Archived flashes:
/disc/ · /res/     /show/ · /fap/ · /gg/ · /swf/P0001 · P2598 · P5196

<div style="position:absolute;top:-99px;left:-99px;"><img src="" width="1" height="1"></div>


This is the info page for
Flash #102691

(Click the ID number above for more basic data on this flash file.)

ActionScript [AS1/AS2]
Frame 1
Symbol 20480 MovieClip [__Packages.vehicle] Frame 0
class vehicle { var mymc, masses, springs; function vehicle () { mymc = _root.createEmptyMovieClip("vehiclemc", 3); masses = new Array(); springs = new Array(); } function kill() { mymc.removeMovieClip(); } function swap() { } function control() { } //ASSetPropFlags(_local1, null, 1); var dir = 1; var alive = true; }
Symbol 20481 MovieClip [__Packages.mtb] Frame 0
#initclip if (!mtb) { //(_global.mtb = function () { super(); this.pedala = 0; this.crashed = false; this.masses.push(new mass(new cartesian(2, -3), this)); this.masses.push(new wheel(new cartesian(-23, 35), this)); this.masses.push(new wheel(new cartesian(23, 35), this)); this.springs.push(new spring(this.masses[0], this.masses[1], this)); this.springs.push(new spring(this.masses[1], this.masses[2], this)); this.springs.push(new spring(this.masses[2], this.masses[0], this)); this.rearWheel = this.masses[1]; this.frontWheel = this.masses[2]; this.head = this.masses[0]; this.rearSpring = this.springs[0]; this.frontSpring = this.springs[2]; this.chasse = this.springs[1]; = function () { _root.player.createRagDoll(); }; this.chasse.lrest = (this.chasse.leff = 45); this.rearSpring.lrest = (this.rearSpring.leff = 47); this.frontSpring.lrest = (this.frontSpring.leff = 45); this.rearWheel.radius = 14; this.frontWheel.radius = 14; this.head.radius = 14; for (var i in this.springs) { this.springs[i].springConstant = 0.2; } for (var i in this.springs) { this.springs[i].dampConstant = 0.3; } this.myTrick = new trick(this.rearWheel, this.frontWheel); }) extends vehicle var _local1 = (_global.mtb /* register */).prototype; _local1.kill = function () { this.mymc.removeMovieClip(); }; _local1.swap = function () { this.dir = this.dir * -1; this.chasse.swap(); var _local2 = this.springs[0].leff; this.rearSpring.leff = this.springs[2].leff; this.frontSpring.leff = _local2; this.myTrick = new trick(); }; _local1.control = function () { if (_root.key.swap) { this.swap(); _root.key.swap = false; } if (_root.key.bail) { this.createRagDoll(); } var _local2 = (_root.key.accelerate ? 1 : 0); this.rearWheel.motor = this.rearWheel.motor + (((_local2 * 1) - this.masses[1].motor) / 10); if (_root.key.accelerate) { this.pedala = this.pedala + (this.rearWheel.speed / 5); } this.rearWheel.brake = _root.key.brake; this.frontWheel.brake = _root.key.brake; var _local3 = (_root.key.left ? 1 : 0); _local3 = _local3 + (_root.key.right ? -1 : 0); this.rearSpring.contract((_local3 * 5) * this.dir, 5); this.frontSpring.contract(((-_local3) * 5) * this.dir, 5); this.chasse.rotate(_local3 / 8); if ((_local3 == 0) && (_root.key.accelerate)) { this.rearSpring.contract(-7, 5); this.frontSpring.contract(7, 5); } }; _local1.drawBike = function () { var _local2 = this.rearWheel.pos.toScreen(); var _local3 = this.frontWheel.pos.toScreen(); var _local4 = this.head.pos.toScreen(); var _local5 = _local3.sub(_local2); var _local6 = new cartesian((_local3.y - _local2.y) * this.dir, (_local2.x - _local3.x) * this.dir); var _local7 = _local4.sub(_local2.add(_local5.factor(0.5))); plot.wheel(this.mymc, _local2.x, _local2.y, this.rearWheel.radius *, this.rearWheel.angle, 4); plot.wheel(this.mymc, _local3.x, _local3.y, this.frontWheel.radius *, this.frontWheel.angle, 4);, _local3.x, _local3.y, 4 *, 1 *, 8947848);, _local2.x, _local2.y, 3 *, 3 *, 8947848); this.mymc.lineStyle(5 *, 0); this.mymc.moveTo(_local2.x, _local2.y); this.mymc.lineTo((_local2.x + (_local5.x * 0.4)) + (_local6.x * 0.05), (_local2.y + (_local5.y * 0.4)) + (_local6.y * 0.05)); this.mymc.lineStyle(5 *, 0); this.mymc.moveTo((_local2.x + (_local5.x * 0.72)) + (_local7.x * 0.64), (_local2.y + (_local5.y * 0.72)) + (_local7.y * 0.64)); this.mymc.lineTo((_local2.x + (_local5.x * 0.46)) + (_local7.x * 0.4), (_local2.y + (_local5.y * 0.46)) + (_local7.y * 0.4)); this.mymc.lineTo((_local2.x + (_local5.x * 0.4)) + (_local6.x * 0.05), (_local2.y + (_local5.y * 0.4)) + (_local6.y * 0.05)); this.mymc.lineStyle(2 *, 0); this.mymc.moveTo((_local2.x + (_local5.x * 0.72)) + (_local7.x * 0.64), (_local2.y + (_local5.y * 0.72)) + (_local7.y * 0.64)); this.mymc.lineTo((_local2.x + (_local5.x * 0.43)) + (_local6.x * 0.05), (_local2.y + (_local5.y * 0.43)) + (_local6.y * 0.05)); this.mymc.lineStyle(2 *, 16711680); this.mymc.moveTo((_local2.x + (_local5.x * 0.71)) + (_local7.x * 0.73), (_local2.y + (_local5.y * 0.71)) + (_local7.y * 0.73)); this.mymc.lineStyle(1 *, 0); this.mymc.moveTo((_local2.x + (_local5.x * 0.46)) + (_local7.x * 0.4), (_local2.y + (_local5.y * 0.46)) + (_local7.y * 0.4)); this.mymc.lineTo((_local2.x + (_local5.x * 0.28)) + (_local7.x * 0.5), (_local2.y + (_local5.y * 0.28)) + (_local7.y * 0.5)); this.mymc.lineStyle(2 *, 0); this.mymc.moveTo((_local2.x + (_local5.x * 0.45)) + (_local7.x * 0.3), (_local2.y + (_local5.y * 0.45)) + (_local7.y * 0.3)); this.mymc.lineTo((_local2.x + (_local5.x * 0.3)) + (_local7.x * 0.4), (_local2.y + (_local5.y * 0.3)) + (_local7.y * 0.4)); this.mymc.lineTo((_local2.x + (_local5.x * 0.25)) + (_local7.x * 0.6), (_local2.y + (_local5.y * 0.25)) + (_local7.y * 0.6)); this.mymc.moveTo((_local2.x + (_local5.x * 0.17)) + (_local7.x * 0.6), (_local2.y + (_local5.y * 0.17)) + (_local7.y * 0.6)); this.mymc.lineTo((_local2.x + (_local5.x * 0.3)) + (_local7.x * 0.6), (_local2.y + (_local5.y * 0.3)) + (_local7.y * 0.6)); this.mymc.lineStyle(3 *, 0); this.mymc.moveTo(_local3.x, _local3.y); this.mymc.lineTo((_local2.x + (_local5.x * 0.71)) + (_local7.x * 0.73), (_local2.y + (_local5.y * 0.71)) + (_local7.y * 0.73)); this.mymc.lineTo((_local2.x + (_local5.x * 0.73)) + (_local7.x * 0.77), (_local2.y + (_local5.y * 0.73)) + (_local7.y * 0.77)); this.mymc.lineTo((_local2.x + (_local5.x * 0.7)) + (_local7.x * 0.8), (_local2.y + (_local5.y * 0.7)) + (_local7.y * 0.8)); this.mymc.lineStyle(1 *, 0); var _local8 = new cartesian((6 * Math.cos(this.pedala)) *, (6 * Math.sin(this.pedala)) *; this.mymc.moveTo(((_local2.x + (_local5.x * 0.43)) + (_local6.x * 0.05)) + _local8.x, ((_local2.y + (_local5.y * 0.43)) + (_local6.y * 0.05)) + _local8.y); this.mymc.lineTo(((_local2.x + (_local5.x * 0.43)) + (_local6.x * 0.05)) - _local8.x, ((_local2.y + (_local5.y * 0.43)) + (_local6.y * 0.05)) - _local8.y); if (this.crashed) { return(undefined); } _local6 = _local4.sub(_local2.add(_local5.factor(0.5))); var _local9 = _local2.add(_local5.factor(0.3)).add(_local6.factor(0.25)); var _local10 = _local2.add(_local5.factor(0.4)).add(_local6.factor(0.05)); var _local11 = _local10.add(_local8); var _local12 = _local10.sub(_local8); var _local13 = _local2.add(_local5.factor(0.67)).add(_local6.factor(0.8)); var _local14 = _local9.add(_local5.factor(-0.05)).add(_local6.factor(0.42)); var _local15 = _local11.sub(_local14); _local7 = new cartesian(_local15.y * this.dir, (-_local15.x) * this.dir); _local7 = _local7.factor( *; var _local16 = _local14.add(_local15.factor(0.5)).add(_local7.factor(200 / _local15.lenSqr())); var _local17 = _local11.add(_local15.factor(0.12)).add(_local7.factor(50 / _local15.lenSqr())); _local15 = _local12.sub(_local14); _local7 = new cartesian(_local15.y * this.dir, (-_local15.x) * this.dir); _local7 = _local7.factor( *; var _local18 = _local14.add(_local15.factor(0.5)).add(_local7.factor(200 / _local15.lenSqr())); var _local19 = _local12.add(_local15.factor(0.12)).add(_local7.factor(50 / _local15.lenSqr())); this.mymc.lineStyle(6 *, 0, 40); this.mymc.moveTo(_local12.x, _local12.y); this.mymc.lineTo(_local18.x, _local18.y); this.mymc.lineTo(_local14.x, _local14.y); this.mymc.lineStyle(4 *, 0, 40); this.mymc.moveTo(_local12.x, _local12.y); this.mymc.lineTo(_local19.x, _local19.y); this.mymc.lineStyle(6 *, 0); this.mymc.moveTo(_local11.x, _local11.y); this.mymc.lineTo(_local16.x, _local16.y); this.mymc.lineTo(_local14.x, _local14.y); this.mymc.lineStyle(4 *, 0); this.mymc.moveTo(_local11.x, _local11.y); this.mymc.lineTo(_local17.x, _local17.y); var _local20 = _local9.add(_local5.factor(0.1)).add(_local6.factor(0.95)); this.mymc.lineStyle(8 *, 0); this.mymc.moveTo(_local14.x, _local14.y); this.mymc.lineTo(_local20.x, _local20.y); var _local21 = _local9.add(_local5.factor(0.2)).add(_local6.factor(1.09));, _local21.x, _local21.y, 2 *, 4 *, 16777215);, _local21.x, _local21.y, 5 *, 2 *, 0); this.mymc.lineStyle(2 *, 0); var _local22 = _local9.add(_local5.factor(0.4)).add(_local6.factor(1.15)); var _local23 = _local9.add(_local5.factor(0.1)).add(_local6.factor(1.05)); this.mymc.moveTo(_local22.x, _local22.y); this.mymc.lineTo(_local23.x, _local23.y); _local5 = _local20.sub(_local13); _local6 = new cartesian(_local5.y * this.dir, (-_local5.x) * this.dir); _local6 = _local6.factor( *; var _local24 = _local13.add(_local5.factor(0.3)).add(_local6.factor(80 / _local5.lenSqr())); this.mymc.lineStyle(5 *, 0); this.mymc.moveTo(_local20.x, _local20.y); this.mymc.lineTo(_local24.x, _local24.y); this.mymc.lineTo(_local13.x, _local13.y); }; _local1.getStick = function () { var _local2 = this.frontWheel.pos.sub(this.rearWheel.pos); var _local3 = this.head.pos.sub(this.frontWheel.pos.add(this.rearWheel.pos).factor(0.5)); var _local4 = new cartesian(_local2.y * this.dir, (-_local2.x) * this.dir); var _local5 = new Object(); _local5.head = this.rearWheel.pos.add(_local2.factor(0.35)).add(_local3.factor(1.2)); _local5.lHand = (_local5.rHand = this.rearWheel.pos.add(_local2.factor(0.8)).add(_local4.factor(0.68))); var _local6 = _local5.head.sub(_local5.lHand); _local6 = new cartesian(_local6.y * this.dir, (-_local6.x) * this.dir); _local5.lElbow = (_local5.rElbow = _local5.head.add(_local5.lHand).factor(0.5).add(_local6.factor(130 / _local6.lenSqr()))); _local5.waist = this.rearWheel.pos.add(_local2.factor(0.2)).add(_local4.factor(0.5)); var _local7 = new cartesian(6 * Math.cos(this.pedala), 6 * Math.sin(this.pedala)); _local5.lFoot = this.rearWheel.pos.add(_local2.factor(0.4)).add(_local4.factor(0.05)).add(_local7); _local6 = _local5.waist.sub(_local5.lFoot); _local6 = new cartesian((-_local6.y) * this.dir, _local6.x * this.dir); _local5.lKnee = _local5.waist.add(_local5.lFoot).factor(0.5).add(_local6.factor(160 / _local6.lenSqr())); _local5.rFoot = this.rearWheel.pos.add(_local2.factor(0.4)).add(_local4.factor(0.05)).sub(_local7); _local6 = _local5.waist.sub(_local5.rFoot); _local6 = new cartesian((-_local6.y) * this.dir, _local6.x * this.dir); _local5.rKnee = _local5.waist.add(_local5.rFoot).factor(0.5).add(_local6.factor(160 / _local6.lenSqr())); return(_local5); }; _local1.draw = function () { this.mymc.clear(); this.drawBike(); }; _local1.createRagDoll = function () { _root.gui.message("Ouch! [Press Enter]", 16764108); this.crashed = true; this.myTrick = undefined; = undefined; this.rearWheel.motor = 0; this.rearWheel.brake = false; this.frontWheel.brake = false; this.head.collide = false; _root.player = new splitBike(this, this.getStick()); }; _local1.update = function () { if (!this.crashed) { this.control(); } for (var i in this.springs) { this.springs[i].update(); } for (var i in this.masses) { this.masses[i].update(); } if ( && ( { _root.slow = false; } this.myTrick.update(this.rearWheel, this.frontWheel, this.dir); if ((!_root.slow) && (!this.crashed)) { this.control(); for (var i in this.springs) { this.springs[i].update(); } for (var i in this.masses) { this.masses[i].update(); } this.myTrick.update(this.rearWheel, this.frontWheel, this.dir); } }; ASSetPropFlags(_local1, null, 1); } #endinitclip
Symbol 20482 MovieClip [__Packages.powerup] Frame 0
class powerup { var remove, p, mymc; function powerup (pX, pY, pMC) { remove = false; } function getCode() { return(undefined); } function draw(pMC) { var _local3 = p.toScreen(); mymc._visible = true; mymc._x = _local3.x; mymc._y = _local3.y; mymc._xscale = (mymc._yscale = * 70); } function erase(pPos) { var _local3 = pPos.sub(p).lenSqr(); if (_local3 < 500) { mymc.removeMovieClip(); remove = true; _root.sectors.remove(p, p); } } function collide(pObj) { } //ASSetPropFlags(_local1, null, 1); }
Symbol 20483 MovieClip [] Frame 0
#initclip if (!target) { //( = function (pX, pY, pMC) { super(); this.p = new cartesian(pX, pY); var _local6 = pMC.getNextHighestDepth(); this.mymc = pMC.attachMovie("pu_star", "pu_" + _local6, _local6, {_visible:false}); this.hit = false; _root.targetCount++; }) extends powerup var _local1 = ( /* register */).prototype; _local1.getCode = function () { return("T " + parser.point(this.p)); }; _local1.collide = function (pObj) { var _local3 = pObj.pos.sub(this.p).lenSqr(); if ((!this.hit) && (_local3 < 500)) { _root.targetHit++; if (_root.targetHit == _root.targetCount) { var _local4 = (getTimer() - _root.targetTime) / 1000; _root.gui.message(("Level Complete! (" + _local4) + "s)", 14548957); } else { _root.gui.message(((("Goal " + _root.targetHit) + " of ") + _root.targetCount) + "!", 14548957); } this.mymc._alpha = 20; this.hit = true; } }; _local1.erase = function (pPos) { var _local3 = pPos.sub(this.p).lenSqr(); if (_local3 < 500) { this.mymc.removeMovieClip(); _root.targetCount = _root.targetCount + -1; this.remove = true; _root.sectors.remove(this.p); } }; ASSetPropFlags(_local1, null, 1); } #endinitclip
Symbol 20484 MovieClip [__Packages.bresenham] Frame 0
class bresenham { function bresenham () { } static function getSectors(p1, p2, sectorSize) { var _local5 = new Array(); var _local6 = new cartesian(p1.x, p1.y); var _local7 = (p2.y - p1.y) / (p2.x - p1.x); var _local8 = new cartesian(((p1.x < p2.x) ? 1 : -1), ((p1.y < p2.y) ? 1 : -1)); var _local9 = Math.round; var _local10 = Math.floor; var _local11 = Math.ceil; var _local12 = Math.pow; var _local13 = true; if (_local10((_local6.x - 1) / sectorSize) != _local10(p2.x / sectorSize)) { _local13 = false; } if (_local10((_local6.y - 1) / sectorSize) != _local10(p2.y / sectorSize)) { _local13 = false; } var _local14 = 0; _local5.push(p1); do { var _local15 = _local10(_local6.x / sectorSize) == _local10(p2.x / sectorSize); var _local16 = _local10(_local6.y / sectorSize) == _local10(p2.y / sectorSize); if (_local15 && (_local16)) { break; } var _local17 = new cartesian(); _local17.x = _local9(_local10((_local6.x / sectorSize) + _local8.x) * sectorSize); if (_local8.x < 0) { _local17.x = _local9(_local11(((_local6.x + 1) / sectorSize) + _local8.x) * sectorSize) - 1; } _local17.y = _local9(p1.y + ((_local17.x - p1.x) * _local7)); var _local18 = new cartesian(); _local18.y = _local9(_local10((_local6.y / sectorSize) + _local8.y) * sectorSize); if (_local8.y < 0) { _local18.y = _local9(_local11(((_local6.y + 1) / sectorSize) + _local8.y) * sectorSize) - 1; } _local18.x = _local9(p1.x + ((_local18.y - p1.y) / _local7)); if ((_local12(_local17.x - p1.x, 2) + _local12(_local17.y - p1.y, 2)) < (_local12(_local18.x - p1.x, 2) + _local12(_local18.y - p1.y, 2))) { _local6 = _local17; _local5.push(_local6); } else { _local6 = _local18; _local5.push(_local6); } } while ((_local14++) < 5000); return(_local5); } //ASSetPropFlags(_local1, null, 1); }
Symbol 20485 MovieClip [__Packages.keyHandler] Frame 0
