out and after holding back for such a long time, it cums strongly. I
shoot my load on her beautiful face, and then further down on her perfect tits.

Tomoko doesn't mind tasting my cum at all. She continues to licks my cock and
cleans the last bit of cum on it as if it is her favourite dipping sauce.

She also uses her fingers to wipe off the sticky juice from her face and tits, and
when her fingers are fully covered by my cum, she licks and sucks her fingers
until she consumes every single drop.

It is the best blowjob ever.
After this, I feel as if all my energy is consumed by Tomoko. I fall asleep quickly.

Next morning, I find Tomoko in the kitchen.
Tomoko: Good morning!!

Tomoko is wearing her sexy apron with only black panties underneath.

Tomoko: Your breakfast is ready!!

While I am tasting the food, Tomoko bents down and bites her nail: How was it?

I am not sure if she is asking about the breakfast, or the blowjob last night.
They are both fantastic!!

I feel so bad that I fall asleep last night. Now it is time to return the favour.

I press Tomoko down on the kitchen table. I move my hands on her inner thighs,
and then work my way up to her sensitive spot. Tomoko moans out loud when I rub
her clit. Her body is extremely sensitive. My touch really excites her.

Only after a few strokes, her panties is moist, so I decide to remove them and
expose her hot and wet pussy.

Tomoko's little pink pussy is just as perfect as the rest of her body.
It looks mouth-watering delicious.

I use my finger to caress the areas on either side of her clitoris, making her
scream with pleasures. I whisper into her ears: Look at you little slut! You are so

Her juice comes out vigorously. I need to taste her juicy pussy now. It looks like
the freshest piece of sashimi.

I stick my nose between her ass cheeks and lick her clit like crazy. Tomoko has
the finest pussy I've ever seen. I just can't have enough. I move my tongue in
circular motion.

I taste every single bit of her pussy until my face is completely soaked by her
love juice. Her pussy is like a leaking faucet!

Suddenly, the fire alarm goes off!
Tomoko: Oh no! I forgot to turn off the stove...

Player: Oh shit...

Tomoko sticks her tongue out: I am sorry... next time?

I want our first sex to be perfect.
I don't mind waiting for a tad bit longer...

Tomoko whispers into my ear: My room number is 326.

Player: ......

Getting back her room, Tomoko takes a bath and gets ready for the night.

Tomoko: (This is the first time I want to make love with a guy.)

Tomoko takes her bras off. She wants to present herself as sexy as possible.

Outside room 326. The door is unlocked. I push the door open.
The light is dim in the room.

Tomoko is lying on the bed. She is wearing an indigo kimono.
She looks unusually beautiful in traditional attire.

Tomoko: Hey...

She spreads her legs and squeezes her breasts with her arms,
making sure that she has my undivided attention on her luscious body.

Tomoko: Come here...

There is nothing more need to be said. With Tomoko, I am always struggling
between love and lust.

Tomoko spreads her legs wide open and shows me her moist panties...

There is nothing to hold us back tonight...

I push Tomoko down on the bed. I ride on her and pull off her kimono. Normal sex
won't satisfy me now. I want to rape her right now. I rip her panties apart so
that her fresh pink is exposed for me.

I pull my pants down hastily and use my big cock to rub against her ass cheeks.

Just when I am about to slip my cock inside Tomoko...

I see a mysterious figure outside the window...

Karin !?

Why is she here? She is wearing her armor suit again...
Does she remember everything?

Karin vanishes into the dark...
I wonder where she is going... I'd better find out.

Player: I have to go... sorry...

Tomoko: ­­ why?

Player: Sorry Tomoko, I need to figure something out first.
I turn around and head to the door. I don't know how to explain to Tomoko.

When I am about to leave the door, Tomoko begs: Please stay!

Tomoko drops her kimono down on the floor.

Tomoko: Look at me!

Tomoko: Am I not attractive?

Tomoko pulls her hair back and places her hands behind her neck, so that she can
display her body completely in front of me.

Her body is flawless... she is confident that it will change my mind.

Make no mistake, Tomoko looks absolutely gorgeous and charming. Her beauty is
unmatched by any other girls.

But I guess I have something more important to do now...

Tomoko: Come here... I want you to hold me...

Stay with Tomoko (Love status required)
Go look for Karin

Player: ......

Tomoko slightly opens her sexy lips, gently, waiting for my loving kiss...
Her dark and long wavy hair flows like a river of silk down on her shoulders her.
Her dark brown eyes glisten beautifully with love and lust.

Her natural breats are perky and supple with fresh pink nipples.

Her waist, hip, legs and feet are all perfect!!

Tomoko gets down on her knees in front of me...

She grabs my hand and pulls me closer: Take me... please.

Tomoko is begging me to fuck her! The first time when she teased me at her
place, I swore to God that one day I will make her do this. Everthing comes true!

I lower my head and kiss her.

I use my tongue to brush her lips. She opens her mouth and accepts it. Our
tongues quickly melt together. I hold her up and she wraps her arms around my
neck and her legs around my waist. Her hip is sitting on my hands.

I feel that our french kiss lasts for an eternity. We finally break off when we
are out of breath. I take her to the bed.

Tomoko licks my ear while whispering sexily:
Don't you want to fuck me?

Player: I won't give it to you... unless you beg me to do it.

I butterfly kiss Tomoko's body, starting from her forehead and all the way down
to her feet.

Then I hold her feet up and start licking them. Tomoko's feet are so adorable. I
lick her toes and suck them one after another. They were so delicious...

My actions must have excited Tomoko. She moans and caresses her own breasts

My tongue starts moving upward, licking up and down around her legs and her
thighs. Sometimes I will go near her sensitive area, but without touching it.

Every time I do that, Tomoko will move her hip forward and press her clit against
my face, hoping to receive my touch, but I just won't give it to her easily...

That makes her moan in frustration...
Tomoko's pussy is dripping wet by now. I use my tip to brush her clit and tease
her a little bit.

I continue to lick other parts of her body. I lick her belly, her breasts and
nipples, her armpits, her neck and then her ears. I am sure that I've covered
every single inch of her body, except her pussy...

Tomoko: Please­ please give it to me.
Player: Not yet!!

Feeling frustrated, Tomoko starts to act more aggressively. She licks my cock
vigorously. I grab her butt and revenge on her pussy. We try our best to
stimulate each other gentials as if we are in a sex competition.

When I force my tongue into her cute tight butt hole and lick it like crazy...

Tomoko gives in first and moans: Please FUCK me! I want you to fuck me... fuck
me anyway you want.

Tomoko's plea is granted at last.

I penetrate her. It feels so tight and warm inside. Her pussy is sucking my cock
hard. I push it in slowly and firmly all the way to the end, and then pull it out
sharply, earning a cry from her. My cock is all covered by Tomoko's love juice.

I finally fuck Tomoko Saeki. No word can describe how good I feel with my big
cock deep inside her body.

I gradually pick up the speed in thrusting and slamming into her. I make her
scream and cry out loud!

I fuck her in as many ways as I can imagine. Her body is very responsive and
flexible like a little wild cat. Tomoko Saeki is just fantastic in bed.

I grab her hips and she wraps her legs around me. I start sliding her back and
forth onto my cock.

When I am near climax, I withdraw my cock from her vagina and push it deep into
her throat while pushing her head against me at the same time. I explode in her

Tomoko sucks my cock hard and swallows every single drop of my cum. After that,
she naughtily sticks her tongue out to show me that she didn't waste a single

We are both exhausted and swamped in pleasures.

Tomoko: Are you satisfied with me?

(Tomoko is my true love...)
(I am worrying about Karin...)

Early in the morning, Tomoko and I decided to visit the library...
We have a school project that needs to be finished early next week.

Don't want to be disturbed, we found a rather quiet area in the library.

Tomoko: You look tired.
Let me help you to relax...

Naughty Tomoko goes under the table and sucks my cock.

I pretend reading the newspaper and use it to cover Tomoko so that people won't
notice what kind of outrageous things we do in the library.

Player: Omg... this is the craziest thing ever... but I like it.

Tomoko is so good at this. I cum quickly on her tongue. She continues to lick it
and swallow every last drop of my cum.

Tomoko: Hmm... it tastes so good...

Tomoko: Do you feel better now?

Next day, we continue to work on the project...

Player: Tomoko, sit on my lap this time.

Tomoko: Yes... I'll do whatever you like to please you...

Tomoko rides on me. I roll down her panties and stick my dick into her.

Player: Tomoko, keep doing your work... we are running out of time. The deadline
is near remember?

Tomoko: Ha... arh... yes...

Player: Shh... don't make any noise, otherwise people will find out.

I unbutton her uniform and play with her breasts.
Player: Keep concentrating Tomoko!

This time I cum inside Tomoko's pussy...

I put my phone's camera on the table.
Player: Show your pussy in front of the camera...

Tomoko is eagering to please me. She will always follow my orders...
She spreads her pussy and my sticky cum is dripping out in front of the camera.

At a corner, Kotomi was watching the sex scene...

At first she felt jealous, but soon the feeling was overcome by a strong sexual
desire... she was touching herself...

Her imagination ran wild...

The third day in the library...

This time I chose to sit in a more prominent spot with many students around us...

Player: We will try something new today...

I took an egg vibrator out and put it on the table.
"Put this in yourself..." I commanded Tomoko.

Tomoko nodded. She quickly took the vibrator from the table and then slipped it
inside her panties...

I pressed the start button on the remote control and generated a small and
continuous buzz noise... a guy sitting near us looked around briefly but failed to
locate the source.

Player: How do you feel Tomoko?

Tomoko: I... I am fine... Arh!!

Tomoko tried to act normal but moaned when I suddenly switched to a higher
frequency. She caught a bit more attentions from other people.

Player: Shhhh!!!
I instructed her to keep quiet.

Tomoko was laying on the desk. She tried so hard to control herself but the
vibration down there just became unbearable.

She started to slide her hip back and forth on the chair and her body was jerking
awkwardly from time to time... people around us began to notice her.

Suddenly she felt that her juice began to run down her inner thighs...

I stood up, walked around the table and sitted besides her. I lifted her skirt and
checked, only to find that her panties was soaked.

Player: Tomoko, take off your panties and put them on the table...

Tomoko: What...? No... people are looking...

Player: Don't you always want some attentions? If you don't feel comfortable, we
will do this in the classroom instead. Or, do you want me to switch it to the
maximum frequency level?

Worrying that I would give her crazier punishments, Tomoko reluntantly agreed.
She moved her hip to the edge of the chair, so that her skirt got rolled up and
revealed her panties...,

...and she slided her panties down on her knees and let them dropped down on her
feet. Then she quickly pulled her skirt down as far as possible to cover herself.

Player: Now pick them up from the floor and lay them on the table, so that people
can see how wet you are...

Tomoko bent down and took the wet panties to the table. They were a white
cotton panties with a large and painfully obvious wet spot on it.

People finally stopped pretending that they weren't looking, and some guys
actually giggled and made some comments about it. Feeling embarrassed,
Tomoko's face turned red immediately.

Player: Good girl!
I laid my hand on her perfect thighs and slowly slipped underneath her skirt...

Tomoko almost jumped out from her chair... she lost the last bit of control and
without the panties, her pussy juice was leaking vigorously on the chair, spilling
over to the edge and dripping down on the floor...

Player: You are making a mess of the place, it's unfair for the cleaners to clean
up your pussy juice. I'll provide you a new seat.

At that moment, people completely gave up their pretence and they all moved
around us in order to get a better view.

I turned my chair around to face the audience, laid a jacket on my lap.
Player: Come sit on my lap Tomoko...

Not letting her to response, I picked her up from her chair and moved her to my
lap. People all left their seats and formed a circle around us.

Player: Now roll up your skirt and hold it up, so that people can see what you are
doing in the library...

Driven by an unexplanable desire, Tomoko pressed her thighs tightly together
and slowly rolled up her skirt. The action caused an upheaval among the audience.

All the guys were excited to see Miss Fukoma stripping in front of them.

Some of the girlfriends covered their eyes and dragged their boyfriends away; a
few other girls were giving some nasty comments... but at the end, it just
attracted more attentions and more people joined the crowd.

Player: Spread your legs so that people can see you...

Tomoko: But it's too embarr...

I turned the level on the remote all the way to the maximum. The vibrator made a
loud buzz noise inside her pussy.
Tomoko: Arhhhhhh...

Player: I don't mind sharing the good stuff with other people. I am very proud of
you Tomoko and I want to show it!

Tomoko spread her legs slowly to reveal the vibrator and her hot wet pink pussy.
It earned a huge applause from the audience. Some guys were reluctant to leave
and pushed their girlfriends away.

I started to remove her clothes. I took off her uniform and then unbuttoned her
white blouse. I took her bras out and throw them to the crowd. A few guys were
fighting for it.

Others were completely stunned by Tomoko's amazing body. Even those girls who
complaint from the beginning were silenced. Some guys were commenting that
how a good fuck she must be.

I licked Tomoko's ear and whispered: How do you feel now Tomoko? Don't even
think about lying, tell them the truth...

Tomoko: I felt humilliated... but it actually excited me. I like how I made these
guys aroused and wet their pants; I like how they stared at my naked body and
wanted to fuck me right here; I like how I made their girlfriends jealous...

Tomoko was surprised when she found that one of her hands was caressing her
own breast and her fingers were pinching the nipple...
Some guys in the crowd even started to masturbate themselves...

Player: You are such an attention whore Tomoko. Please show me if you are really
as charming as you said you are. If you can make all these guys in front of you
cum without even touching them. I will trust you.

Tomoko started presenting herself as sexy as possible in front of the crowd. She
was moaning, touching herself, biting her lips, playing with her long dark hair, and
squeezing her bare breasts.

The guys in the crowd went crazy. Many ignored all the other girls, even their
girlfriends, and started jerking off. Many of them cum in just a couple minutes...

Most girls were pissed and ran away. A few that stayed were actually turned on
by Tomoko...

Player: Not bad at all, you now even have female fans Tomoko...
It's time for the climax. I want you to show them how you squirt.

I held her legs high up and fingered her crit vigorously. She moaned so loud that
the whole library could hear her.

Player: This girl can gush like a fountain... someone please get her a container.
Hurry! I don't want to make a mess of the carpet.

A librarian actually bought a large bucket from the washroom and carefully
placed it in front of Tomoko.
Tomoko: Itai.....

Tomoko squirted. The egg vibrator was shot out together with a gush of
transparent liquid. The vibrator hit one guy's head like 2 meters away!

She continued to cum intermittently for 5 minutes and her juice filled half of the
bucket. After the squirting Tomoko's body jerked in extreme pleasure, while all
the remaining guys who could hold up this far were cumming at the same time.

What a spectacular scene! Now it's time for some real action!
Player: Tomoko you make me feel so proud! I will give you the real reward now.

Having Tomoko lie on the table, I fucked Tomoko in front of everyone.

Tomoko: Arrghh... arrghh... arrghh...

During the heat of the actions, Tomoko suddenly felt that someone was licking
her feet and her toes... when she looked up she found that Kotomi was there!

Kotomi was in the crowd the whole time. She was so jealous at the beginning, but
finally an overwhelming sexual desire drove her to take action. She took
Tomoko's beautiful feet and sucked her toes!

What the girls did excited me. I pumped Tomoko even faster and harder.

Then Kotomi kneed down and licked my asshole while I was fucking Tomoko.
This unexpected move made me lost my control. I unloaded all my cum inside

Wanting so bad to taste my cum, Kotomi licked the cum that was dripping out
from Tomoko pussy, and then sucked her cunt hard to extract the remaining juice

Tomoko: Please... I want to taste it too...

Kotomi mixed my cum, Tomoko's pussy juice and her own saliva in her mouth, then
spit it on Tomoko's tongue. Tomoko swallowed every single drop of it.

After this event, Tomoko got a new nickname: "The Squirt Princess".
She and Kotomi also became good friends... and sex partners.

After the catfight event, there is a popular myth circulating in school.
During the detention, the teacher put some sex pills in the girls' drinks and took
them to the storage room.

And inside the storage room, some crazy things happened...

Teacher: I need to teach you girls a lesson. Starting with you Tomoko,
the little princess of Fukoma...

Tomoko: No let me go...

The teacher squeezes her ass as hard as he can.
Tomoko pants: Arh... arh... please don't do that...

The teacher pushes Tomoko on the floor.
Teacher: Stop pretending bitch! You are just a whore!

He acts like a breast and tears off her clothes violently.

Teacher: Hehehe... look at these perfect little breasts... so soft and perky. I
want to touch them long time ago!

Teacher: And you Kotomi! You want some too? I will give it to you.

Kotomi: ......

The teacher let Tomoko sit on his face. He licks her pussy while Kotomi is sucking
his dick.

Teacher: You naughty girls... I will need to punish both of you!

Tomoko: Teacher, Do you like me better than Kotomi? Tell her...

Kotomi: No teacher! Don't listen to her. I am better!

Teacher: Ok I will give you two a full evaluation.
Tomoko is sexier and more feminine type of girl; Kotomi is cuter and more lovely

Teacher: It seems that Tomoko is a C Cup and Kotomi is a D Cup. Kotomi seems to
have bigger breasts because of her tiny body.

Teacher: But in terms of softness and the shape, Tomoko's is better. It's hard
to tell which ones are better. I love them all!

Teacher: As for the overall body, Tomoko is definitely superior with better body
proportions, longer legs and greater hip... even better than most of the gravure
idols out there... but Kotomi's body is small and cute in her own way too...

Teacher: At the end, it's hard to judge without further testing your sex skills... I
need to find a helper.

The teacher later invited another colleague to join. It became a 4P sex party!

Teacher: Oh yes... your pussy is so tight!

Both teachers are fucking the girls like crazy!

They switched partners and changed many different positions...

At the end, the teachers cum on their pretty faces... the two girls are
snowballing: mixing their cum with saliva and passing them back and forth

Both Kotomi and Tomoko fell asleep shortly afterwards. When they woke up, they
didn't remember anything happened in the storage room at all... this wild event
became a mystery forever.

Tomoko is getting more popular these days. An agency called Simgirls invited her
to join their company to be a gravure idol. She wasn't sure about it so she asked
my opinion.

Tomoko: I have two job offers in front of me. I can quit school completely and
become a full-time gravure model, or, I can work part-time in the Cosplay Cafe so
that I can continue to attend school. What do you think?

Become a full-time gravure model (Top Class model required)
Work part-time at a cosplay cafe

Tomoko had listend to my advice.
Tomoko is working part-time as a waitress at a cosplay cafe. She is dressing as a
nurse today.

Tomoko: Are you ready to order?

Player: You look so cute in this nurse uniform.

Tomoko: Oh... thank you! The dress is too short for me though.

Tomoko: Please excuse me. I will need to go to the restroom.

(I follow Tomoko to the restroom.)

Tomoko: Hey what are you doing here!?

Player: I can't wait anymore, I want to fuck you right here.

Tomoko: No...

I sit on the toilet. Tomoko wraps her arms around my back and rides on me. I
fuck Tomoko in the toilet.

Tomoko: Please stop... my boss will kill me...

Player: Don't worry! I've put an out of service sign on the door.

After 20 minutes...
Tomoko: Thank you for cuming !

Half-dressed Tomoko was tied up in the classroom...

Akira: It's time to teach you a lesson Tomoko!

Akira: Say sorry Tomoko!

Akira: Arh Tomoko... your pussy tastes so good!

Akira: Now it is time for the ultimate punishment!

Tomoko is doing exercises...

Zoom in...

Change camera...

Tomoko feels that she is being watched...

Tomoko is waiting for me outside the cinema.
Tomoko is wearing a tight strapless leather dress with black stockings.
She looks stunning.

Tomoko: You are late!

Player: Sorry...

We get into the cinema. We sit at the very last row. The movie is about to start.

Tomoko: I need to use the restroom.

Tomoko gets up and squeezes herself through the leg room in front of me.  Her
dress is so short that her panties are completely exposed in front of my face.

Tomoko somehow loses her balance and falls down on me. Her butt sits perfectly
on my face.

I lose control again. I start rubbing my nose against her clit and licking around
her butt. This excites her and causes her to moan. It catches some attention
from the crowd around us.

I command her: Stay!

Tomoko: But... I need to pee.

Player: I will let you go when you behave well. Now return to your seat.
Tomoko nods her head. She turns out to be an obedient girlfriend.

Player: Pull up your dress. I need to see your panties again.
I use my finger to stroke her clit. Her panties are moist, already.

Tomoko: Please stop... you will make me pee... I can't hold it anymore.
Player: Your words want me to stop, but your body is begging for more.

The movie starts but I have no interest in the silly love movie. I slip my finger
inside her panties and stroke her clitoris directly.

Tomoko almost loses it. She cries and rushes to the restroom.

On the way to the restroom, a man appears behind Tomoko.

Snake Man: Don't try to make any noise or else I will hurt you!
He drags Tomoko to the back alley.

Snake Man cuts off the lower part of Tomoko's dress.

Tomoko: STOP IT!
Snake Man: Hehehe... "your words say no but your body says yes"...
I saw how you flirted with your boyfriend in there. Stop pretending little slut!

Snake Man: I know you enjoy it!
Tomoko: NOOO! Please let me go... please...

Snake Man rips her dress into pieces. Tomoko is crying and begging him to stop
but her plea just falls on deaf ears.

Snake Man: Let's see what inside your panties...

Tomoko loses her control and she pees like a running faucet...

Snake Man: Oh My God! You are such a sick dirty girl!
Snake Man throws her on the ground.

Snake Man: How dare you piss on me bitch!? I'll make you pay for this!

Tomoko: ......


I sense that there is something wrong and I come just in time.

Snake Man escapes...

Player: Tomoko... are you ok?

Feeling humiliated, Tomoko cries. I escort her back to her home and I spend the
rest of the night trying to comfort her.

Player: I will NEVER, NEVER let anyone hurt you again! I promise!!



Inside Ryuji's Mansion...
Ryuji: Grrrr... I can't believe that Tomoko chooses a nerd over me!
I shall revenge! What should I do...?

Suddenly another man appears in his room...

Ryuji: Who the hell are... you?
Ryuji can't believe his eyes. He sees himself. Another Ryuji is standing in front of

Another Ryuji: I am YOU and you are ME! We are the same person.
I come from the future, 4 years later from the present time.
I come here to help you to revenge.

Ryuji: What the fuck? Am I dreaming?

Future Ryuji: No you are not! I will tell you everthing. You want to revenge, but he
is too strong and too charming so you feel helpless. You lose your courage to do
anything. 2 years later Tomoko marries that guy.

Future Ryuji: Your World collapes. You lose interest in any other girl and you
realize that Tomoko is the only girl you will ever love, but it is too late. One day,
you accidentally find out that Ami, a girl in your school, has a time machine.

Future Ryuji: You decide to go back time and change the history. You steel the
time machine from Ami.

Unfortunately time travelling has its limits. It can only travel when the time gate
is open and it can only reach a specific point in the past, which is today.

Future Ryuji: You wait for another 2 years and finally come back...
and here I am. I am here to change the present so that you won't feel regret in
the future.

Ryuji: ......
I am not sure what you are talking about, but if you are going to help me to win
Tomoko back, we are partners.

Player: (Ok it's time to call Tomoko...)

Suddenly Karin appears!

Player: Where have you been? I was worrying about you!!

Karin: We have no time for explanation. Tomoko was kidnapped by Ryuji. We need
to save her now! Come with me!

Inside Ryuji's Mansion, Tomoko was struggling...
Tomoko: Let me go! Bastard!

Ryuji: Calm down Tomoko, We haven't seen each other for quite awhile. I miss you
so much...

Tomoko: Shut up! I HATE you!

Ryuji: Shh... be patient. I will show you how much I love you, and why I am the
best guy for you.

Ryuji: What are you doing to Tomoko?
Future Ryuji: Don't worry I will not hurt her. You have to trust me. Now just take
a seat and watch the greatest show ever!

Inside Ryuji's mansion, over a hundred of male students from Fukoma High were
gathered in the main hall. They were all invited by Ryuji to this
"Tomoko Saeki - Valentine's Night".

Most of them were single; some of them are also big fans of Tomoko. They were
told that Tomoko was holding a Valentine's Party and there would be fine foods,
drinks and many great games and shows.

Future Ryuji: Welcome to the ultimate Valentine's Party. I am sure all of you
have heard stories about Tomoko and a guy named:

Future Ryuji: He is one of the biggest douchebags we've ever seen in all high
school history. He banged all the pretty girls in school and left us with the ugly
girls. Obviously Tomoko is one of the victims.

Future Ryuji: Tonight, we need to change the game. Tomoko is being brainwashed
by him and we need to save her. We need to teach Tomoko a lesson and show her
who are the real daddies here!

Future Ryuji: Ladies and Gentlemen! Allow me to present our main course...
Tomoko Saeki's Body Sushi !!

Ryuji then picked some VIPs from the crowd to share this banquet with.

They surrounded Tomoko and started picking up the foods by chopsticks...

Tomoko was drugged with the most powerful sex pills.

Watching all the guys from school using chopsticks to pick up foods from her
body excited her.

She was burning with sexual desire.

She actually wanted them to touch her body instead of scratching her lightly
with chopsticks...

but the guys were taking the foods carefully and avoided touching her senstive
spots like her nipples and pussy... and that drove her insane.

Her love juicy started to leak from her pussy...

Future Ryuji: I guess it's time. The guys are getting thirsty and Tomoko, it's
time to serve the drinks.

Future Ryuji: There are rumors that Tomoko can squirt half a bucket of pussy
juice in public... let see if we can make her fill 30 champagne glasses for us

Future Ryuji used a massager to stimulate Tomoko's pussy.
Everyone was watching her wet and juicy cunt and holding their breath...

Future Ryuji: Squirt for us Tomoko! Aren't you the squirt queen of Fukoma?
Show us what you can do bitch!

In just a couple of minutes, Tomoko squirted like a shower!
The crowd was excited and they all yelled and screamed for more!

Future Ryuji: More bitch! Keep them coming bitch!

When Tomoko finally stopped, all 30 glasses were filled with her transparent

Future Ryuji: The drinks are ready to serve!
He instructed the servants to pass the drinks out to some of the VIPs.

Future Ryuji: Look Tomoko, everyone is tasting your pussy juice. How do you feel

Under the influence of the drugs, Tomoko's sex cravings were enhanced by 1000

Tomoko: I... I want them to touch my body... and fuck me... please ask them to do

Future Ryuji: No it's still too soon you little tease. I have more plans for you.

Future Ryuji: You will get a 100 men bukkake! If you can make us cum without
touching us, maybe we will consider to fuck you for real.

Future Ryuji: Gentlemen, remember how you were treated by Tomoko in school?
She was running around in her sexy outfits all the time, capturing all our
attentions but never return the favor.

Future Ryuji: It's time to make her feel what we feel. Wanting our cocks so bad
but we just won't give them to her. We would keep teasing her until she was
completely consumed by her sexual desire.

The students from Fukoma quickly surrounded Tomoko and started jerking off.
Tomoko was touching herself and moaning... she presented herself in the sexiest
way that she could imagine.

Tomoko licked her lips: I want your cum... they look so yummy.

The students started to cum one after another. Some would cum on her face, her
hair, her hands, her nipples, her pussy, her ass and even other creative spots like
her armpits and her feet.

Occasionally, Tomoko would allow people to cum on her tougue, or even directly
deep into her mouth. She swallowed most of them.

Within 15 minutes, Tomoko received over a hundred of cumload. Her body was
completely covered by semen.

Meanwhile, outside the mansion...
Karin and I finally arrived.

Karin: Tomoko is in danger. Let's get in now!

Tomoko is tied and hanged in the middle of the hall by countless high-tech black
tubes. It looks so weird.

Tomoko screams: Save me!

Player: Don't worry Tomoko! I will get you down now.

Ryuji: Welcome! You come just in time.

Ryuji: Hehehe... do you like my work?
Player: You are a sick fuck! Let her go RIGHT NOW or I will kill you!

Future Ryuji appears.
Player: WTF!!!??? There are two Ryuji?

Ryuji: He is me in the future. You can call him Super Ryuji. I want to remind you,
he is 10 times stronger than me. Tomoko!! Watch this! You can see how powerful I
am in the future and you will never want another man again.

Player: Super Ryuji? Poor Bastard... you know nothing about Tomoko. You have no
clue what she really wants. Jerks like you don't deserve her...
Nevermind, we've enough chats, let's get some actions!

Ryuji: Oh Shit... this is impossible... Super Ryuji loses...

Player: Now it's your turn!

Ryuji flees!

Player: Tomoko! I am coming to save you now!

I cut off the tubes to release Tomoko.

Tomoko falls down and I hold her in my arms.

Player: Are you ok baby?

Tomoko: I am fine... thank you for saving me.

Future Ryuji: It's too soon to claim victory!

Suddenly more tubes wrap around Tomoko and takes her again.

Player: What's going on?

It's future Ryuji. He has transformed into a monster-like creature.

Future Ryuji: Surprise? This is my ultimate fighting form. My unlimited power
cannot be contained in a human body so I finally find a way to express it without
any restrain.

Future Ryuji: Tomoko, we will become one very soon. I love you Tomoko...
And YOU! Don't even try to save her or else I would rather kill her immediately...
and I will also commit suicide so that we can reunite in heaven.

Monster Ryuji gradually absorbs Tomoko into his body. Things happen so quickly
and I am not sure how to save her. What should I do?

Monster Ryuji: Hehehe... do you feel helpless now? I will tell you one more thing,
in the future I will kill your best friend Ami and steal her time machine! That's
how I come back here.

Monster Ryuji: So don't blame anyone for this ending. You are also responsible
for helping Ami to complete her time machine.

Tomoko: HELP! LET ME GO!

Karin: Wait! We need to calm down... there must be a way.
The time machine is the key... if there is no time machine, this event will not
happen at all !!

An idea just comes to my mind...
I pick up my cell phone and call Ami immediately.
(Please Ami, please pick up the phone!)

Player: Ami don't say anything and listen carefully...
I want you to promise me one thing. STOP your TIME MACHINE project!
DESTROY it and promise me never start this project again!

Ami: But why...? Wait! I've put so many efforts into it...

Player: Please don't ask! I beg you. I just want you to trust me. Just once in your
life trust me! Promise me and it will save many lives in the future!

Monster Ryuji: Hey you son of a bitch! Drop your phone now or else I will kill
Tomoko right now!

Tomoko: Don't drop the phone! Don't worry about me. Come on! Kill me Ryuji! I'd
rather die than becoming a part of you!

Monster Ryuji hesitates... afterall he loves Tomoko so much and he never mean to
hurt her.

Karin: Hurry! We need you help! Please!

Ami finally decided to give up the time machine project.

Player: Goodbye future Ryuji! You don't belong here.

Future Ryuji is dissolving in the air. Without the time machine, he can never come
back to the present time, and this event will never happen...

Future Ryuji vanishes into the thin air...

Player: Thank you Ami... I owe you one.

Karin: My mission is completed... like Future Ryuji, I don't belong here as well. I
guess it's time to say goodbye...

Player: Wait....

Karin vanishes into the air as well...

!!!!! ?????

Finally, I saved Tomoko again.

Player: Are you okay Tomoko?

Tomoko: Thank you... you saved me, once again.

Two years later...

Ami: WAKE UP! Lazy butt!

Player: Oh let me sleep...

Ami: NO! Today is your big day. It's your wedding day!

Ami: Get up now and prepare for it!

Player: (After saving Tomoko from Ryuji's mansion, Karin disappeared as well. I
believe Ami's time machine project must be the source of all time travel
technoloy in the future. Ami is simply a genius.)

Player: (Without time travelling, Karin will never appear in our time. It's a bit sad
but she doesn't belong here anyway... I guess this is the best ending for her.)

Player: (Kotomi decided to go to Germany at the end. I still received emails from
her occasionally... and I am glad that she is doing quite well in Germany.)

Player: (At the end, I stayed with Tomoko. After going through all these, Tomoko
became the dream girlfriend. She is the girl that I want to be with for the rest
of my life.)

Player: (Outside, she looks classy and beautiful...)

Player: (She continues to work as a swimsuit gravure idol. She would only accept
swimsuit photos and no nudity.)

Player: (At home, she is obedient and tender... she would cook my meals and took
care of the housework.)

Player: (In bed, she's simply like an AV star! She is so wild and so sensitive at the
same time... she would squirt like a water fountain...)

Player: (She would suck my dick while I am driving and swallow all my cum...)

Player: (She wouldn't mind doing the nastiest thing for me... like licking my ass
hole after a sport game...)

"I love you, Tomoko !! "
"I love all girls !! " (required highest relationship for all girls)

Player: (Last but not least... she wouldn't mind having group sex party with my
other female friends...)

Player: I will marry Tomoko today !!

Game Over

Now Visit the Simgirls Website

(Early in the morning, while I am still lying in my bed...)

(The girl with armor and gun appears)

Girl: Hi! It's me again! Do you remember me?


Girl: The DNA Operator from the future.

Future... DNA? Oh! I remember now! You shot me in the restaurant!!

What do you want this time!?

Girl: There was a small mistake in the last mission so now I need to take care
of it otherwise I am not allowed to go back to my time.

Girl: At first we planned to use DCM to turn you into a normal man so you
won't become a mega-playboy in the future.

But after two weeks of observation, we found that we made a terrible mistake.
Although we don't want to admit it...

The truth is the DCM I shot into your body has unexpected reaction with your DNA,
and you are changing into a mega-playboy gradually.

Girl: In another word, we 'created' the mega-playboy by mistake!

Wow... Thank you !! Are you going to shoot me and change my DNA again?
No Way!!

Girl: 50% correct. I am going to shoot you again, but this time we can't take
the risk. We decided to terminate your right to live under future law code: 2051.

Hey!! That's bullshit! I am responsible for your mistakes? I am innocent!

Girl: I am so sorry...

Hey what's behind you !?

Girl: ......?

(I hit her hard in the head and she falls unconscious...)

(Luckily I learnt this from Akira and practiced well these days, otherwise...)

(I took her gun, removed her armor as well just in case there are more weapons,
and then move her to the basement...)

(In the basement, I waited for about 15 minutes and she finally awakes...)

(I point the gun at her)
Don't move or I will blow your head off !

Girl: ...... who are you?

?? No more acting... it's no use.

Girl: ......

Girl: Who am I...?

(It seems that she really lost all her memories...)

You are a DNA...
(wait... I don't need to tell her the truth, she wants to kill me.)

You are... a little kitten, and you are my pet!

Girl: ...... am I?

Yes!! From now on stay here quietly, OK?

Girl: Yes Master !

(Before I can find out the truth, I'd better keep her in the basement.
The police won't believe in this crazy story.)

(I should check her belongings and I may be able to find something...)

(Other than the gun, I found a special metal necklace...)

(The pendant is a sort of device... there is a small power switch to turn it on...)

(But it is not working... I guess it was broken in the fight.)

(Maybe my teacher Akira can help me to fix it. She is an expect in electronics.)

(Today is Sunday, I should be able to find her in the fight club.)

Received a mysterious metal necklace!

(On the way to the fight club...)

Ryuji: Hey! Stop there!

Ryuji... listen, I don't have a good mood today, leave me alone.

Ryuji: It's not up to you! I have heard that you are fooling around with the
pretty girls in our school.

Ryuji: Don't even think about it! They are all mine!
I am very rich. If I want I can buy the whole town!

Ryuji: So don't screw with me! Do you understand?

Get the freak out of the way please!
(I don't have time to mess with you.)

Ryuji: It seems that you need a good lesson! Bloody King!

(Oh shit... the King of Street Fight "Bloody King".)

Ryuji: Beat the shit out of him! Twenty thousands! ($20,000)

Bloody King: (Roar) No Problem Boss!

(Arh... holy shit this is heavy...)

Bloody King: Still standing? Not bad for a kid... Try this!


Ryuji: Good Job King! I will write you a cheque tommorrow...

Ryuji: What's this? A necklace? It is quite special...
I think Tomoko will like this.

(They took the necklace and left.)

30 minutes later...

(My head... ar...)

(This crazy mother fxxker... one day I will return the favor...)


(Where's my necklace!!?)

(It must be taken by Ryuji damn it! His family is too powerful in this town and there
is no way I can get it back from him.)

(I can just hope that he couldn't find out the secrets inside...before I can find out
more, I must take care of the girl and keep her alive !)

Dance Party

Hey Kotomi !!

Kotomi: Hey !!
(She looks so sexy tonight!)

You alone ?

Kotomi: Nope... Have you seen Ami around?

Well Ami­ not really­ so how's it going?

Great­ To tell you the truth, this is the first time I've been here, so
I am not very used to the environment.

1. I feel the same way; it is a bit overwhelming. We seem to be very similar, Kotomi.
2. Well, actually I really like this place. We are just different people.

Hehe­ really? You really think that?

(Ami appears)
Hey guys! Having fun?

Kotomi: I've been waiting for you! Where have you been?

Ami: Nowhere, I just went to the washroom.

Kotomi: You should have told me!

Come on little girl­ you are not a kid anymore! It's time to hang around
and get to know some boys.

Hey, I think you should speak for yourself! As far as I can tell, he's the
only guy you hang around with...

(Ami turns red)
Shut Up!!

OK, enough talk, let's go dancing! Hey
do you want to come with us?

1 Ah­ I think I'll hang out here a little while longer
2 Great! Let's go.

30 minutes later

On the stage

Tomoko: Hi!

(Whew... she is so HOT!! Who would imagine that a teenage
girl could have such a great body.)

(Tomoko shakes her body to the music in front of you,
while staring into your eyes. About another 3 minutes later...)

Tomoko: Feeling tired?

Nope­ how about you?

Tomoko: Hm...

A little bit­ maybe you could buy me a drink?

(You buy Tomoko a soda, the conversation continues...)

Tomoko: You know what? I really like dancing on the stage. You know when
all the people are looking at you, under spotlight­ I like that feeling.

Oh yeah. I know...

You saw me? ... so what do you think?

1. Ah­ You dance well.
2. You are so attractive when you're dancing. I can't keep my eyes off you.

Hehe­ well­ thanks for the drink. You were very sweet tonight. See ya around.

(The dance party ends)

In the hallway

(Tomoko meets Kotomi)

Tomoko: Excuse me, are you­ Takanashi?

Kotomi: yes...

Tomoko: Do you like him?

Kotomi: Hm... I...

Tomoko: Do you know he is dating me?

Kotomi: Well... honestly... I don't know.

Tomoko: So now I've told you.  I hope you'll stay away from him.

(Kotomi is getting mad)
I think you misunderstood. He doesn't belong to anyone, and whether I see him
or not is NOT your business.

(Tomoko yelps and slaps Kotomi hard on the face. Kotomi responds, pulling
her hair and they both hit the ground.)

Tomoko: Not my business? He is mine!!
He will never likes you because he loves me. Do you understand?

Kotomi: He loves YOU?  As if someone like you would know.  You have no idea
what love is!  Everyone knows  you just fool around with guys.

Tomoko: NO! You're just jealous because I'm more popular.
You're jealous because every guy is attracted to me.

Kotomi: Are you proud of being surrounded by guys?  The truth is that they
just like your body. All they want from you is sex and nothing else.  Wake
up, Tomoko!  No one really loves you.  You're just pitiful.

Tomoko: Shut up bitch!!

(Kotomi kicks Tomoko in the stomach,and Tomoko hits Kotomi hard on the cheek.
Both girls are screaming)

Tomoko: You had enough?  Do you want more?  Do you?

Kotomi:  You crazy bitch!! You will never win his heart.

Tomoko: Are you calling me a bitch!!?

(Tomoko slaps Kotomi's face again.  Kotomi's face burns from the pain
and with tears welling in her eyes, she spits in Tomoko's face in return.)

Kotomi: How do you like that, you whore?  Do you know what other girls call
you?  A Public Toilet, that's what!!

Tomoko: YOU... little slut! I will kill you!!

(The girls kept kicking and screaming until a male teacher stopped them.
The teacher decided to give them some real nasty punishments...)

The teacher: This is ridiculous Tomoko and Kotomi ! Follow me to the office!

(Lunch break near the front gate...)

Kotomi: Hi there !

Hello Kotomi !

Kotomi: Can you come to the gym after class?

1. Yes of course!
2. Hm... maybe. But why ?

Kotomi: Great ! I will see you there. Bye now !

(Kotomi runs off quickily... well, she got me curious.)

(After class, I go to the gym...)

(Kotomi appears and she is wearing in a tight leotard.)

Kotomi: I am sorry for calling you out here so suddenly.

I'm in the rhythmic gymnastics team...

But it's the first time I worn a leotard. I was too embarassed to wear one until now...
(Oh... my butt is clenched, I feel like I'm gonna...)


This will be my first performance in a team leotard!
(I hope this can help me to solve my problem...)

(She starts dancing in front of me...)

(All of a sudden...)

Kotomi: ......

Ah... Are you alright?
(Her face turns pale...)

Kotomi: ...... sorrie... I am...

(Kotomi ran away, leaving me alone in the gym...)

(That night, I asked Ami and she told me Kotomi's problem. Whenever she
got nervous, she would fart. Poor girl...)

(I visit Kotomi in the school gym after class. She just finished her practice.)

Hey Kotomi... what's wrong with you baby?
(I don't know why but she looks kind of sad...)

Kotomi: ......

Kotomi: I will need to go to Germany for further trainings.

Well, that's great. You made it baby! That's always your dream!

Kotomi: But I will need to stay there for at least 3 years...
and we won't be able to see each other often...


1. Baby please don't go...
2. So... when will you go?

Kotomi: Sorrie. I will leave on Day 100...
(I really don't want to leave you, but I don't want to hurt Ami... she
loves you more than I do. I think this is the best solution, please forgive me...)

(Day 100? That's Valentine's Day...)

(All of a sudden, my world collapses...)

Auto show

Akira: Car shows are very popular here. At car shows, not only can you
find the newest car models, but also some beautiful female models, as well.

Tomoko is standing beside a super sports car and is surrounded by a group of

I wonder if she can see me...

1. Wave to her
2. Walk away

Forget it. She can't see me anyway.










(Ami appears)

Ami: You just get here?. I have been standing there for almost four hours,
smiling and posing for pictures. It's killing me. I will never do this again.

Wow... Ami! You look so different today.

Ami: Don't laugh at me. I don't feel very good about dressing like this.
It's just not me. I still prefer jeans and T-shirts.

1. But I think it suits you very well.
2. Yeah you are right. It doesn't work for you.

Ok. Stop that before I punch you in the face. (kidding)

Oh­ time's up, my break is over. I need to go back to my post.

(You walk around aimlessly. 5 minutes later.)

(In a corner, Ryuji is flirting with Kotomi...)

"You are so cute today­"

"Hm­ thank you­ but I think you are with Tomoko­"

"Come on­ don't be silly. At this moment I am with you !!
Just you and me here... can't you see? "

(Disgusting Bastard.) Hi Kotomi.

Ryuji: Excuse me, we are having a conversation. Can you wait?

Kotomi: Ryuji, actually I need to talk to him.

Ryuji: FINE!! (He walks away angrily)

(He is such a jerk.)

Kotomi: Hm­ Thank you for coming over. You saved me.

1. Ok, I have nothing to do anyway.
2. Whenever you need me, I am always there.

Announcement: Ladies and Gentlemen, "My favourite car show girl"
is about to begin­

Kotomi: Oh, I need to go now. Remember to vote for me! Hehe. Sorry.

(She suddenly turns around, saying something, but it's too noisy for me to
hear her!  She turns back and runs to the stage.)


Announcement: Please vote for your favourite show girl

1. Kotomi
2. Ami
3. Tomoko

Girls: Thank you for coming to the car show !! Please come back
next year. Goodbye !!

Game Show

Akira: Welcome to the game show! There are many of the latest hot games.
Where do you want to start?

1. View "Outer Space Shooting"
2. View "The power of Ninjas"
3. View "Dark Angels"
4. Buy a game now

Ami is the show girl for "The power of Ninjas"

Ami: This game is all about beating up people,
and fighting your way to the boss.

Haha Ami, you don't look like a ninja. You look more like a crown!!
Get a samurai's sword or something.

Ami: If I have a sword, I will cut you into two halves !!
(He still treats me like a boy...)

The show girl of "Outer space shooting" is Kotomi.
She dresses like a space pilot. Cute.

Kotomi: This is the best shooting game of the year.
Why don't you give it a try?

Kotomi: I like all shooting games. They are fun and simple to play.

Cool... I will think about it.

Kotomi: ......
(Will he buy this game because of me?)

Tomoko is the show girl for the game "Dark Angel".
She is always the hottest babe.

What is this game?

Tomoko: It is an online RPG game. You know fighting around with your friends,
exploring lands those types of things.

Tomoko: Hm... are you interested? Come on... buy this one. Hehe.
(She slightly leans forward)

Ok... I will come back in a moment.
(Tomoko really knows how to use her beauty...)

Tomoko: Thank you!!
(Will he come back?)

Tomoko: Buy Dark Angel. I know you'll like this game.

Kotomi: Outer space shooting is fun!!

Ami: ......

Tomoko: Forget about those shooting games, they are out-dated.

Kotomi: No!! Those online games are way too time consuming. Waste of time.

Ami: OK Enough! Let him decide...

1. Buy "Outer Space Shooting"
2. Buy "The power of Ninjas"
3. Buy "Dark Angels"

I had a wild time with Tomoko playing a little roleplaying game at the
back stage.

Girls: Thank you so much!!

Miss Fukoma Beauty Pageant

MC: After 3 rounds, we finally come to the most exciting moment.
We judged the girls on their stats as well as their popularity.

MC: Tomoko Saeki was the Miss Fukoma last year.
This year, she faces really strong competitions.

MC: Who will win the champion ? Let's take a break and our judges
will decide...

Final Scores

Ami Kurimoto:
Kotomi Takanashi:
Tomoko Saeki:

MC: The new Miss Fukoma is...
Kotomi Takanashi !!

MC: The new Miss Fukoma is...
Ami Kurimoto !!

MC: The new Miss Fukoma is...
Tomoko Saeki !!

Inside the dressing room...

1. Check room 1
2. Check room 2
3. Check room 3
4. Leave the dressing room

Tomoko is posing in front of a fitting mirror, making sure that she is
as good looking as always...

Kotomi is taking off her red panties...

Ami is about to undress...

Then Tomoko takes off her bras...

and she is about to remove her panties...

Tomoko turns around.
Tomoko: Hey... you scared me!

Player: I want to touch you...
Tomoko: No! Not here...

Player: Stop pretending... it is exciting to you, isn't it?
Tomoko: Ha... yes.

Player: Bend down for me Tomoko, I want to examine you.
Tomoko is completely wet down there and there is an obvious moist spot on her

I press my thumb against her wet pussy.

Tomoko: Arh... arh... arh...

Tomoko: I... I need to go now. Please do this later...


(The Firework Festival)

(In each Firework Festival, we will visit a resort hotel and
spend one day and one night there...)

(At dawn, we visit a famous hot spring near the hotel....)

1. Leave this place
2. Stay for a little while longer

(Kotomi is playing with Ami)

Ami: Hey!! Stop that! Hehehe...

Kotomi: Surrender!

Ami: No! Hehehe... never!

Kotomi: You've got to tell me! Do you like him?

Ami: Hehehe... no... I can't breath!

Kotomi: Really...?

Ami: YES!! Let me go! Please Kotomi... hehe

Kotomi: Alrite...

(Tomoko is lost in thought...)

Tomoko: (What's he doing now? Oh... I've never feel like this before.)

Tomoko: (Is he thinking about me as well? Is there any other girl is his heart?)

Tomoko: (Poor me, I am going crazy... I wonder if this is LOVE... )

Tomoko: (I will need to find out the answer as soon as possible.)

(In the evening, everyone is gathered at the shore, getting ready
for the fireworks...)

(All girls are excited...)

Tomoko: I can hardly wait...

Ami: I have been waiting for the entire year...

Kotomi: Hey everyone! LOOK!!

All girls cry together: WOW!!

1. Talk to Ami
2. Talk to Kotomi
3. Talk to Tomoko

Ami: ...... yeah... it's cool...
(Why does he talk to me at this moment? Why I feel... so nervous?)

Kotomi: This is just too beautiful, isn't it?
(Oh Ami, I know how you feel... I am sorry but this is something
that we cannot share...)

Tomoko: I can never forget this beautiful moment with you.
(Is he the one I have been waiting for...?)

(This is it! Today is one of the most important days in my life.)

Choose a prom date very carefully:

1. Ami
2. Kotomi (not available in beta)
3. Tomoko (not availabe in beta)
4. Karin (not availabe in beta)

You can't choose her. You need more relationship points.
Please choose another girl.

I wish I could go to prom with her...

(Inside Ami's room)

(Ami gets ready for a memorable night, and waiting impatiently for you
to pick her up...)

Ami: (Finally, my dream finally comes true!... Oh, but why I have a bad feeling
about this...)

Ami: (NO!! Don't be silly. This will be a perfect night!)

*Ding Dong* (Door bell rings.)

Ami: Oh no! He's coming...

(Ami runs down the stairs and opens the door...)

Ami screams: OH MY GOD!! It's a Cinderella Carriage!!

Hey Ami... are you ready to go with me?

Ami cries with tears: Yes...

Wait a sec! You miss something...

Ami (getting nervous): What!? Oh... what's that?

(You wear the necklace for Ami gently...)

Now it is perfect!

(Ami is speechless, overjoy with tears...)

Let's go!

(On the way to the ceremony...)

(Oh shit! Where's my prom gift?)

I am sorry. I forgot something important... I really need to go get it.
(I must have left it at home...) just go ahead first, I will meet you in the ceremony.

Ami: What's that!? Is it so important?

Yes... hm... don't worry, I will be there with you very soon, I promise!

Ami: ok...

(You jump off the carriage.)

Ami: (Oh, I have that bad feeling again...)

Ami: WAIT!!

Ami: He's gone... guys...

(Inside Kotomi's room)

(Kotomi gets ready for a fantastic night, and waiting impatiently for you
to pick her up...)

Kotomi: (This is my last day in high school; It is also my last night in Japan...)

Kotomi: (I will bring these memories with me... now I should just forget everything
and enjoy our times tonight.)

Kotomi: Oh no! He's coming...

(Kotomi runs down the stairs and opens the door...)

Kotomi screams: OH MY GOD!! It's a Cinderella Carriage!!

Hey Kotomi... are you ready to go with me?

Kotomi cries with tears: Yes...

Kotomi (getting nervous): What!? Oh... what's that?

(You wear the necklace for Kotomi gently...)

Kotomi: Thank you...
(Kotomi is speechless, overjoy with tears...)

Kotomi: What's that!? Is it so important?

Kotomi: ok...

Kotomi: (Oh, I have some bad feelings...)

Kotomi: WAIT!!

Kotomi: He's gone... guys...

(Inside Tomoko's room)

(Tomoko gets ready for a wonderful night, and waiting impatiently for you
to pick her up...)

Tomoko: What should I do?...

We only have two more happy days left...

Tomoko: Oh silly girl you can't feel sad now... I need to treasure every second,
just relax and enjoy this perfect night with the one I love.

Tomoko: Oh no! He's coming...

(Tomoko gets down the stairs and opens the door...)

Tomoko screams: OH MY GOD!! It's a Cinderella Carriage!!

Tomoko, my lady... are you ready to go with me?

Tomoko cries with tears: Yes...

Tomoko (getting nervous): What!? Oh... what's that?

(You wear the necklace for Tomoko gently...)

Tomoko: You are so sweet...
(Tomoko is speechless, overjoy with tears...)

Tomoko: What's that!? Is it so important?

Tomoko: ok...

Tomoko: (Oh, I have some bad feelings about this...)

Tomoko: WAIT!!

Tomoko: He's gone... guys...

(You are running through the slums...)

Ryuji: Hello tiger!


Ryuji: I will beat you myself this time. I mean it!
Snake! King!

(That's it...)

(NO!!! She is waiting for me there... I can't fail her...)

Ryuji: I swear you won't be able to get to the grad ceremony.

(Hitting continuously...)

She is waiting... Ah... * (unconscious)

Ryuji:  Hahahaha... no one screw with me!

Snake Man: What do we do now boss?

Ryuji: What do we do? Gosh! Are you stupid? FINISH HIM OFF!
You'd better make sure he can't go to prom.

Girl shouts: WAIT!!

Ami: You guys are out of your mind!!
(I knew something bad would happen! I should have stopped him...)

Ami: Stay away from him!! Or I will call the police!!

Ryuji's gang: Police...?? Hahahahahahahahha...

Ryuji: That's funny...
(The gang surrounded Ami...)


(Gun Fires)

Snake Man: Oh shit... Medic!!

Snake Man: ......

Ryuji (shaking): Who's... who's there?

Karin: It's me. The DNA operator hehe.

Karin: Now run! Before I shoot you like dogs!!

(Ryuji ran away!!)

Karin: What a coward! Hey Big Guy, you want a lead salad?

Bloody King: ......

Karin: You were an honorable street fighter in the history. I have a little
advice for you, stop working like a dog for Ryuji!

(Without a word, Bloody King leaves and no one ever see him again...)

Karin: Phew...

Karin: This guy... seems like he is alright, just need a little sleep.

Karin: Well, I am not supposed to interfere with the history...
but I just can't help myself...

Karin: This is our last meeting... farewell.
(Wake up Karin! You can't have any emotion for your object...)

1. Ami - N/A in this version
2. Kotomi - N/A in this version
3. Tomoko - Girlfriend Status Required
4. Spend Time Alone

Make your choice:

(It's Christmas Eve. Who do I want to go out with?)

1. Ami - N/A in this version
2. Kotomi - N/A in this version
3. Karin - N/A in this version
4. Tomoko - Lover Status Required
5. Spend Time Alone

Make you choice:

(It's Valentine's Day. Who do I want to go out with?)

