[Tools][Expand/Collapse All]Note that automatic extraction of ActionScript 3 is still pretty much unsupported by swfchan. AS1/AS2 works okay most of the time.Section 1 (11.76 KiB) ● ●
//BaseScrollPane (fl.containers.BaseScrollPane)
package fl.containers {
import fl.core.*;
import fl.controls.*;
import flash.display.*;
import flash.geom.*;
import flash.events.*;
import fl.events.*;
public class BaseScrollPane extends UIComponent {
protected var defaultLineScrollSize:Number;// = 4
protected var _maxHorizontalScrollPosition:Number;// = 0
protected var vScrollBar:Boolean;
protected var disabledOverlay:Shape;
protected var hScrollBar:Boolean;
protected var availableWidth:Number;
protected var _verticalPageScrollSize:Number;// = 0
protected var vOffset:Number;// = 0
protected var _verticalScrollBar:ScrollBar;
protected var useFixedHorizontalScrolling:Boolean;// = false
protected var contentWidth:Number;// = 0
protected var contentHeight:Number;// = 0
protected var _horizontalPageScrollSize:Number;// = 0
protected var background:DisplayObject;
protected var _useBitmpScrolling:Boolean;// = false
protected var contentPadding:Number;// = 0
protected var availableHeight:Number;
protected var _horizontalScrollBar:ScrollBar;
protected var contentScrollRect:Rectangle;
protected var _horizontalScrollPolicy:String;
protected var _verticalScrollPolicy:String;
protected static const SCROLL_BAR_STYLES:Object = {upArrowDisabledSkin:"upArrowDisabledSkin", upArrowDownSkin:"upArrowDownSkin", upArrowOverSkin:"upArrowOverSkin", upArrowUpSkin:"upArrowUpSkin", downArrowDisabledSkin:"downArrowDisabledSkin", downArrowDownSkin:"downArrowDownSkin", downArrowOverSkin:"downArrowOverSkin", downArrowUpSkin:"downArrowUpSkin", thumbDisabledSkin:"thumbDisabledSkin", thumbDownSkin:"thumbDownSkin", thumbOverSkin:"thumbOverSkin", thumbUpSkin:"thumbUpSkin", thumbIcon:"thumbIcon", trackDisabledSkin:"trackDisabledSkin", trackDownSkin:"trackDownSkin", trackOverSkin:"trackOverSkin", trackUpSkin:"trackUpSkin", repeatDelay:"repeatDelay", repeatInterval:"repeatInterval"};
private static var defaultStyles:Object = {repeatDelay:500, repeatInterval:35, skin:"ScrollPane_upSkin", contentPadding:0, disabledAlpha:0.5};
public function BaseScrollPane(){
contentWidth = 0;
contentHeight = 0;
contentPadding = 0;
vOffset = 0;
_maxHorizontalScrollPosition = 0;
_horizontalPageScrollSize = 0;
_verticalPageScrollSize = 0;
defaultLineScrollSize = 4;
useFixedHorizontalScrolling = false;
_useBitmpScrolling = false;
protected function handleWheel(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{
if (((((!(enabled)) || (!(_verticalScrollBar.visible)))) || ((contentHeight <= availableHeight)))){
_verticalScrollBar.scrollPosition = (_verticalScrollBar.scrollPosition - (_arg1.delta * verticalLineScrollSize));
dispatchEvent(new ScrollEvent(ScrollBarDirection.VERTICAL, _arg1.delta, horizontalScrollPosition));
public function get verticalScrollPosition():Number{
return (_verticalScrollBar.scrollPosition);
protected function drawDisabledOverlay():void{
if (enabled){
if (contains(disabledOverlay)){
} else {
disabledOverlay.x = (disabledOverlay.y = contentPadding);
disabledOverlay.width = availableWidth;
disabledOverlay.height = availableHeight;
disabledOverlay.alpha = (getStyleValue("disabledAlpha") as Number);
public function set verticalScrollPosition(_arg1:Number):void{
_verticalScrollBar.scrollPosition = _arg1;
setVerticalScrollPosition(_verticalScrollBar.scrollPosition, false);
protected function setContentSize(_arg1:Number, _arg2:Number):void{
if ((((((contentWidth == _arg1)) || (useFixedHorizontalScrolling))) && ((contentHeight == _arg2)))){
contentWidth = _arg1;
contentHeight = _arg2;
public function get horizontalScrollPosition():Number{
return (_horizontalScrollBar.scrollPosition);
public function get horizontalScrollBar():ScrollBar{
return (_horizontalScrollBar);
override public function set enabled(_arg1:Boolean):void{
if (enabled == _arg1){
_verticalScrollBar.enabled = _arg1;
_horizontalScrollBar.enabled = _arg1;
super.enabled = _arg1;
public function get verticalLineScrollSize():Number{
return (_verticalScrollBar.lineScrollSize);
public function get horizontalScrollPolicy():String{
return (_horizontalScrollPolicy);
protected function calculateAvailableSize():void{
var _local1:Number;
var _local2:Number;
var _local3:Number;
var _local4:Number;
var _local5:Number;
_local1 = ScrollBar.WIDTH;
_local2 = (contentPadding = Number(getStyleValue("contentPadding")));
_local3 = ((height - (2 * _local2)) - vOffset);
vScrollBar = (((_verticalScrollPolicy == ScrollPolicy.ON)) || ((((_verticalScrollPolicy == ScrollPolicy.AUTO)) && ((contentHeight > _local3)))));
_local4 = ((width - (vScrollBar) ? _local1 : 0) - (2 * _local2));
_local5 = (useFixedHorizontalScrolling) ? _maxHorizontalScrollPosition : (contentWidth - _local4);
hScrollBar = (((_horizontalScrollPolicy == ScrollPolicy.ON)) || ((((_horizontalScrollPolicy == ScrollPolicy.AUTO)) && ((_local5 > 0)))));
if (hScrollBar){
_local3 = (_local3 - _local1);
if (((((((hScrollBar) && (!(vScrollBar)))) && ((_verticalScrollPolicy == ScrollPolicy.AUTO)))) && ((contentHeight > _local3)))){
vScrollBar = true;
_local4 = (_local4 - _local1);
availableHeight = (_local3 + vOffset);
availableWidth = _local4;
public function get maxVerticalScrollPosition():Number{
return (Math.max(0, (contentHeight - availableHeight)));
public function set horizontalScrollPosition(_arg1:Number):void{
_horizontalScrollBar.scrollPosition = _arg1;
setHorizontalScrollPosition(_horizontalScrollBar.scrollPosition, false);
public function get horizontalLineScrollSize():Number{
return (_horizontalScrollBar.lineScrollSize);
public function set verticalPageScrollSize(_arg1:Number):void{
_verticalPageScrollSize = _arg1;
public function get verticalScrollPolicy():String{
return (_verticalScrollPolicy);
protected function setHorizontalScrollPosition(_arg1:Number, _arg2:Boolean=false):void{
public function get useBitmapScrolling():Boolean{
return (_useBitmpScrolling);
protected function handleScroll(_arg1:ScrollEvent):void{
if (_arg1.target == _verticalScrollBar){
} else {
public function set verticalLineScrollSize(_arg1:Number):void{
_verticalScrollBar.lineScrollSize = _arg1;
public function get verticalScrollBar():ScrollBar{
return (_verticalScrollBar);
protected function setVerticalScrollPosition(_arg1:Number, _arg2:Boolean=false):void{
public function set horizontalPageScrollSize(_arg1:Number):void{
_horizontalPageScrollSize = _arg1;
override protected function draw():void{
if (isInvalid(InvalidationType.STYLES)){
if (contentPadding != getStyleValue("contentPadding")){
invalidate(InvalidationType.SIZE, false);
if (isInvalid(InvalidationType.SIZE, InvalidationType.STATE)){
public function set horizontalScrollPolicy(_arg1:String):void{
_horizontalScrollPolicy = _arg1;
override protected function configUI():void{
var _local1:Graphics;
contentScrollRect = new Rectangle(0, 0, 85, 85);
_verticalScrollBar = new ScrollBar();
_verticalScrollBar.addEventListener(ScrollEvent.SCROLL, handleScroll, false, 0, true);
_verticalScrollBar.visible = false;
_verticalScrollBar.lineScrollSize = defaultLineScrollSize;
copyStylesToChild(_verticalScrollBar, SCROLL_BAR_STYLES);
_horizontalScrollBar = new ScrollBar();
_horizontalScrollBar.direction = ScrollBarDirection.HORIZONTAL;
_horizontalScrollBar.addEventListener(ScrollEvent.SCROLL, handleScroll, false, 0, true);
_horizontalScrollBar.visible = false;
_horizontalScrollBar.lineScrollSize = defaultLineScrollSize;
copyStylesToChild(_horizontalScrollBar, SCROLL_BAR_STYLES);
disabledOverlay = new Shape();
_local1 = disabledOverlay.graphics;
_local1.drawRect(0, 0, width, height);
addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_WHEEL, handleWheel, false, 0, true);
protected function calculateContentWidth():void{
public function get verticalPageScrollSize():Number{
if (isNaN(availableHeight)){
return (((((_verticalPageScrollSize == 0)) && (!(isNaN(availableHeight))))) ? availableHeight : _verticalPageScrollSize);
protected function drawLayout():void{
background.width = width;
background.height = height;
if (vScrollBar){
_verticalScrollBar.visible = true;
_verticalScrollBar.x = ((width - ScrollBar.WIDTH) - contentPadding);
_verticalScrollBar.y = contentPadding;
_verticalScrollBar.height = availableHeight;
} else {
_verticalScrollBar.visible = false;
_verticalScrollBar.setScrollProperties(availableHeight, 0, (contentHeight - availableHeight), verticalPageScrollSize);
setVerticalScrollPosition(_verticalScrollBar.scrollPosition, false);
if (hScrollBar){
_horizontalScrollBar.visible = true;
_horizontalScrollBar.x = contentPadding;
_horizontalScrollBar.y = ((height - ScrollBar.WIDTH) - contentPadding);
_horizontalScrollBar.width = availableWidth;
} else {
_horizontalScrollBar.visible = false;
_horizontalScrollBar.setScrollProperties(availableWidth, 0, (useFixedHorizontalScrolling) ? _maxHorizontalScrollPosition : (contentWidth - availableWidth), horizontalPageScrollSize);
setHorizontalScrollPosition(_horizontalScrollBar.scrollPosition, false);
protected function drawBackground():void{
var _local1:DisplayObject;
_local1 = background;
background = getDisplayObjectInstance(getStyleValue("skin"));
background.width = width;
background.height = height;
addChildAt(background, 0);
if (((!((_local1 == null))) && (!((_local1 == background))))){
public function set horizontalLineScrollSize(_arg1:Number):void{
_horizontalScrollBar.lineScrollSize = _arg1;
public function get horizontalPageScrollSize():Number{
if (isNaN(availableWidth)){
return (((((_horizontalPageScrollSize == 0)) && (!(isNaN(availableWidth))))) ? availableWidth : _horizontalPageScrollSize);
public function get maxHorizontalScrollPosition():Number{
return (Math.max(0, (contentWidth - availableWidth)));
protected function setStyles():void{
copyStylesToChild(_verticalScrollBar, SCROLL_BAR_STYLES);
copyStylesToChild(_horizontalScrollBar, SCROLL_BAR_STYLES);
protected function updateChildren():void{
_verticalScrollBar.enabled = (_horizontalScrollBar.enabled = enabled);
public function set verticalScrollPolicy(_arg1:String):void{
_verticalScrollPolicy = _arg1;
public function set useBitmapScrolling(_arg1:Boolean):void{
_useBitmpScrolling = _arg1;
public static function getStyleDefinition():Object{
return (mergeStyles(defaultStyles, ScrollBar.getStyleDefinition()));
}//package fl.containers
Section 2 (2.36 KiB) ●
//CellRenderer (fl.controls.listClasses.CellRenderer)
package fl.controls.listClasses {
import fl.controls.*;
import flash.events.*;
public class CellRenderer extends LabelButton implements ICellRenderer {
protected var _data:Object;
protected var _listData:ListData;
private static var defaultStyles:Object = {upSkin:"CellRenderer_upSkin", downSkin:"CellRenderer_downSkin", overSkin:"CellRenderer_overSkin", disabledSkin:"CellRenderer_disabledSkin", selectedDisabledSkin:"CellRenderer_selectedDisabledSkin", selectedUpSkin:"CellRenderer_selectedUpSkin", selectedDownSkin:"CellRenderer_selectedDownSkin", selectedOverSkin:"CellRenderer_selectedOverSkin", textFormat:null, disabledTextFormat:null, embedFonts:null, textPadding:5};
public function CellRenderer():void{
toggle = true;
focusEnabled = false;
override protected function toggleSelected(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{
override public function get selected():Boolean{
return (super.selected);
public function set listData(_arg1:ListData):void{
_listData = _arg1;
label = _listData.label;
setStyle("icon", _listData.icon);
override public function set selected(_arg1:Boolean):void{
super.selected = _arg1;
public function set data(_arg1:Object):void{
_data = _arg1;
public function get listData():ListData{
return (_listData);
override public function setSize(_arg1:Number, _arg2:Number):void{
super.setSize(_arg1, _arg2);
override protected function drawLayout():void{
var _local1:Number;
var _local2:Number;
var _local3:Number;
_local1 = Number(getStyleValue("textPadding"));
_local2 = 0;
if (icon != null){
icon.x = _local1;
icon.y = Math.round(((height - icon.height) >> 1));
_local2 = (icon.width + _local1);
if (label.length > 0){
textField.visible = true;
_local3 = Math.max(0, ((width - _local2) - (_local1 * 2)));
textField.width = _local3;
textField.height = (textField.textHeight + 4);
textField.x = (_local2 + _local1);
textField.y = Math.round(((height - textField.height) >> 1));
} else {
textField.visible = false;
background.width = width;
background.height = height;
public function get data():Object{
return (_data);
public static function getStyleDefinition():Object{
return (defaultStyles);
}//package fl.controls.listClasses
Section 3 (569 B)
//ICellRenderer (fl.controls.listClasses.ICellRenderer)
package fl.controls.listClasses {
public interface ICellRenderer {
function setSize(_arg1:Number, _arg2:Number):void;
function get listData():ListData;
function get data():Object;
function setMouseState(_arg1:String):void;
function set x(_arg1:Number):void;
function set y(_arg1:Number):void;
function set data(_arg1:Object):void;
function set selected(_arg1:Boolean):void;
function set listData(_arg1:ListData):void;
function get selected():Boolean;
}//package fl.controls.listClasses
Section 4 (983 B)
//ListData (fl.controls.listClasses.ListData)
package fl.controls.listClasses {
import fl.core.*;
public class ListData {
protected var _index:uint;
protected var _owner:UIComponent;
protected var _label:String;
protected var _icon:Object;// = null
protected var _row:uint;
protected var _column:uint;
public function ListData(_arg1:String, _arg2:Object, _arg3:UIComponent, _arg4:uint, _arg5:uint, _arg6:uint=0){
_icon = null;
_label = _arg1;
_icon = _arg2;
_owner = _arg3;
_index = _arg4;
_row = _arg5;
_column = _arg6;
public function get owner():UIComponent{
return (_owner);
public function get label():String{
return (_label);
public function get row():uint{
return (_row);
public function get index():uint{
return (_index);
public function get icon():Object{
return (_icon);
public function get column():uint{
return (_column);
}//package fl.controls.listClasses
Section 5 (4.61 KiB) ●
//BaseButton (fl.controls.BaseButton)
package fl.controls {
import fl.core.*;
import flash.display.*;
import flash.events.*;
import flash.utils.*;
import fl.events.*;
public class BaseButton extends UIComponent {
protected var _selected:Boolean;// = false
private var unlockedMouseState:String;
protected var pressTimer:Timer;
protected var mouseState:String;
protected var background:DisplayObject;
private var _mouseStateLocked:Boolean;// = false
protected var _autoRepeat:Boolean;// = false
private static var defaultStyles:Object = {upSkin:"Button_upSkin", downSkin:"Button_downSkin", overSkin:"Button_overSkin", disabledSkin:"Button_disabledSkin", selectedDisabledSkin:"Button_selectedDisabledSkin", selectedUpSkin:"Button_selectedUpSkin", selectedDownSkin:"Button_selectedDownSkin", selectedOverSkin:"Button_selectedOverSkin", focusRectSkin:null, focusRectPadding:null, repeatDelay:500, repeatInterval:35};
public function BaseButton(){
_selected = false;
_autoRepeat = false;
_mouseStateLocked = false;
buttonMode = true;
mouseChildren = false;
useHandCursor = false;
pressTimer = new Timer(1, 0);
pressTimer.addEventListener(TimerEvent.TIMER, buttonDown, false, 0, true);
protected function endPress():void{
public function set mouseStateLocked(_arg1:Boolean):void{
_mouseStateLocked = _arg1;
if (_arg1 == false){
} else {
unlockedMouseState = mouseState;
public function get autoRepeat():Boolean{
return (_autoRepeat);
public function set autoRepeat(_arg1:Boolean):void{
_autoRepeat = _arg1;
override public function set enabled(_arg1:Boolean):void{
super.enabled = _arg1;
mouseEnabled = _arg1;
public function get selected():Boolean{
return (_selected);
protected function mouseEventHandler(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{
if (_arg1.type == MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN){
} else {
if ((((_arg1.type == MouseEvent.ROLL_OVER)) || ((_arg1.type == MouseEvent.MOUSE_UP)))){
} else {
if (_arg1.type == MouseEvent.ROLL_OUT){
public function setMouseState(_arg1:String):void{
if (_mouseStateLocked){
unlockedMouseState = _arg1;
if (mouseState == _arg1){
mouseState = _arg1;
protected function startPress():void{
if (_autoRepeat){
pressTimer.delay = Number(getStyleValue("repeatDelay"));
dispatchEvent(new ComponentEvent(ComponentEvent.BUTTON_DOWN, true));
protected function buttonDown(_arg1:TimerEvent):void{
if (!_autoRepeat){
if (pressTimer.currentCount == 1){
pressTimer.delay = Number(getStyleValue("repeatInterval"));
dispatchEvent(new ComponentEvent(ComponentEvent.BUTTON_DOWN, true));
public function set selected(_arg1:Boolean):void{
if (_selected == _arg1){
_selected = _arg1;
override public function get enabled():Boolean{
return (super.enabled);
override protected function draw():void{
if (isInvalid(InvalidationType.STYLES, InvalidationType.STATE)){
invalidate(InvalidationType.SIZE, false);
if (isInvalid(InvalidationType.SIZE)){
protected function setupMouseEvents():void{
addEventListener(MouseEvent.ROLL_OVER, mouseEventHandler, false, 0, true);
addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, mouseEventHandler, false, 0, true);
addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_UP, mouseEventHandler, false, 0, true);
addEventListener(MouseEvent.ROLL_OUT, mouseEventHandler, false, 0, true);
protected function drawLayout():void{
background.width = width;
background.height = height;
protected function drawBackground():void{
var _local1:String;
var _local2:DisplayObject;
_local1 = (enabled) ? mouseState : "disabled";
if (selected){
_local1 = (("selected" + _local1.substr(0, 1).toUpperCase()) + _local1.substr(1));
_local1 = (_local1 + "Skin");
_local2 = background;
background = getDisplayObjectInstance(getStyleValue(_local1));
addChildAt(background, 0);
if (((!((_local2 == null))) && (!((_local2 == background))))){
public static function getStyleDefinition():Object{
return (defaultStyles);
}//package fl.controls
Section 6 (2.55 KiB) ●
//Button (fl.controls.Button)
package fl.controls {
import fl.core.*;
import flash.display.*;
import fl.managers.*;
public class Button extends LabelButton implements IFocusManagerComponent {
protected var emphasizedBorder:DisplayObject;
protected var _emphasized:Boolean;// = false
private static var defaultStyles:Object = {emphasizedSkin:"Button_emphasizedSkin", emphasizedPadding:2};
public static var createAccessibilityImplementation:Function;
public function Button(){
_emphasized = false;
override public function drawFocus(_arg1:Boolean):void{
var _local2:Number;
var _local3:*;
if (_arg1){
_local2 = Number(getStyleValue("emphasizedPadding"));
if ((((_local2 < 0)) || (!(_emphasized)))){
_local2 = 0;
_local3 = getStyleValue("focusRectPadding");
_local3 = ((_local3)==null) ? 2 : _local3;
_local3 = (_local3 + _local2);
uiFocusRect.x = -(_local3);
uiFocusRect.y = -(_local3);
uiFocusRect.width = (width + (_local3 * 2));
uiFocusRect.height = (height + (_local3 * 2));
public function set emphasized(_arg1:Boolean):void{
_emphasized = _arg1;
override protected function draw():void{
if (((isInvalid(InvalidationType.STYLES)) || (isInvalid(InvalidationType.SIZE)))){
if (emphasizedBorder != null){
setChildIndex(emphasizedBorder, (numChildren - 1));
public function get emphasized():Boolean{
return (_emphasized);
override protected function initializeAccessibility():void{
if (Button.createAccessibilityImplementation != null){
protected function drawEmphasized():void{
var _local1:Object;
var _local2:Number;
if (emphasizedBorder != null){
emphasizedBorder = null;
if (!_emphasized){
_local1 = getStyleValue("emphasizedSkin");
if (_local1 != null){
emphasizedBorder = getDisplayObjectInstance(_local1);
if (emphasizedBorder != null){
addChildAt(emphasizedBorder, 0);
_local2 = Number(getStyleValue("emphasizedPadding"));
emphasizedBorder.x = (emphasizedBorder.y = -(_local2));
emphasizedBorder.width = (width + (_local2 * 2));
emphasizedBorder.height = (height + (_local2 * 2));
public static function getStyleDefinition():Object{
return (UIComponent.mergeStyles(LabelButton.getStyleDefinition(), defaultStyles));
}//package fl.controls
Section 7 (326 B)
//ButtonLabelPlacement (fl.controls.ButtonLabelPlacement)
package fl.controls {
public class ButtonLabelPlacement {
public static const TOP:String = "top";
public static const LEFT:String = "left";
public static const BOTTOM:String = "bottom";
public static const RIGHT:String = "right";
}//package fl.controls
Section 8 (18.63 KiB) ● ● ●
//ComboBox (fl.controls.ComboBox)
package fl.controls {
import fl.controls.listClasses.*;
import fl.core.*;
import flash.display.*;
import flash.geom.*;
import flash.events.*;
import fl.data.*;
import fl.managers.*;
import fl.events.*;
import flash.text.*;
import flash.ui.*;
public class ComboBox extends UIComponent implements IFocusManagerComponent {
protected var _dropdownWidth:Number;
protected var highlightedCell:int;// = -1
protected var _prompt:String;
protected var isOpen:Boolean;// = false
protected var list:List;
protected var _rowCount:uint;// = 5
protected var currentIndex:int;
protected var isKeyDown:Boolean;// = false
protected var _labels:Array;
protected var background:BaseButton;
protected var inputField:TextInput;
protected var listOverIndex:uint;
protected var editableValue:String;
protected var _editable:Boolean;// = false
private var collectionItemImport:SimpleCollectionItem;
protected static const BACKGROUND_STYLES:Object = {overSkin:"overSkin", downSkin:"downSkin", upSkin:"upSkin", disabledSkin:"disabledSkin", repeatInterval:"repeatInterval"};
protected static const LIST_STYLES:Object = {upSkin:"comboListUpSkin", overSkin:"comboListOverSkin", downSkin:"comobListDownSkin", disabledSkin:"comboListDisabledSkin", downArrowDisabledSkin:"downArrowDisabledSkin", downArrowDownSkin:"downArrowDownSkin", downArrowOverSkin:"downArrowOverSkin", downArrowUpSkin:"downArrowUpSkin", upArrowDisabledSkin:"upArrowDisabledSkin", upArrowDownSkin:"upArrowDownSkin", upArrowOverSkin:"upArrowOverSkin", upArrowUpSkin:"upArrowUpSkin", thumbDisabledSkin:"thumbDisabledSkin", thumbDownSkin:"thumbDownSkin", thumbOverSkin:"thumbOverSkin", thumbUpSkin:"thumbUpSkin", thumbIcon:"thumbIcon", trackDisabledSkin:"trackDisabledSkin", trackDownSkin:"trackDownSkin", trackOverSkin:"trackOverSkin", trackUpSkin:"trackUpSkin", repeatDelay:"repeatDelay", repeatInterval:"repeatInterval", textFormat:"textFormat", disabledAlpha:"disabledAlpha", skin:"listSkin"};
private static var defaultStyles:Object = {upSkin:"ComboBox_upSkin", downSkin:"ComboBox_downSkin", overSkin:"ComboBox_overSkin", disabledSkin:"ComboBox_disabledSkin", focusRectSkin:null, focusRectPadding:null, textFormat:null, disabledTextFormat:null, textPadding:3, buttonWidth:24, disabledAlpha:null, listSkin:null};
public static var createAccessibilityImplementation:Function;
public function ComboBox(){
_rowCount = 5;
_editable = false;
isOpen = false;
highlightedCell = -1;
isKeyDown = false;
protected function drawList():void{
list.rowCount = Math.max(0, Math.min(_rowCount, list.dataProvider.length));
public function set imeMode(_arg1:String):void{
inputField.imeMode = _arg1;
public function get dropdown():List{
return (list);
public function get dropdownWidth():Number{
return (list.width);
public function sortItemsOn(_arg1:String, _arg2:Object=null){
return (list.sortItemsOn(_arg1, _arg2));
protected function onEnter(_arg1:ComponentEvent):void{
public function removeItemAt(_arg1:uint):void{
public function open():void{
currentIndex = selectedIndex;
if (((isOpen) || ((length == 0)))){
dispatchEvent(new Event(Event.OPEN));
isOpen = true;
addEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, addCloseListener, false, 0, true);
public function get selectedItem():Object{
return (list.selectedItem);
public function set text(_arg1:String):void{
if (!editable){
inputField.text = _arg1;
public function get labelField():String{
return (list.labelField);
override protected function keyDownHandler(_arg1:KeyboardEvent):void{
var _local2:int;
var _local3:uint;
var _local4:Number;
var _local5:int;
isKeyDown = true;
if (_arg1.ctrlKey){
switch (_arg1.keyCode){
case Keyboard.UP:
if (highlightedCell > -1){
selectedIndex = highlightedCell;
dispatchEvent(new Event(Event.CHANGE));
case Keyboard.DOWN:
