Section 1
//MainTimeline (DreamJob2_0_fla.MainTimeline)
package DreamJob2_0_fla {
import flash.display.*;
import flash.text.*;
import adobe.utils.*;
import flash.accessibility.*;
import flash.errors.*;
import flash.external.*;
import flash.filters.*;
import flash.geom.*;
import flash.printing.*;
import flash.profiler.*;
import flash.sampler.*;
import flash.system.*;
import flash.ui.*;
import flash.utils.*;
import flash.xml.*;
public dynamic class MainTimeline extends MovieClip {
public var v2_3:MovieClip;
public var btRep3:MovieClip;
public var v2_4:MovieClip;
public var btNext:SimpleButton;
public var v0_2a:MovieClip;
public var btFr:SimpleButton;
public var v0_2b:MovieClip;
public var lblQuestion:TextField;
public var lblInstru:TextField;
public var lblDialog:MovieClip;
public var bt1:MovieClip;
public var v1_0:MovieClip;
public var bt2:MovieClip;
public var v1_1:MovieClip;
public var v0_0:MovieClip;
public var btEn:SimpleButton;
public var bt3:MovieClip;
public var v1_2:MovieClip;
public var v0_1:MovieClip;
public var v1_3:MovieClip;
public var v2_0:MovieClip;
public var v0_2:MovieClip;
public var btLogo:SimpleButton;
public var v2_1:MovieClip;
public var v0_3:MovieClip;
public var btRep1:MovieClip;
public var v2_2:MovieClip;
public var v0_4:MovieClip;
public var btRep2:MovieClip;
public var charge;
public var vol;
public var zone1;
public var zone2;
public var zone3;
public var strPerdu;
public var la;
public var En;
public var pgSuiv;
public var TCbt1;
public var TCbt2;
public var TCbt3;
public var tcPerdu;
public function MainTimeline(){
addFrameScript(0, frame1, 1, frame2, 3, frame4, 4, frame5, 5, frame6, 6, frame7, 7, frame8, 8, frame9, 9, frame10, 10, frame11, 11, frame12, 12, frame13, 13, frame14, 14, frame15, 15, frame16, 16, frame17, 17, frame18, 18, frame19, 19, frame20, 20, frame21, 21, frame22, 22, frame23, 23, frame24, 24, frame25, 25, frame26, 26, frame27, 27, frame28, 28, frame29);
public function loadProgress(_arg1:Event){
var _local2:int = this.root.loaderInfo.bytesLoaded;
var _local3:int = this.root.loaderInfo.bytesTotal;
var _local4:int = ((100 * _local2) / _local3);
if (En){
lblDialog.txt.text = (("Please Wait: " + _local4) + "%");
} else {
lblDialog.txt.text = (("Patientez: " + _local4) + "%");
if (_local2 >= _local3){
charge = true;
removeEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, loadProgress);
btNext.visible = true;
lblDialog.visible = false;
lblInstru.text = "Click on NEXT to start.";
public function btEnClick(_arg1:MouseEvent){
if (!En){
En = true;
public function btFrClick(_arg1:MouseEvent){
if (En){
En = false;
public function affText(){
if (charge){
if (lblInstru.text != ""){
if (En){
lblInstru.text = "Click on NEXT.";
} else {
lblInstru.text = "Cliquer sur NEXT.";
public function fixBtRep(){
SoundMixer.soundTransform = new SoundTransform(0);
if (En){
lblInstru.text = "Choose one answer.";
} else {
lblInstru.text = "Choisir une réponse.";
lblQuestion.visible = true;
lblDialog.visible = false;
lblDialog.txt.text = "";
bt1.visible = (bt2.visible = (bt3.visible = false));
lblInstru.visible = true;
btNext.visible = false;
btRep3.mouseChildren = (btRep2.mouseChildren = (btRep1.mouseChildren = false));
btRep3.buttonMode = (btRep2.buttonMode = (btRep1.buttonMode = true));
btRep3.useHandCursor = (btRep2.useHandCursor = (btRep1.useHandCursor = true));
if (btRep1.txt.text == ""){
btRep1.visible = false;
} else {
btRep1.visible = true;
btRep1.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, btRep1_Click);
if (btRep2.txt.text == ""){
btRep2.visible = false;
} else {
btRep2.visible = true;
btRep2.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, btRep2_Click);
