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This is the info page for
Flash #102453

(Click the ID number above for more basic data on this flash file.)

ActionScript [AS1/AS2]
Combined Code
frame 1 { _global.$createTweenController = function () { var v3 = _root.createEmptyMovieClip('__tweenController__', 123432); v3.$_tweenPropList = new Array(); v3.$_tTime = getTimer(); v3.onEnterFrame = _global.$updateTweens; }; ASSetPropFlags(_global, '$createTweenController', 1, 0); _global.$removeTweenController = function () { delete _root.__tweenController__.$_tweenPropList; delete _root.__tweenController__.$_tTime; delete _root.__tweenController__.onEnterFrame; _root.__tweenController__.removeMovieClip(); }; ASSetPropFlags(_global, '$removeTweenController', 1, 0); _global.$addTween = function (mtarget, prop, propDest, timeSeconds, animType, delay, callback, extra1, extra2, extras) { if (timeSeconds == undefined) { timeSeconds = 0; } if (animType == undefined || animType == '') { animType = 'easeOutExpo'; } if (delay == undefined) { delay = 0; } if (typeof prop == 'string') { var v7 = [prop]; var v11 = [mtarget[prop]]; var v9 = [propDest]; } else { var v7 = []; var v11 = []; var v9 = []; for (var v32 in prop) { v11.push(mtarget[prop[v32]]); } for (v32 in prop) { v7.push(prop[v32]); } for (v32 in propDest) { v9.push(propDest[v32]); } } var v12 = false; if (_root.__tweenController__ == undefined) { _global.$createTweenController(); } var v4 = _root.__tweenController__.$_tweenPropList; var v8 = _root.__tweenController__.$_tTime; for (v32 in v11) { if (v9[v32] != undefined && !mtarget.$_isTweenLocked) { if (mtarget.$_tweenCount > 0) { var v3 = 0; while (v3 < v4.length) { if (v4[v3]._targ == mtarget && v4[v3]._prop == v7[v32]) { if (v8 + delay * 1000 < v4[v3]._timeDest) { v4.splice(v3, 1); --v3; --mtarget.$_tweenCount; } } ++v3; } } v4.push({'_prop': v7[v32], '_targ': mtarget, '_propStart': undefined, '_propDest': v9[v32], '_timeStart': v8, '_timeDest': v8 + timeSeconds * 1000, '_animType': animType, '_extra1': extra1, '_extra2': extra2, '_extras': extras, '_delay': delay, '_isPaused': false, '_timePaused': 0, '_callback': v12 ? undefined : callback}); mtarget.$_tweenCount = mtarget.$_tweenCount > 0 ? mtarget.$_tweenCount + 1 : 1; v12 = true; } } ASSetPropFlags(mtarget, '$_tweenCount', 1, 0); }; ASSetPropFlags(_global, '$addTween', 1, 0); _global.$updateTweens = function () { this.$_tTime = getTimer(); var v8 = this.$_tTime; var v6 = 0; while (v6 < this.$_tweenPropList.length) { var v3 = this.$_tweenPropList[v6]; if (v3._targ.toString() == undefined) { this.$_tweenPropList.splice(v6, 1); --v6; } else { if (v3._timeStart + v3._delay * 1000 <= v8 && !v3._isPaused) { if (v3._propStart == undefined) { if (v3._prop.substr(0, 10) == '__special_') { if (v3._prop == '__special_mc_frame__') { v3._propStart = v3._targ._currentframe; } else { if (v3._prop == '__special_mc_ra__') { v3._propStart = ((new Color(v3._targ)).getTransform()).ra; } else { if (v3._prop == '__special_mc_rb__') { v3._propStart = ((new Color(v3._targ)).getTransform()).rb; } else { if (v3._prop == '__special_mc_ga__') { v3._propStart = ((new Color(v3._targ)).getTransform()).ga; } else { if (v3._prop == '__special_mc_gb__') { v3._propStart = ((new Color(v3._targ)).getTransform()).gb; } else { if (v3._prop == '__special_mc_ba__') { v3._propStart = ((new Color(v3._targ)).getTransform()).ba; } else { if (v3._prop == '__special_mc_bb__') { v3._propStart = ((new Color(v3._targ)).getTransform()).bb; } else { if (v3._prop == '__special_mc_aa__') { v3._propStart = ((new Color(v3._targ)).getTransform()).aa; } else { if (v3._prop == '__special_mc_ab__') { v3._propStart = ((new Color(v3._targ)).getTransform()).ab; } else { if (v3._prop == '__special_text_r__') { v3._propStart = v3._targ.textColor >> 16; } else { if (v3._prop == '__special_text_g__') { v3._propStart = (v3._targ.textColor & 65280) >> 8; } else { if (v3._prop == '__special_text_b__') { v3._propStart = v3._targ.textColor & 255; } else { if (v3._prop == '__special_sound_volume__') { v3._propStart = v3._targ.getVolume(); } else { if (v3._prop == '__special_sound_pan__') { v3._propStart = v3._targ.getPan(); } else { if (v3._prop == '__special_bst_t__') { v3._propStart = 0; v3._extras.__special_bst_ix__ = v3._targ._x; v3._extras.__special_bst_iy__ = v3._targ._y; } else { if (v3._prop == '__special_blur_x__') { var v5 = 0; while (v5 < v3._targ.filters.length) { if (v3._targ.filters[v5] instanceof flash.filters.BlurFilter) { v3._propStart = v3._targ.filters[v5].blurX; } ++v5; } if (v3._propStart == undefined) { v3._propStart = 0; } } else { if (v3._prop == '__special_blur_y__') { var v5 = 0; while (v5 < v3._targ.filters.length) { if (v3._targ.filters[v5] instanceof flash.filters.BlurFilter) { v3._propStart = v3._targ.filters[v5].blurY; } ++v5; } if (v3._propStart == undefined) { v3._propStart = 0; } } else { if (v3._prop == '__special_glow_color__') { var v5 = 0; while (v5 < v3._targ.filters.length) { if (v3._targ.filters[v5] instanceof flash.filters.GlowFilter) { v3._propStart = v3._targ.filters[v5].color; } ++v5; } if (v3._propStart == undefined) { v3._propStart = 16777215; } } else { if (v3._prop == '__special_glow_alpha__') { var v5 = 0; while (v5 < v3._targ.filters.length) { if (v3._targ.filters[v5] instanceof flash.filters.GlowFilter) { v3._propStart = v3._targ.filters[v5].alpha; } ++v5; } if (v3._propStart == undefined) { v3._propStart = 1; } } else { if (v3._prop == '__special_glow_blurX__') { var v5 = 0; while (v5 < v3._targ.filters.length) { if (v3._targ.filters[v5] instanceof flash.filters.GlowFilter) { v3._propStart = v3._targ.filters[v5].blurX; } ++v5; } if (v3._propStart == undefined) { v3._propStart = 0; } } else { if (v3._prop == '__special_glow_blurY__') { var v5 = 0; while (v5 < v3._targ.filters.length) { if (v3._targ.filters[v5] instanceof flash.filters.GlowFilter) { v3._propStart = v3._targ.filters[v5].blurY; } ++v5; } if (v3._propStart == undefined) { v3._propStart = 0; } } else { if (v3._prop == '__special_glow_strength__') { var v5 = 0; while (v5 < v3._targ.filters.length) { if (v3._targ.filters[v5] instanceof flash.filters.GlowFilter) { v3._propStart = v3._targ.filters[v5].strength; } ++v5; } if (v3._propStart == undefined) { v3._propStart = 1; } } else { if (v3._prop == '__special_bevel_distance__') { var v5 = 0; while (v5 < v3._targ.filters.length) { if (v3._targ.filters[v5] instanceof flash.filters.BevelFilter) { v3._propStart = v3._targ.filters[v5].distance; } ++v5; } if (v3._propStart == undefined) { v3._propStart = 0; } } else { if (v3._prop == '__special_bevel_angle__') { var v5 = 0; while (v5 < v3._targ.filters.length) { if (v3._targ.filters[v5] instanceof flash.filters.BevelFilter) { v3._propStart = v3._targ.filters[v5].angle; } ++v5; } if (v3._propStart == undefined) { v3._propStart = 45; } } else { if (v3._prop == '__special_bevel_highlightColor__') { var v5 = 0; while (v5 < v3._targ.filters.length) { if (v3._targ.filters[v5] instanceof flash.filters.BevelFilter) { v3._propStart = v3._targ.filters[v5].highlightColor; } ++v5; } if (v3._propStart == undefined) { v3._propStart = 16777215; } } else { if (v3._prop == '__special_bevel_highlightAlpha__') { var v5 = 0; while (v5 < v3._targ.filters.length) { if (v3._targ.filters[v5] instanceof flash.filters.BevelFilter) { v3._propStart = v3._targ.filters[v5].highlightAlpha; } ++v5; } if (v3._propStart == undefined) { v3._propStart = 1; } } else { if (v3._prop == '__special_bevel_shadowColor__') { var v5 = 0; while (v5 < v3._targ.filters.length) { if (v3._targ.filters[v5] instanceof flash.filters.BevelFilter) { v3._propStart = v3._targ.filters[v5].shadowColor; } ++v5; } if (v3._propStart == undefined) { v3._propStart = 0; } } else { if (v3._prop == '__special_bevel_shadowAlpha__') { var v5 = 0; while (v5 < v3._targ.filters.length) { if (v3._targ.filters[v5] instanceof flash.filters.BevelFilter) { v3._propStart = v3._targ.filters[v5].shadowAlpha; } ++v5; } if (v3._propStart == undefined) { v3._propStart = 1; } } else { if (v3._prop == '__special_bevel_blurX__') { var v5 = 0; while (v5 < v3._targ.filters.length) { if (v3._targ.filters[v5] instanceof flash.filters.BevelFilter) { v3._propStart = v3._targ.filters[v5].blurX; } ++v5; } if (v3._propStart == undefined) { v3._propStart = 0; } } else { if (v3._prop == '__special_bevel_blurY__') { var v5 = 0; while (v5 < v3._targ.filters.length) { if (v3._targ.filters[v5] instanceof flash.filters.BevelFilter) { v3._propStart = v3._targ.filters[v5].blurY; } ++v5; } if (v3._propStart == undefined) { v3._propStart = 0; } } else { if (v3._prop == '__special_bevel_strength__') { var v5 = 0; while (v5 < v3._targ.filters.length) { if (v3._targ.filters[v5] instanceof flash.filters.BevelFilter) { v3._propStart = v3._targ.filters[v5].strength; } ++v5; } if (v3._propStart == undefined) { v3._propStart = 1; } } else { v3._propStart = v3._targ[v3._prop]; } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } else { v3._propStart = v3._targ[v3._prop]; } } var v10 = v3._timeDest + v3._delay * 1000; if (v10 <= v8) { var v4 = v3._propDest; } else { var v4 = _global.findTweenValue(v3._propStart, v3._propDest, v3._timeStart, v8 - v3._delay * 1000, v3._timeDest, v3._animType, v3._extra1, v3._extra2); } v3._targ[v3._prop] = v3._extras.mustRound ? Math.round(v4) : v4; if (v3._prop == '__special_mc_frame__') { v3._targ.gotoAndStop(Math.round(v4)); } else { if (v3._prop == '__special_mc_ra__') { (new Color(v3._targ)).setTransform({'ra': v4}); } else { if (v3._prop == '__special_mc_rb__') { (new Color(v3._targ)).setTransform({'rb': v4}); } else { if (v3._prop == '__special_mc_ga__') { (new Color(v3._targ)).setTransform({'ga': v4}); } else { if (v3._prop == '__special_mc_gb__') { (new Color(v3._targ)).setTransform({'gb': v4}); } else { if (v3._prop == '__special_mc_ba__') { (new Color(v3._targ)).setTransform({'ba': v4}); } else { if (v3._prop == '__special_mc_bb__') { (new Color(v3._targ)).setTransform({'bb': v4}); } else { if (v3._prop == '__special_mc_aa__') { (new Color(v3._targ)).setTransform({'aa': v4}); } else { if (v3._prop == '__special_mc_ab__') { (new Color(v3._targ)).setTransform({'ab': v4}); } } } } } } } } } if (v3._prop == '__special_bst_t__') { var v7 = v3._extras; var v9 = _global.findPointOnCurve(v7.__special_bst_ix__, v7.__special_bst_iy__, v7.__special_bst_cx__, v7.__special_bst_cy__, v7.__special_bst_dx__, v7.__special_bst_dy__, v4); if (v3._extras.mustRound) { v3._targ._x = Math.round(v9.x); v3._targ._y = Math.round(v9.y); } else { v3._targ._x = v9.x; v3._targ._y = v9.y; } } if (typeof v3._targ != 'movieclip' && v3._prop == '__special_text_b__') { v3._targ.textColor = (v3._targ.__special_text_r__ << 16) + (v3._targ.__special_text_g__ << 8) + v3._targ.__special_text_b__; } if (v3._prop == '__special_sound_volume__') { v3._targ.setVolume(v4); } if (v3._prop == '__special_sound_pan__') { v3._targ.setPan(v4); } if (v3._prop == '__special_blur_x__') { _global.$setFilterProperty(v3._targ, 'blur_blurX', v4, v3._extras); } if (v3._prop == '__special_blur_y__') { _global.$setFilterProperty(v3._targ, 'blur_blurY', v4, v3._extras); } if (v3._prop == '__special_glow_color__') { _global.$setFilterProperty(v3._targ, 'glow_color', _global.findTweenColor(v3, v8), v3._extras); } if (v3._prop == '__special_glow_alpha__') { _global.$setFilterProperty(v3._targ, 'glow_alpha', v4, v3._extras); } if (v3._prop == '__special_glow_blurX__') { _global.$setFilterProperty(v3._targ, 'glow_blurX', v4, v3._extras); } if (v3._prop == '__special_glow_blurY__') { _global.$setFilterProperty(v3._targ, 'glow_blurY', v4, v3._extras); } if (v3._prop == '__special_glow_strength__') { _global.$setFilterProperty(v3._targ, 'glow_strength', v4, v3._extras); } if (v3._prop == '__special_bevel_distance__') { _global.$setFilterProperty(v3._targ, 'bevel_distance', v4, v3._extras); } if (v3._prop == '__special_bevel_angle__') { _global.$setFilterProperty(v3._targ, 'bevel_angle', v4, v3._extras); } if (v3._prop == '__special_bevel_highlightColor__') { _global.$setFilterProperty(v3._targ, 'bevel_highlightColor', _global.findTweenColor(v3, v8), v3._extras); } if (v3._prop == '__special_bevel_highlightAlpha__') { _global.$setFilterProperty(v3._targ, 'bevel_highlightAlpha', v4, v3._extras); } if (v3._prop == '__special_bevel_shadowColor__') { _global.$setFilterProperty(v3._targ, 'bevel_shadowColor', _global.findTweenColor(v3, v8), v3._extras); } if (v3._prop == '__special_bevel_shadowAlpha__') { _global.$setFilterProperty(v3._targ, 'bevel_shadowAlpha', v4, v3._extras); } if (v3._prop == '__special_bevel_blurX__') { _global.