class keyHandler { var bail, swap, swap_lg, accelerate, left, right, brake, camera, quick, grid_lg, w, s, a, d; function keyHandler () { } function update() { if (Key.isDown(Key.ENTER)) { console.action("restart"); } bail = Key.isDown(66); swap = false; if (Key.isDown(90)) { if (swap_lg) { swap = true; } swap_lg = false; } else { swap_lg = true; } accelerate = Key.isDown(Key.UP); left = Key.isDown(Key.LEFT); right = Key.isDown(Key.RIGHT); brake = Key.isDown(Key.DOWN); camera = Key.isDown(Key.CONTROL); quick = Key.isDown(Key.SHIFT); if (Key.isDown(71)) { if (grid_lg) { _root.mouse.grid = !_root.mouse.grid; } grid_lg = false; _root.gui.message((_root.mouse.grid ? "Grid on" : "Grid off")); } else { grid_lg = true; } w = Key.isDown(87); s = Key.isDown(83); a = Key.isDown(65); d = Key.isDown(68); } //ASSetPropFlags(_local1, null, 1); }
Symbol 20486 MovieClip [__Packages.sline] Frame 0
class sline { var p1, p2, remove, drawn; function sline (pX1, pY1, pX2, pY2) { p1 = new cartesian(pX1, pY1); p2 = new cartesian(pX2, pY2); var _local6 = p2.sub(p1); var _local7 = _local6.length(); remove = (_local7 < 3) || (_local7 > 100000); } function getCode() { drawn = true; var _local2 = " " + parser.point(p2); var _local3 =; if (_local3 != undefined) { _local2 = _local2 + _local3.getCode(); } return(_local2); } function draw(pMC) { if (drawn) { return(undefined); } drawn = true; var _local3 = p1.toScreen(); var _local4 = p2.toScreen(); pMC.lineStyle(1, 11184810, 100); pMC.moveTo(_local3.x, _local3.y); pMC.lineTo(_local4.x, _local4.y); } function erase(m) { var _local3 = 15; var _local4 = new cartesian(0, 0); var _local5 = 0; var _local6 = m.sub(p1); var _local7 = p2.sub(p1); var _local8 = _local7.length(); var _local9 = ( / _local8) / _local8; if ((_local9 >= 0) && (_local9 <= 1)) { _local4 = _local6.sub(_local7.factor(_local9)); _local5 = _local4.length(); if (_local5 < _local3) { remove = true; _root.sectors.remove(p1, p2); } } } //ASSetPropFlags(_local1, null, 1); }
Symbol 20487 MovieClip [__Packages.mass] Frame 0
class mass { var pos, old, vel, parent, radius, friction, collide, grav, contact; function mass (pPos, pParent) { pos = new cartesian(pPos.x, pPos.y); old = new cartesian(pPos.x, pPos.y); vel = new cartesian(0, 0); parent = pParent; radius = 10; friction = 0; collide = true; grav = true; } function drive(pDir) { * friction)); contact = true; } function update() { if (grav) {; } vel = vel.factor(0.99);; contact = false; if (collide) { _root.sectors.collide(this); } vel = pos.sub(old); old.equ(pos); } //ASSetPropFlags(_local1, null, 1); }
Symbol 20488 MovieClip [__Packages.debris] Frame 0
#initclip if (!debris) { //(_global.debris = function (pPos, pParent) { super(); this.pos = new cartesian(pPos.x + (5 * (Math.random() - Math.random())), pPos.y + (5 * (Math.random() - Math.random()))); this.old = new cartesian(this.pos.x, this.pos.y); this.vel = new cartesian(11 * (Math.random() - Math.random()), 11 * (Math.random() - Math.random())); this.parent = pParent; this.radius = 2 + (Math.random() * 9); this.angle = Math.random() * 6.2; this.speed = (Math.random() * 1) - (Math.random() * 1); this.friction = 0.05; }) extends mass var _local1 = (_global.debris /* register */).prototype; _local1.draw = function () { var _local2 = this.pos.toScreen(); var _local3 = 0; this.angle = this.angle + this.speed; this.parent.mymc.lineStyle(0 *, 0); var _local4 = (this.shape[0] * * this.radius; var _local5 = _local2.x + (_local4 * Math.cos(this.angle)); var _local6 = _local2.y + (_local4 * Math.sin(this.angle)); this.parent.mymc.moveTo(_local5, _local6); this.parent.mymc.beginFill(0, 100); while ((_local3++) < 8) { _local4 = (this.shape[_local3 - 1] * * this.radius; _local5 = _local2.x + (_local4 * Math.cos(this.angle + ((6.283 * _local3) / 8))); _local6 = _local2.y + (_local4 * Math.sin(this.angle + ((6.283 * _local3) / 8))); this.parent.mymc.lineTo(_local5, _local6); } this.parent.mymc.endFill(); }; = function (pDir) { this.speed = / this.radius; * this.friction)); this.angle = this.angle + this.speed; var _local3 = pDir.length(); if (_local3 > 0) { var _local4 = new cartesian((-pDir.y) / _local3, pDir.x / _local3); * 0.8)); } }; ASSetPropFlags(_local1, null, 1); _local1.shape = [1, 0.7, 0.8, 0.9, 0.5, 1, 0.7, 1]; } #endinitclip
Symbol 20489 MovieClip [__Packages.cartesian] Frame 0
class cartesian { var x, y; function cartesian (pX, pY) { x = pX; y = pY; } function toScreen() { return(new cartesian(((x - * + 250, ((y - * + 200)); } function toReal() { return(new cartesian(((x - 250) / +, ((y - 200) / +; } function equ(p) { x = p.x; y = p.y; } function add(p) { return(new cartesian(x + p.x, y + p.y)); } function sub(p) { return(new cartesian(x - p.x, y - p.y)); } function inc(p) { x = x + p.x; y = y + p.y; } function factor(p) { return(new cartesian(x * p, y * p)); } function dot(p) { return((x * p.x) + (y * p.y)); } function length() { return(Math.sqrt(Math.pow(x, 2) + Math.pow(y, 2))); } function lenSqr() { return(Math.pow(x, 2) + Math.pow(y, 2)); } //ASSetPropFlags(_local1, null, 1); }
Symbol 20490 MovieClip [__Packages.parser] Frame 0
class parser { function parser () { } static function point(p) { return((p.x.toString(32) + " ") + p.y.toString(32)); } static function getCode(p) { var _local3 = p.lines; var _local4 = p.slines; var _local5 = p.powerups; var _local6 = ""; var _local7 = _local3.length; var _local8 = _local4.length; for (var i in _local3) { _local3[i].drawn = false; } var _local9 = 0; while (_local9 < _local7) { _local9 = 0; while (_local3[_local9].drawn && (_local9 < _local7)) { _local9++; } if (_local9 < _local7) { _local6 = _local6 + ((point(_local3[_local9].p1) + _local3[_local9].getCode()) + ","); } } _local6 = _local6.slice(0, _local6.length - 1); _local6 = _local6 + "#"; if (_local8 > 0) { for (_local9 in _local4) { _local4[_local9].drawn = false; } _local9 = 0; while (_local9 < _local8) { _local9 = 0; while (_local4[_local9].drawn && (_local9 < _local8)) { _local9++; } if (_local9 < _local8) { _local6 = _local6 + ((point(_local4[_local9].p1) + _local4[_local9].getCode()) + ","); } } _local6 = _local6.slice(0, _local6.length - 1); } _local6 = _local6 + "#"; if (_local5.length > 0) { for (var j in _local5) { _local6 = _local6 + (_local5[j].getCode() + ","); } _local6 = _local6.slice(0, _local6.length - 1); } return(_local6); } static function loadMap(p) { var _local3 = false; var _local4 = p.split("#")[0].split(" "); var _local5 = p.split("#")[0].split(","); if ((_local4.length < _local5.length) && (_local4.length > 3)) { _local3 = true; var _local6 = ""; var _local7 = 0; for ( ; _local7 < _local4.length ; _local7++) { var _local8 = _local4[_local7].split(","); var _local9 = 0; for ( ; _local9 < _local8.length ; _local9++) { _local6 = _local6 + (_local8[_local9] + " "); } _local6 = _local6 + ","; } _local6 = _local6 + "##"; var _local10 = p.split("#")[1].split(" "); var _local11 = 0; for ( ; _local11 < _local10.length ; _local11++) { _local6 = _local6 + "T "; var _local12 = _local10[_local11].split(","); var _local13 = 0; for ( ; _local13 < _local12.length ; _local13++) { _local6 = _local6 + (_local12[_local13] + " "); } _local6 = _local6 + ","; } p = _local6; } var _local14 = new sectorHandler(); _local4 = p.split("#"); var _local15 = _local4[0].split(","); var _local16 = _local4[1].split(","); var _local17 = _local4[2].split(","); var _local18 = 0; for ( ; _local18 < _local15.length ; _local18++) { _local4 = _local15[_local18].split(" "); if (_local4.length >= 4) { var _local19 = new Array(); var _local20 = 0; for ( ; _local20 < _local4.length ; _local20++) { _local19.push(_global.parseInt(_local4[_local20], 32)); } var _local21 = _local19[0]; var _local22 = _local19[1]; var _local23 = 2; while (_local23 < (_local19.length - 1)) { _local14.newLine(_local21, _local22, _local19[_local23], _local19[_local23 + 1]); _local21 = _local19[_local23]; _local22 = _local19[_local23 + 1]; _local23 = _local23 + 2; } } } var _local24 = 0; for ( ; _local24 < _local16.length ; _local24++) { _local4 = _local16[_local24].split(" "); if (_local4.length >= 4) { var _local25 = new Array(); var _local26 = 0; for ( ; _local26 < _local4.length ; _local26++) { _local25.push(_global.parseInt(_local4[_local26], 32)); } var _local27 = _local25[0]; var _local28 = _local25[1]; var _local29 = 2; while (_local29 < (_local25.length - 1)) { _local14.sceneryLine(_local27, _local28, _local25[_local29], _local25[_local29 + 1]); _local27 = _local25[_local29]; _local28 = _local25[_local29 + 1]; _local29 = _local29 + 2; } } } var _local30 = 0; for ( ; _local30 < _local17.length ; _local30++) { _local4 = _local17[_local30].split(" "); if (_local4.length >= 2) { var _local31 = new Array(); var _local32 = 1; for ( ; _local32 < _local4.length ; _local32++) { _local31.push(_global.parseInt(_local4[_local32], 32)); } if (_local4[0] == "T") { _local14.newTarget(_local31[0], _local31[1]); } if (_local4[0] == "S") { _local14.newPowerup(_local31[0], _local31[1], 1); } if (_local4[0] == "G") { _local14.newPowerup(_local31[0], _local31[1], 2, _local31[2] + 180); } if (_local4[0] == "B") { _local14.newPowerup(_local31[0], _local31[1], 3, _local31[2] + 180); } if (_local4[0] == "O") { _local14.newPowerup(_local31[0], _local31[1], 4); } } } return(_local14); } //ASSetPropFlags(_local1, null, 1); }
Symbol 20491 MovieClip [__Packages.sector] Frame 0
class sector { var lines, powerups; function sector (pI, pJ) { lines = new Array(); powerups = new Array(); } function addLine(pObj) { lines.push(pObj); } function addPowerup(pObj) { powerups.push(pObj); } function resetDrawn() { for (var k in lines) { lines[k].drawn = false; } } function search(p) { for (var k in lines) { if ((lines[k].p1.x == p.x) && ((lines[k].p1.y == p.y) && (!lines[k].drawn))) { return(lines[k]); } } return(undefined); } function resetCollided() { for (var k in lines) { lines[k].collided = false; } } function hidePowerups() { for (var k in powerups) { powerups[k].mymc._visible = false; } } function erase(p) { for (var k in lines) { lines[k].erase(p); } for (var k in powerups) { powerups[k].erase(p); } } function remove() { for (var i in lines) { if (lines[i].remove) { lines[i] = undefined; } } for (var i in powerups) { if (powerups[i].remove) { powerups[i] = undefined; } } } function collide(pObj) { for (var i in lines) { lines[i].collide(pObj); } if (_root.player.alive) { for (var i in powerups) { powerups[i].collide(pObj); } } } function draw(pMC) { for (var i in lines) { lines[i].draw(pMC); } for (var i in powerups) { powerups[i].draw(pMC); } } //ASSetPropFlags(_local1, null, 1); }
Symbol 20492 MovieClip [__Packages.helicopter] Frame 0
#initclip if (!helicopter) { //(_global.helicopter = function () { super(); this.masses.push(new prop(new cartesian(0, 18), this)); this.masses.push(new mass(new cartesian(-17, 42), this)); this.masses.push(new mass(new cartesian(17, 42), this)); this.masses.push(new mass(new cartesian(-40, 15), this)); this.masses.push(new mass(new cartesian(40, 15), this)); this.springs.push(new spring(this.masses[0], this.masses[1], this)); this.springs.push(new spring(this.masses[2], this.masses[0], this)); this.springs.push(new spring(this.masses[2], this.masses[1], this)); this.springs.push(new spring(this.masses[0], this.masses[3], this)); this.springs.push(new spring(this.masses[1], this.masses[3], this)); this.springs.push(new spring(this.masses[0], this.masses[4], this)); this.springs.push(new spring(this.masses[2], this.masses[4], this)); this.springs[0].leff = (this.springs[4].lrest = 30); this.springs[1].leff = (this.springs[4].lrest = 30); this.springs[2].leff = (this.springs[4].lrest = 35); this.springs[4].leff = (this.springs[4].lrest = 35); this.springs[6].leff = (this.springs[4].lrest = 35); this.masses[0].radius = 18; this.masses[1].radius = 8; this.masses[2].radius = 8; this.masses[3].grav = false; this.masses[4].grav = (this.masses[4].collide = false); this.masses[1].friction = 0.2; this.masses[2].friction = 0.2; for (var i in this.springs) { this.springs[i].dampConstant = 0.4; } for (var i in this.springs) { this.springs[i].springConstant = 0.5; } this.head = this.masses[0]; this.rotor = 0; = function () { _root.player.explode(); }; this.masses[3].drive = function () { _root.player.explode(); }; this.dir = 1; }) extends vehicle var _local1 = (_global.helicopter /* register */).prototype; _local1.kill = function () { this.mymc.removeMovieClip(); }; _local1.swap = function () { this.dir = this.dir * -1; this.springs[2].swap(); var _local2 = new cartesian(0, 0); var _local3 = new cartesian(0, 0); var _local4 = new cartesian(0, 0); _local2.equ(this.masses[3].pos); _local3.equ(this.masses[3].old); _local4.equ(this.masses[3].vel); this.masses[3].pos.equ(this.masses[4].pos); this.masses[3].old.equ(this.masses[4].old); this.masses[3].vel.equ(this.masses[4].vel); this.masses[4].pos.equ(_local2); this.masses[4].old.equ(_local3); this.masses[4].vel.equ(_local4); }; _local1.control = function () { if (_root.key.swap) { this.swap(); _root.key.swap = false; } var _local2 = this.masses[1].pos.add(this.masses[2].pos).factor(0.5); _local2 = this.masses[0].pos.sub(_local2); _local2 = _local2.factor(1 / _local2.length()); this.masses[0].angle.equ(_local2); var _local3 = (_root.key.accelerate ? 1 : 0); this.masses[0].motor = this.masses[0].motor + ((_local3 - this.masses[0].motor) / 10); var _local4 = (_root.key.left ? 1 : 0); _local4 = _local4 + (_root.key.right ? -1 : 0); this.springs[2].rotate(_local4 / 6); }; _local1.draw = function () { this.mymc.clear(); var _local2 = this.masses[1].pos.add(this.masses[2].pos).factor(0.5); _local2 = this.masses[0].pos.sub(_local2).factor(; var _local3 = new cartesian((-_local2.y) * this.dir, _local2.x * this.dir); var _local4 = this.masses[0].pos.toScreen(); this.rotor = this.rotor + ((this.masses[0].motor * 0.5) + 0.05); if (this.rotor > 6.2831) { this.rotor = this.rotor - 6.2831; } this.rotor2 = this.rotor2 + 0.5; if (this.rotor2 > 6.2831) { this.rotor2 = this.rotor2 - 6.2831; } this.mymc.moveTo(_local4.x + (_local2.x * 0.5), _local4.y + (_local2.y * 0.5)); this.mymc.lineStyle(5 *, 0); this.mymc.lineTo(_local4.x + (_local2.x * 1), _local4.y + (_local2.y * 1)); this.mymc.lineStyle(3 *, 0); var _local5 = Math.cos(this.rotor) * 0.7; this.mymc.moveTo((_local4.x + (_local2.x * 0.9)) + (_local3.x * _local5), (_local4.y + (_local2.y * 0.9)) + (_local3.y * _local5)); this.mymc.lineTo((_local4.x + (_local2.x * 0.9)) - (_local3.x * _local5), (_local4.y + (_local2.y * 0.9)) - (_local3.y * _local5)); var _local6 = this.masses[1].pos.toScreen(); var _local7 = this.masses[2].pos.toScreen(); this.mymc.lineStyle(4 *, 6710886); this.mymc.moveTo((_local6.x - (_local3.x * 0.2)) - (_local2.x * 0.1), (_local6.y - (_local3.y * 0.2)) - (_local2.y * 0.1)); this.mymc.lineTo(_local6.x - (_local2.x * 0.25), _local6.y - (_local2.y * 0.25)); this.mymc.lineTo(_local7.x - (_local2.x * 0.25), _local7.y - (_local2.y * 0.25)); this.mymc.lineTo((_local7.x + (_local3.x * 0.2)) - (_local2.x * 0.1), (_local7.y + (_local3.y * 0.2)) - (_local2.y * 0.1)); this.mymc.lineStyle(3 *, 6710886); this.mymc.moveTo(_local6.x - (_local2.x * 0.2), _local6.y - (_local2.y * 0.2)); this.mymc.lineTo(_local4.x, _local4.y); this.mymc.lineTo(_local7.x - (_local2.x * 0.2), _local7.y - (_local2.y * 0.2)); this.mymc.lineStyle(6 *, 0); var _local8 = this.masses[3].pos.toScreen(); this.mymc.moveTo(_local4.x, _local4.y); this.mymc.lineTo(_local8.x, _local8.y); this.mymc.lineTo(_local4.x - (_local2.x * 0.1), _local4.y - (_local2.y * 0.3)); this.mymc.lineStyle(2 *, 0); var _local9 = 7 *; var _local10 = new cartesian(_local9 * Math.sin(-this.rotor2), _local9 * Math.cos(-this.rotor2)); this.mymc.moveTo(_local8.x + _local10.x, _local8.y + _local10.y); this.mymc.lineTo(_local8.x - _local10.x, _local8.y - _local10.y); this.mymc.moveTo(_local8.x - _local10.y, _local8.y + _local10.x); this.mymc.lineTo(_local8.x + _local10.y, _local8.y - _local10.x);, _local8.x, _local8.y, 10 *, 2 *, 11184810); plot.cockpit(this.mymc, _local4.x, _local4.y, this.masses[0].radius *;, (_local4.x + (_local2.x * 0.05)) + (_local3.x * 0.2), (_local4.y + (_local2.y * 0.05)) + (_local3.y * 0.2), 4 *, 9 *, 7829367); }; _local1.update = function () { this.control(); for (var i in this.springs) { this.springs[i].update(); } for (var i in this.masses) { this.masses[i].update(); } if (this.masses[1].contact || (this.masses[2].contact)) { _root.slow = false; } if (!_root.slow) { this.control(); for (var i in this.springs) { this.springs[i].update(); } for (var i in this.masses) { this.masses[i].update(); } } }; _local1.explode = function () { _root.gui.message("Ouch! [Press Enter]", 16764108); this.kill(); _root.player = new explosion(this.head.pos); }; ASSetPropFlags(_local1, null, 1); _local1.rotor2 = 0; } #endinitclip
