Section 1
//MainTimeline (4chanTankWar_fla.MainTimeline)
package 4chanTankWar_fla {
import playerio.*;
import flash.display.*;
import flash.utils.*;
import flash.text.*;
import flash.system.*;
import adobe.utils.*;
import flash.accessibility.*;
import flash.errors.*;
import flash.external.*;
import flash.filters.*;
import flash.geom.*;
import flash.printing.*;
import flash.ui.*;
import flash.xml.*;
public dynamic class MainTimeline extends MovieClip {
public var DebugText:TextField;
public var finalChar:String;
public var keyLeft:Boolean;
public var playerName:String;
public var nameField:TextField;
public var j:int;
public var keyUp:Boolean;
public var oldStateTime:Number;
public var nameButton:SimpleButton;
public var keyDown:Boolean;
public var chatText:TextField;
public var gameID:String;
public var bullets:Array;
public var players:Array;
public var bulletCooldown;
public var oldTime:Number;
public var myDude:MovieClip;
public var sendButton:SimpleButton;
public var connection:Connection;
public var myId:int;
public var keyRight:Boolean;
public function MainTimeline(){
addFrameScript(0, frame1, 1, frame2, 2, frame3, 3, frame4);
public function sendChat(_arg1){
connection.send("chat", chatText.text);
chatText.text = "";
public function pressed(_arg1:KeyboardEvent){
if ((((_arg1.keyCode == 87)) || ((((_arg1.keyCode == 38)) && (!(keyUp)))))){
keyUp = true;
if ((((_arg1.keyCode == 83)) || ((((_arg1.keyCode == 40)) && (!(keyDown)))))){
keyDown = true;
if ((((_arg1.keyCode == 68)) || ((((_arg1.keyCode == 39)) && (!(keyRight)))))){
keyRight = true;
if ((((_arg1.keyCode == 65)) || ((((_arg1.keyCode == 37)) && (!(keyLeft)))))){
keyLeft = true;
if ((((_arg1.keyCode == 32)) && ((bulletCooldown == 0)))){
bulletCooldown = 1;
if (bullets[myId].alive == 0){
bullets[myId].alive = 1;
bullets[myId].id = myId;
bullets[myId].x = myDude.x;
bullets[myId].y = myDude.y;
bullets[myId].visible = true;
bullets[myId].rotateAngle = myDude.rotateAngle;
DebugText.text = ("bulletCooldown = " + String(bulletCooldown));
public function sendName(_arg1){
playerName = nameField.text;
if (playerName.length < 2){
playerName = "Anon";
finalChar = playerName.charAt((playerName.length - 1));
if (finalChar == "\r"){
playerName = playerName.substring(0, (playerName.length - 1));
public function released(_arg1:KeyboardEvent){
if ((((_arg1.keyCode == 87)) || ((((_arg1.keyCode == 38)) && (keyUp))))){
keyUp = false;
if ((((_arg1.keyCode == 83)) || ((((_arg1.keyCode == 40)) && (keyDown))))){
keyDown = false;
if ((((_arg1.keyCode == 68)) || ((((_arg1.keyCode == 39)) && (keyRight))))){
keyRight = false;
if ((((_arg1.keyCode == 65)) || ((((_arg1.keyCode == 37)) && (keyLeft))))){
keyLeft = false;
function frame3(){
players = new Array();
bullets = new Array();
myId = -1;
keyUp = false;
keyDown = false;
keyRight = false;
keyLeft = false;
oldTime = new Date().getTime();
oldStateTime = 0;
j = 0;
j = 0;
while (j < 10) {
bullets[j] = new Bullet();
bullets[j].id = -1;
bullets[j].alive = 0;
bullets[j].x = -500;
bullets[j].y = -500;
bullets[j].rotateAngle = 0;
bullets[j].visible = false;
addChildAt(bullets[j], 0);
bulletCooldown = 0;
stage.addEventListener(KeyboardEvent.KEY_DOWN, pressed);
stage.addEventListener(KeyboardEvent.KEY_UP, released);
addEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, go);
sendButton.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, sendChat);
function frame4(){
function frame2(){
gameID = "4chan-tank-war-ycfjd0vm0gn1ftlg9r5w";
PlayerIO.connect(stage, gameID, "public", playerName, "", handleConnect, function (){
trace("connect error");
public function handleJoin(_arg1:Connection){
connection = _arg1;
connection.addMessageHandler("*", gotMessage);
function frame1(){