if (btRep3.txt.text == ""){
btRep3.visible = false;
} else {
btRep3.visible = true;
btRep3.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, btRep3_Click);
public function btRep1_Click(_arg1:MouseEvent){
btRep1.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, btRep1_Click);
btRep2.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, btRep2_Click);
btRep3.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, btRep3_Click);
lblInstru.visible = false;
public function btRep2_Click(_arg1:MouseEvent){
btRep1.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, btRep1_Click);
btRep2.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, btRep2_Click);
btRep3.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, btRep3_Click);
lblInstru.visible = false;
public function btRep3_Click(_arg1:MouseEvent){
btRep1.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, btRep1_Click);
btRep2.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, btRep2_Click);
btRep3.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, btRep3_Click);
lblInstru.visible = false;
public function naration(){
SoundMixer.soundTransform = new SoundTransform(0);
lblQuestion.text = "";
lblInstru.visible = (lblDialog.visible = true);
pgSuiv = (this.currentFrame + 1);
btNext.visible = true;
btRep1.visible = (btRep2.visible = (btRep3.visible = false));
bt1.visible = (bt2.visible = (bt3.visible = false));
if (En){
lblInstru.text = "Click on NEXT to continue.";
} else {
lblInstru.text = "Cliquer sur NEXT pour continuer.";
public function vidZone(){
SoundMixer.soundTransform = new SoundTransform(vol);
btRep1.visible = (btRep2.visible = (btRep3.visible = false));
lblQuestion.visible = (lblDialog.visible = (btNext.visible = (bt1.visible = (bt2.visible = (bt3.visible = false)))));
lblInstru.text = "";
public function btNext_Click(_arg1:MouseEvent){
btNext.visible = false;
bt1.visible = (bt2.visible = (bt3.visible = false));
public function bt1Click(_arg1:MouseEvent){
bt1.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, bt1Click);
bt2.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, bt2Click);
bt3.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, bt3Click);
bt1.visible = (bt2.visible = (bt3.visible = false));
lblInstru.text = "";
public function bt2Click(_arg1:MouseEvent){
bt1.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, bt1Click);
bt2.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, bt2Click);
bt3.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, bt3Click);
bt1.visible = (bt2.visible = (bt3.visible = false));
lblInstru.text = "";
public function bt3Click(_arg1:MouseEvent){
bt1.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, bt1Click);
bt2.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, bt2Click);
bt3.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, bt3Click);
bt1.visible = (bt2.visible = (bt3.visible = false));
lblInstru.text = "";
public function linkFSGClick(_arg1:MouseEvent){
var _local2:* = "";
if (En){
_local2 = "";
var _local3:URLRequest = new URLRequest(_local2);
navigateToURL(_local3, "_blank");
public function v0_0Event(_arg1:Event){
if (v0_0.currentFrame >= v0_0.totalFrames){
v0_0.removeEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, v0_0Event);
if (En){
strPerdu = "I'm sorry sir, we will have to let you go";
lblQuestion.text = "What are you doing here? Are you one of the guys from next door?";
btRep1.txt.text = "It's forbidden to smoke indoors!";
btRep2.txt.text = "I've come to check the smoke detector.";
btRep3.txt.text = "You're gonna get caught if you smoke.";
} else {