Symbol 20493 MovieClip [__Packages.bmx] Frame 0
#initclip if (!bmx) { //(_global.bmx = function () { super(); this.pedala = 0; this.crashed = false; this.masses.push(new mass(new cartesian(0, -1), this)); this.masses.push(new wheel(new cartesian(-21, 38), this)); this.masses.push(new wheel(new cartesian(21, 38), this)); this.springs.push(new spring(this.masses[0], this.masses[1], this)); this.springs.push(new spring(this.masses[1], this.masses[2], this)); this.springs.push(new spring(this.masses[2], this.masses[0], this)); this.rearWheel = this.masses[1]; this.frontWheel = this.masses[2]; this.head = this.masses[0]; this.rearSpring = this.springs[0]; this.frontSpring = this.springs[2]; this.chasse = this.springs[1]; = function () { _root.player.createRagDoll(); }; this.chasse.lrest = (this.chasse.leff = 42); this.rearSpring.lrest = (this.rearSpring.leff = 45); this.frontSpring.lrest = (this.frontSpring.leff = 45); this.rearWheel.radius = 11.7; this.frontWheel.radius = 11.7; this.head.radius = 14; for (var i in this.springs) { this.springs[i].springConstant = 0.35; } for (var i in this.springs) { this.springs[i].dampConstant = 0.3; } this.myTrick = new trick(this.rearWheel, this.frontWheel); }) extends vehicle var _local1 = (_global.bmx /* register */).prototype; _local1.kill = function () { this.mymc.removeMovieClip(); }; _local1.swap = function () { this.dir = this.dir * -1; this.chasse.swap(); var _local2 = this.springs[0].leff; this.rearSpring.leff = this.springs[2].leff; this.frontSpring.leff = _local2; this.myTrick.swap = true; }; _local1.control = function () { if (_root.key.swap) { this.swap(); _root.key.swap = false; } if (_root.key.bail) { this.createRagDoll(); } var _local2 = (_root.key.accelerate ? 1 : 0); this.rearWheel.motor = this.rearWheel.motor + (((_local2 * 1) - this.masses[1].motor) / 10); if (_root.key.accelerate) { this.pedala = this.pedala + (this.rearWheel.speed / 5); } this.rearWheel.brake = _root.key.brake; this.frontWheel.brake = _root.key.brake; var _local3 = (_root.key.left ? 1 : 0); _local3 = _local3 + (_root.key.right ? -1 : 0); this.rearSpring.contract((_local3 * 5) * this.dir, 5); this.frontSpring.contract(((-_local3) * 5) * this.dir, 5); this.chasse.rotate(_local3 / 6); if ((_local3 == 0) && (_root.key.accelerate)) { this.rearSpring.contract(-7, 5); this.frontSpring.contract(7, 5); } }; _local1.drawBike = function () { var _local2 = this.rearWheel.pos.toScreen(); var _local3 = this.frontWheel.pos.toScreen(); var _local4 = this.head.pos.toScreen(); var _local5 = _local3.sub(_local2); var _local6 = new cartesian((_local3.y - _local2.y) * this.dir, (_local2.x - _local3.x) * this.dir); this.mymc.lineStyle(3 *, 0); plot.wheel(this.mymc, _local2.x, _local2.y, 12 *, this.rearWheel.angle); plot.wheel(this.mymc, _local3.x, _local3.y, 12 *, this.frontWheel.angle); var _local7 = _local2.add(_local5.factor(0.3)).add(_local6.factor(0.25)); var _local8 = _local2.add(_local5.factor(0.4)).add(_local6.factor(0.05)); var _local9 = _local2.add(_local5.factor(0.84)).add(_local6.factor(0.42)); var _local10 = _local2.add(_local5.factor(0.84)).add(_local6.factor(0.37)); this.mymc.moveTo(_local2.x, _local2.y); this.mymc.lineTo(_local7.x, _local7.y); this.mymc.lineTo(_local9.x, _local9.y); this.mymc.moveTo(_local10.x, _local10.y); this.mymc.lineTo(_local8.x, _local8.y); this.mymc.lineTo(_local2.x, _local2.y); if ( > 1) {, _local8.x, _local8.y, 3 *, 1 *, 0); } var _local11 = new cartesian((6 * Math.cos(this.pedala)) *, (6 * Math.sin(this.pedala)) *; var _local12 = _local8.add(_local11); var _local13 = _local8.sub(_local11); this.mymc.moveTo(_local12.x, _local12.y); this.mymc.lineTo(_local13.x, _local13.y); var _local14 = _local2.add(_local5.factor(0.25)).add(_local6.factor(0.4)); var _local15 = _local2.add(_local5.factor(0.17)).add(_local6.factor(0.38)); var _local16 = _local2.add(_local5.factor(0.3)).add(_local6.factor(0.45)); this.mymc.lineStyle(3 *, 0); this.mymc.moveTo(_local15.x, _local15.y); this.mymc.lineTo(_local16.x, _local16.y); this.mymc.lineStyle(3 *, 0); this.mymc.moveTo(_local8.x, _local8.y); this.mymc.lineTo(_local14.x, _local14.y); var _local17 = _local2.add(_local5.factor(1)).add(_local6.factor(0)); var _local18 = _local2.add(_local5.factor(0.97)).add(_local6.factor(0)); var _local19 = _local2.add(_local5.factor(0.8)).add(_local6.factor(0.48)); this.mymc.moveTo(_local17.x, _local17.y); this.mymc.lineTo(_local18.x, _local18.y); this.mymc.lineTo(_local19.x, _local19.y); var _local20 = _local2.add(_local5.factor(0.86)).add(_local6.factor(0.5)); var _local21 = _local2.add(_local5.factor(0.82)).add(_local6.factor(0.65)); var _local22 = _local2.add(_local5.factor(0.78)).add(_local6.factor(0.67)); this.mymc.moveTo(_local19.x, _local19.y); this.mymc.lineTo(_local20.x, _local20.y); this.mymc.lineTo(_local21.x, _local21.y); this.mymc.lineTo(_local22.x, _local22.y); if (this.crashed) { return(undefined); } _local6 = _local4.sub(_local2.add(_local5.factor(0.5))); var _local23 = _local7.add(_local5.factor(-0.1)).add(_local6.factor(0.3)); var _local24 = _local12.sub(_local23); var _local25 = new cartesian(_local24.y * this.dir, (-_local24.x) * this.dir); _local25 = _local25.factor( *; var _local26 = _local23.add(_local24.factor(0.5)).add(_local25.factor(200 / _local24.lenSqr())); var _local27 = _local12.add(_local24.factor(0.12)).add(_local25.factor(50 / _local24.lenSqr())); _local24 = _local13.sub(_local23); _local25 = new cartesian(_local24.y * this.dir, (-_local24.x) * this.dir); _local25 = _local25.factor( *; var _local28 = _local23.add(_local24.factor(0.5)).add(_local25.factor(200 / _local24.lenSqr())); var _local29 = _local13.add(_local24.factor(0.12)).add(_local25.factor(50 / _local24.lenSqr())); this.mymc.lineStyle(6 *, 0, 50); this.mymc.moveTo(_local13.x, _local13.y); this.mymc.lineTo(_local28.x, _local28.y); this.mymc.lineTo(_local23.x, _local23.y); this.mymc.lineStyle(4 *, 0, 50); this.mymc.moveTo(_local13.x, _local13.y); this.mymc.lineTo(_local29.x, _local29.y); this.mymc.lineStyle(6 *, 0); this.mymc.moveTo(_local12.x, _local12.y); this.mymc.lineTo(_local26.x, _local26.y); this.mymc.lineTo(_local23.x, _local23.y); this.mymc.lineStyle(4 *, 0); this.mymc.moveTo(_local12.x, _local12.y); this.mymc.lineTo(_local27.x, _local27.y); var _local30 = _local7.add(_local5.factor(0.05)).add(_local6.factor(0.9)); this.mymc.lineStyle(8 *, 0); this.mymc.moveTo(_local23.x, _local23.y); this.mymc.lineTo(_local30.x, _local30.y); var _local31 = _local7.add(_local5.factor(0.15)).add(_local6.factor(1.05));, _local31.x, _local31.y, 2 *, 4 *, 16777215);, _local31.x, _local31.y, 5 *, 2 *, 0); this.mymc.lineStyle(2 *, 0); var _local32 = _local7.add(_local5.factor(0.4)).add(_local6.factor(1.1)); var _local33 = _local7.add(_local5.factor(0.05)).add(_local6.factor(1.05)); this.mymc.moveTo(_local32.x, _local32.y); this.mymc.lineTo(_local33.x, _local33.y); _local5 = _local30.sub(_local22); _local6 = new cartesian(_local5.y * this.dir, (-_local5.x) * this.dir); _local6 = _local6.factor( *; var _local34 = _local22.add(_local5.factor(0.4)).add(_local6.factor(130 / _local5.lenSqr())); this.mymc.lineStyle(5 *, 0); this.mymc.moveTo(_local30.x, _local30.y); this.mymc.lineTo(_local34.x, _local34.y); this.mymc.lineTo(_local22.x, _local22.y); }; _local1.getStick = function () { var _local2 = this.frontWheel.pos.sub(this.rearWheel.pos); var _local3 = this.head.pos.sub(this.frontWheel.pos.add(this.rearWheel.pos).factor(0.5)); var _local4 = new cartesian(_local2.y * this.dir, (-_local2.x) * this.dir); var _local5 = new Object(); _local5.head = this.rearWheel.pos.add(_local2.factor(0.35)).add(_local3.factor(1.2)); _local5.lHand = (_local5.rHand = this.rearWheel.pos.add(_local2.factor(0.8)).add(_local4.factor(0.68))); var _local6 = _local5.head.sub(_local5.lHand); _local6 = new cartesian(_local6.y * this.dir, (-_local6.x) * this.dir); _local5.lElbow = (_local5.rElbow = _local5.head.add(_local5.lHand).factor(0.5).add(_local6.factor(130 / _local6.lenSqr()))); _local5.waist = this.rearWheel.pos.add(_local2.factor(0.2)).add(_local4.factor(0.5)); var _local7 = new cartesian(6 * Math.cos(this.pedala), 6 * Math.sin(this.pedala)); _local5.lFoot = this.rearWheel.pos.add(_local2.factor(0.4)).add(_local4.factor(0.05)).add(_local7); _local6 = _local5.waist.sub(_local5.lFoot); _local6 = new cartesian((-_local6.y) * this.dir, _local6.x * this.dir); _local5.lKnee = _local5.waist.add(_local5.lFoot).factor(0.5).add(_local6.factor(160 / _local6.lenSqr())); _local5.rFoot = this.rearWheel.pos.add(_local2.factor(0.4)).add(_local4.factor(0.05)).sub(_local7); _local6 = _local5.waist.sub(_local5.rFoot); _local6 = new cartesian((-_local6.y) * this.dir, _local6.x * this.dir); _local5.rKnee = _local5.waist.add(_local5.rFoot).factor(0.5).add(_local6.factor(160 / _local6.lenSqr())); return(_local5); }; _local1.draw = function () { this.mymc.clear(); this.drawBike(); }; _local1.createRagDoll = function () { _root.gui.message("Ouch! [Press Enter]", 16764108); this.crashed = true; this.myTrick = undefined; = undefined; this.rearWheel.motor = 0; this.rearWheel.brake = false; this.frontWheel.brake = false; this.head.collide = false; _root.player = new splitBike(this, this.getStick()); }; _local1.update = function () { if (!this.crashed) { this.control(); } for (var i in this.springs) { this.springs[i].update(); } for (var i in this.masses) { this.masses[i].update(); } this.myTrick.update(this.rearWheel, this.frontWheel, this.dir); if ( && ( { _root.slow = false; } if ((_root.slow <= 0) && (!this.crashed)) { this.control(); for (var i in this.springs) { this.springs[i].update(); } for (var i in this.masses) { this.masses[i].update(); } this.myTrick.update(this.rearWheel, this.frontWheel, this.dir); } }; ASSetPropFlags(_local1, null, 1); } #endinitclip
Symbol 20494 MovieClip [__Packages.boost] Frame 0
#initclip if (!boost) { //(_global.boost = function (pX, pY, pMC, pA) { super(); this.a = pA + 180; var _local7 = ((pA / 360) * 2) * Math.PI; this.p = new cartesian(pX, pY); var _local8 = pMC.getNextHighestDepth(); this.mymc = pMC.attachMovie("pu_arrow", "pu_" + _local8, _local8, {_visible:false}); this.mymc._rotation = this.a; this.dir = new cartesian(-Math.sin(_local7), Math.cos(_local7)); }) extends powerup var _local1 = (_global.boost /* register */).prototype; _local1.getCode = function () { return((("B " + parser.point(this.p)) + " ") + this.a.toString(32)); }; _local1.collide = function (pObj) { var _local3 = pObj.pos.sub(this.p).lenSqr(); if (_local3 < 1000) { for (var i in _root.player.masses) { _root.player.masses[i]; } } }; ASSetPropFlags(_local1, null, 1); } #endinitclip
Symbol 20495 MovieClip [__Packages.blackBox] Frame 0
#initclip if (!blackBox) { //(_global.blackBox = function () { super(); this.masses.push(new wheel(new cartesian(15, 40), this)); this.masses.push(new wheel(new cartesian(-15, 40), this)); this.masses.push(new wheel(new cartesian(-15, 10), this)); this.masses.push(new wheel(new cartesian(15, 10), this)); this.springs.push(new spring(this.masses[0], this.masses[1], this)); this.springs.push(new spring(this.masses[1], this.masses[2], this)); this.springs.push(new spring(this.masses[2], this.masses[3], this)); this.springs.push(new spring(this.masses[3], this.masses[0], this)); this.springs.push(new spring(this.masses[0], this.masses[2], this)); this.springs.push(new spring(this.masses[1], this.masses[3], this)); this.head = new Object(); this.head.pos = new cartesian(0, 0); this.head.vel = new cartesian(0, 0); for (var i in this.springs) { this.springs[i].springConstant = 0.2; this.springs[i].dampConstant = 0.2; } }) extends vehicle var _local1 = (_global.blackBox /* register */).prototype; _local1.kill = function () { this.mymc.removeMovieClip(); }; _local1.control = function () { if (_root.key.right) { this.dir = 1; } else { this.dir = -1; } var _local2 = ((_root.key.right || (_root.key.left)) ? 1 : 0); if (_root.key.brake) { _local2 = 0; } for (var i in this.masses) { this.masses[i].motor = this.masses[i].motor + (((_local2 * 1) - this.masses[i].motor) / 10); if (_local2 == 0) { this.masses[i].motor = 0; } this.masses[i].brake = _root.key.brake; } var _local3 = (_root.key.left ? 1 : 0); _local3 = _local3 + (_root.key.right ? -1 : 0); this.springs[4].rotate(_local3 / 9); this.springs[5].rotate(_local3 / 9); if (_root.key.swap) { for (var i in this.springs) { this.springs[i].contract(30, 10); } _root.key.swap_lg = true; return(undefined); } for (var i in this.springs) { this.springs[i].contract(0, 1.5); } }; _local1.draw = function () { this.mymc.clear(); var _local2 = this.masses[0].pos.toScreen(); var _local3 = this.masses[1].pos.toScreen(); var _local4 = this.masses[2].pos.toScreen(); var _local5 = this.masses[3].pos.toScreen(); this.mymc.lineStyle(20 *, 0); this.mymc.moveTo(_local2.x, _local2.y); this.mymc.lineTo(_local3.x, _local3.y); this.mymc.lineTo(_local4.x, _local4.y); this.mymc.lineTo(_local5.x, _local5.y); this.mymc.lineTo(_local2.x, _local2.y); this.mymc.lineTo(_local4.x, _local4.y); this.mymc.lineTo(_local3.x, _local3.y); this.mymc.lineTo(_local5.x, _local5.y); this.mymc.lineTo(_local2.x, _local2.y); }; _local1.update = function () { this.control(); for (var i in this.springs) { this.springs[i].update(); } for (var i in this.masses) { this.masses[i].update(); } if (this.masses[0].contact || (this.masses[1].contact || (this.masses[2].contact || (this.masses[3].contact)))) { _root.slow = false; } if (!_root.slow) { this.control(); for (var i in this.springs) { this.springs[i].update(); } for (var i in this.masses) { this.masses[i].update(); } } var _local2 = new cartesian(0, 0); for (var i in this.masses) {[i].pos); } this.head.pos = _local2.factor(0.25); this.head.vel = this.masses[0].vel; }; ASSetPropFlags(_local1, null, 1); } #endinitclip
Symbol 20496 MovieClip [__Packages.cameraHandler] Frame 0
class cameraHandler { var pos, steady; function cameraHandler () { pos = new cartesian(0, 0); } function update() { if (_root.key.accelerate || (_root.key.swap || (_root.key.jump || (_root.key.up || (_root.key.down || (_root.key.left || (_root.key.right))))))) { auto = true; } if (_root.key.w || (_root.key.s || (_root.key.a || (_root.key.d)))) { auto = false; } if (auto) { pos.x = pos.x + ((_root.player.head.pos.x - pos.x) / 5); pos.y = pos.y + ((_root.player.head.pos.y - pos.y) / 5); if (steady) { } else { tzoom = 10 / (_root.player.head.vel.length() + 9); } if (_root.settings.vehicle == 2) { tzoom = 0.5; } if (Key.isDown(187) || (Key.isDown(189))) { auto = false; } } else { if (Key.isDown(187)) { tzoom = tzoom + ((2 - tzoom) / 20); } if (Key.isDown(189)) { tzoom = tzoom + ((0.4 - tzoom) / 5); } if (_root.key.a) { pos.x = pos.x + (-10 / zoom); } if (_root.key.d) { pos.x = pos.x + (10 / zoom); } if (_root.key.w) { pos.y = pos.y + (-10 / zoom); } if (_root.key.s) { pos.y = pos.y + (10 / zoom); } } zoom = zoom + ((tzoom - zoom) / 5); if (_global.isNaN(pos.x) || (_global.isNaN(pos.y))) { pos = new cartesian(0, 0); zoom = 1; } if (_global.isNaN(zoom)) { zoom = 1; } } //ASSetPropFlags(_local1, null, 1); var zoom = 2; var auto = false; var tzoom = 0.6; }