nameButton.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, sendName);
public function handleConnect(_arg1:Client){
var client = _arg1;
trace("Connected to server");
client.multiplayer.createJoinRoom("MyGame", "MyGame", false, {}, {}, handleJoin, function (_arg1){
public function gotMessage(_arg1:Message){
var _local2:int;
var _local3:Number;
var _local4:Number;
var _local5:*;
var _local6:int;
_local3 = new Date().getTime();
_local4 = (_local3 - oldStateTime);
switch (_arg1.type){
case "userJoined":
players[_arg1.getInt(0)] = new person();
players[_arg1.getInt(0)].Name = _arg1.getString(1);
players[_arg1.getInt(0)].x = _arg1.getInt(2);
players[_arg1.getInt(0)].y = _arg1.getInt(3);
players[_arg1.getInt(0)].keyUp = false;
players[_arg1.getInt(0)].keyDown = false;
players[_arg1.getInt(0)].keyRight = false;
players[_arg1.getInt(0)].keyLeft = false;
players[_arg1.getInt(0)].rotateAngle = 0;
players[_arg1.getInt(0)].messageTimeout = 0;
players[_arg1.getInt(0)].alive = 1;
players[_arg1.getInt(0)].Explosion.visible = false;
players[_arg1.getInt(0)].explosionTime = 0;
players[_arg1.getInt(0)].offX = 0;
players[_arg1.getInt(0)].offY = 0;
players[_arg1.getInt(0)].offStepX = 0;
players[_arg1.getInt(0)].offStepY = 0;
addChildAt(players[_arg1.getInt(0)], 0);
case "info":
myId = _arg1.getInt(0);
myDude = players[myId];
_local2 = 0;
while (_local2 < ((_arg1.length - 1) / 9)) {
players[_arg1.getInt(((_local2 * 9) + 1))] = new person();
players[_arg1.getInt(((_local2 * 9) + 1))].Name = _arg1.getString(((_local2 * 9) + 2));
players[_arg1.getInt(((_local2 * 9) + 1))].x = _arg1.getInt(((_local2 * 9) + 3));
players[_arg1.getInt(((_local2 * 9) + 1))].y = _arg1.getInt(((_local2 * 9) + 4));
players[_arg1.getInt(((_local2 * 9) + 1))].keyUp = _arg1.getBoolean(((_local2 * 8) + 5));
players[_arg1.getInt(((_local2 * 9) + 1))].keyDown = _arg1.getBoolean(((_local2 * 8) + 6));
players[_arg1.getInt(((_local2 * 9) + 1))].keyRight = _arg1.getBoolean(((_local2 * 8) + 7));
players[_arg1.getInt(((_local2 * 9) + 1))].keyLeft = _arg1.getBoolean(((_local2 * 8) + 8));
players[_arg1.getInt(((_local2 * 9) + 1))].rotateAngle = _arg1.getInt(((_local2 * 9) + 9));
players[_arg1.getInt(((_local2 * 9) + 1))].messageTimeout = 0;
players[_arg1.getInt(((_local2 * 9) + 1))].offX = 0;
players[_arg1.getInt(((_local2 * 9) + 1))].offY = 0;
players[_arg1.getInt(((_local2 * 9) + 1))].offStepX = 0;
players[_arg1.getInt(((_local2 * 9) + 1))].offStepY = 0;
players[_arg1.getInt(((_local2 * 9) + 1))].alive = 1;
players[_arg1.getInt(((_local2 * 9) + 1))].Explosion.visible = false;
players[_arg1.getInt(((_local2 * 9) + 1))].explosionTime = 0;
addChildAt(players[_arg1.getInt(((_local2 * 9) + 1))], 0);
case "state":
if (oldStateTime == 0){
oldStateTime = new Date().getTime();
_local2 = 0;
while (_local2 < ((_arg1.length - 1) / 4)) {
_local5 = _arg1.getInt(((_local2 * 4) + 1));
players[_local5].offX = (_arg1.getInt(((_local2 * 4) + 2)) - players[_local5].x);
players[_local5].offY = (_arg1.getInt(((_local2 * 4) + 3)) - players[_local5].y);
if (players[_local5] != myDude){
players[_local5].offStepX = (players[_local5].offX / 200);
players[_local5].offStepY = (players[_local5].offY / 200);
} else {
players[_local5].offStepX = (players[_local5].offX / 800);
players[_local5].offStepY = (players[_local5].offY / 800);
players[_local5].rotateAngle = _arg1.getInt(((_local2 * 4) + 4));
oldStateTime = ((((oldStateTime + _arg1.getInt(0)) * 3) + new Date().getTime()) / 4);
case "bulletState":
if (oldStateTime == 0){
oldStateTime = new Date().getTime();
_local2 = 0;
while (_local2 < ((_arg1.length - 1) / 5)) {
_local6 = _arg1.getInt(((_local2 * 5) + 1));
if (bullets[_local6].alive == 0){
bullets[_local6].x = _arg1.getInt(((_local2 * 5) + 2));
bullets[_local6].y = _arg1.getInt(((_local2 * 5) + 3));