strPerdu = "Désolée, je ne pense pas que cet emploi soit pour vous.";
lblQuestion.text = "Qu'est ce que tu viens foutre ici? T'es un des ouvriers qui bossent à coté?";
btRep1.txt.text = "C'est interdit de fumer dans ta chambre!";
btRep2.txt.text = "Non, je viens pour le détecteur de fumée.";
btRep3.txt.text = "Tu vas te faire choper si tu fumes.";
public function v0_1Event(_arg1:Event){
if (v0_1.currentFrame >= v0_1.totalFrames){
v0_1.removeEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, v0_1Event);
if (En){
strPerdu = "I'm sorry sir, we will have to let you go";
lblQuestion.text = "OK, I smoke and so what?";
btRep1.txt.text = "It's forbidden!";
btRep2.txt.text = "At least disconnect the detector if you smoke.";
btRep3.txt.text = "";
} else {
strPerdu = "Désolée, je ne pense pas que cet emploi soit pour vous.";
lblQuestion.text = "Ok je fume, et alors?";
btRep1.txt.text = "Ben c'est interdit!";
btRep2.txt.text = "Eteins au moins le détecteur quand tu fumes.";
btRep3.txt.text = "";
public function v0_2Event(_arg1:Event){
if (v0_2.currentFrame >= v0_2.totalFrames){
v0_2.removeEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, v0_2Event);
if (En){
strPerdu = "I'm sorry sir, we will have to let you go";
lblQuestion.text = "Really? And was it your job to play with Sally?";
btRep1.txt.text = "How do you know that?";
btRep2.txt.text = "You little bitch!";
btRep3.txt.text = "";
} else {
strPerdu = "Désolée, je ne pense pas que cet emploi soit pour vous.";
lblQuestion.text = "Ah oui et c'était ton boulot de mater la petite Sally?";
btRep1.txt.text = "Comment tu sais ça?";
btRep2.txt.text = "Espèce de salope!";
btRep3.txt.text = "";
public function v0_3Event(_arg1:Event){
if (v0_3.currentFrame >= v0_3.totalFrames){
v0_3.removeEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, v0_3Event);
if (En){
strPerdu = "I'm sorry sir, we will have to let you go";
lblQuestion.text = "Calm down! I'm sure we can find a deal.";
btRep1.txt.text = "I'm listening.";
btRep2.txt.text = "No way, I have to tell my boss!";
btRep3.txt.text = "";
} else {
lblQuestion.text = "Calme toi! Je suis sûr qu'on peut arriver à un arrangement...";
strPerdu = "On ne va pas pouvoir vous garder, désolée.";
btRep1.txt.text = "Je t'écoute.";
btRep2.txt.text = "Sûrement pas, je dois tout dire!";
btRep3.txt.text = "";
public function v0_4Event(_arg1:Event){
if (v0_4.currentFrame >= v0_4.totalFrames){
v0_4.removeEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, v0_4Event);
if (En){
lblQuestion.text = "Ther's not many men in here...";
strPerdu = "I'm sorry sir, we will have to let you go";
btRep1.txt.text = "What about the smoking?";
btRep2.txt.text = "Not that again!";
btRep3.txt.text = "";
} else {
lblQuestion.text = "Y'a pas beaucoup de mecs ici...";
strPerdu = "On ne va pas pouvoir vous garder, désolée.";
btRep1.txt.text = "Et pour la fumée?";
btRep2.txt.text = "Non, pas ça encore!";
btRep3.txt.text = "";
public function v1_0Event(_arg1:Event){
if (v1_0.currentFrame >= v1_0.totalFrames){
v1_0.removeEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, v1_0Event);
if (En){
strPerdu = "I'm sorry sir, we will have to let you go";
lblQuestion.text = "You're right, I've been naughty, I deserve to be punished.";
btRep1.txt.text = "Enough, I go to see the boss.";
btRep2.txt.text = "Of course you do!";
btRep3.txt.text = "";
} else {
lblQuestion.text = "T'as raison, j'ai été vilaine, je mérite d'être punie.";
strPerdu = "On ne va pas pouvoir vous garder, désolée.";
btRep1.txt.text = "Ca suffit, je vais voir la responsable.";
btRep2.txt.text = "Tout à fait!";
btRep3.txt.text = "";
public function v1_1Event(_arg1:Event){