$setFilterProperty(v3._targ, 'bevel_blurX', v4, v3._extras); } if (v3._prop == '__special_bevel_blurY__') { _global.$setFilterProperty(v3._targ, 'bevel_blurY', v4, v3._extras); } if (v3._prop == '__special_bevel_strength__') { _global.$setFilterProperty(v3._targ, 'bevel_strength', v4, v3._extras); } if (v3._targ.onTweenUpdate != undefined) { v3._targ.onTweenUpdate(v3._prop); } if (v10 <= v8) { if (v3._targ.onTweenComplete != undefined) { v3._targ.onTweenComplete(v3._prop); } _global.$stopTween(v3._targ, [v3._prop], false); --v6; if (v3._callback != undefined) { if (_global.backwardCallbackTweening) { var v11 = v3._targ.createEmptyMovieClip('__child__', 122344); v3._callback.apply(v11, null); v11.removeMovieClip(); } else { v3._callback.apply(v3._targ, null); } } } } } ++v6; } if (this.$_tweenPropList.length == 0) { _global.$removeTweenController(); } }; ASSetPropFlags(_global, '$updateTween', 1, 0); _global.$stopTween = function (mtarget, props, wipeFuture) { var v4 = _root.__tweenController__.$_tweenPropList; var v7; for (var v9 in v4) { v7 = v4[v9]._prop; var v5 = 0; for (;;) { if (!(v5 < props.length || v5 < 1 && props == undefined)) break; if (v4[v9]._targ == mtarget && (v7 == props[v5] || props == undefined) && (wipeFuture || v4[v9]._timeDest + v4[v9]._delay * 1000 <= getTimer())) { switch (v7) { case '__special_mc_frame__': case '__special_mc_ra__': case '__special_mc_rb__': case '__special_mc_ga__': case '__special_mc_gb__': case '__special_mc_ba__': case '__special_mc_bb__': case '__special_mc_aa__': case '__special_mc_ab__': case '__special_sound_volume__': case '__special_bst_t__': delete mtarget[v7]; break; case '__special_text_b__': delete mtarget.__special_text_r__; delete mtarget.__special_text_g__; delete mtarget.__special_text_b__; } v4.splice(v9, 1); } ++v5; } } if (props == undefined) { delete mtarget.$_tweenCount; } else { mtarget.$_tweenCount = 0; for (v9 in v4) { if (v4[v9]._targ == mtarget) { ++mtarget.$_tweenCount; } } if (mtarget.$_tweenCount == 0) { delete mtarget.$_tweenCount; } } if (v4.length == 0) { _global.$removeTweenController(); } }; ASSetPropFlags(_global, '$stopTween', 1, 0); _global.$setFilterProperty = function (mtarget, propName, propValue, extras) { var v1; var v7 = false; var v3 = []; v1 = 0; while (v1 < mtarget.filters.length) { v3.push(mtarget.filters[v1]); ++v1; } if (propName.substr(0, 5) == 'blur_') { v1 = 0; while (v1 < mtarget.filters.length) { if (v3[v1] instanceof flash.filters.BlurFilter) { v3[v1][propName.substr(5)] = propValue; if (extras.__special_blur_quality__ != undefined) { v3[v1].quality = extras.__special_blur_quality__; } v7 = true; break; } ++v1; } if (!v7) { var v9; var v8 = (extras.__special_blur_quality__ == undefined) ? 2 : extras.__special_blur_quality__; if (propName == 'blur_blurX') { v9 = new flash.filters.BlurFilter(propValue, 0, v8); } if (propName == 'blur_blurY') { v9 = new flash.filters.BlurFilter(0, propValue, v8); } v3.push(v9); } } else { if (propName.substr(0, 5) == 'glow_') { v1 = 0; while (v1 < mtarget.filters.length) { if (v3[v1] instanceof flash.filters.GlowFilter) { v3[v1][propName.substr(5)] = propValue; if (extras.__special_glow_quality__ != undefined) { v3[v1].quality = extras.__special_glow_quality__; } if (extras.__special_glow_inner__ != undefined) { v3[v1].inner = extras.__special_glow_inner__; } if (extras.__special_glow_knockout__ != undefined) { v3[v1].knockout = extras.__special_glow_knockout__; } v7 = true; break; } ++v1; } if (!v7) { var v8 = (extras.__special_glow_quality__ == undefined) ? 2 : extras.__special_glow_quality__; var v12 = (extras.__special_glow_inner__ == undefined) ? false : extras.__special_glow_inner__; var v10 = (extras.__special_glow_knockout__ == undefined) ? false : extras.__special_glow_knockout__; if (propName == 'glow_color') { var v9 = new flash.filters.GlowFilter(propValue, 1, 0, 0, 1, v8, v12, v10); } if (propName == 'glow_alpha') { v9 = new flash.filters.GlowFilter(16777215, propValue, 0, 0, 1, v8, v12, v10); } if (propName == 'glow_blurX') { v9 = new flash.filters.GlowFilter(16777215, 1, propValue, 0, 1, v8, v12, v10); } if (propName == 'glow_blurY') { v9 = new flash.filters.GlowFilter(16777215, 1, 0, propValue, 1, v8, v12, v10); } if (propName == 'glow_strength') { v9 = new flash.filters.GlowFilter(16777215, 1, 0, 0, propValue, v8, v12, v10); } v3.push(v9); } } else { if (propName.substr(0, 6) == 'bevel_') { v1 = 0; while (v1 < mtarget.filters.length) { if (v3[v1] instanceof flash.filters.BevelFilter) { v3[v1][propName.substr(6)] = propValue; if (extras.__special_bevel_quality__ != undefined) { v3[v1].quality = extras.__special_bevel_quality__; } if (extras.__special_bevel_type__ != undefined) { v3[v1].inner = extras.__special_bevel_type__; } if (extras.__special_bevel_knockout__ != undefined) { v3[v1].knockout = extras.__special_bevel_knockout__; } v7 = true; break; } ++v1; } if (!v7) { var v8 = (extras.__special_bevel_quality__ == undefined) ? 2 : extras.__special_bevel_quality__; var v11 = (extras.__special_bevel_type__ == undefined) ? 'inner' : extras.__special_bevel_type__; var v10 = (extras.__special_bevel_knockout__ == undefined) ? false : extras.__special_bevel_knockout__; if (propName == 'bevel_distance') { var v9 = new flash.filters.BevelFilter(propValue, 45, 16777215, 1, 0, 1, 0, 0, 1, v8, v11, v10); } if (propName == 'bevel_angle') { v9 = new flash.filters.BevelFilter(0, propValue, 16777215, 1, 0, 1, 0, 0, 1, v8, v11, v10); } if (propName == 'bevel_highlightColor') { v9 = new flash.filters.BevelFilter(0, 45, propValue, 1, 0, 1, 0, 0, 1, v8, v11, v10); } if (propName == 'bevel_highlightAlpha') { v9 = new flash.filters.BevelFilter(0, 45, 16777215, propValue, 0, 1, 0, 0, 1, v8, v11, v10); } if (propName == 'bevel_shadowColor') { v9 = new flash.filters.BevelFilter(0, 45, 16777215, 1, propValue, 1, 0, 0, 1, v8, v11, v10); } if (propName == 'bevel_shadowAlpha') { v9 = new flash.filters.BevelFilter(0, 45, 16777215, 1, 0, propValue, 0, 0, 1, v8, v11, v10); } if (propName == 'bevel_blurX') { v9 = new flash.filters.BevelFilter(0, 45, 16777215, 1, 0, 1, propValue, 0, 1, v8, v11, v10); } if (propName == 'bevel_blurY') { v9 = new flash.filters.BevelFilter(0, 45, 16777215, 1, 0, 1, 0, propValue, 1, v8, v11, v10); } if (propName == 'bevel_strength') { v9 = new flash.filters.BevelFilter(0, 45, 16777215, 1, 0, 1, 0, 0, propValue, v8, v11, v10); } v3.push(v9); } } else { return undefined; } } } mtarget.filters = v3; }; Sound.prototype.tween = function (prop, propDest, timeSeconds, animType, delay, callback, extra1, extra2) { _global.$addTween(this, prop, propDest, timeSeconds, animType, delay, callback, extra1, extra2); }; TextField.prototype.tween = Sound.prototype.tween; MovieClip.prototype.tween = Sound.prototype.tween; ASSetPropFlags(MovieClip.prototype, 'tween', 1, 0); ASSetPropFlags(TextField.prototype, 'tween', 1, 0); ASSetPropFlags(Sound.prototype, 'tween', 1, 0); Sound.prototype.roundedTween = function (prop, propDest, timeSeconds, animType, delay, callback, extra1, extra2) { _global.$addTween(this, prop, propDest, timeSeconds, animType, delay, callback, extra1, extra2, {'mustRound': true}); }; TextField.prototype.roundedTween = Sound.prototype.roundedTween; MovieClip.prototype.roundedTween = Sound.prototype.roundedTween; ASSetPropFlags(MovieClip.prototype, 'roundedTween', 1, 0); ASSetPropFlags(TextField.prototype, 'roundedTween', 1, 0); ASSetPropFlags(Sound.prototype, 'roundedTween', 1, 0); Sound.prototype.stopTween = function (props) { if (typeof props == 'string') { props = [props]; } if (props != undefined) { var v4 = 1; while (v4 < arguments.length) { props.push(arguments[v4]); ++v4; } } _global.$stopTween(this, props, true); }; TextField.prototype.stopTween = Sound.prototype.stopTween; MovieClip.prototype.stopTween = Sound.prototype.stopTween; ASSetPropFlags(MovieClip.prototype, 'stopTween', 1, 0); ASSetPropFlags(TextField.prototype, 'stopTween', 1, 0); ASSetPropFlags(Sound.prototype, 'stopTween', 1, 0); Sound.prototype.pauseTween = function (props) { if (props != undefined) { if (typeof props == 'string') { props = [props]; } var v6 = 1; while (v6 < Arguments.length) { props.push(Arguments[v6]); ++v6; } } var v4 = _root.__tweenController__.$_tweenPropList; var v5; for (var v7 in v4) { if (v4[v7]._targ == this && !v4[v7]._isPaused) { if (props != undefined) { v5 = false; for (v6 in props) { if (props[v6] == v4[v7]._prop) { v5 = true; break; } } } if (props == undefined || v5) { v4[v7]._isPaused = true; v4[v7]._timePaused = _root.__tweenController__.$_tTime; } } } }; TextField.prototype.pauseTween = Sound.prototype.pauseTween; MovieClip.prototype.pauseTween = Sound.prototype.pauseTween; ASSetPropFlags(MovieClip.prototype, 'pauseTween', 1, 0); ASSetPropFlags(TextField.prototype, 'pauseTween', 1, 0); ASSetPropFlags(Sound.prototype, 'pauseTween', 1, 0); Sound.prototype.resumeTween = function (props) { if (props != undefined) { if (typeof props == 'string') { props = [props]; } var v7 = 1; while (v7 < Arguments.length) { props.push(Arguments[v7]); ++v7; } } var v3 = _root.__tweenController__.$_tweenPropList; var v5; var v6; for (var v8 in v3) { if (v3[v8]._targ == this && v3[v8]._isPaused) { if (props != undefined) { v5 = false; for (v7 in props) { if (props[v7] == v3[v8]._prop) { v5 = true; break; } } } if (props == undefined || v5) { v3[v8]._isPaused = false; v6 = _root.__tweenController__.$_tTime - v3[v8]._timePaused; v3[v8]._timeStart += v6; v3[v8]._timeDest += v6; v3[v8]._timePaused = 0; } } } }; TextField.prototype.resumeTween = Sound.prototype.resumeTween; MovieClip.prototype.resumeTween = Sound.prototype.resumeTween; ASSetPropFlags(MovieClip.prototype, 'resumeTween', 1, 0); ASSetPropFlags(TextField.prototype, 'resumeTween', 1, 0); ASSetPropFlags(Sound.prototype, 'resumeTween', 1, 0); Sound.prototype.lockTween = function () { this.$_isTweenLocked = true; ASSetPropFlags(this, 'this.$_isTweenLocked', 1, 0); }; TextField.prototype.lockTween = Sound.prototype.lockTween; MovieClip.prototype.lockTween = Sound.prototype.lockTween; ASSetPropFlags(MovieClip.prototype, 'lockTween', 1, 0); ASSetPropFlags(TextField.prototype, 'lockTween', 1, 0); ASSetPropFlags(Sound.prototype, 'lockTween', 1, 0); Sound.prototype.unlockTween = function () { delete this.$_isTweenLocked; }; TextField.prototype.unlockTween = Sound.prototype.unlockTween; MovieClip.prototype.unlockTween = Sound.prototype.unlockTween; ASSetPropFlags(MovieClip.prototype, 'unlockTween', 1, 0); ASSetPropFlags(TextField.prototype, 'unlockTween', 1, 0); ASSetPropFlags(Sound.prototype, 'unlockTween', 1, 0); Sound.prototype.getTweens = function () { return this.$_tweenCount; }; TextField.prototype.getTweens = Sound.prototype.getTweens; MovieClip.prototype.getTweens = Sound.prototype.getTweens; ASSetPropFlags(MovieClip.prototype, 'getTweens', 1, 0); ASSetPropFlags(TextField.prototype, 'getTweens', 1, 0); ASSetPropFlags(Sound.prototype, 'getTweens', 1, 0); Sound.prototype.isTweening = function () { return this.$_tweenCount > 0 ? true : false; }; TextField.prototype.isTweening = Sound.prototype.isTweening; MovieClip.prototype.isTweening = Sound.prototype.isTweening; ASSetPropFlags(MovieClip.prototype, 'isTweening', 1, 0); ASSetPropFlags(TextField.prototype, 'isTweening', 1, 0); ASSetPropFlags(Sound.prototype, 'isTweening', 1, 0); TextField.prototype.alphaTo = function (propDest_a, timeSeconds, animType, delay, callback, extra1, extra2) { _global.$addTween(this, '_alpha', propDest_a, timeSeconds, animType, delay, callback, extra1, extra2); }; MovieClip.prototype.alphaTo = TextField.prototype.alphaTo; ASSetPropFlags(MovieClip.prototype, 'alphaTo', 1, 0); ASSetPropFlags(TextField.prototype, 'alphaTo', 1, 0); MovieClip.prototype.frameTo = function (propDest_frame, timeSeconds, animType, delay, callback, extra1, extra2) { _global.$addTween(this, '__special_mc_frame__', propDest_frame, timeSeconds, animType, delay, callback, extra1, extra2); }; ASSetPropFlags(MovieClip.prototype, 'frameTo', 1, 0); TextField.prototype.resizeTo = function (propDest_width, propDest_height, timeSeconds, animType, delay, callback, extra1, extra2) { _global.$addTween(this, ['_width', '_height'], [propDest_width, propDest_height], timeSeconds, animType, delay, callback, extra1, extra2); }; MovieClip.prototype.resizeTo = TextField.prototype.resizeTo; ASSetPropFlags(MovieClip.prototype, 'resizeTo', 1, 0); ASSetPropFlags(TextField.prototype, 'resizeTo', 1, 0); TextField.prototype.rotateTo = function (propDest_rotation, timeSeconds, animType, delay, callback, extra1, extra2) { _global.