Frame 1
var jump_sound = new Sound();
var taunt_sound = new Sound();
var land_sound = new Sound();
var empty_tome = new Sound();
var backdash_sound = new Sound();
var hard_land_sound = new Sound();
var heart_sound = new Sound();
var slide_sound = new Sound();
_root.empty_tome.start("", "1000");
Instance of Symbol 26 MovieClip "bg" in Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) {
this._visible = false;
Instance of Symbol 28 MovieClip in Frame 1
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
this._x = _root.jonathan._x;
this._y = _root.jonathan._y - 100;
Instance of Symbol 100 MovieClip "jonathan" in Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) {
_global.slidingstart = false;
backdashability = true;
Falling = true;
Movement = 0;
Movement_speed = 4;
Movement_friction = 0.7;
Jumping_amount = 30;
Health = 99;
Yvelocity = 0;
Jumping = 1;
facing_direction = "left";
barvar = 12;
gravity = 2.75;
_global.Zholdcount = 0;
_global.Sholdcount = 0;
_global.backdashing = false;
dashtimer = 0;
dashtime = 0;
_global.djfv = 0;
Slidingspeed = 12;
_global.clipping = false;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (, _y - 90, true) and, _y, true)) {
_global.clipping = true;
} else {
_global.clipping = false;
if (, _y + 20, true)) {
if (facing_direction == "left") {
if ((!Key.isDown(90)) and (_global.sliding == false)) {
Yvelocity = Yvelocity + 7;
if (_global.sliding == true) {
Yvelocity = Yvelocity + 10;
if (facing_direction == "right") {
_rotation = 0;
if (, _y + 20, true)) {
if (facing_direction == "right") {
if ((!Key.isDown(90)) and (_global.sliding == false)) {
Yvelocity = Yvelocity + 7;
if (_global.sliding == true) {
Yvelocity = Yvelocity + 10;
if (facing_direction == "left") {
_rotation = 0;
if (_global.jv >= 23) {
if (facing_direction == "left") {
if (facing_direction == "right") {
if (!Key.isDown(90)) {
_global.Zholdcount = 0;
if (Key.isDown(90)) {
_global.Zholdcount = _global.Zholdcount + 1;
if (!Key.isDown(83)) {
_global.Sholdcount = 0;
if (Key.isDown(83)) {
_global.Sholdcount = _global.Sholdcount + 1;
if (, _y - 90, true)) {
if (_global.clipping == false) {
Yvelocity = 5;
if ((!Key.isDown(37)) and (!Key.isDown(39))) {
if ( + barvar) + (_width / 2)) + 10, _y - 75, true)) {
if (_global.backdashing == false) {
Movement = -3;
if (_global.backdashing == true) {
Movement = -8;
_global.backdashing = false;
if (_global.sliding == true) {
Movement = -5;
_global.sliding = false;
if ( - barvar) - (_width / 2)) - 10, _y - 75, true)) {
if (_global.backdashing == false) {
Movement = 3;
if (_global.backdashing == true) {
Movement = 8;
_global.backdashing = false;
if (_global.sliding == true) {
Movement = 5;
_global.sliding = false;
if (Key.isDown(39)) {
if ( + barvar) + (_width / 2), _y - 75, true)) {
Movement = Movement * 0;
if ( + barvar) + (_width / 2), _y - 70, true)) {
Movement = Movement * 0;
if ( + barvar) + (_width / 2), _y - 68, true)) {
Movement = Movement * 0;
if (Key.isDown(37)) {
if ( - barvar) - (_width / 2), _y - 75, true)) {
Movement = Movement * 0;
if ( - barvar) - (_width / 2), _y - 70, true)) {
Movement = Movement * 0;
if ( - barvar) - (_width / 2), _y - 68, true)) {
Movement = Movement * 0;