if (v1_1.currentFrame >= v1_1.totalFrames){
pgSuiv = 14;
v1_1.removeEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, v1_1Event);
btNext.visible = (lblQuestion.visible = (lblInstru.visible = true));
if (En){
lblInstru.text = "Click on NEXT to continue.";
lblQuestion.text = "Ahh, it hurts!";
} else {
lblInstru.text = "Cliquer sur NEXT pour continuer.";
lblQuestion.text = "Aïe, ca fait mal!";
public function v2_0Event(_arg1:Event){
if (v2_0.currentFrame >= v2_0.totalFrames){
SoundMixer.soundTransform = new SoundTransform(0);
v2_0.removeEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, v2_0Event);
lblQuestion.text = strPerdu;
btNext.visible = true;
pgSuiv = 17;
btRep1.visible = (btRep2.visible = (btRep3.visible = false));
lblInstru.visible = true;
if (En){
lblInstru.text = "Click on NEXT to continue.";
} else {
lblInstru.text = "Cliquer sur NEXT pour continuer.";
public function v0_2aEvent(_arg1:Event){
if (v0_2a.currentFrame >= v0_2a.totalFrames){
v0_2a.removeEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, v0_2aEvent);
if (En){
strPerdu = "I'm sorry sir, we will have to let you go";
lblQuestion.text = "Do that and I tell her about you and Sally.";
btRep1.txt.text = "How do you know that?";
btRep2.txt.text = "You little bitch!";
btRep3.txt.text = "";
} else {
strPerdu = "Désolée, je ne pense pas que cet emploi soit pour vous.";
lblQuestion.text = "Fais ça et je lui raconte des histoires avec Sally.";
btRep1.txt.text = "Comment tu sais ça?";
btRep2.txt.text = "Espèce de salope!";
btRep3.txt.text = "";
public function v0_2bEvent(_arg1:Event){
if (v0_2b.currentFrame >= v0_2b.totalFrames){
v0_2b.removeEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, v0_2bEvent);
if (En){
strPerdu = "I'm sorry sir, we will have to let you go";
lblQuestion.text = "Calm down, I won't get expelled...";
btRep1.txt.text = "Go on, we will see.";
btRep2.txt.text = "";
btRep3.txt.text = "";
} else {
strPerdu = "Désolée, je ne pense pas que cet emploi soit pour vous.";
lblQuestion.text = "Détends toi, je vais pas me faire virer.";
btRep1.txt.text = "Si tu te fais prendre...";
btRep2.txt.text = "";
btRep3.txt.text = "";
public function v1_2bEvent(_arg1:Event){
if (v1_2.currentFrame >= v1_2.totalFrames){
v1_2.removeEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, v1_2bEvent);
if (En){
strPerdu = "I'm sorry sir, we will have to let you go";
lblQuestion.text = "Really, I need more punishment.";
btRep1.txt.text = "Yes!";
btRep2.txt.text = "If you stop smoking it's OK.";
btRep3.txt.text = "";
} else {
lblQuestion.text = "Vraiment, je dois encore être punie.";
btRep1.txt.text = "Oui!";
btRep2.txt.text = "Si tu arrêtes de fumer, ça va!";
btRep3.txt.text = "";
strPerdu = "On ne va pas pouvoir vous garder, désolée.";
public function v1_3bEvent(_arg1:Event){
if (v1_3.currentFrame >= v1_3.totalFrames){
v1_3.removeEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, v1_3bEvent);
if (En){
strPerdu = "I'm sorry sir, we will have to let you go";
lblQuestion.text = "Ahh it hurts! I'll stop!";
btRep1.txt.text = "OK then.";
btRep2.txt.text = "";
btRep3.txt.text = "";
} else {
lblQuestion.text = "Humm ça fait mal! Je retiendrais ma leçon!";
btRep1.txt.text = "Alors c'est bon!";
btRep2.txt.text = "";
btRep3.txt.text = "";
strPerdu = "On ne va pas pouvoir vous garder, désolée.";
public function v2_1Event(_arg1:Event){
if (v2_1.currentFrame >= v2_1.totalFrames){
v2_1.removeEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, v2_1Event);
lblDialog.txt.text = "";
if (((((zone1) && (zone2))) && (zone3))){
pgSuiv = 29;
} else {
pgSuiv = 18;
public function v2_2Event(_arg1:Event){