bullets[_local6].offX = ((_arg1.getInt(((_local2 * 5) + 2)) + (((_local4 - _arg1.getInt(0)) / 5) * Math.sin(((bullets[_local6].rotateAngle / 180) * Math.PI)))) - bullets[_local6].x);
bullets[_local6].offY = ((_arg1.getInt(((_local2 * 5) + 3)) - (((_local4 - _arg1.getInt(0)) / 5) * Math.cos(((bullets[_local6].rotateAngle / 180) * Math.PI)))) - bullets[_local6].y);
bullets[_local6].offStepX = (bullets[_local6].offX / 800);
bullets[_local6].offStepY = (bullets[_local6].offY / 800);
bullets[_local6].rotateAngle = _arg1.getInt(((_local2 * 5) + 4));
bullets[_local6].alive = _arg1.getInt(((_local2 * 5) + 5));
oldStateTime = ((((oldStateTime + _arg1.getInt(0)) * 3) + new Date().getTime()) / 4);
case "playerDestroyed":
players[_arg1.getInt(0)].alive = 0;
players[_arg1.getInt(0)].Tank.visible = false;
players[_arg1.getInt(0)].Explosion.visible = true;
players[_arg1.getInt(0)].explosionTime = 45;
if (_arg1.getInt(0) == myId){
case "userLeft":
delete players[_arg1.getInt(0)];
case "uDown":
players[_arg1.getInt(0)].keyUp = true;
case "uUp":
players[_arg1.getInt(0)].keyUp = false;
case "dDown":
players[_arg1.getInt(0)].keyDown = true;
case "dUp":
players[_arg1.getInt(0)].keyDown = false;
case "rDown":
players[_arg1.getInt(0)].keyRight = true;
case "rUp":
players[_arg1.getInt(0)].keyRight = false;
case "lDown":
players[_arg1.getInt(0)].keyLeft = true;
case "lUp":
players[_arg1.getInt(0)].keyLeft = false;
case "chat":
players[_arg1.getInt(0)].userSays.text = _arg1.getString(1);
players[_arg1.getInt(0)].messageTimeout = 90;
public function go(_arg1){
var _local2:Number;
var _local3:Number;
var _local4:String;
var _local5:int;
var _local6:int;
var _local7:String;
var _local8:String;
var _local9:String;
_local2 = new Date().getTime();
_local3 = (_local2 - oldTime);
oldTime = _local2;
if (myId != -1){
myDude.keyUp = keyUp;
myDude.keyDown = keyDown;
myDude.keyRight = keyRight;
myDude.keyLeft = keyLeft;
for (_local4 in players) {
if (players[_local4].alive == 0){
if (players[_local4].explosionTime > 0){
} else {
players[_local4].visible = false;
if (players[_local4].alive == 1){
_local6 = 0;
for (_local7 in players) {
if ((((((_local6 == 0)) && (!((_local7 == _local4))))) && ((players[_local7].alive == 1)))){
if (players[_local4].keyUp){
if (((((((((players[_local4].x + ((_local3 / 15) * Math.cos(((players[_local4].rotateAngle / 180) * Math.PI)))) > (players[_local7].x - 30))) && (((players[_local4].x + ((_local3 / 15) * Math.cos(((players[_local4].rotateAngle / 180) * Math.PI)))) < (players[_local7].x + 30))))) && (((players[_local4].y - ((_local3 / 15) * Math.cos(((players[_local4].rotateAngle / 180) * Math.PI)))) > (players[_local7].y - 30))))) && (((players[_local4].y - ((_local3 / 15) * Math.cos(((players[_local4].rotateAngle / 180) * Math.PI)))) < (players[_local7].y + 30))))){
_local6 = 1;
if (players[_local4].keyDown){
if (((((((((players[_local4].x - ((_local3 / 15) * Math.cos(((players[_local4].rotateAngle / 180) * Math.PI)))) > (players[_local7].x - 30))) && (((players[_local4].x - ((_local3 / 15) * Math.cos(((players[_local4].rotateAngle / 180) * Math.PI)))) < (players[_local7].x + 30))))) && (((players[_local4].y + ((_local3 / 15) * Math.cos(((players[_local4].rotateAngle / 180) * Math.PI)))) > (players[_local7].y - 30))))) && (((players[_local4].y + ((_local3 / 15) * Math.cos(((players[_local4].rotateAngle / 180) * Math.PI)))) < (players[_local7].y + 30))))){
_local6 = 1;
if (_local6 == 0){
if (players[_local4].keyUp){
players[_local4].y = (players[_local4].y - ((_local3 / 15) * Math.cos(((players[_local4].rotateAngle / 180) * Math.PI))));
players[_local4].x = (players[_local4].x + ((_local3 / 15) * Math.sin(((players[_local4].rotateAngle / 180) * Math.PI))));
if (players[_local4].keyDown){