_y = (_y + Yvelocity);
_x = (_x + Movement);
Movement = Movement * Movement_friction;
if ((Movement <= 0.25) and (Movement >= -0.25)) {
Movement = 0;
if (Falling == true) {
if (Key.isDown(37)) {
if (_global.jv <= 22) {
if (!, _y + 20, true)) {
if ((((!Key.isDown(37)) and (facing_direction == "left")) and (_global.jv <= 22)) and (Movement <= -1)) {
if (_global.jv <= 22) {
if (!, _y + 20, true)) {
if (Key.isDown(39)) {
if (_global.jv <= 22) {
if (!, _y + 20, true)) {
if ((((!Key.isDown(39)) and (facing_direction == "right")) and (_global.jv <= 22)) and (Movement >= 1)) {
if (_global.jv <= 22) {
if (!, _y + 20, true)) {
if (Yvelocity <= 10) {
if (_global.clipping == false) {
Yvelocity = Yvelocity + gravity;
if ((Yvelocity >= 10) and (Yvelocity <= 18)) {
Yvelocity = Yvelocity + 0.2;
if (!, _y + 2, true)) {
Falling = true;
if (((((facing_direction == "left") and (Movement <= -1)) and (!Key.isDown(37))) and (_global.doublejump == false)) and (_global.jv <= 22)) {
if (!, _y + 20, true)) {
if (((((facing_direction == "right") and (Movement >= 1)) and (!Key.isDown(39))) and (_global.doublejump == false)) and (_global.jv <= 22)) {
if (!, _y + 20, true)) {
if (Jumping == 0) {
_global.nojumping = true;
if ((_global.doublejump == false) and (_global.jv <= 22)) {
if (facing_direction == "left") {
if (!, _y + 20, true)) {
if (facing_direction == "right") {
if (!, _y + 20, true)) {
if (_global.backdashing == true) {
_global.nojumping = true;
if (facing_direction == "left") {
if (!, _y + 20, true)) {
if (facing_direction == "right") {
if (!, _y + 20, true)) {
_global.backdashing = false;
if (_global.sliding == true) {
_global.nojumping = true;
if (facing_direction == "left") {
if (!, _y + 20, true)) {
_rotation = 0;
if (facing_direction == "right") {
if (!, _y + 20, true)) {
_rotation = 0;
_global.sliding = false;
} else {
while (, _y, true) and (!, _y - 90, true))) {
if (((Yvelocity >= 12) and (!, _y + 20, true))) and (!, _y + 20, true))) {
_global.fall = 0;
_y = (_y - 1);
_global.nojumping = false;
Yvelocity = 0;
Falling = false;
Jumping = 0;
if (, _y + 2, true)) {
if (Key.isDown(40) and (!Key.isDown(38))) {
if (_global.backdashing == true) {
Movement = Movement * 0;
_global.backdashing = false;
if (!Key.isDown(90)) {
if ((_global.sliding == false) and (_global.slidingstart == false)) {
_global.jv = 1;
if (facing_direction == "left") {
_rotation = 0;
if (facing_direction == "right") {
_rotation = 0;
if (Key.isDown(90)) {
if (Zholdcount <= 14.9) {
if (facing_direction == "left") {
if (, _y + 20, true)) {
if (_global.slidingstart == true) {
_rotation = -45;
} else if (_global.slidingstart == false) {
_rotation = 0;
if (!, _y + 20, true)) {
_rotation = 0;
if (facing_direction == "right") {
if (, _y + 20, true)) {
if (_global.slidingstart == true) {
_rotation = 45;
} else if (_global.slidingstart == false) {
_rotation = 0;
if (!, _y + 20, true)) {
_rotation = 0;
if (Zholdcount >= 15) {
if (facing_direction == "left") {
_rotation = 0;
if (facing_direction == "right") {
_rotation = 0;
if (((Key.isDown(39) and Key.isDown(90)) and (!Key.isDown(40))) and (_global.Zholdcount >= 10)) {
if (((Key.isDown(37) and Key.isDown(90)) and (!Key.isDown(40))) and (_global.Zholdcount >= 10)) {
