Archived flashes:
/disc/ · /res/     /show/ · /fap/ · /gg/ · /swf/P0001 · P2574 · P5148

<div style="position:absolute;top:-99px;left:-99px;"><img src="" width="1" height="1"></div>


This is the info page for
Flash #105970

(Click the ID number above for more basic data on this flash file.)

<p align="center"><font face="_sans" size="24" color="#ffff99" letterSpacing="0.000000" kerning="0">Loading</font></p>


<p align="center"><font face="_sans" size="24" color="#ffff99" letterSpacing="0.000000" kerning="0">Loading</font></p>



<p align="center"><font face="_sans" size="12" color="#ffffff" letterSpacing="0.000000" kerning="0"><b>Replay</b></font></p>

<p align="center"><font face="_sans" size="12" color="#ffffff" letterSpacing="0.000000" kerning="0"><b>Skip</b></font></p>

<p align="left"></p>



Click to start

<p align="left"></p>

ActionScript [AS1/AS2]

Frame 1
setLevel = function (newLevel, newStart_point) { levelData = newLevel; start_point = newStart_point; levelFromEditor = true; }; stop(); var randInterface = ("loadInterface" + Math.floor(Math.random() * 2)); this.attachMovie(randInterface, "loadInterface", 0, {filename:"data"}); var total = this.getBytesTotal(); this.onEnterFrame = function () { var _local2 = this.getBytesLoaded(); this.loadInterface.fill_mc._xscale = (_local2 * 100) / total; if (_framesloaded == _totalframes) { this.loadInterface.removeMovieClip();; delete randInterface; delete total; this.onEnterFrame = function () { }; } }; onUnload = function () { mdm.Exception.DebugWindow.trace("game.swf unload()"); };
Frame 3
stop(); _global.TRACE_SCRIPT = false; _quality = "low"; XML.prototype.ignoreWhite = true; if (!this._listeners) { AsBroadcaster.initialize(this); } findXmlTag = function (findThis, this_xml) { var _local1 = 0; while (_local1 < this_xml.childNodes.length) { var _local2 = this_xml.childNodes[_local1].nodeName; if (_local2 == findThis) { var _local4 = this_xml.childNodes[_local1]; } _local1++; } return(_local4); }; readXml_getValue = function (newValue) { var _local4 = null; var _local7 = newValue.substr(0, 4); if (_local7 == "bol_") { var _local8 = newValue.substr(4); newValue = _local8 == "true"; _local4 = newValue; } else if (_local7 == "num_") { var _local8 = newValue.substr(4); newValue = Number(_local8); _local4 = newValue; } else if (_local7 == "str_") { var _local8 = newValue.substr(4); newValue = String(_local8); _local4 = newValue; } else if (isNaN(Number(newValue))) { if (newValue == "true") { _local4 = true; } else if (newValue == "false") { _local4 = false; } else { var _local5 = ""; var _local6 = String.fromCharCode(10); var _local3 = 0; var _local1 = 0; while (_local1 != undefined) { _local1 = newValue.indexOf(_local6, _local3); if (_local1 == -1) { _local1 = undefined; } stringSlice = newValue.slice(_local3, _local1); _local3 = _local1 + 1; _local5 = _local5 + stringSlice; } newValue = _local5; _local4 = newValue; } } else { _local4 = Number(newValue); } return(_local4); }; readXml = function (parentPath, targetData) { for (var _local1 in parentPath.attributes) { if (_local1 != "xmlType") { var _local6 = parentPath.attributes[_local1]; targetData[_local1] = readXml_getValue(_local6); } } for (var _local8 in parentPath.childNodes) { var _local2 = parentPath.childNodes[_local8]; var _local1 = _local2.nodeName; var _local4 = _local2.attributes.xmlType; if (_local4 == "array") { targetData[_local1] = new Array(); var _local7 = targetData[_local1]; readXml(_local2, _local7); } else if (_local4 == "variable") { var _local6 = _local2.attributes.value; targetData[_local1] = readXml_getValue(_local6); } else if (_local4 == "object") { targetData[_local1] = new Object(); var _local7 = targetData[_local1]; readXml(_local2, _local7); } } delete stringSlice; }; emptyObject = function (inputObject) { for (var _local2 in inputObject) { delete inputObject[_local2]; } }; getType = function (inputObject) { var _local1 = ""; if (inputObject instanceof Function) { _local1 = "function"; } else if (inputObject instanceof MovieClip) { _local1 = "movieClip"; } else if (inputObject instanceof Array) { _local1 = "array"; } else if (inputObject instanceof XMLNode) { _local1 = "xml"; } else if (inputObject instanceof flash.display.BitmapData) { _local1 = "bitmap"; } else if (inputObject instanceof Object) { _local1 = "object"; } else { _local1 = "variable"; } return(_local1); }; copyObject = function (srcObj, destObj) { emptyObject(destObj); var _local4 = {}; for (var _local6 in srcObj) { _local4[_local6] = srcObj[_local6]; } for (var _local6 in _local4) { var _local1 = _local4[_local6]; var _local3 = getType(_local1); if (_local3 == "variable") { destObj[_local6] = _local1; } if (_local3 == "bitmap") { destObj[_local6] = _local1.clone(); } if (_local3 == "xml") { destObj[_local6] = _local1.cloneNode(true); } if (_local3 == "array") { destObj[_local6] = new Array(); copyObject(_local1, destObj[_local6]); } if (_local3 == "object") { destObj[_local6] = new Object(); copyObject(_local1, destObj[_local6]); } } }; emptyObject = function (inputObject) { for (var _local2 in inputObject) { delete inputObject[_local2]; } }; getType = function (inputObject) { var _local1 = ""; if (inputObject instanceof Function) { _local1 = "function"; } else if (inputObject instanceof MovieClip) { _local1 = "movieClip"; } else if (inputObject instanceof Array) { _local1 = "array"; } else if (inputObject instanceof XMLNode) { _local1 = "xml"; } else if (inputObject instanceof flash.display.BitmapData) { _local1 = "bitmap"; } else if (inputObject instanceof Object) { _local1 = "object"; } else { _local1 = "variable"; } return(_local1); }; copyObject = function (srcObj, destObj) { emptyObject(destObj); var _local4 = {}; for (var _local6 in srcObj) { _local4[_local6] = srcObj[_local6]; } for (var _local6 in _local4) { var _local1 = _local4[_local6]; var _local3 = getType(_local1); if (_local3 == "variable") { destObj[_local6] = _local1; } if (_local3 == "bitmap") { destObj[_local6] = _local1.clone(); } if (_local3 == "xml") { destObj[_local6] = _local1.cloneNode(true); } if (_local3 == "array") { destObj[_local6] = new Array(); copyObject(_local1, destObj[_local6]); } if (_local3 == "object") { destObj[_local6] = new Object(); copyObject(_local1, destObj[_local6]); } } }; storeSave = function (saveData, gameId) { gameId = (gameId ? (gameId) : "humbird0_rpg"); if (saveData) { var _local1 = SharedObject.getLocal(gameId); _local1.clear(); = {}; copyObject(RAM,; var _local2 = _local1.flush(); if (_local2 == true) { return(true); } trace("Save Failed"); return(false); } }; saveGame = function (gameId) { if (ROOT.level_xml.filePath) { RAM.saveSettings = {}; RAM.saveSettings.level = ROOT.level_xml.filePath; if (SPRITES.player) { var _local2 = SPRITES.player.image.getParams(); if (_local2) { RAM.playerSprite = _local2; } RAM.saveSettings.playerPosition = {x:SPRITES.player._x, y:SPRITES.player._y}; } = {songName:MUSIC.songName, isPlaying:MUSIC.isPlaying, volume:MUSIC.volume, songVolume:MUSIC.songVolume}; RAM.saveSettings.sound = {volume:SOUND.volume}; var _local1 = {}; copyObject(RAM, _local1); var _local3 = storeSave(_local1, gameId); } return(_local3); }; emptyObject = function (inputObject) { for (var _local2 in inputObject) { delete inputObject[_local2]; } }; getType = function (inputObject) { var _local1 = ""; if (inputObject instanceof Function) { _local1 = "function"; } else if (inputObject instanceof MovieClip) { _local1 = "movieClip"; } else if (inputObject instanceof Array) { _local1 = "array"; } else if (inputObject instanceof XMLNode) { _local1 = "xml"; } else if (inputObject instanceof flash.display.BitmapData) { _local1 = "bitmap"; } else if (inputObject instanceof Object) { _local1 = "object"; } else { _local1 = "variable"; } return(_local1); }; copyObject = function (srcObj, destObj) { emptyObject(destObj); var _local4 = {}; for (var _local6 in srcObj) { _local4[_local6] = srcObj[_local6]; } for (var _local6 in _local4) { var _local1 = _local4[_local6]; var _local3 = getType(_local1); if (_local3 == "variable") { destObj[_local6] = _local1; } if (_local3 == "bitmap") { destObj[_local6] = _local1.clone(); } if (_local3 == "xml") { destObj[_local6] = _local1.cloneNode(true); } if (_local3 == "array") { destObj[_local6] = new Array(); copyObject(_local1, destObj[_local6]); } if (_local3 == "object") { destObj[_local6] = new Object(); copyObject(_local1, destObj[_local6]); } } }; _global.nextDepth = function (this_mc, maxDepth) { this_mc = (this_mc ? (this_mc) : _root); var _local4 = 1; var _local5 = (maxDepth ? (maxDepth) : 1048500); for (var _local6 in this_mc) { var _local2 = this_mc[_local6].getDepth(); if ((_local2 < _local5) && (_local2 >= _local4)) { _local4 = _local2 + 1; } } return(_local4); }; emptyObject = function (inputObject) { for (var _local2 in inputObject) { delete inputObject[_local2]; } }; getType = function (inputObject) { var _local1 = ""; if (inputObject instanceof Function) { _local1 = "function"; } else if (inputObject instanceof MovieClip) { _local1 = "movieClip"; } else if (inputObject instanceof Array) { _local1 = "array"; } else if (inputObject instanceof XMLNode) { _local1 = "xml"; } else if (inputObject instanceof flash.display.BitmapData) { _local1 = "bitmap"; } else if (inputObject instanceof Object) { _local1 = "object"; } else { _local1 = "variable"; } return(_local1); }; copyObject = function (srcObj, destObj) { emptyObject(destObj); var _local4 = {}; for (var _local6 in srcObj) { _local4[_local6] = srcObj[_local6]; } for (var _local6 in _local4) { var _local1 = _local4[_local6]; var _local3 = getType(_local1); if (_local3 == "variable") { destObj[_local6] = _local1; } if (_local3 == "bitmap") { destObj[_local6] = _local1.clone(); } if (_local3 == "xml") { destObj[_local6] = _local1.cloneNode(true); } if (_local3 == "array") { destObj[_local6] = new Array(); copyObject(_local1, destObj[_local6]); } if (_local3 == "object") { destObj[_local6] = new Object(); copyObject(_local1, destObj[_local6]); } } }; getImpliedValue = function (input) { var _local2; if ((input == "undefined") || (input == undefined)) { _local2 = undefined; } else if ((input == "true") || (input === true)) { _local2 = Boolean(true); } else if ((input == "false") || (input === false)) { _local2 = Boolean(false); } else if (isNaN(input) == false) { _local2 = Number(input); } else { _local2 = input; } return(_local2); }; resolveContainer = function (containerName, thisRef) { thisRef = (thisRef ? (thisRef) : this); var _local4 = _global[containerName]; if (containerName == "this") { _local4 = thisRef; } if (containerName == "_root") { _local4 = _root; } if (containerName == "_level0") { _local4 = _root; } if (containerName == "_global") { _local4 = _global; } return(_local4); }; resolveContainerStr = function (containerName, thisName) { thisName = (thisName ? (thisName) : "this"); var _local2 = null; if (containerName == "this") { _local2 = thisName; } if (containerName == "_root") { _local2 = "_root"; } if (containerName == "_level0") { _local2 = "_root"; } if (containerName == "_global") { _local2 = "_global"; } if (_global[containerName]) { _local2 = containerName; } return(_local2); }; evalPath = function (inputPath, defaultContainer_str, thisName) { var thisName = (thisName ? (thisName) : "this"); if (typeof(inputPath) == "string") { if (!defaultContainer_str) { var defaultContainer_str = thisName; } var endAt = inputPath.indexOf("."); if (endAt == -1) { endAt = inputPath.length; } var container_str = inputPath.substr(0, endAt); var container_str = resolveContainerStr(container_str, thisName); if (!container_str) { var container_str = defaultContainer_str; endAt = -1; } var theRest = inputPath.substr(endAt + 1); var fullPath = (theRest ? ((container_str + ".") + theRest) : (container_str)); var paramStart = fullPath.indexOf("("); if (paramStart != -1) { var paramEnd = fullPath.indexOf(")", paramStart + 1); var param = fullPath.substring(paramStart + 1, paramEnd); var functionPath = fullPath.substr(0, paramStart); var thisFunction = eval (functionPath); var param_array = String(param).split(","); var i = 0; while (i < param_array.length) { param_array[i] = getImpliedValue(param_array[i]); i++; } var output = thisFunction.apply(this, param_array); } else { var output = eval (fullPath); } } else { var output = inputPath; } return(output); }; nestedEval = function (inputPath, defaultContainer_str, thisName) { if (typeof(inputPath) == "string") { thisName = (thisName ? (thisName) : "this"); inputPath = String(inputPath); var _local10 = ""; if (!defaultContainer_str) { defaultContainer_str = "this"; } var _local6 = inputPath.split("["); var _local1 = _local6.length - 1; while (_local1 > 0) { var _local2 = _local6[_local1] + _local10; var _local3 = _local2.indexOf("]"); _local10 = _local2.substr(_local3 + 1); var _local5 = _local2.substr(0, _local3); var _local4 = evalPath(_local5, defaultContainer_str, thisName); _local10 = _local4 + _local10; _local1--; } _local10 = _local6[0] + _local10; } else { var _local10 = inputPath; } return(_local10); }; makeStringObject = function (input_str, defaultContainer_str, thisName) { var _local9 = null; var _local8 = input_str.indexOf("{"); if ((_local8 == -1) || (_local8 == undefined)) { _local9 = input_str; } else { var _local7 = {}; var _local12 = input_str.indexOf("}", _local8 + 1); var _local10 = input_str.substring(_local8 + 1, _local12); _local10 = nestedEval(_local10, defaultContainer_str, thisName); var _local6 = _local10.split(","); var _local2 = 0; while (_local2 < _local6.length) { var _local3 = _local6[_local2]; var _local4 = _local3.indexOf(":"); var _local5 = _local3.substr(0, _local4); var _local1 = _local3.substr(_local4 + 1); _local1 = getImpliedValue(_local1); _local7[_local5] = _local1; _local2++; } _local9 = _local7; } return(_local9); }; define_swf = function (command_obj) { if ( { = function (thisCommand_obj, skipSwfloader) { command_obj.copyObject = copyObject; command_obj.makeStringObject = makeStringObject; command_obj.nestedEval = nestedEval; command_obj.evalPath = evalPath; command_obj.getImpliedValue = getImpliedValue; command_obj.resolveContainer = resolveContainer; var _local12 = nestedEval(, "RAM", "_this"); var _local5 = evalPath(_local12, "RAM", "_this"); var _local4 = nestedEval(, "RAM", "_this"); var _local6 = 0; if ((_local4 == "") || (_local4 == undefined)) { do { _local4 = "swf_" + _local6; _local6++; } while (_local5[_local4]); } if (TRACE_SCRIPT) { trace((((("Place swf: " + + " named: ") + _local4) + " waitForEnd: ") +; } var _local8 = (( == -1) ? (nextDepth(_local5)) : (nestedEval(, "RAM", "_this"))); var storedObj = {}; copyObject(, storedObj); = _local4; storedObj.depth = _local8; if (!skipSwfloader) { ROOT.swfLoader.add(storedObj); } var swfLoader = new MovieClipLoader(); swfLoader.root = ROOT; swfLoader.commandData =; swfLoader.nextEvent = thisCommand_obj.nextEvent; swfLoader.waitForEnd =; swfLoader.levelId = ROOT.game_mc.uid; _local5[_local4].removeMovieClip(); var _local10 = _local5.getInstanceAtDepth(_local8); _local10.removeMovieClip(); var _local7 =; _local7 = nestedEval(_local7, "RAM", "_this"); var _local13 = false; _local5.attachMovie(_local7, _local4, _local8); if ((_local5[_local4] == _local5) || (_local5[_local4] == undefined)) { _local5.createEmptyMovieClip(_local4, _local8); var _local14 = flash.display.BitmapData.loadBitmap(_local7); _local5[_local4].attachBitmap(_local14, 0); if ((_local5[_local4]._width == undefined) || (_local5[_local4]._width == 0)) { _local13 = true; } else { = false; } } swfLoader.passData = function (newClip, commandData) { newClip.parentSprite = _this; for (var _local4 in commandData) { var _local1 = command_obj.nestedEval(commandData[_local4], "RAM", "_this"); _local1 = command_obj.makeStringObject(_local1, "RAM", "_this"); newClip[_local4] = _local1; } newClip.onClose = function () { ROOT.swfLoader.remove(storedObj); }; newClip.start(); }; swfLoader.detectLastFrame = function (newClip, nextEvent) { newClip.detectLastFrame = {parent:newClip, nextEvent:nextEvent,, loop:function (thisObj) { if ((thisObj.parent._currentframe == thisObj.parent._totalframes) || (thisObj.parent._currentframe == undefined)) { ROOT.swfLoader.remove(thisObj.swfData); clearInterval(thisObj.intervalId); _global.ROOT = swfLoader.root; var _local3 = swfLoader.levelId == ROOT.game_mc.uid; if (_local3) { thisObj.nextEvent(); } } }, intervalId:null, start:function () { if (this.intervalId != null) { clearInterval(this.intervalId); } this.intervalId = setInterval(this.loop, 34, this); }}; newClip.detectLastFrame.start(); }; if (_local13) { swfLoader.onLoadInit = function (newClip) { swfLoader.passData(newClip, this.commandData); if (swfLoader.waitForEnd) { swfLoader.detectLastFrame(newClip, this.nextEvent); } delete swfLoader; }; swfLoader.onLoadError = function (newClip) { this.unloadClip(newClip); newClip.removeMovieClip(); delete swfLoader; }; swfLoader.loadClip(_local7, _local5[_local4]); } else { swfLoader.passData(_local5[_local4], swfLoader.commandData); if (swfLoader.waitForEnd) { swfLoader.detectLastFrame(_local5[_local4], thisCommand_obj.nextEvent); } delete swfLoader; } if ( == false) { thisCommand_obj.nextEvent(); } }; } else { = function (thisCommand_obj, preserveSwfloader) { if (!preserveSwfloader) { ROOT.swfLoader.remove(; } if (TRACE_SCRIPT) { trace((("removeSwf: " + + " named: ") +; } var autoDelay = 1; var endTime = getTimer(); var elapsedTime = (endTime - startTime); if (TRACE_SCRIPT) { trace("\t elapsedTime: " + elapsedTime); } if (isNaN(elapsedTime) || (elapsedTime > autoDelay)) { var defaultContainer = "OVERLAY"; target_str = nestedEval(, "RAM", "_this"); var startAt = target_str.indexOf("."); if (startAt == -1) { var container = defaultContainer; var containerIsGlobal = false; for (var nam in _global) { if (nam == target_str) { containerIsGlobal = true; break; } } var theRest = target_str; var target = (containerIsGlobal ? (eval (theRest)) : (eval ((container + ".") + theRest))); if (target_str == "this") { var target = _this; } } else { var containerName = target_str.substr(0, startAt); var container = nestedEval(containerName, "RAM", "_this"); var theRest = target_str.substr(startAt + 1); var target = eval ((container + ".") + theRest); } var targetName = nestedEval(, "RAM", "_this"); if (target_str == "SPRITES") { target[targetName].remove(); } target[targetName].unload(); target[targetName].onUnload(); target[targetName].removeMovieClip(); target[targetName]._name = null; thisCommand_obj.nextEvent(); } else { if (TRACE_SCRIPT) { trace("\t too early, wait for 1 millisecond"); } setTimeout(, autoDelay, thisCommand_obj); } }; } }; restoreData = function (loadedData) { var _local4 = false; if (loadedData) { ROOT.game_mc.removeMovieClip(); var deleteAllData = function (thisObject) { for (var _local2 in thisObject) { if (typeof(thisObject[_local2]) == "object") { deleteAllData(thisObject[_local2]); thisObject[_local2] = null; delete thisObject[_local2]; } else { thisObject[_local2] = null; delete thisObject[_local2]; } } }; deleteAllData(RAM); _global.RAM = {}; copyObject(loadedData, _global.RAM); ROOT.completeRam(); for (var _local7 in _global.RAM) { _local4 = true; break; } if ( {; } else { MUSIC.songName =; MUSIC.stop(); } MUSIC.volume =; MUSIC.songVolume =; SOUND.stopAll(); SOUND.volume = RAM.saveSettings.sound.volume; for (var _local8 in SPRITES) { SPRITES[_local8].onUnload(); } ROOT.loadLevel(RAM.saveSettings.level, RAM.saveSettings.playerPosition); var _local5 = function (swfCommand) { var _local1 = {}; = {}; copyObject(swfCommand,; = null; var _local2 = 0; define_swf(_local1);, true); }; if (RAM.swfLoader.permSwf == undefined) { trace("WARNING: RAM.swfLoader.permSwf is missing!"); } if (RAM.swfLoader.permSwf) { var _local2 = RAM.swfLoader.permSwf.length - 1; while (_local2 >= 0) { _local5(RAM.swfLoader.permSwf[_local2]); _local2--; } } var _local3 = function (swfCommand) { var _local1 = {}; = {}; copyObject(swfCommand,; define_swf(_local1);, true); }; var _local2 = 0; while (_local2 < RAM.swfLoader.permSwf.length) { _local3(RAM.swfLoader.permSwf[_local2]); _local2++; } _local2 = 0; while (_local2 < RAM.swfLoader.tempSwf.length) { _local3(RAM.swfLoader.tempSwf[_local2]); _local2++; } } return(_local4); }; loadGame = function (gameId) { gameId = gameId || "humbird0_rpg"; var _local2 = SharedObject.getLocal(gameId); var _local1 = Boolean(; if (_local1) { restoreData(; } return(_local1); }; getImpliedValue = function (input) { var _local2; if ((input == "undefined") || (input == undefined)) { _local2 = undefined; } else if ((input == "true") || (input === true)) { _local2 = Boolean(true); } else if ((input == "false") || (input === false)) { _local2 = Boolean(false); } else if (isNaN(input) == false) { _local2 = Number(input); } else { _local2 = input; } return(_local2); }; resolveContainer = function (containerName, thisRef) { thisRef = (thisRef ? (thisRef) : this); var _local4 = _global[containerName]; if (containerName == "this") { _local4 = thisRef; } if (containerName == "_root") { _local4 = _root; } if (containerName == "_level0") { _local4 = _root; } if (containerName == "_global") { _local4 = _global; } return(_local4); }; resolveContainerStr = function (containerName, thisName) { thisName = (thisName ? (thisName) : "this"); var _local2 = null; if (containerName == "this") { _local2 = thisName; } if (containerName == "_root") { _local2 = "_root"; } if (containerName == "_level0") { _local2 = "_root"; } if (containerName == "_global") { _local2 = "_global"; } if (_global[containerName]) { _local2 = containerName; } return(_local2); }; evalPath = function (inputPath, defaultContainer_str, thisName) { var thisName = (thisName ? (thisName) : "this"); if (typeof(inputPath) == "string") { if (!defaultContainer_str) { var defaultContainer_str = thisName; } var endAt = inputPath.indexOf("."); if (endAt == -1) { endAt = inputPath.length; } var container_str = inputPath.substr(0, endAt); var container_str = resolveContainerStr(container_str, thisName); if (!container_str) { var container_str = defaultContainer_str; endAt = -1; } var theRest = inputPath.substr(endAt + 1); var fullPath = (theRest ? ((container_str + ".") + theRest) : (container_str)); var paramStart = fullPath.indexOf("("); if (paramStart != -1) { var paramEnd = fullPath.indexOf(")", paramStart + 1); var param = fullPath.substring(paramStart + 1, paramEnd); var functionPath = fullPath.substr(0, paramStart); var thisFunction = eval (functionPath); var param_array = String(param).split(","); var i = 0; while (i < param_array.length) { param_array[i] = getImpliedValue(param_array[i]); i++; } var output = thisFunction.apply(this, param_array); } else { var output = eval (fullPath); } } else { var output = inputPath; } return(output); }; emptyObject = function (inputObject) { for (var _local2 in inputObject) { delete inputObject[_local2]; } }; getType = function (inputObject) { var _local1 = ""; if (inputObject instanceof Function) { _local1 = "function"; } else if (inputObject instanceof MovieClip) { _local1 = "movieClip"; } else if (inputObject instanceof Array) { _local1 = "array"; } else if (inputObject instanceof XMLNode) { _local1 = "xml"; } else if (inputObject instanceof flash.display.BitmapData) { _local1 = "bitmap"; } else if (inputObject instanceof Object) { _local1 = "object"; } else { _local1 = "variable"; } return(_local1); }; copyObject = function (srcObj, destObj) { emptyObject(destObj); var _local4 = {}; for (var _local6 in srcObj) { _local4[_local6] = srcObj[_local6]; } for (var _local6 in _local4) { var _local1 = _local4[_local6]; var _local3 = getType(_local1); if (_local3 == "variable") { destObj[_local6] = _local1; } if (_local3 == "bitmap") { destObj[_local6] = _local1.clone(); } if (_local3 == "xml") { destObj[_local6] = _local1.cloneNode(true); } if (_local3 == "array") { destObj[_local6] = new Array(); copyObject(_local1, destObj[_local6]); } if (_local3 == "object") { destObj[_local6] = new Object(); copyObject(_local1, destObj[_local6]); } } }; copySprite = function () { var _local7 = arguments[0]; var _local2 = arguments[1]; var _local4 = SPRITES[_local7].image.getParams(); if (_local4) { var _local3 = _local2.lastIndexOf("."); var _local6 = ((_local3 == -1) ? "RAM" : (_local2.substr(0, _local3))); var _local8 = _local2.substr(_local3 + 1); var _local9 = evalPath(_local6, "RAM"); var _local5 = (_local9[_local8] = {}); copyObject(_local4, _local5); } }; copyObj = function () { var _local4 = arguments[0]; var _local5 = arguments[1]; var _local2 = evalPath(_local4, "RAM"); var _local3 = evalPath(_local5, "RAM"); if (_local2 && (_local3)) { copyObject(_local2, _local3); } }; _this = this; _global.ROOT = this; if (!_global.RAM) { _global.RAM = {}; } _global.ROM = {}; makeLoopManager = function (parent_mc, instanceName, depth) { var _this = parent_mc.createEmptyMovieClip(instanceName, depth); _this.loopSets = new Object(); _this.loop_array = new Array(); _this.slowMotion = false; _this.slowMotionToggle = false; _this.loop = function () { var _local5 = true; if (_this.slowMotion) { _this.slowMotionToggle = !_this.slowMotionToggle; if (_this.slowMotionToggle) { _local5 = false; } } if (_local5) { for (var _local4 in _this.loopSets) { var _local2 = _this.loopSets[_local4]; var _local1 = 0; while (_local1 < _local2.length) { var _local3 = String(_local2[_local1]).length; if (_local3 == 0) { _local2.splice(_local1, 1); _local1--; } else { _local2[_local1].hasLooped = false; } _local1++; } } for (var _local4 in _this.loopSets) { var _local2 = _this.loopSets[_local4]; var _local1 = 0; while (_local1 < _local2.length) { if ((!_local2[_local1].isPaused) && (!_local2[_local1].hasLooped)) { _local2[_local1].loop(); _local2[_local1].hasLooped = true; } _local1++; } } } }; _this.onEnterFrame = function () { _this.loop(); }; _this.addObject = function (newObject, setName) { _this.addSet(setName); var _local2 = _this.loopSets[setName]; var _local3 = false; var _local1 = 0; while (_local1 < _local2.length) { if (_local2[_local1] == newObject) { _local3 = true; } _local1++; } if (!_local3) { _local2.push(newObject); newObject.isPaused = false; } }; _this.removeObject = function (findObject, setName) { var _local2 = _this.loopSets[setName]; var _local1 = 0; while (_local1 < _local2.length) { if (_local2[_local1] == findObject) { _local2.splice(_local1, 1); } _local1++; } }; _this.addSet = function (setName) { if (_this.loopSets[setName] == undefined) { _this.loopSets[setName] = []; } }; _this.removeSet = function (setName) { delete _this.loopSets[setName]; }; _this.pauseSet = function (setName, pauseValue) { var _local1 = _this.loopSets[setName]; for (var _local2 in _local1) { _local1[_local2].isPaused = pauseValue; } }; _this.pauseObject = function (myObject, pauseValue) { myObject.isPaused = pauseValue; }; return(_this); }; _global.LOOP = makeLoopManager(_this, "loop_mc", 10); _global.HUD.removeMovieClip(); _global.HUD = _this.createEmptyMovieClip("HUD", 7); HUD.removeAll = function () { for (var _local1 in HUD) { HUD[_local1].removeMovieClip(); } }; HUD.clear = HUD.removeAll; _global.TRANSITION = this.attachMovie("transition_mc", "transition_mc", 6); makeStereoMusic = function (target_mc, newName, newDepth) { target_mc = ((target_mc != undefined) ? (target_mc) : this); newName = ((newName != undefined) ? (newName) : "musicSystem_mc"); _global.nextDepth = function (this_mc, maxDepth) { this_mc = (this_mc ? (this_mc) : _root); var _local4 = 1; var _local5 = (maxDepth ? (maxDepth) : 1048500); for (var _local6 in this_mc) { var _local2 = this_mc[_local6].getDepth(); if ((_local2 < _local5) && (_local2 >= _local4)) { _local4 = _local2 + 1; } } return(_local4); }; newDepth = (newDepth ? (newDepth) : (nextDepth(target_mc))); var _this = target_mc.createEmptyMovieClip(newName, newDepth); _this.createEmptyMovieClip("right_mc", 1); _this.createEmptyMovieClip("left_mc", 0); _this.rightSound = new Sound(_this.right_mc); _this.leftSound = new Sound(_this.left_mc); _this.songName = " "; _this.loops = 999999 /* 0x0F423F */; _this.stereoDelay = 0.02; _this._volume = 1; _this._songVolume = 1; _this.isPlaying = false; _this.onID3 = function () { }; _this.onLoad = function () { }; _this.onSoundComplete = function () { }; _this.onFadeComplete = function () { }; _this.playSong = function (songName) { if (_this.songName != songName) { _this.rightSound.stop(); _this.leftSound.stop(); _this.rightSound.onSoundComplete = function () { }; _this.rightSound = new Sound(_this.right_mc); _this.leftSound = new Sound(_this.left_mc); var _local2 = songName.lastIndexOf("."); var _local1 = (songName.substr(0, _local2) + "_intro") + ".mp3"; _this.songName = songName; _this.isPlaying = false; if (_this._songVolume == 0) { _this.songVolume = 100; } _this.gotoLoop = function () { var _local1 = _this.songName; _this.songName = ""; _this.playLoop(_local1); _this.applyVolume(); _this.broadcastMessage("onSoundComplete"); _this.onSoundComplete(); }; _this.rightSound.onSoundComplete = function () { _this.gotoLoop(); }; _this.rightSound.attachSound(_local1); _this.leftSound.attachSound(_local1); if (_this.leftSound.duration == undefined) { _this.gotoLoop(); } } if (_this.isPlaying == false) { _this.rightSound.start(0 + _this.stereoDelay, 1); _this.leftSound.start(0, 1); _this.setChannels(); _this.applyVolume(); _this.isPlaying = true; } }; = _this.playSong; _this.playLoop = function (songName) { if (_this.songName != songName) { _this.rightSound.stop(); _this.leftSound.stop(); _this.rightSound.onSoundComplete = function () { }; _this.rightSound = new Sound(_this.right_mc); _this.leftSound = new Sound(_this.left_mc); _this.rightSound.attachSound(songName); _this.leftSound.attachSound(songName); _this.songName = songName; _this.isPlaying = false; _this.rightSound.onSoundComplete = function () { _this.broadcastMessage("onSoundComplete"); _this.onSoundComplete(); }; } if (_this.isPlaying == false) { _this.rightSound.start(0 + _this.stereoDelay); _this.leftSound.start(0); _this.setChannels(); _this.applyVolume(); _this.isPlaying = true; _this.rightSound.onSoundComplete = function () { _this.rightSound.start(0 + _this.stereoDelay); _this.leftSound.start(0); _this.broadcastMessage("onSoundComplete"); _this.onSoundComplete(); }; } }; _this.stopMusic = function () { _this.fade.stop(); delete _this.fade; delete _this.fadeVol; _this.rightSound.stop(); _this.leftSound.stop(); _this.isPlaying = false; _this.songName = ""; }; _this.stop = _this.stopMusic; _this.getVolume = function () { return(_this._volume * 100); }; _this.setVolume = function (newVolume) { _this._volume = newVolume / 100; _this.applyVolume(); }; _this.addProperty("volume", _this.getVolume, _this.setVolume); _this.getSongVolume = function () { return(_this._songVolume * 100); }; _this.setSongVolume = function (newVolume) { _this._songVolume = newVolume / 100; _this.applyVolume(); }; _this.addProperty("songVolume", _this.getSongVolume, _this.setSongVolume); _this.getDuration = function () { return(_this.leftSound.duration); }; _this.addProperty("duration", _this.getDuration, null); _this.fadeTo = function (endVolume, seconds) { var _local2 = _this._songVolume * 100; delete _this.fade; _this.fadeVol = _local2; if (seconds) { _this.fade = new mx.transitions.Tween(_this, "fadeVol", null, _local2, endVolume, seconds, true); } else { _this.setSongVolume(0); _this.broadcastMessage("onFadeComplete"); _this.onFadeComplete(); } _this.fade.onMotionChanged = function () { _this.setSongVolume(this.position); }; _this.fade.onMotionFinished = function () { _this.fade.stop(); delete _this.fade; delete _this.fadeVol; _this.broadcastMessage("onFadeComplete"); _this.onFadeComplete(); }; if (!_this.isPlaying) { _this.fade.onMotionFinished(); } }; _this.setChannels = function () { _this.rightSound.setPan(100); _this.leftSound.setPan(-100); }; _this.applyVolume = function () { _this.rightSound.setVolume((100 * _this._volume) * _this._songVolume); _this.leftSound.setVolume((100 * _this._volume) * _this._songVolume); }; _this.passSoundEvents = function () { _this.leftSound.onID3 = function () { _this.broadcastMessage("onID3"); _this.onID3(); }; _this.leftSound.onLoad = function (success) { _this.broadcastMessage("onLoad"); _this.onLoad(success); }; }; AsBroadcaster.initialize(this); _this.setChannels(); _this.passSoundEvents(); return(_this); }; _global.MUSIC = makeStereoMusic(_this, "music_mc", 11); makeSoundSystem = function (target_mc, name, depth) { target_mc = ((target_mc != undefined) ? (target_mc) : this); name = ((target_mc != undefined) ? (name) : "soundSystem_mc"); _global.nextDepth = function (this_mc, maxDepth) { this_mc = (this_mc ? (this_mc) : _root); var _local4 = 1; var _local5 = (maxDepth ? (maxDepth) : 1048500); for (var _local6 in this_mc) { var _local2 = this_mc[_local6].getDepth(); if ((_local2 < _local5) && (_local2 >= _local4)) { _local4 = _local2 + 1; } } return(_local4); }; depth = ((depth != undefined) ? (depth) : (nextDepth(target_mc))); var _this = target_mc.createEmptyMovieClip(name, depth); _this.sound_array = new Array(); _this.soundVolume = 100; = function (soundName, volume, loop) { if (soundName.length > 0) { volume = ((volume != undefined) ? (volume) : 100); loop = ((loop != undefined) ? (loop) : false); var _local6 = "transformClip_" + Math.floor(Math.random() * 999); var _local5 = _this.createEmptyMovieClip(_local6, nextDepth(_this)); var new_sound = new Sound(_local5); AsBroadcaster.initialize(new_sound); _this.sound_array.push(new_sound); new_sound.transformClip = _local5; new_sound.volume = volume; new_sound.setVolume(new_sound.volume * (_this.soundVolume / 100)); new_sound.attachSound(soundName); if (loop) { new_sound.start(0, 99999); } else { new_sound.start(); } new_sound.remove = function () { var _local2 = 0; while (_local2 < _this.sound_array.length) { if (this == _this.sound_array[_local2]) { _this.sound_array[_local2].stop(); _this.sound_array[_local2].onSoundDone(); _this.sound_array[_local2].broadcastMessage("onSoundComplete"); for (var _local3 in _this.sound_array[_local2]._listeners) { _this.sound_array[_local2].removeListener(_this.sound_array[_local2]._listeners[_local3]); } _this.sound_array[_local2].transformClip.removeMovieClip(); _this.sound_array.splice(_local2, 1); break; } _local2++; } }; if (!loop) { new_sound.onSoundComplete = function () { new_sound.remove(); }; } if (new_sound.duration == 0) { new_sound.onSoundDone(); new_sound.remove(); new_sound = null; delete new_sound; } return(new_sound); } }; _this.stopAll = function () { for (var _local1 in _this.sound_array) { _this.sound_array[_local1].stop(); _this.sound_array.pop(); } }; _this.setVolume = function (newVolume) { _this.soundVolume = newVolume; var _local1 = 0; while (_local1 < _this.sound_array.length) { _this.sound_array[_local1].setVolume(_this.sound_array[_local1].volume * (_this.soundVolume / 100)); _local1++; } }; _this.getVolume = function () { return(_this.soundVolume); }; _this.addProperty("volume", _this.getVolume, _this.setVolume); return(_this); }; _global.SOUND = makeSoundSystem(_this, "sound_mc", 12); soundLoop = {}; soundLoop.addSound = function (loopName, soundObj, looping) { if ((loopName != "addSound") && (loopName != "remove")) { looping = looping || false; soundLoop.remove(loopName); this[loopName] = {sound:soundObj, loop:looping}; } var _local3 = {onSoundComplete:function () { ROOT.soundLoop[loopName] = null; delete ROOT.soundLoop[loopName]; }}; soundObj.addListener(_local3); }; soundLoop.remove = function (loopName) { if ((loopName != "addSound") && (loopName != "remove")) { this[loopName].sound.remove(); this[loopName] = null; delete this[loopName]; } }; if (!levelFromEditor) { levelData = {}; } common_xml = new XML(); loadCommonLevel = function (filePath) { callUnload(common); common.removeMovieClip(); common_xml.filePath = filePath; var _local2 = function (internal_xml) { ROOT.internalCommon.removeMovieClip(); ROOT.internalCommon._name = null; var _local1 = {}; readXml(internal_xml.firstChild, _local1); ROOT.attachMovie("commonLevel", "common", 901, {levelData:_local1.level, _visible:false}); }; ROOT.internalCommon.removeMovieClip(); ROOT.internalCommon._name = null; ROOT.attachMovie(filePath, "internalCommon", 2, {onLoad:_local2}); if (!ROOT.internalCommon) { common_xml.onLoad = function (success) { if (success) { var _local1 = findXmlTag("data", common_xml); var _local2 = findXmlTag("level", _local1); readXml(_local2, levelData); _this.attachMovie("commonLevel", "common", 901, {levelData:levelData, _visible:false}); } }; common_xml.load(filePath); } }; resetRam = function () { _global.RAM = {}; ROOT.copyObject(ROM.ram, _global.RAM); if (!RAM.swfLoader) { RAM.swfLoader = {tempSwf:[], permSwf:[]}; } RAM.playerSprite = {}; copyObject(ROM.playerSprite, RAM.playerSprite); }; getDatabaseXml = function (internal_xml) { ROOT.readXml(internal_xml.firstChild, ROM); ROOT.completeRom(); ROOT.resetRam(); ROOT.completeRam(); ROOT.startGame(); }; ROOT.internalDatabase.removeMovieClip(); ROOT.internalDatabase._name = null; ROOT.attachMovie("database.xml", "internalDatabase", 4, {onLoad:getDatabaseXml}); if (ROOT.internalDatabase == undefined) { database_xml = new XML(); database_xml.onLoad = function (success) { if (success) { delete database_xml.onLoad; getDatabaseXml(database_xml); } else { useAuxillaryRom(); } }; database_xml.load("database.xml"); } newGame = function () { if (!ROOT.common) { if (ROM.commonLevel.indexOf(".lvl") > -1) { ROOT.loadCommonLevel(ROM.commonLevel); } } var _local2 = ROM.startingPlace.level; var _local1 = {x:ROM.startingPlace.x, y:ROM.startingPlace.y}; ROOT.loadLevel(_local2, _local1); }; startGame = function () { if (levelFromEditor) { if (ROM.commonLevel.indexOf(".lvl") > -1) { ROOT.loadCommonLevel(ROM.commonLevel); } ROOT.game_mc = _this.attachMovie("game_mc", "game_mc", 0, {start_point:start_point, levelData:levelData}); } else { for (var _local1 in HUD) { HUD[_local1].removeMovieClip(); } _this.attachMovie("titleScreen_mc", "titleScreen_mc", 0, {_visible:false}); } }; callUnload = function (parent) { for (var nam in parent) { var thisChild = parent[nam]; if (thisChild instanceof MovieClip) { reportedPath = String(eval (thisChild._target)); actualPath = (String(eval (parent._target)) + ".") + nam; if (reportedPath.indexOf(actualPath) != -1) { callUnload(thisChild); } } } parent.onKillFocus(null); parent.dispatchEvent({type:"unload"}); parent.broadcastMessage("unload"); parent.unload(); parent.onUnload(); parent.removeEventListener("keyDown", parent); parent.removeEventListener("keyUp", parent); Key.removeListener(parent); Mouse.removeListener(parent); }; level_xml = new XML(); loadLevel = function (filePath, start_point) { RAM.swfLoader.tempSwf = []; callUnload(game_mc); game_mc.removeMovieClip(); level_xml.filePath = filePath; level_xml.start_point = start_point; var _local2 = function (internal_xml) { ROOT.internalLevel.removeMovieClip(); ROOT.internalLevel._name = null; var _local1 = {}; readXml(internal_xml.firstChild, _local1); ROOT.game_mc = ROOT.attachMovie("game_mc", "game_mc", 0, {start_point:level_xml.start_point, levelData:_local1.level}); }; ROOT.internalLevel.removeMovieClip(); ROOT.internalLevel._name = null; ROOT.attachMovie(filePath, "internalLevel", 5, {onLoad:_local2}); if (!ROOT.internalLevel) { level_xml.onLoad = function (success) { if (success) { var _local1 = findXmlTag("data", level_xml); var _local2 = findXmlTag("level", _local1); readXml(_local2, levelData); ROOT.game_mc = _this.attachMovie("game_mc", "game_mc", 0, {start_point:level_xml.start_point, levelData:levelData}); } }; level_xml.load(filePath); } }; RAM.swfLoader = {tempSwf:[], permSwf:[]}; ROOT.swfLoader = {tempContainers:["MAP", "PANORAMA", "UNDERLAY", "OVERLAY", "SPRITES", "this"], getStorage:function (target) { var _local3 = RAM.swfLoader.permSwf; for (var _local5 in this.tempContainers) { var _local2 = this.tempContainers[_local5]; if (target.indexOf(_local2) > -1) { _local3 = RAM.swfLoader.tempSwf; break; } } return(_local3); }, findCommand:function (array, command) { for (var _local4 in array) { var _local1 = array[_local4]; if (( == && ( == { return(_local4); } } }, add:function (swfData) { var _local2 = this.getStorage(; var _local3 = this.findCommand(_local2, swfData); if (_local3 == undefined) { _local2.push(swfData); } else { _local2[_local3] = swfData; } }, remove:function (swfData) { var _local3 = this.getStorage(; var _local2 = this.findCommand(_local3, swfData); if (_local2 != undefined) { _local3.splice(_local2, 1); } }}; globals = {}; saveGlobals = function () { for (var _local2 in _global) { globals[_local2] = _global[_local2]; } }; clearGlobals = function () { for (var _local2 in _global) { if ((((((((_local2 != "getStyleCounter") && (_local2 != "origHeight")) && (_local2 != "origWidth")) && (_local2 != "skinRegistry")) && (_local2 != "styles")) && (_local2 != "cascadingStyles")) && (_local2 != "style")) && (_local2 != "mx")) { delete _global[_local2]; } } }; restoreGlobals = function () { for (var _local2 in globals) { _global[_local2] = globals[_local2]; } }; if (!RAM.gameId) { RAM.gameId = "humbird0_rpg"; } onUnload = function () { mdm.Exception.DebugWindow.trace("game unload()"); _this.broadcastMessage("onUnloadGame"); for (var _local3 in _this._listeners) { _this.removeListener(_this._listeners[_local3]); } _this.addListener = null; delete _this.addListener; _this.game_mc.removeMovieClip(); var _local2 = function (varName) { _global[varName] = null; delete _global[varname]; }; _local2("ROOT"); _local2("RAM"); _local2("ROM"); _local2("SCREEN"); _local2("MAP"); _local2("COMMON"); _local2("SPRITES"); _local2("PANORAMA"); _local2("UNDERLAY"); _local2("OVERLAY"); _local2("HUD"); _local2("TRANSITION"); _local2("LOOP"); MUSIC.stopMusic(); SOUND.stopAll(); _local2("MUSIC"); _local2("SOUND"); _local2("TRACE_SCRIPT");"themeColor", "halo");"embedFonts", false);"fontSize", 12);"fontFamily", "_sans");"color", 0); };
Frame 4
stop(); onUnload(); _name = ""; removeThis = function (_this) { _this.onClose(); _this.removeMovieClip(); _this.unloadMovie(); }; setTimeout(removeThis, 34, this);
Symbol 4 MovieClip [snowFall] Frame 121
Symbol 13 MovieClip [loadInterface1] Frame 1
Symbol 24 MovieClip [loadInterface0] Frame 1
this.onEnterFrame = function () { glow_mc._x = fill_mc._x + fill_mc._width; };
Symbol 27 MovieClip [transition_blackMap] Frame 15
stop(); _parent.fadeOutDone(); _parent.broadcastMessage("fadeOutDone"); stop(); _this = this; maskLoaded = false; target_mc = ROOT.game_mc; cancel = function () { _parent.fadeOutDone(); _this.removeMovieClip(); }; if (!setup) { snapshot_mc = _this.createEmptyMovieClip("snapshot_mc", 0); snapshot_pic = new flash.display.BitmapData(320, 240, false, 0); snapshot_pic.draw(target_mc); snapshot_mc.attachBitmap(snapshot_pic, 0); mask_mc = _this.createEmptyMovieClip("mask_mc", 1); mask_pic = new flash.display.BitmapData(320, 240, true, 4294967295); mask_mc.attachBitmap(mask_pic, 0); mask_mc.cacheAsBitmap = true; snapshot_mc.cacheAsBitmap = true; snapshot_mc.setMask(mask_mc); source_pic = new flash.display.BitmapData(320, 240, false, 0); _global.nextDepth = function (this_mc, maxDepth) { this_mc = (this_mc ? (this_mc) : _root); var _local4 = 1; var _local5 = (maxDepth ? (maxDepth) : 1048500); for (var _local6 in this_mc) { var _local2 = this_mc[_local6].getDepth(); if ((_local2 < _local5) && (_local2 >= _local4)) { _local4 = _local2 + 1; } } return(_local4); }; loadImage = function (file, target, newName, newDepth) { target = (target ? (target) : this); newDepth = ((newDepth != undefined) ? (newDepth) : (nextDepth(target))); newName = (newName ? (newName) : ("image_" + newDepth)); if (target[newName]) { target[newName].removeMovieClip(); } target[newName].unloadMovie(); var _local5 = target.attachMovie(file, newName, newDepth); _local5 = target[newName]; if (((_local5 == target) || (_local5._width == undefined)) || (_local5._width == 0)) { _local5 = target.createEmptyMovieClip(newName, newDepth); if (file.generateFilterRect != undefined) { var _local8 = file; } if (file.generateFilterRect == undefined) { var _local8 = flash.display.BitmapData.loadBitmap(file); } _local5.attachBitmap(_local8, 0, true, true); if ((_local5._width == undefined) || (_local5._width == 0)) { var _local7 = new MovieClipLoader(); _local7.loadClip(file, _local5); return(_local7); } } }; fileName =; if (!fileName) { cancel(); } loader = loadImage(fileName, _this, "load_mc", 2); success = function () { source_pic.draw(_this.load_mc); _this.load_mc._visible = false; maskLoaded = true; start(); }; loader.onLoadInit = success; if (!loader) { success(); } loader.onLoadError = function () { done(); }; settings = {op:">", thresh:16777215, passColor:0, mask:16777215, copySrc:false}; setup = true; } copy = new flash.geom.Rectangle(0, 0, 320, 240); paste = new flash.geom.Point(0, 0); update = function () { var _local2 = settings.op; var _local5 = settings.thresh; var _local6 = settings.passColor; var _local3 = settings.mask; var _local4 = settings.copySrc; mask_pic.fillRect(copy, 0); var _local1 = new flash.display.BitmapData(320, 240, false, 16711680); _local1.threshold(source_pic, copy, paste, _local2, _local5, _local6, _local3, _local4); mask_pic.copyChannel(_local1, copy, paste, 1, 8); };
Symbol 27 MovieClip [transition_blackMap] Frame 16
stop(); _this = this; start = function () { settings.thresh = 16777215 /* 0xFFFFFF */; frames = 15; dec = Math.round(settings.thresh / frames); onEnterFrame = function () { if (settings.thresh > 0) { settings.thresh = settings.thresh - dec; if (settings.thresh <= 0) { settings.thresh = 0; mask_pic.fillRect(copy, 0); } else { update(); } } else { onEnterFrame = null; _this.removeMovieClip(); } }; _this.fadeInDone(); _parent.broadcastMessage("fadeInDone"); }; if (maskLoaded) { start(); }
Symbol 28 MovieClip [transition_greyMap] Frame 1
stop(); gotoAndStop ("fadeIn"); stop(); _this = this; maskLoaded = false; target_mc = ROOT.game_mc; cancel = function () { _parent.fadeOutDone(); _this.removeMovieClip(); }; if (!setup) { snapshot_mc = _this.createEmptyMovieClip("snapshot_mc", 0); snapshot_pic = new flash.display.BitmapData(320, 240, false, 0); snapshot_pic.draw(target_mc); snapshot_mc.attachBitmap(snapshot_pic, 0); mask_mc = _this.createEmptyMovieClip("mask_mc", 1); mask_pic = new flash.display.BitmapData(320, 240, true, 4294967295); mask_mc.attachBitmap(mask_pic, 0); mask_mc.cacheAsBitmap = true; snapshot_mc.cacheAsBitmap = true; snapshot_mc.setMask(mask_mc); source_pic = new flash.display.BitmapData(320, 240, false, 0); _global.nextDepth = function (this_mc, maxDepth) { this_mc = (this_mc ? (this_mc) : _root); var _local4 = 1; var _local5 = (maxDepth ? (maxDepth) : 1048500); for (var _local6 in this_mc) { var _local2 = this_mc[_local6].getDepth(); if ((_local2 < _local5) && (_local2 >= _local4)) { _local4 = _local2 + 1; } } return(_local4); }; loadImage = function (file, target, newName, newDepth) { target = (target ? (target) : this); newDepth = ((newDepth != undefined) ? (newDepth) : (nextDepth(target))); newName = (newName ? (newName) : ("image_" + newDepth)); if (target[newName]) { target[newName].removeMovieClip(); } target[newName].unloadMovie(); var _local5 = target.attachMovie(file, newName, newDepth); _local5 = target[newName]; if (((_local5 == target) || (_local5._width == undefined)) || (_local5._width == 0)) { _local5 = target.createEmptyMovieClip(newName, newDepth); if (file.generateFilterRect != undefined) { var _local8 = file; } if (file.generateFilterRect == undefined) { var _local8 = flash.display.BitmapData.loadBitmap(file); } _local5.attachBitmap(_local8, 0, true, true); if ((_local5._width == undefined) || (_local5._width == 0)) { var _local7 = new MovieClipLoader(); _local7.loadClip(file, _local5); return(_local7); } } }; fileName =; if (!fileName) { cancel(); } loader = loadImage(fileName, _this, "load_mc", 2); success = function () { source_pic.draw(_this.load_mc); _this.load_mc._visible = false; maskLoaded = true; start(); }; loader.onLoadInit = success; if (!loader) { success(); } loader.onLoadError = function () { done(); }; settings = {op:">", thresh:16777215, passColor:0, mask:16777215, copySrc:false}; setup = true; } copy = new flash.geom.Rectangle(0, 0, 320, 240); paste = new flash.geom.Point(0, 0); update = function () { var _local2 = settings.op; var _local5 = settings.thresh; var _local6 = settings.passColor; var _local3 = settings.mask; var _local4 = settings.copySrc; mask_pic.fillRect(copy, 0); var _local1 = new flash.display.BitmapData(320, 240, false, 16711680); _local1.threshold(source_pic, copy, paste, _local2, _local5, _local6, _local3, _local4); mask_pic.copyChannel(_local1, copy, paste, 1, 8); };
Symbol 28 MovieClip [transition_greyMap] Frame 8
stop(); _this = this; start = function () { settings.thresh = 16777215 /* 0xFFFFFF */; frames = 15; dec = Math.round(settings.thresh / frames); onEnterFrame = function () { if (settings.thresh > 0) { settings.thresh = settings.thresh - dec; if (settings.thresh <= 0) { settings.thresh = 0; mask_pic.fillRect(copy, 0); } else { update(); } } else { _this.fadeInDone(); _parent.broadcastMessage("fadeInDone"); onEnterFrame = null; _this.removeMovieClip(); } }; _parent.fadeOutDone(); _parent.broadcastMessage("fadeOutDone"); }; if (maskLoaded) { start(); }
Symbol 31 MovieClip [commonLevel] Frame 1
_this = this; _global.COMMON = (sprites = _this.createEmptyMovieClip("sprites", 1)); uid = Math.random(); _this.sprites.spritesRemaining = []; var s = 0; while (s < levelData.sprites.length) { _this.sprites.spritesRemaining.push(levelData.sprites[s]); s++; } _this.sprites.spritesRemaining.remove = function (thisName) { var _local1 = _this.sprites.spritesRemaining.length - 1; while (_local1 >= 0) { if (_this.sprites.spritesRemaining[_local1].name == thisName) { _this.sprites.spritesRemaining.splice(_local1, 1); break; } _local1--; } }; updateFlaggedSprites = function (sprites, flagRoot, addSprite, removeSprite) { var getFlagParts = function (flag) { var _local2 = []; var _local4 = flag.charAt(0); while (_local4 == " ") { flag = flag.substr(1); _local4 = flag.charAt(0); } var _local3 = flag.charAt(flag.length - 1); while (_local3 == " ") { flag = flag.substr(0, flag.length - 1); _local3 = flag.charAt(flag.length - 1); } if (flag.charAt(0) == "!") { flag = flag.substr(1) + "!"; var _local5 = flag.indexOf("!"); var _local6 = _local5 + 1; } else if (flag.indexOf("!=") != -1) { var _local5 = flag.indexOf("!="); var _local6 = _local5 + 2; } else if (flag.indexOf("<=") != -1) { var _local5 = flag.indexOf("<="); var _local6 = _local5 + 2; } else if (flag.indexOf(">=") != -1) { var _local5 = flag.indexOf(">="); var _local6 = _local5 + 2; } else if (flag.indexOf("<") != -1) { var _local5 = flag.indexOf("<"); var _local6 = _local5 + 1; } else if (flag.indexOf(">") != -1) { var _local5 = flag.indexOf(">"); var _local6 = _local5 + 1; } else if (flag.indexOf("=") != -1) { var _local5 = flag.indexOf("="); var _local6 = _local5 + 1; } else { var _local5 = flag.length; flag = flag + "!=undefined"; var _local6 = _local5 + 2; } _local2.push(flag.substr(0, _local5)); _local2.push(flag.substring(_local5, _local6)); _local2.push(flag.substr(_local6)); _local3 = _local2[0].charAt(_local2[0].length - 1); while (_local3 == " ") { _local2[0] = _local2[0].substr(0, _local2[0].length - 1); _local3 = _local2[0].charAt(_local2[0].length - 1); } _local4 = _local2[2].charAt(0); while (_local4 == " ") { _local2[2] = _local2[2].substr(1); _local4 = _local2[2].charAt(0); } return(_local2); }; var checkFlag = function (spriteFlag, flagRoot) { var output = true; var flagParts_array = getFlagParts(spriteFlag); var variable = flagParts_array[0]; var operation = flagParts_array[1]; var value = flagParts_array[2]; if (isNaN(value) == false) { value = Number(value); } if (value == "true") { value = true; } if (value == "false") { value = false; } if (value == "undefined") { value = undefined; } var endAt = variable.lastIndexOf("."); if (endAt != -1) { var flagPath = variable.substr(0, endAt); var flagName = variable.substr(endAt + 1); var flagPath = ("flagRoot." + flagPath); } else { var flagName = variable; var flagPath = "flagRoot"; } var displayValue = eval ((flagPath + ".") + flagName); switch (operation) { case "!" : output = (displayValue == undefined) || (displayValue == false); break; case "=" : output = displayValue == value; break; case "!=" : if ((!Boolean(displayValue)) && (!Boolean(value))) { displayValue = false; value = false; } output = displayValue != value; break; case "<" : output = displayValue < value; if (displayValue == undefined) { output = false; } if (typeof(displayValue) == "string") { output = false; } break; case ">" : output = displayValue > value; if (displayValue == undefined) { output = false; } if (typeof(displayValue) == "string") { output = false; } break; case "<=" : output = displayValue <= value; if (displayValue == undefined) { output = false; } if (typeof(displayValue) == "string") { output = false; } break; case ">=" : output = displayValue >= value; if (displayValue == undefined) { output = false; } if (typeof(displayValue) != "string") { break; } output = false; } return(output); }; var s = 0; while (s < sprites.length) { var thisSprite = sprites[s]; var testResult = true; var sf = 0; while (sf < thisSprite.flags.length) { var thisSpriteFlag = thisSprite.flags[sf]; testResult = checkFlag(thisSpriteFlag, flagRoot); if (testResult == false) { break; } sf++; } if (testResult == true) { addSprite(thisSprite); } else if (testResult == false) { removeSprite(thisSprite); } s++; } }; _global.nextDepth = function (this_mc, maxDepth) { this_mc = (this_mc ? (this_mc) : _root); var _local4 = 1; var _local5 = (maxDepth ? (maxDepth) : 1048500); for (var _local6 in this_mc) { var _local2 = this_mc[_local6].getDepth(); if ((_local2 < _local5) && (_local2 >= _local4)) { _local4 = _local2 + 1; } } return(_local4); }; _this.sprites.updateSprites = function () { var _local7 = function (thisSprite) { var _local3 = _this.sprites[]; if (_local3 == undefined) { var _local10 = thisSprite.type; var _local5 =; var _local6 = nextDepth(_this.sprites); var _local9 = thisSprite.position.x; var _local8 = thisSprite.position.y; var _local7 =; var _local4 = _this.sprites.attachMovie(_local10, _local5, _local6, {_x:_local9, _y:_local8, data:_local7}); _local4.remove = function () { LOOP.removeObject(this, "sprites"); _this.sprites.spritesRemaining.remove(this._name); this.removeMovieClip(); }; } }; var _local10 = function (thisSprite) { var _local1 = _this.sprites[]; if (_local1) { LOOP.removeObject(_local1, "sprites"); _local1.removeMovieClip(); } }; updateFlaggedSprites(_this.sprites.spritesRemaining, RAM, _local7, _local10); }; _this.sprites.updateSprites(); onUnload = function () { _global.COMMON = null; delete _global.COMMON; };
Symbol 33 MovieClip [imageLoader] Frame 1
#initclip 34 Object.registerClass("imageLoader", mx.core.UIComponent); #endinitclip _this = this; stop(); fullWidth = __width; fullHeight = __height; fullRatio = fullWidth / fullHeight; imageScale = 100; nextFrame(); _global.nextDepth = function (this_mc, maxDepth) { this_mc = (this_mc ? (this_mc) : _root); var _local4 = 1; var _local5 = (maxDepth ? (maxDepth) : 1048500); for (var _local6 in this_mc) { var _local2 = this_mc[_local6].getDepth(); if ((_local2 < _local5) && (_local2 >= _local4)) { _local4 = _local2 + 1; } } return(_local4); }; loadImage = function (file, target, newName, newDepth) { target = (target ? (target) : this); newDepth = ((newDepth != undefined) ? (newDepth) : (nextDepth(target))); newName = (newName ? (newName) : ("image_" + newDepth)); if (target[newName]) { target[newName].removeMovieClip(); } target[newName].unloadMovie(); var _local5 = target.attachMovie(file, newName, newDepth); _local5 = target[newName]; if (((_local5 == target) || (_local5._width == undefined)) || (_local5._width == 0)) { _local5 = target.createEmptyMovieClip(newName, newDepth); if (file.generateFilterRect != undefined) { var _local8 = file; } if (file.generateFilterRect == undefined) { var _local8 = flash.display.BitmapData.loadBitmap(file); } _local5.attachBitmap(_local8, 0, true, true); if ((_local5._width == undefined) || (_local5._width == 0)) { var _local7 = new MovieClipLoader(); _local7.loadClip(file, _local5); return(_local7); } } }; resizeImage = function () { if (scaleContent) { var _local2 = content._width / content._height; if (_local2 >= fullRatio) { var _local1 = (fullWidth * 100) / content._width; } else { var _local1 = (fullHeight * 100) / content._height; } imageScale = _local1; content._xscale = (content._yscale = _local1); } }; initFile = file; _file = ""; _this.getFile = function () { return(_file); }; _this.setFile = function (newValue, doEvent) { _file = newValue; loader = loadImage(newValue, _this, "image_mc", 0); success = function () { _this.content = _this.image_mc; _this.resizeImage(); _this.dispatchEvent({type:"complete"}); _this.complete(); }; loader.onLoadInit = success; if (!loader) { success(); } loader.onLoadError = function () { _this.content = null; _this.dispatchEvent({type:"error"}); _this.error(); }; }; _this.addProperty("file", _this.getFile, _this.setFile); file = initFile;
Symbol 34 MovieClip [loadSwf] Frame 1
_this = this; if (brightness) { init_brightness = brightness; } else if ((this.transform.colorTransform.redMultiplier == this.transform.colorTransform.greenMultiplier) && (this.transform.colorTransform.redMultiplier == this.transform.colorTransform.blueMultiplier)) { init_brightness = (this.transform.colorTransform.redOffset * 100) / 255; } else { init_brightness = 0; } get_brightness = function () { return(this.transform.colorTransform.redOffset); }; set_brightness = function (newValue) { var _local3 = _alpha / 100; var _local2 = (newValue * 255) / 100; this.transform.colorTransform = new flash.geom.ColorTransform(1, 1, 1, _local3, _local2, _local2, _local2, 0); }; this.addProperty("brightness", get_brightness, set_brightness); brightness = init_brightness; delete init_brightness; delete get_brightness; delete set_brightness; init_file = data.file || null; get_file = function () { return(image.file); }; set_file = function (newValue) { image.file = newValue; }; this.addProperty("file", get_file, set_file); file = init_file;
Instance of Symbol 33 MovieClip [imageLoader] "image" in Symbol 34 MovieClip [loadSwf] Frame 1
//component parameters onClipEvent (construct) { file = ""; scaleContent = false; enabled = true; visible = true; }
Symbol 48 MovieClip [BrdrShdw] Frame 1
mx.skins.ColoredSkinElement.setColorStyle(this, "shadowColor");
Symbol 50 MovieClip [BrdrFace] Frame 1
mx.skins.ColoredSkinElement.setColorStyle(this, "buttonColor");
Symbol 53 MovieClip [BrdrBlk] Frame 1
mx.skins.ColoredSkinElement.setColorStyle(this, "borderColor");
Symbol 55 MovieClip [BrdrHilght] Frame 1
mx.skins.ColoredSkinElement.setColorStyle(this, "highlightColor");
Symbol 58 MovieClip [Defaults] Frame 1
#initclip 35 Object.registerClass("Defaults", mx.skins.halo.Defaults); #endinitclip
Symbol 59 MovieClip [UIObjectExtensions] Frame 1
#initclip 36 Object.registerClass("UIObjectExtensions", mx.core.ext.UIObjectExtensions); #endinitclip
Symbol 60 MovieClip [UIObject] Frame 1
#initclip 37 Object.registerClass("UIObject", mx.core.UIObject); #endinitclip stop();
Symbol 63 Button
on (keyPress "<Tab>") { this.tabHandler(); }
Symbol 64 MovieClip Frame 1
#initclip 38 Object.registerClass("FocusManager", mx.managers.FocusManager); if (_root.focusManager == undefined) { _root.createClassObject(mx.managers.FocusManager, "focusManager", mx.managers.DepthManager.highestDepth--); } #endinitclip
Symbol 65 MovieClip [FocusRect] Frame 1
#initclip 39 Object.registerClass("FocusRect", mx.skins.halo.FocusRect); #endinitclip
Symbol 66 MovieClip [FocusManager] Frame 1