$addTween(this, '_rotation', propDest_rotation, timeSeconds, animType, delay, callback, extra1, extra2); }; MovieClip.prototype.rotateTo = TextField.prototype.rotateTo; ASSetPropFlags(MovieClip.prototype, 'rotateTo', 1, 0); ASSetPropFlags(TextField.prototype, 'rotateTo', 1, 0); TextField.prototype.scaleTo = function (propDest_scale, timeSeconds, animType, delay, callback, extra1, extra2) { _global.$addTween(this, ['_xscale', '_yscale'], [propDest_scale, propDest_scale], timeSeconds, animType, delay, callback, extra1, extra2); }; MovieClip.prototype.scaleTo = TextField.prototype.scaleTo; ASSetPropFlags(MovieClip.prototype, 'scaleTo', 1, 0); ASSetPropFlags(TextField.prototype, 'scaleTo', 1, 0); TextField.prototype.xScaleTo = function (propDest_scale, timeSeconds, animType, delay, callback, extra1, extra2) { _global.$addTween(this, '_xscale', propDest_scale, timeSeconds, animType, delay, callback, extra1, extra2); }; MovieClip.prototype.xScaleTo = TextField.prototype.xScaleTo; ASSetPropFlags(MovieClip.prototype, 'xScaleTo', 1, 0); ASSetPropFlags(TextField.prototype, 'xScaleTo', 1, 0); TextField.prototype.yScaleTo = function (propDest_scale, timeSeconds, animType, delay, callback, extra1, extra2) { _global.$addTween(this, '_yscale', propDest_scale, timeSeconds, animType, delay, callback, extra1, extra2); }; MovieClip.prototype.yScaleTo = TextField.prototype.yScaleTo; ASSetPropFlags(MovieClip.prototype, 'yScaleTo', 1, 0); ASSetPropFlags(TextField.prototype, 'yScaleTo', 1, 0); TextField.prototype.scrollTo = function (propDest_scroll, timeSeconds, animType, delay, callback, extra1, extra2) { _global.$addTween(this, 'scroll', propDest_scroll, timeSeconds, animType, delay, callback, extra1, extra2); }; ASSetPropFlags(TextField.prototype, 'scrollTo', 1, 0); TextField.prototype.slideTo = function (propDest_x, propDest_y, timeSeconds, animType, delay, callback, extra1, extra2) { _global.$addTween(this, ['_x', '_y'], [propDest_x, propDest_y], timeSeconds, animType, delay, callback, extra1, extra2); }; MovieClip.prototype.slideTo = TextField.prototype.slideTo; ASSetPropFlags(MovieClip.prototype, 'slideTo', 1, 0); ASSetPropFlags(TextField.prototype, 'slideTo', 1, 0); TextField.prototype.roundedSlideTo = function (propDest_x, propDest_y, timeSeconds, animType, delay, callback, extra1, extra2) { _global.$addTween(this, ['_x', '_y'], [propDest_x, propDest_y], timeSeconds, animType, delay, callback, extra1, extra2, {'mustRound': true}); }; MovieClip.prototype.roundedSlideTo = TextField.prototype.roundedSlideTo; ASSetPropFlags(MovieClip.prototype, 'roundedSlideTo', 1, 0); ASSetPropFlags(TextField.prototype, 'roundedSlideTo', 1, 0); TextField.prototype.xSlideTo = function (propDest_x, timeSeconds, animType, delay, callback, extra1, extra2) { _global.$addTween(this, '_x', propDest_x, timeSeconds, animType, delay, callback, extra1, extra2); }; MovieClip.prototype.xSlideTo = TextField.prototype.xSlideTo; ASSetPropFlags(MovieClip.prototype, 'xSlideTo', 1, 0); ASSetPropFlags(TextField.prototype, 'xSlideTo', 1, 0); TextField.prototype.roundedXSlideTo = function (propDest_x, timeSeconds, animType, delay, callback, extra1, extra2) { _global.$addTween(this, '_x', propDest_x, timeSeconds, animType, delay, callback, extra1, extra2, {'mustRound': true}); }; MovieClip.prototype.roundedXSlideTo = TextField.prototype.roundedXSlideTo; ASSetPropFlags(MovieClip.prototype, 'roundedXSlideTo', 1, 0); ASSetPropFlags(TextField.prototype, 'roundedXSlideTo', 1, 0); TextField.prototype.ySlideTo = function (propDest_y, timeSeconds, animType, delay, callback, extra1, extra2) { _global.$addTween(this, '_y', propDest_y, timeSeconds, animType, delay, callback, extra1, extra2); }; MovieClip.prototype.ySlideTo = TextField.prototype.ySlideTo; ASSetPropFlags(MovieClip.prototype, 'ySlideTo', 1, 0); ASSetPropFlags(TextField.prototype, 'ySlideTo', 1, 0); TextField.prototype.roundedYSlideTo = function (propDest_y, timeSeconds, animType, delay, callback, extra1, extra2) { _global.$addTween(this, '_y', propDest_y, timeSeconds, animType, delay, callback, extra1, extra2, {'mustRound': true}); }; MovieClip.prototype.roundedYSlideTo = TextField.prototype.roundedYSlideTo; ASSetPropFlags(MovieClip.prototype, 'roundedYSlideTo', 1, 0); ASSetPropFlags(TextField.prototype, 'roundedYSlideTo', 1, 0); TextField.prototype.bezierSlideTo = function (cpoint_x, cpoint_y, propDest_x, propDest_y, timeSeconds, animType, delay, callback, extra1, extra2) { var v3 = new Object(); v3.__special_bst_ix__ = undefined; v3.__special_bst_iy__ = undefined; v3.__special_bst_cx__ = cpoint_x; v3.__special_bst_cy__ = cpoint_y; v3.__special_bst_dx__ = propDest_x; v3.__special_bst_dy__ = propDest_y; _global.$addTween(this, '__special_bst_t__', 1, timeSeconds, animType, delay, callback, extra1, extra2, v3); }; MovieClip.prototype.bezierSlideTo = TextField.prototype.bezierSlideTo; ASSetPropFlags(MovieClip.prototype, 'bezierSlideTo', 1, 0); ASSetPropFlags(TextField.prototype, 'bezierSlideTo', 1, 0); TextField.prototype.roundedBezierSlideTo = function (cpoint_x, cpoint_y, propDest_x, propDest_y, timeSeconds, animType, delay, callback, extra1, extra2) { var v3 = new Object(); v3.__special_bst_ix__ = undefined; v3.__special_bst_iy__ = undefined; v3.__special_bst_cx__ = cpoint_x; v3.__special_bst_cy__ = cpoint_y; v3.__special_bst_dx__ = propDest_x; v3.__special_bst_dy__ = propDest_y; v3.mustRound = true; _global.$addTween(this, '__special_bst_t__', 1, timeSeconds, animType, delay, callback, extra1, extra2, v3); }; MovieClip.prototype.roundedBezierSlideTo = TextField.prototype.roundedBezierSlideTo; ASSetPropFlags(MovieClip.prototype, 'roundedBezierSlideTo', 1, 0); ASSetPropFlags(TextField.prototype, 'roundedBezierSlideTo', 1, 0); Sound.prototype.volumeTo = function (propDest_volume, timeSeconds, animType, delay, callback, extra1, extra2) { _global.$addTween(this, '__special_sound_volume__', propDest_volume, timeSeconds, animType, delay, callback, extra1, extra2); }; ASSetPropFlags(Sound.prototype, 'volumeTo', 1, 0); Sound.prototype.panTo = function (propDest_volume, timeSeconds, animType, delay, callback, extra1, extra2) { _global.$addTween(this, '__special_sound_pan__', propDest_volume, timeSeconds, animType, delay, callback, extra1, extra2); }; ASSetPropFlags(Sound.prototype, 'panTo', 1, 0); MovieClip.prototype.colorTo = function (propDest_color, timeSeconds, animType, delay, callback, extra1, extra2) { if (propDest_color == null) { this.colorTransformTo(100, 0, 100, 0, 100, 0, undefined, undefined, timeSeconds, animType, delay, callback, extra1, extra2); } else { var v3 = propDest_color >> 16; var v5 = (propDest_color & 65280) >> 8; var v4 = propDest_color & 255; this.colorTransformTo(0, v3, 0, v5, 0, v4, undefined, undefined, timeSeconds, animType, delay, callback, extra1, extra2); } }; ASSetPropFlags(MovieClip.prototype, 'colorTo', 1, 0); TextField.prototype.colorTo = function (propDest_color, timeSeconds, animType, delay, callback, extra1, extra2) { var v3 = propDest_color >> 16; var v6 = (propDest_color & 65280) >> 8; var v4 = propDest_color & 255; _global.$addTween(this, ['__special_text_r__', '__special_text_g__', '__special_text_b__'], [v3, v6, v4], timeSeconds, animType, delay, callback, extra1, extra2); }; ASSetPropFlags(TextField.prototype, 'colorTo', 1, 0); MovieClip.prototype.colorTransformTo = function () { if (typeof arguments[0] == 'object' && arguments[0] != undefined) { _global.$addTween(this, ['__special_mc_ra__', '__special_mc_rb__', '__special_mc_ga__', '__special_mc_gb__', '__special_mc_ba__', '__special_mc_bb__', '__special_mc_aa__', '__special_mc_ab__'], [arguments[0].ra, arguments[0].rb, arguments[0].ga, arguments[0].gb, arguments[0].ba, arguments[0].bb, arguments[0].aa, arguments[0].ab], arguments[1], arguments[2], arguments[3], arguments[4], arguments[5], arguments[6]); } else { _global.$addTween(this, ['__special_mc_ra__', '__special_mc_rb__', '__special_mc_ga__', '__special_mc_gb__', '__special_mc_ba__', '__special_mc_bb__', '__special_mc_aa__', '__special_mc_ab__'], [arguments[0], arguments[1], arguments[2], arguments[3], arguments[4], arguments[5], arguments[6], arguments[7]], arguments[8], arguments[9], arguments[10], arguments[11], arguments[12], arguments[13]); } }; ASSetPropFlags(MovieClip.prototype, 'colorTransformTo', 1, 0); TextField.prototype.blurTo = function () { if (typeof arguments[0] == 'object' && arguments[0] != undefined) { _global.$addTween(this, ['__special_blur_x__', '__special_blur_y__'], [arguments[0].blurX, arguments[0].blurY], arguments[1], arguments[2], arguments[3], arguments[4], arguments[5], arguments[6], {'__special_blur_quality__': arguments[0].quality}); } else { _global.$addTween(this, ['__special_blur_x__', '__special_blur_y__'], [arguments[0], arguments[0]], arguments[2], arguments[3], arguments[4], arguments[5], arguments[6], arguments[7], {'__special_blur_quality__': arguments[1]}); } }; MovieClip.prototype.blurTo = TextField.prototype.blurTo; ASSetPropFlags(MovieClip.prototype, 'blurTo', 1, 0); ASSetPropFlags(TextField.prototype, 'blurTo', 1, 0); TextField.prototype.xyBlurTo = function (propDest_blurX, propDest_blurY, quality, timeSeconds, animType, delay, callback, extra1, extra2) { _global.$addTween(this, ['__special_blur_x__', '__special_blur_y__'], [propDest_blurX, propDest_blurY], timeSeconds, animType, delay, callback, extra1, extra2, {'__special_blur_quality__': quality}); }; MovieClip.prototype.xyBlurTo = TextField.prototype.xyBlurTo; ASSetPropFlags(MovieClip.prototype, 'xyBlurTo', 1, 0); ASSetPropFlags(TextField.prototype, 'xyBlurTo', 1, 0); TextField.prototype.xBlurTo = function (propDest_blur, quality, timeSeconds, animType, delay, callback, extra1, extra2) { _global.$addTween(this, '__special_blur_x__', propDest_blur, timeSeconds, animType, delay, callback, extra1, extra2, {'__special_blur_quality__': quality}); }; MovieClip.prototype.xBlurTo = TextField.prototype.xBlurTo; ASSetPropFlags(MovieClip.prototype, 'xBlurTo', 1, 0); ASSetPropFlags(TextField.prototype, 'xBlurTo', 1, 0); TextField.prototype.yBlurTo = function (propDest_blur, quality, timeSeconds, animType, delay, callback, extra1, extra2) { _global.$addTween(this, '__special_blur_y__', propDest_blur, timeSeconds, animType, delay, callback, extra1, extra2, {'__special_blur_quality__': quality}); }; MovieClip.prototype.yBlurTo = TextField.prototype.yBlurTo; ASSetPropFlags(MovieClip.prototype, 'yBlurTo', 1, 0); ASSetPropFlags(TextField.prototype, 'yBlurTo', 1, 0); TextField.prototype.glowTo = function () { if (typeof arguments[0] == 'object' && arguments[0] != undefined) { _global.$addTween(this, ['__special_glow_color__', '__special_glow_alpha__', '__special_glow_blurX__', '__special_glow_blurY__', '__special_glow_strength__'], [arguments[0].color, arguments[0].alpha, arguments[0].blurX, arguments[0].blurY, arguments[0].strength], arguments[1], arguments[2], arguments[3], arguments[4], arguments[5], arguments[6], {'__special_glow_quality__': arguments[0].quality, '__special_glow_inner__': arguments[0].inner, '__special_glow_knockout__': arguments[0].knockout}); } else { _global.$addTween(this, ['__special_glow_color__', '__special_glow_alpha__', '__special_glow_blurX__', '__special_glow_blurY__', '__special_glow_strength__'], [arguments[0], arguments[1], arguments[2], arguments[2], arguments[3]], arguments[7], arguments[8], arguments[9], arguments[10], arguments[11], arguments[12], {'__special_glow_quality__': arguments[4], '__special_glow_inner__': arguments[5], '__special_glow_knockout__': arguments[6]}); } }; MovieClip.prototype.glowTo = TextField.prototype.glowTo; ASSetPropFlags(MovieClip.prototype, 'glowTo', 1, 0); ASSetPropFlags(TextField.prototype, 'glowTo', 1, 0); TextField.prototype.xyGlowTo = function (propDest_color, propDest_alpha, propDest_blurX, propDest_blurY, propDest_strength, quality, inner, knockout, timeSeconds, animType, delay, callback, extra1, extra2) { _global.$addTween(this, ['__special_glow_color__', '__special_glow_alpha__', '__special_glow_blurX__', '__special_glow_blurY__', '__special_glow_strength__'], [propDest_color, propDest_alpha, propDest_blurX, propDest_blurY, propDest_strength], timeSeconds, animType, delay, callback, extra1, extra2, {'__special_glow_quality__': quality, '__special_glow_inner__': inner, '__special_glow_knockout__': knockout}); }; MovieClip.prototype.xyGlowTo = TextField.prototype.xyGlowTo; ASSetPropFlags(MovieClip.prototype, 'xyGlowTo', 1, 0); ASSetPropFlags(TextField.prototype, 'xyGlowTo', 1, 0); TextField.prototype.xGlowTo = function (propDest_color, propDest_alpha, propDest_blur, propDest_strength, quality, inner, knockout, timeSeconds, animType, delay, callback, extra1, extra2) { _global.