players[_local4].y = (players[_local4].y + ((_local3 / 15) * Math.cos(((players[_local4].rotateAngle / 180) * Math.PI))));
players[_local4].x = (players[_local4].x - ((_local3 / 15) * Math.sin(((players[_local4].rotateAngle / 180) * Math.PI))));
if (players[_local4].y < 0){
players[_local4].y = 0;
if (players[_local4].x < 0){
players[_local4].x = 0;
if (players[_local4].y > 600){
players[_local4].y = 600;
if (players[_local4].x > 600){
players[_local4].x = 600;
if (players[_local4].keyRight){
if (players[_local4].keyLeft){
players[_local4].Tank.rotation = players[_local4].rotateAngle;
if (players[_local4].messageTimeout > 0){
} else {
players[_local4].userSays.text = players[_local4].Name;
_local6 = 0;
if ((((((((players[_local4].offX > 30)) && (!((players[_local4] == myDude))))) || (players[_local4].keyUp))) || (players[_local4].keyDown))){
for (_local8 in players) {
if ((((((_local6 == 0)) && (!((_local8 == _local4))))) && ((players[_local8].alive == 1)))){
if (((((players[_local4].x + (players[_local4].offStepX * _local3)) > (players[_local8].x - 30))) && (((players[_local4].x + (players[_local4].offStepX * _local3)) < (players[_local8].x + 30))))){
_local6 = 1;
if (_local6 == 0){
if (Math.abs(players[_local4].offX) < Math.abs((_local3 * players[_local4].offStepX))){
players[_local4].x = (players[_local4].x + players[_local4].offX);
players[_local4].offX = 0;
players[_local4].offStepX = 0;
} else {
players[_local4].x = (players[_local4].x + (players[_local4].offStepX * _local3));
players[_local4].offX = (players[_local4].offX - (players[_local4].offStepX * _local3));
if ((((((((players[_local4].offY > 30)) && (!((players[_local4] == myDude))))) || (players[_local4].keyUp))) || (players[_local4].keyDown))){
for (_local9 in players) {
if ((((((_local6 == 0)) && (!((_local9 == _local4))))) && ((players[_local9].alive == 1)))){
if (((((players[_local4].y + (players[_local4].offStepY * _local3)) > (players[_local9].y - 30))) && (((players[_local4].y + (players[_local4].offStepY * _local3)) < (players[_local9].y + 30))))){
_local6 = 1;
if (_local6 == 0){
if (Math.abs(players[_local4].offY) < Math.abs((_local3 * players[_local4].offStepY))){
players[_local4].y = (players[_local4].y + players[_local4].offY);
players[_local4].offY = 0;
players[_local4].offStepY = 0;
} else {
players[_local4].y = (players[_local4].y + (players[_local4].offStepY * _local3));
players[_local4].offY = (players[_local4].offY - (players[_local4].offStepY * _local3));
_local5 = 0;
while (_local5 < 10) {
if (bullets[_local5].alive == 0){
if (_local5 == myId){
bullets[_local5].id = -1;
bulletCooldown = 0;
bullets[_local5].x = -500;
bullets[_local5].y = -500;
bullets[_local5].visible = false;
if (bullets[_local5].alive == 1){
bullets[_local5].visible = true;
bullets[_local5].y = (bullets[_local5].y - ((_local3 / 5) * Math.cos(((bullets[_local5].rotateAngle / 180) * Math.PI))));
bullets[_local5].x = (bullets[_local5].x + ((_local3 / 5) * Math.sin(((bullets[_local5].rotateAngle / 180) * Math.PI))));
if ((bullets[_local5].offX > 30)){
if (Math.abs(bullets[_local5].offX) < Math.abs((_local3 * bullets[_local5].offStepX))){
bullets[_local5].x = (bullets[_local5].x + bullets[_local5].offX);
bullets[_local5].offX = 0;
bullets[_local5].offStepX = 0;
} else {
bullets[_local5].x = (bullets[_local5].x + (bullets[_local5].offStepX * _local3));
bullets[_local5].offX = (bullets[_local5].offX - (bullets[_local5].offStepX * _local3));
if (bullets[_local5].offY > 30){
if (Math.abs(bullets[_local5].offY) < Math.abs((_local3 * bullets[_local5].offStepY))){
bullets[_local5].y = (bullets[_local5].y + bullets[_local5].offY);
bullets[_local5].offY = 0;
bullets[_local5].offStepY = 0;
} else {
bullets[_local5].y = (bullets[_local5].y + (bullets[_local5].offStepY * _local3));