#initclip 40 Object.registerClass("FocusManager", mx.managers.FocusManager); #endinitclip stop();
Symbol 67 MovieClip [UIComponentExtensions] Frame 1
#initclip 41 Object.registerClass("UIComponentExtensions", mx.core.ext.UIComponentExtensions); #endinitclip
Symbol 68 MovieClip [UIComponent] Frame 1
#initclip 42 Object.registerClass("UIComponent", mx.core.UIComponent); #endinitclip stop();
Symbol 69 MovieClip [SimpleButton] Frame 1
#initclip 43 Object.registerClass("SimpleButton", mx.controls.SimpleButton); #endinitclip stop();
Symbol 70 MovieClip [Border] Frame 1
#initclip 44 Object.registerClass("Border", mx.skins.Border); #endinitclip stop();
Symbol 71 MovieClip [RectBorder] Frame 1
#initclip 45 mx.skins.SkinElement.registerElement(mx.skins.RectBorder.symbolName, Object(mx.skins.RectBorder)); Object.registerClass("RectBorder", mx.skins.halo.RectBorder); #endinitclip stop();
Symbol 72 MovieClip [ButtonSkin] Frame 1
#initclip 46 Object.registerClass("ButtonSkin", mx.skins.halo.ButtonSkin); #endinitclip
Symbol 73 MovieClip [Button] Frame 1
#initclip 47 Object.registerClass("Button", mx.controls.Button); #endinitclip stop();
Instance of Symbol 69 MovieClip [SimpleButton] in Symbol 73 MovieClip [Button] Frame 2
//component parameters onClipEvent (initialize) { selected = false; toggle = false; enabled = true; visible = true; minHeight = 0; minWidth = 0; }
Symbol 253 MovieClip [] Frame 0
class com.mosesSupposes.fuse.Shortcuts { function Shortcuts () { } static function initialize() { if (shortcuts == null) { initShortcuts(); } } static function doShortcut(obj, methodName) { initialize(); var _local5 = shortcuts[methodName]; if (_local5 == undefined) { if (typeof(obj) == "movieclip") { _local5 = mcshortcuts[methodName]; } } if (_local5 == undefined) { return(null); } obj = arguments.shift(); methodName = String(arguments.shift()); if (!(obj instanceof Array)) { obj = [obj]; } var _local3 = ""; for (var _local6 in obj) { var _local2 = String(_local5.apply(obj[_local6], arguments)); if ((_local2 != null) && (_local2.length > 0)) { if (_local3.length > 0) { _local3 = (_local2 + "|") + _local3; } else { _local3 = _local2; } } } return(((_local3 == "") ? null : (_local3))); } static function addShortcutsTo() { initialize(); var _local5 = function (o, so) { for (var _local5 in so) { var _local2 = so[_local5]; if (_local2.getter || (_local2.setter)) { o.addProperty(_local5, _local2.getter, _local2.setter); _global.ASSetPropFlags(o, _local5, 3, 1); } else { o[_local5] = _local2; _global.ASSetPropFlags(o, _local5, 7, 1); } } }; for (var _local7 in arguments) { var _local4 = arguments[_local7]; if ((_local4 == MovieClip.prototype) || (typeof(_local4) == "movieclip")) { _local5(_local4, mcshortcuts); } _local5(_local4, shortcuts); } } static function removeShortcutsFrom() { initialize(); var _local5 = function (o, so) { for (var _local5 in so) { _global.ASSetPropFlags(o, _local5, 0, 2); var _local2 = so[_local5]; if (_local2.getter || (_local2.setter)) { o.addProperty(_local5, null, null); } delete o[_local5]; } }; for (var _local7 in arguments) { var _local3 = arguments[_local7]; if ((_local3 == MovieClip.prototype) || (typeof(_local3) == "movieclip")) { _local5(_local3, mcshortcuts); } _local5(_local3, shortcuts); } } static function parseStringTypeCallback(callbackStr) { var evaluate = function (val) { var first = val.charAt(0); if ((first == val.slice(-1)) && ((first == "\"") || (first == "'"))) { return(val.slice(1, -1)); } if (val == "true") { return(Object(true)); } if (val == "false") { return(Object(false)); } if (val == "null") { return(Object(null)); } if (_global.isNaN(Number(val)) == false) { return(Object(Number(val))); } return(Object(eval (val))); }; var trimWhite = function (str) { while (str.charAt(0) == " ") { str = str.slice(1); } while (str.slice(-1) == " ") { str = str.slice(0, -1); } return(str); }; var evaluateList = function (list) { var _local11 = []; var _local4 = 0; while (_local4 < list.length) { var _local3 = list[_local4]; _local3 = trimWhite(_local3); var _local5 = (_local3.charAt(0) == "{") && ((_local3.indexOf("}") > -1) || (_local3.indexOf(":") > -1)); var _local10 = _local3.charAt(0) == "["; if ((_local5 || (_local10)) == true) { var _local6 = ((_local5 == true) ? ({}) : ([])); var _local2 = _local4; while (_local2 < list.length) { if (_local2 == _local4) { _local3 = _local3.slice(1); } var _local1; var _local8 = (_local1.slice(-1) == ((_local5 == true) ? "}" : "]")) || (_local2 == (list.length - 1)); if (_local8 == true) { _local1 = _local1.slice(0, -1); } if ((_local5 == true) && (_local1.indexOf(":") > -1)) { var _local7 = _local1.split(":"); _local6[trimWhite(_local7[0])] = evaluate(trimWhite(_local7[1])); } else if (_local10 == true) { _local6.push(evaluate(trimWhite(_local1))); } if (_local8 == true) { _local11.push(_local6); _local4 = _local2; break; } _local2++; } } else { _local11.push(evaluate(trimWhite(_local3))); } _local4++; } return(_local11); }; var parts = callbackStr.split("("); var p0 = parts[0]; var p1 = parts[1]; return({func:p0.slice(p0.lastIndexOf(".") + 1), scope:eval (p0.slice(0, p0.lastIndexOf("."))), args:evaluateList(p1.slice(0, p1.lastIndexOf(")")).split(","))}); } static function initShortcuts() { shortcuts = new Object(); var methods = {alphaTo:"_alpha", scaleTo:"_scale", sizeTo:"_size", rotateTo:"_rotation", brightnessTo:"_brightness", brightOffsetTo:"_brightOffset", contrastTo:"_contrast", colorTo:"_tint", tintPercentTo:"_tintPercent", colorResetTo:"_colorReset", invertColorTo:"_invertColor"}; var _local4 =; var _local7 = {blur:1, blurX:1, blurY:1, strength:1, shadowAlpha:1, highlightAlpha:1, angle:1, distance:1, alpha:1, color:1}; for (var _local9 in _local4) { if (_local7[_local4[_local9].split("_")[1]] === 1) { methods[_local4[_local9] + "To"] = _local4[_local9]; } } var _local8 = {__resolve:function (name) { var propName = methods[name]; return(function () { var _local4 =, new Array(this, propName).concat(arguments)); return(_local4); }); }}; var _local5 = {__resolve:function (name) { var _local3 = {setter:function (v) {, ((name == "_tintString") ? "_tint" : (name)), v, 0); }}; switch (name) { case "_colorReset" : _local3.getter = function () { return(100 -; }; break; case "_colorTransform" : _local3.getter = function () { return(Color(new Color(this)).getTransform()); }; break; case "_fade" : _local3.getter = function () { return(this._alpha); }; break; case "_size" : _local3.getter = function () { return(((this._width == this._height) ? (this._width) : null)); }; break; case "_scale" : _local3.getter = function () { return(((this._xscale == this._yscale) ? (this._xscale) : null)); }; break; default : _local3.getter = function () { return([name.slice(1)]); }; } return(_local3); }}; for (var _local9 in methods) { shortcuts[_local9] = _local8[_local9]; if ((_local9 != "alphaTo") && (_local9 != "rotateTo")) { shortcuts[methods[_local9]] = _local5[methods[_local9]]; } } shortcuts._tintString = _local5._tintString; shortcuts._colorTransform = _local5._colorTransform; shortcuts._fade = _local5._fade; shortcuts.tween = function (props, endVals, seconds, ease, delay, callback) { if ((arguments.length == 1) && (typeof(props) == "object")) { return(com.mosesSupposes.fuse.ZigoEngine.doTween({target:this, action:props})); } return(com.mosesSupposes.fuse.ZigoEngine.doTween(this, props, endVals, seconds, ease, delay, callback)); }; shortcuts.removeTween = (shortcuts.stopTween = function (props) { com.mosesSupposes.fuse.ZigoEngine.removeTween(this, props); }); shortcuts.removeAllTweens = (shortcuts.stopAllTweens = function () { com.mosesSupposes.fuse.ZigoEngine.removeTween("ALL"); }); shortcuts.isTweening = function (prop) { return(com.mosesSupposes.fuse.ZigoEngine.isTweening(this, prop)); }; shortcuts.getTweens = function () { return(com.mosesSupposes.fuse.ZigoEngine.getTweens(this)); }; shortcuts.lockTween = function () { com.mosesSupposes.fuse.ZigoEngine.lockTween(this, true); }; shortcuts.unlockTween = function () { com.mosesSupposes.fuse.ZigoEngine.lockTween(this, false); }; shortcuts.isTweenLocked = function () { return(com.mosesSupposes.fuse.ZigoEngine.isTweenLocked(this)); }; shortcuts.isTweenPaused = function (prop) { return(com.mosesSupposes.fuse.ZigoEngine.isTweenPaused(this, prop)); }; shortcuts.pauseTween = function (props) { com.mosesSupposes.fuse.ZigoEngine.pauseTween(this, props); }; shortcuts.resumeTween = (shortcuts.unpauseTween = function (props) { com.mosesSupposes.fuse.ZigoEngine.unpauseTween(this, props); }); shortcuts.pauseAllTweens = function () { com.mosesSupposes.fuse.ZigoEngine.pauseTween("ALL"); }; shortcuts.resumeAllTweens = (shortcuts.unpauseAllTweens = function () { com.mosesSupposes.fuse.ZigoEngine.unpauseTween("ALL"); }); shortcuts.ffTween = function (props) { com.mosesSupposes.fuse.ZigoEngine.ffTween(this, props); }; shortcuts.rewTween = function (props, suppressStartEvents) { com.mosesSupposes.fuse.ZigoEngine.rewTween(this, props, false, suppressStartEvents); }; shortcuts.rewAndPauseTween = function (props, suppressStartEvents) { com.mosesSupposes.fuse.ZigoEngine.rewTween(this, props, true, suppressStartEvents); }; shortcuts.skipTweenTo = function (seconds, props) { com.mosesSupposes.fuse.ZigoEngine.skipTweenTo(seconds, this, props); }; shortcuts.bezierTo = function (destX, destY, controlX, controlY, seconds, ease, delay, callback) { return(com.mosesSupposes.fuse.ZigoEngine.doTween(this, "_bezier_", {x:destX, y:destY, controlX:controlX, controlY:controlY}, seconds, ease, delay, callback)); }; shortcuts.colorTransformTo = function (ra, rb, ga, gb, ba, bb, aa, ab, seconds, ease, delay, callback) { return(com.mosesSupposes.fuse.ZigoEngine.doTween(this, "_colorTransform", {ra:ra, rb:rb, ga:ga, gb:gb, ba:ba, bb:bb, aa:aa, ab:ab}, seconds, ease, delay, callback)); }; shortcuts.tintTo = function (rgb, percent, seconds, ease, delay, callback) { return(com.mosesSupposes.fuse.ZigoEngine.doTween(this, "_tint", {tint:rgb, percent:percent}, seconds, ease, delay, callback)); }; shortcuts.slideTo = function (destX, destY, seconds, ease, delay, callback) { return(com.mosesSupposes.fuse.ZigoEngine.doTween(this, "_x,_y", [destX, destY], seconds, ease, delay, callback)); }; shortcuts.fadeIn = function (seconds, ease, delay, callback) { return(com.mosesSupposes.fuse.ZigoEngine.doTween(this, "_fade", 100, seconds, ease, delay, callback)); }; shortcuts.fadeOut = function (seconds, ease, delay, callback) { return(com.mosesSupposes.fuse.ZigoEngine.doTween(this, "_fade", 0, seconds, ease, delay, callback)); }; mcshortcuts = new Object(); mcshortcuts._frame = {getter:function () { return(this._currentframe); }, setter:function (v) { this.gotoAndStop(Math.round(v)); }}; mcshortcuts.frameTo = function (endframe, seconds, ease, delay, callback) { return(com.mosesSupposes.fuse.ZigoEngine.doTween(this, "_frame", ((endframe != undefined) ? (endframe) : (this._totalframes)), seconds, ease, delay, callback)); }; } static var registryKey = "shortcuts"; static var shortcuts = null; static var mcshortcuts = null; }
Symbol 254 MovieClip [] Frame 0
class com.mosesSupposes.fuse.FuseKitCommon { static var logOutput; function FuseKitCommon () { } static function _cts() { return("|_tint|_tintPercent|_brightness|_brightOffset|_contrast|_invertColor|_colorReset|_colorTransform|"); } static function _resetTo100() { return("|_alpha|_contrast|_invertColor|_tintPercent|_xscale|_yscale|_scale|"); } static function _resetTo0() { return("|_brightness|_brightOffset|_colorReset|_rotation|"); } static function _underscoreable() { return(_cts() + "_frame|_x|_y|_xscale|_yscale|_scale|_width|_height|_size|_rotation|_alpha|_fade|_visible|"); } static function _cbprops() { return("|skipLevel|cycles|roundResults|extra1|extra2|func|scope|args|startfunc|startscope|startargs|updfunc|updscope|updargs|"); } static function _fuseEvents() { return("|onStart|onStop|onPause|onResume|onAdvance|onComplete|"); } static function _fuseprops() { return("|command|label|delay|event|eventparams|target|addTarget|trigger|startAt|ease|easing|seconds|duration|time|"); } static function _validateFuseCommand(c, inGroup, hasArg, outputLevel, simple) { var _local1 = false; var _local2 = false; switch (c) { case "start" : case "stop" : case "pause" : case "resume" : case "setStartProps" : if (inGroup != true) { _local1 = true; } break; case "delay" : case "trigger" : if (simple == true) { if (hasArg == true) { _local1 = true; } } else { _local2 = true; } inGroup = false; break; case "skipTo" : if (!((hasArg == true) && (inGroup != true))) { break; } _local1 = true; } if ((outputLevel > 0) && (_local1 == false)) { error("109", c, inGroup, _local2); } return(_local1); } static function output(s) { if (typeof(logOutput) == "function") { logOutput(s); } else { trace(s); } } static function error(errorCode) { var _local3 = arguments[1]; var _local4 = arguments[2]; var _local6 = arguments[3]; if (VERBOSE != true) { output(("[FuseKitCommon#" + errorCode) + "]"); return(undefined); } var _local2 = ""; var _local5 = newline; switch (errorCode) { case "001" : _local2 = _local2 + "** ERROR: When using simpleSetup to extend prototypes, you must pass the Shortcuts class. **"; _local2 = _local2 + (_local5 + " import com.mosesSupposes.fuse.*;"); _local2 = _local2 + ((_local5 + " ZigoEngine.simpleSetup(Shortcuts);") + _local5); break; case "002" : _local2 = _local2 + "** ZigoEngine.doShortcut: shortcuts missing. Use the setup commands: import com.mosesSupposes.fuse.*; ZigoEngine.register(Shortcuts); **"; break; case "003" : _local2 = _local2 + ((_local5 + "*** Error: DO NOT use #include \"\" with this version of ZigoEngine! ***") + _local5); break; case "004" : _local2 = _local2 + (("** ZigoEngine.doTween - too few arguments [" + _local3) + "]."); if (Boolean(_local4) == true) { _local2 = _local2 + " If you are trying to use Object Syntax without Fuse, pass FuseItem in your register() or simpleSetup() call. **"; } else { _local2 = _local2 + " Object syntax call failed. **"; } break; case "005" : _local2 = _local2 + (((("** ZigoEngine.doTween - missing targets[" + _local3) + "] and/or props[") + _local4) + "] **"); break; case "006" : _local2 = _local2 + (("** Error: easing shortcut string not recognized (\"" + _local3) + "\"). You may need to pass the in PennerEasing class during register or simpleSetup. **"); break; case "007" : _local2 = _local2 + (((("- ZigoEngine: Target locked [" + _local3) + "], ignoring tween call [") + _local4) + "]"); break; case "008" : _local2 = _local2 + "** You must register the Shortcuts class in order to use easy string-type callback parsing. **"; break; case "009" : _local2 = _local2 + (("** ZigoEngine: A callback parameter \"" + _local3) + "\" was not recognized. **"); break; case "010" : _local2 = _local2 + ((((("** " + ((_local3 == true) ? "ZigoEngine" : "FuseItem")) + " unable to parse ") + ((_local4 == 1) ? "callback[" : (String(_local4) + " callbacks["))) + _local6) + "]. Try using the syntax {scope:this, func:\"myFunction\"} **"); break; case "011" : _local2 = _local2 + (((("- ZigoEngine: Callbacks discarded via skipLevel 2 option [" + _local3) + "|") + _local4) + "]."); break; case "012" : _local2 = _local2 + (((((("- Engine set props or ignored no-change tween on: " + _local3) + ", props passed:[") + _local4) + "], endvals passed:[") + _local6) + "]"); break; case "013" : _local2 = _local2 + (((((("- Engine added tween on:\n\ttargets:[" + _local3) + "]\n\tprops:[") + _local4) + "]\n\tendvals:[") + _local6) + "]"); break; case "014" : _local2 = _local2 + "** Error: easing function passed is not usable with this engine. Functions need to follow the Robert Penner model. **"; break; case "015" : _local2 = _local2 + "** Error: The CustomEasing class must be passed during setup (register or simpleSetup) to use custom easing Arrays. **"; break; case "016" : _local2 = _local2 + (("[ ZigoEngine.TIME_MULTIPLIER: " + String(Number(Number(_local3) * 100))) + "% ]"); break; case "101" : _local2 = _local2 + "** ERROR: Fuse simpleSetup was removed in version 2.0! **"; _local2 = _local2 + (_local5 + " You must now use the following commands:"); _local2 = _local2 + ((_local5 + _local5) + "\timport com.mosesSupposes.fuse.*;"); _local2 = _local2 + (_local5 + "\tZigoEngine.simpleSetup(Shortcuts, PennerEasing, Fuse);"); _local2 = _local2 + ((_local5 + "Note that PennerEasing is optional, and FuseFMP is also accepted. (FuseFMP.simpleSetup is run automatically if included.)") + _local5); break; case "102" : _local2 = _local2 + (((("** Fuse " + _local3) + " index or label not found (") + _local4) + ") or out of range. **"); break; case "103" : _local2 = _local2 + (((("** Fuse skipTo (" + _local3) + ") ignored - targets the current index (") + _local4) + "). **"); break; case "104" : _local2 = _local2 + (("** Fuse fastForward index out of play range (" + _local3) + ") - skipTo has been called instead. **"); break; case "105" : _local2 = _local2 + "** An unsupported Array method was called on Fuse. **"; break; case "106" : _local2 = _local2 + "** ERROR: You have not set up Fuse correctly. **"; _local2 = _local2 + (_local5 + "You must now use the following commands (PennerEasing is optional)."); _local2 = _local2 + (_local5 + "\timport com.mosesSupposes.fuse.*;"); _local2 = _local2 + ((_local5 + "\tZigoEngine.simpleSetup(Shortcuts, PennerEasing, Fuse);") + _local5); break; case "107" : _local2 = _local2 + "** Fuse :: id not found - Aborting open(). **"; break; case "108" : _local2 = _local2 + "** Fuse.startRecent: No recent Fuse found to start! **"; break; case "109" : _local2 = _local2 + (("** Command \"" + _local3) + "\" discarded. "); if (_local4 == true) { _local2 = _local2 + "Not allowed within a group. **"; } else if (_local6 == true) { _local2 = _local2 + (("Not supported in Object Syntax, use the " + _local3) + " property instead. **"); } else { _local2 = _local2 + "The command may be unrecognized or missing an argument. **"; } break; case "110" : _local2 = _local2 + (((("** " + _local3) + " illegal Fuse property discarded:\"") + _local4) + "\". Bezier keywords other than x and y cannot be set as start values. **"); break; case "112" : _local2 = _local2 + "** Fuse: missing com.mosesSupposes.fuse.ZigoEngine! Cannot tween. **"; break; case "113" : _local2 = _local2 + "** FuseItem: A callback has been discarded. Actions with a command may only contain: label, delay, scope, args. **"; break; case "115" : _local2 = _local2 + ((_local3 + " overlapping prop discarded: ") + _local4); break; case "116" : _local2 = _local2 + ("** FuseItem Error: Delays within groups (arrays) and start/update callbacks are not supported when using Fuse without ZigoEngine. Although you need to restructure your Fuse, it should be possible to achieve the same results. **" + _local5); break; case "117" : _local2 = _local2 + (("** " + _local3) + ": infinite cycles are not allowed within Fuses - discarded. **"); break; case "118" : _local2 = _local2 + ((("** " + _local3) + ": No targets found!") + ((_local4 == true) ? " [Unable to set start props] **" : " [Skipping tween parameters in this action] **")); break; case "119" : _local2 = _local2 + ((((("** " + _local3) + ": ") + ((_local4 == 1) ? "" : (_local4 + " actions in the group"))) + " missing targets") + ((_local6 == true) ? " during setStartProps **" : " **")); break; case "120" : _local2 = _local2 + (((("** " + _local3) + ": conflict with \"") + _local4) + "\". Property might be doubled within a grouped-action array. **"); break; case "121" : _local2 = _local2 + "** Fuse timecode formatting requires \"00:\" formatting (example:\"01:01:33\" yields 61.33 seconds.) **"; break; case "122" : _local2 = _local2 + (("** Event \"" + _local3) + "\" reserved by Fuse. **"); break; case "123" : _local2 = _local2 + (("** A Fuse event parameter failed in " + _local3) + " **"); break; case "124" : _local2 = _local2 + (((("** " + _local3) + ": trigger:") + _local4) + " ignored - only one trigger is allowed per action **"); break; case "125" : _local2 = _local2 + (_local3 + " Warning - fastForward hit an item during its tween cycle, may malfunction."); break; case "201" : _local2 = _local2 + (("**** FuseFMP cannot initialize argument " + _local3) + " (BitmapFilters cannot be applied to this object type) ****"); break; case "202" : _local2 = _local2 + (((("** FuseFMP error: A " + _local3) + " could not be created for ") + _local4) + " **"); break; case "203" : _local2 = _local2 + (("** FuseFMP.setFilterProps - too few arguments passed (" + _local3) + ") - minimum 2 required. **"); break; case "204" : _local2 = _local2 + (("** FuseFMP.setFilterProps could not locate the filter passed. (" + _local3) + ") **"); } output(_local2); } static function parseCallback(callback, targets, outputLevel, callerIsEngine, addprefix) { if (callback._vcb == true) { return(callback); } var validCBs = {_vcb:true,, cycles:1}; if (callback == undefined) { return(validCBs); } var cbErrors = []; if (typeof(callback) == "object") { if (((callback.skipLevel != undefined) && (typeof(callback.skipLevel) == "number")) && (callback.skipLevel != { if ((callback.skipLevel >= 0) && (callback.skipLevel <= 2)) { validCBs.skipLevel = callback.skipLevel; } } if (callback.cycles != undefined) { if ((typeof(callback.cycles) == "number") && (callback.cycles > -1)) { validCBs.cycles = callback.cycles; } else if (callback.cycles.toUpperCase() == "LOOP") { validCBs.cycles = 0; } } if (callback.extra1 != undefined) { validCBs.extra1 = callback.extra1; } if (callback.extra2 != undefined) { validCBs.extra2 = callback.extra2; } if ((callback.roundResults === true) || (callback.roundResults === false)) { validCBs.roundResults = callback.roundResults; } } else { callback = {func:callback}; } var prefixes = ["start", "upd", ""]; var easyfuncparse =; for (var i in prefixes) { var prefix = prefixes[i]; var fstr = callback[prefix + "func"]; if (((fstr != undefined) && (typeof(fstr) == "string")) && (fstr.indexOf("(") > -1)) { if (easyfuncparse != undefined) { var efc = easyfuncparse(fstr); if (efc.func != undefined) { callback[prefix + "scope"] = efc.scope; callback[prefix + "func"] = efc.func; callback[prefix + "args"] = efc.args; } } else if (outputLevel > 0) { error("008"); } } } var basescope = callback.scope; for (var i in callback) { var fi = i.toLowerCase().indexOf("func"); if (fi > -1) { var prefix = i.slice(0, fi); var func = callback[i]; var args = callback[prefix + "args"]; var scope = ((callback[prefix + "scope"] == undefined) ? (basescope) : (callback[prefix + "scope"])); if ((typeof(func) == "string") && (scope[func] == undefined)) { for (var j in targets) { var targ = targets[j]; if (typeof(targ[func]) == "function") { scope = targ; break; } if (typeof(targ._parent[func]) == "function") { scope = targ._parent; break; } } if ((scope == undefined) && (_level0[func] != undefined)) { scope = _level0; } if ((scope == undefined) && (_global[func] != undefined)) { scope = _global; } } if (typeof(func) != "function") { if (typeof(scope[String(func)]) == "function") { func = scope[String(func)]; } else { func = eval (String(func)); } } if (func == undefined) { cbErrors.push(String((((((((addprefix == null) ? (i) : (addprefix + i)) + ":") + ((typeof(callback[i]) == "string") ? (("\"" + callback[i]) + "\"") : (callback[i]))) + "/") + prefix) + "scope:") + scope)); } else { if ((args != undefined) && (!(args instanceof Array))) { args = [args]; } if (prefix == "") { prefix = "end"; } validCBs[prefix] = {s:scope, f:func, a:args}; if (callerIsEngine == true) { validCBs[prefix].id = ++cbTicker; } if (prefix == "start") { validCBs.start.fired = false; } } } else if (_cbprops().indexOf(("|" + i) + "|") == -1) { error("009", i); } } if ((cbErrors.length > 0) && (outputLevel > 0)) { if (outputLevel > 0) { error("010", callerIsEngine, cbErrors.length, cbErrors.toString()); } } return(validCBs); } static var VERSION = "Fuse Kit 2.1.3r1 Copyright (c) 2006 Moses Gunesch, under MIT Open Source License"; static var VERBOSE = true; static var ALL = "ALL"; static var ALLCOLOR = "ALLCOLOR"; static var cbTicker = 0; }
Symbol 255 MovieClip [] Frame 0
class com.mosesSupposes.fuse.ZigoEngine { static var extensions, updateTime, tweenHolder, instance, _listeners, broadcastMessage, updateIntId; function ZigoEngine () { } static function addListener(handler) { AsBroadcaster.initialize(com.mosesSupposes.fuse.ZigoEngine); addListener(handler); } static function removeListener(handler) { } static function isPlaying() { return(_playing); } static function simpleSetup(shortcutsClass) { if (arguments.length > 0) { register.apply(com.mosesSupposes.fuse.ZigoEngine, arguments); } _global.ZigoEngine = com.mosesSupposes.fuse.ZigoEngine; if (extensions.fuse != undefined) { _global.Fuse = extensions.fuse; } if (extensions.fuseFMP != undefined) { extensions.fuseFMP.simpleSetup(); } initialize(MovieClip.prototype, Button.prototype, TextField.prototype); if (extensions.shortcuts == undefined) { com.mosesSupposes.fuse.FuseKitCommon.error("001"); } } static function register(classReference) { if (extensions == undefined) { extensions = {}; } var _local3 = "|fuse|fuseItem|fuseFMP|shortcuts|pennerEasing|customEasing|"; for (var _local4 in arguments) { var _local2 = arguments[_local4].registryKey; if ((extensions[_local2] == undefined) && (_local3.indexOf(("|" + _local2) + "|") > -1)) { extensions[_local2] = arguments[_local4]; if ((_local2 == "fuseFMP") || (_local2 == "shortcuts")) { Object(extensions[_local2]).initialize(); } } } } static function initialize(target) { if (arguments.length > 0) { initializeTargets.apply(com.mosesSupposes.fuse.ZigoEngine, arguments); if (extensions.shortcuts != undefined) { extensions.shortcuts.addShortcutsTo.apply(extensions.shortcuts, arguments); } } } static function deinitialize(target) { if ((arguments.length == 0) || (target == null)) { arguments.push(MovieClip.prototype, Button.prototype, TextField.prototype); } deinitializeTargets.apply(com.mosesSupposes.fuse.ZigoEngine, arguments); if (extensions.shortcuts != undefined) { extensions.shortcuts.removeShortcutsFrom.apply(extensions.shortcuts, arguments); } } static function getUpdateInterval() { return(updateTime); } static function setUpdateInterval(time) { if (_playing) { setup(true); updateTime = time; setup(); } else { updateTime = time; } } static function getControllerDepth() { return(tweenHolder.getDepth()); } static function setControllerDepth(depth) { if ((depth == null) || (_global.isNaN(depth) == true)) { depth = 6789; } if (Object(tweenHolder).proof != null) { tweenHolder.swapDepths(depth); } else { tweenHolder = _root.createEmptyMovieClip("ZigoEnginePulse", depth); } } static function doShortcut(targets, methodName) { if (extensions.shortcuts == undefined) { if (OUTPUT_LEVEL > 0) { com.mosesSupposes.fuse.FuseKitCommon.error("002"); } return(null); } return(extensions.shortcuts.doShortcut.apply(extensions.shortcuts, arguments)); } static function doTween(targets, props, endvals, seconds, ease, delay, callback) { if (extensions.fuse.addBuildItem(arguments) == true) { return(null); } if (TIME_MULTIPLIER != prevTimeMult) { TIME_MULTIPLIER = Math.abs(TIME_MULTIPLIER); if (_global.isNaN(TIME_MULTIPLIER) == true) { TIME_MULTIPLIER = 1; } if (OUTPUT_LEVEL > 0) { com.mosesSupposes.fuse.FuseKitCommon.error("016", TIME_MULTIPLIER); } prevTimeMult = TIME_MULTIPLIER; } if ((instance == undefined) || ((Object(tweenHolder).proof == undefined) && (updateTime == undefined))) { if ((MovieClip.prototype.tween != null) && (typeof(_global.$tweenManager) == "object")) { com.mosesSupposes.fuse.FuseKitCommon.error("003"); } instance = new com.mosesSupposes.fuse.ZManager(); _playing = false; } var _local4 = instance.paramsObj(targets, props, endvals, true); var _local7 = ((([0] == null) || ( == 0)) ? undefined : (; if ((( == undefined) || (_local7 == undefined)) || (arguments.length < 3)) { if (((extensions.fuseItem != null) && (arguments.length == 1)) && (typeof(arguments[0]) == "object")) { return(extensions.fuseItem.doTween(arguments[0])); } if (OUTPUT_LEVEL > 0) { if (arguments.length < 3) { com.mosesSupposes.fuse.FuseKitCommon.error("004", (((arguments.length == 1) && (arguments[0] == null)) ? "1 (null)" : (String(arguments.length))), Boolean(extensions.fuseItem == null)); } else { com.mosesSupposes.fuse.FuseKitCommon.error("005", _local7.toString(),; } } return(null); } if (_playing != true) { setup(); } if ((seconds == null) || (_global.isNaN(seconds) == true)) { seconds = DURATION || 1; } else if (seconds < 0.01) { seconds = 0; } seconds = seconds * TIME_MULTIPLIER; if (((delay < 0.01) || (delay == null)) || (_global.isNaN(delay) == true)) { delay = 0; } delay = delay * TIME_MULTIPLIER; var _local12 = com.mosesSupposes.fuse.FuseKitCommon.parseCallback(callback, _local7, OUTPUT_LEVEL, true); var _local9; if (typeof(ease) == "function") { if (typeof(Function(ease).call(null, 1, 1, 1, 1)) == "number") { _local9 = Function(ease); } else if (OUTPUT_LEVEL > 0) { com.mosesSupposes.fuse.FuseKitCommon.error("014", ease); } } else if ((ease == null) || (ease == "")) { if (EASING instanceof Function) { _local9 = Function(EASING); } else if (extensions.pennerEasing != undefined) { ease = EASING; } } if ((typeof(ease) == "string") && (ease != "")) { if (extensions.pennerEasing[ease] != undefined) { _local9 = extensions.pennerEasing[ease]; } else if (OUTPUT_LEVEL > 0) { com.mosesSupposes.fuse.FuseKitCommon.error("006", ease); } } else if (ease instanceof Array) { if (extensions.customEasing != undefined) { _local12.extra1 = ease; if (typeof(ease[0]) == "number") { _local9 = extensions.customEasing.precalced; } else { _local9 = extensions.customEasing.fromCurve; } } else if (OUTPUT_LEVEL > 0) { com.mosesSupposes.fuse.FuseKitCommon.error("015", ease); } } if (typeof(_local9) != "function") { _local9 = function (t, b, c, d) { t = (t / d) - 1; return((c * (((((t * t) * t) * t) * t) + 1)) + b); }; } if (_listeners.length > 0) {, "onTweenAdd", _local7,,, seconds, _local9, delay, _local12); } var _local6 = ""; for (var _local13 in _local7) { var _local3 = _local7[_local13]; if (_local3.__zigoID__ == null) { initializeTargets(_local3); } else if (instance.getStatus("locked", _local3) == true) { if (OUTPUT_LEVEL > 0) { com.mosesSupposes.fuse.FuseKitCommon.error("007", ((_local3._name != undefined) ? (_local3._name) : (_local3.toString())),; } continue; } var _local5 = instance.addTween(_local3,,, seconds, _local9, delay, _local12); _local6 = ((_local5 == null) ? "|" : (_local5 + "|")) + _local6; } _local6 = _local6.slice(0, -1); return((((_local6 == "") || (_local6 == "|")) ? null : (_local6))); } static function removeTween(targs, props) { instance.removeTween(targs, props); } static function isTweening(targ, prop) { return(Boolean(instance.getStatus("active", targ, prop))); } static function getTweens(targ) { if (instance == undefined) { return(0); } return(Number(instance.getStatus("count", targ))); } static function lockTween(targ, setLocked) { instance.alterTweens("lock", targ, setLocked == true); } static function isTweenLocked(targ) { return(Boolean(instance.getStatus("locked", targ))); } static function ffTween(targs, props, suppressEndEvents) { instance.alterTweens("ff", targs, props, null, suppressEndEvents); } static function skipTweenTo(seconds, targs, props) { instance.alterTweens("skipTo", targs, props, false, false, seconds); } static function rewTween(targs, props, pauseFlag, suppressStartEvents) { instance.alterTweens("rewind", targs, props, pauseFlag, suppressStartEvents); } static function isTweenPaused(targ, prop) { return(Boolean(instance.getStatus("paused", targ, prop))); } static function pauseTween(targs, props) { instance.alterTweens("pause", targs, props); } static function unpauseTween(targs, props) { instance.alterTweens("unpause", targs, props); } static function resumeTween(targs, props) { instance.alterTweens("unpause", targs, props); } static function setColorByKey(targetObj, type, amt, rgb) { new Color(targetObj).setTransform(getColorTransObj(type, amt, rgb)); } static function getColorTransObj(type, amt, rgb) { switch (type) { case "brightness" : var _local3 = 100 - Math.abs(amt); var _local4 = ((amt > 0) ? (255 * (amt / 100)) : 0); return({ra:_local3, rb:_local4, ga:_local3, gb:_local4, ba:_local3, bb:_local4}); case "brightOffset" : return({ra:100, rb:255 * (amt / 100), ga:100, gb:255 * (amt / 100), ba:100, bb:255 * (amt / 100)}); case "contrast" : return({ra:amt, rb:128 - (1.28 * amt), ga:amt, gb:128 - (1.28 * amt), ba:amt, bb:128 - (1.28 * amt)}); case "invertColor" : return({ra:100 - (2 * amt), rb:amt * 2.55, ga:100 - (2 * amt), gb:amt * 2.55, ba:100 - (2 * amt), bb:amt * 2.55}); case "tint" : if (rgb == null) { break; } var _local5; if (typeof(rgb) == "string") { if (rgb.charAt(0) == "#") { rgb = rgb.slice(1); } rgb = ((rgb.charAt(1).toLowerCase() != "x") ? ("0x" + rgb) : (rgb)); } _local5 = Number(rgb); return({ra:100 - amt, rb:(_local5 >> 16) * (amt / 100), ga:100 - amt, gb:((_local5 >> 8) & 255) * (amt / 100), ba:100 - amt, bb:(_local5 & 255) * (amt / 100)}); } return({rb:0, ra:100, gb:0, ga:100, bb:0, ba:100}); } static function getColorKeysObj(targOrTransObj) { var _local1 = ((targOrTransObj.ra != undefined) ? (targOrTransObj) : (new Color(targOrTransObj).getTransform())); var _local6 = (_local1.ra == && ( ==; var _local8 = (_local1.rb == && ( ==; var _local3 = {tintPercent:Number(((_local6 == true) ? (100 - _local1.ra) : 0))}; if (_local3.tintPercent != 0) { var _local5 = 100 / _local3.tintPercent; _local3.tint = (((_local1.rb * _local5) << 16) | (( * _local5) << 8)) | ( * _local5); var _local2 = _local3.tint.toString(16); var _local4 = 6 - _local2.length; while ((_local4--) > 0) { _local2 = "0" + _local2; } _local3.tintString = "0x" + _local2.toUpperCase(); } if ((_local6 == true) && (_local8 == true)) { if (_local1.ra < 0) { _local3.invertColor = _local1.rb * 0.392156862745098; } else if ((_local1.ra == 100) && (_local1.rb != 0)) { _local3.brightOffset = _local1.rb * 0.392156862745098; } if (_local1.ra != 100) { if ((_local1.rb == 0) || ((_local1.rb != 0) && (((255 * ((100 - _local1.ra) / 100)) - _local1.rb) <= 1))) { _local3.brightness = ((_local1.rb != 0) ? (100 - _local1.ra) : (_local1.ra - 100)); } if (((128 - (1.28 * _local1.ra)) - _local1.rb) <= 1) { _local3.contrast = _local1.ra; } } } return(_local3); } static function initializeTargets() { for (var _local5 in arguments) { var _local4 = arguments[_local5]; if ((((_local4 == MovieClip.prototype) || (_local4 == Button.prototype)) || (_local4 == TextField.prototype)) || (_local4 == Object.prototype)) { if (_local4.oldAddListener == undefined) { if (_local4 == TextField.prototype) { _local4.oldAddListener = _local4.addListener; _global.ASSetPropFlags(_local4, "oldAddListener", 7, 1); } _local4.addListener = function (o) { if (this.__zigoID__ == undefined) { com.mosesSupposes.fuse.ZigoEngine.initializeTargets(this); } if (this instanceof TextField) { Function(this.oldAddListener).call(this, o); } else { this.addListener(o); } }; if (_local4 == MovieClip.prototype) { _global.ASSetPropFlags(_local4, "addListener", 7, 1); } } } else if (_local4.__zigoID__ == undefined) { _local4.__zigoID__ = zigoIDs; _global.ASSetPropFlags(_local4, "__zigoID__", 7, 1); zigoIDs++; if ((_local4._listeners == null) || (_local4.addListener == null)) { AsBroadcaster.initialize(_local4); } } } } static function deinitializeTargets() { for (var _local4 in arguments) { var _local3 = arguments[_local4]; if (_local3.__zigoID__ != undefined) { _global.ASSetPropFlags(_local3, "__zigoID__,_listeners,broadcastMessage,addListener,removeListener", 0, 2); delete _local3.__zigoID__; delete _local3._listeners; delete _local3.broadcastMessage; delete _local3.addListener; delete _local3.removeListener; } if (_local3.oldAddListener != undefined) { _global.ASSetPropFlags(_local3, "oldAddListener", 0, 2); _local3.addListener = _local3.oldAddListener; delete _local3.oldAddListener; } } } static function __mgrRelay(inst, method, args) { if (inst == instance) { Function(com.mosesSupposes.fuse.ZigoEngine[method]).apply(com.mosesSupposes.fuse.ZigoEngine, args); } } static function setup(deinitFlag) { if (deinitFlag == true) { _playing = false; clearInterval(updateIntId); delete tweenHolder.onEnterFrame; return(undefined); } instance.cleanUp(); clearInterval(updateIntId); delete updateIntId; if ((updateTime != null) && (updateTime > 0)) { updateIntId = setInterval(instance, "update", updateTime); } else { if (Object(tweenHolder).proof == null) { setControllerDepth(6789); Object(tweenHolder).proof = 1; } var _inst = instance; tweenHolder.onEnterFrame = function () {; }; } _playing = true; = getTimer(); } static var VERSION = com.mosesSupposes.fuse.FuseKitCommon.VERSION + ", ZigoEngine based on concepts by L.Zigo"; static var EASING = "easeOutQuint"; static var DURATION = 1; static var TIME_MULTIPLIER = 1; static var ROUND_RESULTS = false; static var OUTPUT_LEVEL = 1; static var AUTOSTOP = false; static var SKIP_LEVEL = 0; static var _playing = false; static var zigoIDs = 0; static var prevTimeMult = 1; }
Symbol 256 MovieClip [] Frame 0
class com.mosesSupposes.fuse.ZManager { var tweens, now; function ZManager () { tweens = {}; numTweens = 0; } function addTween(obj, props, endvals, seconds, ease, delay, callback) { var _local24 = ((callback.skipLevel == undefined) ? 0 : (callback.skipLevel)); var _local44 = ((callback.cycles == undefined) ? 1 : (callback.cycles)); var _local30 = callback.extra1; var _local29 = callback.extra2; var _local23 = []; var _local14 =; var _local43 = String(("|" + _local14.getAllShortcuts().join("|")) + "|"); var _local42 = com.mosesSupposes.fuse.FuseKitCommon._cts(); var _local25 = ""; var _local28 = ""; var _local22 = obj.__zigoID__; var _local7 = tweens[String(_local22)]; if ((_local7 != undefined) && (com.mosesSupposes.fuse.ZigoEngine.AUTOSTOP == true)) { if (obj._listeners.length > 0) { for (var _local40 in _local7.props) { _local23.unshift(_local40); } } _local7.numProps = 0; cleanUp(true); } for (var _local47 in props) { var _local5 = props[_local47]; var _local4 = endvals[_local47]; var _local15 = 0; if (_local5 == "_fade") { _local5 = "_alpha"; _local15 = ((_local4 < 50) ? -1 : 1); } var _local16 = _local42.indexOf(("|" + _local5) + "|") > -1; var _local18 = _local7.colorProp; if (_local7 != undefined) { if ((_local16 == true) && (_local18 != undefined)) { _local23.unshift(_local18); delete _local7.props[_local18]; delete _local7.colorProp; _local7.numProps--; } else if (_local7.props[_local5] != undefined) { _local23.unshift(_local5); delete _local7[_local5]; _local7.numProps--; } } var _local3 = {c:-1, fmp:-1, complex:-1}; var _local11 = ((_local24 == 0) && ((seconds + delay) == 0)) || ((_local24 > 0) && (seconds == 0)); var _local10 = false; var _local13 = (_local14 != undefined) && (_local43.indexOf(("|" + _local5) + "|") > -1); var _local19 = (_local5.toLowerCase().indexOf("colors") > -1) && (_local4 instanceof Array); var _local27 = ((_local13 == true) && (_local5.indexOf("lor") > -1)) && (_local5.charAt(2) != "l"); if (_local13 == true) { _local3.fmp = _local14; = _local14.getFilterProp(obj, _local5, true); _local3.special = true; } if (((_local16 == true) || (_local19 == true)) || (_local27 && (_local11 == false))) { _local3.complex = 1; if (_local16 == true) { _local3.c = new Color(obj); = Color(_local3.c).getTransform(); var _local17 = ((((_local5 == "_tint") || (_local5 == "_tintPercent")) || (_local5 == "_colorReset")) ? "tint" : (_local5.slice(1))); var _local9 = null; var _local12 = null; if (_local5 != "_colorTransform") { if (_local17 == "tint") { if (typeof(_local4) == "object") { _local12 = _local4.tint; _local9 = ((_global.isNaN(_local4.percent) == true) ? 100 : (_local4.percent)); } else if ((_local5 == "_tintPercent") || (_local5 == "_colorReset")) { var _local20 = com.mosesSupposes.fuse.ZigoEngine.getColorKeysObj(obj).tintPercent; if (_local5 == "_colorReset") { _local9 = Math.min(_local20, 100 - Math.abs(Number(_local4))); } else { _local9 = ((typeof(_local4) == "string") ? ((_local20 || 0) + Number(_local4)) : Number(_local4)); } _local9 = Math.max(0, Math.min(_local9, 100)); _local12 = com.mosesSupposes.fuse.ZigoEngine.getColorKeysObj(obj).tint || 0; } else { _local12 = _local4; _local9 = 100; } } else { _local9 = ((typeof(_local4) == "string") ? ((com.mosesSupposes.fuse.ZigoEngine.getColorKeysObj(obj)[_local17] || 0) + Number(_local4)) : (_local4)); } _local4 = com.mosesSupposes.fuse.ZigoEngine.getColorTransObj(_local17, _local9, _local12); } if (_local11 == true) { if (_local5 == "_colorTransform") { Color(_local3.c).setTransform(_local4); } else { com.mosesSupposes.fuse.ZigoEngine.setColorByKey(obj, _local17, _local9, _local12); } } else { var _local21 = getChangeObj(, _local4, false, false); =; if (_local21.changed == true) { _local10 = true; } } } else if (_local11 == true) { _local14.setFilterProp(obj, _local5, _local4); } else if (_local19 == true) { _local3.c = 2; = []; for (var _local40 in _local4) { if (_local4[_local40] != null) { if ( == null) { = []; }[_local40] = com.mosesSupposes.fuse.ZigoEngine.getColorTransObj("tint", 100, (([_local40] == null) ? obj[_local5][_local40] :[_local40])); var _local21 = getChangeObj([_local40], com.mosesSupposes.fuse.ZigoEngine.getColorTransObj("tint", 100, _local4[_local40]), true, false);[_local40] =; if (_local21.changed == true) { _local10 = true; } } } } else { _local3.c = 1; = com.mosesSupposes.fuse.ZigoEngine.getColorTransObj("tint", 100,; var _local21 = getChangeObj(, com.mosesSupposes.fuse.ZigoEngine.getColorTransObj("tint", 100, _local4), true, false); =; if (_local21.changed == true) { _local10 = true; } } } else if (_local5 == "_bezier_") { removeTween(obj, "_x,_y", true); if (_local11 == true) { if ((_local4.x != null) && (_global.isNaN(Number(_local4.x)) == false)) { obj._x = ((typeof(_local4.x) == "string") ? (obj._x + Number(_local4.x)) : (_local4.x)); } if ((_local4.y != null) && (_global.isNaN(Number(_local4.y)) == false)) { obj._y = ((typeof(_local4.y) == "string") ? (obj._y + Number(_local4.y)) : (_local4.y)); } } else { _local3.special = true; = 0; = 1; = {sx:obj._x, sy:obj._y}; if ((_local4.x == null) || (_global.isNaN(Number(_local4.x)))) { _local4.x =; } if ((_local4.y == null) || (_global.isNaN(Number(_local4.y)))) { _local4.y =; } = ((typeof(_local4.x) == "string") ? (Number(_local4.x)) : (_local4.x -; if (_global.isNaN( == true) { _local3.bx.chx = 0; } = ((typeof(_local4.y) == "string") ? (Number(_local4.y)) : (_local4.y -; if (_global.isNaN( == true) { _local3.bx.chy = 0; } if ((_local4.controlX == null) || (_global.isNaN(Number(_local4.controlX)))) { = + ( / 2); } else { = ((typeof(_local4.controlX) == "string") ? ( + Number(_local4.controlX)) : (_local4.controlX)); } if ((_local4.controlY == null) || (_global.isNaN(Number(_local4.controlY)))) { = + ( / 2); } else { = ((typeof(_local4.controlY) == "string") ? ( + Number(_local4.controlY)) : (_local4.controlY)); } = -; = -; _local10 = ( + != 0; } } else { if (typeof(_local4) == "object") { _local3.complex = ((_local4 instanceof Array) ? 0 : 1); } if ((_local5 == "_x") || (_local5 == "_y")) { removeTween(obj, "_bezier_", true); } if ((_local5 == "_frame") && (typeof(obj) == "movieclip")) { = obj._currentframe; _local3.special = true; } else if (_local13 == false) { if (_local3.complex > -1) { = ((_local3.complex == 0) ? ([]) : ({})); for (var _local40 in _local4) {[_local40] = obj[_local5][_local40]; } } else { = obj[_local5]; } } if (_local11 == true) { if (_local13 == true) { _local14.setFilterProp(obj, _local5, ((typeof(_local4) == "string") ? ( + Number(_local4)) : (_local4))); } else if (_local3.complex > -1) { for (var _local40 in _local4) { if ((_local4[_local40] != null) && (_global.isNaN(Number(_local4[_local40])) == false)) { obj[_local5][_local40] = ((typeof(_local4[_local40]) == "string") ? ([_local40] + Number(_local4[_local40])) : _local4[_local40]); if (_global.isNaN(obj[_local5][_local40]) == true) { obj[_local5][_local40] = 0; } } } } else { obj[_local5] = ((typeof(_local4) == "string") ? ( + Number(_local4)) : (_local4)); if (_local15 == 1) { obj._visible = true; } else if (_local15 == -1) { obj._visible = false; } } } else if (_local3.complex > -1) { var _local21 = getChangeObj(, _local4, _local13, _local3.complex == 0); =; if (_local21.changed == true) { _local10 = true; } } else { if ((_local4 == null) || (_global.isNaN(Number(_local4)))) { _local4 =; } = ((typeof(_local4) == "string") ? (Number(_local4)) : (Number(_local4) -; if (_global.isNaN( == true) { = 0; } _local10 = != 0; } } if (((_local24 == 0) && ((_local10 == true) || (_local11 == false))) || ((_local10 == true) && (_local11 == false))) { if ((_local3.complex > -1) && (!(_local3.c === 2))) { = []; = []; } _local3.ts = now + (delay * 1000); = -1; _local3.d = seconds * 1000; _local3.ef = ease; _local3.sf = false; _local3.cycles = _local44; if (_local30 != undefined) { _local3.e1 = _local30; } if (_local29 != undefined) { _local3.e2 = _local29; } _local3.v = _local15; if (callback.start != undefined) { = callback.start; } if (callback.upd != undefined) { _local3.ucb = callback.upd; } if (callback.end != undefined) { _local3.ecb = callback.end; } if (callback.roundResults != undefined) { _local3.rr = callback.roundResults; } if (tweens[String(_local22)] == undefined) { _local7 = (tweens[String(_local22)] = {numProps:0, locked:false, targ:obj, targID:String(("\"" + ((obj._name != undefined) ? (obj._name) : (obj.toString()))) + "\""), targZID:_local22, props:{}}); numTweens++; } if (_local16 == true) { _local7.colorProp = _local5; } _local7.props[_local5] = _local3; _local7.numProps++; _local25 = (_local5 + ",") + _local25; _local28 = (((typeof(_local4) == "string") ? (("\"" + _local4) + "\"") : (_local4)) + ",") + _local28; } _local3 = undefined; } if ((_local7 == undefined) || (_local7.numProps <= 0)) { cleanUp(); } if ((_local23.length > 0) && (com.mosesSupposes.fuse.ZigoEngine._listeners.length > 0)) { com.mosesSupposes.fuse.ZigoEngine.broadcastMessage("onTweenInterrupt", {target:obj, props:_local23, __zigoID__:_local22, during:"add"}); } if (_local25 == "") { if (_local24 == 2) { if (com.mosesSupposes.fuse.ZigoEngine.OUTPUT_LEVEL == 2) { com.mosesSupposes.fuse.FuseKitCommon.error("011", ((obj._name != undefined) ? (obj._name) : (obj.toString())), props.toString()); } } else { var _local48 = obj._listeners.length > 0; if (_local48 == true) { obj.broadcastMessage("onTweenStart", {target:obj, props:props}); } if (callback.start != undefined) { callback.start.f.apply(callback.start.s, callback.start.a); } if (_local48 == true) { obj.broadcastMessage("onTweenUpdate", {target:obj, props:props}); } if (callback.upd != undefined) { callback.upd.f.apply(callback.upd.s, callback.upd.a); } if (_local48 == true) { obj.broadcastMessage("onTweenEnd", {target:obj, props:props}); } if (callback.end != undefined) { callback.end.f.apply(callback.end.s, callback.end.a); } } cleanUp(); } if (com.mosesSupposes.fuse.ZigoEngine.OUTPUT_LEVEL == 2) { if (_local25 == "") { com.mosesSupposes.fuse.FuseKitCommon.error("012", ((obj._name != undefined) ? (obj._name) : (obj.toString())), props.toString(), endvals.toString()); } else { com.mosesSupposes.fuse.FuseKitCommon.error("013", ((obj._name != undefined) ? (obj._name) : (obj.toString())), _local25.slice(0, -1), _local28.slice(0, -1)); } } return(((_local25 == "") ? null : (_local25.slice(0, -1)))); } function removeTween(targs, props, noInit) { var _local4 = {}; var _local12 = paramsObj(targs, props); if (_local12.none == true) { return(undefined); } var _local16 = _local12.all; var _local17 = _local12.allprops; var _local9 = ((_local16 == true) ? (tweens) : (Object(; var _local8 = false; for (var _local20 in _local9) { var _local3 = ((_local16 == true) ? (_local20) : (String(_local9[_local20].__zigoID__))); var _local2 = tweens[_local3]; var _local6 = ((_local17 == true) ? (_local2.props) : (_local12.props)); for (var _local14 in _local6) { var _local5 = (_local14 == com.mosesSupposes.fuse.FuseKitCommon.ALLCOLOR) && (_local2.colorProp != undefined); if ((_local2.props[_local14] != undefined) || (_local5 == true)) { if (_local4[_local3] == null) { _local4[_local3] = []; } _local4[_local3].unshift(_local14); if ((_local14 == _local2.colorProp) || (_local5 == true)) { delete _local2.props[_local2.colorProp]; delete _local2.colorProp; } else { delete _local2.props[_local14]; } _local2.numProps--; if (_local2.numProps <= 0) { _local8 = true; break; } } } } if (com.mosesSupposes.fuse.ZigoEngine._listeners.length > 0) { for (var _local19 in _local4) { var _local7 = tweens[_local19].targ; com.mosesSupposes.fuse.ZigoEngine.broadcastMessage("onTweenInterrupt", {target:((typeof(_local7.addProperty) == "function") ? (_local7) : (("[MISSING(\"" + tweens[_local19].targID) + "\")]")), props:_local4[_local19], __zigoID__:tweens[_local19].targZID, during:((noInit == true) ? "add" : "remove")}); } } if (_local8 == true) { cleanUp(noInit); } } function alterTweens(type, targs, props, pauseFlag, noEvents, skipTo) { if (type == "lock") { tweens[String(targs.__zigoID__)].locked = props; return(undefined); } var _local11 = paramsObj(targs, props); if (_local11.none == true) { return(undefined); } var _local14 = _local11.all; var _local15 = _local11.allprops; var _local9 = ((_local14 == true) ? (tweens) : (Object(; var _local8 = 0; for (var _local16 in _local9) { var _local7 = ((_local14 == true) ? (_local16) : (String(_local9[_local16].__zigoID__))); var _local5 = tweens[_local7]; var _local4 = ((_local15 == true) ? (_local5.props) : (_local11.props)); if (_local4.ALLCOLOR == true) { _local4[_local5.colorProp] = true; delete _local4.ALLCOLOR; } for (var _local10 in _local4) { _local8++; var _local2 = _local5.props[_local10]; if (type == "rewind") { if (pauseFlag == true) { = now; } _local2.ts = now; if (noEvents != true) { _local2.sf = false; if ( != undefined) { = false; } } } else if (type == "ff") { if (noEvents == true) { _local2.suppressEnd = true; } _local2.o = true; = -1; _local2.ts = now - _local2.d; } else if (type == "skipTo") { _local2.ts = Math.min(now, (_local2.ts + (now - _local2.ts)) - (skipTo * 1000)); } else if (type == "pause") { if ( == -1) { = now; } } else if (type == "unpause") { if ( != -1) { _local2.ts = now - ( - _local2.ts); = -1; } } } } if ((type == "ff") && (_local8 > 0)) { update(); } else if ((type == "rewind") && (_local8 > 0)) { update(true); } } function getStatus(type, targ, param) { if (targ == null) { return(null); } var _local8 = String(targ).toUpperCase() == com.mosesSupposes.fuse.FuseKitCommon.ALL; var _local4 = tweens[String(targ.__zigoID__)]; switch (type) { case "paused" : var _local2 = _local4.props; if (param != null) { if (_local2[String(param)] == undefined) { return(false); } return(Boolean(_local2[String(param)].pt != -1)); } for (var _local6 in _local2) { if (_local2[_local6].pt != -1) { return(true); } } return(false); case "active" : if (param == null) { return(Boolean(_local4 != undefined)); } if (String(param).toUpperCase() == com.mosesSupposes.fuse.FuseKitCommon.ALLCOLOR) { return(Boolean(_local4.colorProp != undefined)); } return(Boolean(_local4.props[String(param)] != undefined)); case "count" : if (!_local8) { return(_local4.numProps); } var _local3 = 0; for (var _local6 in tweens) { _local3 = _local3 + tweens[_local6].numProps; } return(_local3); case "locked" : return(_local4.locked); } } function update(force) { var _local22 = {}; var _local24 = {}; var _local23 = {}; var _local15 = {}; var _local13 = {}; var _local14 = {}; var _local26 = false; var _local20 = com.mosesSupposes.fuse.ZigoEngine.ROUND_RESULTS; for (var _local35 in tweens) { var _local12 = tweens[_local35]; var _local5 = _local12.targ; var _local34 = _local12.props; var _local21 = _local5._listeners.length > 0; if (_local5.__zigoID__ == undefined) { _local26 = true; if (com.mosesSupposes.fuse.ZigoEngine._listeners.length > 0) { var _local25 = []; for (var _local30 in _local34) { _local25.unshift(_local30); } com.mosesSupposes.fuse.ZigoEngine.broadcastMessage("onTweenInterrupt", {target:((typeof(_local5.addProperty) == "function") ? (_local5) : (("[MISSING:" + _local12.targID) + "]")), props:_local25, __zigoID__:_local12.targZID, during:"update"}); } continue; } for (var _local30 in _local34) { var _local3 = _local34[_local30]; if (((_local3.ts > now) || ( != -1)) && (force != true)) { continue; } var _local9 = now >= (_local3.ts + _local3.d); if (_local3.complex == -1) { var _local6; if (_local9 == true) { _local6 = +; if ((_local3.cycles > 1) || (_local3.cycles == 0)) { if (_local3.cycles > 1) { _local3.cycles--; } = _local6; =; _local3.ts = now; _local9 = false; } } else { _local6 = _local3.ef(now - _local3.ts,,, _local3.d, _local3.e1, _local3.e2); } if (_global.isNaN(_local6) == false) { if ((_local30 != "_bezier_") && ((_local3.rr == true) || ((_local20 == true) && (!(_local3.rr === false))))) { _local6 = Math.round(Number(_local6)); } if (_local3.special != true) { _local5[_local30] = _local6; } else if (_local3.fmp != -1) { _local3.fmp.setFilterProp(_local5, _local30, _local6); } else if (_local30 == "_bezier_") { var _local10 =; var _local18 = + (_local6 * (((2 * (1 - _local6)) * _local10.ctrlx) + (_local6 * _local10.chx))); var _local17 = + (_local6 * (((2 * (1 - _local6)) * _local10.ctrly) + (_local6 * _local10.chy))); if ((_local3.rr == true) || ((_local20 == true) && (!(_local3.rr === false)))) { _local18 = Math.round(Number(_local18)); _local17 = Math.round(Number(_local17)); } _local5._x = _local18; _local5._y = _local17; } else if (_local30 == "_frame") { MovieClip(_local5).gotoAndStop(Math.ceil(_local6)); } } } else { var _local16 = (_local9 == true) && ((_local3.cycles > 1) || (_local3.cycles == 0)); var _local7 = []; for (var _local27 in { var _local4 = ((_local3.complex == 0) ? ([]) : ({})); for (var _local28 in[_local27]) { var _local8 =[_local27][_local28]; var _local11 =[_local27][_local28]; if (_local9 == true) { _local4[_local28] = _local11 + _local8; if (_local16 == true) {[_local27][_local28] = -_local8; } } else { _local4[_local28] = _local3.ef(now - _local3.ts, _local11, _local8, _local3.d, _local3.e1, _local3.e2); } if (_global.isNaN(_local4[_local28]) == false) { if ((_local3.rr == true) || ((_local20 == true) && (!(_local3.rr === false)))) { _local4[_local28] = Math.round(_local4[_local28]); } } if ((_local3.fmp == -1) && (_local3.c == -1)) { _local5[_local30][_local28] = _local4[_local28]; } } _local7.push(_local4); if ((_local3.fmp == -1) && (_local3.c == 2)) { _local5[_local30][_local27] = Number(((_local4.rb << 16) | ( << 8)) |; } } if (_local3.fmp != -1) { if (_local3.c == 1) { _local3.fmp.setFilterProp(_local5, _local30, ((_local7[0].rb << 16) | (_local7[0].gb << 8)) | _local7[0].bb); } else if (_local3.c == 2) { var _local19 = []; for (var _local28 in _local7) { _local19.unshift(((_local7[_local28].rb << 16) | (_local7[_local28].gb << 8)) | _local7[_local28].bb); } _local3.fmp.setFilterProp(_local5, _local30, _local19); } } else if (_local3.c != -1) { _local3.c.setTransform(_local7[0]); } if (_local16 == true) { if (_local3.cycles > 1) { _local3.cycles--; } _local9 = false; _local3.ts = now; = _local7; } } if (_local3.sf == false) { if (_local3.v != 0) { _local5._visible = true; } if (_local21 == true) { if (_local15[_local35] == undefined) { _local15[_local35] = [_local5, []]; } _local15[_local35][1].unshift(_local30); } _local3.sf = true; } if ( == false) { _local22[String(] =; = true; } if (_local21 == true) { if (_local13[_local35] == undefined) { _local13[_local35] = [_local5, []]; } _local13[_local35][1].unshift(_local30); } if (_local3.ucb != undefined) { _local24[String(] = _local3.ucb; } if (_local9 == true) { if (_local3.v === -1) { _local5._visible = false; } if (_local3.suppressEnd != true) { if (_local21 == true) { if (_local14[_local35] == undefined) { _local14[_local35] = [_local5, []]; } _local14[_local35][1].unshift(_local30); } if (_local3.ecb != undefined) { _local23[String(] = _local3.ecb; } } delete _local34[_local30]; if (_local30 == _local12.colorProp) { delete _local12.colorProp; } _local12.numProps--; if (_local12.numProps <= 0) { _local26 = true; } } delete _local3.suppressEnd; } } for (var _local35 in _local15) { _local15[_local35][0].broadcastMessage("onTweenStart", {target:_local15[_local35][0], props:_local15[_local35][1]}); } for (var _local35 in _local22) { _local22[_local35].f.apply(_local22[_local35].s, _local22[_local35].a); } for (var _local35 in _local13) { _local13[_local35][0].broadcastMessage("onTweenUpdate", {target:_local13[_local35][0], props:_local13[_local35][1]}); } for (var _local35 in _local24) { _local24[_local35].f.apply(_local24[_local35].s, _local24[_local35].a); } for (var _local35 in _local14) { _local14[_local35][0].broadcastMessage("onTweenEnd", {target:_local14[_local35][0], props:_local14[_local35][1]}); } for (var _local35 in _local23) { _local23[_local35].f.apply(_local23[_local35].s, _local23[_local35].a); } if (_local26) { cleanUp(); } now = getTimer(); } function cleanUp(noInit) { for (var _local4 in tweens) { var _local2 = tweens[_local4].targ; if ((tweens[_local4].numProps <= 0) || (_local2.__zigoID__ == undefined)) { if ((((_local2 != undefined) && (_local2.tween == undefined)) && (noInit != true)) && (_local2._listeners.length <= 0)) { com.mosesSupposes.fuse.ZigoEngine.deinitializeTargets(_local2); } delete tweens[_local4]; numTweens--; } } if (numTweens <= 0) { numTweens = 0; delete tweens; tweens = {}; if (noInit != true) { com.mosesSupposes.fuse.ZigoEngine.__mgrRelay(this, "setup", [true]); } } } function paramsObj(targs, props, endvals, retainFade) { var _local6 = {}; _local6.all = String(targs).toUpperCase() == com.mosesSupposes.fuse.FuseKitCommon.ALL; _local6.none = Boolean(targs == null); if (_local6.all == true) { = [null]; } else { = ((targs instanceof Array) ? (targs) : ([targs])); for (var _local11 in { var _local7 =[_local11]; if ((_local7 == null) || (!((typeof(_local7) == "object") || (typeof(_local7) == "movieclip")))) {, 1); } } } _local6.allprops = props == null; var _local1; var _local4; var _local3 = {}; if (_local6.allprops == false) { if ((typeof(props) == "string") && ((String(props).indexOf(" ") > -1) || (String(props).indexOf(",") > -1))) { props = String(props.split(" ").join("")).split(","); } _local1 = ((props instanceof Array) ? (props.slice()) : ([props])); if (endvals != undefined) { if ((typeof(endvals) == "string") && ((String(endvals).indexOf(" ") > -1) || (String(endvals).indexOf(",") > -1))) { endvals = String(endvals.split(" ").join("")).split(","); } _local4 = ((endvals instanceof Array) ? (endvals.slice()) : ([endvals])); while (_local4.length < _local1.length) { _local4.push(_local4[_local4.length - 1]); } _local4.splice(_local1.length, _local4.length - _local1.length); } for (var _local11 in _local1) { var _local2 = Number(_local11); if ((_local1[_local11] != "_scale") && (_local1[_local11] != "_size")) { if (_local3[_local1[_local11]] == undefined) { if ((_local1[_local11] == "_fade") && (retainFade != true)) { _local1[_local11] = "_alpha"; } if (String(_local1[_local11]).toUpperCase() == com.mosesSupposes.fuse.FuseKitCommon.ALLCOLOR) { _local1[_local11] = com.mosesSupposes.fuse.FuseKitCommon.ALLCOLOR; } _local3[_local1[_local11]] = true; } else { _local1.splice(_local2, 1); _local4.splice(_local2, 1); } } else { var _local8 = String(_local1.splice(_local2, 1)[0]); var _local5 = _local4.splice(_local2, 1)[0]; if (_local8 == "_scale") { if (_local3._xscale == undefined) { _local1.splice(_local2, 0, "_xscale"); _local4.splice(_local2, 0, _local5); _local3._xscale = true; _local2++; } if (_local3._yscale == undefined) { _local1.splice(_local2, 0, "_yscale"); _local4.splice(_local2, 0, _local5); _local3._yscale = true; } } if (_local8 == "_size") { if (_local3._width == undefined) { _local1.splice(_local2, 0, "_width"); _local4.splice(_local2, 0, _local5); _local3._width = true; _local2++; } if (_local3._yscale == undefined) { _local1.splice(_local2, 0, "_height"); _local4.splice(_local2, 0, _local5); _local3._height = true; } } } } for (var _local11 in _local1) { if (((_local1[_local11] == "_xscale") && (_local3._width == true)) || ((_local1[_local11] == "_yscale") && (_local3._height == true))) { _local1.splice(Number(_local11), 1); _local4.splice(Number(_local11), 1); delete _local3[_local1[_local11]]; } } } = _local1; = _local4; _local6.props = _local3; return(_local6); } function getChangeObj(ps, ep, isFMP, useArray) { var _local3 = {map:((useArray == true) ? ([]) : ({})), changed:false}; for (var _local7 in ep) { if ((((((isFMP == true) && (_local7.charAt(1) == "b")) || (ep[_local7] != ps[_local7])) || (useArray == true)) && (ep[_local7] != null)) && (_global.isNaN(Number(ep[_local7])) == false)) {[_local7] = ((typeof(ep[_local7]) == "string") ? (Number(ep[_local7])) : (ep[_local7] - ps[_local7])); if (_global.isNaN([_local7]) == true) {[_local7] = 0; } else if ([_local7] != 0) { _local3.changed = true; } } } return(_local3); } var numTweens = 0; }