$addTween(this, ['__special_glow_color__', '__special_glow_alpha__', '__special_glow_blurX__', '__special_glow_strength__'], [propDest_color, propDest_alpha, propDest_blur, propDest_strength], timeSeconds, animType, delay, callback, extra1, extra2, {'__special_glow_quality__': quality, '__special_glow_inner__': inner, '__special_glow_knockout__': knockout}); }; MovieClip.prototype.xGlowTo = TextField.prototype.xGlowTo; ASSetPropFlags(MovieClip.prototype, 'xGlowTo', 1, 0); ASSetPropFlags(TextField.prototype, 'xGlowTo', 1, 0); TextField.prototype.yGlowTo = function (propDest_color, propDest_alpha, propDest_blur, propDest_strength, quality, inner, knockout, timeSeconds, animType, delay, callback, extra1, extra2) { _global.$addTween(this, ['__special_glow_color__', '__special_glow_alpha__', '__special_glow_blurY__', '__special_glow_strength__'], [propDest_color, propDest_alpha, propDest_blur, propDest_strength], timeSeconds, animType, delay, callback, extra1, extra2, {'__special_glow_quality__': quality, '__special_glow_inner__': inner, '__special_glow_knockout__': knockout}); }; MovieClip.prototype.yGlowTo = TextField.prototype.yGlowTo; ASSetPropFlags(MovieClip.prototype, 'yGlowTo', 1, 0); ASSetPropFlags(TextField.prototype, 'yGlowTo', 1, 0); TextField.prototype.bevelTo = function () { if (typeof arguments[0] == 'object' && arguments[0] != undefined) { _global.$addTween(this, ['__special_bevel_distance__', '__special_bevel_angle__', '__special_bevel_highlightColor__', '__special_bevel_highlightAlpha__', '__special_bevel_shadowColor__', '__special_bevel_shadowAlpha__', '__special_bevel_blurX__', '__special_bevel_blurY__', '__special_bevel_strength__'], [arguments[0].distance, arguments[0].angle, arguments[0].highlightColor, arguments[0].highlightAlpha * 100, arguments[0].shadowColor, arguments[0].shadowAlpha * 100, arguments[0].blurX, arguments[0].blurY, arguments[0].strength], arguments[1], arguments[2], arguments[3], arguments[4], arguments[5], arguments[6], {'__special_bevel_quality__': arguments[0].quality, '__special_bevel_type__': arguments[0].type, '__special_bevel_knockout__': arguments[0].knockout}); } else { _global.$addTween(this, ['__special_bevel_distance__', '__special_bevel_angle__', '__special_bevel_highlightColor__', '__special_bevel_highlightAlpha__', '__special_bevel_shadowColor__', '__special_bevel_shadowAlpha__', '__special_bevel_blurX__', '__special_bevel_blurY__', '__special_bevel_strength__'], [arguments[0], arguments[1], arguments[2], arguments[3], arguments[4], arguments[5], arguments[6], arguments[6], arguments[7]], arguments[11], arguments[12], arguments[13], arguments[14], arguments[15], arguments[16], {'__special_bevel_quality__': arguments[8], '__special_bevel_type__': arguments[9], '__special_bevel_knockout__': arguments[10]}); } }; MovieClip.prototype.bevelTo = TextField.prototype.bevelTo; ASSetPropFlags(MovieClip.prototype, 'bevelTo', 1, 0); ASSetPropFlags(TextField.prototype, 'bevelTo', 1, 0); TextField.prototype.xyBevelTo = function (propDest_distance, propDest_angle, propDest_highlightColor, propDest_highlightAlpha, propDest_shadowColor, propDest_shadowAlpha, propDest_blurX, propDest_blurY, propDest_strength, quality, type, knockout, timeSeconds, animType, delay, callback, extra1, extra2) { _global.$addTween(this, ['__special_bevel_distance__', '__special_bevel_angle__', '__special_bevel_highlightColor__', '__special_bevel_highlightAlpha__', '__special_bevel_shadowColor__', '__special_bevel_shadowAlpha__', '__special_bevel_blurX__', '__special_bevel_blurY__', '__special_bevel_blurY__', '__special_bevel_strength__'], [propDest_distance, propDest_angle, propDest_highlightColor, propDest_highlightAlpha, propDest_shadowColor, propDest_shadowAlpha, propDest_blur, propDest_blur, propDest_strength], timeSeconds, animType, delay, callback, extra1, extra2, {'__special_bevel_quality__': quality, '__special_bevel_type__': type, '__special_bevel_knockout__': knockout}); }; MovieClip.prototype.xyBevelTo = TextField.prototype.xyBevelTo; ASSetPropFlags(MovieClip.prototype, 'xyBevelTo', 1, 0); ASSetPropFlags(TextField.prototype, 'xyBevelTo', 1, 0); _global.findPointOnCurve = function (p1x, p1y, cx, cy, p2x, p2y, t) { return {'x': p1x + t * (2 * (1 - t) * (cx - p1x) + t * (p2x - p1x)), 'y': p1y + t * (2 * (1 - t) * (cy - p1y) + t * (p2y - p1y))}; }; ASSetPropFlags(_global, 'findPointOnCurve', 1, 0); _global.findTweenColor = function (objProp, tTime) { var v8 = objProp._propStart >> 16; var v4 = objProp._propDest >> 16; var v5 = objProp._propStart >> 8 & 255; var v6 = objProp._propDest >> 8 & 255; var v9 = objProp._propStart & 255; var v7 = objProp._propDest & 255; var v12 = Math.round(_global.findTweenValue(v8, v4, objProp._timeStart, tTime - objProp._delay * 1000, objProp._timeDest, objProp._animType, objProp._extra1, objProp._extra2)); var v10 = Math.round(_global.findTweenValue(v5, v6, objProp._timeStart, tTime - objProp._delay * 1000, objProp._timeDest, objProp._animType, objProp._extra1, objProp._extra2)); var v3 = Math.round(_global.findTweenValue(v9, v7, objProp._timeStart, tTime - objProp._delay * 1000, objProp._timeDest, objProp._animType, objProp._extra1, objProp._extra2)); return (v12 << 16) + (v10 << 8) + v3; }; _global.findTweenValue = function (_propStart, _propDest, _timeStart, _timeNow, _timeDest, _animType, _extra1, _extra2) { var v1 = _timeNow - _timeStart; var v4 = _propStart; var v2 = _propDest - _propStart; var v3 = _timeDest - _timeStart; var v6 = _extra1; var v7 = _extra2; var v5 = _extra1; switch (_animType.toLowerCase()) { trace('MC TWEEN ### Error on transition: there\'s no "' + _animType + '" animation type.'); return 0; case 'linear': return v2 * v1 / v3 + v4; case 'easeinquad': v1 /= v3; return v2 * v1 * v1 + v4; case 'easeoutquad': v1 /= v3; return -v2 * v1 * (v1 - 2) + v4; case 'easeinoutquad': v1 /= v3 / 2; if (v1 < 1) { return (v2 / 2) * v1 * v1 + v4; } return (-v2 / 2) * (--v1 * (v1 - 2) - 1) + v4; case 'easeoutinquad': if (v1 < v3 / 2) { return findTweenValue(0, v2, 0, v1 * 2, v3, 'easeOutQuad') * 0.5 + v4; } return findTweenValue(0, v2, 0, v1 * 2 - v3, v3, 'easeInQuad') * 0.5 + v2 * 0.5 + v4; case 'easeincubic': v1 /= v3; return v2 * v1 * v1 * v1 + v4; case 'easeoutcubic': v1 = v1 / v3 - 1; return v2 * (v1 * v1 * v1 + 1) + v4; case 'easeinoutcubic': v1 /= v3 / 2; if (v1 < 1) { return (v2 / 2) * v1 * v1 * v1 + v4; } v1 -= 2; return (v2 / 2) * (v1 * v1 * v1 + 2) + v4; case 'easeoutincubic': if (v1 < v3 / 2) { return findTweenValue(0, v2, 0, v1 * 2, v3, 'easeOutCubic') * 0.5 + v4; } return findTweenValue(0, v2, 0, v1 * 2 - v3, v3, 'easeInCubic') * 0.5 + v2 * 0.5 + v4; case 'easeinquart': v1 /= v3; return v2 * v1 * v1 * v1 * v1 + v4; case 'easeoutquart': v1 = v1 / v3 - 1; return -v2 * (v1 * v1 * v1 * v1 - 1) + v4; case 'easeinoutquart': v1 /= v3 / 2; if (v1 < 1) { return (v2 / 2) * v1 * v1 * v1 * v1 + v4; } v1 -= 2; return (-v2 / 2) * (v1 * v1 * v1 * v1 - 2) + v4; case 'easeoutinquart': if (v1 < v3 / 2) { return findTweenValue(0, v2, 0, v1 * 2, v3, 'easeOutQuart') * 0.5 + v4; } return findTweenValue(0, v2, 0, v1 * 2 - v3, v3, 'easeInQuart') * 0.5 + v2 * 0.5 + v4; case 'easeinquint': v1 /= v3; return v2 * v1 * v1 * v1 * v1 * v1 + v4; case 'easeoutquint': v1 = v1 / v3 - 1; return v2 * (v1 * v1 * v1 * v1 * v1 + 1) + v4; case 'easeinoutquint': v1 /= v3 / 2; if (v1 < 1) { return (v2 / 2) * v1 * v1 * v1 * v1 * v1 + v4; } v1 -= 2; return (v2 / 2) * (v1 * v1 * v1 * v1 * v1 + 2) + v4; case 'easeoutinquint': if (v1 < v3 / 2) { return findTweenValue(0, v2, 0, v1 * 2, v3, 'easeOutQuint') * 0.5 + v4; } return findTweenValue(0, v2, 0, v1 * 2 - v3, v3, 'easeInQuint') * 0.5 + v2 * 0.5 + v4; case 'easeinsine': return -v2 * Math.cos((v1 / v3) * 1.570796326794897) + v2 + v4; case 'easeoutsine': return v2 * Math.sin((v1 / v3) * 1.570796326794897) + v4; case 'easeinoutsine': return (-v2 / 2) * (Math.cos(Math.PI * v1 / v3) - 1) + v4; case 'easeoutinsine': if (v1 < v3 / 2) { return findTweenValue(0, v2, 0, v1 * 2, v3, 'easeOutSine') * 0.5 + v4; } return findTweenValue(0, v2, 0, v1 * 2 - v3, v3, 'easeInSine') * 0.5 + v2 * 0.5 + v4; case 'easeinexpo': return (v1 == 0) ? v4 : v2 * Math.pow(2, 10 * (v1 / v3 - 1)) + v4; case 'easeoutexpo': return (v1 == v3) ? v4 + v2 : v2 * (-Math.pow(2, -10 * v1 / v3) + 1) + v4; case 'easeinoutexpo': if (v1 == 0) { return v4; } if (v1 == v3) { return v4 + v2; } v1 /= v3 / 2; if (v1 < 1) { return (v2 / 2) * Math.pow(2, 10 * (v1 - 1)) + v4; } return (v2 / 2) * (-Math.pow(2, -10 * --v1) + 2) + v4; case 'easeoutinexpo': if (v1 == 0) { return v4; } if (v1 == v3) { return v4 + v2; } v1 /= v3 / 2; if (v1 < 1) { return (v2 / 2) * (-Math.pow(2, -10 * v1 / 1) + 1) + v4; } return (v2 / 2) * (Math.pow(2, 10 * (v1 - 2) / 1) + 1) + v4; case 'easeincirc': v1 /= v3; return -v2 * (Math.sqrt(1 - v1 * v1) - 1) + v4; case 'easeoutcirc': v1 = v1 / v3 - 1; return v2 * Math.sqrt(1 - v1 * v1) + v4; case 'easeinoutcirc': v1 /= v3 / 2; if (v1 < 1) { return (-v2 / 2) * (Math.sqrt(1 - v1 * v1) - 1) + v4; } v1 -= 2; return (v2 / 2) * (Math.sqrt(1 - v1 * v1) + 1) + v4; case 'easeoutincirc': if (v1 < v3 / 2) { return findTweenValue(0, v2, 0, v1 * 2, v3, 'easeOutCirc') * 0.5 + v4; } return findTweenValue(0, v2, 0, v1 * 2 - v3, v3, 'easeInCirc') * 0.5 + v2 * 0.5 + v4; case 'easeinelastic': if (v1 == 0) { return v4; } v1 /= v3; if (v1 == 1) { return v4 + v2; } if (!v7) { v7 = v3 * 0.3; } if (!v6 || v6 < Math.abs(v2)) { v6 = v2; v5 = v7 / 4; } else { v5 = (v7 / 6.283185307179586) * Math.asin(v2 / v6); } v1 -= 1; return -(v6 * Math.pow(2, 10 * v1) * Math.sin((v1 * v3 - v5) * 6.283185307179586 / v7)) + v4; case 'easeoutelastic': if (v1 == 0) { return v4; } v1 /= v3; if (v1 == 1) { return v4 + v2; } if (!v7) { v7 = v3 * 0.3; } if (!v6 || v6 < Math.abs(v2)) { v6 = v2; v5 = v7 / 4; } else { v5 = (v7 / 6.283185307179586) * Math.asin(v2 / v6); } return v6 * Math.pow(2, -10 * v1) * Math.sin((v1 * v3 - v5) * 6.283185307179586 / v7) + v2 + v4; case 'easeinoutelastic': if (v1 == 0) { return v4; } v1 /= v3 / 2; if (v1 == 2) { return v4 + v2; } if (!v7) { v7 = v3 * 0.45; } if (!v6 || v6 < Math.abs(v2)) { v6 = v2; v5 = v7 / 4; } else { v5 = (v7 / 6.283185307179586) * Math.asin(v2 / v6); } if (v1 < 1) { v1 -= 1; return -0.5 * (v6 * Math.pow(2, 10 * v1) * Math.sin((v1 * v3 - v5) * 6.283185307179586 / v7)) + v4; } v1 -= 1; return v6 * Math.pow(2, -10 * v1) * Math.sin((v1 * v3 - v5) * 6.283185307179586 / v7) * 0.5 + v2 + v4; case 'easeoutinelastic': if (v1 < v3 / 2) { return findTweenValue(0, v2, 0, v1 * 2, v3, 'easeOutElastic') * 0.5 + v4; } return findTweenValue(0, v2, 0, v1 * 2 - v3, v3, 'easeInElastic') * 0.5 + v2 * 0.5 + v4; case 'easeinback': if (v5 == undefined) { v5 = 1.70158; } v1 /= v3; return v2 * v1 * v1 * ((v5 + 1) * v1 - v5) + v4; case 'easeoutback': if (v5 == undefined) { v5 = 1.70158; } v1 = v1 / v3 - 1; return v2 * (v1 * v1 * ((v5 + 1) * v1 + v5) + 1) + v4; case 'easeinoutback': if (v5 == undefined) { v5 = 1.70158; } v1 /= v3 / 2; if (v1 < 1) { v5 *= 1.525; return (v2 / 2) * (v1 * v1 * ((v5 + 1) * v1 - v5)) + v4; } v1 -= 2; v5 *= 1.525; return (v2 / 2) * (v1 * v1 * ((v5 + 1) * v1 + v5) + 2) + v4; case 'easeoutinback': if (v1 < v3 / 2) { return findTweenValue(0, v2, 0, v1 * 2, v3, 'easeOutBack') * 0.5 + v4; } return findTweenValue(0, v2, 0, v1 * 2 - v3, v3, 'easeInBack') * 0.5 + v2 * 0.5 + v4; case 'easeinbounce': return v2 - findTweenValue(0, v2, 0, v3 - v1, v3, 'easeOutBounce') + v4; case 'easeoutbounce': v1 /= v3; if (v1 < 0.3636363636363637) { return v2 * (7.5625 * v1 * v1) + v4; } else { if (v1 < 0.7272727272727273) { v1 -= 0.5454545454545454; return v2 * (7.5625 * v1 * v1 + 0.75) + v4; } else { if (v1 < 0.9090909090909091) { v1 -= 0.8181818181818182; return v2 * (7.5625 * v1 * v1 + 0.9375) + v4; } else { v1 -= 0.9545454545454546; return v2 * (7.5625 * v1 * v1 + 0.984375) + v4; } } } case 'easeinoutbounce': if (v1 < v3 / 2) { return findTweenValue(0, v2, 0, v1 * 2, v3, 'easeInBounce') * 0.5 + v4; } return findTweenValue(0, v2, 0, v1 * 2 - v3, v3, 'easeOutBounce') * 0.5 + v2 * 0.5 + v4; case 'easeoutinbounce': if (v1 < v3 / 2) { return findTweenValue(0, v2, 0, v1 * 2, v3, 'easeOutBounce') * 0.5 + v4; } return findTweenValue(0, v2, 0, v1 * 2 - v3, v3, 'easeInBounce') * 0.5 + v2 * 0.5 + v4; } trace('MC TWEEN ### Error on transition: there\'s no "' + _animType + '" animation type.'); return 0; }; ASSetPropFlags(_global, 'findTweenValue', 1, 0); _root.played = false; _root.stop(); _global.$createTweenController = function () { var v3 = _root.createEmptyMovieClip('__tweenController__', 123432); v3.$_tweenPropList = new Array(); v3.$_tTime = getTimer(); v3.onEnterFrame = _global.$updateTweens; }; ASSetPropFlags(_global, '$createTweenController', 1, 0); _global.$removeTweenController = function () { delete _root.