[Tools][Expand/Collapse All]Note that automatic extraction of ActionScript 3 is still pretty much unsupported by swfchan. AS1/AS2 works okay most of the time.Frame 1 (3.29 KiB) ●
Stage.scaleMode = "noScale";
Textturnloading._alpha = 100;
Countercount._alpha = 100;
RenaSymbol._alpha = 100;
katt_icon._alpha = 100;
Texttitle._alpha = 100;
RenaSymbol._alpha = 100;
Textinstruct._alpha = 100;
Blende._alpha = 100;
Textturnloading.onEnterFrame = function () {
if (_root._currentFrame >= 6) {
if (Textturnloading._alpha <= 0) {
delete Textturnloading.onEnterFrame;
} else {
Textturnloading._alpha = Textturnloading._alpha - 6;
RenaSymbol.onEnterFrame = function () {
if (_root._currentFrame >= 6) {
if (RenaSymbol._alpha <= 0) {
delete RenaSymbol.onEnterFrame;
} else {
RenaSymbol._alpha = RenaSymbol._alpha - 6;
katt_icon.onEnterFrame = function () {
if (_root._currentFrame >= 6) {
if (katt_icon._alpha <= 0) {
delete katt_icon.onEnterFrame;
} else {
katt_icon._alpha = katt_icon._alpha - 6;
Texttitle.onEnterFrame = function () {
if (_root._currentFrame >= 6) {
if (Texttitle._alpha <= 0) {
delete Texttitle.onEnterFrame;
} else {
Texttitle._alpha = Texttitle._alpha - 2;
Textinstruct.onEnterFrame = function () {
if (_root._currentFrame >= 6) {
if (Textinstruct._alpha <= 0) {
delete Textinstruct.onEnterFrame;
} else {
Textinstruct._alpha = Textinstruct._alpha - 2;
Countercount.onEnterFrame = function () {
if (_root._currentFrame >= 6) {
Countercount._alpha = 0;
if (Countercount._alpha <= 0) {
delete Countercount.onEnterFrame;
Blende.onEnterFrame = function () {
if (_root._currentFrame >= 6) {
if (Blende._alpha <= 0) {
delete Blende.onEnterFrame;
} else {
Blende._alpha = Blende._alpha - 6;
Counterfull.onEnterFrame = function () {
if (_root._currentFrame < 6) {
Counterfull._alpha = 0;
if (_root._currentFrame == 7) {
Counterfull._alpha = 100;
if (_root._currentFrame > 8) {
if (Counterfull._alpha <= 0) {
delete Blende.onEnterFrame;
} else {
Counterfull._alpha = Counterfull._alpha - 6;
onEnterFrame = function () {
myLoaded = Math.round(getBytesLoaded());
myTotal = Math.round(getBytesTotal());
myPercent = myLoaded / myTotal;
myText = Math.round(myPercent * 100) + "%";
setProperty("nextButton", _visible , false);
setProperty("prevButton", _visible , false);
var movieWidth = 1900;
var movieHeight = 700;
Texttitle._y = (movieHeight / 10) * 1;
Texttitle._x = movieWidth / 2;
Textturnloading._y = (movieHeight / 10) * 2;
Textturnloading._x = movieWidth / 2;
katt_icon._y = (movieHeight / 10) * 5;
katt_icon._x = movieWidth / 2;
RenaSymbol._y = (movieHeight / 10) * 4.6;
RenaSymbol._x = movieWidth / 2;
Countercount._y = (movieHeight / 10) * 8.6;
Countercount._x = movieWidth / 2;
Counterfull._y = (movieHeight / 10) * 8.6;
Counterfull._x = movieWidth / 2;
Textinstruct._y = (movieHeight / 10) * 9.4;
Textinstruct._x = movieWidth / 2;
mastermask._height = movieHeight;
mastermask._width = movieWidth;
Blende._height = movieHeight;
Blende._width = movieWidth;
pauseButton._y = movieHeight - 25;
prevButton._y = movieHeight - 25;
nextButton._y = movieHeight - 25;
pauseButton._x = 27.5;
prevButton._x = 62.5;
nextButton._x = 97.5;
ifFrameLoaded (366) {
gotoAndPlay ("start");
Instance of Symbol 27 MovieClip "Textinstruct" in Frame 1 (21 B)
/* no clip actions */
Frame 5 (17 B)
gotoAndPlay (1);
Frame 6 (1.1 KiB) ●
var lengthOfVideo = 363;
onEnterFrame = function () {
if (Key.isDown(38)) {
_global.isPlaying = false;
setProperty("_root.nextButton", _visible , false);
setProperty("_root.prevButton", _visible , false);
_global.isPlaying = false;
if (Key.isDown(40)) {
_global.isPlaying = true;
setProperty("_root.nextButton", _visible , true);
setProperty("_root.prevButton", _visible , true);
_global.isPlaying = true;
if (Key.isDown(37)) {
_global.isPlaying = true;
setProperty("_root.nextButton", _visible , true);
setProperty("_root.prevButton", _visible , true);
_global.isPlaying = true;
if (movieClip._currentFrame == 4) {
} else {
if (Key.isDown(39)) {
_global.isPlaying = true;
setProperty("_root.nextButton", _visible , true);
setProperty("_root.prevButton", _visible , true);
_global.isPlaying = true;
if (movieClip._currentFrame == lengthOfVideo) {
} else {
Frame 366 (18 B)
gotoAndPlay (81);
Symbol 7 Button (39 B)
on (release) {
Symbol 11 Button (121 B)
on (release) {
if (movieClip._currentFrame == 363) {
} else {
Symbol 15 Button (121 B)
on (release) {
if (movieClip._currentFrame == 4) {
} else {
Symbol 34 MovieClip Frame 1 (417 B)
function toggleMe() {
if (_global.isPlaying) {
setProperty("_root.nextButton", _visible , false);
setProperty("_root.prevButton", _visible , false);
_global.isPlaying = false;
} else {
setProperty("_root.nextButton", _visible , true);
setProperty("_root.prevButton", _visible , true);
_global.isPlaying = true;
_global.isPlaying = false;
Symbol 34 MovieClip Frame 363 (56 B)
if (_global.isPlaying == false) {
gotoAndPlay (4);