Symbol 257 MovieClip [] Frame 0
class com.mosesSupposes.fuse.PennerEasing { function PennerEasing () { } static function linear(t, b, c, d) { return(((c * t) / d) + b); } static function easeInQuad(t, b, c, d) { t = t / d; return(((c * t) * t) + b); } static function easeOutQuad(t, b, c, d) { t = t / d; return((((-c) * t) * (t - 2)) + b); } static function easeInOutQuad(t, b, c, d) { t = t / (d / 2); if (t < 1) { return((((c / 2) * t) * t) + b); } t--; return((((-c) / 2) * ((t * (t - 2)) - 1)) + b); } static function easeInExpo(t, b, c, d) { return(((t == 0) ? (b) : ((c * Math.pow(2, 10 * ((t / d) - 1))) + b))); } static function easeOutExpo(t, b, c, d) { return(((t == d) ? (b + c) : ((c * ((-Math.pow(2, (-10 * t) / d)) + 1)) + b))); } static function easeInOutExpo(t, b, c, d) { if (t == 0) { return(b); } if (t == d) { return(b + c); } t = t / (d / 2); if (t < 1) { return(((c / 2) * Math.pow(2, 10 * (t - 1))) + b); } t--; return(((c / 2) * ((-Math.pow(2, -10 * t)) + 2)) + b); } static function easeOutInExpo(t, b, c, d) { if (t == 0) { return(b); } if (t == d) { return(b + c); } t = t / (d / 2); if (t < 1) { return(((c / 2) * ((-Math.pow(2, -10 * t)) + 1)) + b); } return(((c / 2) * (Math.pow(2, 10 * (t - 2)) + 1)) + b); } static function easeInElastic(t, b, c, d, a, p) { var _local5; if (t == 0) { return(b); } t = t / d; if (t == 1) { return(b + c); } if (!p) { p = d * 0.3; } if ((!a) || (a < Math.abs(c))) { a = c; _local5 = p / 4; } else { _local5 = (p / (Math.PI*2)) * Math.asin(c / a); } t = t - 1; return((-((a * Math.pow(2, 10 * t)) * Math.sin((((t * d) - _local5) * (Math.PI*2)) / p))) + b); } static function easeOutElastic(t, b, c, d, a, p) { var _local5; if (t == 0) { return(b); } t = t / d; if (t == 1) { return(b + c); } if (!p) { p = d * 0.3; } if ((!a) || (a < Math.abs(c))) { a = c; _local5 = p / 4; } else { _local5 = (p / (Math.PI*2)) * Math.asin(c / a); } return((((a * Math.pow(2, -10 * t)) * Math.sin((((t * d) - _local5) * (Math.PI*2)) / p)) + c) + b); } static function easeInOutElastic(t, b, c, d, a, p) { var _local5; if (t == 0) { return(b); } t = t / (d / 2); if (t == 2) { return(b + c); } if (!p) { p = d * 0.45; } if ((!a) || (a < Math.abs(c))) { a = c; _local5 = p / 4; } else { _local5 = (p / (Math.PI*2)) * Math.asin(c / a); } if (t < 1) { t = t - 1; return((-0.5 * ((a * Math.pow(2, 10 * t)) * Math.sin((((t * d) - _local5) * (Math.PI*2)) / p))) + b); } t = t - 1; return(((((a * Math.pow(2, -10 * t)) * Math.sin((((t * d) - _local5) * (Math.PI*2)) / p)) * 0.5) + c) + b); } static function easeOutInElastic(t, b, c, d, a, p) { var _local5; if (t == 0) { return(b); } t = t / (d / 2); if (t == 2) { return(b + c); } if (!p) { p = d * 0.45; } if ((!a) || (a < Math.abs(c))) { a = c; _local5 = p / 4; } else { _local5 = (p / (Math.PI*2)) * Math.asin(c / a); } if (t < 1) { return(((0.5 * ((a * Math.pow(2, -10 * t)) * Math.sin((((t * d) - _local5) * (Math.PI*2)) / p))) + (c / 2)) + b); } return(((c / 2) + (0.5 * ((a * Math.pow(2, 10 * (t - 2))) * Math.sin((((t * d) - _local5) * (Math.PI*2)) / p)))) + b); } static function easeInBack(t, b, c, d, s) { if (s == undefined) { s = 1.70158; } t = t / d; return((((c * t) * t) * (((s + 1) * t) - s)) + b); } static function easeOutBack(t, b, c, d, s) { if (s == undefined) { s = 1.70158; } t = (t / d) - 1; return((c * (((t * t) * (((s + 1) * t) + s)) + 1)) + b); } static function easeInOutBack(t, b, c, d, s) { if (s == undefined) { s = 1.70158; } t = t / (d / 2); if (t < 1) { s = s * 1.525; return(((c / 2) * ((t * t) * (((s + 1) * t) - s))) + b); } t = t - 2; s = s * 1.525; return(((c / 2) * (((t * t) * (((s + 1) * t) + s)) + 2)) + b); } static function easeOutInBack(t, b, c, d, s) { if (s == undefined) { s = 1.70158; } t = t / (d / 2); if (t < 1) { t--; s = s * 1.525; return(((c / 2) * (((t * t) * (((s + 1) * t) + s)) + 1)) + b); } t--; s = s * 1.525; return(((c / 2) * (((t * t) * (((s + 1) * t) - s)) + 1)) + b); } static function easeOutBounce(t, b, c, d) { t = t / d; if (t < 0.363636363636364) { return((c * ((7.5625 * t) * t)) + b); } if (t < 0.727272727272727) { t = t - 0.545454545454545; return((c * (((7.5625 * t) * t) + 0.75)) + b); } if (t < 0.909090909090909) { t = t - 0.818181818181818; return((c * (((7.5625 * t) * t) + 0.9375)) + b); } t = t - 0.954545454545455; return((c * (((7.5625 * t) * t) + 0.984375)) + b); } static function easeInBounce(t, b, c, d) { return((c - easeOutBounce(d - t, 0, c, d)) + b); } static function easeInOutBounce(t, b, c, d) { if (t < (d / 2)) { return((easeInBounce(t * 2, 0, c, d) * 0.5) + b); } return(((easeOutBounce((t * 2) - d, 0, c, d) * 0.5) + (c * 0.5)) + b); } static function easeOutInBounce(t, b, c, d) { if (t < (d / 2)) { return((easeOutBounce(t * 2, 0, c, d) * 0.5) + b); } return(((easeInBounce((t * 2) - d, 0, c, d) * 0.5) + (c * 0.5)) + b); } static function easeInCubic(t, b, c, d) { t = t / d; return((((c * t) * t) * t) + b); } static function easeOutCubic(t, b, c, d) { t = (t / d) - 1; return((c * (((t * t) * t) + 1)) + b); } static function easeInOutCubic(t, b, c, d) { t = t / (d / 2); if (t < 1) { return(((((c / 2) * t) * t) * t) + b); } t = t - 2; return(((c / 2) * (((t * t) * t) + 2)) + b); } static function easeOutInCubic(t, b, c, d) { t = t / (d / 2); t--; return(((c / 2) * (((t * t) * t) + 1)) + b); } static function easeInQuart(t, b, c, d) { t = t / d; return(((((c * t) * t) * t) * t) + b); } static function easeOutQuart(t, b, c, d) { t = (t / d) - 1; return(((-c) * ((((t * t) * t) * t) - 1)) + b); } static function easeInOutQuart(t, b, c, d) { t = t / (d / 2); if (t < 1) { return((((((c / 2) * t) * t) * t) * t) + b); } t = t - 2; return((((-c) / 2) * ((((t * t) * t) * t) - 2)) + b); } static function easeOutInQuart(t, b, c, d) { t = t / (d / 2); if (t < 1) { t--; return((((-c) / 2) * ((((t * t) * t) * t) - 1)) + b); } t--; return(((c / 2) * ((((t * t) * t) * t) + 1)) + b); } static function easeInQuint(t, b, c, d) { t = t / d; return((((((c * t) * t) * t) * t) * t) + b); } static function easeOutQuint(t, b, c, d) { t = (t / d) - 1; return((c * (((((t * t) * t) * t) * t) + 1)) + b); } static function easeInOutQuint(t, b, c, d) { t = t / (d / 2); if (t < 1) { return(((((((c / 2) * t) * t) * t) * t) * t) + b); } t = t - 2; return(((c / 2) * (((((t * t) * t) * t) * t) + 2)) + b); } static function easeOutInQuint(t, b, c, d) { t = t / (d / 2); t--; return(((c / 2) * (((((t * t) * t) * t) * t) + 1)) + b); } static function easeInSine(t, b, c, d) { return((((-c) * Math.cos((t / d) * (Math.PI/2))) + c) + b); } static function easeOutSine(t, b, c, d) { return((c * Math.sin((t / d) * (Math.PI/2))) + b); } static function easeInOutSine(t, b, c, d) { return((((-c) / 2) * (Math.cos((Math.PI * t) / d) - 1)) + b); } static function easeOutInSine(t, b, c, d) { t = t / (d / 2); if (t < 1) { return(((c / 2) * Math.sin((Math.PI * t) / 2)) + b); } t--; return((((-c) / 2) * (Math.cos((Math.PI * t) / 2) - 2)) + b); } static function easeInCirc(t, b, c, d) { t = t / d; return(((-c) * (Math.sqrt(1 - (t * t)) - 1)) + b); } static function easeOutCirc(t, b, c, d) { t = (t / d) - 1; return((c * Math.sqrt(1 - (t * t))) + b); } static function easeInOutCirc(t, b, c, d) { t = t / (d / 2); if (t < 1) { return((((-c) / 2) * (Math.sqrt(1 - (t * t)) - 1)) + b); } t = t - 2; return(((c / 2) * (Math.sqrt(1 - (t * t)) + 1)) + b); } static function easeOutInCirc(t, b, c, d) { t = t / (d / 2); if (t < 1) { t--; return(((c / 2) * Math.sqrt(1 - (t * t))) + b); } t--; return(((c / 2) * (2 - Math.sqrt(1 - (t * t)))) + b); } static var registryKey = "pennerEasing"; }
Symbol 258 MovieClip [] Frame 0
class mx.transitions.OnEnterFrameBeacon { function OnEnterFrameBeacon () { } static function init() { var _local4 = _global.MovieClip; if (!_root.__OnEnterFrameBeacon) { mx.transitions.BroadcasterMX.initialize(_local4); var _local3 = _root.createEmptyMovieClip("__OnEnterFrameBeacon", 9876); _local3.onEnterFrame = function () { _global.MovieClip.broadcastMessage("onEnterFrame"); }; } } static var version = ""; }
Symbol 259 MovieClip [] Frame 0
class mx.transitions.BroadcasterMX { var _listeners; function BroadcasterMX () { } static function initialize(o, dontCreateArray) { if (o.broadcastMessage != undefined) { delete o.broadcastMessage; } o.addListener = mx.transitions.BroadcasterMX.prototype.addListener; o.removeListener = mx.transitions.BroadcasterMX.prototype.removeListener; if (!dontCreateArray) { o._listeners = new Array(); } } function addListener(o) { removeListener(o); if (broadcastMessage == undefined) { broadcastMessage = mx.transitions.BroadcasterMX.prototype.broadcastMessage; } return(_listeners.push(o)); } function removeListener(o) { var _local2 = _listeners; var _local3 = _local2.length; while (_local3--) { if (_local2[_local3] == o) { _local2.splice(_local3, 1); if (!_local2.length) { broadcastMessage = undefined; } return(true); } } return(false); } function broadcastMessage() { var _local5 = String(arguments.shift()); var _local4 = _listeners.concat(); var _local6 = _local4.length; var _local3 = 0; while (_local3 < _local6) { _local4[_local3][_local5].apply(_local4[_local3], arguments); _local3++; } } static var version = ""; }
Symbol 260 MovieClip [] Frame 0
class mx.transitions.Tween { var obj, prop, begin, useSeconds, _listeners, addListener, prevTime, _time, looping, _duration, broadcastMessage, isPlaying, _fps, prevPos, _pos, change, _intervalID, _startTime; function Tween (obj, prop, func, begin, finish, duration, useSeconds) { mx.transitions.OnEnterFrameBeacon.init(); if (!arguments.length) { return; } this.obj = obj; this.prop = prop; this.begin = begin; position = (begin); this.duration = (duration); this.useSeconds = useSeconds; if (func) { this.func = func; } this.finish = (finish); _listeners = []; addListener(this); start(); } function set time(t) { prevTime = _time; if (t > duration) { if (looping) { rewind(t - _duration); update(); broadcastMessage("onMotionLooped", this); } else { if (useSeconds) { _time = _duration; update(); } stop(); broadcastMessage("onMotionFinished", this); } } else if (t < 0) { rewind(); update(); } else { _time = t; update(); } //return(time); } function get time() { return(_time); } function set duration(d) { _duration = (((d == null) || (d <= 0)) ? (_global.Infinity) : (d)); //return(duration); } function get duration() { return(_duration); } function set FPS(fps) { var _local2 = isPlaying; stopEnterFrame(); _fps = fps; if (_local2) { startEnterFrame(); } //return(FPS); } function get FPS() { return(_fps); } function set position(p) { setPosition(p); //return(position); } function setPosition(p) { prevPos = _pos; obj[prop] = (_pos = p); broadcastMessage("onMotionChanged", this, _pos); updateAfterEvent(); } function get position() { return(getPosition()); } function getPosition(t) { if (t == undefined) { t = _time; } return(func(t, begin, change, _duration)); } function set finish(f) { change = f - begin; //return(finish); } function get finish() { return(begin + change); } function continueTo(finish, duration) { begin = position; this.finish = (finish); if (duration != undefined) { this.duration = (duration); } start(); } function yoyo() { continueTo(begin, time); } function startEnterFrame() { if (_fps == undefined) { _global.MovieClip.addListener(this); } else { _intervalID = setInterval(this, "onEnterFrame", 1000 / _fps); } isPlaying = true; } function stopEnterFrame() { if (_fps == undefined) { _global.MovieClip.removeListener(this); } else { clearInterval(_intervalID); } isPlaying = false; } function start() { rewind(); startEnterFrame(); broadcastMessage("onMotionStarted", this); } function stop() { stopEnterFrame(); broadcastMessage("onMotionStopped", this); } function resume() { fixTime(); startEnterFrame(); broadcastMessage("onMotionResumed", this); } function rewind(t) { _time = ((t == undefined) ? 0 : (t)); fixTime(); update(); } function fforward() { time = (_duration); fixTime(); } function nextFrame() { if (useSeconds) { time = ((getTimer() - _startTime) / 1000); } else { time = (_time + 1); } } function onEnterFrame() { nextFrame(); } function prevFrame() { if (!useSeconds) { time = (_time - 1); } } function toString() { return("[Tween]"); } function fixTime() { if (useSeconds) { _startTime = getTimer() - (_time * 1000); } } function update() { position = (getPosition(_time)); } static var version = ""; static var __initBeacon = mx.transitions.OnEnterFrameBeacon.init(); static var __initBroadcaster = mx.transitions.BroadcasterMX.initialize(mx.transitions.Tween.prototype, true); function func(t, b, c, d) { return(((c * t) / d) + b); } }
Symbol 261 MovieClip [__Packages.WalkCollisionSystem] Frame 0
class WalkCollisionSystem { var collisionMethods, player_mc, walk_obj, xOffset, yOffset; function WalkCollisionSystem (player_mc, walk_obj, xOffset, yOffset) { collisionMethods = new Array(); this.player_mc = player_mc; this.walk_obj = walk_obj; this.xOffset = (xOffset ? (xOffset) : 0); this.yOffset = (yOffset ? (yOffset) : 0); } function run() { var _local2 = 0; while (_local2 < collisionMethods.length) { collisionMethods[_local2].call(this); _local2++; } } }
Symbol 41 MovieClip [] Frame 0
class mx.core.UIObject extends MovieClip { var _width, _height, _x, _y, _parent, _minHeight, _minWidth, _visible, dispatchEvent, _xscale, _yscale, methodTable, onEnterFrame, tfList, __width, __height, moveTo, lineTo, createTextField, attachMovie, buildDepthTable, findNextAvailableDepth, idNames, childrenCreated, _name, createAccessibilityImplementation, _endInit, validateNow, hasOwnProperty, initProperties, stylecache, className, ignoreClassStyleDeclaration, _tf, fontFamily, fontSize, color, marginLeft, marginRight, fontStyle, fontWeight, textAlign, textIndent, textDecoration, embedFonts, styleName, enabled; function UIObject () { super(); constructObject(); } function get width() { return(_width); } function get height() { return(_height); } function get left() { return(_x); } function get x() { return(_x); } function get top() { return(_y); } function get y() { return(_y); } function get right() { return(_parent.width - (_x + width)); } function get bottom() { return(_parent.height - (_y + height)); } function getMinHeight(Void) { return(_minHeight); } function setMinHeight(h) { _minHeight = h; } function get minHeight() { return(getMinHeight()); } function set minHeight(h) { setMinHeight(h); //return(minHeight); } function getMinWidth(Void) { return(_minWidth); } function setMinWidth(w) { _minWidth = w; } function get minWidth() { return(getMinWidth()); } function set minWidth(w) { setMinWidth(w); //return(minWidth); } function setVisible(x, noEvent) { if (x != _visible) { _visible = x; if (noEvent != true) { dispatchEvent({type:(x ? "reveal" : "hide")}); } } } function get visible() { return(_visible); } function set visible(x) { setVisible(x, false); //return(visible); } function get scaleX() { return(_xscale); } function set scaleX(x) { _xscale = x; //return(scaleX); } function get scaleY() { return(_yscale); } function set scaleY(y) { _yscale = y; //return(scaleY); } function doLater(obj, fn) { if (methodTable == undefined) { methodTable = new Array(); } methodTable.push({obj:obj, fn:fn}); onEnterFrame = doLaterDispatcher; } function doLaterDispatcher(Void) { delete onEnterFrame; if (invalidateFlag) { redraw(); } var _local3 = methodTable; methodTable = new Array(); if (_local3.length > 0) { var _local2; while (_local2 = _local3.shift() , _local2 != undefined) { _local2.obj[_local2.fn](); } } } function cancelAllDoLaters(Void) { delete onEnterFrame; methodTable = new Array(); } function invalidate(Void) { invalidateFlag = true; onEnterFrame = doLaterDispatcher; } function invalidateStyle(Void) { invalidate(); } function redraw(bAlways) { if (invalidateFlag || (bAlways)) { invalidateFlag = false; var _local2; for (_local2 in tfList) { tfList[_local2].draw(); } draw(); dispatchEvent({type:"draw"}); } } function draw(Void) { } function move(x, y, noEvent) { var _local3 = _x; var _local2 = _y; _x = x; _y = y; if (noEvent != true) { dispatchEvent({type:"move", oldX:_local3, oldY:_local2}); } } function setSize(w, h, noEvent) { var _local2 = __width; var _local3 = __height; __width = w; __height = h; size(); if (noEvent != true) { dispatchEvent({type:"resize", oldWidth:_local2, oldHeight:_local3}); } } function size(Void) { _width = __width; _height = __height; } function drawRect(x1, y1, x2, y2) { moveTo(x1, y1); lineTo(x2, y1); lineTo(x2, y2); lineTo(x1, y2); lineTo(x1, y1); } function createLabel(name, depth, text) { createTextField(name, depth, 0, 0, 0, 0); var _local2 = this[name]; _local2._color = textColorList; _local2._visible = false; _local2.__text = text; if (tfList == undefined) { tfList = new Object(); } tfList[name] = _local2; _local2.invalidateStyle(); invalidate(); _local2.styleName = this; return(_local2); } function createObject(linkageName, id, depth, initobj) { return(attachMovie(linkageName, id, depth, initobj)); } function createClassObject(className, id, depth, initobj) { var _local3 = className.symbolName == undefined; if (_local3) { Object.registerClass(className.symbolOwner.symbolName, className); } var _local4 = createObject(className.symbolOwner.symbolName, id, depth, initobj); if (_local3) { Object.registerClass(className.symbolOwner.symbolName, className.symbolOwner); } return(_local4); } function createEmptyObject(id, depth) { return(createClassObject(mx.core.UIObject, id, depth)); } function destroyObject(id) { var _local2 = this[id]; if (_local2.getDepth() < 0) { var _local4 = buildDepthTable(); var _local5 = findNextAvailableDepth(0, _local4, "up"); var _local3 = _local5; _local2.swapDepths(_local3); } _local2.removeMovieClip(); delete this[id]; } function getSkinIDName(tag) { return(idNames[tag]); } function setSkin(tag, linkageName, initObj) { if (_global.skinRegistry[linkageName] == undefined) { mx.skins.SkinElement.registerElement(linkageName, mx.skins.SkinElement); } return(createObject(linkageName, getSkinIDName(tag), tag, initObj)); } function createSkin(tag) { var _local2 = getSkinIDName(tag); createEmptyObject(_local2, tag); return(this[_local2]); } function createChildren(Void) { } function _createChildren(Void) { createChildren(); childrenCreated = true; } function constructObject(Void) { if (_name == undefined) { return(undefined); } init(); _createChildren(); createAccessibilityImplementation(); _endInit(); if (validateNow) { redraw(true); } else { invalidate(); } } function initFromClipParameters(Void) { var _local4 = false; var _local2; for (_local2 in clipParameters) { if (hasOwnProperty(_local2)) { _local4 = true; this["def_" + _local2] = this[_local2]; delete this[_local2]; } } if (_local4) { for (_local2 in clipParameters) { var _local3 = this["def_" + _local2]; if (_local3 != undefined) { this[_local2] = _local3; } } } } function init(Void) { __width = _width; __height = _height; if (initProperties == undefined) { initFromClipParameters(); } else { initProperties(); } if (_global.cascadingStyles == true) { stylecache = new Object(); } } function getClassStyleDeclaration(Void) { var _local4 = this; var _local3 = className; while (_local3 != undefined) { if (ignoreClassStyleDeclaration[_local3] == undefined) { if (_global.styles[_local3] != undefined) { return(_global.styles[_local3]); } } _local4 = _local4.__proto__; _local3 = _local4.className; } } function setColor(color) { } function __getTextFormat(tf, bAll) { var _local8 =; if (_local8 != undefined) { var _local3; for (_local3 in mx.styles.StyleManager.TextFormatStyleProps) { if (bAll || (mx.styles.StyleManager.TextFormatStyleProps[_local3])) { if (tf[_local3] == undefined) { tf[_local3] = _local8[_local3]; } } } return(false); } var _local6 = false; for (var _local3 in mx.styles.StyleManager.TextFormatStyleProps) { if (bAll || (mx.styles.StyleManager.TextFormatStyleProps[_local3])) { if (tf[_local3] == undefined) { var _local5 = _tf[_local3]; if (_local5 != undefined) { tf[_local3] = _local5; } else if ((_local3 == "font") && (fontFamily != undefined)) { tf[_local3] = fontFamily; } else if ((_local3 == "size") && (fontSize != undefined)) { tf[_local3] = fontSize; } else if ((_local3 == "color") && (color != undefined)) { tf[_local3] = color; } else if ((_local3 == "leftMargin") && (marginLeft != undefined)) { tf[_local3] = marginLeft; } else if ((_local3 == "rightMargin") && (marginRight != undefined)) { tf[_local3] = marginRight; } else if ((_local3 == "italic") && (fontStyle != undefined)) { tf[_local3] = fontStyle == _local3; } else if ((_local3 == "bold") && (fontWeight != undefined)) { tf[_local3] = fontWeight == _local3; } else if ((_local3 == "align") && (textAlign != undefined)) { tf[_local3] = textAlign; } else if ((_local3 == "indent") && (textIndent != undefined)) { tf[_local3] = textIndent; } else if ((_local3 == "underline") && (textDecoration != undefined)) { tf[_local3] = textDecoration == _local3; } else if ((_local3 == "embedFonts") && (embedFonts != undefined)) { tf[_local3] = embedFonts; } else { _local6 = true; } } } } if (_local6) { var _local9 = styleName; if (_local9 != undefined) { if (typeof(_local9) != "string") { _local6 = _local9.__getTextFormat(tf, true, this); } else if (_global.styles[_local9] != undefined) { _local6 = _global.styles[_local9].__getTextFormat(tf, true, this); } } } if (_local6) { var _local10 = getClassStyleDeclaration(); if (_local10 != undefined) { _local6 = _local10.__getTextFormat(tf, true, this); } } if (_local6) { if (_global.cascadingStyles) { if (_parent != undefined) { _local6 = _parent.__getTextFormat(tf, false); } } } if (_local6) { _local6 =, true, this); } return(_local6); } function _getTextFormat(Void) { var _local2 =; if (_local2 != undefined) { return(_local2); } _local2 = new TextFormat(); __getTextFormat(_local2, true); = _local2; if (enabled == false) { var _local3 = getStyle("disabledColor"); _local2.color = _local3; } return(_local2); } function getStyleName(Void) { var _local2 = styleName; if (_local2 != undefined) { if (typeof(_local2) != "string") { return(_local2.getStyleName()); } return(_local2); } if (_parent != undefined) { return(_parent.getStyleName()); } return(undefined); } function getStyle(styleProp) { var _local3; _global.getStyleCounter++; if (this[styleProp] != undefined) { return(this[styleProp]); } var _local6 = styleName; if (_local6 != undefined) { if (typeof(_local6) != "string") { _local3 = _local6.getStyle(styleProp); } else { var _local7 = _global.styles[_local6]; _local3 = _local7.getStyle(styleProp); } } if (_local3 != undefined) { return(_local3); } var _local7 = getClassStyleDeclaration(); if (_local7 != undefined) { _local3 = _local7[styleProp]; } if (_local3 != undefined) { return(_local3); } if (_global.cascadingStyles) { if (mx.styles.StyleManager.isInheritingStyle(styleProp) || (mx.styles.StyleManager.isColorStyle(styleProp))) { var _local5 = stylecache; if (_local5 != undefined) { if (_local5[styleProp] != undefined) { return(_local5[styleProp]); } } if (_parent != undefined) { _local3 = _parent.getStyle(styleProp); } else { _local3 =[styleProp]; } if (_local5 != undefined) { _local5[styleProp] = _local3; } return(_local3); } } if (_local3 == undefined) { _local3 =[styleProp]; } return(_local3); } static function mergeClipParameters(o, p) { for (var _local3 in p) { o[_local3] = p[_local3]; } return(true); } static var symbolName = "UIObject"; static var symbolOwner = mx.core.UIObject; static var version = ""; static var textColorList = {color:1, disabledColor:1}; var invalidateFlag = false; var lineWidth = 1; var lineColor = 0; var tabEnabled = false; var clipParameters = {visible:1, minHeight:1, minWidth:1, maxHeight:1, maxWidth:1, preferredHeight:1, preferredWidth:1}; }
Symbol 42 MovieClip [] Frame 0
class mx.core.UIComponent extends mx.core.UIObject { var __width, __height, invalidate, stylecache, removeEventListener, dispatchEvent, drawFocus, addEventListener, _xscale, _yscale, _focusrect, watch, enabled; function UIComponent () { super(); } function get width() { return(__width); } function get height() { return(__height); } function setVisible(x, noEvent) { super.setVisible(x, noEvent); } function enabledChanged(id, oldValue, newValue) { setEnabled(newValue); invalidate(); delete; return(newValue); } function setEnabled(enabled) { invalidate(); } function getFocus() { var selFocus = Selection.getFocus(); return(((selFocus === null) ? null : (eval (selFocus)))); } function setFocus() { Selection.setFocus(this); } function getFocusManager() { var _local2 = this; while (_local2 != undefined) { if (_local2.focusManager != undefined) { return(_local2.focusManager); } _local2 = _local2._parent; } return(undefined); } function onKillFocus(newFocus) { removeEventListener("keyDown", this); removeEventListener("keyUp", this); dispatchEvent({type:"focusOut"}); drawFocus(false); } function onSetFocus(oldFocus) { addEventListener("keyDown", this); addEventListener("keyUp", this); dispatchEvent({type:"focusIn"}); if (getFocusManager().bDrawFocus != false) { drawFocus(true); } } function findFocusInChildren(o) { if (o.focusTextField != undefined) { return(o.focusTextField); } if (o.tabEnabled == true) { return(o); } return(undefined); } function findFocusFromObject(o) { if (o.tabEnabled != true) { if (o._parent == undefined) { return(undefined); } if (o._parent.tabEnabled == true) { o = o._parent; } else if (o._parent.tabChildren) { o = findFocusInChildren(o._parent); } else { o = findFocusFromObject(o._parent); } } return(o); } function pressFocus() { var _local3 = findFocusFromObject(this); var _local2 = getFocus(); if (_local3 != _local2) { _local2.drawFocus(false); if (getFocusManager().bDrawFocus != false) { _local3.drawFocus(true); } } } function releaseFocus() { var _local2 = findFocusFromObject(this); if (_local2 != getFocus()) { _local2.setFocus(); } } function isParent(o) { while (o != undefined) { if (o == this) { return(true); } o = o._parent; } return(false); } function size() { } function init() { super.init(); _xscale = 100; _yscale = 100; _focusrect = _global.useFocusRect == false; watch("enabled", enabledChanged); if (enabled == false) { setEnabled(false); } } function dispatchValueChangedEvent(value) { dispatchEvent({type:"valueChanged", value:value}); } static var symbolName = "UIComponent"; static var symbolOwner = mx.core.UIComponent; static var version = ""; static var kStretch = 5000; var focusEnabled = true; var tabEnabled = true; var origBorderStyles = {themeColor:16711680}; var clipParameters = {}; static var mergedClipParameters = mx.core.UIObject.mergeClipParameters(mx.core.UIComponent.prototype.clipParameters, mx.core.UIObject.prototype.clipParameters); }
Symbol 43 MovieClip [] Frame 0
class mx.controls.SimpleButton extends mx.core.UIComponent { static var emphasizedStyleDeclaration; var preset, boundingBox_mc, useHandCursor, skinName, linkLength, iconName, destroyObject, __width, _width, __height, _height, __emphaticStyleName, styleName, enabled, invalidate, pressFocus, dispatchEvent, autoRepeat, interval, getStyle, releaseFocus, createLabel, invalidateStyle; function SimpleButton () { super(); } function init(Void) { super.init(); if (preset == undefined) { boundingBox_mc._visible = false; boundingBox_mc._width = (boundingBox_mc._height = 0); } useHandCursor = false; } function createChildren(Void) { if (preset != undefined) { var _local2 = this[idNames[preset]]; this[refNames[preset]] = _local2; skinName = _local2; if (falseOverSkin.length == 0) { rolloverSkin = fus; } if (falseOverIcon.length == 0) { rolloverIcon = fui; } initializing = false; } else if (__state == true) { setStateVar(true); } else { if (falseOverSkin.length == 0) { rolloverSkin = fus; } if (falseOverIcon.length == 0) { rolloverIcon = fui; } } } function setIcon(tag, linkageName) { return(setSkin(tag + 8, linkageName)); } function changeIcon(tag, linkageName) { linkLength = linkageName.length; var _local2 = stateNames[tag] + "Icon"; this[_local2] = linkageName; this[idNames[tag + 8]] = _local2; setStateVar(getState()); } function changeSkin(tag, linkageName) { var _local2 = stateNames[tag] + "Skin"; this[_local2] = linkageName; this[idNames[tag]] = _local2; setStateVar(getState()); } function viewIcon(varName) { var _local4 = varName + "Icon"; var _local3 = this[_local4]; if (typeof(_local3) == "string") { var _local5 = _local3; if (__emphasized) { if (this[_local3 + "Emphasized"].length > 0) { _local3 = _local3 + "Emphasized"; } } if (this[_local3].length == 0) { return(undefined); } _local3 = setIcon(tagMap[_local5], this[_local3]); if ((_local3 == undefined) && (_global.isLivePreview)) { _local3 = setIcon(0, "ButtonIcon"); } this[_local4] = _local3; } iconName._visible = false; iconName = _local3; iconName._visible = true; } function removeIcons() { var _local3 = 0; while (_local3 < 2) { var _local2 = 8; while (_local2 < 16) { destroyObject(idNames[_local2]); this[stateNames[_local2 - 8] + "Icon"] = ""; _local2++; } _local3++; } refresh(); } function setSkin(tag, linkageName, initobj) { var _local3 = super.setSkin(tag, linkageName, ((initobj != undefined) ? (initobj) : ({styleName:this}))); calcSize(tag, _local3); return(_local3); } function calcSize(Void) { __width = _width; __height = _height; } function viewSkin(varName, initObj) { var _local3 = varName + "Skin"; var _local2 = this[_local3]; if (typeof(_local2) == "string") { var _local4 = _local2; if (__emphasized) { if (this[_local2 + "Emphasized"].length > 0) { _local2 = _local2 + "Emphasized"; } } if (this[_local2].length == 0) { return(undefined); } _local2 = setSkin(tagMap[_local4], this[_local2], ((initObj != undefined) ? (initObj) : ({styleName:this}))); this[_local3] = _local2; } skinName._visible = false; skinName = _local2; skinName._visible = true; } function showEmphasized(e) { if (e && (!__emphatic)) { if (emphasizedStyleDeclaration != undefined) { __emphaticStyleName = styleName; styleName = emphasizedStyleDeclaration; } __emphatic = true; } else { if (__emphatic) { styleName = __emphaticStyleName; } __emphatic = false; } } function refresh(Void) { var _local2 = getState(); if (enabled == false) { viewIcon("disabled"); viewSkin("disabled"); } else { viewSkin(phase); viewIcon(phase); } setView(phase == "down"); iconName.enabled = enabled; } function setView(offset) { if (iconName == undefined) { return(undefined); } var _local2 = (offset ? (btnOffset) : 0); iconName._x = ((__width - iconName._width) / 2) + _local2; iconName._y = ((__height - iconName._height) / 2) + _local2; } function setStateVar(state) { if (state) { if (trueOverSkin.length == 0) { rolloverSkin = tus; } else { rolloverSkin = trs; } if (trueOverIcon.length == 0) { rolloverIcon = tui; } else { rolloverIcon = tri; } upSkin = tus; downSkin = tds; disabledSkin = dts; upIcon = tui; downIcon = tdi; disabledIcon = dti; } else { if (falseOverSkin.length == 0) { rolloverSkin = fus; } else { rolloverSkin = frs; } if (falseOverIcon.length == 0) { rolloverIcon = fui; } else { rolloverIcon = fri; } upSkin = fus; downSkin = fds; disabledSkin = dfs; upIcon = fui; downIcon = fdi; disabledIcon = dfi; } __state = state; } function setState(state) { if (state != __state) { setStateVar(state); invalidate(); } } function size(Void) { refresh(); } function draw(Void) { if (initializing) { initializing = false; skinName.visible = true; iconName.visible = true; } size(); } function getState(Void) { return(__state); } function setToggle(val) { __toggle = val; if (__toggle == false) { setState(false); } } function getToggle(Void) { return(__toggle); } function set toggle(val) { setToggle(val); //return(toggle); } function get toggle() { return(getToggle()); } function set value(val) { setSelected(val); //return(value); } function get value() { return(getSelected()); } function set selected(val) { setSelected(val); //return(selected); } function get selected() { return(getSelected()); } function setSelected(val) { if (__toggle) { setState(val); } else { setState((initializing ? (val) : (__state))); } } function getSelected() { return(__state); } function setEnabled(val) { if (enabled != val) { super.setEnabled(val); invalidate(); } } function onPress(Void) { pressFocus(); phase = "down"; refresh(); dispatchEvent({type:"buttonDown"}); if (autoRepeat) { interval = setInterval(this, "onPressDelay", getStyle("repeatDelay")); } } function onPressDelay(Void) { dispatchEvent({type:"buttonDown"}); if (autoRepeat) { clearInterval(interval); interval = setInterval(this, "onPressRepeat", getStyle("repeatInterval")); } } function onPressRepeat(Void) { dispatchEvent({type:"buttonDown"}); updateAfterEvent(); } function onRelease(Void) { releaseFocus(); phase = "rollover"; if (interval != undefined) { clearInterval(interval); delete interval; } if (getToggle()) { setState(!getState()); } else { refresh(); } dispatchEvent({type:"click"}); } function onDragOut(Void) { phase = "up"; refresh(); dispatchEvent({type:"buttonDragOut"}); } function onDragOver(Void) { if (phase != "up") { onPress(); return(undefined); } phase = "down"; refresh(); } function onReleaseOutside(Void) { releaseFocus(); phase = "up"; if (interval != undefined) { clearInterval(interval); delete interval; } } function onRollOver(Void) { phase = "rollover"; refresh(); } function onRollOut(Void) { phase = "up"; refresh(); } function getLabel(Void) { return(fui.text); } function setLabel(val) { if (typeof(fui) == "string") { createLabel("fui", 8, val); fui.styleName = this; } else { fui.text = val; } var _local4 = fui._getTextFormat(); var _local2 = _local4.getTextExtent2(val); fui._width = _local2.width + 5; fui._height = _local2.height + 5; iconName = fui; setView(__state); } function get emphasized() { return(__emphasized); } function set emphasized(val) { __emphasized = val; var _local2 = 0; while (_local2 < 8) { this[idNames[_local2]] = stateNames[_local2] + "Skin"; if (typeof(this[idNames[_local2 + 8]]) == "movieclip") { this[idNames[_local2 + 8]] = stateNames[_local2] + "Icon"; } _local2++; } showEmphasized(__emphasized); setStateVar(__state); invalidateStyle(); //return(emphasized); } function keyDown(e) { if (e.code == 32) { onPress(); } } function keyUp(e) { if (e.code == 32) { onRelease(); } } function onKillFocus(newFocus) { super.onKillFocus(); if (phase != "up") { phase = "up"; refresh(); } } static var symbolName = "SimpleButton"; static var symbolOwner = mx.controls.SimpleButton; static var version = ""; var className = "SimpleButton"; var style3dInset = 4; var btnOffset = 1; var __toggle = false; var __state = false; var __emphasized = false; var __emphatic = false; static var falseUp = 0; static var falseDown = 1; static var falseOver = 2; static var falseDisabled = 3; static var trueUp = 4; static var trueDown = 5; static var trueOver = 6; static var trueDisabled = 7; var falseUpSkin = "SimpleButtonUp"; var falseDownSkin = "SimpleButtonIn"; var falseOverSkin = ""; var falseDisabledSkin = "SimpleButtonUp"; var trueUpSkin = "SimpleButtonIn"; var trueDownSkin = ""; var trueOverSkin = ""; var trueDisabledSkin = "SimpleButtonIn"; var falseUpIcon = ""; var falseDownIcon = ""; var falseOverIcon = ""; var falseDisabledIcon = ""; var trueUpIcon = ""; var trueDownIcon = ""; var trueOverIcon = ""; var trueDisabledIcon = ""; var phase = "up"; var fui = "falseUpIcon"; var fus = "falseUpSkin"; var fdi = "falseDownIcon"; var fds = "falseDownSkin"; var frs = "falseOverSkin"; var fri = "falseOverIcon"; var dfi = "falseDisabledIcon"; var dfs = "falseDisabledSkin"; var tui = "trueUpIcon"; var tus = "trueUpSkin"; var tdi = "trueDownIcon"; var tds = "trueDownSkin"; var trs = "trueOverSkin"; var tri = "trueOverIcon"; var dts = "trueDisabledSkin"; var dti = "trueDisabledIcon"; var rolloverSkin = mx.controls.SimpleButton.prototype.frs; var rolloverIcon = mx.controls.SimpleButton.prototype.fri; var upSkin = mx.controls.SimpleButton.prototype.fus; var downSkin = mx.controls.SimpleButton.prototype.fds; var disabledSkin = mx.controls.SimpleButton.prototype.dfs; var upIcon = mx.controls.SimpleButton.prototype.fui; var downIcon = mx.controls.SimpleButton.prototype.fdi; var disabledIcon = mx.controls.SimpleButton.prototype.dfi; var initializing = true; var idNames = ["fus", "fds", "frs", "dfs", "tus", "tds", "trs", "dts", "fui", "fdi", "fri", "dfi", "tui", "tdi", "tri", "dti"]; var stateNames = ["falseUp", "falseDown", "falseOver", "falseDisabled", "trueUp", "trueDown", "trueOver", "trueDisabled"]; var refNames = ["upSkin", "downSkin", "rolloverSkin", "disabledSkin"]; var tagMap = {falseUpSkin:0, falseDownSkin:1, falseOverSkin:2, falseDisabledSkin:3, trueUpSkin:4, trueDownSkin:5, trueOverSkin:6, trueDisabledSkin:7, falseUpIcon:0, falseDownIcon:1, falseOverIcon:2, falseDisabledIcon:3, trueUpIcon:4, trueDownIcon:5, trueOverIcon:6, trueDisabledIcon:7}; }
Symbol 44 MovieClip [] Frame 0
class mx.controls.Button extends mx.controls.SimpleButton { var initializing, labelPath, initIcon, getState, enabled, phase, idNames, __width, __height, setState, invalidate, iconName, refresh, createLabel, _iconLinkageName, removeIcons, hitArea_mc, createEmptyObject; function Button () { super(); } function init(Void) { super.init(); } function draw() { if (initializing) { labelPath.visible = true; } super.draw(); if (initIcon != undefined) { _setIcon(initIcon); } delete initIcon; } function onRelease(Void) { super.onRelease(); } function createChildren(Void) { super.createChildren(); } function setSkin(tag, linkageName, initobj) { return(super.setSkin(tag, linkageName, initobj)); } function viewSkin(varName) { var _local3 = (getState() ? "true" : "false"); _local3 = _local3 + (enabled ? (phase) : "disabled"); super.viewSkin(varName, {styleName:this, borderStyle:_local3}); } function invalidateStyle(c) { labelPath.invalidateStyle(c); super.invalidateStyle(c); } function setColor(c) { var _local2 = 0; while (_local2 < 8) { this[idNames[_local2]].redraw(true); _local2++; } } function setEnabled(enable) { labelPath.enabled = enable; super.setEnabled(enable); } function calcSize(tag, ref) { if ((__width == undefined) || (__height == undefined)) { return(undefined); } if (tag < 7) { ref.setSize(__width, __height, true); } } function size(Void) { setState(getState()); setHitArea(__width, __height); var _local3 = 0; while (_local3 < 8) { var _local4 = idNames[_local3]; if (typeof(this[_local4]) == "movieclip") { this[_local4].setSize(__width, __height, true); } _local3++; } super.size(); } function set labelPlacement(val) { __labelPlacement = val; invalidate(); //return(labelPlacement); } function get labelPlacement() { return(__labelPlacement); } function getLabelPlacement(Void) { return(__labelPlacement); } function setLabelPlacement(val) { __labelPlacement = val; invalidate(); } function getBtnOffset(Void) { if (getState()) { var _local2 = btnOffset; } else if (phase == "down") { var _local2 = btnOffset; } else { var _local2 = 0; } return(_local2); } function setView(offset) { var _local16 = (offset ? (btnOffset) : 0); var _local12 = getLabelPlacement(); var _local7 = 0; var _local6 = 0; var _local9 = 0; var _local8 = 0; var _local5 = 0; var _local4 = 0; var _local3 = labelPath; var _local2 = iconName; var _local15 = _local3.textWidth; var _local14 = _local3.textHeight; var _local10 = (__width - borderW) - borderW; var _local11 = (__height - borderW) - borderW; if (_local2 != undefined) { _local7 = _local2._width; _local6 = _local2._height; } if ((_local12 == "left") || (_local12 == "right")) { if (_local3 != undefined) { _local9 = Math.min(_local10 - _local7, _local15 + 5); _local3._width = _local9; _local8 = Math.min(_local11, _local14 + 5); _local3._height = _local8; } if (_local12 == "right") { _local5 = _local7; if (centerContent) { _local5 = _local5 + (((_local10 - _local9) - _local7) / 2); } _local2._x = _local5 - _local7; } else { _local5 = (_local10 - _local9) - _local7; if (centerContent) { _local5 = _local5 / 2; } _local2._x = _local5 + _local9; } _local4 = 0; _local2._y = _local4; if (centerContent) { _local2._y = (_local11 - _local6) / 2; _local4 = (_local11 - _local8) / 2; } if (!centerContent) { _local2._y = _local2._y + Math.max(0, (_local8 - _local6) / 2); } } else { if (_local3 != undefined) { _local9 = Math.min(_local10, _local15 + 5); _local3._width = _local9; _local8 = Math.min(_local11 - _local6, _local14 + 5); _local3._height = _local8; } _local5 = (_local10 - _local9) / 2; _local2._x = (_local10 - _local7) / 2; if (_local12 == "top") { _local4 = (_local11 - _local8) - _local6; if (centerContent) { _local4 = _local4 / 2; } _local2._y = _local4 + _local8; } else { _local4 = _local6; if (centerContent) { _local4 = _local4 + (((_local11 - _local8) - _local6) / 2); } _local2._y = _local4 - _local6; } } var _local13 = borderW + _local16; _local3._x = _local5 + _local13; _local3._y = _local4 + _local13; _local2._x = _local2._x + _local13; _local2._y = _local2._y + _local13; } function set label(lbl) { setLabel(lbl); //return(label); } function setLabel(label) { if (label == "") { labelPath.removeTextField(); refresh(); return(undefined); } if (labelPath == undefined) { var _local2 = createLabel("labelPath", 200, label); _local2._width = _local2.textWidth + 5; _local2._height = _local2.textHeight + 5; if (initializing) { _local2.visible = false; } } else { delete labelPath.__text; labelPath.text = label; refresh(); } } function getLabel(Void) { return(((labelPath.__text != undefined) ? (labelPath.__text) : (labelPath.text))); } function get label() { return(getLabel()); } function _getIcon(Void) { return(_iconLinkageName); } function get icon() { if (initializing) { return(initIcon); } return(_iconLinkageName); } function _setIcon(linkage) { if (initializing) { if (linkage == "") { return(undefined); } initIcon = linkage; } else { if (linkage == "") { removeIcons(); return(undefined); } super.changeIcon(0, linkage); super.changeIcon(1, linkage); super.changeIcon(3, linkage); super.changeIcon(4, linkage); super.changeIcon(5, linkage); _iconLinkageName = linkage; refresh(); } } function set icon(linkage) { _setIcon(linkage); //return(icon); } function setHitArea(w, h) { if (hitArea_mc == undefined) { createEmptyObject("hitArea_mc", 100); } var _local2 = hitArea_mc; _local2.clear(); _local2.beginFill(16711680); _local2.drawRect(0, 0, w, h); _local2.endFill(); _local2.setVisible(false); } static var symbolName = "Button"; static var symbolOwner = mx.controls.Button; var className = "Button"; static var version = ""; var btnOffset = 0; var _color = "buttonColor"; var __label = "default value"; var __labelPlacement = "right"; var falseUpSkin = "ButtonSkin"; var falseDownSkin = "ButtonSkin"; var falseOverSkin = "ButtonSkin"; var falseDisabledSkin = "ButtonSkin"; var trueUpSkin = "ButtonSkin"; var trueDownSkin = "ButtonSkin"; var trueOverSkin = "ButtonSkin"; var trueDisabledSkin = "ButtonSkin"; var falseUpIcon = ""; var falseDownIcon = ""; var falseOverIcon = ""; var falseDisabledIcon = ""; var trueUpIcon = ""; var trueDownIcon = ""; var trueOverIcon = ""; var trueDisabledIcon = ""; var clipParameters = {labelPlacement:1, icon:1, toggle:1, selected:1, label:1}; static var mergedClipParameters = mx.core.UIObject.mergeClipParameters(mx.controls.Button.prototype.clipParameters, mx.controls.SimpleButton.prototype.clipParameters); var centerContent = true; var borderW = 1; }
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class mx.skins.SkinElement extends MovieClip { var _visible, _x, _y, _width, _height; function SkinElement () { super(); } static function registerElement(name, className) { Object.registerClass(name, ((className == undefined) ? (mx.skins.SkinElement) : (className))); _global.skinRegistry[name] = true; } function __set__visible(visible) { _visible = visible; } function move(x, y) { _x = x; _y = y; } function setSize(w, h) { _width = w; _height = h; } }
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class mx.styles.CSSTextStyles { function CSSTextStyles () { } static function addTextStyles(o, bColor) { o.addProperty("textAlign", function () { return(this._tf.align); }, function (x) { if (this._tf == undefined) { this._tf = new TextFormat(); } this._tf.align = x; }); o.addProperty("fontWeight", function () { return(((this._tf.bold != undefined) ? ((this._tf.bold ? "bold" : "none")) : undefined)); }, function (x) { if (this._tf == undefined) { this._tf = new TextFormat(); } this._tf.bold = x == "bold"; }); if (bColor) { o.addProperty("color", function () { return(this._tf.color); }, function (x) { if (this._tf == undefined) { this._tf = new TextFormat(); } this._tf.color = x; }); } o.addProperty("fontFamily", function () { return(this._tf.font); }, function (x) { if (this._tf == undefined) { this._tf = new TextFormat(); } this._tf.font = x; }); o.addProperty("textIndent", function () { return(this._tf.indent); }, function (x) { if (this._tf == undefined) { this._tf = new TextFormat(); } this._tf.indent = x; }); o.addProperty("fontStyle", function () { return(((this._tf.italic != undefined) ? ((this._tf.italic ? "italic" : "none")) : undefined)); }, function (x) { if (this._tf == undefined) { this._tf = new TextFormat(); } this._tf.italic = x == "italic"; }); o.addProperty("marginLeft", function () { return(this._tf.leftMargin); }, function (x) { if (this._tf == undefined) { this._tf = new TextFormat(); } this._tf.leftMargin = x; }); o.addProperty("marginRight", function () { return(this._tf.rightMargin); }, function (x) { if (this._tf == undefined) { this._tf = new TextFormat(); } this._tf.rightMargin = x; }); o.addProperty("fontSize", function () { return(this._tf.size); }, function (x) { if (this._tf == undefined) { this._tf = new TextFormat(); } this._tf.size = x; }); o.addProperty("textDecoration", function () { return(((this._tf.underline != undefined) ? ((this._tf.underline ? "underline" : "none")) : undefined)); }, function (x) { if (this._tf == undefined) { this._tf = new TextFormat(); } this._tf.underline = x == "underline"; }); o.addProperty("embedFonts", function () { return(this._tf.embedFonts); }, function (x) { if (this._tf == undefined) { this._tf = new TextFormat(); } this._tf.embedFonts = x; }); } }
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class mx.styles.StyleManager { function StyleManager () { } static function registerInheritingStyle(styleName) { inheritingStyles[styleName] = true; } static function isInheritingStyle(styleName) { return(inheritingStyles[styleName] == true); } static function registerColorStyle(styleName) { colorStyles[styleName] = true; } static function isColorStyle(styleName) { return(colorStyles[styleName] == true); } static function registerColorName(colorName, colorValue) { colorNames[colorName] = colorValue; } static function isColorName(colorName) { return(colorNames[colorName] != undefined); } static function getColorName(colorName) { return(colorNames[colorName]); } static var inheritingStyles = {color:true, direction:true, fontFamily:true, fontSize:true, fontStyle:true, fontWeight:true, textAlign:true, textIndent:true}; static var colorStyles = {barColor:true, trackColor:true, borderColor:true, buttonColor:true, color:true, dateHeaderColor:true, dateRollOverColor:true, disabledColor:true, fillColor:true, highlightColor:true, scrollTrackColor:true, selectedDateColor:true, shadowColor:true, strokeColor:true, symbolBackgroundColor:true, symbolBackgroundDisabledColor:true, symbolBackgroundPressedColor:true, symbolColor:true, symbolDisabledColor:true, themeColor:true, todayIndicatorColor:true, shadowCapColor:true, borderCapColor:true, focusColor:true}; static var colorNames = {black:0, white:16777215, red:16711680, green:65280, blue:255, magenta:16711935, yellow:16776960, cyan:65535, haloGreen:8453965, haloBlue:2881013, haloOrange:16761344}; static var TextFormatStyleProps = {font:true, size:true, color:true, leftMargin:false, rightMargin:false, italic:true, bold:true, align:true, indent:true, underline:false, embedFonts:false}; static var TextStyleMap = {textAlign:true, fontWeight:true, color:true, fontFamily:true, textIndent:true, fontStyle:true, lineHeight:true, marginLeft:true, marginRight:true, fontSize:true, textDecoration:true, embedFonts:true}; }
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class mx.styles.CSSStyleDeclaration { var _tf; function CSSStyleDeclaration () { } function __getTextFormat(tf, bAll) { var _local5 = false; if (_tf != undefined) { var _local2; for (_local2 in mx.styles.StyleManager.TextFormatStyleProps) { if (bAll || (mx.styles.StyleManager.TextFormatStyleProps[_local2])) { if (tf[_local2] == undefined) { var _local3 = _tf[_local2]; if (_local3 != undefined) { tf[_local2] = _local3; } else { _local5 = true; } } } } } else { _local5 = true; } return(_local5); } function getStyle(styleProp) { var _local2 = this[styleProp]; var _local3 = mx.styles.StyleManager.getColorName(_local2); return(((_local3 == undefined) ? (_local2) : (_local3))); } static function classConstruct() { mx.styles.CSSTextStyles.addTextStyles(mx.styles.CSSStyleDeclaration.prototype, true); return(true); } static var classConstructed = classConstruct(); static var CSSTextStylesDependency = mx.styles.CSSTextStyles; }
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class { function EventDispatcher () { } static function _removeEventListener(queue, event, handler) { if (queue != undefined) { var _local4 = queue.length; var _local1; _local1 = 0; while (_local1 < _local4) { var _local2 = queue[_local1]; if (_local2 == handler) { queue.splice(_local1, 1); return(undefined); } _local1++; } } } static function initialize(object) { if (_fEventDispatcher == undefined) { _fEventDispatcher = new; } object.addEventListener = _fEventDispatcher.addEventListener; object.removeEventListener = _fEventDispatcher.removeEventListener; object.dispatchEvent = _fEventDispatcher.dispatchEvent; object.dispatchQueue = _fEventDispatcher.dispatchQueue; } function dispatchQueue(queueObj, eventObj) { var _local7 = "__q_" + eventObj.type; var _local4 = queueObj[_local7]; if (_local4 != undefined) { var _local5; for (_local5 in _local4) { var _local1 = _local4[_local5]; var _local3 = typeof(_local1); if ((_local3 == "object") || (_local3 == "movieclip")) { if (_local1.handleEvent != undefined) { _local1.handleEvent(eventObj); } if (_local1[eventObj.type] != undefined) { if (exceptions[eventObj.type] == undefined) { _local1[eventObj.type](eventObj); } } } else { _local1.apply(queueObj, [eventObj]); } } } } function dispatchEvent(eventObj) { if ( == undefined) { = this; } this[eventObj.type + "Handler"](eventObj); dispatchQueue(this, eventObj); } function addEventListener(event, handler) { var _local3 = "__q_" + event; if (this[_local3] == undefined) { this[_local3] = new Array(); } _global.ASSetPropFlags(this, _local3, 1); _removeEventListener(this[_local3], event, handler); this[_local3].push(handler); } function removeEventListener(event, handler) { var _local2 = "__q_" + event; _removeEventListener(this[_local2], event, handler); } static var _fEventDispatcher = undefined; static var exceptions = {move:1, draw:1, load:1}; }
Symbol 79 MovieClip [] Frame 0
class extends { var dispatchQueue, owner, __sentLoadEvent, __origAddEventListener; function UIEventDispatcher () { super(); } static function addKeyEvents(obj) { if (obj.keyHandler == undefined) { var _local1 = (obj.keyHandler = new Object()); _local1.owner = obj; _local1.onKeyDown = _fEventDispatcher.onKeyDown; _local1.onKeyUp = _fEventDispatcher.onKeyUp; } Key.addListener(obj.keyHandler); } static function removeKeyEvents(obj) { Key.removeListener(obj.keyHandler); } static function addLoadEvents(obj) { if (obj.onLoad == undefined) { obj.onLoad = _fEventDispatcher.onLoad; obj.onUnload = _fEventDispatcher.onUnload; if (obj.getBytesTotal() == obj.getBytesLoaded()) { obj.doLater(obj, "onLoad"); } } } static function removeLoadEvents(obj) { delete obj.onLoad; delete obj.onUnload; } static function initialize(obj) { if (_fEventDispatcher == undefined) { _fEventDispatcher = new; } obj.addEventListener = _fEventDispatcher.__addEventListener; obj.__origAddEventListener = _fEventDispatcher.addEventListener; obj.removeEventListener = _fEventDispatcher.removeEventListener; obj.dispatchEvent = _fEventDispatcher.dispatchEvent; obj.dispatchQueue = _fEventDispatcher.dispatchQueue; } function dispatchEvent(eventObj) { if ( == undefined) { = this; } this[eventObj.type + "Handler"](eventObj); dispatchQueue(, eventObj); dispatchQueue(this, eventObj); } function onKeyDown(Void) { owner.dispatchEvent({type:"keyDown", code:Key.getCode(), ascii:Key.getAscii(), shiftKey:Key.isDown(16), ctrlKey:Key.isDown(17)}); } function onKeyUp(Void) { owner.dispatchEvent({type:"keyUp", code:Key.getCode(), ascii:Key.getAscii(), shiftKey:Key.isDown(16), ctrlKey:Key.isDown(17)}); } function onLoad(Void) { if (__sentLoadEvent != true) { dispatchEvent({type:"load"}); } __sentLoadEvent = true; } function onUnload(Void) { dispatchEvent({type:"unload"}); } function __addEventListener(event, handler) { __origAddEventListener(event, handler); var _local3 = lowLevelEvents; for (var _local5 in _local3) { if ([_local5][event] != undefined) { var _local2 = _local3[_local5][0];[_local2](this); } } } function removeEventListener(event, handler) { var _local6 = "__q_" + event;[_local6], event, handler); if (this[_local6].length == 0) { var _local2 = lowLevelEvents; for (var _local5 in _local2) { if ([_local5][event] != undefined) { var _local3 = _local2[_local5][1];[_local2[_local5][1]](this); } } } } static var keyEvents = {keyDown:1, keyUp:1}; static var loadEvents = {load:1, unload:1}; static var lowLevelEvents = {keyEvents:["addKeyEvents", "removeKeyEvents"], loadEvents:["addLoadEvents", "removeLoadEvents"]}; static var _fEventDispatcher = undefined; }
Symbol 80 MovieClip [] Frame 0
class mx.skins.ColoredSkinElement { var getStyle, _color, onEnterFrame; function ColoredSkinElement () { } function setColor(c) { if (c != undefined) { var _local2 = new Color(this); _local2.setRGB(c); } } function draw(Void) { setColor(getStyle(_color)); onEnterFrame = undefined; } function invalidateStyle(Void) { onEnterFrame = draw; } static function setColorStyle(p, colorStyle) { if (p._color == undefined) { p._color = colorStyle; } p.setColor = mixins.setColor; p.invalidateStyle = mixins.invalidateStyle; p.draw = mixins.draw; p.setColor(p.getStyle(colorStyle)); } static var mixins = new mx.skins.ColoredSkinElement(); }
Symbol 81 MovieClip [] Frame 0
class mx.core.ext.UIObjectExtensions { function UIObjectExtensions () { } static function addGeometry(tf, ui) { tf.addProperty("width", ui.__get__width, null); tf.addProperty("height", ui.__get__height, null); tf.addProperty("left", ui.__get__left, null); tf.addProperty("x", ui.__get__x, null); tf.addProperty("top", ui.__get__top, null); tf.addProperty("y", ui.__get__y, null); tf.addProperty("right", ui.__get__right, null); tf.addProperty("bottom", ui.__get__bottom, null); tf.addProperty("visible", ui.__get__visible, ui.__set__visible); } static function Extensions() { if (bExtended == true) { return(true); } bExtended = true; var _local6 = mx.core.UIObject.prototype; var _local9 = mx.skins.SkinElement.prototype; addGeometry(_local9, _local6);; var _local13 = mx.skins.ColoredSkinElement; mx.styles.CSSTextStyles.addTextStyles(_local6); var _local5 = MovieClip.prototype; _local5.getTopLevel = _local6.getTopLevel; _local5.createLabel = _local6.createLabel; _local5.createObject = _local6.createObject; _local5.createClassObject = _local6.createClassObject; _local5.createEmptyObject = _local6.createEmptyObject; _local5.destroyObject = _local6.destroyObject; _global.ASSetPropFlags(_local5, "getTopLevel", 1); _global.ASSetPropFlags(_local5, "createLabel", 1); _global.ASSetPropFlags(_local5, "createObject", 1); _global.ASSetPropFlags(_local5, "createClassObject", 1); _global.ASSetPropFlags(_local5, "createEmptyObject", 1); _global.ASSetPropFlags(_local5, "destroyObject", 1); _local5.__getTextFormat = _local6.__getTextFormat; _local5._getTextFormat = _local6._getTextFormat; _local5.getStyleName = _local6.getStyleName; _local5.getStyle = _local6.getStyle; _global.ASSetPropFlags(_local5, "__getTextFormat", 1); _global.ASSetPropFlags(_local5, "_getTextFormat", 1); _global.ASSetPropFlags(_local5, "getStyleName", 1); _global.ASSetPropFlags(_local5, "getStyle", 1); var _local7 = TextField.prototype; addGeometry(_local7, _local6); _local7.addProperty("enabled", function () { return(this.__enabled); }, function (x) { this.__enabled = x; this.invalidateStyle(); }); _local7.move = _local9.move; _local7.setSize = _local9.setSize; _local7.invalidateStyle = function () { this.invalidateFlag = true; }; _local7.draw = function () { if (this.invalidateFlag) { this.invalidateFlag = false; var _local2 = this._getTextFormat(); this.setTextFormat(_local2); this.setNewTextFormat(_local2); this.embedFonts = _local2.embedFonts == true; if (this.__text != undefined) { if (this.text == "") { this.text = this.__text; } delete this.__text; } this._visible = true; } }; _local7.setColor = function (color) { this.textColor = color; }; _local7.getStyle = _local5.getStyle; _local7.__getTextFormat = _local6.__getTextFormat; _local7.setValue = function (v) { this.text = v; }; _local7.getValue = function () { return(this.text); }; _local7.addProperty("value", function () { return(this.getValue()); }, function (v) { this.setValue(v); }); _local7._getTextFormat = function () { var _local2 =; if (_local2 != undefined) { return(_local2); } _local2 = new TextFormat(); this.__getTextFormat(_local2); = _local2; if (this.__enabled == false) { if (this.enabledColor == undefined) { var _local4 = this.getTextFormat(); this.enabledColor = _local4.color; } var _local3 = this.getStyle("disabledColor"); _local2.color = _local3; } else if (this.enabledColor != undefined) { if (_local2.color == undefined) { _local2.color = this.enabledColor; } } return(_local2); }; _local7.getPreferredWidth = function () { this.draw(); return(this.textWidth + 4); }; _local7.getPreferredHeight = function () { this.draw(); return(this.textHeight + 4); }; TextFormat.prototype.getTextExtent2 = function (s) { var _local3 = _root._getTextExtent; if (_local3 == undefined) { _root.createTextField("_getTextExtent", -2, 0, 0, 1000, 100); _local3 = _root._getTextExtent; _local3._visible = false; } _root._getTextExtent.text = s; var _local4 = this.align; this.align = "left"; _root._getTextExtent.setTextFormat(this); this.align = _local4; return({width:_local3.textWidth, height:_local3.textHeight}); }; if ( == undefined) { = new mx.styles.CSSStyleDeclaration(); _global.cascadingStyles = true; _global.styles = new Object(); _global.skinRegistry = new Object(); if (_global._origWidth == undefined) { _global.origWidth = Stage.width; _global.origHeight = Stage.height; } } var _local4 = _root; while (_local4._parent != undefined) { _local4 = _local4._parent; } _local4.addProperty("width", function () { return(Stage.width); }, null); _local4.addProperty("height", function () { return(Stage.height); }, null); _global.ASSetPropFlags(_local4, "width", 1); _global.ASSetPropFlags(_local4, "height", 1); return(true); } static var bExtended = false; static var UIObjectExtended = Extensions(); static var UIObjectDependency = mx.core.UIObject; static var SkinElementDependency = mx.skins.SkinElement; static var CSSTextStylesDependency = mx.styles.CSSTextStyles; static var UIEventDispatcherDependency =; }