__tweenController__.$_tweenPropList; delete _root.__tweenController__.$_tTime; delete _root.__tweenController__.onEnterFrame; _root.__tweenController__.removeMovieClip(); }; ASSetPropFlags(_global, '$removeTweenController', 1, 0); _global.$addTween = function (mtarget, prop, propDest, timeSeconds, animType, delay, callback, extra1, extra2, extras) { if (timeSeconds == undefined) { timeSeconds = 0; } if (animType == undefined || animType == '') { animType = 'easeOutExpo'; } if (delay == undefined) { delay = 0; } if (typeof prop == 'string') { var v7 = [prop]; var v11 = [mtarget[prop]]; var v9 = [propDest]; } else { var v7 = []; var v11 = []; var v9 = []; for (var v32 in prop) { v11.push(mtarget[prop[v32]]); } for (v32 in prop) { v7.push(prop[v32]); } for (v32 in propDest) { v9.push(propDest[v32]); } } var v12 = false; if (_root.__tweenController__ == undefined) { _global.$createTweenController(); } var v4 = _root.__tweenController__.$_tweenPropList; var v8 = _root.__tweenController__.$_tTime; for (v32 in v11) { if (v9[v32] != undefined && !mtarget.$_isTweenLocked) { if (mtarget.$_tweenCount > 0) { var v3 = 0; while (v3 < v4.length) { if (v4[v3]._targ == mtarget && v4[v3]._prop == v7[v32]) { if (v8 + delay * 1000 < v4[v3]._timeDest) { v4.splice(v3, 1); --v3; --mtarget.$_tweenCount; } } ++v3; } } v4.push({'_prop': v7[v32], '_targ': mtarget, '_propStart': undefined, '_propDest': v9[v32], '_timeStart': v8, '_timeDest': v8 + timeSeconds * 1000, '_animType': animType, '_extra1': extra1, '_extra2': extra2, '_extras': extras, '_delay': delay, '_isPaused': false, '_timePaused': 0, '_callback': v12 ? undefined : callback}); mtarget.$_tweenCount = mtarget.$_tweenCount > 0 ? mtarget.$_tweenCount + 1 : 1; v12 = true; } } ASSetPropFlags(mtarget, '$_tweenCount', 1, 0); }; ASSetPropFlags(_global, '$addTween', 1, 0); _global.$updateTweens = function () { this.$_tTime = getTimer(); var v8 = this.$_tTime; var v6 = 0; while (v6 < this.$_tweenPropList.length) { var v3 = this.$_tweenPropList[v6]; if (v3._targ.toString() == undefined) { this.$_tweenPropList.splice(v6, 1); --v6; } else { if (v3._timeStart + v3._delay * 1000 <= v8 && !v3._isPaused) { if (v3._propStart == undefined) { if (v3._prop.substr(0, 10) == '__special_') { if (v3._prop == '__special_mc_frame__') { v3._propStart = v3._targ._currentframe; } else { if (v3._prop == '__special_mc_ra__') { v3._propStart = ((new Color(v3._targ)).getTransform()).ra; } else { if (v3._prop == '__special_mc_rb__') { v3._propStart = ((new Color(v3._targ)).getTransform()).rb; } else { if (v3._prop == '__special_mc_ga__') { v3._propStart = ((new Color(v3._targ)).getTransform()).ga; } else { if (v3._prop == '__special_mc_gb__') { v3._propStart = ((new Color(v3._targ)).getTransform()).gb; } else { if (v3._prop == '__special_mc_ba__') { v3._propStart = ((new Color(v3._targ)).getTransform()).ba; } else { if (v3._prop == '__special_mc_bb__') { v3._propStart = ((new Color(v3._targ)).getTransform()).bb; } else { if (v3._prop == '__special_mc_aa__') { v3._propStart = ((new Color(v3._targ)).getTransform()).aa; } else { if (v3._prop == '__special_mc_ab__') { v3._propStart = ((new Color(v3._targ)).getTransform()).ab; } else { if (v3._prop == '__special_text_r__') { v3._propStart = v3._targ.textColor >> 16; } else { if (v3._prop == '__special_text_g__') { v3._propStart = (v3._targ.textColor & 65280) >> 8; } else { if (v3._prop == '__special_text_b__') { v3._propStart = v3._targ.textColor & 255; } else { if (v3._prop == '__special_sound_volume__') { v3._propStart = v3._targ.getVolume(); } else { if (v3._prop == '__special_sound_pan__') { v3._propStart = v3._targ.getPan(); } else { if (v3._prop == '__special_bst_t__') { v3._propStart = 0; v3._extras.__special_bst_ix__ = v3._targ._x; v3._extras.__special_bst_iy__ = v3._targ._y; } else { if (v3._prop == '__special_blur_x__') { var v5 = 0; while (v5 < v3._targ.filters.length) { if (v3._targ.filters[v5] instanceof flash.filters.BlurFilter) { v3._propStart = v3._targ.filters[v5].blurX; } ++v5; } if (v3._propStart == undefined) { v3._propStart = 0; } } else { if (v3._prop == '__special_blur_y__') { var v5 = 0; while (v5 < v3._targ.filters.length) { if (v3._targ.filters[v5] instanceof flash.filters.BlurFilter) { v3._propStart = v3._targ.filters[v5].blurY; } ++v5; } if (v3._propStart == undefined) { v3._propStart = 0; } } else { if (v3._prop == '__special_glow_color__') { var v5 = 0; while (v5 < v3._targ.filters.length) { if (v3._targ.filters[v5] instanceof flash.filters.GlowFilter) { v3._propStart = v3._targ.filters[v5].color; } ++v5; } if (v3._propStart == undefined) { v3._propStart = 16777215; } } else { if (v3._prop == '__special_glow_alpha__') { var v5 = 0; while (v5 < v3._targ.filters.length) { if (v3._targ.filters[v5] instanceof flash.filters.GlowFilter) { v3._propStart = v3._targ.filters[v5].alpha; } ++v5; } if (v3._propStart == undefined) { v3._propStart = 1; } } else { if (v3._prop == '__special_glow_blurX__') { var v5 = 0; while (v5 < v3._targ.filters.length) { if (v3._targ.filters[v5] instanceof flash.filters.GlowFilter) { v3._propStart = v3._targ.filters[v5].blurX; } ++v5; } if (v3._propStart == undefined) { v3._propStart = 0; } } else { if (v3._prop == '__special_glow_blurY__') { var v5 = 0; while (v5 < v3._targ.filters.length) { if (v3._targ.filters[v5] instanceof flash.filters.GlowFilter) { v3._propStart = v3._targ.filters[v5].blurY; } ++v5; } if (v3._propStart == undefined) { v3._propStart = 0; } } else { if (v3._prop == '__special_glow_strength__') { var v5 = 0; while (v5 < v3._targ.filters.length) { if (v3._targ.filters[v5] instanceof flash.filters.GlowFilter) { v3._propStart = v3._targ.filters[v5].strength; } ++v5; } if (v3._propStart == undefined) { v3._propStart = 1; } } else { if (v3._prop == '__special_bevel_distance__') { var v5 = 0; while (v5 < v3._targ.filters.length) { if (v3._targ.filters[v5] instanceof flash.filters.BevelFilter) { v3._propStart = v3._targ.filters[v5].distance; } ++v5; } if (v3._propStart == undefined) { v3._propStart = 0; } } else { if (v3._prop == '__special_bevel_angle__') { var v5 = 0; while (v5 < v3._targ.filters.length) { if (v3._targ.filters[v5] instanceof flash.filters.BevelFilter) { v3._propStart = v3._targ.filters[v5].angle; } ++v5; } if (v3._propStart == undefined) { v3._propStart = 45; } } else { if (v3._prop == '__special_bevel_highlightColor__') { var v5 = 0; while (v5 < v3._targ.filters.length) { if (v3._targ.filters[v5] instanceof flash.filters.BevelFilter) { v3._propStart = v3._targ.filters[v5].highlightColor; } ++v5; } if (v3._propStart == undefined) { v3._propStart = 16777215; } } else { if (v3._prop == '__special_bevel_highlightAlpha__') { var v5 = 0; while (v5 < v3._targ.filters.length) { if (v3._targ.filters[v5] instanceof flash.filters.BevelFilter) { v3._propStart = v3._targ.filters[v5].highlightAlpha; } ++v5; } if (v3._propStart == undefined) { v3._propStart = 1; } } else { if (v3._prop == '__special_bevel_shadowColor__') { var v5 = 0; while (v5 < v3._targ.filters.length) { if (v3._targ.filters[v5] instanceof flash.filters.BevelFilter) { v3._propStart = v3._targ.filters[v5].shadowColor; } ++v5; } if (v3._propStart == undefined) { v3._propStart = 0; } } else { if (v3._prop == '__special_bevel_shadowAlpha__') { var v5 = 0; while (v5 < v3._targ.filters.length) { if (v3._targ.filters[v5] instanceof flash.filters.BevelFilter) { v3._propStart = v3._targ.filters[v5].shadowAlpha; } ++v5; } if (v3._propStart == undefined) { v3._propStart = 1; } } else { if (v3._prop == '__special_bevel_blurX__') { var v5 = 0; while (v5 < v3._targ.filters.length) { if (v3._targ.filters[v5] instanceof flash.filters.BevelFilter) { v3._propStart = v3._targ.filters[v5].blurX; } ++v5; } if (v3._propStart == undefined) { v3._propStart = 0; } } else { if (v3._prop == '__special_bevel_blurY__') { var v5 = 0; while (v5 < v3._targ.filters.length) { if (v3._targ.filters[v5] instanceof flash.filters.BevelFilter) { v3._propStart = v3._targ.filters[v5].blurY; } ++v5; } if (v3._propStart == undefined) { v3._propStart = 0; } } else { if (v3._prop == '__special_bevel_strength__') { var v5 = 0; while (v5 < v3._targ.filters.length) { if (v3._targ.filters[v5] instanceof flash.filters.BevelFilter) { v3._propStart = v3._targ.filters[v5].strength; } ++v5; } if (v3._propStart == undefined) { v3._propStart = 1; } } else { v3._propStart = v3._targ[v3._prop]; } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } else { v3._propStart = v3._targ[v3._prop]; } } var v10 = v3._timeDest + v3._delay * 1000; if (v10 <= v8) { var v4 = v3._propDest; } else { var v4 = _global.findTweenValue(v3._propStart, v3._propDest, v3._timeStart, v8 - v3._delay * 1000, v3._timeDest, v3._animType, v3._extra1, v3._extra2); } v3._targ[v3._prop] = v3._extras.mustRound ? Math.round(v4) : v4; if (v3._prop == '__special_mc_frame__') { v3._targ.gotoAndStop(Math.round(v4)); } else { if (v3._prop == '__special_mc_ra__') { (new Color(v3._targ)).setTransform({'ra': v4}); } else { if (v3._prop == '__special_mc_rb__') { (new Color(v3._targ)).setTransform({'rb': v4}); } else { if (v3._prop == '__special_mc_ga__') { (new Color(v3._targ)).setTransform({'ga': v4}); } else { if (v3._prop == '__special_mc_gb__') { (new Color(v3._targ)).setTransform({'gb': v4}); } else { if (v3._prop == '__special_mc_ba__') { (new Color(v3._targ)).setTransform({'ba': v4}); } else { if (v3._prop == '__special_mc_bb__') { (new Color(v3._targ)).setTransform({'bb': v4}); } else { if (v3._prop == '__special_mc_aa__') { (new Color(v3._targ)).setTransform({'aa': v4}); } else { if (v3._prop == '__special_mc_ab__') { (new Color(v3._targ)).setTransform({'ab': v4}); } } } } } } } } } if (v3._prop == '__special_bst_t__') { var v7 = v3._extras; var v9 = _global.findPointOnCurve(v7.__special_bst_ix__, v7.__special_bst_iy__, v7.__special_bst_cx__, v7.__special_bst_cy__, v7.__special_bst_dx__, v7.__special_bst_dy__, v4); if (v3._extras.mustRound) { v3._targ._x = Math.round(v9.x); v3._targ._y = Math.round(v9.y); } else { v3._targ._x = v9.x; v3._targ._y = v9.y; } } if (typeof v3._targ != 'movieclip' && v3._prop == '__special_text_b__') { v3._targ.textColor = (v3._targ.__special_text_r__ << 16) + (v3._targ.__special_text_g__ << 8) + v3._targ.__special_text_b__; } if (v3._prop == '__special_sound_volume__') { v3._targ.setVolume(v4); } if (v3._prop == '__special_sound_pan__') { v3._targ.setPan(v4); } if (v3._prop == '__special_blur_x__') { _global.$setFilterProperty(v3._targ, 'blur_blurX', v4, v3._extras); } if (v3._prop == '__special_blur_y__') { _global.$setFilterProperty(v3._targ, 'blur_blurY', v4, v3._extras); } if (v3._prop == '__special_glow_color__') { _global.$setFilterProperty(v3._targ, 'glow_color', _global.findTweenColor(v3, v8), v3._extras); } if (v3._prop == '__special_glow_alpha__') { _global.$setFilterProperty(v3._targ, 'glow_alpha', v4, v3._extras); } if (v3._prop == '__special_glow_blurX__') { _global.$setFilterProperty(v3._targ, 'glow_blurX', v4, v3._extras); } if (v3._prop == '__special_glow_blurY__') { _global.$setFilterProperty(v3._targ, 'glow_blurY', v4, v3._extras); } if (v3._prop == '__special_glow_strength__') { _global.$setFilterProperty(v3._targ, 'glow_strength', v4, v3._extras); } if (v3._prop == '__special_bevel_distance__') { _global.$setFilterProperty(v3._targ, 'bevel_distance', v4, v3._extras); } if (v3._prop == '__special_bevel_angle__') { _global.$setFilterProperty(v3._targ, 'bevel_angle', v4, v3._extras); } if (v3._prop == '__special_bevel_highlightColor__') { _global.$setFilterProperty(v3._targ, 'bevel_highlightColor', _global.findTweenColor(v3, v8), v3._extras); } if (v3._prop == '__special_bevel_highlightAlpha__') { _global.$setFilterProperty(v3._targ, 'bevel_highlightAlpha', v4, v3._extras); } if (v3._prop == '__special_bevel_shadowColor__') { _global.$setFilterProperty(v3._targ, 'bevel_shadowColor', _global.findTweenColor(v3, v8), v3._extras); } if (v3._prop == '__special_bevel_shadowAlpha__') { _global.$setFilterProperty(v3._targ, 'bevel_shadowAlpha', v4, v3._extras); } if (v3._prop == '__special_bevel_blurX__') { _global.$setFilterProperty(v3._targ, 'bevel_blurX', v4, v3._extras); } if (v3._prop == '__special_bevel_blurY__') { _global.$setFilterProperty(v3._targ, 'bevel_blurY', v4, v3._extras); } if (v3._prop == '__special_bevel_strength__') { _global.$setFilterProperty(v3._targ, 'bevel_strength', v4, v3._extras); } if (v3._targ.onTweenUpdate != undefined) { v3._targ.onTweenUpdate(v3._prop); } if (v10 <= v8) { if (v3._targ.onTweenComplete != undefined) { v3._targ.onTweenComplete(v3._prop); } _global.