Unfortunately you can't find your true love no matter how hard you try...

You decided to spend the Valentine's Day alone...

But you won't give up that easily. You will continue to practice and you know
one day, you will win the hearts of all the girls!

My Diary

My Diary

(Ami's bedroom)

(You found Ami's diary.)

(Ami... I was so God Damn stupid !... how could I not
see this before...)

(Where are you Ami? You are scaring me...
Calm down I need to think...)

(The places we used to hang out together... I'd better move fast.)

Goto Next Page...

Day 1 Sunny
I had to wake that pig up this morning!
He forgot about the school completely!  Idiot. :P

Day 12 Clear
I think he has a crush in Kotomi,
but the poor guy never knows how to impress
a girl.  Hm­ Well, being the wonderful friend
that I am, I¯m going to help him.
This is going to be fun!
Just like one of those sappy movies!  Hehehe...

Day 20 Cloudy
I met him for lunch today. He ate everything
in about five seconds flat!  He¯s always loved
junk food!  It¯s like I can hear his arteries
clogging with every bite­ Oh man,
I¯m getting cravings for health food just
thinking about it!

Day 36 Rainy
He¯s getting more popular with girls and
there¯s something different about him.
When I met him in the library after class,
I felt kind of nervous and I don¯t know why.
This was like the first time I¯ve ever had
trouble talking to him!
The feeling was so weird!! >.<

Day 59 Cloudy
He was so tired he slept in the class today.
I kept catching myself staring at him!
I don¯t know what¯s wrong with me!
I can¯t stop thinking about him,...

...Kotomi says he¯s all I talk about lately,
and looking back on my diary,
he¯s all I write about too!
All signs point to­ well, love...
But that can¯t be right!   He¯s my best friend!
What¯s going on here?!

Day 78 Stormy
Today was the first time I¯ve ever cried over
a guy.
I saw him with Kotomi in the hallway,
and it was like a thousand spears piercing
into my heart. God! I can¯t stand this!
Why do I feel jealous? They are both my
friends! I should be happy for them...

Day 89 Windy
He asked me to go to prom with him!!!!
I felt like­ I¯m floating­ If I suddenly
dropped dead right this second, that would
be fine with me.  Wait!  What am I saying?
I would miss prom then!  LOL ^_^
I still can¯t believe this. We¯ve been friends
for exactly 13 years and 108 days and now,
after so long, we¯re in love! ...

...Well, sort of­
What is on his mind exactly?  Maybe he just
asked me because we¯re just friends!  Maybe
he just wants to be free to mingle with a bunch
of girls and not have to worry about one date!
Maybe he just asked me because he felt sorry
for me!!! Stop it Ami!  You¯re ruining what
should be the best day of your life!
You¯ll just have to find out tonight­

Summer, 86

(End of Diary...)

(Finally I reached the Goldern City. I searched every corners, asked every
single person I met... but she was not there.)

(Then I went to the Blue Mountain. I couldn't find her anywhere either...)

(After searching her for the whole day I am desperated.
I went to the last place "The Sleeping Forest"...)

AMI !!!!!!! AMI !!!!!!! Where are you!?

No more hide and seek! You win! I can't find you anywhere...

PLEASE!! Please come out Ami! I lose! I lose!


(Finally, I collapsed...)

Ami: Hey...

AMI !!!
(I turned around and she was there!)

Where have you been !?? You scared me !! Don't you ever do this again!!

Ami: hehe...

I ... never notice this before... but now I know... Ami you are so important to me,
you are so important to me you know?

When I couldn't find you anywhere... I just went crazy!!

Ami: ......

You don't believe in me? Ami...

I LOVE YOU. I am very serious.

Ami: 13 years...

Ami: I have been waiting for you to say this...

Ami: Now I can leave happily... Thank you

Ami: GoodBye

Be a good man. I will be watching you... hehe

(You were just talking to her spirit and your words had set her free.
Now, she is gone forever...)



AMI !!! How can you leave me like this!?

GOD!!! Why are you doing this?

How can you do this to Ami...


It's Sim Man! He is the one behind this whole mess! I will make him
change the ending!






Tomoko signed an agreement with Simgirls. She will quit school and start working
as a full-time gravure idol in the summer. The agency doesn't allow Tomoko to
have any boyfriend, so from now on, we need to have an underground relationship.

We don't want to get into any troubles so we decided to meet at a Love Hotel...

Tomoko is waiting for me outside the love hotel. She is wearing a big sunglasses
to hide her identity.

Player: It's cold here. Let's go inside.

Once we entered the elevator, I can't wait to touch her body.

Tomoko: Wait baby...

I ignore her request and squeeze her butt harder.

Come on babe! I can't wait to fuck you and make you scream!

I pulled her panties down...

The elevator stopped at the top floor. We quickly went to our room.

We booked the best room in town. It was magnificent.

I wasted no time. I got into action immediately.

I pulled off her panites completely and roll up her black sweater...

Tomoko's breasts are so soft and tender. Her sinfully seductive body is driving
me insane.

I pressed my head against her wet pussy, it is wet and ready...

Tomoko: Wait... do you love me...?

Tomoko: Can you promise that you will love me only?

Player: (Honestly, I am not too sure... I don't want to lie to her...)

Player: (But I need to do something to satisfy Tomoko's sexual desire... and I
just spot a vibrator in the drawer.)

I pressed the vibrator on her super sensitive pussy and earning a loud scream
from the girl. Her love juices started dripping down her ass cheek.

A few mintues later...

Tomoko: Itai..........!!

Tomoko squirts!! She squirts her juice on my face and all over the bed! It is like a
water fountain... more spectacular than any AV scenes I've ever watched.

Tomoko is a little squirting princess.

Tomoko went into the bathroom.

Tomoko was looking at the mirror...

Check Mirror
Use Toliet
Take Shower
Take Bath


Tomoko steps into the shower.

Tomoko starts showering...

Tomoko: La la la... la la la...

Tomoko: It's ready. Do you want to join me?

Tomoko: It's so hard now. You want me to help you relax?

Tomoko: Let me help you clean up...

Tomoko: I am ready... wait for you outside...

Tomoko: Hey stop watching me! It's so embarrassing...

At night, you found Tomoko at the pub.

Player: What are you doing here? This place is so dangerous for young and hot
girls like you... you should go home now!

Tomoko: Don't bother me... I just want another drink!
Today's my birthday!

Player: You're drunk! Get out of here with me now!

Tomoko: Why do you care about me so much? Don't you want to have sex with

Tomoko:  I can do it, if you pay me... $2000, I can go to the love hotel with you
right now.

Player: No! You are drunk!

Tomoko: "Enjo Kosai" is so common nowadays. If you don't want it then I will have
to find another guy...

Player: FINE! I will pay you $2000. You are my date now and you need to leave
here with me!

Take her to the Love Hotel (required charm 200+ and money $2000+)
Send her home

We quickly went into our room...

The girl wanted to take a shower first, and I was waiting for her outside.
It was my first time and I felt a bit nervous.

Tomoko: Thank you for the wait... my dear boyfriend.

Girl removes her towel...

Her breasts are perfect!

Tomoko: Come here and touch me...

I fucked Tomoko...

After the climax...
Tomoko: Remember our deal, forget everything happened tonight.

Tomoko: Please leave now.


issue 105

Amazing Discover!!



ô® Ó

This morning, everyone was talking about the latest issue of a popular Swimsuit
Gravure Idol Magazine.

Tomoko was the featured girl.

On the cover page: "A shocking discover! Beautiful body and face, a super
charming teenage girl."

Inside the magazine there were a few ultra sexy pictures of Tomoko in bikinis.

Tomoko had such a great body... definitely one of the best that I've ever seen on
TV, magazines and... adult videos.

Tomoko was gifted. Even though this was her first time, she looked like a first
class gravure idol effortlessly.

This inspired me to become a model manager. I could make some big money out of

Pleasure Level


The End

Hey!! How are you doin?

What's up?

What are you going to do after

You are such a nice guy!
(Oh he is cute!)

Asks her phone no.!

You two become good friends,
and now you can call her by

866-656-7354. Call me!

Maybe later...

Ohh!? Thank you!!

Sorry! I am quite busy this week...

I usually go shopping on alone.

Did you call me last nite?

My father is working overseas and I
never see him.  The nights are always lonely.

I like strong and charming guy.

Do you like swimming? I am a
cheerleader for the swimming team.

You drink a lot? I guess so.

I hate the air conditioner, so in the
summer, I shower 4, 5 times a day.

Have you ever been to the
'Ocean's restaurant'?
Their seafood is good but not very clean...

They have a lot of sad movies
playing in Golden City!

Are you going to call me tonite?
(he is pretty attractive...)

Q: How do I look today?

1. Fantastic!
2. Damn you r sexy!
3. Good as usual.


1. 866-652-7670
2. 866-656-7354
3. 866-609-9318

Q: Hey do you remember my phone?

Good you remember!

Sorry wrong answer!

Asks her birthday!

You two become close friends,
now you can start dating
her and she will answer
as long as you ask!!

My birthday...?
November 21.

I am not telling you!

Hey you are so sweet!

Just you and me...?
Well maybe later...

Last time a guy gave me a ring when we
were having dinner together... although
I didn't like him, I found it quite touching.

When you ask me something,
please don't forget it.

From now on, our relationship will
level up only during a date.

Have you ever heard of the 'Sleeping Forest'?
They said it is cursed and once you step inside
you will fast asleep!

You know what? You can't kiss a
girl unless she gives you a hint!

I will be going crazy when I see some
beautiful flowers in the forest.

The best time to give a gift is
during a date.

I am free on... (Weekday#):
(Oh I think I am in love with him...)

Well I maybe free on...
(WeekDay #):

Q: Do you like me?

1. I don't know...
2. Yes I do!!
3. We are friends...


1. Scorpio
2. Virgo
3. Sagittarius

Q: What is my Zodiac sign?


Favourite colors? I like
red, blue, black and pink.

My favourite song? I don't know,
I think 'Blurry Eyes'.

I love movies. My favourite is
"Love Generation".

My favourite food is sushi.

Sport Car? I like Carrera GT.

Oh I LIKE it!  Thank you...

(Enter 1-5. For Monday enter 1,
Tuesday 2... and Friday 5)

Sorry I am not available on that day.

That guy keeps calling me and it's so
annoying. Can you ask him to stop that?

Blue mountain...?
Suppose to be a sad place?

Do you still remember our
first kiss?

Have you ever heard of the  'Sleeping Forest'?
They said it is cursed and once you step inside
you will fast asleep!

I think it is romantic if someone gives me a
ring while I am watching love moives.

I want to visit each location at least
once... with good memories.

That would be funny if I receive a big teddy
bear on the beach. Hehe...

I would like to receive some fresh
flowers in the mountain.

Are you coming over tonite?
(I want to do it...)

Q: Do you love me?

1. I love you baby!
2. Yeah I do...
3. Why ask?

1. Your body
2. Your legs
3. Nothing...

Q: What are you looking at?

I see...

My Blood Type is AB.

I am 163 cm tall.

I am about 47 kg.

My Body size...
B 88

My Body size...
W 56

My Body size...
H 89

Breasts: 88

Waist: 54

Waist: 56

Hip: 89

Height: 163 cm
Weight: 47 kg
Blood type: AB
Free day:
First Kiss:

Press X to end scan

Wow this is so beautiful!!
I love it! (kiss)

(Enter 1-5. For Monday enter 1,
Tuesday 2... and Friday 5)


Hihi !!

What's up?

What are you going to do after

You are such a nice guy!
(He is cute...)

866-731-8410. Call me!

Maybe later...

Thank you!!


I usually go to gym on Sunday.
(Day 7, 14, 21, 28 and so on)

Did you call me last nite?

Guys should be soft and gentle.

My type? Well I think...
smart and charming guy.

Have you seen Ami lately?

I went shopping with Ami yesterday.
Yeah I always hang around with her.

Have you ever heard of the  'Sleeping Forest'?
They said it is cursed and once you step inside
you will fast asleep!

Have you ever been to the
'Ocean's restaurant'?
Their seafood is good but not very clean...

They have a lot of SAD movies
playing in Golden City!

(he is pretty attractive...)


1. 866-652-7670
2. 866-731-8410
3. 866-609-9318

Good you remember!

NO! You are Wrong!

My birthday is...
Aug 29.

I am not telling you!

Hey you are so sweet!

Just you and me...?
Well maybe later...

You can always ask me questions
from now on!

When you ask me something,
please don't forget it.

From now on, our relationship will
level up only during a date.

You know what? You can't kiss a
girl unless she gives you a hint!

If you don't have time to see
me, at least give me a call.

Oh I am so tired today...

I am free on... (Weekday#):
(Oh I think I am in love with him...)

Well I maybe free on...
(WeekDay #):



Sorry wrong answer!

Favourite colors? I like
black, red, brown, yellow.

My favourite song? I don't know,
I think 'You and Me song'.

'Titanic' is my favourite movie.

Among all the foods, I like
Noodle Soup the best!

Sport Car? I like 360 Spider.

Oh I LIKE it!  Thank you...

(Enter 1-5. For Monday enter 1,
Tuesday 2... and Friday 5)

Sorry I am not available on that day.

Whenever I get nervous, I will fart...
Please don't tell anyone. I trust you.

Blue mountain...?
Suppose to be a sad place?

Do you still remember our
first kiss?

I want to visit each location at least
once... with good memories.

Expensive gifts are nice, but they are not
always the best choice... depends on the

Gifts have different effects at
different locations!

Are you coming over tonite?
(What am I thinking...?)

I see...

My Blood Type is O.

I am 155 cm tall.

I am about 43 kg.

My Body size...
B 84

My Body size...
W 53

My Body size...
H 83

Breasts: 83

Breasts: 84

Waist: 53

Hip: 83

Height: 155 cm
Weight: 43 kg
Blood type: O
Free day:
First Kiss:

Wow this is so beautiful!!
I love it! (kiss)

(Enter 1-5. For Monday enter 1,
Tuesday 2... and Friday 5)

She doesn't want to talk and
leave you alone... you'd better
find out what's wrong.

Tomoko: Hey... can I talk to you later?
(She is having a conversation with Ryuji.)

Ryuji:    Hey! They said that you can swim pretty fast,
let's go to the pool and see who's the fastest man in

Kotomi: Oh... can I talk to you later?
(She is having a conversation with Ryuji, please come back later.)

Girls: You look pretty tired today,
please go home and take a rest.

Hey! Let's go outside and handle this like a man!
(I am gonna kick his little ass...)

Fight him!!
No not now...





Let's do something H !!!!

You wish!

She is melting...
Easy boy! You are almost
there. Just impress her
one last time and she is
all yours! Stay cool !!

(My heart is pounding... what should I do?)

You wish!

She is melting!
You are just one step away!
Impress her one last time and
cute Kotomi is all yours!

(My heart is pounding... what should I do?)

Do whatever you like... but
please be gentle...

I am bored! Can we play?

I feel much better now!

I feel much better now!

Let's practice!
Let's play! (-20 En)

Do you need to practice?
(strongly recommended)

Practice 1
Practice 2
(Racing queens)
Practice 3
Practice 4
(SM queens)
Practice All
(Crazy mix)

(Hit X during practice to exit)

Your Bet:


Here's a quiz! What panty am I wearing?
You have less than a sec to find out!

Well, what is it?

Find the answer yourself!!
Press 'X' to exit.

Here's a quiz! What bra am I wearing?
You have less than a sec to find out!

How many pieces am I wearing?
You have 3 secs to find out!

Enter (1-9):

Well, how many?

Here's a quiz! What is under my skirt?
You have less than a sec to find out!

You earned: $

Hey you are right!!

You lost: $

Sorry wrong answer!!

Ocean's restaurant

Ocean's restaurant

Hot Beach

Hot Beach

Space Trip

Space Trip

$ -150

$- 5000

$- 300

$- 500

$ -200

Sorry I will go there with my
boyfriend only.

Sorry you don't have enough money.





Her Mood

Wow! That's a cool car!

1. Honda S2000
2. 360 Spider
3. Carrera GT
4. Ford Mustang
5. Dodge Viper

Answer (1-5):

The colors that I like are...

1. black, red, brown, yellow
2. white, red, blue, green
3. black, red, blue, pink
4. black, blue, pink, green
5. green, white, black, pink

I don't really like these foods,
I prefer...

1. Chicken Teriyaki
2. Noodle Soup
3. Dumpling
4. Sushi
5. Rice Cake

I bought a DVD of my favourite movie.
It is so good...

1. Fight Club
2. Titanic
3. DNA2
4. Pulp Fiction
5. Love Generation

I really love that song...

1. Blurry Eyes
2. Paranoid Android
3. Opps I did it again
4. Close to you
5. You and Me song

I am studying in...

1. Junta High
2. Natural High
3. Five High
4. Fukoma High
5. Fuma High

My birthday is coming...

1. Sept 10
2. Jan 26
3. Feb 19
4. Jul 30
5. Nov 21

Are you going to call me tonite?

1. 866-930-6122
2. 866-288-6312
3. 866-656-7354
4. 866-731-8410
5. 866-542-7773

Press send to receive

1. I am having a date right now!
2. Oh I... where are you?
3. I am busy, can I call back?

Answer (1-3):

Hihi !! What are you doing?

Who's calling?

Oh! Just some stupid people.
(Kotomi will be mad at me...)

Choose an item.

Thanks, you are so considerate...
(State returns to normal)

Well... why are you giving me this?
(No effect...)

Do you have anything for me?

Wow!! I like it! Thank you...

It's alright...

Thank you!!

What are you doing!?

...... can we do something else?

Great Job!! The famous
Miss Fukoma High
is now your girlfriend!
You can visit her
place from now on !!


Wow! I will miss you... Call me soon.
Please keep this!
(Good Job! She is impressed and
gives you one piece of puzzle.)

See you later!
(She is not satisfied! You'd better
try harder next time.)

Some bad dudes took your date!
This is a great chance to show
your manhood! Beat them up
and get your girl back!!

French Fries? No way! I only like...

I remember I saw my favourite movie
in this cinema a few years ago...

Wrong number! Wasting my airtime.
(Kotomi will be mad at me...)

Some bad dudes took your date!
This is a great chance to show
your manhood! Beat them up
and get your girl back!!

Besides, she also gives you this.

I am hungry now. I want to have some...

My favourite movie of all time...

No idea. I should have turned it off.
(Kotomi will be mad at me...)

Some bad dudes took your date!
This is a great chance to show
your manhood! Beat them up
and get your girl back!!

My blood type...

1. A
2. B
3. O
4. AB

My breast's size...

1. 86 cm
2. 87 cm
3. 88 cm
4. 89 cm
5. 90 cm

My waist's size...

1. 53 cm
2. 54 cm
3. 55 cm
4. 56 cm
5. 57 cm

My hip's size...

My height...

1. 162 cm
2. 163 cm
3. 164 cm
4. 165 cm
5. 166 cm

My weight...

1. 44 kg
2. 45 kg
3. 46 kg
4. 47 kg
5. 48 kg

My last name...

1. Saeki
2. Hara
3. Aoi
4. Kotomi
5. Nakama

Do you remember when we first kiss?

Enter a day number:

Answer (1-100):

Oh! Forget it, let's have fun!
(Kotomi will be mad at me...)

Let's do something else...

Great Job!! The famous
Miss Fukoma High
is now your girlfriend!
You can visit her
place from now on !!

Some bad dudes took your date!
This is a great chance to show
your manhood! Beat them up
and get your girl back!!

Besides, she also gives you this.
It can double the wage for drug dealer

One of my clients... he's very annoying.
(Kotomi will be mad at me...)

Wow! I will miss you... Call me soon.
Please keep this!
(Good Job! She is impressed and
gives you one piece of puzzle.)

Besides she aslo gives you this.


1. 87 cm
2. 88 cm
3. 89 cm
4. 90 cm
5. 91 cm

Who knows? maybe some outer
space aliens.
(Kotomi will be mad at me...)

Great Job!! The famous
Miss Fukoma High
is now your girlfriend!
You can visit her
place from now on !!

Wow! I will miss you... Call me soon.
Please keep this!
(Good Job! She is impressed and
gives you one piece of puzzle.)

Some aliens (Saiyan?) must have left it
behind, and you are so lucky to pick it up.
It can scan all her personal data and
even when she is free!

$ -300

$ -500

Sorry I will go there with my
boyfriend only.

Last time I saw my dream car in
the parking lot...

I usually like to wear clothes in those

Yesterday I ate my favourite food...

Let's go see my fav movie again...

Yeah I remember the song...

I go to school with Ami everyday...

Can you remember my birthday?...

1. Sept 10
2. Jan 26
3. Aug 29
4. Jul 30
5. Nov 21

You must have forgotten my number...
Don't look at your cellphone no cheating!

Hey... What are you doing?

Who is calling? Girl?

I don't want to be disturbed
(Shit! Tomoko will be mad...)

Oh my god, you are so gentle...
(State returns to normal)

Well... ok no thank you...
(No effect...)

Let's see what you have here...

Wow!! I like it! Thank you...

It's alright...

No! Please don't do it...

Well can we do something different?

Great Job!! Cute Kotomi
is now your girlfriend!
You can visit her
place from now on !!

Wow! Thank you for everything. I''ll always
remember this date!

See you later!
(She is not satisfied! You'd better
try harder next time.)

Don't worry nothing important
(Shit! Tomoko will be mad...)

Wow! I will miss you... this is for you... hehe.
(Good Job! She is impressed and  gives you a gift.)

My blood type...

My breast's size...

1. 84 cm
2. 85 cm
3. 86 cm
4. 87 cm
5. 88 cm

My waist's size...

1. 51 cm
2. 52 cm
3. 53 cm
4. 54 cm
5. 55 cm

My hip's size...

1. 80 cm
2. 81 cm
3. 82 cm
4. 83 cm
5. 84 cm

My height...

1. 154 cm
2. 155 cm
3. 156 cm
4. 157 cm
5. 158 cm

My weight...

1. 40 kg
2. 41 kg
3. 42 kg
4. 43 kg
5. 44 kg

My last name...

1. Saeki
2. Takanashi
3. Momonari
4. Kurimoto
5. Nakama

I will never forget our first kiss...

Oh! Just some stupid people.
(Shit! Tomoko will be mad...)

I don't have the mood right now.

Finally, you two become lovers!

I am not quite ready...
(She is not satisfied! You'd better
try harder next time.)

1. 82 cm
2. 83 cm
3. 84 cm
4. 85 cm
5. 86 cm

1. 81 cm
2. 82 cm
3. 83 cm
4. 84 cm
5. 85 cm

1. 152 cm
2. 153 cm
3. 154 cm
4. 155 cm
5. 156 cm

1. Saeki
2. Hara
3. Aoi
4. Kudo
5. Takanashi

Do you remember when we first kiss?

My birthday is coming...

1. Sept 10
2. Aug 29
3. Feb 19
4. Jul 30
5. Nov 21

Thanks, you are so considerate...
(State returns to normal)

Well... why are you giving me this?
(No effect...)

Do you have anything for me?

I don't have the mood right now.

...... can we do something else?

I am not quite ready...
(She is not satisfied! You'd better
try harder next time.)

Hit X to exit

Kotomi has a secret little problem.
Whenever she gets nervous she will
fart! You can help her to overcome
this problem by stimulating her
sensitive spots with a feather.

Hit X to exit

Tomoko's Personal Folder

Tomoko's Portfolio





(You do not have any picture in this folder)

Tomoko Saeki





Tomoko Saeki

Disc One


Hit X to exit


Puzzles collected:
First kiss:
Total time:
Total Score:




You are a good man,
but I am in love with someone...
I hope we can still be friends.
Friendship Forever!

Tomoko Saeki

I like you...
but I am not ready for that...
I hope you can understand.
I love you Forever!


I love you...
I want to be yours,
take me please...


Will you go steady with me?
Will you love me only?
Can I believe you?

I am a bad girl,
please... I want to be teased,
I want to be punished...


Nitro Boost

Engine Heat

You are under arrest!

(If you can pay, you can go on with the date, otherwise
you will be staying in jail for a whole day and your date
will be ruined completely)

Pay ticket $500
Go to Jail

Cool! You get away from
the cops and the girl is very
impressed by your skill.

Relationship: + 50
Mood: + 30
Condition: Normal

Do you want to rent a car?
Rental Fee: $ 100

Girls love Speed! Drive them to the place fast and safe and they
will be impressed. If you choose to rent the car you can play a
mini driving game that you need to flee from the highway cops.


HOW to Drive...

Hold the right arrow key to
acclerate; press up/down keys
to steer and avoid crashing into
other cars; Hold space for nitro
to boost up speed, but it will
only last for a few secs before
the engine overheats!

Are you ready to run?
Step on the gas now!
(Press and hold the right arrow key to start game)

(If you don't pay you will be locked in jail for the whole day)

Pay ticket $50
Go to Jail

Cool! You get away from
the cops. Make sure
you do the same thing
during a date.

Do you want to rent a car?
Rental Fee: $10

Girls love Speed! It is a great idea to practice your driving skill
before going on an actual date!

Don't give up!
Keep running for your love!

Cool! You've made it!
You get away from
the cops and arrive
your destination safely.

ActionScript [AS1/AS2]