if ((((((Key.isDown(83) and (Sholdcount <= 10)) and (!Key.isDown(40))) and (!Key.isDown(38))) and (!Key.isDown(37))) and (!Key.isDown(39))) and (backdashability == true)) {
if (_global.clipping == false) {
_global.backdashing = true;
if (facing_direction == "left") {
if (facing_direction == "right") {
if ((((!Key.isDown(37)) and (Movement == 0)) and (!Key.isDown(40))) and (!Key.isDown(38))) {
if ((facing_direction == "left") and (_global.backdashing == false)) {
_rotation = 0;
gotoAndStop ("Standing_left");
if ((((!Key.isDown(39)) and (Movement == 0)) and (!Key.isDown(40))) and (!Key.isDown(38))) {
if ((facing_direction == "right") and (_global.backdashing == false)) {
_rotation = 0;
gotoAndStop ("Standing_right");
if (((!Key.isDown(37)) and (Movement == 0)) and Key.isDown(38)) {
if (facing_direction == "left") {
_global.backdashing = false;
gotoAndStop ("taunt_left");
if (((!Key.isDown(39)) and (Movement == 0)) and Key.isDown(38)) {
if (facing_direction == "right") {
_global.backdashing = false;
gotoAndStop ("taunt_right");
if ((((facing_direction == "left") and (!Key.isDown(40))) and (Movement <= -1)) and (!Key.isDown(37))) {
_rotation = 0;
if ((((facing_direction == "right") and (!Key.isDown(40))) and (Movement >= 1)) and (!Key.isDown(39))) {
_rotation = 0;
if (_global.backdashing == true) {
if (dashtime == 0) {
if (facing_direction == "left") {
Movement = 13;
if (facing_direction == "right") {
Movement = -13;
if (dashtimer >= 5) {
dashtime = 1;
if ((_global.sliding == true) and (_global.slidingstart == true)) {
if (facing_direction == "left") {
Movement = -20;
if (facing_direction == "right") {
Movement = 20;
if (_global.backdashing == false) {
dashtimer = 0;
dashtime = 0;
if (Key.isDown(37)) {
if (Key.isDown(40)) {
if (_global.sliding == false) {
facing_direction = "left";
if (!Key.isDown(40)) {
facing_direction = "left";
if (Movement >= -7) {
Movement = Movement - Movement_speed;
if (_global.movementhinder == false) {
_global.backdashing = false;
if (, _y + 2, true) and (_global.Zholdcount == 0)) {
if (Key.isDown(39)) {
if (Key.isDown(40)) {
if (_global.sliding == false) {
facing_direction = "right";
if (!Key.isDown(40)) {
facing_direction = "right";
if (Movement <= 7) {
Movement = Movement + Movement_speed;
if (_global.movementhinder == false) {
_global.backdashing = false;
if (, _y + 2, true) and (_global.Zholdcount == 0)) {
if (Key.isDown(90)) {
if ((_global.Zholdcount <= 2) and, _y + 2, true)) {
if (!Key.isDown(40)) {
if (facing_direction == "left") {
if (facing_direction == "right") {
Jumping = 1;
Instance of Symbol 102 MovieClip "bdcoder" in Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) {
_global.movementhinder = false;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (_global.backdashing == true) {;
_global.movementhinder = true;
Instance of Symbol 104 MovieClip "bdcoder" in Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) {
_global.getridofplatforms = false;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (_global.sliding == true) {;
_global.getridofplatforms = true;
Instance of Symbol 106 MovieClip "bdcoder" in Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) {