_local2 = Math.max(((calculateAvailableHeight() / list.rowHeight) << 0), 1);
_local3 = selectedIndex;
_local4 = ((highlightedCell)==-1) ? selectedIndex : highlightedCell;
_local5 = -1;
switch (_arg1.keyCode){
case Keyboard.SPACE:
if (isOpen){
} else {
case Keyboard.ESCAPE:
if (isOpen){
if (highlightedCell > -1){
selectedIndex = selectedIndex;
case Keyboard.UP:
_local5 = Math.max(0, (_local4 - 1));
case Keyboard.DOWN:
_local5 = Math.min((length - 1), (_local4 + 1));
case Keyboard.PAGE_UP:
_local5 = Math.max((_local4 - _local2), 0);
case Keyboard.PAGE_DOWN:
_local5 = Math.min((_local4 + _local2), (length - 1));
case Keyboard.HOME:
_local5 = 0;
case Keyboard.END:
_local5 = (length - 1);
case Keyboard.ENTER:
if (((_editable) && ((highlightedCell == -1)))){
editableValue = inputField.text;
selectedIndex = -1;
} else {
if (((isOpen) && ((highlightedCell > -1)))){
editableValue = null;
selectedIndex = highlightedCell;
dispatchEvent(new Event(Event.CHANGE));
dispatchEvent(new ComponentEvent(ComponentEvent.ENTER));
if (editable){
_local5 = list.getNextIndexAtLetter(String.fromCharCode(_arg1.keyCode), _local4);
if (_local5 > -1){
if (isOpen){
inputField.text = list.itemToLabel(getItemAt(_local5));
} else {
selectedIndex = _local5;
dispatchEvent(new Event(Event.CHANGE));
public function set dropdownWidth(_arg1:Number):void{
_dropdownWidth = _arg1;
public function get editable():Boolean{
return (_editable);
override protected function focusInHandler(_arg1:FocusEvent):void{
if (editable){
stage.focus = inputField.textField;
protected function onStageClick(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{
if (!isOpen){
if (((!(contains((_arg1.target as DisplayObject)))) && (!(list.contains((_arg1.target as DisplayObject)))))){
if (highlightedCell != -1){
selectedIndex = highlightedCell;
dispatchEvent(new Event(Event.CHANGE));
protected function handleDataChange(_arg1:DataChangeEvent):void{
override protected function keyUpHandler(_arg1:KeyboardEvent):void{
isKeyDown = false;
protected function onListItemUp(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{
var _local2:*;
stage.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_UP, onListItemUp);
if (((!((_arg1.target is ICellRenderer))) || (!(list.contains((_arg1.target as DisplayObject)))))){
editableValue = null;
_local2 = selectedIndex;
selectedIndex = _arg1.target.listData.index;
if (_local2 != selectedIndex){
dispatchEvent(new Event(Event.CHANGE));
public function removeAll():void{
inputField.text = "";
public function set selectedItem(_arg1:Object):void{
list.selectedItem = _arg1;
protected function highlightCell(_arg1:int=-1):void{
var _local2:ICellRenderer;
if (highlightedCell > -1){
_local2 = list.itemToCellRenderer(getItemAt(highlightedCell));
if (_local2 != null){
if (_arg1 == -1){
_local2 = list.itemToCellRenderer(getItemAt(_arg1));
if (_local2 != null){
highlightedCell = _arg1;
public function itemToLabel(_arg1:Object):String{
if (_arg1 == null){
return ("");
return (list.itemToLabel(_arg1));
public function addItemAt(_arg1:Object, _arg2:uint):void{
list.addItemAt(_arg1, _arg2);
public function replaceItemAt(_arg1:Object, _arg2:uint):Object{
return (list.replaceItemAt(_arg1, _arg2));
protected function showPrompt():void{
inputField.text = _prompt;
public function set rowCount(_arg1:uint):void{
_rowCount = _arg1;
public function get restrict():String{
return (inputField.restrict);
protected function setEmbedFonts():void{
var _local1:Object;
_local1 = getStyleValue("embedFonts");
if (_local1 != null){
inputField.textField.embedFonts = _local1;
public function sortItems(... _args){
return (list.sortItems.apply(list, _args));
public function set labelField(_arg1:String):void{
list.labelField = _arg1;
public function set editable(_arg1:Boolean):void{
_editable = _arg1;
public function set prompt(_arg1:String):void{
if (_arg1 == ""){
_prompt = null;
} else {
_prompt = _arg1;
public function get length():int{
return (list.length);
protected function drawTextField():void{
inputField.setStyle("upSkin", "");
inputField.setStyle("disabledSkin", "");
inputField.enabled = enabled;
inputField.editable = _editable;
inputField.textField.selectable = ((enabled) && (_editable));
inputField.mouseEnabled = (inputField.mouseChildren = ((enabled) && (_editable)));
inputField.focusEnabled = false;
if (_editable){
inputField.addEventListener(FocusEvent.FOCUS_IN, onInputFieldFocus, false, 0, true);
inputField.addEventListener(FocusEvent.FOCUS_OUT, onInputFieldFocusOut, false, 0, true);
} else {
inputField.removeEventListener(FocusEvent.FOCUS_IN, onInputFieldFocus);
inputField.removeEventListener(FocusEvent.FOCUS_OUT, onInputFieldFocusOut);
protected function onInputFieldFocusOut(_arg1:FocusEvent):void{
inputField.removeEventListener(ComponentEvent.ENTER, onEnter);
selectedIndex = selectedIndex;
protected function passEvent(_arg1:Event):void{
public function get imeMode():String{
return (inputField.imeMode);
public function get labelFunction():Function{
return (list.labelFunction);
protected function calculateAvailableHeight():Number{
var _local1:Number;
_local1 = Number(getStyleValue("contentPadding"));
return ((list.height - (_local1 * 2)));
public function get selectedIndex():int{
return (list.selectedIndex);
override protected function focusOutHandler(_arg1:FocusEvent):void{
isKeyDown = false;
if (isOpen){
if (((!(_arg1.relatedObject)) || (!(list.contains(_arg1.relatedObject))))){
if (((!((highlightedCell == -1))) && (!((highlightedCell == selectedIndex))))){
selectedIndex = highlightedCell;
dispatchEvent(new Event(Event.CHANGE));
public function get selectedLabel():String{
if (editableValue != null){
return (editableValue);
if (selectedIndex == -1){
return (null);
return (itemToLabel(selectedItem));
public function get text():String{
return (inputField.text);
protected function onListChange(_arg1:Event):void{
editableValue = null;
if (isKeyDown){
protected function onToggleListVisibility(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{
if (isOpen){
} else {
stage.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_UP, onListItemUp, false, 0, true);
override protected function draw():void{
var _local1:*;
_local1 = selectedIndex;
if ((((_local1 == -1)) && (((((!((prompt == null))) || (editable))) || ((length == 0)))))){
_local1 = Math.max(-1, Math.min(_local1, (length - 1)));
} else {
editableValue = null;
_local1 = Math.max(0, Math.min(_local1, (length - 1)));
if (list.selectedIndex != _local1){
list.selectedIndex = _local1;
invalidate(InvalidationType.SELECTED, false);
if (isInvalid(InvalidationType.STYLES)){
invalidate(InvalidationType.SIZE, false);
if (isInvalid(InvalidationType.SIZE, InvalidationType.DATA, InvalidationType.STATE)){
if (isInvalid(InvalidationType.DATA)){
invalidate(InvalidationType.SELECTED, true);
if (isInvalid(InvalidationType.SELECTED)){
if ((((_local1 == -1)) && (!((editableValue == null))))){
inputField.text = editableValue;
} else {
if (_local1 > -1){
if (length > 0){
inputField.horizontalScrollPosition = 0;
inputField.text = itemToLabel(list.selectedItem);
} else {
if ((((_local1 == -1)) && (!((_prompt == null))))){
} else {
inputField.text = "";
if (((((editable) && ((selectedIndex > -1)))) && ((stage.focus == inputField.textField)))){
inputField.setSelection(0, inputField.length);
public function addItem(_arg1:Object):void{
public function get rowCount():uint{
return (_rowCount);
override protected function configUI():void{
background = new BaseButton();
background.focusEnabled = false;
copyStylesToChild(background, BACKGROUND_STYLES);
background.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, onToggleListVisibility, false, 0, true);
inputField = new TextInput();
inputField.focusTarget = (this as IFocusManagerComponent);
inputField.focusEnabled = false;
inputField.addEventListener(Event.CHANGE, onTextInput, false, 0, true);
list = new List();
list.focusEnabled = false;
copyStylesToChild(list, LIST_STYLES);
list.addEventListener(Event.CHANGE, onListChange, false, 0, true);
list.addEventListener(ListEvent.ITEM_CLICK, onListChange, false, 0, true);
list.addEventListener(ListEvent.ITEM_ROLL_OUT, passEvent, false, 0, true);
list.addEventListener(ListEvent.ITEM_ROLL_OVER, passEvent, false, 0, true);
list.verticalScrollBar.addEventListener(Event.SCROLL, passEvent, false, 0, true);
protected function positionList():void{
var _local1:Point;
_local1 = localToGlobal(new Point(0, 0));
list.x = _local1.x;
if (((_local1.y + height) + list.height) > stage.stageHeight){
list.y = (_local1.y - list.height);
} else {
list.y = (_local1.y + height);
public function get value():String{
var _local1:Object;
if (editableValue != null){
return (editableValue);
_local1 = selectedItem;
if (((!(_editable)) && (!((_local1.data == null))))){
return (_local1.data);
return (itemToLabel(_local1));
public function get prompt():String{
return (_prompt);
public function set dataProvider(_arg1:DataProvider):void{
_arg1.addEventListener(DataChangeEvent.DATA_CHANGE, handleDataChange, false, 0, true);
list.dataProvider = _arg1;
public function set restrict(_arg1:String):void{
if (((componentInspectorSetting) && ((_arg1 == "")))){
_arg1 = null;
if (!_editable){
inputField.restrict = _arg1;
protected function onTextInput(_arg1:Event):void{
if (!_editable){
editableValue = inputField.text;
selectedIndex = -1;
dispatchEvent(new Event(Event.CHANGE));
protected function onInputFieldFocus(_arg1:FocusEvent):void{
inputField.addEventListener(ComponentEvent.ENTER, onEnter, false, 0, true);
public function getItemAt(_arg1:uint):Object{
return (list.getItemAt(_arg1));
override protected function initializeAccessibility():void{
if (ComboBox.createAccessibilityImplementation != null){
protected function drawLayout():void{
var _local1:Number;
var _local2:Number;
_local1 = (getStyleValue("buttonWidth") as Number);
_local2 = (getStyleValue("textPadding") as Number);
background.setSize(width, height);
inputField.x = (inputField.y = _local2);
inputField.setSize(((width - _local1) - _local2), (height - _local2));
list.width = (isNaN(_dropdownWidth)) ? width : _dropdownWidth;
background.enabled = enabled;
public function removeItem(_arg1:Object):Object{
return (list.removeItem(_arg1));
private function addCloseListener(_arg1:Event){
removeEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, addCloseListener);
if (!isOpen){
stage.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, onStageClick, false, 0, true);
public function get dataProvider():DataProvider{
return (list.dataProvider);
public function get textField():TextInput{
return (inputField);
protected function setStyles():void{
copyStylesToChild(background, BACKGROUND_STYLES);
copyStylesToChild(list, LIST_STYLES);
public function set labelFunction(_arg1:Function):void{
list.labelFunction = _arg1;
protected function drawTextFormat():void{
var _local1:TextFormat;
_local1 = (getStyleValue((_enabled) ? "textFormat" : "disabledTextFormat") as TextFormat);
if (_local1 == null){
_local1 = new TextFormat();
inputField.textField.defaultTextFormat = _local1;
public function set selectedIndex(_arg1:int):void{
list.selectedIndex = _arg1;
public function close():void{
highlightedCell = -1;
if (!isOpen){
dispatchEvent(new Event(Event.CLOSE));
stage.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, onStageClick);
isOpen = false;
public static function getStyleDefinition():Object{
return (mergeStyles(defaultStyles, List.getStyleDefinition()));
}//package fl.controls
Section 9 (7.6 KiB) ● ●
//LabelButton (fl.controls.LabelButton)
package fl.controls {
import fl.core.*;
import flash.display.*;
import flash.events.*;
import fl.managers.*;
import fl.events.*;
import flash.text.*;
import flash.ui.*;
public class LabelButton extends BaseButton implements IFocusManagerComponent {
protected var _labelPlacement:String;// = "right"
protected var _toggle:Boolean;// = false
protected var icon:DisplayObject;
protected var oldMouseState:String;
protected var mode:String;// = "center"
public var textField:TextField;
protected var _label:String;// = "Label"
private static var defaultStyles:Object = {icon:null, upIcon:null, downIcon:null, overIcon:null, disabledIcon:null, selectedDisabledIcon:null, selectedUpIcon:null, selectedDownIcon:null, selectedOverIcon:null, textFormat:null, disabledTextFormat:null, textPadding:5, embedFonts:false};
public static var createAccessibilityImplementation:Function;
public function LabelButton(){
_labelPlacement = ButtonLabelPlacement.RIGHT;
_toggle = false;
_label = "Label";
mode = "center";
protected function toggleSelected(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{
selected = !(selected);
dispatchEvent(new Event(Event.CHANGE, true));
public function get labelPlacement():String{
return (_labelPlacement);
override protected function keyDownHandler(_arg1:KeyboardEvent):void{
if (!enabled){
if (_arg1.keyCode == Keyboard.SPACE){
if (oldMouseState == null){
oldMouseState = mouseState;
protected function setEmbedFont(){
var _local1:Object;
_local1 = getStyleValue("embedFonts");
if (_local1 != null){
textField.embedFonts = _local1;
override protected function keyUpHandler(_arg1:KeyboardEvent):void{
if (!enabled){
if (_arg1.keyCode == Keyboard.SPACE){
oldMouseState = null;
dispatchEvent(new MouseEvent(MouseEvent.CLICK));
override public function get selected():Boolean{
return ((_toggle) ? _selected : false);
public function set labelPlacement(_arg1:String):void{
_labelPlacement = _arg1;
public function set toggle(_arg1:Boolean):void{
if (((!(_arg1)) && (super.selected))){
selected = false;
_toggle = _arg1;
if (_toggle){
addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, toggleSelected, false, 0, true);
} else {
removeEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, toggleSelected);
public function get label():String{
return (_label);
override public function set selected(_arg1:Boolean):void{
_selected = _arg1;
if (_toggle){
override protected function draw():void{
if (textField.text != _label){
label = _label;
if (isInvalid(InvalidationType.STYLES, InvalidationType.STATE)){
invalidate(InvalidationType.SIZE, false);
if (isInvalid(InvalidationType.SIZE)){
if (isInvalid(InvalidationType.SIZE, InvalidationType.STYLES)){
if (((isFocused) && (focusManager.showFocusIndicator))){
public function get toggle():Boolean{
return (_toggle);
override protected function configUI():void{
textField = new TextField();
textField.type = TextFieldType.DYNAMIC;
textField.selectable = false;
override protected function drawLayout():void{
var _local1:Number;
var _local2:String;
var _local3:Number;
var _local4:Number;
var _local5:Number;
var _local6:Number;
var _local7:Number;
var _local8:Number;
_local1 = Number(getStyleValue("textPadding"));
_local2 = ((((icon == null)) && ((mode == "center")))) ? ButtonLabelPlacement.TOP : _labelPlacement;
textField.height = (textField.textHeight + 4);
_local3 = (textField.textWidth + 4);
_local4 = (textField.textHeight + 4);
_local5 = ((icon)==null) ? 0 : (icon.width + _local1);
_local6 = ((icon)==null) ? 0 : (icon.height + _local1);
textField.visible = (label.length > 0);
if (icon != null){
icon.x = Math.round(((width - icon.width) / 2));
icon.y = Math.round(((height - icon.height) / 2));
if (textField.visible == false){
textField.width = 0;
textField.height = 0;
} else {
if ((((_local2 == ButtonLabelPlacement.BOTTOM)) || ((_local2 == ButtonLabelPlacement.TOP)))){
_local7 = Math.max(0, Math.min(_local3, (width - (2 * _local1))));
if ((height - 2) > _local4){
_local8 = _local4;
} else {
_local8 = (height - 2);
_local3 = _local7;
textField.width = _local3;
_local4 = _local8;
textField.height = _local4;
textField.x = Math.round(((width - _local3) / 2));
textField.y = Math.round(((((height - textField.height) - _local6) / 2) + ((_local2)==ButtonLabelPlacement.BOTTOM) ? _local6 : 0));
if (icon != null){
icon.y = Math.round(((_local2)==ButtonLabelPlacement.BOTTOM) ? (textField.y - _local6) : ((textField.y + textField.height) + _local1));
} else {
_local7 = Math.max(0, Math.min(_local3, ((width - _local5) - (2 * _local1))));
_local3 = _local7;
textField.width = _local3;
textField.x = Math.round(((((width - _local3) - _local5) / 2) + ((_local2)!=ButtonLabelPlacement.LEFT) ? _local5 : 0));
textField.y = Math.round(((height - textField.height) / 2));
if (icon != null){
icon.x = Math.round(((_local2)!=ButtonLabelPlacement.LEFT) ? (textField.x - _local5) : ((textField.x + _local3) + _local1));
override protected function initializeAccessibility():void{
if (LabelButton.createAccessibilityImplementation != null){
protected function drawIcon():void{
var _local1:DisplayObject;
var _local2:String;
var _local3:Object;
_local1 = icon;
_local2 = (enabled) ? mouseState : "disabled";
if (selected){
_local2 = (("selected" + _local2.substr(0, 1).toUpperCase()) + _local2.substr(1));
_local2 = (_local2 + "Icon");
_local3 = getStyleValue(_local2);
if (_local3 == null){
_local3 = getStyleValue("icon");
if (_local3 != null){
icon = getDisplayObjectInstance(_local3);
if (icon != null){
addChildAt(icon, 1);
if (((!((_local1 == null))) && (!((_local1 == icon))))){
public function set label(_arg1:String):void{
_label = _arg1;
if (textField.text != _label){
textField.text = _label;
dispatchEvent(new ComponentEvent(ComponentEvent.LABEL_CHANGE));
protected function drawTextFormat():void{
var _local1:Object;
var _local2:TextFormat;
var _local3:TextFormat;
_local1 = UIComponent.getStyleDefinition();
_local2 = (enabled) ? (_local1.defaultTextFormat as TextFormat) : (_local1.defaultDisabledTextFormat as TextFormat);
_local3 = (getStyleValue((enabled) ? "textFormat" : "disabledTextFormat") as TextFormat);
if (_local3 != null){
} else {
_local3 = _local2;
textField.defaultTextFormat = _local3;
public static function getStyleDefinition():Object{
return (mergeStyles(defaultStyles, BaseButton.getStyleDefinition()));
}//package fl.controls
Section 10 (11.81 KiB) ● ●
//List (fl.controls.List)
package fl.controls {
import fl.controls.listClasses.*;
import fl.core.*;
import flash.display.*;
import flash.geom.*;
import flash.events.*;
import flash.utils.*;
import fl.managers.*;
import flash.ui.*;
public class List extends SelectableList implements IFocusManagerComponent {
protected var _labelField:String;// = "label"
protected var _rowHeight:Number;// = 20
protected var _cellRenderer:Object;
protected var _iconField:String;// = "icon"
protected var _labelFunction:Function;
protected var _iconFunction:Function;
private static var defaultStyles:Object = {focusRectSkin:null, focusRectPadding:null};
public static var createAccessibilityImplementation:Function;
public function List(){
_rowHeight = 20;
_labelField = "label";
_iconField = "icon";
public function get iconField():String{
return (_iconField);
protected function doKeySelection(_arg1:int, _arg2:Boolean, _arg3:Boolean):void{
var _local4:Boolean;
var _local5:int;
var _local6:Array;
var _local7:int;
var _local8:int;
_local4 = false;
if (_arg2){
_local6 = [];
_local7 = lastCaretIndex;
_local8 = _arg1;
if (_local7 == -1){
_local7 = ((caretIndex)!=-1) ? caretIndex : _arg1;
if (_local7 > _local8){
_local8 = _local7;
_local7 = _arg1;
_local5 = _local7;
while (_local5 <= _local8) {
selectedIndices = _local6;
caretIndex = _arg1;
_local4 = true;
} else {
selectedIndex = _arg1;
caretIndex = (lastCaretIndex = _arg1);
_local4 = true;
if (_local4){
dispatchEvent(new Event(Event.CHANGE));
override protected function drawList():void{
var _local1:Rectangle;
var _local2:uint;
var _local3:uint;
var _local4:uint;
var _local5:Object;
var _local6:ICellRenderer;
var _local7:Dictionary;
var _local8:Dictionary;
var _local9:Boolean;
var _local10:String;
var _local11:Object;
var _local12:Sprite;
var _local13:String;
listHolder.x = (listHolder.y = contentPadding);
_local1 = listHolder.scrollRect;
_local1.x = _horizontalScrollPosition;
_local1.y = (Math.floor(_verticalScrollPosition) % rowHeight);
listHolder.scrollRect = _local1;
listHolder.cacheAsBitmap = useBitmapScrolling;
_local2 = Math.floor((_verticalScrollPosition / rowHeight));
_local3 = Math.min(length, ((_local2 + rowCount) + 1));
_local7 = (renderedItems = new Dictionary(true));
_local4 = _local2;
while (_local4 < _local3) {
_local7[_dataProvider.getItemAt(_local4)] = true;
_local8 = new Dictionary(true);
while (activeCellRenderers.length > 0) {
_local6 = (activeCellRenderers.pop() as ICellRenderer);
_local5 = _local6.data;
if ((((_local7[_local5] == null)) || ((invalidItems[_local5] == true)))){
} else {
_local8[_local5] = _local6;
invalidItems[_local5] = true;
list.removeChild((_local6 as DisplayObject));
invalidItems = new Dictionary(true);
_local4 = _local2;
while (_local4 < _local3) {
_local9 = false;
_local5 = _dataProvider.getItemAt(_local4);
if (_local8[_local5] != null){
_local9 = true;
_local6 = _local8[_local5];
delete _local8[_local5];
} else {
if (availableCellRenderers.length > 0){
_local6 = (availableCellRenderers.pop() as ICellRenderer);
} else {
_local6 = (getDisplayObjectInstance(getStyleValue("cellRenderer")) as ICellRenderer);
_local12 = (_local6 as Sprite);
if (_local12 != null){
_local12.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, handleCellRendererClick, false, 0, true);
_local12.addEventListener(MouseEvent.ROLL_OVER, handleCellRendererMouseEvent, false, 0, true);
_local12.addEventListener(MouseEvent.ROLL_OUT, handleCellRendererMouseEvent, false, 0, true);
_local12.addEventListener(Event.CHANGE, handleCellRendererChange, false, 0, true);
_local12.doubleClickEnabled = true;
_local12.addEventListener(MouseEvent.DOUBLE_CLICK, handleCellRendererDoubleClick, false, 0, true);
if (_local12["setStyle"] != null){
for (_local13 in rendererStyles) {
var _local16 = _local12;
_local16["setStyle"](_local13, rendererStyles[_local13]);
list.addChild((_local6 as Sprite));
_local6.y = (rowHeight * (_local4 - _local2));
_local6.setSize((availableWidth + _maxHorizontalScrollPosition), rowHeight);
_local10 = itemToLabel(_local5);
_local11 = null;
if (_iconFunction != null){
_local11 = _iconFunction(_local5);
} else {
if (_iconField != null){
_local11 = _local5[_iconField];
if (!_local9){
_local6.data = _local5;
_local6.listData = new ListData(_local10, _local11, this, _local4, _local4, 0);
_local6.selected = !((_selectedIndices.indexOf(_local4) == -1));
if ((_local6 is UIComponent)){
(_local6 as UIComponent).drawNow();
public function get iconFunction():Function{
return (_iconFunction);
public function set iconField(_arg1:String):void{
if (_arg1 == _iconField){
_iconField = _arg1;
override protected function keyDownHandler(_arg1:KeyboardEvent):void{
var _local2:int;
if (!selectable){
switch (_arg1.keyCode){
case Keyboard.UP:
case Keyboard.DOWN:
case Keyboard.END:
case Keyboard.HOME:
case Keyboard.PAGE_UP:
case Keyboard.PAGE_DOWN:
moveSelectionVertically(_arg1.keyCode, ((_arg1.shiftKey) && (_allowMultipleSelection)), ((_arg1.ctrlKey) && (_allowMultipleSelection)));
case Keyboard.LEFT:
case Keyboard.RIGHT:
moveSelectionHorizontally(_arg1.keyCode, ((_arg1.shiftKey) && (_allowMultipleSelection)), ((_arg1.ctrlKey) && (_allowMultipleSelection)));
case Keyboard.SPACE:
if (caretIndex == -1){
caretIndex = 0;
doKeySelection(caretIndex, _arg1.shiftKey, _arg1.ctrlKey);
_local2 = getNextIndexAtLetter(String.fromCharCode(_arg1.keyCode), selectedIndex);
if (_local2 > -1){
selectedIndex = _local2;
override public function itemToLabel(_arg1:Object):String{
if (_labelFunction != null){
return (String(_labelFunction(_arg1)));
return (((_arg1[_labelField])!=null) ? String(_arg1[_labelField]) : "");
public function get labelField():String{
return (_labelField);
override protected function moveSelectionVertically(_arg1:uint, _arg2:Boolean, _arg3:Boolean):void{
var _local4:int;
var _local5:int;
var _local6:int;
_local4 = Math.max(Math.floor((calculateAvailableHeight() / rowHeight)), 1);
_local5 = -1;
_local6 = 0;
switch (_arg1){
case Keyboard.UP:
if (caretIndex > 0){
_local5 = (caretIndex - 1);
case Keyboard.DOWN:
if (caretIndex < (length - 1)){
_local5 = (caretIndex + 1);
case Keyboard.PAGE_UP:
if (caretIndex > 0){
_local5 = Math.max((caretIndex - _local4), 0);
case Keyboard.PAGE_DOWN:
if (caretIndex < (length - 1)){
_local5 = Math.min((caretIndex + _local4), (length - 1));
case Keyboard.HOME:
if (caretIndex > 0){
_local5 = 0;
case Keyboard.END:
if (caretIndex < (length - 1)){
_local5 = (length - 1);
if (_local5 >= 0){
doKeySelection(_local5, _arg2, _arg3);
public function set labelField(_arg1:String):void{