if (v2_2.currentFrame >= v2_2.totalFrames){
v2_2.removeEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, v2_2Event);
lblDialog.txt.text = "";
if (((((zone1) && (zone2))) && (zone3))){
pgSuiv = 29;
} else {
pgSuiv = 18;
public function v2_3Event(_arg1:Event){
if (v2_3.currentFrame >= v2_3.totalFrames){
v2_3.removeEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, v2_3Event);
lblDialog.txt.text = "";
if (((((zone1) && (zone2))) && (zone3))){
pgSuiv = 29;
} else {
pgSuiv = 18;
public function v2_4Event(_arg1:Event){
if (v2_4.currentFrame >= v2_4.totalFrames){
v2_4.removeEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, v2_4Event);
if (En){
lblInstru.text = "Click on NEXT to start again.";
lblDialog.txt.text = "Bravo, Once again you've done a good job!";
} else {
lblInstru.text = "Cliquer sur NEXT pour recommencer.";
lblDialog.txt.text = "Bravo, encore une mission couronnée de succès!";
pgSuiv = 4;
function frame1(){
charge = false;
vol = 1;
zone1 = false;
zone2 = false;
zone3 = false;
strPerdu = "";
btRep1.visible = (btRep2.visible = (btRep3.visible = false));
lblQuestion.text = "";
btEn.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, btEnClick);
btFr.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, btFrClick);
la =;
En = true;
if (la == "0"){
En = false;
lblInstru.text = "";
pgSuiv = 27;
TCbt1 = 0;
TCbt2 = 0;
TCbt3 = 0;
tcPerdu = 20;
btNext.visible = false;
addEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, loadProgress);
btNext.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, btNext_Click);
btLogo.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_UP, linkFSGClick);
function frame2(){
SoundMixer.soundTransform = new SoundTransform(0);
pgSuiv = 4;
function frame4(){
if (En){
lblQuestion.text = "The smoke detector in Emma's room keeps on ringing. There's work next door, so that must be the reason. Go to have a look to fix the problem.";
} else {
lblQuestion.text = "L'alarme de la chambre d'Emma n'a de cesse de se déclencher. Des travaux ont lieu dans la chambre d'à côté, c'est sûrement lié. Allez faire un tour pour régler le problème.";
btNext.visible = true;
pgSuiv = 5;
btRep1.visible = (btRep2.visible = (btRep3.visible = false));
lblInstru.visible = true;
function frame5(){
btRep1.visible = (btRep2.visible = (btRep3.visible = false));
TCbt1 = 7;
TCbt2 = 6;
TCbt3 = 7;
lblQuestion.text = "";
btRep1.visible = (btRep2.visible = (btRep3.visible = false));
v0_0.addEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, v0_0Event);
function frame6(){
TCbt1 = 7;
TCbt2 = 6;
TCbt3 = 7;
if (En){
strPerdu = "I'm sorry sir, we will have to let you go";
lblQuestion.text = " It's there, near the wardrobe.";
btRep1.txt.text = "Do you think I'm stupid?";
btRep2.txt.text = "";
btRep3.txt.text = "";
} else {
strPerdu = "Désolée, je ne pense pas que cet emploi soit pour vous.";
lblQuestion.text = " Il est à côté du placard, va voir...";
btRep1.txt.text = "Tu me prends pour un con?";
btRep2.txt.text = "";
btRep3.txt.text = "";
function frame7(){
btRep1.visible = (btRep2.visible = (btRep3.visible = false));
TCbt1 = 8;
TCbt2 = 19;
TCbt3 = 7;
lblQuestion.text = "";
btRep1.visible = (btRep2.visible = (btRep3.visible = false));
v0_1.addEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, v0_1Event);
function frame8(){
TCbt1 = 9;
TCbt2 = 6;
TCbt3 = 7;
if (En){
strPerdu = "I'm sorry sir, we will have to let you go";
lblQuestion.text = "And what will you do? Rat me out?";
btRep1.txt.text = "It's my job!";
btRep2.txt.text = "";
btRep3.txt.text = "";
} else {
strPerdu = "Désolée, je ne pense pas que cet emploi soit pour vous.";