_global.nojumping = true;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
Symbol 25 MovieClip Frame 1
Instance of Symbol 25 MovieClip in Symbol 26 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) {
if (_root.jonathan.Yvelocity <= -0.5) {
if (_root.jonathan.Yvelocity >= 0) {
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (_root.jonathan.Yvelocity <= -0.5) {
if (_global.getridofplatforms == true) {
if ((_root.jonathan.Yvelocity >= 0) and (_global.getridofplatforms == false)) {
Symbol 28 MovieClip Frame 1
function camControl() {
rp.x = _x;
rp.y = _y;
var _local5 = camH * (_yscale * 0.01);
var _local6 = camW * (_xscale * 0.01);
var _local3 = sH / _local5;
var _local4 = sW / _local6;
_x2 = (_local6 / 2) * _local4;
_y2 = (_local5 / 2) * _local3;
_xscale2 = _local4 * 100;
_yscale2 = _local3 * 100;
_rotation2 = -_rotation;
_parent.filters = this.filters;
_parent.transform.colorTransform = this.transform.colorTransform;
function reset() {
_parent._xscale = 100;
_parent._yscale = 100;
_parent._x = 0;
_parent._y = 0;
_parent._rotation = 0;
_parent._visible = true;
function set_x2(value) {
var _local2 = {x:rp.x, y:rp.y};
_parent._x = _parent._x + (value - _local2.x);
function get_x2() {
var _local2 = {x:rp.x, y:rp.y};
function set_y2(value) {
var _local2 = {x:rp.x, y:rp.y};
_parent._y = _parent._y + (value - _local2.y);
function get_y2() {
var _local2 = {x:rp.x, y:rp.y};
function get_xscale2() {
function set_xscale2(value) {
setProperty2("_xscale", value);
function get_yscale2() {
function set_yscale2(value) {
setProperty2("_yscale", value);
function get_rotation2() {
function set_rotation2(value) {
setProperty2("_rotation", value);
function setProperty2(prop, n) {
var _local3 = {x:rp.x, y:rp.y};
_parent[prop] = n;
var _local2 = {x:rp.x, y:rp.y};
_parent._x = _parent._x - (_local2.x - _local3.x);
_parent._y = _parent._y - (_local2.y - _local3.y);
_visible = false;
addProperty("_x2", get_x2, set_x2);
addProperty("_y2", get_y2, set_y2);
addProperty("_xscale2", get_xscale2, set_xscale2);
addProperty("_yscale2", get_yscale2, set_yscale2);
addProperty("_rotation2", get_rotation2, set_rotation2);
var oldScaleMode = stage.scaleMode;
stage.scaleMode = "exactFit";
var sW = Stage.width;
var sH = Stage.height;
stage.scaleMode = oldScaleMode;
var bounds_obj = this.getBounds(this);
var camH = Math.abs(bounds_obj.yMax - bounds_obj.yMin);
var camW = Math.abs(bounds_obj.xMax - bounds_obj.xMin);
var rp = {x:this._x, y:this._y};
onEnterFrame = function () {
this.onUnload = reset;
Symbol 71 MovieClip Frame 1
if ((Key.isDown(90) and (_global.Zholdcount <= 5)) and (_global.nojumping == false)) {
_parent.Yvelocity = -22;
_global.jv = 1;
Instance of Symbol 57 MovieClip in Symbol 71 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) {
this._visible = false;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (_global.doublejump == false) {
if (Key.isDown(90)) {
_global.doublejump = false;
if (!Key.isDown(90)) {
_global.doublejump = true;
if (_global.doublejump == true) {
if (Key.isDown(90)) {
Instance of Symbol 57 MovieClip in Symbol 71 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) {