if (_arg1 == _labelField){
_labelField = _arg1;
public function set rowCount(_arg1:uint):void{
var _local2:Number;
var _local3:Number;
_local2 = Number(getStyleValue("contentPadding"));
_local3 = ((((_horizontalScrollPolicy == ScrollPolicy.ON)) || ((((_horizontalScrollPolicy == ScrollPolicy.AUTO)) && ((_maxHorizontalScrollPosition > 0)))))) ? 15 : 0;
height = (((rowHeight * _arg1) + (2 * _local2)) + _local3);
override protected function setHorizontalScrollPosition(_arg1:Number, _arg2:Boolean=false):void{
list.x = -(_arg1);
super.setHorizontalScrollPosition(_arg1, true);
public function set iconFunction(_arg1:Function):void{
if (_iconFunction == _arg1){
_iconFunction = _arg1;
public function get labelFunction():Function{
return (_labelFunction);
override protected function moveSelectionHorizontally(_arg1:uint, _arg2:Boolean, _arg3:Boolean):void{
override protected function setVerticalScrollPosition(_arg1:Number, _arg2:Boolean=false):void{
super.setVerticalScrollPosition(_arg1, true);
protected function calculateAvailableHeight():Number{
var _local1:Number;
_local1 = Number(getStyleValue("contentPadding"));
return (((height - (_local1 * 2)) - ((((_horizontalScrollPolicy == ScrollPolicy.ON)) || ((((_horizontalScrollPolicy == ScrollPolicy.AUTO)) && ((_maxHorizontalScrollPosition > 0)))))) ? 15 : 0));
override protected function draw():void{
var _local1:Boolean;
_local1 = !((contentHeight == (rowHeight * length)));
contentHeight = (rowHeight * length);
if (isInvalid(InvalidationType.STYLES)){
if (contentPadding != getStyleValue("contentPadding")){
invalidate(InvalidationType.SIZE, false);
if (_cellRenderer != getStyleValue("cellRenderer")){
_cellRenderer = getStyleValue("cellRenderer");
if (((isInvalid(InvalidationType.SIZE, InvalidationType.STATE)) || (_local1))){
if (isInvalid(InvalidationType.RENDERER_STYLES)){
if (isInvalid(InvalidationType.STYLES, InvalidationType.SIZE, InvalidationType.DATA, InvalidationType.SCROLL, InvalidationType.SELECTED)){
override protected function configUI():void{
useFixedHorizontalScrolling = true;
_horizontalScrollPolicy = ScrollPolicy.AUTO;
_verticalScrollPolicy = ScrollPolicy.AUTO;
override public function get rowCount():uint{
return (Math.ceil((calculateAvailableHeight() / rowHeight)));
override protected function initializeAccessibility():void{
if (List.createAccessibilityImplementation != null){
override public function scrollToIndex(_arg1:int):void{
var _local2:uint;
var _local3:uint;
_local2 = (Math.floor(((_verticalScrollPosition + availableHeight) / rowHeight)) - 1);
_local3 = Math.ceil((_verticalScrollPosition / rowHeight));
if (_arg1 < _local3){
verticalScrollPosition = (_arg1 * rowHeight);
} else {
if (_arg1 > _local2){
verticalScrollPosition = (((_arg1 + 1) * rowHeight) - availableHeight);
public function get rowHeight():Number{
return (_rowHeight);
public function set labelFunction(_arg1:Function):void{
if (_labelFunction == _arg1){
_labelFunction = _arg1;
public function set rowHeight(_arg1:Number):void{
_rowHeight = _arg1;
public static function getStyleDefinition():Object{
return (mergeStyles(defaultStyles, SelectableList.getStyleDefinition()));
}//package fl.controls
Section 11 (10.4 KiB) ● ●
//ScrollBar (fl.controls.ScrollBar)
package fl.controls {
import fl.core.*;
import flash.events.*;
import fl.events.*;
public class ScrollBar extends UIComponent {
private var _direction:String;// = "vertical"
protected var inDrag:Boolean;// = false
protected var upArrow:BaseButton;
private var _pageScrollSize:Number;// = 0
protected var downArrow:BaseButton;
private var _pageSize:Number;// = 10
private var thumbScrollOffset:Number;
private var _maxScrollPosition:Number;// = 0
private var _scrollPosition:Number;// = 0
protected var track:BaseButton;
private var _minScrollPosition:Number;// = 0
private var _lineScrollSize:Number;// = 1
protected var thumb:LabelButton;
protected static const THUMB_STYLES:Object = {disabledSkin:"thumbDisabledSkin", downSkin:"thumbDownSkin", overSkin:"thumbOverSkin", upSkin:"thumbUpSkin", icon:"thumbIcon", textPadding:0};
public static const WIDTH:Number = 15;
protected static const DOWN_ARROW_STYLES:Object = {disabledSkin:"downArrowDisabledSkin", downSkin:"downArrowDownSkin", overSkin:"downArrowOverSkin", upSkin:"downArrowUpSkin", repeatDelay:"repeatDelay", repeatInterval:"repeatInterval"};
protected static const UP_ARROW_STYLES:Object = {disabledSkin:"upArrowDisabledSkin", downSkin:"upArrowDownSkin", overSkin:"upArrowOverSkin", upSkin:"upArrowUpSkin", repeatDelay:"repeatDelay", repeatInterval:"repeatInterval"};
protected static const TRACK_STYLES:Object = {disabledSkin:"trackDisabledSkin", downSkin:"trackDownSkin", overSkin:"trackOverSkin", upSkin:"trackUpSkin", repeatDelay:"repeatDelay", repeatInterval:"repeatInterval"};
private static var defaultStyles:Object = {downArrowDisabledSkin:"ScrollArrowDown_disabledSkin", downArrowDownSkin:"ScrollArrowDown_downSkin", downArrowOverSkin:"ScrollArrowDown_overSkin", downArrowUpSkin:"ScrollArrowDown_upSkin", thumbDisabledSkin:"ScrollThumb_upSkin", thumbDownSkin:"ScrollThumb_downSkin", thumbOverSkin:"ScrollThumb_overSkin", thumbUpSkin:"ScrollThumb_upSkin", trackDisabledSkin:"ScrollTrack_skin", trackDownSkin:"ScrollTrack_skin", trackOverSkin:"ScrollTrack_skin", trackUpSkin:"ScrollTrack_skin", upArrowDisabledSkin:"ScrollArrowUp_disabledSkin", upArrowDownSkin:"ScrollArrowUp_downSkin", upArrowOverSkin:"ScrollArrowUp_overSkin", upArrowUpSkin:"ScrollArrowUp_upSkin", thumbIcon:"ScrollBar_thumbIcon", repeatDelay:500, repeatInterval:35};
public function ScrollBar(){
_pageSize = 10;
_pageScrollSize = 0;
_lineScrollSize = 1;
_minScrollPosition = 0;
_maxScrollPosition = 0;
_scrollPosition = 0;
_direction = ScrollBarDirection.VERTICAL;
inDrag = false;
focusEnabled = false;
public function get minScrollPosition():Number{
return (_minScrollPosition);
public function set minScrollPosition(_arg1:Number):void{
setScrollProperties(_pageSize, _arg1, _maxScrollPosition);
public function setScrollPosition(_arg1:Number, _arg2:Boolean=true):void{
var _local3:Number;
_local3 = scrollPosition;
_scrollPosition = Math.max(_minScrollPosition, Math.min(_maxScrollPosition, _arg1));
if (_local3 == _scrollPosition){
if (_arg2){
dispatchEvent(new ScrollEvent(_direction, (scrollPosition - _local3), scrollPosition));
public function set scrollPosition(_arg1:Number):void{
setScrollPosition(_arg1, true);
public function get pageScrollSize():Number{
return (((_pageScrollSize)==0) ? _pageSize : _pageScrollSize);
public function set pageSize(_arg1:Number):void{
if (_arg1 > 0){
_pageSize = _arg1;
public function setScrollProperties(_arg1:Number, _arg2:Number, _arg3:Number, _arg4:Number=0):void{
this.pageSize = _arg1;
_minScrollPosition = _arg2;
_maxScrollPosition = _arg3;
if (_arg4 >= 0){
_pageScrollSize = _arg4;
enabled = (_maxScrollPosition > _minScrollPosition);
setScrollPosition(_scrollPosition, false);
override public function set enabled(_arg1:Boolean):void{
super.enabled = _arg1;
downArrow.enabled = (track.enabled = (thumb.enabled = (upArrow.enabled = ((enabled) && ((_maxScrollPosition > _minScrollPosition))))));
protected function updateThumb():void{
var _local1:Number;
_local1 = ((_maxScrollPosition - _minScrollPosition) + _pageSize);
if ((((((track.height <= 12)) || ((_maxScrollPosition <= _minScrollPosition)))) || ((((_local1 == 0)) || (isNaN(_local1)))))){
thumb.height = 12;
thumb.visible = false;
} else {
thumb.height = Math.max(13, ((_pageSize / _local1) * track.height));
thumb.y = (track.y + ((track.height - thumb.height) * ((_scrollPosition - _minScrollPosition) / (_maxScrollPosition - _minScrollPosition))));
thumb.visible = enabled;
protected function thumbPressHandler(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{
inDrag = true;
thumbScrollOffset = (mouseY - thumb.y);
thumb.mouseStateLocked = true;
mouseChildren = false;
stage.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_MOVE, handleThumbDrag, false, 0, true);
stage.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_UP, thumbReleaseHandler, false, 0, true);
protected function thumbReleaseHandler(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{
inDrag = false;
mouseChildren = true;
thumb.mouseStateLocked = false;
stage.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_MOVE, handleThumbDrag);
stage.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_UP, thumbReleaseHandler);
public function set pageScrollSize(_arg1:Number):void{
if (_arg1 >= 0){
_pageScrollSize = _arg1;
protected function handleThumbDrag(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{
var _local2:Number;
_local2 = Math.max(0, Math.min((track.height - thumb.height), ((mouseY - track.y) - thumbScrollOffset)));
setScrollPosition((((_local2 / (track.height - thumb.height)) * (_maxScrollPosition - _minScrollPosition)) + _minScrollPosition));
public function set direction(_arg1:String):void{
var _local2:Boolean;
if (_direction == _arg1){
_direction = _arg1;
if (isLivePreview){
_local2 = (_direction == ScrollBarDirection.HORIZONTAL);
if (((_local2) && (componentInspectorSetting))){
if (rotation == 90){
rotation = -90;
if (!componentInspectorSetting){
if (((_local2) && ((rotation == 0)))){
rotation = -90;
} else {
if (((!(_local2)) && ((rotation == -90)))){
rotation = 0;
public function set lineScrollSize(_arg1:Number):void{
if (_arg1 > 0){
_lineScrollSize = _arg1;
override public function get height():Number{
return (((_direction)==ScrollBarDirection.HORIZONTAL) ? super.width : super.height);
protected function scrollPressHandler(_arg1:ComponentEvent):void{
var _local2:Number;
var _local3:Number;
if (_arg1.currentTarget == upArrow){
setScrollPosition((_scrollPosition - _lineScrollSize));
} else {
if (_arg1.currentTarget == downArrow){
setScrollPosition((_scrollPosition + _lineScrollSize));
} else {
_local2 = (((track.mouseY / track.height) * (_maxScrollPosition - _minScrollPosition)) + _minScrollPosition);
_local3 = ((pageScrollSize)==0) ? pageSize : pageScrollSize;
if (_scrollPosition < _local2){
setScrollPosition(Math.min(_local2, (_scrollPosition + _local3)));
} else {
if (_scrollPosition > _local2){
setScrollPosition(Math.max(_local2, (_scrollPosition - _local3)));
public function get pageSize():Number{
return (_pageSize);
public function set maxScrollPosition(_arg1:Number):void{
setScrollProperties(_pageSize, _minScrollPosition, _arg1);
public function get scrollPosition():Number{
return (_scrollPosition);
override public function get enabled():Boolean{
return (super.enabled);
override protected function draw():void{
var _local1:Number;
if (isInvalid(InvalidationType.SIZE)){
_local1 = super.height;
downArrow.move(0, Math.max(upArrow.height, (_local1 - downArrow.height)));
track.setSize(WIDTH, Math.max(0, (_local1 - (downArrow.height + upArrow.height))));
if (isInvalid(InvalidationType.STYLES, InvalidationType.STATE)){
override protected function configUI():void{
track = new BaseButton();
track.move(0, 14);
track.useHandCursor = false;
track.autoRepeat = true;
track.focusEnabled = false;
thumb = new LabelButton();
thumb.label = "";
thumb.setSize(WIDTH, 15);
thumb.move(0, 15);
thumb.focusEnabled = false;
downArrow = new BaseButton();
downArrow.setSize(WIDTH, 14);
downArrow.autoRepeat = true;
downArrow.focusEnabled = false;
upArrow = new BaseButton();
upArrow.setSize(WIDTH, 14);
upArrow.move(0, 0);
upArrow.autoRepeat = true;
upArrow.focusEnabled = false;
upArrow.addEventListener(ComponentEvent.BUTTON_DOWN, scrollPressHandler, false, 0, true);
downArrow.addEventListener(ComponentEvent.BUTTON_DOWN, scrollPressHandler, false, 0, true);
track.addEventListener(ComponentEvent.BUTTON_DOWN, scrollPressHandler, false, 0, true);
thumb.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, thumbPressHandler, false, 0, true);
enabled = false;
public function get direction():String{
return (_direction);
public function get lineScrollSize():Number{
return (_lineScrollSize);
override public function setSize(_arg1:Number, _arg2:Number):void{
if (_direction == ScrollBarDirection.HORIZONTAL){
super.setSize(_arg2, _arg1);
} else {
super.setSize(_arg1, _arg2);
public function get maxScrollPosition():Number{
return (_maxScrollPosition);
override public function get width():Number{
return (((_direction)==ScrollBarDirection.HORIZONTAL) ? super.height : super.width);
protected function setStyles():void{
copyStylesToChild(downArrow, DOWN_ARROW_STYLES);
copyStylesToChild(thumb, THUMB_STYLES);
copyStylesToChild(track, TRACK_STYLES);
copyStylesToChild(upArrow, UP_ARROW_STYLES);
public static function getStyleDefinition():Object{
return (defaultStyles);
}//package fl.controls
Section 12 (248 B)
//ScrollBarDirection (fl.controls.ScrollBarDirection)
package fl.controls {
public class ScrollBarDirection {
public static const HORIZONTAL:String = "horizontal";
public static const VERTICAL:String = "vertical";
}//package fl.controls
Section 13 (248 B)
//ScrollPolicy (fl.controls.ScrollPolicy)
package fl.controls {
public class ScrollPolicy {
public static const OFF:String = "off";
public static const ON:String = "on";
public static const AUTO:String = "auto";
}//package fl.controls
Section 14 (16.51 KiB) ● ● ●
//SelectableList (fl.controls.SelectableList)
package fl.controls {
import fl.controls.listClasses.*;
import fl.core.*;
import flash.display.*;
import flash.events.*;
import fl.data.*;
import flash.utils.*;
import fl.managers.*;
import fl.events.*;
import flash.ui.*;
import fl.containers.*;
public class SelectableList extends BaseScrollPane implements IFocusManagerComponent {
protected var invalidItems:Dictionary;
protected var renderedItems:Dictionary;
protected var listHolder:Sprite;
protected var _allowMultipleSelection:Boolean;// = false
protected var lastCaretIndex:int;// = -1
protected var _selectedIndices:Array;
protected var availableCellRenderers:Array;
protected var list:Sprite;
protected var caretIndex:int;// = -1
protected var updatedRendererStyles:Object;
protected var preChangeItems:Array;
protected var activeCellRenderers:Array;
protected var rendererStyles:Object;
protected var _verticalScrollPosition:Number;
protected var _dataProvider:DataProvider;
protected var _horizontalScrollPosition:Number;
private var collectionItemImport:SimpleCollectionItem;
protected var _selectable:Boolean;// = true
private static var defaultStyles:Object = {skin:"List_skin", cellRenderer:CellRenderer, contentPadding:null, disabledAlpha:null};
public static var createAccessibilityImplementation:Function;
public function SelectableList(){
_allowMultipleSelection = false;
_selectable = true;
caretIndex = -1;
lastCaretIndex = -1;
activeCellRenderers = [];
availableCellRenderers = [];
invalidItems = new Dictionary(true);
renderedItems = new Dictionary(true);
_selectedIndices = [];
if (dataProvider == null){
dataProvider = new DataProvider();
verticalScrollPolicy = ScrollPolicy.AUTO;
rendererStyles = {};
updatedRendererStyles = {};
protected function drawList():void{
public function set allowMultipleSelection(_arg1:Boolean):void{
if (_arg1 == _allowMultipleSelection){
_allowMultipleSelection = _arg1;
if (((!(_arg1)) && ((_selectedIndices.length > 1)))){
_selectedIndices = [_selectedIndices.pop()];
public function sortItemsOn(_arg1:String, _arg2:Object=null){
return (_dataProvider.sortOn(_arg1, _arg2));
public function removeItemAt(_arg1:uint):Object{
return (_dataProvider.removeItemAt(_arg1));
public function get selectedItem():Object{
return (((_selectedIndices.length)==0) ? null : _dataProvider.getItemAt(selectedIndex));
override protected function keyDownHandler(_arg1:KeyboardEvent):void{
if (!selectable){
switch (_arg1.keyCode){
case Keyboard.UP:
case Keyboard.DOWN:
case Keyboard.END:
case Keyboard.HOME:
case Keyboard.PAGE_UP:
case Keyboard.PAGE_DOWN:
moveSelectionVertically(_arg1.keyCode, ((_arg1.shiftKey) && (_allowMultipleSelection)), ((_arg1.ctrlKey) && (_allowMultipleSelection)));
case Keyboard.LEFT:
case Keyboard.RIGHT:
moveSelectionHorizontally(_arg1.keyCode, ((_arg1.shiftKey) && (_allowMultipleSelection)), ((_arg1.ctrlKey) && (_allowMultipleSelection)));
public function get selectable():Boolean{
return (_selectable);
public function itemToCellRenderer(_arg1:Object):ICellRenderer{
var _local2:*;
var _local3:ICellRenderer;
if (_arg1 != null){
for (_local2 in activeCellRenderers) {
_local3 = (activeCellRenderers[_local2] as ICellRenderer);
if (_local3.data == _arg1){
return (_local3);
return (null);
public function getNextIndexAtLetter(_arg1:String, _arg2:int=-1):int{
var _local3:int;
var _local4:Number;
var _local5:Number;
var _local6:Object;
var _local7:String;
if (length == 0){
return (-1);
_arg1 = _arg1.toUpperCase();
_local3 = (length - 1);
_local4 = 0;
while (_local4 < _local3) {
_local5 = ((_arg2 + 1) + _local4);
if (_local5 > (length - 1)){
_local5 = (_local5 - length);
_local6 = getItemAt(_local5);
if (_local6 == null){
_local7 = itemToLabel(_local6);
if (_local7 == null){
} else {
if (_local7.charAt(0).toUpperCase() == _arg1){
return (_local5);
return (-1);
public function invalidateList():void{
override public function set enabled(_arg1:Boolean):void{
super.enabled = _arg1;
list.mouseChildren = _enabled;
public function get selectedIndices():Array{
return (_selectedIndices.concat());
public function set selectable(_arg1:Boolean):void{
if (_arg1 == _selectable){
if (!_arg1){
selectedIndices = [];
_selectable = _arg1;
public function itemToLabel(_arg1:Object):String{
return (_arg1["label"]);
public function addItemAt(_arg1:Object, _arg2:uint):void{
_dataProvider.addItemAt(_arg1, _arg2);
public function replaceItemAt(_arg1:Object, _arg2:uint):Object{
return (_dataProvider.replaceItemAt(_arg1, _arg2));
protected function handleDataChange(_arg1:DataChangeEvent):void{
var _local2:int;
var _local3:int;
var _local4:String;
var _local5:uint;
_local2 = _arg1.startIndex;
_local3 = _arg1.endIndex;
_local4 = _arg1.changeType;
if (_local4 == DataChangeType.INVALIDATE_ALL){
} else {
if (_local4 == DataChangeType.INVALIDATE){
_local5 = 0;
while (_local5 < _arg1.items.length) {
} else {
if (_local4 == DataChangeType.ADD){
_local5 = 0;
while (_local5 < _selectedIndices.length) {
if (_selectedIndices[_local5] >= _local2){
_selectedIndices[_local5] = (_selectedIndices[_local5] + (_local2 - _local3));
} else {
if (_local4 == DataChangeType.REMOVE){
_local5 = 0;
while (_local5 < _selectedIndices.length) {
if (_selectedIndices[_local5] >= _local2){
if (_selectedIndices[_local5] <= _local3){
delete _selectedIndices[_local5];
} else {
_selectedIndices[_local5] = (_selectedIndices[_local5] - ((_local2 - _local3) + 1));
} else {
if (_local4 == DataChangeType.REMOVE_ALL){
} else {
if (_local4 == DataChangeType.REPLACE){
} else {
selectedItems = preChangeItems;
preChangeItems = null;
protected function _invalidateList():void{
availableCellRenderers = [];
while (activeCellRenderers.length > 0) {
list.removeChild((activeCellRenderers.pop() as DisplayObject));
protected function updateRendererStyles():void{
var _local1:Array;
var _local2:uint;
var _local3:uint;
var _local4:String;
_local1 = availableCellRenderers.concat(activeCellRenderers);
_local2 = _local1.length;
_local3 = 0;
while (_local3 < _local2) {
if (_local1[_local3].setStyle == null){
} else {
for (_local4 in updatedRendererStyles) {
_local1[_local3].setStyle(_local4, updatedRendererStyles[_local4]);
updatedRendererStyles = {};
public function set selectedItem(_arg1:Object):void{
var _local2:int;
_local2 = _dataProvider.getItemIndex(_arg1);
selectedIndex = _local2;
public function sortItems(... _args){
return (_dataProvider.sort.apply(_dataProvider, _args));
public function removeAll():void{
protected function handleCellRendererChange(_arg1:Event):void{
var _local2:ICellRenderer;
var _local3:uint;
_local2 = (_arg1.currentTarget as ICellRenderer);
_local3 = _local2.listData.index;
protected function moveSelectionVertically(_arg1:uint, _arg2:Boolean, _arg3:Boolean):void{
override protected function setHorizontalScrollPosition(_arg1:Number, _arg2:Boolean=false):void{
var _local3:Number;
if (_arg1 == _horizontalScrollPosition){
_local3 = (_arg1 - _horizontalScrollPosition);
_horizontalScrollPosition = _arg1;
if (_arg2){
dispatchEvent(new ScrollEvent(ScrollBarDirection.HORIZONTAL, _local3, _arg1));
public function scrollToSelected():void{
public function invalidateItem(_arg1:Object):void{
if (renderedItems[_arg1] == null){
invalidItems[_arg1] = true;
protected function handleCellRendererClick(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{
var _local2:ICellRenderer;
var _local3:uint;
var _local4:int;
var _local5:int;
var _local6:uint;
if (!_enabled){
_local2 = (_arg1.currentTarget as ICellRenderer);
_local3 = _local2.listData.index;
if (((!(dispatchEvent(new ListEvent(ListEvent.ITEM_CLICK, false, true, _local2.listData.column, _local2.listData.row, _local3, _local2.data)))) || (!(_selectable)))){
_local4 = selectedIndices.indexOf(_local3);
if (!_allowMultipleSelection){
if (_local4 != -1){
_local2.selected = true;
_selectedIndices = [_local3];
lastCaretIndex = (caretIndex = _local3);
} else {
if (_arg1.shiftKey){
_local6 = ((_selectedIndices.length)>0) ? _selectedIndices[0] : _local3;
_selectedIndices = [];
if (_local6 > _local3){
_local5 = _local6;
while (_local5 >= _local3) {
} else {
_local5 = _local6;
while (_local5 <= _local3) {
caretIndex = _local3;
} else {
if (_arg1.ctrlKey){
if (_local4 != -1){
_local2.selected = false;
_selectedIndices.splice(_local4, 1);
} else {
_local2.selected = true;
caretIndex = _local3;
} else {
_selectedIndices = [_local3];
lastCaretIndex = (caretIndex = _local3);
dispatchEvent(new Event(Event.CHANGE));
public function get length():uint{
return (_dataProvider.length);
public function get allowMultipleSelection():Boolean{
return (_allowMultipleSelection);
protected function onPreChange(_arg1:DataChangeEvent):void{
switch (_arg1.changeType){
case DataChangeType.REMOVE:
case DataChangeType.ADD:
case DataChangeType.INVALIDATE:
case DataChangeType.REMOVE_ALL:
case DataChangeType.REPLACE:
case DataChangeType.INVALIDATE_ALL:
preChangeItems = selectedItems;
public function getRendererStyle(_arg1:String, _arg2:int=-1):Object{
return (rendererStyles[_arg1]);
override protected function setVerticalScrollPosition(_arg1:Number, _arg2:Boolean=false):void{
var _local3:Number;
if (_arg1 == _verticalScrollPosition){
_local3 = (_arg1 - _verticalScrollPosition);
_verticalScrollPosition = _arg1;
if (_arg2){
dispatchEvent(new ScrollEvent(ScrollBarDirection.VERTICAL, _local3, _arg1));
protected function moveSelectionHorizontally(_arg1:uint, _arg2:Boolean, _arg3:Boolean):void{
public function set selectedIndices(_arg1:Array):void{
if (!_selectable){
_selectedIndices = ((_arg1)==null) ? [] : _arg1.concat();
public function get selectedIndex():int{
return (((_selectedIndices.length)==0) ? -1 : _selectedIndices[(_selectedIndices.length - 1)]);
override protected function draw():void{
override protected function configUI():void{
listHolder = new Sprite();
listHolder.scrollRect = contentScrollRect;
list = new Sprite();
public function addItem(_arg1:Object):void{
protected function handleCellRendererMouseEvent(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{
var _local2:ICellRenderer;
var _local3:String;
_local2 = (_arg1.target as ICellRenderer);
_local3 = ((_arg1.type)==MouseEvent.ROLL_OVER) ? ListEvent.ITEM_ROLL_OVER : ListEvent.ITEM_ROLL_OUT;
dispatchEvent(new ListEvent(_local3, false, false, _local2.listData.column, _local2.listData.row, _local2.listData.index, _local2.data));
public function clearRendererStyle(_arg1:String, _arg2:int=-1):void{
delete rendererStyles[_arg1];
updatedRendererStyles[_arg1] = null;
protected function handleCellRendererDoubleClick(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{
var _local2:ICellRenderer;
var _local3:uint;
if (!_enabled){
_local2 = (_arg1.currentTarget as ICellRenderer);
_local3 = _local2.listData.index;
dispatchEvent(new ListEvent(ListEvent.ITEM_DOUBLE_CLICK, false, true, _local2.listData.column, _local2.listData.row, _local3, _local2.data));
public function get rowCount():uint{
return (0);
public function isItemSelected(_arg1:Object):Boolean{
return ((selectedItems.indexOf(_arg1) > -1));
public function set dataProvider(_arg1:DataProvider):void{
if (_dataProvider != null){
_dataProvider.removeEventListener(DataChangeEvent.DATA_CHANGE, handleDataChange);