lblQuestion.text = "Et tu vas faire quoi, me balancer?";
btRep1.txt.text = "C'est mon boulot!";
btRep2.txt.text = "";
btRep3.txt.text = "";
function frame9(){
btRep1.visible = (btRep2.visible = (btRep3.visible = false));
TCbt1 = 10;
TCbt2 = 25;
TCbt3 = 7;
lblQuestion.text = "";
btRep1.visible = (btRep2.visible = (btRep3.visible = false));
v0_2.addEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, v0_2Event);
function frame10(){
TCbt1 = 11;
TCbt2 = 25;
TCbt3 = 7;
lblQuestion.text = "";
btRep1.visible = (btRep2.visible = (btRep3.visible = false));
v0_3.addEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, v0_3Event);
function frame11(){
TCbt1 = 12;
TCbt2 = 25;
TCbt3 = 25;
lblQuestion.text = "";
btRep1.visible = (btRep2.visible = (btRep3.visible = false));
v0_4.addEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, v0_4Event);
function frame12(){
TCbt1 = 25;
TCbt2 = 13;
TCbt3 = 25;
lblQuestion.text = "";
btRep1.visible = (btRep2.visible = (btRep3.visible = false));
v1_0.addEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, v1_0Event);
function frame13(){
lblQuestion.text = "";
btRep1.visible = (btRep2.visible = (btRep3.visible = false));
v1_1.addEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, v1_1Event);
function frame14(){
TCbt1 = 15;
TCbt2 = 23;
TCbt3 = (7 + 1);
if (En){
strPerdu = "I'm sorry sir, we will have to let you go";
lblQuestion.text = "I think I've learnt my lesson.";
btRep1.txt.text = "You promise to stop smoking?";
btRep2.txt.text = "No! You've been really naughty.";
btRep3.txt.text = "";
} else {
strPerdu = "Désolée, je ne pense pas que cet emploi soit pour vous.";
lblQuestion.text = "Je crois que j'ai compris la leçon.";
btRep1.txt.text = "Tu me promets de plus fumer?";
btRep2.txt.text = "Non! C'est très mal ce que tu as fait.";
btRep3.txt.text = "";
function frame15(){
SoundMixer.soundTransform = new SoundTransform(0);
lblInstru.visible = true;
if (En){
lblInstru.text = "Click on the picture to play";
} else {
lblInstru.text = "Cliquez sur l'image";
lblQuestion.visible = true;
if (En){
lblQuestion.text = "But I don't know what to do with my hands and mouth!";
} else {
lblQuestion.text = "Le problème c'est de m'occuper les mains, et la bouche!";
bt1.visible = true;
TCbt1 = 16;
bt1.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, bt1Click);
function frame16(){
TCbt1 = (16 + 1);
lblQuestion.text = "";
btRep1.visible = (btRep2.visible = (btRep3.visible = false));
v2_0.addEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, v2_0Event);
function frame17(){
TCbt1 = 18;
TCbt2 = (7 + 1);
TCbt3 = (13 + 1);
if (En){
strPerdu = "I'm sorry sir, we will have to let you go";
lblQuestion.text = "So we forget everything and you keep your mouth shut?";
btRep1.txt.text = "OK.";
btRep2.txt.text = "";
btRep3.txt.text = "";
} else {
strPerdu = "Désolée, je ne pense pas que cet emploi soit pour vous.";
lblQuestion.text = "Alors on oublie tout et tu dis rien à la responsable?";
btRep1.txt.text = "OK";
btRep2.txt.text = "";
btRep3.txt.text = "";
function frame18(){
SoundMixer.soundTransform = new SoundTransform(0);
lblQuestion.visible = (lblInstru.visible = true);
if (En){
lblInstru.text = "Click on the picture to play";
} else {
lblInstru.text = "Cliquez sur l'image";
if (En){
lblQuestion.text = "Let me show you my gratitude. Do what you want with me.";
} else {
lblQuestion.text = "Laisse moi te montrer ma gratitude. Fais de moi ce que tu veux.";
TCbt1 = 26;
TCbt2 = 27;
TCbt3 = 28;
if (!zone1){
bt1.visible = true;
bt1.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, bt1Click);
if (!zone2){
bt2.visible = true;
bt2.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, bt2Click);