Symbol 20497 MovieClip [__Packages.unicycle] Frame 0
#initclip if (!unicycle) { //(_global.unicycle = function () { super(); this.masses.push(new mass(new cartesian(0, -15), this)); this.masses.push(new wheel(new cartesian(0, 35), this)); this.masses.push(new mass(new cartesian(10, 15), this)); this.springs.push(new spring(this.masses[0], this.masses[1], this)); this.springs.push(new rope(this.masses[2], this.masses[0], this)); this.springs[0].leff = (this.springs[0].lrest = 50); this.springs[1].leff = (this.springs[1].lrest = 25); this.masses[0].radius = 13; this.masses[1].radius = 13; this.masses[2].radius = 4; this.head = this.masses[0]; this.rearWheel = this.masses[1]; = function () { _root.player.createRagDoll(); }; }) extends vehicle var _local1 = (_global.unicycle /* register */).prototype; _local1.kill = function () { this.mymc.removeMovieClip(); }; _local1.swap = function () { this.dir = this.dir * -1; }; _local1.control = function () { if (_root.key.swap) { this.swap(); _root.key.swap = false; } if (_root.key.bail) { this.createRagDoll(); } this.rearWheel.brake = _root.key.brake; var _local2 = 0; _local2 = _local2 + (_root.key.left ? 1 : 0); _local2 = _local2 + (_root.key.right ? -1 : 0); this.masses[1].motor = this.masses[1].motor + ((((_local2 * 0.5) * this.dir) - this.masses[1].motor) / 5); var _local3 = (_root.key.left ? 1 : 0); _local3 = _local3 + (_root.key.right ? -1 : 0); this.springs[0].rotate(_local3 / 10); }; _local1.draw = function () { this.mymc.clear(); var _local2 = this.masses[1].pos.toScreen(); var _local3 = this.masses[0].pos.sub(this.masses[1].pos).factor(; var _local4 = new cartesian((-_local3.y) * this.dir, _local3.x * this.dir); plot.wheel(this.mymc, _local2.x, _local2.y, 13 *, this.masses[1].angle); this.mymc.lineStyle(3 *, 0); this.mymc.moveTo(_local2.x, _local2.y); this.mymc.lineTo(_local2.x + (_local3.x * 0.5), _local2.y + (_local3.y * 0.5)); this.mymc.lineStyle(4 *, 0); this.mymc.moveTo((_local2.x + (_local3.x * 0.52)) - (_local4.x * 0.1), (_local2.y + (_local3.y * 0.52)) - (_local4.y * 0.1)); this.mymc.lineTo(_local2.x + (_local3.x * 0.5), _local2.y + (_local3.y * 0.5)); this.mymc.lineTo((_local2.x + (_local3.x * 0.52)) + (_local4.x * 0.1), (_local2.y + (_local3.y * 0.52)) + (_local4.y * 0.1)); var _local5 = new cartesian(5 * Math.cos(this.masses[1].angle), 5 * Math.sin(this.masses[1].angle)); _local5 = _local5.factor(; var _local6 = _local2.add(_local5); var _local7 = _local2.sub(_local5); this.mymc.lineStyle(2 *, 0); this.mymc.moveTo(_local6.x, _local6.y); this.mymc.lineTo(_local7.x, _local7.y); if (this.crashed) { return(undefined); } _local2 = _local2.add(_local3.factor(0.6)); var _local8 = _local6.sub(_local2); var _local9 = _local8.lenSqr(); var _local10 = _local7.sub(_local2); var _local11 = _local10.lenSqr(); this.mymc.lineStyle(6 *, 0); this.mymc.moveTo(_local6.x, _local6.y); this.mymc.lineTo((_local2.x + (_local8.x * 0.5)) + (((((_local8.y * 170) / _local9) * * * this.dir), (_local2.y + (_local8.y * 0.5)) - (((((_local8.x * 170) / _local9) * * * this.dir)); this.mymc.lineTo(_local2.x, _local2.y); this.mymc.lineStyle(6 *, 0, 40); this.mymc.moveTo(_local7.x, _local7.y); this.mymc.lineTo((_local2.x + (_local10.x * 0.5)) + (((((_local10.y * 170) / _local9) * * * this.dir), (_local2.y + (_local10.y * 0.5)) - (((((_local10.x * 170) / _local9) * * * this.dir)); this.mymc.lineTo(_local2.x, _local2.y); this.mymc.lineStyle(3 *, 0); this.mymc.moveTo(_local6.x, _local6.y); this.mymc.lineTo((_local6.x + (_local8.x * 0.1)) + ((_local8.y * 0.2) * this.dir), (_local6.y + (_local8.y * 0.1)) - ((_local8.x * 0.2) * this.dir)); this.mymc.lineStyle(3 *, 0, 40); this.mymc.moveTo(_local7.x, _local7.y); this.mymc.lineTo((_local7.x + (_local10.x * 0.1)) + ((_local10.y * 0.2) * this.dir), (_local7.y + (_local10.y * 0.1)) - ((_local10.x * 0.2) * this.dir)); this.mymc.lineStyle(7 *, 0); this.mymc.moveTo(_local2.x, _local2.y); this.mymc.lineTo(_local2.x + (_local3.x * 0.42), _local2.y + (_local3.y * 0.42)); this.mymc.lineStyle(4 *, 0); this.mymc.moveTo(_local2.x + (_local3.x * 0.46), _local2.y + (_local3.y * 0.46)); var _local12 = this.masses[2].pos.toScreen(); this.mymc.lineTo(_local12.x, _local12.y);, (_local2.x + (_local3.x * 0.56)) - ((_local3.y * 0.04) * this.dir), (_local2.y + (_local3.y * 0.56)) + ((_local3.x * 0.04) * this.dir), 2 *, 4 *, 16777215);, (_local2.x + (_local3.x * 0.56)) - ((_local3.y * 0.04) * this.dir), (_local2.y + (_local3.y * 0.56)) + ((_local3.x * 0.04) * this.dir), 5 *, 2 *, 0); this.mymc.lineStyle(2 *, 0); this.mymc.moveTo((_local2.x + (_local3.x * 0.56)) + ((_local3.y * 0.03) * this.dir), (_local2.y + (_local3.y * 0.56)) - ((_local3.x * 0.03) * this.dir)); this.mymc.lineTo((_local2.x + (_local3.x * 0.62)) - ((_local3.y * 0.23) * this.dir), (_local2.y + (_local3.y * 0.62)) + ((_local3.x * 0.23) * this.dir)); }; _local1.update = function () { if (!this.crashed) { this.control(); } for (var i in this.springs) { this.springs[i].update(); } for (var i in this.masses) { this.masses[i].update(); } _root.slow = false; }; _local1.getStick = function () { var _local2 = this.masses[0].pos.sub(this.masses[1].pos); var _local3 = new cartesian(-_local2.y, _local2.x); var _local4 = new Object(); _local4.head = this.masses[1].pos.add(_local2); _local4.lHand = this.masses[2].pos; _local4.lElbow = this.masses[2].pos.add(this.masses[0].pos).factor(0.5); _local4.rHand = this.masses[2].pos; _local4.rElbow = this.masses[2].pos.add(this.masses[0].pos).factor(0.5); _local4.waist = this.masses[1].pos.add(_local2.factor(0.5)); var _local5 = new cartesian(6 * Math.cos(this.masses[1].angle), 6 * Math.sin(this.masses[1].angle)); _local4.lFoot = this.masses[1].pos.add(_local5); _local4.lKnee = _local4.waist.add(_local4.lFoot).factor(0.5); _local4.rFoot = this.masses[1].pos.sub(_local5); _local4.rKnee = _local4.waist.add(_local4.rFoot).factor(0.5); return(_local4); }; _local1.createRagDoll = function () { _root.gui.message("Ouch! [Press Enter]", 16764108); this.crashed = true; this.head.collide = false; this.masses[1].motor = 0; _root.player = new splitBike(this, this.getStick()); }; ASSetPropFlags(_local1, null, 1); } #endinitclip
Symbol 20498 MovieClip [__Packages.panel] Frame 0
class panel { var visible, align, structure, arrowx1, arrowx2, hover, mymc, tipmc, iconmc, arrowmc; function panel (pMC, pName, pAlign, pStructure) { visible = false; align = pAlign; structure = pStructure; arrowx1 = ((align == "left") ? 24 : -6); arrowx2 = ((align == "left") ? 1 : 18); hover = 0; mymc = pMC.createEmptyMovieClip(pName, pMC.getNextHighestDepth()); mymc._x = ((align == "left") ? 0 : (_root._width - 27)); tipmc = mymc.createEmptyMovieClip("tipmc", mymc.getNextHighestDepth()); if (align == "right") { plot.tipRight(tipmc, 0, 0, tipWidth, 25); } else { plot.tipLeft(tipmc, 0, 0, tipWidth, 25); } tipmc._x = ((align == "left") ? 25 : (-tipWidth)); plot.labelTip(tipmc, 0, 2, tipWidth); iconmc = mymc.createEmptyMovieClip("iconmc", mymc.getNextHighestDepth()); iconmc._visible = false; plot.rect(iconmc, 0, 0, 24, 399); drawIcons(); var _local6 = ((align == "right") ? "smallArrow_l" : "smallArrow_r"); arrowmc = mymc.attachMovie(_local6, "arrow", mymc.getNextHighestDepth()); arrowmc._y = 200 - 4; } function animate() { iconmc._visible = visible; var _local2 = Math.floor(_root.mouse.pos.y / 25); tipmc._y = _local2 * 25; tipmc._visible = visible && ((hover > 30) && (structure[_local2] != undefined)); tipmc.label.text = structure[_local2].tip; arrowmc._x = (visible ? (arrowx1) : (arrowx2)); arrowmc._alpha = arrowmc._alpha + (visible ? ((-arrowmc._alpha) / 4) : ((100 - arrowmc._alpha) / 15)); if (_root.gui.dialog) { arrowmc._alpha = 0; } } function update() { if (visible) { hover = ((hover < 100) ? (hover + 1) : (hover)); } else { hover = 0; } animate(); var _local2 = Math.floor(_root.mouse.pos.y / 25); if ( && (visible)) { console.action(structure[_local2].action); } } function drawIcons() { var _local2 = 1; var _local3 = 0; for ( ; _local3 <= 15 ; _local3++) { if (structure[_local3] != undefined) { var _local4 = iconmc.attachMovie(structure[_local3].image, "i_" + _local2, _local2); _local4._x = -2; _local4._y = ((_local2 - 1) * 25) - 2; _local4.stop(); } _local2++; } } //ASSetPropFlags(_local1, null, 1); var tipWidth = 110; }
Symbol 20499 MovieClip [__Packages.spring] Frame 0
class spring { var m1, m2, parent, lrest, leff, dampConstant, springConstant; function spring (pm1, pm2, pParent) { m1 = pm1; m2 = pm2; parent = pParent; lrest = 40; leff = 40; dampConstant = 0.5; springConstant = 0.7; } function contract(p1, p2) { leff = leff + (((lrest - p1) - leff) / p2); } function rotate(p) { var _local3 = m2.pos.sub(m1.pos); var _local4 = new cartesian((-_local3.y) / leff, _local3.x / leff);;; } function update() { var _local2 = m2.pos.sub(m1.pos); var _local3 = _local2.length(); if (_local3 < 1) { return(undefined); } _local2 = _local2.factor(1 / _local3); var _local4 = _local2.factor((_local3 - leff) * springConstant); var _local5 = m2.vel.sub(m1.vel).dot(_local2) * dampConstant;;;; } function swap() { var _local2 = new cartesian(); _local2.equ(m1.pos); m1.pos.equ(m2.pos); m2.pos.equ(_local2); _local2.equ(m1.old); m1.old.equ(m2.old); m2.old.equ(_local2); _local2.equ(m1.vel); m1.vel.equ(m2.vel); m2.vel.equ(_local2); var _local3 = m1.angle; m1.angle = m2.angle; m2.angle = _local3; } //ASSetPropFlags(_local1, null, 1); }
Symbol 20500 MovieClip [__Packages.msg] Frame 0
class msg { var visible, time, mymc2, mymc1; function msg (pMC, pName) { visible = false; time = 0; mymc2 = pMC.createEmptyMovieClip(pName, pMC.getNextHighestDepth(), {_visible:false}); mymc2._x = 250; mymc2._y = 1; mymc1 = pMC.createEmptyMovieClip(pName, pMC.getNextHighestDepth()); mymc1._x = 250; mymc1._y = 1; plot.rect(mymc1, -100, 0, 100, 20, 16777181, 16777181); plot.labelMsg(mymc1, -100); plot.rect(mymc2, -100, 0, 100, 20, 15658734, 15658734); plot.labelMsg(mymc2, -100); } function message(p, pCol) { if ((mymc1.label.text != p) || (!visible)) { visible = true; mymc1.clear(); if (pCol == undefined) { pCol = 16777147 /* 0xFFFFBB */; } plot.rect(mymc1, -100, 0, 100, 20, pCol, pCol); mymc1.label.text = p; time = 70; } } function animate() { mymc2.label.text = "Slow Motion"; mymc2._visible = _root.slow; mymc1._visible = visible; mymc1._y = (mymc2._visible ? 21 : 1); if (time > 0) { time--; } visible = time > 0; } function update() { animate(); } //ASSetPropFlags(_local1, null, 1); }
Symbol 20501 MovieClip [__Packages.rope] Frame 0
#initclip if (!rope) { //(_global.rope = function (pm1, pm2, pParent) { super(); this.m1 = pm1; this.m2 = pm2; this.parent = pParent; this.lrest = 40; this.leff = 40; this.dampConstant = 0.5; this.springConstant = 0.7; }) extends spring var _local1 = (_global.rope /* register */).prototype; _local1.update = function () { var _local2 = this.m2.pos.sub(this.m1.pos); var _local3 = _local2.length(); if (_local3 < 1) { return(undefined); } _local2 = _local2.factor(1 / _local3); var _local4 = _local2.factor((_local3 - this.leff) * this.springConstant); var _local5 = this.m2.vel.sub(this.m1.vel).dot(_local2) * this.dampConstant;;; }; ASSetPropFlags(_local1, null, 1); } #endinitclip
Symbol 20502 MovieClip [__Packages.splitBike] Frame 0
class splitBike { var myRagdoll, head, myBike; function splitBike (pBike, pStick) { myRagdoll = new ragdoll(pStick, pBike.mymc);, pBike.rearWheel.vel); myRagdoll.dir = pBike.dir; head = myRagdoll.head; myBike = pBike; } function kill() { myBike.kill(); myRagdoll.kill(); } function draw() { myBike.draw(); myRagdoll.draw(); } function update() { myBike.update(); myRagdoll.update(); } //ASSetPropFlags(_local1, null, 1); }
Symbol 20503 MovieClip [__Packages.plot] Frame 0
class plot { function plot () { } static function rect(pMC, x1, y1, x2, y2, col, col2) { if (col == undefined) { col = 0; } if (col2 == undefined) { col2 = 0; } pMC.lineStyle(1, col2); pMC.beginFill(col); pMC.moveTo(x1, y1); pMC.lineTo(x2, y1); pMC.lineTo(x2, y2); pMC.lineTo(x1, y2); pMC.lineTo(x1, y1); pMC.endFill(); } static function circle(pMC, cx, cy, r, thick, col) { pMC.lineStyle(thick, col); pMC.moveTo(cx + r, cy); var _local8 = 0; while ((_local8++) < 16) { pMC.lineTo(cx + (r * kx[_local8]), cy + (r * ky[_local8])); } } static function canopy(pMC, cx, cy, r) { pMC.lineStyle(0, 0); pMC.moveTo(cx + r, cy); pMC.beginFill(0); var _local6 = 0; while ((_local6++) < 16) { pMC.lineTo(cx + (r * kx[_local6]), cy + (r * ky[_local6])); } pMC.endFill(); } static function wheel(pMC, cx, cy, r, angle, thick) { if (thick == undefined) { thick = 3.5; } r = r - (1.5 *; if (r > 5) { pMC.lineStyle(1 *, 7829367, 50); var _local8 = 0; while ((_local8++) < 16) { pMC.moveTo(cx, cy); pMC.lineTo(cx + (r * Math.cos(angle + ((6.283 * _local8) / 16))), cy + (r * Math.sin(angle + ((6.283 * _local8) / 16)))); } } circle(pMC, cx, cy, r, thick *, 0); } static function cockpit(pMC, cx, cy, r) { pMC.lineStyle(0, 0); pMC.moveTo(cx + r, cy); pMC.beginFill(0); var _local6 = 0; while ((_local6++) < 15) { pMC.lineTo(cx + (r * kx[_local6]), cy + (r * ky[_local6])); } pMC.endFill(); } static function tipLeft(pMC) { pMC.lineStyle(1, 16777130); pMC.beginFill(16777130); pMC.moveTo(12, 1); pMC.lineTo(110, 1); pMC.lineTo(110, 23); pMC.lineTo(12, 23); pMC.lineTo(0, 12); pMC.lineTo(12, 1); pMC.endFill(); } static function tipRight(pMC) { pMC.lineStyle(1, 16777130); pMC.beginFill(16777130); pMC.moveTo(0, 1); pMC.lineTo(98, 1); pMC.lineTo(110, 12); pMC.lineTo(98, 23); pMC.lineTo(0, 23); pMC.lineTo(0, 1); pMC.endFill(); } static function standardFormat() { var _local2 = new TextFormat(); _local2.font = "_sans"; _local2.size = 14; _local2.align = "center"; _local2.color = 0; return(_local2); } static function labelMsg(pMC, x, y) { pMC.createTextField("label", 1, x, y, 200, 20); var _local5 = pMC.label; _local5.selectable = false; _local5.setNewTextFormat(standardFormat()); _local5.text = ""; return(_local5); } static function labelTip(pMC, x, y, pWidth) { pMC.createTextField("label", 2, x, y, pWidth, 20); var _local6 = pMC.label; _local6.selectable = false; _local6.setNewTextFormat(standardFormat()); _local6.text = ""; return(_local6); } static function button(pMC, p) { rect(pMC, 0, 0, 150, 30, 0, 8947848); pMC.createTextField("label", 2, 0, 5, 150, 25); var _local4 = pMC.label; _local4.selectable = false; var _local5 = standardFormat(); _local5.color = 16777215 /* 0xFFFFFF */; _local5.bold = true; _local4.setNewTextFormat(_local5); _local4.text = p; } static function closeButton(pMC, p) { rect(pMC, 0, 0, 20, 20, 0, 0); pMC.lineStyle(5, 16777215); pMC.moveTo(0, 0); pMC.lineTo(20, 20); pMC.moveTo(20, 0); pMC.lineTo(0, 20); } static function tire(pMC, cx, cy, r, angle) { var _local7 = 0; pMC.lineStyle(6 *, 0); pMC.moveTo(cx + r, cy); pMC.beginFill(8947848); while ((_local7++) < 15) { pMC.lineTo(cx + (r * kx[_local7]), cy + (r * ky[_local7])); } pMC.endFill(); pMC.lineStyle(3 *, 0); _local7 = 0; r = r + (3 *; while ((_local7++) < 8) { pMC.moveTo(cx + (r * Math.cos(angle + ((6.283 * _local7) / 8))), cy + (r * Math.sin(angle + ((6.283 * _local7) / 8)))); pMC.lineTo(cx + (r * Math.cos(angle + ((6.283 * (_local7 + 0.5)) / 8))), cy + (r * Math.sin(angle + ((6.283 * (_local7 + 0.5)) / 8)))); } pMC.lineStyle(2 *, 0); _local7 = 0; r = r + (-9 *; while ((_local7++) < 5) { pMC.moveTo(cx + (r * Math.cos(angle + ((6.283 * _local7) / 5))), cy + (r * Math.sin(angle + ((6.283 * _local7) / 5)))); pMC.lineTo(cx + (r * Math.cos(angle + ((6.283 * (_local7 + 0.2)) / 5))), cy + (r * Math.sin(angle + ((6.283 * (_local7 + 0.2)) / 5)))); } } //ASSetPropFlags(_local1, null, 1); static var kx = new Array(1, 0.924, 0.707, 0.383, 0, -0.383, -0.707, -0.924, -1, -0.924, -0.707, -0.383, 0, 0.383, 0.707, 0.924, 1); static var ky = new Array(0, 0.383, 0.707, 0.924, 1, 0.924, 0.707, 0.383, 0, -0.383, -0.707, -0.924, -1, -0.924, -0.707, -0.383, 0); }