$stopTween(v3._targ, [v3._prop], false); --v6; if (v3._callback != undefined) { if (_global.backwardCallbackTweening) { var v11 = v3._targ.createEmptyMovieClip('__child__', 122344); v3._callback.apply(v11, null); v11.removeMovieClip(); } else { v3._callback.apply(v3._targ, null); } } } } } ++v6; } if (this.$_tweenPropList.length == 0) { _global.$removeTweenController(); } }; ASSetPropFlags(_global, '$updateTween', 1, 0); _global.$stopTween = function (mtarget, props, wipeFuture) { var v4 = _root.__tweenController__.$_tweenPropList; var v7; for (var v9 in v4) { v7 = v4[v9]._prop; var v5 = 0; for (;;) { if (!(v5 < props.length || v5 < 1 && props == undefined)) break; if (v4[v9]._targ == mtarget && (v7 == props[v5] || props == undefined) && (wipeFuture || v4[v9]._timeDest + v4[v9]._delay * 1000 <= getTimer())) { switch (v7) { case '__special_mc_frame__': case '__special_mc_ra__': case '__special_mc_rb__': case '__special_mc_ga__': case '__special_mc_gb__': case '__special_mc_ba__': case '__special_mc_bb__': case '__special_mc_aa__': case '__special_mc_ab__': case '__special_sound_volume__': case '__special_bst_t__': delete mtarget[v7]; break; case '__special_text_b__': delete mtarget.__special_text_r__; delete mtarget.__special_text_g__; delete mtarget.__special_text_b__; } v4.splice(v9, 1); } ++v5; } } if (props == undefined) { delete mtarget.$_tweenCount; } else { mtarget.$_tweenCount = 0; for (v9 in v4) { if (v4[v9]._targ == mtarget) { ++mtarget.$_tweenCount; } } if (mtarget.$_tweenCount == 0) { delete mtarget.$_tweenCount; } } if (v4.length == 0) { _global.$removeTweenController(); } }; ASSetPropFlags(_global, '$stopTween', 1, 0); _global.$setFilterProperty = function (mtarget, propName, propValue, extras) { var v1; var v7 = false; var v3 = []; v1 = 0; while (v1 < mtarget.filters.length) { v3.push(mtarget.filters[v1]); ++v1; } if (propName.substr(0, 5) == 'blur_') { v1 = 0; while (v1 < mtarget.filters.length) { if (v3[v1] instanceof flash.filters.BlurFilter) { v3[v1][propName.substr(5)] = propValue; if (extras.__special_blur_quality__ != undefined) { v3[v1].quality = extras.__special_blur_quality__; } v7 = true; break; } ++v1; } if (!v7) { var v9; var v8 = (extras.__special_blur_quality__ == undefined) ? 2 : extras.__special_blur_quality__; if (propName == 'blur_blurX') { v9 = new flash.filters.BlurFilter(propValue, 0, v8); } if (propName == 'blur_blurY') { v9 = new flash.filters.BlurFilter(0, propValue, v8); } v3.push(v9); } } else { if (propName.substr(0, 5) == 'glow_') { v1 = 0; while (v1 < mtarget.filters.length) { if (v3[v1] instanceof flash.filters.GlowFilter) { v3[v1][propName.substr(5)] = propValue; if (extras.__special_glow_quality__ != undefined) { v3[v1].quality = extras.__special_glow_quality__; } if (extras.__special_glow_inner__ != undefined) { v3[v1].inner = extras.__special_glow_inner__; } if (extras.__special_glow_knockout__ != undefined) { v3[v1].knockout = extras.__special_glow_knockout__; } v7 = true; break; } ++v1; } if (!v7) { var v8 = (extras.__special_glow_quality__ == undefined) ? 2 : extras.__special_glow_quality__; var v12 = (extras.__special_glow_inner__ == undefined) ? false : extras.__special_glow_inner__; var v10 = (extras.__special_glow_knockout__ == undefined) ? false : extras.__special_glow_knockout__; if (propName == 'glow_color') { var v9 = new flash.filters.GlowFilter(propValue, 1, 0, 0, 1, v8, v12, v10); } if (propName == 'glow_alpha') { v9 = new flash.filters.GlowFilter(16777215, propValue, 0, 0, 1, v8, v12, v10); } if (propName == 'glow_blurX') { v9 = new flash.filters.GlowFilter(16777215, 1, propValue, 0, 1, v8, v12, v10); } if (propName == 'glow_blurY') { v9 = new flash.filters.GlowFilter(16777215, 1, 0, propValue, 1, v8, v12, v10); } if (propName == 'glow_strength') { v9 = new flash.filters.GlowFilter(16777215, 1, 0, 0, propValue, v8, v12, v10); } v3.push(v9); } } else { if (propName.substr(0, 6) == 'bevel_') { v1 = 0; while (v1 < mtarget.filters.length) { if (v3[v1] instanceof flash.filters.BevelFilter) { v3[v1][propName.substr(6)] = propValue; if (extras.__special_bevel_quality__ != undefined) { v3[v1].quality = extras.__special_bevel_quality__; } if (extras.__special_bevel_type__ != undefined) { v3[v1].inner = extras.__special_bevel_type__; } if (extras.__special_bevel_knockout__ != undefined) { v3[v1].knockout = extras.__special_bevel_knockout__; } v7 = true; break; } ++v1; } if (!v7) { var v8 = (extras.__special_bevel_quality__ == undefined) ? 2 : extras.__special_bevel_quality__; var v11 = (extras.__special_bevel_type__ == undefined) ? 'inner' : extras.__special_bevel_type__; var v10 = (extras.__special_bevel_knockout__ == undefined) ? false : extras.__special_bevel_knockout__; if (propName == 'bevel_distance') { var v9 = new flash.filters.BevelFilter(propValue, 45, 16777215, 1, 0, 1, 0, 0, 1, v8, v11, v10); } if (propName == 'bevel_angle') { v9 = new flash.filters.BevelFilter(0, propValue, 16777215, 1, 0, 1, 0, 0, 1, v8, v11, v10); } if (propName == 'bevel_highlightColor') { v9 = new flash.filters.BevelFilter(0, 45, propValue, 1, 0, 1, 0, 0, 1, v8, v11, v10); } if (propName == 'bevel_highlightAlpha') { v9 = new flash.filters.BevelFilter(0, 45, 16777215, propValue, 0, 1, 0, 0, 1, v8, v11, v10); } if (propName == 'bevel_shadowColor') { v9 = new flash.filters.BevelFilter(0, 45, 16777215, 1, propValue, 1, 0, 0, 1, v8, v11, v10); } if (propName == 'bevel_shadowAlpha') { v9 = new flash.filters.BevelFilter(0, 45, 16777215, 1, 0, propValue, 0, 0, 1, v8, v11, v10); } if (propName == 'bevel_blurX') { v9 = new flash.filters.BevelFilter(0, 45, 16777215, 1, 0, 1, propValue, 0, 1, v8, v11, v10); } if (propName == 'bevel_blurY') { v9 = new flash.filters.BevelFilter(0, 45, 16777215, 1, 0, 1, 0, propValue, 1, v8, v11, v10); } if (propName == 'bevel_strength') { v9 = new flash.filters.BevelFilter(0, 45, 16777215, 1, 0, 1, 0, 0, propValue, v8, v11, v10); } v3.push(v9); } } else { return undefined; } } } mtarget.filters = v3; }; Sound.prototype.tween = function (prop, propDest, timeSeconds, animType, delay, callback, extra1, extra2) { _global.$addTween(this, prop, propDest, timeSeconds, animType, delay, callback, extra1, extra2); }; TextField.prototype.tween = Sound.prototype.tween; MovieClip.prototype.tween = Sound.prototype.tween; ASSetPropFlags(MovieClip.prototype, 'tween', 1, 0); ASSetPropFlags(TextField.prototype, 'tween', 1, 0); ASSetPropFlags(Sound.prototype, 'tween', 1, 0); Sound.prototype.roundedTween = function (prop, propDest, timeSeconds, animType, delay, callback, extra1, extra2) { _global.$addTween(this, prop, propDest, timeSeconds, animType, delay, callback, extra1, extra2, {'mustRound': true}); }; TextField.prototype.roundedTween = Sound.prototype.roundedTween; MovieClip.prototype.roundedTween = Sound.prototype.roundedTween; ASSetPropFlags(MovieClip.prototype, 'roundedTween', 1, 0); ASSetPropFlags(TextField.prototype, 'roundedTween', 1, 0); ASSetPropFlags(Sound.prototype, 'roundedTween', 1, 0); Sound.prototype.stopTween = function (props) { if (typeof props == 'string') { props = [props]; } if (props != undefined) { var v4 = 1; while (v4 < arguments.length) { props.push(arguments[v4]); ++v4; } } _global.$stopTween(this, props, true); }; TextField.prototype.stopTween = Sound.prototype.stopTween; MovieClip.prototype.stopTween = Sound.prototype.stopTween; ASSetPropFlags(MovieClip.prototype, 'stopTween', 1, 0); ASSetPropFlags(TextField.prototype, 'stopTween', 1, 0); ASSetPropFlags(Sound.prototype, 'stopTween', 1, 0); Sound.prototype.pauseTween = function (props) { if (props != undefined) { if (typeof props == 'string') { props = [props]; } var v6 = 1; while (v6 < Arguments.length) { props.push(Arguments[v6]); ++v6; } } var v4 = _root.__tweenController__.$_tweenPropList; var v5; for (var v7 in v4) { if (v4[v7]._targ == this && !v4[v7]._isPaused) { if (props != undefined) { v5 = false; for (v6 in props) { if (props[v6] == v4[v7]._prop) { v5 = true; break; } } } if (props == undefined || v5) { v4[v7]._isPaused = true; v4[v7]._timePaused = _root.__tweenController__.$_tTime; } } } }; TextField.prototype.pauseTween = Sound.prototype.pauseTween; MovieClip.prototype.pauseTween = Sound.prototype.pauseTween; ASSetPropFlags(MovieClip.prototype, 'pauseTween', 1, 0); ASSetPropFlags(TextField.prototype, 'pauseTween', 1, 0); ASSetPropFlags(Sound.prototype, 'pauseTween', 1, 0); Sound.prototype.resumeTween = function (props) { if (props != undefined) { if (typeof props == 'string') { props = [props]; } var v7 = 1; while (v7 < Arguments.length) { props.push(Arguments[v7]); ++v7; } } var v3 = _root.__tweenController__.$_tweenPropList; var v5; var v6; for (var v8 in v3) { if (v3[v8]._targ == this && v3[v8]._isPaused) { if (props != undefined) { v5 = false; for (v7 in props) { if (props[v7] == v3[v8]._prop) { v5 = true; break; } } } if (props == undefined || v5) { v3[v8]._isPaused = false; v6 = _root.__tweenController__.$_tTime - v3[v8]._timePaused; v3[v8]._timeStart += v6; v3[v8]._timeDest += v6; v3[v8]._timePaused = 0; } } } }; TextField.prototype.resumeTween = Sound.prototype.resumeTween; MovieClip.prototype.resumeTween = Sound.prototype.resumeTween; ASSetPropFlags(MovieClip.prototype, 'resumeTween', 1, 0); ASSetPropFlags(TextField.prototype, 'resumeTween', 1, 0); ASSetPropFlags(Sound.prototype, 'resumeTween', 1, 0); Sound.prototype.lockTween = function () { this.$_isTweenLocked = true; ASSetPropFlags(this, 'this.$_isTweenLocked', 1, 0); }; TextField.prototype.lockTween = Sound.prototype.lockTween; MovieClip.prototype.lockTween = Sound.prototype.lockTween; ASSetPropFlags(MovieClip.prototype, 'lockTween', 1, 0); ASSetPropFlags(TextField.prototype, 'lockTween', 1, 0); ASSetPropFlags(Sound.prototype, 'lockTween', 1, 0); Sound.prototype.unlockTween = function () { delete this.$_isTweenLocked; }; TextField.prototype.unlockTween = Sound.prototype.unlockTween; MovieClip.prototype.unlockTween = Sound.prototype.unlockTween; ASSetPropFlags(MovieClip.prototype, 'unlockTween', 1, 0); ASSetPropFlags(TextField.prototype, 'unlockTween', 1, 0); ASSetPropFlags(Sound.prototype, 'unlockTween', 1, 0); Sound.prototype.getTweens = function () { return this.$_tweenCount; }; TextField.prototype.getTweens = Sound.prototype.getTweens; MovieClip.prototype.getTweens = Sound.prototype.getTweens; ASSetPropFlags(MovieClip.prototype, 'getTweens', 1, 0); ASSetPropFlags(TextField.prototype, 'getTweens', 1, 0); ASSetPropFlags(Sound.prototype, 'getTweens', 1, 0); Sound.prototype.isTweening = function () { return this.$_tweenCount > 0 ? true : false; }; TextField.prototype.isTweening = Sound.prototype.isTweening; MovieClip.prototype.isTweening = Sound.prototype.isTweening; ASSetPropFlags(MovieClip.prototype, 'isTweening', 1, 0); ASSetPropFlags(TextField.prototype, 'isTweening', 1, 0); ASSetPropFlags(Sound.prototype, 'isTweening', 1, 0); TextField.prototype.alphaTo = function (propDest_a, timeSeconds, animType, delay, callback, extra1, extra2) { _global.$addTween(this, '_alpha', propDest_a, timeSeconds, animType, delay, callback, extra1, extra2); }; MovieClip.prototype.alphaTo = TextField.prototype.alphaTo; ASSetPropFlags(MovieClip.prototype, 'alphaTo', 1, 0); ASSetPropFlags(TextField.prototype, 'alphaTo', 1, 0); MovieClip.prototype.frameTo = function (propDest_frame, timeSeconds, animType, delay, callback, extra1, extra2) { _global.$addTween(this, '__special_mc_frame__', propDest_frame, timeSeconds, animType, delay, callback, extra1, extra2); }; ASSetPropFlags(MovieClip.prototype, 'frameTo', 1, 0); TextField.prototype.resizeTo = function (propDest_width, propDest_height, timeSeconds, animType, delay, callback, extra1, extra2) { _global.$addTween(this, ['_width', '_height'], [propDest_width, propDest_height], timeSeconds, animType, delay, callback, extra1, extra2); }; MovieClip.prototype.resizeTo = TextField.prototype.resizeTo; ASSetPropFlags(MovieClip.prototype, 'resizeTo', 1, 0); ASSetPropFlags(TextField.prototype, 'resizeTo', 1, 0); TextField.prototype.rotateTo = function (propDest_rotation, timeSeconds, animType, delay, callback, extra1, extra2) { _global.$addTween(this, '_rotation', propDest_rotation, timeSeconds, animType, delay, callback, extra1, extra2); }; MovieClip.prototype.rotateTo = TextField.prototype.rotateTo; ASSetPropFlags(MovieClip.prototype, 'rotateTo', 1, 0); ASSetPropFlags(TextField.prototype, 'rotateTo', 1, 0); TextField.prototype.scaleTo = function (propDest_scale, timeSeconds, animType, delay, callback, extra1, extra2) { _global.$addTween(this, ['_xscale', '_yscale'], [propDest_scale, propDest_scale], timeSeconds, animType, delay, callback, extra1, extra2); }; MovieClip.prototype.scaleTo = TextField.prototype.scaleTo; ASSetPropFlags(MovieClip.prototype, 'scaleTo', 1, 0); ASSetPropFlags(TextField.prototype, 'scaleTo', 1, 0); TextField.prototype.xScaleTo = function (propDest_scale, timeSeconds, animType, delay, callback, extra1, extra2) { _global.