if (!zone3){
bt3.visible = true;
bt3.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, bt3Click);
function frame19(){
TCbt1 = 20;
TCbt2 = 21;
TCbt3 = (13 + 1);
if (En){
strPerdu = "I'm sorry sir, we will have to let you go";
lblQuestion.text = "You're quite a nice guy.";
btRep1.txt.text = "It's that or I tell the boss.";
btRep2.txt.text = "Yeah but go on like that and you'll get expelled.";
btRep3.txt.text = "";
} else {
strPerdu = "Désolée, je ne pense pas que cet emploi soit pour vous.";
lblQuestion.text = "T'es plutôt sympa comme type.";
btRep1.txt.text = "C'est ça ou je dois en parler à la principale.";
btRep2.txt.text = "Oui mais si tu continues tu vas te faire virer.";
btRep3.txt.text = "";
function frame20(){
btRep1.visible = (btRep2.visible = (btRep3.visible = false));
TCbt1 = 10;
TCbt2 = 25;
TCbt3 = (7 + 1);
lblQuestion.text = "";
btRep1.visible = (btRep2.visible = (btRep3.visible = false));
v0_2a.addEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, v0_2aEvent);
function frame21(){
btRep1.visible = (btRep2.visible = (btRep3.visible = false));
TCbt1 = 22;
TCbt2 = (5 + 1);
TCbt3 = (7 + 1);
lblQuestion.text = "";
btRep1.visible = (btRep2.visible = (btRep3.visible = false));
v0_2b.addEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, v0_2bEvent);
function frame22(){
TCbt1 = 25;
TCbt2 = 20;
TCbt3 = (7 + 1);
if (En){
strPerdu = "I'm sorry sir, we will have to let you go";
lblQuestion.text = "I'm sure you won't say a word.";
btRep1.txt.text = "You'll see! I'm going there now!";
btRep2.txt.text = "Why do you think that?";
btRep3.txt.text = "";
} else {
strPerdu = "Désolée, je ne pense pas que cet emploi soit pour vous.";
lblQuestion.text = "Je suis sûre que tu ne diras rien.";
btRep1.txt.text = "Tu vas voir, j'y vais de suite!";
btRep2.txt.text = "Et pourquoi ça?";
btRep3.txt.text = "";
function frame23(){
TCbt1 = 24;
TCbt2 = 15;
TCbt3 = (17 + 1);
lblQuestion.text = "";
btRep1.visible = (btRep2.visible = (btRep3.visible = false));
v1_2.addEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, v1_2bEvent);
function frame24(){
TCbt1 = 15;
TCbt2 = 15;
TCbt3 = (17 + 1);
lblQuestion.text = "";
btRep1.visible = (btRep2.visible = (btRep3.visible = false));
v1_3.addEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, v1_3bEvent);
function frame25(){
lblQuestion.text = strPerdu;
btNext.visible = true;
pgSuiv = 4;
SoundMixer.soundTransform = new SoundTransform(0);
btRep1.visible = (btRep2.visible = (btRep3.visible = false));
lblQuestion.visible = (lblInstru.visible = true);
if (En){
lblInstru.text = "Click on NEXT to start again.";
lblQuestion.text = "Emma told me what happend with Sally, you're a pig! You're fired!";
} else {
lblInstru.text = "Cliquer sur NEXT pour recommencer.";
lblQuestion.text = "Emma m'a dit ce qu'il s'était passé avec la jeune Sally, vous êtes un porc! A la porte!";
function frame26(){
zone1 = true;
btRep1.visible = (btRep2.visible = (btRep3.visible = false));
v2_1.addEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, v2_1Event);
function frame27(){
zone2 = true;
btRep1.visible = (btRep2.visible = (btRep3.visible = false));
v2_2.addEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, v2_2Event);
function frame28(){
zone3 = true;
btRep1.visible = (btRep2.visible = (btRep3.visible = false));
v2_3.addEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, v2_3Event);
function frame29(){
TCbt1 = 4;
TCbt2 = (5 + 1);
TCbt3 = (7 + 1);
lblQuestion.text = "";
btRep1.visible = (btRep2.visible = (btRep3.visible = false));
v2_4.addEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, v2_4Event);
}//package DreamJob2_0_fla