_dataProvider.removeEventListener(DataChangeEvent.PRE_DATA_CHANGE, onPreChange);
_dataProvider = _arg1;
_dataProvider.addEventListener(DataChangeEvent.DATA_CHANGE, handleDataChange, false, 0, true);
_dataProvider.addEventListener(DataChangeEvent.PRE_DATA_CHANGE, onPreChange, false, 0, true);
override protected function drawLayout():void{
contentScrollRect = listHolder.scrollRect;
contentScrollRect.width = availableWidth;
contentScrollRect.height = availableHeight;
listHolder.scrollRect = contentScrollRect;
public function getItemAt(_arg1:uint):Object{
return (_dataProvider.getItemAt(_arg1));
override protected function initializeAccessibility():void{
if (SelectableList.createAccessibilityImplementation != null){
public function scrollToIndex(_arg1:int):void{
public function removeItem(_arg1:Object):Object{
return (_dataProvider.removeItem(_arg1));
public function get dataProvider():DataProvider{
return (_dataProvider);
public function set maxHorizontalScrollPosition(_arg1:Number):void{
_maxHorizontalScrollPosition = _arg1;
public function setRendererStyle(_arg1:String, _arg2:Object, _arg3:uint=0):void{
if (rendererStyles[_arg1] == _arg2){
updatedRendererStyles[_arg1] = _arg2;
rendererStyles[_arg1] = _arg2;
public function invalidateItemAt(_arg1:uint):void{
var _local2:Object;
_local2 = _dataProvider.getItemAt(_arg1);
if (_local2 != null){
public function set selectedItems(_arg1:Array):void{
var _local2:Array;
var _local3:uint;
var _local4:int;
if (_arg1 == null){
selectedIndices = null;
_local2 = [];
_local3 = 0;
while (_local3 < _arg1.length) {
_local4 = _dataProvider.getItemIndex(_arg1[_local3]);
if (_local4 != -1){
selectedIndices = _local2;
public function clearSelection():void{
selectedIndex = -1;
override public function get maxHorizontalScrollPosition():Number{
return (_maxHorizontalScrollPosition);
public function get selectedItems():Array{
var _local1:Array;
var _local2:uint;
_local1 = [];
_local2 = 0;
while (_local2 < _selectedIndices.length) {
return (_local1);
public function set selectedIndex(_arg1:int):void{
selectedIndices = ((_arg1)==-1) ? null : [_arg1];
public static function getStyleDefinition():Object{
return (mergeStyles(defaultStyles, BaseScrollPane.getStyleDefinition()));
}//package fl.controls
Section 15 (8.11 KiB) ● ●
//TextInput (fl.controls.TextInput)
package fl.controls {
import fl.core.*;
import flash.display.*;
import flash.events.*;
import fl.managers.*;
import fl.events.*;
import flash.text.*;
import flash.ui.*;
public class TextInput extends UIComponent implements IFocusManagerComponent {
protected var _html:Boolean;// = false
protected var _savedHTML:String;
protected var background:DisplayObject;
protected var _editable:Boolean;// = true
public var textField:TextField;
private static var defaultStyles:Object = {upSkin:"TextInput_upSkin", disabledSkin:"TextInput_disabledSkin", focusRectSkin:null, focusRectPadding:null, textFormat:null, disabledTextFormat:null, textPadding:0, embedFonts:false};
public static var createAccessibilityImplementation:Function;
public function TextInput(){
_editable = true;
_html = false;
override public function drawFocus(_arg1:Boolean):void{
if (focusTarget != null){
public function set imeMode(_arg1:String):void{
_imeMode = _arg1;
override protected function isOurFocus(_arg1:DisplayObject):Boolean{
return ((((_arg1 == textField)) || (super.isOurFocus(_arg1))));
protected function handleKeyDown(_arg1:KeyboardEvent):void{
if (_arg1.keyCode == Keyboard.ENTER){
dispatchEvent(new ComponentEvent(ComponentEvent.ENTER, true));
public function set text(_arg1:String):void{
textField.text = _arg1;
_html = false;
protected function updateTextFieldType():void{
textField.type = (((enabled) && (editable))) ? TextFieldType.INPUT : TextFieldType.DYNAMIC;
textField.selectable = enabled;
public function get selectionEndIndex():int{
return (textField.selectionEndIndex);
public function get editable():Boolean{
return (_editable);
override protected function focusInHandler(_arg1:FocusEvent):void{
var _local2:IFocusManager;
if (_arg1.target == this){
stage.focus = textField;
_local2 = focusManager;
if (((editable) && (_local2))){
_local2.showFocusIndicator = true;
if (((textField.selectable) && ((textField.selectionBeginIndex == textField.selectionBeginIndex)))){
setSelection(0, textField.length);
if (editable){
public function get selectionBeginIndex():int{
return (textField.selectionBeginIndex);
public function set alwaysShowSelection(_arg1:Boolean):void{
textField.alwaysShowSelection = _arg1;
override public function set enabled(_arg1:Boolean):void{
super.enabled = _arg1;
protected function setEmbedFont(){
var _local1:Object;
_local1 = getStyleValue("embedFonts");
if (_local1 != null){
textField.embedFonts = _local1;
public function get horizontalScrollPosition():int{
return (textField.scrollH);
public function set condenseWhite(_arg1:Boolean):void{
textField.condenseWhite = _arg1;
public function set displayAsPassword(_arg1:Boolean):void{
textField.displayAsPassword = _arg1;
public function set horizontalScrollPosition(_arg1:int):void{
textField.scrollH = _arg1;
public function get restrict():String{
return (textField.restrict);
public function get textWidth():Number{
return (textField.textWidth);
public function get textHeight():Number{
return (textField.textHeight);
public function set editable(_arg1:Boolean):void{
_editable = _arg1;
public function get maxChars():int{
return (textField.maxChars);
public function get length():int{
return (textField.length);
public function getLineMetrics(_arg1:int):TextLineMetrics{
return (textField.getLineMetrics(_arg1));
public function get imeMode():String{
return (_imeMode);
override protected function focusOutHandler(_arg1:FocusEvent):void{
if (editable){
public function set htmlText(_arg1:String):void{
if (_arg1 == ""){
text = "";
_html = true;
_savedHTML = _arg1;
textField.htmlText = _arg1;
public function get text():String{
return (textField.text);
override public function get enabled():Boolean{
return (super.enabled);
public function get condenseWhite():Boolean{
return (textField.condenseWhite);
public function get alwaysShowSelection():Boolean{
return (textField.alwaysShowSelection);
override protected function draw():void{
var _local1:Object;
if (isInvalid(InvalidationType.STYLES, InvalidationType.STATE)){
_local1 = getStyleValue("embedFonts");
if (_local1 != null){
textField.embedFonts = _local1;
invalidate(InvalidationType.SIZE, false);
if (isInvalid(InvalidationType.SIZE)){
protected function handleTextInput(_arg1:TextEvent):void{
dispatchEvent(new TextEvent(TextEvent.TEXT_INPUT, true, false, _arg1.text));
override protected function configUI():void{
tabChildren = true;
textField = new TextField();
textField.addEventListener(TextEvent.TEXT_INPUT, handleTextInput, false, 0, true);
textField.addEventListener(Event.CHANGE, handleChange, false, 0, true);
textField.addEventListener(KeyboardEvent.KEY_DOWN, handleKeyDown, false, 0, true);
public function setSelection(_arg1:int, _arg2:int):void{
textField.setSelection(_arg1, _arg2);
public function get displayAsPassword():Boolean{
return (textField.displayAsPassword);
public function appendText(_arg1:String):void{
public function set restrict(_arg1:String):void{
if (((componentInspectorSetting) && ((_arg1 == "")))){
_arg1 = null;
textField.restrict = _arg1;
public function get htmlText():String{
return (textField.htmlText);
protected function drawBackground():void{
var _local1:DisplayObject;
var _local2:String;
_local1 = background;
_local2 = (enabled) ? "upSkin" : "disabledSkin";
background = getDisplayObjectInstance(getStyleValue(_local2));
if (background == null){
addChildAt(background, 0);
if (((((!((_local1 == null))) && (!((_local1 == background))))) && (contains(_local1)))){
override public function setFocus():void{
stage.focus = textField;
protected function drawLayout():void{
var _local1:Number;
_local1 = Number(getStyleValue("textPadding"));
if (background != null){
background.width = width;
background.height = height;
textField.width = (width - (2 * _local1));
textField.height = (height - (2 * _local1));
textField.x = (textField.y = _local1);
public function set maxChars(_arg1:int):void{
textField.maxChars = _arg1;
public function get maxHorizontalScrollPosition():int{
return (textField.maxScrollH);
protected function drawTextFormat():void{
var _local1:Object;
var _local2:TextFormat;
var _local3:TextFormat;
_local1 = UIComponent.getStyleDefinition();
_local2 = (enabled) ? (_local1.defaultTextFormat as TextFormat) : (_local1.defaultDisabledTextFormat as TextFormat);
_local3 = (getStyleValue((enabled) ? "textFormat" : "disabledTextFormat") as TextFormat);
if (_local3 != null){
} else {
_local3 = _local2;
textField.defaultTextFormat = _local3;
if (_html){
textField.htmlText = _savedHTML;
protected function handleChange(_arg1:Event):void{
dispatchEvent(new Event(Event.CHANGE, true));
public static function getStyleDefinition():Object{
return (defaultStyles);
}//package fl.controls
Section 16 (163 B)
//ComponentShim (fl.core.ComponentShim)
package fl.core {
import flash.display.*;
public dynamic class ComponentShim extends MovieClip {
}//package fl.core
Section 17 (511 B)
//InvalidationType (fl.core.InvalidationType)
package fl.core {
public class InvalidationType {
public static const SIZE:String = "size";
public static const ALL:String = "all";
public static const DATA:String = "data";
public static const SCROLL:String = "scroll";
public static const STATE:String = "state";
public static const STYLES:String = "styles";
public static const SELECTED:String = "selected";
public static const RENDERER_STYLES:String = "rendererStyles";
}//package fl.core
Section 18 (14.32 KiB) ● ●
//UIComponent (fl.core.UIComponent)
package fl.core {
import flash.display.*;
import flash.events.*;
import flash.utils.*;
import fl.managers.*;
import fl.events.*;
import flash.text.*;
import flash.system.*;
public class UIComponent extends Sprite {
protected var _enabled:Boolean;// = true
private var _mouseFocusEnabled:Boolean;// = true
protected var startHeight:Number;
protected var _height:Number;
protected var _oldIMEMode:String;// = null
protected var startWidth:Number;
public var focusTarget:IFocusManagerComponent;
protected var errorCaught:Boolean;// = false
protected var uiFocusRect:DisplayObject;
protected var _width:Number;
public var version:String;// = ""
protected var isFocused:Boolean;// = false
protected var callLaterMethods:Dictionary;
private var _focusEnabled:Boolean;// = true
private var tempText:TextField;
protected var invalidateFlag:Boolean;// = false
protected var _inspector:Boolean;// = false
protected var sharedStyles:Object;
protected var invalidHash:Object;
protected var isLivePreview:Boolean;// = false
protected var _imeMode:String;// = null
protected var instanceStyles:Object;
protected var _x:Number;
protected var _y:Number;
public static var inCallLaterPhase:Boolean = false;
private static var defaultStyles:Object = {focusRectSkin:"focusRectSkin", focusRectPadding:2, textFormat:new TextFormat("_sans", 11, 0, false, false, false, "", "", TextFormatAlign.LEFT, 0, 0, 0, 0), disabledTextFormat:new TextFormat("_sans", 11, 0x999999, false, false, false, "", "", TextFormatAlign.LEFT, 0, 0, 0, 0), defaultTextFormat:new TextFormat("_sans", 11, 0, false, false, false, "", "", TextFormatAlign.LEFT, 0, 0, 0, 0), defaultDisabledTextFormat:new TextFormat("_sans", 11, 0x999999, false, false, false, "", "", TextFormatAlign.LEFT, 0, 0, 0, 0)};
public static var createAccessibilityImplementation:Function;
private static var focusManagers:Dictionary = new Dictionary(false);
public function UIComponent(){
version = "";
isLivePreview = false;
invalidateFlag = false;
_enabled = true;
isFocused = false;
_focusEnabled = true;
_mouseFocusEnabled = true;
_imeMode = null;
_oldIMEMode = null;
errorCaught = false;
_inspector = false;
instanceStyles = {};
sharedStyles = {};
invalidHash = {};
callLaterMethods = new Dictionary();
tabEnabled = (this is IFocusManagerComponent);
focusRect = false;
if (tabEnabled){
addEventListener(FocusEvent.FOCUS_IN, focusInHandler);
addEventListener(FocusEvent.FOCUS_OUT, focusOutHandler);
addEventListener(KeyboardEvent.KEY_DOWN, keyDownHandler);
addEventListener(KeyboardEvent.KEY_UP, keyUpHandler);
addEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, hookAccessibility, false, 0, true);
public function drawFocus(_arg1:Boolean):void{
var _local2:Number;
isFocused = _arg1;
if (((!((uiFocusRect == null))) && (contains(uiFocusRect)))){
uiFocusRect = null;
if (_arg1){
uiFocusRect = (getDisplayObjectInstance(getStyleValue("focusRectSkin")) as Sprite);
if (uiFocusRect == null){
_local2 = Number(getStyleValue("focusRectPadding"));
uiFocusRect.x = -(_local2);
uiFocusRect.y = -(_local2);
uiFocusRect.width = (width + (_local2 * 2));
uiFocusRect.height = (height + (_local2 * 2));
addChildAt(uiFocusRect, 0);
private function callLaterDispatcher(_arg1:Event):void{
var _local2:Dictionary;
var _local3:Object;
if (_arg1.type == Event.ADDED_TO_STAGE){
removeEventListener(Event.ADDED_TO_STAGE, callLaterDispatcher);
stage.addEventListener(Event.RENDER, callLaterDispatcher, false, 0, true);
_arg1.target.removeEventListener(Event.RENDER, callLaterDispatcher);
if (stage == null){
addEventListener(Event.ADDED_TO_STAGE, callLaterDispatcher, false, 0, true);
inCallLaterPhase = true;
_local2 = callLaterMethods;
for (_local3 in _local2) {
delete _local2[_local3];
inCallLaterPhase = false;
private function addedHandler(_arg1:Event):void{
removeEventListener("addedToStage", addedHandler);
protected function getStyleValue(_arg1:String):Object{
return (((instanceStyles[_arg1])==null) ? sharedStyles[_arg1] : instanceStyles[_arg1]);
protected function isOurFocus(_arg1:DisplayObject):Boolean{
return ((_arg1 == this));
override public function get scaleX():Number{
return ((width / startWidth));
override public function get scaleY():Number{
return ((height / startHeight));
override public function set height(_arg1:Number):void{
if (_height == _arg1){
setSize(width, _arg1);
protected function keyDownHandler(_arg1:KeyboardEvent):void{
protected function focusInHandler(_arg1:FocusEvent):void{
var _local2:IFocusManager;
if (isOurFocus((_arg1.target as DisplayObject))){
_local2 = focusManager;
if (((_local2) && (_local2.showFocusIndicator))){
isFocused = true;
public function setStyle(_arg1:String, _arg2:Object):void{
if ((((instanceStyles[_arg1] === _arg2)) && (!((_arg2 is TextFormat))))){
instanceStyles[_arg1] = _arg2;
override public function get visible():Boolean{
return (super.visible);
public function get componentInspectorSetting():Boolean{
return (_inspector);
override public function get x():Number{
return ((isNaN(_x)) ? super.x : _x);
override public function get y():Number{
return ((isNaN(_y)) ? super.y : _y);
protected function setIMEMode(_arg1:Boolean){
var enabled = _arg1;
if (_imeMode != null){
if (enabled){
IME.enabled = true;
_oldIMEMode = IME.conversionMode;
try {
if (((!(errorCaught)) && (!((IME.conversionMode == IMEConversionMode.UNKNOWN))))){
IME.conversionMode = _imeMode;
errorCaught = false;
} catch(e:Error) {
errorCaught = true;
throw (new Error(("IME mode not supported: " + _imeMode)));
} else {
if (((!((IME.conversionMode == IMEConversionMode.UNKNOWN))) && (!((_oldIMEMode == IMEConversionMode.UNKNOWN))))){
IME.conversionMode = _oldIMEMode;
IME.enabled = false;
public function set enabled(_arg1:Boolean):void{
if (_arg1 == _enabled){
_enabled = _arg1;
public function setSharedStyle(_arg1:String, _arg2:Object):void{
if ((((sharedStyles[_arg1] === _arg2)) && (!((_arg2 is TextFormat))))){
sharedStyles[_arg1] = _arg2;
if (instanceStyles[_arg1] == null){
protected function keyUpHandler(_arg1:KeyboardEvent):void{
public function set focusEnabled(_arg1:Boolean):void{
_focusEnabled = _arg1;
override public function set scaleX(_arg1:Number):void{
setSize((startWidth * _arg1), height);
public function get mouseFocusEnabled():Boolean{
return (_mouseFocusEnabled);
override public function set scaleY(_arg1:Number):void{
setSize(width, (startHeight * _arg1));
protected function getDisplayObjectInstance(_arg1:Object):DisplayObject{
var classDef:Object;
var skin = _arg1;
classDef = null;
if ((skin is Class)){
return ((new (skin) as DisplayObject));
if ((skin is DisplayObject)){
(skin as DisplayObject).x = 0;
(skin as DisplayObject).y = 0;
return ((skin as DisplayObject));
try {
classDef = getDefinitionByName(skin.toString());
} catch(e:Error) {
try {
classDef = (loaderInfo.applicationDomain.getDefinition(skin.toString()) as Object);
} catch(e:Error) {
if (classDef == null){
return (null);
return ((new (classDef) as DisplayObject));
protected function copyStylesToChild(_arg1:UIComponent, _arg2:Object):void{
var _local3:String;
for (_local3 in _arg2) {
_arg1.setStyle(_local3, getStyleValue(_arg2[_local3]));
protected function beforeComponentParameters():void{
protected function callLater(_arg1:Function):void{
if (inCallLaterPhase){
callLaterMethods[_arg1] = true;
if (stage != null){
stage.addEventListener(Event.RENDER, callLaterDispatcher, false, 0, true);
} else {
addEventListener(Event.ADDED_TO_STAGE, callLaterDispatcher, false, 0, true);
protected function createFocusManager():void{
if (focusManagers[stage] == null){
focusManagers[stage] = new FocusManager(stage);
override public function set visible(_arg1:Boolean):void{
var _local2:String;
if (super.visible == _arg1){
super.visible = _arg1;
_local2 = (_arg1) ? ComponentEvent.SHOW : ComponentEvent.HIDE;
dispatchEvent(new ComponentEvent(_local2, true));
protected function hookAccessibility(_arg1:Event):void{
removeEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, hookAccessibility);
public function set componentInspectorSetting(_arg1:Boolean):void{
_inspector = _arg1;
if (_inspector){
} else {
override public function set x(_arg1:Number):void{
move(_arg1, _y);
public function drawNow():void{
override public function set y(_arg1:Number):void{
move(_x, _arg1);
protected function checkLivePreview():Boolean{
var className:String;
if (parent == null){
return (false);
try {
className = getQualifiedClassName(parent);
} catch(e:Error) {
return ((className == "fl.livepreview::LivePreviewParent"));
protected function focusOutHandler(_arg1:FocusEvent):void{
if (isOurFocus((_arg1.target as DisplayObject))){
isFocused = false;
public function set mouseFocusEnabled(_arg1:Boolean):void{
_mouseFocusEnabled = _arg1;
public function getFocus():InteractiveObject{
if (stage){
return (stage.focus);
return (null);
protected function validate():void{
invalidHash = {};
override public function get height():Number{
return (_height);
public function invalidate(_arg1:String="all", _arg2:Boolean=true):void{
invalidHash[_arg1] = true;
if (_arg2){
public function get enabled():Boolean{
return (_enabled);
protected function getScaleX():Number{
return (super.scaleX);
protected function getScaleY():Number{
return (super.scaleY);
public function get focusEnabled():Boolean{
return (_focusEnabled);
protected function afterComponentParameters():void{
protected function draw():void{
if (isInvalid(InvalidationType.SIZE, InvalidationType.STYLES)){
if (((isFocused) && (focusManager.showFocusIndicator))){
protected function configUI():void{
var _local1:Number;
var _local2:Number;
var _local3:Number;
isLivePreview = checkLivePreview();
_local1 = rotation;
rotation = 0;
_local2 = super.width;
_local3 = super.height;
var _local4 = 1;
super.scaleY = _local4;
super.scaleX = _local4;
setSize(_local2, _local3);
move(super.x, super.y);
rotation = _local1;
startWidth = _local2;
startHeight = _local3;
if (numChildren > 0){
protected function setScaleX(_arg1:Number):void{
super.scaleX = _arg1;
protected function setScaleY(_arg1:Number):void{
super.scaleY = _arg1;
private function initializeFocusManager():void{
if (stage == null){
addEventListener(Event.ADDED_TO_STAGE, addedHandler, false, 0, true);
} else {
public function set focusManager(_arg1:IFocusManager):void{
UIComponent.focusManagers[this] = _arg1;
public function clearStyle(_arg1:String):void{
setStyle(_arg1, null);
protected function isInvalid(_arg1:String, ... _args):Boolean{
if (((invalidHash[_arg1]) || (invalidHash[InvalidationType.ALL]))){
return (true);
while (_args.length > 0) {
if (invalidHash[_args.pop()]){
return (true);
return (false);
public function setSize(_arg1:Number, _arg2:Number):void{
_width = _arg1;
_height = _arg2;
dispatchEvent(new ComponentEvent(ComponentEvent.RESIZE, false));
override public function set width(_arg1:Number):void{
if (_width == _arg1){
setSize(_arg1, height);
public function setFocus():void{
if (stage){
stage.focus = this;
protected function initializeAccessibility():void{
if (UIComponent.createAccessibilityImplementation != null){
public function get focusManager():IFocusManager{
var _local1:DisplayObject;
_local1 = this;
while (_local1) {
if (UIComponent.focusManagers[_local1] != null){
return (IFocusManager(UIComponent.focusManagers[_local1]));
_local1 = _local1.parent;
return (null);
override public function get width():Number{
return (_width);
public function move(_arg1:Number, _arg2:Number):void{
_x = _arg1;
_y = _arg2;
super.x = Math.round(_arg1);
super.y = Math.round(_arg2);
dispatchEvent(new ComponentEvent(ComponentEvent.MOVE));
public function validateNow():void{
invalidate(InvalidationType.ALL, false);
public function getStyle(_arg1:String):Object{
return (instanceStyles[_arg1]);
public static function getStyleDefinition():Object{
return (defaultStyles);
public static function mergeStyles(... _args):Object{
var _local2:Object;
var _local3:uint;
var _local4:uint;
var _local5:Object;
var _local6:String;
_local2 = {};
_local3 = _args.length;
_local4 = 0;
while (_local4 < _local3) {
_local5 = _args[_local4];
for (_local6 in _local5) {
if (_local2[_local6] != null){
} else {
_local2[_local6] = _args[_local4][_local6];
return (_local2);
}//package fl.core
Section 19 (7.21 KiB) ● ●
//DataProvider (fl.data.DataProvider)
package fl.data {
import flash.events.*;
import fl.events.*;
public class DataProvider extends EventDispatcher {
protected var data:Array;
public function DataProvider(_arg1:Object=null){
if (_arg1 == null){
data = [];
} else {
data = getDataFromObject(_arg1);
protected function dispatchPreChangeEvent(_arg1:String, _arg2:Array, _arg3:int, _arg4:int):void{
dispatchEvent(new DataChangeEvent(DataChangeEvent.PRE_DATA_CHANGE, _arg1, _arg2, _arg3, _arg4));
public function invalidateItemAt(_arg1:int):void{
checkIndex(_arg1, (data.length - 1));
dispatchChangeEvent(DataChangeType.INVALIDATE, [data[_arg1]], _arg1, _arg1);
public function getItemIndex(_arg1:Object):int{
return (data.indexOf(_arg1));
protected function getDataFromObject(_arg1:Object):Array{
var _local2:Array;
var _local3:Array;
var _local4:uint;
var _local5:Object;
var _local6:XML;
var _local7:XMLList;
var _local8:XML;
var _local9:XMLList;
var _local10:XML;
var _local11:XMLList;
var _local12:XML;
if ((_arg1 is Array)){
_local3 = (_arg1 as Array);
if (_local3.length > 0){
if ((((_local3[0] is String)) || ((_local3[0] is Number)))){
_local2 = [];
_local4 = 0;
while (_local4 < _local3.length) {
_local5 = {label:String(_local3[_local4]), data:_local3[_local4]};
return (_local2);
return (_arg1.concat());
//unresolved jump
if ((_arg1 is DataProvider)){
return (_arg1.toArray());
if ((_arg1 is XML)){
_local6 = (_arg1 as XML);
_local2 = [];
_local7 = _local6.*;
for each (_local8 in _local7) {
_arg1 = {};
_local9 = _local8.attributes();
for each (_local10 in _local9) {
_arg1[_local10.localName()] = _local10.toString();
_local11 = _local8.*;
for each (_local12 in _local11) {
if (_local12.hasSimpleContent()){
_arg1[_local12.localName()] = _local12.toString();
return (_local2);
//unresolved jump
throw (new TypeError((("Error: Type Coercion failed: cannot convert " + _arg1) + " to Array or DataProvider.")));
public function removeItemAt(_arg1:uint):Object{
var _local2:Array;
checkIndex(_arg1, (data.length - 1));
dispatchPreChangeEvent(DataChangeType.REMOVE, data.slice(_arg1, (_arg1 + 1)), _arg1, _arg1);
_local2 = data.splice(_arg1, 1);
dispatchChangeEvent(DataChangeType.REMOVE, _local2, _arg1, _arg1);
return (_local2[0]);
public function addItem(_arg1:Object):void{
dispatchPreChangeEvent(DataChangeType.ADD, [_arg1], (data.length - 1), (data.length - 1));
dispatchChangeEvent(DataChangeType.ADD, [_arg1], (data.length - 1), (data.length - 1));