Frame 1
stage.showMenu = false; var savefile = SharedObject.getLocal("game"); Mouse.hide();
Frame 2
ifFrameLoaded (10699) { gotoAndPlay (6); }
Frame 3
percentVAL = int((getBytesLoaded() / getBytesTotal()) * 100); percent = percentVAL add " % loaded"; setProperty("statusbar", _width , percentVAL * 4);
Frame 4
gotoAndPlay (2);
Frame 6
startDrag ("/mouse", true);
Frame 7
gotoAndPlay (6);
Frame 8
startDrag ("/mouse", true);
Frame 22
startDrag ("/mouse", true);
Frame 23
startDrag ("/mouse", true); if (160 < b1) { b1 = 160; } if (170 < s1) { s1 = 170; } if (170 < p1) { p1 = 170; } if (160 < k1) { k1 = 160; } if (200 < l1) { l1 = 200; } if (190 < b2) { b2 = 190; } if (180 < s2) { s2 = 180; } if (180 < p2) { p2 = 180; } if (180 < k2) { k2 = 180; } if (160 < l2) { l2 = 160; } if (180 < b3) { b3 = 180; } if (190 < s3) { s3 = 190; } if (190 < p3) { p3 = 190; } if (180 < k3) { k3 = 180; } if (170 < l3) { l3 = 170; } if (200 < b4) { b4 = 200; } if (200 < s4) { s4 = 200; } if (200 < p4) { p4 = 200; } if (200 < k4) { k4 = 200; } if (150 < l4) { l4 = 150; }
Frame 24
startDrag ("/mouse", true);
Frame 33
startDrag ("/mouse", true); if (style == 1) { setProperty("/man1", _x , 140); } if (style == 2) { setProperty("/man2", _x , 140); } if (style == 3) { setProperty("/man3", _x , 140); } if (style == 4) { setProperty("/man4", _x , 140); }
Frame 34
startDrag ("/mouse", true); if (style == 1) { setProperty("/man1", _x , 140); } if (style == 2) { setProperty("/man2", _x , 140); } if (style == 3) { setProperty("/man3", _x , 140); } if (style == 4) { setProperty("/man4", _x , 140); }
Frame 35
startDrag ("/mouse", true); ship = int(ship); ship2 = int(ship2); ship3 = int(ship3); ship4 = int(ship4); if ((state >= 2) || (state2 >= 2)) { timer = (getTimer() / 1000) - oldtimer; timer = Math.floor(timer); if (100 < timer) { oldtimer = timer + oldtimer; if ((state >= 2) && (state2 < 2)) { luck = 0; } if ((state < 2) && (state2 >= 2)) { luck = 1; } if ((state >= 2) && (state2 >= 2)) { luck = random(2); } gotoAndPlay (51); } play(); } setProperty("/blood", _width , hp * 1.4);
Frame 50
gotoAndStop (35);
Frame 123
if (luck == 0) { gotoAndStop (1220); } if (luck == 1) { gotoAndStop (1219); }
Frame 124
startDrag ("/mouse", true); stop(); stop();
Frame 126
setProperty("/hp", _width , enemyhp / 3); setProperty("/yourhp", _width , yourhp); timer = (getTimer() / 1000) - oldtimer;
Frame 127
gotoAndPlay (126);
Frame 128
setProperty("/hp", _width , enemyhp / 3); setProperty("/yourhp", _width , yourhp); setProperty("/youren", _width , youren); timer = (getTimer() / 1000) - oldtimer;
Frame 129
gotoAndPlay (128);
Frame 131
setProperty("/hp", _width , enemyhp / 3); setProperty("/yourhp", _width , yourhp); setProperty("/youren", _width , youren); timer = (getTimer() / 1000) - oldtimer;
Frame 132
gotoAndPlay (131);
Frame 133
setProperty("/hp", _width , enemyhp / 3); setProperty("/yourhp", _width , yourhp); setProperty("/youren", _width , youren); timer = (getTimer() / 1000) - oldtimer;
Frame 134
gotoAndPlay (133);
Frame 136
setProperty("/hp", _width , enemyhp / 3); setProperty("/yourhp", _width , yourhp); setProperty("/youren", _width , youren); timer = (getTimer() / 1000) - oldtimer;
Frame 142
gotoAndPlay (136);
Frame 143
setProperty("/hp", _width , enemyhp / 3); setProperty("/yourhp", _width , yourhp); setProperty("/youren", _width , youren); timer = (getTimer() / 1000) - oldtimer;
Frame 149
gotoAndPlay (143);
Frame 154
setProperty("/hp", _width , enemyhp / 3); setProperty("/yourhp", _width , yourhp); timer = (getTimer() / 1000) - oldtimer; if ((((countt < stopq) && (counttt < stopa)) && (countttt < stopz)) && (3 < timer)) { if (def == 0) { if (damage < yourhp) { yourhp = yourhp - damage; } tellTarget ("/badguy") { gotoAndPlay ("attack"); }; tellTarget ("/lock") { gotoAndPlay ("taking hit"); }; count = 0; countt = 0; counttt = 0; countttt = 0; combo = 0; } else if (def == 1) { if ((damage / 5) < yourhp) { yourhp = yourhp - (damage / 5); } tellTarget ("/badguy") { gotoAndPlay ("attack"); }; } }
Frame 160
gotoAndPlay (154);
Frame 163
setProperty("/hp", _width , enemyhp / 3); setProperty("/yourhp", _width , yourhp); setProperty("/youren", _width , youren); timer = (getTimer() / 1000) - oldtimer; if ((((countt < stopq) && (counttt < stopa)) && (countttt < stopz)) && (3 < timer)) { if (def == 0) { if (damage < yourhp) { yourhp = yourhp - damage; } tellTarget ("/badguy") { gotoAndPlay ("attack"); }; tellTarget ("/lock") { gotoAndPlay ("taking hit"); }; count = 0; countt = 0; counttt = 0; countttt = 0; combo = 0; } else if (def == 1) { if ((damage / 5) < yourhp) { yourhp = yourhp - (damage / 5); } tellTarget ("/badguy") { gotoAndPlay ("attack"); }; } }
Frame 168
setProperty("/hp", _width , enemyhp / 3); setProperty("/yourhp", _width , yourhp); setProperty("/youren", _width , youren); timer = (getTimer() / 1000) - oldtimer;
Frame 175
setProperty("/hp", _width , enemyhp / 3); setProperty("/yourhp", _width , yourhp); setProperty("/youren", _width , youren); timer = (getTimer() / 1000) - oldtimer;
Frame 183
gotoAndPlay (163);
Frame 185
Instance of Symbol 56 MovieClip "mouse" in Frame 185
onClipEvent (load) { startDrag ("/mouse", true); }
Frame 186
setProperty("/hp", _width , enemyhp / 3); setProperty("/yourhp", _width , yourhp); timer = (getTimer() / 1000) - oldtimer; if ((((countt < stopq) && (counttt < stopa)) && (countttt < stopz)) && (3 < timer)) { if (def == 0) { if (damage < yourhp) { yourhp = yourhp - damage; } else if (damage >= yourhp) { gotoAndPlay (305); } tellTarget ("/badguy") { gotoAndPlay ("attack"); }; tellTarget ("/lock") { gotoAndPlay ("taking hit"); }; count = 0; countt = 0; counttt = 0; countttt = 0; combo = 0; } else if (def == 1) { if ((damage / 5) < yourhp) { yourhp = yourhp - (damage / 5); } else if ((damage / 5) >= yourhp) { gotoAndPlay (305); } tellTarget ("/badguy") { gotoAndPlay ("attack"); }; } }
Frame 188
setProperty("/hp", _width , enemyhp / 3); setProperty("/yourhp", _width , yourhp); setProperty("/youren", _width , youren); timer = (getTimer() / 1000) - oldtimer;
Frame 190
setProperty("/hp", _width , enemyhp / 3); setProperty("/yourhp", _width , yourhp); setProperty("/youren", _width , youren); timer = (getTimer() / 1000) - oldtimer;
Frame 194
setProperty("/hp", _width , enemyhp / 3); setProperty("/yourhp", _width , yourhp); timer = (getTimer() / 1000) - oldtimer;
Frame 196
setProperty("/hp", _width , enemyhp / 3); setProperty("/yourhp", _width , yourhp); setProperty("/youren", _width , youren); timer = (getTimer() / 1000) - oldtimer;
Frame 198
setProperty("/hp", _width , enemyhp / 3); setProperty("/yourhp", _width , yourhp); timer = (getTimer() / 1000) - oldtimer; if ((((countt < stopq) && (counttt < stopa)) && (countttt < stopz)) && (3 < timer)) { if (def == 0) { if (damage < yourhp) { yourhp = yourhp - damage; } else if (damage >= yourhp) { gotoAndPlay (305); } tellTarget ("/badguy") { gotoAndPlay ("attack"); }; tellTarget ("/lock") { gotoAndPlay ("taking hit"); }; count = 0; countt = 0; counttt = 0; countttt = 0; combo = 0; } else if (def == 1) { if ((damage / 5) < yourhp) { yourhp = yourhp - (damage / 5); } else if ((damage / 5) >= yourhp) { gotoAndPlay (305); } tellTarget ("/badguy") { gotoAndPlay ("attack"); }; } }
Frame 201
setProperty("/hp", _width , enemyhp / 3); setProperty("/yourhp", _width , yourhp); timer = (getTimer() / 1000) - oldtimer;
Frame 203
setProperty("/hp", _width , enemyhp / 3); setProperty("/yourhp", _width , yourhp); setProperty("/youren", _width , youren); timer = (getTimer() / 1000) - oldtimer;
Frame 204
gotoAndPlay (186);
Frame 237
wage = wage + (high * 10); tellTarget ("/badguy") { gotoAndPlay ("winning"); };
Frame 304
Instance of Symbol 56 MovieClip "mouse" in Frame 304
onClipEvent (load) { startDrag ("/mouse", true); }
Frame 351
Instance of Symbol 56 MovieClip "mouse" in Frame 351
onClipEvent (load) { startDrag ("/mouse", true); }
Frame 353
if (hostage == 1) { setProperty("/gal1", _x , 560); } else if (hostage == 2) { setProperty("/gal2", _x , 560); } stop();
Instance of Symbol 56 MovieClip "mouse" in Frame 353
onClipEvent (load) { startDrag ("/mouse", true); }
Frame 354
setProperty("/hp", _width , enemyhp / 3); setProperty("/yourhp", _width , yourhp); timer = (getTimer() / 1000) - oldtimer; if ((((countt < stopq) && (counttt < stopa)) && (countttt < stopz)) && (3 < timer)) { if (def == 0) { if (damage < yourhp) { yourhp = yourhp - damage; } else if (damage >= yourhp) { gotoAndPlay (473); } tellTarget ("/badguy") { gotoAndPlay ("attack"); }; tellTarget ("/lock") { gotoAndPlay ("taking hit"); }; count = 0; countt = 0; counttt = 0; countttt = 0; combo = 0; } else if (def == 1) { if ((damage / 5) < yourhp) { yourhp = yourhp - (damage / 5); } else if ((damage / 5) >= yourhp) { gotoAndPlay (473); } tellTarget ("/badguy") { gotoAndPlay ("attack"); }; } }
Frame 356
setProperty("/hp", _width , enemyhp / 3); setProperty("/yourhp", _width , yourhp); setProperty("/youren", _width , youren); timer = (getTimer() / 1000) - oldtimer;
Frame 358
setProperty("/hp", _width , enemyhp / 3); setProperty("/yourhp", _width , yourhp); setProperty("/youren", _width , youren); timer = (getTimer() / 1000) - oldtimer;
Frame 362
setProperty("/hp", _width , enemyhp / 3); setProperty("/yourhp", _width , yourhp); timer = (getTimer() / 1000) - oldtimer;
Frame 364
setProperty("/hp", _width , enemyhp / 3); setProperty("/yourhp", _width , yourhp); setProperty("/youren", _width , youren); timer = (getTimer() / 1000) - oldtimer;
Frame 366
setProperty("/hp", _width , enemyhp / 3); setProperty("/yourhp", _width , yourhp); timer = (getTimer() / 1000) - oldtimer; if ((((countt < stopq) && (counttt < stopa)) && (countttt < stopz)) && (3 < timer)) { if (def == 0) { if (damage < yourhp) { yourhp = yourhp - damage; } else if (damage >= yourhp) { gotoAndPlay (473); } tellTarget ("/badguy") { gotoAndPlay ("attack"); }; tellTarget ("/lock") { gotoAndPlay ("taking hit"); }; count = 0; countt = 0; counttt = 0; countttt = 0; combo = 0; } else if (def == 1) { if ((damage / 5) < yourhp) { yourhp = yourhp - (damage / 5); } else if ((damage / 5) >= yourhp) { gotoAndPlay (473); } tellTarget ("/badguy") { gotoAndPlay ("attack"); }; } }
Frame 369
setProperty("/hp", _width , enemyhp / 3); setProperty("/yourhp", _width , yourhp); timer = (getTimer() / 1000) - oldtimer;
Frame 371
setProperty("/hp", _width , enemyhp / 3); setProperty("/yourhp", _width , yourhp); setProperty("/youren", _width , youren); timer = (getTimer() / 1000) - oldtimer;
Frame 372
gotoAndPlay (354);
Frame 405
wage = wage + (high * 10); if (hostage == 1) { setProperty("/gal1", _x , 560); } else if (hostage == 2) { setProperty("/gal2", _x , 560); } tellTarget ("/badguy") { gotoAndPlay ("winning"); };
Frame 470
if (hostage == 0) { gotoAndStop (471); } else { gotoAndStop (472); }
Instance of Symbol 56 MovieClip "mouse" in Frame 471
onClipEvent (load) { startDrag ("/mouse", true); }
Frame 472
Frame 473
if (hostage == 1) { setProperty("/gal1", _x , 560); } if (hostage == 2) { setProperty("/gal2", _x , 560); }
Frame 517
if (hostage == 0) { gotoAndStop (518); } else { gotoAndStop (519); }
Instance of Symbol 56 MovieClip "mouse" in Frame 518
onClipEvent (load) { startDrag ("/mouse", true); }
Frame 519
Frame 521
Instance of Symbol 56 MovieClip "mouse" in Frame 521
onClipEvent (load) { startDrag ("/mouse", true); }
Frame 522
setProperty("/hp", _width , enemyhp / 3); setProperty("/yourhp", _width , yourhp); timer = (getTimer() / 1000) - oldtimer; if ((((countt < stopq) && (counttt < stopa)) && (countttt < stopz)) && (3 < timer)) { if (def == 0) { if (damage < yourhp) { yourhp = yourhp - damage; } else if (damage >= yourhp) { gotoAndPlay (641); } tellTarget ("/badguy") { gotoAndPlay ("attack"); }; tellTarget ("/lock") { gotoAndPlay ("taking hit"); }; count = 0; countt = 0; counttt = 0; countttt = 0; combo = 0; } else if (def == 1) { if ((damage / 5) < yourhp) { yourhp = yourhp - (damage / 5); } else if ((damage / 5) >= yourhp) { gotoAndPlay (641); } tellTarget ("/badguy") { gotoAndPlay ("attack"); }; } }
Frame 524
setProperty("/hp", _width , enemyhp / 3); setProperty("/yourhp", _width , yourhp); setProperty("/youren", _width , youren); timer = (getTimer() / 1000) - oldtimer;
Frame 526
setProperty("/hp", _width , enemyhp / 3); setProperty("/yourhp", _width , yourhp); setProperty("/youren", _width , youren); timer = (getTimer() / 1000) - oldtimer;
Frame 530
setProperty("/hp", _width , enemyhp / 3); setProperty("/yourhp", _width , yourhp); timer = (getTimer() / 1000) - oldtimer;
Frame 532
setProperty("/hp", _width , enemyhp / 3); setProperty("/yourhp", _width , yourhp); setProperty("/youren", _width , youren); timer = (getTimer() / 1000) - oldtimer;
Frame 534
setProperty("/hp", _width , enemyhp / 3); setProperty("/yourhp", _width , yourhp); timer = (getTimer() / 1000) - oldtimer; if ((((countt < stopq) && (counttt < stopa)) && (countttt < stopz)) && (3 < timer)) { if (def == 0) { if (damage < yourhp) { yourhp = yourhp - damage; } else if (damage >= yourhp) { gotoAndPlay (641); } tellTarget ("/badguy") { gotoAndPlay ("attack"); }; tellTarget ("/lock") { gotoAndPlay ("taking hit"); }; count = 0; countt = 0; counttt = 0; countttt = 0; combo = 0; } else if (def == 1) { if ((damage / 5) < yourhp) { yourhp = yourhp - (damage / 5); } else if ((damage / 5) >= yourhp) { gotoAndPlay (641); } tellTarget ("/badguy") { gotoAndPlay ("attack"); }; } }
Frame 537
setProperty("/hp", _width , enemyhp / 3); setProperty("/yourhp", _width , yourhp); timer = (getTimer() / 1000) - oldtimer;
Frame 539
setProperty("/hp", _width , enemyhp / 3); setProperty("/yourhp", _width , yourhp); setProperty("/youren", _width , youren); timer = (getTimer() / 1000) - oldtimer;
Frame 540
gotoAndPlay (522);
Frame 573
wage = wage + (high * 10); tellTarget ("/badguy") { gotoAndPlay ("winning"); };
Frame 640
Instance of Symbol 56 MovieClip "mouse" in Frame 640
onClipEvent (load) { startDrag ("/mouse", true); }
Frame 687
Instance of Symbol 56 MovieClip "mouse" in Frame 687
onClipEvent (load) { startDrag ("/mouse", true); }
Frame 689
Instance of Symbol 56 MovieClip "mouse" in Frame 689
onClipEvent (load) { startDrag ("/mouse", true); }
Frame 690
setProperty("/hp", _width , enemyhp / 3); setProperty("/yourhp", _width , yourhp); timer = (getTimer() / 1000) - oldtimer; if ((((countt < stopq) && (counttt < stopa)) && (countttt < stopz)) && (3 < timer)) { if (def == 0) { if (damage < yourhp) { yourhp = yourhp - damage; } else if (damage >= yourhp) { gotoAndPlay (810); } tellTarget ("/badguy") { gotoAndPlay ("attack"); }; tellTarget ("/lock") { gotoAndPlay ("taking hit"); }; count = 0; countt = 0; counttt = 0; countttt = 0; combo = 0; } else if (def == 1) { if ((damage / 5) < yourhp) { yourhp = yourhp - (damage / 5); } else if ((damage / 5) >= yourhp) { gotoAndPlay (810); } tellTarget ("/badguy") { gotoAndPlay ("attack"); }; } }
Frame 692
setProperty("/hp", _width , enemyhp / 3); setProperty("/yourhp", _width , yourhp); setProperty("/youren", _width , youren); timer = (getTimer() / 1000) - oldtimer;
Frame 694
setProperty("/hp", _width , enemyhp / 3); setProperty("/yourhp", _width , yourhp); setProperty("/youren", _width , youren); timer = (getTimer() / 1000) - oldtimer;
Frame 698
setProperty("/hp", _width , enemyhp / 3); setProperty("/yourhp", _width , yourhp); timer = (getTimer() / 1000) - oldtimer;
Frame 700
setProperty("/hp", _width , enemyhp / 3); setProperty("/yourhp", _width , yourhp); setProperty("/youren", _width , youren); timer = (getTimer() / 1000) - oldtimer;
Frame 702
setProperty("/hp", _width , enemyhp / 3); setProperty("/yourhp", _width , yourhp); timer = (getTimer() / 1000) - oldtimer; if ((((countt < stopq) && (counttt < stopa)) && (countttt < stopz)) && (3 < timer)) { if (def == 0) { if (damage < yourhp) { yourhp = yourhp - damage; } else if (damage >= yourhp) { gotoAndPlay (810); } tellTarget ("/badguy") { gotoAndPlay ("attack"); }; tellTarget ("/lock") { gotoAndPlay ("taking hit"); }; count = 0; countt = 0; counttt = 0; countttt = 0; combo = 0; } else if (def == 1) { if ((damage / 5) < yourhp) { yourhp = yourhp - (damage / 5); } else if ((damage / 5) >= yourhp) { gotoAndPlay (810); } tellTarget ("/badguy") { gotoAndPlay ("attack"); }; } }
Frame 705
setProperty("/hp", _width , enemyhp / 3); setProperty("/yourhp", _width , yourhp); timer = (getTimer() / 1000) - oldtimer;
Frame 707
setProperty("/hp", _width , enemyhp / 3); setProperty("/yourhp", _width , yourhp); setProperty("/youren", _width , youren); timer = (getTimer() / 1000) - oldtimer;
Frame 708
gotoAndPlay (690);
Frame 741
wage = wage + (high * 10); tellTarget ("/badguy") { gotoAndPlay ("winning"); };
Frame 808
Instance of Symbol 56 MovieClip "mouse" in Frame 808
onClipEvent (load) { startDrag ("/mouse", true); }
Frame 856
Instance of Symbol 56 MovieClip "mouse" in Frame 856
onClipEvent (load) { startDrag ("/mouse", true); }
Frame 858
Instance of Symbol 56 MovieClip "mouse" in Frame 858
onClipEvent (load) { startDrag ("/mouse", true); }
Frame 859
setProperty("/hp", _width , enemyhp / 3); setProperty("/yourhp", _width , yourhp); timer = (getTimer() / 1000) - oldtimer; if ((((countt < stopq) && (counttt < stopa)) && (countttt < stopz)) && (3 < timer)) { if (def == 0) { if (damage < yourhp) { yourhp = yourhp - damage; } else if (damage >= yourhp) { gotoAndPlay (979); } tellTarget ("/badguy") { gotoAndPlay ("attack"); }; tellTarget ("/lock") { gotoAndPlay ("taking hit"); }; count = 0; countt = 0; counttt = 0; countttt = 0; combo = 0; } else if (def == 1) { if ((damage / 5) < yourhp) { yourhp = yourhp - (damage / 5); } else if ((damage / 5) >= yourhp) { gotoAndPlay (979); } tellTarget ("/badguy") { gotoAndPlay ("attack"); }; } }
Frame 861
setProperty("/hp", _width , enemyhp / 3); setProperty("/yourhp", _width , yourhp); setProperty("/youren", _width , youren); timer = (getTimer() / 1000) - oldtimer;
Frame 863
setProperty("/hp", _width , enemyhp / 3); setProperty("/yourhp", _width , yourhp); setProperty("/youren", _width , youren); timer = (getTimer() / 1000) - oldtimer;
Frame 867
setProperty("/hp", _width , enemyhp / 3); setProperty("/yourhp", _width , yourhp); timer = (getTimer() / 1000) - oldtimer;
Frame 869
setProperty("/hp", _width , enemyhp / 3); setProperty("/yourhp", _width , yourhp); setProperty("/youren", _width , youren); timer = (getTimer() / 1000) - oldtimer;
Frame 871
setProperty("/hp", _width , enemyhp / 3); setProperty("/yourhp", _width , yourhp); timer = (getTimer() / 1000) - oldtimer; if ((((countt < stopq) && (counttt < stopa)) && (countttt < stopz)) && (3 < timer)) { if (def == 0) { if (damage < yourhp) { yourhp = yourhp - damage; } else if (damage >= yourhp) { gotoAndPlay (979); } tellTarget ("/badguy") { gotoAndPlay ("attack"); }; tellTarget ("/lock") { gotoAndPlay ("taking hit"); }; count = 0; countt = 0; counttt = 0; countttt = 0; combo = 0; } else if (def == 1) { if ((damage / 5) < yourhp) { yourhp = yourhp - (damage / 5); } else if ((damage / 5) >= yourhp) { gotoAndPlay (979); } tellTarget ("/badguy") { gotoAndPlay ("attack"); }; } }
Frame 874
setProperty("/hp", _width , enemyhp / 3); setProperty("/yourhp", _width , yourhp); timer = (getTimer() / 1000) - oldtimer;
Frame 876
setProperty("/hp", _width , enemyhp / 3); setProperty("/yourhp", _width , yourhp); setProperty("/youren", _width , youren); timer = (getTimer() / 1000) - oldtimer;
Frame 877
gotoAndPlay (859);
Frame 910
wage = wage + (high * 10); tellTarget ("/badguy") { gotoAndPlay ("winning"); };
Frame 977
_quality = "HIGH"; gotoAndStop (2960);
Instance of Symbol 56 MovieClip "mouse" in Frame 977
onClipEvent (load) { startDrag ("/mouse", true); }
Frame 1025
Instance of Symbol 56 MovieClip "mouse" in Frame 1025
onClipEvent (load) { startDrag ("/mouse", true); }
Frame 1027
startDrag ("/mouse", true); x = 156; setProperty("/you", _x , x); x1 = 179; setProperty("/swim01", _x , x1); x2 = 142; setProperty("/swim02", _x , x2); speed = 1 + (st / 50); energy = 200; foggy = 0; breath = 1;
Instance of Symbol 56 MovieClip "mouse" in Frame 1027
onClipEvent (load) { startDrag ("/mouse", true); }
Frame 1039
Frame 1040
x = 156; setProperty("/you", _x , x); x1 = 179; setProperty("/swim03", _x , x1); speed = 1 + (st / 50); energy = 200; foggy = 0; breath = 1;
Frame 1087
if (choice == 0) { gotoAndPlay (1090); } else { gotoAndPlay (1088); }
Frame 1088
if ((breath != 0) && (energy < 200)) { energy = energy + 1; } if (foggy < 200) { foggy = foggy + 1; } if ((energy >= 50) && (foggy < 200)) { if (breath == 1) { tellTarget ("/cheer") { gotoAndStop (2); }; } else if (breath == 2) { tellTarget ("/cheer") { gotoAndStop (6); }; } } else if ((energy >= 50) && (foggy >= 200)) { tellTarget ("/cheer") { gotoAndStop (5); }; } else if (energy >= 5) { tellTarget ("/cheer") { gotoAndStop (3); }; } else if (energy < 5) { tellTarget ("/cheer") { gotoAndStop (4); }; } setProperty("/hp", _width , energy); setProperty("/fog", _width , foggy); if (x >= 567) { gotoAndPlay (1101); } if (x1 >= 585) { gotoAndPlay (1131); } if (x2 >= 548) { gotoAndPlay (1131); } x2 = x2 + speed2; setProperty("/swim02", _x , x2); x1 = x1 + speed1; setProperty("/swim01", _x , x1);
Frame 1089
gotoAndPlay (1088);
Frame 1090
if ((breath != 0) && (energy < 200)) { energy = energy + 1; } if (foggy < 200) { foggy = foggy + 1; } if ((energy >= 50) && (foggy < 200)) { if (breath == 1) { tellTarget ("/cheer") { gotoAndStop (2); }; } else if (breath == 2) { tellTarget ("/cheer") { gotoAndStop (6); }; } } else if ((energy >= 50) && (foggy >= 200)) { tellTarget ("/cheer") { gotoAndStop (5); }; } else if (energy >= 5) { tellTarget ("/cheer") { gotoAndStop (3); }; } else if (energy < 5) { tellTarget ("/cheer") { gotoAndStop (4); }; } setProperty("/hp", _width , energy); setProperty("/fog", _width , foggy); if (x >= 567) { gotoAndPlay (1101); } if (x1 >= 585) { gotoAndPlay (1131); } x1 = x1 + speed1; setProperty("/swim03", _x , x1);
Frame 1091
gotoAndPlay (1090);
Frame 1130
if (choice == 1) { wage = 100; money = money + wage; chadd = 5; stadd = 5; gotoAndStop (1162); } else if (choice == 2) { wage = 200; money = money + wage; chadd = 6; stadd = 6; gotoAndStop (1162); } else if (choice == 3) { wage = 400; money = money + wage; chadd = 7; stadd = 7; gotoAndStop (1162); } else if (choice == 4) { wage = 600; money = money + wage; chadd = 8; stadd = 8; gotoAndStop (1162); } else if (choice == 5) { wage = 800; money = money + wage; chadd = 10; stadd = 10; gotoAndStop (1162); } else if (choice == 0) { ship = ship + (ship / 5); ship2 = ship2 + (ship2 / 5); gotoAndStop (1164); }
Frame 1161
if (choice == 0) { ship = ship - (ship / 5); ship2 = ship2 - (ship2 / 5); gotoAndStop (1165); } else { chadd = 5; stadd = 5; gotoAndStop (1163); }
Frame 1173
startDrag ("/mouse", true);
Frame 1174
startDrag ("/mouse", true);
Frame 1175
startDrag ("/mouse", true);
Frame 1176
startDrag ("/mouse", true);
Frame 1177
startDrag ("/mouse", true);
Frame 1178
startDrag ("/mouse", true);
Frame 1179
startDrag ("/mouse", true);
Frame 1212
gotoAndStop (1173);
Frame 1217
startDrag ("/mouse", true);
Frame 1218
startDrag ("/mouse", true);
Frame 1219
startDrag ("/mouse", true); ship2 = ship2 - 50;
Frame 1220
startDrag ("/mouse", true); ship = ship - 50;
Frame 1221
startDrag ("/mouse", true);
Frame 1222
startDrag ("/mouse", true);
Frame 1226
startDrag ("/mouse", true); if (style == 1) { setProperty("/man1", _x , 105); } if (style == 2) { setProperty("/man2", _x , 120); } if (style == 3) { setProperty("/man3", _x , 105); } if (style == 4) { setProperty("/man4", _x , 120); } setProperty("/blood", _width , hp * 1.4);
Frame 1227
startDrag ("/mouse", true); if (mind == 1) { setProperty("/scouter", _x , -500); } if (gift1 == 1) { setProperty("/eye", _x , -500); } if (gift2 == 1) { setProperty("/fragance", _x , -500); } if (gift3 == 1) { setProperty("/knuckle", _x , -500); } if (gift4 == 1) { setProperty("/time", _x , -500); knmax = 300; } if (gift5 == 1) { setProperty("/fitness", _x , -500); } if (gift6 == 1) { setProperty("/fashion", _x , -500); } if (special >= 1) { setProperty("/neck", _x , -500); } if (goldbelt == 1) { setProperty("/belt", _x , -500); } if (trophy == 1) { setProperty("/trop", _x , -500); }
Frame 1228
startDrag ("/mouse", true);
Frame 1239
day = day + 1; if ((((((((((((((day == 6) or (day == 13)) or (day == 20)) or (day == 27)) or (day == 34)) or (day == 41)) or (day == 48)) or (day == 55)) or (day == 62)) or (day == 69)) or (day == 76)) or (day == 83)) or (day == 90)) or (day == 97)) { week = "SAT"; } else if ((((((((((((((day == 7) or (day == 14)) or (day == 21)) or (day == 28)) or (day == 35)) or (day == 42)) or (day == 49)) or (day == 56)) or (day == 63)) or (day == 70)) or (day == 77)) or (day == 84)) or (day == 91)) or (day == 98)) { week = "SUN"; } else if ((((((((((((((day == 5) or (day == 12)) or (day == 19)) or (day == 26)) or (day == 33)) or (day == 40)) or (day == 47)) or (day == 54)) or (day == 61)) or (day == 68)) or (day == 75)) or (day == 82)) or (day == 89)) or (day == 96)) { week = "FRI"; } else if ((((((((((((((day == 4) or (day == 11)) or (day == 18)) or (day == 25)) or (day == 32)) or (day == 39)) or (day == 46)) or (day == 53)) or (day == 60)) or (day == 67)) or (day == 74)) or (day == 81)) or (day == 88)) or (day == 95)) { week = "THU"; } else if ((((((((((((((day == 3) or (day == 10)) or (day == 17)) or (day == 24)) or (day == 31)) or (day == 38)) or (day == 45)) or (day == 52)) or (day == 59)) or (day == 66)) or (day == 73)) or (day == 80)) or (day == 87)) or (day == 94)) { week = "WED"; } else if (((((((((((((((day == 2) or (day == 9)) or (day == 16)) or (day == 23)) or (day == 30)) or (day == 37)) or (day == 44)) or (day == 51)) or (day == 58)) or (day == 65)) or (day == 72)) or (day == 79)) or (day == 86)) or (day == 93)) or (day == 100)) { week = "TUE"; } else { week = "MON"; }
Frame 1262
if (day == 100) { gotoAndStop (3753); } else if (day == 50) { gotoAndStop (3752); } else { if ((day >= 21) && (state4 == 1)) { karin_energy = (karin_energy - 10) - random(10); hygiene = (hygiene - 10) - random(5); if ((karin_energy < 40) or (hygiene < 40)) { health = (health - 10) - random(5); } if (karin_energy < 0) { karin_energy = 0; } if (hygiene < 0) { hygiene = 0; } if (health < 0) { health = 0; } ship4 = ship4 + int(((karin_energy + hygiene) + health) / 6); } if ((sch1 == "Fitness Center") && (money >= 180)) { money = money - 180; b1 = b1 + 16; } else if ((sch1 == "Beauty Salon") && (money >= 250)) { money = money - 250; s1 = s1 + 17; } else if ((sch1 == "Model School") && (money >= 200)) { money = money - 200; p1 = p1 + 17; } else if ((sch1 == "Club") && (money >= 100)) { money = money - 100; k1 = k1 + 16; } else if ((sch1 == "Temple") && (money >= 80)) { money = money - 80; l1 = l1 + 20; } if ((sch2 == "Fitness Center") && (money >= 180)) { money = money - 180; b2 = b2 + 19; } else if ((sch2 == "Beauty Salon") && (money >= 250)) { money = money - 250; s2 = s2 + 18; } else if ((sch2 == "Model School") && (money >= 200)) { money = money - 200; p2 = p2 + 18; } else if ((sch2 == "Club") && (money >= 100)) { money = money - 100; k2 = k2 + 18; } else if ((sch2 == "Temple") && (money >= 80)) { money = money - 80; l2 = l2 + 16; } if ((sch3 == "Fitness Center") && (money >= 180)) { money = money - 180; b3 = b3 + 18; } else if ((sch3 == "Beauty Salon") && (money >= 250)) { money = money - 250; s3 = s3 + 19; } else if ((sch3 == "Model School") && (money >= 200)) { money = money - 200; p3 = p3 + 19; } else if ((sch3 == "Club") && (money >= 100)) { money = money - 100; k3 = k3 + 18; } else if ((sch3 == "Temple") && (money >= 80)) { money = money - 80; l3 = l3 + 17; } if ((sch4 == "Fitness Center") && (money >= 180)) { money = money - 180; b4 = b4 + 20; } else if ((sch4 == "Beauty Salon") && (money >= 250)) { money = money - 250; s4 = s4 + 20; } else if ((sch4 == "Model School") && (money >= 200)) { money = money - 200; p4 = p4 + 20; } else if ((sch4 == "Club") && (money >= 100)) { money = money - 100; k4 = k4 + 20; } else if ((sch4 == "Temple") && (money >= 80)) { money = money - 80; l4 = l4 + 15; } gotoAndStop (23); }
Frame 1266
startDrag ("/mouse", true); if (msfukoma == 1) { setProperty("/crown3", _x , -2000); setProperty("/crown4", _x , -2000); } else if (msfukoma == 3) { setProperty("/crown1", _x , -2000); setProperty("/crown4", _x , -2000); } else if (msfukoma == 4) { setProperty("/crown3", _x , -2000); setProperty("/crown1", _x , -2000); } else if (msfukoma == 0) { setProperty("/crown3", _x , -2000); setProperty("/crown1", _x , -2000); setProperty("/crown4", _x , -2000); }
Frame 1296
gotoAndStop (1267);
Frame 1305
startDrag ("/mouse", true);
Frame 1354
startDrag ("/mouse", true);
Frame 1383
gotoAndStop (1354);
Frame 1413
gotoAndStop (1354);
Frame 1443
gotoAndStop (1354);
Frame 1451
startDrag ("/mouse", true);
Frame 1480
gotoAndStop (1451);
Frame 1511
gotoAndStop (1451);
Instance of Symbol 56 MovieClip "mouse" in Frame 1513
onClipEvent (load) { startDrag ("/mouse", true); }
Frame 1622
if (state5 == 1) { state5 = 2; level5 = "Good friend"; gotoAndStop (1631); } else if (state5 == 2) { state5 = 3; level5 = "Close friend"; gotoAndStop (1632); } else if (state5 == 3) { state5 = 4; level5 = "Girlfriend"; gotoAndStop (1633); } else if (state5 == 4) { state5 = 5; level5 = "Lover"; gotoAndStop (1634); }
Frame 1642
gotoAndStop (1527);
Instance of Symbol 56 MovieClip "mouse" in Frame 1646
onClipEvent (load) { startDrag ("/mouse", true); }
Frame 1655
gotoAndStop (1646);
Frame 1656
startDrag ("/mouse", true);
Frame 1735
startDrag ("/mouse", true);
Frame 1745
startDrag ("/mouse", true);
Frame 1751
gotoAndStop (1745);
Frame 1809
Frame 1816
gotoAndStop (1745);
Frame 1818
gotoAndStop (1745);
Frame 1822
if ((hygiene < 75) and (hygiene >= 50)) { setProperty("/lightdirt", _x , 190); setProperty("/meddirt", _x , -1000); setProperty("/superdirt", _x , -1000); } else if ((hygiene < 50) and (hygiene >= 25)) { setProperty("/lightdirt", _x , -1000); setProperty("/meddirt", _x , 188); setProperty("/superdirt", _x , -1000); } else if (hygiene < 25) { setProperty("/lightdirt", _x , -1000); setProperty("/meddirt", _x , -1000); setProperty("/superdirt", _x , 189); } else { setProperty("/lightdirt", _x , -1000); setProperty("/meddirt", _x , -1000); setProperty("/superdirt", _x , -1000); } if ((health < 50) and (0 < health)) { setProperty("/sick", _x , 226.3); } else if (health >= 50) { setProperty("/sick", _x , -1000); } else { gotoAndStop (1827); }
Instance of Symbol 56 MovieClip "mouse" in Frame 1822
onClipEvent (load) { startDrag ("/mouse", true); }
Frame 1823
Frame 1928
gotoAndStop (1828);
Frame 2022
startDrag ("/mouse", true);
Instance of Symbol 56 MovieClip "mouse" in Frame 2023
onClipEvent (load) { startDrag ("/mouse", true); }
Frame 2123
if (state3 == 3) { setProperty("/body", _x , -1000); setProperty("/air", _x , -1000); setProperty("/fuel", _x , -1000); setProperty("/catal", _x , -1000); setProperty("/shields", _x , -1000); } else if (state3 == 4) { setProperty("/air", _x , -1000); setProperty("/fuel", _x , -1000); setProperty("/catal", _x , -1000); setProperty("/shields", _x , -1000); } else if (state3 == 5) { setProperty("/fuel", _x , -1000); setProperty("/catal", _x , -1000); setProperty("/shields", _x , -1000); } else if (state3 == 6) { setProperty("/catal", _x , -1000); setProperty("/shields", _x , -1000); } else if (state3 == 7) { setProperty("/shields", _x , -1000); }
Frame 2126
if (state3 == 3) { setProperty("/body", _x , -1000); setProperty("/air", _x , -1000); setProperty("/fuel", _x , -1000); setProperty("/catal", _x , -1000); setProperty("/shields", _x , -1000); } else if (state3 == 4) { setProperty("/air", _x , -1000); setProperty("/fuel", _x , -1000); setProperty("/catal", _x , -1000); setProperty("/shields", _x , -1000); } else if (state3 == 5) { setProperty("/fuel", _x , -1000); setProperty("/catal", _x , -1000); setProperty("/shields", _x , -1000); } else if (state3 == 6) { setProperty("/catal", _x , -1000); setProperty("/shields", _x , -1000); } else if (state3 == 7) { setProperty("/shields", _x , -1000); }
Frame 2156
startDrag ("/mouse", true);
Frame 2190
Frame 2200
Frame 2205
startDrag ("/mouse", true);
Instance of Symbol 56 MovieClip "mouse" in Frame 2274
onClipEvent (load) { startDrag ("/mouse", true); }
Frame 2328
Frame 2354
Instance of Symbol 56 MovieClip "mouse" in Frame 2371
onClipEvent (load) { startDrag ("/mouse", true); }
Frame 2394
Instance of Symbol 56 MovieClip "mouse" in Frame 2394
onClipEvent (load) { startDrag ("/mouse", true); }
Frame 2410
Instance of Symbol 56 MovieClip "mouse" in Frame 2425
onClipEvent (load) { startDrag ("/mouse", true); }
Frame 2455
Frame 3033
Frame 3118
Frame 3119
Instance of Symbol 56 MovieClip "mouse" in Frame 3119
onClipEvent (load) { startDrag ("/mouse", true); }
Frame 3136
Frame 3137
tellTarget ("/lock") { gotoAndPlay ("hit3"); };
Frame 3164
Frame 3187
Frame 3206
Frame 3219
startDrag ("/mouse", true);
Instance of Symbol 56 MovieClip "mouse" in Frame 3254
onClipEvent (load) { startDrag ("/mouse", true); }
Frame 3322
Frame 3344
startDrag ("/mouse", true);
Frame 3376
startDrag ("/mouse", true);
Instance of Symbol 56 MovieClip "mouse" in Frame 3403
onClipEvent (load) { startDrag ("/mouse", true); }
Frame 3407
score1 = ((((b1 + s1) + p1) + k1) + l1) + int(pop1 / 10); score3 = ((((b3 + s3) + p3) + k3) + l3) + int(pop3 / 10); score4 = ((((b4 + s4) + p4) + k4) + l4) + int(pop4 / 10);
Frame 3549
Frame 3665
Frame 3697
Frame 3736
gotoAndPlay (1229);
Instance of Symbol 56 MovieClip "mouse" in Frame 3752
onClipEvent (load) { startDrag ("/mouse", true); }
Frame 3877
Frame 3914
stopAllSounds(); stop();
Instance of Symbol 56 MovieClip "mouse" in Frame 3924
onClipEvent (load) { startDrag ("/mouse", true); }
Frame 3968
Instance of Symbol 56 MovieClip "mouse" in Frame 4000
onClipEvent (load) { startDrag ("/mouse", true); }
Frame 4026
if ((tool == 0) or (spoton == 0)) { tellTarget ("/head") { gotoAndPlay ("normal"); }; pleasure = pleasure - 0.5; } if (tool == 0) { round = random(10); if (round == 0) { tellTarget ("/head") { gotoAndPlay ("talk"); }; tellTarget ("/soundclip") { gotoAndPlay ("charm"); }; } else if (round == 1) { tellTarget ("/head") { gotoAndPlay ("talk"); }; tellTarget ("/soundclip") { gotoAndPlay ("leave"); }; } else if (round == 2) { tellTarget ("/head") { gotoAndPlay ("talk"); }; tellTarget ("/soundclip") { gotoAndPlay ("love"); }; } else if (round == 3) { tellTarget ("/head") { gotoAndPlay ("talk"); }; tellTarget ("/soundclip") { gotoAndPlay ("lovehate"); }; } }
Frame 4054
gotoAndPlay (4000);
Frame 4055
startDrag ("/mouse", true); tellTarget ("/mouse") { gotoAndStop (1); }; if (tool == 4) { tellTarget ("/hand") { gotoAndStop (1); }; tellTarget ("/head") { gotoAndPlay ("mouthopen"); }; tellTarget ("/tool") { gotoAndStop (2); }; }
Instance of Symbol 56 MovieClip "mouse" in Frame 4055
onClipEvent (load) { startDrag ("/mouse", true); }
Frame 4056
round = random(10); if (5 < round) { tellTarget ("/soundclip") { gotoAndPlay ("ahh"); }; tellTarget ("/head") { gotoAndPlay ("mouthopen"); }; }
Frame 4064
gotoAndStop (4055);
Instance of Symbol 56 MovieClip "mouse" in Frame 4086
onClipEvent (load) { startDrag ("/mouse", true); }
Frame 4112
if ((tool == 0) or (spoton == 0)) { tellTarget ("/head") { gotoAndPlay ("normal"); }; pleasure = pleasure - 0.5; } if (tool == 0) { round = random(10); if (round == 0) { tellTarget ("/head") { gotoAndPlay ("talk"); }; tellTarget ("/soundclip") { gotoAndPlay ("charm"); }; } else if (round == 1) { tellTarget ("/head") { gotoAndPlay ("talk"); }; tellTarget ("/soundclip") { gotoAndPlay ("leave"); }; } else if (round == 2) { tellTarget ("/head") { gotoAndPlay ("talk"); }; tellTarget ("/soundclip") { gotoAndPlay ("love"); }; } else if (round == 3) { tellTarget ("/head") { gotoAndPlay ("talk"); }; tellTarget ("/soundclip") { gotoAndPlay ("lovehate"); }; } }
Frame 4140
gotoAndPlay (4086);
Frame 4370
gotoAndPlay (4086);
Instance of Symbol 56 MovieClip "mouse" in Frame 4371
onClipEvent (load) { startDrag ("/mouse", true); }
Frame 4377
gotoAndStop (4371);
Frame 4435
Frame 4440
gotoAndStop (4371);
Frame 4442
gotoAndStop (4371);
Frame 4444
gotoAndStop (4371);
Frame 4448
gotoAndStop (4371);
Frame 4471
gotoAndStop (4446);
Frame 4496
gotoAndStop (4446);
Frame 4521
gotoAndStop (4446);
Instance of Symbol 56 MovieClip "mouse" in Frame 4522
onClipEvent (load) { startDrag ("/mouse", true); }
Frame 4535
gotoAndStop (4522);
Frame 4541
gotoAndStop (4522);
Frame 4543
gotoAndStop (4522);
Frame 4601
Frame 4606
gotoAndStop (4522);
Frame 4608
gotoAndStop (4522);
Frame 4610
gotoAndStop (4522);
Frame 4614
gotoAndStop (4522);
Frame 4637
gotoAndStop (4612);
Frame 4662
gotoAndStop (4612);
Frame 4687
gotoAndStop (4612);
Instance of Symbol 56 MovieClip "mouse" in Frame 4688
onClipEvent (load) { startDrag ("/mouse", true); }
Frame 4694
gotoAndStop (4688);
Frame 4698
gotoAndStop (4688);
Frame 4701
gotoAndStop (4688);
Frame 4707
gotoAndStop (4688);
Frame 4709
gotoAndStop (4688);
Frame 4711
gotoAndStop (4688);
Frame 4713
gotoAndStop (4688);
Frame 4715
gotoAndStop (4688);
Frame 4781
gotoAndStop (4688);
Frame 4803
gotoAndStop (4778);
Frame 4828
gotoAndStop (4778);
Frame 4853
gotoAndStop (4778);
Frame 4855
if (mind == 1) { setProperty("/cross", _x , -100); }
Instance of Symbol 56 MovieClip "mouse" in Frame 4855
onClipEvent (load) { startDrag ("/mouse", true); }
Frame 4861
gotoAndStop (4855);
Frame 4866
gotoAndStop (4855);
Frame 4868
gotoAndStop (4855);
Frame 4874
gotoAndStop (4855);
Frame 4876
gotoAndStop (4855);
Frame 4878
gotoAndStop (4855);
Frame 4880
gotoAndStop (4855);
Frame 4882
gotoAndStop (4855);
Frame 4884
gotoAndStop (4855);
Frame 4888
gotoAndStop (4855);
Frame 4909
Frame 4910
gotoAndStop (4855);
Frame 4948
gotoAndStop (4855);
Frame 4970
gotoAndStop (4945);
Frame 4995
gotoAndStop (4945);
Frame 5020
gotoAndStop (4945);
Instance of Symbol 56 MovieClip "mouse" in Frame 5022
onClipEvent (load) { startDrag ("/mouse", true); }
Frame 5028
gotoAndStop (5022);
Frame 5086
Frame 5091
gotoAndStop (5022);
Frame 5093
gotoAndStop (5022);
Frame 5095
gotoAndStop (5022);
Frame 5099
gotoAndStop (5022);
Frame 5122
gotoAndStop (5097);
Frame 5147
gotoAndStop (5097);
Frame 5172
gotoAndStop (5097);
Instance of Symbol 56 MovieClip "mouse" in Frame 5173
onClipEvent (load) { startDrag ("/mouse", true); }
Frame 5186
gotoAndStop (5173);
Frame 5192
gotoAndStop (5173);
Frame 5194
gotoAndStop (5173);
Frame 5252
Frame 5257
gotoAndStop (5173);
Frame 5259
gotoAndStop (5173);
Frame 5261
gotoAndStop (5173);
Frame 5265
gotoAndStop (5173);
Frame 5288
gotoAndStop (5263);
Frame 5313
gotoAndStop (5263);
Frame 5338
gotoAndStop (5263);
Instance of Symbol 56 MovieClip "mouse" in Frame 5339
onClipEvent (load) { startDrag ("/mouse", true); }
Frame 5345
gotoAndStop (5339);
Frame 5349
gotoAndStop (5339);
Frame 5352
gotoAndStop (5339);
Frame 5358
gotoAndStop (5339);
Frame 5360
gotoAndStop (5339);
Frame 5362
gotoAndStop (5339);
Frame 5364
gotoAndStop (5339);
Frame 5366
gotoAndStop (5339);
Frame 5432
gotoAndStop (5339);
Frame 5454
gotoAndStop (5429);
Frame 5479
gotoAndStop (5429);
Frame 5504
gotoAndStop (5429);
Frame 5506
if (mind == 1) { setProperty("/cross", _x , -100); }
Instance of Symbol 56 MovieClip "mouse" in Frame 5506
onClipEvent (load) { startDrag ("/mouse", true); }
Frame 5512
gotoAndStop (5506);
Frame 5517
gotoAndStop (5506);
Frame 5519
gotoAndStop (5506);
Frame 5525
gotoAndStop (5506);
Frame 5527
gotoAndStop (5506);
Frame 5529
gotoAndStop (5506);
Frame 5531
gotoAndStop (5506);
Frame 5533
gotoAndStop (5506);
Frame 5535
gotoAndStop (5506);
Frame 5539
gotoAndStop (5506);
Frame 5560
Frame 5561
gotoAndStop (5506);
Frame 5599
gotoAndStop (5506);
Frame 5621
gotoAndStop (5596);
Frame 5646
gotoAndStop (5596);
Frame 5671
gotoAndStop (5596);
Instance of Symbol 56 MovieClip "mouse" in Frame 5673
onClipEvent (load) { startDrag ("/mouse", true); }
Instance of Symbol 56 MovieClip "mouse" in Frame 5674
onClipEvent (load) { startDrag ("/mouse", true); }
Instance of Symbol 56 MovieClip "mouse" in Frame 5679
onClipEvent (load) { startDrag ("/mouse", true); }
Frame 5683
gotoAndStop (5679);
Frame 5685
gotoAndStop (5679);
Frame 5838
gotoAndStop (5679);
Instance of Symbol 56 MovieClip "mouse" in Frame 5839
onClipEvent (load) { startDrag ("/mouse", true); }
Frame 5843
gotoAndStop (5839);
Frame 5998
gotoAndStop (5839);
Instance of Symbol 56 MovieClip "mouse" in Frame 5999
onClipEvent (load) { startDrag ("/mouse", true); }
Instance of Symbol 56 MovieClip "mouse" in Frame 6003
onClipEvent (load) { startDrag ("/mouse", true); }
Instance of Symbol 56 MovieClip "mouse" in Frame 6005
onClipEvent (load) { Mouse.hide(); startDrag ("/mouse", true); }
Instance of Symbol 56 MovieClip "mouse" in Frame 6026
onClipEvent (load) { startDrag ("/mouse", true); }
Frame 6027
Frame 6028
Frame 6030
setProperty("/blood", _width , mood / 3); if (cond == 0) { if (50 >= mood) { tellTarget ("/facial") { gotoAndStop (4); }; } else if (mood < 100) { tellTarget ("/facial") { gotoAndStop (3); }; } else if (mood < 150) { tellTarget ("/facial") { gotoAndStop (1); }; } else if (mood < 200) { tellTarget ("/facial") { gotoAndStop (2); }; } else if ((300 >= mood) and (ship >= 2000)) { tellTarget ("/facial") { gotoAndStop (5); }; } else if (300 >= mood) { tellTarget ("/facial") { gotoAndStop (2); }; } } else if (cond == 1) { tellTarget ("/facial") { gotoAndStop (6); }; } else if (cond == 2) { tellTarget ("/facial") { gotoAndStop (7); }; }
Instance of Symbol 56 MovieClip "mouse" in Frame 6030
onClipEvent (load) { startDrag ("/mouse", true); }
Frame 6046
setProperty("/blood", _width , mood / 3); if (cond == 0) { if (50 >= mood) { tellTarget ("/facial") { gotoAndStop (4); }; } else if (mood < 100) { tellTarget ("/facial") { gotoAndStop (3); }; } else if (mood < 150) { tellTarget ("/facial") { gotoAndStop (1); }; } else if (mood < 200) { tellTarget ("/facial") { gotoAndStop (2); }; } else if ((300 >= mood) and (ship >= 1500)) { tellTarget ("/facial") { gotoAndStop (5); }; } else if (300 >= mood) { tellTarget ("/facial") { gotoAndStop (2); }; } } else if (cond == 1) { tellTarget ("/facial") { gotoAndStop (6); }; } else if (cond == 2) { tellTarget ("/facial") { gotoAndStop (7); }; }
Frame 6053
Frame 6079
Frame 6229
if (kiss == 1) { gotoAndPlay (6230); } else { gotoAndStop (6030); }
Frame 6289
Frame 6298
gotoAndStop (6030);
Frame 6320
gotoAndStop (6046);
Frame 6345
gotoAndStop (6046);
Frame 6370
gotoAndStop (6046);
Frame 6371
setProperty("/blood", _width , mood / 3); if (cond == 0) { if (50 >= mood) { tellTarget ("/facial") { gotoAndStop (4); }; } else if (mood < 100) { tellTarget ("/facial") { gotoAndStop (3); }; } else if (mood < 150) { tellTarget ("/facial") { gotoAndStop (1); }; } else if (mood < 200) { tellTarget ("/facial") { gotoAndStop (2); }; } else if ((300 >= mood) and (ship >= 2000)) { tellTarget ("/facial") { gotoAndStop (5); }; } else if (300 >= mood) { tellTarget ("/facial") { gotoAndStop (2); }; } } else if (cond == 1) { tellTarget ("/facial") { gotoAndStop (6); }; } else if (cond == 2) { tellTarget ("/facial") { gotoAndStop (7); }; }
Instance of Symbol 56 MovieClip "mouse" in Frame 6371
onClipEvent (load) { startDrag ("/mouse", true); }
Frame 6387
setProperty("/blood", _width , mood / 3); if (cond == 0) { if (50 >= mood) { tellTarget ("/facial") { gotoAndStop (4); }; } else if (mood < 100) { tellTarget ("/facial") { gotoAndStop (3); }; } else if (mood < 150) { tellTarget ("/facial") { gotoAndStop (1); }; } else if (mood < 200) { tellTarget ("/facial") { gotoAndStop (2); }; } else if ((300 >= mood) and (ship >= 1500)) { tellTarget ("/facial") { gotoAndStop (5); }; } else if (300 >= mood) { tellTarget ("/facial") { gotoAndStop (2); }; } } else if (cond == 1) { tellTarget ("/facial") { gotoAndStop (6); }; } else if (cond == 2) { tellTarget ("/facial") { gotoAndStop (7); }; }
Frame 6394
Frame 6420
Frame 6570
if (kiss == 1) { gotoAndPlay (6571); } else { gotoAndStop (6371); }
Frame 6630
Frame 6639
gotoAndStop (6371);
Frame 6661
gotoAndStop (6387);
Frame 6686
gotoAndStop (6387);
Frame 6711
gotoAndStop (6387);
Frame 6725
setProperty("/blood", _width , mood / 3); if (cond == 0) { if (50 >= mood) { tellTarget ("/facial") { gotoAndStop (4); }; } else if (mood < 100) { tellTarget ("/facial") { gotoAndStop (3); }; } else if (mood < 150) { tellTarget ("/facial") { gotoAndStop (1); }; } else if (mood < 200) { tellTarget ("/facial") { gotoAndStop (2); }; } else if ((300 >= mood) and (ship >= 2000)) { tellTarget ("/facial") { gotoAndStop (5); }; } else if (300 >= mood) { tellTarget ("/facial") { gotoAndStop (2); }; } } else if (cond == 1) { tellTarget ("/facial") { gotoAndStop (6); }; } else if (cond == 2) { tellTarget ("/facial") { gotoAndStop (7); }; }
Instance of Symbol 56 MovieClip "mouse" in Frame 6725
onClipEvent (load) { startDrag ("/mouse", true); }
Frame 6748
Frame 6774
Frame 6924
if (kiss == 1) { gotoAndPlay (6925); } else { gotoAndStop (6725); }
Frame 6984
Frame 6993
gotoAndStop (6725);
Frame 7015
gotoAndStop (6741);
Frame 7040
gotoAndStop (6741);
Frame 7065
gotoAndStop (6741);
Frame 7078
setProperty("/blood", _width , mood / 3); if (cond == 0) { if (50 >= mood) { tellTarget ("/facial") { gotoAndStop (4); }; } else if (mood < 100) { tellTarget ("/facial") { gotoAndStop (3); }; } else if (mood < 150) { tellTarget ("/facial") { gotoAndStop (1); }; } else if (mood < 200) { tellTarget ("/facial") { gotoAndStop (2); }; } else if ((300 >= mood) and (ship >= 2000)) { tellTarget ("/facial") { gotoAndStop (5); }; } else if (300 >= mood) { tellTarget ("/facial") { gotoAndStop (2); }; } } else if (cond == 1) { tellTarget ("/facial") { gotoAndStop (6); }; } else if (cond == 2) { tellTarget ("/facial") { gotoAndStop (7); }; }
Instance of Symbol 56 MovieClip "mouse" in Frame 7078
onClipEvent (load) { startDrag ("/mouse", true); }
Frame 7101
Frame 7127
Frame 7277
if (kiss == 1) { gotoAndPlay (7278); } else { gotoAndStop (7078); }
Frame 7337
Frame 7346
gotoAndStop (7078);
Frame 7368
gotoAndStop (7094);
Frame 7393
gotoAndStop (7094);
Frame 7418
gotoAndStop (7094);
Frame 7431
setProperty("/blood", _width , mood / 3); if (cond == 0) { if (50 >= mood) { tellTarget ("/facial") { gotoAndStop (4); }; } else if (mood < 100) { tellTarget ("/facial") { gotoAndStop (3); }; } else if (mood < 150) { tellTarget ("/facial") { gotoAndStop (1); }; } else if (mood < 200) { tellTarget ("/facial") { gotoAndStop (2); }; } else if ((300 >= mood) and (ship >= 2000)) { tellTarget ("/facial") { gotoAndStop (5); }; } else if (300 >= mood) { tellTarget ("/facial") { gotoAndStop (2); }; } } else if (cond == 1) { tellTarget ("/facial") { gotoAndStop (6); }; } else if (cond == 2) { tellTarget ("/facial") { gotoAndStop (7); }; }
Instance of Symbol 56 MovieClip "mouse" in Frame 7431
onClipEvent (load) { startDrag ("/mouse", true); }
Frame 7454
Frame 7480
Frame 7630
if (kiss == 1) { gotoAndPlay (7631); } else { gotoAndStop (7431); }
Frame 7690
Frame 7699
gotoAndStop (7431);
Frame 7721
gotoAndStop (7447);
Frame 7746
gotoAndStop (7447);
Frame 7771
gotoAndStop (7447);
Frame 7784
setProperty("/blood", _width , mood / 3); if (cond == 0) { if (50 >= mood) { tellTarget ("/facial") { gotoAndStop (4); }; } else if (mood < 100) { tellTarget ("/facial") { gotoAndStop (3); }; } else if (mood < 150) { tellTarget ("/facial") { gotoAndStop (1); }; } else if (mood < 200) { tellTarget ("/facial") { gotoAndStop (2); }; } else if ((300 >= mood) and (ship >= 2000)) { tellTarget ("/facial") { gotoAndStop (5); }; } else if (300 >= mood) { tellTarget ("/facial") { gotoAndStop (2); }; } } else if (cond == 1) { tellTarget ("/facial") { gotoAndStop (6); }; } else if (cond == 2) { tellTarget ("/facial") { gotoAndStop (7); }; }
Instance of Symbol 56 MovieClip "mouse" in Frame 7784
onClipEvent (load) { startDrag ("/mouse", true); }
Frame 7807
Frame 7833
Frame 7983
if (kiss == 1) { gotoAndPlay (7984); } else { gotoAndStop (7784); }
Frame 8043
Frame 8052
gotoAndStop (7784);
Frame 8074
gotoAndStop (7800);
Frame 8099
gotoAndStop (7800);
Frame 8124
gotoAndStop (7800);
Instance of Symbol 56 MovieClip "mouse" in Frame 8137
onClipEvent (load) { startDrag ("/mouse", true); }
Frame 8138
Frame 8139
Frame 8140
setProperty("/blood", _width , mood / 3); if (cond == 0) { if (50 >= mood) { tellTarget ("/facial2") { gotoAndStop (4); }; } else if (mood < 100) { tellTarget ("/facial2") { gotoAndStop (3); }; } else if (mood < 150) { tellTarget ("/facial2") { gotoAndStop (1); }; } else if (mood < 200) { tellTarget ("/facial2") { gotoAndStop (2); }; } else if ((300 >= mood) and (ship2 >= 2000)) { tellTarget ("/facial2") { gotoAndStop (5); }; } else if (300 >= mood) { tellTarget ("/facial2") { gotoAndStop (2); }; } } else if (cond == 1) { tellTarget ("/facial2") { gotoAndStop (6); }; } else if (cond == 2) { tellTarget ("/facial2") { gotoAndStop (7); }; }
Instance of Symbol 56 MovieClip "mouse" in Frame 8140
onClipEvent (load) { startDrag ("/mouse", true); }
Frame 8156
setProperty("/blood", _width , mood / 3); if (cond == 0) { if (50 >= mood) { tellTarget ("/facial2") { gotoAndStop (4); }; } else if (mood < 100) { tellTarget ("/facial2") { gotoAndStop (3); }; } else if (mood < 150) { tellTarget ("/facial2") { gotoAndStop (1); }; } else if (mood < 200) { tellTarget ("/facial2") { gotoAndStop (2); }; } else if ((300 >= mood) and (ship2 >= 1500)) { tellTarget ("/facial2") { gotoAndStop (5); }; } else if (300 >= mood) { tellTarget ("/facial2") { gotoAndStop (2); }; } } else if (cond == 1) { tellTarget ("/facial2") { gotoAndStop (6); }; } else if (cond == 2) { tellTarget ("/facial2") { gotoAndStop (7); }; }
Frame 8163
Frame 8189
Frame 8339
if (kiss2 == 1) { gotoAndPlay (8340); } else { gotoAndStop (8140); }
Frame 8399
Frame 8408
gotoAndStop (8140);
Frame 8430
gotoAndStop (8156);
Frame 8455
gotoAndStop (8156);
Frame 8480
gotoAndStop (8156);
Frame 8493
setProperty("/blood", _width , mood / 3); if (cond == 0) { if (50 >= mood) { tellTarget ("/facial2") { gotoAndStop (4); }; } else if (mood < 100) { tellTarget ("/facial2") { gotoAndStop (3); }; } else if (mood < 150) { tellTarget ("/facial2") { gotoAndStop (1); }; } else if (mood < 200) { tellTarget ("/facial2") { gotoAndStop (2); }; } else if ((300 >= mood) and (ship2 >= 2000)) { tellTarget ("/facial2") { gotoAndStop (5); }; } else if (300 >= mood) { tellTarget ("/facial2") { gotoAndStop (2); }; } } else if (cond == 1) { tellTarget ("/facial2") { gotoAndStop (6); }; } else if (cond == 2) { tellTarget ("/facial2") { gotoAndStop (7); }; }
Instance of Symbol 56 MovieClip "mouse" in Frame 8493
onClipEvent (load) { startDrag ("/mouse", true); }
Frame 8509
setProperty("/blood", _width , mood / 3); if (cond == 0) { if (50 >= mood) { tellTarget ("/facial2") { gotoAndStop (4); }; } else if (mood < 100) { tellTarget ("/facial2") { gotoAndStop (3); }; } else if (mood < 150) { tellTarget ("/facial2") { gotoAndStop (1); }; } else if (mood < 200) { tellTarget ("/facial2") { gotoAndStop (2); }; } else if ((300 >= mood) and (ship2 >= 1500)) { tellTarget ("/facial2") { gotoAndStop (5); }; } else if (300 >= mood) { tellTarget ("/facial2") { gotoAndStop (2); }; } } else if (cond == 1) { tellTarget ("/facial2") { gotoAndStop (6); }; } else if (cond == 2) { tellTarget ("/facial2") { gotoAndStop (7); }; }
Frame 8516
Frame 8542
Frame 8692
if (kiss2 == 1) { gotoAndPlay (8693); } else { gotoAndStop (8493); }
Frame 8752
Frame 8761
gotoAndStop (8493);
Frame 8783
gotoAndStop (8509);
Frame 8808
gotoAndStop (8509);
Frame 8833
gotoAndStop (8509);
Frame 8846
setProperty("/blood", _width , mood / 3); if (cond == 0) { if (50 >= mood) { tellTarget ("/facial2") { gotoAndStop (4); }; } else if (mood < 100) { tellTarget ("/facial2") { gotoAndStop (3); }; } else if (mood < 150) { tellTarget ("/facial2") { gotoAndStop (1); }; } else if (mood < 200) { tellTarget ("/facial2") { gotoAndStop (2); }; } else if ((300 >= mood) and (ship2 >= 2000)) { tellTarget ("/facial2") { gotoAndStop (5); }; } else if (300 >= mood) { tellTarget ("/facial2") { gotoAndStop (2); }; } } else if (cond == 1) { tellTarget ("/facial2") { gotoAndStop (6); }; } else if (cond == 2) { tellTarget ("/facial2") { gotoAndStop (7); }; }
Instance of Symbol 56 MovieClip "mouse" in Frame 8846
onClipEvent (load) { startDrag ("/mouse", true); }
Frame 8862
setProperty("/blood", _width , mood / 3); if (cond == 0) { if (50 >= mood) { tellTarget ("/facial2") { gotoAndStop (4); }; } else if (mood < 100) { tellTarget ("/facial2") { gotoAndStop (3); }; } else if (mood < 150) { tellTarget ("/facial2") { gotoAndStop (1); }; } else if (mood < 200) { tellTarget ("/facial2") { gotoAndStop (2); }; } else if ((300 >= mood) and (ship2 >= 1500)) { tellTarget ("/facial2") { gotoAndStop (5); }; } else if (300 >= mood) { tellTarget ("/facial2") { gotoAndStop (2); }; } } else if (cond == 1) { tellTarget ("/facial2") { gotoAndStop (6); }; } else if (cond == 2) { tellTarget ("/facial2") { gotoAndStop (7); }; }
Frame 8869
Frame 8895
Frame 9045
if (kiss2 == 1) { gotoAndPlay (9046); } else { gotoAndStop (8846); }
Frame 9105
Frame 9114
gotoAndStop (8846);
Frame 9136
gotoAndStop (8862);
Frame 9161
gotoAndStop (8862);
Frame 9186
gotoAndStop (8862);
Frame 9199
setProperty("/blood", _width , mood / 3); if (cond == 0) { if (50 >= mood) { tellTarget ("/facial2") { gotoAndStop (4); }; } else if (mood < 100) { tellTarget ("/facial2") { gotoAndStop (3); }; } else if (mood < 150) { tellTarget ("/facial2") { gotoAndStop (1); }; } else if (mood < 200) { tellTarget ("/facial2") { gotoAndStop (2); }; } else if ((300 >= mood) and (ship2 >= 2000)) { tellTarget ("/facial2") { gotoAndStop (5); }; } else if (300 >= mood) { tellTarget ("/facial2") { gotoAndStop (2); }; } } else if (cond == 1) { tellTarget ("/facial2") { gotoAndStop (6); }; } else if (cond == 2) { tellTarget ("/facial2") { gotoAndStop (7); }; }
Instance of Symbol 56 MovieClip "mouse" in Frame 9199
onClipEvent (load) { startDrag ("/mouse", true); }
Frame 9215