this._visible = false;
_global.doublejump = false;
Symbol 71 MovieClip Frame 2
if ((Key.isDown(90) and (Zholdcount <= 10)) and (_global.nojumping == false)) {
_parent.Yvelocity = -22;
_global.jv = 2;
Symbol 71 MovieClip Frame 3
if ((Key.isDown(90) and (Zholdcount <= 10)) and (_global.nojumping == false)) {
_parent.Yvelocity = -22;
_global.jv = 3;
Symbol 71 MovieClip Frame 4
if ((Key.isDown(90) and (Zholdcount <= 10)) and (_global.nojumping == false)) {
_parent.Yvelocity = -22;
_global.jv = 4;
Symbol 71 MovieClip Frame 5
if ((Key.isDown(90) and (Zholdcount <= 10)) and (_global.nojumping == false)) {
_parent.Yvelocity = -22;
_global.jv = 5;
Symbol 71 MovieClip Frame 6
_global.jv = 6;
Symbol 71 MovieClip Frame 7
_global.jv = 7;
Symbol 71 MovieClip Frame 8
_global.jv = 8;
Symbol 71 MovieClip Frame 9
_global.jv = 9;
Symbol 71 MovieClip Frame 10
_global.jv = 10;
Symbol 71 MovieClip Frame 11
_global.jv = 11;
Symbol 71 MovieClip Frame 12
gotoAndPlay (10);
_global.fall = _global.fall + 1;
Symbol 71 MovieClip Frame 16
if (Key.isDown(90) and (_global.Zholdcount <= 50)) {
_parent.Yvelocity = -22;
_global.jv = 16;
Symbol 71 MovieClip Frame 17
if (Key.isDown(90) and (_global.Zholdcount <= 50)) {
_parent.Yvelocity = -22;
_global.jv = 17;
Symbol 71 MovieClip Frame 18
if (Key.isDown(90) and (_global.Zholdcount <= 50)) {
_parent.Yvelocity = -22;
_global.jv = 18;
Symbol 71 MovieClip Frame 19
if (Key.isDown(90) and (_global.Zholdcount <= 50)) {
_parent.Yvelocity = -20;
_global.jv = 19;
Symbol 71 MovieClip Frame 20
if (Key.isDown(90) and (_global.Zholdcount <= 50)) {
_parent.Yvelocity = -16;
_global.jv = 20;
Symbol 71 MovieClip Frame 21
if (Key.isDown(90) and (_global.Zholdcount <= 50)) {
_parent.Yvelocity = -14;
_global.jv = 21;
Symbol 71 MovieClip Frame 22
_global.jv = 22;
Symbol 71 MovieClip Frame 23
_global.jv = 23;
Symbol 71 MovieClip Frame 24
_global.jv = 24;
Symbol 71 MovieClip Frame 25
gotoAndPlay (23);
Symbol 78 MovieClip Frame 7
gotoAndStop (2);
Symbol 79 MovieClip Frame 2
_global.djfv = 2;
Symbol 79 MovieClip Frame 3
_global.djfv = 3;
Symbol 79 MovieClip Frame 4
_global.djfv = 4;
Symbol 79 MovieClip Frame 5
_global.djfv = 5;
Symbol 79 MovieClip Frame 6
_global.djfv = 6;
Symbol 79 MovieClip Frame 7
_global.djfv = 7;
Symbol 79 MovieClip Frame 8
_global.djfv = 8;
Symbol 79 MovieClip Frame 9
_global.djfv = 9;
Symbol 79 MovieClip Frame 10
_global.djfv = 10;
Symbol 79 MovieClip Frame 11
_global.djfv = 11;
Symbol 79 MovieClip Frame 12
_global.djfv = 12;
Symbol 79 MovieClip Frame 13
_global.djfv = 13;
Symbol 79 MovieClip Frame 14
_global.djfv = 14;
Symbol 79 MovieClip Frame 15
_global.djfv = 15;
Symbol 79 MovieClip Frame 16
_global.djfv = 16;
Symbol 79 MovieClip Frame 17
_global.djfv = 17;
Symbol 79 MovieClip Frame 18
_global.djfv = 18;
Symbol 79 MovieClip Frame 19
_global.djfv = 19;
Symbol 79 MovieClip Frame 20
_global.djfv = 20;
Symbol 79 MovieClip Frame 21
_global.djfv = 21;
Symbol 79 MovieClip Frame 22
gotoAndPlay (21);
Symbol 83 MovieClip Frame 1
_root.backdash_sound.start(); = 1;
Symbol 83 MovieClip Frame 2 = 2;
Symbol 83 MovieClip Frame 3 = 3;
Symbol 83 MovieClip Frame 4 = 4;
Symbol 83 MovieClip Frame 5 = 5;
Symbol 83 MovieClip Frame 6 = 6;