bullets[_local5].offY = (bullets[_local5].offY - (bullets[_local5].offStepY * _local3));
DebugText.text = ("bulletCooldown = " + String(bulletCooldown));
}//package 4chanTankWar_fla
Section 2
//Client (playerio.Client)
package playerio {
import flash.display.*;
public interface Client {
function get multiplayer():Multiplayer;
function get stage():Stage;
}//package playerio
Section 3
//Connection (playerio.Connection)
package playerio {
public interface Connection {
function addMessageHandler(_arg1:String, _arg2:Function):void;
function removeMessageHandler(_arg1:String, _arg2:Function):void;
function send(_arg1:String, ... _args):void;
function get connected():Boolean;
function removeDisconnectHandler(_arg1:Function):void;
function createMessage(_arg1:String, ... _args):Message;
function addDisconnectHandler(_arg1:Function):void;
function disconnect():void;
function sendMessage(_arg1:Message):void;
}//package playerio
Section 4
//Message (playerio.Message)
package playerio {
import flash.utils.*;
public interface Message {
function add(... _args):void;
function get length():int;
function toString():String;
function getString(_arg1:int):String;
function getUInt(_arg1:int):uint;
function getBoolean(_arg1:int):Boolean;
function set type(_arg1:String):void;
function getInt(_arg1:int):int;
function get type():String;
function getByteArray(_arg1:int):ByteArray;
function getNumber(_arg1:int):Number;
}//package playerio
Section 5
//Multiplayer (playerio.Multiplayer)
package playerio {
public interface Multiplayer {
function createJoinRoom(_arg1:String, _arg2:String, _arg3:Boolean, _arg4:Object, _arg5:Object, _arg6:Function=null, _arg7:Function=null):void;
function joinRoom(_arg1:String, _arg2:Object, _arg3:Function=null, _arg4:Function=null):void;
function createRoom(_arg1:String, _arg2:String, _arg3:Boolean, _arg4:Object, _arg5:Function=null, _arg6:Function=null):void;
function listRooms(_arg1:String, _arg2:Object, _arg3:int, _arg4:int, _arg5:Function=null, _arg6:Function=null):void;
function set developmentServer(_arg1:String):void;
}//package playerio
Section 6
//PlayerIO (playerio.PlayerIO)
package playerio {
import flash.display.*;
import flash.system.*;
public final class PlayerIO {
private static var queue:Array = [];
private static var wrapper:Loader;
private static var apiError:PlayerIOError;
public function PlayerIO(){
throw (new Error("You cannot create an instance of the PlayerIO class!"));
private static function emptyQueue(_arg1:Event=null):void{
while (queue.length) {
public static function connect(_arg1:Stage, _arg2:String, _arg3:String, _arg4:String, _arg5:String, _arg6:Function, _arg7:Function=null):void{
proxy("connect", arguments);
private static function proxy(_arg1:String, _arg2:Object):void{
var target = _arg1;
var args = _arg2;
if (apiError){
throwError(apiError, args[(args.callee.length - 1)]);
} else {
if (((wrapper) && (wrapper.content))){
try {
wrapper.content[target].apply(null, args);
} catch(e:Error) {
throwError(new PlayerIOError(e.message, e.errorID), args[(args.callee.length - 1)]);
} else {
queue.push(function ():void{
args.callee.apply(null, args);
if (!wrapper){
private static function throwError(_arg1:PlayerIOError, _arg2:Function):void{
if (_arg2 != null){
} else {
throw (PlayerIOError);
private static function loadAPI():void{
var loader:URLLoader;
wrapper = new Loader();
loader = new URLLoader();
loader.dataFormat = URLLoaderDataFormat.BINARY;
loader.addEventListener(Event.COMPLETE, function (_arg1:Event):void{
wrapper.contentLoaderInfo.addEventListener(Event.COMPLETE, emptyQueue);
wrapper.contentLoaderInfo.addEventListener(IOErrorEvent.IO_ERROR, handleLoadError);
wrapper.contentLoaderInfo.addEventListener(SecurityErrorEvent.SECURITY_ERROR, handleLoadError);