setProperty("/blood", _width , mood / 3); if (cond == 0) { if (50 >= mood) { tellTarget ("/facial2") { gotoAndStop (4); }; } else if (mood < 100) { tellTarget ("/facial2") { gotoAndStop (3); }; } else if (mood < 150) { tellTarget ("/facial2") { gotoAndStop (1); }; } else if (mood < 200) { tellTarget ("/facial2") { gotoAndStop (2); }; } else if ((300 >= mood) and (ship2 >= 1500)) { tellTarget ("/facial2") { gotoAndStop (5); }; } else if (300 >= mood) { tellTarget ("/facial2") { gotoAndStop (2); }; } } else if (cond == 1) { tellTarget ("/facial2") { gotoAndStop (6); }; } else if (cond == 2) { tellTarget ("/facial2") { gotoAndStop (7); }; }
Frame 9222
Frame 9248
Frame 9398
if (kiss2 == 1) { gotoAndPlay (9399); } else { gotoAndStop (9199); }
Frame 9458
Frame 9467
gotoAndStop (9199);
Frame 9489
gotoAndStop (9215);
Frame 9514
gotoAndStop (9215);
Frame 9539
gotoAndStop (9215);
Frame 9552
setProperty("/blood", _width , mood / 3); if (cond == 0) { if (50 >= mood) { tellTarget ("/facial") { gotoAndStop (4); }; } else if (mood < 100) { tellTarget ("/facial") { gotoAndStop (3); }; } else if (mood < 150) { tellTarget ("/facial") { gotoAndStop (1); }; } else if (mood < 200) { tellTarget ("/facial") { gotoAndStop (2); }; } else if ((mood < 300) and (ship >= 2000)) { tellTarget ("/facial") { gotoAndStop (5); }; } else if (mood < 300) { tellTarget ("/facial") { gotoAndStop (2); }; } else if (mood >= 300) { gotoAndPlay (9752); } } else if (cond == 1) { tellTarget ("/facial") { gotoAndStop (6); }; } else if (cond == 2) { tellTarget ("/facial") { gotoAndStop (7); }; }
Instance of Symbol 56 MovieClip "mouse" in Frame 9552
onClipEvent (load) { startDrag ("/mouse", true); }
Frame 9562
gotoAndStop (9552);
Frame 9575
Frame 9601
Frame 9751
stopAllSounds(); gotoAndStop (9552);
Frame 9811
Frame 9812
gotoAndStop (9552);
Frame 9820
gotoAndStop (9552);
Frame 9842
gotoAndStop (9568);
Frame 9867
gotoAndStop (9568);
Frame 9892
gotoAndStop (9568);
Frame 9893
setProperty("/blood", _width , mood / 3); if (cond == 0) { if (50 >= mood) { tellTarget ("/facial2") { gotoAndStop (4); }; } else if (mood < 100) { tellTarget ("/facial2") { gotoAndStop (3); }; } else if (mood < 150) { tellTarget ("/facial2") { gotoAndStop (1); }; } else if (mood < 200) { tellTarget ("/facial2") { gotoAndStop (2); }; } else if ((mood < 300) and (ship2 >= 2000)) { tellTarget ("/facial2") { gotoAndStop (5); }; } else if (mood < 300) { tellTarget ("/facial2") { gotoAndStop (2); }; } else if (mood >= 300) { gotoAndPlay (10093); } } else if (cond == 1) { tellTarget ("/facial2") { gotoAndStop (6); }; } else if (cond == 2) { tellTarget ("/facial2") { gotoAndStop (7); }; }
Instance of Symbol 56 MovieClip "mouse" in Frame 9893
onClipEvent (load) { startDrag ("/mouse", true); }
Frame 9903
gotoAndStop (9893);
Frame 9916
Frame 9942
Frame 10092
stopAllSounds(); gotoAndStop (9893);
Frame 10152
Frame 10153
gotoAndStop (9893);
Frame 10161
gotoAndStop (9893);
Frame 10183
gotoAndStop (9909);
Frame 10208
gotoAndStop (9909);
Frame 10233
gotoAndStop (9909);
Frame 10234;
Frame 10235
if (fart >= 5) { fart = 0; gotoAndPlay (10270); }
Frame 10269
gotoAndPlay (10235);
Frame 10286
gotoAndPlay (10235);
Frame 10287
startDrag ("/feather", true);
Frame 10288;
Frame 10289;
Frame 10290;
Frame 10291;
Frame 10292;
Frame 10300
gotoAndStop (6006);
Frame 10302;
Frame 10310
gotoAndStop (6006);
Frame 10312;
Frame 10320
gotoAndStop (6006);
Frame 10322;
Frame 10330
gotoAndStop (6006);
Frame 10333;
Frame 10341
gotoAndStop (6015);
Frame 10343;
Frame 10351
gotoAndStop (6015);
Frame 10353;
Frame 10361
gotoAndStop (6015);
Frame 10363;
Frame 10372
gotoAndStop (6015);
Frame 10373;
Frame 10381
gotoAndStop (6009);
Frame 10383;
Frame 10391
gotoAndStop (6009);
Frame 10393;
Frame 10401
gotoAndStop (6009);
Frame 10403;
Frame 10411
gotoAndStop (6009);
Frame 10412;
Frame 10470
gotoAndStop (6012);
Frame 10472;
Frame 10530
gotoAndStop (6012);
Frame 10532;
Frame 10590
gotoAndStop (6012);
Frame 10592;
Frame 10651
gotoAndStop (6012);
Instance of Symbol 56 MovieClip "mouse" in Frame 10652
onClipEvent (load) { startDrag ("/mouse", true); }
Instance of Symbol 56 MovieClip "mouse" in Frame 10695
onClipEvent (load) { startDrag ("/mouse", true); }
Frame 10696; if (pic5 == 1) { setProperty("/pic5", _x , 480); } if (pic3 == 1) { setProperty("/pic3", _x , 480); } if (pic4 == 1) { setProperty("/pic4", _x , 480); } if (pic2 == 1) { setProperty("/pic2", _x , 480); } if (pic6 == 1) { setProperty("/pic6", _x , 480); } if (pic1 == 1) { setProperty("/pic1", _x , 480); }
Frame 10697
Frame 10701
gotoAndStop (10700);
Frame 10747
gotoAndStop (10748);
Frame 10749
gotoAndStop (10748);
Frame 10757
gotoAndStop (10758);
Frame 10759
gotoAndStop (10758);
Frame 10777
gotoAndStop (10778);
Frame 10779
gotoAndStop (10778);
Frame 10787
gotoAndStop (10788);
Frame 10789
gotoAndStop (10788);
Frame 10797
gotoAndStop (10798);
Instance of Symbol 5720 MovieClip "mainStars" in Frame 10799
onClipEvent (load) { stars.duplicateMovieClip("stars2", 1000); stars2._x = stars._x + stars._width; starsStartx = this._x; starsSpeed = 30; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if ((_root.spaceship.scrollStart == true) && (_root.spaceship.Stop == false)) { this._x = this._x - starsSpeed; if ((starsStartx - stars._width) >= this._x) { this._x = starsStartx - starsSpeed; } } else if ((_root.spaceship.scrollStart == false) && (_root.spaceship.Stop == false)) { this._x = this._x - 5; if ((starsStartx - stars._width) >= this._x) { this._x = starsStartx - starsSpeed; } } else if (_root.spaceship.Stop == true) { } }
Instance of Symbol 5723 MovieClip "mainGround" in Frame 10799
onClipEvent (load) { ground.duplicateMovieClip("ground2", 100); ground2._x = ground._x + ground._width; groundStartx = this._x; groundSpeed = 3; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.spaceship.scrollStart) { this._x = this._x - groundSpeed; if ((groundStartx - ground._width) >= this._x) { this._x = groundStartx - groundSpeed; } } }
Instance of Symbol 5732 MovieClip "spaceship" in Frame 10799
onClipEvent (load) { moveSpeed = 12; _root.laser._visible = false; laserCounter = 1; scrollx = _root.mainGround.ground._width / 3; scrollStart = false; Stop = true; maxLasers = 4; depthCounter = 1; gas = 30; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (30 < gas) { gas = gas - 1; } if (Key.isDown(32)) { if (gas < 200) { tellTarget ("/spaceship") { gotoAndStop (3); }; _root.mainStars.starsSpeed = 40; gas = gas + 5; } else if (gas >= 200) { tellTarget ("/spaceship") { gotoAndStop (2); }; _root.mainStars.starsSpeed = 10; gas = gas + 5; } } if (Key.isDown(39)) { Stop = false; tellTarget ("/spaceship") { gotoAndStop (2); }; if (this._x < scrollx) { this._x = this._x + moveSpeed; } else { scrollStart = true; } } else if (Key.isDown(37)) { tellTarget ("/spaceship") { gotoAndStop (1); }; Stop = true; } if (Key.isDown(40) && (Stop == false)) { if (370 >= this._y) { this._y = this._y + moveSpeed; } } else if (Key.isDown(38) && (Stop == false)) { if (this._y >= 80) { this._y = this._y - moveSpeed; } } } onClipEvent (keyUp) { if (Key.getCode() == 39) { scrollStart = false; } if (Key.getCode() == 32) { tellTarget ("/spaceship") { gotoAndStop (2); }; _root.mainStars.starsSpeed = 30; } }
Instance of Symbol 5735 MovieClip "enemy1" in Frame 10799
onClipEvent (load) { function reset() { this._x = random(500) + 600; this._y = random(100) + 100; enemySpeed = random(5) + 8; this.gotoAndStop(1); } reset(); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.spaceship.scrollStart) { this._x = this._x - (enemySpeed + _root.mainStars.starsSpeed); } else { this._x = this._x - enemySpeed; } if (this._x < -10) { reset(); } if (this.hitTest(_root.spaceship)) { gotoAndPlay (10800); _root.gotoAndStop("gameOver"); } }
Instance of Symbol 5735 MovieClip "car2" in Frame 10799
onClipEvent (load) { function reset() { this._x = 600; this._y = random(140) + 240; enemySpeed = random(5) + 8; this.gotoAndStop(1); } reset(); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.spaceship.scrollStart) { this._x = this._x + (enemySpeed - _root.mainStars.starsSpeed); } else { this._x = this._x + enemySpeed; } if ((600 < this._x) || (this._x < -30)) { reset(); } if (this.hitTest(_root.spaceship)) { gotoAndPlay (10800); _root.gotoAndStop("gameOver"); } }
Instance of Symbol 5735 MovieClip "car3" in Frame 10799
onClipEvent (load) { function reset() { this._x = random(300) + 600; this._y = random(140) + 240; enemySpeed = random(5) + 8; this.gotoAndStop(1); } reset(); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.spaceship.scrollStart) { this._x = this._x + (enemySpeed - _root.mainStars.starsSpeed); } else { this._x = this._x + enemySpeed; } if ((900 < this._x) || (this._x < -30)) { reset(); } if (this.hitTest(_root.spaceship)) { gotoAndPlay (10800); _root.gotoAndStop("gameOver"); } }
Instance of Symbol 5738 MovieClip "police" in Frame 10799
onClipEvent (load) { function reset() { this._x = 10; this._y = 220; enemySpeed = 28; this.gotoAndStop(1); } reset(); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.spaceship.scrollStart) { this._x = this._x + (enemySpeed - _root.mainStars.starsSpeed); } else { this._x = this._x + enemySpeed; } if (224 < this._x) { _root.gotoAndStop("gameOver"); } else if (this._x < -600) { _root.gotoAndStop("pass"); } if (this._y < (_root.spaceship._y - 12)) { this._y = this._y + 12; } else if ((_root.spaceship._y + 12) < this._y) { this._y = this._y - 12; } if (this.hitTest(_root.spaceship)) { _root.gotoAndStop("gameOver"); } }
Instance of Symbol 5735 MovieClip "enemy2" in Frame 10799
onClipEvent (load) { function reset() { this._x = random(500) + 600; this._y = random(100) + 100; enemySpeed = random(5) + 8; this.gotoAndStop(1); } reset(); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.spaceship.scrollStart) { this._x = this._x - (enemySpeed + _root.mainStars.starsSpeed); } else { this._x = this._x - enemySpeed; } if (this._x < -10) { reset(); } if (this.hitTest(_root.spaceship)) { gotoAndPlay (10800); _root.gotoAndStop("gameOver"); } }
Instance of Symbol 7 MovieClip "nitro" in Frame 10799
onClipEvent (enterFrame) { setProperty("/nitro", _width , _root.spaceship.gas); }
Instance of Symbol 56 MovieClip "mouse" in Frame 10799
onClipEvent (load) { startDrag ("/mouse", true); }
Frame 10800
Frame 10801
Frame 10802
Instance of Symbol 7 MovieClip "nitro" in Frame 10804
onClipEvent (enterFrame) { setProperty("/nitro", _width , _root.spaceship.gas); }
Instance of Symbol 5720 MovieClip "mainStars" in Frame 10806
onClipEvent (load) { stars.duplicateMovieClip("stars2", 1000); stars2._x = stars._x + stars._width; starsStartx = this._x; starsSpeed = 30; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if ((_root.spaceship.scrollStart == true) && (_root.spaceship.Stop == false)) { this._x = this._x - starsSpeed; if ((starsStartx - stars._width) >= this._x) { this._x = starsStartx - starsSpeed; } } else if ((_root.spaceship.scrollStart == false) && (_root.spaceship.Stop == false)) { this._x = this._x - 5; if ((starsStartx - stars._width) >= this._x) { this._x = starsStartx - starsSpeed; } } else if (_root.spaceship.Stop == true) { } }
Instance of Symbol 5723 MovieClip "mainGround" in Frame 10806
onClipEvent (load) { ground.duplicateMovieClip("ground2", 100); ground2._x = ground._x + ground._width; groundStartx = this._x; groundSpeed = 3; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.spaceship.scrollStart) { this._x = this._x - groundSpeed; if ((groundStartx - ground._width) >= this._x) { this._x = groundStartx - groundSpeed; } } }
Instance of Symbol 5732 MovieClip "spaceship" in Frame 10806
onClipEvent (load) { moveSpeed = 12; _root.laser._visible = false; laserCounter = 1; scrollx = _root.mainGround.ground._width / 3; scrollStart = false; Stop = true; maxLasers = 4; depthCounter = 1; gas = 30; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (30 < gas) { gas = gas - 1; } if (Key.isDown(32)) { if (gas < 200) { tellTarget ("/spaceship") { gotoAndStop (3); }; _root.mainStars.starsSpeed = 40; gas = gas + 5; } else if (gas >= 200) { tellTarget ("/spaceship") { gotoAndStop (2); }; _root.mainStars.starsSpeed = 30; gas = gas + 5; } } if (Key.isDown(39)) { Stop = false; tellTarget ("/spaceship") { gotoAndStop (2); }; if (this._x < scrollx) { this._x = this._x + moveSpeed; } else { scrollStart = true; } } else if (Key.isDown(37)) { tellTarget ("/spaceship") { gotoAndStop (1); }; Stop = true; } if (Key.isDown(40) && (Stop == false)) { if (370 >= this._y) { this._y = this._y + moveSpeed; } } else if (Key.isDown(38) && (Stop == false)) { if (this._y >= 80) { this._y = this._y - moveSpeed; } } } onClipEvent (keyUp) { if (Key.getCode() == 39) { scrollStart = false; } if (Key.getCode() == 32) { tellTarget ("/spaceship") { gotoAndStop (2); }; _root.mainStars.starsSpeed = 30; } }
Instance of Symbol 5735 MovieClip "enemy1" in Frame 10806
onClipEvent (load) { function reset() { this._x = random(500) + 600; this._y = random(100) + 100; enemySpeed = random(5) + 8; this.gotoAndStop(1); } reset(); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.spaceship.scrollStart) { this._x = this._x - (enemySpeed + _root.mainStars.starsSpeed); } else { this._x = this._x - enemySpeed; } if (this._x < -10) { reset(); } if (this.hitTest(_root.spaceship)) { if (_root.promchoice == 0) { _root.gotoAndStop("Over"); } else { _root.gotoAndStop("fail"); } gotoAndPlay (10807); } }
Instance of Symbol 5735 MovieClip "car2" in Frame 10806
onClipEvent (load) { function reset() { this._x = 600; this._y = random(140) + 240; enemySpeed = random(5) + 8; this.gotoAndStop(1); } reset(); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.spaceship.scrollStart) { this._x = this._x + (enemySpeed - _root.mainStars.starsSpeed); } else { this._x = this._x + enemySpeed; } if ((600 < this._x) || (this._x < -30)) { reset(); } if (this.hitTest(_root.spaceship)) { if (_root.promchoice == 0) { _root.gotoAndStop("Over"); } else { _root.gotoAndStop("fail"); } gotoAndPlay (10807); } }
Instance of Symbol 5735 MovieClip "car3" in Frame 10806
onClipEvent (load) { function reset() { this._x = random(300) + 600; this._y = random(140) + 240; enemySpeed = random(5) + 8; this.gotoAndStop(1); } reset(); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.spaceship.scrollStart) { this._x = this._x + (enemySpeed - _root.mainStars.starsSpeed); } else { this._x = this._x + enemySpeed; } if ((900 < this._x) || (this._x < -30)) { reset(); } if (this.hitTest(_root.spaceship)) { if (_root.promchoice == 0) { _root.gotoAndStop("Over"); } else { _root.gotoAndStop("fail"); } gotoAndPlay (10807); } }
Instance of Symbol 5738 MovieClip "police" in Frame 10806
onClipEvent (load) { function reset() { this._x = 10; this._y = 220; enemySpeed = 28; this.gotoAndStop(1); } reset(); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.spaceship.scrollStart) { this._x = this._x + (enemySpeed - _root.mainStars.starsSpeed); } else { this._x = this._x + enemySpeed; } if (224 < this._x) { if (_root.promchoice == 0) { _root.gotoAndStop("Over"); } else { _root.gotoAndStop("fail"); } } else if (this._x < -600) { if (_root.promchoice == 0) { _root.gotoAndStop("pas"); } else { _root.gotoAndStop("success"); } } if (this._y < (_root.spaceship._y - 12)) { this._y = this._y + 12; } else if ((_root.spaceship._y + 12) < this._y) { this._y = this._y - 12; } if (this.hitTest(_root.spaceship)) { if (_root.promchoice == 0) { _root.gotoAndStop("Over"); } else { _root.gotoAndStop("fail"); } } }
Instance of Symbol 5735 MovieClip "enemy2" in Frame 10806
onClipEvent (load) { function reset() { this._x = random(500) + 600; this._y = random(100) + 100; enemySpeed = random(5) + 8; this.gotoAndStop(1); } reset(); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.spaceship.scrollStart) { this._x = this._x - (enemySpeed + _root.mainStars.starsSpeed); } else { this._x = this._x - enemySpeed; } if (this._x < -10) { reset(); } if (this.hitTest(_root.spaceship)) { if (_root.promchoice == 0) { _root.gotoAndStop("Over"); } else { _root.gotoAndStop("fail"); } gotoAndPlay (10807); } }
Instance of Symbol 7 MovieClip "nitro" in Frame 10806
onClipEvent (enterFrame) { setProperty("/nitro", _width , _root.spaceship.gas); }
Instance of Symbol 56 MovieClip "mouse" in Frame 10806
onClipEvent (load) { startDrag ("/mouse", true); }
Frame 10807
Frame 10808
Frame 10809
Instance of Symbol 7 MovieClip "nitro" in Frame 10811
onClipEvent (enterFrame) { setProperty("/nitro", _width , _root.spaceship.gas); }
Frame 10813
Frame 10814
Symbol 23 Button
on (release) { getURL ("", "_top"); }
Symbol 35 Button
on (release) { mySO = SharedObject.getLocal("sim_girls_save"); if ( != undefined) { day =; msfukoma =; promchoice =; pic1 =; pic2 =; pic3 =; pic4 =; pic5 =; pic6 =; name =; style =; height =; age =; hp =; kn =; st =; ch =; knmax =; stmax =; chmax =; money =; luck =; ratio =; lemon =; hand =; pill =; flower =; bear =; diamond =; special =; trophy =; goldbelt =; gift1 =; gift3 =; gift2 =; gift4 =; gift6 =; gift5 =; mind =; ship3 =; pop3 =; level3 =; sch3 =; b3 =; s3 =; p3 =; k3 =; l3 =; dateday3 =; state3 =; ship2 =; pop2 =; sch2 =; level2 =; kissdate2 =; b2 =; s2 =; p2 =; k2 =; l2 =; dateday2 =; state2 =; ship =; level =; pop1 =; sch1 =; kiss =; kissdate =; b1 =; s1 =; p1 =; k1 =; l1 =; dateday =; state =; ship5 =; level5 =; state5 =; ship4 =; level4 =; karin_energy =; hygiene =; health =; state4 =; b4 =; s4 =; p4 =; k4 =; l4 =; sch4 =; pop4 =; state4 =; xxx =; week =; luck =; count =; countt =; counttt =; school =; breath =; timer =; oldtimer =; popcorn =; fartscene =; bitchfight =; rest =; forest =; gold =; beach =; blue =; space =; cond =; kiss =; kiss2 =; shipadd =; stadd =; chadd =; knadd =; stopAllSounds(); gotoAndStop (1527); } }
Symbol 40 Button
on (press) { gotoAndStop (8); }
Symbol 42 MovieClip Frame 129
gotoAndPlay (29);
Symbol 56 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 72 Button
on (release) { style = 1; gotoAndStop (34); }
Symbol 75 Button
on (release) { style = 2; gotoAndStop (34); }
Symbol 76 Button
on (release) { style = 3; gotoAndStop (34); }
Symbol 77 Button
on (release) { style = 4; gotoAndStop (34); }
Symbol 102 MovieClip Frame 20
gotoAndPlay (1);
Symbol 102 MovieClip Frame 24
gotoAndPlay (1);
Symbol 102 MovieClip Frame 70
gotoAndPlay (1);
Symbol 102 MovieClip Frame 74
gotoAndPlay (1);
Symbol 102 MovieClip Frame 78
gotoAndPlay (1);
Symbol 102 MovieClip Frame 100
gotoAndPlay (1);
Symbol 102 MovieClip Frame 162
Symbol 115 MovieClip Frame 9
gotoAndPlay (1);
Symbol 115 MovieClip Frame 14
gotoAndPlay (1);
Symbol 115 MovieClip Frame 59
gotoAndPlay (1);
Symbol 115 MovieClip Frame 63
gotoAndPlay (1);
Symbol 115 MovieClip Frame 67
gotoAndPlay (1);
Symbol 115 MovieClip Frame 91
gotoAndPlay (1);
Symbol 115 MovieClip Frame 150
Symbol 125 MovieClip Frame 9
gotoAndPlay (1);
Symbol 125 MovieClip Frame 14
gotoAndPlay (1);
Symbol 125 MovieClip Frame 59
gotoAndPlay (1);
Symbol 125 MovieClip Frame 63
gotoAndPlay (1);
Symbol 125 MovieClip Frame 67
gotoAndPlay (1);
Symbol 125 MovieClip Frame 91
gotoAndPlay (1);
Symbol 125 MovieClip Frame 150
Symbol 134 MovieClip Frame 9
gotoAndPlay (1);
Symbol 134 MovieClip Frame 14
gotoAndPlay (1);
Symbol 134 MovieClip Frame 59
gotoAndPlay (1);
Symbol 134 MovieClip Frame 63
gotoAndPlay (1);
Symbol 134 MovieClip Frame 67
gotoAndPlay (1);
Symbol 134 MovieClip Frame 91
gotoAndPlay (1);
Symbol 134 MovieClip Frame 150
Symbol 135 Button
on (release) { enemyhp = 2000; yourhp = 500; youren = 500; damage = 1500 / st; hitq = st; hitw = st * 45; stopq = 3; resumeq = 5; hita = st / 2; hits = st * 15; stopa = 5; resumea = 7; hitz = st / 2; hitx = st * 10; stopz = 5; resumez = 7; wage = 150; gotoAndStop (185); }
Symbol 137 Button
on (release) { hostage = 0; gotoAndStop (353); }
Symbol 138 Button
on (release) { enemyhp = 3000; damage = 3000 / st; yourhp = 500; youren = 500; hitq = st / 5; hitw = st * 16; stopq = 3; resumeq = 5; hita = st / 10; hits = st * 4; stopa = 5; resumea = 7; hitz = st / 10; hitx = st * 2; stopz = 5; resumez = 7; wage = 1000; hostage = 0; gotoAndStop (521); }
Symbol 139 Button
on (release) { enemyhp = 3000; damage = 6000 / st; yourhp = 500; youren = 500; hitq = st / 20; hitw = st * 6; stopq = 3; resumeq = 5; hita = st / 40; hits = st; stopa = 5; resumea = 7; hitz = st / 40; hitx = st * 0.5; stopz = 5; resumez = 7; wage = 3000; gotoAndStop (689); }
Symbol 153 Button
on (release) { gotoAndStop (27); }
Symbol 155 Button
on (release) { if (state4 >= 1) { gotoAndStop (28); } else { gotoAndStop (32); } }
Symbol 156 Button
on (release) { if (state2 >= 3) { gotoAndStop (29); } else { gotoAndStop (32); } }
Symbol 157 Button
on (release) { if (state >= 3) { gotoAndStop (30); } else { gotoAndStop (32); } }
Symbol 210 Button
on (release, keyPress "<Space>") { if (((day == 19) or (day == 47)) or (day == 75)) { gotoAndStop (2205); } else if ((day == 21) && (school == 21)) { school = 34; gotoAndStop (3119); } else if ((day == 90) && (state >= 5)) { gotoAndStop (2839); } else if ((day == 93) && (state >= 5)) { gotoAndStop (2727); } else if ((day == 95) && (state >= 5)) { gotoAndStop (2736); } else if ((day == 97) && (state >= 5)) { gotoAndStop (2750); } else if (day == 16) { gotoAndStop (2500); } else if (day == 5) { gotoAndStop (3993); } else { gotoAndStop (35); } }
Symbol 246 Button
on (release, keyPress "<Space>") { gotoAndStop (1227); }
Symbol 290 Button
on (release) { sch1 = "Fitness Center"; gotoAndStop (23); }
Symbol 291 Button
on (release) { sch1 = "Beauty Salon"; gotoAndStop (23); }
Symbol 292 Button
on (release) { sch1 = "Model School"; gotoAndStop (23); }
Symbol 293 Button
on (release) { sch1 = "Club"; gotoAndStop (23); }
Symbol 294 Button
on (release) { sch1 = "Temple"; gotoAndStop (23); }
Symbol 295 Button
on (release) { sch1 = "Free"; gotoAndStop (23); }
Symbol 296 Button
on (release) { sch2 = "Fitness Center"; gotoAndStop (23); }
Symbol 297 Button
on (release) { sch2 = "Beauty Salon"; gotoAndStop (23); }
Symbol 298 Button
on (release) { sch2 = "Model School"; gotoAndStop (23); }
Symbol 299 Button
on (release) { sch2 = "Club"; gotoAndStop (23); }
Symbol 300 Button
on (release) { sch2 = "Temple"; gotoAndStop (23); }
Symbol 301 Button
on (release) { sch2 = "Free"; gotoAndStop (23); }
Symbol 302 Button
on (release) { sch3 = "Fitness Center"; gotoAndStop (23); }
Symbol 303 Button
on (release) { sch3 = "Beauty Salon"; gotoAndStop (23); }
Symbol 304 Button
on (release) { sch3 = "Model School"; gotoAndStop (23); }
Symbol 305 Button
on (release) { sch3 = "Club"; gotoAndStop (23); }
Symbol 306 Button
on (release) { sch3 = "Temple"; gotoAndStop (23); }
Symbol 307 Button
on (release) { sch3 = "Free"; gotoAndStop (23); }
Symbol 312 Button
on (release) { if (pts >= 1) { st = st + 1; pts = pts - 1; } }
Symbol 313 Button
on (release) { sch4 = "Fitness Center"; gotoAndStop (23); }
Symbol 314 Button
on (release) { sch4 = "Beauty Salon"; gotoAndStop (23); }
Symbol 315 Button
on (release) { sch4 = "Model School"; gotoAndStop (23); }
Symbol 316 Button
on (release) { sch4 = "Club"; gotoAndStop (23); }
Symbol 317 Button
on (release) { sch4 = "Temple"; gotoAndStop (23); }
Symbol 318 Button
on (release) { sch4 = "Free"; gotoAndStop (23); }
Symbol 321 Button
on (release) { gotoAndStop (23); }
Symbol 327 Button
on (release) { school = 10; stadd = 0; chadd = 0; knadd = 0; flower = 0; bear = 0; diamond = 0; lemon = 3; hand = 3; pill = 3; gift1 = 0; gift2 = 0; gift3 = 0; gift4 = 0; gift5 = 0; gift6 = 0; mind = 0; goldbelt = 0; trophy = 0; oldtimer = 0; timer = 0; popcorn = 0; fartscene = 0; bitchfight = 57; promchoice = 0; msfukoma = 0; if (name eq "testbug") { money = 99999 /* 0x01869F */; st = 170; kn = 170; ch = 170; } if (name eq "simboys") { money = 99999 /* 0x01869F */; gift1 = 1; gift2 = 1; gift3 = 1; gift4 = 1; gift5 = 1; gift6 = 1; speical = 1; mind = 1; goldbelt = 1; trophy = 1; state = 5; state2 = 5; state4 = 3; state3 = 9; ship = 8000; ship2 = 8000; st = 170; kn = 170; ch = 170; day = 90; school = 100; } stopAllSounds(); gotoAndStop (2368); }
Symbol 334 Button
on (release) { if (st >= 2) { st = st - 1; pts = pts + 1; } }
Symbol 336 Button
on (release) { if (pts >= 1) { kn = kn + 1; pts = pts - 1; } }
Symbol 337 Button
on (release) { if (pts >= 1) { ch = ch + 1; pts = pts - 1; } }
Symbol 338 Button
on (release) { if (kn >= 2) { kn = kn - 1; pts = pts + 1; } }
Symbol 339 Button
on (release) { if (ch >= 2) { ch = ch - 1; pts = pts + 1; } }
Symbol 346 Button
on (release) { if (name != "") { day = 1; week = "MON"; hp = 100; money = 300; ratio = 0; luck = 0; cond = 0; count = 0; countt = 0; counttt = 0; kiss = 0; kiss2 = 0; kissdate = 0; kissdate2 = 0; school = 0; rest = 0; forest = 0; gold = 0; beach = 0; blue = 0; space = 0; special = 0; ship = 0; ship2 = 20; ship3 = 350; ship4 = 0; ship5 = "????"; shipadd = 0; state = 0; state2 = 1; state3 = 3; state4 = 0; state5 = 1; level = "Stranger"; level2 = "New friend"; level3 = "Childhd friend"; level4 = "Unknown"; level5 = "New friend"; pts = 27; st = 1; stmax = 200; kn = 1; knmax = 200; ch = 1; chmax = 200; breath = 1; dateday = 1 + random(5); dateday2 = 1 + random(5); dateday3 = 1 + random(5); b1 = 5; s1 = 5; p1 = 5; k1 = 5; l1 = 10; pop1 = 10; sch1 = "Free"; b2 = 60; s2 = 55; p2 = 40; k2 = 40; l2 = 30; pop2 = 0; sch2 = "Free"; b3 = 45; s3 = 50; p3 = 40; k3 = 40; l3 = 35; pop3 = 50; sch3 = "Free"; b4 = 80; s4 = 80; p4 = 80; k4 = 80; l4 = 25; pop4 = 150; sch4 = "Free"; stopAllSounds(); gotoAndPlay (2156); } }
Symbol 351 Button
on (release) { gotoAndStop (10810); }
Symbol 357 Button
on (release, keyPress "h") { stopAllSounds(); gotoAndStop (1228); }
Symbol 362 Button
on (release, keyPress "f") { stopAllSounds(); if ((((((((((((((((((popcorn == 1) or (popcorn == 3)) or (popcorn == 5)) or (popcorn == 7)) or (day == 7)) or (day == 14)) or (day == 21)) or (day == 28)) or (day == 35)) or (day == 42)) or (day == 49)) or (day == 56)) or (day == 63)) or (day == 70)) or (day == 77)) or (day == 84)) or (day == 91)) or (day == 98)) { gotoAndStop (1514); } else if ((((day == 27) or (day == 55)) or (day == 83)) or (day == 97)) { gotoAndStop (5675); } else if ((day == 20) && (school == 20)) { gotoAndStop (1305); } else if ((day == 34) && (school == 34)) { school = 40; gotoAndStop (2371); } else if ((day == 48) && (school == 48)) { gotoAndStop (1305); } else if ((day == bitchfight) && (school == bitchfight)) { school = 64; gotoAndStop (3254); } else if ((day == 76) && (school == 76)) { gotoAndStop (1305); } else if ((day == 82) && (school == 82)) { school = 100; gotoAndStop (3432); } else if ((day == 82) && (school == 100)) { gotoAndStop (1514); } else { gotoAndStop (1266); } }
Symbol 367 Button
on (release, keyPress "s") { stopAllSounds(); if (((state >= 3) and (day >= 35)) and (special == 0)) { special = 1; gotoAndStop (1656); } else { gotoAndStop (1646); } }
Symbol 372 Button
on (release) { stopAllSounds(); if ((state == 4) or (state == 5)) { gotoAndStop (5679); } else if (state == 9) { gotoAndStop (5999); } else { gotoAndStop (1515); } }
Symbol 378 Button
on (release, keyPress "p") { stopAllSounds(); gotoAndStop (1451); }
Symbol 383 Button
on (release, keyPress "d") { stopAllSounds(); if ((day == 10) && (school == 10)) { school = 20; gotoAndStop (2394); } else if ((day == 40) && (school == 40)) { school = 44; gotoAndStop (3219); } else if ((day == 44) && (school == 44)) { school = 48; gotoAndStop (3344); } else if ((day == 64) && (school == 64)) { school = 69; gotoAndStop (3376); } else if ((day == 69) && (school == 69)) { school = 76; gotoAndStop (3403); } else { gotoAndStop (1354); } }
Symbol 388 Button
on (release) { stopAllSounds(); if (state2 >= 4) { gotoAndStop (5839); } else if (state2 == 9) { gotoAndStop (5999); } else { gotoAndStop (1515); } }
Symbol 392 Button
on (release) { if ((((((((((((((day == 7) or (day == 14)) or (day == 21)) or (day == 28)) or (day == 35)) or (day == 42)) or (day == 49)) or (day == 56)) or (day == 63)) or (day == 70)) or (day == 77)) or (day == 84)) or (day == 91)) or (day == 98)) { if (state3 == 9) { gotoAndStop (2148); } else { gotoAndStop (2123); } } else if (state3 == 9) { gotoAndStop (2148); } else { gotoAndStop (2126); } }
Symbol 396 Button
on (release) { gotoAndStop (1527); }
Symbol 419 Button
on (release) { gotoAndStop (1221); }
Symbol 436 Button
on (release) { gotoAndStop (1173); }
Symbol 440 Button
on (release, keyPress "<Space>") { gotoAndStop (1226); }
Symbol 441 Button
on (release) { if (luck == 0) { gotoAndStop (1218); } if (luck == 1) { gotoAndStop (1217); } }
Symbol 472 MovieClip Frame 19
gotoAndPlay (1);
Symbol 472 MovieClip Frame 39
gotoAndPlay (1);
Symbol 472 MovieClip Frame 43
gotoAndPlay (1);
Symbol 472 MovieClip Frame 49
gotoAndPlay (1);
Symbol 472 MovieClip Frame 75
gotoAndPlay (1);
Symbol 472 MovieClip Frame 81
gotoAndPlay (1);
Symbol 472 MovieClip Frame 83
gotoAndPlay (1);
Symbol 472 MovieClip Frame 85
gotoAndPlay (1);
Symbol 472 MovieClip Frame 87
gotoAndPlay (1);
Symbol 472 MovieClip Frame 111
gotoAndPlay (1);
Symbol 472 MovieClip Frame 136
gotoAndPlay (1);
Symbol 472 MovieClip Frame 141
gotoAndPlay (1);
Symbol 472 MovieClip Frame 146
gotoAndPlay (1);
Symbol 472 MovieClip Frame 151
gotoAndPlay (1);
Symbol 472 MovieClip Frame 161
gotoAndPlay (1);
Symbol 477 Button
on (release) { _quality = "HIGH"; }
Symbol 479 Button
on (release) { _quality = "MEDIUM"; }
Symbol 480 Button
on (release) { _quality = "LOW"; }
Symbol 488 Button
on (release) { if (pill >= 1) { pill = pill - 1; if (400 >= yourhp) { yourhp = yourhp + 100; } else if (400 < yourhp) { yourhp = 500; } } }
Symbol 497 Button
on (release) { stopAllSounds(); enemyhp = 3000; yourhp = 500; youren = 500; hitq = 10; hitw = 300; stopq = 3; resumeq = 5; hita = 5; hits = 200; stopa = 5; resumea = 7; hitz = 5; hitx = 150; stopz = 5; resumez = 7; damage = 20; def = 0; count = 0; countt = 0; counttt = 0; countttt = 0; combo = 0; attack = 0; high = 0; target = "NIL"; Mouse.hide(); startDrag ("/lock", true); oldtimer = (getTimer() / 1000) - 2.9; timer = (getTimer() / 1000) - oldtimer; nextFrame(); }
Symbol 500 Button
on (rollOver) { attack = 1; target = "HEAD"; } on (rollOut) { countt = 0; attack = 0; target = "NIL"; }
Symbol 501 Button
on (rollOver) { attack = 2; target = "UPPER BODY"; } on (rollOut) { attack = 0; counttt = 0; target = "NIL"; }
Symbol 502 Button
on (rollOver) { attack = 3; target = "LOWER BODY"; } on (rollOut) { countttt = 0; attack = 0; target = "NIL"; }
Symbol 503 Button
on (keyPress "q") { def = 0; if ((attack == 0) && (3 < timer)) { tellTarget ("/lock") { gotoAndPlay ("attack"); }; } else if ((attack == 1) && (3 < timer)) { if (countt < stopq) { tellTarget ("/lock") { gotoAndPlay ("hit"); }; countt = countt + 1; combo = combo + 1; } else if (countt < resumeq) { tellTarget ("/lock") { gotoAndPlay ("hit2"); }; tellTarget ("/badguy") { gotoAndPlay ("hit"); }; countt = countt + 1; combo = combo + 1; } else if (countt >= resumeq) { oldtimer = getTimer() / 1000; timer = (getTimer() / 1000) - oldtimer; if (high < combo) { high = combo; } count = 0; countt = 0; counttt = 0; countttt = 0; combo = 0; tellTarget ("/lock") { gotoAndPlay ("hit"); }; tellTarget ("/badguy") { gotoAndPlay ("flying"); }; } if (hitq < enemyhp) { enemyhp = enemyhp - hitq; } else if (hitq >= enemyhp) { enemyhp = 0; gotoAndPlay (124); } } }
Symbol 505 Button
on (keyPress "a") { def = 0; if ((attack == 0) && (3 < timer)) { tellTarget ("/lock") { gotoAndPlay ("attack"); }; } else if ((attack == 2) && (3 < timer)) { if (counttt < stopa) { tellTarget ("/lock") { gotoAndPlay ("hit4"); }; counttt = counttt + 1; combo = combo + 1; } else if (counttt < resumea) { tellTarget ("/lock") { gotoAndPlay ("hit2"); }; tellTarget ("/badguy") { gotoAndPlay ("hit"); }; counttt = counttt + 1; combo = combo + 1; } else if (counttt >= resumea) { oldtimer = getTimer() / 1000; timer = (getTimer() / 1000) - oldtimer; if (high < combo) { high = combo; } count = 0; countt = 0; counttt = 0; countttt = 0; combo = 0; tellTarget ("/lock") { gotoAndPlay ("hit"); }; tellTarget ("/badguy") { gotoAndPlay ("flying"); }; } if (hita < enemyhp) { enemyhp = enemyhp - hita; } else if (hita >= enemyhp) { enemyhp = 0; gotoAndPlay (124); } } }
Symbol 506 Button
on (keyPress "z") { def = 0; if ((attack == 0) && (3 < timer)) { tellTarget ("/lock") { gotoAndPlay ("attack"); }; } else if ((attack == 3) && (3 < timer)) { if (countttt < stopz) { tellTarget ("/lock") { gotoAndPlay ("hit4"); }; countttt = countttt + 1; combo = combo + 1; } else if (countttt < resumez) { tellTarget ("/lock") { gotoAndPlay ("hit2"); }; tellTarget ("/badguy") { gotoAndPlay ("hit"); }; countttt = countttt + 1; combo = combo + 1; } else if (countttt >= resumez) { oldtimer = getTimer() / 1000; timer = (getTimer() / 1000) - oldtimer; if (high < combo) { high = combo; } count = 0; countt = 0; counttt = 0; countttt = 0; combo = 0; tellTarget ("/lock") { gotoAndPlay ("hit"); }; tellTarget ("/badguy") { gotoAndPlay ("flying"); }; } if (hitz < enemyhp) { enemyhp = enemyhp - hitz; } else if (hitz >= enemyhp) { enemyhp = 0; gotoAndPlay (124); } } }
Symbol 520 Button
on (release) { gotoAndPlay (126); }
Symbol 524 Button
on (keyPress "q") { def = 0; if ((attack == 0) && (3 < timer)) { tellTarget ("/lock") { gotoAndPlay ("attack"); }; } else if ((attack == 1) && (3 < timer)) { if (countt < stopq) { tellTarget ("/lock") { gotoAndPlay ("hit"); }; countt = countt + 1; combo = combo + 1; } else if (countt < resumeq) { tellTarget ("/lock") { gotoAndPlay ("hit2"); }; tellTarget ("/badguy") { gotoAndPlay ("hit"); }; countt = countt + 1; combo = combo + 1; } else if (countt >= resumeq) { oldtimer = getTimer() / 1000; timer = (getTimer() / 1000) - oldtimer; if (high < combo) { high = combo; } count = 0; countt = 0; counttt = 0; countttt = 0; combo = 0; tellTarget ("/lock") { gotoAndPlay ("hit"); }; tellTarget ("/badguy") { gotoAndPlay ("flying"); }; } if (hitq < enemyhp) { enemyhp = enemyhp - hitq; } else if (hitq >= enemyhp) { enemyhp = 0; } } }
Symbol 525 Button
on (keyPress "a") { def = 0; if ((attack == 0) && (3 < timer)) { tellTarget ("/lock") { gotoAndPlay ("attack"); }; } else if ((attack == 2) && (3 < timer)) { if (counttt < stopa) { tellTarget ("/lock") { gotoAndPlay ("hit4"); }; counttt = counttt + 1; combo = combo + 1; } else if (counttt < resumea) { tellTarget ("/lock") { gotoAndPlay ("hit2"); }; tellTarget ("/badguy") { gotoAndPlay ("hit"); }; counttt = counttt + 1; combo = combo + 1; } else if (counttt >= resumea) { oldtimer = getTimer() / 1000; timer = (getTimer() / 1000) - oldtimer; if (high < combo) { high = combo; } count = 0; countt = 0; counttt = 0; countttt = 0; combo = 0; tellTarget ("/lock") { gotoAndPlay ("hit"); }; tellTarget ("/badguy") { gotoAndPlay ("flying"); }; } if (hita < enemyhp) { enemyhp = enemyhp - hita; } else if (hita >= enemyhp) { enemyhp = 0; } } }
Symbol 526 Button
on (keyPress "z") { def = 0; if ((attack == 0) && (3 < timer)) { tellTarget ("/lock") { gotoAndPlay ("attack"); }; } else if ((attack == 3) && (3 < timer)) { if (countttt < stopz) { tellTarget ("/lock") { gotoAndPlay ("hit4"); }; countttt = countttt + 1; combo = combo + 1; } else if (countttt < resumez) { tellTarget ("/lock") { gotoAndPlay ("hit2"); }; tellTarget ("/badguy") { gotoAndPlay ("hit"); }; countttt = countttt + 1; combo = combo + 1; } else if (countttt >= resumez) { oldtimer = getTimer() / 1000; timer = (getTimer() / 1000) - oldtimer; if (high < combo) { high = combo; } count = 0; countt = 0; counttt = 0; countttt = 0; combo = 0; tellTarget ("/lock") { gotoAndPlay ("hit"); }; tellTarget ("/badguy") { gotoAndPlay ("flying"); }; } if (hitz < enemyhp) { enemyhp = enemyhp - hitz; } else if (hitz >= enemyhp) { enemyhp = 0; } } }
Symbol 533 Button
on (release) { enemyhp = 3000; gotoAndPlay (128); }
Symbol 534 Button
on (keyPress "x") { if (0 < youren) { def = 0; if ((attack == 3) && (3 < timer)) { oldtimer = getTimer() / 1000; timer = (getTimer() / 1000) - oldtimer; count = 0; countt = 0; counttt = 0; countttt = 0; combo = 0; yourhp = yourhp - 50; youren = youren - 50; tellTarget ("/lock") { gotoAndPlay ("wind"); }; tellTarget ("/badguy") { gotoAndPlay ("flying"); }; if (hitx < enemyhp) { enemyhp = enemyhp - hitx; } else if (hitx >= enemyhp) { enemyhp = 0; } } } else { youren = 0; } }
Symbol 544 Button
on (release) { enemyhp = 3000; yourhp = 500; youren = 500; gotoAndStop (130); }
Symbol 554 Button
on (release) { enemyhp = 3000; yourhp = 500; youren = 500; gotoAndPlay (131); }
Symbol 557 Button
on (keyPress "s") { if (0 < youren) { def = 0; if ((attack == 0) && (3 < timer)) { tellTarget ("/lock") { gotoAndPlay ("ball"); }; } else if ((attack == 2) && (3 < timer)) { if (5 >= count) { tellTarget ("/lock") { gotoAndStop ("ball"); }; count = count + 1; } else if (10 >= count) { tellTarget ("/lock") { gotoAndStop ("ball1"); }; count = count + 1; } else if (15 >= count) { tellTarget ("/lock") { gotoAndStop ("ball2"); }; count = count + 1; } else if (20 >= count) { tellTarget ("/lock") { gotoAndPlay ("ball3"); }; tellTarget ("/badguy") { gotoAndPlay ("flying"); }; youren = youren - 100; if (hits < enemyhp) { enemyhp = enemyhp - hits; } else if (hits >= enemyhp) { enemyhp = 0; } oldtimer = getTimer() / 1000; timer = (getTimer() / 1000) - oldtimer; count = 0; countt = 0; counttt = 0; countttt = 0; combo = 0; } } } else { youren = 0; } }
Symbol 565 Button
on (release) { enemyhp = 3000; yourhp = 500; youren = 500; gotoAndPlay (133); }
Symbol 566 Button
on (keyPress "w") { if (0 < youren) { def = 0; if ((countt >= stopq) && (attack == 1)) { oldtimer = getTimer() / 1000; timer = (getTimer() / 1000) - oldtimer; count = 0; countt = 0; counttt = 0; countttt = 0; combo = 0; tellTarget ("/lock") { gotoAndPlay ("hit3"); }; tellTarget ("/badguy") { gotoAndPlay ("flying"); }; youren = youren - 25; if (hitw < enemyhp) { enemyhp = enemyhp - hitw; } else if (hitw >= enemyhp) { enemyhp = 0; } } else if (((countt < stopq) && (3 < timer)) && (attack == 1)) { oldtimer = (getTimer() / 1000) - 1.5; timer = (getTimer() / 1000) - oldtimer; count = 0; countt = 0; counttt = 0; countttt = 0; combo = 0; youren = youren - 25; tellTarget ("/lock") { gotoAndPlay ("hit3"); }; tellTarget ("/badguy") { gotoAndPlay ("defence"); }; } } else { youren = 0; } }
Symbol 576 Button
on (release) { enemyhp = 3000; yourhp = 500; youren = 500; gotoAndStop (135); }
Symbol 586 Button
on (release) { enemyhp = 3000; yourhp = 500; youren = 500; gotoAndPlay (136); }
Symbol 591 Button
on (release) { enemyhp = 3000; yourhp = 500; youren = 500; gotoAndPlay (143); }
Symbol 595 Button
on (keyPress "w") { def = 0; if ((countt >= stopq) && (attack == 1)) { oldtimer = getTimer() / 1000; timer = (getTimer() / 1000) - oldtimer; count = 0; countt = 0; counttt = 0; countttt = 0; combo = 0; tellTarget ("/lock") { gotoAndPlay ("hit3"); }; tellTarget ("/badguy") { gotoAndPlay ("flying"); }; youren = youren - 25; if (hitw < enemyhp) { enemyhp = enemyhp - hitw; } else if (hitw >= enemyhp) { enemyhp = 0; } } else if (((countt < stopq) && (3 < timer)) && (attack == 1)) { oldtimer = (getTimer() / 1000) - 1.5; timer = (getTimer() / 1000) - oldtimer; count = 0; countt = 0; counttt = 0; countttt = 0; combo = 0; youren = youren - 25; tellTarget ("/lock") { gotoAndPlay ("hit3"); }; tellTarget ("/badguy") { gotoAndPlay ("defence"); }; } }
Symbol 602 Button
on (release) { enemyhp = 3000; yourhp = 500; youren = 500; gotoAndStop (150); }
Symbol 612 Button
on (release) { enemyhp = 3000; yourhp = 500; youren = 500; nextFrame(); }
Symbol 623 Button
on (release) { enemyhp = 3000; yourhp = 500; youren = 500; gotoAndPlay (154); }
Symbol 625 Button
on (keyPress "d") { if (def == 0) { def = 1; tellTarget ("/lock") { gotoAndStop ("def"); }; } else if (def == 1) { def = 0; tellTarget ("/lock") { gotoAndPlay (1); }; } }
Symbol 635 Button
on (release) { enemyhp = 3000; yourhp = 500; youren = 500; gotoAndStop (161); }
Symbol 646 Button
on (release) { enemyhp = 3000; yourhp = 500; youren = 500; gotoAndPlay (163); }
Symbol 647 Button
on (release) { if (350 >= yourhp) { yourhp = yourhp + 150; } else if (350 < yourhp) { yourhp = 500; } }
Symbol 650 Button
on (release) { if (450 >= youren) { youren = youren + 50; } else if (450 < youren) { youren = 500; } }
Symbol 657 Button
on (release) { enemyhp = 3000; yourhp = 500; youren = 500; _quality = "HIGH"; gotoAndStop (35); }
Symbol 663 Button
on (release) { stopAllSounds(); def = 0; count = 0; countt = 0; counttt = 0; countttt = 0; combo = 0; attack = 0; high = 0; target = "NIL"; startDrag ("/lock", true); oldtimer = (getTimer() / 1000) - 2.9; timer = (getTimer() / 1000) - oldtimer; play(); }
Symbol 664 Button
on (keyPress "q") { def = 0; if ((attack == 0) && (3 < timer)) { tellTarget ("/lock") { gotoAndPlay ("attack"); }; } else if ((attack == 1) && (3 < timer)) { if (countt < stopq) { tellTarget ("/lock") { gotoAndPlay ("hit"); }; countt = countt + 1; combo = combo + 1; } else if (countt < resumeq) { tellTarget ("/lock") { gotoAndPlay ("hit2"); }; tellTarget ("/badguy") { gotoAndPlay ("hit"); }; countt = countt + 1; combo = combo + 1; } else if (countt >= resumeq) { oldtimer = getTimer() / 1000; timer = (getTimer() / 1000) - oldtimer; if (high < combo) { high = combo; } count = 0; countt = 0; counttt = 0; countttt = 0; combo = 0; tellTarget ("/lock") { gotoAndPlay ("hit"); }; tellTarget ("/badguy") { gotoAndPlay ("flying"); }; } if (hitq < enemyhp) { enemyhp = enemyhp - hitq; } else if (hitq >= enemyhp) { enemyhp = 0; gotoAndPlay (237); } } }
Symbol 665 Button
on (keyPress "d") { if (def == 0) { def = 1; tellTarget ("/lock") { gotoAndStop ("def"); }; } else if (def == 1) { def = 0; tellTarget ("/lock") { gotoAndPlay (1); }; } }
Symbol 666 Button
on (keyPress "w") { if (0 < youren) { def = 0; if ((countt >= stopq) && (attack == 1)) { oldtimer = getTimer() / 1000; timer = (getTimer() / 1000) - oldtimer; count = 0; countt = 0; counttt = 0; countttt = 0; combo = 0; tellTarget ("/lock") { gotoAndPlay ("hit3"); }; tellTarget ("/badguy") { gotoAndPlay ("flying"); }; youren = youren - 25; if (hitw < enemyhp) { enemyhp = enemyhp - hitw; } else if (hitw >= enemyhp) { enemyhp = 0; gotoAndPlay (237); } } else if (((countt < stopq) && (3 < timer)) && (attack == 1)) { oldtimer = (getTimer() / 1000) - 1.5; timer = (getTimer() / 1000) - oldtimer; count = 0; countt = 0; counttt = 0; countttt = 0; combo = 0; youren = youren - 25; tellTarget ("/lock") { gotoAndPlay ("hit3"); }; tellTarget ("/badguy") { gotoAndPlay ("defence"); }; } } else { youren = 0; } }
Symbol 667 Button
on (release) { if (pill >= 1) { pill = pill - 1; if (350 >= yourhp) { yourhp = yourhp + 150; } else if (350 < yourhp) { yourhp = 500; } } }
Symbol 668 Button
on (keyPress "a") { def = 0; if ((attack == 0) && (3 < timer)) { tellTarget ("/lock") { gotoAndPlay ("attack"); }; } else if ((attack == 2) && (3 < timer)) { if (counttt < stopa) { tellTarget ("/lock") { gotoAndPlay ("hit4"); }; counttt = counttt + 1; combo = combo + 1; } else if (counttt < resumea) { tellTarget ("/lock") { gotoAndPlay ("hit2"); }; tellTarget ("/badguy") { gotoAndPlay ("hit"); }; counttt = counttt + 1; combo = combo + 1; } else if (counttt >= resumea) { oldtimer = getTimer() / 1000; timer = (getTimer() / 1000) - oldtimer; if (high < combo) { high = combo; } count = 0; countt = 0; counttt = 0; countttt = 0; combo = 0; tellTarget ("/lock") { gotoAndPlay ("hit"); }; tellTarget ("/badguy") { gotoAndPlay ("flying"); }; } if (hita < enemyhp) { enemyhp = enemyhp - hita; } else if (hita >= enemyhp) { enemyhp = 0; gotoAndPlay (237); } } }
Symbol 669 Button
on (keyPress "x") { if (0 < youren) { def = 0; if ((attack == 3) && (3 < timer)) { oldtimer = getTimer() / 1000; timer = (getTimer() / 1000) - oldtimer; count = 0; countt = 0; counttt = 0; countttt = 0; combo = 0; yourhp = yourhp - 75; youren = youren - 75; tellTarget ("/lock") { gotoAndPlay ("wind"); }; tellTarget ("/badguy") { gotoAndPlay ("flying"); }; if (hitx < enemyhp) { enemyhp = enemyhp - hitx; } else if (hitx >= enemyhp) { enemyhp = 0; gotoAndPlay (237); } } } else { youren = 0; } }
Symbol 670 Button
on (keyPress "z") { def = 0; if ((attack == 0) && (3 < timer)) { tellTarget ("/lock") { gotoAndPlay ("attack"); }; } else if ((attack == 3) && (3 < timer)) { if (countttt < stopz) { tellTarget ("/lock") { gotoAndPlay ("hit4"); }; countttt = countttt + 1; combo = combo + 1; } else if (countttt < resumez) { tellTarget ("/lock") { gotoAndPlay ("hit2"); }; tellTarget ("/badguy") { gotoAndPlay ("hit"); }; countttt = countttt + 1; combo = combo + 1; } else if (countttt >= resumez) { oldtimer = getTimer() / 1000; timer = (getTimer() / 1000) - oldtimer; if (high < combo) { high = combo; } count = 0; countt = 0; counttt = 0; countttt = 0; combo = 0; tellTarget ("/lock") { gotoAndPlay ("hit"); }; tellTarget ("/badguy") { gotoAndPlay ("flying"); }; } if (hitz < enemyhp) { enemyhp = enemyhp - hitz; } else if (hitz >= enemyhp) { enemyhp = 0; gotoAndPlay (237); } } }
Symbol 673 Button
on (keyPress "s") { if (0 < youren) { def = 0; if ((attack == 0) && (3 < timer)) { tellTarget ("/lock") { gotoAndPlay ("ball"); }; } else if ((attack == 2) && (3 < timer)) { if (3 >= count) { tellTarget ("/lock") { gotoAndStop ("ball"); }; count = count + 1; } else if (6 >= count) { tellTarget ("/lock") { gotoAndStop ("ball1"); }; count = count + 1; } else if (9 >= count) { tellTarget ("/lock") { gotoAndStop ("ball2"); }; count = count + 1; } else if (12 >= count) { tellTarget ("/lock") { gotoAndPlay ("ball3"); }; tellTarget ("/badguy") { gotoAndPlay ("flying"); }; youren = youren - 100; if (hits < enemyhp) { enemyhp = enemyhp - hits; } else if (hits >= enemyhp) { enemyhp = 0; gotoAndPlay (237); } oldtimer = getTimer() / 1000; timer = (getTimer() / 1000) - oldtimer; count = 0; countt = 0; counttt = 0; countttt = 0; combo = 0; } } } else { youren = 0; } }
Symbol 674 Button
on (release) { if (lemon >= 1) { lemon = lemon - 1; if (450 >= youren) { youren = youren + 50; } else if (450 < youren) { youren = 500; } } }
Symbol 681 Button
on (rollOver) { attack = 1; target = "HEAD"; } on (rollOut) { attack = 0; countt = 0; target = "NIL"; }
Symbol 682 Button
on (rollOver) { attack = 3; target = "LOWER BODY"; } on (rollOut) { counttt = 0; attack = 0; target = "NIL"; }
Symbol 684 Button
on (release) { money = money + wage; _quality = "HIGH"; gotoAndStop (35); }
Symbol 694 Button
on (release) { money = money - wage; _quality = "HIGH"; gotoAndStop (35); }
Symbol 705 Button
on (release) { if (hostage == 0) { wage = 450; } else { wage = 350; } enemyhp = 3000; damage = 3000 / st; yourhp = 500; youren = 500; hitq = st / 5; hitw = st * 12; stopq = 2; resumeq = 5; hita = st / 10; hits = st * 3; stopa = 5; resumea = 7; hitz = st / 10; hitx = st * 1.5; stopz = 5; resumez = 7; stopAllSounds(); def = 0; count = 0; countt = 0; counttt = 0; countttt = 0; combo = 0; attack = 0; high = 0; target = "NIL"; startDrag ("/lock", true); oldtimer = (getTimer() / 1000) - 2.9; timer = (getTimer() / 1000) - oldtimer; play(); }
Symbol 706 Button
on (rollOver) { attack = 1; target = "HEAD"; } on (rollOut) { attack = 0; target = "NIL"; countt = 0; }
Symbol 707 Button
on (rollOver) { attack = 3; target = "LOWER BODY"; } on (rollOut) { attack = 0; target = "NIL"; countt = 0; }
Symbol 708 Button
on (keyPress "q") { def = 0; if ((attack == 0) && (3 < timer)) { tellTarget ("/lock") { gotoAndPlay ("attack"); }; } else if ((attack == 1) && (3 < timer)) { if (countt < stopq) { tellTarget ("/lock") { gotoAndPlay ("hit"); }; countt = countt + 1; combo = combo + 1; } else if (countt < resumeq) { tellTarget ("/lock") { gotoAndPlay ("hit2"); }; tellTarget ("/badguy") { gotoAndPlay ("hit"); }; countt = countt + 1; combo = combo + 1; } else if (countt >= resumeq) { oldtimer = getTimer() / 1000; timer = (getTimer() / 1000) - oldtimer; if (high < combo) { high = combo; } count = 0; countt = 0; counttt = 0; countttt = 0; combo = 0; tellTarget ("/lock") { gotoAndPlay ("hit"); }; tellTarget ("/badguy") { gotoAndPlay ("flying"); }; } if (hitq < enemyhp) { enemyhp = enemyhp - hitq; } else if (hitq >= enemyhp) { enemyhp = 0; gotoAndPlay (405); } } }
Symbol 709 Button
on (keyPress "d") { if (def == 0) { def = 1; tellTarget ("/lock") { gotoAndStop ("def"); }; } else if (def == 1) { def = 0; tellTarget ("/lock") { gotoAndPlay (1); }; } }
Symbol 710 Button
on (keyPress "w") { if (0 < youren) { def = 0; if ((countt >= stopq) && (attack == 1)) { oldtimer = getTimer() / 1000; timer = (getTimer() / 1000) - oldtimer; count = 0; countt = 0; counttt = 0; countttt = 0; combo = 0; tellTarget ("/lock") { gotoAndPlay ("hit3"); }; tellTarget ("/badguy") { gotoAndPlay ("flying"); }; youren = youren - 25; if (hitw < enemyhp) { enemyhp = enemyhp - hitw; } else if (hitw >= enemyhp) { enemyhp = 0; gotoAndPlay (405); } } else if (((countt < stopq) && (3 < timer)) && (attack == 1)) { oldtimer = (getTimer() / 1000) - 1.5; timer = (getTimer() / 1000) - oldtimer; count = 0; countt = 0; counttt = 0; countttt = 0; combo = 0; youren = youren - 25; tellTarget ("/lock") { gotoAndPlay ("hit3"); }; tellTarget ("/badguy") { gotoAndPlay ("defence"); }; } } else { youren = 0; } }
Symbol 711 Button
on (keyPress "a") { def = 0; if ((attack == 0) && (3 < timer)) { tellTarget ("/lock") { gotoAndPlay ("attack"); }; } else if ((attack == 2) && (3 < timer)) { if (counttt < stopa) { tellTarget ("/lock") { gotoAndPlay ("hit4"); }; counttt = counttt + 1; combo = combo + 1; } else if (counttt < resumea) { tellTarget ("/lock") { gotoAndPlay ("hit2"); }; tellTarget ("/badguy") { gotoAndPlay ("hit"); }; counttt = counttt + 1; combo = combo + 1; } else if (counttt >= resumea) { oldtimer = getTimer() / 1000; timer = (getTimer() / 1000) - oldtimer; if (high < combo) { high = combo; } count = 0; countt = 0; counttt = 0; countttt = 0; combo = 0; tellTarget ("/lock") { gotoAndPlay ("hit"); }; tellTarget ("/badguy") { gotoAndPlay ("flying"); }; } if (hita < enemyhp) { enemyhp = enemyhp - hita; } else if (hita >= enemyhp) { enemyhp = 0; gotoAndPlay (405); } } }
Symbol 712 Button
on (keyPress "x") { if (0 < youren) { def = 0; if ((attack == 3) && (3 < timer)) { oldtimer = getTimer() / 1000; timer = (getTimer() / 1000) - oldtimer; count = 0; countt = 0; counttt = 0; countttt = 0; combo = 0; yourhp = yourhp - 75; youren = youren - 75; tellTarget ("/lock") { gotoAndPlay ("wind"); }; tellTarget ("/badguy") { gotoAndPlay ("flying"); }; if (hitx < enemyhp) { enemyhp = enemyhp - hitx; } else if (hitx >= enemyhp) { enemyhp = 0; gotoAndPlay (405); } } } else { youren = 0; } }
Symbol 713 Button
on (keyPress "z") { def = 0; if ((attack == 0) && (3 < timer)) { tellTarget ("/lock") { gotoAndPlay ("attack"); }; } else if ((attack == 3) && (3 < timer)) { if (countttt < stopz) { tellTarget ("/lock") { gotoAndPlay ("hit4"); }; countttt = countttt + 1; combo = combo + 1; } else if (countttt < resumez) { tellTarget ("/lock") { gotoAndPlay ("hit2"); }; tellTarget ("/badguy") { gotoAndPlay ("hit"); }; countttt = countttt + 1; combo = combo + 1; } else if (countttt >= resumez) { oldtimer = getTimer() / 1000; timer = (getTimer() / 1000) - oldtimer; if (high < combo) { high = combo; } count = 0; countt = 0; counttt = 0; countttt = 0; combo = 0; tellTarget ("/lock") { gotoAndPlay ("hit"); }; tellTarget ("/badguy") { gotoAndPlay ("flying"); }; } if (hitz < enemyhp) { enemyhp = enemyhp - hitz; } else if (hitz >= enemyhp) { enemyhp = 0; gotoAndPlay (405); } } }
Symbol 716 Button
on (keyPress "s") { if (0 < youren) { def = 0; if ((attack == 0) && (3 < timer)) { tellTarget ("/lock") { gotoAndPlay ("ball"); }; } else if ((attack == 2) && (3 < timer)) { if (2 >= count) { tellTarget ("/lock") { gotoAndStop ("ball"); }; count = count + 1; } else if (4 >= count) { tellTarget ("/lock") { gotoAndStop ("ball1"); }; count = count + 1; } else if (6 >= count) { tellTarget ("/lock") { gotoAndStop ("ball2"); }; count = count + 1; } else if (8 >= count) { tellTarget ("/lock") { gotoAndPlay ("ball3"); }; tellTarget ("/badguy") { gotoAndPlay ("flying"); }; youren = youren - 100; if (hits < enemyhp) { enemyhp = enemyhp - hits; } else if (hits >= enemyhp) { enemyhp = 0; gotoAndPlay (405); } oldtimer = getTimer() / 1000; timer = (getTimer() / 1000) - oldtimer; count = 0; countt = 0; counttt = 0; countttt = 0; combo = 0; } } } else { youren = 0; } }
Symbol 724 Button
on (release) { money = money + wage; _quality = "HIGH"; gotoAndStop (35); }
Symbol 729 Button
on (release) { if (hostage == 1) { ship = ship + wage; } else if (hostage == 2) { ship2 = ship2 + wage; } _quality = "HIGH"; gotoAndStop (35); }
Symbol 735 Button
on (release) { if (hostage == 1) { ship = ship - wage; } else if (hostage == 2) { ship2 = ship2 - wage; } _quality = "HIGH"; gotoAndStop (35); }
Symbol 746 Button
on (keyPress "q") { def = 0; if ((attack == 0) && (3 < timer)) { tellTarget ("/lock") { gotoAndPlay ("attack"); }; } else if ((attack == 1) && (3 < timer)) { if (countt < stopq) { tellTarget ("/lock") { gotoAndPlay ("hit"); }; countt = countt + 1; combo = combo + 1; } else if (countt < resumeq) { tellTarget ("/lock") { gotoAndPlay ("hit2"); }; tellTarget ("/badguy") { gotoAndPlay ("hit"); }; countt = countt + 1; combo = combo + 1; } else if (countt >= resumeq) { oldtimer = getTimer() / 1000; timer = (getTimer() / 1000) - oldtimer; if (high < combo) { high = combo; } count = 0; countt = 0; counttt = 0; countttt = 0; combo = 0; tellTarget ("/lock") { gotoAndPlay ("hit"); }; tellTarget ("/badguy") { gotoAndPlay ("flying"); }; } if (hitq < enemyhp) { enemyhp = enemyhp - hitq; } else if (hitq >= enemyhp) { enemyhp = 0; gotoAndPlay (573); } } }
Symbol 747 Button
on (keyPress "d") { if (def == 0) { def = 1; tellTarget ("/lock") { gotoAndStop ("def"); }; } else if (def == 1) { def = 0; tellTarget ("/lock") { gotoAndPlay (1); }; } }
Symbol 748 Button
on (keyPress "w") { if (0 < youren) { def = 0; if ((countt >= stopq) && (attack == 1)) { oldtimer = getTimer() / 1000; timer = (getTimer() / 1000) - oldtimer; count = 0; countt = 0; counttt = 0; countttt = 0; combo = 0; tellTarget ("/lock") { gotoAndPlay ("hit3"); }; tellTarget ("/badguy") { gotoAndPlay ("flying"); }; youren = youren - 25; if (hitw < enemyhp) { enemyhp = enemyhp - hitw; } else if (hitw >= enemyhp) { enemyhp = 0; gotoAndPlay (573); } } else if (((countt < stopq) && (3 < timer)) && (attack == 1)) { oldtimer = (getTimer() / 1000) - 1.5; timer = (getTimer() / 1000) - oldtimer; count = 0; countt = 0; counttt = 0; countttt = 0; combo = 0; youren = youren - 25; tellTarget ("/lock") { gotoAndPlay ("hit3"); }; tellTarget ("/badguy") { gotoAndPlay ("defence"); }; } } else { youren = 0; } }