public function sortOn(_arg1:Object, _arg2:Object=null){
var _local3:Array;
dispatchPreChangeEvent(DataChangeType.SORT, data.concat(), 0, (data.length - 1));
_local3 = data.sortOn(_arg1, _arg2);
dispatchChangeEvent(DataChangeType.SORT, data.concat(), 0, (data.length - 1));
return (_local3);
public function sort(... _args){
var _local2:Array;
dispatchPreChangeEvent(DataChangeType.SORT, data.concat(), 0, (data.length - 1));
_local2 = data.sort.apply(data, _args);
dispatchChangeEvent(DataChangeType.SORT, data.concat(), 0, (data.length - 1));
return (_local2);
public function addItems(_arg1:Object):void{
addItemsAt(_arg1, data.length);
public function concat(_arg1:Object):void{
public function clone():DataProvider{
return (new DataProvider(data));
public function toArray():Array{
return (data.concat());
public function get length():uint{
return (data.length);
public function addItemAt(_arg1:Object, _arg2:uint):void{
checkIndex(_arg2, data.length);
dispatchPreChangeEvent(DataChangeType.ADD, [_arg1], _arg2, _arg2);
data.splice(_arg2, 0, _arg1);
dispatchChangeEvent(DataChangeType.ADD, [_arg1], _arg2, _arg2);
public function getItemAt(_arg1:uint):Object{
checkIndex(_arg1, (data.length - 1));
return (data[_arg1]);
override public function toString():String{
return ((("DataProvider [" + data.join(" , ")) + "]"));
public function invalidateItem(_arg1:Object):void{
var _local2:uint;
_local2 = getItemIndex(_arg1);
if (_local2 == -1){
protected function dispatchChangeEvent(_arg1:String, _arg2:Array, _arg3:int, _arg4:int):void{
dispatchEvent(new DataChangeEvent(DataChangeEvent.DATA_CHANGE, _arg1, _arg2, _arg3, _arg4));
protected function checkIndex(_arg1:int, _arg2:int):void{
if ((((_arg1 > _arg2)) || ((_arg1 < 0)))){
throw (new RangeError((((("DataProvider index (" + _arg1) + ") is not in acceptable range (0 - ") + _arg2) + ")")));
public function addItemsAt(_arg1:Object, _arg2:uint):void{
var _local3:Array;
checkIndex(_arg2, data.length);
_local3 = getDataFromObject(_arg1);
dispatchPreChangeEvent(DataChangeType.ADD, _local3, _arg2, ((_arg2 + _local3.length) - 1));
data.splice.apply(data, [_arg2, 0].concat(_local3));
dispatchChangeEvent(DataChangeType.ADD, _local3, _arg2, ((_arg2 + _local3.length) - 1));
public function replaceItem(_arg1:Object, _arg2:Object):Object{
var _local3:int;
_local3 = getItemIndex(_arg2);
if (_local3 != -1){
return (replaceItemAt(_arg1, _local3));
return (null);
public function removeItem(_arg1:Object):Object{
var _local2:int;
_local2 = getItemIndex(_arg1);
if (_local2 != -1){
return (removeItemAt(_local2));
return (null);
public function merge(_arg1:Object):void{
var _local2:Array;
var _local3:uint;
var _local4:uint;
var _local5:uint;
var _local6:Object;
_local2 = getDataFromObject(_arg1);
_local3 = _local2.length;
_local4 = data.length;
dispatchPreChangeEvent(DataChangeType.ADD, data.slice(_local4, data.length), _local4, (this.data.length - 1));
_local5 = 0;
while (_local5 < _local3) {
_local6 = _local2[_local5];
if (getItemIndex(_local6) == -1){
if (data.length > _local4){
dispatchChangeEvent(DataChangeType.ADD, data.slice(_local4, data.length), _local4, (this.data.length - 1));
} else {
dispatchChangeEvent(DataChangeType.ADD, [], -1, -1);
public function replaceItemAt(_arg1:Object, _arg2:uint):Object{
var _local3:Array;
checkIndex(_arg2, (data.length - 1));
_local3 = [data[_arg2]];
dispatchPreChangeEvent(DataChangeType.REPLACE, _local3, _arg2, _arg2);
data[_arg2] = _arg1;
dispatchChangeEvent(DataChangeType.REPLACE, _local3, _arg2, _arg2);
return (_local3[0]);
public function invalidate():void{
dispatchEvent(new DataChangeEvent(DataChangeEvent.DATA_CHANGE, DataChangeType.INVALIDATE_ALL, data.concat(), 0, data.length));
public function removeAll():void{
var _local1:Array;
_local1 = data.concat();
dispatchPreChangeEvent(DataChangeType.REMOVE_ALL, _local1, 0, _local1.length);
data = [];
dispatchChangeEvent(DataChangeType.REMOVE_ALL, _local1, 0, _local1.length);
}//package fl.data
Section 20 (311 B)
//SimpleCollectionItem (fl.data.SimpleCollectionItem)
package fl.data {
public dynamic class SimpleCollectionItem {
public var label:String;
public var data:String;
public function toString():String{
return ((((("[SimpleCollectionItem: " + label) + ",") + data) + "]"));
}//package fl.data
Section 21 (862 B)
//ComponentEvent (fl.events.ComponentEvent)
package fl.events {
import flash.events.*;
public class ComponentEvent extends Event {
public static const HIDE:String = "hide";
public static const BUTTON_DOWN:String = "buttonDown";
public static const MOVE:String = "move";
public static const RESIZE:String = "resize";
public static const ENTER:String = "enter";
public static const LABEL_CHANGE:String = "labelChange";
public static const SHOW:String = "show";
public function ComponentEvent(_arg1:String, _arg2:Boolean=false, _arg3:Boolean=false){
super(_arg1, _arg2, _arg3);
override public function toString():String{
return (formatToString("ComponentEvent", "type", "bubbles", "cancelable"));
override public function clone():Event{
return (new ComponentEvent(type, bubbles, cancelable));
}//package fl.events
Section 22 (1.21 KiB) ●
//DataChangeEvent (fl.events.DataChangeEvent)
package fl.events {
import flash.events.*;
public class DataChangeEvent extends Event {
protected var _items:Array;
protected var _endIndex:uint;
protected var _changeType:String;
protected var _startIndex:uint;
public static const PRE_DATA_CHANGE:String = "preDataChange";
public static const DATA_CHANGE:String = "dataChange";
public function DataChangeEvent(_arg1:String, _arg2:String, _arg3:Array, _arg4:int=-1, _arg5:int=-1):void{
_changeType = _arg2;
_startIndex = _arg4;
_items = _arg3;
_endIndex = ((_arg5)==-1) ? _startIndex : _arg5;
public function get changeType():String{
return (_changeType);
public function get startIndex():uint{
return (_startIndex);
public function get items():Array{
return (_items);
override public function clone():Event{
return (new DataChangeEvent(type, _changeType, _items, _startIndex, _endIndex));
override public function toString():String{
return (formatToString("DataChangeEvent", "type", "changeType", "startIndex", "endIndex", "bubbles", "cancelable"));
public function get endIndex():uint{
return (_endIndex);
}//package fl.events
Section 23 (528 B)
//DataChangeType (fl.events.DataChangeType)
package fl.events {
public class DataChangeType {
public static const ADD:String = "add";
public static const REMOVE:String = "remove";
public static const REMOVE_ALL:String = "removeAll";
public static const CHANGE:String = "change";
public static const REPLACE:String = "replace";
public static const INVALIDATE:String = "invalidate";
public static const INVALIDATE_ALL:String = "invalidateAll";
public static const SORT:String = "sort";
}//package fl.events
Section 24 (1.3 KiB) ●
//ListEvent (fl.events.ListEvent)
package fl.events {
import flash.events.*;
public class ListEvent extends Event {
protected var _index:int;
protected var _item:Object;
protected var _columnIndex:int;
protected var _rowIndex:int;
public static const ITEM_DOUBLE_CLICK:String = "itemDoubleClick";
public static const ITEM_ROLL_OUT:String = "itemRollOut";
public static const ITEM_ROLL_OVER:String = "itemRollOver";
public static const ITEM_CLICK:String = "itemClick";
public function ListEvent(_arg1:String, _arg2:Boolean=false, _arg3:Boolean=false, _arg4:int=-1, _arg5:int=-1, _arg6:int=-1, _arg7:Object=null){
super(_arg1, _arg2, _arg3);
_rowIndex = _arg5;
_columnIndex = _arg4;
_index = _arg6;
_item = _arg7;
public function get rowIndex():Object{
return (_rowIndex);
public function get index():int{
return (_index);
public function get item():Object{
return (_item);
public function get columnIndex():int{
return (_columnIndex);
override public function clone():Event{
return (new ListEvent(type, bubbles, cancelable, _columnIndex, _rowIndex));
override public function toString():String{
return (formatToString("ListEvent", "type", "bubbles", "cancelable", "columnIndex", "rowIndex", "index", "item"));
}//package fl.events
Section 25 (946 B)
//ScrollEvent (fl.events.ScrollEvent)
package fl.events {
import flash.events.*;
public class ScrollEvent extends Event {
private var _position:Number;
private var _direction:String;
private var _delta:Number;
public static const SCROLL:String = "scroll";
public function ScrollEvent(_arg1:String, _arg2:Number, _arg3:Number){
super(ScrollEvent.SCROLL, false, false);
_direction = _arg1;
_delta = _arg2;
_position = _arg3;
override public function clone():Event{
return (new ScrollEvent(_direction, _delta, _position));
public function get position():Number{
return (_position);
override public function toString():String{
return (formatToString("ScrollEvent", "type", "bubbles", "cancelable", "direction", "delta", "position"));
public function get delta():Number{
return (_delta);
public function get direction():String{
return (_direction);
}//package fl.events
Section 26 (19.11 KiB) ● ● ●
//FocusManager (fl.managers.FocusManager)
package fl.managers {
import fl.core.*;
import fl.controls.*;
import flash.display.*;
import flash.events.*;
import flash.utils.*;
import flash.text.*;
import flash.ui.*;
public class FocusManager implements IFocusManager {
private var focusableObjects:Dictionary;
private var _showFocusIndicator:Boolean;// = true
private var defButton:Button;
private var focusableCandidates:Array;
private var _form:DisplayObjectContainer;
private var _defaultButtonEnabled:Boolean;// = true
private var activated:Boolean;// = false
private var _defaultButton:Button;
private var calculateCandidates:Boolean;// = true
private var lastFocus:InteractiveObject;
private var lastAction:String;
public function FocusManager(_arg1:DisplayObjectContainer){
activated = false;
calculateCandidates = true;
_showFocusIndicator = true;
_defaultButtonEnabled = true;
focusableObjects = new Dictionary(true);
if (_arg1 != null){
_form = _arg1;
_arg1.addEventListener(Event.ADDED, addedHandler);
_arg1.addEventListener(Event.REMOVED, removedHandler);
public function get showFocusIndicator():Boolean{
return (_showFocusIndicator);
private function getIndexOfNextObject(_arg1:int, _arg2:Boolean, _arg3:Boolean, _arg4:String):int{
var _local5:int;
var _local6:int;
var _local7:DisplayObject;
var _local8:IFocusManagerGroup;
var _local9:int;
var _local10:DisplayObject;
var _local11:IFocusManagerGroup;
_local5 = focusableCandidates.length;
_local6 = _arg1;
while (true) {
if (_arg2){
} else {
if (_arg3){
if (((_arg2) && ((_arg1 < 0)))){
if (((!(_arg2)) && ((_arg1 == _local5)))){
} else {
_arg1 = ((_arg1 + _local5) % _local5);
if (_local6 == _arg1){
if (isValidFocusCandidate(focusableCandidates[_arg1], _arg4)){
_local7 = DisplayObject(findFocusManagerComponent(focusableCandidates[_arg1]));
if ((_local7 is IFocusManagerGroup)){
_local8 = IFocusManagerGroup(_local7);
_local9 = 0;
while (_local9 < focusableCandidates.length) {
_local10 = focusableCandidates[_local9];
if ((_local10 is IFocusManagerGroup)){
_local11 = IFocusManagerGroup(_local10);
if ((((_local11.groupName == _local8.groupName)) && (_local11.selected))){
_arg1 = _local9;
return (_arg1);
return (_arg1);
public function set form(_arg1:DisplayObjectContainer):void{
_form = _arg1;
private function addFocusables(_arg1:DisplayObject, _arg2:Boolean=false):void{
var focusable:IFocusManagerComponent;
var io:InteractiveObject;
var doc:DisplayObjectContainer;
var i:int;
var child:DisplayObject;
var o = _arg1;
var skipTopLevel = _arg2;
if (!skipTopLevel){
if ((o is IFocusManagerComponent)){
focusable = IFocusManagerComponent(o);
if (focusable.focusEnabled){
if (((focusable.tabEnabled) && (isTabVisible(o)))){
focusableObjects[o] = true;
calculateCandidates = true;
o.addEventListener(Event.TAB_ENABLED_CHANGE, tabEnabledChangeHandler);
o.addEventListener(Event.TAB_INDEX_CHANGE, tabIndexChangeHandler);
} else {
if ((o is InteractiveObject)){
io = (o as InteractiveObject);
if (((((io) && (io.tabEnabled))) && ((findFocusManagerComponent(io) == io)))){
focusableObjects[io] = true;
calculateCandidates = true;
io.addEventListener(Event.TAB_ENABLED_CHANGE, tabEnabledChangeHandler);
io.addEventListener(Event.TAB_INDEX_CHANGE, tabIndexChangeHandler);
if ((o is DisplayObjectContainer)){
doc = DisplayObjectContainer(o);
o.addEventListener(Event.TAB_CHILDREN_CHANGE, tabChildrenChangeHandler);
if ((((((doc is Stage)) || ((doc.parent is Stage)))) || (doc.tabChildren))){
i = 0;
while (i < doc.numChildren) {
try {
child = doc.getChildAt(i);
if (child != null){
} catch(error:SecurityError) {
i = (i + 1);
private function getChildIndex(_arg1:DisplayObjectContainer, _arg2:DisplayObject):int{
return (_arg1.getChildIndex(_arg2));
private function mouseFocusChangeHandler(_arg1:FocusEvent):void{
if ((_arg1.relatedObject is TextField)){
private function focusOutHandler(_arg1:FocusEvent):void{
var _local2:InteractiveObject;
_local2 = (_arg1.target as InteractiveObject);
private function isValidFocusCandidate(_arg1:DisplayObject, _arg2:String):Boolean{
var _local3:IFocusManagerGroup;
if (!isEnabledAndVisible(_arg1)){
return (false);
if ((_arg1 is IFocusManagerGroup)){
_local3 = IFocusManagerGroup(_arg1);
if (_arg2 == _local3.groupName){
return (false);
return (true);
public function findFocusManagerComponent(_arg1:InteractiveObject):InteractiveObject{
var _local2:InteractiveObject;
_local2 = _arg1;
while (_arg1) {
if ((((_arg1 is IFocusManagerComponent)) && (IFocusManagerComponent(_arg1).focusEnabled))){
return (_arg1);
_arg1 = _arg1.parent;
return (_local2);
private function sortFocusableObjectsTabIndex():void{
var _local1:Object;
var _local2:InteractiveObject;
focusableCandidates = [];
for (_local1 in focusableObjects) {
_local2 = InteractiveObject(_local1);
if (((_local2.tabIndex) && (!(isNaN(Number(_local2.tabIndex)))))){
private function removeFocusables(_arg1:DisplayObject):void{
var _local2:Object;
var _local3:DisplayObject;
if ((_arg1 is DisplayObjectContainer)){
_arg1.removeEventListener(Event.TAB_CHILDREN_CHANGE, tabChildrenChangeHandler);
_arg1.removeEventListener(Event.TAB_INDEX_CHANGE, tabIndexChangeHandler);
for (_local2 in focusableObjects) {
_local3 = DisplayObject(_local2);
if (DisplayObjectContainer(_arg1).contains(_local3)){
if (_local3 == lastFocus){
lastFocus = null;
_local3.removeEventListener(Event.TAB_ENABLED_CHANGE, tabEnabledChangeHandler);
delete focusableObjects[_local2];
calculateCandidates = true;
private function addedHandler(_arg1:Event):void{
var _local2:DisplayObject;
_local2 = DisplayObject(_arg1.target);
if (_local2.stage){
private function getTopLevelFocusTarget(_arg1:InteractiveObject):InteractiveObject{
while (_arg1 != InteractiveObject(form)) {
if ((((((((_arg1 is IFocusManagerComponent)) && (IFocusManagerComponent(_arg1).focusEnabled))) && (IFocusManagerComponent(_arg1).mouseFocusEnabled))) && (UIComponent(_arg1).enabled))){
return (_arg1);
_arg1 = _arg1.parent;
if (_arg1 == null){
return (null);
private function tabChildrenChangeHandler(_arg1:Event):void{
var _local2:DisplayObjectContainer;
if (_arg1.target != _arg1.currentTarget){
calculateCandidates = true;
_local2 = DisplayObjectContainer(_arg1.target);
if (_local2.tabChildren){
addFocusables(_local2, true);
} else {
public function sendDefaultButtonEvent():void{
defButton.dispatchEvent(new MouseEvent(MouseEvent.CLICK));
public function getFocus():InteractiveObject{
var _local1:InteractiveObject;
_local1 = form.stage.focus;
return (findFocusManagerComponent(_local1));
private function isEnabledAndVisible(_arg1:DisplayObject):Boolean{
var _local2:DisplayObjectContainer;
var _local3:TextField;
var _local4:SimpleButton;
_local2 = DisplayObject(form).parent;
while (_arg1 != _local2) {
if ((_arg1 is UIComponent)){
if (!UIComponent(_arg1).enabled){
return (false);
} else {
if ((_arg1 is TextField)){
_local3 = TextField(_arg1);
if ((((_local3.type == TextFieldType.DYNAMIC)) || (!(_local3.selectable)))){
return (false);
} else {
if ((_arg1 is SimpleButton)){
_local4 = SimpleButton(_arg1);
if (!_local4.enabled){
return (false);
if (!_arg1.visible){
return (false);
_arg1 = _arg1.parent;
return (true);
public function set defaultButton(_arg1:Button):void{
var _local2:Button;
_local2 = (_arg1) ? Button(_arg1) : null;
if (_local2 != _defaultButton){
if (_defaultButton){
_defaultButton.emphasized = false;
if (defButton){
defButton.emphasized = false;
_defaultButton = _local2;
defButton = _local2;
if (_local2){
_local2.emphasized = true;
private function deactivateHandler(_arg1:Event):void{
var _local2:InteractiveObject;
_local2 = InteractiveObject(_arg1.target);
public function setFocus(_arg1:InteractiveObject):void{
if ((_arg1 is IFocusManagerComponent)){
} else {
form.stage.focus = _arg1;
private function setFocusToNextObject(_arg1:FocusEvent):void{
var _local2:InteractiveObject;
if (!hasFocusableObjects()){
_local2 = getNextFocusManagerComponent(_arg1.shiftKey);
if (_local2){
private function hasFocusableObjects():Boolean{
var _local1:Object;
for (_local1 in focusableObjects) {
return (true);
return (false);
private function tabIndexChangeHandler(_arg1:Event):void{
calculateCandidates = true;
private function sortFocusableObjects():void{
var _local1:Object;
var _local2:InteractiveObject;
focusableCandidates = [];
for (_local1 in focusableObjects) {
_local2 = InteractiveObject(_local1);
if (((((_local2.tabIndex) && (!(isNaN(Number(_local2.tabIndex)))))) && ((_local2.tabIndex > 0)))){
private function keyFocusChangeHandler(_arg1:FocusEvent):void{
showFocusIndicator = true;
if ((((((_arg1.keyCode == Keyboard.TAB)) || ((_arg1.keyCode == 0)))) && (!(_arg1.isDefaultPrevented())))){
private function getIndexOfFocusedObject(_arg1:DisplayObject):int{
var _local2:int;
var _local3:int;
_local2 = focusableCandidates.length;
_local3 = 0;
_local3 = 0;
while (_local3 < _local2) {
if (focusableCandidates[_local3] == _arg1){
return (_local3);
return (-1);
public function hideFocus():void{
private function removedHandler(_arg1:Event):void{
var _local2:int;
var _local3:DisplayObject;
var _local4:InteractiveObject;
_local3 = DisplayObject(_arg1.target);
if ((((_local3 is IFocusManagerComponent)) && ((focusableObjects[_local3] == true)))){
if (_local3 == lastFocus){
lastFocus = null;
_local3.removeEventListener(Event.TAB_ENABLED_CHANGE, tabEnabledChangeHandler);
delete focusableObjects[_local3];
calculateCandidates = true;
} else {
if ((((_local3 is InteractiveObject)) && ((focusableObjects[_local3] == true)))){
_local4 = (_local3 as InteractiveObject);
if (_local4){
if (_local4 == lastFocus){
lastFocus = null;
delete focusableObjects[_local4];
calculateCandidates = true;
_local3.addEventListener(Event.TAB_ENABLED_CHANGE, tabEnabledChangeHandler);
private function sortByDepth(_arg1:InteractiveObject, _arg2:InteractiveObject):Number{
var _local3:String;
var _local4:String;
var _local5:int;
var _local6:String;
var _local7:String;
var _local8:String;
var _local9:DisplayObject;
var _local10:DisplayObject;
_local3 = "";
_local4 = "";
_local8 = "0000";
_local9 = DisplayObject(_arg1);
_local10 = DisplayObject(_arg2);
while (((!((_local9 == DisplayObject(form)))) && (_local9.parent))) {
_local5 = getChildIndex(_local9.parent, _local9);
_local6 = _local5.toString(16);
if (_local6.length < 4){
_local7 = (_local8.substring(0, (4 - _local6.length)) + _local6);
_local3 = (_local7 + _local3);
_local9 = _local9.parent;
while (((!((_local10 == DisplayObject(form)))) && (_local10.parent))) {
_local5 = getChildIndex(_local10.parent, _local10);
_local6 = _local5.toString(16);
if (_local6.length < 4){
_local7 = (_local8.substring(0, (4 - _local6.length)) + _local6);
_local4 = (_local7 + _local4);
_local10 = _local10.parent;
return (((_local3 > _local4)) ? 1 : ((_local3 < _local4)) ? -1 : 0);
public function get defaultButton():Button{
return (_defaultButton);
private function activateHandler(_arg1:Event):void{
var _local2:InteractiveObject;
_local2 = InteractiveObject(_arg1.target);
if (lastFocus){
if ((lastFocus is IFocusManagerComponent)){
} else {
form.stage.focus = lastFocus;
lastAction = "ACTIVATE";
public function showFocus():void{
public function set defaultButtonEnabled(_arg1:Boolean):void{
_defaultButtonEnabled = _arg1;
public function getNextFocusManagerComponent(_arg1:Boolean=false):InteractiveObject{
var _local2:DisplayObject;
var _local3:String;
var _local4:int;
var _local5:Boolean;
var _local6:int;
var _local7:int;
var _local8:IFocusManagerGroup;
if (!hasFocusableObjects()){
return (null);
if (calculateCandidates){
calculateCandidates = false;
_local2 = form.stage.focus;
_local2 = DisplayObject(findFocusManagerComponent(InteractiveObject(_local2)));
_local3 = "";
if ((_local2 is IFocusManagerGroup)){
_local8 = IFocusManagerGroup(_local2);
_local3 = _local8.groupName;
_local4 = getIndexOfFocusedObject(_local2);
_local5 = false;
_local6 = _local4;
if (_local4 == -1){
if (_arg1){
_local4 = focusableCandidates.length;
_local5 = true;
_local7 = getIndexOfNextObject(_local4, _arg1, _local5, _local3);
return (findFocusManagerComponent(focusableCandidates[_local7]));
private function mouseDownHandler(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{
var _local2:InteractiveObject;
if (_arg1.isDefaultPrevented()){
_local2 = getTopLevelFocusTarget(InteractiveObject(_arg1.target));
if (!_local2){
showFocusIndicator = false;
if (((((!((_local2 == lastFocus))) || ((lastAction == "ACTIVATE")))) && (!((_local2 is TextField))))){
lastAction = "MOUSEDOWN";
private function isTabVisible(_arg1:DisplayObject):Boolean{
var _local2:DisplayObjectContainer;
_local2 = _arg1.parent;
while (((((_local2) && (!((_local2 is Stage))))) && (!(((_local2.parent) && ((_local2.parent is Stage))))))) {
if (!_local2.tabChildren){
return (false);
_local2 = _local2.parent;
return (true);
public function get nextTabIndex():int{
return (0);
private function keyDownHandler(_arg1:KeyboardEvent):void{
if (_arg1.keyCode == Keyboard.TAB){
lastAction = "KEY";
if (calculateCandidates){
calculateCandidates = false;
if (((((((defaultButtonEnabled) && ((_arg1.keyCode == Keyboard.ENTER)))) && (defaultButton))) && (defButton.enabled))){
private function focusInHandler(_arg1:FocusEvent):void{
var _local2:InteractiveObject;
var _local3:Button;
_local2 = InteractiveObject(_arg1.target);
if (form.contains(_local2)){
lastFocus = findFocusManagerComponent(InteractiveObject(_local2));
if ((lastFocus is Button)){
_local3 = Button(lastFocus);
if (defButton){
defButton.emphasized = false;
defButton = _local3;
_local3.emphasized = true;
} else {
if (((defButton) && (!((defButton == _defaultButton))))){
defButton.emphasized = false;
defButton = _defaultButton;
_defaultButton.emphasized = true;
private function tabEnabledChangeHandler(_arg1:Event):void{
var _local2:InteractiveObject;
var _local3:Boolean;
calculateCandidates = true;
_local2 = InteractiveObject(_arg1.target);
_local3 = (focusableObjects[_local2] == true);
if (_local2.tabEnabled){
if (((!(_local3)) && (isTabVisible(_local2)))){
if (!(_local2 is IFocusManagerComponent)){
_local2.focusRect = false;
focusableObjects[_local2] = true;
} else {
if (_local3){
delete focusableObjects[_local2];
public function set showFocusIndicator(_arg1:Boolean):void{
_showFocusIndicator = _arg1;
public function get form():DisplayObjectContainer{
return (_form);
private function sortByTabIndex(_arg1:InteractiveObject, _arg2:InteractiveObject):int{
return (((_arg1.tabIndex > _arg2.tabIndex)) ? 1 : ((_arg1.tabIndex < _arg2.tabIndex)) ? -1 : sortByDepth(_arg1, _arg2));
public function activate():void{
if (activated){
form.stage.addEventListener(FocusEvent.MOUSE_FOCUS_CHANGE, mouseFocusChangeHandler, false, 0, true);
form.stage.addEventListener(FocusEvent.KEY_FOCUS_CHANGE, keyFocusChangeHandler, false, 0, true);
form.addEventListener(FocusEvent.FOCUS_IN, focusInHandler, true);
form.addEventListener(FocusEvent.FOCUS_OUT, focusOutHandler, true);
form.stage.addEventListener(Event.ACTIVATE, activateHandler, false, 0, true);
form.stage.addEventListener(Event.DEACTIVATE, deactivateHandler, false, 0, true);
form.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, mouseDownHandler);
form.addEventListener(KeyboardEvent.KEY_DOWN, keyDownHandler, true);
activated = true;
if (lastFocus){
public function deactivate():void{
form.stage.removeEventListener(FocusEvent.MOUSE_FOCUS_CHANGE, mouseFocusChangeHandler);
form.stage.removeEventListener(FocusEvent.KEY_FOCUS_CHANGE, keyFocusChangeHandler);