Symbol 82 MovieClip [] Frame 0
class mx.skins.halo.Defaults { var beginGradientFill, beginFill, moveTo, lineTo, curveTo, endFill; function Defaults () { } static function setThemeDefaults() { var _local2 =; _local2.themeColor = 8453965 /* 0x80FF4D */; _local2.disabledColor = 8684164 /* 0x848284 */; _local2.modalTransparency = 0; _local2.filled = true; _local2.stroked = true; _local2.strokeWidth = 1; _local2.strokeColor = 0; _local2.fillColor = 16777215 /* 0xFFFFFF */; _local2.repeatInterval = 35; _local2.repeatDelay = 500; _local2.fontFamily = "_sans"; _local2.fontSize = 12; _local2.selectionColor = 13500353 /* 0xCDFFC1 */; _local2.rollOverColor = 14942166 /* 0xE3FFD6 */; _local2.useRollOver = true; _local2.backgroundDisabledColor = 14540253 /* 0xDDDDDD */; _local2.selectionDisabledColor = 14540253 /* 0xDDDDDD */; _local2.selectionDuration = 200; _local2.openDuration = 250; _local2.borderStyle = "inset"; _local2.color = 734012 /* 0x0B333C */; _local2.textSelectedColor = 24371; _local2.textRollOverColor = 2831164 /* 0x2B333C */; _local2.textDisabledColor = 16777215 /* 0xFFFFFF */; _local2.vGridLines = true; _local2.hGridLines = false; _local2.vGridLineColor = 6710886 /* 0x666666 */; _local2.hGridLineColor = 6710886 /* 0x666666 */; _local2.headerColor = 15395562 /* 0xEAEAEA */; _local2.indentation = 17; _local2.folderOpenIcon = "TreeFolderOpen"; _local2.folderClosedIcon = "TreeFolderClosed"; _local2.defaultLeafIcon = "TreeNodeIcon"; _local2.disclosureOpenIcon = "TreeDisclosureOpen"; _local2.disclosureClosedIcon = "TreeDisclosureClosed"; _local2.popupDuration = 150; _local2.todayColor = 6710886 /* 0x666666 */; _local2 = (_global.styles.ScrollSelectList = new mx.styles.CSSStyleDeclaration()); _local2.backgroundColor = 16777215 /* 0xFFFFFF */; _local2.borderColor = 13290186 /* 0xCACACA */; _local2.borderStyle = "inset"; _local2 = (_global.styles.ComboBox = new mx.styles.CSSStyleDeclaration()); _local2.borderStyle = "inset"; _local2 = (_global.styles.NumericStepper = new mx.styles.CSSStyleDeclaration()); _local2.textAlign = "center"; _local2 = (_global.styles.RectBorder = new mx.styles.CSSStyleDeclaration()); _local2.borderColor = 14015965 /* 0xD5DDDD */; _local2.buttonColor = 7305079 /* 0x6F7777 */; _local2.shadowColor = 15658734 /* 0xEEEEEE */; _local2.highlightColor = 12897484 /* 0xC4CCCC */; _local2.shadowCapColor = 14015965 /* 0xD5DDDD */; _local2.borderCapColor = 9542041 /* 0x919999 */; var _local4 = new Object(); _local4.borderColor = 16711680 /* 0xFF0000 */; _local4.buttonColor = 16711680 /* 0xFF0000 */; _local4.shadowColor = 16711680 /* 0xFF0000 */; _local4.highlightColor = 16711680 /* 0xFF0000 */; _local4.shadowCapColor = 16711680 /* 0xFF0000 */; _local4.borderCapColor = 16711680 /* 0xFF0000 */; mx.core.UIComponent.prototype.origBorderStyles = _local4; var _local3; _local3 = (_global.styles.TextInput = new mx.styles.CSSStyleDeclaration()); _local3.backgroundColor = 16777215 /* 0xFFFFFF */; _local3.borderStyle = "inset"; _global.styles.TextArea = _global.styles.TextInput; _local3 = (_global.styles.Window = new mx.styles.CSSStyleDeclaration()); _local3.borderStyle = "default"; _local3 = (_global.styles.windowStyles = new mx.styles.CSSStyleDeclaration()); _local3.fontWeight = "bold"; _local3 = (_global.styles.dataGridStyles = new mx.styles.CSSStyleDeclaration()); _local3.fontWeight = "bold"; _local3 = (_global.styles.Alert = new mx.styles.CSSStyleDeclaration()); _local3.borderStyle = "alert"; _local3 = (_global.styles.ScrollView = new mx.styles.CSSStyleDeclaration()); _local3.borderStyle = "inset"; _local3 = (_global.styles.View = new mx.styles.CSSStyleDeclaration()); _local3.borderStyle = "none"; _local3 = (_global.styles.ProgressBar = new mx.styles.CSSStyleDeclaration()); _local3.color = 11187123 /* 0xAAB3B3 */; _local3.fontWeight = "bold"; _local3 = (_global.styles.AccordionHeader = new mx.styles.CSSStyleDeclaration()); _local3.fontWeight = "bold"; _local3.fontSize = "11"; _local3 = (_global.styles.Accordion = new mx.styles.CSSStyleDeclaration()); _local3.borderStyle = "solid"; _local3.backgroundColor = 16777215 /* 0xFFFFFF */; _local3.borderColor = 9081738 /* 0x8A938A */; _local3.headerHeight = 22; _local3.marginLeft = (_local3.marginRight = (_local3.marginTop = (_local3.marginBottom = -1))); _local3.verticalGap = -1; _local3 = (_global.styles.DateChooser = new mx.styles.CSSStyleDeclaration()); _local3.borderColor = 9542041 /* 0x919999 */; _local3.headerColor = 16777215 /* 0xFFFFFF */; _local3 = (_global.styles.CalendarLayout = new mx.styles.CSSStyleDeclaration()); _local3.fontSize = 10; _local3.textAlign = "right"; _local3.color = 2831164 /* 0x2B333C */; _local3 = (_global.styles.WeekDayStyle = new mx.styles.CSSStyleDeclaration()); _local3.fontWeight = "bold"; _local3.fontSize = 11; _local3.textAlign = "center"; _local3.color = 2831164 /* 0x2B333C */; _local3 = (_global.styles.TodayStyle = new mx.styles.CSSStyleDeclaration()); _local3.color = 16777215 /* 0xFFFFFF */; _local3 = (_global.styles.HeaderDateText = new mx.styles.CSSStyleDeclaration()); _local3.fontSize = 12; _local3.fontWeight = "bold"; _local3.textAlign = "center"; } function drawRoundRect(x, y, w, h, r, c, alpha, rot, gradient, ratios) { if (typeof(r) == "object") { var _local18 =; var _local16 =; var _local15 =; var _local10 =; } else { var _local10 = r; var _local15 = _local10; var _local16 = _local15; var _local18 = _local16; } if (typeof(c) == "object") { if (typeof(alpha) != "object") { var _local9 = [alpha, alpha]; } else { var _local9 = alpha; } if (ratios == undefined) { ratios = [0, 255]; } var _local14 = h * 0.7; if (typeof(rot) != "object") { var _local11 = {matrixType:"box", x:-_local14, y:_local14, w:w * 2, h:h * 4, r:rot * 0.0174532925199433 /* Math.PI/180 */}; } else { var _local11 = rot; } if (gradient == "radial") { beginGradientFill("radial", c, _local9, ratios, _local11); } else { beginGradientFill("linear", c, _local9, ratios, _local11); } } else if (c != undefined) { beginFill(c, alpha); } r = _local18; var _local13 = r - (r * 0.707106781186547); var _local12 = r - (r * 0.414213562373095); moveTo(x + w, (y + h) - r); lineTo(x + w, (y + h) - r); curveTo(x + w, (y + h) - _local12, (x + w) - _local13, (y + h) - _local13); curveTo((x + w) - _local12, y + h, (x + w) - r, y + h); r = _local16; _local13 = r - (r * 0.707106781186547); _local12 = r - (r * 0.414213562373095); lineTo(x + r, y + h); curveTo(x + _local12, y + h, x + _local13, (y + h) - _local13); curveTo(x, (y + h) - _local12, x, (y + h) - r); r = _local15; _local13 = r - (r * 0.707106781186547); _local12 = r - (r * 0.414213562373095); lineTo(x, y + r); curveTo(x, y + _local12, x + _local13, y + _local13); curveTo(x + _local12, y, x + r, y); r = _local10; _local13 = r - (r * 0.707106781186547); _local12 = r - (r * 0.414213562373095); lineTo((x + w) - r, y); curveTo((x + w) - _local12, y, (x + w) - _local13, y + _local13); curveTo(x + w, y + _local12, x + w, y + r); lineTo(x + w, (y + h) - r); if (c != undefined) { endFill(); } } static function classConstruct() { mx.core.ext.UIObjectExtensions.Extensions(); setThemeDefaults(); mx.core.UIObject.prototype.drawRoundRect = mx.skins.halo.Defaults.prototype.drawRoundRect; return(true); } static var classConstructed = classConstruct(); static var CSSStyleDeclarationDependency = mx.styles.CSSStyleDeclaration; static var UIObjectExtensionsDependency = mx.core.ext.UIObjectExtensions; static var UIObjectDependency = mx.core.UIObject; }
Symbol 83 MovieClip [] Frame 0
class mx.managers.DepthManager { var _childCounter, createClassObject, createObject, _parent, swapDepths, _topmost, getDepth; function DepthManager () { MovieClip.prototype.createClassChildAtDepth = createClassChildAtDepth; MovieClip.prototype.createChildAtDepth = createChildAtDepth; MovieClip.prototype.setDepthTo = setDepthTo; MovieClip.prototype.setDepthAbove = setDepthAbove; MovieClip.prototype.setDepthBelow = setDepthBelow; MovieClip.prototype.findNextAvailableDepth = findNextAvailableDepth; MovieClip.prototype.shuffleDepths = shuffleDepths; MovieClip.prototype.getDepthByFlag = getDepthByFlag; MovieClip.prototype.buildDepthTable = buildDepthTable; _global.ASSetPropFlags(MovieClip.prototype, "createClassChildAtDepth", 1); _global.ASSetPropFlags(MovieClip.prototype, "createChildAtDepth", 1); _global.ASSetPropFlags(MovieClip.prototype, "setDepthTo", 1); _global.ASSetPropFlags(MovieClip.prototype, "setDepthAbove", 1); _global.ASSetPropFlags(MovieClip.prototype, "setDepthBelow", 1); _global.ASSetPropFlags(MovieClip.prototype, "findNextAvailableDepth", 1); _global.ASSetPropFlags(MovieClip.prototype, "shuffleDepths", 1); _global.ASSetPropFlags(MovieClip.prototype, "getDepthByFlag", 1); _global.ASSetPropFlags(MovieClip.prototype, "buildDepthTable", 1); } static function sortFunction(a, b) { if (a.getDepth() > b.getDepth()) { return(1); } return(-1); } static function test(depth) { if (depth == reservedDepth) { return(false); } return(true); } static function createClassObjectAtDepth(className, depthSpace, initObj) { var _local1; switch (depthSpace) { case kCursor : _local1 = holder.createClassChildAtDepth(className, kTopmost, initObj); break; case kTooltip : _local1 = holder.createClassChildAtDepth(className, kTop, initObj); break; } return(_local1); } static function createObjectAtDepth(linkageName, depthSpace, initObj) { var _local1; switch (depthSpace) { case kCursor : _local1 = holder.createChildAtDepth(linkageName, kTopmost, initObj); break; case kTooltip : _local1 = holder.createChildAtDepth(linkageName, kTop, initObj); break; } return(_local1); } function createClassChildAtDepth(className, depthFlag, initObj) { if (_childCounter == undefined) { _childCounter = 0; } var _local3 = buildDepthTable(); var _local2 = getDepthByFlag(depthFlag, _local3); var _local6 = "down"; if (depthFlag == kBottom) { _local6 = "up"; } var _local5; if (_local3[_local2] != undefined) { _local5 = _local2; _local2 = findNextAvailableDepth(_local2, _local3, _local6); } var _local4 = createClassObject(className, "depthChild" + (_childCounter++), _local2, initObj); if (_local5 != undefined) { _local3[_local2] = _local4; shuffleDepths(_local4, _local5, _local3, _local6); } if (depthFlag == kTopmost) { _local4._topmost = true; } return(_local4); } function createChildAtDepth(linkageName, depthFlag, initObj) { if (_childCounter == undefined) { _childCounter = 0; } var _local3 = buildDepthTable(); var _local2 = getDepthByFlag(depthFlag, _local3); var _local6 = "down"; if (depthFlag == kBottom) { _local6 = "up"; } var _local5; if (_local3[_local2] != undefined) { _local5 = _local2; _local2 = findNextAvailableDepth(_local2, _local3, _local6); } var _local4 = createObject(linkageName, "depthChild" + (_childCounter++), _local2, initObj); if (_local5 != undefined) { _local3[_local2] = _local4; shuffleDepths(_local4, _local5, _local3, _local6); } if (depthFlag == kTopmost) { _local4._topmost = true; } return(_local4); } function setDepthTo(depthFlag) { var _local2 = _parent.buildDepthTable(); var _local3 = _parent.getDepthByFlag(depthFlag, _local2); if (_local2[_local3] != undefined) { shuffleDepths(this, _local3, _local2, undefined); } else { swapDepths(_local3); } if (depthFlag == kTopmost) { _topmost = true; } else { delete _topmost; } } function setDepthAbove(targetInstance) { if (targetInstance._parent != _parent) { return(undefined); } var _local2 = targetInstance.getDepth() + 1; var _local3 = _parent.buildDepthTable(); if ((_local3[_local2] != undefined) && (getDepth() < _local2)) { _local2 = _local2 - 1; } if (_local2 > highestDepth) { _local2 = highestDepth; } if (_local2 == highestDepth) { _parent.shuffleDepths(this, _local2, _local3, "down"); } else if (_local3[_local2] != undefined) { _parent.shuffleDepths(this, _local2, _local3, undefined); } else { swapDepths(_local2); } } function setDepthBelow(targetInstance) { if (targetInstance._parent != _parent) { return(undefined); } var _local6 = targetInstance.getDepth() - 1; var _local3 = _parent.buildDepthTable(); if ((_local3[_local6] != undefined) && (getDepth() > _local6)) { _local6 = _local6 + 1; } var _local4 = lowestDepth + numberOfAuthortimeLayers; var _local5; for (_local5 in _local3) { var _local2 = _local3[_local5]; if (_local2._parent != undefined) { _local4 = Math.min(_local4, _local2.getDepth()); } } if (_local6 < _local4) { _local6 = _local4; } if (_local6 == _local4) { _parent.shuffleDepths(this, _local6, _local3, "up"); } else if (_local3[_local6] != undefined) { _parent.shuffleDepths(this, _local6, _local3, undefined); } else { swapDepths(_local6); } } function findNextAvailableDepth(targetDepth, depthTable, direction) { var _local5 = lowestDepth + numberOfAuthortimeLayers; if (targetDepth < _local5) { targetDepth = _local5; } if (depthTable[targetDepth] == undefined) { return(targetDepth); } var _local2 = targetDepth; var _local1 = targetDepth; if (direction == "down") { while (depthTable[_local1] != undefined) { _local1--; } return(_local1); } while (depthTable[_local2] != undefined) { _local2++; } return(_local2); } function shuffleDepths(subject, targetDepth, depthTable, direction) { var _local9 = lowestDepth + numberOfAuthortimeLayers; var _local8 = _local9; var _local5; for (_local5 in depthTable) { var _local7 = depthTable[_local5]; if (_local7._parent != undefined) { _local9 = Math.min(_local9, _local7.getDepth()); } } if (direction == undefined) { if (subject.getDepth() > targetDepth) { direction = "up"; } else { direction = "down"; } } var _local1 = new Array(); for (_local5 in depthTable) { var _local7 = depthTable[_local5]; if (_local7._parent != undefined) { _local1.push(_local7); } } _local1.sort(sortFunction); if (direction == "up") { var _local3; var _local11; do { if (_local1.length <= 0) { break; } _local3 = _local1.pop(); } while (_local3 != subject); do { if (_local1.length <= 0) { break; } _local11 = subject.getDepth(); _local3 = _local1.pop(); var _local4 = _local3.getDepth(); if (_local11 > (_local4 + 1)) { if (_local4 >= 0) { subject.swapDepths(_local4 + 1); } else if ((_local11 > _local8) && (_local4 < _local8)) { subject.swapDepths(_local8); } } subject.swapDepths(_local3); } while (_local4 != targetDepth); } else if (direction == "down") { var _local3; do { if (_local1.length <= 0) { break; } _local3 = _local1.shift(); } while (_local3 != subject); do { if (_local1.length <= 0) { break; } var _local11 = _local3.getDepth(); _local3 = _local1.shift(); var _local4 = _local3.getDepth(); if ((_local11 < (_local4 - 1)) && (_local4 > 0)) { subject.swapDepths(_local4 - 1); } subject.swapDepths(_local3); } while (_local4 != targetDepth); } } function getDepthByFlag(depthFlag, depthTable) { var _local2 = 0; if ((depthFlag == kTop) || (depthFlag == kNotopmost)) { var _local5 = 0; var _local7 = false; var _local8; for (_local8 in depthTable) { var _local9 = depthTable[_local8]; var _local3 = typeof(_local9); if ((_local3 == "movieclip") || ((_local3 == "object") && (_local9.__getTextFormat != undefined))) { if (_local9.getDepth() <= highestDepth) { if (!_local9._topmost) { _local2 = Math.max(_local2, _local9.getDepth()); } else if (!_local7) { _local5 = _local9.getDepth(); _local7 = true; } else { _local5 = Math.min(_local5, _local9.getDepth()); } } } } _local2 = _local2 + 20; if (_local7) { if (_local2 >= _local5) { _local2 = _local5 - 1; } } } else if (depthFlag == kBottom) { for (var _local8 in depthTable) { var _local9 = depthTable[_local8]; var _local3 = typeof(_local9); if ((_local3 == "movieclip") || ((_local3 == "object") && (_local9.__getTextFormat != undefined))) { if (_local9.getDepth() <= highestDepth) { _local2 = Math.min(_local2, _local9.getDepth()); } } } _local2 = _local2 - 20; } else if (depthFlag == kTopmost) { for (var _local8 in depthTable) { var _local9 = depthTable[_local8]; var _local3 = typeof(_local9); if ((_local3 == "movieclip") || ((_local3 == "object") && (_local9.__getTextFormat != undefined))) { if (_local9.getDepth() <= highestDepth) { _local2 = Math.max(_local2, _local9.getDepth()); } } } _local2 = _local2 + 100; } if (_local2 >= highestDepth) { _local2 = highestDepth; } var _local6 = lowestDepth + numberOfAuthortimeLayers; for (var _local9 in depthTable) { var _local4 = depthTable[_local9]; if (_local4._parent != undefined) { _local6 = Math.min(_local6, _local4.getDepth()); } } if (_local2 <= _local6) { _local2 = _local6; } return(_local2); } function buildDepthTable(Void) { var _local5 = new Array(); var _local4; for (_local4 in this) { var _local2 = this[_local4]; var _local3 = typeof(_local2); if ((_local3 == "movieclip") || ((_local3 == "object") && (_local2.__getTextFormat != undefined))) { if (_local2._parent == this) { _local5[_local2.getDepth()] = _local2; } } } return(_local5); } static var reservedDepth = 1048575; static var highestDepth = 1048574; static var lowestDepth = -16383; static var numberOfAuthortimeLayers = 383; static var kCursor = 101; static var kTooltip = 102; static var kTop = 201; static var kBottom = 202; static var kTopmost = 203; static var kNotopmost = 204; static var holder = _root.createEmptyMovieClip("reserved", reservedDepth); static var __depthManager = new mx.managers.DepthManager(); }
Symbol 84 MovieClip [] Frame 0
class mx.managers.SystemManager { static var _xAddEventListener, addEventListener, __addEventListener, _xRemoveEventListener, removeEventListener, __removeEventListener, form, __screen, dispatchEvent; function SystemManager () { } static function init(Void) { if (_initialized == false) { _initialized = true;; Mouse.addListener(mx.managers.SystemManager); Stage.addListener(mx.managers.SystemManager); _xAddEventListener = addEventListener; addEventListener = __addEventListener; _xRemoveEventListener = removeEventListener; removeEventListener = __removeEventListener; } } static function addFocusManager(f) { form = f; f.focusManager.activate(); } static function removeFocusManager(f) { } static function onMouseDown(Void) { var _local1 = form; _local1.focusManager._onMouseDown(); } static function onResize(Void) { var _local7 = Stage.width; var _local6 = Stage.height; var _local9 = _global.origWidth; var _local8 = _global.origHeight; var _local3 = Stage.align; var _local5 = (_local9 - _local7) / 2; var _local4 = (_local8 - _local6) / 2; if (_local3 == "T") { _local4 = 0; } else if (_local3 == "B") { _local4 = _local8 - _local6; } else if (_local3 == "L") { _local5 = 0; } else if (_local3 == "R") { _local5 = _local9 - _local7; } else if (_local3 == "LT") { _local4 = 0; _local5 = 0; } else if (_local3 == "TR") { _local4 = 0; _local5 = _local9 - _local7; } else if (_local3 == "LB") { _local4 = _local8 - _local6; _local5 = 0; } else if (_local3 == "RB") { _local4 = _local8 - _local6; _local5 = _local9 - _local7; } if (__screen == undefined) { __screen = new Object(); } __screen.x = _local5; __screen.y = _local4; __screen.width = _local7; __screen.height = _local6; _root.focusManager.relocate(); dispatchEvent({type:"resize"}); } static function get screen() { init(); if (__screen == undefined) { onResize(); } return(__screen); } static var _initialized = false; static var idleFrames = 0; static var isMouseDown = false; static var forms = new Array(); }
Symbol 85 MovieClip [] Frame 0
class mx.managers.FocusManager extends mx.core.UIComponent { var __defaultPushButton, defPushButton, form, move, tabEnabled, _width, _height, _x, _y, _alpha, _parent, tabCapture, watch, lastMouse, _visible, lastFocus, doLater, lastSelFocus, cancelAllDoLaters, _searchKey, _lastTarget, _firstNode, _nextIsNext, _nextNode, _lastx, _prevNode, _needPrev, _foundList, _prevObj, _nextObj, _firstObj, _lastObj, _lastNode, lastTabFocus, findFocusFromObject; function FocusManager () { super(); } function get defaultPushButton() { return(__defaultPushButton); } function set defaultPushButton(x) { if (x != __defaultPushButton) { __defaultPushButton.__set__emphasized(false); __defaultPushButton = x; defPushButton = x; x.__set__emphasized(true); } //return(defaultPushButton); } function getMaxTabIndex(o) { var _local3 = 0; var _local6; for (_local6 in o) { var _local2 = o[_local6]; if (_local2._parent == o) { if (_local2.tabIndex != undefined) { if (_local2.tabIndex > _local3) { _local3 = _local2.tabIndex; } } if (_local2.tabChildren == true) { var _local4 = getMaxTabIndex(_local2); if (_local4 > _local3) { _local3 = _local4; } } } } return(_local3); } function getNextTabIndex(Void) { return(getMaxTabIndex(form) + 1); } function get nextTabIndex() { return(getNextTabIndex()); } function relocate(Void) { var _local2 = mx.managers.SystemManager.__get__screen(); move(_local2.x - 1, _local2.y - 1); } function init(Void) { super.init(); tabEnabled = false; _width = (_height = 1); _x = (_y = -1); _alpha = 0; _parent.focusManager = this; _parent.tabChildren = true; _parent.tabEnabled = false; form = _parent; _parent.addEventListener("hide", this); _parent.addEventListener("reveal", this); mx.managers.SystemManager.init(); mx.managers.SystemManager.addFocusManager(form); tabCapture.tabIndex = 0; watch("enabled", enabledChanged); Selection.addListener(this); lastMouse = new Object(); _global.ASSetPropFlags(_parent, "focusManager", 1); _global.ASSetPropFlags(_parent, "tabChildren", 1); _global.ASSetPropFlags(_parent, "tabEnabled", 1); } function enabledChanged(id, oldValue, newValue) { _visible = newValue; return(newValue); } function activate(Void) { Key.addListener(this); activated = (_visible = true); if (lastFocus != undefined) { bNeedFocus = true; if (!mx.managers.SystemManager.isMouseDown) { doLater(this, "restoreFocus"); } } } function deactivate(Void) { Key.removeListener(this); activated = (_visible = false); var _local2 = getSelectionFocus(); var _local3 = getActualFocus(_local2); if (isOurFocus(_local3)) { lastSelFocus = _local2; lastFocus = _local3; } cancelAllDoLaters(); } function isOurFocus(o) { if (o.focusManager == this) { return(true); } while (o != undefined) { if (o.focusManager != undefined) { return(false); } if (o._parent == _parent) { return(true); } o = o._parent; } return(false); } function onSetFocus(o, n) { if (n == null) { if (activated) { bNeedFocus = true; } } else { var _local2 = getFocus(); if (isOurFocus(_local2)) { bNeedFocus = false; lastFocus = _local2; lastSelFocus = n; } } } function restoreFocus(Void) { var _local2 = lastSelFocus.hscroll; if (_local2 != undefined) { var _local5 = lastSelFocus.scroll; var _local4 = lastSelFocus.background; } lastFocus.setFocus(); var _local3 = Selection; Selection.setSelection(_local3.lastBeginIndex, _local3.lastEndIndex); if (_local2 != undefined) { lastSelFocus.scroll = _local5; lastSelFocus.hscroll = _local2; lastSelFocus.background = _local4; } } function onUnload(Void) { mx.managers.SystemManager.removeFocusManager(form); } function setFocus(o) { if (o == null) { Selection.setFocus(null); } else if (o.setFocus == undefined) { Selection.setFocus(o); } else { o.setFocus(); } } function getActualFocus(o) { var _local1 = o._parent; while (_local1 != undefined) { if (_local1.focusTextField != undefined) { while (_local1.focusTextField != undefined) { o = _local1; _local1 = _local1._parent; if (_local1 == undefined) { return(undefined); } if (_local1.focusTextField == undefined) { return(o); } } } if (_local1.tabEnabled != true) { return(o); } o = _local1; _local1 = o._parent; } return(undefined); } function getSelectionFocus() { var m = Selection.getFocus(); var o = eval (m); return(o); } function getFocus(Void) { var _local2 = getSelectionFocus(); return(getActualFocus(_local2)); } function walkTree(p, index, groupName, dir, lookup, firstChild) { var _local5 = true; var _local11; for (_local11 in p) { var _local2 = p[_local11]; if ((((_local2._parent == p) && (_local2.enabled != false)) && (_local2._visible != false)) && ((_local2.tabEnabled == true) || ((_local2.tabEnabled != false) && ((((((((_local2.onPress != undefined) || (_local2.onRelease != undefined)) || (_local2.onReleaseOutside != undefined)) || (_local2.onDragOut != undefined)) || (_local2.onDragOver != undefined)) || (_local2.onRollOver != undefined)) || (_local2.onRollOut != undefined)) || (_local2 instanceof TextField))))) { if (_local2._searchKey == _searchKey) { continue; } _local2._searchKey = _searchKey; if (_local2 != _lastTarget) { if (((_local2.groupName != undefined) || (groupName != undefined)) && (_local2.groupName == groupName)) { continue; } if ((_local2 instanceof TextField) && (_local2.selectable == false)) { continue; } if (_local5 || (((_local2.groupName != undefined) && (_local2.groupName == _firstNode.groupName)) && (_local2.selected == true))) { if (firstChild) { _firstNode = _local2; firstChild = false; } } if (_nextIsNext == true) { if ((((_local2.groupName != undefined) && (_local2.groupName == _nextNode.groupName)) && (_local2.selected == true)) || ((_nextNode == undefined) && ((_local2.groupName == undefined) || ((_local2.groupName != undefined) && (_local2.groupName != groupName))))) { _nextNode = _local2; } } if ((_local2.groupName == undefined) || (groupName != _local2.groupName)) { if (((_lastx.groupName != undefined) && (_local2.groupName == _lastx.groupName)) && (_lastx.selected == true)) { } else { _lastx = _local2; } } } else { _prevNode = _lastx; _needPrev = false; _nextIsNext = true; } if (_local2.tabIndex != undefined) { if (_local2.tabIndex == index) { if (_foundList[_local2._name] == undefined) { if (_needPrev) { _prevObj = _local2; _needPrev = false; } _nextObj = _local2; } } if (dir && (_local2.tabIndex > index)) { if (((_nextObj == undefined) || ((_nextObj.tabIndex > _local2.tabIndex) && (((_local2.groupName == undefined) || (_nextObj.groupName == undefined)) || (_local2.groupName != _nextObj.groupName)))) || ((((_nextObj.groupName != undefined) && (_nextObj.groupName == _local2.groupName)) && (_nextObj.selected != true)) && ((_local2.selected == true) || (_nextObj.tabIndex > _local2.tabIndex)))) { _nextObj = _local2; } } else if ((!dir) && (_local2.tabIndex < index)) { if (((_prevObj == undefined) || ((_prevObj.tabIndex < _local2.tabIndex) && (((_local2.groupName == undefined) || (_prevObj.groupName == undefined)) || (_local2.groupName != _prevObj.groupName)))) || ((((_prevObj.groupName != undefined) && (_prevObj.groupName == _local2.groupName)) && (_prevObj.selected != true)) && ((_local2.selected == true) || (_prevObj.tabIndex < _local2.tabIndex)))) { _prevObj = _local2; } } if (((_firstObj == undefined) || ((_local2.tabIndex < _firstObj.tabIndex) && (((_local2.groupName == undefined) || (_firstObj.groupName == undefined)) || (_local2.groupName != _firstObj.groupName)))) || ((((_firstObj.groupName != undefined) && (_firstObj.groupName == _local2.groupName)) && (_firstObj.selected != true)) && ((_local2.selected == true) || (_local2.tabIndex < _firstObj.tabIndex)))) { _firstObj = _local2; } if (((_lastObj == undefined) || ((_local2.tabIndex > _lastObj.tabIndex) && (((_local2.groupName == undefined) || (_lastObj.groupName == undefined)) || (_local2.groupName != _lastObj.groupName)))) || ((((_lastObj.groupName != undefined) && (_lastObj.groupName == _local2.groupName)) && (_lastObj.selected != true)) && ((_local2.selected == true) || (_local2.tabIndex > _lastObj.tabIndex)))) { _lastObj = _local2; } } if (_local2.tabChildren) { getTabCandidateFromChildren(_local2, index, groupName, dir, _local5 && (firstChild)); } _local5 = false; } else if (((_local2._parent == p) && (_local2.tabChildren == true)) && (_local2._visible != false)) { if (_local2 == _lastTarget) { if (_local2._searchKey == _searchKey) { continue; } _local2._searchKey = _searchKey; if (_prevNode == undefined) { var _local3 = _lastx; var _local7 = false; while (_local3 != undefined) { if (_local3 == _local2) { _local7 = true; break; } _local3 = _local3._parent; } if (_local7 == false) { _prevNode = _lastx; } } _needPrev = false; if (_nextNode == undefined) { _nextIsNext = true; } } else if (!((_local2.focusManager != undefined) && (_local2.focusManager._parent == _local2))) { if (_local2._searchKey == _searchKey) { continue; } _local2._searchKey = _searchKey; getTabCandidateFromChildren(_local2, index, groupName, dir, _local5 && (firstChild)); } _local5 = false; } } _lastNode = _lastx; if (lookup) { if (p._parent != undefined) { if (p != _parent) { if ((_prevNode == undefined) && (dir)) { _needPrev = true; } else if ((_nextNode == undefined) && (!dir)) { _nextIsNext = false; } _lastTarget = _lastTarget._parent; getTabCandidate(p._parent, index, groupName, dir, true); } } } } function getTabCandidate(o, index, groupName, dir, firstChild) { var _local2; var _local3 = true; if (o == _parent) { _local2 = o; _local3 = false; } else { _local2 = o._parent; if (_local2 == undefined) { _local2 = o; _local3 = false; } } walkTree(_local2, index, groupName, dir, _local3, firstChild); } function getTabCandidateFromChildren(o, index, groupName, dir, firstChild) { walkTree(o, index, groupName, dir, false, firstChild); } function getFocusManagerFromObject(o) { while (o != undefined) { if (o.focusManager != undefined) { return(o.focusManager); } o = o._parent; } return(undefined); } function tabHandler(Void) { bDrawFocus = true; var _local5 = getSelectionFocus(); var _local4 = getActualFocus(_local5); if (_local4 != _local5) { _local5 = _local4; } if (getFocusManagerFromObject(_local5) != this) { _local5 == undefined; } if (_local5 == undefined) { _local5 = form; } else if (_local5.tabIndex != undefined) { if ((_foundList != undefined) || (_foundList.tabIndex != _local5.tabIndex)) { _foundList = new Object(); _foundList.tabIndex = _local5.tabIndex; } _foundList[_local5._name] = _local5; } var _local3 = Key.isDown(16) != true; _searchKey = getTimer(); _needPrev = true; _nextIsNext = false; _lastx = undefined; _firstNode = undefined; _lastNode = undefined; _nextNode = undefined; _prevNode = undefined; _firstObj = undefined; _lastObj = undefined; _nextObj = undefined; _prevObj = undefined; _lastTarget = _local5; var _local6 = _local5; getTabCandidate(_local6, ((_local5.tabIndex == undefined) ? 0 : (_local5.tabIndex)), _local5.groupName, _local3, true); var _local2; if (_local3) { if (_nextObj != undefined) { _local2 = _nextObj; } else { _local2 = _firstObj; } } else if (_prevObj != undefined) { _local2 = _prevObj; } else { _local2 = _lastObj; } if (_local2.tabIndex != _local5.tabIndex) { _foundList = new Object(); _foundList.tabIndex = _local2.tabIndex; _foundList[_local2._name] = _local2; } else { if (_foundList == undefined) { _foundList = new Object(); _foundList.tabIndex = _local2.tabIndex; } _foundList[_local2._name] = _local2; } if (_local2 == undefined) { if (_local3 == false) { if (_nextNode != undefined) { _local2 = _nextNode; } else { _local2 = _firstNode; } } else if ((_prevNode == undefined) || (_local5 == form)) { _local2 = _lastNode; } else { _local2 = _prevNode; } } if (_local2 == undefined) { return(undefined); } lastTabFocus = _local2; setFocus(_local2); if (_local2.emphasized != undefined) { if (defPushButton != undefined) { _local5 = defPushButton; defPushButton = _local2; _local5.emphasized = false; _local2.emphasized = true; } } else if ((defPushButton != undefined) && (defPushButton != __defaultPushButton)) { _local5 = defPushButton; defPushButton = __defaultPushButton; _local5.emphasized = false; __defaultPushButton.__set__emphasized(true); } } function onKeyDown(Void) { mx.managers.SystemManager.idleFrames = 0; if (defaultPushButtonEnabled) { if (Key.getCode() == 13) { if (defaultPushButton != undefined) { doLater(this, "sendDefaultPushButtonEvent"); } } } } function sendDefaultPushButtonEvent(Void) { defPushButton.dispatchEvent({type:"click"}); } function getMousedComponentFromChildren(x, y, o) { for (var _local7 in o) { var _local2 = o[_local7]; if (((_local2._visible && (_local2.enabled)) && (_local2._parent == o)) && (_local2._searchKey != _searchKey)) { _local2._searchKey = _searchKey; if (_local2.hitTest(x, y, true)) { if ((_local2.onPress != undefined) || (_local2.onRelease != undefined)) { return(_local2); } var _local3 = getMousedComponentFromChildren(x, y, _local2); if (_local3 != undefined) { return(_local3); } return(_local2); } } } return(undefined); } function mouseActivate(Void) { if (!bNeedFocus) { return(undefined); } _searchKey = getTimer(); var _local2 = getMousedComponentFromChildren(lastMouse.x, lastMouse.y, form); if (_local2 instanceof mx.core.UIComponent) { return(undefined); } _local2 = findFocusFromObject(_local2); if (_local2 == lastFocus) { return(undefined); } if (_local2 == undefined) { doLater(this, "restoreFocus"); return(undefined); } var _local3 = _local2.hscroll; if (_local3 != undefined) { var _local6 = _local2.scroll; var _local5 = _local2.background; } setFocus(_local2); var _local4 = Selection; Selection.setSelection(_local4.lastBeginIndex, _local4.lastEndIndex); if (_local3 != undefined) { _local2.scroll = _local6; _local2.hscroll = _local3; _local2.background = _local5; } } function _onMouseDown(Void) { bDrawFocus = false; if (lastFocus != undefined) { lastFocus.drawFocus(false); } mx.managers.SystemManager.idleFrames = 0; var _local3 = Selection; _local3.lastBeginIndex = Selection.getBeginIndex(); _local3.lastEndIndex = Selection.getEndIndex(); lastMouse.x = _root._xmouse; lastMouse.y = _root._ymouse; _root.localToGlobal(lastMouse); } function onMouseUp(Void) { if (_visible) { doLater(this, "mouseActivate"); } } function handleEvent(e) { if (e.type == "reveal") { mx.managers.SystemManager.activate(form); } else { mx.managers.SystemManager.deactivate(form); } } static function enableFocusManagement() { if (!initialized) { initialized = true; Object.registerClass("FocusManager", mx.managers.FocusManager); if (_root.focusManager == undefined) { _root.createClassObject(mx.managers.FocusManager, "focusManager", mx.managers.DepthManager.highestDepth--); } } } static var symbolName = "FocusManager"; static var symbolOwner = mx.managers.FocusManager; static var version = ""; var className = "FocusManager"; var bNeedFocus = false; var bDrawFocus = false; var defaultPushButtonEnabled = true; var activated = true; static var initialized = false; static var UIObjectExtensionsDependency = mx.core.ext.UIObjectExtensions; }
Symbol 86 MovieClip [] Frame 0
class mx.skins.halo.FocusRect extends mx.skins.SkinElement { var boundingBox_mc, _xscale, _yscale, clear, beginFill, drawRoundRect, endFill, _visible; function FocusRect () { super(); boundingBox_mc._visible = false; boundingBox_mc._width = (boundingBox_mc._height = 0); } function draw(o) { o.adjustFocusRect(); } function setSize(w, h, r, a, rectCol) { _xscale = (_yscale = 100); clear(); if (typeof(r) == "object") { = (( > 2) ? ( - 2) : 0); = (( > 2) ? ( - 2) : 0); = (( > 2) ? ( - 2) : 0); = (( > 2) ? ( - 2) : 0); beginFill(rectCol, a * 0.3); drawRoundRect(0, 0, w, h, r); drawRoundRect(2, 2, w - 4, h - 4, r); endFill(); = (( > 1) ? ( + 1) : 0); = (( > 1) ? ( + 1) : 0); = (( > 1) ? ( + 1) : 0); = (( > 1) ? ( + 1) : 0); beginFill(rectCol, a * 0.3); drawRoundRect(1, 1, w - 2, h - 2, r); = (( > 1) ? ( - 1) : 0); = (( > 1) ? ( - 1) : 0); = (( > 1) ? ( - 1) : 0); = (( > 1) ? ( - 1) : 0); drawRoundRect(2, 2, w - 4, h - 4, r); endFill(); } else { var _local5; if (r != 0) { _local5 = r - 2; } else { _local5 = 0; } beginFill(rectCol, a * 0.3); drawRoundRect(0, 0, w, h, r); drawRoundRect(2, 2, w - 4, h - 4, _local5); endFill(); beginFill(rectCol, a * 0.3); if (r != 0) { _local5 = r - 2; r = r - 1; } else { _local5 = 0; r = 0; } drawRoundRect(1, 1, w - 2, h - 2, r); drawRoundRect(2, 2, w - 4, h - 4, _local5); endFill(); } } function handleEvent(e) { if (e.type == "unload") { _visible = true; } else if (e.type == "resize") {; } else if (e.type == "move") {; } } static function classConstruct() { mx.core.UIComponent.prototype.drawFocus = function (focused) { var _local2 = this._parent.focus_mc; if (!focused) { _local2._visible = false; this.removeEventListener("unload", _local2); this.removeEventListener("move", _local2); this.removeEventListener("resize", _local2); } else { if (_local2 == undefined) { _local2 = this._parent.createChildAtDepth("FocusRect", mx.managers.DepthManager.kTop); _local2.tabEnabled = false; this._parent.focus_mc = _local2; } else { _local2._visible = true; } _local2.draw(this); if (_local2.getDepth() < this.getDepth()) { _local2.setDepthAbove(this); } this.addEventListener("unload", _local2); this.addEventListener("move", _local2); this.addEventListener("resize", _local2); } }; mx.core.UIComponent.prototype.adjustFocusRect = function () { var _local2 = this.getStyle("themeColor"); if (_local2 == undefined) { _local2 = 8453965 /* 0x80FF4D */; } var _local3 = this._parent.focus_mc; _local3.setSize(this.width + 4, this.height + 4, 0, 100, _local2); _local3.move(this.x - 2, this.y - 2); }; TextField.prototype.drawFocus = mx.core.UIComponent.prototype.drawFocus; TextField.prototype.adjustFocusRect = mx.core.UIComponent.prototype.adjustFocusRect; mx.skins.halo.FocusRect.prototype.drawRoundRect = mx.skins.halo.Defaults.prototype.drawRoundRect; return(true); } static var classConstructed = classConstruct(); static var DefaultsDependency = mx.skins.halo.Defaults; static var UIComponentDependency = mx.core.UIComponent; }
Symbol 87 MovieClip [] Frame 0
class mx.managers.OverlappedWindows { function OverlappedWindows () { } static function checkIdle(Void) { if (mx.managers.SystemManager.idleFrames > 10) { mx.managers.SystemManager.dispatchEvent({type:"idle"}); } else { mx.managers.SystemManager.idleFrames++; } } static function __addEventListener(e, o, l) { if (e == "idle") { if (mx.managers.SystemManager.interval == undefined) { mx.managers.SystemManager.interval = setInterval(mx.managers.SystemManager.checkIdle, 100); } } mx.managers.SystemManager._xAddEventListener(e, o, l); } static function __removeEventListener(e, o, l) { if (e == "idle") { if (mx.managers.SystemManager._xRemoveEventListener(e, o, l) == 0) { clearInterval(mx.managers.SystemManager.interval); } } else { mx.managers.SystemManager._xRemoveEventListener(e, o, l); } } static function onMouseDown(Void) { mx.managers.SystemManager.idleFrames = 0; mx.managers.SystemManager.isMouseDown = true; var _local5 = _root; var _local3; var _local8 = _root._xmouse; var _local7 = _root._ymouse; if (mx.managers.SystemManager.form.modalWindow == undefined) { if (mx.managers.SystemManager.forms.length > 1) { var _local6 = mx.managers.SystemManager.forms.length; var _local4; _local4 = 0; while (_local4 < _local6) { var _local2 = mx.managers.SystemManager.forms[_local4]; if (_local2._visible) { if (_local2.hitTest(_local8, _local7)) { if (_local3 == undefined) { _local3 = _local2.getDepth(); _local5 = _local2; } else if (_local3 < _local2.getDepth()) { _local3 = _local2.getDepth(); _local5 = _local2; } } } _local4++; } if (_local5 != mx.managers.SystemManager.form) { mx.managers.SystemManager.activate(_local5); } } } var _local9 = mx.managers.SystemManager.form; _local9.focusManager._onMouseDown(); } static function onMouseMove(Void) { mx.managers.SystemManager.idleFrames = 0; } static function onMouseUp(Void) { mx.managers.SystemManager.isMouseDown = false; mx.managers.SystemManager.idleFrames = 0; } static function activate(f) { if (mx.managers.SystemManager.form != undefined) { if ((mx.managers.SystemManager.form != f) && (mx.managers.SystemManager.forms.length > 1)) { var _local1 = mx.managers.SystemManager.form; _local1.focusManager.deactivate(); } } mx.managers.SystemManager.form = f; f.focusManager.activate(); } static function deactivate(f) { if (mx.managers.SystemManager.form != undefined) { if ((mx.managers.SystemManager.form == f) && (mx.managers.SystemManager.forms.length > 1)) { var _local5 = mx.managers.SystemManager.form; _local5.focusManager.deactivate(); var _local3 = mx.managers.SystemManager.forms.length; var _local1; var _local2; _local1 = 0; while (_local1 < _local3) { if (mx.managers.SystemManager.forms[_local1] == f) { _local1 = _local1 + 1; while (_local1 < _local3) { if (mx.managers.SystemManager.forms[_local1]._visible == true) { _local2 = mx.managers.SystemManager.forms[_local1]; } _local1++; } mx.managers.SystemManager.form = _local2; break; } if (mx.managers.SystemManager.forms[_local1]._visible == true) { _local2 = mx.managers.SystemManager.forms[_local1]; } _local1++; } _local5 = mx.managers.SystemManager.form; _local5.focusManager.activate(); } } } static function addFocusManager(f) { mx.managers.SystemManager.forms.push(f); mx.managers.SystemManager.activate(f); } static function removeFocusManager(f) { var _local3 = mx.managers.SystemManager.forms.length; var _local1; _local1 = 0; while (_local1 < _local3) { if (mx.managers.SystemManager.forms[_local1] == f) { if (mx.managers.SystemManager.form == f) { mx.managers.SystemManager.deactivate(f); } mx.managers.SystemManager.forms.splice(_local1, 1); return(undefined); } _local1++; } } static function enableOverlappedWindows() { if (!initialized) { initialized = true; mx.managers.SystemManager.checkIdle = checkIdle; mx.managers.SystemManager.__addEventListener = __addEventListener; mx.managers.SystemManager.__removeEventListener = __removeEventListener; mx.managers.SystemManager.onMouseDown = onMouseDown; mx.managers.SystemManager.onMouseMove = onMouseMove; mx.managers.SystemManager.onMouseUp = onMouseUp; mx.managers.SystemManager.activate = activate; mx.managers.SystemManager.deactivate = deactivate; mx.managers.SystemManager.addFocusManager = addFocusManager; mx.managers.SystemManager.removeFocusManager = removeFocusManager; } } static var initialized = false; static var SystemManagerDependency = mx.managers.SystemManager; }
Symbol 88 MovieClip [] Frame 0
class mx.styles.CSSSetStyle { var styleName, stylecache, _color, setColor, invalidateStyle; function CSSSetStyle () { } function _setStyle(styleProp, newValue) { this[styleProp] = newValue; if (mx.styles.StyleManager.TextStyleMap[styleProp] != undefined) { if (styleProp == "color") { if (isNaN(newValue)) { newValue = mx.styles.StyleManager.getColorName(newValue); this[styleProp] = newValue; if (newValue == undefined) { return(undefined); } } } _level0.changeTextStyleInChildren(styleProp); return(undefined); } if (mx.styles.StyleManager.isColorStyle(styleProp)) { if (isNaN(newValue)) { newValue = mx.styles.StyleManager.getColorName(newValue); this[styleProp] = newValue; if (newValue == undefined) { return(undefined); } } if (styleProp == "themeColor") { var _local7 = mx.styles.StyleManager.colorNames.haloBlue; var _local6 = mx.styles.StyleManager.colorNames.haloGreen; var _local8 = mx.styles.StyleManager.colorNames.haloOrange; var _local4 = {}; _local4[_local7] = 12188666 /* 0xB9FBFA */; _local4[_local6] = 13500353 /* 0xCDFFC1 */; _local4[_local8] = 16766319 /* 0xFFD56F */; var _local5 = {}; _local5[_local7] = 13958653 /* 0xD4FDFD */; _local5[_local6] = 14942166 /* 0xE3FFD6 */; _local5[_local8] = 16772787 /* 0xFFEEB3 */; var _local9 = _local4[newValue]; var _local10 = _local5[newValue]; if (_local9 == undefined) { _local9 = newValue; } if (_local10 == undefined) { _local10 = newValue; } setStyle("selectionColor", _local9); setStyle("rollOverColor", _local10); } _level0.changeColorStyleInChildren(styleName, styleProp, newValue); } else { if ((styleProp == "backgroundColor") && (isNaN(newValue))) { newValue = mx.styles.StyleManager.getColorName(newValue); this[styleProp] = newValue; if (newValue == undefined) { return(undefined); } } _level0.notifyStyleChangeInChildren(styleName, styleProp, newValue); } } function changeTextStyleInChildren(styleProp) { var _local4 = getTimer(); var _local5; for (_local5 in this) { var _local2 = this[_local5]; if (_local2._parent == this) { if (_local2.searchKey != _local4) { if (_local2.stylecache != undefined) { delete; delete _local2.stylecache[styleProp]; } _local2.invalidateStyle(styleProp); _local2.changeTextStyleInChildren(styleProp); _local2.searchKey = _local4; } } } } function changeColorStyleInChildren(sheetName, colorStyle, newValue) { var _local6 = getTimer(); var _local7; for (_local7 in this) { var _local2 = this[_local7]; if (_local2._parent == this) { if (_local2.searchKey != _local6) { if (((_local2.getStyleName() == sheetName) || (sheetName == undefined)) || (sheetName == "_global")) { if (_local2.stylecache != undefined) { delete _local2.stylecache[colorStyle]; } if (typeof(_local2._color) == "string") { if (_local2._color == colorStyle) { var _local4 = _local2.getStyle(colorStyle); if (colorStyle == "color") { if ( != undefined) { = _local4; } } _local2.setColor(_local4); } } else if (_local2._color[colorStyle] != undefined) { if (typeof(_local2) != "movieclip") { _local2._parent.invalidateStyle(); } else { _local2.invalidateStyle(colorStyle); } } } _local2.changeColorStyleInChildren(sheetName, colorStyle, newValue); _local2.searchKey = _local6; } } } } function notifyStyleChangeInChildren(sheetName, styleProp, newValue) { var _local5 = getTimer(); var _local6; for (_local6 in this) { var _local2 = this[_local6]; if (_local2._parent == this) { if (_local2.searchKey != _local5) { if (((_local2.styleName == sheetName) || ((_local2.styleName != undefined) && (typeof(_local2.styleName) == "movieclip"))) || (sheetName == undefined)) { if (_local2.stylecache != undefined) { delete _local2.stylecache[styleProp]; delete; } delete _local2.enabledColor; _local2.invalidateStyle(styleProp); } _local2.notifyStyleChangeInChildren(sheetName, styleProp, newValue); _local2.searchKey = _local5; } } } } function setStyle(styleProp, newValue) { if (stylecache != undefined) { delete stylecache[styleProp]; delete; } this[styleProp] = newValue; if (mx.styles.StyleManager.isColorStyle(styleProp)) { if (isNaN(newValue)) { newValue = mx.styles.StyleManager.getColorName(newValue); this[styleProp] = newValue; if (newValue == undefined) { return(undefined); } } if (styleProp == "themeColor") { var _local10 = mx.styles.StyleManager.colorNames.haloBlue; var _local9 = mx.styles.StyleManager.colorNames.haloGreen; var _local11 = mx.styles.StyleManager.colorNames.haloOrange; var _local6 = {}; _local6[_local10] = 12188666 /* 0xB9FBFA */; _local6[_local9] = 13500353 /* 0xCDFFC1 */; _local6[_local11] = 16766319 /* 0xFFD56F */; var _local7 = {}; _local7[_local10] = 13958653 /* 0xD4FDFD */; _local7[_local9] = 14942166 /* 0xE3FFD6 */; _local7[_local11] = 16772787 /* 0xFFEEB3 */; var _local12 = _local6[newValue]; var _local13 = _local7[newValue]; if (_local12 == undefined) { _local12 = newValue; } if (_local13 == undefined) { _local13 = newValue; } setStyle("selectionColor", _local12); setStyle("rollOverColor", _local13); } if (typeof(_color) == "string") { if (_color == styleProp) { if (styleProp == "color") { if ( != undefined) { = newValue; } } setColor(newValue); } } else if (_color[styleProp] != undefined) { invalidateStyle(styleProp); } changeColorStyleInChildren(undefined, styleProp, newValue); } else { if ((styleProp == "backgroundColor") && (isNaN(newValue))) { newValue = mx.styles.StyleManager.getColorName(newValue); this[styleProp] = newValue; if (newValue == undefined) { return(undefined); } } invalidateStyle(styleProp); } if (mx.styles.StyleManager.isInheritingStyle(styleProp) || (styleProp == "styleName")) { var _local8; var _local5 = newValue; if (styleProp == "styleName") { _local8 = ((typeof(newValue) == "string") ? (_global.styles[newValue]) : (_local5)); _local5 = _local8.themeColor; if (_local5 != undefined) { _local8.rollOverColor = (_local8.selectionColor = _local5); } } notifyStyleChangeInChildren(undefined, styleProp, newValue); } } static function enableRunTimeCSS() { } static function classConstruct() { var _local2 = MovieClip.prototype; var _local3 = mx.styles.CSSSetStyle.prototype; mx.styles.CSSStyleDeclaration.prototype.setStyle = _local3._setStyle; _local2.changeTextStyleInChildren = _local3.changeTextStyleInChildren; _local2.changeColorStyleInChildren = _local3.changeColorStyleInChildren; _local2.notifyStyleChangeInChildren = _local3.notifyStyleChangeInChildren; _local2.setStyle = _local3.setStyle; _global.ASSetPropFlags(_local2, "changeTextStyleInChildren", 1); _global.ASSetPropFlags(_local2, "changeColorStyleInChildren", 1); _global.ASSetPropFlags(_local2, "notifyStyleChangeInChildren", 1); _global.ASSetPropFlags(_local2, "setStyle", 1); var _local4 = TextField.prototype; _local4.setStyle = _local2.setStyle; _local4.changeTextStyleInChildren = _local3.changeTextStyleInChildren; return(true); } static var classConstructed = classConstruct(); static var CSSStyleDeclarationDependency = mx.styles.CSSStyleDeclaration; }
Symbol 89 MovieClip [] Frame 0
class mx.core.ext.UIComponentExtensions { function UIComponentExtensions () { } static function Extensions() { if (bExtended == true) { return(true); } bExtended = true; TextField.prototype.setFocus = function () { Selection.setFocus(this); }; TextField.prototype.onSetFocus = function (oldFocus) { if (this.tabEnabled != false) { if (this.getFocusManager().bDrawFocus) { this.drawFocus(true); } } }; TextField.prototype.onKillFocus = function (oldFocus) { if (this.tabEnabled != false) { this.drawFocus(false); } }; TextField.prototype.drawFocus = mx.core.UIComponent.prototype.drawFocus; TextField.prototype.getFocusManager = mx.core.UIComponent.prototype.getFocusManager; mx.managers.OverlappedWindows.enableOverlappedWindows(); mx.styles.CSSSetStyle.enableRunTimeCSS(); mx.managers.FocusManager.enableFocusManagement(); } static var bExtended = false; static var UIComponentExtended = Extensions(); static var UIComponentDependency = mx.core.UIComponent; static var FocusManagerDependency = mx.managers.FocusManager; static var OverlappedWindowsDependency = mx.managers.OverlappedWindows; }
Symbol 90 MovieClip [] Frame 0
class mx.skins.Border extends mx.core.UIObject { function Border () { super(); } function init(Void) { super.init(); } static var symbolName = "Border"; static var symbolOwner = mx.skins.Border; var className = "Border"; var tagBorder = 0; var idNames = new Array("border_mc"); }
Symbol 91 MovieClip [] Frame 0
class mx.skins.RectBorder extends mx.skins.Border { var __width, __height, offset, __borderMetrics; function RectBorder () { super(); } function get width() { return(__width); } function get height() { return(__height); } function init(Void) { super.init(); } function draw(Void) { size(); } function getBorderMetrics(Void) { var _local2 = offset; if (__borderMetrics == undefined) { __borderMetrics = {left:_local2, top:_local2, right:_local2, bottom:_local2}; } else { __borderMetrics.left = _local2; = _local2; __borderMetrics.right = _local2; __borderMetrics.bottom = _local2; } return(__borderMetrics); } function get borderMetrics() { return(getBorderMetrics()); } function drawBorder(Void) { } function size(Void) { drawBorder(); } function setColor(Void) { drawBorder(); } static var symbolName = "RectBorder"; static var symbolOwner = mx.skins.RectBorder; static var version = ""; var className = "RectBorder"; var borderStyleName = "borderStyle"; var borderColorName = "borderColor"; var shadowColorName = "shadowColor"; var highlightColorName = "highlightColor"; var buttonColorName = "buttonColor"; var backgroundColorName = "backgroundColor"; }
Symbol 92 MovieClip [] Frame 0
class mx.skins.halo.RectBorder extends mx.skins.RectBorder { var offset, getStyle, borderStyleName, __borderMetrics, className, borderColorName, backgroundColorName, shadowColorName, highlightColorName, buttonColorName, __get__width, __get__height, clear, _color, drawRoundRect, beginFill, drawRect, endFill; function RectBorder () { super(); } function init(Void) { borderWidths.default = 3; super.init(); } function getBorderMetrics(Void) { if (offset == undefined) { var _local3 = getStyle(borderStyleName); offset = borderWidths[_local3]; } if ((getStyle(borderStyleName) == "default") || (getStyle(borderStyleName) == "alert")) { __borderMetrics = {left:3, top:1, right:3, bottom:3}; return(__borderMetrics); } return(super.getBorderMetrics()); } function drawBorder(Void) { var _local6 = _global.styles[className]; if (_local6 == undefined) { _local6 = _global.styles.RectBorder; } var _local5 = getStyle(borderStyleName); var _local7 = getStyle(borderColorName); if (_local7 == undefined) { _local7 = _local6[borderColorName]; } var _local8 = getStyle(backgroundColorName); if (_local8 == undefined) { _local8 = _local6[backgroundColorName]; } var _local16 = getStyle("backgroundImage"); if (_local5 != "none") { var _local14 = getStyle(shadowColorName); if (_local14 == undefined) { _local14 = _local6[shadowColorName]; } var _local13 = getStyle(highlightColorName); if (_local13 == undefined) { _local13 = _local6[highlightColorName]; } var _local12 = getStyle(buttonColorName); if (_local12 == undefined) { _local12 = _local6[buttonColorName]; } var _local11 = getStyle(borderCapColorName); if (_local11 == undefined) { _local11 = _local6[borderCapColorName]; } var _local10 = getStyle(shadowCapColorName); if (_local10 == undefined) { _local10 = _local6[shadowCapColorName]; } } offset = borderWidths[_local5]; var _local9 = offset; var _local3 = __get__width(); var _local4 = __get__height(); clear(); _color = undefined; if (_local5 == "none") { } else if (_local5 == "inset") { _color = colorList; draw3dBorder(_local11, _local12, _local7, _local13, _local14, _local10); } else if (_local5 == "outset") { _color = colorList; draw3dBorder(_local11, _local7, _local12, _local14, _local13, _local10); } else if (_local5 == "alert") { var _local15 = getStyle("themeColor"); drawRoundRect(0, 5, _local3, _local4 - 5, 5, 6184542, 10); drawRoundRect(1, 4, _local3 - 2, _local4 - 5, 4, [6184542, 6184542], 10, 0, "radial"); drawRoundRect(2, 0, _local3 - 4, _local4 - 2, 3, [0, 14342874], 100, 0, "radial"); drawRoundRect(2, 0, _local3 - 4, _local4 - 2, 3, _local15, 50); drawRoundRect(3, 1, _local3 - 6, _local4 - 4, 2, 16777215, 100); } else if (_local5 == "default") { drawRoundRect(0, 5, _local3, _local4 - 5, {tl:5, tr:5, br:0, bl:0}, 6184542, 10); drawRoundRect(1, 4, _local3 - 2, _local4 - 5, {tl:4, tr:4, br:0, bl:0}, [6184542, 6184542], 10, 0, "radial"); drawRoundRect(2, 0, _local3 - 4, _local4 - 2, {tl:3, tr:3, br:0, bl:0}, [12897484, 11844796], 100, 0, "radial"); drawRoundRect(3, 1, _local3 - 6, _local4 - 4, {tl:2, tr:2, br:0, bl:0}, 16777215, 100); } else if (_local5 == "dropDown") { drawRoundRect(0, 0, _local3 + 1, _local4, {tl:4, tr:0, br:0, bl:4}, [13290186, 7895160], 100, -10, "linear"); drawRoundRect(1, 1, _local3 - 1, _local4 - 2, {tl:3, tr:0, br:0, bl:3}, 16777215, 100); } else if (_local5 == "menuBorder") { var _local15 = getStyle("themeColor"); drawRoundRect(4, 4, _local3 - 2, _local4 - 3, 0, [6184542, 6184542], 10, 0, "radial"); drawRoundRect(4, 4, _local3 - 1, _local4 - 2, 0, 6184542, 10); drawRoundRect(0, 0, _local3 + 1, _local4, 0, [0, 14342874], 100, 250, "linear"); drawRoundRect(0, 0, _local3 + 1, _local4, 0, _local15, 50); drawRoundRect(2, 2, _local3 - 3, _local4 - 4, 0, 16777215, 100); } else if (_local5 == "comboNonEdit") { } else { beginFill(_local7); drawRect(0, 0, _local3, _local4); drawRect(1, 1, _local3 - 1, _local4 - 1); endFill(); _color = borderColorName; } if (_local8 != undefined) { beginFill(_local8); drawRect(_local9, _local9, __get__width() - _local9, __get__height() - _local9); endFill(); } } function draw3dBorder(c1, c2, c3, c4, c5, c6) { var _local3 = __get__width(); var _local2 = __get__height(); beginFill(c1); drawRect(0, 0, _local3, _local2); drawRect(1, 0, _local3 - 1, _local2); endFill(); beginFill(c2); drawRect(1, 0, _local3 - 1, 1); endFill(); beginFill(c3); drawRect(1, _local2 - 1, _local3 - 1, _local2); endFill(); beginFill(c4); drawRect(1, 1, _local3 - 1, 2); endFill(); beginFill(c5); drawRect(1, _local2 - 2, _local3 - 1, _local2 - 1); endFill(); beginFill(c6); drawRect(1, 2, _local3 - 1, _local2 - 2); drawRect(2, 2, _local3 - 2, _local2 - 2); endFill(); } static function classConstruct() { mx.core.ext.UIObjectExtensions.Extensions(); _global.styles.rectBorderClass = mx.skins.halo.RectBorder; _global.skinRegistry.RectBorder = true; return(true); } static var symbolName = "RectBorder"; static var symbolOwner = mx.skins.halo.RectBorder; static var version = ""; var borderCapColorName = "borderCapColor"; var shadowCapColorName = "shadowCapColor"; var colorList = {highlightColor:0, borderColor:0, buttonColor:0, shadowColor:0, borderCapColor:0, shadowCapColor:0}; var borderWidths = {none:0, solid:1, inset:2, outset:2, alert:3, dropDown:2, menuBorder:2, comboNonEdit:2}; static var classConstructed = classConstruct(); static var UIObjectExtensionsDependency = mx.core.ext.UIObjectExtensions; }
Symbol 93 MovieClip [] Frame 0
class mx.skins.halo.ButtonSkin extends mx.skins.RectBorder { var __get__width, __get__height, getStyle, _parent, clear, drawRoundRect, __get__x, __get__y; function ButtonSkin () { super(); } function init() { super.init(); } function size() { drawHaloRect(__get__width(), __get__height()); } function drawHaloRect(w, h) { var _local6 = getStyle("borderStyle"); var _local4 = getStyle("themeColor"); var _local5 = _parent.emphasized; clear(); switch (_local6) { case "falseup" : if (_local5) { drawRoundRect(__get__x(), __get__y(), w, h, 5, 9542041, 100); drawRoundRect(__get__x(), __get__y(), w, h, 5, _local4, 75); drawRoundRect(__get__x() + 1, __get__y() + 1, w - 2, h - 2, 4, [3355443, 16777215], 85, 0, "radial"); drawRoundRect(__get__x() + 2, __get__y() + 2, w - 4, h - 4, 3, [0, 14342874], 100, 0, "radial"); drawRoundRect(__get__x() + 2, __get__y() + 2, w - 4, h - 4, 3, _local4, 75); drawRoundRect(__get__x() + 3, __get__y() + 3, w - 6, h - 6, 2, 16777215, 100); drawRoundRect(__get__x() + 3, __get__y() + 4, w - 6, h - 7, 2, 16316664, 100); } else { drawRoundRect(0, 0, w, h, 5, 9542041, 100); drawRoundRect(1, 1, w - 2, h - 2, 4, [13291985, 16250871], 100, 0, "radial"); drawRoundRect(2, 2, w - 4, h - 4, 3, [9542041, 13818586], 100, 0, "radial"); drawRoundRect(3, 3, w - 6, h - 6, 2, 16777215, 100); drawRoundRect(3, 4, w - 6, h - 7, 2, 16316664, 100); } break; case "falsedown" : drawRoundRect(__get__x(), __get__y(), w, h, 5, 9542041, 100); drawRoundRect(__get__x() + 1, __get__y() + 1, w - 2, h - 2, 4, [3355443, 16579836], 100, 0, "radial"); drawRoundRect(__get__x() + 1, __get__y() + 1, w - 2, h - 2, 4, _local4, 50); drawRoundRect(__get__x() + 2, __get__y() + 2, w - 4, h - 4, 3, [0, 14342874], 100, 0, "radial"); drawRoundRect(__get__x(), __get__y(), w, h, 5, _local4, 40); drawRoundRect(__get__x() + 3, __get__y() + 3, w - 6, h - 6, 2, 16777215, 100); drawRoundRect(__get__x() + 3, __get__y() + 4, w - 6, h - 7, 2, _local4, 20); break; case "falserollover" : drawRoundRect(__get__x(), __get__y(), w, h, 5, 9542041, 100); drawRoundRect(__get__x(), __get__y(), w, h, 5, _local4, 50); drawRoundRect(__get__x() + 1, __get__y() + 1, w - 2, h - 2, 4, [3355443, 16777215], 100, 0, "radial"); drawRoundRect(__get__x() + 2, __get__y() + 2, w - 4, h - 4, 3, [0, 14342874], 100, 0, "radial"); drawRoundRect(__get__x() + 2, __get__y() + 2, w - 4, h - 4, 3, _local4, 50); drawRoundRect(__get__x() + 3, __get__y() + 3, w - 6, h - 6, 2, 16777215, 100); drawRoundRect(__get__x() + 3, __get__y() + 4, w - 6, h - 7, 2, 16316664, 100); break; case "falsedisabled" : drawRoundRect(0, 0, w, h, 5, 13159628, 100); drawRoundRect(1, 1, w - 2, h - 2, 4, 15921906, 100); drawRoundRect(2, 2, w - 4, h - 4, 3, 13949401, 100); drawRoundRect(3, 3, w - 6, h - 6, 2, 15921906, 100); break; case "trueup" : drawRoundRect(__get__x(), __get__y(), w, h, 5, 10066329, 100); drawRoundRect(__get__x() + 1, __get__y() + 1, w - 2, h - 2, 4, [3355443, 16579836], 100, 0, "radial"); drawRoundRect(__get__x() + 1, __get__y() + 1, w - 2, h - 2, 4, _local4, 50); drawRoundRect(__get__x() + 2, __get__y() + 2, w - 4, h - 4, 3, [0, 14342874], 100, 0, "radial"); drawRoundRect(__get__x(), __get__y(), w, h, 5, _local4, 40); drawRoundRect(__get__x() + 3, __get__y() + 3, w - 6, h - 6, 2, 16777215, 100); drawRoundRect(__get__x() + 3, __get__y() + 4, w - 6, h - 7, 2, 16250871, 100); break; case "truedown" : drawRoundRect(__get__x(), __get__y(), w, h, 5, 10066329, 100); drawRoundRect(__get__x() + 1, __get__y() + 1, w - 2, h - 2, 4, [3355443, 16579836], 100, 0, "radial"); drawRoundRect(__get__x() + 1, __get__y() + 1, w - 2, h - 2, 4, _local4, 50); drawRoundRect(__get__x() + 2, __get__y() + 2, w - 4, h - 4, 3, [0, 14342874], 100, 0, "radial"); drawRoundRect(__get__x(), __get__y(), w, h, 5, _local4, 40); drawRoundRect(__get__x() + 3, __get__y() + 3, w - 6, h - 6, 2, 16777215, 100); drawRoundRect(__get__x() + 3, __get__y() + 4, w - 6, h - 7, 2, _local4, 20); break; case "truerollover" : drawRoundRect(__get__x(), __get__y(), w, h, 5, 9542041, 100); drawRoundRect(__get__x(), __get__y(), w, h, 5, _local4, 50); drawRoundRect(__get__x() + 1, __get__y() + 1, w - 2, h - 2, 4, [3355443, 16777215], 100, 0, "radial"); drawRoundRect(__get__x() + 1, __get__y() + 1, w - 2, h - 2, 4, _local4, 40); drawRoundRect(__get__x() + 2, __get__y() + 2, w - 4, h - 4, 3, [0, 14342874], 100, 0, "radial"); drawRoundRect(__get__x() + 2, __get__y() + 2, w - 4, h - 4, 3, _local4, 40); drawRoundRect(__get__x() + 3, __get__y() + 3, w - 6, h - 6, 2, 16777215, 100); drawRoundRect(__get__x() + 3, __get__y() + 4, w - 6, h - 7, 2, 16316664, 100); break; case "truedisabled" : drawRoundRect(0, 0, w, h, 5, 13159628, 100); drawRoundRect(1, 1, w - 2, h - 2, 4, 15921906, 100); drawRoundRect(2, 2, w - 4, h - 4, 3, 13949401, 100); drawRoundRect(3, 3, w - 6, h - 6, 2, 15921906, 100); } } static function classConstruct() { mx.core.ext.UIObjectExtensions.Extensions(); _global.skinRegistry.ButtonSkin = true; return(true); } static var symbolName = "ButtonSkin"; static var symbolOwner = mx.skins.halo.ButtonSkin; var className = "ButtonSkin"; var backgroundColorName = "buttonColor"; static var classConstructed = classConstruct(); static var UIObjectExtensionsDependency = mx.core.ext.UIObjectExtensions; }