Symbol 749 Button
on (keyPress "a") { def = 0; if ((attack == 0) && (3 < timer)) { tellTarget ("/lock") { gotoAndPlay ("attack"); }; } else if ((attack == 2) && (3 < timer)) { if (counttt < stopa) { tellTarget ("/lock") { gotoAndPlay ("hit4"); }; counttt = counttt + 1; combo = combo + 1; } else if (counttt < resumea) { tellTarget ("/lock") { gotoAndPlay ("hit2"); }; tellTarget ("/badguy") { gotoAndPlay ("hit"); }; counttt = counttt + 1; combo = combo + 1; } else if (counttt >= resumea) { oldtimer = getTimer() / 1000; timer = (getTimer() / 1000) - oldtimer; if (high < combo) { high = combo; } count = 0; countt = 0; counttt = 0; countttt = 0; combo = 0; tellTarget ("/lock") { gotoAndPlay ("hit"); }; tellTarget ("/badguy") { gotoAndPlay ("flying"); }; } if (hita < enemyhp) { enemyhp = enemyhp - hita; } else if (hita >= enemyhp) { enemyhp = 0; gotoAndPlay (573); } } }
Symbol 750 Button
on (keyPress "x") { if (0 < youren) { def = 0; if ((attack == 3) && (3 < timer)) { oldtimer = getTimer() / 1000; timer = (getTimer() / 1000) - oldtimer; count = 0; countt = 0; counttt = 0; countttt = 0; combo = 0; yourhp = yourhp - 75; youren = youren - 75; tellTarget ("/lock") { gotoAndPlay ("wind"); }; tellTarget ("/badguy") { gotoAndPlay ("flying"); }; if (hitx < enemyhp) { enemyhp = enemyhp - hitx; } else if (hitx >= enemyhp) { enemyhp = 0; gotoAndPlay (573); } } } else { youren = 0; } }
Symbol 751 Button
on (keyPress "z") { def = 0; if ((attack == 0) && (3 < timer)) { tellTarget ("/lock") { gotoAndPlay ("attack"); }; } else if ((attack == 3) && (3 < timer)) { if (countttt < stopz) { tellTarget ("/lock") { gotoAndPlay ("hit4"); }; countttt = countttt + 1; combo = combo + 1; } else if (countttt < resumez) { tellTarget ("/lock") { gotoAndPlay ("hit2"); }; tellTarget ("/badguy") { gotoAndPlay ("hit"); }; countttt = countttt + 1; combo = combo + 1; } else if (countttt >= resumez) { oldtimer = getTimer() / 1000; timer = (getTimer() / 1000) - oldtimer; if (high < combo) { high = combo; } count = 0; countt = 0; counttt = 0; countttt = 0; combo = 0; tellTarget ("/lock") { gotoAndPlay ("hit"); }; tellTarget ("/badguy") { gotoAndPlay ("flying"); }; } if (hitz < enemyhp) { enemyhp = enemyhp - hitz; } else if (hitz >= enemyhp) { enemyhp = 0; gotoAndPlay (573); } } }
Symbol 754 Button
on (keyPress "s") { if (0 < youren) { def = 0; if ((attack == 0) && (3 < timer)) { tellTarget ("/lock") { gotoAndPlay ("ball"); }; } else if ((attack == 2) && (3 < timer)) { if (2 >= count) { tellTarget ("/lock") { gotoAndStop ("ball"); }; count = count + 1; } else if (4 >= count) { tellTarget ("/lock") { gotoAndStop ("ball1"); }; count = count + 1; } else if (6 >= count) { tellTarget ("/lock") { gotoAndStop ("ball2"); }; count = count + 1; } else if (8 >= count) { tellTarget ("/lock") { gotoAndPlay ("ball3"); }; tellTarget ("/badguy") { gotoAndPlay ("flying"); }; youren = youren - 100; if (hits < enemyhp) { enemyhp = enemyhp - hits; } else if (hits >= enemyhp) { enemyhp = 0; gotoAndPlay (573); } oldtimer = getTimer() / 1000; timer = (getTimer() / 1000) - oldtimer; count = 0; countt = 0; counttt = 0; countttt = 0; combo = 0; } } } else { youren = 0; } }
Symbol 763 Button
on (release) { if (hostage == 1) { ship = ship + wage; } else if (hostage == 2) { ship2 = ship2 + wage; } else if (hostage == 0) { money = money + wage; } _quality = "HIGH"; gotoAndStop (35); }
Symbol 769 Button
on (release) { if (hostage == 1) { ship = ship - wage; } else if (hostage == 2) { ship2 = ship2 - wage; } else if (hostage == 0) { money = money - wage; } _quality = "HIGH"; gotoAndStop (35); }
Symbol 776 Button
on (keyPress "q") { def = 0; if ((attack == 0) && (3 < timer)) { tellTarget ("/lock") { gotoAndPlay ("attack"); }; } else if ((attack == 1) && (3 < timer)) { if (countt < stopq) { tellTarget ("/lock") { gotoAndPlay ("hit"); }; countt = countt + 1; combo = combo + 1; } else if (countt < resumeq) { tellTarget ("/lock") { gotoAndPlay ("hit2"); }; tellTarget ("/badguy") { gotoAndPlay ("hit"); }; countt = countt + 1; combo = combo + 1; } else if (countt >= resumeq) { oldtimer = getTimer() / 1000; timer = (getTimer() / 1000) - oldtimer; if (high < combo) { high = combo; } count = 0; countt = 0; counttt = 0; countttt = 0; combo = 0; tellTarget ("/lock") { gotoAndPlay ("hit"); }; tellTarget ("/badguy") { gotoAndPlay ("flying"); }; } if (hitq < enemyhp) { enemyhp = enemyhp - hitq; } else if (hitq >= enemyhp) { enemyhp = 0; gotoAndPlay (741); } } }
Symbol 777 Button
on (keyPress "d") { if (def == 0) { def = 1; tellTarget ("/lock") { gotoAndStop ("def"); }; } else if (def == 1) { def = 0; tellTarget ("/lock") { gotoAndPlay (1); }; } }
Symbol 778 Button
on (keyPress "w") { if (0 < youren) { def = 0; if ((countt >= stopq) && (attack == 1)) { oldtimer = getTimer() / 1000; timer = (getTimer() / 1000) - oldtimer; count = 0; countt = 0; counttt = 0; countttt = 0; combo = 0; tellTarget ("/lock") { gotoAndPlay ("hit3"); }; tellTarget ("/badguy") { gotoAndPlay ("flying"); }; youren = youren - 25; if (hitw < enemyhp) { enemyhp = enemyhp - hitw; } else if (hitw >= enemyhp) { enemyhp = 0; gotoAndPlay (741); } } else if (((countt < stopq) && (3 < timer)) && (attack == 1)) { oldtimer = (getTimer() / 1000) - 1.5; timer = (getTimer() / 1000) - oldtimer; count = 0; countt = 0; counttt = 0; countttt = 0; combo = 0; youren = youren - 25; tellTarget ("/lock") { gotoAndPlay ("hit3"); }; tellTarget ("/badguy") { gotoAndPlay ("defence"); }; } } else { youren = 0; } }
Symbol 779 Button
on (keyPress "a") { def = 0; if ((attack == 0) && (3 < timer)) { tellTarget ("/lock") { gotoAndPlay ("attack"); }; } else if ((attack == 2) && (3 < timer)) { if (counttt < stopa) { tellTarget ("/lock") { gotoAndPlay ("hit4"); }; counttt = counttt + 1; combo = combo + 1; } else if (counttt < resumea) { tellTarget ("/lock") { gotoAndPlay ("hit2"); }; tellTarget ("/badguy") { gotoAndPlay ("hit"); }; counttt = counttt + 1; combo = combo + 1; } else if (counttt >= resumea) { oldtimer = getTimer() / 1000; timer = (getTimer() / 1000) - oldtimer; if (high < combo) { high = combo; } count = 0; countt = 0; counttt = 0; countttt = 0; combo = 0; tellTarget ("/lock") { gotoAndPlay ("hit"); }; tellTarget ("/badguy") { gotoAndPlay ("flying"); }; } if (hita < enemyhp) { enemyhp = enemyhp - hita; } else if (hita >= enemyhp) { enemyhp = 0; gotoAndPlay (741); } } }
Symbol 780 Button
on (keyPress "x") { if (0 < youren) { def = 0; if ((attack == 3) && (3 < timer)) { oldtimer = getTimer() / 1000; timer = (getTimer() / 1000) - oldtimer; count = 0; countt = 0; counttt = 0; countttt = 0; combo = 0; yourhp = yourhp - 75; youren = youren - 75; tellTarget ("/lock") { gotoAndPlay ("wind"); }; tellTarget ("/badguy") { gotoAndPlay ("flying"); }; if (hitx < enemyhp) { enemyhp = enemyhp - hitx; } else if (hitx >= enemyhp) { enemyhp = 0; gotoAndPlay (741); } } } else { youren = 0; } }
Symbol 781 Button
on (keyPress "z") { def = 0; if ((attack == 0) && (3 < timer)) { tellTarget ("/lock") { gotoAndPlay ("attack"); }; } else if ((attack == 3) && (3 < timer)) { if (countttt < stopz) { tellTarget ("/lock") { gotoAndPlay ("hit4"); }; countttt = countttt + 1; combo = combo + 1; } else if (countttt < resumez) { tellTarget ("/lock") { gotoAndPlay ("hit2"); }; tellTarget ("/badguy") { gotoAndPlay ("hit"); }; countttt = countttt + 1; combo = combo + 1; } else if (countttt >= resumez) { oldtimer = getTimer() / 1000; timer = (getTimer() / 1000) - oldtimer; if (high < combo) { high = combo; } count = 0; countt = 0; counttt = 0; countttt = 0; combo = 0; tellTarget ("/lock") { gotoAndPlay ("hit"); }; tellTarget ("/badguy") { gotoAndPlay ("flying"); }; } if (hitz < enemyhp) { enemyhp = enemyhp - hitz; } else if (hitz >= enemyhp) { enemyhp = 0; gotoAndPlay (741); } } }
Symbol 784 Button
on (keyPress "s") { if (0 < youren) { def = 0; if ((attack == 0) && (3 < timer)) { tellTarget ("/lock") { gotoAndPlay ("ball"); }; } else if ((attack == 2) && (3 < timer)) { if (2 >= count) { tellTarget ("/lock") { gotoAndStop ("ball"); }; count = count + 1; } else if (4 >= count) { tellTarget ("/lock") { gotoAndStop ("ball1"); }; count = count + 1; } else if (6 >= count) { tellTarget ("/lock") { gotoAndStop ("ball2"); }; count = count + 1; } else if (8 >= count) { tellTarget ("/lock") { gotoAndPlay ("ball3"); }; tellTarget ("/badguy") { gotoAndPlay ("flying"); }; youren = youren - 100; if (hits < enemyhp) { enemyhp = enemyhp - hits; } else if (hits >= enemyhp) { enemyhp = 0; gotoAndPlay (741); } oldtimer = getTimer() / 1000; timer = (getTimer() / 1000) - oldtimer; count = 0; countt = 0; counttt = 0; countttt = 0; combo = 0; } } } else { youren = 0; } }
Symbol 793 Button
on (release) { if (goldbelt == 0) { money = money + 3000; _quality = "HIGH"; nextFrame(); } else if (goldbelt == 1) { money = money + 3000; _quality = "HIGH"; gotoAndStop (35); } }
Symbol 799 Button
on (release) { goldbelt = 1; gotoAndStop (35); }
Symbol 812 MovieClip Frame 9
gotoAndPlay (1);
Symbol 812 MovieClip Frame 14
gotoAndPlay (1);
Symbol 812 MovieClip Frame 59
gotoAndPlay (1);
Symbol 812 MovieClip Frame 63
gotoAndPlay (1);
Symbol 812 MovieClip Frame 67
gotoAndPlay (1);
Symbol 812 MovieClip Frame 91
gotoAndPlay (1);
Symbol 812 MovieClip Frame 150
Symbol 813 Button
on (keyPress "q") { def = 0; if ((attack == 0) && (3 < timer)) { tellTarget ("/lock") { gotoAndPlay ("attack"); }; } else if ((attack == 1) && (3 < timer)) { if (countt < stopq) { tellTarget ("/lock") { gotoAndPlay ("hit"); }; countt = countt + 1; combo = combo + 1; } else if (countt < resumeq) { tellTarget ("/lock") { gotoAndPlay ("hit2"); }; tellTarget ("/badguy") { gotoAndPlay ("hit"); }; countt = countt + 1; combo = combo + 1; } else if (countt >= resumeq) { oldtimer = getTimer() / 1000; timer = (getTimer() / 1000) - oldtimer; if (high < combo) { high = combo; } count = 0; countt = 0; counttt = 0; countttt = 0; combo = 0; tellTarget ("/lock") { gotoAndPlay ("hit"); }; tellTarget ("/badguy") { gotoAndPlay ("flying"); }; } if (hitq < enemyhp) { enemyhp = enemyhp - hitq; } else if (hitq >= enemyhp) { enemyhp = 0; gotoAndPlay (910); } } }
Symbol 814 Button
on (keyPress "d") { if (def == 0) { def = 1; tellTarget ("/lock") { gotoAndStop ("def"); }; } else if (def == 1) { def = 0; tellTarget ("/lock") { gotoAndPlay (1); }; } }
Symbol 815 Button
on (keyPress "w") { if (0 < youren) { def = 0; if ((countt >= stopq) && (attack == 1)) { oldtimer = getTimer() / 1000; timer = (getTimer() / 1000) - oldtimer; count = 0; countt = 0; counttt = 0; countttt = 0; combo = 0; tellTarget ("/lock") { gotoAndPlay ("hit3"); }; tellTarget ("/badguy") { gotoAndPlay ("flying"); }; youren = youren - 25; if (hitw < enemyhp) { enemyhp = enemyhp - hitw; } else if (hitw >= enemyhp) { enemyhp = 0; gotoAndPlay (910); } } else if (((countt < stopq) && (3 < timer)) && (attack == 1)) { oldtimer = (getTimer() / 1000) - 1.5; timer = (getTimer() / 1000) - oldtimer; count = 0; countt = 0; counttt = 0; countttt = 0; combo = 0; youren = youren - 25; tellTarget ("/lock") { gotoAndPlay ("hit3"); }; tellTarget ("/badguy") { gotoAndPlay ("defence"); }; } } else { youren = 0; } }
Symbol 816 Button
on (keyPress "a") { def = 0; if ((attack == 0) && (3 < timer)) { tellTarget ("/lock") { gotoAndPlay ("attack"); }; } else if ((attack == 2) && (3 < timer)) { if (counttt < stopa) { tellTarget ("/lock") { gotoAndPlay ("hit4"); }; counttt = counttt + 1; combo = combo + 1; } else if (counttt < resumea) { tellTarget ("/lock") { gotoAndPlay ("hit2"); }; tellTarget ("/badguy") { gotoAndPlay ("hit"); }; counttt = counttt + 1; combo = combo + 1; } else if (counttt >= resumea) { oldtimer = getTimer() / 1000; timer = (getTimer() / 1000) - oldtimer; if (high < combo) { high = combo; } count = 0; countt = 0; counttt = 0; countttt = 0; combo = 0; tellTarget ("/lock") { gotoAndPlay ("hit"); }; tellTarget ("/badguy") { gotoAndPlay ("flying"); }; } if (hita < enemyhp) { enemyhp = enemyhp - hita; } else if (hita >= enemyhp) { enemyhp = 0; gotoAndPlay (910); } } }
Symbol 817 Button
on (keyPress "x") { if (0 < youren) { def = 0; if ((attack == 3) && (3 < timer)) { oldtimer = getTimer() / 1000; timer = (getTimer() / 1000) - oldtimer; count = 0; countt = 0; counttt = 0; countttt = 0; combo = 0; yourhp = yourhp - 75; youren = youren - 75; tellTarget ("/lock") { gotoAndPlay ("wind"); }; tellTarget ("/badguy") { gotoAndPlay ("flying"); }; if (hitx < enemyhp) { enemyhp = enemyhp - hitx; } else if (hitx >= enemyhp) { enemyhp = 0; gotoAndPlay (910); } } } else { youren = 0; } }
Symbol 818 Button
on (keyPress "z") { def = 0; if ((attack == 0) && (3 < timer)) { tellTarget ("/lock") { gotoAndPlay ("attack"); }; } else if ((attack == 3) && (3 < timer)) { if (countttt < stopz) { tellTarget ("/lock") { gotoAndPlay ("hit4"); }; countttt = countttt + 1; combo = combo + 1; } else if (countttt < resumez) { tellTarget ("/lock") { gotoAndPlay ("hit2"); }; tellTarget ("/badguy") { gotoAndPlay ("hit"); }; countttt = countttt + 1; combo = combo + 1; } else if (countttt >= resumez) { oldtimer = getTimer() / 1000; timer = (getTimer() / 1000) - oldtimer; if (high < combo) { high = combo; } count = 0; countt = 0; counttt = 0; countttt = 0; combo = 0; tellTarget ("/lock") { gotoAndPlay ("hit"); }; tellTarget ("/badguy") { gotoAndPlay ("flying"); }; } if (hitz < enemyhp) { enemyhp = enemyhp - hitz; } else if (hitz >= enemyhp) { enemyhp = 0; gotoAndPlay (910); } } }
Symbol 821 Button
on (keyPress "s") { if (0 < youren) { def = 0; if ((attack == 0) && (3 < timer)) { tellTarget ("/lock") { gotoAndPlay ("ball"); }; } else if ((attack == 2) && (3 < timer)) { if (2 >= count) { tellTarget ("/lock") { gotoAndStop ("ball"); }; count = count + 1; } else if (4 >= count) { tellTarget ("/lock") { gotoAndStop ("ball1"); }; count = count + 1; } else if (6 >= count) { tellTarget ("/lock") { gotoAndStop ("ball2"); }; count = count + 1; } else if (8 >= count) { tellTarget ("/lock") { gotoAndPlay ("ball3"); }; tellTarget ("/badguy") { gotoAndPlay ("flying"); }; youren = youren - 100; if (hits < enemyhp) { enemyhp = enemyhp - hits; } else if (hits >= enemyhp) { enemyhp = 0; gotoAndPlay (910); } oldtimer = getTimer() / 1000; timer = (getTimer() / 1000) - oldtimer; count = 0; countt = 0; counttt = 0; countttt = 0; combo = 0; } } } else { youren = 0; } }
Symbol 836 Button
on (release) { yourhp = 500; youren = 500; gotoAndStop (858); }
Symbol 845 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 847 Button
on (release) { choice = 5; speed1 = 2.2 + (random(6) / 10); speed2 = 2.2 + (random(6) / 10); gotoAndStop (1041); }
Symbol 848 Button
on (release) { choice = 4; speed1 = 1.6 + (random(6) / 10); speed2 = 1.6 + (random(6) / 10); gotoAndStop (1041); }
Symbol 849 Button
on (release) { choice = 2; speed1 = 0.6 + (random(3) / 10); speed2 = 0.6 + (random(3) / 10); gotoAndStop (1041); }
Symbol 850 Button
on (release) { choice = 3; speed1 = 1 + (random(4) / 10); speed2 = 1 + (random(4) / 10); gotoAndStop (1041); }
Symbol 851 Button
on (release) { choice = 1; speed1 = 0.3 + (random(3) / 10); speed2 = 0.3 + (random(3) / 10); gotoAndStop (1041); }
Symbol 859 Button
on (release) { choice = 0; speed1 = 1.8 + (random(6) / 10); gotoAndStop (1041); }
Symbol 873 Button
on (release) { if (pill >= 1) { pill = pill - 1; if (breath == 1) { breath = 10; temp = 10; tellTarget ("/you") { gotoAndPlay (31); }; } } }
Symbol 877 Button
on (release) { gotoAndPlay (1042); }
Symbol 898 MovieClip Frame 8
gotoAndPlay (1);
Symbol 898 MovieClip Frame 14
gotoAndPlay (1);
Symbol 898 MovieClip Frame 21
gotoAndPlay (1);
Symbol 898 MovieClip Frame 30
gotoAndPlay (1);
Symbol 898 MovieClip Frame 38
gotoAndPlay (31);
Symbol 898 MovieClip Frame 66
Symbol 909 Button
on (release) { if (breath == 1) { if ((energy >= 5) && (foggy < 200)) { x = x + speed; energy = energy - 5; setProperty("/you", _x , x); } else if ((energy >= 5) && (foggy >= 200)) { x = x + (speed / 2); energy = energy - 5; setProperty("/you", _x , x); } else if (energy < 5) { breath = 0; tellTarget ("/you") { gotoAndPlay ("dr"); }; } } else if (breath == 2) { if ((energy >= 5) && (foggy < 200)) { x = x + (speed * 2); energy = energy - 12; setProperty("/you", _x , x); } else if ((energy >= 5) && (foggy >= 200)) { x = x + speed; energy = energy - 5; setProperty("/you", _x , x); } else if (energy < 5) { breath = 0; tellTarget ("/you") { gotoAndPlay ("dr"); }; } } }
Symbol 911 Button
on (release) { if ((hand >= 1) && (breath == 1)) { hand = hand - 1; foggy = 0; tellTarget ("/you") { gotoAndPlay (15); }; } }
Symbol 912 Button
on (release) { if ((lemon >= 1) && (breath == 1)) { lemon = lemon - 1; if (100 >= energy) { energy = energy + 100; } else { energy = 200; } tellTarget ("/you") { gotoAndPlay (9); }; } }
Symbol 913 Button
on (release) { if (breath == 0) { if (pill >= 1) { pill = pill - 1; breath = 1; tellTarget ("/you") { gotoAndPlay (1); }; } } }
Symbol 919 Button
on (keyPress "h") { if (breath != 0) { if (breath == 2) { breath = 1; tellTarget ("/you") { gotoAndPlay (1); }; } else if (breath == 1) { breath = 2; tellTarget ("/you") { gotoAndPlay (31); }; } } }
Symbol 939 Button
on (release) { ch = ch + chadd; if (chmax < ch) { ch = chmax; } st = st + stadd; if (stmax < st) { st = stmax; } gotoAndStop (35); }
Symbol 944 Button
on (release) { ch = ch - chadd; st = st + stadd; if (stmax < st) { st = stmax; } gotoAndStop (35); }
Symbol 947 Button
on (release) { trophy = 1; gotoAndStop (35); }
Symbol 949 Button
on (release) { gotoAndStop (35); }
Symbol 960 Button
on (release) { gotoAndStop (1174); }
Symbol 967 Button
on (release) { gotoAndStop (35); }
Symbol 975 Button
on (release) { if (state >= 2) { gotoAndStop (1177); } else { gotoAndStop (1178); } }
Symbol 977 Button
on (release) { if (state2 >= 2) { gotoAndStop (1176); } else { gotoAndStop (1178); } }
Symbol 979 Button
on (release) { gotoAndStop (1175); }
Symbol 982 Button
on (release) { gotoAndStop (1173); }
Symbol 983 Button
on (release) { if (hp >= 5) { hp = hp - 5; ship3 = ship3 + (2.5 * ratio3); gotoAndPlay (1182); } else { gotoAndStop (1179); } }
Symbol 985 Button
on (release) { gotoAndStop (1174); }
Symbol 988 Button
on (release) { if (hp >= 5) { hp = hp - 5; ship2 = ship2 + (2.5 * ratio2); gotoAndPlay (1182); } else { gotoAndStop (1179); } }
Symbol 1007 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 1008 Button
on (release) { if (hp >= 5) { hp = hp - 5; ship = ship + (2.5 * ratio); gotoAndPlay (1182); } else { gotoAndStop (1179); } }
Symbol 1019 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 1029 Button
on (release) { stopAllSounds(); ratio = (((0.5 * ch) + (0.1 * st)) + (0.4 * kn)) / 100; ship2 = ship2 + (10 * ratio); gotoAndPlay (1182); }
Symbol 1033 Button
on (release) { stopAllSounds(); gotoAndStop (1219); }
Symbol 1034 Button
on (release) { stopAllSounds(); ratio = (((0.5 * ch) + (0.4 * st)) + (0.1 * kn)) / 100; ship = ship + (10 * ratio); gotoAndPlay (1182); }
Symbol 1035 Button
on (release) { stopAllSounds(); gotoAndStop (1220); }
Symbol 1043 Button
on (press) { gotoAndStop (1226); }
Symbol 1044 Button
on (release) { gotoAndStop (1513); }
Symbol 1051 Button
on (press) { gotoAndStop (1222); }
Symbol 1054 Button
on (release) { gotoAndStop (35); }
Symbol 1055 Button
on (release, keyPress "<Space>") { gotoAndStop (35); }
Symbol 1100 Button
on (release) { nextFrame(); }
Symbol 1136 Button
on (release) { prevFrame(); }
Symbol 1233 Button
on (release, keyPress "<Space>") { gotoAndStop (24); }
Symbol 1271 Button
on (press) { startDrag ("/necklace"); } on (release) { stopDrag(); }
Symbol 1278 Button
on (release) { _quality = "HIGH"; goldbelt = 1; gotoAndStop (1); }
Symbol 1292 Button
on (release, keyPress "s") { if (popcorn == 1) { popcorn = 2; } if (popcorn == 3) { popcorn = 4; } if (popcorn == 5) { popcorn = 6; } if (popcorn == 7) { popcorn = 8; } if ((day == 10) && (school == 10)) { gotoAndStop (1265); } else if ((day == 20) && (school == 20)) { gotoAndStop (1265); } else if ((day == 34) && (school == 34)) { gotoAndStop (1265); } else if ((day == 40) && (school == 40)) { gotoAndStop (1265); } else if ((day == 44) && (school == 44)) { gotoAndStop (1265); } else if ((day == 48) && (school == 48)) { gotoAndStop (1265); } else if ((day == bitchfight) && (school == bitchfight)) { gotoAndStop (1265); } else if ((day == 64) && (school == 64)) { gotoAndStop (1265); } else if ((day == 69) && (school == 69)) { gotoAndStop (1265); } else if ((day == 76) && (school == 76)) { gotoAndStop (1265); } else if ((day == 82) && (school == 82)) { gotoAndStop (1265); } else { hp = "100"; gotoAndPlay (1229); } }
Symbol 1298 Button
on (release, keyPress "e") { gotoAndStop (35); }
Symbol 1302 Button
on (release, keyPress "p") { gotoAndStop (1264); }
Symbol 1305 Button
on (release) { if ((day < 21) or (day >= 82)) { gotoAndStop (2022); } else if ((day >= 21) && (state4 == 1)) { gotoAndPlay (1822); } else if ((day >= 21) && (state4 >= 2)) { gotoAndStop (1828); } }
Symbol 1323 Button
on (release) { stopAllSounds(); gotoAndStop (10699); }
Symbol 1326 Button
on (release) { stopAllSounds(); if ((((((pic1 != 1) and (pic2 != 1)) and (pic3 != 1)) and (pic4 != 1)) and (pic5 != 1)) and (pic6 != 1)) { gotoAndStop (1228); } else { gotoAndPlay (10696); } }
Symbol 1327 Button
on (release) { gotoAndStop (1228); }
Symbol 1335 Button
on (release, keyPress "c") { gotoAndStop (1267); }
Symbol 1340 Button
on (release, keyPress "m") { if (hp >= 50) { hp = hp - 50; gotoAndPlay (1027); } else { gotoAndStop (1297); } }
Symbol 1341 Button
on (release) { countt = 0; if (hp >= 20) { hp = hp - 20; ratio3 = (((0.1 * ch) + (0.2 * st)) + (0.7 * kn)) / 200; gotoAndStop (2023); } else { gotoAndStop (1297); } }
Symbol 1343 Button
on (release) { countt = 0; if (hp >= 20) { hp = hp - 20; ratio = (((0.7 * ch) + (0.2 * st)) + (0.1 * kn)) / 100; ship = ship + (10 * ratio); luck = random(100); if (state == 0) { gotoAndStop (1745); } else if (state == 1) { if (luck >= 85) { gotoAndStop (5674); ship = ship - 5; } else { gotoAndStop (4371); } } else if (state == 2) { if (luck >= 80) { gotoAndStop (5674); ship = ship - 25; } else { luck = random(14); gotoAndStop (4522); } } else if (state == 3) { if (luck >= 75) { gotoAndStop (5674); ship = ship - 120; } else { luck = random(14); gotoAndStop (4688); } } else if (state == 4) { if (luck >= 95) { state = 9; gotoAndStop (5673); } else if (luck >= 85) { gotoAndStop (5674); ship = ship - 300; } else { gotoAndStop (4855); } } else if (state == 5) { gotoAndStop (5021); } else if (state == 9) { gotoAndStop (5673); } } else if (hp < 20) { gotoAndStop (1297); } }
Symbol 1345 Button
on (release) { countt = 0; if (hp >= 20) { hp = hp - 20; ratio2 = (((0.7 * ch) + (0.1 * st)) + (0.2 * kn)) / 50; ship2 = ship2 + (10 * ratio2); luck = random(100); if (state2 == 0) { gotoAndStop (1745); } else if (state2 == 1) { if (luck >= 85) { gotoAndStop (5676); ship2 = ship2 - 5; } else { gotoAndStop (5022); } } else if (state2 == 2) { if (luck >= 80) { gotoAndStop (5676); ship2 = ship2 - 25; } else { luck = random(14); gotoAndStop (5173); } } else if (state2 == 3) { if (luck >= 75) { gotoAndStop (5676); ship2 = ship2 - 80; } else { luck = random(14); gotoAndStop (5339); } } else if (state2 == 4) { if (luck >= 90) { gotoAndStop (5676); ship = ship - 200; } else { gotoAndStop (5506); } } else if (state2 == 5) { gotoAndStop (5672); } } else if (hp < 20) { gotoAndStop (1297); } }
Symbol 1348 Button
on (release, keyPress "e") { if ((state >= 1) && (popcorn == 0)) { popcorn = 1; gotoAndStop (2425); } else if ((state >= 2) && (popcorn == 2)) { popcorn = 3; gotoAndStop (2513); } else if ((state >= 3) && (popcorn == 4)) { popcorn = 5; gotoAndStop (2539); } else if ((state >= 4) && (popcorn == 6)) { popcorn = 7; gotoAndStop (2572); } else if ((state2 >= 3) && (fartscene == 0)) { fartscene = 1; gotoAndStop (3302); } else if ((state2 >= 4) && (fartscene == 1)) { fartscene = 2; gotoAndStop (3333); } else { gotoAndStop (35); } }
Symbol 1359 Button
on (release) { gotoAndStop (1298); }
Symbol 1362 Button
on (release, keyPress "e") { gotoAndStop (1266); }
Symbol 1368 Button
on (release, keyPress "s") { if (hp >= 50) { if (kn < knmax) { hp = hp - 50; if ((style == 1) or (style == 2)) { knadd = 5 + random(3); kn = kn + knadd; if (kn >= knmax) { kn = knmax; } } else if (style == 3) { knadd = 15 + random(4); kn = kn + knadd; if (kn >= knmax) { kn = knmax; } } else { knadd = 10 + random(3); kn = kn + knadd; if (kn >= knmax) { kn = knmax; } } if (kn >= knmax) { kn = knmax; } gotoAndPlay (1268); } } else { gotoAndStop (1297); } }
Symbol 1400 Button
on (release) { gotoAndStop (1266); }
Symbol 1406 Button
on (release) { if (special == 1) { gotoAndStop (1310); } else if ((special == 2) and (goldbelt == 1)) { gotoAndStop (1319); } else if (((((day >= special) and (special != 101)) and (special != 0)) and (special != 1)) and (special != 2)) { special = 101; gotoAndStop (1328); } else { nextFrame(); } }
Symbol 1411 Button
on (release) { nextFrame(); }
Symbol 1415 Button
on (release) { gotoAndStop (1267); }
Symbol 1416 Button
on (release) { if ((school == 20) && (day == 20)) { school = 21; if (kn < 50) { shipadd = -25; scholar = 0; gotoAndStop (1306); } else if ((kn >= 50) && (kn < 70)) { shipadd = 0; scholar = 0; gotoAndStop (1307); } else if ((kn >= 70) && (kn < 100)) { shipadd = 50; scholar = 300; gotoAndStop (1308); } else if (kn >= 100) { shipadd = 100; scholar = 1000; gotoAndStop (1309); } } else if ((day == 48) && (school == 48)) { school = bitchfight; if (kn < 100) { shipadd = -150; scholar = 0; gotoAndStop (1306); } else if ((kn >= 100) && (kn < 120)) { shipadd = 0; scholar = 0; gotoAndStop (1307); } else if ((kn >= 120) && (kn < 150)) { shipadd = 150; scholar = 1000; gotoAndStop (1308); } else if (kn >= 150) { shipadd = 300; scholar = 2500; gotoAndStop (1309); } } else if ((day == 76) && (school == 76)) { school = 82; if (kn < 150) { shipadd = -400; scholar = 0; gotoAndStop (1306); } else if ((kn >= 150) && (kn < 170)) { shipadd = 0; scholar = 0; gotoAndStop (1307); } else if ((kn >= 170) && (kn < 200)) { shipadd = 400; scholar = 2000; gotoAndStop (1308); } else if (kn >= 200) { shipadd = 800; scholar = 5000; gotoAndStop (1309); } } }
Symbol 1424 Button
on (release) { ship = ship + shipadd; ship2 = ship2 + shipadd; ship1 = ship1 + shipadd; money = money + scholar; gotoAndStop (1266); }
Symbol 1437 Button
on (release) { if (goldbelt == 0) { special = 2; gotoAndStop (1267); } else if (goldbelt == 1) { nextFrame(); } }
Symbol 1447 Button
on (release) { special = day + 10; gotoAndStop (1267); }
Symbol 1477 Button
on (release) { gotoAndStop (1228); }
Symbol 1486 Button
on (release, keyPress "e") { gotoAndStop (35); }
Symbol 1493 Button
on (release, keyPress "s") { if (hp >= 45) { if (style == 2) { if (gift2 == 1) { wage = int(ch * 3.9); } else { wage = int(ch * 1.95); } } else if (gift2 == 1) { wage = int(ch * 3); } else { wage = int(ch * 1.5); } money = money + wage; hp = hp - 45; gotoAndPlay (1355); } else { gotoAndStop (1444); } }
Symbol 1500 Button
on (release, keyPress "t") { if (hp >= 35) { if (style == 3) { if (gift1 == 1) { wage = int(kn * 6); } else { wage = int(kn * 3); } } else if ((style == 1) or (style == 2)) { if (gift1 == 1) { wage = int(kn * 4); } else { wage = int(kn * 2); } } else if (gift1 == 1) { wage = int(kn * 5); } else { wage = int(kn * 2.5); } money = money + wage; hp = hp - 35; gotoAndPlay (1384); } else { gotoAndStop (1444); } }
Symbol 1506 Button
on (release, keyPress "d") { luck = random(100); if (style == 1) { luck = luck + 10; } if (hp >= 50) { if (luck < 16) { wage = int(st * 15); gotoAndStop (1445); } else { if (gift3 == 1) { wage = int(st * 10); } else { wage = int(st * 5); } money = money + wage; hp = hp - 50; gotoAndPlay (1414); } } else { gotoAndStop (1444); } }
Symbol 1512 Button
on (release, keyPress "m") { if (hp >= 30) { hp = hp - 30; gotoAndStop (1446); } else { gotoAndStop (1444); } }
Symbol 1578 Button
on (release) { gotoAndStop (1354); }
Symbol 1579 Button
on (release) { money = money - wage; hp = 0; gotoAndStop (35); }
Symbol 1583 Button
on (release) { model = 1; nextFrame(); }
Symbol 1586 Button
on (release) { if (state4 >= 1) { model = 2; nextFrame(); } }
Symbol 1587 Button
on (release) { if (state2 >= 3) { model = 3; nextFrame(); } }
Symbol 1588 Button
on (release) { if (state >= 3) { model = 4; nextFrame(); } }
Symbol 1598 Button
on (release, keyPress "e") { hp = hp + 50; gotoAndStop (35); }
Symbol 1599 Button
on (release) { money = money + 30; if (model == 1) { if (pop1 >= 0) { popadd = int(((((b1 + s1) + p1) + k1) + l1) * 0.05); pop1 = pop1 + popadd; gotoAndStop (1448); } else { gotoAndStop (1449); } } if (model == 2) { if (pop2 >= 0) { popadd = int(((((b2 + s2) + p2) + k2) + l2) * 0.05); pop2 = pop2 + popadd; gotoAndStop (1448); } else { gotoAndStop (1449); } } if (model == 3) { if (pop3 >= 0) { popadd = int(((((b3 + s3) + p3) + k3) + l3) * 0.05); pop3 = pop3 + popadd; gotoAndStop (1448); } else { gotoAndStop (1449); } } if (model == 4) { if (pop4 >= 0) { popadd = int(((((b4 + s4) + p4) + k4) + l4) * 0.05); pop4 = pop4 + popadd; gotoAndStop (1448); } else { gotoAndStop (1449); } } }
Symbol 1600 Button
on (release) { money = money + 100; if (model == 1) { if (pop1 >= 50) { popadd = int(((((b1 + s1) + p1) + k1) + l1) * 0.1); pop1 = pop1 + popadd; gotoAndStop (1448); } else { gotoAndStop (1449); } } if (model == 2) { if (pop2 >= 50) { popadd = int(((((b2 + s2) + p2) + k2) + l2) * 0.1); pop2 = pop2 + popadd; gotoAndStop (1448); } else { gotoAndStop (1449); } } if (model == 3) { if (pop3 >= 50) { popadd = int(((((b3 + s3) + p3) + k3) + l3) * 0.1); pop3 = pop3 + popadd; gotoAndStop (1448); } else { gotoAndStop (1449); } } if (model == 4) { if (pop4 >= 50) { popadd = int(((((b4 + s4) + p4) + k4) + l4) * 0.1); pop4 = pop4 + popadd; gotoAndStop (1448); } else { gotoAndStop (1449); } } }
Symbol 1601 Button
on (release) { money = money + 250; if (model == 1) { if (pop1 >= 150) { popadd = int(((((b1 + s1) + p1) + k1) + l1) * 0.2); pop1 = pop1 + popadd; gotoAndStop (1448); } else { gotoAndStop (1449); } } if (model == 2) { if (pop2 >= 150) { popadd = int(((((b2 + s2) + p2) + k2) + l2) * 0.2); pop2 = pop2 + popadd; gotoAndStop (1448); } else { gotoAndStop (1449); } } if (model == 3) { if (pop3 >= 150) { popadd = int(((((b3 + s3) + p3) + k3) + l3) * 0.2); pop3 = pop3 + popadd; gotoAndStop (1448); } else { gotoAndStop (1449); } } if (model == 4) { if (pop4 >= 150) { popadd = int(((((b4 + s4) + p4) + k4) + l4) * 0.2); pop4 = pop4 + popadd; gotoAndStop (1448); } else { gotoAndStop (1449); } } }
Symbol 1602 Button
on (release) { money = money + 500; if (model == 1) { if (pop1 >= 350) { popadd = int(((((b1 + s1) + p1) + k1) + l1) * 0.3); pop1 = pop1 + popadd; gotoAndStop (1448); } else { gotoAndStop (1449); } } if (model == 2) { if (pop2 >= 350) { popadd = int(((((b2 + s2) + p2) + k2) + l2) * 0.3); pop2 = pop2 + popadd; gotoAndStop (1448); } else { gotoAndStop (1449); } } if (model == 3) { if (pop3 >= 350) { popadd = int(((((b3 + s3) + p3) + k3) + l3) * 0.3); pop3 = pop3 + popadd; gotoAndStop (1448); } else { gotoAndStop (1449); } } if (model == 4) { if (pop4 >= 350) { popadd = int(((((b4 + s4) + p4) + k4) + l4) * 0.3); pop4 = pop4 + popadd; gotoAndStop (1448); } else { gotoAndStop (1449); } } }
Symbol 1603 Button
on (release) { money = money + 750; if (model == 1) { if (pop1 >= 750) { popadd = int(((((b1 + s1) + p1) + k1) + l1) * 0.4); pop1 = pop1 + popadd; gotoAndStop (1448); } else { gotoAndStop (1449); } } if (model == 2) { if (pop2 >= 750) { popadd = int(((((b2 + s2) + p2) + k2) + l2) * 0.4); pop2 = pop2 + popadd; gotoAndStop (1448); } else { gotoAndStop (1449); } } if (model == 3) { if (pop3 >= 750) { popadd = int(((((b3 + s3) + p3) + k3) + l3) * 0.4); pop3 = pop3 + popadd; gotoAndStop (1448); } else { gotoAndStop (1449); } } if (model == 4) { if (pop4 >= 750) { popadd = int(((((b4 + s4) + p4) + k4) + l4) * 0.4); pop4 = pop4 + popadd; gotoAndStop (1448); } else { gotoAndStop (1449); } } }
Symbol 1604 Button
on (release) { money = money + 1500; if (model == 1) { if (pop1 >= 1600) { album1 = 1; popadd = int(((((b1 + s1) + p1) + k1) + l1) * 0.8); pop1 = pop1 + popadd; gotoAndStop (1448); } else { gotoAndStop (1449); } } if (model == 2) { if (pop2 >= 1600) { album2 = 1; popadd = int(((((b2 + s2) + p2) + k2) + l2) * 0.8); pop2 = pop2 + popadd; gotoAndStop (1448); } else { gotoAndStop (1449); } } if (model == 3) { if (pop3 >= 1600) { album3 = 1; popadd = int(((((b3 + s3) + p3) + k3) + l3) * 0.8); pop3 = pop3 + popadd; gotoAndStop (1448); } else { gotoAndStop (1449); } } if (model == 4) { if (pop4 >= 1600) { album4 = 1; popadd = int(((((b4 + s4) + p4) + k4) + l4) * 0.8); pop4 = pop4 + popadd; gotoAndStop (1448); } else { gotoAndStop (1449); } } }
Symbol 1605 Button
on (release) { money = money + 3000; if (model == 1) { if (pop1 >= 3200) { album1 = 1.5; popadd = int(((((b1 + s1) + p1) + k1) + l1) * 1.6); pop1 = pop1 + popadd; gotoAndStop (1448); } else { gotoAndStop (1449); } } if (model == 2) { if (pop2 >= 3200) { album2 = 1.5; popadd = int(((((b2 + s2) + p2) + k2) + l2) * 1.6); pop2 = pop2 + popadd; gotoAndStop (1448); } else { gotoAndStop (1449); } } if (model == 3) { if (pop3 >= 3200) { album3 = 1.5; popadd = int(((((b3 + s3) + p3) + k3) + l3) * 1.6); pop3 = pop3 + popadd; gotoAndStop (1448); } else { gotoAndStop (1449); } } if (model == 4) { if (pop4 >= 3200) { album4 = 1.5; popadd = int(((((b4 + s4) + p4) + k4) + l4) * 1.6); pop4 = pop4 + popadd; gotoAndStop (1448); } else { gotoAndStop (1449); } } }
Symbol 1606 Button
on (release) { money = money + 6000; if (model == 1) { if (pop1 >= 6400) { popadd = int(((((b1 + s1) + p1) + k1) + l1) * 3.2); pop1 = pop1 + popadd; album1 = 2; gotoAndStop (1448); } else { gotoAndStop (1449); } } if (model == 2) { if (pop2 >= 6400) { popadd = int(((((b2 + s2) + p2) + k2) + l2) * 3.2); pop2 = pop2 + popadd; album2 = 2; gotoAndStop (1448); } else { gotoAndStop (1449); } } if (model == 3) { if (pop3 >= 6400) { popadd = int(((((b3 + s3) + p3) + k3) + l3) * 3.2); pop3 = pop3 + popadd; album3 = 2; gotoAndStop (1448); } else { gotoAndStop (1449); } } if (model == 4) { if (pop4 >= 6400) { popadd = int(((((b4 + s4) + p4) + k4) + l4) * 3.2); pop4 = pop4 + popadd; album4 = 2; gotoAndStop (1448); } else { gotoAndStop (1449); } } }
Symbol 1607 Button
on (release) { money = money + 9000; if (model == 1) { if (pop1 >= 12800) { popadd = int(((((b1 + s1) + p1) + k1) + l1) * 6.4); pop1 = pop1 + popadd; album1 = 3; gotoAndStop (1448); } else { gotoAndStop (1449); } } if (model == 2) { if (pop2 >= 12800) { popadd = int(((((b2 + s2) + p2) + k2) + l2) * 6.4); pop2 = pop2 + popadd; album2 = 3; gotoAndStop (1448); } else { gotoAndStop (1449); } } if (model == 3) { if (pop3 >= 12800) { popadd = int(((((b3 + s3) + p3) + k3) + l3) * 6.4); pop3 = pop3 + popadd; album3 = 3; gotoAndStop (1448); } else { gotoAndStop (1449); } } if (model == 4) { if (pop4 >= 12800) { popadd = int(((((b4 + s4) + p4) + k4) + l4) * 6.4); pop4 = pop4 + popadd; album4 = 3; gotoAndStop (1448); } else { gotoAndStop (1449); } } }
Symbol 1611 Button
on (release) { gotoAndStop (1447); }
Symbol 1619 Button
on (release, keyPress "s") { if ((hp >= 20) and (money >= 20)) { if (ch < chmax) { money = money - 20; hp = hp - 20; if (style == 2) { chadd = 8 + random(8); ch = ch + chadd; if (chmax < ch) { ch = chmax; } } else { chadd = 5 + random(3); ch = ch + chadd; if (chmax < ch) { ch = chmax; } } if (chmax < ch) { ch = chmax; } gotoAndPlay (1452); } } else { gotoAndStop (1481); } }
Symbol 1623 Button
on (release, keyPress "a") { if (hp >= 50) { if (st < stmax) { hp = hp - 50; if (style == 1) { stadd = 15 + random(4); st = st + stadd; if (stmax < st) { st = stmax; } } else if (style == 3) { stadd = 5 + random(3); st = st + stadd; if (stmax < st) { st = stmax; } } else { stadd = 10 + random(3); st = st + stadd; if (stmax < st) { st = stmax; } } if (stmax < st) { st = stmax; } gotoAndPlay (1482); } } else { gotoAndStop (1481); } }
Symbol 1629 Button
on (release) { gotoAndStop (1512); }
Symbol 1632 Button
on (release, keyPress "e") { gotoAndStop (35); }
Symbol 1646 Button
on (release) { gotoAndStop (1451); }
Symbol 1659 Button
on (release) { if (hp >= 50) { hp = hp - 50; gotoAndStop (22); } else { gotoAndStop (1481); } }
Symbol 1660 Button
on (release) { gotoAndStop (124); }
Symbol 1668 Button
on (release, keyPress "<Space>") { gotoAndStop (35); }
Symbol 1671 Button
on (release) { if (promchoice == 0) { gotoAndStop (35); } else { gotoAndStop (3812); } }
Symbol 1676 Button
on (release) { gotoAndStop (3812); }
Symbol 1680 Button
on (release) { gotoAndStop (1543); }
Symbol 1682 Button
on (release) { if (state5 == 5) { gotoAndStop (1623); } else { gotoAndStop (1545); } }
Symbol 1686 Button
on (release) { if (state5 < 4) { gotoAndStop (1542); } else { gotoAndStop (1643); } }
Symbol 1690 Button
on (release, keyPress "t") { if (state5 == 1) { gotoAndStop (1528); } else if (state5 == 2) { gotoAndStop (1530); } else if (state5 == 3) { gotoAndStop (1531); } else if (state5 == 4) { gotoAndStop (1532); } else { gotoAndStop (1533); } }
Symbol 1695 Button
on (release, keyPress "a") { if (state5 == 1) { if (((gift4 == 1) && (gift5 == 1)) && (gift6 == 1)) { gotoAndStop (1548); } else { gotoAndStop (1534); } } else if (state5 == 2) { if (((gift1 == 1) && (gift2 == 1)) && (gift3 == 1)) { gotoAndStop (1548); } else { gotoAndStop (1538); } } else if (state5 == 3) { if (mind == 1) { gotoAndStop (1548); } else { gotoAndStop (1539); } } else if (state5 == 4) { if (((special >= 1) and (goldbelt == 1)) and (trophy == 1)) { gotoAndStop (1548); } else { gotoAndStop (1540); } } else { gotoAndStop (1533); } }
Symbol 1702 Button
on (release) { gotoAndStop (1527); }
Symbol 1718 Button
on (release) { gotoAndStop (1546); }
Symbol 1719 Button
on (release) { gotoAndStop (1547); }
Symbol 1722 Button
on (release) { mySO = SharedObject.getLocal("sim_girls_save"); = day; = msfukoma; = promchoice; = pic1; = pic2; = pic3; = pic4; = pic5; = pic6; = name; = style; = height; = age; = hp; = kn; = st; = ch; = knmax; = stmax; = chmax; = money; = luck; = ratio; = lemon; = hand; = pill; = flower; = bear; = diamond; = special; = trophy; = goldbelt; = gift1; = gift3; = gift2; = gift4; = gift6; = gift5; = mind; = ship3; = pop3; = level3; = sch3; = b3; = s3; = p3; = k3; = l3; = dateday3; = ship2; = pop2; = sch2; = level2; = kissdate2; = b2; = s2; = p2; = k2; = l2; = dateday2; = ship; = level; = pop1; = sch1; = kiss; = kissdate; = b1; = s1; = p1; = k1; = l1; = dateday; = ship5; = level5; = ship4; = level4; = karin_energy; = hygiene; = health; = state4; = b4; = s4; = p4; = k4; = l4; = sch4; = pop4; = xxx; = week; = luck; = count; = countt; = counttt; = school; = breath; = timer; = oldtimer; = state; = state2; = state3; = state4; = state5; = popcorn; = fartscene; = bitchfight; = rest; = forest; = gold; = beach; = blue; = space; = cond; = kiss; = kiss2; = shipadd; = stadd; = chadd; = knadd; mySO.flush(); gotoAndPlay (1638); }
Symbol 1726 Button
on (release) { mySO = SharedObject.getLocal("sim_girls_save"); if ( != undefined) { day =; msfukoma =; promchoice =; pic1 =; pic2 =; pic3 =; pic4 =; pic5 =; pic6 =; name =; style =; height =; age =; hp =; kn =; st =; ch =; knmax =; stmax =; chmax =; money =; luck =; ratio =; lemon =; hand =; pill =; flower =; bear =; diamond =; special =; trophy =; goldbelt =; gift1 =; gift3 =; gift2 =; gift4 =; gift6 =; gift5 =; mind =; ship3 =; pop3 =; level3 =; sch3 =; b3 =; s3 =; p3 =; k3 =; l3 =; dateday3 =; state3 =; ship2 =; pop2 =; sch2 =; level2 =; kissdate2 =; b2 =; s2 =; p2 =; k2 =; l2 =; dateday2 =; state2 =; ship =; level =; pop1 =; sch1 =; kiss =; kissdate =; b1 =; s1 =; p1 =; k1 =; l1 =; dateday =; state =; ship5 =; level5 =; state5 =; ship4 =; level4 =; karin_energy =; hygiene =; health =; state4 =; b4 =; s4 =; p4 =; k4 =; l4 =; sch4 =; pop4 =; state4 =; xxx =; week =; luck =; count =; countt =; counttt =; school =; breath =; timer =; oldtimer =; popcorn =; fartscene =; bitchfight =; rest =; forest =; gold =; beach =; blue =; space =; cond =; kiss =; kiss2 =; shipadd =; stadd =; chadd =; knadd =; stopAllSounds(); gotoAndPlay (1638); } }
Symbol 1728 Button
on (release) { play(); }
Symbol 1738 Button
on (release) { pill = pill + 10; lemon = lemon + 10; hand = hand + 10; gotoAndStop (1527); }
Symbol 1740 Button
on (release) { flower = flower + 10; bear = bear + 5; diamond = diamond + 3; gotoAndStop (1527); }
Symbol 1743 Button
on (release, keyPress "e") { gotoAndStop (3923); }
Symbol 1745 Button
on (release) { nextFrame(); }
Symbol 1748 Button
on (release) { gotoAndStop (3923); }
Symbol 1749 Button
on (release) { gotoAndStop (1643); }
Symbol 1752 Button
on (release, keyPress "e") { gotoAndStop (1527); }
Symbol 1756 Button
on (release) { gotoAndStop (2855); }
Symbol 1757 Button
on (release) { gotoAndStop (2860); }
Symbol 1761 Button
on (release, keyPress "e") { if (promchoice == 0) { gotoAndStop (35); } else { gotoAndStop (3923); } }
Symbol 1765 Button
on (release, keyPress "f") { if (money >= 50) { money = money - 50; flower = flower + 1; gotoAndPlay (1648); } else { gotoAndStop (1647); } }
Symbol 1769 Button
on (release, keyPress "t") { if (money >= 300) { money = money - 300; bear = bear + 1; gotoAndPlay (1648); } else { gotoAndStop (1647); } }
Symbol 1773 Button
on (release, keyPress "d") { if (money >= 1000) { money = money - 1000; diamond = diamond + 1; gotoAndPlay (1648); } else { gotoAndStop (1647); } }
Symbol 1777 Button
on (release, keyPress "m") { if (money >= 80) { money = money - 80; pill = pill + 1; gotoAndPlay (1648); } else { gotoAndStop (1647); } }
Symbol 1781 Button
on (release, keyPress "h") { if (money >= 20) { money = money - 20; hand = hand + 1; gotoAndPlay (1648); } else { gotoAndStop (1647); } }
Symbol 1785 Button
on (release, keyPress "c") { if (money >= 10) { money = money - 10; lemon = lemon + 1; gotoAndPlay (1648); } else { gotoAndStop (1647); } }
Symbol 1789 Button
on (release) { gotoAndStop (1646); }
Symbol 1864 Button
on (release, keyPress "<Space>") { stopAllSounds(); gotoAndStop (2274); }
Symbol 1878 Button
on (release) { gotoAndStop (2274); }
Symbol 1881 Button
on (release, keyPress "a") { gotoAndStop (1750); }
Symbol 1882 Button
on (release, keyPress "t") { if (ship < 5) { gotoAndStop (1746); } else if (ship < 12) { gotoAndStop (1747); } else if (ship < 20) { gotoAndStop (1748); } else { gotoAndStop (1749); } }
Symbol 1883 Button
on (release, keyPress "e") { gotoAndStop (1266); }
Symbol 1887 Button
on (release, keyPress "g") { gotoAndStop (1820); }
Symbol 1891 Button
on (release, keyPress "d") { gotoAndStop (1821); }
Symbol 1899 Button
on (release) { if (ship >= 20) { gotoAndStop (1817); } else { gotoAndStop (1819); } }
Symbol 1901 Button
on (release) { state = 1; level = "New friend"; gotoAndStop (4371); }
Symbol 1905 Button
on (release) { stopAllSounds(); gotoAndPlay (1752); }
Symbol 1907 Button
on (release) { gotoAndStop (1745); }
Symbol 1939 Button
on (release) { if (0 < pill) { pill = pill - 1; health = health + 25; if (100 < health) { health = 100; } gotoAndPlay (1822); } }
Symbol 1940 Button
on (release) { if (0 < hand) { hand = hand - 1; hygiene = hygiene + 20; if (100 < hygiene) { hygiene = 100; } gotoAndPlay (1822); } }
Symbol 1941 Button
on (release) { if (0 < lemon) { lemon = lemon - 1; karin_energy = karin_energy + 20; if (100 < karin_energy) { karin_energy = 100; } gotoAndPlay (1822); } }
Symbol 1942 Button
on (release, keyPress "e") { gotoAndStop (1228); }
Symbol 1943 Button
on (release) { nextFrame(); }
Symbol 1945 Button
on (release) { if (special == 101) { gotoAndStop (1826); } else { nextFrame(); } }
Symbol 1947 Button
on (release) { gotoAndPlay (1822); }
Symbol 1949 Button
on (release) { state4 = 2; level4 = "Maid"; gotoAndPlay (1853); }
Symbol 1952 Button
on (release, keyPress "a") { gotoAndStop (1836); }
Symbol 1954 Button
on (release, keyPress "p") { gotoAndStop (1839); }
Symbol 1955 Button
on (release, keyPress "t") { if (ship4 < 1300) { gotoAndStop (1829); } else if (ship4 < 1600) { gotoAndStop (1830); } else if (ship4 < 1900) { gotoAndStop (1831); } else if (ship4 < 2200) { gotoAndStop (1832); } else { gotoAndStop (1833); } }
Symbol 1956 Button
on (release, keyPress "g") { gotoAndStop (1834); }
Symbol 1974 Button
on (release, keyPress "e") { gotoAndStop (1828); }
Symbol 1980 Button
on (release) { if (bear >= 1) { bear = bear - 1; ship4 = (ship4 + 20) + int(35 * ratio); gotoAndStop (1835); } }
Symbol 1981 Button
on (release) { if (diamond >= 1) { diamond = diamond - 1; ship4 = (ship4 + 80) + int(110 * ratio); gotoAndStop (1835); } }
Symbol 1982 Button
on (release) { if (flower >= 1) { flower = flower - 1; ship4 = (ship4 + 3) + int(6 * ratio); gotoAndStop (1835); } }
Symbol 1986 Button
on (release) { gotoAndStop (1828); }
Symbol 1990 Button
on (release) { if ((ship4 >= 1600) && (state4 < 3)) { gotoAndStop (1838); } else if ((ship4 >= 1600) && (state4 >= 3)) { gotoAndStop (1841); } else if (ship4 < 1600) { nextFrame(); } }
Symbol 1997 Button
on (release) { state4 = 3; level4 = "Playmate"; gotoAndPlay (1853); }
Symbol 2031 Button
on (release, keyPress "e") { gotoAndStop (1228); }
Symbol 2032 Button
on (release, keyPress "a") { gotoAndStop (2048); }
Symbol 2033 Button
on (release, keyPress "t") { if (ship3 < 500) { gotoAndStop (2024); } else if (ship3 < 1200) { gotoAndStop (2025); } else if (ship3 < 2000) { gotoAndStop (2026); } else { gotoAndStop (2027); } }
Symbol 2034 Button
on (release, keyPress "g") { if (countt == 0) { gotoAndStop (2042); } }
Symbol 2035 Button
on (release, keyPress "d") { gotoAndStop (2041); }
Symbol 2043 Button
on (release, keyPress "e") { gotoAndStop (2023); }
Symbol 2045 Button
on (release) { if (choice == dateday3) { stopAllSounds(); gotoAndStop (2044); } else { gotoAndStop (2040); } }
Symbol 2052 Button
on (release) { if (bear >= 1) { bear = bear - 1; ship3 = (ship3 + 20) + int(35 * ratio3); gotoAndStop (2043); } }
Symbol 2053 Button
on (release) { if (diamond >= 1) { diamond = diamond - 1; ship3 = (ship3 + 80) + int(110 * ratio3); gotoAndStop (2043); } }
Symbol 2054 Button
on (release) { if (flower >= 1) { flower = flower - 1; ship3 = (ship3 + 3) + int(6 * ratio3); gotoAndStop (2043); } }
Symbol 2055 Button
on (release) { countt = 1; gotoAndStop (2023); }
Symbol 2061 Button
on (release) { if (style == 1) { stadd = 8 + random(4); st = st + stadd; if (stmax < st) { st = stmax; } } else if (style == 3) { stadd = 5 + random(3); st = st + stadd; if (stmax < st) { st = stmax; } } else { stadd = 7 + random(3); st = st + stadd; if (stmax < st) { st = stmax; } shipadd = 200 * ratio3; ship3 = ship3 + shipadd; gotoAndStop (2046); } }
Symbol 2066 Button
on (release) { if (style == 2) { chadd = 8 + random(4); ch = ch + chadd; if (chmax < ch) { ch = chmax; } } else { chadd = 5 + random(3); ch = ch + chadd; if (chmax < ch) { ch = chmax; } } shipadd = 200 * ratio3; ship3 = ship3 + shipadd; gotoAndStop (2045); }
Symbol 2076 Button
on (release) { if ((style == 1) or (style == 2)) { knadd = 5 + random(3); kn = kn + knadd; if (kn >= knmax) { kn = knmax; } } else if (style == 3) { knadd = 8 + random(4); kn = kn + knadd; if (kn >= knmax) { kn = knmax; } } else { knadd = 7 + random(3); kn = kn + knadd; if (kn >= knmax) { kn = knmax; } } shipadd = 200 * ratio3; ship3 = ship3 + shipadd; gotoAndStop (2047); }
Symbol 2085 Button
on (release) { dateday3 = 1 + random(5); gotoAndStop (35); }
Symbol 2102 Button
on (release) { gotoAndStop (2049); }
Symbol 2103 Button
on (release) { gotoAndStop (2050); }
Symbol 2121 Button
on (release, keyPress "t") { if (hp >= 60) { nextFrame(); } else { gotoAndStop (2125); } }
Symbol 2123 Button
on (release) { hp = hp - 60; if (state3 == 3) { gotoAndStop (2129); } else if (state3 == 4) { gotoAndStop (2133); } else if (state3 == 5) { gotoAndStop (2135); } else if (state3 == 6) { gotoAndStop (2138); } else if (state3 == 7) { gotoAndStop (2141); } else if (state3 == 8) { gotoAndStop (2145); } }
Symbol 2131 Button
on (release) { if (lemon < 20) { gotoAndStop (2123); } else { lemon = lemon - 20; gotoAndStop (2132); } }
Symbol 2133 Button
on (release) { gotoAndStop (2023); }
Symbol 2135 Button
on (release) { if (state3 == 3) { state3 = state3 + 1; ship3 = ship3 + 1000; } else if (state3 == 4) { state3 = state3 + 1; ship3 = ship3 + 1000; } else if (state3 == 5) { state3 = state3 + 1; ship3 = ship3 + 1000; } else if (state3 == 6) { state3 = state3 + 1; ship3 = ship3 + 1000; } else if (state3 == 7) { state3 = state3 + 1; ship3 = ship3 + 1000; } else if (state3 == 8) { state3 = state3 + 1; ship3 = ship3 + 1000; } gotoAndStop (2123); }
Symbol 2138 Button
on (release) { if (hand < 20) { gotoAndStop (2123); } else { hand = hand - 20; gotoAndStop (2132); } }
Symbol 2142 Button
on (release) { if (flower < 20) { gotoAndStop (2123); } else { flower = flower - 20; gotoAndStop (2132); } }
Symbol 2146 Button
on (release) { if (pill < 10) { gotoAndStop (2123); } else { pill = pill - 10; gotoAndStop (2132); } }
Symbol 2151 Button
on (release) { if (diamond < 5) { gotoAndStop (2123); } else { diamond = diamond - 5; gotoAndStop (2132); } }
Symbol 2155 Button
on (release) { if (bear < 10) { gotoAndStop (2123); } else { bear = bear - 10; gotoAndStop (2132); } }
Symbol 2171 Button
on (release, keyPress "<Space>") { stopAllSounds(); gotoAndStop (1735); }
Symbol 2184 Button
on (release) { gotoAndStop (1735); }
Symbol 2188 Button
on (release) { if ((day == 19) or (day == 47)) { gotoAndStop (2212); ship3 = ship3 + 200; kn = kn + 20; hp = hp - 50; } else if (day == 75) { gotoAndStop (2213); } }
Symbol 2189 Button
on (release) { if ((day == 19) or (day == 47)) { gotoAndStop (2209); } else if (day == 75) { gotoAndStop (2210); } }
Symbol 2193 Button
on (release) { gotoAndStop (2213); }
Symbol 2235 Button
on (release) { if (state >= 5) { gotoAndStop (2253); } }
Symbol 2237 Button
on (release) { ship2 = ship2 + 100; kn = kn + 20; hp = hp - 50; gotoAndStop (35); }
Symbol 2263 Button
on (release) { ship = ship + 100; hp = hp - 50; gotoAndStop (35); }
Symbol 2264 Button
on (release, keyPress "<Space>") { nextFrame(); }
Symbol 2266 Button
on (release) { gotoAndStop (2298); }
Symbol 2267 Button
on (release) { gotoAndStop (2276); }
Symbol 2268 Button
on (release) { gotoAndStop (2283); }
Symbol 2269 Button
on (release) { gotoAndStop (2288); }
Symbol 2270 Button
on (release, keyPress "e") { gotoAndStop (2290); }
Symbol 2280 Button
on (release) { gotoAndStop (2275); }
Symbol 2289 Button
on (release) { stopAllSounds(); gotoAndStop (2307); }
Symbol 2290 Button
on (release) { gotoAndStop (2299); }
Symbol 2291 Button
on (release) { gotoAndStop (2304); }
Symbol 2292 Button
on (release) { gotoAndStop (2275); }
Symbol 2293 Button
on (release) { gotoAndStop (2300); }
Symbol 2299 Button
on (release) { gotoAndStop (2298); }
Symbol 2303 Button
on (release, keyPress "<Space>") { stopAllSounds(); gotoAndStop (33); }
Symbol 2327 Button
on (release) { gotoAndPlay (2329); }
Symbol 2334 Button
on (release) { gotoAndStop (33); }
Symbol 2339 Button
on (release) { gotoAndStop (2373); }
Symbol 2341 Button
on (release) { gotoAndStop (2374); }
Symbol 2342 Button
on (release) { gotoAndStop (2372); }
Symbol 2363 Button
on (release) { if (money >= a) { money = money - a; if (a < 50) { ship3 = ship3 - 20; gotoAndStop (2388); } else if (200 >= a) { ship3 = ship3 + (a / 2); gotoAndStop (2387); } } else { gotoAndStop (2388); } }
Symbol 2367 Button
on (release) { if (money >= a) { money = money - a; if (a < 50) { ship2 = ship2 - 20; gotoAndStop (2390); } else if (200 >= a) { ship2 = ship2 + (a / 2); gotoAndStop (2389); } } else { gotoAndStop (2390); } }
Symbol 2371 Button
on (release) { if (money >= a) { money = money - a; if (a < 50) { ship = ship - 20; gotoAndStop (2392); } else if (200 >= a) { ship = ship + (a / 2); gotoAndStop (2391); } } else { gotoAndStop (2392); } }
Symbol 2376 Button
on (release) { gotoAndStop (2385); }
Symbol 2380 Button
on (release) { gotoAndStop (2386); }
Symbol 2383 Button
on (release) { gotoAndStop (2393); }
Symbol 2386 Button
on (release) { stopAllSounds(); gotoAndStop (35); }
Symbol 2421 Button
on (release) { gotoAndStop (2418); ship3 = ship3 + 50; }
Symbol 2422 Button
on (release) { gotoAndStop (2420); ship2 = ship2 + 50; }
Symbol 2423 Button
on (release) { gotoAndStop (2422); ship = ship + 50; }
Symbol 2431 Button
on (release, keyPress "<Space>") { stopAllSounds(); gotoAndStop (2499); }
Symbol 2449 Button
on (release) { stopAllSounds(); gotoAndPlay (2437); }
Symbol 2450 Button
on (release) { nextFrame(); }
Symbol 2452 Button
on (release) { prevFrame(); }
Symbol 2506 Button
on (release) { ship = ship + 5; gotoAndStop (35); }
Symbol 2507 Button
on (release) { ship = ship + 10; gotoAndStop (35); }
Symbol 2523 Button
on (release) { if (state == 3) { gotoAndStop (3974); } }
Symbol 2524 Button
on (release) { gotoAndStop (35); }
Symbol 2525 Button
on (release, keyPress "<Space>") { stopAllSounds(); gotoAndStop (2538); }
Symbol 2559 Button
on (release) { ship = ship + 10; gotoAndStop (35); }
Symbol 2562 Button
on (release, keyPress "<Space>") { stopAllSounds(); gotoAndStop (2571); }
Symbol 2613 Button
on (release, keyPress "<Space>") { stopAllSounds(); gotoAndStop (2622); }
Symbol 2681 Button
on (release, keyPress "<Space>") { stopAllSounds(); gotoAndStop (2659); }
Symbol 2785 Button
on (release) { if (state >= 5) { nextFrame(); } }
Symbol 2989 Button
on (release) { if (album1 >= 2) { gotoAndStop (3924); } }
Symbol 3017 Button
on (release) { gotoAndStop (1643); }
Symbol 3072 Button
on (release) { gotoAndStop (2439); }
Symbol 3079 Button
on (release, keyPress "<Space>") { stopAllSounds(); gotoAndStop (2960); }
Symbol 3169 Button