Symbol 20504 MovieClip [__Packages.trick] Frame 0
class trick { var swap; function trick (pRear, pFront) { var _local4 = pRear.pos.sub(pFront.pos); angle_old = Math.atan2(_local4.y, _local4.x); swap = false; } function update(pRear, pFront, dir) { rearTime++; frontTime++; wheelie++; endo++; jump++; if ( { frontTime = 0; } if ( { rearTime = 0; } if ( || ((rearTime > 20) || (swap))) { if (wheelie > 40) { var _local5 = ((_root.scores.wheelie > wheelie) ? (_root.scores.wheelie) : "TOP SCORE!"); _root.scores.wheelie = Math.max(_root.scores.wheelie, wheelie); _root.gui.message(((("Wheelie " + wheelie) + " (") + _local5) + ")", 14548957); } wheelie = 0; } if ( || ((frontTime > 20) || (swap))) { if (endo > 40) { var _local6 = ((_root.scores.endo > endo) ? (_root.scores.endo) : "TOP SCORE!"); _root.scores.endo = Math.max(_root.scores.endo, endo); _root.gui.message(((("Endo " + endo) + " (") + _local6) + ")", 14548957); } endo = 0; } if ( || ( || (swap))) { if (jump > 100) { var _local7 = ((_root.scores.jump > jump) ? (_root.scores.jump) : "TOP SCORE!"); _root.scores.jump = Math.max(_root.scores.jump, jump); _root.gui.message(((("Jump " + jump) + " (") + _local7) + ")", 14548957); } jump = 0; } var _local8 = pRear.pos.sub(pFront.pos); var _local9 = Math.atan2(_local8.y, _local8.x); _local9 = (((_local9 / (Math.PI * 2)) - Math.floor(_local9 / (Math.PI * 2))) * Math.PI) * 2; var _local10 = _local9 - angle_old; if (_local10 > Math.PI) { _local10 = ((-Math.PI) * 2) + _local10; } if (_local10 < (-Math.PI)) { _local10 = (Math.PI * 2) + _local10; } rotation = rotation + _local10; angle_old = _local9; if (((_local10 * rotation) < 0) || ( || ( || ((Math.abs(rotation) > (2 * Math.PI)) || (swap))))) { if ((rotation * dir) > 4) { _root.gui.message("Frontflip!", 14548957); } if ((rotation * dir) < -4) { _root.gui.message("Backflip!", 14548957); } rotation = 0; } swap = false; } //ASSetPropFlags(_local1, null, 1); var rearTime = 0; var frontTime = 0; var wheelie = 0; var endo = 0; var jump = 0; var rotation = 0; var angle_old = 0; var rdir = 0; }
Symbol 20505 MovieClip [__Packages.prop] Frame 0
#initclip if (!prop) { //(_global.prop = function (pPos, pParent) { super(); this.pos = new cartesian(pPos.x, pPos.y); this.old = new cartesian(pPos.x, pPos.y); this.vel = new cartesian(0, 0); this.parent = pParent; this.radius = 10; this.angle = new cartesian(0, 0); this.motor = 0; }) extends mass var _local1 = (_global.prop /* register */).prototype; _local1.update = function () { this.vel.y = this.vel.y + 0; * 1.5)); this.vel = this.vel.factor(0.99);; = false; if (this.collide) { _root.sectors.collide(this); } this.vel = this.pos.sub(this.old); this.old.equ(this.pos); }; ASSetPropFlags(_local1, null, 1); } #endinitclip
Symbol 20506 MovieClip [__Packages.toolHandler] Frame 0
class toolHandler { var mymc, tool, puindex, old, p1, p2, last, quick, drawing, t; function toolHandler () { mymc = _root.createEmptyMovieClip("toolmc", 4); tool = 0; puindex = 1; old = 0; p1 = new cartesian(40, 50); p2 = new cartesian(0, 0); last = new cartesian(0, 0); } function press() { quick = ((tool == 0) || ((tool == 4) || (tool == 6))) && (_root.key.quick); drawing = true; t = 0; = false; if ( { tool = 2; } if ((!quick) && ((tool != 2) && ((tool != 1) && (tool != 5)))) { p1.equ(p2); } last = new cartesian(0, 0); } function hold() { t++; if ((tool != 2) && (!quick)) { var _local2 = _root.mouse.pos.sub(; _local2.x = _local2.x * 0.8; if ((_local2.lenSqr() > 30000) && (t > 20)) {; } } if ((tool == 0) || ((tool == 4) || (tool == 6))) { p2.equ(_root.mouse.real); } if (tool == 1) { _root.sectors.erase(_root.mouse.real); } if (tool == 3) {; var _local3 = 200 + (6 * _root.mouse.real.sub(p2).length()); if (p2.sub(p1).lenSqr() > _local3) { _root.sectors.newLine(p1.x, p1.y, p2.x, p2.y); last = p2.sub(p1); p1.equ(p2); } } if (tool == 2) { /; } } function release() { p2 = _root.mouse.real; drawing = false; if (tool == 0) { _root.sectors.newLine(p1.x, p1.y, p2.x, p2.y); } if (tool == 4) { _root.sectors.sceneryLine(p1.x, p1.y, p2.x, p2.y); } if (tool == 5) { _root.sectors.newTarget(p2.x, p2.y); } if (tool == 6) { var _local2 = Math.round((360 * Math.atan2(-(p2.x - p1.x), p2.y - p1.y)) / (2 * Math.PI)); _root.sectors.newPowerup(p1.x, p1.y, puindex, _local2); } if ((tool != 3) && ((tool != 2) && ((tool != 1) && ((tool != 5) && (tool != 6))))) { p1.equ(p2); } tool = old; } function update() { quick = ((tool == 0) || (tool == 4)) && (_root.key.quick); if (!_root.gui.hover) { if ( { press(); } } if (drawing) { if (_root.mouse.down) { hold(); } if (_root.mouse.release) { release(); } } else { p2 = _root.mouse.real; } } function draw() { mymc.clear(); if ( { return(undefined); } var _local2 = p1.toScreen(); mymc.lineStyle(0, 240); mymc.moveTo(_local2.x - 2, _local2.y - 2); mymc.lineTo(_local2.x + 2, _local2.y + 2); mymc.moveTo(_local2.x - 2, _local2.y + 2); mymc.lineTo(_local2.x + 2, _local2.y - 2); if (((tool == 0) || ((tool == 3) || ((tool == 4) || (tool == 6)))) && (drawing || (quick))) { mymc.lineStyle(1, lineCol[tool]); var _local3 = p1.toScreen(); var _local4 = p2.toScreen(); mymc.moveTo(_local3.x, _local3.y); mymc.lineTo(_local4.x, _local4.y); } if (_root.mouse.grid) { _local2 = _root.mouse.real.toScreen(); mymc.lineStyle(0, 10486000); mymc.moveTo(_local2.x - 3, _local2.y - 3); mymc.lineTo(_local2.x + 3, _local2.y + 3); mymc.moveTo(_local2.x - 3, _local2.y + 3); mymc.lineTo(_local2.x + 3, _local2.y - 3); } } function action(p) { if ( { = 0.6; } = false; if (p == "pencil") { tool = 0; _root.gui.message("Tool: Line"); } if (p == "rubber") { tool = 1; _root.gui.message("Tool: Eraser"); } if (p == "camera") { tool = 2; _root.gui.message("Tip: Press and hold CTRL"); } if (p == "curve") { tool = 3; _root.gui.message("Tool: Curve"); } if (p == "scenery") { tool = 4; _root.gui.message("Tool: Scenery"); } if (p == "goal") { tool = 5; _root.gui.message("Tool: Goal"); } if (p == "powerup") { if (tool == 6) { puindex++; if (puindex > 4) { puindex = 1; } } tool = 6; if (puindex == 1) { _root.gui.message("Tool: Slow Motion"); } if (puindex == 2) { _root.gui.message("Tool: Gravity"); } if (puindex == 3) { _root.gui.message("Tool: Boost"); } if (puindex == 4) { _root.gui.message("Tool: Bomb"); } _root.gui.changePowerup(puindex); } old = tool; } //ASSetPropFlags(_local1, null, 1); var lineCol = [16711680, 255, 0, 16711935, 65535, 16776960, 16755200]; }
Symbol 20507 MovieClip [__Packages.canopy] Frame 0
#initclip if (!canopy) { //(_global.canopy = function (pPos, pParent) { super(); this.pos = new cartesian(pPos.x, pPos.y); this.old = new cartesian(pPos.x, pPos.y); this.vel = new cartesian(0, 0); this.parent = pParent; this.radius = 10; this.collide = true; }) extends mass var _local1 = (_global.canopy /* register */).prototype; _local1.draw = function () { var _local2 = this.pos.toScreen(); plot.canopy(this.parent.mymc, _local2.x, _local2.y, this.radius *, 1); }; = function (pDir) { * 0.05)); = true; }; _local1.update = function () { this.vel = this.vel.factor(0.9); if (_root.key.left) { this.pos.x = this.pos.x + -0.05; } if (_root.key.right) { this.pos.x = this.pos.x + 0.05; } this.pos.y = this.pos.y + -0.1; if (_root.key.accelerate) { this.pos.y = this.pos.y + -0.4; } if (this.wind) { this.pos.x = this.pos.x + 0.3; }; = false; if (this.collide) { _root.sectors.collide(this); } this.vel = this.pos.sub(this.old); this.old.equ(this.pos); }; ASSetPropFlags(_local1, null, 1); _local1.wind = true; } #endinitclip
Symbol 20508 MovieClip [__Packages.gravity] Frame 0
#initclip if (!gravity) { //(_global.gravity = function (pX, pY, pMC, pA) { super(); this.a = pA + 180; var _local7 = ((pA / 360) * 2) * Math.PI; this.p = new cartesian(pX, pY); var _local8 = pMC.getNextHighestDepth(); this.mymc = pMC.attachMovie("pu_arrow2", "pu_" + _local8, _local8, {_visible:false}); this.mymc._rotation = this.a; this.dir = new cartesian(-0.3 * Math.sin(_local7), 0.3 * Math.cos(_local7)); }) extends powerup var _local1 = (_global.gravity /* register */).prototype; _local1.getCode = function () { return((("G " + parser.point(this.p)) + " ") + this.a.toString(32)); }; _local1.collide = function (pObj) { var _local3 = pObj.pos.sub(this.p).lenSqr(); if (_local3 < 1000) { _root.grav.equ(this.dir); _root.gui.message("Gravity Modified", 15658734); } }; ASSetPropFlags(_local1, null, 1); } #endinitclip
Symbol 20509 MovieClip [__Packages.balloon] Frame 0
#initclip if (!balloon) { //(_global.balloon = function () { super(); this.masses.push(new canopy(new cartesian(0, -10), this)); this.masses.push(new mass(new cartesian(0, 35), this)); this.springs.push(new spring(this.masses[0], this.masses[1], this)); this.head = this.masses[0]; this.basket = this.masses[1]; this.head.radius = 30; this.basket.friction = 0.1; this.springs[0].springConstant = 0.2; this.springs[0].dampConstant = 0.2; this.springs[0].lrest = (this.springs[0].leff = 45); = function () { _root.player.explode(); }; }) extends vehicle var _local1 = (_global.balloon /* register */).prototype; _local1.kill = function () { this.mymc.removeMovieClip(); }; _local1.control = function () { }; _local1.draw = function () { this.mymc.clear(); var _local2 = this.basket.pos.toScreen(); var _local3 = this.head.pos.toScreen(); var _local4 = _local3.sub(_local2); var _local5 = new cartesian(-_local4.y, _local4.x); this.mymc.lineStyle(0, 10066329); this.mymc.moveTo(_local2.x + (_local5.x * 0.1), _local2.y + (_local5.y * 0.1)); this.mymc.lineTo((_local2.x + (_local4.x * 0.5)) + (_local5.x * 0.4), (_local2.y + (_local4.y * 0.5)) + (_local5.y * 0.4)); this.mymc.moveTo(_local2.x - (_local5.x * 0.1), _local2.y - (_local5.y * 0.1)); this.mymc.lineTo((_local2.x + (_local4.x * 0.5)) - (_local5.x * 0.4), (_local2.y + (_local4.y * 0.5)) - (_local5.y * 0.4)); this.mymc.moveTo(_local2.x + (_local5.x * 0.1), _local2.y + (_local5.y * 0.1)); this.mymc.lineTo((_local2.x + (_local4.x * 0.36)) + (_local5.x * 0.2), (_local2.y + (_local4.y * 0.36)) + (_local5.y * 0.2)); this.mymc.moveTo(_local2.x - (_local5.x * 0.1), _local2.y - (_local5.y * 0.1)); this.mymc.lineTo((_local2.x + (_local4.x * 0.36)) - (_local5.x * 0.2), (_local2.y + (_local4.y * 0.36)) - (_local5.y * 0.2)); this.head.draw(); if (_root.key.accelerate) { this.mymc.lineStyle(8 *, 16776960); this.mymc.moveTo(_local2.x, _local2.y); this.mymc.lineTo(_local2.x + (_local4.x * 0.1), _local2.y + (_local4.y * 0.1)); this.mymc.lineStyle(3 *, 16755200); this.mymc.moveTo(_local2.x, _local2.y); this.mymc.lineTo(_local2.x + (_local4.x * 0.1), _local2.y + (_local4.y * 0.1)); } this.mymc.lineStyle(0, 0); this.mymc.moveTo(_local2.x + (_local5.x * 0.1), _local2.y + (_local5.y * 0.1)); this.mymc.beginFill(0); this.mymc.lineTo(_local2.x - (_local5.x * 0.1), _local2.y - (_local5.y * 0.1)); this.mymc.lineTo((_local2.x - (_local4.x * 0.22)) - (_local5.x * 0.1), (_local2.y - (_local4.y * 0.22)) - (_local5.y * 0.1)); this.mymc.lineTo((_local2.x - (_local4.x * 0.22)) + (_local5.x * 0.1), (_local2.y - (_local4.y * 0.22)) + (_local5.y * 0.1)); this.mymc.lineTo(_local2.x + (_local5.x * 0.1), _local2.y + (_local5.y * 0.1)); this.mymc.endFill(); }; _local1.update = function () { this.control(); this.head.wind = !; for (var i in this.springs) { this.springs[i].update(); } for (var i in this.masses) { this.masses[i].update(); } _root.slow = false; this.control(); for (var i in this.springs) { this.springs[i].update(); } for (var i in this.masses) { this.masses[i].update(); } _root.slow = false; }; _local1.explode = function () { _root.gui.message("Ouch! [Press Enter]", 16764108); this.kill(); _root.player = new explosion(this.head.pos); }; ASSetPropFlags(_local1, null, 1); } #endinitclip
Symbol 20510 MovieClip [__Packages.truck] Frame 0
#initclip if (!truck) { //(_global.truck = function () { super(); this.masses.push(new mass(new cartesian(-15, 7), this)); this.masses.push(new mass(new cartesian(15, 7), this)); this.masses.push(new wheel(new cartesian(-20, 35), this)); this.masses.push(new wheel(new cartesian(20, 35), this)); this.masses[0].friction = 0.1; this.masses[1].friction = 0.1; this.springs.push(new spring(this.masses[0], this.masses[1], this)); this.springs[0].leff = (this.springs[0].lrest = 30); this.springs.push(new spring(this.masses[0], this.masses[2], this)); this.springs.push(new spring(this.masses[1], this.masses[3], this)); this.springs[1].leff = (this.springs[1].lrest = 30); this.springs[2].leff = (this.springs[2].lrest = 30); this.springs.push(new spring(this.masses[0], this.masses[3], this)); this.springs.push(new spring(this.masses[1], this.masses[2], this)); this.springs[3].leff = (this.springs[3].lrest = 45); this.springs[4].leff = (this.springs[4].lrest = 45); this.springs.push(new spring(this.masses[2], this.masses[3], this)); for (var i in this.springs) { this.springs[i].springConstant = 0.3; } this.head = this.masses[0]; this.rearWheel = this.masses[2]; this.frontWheel = this.masses[3]; this.rearWheel.radius = (this.frontWheel.radius = 14); this.masses[0].radius = (this.masses[1].radius = 7); }) extends vehicle var _local1 = (_global.truck /* register */).prototype; _local1.kill = function () { this.mymc.removeMovieClip(); }; _local1.swap = function () { this.dir = this.dir * -1; this.springs[0].swap(); this.springs[5].swap(); }; _local1.control = function () { if (_root.key.swap) { this.swap(); _root.key.swap = false; } var _local2 = (_root.key.accelerate ? 1 : 0); this.rearWheel.motor = this.rearWheel.motor + (((_local2 * 0.8) - this.rearWheel.motor) / 10); this.frontWheel.motor = this.frontWheel.motor + (((_local2 * 0.8) - this.frontWheel.motor) / 10); this.rearWheel.brake = _root.key.brake; this.frontWheel.brake = _root.key.brake; var _local3 = (_root.key.left ? 1 : 0); _local3 = _local3 + (_root.key.right ? -1 : 0); this.springs[0].rotate(_local3 / 8); this.springs[5].rotate(_local3 / 8); }; _local1.draw = function () { this.mymc.clear(); var _local2 = this.rearWheel.pos.toScreen(); var _local3 = this.head.pos.toScreen(); var _local4 = this.masses[1].pos.sub(this.masses[0].pos).factor(; var _local5 = this.masses[0].pos.add(this.masses[1].pos).factor(0.5).sub(this.masses[2].pos.add(this.masses[3].pos).factor(0.5)); _local5 = _local5.factor(; this.mymc.lineStyle(2 *, 4473924); this.mymc.beginFill(7829367, 100); this.mymc.moveTo((_local3.x - (_local4.x * 0.4)) - (_local5.x * 0.7), (_local3.y - (_local4.y * 0.4)) - (_local5.y * 0.7)); this.mymc.lineTo((_local3.x - (_local4.x * 0.35)) + (_local5.x * 0.2), (_local3.y - (_local4.y * 0.35)) + (_local5.y * 0.2)); this.mymc.lineTo((_local3.x + (_local4.x * 0.8)) + (_local5.x * 0.2), (_local3.y + (_local4.y * 0.8)) + (_local5.y * 0.2)); this.mymc.lineTo((_local3.x + (_local4.x * 0.9)) - (_local5.x * 0.1), (_local3.y + (_local4.y * 0.9)) - (_local5.y * 0.1)); this.mymc.lineTo((_local3.x + (_local4.x * 1.35)) - (_local5.x * 0.2), (_local3.y + (_local4.y * 1.35)) - (_local5.y * 0.2)); this.mymc.lineTo((_local3.x + (_local4.x * 1.4)) - (_local5.x * 0.7), (_local3.y + (_local4.y * 1.4)) - (_local5.y * 0.7)); this.mymc.lineTo((_local3.x - (_local4.x * 0.4)) - (_local5.x * 0.7), (_local3.y - (_local4.y * 0.4)) - (_local5.y * 0.7)); this.mymc.endFill(); this.mymc.moveTo((_local3.x - (_local4.x * 0.4)) - (_local5.x * 0.9), (_local3.y - (_local4.y * 0.4)) - (_local5.y * 0.9)); this.mymc.lineTo((_local3.x + (_local4.x * 0.8)) - (_local5.x * 0.9), (_local3.y + (_local4.y * 0.8)) - (_local5.y * 0.9)); this.mymc.lineStyle(1 *, 4473924); this.mymc.moveTo((_local3.x + (_local4.x * 0.5)) - (_local5.x * 0.1), (_local3.y + (_local4.y * 0.5)) - (_local5.y * 0.1)); this.mymc.lineTo((_local3.x + (_local4.x * 0.9)) - (_local5.x * 0.1), (_local3.y + (_local4.y * 0.9)) - (_local5.y * 0.1)); this.mymc.lineTo((_local3.x + (_local4.x * 0.8)) + (_local5.x * 0.2), (_local3.y + (_local4.y * 0.8)) + (_local5.y * 0.2)); this.mymc.lineTo((_local3.x + (_local4.x * 0.5)) + (_local5.x * 0.2), (_local3.y + (_local4.y * 0.5)) + (_local5.y * 0.2)); this.mymc.lineTo((_local3.x + (_local4.x * 0.5)) - (_local5.x * 0.1), (_local3.y + (_local4.y * 0.5)) - (_local5.y * 0.1)); _local2 = this.rearWheel.pos.toScreen(); plot.tire(this.mymc, _local2.x, _local2.y, 10 *, this.rearWheel.angle); _local2 = this.frontWheel.pos.toScreen(); plot.tire(this.mymc, _local2.x, _local2.y, 10 *, this.frontWheel.angle); }; _local1.update = function () { this.control(); for (var i in this.springs) { this.springs[i].update(); } for (var i in this.masses) { this.masses[i].update(); } if ( && ( { _root.slow = false; } if (!_root.slow) { this.control(); for (var i in this.springs) { this.springs[i].update(); } for (var i in this.masses) { this.masses[i].update(); } } }; ASSetPropFlags(_local1, null, 1); } #endinitclip