$addTween(this, '_xscale', propDest_scale, timeSeconds, animType, delay, callback, extra1, extra2); }; MovieClip.prototype.xScaleTo = TextField.prototype.xScaleTo; ASSetPropFlags(MovieClip.prototype, 'xScaleTo', 1, 0); ASSetPropFlags(TextField.prototype, 'xScaleTo', 1, 0); TextField.prototype.yScaleTo = function (propDest_scale, timeSeconds, animType, delay, callback, extra1, extra2) { _global.$addTween(this, '_yscale', propDest_scale, timeSeconds, animType, delay, callback, extra1, extra2); }; MovieClip.prototype.yScaleTo = TextField.prototype.yScaleTo; ASSetPropFlags(MovieClip.prototype, 'yScaleTo', 1, 0); ASSetPropFlags(TextField.prototype, 'yScaleTo', 1, 0); TextField.prototype.scrollTo = function (propDest_scroll, timeSeconds, animType, delay, callback, extra1, extra2) { _global.$addTween(this, 'scroll', propDest_scroll, timeSeconds, animType, delay, callback, extra1, extra2); }; ASSetPropFlags(TextField.prototype, 'scrollTo', 1, 0); TextField.prototype.slideTo = function (propDest_x, propDest_y, timeSeconds, animType, delay, callback, extra1, extra2) { _global.$addTween(this, ['_x', '_y'], [propDest_x, propDest_y], timeSeconds, animType, delay, callback, extra1, extra2); }; MovieClip.prototype.slideTo = TextField.prototype.slideTo; ASSetPropFlags(MovieClip.prototype, 'slideTo', 1, 0); ASSetPropFlags(TextField.prototype, 'slideTo', 1, 0); TextField.prototype.roundedSlideTo = function (propDest_x, propDest_y, timeSeconds, animType, delay, callback, extra1, extra2) { _global.$addTween(this, ['_x', '_y'], [propDest_x, propDest_y], timeSeconds, animType, delay, callback, extra1, extra2, {'mustRound': true}); }; MovieClip.prototype.roundedSlideTo = TextField.prototype.roundedSlideTo; ASSetPropFlags(MovieClip.prototype, 'roundedSlideTo', 1, 0); ASSetPropFlags(TextField.prototype, 'roundedSlideTo', 1, 0); TextField.prototype.xSlideTo = function (propDest_x, timeSeconds, animType, delay, callback, extra1, extra2) { _global.$addTween(this, '_x', propDest_x, timeSeconds, animType, delay, callback, extra1, extra2); }; MovieClip.prototype.xSlideTo = TextField.prototype.xSlideTo; ASSetPropFlags(MovieClip.prototype, 'xSlideTo', 1, 0); ASSetPropFlags(TextField.prototype, 'xSlideTo', 1, 0); TextField.prototype.roundedXSlideTo = function (propDest_x, timeSeconds, animType, delay, callback, extra1, extra2) { _global.$addTween(this, '_x', propDest_x, timeSeconds, animType, delay, callback, extra1, extra2, {'mustRound': true}); }; MovieClip.prototype.roundedXSlideTo = TextField.prototype.roundedXSlideTo; ASSetPropFlags(MovieClip.prototype, 'roundedXSlideTo', 1, 0); ASSetPropFlags(TextField.prototype, 'roundedXSlideTo', 1, 0); TextField.prototype.ySlideTo = function (propDest_y, timeSeconds, animType, delay, callback, extra1, extra2) { _global.$addTween(this, '_y', propDest_y, timeSeconds, animType, delay, callback, extra1, extra2); }; MovieClip.prototype.ySlideTo = TextField.prototype.ySlideTo; ASSetPropFlags(MovieClip.prototype, 'ySlideTo', 1, 0); ASSetPropFlags(TextField.prototype, 'ySlideTo', 1, 0); TextField.prototype.roundedYSlideTo = function (propDest_y, timeSeconds, animType, delay, callback, extra1, extra2) { _global.$addTween(this, '_y', propDest_y, timeSeconds, animType, delay, callback, extra1, extra2, {'mustRound': true}); }; MovieClip.prototype.roundedYSlideTo = TextField.prototype.roundedYSlideTo; ASSetPropFlags(MovieClip.prototype, 'roundedYSlideTo', 1, 0); ASSetPropFlags(TextField.prototype, 'roundedYSlideTo', 1, 0); TextField.prototype.bezierSlideTo = function (cpoint_x, cpoint_y, propDest_x, propDest_y, timeSeconds, animType, delay, callback, extra1, extra2) { var v3 = new Object(); v3.__special_bst_ix__ = undefined; v3.__special_bst_iy__ = undefined; v3.__special_bst_cx__ = cpoint_x; v3.__special_bst_cy__ = cpoint_y; v3.__special_bst_dx__ = propDest_x; v3.__special_bst_dy__ = propDest_y; _global.$addTween(this, '__special_bst_t__', 1, timeSeconds, animType, delay, callback, extra1, extra2, v3); }; MovieClip.prototype.bezierSlideTo = TextField.prototype.bezierSlideTo; ASSetPropFlags(MovieClip.prototype, 'bezierSlideTo', 1, 0); ASSetPropFlags(TextField.prototype, 'bezierSlideTo', 1, 0); TextField.prototype.roundedBezierSlideTo = function (cpoint_x, cpoint_y, propDest_x, propDest_y, timeSeconds, animType, delay, callback, extra1, extra2) { var v3 = new Object(); v3.__special_bst_ix__ = undefined; v3.__special_bst_iy__ = undefined; v3.__special_bst_cx__ = cpoint_x; v3.__special_bst_cy__ = cpoint_y; v3.__special_bst_dx__ = propDest_x; v3.__special_bst_dy__ = propDest_y; v3.mustRound = true; _global.$addTween(this, '__special_bst_t__', 1, timeSeconds, animType, delay, callback, extra1, extra2, v3); }; MovieClip.prototype.roundedBezierSlideTo = TextField.prototype.roundedBezierSlideTo; ASSetPropFlags(MovieClip.prototype, 'roundedBezierSlideTo', 1, 0); ASSetPropFlags(TextField.prototype, 'roundedBezierSlideTo', 1, 0); Sound.prototype.volumeTo = function (propDest_volume, timeSeconds, animType, delay, callback, extra1, extra2) { _global.$addTween(this, '__special_sound_volume__', propDest_volume, timeSeconds, animType, delay, callback, extra1, extra2); }; ASSetPropFlags(Sound.prototype, 'volumeTo', 1, 0); Sound.prototype.panTo = function (propDest_volume, timeSeconds, animType, delay, callback, extra1, extra2) { _global.$addTween(this, '__special_sound_pan__', propDest_volume, timeSeconds, animType, delay, callback, extra1, extra2); }; ASSetPropFlags(Sound.prototype, 'panTo', 1, 0); MovieClip.prototype.colorTo = function (propDest_color, timeSeconds, animType, delay, callback, extra1, extra2) { if (propDest_color == null) { this.colorTransformTo(100, 0, 100, 0, 100, 0, undefined, undefined, timeSeconds, animType, delay, callback, extra1, extra2); } else { var v3 = propDest_color >> 16; var v5 = (propDest_color & 65280) >> 8; var v4 = propDest_color & 255; this.colorTransformTo(0, v3, 0, v5, 0, v4, undefined, undefined, timeSeconds, animType, delay, callback, extra1, extra2); } }; ASSetPropFlags(MovieClip.prototype, 'colorTo', 1, 0); TextField.prototype.colorTo = function (propDest_color, timeSeconds, animType, delay, callback, extra1, extra2) { var v3 = propDest_color >> 16; var v6 = (propDest_color & 65280) >> 8; var v4 = propDest_color & 255; _global.$addTween(this, ['__special_text_r__', '__special_text_g__', '__special_text_b__'], [v3, v6, v4], timeSeconds, animType, delay, callback, extra1, extra2); }; ASSetPropFlags(TextField.prototype, 'colorTo', 1, 0); MovieClip.prototype.colorTransformTo = function () { if (typeof arguments[0] == 'object' && arguments[0] != undefined) { _global.$addTween(this, ['__special_mc_ra__', '__special_mc_rb__', '__special_mc_ga__', '__special_mc_gb__', '__special_mc_ba__', '__special_mc_bb__', '__special_mc_aa__', '__special_mc_ab__'], [arguments[0].ra, arguments[0].rb, arguments[0].ga, arguments[0].gb, arguments[0].ba, arguments[0].bb, arguments[0].aa, arguments[0].ab], arguments[1], arguments[2], arguments[3], arguments[4], arguments[5], arguments[6]); } else { _global.$addTween(this, ['__special_mc_ra__', '__special_mc_rb__', '__special_mc_ga__', '__special_mc_gb__', '__special_mc_ba__', '__special_mc_bb__', '__special_mc_aa__', '__special_mc_ab__'], [arguments[0], arguments[1], arguments[2], arguments[3], arguments[4], arguments[5], arguments[6], arguments[7]], arguments[8], arguments[9], arguments[10], arguments[11], arguments[12], arguments[13]); } }; ASSetPropFlags(MovieClip.prototype, 'colorTransformTo', 1, 0); TextField.prototype.blurTo = function () { if (typeof arguments[0] == 'object' && arguments[0] != undefined) { _global.$addTween(this, ['__special_blur_x__', '__special_blur_y__'], [arguments[0].blurX, arguments[0].blurY], arguments[1], arguments[2], arguments[3], arguments[4], arguments[5], arguments[6], {'__special_blur_quality__': arguments[0].quality}); } else { _global.$addTween(this, ['__special_blur_x__', '__special_blur_y__'], [arguments[0], arguments[0]], arguments[2], arguments[3], arguments[4], arguments[5], arguments[6], arguments[7], {'__special_blur_quality__': arguments[1]}); } }; MovieClip.prototype.blurTo = TextField.prototype.blurTo; ASSetPropFlags(MovieClip.prototype, 'blurTo', 1, 0); ASSetPropFlags(TextField.prototype, 'blurTo', 1, 0); TextField.prototype.xyBlurTo = function (propDest_blurX, propDest_blurY, quality, timeSeconds, animType, delay, callback, extra1, extra2) { _global.$addTween(this, ['__special_blur_x__', '__special_blur_y__'], [propDest_blurX, propDest_blurY], timeSeconds, animType, delay, callback, extra1, extra2, {'__special_blur_quality__': quality}); }; MovieClip.prototype.xyBlurTo = TextField.prototype.xyBlurTo; ASSetPropFlags(MovieClip.prototype, 'xyBlurTo', 1, 0); ASSetPropFlags(TextField.prototype, 'xyBlurTo', 1, 0); TextField.prototype.xBlurTo = function (propDest_blur, quality, timeSeconds, animType, delay, callback, extra1, extra2) { _global.$addTween(this, '__special_blur_x__', propDest_blur, timeSeconds, animType, delay, callback, extra1, extra2, {'__special_blur_quality__': quality}); }; MovieClip.prototype.xBlurTo = TextField.prototype.xBlurTo; ASSetPropFlags(MovieClip.prototype, 'xBlurTo', 1, 0); ASSetPropFlags(TextField.prototype, 'xBlurTo', 1, 0); TextField.prototype.yBlurTo = function (propDest_blur, quality, timeSeconds, animType, delay, callback, extra1, extra2) { _global.$addTween(this, '__special_blur_y__', propDest_blur, timeSeconds, animType, delay, callback, extra1, extra2, {'__special_blur_quality__': quality}); }; MovieClip.prototype.yBlurTo = TextField.prototype.yBlurTo; ASSetPropFlags(MovieClip.prototype, 'yBlurTo', 1, 0); ASSetPropFlags(TextField.prototype, 'yBlurTo', 1, 0); TextField.prototype.glowTo = function () { if (typeof arguments[0] == 'object' && arguments[0] != undefined) { _global.$addTween(this, ['__special_glow_color__', '__special_glow_alpha__', '__special_glow_blurX__', '__special_glow_blurY__', '__special_glow_strength__'], [arguments[0].color, arguments[0].alpha, arguments[0].blurX, arguments[0].blurY, arguments[0].strength], arguments[1], arguments[2], arguments[3], arguments[4], arguments[5], arguments[6], {'__special_glow_quality__': arguments[0].quality, '__special_glow_inner__': arguments[0].inner, '__special_glow_knockout__': arguments[0].knockout}); } else { _global.$addTween(this, ['__special_glow_color__', '__special_glow_alpha__', '__special_glow_blurX__', '__special_glow_blurY__', '__special_glow_strength__'], [arguments[0], arguments[1], arguments[2], arguments[2], arguments[3]], arguments[7], arguments[8], arguments[9], arguments[10], arguments[11], arguments[12], {'__special_glow_quality__': arguments[4], '__special_glow_inner__': arguments[5], '__special_glow_knockout__': arguments[6]}); } }; MovieClip.prototype.glowTo = TextField.prototype.glowTo; ASSetPropFlags(MovieClip.prototype, 'glowTo', 1, 0); ASSetPropFlags(TextField.prototype, 'glowTo', 1, 0); TextField.prototype.xyGlowTo = function (propDest_color, propDest_alpha, propDest_blurX, propDest_blurY, propDest_strength, quality, inner, knockout, timeSeconds, animType, delay, callback, extra1, extra2) { _global.$addTween(this, ['__special_glow_color__', '__special_glow_alpha__', '__special_glow_blurX__', '__special_glow_blurY__', '__special_glow_strength__'], [propDest_color, propDest_alpha, propDest_blurX, propDest_blurY, propDest_strength], timeSeconds, animType, delay, callback, extra1, extra2, {'__special_glow_quality__': quality, '__special_glow_inner__': inner, '__special_glow_knockout__': knockout}); }; MovieClip.prototype.xyGlowTo = TextField.prototype.xyGlowTo; ASSetPropFlags(MovieClip.prototype, 'xyGlowTo', 1, 0); ASSetPropFlags(TextField.prototype, 'xyGlowTo', 1, 0); TextField.prototype.xGlowTo = function (propDest_color, propDest_alpha, propDest_blur, propDest_strength, quality, inner, knockout, timeSeconds, animType, delay, callback, extra1, extra2) { _global.$addTween(this, ['__special_glow_color__', '__special_glow_alpha__', '__special_glow_blurX__', '__special_glow_strength__'], [propDest_color, propDest_alpha, propDest_blur, propDest_strength], timeSeconds, animType, delay, callback, extra1, extra2, {'__special_glow_quality__': quality, '__special_glow_inner__': inner, '__special_glow_knockout__': knockout}); }; MovieClip.prototype.xGlowTo = TextField.prototype.xGlowTo; ASSetPropFlags(MovieClip.prototype, 'xGlowTo', 1, 0); ASSetPropFlags(TextField.prototype, 'xGlowTo', 1, 0); TextField.prototype.yGlowTo = function (propDest_color, propDest_alpha, propDest_blur, propDest_strength, quality, inner, knockout, timeSeconds, animType, delay, callback, extra1, extra2) { _global.