Symbol 83 MovieClip Frame 7 = 7;
Symbol 83 MovieClip Frame 8 = 8;
Symbol 83 MovieClip Frame 9 = 9;
Symbol 83 MovieClip Frame 10 = 10;
Symbol 83 MovieClip Frame 11 = 11;
Symbol 83 MovieClip Frame 12
_global.backdashing = false; = 12;
Symbol 84 MovieClip Frame 8
Symbol 91 MovieClip Frame 10
Symbol 91 MovieClip Frame 137
Symbol 99 MovieClip Frame 3
Symbol 99 MovieClip Frame 19
_global.sliding = false;
Symbol 100 MovieClip Frame 1
_global.jv = 1; = 1;
if ((!Key.isDown(37)) and (!Key.isDown(39))) {
_global.djfv = 1;
_global.fall = 0;
_global.backdashing = false;
_global.sliding = false;
Symbol 100 MovieClip Frame 21
_global.jv = 1;
_global.djfv = 1;
_global.fall = 0;
_global.sliding = false;
Instance of Symbol 71 MovieClip in Symbol 100 MovieClip Frame 33
onClipEvent (load) {
if (jv <= 23) {
Instance of Symbol 79 MovieClip in Symbol 100 MovieClip Frame 55
onClipEvent (load) {
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
_global.djfv = _global.djfv + 1;
if (_global.djfv >= 2) {
Instance of Symbol 83 MovieClip in Symbol 100 MovieClip Frame 72
onClipEvent (load) {
_global.backdashing = true;
Symbol 100 MovieClip Frame 83
_global.sliding = false;
Instance of Symbol 94 MovieClip in Symbol 100 MovieClip Frame 102
onClipEvent (load) {
_global.sliding = false;
Instance of Symbol 99 MovieClip in Symbol 100 MovieClip Frame 114
onClipEvent (load) {
_global.sliding = true;
_global.slidingstart = true;
Symbol 100 MovieClip Frame 137
_global.jv = 1; = 1;
if ((!Key.isDown(37)) and (!Key.isDown(39))) {
_global.djfv = 1;
_global.fall = 0;
_global.backdashing = false;
_global.sliding = false;
Symbol 100 MovieClip Frame 158
_global.jv = 1;
_global.djfv = 1;
_global.fall = 0;
_global.sliding = false;
Instance of Symbol 71 MovieClip in Symbol 100 MovieClip Frame 168
onClipEvent (load) {
if (jv <= 22) {
Instance of Symbol 83 MovieClip in Symbol 100 MovieClip Frame 198
onClipEvent (load) {
_global.backdashing = true;
Symbol 100 MovieClip Frame 210
_global.sliding = false;
Instance of Symbol 79 MovieClip in Symbol 100 MovieClip Frame 234
onClipEvent (load) {
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
_global.djfv = _global.djfv + 1;
if (_global.djfv >= 2) {
Instance of Symbol 94 MovieClip in Symbol 100 MovieClip Frame 251
onClipEvent (load) {
_global.sliding = false;
Instance of Symbol 99 MovieClip in Symbol 100 MovieClip Frame 265
onClipEvent (load) {
_global.sliding = true;
_global.slidingstart = true;
Symbol 102 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 102 MovieClip Frame 11
_global.backdashing = false;
_global.movementhinder = false;
gotoAndStop (1);
Symbol 104 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 104 MovieClip Frame 7
if (_root.jonathan.facing_direction == "left") {
if (!, _y + 20, true)) {
_global.slidingstart = false;
if (_root.jonathan.facing_direction == "right") {
if (!, _y + 20, true)) {
_global.slidingstart = false;
Symbol 104 MovieClip Frame 18
_global.sliding = false;
_global.getridofplatforms = false;
gotoAndStop (1);
_global.movementhinder = false;
Symbol 106 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 106 MovieClip Frame 18
_global.nojumping = false;
gotoAndStop (1);