Symbol 99 MovieClip [swf\jump.swf] Frame 1
stop(); _this = this; start = function () { _this.nextFrame(); };
Symbol 99 MovieClip [swf\jump.swf] Frame 2
_this = this; stop(); if (!ZigoEngine) { com.mosesSupposes.fuse.ZigoEngine.simpleSetup(com.mosesSupposes.fuse.Shortcuts, com.mosesSupposes.fuse.PennerEasing); } target = _this._parent; time = Number(time) || 0.2; jumpHeight = Number(jumpHeight) || 16; yInit = target._y; rise = function () { com.mosesSupposes.fuse.ZigoEngine.doTween(target, "_y", yInit - jumpHeight, time / 2, "easeOutQuad", 0, fall); }; fall = function () { com.mosesSupposes.fuse.ZigoEngine.doTween(target, "_y", yInit, time / 2, "easeInQuad", 0, jumpDone); }; jumpDone = function () { _this.nextFrame(); }; rise();
Symbol 99 MovieClip [swf\jump.swf] Frame 3
stop(); _name = ""; onClose(); removeThis = function (_this) { _this.onUnload(); _this.removeMovieClip(); }; setTimeout(removeThis, 34, this);
Symbol 100 MovieClip Frame 1
var mat = [0.6, 0.11, 0.11, 0, 0, 0.11, 0.7, 0.11, 0, 0, 0.11, 0.11, 0.8, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0]; grayish = new flash.filters.ColorMatrixFilter(mat); var mat = [1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0]; normal = new flash.filters.ColorMatrixFilter(mat); loop = function () { if (!MAP.hasOvercastTone) { MAP.filters = [grayish]; MAP.hasOvercastTone = true; } }; loop(); onUnload = function () { delete MAP.hasOvercastTone; MAP.filters = [normal]; };
Symbol 103 MovieClip Frame 1
var min = 2; var range = (_totalframes - min); var randFrame = (Math.floor(Math.random() * range) + min); gotoAndPlay(randFrame);
Symbol 103 MovieClip Frame 2
_x = (Math.random() * 320); _y = ((Math.random() * 120) + 120);
Symbol 103 MovieClip Frame 10
gotoAndPlay ("loop");
Symbol 104 MovieClip Frame 1
var mat = [0.6, 0.11, 0.11, 0, 0, 0.11, 0.7, 0.11, 0, 0, 0.11, 0.11, 0.8, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0]; grayish = new flash.filters.ColorMatrixFilter(mat); var mat = [1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0]; normal = new flash.filters.ColorMatrixFilter(mat); loop = function () { if (!MAP.hasRainTone) { MAP.filters = [grayish]; MAP.hasRainTone = true; } }; loop(); onUnload = function () { delete MAP.hasRainTone; MAP.filters = [normal]; };
Symbol 112 MovieClip Frame 1
yOffset = -8; setPosition = function () { var _local3 = SPRITES.player; var _local2 = new flash.geom.Point(_local3._x, _local3._y + yOffset); SPRITES.localToGlobal(_local2); _parent.globalToLocal(_local2); _x = _local2.x; _y = _local2.y; }; setPosition(); onEnterFrame = function () { setPosition(); };
Symbol 113 MovieClip Frame 1
_alpha = _parent.darkAlpha; light._xscale = (light._yscale = _parent.lightScale);
Symbol 116 MovieClip Frame 1
rotRange = 45; halfWidth = 160; addFlake = function () { var _local3 = Math.random() * 320; var _local6 = Math.random() * 320; var _local5 = ((_local3 - 160) / halfWidth) * rotRange; var _local2 = Math.floor(Math.random() * 99999); var _local4 = "flake_" + _local2; this.attachMovie("snowFall", _local4, _local2, {_x:_local3, _y:_local6, _rotation:_local5}); }; onEnterFrame = addFlake;
Symbol 117 MovieClip [swf\mood.swf] Frame 1
stop(); _this = this; _mood = mood || "none"; get_mood = function () { return(_mood); }; set_mood = function (newValue) { if (_mood != newValue) { _mood = newValue; for (var _local1 in _this) { _this[_local1].onUnload(); } _this.gotoAndStop(newValue); } }; this.addProperty("mood", get_mood, set_mood); mood = _mood; _lightScale = lightScale || 100; get_lightScale = function () { return(_lightScale); }; set_lightScale = function (newValue) { if ((_mood == "dark") && (_lightScale != newValue)) { _lightScale = newValue; image.light._xscale = newValue; image.light._yscale = newValue; } }; this.addProperty("lightScale", get_lightScale, set_lightScale); _darkAlpha = darkAlpha || 85; get_darkAlpha = function () { return(_darkAlpha); }; set_darkAlpha = function (newValue) { if ((_mood == "dark") && (_darkAlpha != newValue)) { _darkAlpha = newValue; image._alpha = newValue; } }; this.addProperty("darkAlpha", get_darkAlpha, set_darkAlpha); darkAlpha = _darkAlpha;
Symbol 121 MovieClip Frame 1
onPress = function () {; };
Symbol 123 MovieClip Frame 1
onPress = function () {; };
Symbol 124 MovieClip [swf\skipReplay.swf] Frame 1
skip = ((skip != undefined) ? (Boolean(skip)) : true); replay = ((replay != undefined) ? (Boolean(replay)) : true); skip_mc._visible = skip; replay_mc._visible = replay;
Symbol 135 MovieClip Frame 1
_this = this; _x = Math.floor(_x); _y = Math.floor(_y); __width = Math.floor(_width); __height = Math.floor(_height); _yscale = 100; _xscale = 100; fade_mc._visible = false; fade_mc._width = __width; fade_mc._height = __height; marker._visible = false; _this.createEmptyMovieClip("background_mc", 1); background_pic = new flash.display.BitmapData(__width, __height, true, 0); background_mc.attachBitmap(background_pic, 0, true, false); background_mc.cacheAsBitmap = true; background_mc.setMask(fade_mc); background_mc.swapDepths(fade_mc); drawRect = function (pic, x, y, w, h) { background_mc.beginBitmapFill(pic); background_mc.moveTo(x, y); background_mc.lineTo(x + w, y); background_mc.lineTo(x + w, y + h); background_mc.lineTo(x, y + h); background_mc.lineTo(x, y); background_mc.endFill(); }; displayBackground = function () { var _local3 = new flash.display.BitmapData(32, 32, true, 0); _local3.draw(image_mc); var _local4 = new flash.geom.Rectangle(8, 8, 16, 16); var _local15 = new flash.geom.Rectangle(0, 8, 8, 16); var _local14 = new flash.geom.Rectangle(24, 8, 8, 16); var _local9 = new flash.geom.Rectangle(8, 0, 16, 8); var _local8 = new flash.geom.Rectangle(8, 24, 16, 8); var _local10 = Math.ceil((__height - 16) / 16); var _local13 = Math.ceil((__width - 16) / 16); var _local2 = 0; while (_local2 < _local10) { var _local1 = 0; while (_local1 < _local13) { var _local6 = new flash.geom.Point(8 + (_local1 * _local4.width), 8 + (_local2 * _local4.height)); background_pic.copyPixels(_local3, _local4, _local6); if (_local2 == (_local10 - 1)) { var _local7 = new flash.geom.Point(8 + (_local1 * _local9.width), 0); var _local5 = new flash.geom.Point(8 + (_local1 * _local8.width), __height - 8); background_pic.copyPixels(_local3, _local9, _local7); background_pic.copyPixels(_local3, _local8, _local5); } _local1++; } var _local11 = new flash.geom.Point(0, 8 + (_local2 * _local15.height)); var _local12 = new flash.geom.Point(__width - 8, 8 + (_local2 * _local14.height)); background_pic.copyPixels(_local3, _local15, _local11); background_pic.copyPixels(_local3, _local14, _local12); _local2++; } var _local16 = new flash.geom.Rectangle(0, 0, 8, 8); var _local17 = new flash.geom.Point(0, 0); background_pic.copyPixels(_local3, _local16, _local17); _local16 = new flash.geom.Rectangle(0, 24, 8, 8); _local17 = new flash.geom.Point(0, __height - 8); background_pic.copyPixels(_local3, _local16, _local17); _local16 = new flash.geom.Rectangle(24, 0, 8, 8); _local17 = new flash.geom.Point(__width - 8, 0); background_pic.copyPixels(_local3, _local16, _local17); _local16 = new flash.geom.Rectangle(24, 24, 8, 8); _local17 = new flash.geom.Point(__width - 8, __height - 8); background_pic.copyPixels(_local3, _local16, _local17); _this.image_mc.unloadMovie(); }; imageLoader = new MovieClipLoader(); initImage = image; _image = ""; _this.getImage = function () { return(_image); }; _this.setImage = function (newValue, doEvent) { if (newValue != _this._image) { _this._image = newValue; _this.image_mc.unloadMovie(); var _local3 = new flash.geom.Rectangle(0, 0, __width, __height); background_pic.fillRect(_local3, 0); _this.createEmptyMovieClip("image_mc", 0); _this.image_mc._alpha = 0; _this.image_mc.attachMovie(newValue, "image", 0); if ((_this.image_mc._width == undefined) || (_this.image_mc._width == 0)) { var _local2 = flash.display.BitmapData.loadBitmap(newValue); _this.image_mc.attachBitmap(_local2, 0); if (_this.image_mc._width == 0) { imageLoader.onLoadInit = function () { displayBackground(); }; imageLoader.loadClip(newValue, image_mc); } else { displayBackground(); } } else { displayBackground(); } } }; _this.addProperty("image", _this.getImage, _this.setImage); image = initImage;
Symbol 137 MovieClip [swf\textbox.swf] Frame 1
stop(); if (!parent) { parent = _parent; } _this = this; interruptClose = false; closeNow = function () { _this.interruptClose = true; _this.onUnload(); _this.removeMovieClip(); _this.unloadMovie(); }; makeProperty = function (propName, defaultValue) { var _local1 = _this[propName]; if (_this["get_" + propName] == undefined) { _this["get_" + propName] = function () { return(_this["_" + propName]); }; } if (_this["set_" + propName] == undefined) { _this["set_" + propName] = function (newValue) { _this["_" + propName] = newValue; }; } _this.addProperty(propName, _this["get_" + propName], _this["set_" + propName]); var _local2 = ((_local1 != undefined) ? (_local1) : (defaultValue)); if (_local2 != undefined) { _this["set_" + propName](_local2); } }; set_closeAll = function (newValue) { if (newValue) { var _local2 = []; for (var _local3 in parent) { if (parent[_local3].closeOnSpace != undefined) { _local2.push(parent[_local3]); } } var _local1 = _local2.length - 1; while (_local1 >= 0) { _local2[_local1].closeNow(); _local1--; } } }; makeProperty("closeOnSpace", true); makeProperty("closeOnClick", true); makeProperty("typeDelay", 0); makeProperty("enterKey", ( || (ROM.textbox.enterKey)) || 32); makeProperty("cancelKey", 27); makeProperty("skipKey", 16); makeProperty("typingSound", ""); makeProperty("soundSystem", SOUND); makeProperty("closeAll", false); get_background = function () { return(bg.image); }; set_background = function (newValue, doEvent) { bg.image = newValue; }; makeProperty("background"); var offset = 16; faceLoader = new MovieClipLoader(); minTextWidth = 240; minTextOffset = 72; maxTextWidth = 296; maxTextOffset = 16; faceMargin = 6; set_face = function (newValue, doEvent) { face_mc.complete = function () { var _local2 = (face_mc._x + face_mc._width) + faceMargin; var _local1 = maxTextWidth - face_mc._width; _this.message_txt._width = _local1 - faceMargin; _this.message_txt._x = _local2; }; face_mc.error = function () { var _local2 = face_mc._x; var _local1 = maxTextWidth; _this.message_txt._width = _local1; _this.message_txt._x = _local2; }; face_mc.file = newValue; }; makeProperty("face"); message_txt.condenseWhite = false; readIndex = 0; delayTimeout = null; forceSound = true; waitForClick = false; doneTyping = false; initInstantDisplay = (instantDisplay ? (instantDisplay) : false); _html = "<p>"; set_text = function (newValue, doEvent) { var _local3 = 0; var _local6 = String.fromCharCode(10); while (newValue.indexOf(_local6, _local3) != -1) { var _local2 = newValue.indexOf(_local6, _local3); var _local5 = newValue.slice(0, _local2); var _local4 = newValue.slice(_local2 + 1); newValue = _local5 + _local4; _local3 = _local2; } _local3 = 0; _local6 = String.fromCharCode(13); while (newValue.indexOf(_local6, _local3) != -1) { var _local2 = newValue.indexOf(_local6, _local3); var _local5 = newValue.slice(0, _local2); var _local4 = newValue.slice(_local2 + 1); newValue = (_local5 + "\\n") + _local4; _local3 = _local2; _local3 = _local3 + 2; } _this._text = newValue; _this._html = "<p>"; _this.message_txt.htmlText = ""; _this.readIndex = 0; _this.waitForClick = false; _this.doneTyping = false; _this.instantDisplay = false; clearTimeout(_this.delayTimeout); if (newValue != "") { _this.forceSound = true; setTimeout(_this.typeMessage, 34); } }; typeMessage = function () { if (!_this.doneTyping) { var _local1 = _text.charAt(_this.readIndex); if (Key.isDown(_this.skipKey)) { _this.instantDisplay = true; } if (_local1 == "\\") { _this.readIndex++; var _local2 = String(_text.charAt(_this.readIndex)); switch (_local2) { case "." : var _local3 = 1; _this.forceSound = true; break; case "!" : _this.waitForClick = true; break; case "n" : _this._html = _this._html + newline; break; case "s" : _this.readIndex++; var _local7 = Number(_text.charAt(_this.readIndex)); _this.typeDelay = _local7; if (_this.typeDelay == 0) { _this.forceSound = true; } break; case "l" : _this._html = _this._html + "<p align=\"left\">"; break; case "m" : _this._html = _this._html + "<p align=\"center\">"; break; case "r" : _this._html = _this._html + "<p align=\"right\">"; break; case "#" : _this.readIndex++; var _local4 = _text.charAt(_this.readIndex) == "#"; if (_local4) { _this._html = _this._html + "</font>"; } else { var _local5 = String(_text.substr(_this.readIndex, 6)); _this._html = _this._html + (("<font color=\"#" + _local5) + "\">"); _this.readIndex = _this.readIndex + 5; } break; default : if (isNaN(_local2)) { break; } var _local9 = _text.charAt(_this.readIndex); var _local8 = Number(_local9); _local3 = _local8; _this.forceSound = true; } } else { var _local6 = (_this.typeDelay > 0) && (!_this.instantDisplay); if (_this.forceSound || (_local6)) { if (_local1 != _this.enterKey) {; _this.forceSound = false; } } _this._html = _this._html + _local1; } _this.message_txt.htmlText = _this._html; _this.readIndex++; if (_this.readIndex < _text.length) { if (_this.instantDisplay) { _this.typeMessage(); } else if (_local3) { _this.delayTimeout = setTimeout(_this.typeMessage, _local3 * 200); } else if (_this.waitForClick) { } else if (_local2) { _this.typeMessage(); } else if (_this.typeDelay) { if (_local1 == " ") { _this.typeMessage(); } else { _this.delayTimeout = setTimeout(_this.typeMessage, _this.typeDelay * 25); } } else { _this.typeMessage(); } } else { _this.doneTyping = true; _this.messageDone(); } } }; makeProperty("text"); instantDisplay = initInstantDisplay; if (_this.instantDisplay) { clearTimeout(_this.delayTimeout); setTimeout(_this.typeMessage, 34); } closeTriggers = {}; close = function () { if (_this.doneTyping) { var _local1 = function (_this) { if (!_this.interruptClose) { _this.nextFrame(); } }; setTimeout(_local1, 66, _this); } }; closeTriggers.onMouseUp = function () { if (_this.closeOnClick) { close(); } if (_this.waitForClick) { _this.waitForClick = false; typeMessage(); } }; Mouse.addListener(closeTriggers); if (Key.isDown(_this.enterKey) || (Key.isDown(_this.cancelKey))) { waitForInitRelease = true; } closeTriggers.onKeyUp = function () { var _local1 = Key.getCode(); if (!waitForInitRelease) { if (Key.isDown(16)) { _this.waitForClick = false; clearTimeout(_this.delayTimeout); _this.typeMessage(); } if ((((_local1 == _this.enterKey) || (_local1 == _this.cancelKey)) && (_this.closeOnSpace)) && (!_this.waitForClick)) { close(); } if (_this.waitForClick) { _this.waitForClick = false; typeMessage(); } } else if (!(Key.isDown(_this.enterKey) || (Key.isDown(_this.cancelKey)))) { waitForInitRelease = false; } }; Key.addListener(closeTriggers); onUnload = function () { clearTimeout(_this.delayTimeout); Mouse.removeListener(closeTriggers); Key.removeListener(closeTriggers); };
Instance of Symbol 135 MovieClip "bg" in Symbol 137 MovieClip [swf\textbox.swf] Frame 1
//component parameters onClipEvent (construct) { image = ""; }
Instance of Symbol 33 MovieClip [imageLoader] "face_mc" in Symbol 137 MovieClip [swf\textbox.swf] Frame 1
//component parameters onClipEvent (construct) { file = ""; scaleContent = false; enabled = true; visible = true; }
Symbol 137 MovieClip [swf\textbox.swf] Frame 2
stop(); _name = ""; _this.onClose(); removeThis = function (_this) { _this.onUnload(); _this.removeMovieClip(); }; setTimeout(removeThis, 34, this);
Instance of Symbol 145 MovieClip "replay_mc" in Symbol 146 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) { if (_parent.replay) { _visible = true; onRelease = function () { MUSIC.stopMusic(); SOUND.stopAll(); var _local5 = (_parent.level ? (_parent.level) : (ROM.startingPlace.level)); var _local4 = (_parent.x ? (_parent.x) : (ROM.startingPlace.x)); var _local3 = (_parent.y ? (_parent.y) : (ROM.startingPlace.y)); var _local2 = new flash.geom.Point(_local4, _local3); ROOT.loadLevel(_local5, _local2); _parent._parent.removeMovieClip(); _parent._parent.unloadMovie(); }; } else { _visible = false; } }
Symbol 147 MovieClip Frame 1
inter.level = level; inter.x = x; inter.y = y; inter.replay = replay;
Symbol 147 MovieClip Frame 31
Symbol 148 MovieClip [swf\theEnd.swf] Frame 2
stop(); inter.level = level; inter.x = x; inter.y = y; inter.replay = replay;
Symbol 152 MovieClip [levels\wolf_parenting2\_setup.lvl] Frame 1
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Symbol 153 MovieClip [levels\wolf_parenting2\bedroom1.lvl] Frame 1
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Symbol 154 MovieClip [levels\wolf_parenting2\bedroom2.lvl] Frame 1
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_this.previous_mc._x = _this.offsetX; _this.previous_mc._y = _this.offsetY; _this.loader.new_charset = new_charset; _this.loader._this = _this; _this.internal.frame = _this.init.frame; _this.loader.onLoadInit = function (image_mc) { var _local1 = image_mc._parent; _local1.updateSize(); _local1.image_mc.setMask(_local1.mask_mc); _local1.previous_mc.removeMovieClip(); _local1.update(); _local1.image_mc._alpha = 100; _local1.onLoad(); }; _this.loader.onLoadError = function () { }; _this.loader.externalFile = false; _this.image_mc.removeMovieClip(); _this.createEmptyMovieClip("image_mc", 2); _this.image_mc._alpha = 0; _this.image_mc.attachMovie(new_charset, "image", 2); if ((_this.image_mc._width == undefined) || (_this.image_mc._width == 0)) { _this.image_pic.dispose(); _this.image_pic = flash.display.BitmapData.loadBitmap(new_charset); _this.image_mc.attachBitmap(_this.image_pic, 0); if ((_this.image_mc._width == undefined) || (_this.image_mc._width == 0)) { _this.loader.externalFile = true; _this.loader.loadClip(new_charset, _this.image_mc); } else { setTimeout(_this.loader.onLoadInit, 1, _this.image_mc); } } else { setTimeout(_this.loader.onLoadInit, 1, _this.image_mc); } }; _this.set_directions = function (new_directions) { if (new_directions < 0) { new_directions = 1; } _this.internal.directions = Math.floor(Math.abs(Number(new_directions))); _this.internal.direction = _this.internal.direction % _this.internal.directions; _this.updateSize(); _this.refresh = true; }; _this.set_direction = function (new_direction) { var _local2 = _this.internal.directions / 4; if (new_direction == "up") { new_direction = 0; } else if (new_direction == "right") { new_direction = Math.floor(1 * _local2); } else if (new_direction == "down") { new_direction = Math.floor(2 * _local2); } else if (new_direction == "left") { new_direction = Math.floor(3 * _local2); } while (new_direction < 0) { new_direction = new_direction + _this.internal.directions; } new_direction = new_direction % _this.internal.directions; _this.refresh = true; _this.internal.direction = Math.floor(Number(new_direction)); }; _this.set_frames = function (new_frames) { if (_this.internal.frame > (new_frames - 1)) { _this.internal.frame = new_frames - 1; } if (_this.init.frame > (new_frames - 1)) { _this.init.frame = new_frames - 1; } _this.internal.frames = Math.floor(Math.abs(Number(new_frames))); if (_this.internal.frame > (_this.internal.frames - 1)) { _this.internal.frame = _this.internal.frames - 1; } _this.init.frame = _this.internal.frame; _this.updateSize(); _this.refresh = true; }; _this.set_frame = function (new_frame) { if (new_frame < 0) { new_frame = 0; } if (new_frame > (_this.internal.frames - 1)) { new_frame = _this.internal.frames - 1; } _this.refresh = true; _this.init.frame = (_this.internal.frame = Math.floor(Math.abs(Number(new_frame)))); }; _this.set_columns = function (new_columns) { _this.internal.columns = Math.floor(Math.abs(Number(new_columns))); _this.updateSize(); _this.refresh = true; }; _this.set_rows = function (new_rows) { _this.internal.rows = Math.floor(Math.abs(Number(new_rows))); _this.updateSize(); _this.refresh = true; }; _this.set_pose = function (new_pose) { var _local1 = (_this.internal.columns * _this.internal.rows) - 1; if (new_pose < 0) { new_pose = 0; } if (new_pose > _local1) { new_pose = _local1; } _this.refresh = true; _this.internal.pose = Math.floor(Math.abs(Number(new_pose))); }; _this.set_animType = function (new_animType) { if (((new_animType == "loop") || (new_animType == "yoyo")) || (new_animType == "once")) { _this.internal.animType = String(new_animType); } }; _this.set_animDirection = function (new_animDirection) { if (new_animDirection < -1) { new_animDirection = -1; } if (new_animDirection > 1) { new_animDirection = 1; } if ((new_animDirection == -1) || (new_animDirection == 1)) { _this.internal.animDirection = Number(new_animDirection); } }; _this.set_delay = function (new_delay) { if (new_delay <= 0) { new_delay = 1; } _this.internal.delay = Number(new_delay); }; _this.set_isAnimating = function (new_isAnimating) { if (new_isAnimating.toLowerCase() == "true") { new_isAnimating = true; } if (new_isAnimating.toLowerCase() == "false") { new_isAnimating = false; } if (Boolean(new_isAnimating) != _this.internal.isAnimating) { if (new_isAnimating) { _this.advanceAnimation(); } else { _this.internal.frame = Number(_this.init.frame); } _this.refresh = true; } _this.internal.isAnimating = Boolean(new_isAnimating); }; _this.setParams = function (newSettings) { if ((newSettings.charset != undefined) && (newSettings.charset != _this.internal.charset)) { _this.set_charset(newSettings.charset); _this.init.charset = _this.internal.charset; } if ((newSettings.directions != undefined) && (newSettings.directions != _this.internal.directions)) { _this.set_directions(newSettings.directions); _this.init.directions = _this.internal.directions; } if ((newSettings.direction != undefined) && (newSettings.direction != _this.internal.direction)) { _this.set_direction(newSettings.direction); _this.init.direction = _this.internal.direction; } if ((newSettings.frames != undefined) && (newSettings.frames != _this.internal.frames)) { _this.set_frames(newSettings.frames); _this.init.frames = _this.internal.frames; } if ((newSettings.frame != undefined) && (newSettings.frame != _this.internal.frame)) { _this.set_frame(newSettings.frame); _this.init.frame = _this.internal.frame; } if ((newSettings.columns != undefined) && (newSettings.columns != _this.internal.columns)) { _this.set_columns(newSettings.columns); _this.init.columns = _this.internal.columns; } if ((newSettings.rows != undefined) && (newSettings.rows != _this.internal.rows)) { _this.set_rows(newSettings.rows); _this.init.rows = _this.internal.rows; } if ((newSettings.pose != undefined) && (newSettings.pose != _this.internal.pose)) { _this.set_pose(newSettings.pose); _this.init.pose = _this.internal.pose; } if ((newSettings.animType != undefined) && (newSettings.animType != _this.internal.animType)) { _this.set_animType(newSettings.animType); _this.init.animType = _this.internal.animType; } if ((newSettings.animDirection != undefined) && (newSettings.animDirection != _this.internal.animDirection)) { _this.set_animDirection(newSettings.animDirection); _this.init.animDirection = _this.internal.animDirection; } if ((newSettings.delay != undefined) && (newSettings.delay != _this.internal.delay)) { _this.set_delay(newSettings.delay); _this.init.delay = _this.internal.delay; } if ((newSettings.isAnimating != undefined) && (newSettings.isAnimating != _this.internal.isAnimating)) { _this.set_isAnimating(newSettings.isAnimating); _this.init.isAnimating = _this.internal.isAnimating; } if (_this.refresh) { _this.update(); } }; _this.getParams = function () { var _local1 = {}; for (var _local2 in _this.init) { _local1[_local2] = _this.init[_local2]; } return(_local1); }; _this.getParam = function (varName) { return(_this.internal[varName]); }; _this.advanceAnimation = function () { _this.internal.frame = _this.internal.frame + _this.internal.animDirection; switch (_this.internal.animType) { case "loop" : if (_this.internal.frame < 0) { _this.internal.frame = _this.internal.frame + _this.internal.frames; } else if (_this.internal.frame >= _this.internal.frames) { _this.internal.frame = _this.internal.frame - _this.internal.frames; _this.broadcastMessage("animDone"); _this.animDone(); } return; case "once" : if (_this.internal.frame < 0) { _this.internal.frame = 0; } else if (_this.internal.frame >= _this.internal.frames) { _this.internal.frame = _this.internal.frames - 1; _this.broadcastMessage("animDone"); _this.animDone(); } return; case "yoyo" : if (_this.internal.frame < 0) { _this.internal.frame = _this.internal.frame + 2; _this.internal.animDirection = _this.internal.animDirection * -1; } else if (_this.internal.frame >= _this.internal.frames) { _this.internal.frame = _this.internal.frame - 2; _this.internal.animDirection = _this.internal.animDirection * -1; _this.broadcastMessage("animDone"); _this.animDone(); } if (_this.internal.frame < 0) { _this.internal.frame = 0; } if (_this.internal.frame < _this.internal.frames) { break; } _this.internal.frame = _this.internal.frames - 1; } }; _this.fps = 30; _this.loop = function () { if (_this.internal.isAnimating) { _this.advanceAnimation(); } _this.update(); _this.loopInterval = setTimeout(_this.loop, (1000 / _this.fps) * _this.internal.delay); }; _this.loopInterval = setTimeout(_this.loop, 0); _this.lookAtCoords = function () { var _local8 = arguments[0]; var _local7 = arguments[1]; var _local3 = _local8 - _this._parent._x; var _local2 = _local7 - _this._parent._y; var _local4 = Math.sqrt((_local3 * _local3) + (_local2 * _local2)); var _local5 = _local3 / _local4; var _local6 = _local2 / _local4; if (Math.abs(_local6) > Math.abs(_local5)) { if (_local6 < 0) { _this.setParams({direction:"up"}); } else { _this.setParams({direction:"down"}); } } else if (_local5 < 0) { _this.setParams({direction:"left"}); } else { _this.setParams({direction:"right"}); } }; _this.lookAtSprite = function (sprite2) { _this.lookAtCoords(sprite2._x, sprite2._y); }; _this.lookAt = function (sprite1, sprite2) { var _local2 = sprite2._x - sprite1._x; var _local1 = sprite2._y - sprite1._y; var _local3 = Math.sqrt((_local2 * _local2) + (_local1 * _local1)); var _local4 = _local2 / _local3; var _local5 = _local1 / _local3; if (Math.abs(_local5) > Math.abs(_local4)) { if (_local5 < 0) { _this.setParams({direction:"up"}); } else { _this.setParams({direction:"down"}); } } else if (_local4 < 0) { _this.setParams({direction:"left"}); } else { _this.setParams({direction:"right"}); } }; _this.isFacing = function (checkDir) { var _local2 = _this.internal.directions / 4; if (checkDir == "up") { checkDir = 0; } else if (checkDir == "right") { checkDir = Math.floor(1 * _local2); } else if (checkDir == "down") { checkDir = Math.floor(2 * _local2); } else if (checkDir == "left") { checkDir = Math.floor(3 * _local2); } while (checkDir < 0) { checkDir = checkDir + _this.internal.directions; } checkDir = checkDir % _this.internal.directions; return(_this.internal.direction == checkDir); }; _this.setParams(_local9); _this.onUnload = function () { clearTimeout(_this.loopInterval); for (var _local1 in _this._listeners) { _this._listeners[_local1] = null; } _this._listeners = []; }; return(_this); } _this = this; image = newSprite(data.initialAppearance, this, "image", 0); image._y = 8; getImpliedValue = function (input) { var _local2; if ((input == "undefined") || (input == undefined)) { _local2 = undefined; } else if ((input == "true") || (input === true)) { _local2 = Boolean(true); } else if ((input == "false") || (input === false)) { _local2 = Boolean(false); } else if (isNaN(input) == false) { _local2 = Number(input); } else { _local2 = input; } return(_local2); }; resolveContainer = function (containerName, thisRef) { thisRef = (thisRef ? (thisRef) : this); var _local4 = _global[containerName]; if (containerName == "this") { _local4 = thisRef; } if (containerName == "_root") { _local4 = _root; } if (containerName == "_level0") { _local4 = _root; } if (containerName == "_global") { _local4 = _global; } return(_local4); }; resolveContainerStr = function (containerName, thisName) { thisName = (thisName ? (thisName) : "this"); var _local2 = null; if (containerName == "this") { _local2 = thisName; } if (containerName == "_root") { _local2 = "_root"; } if (containerName == "_level0") { _local2 = "_root"; } if (containerName == "_global") { _local2 = "_global"; } if (_global[containerName]) { _local2 = containerName; } return(_local2); }; evalPath = function (inputPath, defaultContainer_str, thisName) { var thisName = (thisName ? (thisName) : "this"); if (typeof(inputPath) == "string") { if (!defaultContainer_str) { var defaultContainer_str = thisName; } var endAt = inputPath.indexOf("."); if (endAt == -1) { endAt = inputPath.length; } var container_str = inputPath.substr(0, endAt); var container_str = resolveContainerStr(container_str, thisName); if (!container_str) { var container_str = defaultContainer_str; endAt = -1; } var theRest = inputPath.substr(endAt + 1); var fullPath = (theRest ? ((container_str + ".") + theRest) : (container_str)); var paramStart = fullPath.indexOf("("); if (paramStart != -1) { var paramEnd = fullPath.indexOf(")", paramStart + 1); var param = fullPath.substring(paramStart + 1, paramEnd); var functionPath = fullPath.substr(0, paramStart); var thisFunction = eval (functionPath); var param_array = String(param).split(","); var i = 0; while (i < param_array.length) { param_array[i] = getImpliedValue(param_array[i]); i++; } var output = thisFunction.apply(this, param_array); } else { var output = eval (fullPath); } } else { var output = inputPath; } return(output); }; nestedEval = function (inputPath, defaultContainer_str, thisName) { if (typeof(inputPath) == "string") { thisName = (thisName ? (thisName) : "this"); inputPath = String(inputPath); var _local10 = ""; if (!defaultContainer_str) { defaultContainer_str = "this"; } var _local6 = inputPath.split("["); var _local1 = _local6.length - 1; while (_local1 > 0) { var _local2 = _local6[_local1] + _local10; var _local3 = _local2.indexOf("]"); _local10 = _local2.substr(_local3 + 1); var _local5 = _local2.substr(0, _local3); var _local4 = evalPath(_local5, defaultContainer_str, thisName); _local10 = _local4 + _local10; _local1--; } _local10 = _local6[0] + _local10; } else { var _local10 = inputPath; } return(_local10); }; if (brightness) { init_brightness = brightness; } else if ((this.transform.colorTransform.redMultiplier == this.transform.colorTransform.greenMultiplier) && (this.transform.colorTransform.redMultiplier == this.transform.colorTransform.blueMultiplier)) { init_brightness = (this.transform.colorTransform.redOffset * 100) / 255; } else { init_brightness = 0; } get_brightness = function () { return(this.transform.colorTransform.redOffset); }; set_brightness = function (newValue) { var _local3 = _alpha / 100; var _local2 = (newValue * 255) / 100; this.transform.colorTransform = new flash.geom.ColorTransform(1, 1, 1, _local3, _local2, _local2, _local2, 0); }; this.addProperty("brightness", get_brightness, set_brightness); brightness = init_brightness; delete init_brightness; delete get_brightness; delete set_brightness; moveTimeout = []; moveTimeout.addTimeout = function (timeoutID) { var _local2 = {timeoutID:timeoutID}; this.push(_local2); }; moveTimeout.remove = function (timeoutID) { var _local2 = this.length - 1; while (_local2 >= 0) { if (this[_local2].timeoutID == timeoutID) { clearTimeout(this[_local2].timeoutID); this.splice(_local2, 1); } _local2--; } }; moveTimeout.exists = function (timeoutID) { var _local3 = false; var _local2 = this.length - 1; while (_local2 >= 0) { if (this[_local2].timeoutID == timeoutID) { _local3 = true; break; } _local2--; } return(_local3); }; moveTimeout.removeAll = function () { var _local1 = moveTimeout.length - 1; while (_local1 >= 0) { clearTimeout(moveTimeout[_local1].timeoutID); moveTimeout.splice(_local1, 1); _local1--; } }; makeDefaultScriptFunction = function (nam) { _this["allow_" + nam] = true; _this[nam] = function () { if ((_this.scripts[nam].length > 0) && (_this["allow_" + nam])) { _this["allow_" + nam] = false; _this.scripts[nam].done = function () { var _local1 = function (_this) { _this["allow_" + nam] = true; }; setTimeout(_local1, 34, _this); }; scripts[nam].runEvent(0); } }; }; makeScriptSystem = function () { var _this = []; _this.index = 0; _this.runEvent = function (eventIndex) { eventIndex = ((eventIndex != undefined) ? (eventIndex) : 0); _this.index = eventIndex; if (eventIndex >= _this.length) { _this.isDone = true; if (eventIndex == _this.length) { _this.done(); } } else { _this.isDone = false; _this[eventIndex].run(_this[eventIndex]); } }; _this.nextEvent = function () { var _local1 = (_this.checkForInterrupt ? (_this.checkForInterrupt()) : true); if (_local1) { _this.runEvent(_this.index + 1); } else { _this.done(); } }; return(_this); }; getImpliedValue = function (input) { var _local2; if ((input == "undefined") || (input == undefined)) { _local2 = undefined; } else if ((input == "true") || (input === true)) { _local2 = Boolean(true); } else if ((input == "false") || (input === false)) { _local2 = Boolean(false); } else if (isNaN(input) == false) { _local2 = Number(input); } else { _local2 = input; } return(_local2); }; resolveContainer = function (containerName, thisRef) { thisRef = (thisRef ? (thisRef) : this); var _local4 = _global[containerName]; if (containerName == "this") { _local4 = thisRef; } if (containerName == "_root") { _local4 = _root; } if (containerName == "_level0") { _local4 = _root; } if (containerName == "_global") { _local4 = _global; } return(_local4); }; resolveContainerStr = function (containerName, thisName) { thisName = (thisName ? (thisName) : "this"); var _local2 = null; if (containerName == "this") { _local2 = thisName; } if (containerName == "_root") { _local2 = "_root"; } if (containerName == "_level0") { _local2 = "_root"; } if (containerName == "_global") { _local2 = "_global"; } if (_global[containerName]) { _local2 = containerName; } return(_local2); }; evalPath = function (inputPath, defaultContainer_str, thisName) { var thisName = (thisName ? (thisName) : "this"); if (typeof(inputPath) == "string") { if (!defaultContainer_str) { var defaultContainer_str = thisName; } var endAt = inputPath.indexOf("."); if (endAt == -1) { endAt = inputPath.length; } var container_str = inputPath.substr(0, endAt); var container_str = resolveContainerStr(container_str, thisName); if (!container_str) { var container_str = defaultContainer_str; endAt = -1; } var theRest = inputPath.substr(endAt + 1); var fullPath = (theRest ? ((container_str + ".") + theRest) : (container_str)); var paramStart = fullPath.indexOf("("); if (paramStart != -1) { var paramEnd = fullPath.indexOf(")", paramStart + 1); var param = fullPath.substring(paramStart + 1, paramEnd); var functionPath = fullPath.substr(0, paramStart); var thisFunction = eval (functionPath); var param_array = String(param).split(","); var i = 0; while (i < param_array.length) { param_array[i] = getImpliedValue(param_array[i]); i++; } var output = thisFunction.apply(this, param_array); } else { var output = eval (fullPath); } } else { var output = inputPath; } return(output); }; nestedEval = function (inputPath, defaultContainer_str, thisName) { if (typeof(inputPath) == "string") { thisName = (thisName ? (thisName) : "this"); inputPath = String(inputPath); var _local10 = ""; if (!defaultContainer_str) { defaultContainer_str = "this"; } var _local6 = inputPath.split("["); var _local1 = _local6.length - 1; while (_local1 > 0) { var _local2 = _local6[_local1] + _local10; var _local3 = _local2.indexOf("]"); _local10 = _local2.substr(_local3 + 1); var _local5 = _local2.substr(0, _local3); var _local4 = evalPath(_local5, defaultContainer_str, thisName); _local10 = _local4 + _local10; _local1--; } _local10 = _local6[0] + _local10; } else { var _local10 = inputPath; } return(_local10); }; define_comment = function (command_obj) { = function (thisCommand_obj) { var _local1 = nestedEval(, "RAM", "_this"); if (TRACE_SCRIPT) { trace("comment: " + _local1); } thisCommand_obj.nextEvent(); }; }; define_fadeMusic = function (command_obj) { = function (thisCommand_obj) { if (TRACE_SCRIPT) { trace("fadeMusic"); } var _local3 =; var _local1 =; MUSIC.fadeTo(_local3, _local1); thisCommand_obj.nextEvent(); }; }; getImpliedValue = function (input) { var _local2; if ((input == "undefined") || (input == undefined)) { _local2 = undefined; } else if ((input == "true") || (input === true)) { _local2 = Boolean(true); } else if ((input == "false") || (input === false)) { _local2 = Boolean(false); } else if (isNaN(input) == false) { _local2 = Number(input); } else { _local2 = input; } return(_local2); }; resolveContainer = function (containerName, thisRef) { thisRef = (thisRef ? (thisRef) : this); var _local4 = _global[containerName]; if (containerName == "this") { _local4 = thisRef; } if (containerName == "_root") { _local4 = _root; } if (containerName == "_level0") { _local4 = _root; } if (containerName == "_global") { _local4 = _global; } return(_local4); }; resolveContainerStr = function (containerName, thisName) { thisName = (thisName ? (thisName) : "this"); var _local2 = null; if (containerName == "this") { _local2 = thisName; } if (containerName == "_root") { _local2 = "_root"; } if (containerName == "_level0") { _local2 = "_root"; } if (containerName == "_global") { _local2 = "_global"; } if (_global[containerName]) { _local2 = containerName; } return(_local2); }; evalPath = function (inputPath, defaultContainer_str, thisName) { var thisName = (thisName ? (thisName) : "this"); if (typeof(inputPath) == "string") { if (!defaultContainer_str) { var defaultContainer_str = thisName; } var endAt = inputPath.indexOf("."); if (endAt == -1) { endAt = inputPath.length; } var container_str = inputPath.substr(0, endAt); var container_str = resolveContainerStr(container_str, thisName); if (!container_str) { var container_str = defaultContainer_str; endAt = -1; } var theRest = inputPath.substr(endAt + 1); var fullPath = (theRest ? ((container_str + ".") + theRest) : (container_str)); var paramStart = fullPath.indexOf("("); if (paramStart != -1) { var paramEnd = fullPath.indexOf(")", paramStart + 1); var param = fullPath.substring(paramStart + 1, paramEnd); var functionPath = fullPath.substr(0, paramStart); var thisFunction = eval (functionPath); var param_array = String(param).split(","); var i = 0; while (i < param_array.length) { param_array[i] = getImpliedValue(param_array[i]); i++; } var output = thisFunction.apply(this, param_array); } else { var output = eval (fullPath); } } else { var output = inputPath; } return(output); }; nestedEval = function (inputPath, defaultContainer_str, thisName) { if (typeof(inputPath) == "string") { thisName = (thisName ? (thisName) : "this"); inputPath = String(inputPath); var _local10 = ""; if (!defaultContainer_str) { defaultContainer_str = "this"; } var _local6 = inputPath.split("["); var _local1 = _local6.length - 1; while (_local1 > 0) { var _local2 = _local6[_local1] + _local10; var _local3 = _local2.indexOf("]"); _local10 = _local2.substr(_local3 + 1); var _local5 = _local2.substr(0, _local3); var _local4 = evalPath(_local5, defaultContainer_str, thisName); _local10 = _local4 + _local10; _local1--; } _local10 = _local6[0] + _local10; } else { var _local10 = inputPath; } return(_local10); }; define_fadeScreen = function (command_obj) { command_obj.fadeOutDone = function () { TRANSITION.removeListener(this); this.nextEvent(); }; command_obj.fadeInDone = function () { TRANSITION.removeListener(this); this.nextEvent(); }; = function (thisCommand_obj) { if (TRACE_SCRIPT) { trace("Fade: " +; } if ( { TRANSITION.addListener(thisCommand_obj); } var _local2 = (( == "out") ? "fadeOut" : "fadeIn"); TRANSITION[_local2](); if (! { thisCommand_obj.nextEvent(); } }; }; getImpliedValue = function (input) { var _local2; if ((input == "undefined") || (input == undefined)) { _local2 = undefined; } else if ((input == "true") || (input === true)) { _local2 = Boolean(true); } else if ((input == "false") || (input === false)) { _local2 = Boolean(false); } else if (isNaN(input) == false) { _local2 = Number(input); } else { _local2 = input; } return(_local2); }; resolveContainer = function (containerName, thisRef) { thisRef = (thisRef ? (thisRef) : this); var _local4 = _global[containerName]; if (containerName == "this") { _local4 = thisRef; } if (containerName == "_root") { _local4 = _root; } if (containerName == "_level0") { _local4 = _root; } if (containerName == "_global") { _local4 = _global; } return(_local4); }; resolveContainerStr = function (containerName, thisName) { thisName = (thisName ? (thisName) : "this"); var _local2 = null; if (containerName == "this") { _local2 = thisName; } if (containerName == "_root") { _local2 = "_root"; } if (containerName == "_level0") { _local2 = "_root"; } if (containerName == "_global") { _local2 = "_global"; } if (_global[containerName]) { _local2 = containerName; } return(_local2); }; evalPath = function (inputPath, defaultContainer_str, thisName) { var thisName = (thisName ? (thisName) : "this"); if (typeof(inputPath) == "string") { if (!defaultContainer_str) { var defaultContainer_str = thisName; } var endAt = inputPath.indexOf("."); if (endAt == -1) { endAt = inputPath.length; } var container_str = inputPath.substr(0, endAt); var container_str = resolveContainerStr(container_str, thisName); if (!container_str) { var container_str = defaultContainer_str; endAt = -1; } var theRest = inputPath.substr(endAt + 1); var fullPath = (theRest ? ((container_str + ".") + theRest) : (container_str)); var paramStart = fullPath.indexOf("("); if (paramStart != -1) { var paramEnd = fullPath.indexOf(")", paramStart + 1); var param = fullPath.substring(paramStart + 1, paramEnd); var functionPath = fullPath.substr(0, paramStart); var thisFunction = eval (functionPath); var param_array = String(param).split(","); var i = 0; while (i < param_array.length) { param_array[i] = getImpliedValue(param_array[i]); i++; } var output = thisFunction.apply(this, param_array); } else { var output = eval (fullPath); } } else { var output = inputPath; } return(output); }; nestedEval = function (inputPath, defaultContainer_str, thisName) { if (typeof(inputPath) == "string") { thisName = (thisName ? (thisName) : "this"); inputPath = String(inputPath); var _local10 = ""; if (!defaultContainer_str) { defaultContainer_str = "this"; } var _local6 = inputPath.split("["); var _local1 = _local6.length - 1; while (_local1 > 0) { var _local2 = _local6[_local1] + _local10; var _local3 = _local2.indexOf("]"); _local10 = _local2.substr(_local3 + 1); var _local5 = _local2.substr(0, _local3); var _local4 = evalPath(_local5, defaultContainer_str, thisName); _local10 = _local4 + _local10; _local1--; } _local10 = _local6[0] + _local10; } else { var _local10 = inputPath; } return(_local10); }; define_if = function (command_obj) { = function (thisCommand_obj) { var _local3 =; var _local6 = nestedEval(_local3.condition[0], "RAM", "_this"); var _local2 = evalPath(_local6, "RAM", "_this"); var _local4 = getImpliedValue(_local3.condition[2]); _local4 = nestedEval(_local4, "RAM", "_this"); var _local1 = getImpliedValue(_local4); var _local5 = false; switch (_local3.condition[1]) { case "=" : _local5 = _local2 == _local1; break; case "!=" : _local5 = _local2 != _local1; break; case ">" : if ((isNaN(_local2) == false) && (isNaN(_local1) == false)) { _local5 = _local2 > _local1; } break; case ">=" : if ((isNaN(_local2) == false) && (isNaN(_local1) == false)) { _local5 = _local2 >= _local1; } break; case "<" : if ((isNaN(_local2) == false) && (isNaN(_local1) == false)) { _local5 = _local2 < _local1; } break; case "<=" : if (!((isNaN(_local2) == false) && (isNaN(_local1) == false))) { break; } _local5 = _local2 <= _local1; } if (TRACE_SCRIPT) { trace((((("if: " + _local3.condition[0]) + " ") + _local3.condition[1]) + " ") + _local3.condition[2]); trace((((((((("\t (" + _local2) + " ") + _local3.condition[1]) + " ") + _local1) + ")") + " (") + _local5) + ")"); } if (_local5 && (_local3.length > 0)) { thisCommand_obj.script.done = function () { thisCommand_obj.nextEvent(); }; thisCommand_obj.script.runEvent(0); } else { thisCommand_obj.nextEvent(); } }; }; define_move = function (command_obj) { = function (thisCommand_obj) { var _local3 = nestedEval(, "RAM", "_this"); if (_local3 == "this") { _local3 = _this._name; } thisCommand_obj.sprite = evalPath(_local3, "SPRITES", "_this"); if (TRACE_SCRIPT) { trace("move: " + _local3); } var _local2 = 0; while (_local2 < this.script.length) { this.script[_local2].sprite = thisCommand_obj.sprite; _local2++; } thisCommand_obj.sprite.lastMove = {}; AsBroadcaster.initialize(thisCommand_obj.sprite.lastMove); thisCommand_obj.script.thisCommand_obj = thisCommand_obj; thisCommand_obj.script.done = function () { if (TRACE_SCRIPT) { trace("move done for: " + thisCommand_obj.sprite); } this.thisCommand_obj.sprite.lastMove.broadcastMessage("onMotionFinished"); delete this.thisCommand_obj.sprite.lastMove; }; thisCommand_obj.script.runEvent(0); setTimeout(thisCommand_obj.nextEvent, 1); }; }; define_music = function (command_obj) { = function (thisCommand_obj) { var _local2 = MUSIC.volume; var _local4 = MUSIC.songVolume; MUSIC.songVolume = 100; MUSIC.volume = 100; MUSIC.fade.onMotionFinished(); var _local1 = nestedEval(, "RAM", "_this"); if (TRACE_SCRIPT) { trace("music: " + _local1); } MUSIC.playSong(_local1); MUSIC.volume = _local2; MUSIC.songVolume =; thisCommand_obj.nextEvent(); }; }; define_pause = function (command_obj) { = function (thisCommand_obj) { if (TRACE_SCRIPT) { trace("pause"); } var _local3 =; var _local1 =; LOOP.pauseSet(_local3, _local1); thisCommand_obj.nextEvent(); }; }; getImpliedValue = function (input) { var _local2; if ((input == "undefined") || (input == undefined)) { _local2 = undefined; } else if ((input == "true") || (input === true)) { _local2 = Boolean(true); } else if ((input == "false") || (input === false)) { _local2 = Boolean(false); } else if (isNaN(input) == false) { _local2 = Number(input); } else { _local2 = input; } return(_local2); }; resolveContainer = function (containerName, thisRef) { thisRef = (thisRef ? (thisRef) : this); var _local4 = _global[containerName]; if (containerName == "this") { _local4 = thisRef; } if (containerName == "_root") { _local4 = _root; } if (containerName == "_level0") { _local4 = _root; } if (containerName == "_global") { _local4 = _global; } return(_local4); }; resolveContainerStr = function (containerName, thisName) { thisName = (thisName ? (thisName) : "this"); var _local2 = null; if (containerName == "this") { _local2 = thisName; } if (containerName == "_root") { _local2 = "_root"; } if (containerName == "_level0") { _local2 = "_root"; } if (containerName == "_global") { _local2 = "_global"; } if (_global[containerName]) { _local2 = containerName; } return(_local2); }; evalPath = function (inputPath, defaultContainer_str, thisName) { var thisName = (thisName ? (thisName) : "this"); if (typeof(inputPath) == "string") { if (!defaultContainer_str) { var defaultContainer_str = thisName; } var endAt = inputPath.indexOf("."); if (endAt == -1) { endAt = inputPath.length; } var container_str = inputPath.substr(0, endAt); var container_str = resolveContainerStr(container_str, thisName); if (!container_str) { var container_str = defaultContainer_str; endAt = -1; } var theRest = inputPath.substr(endAt + 1); var fullPath = (theRest ? ((container_str + ".") + theRest) : (container_str)); var paramStart = fullPath.indexOf("("); if (paramStart != -1) { var paramEnd = fullPath.indexOf(")", paramStart + 1); var param = fullPath.substring(paramStart + 1, paramEnd); var functionPath = fullPath.substr(0, paramStart); var thisFunction = eval (functionPath); var param_array = String(param).split(","); var i = 0; while (i < param_array.length) { param_array[i] = getImpliedValue(param_array[i]); i++; } var output = thisFunction.apply(this, param_array); } else { var output = eval (fullPath); } } else { var output = inputPath; } return(output); }; nestedEval = function (inputPath, defaultContainer_str, thisName) { if (typeof(inputPath) == "string") { thisName = (thisName ? (thisName) : "this"); inputPath = String(inputPath); var _local10 = ""; if (!defaultContainer_str) { defaultContainer_str = "this"; } var _local6 = inputPath.split("["); var _local1 = _local6.length - 1; while (_local1 > 0) { var _local2 = _local6[_local1] + _local10; var _local3 = _local2.indexOf("]"); _local10 = _local2.substr(_local3 + 1); var _local5 = _local2.substr(0, _local3); var _local4 = evalPath(_local5, defaultContainer_str, thisName); _local10 = _local4 + _local10; _local1--; } _local10 = _local6[0] + _local10; } else { var _local10 = inputPath; } return(_local10); }; makeStringObject = function (input_str, defaultContainer_str, thisName) { var _local9 = null; var _local8 = input_str.indexOf("{"); if ((_local8 == -1) || (_local8 == undefined)) { _local9 = input_str; } else { var _local7 = {}; var _local12 = input_str.indexOf("}", _local8 + 1); var _local10 = input_str.substring(_local8 + 1, _local12); _local10 = nestedEval(_local10, defaultContainer_str, thisName); var _local6 = _local10.split(","); var _local2 = 0; while (_local2 < _local6.length) { var _local3 = _local6[_local2]; var _local4 = _local3.indexOf(":"); var _local5 = _local3.substr(0, _local4); var _local1 = _local3.substr(_local4 + 1); _local1 = getImpliedValue(_local1); _local7[_local5] = _local1; _local2++; } _local9 = _local7; } return(_local9); }; define_setVariable = function (command_obj) { = function (thisCommand_obj) { var _local9 = 1; var _local11 = getTimer(); var _local10 = _local11 - startTime; if (isNaN(_local10) || (_local10 > _local9)) { if ( == undefined) { = true; } var _local5 =; var _local7 = nestedEval(_local5.condition[0], "RAM", "_this"); var _local8 = _local7.lastIndexOf("."); if (_local8 == -1) { var _local12 = "RAM"; var _local2 = RAM; } else { var _local12 = _local7.substr(0, _local8); var _local2 = evalPath(_local12, "RAM", "_this"); } var _local1 = _local7.substr(_local8 + 1); var _local14 = false; var _local4 = makeStringObject(_local5.condition[2], "RAM", "_this"); _local4 = getImpliedValue(_local4); if (_local4 == "\\object") { _local2[_local1] = {}; _local14 = true; } else if (_local4 == "\\array") { _local2[_local1] = []; _local14 = true; } else if (_local4 == "\\delete") { _local2[_local1] = undefined; delete _local2[_local1]; _local14 = true; } _local4 = nestedEval(_local4, "RAM", "_this"); var _local3 = getImpliedValue(_local4); if (!_local14) { if (TRACE_SCRIPT) { trace(((((((("setVariable: " + _local1) + " (") + _local2[_local1]) + " ") + _local5.condition[1]) + " ") + _local3) + ")"); } switch (_local5.condition[1]) { case "=" : _local2[_local1] = _local3; break; case "+" : var _local13 = (!isNaN(_local2[_local1])) && (!isNaN(_local3)); if (_local13) { _local2[_local1] = Number(_local2[_local1]) + Number(_local3); } else { _local2[_local1] = String(_local2[_local1]) + String(_local3); } break; case "-" : _local2[_local1] = _local2[_local1] - _local3; break; case "*" : _local2[_local1] = _local2[_local1] * _local3; break; case "/" : if (_local3 == 0) { _local2[_local1] = undefined; } else { _local2[_local1] = _local2[_local1] / _local3; } break; case "%" : if (_local3 == 0) { _local2[_local1] = undefined; } else { _local2[_local1] = _local2[_local1] % _local3; } break; case "!" : if (typeof(_local3) != "boolean") { break; } _local2[_local1] = !