form.removeEventListener(FocusEvent.FOCUS_IN, focusInHandler, true);
form.removeEventListener(FocusEvent.FOCUS_OUT, focusOutHandler, true);
form.stage.removeEventListener(Event.ACTIVATE, activateHandler);
form.stage.removeEventListener(Event.DEACTIVATE, deactivateHandler);
form.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, mouseDownHandler);
form.removeEventListener(KeyboardEvent.KEY_DOWN, keyDownHandler, true);
activated = false;
public function get defaultButtonEnabled():Boolean{
return (_defaultButtonEnabled);
}//package fl.managers
Section 27 (873 B)
//IFocusManager (fl.managers.IFocusManager)
package fl.managers {
import fl.controls.*;
import flash.display.*;
public interface IFocusManager {
function getFocus():InteractiveObject;
function deactivate():void;
function set defaultButton(_arg1:Button):void;
function set showFocusIndicator(_arg1:Boolean):void;
function get defaultButtonEnabled():Boolean;
function get nextTabIndex():int;
function get defaultButton():Button;
function get showFocusIndicator():Boolean;
function setFocus(_arg1:InteractiveObject):void;
function activate():void;
function showFocus():void;
function set defaultButtonEnabled(_arg1:Boolean):void;
function hideFocus():void;
function findFocusManagerComponent(_arg1:InteractiveObject):InteractiveObject;
function getNextFocusManagerComponent(_arg1:Boolean=false):InteractiveObject;
}//package fl.managers
Section 28 (426 B)
//IFocusManagerComponent (fl.managers.IFocusManagerComponent)
package fl.managers {
public interface IFocusManagerComponent {
function set focusEnabled(_arg1:Boolean):void;
function drawFocus(_arg1:Boolean):void;
function setFocus():void;
function get focusEnabled():Boolean;
function get tabEnabled():Boolean;
function get tabIndex():int;
function get mouseFocusEnabled():Boolean;
}//package fl.managers
Section 29 (304 B)
//IFocusManagerGroup (fl.managers.IFocusManagerGroup)
package fl.managers {
public interface IFocusManagerGroup {
function set groupName(_arg1:String):void;
function set selected(_arg1:Boolean):void;
function get groupName():String;
function get selected():Boolean;
}//package fl.managers
Section 30 (5.83 KiB) ● ●
//StyleManager (fl.managers.StyleManager)
package fl.managers {
import fl.core.*;
import flash.utils.*;
import flash.text.*;
public class StyleManager {
private var globalStyles:Object;
private var classToDefaultStylesDict:Dictionary;
private var styleToClassesHash:Object;
private var classToStylesDict:Dictionary;
private var classToInstancesDict:Dictionary;
private static var _instance:StyleManager;
public function StyleManager(){
styleToClassesHash = {};
classToInstancesDict = new Dictionary(true);
classToStylesDict = new Dictionary(true);
classToDefaultStylesDict = new Dictionary(true);
globalStyles = UIComponent.getStyleDefinition();
public static function clearComponentStyle(_arg1:Object, _arg2:String):void{
var _local3:Class;
var _local4:Object;
_local3 = getClassDef(_arg1);
_local4 = getInstance().classToStylesDict[_local3];
if (((!((_local4 == null))) && (!((_local4[_arg2] == null))))){
delete _local4[_arg2];
invalidateComponentStyle(_local3, _arg2);
private static function getClassDef(_arg1:Object):Class{
var component = _arg1;
if ((component is Class)){
return ((component as Class));
try {
return ((getDefinitionByName(getQualifiedClassName(component)) as Class));
} catch(e:Error) {
if ((component is UIComponent)){
try {
return ((component.loaderInfo.applicationDomain.getDefinition(getQualifiedClassName(component)) as Class));
} catch(e:Error) {
return (null);
public static function clearStyle(_arg1:String):void{
setStyle(_arg1, null);
public static function setComponentStyle(_arg1:Object, _arg2:String, _arg3:Object):void{
var _local4:Class;
var _local5:Object;
_local4 = getClassDef(_arg1);
_local5 = getInstance().classToStylesDict[_local4];
if (_local5 == null){
_local5 = (getInstance().classToStylesDict[_local4] = {});
if (_local5 == _arg3){
_local5[_arg2] = _arg3;
invalidateComponentStyle(_local4, _arg2);
private static function setSharedStyles(_arg1:UIComponent):void{
var _local2:StyleManager;
var _local3:Class;
var _local4:Object;
var _local5:String;
_local2 = getInstance();
_local3 = getClassDef(_arg1);
_local4 = _local2.classToDefaultStylesDict[_local3];
for (_local5 in _local4) {
_arg1.setSharedStyle(_local5, getSharedStyle(_arg1, _local5));
public static function getComponentStyle(_arg1:Object, _arg2:String):Object{
var _local3:Class;
var _local4:Object;
_local3 = getClassDef(_arg1);
_local4 = getInstance().classToStylesDict[_local3];
return (((_local4)==null) ? null : _local4[_arg2]);
private static function getInstance(){
if (_instance == null){
_instance = new (StyleManager);
return (_instance);
private static function invalidateComponentStyle(_arg1:Class, _arg2:String):void{
var _local3:Dictionary;
var _local4:Object;
var _local5:UIComponent;
_local3 = getInstance().classToInstancesDict[_arg1];
if (_local3 == null){
for (_local4 in _local3) {
_local5 = (_local4 as UIComponent);
if (_local5 == null){
} else {
_local5.setSharedStyle(_arg2, getSharedStyle(_local5, _arg2));
private static function invalidateStyle(_arg1:String):void{
var _local2:Dictionary;
var _local3:Object;
_local2 = getInstance().styleToClassesHash[_arg1];
if (_local2 == null){
for (_local3 in _local2) {
invalidateComponentStyle(Class(_local3), _arg1);
public static function registerInstance(_arg1:UIComponent):void{
var inst:StyleManager;
var classDef:Class;
var target:Class;
var defaultStyles:Object;
var styleToClasses:Object;
var n:String;
var instance = _arg1;
inst = getInstance();
classDef = getClassDef(instance);
if (classDef == null){
if (inst.classToInstancesDict[classDef] == null){
inst.classToInstancesDict[classDef] = new Dictionary(true);
target = classDef;
while (defaultStyles == null) {
if (target["getStyleDefinition"] != null){
defaultStyles = target["getStyleDefinition"]();
try {
target = (instance.loaderInfo.applicationDomain.getDefinition(getQualifiedSuperclassName(target)) as Class);
} catch(err:Error) {
try {
target = (getDefinitionByName(getQualifiedSuperclassName(target)) as Class);
} catch(e:Error) {
defaultStyles = UIComponent.getStyleDefinition();
styleToClasses = inst.styleToClassesHash;
for (n in defaultStyles) {
if (styleToClasses[n] == null){
styleToClasses[n] = new Dictionary(true);
styleToClasses[n][classDef] = true;
inst.classToDefaultStylesDict[classDef] = defaultStyles;
inst.classToStylesDict[classDef] = {};
inst.classToInstancesDict[classDef][instance] = true;
public static function getStyle(_arg1:String):Object{
return (getInstance().globalStyles[_arg1]);
private static function getSharedStyle(_arg1:UIComponent, _arg2:String):Object{
var _local3:Class;
var _local4:StyleManager;
var _local5:Object;
_local3 = getClassDef(_arg1);
_local4 = getInstance();
_local5 = _local4.classToStylesDict[_local3][_arg2];
if (_local5 != null){
return (_local5);
_local5 = _local4.globalStyles[_arg2];
if (_local5 != null){
return (_local5);
return (_local4.classToDefaultStylesDict[_local3][_arg2]);
public static function setStyle(_arg1:String, _arg2:Object):void{
var _local3:Object;
_local3 = getInstance().globalStyles;
if ((((_local3[_arg1] === _arg2)) && (!((_arg2 is TextFormat))))){
_local3[_arg1] = _arg2;
}//package fl.managers
Section 31 (2.22 KiB) ●
//MochiCoins (mochi.as3.MochiCoins)
package mochi.as3 {
public class MochiCoins {
public static const STORE_HIDE:String = "StoreHide";
public static const NO_USER:String = "NoUser";
public static const IO_ERROR:String = "IOError";
public static const ITEM_NEW:String = "ItemNew";
public static const ITEM_OWNED:String = "ItemOwned";
public static const STORE_ITEMS:String = "StoreItems";
public static const ERROR:String = "Error";
public static const STORE_SHOW:String = "StoreShow";
public static var _inventory:MochiInventory;
public static function triggerEvent(_arg1:String, _arg2:Object):void{
MochiSocial.triggerEvent(_arg1, _arg2);
public static function removeEventListener(_arg1:String, _arg2:Function):void{
MochiSocial.removeEventListener(_arg1, _arg2);
public static function addEventListener(_arg1:String, _arg2:Function):void{
MochiSocial.addEventListener(_arg1, _arg2);
public static function getStoreItems():void{
public static function get inventory():MochiInventory{
return (_inventory);
public static function showStore(_arg1:Object=null):void{
MochiServices.send("coins_showStore", {options:_arg1}, null, null);
public static function showItem(_arg1:Object=null):void{
if (((!(_arg1)) || (!((typeof(_arg1.item) == "string"))))){
trace("ERROR: showItem call must pass an Object with an item key");
MochiServices.send("coins_showItem", {options:_arg1}, null, null);
public static function getVersion():String{
return (MochiServices.getVersion());
public static function showVideo(_arg1:Object=null):void{
if (((!(_arg1)) || (!((typeof(_arg1.item) == "string"))))){
trace("ERROR: showVideo call must pass an Object with an item key");
MochiServices.send("coins_showVideo", {options:_arg1}, null, null);
MochiSocial.addEventListener(MochiSocial.LOGGED_IN, function (_arg1:Object):void{
_inventory = new MochiInventory();
MochiSocial.addEventListener(MochiSocial.LOGGED_OUT, function (_arg1:Object):void{
_inventory = null;
}//package mochi.as3
Section 32 (1.28 KiB) ●
//MochiDigits (mochi.as3.MochiDigits)
package mochi.as3 {
public final class MochiDigits {
private var Sibling:MochiDigits;
private var Fragment:Number;
private var Encoder:Number;
public function MochiDigits(_arg1:Number=0, _arg2:uint=0):void{
Encoder = 0;
setValue(_arg1, _arg2);
public function set value(_arg1:Number):void{
public function reencode():void{
var _local1:uint;
_local1 = int((2147483647 * Math.random()));
Fragment = (Fragment ^ (_local1 ^ Encoder));
Encoder = _local1;
public function toString():String{
var _local1:String;
_local1 = String.fromCharCode((Fragment ^ Encoder));
if (Sibling != null){
_local1 = (_local1 + Sibling.toString());
return (_local1);
public function get value():Number{
return (Number(this.toString()));
public function setValue(_arg1:Number=0, _arg2:uint=0):void{
var _local3:String;
_local3 = _arg1.toString();
var _temp1 = _arg2;
_arg2 = (_arg2 + 1);
Fragment = (_local3.charCodeAt(_temp1) ^ Encoder);
if (_arg2 < _local3.length){
Sibling = new MochiDigits(_arg1, _arg2);
} else {
Sibling = null;
public function addValue(_arg1:Number):void{
value = (value + _arg1);
}//package mochi.as3
Section 33 (0.98 KiB)
//MochiEventDispatcher (mochi.as3.MochiEventDispatcher)
package mochi.as3 {
public class MochiEventDispatcher {
private var eventTable:Object;
public function MochiEventDispatcher():void{
eventTable = {};
public function triggerEvent(_arg1:String, _arg2:Object):void{
var _local3:Object;
if (eventTable[_arg1] == undefined){
for (_local3 in eventTable[_arg1]) {
var _local6 = eventTable[_arg1];
public function removeEventListener(_arg1:String, _arg2:Function):void{
var _local3:Object;
if (eventTable[_arg1] == undefined){
eventTable[_arg1] = [];
for (_local3 in eventTable[_arg1]) {
if (eventTable[_arg1][_local3] != _arg2){
} else {
eventTable[_arg1].splice(Number(_local3), 1);
public function addEventListener(_arg1:String, _arg2:Function):void{
removeEventListener(_arg1, _arg2);
}//package mochi.as3
Section 34 (2.76 KiB) ●
//MochiEvents (mochi.as3.MochiEvents)
package mochi.as3 {
import flash.display.*;
public class MochiEvents {
public static const ALIGN_BOTTOM_LEFT:String = "ALIGN_BL";
public static const FORMAT_LONG:String = "LongForm";
public static const ALIGN_BOTTOM:String = "ALIGN_B";
public static const ACHIEVEMENT_RECEIVED:String = "AchievementReceived";
public static const FORMAT_SHORT:String = "ShortForm";
public static const ALIGN_TOP_RIGHT:String = "ALIGN_TR";
public static const ALIGN_BOTTOM_RIGHT:String = "ALIGN_BR";
public static const ALIGN_TOP:String = "ALIGN_T";
public static const ALIGN_LEFT:String = "ALIGN_L";
public static const ALIGN_RIGHT:String = "ALIGN_R";
public static const ALIGN_TOP_LEFT:String = "ALIGN_TL";
public static const ALIGN_CENTER:String = "ALIGN_C";
private static var _dispatcher:MochiEventDispatcher = new MochiEventDispatcher();
private static var gameStart:Number;
private static var levelStart:Number;
public static function addEventListener(_arg1:String, _arg2:Function):void{
_dispatcher.addEventListener(_arg1, _arg2);
public static function removeEventListener(_arg1:String, _arg2:Function):void{
_dispatcher.removeEventListener(_arg1, _arg2);
public static function startSession(_arg1:String):void{
MochiServices.send("events_beginSession", {achievementID:_arg1}, null, null);
public static function triggerEvent(_arg1:String, _arg2:Object):void{
_dispatcher.triggerEvent(_arg1, _arg2);
public static function setNotifications(_arg1:MovieClip, _arg2:Object):void{
var _local3:Object;
var _local4:Object;
_local3 = {};
for (_local4 in _arg2) {
_local3[_local4] = _arg2[_local4];
_local3.clip = _arg1;
MochiServices.send("events_setNotifications", _local3, null, null);
public static function endGame():void{
var _local1:Number;
_local1 = (new Date().time - gameStart);
trigger("end_game", {time:_local1});
public static function startGame():void{
gameStart = new Date().time;
public static function trigger(_arg1:String, _arg2:Object=null):void{
if (_arg2 == null){
_arg2 = {};
} else {
if (_arg2["kind"] != undefined){
trace("WARNING: optional arguments package contains key 'id', it will be overwritten");
_arg2["kind"] = _arg1;
MochiServices.send("events_triggerEvent", {eventObject:_arg2}, null, null);
public static function getVersion():String{
return (MochiServices.getVersion());
public static function startLevel():void{
levelStart = new Date().time;
public static function endLevel():void{
var _local1:Number;
_local1 = (new Date().time - levelStart);
trigger("end_level", {time:_local1});
}//package mochi.as3
Section 35 (6.27 KiB) ● ●
//MochiInventory (mochi.as3.MochiInventory)
package mochi.as3 {
import flash.events.*;
import flash.utils.*;
public dynamic class MochiInventory extends Proxy {
private var _timer:Timer;
private var _names:Array;
private var _consumableProperties:Object;
private var _syncID:Number;
private var _storeSync:Object;
private var _outstandingID:Number;
private var _syncPending:Boolean;
public static const READY:String = "InvReady";
public static const ERROR:String = "Error";
public static const IO_ERROR:String = "IoError";
private static const KEY_SALT:String = " syncMaint";
public static const WRITTEN:String = "InvWritten";
public static const NOT_READY:String = "InvNotReady";
public static const VALUE_ERROR:String = "InvValueError";
private static const CONSUMER_KEY:String = "MochiConsumables";
private static var _dispatcher:MochiEventDispatcher = new MochiEventDispatcher();
public function MochiInventory():void{
MochiCoins.addEventListener(MochiCoins.ITEM_OWNED, itemOwned);
MochiCoins.addEventListener(MochiCoins.ITEM_NEW, newItems);
MochiSocial.addEventListener(MochiSocial.LOGGED_IN, loggedIn);
MochiSocial.addEventListener(MochiSocial.LOGGED_OUT, loggedOut);
_storeSync = new Object();
_syncPending = false;
_outstandingID = 0;
_syncID = 0;
_timer = new Timer(1000);
_timer.addEventListener(TimerEvent.TIMER, sync);
if (MochiSocial.loggedIn){
} else {
private function newItems(_arg1:Object):void{
if (!this[(_arg1.id + KEY_SALT)]){
this[(_arg1.id + KEY_SALT)] = 0;
if (!this[_arg1.id]){
this[_arg1.id] = 0;
this[(_arg1.id + KEY_SALT)] = (this[(_arg1.id + KEY_SALT)] + _arg1.count);
this[_arg1.id] = (this[_arg1.id] + _arg1.count);
if (_arg1.privateProperties.consumable){
if (!this[_arg1.privateProperties.tag]){
this[_arg1.privateProperties.tag] = 0;
this[_arg1.privateProperties.tag] = (this[_arg1.privateProperties.tag] + (_arg1.privateProperties.inc * _arg1.count));
override "http://www.adobe.com/2006/actionscript/flash/proxy"?? function getProperty(_arg1){
if (_consumableProperties == null){
triggerEvent(ERROR, {type:NOT_READY});
return (-1);
if (_consumableProperties[_arg1]){
return (MochiDigits(_consumableProperties[_arg1]).value);
return (undefined);
public function release():void{
MochiCoins.removeEventListener(MochiCoins.ITEM_NEW, newItems);
MochiSocial.removeEventListener(MochiSocial.LOGGED_IN, loggedIn);
MochiSocial.removeEventListener(MochiSocial.LOGGED_OUT, loggedOut);
override "http://www.adobe.com/2006/actionscript/flash/proxy"?? function hasProperty(_arg1):Boolean{
if (_consumableProperties == null){
triggerEvent(ERROR, {type:NOT_READY});
return (false);
if (_consumableProperties[_arg1] == undefined){
return (false);
return (true);
override "http://www.adobe.com/2006/actionscript/flash/proxy"?? function nextNameIndex(_arg1:int):int{
return (((_arg1)>=_names.length) ? 0 : (_arg1 + 1));
override "http://www.adobe.com/2006/actionscript/flash/proxy"?? function setProperty(_arg1, _arg2):void{
var _local3:MochiDigits;
if (_consumableProperties == null){
triggerEvent(ERROR, {type:NOT_READY});
if (!(_arg2 is Number)){
triggerEvent(ERROR, {type:VALUE_ERROR, error:"Invalid type", arg:_arg2});
if (_consumableProperties[_arg1]){
_local3 = MochiDigits(_consumableProperties[_arg1]);
if (_local3.value == _arg2){
_local3.value = _arg2;
} else {
_consumableProperties[_arg1] = new MochiDigits(_arg2);
private function sync(_arg1:Event=null):void{
var _local2:Object;
var _local3:String;
if (((_syncPending) || ((_syncID == _outstandingID)))){
_outstandingID = _syncID;
_local2 = {};
for (_local3 in _consumableProperties) {
_local2[_local3] = MochiDigits(_consumableProperties[_local3]).value;
MochiUserData.put(CONSUMER_KEY, _local2, putConsumableBag);
_syncPending = true;
override "http://www.adobe.com/2006/actionscript/flash/proxy"?? function nextName(_arg1:int):String{
return (_names[(_arg1 - 1)]);
private function loggedIn(_arg1:Object=null):void{
MochiUserData.get(CONSUMER_KEY, getConsumableBag);
override "http://www.adobe.com/2006/actionscript/flash/proxy"?? function deleteProperty(_arg1):Boolean{
if (!_consumableProperties[_arg1]){
return (false);
_names.splice(_names.indexOf(_arg1), 1);
delete _consumableProperties[_arg1];
return (true);
private function itemOwned(_arg1:Object):void{
_storeSync[_arg1.id] = {properties:_arg1.properties, count:_arg1.count};
private function putConsumableBag(_arg1:MochiUserData):void{
_syncPending = false;
if (_arg1.error){
triggerEvent(ERROR, {type:IO_ERROR, error:_arg1.error});
_outstandingID = -1;
triggerEvent(WRITTEN, {});
private function getConsumableBag(_arg1:MochiUserData):void{
var _local2:String;
var _local3:Number;
if (_arg1.error){
triggerEvent(ERROR, {type:IO_ERROR, error:_arg1.error});
_consumableProperties = {};
_names = new Array();
if (_arg1.data){
for (_local2 in _arg1.data) {
_consumableProperties[_local2] = new MochiDigits(_arg1.data[_local2]);
for (_local2 in _storeSync) {
_local3 = _storeSync[_local2].count;
if (_consumableProperties[(_local2 + KEY_SALT)]){
_local3 = (_local3 - _consumableProperties[_local2]);
if (_local3 == 0){
} else {
newItems({id:_local2, count:_local3, properties:_storeSync[_local2].properties});
triggerEvent(READY, {});
private function loggedOut(_arg1:Object=null):void{
_consumableProperties = null;
public static function triggerEvent(_arg1:String, _arg2:Object):void{
_dispatcher.triggerEvent(_arg1, _arg2);
public static function removeEventListener(_arg1:String, _arg2:Function):void{
_dispatcher.removeEventListener(_arg1, _arg2);
public static function addEventListener(_arg1:String, _arg2:Function):void{
_dispatcher.addEventListener(_arg1, _arg2);
}//package mochi.as3
Section 36 (5.47 KiB) ● ●
//MochiScores (mochi.as3.MochiScores)
package mochi.as3 {
import flash.display.*;
import flash.text.*;
public class MochiScores {
private static var boardID:String;
public static var onErrorHandler:Object;
public static var onCloseHandler:Object;
public static function showLeaderboard(_arg1:Object=null):void{
var n:Number;
var options = _arg1;
if (options != null){
delete options.clip;
if (options.name != null){
if ((options.name is TextField)){
if (options.name.text.length > 0){
options.name = options.name.text;
if (options.score != null){
if ((options.score is TextField)){
if (options.score.text.length > 0){
options.score = options.score.text;
} else {
if ((options.score is MochiDigits)){
options.score = options.score.value;
n = Number(options.score);
if (isNaN(n)){
trace((("ERROR: Submitted score '" + options.score) + "' will be rejected, score is 'Not a Number'"));
} else {
if ((((n == Number.NEGATIVE_INFINITY)) || ((n == Number.POSITIVE_INFINITY)))){
trace((("ERROR: Submitted score '" + options.score) + "' will be rejected, score is an infinite"));
} else {
if (Math.floor(n) != n){
trace((("WARNING: Submitted score '" + options.score) + "' will be truncated"));
options.score = n;
if (options.onDisplay != null){
} else {
if (MochiServices.clip != null){
if ((MochiServices.clip is MovieClip)){
} else {
trace("Warning: Container is not a MovieClip, cannot call default onDisplay.");
} else {
options = {};
if ((MochiServices.clip is MovieClip)){
} else {
trace("Warning: Container is not a MovieClip, cannot call default onDisplay.");
if (options.onClose != null){
onCloseHandler = options.onClose;
} else {
onCloseHandler = function ():void{
if ((MochiServices.clip is MovieClip)){
} else {
trace("Warning: Container is not a MovieClip, cannot call default onClose.");
if (options.onError != null){
onErrorHandler = options.onError;
} else {
onErrorHandler = null;
if (options.boardID == null){
if (MochiScores.boardID != null){
options.boardID = MochiScores.boardID;
MochiServices.warnID(options.boardID, true);
trace("[MochiScores] NOTE: Security Sandbox Violation errors below are normal");
MochiServices.send("scores_showLeaderboard", {options:options}, null, onClose);
public static function closeLeaderboard():void{
public static function getPlayerInfo(_arg1:Object, _arg2:Object=null):void{
MochiServices.send("scores_getPlayerInfo", null, _arg1, _arg2);
public static function requestList(_arg1:Object, _arg2:Object=null):void{
MochiServices.send("scores_requestList", null, _arg1, _arg2);
public static function scoresArrayToObjects(_arg1:Object):Object{
var _local2:Object;
var _local3:Number;
var _local4:Number;
var _local5:Object;
var _local6:Object;
var _local7:String;
var _local8:String;
_local2 = {};
for (_local7 in _arg1) {
if (typeof(_arg1[_local7]) == "object"){
if (((!((_arg1[_local7].cols == null))) && (!((_arg1[_local7].rows == null))))){
_local2[_local7] = [];
_local5 = _arg1[_local7];
_local4 = 0;
while (_local4 < _local5.rows.length) {
_local6 = {};
_local3 = 0;
while (_local3 < _local5.cols.length) {
_local6[_local5.cols[_local3]] = _local5.rows[_local4][_local3];
} else {
_local2[_local7] = {};
for (_local8 in _arg1[_local7]) {
_local2[_local7][_local8] = _arg1[_local7][_local8];
} else {
_local2[_local7] = _arg1[_local7];
return (_local2);
public static function submit(_arg1:Number, _arg2:String, _arg3:Object=null, _arg4:Object=null):void{
_arg1 = Number(_arg1);
if (isNaN(_arg1)){
trace((("ERROR: Submitted score '" + String(_arg1)) + "' will be rejected, score is 'Not a Number'"));
} else {
if ((((_arg1 == Number.NEGATIVE_INFINITY)) || ((_arg1 == Number.POSITIVE_INFINITY)))){
trace((("ERROR: Submitted score '" + String(_arg1)) + "' will be rejected, score is an infinite"));
} else {
if (Math.floor(_arg1) != _arg1){
trace((("WARNING: Submitted score '" + String(_arg1)) + "' will be truncated"));
_arg1 = Number(_arg1);
MochiServices.send("scores_submit", {score:_arg1, name:_arg2}, _arg3, _arg4);
public static function onClose(_arg1:Object=null):void{
if (((((_arg1) && ((_arg1.error == true)))) && (onErrorHandler))){
if (_arg1.errorCode == null){
_arg1.errorCode = "IOError";
public static function setBoardID(_arg1:String):void{
MochiServices.warnID(_arg1, true);
MochiScores.boardID = _arg1;
MochiServices.send("scores_setBoardID", {boardID:_arg1});
}//package mochi.as3
Section 37 (19.75 KiB) ● ● ●
//MochiServices (mochi.as3.MochiServices)
package mochi.as3 {
import flash.display.*;
import flash.geom.*;
import flash.events.*;
import flash.utils.*;
import flash.net.*;
import flash.system.*;
public class MochiServices {
private static var _container:Object;
private static var _connected:Boolean = false;
private static var _swfVersion:String;
private static var _preserved:Object;
public static var netupAttempted:Boolean = false;
private static var _sendChannel:LocalConnection;