on (release) { enemyhp = 3000; damage = 10000 / st; yourhp = 500; youren = 500; hitq = st / 20; hitw = st * 4; stopq = 3; resumeq = 5; hita = st / 40; hits = st; stopa = 5; resumea = 7; hitz = st / 40; hitx = st * 0.5; stopz = 5; resumez = 7; gotoAndStop (858); }
Symbol 3245 Button
on (release) { gotoAndStop (3049); }
Symbol 3246 Button
on (release) { if (((((state >= 5) && (state2 >= 5)) && (state3 >= 9)) && (state4 >= 3)) && (state5 >= 5)) { nextFrame(); } }
Symbol 3253 MovieClip Frame 15
Symbol 3254 MovieClip Frame 1
i = 2; while (Number(i) < 50) { duplicateMovieClip ("isk1", "isk" add i, i); setProperty("isk" add i, _rotation , random(360)); scalefactor = 40 + Number(random(60)); setProperty("isk" add i, _xscale , scalefactor); setProperty("isk" add i, _yscale , scalefactor); i = Number(i) + 1; }
Symbol 3255 MovieClip Frame 34
Symbol 3256 MovieClip Frame 1
i = 2; while (Number(i) < 50) { duplicateMovieClip ("isk1", "isk" add i, i); setProperty("isk" add i, _rotation , random(360)); scalefactor = 40 + Number(random(60)); setProperty("isk" add i, _xscale , scalefactor); setProperty("isk" add i, _yscale , scalefactor); tellTarget ("isk" add i) { gotoAndPlay(random(5)); }; i = Number(i) + 1; }
Symbol 3259 MovieClip Frame 15
Symbol 3260 MovieClip Frame 1
i = 2; while (Number(i) < 50) { duplicateMovieClip ("isk1", "isk" add i, i); setProperty("isk" add i, _rotation , random(360)); scalefactor = 40 + Number(random(60)); setProperty("isk" add i, _xscale , scalefactor); setProperty("isk" add i, _yscale , scalefactor); i = Number(i) + 1; }
Symbol 3332 Button
on (release) { k2 = 0; state4 = 1; level4 = "Pet"; hygiene = 100; health = 100; gotoAndStop (35); }
Symbol 3402 Button
on (release) { gotoAndStop (2814); }
Symbol 3429 Button
on (release) { gotoAndPlay (35); }
Symbol 3453 Button
on (release) { ship = ship + 30; nextFrame(); }
Symbol 3454 Button
on (release) { ship = ship - 30; nextFrame(); }
Symbol 3473 Button
on (release) { ship3 = ship3 + 30; nextFrame(); }
Symbol 3474 Button
on (release) { ship3 = ship3 - 30; nextFrame(); }
Symbol 3491 Button
on (release) { ship2 = ship2 + 30; nextFrame(); }
Symbol 3492 Button
on (release) { ship2 = ship2 - 30; nextFrame(); }
Symbol 3500 Button
on (press) { startDrag ("/skirt4"); } on (release) { stopDrag(); }
Symbol 3502 Button
on (press) { startDrag ("/top"); } on (release) { stopDrag(); }
Symbol 3504 Button
on (press) { startDrag ("/boot2"); } on (release) { stopDrag(); }
Symbol 3507 Button
on (release) { ship2 = ship2 + 50; nextFrame(); }
Symbol 3508 Button
on (release) { ship3 = ship3 + 50; nextFrame(); }
Symbol 3509 Button
on (release) { ship = ship + 50; nextFrame(); }
Symbol 3514 Button
on (release) { gotoAndStop (3383); }
Symbol 3515 Button
on (release) { gotoAndStop (3379); }
Symbol 3516 Button
on (release) { gotoAndStop (3388); }
Symbol 3517 Button
on (release) { gotoAndStop (3394); }
Symbol 3520 Button
on (release) { gotoAndStop (3378); }
Symbol 3532 Button
on (press) { startDrag ("/Bstock2"); } on (release) { stopDrag(); }
Symbol 3535 Button
on (press) { startDrag ("/sm"); } on (release) { stopDrag(); }
Symbol 3551 Button
on (release) { ship2 = ship2 + 100; gotoAndStop (3402); }
Symbol 3552 Button
on (release) { ship3 = ship3 + 100; gotoAndStop (3402); }
Symbol 3553 Button
on (release) { if (state >= 4) { ship = ship + 100; nextFrame(); } else { ship = ship + 100; gotoAndStop (3402); } }
Symbol 3560 Button
on (release) { gotoAndStop (3411); }
Symbol 3574 Button
on (release) { if ((score3 < score1) and (score4 < score1)) { msfukoma = 1; gotoAndStop (3409); } else if ((score4 < score3) and (score1 < score3)) { msfukoma = 3; gotoAndStop (3408); } else if ((score4 >= score1) and (score4 >= score3)) { msfukoma = 4; gotoAndStop (3410); } }
Symbol 3583 Button
on (release) { gotoAndStop (3413); }
Symbol 3584 Button
on (release) { gotoAndStop (3414); }
Symbol 3585 Button
on (release) { gotoAndStop (3415); }
Symbol 3586 Button
on (release) { stopAllSounds(); gotoAndStop (3404); }
Symbol 3590 Button
on (release) { if (state >= 5) { gotoAndStop (3416); } else { gotoAndStop (3412); } }
Symbol 3594 Button
on (release) { gotoAndStop (3412); }
Symbol 3625 Button
on (release) { gotoAndStop (3437); }
Symbol 3627 Button
on (release) { gotoAndStop (3446); }
Symbol 3629 Button
on (release) { gotoAndStop (3457); }
Symbol 3630 Button
on (release) { prevFrame(); }
Symbol 3640 Button
on (release) { gotoAndStop (3436); }
Symbol 3660 Button
on (release) { gotoAndStop (3551); }
Symbol 3661 Button
on (release) { gotoAndStop (3552); }
Symbol 3662 Button
on (release) { gotoAndStop (3553); }
Symbol 3664 Button
on (release) { hp = 0; if (state == 5) { nextFrame(); } else { gotoAndStop (35); } }
Symbol 3667 Button
on (release) { hp = 0; gotoAndStop (2660); }
Symbol 3673 Button
on (release) { if (promchoice != 4) { promchoice = 3; } gotoAndStop (3582); }
Symbol 3674 Button
on (release) { if (state2 >= 5) { if (promchoice != 4) { promchoice = 2; } gotoAndStop (3609); } else { gotoAndStop (3580); } }
Symbol 3675 Button
on (release) { if (state >= 5) { if (promchoice != 4) { promchoice = 1; } gotoAndStop (3636); } else { gotoAndStop (3580); } }
Symbol 3676 Button
on (release) { promchoice = 4; gotoAndStop (3581); }
Symbol 3677 Button
on (release) { gotoAndStop (3579); }
Symbol 3705 MovieClip Frame 10
gotoAndPlay (1);
Symbol 3718 Button
on (release) { gotoAndStop (3665); }
Symbol 3745 Button
on (press) { startDrag ("/shoes"); } on (release) { stopDrag(); }
Symbol 3781 Button
on (release) { if (promchoice == 3) { nextFrame(); } else { gotoAndStop (3737); } }
Symbol 3802 Button
on (release) { gotoAndPlay (1229); }
Symbol 3807 Button
on (release) { if (state >= 4) { gotoAndStop (2864); } }
Symbol 3811 Button
on (release) { if (state >= 5) { gotoAndStop (2896); } }
Symbol 3819 Button
on (release) { gotoAndStop (6); }
Symbol 3822 Button
on (release, keyPress "g") { gotoAndStop (1514); }
Symbol 3824 Button
on (release) { gotoAndStop (1516); }
Symbol 3827 Button
on (release) { gotoAndStop (1516); }
Symbol 3828 Button
on (release) { if (promchoice == 3) { nextFrame(); } }
Symbol 3843 Button
on (release) { nextFrame(); }
Symbol 3845 Button
on (release) { gotoAndStop (3817); }
Symbol 3849 Button
on (release) { gotoAndStop (10811); }
Symbol 3861 Button
on (release) { gotoAndStop (3848); }
Symbol 3866 Button
on (release) { stopAllSounds(); gotoAndStop (3814); }
Symbol 3902 Button
on (release) { gotoAndStop (1646); }
Symbol 3906 Button
on (release) { gotoAndStop (1635); }
Symbol 3961 Button
on (release) { gotoAndStop (3952); }
Symbol 3966 Button
on (release) { nextFrame(); }
Symbol 3970 Button
on (release) { gotoAndStop (3973); }
Symbol 3971 Button
on (release) { gotoAndStop (3954); }
Symbol 3972 Button
on (release) { gotoAndStop (3969); }
Symbol 3973 Button
on (release) { gotoAndStop (3951); }
Symbol 3980 Button
on (release) { gotoAndStop (3952); }
Symbol 4003 Button
on (release) { if ((money >= 2000) && (ch >= 200)) { money = money - 2000; nextFrame(); } }
Symbol 4004 Button
on (release) { ship = ship + 20; gotoAndStop (35); }
Symbol 4058 MovieClip Frame 45
gotoAndPlay (1);
Symbol 4085 MovieClip Frame 58
gotoAndPlay (1);
Symbol 4085 MovieClip Frame 59
Symbol 4085 MovieClip Frame 76
gotoAndStop (60);
Symbol 4085 MovieClip Frame 104
gotoAndPlay (1);
Symbol 4096 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 4096 MovieClip Frame 33
gotoAndStop (1);
Symbol 4096 MovieClip Frame 82
gotoAndStop (1);
Symbol 4096 MovieClip Frame 123
gotoAndStop (1);
Symbol 4096 MovieClip Frame 178
gotoAndStop (1);
Symbol 4096 MovieClip Frame 192
gotoAndStop (1);
Symbol 4096 MovieClip Frame 219
gotoAndStop (1);
Symbol 4096 MovieClip Frame 231
gotoAndStop (1);
Symbol 4097 Button
on (release) { tellTarget ("/soundclip") { gotoAndPlay ("heart"); }; tellTarget ("/head") { gotoAndPlay ("talk"); }; }
Symbol 4098 Button
on (release) { tellTarget ("/soundclip") { gotoAndPlay ("hai"); }; }
Symbol 4099 Button
on (release) { pleasure = 0; }
Symbol 4107 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 4124 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 4124 MovieClip Frame 19
gotoAndPlay (11);
Symbol 4129 Button
on (release) { tool = 1; startDrag ("/mouse", true); tellTarget ("/mouse") { gotoAndStop (2); }; }
Symbol 4130 Button
on (release) { round = random(6); if (round == 0) { tellTarget ("/soundclip") { gotoAndPlay ("lovehate"); }; tellTarget ("/head") { gotoAndPlay ("talk"); }; } else if (round == 1) { tellTarget ("/soundclip") { gotoAndPlay ("leave"); }; tellTarget ("/head") { gotoAndPlay ("talk"); }; } }
Symbol 4131 Button
on (release) { tool = 0; startDrag ("/mouse", true); tellTarget ("/mouse") { gotoAndStop (1); }; }
Symbol 4132 Button
on (release) { tool = 2; startDrag ("/mouse", true); tellTarget ("/mouse") { gotoAndStop (3); }; }
Symbol 4133 Button
on (release) { if (pleasure >= 20) { tool = 4; tellTarget ("/soundclip") { gotoAndPlay ("yehe"); }; gotoAndPlay (4055); } }
Symbol 4134 Button
on (release) { tool = 3; startDrag ("/mouse", true); tellTarget ("/mouse") { gotoAndStop (4); }; }
Symbol 4136 Button
on (rollOver) { spoton = 1; if ((tool == 1) and (20 >= pleasure)) { pleasure = pleasure + 0.1; round = round + 1; tellTarget ("/head") { gotoAndStop ("eyeshut"); }; if (round == 13) { round = 0; tellTarget ("/soundclip") { gotoAndPlay ("hai"); }; } } else if ((tool == 2) and (40 >= pleasure)) { pleasure = pleasure + 0.2; round = round + 1; tellTarget ("/head") { gotoAndStop ("eyeshut"); }; if (round == 13) { round = 0; tellTarget ("/soundclip") { gotoAndPlay ("ahh"); }; } } else if (tool == 3) { pleasure = pleasure + 0.6; round = round + 1; tellTarget ("/head") { gotoAndPlay ("mouthopen"); }; if (round == 13) { round = 0; tellTarget ("/soundclip") { gotoAndPlay ("ahh"); }; } } } on (rollOut) { spoton = 0; }
Symbol 4148 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 4149 Button
on (release) { tellTarget ("/hand") { gotoAndStop (1); }; tellTarget ("/tool") { gotoAndStop (1); }; }
Symbol 4150 Button
on (release) { tool = 4; tellTarget ("/hand") { gotoAndStop (1); }; tellTarget ("/tool") { gotoAndStop (2); }; }
Symbol 4151 Button
on (release) { tool = 5; tellTarget ("/hand") { gotoAndStop (1); }; tellTarget ("/tool") { gotoAndStop (3); }; }
Symbol 4152 Button
on (release) { gotoAndPlay (4000); }
Symbol 4153 Button
on (release) { tellTarget ("/head") { gotoAndPlay ("mouthopen"); }; }
Symbol 4154 Button
on (press) { play(); }
Symbol 4155 Button
on (release) { tellTarget ("/asshole") { gotoAndPlay ("egg insert"); }; }
Symbol 4156 Button
on (release) { tool = 6; tellTarget ("/hand") { gotoAndStop (2); }; tellTarget ("/tool") { gotoAndStop (4); }; }
Symbol 4166 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 4166 MovieClip Frame 14
gotoAndStop (1);
Symbol 4167 Button
on (release) { round = random(6); if (round == 0) { tellTarget ("/soundclip") { gotoAndPlay ("lovehate"); }; tellTarget ("/head") { gotoAndPlay ("talk"); }; } else if (round == 1) { tellTarget ("/soundclip") { gotoAndPlay ("leave"); }; tellTarget ("/head") { gotoAndPlay ("talk"); }; } }
Symbol 4168 Button
on (release) { gotoAndPlay (4141); }
Symbol 4186 MovieClip Frame 20
gotoAndPlay (15);
Symbol 4187 Button
on (release) { tellTarget ("/hand") { gotoAndStop (1); }; tellTarget ("/tool") { gotoAndStop (1); }; }
Symbol 4188 Button
on (release) { tellTarget ("/hand") { gotoAndStop (1); }; tellTarget ("/tool") { gotoAndStop (2); }; }
Symbol 4189 Button
on (release) { tellTarget ("/hand") { gotoAndStop (1); }; tellTarget ("/soundclip") { gotoAndPlay ("yehe"); }; tellTarget ("/squirt") { gotoAndPlay (2); }; }
Symbol 4190 Button
on (release) { tellTarget ("/head") { gotoAndStop ("eyeshut"); }; }
Symbol 4191 Button
on (release) { tellTarget ("/head") { gotoAndPlay ("mouthopen"); }; }
Symbol 4192 Button
on (release) { tellTarget ("/asshole") { gotoAndPlay ("egg insert"); }; }
Symbol 4193 Button
on (release) { tellTarget ("/hand") { gotoAndStop (1); }; tellTarget ("/head") { gotoAndPlay ("mouthopen"); }; tellTarget ("/tool") { gotoAndStop (5); }; }
Symbol 4194 Button
on (release) { tellTarget ("/suck dick") { gotoAndPlay ("withdraw"); }; }
Symbol 4205 Button
on (release) { tellTarget ("/head") { gotoAndStop ("tongue"); }; }
Symbol 4206 Button
on (release) { tellTarget ("/hand") { gotoAndStop (1); }; tellTarget ("/tool") { gotoAndStop (2); }; }
Symbol 4207 Button
on (release) { tellTarget ("/hand") { gotoAndStop (1); }; tellTarget ("/soundclip") { gotoAndPlay ("yehe"); }; tellTarget ("/squirt") { gotoAndPlay (2); }; }
Symbol 4208 Button
on (release) { tellTarget ("/head") { gotoAndStop ("eyeshut"); }; }
Symbol 4209 Button
on (release) { tellTarget ("/head") { gotoAndPlay ("mouthopen"); }; }
Symbol 4210 Button
on (release) { tellTarget ("/asshole") { gotoAndPlay ("egg insert"); }; }
Symbol 4211 Button
on (release) { tellTarget ("/hand") { gotoAndStop (1); }; tellTarget ("/head") { gotoAndPlay ("mouthopen"); }; tellTarget ("/tool") { gotoAndStop (5); }; }
Symbol 4212 Button
on (release) { tellTarget ("/suck dick") { gotoAndPlay ("withdraw"); }; }
Symbol 4216 Button
on (release) { tellTarget ("/soundclip") { gotoAndPlay ("heart"); }; tellTarget ("/head") { gotoAndPlay ("talk"); }; }
Symbol 4217 Button
on (release) { tellTarget ("/soundclip") { gotoAndPlay ("hai"); }; }
Symbol 4220 Button
on (release) { round = random(6); if (round == 0) { tellTarget ("/soundclip") { gotoAndPlay ("lovehate"); }; tellTarget ("/head") { gotoAndPlay ("talk"); }; } else if (round == 1) { tellTarget ("/soundclip") { gotoAndPlay ("leave"); }; tellTarget ("/head") { gotoAndPlay ("talk"); }; } }
Symbol 4231 Button
on (release, keyPress "a") { gotoAndStop (4376); }
Symbol 4232 Button
on (release, keyPress "t") { if (ship < 30) { gotoAndStop (4372); } else if (ship < 45) { gotoAndStop (4373); } else if (ship < 65) { gotoAndStop (4374); } else { gotoAndStop (4375); } }
Symbol 4233 Button
on (release, keyPress "g") { if (countt == 0) { gotoAndStop (4445); } }
Symbol 4234 Button
on (release, keyPress "d") { gotoAndStop (4447); }
Symbol 4242 Button
on (release) { if (ship >= 65) { gotoAndStop (4441); } else { gotoAndStop (4443); } }
Symbol 4244 Button
on (release) { state = 2; level = "Good friend"; gotoAndStop (4522); }
Symbol 4246 Button
on (release) { stopAllSounds(); gotoAndPlay (4378); }
Symbol 4248 Button
on (release) { gotoAndStop (4371); }
Symbol 4249 Button
on (release) { gotoAndStop (4371); }
Symbol 4254 Button
on (release) { if (bear >= 1) { bear = bear - 1; ship = (ship + 20) + int(35 * ratio); gotoAndPlay (4475); } }
Symbol 4255 Button
on (release) { if (diamond >= 1) { diamond = diamond - 1; ship = (ship + 80) + int(110 * ratio); gotoAndPlay (4500); } }
Symbol 4256 Button
on (release) { if (flower >= 1) { flower = flower - 1; ship = (ship + 3) + int(6 * ratio); gotoAndPlay (4450); } }
Symbol 4258 Button
on (release) { countt = 1; gotoAndStop (4371); }
Symbol 4260 Button
on (release, keyPress "a") { gotoAndStop (4542); }
Symbol 4261 Button
on (release, keyPress "t") { if (ship >= 350) { gotoAndStop (4532); } else if (luck == 0) { gotoAndStop (4523); } else if (luck == 1) { gotoAndStop (4524); } else if (luck == 2) { gotoAndStop (4525); } else if (luck == 3) { gotoAndStop (4526); } else if (luck == 4) { gotoAndStop (4527); } else if (luck == 5) { gotoAndStop (4528); } else if (luck == 6) { gotoAndStop (4529); } else if (luck == 7) { gotoAndStop (4530); } else if (luck == 8) { gotoAndStop (4531); } else if (luck == 9) { gotoAndStop (4526); } else if ((luck == 10) or (luck == 11)) { gotoAndStop (4536); } else { gotoAndStop (4538); } }
Symbol 4262 Button
on (release, keyPress "g") { if (countt == 0) { gotoAndStop (4611); } }
Symbol 4263 Button
on (release, keyPress "d") { gotoAndStop (4613); }
Symbol 4278 Button
on (release) { luck = 9; ship = ship + 40; gotoAndStop (4537); }
Symbol 4279 Button
on (release) { luck = 2; ship = ship + 10; gotoAndStop (4537); }
Symbol 4280 Button
on (release) { luck = 2; ship = ship + 30; gotoAndStop (4537); }
Symbol 4284 Button
on (release) { luck = 9; ship = ship + 50; gotoAndStop (4539); }
Symbol 4285 Button
on (release) { luck = 2; ship = ship - 30; gotoAndStop (4540); }
Symbol 4289 Button
on (release) { if (ship >= 350) { gotoAndStop (4607); } else { gotoAndStop (4609); } }
Symbol 4291 Button
on (release) { state = 3; level = "Close friend"; gotoAndStop (4688); }
Symbol 4293 Button
on (release) { stopAllSounds(); gotoAndPlay (4544); }
Symbol 4295 Button
on (release) { gotoAndStop (4522); }
Symbol 4296 Button
on (release) { gotoAndStop (4522); }
Symbol 4300 Button
on (release) { if (bear >= 1) { bear = bear - 1; ship = (ship + 20) + (35 * ratio); gotoAndPlay (4641); } }
Symbol 4301 Button
on (release) { if (diamond >= 1) { diamond = diamond - 1; ship = (ship + 80) + (110 * ratio); gotoAndPlay (4666); } }
Symbol 4302 Button
on (release) { if (flower >= 1) { flower = flower - 1; ship = (ship + 3) + (6 * ratio); gotoAndPlay (4616); } }
Symbol 4304 Button
on (release) { countt = 1; gotoAndStop (4522); }
Symbol 4306 Button
on (release, keyPress "a") { if (2 >= luck) { gotoAndStop (4708); } else if (5 >= luck) { gotoAndStop (4710); } else if (8 >= luck) { gotoAndStop (4712); } else if (11 >= luck) { gotoAndStop (4714); } else { gotoAndStop (4716); } }
Symbol 4307 Button
on (release, keyPress "t") { if (ship >= 2000) { gotoAndStop (4699); } else if (luck == 0) { gotoAndStop (4689); } else if (luck == 1) { gotoAndStop (4690); } else if (luck == 2) { gotoAndStop (4691); } else if (luck == 3) { gotoAndStop (4692); } else if (luck == 4) { gotoAndStop (4693); } else if (luck == 5) { gotoAndStop (4700); } else if (luck == 6) { gotoAndStop (4695); } else if (luck == 7) { gotoAndStop (4696); } else if (luck == 8) { gotoAndStop (4697); } else if (luck == 9) { gotoAndStop (4692); } else if ((luck == 10) or (luck == 11)) { gotoAndStop (4702); } else { gotoAndStop (4704); } }
Symbol 4308 Button
on (release, keyPress "g") { if (countt == 0) { gotoAndStop (4777); } }
Symbol 4309 Button
on (release, keyPress "d") { gotoAndStop (4779); }
Symbol 4325 Button
on (release) { luck = 5; ship = ship + 10; gotoAndStop (4703); }
Symbol 4326 Button
on (release) { luck = 6; ship = ship - 100; gotoAndStop (4703); }
Symbol 4327 Button
on (release) { luck = 5; ship = ship + 100; gotoAndStop (4703); }
Symbol 4331 Button
on (release) { luck = 8; ship = ship - 50; gotoAndStop (4706); }
Symbol 4332 Button
on (release) { luck = 5; ship = ship + 100; gotoAndStop (4705); }
Symbol 4339 Button
on (release) { gotoAndStop (4688); }
Symbol 4343 Button
on (release) { if (bear >= 1) { bear = bear - 1; ship = (ship + 20) + (35 * ratio); gotoAndPlay (4807); } }
Symbol 4344 Button
on (release) { if (diamond >= 1) { diamond = diamond - 1; ship = (ship + 80) + (110 * ratio); gotoAndPlay (4832); } }
Symbol 4345 Button
on (release) { if (flower >= 1) { flower = flower - 1; ship = (ship + 3) + (6 * ratio); gotoAndPlay (4782); } }
Symbol 4347 Button
on (release) { countt = 1; gotoAndStop (4688); }
Symbol 4349 Button
on (release) { if (choice == dateday) { stopAllSounds(); gotoAndStop (6026); } else { gotoAndStop (4780); } }
Symbol 4352 Button
on (release, keyPress "a") { if (luck < 15) { gotoAndStop (4875); } else if (luck < 30) { gotoAndStop (4877); } else if (luck < 45) { gotoAndStop (4879); } else if (luck < 60) { gotoAndStop (4881); } else if (luck < 75) { gotoAndStop (4883); } else { gotoAndStop (4885); } }
Symbol 4353 Button
on (release, keyPress "t") { if (luck < 7) { gotoAndStop (4856); } else if (luck < 14) { gotoAndStop (4857); } else if (luck < 21) { gotoAndStop (4858); } else if (luck < 28) { gotoAndStop (4859); } else if (luck < 35) { gotoAndStop (4860); } else if (luck < 42) { gotoAndStop (4867); } else if (luck < 49) { gotoAndStop (4862); } else if (luck < 56) { gotoAndStop (4863); } else if (luck < 63) { gotoAndStop (4864); } else if (luck < 70) { gotoAndStop (4859); } else if (luck < 85) { gotoAndStop (4869); } else { gotoAndStop (4871); } }
Symbol 4354 Button
on (release, keyPress "g") { if (countt == 0) { gotoAndStop (4944); } }
Symbol 4355 Button
on (release, keyPress "d") { gotoAndStop (4946); }
Symbol 4358 Button
on (release) { if (mind == 1) { gotoAndPlay (4889); } }
Symbol 4373 Button
on (release) { luck = 68; ship = ship + 150; gotoAndStop (4870); }
Symbol 4374 Button
on (release) { luck = 20; ship = ship + 10; gotoAndStop (4870); }
Symbol 4375 Button
on (release) { luck = 68; ship = ship + 100; gotoAndStop (4870); }
Symbol 4378 Button
on (release) { luck = 68; ship = ship + 100; gotoAndStop (4872); }
Symbol 4379 Button
on (release) { luck = 20; ship = ship + 10; gotoAndStop (4872); }
Symbol 4380 Button
on (release) { luck = 20; ship = ship + 150; gotoAndStop (4872); }
Symbol 4393 Button
on (release, keyPress "x") { gotoAndStop (4855); }
Symbol 4398 Button
on (release) { gotoAndStop (4855); }
Symbol 4402 Button
on (release) { if (bear >= 1) { bear = bear - 1; ship = (ship + 20) + (35 * ratio); gotoAndPlay (4974); } }
Symbol 4403 Button
on (release) { if (diamond >= 1) { diamond = diamond - 1; ship = (ship + 80) + (110 * ratio); gotoAndPlay (4999); } }
Symbol 4404 Button
on (release) { if (flower >= 1) { flower = flower - 1; ship = (ship + 3) + (6 * ratio); gotoAndPlay (4949); } }
Symbol 4406 Button
on (release) { countt = 1; gotoAndStop (4855); }
Symbol 4407 Button
on (release) { if (choice == dateday) { stopAllSounds(); gotoAndStop (6026); } else { gotoAndStop (4947); } }
Symbol 4414 Button
on (release, keyPress "d") { stopAllSounds(); gotoAndStop (6026); }
Symbol 4415 Button
on (release, keyPress "a") { gotoAndStop (5027); }
Symbol 4416 Button
on (release, keyPress "t") { if (ship2 < 30) { gotoAndStop (5023); } else if (ship2 < 45) { gotoAndStop (5024); } else if (ship2 < 65) { gotoAndStop (5025); } else { gotoAndStop (5026); } }
Symbol 4417 Button
on (release, keyPress "g") { if (countt == 0) { gotoAndStop (5096); } }
Symbol 4418 Button
on (release, keyPress "d") { gotoAndStop (5098); }
Symbol 4426 Button
on (release) { if (ship2 >= 65) { gotoAndStop (5092); } else { gotoAndStop (5094); } }
Symbol 4427 Button
on (release) { state2 = 2; level2 = "Good friend"; gotoAndStop (5173); }
Symbol 4429 Button
on (release) { stopAllSounds(); gotoAndPlay (5029); }
Symbol 4431 Button
on (release) { gotoAndStop (5022); }
Symbol 4432 Button
on (release) { gotoAndStop (5022); }
Symbol 4436 Button
on (release) { if (bear >= 1) { bear = bear - 1; ship2 = (ship2 + 20) + (35 * ratio2); gotoAndPlay (5126); } }
Symbol 4437 Button
on (release) { if (diamond >= 1) { diamond = diamond - 1; ship2 = (ship2 + 80) + (110 * ratio2); gotoAndPlay (5151); } }
Symbol 4438 Button
on (release) { if (flower >= 1) { flower = flower - 1; ship2 = (ship2 + 3) + (6 * ratio2); gotoAndPlay (5101); } }
Symbol 4440 Button
on (release) { countt = 1; gotoAndStop (5022); }
Symbol 4442 Button
on (release, keyPress "a") { gotoAndStop (5193); }
Symbol 4443 Button
on (release, keyPress "t") { if (ship2 >= 350) { gotoAndStop (5183); } else if (luck == 0) { gotoAndStop (5174); } else if (luck == 1) { gotoAndStop (5175); } else if (luck == 2) { gotoAndStop (5176); } else if (luck == 3) { gotoAndStop (5177); } else if (luck == 4) { gotoAndStop (5178); } else if (luck == 5) { gotoAndStop (5179); } else if (luck == 6) { gotoAndStop (5180); } else if (luck == 7) { gotoAndStop (5181); } else if (luck == 8) { gotoAndStop (5182); } else if (luck == 9) { gotoAndStop (5177); } else if ((luck == 10) or (luck == 11)) { gotoAndStop (5187); } else { gotoAndStop (5189); } }
Symbol 4444 Button
on (release, keyPress "g") { if (countt == 0) { gotoAndStop (5262); } }
Symbol 4445 Button
on (release, keyPress "d") { gotoAndStop (5264); }
Symbol 4458 Button
on (release) { luck = 2; ship2 = ship2 - 10; gotoAndStop (5188); }
Symbol 4459 Button
on (release) { luck = 2; ship2 = ship2 + 30; gotoAndStop (5188); }
Symbol 4460 Button
on (release) { luck = 9; ship2 = ship2 + 50; gotoAndStop (5188); }
Symbol 4463 Button
on (release) { luck = 9; ship2 = ship2 + 50; gotoAndStop (5190); }
Symbol 4464 Button
on (release) { luck = 2; ship2 = ship2 - 30; gotoAndStop (5191); }
Symbol 4467 Button
on (release) { if (ship2 >= 350) { gotoAndStop (5258); } else { gotoAndStop (5260); } }
Symbol 4468 Button
on (release) { state2 = 3; level2 = "Close friend"; gotoAndStop (5339); }
Symbol 4470 Button
on (release) { stopAllSounds(); gotoAndPlay (5195); }
Symbol 4472 Button
on (release) { gotoAndStop (5173); }
Symbol 4473 Button
on (release) { gotoAndStop (5173); }
Symbol 4477 Button
on (release) { if (bear >= 1) { bear = bear - 1; ship2 = (ship2 + 20) + (35 * ratio2); gotoAndPlay (5292); } }
Symbol 4478 Button
on (release) { if (diamond >= 1) { diamond = diamond - 1; ship2 = (ship2 + 80) + (110 * ratio2); gotoAndPlay (5317); } }
Symbol 4479 Button
on (release) { if (flower >= 1) { flower = flower - 1; ship2 = (ship2 + 3) + (6 * ratio2); gotoAndPlay (5267); } }
Symbol 4481 Button
on (release) { countt = 1; gotoAndStop (5173); }
Symbol 4483 Button
on (release, keyPress "a") { if (2 >= luck) { gotoAndStop (5359); } else if (5 >= luck) { gotoAndStop (5361); } else if (8 >= luck) { gotoAndStop (5363); } else if (11 >= luck) { gotoAndStop (5365); } else { gotoAndStop (5367); } }
Symbol 4484 Button
on (release, keyPress "t") { if (ship2 >= 2000) { gotoAndStop (5350); } else if (luck == 0) { gotoAndStop (5340); } else if (luck == 1) { gotoAndStop (5341); } else if (luck == 2) { gotoAndStop (5342); } else if (luck == 3) { gotoAndStop (5343); } else if (luck == 4) { gotoAndStop (5344); } else if (luck == 5) { gotoAndStop (5351); } else if (luck == 6) { gotoAndStop (5346); } else if (luck == 7) { gotoAndStop (5347); } else if (luck == 8) { gotoAndStop (5348); } else if (luck == 9) { gotoAndStop (5343); } else if ((luck == 10) or (luck == 11)) { gotoAndStop (5353); } else { gotoAndStop (5355); } }
Symbol 4485 Button
on (release, keyPress "g") { if (countt == 0) { gotoAndStop (5428); } }
Symbol 4486 Button
on (release, keyPress "d") { gotoAndStop (5430); }
Symbol 4499 Button
on (release) { luck = 5; ship2 = ship2 + 10; gotoAndStop (5354); }
Symbol 4500 Button
on (release) { luck = 6; ship2 = ship2 - 100; gotoAndStop (5354); }
Symbol 4501 Button
on (release) { luck = 5; ship2 = ship2 + 100; gotoAndStop (5354); }
Symbol 4503 Button
on (release) { luck = 5; ship2 = ship2 + 120; gotoAndStop (5356); }
Symbol 4504 Button
on (release) { luck = 8; ship2 = ship2 - 80; gotoAndStop (5357); }
Symbol 4512 Button
on (release) { gotoAndStop (5339); }
Symbol 4516 Button
on (release) { if (bear >= 1) { bear = bear - 1; ship2 = (ship2 + 20) + (35 * ratio2); gotoAndPlay (5458); } }
Symbol 4517 Button
on (release) { if (diamond >= 1) { diamond = diamond - 1; ship2 = (ship2 + 80) + (110 * ratio2); gotoAndPlay (5483); } }
Symbol 4518 Button
on (release) { if (flower >= 1) { flower = flower - 1; ship2 = (ship2 + 3) + (6 * ratio2); gotoAndPlay (5433); } }
Symbol 4520 Button
on (release) { countt = 1; gotoAndStop (5339); }
Symbol 4521 Button
on (release) { if (choice == dateday2) { stopAllSounds(); gotoAndStop (8137); } else { gotoAndStop (5431); } }
Symbol 4525 Button
on (release, keyPress "a") { if (luck < 15) { gotoAndStop (5526); } else if (luck < 30) { gotoAndStop (5528); } else if (luck < 45) { gotoAndStop (5530); } else if (luck < 60) { gotoAndStop (5532); } else if (luck < 75) { gotoAndStop (5534); } else { gotoAndStop (5536); } }
Symbol 4526 Button
on (release, keyPress "t") { if (luck < 7) { gotoAndStop (5507); } else if (luck < 14) { gotoAndStop (5508); } else if (luck < 21) { gotoAndStop (5509); } else if (luck < 28) { gotoAndStop (5510); } else if (luck < 35) { gotoAndStop (5511); } else if (luck < 42) { gotoAndStop (5518); } else if (luck < 49) { gotoAndStop (5513); } else if (luck < 56) { gotoAndStop (5514); } else if (luck < 63) { gotoAndStop (5515); } else if (luck < 70) { gotoAndStop (5510); } else if (luck < 85) { gotoAndStop (5520); } else { gotoAndStop (5522); } }
Symbol 4527 Button
on (release, keyPress "g") { if (countt == 0) { gotoAndStop (5595); } }
Symbol 4528 Button
on (release, keyPress "d") { gotoAndStop (5597); }
Symbol 4531 Button
on (release) { if (mind == 1) { gotoAndPlay (5540); } }
Symbol 4540 Button
on (release) { luck = 68; ship2 = ship2 + 100; gotoAndStop (5521); }
Symbol 4541 Button
on (release) { luck = 20; ship2 = ship2 - 10; gotoAndStop (5521); }
Symbol 4542 Button
on (release) { luck = 68; ship2 = ship2 + 50; gotoAndStop (5521); }
Symbol 4543 Button
on (release) { luck = 68; ship2 = ship2 + 100; gotoAndStop (5523); }
Symbol 4544 Button
on (release) { luck = 20; ship2 = ship2 - 10; gotoAndStop (5523); }
Symbol 4545 Button
on (release) { luck = 20; ship2 = ship2 + 150; gotoAndStop (5523); }
Symbol 4557 Button
on (release, keyPress "x") { gotoAndStop (5506); }
Symbol 4561 Button
on (release) { gotoAndStop (5506); }
Symbol 4565 Button
on (release) { if (bear >= 1) { bear = bear - 1; ratio = (((0.5 * ch) + (0.1 * st)) + (0.4 * kn)) / 100; ship2 = (ship2 + 20) + (35 * ratio2); gotoAndPlay (5625); } }
Symbol 4566 Button
on (release) { if (diamond >= 1) { diamond = diamond - 1; ratio = (((0.5 * ch) + (0.1 * st)) + (0.4 * kn)) / 100; ship2 = (ship2 + 80) + (110 * ratio2); gotoAndPlay (5650); } }
Symbol 4567 Button
on (release) { if (flower >= 1) { flower = flower - 1; ratio = (((0.5 * ch) + (0.1 * st)) + (0.4 * kn)) / 100; ship2 = (ship2 + 3) + (6 * ratio2); gotoAndPlay (5600); } }
Symbol 4569 Button
on (release) { countt = 1; gotoAndStop (5506); }
Symbol 4570 Button
on (release) { if (choice == dateday2) { stopAllSounds(); gotoAndStop (8137); } else { gotoAndStop (5598); } }
Symbol 4575 Button
on (release, keyPress "d") { stopAllSounds(); gotoAndStop (8137); }
Symbol 4577 Button
on (release) { if (state >= 4) { hostage = 1; gotoAndStop (5678); } else { gotoAndStop (35); } }
Symbol 4581 Button
on (release) { if (hp >= 60) { hp = hp - 60; gotoAndStop (1040); } else { gotoAndStop (5677); } }
Symbol 4583 Button
on (release) { if (state2 >= 4) { hostage = 2; gotoAndStop (5678); } else { gotoAndStop (35); } }
Symbol 4590 Button
on (release) { enemyhp = 3500; damage = 3000 / st; yourhp = 500; youren = 500; hitq = st / 5; hitw = st * 12; stopq = 3; resumeq = 5; hita = st / 10; hits = st * 4; stopa = 5; resumea = 7; hitz = st / 10; hitx = st * 3; stopz = 5; resumez = 7; wage = 300; gotoAndStop (521); }
Symbol 4593 Button
on (release, keyPress "a") { gotoAndStop (5680); }
Symbol 4597 Button
on (release, keyPress "k") { gotoAndPlay (5688); }
Symbol 4598 Button
on (release, keyPress "e") { stopAllSounds(); gotoAndStop (35); }
Symbol 4602 Button
on (release, keyPress "m") { gotoAndStop (10652); }
Symbol 4603 Button
on (release, keyPress "p") { gotoAndStop (6003); }
Symbol 4605 Button
on (release) { if ((state == 4) and (ship >= 8000)) { stopAllSounds(); gotoAndStop (5684); } else if (state == 5) { hp = 0; gotoAndStop (3952); } else { gotoAndStop (5682); } }
Symbol 4606 Button
on (release) { gotoAndStop (5679); }
Symbol 4608 Button
on (release) { stopAllSounds(); count = 0; countt = 0; counttt = 0; countttt = 0; luck = random(20); if (3 >= luck) { mood = 100; cond = 2; } else if (7 >= luck) { mood = 20; cond = 0; } else if (11 >= luck) { mood = 100; cond = 1; } else { mood = 100; cond = 0; } gotoAndStop (9552); }
Symbol 4619 Button
on (release, keyPress "a") { gotoAndStop (5840); }
Symbol 4620 Button
on (release, keyPress "k") { gotoAndPlay (5848); }
Symbol 4621 Button
on (release, keyPress "m") { gotoAndStop (10695); }
Symbol 4622 Button
on (release, keyPress "p") { gotoAndStop (10287); }
Symbol 4623 Button
on (release) { if ((ship2 >= 8000) && (4 >= state2)) { stopAllSounds(); gotoAndStop (5844); } else if (state2 >= 5) { gotoAndStop (5845); } else { gotoAndStop (5842); } }
Symbol 4624 Button
on (release) { gotoAndStop (5839); }
Symbol 4627 Button
on (release) { stopAllSounds(); count = 0; countt = 0; counttt = 0; countttt = 0; luck = random(20); if (3 >= luck) { mood = 100; cond = 2; } else if (7 >= luck) { mood = 20; cond = 0; } else if (11 >= luck) { mood = 100; cond = 1; } else { mood = 100; cond = 0; } gotoAndStop (9893); }
Symbol 4638 Button
on (release) { count = 0; bet = 0; luck = random(4); if (luck == 1) { gotoAndStop (6005); } else if (luck == 2) { gotoAndStop (6008); } else if (luck == 3) { gotoAndStop (6011); } else if (luck == 0) { gotoAndStop (6014); } }
Symbol 4639 Button
on (release) { state = 4; gotoAndStop (5679); }
Symbol 4642 Button
on (release, keyPress "e") { gotoAndStop (5679); }
Symbol 4644 Button
on (release) { gotoAndStop (6004); }
Symbol 4645 Button
on (release) { if (hp >= 20) { hp = hp - 20; count = 0; bet = 0; luck = random(4); if (luck == 1) { gotoAndStop (6005); } else if (luck == 2) { gotoAndStop (6008); } else if (luck == 3) { gotoAndStop (6011); } else if (luck == 0) { gotoAndStop (6014); } } }
Symbol 4647 Button
on (release) { gotoAndStop (6003); }
Symbol 4651 Button
on (press) { startDrag ("/Apanty3"); } on (release) { stopDrag(); }
Symbol 4654 Button
on (press) { startDrag ("/Asock3"); } on (release) { stopDrag(); }
Symbol 4657 Button
on (press) { startDrag ("/vest5"); } on (release) { stopDrag(); }
Symbol 4660 Button
on (press) { startDrag ("/skirt3"); } on (release) { stopDrag(); }
Symbol 4664 Button
on (press) { startDrag ("/uniform"); } on (release) { stopDrag(); }
Symbol 4667 Button
on (press) { startDrag ("/Cpanty"); } on (release) { stopDrag(); }
Symbol 4670 Button
on (press) { startDrag ("/Bbra"); } on (release) { stopDrag(); }
Symbol 4673 Button
on (press) { startDrag ("/Asock"); } on (release) { stopDrag(); }
Symbol 4676 Button
on (press) { startDrag ("/skirt2"); } on (release) { stopDrag(); }
Symbol 4679 Button
on (press) { startDrag ("/boot"); } on (release) { stopDrag(); }
Symbol 4682 Button
on (press) { startDrag ("/uniform2"); } on (release) { stopDrag(); }
Symbol 4684 Button
on (release) { gotoAndStop (10288); }
Symbol 4686 Button
on (press) { startDrag ("/Abra3"); } on (release) { stopDrag(); }
Symbol 4689 Button
on (press) { startDrag ("/short"); } on (release) { stopDrag(); }
Symbol 4692 Button
on (press) { startDrag ("/Astock2"); } on (release) { stopDrag(); }
Symbol 4695 Button
on (press) { startDrag ("/skirt"); } on (release) { stopDrag(); }
Symbol 4698 Button
on (press) { startDrag ("/tshirt2"); } on (release) { stopDrag(); }
Symbol 4700 Button
on (release) { gotoAndStop (10289); }
Symbol 4702 Button
on (press) { startDrag ("/Bpanty4"); } on (release) { stopDrag(); }
Symbol 4705 Button
on (press) { startDrag ("/Bbra4"); } on (release) { stopDrag(); }
Symbol 4708 Button
on (press) { startDrag ("/dress2"); } on (release) { stopDrag(); }
Symbol 4711 Button
on (press) { startDrag ("/dress"); } on (release) { stopDrag(); }
Symbol 4713 Button
on (release) { gotoAndStop (10290); }
Symbol 4715 Button
on (press) { startDrag ("/wrap"); } on (release) { stopDrag(); }
Symbol 4718 Button
on (press) { startDrag ("/wrap2"); } on (release) { stopDrag(); }
Symbol 4721 Button
on (press) { startDrag ("/wrap4"); } on (release) { stopDrag(); }
Symbol 4723 Button
on (release) { gotoAndStop (10291); }
Symbol 4725 Button
on (press) { startDrag ("/tower"); } on (release) { stopDrag(); }
Symbol 4727 Button
on (release) { gotoAndStop (10234); }
Symbol 4729 Button
on (release, keyPress "e") { if (state >= 4) { gotoAndStop (5679); } else if (state == 9) { gotoAndStop (5999); } }
Symbol 4731 Button
on (release) { bet = 100; if (money >= bet) { luck = random(4); if (luck == 1) { gotoAndPlay (10292); } else if (luck == 2) { gotoAndPlay (10302); } else if (luck == 3) { gotoAndPlay (10312); } else if (luck == 0) { gotoAndPlay (10322); } } }
Symbol 4734 Button
on (release) { bet = 300; if (money >= bet) { luck = random(4); if (luck == 1) { gotoAndPlay (10292); } else if (luck == 2) { gotoAndPlay (10302); } else if (luck == 3) { gotoAndPlay (10312); } else if (luck == 0) { gotoAndPlay (10322); } } }
Symbol 4735 Button
on (release) { bet = 500; if (money >= bet) { luck = random(4); if (luck == 1) { gotoAndPlay (10292); } else if (luck == 2) { gotoAndPlay (10302); } else if (luck == 3) { gotoAndPlay (10312); } else if (luck == 0) { gotoAndPlay (10322); } } }
Symbol 4738 Button
on (release) { if (luck == 2) { count = 1; } gotoAndStop (6007); }
Symbol 4740 Button
on (release) { if (luck == 0) { count = 1; } gotoAndStop (6007); }
Symbol 4741 Button
on (release) { if (luck == 1) { count = 1; } gotoAndStop (6007); }
Symbol 4743 Button
on (release) { if (luck == 3) { count = 1; } gotoAndStop (6007); }
Symbol 4746 Button
on (release) { if (luck == 1) { gotoAndStop (10292); } else if (luck == 2) { gotoAndStop (10302); } else if (luck == 3) { gotoAndStop (10312); } else if (luck == 0) { gotoAndStop (10322); } }
Symbol 4747 Button
on (release) { if (state >= 4) { gotoAndStop (5679); } else if (state == 9) { gotoAndStop (5999); } }
Symbol 4749 Button
on (release) { bet = 100; if (money >= bet) { luck = random(4); if (luck == 1) { gotoAndPlay (10373); } else if (luck == 2) { gotoAndPlay (10383); } else if (luck == 3) { gotoAndPlay (10393); } else if (luck == 0) { gotoAndPlay (10403); } } }
Symbol 4750 Button
on (release) { bet = 300; if (money >= bet) { luck = random(4); if (luck == 1) { gotoAndPlay (10373); } else if (luck == 2) { gotoAndPlay (10383); } else if (luck == 3) { gotoAndPlay (10393); } else if (luck == 0) { gotoAndPlay (10403); } } }
Symbol 4751 Button
on (release) { bet = 500; if (money >= bet) { luck = random(4); if (luck == 1) { gotoAndPlay (10373); } else if (luck == 2) { gotoAndPlay (10383); } else if (luck == 3) { gotoAndPlay (10393); } else if (luck == 0) { gotoAndPlay (10403); } } }
Symbol 4753 Button
on (release) { if (luck == 2) { count = 1; } gotoAndStop (6010); }
Symbol 4755 Button
on (release) { if (luck == 0) { count = 1; } gotoAndStop (6010); }
Symbol 4756 Button
on (release) { if (luck == 1) { count = 1; } gotoAndStop (6010); }
Symbol 4757 Button
on (release) { if (luck == 3) { count = 1; } gotoAndStop (6010); }
Symbol 4758 Button
on (release) { if (luck == 1) { gotoAndStop (10373); } else if (luck == 2) { gotoAndStop (10383); } else if (luck == 3) { gotoAndStop (10393); } else if (luck == 0) { gotoAndStop (10403); } }
Symbol 4759 Button
on (release) { bet = 100; if (money >= bet) { luck = random(4); if (luck == 1) { gotoAndPlay (10412); } else if (luck == 2) { gotoAndPlay (10472); } else if (luck == 3) { gotoAndPlay (10532); } else if (luck == 0) { gotoAndPlay (10592); } } }
Symbol 4761 Button
on (release) { bet = 300; if (money >= bet) { luck = random(4); if (luck == 1) { gotoAndPlay (10412); } else if (luck == 2) { gotoAndPlay (10472); } else if (luck == 3) { gotoAndPlay (10532); } else if (luck == 0) { gotoAndPlay (10592); } } }
Symbol 4762 Button
on (release) { bet = 500; if (money >= bet) { luck = random(4); if (luck == 1) { gotoAndPlay (10412); } else if (luck == 2) { gotoAndPlay (10472); } else if (luck == 3) { gotoAndPlay (10532); } else if (luck == 0) { gotoAndPlay (10592); } } }
Symbol 4766 Button
on (release) { if ((countt == 8) and (luck == 1)) { count = 1; } if ((countt == 7) and (luck == 2)) { count = 1; } if ((countt == 5) and (luck == 3)) { count = 1; } if ((countt == 4) and (luck == 0)) { count = 1; } gotoAndStop (6013); }
Symbol 4768 Button
on (release) { if (luck == 1) { gotoAndStop (10412); } else if (luck == 2) { gotoAndStop (10472); } else if (luck == 3) { gotoAndStop (10532); } else if (luck == 0) { gotoAndStop (10592); } }
Symbol 4769 Button
on (release) { bet = 100; if (money >= bet) { luck = random(4); if (luck == 1) { gotoAndPlay (10333); } else if (luck == 2) { gotoAndPlay (10343); } else if (luck == 3) { gotoAndPlay (10353); } else if (luck == 0) { gotoAndPlay (10363); } } }
Symbol 4771 Button
on (release) { bet = 300; if (money >= bet) { luck = random(4); if (luck == 1) { gotoAndPlay (10333); } else if (luck == 2) { gotoAndPlay (10343); } else if (luck == 3) { gotoAndPlay (10353); } else if (luck == 0) { gotoAndPlay (10363); } } }
Symbol 4772 Button
on (release) { bet = 500; if (money >= bet) { luck = random(4); if (luck == 1) { gotoAndPlay (10333); } else if (luck == 2) { gotoAndPlay (10343); } else if (luck == 3) { gotoAndPlay (10353); } else if (luck == 0) { gotoAndPlay (10363); } } }
Symbol 4775 Button
on (release) { if (luck == 0) { count = 1; } gotoAndStop (6016); }
Symbol 4776 Button
on (release) { if (luck == 2) { count = 1; } gotoAndStop (6016); }
Symbol 4777 Button
on (release) { if (luck == 1) { count = 1; } gotoAndStop (6016); }
Symbol 4778 Button
on (release) { if (luck == 3) { count = 1; } gotoAndStop (6016); }
Symbol 4779 Button
on (release) { if (luck == 1) { gotoAndStop (10333); } else if (luck == 2) { gotoAndStop (10343); } else if (luck == 3) { gotoAndStop (10353); } else if (luck == 0) { gotoAndStop (10363); } }
Symbol 4782 Button
on (release) { money = money + bet; if ((state == 4) or (state == 5)) { gotoAndStop (5679); } else if (state == 9) { gotoAndStop (6000); } }
Symbol 4786 Button
on (release) { money = money - bet; if ((state == 4) or (state == 5)) { gotoAndStop (5679); } else if (state == 9) { gotoAndStop (5999); } }
Symbol 4794 Button
on (release) { stopAllSounds(); if (money >= 150) { money = money - 150; hp = 0; count = 0; countt = 0; counttt = 0; countttt = 0; luck = random(20); if (8 >= luck) { mood = 100; cond = 2; } else if (10 >= luck) { mood = 20; cond = 0; } else if (12 >= luck) { mood = 100; cond = 1; } else { mood = 100; cond = 0; } date_place = 1; gotoAndStop (10803); } else { gotoAndStop (6028); } }
Symbol 4797 Button
on (release) { stopAllSounds(); if (state >= 4) { if (money >= 300) { money = money - 300; hp = 0; count = 0; countt = 0; counttt = 0; countttt = 0; luck = random(20); if (1 >= luck) { mood = 0; cond = 2; } else if (3 >= luck) { mood = 20; cond = 0; } else if (5 >= luck) { mood = 100; cond = 1; } else { mood = 100; cond = 0; } date_place = 4; gotoAndStop (10803); } else { gotoAndStop (6028); } } else { gotoAndStop (6027); } }
Symbol 4801 Button
on (release) { stopAllSounds(); if (state >= 4) { if (money >= 5000) { money = money - 5000; hp = 0; count = 0; countt = 0; counttt = 0; countttt = 0; luck = random(20); if (8 >= luck) { mood = 100; cond = 2; } else if (10 >= luck) { mood = 20; cond = 0; } else if (12 >= luck) { mood = 100; cond = 1; } else { mood = 100; cond = 0; } date_place = 6; gotoAndStop (10803); } else { gotoAndStop (6028); } } else { gotoAndStop (6027); } }
Symbol 4802 Button
on (release) { stopAllSounds(); if (state >= 4) { if (money >= 500) { money = money - 500; hp = 0; count = 0; countt = 0; counttt = 0; countttt = 0; luck = random(20); if (1 >= luck) { mood = 100; cond = 2; } else if (11 >= luck) { mood = 20; cond = 0; } else if (14 >= luck) { mood = 100; cond = 1; } else { mood = 100; cond = 0; } date_place = 5; gotoAndStop (10803); } else { gotoAndStop (6028); } } else { gotoAndStop (6027); } }
Symbol 4803 Button
on (release) { stopAllSounds(); if (money >= 300) { money = money - 300; hp = 0; count = 0; countt = 0; counttt = 0; countttt = 0; luck = random(20); if (1 >= luck) { mood = 100; cond = 2; } else if (3 >= luck) { mood = 20; cond = 0; } else if (16 >= luck) { mood = 100; cond = 1; } else { mood = 100; cond = 0; } date_place = 3; gotoAndStop (10803); } else { gotoAndStop (6028); } }
Symbol 4804 Button
on (release) { stopAllSounds(); if (money >= 200) { money = money - 200; hp = 0; count = 0; countt = 0; counttt = 0; countttt = 0; luck = random(20); if (1 >= luck) { mood = 100; cond = 2; } else if (11 >= luck) { mood = 20; cond = 0; } else if (14 >= luck) { mood = 100; cond = 1; } else { mood = 100; cond = 0; } date_place = 2; gotoAndStop (10803); } else { gotoAndStop (6028); } }
Symbol 4814 Button
on (release) { gotoAndStop (6026); }
Symbol 4818 Button
on (release, keyPress "e") { ship = ship + (mood * 2); dateday = 1 + random(5); if (mood >= 240) { gotoAndStop (6290); } else { gotoAndStop (6291); } }
Symbol 4819 Button
on (release, keyPress "t") { if ((count < 3) and (cond == 0)) { luck = random(9); if (luck == 0) { gotoAndStop (6031); } else if (luck == 1) { gotoAndStop (6032); } else if (luck == 2) { gotoAndStop (6033); } else if (luck == 3) { gotoAndStop (6034); } else if (luck == 4) { gotoAndStop (6035); } else if (luck == 5) { gotoAndStop (6036); } else if (luck == 6) { gotoAndStop (6037); } else if (luck == 7) { gotoAndStop (6038); } else if (state2 >= 2) { gotoAndStop (6039); } else { gotoAndStop (6038); } } else { gotoAndStop (6056); } }
Symbol 4820 Button
on (release, keyPress "k") { if ((counttt == 0) and (cond == 0)) { if ((ship >= 2000) and (mood >= 200)) { counttt = counttt + 1; kiss = kiss + 1; mood = mood + 40; gotoAndPlay (6079); } else { if (mood >= 60) { mood = mood - 60; } else { mood = 0; } counttt = counttt + 1; gotoAndStop (6055); } } else { gotoAndStop (6056); } }
Symbol 4821 Button
on (release, keyPress "g") { if ((countt == 0) and (cond == 0)) { gotoAndStop (6045); } else { gotoAndStop (6047); } }
Symbol 4825 Button
on (release, keyPress "h") { if ((countttt == 0) and (cond == 0)) { if (mood >= 150) { countttt = countttt + 1; if (rest == 0) { rest = 1; } mood = mood + 15; gotoAndPlay (6048); } else { if (mood >= 10) { mood = mood - 15; } else { mood = 0; } countttt = countttt + 1; gotoAndStop (6055); } } else { gotoAndStop (6056); } }
Symbol 4828 Button
on (release, keyPress "u") { gotoAndStop (6042); }
Symbol 4835 Button
on (release) { if (ans == 3) { mood = mood + 25; } else { mood = mood - 25; } count = count + 1; gotoAndStop (6030); }
Symbol 4842 Button
on (release) { if (ans == 4) { mood = mood + 25; } else { mood = mood - 25; } count = count + 1; gotoAndStop (6030); }
Symbol 4846 Button
on (release) { if (ans == 5) { mood = mood + 25; } else { mood = mood - 25; } count = count + 1; gotoAndStop (6030); }
Symbol 4850 Button
on (release) { if (ans == 1) { mood = mood + 25; } else { mood = mood - 25; } count = count + 1; gotoAndStop (6030); }
Symbol 4861 Button
on (release) { stopAllSounds(); gotoAndStop (6040); }
Symbol 4862 Button
on (release) { stopAllSounds(); gotoAndStop (6041); }
Symbol 4866 Button
on (release) { if (ans == 1) { mood = mood + 50; ship = ship + 200; ship2 = ship2 - 400; } if (ans == 2) { mood = mood - 100; ship = ship - 500; ship2 = ship2 + 300; } if (ans == 3) { mood = mood + 25; ship2 = ship2 - 100; } gotoAndStop (6030); }
Symbol 4867 Button
on (release) { stopAllSounds(); ratio = (((0.5 * ch) + (0.1 * st)) + (0.4 * kn)) / 100; ship2 = ship2 + (2.5 * ratio); gotoAndPlay (6040); }
Symbol 4872 Button
on (release) { ship2 = ship2 - 100; gotoAndStop (6030); }
Symbol 4877 Button
on (release) { if (lemon >= 1) { lemon = lemon - 1; if (cond == 1) { gotoAndStop (6043); } else { gotoAndStop (6044); } } else { gotoAndStop (6047); } }
Symbol 4878 Button
on (release) { if (hand >= 1) { hand = hand - 1; if (50 >= mood) { gotoAndStop (6043); } else { gotoAndStop (6044); } } else { gotoAndStop (6047); } }
Symbol 4879 Button
on (release) { if (pill >= 1) { pill = pill - 1; if (cond == 2) { gotoAndStop (6043); } else { gotoAndStop (6044); } } else { gotoAndStop (6047); } }
Symbol 4881 Button
on (release) { cond = 0; mood = 100; gotoAndStop (6030); }
Symbol 4883 Button
on (release) { gotoAndStop (6030); }
Symbol 4887 Button
on (release) { if (bear >= 1) { bear = bear - 1; ship = (ship + 20) + (35 * ratio); mood = mood + 40; gotoAndPlay (6324); } else { gotoAndStop (6047); } }
Symbol 4888 Button
on (release) { if (diamond >= 1) { diamond = diamond - 1; ship = (ship + 80) + (110 * ratio); mood = mood + 70; gotoAndPlay (6349); } else { gotoAndStop (6047); } }
Symbol 4889 Button
on (release) { if (flower >= 1) { flower = flower - 1; ship = (ship + 3) + (6 * ratio); mood = mood + 10; gotoAndPlay (6299); } else { gotoAndStop (6047); } }
Symbol 4892 Button
on (release) { countt = 1; gotoAndStop (6030); }
Symbol 4898 Button
on (release) { stopAllSounds(); gotoAndStop (6229); }
Symbol 4900 Button
on (release) { kissdate = day; level = "Girlfriend"; state = 4; gotoAndStop (6030); }
Symbol 4904 Button
on (release) { pic5 = 1; luck = random(100); if (luck >= 30) { gotoAndStop (35); } else { gotoAndStop (6292); } }
Symbol 4907 Button
on (release) { luck = random(100); if (luck >= 10) { gotoAndStop (35); } else { gotoAndStop (6292); } }
Symbol 4910 Button
on (release) { hostage = 1; gotoAndStop (353); }
Symbol 4913 Button
on (release, keyPress "e") { ship = ship + (mood * 2.3); dateday = 1 + random(5); if (mood >= 240) { gotoAndStop (6631); } else { gotoAndStop (6632); } }
Symbol 4914 Button
on (release, keyPress "t") { if ((count < 3) and (cond == 0)) { luck = random(9); if (luck == 0) { gotoAndStop (6372); } else if (luck == 1) { gotoAndStop (6373); } else if (luck == 2) { gotoAndStop (6374); } else if (luck == 3) { gotoAndStop (6375); } else if (luck == 4) { gotoAndStop (6376); } else if (luck == 5) { gotoAndStop (6377); } else if (luck == 6) { gotoAndStop (6378); } else if (luck == 7) { gotoAndStop (6379); } else if (state2 >= 2) { gotoAndStop (6380); } else { gotoAndStop (6379); } } else { gotoAndStop (6397); } }
Symbol 4915 Button
on (release, keyPress "k") { if ((counttt == 0) and (cond == 0)) { if ((ship >= 2000) and (mood >= 200)) { counttt = counttt + 1; kiss = kiss + 1; mood = mood + 40; gotoAndPlay (6420); } else { if (mood >= 60) { mood = mood - 60; } else { mood = 0; } counttt = counttt + 1; gotoAndStop (6396); } } else { gotoAndStop (6397); } }
Symbol 4916 Button
on (release, keyPress "g") { if ((countt == 0) and (cond == 0)) { gotoAndStop (6386); } else { gotoAndStop (6388); } }
Symbol 4917 Button
on (release, keyPress "h") { if ((countttt == 0) and (cond == 0)) { if (mood >= 150) { countttt = countttt + 1; if (gold == 0) { gold = 1; } mood = mood + 15; gotoAndPlay (6389); } else { if (mood >= 10) { mood = mood - 15; } else { mood = 0; } countttt = countttt + 1; gotoAndStop (6396); } } else { gotoAndStop (6397); } }
Symbol 4918 Button
on (release, keyPress "u") { gotoAndStop (6383); }
Symbol 4920 Button
on (release) { if (ans == 3) { mood = mood + 25; } else { mood = mood - 25; } count = count + 1; gotoAndStop (6371); }
Symbol 4924 Button
on (release) { if (ans == 4) { mood = mood + 25; } else { mood = mood - 25; } count = count + 1; gotoAndStop (6371); }
Symbol 4927 Button
on (release) { if (ans == 5) { mood = mood + 25; } else { mood = mood - 25; } count = count + 1; gotoAndStop (6371); }
Symbol 4929 Button
on (release) { if (ans == 1) { mood = mood + 25; } else { mood = mood - 25; } count = count + 1; gotoAndStop (6371); }
Symbol 4933 Button
on (release) { stopAllSounds(); gotoAndStop (6381); }
Symbol 4934 Button
on (release) { stopAllSounds(); gotoAndStop (6382); }
Symbol 4936 Button
on (release) { if (ans == 1) { mood = mood + 50; ship = ship + 100; ship2 = ship2 - 100; } if (ans == 2) { mood = mood - 100; ship = ship - 200; ship2 = ship2 + 200; } if (ans == 3) { mood = mood + 25; ship2 = ship2 - 50; } gotoAndStop (6371); }
Symbol 4937 Button
on (release) { stopAllSounds(); ratio = (((0.5 * ch) + (0.1 * st)) + (0.4 * kn)) / 100; ship2 = ship2 + (2.5 * ratio); gotoAndPlay (6381); }
Symbol 4939 Button
on (release) { ship2 = ship2 - 100; gotoAndStop (6371); }
Symbol 4943 Button
on (release) { if (lemon >= 1) { lemon = lemon - 1; if (cond == 1) { gotoAndStop (6384); } else { gotoAndStop (6385); } } else { gotoAndStop (6388); } }
Symbol 4944 Button
on (release) { if (hand >= 1) { hand = hand - 1; if (50 >= mood) { gotoAndStop (6384); } else { gotoAndStop (6385); } } else { gotoAndStop (6388); } }
Symbol 4945 Button
on (release) { if (pill >= 1) { pill = pill - 1; if (cond == 2) { gotoAndStop (6384); } else { gotoAndStop (6385); } } else { gotoAndStop (6388); } }
Symbol 4946 Button
on (release) { cond = 0; mood = 100; gotoAndStop (6371); }
Symbol 4947 Button
on (release) { gotoAndStop (6371); }
Symbol 4951 Button
on (release) { if (bear >= 1) { bear = bear - 1; ship = (ship + 20) + (35 * ratio); mood = mood + 40; gotoAndPlay (6665); } else { gotoAndStop (6388); } }
Symbol 4952 Button
on (release) { if (diamond >= 1) { diamond = diamond - 1; ship = (ship + 80) + (110 * ratio); mood = mood + 70; gotoAndPlay (6690); } else { gotoAndStop (6388); } }
Symbol 4953 Button
on (release) { if (flower >= 1) { flower = flower - 1; ship = (ship + 3) + (6 * ratio); mood = mood + 10; gotoAndPlay (6640); } else { gotoAndStop (6388); } }
Symbol 4954 Button
on (release) { countt = 1; gotoAndStop (6371); }
Symbol 4955 Button
on (release) { stopAllSounds(); gotoAndStop (6570); }
Symbol 4956 Button
on (release) { kissdate = day; level = "Girlfriend"; state = 4; gotoAndStop (6371); }
Symbol 4958 Button
on (release) { pic4 = 1; gotoAndStop (6634); }
Symbol 4959 Button
on (release) { luck = random(100); if (luck >= 10) { gotoAndStop (35); } else { gotoAndStop (6633); } }
Symbol 4962 Button
on (release) { gift2 = 1; luck = random(100); if (luck >= 30) { gotoAndStop (35); } else { gotoAndStop (6633); } }
Symbol 4965 Button
on (release, keyPress "e") { ship = ship + (mood * 2.1); dateday = 1 + random(5); if (mood >= 240) { gotoAndStop (6985); } else { gotoAndStop (6986); } }
Symbol 4966 Button
on (release, keyPress "t") { if ((count < 3) and (cond == 0)) { luck = random(9); if (luck == 0) { gotoAndStop (6726); } else if (luck == 1) { gotoAndStop (6727); } else if (luck == 2) { gotoAndStop (6728); } else if (luck == 3) { gotoAndStop (6729); } else if (luck == 4) { gotoAndStop (6730); } else if (luck == 5) { gotoAndStop (6731); } else if (luck == 6) { gotoAndStop (6732); } else if (luck == 7) { gotoAndStop (6733); } else if (state2 >= 2) { gotoAndStop (6734); } else { gotoAndStop (6733); } } else { gotoAndStop (6751); } }
Symbol 4967 Button
on (release, keyPress "k") { if ((counttt == 0) and (cond == 0)) { if ((ship >= 2000) and (mood >= 200)) { counttt = counttt + 1; kiss = kiss + 1; mood = mood + 40; gotoAndPlay (6774); } else { if (mood >= 60) { mood = mood - 60; } else { mood = 0; } counttt = counttt + 1; gotoAndStop (6750); } } else { gotoAndStop (6751); } }
Symbol 4968 Button
on (release, keyPress "g") { if ((countt == 0) and (cond == 0)) { gotoAndStop (6740); } else { gotoAndStop (6742); } }