_local3; } if ((typeof(_local2[_local1]) == "number") && (isNaN(_local2[_local1]))) { _local2[_local1] = undefined; } } if (_local5.update) { SPRITES.updateSprites(); } thisCommand_obj.nextEvent(); } else { setTimeout(, _local9, thisCommand_obj); } }; }; define_sound = function (command_obj) { = function (thisCommand_obj) { if (TRACE_SCRIPT) { trace("sound"); } var _local2 =; var _local3 =; if (_local2 != "") { var _local5 =; var _local4 =; var _local6 =, _local5, _local4); ROOT.soundLoop.addSound(_local3, _local6, true); } else { ROOT.soundLoop.remove(_local3); } thisCommand_obj.nextEvent(); }; command_obj.soundLoop = soundLoop; }; _global.nextDepth = function (this_mc, maxDepth) { this_mc = (this_mc ? (this_mc) : _root); var _local4 = 1; var _local5 = (maxDepth ? (maxDepth) : 1048500); for (var _local6 in this_mc) { var _local2 = this_mc[_local6].getDepth(); if ((_local2 < _local5) && (_local2 >= _local4)) { _local4 = _local2 + 1; } } return(_local4); }; emptyObject = function (inputObject) { for (var _local2 in inputObject) { delete inputObject[_local2]; } }; getType = function (inputObject) { var _local1 = ""; if (inputObject instanceof Function) { _local1 = "function"; } else if (inputObject instanceof MovieClip) { _local1 = "movieClip"; } else if (inputObject instanceof Array) { _local1 = "array"; } else if (inputObject instanceof XMLNode) { _local1 = "xml"; } else if (inputObject instanceof flash.display.BitmapData) { _local1 = "bitmap"; } else if (inputObject instanceof Object) { _local1 = "object"; } else { _local1 = "variable"; } return(_local1); }; copyObject = function (srcObj, destObj) { emptyObject(destObj); var _local4 = {}; for (var _local6 in srcObj) { _local4[_local6] = srcObj[_local6]; } for (var _local6 in _local4) { var _local1 = _local4[_local6]; var _local3 = getType(_local1); if (_local3 == "variable") { destObj[_local6] = _local1; } if (_local3 == "bitmap") { destObj[_local6] = _local1.clone(); } if (_local3 == "xml") { destObj[_local6] = _local1.cloneNode(true); } if (_local3 == "array") { destObj[_local6] = new Array(); copyObject(_local1, destObj[_local6]); } if (_local3 == "object") { destObj[_local6] = new Object(); copyObject(_local1, destObj[_local6]); } } }; getImpliedValue = function (input) { var _local2; if ((input == "undefined") || (input == undefined)) { _local2 = undefined; } else if ((input == "true") || (input === true)) { _local2 = Boolean(true); } else if ((input == "false") || (input === false)) { _local2 = Boolean(false); } else if (isNaN(input) == false) { _local2 = Number(input); } else { _local2 = input; } return(_local2); }; resolveContainer = function (containerName, thisRef) { thisRef = (thisRef ? (thisRef) : this); var _local4 = _global[containerName]; if (containerName == "this") { _local4 = thisRef; } if (containerName == "_root") { _local4 = _root; } if (containerName == "_level0") { _local4 = _root; } if (containerName == "_global") { _local4 = _global; } return(_local4); }; resolveContainerStr = function (containerName, thisName) { thisName = (thisName ? (thisName) : "this"); var _local2 = null; if (containerName == "this") { _local2 = thisName; } if (containerName == "_root") { _local2 = "_root"; } if (containerName == "_level0") { _local2 = "_root"; } if (containerName == "_global") { _local2 = "_global"; } if (_global[containerName]) { _local2 = containerName; } return(_local2); }; evalPath = function (inputPath, defaultContainer_str, thisName) { var thisName = (thisName ? (thisName) : "this"); if (typeof(inputPath) == "string") { if (!defaultContainer_str) { var defaultContainer_str = thisName; } var endAt = inputPath.indexOf("."); if (endAt == -1) { endAt = inputPath.length; } var container_str = inputPath.substr(0, endAt); var container_str = resolveContainerStr(container_str, thisName); if (!container_str) { var container_str = defaultContainer_str; endAt = -1; } var theRest = inputPath.substr(endAt + 1); var fullPath = (theRest ? ((container_str + ".") + theRest) : (container_str)); var paramStart = fullPath.indexOf("("); if (paramStart != -1) { var paramEnd = fullPath.indexOf(")", paramStart + 1); var param = fullPath.substring(paramStart + 1, paramEnd); var functionPath = fullPath.substr(0, paramStart); var thisFunction = eval (functionPath); var param_array = String(param).split(","); var i = 0; while (i < param_array.length) { param_array[i] = getImpliedValue(param_array[i]); i++; } var output = thisFunction.apply(this, param_array); } else { var output = eval (fullPath); } } else { var output = inputPath; } return(output); }; nestedEval = function (inputPath, defaultContainer_str, thisName) { if (typeof(inputPath) == "string") { thisName = (thisName ? (thisName) : "this"); inputPath = String(inputPath); var _local10 = ""; if (!defaultContainer_str) { defaultContainer_str = "this"; } var _local6 = inputPath.split("["); var _local1 = _local6.length - 1; while (_local1 > 0) { var _local2 = _local6[_local1] + _local10; var _local3 = _local2.indexOf("]"); _local10 = _local2.substr(_local3 + 1); var _local5 = _local2.substr(0, _local3); var _local4 = evalPath(_local5, defaultContainer_str, thisName); _local10 = _local4 + _local10; _local1--; } _local10 = _local6[0] + _local10; } else { var _local10 = inputPath; } return(_local10); }; makeStringObject = function (input_str, defaultContainer_str, thisName) { var _local9 = null; var _local8 = input_str.indexOf("{"); if ((_local8 == -1) || (_local8 == undefined)) { _local9 = input_str; } else { var _local7 = {}; var _local12 = input_str.indexOf("}", _local8 + 1); var _local10 = input_str.substring(_local8 + 1, _local12); _local10 = nestedEval(_local10, defaultContainer_str, thisName); var _local6 = _local10.split(","); var _local2 = 0; while (_local2 < _local6.length) { var _local3 = _local6[_local2]; var _local4 = _local3.indexOf(":"); var _local5 = _local3.substr(0, _local4); var _local1 = _local3.substr(_local4 + 1); _local1 = getImpliedValue(_local1); _local7[_local5] = _local1; _local2++; } _local9 = _local7; } return(_local9); }; define_swf = function (command_obj) { if ( { = function (thisCommand_obj, skipSwfloader) { command_obj.copyObject = copyObject; command_obj.makeStringObject = makeStringObject; command_obj.nestedEval = nestedEval; command_obj.evalPath = evalPath; command_obj.getImpliedValue = getImpliedValue; command_obj.resolveContainer = resolveContainer; var _local12 = nestedEval(, "RAM", "_this"); var _local5 = evalPath(_local12, "RAM", "_this"); var _local4 = nestedEval(, "RAM", "_this"); var _local6 = 0; if ((_local4 == "") || (_local4 == undefined)) { do { _local4 = "swf_" + _local6; _local6++; } while (_local5[_local4]); } if (TRACE_SCRIPT) { trace((((("Place swf: " + + " named: ") + _local4) + " waitForEnd: ") +; } var _local8 = (( == -1) ? (nextDepth(_local5)) : (nestedEval(, "RAM", "_this"))); var storedObj = {}; copyObject(, storedObj); = _local4; storedObj.depth = _local8; if (!skipSwfloader) { ROOT.swfLoader.add(storedObj); } var swfLoader = new MovieClipLoader(); swfLoader.root = ROOT; swfLoader.commandData =; swfLoader.nextEvent = thisCommand_obj.nextEvent; swfLoader.waitForEnd =; swfLoader.levelId = ROOT.game_mc.uid; _local5[_local4].removeMovieClip(); var _local10 = _local5.getInstanceAtDepth(_local8); _local10.removeMovieClip(); var _local7 =; _local7 = nestedEval(_local7, "RAM", "_this"); var _local13 = false; _local5.attachMovie(_local7, _local4, _local8); if ((_local5[_local4] == _local5) || (_local5[_local4] == undefined)) { _local5.createEmptyMovieClip(_local4, _local8); var _local14 = flash.display.BitmapData.loadBitmap(_local7); _local5[_local4].attachBitmap(_local14, 0); if ((_local5[_local4]._width == undefined) || (_local5[_local4]._width == 0)) { _local13 = true; } else { = false; } } swfLoader.passData = function (newClip, commandData) { newClip.parentSprite = _this; for (var _local4 in commandData) { var _local1 = command_obj.nestedEval(commandData[_local4], "RAM", "_this"); _local1 = command_obj.makeStringObject(_local1, "RAM", "_this"); newClip[_local4] = _local1; } newClip.onClose = function () { ROOT.swfLoader.remove(storedObj); }; newClip.start(); }; swfLoader.detectLastFrame = function (newClip, nextEvent) { newClip.detectLastFrame = {parent:newClip, nextEvent:nextEvent,, loop:function (thisObj) { if ((thisObj.parent._currentframe == thisObj.parent._totalframes) || (thisObj.parent._currentframe == undefined)) { ROOT.swfLoader.remove(thisObj.swfData); clearInterval(thisObj.intervalId); _global.ROOT = swfLoader.root; var _local3 = swfLoader.levelId == ROOT.game_mc.uid; if (_local3) { thisObj.nextEvent(); } } }, intervalId:null, start:function () { if (this.intervalId != null) { clearInterval(this.intervalId); } this.intervalId = setInterval(this.loop, 34, this); }}; newClip.detectLastFrame.start(); }; if (_local13) { swfLoader.onLoadInit = function (newClip) { swfLoader.passData(newClip, this.commandData); if (swfLoader.waitForEnd) { swfLoader.detectLastFrame(newClip, this.nextEvent); } delete swfLoader; }; swfLoader.onLoadError = function (newClip) { this.unloadClip(newClip); newClip.removeMovieClip(); delete swfLoader; }; swfLoader.loadClip(_local7, _local5[_local4]); } else { swfLoader.passData(_local5[_local4], swfLoader.commandData); if (swfLoader.waitForEnd) { swfLoader.detectLastFrame(_local5[_local4], thisCommand_obj.nextEvent); } delete swfLoader; } if ( == false) { thisCommand_obj.nextEvent(); } }; } else { = function (thisCommand_obj, preserveSwfloader) { if (!preserveSwfloader) { ROOT.swfLoader.remove(; } if (TRACE_SCRIPT) { trace((("removeSwf: " + + " named: ") +; } var autoDelay = 1; var endTime = getTimer(); var elapsedTime = (endTime - startTime); if (TRACE_SCRIPT) { trace("\t elapsedTime: " + elapsedTime); } if (isNaN(elapsedTime) || (elapsedTime > autoDelay)) { var defaultContainer = "OVERLAY"; target_str = nestedEval(, "RAM", "_this"); var startAt = target_str.indexOf("."); if (startAt == -1) { var container = defaultContainer; var containerIsGlobal = false; for (var nam in _global) { if (nam == target_str) { containerIsGlobal = true; break; } } var theRest = target_str; var target = (containerIsGlobal ? (eval (theRest)) : (eval ((container + ".") + theRest))); if (target_str == "this") { var target = _this; } } else { var containerName = target_str.substr(0, startAt); var container = nestedEval(containerName, "RAM", "_this"); var theRest = target_str.substr(startAt + 1); var target = eval ((container + ".") + theRest); } var targetName = nestedEval(, "RAM", "_this"); if (target_str == "SPRITES") { target[targetName].remove(); } target[targetName].unload(); target[targetName].onUnload(); target[targetName].removeMovieClip(); target[targetName]._name = null; thisCommand_obj.nextEvent(); } else { if (TRACE_SCRIPT) { trace("\t too early, wait for 1 millisecond"); } setTimeout(, autoDelay, thisCommand_obj); } }; } }; getImpliedValue = function (input) { var _local2; if ((input == "undefined") || (input == undefined)) { _local2 = undefined; } else if ((input == "true") || (input === true)) { _local2 = Boolean(true); } else if ((input == "false") || (input === false)) { _local2 = Boolean(false); } else if (isNaN(input) == false) { _local2 = Number(input); } else { _local2 = input; } return(_local2); }; resolveContainer = function (containerName, thisRef) { thisRef = (thisRef ? (thisRef) : this); var _local4 = _global[containerName]; if (containerName == "this") { _local4 = thisRef; } if (containerName == "_root") { _local4 = _root; } if (containerName == "_level0") { _local4 = _root; } if (containerName == "_global") { _local4 = _global; } return(_local4); }; resolveContainerStr = function (containerName, thisName) { thisName = (thisName ? (thisName) : "this"); var _local2 = null; if (containerName == "this") { _local2 = thisName; } if (containerName == "_root") { _local2 = "_root"; } if (containerName == "_level0") { _local2 = "_root"; } if (containerName == "_global") { _local2 = "_global"; } if (_global[containerName]) { _local2 = containerName; } return(_local2); }; evalPath = function (inputPath, defaultContainer_str, thisName) { var thisName = (thisName ? (thisName) : "this"); if (typeof(inputPath) == "string") { if (!defaultContainer_str) { var defaultContainer_str = thisName; } var endAt = inputPath.indexOf("."); if (endAt == -1) { endAt = inputPath.length; } var container_str = inputPath.substr(0, endAt); var container_str = resolveContainerStr(container_str, thisName); if (!container_str) { var container_str = defaultContainer_str; endAt = -1; } var theRest = inputPath.substr(endAt + 1); var fullPath = (theRest ? ((container_str + ".") + theRest) : (container_str)); var paramStart = fullPath.indexOf("("); if (paramStart != -1) { var paramEnd = fullPath.indexOf(")", paramStart + 1); var param = fullPath.substring(paramStart + 1, paramEnd); var functionPath = fullPath.substr(0, paramStart); var thisFunction = eval (functionPath); var param_array = String(param).split(","); var i = 0; while (i < param_array.length) { param_array[i] = getImpliedValue(param_array[i]); i++; } var output = thisFunction.apply(this, param_array); } else { var output = eval (fullPath); } } else { var output = inputPath; } return(output); }; nestedEval = function (inputPath, defaultContainer_str, thisName) { if (typeof(inputPath) == "string") { thisName = (thisName ? (thisName) : "this"); inputPath = String(inputPath); var _local10 = ""; if (!defaultContainer_str) { defaultContainer_str = "this"; } var _local6 = inputPath.split("["); var _local1 = _local6.length - 1; while (_local1 > 0) { var _local2 = _local6[_local1] + _local10; var _local3 = _local2.indexOf("]"); _local10 = _local2.substr(_local3 + 1); var _local5 = _local2.substr(0, _local3); var _local4 = evalPath(_local5, defaultContainer_str, thisName); _local10 = _local4 + _local10; _local1--; } _local10 = _local6[0] + _local10; } else { var _local10 = inputPath; } return(_local10); }; define_removeSwf = function (command_obj) { = function (thisCommand_obj, preserveSwfloader) { if (!preserveSwfloader) { ROOT.swfLoader.remove(; } if (TRACE_SCRIPT) { trace((("removeSwf (old): " + + " named: ") +; } var autoDelay = 1; var endTime = getTimer(); var elapsedTime = (endTime - startTime); if (TRACE_SCRIPT) { trace("\t elapsedTime: " + elapsedTime); } if (isNaN(elapsedTime) || (elapsedTime > autoDelay)) { var defaultContainer = "OVERLAY"; target_str = nestedEval(, "RAM", "_this"); var startAt = target_str.indexOf("."); if (startAt == -1) { var container = defaultContainer; var containerIsGlobal = false; for (var nam in _global) { if (nam == target_str) { containerIsGlobal = true; break; } } var theRest = target_str; var target = (containerIsGlobal ? (eval (theRest)) : (eval ((container + ".") + theRest))); if (target_str == "this") { var target = _this; } } else { var containerName = target_str.substr(0, startAt); var container = nestedEval(containerName, "RAM", "_this"); var theRest = target_str.substr(startAt + 1); var target = eval ((container + ".") + theRest); } var targetName = nestedEval(, "RAM", "_this"); if (target_str == "SPRITES") { target[targetName].remove(); } target[targetName].unload(); target[targetName].onUnload(); target[targetName].removeMovieClip(); target[targetName]._name = null; thisCommand_obj.nextEvent(); } else { if (TRACE_SCRIPT) { trace("\t too early, wait for 1 millisecond"); } setTimeout(, autoDelay, thisCommand_obj); } }; }; define_teleport = function (command_obj) { = function (thisCommand_obj) { ROOT.game_mc.uid = null; LOOP.removeSet("player"); LOOP.removeSet("scroll"); LOOP.removeSet("sprites"); thisCommand_obj.fadeOutDone = function () { if (TRACE_SCRIPT) { trace("teleport"); } var _local2 =; var _local6 =; if (TRACE_SCRIPT) { trace(" fullPath: " + _local6); trace(" relativePath: " + _local2); } if (_local2 != undefined) { var _local7 = ROOT.level_xml.filePath; var _local3 = _local7.lastIndexOf("\\"); if (_local3 == -1) { var _local4 = ""; } else { var _local4 = _local7.substr(0, _local3 + 1); } var _local5 = -1; while (_local5 = _local2.indexOf("..") , _local5 != -1) { _local3 = _local4.lastIndexOf("\\", _local3 - 1); var _local4 = _local4.substr(0, _local3 + 1); _local2 = _local2.substr(_local5 + 3); } _local6 = _local4 + _local2; } if (TRACE_SCRIPT) { trace(" teleporting to: " + _local6); } if (typeof( == "string") { if ( != "[") { = ("[" + + "]"; } } if (typeof( == "string") { if ( != "[") { = ("[" + + "]"; } } var _local11 = Number(nestedEval(, "RAM", "_this")); var _local10 = Number(nestedEval(, "RAM", "_this")); if ( { var _local9 = {x:_local11 + 8, y:_local10 + 8}; var _local8 = _local9; } else { var _local8 = {x:SPRITES.player._x, y:SPRITES.player._y}; } ROOT.loadLevel(_local6, _local8); }; thisCommand_obj.fadeInDone = function () { TRANSITION.removeListener(this); }; var _local9 = SPRITES.player.image.getParams(); if (_local9) { RAM.playerSprite = _local9; } var _local8 =; _local8 = nestedEval(_local8, "RAM", "_this"); TRANSITION.addListener(thisCommand_obj); if (!TRANSITION.image) { TRANSITION.start(_local8); } else { thisCommand_obj.fadeOutDone(); } }; }; define_wait = function (command_obj) { command_obj.animDone = function () { SPRITES[this.spriteName].image.removeListener(this); this.spriteName = null; delete this.spriteName; this.nextEvent(); }; = function (thisCommand_obj) { var _local3 =; if (TRACE_SCRIPT) { trace("wait for: " + _local3); } if (_local3 == "time") { var _local9 = setTimeout(thisCommand_obj.nextEvent, * 1000); thisCommand_obj.storeTimeout(_local9); } if (_local3 == "movement") { var _local4 =; thisCommand_obj.spritesLeft = []; if (_local4 == "ALL") { for (var _local5 in SPRITES) { var sprite = SPRITES[_local5]; if (sprite.lastMove) { var _local2 = {sprite:sprite, thisCommand_obj:thisCommand_obj}; thisCommand_obj.spritesLeft.push(_local2); } } } else { if (_local4 == "this") { _local4 = _this._name; } var sprite = SPRITES[_local4]; if (sprite.lastMove) { var _local2 = {sprite:sprite, thisCommand_obj:thisCommand_obj}; thisCommand_obj.spritesLeft.push(_local2); } } if (thisCommand_obj.spritesLeft.length > 0) { for (var _local5 in thisCommand_obj.spritesLeft) { var _local2 = thisCommand_obj.spritesLeft[_local5]; var sprite = _local2.sprite; _local2.onMotionFinished = function () { this.sprite.lastMove.removeListener(this); this.thisCommand_obj.spritesLeft.pop(); if (this.thisCommand_obj.spritesLeft.length <= 0) { setTimeout(this.thisCommand_obj.nextEvent, 1); } }; sprite.lastMove.addListener(_local2); } } else { thisCommand_obj.nextEvent(); } } if (_local3 == "animation") { var _local4 =; if (_local4 == "this") { _local4 = _this._name; } thisCommand_obj.spriteName = _local4; var _local8 = SPRITES[_local4].image.getParam("frame"); var _local6 = SPRITES[_local4].image.getParam("frames"); if (_local8 < _local6) { SPRITES[_local4].image.addListener(this); } else { thisCommand_obj.nextEvent(); } } if (_local3 == "fadeMusic") { MUSIC.addListener(thisCommand_obj); thisCommand_obj.storeTimeout(999); thisCommand_obj.onFadeComplete = function () { MUSIC.removeListener(thisCommand_obj); if (this.getTimeout() != null) { thisCommand_obj.nextEvent(); } }; } if (_local3 == "sound") { var _local7 = {onSoundComplete:function () { thisCommand_obj.nextEvent(); }}; ROOT.soundLoop[].sound.addListener(_local7); } }; command_obj.scriptBase = scriptBase; command_obj.getTimeout = function () { return(this.scriptBase.timeoutID); }; }; getImpliedValue = function (input) { var _local2; if ((input == "undefined") || (input == undefined)) { _local2 = undefined; } else if ((input == "true") || (input === true)) { _local2 = Boolean(true); } else if ((input == "false") || (input === false)) { _local2 = Boolean(false); } else if (isNaN(input) == false) { _local2 = Number(input); } else { _local2 = input; } return(_local2); }; resolveContainer = function (containerName, thisRef) { thisRef = (thisRef ? (thisRef) : this); var _local4 = _global[containerName]; if (containerName == "this") { _local4 = thisRef; } if (containerName == "_root") { _local4 = _root; } if (containerName == "_level0") { _local4 = _root; } if (containerName == "_global") { _local4 = _global; } return(_local4); }; resolveContainerStr = function (containerName, thisName) { thisName = (thisName ? (thisName) : "this"); var _local2 = null; if (containerName == "this") { _local2 = thisName; } if (containerName == "_root") { _local2 = "_root"; } if (containerName == "_level0") { _local2 = "_root"; } if (containerName == "_global") { _local2 = "_global"; } if (_global[containerName]) { _local2 = containerName; } return(_local2); }; evalPath = function (inputPath, defaultContainer_str, thisName) { var thisName = (thisName ? (thisName) : "this"); if (typeof(inputPath) == "string") { if (!defaultContainer_str) { var defaultContainer_str = thisName; } var endAt = inputPath.indexOf("."); if (endAt == -1) { endAt = inputPath.length; } var container_str = inputPath.substr(0, endAt); var container_str = resolveContainerStr(container_str, thisName); if (!container_str) { var container_str = defaultContainer_str; endAt = -1; } var theRest = inputPath.substr(endAt + 1); var fullPath = (theRest ? ((container_str + ".") + theRest) : (container_str)); var paramStart = fullPath.indexOf("("); if (paramStart != -1) { var paramEnd = fullPath.indexOf(")", paramStart + 1); var param = fullPath.substring(paramStart + 1, paramEnd); var functionPath = fullPath.substr(0, paramStart); var thisFunction = eval (functionPath); var param_array = String(param).split(","); var i = 0; while (i < param_array.length) { param_array[i] = getImpliedValue(param_array[i]); i++; } var output = thisFunction.apply(this, param_array); } else { var output = eval (fullPath); } } else { var output = inputPath; } return(output); }; nestedEval = function (inputPath, defaultContainer_str, thisName) { if (typeof(inputPath) == "string") { thisName = (thisName ? (thisName) : "this"); inputPath = String(inputPath); var _local10 = ""; if (!defaultContainer_str) { defaultContainer_str = "this"; } var _local6 = inputPath.split("["); var _local1 = _local6.length - 1; while (_local1 > 0) { var _local2 = _local6[_local1] + _local10; var _local3 = _local2.indexOf("]"); _local10 = _local2.substr(_local3 + 1); var _local5 = _local2.substr(0, _local3); var _local4 = evalPath(_local5, defaultContainer_str, thisName); _local10 = _local4 + _local10; _local1--; } _local10 = _local6[0] + _local10; } else { var _local10 = inputPath; } return(_local10); }; define_while = function (command_obj) { = function (thisCommand_obj) { if (_this.scriptInterruptCheck()) { var _local3 = thisCommand_obj.getConditionResult(thisCommand_obj); var _local2 =; if (TRACE_SCRIPT) { trace((((((("while: " + _local2[0]) + " ") + _local2[1]) + " ") + _local2[2]) + " result: ") + _local3); } if (_this._name.length == 0) { for (var _local1 in _this.scripts) { if (_this.scripts[_local1].timeoutID != undefined) { clearTimeout(_this.scripts[_local1].timeoutID); } } thisCommand_obj = null; _local3 = true; } if (_local3 == true) { thisCommand_obj.script.done = function () { var _local1 = setTimeout(, 1, thisCommand_obj); thisCommand_obj.storeTimeout(_local1); }; if (thisCommand_obj.script.length > 0) { thisCommand_obj.script.runEvent(0); } else { var _local4 = setTimeout(, 34, thisCommand_obj); thisCommand_obj.storeTimeout(_local4); } } else { thisCommand_obj.nextEvent(); } } }; command_obj.getConditionResult = function (thisCommand_obj) { var _local3 =; var _local5 = nestedEval(_local3.condition[0], "RAM", "_this"); var _local2 = evalPath(_local5, "RAM", "_this"); var _local4 = getImpliedValue(_local3.condition[2]); _local4 = nestedEval(_local4, "RAM", "_this"); var _local1 = getImpliedValue(_local4); var _local6 = false; switch (_local3.condition[1]) { case "=" : _local6 = _local2 == _local1; break; case "!=" : _local6 = _local2 != _local1; break; case ">" : if ((isNaN(_local2) == false) && (isNaN(_local1) == false)) { _local6 = _local2 > _local1; } break; case ">=" : if ((isNaN(_local2) == false) && (isNaN(_local1) == false)) { _local6 = _local2 >= _local1; } break; case "<" : if ((isNaN(_local2) == false) && (isNaN(_local1) == false)) { _local6 = _local2 < _local1; } break; case "<=" : if (!((isNaN(_local2) == false) && (isNaN(_local1) == false))) { break; } _local6 = _local2 <= _local1; } return(_local6); }; }; define_anim = function (command_obj) { = function (thisCommand_obj) { if (TRACE_SCRIPT) { trace("set isAnimating"); } var _local1 =; thisCommand_obj.sprite.image.setParams({isAnimating:_local1}); thisCommand_obj.nextEvent(); }; }; emptyObject = function (inputObject) { for (var _local2 in inputObject) { delete inputObject[_local2]; } }; getType = function (inputObject) { var _local1 = ""; if (inputObject instanceof Function) { _local1 = "function"; } else if (inputObject instanceof MovieClip) { _local1 = "movieClip"; } else if (inputObject instanceof Array) { _local1 = "array"; } else if (inputObject instanceof XMLNode) { _local1 = "xml"; } else if (inputObject instanceof flash.display.BitmapData) { _local1 = "bitmap"; } else if (inputObject instanceof Object) { _local1 = "object"; } else { _local1 = "variable"; } return(_local1); }; copyObject = function (srcObj, destObj) { emptyObject(destObj); var _local4 = {}; for (var _local6 in srcObj) { _local4[_local6] = srcObj[_local6]; } for (var _local6 in _local4) { var _local1 = _local4[_local6]; var _local3 = getType(_local1); if (_local3 == "variable") { destObj[_local6] = _local1; } if (_local3 == "bitmap") { destObj[_local6] = _local1.clone(); } if (_local3 == "xml") { destObj[_local6] = _local1.cloneNode(true); } if (_local3 == "array") { destObj[_local6] = new Array(); copyObject(_local1, destObj[_local6]); } if (_local3 == "object") { destObj[_local6] = new Object(); copyObject(_local1, destObj[_local6]); } } }; getImpliedValue = function (input) { var _local2; if ((input == "undefined") || (input == undefined)) { _local2 = undefined; } else if ((input == "true") || (input === true)) { _local2 = Boolean(true); } else if ((input == "false") || (input === false)) { _local2 = Boolean(false); } else if (isNaN(input) == false) { _local2 = Number(input); } else { _local2 = input; } return(_local2); }; resolveContainer = function (containerName, thisRef) { thisRef = (thisRef ? (thisRef) : this); var _local4 = _global[containerName]; if (containerName == "this") { _local4 = thisRef; } if (containerName == "_root") { _local4 = _root; } if (containerName == "_level0") { _local4 = _root; } if (containerName == "_global") { _local4 = _global; } return(_local4); }; resolveContainerStr = function (containerName, thisName) { thisName = (thisName ? (thisName) : "this"); var _local2 = null; if (containerName == "this") { _local2 = thisName; } if (containerName == "_root") { _local2 = "_root"; } if (containerName == "_level0") { _local2 = "_root"; } if (containerName == "_global") { _local2 = "_global"; } if (_global[containerName]) { _local2 = containerName; } return(_local2); }; evalPath = function (inputPath, defaultContainer_str, thisName) { var thisName = (thisName ? (thisName) : "this"); if (typeof(inputPath) == "string") { if (!defaultContainer_str) { var defaultContainer_str = thisName; } var endAt = inputPath.indexOf("."); if (endAt == -1) { endAt = inputPath.length; } var container_str = inputPath.substr(0, endAt); var container_str = resolveContainerStr(container_str, thisName); if (!container_str) { var container_str = defaultContainer_str; endAt = -1; } var theRest = inputPath.substr(endAt + 1); var fullPath = (theRest ? ((container_str + ".") + theRest) : (container_str)); var paramStart = fullPath.indexOf("("); if (paramStart != -1) { var paramEnd = fullPath.indexOf(")", paramStart + 1); var param = fullPath.substring(paramStart + 1, paramEnd); var functionPath = fullPath.substr(0, paramStart); var thisFunction = eval (functionPath); var param_array = String(param).split(","); var i = 0; while (i < param_array.length) { param_array[i] = getImpliedValue(param_array[i]); i++; } var output = thisFunction.apply(this, param_array); } else { var output = eval (fullPath); } } else { var output = inputPath; } return(output); }; nestedEval = function (inputPath, defaultContainer_str, thisName) { if (typeof(inputPath) == "string") { thisName = (thisName ? (thisName) : "this"); inputPath = String(inputPath); var _local10 = ""; if (!defaultContainer_str) { defaultContainer_str = "this"; } var _local6 = inputPath.split("["); var _local1 = _local6.length - 1; while (_local1 > 0) { var _local2 = _local6[_local1] + _local10; var _local3 = _local2.indexOf("]"); _local10 = _local2.substr(_local3 + 1); var _local5 = _local2.substr(0, _local3); var _local4 = evalPath(_local5, defaultContainer_str, thisName); _local10 = _local4 + _local10; _local1--; } _local10 = _local6[0] + _local10; } else { var _local10 = inputPath; } return(_local10); }; define_appearance = function (command_obj) { = function (thisCommand_obj) { if (TRACE_SCRIPT) { trace("appearance"); } var _local4 = thisCommand_obj.sprite.image; var _local3 =; var _local1 = {}; copyObject(_local3, _local1); _local1.charset = nestedEval(_local3.charset, "RAM", "_this"); _local1.animDirection = 1; thisCommand_obj.sprite.image.setParams(_local1); thisCommand_obj.nextEvent(); }; }; define_direction = function (command_obj) { = function (thisCommand_obj) { if (TRACE_SCRIPT) { trace("direction"); } var _local1 =; thisCommand_obj.sprite.image.setParams({direction:_local1}); thisCommand_obj.nextEvent(); }; }; getImpliedValue = function (input) { var _local2; if ((input == "undefined") || (input == undefined)) { _local2 = undefined; } else if ((input == "true") || (input === true)) { _local2 = Boolean(true); } else if ((input == "false") || (input === false)) { _local2 = Boolean(false); } else if (isNaN(input) == false) { _local2 = Number(input); } else { _local2 = input; } return(_local2); }; resolveContainer = function (containerName, thisRef) { thisRef = (thisRef ? (thisRef) : this); var _local4 = _global[containerName]; if (containerName == "this") { _local4 = thisRef; } if (containerName == "_root") { _local4 = _root; } if (containerName == "_level0") { _local4 = _root; } if (containerName == "_global") { _local4 = _global; } return(_local4); }; resolveContainerStr = function (containerName, thisName) { thisName = (thisName ? (thisName) : "this"); var _local2 = null; if (containerName == "this") { _local2 = thisName; } if (containerName == "_root") { _local2 = "_root"; } if (containerName == "_level0") { _local2 = "_root"; } if (containerName == "_global") { _local2 = "_global"; } if (_global[containerName]) { _local2 = containerName; } return(_local2); }; evalPath = function (inputPath, defaultContainer_str, thisName) { var thisName = (thisName ? (thisName) : "this"); if (typeof(inputPath) == "string") { if (!defaultContainer_str) { var defaultContainer_str = thisName; } var endAt = inputPath.indexOf("."); if (endAt == -1) { endAt = inputPath.length; } var container_str = inputPath.substr(0, endAt); var container_str = resolveContainerStr(container_str, thisName); if (!container_str) { var container_str = defaultContainer_str; endAt = -1; } var theRest = inputPath.substr(endAt + 1); var fullPath = (theRest ? ((container_str + ".") + theRest) : (container_str)); var paramStart = fullPath.indexOf("("); if (paramStart != -1) { var paramEnd = fullPath.indexOf(")", paramStart + 1); var param = fullPath.substring(paramStart + 1, paramEnd); var functionPath = fullPath.substr(0, paramStart); var thisFunction = eval (functionPath); var param_array = String(param).split(","); var i = 0; while (i < param_array.length) { param_array[i] = getImpliedValue(param_array[i]); i++; } var output = thisFunction.apply(this, param_array); } else { var output = eval (fullPath); } } else { var output = inputPath; } return(output); }; nestedEval = function (inputPath, defaultContainer_str, thisName) { if (typeof(inputPath) == "string") { thisName = (thisName ? (thisName) : "this"); inputPath = String(inputPath); var _local10 = ""; if (!defaultContainer_str) { defaultContainer_str = "this"; } var _local6 = inputPath.split("["); var _local1 = _local6.length - 1; while (_local1 > 0) { var _local2 = _local6[_local1] + _local10; var _local3 = _local2.indexOf("]"); _local10 = _local2.substr(_local3 + 1); var _local5 = _local2.substr(0, _local3); var _local4 = evalPath(_local5, defaultContainer_str, thisName); _local10 = _local4 + _local10; _local1--; } _local10 = _local6[0] + _local10; } else { var _local10 = inputPath; } return(_local10); }; makeStringObject = function (input_str, defaultContainer_str, thisName) { var _local9 = null; var _local8 = input_str.indexOf("{"); if ((_local8 == -1) || (_local8 == undefined)) { _local9 = input_str; } else { var _local7 = {}; var _local12 = input_str.indexOf("}", _local8 + 1); var _local10 = input_str.substring(_local8 + 1, _local12); _local10 = nestedEval(_local10, defaultContainer_str, thisName); var _local6 = _local10.split(","); var _local2 = 0; while (_local2 < _local6.length) { var _local3 = _local6[_local2]; var _local4 = _local3.indexOf(":"); var _local5 = _local3.substr(0, _local4); var _local1 = _local3.substr(_local4 + 1); _local1 = getImpliedValue(_local1); _local7[_local5] = _local1; _local2++; } _local9 = _local7; } return(_local9); }; define_lookAt = function (command_obj) { = function (thisCommand_obj) { if (TRACE_SCRIPT) { trace("lookAt"); } var _local2 = thisCommand_obj.sprite; var _local4 = nestedEval(, "RAM", "_this"); var _local1 = SPRITES[_local4]; if (!_local1) { _local1 = _this; } var _local3 = _local1; _local2.image.lookAt(_local2, _local3); thisCommand_obj.nextEvent(); }; }; define_moveAbsolute = function (command_obj) { = function (thisCommand_obj) { if (TRACE_SCRIPT) { trace("moveAbsolute"); } if (typeof( == "string") { if ( != "[") { = ("[" + + "]"; } } if (typeof( == "string") { if ( != "[") { = ("[" + + "]"; } } var _local7 = Number(nestedEval(, "RAM", "_this")); var _local6 = Number(nestedEval(, "RAM", "_this") - 8); var _local4 = thisCommand_obj.sprite._x; var _local3 = thisCommand_obj.sprite._y; if ( { var _local8 = _local7 - _local4; var _local9 = _local6 - _local3; if (Math.abs(_local9) > Math.abs(_local8)) { if (_local9 < 0) { thisCommand_obj.sprite.image.setParams({direction:"up"}); } else { thisCommand_obj.sprite.image.setParams({direction:"down"}); } } else if (_local8 < 0) { thisCommand_obj.sprite.image.setParams({direction:"left"}); } else { thisCommand_obj.sprite.image.setParams({direction:"right"}); } } if ( { thisCommand_obj.sprite.image.setParams({isAnimating:true}); } if ( == 0) { = 0.001; } thisCommand_obj.slideX = new mx.transitions.Tween(thisCommand_obj.sprite, "_x", null, _local4, _local7,, true); thisCommand_obj.slideY = new mx.transitions.Tween(thisCommand_obj.sprite, "_y", null, _local3, _local6,, true); thisCommand_obj.slideY.thisCommand_obj = thisCommand_obj; var _local5 = function (thisTween) { var _local1 = thisTween.thisCommand_obj; _local1.slideX.onMotionFinished = null; _local1.slideY.onMotionFinished = null; if ( { _local1.sprite.image.setParams({isAnimating:false}); } _local1.slideX.stop(); _local1.slideY.stop(); delete _local1.slideX; delete _local1.slideY; var _local2 = _local1.moveTimeout.exists(_local1.timeout); if (_local2) { _local1.moveTimeout.remove(_local1.timeout); _local1.nextEvent(); } }; thisCommand_obj.slideX.onMotionFinished = _local5; thisCommand_obj.slideY.onMotionFinished = _local5; thisCommand_obj.slideY.onMotionChanged = function () { var _local2 = this.thisCommand_obj; var _local3 = _local2.moveTimeout.exists(_local2.timeout); if (_local3 == false) { this.onMotionFinished(this); } }; var _local11 = function () { }; var _local10 = * 1000; thisCommand_obj.timeout = setTimeout(_local11, _local10, thisCommand_obj); thisCommand_obj.moveTimeout.addTimeout(thisCommand_obj.timeout); }; command_obj.moveTimeout = moveTimeout; }; define_moveRelative = function (command_obj) { = function (thisCommand_obj) { if (TRACE_SCRIPT) { trace("moveRelative"); } if (typeof( == "string") { if ( != "[") { = ("[" + + "]"; } } if (typeof( == "string") { if ( != "[") { = ("[" + + "]"; } } var _local3 = Number(nestedEval(, "RAM", "_this")); var _local4 = Number(nestedEval(, "RAM", "_this")); if ( { if (Math.abs(_local4) > Math.abs(_local3)) { if (_local4 < 0) { thisCommand_obj.sprite.image.setParams({direction:"up"}); } else { thisCommand_obj.sprite.image.setParams({direction:"down"}); } } else if (_local3 < 0) { thisCommand_obj.sprite.image.setParams({direction:"left"}); } else { thisCommand_obj.sprite.image.setParams({direction:"right"}); } } if ( { thisCommand_obj.sprite.image.setParams({isAnimating:true}); } var _local6 = thisCommand_obj.sprite._x; var _local5 = thisCommand_obj.sprite._y; var _local12 = _local6 + _local3; var _local11 = _local5 + _local4; if ( == 0) { = 0.001; } thisCommand_obj.slideX = new mx.transitions.Tween(thisCommand_obj.sprite, "_x", null, _local6, _local12,, true); thisCommand_obj.slideY = new mx.transitions.Tween(thisCommand_obj.sprite, "_y", null, _local5, _local11,, true); thisCommand_obj.slideY.thisCommand_obj = thisCommand_obj; var _local7 = function (thisTween) { var _local1 = thisTween.thisCommand_obj; _local1.slideX.onMotionFinished = null; _local1.slideY.onMotionFinished = null; if ( { _local1.sprite.image.setParams({isAnimating:false}); } _local1.slideX.stop(); _local1.slideY.stop(); delete _local1.slideX; delete _local1.slideY; var _local2 = _local1.moveTimeout.exists(_local1.timeout); if (_local2) { _local1.moveTimeout.remove(_local1.timeout); _local1.nextEvent(); } }; thisCommand_obj.slideX.onMotionFinished = _local7; thisCommand_obj.slideY.onMotionFinished = _local7; thisCommand_obj.slideY.onMotionChanged = function () { var _local2 = this.thisCommand_obj; var _local3 = _local2.moveTimeout.exists(_local2.timeout); if (_local3 == false) { this.onMotionFinished(this); } }; var _local9 = function () { }; var _local8 = * 1000; thisCommand_obj.timeout = setTimeout(_local9, _local8, thisCommand_obj); thisCommand_obj.moveTimeout.addTimeout(thisCommand_obj.timeout); }; command_obj.moveTimeout = moveTimeout; }; define_moveWait = function (command_obj) { = function (thisCommand_obj) { if (TRACE_SCRIPT) { trace("moveWait"); } var _local3 = function (thisCommand_obj) { thisCommand_obj.moveTimeout.remove(); thisCommand_obj.nextEvent(); }; var _local2 = * 1000; thisCommand_obj.timeout = setTimeout(_local3, _local2, thisCommand_obj); thisCommand_obj.moveTimeout.addTimeout(thisCommand_obj.timeout); }; command_obj.moveTimeout = moveTimeout; }; scripts = {}; scriptInterruptCheck = function () { if (_this.isCommonEvent) { var _local1 = ((levelId == COMMON._parent.uid) && (COMMON._parent.uid != undefined)) && (levelId != undefined); } else { var _local1 = ((levelId == ROOT.game_mc.uid) && (ROOT.game_mc.uid != undefined)) && (levelId != undefined); } return(_local1); }; isCommonEvent = COMMON[_name] == _this; levelId = (isCommonEvent ? (COMMON._parent.uid) : (ROOT.game_mc.uid)); addScripting = function (sourceArray, destScript, scriptBase) { var _local2 = 0; while (_local2 < sourceArray.length) { if (isNaN(_local2) == false) { var _local3 = sourceArray[_local2]; var _local1 = {}; destScript[_local2] = _local1; = _local3; _local1.nextEvent = destScript.nextEvent; _local1.storeTimeout = function (timeoutID) { scriptBase.timeoutID = timeoutID; }; var _local4 = "define_" + _local3.type; _this[_local4](_local1); if (_local3.length > 0) { _local1.script = makeScriptSystem(); _local1.script.checkForInterrupt = scriptInterruptCheck; addScripting(_local3, _local1.script, scriptBase); } } _local2++; } }; for (var nam in data.scripts) { scripts[nam] = makeScriptSystem(); scripts[nam].checkForInterrupt = scriptInterruptCheck; addScripting(data.scripts[nam], scripts[nam], scripts[nam]); makeDefaultScriptFunction(nam); } auto = function () { if ( > 0) { startTime = getTimer();; } }; talk = function () { if ( > 0) { var _local1 = SPRITES.player.isPaused; LOOP.pauseSet("player", true); playerWasAnimating = SPRITES.player.image.init.isAnimating; SPRITES.player.image.setParams({isAnimating:false}); = function () { var _local1 = ((playerWasPaused != undefined) ? (playerWasPaused) : false); LOOP.pauseSet("player", _local1); SPRITES.player.image.setParams({isAnimating:playerWasAnimating}); };; } }; collision = function () { scripts.collision.done = function () { }; scripts.collision.runEvent(0); }; lastCollision = true; checkCollision = function () { if (scripts.collision.length > 0) { bumpThreshold = (this.noCollide ? 8 : 15.5); var _local3 = _this._x - SPRITES.player._x; var _local2 = _this._y - SPRITES.player._y; var _local5 = Math.sqrt((_local3 * _local3) + (_local2 * _local2)); var _local4 = _local5 < bumpThreshold; if (_local4 && (!lastCollision)) { collision(); } lastCollision = _local4; } }; see = function () { if (scripts.see.length > 0) { canSee = false; scripts.see.done = function () { var _local1 = function (_this) { _this.canSee = true; }; setTimeout(_local1, 34, _this); }; scripts.see.runEvent(0); } }; seeDistance = 7; canSee = true; checkSee = function () { if ((scripts.see.length > 0) && (canSee)) { var _local7 = new flash.geom.Point(0, 0); if (image.isFacing("up")) { _local7.y = -16; } else if (image.isFacing("down")) { _local7.y = 16; } else if (image.isFacing("left")) { _local7.x = -16; } else if (image.isFacing("right")) { _local7.x = 16; } seePoint = new flash.geom.Point(_x, _y); var _local8 = false; var _local3 = 0; while (_local3 < seeDistance) { seePoint = seePoint.add(_local7); var _local5 = Math.floor(seePoint.x / 16); var _local4 = Math.floor(seePoint.y / 16); var _local6 = MAP.collision_array[_local5][_local4]; if (_local6 == 1) { break; } var _local2 = seePoint.clone(); _parent.localToGlobal(_local2); if (SPRITES.player.hit.hitTest(_local2.x, _local2.y, false)) { _local8 = true; break; } _local3++; } if (_local8) { see(); } } }; canClick = true; click = function () { if ((( > 0) && (canClick)) && (_this.isPaused != true)) { canClick = false; = function () { var _local1 = function (_this) { _this.canClick = true; }; setTimeout(_local1, 34, _this); };; } }; if ( > 0) { image.mask_mc.onRelease = click; } canCheckScreen = true; lastOnScreen = null; if ((scripts.onScreen.length > 0) || (scripts.offScreen.length > 0)) { checkScreen = function () { if (canCheckScreen) { thisPos = new flash.geom.Point(0, 0); _this.localToGlobal(thisPos); isOnScreen = SCREEN.hitTest(thisPos.x, thisPos.y, false); if ((isOnScreen == true) && (lastOnScreen == false)) { _this.doOnScreen(); } if ((isOnScreen != true) && (lastOnScreen != false)) { _this.doOffScreen(); } lastOnScreen = isOnScreen; } }; } doOnScreen = function () { if (scripts.onScreen.length > 0) { canCheckScreen = false; scripts.onScreen.done = function () { _this.canCheckScreen = true; }; scripts.onScreen.runEvent(0); } }; doOffScreen = function () { if (scripts.offScreen.length > 0) { canCheckScreen = false; scripts.offScreen.done = function () { _this.canCheckScreen = true; }; scripts.offScreen.runEvent(0); } }; loop = function () { checkSee(); checkCollision(); checkScreen(); }; killWait = function () { for (var _local2 in this) { if (this[_local2].timeoutID != null) { clearTimeout(this[_local2].timeoutID); this[_local2].timeoutID = null; } } moveTimeout.removeAll(); }; onUnload = function () { killWait(); LOOP.removeObject(_this, "sprites"); }; auto();
Symbol 233 MovieClip [player] Frame 1
function newSprite(newSettings, newTarget, newName, newDepth) { newTarget = (newTarget ? (newTarget) : this); newName = (newName ? (newName) : ("sprite_" + Math.floor(Math.random() * 9999))); while (newTarget[newName]) { newName = "sprite_" + Math.floor(Math.random() * 9999); } _global.nextDepth = function (this_mc, maxDepth) { this_mc = (this_mc ? (this_mc) : _root); var _local4 = 1; var _local5 = (maxDepth ? (maxDepth) : 1048500); for (var _local6 in this_mc) { var _local2 = this_mc[_local6].getDepth(); if ((_local2 < _local5) && (_local2 >= _local4)) { _local4 = _local2 + 1; } } return(_local4); }; newDepth = ((newDepth != undefined) ? (newDepth) : (nextDepth(newTarget))); var _this = newTarget.createEmptyMovieClip(newName, newDepth); AsBroadcaster.initialize(_this); var _local9 = {}; _local9.charset = newSettings.charset; _local9.direction = ((newSettings.direction != undefined) ? (newSettings.direction) : 0); _local9.directions = ((newSettings.directions != undefined) ? (newSettings.directions) : 1); _local9.frame = ((newSettings.frame != undefined) ? (newSettings.frame) : 0); _local9.frames = ((newSettings.frames != undefined) ? (newSettings.frames) : 1); _local9.pose = ((newSettings.pose != undefined) ? (newSettings.pose) : 0); _local9.columns = ((newSettings.columns != undefined) ? (newSettings.columns) : 1); _local9.rows = ((newSettings.rows != undefined) ? (newSettings.rows) : 1); _local9.animType = ((newSettings.animType != undefined) ? (newSettings.animType) : "loop"); _local9.animDirection = ((newSettings.animDirection != undefined) ? (newSettings.animDirection) : 1); _local9.delay = ((newSettings.delay != undefined) ? (newSettings.delay) : 4); _local9.isAnimating = ((newSettings.isAnimating != undefined) ? (newSettings.isAnimating) : true); _this.init = {}; _this.internal = {}; _this.spriteWidth = 0; _this.spriteHeight = 0; _this.mask_mc = _this.createEmptyMovieClip("mask_mc", 1); _this.mask_mc.beginFill(16711680, 0); _this.mask_mc.lineTo(16, 0); _this.mask_mc.lineTo(16, 16); _this.mask_mc.lineTo(0, 16); _this.mask_mc.lineTo(0, 0); _this.mask_mc.endFill(); _this.offsetX = 0; _this.offsetY = 0; _this.refresh = false; _this.loader = new MovieClipLoader(); _this.update = function () { var _local2 = _this.internal.pose % _this.internal.columns; _this.image_mc._x = (_this.offsetX - ((_local2 * _this.spriteWidth) * _this.internal.frames)) - (_this.internal.frame * _this.spriteWidth); var _local1 = Math.floor(_this.internal.pose / _this.internal.columns); _this.image_mc._y = (_this.offsetY - ((_local1 * _this.spriteHeight) * _this.internal.directions)) - (_this.internal.direction * _this.spriteHeight); _this.refresh = false; }; _this.updateMask = function () { _this.mask_mc._width = _this.spriteWidth; _this.mask_mc._height = _this.spriteHeight; _this.mask_mc._x = _this.offsetX; _this.mask_mc._y = _this.offsetY; }; _this.updateSize = function () { _this.spriteWidth = (_this.image_mc._width / _this.internal.columns) / _this.internal.frames; _this.spriteHeight = (_this.image_mc._height / _this.internal.rows) / _this.internal.directions; _this.offsetX = (-_this.spriteWidth) / 2; _this.offsetY = -_this.spriteHeight; _this.updateMask(); }; _this.set_charset = function (new_charset, newThis) { var _this = (newThis || (_this)); _this.internal.charset = new_charset; _this.removeSnapshot = function () { _this.previous_mc.removeMovieClip(); }; delete _this.previous_pic; _this.previous_pic = new flash.display.BitmapData(_this.mask_mc._width, _this.mask_mc._height, true, 0); var _local2 = new flash.geom.Matrix(); _local2.translate(-_this.offsetX, -_this.offsetY); _this.previous_pic.draw(_this, _local2); _this.previous_mc.removeMovieClip(); _this.createEmptyMovieClip("previous_mc", 0); _this.previous_mc.attachBitmap(_this.previous_pic, 0); _this.previous_mc._x = _this.offsetX; _this.previous_mc._y = _this.offsetY; _this.loader.new_charset = new_charset; _this.loader._this = _this; _this.internal.frame = _this.init.frame; _this.loader.onLoadInit = function (image_mc) { var _local1 = image_mc._parent; _local1.updateSize(); _local1.image_mc.setMask(_local1.mask_mc); _local1.previous_mc.removeMovieClip(); _local1.update(); _local1.image_mc._alpha = 100; _local1.onLoad(); }; _this.loader.onLoadError = function () { }; _this.loader.externalFile = false; _this.image_mc.removeMovieClip(); _this.createEmptyMovieClip("image_mc", 2); _this.image_mc._alpha = 0; _this.image_mc.attachMovie(new_charset, "image", 2); if ((_this.image_mc._width == undefined) || (_this.image_mc._width == 0)) { _this.image_pic.dispose(); _this.image_pic = flash.display.BitmapData.loadBitmap(new_charset); _this.image_mc.attachBitmap(_this.image_pic, 0); if ((_this.image_mc._width == undefined) || (_this.image_mc._width == 0)) { _this.loader.externalFile = true; _this.loader.loadClip(new_charset, _this.image_mc); } else { setTimeout(_this.loader.onLoadInit, 1, _this.image_mc); } } else { setTimeout(_this.loader.onLoadInit, 1, _this.image_mc); } }; _this.set_directions = function (new_directions) { if (new_directions < 0) { new_directions = 1; } _this.internal.directions = Math.floor(Math.abs(Number(new_directions))); _this.internal.direction = _this.internal.direction % _this.internal.directions; _this.updateSize(); _this.refresh = true; }; _this.set_direction = function (new_direction) { var _local2 = _this.internal.directions / 4; if (new_direction == "up") { new_direction = 0; } else if (new_direction == "right") { new_direction = Math.floor(1 * _local2); } else if (new_direction == "down") { new_direction = Math.floor(2 * _local2); } else if (new_direction == "left") { new_direction = Math.floor(3 * _local2); } while (new_direction < 0) { new_direction = new_direction + _this.internal.directions; } new_direction = new_direction % _this.internal.directions; _this.refresh = true; _this.internal.direction = Math.floor(Number(new_direction)); }; _this.set_frames = function (new_frames) { if (_this.internal.frame > (new_frames - 1)) { _this.internal.frame = new_frames - 1; } if (_this.init.frame > (new_frames - 1)) { _this.init.frame = new_frames - 1; } _this.internal.frames = Math.floor(Math.abs(Number(new_frames))); if (_this.internal.frame > (_this.internal.frames - 1)) { _this.internal.frame = _this.internal.frames - 1; } _this.init.frame = _this.internal.frame; _this.updateSize(); _this.refresh = true; }; _this.set_frame = function (new_frame) { if (new_frame < 0) { new_frame = 0; } if (new_frame > (_this.internal.frames - 1)) { new_frame = _this.internal.frames - 1; } _this.refresh = true; _this.init.frame = (_this.internal.frame = Math.floor(Math.abs(Number(new_frame)))); }; _this.set_columns = function (new_columns) { _this.internal.columns = Math.floor(Math.abs(Number(new_columns))); _this.updateSize(); _this.refresh = true; }; _this.set_rows = function (new_rows) { _this.internal.rows = Math.floor(Math.abs(Number(new_rows))); _this.updateSize(); _this.refresh = true; }; _this.set_pose = function (new_pose) { var _local1 = (_this.internal.columns * _this.internal.rows) - 1; if (new_pose < 0) { new_pose = 0; } if (new_pose > _local1) { new_pose = _local1; } _this.refresh = true; _this.internal.pose = Math.floor(Math.abs(Number(new_pose))); }; _this.set_animType = function (new_animType) { if (((new_animType == "loop") || (new_animType == "yoyo")) || (new_animType == "once")) { _this.internal.animType = String(new_animType); } }; _this.set_animDirection = function (new_animDirection) { if (new_animDirection < -1) { new_animDirection = -1; } if (new_animDirection > 1) { new_animDirection = 1; } if ((new_animDirection == -1) || (new_animDirection == 1)) { _this.internal.animDirection = Number(new_animDirection); } }; _this.set_delay = function (new_delay) { if (new_delay <= 0) { new_delay = 1; } _this.internal.delay = Number(new_delay); }; _this.set_isAnimating = function (new_isAnimating) { if (new_isAnimating.toLowerCase() == "true") { new_isAnimating = true; } if (new_isAnimating.toLowerCase() == "false") { new_isAnimating = false; } if (Boolean(new_isAnimating) != _this.internal.isAnimating) { if (new_isAnimating) { _this.advanceAnimation(); } else { _this.internal.frame = Number(_this.init.frame); } _this.refresh = true; } _this.internal.isAnimating = Boolean(new_isAnimating); }; _this.setParams = function (newSettings) { if ((newSettings.charset != undefined) && (newSettings.charset != _this.internal.charset)) { _this.set_charset(newSettings.charset); _this.init.charset = _this.internal.charset; } if ((newSettings.directions != undefined) && (newSettings.directions != _this.internal.directions)) { _this.set_directions(newSettings.directions); _this.init.directions = _this.internal.directions; } if ((newSettings.direction != undefined) && (newSettings.direction != _this.internal.direction)) { _this.set_direction(newSettings.direction); _this.init.direction = _this.internal.direction; } if ((newSettings.frames != undefined) && (newSettings.frames != _this.internal.frames)) { _this.set_frames(newSettings.frames); _this.init.frames = _this.internal.frames; } if ((newSettings.frame != undefined) && (newSettings.frame != _this.internal.frame)) { _this.set_frame(newSettings.frame); _this.init.frame = _this.internal.frame; } if ((newSettings.columns != undefined) && (newSettings.columns != _this.internal.columns)) { _this.set_columns(newSettings.columns); _this.init.columns = _this.internal.columns; } if ((newSettings.rows != undefined) && (newSettings.rows != _this.internal.rows)) { _this.set_rows(newSettings.rows); _this.init.rows = _this.internal.rows; } if ((newSettings.pose != undefined) && (newSettings.pose != _this.internal.pose)) { _this.set_pose(newSettings.pose); _this.init.pose = _this.internal.pose; } if ((newSettings.animType != undefined) && (newSettings.animType != _this.internal.animType)) { _this.set_animType(newSettings.animType); _this.init.animType = _this.internal.animType; } if ((newSettings.animDirection != undefined) && (newSettings.animDirection != _this.internal.animDirection)) { _this.set_animDirection(newSettings.animDirection); _this.init.animDirection = _this.internal.animDirection; } if ((newSettings.delay != undefined) && (newSettings.delay != _this.internal.delay)) { _this.set_delay(newSettings.delay); _this.init.delay = _this.internal.delay; } if ((newSettings.isAnimating != undefined) && (newSettings.isAnimating != _this.internal.isAnimating)) { _this.set_isAnimating(newSettings.isAnimating); _this.init.isAnimating = _this.internal.isAnimating; } if (_this.refresh) { _this.update(); } }; _this.getParams = function () { var _local1 = {}; for (var _local2 in _this.init) { _local1[_local2] = _this.init[_local2]; } return(_local1); }; _this.getParam = function (varName) { return(_this.internal[varName]); }; _this.advanceAnimation = function () { _this.internal.frame = _this.internal.frame + _this.internal.animDirection; switch (_this.internal.animType) { case "loop" : if (_this.internal.frame < 0) { _this.internal.frame = _this.internal.frame + _this.internal.frames; } else if (_this.internal.frame >= _this.internal.frames) { _this.internal.frame = _this.internal.frame - _this.internal.frames; _this.broadcastMessage("animDone"); _this.animDone(); } return; case "once" : if (_this.internal.frame < 0) { _this.internal.frame = 0; } else if (_this.internal.frame >= _this.internal.frames) { _this.internal.frame = _this.internal.frames - 1; _this.broadcastMessage("animDone"); _this.animDone(); } return; case "yoyo" : if (_this.internal.frame < 0) { _this.internal.frame = _this.internal.frame + 2; _this.internal.animDirection = _this.internal.animDirection * -1; } else if (_this.internal.frame >= _this.internal.frames) { _this.internal.frame = _this.internal.frame - 2; _this.internal.animDirection = _this.internal.animDirection * -1; _this.broadcastMessage("animDone"); _this.animDone(); } if (_this.internal.frame < 0) { _this.internal.frame = 0; } if (_this.internal.frame < _this.internal.frames) { break; } _this.internal.frame = _this.internal.frames - 1; } }; _this.fps = 30; _this.loop = function () { if (_this.internal.isAnimating) { _this.advanceAnimation(); } _this.update(); _this.loopInterval = setTimeout(_this.loop, (1000 / _this.fps) * _this.internal.delay); }; _this.loopInterval = setTimeout(_this.loop, 0); _this.lookAtCoords = function () { var _local8 = arguments[0]; var _local7 = arguments[1]; var _local3 = _local8 - _this._parent._x; var _local2 = _local7 - _this._parent._y; var _local4 = Math.sqrt((_local3 * _local3) + (_local2 * _local2)); var _local5 = _local3 / _local4; var _local6 = _local2 / _local4; if (Math.abs(_local6) > Math.abs(_local5)) { if (_local6 < 0) { _this.setParams({direction:"up"}); } else { _this.setParams({direction:"down"}); } } else if (_local5 < 0) { _this.setParams({direction:"left"}); } else { _this.setParams({direction:"right"}); } }; _this.lookAtSprite = function (sprite2) { _this.lookAtCoords(sprite2._x, sprite2._y); }; _this.lookAt = function (sprite1, sprite2) { var _local2 = sprite2._x - sprite1._x; var _local1 = sprite2._y - sprite1._y; var _local3 = Math.sqrt((_local2 * _local2) + (_local1 * _local1)); var _local4 = _local2 / _local3; var _local5 = _local1 / _local3; if (Math.abs(_local5) > Math.abs(_local4)) { if (_local5 < 0) { _this.setParams({direction:"up"}); } else { _this.setParams({direction:"down"}); } } else if (_local4 < 0) { _this.setParams({direction:"left"}); } else { _this.setParams({direction:"right"}); } }; _this.isFacing = function (checkDir) { var _local2 = _this.internal.directions / 4; if (checkDir == "up") { checkDir = 0; } else if (checkDir == "right") { checkDir = Math.floor(1 * _local2); } else if (checkDir == "down") { checkDir = Math.floor(2 * _local2); } else if (checkDir == "left") { checkDir = Math.floor(3 * _local2); } while (checkDir < 0) { checkDir = checkDir + _this.internal.directions; } checkDir = checkDir % _this.internal.directions; return(_this.internal.direction == checkDir); }; _this.setParams(_local9); _this.onUnload = function () { clearTimeout(_this.loopInterval); for (var _local1 in _this._listeners) { _this._listeners[_local1] = null; } _this._listeners = []; }; return(_this); } function makeTileCollision(walk_obj, wallValues) { walk_obj.wallValues = wallValues; var _local28 = function () { if (this.walk_obj.wallValues == undefined) { this.walk_obj.wallValues = [1]; } var _local2 = 5; var _local11 = this.walk_obj.xVel; var _local10 = this.walk_obj.yVel; var _local12 = Math.abs(_local11) / _local11; var _local23 = ((this.player_mc._x + (_local2 * _local12)) + _local11) + this.xOffset; var _local22 = (this.player_mc._y - _local2) + this.yOffset; var _local19 = Math.floor(_local23 / 16); var _local18 = Math.floor(_local22 / 16); var _local7 = this.collision_array[_local19][_local18]; var _local15 = ((this.player_mc._x + (_local2 * _local12)) + _local11) + this.xOffset; var _local14 = (this.player_mc._y + _local2) + this.yOffset; var _local16 = Math.floor(_local15 / 16); var _local17 = Math.floor(_local14 / 16); var _local6 = this.collision_array[_local16][_local17]; var _local3 = false; for (var _local9 in this.walk_obj.wallValues) { if ((_local7 == this.walk_obj.wallValues[_local9]) || (_local6 == this.walk_obj.wallValues[_local9])) { _local3 = true; } } if ((_local7 == undefined) || (_local6 == undefined)) { _local3 = true; } if (_local3) { this.walk_obj.xVel = 0; } var _local13 = Math.abs(_local10) / _local10; var _local25 = (this.player_mc._x - _local2) + this.xOffset; var _local24 = ((this.player_mc._y + (_local2 * _local13)) + _local10) + this.yOffset; var _local26 = Math.floor(_local25 / 16); var _local28 = Math.floor(_local24 / 16); var _local8 = this.collision_array[_local26][_local28]; var _local21 = (this.player_mc._x + _local2) + this.xOffset; var _local20 = ((this.player_mc._y + (_local2 * _local13)) + _local10) + this.yOffset; var _local27 = Math.floor(_local21 / 16); var _local29 = Math.floor(_local20 / 16); var _local5 = this.collision_array[_local27][_local29]; var _local4 = false; for (var _local9 in this.walk_obj.wallValues) { if ((_local8 == this.walk_obj.wallValues[_local9]) || (_local5 == this.walk_obj.wallValues[_local9])) { _local4 = true; } } if ((_local8 == undefined) || (_local5 == undefined)) { _local4 = true; } if (_local4) { this.walk_obj.yVel = 0; } }; return(_local28); } function makeSpriteCollision() { var _local15 = function () { var _local3 = 5; var _local7 = this.walk_obj.xVel; var _local6 = this.walk_obj.yVel; for (var _local14 in this.spriteLayer_mc) { var _local2 = this.spriteLayer_mc[_local14]; if ((_local2 != this.player_mc) && (_local2.noCollide != true)) { var _local4 = Math.abs(_local7) / _local7; if (_local4) { var _local8 = ((this.player_mc._x + (_local3 * _local4)) + _local7) - this.xOffset; var _local9 = (this.player_mc._y - _local3) - this.yOffset; if ((((_local8 > (_local2._x - 8)) && (_local9 > (_local2._y - 8))) && (_local8 < (_local2._x + 8))) && (_local9 < (_local2._y + 8))) { var _local12 = 1; } else { var _local12 = 0; } _local8 = ((this.player_mc._x + (_local3 * _local4)) + _local7) - this.xOffset; _local9 = (this.player_mc._y + _local3) - this.yOffset; if ((((_local8 > (_local2._x - 8)) && (_local9 > (_local2._y - 8))) && (_local8 < (_local2._x + 8))) && (_local9 < (_local2._y + 8))) { var _local11 = 1; } else { var _local11 = 0; } if ((_local12 != 0) || (_local11 != 0)) { this.walk_obj.xVel = 0; } } var _local5 = Math.abs(_local6) / _local6; if (_local5) { var _local8 = (this.player_mc._x - _local3) - this.xOffset; var _local9 = ((this.player_mc._y + (_local3 * _local5)) + _local6) - this.yOffset; if ((((_local8 > (_local2._x - 8)) && (_local9 > (_local2._y - 8))) && (_local8 < (_local2._x + 8))) && (_local9 < (_local2._y + 8))) { var _local13 = 1; } else { var _local13 = 0; } _local8 = (this.player_mc._x + _local3) - this.xOffset; _local9 = ((this.player_mc._y + (_local3 * _local5)) + _local6) - this.yOffset; if ((((_local8 > (_local2._x - 8)) && (_local9 > (_local2._y - 8))) && (_local8 < (_local2._x + 8))) && (_local9 < (_local2._y + 8))) { var _local10 = 1; } else { var _local10 = 0; } if ((_local13 != 0) || (_local10 != 0)) { this.walk_obj.yVel = 0; } } } } }; return(_local15); } _this = this; if (brightness) { init_brightness = brightness; } else if ((this.transform.colorTransform.redMultiplier == this.transform.colorTransform.greenMultiplier) && (this.transform.colorTransform.redMultiplier == this.transform.colorTransform.blueMultiplier)) { init_brightness = (this.transform.colorTransform.redOffset * 100) / 255; } else { init_brightness = 0; } get_brightness = function () { return(this.transform.colorTransform.redOffset); }; set_brightness = function (newValue) { var _local3 = _alpha / 100; var _local2 = (newValue * 255) / 100; this.transform.colorTransform = new flash.geom.ColorTransform(1, 1, 1, _local3, _local2, _local2, _local2, 0); }; this.addProperty("brightness", get_brightness, set_brightness); brightness = init_brightness; delete init_brightness; delete get_brightness; delete set_brightness; this.onEnterFrame = function () { if (isPaused && (!lastPaused)) { image.setParams({isAnimating:false}); } lastPaused = isPaused; }; LOOP.addObject(this, "player"); var newTarget = this; var newCharset = RAM.playerSprite.charset; var newName = "image"; var newDepth = nextDepth(SPRITES); var playerImage_mc = newSprite(RAM.playerSprite, newTarget, newName, newDepth); playerImage_mc._x = 0; playerImage_mc._y = 6; makeWalk = function (player_mc, playerSprite_mc) { var _this = new Object(); _this.walkSpeed = 3; _this.acel = 1.2; _this.decel = 0.5; _this.xVel = 0; _this.yVel = 0; _this.playerSprite_mc = playerSprite_mc; _this.up_key = 38; _this.down_key = 40; _this.left_key = 37; _this.right_key = 39; _this.loop = function () { if (Key.isDown(_this.down_key)) { _this.playerSprite_mc.setParams({direction:"down"}); if (_this.yVel < _this.walkSpeed) { _this.yVel = _this.yVel + _this.acel; } if (_this.yVel > _this.walkSpeed) { _this.yVel = _this.walkSpeed; } } else if (Key.isDown(_this.up_key)) { _this.playerSprite_mc.setParams({direction:"up"}); if (_this.yVel > (-_this.walkSpeed)) { _this.yVel = _this.yVel - _this.acel; } if (_this.yVel < (-_this.walkSpeed)) { _this.yVel = -_this.walkSpeed; } } else if (Math.abs(_this.yVel) > 1) { _this.yVel = _this.yVel * _this.decel; } else { _this.yVel = 0; } if (Key.isDown(_this.right_key)) { _this.playerSprite_mc.setParams({direction:"right"}); if (_this.xVel < _this.walkSpeed) { _this.xVel = _this.xVel + _this.acel; } if (_this.xVel > _this.walkSpeed) { _this.xVel = _this.walkSpeed; } } else if (Key.isDown(_this.left_key)) { _this.playerSprite_mc.setParams({direction:"left"}); if (_this.xVel > (-_this.walkSpeed)) { _this.xVel = _this.xVel - _this.acel; } if (_this.xVel < (-_this.walkSpeed)) { _this.xVel = -_this.walkSpeed; } } else if (Math.abs(_this.xVel) > 1) { _this.xVel = _this.xVel * _this.decel; } else { _this.xVel = 0; }; var _local3 = 5; var _local5 = 4; var _local6 = 10; var _local2 = ((Math.abs(_this.xVel) > Math.abs(_this.yVel)) ? (Math.abs(_this.xVel)) : (Math.abs(_this.yVel))); var _local4 = Math.abs(_local2) / _local6; var _local1 = _local3 - (_local5 * _local4); _local1 = ((_local1 < 1) ? 1 : (_local1)); _this.playerSprite_mc.setParams({delay:_local1}); if ((Math.abs(_this.xVel) <= 0.05) && (Math.abs(_this.yVel) <= 0.05)) { _this.playerSprite_mc.setParams({isAnimating:false}); } else { _this.playerSprite_mc.setParams({isAnimating:true}); } player_mc._x = player_mc._x + _this.xVel; player_mc._y = player_mc._y + _this.yVel; }; _this.loopInterval = setInterval(_this.loop, 33.3333333333333); return(_this); }; this.walk_obj = makeWalk(this, playerImage_mc); clearInterval(this.walk_obj.loopInterval); LOOP.addObject(this.walk_obj, "player"); this.walk_obj.collision = new WalkCollisionSystem(_this, _this.walk_obj, 0, 0); this.walk_obj.collision.collision_array = MAP.collision_array; this.walk_obj.collision.collisionMethods.push(makeTileCollision(this.walk_obj, [1])); this.walk_obj.collision.spriteLayer_mc = SPRITES; this.walk_obj.collision.collisionMethods.push(makeSpriteCollision()); makeTalk = function (player_mc, playerImage_mc, spriteLayer_mc, talkKey, xOffset, yOffset) { talkKey = (talkKey ? (talkKey) : 32); var _this = new Object(); _this.player_mc = player_mc; _this.playerImage_mc = playerImage_mc; _this.spriteLayer_mc = spriteLayer_mc; _this.xOffset = ((xOffset != undefined) ? (xOffset) : 0); _this.yOffset = ((yOffset != undefined) ? (yOffset) : 0); _this.talk_key = talkKey; _this.lastKey = false; _this.loop = function () { if (Key.isDown(_this.talk_key)) { if (_this.lastKey == false) { _this.lastKey = true; switch (_this.playerImage_mc.internal.direction) { case 0 : var _local6 = 0; var _local5 = -16; break; case 1 : _local6 = 16; _local5 = 0; break; case 2 : _local6 = 0; _local5 = 16; break; case 3 : _local6 = -16; _local5 = 0; } var _local2 = (_this.player_mc._x + _local6) + _this.xOffset; var _local3 = (_this.player_mc._y + _local5) + _this.yOffset; for (var _local4 in _this.spriteLayer_mc) { var _local1 = _this.spriteLayer_mc[_local4]; if ((((_local2 > (_local1._x - 8)) && (_local3 > (_local1._y - 8))) && (_local2 < (_local1._x + 8))) && (_local3 < (_local1._y + 8))) {; } } } } else { _this.lastKey = false; } }; _this.loopInterval = setInterval(_this.loop, 33); return(_this); }; this.talk_obj = makeTalk(this, playerImage_mc, SPRITES, ROM.textbox.enterKey || 32, 0, 0); clearInterval(this.talk_obj.loopInterval); LOOP.addObject(this.talk_obj, "player"); this.gridCollide_obj = {lastX:null, lastY:null, loop:function () { var _local2 = Math.floor(_this._x / 16); var _local3 = Math.floor(_this._y / 16); if ((_local2 != this.lastX) || (_local3 != this.lastY)) { SPRITE_GRID[_local2][_local3].gridCollide(); } this.lastX = _local2; this.lastY = _local3; }}; LOOP.addObject(this.gridCollide_obj, "player"); this.onUnload = function () { LOOP.removeSet("player"); };