public static var servicesSync:MochiSync = new MochiSync();
private static var _clip:MovieClip;
private static var _id:String;
private static var _services:String = "services.swf";
private static var _servURL:String = "http://www.mochiads.com/static/lib/services/";
public static var widget:Boolean = false;
private static var _timer:Timer;
private static var _sendChannelName:String;
private static var _loader:Loader;
private static var _connecting:Boolean = false;
private static var _mochiLocalConnection:MovieClip;
private static var _listenChannelName:String = "__ms_";
public static var onError:Object;
public static var netup:Boolean = true;
private static var _mochiLC:String = "MochiLC.swf";
public static function isNetworkAvailable():Boolean{
return (!((Security.sandboxType == "localWithFile")));
public static function get connected():Boolean{
return (_connected);
private static function onReceive(_arg1:Object):void{
var cb:String;
var cblst:Object;
var method:*;
var methodName:String;
var obj:Object;
var pkg = _arg1;
cb = pkg.callbackID;
cblst = _clip._callbacks[cb];
if (!cblst){
method = cblst.callbackMethod;
methodName = "";
obj = cblst.callbackObject;
if (((obj) && ((typeof(method) == "string")))){
methodName = method;
if (obj[method] != null){
method = obj[method];
} else {
trace((("Error: Method " + method) + " does not exist."));
if (method != undefined){
try {
method.apply(obj, pkg.args);
} catch(error:Error) {
trace(((("Error invoking callback method '" + methodName) + "': ") + error.toString()));
} else {
if (obj != null){
try {
} catch(error:Error) {
trace(("Error invoking method on object: " + error.toString()));
delete _clip._callbacks[cb];
public static function get childClip():Object{
return (_clip);
public static function send(_arg1:String, _arg2:Object=null, _arg3:Object=null, _arg4:Object=null):void{
if (_connected){
_mochiLocalConnection.send(_sendChannelName, "onReceive", {methodName:_arg1, args:_arg2, callbackID:_clip._nextcallbackID});
} else {
if ((((_clip == null)) || (!(_connecting)))){
trace(("Error: MochiServices not connected. Please call MochiServices.connect(). Function: " + _arg1));
handleError(_arg2, _arg3, _arg4);
_clip._queue.push({methodName:_arg1, args:_arg2, callbackID:_clip._nextcallbackID});
if (_clip != null){
if (((!((_clip._callbacks == null))) && (!((_clip._nextcallbackID == null))))){
_clip._callbacks[_clip._nextcallbackID] = {callbackObject:_arg3, callbackMethod:_arg4};
private static function init(_arg1:String, _arg2:Object):void{
_id = _arg1;
if (_arg2 != null){
_container = _arg2;
loadCommunicator(_arg1, _container);
private static function clickMovie(_arg1:String, _arg2:Function):MovieClip{
var _local3:Array;
var _local4:int;
var _local5:Array;
var _local6:Array;
var _local7:MovieClip;
var _local8:LocalConnection;
var _local9:String;
var _local10:ByteArray;
var _local11:ByteArray;
var _local12:uint;
var _local13:uint;
var _local14:Loader;
_local3 = [150, 21, 0, 7, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 98, 116, 110, 0, 7, 2, 0, 0, 0, 0, 116, 104, 105, 115, 0, 28, 150, 22, 0, 0, 99, 114, 101, 97, 116, 101, 69, 109, 112, 116, 121, 77, 111, 118, 105, 101, 67, 108, 105, 112, 0, 82, 135, 1, 0, 0, 23, 150, 13, 0, 4, 0, 0, 111, 110, 82, 101, 108, 101, 97, 115, 101, 0, 142, 8, 0, 0, 0, 0, 2, 42, 0, 114, 0, 150, 17, 0, 0, 32, 0, 7, 1, 0, 0, 0, 8, 0, 0, 115, 112, 108, 105, 116, 0, 82, 135, 1, 0, 1, 23, 150, 7, 0, 4, 1, 7, 0, 0, 0, 0, 78, 150, 8, 0, 0, 95, 98, 108, 97, 110, 107, 0, 154, 1, 0, 0, 150, 7, 0, 0, 99, 108, 105, 99, 107, 0, 150, 7, 0, 4, 1, 7, 1, 0, 0, 0, 78, 150, 27, 0, 7, 2, 0, 0, 0, 7, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 76, 111, 99, 97, 108, 67, 111, 110, 110, 101, 99, 116, 105, 111, 110, 0, 64, 150, 6, 0, 0, 115, 101, 110, 100, 0, 82, 79, 150, 15, 0, 4, 0, 0, 95, 97, 108, 112, 104, 97, 0, 7, 0, 0, 0, 0, 79, 150, 23, 0, 7, 0xFF, 0, 0xFF, 0, 7, 1, 0, 0, 0, 4, 0, 0, 98, 101, 103, 105, 110, 70, 105, 108, 108, 0, 82, 23, 150, 25, 0, 7, 0, 0, 0, 0, 7, 0, 0, 0, 0, 7, 2, 0, 0, 0, 4, 0, 0, 109, 111, 118, 101, 84, 111, 0, 82, 23, 150, 25, 0, 7, 100, 0, 0, 0, 7, 0, 0, 0, 0, 7, 2, 0, 0, 0, 4, 0, 0, 108, 105, 110, 101, 84, 111, 0, 82, 23, 150, 25, 0, 7, 100, 0, 0, 0, 7, 100, 0, 0, 0, 7, 2, 0, 0, 0, 4, 0, 0, 108, 105, 110, 101, 84, 111, 0, 82, 23, 150, 25, 0, 7, 0, 0, 0, 0, 7, 100, 0, 0, 0, 7, 2, 0, 0, 0, 4, 0, 0, 108, 105, 110, 101, 84, 111, 0, 82, 23, 150, 25, 0, 7, 0, 0, 0, 0, 7, 0, 0, 0, 0, 7, 2, 0, 0, 0, 4, 0, 0, 108, 105, 110, 101, 84, 111, 0, 82, 23, 150, 16, 0, 7, 0, 0, 0, 0, 4, 0, 0, 101, 110, 100, 70, 105, 108, 108, 0, 82, 23];
_local5 = [104, 0, 31, 64, 0, 7, 208, 0, 0, 12, 1, 0, 67, 2, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 63, 3];
_local6 = [0, 64, 0, 0, 0];
_local7 = new MovieClip();
_local8 = new LocalConnection();
_local9 = ((("_click_" + Math.floor((Math.random() * 999999))) + "_") + Math.floor(new Date().time));
_local8 = new LocalConnection();
_local7.lc = _local8;
_local7.click = _arg2;
_local8.client = _local7;
_local10 = new ByteArray();
_local11 = new ByteArray();
_local11.endian = Endian.LITTLE_ENDIAN;
_local11.writeUTFBytes(((_arg1 + " ") + _local9));
_local12 = ((_local3.length + _local11.length) + 4);
_local13 = (_local12 + 35);
_local10.endian = Endian.LITTLE_ENDIAN;
for each (_local4 in _local5) {
for each (_local4 in _local3) {
for each (_local4 in _local6) {
_local14 = new Loader();
return (_local7);
public static function stayOnTop():void{
_container.addEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, MochiServices.bringToTop, false, 0, true);
if (_clip != null){
_clip.visible = true;
public static function addLinkEvent(_arg1:String, _arg2:String, _arg3:DisplayObjectContainer, _arg4:Function=null):void{
var vars:Object;
var avm1Click:DisplayObject;
var s:String;
var i:Number;
var x:String;
var req:URLRequest;
var loader:Loader;
var setURL:Function;
var err:Function;
var complete:Function;
var url = _arg1;
var burl = _arg2;
var btn = _arg3;
var onClick = _arg4;
vars = new Object();
vars["mav"] = getVersion();
vars["swfv"] = "9";
vars["swfurl"] = btn.loaderInfo.loaderURL;
vars["fv"] = Capabilities.version;
vars["os"] = Capabilities.os;
vars["lang"] = Capabilities.language;
vars["scres"] = ((Capabilities.screenResolutionX + "x") + Capabilities.screenResolutionY);
s = "?";
i = 0;
for (x in vars) {
if (i != 0){
s = (s + "&");
i = (i + 1);
s = (((s + x) + "=") + escape(vars[x]));
req = new URLRequest("http://x.mochiads.com/linkping.swf");
loader = new Loader();
setURL = function (_arg1:String):void{
var _local2:Rectangle;
if (avm1Click){
avm1Click = clickMovie(_arg1, onClick);
_local2 = btn.getBounds(btn);
avm1Click.x = _local2.x;
avm1Click.y = _local2.y;
avm1Click.scaleX = (0.01 * _local2.width);
avm1Click.scaleY = (0.01 * _local2.height);
err = function (_arg1:Object):void{
netup = false;
_arg1.target.removeEventListener(_arg1.type, arguments.callee);
complete = function (_arg1:Object):void{
_arg1.target.removeEventListener(_arg1.type, arguments.callee);
if (netup){
setURL((url + s));
} else {
if (!((netupAttempted) || (_connected))){
netupAttempted = true;
loader.contentLoaderInfo.addEventListener(IOErrorEvent.IO_ERROR, err);
loader.contentLoaderInfo.addEventListener(Event.COMPLETE, complete);
public static function warnID(_arg1:String, _arg2:Boolean):void{
var _local3:Number;
_arg1 = _arg1.toLowerCase();
if (_arg1.length != 16){
trace((("WARNING: " + (_arg2) ? "board" : "game") + " ID is not the appropriate length"));
} else {
if (_arg1 == "1e113c7239048b3f"){
if (_arg2){
trace("WARNING: Using testing board ID");
} else {
trace("WARNING: Using testing board ID as game ID");
} else {
if (_arg1 == "84993a1de4031cd8"){
if (_arg2){
trace("WARNING: Using testing game ID as board ID");
} else {
trace("WARNING: Using testing game ID");
_local3 = 0;
while (_local3 < _arg1.length) {
switch (_arg1.charAt(_local3)){
case "0":
case "1":
case "2":
case "3":
case "4":
case "5":
case "6":
case "7":
case "8":
case "9":
case "a":
case "b":
case "c":
case "d":
case "e":
case "f":
trace(("WARNING: Board ID contains illegal characters: " + _arg1));
public static function disconnect():void{
if (((_connected) || (_connecting))){
if (_clip != null){
if (_clip.parent != null){
if ((_clip.parent is Sprite)){
_clip = null;
_connecting = (_connected = false);
try {
} catch(error:Error) {
if (_timer != null){
try {
} catch(error:Error) {
public static function allowDomains(_arg1:String):String{
var _local2:String;
if (Security.sandboxType != "application"){
if (_arg1.indexOf("http://") != -1){
_local2 = _arg1.split("/")[2].split(":")[0];
if (Security.sandboxType != "application"){
return (_local2);
public static function getVersion():String{
return ("3.7 as3");
public static function doClose():void{
_container.removeEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, MochiServices.bringToTop);
private static function flush(_arg1:Boolean):void{
var _local2:Object;
var _local3:Object;
if (((_clip) && (_clip._queue))){
while (_clip._queue.length > 0) {
_local2 = _clip._queue.shift();
_local3 = null;
if (_local2 != null){
if (_local2.callbackID != null){
_local3 = _clip._callbacks[_local2.callbackID];
delete _clip._callbacks[_local2.callbackID];
if (((_arg1) && (!((_local3 == null))))){
handleError(_local2.args, _local3.callbackObject, _local3.callbackMethod);
public static function get id():String{
return (_id);
private static function onEvent(_arg1:Object):void{
var _local2:String;
var _local3:String;
_local2 = _arg1.target;
_local3 = _arg1.event;
switch (_local2){
case "events":
MochiEvents.triggerEvent(_arg1.event, _arg1.args);
case "coins":
MochiCoins.triggerEvent(_arg1.event, _arg1.args);
case "sync":
servicesSync.triggerEvent(_arg1.event, _arg1.args);
private static function urlOptions(_arg1:Object):Object{
var _local2:Object;
var _local3:String;
var _local4:Array;
var _local5:Number;
var _local6:Array;
_local2 = {};
if (_arg1.stage){
_local3 = _arg1.stage.loaderInfo.parameters.mochiad_options;
} else {
_local3 = _arg1.loaderInfo.parameters.mochiad_options;
if (_local3){
_local4 = _local3.split("&");
_local5 = 0;
while (_local5 < _local4.length) {
_local6 = _local4[_local5].split("=");
_local2[unescape(_local6[0])] = unescape(_local6[1]);
return (_local2);
public static function setContainer(_arg1:Object=null, _arg2:Boolean=true):void{
if (_arg1 != null){
if ((_arg1 is Sprite)){
_container = _arg1;
if (_arg2){
if ((_container is Sprite)){
private static function handleError(_arg1:Object, _arg2:Object, _arg3:Object):void{
var args = _arg1;
var callbackObject = _arg2;
var callbackMethod = _arg3;
if (args != null){
if (args.onError != null){
args.onError.apply(null, ["NotConnected"]);
if (((!((args.options == null))) && (!((args.options.onError == null))))){
args.options.onError.apply(null, ["NotConnected"]);
if (callbackMethod != null){
args = {};
args.error = true;
args.errorCode = "NotConnected";
if (((!((callbackObject == null))) && ((callbackMethod is String)))){
try {
var _local5 = callbackObject;
} catch(error:Error) {
} else {
if (callbackMethod != null){
try {
} catch(error:Error) {
private static function loadError(_arg1:Object):void{
_clip._mochiad_ctr_failed = true;
trace("MochiServices could not load.");
private static function initComChannels():void{
if (!_connected){
trace("[SERVICES_API] connected!");
_connecting = false;
_connected = true;
_mochiLocalConnection.send(_sendChannelName, "onReceive", {methodName:"handshakeDone"});
_mochiLocalConnection.send(_sendChannelName, "onReceive", {methodName:"registerGame", preserved:_preserved, id:_id, version:getVersion(), parentURL:_container.loaderInfo.loaderURL});
_clip.onReceive = onReceive;
_clip.onEvent = onEvent;
_clip.onError = function ():void{
while (_clip._queue.length > 0) {
_mochiLocalConnection.send(_sendChannelName, "onReceive", _clip._queue.shift());
private static function loadLCBridge(_arg1:Object):void{
var loader:Loader;
var mochiLCURL:String;
var req:URLRequest;
var complete:Function;
var clip = _arg1;
loader = new Loader();
mochiLCURL = (_servURL + _mochiLC);
req = new URLRequest(mochiLCURL);
complete = function (_arg1:Object):void{
_mochiLocalConnection = MovieClip(loader.content);
loader.contentLoaderInfo.addEventListener(Event.COMPLETE, complete);
loader.contentLoaderInfo.addEventListener(IOErrorEvent.IO_ERROR, loadError);
private static function listen():void{
_clip.handshake = function (_arg1:Object):void{
MochiServices.comChannelName = _arg1.newChannel;
trace("Waiting for MochiAds services to connect...");
public static function get clip():Object{
return (_container);
public static function set comChannelName(_arg1:String):void{
if (_arg1 != null){
if (_arg1.length > 3){
_sendChannelName = (_arg1 + "_fromgame");
private static function loadCommunicator(_arg1:String, _arg2:Object):MovieClip{
var _local3:String;
var _local4:String;
var _local5:URLRequest;
var _local6:URLVariables;
_local3 = ("_mochiservices_com_" + _arg1);
if (_clip != null){
return (_clip);
if (!MochiServices.isNetworkAvailable()){
return (null);
if (urlOptions(_arg2).servURL){
_servURL = urlOptions(_arg2).servURL;
_local4 = (_servURL + _services);
if (urlOptions(_arg2).servicesURL){
_local4 = urlOptions(_arg2).servicesURL;
_listenChannelName = (_listenChannelName + ((Math.floor(new Date().time) + "_") + Math.floor((Math.random() * 99999))));
_clip = createEmptyMovieClip(_arg2, _local3, 10336, false);
_loader = new Loader();
_loader.contentLoaderInfo.addEventListener(IOErrorEvent.IO_ERROR, loadError);
_local5 = new URLRequest(_local4);
_local6 = new URLVariables();
_local6.listenLC = _listenChannelName;
_local6.mochiad_options = _arg2.loaderInfo.parameters.mochiad_options;
_local6.api_version = getVersion();
if (widget){
_local6.widget = true;
_local5.data = _local6;
_clip._mochiservices_com = _loader;
_sendChannel = new LocalConnection();
_clip._queue = [];
_clip._nextcallbackID = 0;
_clip._callbacks = {};
_timer = new Timer(10000, 1);
_timer.addEventListener(TimerEvent.TIMER, connectWait);
return (_clip);
public static function connect(_arg1:String, _arg2:Object, _arg3:Object=null):void{
var id = _arg1;
var clip = _arg2;
var onError = _arg3;
warnID(id, false);
if ((clip is DisplayObject)){
if (clip.stage == null){
trace("MochiServices connect requires the containing clip be attached to the stage");
if (((!(_connected)) && ((_clip == null)))){
trace("MochiServices Connecting...");
_connecting = true;
init(id, clip);
} else {
trace("Error, MochiServices requires a Sprite, Movieclip or instance of the stage.");
if (onError != null){
MochiServices.onError = onError;
} else {
if (MochiServices.onError == null){
MochiServices.onError = function (_arg1:String):void{
public static function createEmptyMovieClip(_arg1:Object, _arg2:String, _arg3:Number, _arg4:Boolean=true):MovieClip{
var mc:MovieClip;
var parent = _arg1;
var name = _arg2;
var depth = _arg3;
var doAdd = _arg4;
mc = new MovieClip();
if (doAdd){
if (((false) && (depth))){
parent.addChildAt(mc, depth);
} else {
try {
parent[name] = mc;
} catch(e:Error) {
throw (new Error("MochiServices requires a clip that is an instance of a dynamic class. If your class extends Sprite or MovieClip, you must make it dynamic."));
mc["_name"] = name;
return (mc);
public static function bringToTop(_arg1:Event=null):void{
var e = _arg1;
if (((!((MochiServices.clip == null))) && (!((MochiServices.childClip == null))))){
try {
if (MochiServices.clip.numChildren > 1){
MochiServices.clip.setChildIndex(MochiServices.childClip, (MochiServices.clip.numChildren - 1));
} catch(errorObject:Error) {
trace("Warning: Depth sort error.");
_container.removeEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, MochiServices.bringToTop);
public static function connectWait(_arg1:TimerEvent):void{
if (!_connected){
_clip._mochiad_ctr_failed = true;
trace("MochiServices could not load. (timeout)");
}//package mochi.as3
Section 38 (2.63 KiB) ●
//MochiSocial (mochi.as3.MochiSocial)
package mochi.as3 {
public class MochiSocial {
public static const LOGGED_IN:String = "LoggedIn";
public static const PROFILE_HIDE:String = "ProfileHide";
public static const NO_USER:String = "NoUser";
public static const PROPERTIES_SIZE:String = "PropertiesSize";
public static const IO_ERROR:String = "IOError";
public static const PROPERTIES_SAVED:String = "PropertySaved";
public static const WIDGET_LOADED:String = "WidgetLoaded";
public static const USER_INFO:String = "UserInfo";
public static const ERROR:String = "Error";
public static const LOGIN_SHOW:String = "LoginShow";
public static const LOGGED_OUT:String = "LoggedOut";
public static const PROFILE_SHOW:String = "ProfileShow";
public static const LOGIN_SHOWN:String = "LoginShown";
public static const LOGIN_HIDE:String = "LoginHide";
private static var _dispatcher:MochiEventDispatcher = new MochiEventDispatcher();
public static var _user_info:Object = null;
public static function getVersion():String{
return (MochiServices.getVersion());
public static function saveUserProperties(_arg1:Object):void{
MochiServices.send("coins_saveUserProperties", _arg1);
public static function get loggedIn():Boolean{
return (!((_user_info == null)));
public static function triggerEvent(_arg1:String, _arg2:Object):void{
_dispatcher.triggerEvent(_arg1, _arg2);
public static function addEventListener(_arg1:String, _arg2:Function):void{
_dispatcher.addEventListener(_arg1, _arg2);
public static function getUserInfo():void{
public static function showLoginWidget(_arg1:Object=null):void{
MochiServices.send("coins_showLoginWidget", {options:_arg1});
public static function removeEventListener(_arg1:String, _arg2:Function):void{
_dispatcher.removeEventListener(_arg1, _arg2);
public static function requestLogin():void{
public static function getAPIURL():String{
if (!_user_info){
return (null);
return (_user_info.api_url);
public static function hideLoginWidget():void{
public static function getAPIToken():String{
if (!_user_info){
return (null);
return (_user_info.api_token);
MochiSocial.addEventListener(MochiSocial.LOGGED_IN, function (_arg1:Object):void{
_user_info = _arg1;
MochiSocial.addEventListener(MochiSocial.LOGGED_OUT, function (_arg1:Object):void{
_user_info = null;
}//package mochi.as3
Section 39 (1.08 KiB) ●
//MochiSync (mochi.as3.MochiSync)
package mochi.as3 {
import flash.utils.*;
public dynamic class MochiSync extends Proxy {
private var _syncContainer:Object;
public static var SYNC_PROPERTY:String = "UpdateProperty";
public static var SYNC_REQUEST:String = "SyncRequest";
public function MochiSync():void{
_syncContainer = {};
public function triggerEvent(_arg1:String, _arg2:Object):void{
switch (_arg1){
MochiServices.send("sync_syncronize", _syncContainer);
_syncContainer[_arg2.name] = _arg2.value;
override "http://www.adobe.com/2006/actionscript/flash/proxy"?? function getProperty(_arg1){
return (_syncContainer[_arg1]);
override "http://www.adobe.com/2006/actionscript/flash/proxy"?? function setProperty(_arg1, _arg2):void{
var _local3:String;
if (_syncContainer[_arg1] == _arg2){
_local3 = _arg1.toString();
_syncContainer[_local3] = _arg2;
MochiServices.send("sync_propUpdate", {name:_local3, value:_arg2});
}//package mochi.as3
Section 40 (4.39 KiB) ●
//MochiUserData (mochi.as3.MochiUserData)
package mochi.as3 {
import flash.events.*;
import flash.utils.*;
import flash.net.*;
public class MochiUserData extends EventDispatcher {
public var callback:Function;// = null
public var error:Event;// = null
public var key:String;// = null
public var operation:String;// = null
public var data;// = null
public var _loader:URLLoader;
public function MochiUserData(_arg1:String="", _arg2:Function=null){
key = null;
data = null;
error = null;
operation = null;
callback = null;
this.key = _arg1;
this.callback = _arg2;
public function securityErrorHandler(_arg1:SecurityErrorEvent):void{
errorHandler(new IOErrorEvent(IOErrorEvent.IO_ERROR, false, false, ("security error: " + _arg1.toString())));
public function putEvent(_arg1):void{
request("put", serialize(_arg1));
public function request(_arg1:String, _arg2:ByteArray):void{
var api_url:String;
var api_token:String;
var args:URLVariables;
var req:URLRequest;
var _operation = _arg1;
var _data = _arg2;
operation = _operation;
api_url = MochiSocial.getAPIURL();
api_token = MochiSocial.getAPIToken();
if ((((api_url == null)) || ((api_token == null)))){
errorHandler(new IOErrorEvent(IOErrorEvent.IO_ERROR, false, false, "not logged in"));
_loader = new URLLoader();
args = new URLVariables();
args.op = _operation;
args.key = key;
req = new URLRequest((((MochiSocial.getAPIURL() + "/") + "MochiUserData?") + args.toString()));
req.method = URLRequestMethod.POST;
req.contentType = "application/x-mochi-userdata";
req.requestHeaders = [new URLRequestHeader("x-mochi-services-version", MochiServices.getVersion()), new URLRequestHeader("x-mochi-api-token", api_token)];
req.data = _data;
_loader.dataFormat = URLLoaderDataFormat.BINARY;
_loader.addEventListener(Event.COMPLETE, completeHandler);
_loader.addEventListener(IOErrorEvent.IO_ERROR, errorHandler);
_loader.addEventListener(SecurityErrorEvent.SECURITY_ERROR, securityErrorHandler);
try {
} catch(e:SecurityError) {
errorHandler(new IOErrorEvent(IOErrorEvent.IO_ERROR, false, false, ("security error: " + e.toString())));
public function performCallback():void{
try {
} catch(e:Error) {
trace(("[MochiUserData] exception during callback: " + e));
public function serialize(_arg1):ByteArray{
var _local2:ByteArray;
_local2 = new ByteArray();
_local2.objectEncoding = ObjectEncoding.AMF3;
return (_local2);
public function errorHandler(_arg1:IOErrorEvent):void{
data = null;
error = _arg1;
if (callback != null){
} else {
public function completeHandler(_arg1:Event):void{
var event = _arg1;
try {
if (_loader.data.length){
data = deserialize(_loader.data);
} else {
data = null;
} catch(e:Error) {
errorHandler(new IOErrorEvent(IOErrorEvent.IO_ERROR, false, false, ("deserialize error: " + e.toString())));
if (callback != null){
} else {
public function getEvent():void{
request("get", serialize(null));
override public function toString():String{
return ((((((((("[MochiUserData operation=" + operation) + " key=\"") + key) + "\" data=") + data) + " error=\"") + error) + "\"]"));
public function close():void{
if (_loader){
_loader.removeEventListener(Event.COMPLETE, completeHandler);
_loader.removeEventListener(IOErrorEvent.IO_ERROR, errorHandler);
_loader.removeEventListener(SecurityErrorEvent.SECURITY_ERROR, securityErrorHandler);
_loader = null;
error = null;
callback = null;
public function deserialize(_arg1:ByteArray){
_arg1.objectEncoding = ObjectEncoding.AMF3;
return (_arg1.readObject());
public static function get(_arg1:String, _arg2:Function):void{
var _local3:MochiUserData;
_local3 = new MochiUserData(_arg1, _arg2);
public static function put(_arg1:String, _arg2, _arg3:Function):void{
var _local4:MochiUserData;
_local4 = new MochiUserData(_arg1, _arg3);
}//package mochi.as3
Section 41 (209 B)
//bvdffsdfsd_77 (Spongebob_fla.bvdffsdfsd_77)
package Spongebob_fla {
import flash.display.*;
public dynamic class bvdffsdfsd_77 extends MovieClip {
public var e2:MovieClip;
}//package Spongebob_fla
Section 42 (409 B)
//bvnmqwzx_84 (Spongebob_fla.bvnmqwzx_84)
package Spongebob_fla {
import flash.display.*;
public dynamic class bvnmqwzx_84 extends MovieClip {
public var sndon:SimpleButton;
public var sndoff:MovieClip;
public function bvnmqwzx_84(){
addFrameScript(0, frame1, 1, frame2);
function frame1(){
function frame2(){
sndoff.buttonMode = true;
}//package Spongebob_fla
Section 43 (238 B)
//ewsound_but_village_88 (Spongebob_fla.ewsound_but_village_88)
package Spongebob_fla {
import flash.display.*;
public dynamic class ewsound_but_village_88 extends MovieClip {
public var Line:MovieClip;
}//package Spongebob_fla
Section 44 (282 B)
//fcjggfcj_60 (Spongebob_fla.fcjggfcj_60)
package Spongebob_fla {
import flash.display.*;
public dynamic class fcjggfcj_60 extends MovieClip {
public function fcjggfcj_60(){
addFrameScript(12, frame13);
function frame13(){
}//package Spongebob_fla
Section 45 (215 B)
//gamepaused_91 (Spongebob_fla.gamepaused_91)
package Spongebob_fla {
import flash.display.*;
public dynamic class gamepaused_91 extends MovieClip {
public var okBtn:SimpleButton;
}//package Spongebob_fla
Section 46 (399 B)
//ghjfhgj_58 (Spongebob_fla.ghjfhgj_58)
package Spongebob_fla {