Symbol 4969 Button
on (release, keyPress "h") { if ((countttt == 0) and (cond == 0)) { if (mood >= 150) { countttt = countttt + 1; if (forest == 0) { forest = 1; } mood = mood + 15; gotoAndPlay (6743); } else { if (mood >= 10) { mood = mood - 15; } else { mood = 0; } countttt = countttt + 1; gotoAndStop (6750); } } else { gotoAndStop (6751); } }
Symbol 4970 Button
on (release, keyPress "u") { gotoAndStop (6737); }
Symbol 4972 Button
on (release) { if (ans == 3) { mood = mood + 25; } else { mood = mood - 25; } count = count + 1; gotoAndStop (6725); }
Symbol 4976 Button
on (release) { if (ans == 4) { mood = mood + 25; } else { mood = mood - 25; } count = count + 1; gotoAndStop (6725); }
Symbol 4979 Button
on (release) { if (ans == 5) { mood = mood + 25; } else { mood = mood - 25; } count = count + 1; gotoAndStop (6725); }
Symbol 4981 Button
on (release) { if (ans == 1) { mood = mood + 25; } else { mood = mood - 25; } count = count + 1; gotoAndStop (6725); }
Symbol 4985 Button
on (release) { stopAllSounds(); gotoAndStop (6735); }
Symbol 4986 Button
on (release) { stopAllSounds(); gotoAndStop (6736); }
Symbol 4988 Button
on (release) { if (ans == 1) { mood = mood + 50; ship = ship + 100; ship2 = ship2 - 100; } if (ans == 2) { mood = mood - 100; ship = ship - 200; ship2 = ship2 + 200; } if (ans == 3) { mood = mood + 25; ship2 = ship2 - 50; } gotoAndStop (6725); }
Symbol 4989 Button
on (release) { stopAllSounds(); ratio = (((0.5 * ch) + (0.1 * st)) + (0.4 * kn)) / 100; ship2 = ship2 + (2.5 * ratio); gotoAndPlay (6735); }
Symbol 4991 Button
on (release) { ship2 = ship2 - 100; gotoAndStop (6725); }
Symbol 4995 Button
on (release) { if (lemon >= 1) { lemon = lemon - 1; if (cond == 1) { gotoAndStop (6738); } else { gotoAndStop (6739); } } else { gotoAndStop (6742); } }
Symbol 4996 Button
on (release) { if (hand >= 1) { hand = hand - 1; if (50 >= mood) { gotoAndStop (6738); } else { gotoAndStop (6739); } } else { gotoAndStop (6742); } }
Symbol 4997 Button
on (release) { if (pill >= 1) { pill = pill - 1; if (cond == 2) { gotoAndStop (6738); } else { gotoAndStop (6739); } } else { gotoAndStop (6742); } }
Symbol 4998 Button
on (release) { cond = 0; mood = 100; gotoAndStop (6725); }
Symbol 4999 Button
on (release) { gotoAndStop (6725); }
Symbol 5003 Button
on (release) { if (bear >= 1) { bear = bear - 1; ship = (ship + 20) + (35 * ratio); mood = mood + 40; gotoAndPlay (7019); } else { gotoAndStop (6742); } }
Symbol 5004 Button
on (release) { if (diamond >= 1) { diamond = diamond - 1; ship = (ship + 80) + (110 * ratio); mood = mood + 10; gotoAndPlay (7044); } else { gotoAndStop (6742); } }
Symbol 5005 Button
on (release) { if (flower >= 1) { flower = flower - 1; ship = (ship + 3) + (6 * ratio); mood = mood + 70; gotoAndPlay (6994); } else { gotoAndStop (6742); } }
Symbol 5006 Button
on (release) { countt = 1; gotoAndStop (6725); }
Symbol 5007 Button
on (release) { stopAllSounds(); gotoAndStop (6924); }
Symbol 5008 Button
on (release) { kissdate = day; level = "Girlfriend"; state = 4; gotoAndStop (6725); }
Symbol 5010 Button
on (release) { pic3 = 1; luck = random(100); if (luck >= 30) { gotoAndStop (35); } else { gotoAndStop (6987); } }
Symbol 5011 Button
on (release) { luck = random(100); if (luck >= 10) { gotoAndStop (35); } else { gotoAndStop (6987); } }
Symbol 5016 Button
on (release, keyPress "e") { ship = ship + (mood * 2.8); dateday = 1 + random(5); if (mood >= 240) { gotoAndStop (7338); } else { gotoAndStop (7339); } }
Symbol 5017 Button
on (release, keyPress "t") { if ((count < 3) and (cond == 0)) { luck = random(9); if (luck == 0) { gotoAndStop (7079); } else if (luck == 1) { gotoAndStop (7080); } else if (luck == 2) { gotoAndStop (7081); } else if (luck == 3) { gotoAndStop (7082); } else if (luck == 4) { gotoAndStop (7083); } else if (luck == 5) { gotoAndStop (7084); } else if (luck == 6) { gotoAndStop (7085); } else if (luck == 7) { gotoAndStop (7086); } else if (state2 >= 2) { gotoAndStop (7087); } else { gotoAndStop (7086); } } else { gotoAndStop (7104); } }
Symbol 5018 Button
on (release, keyPress "k") { if ((counttt == 0) and (cond == 0)) { if ((ship >= 2000) and (mood >= 200)) { counttt = counttt + 1; kiss = kiss + 1; mood = mood + 40; gotoAndPlay (7127); } else { if (mood >= 60) { mood = mood - 60; } else { mood = 0; } counttt = counttt + 1; gotoAndStop (7103); } } else { gotoAndStop (7104); } }
Symbol 5019 Button
on (release, keyPress "g") { if ((countt == 0) and (cond == 0)) { gotoAndStop (7093); } else { gotoAndStop (7095); } }
Symbol 5020 Button
on (release, keyPress "h") { if ((countttt == 0) and (cond == 0)) { if (mood >= 150) { countttt = countttt + 1; if (beach == 0) { beach = 1; } mood = mood + 15; gotoAndPlay (7096); } else { if (mood >= 10) { mood = mood - 15; } else { mood = 0; } countttt = countttt + 1; gotoAndStop (7103); } } else { gotoAndStop (7104); } }
Symbol 5021 Button
on (release, keyPress "u") { gotoAndStop (7090); }
Symbol 5025 Button
on (release) { if (ans == 4) { mood = mood + 25; } else { mood = mood - 25; } count = count + 1; gotoAndStop (7078); }
Symbol 5029 Button
on (release) { if (ans == 3) { mood = mood + 25; } else { mood = mood - 25; } count = count + 1; gotoAndStop (7078); }
Symbol 5038 Button
on (release) { if (ans == 2) { mood = mood + 25; } else { mood = mood - 25; } count = count + 1; gotoAndStop (7078); }
Symbol 5045 Button
on (release) { if (ans == 1) { mood = mood + 25; } else { mood = mood - 25; } count = count + 1; gotoAndStop (7078); }
Symbol 5050 Button
on (release) { if (ans eq kissdate) { mood = mood + 25; } else { mood = mood - 25; } count = count + 1; gotoAndStop (7078); }
Symbol 5051 Button
on (release) { stopAllSounds(); gotoAndStop (7088); }
Symbol 5052 Button
on (release) { stopAllSounds(); gotoAndStop (7089); }
Symbol 5054 Button
on (release) { if (ans == 1) { mood = mood + 50; ship = ship + 100; ship2 = ship2 - 100; } if (ans == 2) { mood = mood - 100; ship = ship - 200; ship2 = ship2 + 200; } if (ans == 3) { mood = mood + 25; ship2 = ship2 - 50; } gotoAndStop (7078); }
Symbol 5055 Button
on (release) { stopAllSounds(); ratio = (((0.5 * ch) + (0.1 * st)) + (0.4 * kn)) / 100; ship2 = ship2 + (2.5 * ratio); gotoAndPlay (7088); }
Symbol 5057 Button
on (release) { ship2 = ship2 - 100; gotoAndStop (7078); }
Symbol 5061 Button
on (release) { if (lemon >= 1) { lemon = lemon - 1; if (cond == 1) { gotoAndStop (7091); } else { gotoAndStop (7092); } } else { gotoAndStop (7095); } }
Symbol 5062 Button
on (release) { if (hand >= 1) { hand = hand - 1; if (50 >= mood) { gotoAndStop (7091); } else { gotoAndStop (7092); } } else { gotoAndStop (7095); } }
Symbol 5063 Button
on (release) { if (pill >= 1) { pill = pill - 1; if (cond == 2) { gotoAndStop (7091); } else { gotoAndStop (7092); } } else { gotoAndStop (7095); } }
Symbol 5064 Button
on (release) { cond = 0; mood = 100; gotoAndStop (7078); }
Symbol 5065 Button
on (release) { gotoAndStop (7078); }
Symbol 5069 Button
on (release) { if (bear >= 1) { bear = bear - 1; ship = (ship + 20) + (35 * ratio); mood = mood + 70; gotoAndPlay (7372); } else { gotoAndStop (7095); } }
Symbol 5070 Button
on (release) { if (diamond >= 1) { diamond = diamond - 1; ship = (ship + 80) + (110 * ratio); mood = mood + 10; gotoAndPlay (7397); } else { gotoAndStop (7095); } }
Symbol 5071 Button
on (release) { if (flower >= 1) { flower = flower - 1; ship = (ship + 3) + (6 * ratio); mood = mood + 40; gotoAndPlay (7347); } else { gotoAndStop (7095); } }
Symbol 5072 Button
on (release) { countt = 1; gotoAndStop (7078); }
Symbol 5074 Button
on (release) { stopAllSounds(); gotoAndStop (7277); }
Symbol 5076 Button
on (release) { kissdate = day; level = "Girlfriend"; state = 4; gotoAndStop (7078); }
Symbol 5078 Button
on (release) { pic2 = 1; gotoAndStop (7341); }
Symbol 5079 Button
on (release) { luck = random(100); if (luck >= 10) { gotoAndStop (35); } else { gotoAndStop (7340); } }
Symbol 5081 Button
on (release) { gift3 = 1; luck = random(100); if (luck >= 40) { gotoAndStop (35); } else { gotoAndStop (7340); } }
Symbol 5085 Button
on (release, keyPress "e") { ship = ship + (mood * 3); dateday = 1 + random(5); if (mood >= 240) { gotoAndStop (7691); } else { gotoAndStop (7692); } }
Symbol 5086 Button
on (release, keyPress "t") { if ((count < 3) and (cond == 0)) { luck = random(9); if (luck == 0) { gotoAndStop (7432); } else if (luck == 1) { gotoAndStop (7433); } else if (luck == 2) { gotoAndStop (7434); } else if (luck == 3) { gotoAndStop (7435); } else if (luck == 4) { gotoAndStop (7436); } else if (luck == 5) { gotoAndStop (7437); } else if (luck == 6) { gotoAndStop (7438); } else if (luck == 7) { gotoAndStop (7439); } else if (state2 >= 2) { gotoAndStop (7440); } else { gotoAndStop (7439); } } else { gotoAndStop (7457); } }
Symbol 5087 Button
on (release, keyPress "k") { if ((counttt == 0) and (cond == 0)) { if ((ship >= 2000) and (mood >= 200)) { counttt = counttt + 1; kiss = kiss + 1; mood = mood + 40; gotoAndPlay (7480); } else { if (mood >= 60) { mood = mood - 60; } else { mood = 0; } counttt = counttt + 1; gotoAndStop (7456); } } else { gotoAndStop (7457); } }
Symbol 5088 Button
on (release, keyPress "g") { if ((countt == 0) and (cond == 0)) { gotoAndStop (7446); } else { gotoAndStop (7448); } }
Symbol 5089 Button
on (release, keyPress "h") { if ((countttt == 0) and (cond == 0)) { if (mood >= 150) { countttt = countttt + 1; if (blue == 0) { blue = 1; } mood = mood + 15; gotoAndPlay (7449); } else { if (mood >= 10) { mood = mood - 15; } else { mood = 0; } countttt = countttt + 1; gotoAndStop (7456); } } else { gotoAndStop (7457); } }
Symbol 5090 Button
on (release, keyPress "u") { gotoAndStop (7443); }
Symbol 5092 Button
on (release) { if (ans == 4) { mood = mood + 25; } else { mood = mood - 25; } count = count + 1; gotoAndStop (7431); }
Symbol 5094 Button
on (release) { if (ans == 3) { mood = mood + 25; } else { mood = mood - 25; } count = count + 1; gotoAndStop (7431); }
Symbol 5098 Button
on (release) { if (ans == 2) { mood = mood + 25; } else { mood = mood - 25; } count = count + 1; gotoAndStop (7431); }
Symbol 5101 Button
on (release) { if (ans == 1) { mood = mood + 25; } else { mood = mood - 25; } count = count + 1; gotoAndStop (7431); }
Symbol 5103 Button
on (release) { if (ans eq kissdate) { mood = mood + 25; } else { mood = mood - 25; } count = count + 1; gotoAndStop (7431); }
Symbol 5104 Button
on (release) { stopAllSounds(); gotoAndStop (7441); }
Symbol 5105 Button
on (release) { stopAllSounds(); gotoAndStop (7442); }
Symbol 5107 Button
on (release) { if (ans == 1) { mood = mood + 50; ship = ship + 100; ship2 = ship2 - 100; } if (ans == 2) { mood = mood - 100; ship = ship - 200; ship2 = ship2 + 200; } if (ans == 3) { mood = mood + 25; ship2 = ship2 - 50; } gotoAndStop (7431); }
Symbol 5108 Button
on (release) { stopAllSounds(); ratio = (((0.5 * ch) + (0.1 * st)) + (0.4 * kn)) / 100; ship2 = ship2 + (2.5 * ratio); gotoAndPlay (7441); }
Symbol 5110 Button
on (release) { ship2 = ship2 - 100; gotoAndStop (7431); }
Symbol 5114 Button
on (release) { if (lemon >= 1) { lemon = lemon - 1; if (cond == 1) { gotoAndStop (7444); } else { gotoAndStop (7445); } } else { gotoAndStop (7448); } }
Symbol 5115 Button
on (release) { if (hand >= 1) { hand = hand - 1; if (50 >= mood) { gotoAndStop (7444); } else { gotoAndStop (7445); } } else { gotoAndStop (7448); } }
Symbol 5116 Button
on (release) { if (pill >= 1) { pill = pill - 1; if (cond == 2) { gotoAndStop (7444); } else { gotoAndStop (7445); } } else { gotoAndStop (7448); } }
Symbol 5117 Button
on (release) { cond = 0; mood = 100; gotoAndStop (7431); }
Symbol 5118 Button
on (release) { gotoAndStop (7431); }
Symbol 5122 Button
on (release) { if (bear >= 1) { bear = bear - 1; ship = (ship + 20) + (35 * ratio); mood = mood + 40; gotoAndPlay (7725); } else { gotoAndStop (7448); } }
Symbol 5123 Button
on (release) { if (diamond >= 1) { diamond = diamond - 1; ship = (ship + 80) + (110 * ratio); mood = mood + 10; gotoAndPlay (7750); } else { gotoAndStop (7448); } }
Symbol 5124 Button
on (release) { if (flower >= 1) { flower = flower - 1; ship = (ship + 3) + (6 * ratio); mood = mood + 70; gotoAndPlay (7700); } else { gotoAndStop (7448); } }
Symbol 5125 Button
on (release) { countt = 1; gotoAndStop (7431); }
Symbol 5126 Button
on (release) { stopAllSounds(); gotoAndStop (7630); }
Symbol 5127 Button
on (release) { kissdate = day; level = "Girlfriend"; state = 4; gotoAndStop (7431); }
Symbol 5129 Button
on (release) { pic6 = 1; gotoAndStop (7694); }
Symbol 5131 Button
on (release) { luck = random(100); if (luck >= 10) { gotoAndStop (35); } else { gotoAndStop (7693); } }
Symbol 5133 Button
on (release) { gift1 = 1; luck = random(100); if (luck >= 30) { gotoAndStop (35); } else { gotoAndStop (7693); } }
Symbol 5142 Button
on (release, keyPress "e") { ship = ship + (mood * 5); dateday = 1 + random(5); if (mood >= 240) { gotoAndStop (8044); } else { gotoAndStop (8045); } }
Symbol 5143 Button
on (release, keyPress "t") { if ((count < 3) and (cond == 0)) { luck = random(9); if (luck == 0) { gotoAndStop (7785); } else if (luck == 1) { gotoAndStop (7786); } else if (luck == 2) { gotoAndStop (7787); } else if (luck == 3) { gotoAndStop (7788); } else if (luck == 4) { gotoAndStop (7789); } else if (luck == 5) { gotoAndStop (7790); } else if (luck == 6) { gotoAndStop (7791); } else if (luck == 7) { gotoAndStop (7792); } else if (state2 >= 2) { gotoAndStop (7793); } else { gotoAndStop (7792); } } else { gotoAndStop (7810); } }
Symbol 5144 Button
on (release, keyPress "k") { if ((counttt == 0) and (cond == 0)) { if ((ship >= 2000) and (mood >= 200)) { counttt = counttt + 1; kiss = kiss + 1; mood = mood + 40; gotoAndPlay (7833); } else { if (mood >= 60) { mood = mood - 60; } else { mood = 0; } counttt = counttt + 1; gotoAndStop (7809); } } else { gotoAndStop (7810); } }
Symbol 5145 Button
on (release, keyPress "g") { if ((countt == 0) and (cond == 0)) { gotoAndStop (7799); } else { gotoAndStop (7801); } }
Symbol 5146 Button
on (release, keyPress "h") { if ((countttt == 0) and (cond == 0)) { if (mood >= 150) { countttt = countttt + 1; if (space == 0) { space = 1; } mood = mood + 15; gotoAndPlay (7802); } else { if (mood >= 10) { mood = mood - 15; } else { mood = 0; } countttt = countttt + 1; gotoAndStop (7809); } } else { gotoAndStop (7810); } }
Symbol 5147 Button
on (release, keyPress "u") { gotoAndStop (7796); }
Symbol 5149 Button
on (release) { if (ans == 4) { mood = mood + 25; } else { mood = mood - 25; } count = count + 1; gotoAndStop (7784); }
Symbol 5151 Button
on (release) { if (ans == 3) { mood = mood + 25; } else { mood = mood - 25; } count = count + 1; gotoAndStop (7784); }
Symbol 5156 Button
on (release) { if (ans == 2) { mood = mood + 25; } else { mood = mood - 25; } count = count + 1; gotoAndStop (7784); }
Symbol 5159 Button
on (release) { if (ans == 1) { mood = mood + 25; } else { mood = mood - 25; } count = count + 1; gotoAndStop (7784); }
Symbol 5161 Button
on (release) { if (ans eq kissdate) { mood = mood + 25; } else { mood = mood - 25; } count = count + 1; gotoAndStop (7784); }
Symbol 5162 Button
on (release) { stopAllSounds(); gotoAndStop (7794); }
Symbol 5163 Button
on (release) { stopAllSounds(); gotoAndStop (7795); }
Symbol 5165 Button
on (release) { if (ans == 1) { mood = mood + 50; ship = ship + 100; ship2 = ship2 - 100; } if (ans == 2) { mood = mood - 100; ship = ship - 200; ship2 = ship2 + 200; } if (ans == 3) { mood = mood + 25; ship2 = ship2 - 50; } gotoAndStop (7784); }
Symbol 5166 Button
on (release) { stopAllSounds(); ratio = (((0.5 * ch) + (0.1 * st)) + (0.4 * kn)) / 100; ship2 = ship2 + (2.5 * ratio); gotoAndPlay (7794); }
Symbol 5168 Button
on (release) { ship2 = ship2 - 100; gotoAndStop (7784); }
Symbol 5172 Button
on (release) { if (lemon >= 1) { lemon = lemon - 1; if (cond == 1) { gotoAndStop (7797); } else { gotoAndStop (7798); } } else { gotoAndStop (7801); } }
Symbol 5173 Button
on (release) { if (hand >= 1) { hand = hand - 1; if (50 >= mood) { gotoAndStop (7797); } else { gotoAndStop (7798); } } else { gotoAndStop (7801); } }
Symbol 5174 Button
on (release) { if (pill >= 1) { pill = pill - 1; if (cond == 2) { gotoAndStop (7797); } else { gotoAndStop (7798); } } else { gotoAndStop (7801); } }
Symbol 5175 Button
on (release) { cond = 0; mood = 100; gotoAndStop (7784); }
Symbol 5176 Button
on (release) { gotoAndStop (7784); }
Symbol 5180 Button
on (release) { if (bear >= 1) { bear = bear - 1; ship = (ship + 20) + (35 * ratio); mood = mood + 70; gotoAndPlay (8078); } else { gotoAndStop (7801); } }
Symbol 5181 Button
on (release) { if (diamond >= 1) { diamond = diamond - 1; ship = (ship + 80) + (110 * ratio); mood = mood + 70; gotoAndPlay (8103); } else { gotoAndStop (7801); } }
Symbol 5182 Button
on (release) { if (flower >= 1) { flower = flower - 1; ship = (ship + 3) + (6 * ratio); mood = mood + 70; gotoAndPlay (8053); } else { gotoAndStop (7801); } }
Symbol 5183 Button
on (release) { countt = 1; gotoAndStop (7784); }
Symbol 5184 Button
on (release) { stopAllSounds(); gotoAndStop (7983); }
Symbol 5187 Button
on (release) { kissdate = day; level = "Girlfriend"; state = 4; gotoAndStop (7784); }
Symbol 5189 Button
on (release) { pic1 = 1; gotoAndStop (8046); }
Symbol 5191 Button
on (release) { luck = random(100); if (luck >= 10) { gotoAndStop (35); } else { gotoAndStop (8046); } }
Symbol 5193 Button
on (release) { mind = 1; gotoAndStop (35); }
Symbol 5194 Button
on (release) { stopAllSounds(); if (state2 >= 4) { if (money >= 300) { money = money - 300; hp = 0; count = 0; countt = 0; counttt = 0; countttt = 0; luck = random(20); if (1 >= luck) { mood = 0; cond = 2; } else if (3 >= luck) { mood = 20; cond = 0; } else if (5 >= luck) { mood = 100; cond = 1; } else { mood = 100; cond = 0; } date_place = 24; gotoAndStop (10803); } else { gotoAndStop (8139); } } else { gotoAndStop (8138); } }
Symbol 5195 Button
on (release) { stopAllSounds(); if (state2 >= 4) { if (money >= 500) { money = money - 500; hp = 0; count = 0; countt = 0; counttt = 0; countttt = 0; luck = random(20); if (1 >= luck) { mood = 100; cond = 2; } else if (11 >= luck) { mood = 20; cond = 0; } else if (14 >= luck) { mood = 100; cond = 1; } else { mood = 100; cond = 0; } date_place = 25; gotoAndStop (10803); } else { gotoAndStop (8139); } } else { gotoAndStop (8138); } }
Symbol 5196 Button
on (release) { stopAllSounds(); if (money >= 300) { money = money - 300; hp = 0; count = 0; countt = 0; counttt = 0; countttt = 0; luck = random(20); if (1 >= luck) { mood = 100; cond = 2; } else if (3 >= luck) { mood = 20; cond = 0; } else if (16 >= luck) { mood = 100; cond = 1; } else { mood = 100; cond = 0; } date_place = 23; gotoAndStop (10803); } else { gotoAndStop (8139); } }
Symbol 5199 Button
on (release) { stopAllSounds(); if (money >= 200) { money = money - 200; hp = 0; count = 0; countt = 0; counttt = 0; countttt = 0; luck = random(20); if (1 >= luck) { mood = 100; cond = 2; } else if (11 >= luck) { mood = 20; cond = 0; } else if (14 >= luck) { mood = 100; cond = 1; } else { mood = 100; cond = 0; } date_place = 22; gotoAndStop (10803); } else { gotoAndStop (8139); } }
Symbol 5204 Button
on (release) { gotoAndStop (8137); }
Symbol 5206 Button
on (release, keyPress "e") { ship2 = ship2 + (mood * 3.2); dateday2 = 1 + random(5); if (mood >= 240) { gotoAndStop (8400); } else { gotoAndStop (8401); } }
Symbol 5207 Button
on (release, keyPress "t") { if ((count < 3) and (cond == 0)) { luck = random(9); if (luck == 0) { gotoAndStop (8141); } else if (luck == 1) { gotoAndStop (8142); } else if (luck == 2) { gotoAndStop (8143); } else if (luck == 3) { gotoAndStop (8144); } else if (luck == 4) { gotoAndStop (8145); } else if (luck == 5) { gotoAndStop (8146); } else if (luck == 6) { gotoAndStop (8147); } else if (luck == 7) { gotoAndStop (8148); } else if (state >= 2) { gotoAndStop (8149); } else { gotoAndStop (8148); } } else { gotoAndStop (8166); } }
Symbol 5208 Button
on (release, keyPress "k") { if ((counttt == 0) and (cond == 0)) { if ((ship2 >= 2000) and (mood >= 200)) { counttt = counttt + 1; kiss2 = kiss2 + 1; mood = mood + 40; gotoAndPlay (8189); } else { if (mood >= 60) { mood = mood - 60; } else { mood = 0; } counttt = counttt + 1; gotoAndStop (8165); } } else { gotoAndStop (8166); } }
Symbol 5209 Button
on (release, keyPress "g") { if ((countt == 0) and (cond == 0)) { gotoAndStop (8155); } else { gotoAndStop (8157); } }
Symbol 5210 Button
on (release, keyPress "h") { if ((countttt == 0) and (cond == 0)) { if (mood >= 150) { countttt = countttt + 1; if (forest2 == 0) { forest2 = 1; } mood = mood + 15; gotoAndPlay (8158); } else { if (mood >= 10) { mood = mood - 15; } else { mood = 0; } countttt = countttt + 1; gotoAndStop (8165); } } else { gotoAndStop (8166); } }
Symbol 5211 Button
on (release, keyPress "u") { gotoAndStop (8152); }
Symbol 5214 Button
on (release) { if (ans == 2) { mood = mood + 25; } else { mood = mood - 25; } count = count + 1; gotoAndStop (8140); }
Symbol 5217 Button
on (release) { if (ans == 1) { mood = mood + 25; } else { mood = mood - 25; } count = count + 1; gotoAndStop (8140); }
Symbol 5220 Button
on (release) { if (ans == 2) { mood = mood + 25; } else { mood = mood - 25; } count = count + 1; gotoAndStop (8140); }
Symbol 5225 Button
on (release) { if (ans == 5) { mood = mood + 25; } else { mood = mood - 25; } count = count + 1; gotoAndStop (8140); }
Symbol 5228 Button
on (release) { if (ans == 4) { mood = mood + 25; } else { mood = mood - 25; } count = count + 1; gotoAndStop (8140); }
Symbol 5232 Button
on (release) { if (ans == 3) { mood = mood + 25; } else { mood = mood - 25; } count = count + 1; gotoAndStop (8140); }
Symbol 5235 Button
on (release) { stopAllSounds(); gotoAndStop (8150); }
Symbol 5236 Button
on (release) { stopAllSounds(); gotoAndStop (8151); }
Symbol 5238 Button
on (release) { if (ans == 1) { mood = mood + 50; ship = ship + 100; ship2 = ship2 - 100; } if (ans == 2) { mood = mood - 100; ship = ship - 200; ship2 = ship2 + 200; } if (ans == 3) { mood = mood + 25; ship2 = ship2 - 50; } gotoAndStop (8140); }
Symbol 5239 Button
on (release) { stopAllSounds(); ratio = (((0.5 * ch) + (0.1 * st)) + (0.4 * kn)) / 100; ship2 = ship2 + (2.5 * ratio); gotoAndPlay (8150); }
Symbol 5243 Button
on (release) { ship2 = ship2 - 100; gotoAndStop (8140); }
Symbol 5247 Button
on (release) { if (lemon >= 1) { lemon = lemon - 1; if (cond == 1) { gotoAndStop (8153); } else { gotoAndStop (8154); } } else { gotoAndStop (8157); } }
Symbol 5248 Button
on (release) { if (hand >= 1) { hand = hand - 1; if (50 >= mood) { gotoAndStop (8153); } else { gotoAndStop (8154); } } else { gotoAndStop (8157); } }
Symbol 5249 Button
on (release) { if (pill >= 1) { pill = pill - 1; if (cond == 2) { gotoAndStop (8153); } else { gotoAndStop (8154); } } else { gotoAndStop (8157); } }
Symbol 5251 Button
on (release) { cond = 0; mood = 100; gotoAndStop (8140); }
Symbol 5253 Button
on (release) { gotoAndStop (8140); }
Symbol 5257 Button
on (release) { if (bear >= 1) { bear = bear - 1; ship2 = (ship2 + 20) + (35 * ratio2); mood = mood + 40; gotoAndPlay (8434); } else { gotoAndStop (8157); } }
Symbol 5258 Button
on (release) { if (diamond >= 1) { diamond = diamond - 1; ship2 = (ship2 + 80) + (110 * ratio2); mood = mood + 10; gotoAndPlay (8459); } else { gotoAndStop (8157); } }
Symbol 5259 Button
on (release) { if (flower >= 1) { flower = flower - 1; ship2 = (ship2 + 3) + (6 * ratio2); mood = mood + 70; gotoAndPlay (8409); } else { gotoAndStop (8157); } }
Symbol 5262 Button
on (release) { countt = 1; gotoAndStop (8140); }
Symbol 5266 Button
on (release) { stopAllSounds(); gotoAndStop (8339); }
Symbol 5268 Button
on (release) { kissdate2 = day; level2 = "Girlfriend"; state2 = 4; gotoAndStop (8140); }
Symbol 5270 Button
on (release) { luck = random(100); if (luck >= 20) { gotoAndStop (35); } else { gotoAndStop (8402); } }
Symbol 5272 Button
on (release) { luck = random(100); if (luck >= 10) { gotoAndStop (35); } else { gotoAndStop (8402); } }
Symbol 5273 Button
on (release) { hostage = 2; gotoAndStop (353); }
Symbol 5275 Button
on (release, keyPress "e") { ship2 = ship2 + (mood * 3.4); dateday2 = 1 + random(5); if (mood >= 240) { gotoAndStop (8753); } else { gotoAndStop (8754); } }
Symbol 5276 Button
on (release, keyPress "t") { if ((count < 3) and (cond == 0)) { luck = random(9); if (luck == 0) { gotoAndStop (8494); } else if (luck == 1) { gotoAndStop (8495); } else if (luck == 2) { gotoAndStop (8496); } else if (luck == 3) { gotoAndStop (8497); } else if (luck == 4) { gotoAndStop (8498); } else if (luck == 5) { gotoAndStop (8499); } else if (luck == 6) { gotoAndStop (8500); } else if (luck == 7) { gotoAndStop (8501); } else if (state >= 2) { gotoAndStop (8502); } else { gotoAndStop (8501); } } else { gotoAndStop (8519); } }
Symbol 5277 Button
on (release, keyPress "k") { if ((counttt == 0) and (cond == 0)) { if ((ship2 >= 2000) and (mood >= 200)) { counttt = counttt + 1; kiss2 = kiss2 + 1; mood = mood + 40; gotoAndPlay (8542); } else { if (mood >= 60) { mood = mood - 60; } else { mood = 0; } counttt = counttt + 1; gotoAndStop (8518); } } else { gotoAndStop (8519); } }
Symbol 5278 Button
on (release, keyPress "g") { if ((countt == 0) and (cond == 0)) { gotoAndStop (8508); } else { gotoAndStop (8510); } }
Symbol 5279 Button
on (release, keyPress "h") { if ((countttt == 0) and (cond == 0)) { if (mood >= 150) { countttt = countttt + 1; if (gold2 == 0) { gold2 = 1; } mood = mood + 15; gotoAndPlay (8511); } else { if (mood >= 10) { mood = mood - 15; } else { mood = 0; } countttt = countttt + 1; gotoAndStop (8518); } } else { gotoAndStop (8519); } }
Symbol 5280 Button
on (release, keyPress "u") { gotoAndStop (8505); }
Symbol 5282 Button
on (release) { if (ans == 2) { mood = mood + 25; } else { mood = mood - 25; } count = count + 1; gotoAndStop (8493); }
Symbol 5284 Button
on (release) { if (ans == 1) { mood = mood + 25; } else { mood = mood - 25; } count = count + 1; gotoAndStop (8493); }
Symbol 5286 Button
on (release) { if (ans == 2) { mood = mood + 25; } else { mood = mood - 25; } count = count + 1; gotoAndStop (8493); }
Symbol 5289 Button
on (release) { if (ans == 5) { mood = mood + 25; } else { mood = mood - 25; } count = count + 1; gotoAndStop (8493); }
Symbol 5291 Button
on (release) { if (ans == 4) { mood = mood + 25; } else { mood = mood - 25; } count = count + 1; gotoAndStop (8493); }
Symbol 5293 Button
on (release) { if (ans == 3) { mood = mood + 25; } else { mood = mood - 25; } count = count + 1; gotoAndStop (8493); }
Symbol 5295 Button
on (release) { stopAllSounds(); gotoAndStop (8503); }
Symbol 5296 Button
on (release) { stopAllSounds(); gotoAndStop (8504); }
Symbol 5298 Button
on (release) { if (ans == 1) { mood = mood + 50; ship = ship + 100; ship2 = ship2 - 100; } if (ans == 2) { mood = mood - 100; ship = ship - 200; ship2 = ship2 + 200; } if (ans == 3) { mood = mood + 25; ship2 = ship2 - 50; } gotoAndStop (8493); }
Symbol 5299 Button
on (release) { stopAllSounds(); ratio = (((0.5 * ch) + (0.1 * st)) + (0.4 * kn)) / 100; ship2 = ship2 + (2.5 * ratio); gotoAndPlay (8503); }
Symbol 5301 Button
on (release) { ship2 = ship2 - 100; gotoAndStop (8493); }
Symbol 5305 Button
on (release) { if (lemon >= 1) { lemon = lemon - 1; if (cond == 1) { gotoAndStop (8506); } else { gotoAndStop (8507); } } else { gotoAndStop (8510); } }
Symbol 5306 Button
on (release) { if (hand >= 1) { hand = hand - 1; if (50 >= mood) { gotoAndStop (8506); } else { gotoAndStop (8507); } } else { gotoAndStop (8510); } }
Symbol 5307 Button
on (release) { if (pill >= 1) { pill = pill - 1; if (cond == 2) { gotoAndStop (8506); } else { gotoAndStop (8507); } } else { gotoAndStop (8510); } }
Symbol 5308 Button
on (release) { cond = 0; mood = 100; gotoAndStop (8493); }
Symbol 5309 Button
on (release) { gotoAndStop (8493); }
Symbol 5313 Button
on (release) { if (bear >= 1) { bear = bear - 1; ship2 = (ship2 + 20) + (35 * ratio2); mood = mood + 40; gotoAndPlay (8787); } else { gotoAndStop (8510); } }
Symbol 5314 Button
on (release) { if (diamond >= 1) { diamond = diamond - 1; ship2 = (ship2 + 80) + (110 * ratio2); mood = mood + 70; gotoAndPlay (8812); } else { gotoAndStop (8510); } }
Symbol 5315 Button
on (release) { if (flower >= 1) { flower = flower - 1; ship2 = (ship2 + 3) + (6 * ratio2); mood = mood + 10; gotoAndPlay (8762); } else { gotoAndStop (8510); } }
Symbol 5316 Button
on (release) { countt = 1; gotoAndStop (8493); }
Symbol 5317 Button
on (release) { stopAllSounds(); gotoAndStop (8692); }
Symbol 5318 Button
on (release) { kissdate2 = day; level2 = "Girlfriend"; state2 = 4; gotoAndStop (8493); }
Symbol 5320 Button
on (release) { gift6 = 1; chmax = 300; luck = random(100); if (luck >= 40) { gotoAndStop (35); } else { gotoAndStop (8755); } }
Symbol 5321 Button
on (release) { luck = random(100); if (luck >= 10) { gotoAndStop (35); } else { gotoAndStop (8755); } }
Symbol 5323 Button
on (release, keyPress "e") { ship2 = ship2 + (mood * 4.2); dateday2 = 1 + random(5); if (mood >= 240) { gotoAndStop (9106); } else { gotoAndStop (9107); } }
Symbol 5324 Button
on (release, keyPress "t") { if ((count < 3) and (cond == 0)) { luck = random(9); if (luck == 0) { gotoAndStop (8847); } else if (luck == 1) { gotoAndStop (8848); } else if (luck == 2) { gotoAndStop (8849); } else if (luck == 3) { gotoAndStop (8850); } else if (luck == 4) { gotoAndStop (8851); } else if (luck == 5) { gotoAndStop (8852); } else if (luck == 6) { gotoAndStop (8853); } else if (luck == 7) { gotoAndStop (8854); } else if (state >= 2) { gotoAndStop (8855); } else { gotoAndStop (8854); } } else { gotoAndStop (8872); } }
Symbol 5325 Button
on (release, keyPress "k") { if ((counttt == 0) and (cond == 0)) { if ((ship2 >= 2000) and (mood >= 200)) { counttt = counttt + 1; kiss2 = kiss2 + 1; mood = mood + 40; gotoAndPlay (8895); } else { if (mood >= 60) { mood = mood - 60; } else { mood = 0; } counttt = counttt + 1; gotoAndStop (8871); } } else { gotoAndStop (8872); } }
Symbol 5326 Button
on (release, keyPress "g") { if ((countt == 0) and (cond == 0)) { gotoAndStop (8861); } else { gotoAndStop (8863); } }
Symbol 5327 Button
on (release, keyPress "h") { if ((countttt == 0) and (cond == 0)) { if (mood >= 150) { countttt = countttt + 1; if (beach2 == 0) { beach2 = 1; } mood = mood + 15; gotoAndPlay (8864); } else { if (mood >= 10) { mood = mood - 15; } else { mood = 0; } countttt = countttt + 1; gotoAndStop (8871); } } else { gotoAndStop (8872); } }
Symbol 5328 Button
on (release, keyPress "u") { gotoAndStop (8858); }
Symbol 5330 Button
on (release) { if (ans == 3) { mood = mood + 25; } else { mood = mood - 25; } count = count + 1; gotoAndStop (8846); }
Symbol 5333 Button
on (release) { if (ans == 1) { mood = mood + 25; } else { mood = mood - 25; } count = count + 1; gotoAndStop (8846); }
Symbol 5337 Button
on (release) { if (ans == 3) { mood = mood + 25; } else { mood = mood - 25; } count = count + 1; gotoAndStop (8846); }
Symbol 5341 Button
on (release) { if (ans == 4) { mood = mood + 25; } else { mood = mood - 25; } count = count + 1; gotoAndStop (8846); }
Symbol 5345 Button
on (release) { if (ans == 2) { mood = mood + 25; } else { mood = mood - 25; } count = count + 1; gotoAndStop (8846); }
Symbol 5355 Button
on (release) { if (ans eq kissdate2) { mood = mood + 25; } else { mood = mood - 25; } count = count + 1; gotoAndStop (8846); }
Symbol 5357 Button
on (release) { stopAllSounds(); gotoAndStop (8856); }
Symbol 5358 Button
on (release) { stopAllSounds(); gotoAndStop (8857); }
Symbol 5360 Button
on (release) { if (ans == 1) { mood = mood + 50; ship = ship + 100; ship2 = ship2 - 100; } if (ans == 2) { mood = mood - 100; ship = ship - 200; ship2 = ship2 + 200; } if (ans == 3) { mood = mood + 25; ship2 = ship2 - 50; } gotoAndStop (8846); }
Symbol 5361 Button
on (release) { stopAllSounds(); ratio = (((0.5 * ch) + (0.1 * st)) + (0.4 * kn)) / 100; ship2 = ship2 + (2.5 * ratio); gotoAndPlay (8856); }
Symbol 5363 Button
on (release) { ship2 = ship2 - 100; gotoAndStop (8846); }
Symbol 5367 Button
on (release) { if (lemon >= 1) { lemon = lemon - 1; if (cond == 1) { gotoAndStop (8859); } else { gotoAndStop (8860); } } else { gotoAndStop (8863); } }
Symbol 5368 Button
on (release) { if (hand >= 1) { hand = hand - 1; if (50 >= mood) { gotoAndStop (8859); } else { gotoAndStop (8860); } } else { gotoAndStop (8863); } }
Symbol 5369 Button
on (release) { if (pill >= 1) { pill = pill - 1; if (cond == 2) { gotoAndStop (8859); } else { gotoAndStop (8860); } } else { gotoAndStop (8863); } }
Symbol 5370 Button
on (release) { cond = 0; mood = 100; gotoAndStop (8846); }
Symbol 5371 Button
on (release) { gotoAndStop (8846); }
Symbol 5375 Button
on (release) { if (bear >= 1) { bear = bear - 1; ship2 = (ship2 + 20) + (35 * ratio2); mood = mood + 70; gotoAndPlay (9140); } else { gotoAndStop (8863); } }
Symbol 5376 Button
on (release) { if (diamond >= 1) { diamond = diamond - 1; ship2 = (ship2 + 80) + (110 * ratio2); mood = mood + 10; gotoAndPlay (9165); } else { gotoAndStop (8863); } }
Symbol 5377 Button
on (release) { if (flower >= 1) { flower = flower - 1; ship2 = (ship2 + 3) + (6 * ratio2); mood = mood + 40; gotoAndPlay (9115); } else { gotoAndStop (8863); } }
Symbol 5378 Button
on (release) { countt = 1; gotoAndStop (8846); }
Symbol 5379 Button
on (release) { stopAllSounds(); gotoAndStop (9045); }
Symbol 5380 Button
on (release) { kissdate2 = day; level2 = "Girlfriend"; state2 = 4; gotoAndStop (8846); }
Symbol 5381 Button
on (release) { gift4 = 1; knmax = 300; luck = random(100); if (luck >= 40) { gotoAndStop (35); } else { gotoAndStop (9108); } }
Symbol 5382 Button
on (release) { luck = random(100); if (luck >= 10) { gotoAndStop (35); } else { gotoAndStop (9108); } }
Symbol 5384 Button
on (release, keyPress "e") { ship2 = ship2 + (mood * 4.2); dateday2 = 1 + random(5); if (mood >= 240) { gotoAndStop (9459); } else { gotoAndStop (9460); } }
Symbol 5385 Button
on (release, keyPress "t") { if ((count < 3) and (cond == 0)) { luck = random(9); if (luck == 0) { gotoAndStop (9200); } else if (luck == 1) { gotoAndStop (9201); } else if (luck == 2) { gotoAndStop (9202); } else if (luck == 3) { gotoAndStop (9203); } else if (luck == 4) { gotoAndStop (9204); } else if (luck == 5) { gotoAndStop (9205); } else if (luck == 6) { gotoAndStop (9206); } else if (luck == 7) { gotoAndStop (9207); } else if (state >= 2) { gotoAndStop (9208); } else { gotoAndStop (9207); } } else { gotoAndStop (9225); } }
Symbol 5386 Button
on (release, keyPress "k") { if ((counttt == 0) and (cond == 0)) { if ((ship2 >= 2000) and (mood >= 200)) { counttt = counttt + 1; kiss2 = kiss2 + 1; mood = mood + 40; gotoAndPlay (9248); } else { if (mood >= 60) { mood = mood - 60; } else { mood = 0; } counttt = counttt + 1; gotoAndStop (9224); } } else { gotoAndStop (9225); } }
Symbol 5387 Button
on (release, keyPress "g") { if ((countt == 0) and (cond == 0)) { gotoAndStop (9214); } else { gotoAndStop (9216); } }
Symbol 5388 Button
on (release, keyPress "h") { if ((countttt == 0) and (cond == 0)) { if (mood >= 150) { countttt = countttt + 1; if (blue2 == 0) { blue2 = 1; } mood = mood + 15; gotoAndPlay (9217); } else { if (mood >= 10) { mood = mood - 15; } else { mood = 0; } countttt = countttt + 1; gotoAndStop (9224); } } else { gotoAndStop (9225); } }
Symbol 5389 Button
on (release, keyPress "u") { gotoAndStop (9211); }
Symbol 5391 Button
on (release) { if (ans == 3) { mood = mood + 25; } else { mood = mood - 25; } count = count + 1; gotoAndStop (9199); }
Symbol 5393 Button
on (release) { if (ans == 1) { mood = mood + 25; } else { mood = mood - 25; } count = count + 1; gotoAndStop (9199); }
Symbol 5395 Button
on (release) { if (ans == 3) { mood = mood + 25; } else { mood = mood - 25; } count = count + 1; gotoAndStop (9199); }
Symbol 5397 Button
on (release) { if (ans == 4) { mood = mood + 25; } else { mood = mood - 25; } count = count + 1; gotoAndStop (9199); }
Symbol 5399 Button
on (release) { if (ans == 2) { mood = mood + 25; } else { mood = mood - 25; } count = count + 1; gotoAndStop (9199); }
Symbol 5403 Button
on (release) { if (ans eq kissdate2) { mood = mood + 25; } else { mood = mood - 25; } count = count + 1; gotoAndStop (9199); }
Symbol 5404 Button
on (release) { stopAllSounds(); gotoAndStop (9209); }
Symbol 5405 Button
on (release) { stopAllSounds(); gotoAndStop (9210); }
Symbol 5407 Button
on (release) { if (ans == 1) { mood = mood + 50; ship = ship + 100; ship2 = ship2 - 100; } if (ans == 2) { mood = mood - 100; ship = ship - 200; ship2 = ship2 + 200; } if (ans == 3) { mood = mood + 25; ship2 = ship2 - 50; } gotoAndStop (9199); }
Symbol 5408 Button
on (release) { stopAllSounds(); ratio = (((0.5 * ch) + (0.1 * st)) + (0.4 * kn)) / 100; ship2 = ship2 + (2.5 * ratio); gotoAndPlay (9209); }
Symbol 5409 Button
on (release) { ship2 = ship2 - 100; gotoAndStop (9199); }
Symbol 5413 Button
on (release) { if (lemon >= 1) { lemon = lemon - 1; if (cond == 1) { gotoAndStop (9212); } else { gotoAndStop (9213); } } else { gotoAndStop (9216); } }
Symbol 5414 Button
on (release) { if (hand >= 1) { hand = hand - 1; if (50 >= mood) { gotoAndStop (9212); } else { gotoAndStop (9213); } } else { gotoAndStop (9216); } }
Symbol 5415 Button
on (release) { if (pill >= 1) { pill = pill - 1; if (cond == 2) { gotoAndStop (9212); } else { gotoAndStop (9213); } } else { gotoAndStop (9216); } }
Symbol 5416 Button
on (release) { cond = 0; mood = 100; gotoAndStop (9199); }
Symbol 5417 Button
on (release) { gotoAndStop (9199); }
Symbol 5421 Button
on (release) { if (bear >= 1) { bear = bear - 1; ship2 = (ship2 + 20) + (35 * ratio2); mood = mood + 40; gotoAndPlay (9493); } else { gotoAndStop (9216); } }
Symbol 5422 Button
on (release) { if (diamond >= 1) { diamond = diamond - 1; ship2 = (ship2 + 80) + (110 * ratio2); mood = mood + 10; gotoAndPlay (9518); } else { gotoAndStop (9216); } }
Symbol 5423 Button
on (release) { if (flower >= 1) { flower = flower - 1; ship2 = (ship2 + 3) + (6 * ratio2); mood = mood + 70; gotoAndPlay (9468); } else { gotoAndStop (9216); } }
Symbol 5424 Button
on (release) { countt = 1; gotoAndStop (9199); }
Symbol 5425 Button
on (release) { stopAllSounds(); gotoAndStop (9398); }
Symbol 5426 Button
on (release) { kissdate2 = day; level2 = "Girlfriend"; state2 = 4; gotoAndStop (9199); }
Symbol 5427 Button
on (release) { gift5 = 1; stmax = 300; luck = random(100); if (luck >= 40) { gotoAndStop (35); } else { gotoAndStop (9461); } }
Symbol 5428 Button
on (release) { luck = random(100); if (luck >= 10) { gotoAndStop (35); } else { gotoAndStop (9461); } }
Symbol 5430 Button
on (release, keyPress "e") { ship = ship + (mood * 5); gotoAndStop (9813); }
Symbol 5431 Button
on (release, keyPress "t") { if ((6 >= count) and (cond == 0)) { luck = random(8); if (luck == 0) { gotoAndStop (9553); } else if (luck == 1) { gotoAndStop (9554); } else if (luck == 2) { gotoAndStop (9555); } else if (luck == 3) { gotoAndStop (9556); } else if (luck == 4) { gotoAndStop (9557); } else if (luck == 5) { gotoAndStop (9558); } else if (luck == 6) { gotoAndStop (9559); } else { gotoAndStop (9561); } } else if (count == 7) { gotoAndStop (9560); } else { gotoAndStop (9578); } }
Symbol 5432 Button
on (release, keyPress "k") { if ((counttt == 0) and (cond == 0)) { if ((ship >= 1500) and (mood >= 200)) { counttt = counttt + 1; kiss = kiss + 1; mood = mood + 40; gotoAndPlay (9601); } else { if (mood >= 60) { mood = mood - 60; } else { mood = 0; } counttt = counttt + 1; gotoAndStop (9577); } } else { gotoAndStop (9578); } }
Symbol 5433 Button
on (release, keyPress "g") { if ((countt == 0) and (cond == 0)) { gotoAndStop (9567); } else { gotoAndStop (9569); } }
Symbol 5434 Button
on (release, keyPress "h") { if ((countttt == 0) and (cond == 0)) { if (mood >= 150) { countttt = countttt + 1; if (space == 0) { space = 1; } mood = mood + 15; gotoAndPlay (9570); } else { if (mood >= 10) { mood = mood - 15; } else { mood = 0; } countttt = countttt + 1; gotoAndStop (9577); } } else { gotoAndStop (9578); } }
Symbol 5435 Button
on (release, keyPress "u") { gotoAndStop (9564); }
Symbol 5437 Button
on (release) { if (ans == 4) { mood = mood + 15; } else { mood = mood - 15; } count = count + 1; gotoAndStop (9552); }
Symbol 5439 Button
on (release) { if (ans == 3) { mood = mood + 15; } else { mood = mood - 15; } count = count + 1; gotoAndStop (9552); }
Symbol 5443 Button
on (release) { if (ans == 2) { mood = mood + 15; } else { mood = mood - 15; } count = count + 1; gotoAndStop (9552); }
Symbol 5446 Button
on (release) { if (ans == 1) { mood = mood + 15; } else { mood = mood - 15; } count = count + 1; gotoAndStop (9552); }
Symbol 5448 Button
on (release) { if (ans eq kissdate) { mood = mood + 15; } else { mood = mood - 15; } count = count + 1; gotoAndStop (9552); }
Symbol 5450 Button
on (release) { if (ans == 5) { mood = mood + 15; } else { mood = mood - 15; } count = count + 1; gotoAndStop (9552); }
Symbol 5454 Button
on (release) { if (lemon >= 1) { lemon = lemon - 1; if (cond == 1) { gotoAndStop (9565); } else { gotoAndStop (9566); } } else { gotoAndStop (9569); } }
Symbol 5455 Button
on (release) { if (hand >= 1) { hand = hand - 1; if (50 >= mood) { gotoAndStop (9565); } else { gotoAndStop (9566); } } else { gotoAndStop (9569); } }
Symbol 5456 Button
on (release) { if (pill >= 1) { pill = pill - 1; if (cond == 2) { gotoAndStop (9565); } else { gotoAndStop (9566); } } else { gotoAndStop (9569); } }
Symbol 5457 Button
on (release) { cond = 0; mood = 100; gotoAndStop (9552); }
Symbol 5458 Button
on (release) { gotoAndStop (9552); }
Symbol 5462 Button
on (release) { if (bear >= 1) { bear = bear - 1; ratio = (((0.5 * ch) + (0.4 * st)) + (0.1 * kn)) / 100; ship = (ship + 20) + (35 * ratio); mood = mood + 65; gotoAndPlay (9846); } else { gotoAndStop (9569); } }
Symbol 5463 Button
on (release) { if (diamond >= 1) { diamond = diamond - 1; ratio = (((0.5 * ch) + (0.4 * st)) + (0.1 * kn)) / 100; ship = (ship + 80) + (110 * ratio); mood = mood + 65; gotoAndPlay (9871); } else { gotoAndStop (9569); } }
Symbol 5464 Button
on (release) { if (flower >= 1) { flower = flower - 1; ratio = (((0.5 * ch) + (0.4 * st)) + (0.1 * kn)) / 100; ship = (ship + 3) + (6 * ratio); mood = mood + 65; gotoAndPlay (9821); } else { gotoAndStop (9569); } }
Symbol 5465 Button
on (release) { countt = 1; gotoAndStop (9552); }
Symbol 5467 Button
on (release) { stopAllSounds(); gotoAndStop (9751); }
Symbol 5470 Button
on (release) { stopAllSounds(); state = 5; level = "Lover"; gotoAndStop (2623); }
Symbol 5474 Button
on (release, keyPress "e") { ship2 = ship2 + (mood * 5); gotoAndStop (10154); }
Symbol 5475 Button
on (release, keyPress "t") { if ((6 >= count) and (cond == 0)) { luck = random(8); if (luck == 0) { gotoAndStop (9894); } else if (luck == 1) { gotoAndStop (9895); } else if (luck == 2) { gotoAndStop (9896); } else if (luck == 3) { gotoAndStop (9897); } else if (luck == 4) { gotoAndStop (9898); } else if (luck == 5) { gotoAndStop (9899); } else if (luck == 6) { gotoAndStop (9900); } else { gotoAndStop (9902); } } else if (count == 7) { gotoAndStop (9901); } else { gotoAndStop (9919); } }
Symbol 5476 Button
on (release, keyPress "k") { if ((counttt == 0) and (cond == 0)) { if ((ship2 >= 1500) and (mood >= 200)) { counttt = counttt + 1; kiss = kiss + 1; mood = mood + 40; gotoAndPlay (9942); } else { if (mood >= 60) { mood = mood - 60; } else { mood = 0; } counttt = counttt + 1; gotoAndStop (9918); } } else { gotoAndStop (9919); } }
Symbol 5477 Button
on (release, keyPress "g") { if ((countt == 0) and (cond == 0)) { gotoAndStop (9908); } else { gotoAndStop (9910); } }
Symbol 5478 Button
on (release, keyPress "h") { if ((countttt == 0) and (cond == 0)) { if (mood >= 150) { countttt = countttt + 1; if (space == 0) { space = 1; } mood = mood + 15; gotoAndPlay (9911); } else { if (mood >= 10) { mood = mood - 15; } else { mood = 0; } countttt = countttt + 1; gotoAndStop (9918); } } else { gotoAndStop (9919); } }
Symbol 5479 Button
on (release, keyPress "u") { gotoAndStop (9905); }
Symbol 5481 Button
on (release) { if (ans == 3) { mood = mood + 15; } else { mood = mood - 15; } count = count + 1; gotoAndStop (9893); }
Symbol 5485 Button
on (release) { if (ans == 1) { mood = mood + 15; } else { mood = mood - 15; } count = count + 1; gotoAndStop (9893); }
Symbol 5490 Button
on (release) { if (ans == 4) { mood = mood + 15; } else { mood = mood - 15; } count = count + 1; gotoAndStop (9893); }
Symbol 5494 Button
on (release) { if (ans == 5) { mood = mood + 15; } else { mood = mood - 15; } count = count + 1; gotoAndStop (9893); }
Symbol 5497 Button
on (release) { if (ans eq kissdate2) { mood = mood + 15; } else { mood = mood - 15; } count = count + 1; gotoAndStop (9893); }
Symbol 5500 Button
on (release) { if (ans == 2) { mood = mood + 15; } else { mood = mood - 15; } count = count + 1; gotoAndStop (9893); }
Symbol 5505 Button
on (release) { if (lemon >= 1) { lemon = lemon - 1; if (cond == 1) { gotoAndStop (9906); } else { gotoAndStop (9907); } } else { gotoAndStop (9910); } }
Symbol 5506 Button
on (release) { if (hand >= 1) { hand = hand - 1; if (50 >= mood) { gotoAndStop (9906); } else { gotoAndStop (9907); } } else { gotoAndStop (9910); } }
Symbol 5507 Button
on (release) { if (pill >= 1) { pill = pill - 1; if (cond == 2) { gotoAndStop (9906); } else { gotoAndStop (9907); } } else { gotoAndStop (9910); } }
Symbol 5509 Button
on (release) { cond = 0; mood = 100; gotoAndStop (9893); }
Symbol 5511 Button
on (release) { gotoAndStop (9893); }
Symbol 5515 Button
on (release) { if (bear >= 1) { bear = bear - 1; ship2 = (ship2 + 20) + (35 * ratio2); mood = mood + 65; gotoAndPlay (10187); } else { gotoAndStop (9910); } }
Symbol 5516 Button
on (release) { if (diamond >= 1) { diamond = diamond - 1; ship2 = (ship2 + 80) + (110 * ratio2); mood = mood + 65; gotoAndPlay (10212); } else { gotoAndStop (9910); } }
Symbol 5517 Button
on (release) { if (flower >= 1) { flower = flower - 1; ship2 = (ship2 + 3) + (6 * ratio2); mood = mood + 65; gotoAndPlay (10162); } else { gotoAndStop (9910); } }
Symbol 5519 Button
on (release) { countt = 1; gotoAndStop (9893); }
Symbol 5522 Button
on (release) { stopAllSounds(); gotoAndStop (10092); }
Symbol 5523 Button
on (release) { stopAllSounds(); state2 = 5; level2 = "Lover"; gotoAndStop (35); }
Symbol 5526 Button
on (press) { startDrag ("/Astock"); } on (release) { stopDrag(); }
Symbol 5529 Button
on (press) { startDrag ("/Bstock"); } on (release) { stopDrag(); }
Symbol 5532 Button
on (press) { startDrag ("/panty"); } on (release) { stopDrag(); }
Symbol 5534 Button
on (press) { startDrag ("/Apanty2"); } on (release) { stopDrag(); }
Symbol 5536 Button
on (press) { startDrag ("/Bpanty"); } on (release) { stopDrag(); }
Symbol 5538 Button
on (press) { startDrag ("/Bpanty2"); } on (release) { stopDrag(); }
Symbol 5541 Button
on (press) { startDrag ("/Bpanty3"); } on (release) { stopDrag(); }
Symbol 5543 Button
on (press) { startDrag ("/Cpanty2"); } on (release) { stopDrag(); }
Symbol 5546 Button
on (press) { startDrag ("/bra"); } on (release) { stopDrag(); }
Symbol 5549 Button
on (press) { startDrag ("/Abra2"); } on (release) { stopDrag(); }
Symbol 5552 Button
on (press) { startDrag ("/Bbra2"); } on (release) { stopDrag(); }
Symbol 5554 Button
on (press) { startDrag ("/Bbra3"); } on (release) { stopDrag(); }
Symbol 5557 Button
on (press) { startDrag ("/wrap3"); } on (release) { stopDrag(); }
Symbol 5560 Button
on (press) { startDrag ("/Asock2"); } on (release) { stopDrag(); }
Symbol 5563 Button
on (press) { startDrag ("/vest"); } on (release) { stopDrag(); }
Symbol 5566 Button
on (press) { startDrag ("/vest3"); } on (release) { stopDrag(); }
Symbol 5569 Button
on (press) { startDrag ("/vest4"); } on (release) { stopDrag(); }
Symbol 5572 Button
on (press) { startDrag ("/tshirt"); } on (release) { stopDrag(); }
Symbol 5575 Button
on (press) { startDrag ("/necklace2"); } on (release) { stopDrag(); }
Symbol 5578 Button
on (press) { startDrag ("/rabbit"); } on (release) { stopDrag(); }
Symbol 5580 Button
on (press) { startDrag ("/scouter"); } on (release) { stopDrag(); }
Symbol 5583 Button
on (release, keyPress "x") { Mouse.hide(); gotoAndStop (6004); }
Symbol 5586 Button
on (release, keyPress "e") { gotoAndStop (5839); }
Symbol 5587 Button
on (rollOver) { fart = fart + 1; }
Symbol 5592 Button
on (release) { gotoAndPlay (10235); }
Symbol 5594 Button
on (release, keyPress "x") { Mouse.hide(); if (count == 1) { gotoAndStop (6024); } else { gotoAndStop (6025); } }
Symbol 5597 Button
on (release) { if ((rest == 1) or (rest == 3)) { gotoAndStop (10655); } else { gotoAndStop (10659); } }
Symbol 5598 Button
on (release) { if ((beach == 1) or (beach == 3)) { gotoAndStop (10654); } else { gotoAndStop (10659); } }
Symbol 5599 Button
on (release) { if ((space == 1) or (space == 3)) { gotoAndStop (10658); } else { gotoAndStop (10659); } }
Symbol 5600 Button
on (release) { if ((blue == 1) or (blue == 3)) { gotoAndStop (10657); } else { gotoAndStop (10659); } }
Symbol 5601 Button
on (release) { if ((forest == 1) or (forest == 3)) { gotoAndStop (10656); } else { gotoAndStop (10659); } }
Symbol 5602 Button
on (release) { if ((gold == 1) or (gold == 3)) { gotoAndStop (10653); } else { gotoAndStop (10659); } }
Symbol 5608 Button
on (release) { if (album4 >= 3) { gotoAndStop (10670); } else { gotoAndStop (10659); } }
Symbol 5611 Button
on (release) { if (album4 >= 2) { gotoAndStop (10665); } else { gotoAndStop (10659); } }
Symbol 5613 Button
on (release) { if (album4 >= 1) { gotoAndStop (10660); } else { gotoAndStop (10659); } }
Symbol 5616 Button
on (release) { if (album4 >= 1.5) { gotoAndStop (10675); } else { gotoAndStop (10659); } }
Symbol 5617 Button
on (release, keyPress "<Space>") { gotoAndStop (10652); }
Symbol 5622 Button
on (release, keyPress "<Space>") { nextFrame(); }
Symbol 5668 Button
on (release) { gotoAndStop (5839); }
Symbol 5669 Button
on (press) { startDrag ("/pic1"); } on (release) { stopDrag(); }
Symbol 5671 Button
on (press) { startDrag ("/pic2"); } on (release) { stopDrag(); }
Symbol 5673 Button
on (press) { startDrag ("/pic3"); } on (release) { stopDrag(); }
Symbol 5675 Button
on (press) { startDrag ("/pic4"); } on (release) { stopDrag(); }
Symbol 5677 Button
on (press) { startDrag ("/pic5"); } on (release) { stopDrag(); }
Symbol 5679 Button
on (press) { startDrag ("/pic6"); } on (release) { stopDrag(); }
Symbol 5682 Button
on (release, keyPress "x") { stopAllSounds(); Mouse.hide(); gotoAndStop (1228); }
Symbol 5693 Button
on (release) { count = ((((pic1 + pic2) + pic3) + pic4) + pic5) + pic6; nextFrame(); }
Symbol 5704 Button
on (release) { if (name eq "testbug") { stopAllSounds(); gotoAndStop (10699); } else if (3 >= state) { gotoAndStop (10748); } else if ((state == 4) or (state == 9)) { if (count != 6) { gotoAndStop (10758); } else if ((ship >= 6000) and (count == 6)) { gotoAndStop (10778); } } else if ((state == 5) and (count != 6)) { gotoAndStop (10788); } else if ((state == 5) and (count == 6)) { gotoAndStop (10798); } }
Symbol 5705 Button
on (release) { prevFrame(); }
Symbol 5708 Button
on (release) { gotoAndStop (10699); }
Symbol 5713 Button
on (release) { gotoAndStop (10708); }
Symbol 5715 Button
on (release) { gotoAndStop (10718); }
Symbol 5717 Button
on (release) { gotoAndStop (10728); }
Symbol 5732 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 5735 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 5735 MovieClip Frame 6
Symbol 5741 Button
on (release) { if (money >= 500) { money = money - 500; if (date_place == 1) { gotoAndStop (6030); } else if (date_place == 2) { gotoAndStop (6371); } else if (date_place == 3) { gotoAndStop (6725); } else if (date_place == 4) { gotoAndStop (7078); } else if (date_place == 5) { gotoAndStop (7431); } else if (date_place == 6) { gotoAndStop (7784); } else if (date_place == 22) { gotoAndStop (8493); } else if (date_place == 23) { gotoAndStop (8140); } else if (date_place == 24) { gotoAndStop (8846); } else if (date_place == 25) { gotoAndStop (9199); } } }
Symbol 5745 Button
on (release) { hp = 0; gotoAndStop (35); }
Symbol 5747 Button
on (release) { mood = 130; cond = 0; if (date_place == 1) { ship = ship + 50; gotoAndStop (6030); } else if (date_place == 2) { ship = ship + 50; gotoAndStop (6371); } else if (date_place == 3) { ship = ship + 50; gotoAndStop (6725); } else if (date_place == 4) { ship = ship + 50; gotoAndStop (7078); } else if (date_place == 5) { ship = ship + 50; gotoAndStop (7431); } else if (date_place == 6) { ship = ship + 50; gotoAndStop (7784); } else if (date_place == 22) { ship2 = ship2 + 50; gotoAndStop (8493); } else if (date_place == 23) { ship2 = ship2 + 50; gotoAndStop (8140); } else if (date_place == 24) { ship2 = ship2 + 50; gotoAndStop (8846); } else if (date_place == 25) { ship2 = ship2 + 50; gotoAndStop (9199); } }
Symbol 5751 Button
on (release) { if (money >= 100) { money = money - 100; nextFrame(); } }
Symbol 5755 Button
on (release) { if (date_place == 1) { gotoAndStop (6030); } else if (date_place == 2) { gotoAndStop (6371); } else if (date_place == 3) { gotoAndStop (6725); } else if (date_place == 4) { gotoAndStop (7078); } else if (date_place == 5) { gotoAndStop (7431); } else if (date_place == 6) { gotoAndStop (7784); } else if (date_place == 22) { gotoAndStop (8493); } else if (date_place == 23) { gotoAndStop (8140); } else if (date_place == 24) { gotoAndStop (8846); } else if (date_place == 25) { gotoAndStop (9199); } }
Symbol 5758 Button
on (release) { gotoAndStop (10805); }
Symbol 5760 Button
on (keyPress "<Right>") { gotoAndPlay (10799); }
Symbol 5761 Button
on (release) { if (money >= 50) { money = money - 50; gotoAndStop (35); } }
Symbol 5767 Button
on (release) { promchoice = 0; if (money >= 10) { money = money - 10; nextFrame(); } }
Symbol 5770 Button
on (release) { gotoAndStop (10812); }
Symbol 5771 Button
on (keyPress "<Right>") { gotoAndPlay (10806); }
Symbol 5773 Button
on (release) { if (promchoice == 3) { gotoAndStop (3849); } }