Symbol 234 MovieClip [game_mc] Frame 1
_this = this; _global.SCREEN = screen; uid = Math.random(); makeMap = function (instanceName, target_mc, depth, width, height) { function addCollisionMethods(_this) { _this.twoPointCollide = function (side, sprite_mc, velocity_obj, xOffset, yOffset) { xOffset = (xOffset ? (xOffset) : 0); yOffset = (yOffset ? (yOffset) : 0); var _local1 = new flash.geom.Point(sprite_mc._x + velocity_obj.xVel, sprite_mc._y + velocity_obj.yVel); var _local3 = _local1.clone(); buffer = 4; switch (side) { case "up" : _local1.x = _local1.x - (sprite_mc.width - buffer); _local1.y = _local1.y - sprite_mc.height; _local3.x = _local3.x + (sprite_mc.width - buffer); _local3.y = _local3.y - sprite_mc.height; break; case "down" : _local1.x = _local1.x - (sprite_mc.width - buffer); _local1.y = _local1.y + sprite_mc.height; _local3.x = _local3.x + (sprite_mc.width - buffer); _local3.y = _local3.y + sprite_mc.height; break; case "left" : _local1.x = _local1.x - sprite_mc.width; _local1.y = _local1.y - (sprite_mc.height - buffer); _local3.x = _local3.x - sprite_mc.width; _local3.y = _local3.y + (sprite_mc.height - buffer); break; case "right" : _local1.x = _local1.x + sprite_mc.width; _local1.y = _local1.y - (sprite_mc.height - buffer); _local3.x = _local3.x + sprite_mc.width; _local3.y = _local3.y + (sprite_mc.height - buffer); } _local1.x = _local1.x + xOffset; _local1.y = _local1.y + yOffset; _local3.x = _local3.x + xOffset; _local3.y = _local3.y + yOffset; _local1.x = Math.floor(_local1.x / 16); _local1.y = Math.floor(_local1.y / 16); _local3.x = Math.floor(_local3.x / 16); _local3.y = Math.floor(_local3.y / 16); var _local5 = _this[_local1.x][_local1.y]; var _local7 = _this[_local3.x][_local3.y]; var _local4 = 0; if ((_local5 > 0) || (_local7 > 0)) { if ((_local5 == 1) || (_local7 == 1)) { _local4 = 1; } else { _local4 = _local5; } } return(_local4); }; _this.getPixelCollision = function (x, y) { x = Math.floor(x / 16); y = Math.floor(y / 16); return(_this[x][y]); }; _this.getTileCollision(x, y); return(_this[x][y]); } _global.nextDepth = function (this_mc, maxDepth) { this_mc = (this_mc ? (this_mc) : _root); var _local4 = 1; var _local5 = (maxDepth ? (maxDepth) : 1048500); for (var _local6 in this_mc) { var _local2 = this_mc[_local6].getDepth(); if ((_local2 < _local5) && (_local2 >= _local4)) { _local4 = _local2 + 1; } } return(_local4); }; target_mc = (target_mc ? (target_mc) : this); depth = ((depth != undefined) ? (depth) : (nextDepth(target_mc))); width = (width ? (width) : 20); height = (height ? (height) : 15); var _this = target_mc.createEmptyMovieClip(instanceName, depth); _this.width = width; _this.height = height; _this.chipset_pic = new flash.display.BitmapData(480, 256, true, 0); _this.collision_array = new Array(); var x = 0; while (x < width) { _this.collision_array[x] = new Array(); var y = 0; while (y < height) { _this.collision_array[x][y] = 0; y++; } x++; } addCollisionMethods(_this.collision_array); _this.reset = function (width, height) { function addCollisionMethods(_this) { _this.twoPointCollide = function (side, sprite_mc, velocity_obj, xOffset, yOffset) { xOffset = (xOffset ? (xOffset) : 0); yOffset = (yOffset ? (yOffset) : 0); var _local1 = new flash.geom.Point(sprite_mc._x + velocity_obj.xVel, sprite_mc._y + velocity_obj.yVel); var _local3 = _local1.clone(); buffer = 4; switch (side) { case "up" : _local1.x = _local1.x - (sprite_mc.width - buffer); _local1.y = _local1.y - sprite_mc.height; _local3.x = _local3.x + (sprite_mc.width - buffer); _local3.y = _local3.y - sprite_mc.height; break; case "down" : _local1.x = _local1.x - (sprite_mc.width - buffer); _local1.y = _local1.y + sprite_mc.height; _local3.x = _local3.x + (sprite_mc.width - buffer); _local3.y = _local3.y + sprite_mc.height; break; case "left" : _local1.x = _local1.x - sprite_mc.width; _local1.y = _local1.y - (sprite_mc.height - buffer); _local3.x = _local3.x - sprite_mc.width; _local3.y = _local3.y + (sprite_mc.height - buffer); break; case "right" : _local1.x = _local1.x + sprite_mc.width; _local1.y = _local1.y - (sprite_mc.height - buffer); _local3.x = _local3.x + sprite_mc.width; _local3.y = _local3.y + (sprite_mc.height - buffer); } _local1.x = _local1.x + xOffset; _local1.y = _local1.y + yOffset; _local3.x = _local3.x + xOffset; _local3.y = _local3.y + yOffset; _local1.x = Math.floor(_local1.x / 16); _local1.y = Math.floor(_local1.y / 16); _local3.x = Math.floor(_local3.x / 16); _local3.y = Math.floor(_local3.y / 16); var _local5 = _this[_local1.x][_local1.y]; var _local7 = _this[_local3.x][_local3.y]; var _local4 = 0; if ((_local5 > 0) || (_local7 > 0)) { if ((_local5 == 1) || (_local7 == 1)) { _local4 = 1; } else { _local4 = _local5; } } return(_local4); }; _this.getPixelCollision = function (x, y) { x = Math.floor(x / 16); y = Math.floor(y / 16); return(_this[x][y]); }; _this.getTileCollision(x, y); return(_this[x][y]); } for (var _local4 in _this) { var _local1 = _this[_local4]; if (typeof(_local1) == "movieclip") { if (_local4.slice(0, 5) == "layer") { _local1.removeMovieClip(); } } else if (_local1 instanceof flash.display.BitmapData) { if ((_local4.slice(0, 5) == "layer") || (_local4 == "chipset_pic")) { _this[_local4].dispose(); delete _this[_local4]; } } } _this.width = (width ? (width) : (_this.width)); _this.height = (height ? (height) : (_this.height)); _this.chipset_pic = new flash.display.BitmapData(480, 256, true, 0); _this.collision_array = new Array(); var x = 0; while (x < _this.width) { _this.collision_array[x] = new Array(); var y = 0; while (y < _this.height) { _this.collision_array[x][y] = 0; y++; } x++; } addCollisionMethods(_this.collision_array); }; _this.setTile = function (x, y, id, layer) { layer = ((layer != undefined) ? (layer) : 0); var _local4 = 30; var _local9 = id % _local4; var _local8 = Math.floor(id / _local4); var _local5 = new flash.geom.Rectangle(_local9 * 16, _local8 * 16, 16, 16); var _local6 = new flash.geom.Point(x * 16, y * 16); var _local2 = ("layer" + layer) + "_mc"; var _local3 = ("layer" + layer) + "_pic"; if (_this[_local2] == undefined) { var _local7 = (_this[_local3] = new flash.display.BitmapData(_this.width * 16, _this.height * 16, true, 0)); _this.createEmptyMovieClip(_local2, layer * 10); _this[_local2].attachBitmap(_local7, 0, true, false); } _this[_local3].copyPixels(_this.chipset_pic, _local5, _local6); }; _this.loadChipset = function (fileName) { var _local2 = new flash.geom.Rectangle(0, 0, 480, 256); _this.chipset_pic.fillRect(_local2, 0); var _local1 = flash.display.BitmapData.loadBitmap(fileName); if (_local1.width > -1) { _this.chipset_pic = _local1.clone(); _local1.dispose(); _this.onLoad(); } else { _this.createEmptyMovieClip("load_mc", 99); _this.load_mc._xscale = 1; _this.load_mc._yscale = 1; _this.loader = new MovieClipLoader(); _this.loader.loadClip(fileName, _this.load_mc); _this.loader.onLoadInit = function (load_mc) { var _local1 = new flash.display.BitmapData(480, 256, true, 0); _local1.draw(_this.load_mc); _this.chipset_pic = _local1.clone(); _local1.dispose(); _this.onLoad(); _this.loader.unloadClip(load_mc); delete _this.loader; }; } }; _this.drawObj = function (data_obj) { switch (data_obj.format) { case 2 : _this.drawCompactObj(data_obj); break; default : _this.drawLargeObj(data_obj); } }; _this.drawLargeObj = function (data_obj) { _this.reset(); _this.width = data_obj.width; _this.height = data_obj.height; if (data_obj.collision != undefined) { _this.collision_array = new Array(); var x = 0; while (x < data_obj.width) { _this.collision_array[x] = new Array(); var y = 0; while (y < data_obj.height) { _this.collision_array[x][y] = data_obj.collision[x][y]; y++; } x++; } addCollisionMethods(_this.collision_array); } var _local11 = new flash.geom.Rectangle(0, 0, 480, 256); _this.chipset_pic.fillRect(_local11, 0); var _local10 = flash.display.BitmapData.loadBitmap(data_obj.chipset); if (_local10.width > -1) { _this.chipset_pic = _local10.clone(); _local10.dispose(); var _local1 = 0; while (_local1 < data_obj.layers.length) { var x = 0; while (x < _this.width) { var y = 0; while (y < _this.height) { var _local2 = data_obj.layers[_local1][x][y]; _this.setTile(x, y, _local2, _local1); y++; } x++; } _local1++; } _this.onLoad(); delete _this.loadData; } else { _this.createEmptyMovieClip("load_mc", 99); _this.load_mc._xscale = 1; _this.load_mc._yscale = 1; _this.loader = new MovieClipLoader(); _this.loader.loadClip(data_obj.chipset, _this.load_mc); _this.loader.onLoadInit = function (load_mc) { var _local5 = new flash.display.BitmapData(480, 256, true, 0); _local5.draw(_this.load_mc); var _local6 = new flash.geom.Rectangle(0, 0, 480, 256); _this.chipset_pic.copyPixels(_local5, _local6, {x:0, y:0}); _this.loader.unloadClip(_this.load_mc); var _local3 = 0; while (_local3 < data_obj.layers.length) { var _local2 = 0; while (_local2 < _this.width) { var _local1 = 0; while (_local1 < _this.height) { var _local4 = data_obj.layers[_local3][_local2][_local1]; _this.setTile(_local2, _local1, _local4, _local3); _local1++; } _local2++; } _local3++; } _this.onLoad(); delete _this.loadData; delete _this.loader; }; } }; _this.drawCompactObj = function (data_obj) { _this.reset(); _this.width = data_obj.width; _this.height = data_obj.height; var _local4 = 1; if (data_obj.collision != undefined) { _this.collision_array = new Array(); var x = 0; while (x < data_obj.width) { _this.collision_array[x] = new Array(); var y = 0; while (y < data_obj.height) { var _local1 = data_obj.collision.charAt(_local4); if (_local1 == "0x") { var _local3 = 33; } else { var _local3 = parseInt(_local1, 36); } _local4++; _this.collision_array[x][y] = _local3; y++; } x++; } addCollisionMethods(_this.collision_array); } var _local13 = new flash.geom.Rectangle(0, 0, 480, 256); _this.chipset_pic.fillRect(_local13, 0); var drawLayers = function () { var _local4 = 0; while (_local4 < data_obj.layers.length) { var _local6 = 1; var _local3 = 0; while (_local3 < _this.width) { var _local1 = 0; while (_local1 < _this.height) { var _local2 = data_obj.layers[_local4].substr(_local6, 2); if (_local2 == "0x") { var _local5 = 33; } else { var _local5 = parseInt(_local2, 36); } _local6 = _local6 + 2; _this.setTile(_local3, _local1, _local5, _local4); _local1++; } _local3++; } _local4++; } }; var _local12 = flash.display.BitmapData.loadBitmap(data_obj.chipset); if (_local12.width > -1) { _this.chipset_pic = _local12.clone(); _local12.dispose(); drawLayers(); _this.onLoad(); delete _this.loadData; delete drawLayers; } else { _this.createEmptyMovieClip("load_mc", 99); _this.load_mc._xscale = 1; _this.load_mc._yscale = 1; _this.loader = new MovieClipLoader(); _this.loader.loadClip(data_obj.chipset, _this.load_mc); _this.loader.onLoadInit = function (load_mc) { var _local1 = new flash.display.BitmapData(480, 256, true, 0); _local1.draw(_this.load_mc); var _local2 = new flash.geom.Rectangle(0, 0, 480, 256); _this.chipset_pic.copyPixels(_local1, _local2, {x:0, y:0}); _this.loader.unloadClip(_this.load_mc); drawLayers(); _this.onLoad(); delete _this.loadData; delete _this.loader; delete drawLayers; }; } }; _this.load = function (fileName) { XML.prototype.ignoreWhite = true; _this.attachMovie(fileName, "loadMap_mc", 98); if (_this.loadMap_mc) { _this.loadMap_mc.onLoad = function (data) { _this.load_xml = data; _this.loadData = new Object(); readXml_getValue = function (newValue) { var _local4 = null; var _local7 = newValue.substr(0, 4); if (_local7 == "bol_") { var _local8 = newValue.substr(4); newValue = _local8 == "true"; _local4 = newValue; } else if (_local7 == "num_") { var _local8 = newValue.substr(4); newValue = Number(_local8); _local4 = newValue; } else if (_local7 == "str_") { var _local8 = newValue.substr(4); newValue = String(_local8); _local4 = newValue; } else if (isNaN(Number(newValue))) { if (newValue == "true") { _local4 = true; } else if (newValue == "false") { _local4 = false; } else { var _local5 = ""; var _local6 = String.fromCharCode(10); var _local3 = 0; var _local1 = 0; while (_local1 != undefined) { _local1 = newValue.indexOf(_local6, _local3); if (_local1 == -1) { _local1 = undefined; } stringSlice = newValue.slice(_local3, _local1); _local3 = _local1 + 1; _local5 = _local5 + stringSlice; } newValue = _local5; _local4 = newValue; } } else { _local4 = Number(newValue); } return(_local4); }; readXml = function (parentPath, targetData) { for (var _local1 in parentPath.attributes) { if (_local1 != "xmlType") { var _local6 = parentPath.attributes[_local1]; targetData[_local1] = readXml_getValue(_local6); } } for (var _local8 in parentPath.childNodes) { var _local2 = parentPath.childNodes[_local8]; var _local1 = _local2.nodeName; var _local4 = _local2.attributes.xmlType; if (_local4 == "array") { targetData[_local1] = new Array(); var _local7 = targetData[_local1]; readXml(_local2, _local7); } else if (_local4 == "variable") { var _local6 = _local2.attributes.value; targetData[_local1] = readXml_getValue(_local6); } else if (_local4 == "object") { targetData[_local1] = new Object(); var _local7 = targetData[_local1]; readXml(_local2, _local7); } } delete stringSlice; }; readXml(_this.load_xml, _this.loadData); _this.drawObj(; loadMap_mc.removeMovieClip(); }; } else { _this.load_xml = new XML(); _this.load_xml.load(fileName); _this.load_xml.onLoad = function (success) { readXml_getValue = function (newValue) { var _local4 = null; var _local7 = newValue.substr(0, 4); if (_local7 == "bol_") { var _local8 = newValue.substr(4); newValue = _local8 == "true"; _local4 = newValue; } else if (_local7 == "num_") { var _local8 = newValue.substr(4); newValue = Number(_local8); _local4 = newValue; } else if (_local7 == "str_") { var _local8 = newValue.substr(4); newValue = String(_local8); _local4 = newValue; } else if (isNaN(Number(newValue))) { if (newValue == "true") { _local4 = true; } else if (newValue == "false") { _local4 = false; } else { var _local5 = ""; var _local6 = String.fromCharCode(10); var _local3 = 0; var _local1 = 0; while (_local1 != undefined) { _local1 = newValue.indexOf(_local6, _local3); if (_local1 == -1) { _local1 = undefined; } stringSlice = newValue.slice(_local3, _local1); _local3 = _local1 + 1; _local5 = _local5 + stringSlice; } newValue = _local5; _local4 = newValue; } } else { _local4 = Number(newValue); } return(_local4); }; readXml = function (parentPath, targetData) { for (var _local1 in parentPath.attributes) { if (_local1 != "xmlType") { var _local6 = parentPath.attributes[_local1]; targetData[_local1] = readXml_getValue(_local6); } } for (var _local8 in parentPath.childNodes) { var _local2 = parentPath.childNodes[_local8]; var _local1 = _local2.nodeName; var _local4 = _local2.attributes.xmlType; if (_local4 == "array") { targetData[_local1] = new Array(); var _local7 = targetData[_local1]; readXml(_local2, _local7); } else if (_local4 == "variable") { var _local6 = _local2.attributes.value; targetData[_local1] = readXml_getValue(_local6); } else if (_local4 == "object") { targetData[_local1] = new Object(); var _local7 = targetData[_local1]; readXml(_local2, _local7); } } delete stringSlice; }; if (success) { _this.loadData = new Object(); readXml(_this.load_xml, _this.loadData); _this.drawObj(; } }; } }; _this.scroll = function (x, y, screenWidth, screenHeight, smoothness) { if ((x == undefined) && (SPRITES.player._x != undefined)) { x = SPRITES.player._x; } if ((y == undefined) && (SPRITES.player._y != undefined)) { y = SPRITES.player._y; } screenWidth = (screenWidth ? (screenWidth) : 320); screenHeight = (screenHeight ? (screenHeight) : 240); smoothness = (smoothness ? (smoothness) : 1); var _local5 = screenWidth / 2; var _local7 = screenHeight / 2; var _local2 = _this.width * 16; var _local4 = _this.height * 16; var _local8 = _this._x; var _local6 = _this._y; if (x < _local5) { var _local12 = 0; } else if (x > (_local2 - _local5)) { var _local12 = (-_local2) + screenWidth; } else { var _local12 = (-x) + _local5; } if (y < _local7) { var _local13 = 0; } else if (y > (_local4 - _local7)) { var _local13 = (-_local4) + screenHeight; } else { var _local13 = (-y) + _local7; } if (_local2 < screenWidth) { var _local15 = screenWidth - _local2; _local8 = _local15 / 2; } else { _local8 = _local8 + ((_local12 - _this._x) * smoothness); } if (_local4 < screenHeight) { var _local14 = screenHeight - _local4; _local6 = _local14 / 2; } else { _local6 = _local6 + ((_local13 - _this._y) * smoothness); } _this._x = Math.floor(_local8); _this._y = Math.floor(_local6); }; return(_this); }; _global.MAP = makeMap("map_mc", _this, 1); _global.PANORAMA.removeMovieClip(); _global.PANORAMA = _this.createEmptyMovieClip("PANORAMA", 0); MAP.onLoad = function () { function newSprite(newSettings, newTarget, newName, newDepth) { newTarget = (newTarget ? (newTarget) : this); newName = (newName ? (newName) : ("sprite_" + Math.floor(Math.random() * 9999))); while (newTarget[newName]) { newName = "sprite_" + Math.floor(Math.random() * 9999); } _global.nextDepth = function (this_mc, maxDepth) { this_mc = (this_mc ? (this_mc) : _root); var _local4 = 1; var _local5 = (maxDepth ? (maxDepth) : 1048500); for (var _local6 in this_mc) { var _local2 = this_mc[_local6].getDepth(); if ((_local2 < _local5) && (_local2 >= _local4)) { _local4 = _local2 + 1; } } return(_local4); }; newDepth = ((newDepth != undefined) ? (newDepth) : (nextDepth(newTarget))); var _this = newTarget.createEmptyMovieClip(newName, newDepth); AsBroadcaster.initialize(_this); var _local9 = {}; _local9.charset = newSettings.charset; _local9.direction = ((newSettings.direction != undefined) ? (newSettings.direction) : 0); _local9.directions = ((newSettings.directions != undefined) ? (newSettings.directions) : 1); _local9.frame = ((newSettings.frame != undefined) ? (newSettings.frame) : 0); _local9.frames = ((newSettings.frames != undefined) ? (newSettings.frames) : 1); _local9.pose = ((newSettings.pose != undefined) ? (newSettings.pose) : 0); _local9.columns = ((newSettings.columns != undefined) ? (newSettings.columns) : 1); _local9.rows = ((newSettings.rows != undefined) ? (newSettings.rows) : 1); _local9.animType = ((newSettings.animType != undefined) ? (newSettings.animType) : "loop"); _local9.animDirection = ((newSettings.animDirection != undefined) ? (newSettings.animDirection) : 1); _local9.delay = ((newSettings.delay != undefined) ? (newSettings.delay) : 4); _local9.isAnimating = ((newSettings.isAnimating != undefined) ? (newSettings.isAnimating) : true); _this.init = {}; _this.internal = {}; _this.spriteWidth = 0; _this.spriteHeight = 0; _this.mask_mc = _this.createEmptyMovieClip("mask_mc", 1); _this.mask_mc.beginFill(16711680, 0); _this.mask_mc.lineTo(16, 0); _this.mask_mc.lineTo(16, 16); _this.mask_mc.lineTo(0, 16); _this.mask_mc.lineTo(0, 0); _this.mask_mc.endFill(); _this.offsetX = 0; _this.offsetY = 0; _this.refresh = false; _this.loader = new MovieClipLoader(); _this.update = function () { var _local2 = _this.internal.pose % _this.internal.columns; _this.image_mc._x = (_this.offsetX - ((_local2 * _this.spriteWidth) * _this.internal.frames)) - (_this.internal.frame * _this.spriteWidth); var _local1 = Math.floor(_this.internal.pose / _this.internal.columns); _this.image_mc._y = (_this.offsetY - ((_local1 * _this.spriteHeight) * _this.internal.directions)) - (_this.internal.direction * _this.spriteHeight); _this.refresh = false; }; _this.updateMask = function () { _this.mask_mc._width = _this.spriteWidth; _this.mask_mc._height = _this.spriteHeight; _this.mask_mc._x = _this.offsetX; _this.mask_mc._y = _this.offsetY; }; _this.updateSize = function () { _this.spriteWidth = (_this.image_mc._width / _this.internal.columns) / _this.internal.frames; _this.spriteHeight = (_this.image_mc._height / _this.internal.rows) / _this.internal.directions; _this.offsetX = (-_this.spriteWidth) / 2; _this.offsetY = -_this.spriteHeight; _this.updateMask(); }; _this.set_charset = function (new_charset, newThis) { var _this = (newThis || (_this)); _this.internal.charset = new_charset; _this.removeSnapshot = function () { _this.previous_mc.removeMovieClip(); }; delete _this.previous_pic; _this.previous_pic = new flash.display.BitmapData(_this.mask_mc._width, _this.mask_mc._height, true, 0); var _local2 = new flash.geom.Matrix(); _local2.translate(-_this.offsetX, -_this.offsetY); _this.previous_pic.draw(_this, _local2); _this.previous_mc.removeMovieClip(); _this.createEmptyMovieClip("previous_mc", 0); _this.previous_mc.attachBitmap(_this.previous_pic, 0); _this.previous_mc._x = _this.offsetX; _this.previous_mc._y = _this.offsetY; _this.loader.new_charset = new_charset; _this.loader._this = _this; _this.internal.frame = _this.init.frame; _this.loader.onLoadInit = function (image_mc) { var _local1 = image_mc._parent; _local1.updateSize(); _local1.image_mc.setMask(_local1.mask_mc); _local1.previous_mc.removeMovieClip(); _local1.update(); _local1.image_mc._alpha = 100; _local1.onLoad(); }; _this.loader.onLoadError = function () { }; _this.loader.externalFile = false; _this.image_mc.removeMovieClip(); _this.createEmptyMovieClip("image_mc", 2); _this.image_mc._alpha = 0; _this.image_mc.attachMovie(new_charset, "image", 2); if ((_this.image_mc._width == undefined) || (_this.image_mc._width == 0)) { _this.image_pic.dispose(); _this.image_pic = flash.display.BitmapData.loadBitmap(new_charset); _this.image_mc.attachBitmap(_this.image_pic, 0); if ((_this.image_mc._width == undefined) || (_this.image_mc._width == 0)) { _this.loader.externalFile = true; _this.loader.loadClip(new_charset, _this.image_mc); } else { setTimeout(_this.loader.onLoadInit, 1, _this.image_mc); } } else { setTimeout(_this.loader.onLoadInit, 1, _this.image_mc); } }; _this.set_directions = function (new_directions) { if (new_directions < 0) { new_directions = 1; } _this.internal.directions = Math.floor(Math.abs(Number(new_directions))); _this.internal.direction = _this.internal.direction % _this.internal.directions; _this.updateSize(); _this.refresh = true; }; _this.set_direction = function (new_direction) { var _local2 = _this.internal.directions / 4; if (new_direction == "up") { new_direction = 0; } else if (new_direction == "right") { new_direction = Math.floor(1 * _local2); } else if (new_direction == "down") { new_direction = Math.floor(2 * _local2); } else if (new_direction == "left") { new_direction = Math.floor(3 * _local2); } while (new_direction < 0) { new_direction = new_direction + _this.internal.directions; } new_direction = new_direction % _this.internal.directions; _this.refresh = true; _this.internal.direction = Math.floor(Number(new_direction)); }; _this.set_frames = function (new_frames) { if (_this.internal.frame > (new_frames - 1)) { _this.internal.frame = new_frames - 1; } if (_this.init.frame > (new_frames - 1)) { _this.init.frame = new_frames - 1; } _this.internal.frames = Math.floor(Math.abs(Number(new_frames))); if (_this.internal.frame > (_this.internal.frames - 1)) { _this.internal.frame = _this.internal.frames - 1; } _this.init.frame = _this.internal.frame; _this.updateSize(); _this.refresh = true; }; _this.set_frame = function (new_frame) { if (new_frame < 0) { new_frame = 0; } if (new_frame > (_this.internal.frames - 1)) { new_frame = _this.internal.frames - 1; } _this.refresh = true; _this.init.frame = (_this.internal.frame = Math.floor(Math.abs(Number(new_frame)))); }; _this.set_columns = function (new_columns) { _this.internal.columns = Math.floor(Math.abs(Number(new_columns))); _this.updateSize(); _this.refresh = true; }; _this.set_rows = function (new_rows) { _this.internal.rows = Math.floor(Math.abs(Number(new_rows))); _this.updateSize(); _this.refresh = true; }; _this.set_pose = function (new_pose) { var _local1 = (_this.internal.columns * _this.internal.rows) - 1; if (new_pose < 0) { new_pose = 0; } if (new_pose > _local1) { new_pose = _local1; } _this.refresh = true; _this.internal.pose = Math.floor(Math.abs(Number(new_pose))); }; _this.set_animType = function (new_animType) { if (((new_animType == "loop") || (new_animType == "yoyo")) || (new_animType == "once")) { _this.internal.animType = String(new_animType); } }; _this.set_animDirection = function (new_animDirection) { if (new_animDirection < -1) { new_animDirection = -1; } if (new_animDirection > 1) { new_animDirection = 1; } if ((new_animDirection == -1) || (new_animDirection == 1)) { _this.internal.animDirection = Number(new_animDirection); } }; _this.set_delay = function (new_delay) { if (new_delay <= 0) { new_delay = 1; } _this.internal.delay = Number(new_delay); }; _this.set_isAnimating = function (new_isAnimating) { if (new_isAnimating.toLowerCase() == "true") { new_isAnimating = true; } if (new_isAnimating.toLowerCase() == "false") { new_isAnimating = false; } if (Boolean(new_isAnimating) != _this.internal.isAnimating) { if (new_isAnimating) { _this.advanceAnimation(); } else { _this.internal.frame = Number(_this.init.frame); } _this.refresh = true; } _this.internal.isAnimating = Boolean(new_isAnimating); }; _this.setParams = function (newSettings) { if ((newSettings.charset != undefined) && (newSettings.charset != _this.internal.charset)) { _this.set_charset(newSettings.charset); _this.init.charset = _this.internal.charset; } if ((newSettings.directions != undefined) && (newSettings.directions != _this.internal.directions)) { _this.set_directions(newSettings.directions); _this.init.directions = _this.internal.directions; } if ((newSettings.direction != undefined) && (newSettings.direction != _this.internal.direction)) { _this.set_direction(newSettings.direction); _this.init.direction = _this.internal.direction; } if ((newSettings.frames != undefined) && (newSettings.frames != _this.internal.frames)) { _this.set_frames(newSettings.frames); _this.init.frames = _this.internal.frames; } if ((newSettings.frame != undefined) && (newSettings.frame != _this.internal.frame)) { _this.set_frame(newSettings.frame); _this.init.frame = _this.internal.frame; } if ((newSettings.columns != undefined) && (newSettings.columns != _this.internal.columns)) { _this.set_columns(newSettings.columns); _this.init.columns = _this.internal.columns; } if ((newSettings.rows != undefined) && (newSettings.rows != _this.internal.rows)) { _this.set_rows(newSettings.rows); _this.init.rows = _this.internal.rows; } if ((newSettings.pose != undefined) && (newSettings.pose != _this.internal.pose)) { _this.set_pose(newSettings.pose); _this.init.pose = _this.internal.pose; } if ((newSettings.animType != undefined) && (newSettings.animType != _this.internal.animType)) { _this.set_animType(newSettings.animType); _this.init.animType = _this.internal.animType; } if ((newSettings.animDirection != undefined) && (newSettings.animDirection != _this.internal.animDirection)) { _this.set_animDirection(newSettings.animDirection); _this.init.animDirection = _this.internal.animDirection; } if ((newSettings.delay != undefined) && (newSettings.delay != _this.internal.delay)) { _this.set_delay(newSettings.delay); _this.init.delay = _this.internal.delay; } if ((newSettings.isAnimating != undefined) && (newSettings.isAnimating != _this.internal.isAnimating)) { _this.set_isAnimating(newSettings.isAnimating); _this.init.isAnimating = _this.internal.isAnimating; } if (_this.refresh) { _this.update(); } }; _this.getParams = function () { var _local1 = {}; for (var _local2 in _this.init) { _local1[_local2] = _this.init[_local2]; } return(_local1); }; _this.getParam = function (varName) { return(_this.internal[varName]); }; _this.advanceAnimation = function () { _this.internal.frame = _this.internal.frame + _this.internal.animDirection; switch (_this.internal.animType) { case "loop" : if (_this.internal.frame < 0) { _this.internal.frame = _this.internal.frame + _this.internal.frames; } else if (_this.internal.frame >= _this.internal.frames) { _this.internal.frame = _this.internal.frame - _this.internal.frames; _this.broadcastMessage("animDone"); _this.animDone(); } return; case "once" : if (_this.internal.frame < 0) { _this.internal.frame = 0; } else if (_this.internal.frame >= _this.internal.frames) { _this.internal.frame = _this.internal.frames - 1; _this.broadcastMessage("animDone"); _this.animDone(); } return; case "yoyo" : if (_this.internal.frame < 0) { _this.internal.frame = _this.internal.frame + 2; _this.internal.animDirection = _this.internal.animDirection * -1; } else if (_this.internal.frame >= _this.internal.frames) { _this.internal.frame = _this.internal.frame - 2; _this.internal.animDirection = _this.internal.animDirection * -1; _this.broadcastMessage("animDone"); _this.animDone(); } if (_this.internal.frame < 0) { _this.internal.frame = 0; } if (_this.internal.frame < _this.internal.frames) { break; } _this.internal.frame = _this.internal.frames - 1; } }; _this.fps = 30; _this.loop = function () { if (_this.internal.isAnimating) { _this.advanceAnimation(); } _this.update(); _this.loopInterval = setTimeout(_this.loop, (1000 / _this.fps) * _this.internal.delay); }; _this.loopInterval = setTimeout(_this.loop, 0); _this.lookAtCoords = function () { var _local8 = arguments[0]; var _local7 = arguments[1]; var _local3 = _local8 - _this._parent._x; var _local2 = _local7 - _this._parent._y; var _local4 = Math.sqrt((_local3 * _local3) + (_local2 * _local2)); var _local5 = _local3 / _local4; var _local6 = _local2 / _local4; if (Math.abs(_local6) > Math.abs(_local5)) { if (_local6 < 0) { _this.setParams({direction:"up"}); } else { _this.setParams({direction:"down"}); } } else if (_local5 < 0) { _this.setParams({direction:"left"}); } else { _this.setParams({direction:"right"}); } }; _this.lookAtSprite = function (sprite2) { _this.lookAtCoords(sprite2._x, sprite2._y); }; _this.lookAt = function (sprite1, sprite2) { var _local2 = sprite2._x - sprite1._x; var _local1 = sprite2._y - sprite1._y; var _local3 = Math.sqrt((_local2 * _local2) + (_local1 * _local1)); var _local4 = _local2 / _local3; var _local5 = _local1 / _local3; if (Math.abs(_local5) > Math.abs(_local4)) { if (_local5 < 0) { _this.setParams({direction:"up"}); } else { _this.setParams({direction:"down"}); } } else if (_local4 < 0) { _this.setParams({direction:"left"}); } else { _this.setParams({direction:"right"}); } }; _this.isFacing = function (checkDir) { var _local2 = _this.internal.directions / 4; if (checkDir == "up") { checkDir = 0; } else if (checkDir == "right") { checkDir = Math.floor(1 * _local2); } else if (checkDir == "down") { checkDir = Math.floor(2 * _local2); } else if (checkDir == "left") { checkDir = Math.floor(3 * _local2); } while (checkDir < 0) { checkDir = checkDir + _this.internal.directions; } checkDir = checkDir % _this.internal.directions; return(_this.internal.direction == checkDir); }; _this.setParams(_local9); _this.onUnload = function () { clearTimeout(_this.loopInterval); for (var _local1 in _this._listeners) { _this._listeners[_local1] = null; } _this._listeners = []; }; return(_this); } _global.UNDERLAY.removeMovieClip(); _global.UNDERLAY = MAP.createEmptyMovieClip("UNDERLAY", 1); _global.SPRITES.removeMovieClip(); _global.SPRITES = MAP.createEmptyMovieClip("SPRITES", 11); _global.OVERLAY.removeMovieClip(); _global.OVERLAY = MAP.createEmptyMovieClip("OVERLAY", 101); resetSpriteGrid = function () { _global.SPRITE_GRID = null; _global.SPRITE_GRID = []; var _local2 = 0; while (_local2 < MAP.width) { SPRITE_GRID[_local2] = new Array(MAP.height); _local2++; } }; var newX = (start_point ? (start_point.x) : 0); var newY = (start_point ? (start_point.y) : 0); player_mc = SPRITES.attachMovie("player", "player", nextDepth(SPRITES)); player_mc._x = newX; player_mc._y = newY; SPRITES.spritesRemaining = []; var s = 0; while (s < levelData.sprites.length) { SPRITES.spritesRemaining.push(levelData.sprites[s]); s++; } SPRITES.spritesRemaining.remove = function (thisName) { var _local1 = SPRITES.spritesRemaining.length - 1; while (_local1 >= 0) { if (SPRITES.spritesRemaining[_local1].name == thisName) { SPRITES.spritesRemaining.splice(_local1, 1); break; } _local1--; } }; updateFlaggedSprites = function (sprites, flagRoot, addSprite, removeSprite) { var getFlagParts = function (flag) { var _local2 = []; var _local4 = flag.charAt(0); while (_local4 == " ") { flag = flag.substr(1); _local4 = flag.charAt(0); } var _local3 = flag.charAt(flag.length - 1); while (_local3 == " ") { flag = flag.substr(0, flag.length - 1); _local3 = flag.charAt(flag.length - 1); } if (flag.charAt(0) == "!") { flag = flag.substr(1) + "!"; var _local5 = flag.indexOf("!"); var _local6 = _local5 + 1; } else if (flag.indexOf("!=") != -1) { var _local5 = flag.indexOf("!="); var _local6 = _local5 + 2; } else if (flag.indexOf("<=") != -1) { var _local5 = flag.indexOf("<="); var _local6 = _local5 + 2; } else if (flag.indexOf(">=") != -1) { var _local5 = flag.indexOf(">="); var _local6 = _local5 + 2; } else if (flag.indexOf("<") != -1) { var _local5 = flag.indexOf("<"); var _local6 = _local5 + 1; } else if (flag.indexOf(">") != -1) { var _local5 = flag.indexOf(">"); var _local6 = _local5 + 1; } else if (flag.indexOf("=") != -1) { var _local5 = flag.indexOf("="); var _local6 = _local5 + 1; } else { var _local5 = flag.length; flag = flag + "!=undefined"; var _local6 = _local5 + 2; } _local2.push(flag.substr(0, _local5)); _local2.push(flag.substring(_local5, _local6)); _local2.push(flag.substr(_local6)); _local3 = _local2[0].charAt(_local2[0].length - 1); while (_local3 == " ") { _local2[0] = _local2[0].substr(0, _local2[0].length - 1); _local3 = _local2[0].charAt(_local2[0].length - 1); } _local4 = _local2[2].charAt(0); while (_local4 == " ") { _local2[2] = _local2[2].substr(1); _local4 = _local2[2].charAt(0); } return(_local2); }; var checkFlag = function (spriteFlag, flagRoot) { var output = true; var flagParts_array = getFlagParts(spriteFlag); var variable = flagParts_array[0]; var operation = flagParts_array[1]; var value = flagParts_array[2]; if (isNaN(value) == false) { value = Number(value); } if (value == "true") { value = true; } if (value == "false") { value = false; } if (value == "undefined") { value = undefined; } var endAt = variable.lastIndexOf("."); if (endAt != -1) { var flagPath = variable.substr(0, endAt); var flagName = variable.substr(endAt + 1); var flagPath = ("flagRoot." + flagPath); } else { var flagName = variable; var flagPath = "flagRoot"; } var displayValue = eval ((flagPath + ".") + flagName); switch (operation) { case "!" : output = (displayValue == undefined) || (displayValue == false); break; case "=" : output = displayValue == value; break; case "!=" : if ((!Boolean(displayValue)) && (!Boolean(value))) { displayValue = false; value = false; } output = displayValue != value; break; case "<" : output = displayValue < value; if (displayValue == undefined) { output = false; } if (typeof(displayValue) == "string") { output = false; } break; case ">" : output = displayValue > value; if (displayValue == undefined) { output = false; } if (typeof(displayValue) == "string") { output = false; } break; case "<=" : output = displayValue <= value; if (displayValue == undefined) { output = false; } if (typeof(displayValue) == "string") { output = false; } break; case ">=" : output = displayValue >= value; if (displayValue == undefined) { output = false; } if (typeof(displayValue) != "string") { break; } output = false; } return(output); }; var s = 0; while (s < sprites.length) { var thisSprite = sprites[s]; var testResult = true; var sf = 0; while (sf < thisSprite.flags.length) { var thisSpriteFlag = thisSprite.flags[sf]; testResult = checkFlag(thisSpriteFlag, flagRoot); if (testResult == false) { break; } sf++; } if (testResult == true) { addSprite(thisSprite); } else if (testResult == false) { removeSprite(thisSprite); } s++; } }; _global.nextDepth = function (this_mc, maxDepth) { this_mc = (this_mc ? (this_mc) : _root); var _local4 = 1; var _local5 = (maxDepth ? (maxDepth) : 1048500); for (var _local6 in this_mc) { var _local2 = this_mc[_local6].getDepth(); if ((_local2 < _local5) && (_local2 >= _local4)) { _local4 = _local2 + 1; } } return(_local4); }; SPRITES.updateSprites = function () { resetSpriteGrid(); var _local10 = function (thisSprite) { var _local7 = SPRITES[]; if (_local7 == undefined) { var _local12 = thisSprite.type; var _local4 =; var _local10 = nextDepth(SPRITES); var _local6 = thisSprite.position.x; var _local5 = thisSprite.position.y; var _local11 =; var _local3 = SPRITES.attachMovie(_local12, _local4, _local10, {_x:_local6, _y:_local5, data:_local11, name:_local4}); _local3.remove = function () { LOOP.removeObject(this, "sprites"); SPRITES.spritesRemaining.remove(; this.removeMovieClip(); }; LOOP.addObject(_local3, "sprites"); var _local8 = Math.floor(_local6 / 16); var _local9 = Math.floor(_local5 / 16); SPRITE_GRID[_local8][_local9] = _local3; } }; var _local11 = function (thisSprite) { var _local1 = SPRITES[]; if (_local1) { var _local2 = Math.floor(_local1._x / 16); var _local3 = Math.floor(_local1._y / 16); if (SPRITE_GRID[_local2][_local3] == newSprite_mc) { SPRITE_GRID[_local2][_local3] = null; } LOOP.removeObject(_local1, "sprites"); _local1.removeMovieClip(); } }; updateFlaggedSprites(SPRITES.spritesRemaining, RAM, _local10, _local11); ROOT.common.sprites.updateSprites(); }; SPRITES.updateSprites(); addAutoSort = function (spriteLayer_mc) { var _this = new Object(); _this.spriteLayer_mc = spriteLayer_mc; _this.parallelSprites = 10; _this.loop = function () { if (_this.spriteLayer_mc._name != undefined) { for (var _local5 in spriteLayer_mc) { var _local1 = _this.spriteLayer_mc[_local5]; if (_local1._y != 0) { var _local2 = _local1._y * _this.parallelSprites; if (_local1.overAll) { _local2 = (2880 * _this.parallelSprites) + _this.parallelSprites; } var _local4 = _local1.getDepth(); var _local3 = _this.spriteLayer_mc.getInstanceAtDepth(_local2); while ((_local3 != undefined) && (_local3 != _local1)) { _local2++; _local3 = _this.spriteLayer_mc.getInstanceAtDepth(_local2); } _local1.swapDepths(_local2); } } } else { clearInterval(_this.loopInterval); } }; _this.loopInterval = setInterval(_this.loop, 33.3333333333333); return(_this); }; autoSorter = addAutoSort(SPRITES, 16); MAP.scroll(player_mc._x, player_mc._y, 320, 240, 1); OVERLAY.attachMovie("scroll", "scroll", nextDepth(OVERLAY), {smoothness:0.2, mode:"chase", target:"player"}); addAutoScroll = function (map_mc, target_mc, screenWidth, screenHeight, smoothness) { var _this = new Object(); _this.map_mc = map_mc; _this.target_mc = target_mc; _this.screenWidth = (screenWidth ? (screenWidth) : 320); _this.screenHeight = (screenHeight ? (screenHeight) : 240); _this.smoothness = (smoothness ? (smoothness) : 1); _this.loop = function () { if (_this.target_mc) { _this.map_mc.scroll(_this.target_mc._x, _this.target_mc._y, _this.screenWidth, _this.screenHeight, _this.smoothness); } }; _this.loopInterval = setInterval(_this.loop, 33.3333333333333); return(_this); }; scroll_obj = addAutoScroll(MAP, OVERLAY.scroll, 320, 240, 0.2); clearInterval(scroll_obj.loopInterval); var startScroll = function (scroll_obj) { var _local1 =; MAP.scroll(_local1._x, _local1._y, 320, 240, 1); LOOP.addObject(scroll_obj, "scroll"); }; setTimeout(startScroll, 34, scroll_obj); TRANSITION.fadeIn(); MAP.onUnload = function () { clearInterval(autoSorter.loopInterval); LOOP.removeObject(scroll_obj, "scroll"); }; _this.onLoad(); ROOT.broadcastMessage("onNewLevel"); }; MAP.drawObj(; onUnload = function () { var _local2 = function (varName) { _global[varName] = null; delete _global[varname]; }; _local2("MAP"); _local2("SPRITES"); _local2("PANORAMA"); _local2("UNDERLAY"); _local2("OVERLAY"); _local2("SPRITE_GRID"); _local2("SCREEN"); LOOP.removeSet("player"); LOOP.removeSet("sprites"); LOOP.removeSet("scroll"); };
Symbol 241 MovieClip Frame 1
_this = this; _global.nextDepth = function (this_mc, maxDepth) { this_mc = (this_mc ? (this_mc) : _root); var _local4 = 1; var _local5 = (maxDepth ? (maxDepth) : 1048500); for (var _local6 in this_mc) { var _local2 = this_mc[_local6].getDepth(); if ((_local2 < _local5) && (_local2 >= _local4)) { _local4 = _local2 + 1; } } return(_local4); }; shineMask_mc = _this.createEmptyMovieClip("shineMask_mc", 0); init_targetClip = targetClip || null; get_targetClip = function () { return(_targetClip); }; set_targetClip = function (newValue) { if (typeof(newValue) == "string") { newValue = _parent[newValue]; } _targetClip = newValue; _x = _targetClip._x; _y = _targetClip._y; shineMask_pic.dispose(); delete _this.shineMask_pic; shine_mc.gotoAndStop(1); shineMask_pic = new flash.display.BitmapData(_targetClip._width, _targetClip._height, true, 0); var _local2 = _targetClip.transform.matrix; _local2.tx = (_local2.ty = 0); shineMask_pic.draw(_targetClip, _local2); shineMask_mc.attachBitmap(shineMask_pic, 0); shine_mc._width = shineMask_pic.width; shine_mc._height = shineMask_pic.height; shineMask_mc.cacheAsBitmap = true; shine_mc.cacheAsBitmap = true; shine_mc.setMask(shineMask_mc);; }; this.addProperty("targetClip", get_targetClip, set_targetClip); targetClip = init_targetClip;
Symbol 242 MovieClip [titleScreen_mc] Frame 1
_this = this; _global.nextDepth = function (this_mc, maxDepth) { this_mc = (this_mc ? (this_mc) : _root); var _local4 = 1; var _local5 = (maxDepth ? (maxDepth) : 1048500); for (var _local6 in this_mc) { var _local2 = this_mc[_local6].getDepth(); if ((_local2 < _local5) && (_local2 >= _local4)) { _local4 = _local2 + 1; } } return(_local4); }; watermark = ROM.titleScreen.watermark; start_mc.swapDepths(1); bg_mc.complete = function () { _visible = true; }; bg_mc.error = newGame; newGame = function () { ROOT.newGame(); _this.removeMovieClip(); }; key = {}; key.onKeyUp = function () { newGame(); }; Key.addListener(key); if (typeof(ROM.titleScreen) == "string") { bg_mc.file = ROM.titleScreen; } else { bg_mc.file = ROM.titleScreen.image; watermark_mc._x = watermark.position.x; watermark_mc._y = watermark.position.y; watermark_mc._xscale = (watermark_mc._yscale = watermark.scale); waterText = watermark_mc.createTextField("waterText", nextDepth(watermark_mc), 0, 0, 100, 22); waterText.autoSize = true; waterText.selectable = false; waterText_fmt = new TextFormat(); waterText_fmt.font = "_sans"; waterText_fmt.color = 43775; waterText.text = watermark.text; waterText.setTextFormat(waterText_fmt); if (watermark.url) { watermark_mc.complete = function () { shine_mc.targetClip = watermark_mc; }; watermark_mc.error = watermark_mc.complete; } watermark_mc.file = watermark.image; if (watermark_mc.brightness) { init_brightness = watermark_mc.brightness; } else if ((watermark_mc.transform.colorTransform.redMultiplier == watermark_mc.transform.colorTransform.greenMultiplier) && (watermark_mc.transform.colorTransform.redMultiplier == watermark_mc.transform.colorTransform.blueMultiplier)) { init_brightness = (watermark_mc.transform.colorTransform.redOffset * 100) / 255; } else { init_brightness = 0; } get_brightness = function () { return(watermark_mc.transform.colorTransform.redOffset); }; set_brightness = function (newValue) { var _local2 = _alpha / 100; var _local1 = (newValue * 255) / 100; watermark_mc.transform.colorTransform = new flash.geom.ColorTransform(1, 1, 1, _local2, _local1, _local1, _local1, 0); }; watermark_mc.addProperty("brightness", get_brightness, set_brightness); watermark_mc.brightness = watermark.brightness; delete init_brightness; delete get_brightness; delete set_brightness; if (watermark.glow <= 0) { color = 0; } else { color = 16777215 /* 0xFFFFFF */; } alpha = Math.abs(watermark.glow) / 100; blurX = 20; blurY = 20; strength = 3; quality = 2; inner = false; knockout = false; glowEffect = new flash.filters.GlowFilter(color, alpha, blurX, blurY, strength, quality, inner, knockout); watermark_mc.filters = [glowEffect]; } onMouseDown = function () { var _local2 = watermark_mc.hitTest(_root._xmouse, _root._ymouse, false); if (_local2 && (watermark.url)) { getURL (watermark.url, "_blank"); } else { newGame(); } }; if (watermark.url) { watermark_mc.onPress = function () { }; bright_up = watermark.brightness; if (watermark.brightness < 0) { bright_down = watermark.brightness + 20; } else { bright_down = watermark.brightness - 20; } watermark_mc.onRollOver = function () { watermark_mc.brightness = bright_down; }; watermark_mc.onRollOut = function () { watermark_mc.brightness = bright_up; }; } onUnload = function () { Key.removeListener(key); };
Instance of Symbol 33 MovieClip [imageLoader] "bg_mc" in Symbol 242 MovieClip [titleScreen_mc] Frame 1
//component parameters onClipEvent (construct) { file = ""; scaleContent = true; enabled = true; visible = true; }
Instance of Symbol 33 MovieClip [imageLoader] "watermark_mc" in Symbol 242 MovieClip [titleScreen_mc] Frame 1
//component parameters onClipEvent (construct) { file = ""; scaleContent = false; enabled = true; visible = true; }
Instance of Symbol 241 MovieClip "shine_mc" in Symbol 242 MovieClip [titleScreen_mc] Frame 1
//component parameters onClipEvent (construct) { targetClip = ""; }
Symbol 243 MovieClip [transition_mc] Frame 1
_this = this; AsBroadcaster.initialize(_this); start = function (linkage) { _this.image.removeMovieClip(); _this.attachMovie(linkage, "image", 0); fadeOut(); }; fadeOut = function () { if (_this.image) { _this.image.gotoAndPlay("fadeOut"); } else { start("transition_fade"); } }; fadeIn = function () { if (_this.image) { _this.image.gotoAndPlay("fadeIn"); } else { _this.fadeInDone(); _this.broadcastMessage("fadeInDone"); } };
Symbol 244 MovieClip [transition_cut] Frame 1
snapshot_pic = new flash.display.BitmapData(320, 240, false, 0); snapshot_pic.draw(ROOT.game_mc); this.createEmptyMovieClip("snapshot_mc", 0); snapshot_mc.attachBitmap(snapshot_pic, 0); stop(); _parent.fadeOutDone(); _parent.broadcastMessage("fadeOutDone");
Symbol 244 MovieClip [transition_cut] Frame 8
play(); _parent.fadeInDone(); _parent.broadcastMessage("fadeInDone");
Symbol 244 MovieClip [transition_cut] Frame 9
stop(); this.removeMovieClip();
Symbol 245 MovieClip [transition_fade] Frame 15
stop(); _parent.fadeOutDone(); _parent.broadcastMessage("fadeOutDone");
Symbol 245 MovieClip [transition_fade] Frame 30
stop(); _parent.fadeInDone(); _parent.broadcastMessage("fadeInDone"); this.removeMovieClip();
Symbol 246 MovieClip [loadSave] Frame 2
Instance of Symbol 73 MovieClip [Button] "save_btn" in Symbol 246 MovieClip [loadSave] Frame 2
//component parameters onClipEvent (construct) { icon = ""; label = "Save"; labelPlacement = "right"; selected = false; toggle = false; enabled = true; visible = true; minHeight = 0; minWidth = 0; } onClipEvent (load) { function __f_click(eventObj) { ROOT.saveGame(RAM.gameId); _root.focusManager.setFocus(null);; } this.addEventListener("click", __f_click); } onClipEvent (load) { function __f_focusIn(eventObj) { setFocus(null); _root.focusManager.setFocus(null); } this.addEventListener("focusIn", __f_focusIn); }
Instance of Symbol 73 MovieClip [Button] "load_btn" in Symbol 246 MovieClip [loadSave] Frame 2
//component parameters onClipEvent (construct) { icon = ""; label = "Load"; labelPlacement = "right"; selected = false; toggle = false; enabled = true; visible = true; minHeight = 0; minWidth = 0; } onClipEvent (load) { function __f_click(eventObj) { ROOT.loadGame(RAM.gameId); _root.focusManager.setFocus(null);; } this.addEventListener("click", __f_click); } onClipEvent (load) { function __f_focusIn(eventObj) { setFocus(null); _root.focusManager.setFocus(null); } this.addEventListener("focusIn", __f_focusIn); }
Symbol 249 MovieClip Frame 1
_this = this; _x = Math.floor(_x); _y = Math.floor(_y); __width = Math.floor(_width); __height = Math.floor(_height); _yscale = 100; _xscale = 100; fade_mc._visible = false; fade_mc._width = __width; fade_mc._height = __height; marker._visible = false; _this.createEmptyMovieClip("background_mc", 1); background_pic = new flash.display.BitmapData(__width, __height, true, 0); background_mc.attachBitmap(background_pic, 0, true, false); background_mc.cacheAsBitmap = true; background_mc.setMask(fade_mc); background_mc.swapDepths(fade_mc); drawRect = function (pic, x, y, w, h) { background_mc.beginBitmapFill(pic); background_mc.moveTo(x, y); background_mc.lineTo(x + w, y); background_mc.lineTo(x + w, y + h); background_mc.lineTo(x, y + h); background_mc.lineTo(x, y); background_mc.endFill(); }; displayBackground = function () { var _local3 = new flash.display.BitmapData(32, 32, true, 0); _local3.draw(image_mc); var _local4 = new flash.geom.Rectangle(8, 8, 16, 16); var _local15 = new flash.geom.Rectangle(0, 8, 8, 16); var _local14 = new flash.geom.Rectangle(24, 8, 8, 16); var _local9 = new flash.geom.Rectangle(8, 0, 16, 8); var _local8 = new flash.geom.Rectangle(8, 24, 16, 8); var _local10 = Math.ceil((__height - 16) / 16); var _local13 = Math.ceil((__width - 16) / 16); var _local2 = 0; while (_local2 < _local10) { var _local1 = 0; while (_local1 < _local13) { var _local6 = new flash.geom.Point(8 + (_local1 * _local4.width), 8 + (_local2 * _local4.height)); background_pic.copyPixels(_local3, _local4, _local6); if (_local2 == (_local10 - 1)) { var _local7 = new flash.geom.Point(8 + (_local1 * _local9.width), 0); var _local5 = new flash.geom.Point(8 + (_local1 * _local8.width), __height - 8); background_pic.copyPixels(_local3, _local9, _local7); background_pic.copyPixels(_local3, _local8, _local5); } _local1++; } var _local11 = new flash.geom.Point(0, 8 + (_local2 * _local15.height)); var _local12 = new flash.geom.Point(__width - 8, 8 + (_local2 * _local14.height)); background_pic.copyPixels(_local3, _local15, _local11); background_pic.copyPixels(_local3, _local14, _local12); _local2++; } var _local16 = new flash.geom.Rectangle(0, 0, 8, 8); var _local17 = new flash.geom.Point(0, 0); background_pic.copyPixels(_local3, _local16, _local17); _local16 = new flash.geom.Rectangle(0, 24, 8, 8); _local17 = new flash.geom.Point(0, __height - 8); background_pic.copyPixels(_local3, _local16, _local17); _local16 = new flash.geom.Rectangle(24, 0, 8, 8); _local17 = new flash.geom.Point(__width - 8, 0); background_pic.copyPixels(_local3, _local16, _local17); _local16 = new flash.geom.Rectangle(24, 24, 8, 8); _local17 = new flash.geom.Point(__width - 8, __height - 8); background_pic.copyPixels(_local3, _local16, _local17); _this.image_mc.unloadMovie(); }; imageLoader = new MovieClipLoader(); initImage = image; _image = ""; _this.getImage = function () { return(_image); }; _this.setImage = function (newValue, doEvent) { if (newValue != _this._image) { _this._image = newValue; _this.image_mc.unloadMovie(); var _local3 = new flash.geom.Rectangle(0, 0, __width, __height); background_pic.fillRect(_local3, 0); _this.createEmptyMovieClip("image_mc", 0); _this.image_mc._alpha = 0; _this.image_mc.attachMovie(newValue, "image", 0); if ((_this.image_mc._width == undefined) || (_this.image_mc._width == 0)) { var _local2 = flash.display.BitmapData.loadBitmap(newValue); _this.image_mc.attachBitmap(_local2, 0); if (_this.image_mc._width == 0) { imageLoader.onLoadInit = function () { displayBackground(); }; imageLoader.loadClip(newValue, image_mc); } else { displayBackground(); } } else { displayBackground(); } } }; _this.addProperty("image", _this.getImage, _this.setImage); image = initImage;
Symbol 251 MovieClip [textbox_mc] Frame 1
stop(); _this = this; makeProperty = function (propName, defaultValue) { var _local1 = _this[propName]; if (_this["get_" + propName] == undefined) { _this["get_" + propName] = function () { return(_this["_" + propName]); }; } if (_this["set_" + propName] == undefined) { _this["set_" + propName] = function (newValue) { _this["_" + propName] = newValue; }; } _this.addProperty(propName, _this["get_" + propName], _this["set_" + propName]); var _local2 = ((_local1 != undefined) ? (_local1) : (defaultValue)); if (_local2 != undefined) { _this["set_" + propName](_local2); } }; makeProperty("closeOnSpace", true); makeProperty("closeOnClick", true); makeProperty("typeDelay", 0); makeProperty("enterKey", 32); makeProperty("cancelKey", 27); makeProperty("skipKey", 16); makeProperty("typingSound", ""); makeProperty("soundSystem", SOUND); get_background = function () { return(bg.image); }; set_background = function (newValue, doEvent) { bg.image = newValue; }; makeProperty("background"); var offset = 16; faceLoader = new MovieClipLoader(); minTextWidth = 240; minTextOffset = 72; maxTextWidth = 296; maxTextOffset = 16; faceMargin = 6; set_face = function (newValue, doEvent) { face_mc.complete = function () { var _local2 = (face_mc._x + face_mc._width) + faceMargin; var _local1 = maxTextWidth - face_mc._width; _this.message_txt._width = _local1 - faceMargin; _this.message_txt._x = _local2; }; face_mc.error = function () { var _local2 = face_mc._x; var _local1 = maxTextWidth; _this.message_txt._width = _local1; _this.message_txt._x = _local2; }; face_mc.file = newValue; }; makeProperty("face"); message_txt.condenseWhite = false; readIndex = 0; delayTimeout = null; forceSound = true; waitForClick = false; doneTyping = false; initInstantDisplay = (instantDisplay ? (instantDisplay) : false); _html = "<p>"; set_text = function (newValue, doEvent) { var _local3 = 0; var _local6 = String.fromCharCode(10); while (newValue.indexOf(_local6, _local3) != -1) { var _local2 = newValue.indexOf(_local6, _local3); var _local5 = newValue.slice(0, _local2); var _local4 = newValue.slice(_local2 + 1); newValue = _local5 + _local4; _local3 = _local2; } _local3 = 0; _local6 = String.fromCharCode(13); while (newValue.indexOf(_local6, _local3) != -1) { var _local2 = newValue.indexOf(_local6, _local3); var _local5 = newValue.slice(0, _local2); var _local4 = newValue.slice(_local2 + 1); newValue = (_local5 + "\\n") + _local4; _local3 = _local2; _local3 = _local3 + 2; } _this._text = newValue; _this._html = "<p>"; _this.message_txt.htmlText = ""; _this.readIndex = 0; _this.waitForClick = false; _this.doneTyping = false; _this.instantDisplay = false; clearTimeout(_this.delayTimeout); if (newValue != "") { _this.forceSound = true; setTimeout(_this.typeMessage, 34); } }; typeMessage = function () { if (!_this.doneTyping) { var _local1 = _text.charAt(_this.readIndex); if (Key.isDown(_this.skipKey)) { _this.instantDisplay = true; } if (_local1 == "\\") { _this.readIndex++; var _local2 = String(_text.charAt(_this.readIndex)); switch (_local2) { case "." : var _local3 = 1; _this.forceSound = true; break; case "!" : _this.waitForClick = true; break; case "n" : _this._html = _this._html + newline; break; case "s" : _this.readIndex++; var _local7 = Number(_text.charAt(_this.readIndex)); _this.typeDelay = _local7; if (_this.typeDelay == 0) { _this.forceSound = true; } break; case "l" : _this._html = _this._html + "<p align=\"left\">"; break; case "m" : _this._html = _this._html + "<p align=\"center\">"; break; case "r" : _this._html = _this._html + "<p align=\"right\">"; break; case "#" : _this.readIndex++; var _local4 = _text.charAt(_this.readIndex) == "#"; if (_local4) { _this._html = _this._html + "</font>"; } else { var _local5 = String(_text.substr(_this.readIndex, 6)); _this._html = _this._html + (("<font color=\"#" + _local5) + "\">"); _this.readIndex = _this.readIndex + 5; } break; default : if (isNaN(_local2)) { break; } var _local9 = _text.charAt(_this.readIndex); var _local8 = Number(_local9); _local3 = _local8; _this.forceSound = true; } } else { var _local6 = (_this.typeDelay > 0) && (!_this.instantDisplay); if (_this.forceSound || (_local6)) { if (_local1 != _this.enterKey) {; _this.forceSound = false; } } _this._html = _this._html + _local1; } _this.message_txt.htmlText = _this._html; _this.readIndex++; if (_this.readIndex < _text.length) { if (_this.instantDisplay) { _this.typeMessage(); } else if (_local3) { _this.delayTimeout = setTimeout(_this.typeMessage, _local3 * 200); } else if (_this.waitForClick) { } else if (_local2) { _this.typeMessage(); } else if (_this.typeDelay) { if (_local1 == " ") { _this.typeMessage(); } else { _this.delayTimeout = setTimeout(_this.typeMessage, _this.typeDelay * 25); } } else { _this.typeMessage(); } } else { _this.doneTyping = true; _this.messageDone(); } } }; makeProperty("text"); instantDisplay = initInstantDisplay; if (_this.instantDisplay) { clearTimeout(_this.delayTimeout); setTimeout(_this.typeMessage, 34); } closeTriggers = {}; close = function () { if (_this.doneTyping) { _this.nextFrame(); } }; closeTriggers.onMouseUp = function () { if (_this.closeOnClick) { close(); } if (_this.waitForClick) { _this.waitForClick = false; typeMessage(); } }; Mouse.addListener(closeTriggers); if (Key.isDown(_this.enterKey) || (Key.isDown(_this.cancelKey))) { waitForInitRelease = true; } closeTriggers.onKeyUp = function () { var _local1 = Key.getCode(); if (!waitForInitRelease) { if (Key.isDown(16)) { _this.waitForClick = false; clearTimeout(_this.delayTimeout); _this.typeMessage(); } if ((((_local1 == _this.enterKey) || (_local1 == _this.cancelKey)) && (_this.closeOnSpace)) && (!_this.waitForClick)) { close(); } if (_this.waitForClick) { _this.waitForClick = false; typeMessage(); } } else if (!(Key.isDown(_this.enterKey) || (Key.isDown(_this.cancelKey)))) { waitForInitRelease = false; } }; Key.addListener(closeTriggers); onUnload = function () { clearTimeout(_this.delayTimeout); Mouse.removeListener(closeTriggers); Key.removeListener(closeTriggers); };
Instance of Symbol 249 MovieClip "bg" in Symbol 251 MovieClip [textbox_mc] Frame 1
//component parameters onClipEvent (construct) { image = ""; }
Instance of Symbol 33 MovieClip [imageLoader] in Symbol 251 MovieClip [textbox_mc] Frame 1
//component parameters onClipEvent (construct) { file = ""; scaleContent = false; enabled = true; visible = true; }
Symbol 251 MovieClip [textbox_mc] Frame 2
stop(); _name = ""; _this.onClose(); removeThis = function (_this) { _this.onUnload(); _this.removeMovieClip(); }; setTimeout(removeThis, 34, this);
Symbol 252 MovieClip Frame 1
Instance of Symbol 229 MovieClip [scroll] in Symbol 252 MovieClip Frame 10
//component parameters onClipEvent (construct) { mode = "chase"; target = "player"; smoothness = 2; }
Instance of Symbol 251 MovieClip [textbox_mc] in Symbol 252 MovieClip Frame 10
//component parameters onClipEvent (construct) { text = ""; face = ""; background = ""; typeDelay = 1; closeOnSpace = true; closeOnClick = true; skipKey = 16; typingSound = ""; enterKey = 32; cancelKey = 27; }