import flash.display.*;
public dynamic class ghjfhgj_58 extends MovieClip {
public var hitt:MovieClip;
public function ghjfhgj_58(){
addFrameScript(0, frame1, 1, frame2, 2, frame3);
function frame3(){
function frame1(){
function frame2(){
}//package Spongebob_fla
Section 47 (14.34 KiB) ● ●
//MainTimeline (Spongebob_fla.MainTimeline)
package Spongebob_fla {
import flash.display.*;
import flash.geom.*;
import flash.events.*;
import mochi.as3.*;
import flash.utils.*;
import flash.text.*;
import flash.net.*;
import flash.media.*;
import flash.ui.*;
import flash.system.*;
import adobe.utils.*;
import flash.accessibility.*;
import flash.errors.*;
import flash.external.*;
import flash.filters.*;
import flash.printing.*;
import flash.xml.*;
public dynamic class MainTimeline extends MovieClip {
public var LevelCount:Number;
public var TimeCount:Number;
public var nickmc:MovieClip;
public var Level_Scor:TextField;
public var minY:Number;
public var Game_Scor:TextField;
public var o:Object;
public var moreGames:SimpleButton;
public var nStageWidth:Number;
public var nStageHeight:Number;
public var playAgain:SimpleButton;
public var nspedy:Number;
public var boardID:String;
public var finalscore_txt:TextField;
public var itmtxt:TextField;
public var credits:SimpleButton;
public var dx:Number;
public var nspedx:Number;
public var percentage:Number;
public var dy:Number;
public var moregmbt:SimpleButton;
public var eli:elli;
public var contestMenu:ContextMenu;
public var logo_mc:SimpleButton;
public var gmsctxtfinal:TextField;
public var bACK:SimpleButton;
public var levlup:SimpleButton;
public var msg1:MovieClip;
public var timtxt:TextField;
public var back:SimpleButton;
public var total_txt:TextField;
public var sndon:SimpleButton;
public var bullet:backscore;
public var nNumBalls:Number;
public var goal:MovieClip;
public var Timex:Timer;
public var instruct:SimpleButton;
public var mcBallContainer:MovieClip;
public var submitScore:SimpleButton;
public var scortxt:TextField;
public var sndoff:SimpleButton;
public var preloadMc:MovieClip;
public var load_txt:TextField;
public var bulletChannel:SoundChannel;
public var contextmenuItem:ContextMenuItem;
public var EnemyArray:Array;
public var ItemLeft:Number;
public var pl:SimpleButton;
public function MainTimeline(){
addFrameScript(0, frame1, 1, frame2, 2, frame3, 3, frame4, 4, frame5, 5, frame6, 6, frame7, 7, frame8);
public function moregmbtfn(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{
navigateToURL(new URLRequest("http://www.123chase.com"), "_blank");
public function okbtncli(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{
var _local2:int;
var _local3:int;
if (myvar.pausetoggle){
stage.addEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, entrfg);
_local2 = 0;
while (_local2 < mcBallContainer.numChildren) {
mcBallContainer.getChildAt(_local2).addEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, onEnterFrameHandler);
myvar.pausetoggle = false;
msg1.visible = false;
} else {
msg1.visible = true;
_local3 = 0;
while (_local3 < mcBallContainer.numChildren) {
mcBallContainer.getChildAt(_local3).removeEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, onEnterFrameHandler);
stage.removeEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, entrfg);
myvar.pausetoggle = true;
function frame3(){
MochiBot.track(this, "784c9efe");
myvar.Lscore = 0;
nStageWidth = 660;
nStageHeight = 495;
nNumBalls = 1;
minY = 175;
TimeCount = 100;
ItemLeft = 15;
msg1.visible = false;
Timex = new Timer(100);
Timex.addEventListener("timer", timcomp);
LevelCount = myvar.Lcount;
EnemyArray = [];
stage.addEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, entrfg);
itmtxt.text = String(ItemLeft);
stage.addEventListener(KeyboardEvent.KEY_DOWN, keydown);
msg1.okBtn.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, okbtncli);
logo_mc.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, link);
if (bulletChannel){
bullet = new backscore();
bulletChannel = bullet.play(0, int.MAX_VALUE);
sndoff.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, sndop);
sndon.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, sndst);
function frame4(){
levlup.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, nx);
myvar.Gscore = (myvar.Gscore + myvar.Lscore);
Level_Scor.text = String(myvar.Lcount);
Game_Scor.text = String(myvar.Gscore);
myvar.gameovrtoggle = false;
nNumBalls = 1;
myvar.leveltoggle = false;
if (bulletChannel){
function frame5(){
bACK.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, bACKionpg);
function frame6(){
myvar.Gscore = (myvar.Gscore + myvar.Lscore);
playAgain.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, replay);
myvar.gameovrtoggle = false;
myvar.leveltoggle = false;
finalscore_txt.text = String(myvar.Gscore);
moreGames.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, lin);
submitScore.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, sendScore);
if (bulletChannel){
function frame7(){
MochiServices.connect("626e84ca292e5fb9", root);
gmsctxtfinal.selectable = false;
gmsctxtfinal.text = myvar.Gscore.toString();
moregmbt.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, moregmbtfn);
o = {n:[3, 7, 3, 2, 0, 7, 0, 1, 0, 6, 10, 2, 9, 12, 1, 13], f:function (_arg1:Number, _arg2:String):String{
if (_arg2.length == 16){
return (_arg2);
return (this.f((_arg1 + 1), (_arg2 + this.n[_arg1].toString(16))));
boardID = o.f(0, "");
MochiScores.showLeaderboard({boardID:boardID, score:myvar.Gscore.toString()});
function frame1(){
preloadMc.logoload.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, logofnload);
contestMenu = new ContextMenu();
contextmenuItem = new ContextMenuItem("www.123chase.com");
contextmenuItem.addEventListener(ContextMenuEvent.MENU_ITEM_SELECT, Site);
this.contextMenu = contestMenu;
percentage = 0;
total_txt.text = (String(100) + "%");
stage.addEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, BeeMoving);
function frame8(){
back.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, backfn);
function frame2(){
pl.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, pla);
instruct.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, instructionpg);
credits.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, creditsfn);
myvar.Lcount = 1;
myvar.Lscore = 0;
myvar.Gscore = 0;
public function lin(_arg1:MouseEvent){
var _local2:URLRequest;
_local2 = new URLRequest("http://www.123chase.com");
navigateToURL(_local2, "_blank");
public function creditsfn(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{
credits.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, creditsfn);
public function instructionpg(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{
instruct.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, instructionpg);
public function logofnload(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{
navigateToURL(new URLRequest("http://www.123chase.com"), "_blank");
public function sndop(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{
sndon.visible = true;
sndoff.visible = false;
public function BeeMoving(_arg1:Event):void{
var _local2:Number;
var _local3:Number;
_local2 = loaderInfo.bytesLoaded;
_local3 = loaderInfo.bytesTotal;
percentage = Math.round(((_local2 / _local3) * 100));
load_txt.text = (String(percentage) + "%");
preloadMc.preloadCar.gotoAndStop((percentage * 3));
if (_local2 == _local3){
stage.removeEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, BeeMoving);
public function Site(_arg1:Event):void{
var _local2:URLRequest;
_local2 = new URLRequest("http://www.123chase.com");
navigateToURL(_local2, "_blank");
public function keydown(_arg1:KeyboardEvent):void{
var _local2:int;
var _local3:int;
if (_arg1.keyCode == 32){
if (myvar.pausetoggle){
stage.addEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, entrfg);
_local2 = 0;
while (_local2 < mcBallContainer.numChildren) {
mcBallContainer.getChildAt(_local2).addEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, onEnterFrameHandler);
myvar.pausetoggle = false;
msg1.visible = false;
} else {
msg1.visible = true;
_local3 = 0;
while (_local3 < mcBallContainer.numChildren) {
mcBallContainer.getChildAt(_local3).removeEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, onEnterFrameHandler);
stage.removeEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, entrfg);
myvar.pausetoggle = true;
public function sndst(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{
bulletChannel = bullet.play(0, int.MAX_VALUE);
sndoff.visible = true;
sndon.visible = false;
public function bACKionpg(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{
public function timcomp(_arg1:TimerEvent):void{
timtxt.text = String(TimeCount);
if (TimeCount == 0){
myvar.gameovrtoggle = true;
public function nx(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{
myvar.Lscore = 0;
public function BallCollision():void{
var _local1:*;
var _local2:cat;
_local1 = 0;
while (_local1 < nNumBalls) {
_local2 = new cat();
_local2.nspedx = (LevelCount + 1);
_local2.nspedy = (LevelCount + 1);
_local2.x = (Math.random() * nStageWidth);
_local2.y = (minY + (Math.random() * (nStageHeight - minY)));
EnemyArray[(EnemyArray.length - 1)].addEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, onEnterFrameHandler);
public function resetcongrats(){
myvar.soundtoggle = true;
myvar.levelno = 0;
myvar.Gscore = 0;
myvar.Lscore = 0;
myvar.Lcount = 1;
myvar.hitcnt = 0;
myvar.bomcont = 0;
myvar.incr = 0;
myvar.Life = 0;
myvar.leveltoggle = false;
myvar.spacetoggle = true;
myvar.pausetoggle = false;
myvar.gameovrtoggle = false;
myvar.mousetoggle = false;
myvar.jumptoggle = false;
myvar.boolvalue = false;
public function pla(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{
pl.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, pla);
public function replay(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{
myvar.Lscore = 0;
myvar.Gscore = 0;
public function entrfg(_arg1:Event):void{
var _local2:int;
if (mouseY < 105){
} else {
if (((myvar.gameovrtoggle) || (myvar.leveltoggle))){
_local2 = 0;
while (_local2 < mcBallContainer.numChildren) {
mcBallContainer.getChildAt(_local2).removeEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, onEnterFrameHandler);
if (mcBallContainer.numChildren == 0){
if (myvar.leveltoggle){
stage.removeEventListener(KeyboardEvent.KEY_DOWN, keydown);
stage.removeEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, entrfg);
} else {
stage.removeEventListener(KeyboardEvent.KEY_DOWN, keydown);
stage.removeEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, entrfg);
public function backfn(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{
public function sendScore(_arg1:MouseEvent){
submitScore.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, sendScore);
public function link(_arg1:MouseEvent){
var _local2:URLRequest;
_local2 = new URLRequest("http://www.123chase.com");
navigateToURL(_local2, "_blank");
public function onEnterFrameHandler(_arg1:Event):void{
var _local2:MovieClip;
var _local3:MovieClip;
var _local4:SoundChannel;
var _local5:fruit;
var _local6:Number;
var _local7:cat;
var _local8:SoundChannel;
var _local9:trap;
_local2 = MovieClip((_arg1.currentTarget as MovieClip));
_local3 = MovieClip((_arg1.currentTarget.e1.e2 as MovieClip));
if (myvar.gameovrtoggle){
} else {
if (nNumBalls == 16){
myvar.gameovrtoggle = true;
myvar.leveltoggle = true;
} else {
_local2.x = (_local2.x - _local2.nspedx);
_local2.y = (_local2.y - _local2.nspedy);
if (_local2.x >= (nStageWidth - 30)){
_local2.x = (nStageWidth - 30);
_local2.nspedx = (_local2.nspedx * -1);
} else {
if (_local2.x <= 30){
_local2.x = 30;
_local2.nspedx = (_local2.nspedx * -1);
if (_local2.y >= (nStageHeight - 20)){
_local2.y = (nStageHeight - 20);
_local2.nspedy = (_local2.nspedy * -1);
} else {
if (_local2.y <= minY){
_local2.y = minY;
_local2.nspedy = (_local2.nspedy * -1);
dx = (mouseX - eli.x);
dy = (mouseY - eli.y);
eli.x = (eli.x + (dx * 0.15));
eli.y = (eli.y + (dy * 0.15));
if ((mouseX - eli.x) > 0){
} else {
if (eli.y < 133){
eli.y = 134;
if (eli.x < 1){
eli.x = 2;
if (eli.y > 466){
eli.y = 465;
if (eli.x > 603){
eli.x = 602;
if (HitTest.complexHitTestObject(eli, goal.hitt)){
_local5 = new fruit();
_local4 = _local5.play();
_local6 = int(TimeCount);
TimeCount = 100;
myvar.Lscore = (myvar.Lscore + _local6);
scortxt.text = String(myvar.Lscore);
timtxt.text = String(TimeCount);
itmtxt.text = String(ItemLeft);
goal.gotoAndStop(Math.floor((Math.random() * 7)));
goal.x = ((20 + (Math.random() * nStageWidth)) - 20);
goal.y = (minY + (Math.random() * ((nStageHeight - minY) - 20)));
_local7 = new cat();
_local7.nspedx = (LevelCount + 1);
_local7.nspedy = (LevelCount + 1);
_local7.x = (Math.random() * nStageWidth);
_local7.y = (minY + (Math.random() * (nStageHeight - minY)));
EnemyArray[(EnemyArray.length - 1)].addEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, onEnterFrameHandler);
if (HitTest.complexHitTestObject(eli, _local3)){
if (_local2.currentFrame == 35){
_local9 = new trap();
_local8 = _local9.play();
myvar.gameovrtoggle = true;
}//package Spongebob_fla
Section 48 (279 B)
//preload__23 (Spongebob_fla.preload__23)
package Spongebob_fla {
import flash.display.*;
public dynamic class preload__23 extends MovieClip {
public function preload__23(){
addFrameScript(0, frame1);
function frame1(){
}//package Spongebob_fla
Section 49 (271 B)
//preload_preloadMc_1 (Spongebob_fla.preload_preloadMc_1)
package Spongebob_fla {
import flash.display.*;
public dynamic class preload_preloadMc_1 extends MovieClip {
public var preloadCar:MovieClip;
public var logoload:SimpleButton;
}//package Spongebob_fla
Section 50 (199 B)
//Symbol1_79 (Spongebob_fla.Symbol1_79)
package Spongebob_fla {
import flash.display.*;
public dynamic class Symbol1_79 extends MovieClip {
public var b:MovieClip;
}//package Spongebob_fla
Section 51 (121 B)
//backscore (backscore)
package {
import flash.media.*;
public dynamic class backscore extends Sound {
Section 52 (236 B)
//cat (cat)
package {
import flash.display.*;
public dynamic class cat extends MovieClip {
public var e1:MovieClip;
public function cat(){
addFrameScript(34, frame35);
function frame35(){
Section 53 (175 B)
//CellRenderer_disabledSkin (CellRenderer_disabledSkin)
package {
import flash.display.*;
public dynamic class CellRenderer_disabledSkin extends MovieClip {
Section 54 (163 B)
//CellRenderer_downSkin (CellRenderer_downSkin)
package {
import flash.display.*;
public dynamic class CellRenderer_downSkin extends MovieClip {
Section 55 (163 B)
//CellRenderer_overSkin (CellRenderer_overSkin)
package {
import flash.display.*;
public dynamic class CellRenderer_overSkin extends MovieClip {
Section 56 (199 B)
//CellRenderer_selectedDisabledSkin (CellRenderer_selectedDisabledSkin)
package {
import flash.display.*;
public dynamic class CellRenderer_selectedDisabledSkin extends MovieClip {
Section 57 (187 B)
//CellRenderer_selectedDownSkin (CellRenderer_selectedDownSkin)
package {
import flash.display.*;
public dynamic class CellRenderer_selectedDownSkin extends MovieClip {
Section 58 (187 B)
//CellRenderer_selectedOverSkin (CellRenderer_selectedOverSkin)
package {
import flash.display.*;
public dynamic class CellRenderer_selectedOverSkin extends MovieClip {
Section 59 (181 B)
//CellRenderer_selectedUpSkin (CellRenderer_selectedUpSkin)
package {
import flash.display.*;
public dynamic class CellRenderer_selectedUpSkin extends MovieClip {
Section 60 (157 B)
//CellRenderer_upSkin (CellRenderer_upSkin)
package {
import flash.display.*;
public dynamic class CellRenderer_upSkin extends MovieClip {
Section 61 (163 B)
//ComboBox_disabledSkin (ComboBox_disabledSkin)
package {
import flash.display.*;
public dynamic class ComboBox_disabledSkin extends MovieClip {
Section 62 (151 B)
//ComboBox_downSkin (ComboBox_downSkin)
package {
import flash.display.*;
public dynamic class ComboBox_downSkin extends MovieClip {
Section 63 (151 B)
//ComboBox_overSkin (ComboBox_overSkin)
package {
import flash.display.*;
public dynamic class ComboBox_overSkin extends MovieClip {
Section 64 (145 B)
//ComboBox_upSkin (ComboBox_upSkin)
package {
import flash.display.*;
public dynamic class ComboBox_upSkin extends MovieClip {
Section 65 (239 B)
//elli (elli)
package {
import flash.display.*;
public dynamic class elli extends MovieClip {
public var hitt:MovieClip;
public function elli(){
addFrameScript(0, frame1);
function frame1(){
Section 66 (139 B)
//focusRectSkin (focusRectSkin)
package {
import flash.display.*;
public dynamic class focusRectSkin extends MovieClip {
Section 67 (303 B)
//food (food)
package {
import flash.display.*;
public dynamic class food extends MovieClip {
public function food(){
addFrameScript(0, frame1, 1, frame2, 2, frame3);
function frame3(){
function frame1(){
function frame2(){
Section 68 (109 B)
//fruit (fruit)
package {
import flash.media.*;
public dynamic class fruit extends Sound {
Section 69 (2.88 KiB) ●
//HitTest (HitTest)
package {
import flash.display.*;
import flash.geom.*;
public class HitTest {
protected static function getDrawMatrix(_arg1:DisplayObject, _arg2:Rectangle, _arg3:Number):Matrix{
var _local4:Point;
var _local5:Matrix;
var _local6:Matrix;
_local6 = _arg1.root.transform.concatenatedMatrix;
_local4 = _arg1.localToGlobal(new Point());
_local5 = _arg1.transform.concatenatedMatrix;
_local5.tx = (_local4.x - _arg2.x);
_local5.ty = (_local4.y - _arg2.y);
_local5.a = (_local5.a / _local6.a);
_local5.d = (_local5.d / _local6.d);
if (_arg3 != 1){
_local5.scale(_arg3, _arg3);
return (_local5);
public static function complexHitTestObject(_arg1:DisplayObject, _arg2:DisplayObject, _arg3:Number=1):Boolean{
return (!((complexIntersectionRectangle(_arg1, _arg2, _arg3).width == 0)));
public static function complexIntersectionRectangle(_arg1:DisplayObject, _arg2:DisplayObject, _arg3:Number=1):Rectangle{
var _local4:Rectangle;
var _local5:BitmapData;
var _local6:Rectangle;
if (_arg3 <= 0){
throw (new Error("ArgumentError: Error #5001: Invalid value for accurracy", 5001));
if (!_arg1.hitTestObject(_arg2)){
return (new Rectangle());
_local4 = intersectionRectangle(_arg1, _arg2);
if (((((_local4.width * _arg3) < 1)) || (((_local4.height * _arg3) < 1)))){
return (new Rectangle());
_local5 = new BitmapData((_local4.width * _arg3), (_local4.height * _arg3), false, 0);
_local5.draw(_arg1, HitTest.getDrawMatrix(_arg1, _local4, _arg3), new ColorTransform(1, 1, 1, 1, 0xFF, -255, -255, 0xFF));
_local5.draw(_arg2, HitTest.getDrawMatrix(_arg2, _local4, _arg3), new ColorTransform(1, 1, 1, 1, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF), BlendMode.DIFFERENCE);
_local6 = _local5.getColorBoundsRect(4294967295, 4278255615);
if (_arg3 != 1){
_local6.x = (_local6.x / _arg3);
_local6.y = (_local6.y / _arg3);
_local6.width = (_local6.width / _arg3);
_local6.height = (_local6.height / _arg3);
_local6.x = (_local6.x + _local4.x);
_local6.y = (_local6.y + _local4.y);
return (_local6);
public static function intersectionRectangle(_arg1:DisplayObject, _arg2:DisplayObject):Rectangle{
var _local3:Rectangle;
var _local4:Rectangle;
var _local5:Rectangle;
if (((((!(_arg1.root)) || (!(_arg2.root)))) || (!(_arg1.hitTestObject(_arg2))))){
return (new Rectangle());
_local3 = _arg1.getBounds(_arg1.root);
_local4 = _arg2.getBounds(_arg2.root);
_local5 = new Rectangle();
_local5.x = Math.max(_local3.x, _local4.x);
_local5.y = Math.max(_local3.y, _local4.y);
_local5.width = Math.min(((_local3.x + _local3.width) - _local5.x), ((_local4.x + _local4.width) - _local5.x));
_local5.height = Math.min(((_local3.y + _local3.height) - _local5.y), ((_local4.y + _local4.height) - _local5.y));
return (_local5);
Section 70 (127 B)
//List_skin (List_skin)
package {
import flash.display.*;
public dynamic class List_skin extends MovieClip {
Section 71 (1.24 KiB) ●
//MochiBot (MochiBot)
package {
import flash.display.*;
import flash.net.*;
import flash.system.*;
public dynamic class MochiBot extends Sprite {
public static function track(_arg1:Sprite, _arg2:String):MochiBot{
var _local3:MochiBot;
var _local4:String;
var _local5:URLVariables;
var _local6:String;
var _local7:URLRequest;
var _local8:Loader;
if (Security.sandboxType == "localWithFile"){
return (null);
_local3 = new (MochiBot);
_local4 = "http://core.mochibot.com/my/core.swf";
_local5 = new URLVariables();
_local5["sb"] = Security.sandboxType;
_local5["v"] = Capabilities.version;
_local5["swfid"] = _arg2;
_local5["mv"] = "8";
_local5["fv"] = "9";
_local6 = _local3.root.loaderInfo.loaderURL;
if (_local6.indexOf("http") == 0){
_local5["url"] = _local6;
} else {
_local5["url"] = "local";
_local7 = new URLRequest(_local4);
_local7.contentType = "application/x-www-form-urlencoded";
_local7.method = URLRequestMethod.POST;
_local7.data = _local5;
_local8 = new Loader();
return (_local3);
Section 72 (1.03 KiB) ●
//myvar (myvar)
package {
import flash.media.*;
public class myvar {
public static var jumptoggle:Boolean = false;
public static var Lcount:Number = 1;
public static var levelno:Number = 0;
public static var boolvalue:Boolean = false;
public static var onsound:SoundChannel = new SoundChannel();
public static var pausetoggle:Boolean = false;
public static var Lscore:Number = 0;
public static var leveltoggle:Boolean = false;
public static var spacetoggle:Boolean = true;
public static var incr:Number = 0;
public static var Life:Number = 0;
public static var soundtoggle:Boolean = true;
public static var gameovrtoggle:Boolean = false;
public static var Gscore:Number = 0;
public static var bomcont:Number = 0;
public static var hitcnt:Number = 0;
public static var mousetoggle:Boolean = false;
public static var soundChannel:SoundChannel = new SoundChannel();
public static var soundChannel1:SoundChannel = new SoundChannel();
public static var soundChannel2:SoundChannel = new SoundChannel();
Section 73 (184 B)
//ScrollArrowDown_disabledSkin (ScrollArrowDown_disabledSkin)
package {
import flash.display.*;
public dynamic class ScrollArrowDown_disabledSkin extends MovieClip {
Section 74 (172 B)
//ScrollArrowDown_downSkin (ScrollArrowDown_downSkin)
package {
import flash.display.*;
public dynamic class ScrollArrowDown_downSkin extends MovieClip {
Section 75 (172 B)
//ScrollArrowDown_overSkin (ScrollArrowDown_overSkin)
package {
import flash.display.*;
public dynamic class ScrollArrowDown_overSkin extends MovieClip {
Section 76 (166 B)
//ScrollArrowDown_upSkin (ScrollArrowDown_upSkin)
package {
import flash.display.*;
public dynamic class ScrollArrowDown_upSkin extends MovieClip {
Section 77 (178 B)
//ScrollArrowUp_disabledSkin (ScrollArrowUp_disabledSkin)
package {
import flash.display.*;
public dynamic class ScrollArrowUp_disabledSkin extends MovieClip {
Section 78 (166 B)
//ScrollArrowUp_downSkin (ScrollArrowUp_downSkin)
package {
import flash.display.*;
public dynamic class ScrollArrowUp_downSkin extends MovieClip {
Section 79 (166 B)
//ScrollArrowUp_overSkin (ScrollArrowUp_overSkin)
package {
import flash.display.*;
public dynamic class ScrollArrowUp_overSkin extends MovieClip {
Section 80 (160 B)
//ScrollArrowUp_upSkin (ScrollArrowUp_upSkin)
package {
import flash.display.*;
public dynamic class ScrollArrowUp_upSkin extends MovieClip {
Section 81 (157 B)
//ScrollBar_thumbIcon (ScrollBar_thumbIcon)
package {
import flash.display.*;
public dynamic class ScrollBar_thumbIcon extends MovieClip {
Section 82 (160 B)
//ScrollThumb_downSkin (ScrollThumb_downSkin)
package {
import flash.display.*;
public dynamic class ScrollThumb_downSkin extends MovieClip {
Section 83 (160 B)
//ScrollThumb_overSkin (ScrollThumb_overSkin)
package {
import flash.display.*;
public dynamic class ScrollThumb_overSkin extends MovieClip {
Section 84 (154 B)
//ScrollThumb_upSkin (ScrollThumb_upSkin)
package {
import flash.display.*;
public dynamic class ScrollThumb_upSkin extends MovieClip {
Section 85 (148 B)
//ScrollTrack_skin (ScrollTrack_skin)
package {
import flash.display.*;
public dynamic class ScrollTrack_skin extends MovieClip {
Section 86 (166 B)
//TextInput_disabledSkin (TextInput_disabledSkin)
package {
import flash.display.*;
public dynamic class TextInput_disabledSkin extends MovieClip {
Section 87 (148 B)
//TextInput_upSkin (TextInput_upSkin)
package {
import flash.display.*;
public dynamic class TextInput_upSkin extends MovieClip {
Section 88 (105 B)
//trap (trap)
package {
import flash.media.*;
public dynamic class trap extends Sound {