Symbol 20511 MovieClip [__Packages.console] Frame 0
class console { function console () { } static function restart() { _root.gamePause = false; _root.player.kill(); _root.sectors.resetPowerups(); _root.targetTime = getTimer(); _root.grav = new cartesian(0, 0.3); _root.slow = false; if (_root.settings.vehicle == 1) { _root.player = new bmx(); } if (_root.settings.vehicle == 2) { _root.player = new balloon(); } if (_root.settings.vehicle == 3) { _root.player = new blackBox(); } if (_root.settings.vehicle == 4) { _root.player = new mtb(); } if (_root.settings.vehicle == 5) { _root.player = new helicopter(); } if (_root.settings.vehicle == 6) { _root.player = new unicycle(); } if (_root.settings.vehicle == 7) { _root.player = new truck(); } = true; } static function action(p) { if (p == undefined) { return(undefined); } if (p.slice(0, 2) == "t:") {; } if (p == "pause") { _root.gamePause = !_root.gamePause; } if (p == "restart") { restart(); _root.gui.msgPanel.time = 0; } if (p == "grid") { _root.mouse.grid = !_root.mouse.grid; _root.gui.message((_root.mouse.grid ? "Grid on" : "Grid off")); } if (p == "steadycam") { = !; _root.gui.message(( ? "Steady Cam on" : "Steady Cam off")); } if (p == "quality") { if (_root._quality == "HIGH") { _root._quality = "LOW"; } else { _root._quality = "HIGH"; } } if (p == "share") { getURL ("", "_blank"); } if (p == "d:clear") { _root.gui.clearDialog(); } if (p == "d:save") { _root.gui.saveDialog(); } if (p == "d:load") { _root.gui.loadDialog(); } if (p == "d:help") { _root.gui.helpDialog(); } if (p == "d:vehicle") { _root.settings.vehicle = _root.settings.vehicle + -1; if (_root.settings.vehicle < 1) { _root.settings.vehicle = _root.settings.vehicle_max; } restart(); var _local3 = ["BMX", "Balloon", "???", "Mountain Bike", "Helicopter", "Unicycle", "Truck"]; _root.gui.message(_local3[_root.settings.vehicle - 1], 15659007); } if (p == "d:theme") { _root.settings.theme = _root.settings.theme + -1; if (_root.settings.theme < 1) { _root.settings.theme = _root.settings.theme_max; } var _local4 = ["None", "Clouds", "City", "Hills"]; _root.gui.message(_local4[_root.settings.theme - 1], 15659007);; if (_root.settings.theme == 1) { _root.createEmptyMovieClip("bg", 1); } else { var _local5 = ["", "bg1", "bg2", "bg3"]; _root.attachMovie(_local5[_root.settings.theme - 1], "bg", 1); } } } //ASSetPropFlags(_local1, null, 1); }
Symbol 20512 MovieClip [__Packages.ragdoll] Frame 0
#initclip if (!ragdoll) { //(_global.ragdoll = function (pStick, pmc) { super(); this.mymc = pmc; var _local5 = new cartesian(0, 0); this.masses.push(new mass(_local5, this)); this.head = this.masses[0]; this.masses.push(new mass(_local5, this)); this.waist = this.masses[1]; this.springs.push(new spring(this.head, this.waist, this)); this.masses.push(new mass(_local5, this)); this.lElbow = this.masses[2]; this.masses.push(new mass(_local5, this)); this.rElbow = this.masses[3]; this.masses.push(new mass(_local5, this)); this.lHand = this.masses[4]; this.masses.push(new mass(_local5, this)); this.rHand = this.masses[5]; this.springs.push(new spring(this.head, this.lElbow, this)); this.springs.push(new spring(this.lElbow, this.lHand, this)); this.springs.push(new spring(this.head, this.rElbow, this)); this.springs.push(new spring(this.rElbow, this.rHand, this)); this.masses.push(new mass(_local5, this)); this.lKnee = this.masses[6]; this.masses.push(new mass(_local5, this)); this.rKnee = this.masses[7]; this.masses.push(new mass(_local5, this)); this.lFoot = this.masses[8]; this.masses.push(new mass(_local5, this)); this.rFoot = this.masses[9]; this.springs.push(new spring(this.waist, this.lKnee, this)); this.springs.push(new spring(this.lKnee, this.lFoot, this)); this.springs.push(new spring(this.waist, this.rKnee, this)); this.springs.push(new spring(this.rKnee, this.rFoot, this)); for (var i in this.masses) { this.masses[i].radius = 3; } for (var i in this.masses) { this.masses[i].friction = 0.05; } this.head.radius = (this.waist.radius = 8); for (var i in this.springs) { this.springs[i].springConstant = 0.4; } for (var i in this.springs) { this.springs[i].dampConstant = 0.7; } for (var i in pStick) { this[i].pos.equ(pStick[i]); } }) extends vehicle var _local1 = (_global.ragdoll /* register */).prototype; _local1.kill = function () { this.mymc.removeMovieClip(); }; _local1.draw = function () { var _local2 = this.head.pos.toScreen(); this.mymc.lineStyle(5 *, 0); this.mymc.moveTo(_local2.x, _local2.y); var _local3 = this.lElbow.pos.toScreen(); this.mymc.lineTo(_local3.x, _local3.y); var _local4 = this.lHand.pos.toScreen(); this.mymc.lineTo(_local4.x, _local4.y); this.mymc.lineStyle(5 *, 0, 50); this.mymc.moveTo(_local2.x, _local2.y); var _local5 = this.rElbow.pos.toScreen(); this.mymc.lineTo(_local5.x, _local5.y); var _local6 = this.rHand.pos.toScreen(); this.mymc.lineTo(_local6.x, _local6.y); this.mymc.lineStyle(8 *, 0); this.mymc.moveTo(_local2.x, _local2.y); var _local7 = this.waist.pos.toScreen(); this.mymc.lineTo(_local7.x, _local7.y); this.mymc.lineStyle(5 *, 0); var _local8 = this.lKnee.pos.toScreen(); this.mymc.lineTo(_local8.x, _local8.y); var _local9 = this.lFoot.pos.toScreen(); this.mymc.lineTo(_local9.x, _local9.y); this.mymc.lineStyle(5 *, 0, 50); this.mymc.moveTo(_local7.x, _local7.y); var _local10 = this.rKnee.pos.toScreen(); this.mymc.lineTo(_local10.x, _local10.y); var _local11 = this.rFoot.pos.toScreen(); this.mymc.lineTo(_local11.x, _local11.y);;, _local2.x, _local2.y, 2 *, 4 *, 16777215);, _local2.x, _local2.y, 5 *, 2 *, 0); this.mymc.lineStyle(2 *, 0); var _local12 = _local2.sub(_local7); var _local13 = new cartesian(_local12.y, -_local12.x); var _local14 = new cartesian(0, 0); var _local15 = new cartesian(0, 0); if (this.dir == 1) { _local14 = _local2.add(_local13.factor(0.15)).add(_local12.factor(-0.05)); _local15 = _local2.add(_local13.factor(-0.35)).add(_local12.factor(0.15)); } else { _local14 = _local2.add(_local13.factor(-0.15)).add(_local12.factor(0.15)); _local15 = _local2.add(_local13.factor(0.35)).add(_local12.factor(-0.05)); } _local14 = _local2.add(_local13.factor(0.15 * this.dir)).add(_local12.factor(-0.05)); _local15 = _local2.add(_local13.factor(-0.35 * this.dir)).add(_local12.factor(0.15)); this.mymc.moveTo(_local14.x, _local14.y); this.mymc.lineTo(_local15.x, _local15.y); }; _local1.update = function () { for (var i in this.springs) { this.springs[i].update(); } for (var i in this.masses) { this.masses[i].update(); } }; = function (pVel1, pVel2) { pVel1 = pVel1.factor(0.7); pVel2 = pVel2.factor(0.7); for (var i in this.springs) { this.springs[i].lrest = (this.springs[i].leff = this.springs[i].m2.pos.sub(this.springs[i].m1.pos).length()); } var _local4 = 1; for ( ; _local4 <= 4 ; _local4++) { this.springs[_local4].lrest = 13; this.springs[_local4].leff = 13; } for (var i in this.springs) { if (this.springs[i].leff > 20) { this.springs[i].lrest = (this.springs[i].leff = 20); } } var _local5 = new Array(this.head, this.lElbow, this.rElbow, this.lHand, this.rHand); var _local6 = new Array(this.waist, this.lKnee, this.rKnee, this.lFoot, this.rFoot); for (var i in _local5) { _local5[i].old = _local5[i].pos.sub(pVel1); } for (var i in _local6) { _local6[i].old = _local6[i].pos.sub(pVel2); } for (var i in this.masses) { this.masses[i].vel.equ(this.masses[i].pos.sub(this.masses[i].old)); this.masses[i].vel.x = this.masses[i].vel.x + ((Math.random() - Math.random()) * 1); this.masses[i].vel.y = this.masses[i].vel.y + ((Math.random() - Math.random()) * 1); } }; ASSetPropFlags(_local1, null, 1); } #endinitclip
Symbol 20513 MovieClip [__Packages.mouseHandler] Frame 0
class mouseHandler { var pos, real, old, grid, down, press, release; function mouseHandler () { pos = new cartesian(0, 0); real = new cartesian(0, 0); old = new Object(); grid = false; Mouse.addListener(this); } function onMouseDown() { down = true; } function onMouseUp() { down = false; } function onMouseWheel(delta) { = false; = + (delta / 8); if ( < 0.4) { = 0.4; } if ( > 2) { = 2; } } function update() { old.pos = new cartesian(pos.x, pos.y); pos.x = _root._xmouse; pos.y = _root._ymouse; real = pos.toReal(); if (grid) { real.x = Math.round(real.x / 10) * 10; real.y = Math.round(real.y / 10) * 10; } if ((!old.down) && (down)) { press = true; } if (old.down && (!down)) { release = true; } if ( { press = false; } if (old.release) { release = false; } old.down = down; = press; old.release = release; } //ASSetPropFlags(_local1, null, 1); }
Symbol 20514 MovieClip [__Packages.bomb] Frame 0
#initclip if (!bomb) { //(_global.bomb = function (pX, pY, pMC) { super(); this.p = new cartesian(pX, pY); var _local6 = pMC.getNextHighestDepth(); this.mymc = pMC.attachMovie("pu_bomb", "pu_" + _local6, _local6, {_visible:false}); }) extends powerup var _local1 = (_global.bomb /* register */).prototype; _local1.getCode = function () { return("O " + parser.point(this.p)); }; _local1.collide = function (pObj) { var _local3 = pObj.pos.sub(this.p).lenSqr(); if (_local3 < 500) { _root.gui.message("Ouch! [Press Enter]", 16764108); _root.player.kill(); _root.player = new explosion(this.p); this.mymc._alpha = 20; } }; ASSetPropFlags(_local1, null, 1); } #endinitclip
Symbol 20515 MovieClip [] Frame 0
class game { function game () { } static function main(mc) { Stage.showMenu = false; var _local3 = _root._url; var _local4 = ""; var _local5 = ""; if ((_local3.substr(0, _local4.length) != _local4) && (_local3.substr(0, _local5.length) != _local5)) { return(undefined); } Stage.scaleMode = "noScale"; _root._quality = "HIGH"; plot.rect(_root, 0, 0, 499, 399, 16777215); _root.createEmptyMovieClip("bg", 1); _root.size = new cartesian(500, 400); = new cartesian(250, 200); _root.gamePause = false; _root.dialog = false; _root.scores = new Object(); _root.scores.wheelie = 0; _root.scores.endo = 0; _root.scores.jump = 0; _root.settings = new Object(); _root.settings.vehicle = 1; _root.settings.vehicle_max = 7; _root.settings.theme = 1; _root.settings.theme_max = 4; _root.targetCount = 0; _root.targetHit = 0; _root.targetTime = getTimer(); _root.grav = new cartesian(0, 0.3); _root.slow = false; _root.mouse = new mouseHandler(); _root.key = new keyHandler(); = new cameraHandler(); _root.sectors = new sectorHandler(); _root.sectors.newLine(-40, 50, 40, 50); _root.player = new bmx(); = new toolHandler(); _root.gui = new guiHandler(); _root.onEnterFrame = function () { if (_root.dialog) { return(undefined); } _root.sectors.hidePowerups(); _root.mouse.update(); _root.key.update(); if (!_root.gamePause) { _root.player.update(); };; _root.gui.update(); _root.sectors.draw(); _root.player.draw();; }; } //ASSetPropFlags(_local1, null, 1); }
Symbol 20516 MovieClip [__Packages.slomo] Frame 0
#initclip if (!slomo) { //(_global.slomo = function (pX, pY, pMC) { super(); this.p = new cartesian(pX, pY); var _local6 = pMC.getNextHighestDepth(); this.mymc = pMC.attachMovie("pu_clock", "pu_" + _local6, _local6, {_visible:false}); }) extends powerup var _local1 = (_global.slomo /* register */).prototype; _local1.getCode = function () { return("S " + parser.point(this.p)); }; _local1.collide = function (pObj) { var _local3 = pObj.pos.sub(this.p).lenSqr(); if (_local3 < 500) { _root.slow = true; } }; ASSetPropFlags(_local1, null, 1); } #endinitclip
Symbol 20517 MovieClip [__Packages.wheel] Frame 0
#initclip if (!wheel) { //(_global.wheel = function (pPos, pParent) { super(); this.pos = new cartesian(pPos.x, pPos.y); this.old = new cartesian(pPos.x, pPos.y); this.vel = new cartesian(0, 0); this.parent = pParent; this.radius = 10; this.motor = 0; this.angle = 0; this.speed = 0; }) extends mass var _local1 = (_global.wheel /* register */).prototype; = function (pDir) { * this.parent.dir)); if (this.brake) { * 0.3)); } this.speed = / this.radius; this.angle = this.angle + this.speed; = true; }; ASSetPropFlags(_local1, null, 1); } #endinitclip
Symbol 20518 MovieClip [__Packages.guiHandler] Frame 0
class guiHandler { var mymc, leftPanel, rightPanel, msgPanel, hover; function guiHandler () { mymc = _root.createEmptyMovieClip("guimc", 5); var _local2 = new Array(15); _local2[0] = new menuItem("pencil", "Draw lines", "t:pencil"); _local2[1] = new menuItem("rubber", "Eraser", "t:rubber"); _local2[2] = new menuItem("magnify", "Move camera", "t:camera"); _local2[3] = new menuItem("scenery", "Draw scenery", "t:scenery"); _local2[4] = new menuItem("curve", "Draw curves", "t:curve"); _local2[5] = new menuItem("star", "Goals", "t:goal"); _local2[6] = new menuItem("apple", "Powerups", "t:powerup"); _local2[7] = new menuItem("grid", "Grid", "grid"); _local2[13] = new menuItem("camera", "Steady Cam", "steadycam"); _local2[14] = new menuItem("pause", "Pause", "pause"); _local2[15] = new menuItem("restart", "Restart", "restart"); leftPanel = new panel(mymc, "leftPanel", "left", _local2); _local2 = new Array(15); _local2[0] = new menuItem("theme", "Theme", "d:theme"); _local2[1] = new menuItem("vehicle", "Vehicle", "d:vehicle"); _local2[2] = new menuItem("quality", "Quality", "quality"); _local2[11] = new menuItem("clear", "Clear Map", "d:clear"); _local2[12] = new menuItem("save", "Save Map", "d:save"); _local2[13] = new menuItem("load", "Load Map", "d:load"); _local2[14] = new menuItem("share", "Share Maps", "share"); _local2[15] = new menuItem("help", "Help", "d:help"); rightPanel = new panel(mymc, "rightPanel", "right", _local2); msgPanel = new msg(mymc, "msgPanel"); mymc.createEmptyMovieClip("pausemc", mymc.getNextHighestDepth()); plot.rect(mymc.pausemc, 242, 190, 247, 210, 11206400, 11206400, 60); plot.rect(mymc.pausemc, 253, 190, 258, 210, 11206400, 11206400, 60); mymc.attachMovie("splash", "splash", mymc.getNextHighestDepth(), {_x:131, _y:20}); } function message(p, pCol) { msgPanel.message(p, pCol); } function changePowerup(p) { leftPanel.mymc.iconmc.i_7.gotoAndStop(p); } function standardFormat() { var _local2 = new TextFormat(); _local2.font = "_sans"; _local2.size = 14; _local2.align = "left"; _local2.color = 16777215 /* 0xFFFFFF */; return(_local2); } function formatLabel(p, b) { p.selectable = false; p.wordWrap = true; var _local4 = standardFormat(); if (b) { _local4.bold = true; } p.setNewTextFormat(_local4); } function formatTextBox(p) { p.selectable = true; p.wordWrap = true; p.border = true; p.borderColor = 8947848 /* 0x888888 */; p.background = true; p.backgroundColor = 7829367 /* 0x777777 */; var _local3 = standardFormat(); _local3.size = 10; _local3.font = "_typewriter"; p.setNewTextFormat(_local3); } function clearDialog() { _root.dialog = true; mymc.splash.removeMovieClip(); mymc.splash = undefined; var _local2 = mymc.createEmptyMovieClip("dialog", mymc.getNextHighestDepth()); plot.rect(_local2, 95, 145, 405, 255, 14540253, 15658734); plot.rect(_local2, 100, 150, 400, 250, 0, 8947848); _local2.createTextField("title", 1, 110, 160, 280, 20); _local2.createTextField("label", 2, 110, 180, 280, 20); formatLabel(_local2.title, true); formatLabel(_local2.label); _local2.title.text = "Clear Map"; _local2.label.text = "Are you sure you want to clear this map?"; _local2.createEmptyMovieClip("yes", 3); _local2.createEmptyMovieClip("no", 4); plot.button(_local2.yes, "Yes"); plot.button(, "No"); _local2.yes._x = 100; = 250; _local2.yes._y = ( = 220); _local2.yes.onPress = function () { _root.gui.mymc.dialog.removeMovieClip(); _root.dialog = false; _root.targetCount = 0; _root.sectors.kill(); _root.sectors = new sectorHandler(); _root.sectors.newLine(-40, 50, 40, 50); console.restart(); _root.gui.msgPanel.time = 0; = ( = 0); = new cartesian(40, 50); }; = function () { _root.gui.mymc.dialog.removeMovieClip(); _root.dialog = false; }; } function saveDialog() { _root.dialog = true; mymc.splash.removeMovieClip(); mymc.splash = undefined; var _local2 = mymc.createEmptyMovieClip("dialog", mymc.getNextHighestDepth()); plot.rect(_local2, 95, 95, 405, 305, 14540253, 15658734); plot.rect(_local2, 100, 100, 400, 300, 0, 8947848); _local2.createTextField("title", 1, 110, 110, 280, 20); _local2.createTextField("label", 2, 110, 130, 280, 55); formatLabel(_local2.title, true); formatLabel(_local2.label); _local2.title.text = "Save Map"; _local2.label.text = "Press 'Copy' and then paste the code into a forum, instant message, or email to share your map with friends."; _local2.createTextField("output", 3, 110, 190, 280, 70); formatTextBox(_local2.output); _local2.output.text = parser.getCode(_root.sectors); Selection.setFocus(_local2.output); _local2.createEmptyMovieClip("yes", 4); _local2.createEmptyMovieClip("no", 5); plot.button(_local2.yes, "Copy"); plot.button(, "Done"); _local2.yes._x = 100; = 250; _local2.yes._y = ( = 270); _local2.yes.onPress = function () { System.setClipboard(parser.getCode(_root.sectors)); _root.gui.mymc.dialog.removeMovieClip(); _root.dialog = false; _root.gui.message("Code was copied to clipboard"); }; = function () { _root.gui.mymc.dialog.removeMovieClip(); _root.dialog = false; }; } function loadDialog() { _root.dialog = true; mymc.splash.removeMovieClip(); mymc.splash = undefined; var _local2 = mymc.createEmptyMovieClip("dialog", mymc.getNextHighestDepth()); plot.rect(_local2, 95, 95, 405, 305, 14540253, 15658734); plot.rect(_local2, 100, 100, 400, 300, 0, 8947848); _local2.createTextField("title", 1, 110, 110, 280, 20); _local2.createTextField("label", 2, 110, 130, 280, 55); formatLabel(_local2.title, true); formatLabel(_local2.label); _local2.title.text = "Load Map"; _local2.label.text = "Copy a map code from a forum, instant message, or email, and then paste it into this box. (Ctrl-V)"; _local2.createTextField("input", 3, 110, 190, 280, 70); formatTextBox(_local2.input); _local2.input.type = "input"; _local2.input.text = ""; Selection.setFocus(_local2.input); _local2.createEmptyMovieClip("yes", 4); _local2.createEmptyMovieClip("no", 5); plot.button(_local2.yes, "Load"); plot.button(, "Cancel"); _local2.yes._x = 100; = 250; _local2.yes._y = ( = 270); _local2.yes.onPress = function () { _root.targetCount = 0; _root.sectors.kill(); _root.sectors = parser.loadMap(_root.gui.mymc.dialog.input.text); _root.gui.mymc.dialog.removeMovieClip(); _root.dialog = false; console.restart(); _root.gui.msgPanel.time = 0; = ( = 0); = new cartesian(40, 50); }; = function () { _root.gui.mymc.dialog.removeMovieClip(); _root.dialog = false; }; } function helpDialog() { _root.dialog = true; mymc.splash.removeMovieClip(); mymc.splash = undefined; var _local2 = mymc.createEmptyMovieClip("dialog", mymc.getNextHighestDepth()); plot.rect(_local2, 0, 0, 500, 400, 0, 0); _local2.createTextField("title", 1, 20, 15, 280, 20); _local2.createTextField("label", 2, 20, 35, 280, 150); formatLabel(_local2.title, true); formatLabel(_local2.label); _local2.title.text = "Controls"; _local2.label.text = "Accelerate:\t\t\tUP\nBrake:\t\t\t\tDOWN\nLean Left:\t\t\tLEFT\nLean Right:\t\t\tRIGHT\nTurn Around:\t\tZ\nRestart:\t\t\tENTER\n"; _local2.label.text = _local2.label.text + "Move Camera:\t\tCTRL + Click + Drag\nQuick Draw:\t\tShift + Click\n"; _local2.label.text = _local2.label.text + "Zoom in / out:\t\tScroll wheel or + / - keys"; _local2.createTextField("title2", 3, 20, 200, 280, 20); _local2.createTextField("label2", 4, 20, 220, 460, 130); formatLabel(_local2.title2, true); formatLabel(_local2.label2); _local2.title2.text = "Credits"; _local2.label2.text = "Developed by Pete (\nSponsored by"; _local2.attachMovie("pglogo", "logo1", 5, {_x:20, _y:270}); _local2.logo1.onPress = function () { getURL ("", "_blank"); }; _local2.attachMovie("omllogo", "logo2", 6, {_x:100, _y:270}); _local2.logo2.onPress = function () { getURL ("", "_blank"); }; _local2.attachMovie("cmlogo", "logo3", 7, {_x:150, _y:278}); _local2.logo3.onPress = function () { getURL ("", "_blank"); }; _local2.createEmptyMovieClip("no", 8); plot.closeButton(, "X"); = 460; = 20; = function () { _root.gui.mymc.dialog.removeMovieClip(); _root.dialog = false; }; } function update() { leftPanel.visible = (_root.mouse.pos.x < 30) && ((! && (!; rightPanel.visible = (_root.mouse.pos.x > 470) && ((! && (!; if ((_root.targetHit == _root.targetCount) && ((_root.targetCount > 0) && (!msgPanel.visible))) { message("Level Complete!", 14548957); } leftPanel.update(); rightPanel.update(); msgPanel.update(); hover = leftPanel.visible || (rightPanel.visible); hover = hover || ((_root.mouse.pos.y < 20) && (msgPanel.visible)); mymc.pausemc._visible = _root.gamePause; if (splashTime < 100) { splashTime++; } if ((splashTime == 100) && (mymc.splash != undefined)) { mymc.splash._alpha = mymc.splash._alpha + -1; if (mymc.splash._alpha < 2) { mymc.splash.removeMovieClip(); mymc.splash = undefined; } } } //ASSetPropFlags(_local1, null, 1); var splashTime = 0; }
Symbol 20519 MovieClip [__Packages.sectorHandler] Frame 0
class sectorHandler { var mymc, sectorSize, sectors, lines, slines, powerups, onScreen; function sectorHandler () { mymc = _root.createEmptyMovieClip("linemc", 2); sectorSize = 100; sectors = new Array(); lines = new Array(); slines = new Array(); powerups = new Array(); onScreen = new Array(); } function kill() { mymc.removeMovieClip(); } function addRef(pX, pY, pObj, pMode) { if (pObj.length < 3) { return(undefined); } var _local6 = Math.floor(pX / sectorSize); var _local7 = Math.floor(pY / sectorSize); if (sectors[_local6] == undefined) { sectors[_local6] = new Array(); } if (sectors[_local6][_local7] == undefined) { sectors[_local6][_local7] = new sector(_local6, _local7); } if (pMode == 1) { sectors[_local6][_local7].addLine(pObj); } if (pMode == 2) { sectors[_local6][_local7].addPowerup(pObj); } } function newLine(pX1, pY1, pX2, pY2) { var _local6 = new line(pX1, pY1, pX2, pY2); if (!_local6.remove) { var _local7 = bresenham.getSectors(new cartesian(pX1, pY1), new cartesian(pX2, pY2), sectorSize); for (var i in _local7) { addRef(_local7[i].x, _local7[i].y, _local6, 1); } lines.push(_local6); } } function sceneryLine(pX1, pY1, pX2, pY2) { var _local6 = new sline(pX1, pY1, pX2, pY2); if (!_local6.remove) { var _local7 = bresenham.getSectors(new cartesian(pX1, pY1), new cartesian(pX2, pY2), sectorSize); for (var i in _local7) { addRef(_local7[i].x, _local7[i].y, _local6, 1); } slines.push(_local6); } } function newTarget(pX, pY) { var _local4 = new target(pX, pY, mymc); addRef(pX, pY, _local4, 2); powerups.push(_local4); } function newPowerup(pX, pY, pType, pAngle) { var _local6; if (pType == 1) { _local6 = new slomo(pX, pY, mymc); } if (pType == 2) { _local6 = new gravity(pX, pY, mymc, pAngle); } if (pType == 3) { _local6 = new boost(pX, pY, mymc, pAngle); } if (pType == 4) { _local6 = new bomb(pX, pY, mymc); } addRef(pX, pY, _local6, 2); powerups.push(_local6); } function remove(p1, p2) { if (p2 == undefined) { p2 = new cartesian(p1.x, p1.y); } var _local4 = 0; while (_local4 < lines.length) { if (lines[_local4].remove) { lines.splice(_local4, 1); } _local4++; } _local4 = 0; while (_local4 < slines.length) { if (slines[_local4].remove) { slines.splice(_local4, 1); } _local4++; } _local4 = 0; while (_local4 < powerups.length) { if (powerups[_local4].remove) { powerups.splice(_local4, 1); } _local4++; } var _local5 = bresenham.getSectors(p1, p2, sectorSize); for (var s in _local5) { var _local6 = Math.floor(_local5[s].x / sectorSize); var _local7 = Math.floor(_local5[s].y / sectorSize); sectors[_local6][_local7].remove(); } } function resetPowerups() { for (var p in powerups) { if (powerups[p].hit != undefined) { powerups[p].hit = false; } powerups[p].mymc._alpha = 100; } _root.targetHit = 0; } function collide(pObj) { var _local3 = Math.floor((pObj.pos.x / sectorSize) - 0.5); var _local4 = Math.floor((pObj.pos.y / sectorSize) - 0.5); sectors[_local3][_local4].resetCollided(); sectors[_local3 + 1][_local4].resetCollided(); sectors[_local3 + 1][_local4 + 1].resetCollided(); sectors[_local3][_local4 + 1].resetCollided(); sectors[_local3][_local4].collide(pObj); sectors[_local3 + 1][_local4].collide(pObj); sectors[_local3 + 1][_local4 + 1].collide(pObj); sectors[_local3][_local4 + 1].collide(pObj); } function erase(p) { var _local3 = Math.floor((p.x / sectorSize) - 0.5); var _local4 = Math.floor((p.y / sectorSize) - 0.5); sectors[_local3][_local4].erase(p); sectors[_local3 + 1][_local4].erase(p); sectors[_local3 + 1][_local4 + 1].erase(p); sectors[_local3][_local4 + 1].erase(p); } function search(p) { var _local3 = Math.floor(p.x / sectorSize); var _local4 = Math.floor(p.y / sectorSize); return(sectors[_local3][_local4].search(p)); } function hidePowerups() { for (var i in onScreen) { onScreen[i].hidePowerups(); } } function draw() { mymc.clear(); var _local2 = new cartesian(0, 0); _local2 = _local2.toReal(); var _local3 = new cartesian(500, 400); _local3 = _local3.toReal(); _local2.x = Math.floor(_local2.x / sectorSize); _local2.y = Math.floor(_local2.y / sectorSize); _local3.x = Math.floor(_local3.x / sectorSize); _local3.y = Math.floor(_local3.y / sectorSize); onScreen = new Array(); var _local4 = _local2.x; for ( ; _local4 <= _local3.x ; _local4++) { var _local5 = _local2.y; for ( ; _local5 <= _local3.y ; _local5++) { onScreen.push(sectors[_local4][_local5]); } } for (var i in onScreen) { onScreen[i].resetDrawn(mymc); } for (var i in onScreen) { onScreen[i].draw(mymc); } } //ASSetPropFlags(_local1, null, 1); }
Symbol 20520 MovieClip [__Packages.explosion] Frame 0
#initclip if (!explosion) { //(_global.explosion = function (p) { super(); console.write((p.x + ",") + p.y, "explosion::explosion", "C:\\Documents and Settings\\abk\\My Documents\\Flash\\FR2 nocom\\classes\\vehicle/", 60); this.t = 30 + (20 * Math.random()); this.fade = 0; this.masses.push(new debris(p, this)); this.masses.push(new debris(p, this)); this.masses.push(new debris(p, this)); this.masses.push(new debris(p, this)); this.masses.push(new debris(p, this)); this.c = new cartesian(p.x, p.y); this.head = new mass(p, this); this.head.vel.x = 20; this.alive = false; }) extends vehicle var _local1 = (_global.explosion /* register */).prototype; _local1.kill = function () { this.mymc.removeMovieClip(); }; _local1.draw = function () { this.mymc.clear(); if (this.t > 0) { this.t = this.t + -10; var _local2 = this.c.toScreen(); var _local3 = 0; var _local4 = Math.random() * 6.2; var _local5 = this.t *; var _local6 = _local2.x + (_local5 * Math.cos(_local4)); var _local7 = _local2.y + (_local5 * Math.sin(_local4)); this.mymc.moveTo(_local6, _local7); this.mymc.lineStyle(0 *, 16768256, 50); this.mymc.beginFill(16768256, 50); while ((_local3++) < 16) { _local5 = (this.t + (30 * Math.random())) *; _local6 = _local2.x + (_local5 * Math.cos(_local4 + ((6.283 * _local3) / 16))); _local7 = _local2.y + (_local5 * Math.sin(_local4 + ((6.283 * _local3) / 16))); this.mymc.lineTo(_local6, _local7); } this.mymc.endFill(); } for (var i in this.masses) { this.masses[i].draw(); } }; _local1.update = function () { if ((this.fade++) > 200) { this.mymc._alpha = this.mymc._alpha + -2; } if (this.fade > 250) { for (var i in this.masses) { this.masses[i].kill(); } this.masses = new Array(); } for (var i in this.springs) { this.springs[i].update(); } for (var i in this.masses) { this.masses[i].update(); } }; ASSetPropFlags(_local1, null, 1); } #endinitclip
Symbol 20521 MovieClip [__Packages.line] Frame 0
class line { var p1, p2, pp, length, remove, drawn, collided; function line (pX1, pY1, pX2, pY2) { p1 = new cartesian(Math.round(pX1), Math.round(pY1)); p2 = new cartesian(Math.round(pX2), Math.round(pY2)); pp = p2.sub(p1); length = pp.length(); remove = (length < 3) || (length > 100000); } function getCode() { drawn = true; var _local2 = " " + parser.point(p2); var _local3 =; if (_local3 != undefined) { _local2 = _local2 + _local3.getCode(); } return(_local2); } function draw(pMC) { if (drawn) { return(undefined); } drawn = true; var _local3 = p1.toScreen(); var _local4 = p2.toScreen(); pMC.lineStyle(2 *, 0, 100); pMC.moveTo(_local3.x, _local3.y); pMC.lineTo(_local4.x, _local4.y); } function collide(pMass) { if (collided) { return(undefined); } collided = true; var _local3 = pMass.pos; var _local4 = pMass.vel; var _local5 = pMass.radius; var _local6 = new cartesian(0, 0); var _local7 = 0; var _local8 = _local3.sub(p1); var _local9 = ( / length) / length; if ((_local9 >= 0) && (_local9 <= 1)) { var _local10 = (((((_local8.x * pp.y) - (_local8.y * pp.x)) * (((_local8.x - _local4.x) * pp.y) - ((_local8.y - _local4.y) * pp.x))) < 0) ? -1 : 1); _local6 = _local8.sub(pp.factor(_local9)); _local7 = _local6.length(); if ((_local7 < _local5) || (_local10 < 0)) { * _local10) - _local7) / _local7)); cartesian((-_local6.y) / _local7, _local6.x / _local7)); return(undefined); } } if (((_local9 * length) < (-_local5)) || ((_local9 * length) > (length + _local5))) { return(undefined); } var _local11 = ((_local9 > 0) ? (p2) : (p1)); _local6 = _local3.sub(_local11); _local7 = _local6.length(); if (_local7 < _local5) { - _local7) / _local7)); cartesian((-_local6.y) / _local7, _local6.x / _local7)); return(undefined); } } function erase(m) { var _local3 = 15; var _local4 = new cartesian(0, 0); var _local5 = 0; var _local6 = m.sub(p1); var _local7 = ( / length) / length; if ((_local7 >= 0) && (_local7 <= 1)) { _local4 = _local6.sub(pp.factor(_local7)); _local5 = _local4.length(); if (_local5 < _local3) { remove = true; _root.sectors.remove(p1, p2); } } } //ASSetPropFlags(_local1, null, 1); }
Symbol 20522 MovieClip [__Packages.menuItem] Frame 0
class menuItem { var image, tip, action; function menuItem (pImage, pTip, pAction) { image = pImage; tip = pTip; action = pAction; } //ASSetPropFlags(_local1, null, 1); }

Library Items

Symbol 2 BitmapUsed by:3
Symbol 3 GraphicUses:2Used by:1
Symbol 1 MovieClip [smallArrow_r]Uses:3
Symbol 5 BitmapUsed by:6
Symbol 6 GraphicUses:5Used by:4
Symbol 4 MovieClip [smallArrow_l]Uses:6
Symbol 8 BitmapUsed by:9
Symbol 9 GraphicUses:8Used by:7
Symbol 7 MovieClip [pencil]Uses:9
Symbol 11 BitmapUsed by:12
Symbol 12 GraphicUses:11Used by:10
Symbol 10 MovieClip [rubber]Uses:12
Symbol 14 BitmapUsed by:15
Symbol 15 GraphicUses:14Used by:13
Symbol 13 MovieClip [magnify]Uses:15
Symbol 17 BitmapUsed by:18
Symbol 18 GraphicUses:17Used by:16
Symbol 16 MovieClip [scenery]Uses:18
Symbol 20 BitmapUsed by:21
Symbol 21 GraphicUses:20Used by:19
Symbol 19 MovieClip [curve]Uses:21
Symbol 23 BitmapUsed by:24
Symbol 24 GraphicUses:23Used by:22
Symbol 22 MovieClip [star]Uses:24