Library Items

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Symbol 38 TextUses:26Used by:40
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Symbol 44 TextUses:4Used by:Timeline
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Symbol 107 GraphicUsed by:115
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Symbol 110 GraphicUsed by:115
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Symbol 120 GraphicUsed by:125
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Symbol 144 TextUses:73Used by:Timeline
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Symbol 152 GraphicUsed by:Timeline
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Symbol 156 ButtonUses:70 71Used by:Timeline
Symbol 157 ButtonUses:70 71Used by:Timeline
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Symbol 161 TextUses:159Used by:Timeline
Symbol 162 TextUses:159Used by:Timeline
Symbol 163 TextUses:159Used by:Timeline
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Symbol 165 TextUses:9Used by:Timeline
Symbol 166 TextUses:9Used by:Timeline
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Symbol 283 TextUses:73Used by:Timeline
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Symbol 287 GraphicUsed by:290 291 292 293 294 295 296 297 298 299 300 301 302 303 304 305 306 307 312 313 314 315 316 317 318 321 327 336 337 346 440 497 503 505 506 520 524 525 526 533 534 544 554 557 565 566 576 586 591 595 602 612 623 625 635 646 657 663 664 665 666 668 669 670 673 684 694 705 708 709 710 711 712 713 716 724 729 735 746 747 748 749 750 751 754 763 769 776 777 778 779 780 781 784 793 813 814 815 816 817 818 821 836 847 848 849 850 851 859 877 919 939 944 949 1100 1323 1326 1327 1400 1411 1415 1416 1424 1437 1447 1477 1578 1579 1583 1586 1587 1588 1611 1646 1659 1660 1671 1676 1702 1718 1719 1722 1726 1728 1738 1740 1748 1749 1789 1878 1899 1901 1905 1907 1945 1947 1949 1986 1990 1997 2031 2045 2055 2085 2123 2131 2133 2135 2138 2142 2146 2151 2155 2184 2193 2237 2263 2280 2289 2299 2327 2334 2341 2342 2363 2367 2371 2376 2380 2383 2386 2452 2559 3017 3169 3332 3402 3429 3520 3560 3574 3590 3594 3640 3664 3667 3677 3718 3781 3802 3819 3845 3849 3861 3866 3980 4097 4098 4099 4129 4130 4131 4132 4133 4134 4149 4150 4151 4152 4153 4154 4155 4156 4167 4168 4187 4188 4189 4190 4191 4192 4193 4194 4205 4206 4207 4208 4209 4210 4211 4212 4216 4217 4220 4242 4244 4246 4248 4258 4278 4279 4280 4284 4285 4289 4291 4293 4295 4304 4325 4326 4327 4331 4332 4347 4349 4373 4374 4375 4378 4379 4380 4393 4406 4407 4426 4427 4429 4431 4440 4458 4459 4460 4463 4464 4467 4468 4470 4472 4481 4499 4500 4501 4503 4504 4520 4521 4540 4541 4542 4543 4544 4545 4557 4569 4570 4577 4581 4583 4590 4605 4606 4608 4623 4624 4627 4638 4639 4644 4645 4731 4734 4735 4746 4749 4750 4751 4758 4759 4761 4762 4766 4768 4769 4771 4772 4779 4782 4786 4814 4835 4842 4846 4850 4866 4872 4881 4883 4892 4898 4900 4907 4910 4920 4924 4927 4929 4936 4939 4946 4947 4954 4955 4956 4959 4972 4976 4979 4981 4988 4991 4998 4999 5006 5007 5008 5011 5025 5029 5038 5045 5050 5054 5057 5064 5065 5072 5074 5076 5079 5092 5094 5098 5101 5103 5107 5110 5117 5118 5125 5126 5127 5131 5149 5151 5156 5159 5161 5165 5168 5175 5176 5183 5184 5187 5191 5204 5214 5217 5220 5225 5228 5232 5238 5243 5251 5253 5262 5266 5268 5270 5272 5273 5282 5284 5286 5289 5291 5293 5298 5301 5308 5309 5316 5317 5318 5321 5330 5333 5337 5341 5345 5355 5360 5363 5370 5371 5378 5379 5380 5382 5391 5393 5395 5397 5399 5403 5407 5409 5416 5417 5424 5425 5426 5428 5437 5439 5443 5446 5448 5450 5457 5458 5465 5467 5470 5481 5485 5490 5494 5497 5500 5509 5511 5519 5522 5523 5583 5592 5594 5617 5622 5668 5682 5693 5704 5708 5713 5715 5717 5741 5745 5747 5751 5755 5758 5760 5761 5767 5770 5771 5773
Symbol 288 GraphicUsed by:290 291 292 293 294 295 296 297 298 299 300 301 302 303 304 305 306 307 312 313 314 315 316 317 318 321 327 336 337 346 440 497 503 505 506 520 524 525 526 533 534 544 554 557 565 566 576 586 591 595 602 612 623 625 635 646 657 663 664 665 666 668 669 670 673 684 694 705 708 709 710 711 712 713 716 724 729 735 746 747 748 749 750 751 754 763 769 776 777 778 779 780 781 784 793 813 814 815 816 817 818 821 836 847 848 849 850 851 859 877 919 939 944 949 1100 1323 1326 1327 1400 1411 1415 1416 1424 1437 1447 1477 1578 1579 1583 1586 1587 1588 1611 1646 1659 1660 1671 1676 1702 1718 1719 1722 1726 1728 1738 1740 1748 1749 1789 1878 1899 1901 1905 1907 1945 1947 1949 1986 1990 1997 2031 2045 2055 2085 2123 2131 2133 2135 2138 2142 2146 2151 2155 2184 2193 2237 2263 2280 2289 2299 2327 2334 2341 2342 2363 2367 2371 2376 2380 2383 2386 2452 2559 3017 3169 3332 3402 3429 3520 3560 3574 3590 3594 3640 3664 3667 3677 3718 3781 3802 3819 3845 3849 3861 3866 3980 4097 4098 4099 4129 4130 4131 4132 4133 4134 4149 4150 4151 4152 4153 4154 4155 4156 4167 4168 4187 4188 4189 4190 4191 4192 4193 4194 4205 4206 4207 4208 4209 4210 4211 4212 4216 4217 4220 4242 4244 4246 4248 4258 4278 4279 4280 4284 4285 4289 4291 4293 4295 4304 4325 4326 4327 4331 4332 4347 4349 4373 4374 4375 4378 4379 4380 4393 4406 4407 4426 4427 4429 4431 4440 4458 4459 4460 4463 4464 4467 4468 4470 4472 4481 4499 4500 4501 4503 4504 4520 4521 4540 4541 4542 4543 4544 4545 4557 4569 4570 4577 4581 4583 4590 4605 4606 4608 4623 4624 4627 4638 4639 4644 4645 4731 4734 4735 4746 4749 4750 4751 4758 4759 4761 4762 4766 4768 4769 4771 4772 4779 4782 4786 4814 4835 4842 4846 4850 4866 4872 4881 4883 4892 4898 4900 4907 4910 4920 4924 4927 4929 4936 4939 4946 4947 4954 4955 4956 4959 4972 4976 4979 4981 4988 4991 4998 4999 5006 5007 5008 5011 5025 5029 5038 5045 5050 5054 5057 5064 5065 5072 5074 5076 5079 5092 5094 5098 5101 5103 5107 5110 5117 5118 5125 5126 5127 5131 5149 5151 5156 5159 5161 5165 5168 5175 5176 5183 5184 5187 5191 5204 5214 5217 5220 5225 5228 5232 5238 5243 5251 5253 5262 5266 5268 5270 5272 5273 5282 5284 5286 5289 5291 5293 5298 5301 5308 5309 5316 5317 5318 5321 5330 5333 5337 5341 5345 5355 5360 5363 5370 5371 5378 5379 5380 5382 5391 5393 5395 5397 5399 5403 5407 5409 5416 5417 5424 5425 5426 5428 5437 5439 5443 5446 5448 5450 5457 5458 5465 5467 5470 5481 5485 5490 5494 5497 5500 5509 5511 5519 5522 5523 5583 5592 5594 5617 5622 5668 5682 5693 5704 5708 5713 5715 5717 5741 5745 5747 5751 5755 5758 5760 5761 5767 5770 5771 5773
Symbol 289 GraphicUsed by:290 291 292 293 294 295 296 297 298 299 300 301 302 303 304 305 306 307 312 313 314 315 316 317 318 321 327 336 337 346 440 497 503 505 506 520 524 525 526 533 534 544 554 557 565 566 576 586 591 595 602 612 623 625 635 646 657 663 664 665 666 668 669 670 673 684 694 705 708 709 710 711 712 713 716 724 729 735 746 747 748 749 750 751 754 763 769 776 777 778 779 780 781 784 793 813 814 815 816 817 818 821 836 847 848 849 850 851 859 877 919 939 944 949 1100 1323 1326 1327 1400 1411 1415 1416 1424 1437 1447 1477 1578 1579 1583 1586 1587 1588 1611 1646 1659 1660 1671 1676 1702 1718 1719 1722 1726 1728 1738 1740 1748 1749 1789 1878 1899 1901 1905 1907 1945 1947 1949 1986 1990 1997 2031 2045 2055 2085 2123 2131 2133 2135 2138 2142 2146 2151 2155 2184 2193 2237 2263 2280 2289 2299 2327 2334 2341 2342 2363 2367 2371 2376 2380 2383 2386 2452 2559 3017 3169 3332 3402 3429 3520 3560 3574 3590 3594 3640 3664 3667 3677 3718 3781 3802 3819 3845 3849 3861 3866 3980 4097 4098 4099 4129 4130 4131 4132 4133 4134 4149 4150 4151 4152 4153 4154 4155 4156 4167 4168 4187 4188 4189 4190 4191 4192 4193 4194 4205 4206 4207 4208 4209 4210 4211 4212 4216 4217 4220 4242 4244 4246 4248 4258 4278 4279 4280 4284 4285 4289 4291 4293 4295 4304 4325 4326 4327 4331 4332 4347 4349 4373 4374 4375 4378 4379 4380 4393 4406 4407 4426 4427 4429 4431 4440 4458 4459 4460 4463 4464 4467 4468 4470 4472 4481 4499 4500 4501 4503 4504 4520 4521 4540 4541 4542 4543 4544 4545 4557 4569 4570 4577 4581 4583 4590 4605 4606 4608 4623 4624 4627 4638 4639 4644 4645 4731 4734 4735 4746 4749 4750 4751 4758 4759 4761 4762 4766 4768 4769 4771 4772 4779 4782 4786 4814 4835 4842 4846 4850 4866 4872 4881 4883 4892 4898 4900 4907 4910 4920 4924 4927 4929 4936 4939 4946 4947 4954 4955 4956 4959 4972 4976 4979 4981 4988 4991 4998 4999 5006 5007 5008 5011 5025 5029 5038 5045 5050 5054 5057 5064 5065 5072 5074 5076 5079 5092 5094 5098 5101 5103 5107 5110 5117 5118 5125 5126 5127 5131 5149 5151 5156 5159 5161 5165 5168 5175 5176 5183 5184 5187 5191 5204 5214 5217 5220 5225 5228 5232 5238 5243 5251 5253 5262 5266 5268 5270 5272 5273 5282 5284 5286 5289 5291 5293 5298 5301 5308 5309 5316 5317 5318 5321 5330 5333 5337 5341 5345 5355 5360 5363 5370 5371 5378 5379 5380 5382 5391 5393 5395 5397 5399 5403 5407 5409 5416 5417 5424 5425 5426 5428 5437 5439 5443 5446 5448 5450 5457 5458 5465 5467 5470 5481 5485 5490 5494 5497 5500 5509 5511 5519 5522 5523 5583 5592 5594 5617 5622 5668 5682 5693 5704 5708 5713 5715 5717 5741 5745 5747 5751 5755 5758 5760 5761 5767 5770 5771 5773
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Symbol 310 GraphicUsed by:Timeline
Symbol 311 GraphicUsed by:Timeline
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Symbol 317 ButtonUses:286 287 288 289 22Used by:Timeline
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Symbol 386 TextUses:26Used by:388 3827 3904
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Symbol 463 GraphicUsed by:472
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Instance Names

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