$addTween(this, ['__special_glow_color__', '__special_glow_alpha__', '__special_glow_blurY__', '__special_glow_strength__'], [propDest_color, propDest_alpha, propDest_blur, propDest_strength], timeSeconds, animType, delay, callback, extra1, extra2, {'__special_glow_quality__': quality, '__special_glow_inner__': inner, '__special_glow_knockout__': knockout}); }; MovieClip.prototype.yGlowTo = TextField.prototype.yGlowTo; ASSetPropFlags(MovieClip.prototype, 'yGlowTo', 1, 0); ASSetPropFlags(TextField.prototype, 'yGlowTo', 1, 0); TextField.prototype.bevelTo = function () { if (typeof arguments[0] == 'object' && arguments[0] != undefined) { _global.$addTween(this, ['__special_bevel_distance__', '__special_bevel_angle__', '__special_bevel_highlightColor__', '__special_bevel_highlightAlpha__', '__special_bevel_shadowColor__', '__special_bevel_shadowAlpha__', '__special_bevel_blurX__', '__special_bevel_blurY__', '__special_bevel_strength__'], [arguments[0].distance, arguments[0].angle, arguments[0].highlightColor, arguments[0].highlightAlpha * 100, arguments[0].shadowColor, arguments[0].shadowAlpha * 100, arguments[0].blurX, arguments[0].blurY, arguments[0].strength], arguments[1], arguments[2], arguments[3], arguments[4], arguments[5], arguments[6], {'__special_bevel_quality__': arguments[0].quality, '__special_bevel_type__': arguments[0].type, '__special_bevel_knockout__': arguments[0].knockout}); } else { _global.$addTween(this, ['__special_bevel_distance__', '__special_bevel_angle__', '__special_bevel_highlightColor__', '__special_bevel_highlightAlpha__', '__special_bevel_shadowColor__', '__special_bevel_shadowAlpha__', '__special_bevel_blurX__', '__special_bevel_blurY__', '__special_bevel_strength__'], [arguments[0], arguments[1], arguments[2], arguments[3], arguments[4], arguments[5], arguments[6], arguments[6], arguments[7]], arguments[11], arguments[12], arguments[13], arguments[14], arguments[15], arguments[16], {'__special_bevel_quality__': arguments[8], '__special_bevel_type__': arguments[9], '__special_bevel_knockout__': arguments[10]}); } }; MovieClip.prototype.bevelTo = TextField.prototype.bevelTo; ASSetPropFlags(MovieClip.prototype, 'bevelTo', 1, 0); ASSetPropFlags(TextField.prototype, 'bevelTo', 1, 0); TextField.prototype.xyBevelTo = function (propDest_distance, propDest_angle, propDest_highlightColor, propDest_highlightAlpha, propDest_shadowColor, propDest_shadowAlpha, propDest_blurX, propDest_blurY, propDest_strength, quality, type, knockout, timeSeconds, animType, delay, callback, extra1, extra2) { _global.$addTween(this, ['__special_bevel_distance__', '__special_bevel_angle__', '__special_bevel_highlightColor__', '__special_bevel_highlightAlpha__', '__special_bevel_shadowColor__', '__special_bevel_shadowAlpha__', '__special_bevel_blurX__', '__special_bevel_blurY__', '__special_bevel_blurY__', '__special_bevel_strength__'], [propDest_distance, propDest_angle, propDest_highlightColor, propDest_highlightAlpha, propDest_shadowColor, propDest_shadowAlpha, propDest_blur, propDest_blur, propDest_strength], timeSeconds, animType, delay, callback, extra1, extra2, {'__special_bevel_quality__': quality, '__special_bevel_type__': type, '__special_bevel_knockout__': knockout}); }; MovieClip.prototype.xyBevelTo = TextField.prototype.xyBevelTo; ASSetPropFlags(MovieClip.prototype, 'xyBevelTo', 1, 0); ASSetPropFlags(TextField.prototype, 'xyBevelTo', 1, 0); _global.findPointOnCurve = function (p1x, p1y, cx, cy, p2x, p2y, t) { return {'x': p1x + t * (2 * (1 - t) * (cx - p1x) + t * (p2x - p1x)), 'y': p1y + t * (2 * (1 - t) * (cy - p1y) + t * (p2y - p1y))}; }; ASSetPropFlags(_global, 'findPointOnCurve', 1, 0); _global.findTweenColor = function (objProp, tTime) { var v8 = objProp._propStart >> 16; var v4 = objProp._propDest >> 16; var v5 = objProp._propStart >> 8 & 255; var v6 = objProp._propDest >> 8 & 255; var v9 = objProp._propStart & 255; var v7 = objProp._propDest & 255; var v12 = Math.round(_global.findTweenValue(v8, v4, objProp._timeStart, tTime - objProp._delay * 1000, objProp._timeDest, objProp._animType, objProp._extra1, objProp._extra2)); var v10 = Math.round(_global.findTweenValue(v5, v6, objProp._timeStart, tTime - objProp._delay * 1000, objProp._timeDest, objProp._animType, objProp._extra1, objProp._extra2)); var v3 = Math.round(_global.findTweenValue(v9, v7, objProp._timeStart, tTime - objProp._delay * 1000, objProp._timeDest, objProp._animType, objProp._extra1, objProp._extra2)); return (v12 << 16) + (v10 << 8) + v3; }; _global.findTweenValue = function (_propStart, _propDest, _timeStart, _timeNow, _timeDest, _animType, _extra1, _extra2) { var v1 = _timeNow - _timeStart; var v4 = _propStart; var v2 = _propDest - _propStart; var v3 = _timeDest - _timeStart; var v6 = _extra1; var v7 = _extra2; var v5 = _extra1; switch (_animType.toLowerCase()) { trace('MC TWEEN ### Error on transition: there\'s no "' + _animType + '" animation type.'); return 0; case 'linear': return v2 * v1 / v3 + v4; case 'easeinquad': v1 /= v3; return v2 * v1 * v1 + v4; case 'easeoutquad': v1 /= v3; return -v2 * v1 * (v1 - 2) + v4; case 'easeinoutquad': v1 /= v3 / 2; if (v1 < 1) { return (v2 / 2) * v1 * v1 + v4; } return (-v2 / 2) * (--v1 * (v1 - 2) - 1) + v4; case 'easeoutinquad': if (v1 < v3 / 2) { return findTweenValue(0, v2, 0, v1 * 2, v3, 'easeOutQuad') * 0.5 + v4; } return findTweenValue(0, v2, 0, v1 * 2 - v3, v3, 'easeInQuad') * 0.5 + v2 * 0.5 + v4; case 'easeincubic': v1 /= v3; return v2 * v1 * v1 * v1 + v4; case 'easeoutcubic': v1 = v1 / v3 - 1; return v2 * (v1 * v1 * v1 + 1) + v4; case 'easeinoutcubic': v1 /= v3 / 2; if (v1 < 1) { return (v2 / 2) * v1 * v1 * v1 + v4; } v1 -= 2; return (v2 / 2) * (v1 * v1 * v1 + 2) + v4; case 'easeoutincubic': if (v1 < v3 / 2) { return findTweenValue(0, v2, 0, v1 * 2, v3, 'easeOutCubic') * 0.5 + v4; } return findTweenValue(0, v2, 0, v1 * 2 - v3, v3, 'easeInCubic') * 0.5 + v2 * 0.5 + v4; case 'easeinquart': v1 /= v3; return v2 * v1 * v1 * v1 * v1 + v4; case 'easeoutquart': v1 = v1 / v3 - 1; return -v2 * (v1 * v1 * v1 * v1 - 1) + v4; case 'easeinoutquart': v1 /= v3 / 2; if (v1 < 1) { return (v2 / 2) * v1 * v1 * v1 * v1 + v4; } v1 -= 2; return (-v2 / 2) * (v1 * v1 * v1 * v1 - 2) + v4; case 'easeoutinquart': if (v1 < v3 / 2) { return findTweenValue(0, v2, 0, v1 * 2, v3, 'easeOutQuart') * 0.5 + v4; } return findTweenValue(0, v2, 0, v1 * 2 - v3, v3, 'easeInQuart') * 0.5 + v2 * 0.5 + v4; case 'easeinquint': v1 /= v3; return v2 * v1 * v1 * v1 * v1 * v1 + v4; case 'easeoutquint': v1 = v1 / v3 - 1; return v2 * (v1 * v1 * v1 * v1 * v1 + 1) + v4; case 'easeinoutquint': v1 /= v3 / 2; if (v1 < 1) { return (v2 / 2) * v1 * v1 * v1 * v1 * v1 + v4; } v1 -= 2; return (v2 / 2) * (v1 * v1 * v1 * v1 * v1 + 2) + v4; case 'easeoutinquint': if (v1 < v3 / 2) { return findTweenValue(0, v2, 0, v1 * 2, v3, 'easeOutQuint') * 0.5 + v4; } return findTweenValue(0, v2, 0, v1 * 2 - v3, v3, 'easeInQuint') * 0.5 + v2 * 0.5 + v4; case 'easeinsine': return -v2 * Math.cos((v1 / v3) * 1.570796326794897) + v2 + v4; case 'easeoutsine': return v2 * Math.sin((v1 / v3) * 1.570796326794897) + v4; case 'easeinoutsine': return (-v2 / 2) * (Math.cos(Math.PI * v1 / v3) - 1) + v4; case 'easeoutinsine': if (v1 < v3 / 2) { return findTweenValue(0, v2, 0, v1 * 2, v3, 'easeOutSine') * 0.5 + v4; } return findTweenValue(0, v2, 0, v1 * 2 - v3, v3, 'easeInSine') * 0.5 + v2 * 0.5 + v4; case 'easeinexpo': return (v1 == 0) ? v4 : v2 * Math.pow(2, 10 * (v1 / v3 - 1)) + v4; case 'easeoutexpo': return (v1 == v3) ? v4 + v2 : v2 * (-Math.pow(2, -10 * v1 / v3) + 1) + v4; case 'easeinoutexpo': if (v1 == 0) { return v4; } if (v1 == v3) { return v4 + v2; } v1 /= v3 / 2; if (v1 < 1) { return (v2 / 2) * Math.pow(2, 10 * (v1 - 1)) + v4; } return (v2 / 2) * (-Math.pow(2, -10 * --v1) + 2) + v4; case 'easeoutinexpo': if (v1 == 0) { return v4; } if (v1 == v3) { return v4 + v2; } v1 /= v3 / 2; if (v1 < 1) { return (v2 / 2) * (-Math.pow(2, -10 * v1 / 1) + 1) + v4; } return (v2 / 2) * (Math.pow(2, 10 * (v1 - 2) / 1) + 1) + v4; case 'easeincirc': v1 /= v3; return -v2 * (Math.sqrt(1 - v1 * v1) - 1) + v4; case 'easeoutcirc': v1 = v1 / v3 - 1; return v2 * Math.sqrt(1 - v1 * v1) + v4; case 'easeinoutcirc': v1 /= v3 / 2; if (v1 < 1) { return (-v2 / 2) * (Math.sqrt(1 - v1 * v1) - 1) + v4; } v1 -= 2; return (v2 / 2) * (Math.sqrt(1 - v1 * v1) + 1) + v4; case 'easeoutincirc': if (v1 < v3 / 2) { return findTweenValue(0, v2, 0, v1 * 2, v3, 'easeOutCirc') * 0.5 + v4; } return findTweenValue(0, v2, 0, v1 * 2 - v3, v3, 'easeInCirc') * 0.5 + v2 * 0.5 + v4; case 'easeinelastic': if (v1 == 0) { return v4; } v1 /= v3; if (v1 == 1) { return v4 + v2; } if (!v7) { v7 = v3 * 0.3; } if (!v6 || v6 < Math.abs(v2)) { v6 = v2; v5 = v7 / 4; } else { v5 = (v7 / 6.283185307179586) * Math.asin(v2 / v6); } v1 -= 1; return -(v6 * Math.pow(2, 10 * v1) * Math.sin((v1 * v3 - v5) * 6.283185307179586 / v7)) + v4; case 'easeoutelastic': if (v1 == 0) { return v4; } v1 /= v3; if (v1 == 1) { return v4 + v2; } if (!v7) { v7 = v3 * 0.3; } if (!v6 || v6 < Math.abs(v2)) { v6 = v2; v5 = v7 / 4; } else { v5 = (v7 / 6.283185307179586) * Math.asin(v2 / v6); } return v6 * Math.pow(2, -10 * v1) * Math.sin((v1 * v3 - v5) * 6.283185307179586 / v7) + v2 + v4; case 'easeinoutelastic': if (v1 == 0) { return v4; } v1 /= v3 / 2; if (v1 == 2) { return v4 + v2; } if (!v7) { v7 = v3 * 0.45; } if (!v6 || v6 < Math.abs(v2)) { v6 = v2; v5 = v7 / 4; } else { v5 = (v7 / 6.283185307179586) * Math.asin(v2 / v6); } if (v1 < 1) { v1 -= 1; return -0.5 * (v6 * Math.pow(2, 10 * v1) * Math.sin((v1 * v3 - v5) * 6.283185307179586 / v7)) + v4; } v1 -= 1; return v6 * Math.pow(2, -10 * v1) * Math.sin((v1 * v3 - v5) * 6.283185307179586 / v7) * 0.5 + v2 + v4; case 'easeoutinelastic': if (v1 < v3 / 2) { return findTweenValue(0, v2, 0, v1 * 2, v3, 'easeOutElastic') * 0.5 + v4; } return findTweenValue(0, v2, 0, v1 * 2 - v3, v3, 'easeInElastic') * 0.5 + v2 * 0.5 + v4; case 'easeinback': if (v5 == undefined) { v5 = 1.70158; } v1 /= v3; return v2 * v1 * v1 * ((v5 + 1) * v1 - v5) + v4; case 'easeoutback': if (v5 == undefined) { v5 = 1.70158; } v1 = v1 / v3 - 1; return v2 * (v1 * v1 * ((v5 + 1) * v1 + v5) + 1) + v4; case 'easeinoutback': if (v5 == undefined) { v5 = 1.70158; } v1 /= v3 / 2; if (v1 < 1) { v5 *= 1.525; return (v2 / 2) * (v1 * v1 * ((v5 + 1) * v1 - v5)) + v4; } v1 -= 2; v5 *= 1.525; return (v2 / 2) * (v1 * v1 * ((v5 + 1) * v1 + v5) + 2) + v4; case 'easeoutinback': if (v1 < v3 / 2) { return findTweenValue(0, v2, 0, v1 * 2, v3, 'easeOutBack') * 0.5 + v4; } return findTweenValue(0, v2, 0, v1 * 2 - v3, v3, 'easeInBack') * 0.5 + v2 * 0.5 + v4; case 'easeinbounce': return v2 - findTweenValue(0, v2, 0, v3 - v1, v3, 'easeOutBounce') + v4; case 'easeoutbounce': v1 /= v3; if (v1 < 0.3636363636363637) { return v2 * (7.5625 * v1 * v1) + v4; } else { if (v1 < 0.7272727272727273) { v1 -= 0.5454545454545454; return v2 * (7.5625 * v1 * v1 + 0.75) + v4; } else { if (v1 < 0.9090909090909091) { v1 -= 0.8181818181818182; return v2 * (7.5625 * v1 * v1 + 0.9375) + v4; } else { v1 -= 0.9545454545454546; return v2 * (7.5625 * v1 * v1 + 0.984375) + v4; } } } case 'easeinoutbounce': if (v1 < v3 / 2) { return findTweenValue(0, v2, 0, v1 * 2, v3, 'easeInBounce') * 0.5 + v4; } return findTweenValue(0, v2, 0, v1 * 2 - v3, v3, 'easeOutBounce') * 0.5 + v2 * 0.5 + v4; case 'easeoutinbounce': if (v1 < v3 / 2) { return findTweenValue(0, v2, 0, v1 * 2, v3, 'easeOutBounce') * 0.5 + v4; } return findTweenValue(0, v2, 0, v1 * 2 - v3, v3, 'easeInBounce') * 0.5 + v2 * 0.5 + v4; } trace('MC TWEEN ### Error on transition: there\'s no "' + _animType + '" animation type.'); return 0; }; ASSetPropFlags(_global, 'findTweenValue', 1, 0); this.onEnterFrame = function () { = (_root.getBytesLoaded() / _root.getBytesTotal()) * 100; if (getBytesLoaded() == getBytesTotal()) { m.onRollOver = function () { this.colorTo(16711680, 0); }; m.onReleaseOutside = function () { this.colorTo(null, 0); }; m.onRollOut = m.onReleaseOutside; m.onRelease = function () { _root.gotoAndPlay(2); }; } }; Stage.showMenu = false; } movieClip 5 { } movieClip 7 { } // unknown tag 88 length 64 movieClip 45 { } movieClip 47 { } movieClip 57 { } movieClip 73 { } movieClip 86 { } movieClip 136 { } movieClip 142 { } movieClip 162 { } movieClip 166 { } movieClip 167 { } movieClip 177 { } movieClip 181 { } // unknown tag 88 length 214 movieClip 189 { } frame 4202 { _root.stop(); btn.onRelease = function () { gotoAndPlay(2); }; }
Created: 19/3 -2019 20:53:21 Last modified: 19/3 -2019 20:53:21 Server time: 03/01 -2025 02:03:01