wrapper.loadBytes(, new LoaderContext(false, ApplicationDomain.currentDomain));
loader.addEventListener(IOErrorEvent.IO_ERROR, handleLoadError);
loader.addEventListener(SecurityErrorEvent.SECURITY_ERROR, handleLoadError);
loader.load(new URLRequest(""));
private static function handleLoadError(_arg1:Event=null):void{
apiError = new PlayerIOError((("Unable to connect to the API due to " + _arg1.type) + ". Please verify that your internet connection is working!"), 0);
}//package playerio
Section 7
//PlayerIOError (playerio.PlayerIOError)
package playerio {
public class PlayerIOError extends Error {
protected var _type:PlayerIOError;
public static const MissingRoomId:PlayerIOError = new PlayerIOError("You can't join the room when the RoomID is null or the empty string", 18);
public static const NotASearchColumn:PlayerIOError = new PlayerIOError("The key you specified is not set as searchable. You can change the searchable keys in the admin panel for the server type", 20);
public static const InvalidMessageFormat:PlayerIOError = new PlayerIOError("The message is malformatted", 4);
public static const NoAvailableServers:PlayerIOError = new PlayerIOError("There are no servers available in the cluster, please try again later (never occurs)", 13);
public static const MissingValue:PlayerIOError = new PlayerIOError("A value is missing", 5);
public static const GameRequired:PlayerIOError = new PlayerIOError("A game is required to do this action", 6);
public static const RoomAlreadyExists:PlayerIOError = new PlayerIOError("You are unable to create room because there is already a room with the specified id", 15);
public static const UnsupportedMethod:PlayerIOError = new PlayerIOError("The method requested is not supported", 0);
public static const InvalidAuth:PlayerIOError = new PlayerIOError("The auth given is invalid or malformatted", 12);
public static const GeneralError:PlayerIOError = new PlayerIOError("A general error occured", 1);
public static const UnknownServerType:PlayerIOError = new PlayerIOError("The game you're connected to does not have a server type with the specified name", 16);
public static const UnknownConnection:PlayerIOError = new PlayerIOError("The connection requested is not known by the server", 11);
public static const InternalError:PlayerIOError = new PlayerIOError("An internal error occured", 2);
public static const RoomDataTooLarge:PlayerIOError = new PlayerIOError("The room data for the room was over the allowed size limit", 14);
public static const UnknownRoom:PlayerIOError = new PlayerIOError("There is no room running with that id", 17);
public static const RoomIsFull:PlayerIOError = new PlayerIOError("The room already has the maxmium amount of users in it.", 19);
public static const UnknownGame:PlayerIOError = new PlayerIOError("The game requested is not known by the server", 10);
public static const AccessDenied:PlayerIOError = new PlayerIOError("Access is denied", 3);
public function PlayerIOError(_arg1:String, _arg2:int){
_type = GeneralError;
super(_arg1, _arg2);
public function get type():PlayerIOError{
return (_type);
}//package playerio
Section 8
//Arrow (Arrow)
package {
import flash.display.*;
public dynamic class Arrow extends MovieClip {
Section 9
//Bullet (Bullet)
package {
import flash.display.*;
public dynamic class Bullet extends MovieClip {
Section 10
//Letter (Letter)
package {
import flash.display.*;
import flash.text.*;
public dynamic class Letter extends MovieClip {
public var letter:TextField;
Section 11
//person (person)
package {
import flash.display.*;
import flash.text.*;
public dynamic class person extends MovieClip {
public var Explosion:MovieClip;
public var Tank:MovieClip;
public var userSays:TextField;