Library Items

Symbol 1 BitmapUsed by:2
Symbol 2 GraphicUses:1Used by:3
Symbol 3 MovieClipUses:2Used by:4
Symbol 4 MovieClip [snowFall]Uses:3
Symbol 5 GraphicUsed by:13 24
Symbol 6 GraphicUsed by:7
Symbol 7 MovieClipUses:6Used by:13 24
Symbol 8 GraphicUsed by:9 242
Symbol 9 MovieClipUses:8Used by:13
Symbol 10 FontUsed by:11 12 22 23 136 250
Symbol 11 EditableTextUses:10Used by:13
Symbol 12 EditableTextUses:10Used by:13
Symbol 13 MovieClip [loadInterface1]Uses:5 7 9 11 12
Symbol 14 GraphicUsed by:16
Symbol 15 GraphicUsed by:16
Symbol 16 MovieClipUses:14 15Used by:24
Symbol 17 GraphicUsed by:18
Symbol 18 MovieClipUses:17Used by:21
Symbol 19 GraphicUsed by:20
Symbol 20 MovieClipUses:19Used by:21
Symbol 21 MovieClipUses:18 20Used by:24
Symbol 22 EditableTextUses:10Used by:24
Symbol 23 EditableTextUses:10Used by:24
Symbol 24 MovieClip [loadInterface0]Uses:5 16 21 22 23 7
Symbol 25 GraphicUsed by:26 110
Symbol 26 MovieClip [black]Uses:25Used by:27 245 252
Symbol 27 MovieClip [transition_blackMap]Uses:26
Symbol 28 MovieClip [transition_greyMap]
Symbol 29 GraphicUsed by:30
Symbol 30 MovieClipUses:29Used by:31 232 233 234
Symbol 31 MovieClip [commonLevel]Uses:30
Symbol 32 GraphicUsed by:33
Symbol 33 MovieClip [imageLoader]Uses:32Used by:34 137 242 251
Symbol 34 MovieClip [loadSwf]Uses:33
Symbol 35 MovieClip [empty]
Symbol 36 GraphicUsed by:37
Symbol 37 MovieClip [test_mc]Uses:36Used by:252
Symbol 38 GraphicUsed by:39 40
Symbol 39 MovieClip [charset\invisible.png]Uses:38Used by:228
Symbol 40 MovieClip [charset/invisible.png]Uses:38Used by:228
Symbol 45 GraphicUsed by:46
Symbol 46 MovieClip [BoundingBox]Uses:45Used by:65 69 73
Symbol 47 GraphicUsed by:48
Symbol 48 MovieClip [BrdrShdw]Uses:47Used by:51 56 57
Symbol 49 GraphicUsed by:50
Symbol 50 MovieClip [BrdrFace]Uses:49Used by:51 56 57
Symbol 51 MovieClip [SimpleButtonDown]Uses:48 50Used by:69
Symbol 52 GraphicUsed by:53
Symbol 53 MovieClip [BrdrBlk]Uses:52Used by:56 57
Symbol 54 GraphicUsed by:55
Symbol 55 MovieClip [BrdrHilght]Uses:54Used by:56 57
Symbol 56 MovieClip [SimpleButtonIn]Uses:53 55 48 50Used by:69
Symbol 57 MovieClip [SimpleButtonUp]Uses:53 50 48 55Used by:69
Symbol 58 MovieClip [Defaults]Used by:60
Symbol 59 MovieClip [UIObjectExtensions]Used by:60
Symbol 60 MovieClip [UIObject]Uses:58 59Used by:66 68 70
Symbol 61 GraphicUsed by:63
Symbol 62 GraphicUsed by:63
Symbol 63 ButtonUses:61 62Used by:66
Symbol 64 MovieClipUsed by:66
Symbol 65 MovieClip [FocusRect]Uses:46Used by:66
Symbol 66 MovieClip [FocusManager]Uses:63 64 65 60Used by:68
Symbol 67 MovieClip [UIComponentExtensions]Used by:68
Symbol 68 MovieClip [UIComponent]Uses:60 66 67Used by:69
Symbol 69 MovieClip [SimpleButton]Uses:46 51 56 57 68Used by:73
Symbol 70 MovieClip [Border]Uses:60Used by:71 73
Symbol 71 MovieClip [RectBorder]Uses:70Used by:73
Symbol 72 MovieClip [ButtonSkin]Used by:73
Symbol 73 MovieClip [Button]Uses:46 69 70 71 72Used by:246
Symbol 94 GraphicUsed by:Timeline
Symbol 253 MovieClip []
Symbol 254 MovieClip []
Symbol 255 MovieClip []
Symbol 256 MovieClip []
Symbol 257 MovieClip []
Symbol 258 MovieClip []
Symbol 259 MovieClip []
Symbol 260 MovieClip []
Symbol 261 MovieClip [__Packages.WalkCollisionSystem]
Symbol 41 MovieClip []
Symbol 42 MovieClip []
Symbol 43 MovieClip []
Symbol 44 MovieClip []
Symbol 74 MovieClip []
Symbol 75 MovieClip []
Symbol 76 MovieClip []
Symbol 77 MovieClip []
Symbol 78 MovieClip []
Symbol 79 MovieClip []
Symbol 80 MovieClip []
Symbol 81 MovieClip []
Symbol 82 MovieClip []
Symbol 83 MovieClip []
Symbol 84 MovieClip []
Symbol 85 MovieClip []
Symbol 86 MovieClip []
Symbol 87 MovieClip []
Symbol 88 MovieClip []
Symbol 89 MovieClip []
Symbol 90 MovieClip []
Symbol 91 MovieClip []
Symbol 92 MovieClip []
Symbol 93 MovieClip []
Symbol 95 FontUsed by:96
Symbol 96 TextUses:95Used by:97
Symbol 97 MovieClipUses:96Used by:98
Symbol 98 MovieClip [swf\humbird0.swf]Uses:97Used by:228
Symbol 99 MovieClip [swf\jump.swf]Used by:228
Symbol 100 MovieClipUsed by:117
Symbol 101 GraphicUsed by:102
Symbol 102 MovieClipUses:101Used by:103
Symbol 103 MovieClipUses:102Used by:104
Symbol 104 MovieClipUses:103Used by:117
Symbol 105 GraphicUsed by:106
Symbol 106 MovieClipUses:105Used by:117
Symbol 107 GraphicUsed by:108
Symbol 108 MovieClipUses:107Used by:117
Symbol 109 GraphicUsed by:113
Symbol 110 MovieClipUses:25Used by:113
Symbol 111 GraphicUsed by:112
Symbol 112 MovieClipUses:111Used by:113
Symbol 113 MovieClipUses:109 110 112Used by:117
Symbol 114 GraphicUsed by:115
Symbol 115 MovieClipUses:114Used by:117
Symbol 116 MovieClipUsed by:117
Symbol 117 MovieClip [swf\mood.swf]Uses:100 104 106 108 113 115 116Used by:228
Symbol 118 GraphicUsed by:121 123 240
Symbol 119 FontUsed by:120 122
Symbol 120 EditableTextUses:119Used by:121
Symbol 121 MovieClipUses:118 120Used by:124
Symbol 122 EditableTextUses:119Used by:123
Symbol 123 MovieClipUses:118 122Used by:124
Symbol 124 MovieClip [swf\skipReplay.swf]Uses:121 123Used by:228
Symbol 125 BitmapUsed by:126
Symbol 126 GraphicUses:125Used by:129
Symbol 127 BitmapUsed by:128
Symbol 128 GraphicUses:127Used by:129
Symbol 129 MovieClip [swf\sweat.swf]Uses:126 128Used by:228
Symbol 130 GraphicUsed by:135 249
Symbol 131 GraphicUsed by:132 247
Symbol 132 MovieClipUses:131Used by:135
Symbol 133 GraphicUsed by:134 248
Symbol 134 MovieClipUses:133Used by:135
Symbol 135 MovieClipUses:130 132 134Used by:137
Symbol 136 EditableTextUses:10Used by:137
Symbol 137 MovieClip [swf\textbox.swf]Uses:135 33 136Used by:228
Symbol 138 GraphicUsed by:139
Symbol 139 MovieClipUses:138Used by:146
Symbol 140 FontUsed by:141
Symbol 141 TextUses:140Used by:142
Symbol 142 MovieClipUses:141Used by:146
Symbol 143 FontUsed by:144
Symbol 144 TextUses:143Used by:145
Symbol 145 MovieClipUses:144Used by:146
Symbol 146 MovieClipUses:139 142 145Used by:147
Symbol 147 MovieClipUses:146Used by:148
Symbol 148 MovieClip [swf\theEnd.swf]Uses:147Used by:228
Symbol 149 Bitmap [swf\wolfParenting\title.jpg]Used by:151
Symbol 150 Bitmap [swf\win_default.png]Used by:151
Symbol 151 GraphicUses:149 150Used by:228
Symbol 152 MovieClip [levels\wolf_parenting2\_setup.lvl]Used by:228
Symbol 153 MovieClip [levels\wolf_parenting2\bedroom1.lvl]Used by:228
Symbol 154 MovieClip [levels\wolf_parenting2\bedroom2.lvl]Used by:228
Symbol 155 MovieClip [levels\wolf_parenting2\bedroom3.lvl]Used by:228
Symbol 156 MovieClip [levels\wolf_parenting2\bedroom4.lvl]Used by:228
Symbol 157 MovieClip [levels\wolf_parenting2\class.lvl]Used by:228
Symbol 158 MovieClip [levels\wolf_parenting2\f1.lvl]Used by:228
Symbol 159 MovieClip [levels\wolf_parenting2\f1_2.lvl]Used by:228
Symbol 160 MovieClip [levels\wolf_parenting2\hallway.lvl]Used by:228
Symbol 161 MovieClip [levels\wolf_parenting2\office.lvl]Used by:228
Symbol 162 MovieClip [levels\wolf_parenting2\outside.lvl]Used by:228
Symbol 163 Bitmap [charset\animal.png]Used by:169
Symbol 164 Bitmap [chipset\spo.png]Used by:169
Symbol 165 Bitmap [chipset\robotrek_indoors.png]Used by:169
Symbol 166 Bitmap [chipset\mario.png]Used by:169
Symbol 167 Bitmap [chipset\iog_indoors.png]Used by:169
Symbol 168 Bitmap [chipset\iog_freejia.png]Used by:169
Symbol 169 GraphicUses:163 164 165 166 167 168Used by:228
Symbol 170 Bitmap [charset\som_wolf\walk.png]Used by:215
Symbol 171 Bitmap [charset\som_wolf\stand.png]Used by:215
Symbol 172 Bitmap [charset\som_wolf\sleep.png]Used by:215
Symbol 173 Bitmap [charset\som_wolf\hump.png]Used by:215
Symbol 174 Bitmap [charset\ridingHood\nude\walk.png]Used by:215
Symbol 175 Bitmap [charset\ridingHood\nude\mount.png]Used by:215
Symbol 176 Bitmap [charset\ridingHood\nightie\walk.png]Used by:215
Symbol 177 Bitmap [charset\ridingHood\nightie\mposeAwake.png]Used by:215
Symbol 178 Bitmap [charset\ridingHood\nightie\mount.png]Used by:215
Symbol 179 Bitmap [charset\ridingHood\nightie\mast.png]Used by:215
Symbol 180 Bitmap [charset\ridingHood\dressed\walk.png]Used by:215
Symbol 181 Bitmap [charset\objects\tv.png]Used by:215
Symbol 182 Bitmap [charset\objects\ropes.png]Used by:215
Symbol 183 Bitmap [charset\objects\paper2.png]Used by:215
Symbol 184 Bitmap [charset\objects\doors2.png]Used by:215
Symbol 185 Bitmap [charset\objects\doors.png]Used by:215
Symbol 186 Bitmap [charset\lilly\nude\walk.png]Used by:215
Symbol 187 Bitmap [charset\lilly\nude\mpose_sleep.png]Used by:215
Symbol 188 Bitmap [charset\lilly\nude\mount.png]Used by:215
Symbol 189 Bitmap [charset\lilly\dressed\walk_noPants.png]Used by:215
Symbol 190 Bitmap [charset\lilly\dressed\walk.png]Used by:215
Symbol 191 Bitmap [charset\lilly\dressed\underSkirtAwake.png]Used by:215
Symbol 192 Bitmap [charset\lilly\dressed\splitScrew.png]Used by:215
Symbol 193 Bitmap [charset\lilly\dressed\mpose_sleep.png]Used by:215
Symbol 194 Bitmap [charset\kara\undressing.png]Used by:215
Symbol 195 Bitmap [charset\kara\nude\walk.png]Used by:215
Symbol 196 Bitmap [charset\kara\nude\suckUp.png]Used by:215
Symbol 197 Bitmap [charset\kara\nude\mount.png]Used by:215
Symbol 198 Bitmap [charset\kara\dressed\walk.png]Used by:215
Symbol 199 Bitmap [charset\kara\dressed\liftDress.png]Used by:215
Symbol 200 Bitmap [charset\celina\pj\walk.png]Used by:215
Symbol 201 Bitmap [charset\celina\pj\mastUp.png]Used by:215
Symbol 202 Bitmap [charset\celina\nude\walk.png]Used by:215
Symbol 203 Bitmap [charset\celina\nude\mount.png]Used by:215
Symbol 204 Bitmap [charset\celina\nude\handsTied.png]Used by:215
Symbol 205 Bitmap [charset\celina\blueDress\walk.png]Used by:215
Symbol 206 Bitmap [charset\woman1_nude.png]Used by:215
Symbol 207 Bitmap [charset\robotrek4.png]Used by:215
Symbol 208 Bitmap [charset\poke_suits.png]Used by:215
Symbol 209 Bitmap [charset\peopleAlt1.png]Used by:215
Symbol 210 Bitmap [charset\people2.png]Used by:215
Symbol 211 Bitmap [charset\people1.png]Used by:215
Symbol 212 Bitmap [charset\cum_drip.png]Used by:215
Symbol 213 Bitmap [charset\ct_boy.png]Used by:215
Symbol 214 Bitmap [charset\clothes.png]Used by:215
Symbol 215 GraphicUses:170 171 172 173 174 175 176 177 178 179 180 181 182 183 184 185 186 187 188 189 190 191 192 193 194 195 196 197 198 199 200 201 202 203 204 205 206 207 208 209 210 211 212 213 214Used by:228
Symbol 216 MovieClip [database.xml]Used by:228
Symbol 217 Sound [sound\knock.mp3]Used by:228
Symbol 218 Sound [sound\licking.mp3]Used by:228
Symbol 219 Sound [sound\sexy\sx_moan.mp3]Used by:228
Symbol 220 Sound [sound\sexy\sx_moan6.mp3]Used by:228
Symbol 221 Sound [sound\sexy\sx_moan7.mp3]Used by:228
Symbol 222 Sound [sound\sexy\sx_moaning.mp3]Used by:228
Symbol 223 Sound [sound\sexy\sx_moaning4.mp3]Used by:228
Symbol 224 Sound [sound\sexy\sx_screwing.mp3]Used by:228
Symbol 225 Sound [sound\sexy\sx_surprise.mp3]Used by:228
Symbol 226 Sound [sound\sexy\sx_thrust.mp3]Used by:228
Symbol 227 Sound [sound\sexy\sx_thrust10.mp3]Used by:228
Symbol 228 MovieClipUses:98 99 117 124 129 137 148 151 152 153 154 155 156 157 158 159 160 161 162 169 40 39 215 216 217 218 219 220 221 222 223 224 225 226 227Used by:Timeline
Symbol 229 MovieClip [scroll]Used by:252
Symbol 230 GraphicUsed by:231
Symbol 231 MovieClip [marker]Uses:230Used by:232 233 252
Symbol 232 MovieClip [rpgSprite]Uses:231 30Used by:252
Symbol 233 MovieClip [player]Uses:231 30Used by:252
Symbol 234 MovieClip [game_mc]Uses:30Used by:252
Symbol 235 FontUsed by:236
Symbol 236 TextUses:235Used by:237
Symbol 237 MovieClipUses:236Used by:242
Symbol 238 GraphicUsed by:239
Symbol 239 MovieClipUses:238Used by:240
Symbol 240 MovieClipUses:118 239Used by:241
Symbol 241 MovieClipUses:240Used by:242
Symbol 242 MovieClip [titleScreen_mc]Uses:8 33 237 241Used by:252
Symbol 243 MovieClip [transition_mc]Used by:252
Symbol 244 MovieClip [transition_cut]Used by:252
Symbol 245 MovieClip [transition_fade]Uses:26Used by:252
Symbol 246 MovieClip [loadSave]Uses:73Used by:252
Symbol 247 MovieClipUses:131Used by:249
Symbol 248 MovieClipUses:133Used by:249
Symbol 249 MovieClipUses:130 247 248Used by:251
Symbol 250 EditableTextUses:10Used by:251
Symbol 251 MovieClip [textbox_mc]Uses:249 33 250Used by:252
Symbol 252 MovieClipUses:229 232 233 234 37 231 242 243 244 245 26 246 251Used by:Timeline

Instance Names

"frame_mc"Symbol 13 MovieClip [loadInterface1] Frame 1Symbol 7 MovieClip
"fill_mc"Symbol 13 MovieClip [loadInterface1] Frame 1Symbol 9 MovieClip
"file_txt"Symbol 13 MovieClip [loadInterface1] Frame 1Symbol 12 EditableText
"glow_mc"Symbol 24 MovieClip [loadInterface0] Frame 1Symbol 16 MovieClip
"fill_mc"Symbol 24 MovieClip [loadInterface0] Frame 1Symbol 21 MovieClip
"file_txt"Symbol 24 MovieClip [loadInterface0] Frame 1Symbol 23 EditableText
"frame_mc"Symbol 24 MovieClip [loadInterface0] Frame 1Symbol 7 MovieClip
"screen"Symbol 31 MovieClip [commonLevel] Frame 1Symbol 30 MovieClip
"image"Symbol 34 MovieClip [loadSwf] Frame 1Symbol 33 MovieClip [imageLoader]
"b"Symbol 51 MovieClip [SimpleButtonDown] Frame 1Symbol 48 MovieClip [BrdrShdw]
"face"Symbol 51 MovieClip [SimpleButtonDown] Frame 1Symbol 50 MovieClip [BrdrFace]
"b"Symbol 56 MovieClip [SimpleButtonIn] Frame 1Symbol 53 MovieClip [BrdrBlk]
"it"Symbol 56 MovieClip [SimpleButtonIn] Frame 1Symbol 55 MovieClip [BrdrHilght]
"g"Symbol 56 MovieClip [SimpleButtonIn] Frame 1Symbol 48 MovieClip [BrdrShdw]
"face"Symbol 56 MovieClip [SimpleButtonIn] Frame 1Symbol 50 MovieClip [BrdrFace]
"ob"Symbol 57 MovieClip [SimpleButtonUp] Frame 1Symbol 53 MovieClip [BrdrBlk]
"ol"Symbol 57 MovieClip [SimpleButtonUp] Frame 1Symbol 50 MovieClip [BrdrFace]
"ib"Symbol 57 MovieClip [SimpleButtonUp] Frame 1Symbol 48 MovieClip [BrdrShdw]
"il"Symbol 57 MovieClip [SimpleButtonUp] Frame 1Symbol 55 MovieClip [BrdrHilght]
"face"Symbol 57 MovieClip [SimpleButtonUp] Frame 1Symbol 50 MovieClip [BrdrFace]
"boundingBox_mc"Symbol 65 MovieClip [FocusRect] Frame 1Symbol 46 MovieClip [BoundingBox]
"tabCapture"Symbol 66 MovieClip [FocusManager] Frame 1Symbol 63 Button
"boundingBox_mc"Symbol 69 MovieClip [SimpleButton] Frame 1Symbol 46 MovieClip [BoundingBox]
"boundingBox_mc"Symbol 73 MovieClip [Button] Frame 1Symbol 46 MovieClip [BoundingBox]
"darkness"Symbol 113 MovieClip Frame 1Symbol 110 MovieClip
"light"Symbol 113 MovieClip Frame 1Symbol 112 MovieClip
"image"Symbol 117 MovieClip [swf\mood.swf] Frame 7Symbol 100 MovieClip
"image"Symbol 117 MovieClip [swf\mood.swf] Frame 14Symbol 104 MovieClip
"image"Symbol 117 MovieClip [swf\mood.swf] Frame 20Symbol 106 MovieClip
"image"Symbol 117 MovieClip [swf\mood.swf] Frame 27Symbol 108 MovieClip
"image"Symbol 117 MovieClip [swf\mood.swf] Frame 33Symbol 113 MovieClip
"image"Symbol 117 MovieClip [swf\mood.swf] Frame 38Symbol 115 MovieClip
"image"Symbol 117 MovieClip [swf\mood.swf] Frame 46Symbol 116 MovieClip
"replay_mc"Symbol 124 MovieClip [swf\skipReplay.swf] Frame 1Symbol 121 MovieClip
"skip_mc"Symbol 124 MovieClip [swf\skipReplay.swf] Frame 1Symbol 123 MovieClip
"marker"Symbol 135 MovieClip Frame 1Symbol 132 MovieClip
"fade_mc"Symbol 135 MovieClip Frame 1Symbol 134 MovieClip
"bg"Symbol 137 MovieClip [swf\textbox.swf] Frame 1Symbol 135 MovieClip
"face_mc"Symbol 137 MovieClip [swf\textbox.swf] Frame 1Symbol 33 MovieClip [imageLoader]
"message_txt"Symbol 137 MovieClip [swf\textbox.swf] Frame 1Symbol 136 EditableText
"bg"Symbol 146 MovieClip Frame 1Symbol 139 MovieClip
"fin"Symbol 146 MovieClip Frame 1Symbol 142 MovieClip
"replay_mc"Symbol 146 MovieClip Frame 1Symbol 145 MovieClip
"inter"Symbol 147 MovieClip Frame 1Symbol 146 MovieClip
"inter"Symbol 148 MovieClip [swf\theEnd.swf] Frame 2Symbol 147 MovieClip
"hit"Symbol 232 MovieClip [rpgSprite] Frame 1Symbol 30 MovieClip
"hit"Symbol 233 MovieClip [player] Frame 1Symbol 30 MovieClip
"screen"Symbol 234 MovieClip [game_mc] Frame 1Symbol 30 MovieClip
"shine_mc"Symbol 241 MovieClip Frame 1Symbol 240 MovieClip
"bg_mc"Symbol 242 MovieClip [titleScreen_mc] Frame 1Symbol 33 MovieClip [imageLoader]
"watermark_mc"Symbol 242 MovieClip [titleScreen_mc] Frame 1Symbol 33 MovieClip [imageLoader]
"start_mc"Symbol 242 MovieClip [titleScreen_mc] Frame 1Symbol 237 MovieClip
"shine_mc"Symbol 242 MovieClip [titleScreen_mc] Frame 1Symbol 241 MovieClip
"save_btn"Symbol 246 MovieClip [loadSave] Frame 2Symbol 73 MovieClip [Button]
"load_btn"Symbol 246 MovieClip [loadSave] Frame 2Symbol 73 MovieClip [Button]
"marker"Symbol 249 MovieClip Frame 1Symbol 247 MovieClip
"fade_mc"Symbol 249 MovieClip Frame 1Symbol 248 MovieClip
"bg"Symbol 251 MovieClip [textbox_mc] Frame 1Symbol 249 MovieClip
"message_txt"Symbol 251 MovieClip [textbox_mc] Frame 1Symbol 250 EditableText

Special Tags

FileAttributes (69)Timeline Frame 1Access local files only, Metadata not present, AS1/AS2.
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 1Symbol 4 as "snowFall"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 1Symbol 13 as "loadInterface1"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 1Symbol 24 as "loadInterface0"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 1Symbol 26 as "black"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 1Symbol 27 as "transition_blackMap"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 1Symbol 28 as "transition_greyMap"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 1Symbol 31 as "commonLevel"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 1Symbol 33 as "imageLoader"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 1Symbol 34 as "loadSwf"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 1Symbol 35 as "empty"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 1Symbol 37 as "test_mc"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 1Symbol 39 as "charset\invisible.png"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 1Symbol 40 as "charset/invisible.png"
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Created: 8/1 -2019 16:33:40 Last modified: 8/1 -2019 16:33:40 Server time: 05/11 -2024 11:35:41