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This is the info page for
Flash #106912

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This video is a criticism of a
video produced by a biased critic
of the zeitgeist movement.

"Resource Based Economy Ignores Historical Data" on youtube

At the end of this video is my personal critique.

I work because I want money. I have money so I can have
freedom. I don't have freedom because I work.

Anon TV

The rest of this video is by a member of THE

Firstly this video is a distraction from the fact
that money itself is corrupt. It distorts people's
natural value system

through social peer pressure and social

A person's natural value system is geared
towards helping each other rather than
competing with each other for scarce job

openings in the market. In other words, money
provides a corrupt incentive because it doesn't
bring real happiness.

healthy social relations between people is what
brings real happiness.

I would go so far to say that any form of
monetary payment that happens in the market
is bribery. Money is morally offensive.

The book Modern Money Mechanics states the
following under the heading What Makes
Money Valuable.

What, then, makes these instruments checks,
paper money, and coins - acceptable at face
value in payment of all debts and for

other monetary uses? Mainly, it is the
confidence people have that they will be able to
exchange such money for other financial

assets and for real goods and services
whenever they choose to do so.

This statement invalidates money, politics,
markets, and business completely.

What makes money different from religion if
they both require confidence?

Imagine if at the beginning of the holy bible it

"by the way, if you don't have faith in God then
he won't exist"

The truth that critics of the zeitgeist movement
can't accept is that love is more valuable than
money. This is because of their

indoctrination and their refusal of admitting
that they're simply wrong. Zeitgeist critics
promote social indifference, in other

words there cannot be a valid criticism of the
zeitgeist movement, if our current social values
hence our social system needs to

be replaced with a social system that respects
natural law.

You can't buy honesty with money, you can
only use money for the sake of bribery thereby
producing false smiles.

Money is a new form of slavery, and
distinguishable from the old simply by the fact
that it is impersonal.

There is no human relation between master
and slave.

You can never buy freedom in the market
because everyone is a slave to the idea that
money buys happiness.

Anyone who believes the market's exponential
growth can go on forever in a finite world is
either a madman or an economist.

The fact is, we need a sustainable, or a steady
state economy, not a monetary growth based

Which is why the zeitgeist movement advocates a
resource based economy, which is the scientific
method directed towards social concern.

Where resources are managed conservatively to
reduce waste as much as possible.

If humanity wants a future then it must stop
supporting the social value known as

Only when the last tree has died and the last river
has been poisoned and the last fish has been
caught will we realise that we cannot eat money.

Banking doesn't involve fraud banking is fraud

In other words for me to convince you that money
has value by intimidating you through social
pressure is corrupt.

This game of monopoly needs to end

let's pack this pointless game away and use science
to figure out what's valuable instead of market
advocates telling us what is valuable.

5 minutes and 29seconds this zeitgeist critic's video

"and I see a clear trend into the future with aid,
trade, green technology and peace.

It's fully possible that everyone can make it to the
healthy wealthy corner"

The idea of market competition resulting in peaceful
coexistence is ridiculous.

now here's the choice you can make. You can either
support the zeitgeist movement

or you can fight the evil zeitgeist movement cult

It's up to you if you want to be free.

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Frame 3433

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FileAttributes (69)Timeline Frame 1Access local files only, Metadata not present, AS1/AS2.
Created: 16/3 -2019 18:31:04 Last modified: 16/3 -2019 18:31:04 Server time: 05/06 -2024 03:11:18