Symbol 26 BitmapUsed by:27
Symbol 27 GraphicUses:26Used by:28
Symbol 28 MovieClip [clock]Uses:27Used by:25
Symbol 29 BitmapUsed by:30
Symbol 30 GraphicUses:29Used by:31
Symbol 31 MovieClip [gravity]Uses:30Used by:25
Symbol 32 BitmapUsed by:33
Symbol 33 GraphicUses:32Used by:34
Symbol 34 MovieClip [boost]Uses:33Used by:25
Symbol 35 BitmapUsed by:36
Symbol 36 GraphicUses:35Used by:37
Symbol 37 MovieClip [bomb]Uses:36Used by:25
Symbol 25 MovieClip [apple]Uses:28 31 34 37
Symbol 39 BitmapUsed by:40
Symbol 40 GraphicUses:39Used by:38
Symbol 38 MovieClip [grid]Uses:40
Symbol 42 BitmapUsed by:43
Symbol 43 GraphicUses:42Used by:41
Symbol 41 MovieClip [camera]Uses:43
Symbol 45 BitmapUsed by:46
Symbol 46 GraphicUses:45Used by:44
Symbol 44 MovieClip [pause]Uses:46
Symbol 48 BitmapUsed by:49
Symbol 49 GraphicUses:48Used by:47
Symbol 47 MovieClip [restart]Uses:49
Symbol 51 BitmapUsed by:52
Symbol 52 GraphicUses:51Used by:50
Symbol 50 MovieClip [theme]Uses:52
Symbol 54 BitmapUsed by:55
Symbol 55 GraphicUses:54Used by:53
Symbol 53 MovieClip [vehicle]Uses:55
Symbol 57 BitmapUsed by:58
Symbol 58 GraphicUses:57Used by:56
Symbol 56 MovieClip [quality]Uses:58
Symbol 60 BitmapUsed by:61
Symbol 61 GraphicUses:60Used by:59
Symbol 59 MovieClip [help]Uses:61
Symbol 63 BitmapUsed by:64
Symbol 64 GraphicUses:63Used by:62
Symbol 62 MovieClip [clear]Uses:64
Symbol 66 BitmapUsed by:67
Symbol 67 GraphicUses:66Used by:65
Symbol 65 MovieClip [save]Uses:67
Symbol 69 BitmapUsed by:70
Symbol 70 GraphicUses:69Used by:68
Symbol 68 MovieClip [load]Uses:70
Symbol 72 BitmapUsed by:73
Symbol 73 GraphicUses:72Used by:71
Symbol 71 MovieClip [share]Uses:73
Symbol 75 BitmapUsed by:76
Symbol 76 GraphicUses:75Used by:74
Symbol 74 MovieClip [bg1]Uses:76
Symbol 78 BitmapUsed by:79
Symbol 79 GraphicUses:78Used by:77
Symbol 77 MovieClip [bg2]Uses:79
Symbol 81 BitmapUsed by:82
Symbol 82 GraphicUses:81Used by:80
Symbol 80 MovieClip [bg3]Uses:82
Symbol 84 BitmapUsed by:85
Symbol 85 GraphicUses:84Used by:83
Symbol 83 MovieClip [splash]Uses:85
Symbol 87 BitmapUsed by:88
Symbol 88 GraphicUses:87Used by:86
Symbol 86 MovieClip [pglogo]Uses:88
Symbol 90 BitmapUsed by:91
Symbol 91 GraphicUses:90Used by:89
Symbol 89 MovieClip [omllogo]Uses:91
Symbol 93 BitmapUsed by:94
Symbol 94 GraphicUses:93Used by:92
Symbol 92 MovieClip [cmlogo]Uses:94
Symbol 96 GraphicUsed by:97
Symbol 97 MovieClip [path2191]Uses:96Used by:98
Symbol 98 MovieClipUses:97Used by:99
Symbol 99 MovieClip [layer1]Uses:98Used by:100
Symbol 100 MovieClip [target]Uses:99Used by:95
Symbol 95 MovieClip [pu_star]Uses:100
Symbol 102 GraphicUsed by:103
Symbol 103 MovieClip [path2160]Uses:102Used by:110
Symbol 104 GraphicUsed by:105
Symbol 105 MovieClip [path3133]Uses:104Used by:110
Symbol 106 GraphicUsed by:107
Symbol 107 MovieClip [path6056]Uses:106Used by:110
Symbol 108 GraphicUsed by:109
Symbol 109 MovieClip [path6058]Uses:108Used by:110
Symbol 110 MovieClipUses:103 105 107 109Used by:111
Symbol 111 MovieClip [layer1]Uses:110Used by:112
Symbol 112 MovieClip [clock]Uses:111Used by:101
Symbol 101 MovieClip [pu_clock]Uses:112
Symbol 114 GraphicUsed by:115
Symbol 115 MovieClip [path13085]Uses:114Used by:116
Symbol 116 MovieClipUses:115Used by:117
Symbol 117 MovieClip [layer1]Uses:116Used by:118
Symbol 118 MovieClip [arrow]Uses:117Used by:113
Symbol 113 MovieClip [pu_arrow]Uses:118
Symbol 120 GraphicUsed by:121
Symbol 121 MovieClip [path13085]Uses:120Used by:122
Symbol 122 MovieClipUses:121Used by:123
Symbol 123 MovieClip [layer1]Uses:122Used by:124
Symbol 124 MovieClip [arrow]Uses:123Used by:119
Symbol 119 MovieClip [pu_arrow2]Uses:124
Symbol 126 GraphicUsed by:127
Symbol 127 MovieClip [path7185]Uses:126Used by:130
Symbol 128 GraphicUsed by:129
Symbol 129 MovieClip [path4249]Uses:128Used by:130
Symbol 130 MovieClipUses:127 129Used by:131
Symbol 131 MovieClip [layer1]Uses:130Used by:132
Symbol 132 MovieClip [bomb]Uses:131Used by:125
Symbol 125 MovieClip [pu_bomb]Uses:132
Symbol 20480 MovieClip [__Packages.vehicle]
Symbol 20481 MovieClip [__Packages.mtb]
Symbol 20482 MovieClip [__Packages.powerup]
Symbol 20483 MovieClip []
Symbol 20484 MovieClip [__Packages.bresenham]
Symbol 20485 MovieClip [__Packages.keyHandler]
Symbol 20486 MovieClip [__Packages.sline]
Symbol 20487 MovieClip [__Packages.mass]
Symbol 20488 MovieClip [__Packages.debris]
Symbol 20489 MovieClip [__Packages.cartesian]
Symbol 20490 MovieClip [__Packages.parser]
Symbol 20491 MovieClip [__Packages.sector]
Symbol 20492 MovieClip [__Packages.helicopter]
Symbol 20493 MovieClip [__Packages.bmx]
Symbol 20494 MovieClip [__Packages.boost]
Symbol 20495 MovieClip [__Packages.blackBox]
Symbol 20496 MovieClip [__Packages.cameraHandler]
Symbol 20497 MovieClip [__Packages.unicycle]
Symbol 20498 MovieClip [__Packages.panel]
Symbol 20499 MovieClip [__Packages.spring]
Symbol 20500 MovieClip [__Packages.msg]
Symbol 20501 MovieClip [__Packages.rope]
Symbol 20502 MovieClip [__Packages.splitBike]
Symbol 20503 MovieClip [__Packages.plot]
Symbol 20504 MovieClip [__Packages.trick]
Symbol 20505 MovieClip [__Packages.prop]
Symbol 20506 MovieClip [__Packages.toolHandler]
Symbol 20507 MovieClip [__Packages.canopy]
Symbol 20508 MovieClip [__Packages.gravity]
Symbol 20509 MovieClip [__Packages.balloon]
Symbol 20510 MovieClip [__Packages.truck]
Symbol 20511 MovieClip [__Packages.console]
Symbol 20512 MovieClip [__Packages.ragdoll]
Symbol 20513 MovieClip [__Packages.mouseHandler]
Symbol 20514 MovieClip [__Packages.bomb]
Symbol 20515 MovieClip []
Symbol 20516 MovieClip [__Packages.slomo]
Symbol 20517 MovieClip [__Packages.wheel]
Symbol 20518 MovieClip [__Packages.guiHandler]
Symbol 20519 MovieClip [__Packages.sectorHandler]
Symbol 20520 MovieClip [__Packages.explosion]
Symbol 20521 MovieClip [__Packages.line]
Symbol 20522 MovieClip [__Packages.menuItem]

Instance Names

"a"Symbol 25 MovieClip [apple] Frame 1Symbol 28 MovieClip [clock]
"a"Symbol 25 MovieClip [apple] Frame 2Symbol 31 MovieClip [gravity]
"a"Symbol 25 MovieClip [apple] Frame 3Symbol 34 MovieClip [boost]
"a"Symbol 25 MovieClip [apple] Frame 4Symbol 37 MovieClip [bomb]
"path2191"Symbol 98 MovieClip Frame 1Symbol 97 MovieClip [path2191]
"Layer 1"Symbol 100 MovieClip [target] Frame 1Symbol 99 MovieClip [layer1]
"target"Symbol 95 MovieClip [pu_star] Frame 1Symbol 100 MovieClip [target]
"path2160"Symbol 110 MovieClip Frame 1Symbol 103 MovieClip [path2160]
"path3133"Symbol 110 MovieClip Frame 1Symbol 105 MovieClip [path3133]
"path6056"Symbol 110 MovieClip Frame 1Symbol 107 MovieClip [path6056]
"path6058"Symbol 110 MovieClip Frame 1Symbol 109 MovieClip [path6058]
"Layer 1"Symbol 112 MovieClip [clock] Frame 1Symbol 111 MovieClip [layer1]
"clock"Symbol 101 MovieClip [pu_clock] Frame 1Symbol 112 MovieClip [clock]
"path13085"Symbol 116 MovieClip Frame 1Symbol 115 MovieClip [path13085]
"Layer 1"Symbol 118 MovieClip [arrow] Frame 1Symbol 117 MovieClip [layer1]
"arrow"Symbol 113 MovieClip [pu_arrow] Frame 1Symbol 118 MovieClip [arrow]
"path13085"Symbol 122 MovieClip Frame 1Symbol 121 MovieClip [path13085]
"Layer 1"Symbol 124 MovieClip [arrow] Frame 1Symbol 123 MovieClip [layer1]
"arrow"Symbol 119 MovieClip [pu_arrow2] Frame 1Symbol 124 MovieClip [arrow]
"path7185"Symbol 130 MovieClip Frame 1Symbol 127 MovieClip [path7185]
"path4249"Symbol 130 MovieClip Frame 1Symbol 129 MovieClip [path4249]
"Layer 1"Symbol 132 MovieClip [bomb] Frame 1Symbol 131 MovieClip [layer1]
"bomb"Symbol 125 MovieClip [pu_bomb] Frame 1Symbol 132 MovieClip [bomb]

Special Tags

ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 1Symbol 1 as "smallArrow_r"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 1Symbol 4 as "smallArrow_l"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 1Symbol 7 as "pencil"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 1Symbol 10 as "rubber"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 1Symbol 13 as "magnify"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 1Symbol 16 as "scenery"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 1Symbol 19 as "curve"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 1Symbol 22 as "star"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 1Symbol 28 as "clock"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 1Symbol 31 as "gravity"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 1Symbol 34 as "boost"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 1Symbol 37 as "bomb"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 1Symbol 25 as "apple"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 1Symbol 38 as "grid"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 1Symbol 41 as "camera"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 1Symbol 44 as "pause"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 1Symbol 47 as "restart"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 1Symbol 50 as "theme"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 1Symbol 53 as "vehicle"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 1Symbol 56 as "quality"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 1Symbol 59 as "help"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 1Symbol 62 as "clear"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 1Symbol 65 as "save"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 1Symbol 68 as "load"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 1Symbol 71 as "share"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 1Symbol 74 as "bg1"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 1Symbol 77 as "bg2"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 1Symbol 80 as "bg3"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 1Symbol 83 as "splash"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 1Symbol 86 as "pglogo"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 1Symbol 89 as "omllogo"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 1Symbol 92 as "cmlogo"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 1Symbol 97 as "path2191"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 1Symbol 99 as "layer1"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 1Symbol 100 as "target"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 1Symbol 95 as "pu_star"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 1Symbol 103 as "path2160"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 1Symbol 105 as "path3133"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 1Symbol 107 as "path6056"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 1Symbol 109 as "path6058"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 1Symbol 111 as "layer1"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 1Symbol 112 as "clock"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 1Symbol 101 as "pu_clock"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 1Symbol 115 as "path13085"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 1Symbol 117 as "layer1"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 1Symbol 118 as "arrow"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 1Symbol 113 as "pu_arrow"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 1Symbol 121 as "path13085"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 1Symbol 123 as "layer1"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 1Symbol 124 as "arrow"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 1Symbol 119 as "pu_arrow2"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 1Symbol 127 as "path7185"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 1Symbol 129 as "path4249"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 1Symbol 131 as "layer1"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 1Symbol 132 as "bomb"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 1Symbol 125 as "pu_bomb"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 1Symbol 20480 as "__Packages.vehicle"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 1Symbol 20481 as "__Packages.mtb"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 1Symbol 20482 as "__Packages.powerup"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 1Symbol 20483 as ""
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 1Symbol 20484 as "__Packages.bresenham"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 1Symbol 20485 as "__Packages.keyHandler"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 1Symbol 20486 as "__Packages.sline"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 1Symbol 20487 as "__Packages.mass"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 1Symbol 20488 as "__Packages.debris"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 1Symbol 20489 as "__Packages.cartesian"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 1Symbol 20490 as "__Packages.parser"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 1Symbol 20491 as "__Packages.sector"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 1Symbol 20492 as "__Packages.helicopter"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 1Symbol 20493 as "__Packages.bmx"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 1Symbol 20494 as "__Packages.boost"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 1Symbol 20495 as "__Packages.blackBox"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 1Symbol 20496 as "__Packages.cameraHandler"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 1Symbol 20497 as "__Packages.unicycle"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 1Symbol 20498 as "__Packages.panel"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 1Symbol 20499 as "__Packages.spring"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 1Symbol 20500 as "__Packages.msg"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 1Symbol 20501 as "__Packages.rope"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 1Symbol 20502 as "__Packages.splitBike"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 1Symbol 20503 as "__Packages.plot"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 1Symbol 20504 as "__Packages.trick"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 1Symbol 20505 as "__Packages.prop"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 1Symbol 20506 as "__Packages.toolHandler"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 1Symbol 20507 as "__Packages.canopy"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 1Symbol 20508 as "__Packages.gravity"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 1Symbol 20509 as "__Packages.balloon"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 1Symbol 20510 as "__Packages.truck"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 1Symbol 20511 as "__Packages.console"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 1Symbol 20512 as "__Packages.ragdoll"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 1Symbol 20513 as "__Packages.mouseHandler"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 1Symbol 20514 as "__Packages.bomb"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 1Symbol 20515 as ""
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 1Symbol 20516 as "__Packages.slomo"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 1Symbol 20517 as "__Packages.wheel"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 1Symbol 20518 as "__Packages.guiHandler"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 1Symbol 20519 as "__Packages.sectorHandler"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 1Symbol 20520 as "__Packages.explosion"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 1Symbol 20521 as "__Packages.line"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 1Symbol 20522 as "__Packages.menuItem"
Created: 19/3 -2019 18:13:33 Last modified: 19/3 -2019 18:13:33 Server time: 11/03 -2025 07:00:20